Class . Book_ COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT ^^-L.^^ ^^//^^^^^-''^^^ HISTORY TOWN OF NORTHFIELO, MASSACHUSETTS, FOR 150 YEAR AN ACCOUNT OF THE PRIOR OCCUPATION OF THE TERRITORY BY THE SQUAKHEAGS : AND WITH FAMILY GENEALOGIES. XHj^TEMPLE and GEORGE SHELDON. I' ALBANY, N. Y. : JOEL MUNSELL, 82 STATE ST. 1875. I Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1875, By J. H. Temple and George Sheldon, In the office of the Librarian of Congress. /> > PREFACE In oiFering the annals of the ancient town of Northfield to her citizens, and to that class of the public who take an interest in the preservation of the local memorials of New England, it is necessary to state the sources whence the materials here embodied have been obtained. The field of these researches is to a great extent new ground. No full and connected account has been published of the events which transpired in this part of the Connecticut valley during King Philip's war, nor of the subsequent struggles with the savages up to the close of the war of 1722-26. The histories of the two succeed- ing French and Indian wars are more full, but are defective in dates, and in details of local skirmishes. Almost nothing has been known of the antecedent Indian occupa- tion, or of the first attempts made by the whites to gain a foothold here. The writers of this volume have thus from necessity had to depend mainly on manuscript documents. The sources of information have been : i. The Town and Church Records. The Book of Records kept by the two committees, 1685-90, and 1713-23, is in a good state of preservation The first volume of Town Records, 1723- 1766, is lost. The Church Records, 1718-49, are lost ; and all the historical portions of the book kept by Rev. Messrs. Hubbard, Allen and Mason have been purposely cut out and destroyed. The book of births, marriages and deaths, and the later volumes of Town Records are extant. 2. The County Records^ embracing the County Recorder's Book at Hatfield, and the Court and Probate Records, and the Registry of Deeds of the old county of Hampshire, now preserved at Springfield and Northampton. 3. The State Archives. The materials for an account of the Indian occupation ; of the set- tlement of 1673-5 ; of the details of military and other expeditions, iv Preface. and of colonial plans and politics, have been gathered from the voluminous Letters of the Pynchons, the Stoddards, Partridge, the Willards, Hinsdale, Dwight, Kellogg, Seth Field, and others ; from reports of committees ; from petitions, muster-rolls, and the General Court Records, severally preserved in the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth. 4. Z'/^^^/Fy///tf;«j P^^^rx, in the library of the Massachusetts Historical Society vv^ere kindly offered for examination, and have supplied documents not elsewhere found. 5. Family Papers. Although most of the valuable collections of old family papers have been sold to the rag-collectors, or have perished by fire and waste, yet the files still preserved by Capt. Henry Alexander, by the descendants of Lieut. Eliezur Wright, of Capt. ^Calvin Stearns, and Capt. Samuel Merriman ; and the account-books of Ebenezer Field, Moses Field, and Jona. Belding, have been of essential service. The collection of town papers left by Capt. Richard Colton ; and the abundant stores of information relating to the topography of the north part of the original Northfield territory, collected by A. H. Washburn, Esq., of Vernon, Vt., have contributed to the complete- ness of our narrative. 6. Doolittle's Narrative. This rare tract has been the basis of the account of events detailed in chapter viii. \See Jppendix.'] 7. The memories of aged persons^ natives of Northfield, have been freely drawn upon. Francis Lyman, Dea. Phinehas Field, Timothy Field, Mrs. Polly (Dickinson) Holton, Mrs. Lydia (Doo- little) Everett, Mark Woodard, Lewis Taylor, of Hinsdale, N. H , and John Stebbins, of Vernon, Vt., have furnished facts and incidents to explain and illustrate the records, and have given pictures of social life and character, possible to be ' duplicated from no other source. 8. Tradition. All matters of unsupported tradition have been so designated in the text. But oral narrative has a special province, and is important to the historian in confirming and elucidating recorded facts, and suggesting solutions of contradictory reports, and pointing out lines of investigation. Many stories handed down from the_ fathers are evident exaggerations, with but a grain of truth ; some reminiscences of real life have received recent additions, to suit the views of interested parties ; while many' legends of personal exploit, and privation, and odd experience, treasured as " heir-looms," are controverted by authentic records, and are omitted. The new material, found in papers not before accessible to the public, has intrinsic value ; and it throws a new light on many trans- actions already known. Parts of things, hitherto wanting, have been Preface. v supplied. And numerous errors of fact and date, which in various ways had crept into accepted history, have been discovered and corrected. The territory between Turner's Falls and Brattleboro has been personally explored, for the purpose of fixing upon the authenticated and the doubtful points of historic interest. To locate an action or events is often to get the clew to its real and full meaning ; is to discover reasons and results ; is to find explanations which the facts themselves fail to furnish. Indian village sites have been examined, and careful study bestowed on all " remains," which could illustrate the ethnology of the resident tribes. The historical data collected cover the whole of the old Squakheag country^ embracing the early settlements of what is now Vernon, Vt., Hinsdale and Winchester, N. H., as well as Northfield. And while the greatest labor has been expended on the early memorials of the township, its first struggles, and failures, and successes ; and exhaust- ive research has been directed to the wars with the Indians and their allies the French ; nothing of a later date has been omitted, which 'as real value in elucidating the civil, ecclesiastical, educational, and jdustrial interests of the town. The war records of the American Revolution will be found to be substantially complete. The names of the men called out in 1 8 14, are given ; and a full list is inserted, of the enlisted and drafted men sent from Northfield to put down the rebellion of 1861-5. Official documents and family papers are usually printed in full. Journals, and letters, and muster-rolls, and military orders, often have more than a local value. They help to solve some personal or political mystery, and supply missing links in chains of evidence, the importance of which the discoverer only half comprehends. Abridg- ment is too often mutilation. This work is not intended to be an exhaustive account of cotem- poraneous events in New England, nor in Massachusetts, nor yet in the old county of Hampshire. Its exact scope is indicated by its title. Mr. Sylvester Judd has published a full, and (with singularly itsN exceptions) reliable history of old Hadley, covering the territory originally held by the Norwottocks ; and Mr. George Sheldon is collecting materials for a history of the Pacomptocks and the Deer- field settlement. As a frontier town till some years after the close of Father Ralle's war, Northfield was a strategic point of great importance ; and though vi Preface. covered, after 1724, by Fort Dummer, was, till the peace of 1763, the scene of surprises, and bloody conflicts. Around it centered a series of events whose bearing and consequences have not been well understood. It is the hope of the authors that these pages furnish sufficient facts to enable the careful student to understand how civilized life here came in contact with and finally displaced savage life ; how and why, after two unsuccessful attempts, the whites held permanent possession of the place ; and then pushed on up the Connecticut valley. For Northfield was the entrance gate to the settlements as high up as Charlestown, N. H. If heroes and heroines now and then appear on the stage, it is because the times and circumstances, and their own characters, made them such. In the preparation of the Family Genealogies, besides the sources already named, family bibles, family registers, and inscriptions on grave-stones have been copied. And where irreconcilable contra- dictions occur in the records, a solution has been sought by reference to the specifications on enlistment rolls, guardianship papers, wills, deeds, and authentic collateral facts. The result of exhaustive research has often led to conclusions at variance with family tradition, and with published genealogies. But no dates and lines of descent have been adopted, without what appeared to be reliable evidence of accuracy. To the custodians of the records in the publfc offices of what was the old county of Hampshire ; to the clerks of the several towns where researches were made ; to the many kind friends in Northfield, and the descendants of her scattered families ; as well as to their fellow-toilers in the field of historical investigation, who have aided and encouraged them in this undertaking ; especially to Miss Mary T. Stratton, whose assistance in copying papers and gathering inform- ation has been indefatigable — the authors hereby tender grateful thanks. J^j^^H^^ yY^t'-t^t^'^ ^^^^O-^ U CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS. Page 8, 13th line from bottom, for sa'zv, read grist ; same line, aftei by, insert Aaron Morgan ; and add, Lyman Gilbert, Sen., built the saiv-mill noiv standing. In the line below, erase half a mile, and insert tivo miles. Page 10, 4th and 5th lines from bottom, erase ^th of July, and insert last of August. Page 22, 3d line from bottom, after by, insert Capt. Elisha Hunt, whose heirs sold to. Page 126, middle of page, for July 14, read July 15. Page 179, 7th line, after by, insert the son of. Page 234, 4th line, for Daniel read Da-vid. Page 241, 17th line from bottom, for Thomas read Robert. Page 283, 5th line from bottom, erase '55, and insert '68. Page 319, 3d column, 6th line, for Eleazer read Ebene-zcr. Page 358, 10th line, for Ebenr. read Eber. The names of the minute men, given on pp. 323-4, were copied from the original roll, found among the Wright Papers, an attested copy of which, sworn to by Capt. Wright, is in the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth. EXPLANATIONS. Abbreviations. — b. for born; bro. for brother; d. for died; k. for killed; m. for mar- ried ; and other well known contractions are used. As also Cone, for Concord ; Dfd. for Deerfield ; Enfd. for Enfield; Fram. for Framingham ; Had. for Hadley; Hfd. for Hatfield; Nfd. for Northfield ; Nhn. for Northampton; Spg. for Springfield; Sud. for Sudbury ; Suff. for Suffield ; Wfd. for Westfield ; Wind, for Windsor ; Wore, for Worcester. Old and Neiv Style. — All dates, prior to 1752, are understood to be in conformity with old style, then in use. Double Dating. — The custom which prevailed in former times, of double-dating events which transpired between January i, and March 25, has been retained in some instances; but usually the true date is given ; /. «., the year is considered as beginning January i. HISTORY OF NORTHFIELD INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER. Boundaries — Natural Features of the Territory — Names and Descrip- tion OF Mountains, Brooks, Meadows, Plains, and other Objects of Special Interest. N the absence of a map of the town, a brief account of the topography of Northfield is inserted in this place, to save the frequent use of foot-notes and explanations. This outline covers the original township, as granted by the General court in 1672, and the additional grant of 1685. The design is to give the name and relative position of all the more pro- minent natural features of the territory, so that the points and bounds mentioned in Indian deeds and early records, and in the first English allotments and subsequent transfers, may be readily understood. In some cases, localities that have a special historic interest are described in full — anticipating in part the course of the narrative. The Indian names, when known, and the names first affixed to a place, or object, by the whites, are scrupulously preserved, and are commonly adopted as the proper designation. Modern changes are indicated, in order that younger as well as older readers may have no difficulty in under- standing the references in the body of the work. The Indian name of the territory comprised in the original grants to the Northfield settlers was, according to Gookin^ Suckquakege; ac- cording to Elder William Janes, TVissquawquegue. The two modes of spelling evidently represent the same word, either as pronounced by two different chiefs, or as the two hearers estimated the pecu- liar power of letters to represent vocal sounds. 1 2 History of Northfield. Of course the only way by which the whites got the Indian name- words, was by the ear. And the formation of their syllabic sounds in the larynx, with the lips but slightly open, rendered the talk of the red men specially obscure. And this obscurity was in- creased by the fact that our people were ignorant of the etymology, and to a great extent of the meaning of native terms. The result was, great diversity and some confusion in writing Indian geographical names. No two writers of that early time spell these words alike: and it is sometimes almost impossible, in the varieties of orthography, to recognize the identity of a name. The name of our town is spelled in deeds and official documents, no less than nine different ways. Had the scribes of that day com- prehended the historic importance of these aboriginal words, they would have been at more pains to get the exact native enunciation, and would have adopted some uniform method of spelling the Eng- lish substitute. The term Suckquakege^ however, was not applied by the natives to the country at large, but to the fishing-places near Cooper's Point, and so to the village or clusters of wigwams in that immediate neigh- borhood. Their lower village, situated at the southerly end of the present Northfield street, was known as Squenatock^ or ^anatock^ so called from the falls on Miller's brook, around which they lived. The English name Northfield was chosen only because the planta- tion was then the northernmost settlement on the Connecticut river. The territory purchased of the Indians was about eight miles in extent north and south, by twelve miles in width, six miles on each side of the river. But this purchase was not coincident with the present town bounds. No deed from the Indian owners of lands south of Squenatock has been discovered ; and it is believed that no warranted rights were acquired in the tract south of this point by the whites. The town, as granted by the General court in 1672, was eight miles long by four and a half miles wide, extending three-fourths of a mile from the river west, and three and three-fourths miles east. The north and south bounds ran E. 7° 30' N. ; the east and west bounds ran N. 1° 30' W. The outlines, however, were not regular. At the lower end, the bound on the west side of the river was a line running westerly from the mouth of Bennett's brook ; on the east side of the river the bound was a line running easterly from " the lower end of the Three Little Meadows," and so over the highest point of Beers's mountain. On the north, the bound west of the river was Broad brook; east of the river it was Ash-swamp Introduction. 3 brook. Thus the west side territory extended about a mile further north than that on the east side. These Hnes remained unaltered during the First Settlement. During the Second Settlement, i. e., in 1685, on petition of the Committee, the General court added a large tract of land to the south end on the east side of the river, car- rying the line down to the mouth of Four-mile brook. And subse- quently a small addition was made to the south end on the west side of the river, carrying the line down to the north bound of old Deerfield ; so that the area of the town, after these additions, was 31,296 acres. At the date of these grants, the province of Massachusetts was supposed or claimed to extend at least forty miles higher up the river than at present ; and actual jurisdiction was exercised as far as the north line of Charlestown, N. H. When the new province line, corresponding to the present state line, was established, by order of the king in council, in 1740, Northfield lost about four and one- half miles in width of the northerly part of her chartered territory — embracing considerable parts of the present towns of Winchester and Hinsdale in New Hampshire, and Vernon in Vermont. In more modern times, a tract of 500 acres, known as the Pem- broke grant, lying below the mouth of Four-mile brook, has been annexed to the town ; and a portion of the west side addition has been set off to Gill. The present area of the town, including the river, is about 19,750 acres. The town of Northfield is bounded on the east by Warwick, on the south by Erving, on the south-west by Gill, on the west by Ber- nardston, on the north by the state line which separates it from Vernon, Hinsdale and Winchester. Streams. — The Connecticut River is the prominent natural feature of the town, and constitutes the base line of all topographical descrip- tion. The Indian name was ^inneh-tuk^ the long river with waves, quinneh^ long, tuk^ water having tidal or wind-raised waves. Our name ^inneh-tiik-ut^ or Connecticut, is the word the natives applied to the land bordering on the stream, and not to the stream itselt. In the earliest local records it is commonly called the river^ and the Great river. Its course here is mainly due south, except at the Great bend, where it nearly doubles upon itself. The average width between bank and bank is forty rods. The fall is slight, and the current sluggish, as is uniformly the case where the alluvial deposits form broad meadows. From the foot of Clary's island, there is a 4 History of Northfield. stretch of swift water, extending above Brattleboro'. In this distance of about seven miles the fall is thirteen feet. But as a whole, when viewed from the high banks or from the more distant mountains, the impression is that of repose and richness rather than of power, giv- ing assurance of abundant crops, rather than threatening possible devastation. This river rises in the highlands on the northern border of New Hampshire, in latitude 45° 15', and following a southerly course, separates the states of New Hampshire and Vermont, crosses Massa- chusetts in its western part, crosses Connecticut in its central part, and enters Long Island sound in latitude 41° 16'. The tide flows up to the foot of Enfield falls, a distance of 63 miles. The entire length, including windings, is near 400 miles. Its course in our town is about 8| miles. From the state line to the north line of Gill, it divides the town into two unequal parts; thence south it forms the easterly bound of Gill, the whole bed of the stream adjacent belonging to Northfield. Jshuelot River. This is the next considerable stream in old North- field. Its general course here is west by south. The name was originally written Nashue lot. The Indian word nashue^ signifies, in the midst, and was applied by them to a point or angular piece of land lying between two branches of a stream or other water; ut means at. The application of the term here is plain. The natives called the triangular peninsula formed by the bend of the Connecti- cut, and touched on the east by the smaller stream, nashue-ut ; and the settlers, without inquiring into the special meaning of the word, made it the name of the smaller stream. By omitting the initial «, and with the introduction of / before the termination, it makes a most musical appellation. The regret is that our fathers did not retain more of those apt and significant Indian names. There are rapids on this stream at the present village of Hinsdale; but they were not improved while the territory was included in North- field. The other streams entering the Connecticut from the east are : Ash-swamp Brook^ which was the original northern bound of the plantation ; and on which were built in later times, Hinsdell's fort, and Hinsdell's mill. Shattuck's Brook is a half-mile south of the old Northfield line. Daniel Shattuck built a fort on this stream previous to 1740. Merrf s-meadoxv Brook is a little north of the site of the old Hinsdale meeting-house, at the lo,ver end of Merry's meadow. It marks the Introduction. 5 south line of the 500 acres granted in 1732 to Governor Jonathan Belcher. Cold Brook runs into the Ashuelot a little above its mouth. It rises from a spring in the meadovi^ hill, but is permanent. Thomas Taylor built a house in the meadow, a few rods north of this brook, immediately after the close of the French and Indian war of 1744- 48. Triangle Brook rises in Winchester, flows westerly into Doolittle's meadow. It enters the old channel of the Connecticut, which it fol- lows to the lower end of the meadow. The brooks above named are north of the present state line, and consequently not now within the town limits. Pauchaug Brook rises to the east of Staddle hill in Winchester. Its general course is south-westerly, and it empties into the Connecticut at the southerly end of Pauchaug meadow. It has several mill-sites. Aaron Burt built a grist-mill on the lower falls, as early as 1765. Thomas Page owned it afterwards, and built a saw-mill just above, when he leased the grist-mill to his son Lewis. It was afterwards owned by David Twitchell.^ " David Twitchell's upper mill pond, near Winchester line," is named in the records. Stephen Belding built a saw-mill still higher up the brook, near his house in Winchester. This was afterwards owned by William Stebbins. Above are Brown's saw-mill, John Brown's wagon-shop, Putnam's saw-mill, and Combs's saw-mill. Cranberry Brook^ mentioned in early deeds, runs on the easterly side of Log plain, and empties into Pauchaug brook. Second Brook rises northerly of Notch mountain, and after a westerly course unites with Pauchaug brook near its mouth. On a little branch of this stream. Captain Seth Lyman put in a dam, about 1790, not far from his dwelling house, where he set up a water- power spinning wheel. One of his daughters-in-law became so adept in its use that she could spin two threads at once, one with each hand. Mill Brook. — This marked the north end of the town plot, as it was called, during the First and Second Settlements. The gorge through which it descends the meadow hill is one of the most romantic spots in town. The right branch of this stream rises west of Mount 'In a deed, dated November 7, 1792, Benoni Dickinson transfers to Ezekiel Webster, 6 acres and 152 rods of land lying "a little below a grist mill formerly known as Burt's mill, on Pauchauge brook, below the lower falls in s'' brook, with a mill and dam and stream and privilege of flowing, as has been heretofore." 6 History of Northfield. Grace in Warwick, with a feeder coming down between Round mountain and Little-hemlock mountain; the left branch draius the Great-swamp lots. A grist-mill was erected on the falls of this brook in 1685, at which date it received its name, it being the common custom to call that Mill brook, on which the first mill in town was built. The name given to this stream in the Indian deeds, was Cowas and Coassock, The Indian word kowa means, a pine, plural, koash \ ohke ox ock signifies, place ; koash-ock would then mean, the pine-trees' place. Probably the natives applied the term to the ravine where the mill- sites are, which then had a large growth of pines and hemlocks. This point was the dividing line between the lands of Massemet on the south, and Nawelet on the north. John Clary Jr. built a grist-mill on the privilege next the street, in 1685. The dam was just above the one now standing. In 1716, this privilege was purchased . by Stephen Belding, who rebuilt the grist-mill, which was held by himself and sons till 1779, when it was sold to Aaron Whitney, and subsequently came into possession of John Barrett, Esq. It was bought by Ezekiel Webster, who put in a forge, with trip-hammer, etc. In 171 7, Jonathan Belding, a brother of Stephen, built a saw-mill below, of which Stephen was one-half owner. April 10, 1728, Stephen Belding sells to his brother Jonathan " one-half of a saw-mill now standing on the Mill brook a little below the grist-mill on the falls of said brook and all that per- tains thereto, as also the whole privilege of the stream at that place, so that it be not prejudicial to the grist-mill above : it being under- stood that this sale includes only that side of the brook on which the saw-mill now stands." This mill was operated by Jonathan Belding, senior, and junior, during their lives — as Mr. Francis Lyman states it, '* as long as the old man was able to hoist the gate." Sept. 9, 18 1 2, he sold the site and privilege to Ezekiel Webster, for $200. A grist-mill was put in below the saw-mill, about 1782, by Aaron Whitney. This was rebuilt by John Barrett, Esq., who sold it August 9, 1802, for $500, to Ezekiel Webster. As early as 1775, Stephen Belding set up a clothier's shop, with carding and fulling machinery, between the grist and saw-mills, which was sold with the other privileges to Aaron Whitney, and eventually became the property of Simeon Boyden. In 1804 Boyden sold out to Josiah Fisher, and removed to Orange, where he built, that year, the first carding-mill. Fisher sold, June 15, 18 14, to Capt. James White. Introduction. j Up stream, Gurdon Strobridge had grist and saw mills — now owned by George Bacon ; and still above was a pail factory, after- wards a saw-mill, owned by Murdock and Johnson, now John Barrett. A half mile above, Hezekiah Mattoon built a saw-mill — now a batting manufactory. Millers Brook — south of the original town plot — has two prin- cipal heads, one between Stratton mountain and the Bald hills, the other in the gulf east of Brush mountain. It drains the Dry swamp, and enters the Connecticut towards the lower end of Great meadow. The name Miller's brook, as applied to this stream, is found in the records as early as 1686, showing the falsity of the tradition that it was called after Benjamin Miller, who built a house on its banks in 1732. It may have been named for William Miller, who was a prominent inhabitant in the First and Second Settlements. Jn the Indian deed this brook is called Squenatock and ^anatock ; and it was the south boundary of the land sold to the whites by Massemet. The term Squenatock appears to mean, the pouring-out place, and was applied by the natives to the falls, where the water pours over and down the rocks. Remove the dam, and the Indian word can be seen., just as the red man saw it centuries ago. The privilege at the falls on this brook, south of the town street, was granted May 18, 1685, "to VV" Clarke Jun., John Woodward, Richard Lyman and any other that shall join them, with liberty to build a saw-mill j and we have granted them the stream to improve their mill, and so much land as they need to pond on, and to improve their mill, and 20 acres of land near the mill for pasturing or any other use what they see meet and liberty of the Commons for timber what they need : this 20 acres is granted to them and their heirs forever, to be taken up where the partners shall judge most convenient." The saw-mill appears to have been built the next year. In the Third Settlement, mills were erected here by Ensign Zech- ariah Field about 1730, and held by his heirs for many years. But the place is better known as the Deacon Janes's grist-mill. All the early mills stood on the north bank. A wagon-shop now stands on the south bank. Before 1800, a mill for expressing castor and linseed oils was built on this stream, by Zechariah Field (son of Paul), just east of the home-lots. A little way below, a trip-hammer and scythe factory was afterwards put in by Richard Watriss. A little way above, in 18 15, Jabez Parsons and Jabez Whiting built in partnership, a bark- mill, which was afterwards occupied by A. C. Parsons. Farther up, at the foot of the mountain, Alonzo Stratton had a saw-mill. 8 History of Northfield. Saw-mill Brook rises on the west side of Brush mountain, and comes down by " the roaring falls" (for which the Indian name would be nauyaug\ north of Beers's mountain, and after coursing the east and north sides of Beers's plain, unites with Miller's brook below the site of Janes's mill. A saw-mill was built, a little way up this stream, by Elias Bascom \ who added a clothing-mill ; afterwards operated by Josiah Fisher and Theodore Holton ; it is now a grist and saw-mill, owned by Samuel Slate. ^ Aierrhnari's Brook rises from the spring southwesterly of Beers's hill, near which Capt. Samuel Merriman first built, and enters the Connecticut near the Gill ferry. Though short it is permanent, and has sufficient volume to supply power for a sash and blind manufactory. Pine-meadow Brook rises on the western declivity of South moun- tain, and entering the meadow through Crooked hollow, courses along near the hill to the lower end, where it flows into the Connecticut. Four-mile Brook rises to the west of Old Crag. It is often referred to in the early records as the Little-stony brook. Its general course is south-west. The south bound of the town, as established by Dwight's survey in 1720, was " a line running E. 7° 30' N. from the mouth of Four-mile brook," which would leave the main body of the stream mostly within Northfield bounds. " Oct. 19, 1742, the town granted to Jona. Janes, Eleazer Patterson, Charles Doolittle and Paul Field the falls on Four-mile brook for building a saw-mill, with a log yard and pond place not infringing on any prior grant, and during their maintaining a good saw-mill on said falls — provided they build the mill within twelve months from this date, otherwise it reverts to the town again." In 1820 Elihu Stratton built a grist-mill on this privilege. It is now owned by Aaron Morgan. Rufus Stratton put in a saw-mill two miles further up the stream. Pembroke-grant Brook enters the Connecticut about half a mile below the mouth of Four-mile brook, and near the present south line of the town. The brooks on the west side of the Connecticut are : Broad Brook^ the original north boundary of the Indian territory, and of the township as laid out by William Clarke in 1672. The Indian name of this stream was Wanasquatok^ which signifies, the end, or the extremity — indicating that the chieftain Nawelet claimed no land further north. ■ ' Bascom's mill and clothier's shop, on this site, were built as early as 1770. Introduction. 9 "JocFs Brook empties into the Connecticut one-fourth of a mile above Wright's island, now known as Elmer's island. Cold Brook — sometimes called Upper-salmon brook — rises in a spring at the foot of the mountain, and is only one-third of a mile long ; is remarkable for the coolness and purity of its water, which seldom or never freezes. Its mouth is at the head of Elmer's island. Salmon Brook enters the river at the foot of Elmer's island. It received its name from the abundance of salmon caught here ; and is mentioned in the earliest local records extant. Samuel Hunt had built a saw-mill " on first Salmon brook" before 1768. Island-fneadow Brook^ or Island hrook^ as it is sometimes called in early deeds, empties at the head of Clary's island. Little-meadow Brook^ now known as Belding's brook, crosses the state line near the South Vernon rail-road station, and empties at the lower end of Little meadow. Moose-plain Brook rises back of Second-moose plain, and empties near the old Prindle ferry. Mallorfs Brook is at the south end of the Moose-plain lots. Bennett's Brook^ called by the Indians Natanis^ rises in the north- west part of the town, runs in a southerly course, and reaches the Connecticut at the lower end of Bennett's meadow. Feb. 23, 1720, the committee granted "the stream upon Bennett's brook to Serg' Benoni Moore, Joseph Petty, Ebenezer Field and Nathaniel Mattoon, for a saw-mill, with the lands that may be neces- sary for ponding and to lay logs by the same — in case they build it by May come twelvemonth and improve the mill from that time for- ward for their own and the Town's benefit and service." The privi- lege is now known as Sawyer's mills, comprising both saw and grist-mills. Several affluents of Miller's river rise in the east part of Northfield, flowing to the south. Among them are : Jack's Brook^ which rises on the east slope of Old Crag, and Keeup's Brook, which rises in Great swamp. These unite not far from the Erving line. There is sufficient fall and power for two mill privileges, on one of which a mill was built by Zechariah Field, and sold in 1834 to Calvin Priest. Tradition names these brooks from two Indians who lived near them, just south of the Northfield line. Mountains.— The range of Highlands which extends through the length of the town east of the Connecticut river, has various promin- ences, each with some peculiarity of conformation. These bear lo History of Northfield. difFerent names ; some of which are characteristic, some historical, and some fanciful. As seen from the village there appears to be a nearly continuous range, with irregular depression's, cut down some- times to near the base, through which the streams descend to the plain. A view from the hills on the west side of the river shows the outlines with more distinctness, and gives to the different peaks and intervening depressions more character ; and from this distance the whole range has a broken and detached appearance. A bird's eye view reveals parallel ridges, in echelon order, or trending off at a more or less acute angle, with corresponding and intersecting valleys, and broad plats where flourishing farms once nestled. A view from any point, near or remote, unfolds a landscape of rich variety and magnificence and broadness, seldom seen in such direct connec- tion with e^xtensive cultivated plains and meadows, and skirted by a quiet but busy village. The river, and the main street of the town, and the back-ground uf hills, all having common lines, give a sense of uniformity and fitness ; and the striking contrasts of nature and art : the rounded or jagged outlines, and long vistas, and blending of lights and shades, give finish to the picture. Beginning at Miller's river, the high eminence bounding that stream is known as Poplar mountain. This is wholly in Erving. Directly north, and over the Northfield line, is South mountain. Then Beers's mountain still further north, with Beers's hill at its southwest foot. These were named for Capt. Richard Beers, who was killed by the Indians here in 1675, and buried in a south-westerly spur of the hill. East of Beers's mountain, and nearly in a line with it, is a bold promontory, which appears as the starting point of a parallel range, and bears the characteristic designation of Old Crag. Between Beers's and Crag is an odd shaped prominence called Roman T, from its re- semblance in outline to the letter T in Roman character. East of Crag are the first Bald hills. North of Crag is Brush mountain. This is famous for its natural Ice-house, and Rattle-snake den, both of which are on the eastern declivity. Passing up the Gulf road, one comes to Cold spring, about twenty rods from which is a fissure in the rocks, perhaps 10 feet deep by 4 feet wide, extending into the mountain indefinitely, where snow and ice collect in winter, and are usually found in considerable quantities as late as the fourth of July. A little to the south, and higher up the mountain, is the den. This is a small opening to an internal cave where the reptiles resorted in great multitudes for their winter sleep. There is always a perceptible current of air at the mouth, warm in winter and cold in Introduction. 1 1 summer, and sufficiently strong to carry off a small dry leaf. For quite a space around, the snow melts as it falls, leaving the ground bare. Both rattle snakes and coons have been found in considerable numbers among these rocks, in more modern times. A water-spout burst on this mountain, just below the Ice-house, June 7, 1866. The day was clear and exceedingly sultry. After noon a small cloud, heavily charged with electricity, came across the river from the west. There was a smart shower as it passed over Northfield street. Just as it reached the mountains, it met another similar cloud coming from the north-west. Up to the time of contact, the wind was not unusually strong ; nor was any thing remarkable noticed by observers. But at that moment the cloud seemed to drop into the gulf, and the whole upper valley became a scene of wildest commotion. It was " black as night ;" and the rush and roar and thunder were terrific. Shortly after, and as the first intimation of what had happened, a torrent of water swept down the gulf, filling the lower valley, and clearing its track of every obstruction, till it reached the Connecticut. The side of the mountain where it struck was left a bare rock. Trees and small stones were floated away. Rocks weighing many tons were overturned and moved down the slope. Such was the force of the rushing mass, that on reaching the arable land at the foot of the mountain, on the farm of Asa A. Holton, Esq., it took up the entire soil down to the hard pan for many rods in width. A boulder eight feet in diameter, was washed out and car- ried about four rods from its original bed. The destruction of farm lands and crops was immense. After remaining stationary a short time, the storm-cloud moved slowly up and over the mountain, and spent itself on the eastern declivity. Though less than where it first broke, the amount of water discharged here was enough to do great damage to cultivated fields, and to the mills on Keeup's brook, and at its junction with Miller's river at Erving Centre. East of Brush mountain and equal in height are the upper Bald hills. To the north, and in range with the hills, is Stratton mountain^ with its once fruitful farm covering the summit. Near by is Shuttle hill. North of Brush mountain, though entirely separated from it by the bed of Miller's brook, is Round mountain^ with characteristic and graceful outlines. Standing directly east from the centre of the vil- lage, it is an object of special interest ;'and Round Knoh^ at its western foot makes a pleasant relief. Then come Little Hemlock.^ and across Mill brook, Notch mountain.^ which with its abrupt front and notched contour, forms an object of striking grandeur. Great Hemlock is a 1 2 History of Northfield. little out of range to the eastward, with an evident geological relation to Mount Grace in Warwick. Pine Mountain is north of Notch, with Second brook between. Strobridge Hill is west of Notch, and Whortleberry Hill south-west. The latter is named in early deeds and records ; but after 1756 it is called Hubbard's Hill^ from the second pastor of the church, who owned a large pasture here. Louisana is the name applied to the broken ridge near Second brook. Bunker Hill is near Hemlock mountain, in the Third Division of Commons. Staddle Hill (now in Winchester) is north of Pauchaug brook, and east of the plain. It was a well known and much coveted tract, in the Third Settlement, being then covered with a young and thrifty growth of wood. Chestnut Hill is still further to the north and above the Ashuelot. Near the present village of Hinsdale, and below the Ashuelot, are two prominences, commemorating two early settlers, whose descend- ants still hold the territory. The northernmost and highest is Taylor's Mountain. It was included in the 500 acres purchased by Thomas Taylor, for a Spanish pistareen per acre. The other is Stebbins's Hilly a little to the south. Meadow Hill was the common name applied to the bluff or ridge which bounded the river meadows. This varied greatly in height as well as in general character. In some parts the ascent is abrupt, and from 100 to 200 feet. Such points have commonly some distinctive appellation. The best known and most striking of these is the one called Old Fort Hill, now in Hinsdale. It stands directly back of Cooper's Point, a half-mile above the mouth of the Ashuelot. The high plain here trends to the west, and turns the course of the Con- necticut so that it makes an ox-bow bend. The hill is about 100 feet higher than the meadow, and perhaps 150 feet above the ordi- nary water level. The sides are steep, and the top was the site of the main fort or stronghold of the Squakheags, before the Mohawk incursion of 1663-4. Further description of the hill and fort belongs more properly to the narrative in a subsequent chapter. To the north, and particularly near Merry's-meadow brook, the hill is still higher, and was known as Great Hill. To the south, just below the mouth of the Ashuelot, is a point of the bluff which has a conical shape, and was the site of an Indian fort. At the extreme south end of the town, on Pembroke-grant brook, is a similar cone-shaped hill, sometimes called Fort Hill. It is a little back from the Connecticut, about sixty feet in height, and has an area on the top of one acre. No distinct tradition connects it with known Introduction. 1 3 events of history ; but it is not unlikely that it was once the site of an Indian fort. Two small hills to the southward of Old Crag, just over the Erving line, bear the names of Jack's Hill and Keeup's Hill. The former is directly east of the house of Calvin Priest. Keeup's hill is on the home place of Jonathan Delva. Tradition marks them as the sites of Indian cabins ; and the respective names commemorate the native occupants. On the west side of the river the highlands are less prominent, and are not specially connected with our annals. Pisgah^ and Grass Hill^ visible from Northfield street, are in Gill, though the latter was included within the bounds of this town from 1720 to 1795. Pond Mountain is in the north-west corner of the town. The name comes from a pond of 100 acres, known as White-lily pond, lying at its northerly base. There are several noted points in the Meadow hill on this side of the river ; one is below the Great bend ; another against Little mea- dow; a third just above Bennett's meadow ; and a fourth a half-mile below this meadow. The one north of Bennett's meadow is known in history as Philip's Hill. It is a projection of the plain which comes near to the river bank. It was fortified in King Philip's time ; and was his rendezvous for a part of the winter of 1675-6. He was here March 7, 1676, the day that Mrs. Rowlandson reached the deserted plantation opposite, but moved up the river on the 8th. The hill was defended by a ditch and bank on the westerly side, and other- wise by its steep ascent ; but being only about sixty feet high, it was a position of no great strength. Meadows. — The level lands on the banks of the Connecticut river were the chief dependence of the first settlers for grass, of which they yielded a super-abundance. The annual burning over of these meadows and adjacent uplands by the Indians had kept them clean from brush and made them ready for the scythe ; and the native grasses, if cut early, were palatable to stock, and highly nutritious. The higher portion of these meadows was ready to be broken up by the plow, and produced great crops of wheat, flax and corn. These lands were of course the most desirable and valuable ; and were the first to be allotted and enclosed. Every engager for the Eirst and Second Settlements received, in addition to a home-lot, a share of these interval lands, proportionate to the amount he sub- scribed to the common stock. Hence the river meadows were all named j and the names then given are land-marks in history — occur- 14 • History of Nortlifield. ring in early grants and deeds, and in most instances perpetuated to the present day. These tracts of meadow are not continuous. In many places the bluff or high plain comes quite to the channel and borders the river for a considerable distance. Much of the soil is purely alluvial — formed by the deposits of the spring floods. The current is contin- ually wearing in some points, and filling up in others ; hence some meadows are gaining and others losing ; and the change in the course of a century is very considerable. The matter o( fencing these meadows — when cattle were allowed to run at large — was an item of some cost and constant care to the early settlers. At first, when every householder had his lot in each interval, this matter was properly a town affair. But when from increase of population, or the buying up of small claims, the owner- ship became a strictly individual concern, the proprietors of each meadow organized themselves into a body corporate, which had con- trol of the whole matter of fencing and feeding. They held their annual meetings, and chose clerk, fence-viewers, and haywards, determined each man's proportion of fence, and assessed a rate on themselves to pay all incidental charges. Beginning at the south and on the east side of the river, the first of importance is : Pine Meadow. — This is not named in the two earlier Settlements; and it appears to have been then covered with a young growth of yel- low pines, and consequently was not considered of much value. Oak, or rift timber^ as it was called, i. e., timber that could be readily split into clap-boards and shingles, was the only kind thought to be fit for use for buildings and fences. Next above are the Three Little Meadozvs^ now known as Little meadows, lying west of Cow plain. These are of special historical interest, as having received their name before any settlement was made at Northfield. And the southern end of these meadows marks the original south bound of the township, as laid out by the first Com- mittee in 1672. The entire lower part of this interval belonged to the farm which was granted in 17 19 to Col. John Stoddard of North- ampton, as part of the lOO acres set to him, in recognition of and payment for his services as clerk of the Committee for Northfield. In 1729, Col. Stoddard sold this farm for .£550, to Ensign Zechariah Field and Orlando Bridgeman ; and it is known in modern times as the Field farm. As seen from the higher ground, the strip of inter- val appears to be a single long and narrow meadow : but originally it Introduction. 1 5 Was crossed by two little brooks which cut gullies and divided it into three parts — and hence the name. Great Meadoiu. — This tract — originally rated at 385 acres — from its size and location directly west of the town plot, was the first of the meadows to be divided to the settlers, and was the most valuable of all the alluvial lands. It was both the town's granary and treasury and storehouse. It was lotted out before the planters moved upon the ground ; and was the only common field which was fenced in during the First Settlement. And every grantee had his due propor- tion in this fruitful interval. To distinguish it from the large meadow on the west side of the river, some miles higher up, when that upper tract was lotted out in the Second Settlement this was called " The Great meadow by the town," and is so designated in early deeds. The soil in this large meadow varied in different parts, as affected by stagnant water, or unequal action of freshets ; and for the pur- poses of taxation the land was distinguished \x\\.o first and second c\u2i\\- ties. The lots were laid out east and west. Two highways were laid from the town street to the meadow, and an intersecting highway in the meadow crossing every man's lot. Pauchaug. — The meadow now known by this Indian name, con- tained 130 acres, and was next in value to Great meadow, as it was next in convenience of location. The \vorA pauchauog signifies, danc- ing place ; and from the peculiar application of the term by the first English comers, and from the peculiar conformation of the bluffs on the easterly side, as well as from the fact that the place was about equidistant from Massemet's and Nawelet's villages, it is believed that the two native clans were accustomed to meet here for their an- nual games and merry-making. This tract was rich and productive, and was alloted to the settlers (though not fenced ) in 1673. But as the new comers at the reset- tlement in 1685, complained that these best lands were already appro- priated, and thus their shares unequal, the first grantees agreed " to give up Pauchaug," and have it relotted to the settlers, without regard to previous rights. Most of this meadow fell to the new comers. Doolittle's Meadow. — Originally this tract of low land was partly included in the Wells's meadow draught,^ and partly in the Fifth meadow draught, as they were named and allotted in 1685-6. It was ' The term draught was used to designate any tract of land which was by order of the town surveyed by the sworn measurers, and of which a plan or draught was made, ready to be drawn for by lot on a specified day. 1 6 History of Northjield. not as large nor as valuable then as now, the current being nearer the eastern bank, and the land more marshy. The present name commemorates the first pastor of the church and his heirs, who have been large owners here. Ashuelot Meadow^ as the name was applied by the settlers in 1685, embraced only the low land which formed the tongue between this stream and the Connecticut. The two meadows higher up the Ashuelot were not divided, till the choice pitches were assigned in 1 73 1. The Ashuelot draught, as it was called, took in the tongue of land above named, and the large meadow opposite, on the westerly side of the Connecticut. Merry's Meadow lay above the site of the old Hinsdale meeting- house. It extended from Merry's meadow brook northerly 367 perches. It received its name from Cornelius Merry, a Northfield settler of 1673 and 1685, who in the latter year had a grant of \\\ acres at the south end of the meadow. The balance of the tract was not allotted till the Third Settlement. Through some misapprehension about the town bounds, in June 1732, the General court of Massachusetts granted to Governor Jonathan Belcher 500 acres of province land, " beginning at a black oak standing on the east bank of the Connecticut river, at the north end of Merry's meadow ( so called ), and runs from thence E. 39° 30' N. 190 perch, thence S. 39° 30' E. 367 perch, thence W. 39° 30' S. 190 perch to an elm tree, standing in the corner between the Connecticut river and the little brook emptying into the river at the lower end of Merry's meadow, thence along the Connecticut river to the place of beginning." Upon remonstrance by the Northfield proprietors the matter was investigated by the colonial authorities, and as sufficient evidence ex- isted that the tract in question was within the limits of Northfield, the grant to Belcher was annulled, and an equivalent elsewhere laid out to him. The original proprietors of Merry's meadow, were Eleazar Mattoon, Daniel Shattuck, William Wright, Peter Evens, Joseph Petty, Jr., Robert Cooper, Nathaniel Mattoon, Moses Nash, Zachery Lawrence, Benoni Moore, Benjamin Palmer, The lots varied in size from five acres to fifteen acres. The first meeting of these proprietors for organization was held April 5, 1736. It was voted^ That the meadow be fenced according to law by the 20th of this instant April. Fence viewers were chosen, who were ordered to lay out y^ fence and proportion it to each proprietor, in proportion to y^ place where it lies Introduction. 1 7 and return a list to y^ town clerk of Northfield. Voted^ That lots be drawn to find where men's fence shall lie, beginning at the lower end of s"^ meadow. In the same year, a highway two rods wide was laid by the town, from Pauchaug to Merry's meadow. In 1 73 1, Jonathan Janes took one of his choice lots o^ 4.$^ acres above Merry's meadow. It was bounded west by the Connecticut river, north by the north line of Northfield^ e?iSt by the Fourth division of Commons. He sold this lot August 9, 1 745, to John Mun, weaver, of Northfield. In 1753, among the Fourth Division lots apportioned to the North- field inhabitants, lying east of or against Merry's meadow, was one of 89 acres to widow Martha Dickinson which " lay east of Col. Hinsdell's lane ; " and another of 156I acres to Simeon Alexander, which lay '' north of widow Dickinson's land." On the west side of the river, beginning at the south, is : Bennett's Meadow^ so called after James Bennett, an early explorer and settler of 1675. The Indian name as given in the original deed was Nallaham comgon or Natanis ; as given in a deed of Joseph Par- sons's heirs, August 12, 17 15, it was Halhacum comgane^ or Hufifianus. It contained about 200 acres ; and notwithstanding the inconvenience of crossing the river, the lots here were esteemed of great value. The lands in this meadow were surveyed and allotted out and first recorded June 9, 1686. The list names sixteen proprietors. It was resurveyed and new bounds set to the lots, October 13, 1716. The south side of this meadow was the original south bound of the town on the west of the river. Little Meadow is described in the early records as lying " opposite the upper end of Pauchaug," and contained twenty-four acres. Its south bound was Little meadow brook, now Belding's brook. Third Meadow^ next abov'e, was separated from the preceding by only a narrow ravine or guUy. It was estimated at thirty-six acres. Both of these intervals are now known as Little meadow. Wells's Meadow was the name applied to the interval lands lying above Rock island. The Wells-meadow draught included some part of the low lands on the opposite side of the river. Fifth Meadow^ or " Great meadow above the town," as it is called in the records, embraced the low lands lying northerly of Wells's meadow, and extended above Pomeroy's island. The Fifth-meadow draught took in the upper part of the Doolittle meadow. In some deeds the name Doolittle's meadow is applied to the whole of the Fifth-meadow draught. 3 1 8 History of Northfield. Steblfins's Meadow^ near Clary's island, was part of the Ashuelc^t draught. Cold-spring Meadow was near the north line of the town, and adjoined the Bridgeman farm. Islands (in the Connecticut), — Clarke's Island^ ofF the upper end of Pine meadow, was granted by the town to William Clarke in 1686, and confirmed to his heirs Feb. 23, 1723. It then contained lof acres. By the growth of trees and consequent accumulation of soil, it increased in size to sixteen acres. But since the wood was cleared off the freshets have swept away the larger part of the island. This has been known as Field's island, and Stratton island. Like so many places — possible and impossible — this island was reputed to be one of the spots where Captain Kidd the pirate buried a chest of gold. The legend is, that Kidd and his men ascended the river — how they got over the three falls with their ponderous load is not stated — till they reached this secluded island. Here, having placed the heavy chest in its hole, they sacrificed by lot one of their number, and laid his body a top of the treasure, that his ghost might forever after defend it from all fortune-seekers. Many a man longed for the gold, but had not the courage to disturb the ghost. But in an evil hour, Abner Field, after consulting a noted conjurer, and ascer- taining the exact spot where the chest was buried, resolved " to tempt the devil on the haunted isle." Intrusting the secret to two confede- rates — for nothing could be done without the presence oi three — he waited for the propitious time, which was when the full moon was directly over-head at midnight. They were to form a triangle around the designated point, and work in perfect silence — as a word spoken would break the charm ! Having reached the island, and fixed upon the spot, they begin. The hard labor and terror of the still midnight, with its imagined dusky sprites, brought out the big drops of perspira- tion ; but they dug with desperation, for if the cock should crow the spell would dissolve. Raising the crow-bar for a mighty stroke, down it goes — clink ! against the iron lid. " You've hit it /" ex- claims one, forgetting the charge of silence. Alas ! for that word. The charm is broken ; and instantly the chest settled down out of reach •, and as instantly the disturbed ghost appeared, flitting around them ! And before they can collect their scattered senses, Satan himself — full six feet tall — rises from under the bank, crosses the island " like a wheel," going right through a hay-stack^ and plunges into the river with a yell and splash ! Thus was the hope of anxious Introduction. 1 9 months blasted ! But the diggers ever after insisted — as they told the story to the eager group gathered of an evening before the blazing fire — that they struck the iron lid ; and might have been rich men, but for the unlucky exclamation, "you've hit it !" Some were malicious enough to say that the secret of the expedi- tion was betrayed in advance ; and that Oliver Smith and an accom- plice were on hand to personate the ghost and the evil one. Janes's Island^ named in the early records, and then containing twelve acres, was "just above Pauchaug." It was granted in 1686 to Elder William Janes ; and afterwards to his son Joseph, Nov. 15, 1721. Benj" Janes and Jona. Janes sell this island to Stephen Belding ; and it is named in a French map, published some years later, Belding's island. At that time it was wholly separated from the river bank, and the easterly channel was so deep as to allow the flat-bottomed boats to pass up. At present this channel is substantially filled up, so that the island has become a part of Doolittle's meadow. Rock Island, a short distance above, near the west bank, is now only a ledge of bare rock. Pomerofs Island \s about 100 rods below the mouth of the Ashue- lot. It once contained about twelve acres, but the wearing of the current on the easterly side, has reduced the area nearly one-half. It was named for Nathaniel Pomeroy of Deerfield, who was killed here by the Indians July 15, 1698. The story is told in chapter iv. Clary's Island, now known as Stebb'ins's Island, contains thirty acres, and is situated below the Great bend, and about one-fourth of a mile above the mouth of the Ashuelot. It was granted to John Clary Jr. in 1685. For several generations it has belonged to Capt. Joseph Stebbins and his descendants. This island is intimately connected with the history of the Indian occupancy, and will be often referred to in subsequent chapters. Wright's Island^ now Elmer's Island^ lies between the mouths of Salmon and Cold brooks. According to the records, it contains five acres, and was granted in 1 731 to the heirs of Benjamin Wright Jr. It afterwards belonged, by grant or purchase, to Hezekiah Elmer, and was held by his sons. Spring Island^ is named in the records, as early as 1731, and de- scribed as lying " against Merry's meadow." Plains. — As this term was used by the early settlers, it had a restricted meaning. It was not applied to level lands in general, but so History of Northjield. to certain well defined tracts that had some common peculiarity of soil and condition, were nearly free from trees, and could be readily cultivated. With a ^^vi exceptions, the lands so designated lie on the first and second terraces back of the river meadows. On the east side of the river, beginning at the south, was Four Mile Brook Plain^ which lay northerly from that stream. This was granted to settlers who came between the years 1716 and 1723; or to speak more definitely, this plain was the bait held out to tempt young men to come and settle. When an unmarried man of good character visited the place, or his name was brought to their notice, the Committee would vote him a grant of ten acres of upland, to be laid out at Four mile brook plain, or some convenient place ; it being understood that a title was only secured by actual residence in town. About twenty such grants were made, some of which were accepted and some forfeited. Cow Plain^ or South Plain^ extended from the lower end of the Three-little meadows, skirting the said meadows, to Saw-mill brook. It was granted to settlers who came to Northfield between 1 714 and 1720, mostly in lots of five and ten acres each. The lots were laid out east and west. Benjamin Janes had the ten acres next to Saw-mill brook. Col. Stoddard's farm took in a considerable part of this plain, together with all the land in Little meadows " south of the northernmost brook that crosses said meadows." Joseph Petty had thirteen acres south of the Stoddard farm. The proprietors of this plain organized as a body corporate in 1746. There is pretty clear evidence that this plain was the planting field of the Indian tribe which dwelt on the adjoining plain and neighbor- ing bluffs. If so, it will account for the fact, stated in the first grants and deeds, that in the early settlement of the town, the slopes of both the meadow hill and the hill east were covered with an old growth of spruce trees, some standing and some fallen down from age. The dictate of self-preservation would induce the natives to spare the ad- jacent lands from the devastation of their annual fires, and thus these primeval trees remained. Beers' s Plain. This historic spot lies east of Cow plain and extends to Saw-mill brook. It received its name from Capt. Richard Beers, who with his company was ambushed here by the Indians September 4, 1675, and he and the larger part of his men slain. This plain was the site of an Indian village, as attested by the remains of their granaries, and their large burial places — a full account of which, as well as of the onset of 1675, will be found in the body of this work. Introduction. 2 1 These lands were not distributed by special grant, like those of the plain west, but were included in what is known as the " First Division of Commons," and were allotted to the inhabitants in 1731. The soil was originally free, though abundantly fertile ; but by continual cropping with rye, it became exhausted, and the lower part is now mainly a pine barren and shifting sand. Pauchaug Plain was the table of land lying east of the meadow of the same name. It was divided into ten acre lots, which were appor- tioned, early in the Third Settlement, to such of the inhabitants as had no lots on Cow plain. Log Plain lay to the north of Pauchaug brook and west of Staddle hill. It was distributed to the settlers in the same manner as the plain below. WelWs Plain is mentioned in the records of 1686. The name was applied to the high lands above Pauchaug, and on the west side of the river opposite, back of Little and Third meadows. The west side portion was of a broken character, and was not esteemed especial- ly valuable. Some of the east side lands belonging to this tract were allotted in the Second Settlement. Moose Plain was on the west side of the river. It took in the first table or high bank between Mallory's brook on the south and Little- meadow brook on the north. It was divided to the settlers in 1685, and contained 120 acres. At the commencement of the Third Set- tlement, it was a famous place for raising wheat and rye. Second-moose Plain lay directly back of Moose plain. It is first named in the records in 171 7, and was divided to the new inhabitants April 5, 1720. It was estimated at 185 acres. September i, 1740, the proprietors of the two Moose plains met and organized as a single corporation, and voted to build a fence around the entire tract. The rule of fencing adopted was, " one rod and thirteen feet to each acre held by a proprietor." January 4, 1773, the proprietors of First- moose plain organized as a distinct corporation. Swamps. — As used by our fathers in the earliest times, this term did not necessarily denote marshy ground ; but flat land which from its peculiar location had escaped the ravages of the annual fires set by the Indians, and was covered with an old growth of wood. The only tract in this town thus mentioned in the records of the First and Second Settlements was : Great Swamps which lay directly east of the town plot. During the first occupancy of 1673-75, it was held in common. When the 22 History of Northjield. settlers returned in 1685, it was divided into thirty-two lots, of differ- ent sizes, and each householder received his proper proportion. These lots were 160 rods long, running east and west. As is well known, the mountains and hills, at this date, were mostly bare of wood ; and, except the ravines, and the protected slopes bordering the meadows and plains, this swamp was the only place handy to the street, where the settlers found timber suitable for building purposes. Dry Swamps which was in brushwood in 1673, and had become well timbered with oak and hard pine in 17 14, lay to the south and east of Great swamp. The name was applied to the lands drained by Miller's brook, extending from the home-lots on the west to the six rods highway on the east. This tract was lotted out after the settlement of 17 14, and appor- tioned to such new comers as had no rights in Great swamp. The lots were laid north and south ; were about 100 rods long, and mostly contained five acres six rods each, except Ebenezer Field's, which had ten acres thirteen rods. This large piece was given to him, because, being a blacksmith, he needed abundance of charcoal. The Great swamps as it is now known, east of the mountains, was too far away to be of much account to the early settlers. The north part was then a reedy marsh or pond (called Crane's pond) ; the south part was heavily wooded. Mrs. Rowlandson, in company with about 2000 Indians, spent the night of Monday, March 6, 1676, by the side of this swamp. The camp was near where the highway to Wendell crosses Keeup's brook, to the east of Crag mountain. The Commons. — The plains and meadows and the two swamps, that were allotted to the settlers, and thus became individual estates, comprised by a small portion of the territory. By far the largest part of the lands in old Northfield was known by the name of the commons^ and was, till 1731, open to all the inhabitants alike for pasturage, and for gathering candle wood^ and under certain restrictions, fuel. The account of the subsequent division of these common lands, will form a curious chapter in these annals. There are certain special tracts, and noted landmarks, and points of historic interest, that deserve mention in this connection. The Commonwealth is a tract of about sixty five acres of high broken land, to the east of Dry swamp. It lay common till taken up by Gen. John Nevers in the early part of the present century. It was here that young Benjamin Wright was shot by the Indians, Au- gust u, 1746. Introduction. 23 Wigwam^ is the name applied in deeds and tax lists, to a consider- able tract lying south-west of Roman T. It appears to denote the spot of an Indian encampment, and was named for the remains of a large granary found here in early times. Crooked Hollow is a serpentine ravine or gully, east of Pine meadow. Old Soldier'' s Hole. — This is a deep ravine leading from the plain to the river, one-fourth of a mile south of the lower point of Three- little meadows. The story is, that a soldier, in flying from the In- dians, at the time of Beers's fight, jumped into this gully, and secreted himself, and so escaped the notice of the savages. It marks the south boundary of the First Division lots. Cooper'' s Cave. — This is a deep gully at the bottom of Meadow hill, west of the Nathaniel Mattoon home-lot. Tradition has it, that in the war of 1722-6, Robert Cooper went out from the fort to the spring for water, and finding himself cut off" by an Indian scout, hid in this hole, till relieved by friends who became alarmed at his long absence. Stratton Hollow. — There were two spots known by this name. One was in the Great meadow, just west from Cooper's cave. An- other was near Pine meadow. Both were called after the owners of the land. The Gulf^ and The Ice Cave., and Rattle-snake Den., have been suffi- ciently indicated in the description of Brush mountain. Cooper's Pointy has been already named, but needs a more particular description. It lies inside the Great bend in the Connecticut, and is now in the town of Hinsdale, N. H. It was named from Robert Cooper, who had land here, and who built a house just above, near the site of the old Hinsdale meeting-house, as early as 1738. He may have built a little earlier, as the records refer to Cooper's Point in 1735- Council Rock^ was a noted spot in Northfield's early history. It was a huge mass of pudding-stone that cropped out in the middle of the town street, just against the south Warwick road. The rock rose three feet above the general level of the ground, was nearly flat on the top, and about 20 X 30 feet in diameter. Here the old men were accustomed to gather, on summer evenings, to hear the news, discuss politics and tell stories ; and the boys were on hand, to listen to the stories, or have a game of goal. About the year 1821, the rock was blasted away, and the fragments put into a stone wall, which stands a little way to the south-east. The travelled way, which for- 24 History of Northfield. meily ran on the east side of the rock, now passes directly over the centre of its ancient bed. Belding's Rock stands in the highway just north of Mill brook. It marks the spot where Aaron Belding was shot and scalped by the Indians, July 23, 1748. The Meeting Oak. A cluster of half a dozen yellow oaks, then old trees, was standing in 1673, near the lower end of the town street. It is a tradition that the settlers held a Sabbath service of public wor- ship under the shade of one of these trees during their first summer's residence in Northfield, where Elder William Janes preached to his fellow adventurers. The last of these memorable trees, which stood in front of the house of John Wright, was burned down July 5, 1869. Shade Trees in Northfield Street. — The two elms standing close to- gether and near the line of the highway, in front of the Parson Doo- little home-lot, now Lewis T. Webster's, and several others in this immediate neighborhood, were set in 1782 by Caleb Lyman, who then owned the homestead. The two in question stood on either side of his front door. The remaining trees of large size, in the central part of the village, which add so essentially to its beauty and comfort, were set in 18 13-15, by Thomas Power, Esq., then a resi- dent in the town. CHAPTER I. The River Indians. Agawams — NoNOTUCKS — Pacomptocks — Squakheags — Origin of the Tribe — Indian Forts — V i llage Sites — Domestic Life — Customs — Food — Games — Religion. N 1670, the Indians living in the valley of the Connecticut river, within the territory claimed by Massachusetts, were located in detached villages, at points which commanded the readiest means of subsistence and safety. They had previously sold to the whites the major part of their best lands — re- serving in all cases what alone was valuable to them, viz : their plant- ing fields, and the right of hunting, fowling and fishing, and setting wigwams on the commons ; and the two races were holding a sort of joint occupancy. The white settlers had in every instance been wel- comed ; had paid for the lands to the satisfaction of the original owners ; and though there was no mingling of races, and no social equality, the two lived on neighborly terms — with as little of friction and quarreling as the nature of the case allowed. The Agawams occupied the region above and below Springfield. Here were fine meadows for corn, and the foot of the falls above was a noted fishing place. The Nonotucks or Norwottucks, who originally claimed the country from the head of the falls to Mount Wequomps (now Sugarloaf), had villages and forts on both sides of the river. They had several plant- ing fields of 12 to 20 acres each; the hills to the west were covered with chestnut trees which furnished a store of nuts ; and the swamps and plains abounded in deer, wild turkeys and other game. The Pacomptocks occupied the valley of the Deerfield river; and the Squakheags claimed the country north, both above and below the present state line. It is a commonly accepted opinion that these tribes or clan's immi- grated from the eastward. According to Gookin, who wrote Historic- al Sketches of the Indians^ the Pacomptocks (including the Nonotucks) ■i 26 History of Northfield. were subject to the sachem of the Massachusetts nation. It may seem presumption to differ with an author so well informed and reliable ; but it is submitted that their war record proves that they were accus- tomed to act independently both of the Massachusetts tribe, and the Massachusetts colonial authorities. The date when the red men settled in the valley is unknown. That they had been here for many generations, and had once been large in numbers and formidable in power is evident ; but whether they were swept off by the malignant distemper that was so fatal to the eastern Indians in 1612-13, or had perished in war, it is not possible to deter- mine. That they had recently suffered severe losses in a war with the Mohawks is certain ; and their partially crippled condition and the fear of their powerful enemy at the west, probably had an influence in bringing about the special favor with which they at first treated the English. Of the exact numbers of these several tribes, at the date named, it is somewhat difficult to form an estimate. Their villages were not attractive to white visitors; their general gatherings for powows and games were seldom or never witnessed by the English, and if present, an outsider could hardly distinguish between residents, and delegates from other tribes. And their mode of warfare — when they assumed the offensive against our people a few years later — rendered it im- possible to determine the number engaged in a given assault. They never showed themselves in the open field in force; and their simul- taneous fire from behind the scattered trees of a thicket, or their sudden appearance at detached points of attack were well calculated to de- ceive as to numbers. And fear always multiplies dangers. Taking the names attached to the several deeds of land sold to the whites, which were signed by the heads of the leading families ; the capacity and appearance of their different villages and forts, as described by witnesses and attested by authentic remains; and the numbers known to be actually engaged in some of their important expeditions, it is believed that the aggregate number of the four tribes named did not exceed, at the date under consideration, 1200, of whom not more than 300 were warriors.^ Of these tribes, the Pacomptock was the largest, most warlike, and best known. This and the Nonotucks were evidently of common origin, and were closely allied in purpose and interest. Indeed, the ■The common belief of the time made it double or treble this number : Mr. Judd's esti- mate makes it some less. T^he River Indians. 27 name Pacomptocks was often used by the writers of the time, to include both clans. They appear to have been a branch of the Nipnet or Nipmuck family, which was scattered over the more central parts of the state, and about the ponds on both sides of the Connecticut state line, in the neighborhood of Dudley and Woodstock.^ These two clans were distinct in their possessions, and maintained each its own separate jurisdiction. Each was divided into several families or sub- clans; and while for the purposes of war or defence, the two might acknowledge the leadership of one high chieftain, in ordinary times the principal families claimed and held the right of ownership in a specified tract of land, where were placed their fort and planting-ground. The territory held by the Pacomptocks proper, extended from the southerly end of Mt. Wequomps, to the north side of the meadow called Nallahamcomgon, now Bennett's meadow in Northfield. Toward the west their bound was indefinite. On the east it was nominally the Connecticut river, though their land extended much beyond this stream. Embraced in this tract were swamps and rivulets which afforded the best and handiest means for obtaining furs ; the rich valley of the Deerfield river furnished abundant planting-ground ; and the Pasquamscut^ (Turner's) falls were unsurpassed as a fishing place. And as evidence of the prosperity and thrift of this savage people, it should be stated that they once, from their surplus stores, saved the infant Connecticut colony from impending famine. The spring of 1637 was so occupied by the English settlers at Windsor, Hartford and Wethersfield in preparing for and carrying on the war with the Pequots, that they failed to plant the requisite amount of corn and wheat. The following winter proving unusually long and severe, their provisions were wholly exhausted. On the first opening of spring (1638) a deputation was sent up to Agawam, where they failed to get supplies ; and then up the river to Pacomptock, where they found plenty of corn, and purchased of the Indians enough to load a fleet of 50 canoes, which were taken down the river by the natives, and the corn delivered at the towns designated. This tribe took an important part in the wars of the period. They were generally ready on occasion to help the Massachusetts, the Nip- nets, and the Narragansetts, in their frequent struggles, as well as to ' According to Mr. Judd, the Nonotucks were accustomed to claim blood-relationship with the (^uaboags. ^ Peske or pas-ompsk-ut, means, at the divided or parting rock, alluding to the rock near the head of the fall, which divided the' waters. This rock was the favorite fishing-stand of the Indians. 28 History of Northfield. undertake enterprises of their own. In 1656, Uncas, the Mohegan sachem, moved up the river, with a considerable force, to take revenge of the Pacomptocks for some previous injury. The particulars of the expedition are not recorded; but it is known that the Pacomptocks successfully repelled the assault — "had so great a victory over him, and killed so many of his [Uncas's] men."^ The next year (1657) a raid for retaliation was planned by the Pacomptocks. "Wequogonoag, sachem of Narraganset, Wetowas- nati [and] Wisquoconc commissioners for Massepetoat Pacomptock sachem, Wampequamenet sachem, [and] Warquacunc, petitioned the General court of Massachusetts for liberty to make war upon Uncas.* The court's consent was not given ; but the Pacomptocks went down the river secretly, and committed various depredations upon the allies of the Mohegan chief. The following extract from the records of the commissioners of the United Colonies (Sept. 1657), throws a little light on this expedition : " and the Gov^ of Conn^ is desired to signify to the Pocomtick and Norwootick Sachems on charge upon Unckas in reference to the Podunk Indians, and on desire of their return to their dwelling and continuance there in Peace ; therefore we desire and expect they (the Pocomtick Sachems) will forbeare ail hostility against Unckas till the next meeting of the Commissioners." In 1659 the United Colonies again sent messengers to them, re- questing them to suspend hostilities. The Sachems received the commissioners respectfully ; made a reply characterized by modera- tion, shrewdness and firmness ; but declined to make peace. ^ These incidents help us to understand the strength and status of this tribe. About 1663, the Mohawks, who lived on the river of that name in New York, and were the inveterate enemies of the northern Massachusetts tribes, made a descent upon the River Indians, and committed serious depredations here and to the eastward. The Deer- field valley was the scene of sanguinary conflicts. It is an accepted tradition that in this or another of their incursions the Mohawks at- tacked the Pacomptocks in their fort, situated on what is now known as Fort hill, a half-mile northeast of Deerfield meeting-house, and carried it after a severe contest, in which many were slain on both sides. The victors then fell upon the Squakheags : and pursuing their march eastward, inflicted great injury upon the tribes living on the Nashaway and Merrimack rivers. ^ Mass. Records, vol. iil, p. 436. ^ iManuscript Court Records. SjuJiPs Hadlcy, p. IZ4. The River Indians. 29 To revenge their injuries, several of the Massachusetts tribes formed a combination, and in the summer of 1669, with a force esti- mated at 600 or 700 w^arriors, marched for the Mohawk country. Chickatawbut, the principal sachem of the Massachusetts tribe, ap- pears to have headed the expedition. The chiefs of the Nonotucks, and Pacomptocks, and Squakheags, with their clans entered eagerly into the campaign, and made large preparations. Learning of their design, the Massachusetts authorities used every means in their power to dissuade the Indians from their hazardous undertaking ; but in vain. The eastern clans gathered on the river ; and the western trail was taken up. The Mohawks appear to have received timely intelligence of the approach of their enemy, and made pre- paration for their reception. Arriving at the nearest Mohawk fort, the Massachusetts sachem at once invested it with his whole force ; but for some reason he failed to make an immediate assault, and the delay proved his ruin. After a seige of several days, and at least one sanguinary battle, in which our Indians gained the advantage, finding his ammunition and provisions nearly exhausted, the assailant drew ofF his forces, and commenced a retreat towards the Bay. Observing his movement, the Mohawks left their fort and by a de- tour gained a position in front, and planted an ambuscade in a thick- set swamp, where they made an unexpected and furious attack on the retreating army. The battle is believed to have been fierce and bloody, and the loss of the New England Indians about fifty, includ- ing the leader and several under chiefs. On the approach of dark- ness the Mohawks returned to their fort, and the dispirited and broken invaders pursued their homeward march. Peace between the rival nations was not concluded for nearly two years, but no further hostile attempts were made from this quarter. The account of this struggle between the Massachusetts Indians and the Mohawks has been given so much in detail, because, in- directly, it prepared the way for the settlement of Northfield — as will appear in the sequel. The Squakheags. — The territory of the Squakheags lay to the north of the lands held by the Pacomptocks, and took in both sides of the Connecticut river. Its northbound was "the little river called Wanasquatok" (Broad brook), which empties into the Connecticut near the north line of the town of Vernon, Vt. There is no evidence to show how far the tribe claimed ownership toward the west ; probably not more than 9 miles from the river. But they claimed the territory to the 30 History of Northfield, eastward to near the headwaters of Miller's river — as appears from the fact that a descendant of Nawelet at a later period sold a large tract in the neighborhood of Paquayag (Athol), which land, as ap- pears from the deed, came to him (the Indian) by inheritance. From all the facts that have been gathered, it is concluded that the Squak- heags were not related to the Pacomptocks. The distinctive pecu-' liarities of language, and marks of tribal affinity, all connect them with the clans living on the banks of the Merrimack river. It is known that they were in close alliance with the Pennacooks, with whom they maintained intimate relations after the close of King Philip's war. But their early history, both before immigration and as a River tribe, is involved in much obscurity. Their somewhat isolated position would naturally screen them from public notice ; and as a frontier tribe, exposed on the west and north, their at- tention must necessarily have been much devoted to self-defence and the means of subsistence. And as their own territory furnished abundance of game of all kinds, and furs and fish were plenty, and the rich meadows were fruitful and easily tilled, there was nothing but the love of war to tempt them abroad. That the tribe had lived here for several generations, is rendered probable by the large number of skeletons which have been un- earthed — sometimes singly, and sometimes by scores — in all the different stages of decay. That at one period they were prosperous and somewhat numerous, is abundantly shown by the remains — still visible — of their villages and defensive works on either side of the river. That they were skilled in Indian strategy, and were warlike and revengeful ; and that they entered heartily into the combination which had for its ultimate object the extermination of the whites, will appear from the part they took .in the war of 1675-6, and the struggles of the next 80 years — to be narrated in these pages. The authentic history of the Squakheags begins about 1663 or '64. At this date the Mohawks made their famous incursion to New England, and having captured the Pacomptock fort marched northward and fell upon Squakheag. Here they made clean work. The forts were taken, the villages destroyed, and the Indians driven from their homes.' From this blow they never fully recovered. The next few years were years of uncertainty.^ The Mohawks maintained a threatening ' Letter of John Pynchon, Sept. 8, 1675. = Sept. 1665, 5 armed Maquas from the Hudson river were found near Boston; our In- dians demanded them; but they were sent in safety home by the governor — a kind of diplomacy not comprehensible to the savage, smarting under his wrongs ! The River Indians. 31 attitude ; and the Colonial governnient appeared to have a greater desire to conciliate them than to protect their own border tribes. And thus was nurtured the discontent and suspicion which ripened a {qw years later into open hostility. The Squakheags did not re- linquish their lands ; probably they partially rebuilt their villages. They may have done something by way of planting their old fields, and during the fishing season repaired to their favorite spearing-places at the bend of the river above and below Elmer's island ; but their chief abiding place was nearer some of the friendly tribes — at Pa- quayag and Nashaway. When the central tribes united in the expedition against the Mo- hawks in 1669, the Squakheag chiefs were forward in furthering the movement, hoping doubtless, to get full revenge for previous injuries. But after the disastrous failure of this enterprise (already narrated), they wholly deserted their old dwelling place. So that those that "went upon discovery" thither in 1670, could with truth say that "the want of inhabitants to burn the meadows and woods" caused " the growth of underwoods to increase " to such an extent as to threaten serious inconvenience, unless the place was speedily reset- tled.' As confirmatory testimony, it may be stated that in the first bargain with the whites, our Indians sold their lands below what was regarded by both parties to be their true value, and an additional sum was afterwards demanded and paid. And a most significant fact in these several sales is, that, contrary to what had hitherto been the uniform practice, the natives. made no r^^^ri^^^/W of planting-grounds or other privileges, in the deeds of transfer and warranty. The Indian Name. — In the Indian language, the name of a place was always descriptive of the leading feature, or production, or use, or tradition of the location. And it is matter of profound regret that our present knowledge of that language is so limited. With a full understanding of their nouns generic and specific, and their common verb-forms and radicals, we could construct pretty satisfactorily, their geography and philosophy, and to a large extent trace their tribal his- tory. A name was a thing ; a verb expressed the relations of things. What the red man saw^ what he/elt^ what he knew — had its exact representative in one of his simple syllables or combined words. His life was less complex than ours ; it had fewer accessories and contin- gents ; it was compressed into a smaller space. Hence it could be more readily comprehended and delineated. His keen eye discovered 'Petition to General court, May 31, 167 1. 32 History of Northfield. the characteristic feature of a place or quality of an object — his quick ear caught the distinctive sound — and his unerring perception drew the natural inference j he saw and heard and marked what constituted the individuality of places, objects and events ; — or, to speak more precisely, he marked that feature, quality, or sequence of a thing or event, which touched most nearly his own daily life, and most directly affected his past experience and future purposes. Hence his picture- words are the exponents and records of himself and his life and his history ; they contain all the elements of his intuitive and acquired knowledge. They are to ethnology, what the fossil remains of animals and plants embedded in the rocks are to geology — only the one tells the story of successive epochs of created life ; the other the story of a departed race. As the Indians had no written vocabulary, the English had no means of learning the language but by the ear. And many of their syllabic sounds were somewhat obscure, and difficult to catch, and hard to be expressed by our letters. The apostle Eliot, and Roger Williams, took great pains to master the language, and reduce to a fixed form their modes of expression. But, what is especially to be deplored — the majority of the magistrates and scribes of the time, who made out the official records, such as deeds, and treaties, and ac- counts of expeditions, were inexcusably careless in designating persons and places. And this want of exactness, and the strange diversity in spelling, adds greatly to the difficulty of finding the synonym and definitions of Indian name-words. The. name of our town furnishes a striking example in point. The Committee who visited the place in 1669 write it Suckquakege : the first petitioners for the grant of territory write Squawquegue and Wissquawquegue — evidently apply- ing to the two tracts held by the upper and lower clans. The Con- necticut council spell it Suckquackheag : John Pynchon writes Wussquakeag ; Samuel Partridge writes Wussquackheag : other au- thorities write Wessquakheag and Soquagkeeke : the form Squakheag, used by the Rev. Solomon Stoddard in 1675, is evidently a contrac- tion of the more complex term. The two most competent authorities, who went upon the ground, and heard the name spoken by the natives, are Daniel Gookin and William Janes. The former writes Suckquakege ; the latter Wiss- quawquegue. Assuming that these most nearly represent the Indian vocal sounds, we get a probable clew to the word and its meaning. Namaus-squam-aug-khige means, a spearing place of salmon. As uttered in a single breath it would be N'-m'-us-squag-kege ; con- The River Indians. 33 tracted still more, 'S-squakheag. This interpretation of the name is confirmed by the well known fact that the islands and mouths of the little streams fi-om the upper end of Pauchaug to the head of the great bend were noted places for salmon and shad fishing. The name is exactly descriptive of the location. And in this view, nothing was more natural than that the first settlers should call one of the brooks of cold, pure water, which enters the river at this point, Salmon brook. The name is both explanatory and commemorative.^ The meaning of the word Suckquakege, and its equivalents (the interchange of the consonants M^ AT, and ^, as an initial was com- mon, and the greater or less prominence of the hissing sound not unusual, and does not affect the primary signification) implies that, as used by the natives it had a limited application, viz., to the spear- ing-places near their principal village. They had other words to designate other particular localities — as was shown in the preceding chapter. But this term has been adopted by the early writers, and is the accepted general name of the country covered by the old Northfield grants ; and it will be so used in these annals. Some- thing of geographical accuracy might be gained by the introduction of new descriptive titles to the subdivisions ; but usage has made the old name convenient and sufficiently clear. However, for a full understanding of the history of the prior In- dian occupation, these subdivisions need to be designated, in this con- nection, and some account of sectional characteristics given. For this purpose, a brief description in detail, of the face of the country as the Indians saw it, will be attempted, and the principal native set- tlements along the river will be pointed out. This is not always easy. Curiosity, and even honest inquiry will not be fully satisfied ; but a large amount of reliable data has been gathered, which throws a pretty clear light on what has been to a considerable extent a terra incognita. Some of the tribal limits, as well as the acknowledged lines between ' " The best place for seine fishing in the early settlement of the country, where more salmon and shad were caught than at any other point on the river for miles above and below, was a little above Rock island, near where a small stream enters the Connecticut in a meadow on the old Patterson farm. This fishing right was once owned by Jesse Lee and five others. About the year 1785 this company caught in two days 75 bushels of fish. Another company owned the fishing place at the foot of Stebbins's island (formerly Clary's). The mouths of all the small brooks in this neigborhood, and the narrow pass at Elmer's island, were famous places for spearing salmon. This was commonly done at night. A flaming torch was set in the bow of a canoe in which were two men, one to steer. They floated quietly down with the current, and the spear-man struck the fish as they were at- tracted to or blinded by the light." — Letter of Jjhn Stebbins, Esj., of Fernon, dated April 14, 1873. 5 34 History of Northfield. the different clans are accurately stated in the deeds of sale given to the whites, and can be more satisfactorily explained when we come to the consideration of those deeds in the next chapter. But there are other boundaries which are more or less uncertain ; there are particular family possessions that are difficult to be defined and lo- cated. And there are family affinities and distinctions, depending on these boundaries, which can be only approximately determined. In numerous instances we can go upon a given spot, and say without hesitation, 'here a cluster of families of Red men lived for successive generations ; this spot was their rightful home ; these heapsof st ones marked their tent-places — those mounds mark their graves.' But we are unable to tell whether the occupants were Squakheags or Pacomptocks, and whether this or that little stream marks the limits of ownership. But of one thing there is no doubt — the whole valley of the Con- necticut, from Pasquamscut falls to Wanasquatok brook, was dotted with villages and family sites. Nearly every prominent bluff which had the accessories of convenient water, a dry and protected spot for erecting tents, an easily tilled and productive planting-field, and an eminence readily defensible for a look-out and fort, contains the unmistakable evidences of a longer or shorter residence by the natives. And this is especiallv true of all points where there are falls upon a cool brook a little way back from the river — as the foot of such falls afforded them sure fishing-ground. The signs relied on to determine the site of an Indian village, are : I. The presence of large quantities of domestic utensils, such as stone pestles, kettles, knives and hoes. 2. Heaps of roundish stones bear- ing evidence of the alternate action of fire and water, and covered with recently formed mould. Before the introduction of metal ket- tles, these stones were used to heat water, by being thrown red-hot into their wooden troughs. A heap of them was kept under their fire to be ready against emergency. And being cumbersome to transport, the heap was left in place, when they removed to a new location. 3. The remains of granaries or under-ground barns. These Indian granaries were of two classes, one large, the other small. Both were of similar construction, i. e., circular excavations, about five feet in depth. The larger ones were from twelve to sixteen feet across, while the small ones were only three to five feet in diameter. Thev were commonly dug in the sloping sides of a knoll or bank, to secure dryness, and the better to shed rain. A considerable number were set close together, in order that they might be protected from bears and other enemies by a picket. Some small ones have been T^he River Indians. 35 found, carefully lined with clay. When filled with corn (on the ear), or dried fish, or nuts, they were covered with poles, and long grass, or brush and sods. 4. A burial place. This was always convenient to their dwellings. A single grave may denote accidental death ; but a cluster of graves unerringly points to a cluster of wigwams. 5. A pile of stone chips, where their arrow and spear-heads were fashioned. 6. A place for a planting-field, and for a fort. A village of 150 souls would ordinarily have a field of from 12 to 16 acres, which the squaws annually planted with corn and pumpkins. After the Eng- lish introduced beans from the old country, the natives cultivated them to some extent. As will naturally occur to the reader, these indications are of a class by themselves, and are wholly independent of traditions. They are readily traced, and are more reliable than tradition. Many of them cannot be imitated ; and no motives can be imagined for a counterfeit. All of them were in existence within the memory of men now living ; most of them are plain to be seen at the present time. An Indian village of considerable size stood at the southerly end of the town, on the falls of Four-mile brook. The main part appears to have been built on the north bank of the brook, and extended from above the falls to its junction with the Connecticut. In Rufus Stratton's boyhood (b. Sept. 12, 1789), things remained much as the Indians left them. Their granaries — wigwams^ he called them — on the slope directly across the brook from the lower saw-mill, were then large holes, 12 feet across, and with the sides caved in but little. No one had meddled with them, partly because the sloping bank was of no special use, and partly because everybody had an undefined dread of the old wigwams. The road then ran through the mill-yard close by the bank, and right in sight of the holes ; and as young Stratton drove the cows to pasture, he would " race them by " this spot, for fear of seeing Indian ghosts. When, later, the field where the village. stood was plowed, the boys used to pick up the hatchets and throw them at objects for sport ; and gouges and spear and arrow-heads were so plenty that no one thought them worth the trouble of picking up. The piles of round stones which marked the sites of dwellings, were looked upon only as the plague of the plow and harrow. As late as 1856, when Mr. Lyman Gilbert, the present owner, plowed this field, he found, just across the brook from his barn, a heap of arrow-heads and chips, plainly indicating a native work-shop. He also turned up, near where the granaries were, a couple of stone hoes having the withe handles still on. Scattered over 36 History of Northfield. the field were broken aukooks (soap-stone kettles) ; pieces of kettles made of clay and burnt, the outside covered with rude figures ;^ gouges, burnishing stones, etc. The planting-field appears to have been near the river, now in part taken up by the rail-road cut, as the remains of several granaries are still seen in the adjacent meadowhill. The existence of the fire-stained stone heaps, and numerous skeletons turned up on the plain below the brook, conclusively show that a large clan made this region their home. There is an egg-shaped bluff, a half-mile below, on Pembroke- grant brook, known as Fort hill, which may have been fortified by them ; or they may have built a fort on the height of land 40 rods north of the falls. But neither was a strong position. No mention of an Indian settlement here has been found in the early records. And the probability is that it was abandoned before the whites came to this part of the valley. All the relics and tools and other remains indicate an early occupancy. Iron utensils have not been found, to show evidence of traffic with the English. This tract was not purchased by the white settlers, as were the lands further up the river. But this fact may not be sufficient proof for or against a cotemporaneous occupation. According to the declaration of William Clarke in 1685 (see his Petition of that date), the lands hereabouts were not of a character to attract settlers, being 1 00 broken, and without extensive natural grass meadows. Alto- gether, the preponderance of evidence favors the conclusion of the abandonment of the place by the Indians prior to any discovery of the territory by the English. Passing to the north, we come to the sites of two important In- dian villages, situated on opposite sides of the river. The one on the west side is known as Natanls. It was built partly on Grass hill and partly on the high bluffs westerly of Bennett's meadow. The remains of granaries, and the usual relics, and some skeletons, have been found near the river, a little way below the mouth of Bennett's brook. Three-fourths of a mile to the north west, on the Holton farm, were still more remarkable remains. Stone chips were found *' by the bushel ;" aukooks, pestles, and household utensils abounded. One of the Indian workshops was situated nearly east of the old Holton homestead, on the bluff next the meadow. And on the ex- treme point of this bluff, just below where the southerly branch unites with the main stream of Bennett's brook, are several small ' " The pots they seethe their food in, which were heretofore and yet are in use amongst some of the tribes, are made of clay or earth, almost in the form of an egg with the top taken off. The clay they are made of is very scarce and dear." — Gookiri's Hist. Collections. 'The River Indians. 37 but well defined granaries. Fifty rods north west of the present house of Jona. P. Holton, on the brow of the hill where the high plain skirts the brook, are the remains of 12 large granaries, the largest about 7 feet in depth. Fifty years ago, some of the larger of these excavations were not less than 20 feet in diameter and 10 to 12 feet deep ; but they are now partially (some of them completely) filled in by successive plowings. Two of them are on the slope of the hill ; 6 of them are but a few feet back ; and^the others are scattered along a space of 5 or 6 rods. The family tradition is, that they were deer traps ; but their peculiar location, and exact resem- blance to the circular excavations, heretofore described, leave no room to doubt that they were huge granaries, used by the natives for storing corn. The main fort of the tribe must have been situated at the angular point of this bluff, 20 rods to the. eastward ; and the granaries were placed handy to the fort. The plain back, as well as the next terrace towards the meadow, were favorable spots for plant- ing-fields. And on this lower terrace, was one of their burying places. When plowing down the bank, some years ago, just north of J. P. Holton's house, to lessen the grade of the road, a skeleton was discovered, buried in a sitting posture ; and on digging to the bottom of the grave, there were found a pipe, some wampum, a copper tomahawk, and a rude copper spoon. Signs of Indian lodges are found all around Bennett's meadow ; and the fort on Philip's hill was in all probability once a part of a regular system of defences. Taking these well defined remains in connection with attested facts of the early records, and the Indian deeds, the evidence is clear and conclusive, that the high plateau to the west of Bennett's meadow was the residence of Souanaett^ a Pacomptock chieftain, who owned this part of the country. At the date of the first settlement of Northfield, it was known as Massapetot's land, from the chieftain who then held it, and who is elsewhere mentioned as a Pacomptock sachem and warrior. Sept. 9, 1673, Asogoa, the daughter of Souana- ett, Massapetot, and others, sold this part of the Indian possessions, including Bennett's meadow, to parties from Northampton, who in turn sold to the Northfield grantees. (See next chapter). Squenatock. — The Indian village situated on the falls of this name, opposite Natanis, and near the junction of Miller's brook with Saw-mill brook — has a special interest to us, not only from its size and defined limits, but because our written records cover the last period of its history ; and because, like its neighbor opposite, it came into 38 History of Northfield. possession of our fathers by purchase. And this was the point where the first white settlers began a plantation. The chieftain of this large clan was Massemet. It was with him and his under-chief Pam- mook, or Pompmohock, as he is more often called, that a bargain for land was made by Joseph Parsons and his company of explorers from Northampton, in the spring of 1671, which transaction, in all its details will be given in the next chapter. Massemet's land extended from Merriman's brook to Coassock, or Mill brook, and took in a large tract on the west side of the river north of Bennett's meadow. He sold only that portion which lies between Mill brook and the Squenatock falls, as its north and south bounds, and extends out six miles on either side of the Connecticut. The village was built in two parts, separated by the brooks. The southern cluster of wigwams occupied the largest part of Beers's plain ; the other part was located north of the falls, covering the higher ridge of the bluff as far as the north line of the Zechariah Field home-lot. The lower planting-field -jvas on Cow plain ; the upper one on the back side of the original Janes home-lots, now known as the Dr. Mattoon and Joshua Lyman lots. And this division of the clan may have cultivated a patch on Great meadow. Their fort was built on the high bluff east of the Janes mill-site, between the two brooks. This was an easily defensible position, and commanded a view of the whole region. And in case of an enemy's approach from either direction, it was only the work of an hour to strike their bark covered tents, and remove to this stronghold. One of their work-shops was on the east side of Beers's plain, nearly opposite the homestead of Thomas J. Field. Large piles of stone chips were found here a half-century ago. The granaries of the lower village were in the slopes on both sides of Beers's plain. The major part of such as were not obliterated till within the memory of men now living, were on the easterly side of the plain, and were of the larger sort.' The upper family had their granaries in the meadow hill, near their corn field. A capacious one, not less than 16 feet in diameter, was preserved till a comparatively recent date. It was on the brow of the hill, near the south line of the Zechariah Field home-lot. The soil being rather tenacious it retained its outlines perfectly. Being some- what in the way, it was filled in by Mr. Timothy Field. iCapt. Ira Coy states that he could plainly distinguish the partially filled holes of 8 or lo of these barns, 50 years ago. They were about 12 feet across, and were ranged in an irre- gular row. T^he River Indians. 39 The principal tribal burial place, below the brook, was at the north-west corner of Beers's plain. Fifty years ago, when the sward was destroyed and the plow began to run deeper, and the winds blew off the soil, the half-acre here was found to be full of bones. Whole and broken skeletons appeared ; and the evidences that this spot had been the receptacle of the dead of successive generations were abund- ant. The frequent disturbance of the soil for interments was plainly one cause of its slight resistance of the wind. There was also a burying-ground on the east central part of the plain, where there is a little knoll near the site of the barns. The families living north of the falls buried their dead on the high points of land where the Elmer house now stands, and just back of the site of the Field fort. In leveling both these spots, the earth at the depth of a few feet was largely composed of human remains. Scattered single graves, and what may be supposed to have been a family burial place, occur in all this neighborhood. And as the Indian buried his dead close beside his dwelling, a deposit of bones clearly marks a wigwam or village-site. A careful review of all the facts collected on this subject by the writers of this volume, shows that the place and mode of burying their dead by the Squakheags has an important significance. Ordi- narily the body was put in a shallow grave, not over 3 feet in depth, and was laid at full length. Some have been found lying on the right side, and it is believed that this was a common practice with this tribe. Nothing visible marked the site of such graves. In the case of chiefs, the grave was dug about 5 feet deep, and the body placed in a sitting posture. Enough graves have been opened to make it reasonably certain that both males and females of high rank were buried in an upright posture — the chieftain with a pile of stones above his head, and the others with only a raised mound of earth.' This helps to determine the location of the chief's wigwam. In leveling ofF the ridge in the rear of the old Field fort, which was done in a hurry and without much observation, at least one skeleton, of the many brought to light, was observed in an upright position ; and a circular pile of flat stones carefully laid in clay mortar, was struck by the spade and removed for a couple of feet in depth, when the search was given up, as those below were out of the way of the plow. The exact resemblance of this pile to others that have been carefully ' To show the consideration paid to females of lank by the River Indians, it may be stated that the wives and daughters of chiefs were accustomed to sign the deeds, when land was sold to the whites; and peculiar honor was accorded to them in the rites of burial. 40 History of Northfield. taken up, and the body beneath examined, leaves little room to doubt that this height of land was a chief's home — perhaps Massemet's family site. CoASSOCK. — The domain of Massemet extended up to a line run- ning east and west through the falls on Mill brook. A cluster of wigwams appears to have been placed to the south and west of the falls, reaching down to the steep hill of the first terrace. Cultivation has materially altered the face of things here ; and these remains are not easily traced. Tradition locates their burial place on the flat where the old mill-house, at the lower privilege, stood. There is good evidence that a family of high rank once lived on the west side of the river, just north of the mouth of Moose-plain brook. When the bank was excavated to make a road to the Horse- boat ferry, fifty years ago, a full sized skeleton in good preservation, was uncovered. Some years later three more skeletons were found near the same spot, and close together. These bodies were all buried in a sitting posture, facing the east, and were covered not more than three feet deep. This site was on Massemet's land, and was directly opposite Coassock. Nawelet's Land. — North of Coassock up to Wanasquatok (Broad brook), the country belonged to the chieftain Nawelet. From the size of his possessions and the plain testimony of remains, it is evident that this tract was inhabited by a numerous and powerful tribe. Some were of gigantic stature — a skeleton measuring 6| feet having been disinterred. They were enterprising and warlike, as is shown by their extensive planting fields, and the strength and resources of their main fort. Their utensils indicate considerable traffic with the whites. And they were undoubtedly the last of the native clans to leave the valley. Indeed they are found here in considerable numbers as late as 1720, and were then of a character to command the respect of the English settlers. The date of sale of this extensive tract of country to the whites, was August 13, 1687. The fact that a large portion of the land had been already appropriated by the Northfield planters, is evidence that at the period of the First Settlement the tribe was living elsewhere, and had become to some extent migratory. In the time of their sole occupancy, they had scattered encamp- ments at different points on Pauchaughill. One was near where the highway descends to the meadow ; another, and larger one, was around T^he River Indians. 41 the falls of Pauchaug brook. They also occupied different points on Wells's plain above, as is attested by their numerous burial places. A village of large size was located vilest of the river, near the pre- sent South Vernon rail road station. On the meadow hill, about 80 rods northerly of the state line, and near the old Ferry road, on land now owned by E. E. Belding Esq., are plainly to be seen the re- mains of above 30 Indian granaries. They belong to the small class, none of them being over 5 feet in diameter. They occupy a space 30 X 60 feet, and of course are crowded thickly together. The heights here, and still further back of Wells's plain, afforded good lookouts and hiding-places ; and the upper parts of Second Moose plain were good planting grounds. There are signs of wigwams on the knolls and hill-sides, as far up as the Patterson farm. A number of large granaries have been found on land of Lorenzo Brown Esq. : two over the ridge west of his dwelling-house ; two or three about 30 rods north of the house ; and a number on the slope of Meadow hill some distance to the eastward. The planting-field of these families was probably on the plain east of Mr. Brown's house. But the chief seat of this tribe was near the Great bend of the river. The plains and knolls back of the meadows here afforded favorable sites for wigwams, and all the requirements of their mode of life. The mouths of the Ashuelot, and of Cold brook and Salmon brook, and the islands and rocks adjacent, gave them superior facili- ties for catching their favorite salmon in the spring ; and the higher meadows, being enriched and mellowed by the annual over-flow, were easily tilled, and produced large crops of corn. The peculiar advantages of this spot, for a permanent home, were plainly apparent to the ancestors of Nawelet. And at a later date, when King Philip and Canonchet found themselves in a strait, with a multitude of women and children to be defended and fed, no better place than this could be found. For there is no doubt that it was here — somewhere between Rock island and Pomeroy's island — where Mrs. Rowlandson found King Philip and his warriors March 9, 1676; and that these intervals, which afterwards attracted Capt. Stebbins and Ensign Stratton, were the memorable planting-fields of that fatal spring. The ohkukes^ or stone kettles, and hatchets, and pestles, and other tools and utensils for ordinary use, were formerly abundant, and are still found, in all this neighborhood ; and both upon Clary's island and the mainland, skeletons are common. Two skulls were lately turned up on the island — one of them (in 1872) 6 42 History of Northfield. had a hole in the backside as large as an ounce ball would make. The teeth were sound and white. "August 17, 1869, as Mr. George M. Lee was digging up stumps and leveling the land on his farm, about four rods from the steep bank and west of the brook, he had occasion to plow two furrows deep, and struck a loose flat stone. As it evidently did not belong there, his curiosity was excited, and on lifting it up he found others under it. With the aid of a shovel he dug up 3 or 4 bushels of small flattish stones laid round in regular order in a circle 18 inches or 2 feet in diameter. Beneath the stones, at the depth of 4I feet, he found the remains of a large skeleton in a sitting posture, facing the north. ^ The grave had evidently been dug perpendicular for its full depth on the south end, against which the back was placed, as the prints on the earth indicated ; but from the bottom an excavation was made horizontally in which the feet and legs were thrust. The large bones were entire, but crumbled soon on being exposed to the air." [Letter of John Stebbins). This was probably the grave of a high chieftain. There is no distinct tradition of any Indian fort on the west side of the river near this location ; though there are several eminences well suited for such defences. If they had forts here, it is probable that they were abandoned early ; and that, as their most formidable enemy, the Mohawks, lived to the west, the tribe, for obvious reasons, built, later, their principal defensive works on the east side. The tradition in regard to Fort Hill, (now in Hinsdale, N. H., though on the original Northfield purchase) as an Indian fortification and abiding-place, is familiar to all. It was naturally a position of great strength, and had all the requisites of a fort, except ready ac- cess to water. It is a steep bluff or point of the high plain, lying at the neck of the pear-shaped promontory known as Cooper's Point, and elevated about 150 feet above low water mark, and nearly 100 feet above the terrace which forms the present river-bank. In the olden time when the bed of the river was 50 feet higher than at pre- sent, the water covered what is known as the Point, and swept round the foot of Fort Hill. This old river-bottom, now the high bank, extends with varying width on three sides of the hill. This was evidently the Indians^ strong-hold. The spot where the fort stood commands a view (or did when the whole region was bare of trees, as was the case in Nawelet's day) of the interval lands to ' It was a custom of the earliest Erse or Irish people, to bury their chief warriors facing the point where the enemy were expected to make an attack — in the belief that the dead chief still had power to resist his enemies. Did such a belief exist among our Indians — as this chief was set/acing tie fort, which was the main defensive reliance of the tribe ? T^he River Indians. 43 the north for i\ miles, and as far to the south — embracing Pome- roy's, Clary's and Elmer's islands, the. fishing-places^ and the planting- fields on either side of the river. The necessity for water was provided for, by building a covered way, underground, down the easterly side, to a living spring which is just at the foot of the hill. A wide trench was cut across the narrow neck of the hill, to serve as a defence from attacks from the plain back. Henry Hooker Esq., grandson of Rev. Bunker Gay, remembers when this trench was only partially filled, being then over 4 feet in depth. The site of the fort includes about one acre of land. All the traditions speak of strong defensive works here. It is said that heavy logs were caught, in the spring freshet, and rolled to the top of the hill, where they were bound by withes to stakes, ready to be tumbled down upon the ranks of assailants. And tradition and the records agree, that a fierce and sanguinary battle was fought here, when the Mohawks made their famous incursion in 1663 or 4. A hundred years later, when the Rev. Bunker Gay was settled as pastor of the church in Hinsdale, he found, when plowing upon his farm, which included the fort ground, three kettles, one large and two small, carefully buried, one with some corn still adhering to the inside j and he turned up many Indian skeletons on the plain near the old cemetery. Stone tools and weapons were found in abundance in the fields around. There has existed an indistinct tradition that an Indian fort once stood at the mouth of the Ashuelot, on the Lieut. Elihu Stebbins farm. A careful examination of the location by the writers, disclosed traces of remarkable Indian remains, and the utensils and implements found only near their abiding-places. The truncated hill — which evidently was once washed on the north by the Ashuelot, and on the west by the united rivers — rises about 60 feet above the ordinary water level, and overlooks the valley to some distance below Pome- roy's island, and up to Clary's island, and the old Fort Hill. On the front the sides are steep ; and a ravine cut it off from the low hills to the east, and extended round to the meadow on the south. A spring, easily accessible, comes out at the foot of the hill on the north. Tillage has essentially modified the appearance of the surface, and the ravine in the rear. The most interesting works now visible are 33 granaries, situated on the southwesterly side. They occupy an off-set, just above the line of high water, and are included in a space of 90 x 45 feet. They vary in size, from 3 to 5 and 7 feet in diameter, and as the land has been kept in grass the outlines are perfectly preserved. Some of these basin-like depressions are now from 12 to 15 inches deep. On open- ing one, it was found to be about 4I feet deep, and lined with clay. 44 History of Northjield. Since the above was written, a communication has been received from John M. Stebbins Esq., who was born upon the place. He states that these granaries were much deeper and more distinct 35 years ago than now. He adds — " Directly west of the old barn, on my father's farm, on the same level with the house, and in the angle made by the fence as now built, the barn, and the brow of the hill, there were in 1840, many small mounds, which my grandmother said were Indian graves. The land had never been plowed, except by the first settler, and the mounds were readily traced, though the surface was tolerably smooth. Two of us boys mustered courage one day, and carefully moved the turf from one of the mounds, and digging down not more than four feet struck a skull, the very thing we were digging for. We found nearly the whole skeleton — in a sitting posture — some parts considerably decayed, but the skull was in good condition, and the teeth were large and perfect. A physician who examined it pronounced it to be the skeleton of a young woman." The mounds were only a short distance to the south-east of the granaries and fort. The fact is handed down in the Stebbins family — who have held the property for three or four generations — that Peter ( or John ) Evens, who removed hither from Northfield street in 1741, planted an orchard in this old burial-ground ; and that the Indians — during the wars that followed — repeatedly destroyed the trees. This would show that a peculiar sacredness was attached by the natives to this spot ; and the raised mounds, and the sitting posture of the body exhumed, indicate the burial-place of a chieftain's family.^ And it is a point of interest, to be noticed in this connection, that among the Indian relics found in the soil on this farm, weapons and ornaments predominate. Only last year (1872) a beautifully polished stone pendant, something in the shape of a carpenter's plummet, and about the size of a pullet's egg, was found here. About 80 rods below this cluster of mounds, is another wigwam site. When the rail-road was constructed a few years since, as the workmen were excavating a cut, the earth caved in, and disclosed 13 skeletons lying close together. One of them indicated a man t\ feet in height. Pauchaug. — This famous meadow has been already noticed ; but a few words in addition are in place here. From documents written ' It has been a disputed point whetlier this mode of burial Indicated rank, or was evidence that such graves were those of another tribe. The fact that, these graves were so jealously guarded by the remnant of the Squakheags, is pretty conclusive proof in favor of high rank. % The River Indians. 47 to a considerable extent by the natives. They called it Ottomauck. It was used for smoking, and one kind was steeped, and the decoction drank. It was regarded as a sacred weed, to be cultivated and used only by the braves. The men planted, tended, and cured this crop ; (every other crop was planted and gathered and stored by the squaws) and smoked it. Women were not allowed to smoke ; and it was considered odious for a boy to take the pipe, till he had made himself a name, and was entitled to sit in the council. How early it became fashionable for Indian women to use tobacco, we are not informed. But in March, 1 676, Mrs. Rowlandson writes : ^' I went to see King Philip ; he bid me come in, and sit down ; and asked me if I would smoke it ? (a usual compliment now a days among saints and sinners) but this no way suited me. I remember with shame, how formerly, when I had taken two or three pipes, I was presently ready for another; such a bewitching thing it is." Maple Sugar, — The Indians knew how to make sugar from the sap of the maple tree ; though it is believed they took no pains to preserve this species — as they did the chestnut — and consequently the only large trees which escaped their fires were in the wet ravines. A lot of these old maples stood on land owned by Moses Field, south and west of Roman T. Sugar was made here by the natives before the settlement of 17 14, and in the intervals of peace down to the old French war. They cut boxes in the trunk from which to gather the sap; the marks of which were visible in some trees standing there in 1805. Religion. — The Indians were firm believers in a good and an evil Spirit, both of whom had an important agency in controlling human life and destiny. It is not known that they had any form of worship, for the good Spirit ; but there was in every tribe a class of conjurers who practiced a sort of necromancy or mystic rites, with a view to propitiate the evil Spirit. In the ordinary affairs of life they seem to have felt competent to take care of themselves. But it was common before starting on any important expedition to hold powow, which, according to the minute description of the ceremonies given by Mrs. Rowlandson, had the double purpose of gaining the good will of the evil one, and arousing the courage of the warriors. Two medicine men had charge of the rites, which were of the nature of incantations, interspersed with wild harangue — the mystic to awe, and the eloquence to inspire. And when the auguries were all favor- 48 History of Northfield. able, they went forth with an assurance of success^ which, of itself, was an important element of success. Brush mountain, which in their language would be called Mish- om-assek — from its being the resort of a numerous colony of rattle- snakes — was held in superstitious veneration by the Squakheags. They believed that Hobamok, the evil Spirit, dwelt inside the mountain, and that the fissures in the rocks above Cold spring, where the snakes denned, were the holes through which he sent forth his hot breath and melted the snow, and made any one faint who dared to inhale the poisonous air. They had a tradition that he once in anger bellowed forth from this hiding-place and shook the earth ! Partly from dread of the evil Spirit, and partly from fear of the rattlesnakes, the Indians shunned the Gulf, and the adjacent mountain sides. CHAPTER II. First Visits of the English to Squakheag — Purchase of the Territory — Deeds — What became of the Indians. T the date when our narrative opens, the valley here was not in its primeval condition. The whole face of nature bore the marks of a long occupancy by the Savages. But it was devastation rather than improvement. The Indians were accustomed to burn over the meadows and upland woods annually, after the fall of the leaves in autumn, by which the intervals were kept clean, and any new growth of brush and trees was destroyed. One by one the old trees would succumb to the flames, so that the uplands and hills were comparatively bare. Both timber and accessible fire-wood were scarce when the whites first settled. The wet swamps alone were heavily wooded. Men on horseback found little difficulty in crossing the dry plains in any di- rection. The object of the annual burning evidently was to keep the country open for travel and hunting. And the swamps and ra- vines, which would be flooded by the fall rains at the time of the fires, afforded a covert for many kinds of game. But game was at this date becoming scarce. Stimulated by the offers of Mr. Pynchon, who settled at Agawam in 1636, beaver, and otter, and the more valuable fur-bearing animals, had been effectually thinned out.^ Wolves and wild cats were less plenty than a half century later, after the custom of annually burning the forests had ceased. Deer were frightened away by the same cause, and were abundant only in the summer and early fall. And except groundnuts, fish and corn, the food of the natives had become precarious. The salmon and shad, which were then superabundant, ^ As appears from their account books, the Pynchons packed and sent to England, between 1652 and 1674, 15,880 beaver skins, weighing over 23000 lbs. worth 8 shillings sterling per pound. In the same time they exported 700 otter skins, 1000 muskrat, and large quantities of fox, coon, marten, fisher, mink and wild cat skins. They also collected 426 moose skins, which weighed on an average 20 lbs. each. Deer skins were largely used for clothing both by the natives and whites. 7 5© History of Northjield. were captured on their passage up the river in May and June, when they had high Hving : some were split and smoke-dried, and stored in their underground barns ; but the inherent laziness and pride of the Red man prevented any system of providence for the future. His squaw was sure to plant her patch of corn and pumpkins, and he trusted to prowess and luck for the rest. Indian Paths — which were narrow trails worn by the feet in marching single file — crossed the country in various directions. One connected Squakheag and Pacomptock ; and probably one extended south to Hadley. It is certain that there was a well worn trail from Squakheag to Paquayag (Athol), and thence to Wenimisset and Quaboag (Brookfield). It was by striking this trail, and following it up, that the four adventurers were led to the discovery of Masse- met's country. This trail left the Indian village on Beers's plain, followed up the stream north of Beers's mountain and over the north part of Crag, where is a slight depression, crossed Great swamp not far from the present line of the highway, and so went by a direct route to near the mouth of West or Cheney's brook. First Visit of the English, 1669. — No record has been found of an exploration of the Connecticut valley north of Pasquam- scut falls earlier than 1669. In May of this year, a committee, ap- pointed by the General court, consisting of Capt. Daniel Gookin, Mr. Daniel Henchman, Capt. Thomas Prentice and Left. Richard Beers,"^ who had been impowered " to lay out a new plantation near Quinsigamond pond " (Worcester), proceeded to the north-westward to view the country. In a postscript to their report,' they say : " The Committee having in their journey discovered two other places be- yond this (Quinsigamond) to the westward, that will make two or three towns — the one place called Pamaquesicke, lying upon the head of Chekaby river, the other place called Suckquakege upon Connec- ticut River : we desire the Court will order that these places be re- served to make towns, the better to strengthen those inland parts, and y^ laying out of particular grants prohibited in the said places." The court approved of the committee's return, and ordered " that the lands mentioned to be reserved for public use for two or three towns, be reserved for those ends." ' It is a coincidence worthy of record that this man, who was among the first to see this beautiful and fertile tract, should be one of the first white men — perhaps the "very first — to be buried in its soil. And it is not unlikely that his grave is very near the spot whence he caught a first look of the site of the town. - Mass. Records, vol. iv, pt. il, p. 436. Squakheag. 5 1 1670. — The next year, a party from Northampton, consisting as near as can be ascertained, of Joseph Parsons Sen., Mr. William Janes, George Alexander and Micah Mudge, " went upon discovery" of the place, examined the location with care, and ascertained that the native claimants were ready and anxious to sell the tract. As the best lands in this region were becoming rapidly absorbed by grantees and settlers from the Bay, and as the people of Northampton and Hadley were already " straitened for room " ( ! ), little time was lost in bargaining for the new country. Early in the spring of 167 1, the persons above mentioned, with Caleb Pomeroy and perhaps others, went up and consummated the purchase. The deed conveyed to Joseph Parsons Sen. " for a valuable consideration, a tract of land lying on both sides of the Great River, which is thus bounded — The Northerly end at Coassock, the Southerly end on the east side of the Great River down to Quanatock, at southerly end on the west side of the Great River butting against Masapetot's land, and so running six miles into the woods on both sides of the River." This deed was signed by Massemet, Panoot, Pammook, Nenepownam his squaw, Wompely and Nessacoscom. The tract here conveyed, covered the original (and present) town- plot of Northfield, and contained in all 10,560 acres. It appears that full payment was not made at this time, and a mortgage was given to the Indians as security for the balance, as is stated in the deed bearing date May 24, 1686, where it will also appear that an additional sum was paid to satisfy this original claim. This first deed was taken before any settlement was attempted. The second purchase by the English was made after the plantation was begun. It comprised about 3,000 acres of land belonging to a Pacomptock sachem, lying wholly on the west side of the river. "This deed made the 9th 7th 1673 (Sept. 9, 1673), between Joseph Parsons Sen. and William Clarke both of Northampton in the county of Hampshire, of the one party, and Asogoa the daughter of Souanaett who was the true and proper owner of that parcel of land at Squak- heag on the west side of the River called by the Indians Nallaham- comgon or Natanas, and Mashepetot, and Kisquando, pampatekemo a squaw which is Mashepetot's daughter — these four Indians above named on the other party, PFitnesseth^ that for and in consideration of the sum of two hundred fathoms of wampumpek in hand paid by the above said Joseph Parsons and William Clarke, we the aforesaid Indians * * have granted and sold * * all that parcel of land lying at Squakheag, called by the Indians Nalla- hamcomgon, and is bounded with the Great River on the easterly side. 52 History of Northfield. on the westerly side a great ledge of hills six miles from the Great River, on the southerly to a brook called by the Indians Nallaham- comgo [Bennett's brook] and so straight into the woods, on the north to [ ] that land that was Massemett's land. * * " This deed was signed by the four Indians, and witnessed by Timothy Baker, Sarah Clarke: and the premises were assigned "by Wm. Clarke to the inhabitants of Squakheag," June 15, 1675. These two tracts comprise the territory of the town during the First Settlement. After the resettlement of Squakheag in 1685, some difficulty seems to have arisen between the proprietors and Massemet, about the pay- ment for the land bought of him in 1671. And to remove all cause of dissatisfaction and gain a clear title, a new deed was executed, cover- ing the same territory. As this new deed contains some curious and important facts, which have a peculiar historical value, it is here in- serted in full. That whereas Mafsemet, Panoot, Pammook, Nenepownam his fquaw, Wom- pely and Nefacofcom, that whereas thefe fix Indians on the one party have made fale of a parcel of land at Northfield, and Jofeph Parfons Sen. on the other party, for a valuable confideration have fold to Jofeph Parfons agent for Northfield, a trad of land lying on both fides of the Great River, which is thus bounded — the Northerly end at Coafsock, the foutherly end on the eaft fide of the Great River down to Quanatock, at foutherly end on the weft fide of the Great River butting againft Mafapetot's land, and fo running fix miles into the woods on both fides of the Great River, — this tradl of land above exprefsed they have fold, as doth appear both by a deed and a mortgage bearing date in the year 1671 ; and in confideration that fome of the Indians have faid that they have not had full fatisfaftion for this traft of land ; and Therefore, know ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that Micah Mudge Cornelius Merry and John Lyman, for the reft of the inhabitants of Northfield, have agreed with the In- dians for the further confirmation of this tradl of land above exprefsed by giv- ing a new deed unto the afore mentioned buyors, upon confideration of twelve pounds already received, we the Indians under wrote do acquit and difcharge the aforefaid Micah Mudge Cornelius Merry and John Lyman and their heirs forever of the above faid fum of twelve pounds : — the names of thofe Indians who have received this pay are as foHoweth, Mequenichon, Mannufquis, Ma- femet, guankquelup, Couwah, Pompmohock, Colecoph. — It is further agreed by the parties above faid that the Indians do further ratify fell and confirm alienate and formally pafs over unto Micah Mudge Cornelius Merry and John Lyman in behalf of the company, to them and their heirs, adminiftrators and executors, all these parcels of land as it is hereafter bounded, viz.. The fouth- erly end butting upon a brook called Squenatock and fo running fix miles into the woods on each fide of the River, and fo running up to the new fort on the Squakheag. 53 fouth fide of a river which comes into the Great River called Cowas, all which is as here bounded, with all the privileges, benefits advantages commodities and appurtenances thereon and thereunto belonging, and at the time of the fale hereof that the aforementioned Indians were the proper owners of the premifes, and that this land is free from all former bargains, fales, right, title, inheritance or incumbrance whatsoever ; and that the above faid Micah Mudge Cornelius Merry and John Lyman as they were actors in behalf of themfelves and the com- pany ; and that they their heirs executors adminifi:rators fiiall HAVE AND HOLD pofsefs and enjoy peaceably and quietly without any moleftation from by through or under us or our heirs executors adminiftrators or afsigns or any other claim by any other perfon or perfons whatfoever : And further we engage to acknow- ledge this to be our aft and deed before authority when called thereunto, and what further may be necefsary to confirm this our aft and deed of fale that we will readily and cheerfully do it ; — and for the confirmation hereof, the faid Mequenichon, Mannufquis, Mafemet, Quankquelup, Couwah, Pompmohock, Colecoph have hereunto fet our hands and feals the 24th day of May in the year 1686. Neuque his mark & feal, BOMOHHOTS " " Signed fealed and delivered in pre- Masemet " " fence of Kenew " " William Clarke Sen. Woowhenet " " Caleb Pumery Chonchquegon " " Ebenezer Pumery Whenonkca " " Ebenezer Miller Benoni Jons We. that are witnefses faw the fame Indians mentioned in the Deed fet their marks hereunto, although their names are not alike fpelled by reafon that it was one of the Indians that did write fome of them ; but they did all own their names as they are in the Deed and fet to their feals. Memorandum, that there was formerly as they acknowledge and own before witnefs, a peaceable pofsefsion was given to the agent of Squakeheag, which was Jofeph Parfons Sen. by Mafemet and Pompmohock, which were the two Indians which gave the agent pofsefsion of this land above exprefsed — as witnefs William Janes and Micah Mudge, and Peter Jethro. — George Alexander faw Mafemet and Pompmohock give pofsefsion of the land above mentioned to Jofeph Parfons Sen."i 1687. — The third and last purchase of land from the Indians was made the next year. The tract comprises the larger part of old Squakheag, besides a wide strip on both the east and west which was not included in the township. This was Nawelet's country, and contained not far from 65,000 acres. The deed is dated August 13, ' Gi'ving possession of land. " The Indian owners, in token of the premises gave me a handful of the earth in the presence of witnesses." Mass. Archi-ves, cxxix, 160. ^4 History of Northjield. 1687, running to William Clarke Sen. and John King Sen. agents for the proprietors of Northfield. To all chriftian people to whom thefe prefents fhall come. Know ye, that Nawelet, Gongequa, Afpiambemett, Haddarawanfet, Meganichcha, wee the Indians mentioned, and for good confideration moving us hereunto, and in particular in confideration of the fum of forty five pounds in trade goods all ready in hand paid or fecured to fatiffaftion, the faid Indians above exprefsed doe for themfelves their heirs executors * * give grant bargain and fell, and by thefe prefents firmly pafs over a certain parcel of land lying in the bounds of Northfield unto William Clarke Sen. and John King Sen. both of Northampton, being agents for the proprietors of Northfield, which is bounded as followeth : viz. foutherly againft a river called Cowas being on the eaft fide of the Great River and foe running direftly over the Great River: the northerly fide running to a river on the weft fide of the Great River called Wanafcatok, lying twelve miles wide fix miles wide on each fide of the Great River ; with all the privileges benefits advantages commodities and apurtenances thereon and thereunto be- longing * * * Witneffes : Signed by Nawelet Jonathan Hunt Gongequa Preferved Clap Aspiambemet Wm. Clarke Jun. Haddarawansett Peter Jethro^ Meganichcha Jofeph Atherton Ifaac Chauncey Having thus disposed of their heritage, without reservation, the inquiry naturally arises. What became of the Indians ? Although it vv'ill anticipate somewhat the succession of events, an answer in out- line will be given. It seems to have been understood by the natives, that the coming in of the whites would be a protection to them against their old ene- mies the Mohawks ; and though our Indians made no reservations of rights, they returned at their pleasure to their old quarters, and reset their wigwams. They were not much in the way of the first planters, and were entirely friendly, and brought in peltry for barter ; and it is the pretty authentic tradition that our people made a " good thing" of the traffic. A knife, or a kettle, or a gun, or a, pint of rum — though forbidden by law to be sold to the natives — would command a most valuable consideration in furs and skins. This first period of friendly intercourse was, however, very brief. » Peter Jethro was an Indian of the Natick tribe, whose father lived on Nobscut hill in Framingham. He was pretty well educated and often acted as scribe in preparing and ex- ecuting deeds of Indian lands. Squakheag. 55 The Indians suddenly disappeared about the time of the Brookfield fight (Aug. 2, 1675). There are reasons for beUeving that they went to Paquayag, and perhaps to Wenimisset,^ which was a common ren- dezvous of the savages at this time. King Philip, after he came into this neighborhood, made efforts to unite all these clans in his interest. And though he was not present at any encounter with the whites, it is evident that his influence was a stimulant. There were among our River Indians several survivors of the expedition against Uncas in 1657, and the later expedition against the Mohawks, who were capable of planning and executing the boldest raids ; and in whom enough of the old fire still slumbered, to make them ambitious of the glory of success. There is little doubt that the party who attacked this town Sept. 2d, and fought Capt. Beers two days afterwards, were former resi- dents, who had left their women and children somewhere to the eastward.^ After the abandonment of Squakheag by the settlers, the Indians returned in a body, and made this their head-quarters for the re- mainder of the season. On his route to the Mohawk country, late in the fall (1675), King Philip and his party passed through this town, and made a brief halt. Provisions were plenty — the result of their captures here and at Deerfield. He returned about the middle of February ; and was encamped on the bluff known as Philip's hill, and higher up the river on the site of Nawelet's upper village, till about the loth of April. Having made arrangements to plant the old corn-fields below the Great bend, for a future supply,3 Philip and his band departed for Mount Hope. Some of the young warriors of our tribe may have gone with him ; but they soon returned, as will appear in the sequel. The squaws planted large fields of corn ; and as soon as the fishing season came on, the great multitude now gathered here, natives and ^ " Wenimisset, or Meminimisset, was part of a tract of land which is now in New Brain- tree, about 8 miles from West Brookfield, and has Ware river on the north, the meadow or swamp in which Meminimisset brook flows on the west and south, and the same low swampy land on most of the east side. The road from Hardwick to New Braintree crosses it" (Syl-vester Judd). — King Philip and about 40 men, besides women and children, joined the Nipnet Indians at this place, on the 5th of August, 1675. — Here Mrs. Rowlandson's child died, Friday, Feb. 18, 1676. 2 As will appear in the account of Beers 's fight, these Indians were aided, and perhaps led by the chiefs of the Nashaways. 3 When we were at this place (near the mouth of the Ashuelot) my master's maid came home ; she had been gone 3 weeks into the Narraganset country to fetch corn, where they had stored some in the ground; she bro't home about a peck and a half " {Mrs. Rotvlandson's Narrati-vc). — About the 20th of March, Canonchet the Narraganset chief, who had been 56 History of Northfield. strangers, were busy in catching and drying shad and salmon, and storing them in their underground barns. But the Indians did not gather their corn harvest. Prosperity made them careless ; and the tide soon turned. The disasters they suffered at the Falls below, in the well known onslaught of the TQth of May, and other defeats which came in rapid succession, broke up their home ; and for a second time, they disappear from our valley. The defeat they suffered at the hands of the Mohawks in 1663 had a more direct effect to break their power as a tribe ; the defeats they now suffered at the hands of the whites broke their power as a race. After the former they sought an alliance with the English ; now they seek and form an alliance with the French, with whom their subsequent history becomes closely indentified. Near this date, the River Indians appear to have separated into two parties, one of which went to the westward, and the other to the northward. Those that went west were mainly Pacomptocks, and became eventually connected with the Scagkooks.' They were in general nominally friendly to the English, and often rendered them essential services. Those that went north were mainly Squakheags. At one time they were acting with the Pennacooks ;^ at others they were in league with the St. Francis of Canada — perhaps became a component part of this tribe. They were always hostile to those of their own race that settled above Albany, and were ready for any opportunity to ravage the English settlements. Gov. Andros, writing April 1677, says: "The River Indians had fled, some to Canada, and the rest scattered among the tribes." — In the attack on Hatfield Sept. 19, 1677, the assailants were recognized as "the old enemy and former neighbors, who had fled to the French about Quebec, and were lately come from thence." The Squakheags however maintained the title to their old posses- sions, and their leading men were here in 1686 and 7, as appears from the deeds executed in those years. And they showed a con- sciousness of power, in exacting additional pay for land previously sold for less than its value j and in the greatly advanced rates which here with Philip for several weeks, proposed that they should plant the meadows on the west side of the river — Nawelet's ground — with corn. As the seed must be got at Sea- conk, the adventure was a hazardous one, and all the young warriors refused to go for it. Canochet himself then offered to undertake the journey, and went with 30 followers. He was betrayed to the whites, captured, and executed. But plenty of seed-corn was bbtained from some quarter. ' "Scagkook, 20 miles from Albany. The Indians there had fled from New England in ye war times." (N. T, Colonial Doc, in.) ^ Drake's Hubbard, 11, 248. Squakheag. ^J they charged for the northerly tract. Perhaps at one time some of them lived at the Coasset, which is now Newbury, Vt. And some of them always lingered in this region, and hunted and fished, and ''waited their opportunity." In the interim between 1690 and 1714 the country was open to them ; and when the English resettled Northfield in the latter year, the natives were quietly occupying several convenient points. In 1720 Zechariah Field bought of Pompanoot, " son and heir to Wawelet," for <£i2, "a large tract of land lying upon Miller's river at a place called Paquayag, of the contents of about 30,000 acres, which land the said Pompanoot re- ceived as a gift from his honored father Wawelet."^ The name of this Indian often appears in connection with our town affairs. In Ebenezer Field's Account Book (i 721-3), are many charges like the following : "Mar. 1722. To mending Pompanoot's gun 4 shillings. To 2 steel traps and mending a gun- lock for the Indians, £1 50 To my wife's making an Indian shirt, 8 pence. To doing work for the Indians on your [bis brother Zechariah's] acct. 16 shillings." This shows the relation of the two races in time of peace. When war broke out the Indian was ready to use his repaired gun and his knowledge of the white man's ways, for his destruction. Aaron field- ing recognized an old acquaintance in the Indian who scalped him. Single families camped through the season — perhaps for a series of years — in some secluded spot ; and straggling parties were wan- dering round during the warm weather. The men were sometimes hired by the farmers to assist them in certain kinds of labor. The squaws were skilled in making light baskets and peeled brooms, which they peddled by sale or barter. An Indian by the name of Jack, lived and died on a hill directly east of the present house of Calvin Priest ; and the hill and the stream running near it are known to this day as Jack's hill, and Jack's brook. Old Keeup, as he is named in early deeds, lived farther to the east, on what is now the home place of John Delva. Keeup's hill, where his cabin was, and Keeup's brook, still commemorate the Indian and his dwelling-place. ' Mass. Archi'ves, xlvi, 53. 58 History of Northfield. An Indian cabin stood on the top of Meadow hill, westerly of the cemetery, above what is known as Stratton hollow. The Indian died and the cabin was taken down by Eleazar Stratton who owned the land, soon after the American revolution. A family belonging to Masemet's clan were accustomed to make their home on "Wigwam," south-easterly from the Capt. Merriman place, and to tap the maple trees for sugar, as narrated in the preced- ing chapter. The descendants of this family are remembered by some now living. One of them — and the last Indian of the tribe, so far as is known — made regular annual or biennial visits to Northfield, till he became very decrepit. His statement was that he came from Canada. During his stay of a ievf days he often made Capt. Merriman's premises his lodging place, whence he would stroll to Beers's plain, and other localities once occupied by his ancestors. At his visit in 1828 or '29, he fell and injured his head, and the wound was dressed by Dr. M. S. Mead, then just settled in town as a physician. When sufficiently recovered, the old man departed for the north, and was seen no more ! An Indian and his squaw by the name of Kobin — apparently full blood — resided for a few years, about 1825, just below Four-mile brook, where they raised a family. CHAPTER III. Squakheag — The First Settlement^ covering the Period from 1671 to 1675. The Petition and Petitioners — Action of the General Court — Committee to order Prudentials — List of Engagers — Orders for Settling — Town Bounds — Town Plot — The Town Built — The Meeting-Oak — Home Lots — First Crops planted — List of actual Settlers — The Beginning of Indian Hostilities — Attack of Sept. 2, 1675 — Beers's Fight — Beers's Grave — List of Killed — The Town deserted — The Indians take Possession. HE founding of a new plantation by a small colony, on a frontier so far from help, was a bold push. None but earnest, devoted, brave men and women would have taken the perilous step. Deerfield, the nearest English settle- ment, was planted only two years before; was yet feeble; was 16 miles distant, and inter-communication was difficult. Hadley, to which they must look for aid in case of need, was 30 miles away. In other directions, Brookfield was 45 miles, Lancaster was 60, and Groton was 65 miles. All within this wide circle was wilderness. The motives and hopes which actuated the pioneers in this settle- ment, are best learned from their own declarations, which are fully set forth in the petitions and agreements copied at length in this chapter. 1671. — Having made a bargain with the Indians for the land — as already narrated — the movers for the plantation sent the following petition to the General court : To the Right Hon^^ and much Hon'^ Gen^^ Court of Mafsachufetts held at Bollon 31° of the 3 mo. [May 31] 1671 Right Hon^^ and much Honoured in the Lord Your humble Petitioners being by the good providence of God under your care government and proteflion, and having by the good hand of God in a fingular manner enjoyed the fame for a long dme in peace (to the praife of His rich grace). The confideration of fuch fignal mercy fhould be a forfeible spurr and ftrong motive to quicken us to fmcere obedience and hearty thankfulncfs to the God of Peace, whofe free love and good plcafure in Jefus Chrill is the fountain of all our good and comfort. — 6o History of Northfield. Right Ilon^^ and much Hon'^ Your humble Petitioners are unfeignedly defirous (if it may pleafe the Lord to incHne your fpirits to look towards us with a favorable afpeft) to continue under your government. We conceive there is a great duty incumbent uppon all that fear God, to confider, projeft and endeavour how they may promote Chrill's Kingdom in order to pofterity ; but finding ourfelves in a great meafure ftraightened, and not in a capacity to attend that great work and duty unlefs we remove to fome other place, which doth occafion us to make our humble addrefs to this Honourable Afsembly for help and fupply. The places that our eyes are uppon (though it beuncoth remote and we conceive attended with many difficulties) yet feeing God in His providence has caufed the Indians to defert thofe places called by the Indians Squawquegue and Wifsquawquegue : And it is reported that they are refolved to fell the fame either to Englifh or French ; we conceive it would be uncomfortable if that fuch a people fhould have any intereft there : And thofe that went uppon difcovery affirmed that the want of inhabitants to burn the meadows and woods, whereuppon the under- woods increafe, which will be very prejudicial! to thofe that fhall come to in- habit, and the longer the worfe. Right Hon^^ and much honoured : We are loath to be tedious in multiply- ing arguments, but defire to be as compendious as may be to fignify our humble defires to your Worfhips, that we may have liberty and incouragement to pur- chafe a Plantation. And if it (hall pleafe the Lord to incline this Hon^^ Court to grant our humble requeft, and appoint a Committee to tranfaft and order the fame, we shall acknowledge ourfelves much obliged to your Worlhips ; and ftiall as is our bounden duty (with the help and afsiftance of God) lift up our hearts to the Lord Jefus the mighty Councellor, that he would be prefent with you to fill you with a fpirit of wifdom courage and the fear of the Lord, and that he would guide you in all your weighty occafions, confultations, adminis- trations and conclufions, foe that his great Name may be glorified, and that truth Righteoufnefs tranquility and Peace may flow down as a mighty ftream throughout the Colony, which is the earneft prayer of your humble fuppliants. John Lyman William Smeade Joseph Jeanes William Hulburd John Hannum John Stebbins Sen. Richard Lyman John Allin Alexander Alvard George Alexander William Hannum Micah Mudge Samuel Wright John Searle Abel Jeanes Joseph Dickinson Judah Wright Richard Montague Isaac Sheldon , Joshua Pumery William Miller Richard Weller • Matthew Clesson Thomas Webster Ralph Hutchinson Joseph Kellogg Thomas Bascom Robert Lyman Thomas Root Sen. George Langton William Jeanes Samuel Allen John Root." Squakheag. 6 1 Of these 33 petitioners, all but three, viz : Thomas Webster, Joseph Kellogg and Richard Montague (who were of Hadley), ap- pear to have been residents of Northampton. Some of them were young men who had gained no legal settlement there. And many of the names never appear in the Northfield records. This petition was referred to a committee who reported June 8, 1671, as follows : " The Committee conceive y® petitioners may have a traft of land for a Plantation where they move for it, and liberty to purchafe y° fame of y*^ In- dians, provided y* if y*^ lands there be fufficient to make two Plantations, as we underftand it is probable they may ; they be then apportioned, accordingly, and y® Petitioners who firft appear to have liberty to choofe on which to fettle y"* felves : where they fhall have a traft of Land to y*^ contents of feven miles fquare for a Townfhip. Provided twenty families be fettled on y"^ place w^'^in four years time, and y* they procure y™ a godly and orthodox minifter. And that one mile fquare w^'^in faid trafl be laid out for y^ General Court or Country ufe by y^ Committee aforefaid. And y*^ affairs of this Plantation, re- ceiving inhabitants, granting lands, and ordering all y° prudentialls of y® fame to be arranged by Lieut. William Clarke Lieut. Samuel Smith and Cornet William Allys, or any two of y™, who are hereby impowered a Committee for y* purpofe till this Court fhall otherwjfe order ; and y*^ charge of y® Committee to be defrayed by y*^ Petitioners. June 8, 1671. John Pynchon Henry Bartholomew Joshua Hobart The Deputys approve of the return of the Committee in anfwer hereunto. William Torrey, Clerk. The Magiftrates confent not hereto. Edw. Rawson, Secretary. This refusal of consent on the part of the Magistrates — for what reason does not appear — frustrated the plans for a settlement of Squak- heag this year, though the petitioners had secured the land of the Indians, as before narrated. It is not unlikely that some of the Magistrates hoped to secure grants in the rich meadows for them- selves, as had previously happened at Hatfield, and subsequently happened at Northfield, as will appear by and by. The next spring — 1672 — the petitioners renewed their applica- tion to the General court, and with better success. " In anfwer to the petition of feveral the inhabitants of Northampton and other towns, the Magiftrates judge meet to declare their readinefs to grant the petitioners and their afsociates a convenient quandty of land at Squawkeage for a village, Provided there be twenty able and honeft perfons, houfeholders do. 62 History of Northfield. appear, fuch as this Court fliall approve, ofthatfliall give their names to Major Pynchon to be prefented to the next General Court, with ingagement under their hands that they will fettle upon the place not lefs than twenty families within eighteen months after the grant, and will then alfo appoint the quantity of land for that end, and alfo appoint a Committee to order that affair ; Provided always, that the perfons that ingage to ered this village take due care to provide and maintain the preaching of the word and ordinances of God amongft them. And the Court do alfo order that there be a farm of 300 acres of land referved for the Country in fuch a fit and convenient place in that village as the com- mittee of this Court fhall choofe : fFurther, if the petitioners find a convenient opportunity in the interim to purchafe the Indian tide to thefe lands, the Court do declare that nothing herein is intended to implead the fame. The Deputys confent hereto, provided, that if the petitioners do buy the land, it fhall be the Country's except they perform the conditions of the Grant. William Torrey, Clerk. Confented to by the Mag^^^, Edw. Rawson, Secy May 15, 1672. " The names of thofe that prefented their names to Major Pynchon to be prefented to the Hon'^ General Court, who ingaged to do their indeavour to attend the conditions of the grant : — Elder John Strong Isaac Sheldon Joseph Parsons Sen. Matthew Clesson Samuel Wright Sen. Joshua Pumery Joseph Dickinson John Alexander George Alexander Cornelius Merry Thomas Bascom William Smead Robert Limon Richard Weller Thomas Root Sen. John Kilburn of Wetherffield William Jeanes John Hilyer William Hurlburt Micah Mudge Nath' Phelps Sen. Ralph Hutchinson" William Miller Sen. Jt Sefsion of the General Court, 0£l. 11, 1672. " Whereas feveral perfons from Northampton and other places have pre- fented their names to Major John Pynchon, according to an order of this Court dated May 15, 1672, the lift whereof he hath returned to this court and is on file, whereby they ingage themfelves to fettle a village at Squakeake upon Con- nedicut River above Hadley, according to provifions and conditions exprefsed in the faid order ; This Court, confidering the premifes, do grant unto the faid perfons and fuch others as fliall join with them in making the faid village, fuch a traft of land in the faid places as fliall amount to the contents of fix miles fquare : Provided, it be not laid out above eight miles in length by the River fides ; And do appoint and impower Lieut. William Clarke William Holton Lieut. Samuel Smith Cornet William Allys and Isaac Graves, or any three of them, to be a Committee for to lay out the faid plantation, and to lay out a farm Squakheag. 63 of 300 acres of upland and meadow in fome convenient place there near the town for the ufe of the Country ; to admit inhabitants ; to grant lots ; and order all the prudentiall affairs of the faid village ; and all at the charge of the faid undertakers ; and to take fpecial care that a godly preacher be placed there as foon as there is twenty families fettled ; and this power of the Committee is to continue until this Court take further order." Under this appointment three of the Committee, viz., Clarke, Allis, and Graves, went up to Squakehege, probably in the fall of 1672, " with two of the engagers," and laid out the township. " We appointed and ordered a little brook called Natanis on the west side of the Great River to be the bounds at the southerly end ; then we measured about eight miles up the River to a little river that runs into the Great River, and appointed it to run westerly three quarters of a mile from the Great River : On the east side of the River to come to the lower end of the Three Little meadows that are below the town's plot, and so to run up the River eight miles, and three miles and three quarters easterly from the Great River." Having laid out the township, the Committee " agreed to make the following orders for the settling of the inhabitants," viz : 1 . That all thofe that have land granted there fhall be there at the place with their familys according to the time prefixed and fet by the Court, i e i8 months from the date of the Court's grant to the inhabitants. 2. That whereas fome perfons might go thither and tarry there fo little and fhort a time as may fruftrate and retard and hinder the work intended by the Court, viz. the fettling of a Plantation ; and alfo detriment and damage to thofe that fhall fetde there, we do therefore order that all thofe that take up land at Squakehege fhall build upon it and continue in their own perfons and familys, if they be fuch as have familys, but if not in their own perfons for the fpace of four years from the time of their familys coming thither; otherwife their land to fall into the hands of thofe that {hall have power to difpofe of it to others — except in cafe of death or fome other inevitable Providence, in fuch cafes to remain to the heirs of fuch perfons. 3. That every perfon that (hall take up land there fliall be liable to bear all equal charges according to the number of acres each man hath there, as purchafe money, and all other public charges except Country Rates. 4. That all ihat have land in any Common cornfield or meadow fhall make good and fufficient fence, according to his due proportion for what land he hath in the faid field or meadow. 5. And it is further ordered, that there fhall be a convenient lot laid out for a Minifter, both home-lot and meadow. 6. That no inhabitant be received into the Plantation without the approba- tion of three of the Committee and the major part of the Company, till this Committee's power be ended." 64 History of Northfield. The township as first laid out by the Committee had little resem- blance to the Northfield of to-day. It was somewhat irregular in shape, and contained considerably more than the authorized thirty-six square miles. On the west side of the river it extended from Ben- nett's brook to Broad brook, with a width of only f of a mile. On the east side of the river, the south line was placed about one mile lower down than on the west side, which would bring the north line on the east side, to Ash-swamp brook, afterwards the site of Hins- dell's fort. This was commonly regarded the line, till the survey of Timothy Dwight, Esq., in 1720, carried it down about ^ of a mile. The width on the east side of the river was 3! miles. This tract, thus bounded, comprised all the valuable (as qualities were then estimated) interval and meadow lands on both sides of the river. Plain lands, such as lay west of the three-quarter mile limit, were then reckoned nearly worthless ; and the " hill country " to the east, was of account only for wood, and as pasturage for their cattle. The town plot or village site, was laid out at the southerly end of what is now known as Northfield street. The reason why the first comers pitched here was, because the land hereabouts was freer from obstructions, having been in part previously broken up and cultivated by the Indian squaws. And this point was near the only open path to the Great meadow, where they must raise their grass and grain crops. It appears that twenty home-lots were marked ofF at the outset, sixteen on the west and four on the east side of the street. These lots were twenty rods in width, and were intended to contain 7J acres. Only sixteen of these lots, however, were taken up by actual settlers. The list of heads of families, who put up dwellings here in this First Settlement, is as follows : — Ralph Hutchinson, Elder Wil- liam Janes, Robert Lyman, Cornelius Merry, John Hilyard, Joseph Dickinson, Micah Mudge, John Alexander, George Alexander, Samuel Wright, Thomas Webster, who had lots on the west side of the street, which they or their heirs held in the Second Settlement, as represented in the diagram accompanying the next chapter : Wil- liam Miller and William Clarke had lots on the east side of the street, but the latter did not take possession. Joseph Parsons appears to have taken a home-lot ; biit was represented here by a substitute. Thomas Bascom, William Smeade, and William Hurlburt or Thomas Root Jr. came with the others, but it is not known where they pitched. James Bennett probably became a resident in the spring of 1675, and may have settled on the lot next north of Elder Janes. At the time the home-lots were assigned. Great meadow and Squakheag. 65 Pauchaug were each divided among the settlers. No other lands were apportioned to the inhabitants during the First Occupation. The swamps, which were the only woodlands, were held in common, and pasturage was free to all. The Town Built. — The following statement, prepared by Rev. John Hubbard, second pastor of the church, and published in vol. II of the Massachusetts Historical Society^ s Collections, contains the sub- stance of what is known of the exact date of the first coming on of the inhabitants, and how they built. "In (the spring of) 1673 set- tlers came on, planted down near one to another, built small huts, covered them with thatch, and near their centre made one for public worship and employed Elder William Janes as their preac.her ; also ran a stockade and fort around a number of what they Ctlled houses, to which they might repair in case they were attacked by the enemy." From this it appears that only a few of the settlers built on their home-lots. The evidence is conclusive that the majority of the buildings were set close together in a quadrangular space, covering perhaps 30 by 40 rods, which was surrounded by a stockade or line of pickets. These pickets were cleft posts ten feet long, set close together in the ground to the depth of two feet. A railing ran round near the top to which each post was pinned. Such a fence was both arrow and bullet proof; and no record is found — except in one instance at Northampton — where Indians ventured inside of such an inclosure. From a variety of incidental circumstances, it is believed that this cluster of huts stood near where the Zechariah Field fort was built in the Last Settlement. This was the height of land ; was suited both for defence and watching ; and was convenient to the meadow road. The huts themselves must have been built of logs, or rude frames covered with clap-boards. These clap-boards, or cleft- boards, were split from oak boltsy or cuts, were 5 to 7 feet long, 8 to 10 inches wide, and about ij inches thick on the back. They were laid lapping, and made a durable and tolerably tight covering. This style of boarding was used after regularly framed houses were erected. As late as 1763, when Capt. Joseph Stebbins, Ensign Samuel Strat- ton, and Col. Eleazar Patterson, built on the west side of the river (in what is now Vernon), they covered in their houses with rived clap-boards like those above described.^ The thatch used in cover- ing the roof was nothing more than the native grass which grew in ' Letter of John Stebbins. 1 66 History of Northfield. the meadows. An old writer says, "this meadow grass was very rank ; if let alone it grew up to a man's face." Rev. Mr. Hubbard states that the early settlers had "a meeting house." It is a well authenticated tradition that Elder Janes preached during the first summer under a spreading oak, which stood at the south end of the street (in front of the present house of John Wright). This venerable tree — hallowed by sacred associations with the Sabbath worship of the pioneers of the town — a witness of the varied life of the y.nglish for six generations — probably the witness of the change- ful life of the Indians for other generations — for it must have been a grown, tree in 1673 — is still preserved with jealous care — Oh ! no — it was burned down, through boyish carelessness and neighborly indifference , July 5, 1869. The homo-lots of the settlers were of equal size, without regard to the owner's pecuniary ability. The rule adopted for the division of the meadows is not clearly stated, but is believed to have been according to the amount of purchase money each man put into the common stock. This represented his share in the adventure^ and was the basis of taxation, and, rightfully, of land apportionment. Great meadow was partitioned off into 3 parts, and Pauchaug into 2 parts ; and each settler received a lot in each of the several parts. The main divisions as well as the individual lots lay at right angles to the river; and a road ran north and south across every man's lot near the centre. This apparently minute subdivision was intended to secure greater equality. If in either meadow one portion was of poorer soil, or the fences more exposed to freshets, no one was likely to get all his land in these undesirable spots. One or two of his lots was cer- tain to be of the best or of average quality. Great meadow, as laid out, was estimated at 385 acres ; Pauchaug was estimated at 130 acres. The crops first planted were flax, Indian corn and wheat. Mrs. Rowlandson, who was brought a captive hither, in the March succeed- ing the destruction of the village, says in her Narrative: "we came to Squauheag, where the Indians quickly spread themselves over the deserted English fields, gleaning what they could find ; some picked up ears of wheat that were crinckled down, some found ears of Indian corn, others sheaves of wheat that were frozen together in the shock, and went to threshing of them out. Myself got two ears of Indian corn, and whilst I did but turn my back, one of them was stolen from me, which much troubled me : A solemn sight methought it was, to see whole fields of wheat and corn forsaken and spoiled, and the remainder of them to be food for our merciless enemies ! That night we had a mess of wheat for our supper." Squakheag. 67 The settlers had a good store of cattle. For it is stated that when Major Treat brought off the inhabitants, after Beers's defeat, he "left the cattle," many of which were killed by the Indians, and seventeen of the remainder followed the retreating company, " of their own accord, and reached Hadley in safety." They had also a consider- able flock of sheep. Wool and flax were the materials necessary for winter and summer clothing ; of which every new settlement was expected to furnish its own supply. It is diflicult to determine the precise number of inhabitants In the aggregate, that made a lodgement here — and constituted the home- life of the little village, during the brief period of its continuance. Probably there was coming and going : some of the older children of a family did not remove hither with the parents ; and such infants as were born here were recorded with the rest at the old home in Northampton. The following sketch of the several families will afford a basis for a tolerably correct estimate. Ralph Hutchinson. He was from Boston : was early at North- ampton, whence he came to Squakheag. His wife was Alice, widow of Francis Bennett of Boston. They had four young children. William Janes. He came from England in 1637; was a first settler at New Haven; was at Northampton as early as 1656; a teacher at both places. He was an earnest forwarder of the new plantation, came hither with the first company, and became both teacher and preacher. His second wife was Hannah, daughter of Thomas Bascom Sen., and widow of John Broughton. They had four children, the youngest less than a year old, and probably four or five of the children of the first wife came with the parents. James Bennett. He was a son of Mrs. Ralph Hutchinson by her first husband. In the spring of 1675 he married Mary Brough- ton, daughter of Mrs. William Janes by her first husband. He was killed at the Falls fight. May 19, 1676. Being connected with the Hutchinson and Janes families, and perhaps one of the first explorers of the territory, it is not unlikely that Bennett's meadow received its name from him. Thomas Bascom. His father, Thomas Sen., was of Dorchester 1633, Windsor 1640, Northampton 1 66 1. His sister married William Janes. He married Mary Newell of Farmington. They had certainly two children when they came to Squakheag, and pro- bably one born here. Robert Lyman. He was son of Richard of Windsor. He married at Northampton in 1662, Hepzibah Bascom, sister of Thomas Jun. They had three or four children, and one born 1674. 68 History of Northjield. George Alexander. He was early at Windsor, then at North- ampton. He was of the first party that went up the river to Squak- heag, and did much to promote the settlement of the place. His wife was Susanna : and perhaps two of the younger children (then grown up) were with him here. John Alexander. He was the oldest son of George, born, July 25, 1645 ; married Nov. 28, 1671 Sarah Gaylord. Their first child was born Jan. 24, 1673. Thomas Webster. He was son of John Webster, governor of Connecticut ; settled first in Hadley. His wife was Abigail daughter of George Alexander. They had three young children. MiCAH Mudge. He was son of Jarvis of Wethersfield ; was at Northampton, 1670, in which year, he married Mary daughter of George Alexander. They had one child, and another born here. He was a first explorer, and a prominent man in the new settlement. Samuel Wright. He was son of Dea. Samuel of Springfield, and Northampton. He married Nov. 24, 1653, Elizabeth Burt. They had seven children, and among them were Benjamin and Elie- zur, afterwards noted in Northfield history. He was sergeant in command of the soldiers, and was killed by the Indians in the first attack on the town, Sept. 2, 1675. A posthumous child, born ten days after the father's death, was named Benoni. Cornelius Merry. He was a native of Ireland ; was at North- ampton 1663 ; married Mary Ballard ; had four children, and one born here. William Miller. He was at Ipswich 1648 ; was a first settler at Northampton ; a tanner by trade. His wife was Patience ; they had eight children, the youngest born Jan. 20, 1672. Mrs. M. was a skilful physician and surgeon, and was the only doctor at N. during the first two settlements. Thos. Root, Jun. His father Thomas was at Salem, 1637, at Hartford 1639, at Northampton 1658. At Northampton Thomas Jun. married Abigail daughter of Alexander Alvard, a first petitioner for Northfield. They had three children. ' John Hilliard or Hilyer. He was son of John of Windsor. He married Anne Baxter. They had two young children. William Smead. He was of Northampton ; married Elizabeth Lawrence daughter of Thomas of Dorchester. They had five child- ren, and one born here. Joseph Dickinson. His father Nathaniel was of Wethersfield and Hadley. He (Joseph) settled first at Northampton ; wife Phebe. Squakheag. 69 They had four children, and one born at Northfield. He was a first settler here and was killed with Capt. Beers, Sept. 4, 1675. Joseph Parsons Sen. Was in Springfield as early as 1636 ; re- moved to Northampton 1654. He was a first explorer of Squak- heag, and the agent for purchasing the lands of the Indians, as previously narrated. He received grants of a home-lot and other lands, and bore his share of the charges of this First Settlement, but appears not to have removed here in person. In 1683, he had a grant of 90 acres of meadow, which required him to settle 3 inhabitants. Per- haps his son Joseph Jr. occupied one right. He died at Springfield Oct. 9, 1683, and his heirs held his lands at Northfield for many years. It thus appears that the Hutchinson, Janes, Bascom, Bennett and Lyman families were connected by marriage ; as were also the Alex- anders, Webster, and Mudge families ; and that all but Thomas Webster removed hither from Northampton. The fact is also appa- rent that the .majority of the parents were in the prime of life, and most of them with families of little children. This adds a peculiar in- terest and shading of anxiety to our search into their history. Know- ing the inner structure of the several households, it is not difficult for us to picture to ourselves the leading features of the somewhat iso- lated life they led. There was much of social equality, and mutual regard. If one individual or household suffered, all felt the pain ; if one was glad, all shared in the joy. Their lot was that of hard and protracted toil ; but their trust in God and hope of a better future inspired and supported them. And they must have been fairly pro- sperous. For at the opening of the third season after breaking ground, we find them able to repay the purchase money for the tract compris- ing Bennett's meadow and the uplands adjoining, which was bought for them in 1673 by Joseph Parsons and William Clarke. But a dark cloud appeared suddenly upon their horizon ! The Indians throughout the valley continued on friendly terms with the whites till the spring of 1675. They had been accustomed to set their wigwams on the commons, and sometimes on the home- lots. They had bartered and begged, as the case might be. When they could get rum or flip, they would drink to excess, and became quarrelsome ; but when sober, would submit to the common legal penalties. Usually they were peaceably inclined. In some of the settlements they liked to take land of the English to plant on shares, the stipulation being that the whites should plow the same, the In- dians finding the seed and returning half the crop. JO History of Northfield. The two races were separate ; and the line of separation was becoming more and more apparent. There were mutual jealousies and distrust ; but as little of friction as it is reasonable to expect when civilized and savage life come in contact. The first signs of a change of feeling and purpose on the part of the Indians, noticed this spring, were a neglect to make the usual arrangements for planting corn ; and a simultaneous removal of their effects to their forts and hiding-places. Some friendly Nonotuck squaws gave significant hints to certain exposed families at North- ampton. Our Northfield people lived in less direct contact with the natives, and appear not to have been alarmed, nor to have taken any unusual precautions. And the spring wore on, and summer came, and the settlers were not molested. The first act of war in this neighborhood, was the destruction of Brookfield on the second of August. This unexpected outbreak aroused and alarmed the authorities and the people. Companies of soldiers under Captains Lothrop and Beers were sent up by the Council at Boston, and reached Brookfield August 7. The Council of Connecticut sent up Capt. Thomas Watts of Hartford with 40 dragoons. Lieut. Thomas Cooper of Springfield with 27 mounted troops and 10 Springfield Indians, joined Capt. Watts, and all marched to Brookfield, reaching that place the 7th. This force moved up to Wenimisset on the 8th, (Philip arrived there three days earlier) " but found no Indians." The Springfield company under Lieut. Cooper, went several miles further to the north, but discovering no tracks of Indians, returned home on the loth. Captains Lothrop and Beers made their head-quarters at Brook- field. A company of 30 Indians under Joshua the son of Uncas, and another company of 30 Indians from near Hartford, came up, and ranged the woods ; but to no purpose. The hostile savages were no where to be found. As a matter of precaution, at the breaking out of hostilities, a squad of 20 soldiers was sent by Major Pynchon to garrison North- field, who were put under command of Lieut. Samuel Wright. During the interval between the lOth and 21st of August, our troops stationed at Brookfield and Hadley scoured the country about Swift river, and went up the Connecticut as far as Deerfield, where Capt. Watts left a small guard. The ill-success of the troops in tracking the savages, shows either inexperience, or the treachery of their Indian guides ; and the small guard left at the exposed frontier towns, shows that the real peril Squakheag. J I of the situation was not fully comprehended.' Nor is this surprising. The River Indians had never complained of wrongs received from the English, and our people had no reason to suspect injury from them. Nor was any motive apparent for the transfer of King Philip's quarrel to this remote valley. But the Northfield settlers began to realize the insecurity of their position. The news of the onset at Brookfield, and the unsuccess- ful scouting, and the sending of a guard of soldiers for their protection, all betokened evil, and gave cause for anxiety. And the enemy con- trived about this date, to surround and drive off their flock of sheep. In this emergency, about August 19, Joseph Dickinson went down to Hadley, to consult with their friends, and, as appears, to urge either the sending of additional troops, or the bringing off of the in- habitants. The sudden turn of affairs kept him in Hadley, and pre- vented any decision for 10 or 12 days, when, returning, as he supposed, with succor, he met his death on Beers's plain. The following letter of Major Pynchon to the Connecticut coun- cil furnishes a clear picture of affairs at this juncture : Springfield Aug. 22, 1675. In y° night a Poll was fent me from Hadley, that o'' forces are returned, Capt. Watts thither, and the Bay forces to Quaboag. Nothing done but about 50 wigwams they found empty which they burnt. They write from Hadley they expect nothing but y® enemy to infult and fall upon y^ remote towi s; that they are in great fear; a guard of 20 left at Squakeak is too weak; fome of your foldiers left at Pacomfuck Capt. Watts fpeaks of calling off, w'^'* troubles y"^ greatly : Sufpeft o'^ Indians y* went out to be fearful or falfe or both; fay y* y*^ fheep at Squakeake are driven away fince y® foldiers were there; Sufpefl y° enemy to be between Hadley and Squakeak at Paquayag, ab6ut 10 miles from the Great River. I am fending to Capt. Watts to ftay with his forces there : I would gladly you would allow it and give further order about it, as y' they may make difcovery for y^ enemy at y*^ place forenamed. Yrs in y*^ Lord Jefus John Pynchon P. S. Momonto thinks y*^ Indian enemy may be in a Swamp called Mo- mattanick, about 3 miles off Paquayag, between Hadley and Squakeak : it is pity but they fhould be difrefted; and y'' Indians will be y^ moft likely to do fomething.^ 1 " Partly by the treachery of some of the Indians that came to their assistance, that seemed to favor the English but rather acted in behalf of the enemy, and partly by the subtilties of the enemies themselves, who could easily by their scouts discover the approach of our soldiers, and by the nimbleness of their feet escape them, our soldiers could never meet with any of them." — Hubbard. * Conn. Col. Records, n, 535. 72 History of Northfield. The Nonotucks, whose principal fort was on the river bank be- tween Northampton and Hatfield, had taken no active part with the Nipnets in the burning of Brookfield, but had volunteered to join the English in their scouting expedition to the northward of that place ; yet they were in evident sympathy with their brethren. In a letter sent to the Connecticut council, Rev. Mr. Stoddard says : " When they were with our army near Potetipaug, they said they must not fight against their mothers, brothers and cousins (for Quaboag In- dians are related to them). And after our men were killed at Brook- field, they made eleven triumphant shouts, according to the number of our men killed, as their manner is when they have slain their ene- mies. And their conduct, while with the scouting party, before alluded to, led Joshua to remark that ' our Indians made fools of the English."" " The Hadley Indians offered themselves to fight against Philip ; but the Mohegans that came from Hartford told the English plainly that no good would be done while that company went along with them, for they would always give some shout when they came near the enemy as a warning to them to look out for themselves. * * The older ones among their sachems seemed loath to engage against the English."- This tribe concentrated at their fort below Hatfield, just before the English troops under Captains Watts, Lothrop and Beers con- centrated at Hadley on the 23d of August. At a council of war, held this day, it was determined to disarm these Indians ; but on the night of the 24th, before the plan was carried into effect, they left the fort in a body, and went to the north. It is said that before leaving, the young warriors killed an old sachem, because he refused to join in their hostile scheme. These Indians were pursued, early the next morning, by Captains Lothrop and Beers, with a hundred men ; and a severe battle was fought in a swamp, just south of Mount Wequomps, in the present town of Whately. The clan then joined the Pacomptocks of Deerfield. From Pynchon's letter, and other sources of evidence it is tolerably certain that the main body of the Squakheags, with some of the Qua- boags, and one or more Natick Indians were in camp at or near Paquayag. This was a convenient rendezvous and hiding-place. Philip himself may have been with them, though the probabilities are that he had returned to the strong- hold near Wachuset. He was too cunning to expose himself to danger, at this stage of his plans ; and he had not a sufficient force, devoted to his interests, to risk a general I Copied from JudiVs Hadley. ^Drake's Hubbard, I, Io8. Squakheag. 73 battle. Indeed his army, at this date, was insignificant. His name was rather a terror to the whites, than a tower of strength to the red men. During the week succeeding the Swamp fight in Whately, the Indians were not seen at any point ; but they were preparing to strike an effectual blow at the two frontier villages. Sept. I, the Pacomp- tocks, augmented by the Nonotucks, suddenly fell upon Deerfield, which then had but a small guard, shot one soldier of the garrison (James Eggleston) and fired most of the exposed buildings. The next morning, Sept. 2, the band of savages that had been lying in wait near Miller's river, appeared in force at Squakheag. They had just received the large reinforcement of a war party of Nashaways, headed by Sagamore Sam and One-eyed John, the latter of whom was probably the leading spirit in this attack on our village, and the assault on Capt. Beers two days later. It was the season for drying their flax ; and ignorant of what had happened the day before to their neighbors at Deerfield, our people went about their work as usual on that morning. Both the soldiers and settlers appear to have been scattered in the meadows and home- lots, when the assault was made. According to the Rev. Mr. Hub- bard, " some were killed in their houses, others as they were coming out of the meadows ; the rest, men, women and children, fled to their fort, unable to sally out and repel the enemy. The savages kept around them, killed many of their cattle, destroyed their grain (wheat which was harvested and in the stook), burnt up the houses that were outside the stockade, and laid all waste." This affair took place Thursday Sept. 2, 1675. The number of whites officially reported as killed, was eight, viz : Sergt. Samuel Wright^ aged about 45, Ebenezer Janes^ aged 16, and 'Jonathan yanes^ 14, sons of Elder William Janes (these three belonged to Squakheag), Ebenezer Parsons^ aged 20, son of Joseph of North- ampton, Jolm Peck of Hadley, Nathaniel Curtis of Northampton, Thomas Scott and Benjamin Dunwich^ residence unknown. Only one of the Indians was reported killed. Here then were these 16 families crowded within the small stock- ade, and the bodies of their friends lying unburied where they fell, and the savage foe lurking in the adjacent thickets and ravines. The terror of these mothers and little children, and the anxiety of these fathers can hardly be exaggerated. And how are they to expect relief? To stay in the fort is probable death ; to leave it is certain death ! 10 74 History of Northfield, The news of the attack by the Indians on Deerfield, on the ist, would certainly reach head-quarters at Hadley on the day of its occur- rence ; and the exposed condition of Squakheag would necessarily occasion solicitude. It appears that an immediate consultation was held, and the officers in command at Hadley determined to send up an expedition " to fetch off the garrison and people," instead of trying to hold the place. Sept. 2d, while the Indians were slaying and burning — Capt. Bee^s was preparing to go to the relief of the de- V oted village. Richard Montague wa^g impressed to bake a supply of bread, and his horse was taken for the use of a trooper. The oxen and cart of Wm. Markham, and his son for a driver were also im- pressed for the service.^ It took the day to get ready. The next morning, Friday Sept. 3, the onset of the Indians the day before being still unknown, Capt. Beers set forth with 36 mounted men and one ox team on his march of 30 miles up the river. It was a long day's work, especially for the oxen ; and he halted, and camped for the night " 3 miles below the town " [Stoddard's letter). It is pro- bable that the camp was near Four-mile brook. Leaving the horses here with a guard, the Captain with his main body and the team with stores, started on Saturday morning, the 4th, for the village. This movement of going on foot, would indicate that he had some expectation of meeting the enemy, and his horses would be a disadvantage, according to the military tactics of the time. But then why did he, with his long experience in Indian warfare, march without a van-guard and flankers ? He knew that the savages were on the war-path — though he did not know of their assault on our people. He could hardly have been mistaken as to the character of the ground over which he was to pass, for one of the settlers (Joseph Dickinson) was in his company, and acting as a guide. It is most likely that his familiarity with danger may have made himreckless ! * Whereas your Petitioner had his team (viz. a yoke of oxen) and his son, which were the chief of maintenance for his family pressed for ye country's service co bring off ye garri- son at Squakheag, where his son and cattle were lost, and that which is allowed him for his oxen is about half what they cost him and were then valuabls for ; which also he hath not received, but only a part of it hath been defalked in rates, whereby his family hath been re- duced to great suffering and straights — His humble request is, that if it may be, he may receive what is now due that he stands in such need of 5 or if that cannot be obtained, that at least you would favor him (being now in his 60th year) with a release from training and watching and warding, which may be some help to him. And your Pef shall always pray for blessings on you from on high, and remain. Your servt and suppliant William Markham. Hadley Oct. 15, 1681. Squakheag. 75 He appears to have kept up on the high plain, till he came in sight of the little brook now known as Saw-mill brook. The ravine through which the stream ran was now covered (it being before the annual burning), with a rank growth of grass and ferns, and the leaves were thick on the young trees. Here he fell into an ambuscade. The brook was on his right, and he attempted to cross it where a depression in the plain made a passable fordway, in order to reach the hard land south and west of Dry swamp, and so come into the village near where is now the South road to Warwick. This was the common route of travel at the time ; and the Indians knew that, as matter of course, he would take it, and made their plans accord- ingly. Concealed in front, and behind the steep bank below the crossing-place, on his right, they fired. upon the carelessly advancing column just as the head was passing the brook, when it would be exposed for its entire length.^ It is evident that Capt. Beers was taken completely at unawares ; and his men were thrown into confusion. But a part of them quickly rallied, and with their commander fought bravely — " hotly disputing the ground," as Stoddard has it. The main stand appears to have been made towards the south end of the plain (now Beers's plain), where is a slight rise of land. But the odds was too great against him.^ Deducting the guard left with the horses, and the prisoners who were probably taken in the confusion of the first onset, and the killed, the captain must have been left almost alone. He retreated up the rising ground about f of a mile, till he came to a narrow ravine on the southerly spur of the hill (now Beers's hill). This ravine was about 10 rods in length, 35 feet wide, and 10 feet deep. It afforded but a slight cover ; but he accepted it in place of a better. It is a tradition, that when he reached this spot, he gave the order for*' each man to lookout for himself." He chose to stand and fight : and here he fell ; and here he was buried. 3 ' Capt. Beers's baggage wagon was left about midway of the plain nearly opposite the pre- sent house of T. J. Field, and perhaps marks the spot reached by the rear of the column. ^ A note in Mather's Brief History, says : " It seems that Capt. Beers and those 36 men that were with him fought courageously till their powder and shot was spent, then the In- dians prevailed over them so as to kill about 20 of them, only 13 escaped with their lives, at which time a cart with some ammunition fell into the hands of the enemy." " The tradition which marks this as the spot where Capt. Beers was killed and buried, is of undoubted authenticity. The old men in each generation have told the same story, and identified the place. And the existence here from time immemorial of two stones— like head and foot stones — set at the proper distance apart, certainly marks the place of a grave ; and the care to erect stones indicates the grave of more than a common soldier. The new house of Capt. Samuel Merriman, built about 50 years ago, was set directly across 76 History of Northfield. The authorities of the time are substantially agreed as to the num- ber of men sent out on this expedition, viz., the Captain, with 36 troopers and one teamster. But they differ widely in regard to the numbers saved and killed in the action. According to Hubbard's Narrative^ " Capt. Beers and about twenty of his men were slain." — Rev. Mr. Russell of Hadley reports 16 slain in all, and gives the names of 11, viz., Capt. Beers, John Chenary, Ephraim Child, Benjamin Crackbone, Robert Pepper, George Lyruss, John Gatch- ell, James Miller, John Wilson, Joseph Dickinson, William Mark- ham Jr. — The note in Mather's Brief History says : " The Indians killed above 20 and only 13 escaped :" i. e. 13 returned to Hadley with the horses that night. A paper has been discovered in the State archives, which differs in some respects from the other accounts, but which helps us to a satis- factory solution of the question. The following is a copy : " List of the killed at Northfield^ Sept. 4, 1675. Capt. Richard Beers, John Getchell, Benj. Crackbone, Ephraim Child, George Lickens, John Wilson, Thomas Cornich, Robert Pepper, John Ginery, Jeremiah Morrell, Elisha Woodward, William Markham Jr., Joseph Dickin- son, James Mullard, and eight killed at Squakheag with Capt. Beers of whom there is no account." This makes the number of killed, 22. But one on the list, Robert Pepper, of Roxbury, was found alive and in captivity the next year. Add this one to the 16 that re- turned to Hadley makes 17 saved, and 21 killed ; and thus the full number is accounted for. Joseph Dickinson was a Northfield set- tler ; William Markham Jr. was from Hadley ; most of the others were from Watertown, Boston and Roxbury. The guard left with the horses, and those that escaped with them, 13 in all, " got to Hadley that evening, the 4th ; next morning another came in, and at night another, that had been taken by the Indians and bound, and was loosed from his bond by a Natick Indian : he tells that the Indians were all drunk that night (on the rum found among the rations in the cart)^ that they mourned much for the loss the ravine, which was made to answer for a cellar by filling in the space in front and rear. Capt. Ira Coy informs the writer that, before any thing was disturbed, he and Capt. M. dug into the grave. They found the well defined sides and bottom, where the spade had left the clay solid; and at the depth of about twenty inches (the shallowness indicating haste) was a layer of dark colored mould, some of it in small lumps, like decayed bones. The grave was then filled up, a large flat stone laid over it, and the hollow graded up. It can be found by the highway side, about ten feet outside the fence, a little to the west of a direct line extending from the front door of the house through the front gate. ' Some of the iron belonging to this cart was found on Beers's plain a half century since, and was worked up by Samuel Alexander the blacksmith. Squakheag. JJ of a great captain, that the English had killed 25 of their men. Six days after, another soldier came in who had been lost since the fight, and was almost famished, and so lost his understanding that he knew not on what day the Fight was " {Stoddard's Letter). This last was probably the man who, when he found his way of retreat to the horses cut off, leaped into a gully, and covered himself so effectually as to escape the notice of the keen-eyed savages. The gully is known as old soldier's hole to this day. Sergt. John Shattuck (son of William of Watertown), was one of the saved. He was despatched to the Bay with news of the defeat ; and was drowned in crossing the ferry between Charlestown and Boston, Sept. 14. John Parke (son of Thomas of Cambridge vil- lage), was shot in the elbow joint, and his bone broken to pieces so that several of the pieces were taken out by the surgeon. He re- mained at Hadley till Maj. Appleton went down Nov. 24, at which time he and several other wounded men were sent home.^ John Harrington (son of Robert of Watertown), was wounded by two balls, but escaped, recovered, and lived to a good old age. Robert Pepper, before named, was wounded in the leg, but ma- naged to get into the crotch of a great tree which had fallen down, and lay there till he was discovered by Sagamore Sam, who dragged him out and abused him. After lying cold and hungry for two days, Sam took him into his own wigwam, not far off, and told him that if he did not die of his wound, he should not be killed. Afterwards he was treated kindly. The next January he was found in this saga- more's keeping, at Wennimisset, by James Quannapohit. In the mean time, as he informed the spy, he had been taken to Philip's quarters near Albany. " He saith that once since he was well, his master, carrying him abroad with him, left him at Squakeake, near where he was taken prisoner, his master wishing him to go to the English, whither there was a cart-way led ; but he was afraid the Indian did it to try his fidelity, and entrap him, and that if he should have gone away towards the English, they would have intercepted him !"^ Mrs. Rowlandson saw him at the same place, February 12. He told her that " after his wounding he was not able to travel but as they carried him ; and that he took oak leaves and laid to his wound, and by the blessing of God, was soon able to travel again," Another captive, whose name cannot be ascertained, was tied to a tree, and reserved for torture the next day ; but in the night a ^ Mass. Archives, lxix, 198. * Manuscript copy of Relation, in Conti. Archives. 78 History of Northfield. friendly Natick Indian (probably Peter Jethro, who was attached to the Nashaways at this time) let him loose, and he escaped. Still another captive was hung to the limb of a tree by a chain hooked into his jaw, in which position he was found, dead, by the relief party. And it is a current tradition that there were three others taken prisoners, who were burned to death at the stake !' On the return to Hadley of the first fugitives (the 13 that escaped with their horses), with news of the disaster, preparation was made to send up a sufficient force to meet the emergency. Major Treat, who had arrived from Hartford on the 3d with his company, set out the next morning (Sabbath Sept. 5) with above 100 men. He camped for the night probably below Four-mile brook ; and the next day, Monday, pushed forward for Squakheag. As he reached the line of Beers's retreat, he saw the heads of many of the slain, which the savages had cut off, and stuck upon poles, standing in ghastly array beside the traveled path. He paused only long enough to perform hasty funeral rites. Arrived at the village, he found the stockade unbroken, and the inmates — who had been shut up there five days — safe. A party of the soldiers and citizens went into the meadows (per- haps for grain for their horses), but hearing some guns fired about the fort, they ran up to see what was the matter, and by the way were fired upon by about 14 Indians as they judge, out of the bushes. Returning the fire, one or two Indians were slain. Major Treat was struck upon the thigh, the bullet piercing his clothes, but it had lost its force and did him no harm. Seeing the posture of afiairs, he called his council together, and they concluded to bring off the gar- rison : so they came away the same night, taking what they could, but leaving the cattle there,^ and the dead bodies unburied. [Stod- dard's Letter). This last statement probably refers to the bodies of the 8 men slain on the 2d. As they had been dead five days and may have been in an advanced state of decomposition, there is some excuse for neg- » My brother, Sharon Field, late of Northfield, led by the tradition to make search, found what he regarded as the place where three men perished by fire. There were three spots of dark earth mingled with fine bits of charcoal, near each other, and in one of them, while stirring up the ground, he found what appeared to be a melted pewter button. The loca- tion, and number of places of burnt earth agreed with the tradition. It was on the plain, east of where Jonathan Lyman now lives, and north of the old road that led up the mount- ain. — Dea. Phinchas Field. * '« Seventeen of their cattle came a great part of the way themselves, and have since been fetched into Hadley." — Stoddard. Squakheag* 79 lecting the rite of sepulture. But no such reasons existed in the case of Capt. Beers and his men ; and the supposition is scarcely credible that the Major passed them in the morning without giving them a decent burial. And the tradition in regard to, and discovery of the grave in the ravine, with the head and foot-stones in place, and the signs of hasty interment, confirm the inference that the captain and his slain companions were committed to the earth. Where the numerous company of men, women and children, thus deserting their homes, camped for the night is not known. But the next day Major Treat was met by Capt. Appleton with a company of Massachusetts troops, that had been sent up after him. Capt. A. "would willingly have persuaded them to have turned back, to see if they could have made any spoil upon the enemy ; but the greatest part advised to the contrary, so that they were all forced to return with what they could carry away, leaving the rest for a booty to the enemy." ' After Major Treat left, the Indians burnt the fort and remaining houses at Squakheag. And thus this little village passed out of ex- istence. [A brief notice of Capt. Richard Beers is in place here. In a petition to the General court, dated Watertown, 1664, he says : " Whereas y^ pet' hath been an inhabitant of this jurisdiction ever since the beginning thereof, and according to his weak ability served the same, not only in times of peace, but also with his person in the Pequod War in two several designs when the Lord delivered them into our hands, as also upon his return such a weakness fell upon his body that for eight years space he was disabled to labor for his family, spending a great part of the little he had upon Physicians, and having hitherto not had any land of the country, and of the town but one and a half acres, besides that which he hath purchased," asks for a grant of land. The court granted him 300 acres. He served in the Pequod war in 1637 ; was licensed "to keep an ordinary" in Watertown in 1654, and continued in the business till his death. He was selectman 31 years; representative 13 years, holding both offices at the time of his death. He was on the com- mittee to lay out Quinsigamond in 1669, when he explored the country to the northwest and first visited Squakheag. He also served the colony in other important civil trusts. When news of the burn- ing of Brookfield reached Boston, Capt. Beers and his company were ordered westward. He left home Aug. 6 (having made his will ' Hubbard's Narrati've. 8o History of Northjield. on that day), reached Brookfield the 7th, where he had head-quarters till the 23d, when he marched to Hadley. He was in command at the Swamp fight near Mount Wequomps, Aug. 25, and was killed at Squakheag Sept. 4. His age was about 63. He left a widow and 8 children.] It would be gratifying if we could know the Indian side of this af- fair, and could state definitely who planned the attack on Squakheag, and the number of savages engaged in the fight with Capt. Beers. The whole thing was managed by the Indians with great adroitness, and their victory was complete. The writers of the time commonly took for granted that Philip was omnipresent ; but the facts — so far z.% facts were recorded — do not warrant such a conclusion. Indeed, positive evidence is wanting that he was in a single fight with the English in this valley. A like uncertainty exists in regard to the numbers engaged in the several assaults. The Indians never showed themselves in the open field. They always fought under some cover. The only means of judging of their numbers was from the report of their guns. In the excitement of the conflict cool calculation was impossible. And the published reports were too often the wild guesses of some escaped soldier, or the estimate of some friendly partisan, who would account for the defeat and destruction of our forces by the great superiority of their assailants. Hubbard says : " Capt. Beers and his men were set upon by many hundreds of the Indians out of the bushes by the swamp side." Mather says : *' Hundreds of Indians from a thick swamp fired upon them." These two statements undoubtedly ex- press the belief of all parties interested. But the estimate is very indefinite. Besides the Squakheags, it is known that two bands of Nashaways, a part of the Quaboags, and a few Natick and Marl- borough Indians, were engaged in this affair. The Nashaways had at this date about 40 fighting men. If the Ouaboags sent an equal force, the whole number that ambushed Capt. Beers must have been about 130. There is less uncertainty about the leaders in this assault, than about the numbers engaged. Robert Pepper, the spared captive, says that Sagamore Sam was in the fight. ^ And the Relation of James Quannapohit,^ who was sent out into these parts as a spy, by Major Gookin, the succeeding January, gives sufficient particulars to ' See ante, p. 77. * James {^"^""spohit was a friend and former companion in arms of this sachem : his story, as events proved, was entirely reliable ; and he had sufficient shrewdness to detect any attempt at imposition on his credulity. Squakheag. 8 1 make it certain that One-eyed John was also here. He says he was in the fight with Capt. Beers ; and the inherent probabilities confirm the declaration. The cutting off the heads of the slain English, and setting them upon poles, was his method of treating the dead in all his successful assaults. The Indian name of this chieftain was Monaco. The seat of his tribe was at Nashaway (Lancaster). He was an experienced war- ,rior, having been one of the braves that went on the expedition against the Mohawks in 1669. He was one of the first to take up the hatchet in the summer of 1675 ; was blood thirsty and cruel in the last degree. He led the attack on the town of Lancaster, Aug. 22, where 8 persons " were slain and mangled in a barbarous manner." He was at Squakheag in the assaults of Sept. 2 and 4 ; was at the Bloody brook massacre Sept. 18 ;^ took part in the attack on Lan- caster Feb. 10 ; boasted that he was at Medfield Feb. 21 ; was certainly in command of the savages that destroyed Groton March 13, 1676 ; and may have been in other engagements. When the tide of success was turning against the Indians in the summer of this year,.,Monoco and his tribe, with the others living about Lan- caster, " did cunningly endeavor to hide themselves amongst those Indians about Pascataqua, that had newly made their submission to the English, by Maj. Waldern's means, and concluded a Peace."* By a statagem, of questionable propriety even in war, these Indians, to the number of 400, were entrapped by Maj. Waldron at Cocheco (Dover, N. H.), Sept. 6, 1676.3 Monoco, alias One-eyed John, and 8 others of the leaders were hanged in Boston, Sept. 26, 1676. With all his bloodthirstiness, this savage had one redeeming trait ; he was true to an early friend- ship. James Quannapohit (before named) a Natick Indian, and he were boys together ; hunted together ; were together in the expedi- tion against the Mohawks. And when James joined the Praying Indians, and became, in the estimation of Philip, a traitor, on whose head a price was set, Monoco stood up for him ; and to a proposition of some to kill him or send him to Philip, he answered " I will kill whomsoever shall kill Quannapohit."'* The other Nashaway chief who took part in the battle of Beers's ' James Quannapohit's Relation. ^Drake's Hubbard, ii, 131. ' " The English commanders got up a mock training, and invited the Indians to take part in it. This they assented to ; and in the sham fight which was to close the exercises, were all made prisoners." — S. G. Drake, note to Hubbard's Narratinie. ^ GookirCs Praying Indians. 11 82 History of Northfield. plain was TJskatugiin^ better known by his English name of Sagamore Sam (when he was first appointed sachem of his tribe, he was called Shoshanim). The head-quarters of his tribe was near the Washakum ponds in Lancaster. He seems to have shared the honors with his ally, One-eyed John, in many raids ; and he made some daring expe- ditions of his own. His treatment of Robert Pepper has been al- ready narrated. In the course of the autumn, he went (taking Pepper with him) to visit King Philip in the neighborhood of Albany ; and in January he was at Wenimisset. Feb. lO, he was in command of the large force that assaulted Lancaster ; Feb. 21, he was with Monoco in the attack on Medfield, and probably in command of the united clans. He was prominent in securing the redemption of Mrs. Rowlandson, early in May, some of the letters to the council being signed by him. In the summer, he and his clan went to the east- ward ; were made prisoners at Cocheco, Sept. 6, and he was hanged at Boston, with the other chiefs, Sept. 26. The number of Indians killed in the Beers fight was reported by the fugitive English to be 25, one of them "a great captain." Monoco told James Quannapohit that he lost only one. The other clans probably lost more 5 but the true total cannot be known. In all their skirmishes the Indians carefully conceal their losses. When one is shot down, his nearest comrade crawls to him, and fixing a tump line to the body, slowly drags it to the rear. Except in some few instances, where the whites came upon them by surprise, and drove the Indians from their position, the number of the killed and wounded in an action, was never known. And the common estimates were pro- bably twice or thrice too large. If a captive squaw or wounded brave confessed to a given number of his comrades killed, it was such a number as would please his captors, and, as he shrewdly supposed, might help to mitigate his fate. The Squakheag families, having been driven from their new homes, returned to their old homes in Hadley and Northampton. The Indians, flushed by the success that had thus far attended all their hostile plans, took quiet possession of their old hunting grounds. The Nashaways, and their allies, brought on their families, and set up their wigwams, near the deserted English fields, and lived on the spoil, and watched the neighboring settlements. Major Pynchon, writing Sept. 8, says: " And when we go out after the Indians, they do so skulk in swamps, we cannot find them ; and yet do waylay our people to their destruction." Squakheag. 83 The attempt, Sept. 18, to bring off the year's crop of grain from Deerfield, to meet the unexpected demand for food at Hadley and Northampton, caused by the influx of fugitives from Northfield, and the troops quartered there, furnished the savages the coveted oppor- tunity for another ambuscade ; and the EngHsh captains seem to have learned no lessons of caution from their previous disasters. The destruction, at Bloody brook, of Capt. Lathrop and his company of young men, appropriately styled " the flower of Essex county," was a natural consequence of want of circumspection, and added another to the list of Indian surprises and victories.^ And this distressing affair rendered necessary the abandonment of the settlement at Deer- field. Thus in less than two months, three frontier towns had been destroyed, and no less than 127 lives sacrificed — to which 21 more were to be added before the end of October. Of this 148 slain, 44 were inhabitants of the county, the rest being soldiers from other parts of the colony. The savages were always on the alert, and usually appeared just when and where they were least expected. Springfield was burnt Oct. 5, the very day on which an attack on Hadley from the north was expected. An extract from a letter written by Maj. John Pynchon, dated Hadley, Sept. 30, will give a vivid picture of the situation : " We are endeavoring to discover the enemy, and daily send out scouts, but little is effected. Our English are somewhat awk and fearful in scouting and spying, though we do the best we can. We have no Indian friends here to help us. We find the In- dians have their scouts out. Two days ago, two Englishmen at Northampton, being gone out in the morning to cut wood, and but a little from the house, were both shot down, having two bullets apiece shot into each of their breasts. The Indians cut off their scalps, took their arms, and were off in a trice." Oct. 19, Hatfield was assaulted ; 7 were killed, and 2 taken captive, and carried towards Albany. In the early part of November, the Nashaways returned eastward, and with the Quaboags took up winter quarters at Wenimisset. The River Indians proper had previously gathered at Coasset, which was a piece of pine woods on the west bank of the Connecticut a little above the South Vernon railroad station, then in Northfield, now in Vernon, Vt. Philip and his band were here with them for a short time ; but he soon moved off towards Albany with his own ' One-eyed John and Sagamore Sam, with their bands, were in this fight with Capt. Lath- rop. The former lost one of his men. 84 History of Northfield. warriors, and a considerable part of the Pacomptocks and their allies. James Quannapohit in his Relation says : " Some of the River Indians with Sancumachu had winter-quarters near Albany with King Philip." Gov. Andross writes : " New York Jan. 6, 1676. ** This is to acquaint you that late last night I had intelligence that Philip and 4 or 500 North Indians,' fighting men, were come within 40 or 50 miles of Albany northerly, where they talk of continuing this winter : that Philip is sick, and one Sahamoschaha the com- mander in chief."^ The Squakheags made their winter-quarters at the Coasset before named. Probably the old men and some of the women and child- ren of Philip's party and of the Pacomptocks, staid here. Food was plenty. The cattle and hogs captured at our village and at Deerfield lasted for a while. The corn and wheat taken at the same places lasted longer. And it is an attested historical fact that deer and other game were unusually abundant, and owing to the depth of snow, were easily caught. Winter set in early and with uncommon severity. Travel was next to impossible, except upon rackets ; and both whites and Indians kept in close quarters till the latter part of January, when a sudden thaw cleared off the snow. The destruction of the Narragansett fort in Rhode Island by an army of Massachusetts, Plymouth and Connecticut troops, under Gen. Josiah Winslow, the 19th of the preceding December, changed directly the whole aspect of Indian hostilities, and led to a great gathering of the tribes at Squakheag. The Narragansetts had thus far stood aloof from Philip's cause, or only aided him indirectly. Now that the English had commenced a war of extermination against them, it was plain policy to unite their fortunes with the Sachem of Mt. Hope. In the latter part of Janu- ary the larger part of this tribe, viz., those that adhered to Canonchet, are found on their way to the Nipmuck head-quarters near Quaboag. Pessacus, a brother of Miantonimoh, and Quinnapin,3 who had mar- • Philip had about loo; and Sancumachu not over 150 men. = It is quite likely that the Nonotuck sachem was in command ; and Philip may have had reasons of state for reporting himself sick. It will be noticed that the date of this letter only determines when the intelligence from Philip was received by the governor. He had been in that region more than a month. 3 The reader of Mrs. Rowlandson's A'arrarw*, will remember that this guinnapin bought Mrs. R. of her Narragansett captor ; and that his squaw, " the proud dame Wettimore," was her mistress during her captivity. Squakheag. 85 ried Wcetamoo, a sister-in-law of Philip, were with Canonchet, and had a considerable number of personal adherents. They reached the camp north of Brookfield near the middle of February, where they remained about two weeks. The Nashaways left Wenimisset Feb. 9, to attack Lancaster, and watch the Massachusetts Bay force which was preparing to invade the Nipmuck country. Ascertaining from scouts that the mounted troops under Maj. Thomas Savage were to march for Quaboag about the 28th, the main body of In- dians at Wenimisset started on the 27th for the north. This band comprised the Quaboags, the Narragansetts, some Grafton Indians, and a miscellaneous crowd, in all not less than 2000 souls. ^ Major Savage reached Quaboag March 2, where he met the Con- necticut troops under Major Treat. The united forces went to Wenimisset, but " found no Indians." They then pushed towards Paquayag : but the savages, by a feigned attack, drew them off on a wrong trail, so that the whole great company of Indians got over Miller's river, and out of harm's way, before the Major came to the fording place, March 6. This manoeuvre of the Indians, by which our troops were success- fully foiled, deserves a more detailed notice in this connection. When the English army, under Majors Savage and Treat, started from Quaboag March 3, the Indians were encamped in a swamp about 17 miles away and 8 miles south of Paquayag. They were encumbered by "the old and the young, some sick and some lame, many had pappooses at their backs ; the greatest number (at this time with us) were squaws, and they travelled with all they had, bag and baggage." " Some carried their old decrepit mothers, some carried one and some another. Four of them carried a great Indian upon a bier ; but going through a thick wood they were hindered and could make no haste, whereupon they took him upon their backs, and carried him one at a time, till we came to Bacquag river."^ They reached this river a little after noon, on the 3d. This was on Friday ; and the making of rafts and ferriage of this vast multi- tude took till Sabbath evening. Where, all this while, were our Eng- lish dragoons ? Mrs. Rowlandson says : " The Indians chose out some of their stoutest men, and sent them back to hold the English army in play whilst the rest escaped." This covering party, in conjunction with the scouts left near Wenimisset, kept Maj. Savage at bay, or on false scents for two whole days, so that they did not ' This enumeration is based on the statements of the two spies, as corroborated by Gookin and other authorities. It is believed to be under rather than over the true number. ' Mrs. Rowlandson's Narrati-ve. 86 History of Northfield. reach Paqiiayag till some time in the forenoon of Monday. As they came up to the river they saw on the other side the smoke of the wigwams, which the retreating Indians had set fire to ; but they did not cross. Our authoress writes : " this river put a stop to them. God did not give them courage or activity to go over after us." It should be said, that the river was swollen by the spring freshet, and crossing by horse must have been difficult and hazardous. The Massachusetts council were deeply chagrined at the signal failure of this expedition. In a letter to Maj. Savage at Hadley, dated March 31, they say: — " Leaving Capt. Turner in Capt. Poole's place, with the rest of the army we expressly command you to draw homeward, and endeavor in your return to visit the enemy about Pachquake (Paquayag), and be careful not to be deceived by their lapwing statagems, by drawing you off from the rest to follow some men."^ The Indians, relieved from pursuit, went leisurely to Squakheag, which they reached the next day, Mar. 7. In the mean time, Philip and his allies had returned to the Con- necticut valley. According to some authorities he was attacked by the Mohawks and driven from his winter quarters above Albany.^ However this may be, word was sent him by Mautamp the Qua- boag sachem, that the Narragansetts had broken with the English, and advising him to meet them at Squakheag.3 He reached here the middle of February. He staid about 3 weeks on the fortified bluff known as Philip's hill, which he left Mar. 8, and moved up the river 4 or 5 miles to the Coasset, before named, where he remained till about April 10. The gathering of the Indians here was a notable event of the war, and memorable in the annals of Squakheag. The head chiefs of two of the leading New England tribes, the Wampanoags and the Nar- ragansetts, here joined hands and hearts for the struggle, which both of them knew was for life or death. All the personal adherents of Philip and his kinsman Quinnapin, appear to have been in attendance with their chiefs. Canonchet, son of the renowned Miantonimoh, and hereditary sachem of the Narragansetts, was attended by the flower of that once terrible clan. His uncle Pessacus, now just passed the prime of life,'* was with him, in the capacity of chief counsellor. Sancumachu, a Nonotuck sachem, and now the acknowledged leader of the Pacomptocks and Agawams, was here with a considerable part ^Mass. Archi-ves, lxviii, 192. ^Drake's Hubbard, i, 217. ' Quannapohit's Relation, Ms. copy, in Conn. Archi-ves. * He was born about 1623. Squakheag. 87 of the united tribes. Mautamp and his Quaboags, now firm sup- porters of Philip, were here. Some of the Nashaways, Hassaname- setts, Naticks, and stragglers from other clans were here, making, with the Squakheags, an immense multitude. From reliable data, it is believed that from the 9th to the 25th of March, there were not less than 2500 Indians, including women and children, at Nawelet's old village sites about the mouth of the Ashuelot and on the opposite side of the Connecticut. Mrs. Rowlandson could well say, as she started to cross the river near Rock island, " I could not but be amazed at the numerous crew of pagans that were on the bank on the other side." Yet the company that came with her was more than double in numbers to the company already there. It was a critical time with the savages. The chiefs had to deter- mine two important matters, viz., the plan of the season's campaign ; and how to make secure and provide subsistence for the non-comba- tants, who largely outnumbered the warriors. The snow was gone ; and with it the deer and the larger game disappeared in the forests. The stock of grain was substantially con- sumed ; and they were now feeding on groundnuts, and the peas, horses and sheep stolen in the raids upon Northampton, and the ad- jacent settlements. When Philip invited Mrs. Rowlandson to dine with him, he gave her " a pancake, about as big as two fingers ; it was made of parched wheat, beaten, and fried in bear's grease." Scouting and raiding parties were kept out all the time. Northamp- ton was assailed March 14. But besides burning buildings, and kill- ing a {^^ settlers and soldiers, they made no great spoil. At a council of chiefs, it was decided to hold this part of the valley as a sommon rendezvous, and an abiding-place for the old men, squaws and children. They could eke out a living till the fishing season came ; after which they had no reason to fear a scarcity of provisions till the last of summer. To insure supplies for the autumn and winter, Canonchet, who appears to have been the master-spirit, proposed in the council that all the west-plantations upon Connecticut river, formerly occupied as fields by the Indians, and recently taken from the English, should be planted with Indian corn.^ As the last year's crop was gone, it was a problem how seed should be obtained. There was abundance in store at Seaconk ; but none were willing to run the hazard of fetching it thence. As narrated in a preceding chapter, Canonchet offered to go with a band of 30 men, and bring up the required amount. He left Squakheag about the 25th of ^Drakes Hubbard, ii, 56. 88 History of Northfield. March ; was deserted by a part of his men ; was surprised by the English at Pawtucket ; was taken to Stonington, where he was exe- cuted, and his head sent to Hartford.^ The Indians however, pro- cured a sufficiency of seed-corn. Quinnapin's maid went to the Narragansett country, and after an absence of three weeks, returned with a peck and a half. Perhaps Canonchet's men brought what more was needed. This month of March, 1676, was a dark time for the Massa- chusetts and Plymouth colonies. The Nashaways and their allies, from their fastnesses near Wachusett, destroyed Groton the 13th, and were threatening other towns : a force of Narragansetts was burning and slaying near Providence ; and the Nipnets were at work around Springfield. The authorities at Boston appear to have been ignorant of the whereabouts of Philip ; and imagined him to be in command wherever mischief was done. In this state of uncertainty and difficulty of raising sufficient troops to protect the widely scat- tered points of exposure, the Massachusetts council proposed to bring the five remaining towns of Hampshire county into two. Northamp- ton and Hatfield were to concentrate at Hadley ; Westfield was to be transferred to Springfield. The Northampton and Westfield people strongly remonstrated against removal ; and their cause being espoused by the Connecticut council, the plan was abandoned. There was now a large number of English prisoners in the hands of the Indians at Squakheag and Pacomptock. Thomas Eames's two daughters, taken at Framingham Feb. i ; those taken at Lan- caster Feb. 10, and at Medfield Feb. 21 ; some from Springfield, and others, were at one or other of the Indian camps. March 28, the Connecticut council sent the following letter to the chiefs at Squakheag : To Sucquance,'-^ Wequaquat,-^ Sangumacha * and Wanchequit ^ at Suckquack- heage, thefe : — Intelligence is come to us that you have some Englifh (efpe- daily women and children) in captivity among you. We therefore fend this mefsenger, offering to redeem them either for payment in goods or wampum, or by exchange of prifoners. We defire y'' ans"" to this our mefsenger, what price you demand for every man, woman and child, or if you will exchange for Indians. '^Drake's Hubbard, l, 182: 11, 59, 60. 2 The same as Pessacus. 3 A Springfield sachem. 4 A Nonotuck sachem. 5 A Squakheag sachem. I Squakheag. 89 If you have any among you that can write y"^ ans'' to this our mefsage, we de- llire it in writing, and to that end have fent paper pen and ink by the mefsenger. If you let our mefsenger have freeaccefs to you and freedom to a fafe return, we are willing to do the like to any mefsenger of yours — Provided he come unarmed, and carry a white flag upon a flafF vifible to be feen." A written answer to this proposal was received at Hartford, by the hand of Tiawakesson ^ April 30. The answer was evasive j its im- port being to ascertain what the English were willing to pay, rather than to fix a price for captives. Probably the real object was delay. The next day, May i, a second letter, of similar import as the first (only the head chief " at Suckquackheage " was called Pessacus in- stead of Sucquance) was sent by Tiawakesson ; and an answer was demanded within 5 days. Here the correspondence ended. — Some of the captives escaped ; some were afterwards redeemed ; and some (including Thomas Eames's oldest daughter) never returned. As before stated, Philip and Quinnapin, with their warriors and a part of the younger squaws, and a considerable band of Narragansetts, left the valley about the loth of April, and started for Paquayag and Wachusett. The names of the sachems left in command, are given in the letter from the Connecticut council already quoted. Pessacus, from his high birth or age, or both, appears to have been the recognized head chieftain. He remained, with a large portion of the Narragansetts, through the spring. Besides the two names given in the text, he is salso known as Sucquanch, Cosucquanch, and Mossup. Rev. Jame Fitch, writing May 29, says : " Philip's men and the Narragansetts are generally come to Wachusett and Quaboag ; only Pessicus one of the chief of the Narragansett sachems did abide up at Pocomptock with some few of his men."^ In August, Menowniett in his testi- mony says : " Ninety North Indians, and Sucquance with them are gone to Paquayag on the Hudson river. He (Sucquance) is very sick. "3 The next year he was killed by the Mohawks, in the wilderness about 20 miles above Piscataqua, when going eastward, and was buried by order of Maj. Waldron.-* 'His name is sometimes written Watawaikeson. He is styled " agent of Pessacus," " messenger of Sucquance." He was a Narragansett; a counsellor of Sunck Squaw, and a man of great native shrewdness. He left Squakheag in June 5 was slain Sabbath, July z, 1676, with Sunck Squaw, and others. — Conn. Col. Rec, 11, 458. = Conn. Col. Rec, 11, 447. 3 Conn. Col. Rec, 11, 472. 4 S. G. Drake in Book of thi Indians. 12 90 History of Northfield. An Indian, captured by Capt. Holyoke near Skipmuck, April 27, stated to Samuel Marshfield, that the Indians " had three forts this side Wassquackheag ; that the number of Indians at Deerfield and on the river was 3000, of whom 1000 were men. He saith there are none but our River Indians, the Narragansetts,Nipnets, Quaboags, and such tribes as are known to us, that are engaged in the war. They are bare of provisions, but furnished with ammunition by the Dutch. ^ He saith they for the most part are desirous of peace if the English would propound for it ; that they would soon bring in Philip's head if that would be acceptable to procure peace. He saith there are many lurking about the towns. He saith that one of the forts is near the river bank, the other two are not far one from the other."^ These confessions of Indian prisoners are not reliable. But subse- quent events proved that many of these statements were true ; and that the numbers were not greatly exaggerated. About the first of May, the Indians appear to have separated into four principal parties. One remained at Squakheag, for planting and fishing ; one went to Pacomptock, mainly for planting ; one to Pa- quayag, for the same ; and a large crowd gathered at Pasquamscut falls, for fishing. The parties at Pacomptock and Squakheag began planting their corn the 9th or loth of May ; and before the end of two weeks they had finished planting a wide area. Rev. Mr. Rus- sell writes. May 22 : " Our scouts report that they have planted as is judged 300 acres of choice ground at Deerfield." This estimate was probably three times too large. No estimate of the number of acres planted at Squakheag has been discovered. As our clans were largely engaged in catching and drying fish, their cornfields were probably less in extent than those at Deerfield. This was a busy and joyous time along the banks of the river, from the mouth of Pauchaug brook to the head of Elmer's island. The red man's chief desire for " plenty to eat," was daily met by the up- ward rush of shad and salmon ; and all anxiety for the immediate future was relieved by the surplus which his squaw would hang up to dry in the smoke of his wigwam fire. He was in safe quarters. For the bands stationed below were an effectual guard against sur- prise by the whites. The whole of the planting and fishing season passed ; and the Indians here were not disturbed. * The Dutch sold powder and lead to the Mohawks, who, in turn sold to our Indians, so that Gov. Andross's indignant denial of the charge that " the Albany people supplied our enemies with ammunition," was both true and false. 2 Mass. Archives, LXvin, 202. Squakheag. q i But evil was impending over the fishing party at the falls, below the mouth of Miller's river. Rev. Mr. Russell of Hadley wrote, under date of May 15, 1676: "This morning about sunrise came into Hatfield one Thomas Reede a soldier who was taken captive when Deacon Goodman was slain (at Hockanum, about the first of April). He relates that they are now planting at Deerfield and have been so these three or four days or more — saith further that they dwell at the falls on both sides the river — are a considerable num- ber, yet most of them old men and women. He cannot judge that there are on both sides the river (at the falls) above 60 or 70 fighting men. They are secure and scornful ; boasting of great things they have done, and will do. There is Thomas Eames's daughter and her child (a younger sister) hardly used ; one or two belonging to Medfield, and I think two children belonging to Lancaster. The night before last they came down to Hatfield upper meadow, and have driven away many horses and cattle, to the number of four score and upwards as they judge. Many of these this man saw in Deer- field meadow, and found the bars put up to keep them in. This being the state of things, we think the Lord calls us to make some trial what may be done against them suddenly, without further delay ; and therefore the concurring resolution of men here seems to be to go out against them to-morrow night so as to be with them, the Lord assisting, before break of day." This purpose of the Hadley people was carried out three days later. There were special reasons why the Indians felt secure just at this time. Most of the Massachusetts troops under Maj. Savage, and the Connecticut troops under Maj. Treat had been withdrawn, and returned home. Only about 160 men, under command of Capt. William Turner, now garrisoned the Hampshire towns. Besides, negociations for the redemption of captives were pending between the Connecticut authorities and the Indian chiefs ; and it was pre- sumable that no hostilities would be commenced against the Indians till this matter was arranged. And on the night of the i8th, the party at the falls had gorged themselves " with new milk and roast beef, having lately driven away from Hatfield many of their milch cows, as an English woman confessed that was made to milk them."' At this fortunate juncture, about 160 mounted men — one half inhabitants and one half soldiers — under Capt. William Turner and Capt. Samuel Holyoke, started Thursday evening May 18, for the Indian fishing camp. With Benjamin Wait and Experience Hins- ' Drake's Huhbard, i, 230. 92 History of Norihfield. dale as guides, the troops left Hatfield, marched up the west side of the river, crossed the Deerfield and Green rivers, and halted about half a mile from the head of the falls. Leaving their horses a little to the u^est of Fall river, under a small guard, they climbed an abru{M: hill and came upon the back of the camp about day-break. "They found the Indians secure, yea all asleep without having any scouts abroad ; so that our soldiers came and put their guns into their wig- wams, before the Indians were aware of them, and made a great and notable slaughter."^ " Some got out of the wigwams and fought, and killed one of the English ; others did enter the river to swim over from the English, but many were shot dead in the waters, others wounded were therein drowned, many got into canoes to paddle away, but the paddlers being shot, the canoes overset with all therein ; and the stream being violent and swift near the falls, most that fell overboard were carried upon the falls. Others of them creeping for shelter under the banks of the great River, were espied by our men and killed with their swords ; Capt. Holyoke killing five, young and old, with his own hands."^ The victory seemed complete. But just as our troops were about to retire to their horses, a report was started that Philip with a thou- sand Indians was approaching ; and " a panic terror fell upon many of them, and they hastened homewards in a confused route." Capt. Turner and 37 of his men were slain — all but one after they left the falls. The loss of the Indians was much greater. Menowniet testified that 40 Norwottucks (meaning River Indians) and Ouaboags, and 10 Narragansetts were slain at the falls. This included only warriors, and was probably 10 below the actual loss. The number of women and children, shot in the wigwams, and destroyed in the attempt to cross the river was estimated as high as 150. Mr. Judd, who carefully analyzed the facts, concludes that " 180 Indians, old and young, perished at the falls that morning." It was their heaviest loss in any action during the war, in these parts : and one from which they never recovered.' ' Mather's Brief History. 'Drake's Hubbard, i, 231. "Of the men, directly connected with Northfield history, in this fight, were Nathaniel Alexander, James Bennett, Philip Mattoon, Joseph Kellogg, Samuel Boltwood, Stephen Belding, Wm. Clarke, John Lyman, Cornelius Merry, Joseph Warriner. In 1736, the General court granted to the survivors of this fight, and their descendants, a township, which in commemoration of the event was named Fall-town, since incorporated under the name of Bernardston. Squakheag. 93 The savages however, were not yet disheartened. They quickly gathered at least 250 warriors ; and on the 30th of May appeared at Hatfield, where they burnt many houses, killed 5 men, and drove away many horses and cattle. The same party attacked Hadley June 12, but were repulsed. No account can be gleaned from any sources, of the final departure of the Indians from their rendezvous at Cowasset and near the Great bend. They are known to have remained here till about the first of July. The death of King Philip, August 12, was the signal for the gene- ral dispersion of the savages in this quarter. But before the news could have reached Hadley, Capt. Swain had sent out a company of 30 men to cut down the growing corn, and destroy the dried fish at Squakheag. They finished this work by the 15th of August, but saw no Indians. An Indian Fort. CHAPTER IV. Resettlement of Squakheag^ 1685-90. The Committee's Power extended — Rules for Settlers — Land Grants — Names of Grantees — The Town Bounds extended Southward — Divi- sion OF Outlands — Fort — Mills — New Deed from Massemet — Plan OF Town Street — Purchase of Nawelet's Land — Killing of Six Persons BY Indians — Andros's Visit to Hadley — Rev. Warham Mather — Tes- timony of Grey-Poose and Others — The Winding-up. — 1690 to 1713. jFTER its desertion and destruction in 1675, the town " lay waste " for 7 years, before any movement for re- settlement was made. In the mean time two members of the Committee in charge of the plantation, viz., William AUis and Isaac Graves had died ; and of the settlers, Samuel Wright, Joseph Dickinson and James Bennett were killed by the Indians, as before narrated. Others had given up their rights and settled perma- nently elsewhere. Most of the proprietors, or their heirs, however, still held on to their grants, and at no time relinquished the purpose of rebuilding the town. 1682. As preliminary to a resettlement of the place, in the spring of 1682 the original proprietors sent a petition to the General court, asking that the vacancies in the Committee might be filled, and the Committee impowered to act in the premises. And at its session May 24th, the court ordered : " Whereas, upon the petition of the inhabitants of Northampton and others, in 1672, a plantation was granted to them upon Connefticut River, at a place there called Squaheage, and a Committee appointed and empowered by this Court to order and regulate the affairs of that plantation till this Court take further order — now, forafmuch as the major part of faid Committee are dead, upon the petition of the proprietors, this Court judgeth it meet and do hereby nominate and appoint Enfign John Lyman, Serg^ John King and Serg'' Preferved Clap to fupply the place of the deceafed, and to join with the remaining part of the former Committee, and that they or the major part of them fhall have the full power of the former Committee.'' It is not known that the Committee took any definitive action during this year. Resettlement of Squakheag. 95 1683. In the spring of 1683, "The Committee with the proprietors, having met feveral times about it, and after much agitation, they ordered and agreed as follows : 1 . That there fhall be 40 familys fettled in the town plot, and every man to have an equal proportion, and every home-lot to be 20 rods wide. 2. They did agree to throw up Pauchaugand the upper divifion in the Great Meadow by the town, to incourage more inhabitants to join with them for the better fettling of the place. 3. That every perfon that has 60 acres granted of interval land, fhall fettle two inhabitants upon it. 4. They did alfo agree to go again thither with their families, by the loth day of May 1686, or else to leave their lands. 5. That if there be any alter their minds, or not performing the condition of fettling two familys upon 60 acres, they fhall have the remainder of their land at the further end of the plantation." " After thefe orders and agreements above written, we granted lots as followeth, that is to fay, only interval land [in addition to home lots] : — Names. Acres. Names. Acres. Enfign John Lyman 45 Samuel Boltwood 30 Jofeph Parfons Sen 90. John Taylor 30 Mr. William Janes 60 John Woodward 35 George Alexander 60 Benjamin Palmer 30 Samuel Wright's heirs 60 Richard Francis 36 . John Alexander 35 Ifaac Warn%r 30 Robert Lyman, 40 Richard Lyman 35 William Miller 55. Jofeph Pumery 36 Jofeph Dickinfon's heirs 50 Eleazar Warner ... 20 Ralph Hutchinfon 40 John Hutchinfon 25 Micah Mudge 30 Thomas Hunt 20 Cornelius Merry 30 Daniel Warner 20 ■^JohnHilyard 30 William Gurley 25 Thomas Webfter 35 Zachery Lawrence 25 William Clarke 40 John Marlh 35 Samuel Davis 30 Benjamin Wright 30 Nath' Alexander 40 Ebenezer Wright 30 John Clary Jr 50 Ensign Lyman was to have 15 acres, or its equivalent, in addition to the 45. And in Feb. 1684, " it vi^as then granted to Ensign Ly- man a swamp of 60 acres at the lower end of the Great Meadow, as part of the 15 acres that is in addition to his grant." John Clary Jr. was entitled to but 30 acres ; and the 20 addi- tional was granted " on condition that he build a grist-mill for the use of the inhabitants." Joseph Dickinson was represented here by his son Samuel. Samuel Janes took one of his father's rights, and the home-lot next north of the one on which the Elder built in 1673 was assigned to him. 96 History of Northfield. Ebenezer Wright went up with the first company, but did not remain. Several of the engagers altered their minds, and did not remove to Northfield. Eleazar Warner forfeited his land, both home-lot and meadow, and it was afterwards granted to William Weeks ; Thomas Hunt's land was forfeited and alienated to John Lyman (Robert's son) ; John Taylor's land was forfeited and alienated to Samuel Boltwood ; Samuel Boltwood's first pitch was forfeited and alienated to John Holmes ; Joseph Pumery's to Joseph Warriner ; John Marsh's to Richard Lyman, and the lot first assigned to Richard Lyman to Jacob Root j William Gurley's to Joseph Root (both home-lot and meadow). Some of the above changes, and others of a similar kind, did not take place till 1685 and '86. In the latter year, "the home-lot granted and laid out to Richard Francis, was granted to John Clary Jr., in addition to his home-lot, making it extend north to the Mill brook, in lieu of 2 acres of interval and the Island lying at the turn of the Great River above Ashuelot river." March 18, 1686, " A grant of a home-lot and that Island com- monly called Mr. Janes's Island, lying a little above Pauchaug," was made to Joseph Janes : and a home-lot and 20 acres of interval was granted to Judah Hutchinson. Hutchinson took up his home-lot, but Janes did not. Samuel King had a grant of 25 acres, Thomas Root of 20 acres, Sam' Hutchinson and Sam' Lyman of 15 acres each, which were severally laid out " in the Three Little Meadows below the town plot," and they were " accepted as inhabitants," though they had no home-lots, and put up no buildings. At the same time, grants of 10 acres each were made to William Clarke Jr., Robert Poag, Steven Jennings and Samuel Taylor, which were laid out " on the north side of Four-mile brook." And the names of James Corse, John Kingsley, Joseph Sheldon and Thomas Root Jr. are found on the Committee's records, but no lands were assigned them. April 1687, Moses Lyman received a grant of " a home-lot and 20 acres of upland." He was here in 1688, but his home- lot has not been identified. 1684. The project made little advance this season, and the Com- mittee met with many discouragements. Feb. 13, 1684. The Committee then granted to Micah Mudge 6 acres upon the Moose plain. May 28, 1684. " We whose names are under written have layed out the highways of Squakeage town plot 10 rods wide through the Resettlement of Squakheag. 97 town, and a highway on the north side of Micah Mudge's home-lot and the south side of John Alexander's home-lot 10 rods wide to the meadow fence west, and so it runs into the woods eastward. Micah Mudge John Broughton Benjamin Wright" There is reason to believe that some of the grantees spent more or less time upon the ground this year, and that some lands were broken up, perhaps some crops put in, and preparation made for building houses. Probably the meadows were burned over in the autumn, after the custom of the Indians. The last of November was the date fixed by the Committee from which to reckon the four years, at the expiration of which all land grants, not occupied, were to be forfeited. 1685. The spring of this year was the time finally agreed upon to rebuild the town. " At a meeting of the Committee with the Company belonging to Squakeage, at Enfign Lyman's houfe [in Northampton], April 8, 1685, That where bound marks between men's lots were loft fmce the time they were driven away by the Indians, being about ten years fmce, we then, both the Committee and Proprietors did agree and order the lands both home-lots and meadow-lands Ihould be meafured again, and each man to have his juft due." April 26, 1685. At a meeting of the Committee, it was then agreed and ordered, that those men that have had lots granted, and are now to have their proportions laid out, shall have what they want [lack] in the Great meadow and Pauchaug in the next meadow, until they have equal with the former inhabitants, and what it wants in quality to be made up in quantity until it be equahzed : this order doth ex- tend to all those that shall have lots granted until the number of 40 families be settled. Saw-Mill. — At a meeting of the Committee May 18, 1685, they then granted to John Woodward, William Clarke Jr. and Richard Lyman and any other that shall join with them, liberty to build a saw-mill, and we have granted to them a stream to improve their mill and so much land as they need to pond on and to lay logs upon, and 20 acres of land near the mill for pasturing or any other youse what they see mete, and liberty of the Commons for timber what they need to build with ; this [pasture land] is granted to them and to their 13 98 History of Northfield. heirs forever, to be taken up where the partners shall judge most convenient. This mill was set up on what is known as the Dea. Janes mill site. May 23, 1685. William Clarke "in behalfe of those that are pre- paring to resettle the village of Squakeage," sent a statement and petition to the General Court * in which after rehearsing the action of the Committee in fixing the original bounds of the plantation, he proceeds : " and now being streightened for roome at the easterly end, the inhabitants that now intend to resettle the place againe doe earnestly desier and intreate this honnoured Court, if you see mete, to lett the plantation extend about two miles and a halfe lower, unto a little stoney brooke, which is called Fower Miles Brooke, and that yow would grant it to them ; it would greatly encourage those that are to setle there, there being neare about forty familys preparing to setle there within a litle time. There is no intervale nor meadow land in this tract of land that I moove for them, but because it lyes near the toune, and may be usefull for wood and other wayes, and also incou- rage more inhabitants." * * * The Court granted the petition, and extended the southerly bound on the east side of the river accordingly. The number of families that went upon the plantation this first season, is not definitely known. Evidently it was much smaller than had been expected. It was not over twenty. The terrible remem- brances of the former attempt were fresh in the minds of the surviv- ors, and they were slow to repeat the risk. The temptation of abundance of land and a pleasant dwelling place, was offset by the perils of frontier exposure and distance from help. Micah Mudge, Cornelius Merry, John Alexander and William Miller, of the earlier planters, and Samuel Davis, Benjamin Palmer, John Clary Jr. and Benjamin Wright, resolute men, named in the records as " new comers," were the pioneers, and bore the brunt in this enterprise. Each settler built on his home-lot, instead of in a common en- closure, as at the former attempt. According to the Rev. Mr. Hub- bard's account, some "put up convenient houses" — probably of framed timber, and covered with rived clap-boards. Fort. — As one of the first necessities of frontier life, they built a substantial fort. This was placed on the Robert Lyman home-lot, owned in the Third Settlement by Zechariah Field. » Mass. Colony Records, v, 482. Resettlement of Squakheag. 99 Grist-mill. — Early in the season a grist-mill was set up by John 'Clary Jr. He had the mill in Hadley the preceding year,^ and was induced to remove hither by the offer of 20 acres of land in Great meadow, and the island situated in the great bend of the river. The mill was located on Mill brook,^ on the privilege nearest the street. Sept. 15, 1685. It is further granted to the "new inhabitants," in the upper end of the Great meadow, as an addition to their lots that they shall run to the brow of the hill, that is to say, where the fence now stands. Jn Order for the Prefer vat ion of Timber at Squakeage alias Northfeld. It is ordered by the Committee of" the place, that if any perfon or perfons whatfo- ever fhall fall timber on the Commons, after 3 months its, to be crofsted or cut off; and after 3 months more to be cleft out or bolted orfquared ; if not, it fhall be forfeited." Bolts were cuts of sufficient length for shingles or clap-boards, i. e. from 3 to 5 feet long. Apportionment of the Land Grants, — An important and somewhat difficult part of the Committee's work this year, (not com- pleted till the next), was the apportionment of the granted lands among the inhabitants. There is nowhere to be found a record of the rule by which the lands at Squakheag were originally granted, at this Second Settle- ment. From an incidental allusion in one of the town votes, it is believed that a sum of money was subscribed in advance by each en- gager, the sum total of which was to be used in payment for land pur- chases, expense of surveying, and other antecedent charges. A cer- tain sum thus put down entitled the subscriber to 30 acres of interval ; more to more, and less to less, in proper ratio. Thus the number of acres set against each man's name in the Committee's list (see ante^ p. 95), represented his estate^ and was the basis of taxation for public charges. A rate, laid in 1688, for building a meeting-house and bridge, was levied on this list of lands. The home-lots, being of equal size, were not taxed for these public charges. It is to be borne in mind that the allotment now made, was not in addition to the grants set down in the Committee's list, but was only the filling up of those grants. • The Hadley mill had been in possession of Robert Boltwood and his son Samuel. Nov. 1, 1683, the town bought out their right, and took possession: but difficulty arising, the town surrendered the property back to the Boltwoods, May i, 1685. ^ The stream on which the first mi/I in a town was built, was commonly named Milt brook. lOO History of Northfield. In this apportionment of outlying intervals, it was the aim of the Committee that each settler should have his just proportion of the more desirable lands, such as Great meadow^ and Pauchaug, as well as of the distant plains and meadows. To secure a more substantial equality, the larger meadows were first marked off into 2 or 3 nearly equal parts, and each man received a lot in each part, or a lot in one part equivalent in value to the 2 or 3. Great meadow was divided into 3 parts. The first division em- braced 17 lots, the smallest being 2\ and the largest ii|^ acres ; the second division had 25 lots, varying from 2 to 22| acres ; the third division had 16 lots of from i J to 5 acres each. Pauchaug was divided into 2 parts, and each division into 18 lots which were assigned to new comers. These lots varied in size from 6 to 10 acres each. Bennett's meadow was cut into 2 parts, and each part into 16 lots. These lots were granted in the ratio of i acre for every 10 acres as given in the Committee's list — 30 acres drew 3, etc. Great swamp was divided into 32 lots, and each grantee of 30 acres drew 5J acres, and so more or less as the case might be. This was the only supply of wood handy to the town, and such as failed to receive a share here, probably were expected to supply their wants from the patches growing on the commons, or on the banks of the streams. Little meadow, which lay on the west side of the river " opposite the upper end of Pauchaug," contained about 24 acres and was divi- ded into 16 lots, each of which had from ij to if acres. Third meadow, on the west side " above Pauchaug," (separated from Little meadow by a wooded ravine) was estimated at 36 acres, and divided into 16 lots, varying from f to 5 acres each. The Fifth meadow draught or Great meadow west, comprised lands on both sides of the river. The east division, " lying triangular on both sides of a brook," had 12 lots ; the west division had 19 lots, ranging from if to 7^ acres each, being in about the ratio of 3!^ acres to each 30 acre grant. The Ashuelot draught, comprised the meadow and open lands at the mouth of the Ashuelot, and the meadows opposite on the west side of the Connecticut. The east division contained about 23 acres, parceled into 9 lots ; the west division of about 70 acres was par- celed into 22 lots. The lots varied in size from i:^ to 7f acres, the majority containing 2| acres. Resettlement of Squakheag. loi A lot of 1 1| acres, in the meadow on the east side of the Connec- ticut " above the Ashuelot draught," was granted to Cornelius Merry, whence originated the name Merry's meadow^ applied in later records to the tract above old Fort Hill. Moose plain, reckoned at about 120 acres, was divided into 18 lots, ranging from 3^^ to I5f acres each. A year later, Wells's meadow (below the Fifth meadow draught), and Wells's plain (above Moose plain), were apportioned to the settlers. A home-lot of 7I acres, and 46 acres of interval were reserved for a minister. Meadowlands were also set apart and reserved for **the smith." Burying-Ground. — A piece of land was reserved for a burying- place on the meadow hill,' and a way to it through Samuel Dickin- son's home-lot (the Joseph Dickinson lot) ; " and we have allowed him two rods more than his due for y^ way, on the north side of his lot." This year, highways, or more properly meadow-roads, were laid out as follows : one of two rods wide through the Great meadow by the town, from the south end to the north end across every man's lot ; also a cross highway to the meadow, between the minister's lot and William Miller's lot ; two rods wide through Pauchaug from south to north across all the lots -, two rods wide through every man's lot in the Ashuelot draught west ; also 2 highways one rod wide each, from south to north through Bennett's meadow, one on the plain below the great hill, and one in the meadow ; and " a parcel of land from Parsons's lotto the Rock is reserved to set hay and corn on for conveniency" ; one rod wide through the lots in Little mea- dow, from south to north, with an allowance of space at the south end upon William Clarke's land " sufficient to turn carts on" ; one rod wide through the Third meadow, with conveniency for turning carts ; two rods wide through all that meadow called the Fifth meadow or Great-meadow west, through every man's lot. The Commons. — All the lands not divided and apportioned, were called Common land, or Town land ; and were open for pasturage without restriction, to all the inhabitants. ' The tradition is, that Sergt. Samuel Wright was killed on this spot by the Indians, Sept. a, 1675, and his bones, when found, were interred where he fell; which circumstance de- cided the location of the cemetery. I02 History of Northfield. 1686. At the town meeting March 18, 1686, the following officers were chosen : Ensign John Lyman and Benjamin Palmer, Supervis- ors of the place. Micah Mudge, Constable for the year ensuing. John Clary Jr. and John Lyman, fence viewers. Micah Mudge and Benjamin Palmer, measurers of land : " And it is ordered that they shall have two pence every acre, if the proprietors be not with them, if they be, they are to have but one penny for measuring." It is ordered that if any home-lot shall fall short in measure, they shall have it made up elsewhere : and what it is wanting in quality to be made up in quantity. Meadow Fences. — At the same meeting, " ordered, that the fence about the Great Meadow shall be made up by the i6th of April next insuing, sufficient according to law, that is to say, thick and strong according to the judgment of the fence-viewers ; and if any do neg- lect to make their fence according to this order, they shall forfeit for every week's neglect 2 shillings and 6 pence every rod, besides all other damage. It is ordered that Pauchaug shall be fenced in by the beginning of May next insuing, upon the forfeit of 4 shillings and six pence per rod for every week's neglect, besides all other damages. As the matter oi fencing was one of the heavy burdens on the new settler, a brief account will here be given. All the cattle and usually the hogs were suffered to run at large. Grain fields and mow lands were thus exposed to constant depredation. For each man to fence around his separate lot would be enormously expensive and was un- necessary. And so " common fences " around " common fields," to be regulated by the town, was the rule adopted. Each proprietor was required to make and maintain fence according to the number of acres he held in the field or meadow, and to have a stake 12 inches high at the end of his fence, with the two first letters of his name, facing the way the fence runs. The home-lot fences were usually made of posts and rails. Meadow fences were sometimes of the same, and sometimes consisted of a broad ditch with stakes and two or three poles set on the bank, making the whole full four feet in height. Ferry. — A lot 26 rods wide was reserved and laid out upon Moose plain for a highway and ferry. This was what is known as the Prin- dle ferry. New Fort. — A new fort was built early this year on the John Clary home-lot. This was necessary for the protection of the mill, Resettlement of Squakheag 103 and as a resort for the families located at this end of the street. The site of this fort, which was on the height of land south of the Mill brook (now known as the Capt. White lot) was favorable for obser- vation and defence. The tradition is that it was a strong work, built of logs, with a mount at the northwest corner. The stone founda- tion was in place 50 years ago, and the well is still perfect. May 24, 1686. A new deed of the tract of land between Miller's brook on the south, and Mill brook, on the north, originally pur- chased in 1 67 1 (see ante, p. 52), was taken of the Indians. This implies that the savages were in the neighborhood ; and the fact that their demand for additional pay was yielded to shows that it was thought necessary to conciliate them. And the appointment of John Lyman as ensign of the militia at Northfield this spring, and the building of a new fort indicate the state of apprehension which prevailed. Pro- bably watches were kept at night, and wards in the day-time, from the ist of May to the time of the " fall of the leaves" — the Indians com- monly choosing this season for their attacks, as the leaves afforded better concealment. All males from 16 to 60, except those exempted by law, were required to train four days in a year, and were liable at all times to be called upon to take their turn in watching, warding and scouting. ^ The plan on the next page exhibits the home-lots as located by the Committee, and includes all, except Moses Lyman's and Judah Hutch- inson's, that had been assigned and taken up as late as the spring of 1 687 . Several of them were not occupied at this date, and some of them must have remained unoccupied during this Settlement. According to a statement of Micah Mudge and Samuel Davis, "about 25 families" actually built houses on their home-lots. All named on the plan, however, except Richard Francis, were taxed in Northfield, and they or their heirs claimed a title to the lots, at a subsequent time. The records contain no evidence to show that George Alexander, Joseph Parsons, Robert Lyman, Mr. William Janes, Richard Lyman or William Clarke became actual residents in this second attempt — though they paid annual taxes : and it is doubtful if any one to repre- sent Samuel Wright took possession of his home-lot. Deducting these names, leaves (including Moses Lyman and Judah Hutchinson) 29 as the number of actual settlers. And all the 29, except John Hutchin- son and Ralph Hutchinson, are known to have been in Northfield at ' Every town was required by law to provide a suitable watch-house, with candles, and wood. In time of peace, watches were under control of the town constable; in time of war, they were under the military authorities. Jos. Warriner Saml Boltwood Rich. Francis John Clary Jr. John Woodward Thos. Webster Saml Wright Geo Alexander Micah Mudge Samuel Davis Jos. Dickinson Jos. Parsons John Hilyard Isaac Warner Cor. Merry John Lyman Rob. Lyman Saml Janes Wm. Janes Ralph Hutchi MEADOW ROAD John Holmes Town land Common land Benj. Palmer Town land Danl. Warner Minister's lot Wm. Miller Town land J. Hutchinson Jos. Root Town land. Rich. Lyman O tu N. Alexander > 2: Wm. Clarke Benj. Wright H w 5! Ens. J. Lyman Resettlement of Squakheag. 105 I this time. Thus the statement of Mudge and Davis is substantially I corroborated. A brief sketch of the new comers is in place here. Nathaniel Alexander, was the 5th child of George (see Settlers j of 1673). His w. was Hannah Allen, dau. of Samuel. Neither of ' his sons lived to marry : and after the Third Settlement, he sold his : home-lot to his nephew Ebenezer Alexander, and went to live with I his dau. Hannah, the w. of Samuel Boltwood Jr. of Hadley. I Samuel Boltwood. His father Robert was early at Wethers- field (east side) ; afterwards of Hadley, Samuel, known as Sergeant Boltwood, was an engager for Northfield in 1683, ^^^ ^'^ "°' g° "P 1 till '86. He was a man of remarkable strength, and great bravery, ; and "a noted wolf killer." He m. Sarah Lewis, dau. of Capt. Wil- ( liam of Farmington, Ct. When Northfield was deserted he returned ' to Hadley ; was slain (with his son Robert) at Deerfield, Feb. 29, 1704. Several of his children married into Northfield families. John Clary Jr., was son of John of Watertown and Hadley. He built the first grist-mill in N. 1685. He (with his dau. Sarah aged 15) was killed by the Indians at or near his mill, Aug. 16, 1688. His w. was dau. of the first Nathaniel Dickinson of Hadley and sis- ' ter of Joseph of Northfield who was k. with Capt. Beers. Samuel Davis was the son of William of Roxbury. Was at Northampton 1668. He was a leading man in the Northfield set- tlement, and did not desert the place till the spring of 1690. He d. at Northampton July 26, 1690. Mary Davis of Northampton, dau. of his son John, held a right in his lands and was taxed in North- field 1718. Samuel Dickinson, son of Joseph, represented his father's rights in Northfield during this Settlement. Richard Francis. Probably from Dorchester, and one of the 16 young men who in 1669 could not prove an "orderly living," and the constables were ordered to look after them. He was clerk of Capt. Turner's company in Philip's war : named in Northampton records 1675 ; took oath of fid. at Nh"; Feb. 8, 1679. He was one of the Northfield engagers, 1683 ; received a grant of a home-lot and 36 acres of interval in 1684 ; received a special grant of lO acres north of Four-mile brook. Mar. 18, 1686. He did not re- move to Northfield, and his home-lot was given to John Clary Jr. He d. before Feb. 8, 17 15. William Gurley, said to be of Scotch descent. He was brought up in the family of Rev. Solomon Stoddard. Is named as an inhabit- ant of Northampton Feb. 8, 1679. He m. 1684, Esther Ingersoll. 14 1 06 History of Northfield. Had grant of home-lot, etc., in Northfield 1684, and special grant of 10 acres north of Four-mile brook Mar. 18, 1686, but did not take possession. He was drowned at Northampton May 21, 1687. John Holmes, took oath of fid. at Northampton Feb. 8, 1679. He received a grant of a home-lot at Northfield, and built on it in 1686. The place, now owned by Joseph B. Callender, was known as the Holmes lot for several generations. After the desertion of the planta- tion he removed to Deerfield, and d. 1692. Thomas Hunt. He was the oldest son of Dea. Jona. and Clem- ence (Hosmer) Hunt of Northampton. Had grant of home-lot and 20 acres of land at Northfield 1684; and special grant of 10 acres north of Four-mile brook March 18, 1686; but did not remove thither. He was living in Lebanon, Ct., 1700: was an original member of the church in Lebanon. John Hutchinson, was the son of Ralph. After the desertion of Northfield, he removed to Lebanon, Ct. JuDAH Hutchinson, son of Ralph, was a prominent man in Northfield during the Second Settlement ; perhaps occupied his father's home-lot. Lived afterwards at Northampton. Samuel Hutchinson, son of Ralph. In 1686 he received a grant of 15 acres in the Three Little Meadows below the town, and was admitted "an inhabitant" of Northfield. He probably did not reside permanently here. Was living at Lebanon, Ct., 17 18, and was taxed on land in Northfield that year. Samuel Janes, was son of Elder William. Had a home-lot in Northfield — probably one of his father's rights, which was confirmed to him in 1685, and on which he was living in 1688. He was k. by Indians at Pascomock May 13, 1704. Joseph Janes, son of Elder William : unm. : d. 1695. Mar. 18, 1686, he received grant of a home-lot and an island at Northfield, but did not build and inhabit. Zachery Lawrence. He was probably son of John and Eliza- beth Lawrence of Watertown, b. Mar. 9, 1659. His land grants at Northfield 1684 were. Home-lot, next north of Mill brook, . . 7^ acres. Great Meadow, first lot, 2 Great Meadow, second lot, ij Pauchaug, 9 Little meadow, west of river, i^ Second meadow, do., 3!^ Ashuelot draught, west, i^ Special grant Mar. 18, 1686, 10 Total 36 acres. Resettlement of Squakheag. 107 He was chosen hayward Feb. 29, 1688. In 1714, he was a resi- dent of Hatfield. Ensign John Lyman, was son of Richard the first : born in England, came over with his father 1631. Lived in Branford, Ct. and at Northampton. He was appointed one of the Committee for Northfield, May 24, 1682, whither he removed in the summer of '86. He returned to Northampton, prob. in '88, and d. Aug. 20, 1690. Moses Lyman, was son of Ensign John. Had a home-lot and other lands in Northfield, granted Apr. 1687. He was living in Northfield, 1688. His son Moses, commonly called Capt. Moses, claimed his father's rights in N. in 17 14. John Lyman, son of Robert, had grant of a home-lot (next N. of his father's), and 31 acres of interval and woodland in the spring of 1686. Was a resident and held office that year. Richard Lyman, son of Richard Jr. He had a home-lot and lands in N. 1686 ; or rather he took the lands which were forfeited and alienated by John Marsh Jr., whose father m. his mother. It is not probable that his family came to this town. He removed from Northampton to Lebanon, Ct., 1696. John Marsh Jr. His f. John was of Hartford, Hadley, North- ampton, and Hartford again : m. for 2d w. Hepzibah Lyman, wid. of Richard Jr. John Marsh Jr. m. Sarah Lyman, dau. of his step- mother. He forfeited his home-lot and lands in N. which were taken by his bro.-in-law Richard Lyman. Benjamin Palmer, was a leading man in the town. His lineage has not been ascertained. Benjamin Palmer, then of Plainfield, Ct., sold Dec. 29, 1702, his lands in Northfield to Enoch Randall of Enfield. Robert Poag or Poick. His name is on the list of inhabitants of Hatfield, 1679. Received grant of 10 acres of land north of Four-mile brook Mar. 18, 1686. He d. at Northampton, returning from a journey, Jan, 14, 1702. Joseph Pumery, was the youngest son of Eltweed. He forfeited his grant by non-residence. Was living at Colchester, Ct., 1701. His w. was Hannah, dau. of Richard Jr. and Hepzibah Lyman. Joseph Root, was eldest son of Thomas Sen. He had a home- lot and 33 J acres of land, granted in 1686. Jacob Root, son of Thomas Sen. He received a grant of a home-lot and 39J acres of interval, at the same time as his bro. Joseph. His w. was a dau. of Sampson Frary. He removed to Hebron Ct. io8 History of Northfield. John Taylor. He was of Northampton, Captain of the Hamp- shire troop : k. by the Indians in the pursuit after the massacre at Pascomock, May 13, 1704. His w. was Thankful Woodward, sister of John. He was an engager for Northfield 1683. The home-lot set to him was the second north of Mill brook ; he had 30 acres of interval: and Mar. 18, 1686, received a special grant of 10 acres north of Four-mile brook. He did not take possession. His son, Sergt. Thomas, and grandson Thomas, will figure largely in our sub- sequent history. Isaac Warner, an engager 1683, was son of Andrew of Cam- bridge, Hartford and Hadley. He was a man of influence in the new plantation. He d. at Deerfield, 1691. His w. was Sarah Bolt- wood, dau. of Robert, and sister of Sergt. Samuel. Daniel Warner, a brother of Isaac : settled in Hatfield, removed to Northfield 1685 or 6 ; d. at Hatfield, 1692. His 2d w. was Martha Boltwood, sister of Isaac's wife. Eleazar Warner, was son of John of Ipswich, Brookfield, and Hadley. He was an engager for Northfield 1683, but forfeited his right, and the land was assigned to William Weeks. Joseph Warriner, son of William of Springfield. He took Joseph Pumery's land rights ; was a man of some prominence. When the place was abandoned, he removed to Enfield, where he d. 1697. William Weeks. Was probably from Dorchester ; son of William ; if so, he was b. 1658. He took the land grants first set off to Eleazar Warner. In June 1688, he had a lot in Wells's plain, which is thus described : " On the east side of the great river, above the meadow called Pauchaug above the first brook, one parcel of land, bounded W. the river, E. the hill, S. the first brook, N. against the lower end of an island called Mr. Janes's island — this Wm. Weeks hath, about 7 acres." John Woodward, only son of Henry of Dorchester and North- ampton. He built at Northfield 1685 ^^ ^ » ^^^^^ ^he desertion in '90, he removed to Westfield ; thence about 1700 to Lebanon, Ct. Benjamin Wright, the captain, son of Samuel who was k. by the Indians Sept. 2, 1675. He was b. at Northampton July 13, 1660 ; m. (i) Mar. 22, 1681, Thankful Taylor, dau. of Capt. John. She d. April 4, 1701. He m. (2) July 19, 1701, Mary Barker of Springfield. He lived to return to Northfield in 17 14, and will come more prominently into notice during that period of our history. 1687. -^^^ items of public interest can be gleaned from the records of this year. The necessities of food and shelter, and the measure- ment and staking off^ of allotted lands, filled up the season. Resettlement of Squakheag. 109 Caterpillars. — An extract from a letter written July 5, by John Pynchon, gives intimation of a singular plague which visited the river towns this summer. " We are sorely afflicted by caterpillars or such like worms eating our corn, and in some places eating y* grass and shearing it clean, so that unless y^ Lord remove y™ our people will be sorely distressed. I hear it in so many other towns about us : y^ Lord grant that it may not be so with you [in Boston] and in mercy put a stop to their progress that we may have sus- tenance." Though the major part of the meadows north of Mill brook had been divided to the settlers, and many lots were actually in tillage, yet the Indian title had not been extinguished. And August 13th a purchase of this large tract, comprising all of Nawelet's possessions on the river, was consummated \_See ante^ p. 54]. Thus in all, the Northfield proprietors purchased three parcels of land, viz : Mashepetofs land^ lying wholly on the west side of the river, extending from the brook Nallahamcongo or Natanis on the south to Massemet's land on the north, and running six miles into the woods. Massemefs land^ lying on both sides of the river and bounded by Mashepetot's land on the south, north by the brook Cowas, and running back 6 miles from the river on either side. Nawelet's land^ lying on both sides of the river, and bounded south by Massemet's land, north by the brook Wanascatok and running back 6 miles from the river on either side. 1688. At the annual town meeting held Feb. 29, 1688, the fol- lowing officers were chosen : Nathaniel Alexander, constable. Jacob Root, Wm. Miller, Judah Hutchinson, measurers of land. Isaac Warner, Jacob Root, fence viewers for Great meadow. Joseph Warriner, Samuel Boltwood, fence viewers for Pauchaug. Zachery Lawrence, Joseph Root, haords for both meadows. Moses Lyman, Wm. Miller, highway wardens. *' Voted^ That all those that have grants of land shall be here with their families, or forfeit their grant and what they have done upon it, according to your (the Committee's) order to the use of the town, by the tenth (loth) day of May next ensuing." The prosperous condition and public spirit of the new settlers may be inferred from the following action, taken at the same meeting : Voted^ to gather a rate of 40 pounds 5 shillings, to be levied on the grants of meadow lands, for to build a meeting-house and a bridge over Mill brook. John Clary Jr. was chosen to present this last 1 1 o History of Northfield. vote to the Committee for their approval. He u^ent to Northampton with the following letter : " Y*^ toune of Northfield, confidering y*^ necefsity of a meteinge hous for to mete in, and alfoe to build a bridg over y° mill brooke being orderly met to- gether did voat and were yunnanamus in owr voat to bild a Meeting hous & the sade brige, and alfoe voated to make a Reat of fForty pounds, and to rafe it uppon grants of land for y^ defraying of y*^ charges of fade meteing hous & brige, as attefte Joseph Warriner Samuel Davis." This action of the town was approved by the Committee, and the assessment was made ; but as rates were mostly payable in grain, and were often laid in anticipation of a crop, it is not likely that the pur- pose of the voters was carried out. Besides, the frontiers were be- ginning to feel sensibly the effects of the arbitrary measures of the king, who had annulled the Colonial charters, and placed the despotic Andros in authority over New England. Commercial interests were paralyzed ; and the conflict between Andros and the people, who still clung to their rights, weakened both the civil and the military arms. The French authorities in Canada were not slow to take ad- vantage of this distracted state of affairs, and were instigating the Indians to renew their depredations on the exposed settlements. But as yet no signs of evil alarmed the Northfield settlers. They were inured to danger ; and like men bent on a great purpose, and trustful of a Divine Providence that permitted evil only as a merited chastisement, they went on with their allotted work. At a meeting held April nth, " It was voted and agreed by the Proprietors of Northfield to give to each of our honored Committee, Mr. William Clarke, Deacon William Holton, Sergt. John King and Enfign Preferved Clap, five acres of interval land in the Three Little Meadows, without paying any purchafe money, and it is to lye clear of any town charges whatfoever. This land is to pay them, the above named Committee, for all their cofl: pains and labor about the fetding of the faid North- field ; and if they ferve a year or two more, we will not demand full pay of them." In June, the lots in Wells's meadow, and the Wells plain draught, which comprised the high and broken lands on both sides of the river between Wells's meadow and the Moose plain draught, were rear- ranged and assigned to permanent settlers. In a word, the recorded public action of the planters this spring, all implies that they felt strong and confident. They form plans for the future, as if conscious that the foundations were well and securely Rp settlement of Squakheag. 1 1 1 laid ; as if the time of uncertainty and experiment was passed, and they could rely on the devotion and firmness of all who had become inhabitants, and could shake off the timid and hesitating engagers ; as if they had a right to emerge from the privation period, into the pri- vileges and independence of Christian society — of which the Meet- ing-house and bridge are two characteristic emblems. But in the latter part of June, while they were engaged in making their crop of English hay, the enemy was stealthily approaching the border. The story of this summer is best told in the official documents of the time. Affidavit of Jean Rosie. " John Rofie of the city of Albany aged 34 or thereabouts being examined faith : That on the 1 ith of June laft he went from Albany with Derick Wefsells, who was sent by Gov'' Dongan to carry the truce or cefsation made between y^ Kings of England and ffrance to the Gov'' of Canada ; and the 22d following came with him to Mount Royal where they found the ^ Gov'' of Canada, and there he saw the f D. Wefsells y'' fame day deliver y*^ letters of the f'^ cefsation to y® Gov''^ own hand." Sworn to Sept. 25, 1688.1 " AcLORAMAK and Walnakane two Sachems of y® Meeklanders, examined by Capt. Wendell 24th Auguft 1688 faid : They had 8 men of their In- dians out a hunting, betwixt Canada and y^ North"- about a month since, and there met 12 of the North Indians y'' live in Canada, and had great difcourfe together : And fecondly, to fire one upon another ours found themfelves too weak and told them they were friends and relations together ; and it was peace, and had orders not to fight any more. They faid, they were fent out by the French Governor to kill Chriftians and Indians, and fhould go to the North, and they could not then abftain from it becaufe it was peace. Y^ Captains names of them : Wampeolak, Nahainfett. Soldiers : — Wae-lae-mae-quit, Ota-fa-wa-fettand his bro : Wa-fees, Mae-qua-wee-bain-pa-weet, Mack-to-wan, Ta-ma-wa-ra-hack, Wa-ha-ro-hack ; y'^ others they know not by name : And they now underftand by the Indians y'' came with D. Wefsells from Canada that there is now 8 more out y^ way to do mifchief, and they think they have done the mifchief to y® Chriftians."'^ The Examination of an Indian called Magsigpen alias Gray- poose, taken in Albany the 15th day of September, 1688 : Saith, that returning from Canada with the Maquas, who had been fighting there. Left f* Maquas in the Lake and went with the Scagkook Indians a hunt- ing being eight together in number, coming upon a creek called Magkaneweeck, ' Mass. Slate Arcbi-vcs, CXXIX, Zlf. * The terms " North " and " North Indians" in these papers, refer to Northfield and Deerfield, and the Squakheag and Pacomtock Indians. 3 Mass. State Archi-ves, cxxix, 136. 1 1 2 History of Northfield. met with four Indians viz. Jethro and others, and fo went down i^ creek to- gether. And were fcen by eleven Indians that formally lived in New England and now in Canada, who followed them all the night (as afterwards they under- ftood of them). Coming to a fall, carried their canoes into the great River of Connecticut ; and juft as they were a going into their canoes the f^ eleven North Indians came running out of the woods, prefented their arms upon the Scagkook Indians and called Who are you? And this exafninant anfwercd, Scagkook Indians. The North Indians further afked, where are you a going and what is your bufinefs \ The Scagkook Indians replied. We are a hunt- ing. What people are you, and what your bufinefs? The North Indians faid. We live in Canada — We are going to fight by order of the Governor of Canada, who told us the Maquas have done great mifchief in Canada, therefore go you, revenge the fame either on Chriftians or Indians : Kill all what you can, bring no prifoners but their fcalps, ard I'll give you ten beavers for every one of them. — Then the North Indians made canoes there and fo went down the River together two days, being continually upon their guard without fleep- ing, challenging the one the other. The eight Scagkook Indians told the French Indians, we have been in Canada with the Maquas, and are you come to re- venge it .? Why do not you fall upon us ? The North Indians anfwered, Derick Wefsells hath been in Canada and brought tidings there that a cefsation was made of all hoftility between the two governments, and he was bat four days gone from Canada when we came from there. Upon which the Scag- kook Indians replied. How, is there a cefsation, and do you go out Hill ? We know nothing of it. And fo talking together came to a place called Soquag- keeke [Squakheag] where fome chriftians live and to a place called Deerfield. There they went to the houfe of one Mr. Thomas Wells, where they lodged with three of the North Indians. The Scagkook Indians went and told the chriftians [at Squakheag], There are eleven Indians that are come from Canada, be upon your guard, we know not whether their hearts are good. The chrif- tians anfwered, We are not afraid of them : we are not concerned in the wars of Canada, * * * The f^. Examinant further faith that the names of the f^ eleven North In- dians are as followeth, viz. The chief is called Wampolack, from pennecooke Nanauquefeek, from pennecooke Walamaqueet, lived formerly in y'' halfe Moone Maquawekanpaweet, from pennekooke and his fon whofe name ihey know no Tawawekakeak a Minenaet, from pennekooke Wawanwejagtack of guaboag Wawagquohaet of Ouaboag Togpagkamin of Nafsawack Maghtwaen of pakantecooke guaetfeits a Wappinger of Hudfon's River And further faith not."' ' Mass. State Arch't'ves, xxx, 3 1 1 . Resettlement of Squakheag. 1 1 3 From these statements it appears that this party of 1 1 Indians, hired by the French authorities in Canada to kill and scalp friendly Indians and whites, passed down through Northfield the 23** or 24''' of July : that the friendly Scagkooks gave the settlers warning of their hostile intentions : and that our people, trusting to the sacredness of a truce between the English and French governments, failed to take the alarm. Three of these 1 1 Indians stopped over night with Thomas Wells of Deerfield, while the rest went down the river. Within the week, (July 27,) 5 peaceable Indians dwelling at Spec- tacle pond near Springfield, were found murdered ; but no trace was discovered of the murderers. The day after this murder (July 28), a party of strange Indians was seen in the vicinity of Northfield. " The examination of Micah Mudge of Northfield aged 38 years or there- abouts, taken the 15th October, 1688. " The f^ Examinant faith, that about the latter end of July, the news being come to their town of feveral Indians murdered by Indians and others taken at Speflacle Pond near Springfield, and that feveral ftrange Indians were feen about their town, and not coming in, he, with eleven men more went out to see what Indians they were and what their intent was ; and having travelled all an after- noon, about y® dufkof y® evening found feveral Indians by a fire on y® fide of a hill about a mile from y® town, and coming near they called to them, and imme- diately y® Indians flood to their arms, and after difcourfed together about their being there and not coming to y** town ; and y® Indians told them they were going to Penecook, and that fome lately came from there. That this examinant faw amongft them Wahacoet and Cungowafco two Indians he was well acquainted with, and feveral others who he knew to be North Indians formerly belonging to thefe parts, but does not remember their names. That this Examinant ofi^ering to go towards their fire was hindered by the faid Cungowafco, but was after led to y* fame by Wahacoet, where he faw about feven Indians in warlike pofture. That this examinant thereupon told them that there was peace between y® Kings of England and IFrance, which Wahacoet replied he knew well enough and promifed y® next morning to come in to Northfield, which they did not."' An extract from Col. Pynchon's Diary of Accounts of this date, throws important light on the transactions now under consideration : " Jiily 3*^» 1688. I fet out from Springfield on my journey to New London to wait upon his Excellency Gov'' Andros's orders there : when y® expenfes of man and horfes, ferriages, etc., in my journey thither were £,0 12 6. " Aug. 3. To expenfes on my return back, being fent home with orders by his Excellency £0 9 o " Aug. 6th to y*^ 1 1*"^, When I went from Springfield towards Northfield by ' Masi. State Arch'fvei, cxxix, 243. 15 1 1 4 History of Northfield. Northampton and thro' thofe upper towns to order affairs : two men with me , from Springfield 5 days out ; Ferriage of men and horfes at Springfield and expenfes in i'^ journey came to £018 o. To 24 foldiers I took then up with me from y® upper towns ; the ferriage of their coming back from Northfield (for we fwam them going up) ; To Drinks at y*^ difcharging y® f*^ foldiers, and my paying y* expenfes of y™ and many oc- cafional charges afsifting at y*^ fortifications at Northfield : I difcharging y"' y* 1 took at this time wholly, hoping all things would have been fettled fo as to have no further account (which afterwards proved otherwife) Wherefore dif- burfed £3 17 o. To a Poft fent up to me from Spring*^ to North" when I was there, to give an Ace* of y"^ Hartford Indians being come up y® day I went from home, and for my orders concerning y"" £0 5 o. To y^ faid 20 Indians from Hartford (who came up to give an Ace* of many Indian tracks feen in y^ woods and fearing there were many in thofe parts, and to take care of Spring*^ and y^ Indians with us) their entertainment 2 nights and a day £0 12 o. To 1 1 Indians from Farmington there upon the fame errand £,0 6 o. To 2 men and horfes I sent out upon difcovery that very day y^ Indians were killed at Speftacle Pond £0 4 o. To 4 men fent to bury thofe Indians there killed, and 2 that fcouted out that day, being y® day after they were killed £0 10 o. To Pofts fent upon occafion of this murder to y*^ three next towns, viz. a man to each town & horfe £,0 5 o. To expenfe at Spring"^ : the fortifications I ordered to be made by men ap- pointed thereto, and fo, for the general, it was borne, yet at each particular I was at fuch expenfe as I charged, viz. £100. To a man and horfe with me to Weftfield to order matters there & ferriage £0 5 o. To foldiers from Spring'^ which I had ordered to come to me to Northfield, and were upon the journey : But having fettled things in fo good a pofture y* I confidered all was well, I difcharged y™ £0 10 o. To a horfe, Benjamin Cooleys, I had in y® fervice whofe back was extremely galled and coft me lod. which I paid to y*^ man £0 100. Other charges £1.00 Total £11 156 John Pynchon Lt. Col. The fortifications at Northfield, alluded to in the diary, were the South and North forts, already described in this chapter. And at this time or soon after, a new fort was built on the north east corner of Micah Mudge's home-lot (the site is now marked by a well a little south easterly of the dwelling-house of Col. Charles Pomeroy). And a small garrison-house was erected at the lower end of the street, " to secure their passage to and from the Great meadow." Tradition Resettlement of Squakheag. 115 locates this garrison on the John Wright place, opposite the south road to the meadow. The prompt action of Col. Pynchon inspired courage, and the de- fensive works now in good repair inspired confidence in our people. The barley harvest and flax-pulling now pressed ; and the alarm raised by the murder at Spectacle pond, and the simultaneous appear- ance of strange Indians near the town, seems to have subsided ; and perhaps watching and warding became remiss. The Indians waited " near three weeks " before the favorable oppor- tunity came for striking the intended blow ! " On the 1 6th of August, six persons, three men, two women and a girl, were murdered by Indians at Northfield !" — so writes Micah Mudge, and adds, " a hatchet was found beside one of the persons murdered, which was seen and well known to have been with those eleven Indians when they passed thro' Northfield on their way to Deerfield." The following affidavit of Thomas Wells of Deerfield — though to some extent a repetition of facts already narrated — contains so many incidents of interest bearing on this assault, that it is inserted in full. **The examination of Thomas Wells, aged 36 years or thereabouts, taken Oct. 15, 1688. " This Examinant faith that about the latter end of July there came by water to his houfe fifteen Indians, who after he had feme difcourfe with, he under- flood that eight of them were formerly North Indians but now lived near Albany, and had been out with y® Maquas, and in their way home came to thefe parts to hunt. That four more were likewife North Indians whom y'^ eight overtook a hunting ; and that y® other three were part of eleven Indians for- merly North Indians, but now lived amongft the fFrench, and came in purfuit of yC fd gjgi^( Indians whom together they overtook. That the Capt"^. or chief of y° f^ eleven Indians was called Wahacoet, who not fuffering his party to fall on y'' eight Indians when they met them eight of his company were dif- pleafed thereat and left him, and he and two others were y® three that came with the other twelve to Deerfield. That all the f^ 1 5 Indians flaid one night at this examinant's houfe ; that y® next morning y" faid 8 Indians went by land from Deerfield intending for Hatfield, and defired y*^ f Wahacoet and y** other two to go with them, which he refufed, but faid he would come to them by and by. Soon after y*^ faid four Indians Hkewife intending for Hatfield by water, afked y® faid Wahacoet and y® two Indians to go with them, but he likewife refufed, but faid as before y^ he would come to them by and by. That foon after the faid 12 Indians were gone, Wahacoet and the two Indians went away by water and told this Examinant that he was going for Hat- field, and from thence to Boflon. But y*^ next morning all y® faid eight Indians 1 1 6 History of Northfield. and three of the four Indians came again to this Examinant's houfe, and find- ing that Wahacoet and y® two others were gone and not come to them at Hat- field as they promifed. One Camaghtefett who was Capt'^ or chief of the faid 8 Indians told this examinant in y^ Indian language which he well underftood, that y® faid 1 1 Indians were rogues and that he feared they were gone to do mifchief, and that they would have done mifchief at Northfield as they came down the River, had they not been in company with them : And that the faid Wahacoet told him that they were fent out by the fFrench, and had orders to kill Englifh, Indians, Dutch and Maquas, and that he fhould bring no Englifh captives but only their fcalps ; and advifed the Englifh inhabitants to be careful of themfelves. — That about three days after, this examinant heard that five Indians were killed and others taken by Indians at Speftacle Pond near Spring- field : And about three weeks after, that 3 men and 2 women and a girl were murdered by Indians at Northfield, which this examinant verily believes was done by the faid 11 Indians.' From an allusion contained in a letter written by Col. Pynchon, it is evident that the killing of these six persons was done at night or early morning ; and that the families assaulted lived near Clary's mill. A mass of human bones lying as if in one grave, with some rusty nails and knots to indicate rude coffins, was found by H. W. Webster, when cutting down the bank to make room for a wall south of his new barn. The remains of coffins sufficiently attest the fact that they are the bones of white settlers ; and the proximity to the fort (which stood a few rods to the south), whither the slain would naturally be carried, indicates that this was the common grave of the 6 victims. The utter consternation which seized the people at this " amaz- ing stroke," is well illustrated by the fact that they dared not carry the bodies of their friends to the cemetery for burial ; that one-half the families immediately left the town ; and that the names of the persons killed were no where recorded. Careful investigation leaves no reasonable doubt, however, that the miller, John Clary, and his daughter Sarah, aged 15, were two of the number. Early the same day, Samuel Janes and Josias Marshfield (the latter a garrison soldier), were despatched to carry the news to Col. Pyn- chon at Springfield. " The savages were at the upper end of the town when y® messengers left." " Auguft 17. I fent away Lieut. Thomas Colton'with 16 foldiers from Spring*^ to Northfield to furprife and take y^ Indians and purfue y™, who were upon y® fervice 6 days, they returning back y® Z3d of Auguft. I alfo ordered Lieut. Taylor and his Troop of 34 men to move towards y® upper towns. I » Man. State Archi-ves, cxxix, 240. Resettlement of Squakheag. 1 1 7 alfo fent to Hartford for 30 or 40 Indians to go to Northfield, but only 2 coming up, I difbanded y'". "Auguft 19. I fent 6 men to Quaboag, y® people then being about to re- move : ordering and urging their continuance, only I fent to fetch off fuch women as defired to come away. '* Auguft 2 1 . Two men, viz. Eben'' Graves and John Petty were fent from Spring** to garrifon Northfield, who ftaid there till the 4th of September." — Pynchon's Diary. During Gov' Andres's progress from New London to New York, he received tidings of the Indian massacres in Massachusetts, and an order for troops to be furnished by Hartford reached Springfield Aug. 25, which was transmitted by Col. Pynchon the next day. Accord- ingly they sent from Hartford Sergt. John Bigelow with 15 soldiers on y* 29th of August, who staid in garrison at Northfield till Oct. (9th, when they were all dismissed. The same day 2 lbs. of powder and 6 lbs. of lead were forwarded to Northfield. Sept. 6. Thomas Powell, James Mun and Nathaniel Blackleach were sent to garrison Northfield, and 25 lbs. of powder and 49 lbs. of bullets were sent by the same convoy. Mun remained in service 22 days, Blackleach 64 days, Powell 69 days, the last 5 of which he spent in scouting. Sept. II. Joseph Marks was ordered to Northfield for i week, and 4 fire lock guns were sent up for the garrison. The records furnish evidence that Col. Pynchon, then the com- manding officer in old Hampshire, was a true man, and did all that could be reasonably expected of him, to protect the frontiers. But the fact that he held his commission under Andros,' who was regarded by the people as a usurper and despot, greatly impaired his authority' and paralyzed his efforts. A letter which he wrote early in Novem- ber of this year, gives a characteristic picture of affairs, and has an important historical significance. " Laft Sabbath-day morning, I had a Poft fent me from Northfield fignify- ing that y® enemy W9S about them by many demonftrations: The watch in y® night difcovered fome to be about y® garrifon, heard Indians whiftle ; In y® morning early a man y*' went a little way from y^ garrifon found y® cattle frighted, heard an Indian dog bark in y*^ fwamp. Eight men of the garrifon foldiers y* went out found tracks of Indians, fome bare foot and feme with fhoes. They defired foldiers to fcout out and prevent their doing mifchief. ' Andros made Pynchon colonel of the Hampshire regiment in i 687, and Capt. Aaron Cooke major. After the fall of Andres, Pynchon returned to the rank of major, and Cooke to that of captain. 1 1 8 History of Northfield. I prefently that very Sabbath day (knowing it would be too late if I ftayed till they were deftroyed and y* it was better to prevent and might be a great check toy® enemy our being beforehand) fent away 15 men from Springfield who readily attended ; gave orders to y® upper towns for more to make up 50. At Northampton Serg*. King cavilled about my power, hindered y® Committee of Militia, told them Springfield men would not obey me (though it proved other- wife), that I had no power and they mattered me not and would not give 3 Ikips of a loufe for it, faid y" Court could aft nothing. He and Pomery [Capt. Medad] bid defiance to y® old commifsioned officers. Such a height of pride are matters come to there y* nothing could or would be done by or from my orders and direftions. But they faid they would, if any came from Springfield, go as volunteers ; and fo there went about 10 men that way. In all upwards of 40 men went to Northfield, ranged the woods, returning laft Thurfday, but difcovered nothing." To go back to near the date of the murders at Northfield — Gov. Andros wrote, Aug. 25, 1688, from New York, to Major Gold : * * '« I cannot tell you how much I am concerned at the f mifchief and adtors efcaped. You are therefore to take care that due watch and ward be kept in your refpeftive out places till further orders, and give notice to all Indians in your parts that if any mifchief be done by ftrangers and they do not apprehend the aftors, or if not ftrong enough prefently to give us notice and join with our Militia, fuch mifchiefs will be imputed to them."^ Some weeks later, he sent the following official letter to De Non- ville, Governor of Canada : "Albany Sept. 19, 1688. "Sir — I am forry for the occafion fince my laft letter, to acquaint you that I have an account of 5 of our Indians being murdered in their dwellings at a place called Speflacle Pond near Springfield on the Conneflicut River ; and fince of 6 Chriftians being likewife murdered at Northfield a fmall and the uppermoft fettlement we have on that River ; by Indians from your parts. And now I am afsured was by fome fent out by yourfelf, after the fignification of the Truce, who being well known, fome of their names are here inclofed. I have alfo feen your letter to Gov"" Dongan of the 20th paft by which you avow the not having reftrained your Indians from hoftility, till applications or afsu- rances from ours : which I think very extraordinary, and need not fay the importe, or what may be the confequences thereof: but (if not already done) do defire you will forthwith fend the faid murderers to me. S^ Y' moft humble ferv*' E Andross." Andros wrote again to the Gov' of Canada, October i, enclosing ' Man. Utate Arcbiucs, cxxix, 137, Resettlement of Squakheag. 1 1 9 a copy of the above letter, which shows that no notice had been taken of his demand. De Nonville answers both letters Oct. 23. His reply is diplo- matic, equivocal ; makes counter charges of bad faith ; but plainly means no attempt to surrender the Indian murderers.^ Oct. 8, Ed. Randolph writes : " That morning his Excellency Gov. Andros, arrived from Albany at New York [Oct. i], he had advices that men were raifed at Bofton without his order, and fent to Cafco Bay to afsift the Chriftians there againft the Indians who had committed fome diforders thereabouts : all which and the uncertainty of reports from the eaftward engages his Excellency to go from New York over- land to Bofton (intending to vifit Northfield Springfield and other towns alarumed by thofe mifchiefs) to prevent a fecond Indian war."- Andros left New York soon after the 8th of Oct. : spent a brief time at Hartford with John AUyn, and the other " principal officers and magistrates" of Connecticut ; held a consultation with Col. Pyn- chon at Springfield, and reached Hadley the 14th or 15th. The real object of this visit (nominally to inquire into the condition of the Northfield plantation, and devise means for the safety and welfare of the distressed inhabitants of the frontiers) appears from the follow- ing respectful report of the " Committee for Northfield," dated Northampton Oct. 30, 1688, and addressed to Gov^ Andros at Boston : " May it pleafe y'' Excellency to remember when y'' Honor was at Hadley, you was pleafed to fend|for us the Committee impowered for refetding of Northfield, to come before yourfelf, to give you an account by what power we have afted in order to the refetdement of that place. In obedience to your defire, we have drawn up a brief account by what power we have afted and what we have done in order thereunto." [Then follows a careful fummary of the doings of the Committee from 1682 to date, with an attefted copy ^ of the aft of the General court, and a lift of fettlers. They clofe in thefe words] : " Hon*^ Sir, We have had a great deal of care and trouble in the refetding of this Plantadon. Many have had grants and have forfeited them again, fo that we have had many meetings 'about it, which have not been without great expenfe of time and fome charges to us. But we were willing to be^at any pains fo that we could fetde the place. " While we were wrinngof this, we did receive a paper from Northfield in- habitants wherein ■;they did defire the inhabitants which are not there may be fent away [which have failed to occupy their grants or have deferted the place may be declared forfeit^of their rights], or elfe it will be hard for them to hold the place, becaufe it doth difcourage thofe that are there ; they fear the place 'AT. r. Coll. Doc, III, 557, 569. ^ N. T. Coll. Doc, m, 569. 1 20 History of Northfield. will be deferted. We have not elfe, but hope y'' Honor's wifdom will diredl to what may be for the beft for the place. So we reft Y"^ humble ferv*® William Clarke William Holton John King Preserved Clap."^ Sir Edmund and suite went from Hadley to Brookfield Oct. 16; and from there to Worcester and Marlborough. What he did at the latter place is best told in the following affidavit : " Henry Kerley aged about 57, and Thomas How aged 35, both inhabitants of Marlborough, do teftify that in the fall of the year i688, when S"^ Ed. Andros came from New York to Bofton, fometime after the Indians had killed fome Englifhmen at Northfield, coming through our town of Marlborough, the (^ S'' Edmund examined this deponent, Henry Kerley, by what order we did fortify and garrifon our houfes : I anfwered, it was by order of Capt. Nicholfon. Said S'' Edmund then faid he had no power fo to do. S"" Edmund examined what arms we made ufe of and carried with us on our watch, and what charge was given us : Anfwer was made by this deponent, they carried fire arms, and y® charge was to keep a true watch, to examine all we met with, and fecure fufpicious perfons that we met with. Said S"^ Edmund faid, what if they will not be fecured, and what if you fhould kill them. Anfwer was made by y® deponent, that if we fhould kill them we were in our way. Then Mr. Ran- dolph being there in company faid, you are in y® way to be hanged. S"" Edmund Andros faid further, that perfons that had left their houfes to dwell in the garrifons, if they would not return, others fhould be put in that would live there. Bofton Dec. 27, 1689. Signed Henry Kerley Thomas How."^ About the time of Andros's visit to Hadley, the Rev. Warham Mather was engaged and sent to Northfield " to be their minister for half-a-year." His own petition, sent to the General court some years later gives all the facts of the transaction that are known. The Petidon of Warham Mather Humbly Sheweth — That the autumn before the laft Revolution, the Hon. Capt. Nicholfon, purfuant of inftruflions rec*^ from Sir Edmund Andros, upon murder committed at Northfield in this county of HampQiire, by a certain number of Indians from Canada, who came into thofe parts, to take a view efpecially of that Town's circumftances : There being a garrifon then there, and the town in danger of being deferted by the inhabitants, and that the undertakers that had not as yet removed thither might not be difcouraged : That he defired him your petitioner to be their minifter » Mass. State Archives, cxxix, 306. ' Mass. State Archives, xxxv, 147. Resettlement of Squakheag. 1 2 1 for half-a-year, which was done accordingly. Suppofing Sir Edmund and his Council would reward him for the fame, only care was taken that the inhabit- ants find him provifion. That Sir Edmund being informed what was done, promifed to endeavor that an Act fhould be pafsed for the payment of him fif- teen pounds in money, which fum was according to Capt. Nicholfon's engage- ment. But the Revolution happening before any care was taken for the payment thereof, your Petitioner hath had no requital for his fervices . There- fore he humbly feeks to y"" Honors, that an order be made for the payment of £15 in money as above faid, having undeniable evidence that you are en- couragers of Gofpel minifters : in which ftudy y"" fervant is employed, who difires ever to pray for you. ' Northampton May i8, 1691." The claim of Mr. Mather was not denied ; but from the unsettled state of affairs or other causes, the money was not granted and paid to him till 1700. Nov. 1, 1688, Gov''Andros, bemg then in Boston, issued an order to the Council of War at Hartford, for raising a company of 60 men in the Connecticut colony, to be placed under command of Col. Robert Treat, and sent to Northfield. The order was received at Hartford on the 9th ; and the required company recruited, mustered, and sent up the river in command of Capt. Jonathan Bull, and re- mained in garrison at Northfield through the winter. These troops afforded a sufficient protection to the inhabitants ; but as the Govern- ment had no commissary department, the soldiers, who were quartered on the families, ate up their substance. There could not have been more than 15 families left in the town, which gave an average of 4 soldiers to a household. [The revolution which drove King James from the throne, and placed William and Mary there, began in Nov"" 1688. The king abdicated Dec. 11, and William and Mary accepted the crown Feb. 13, following. April 18, 1689, the people of Boston seized Andros, and restored the old governor, Simon Bradstreet.] 1689. T"h^ first glimpse we get of the Northfield settlers this spring, is through the following petition sent to the General court. It is in the hand writing of Rev. John Russell of Hadley. "The tears, fears and groans of the broken remnant at Northfield prefenting themfelves before the Honor'd General Court at Boflon, Shew: " That we are indeed objefts of your pity and commifseration, more than we know how to exprefs or maintain a due fenfe of: the ilate of our outward man is very afHiftive, and for our fouls we have need to cry aloud ' Masi. State Archi-ves, xxxvii, 3 1 . 16 122 History of Nor thfie Id. Have pity on us ! for the hand of God hath touched .us, and y^ Almighty hath dealt bitterly with us ! A bitter cup of forrow, blood and flaughter was reached forth to us in y® former Indian War. Our place burnt, and laid defolate, our people flain, and y® reft all driven away ; y® town not only left wafte but alfo bearing fad marks of divine wrath in that defolation. " Since which we thought we faw y® Lord calling us to rebuild thofe waftes, went up under an expedation of having 40 families fpeedily dwelling there. About 25 were come, and we in a hopeful way, when y® Divine hand fmote us again with an amazing ftroke. Six perfons in a moment flain by Indians laft fummer, which was aftoniftiment to all y*^ reft. Since which half of our fmall number have deferted us, yet keep the land which by covenant is not theirs till they have dwelt upon it four years. Hereby we are reduced to twelve mean families. Our fmall number, in a place fo remote, expofed us to y® rage of y° heathen ; as it were inviting them to prey upon us. Our eftates are exhauft by maintaining garrifon foldiers and being kept from our labor. Our burdens of watching, warding, fencing, highways — we for ourfelves and them that are abfent — overbearing to us ; befides all other hardfhips unavoidable in a new place. Our wives and children (that we fay not ourfelves) ready to fink with fears. We have no foul food, nor fee any likelihood of attaining any. * * * If you fee meet to order us to throw up all, and leave it wholly to the enemies, and their infulting, Tho its hard (we feel it) we would fubmit. If we ftay, we could humbly beg, if your Honors fee meet, that thofe that have lots among us may be caufed either to come and dwell on them, or quit them to others that would. And that fuch as come may be ordered to have the next lots to them that are now inhabited. And that we may have a Committee for our help to order our public occafions in this our weak beginning. * * * and ever praying y*^ Lord's blefsing on you remain V humble fervants Samuel Davis June 27, 1689. MiCAH Mudge In y*' behalf of all y* are left at Northfield " In answer to this petition, Peter Tilton Esq., Mr. Samuel Partrigg, and Mr. John King were appointed a Committee " to act at their discretion." "July 30, 1689. About y'' end of laft week I had an account from North- ampton that they had rec*^ intelligence from Northfield that a lad there faw an Indian y* had taken up his ftand between y® two garrifons (one of y^ being a fmall one which fecures their pafsage to and from their meadows) Some men going to y® place faw his ftand, and the bufhes fet up, but y'^ Indian was gone : alfo in fome other places fkulking Indians have been feen, y* we are alarmed thereby. Some fpeedy care muft be taken to call y™ off from Northfield or to fend up fome men to fecure y™ there. I formerly laid y® cafe of Northfield before y"" Honors and defired y"' fending 16 or 20 men thither, which I requeft may not be delayed ; and y* further orders are necefsary, either y"" appointing fome other perfon to manage affairs here which I like beft, or ftrengthening my Resettlement of Squakheag. 123 hands (fomc queftioning everything) by fome full and plain order, which there is need of, fome reckoning all but a (hew of Government throughout New England. John Pynchon. To Hon. Simon Bradftreet. P. S. I received a letter from Mr. Tilton, Mr. Partridg and Mr. King, y® Committee for Northfield, * * * that meeting to conlider about y^ prefent ftate of the place, do conclude there to be a prefent neceffity of relief by fome garrifon foldiers for the which to go up, or elfe to draw ofFy*^ people, the latter of which (they fay) they muft have better advice before they can incline to. The former which (they fay) they incline to " needs (to take their own words) as we judge y® accommodation of 20 men, efpecially at this time, for the obtain- ment of which we fee no way but for yourfelf to put forth the power devolved on you for imprefsing of men, y** Committee of Militia here being dull and unhinged in y® work without your warrant, which will thoroughly fupply all their defefts and fcruples. If you will by warrant gather y*^ men out of y® county, the thing will be efFefted" — thefe are their own words. * * * I am now about ordering 20 men out of hand, which will be more difficult to ob- tain than you can imagine by reafon of fickness, and at prefent muft be out of the 3 next towns Deerfield excepted, becaufe they rather need a fupply alfo ; But I will take care to difpatch away fome to keep garrifon, it may be for a week or thereabouts, till you may fend fupply and further orders, which I wait for." ^ The authorities at Boston were slow to move in the matter. Samuel Partridge, one of the Committee, sent up a man to keep gar- rison 4 weeks. Andrew Warner of Hatfield was on garrison duty 14 days. And Col. Pynchon sent men at different times to meet emergencies. November 5, 1689, The Committee reported : " We whofe names are underwritten being ordered by the Gen. Court in July laft, as a Committee for ordering y® prudentials of y'' plantation of North- field : In obedience whereunto we have met together and confi-dered ye great difsatiffaftion and confternation that is upon the fpirits of the inhabitants that are left on faid plantation (which is about fFourteen fFamilies) which is that many fFamiUes and others that have taken lands there and were by a joint agreement to live upon (^ lands with their iFamilies, if married, four years, and in their own perfons if fingle, before they could dispofe of f*^ lands, have now deferted the place by their removal away before the time expired, fo that ftiould times remain unquiet with reference to the Heathen, the inhabitants of {^ place muft necefsarily be drawn ofF and the place deferted, which would prove a great inconvenience to the whole country ; or elfe a garrifon main- tained in f"^ place at the country's charge, which will be greatly expenfive — ' Mass. State Archi-ves. cvii. 240. 1 24 History of Northfield. We therefore move to this Hon^ Court, that an order may be ifsued out from {^ Court, that all fuch perfons or families that have taken up allotments in {^ place and have not lived upon the fame four years according to agreement, and now have deferted the place by their removal away, which are about twenty fFamiliesl may be ordered to return again to f*^ place, or otherwife that their lands may be difpofed to fuch confiderable perfons as may be incouraging to the refettling of f^ place again. * * * Subfcribing ourfelves y'' humble fervants Peter Tilton Samuel Partrigg John King " In anf"" to a motion made to this Court by the Committee for Northfield, referring to the broken ftate of the place, many of the inhabitants, contrary to their engagements deferting {^ place and thereby expofmg y® remaining inhabit- ants to great hazzards and inconvenience by y® prefent enemy or otherwife — It is therefore refolved by the Reprefentatives, that the inhabitants who defert {^ place fhall return within four months either in their own perfons or provide fufficient men to bear arms and do fervice in their rooms, according to their engagements as to continuance for four years, or otherwife, before they have a full title to their lands, and in negledl of the aforefaid, their lands may be difpofed of otherwife by the Committee. Nov'' 9, 1689. Eben'^Prout, Clerk." But the " consternation" had taken too deep a hold on the spirits of the " deserters" ; the " fourteen families" remaining were too few and feeble ; the action of the Committee and the General court had been too dilatory ; and the prospects ahead for the distant frontier town — with war already declared between England and France — were too dark. The doom of the plantation was sealed. How the remnant passed the winter is not known. An order of the County court, dated June 25, 1690, gives the winding up of this Settlement : " This Court doth order that all the inhabitants of Northfield that have any corn or other provifions, viz. hogs, horfes, cattle etc. do tranfport it down within the fpace of 6 or 8 days ; and that which after faid time aforefaid fixed, is yet to fetch, order will be given for the fetching it down for the ufe of the country, except what is taken to pay carters or horfemen, except what the authorities fee caufe to return to the owners." 1690-17 1 3. The Northfield settlers generally returned to their former homes. Some soon after died, their death being hastened, to human appearance, by hardship and watching, and disappointment. * The " 20 families" includes those who recently deserted the place, and those grantees who did not remove to Northfield to occupy their homesteads. V Resettlement of Squakheag. 1 25 Some waited their chance to resettle the deserted plantation. Some removed permanently to Enfield and Westfield ; and a considerable number soon after joined a colony that settled at Lebanon, Ct. A few disconnected items, of historical value, having a direct con- nection with the scene of our narrative, have been gleaned from the records in the State archives. [To understand some of the events to be narrated, the reader should remember that war between France and England was declared in 1690, and continued till '98; and that the French governor of Canada was tireless in efforts to instigate the Indians living the entire length of the New England border, to harass and depredate on the settlements.] "Springfield May 25, 1692. * * * The ffrench Gov'', hath fent out fome to the Five Nations, to induce them to join in the War : as alfo hath fent 3 Indians to the Squakheag Indians dwelling in thefe parts [above Deerfield] to be fpeedily there [at Albany] who are generally gone back to Albany. * * John Pynchon." "A party of Connefticut and our Indians and fome Englifh, who were in fearch of the enemy upon the Merrimack River, came upon and took two Indians, who faid they were of Albany. They appear to be two of the River Indians named Tocomonego and Achitewafs, who were known to fome Hampfliire county gentlemen. They had their arms and 9 Beavers." 1693. July 27, a party of 26 Canada Indians suddenly appeared at Brookfield, killing and plundering the families of Wolcott, Mason and Lawrence, and fled with their captives and much booty towards the north. * * " Capt. Whiting and Capt. Wells with about 30 of their men went up to Northfield on Monday laft, July 31, in y® morning, on y*^ eaft fide of y® River, intending fully to fearch thofe eaftern woods of Northfield : will if they light on thofe villains y* did y« mifchief at Brookfield, give 'em a fecond brufh. * * * The fcout of 4 men, now in, fay that between Northfield and Deerfield, they lighted on new tracks which they followed, and found where 20 men as they judged had lodged on Sabbath-day night, and at the falls difcovered tracks of as many coming downward. — Letter of Samuel Partrigg"^ It appears that the River Indians now living near Albany, were ac- customed to come to the Connecticut valley every year, for the pur- pose of hunting. They were nominally friendly ; but were often the occasion of disquiet, and probably of some murders. ' Masi Archi-ves, lxx, 195. 1 26 History of Northfield. In 1695, an act was passed by the General court of Massachusetts declaring that " all Indians who shall be found within 5 miles of the Conn. River on the easterly side or within 20 miles on the westerly side thereof, shall be deemed and accounted enemies and treated as such :" large rewards and allowances were offered for killing and capturing such stragglers. " Springfield Aug. 12, 1695. " The enemy Indians have fallen upon fome of our Albany Indians that were hunting above Deerfield, who were on this eaft fide of the Great River at a fmall riverett called Nafhawealot which runs into the Connedlicut about 6 miles above where Northfield once ftood. Capt. Wells writes in thefe words : "Aug. 10, 1695. Juft now an Indian called Strawberry his fon, hath made an efcape from Nafhawelot above Northfield. He is come in this evening much wounded : fays this day about 8 or 9 o'clk in y® morning, the enemy made a (hot on them and killed 8 or 9 of them : fo many he reckons he faw as good as dead. He fays he faw many canoes : accounts y® enemy to be 40 or 50 men. He fwam over the Great River to get to Deerfield with one ariri broken." Capt. Colton ftarted with a body of Troopers of 25 men. John Pynchon.^ July 14, 1698. Just before sunset, a party of 4 Indians suddenly- appeared in the upper side of Hatfield North Meadow, and fireii upon a number of men and boys who were hilling corn. They killed John Billings aged 24, and Nathaniel Dickinson Jr. aged 13, and took Samuel Dickinson aged 11, and a lad named Charley. They" shot at Nathaniel Dickinson Sen. and killed his horse ; but he escaped. The Indians then took to their canoes which had been concealed near by, and started up the river with the captives. The news was carried to Deerfield " early in the night ;" just as a band of troopers, weary and worn from a two days' scout in the woods, came in for rest and refreshment. Snatching a hasty meal, and mounting fresh horses, three of these scouts — Corporal Ben- jamin Wright (our " Captain Benjamin" of later times), Benjamin Stebbins and Jona. Taylor; together with Thomas Wells, Benoni Moore, Eben'. Stebbins, Nathaniel Pomeroy, dragoons ; and Corporal Gillett, Benjamin King, Jona. Brooks, Samuel Root, Joseph Petty, Joseph Clesson, Henry Burt, garrison soldiers (several of whom be- came Northfield settlers,) started for the north, with the intention of intercepting the savages. Before daylight, after a ride of nearly 20 miles through the woods, the rescuers reached the Great bend, oppo- site the mouth of the Ashuelot. Here they halted and concealed ' Mass. Archives, xxx, 368. Resettlement of Squakheag. 127 their horses. In the early dawn they discovered two canoes in the distance, rapidly ascending along the eastern bank. Selecting a posi- tion on some broken land close to the water, they waited till the canoes appeared above the island, and opposite where they stood, when, taking careful aim, they fired. One of the Indians was mortally wounded ; but with the other three and one of the lads leaped into the stream and made for the shore. One lad remained in the canoe, and the other quickly turned to rejoin him. An Indian, noticing the movement, attempted to shoot him : but his gun missed fire, and he rushed upon the boy with uplifted hatchet. In this act he exposed himself so that he received a mortal shot from the party on the west bank. The boys, both unhurt, quickly paddled across to their de- liverers. The rest of the story is best told in the quaint language of Cotton Mather : " Thefe good men feeing their exploit performed thus far ; two Indians de- ftroyed, and two children delivered, they fell to praiiing of God : and one young man particularly, kept thus exprefsing himfelf: ' Surgly 'tis God and not me who have wrought this deliverance !' But as we have fometimes been told that even in the beating of a pulfe, the dilating of the heart, by a diaftole of delight, may be turned into a contracting of it with a Syftole of forrow : In the beating of a few pulfe, after this, they fent five or fix men with the canoe, to fetch the other which was lodged at an ifland not far off, that they might pur- fue the other Indians, when thofe two Indians having hid themfelves in the high grafs, unhappily fhot a quick death unto the young man, whofe exprefsions were but now recited. This hopeful young man's brother-in-law was intend- ing to have gone out upon this adlion, but the young man himfelf importuned his mother to let him go, which, becaufe he was her only fon fhe denied, but then fearing fhe did not well to withhold her fon from the fervice of the public, fhe gave him leave, faying. See that you do now, and as you go along, refign, and give up yourfelf unto the Lord ; and I defire to refign you to him ! So he goes, and fo he dies." This brave and devoted youth was Nathaniel Pomeroy of Deer- field. They made his lonely grave on the west bank of the river : but his memorial is the island where he fell — which is called Pomeroy's island unto this day. The treaty of Ryswick was proclaimed in Boston Dec. 10, 1697 ; but the Indians continued their raids till the summer of '98. But the respite of peace was short. The struggle for supremacy in the new world, between the French and English was a vital one ; and now was the time to decide it. The English held almost the en- tire coast line : but the French had secured the St. Lawrence and its 128 History of Northjield. tributaries, and were determined to gain control of the chain of lakes to the west. To befriend the Indians, and arouse their jealousies, and lead or guide their murderous expeditions against the exposed frontier towns, was the readiest way to prevent the English occupa- tion, and gain time for planting firmly their own power and institu- tions. In May 1702, war was again commenced between England and France, and continued till March 30, 17 13. This was known as ^ueen Anne's war. The great event of this war in our valley, was the destruction of Deerfield by a combined force of French and Indians under Hertel de Rouville, Feb. 29, 1704. The number of the assailants was re- ported at 200 French and 142 Indians. The number of English killed was 47, including 9 soldiers sent as a relief party from Hatfield and Hadley. The number of captives taken was 112 : of whom 2 escaped, and 22 were killed or perished on the way to Canada. Only 60 returned to their friends. This expedition, under command of French officers, was a fair sample of all the frontier assaults of the war. Intercourse with that most christian nation, and the teaching of her Jesuit Fathers seem to have destroyed all the humane and generous traits which belonged to the Indian as a savage. Of persons connected with Northheld history, in this affair, are the following : Philip Mattoon his w. Rebecca and child, Sarah Field (sister of Pedajah), Sergt. Samuel Boltwood and his son Robert, killed ; Sarah Mattoon, Joseph Petty and his w. Sarah, Joseph Kel- logg, Mary Field (w. of John and mother of Pedajah), Mary Field Jr., John Field Jr., were carried into captivity. Mary Field Jr. never returned : Sarah Mattoon returned and m. Ens. Zechariah Field. Mary Field Sen. was dau. of James Bennett, who was a Northfield settler in 1675. The names of others, less directly related to North- field affairs, will appear in the Genealogy. Two sons of Elder William Janes, viz., Samuel and Benjamin, and Moses Hutchinson, son of Ralph, with two other families, had settled near together on a fertile tract called Pascommuck, at the north east foot of Mt. Tom in Northampton. May 13,1 704, a party of French and Indians attacked this hamlet, and killed and captured no less than 33 persons. Samuel Janes his wife and 3 children, 4 children of Benjamin Janes, Moses Hutchinson and one child, and others (in all 19), were killed. " The English pursuing of them caused the Indians to knock all the captives on the head save 5 or 6." Three of those thus stunned were found alive, and subsequently recovered. One of the three was Hannah (Bascom) the wife of Benjamin Janes, who in Resettlement of Squakheag. 1 29 addition to the blow of the hatchet, was scalped. She was finally- cured, and they settled in Coventry, Ct., whence he returned to Northfield in 17 16. The other two were children, sons of Samuel Janes, Samuel aged 11, and Jonathan aged 8. At his majority Jona- than settled on his father's estate in Northfield. Capt. John Taylor, a Northfield grantee of 1685, was killed while pursuing the retreating Indians with his company of horsemen. In the conduct of this war, our people adopted the French and Indian method of aggression, i. e. by sending out small parties to points where the' Indians were supposed to be in camp. But, with one or two exceptions, the expedient was not successful. The savages got timely warning of the approach of our scouts, and were quickly out of harm's way. In 1708, Capt. Benjamin Wright began his career as a leader of scouting parties to the north, for which he will always be famous in the annals of the Connecticut valley. The killing of his father by the savages in the attack on Northfield Sept. 2, 1675, when he was 15 years old, seems to have planted in his heart an ineradicable hatred of the Indian race. He once said, that if he took a pappoose, he would dash out its brains ; for " nits will be lice !" — r In February of this year, he, at the head of a small scout, went up the river as far as the Coasset, near the mouth of Wells's river, (now Newbury, Vt.). This was the reputed headquarters of an Indian clan : but none were found. Like the winter war parties on both sides, they wore snow-shoes.^ About the middle of May 1709, Capt. Wright started up the river, at the head of another " war party." He had with him Lt. John Wells, Jona. Hoyt, Jabez Olmstead, Timothy Childs, John Burt, Eben"^ Severance, of Deerfield, John Strong and Joseph Root of Northampton, Joseph Wait of Hatfield, and Thomas McCreeney. They had a pocket compass for their guide. They crossed the mountains to Lake Champlain, and went to within 40 miles of Cham- blee. May 20, they espied two canoes with Indians in them, upon whom they fired, killing 4 as they believed, though they secured but one scalp (the French account says they killed two). They cap- tured one of the canoes, with its provisions and arms. The next day they seized and destroyed 5 canoes. On the way home, they met and attacked a party of Indians on French (Onion) river, and as 'Mar. 13, 1704, the Gen. Court of Mass. ordered 500 pairs of snow shoes and as many moccasons, for the frontiers, one-fourth of them for use in Hampshire County. The private scouting parties furnished their own rackets ; but were sometimes allowed a part of their cost. 17 130 History of Northfield. they believed killed 4 (the French account says they killed one). In this skirmish, Lt. Wells and John Burt were killed, and John Strong was wounded, though he was able to be brought home. On their return, the following affidavit was made : " We whofe names are under written being upon the Great Lake towards Canada, on the 20th of this inftant being in a fight with a party of the enemy come this way towards New England ; in which fight we judge we killed four of the enemy, and one in fpecial we got and fcalped him, which fcalp we now prefent and fhow to yourfelves at this prefent time, and do hereby teftify that this fcalp was of our enemy Indian killed in fight as aforefaid, to which we fub- fcribe this 28th day of May 1709. Y^ humble ferv*^ Benj. Wright jona. hoyt Jabez Olmstead John Strong" " Sworn to before me. They alfo declare that they are very certain that they killed 4 as above ; and that on French River they killed 4 more, makmg 8 in all. This they afErm tome. Sam^' Partrigg." June 10, the General court voted a bounty of X12 to Capt. Wright, and £b to each of the nine survivors. In the spring of this year (1709) the English government ordered the colonies to raise a force for a combined attack on Canada. Mas- sachusetts raised and kept under arms for some months 900 men. While these troops were waiting near Boston, for the arrival of the fleet from Great Britain, Capt. Wright sent the following letter to the governor : " Northampton Sept. 19, 1709. " May it pleafe y"" Excellency " With fubmifsion and under correftion, I would offer my fervice to y' Excellency, if that in wifdom you fend forces to Canada from our parts by land, that " Here am I, fend me." This year I have done fervice, and hope I may again, not that I would trouble y'' Excellency, but am willing to go. Not elfe, but in duty I fubfcribe V Excellency's moft humble ferv* Benjamin Wright." But the troops from England failed to arrive, and the expedition was abandoned. Besides Capt. Wright, other men, who afterwards became North- field inhabitants, were now taking their first lessons in war. Ehene%er Alexander^ in a petition says : — " Ever after the taking of Deerfield Resettlement of Squakheag. 131 ji in Queen Anne's war, I was in the service of the Province." Robert ' Cooper^ in a similar petition says : — "I served as a soldier in Queen Anne's war some considerable time, when I was wounded by the , enemy in my right arm, whereby I lost the use of my elbow joint and my arm greatly withered to my unspeakable damage." During this war, 103 persons were slain in Hampshire county, or in excursions from it, including 47 at Deerfield, 20 at or near Pas- commuck, and 36 in various places. Not less than 123 were taken captive, many of whom were slain or died on the way to Canada, and others after their arrival there. About two-thirds of the captives returned home ; the rest adopted Indian or French habits, and inter- married with their captors, or were induced to enter the Catholic religious orders. :^^ ^^m ^^^: -■ ■-- -■-■-— - — -■• CHAPTER V. Permanent Settlement of Northjield, 17 14-1723. Original Grant Revived — A New Committee — Rules of Settlement — Signers — Slow Progress — Plan of Stockade — A New Departure — Rev. James Whitmore — Garrison Soldiers — Great Meadow Fences — Grist AND Saw-Mills — Large Accession of Settlers — Rev. Benjamin DooLiTTLE — Meeting House — Tax List — Town Officers — Black- smith — The Farms — Resurvey of Town — Forts — Capt. Joseph Kel- logg's Company — Industries — Education — Home Life. lUEEN Anne's war was brought to a close by the treaty of Utrecht March 30, 1713. By the terms of this treaty, France ceded to Great Britain the territory oi \ Newfoundland and Nova-Scotia ; and relinquished all * claim to the allegiance of the Five Nations. These important con- cessions, taken in connection with the fact, that, soon after the news reached America, the leading tribes of New England Indians which had been hostile, sent in a flag of truce and made satisfactory ar-j rangements with the governments of Massachusetts and New Ham{ shire, relieved the apprehensions of our people, and gave assurancJ of a lasting peace. The surviving proprietors of the Squakheag plantation — or suci of them as had not located permanently elsewhere — promptly tooJ steps to reclaim and resettle their lands, which had now lain desolate 23 years. In the fall of 17 13, a petition was sent to the General court, asking for a revival of the former grant, and the appointment of a Committee to take charge of the place. In the council Feb. 17, 1714 : — " Upon reading the petition of Jofeph Parfons, John Lyman and others, praying for a refettlement of a village or Plantation at Squakheag, formerly called Northfield, the following order pafsed thereupon and concurred by the Reprefentatives : Ordered, That forafmuch as by reafon o{ the interruption given to the Set- tlement of the within mentioned plantation granted in Oct. 1672, by war and trouble with the Indians : and divers of the original petitioners and grantees and alfo the Committee for the fame are fince dead The faid grant for a plantation be and is hereby revived : and Samuel Partridge, John Pynchon, Permanent Settlement, 133 Samuel Porter, John Stoddard, Efqrs., and Mr. Henry Dwight are appointed and impowered a Committee, to receive the challenges of all pejTons to the property and right of land in the faid plantation, and to enter their names with fuch others as Ihall offer to join with them in fettling a townfhip there. The names of all to be entered with the Committee within the fpace of twelve months from this time — giving preference to the defendants of the original petitioners and grantees : — and the faid Committee are further impowered to ftate the place of the town upon fmall lots fo as it may be made defenfible, grant out allotments, and order their prudentials, and what elfe is necefsary for their eftablifhment. Provided always, that 40 families be fettled there within 3 years next coming: And that they procure and encourage a learned Orthodox Minifter to fettle with them. The town to be named North field. The town to lye in the county of Hampfhire.^ Confented to, J. Dudley. Feb. 22, 171 3-14." The first step taken by the Committee was to ascertain how many former grantees or their heirs were ready to resettle upon their lands j how many claimed their land rights, but would not return to the plantation ; and how many new men had purchased estates and were willing to go upon them. The result is given in the following docu- ment : — April 14, 1 714. Articles agreed to hy all thofe that are now engaging to refettle a Plantation or Town/hip above Hadley at a place called Northfield, zohich are as followeth, viz.. " I. That all the juft charges of purchafing fettling dividing and laying out to each inhabitant, and for the miniftry or other public ufes die feveral allotments needful for the accommodation aforefaid, be borne and paid on proportion to what each inhabitant is veiled in, except what is laid out already and y® former meafures and bounds is apparent. 2. That for the firft five years, for all charges arifing, it is agreed that fuch charges fhall be rated according to grant to the number of acres each inhabitant hath, as alfo herds of flock and other rateable ellate, according to law. " 3. That after the feveral grants as of record be fettled either on the ancient propriety or their defendants, or fuch others in their behalf as y^ Committee fee meet to accept, or upon their denial to join and go as inhabitants others be placed in their room — the remainder of accommodation in land fhall be to fettle new inhabitants to the number of 40 inhabiters in the whole, to the ac- ceptance of the Committee. " 4. All Common Fences (that are not already laid out) to be laid out about the feveral fields by lot, at the voice of the proprietors of each Field in due ' Hampshire county then embraced the entire western part of the Province of Massachu- setts. Berkshire county was established April 27, 17 61 ; Franklin, June 24, 181 1 ; Hamp- den, February 20, 1812. 1 34 History of Northfield. proportion to the land each inhabitant enjoys, and fo to be made and maintained according to law for ever, allowing for any old ditches that may remain what is equal. " 5. That the Town-Plot be ftated in the old place, in fuch form and meafure as the Committee can allow it, according to the Court's order. " 6. That each inhabitant fhall fence, build, and aftually inhabit there within two years from the date of the Court's order or grant to them, viz., 17 Feb. 1714 ; as also by faid time to procure and fettle there an orthodox Minifter at furtheft within three years' time from faid date or as much sooner as they can. '* 7. That as to all the Home-lots on the weft fide of the Town ftreet, the rear of faid home-lots' fence fhall have one-half of faid fence to be accounted as Public Fence, and the whole to be under the viewers for the fecurity of the Great Meadow before the town. Signers : Benjamin Wright Ebenezer Wright Nathaniel Alexander Judah Hutchinfon Jofeph Alexander, on his father's right Jofeph Parfons, on his father's right Ifaac Warner, on his father's right William Boltwood, on his father's right — Timothy Hillyard, on his father's right Jofeph Clary, on his father's right Jofeph Root, on his father's right Eleazar Warner, on Daniel Warner's right Mofes Lyman, on his father's right "April 17, 1 7 14. Upon a motion made by feveral perfons to come in by purchafe of other men's rights — Allowed, in cafe they make out their title, and be to the acceptance of the Committee. Signers : Jofeph Severance, In John Holmes' right Zechariah Field, In Rob* Lyman's right Ifaac Mattoon, In John Lyman's right Hezekiah Stratton, In Samuel Davis' right Peter Evens, In John Woodward's right Eleazar Mattoon, In Jofeph Warriner's right Thomas Taylor, In Jofeph Dickinfon's right The above fubfcribers have entered their names agreeing to the within written Articles to go as inhabitants to Northfield ; in cafe they prove their Title to be firm and good, are accepted as others : Attest Samuel Partridge ^ Committee Samuel Porter >- for Henry DwiGHT 1 Northfield" Permanent Settlement. 135 The Committee appointed the following officers for the new planta- tion : Dea. Ebenezer Wright of Northampton, town clerk ,- Capt. Benj. Wright, Lt. John Lyman, Dea. Ebenezer Wright, Judah Hutchinson, Sergt. Thomas Taylor, measurers of land. Of the 20 engagers, not more than 8 went upon the ground the first season, viz., Capt. Benj. Wright, Joseph Alexander, Nath' Alexander, Isaac Warner, Zechariah Field, Hezekiah Stratton, Peter Evens, Thomas Taylor. Of the remainder, Eben'^ Wright, Joseph Parsons, Judah Hutchinson, and Moses Lyman continued to reside at Northampton ; William Boltwood died while returning from I Canada in August ; Joseph Severence soon sold out his right to Jona. Patterson ; Isaac Mattoon did not come till some years later ; Eleazar Mattoon came the next year ; the others sold their rights to j different parties, as will appear in course. Reserved Lands. — At the outset, a home-lot and a full share in ! the meadows and outlands were set apart for a minister ; a lot of i meadow land was reserved for a smith ; also lots for both grist and saw-mills ; and several large tracts (not yet designated) for " the ministry and school." These last were called " sequestered land." Hindrances. — The General court enjoined the Committee to give preference, in accepting settlers, to "the descendants of original petitioners and grantees." This seemed an act of simple justice ; but it proved a serious clog on the enterprise. The heirs of these former grantees, very naturally, were disposed to wait the issue of the new project before deciding, either to return, or to make sale of their rights. A successful resettlement of the place would greatly enhance the value of those rights. And it appears that the lands of non-signers were not taxable for town charges ; neither could the non-resident owners be held to pay charges for fencing common fields. And such fields were the main dependence for tillage and grass, and were of little value without continuous fence. 1715. Eleazar Mattoon was the only addition to the settlers this spring. In view of the hindrances and inequality arising from the re- fusal of non-residents to sell or inhabit, the Committee made applica- tion to the General court for new powers ; and at its session June 10, 1 7 15, the following order was passed : — " On Petition of Sam^ Partridge and John Stoddard Efq^ & Mr. Henry Dvvight, " Ordered — That the order of this court pafsed Feby 171 1 for the fetdement of the town of Northfield be further condnued for 3 years more : 136 History of Northfield. NORTH GATE HIGHWAY HIGHWAY > 1 HIGHWAY HIGHWAY 3 rods J rods X S > 1 s: J rods 3 rods SOUTH GATE i Permanent Settlement. 137 1, " That the Committee be direfted to fettle the town in the mofl: regular and ; defenfible manner that may be : " That all Town Taxes in Northfield for the fpace of 5 years next coming jj be raifed on polls as the law direds, and on the lands that are or fhall be di- !j vided or allotted out, and that when a General or Common Field is agreed upon j to be fenced in for improvement, the proprietors of the enclofed land fhall pay their juft proportion towards the charges of making and maintaining the fence, whether they improve their land or not. And if any fuch proprietors are out of the Province, then their enclofed lands fhall fland chargeable therewith until it is paid." This act of the court met the case, so far as legislation was con- j cerned ; but the immediate effect was not apparent. I In order to carry out the wish of the court relating to the " regular and defensible manner" of building the town, the Committee decided upon a plan, which, while offering greater security yet entailed in- i conveniences and expense, which more than counterbalanced the ad- vantages. The first comers had severally taken the home-lots which they held by right or purchase, and were thus much scattered. Eleazar Mattoon was north of Mill-brook. Peter Evens built near the north, and Zechariah Field near the south end of the street. There was yet no fort or garrison house. And as a measure of defence as well as supposed convenience, a plan was adopted by the Committee, with a view to bring all the dwellings of settlers into a small compass, and surround the whole with a stockade, as was done in the Settlement of 1673. This would necessitate the removal of houses already erected outside the proposed limits ; and was in its nature a temporary expedient, and unequal in its working. Whoever (except the owners) built on the designated space, must expect soon to remove, or re- build on their own land. The proposed STOCKAnE. — " At a meeting of the Committee for Northfield at Northampton, July 12, 17 15, it was agreed — In order to make the place more defenfible, that the town-plot for prefent building, fhould begin South- wardly about 4 rods upon the fouth fide of John Hilyard's lot, and to extend up the ftreet northwardly 60 rods, and 30 rods in width eafl and weft. And the highway being lo rods in width, and fo to take out of the front of each man's lot for the 60 rods inclufive, on the eaft and weft fides refpeftively, 10 rods in width — the faid plot being in the form following, viz : [see opposite p.] " And whereas, In the aforefaid Plot, there is land taken out upon the weft fide of the Town ftreet 10 rods wide from the front of John Hilyard's, Joseph Brook's, Thomas Taylor's, and Hezekiah Stratton's lots, and upon the eafl fide as much out of Capt. Benj. Wright's, Ebenezer and Increafe Clark's and Nath' 18 138 History of Northfield. Alexander's lots, the Committee do conclude and agree that, during fuch time as the front of faid lots are improved as aforefaid, the owners fhall have reafon- able fatiffaftion for the fame ; and upon the confideration aforefaid the feveral owners do acquit and releafe their rights in the faid land for the ufe aforefaid, for fuch time as the Committee or Town fliall agree." This plan, which gave 24 building lots, was agreed to by the owners of such lots as were included within the proposed stockade (except Hezekiah Stratton), but was rejected by all the rest, and the project was abandoned. ^ At their meeting July 12 (as above), the Committee appointed town officers, as follows : Benoni Moore, surveyor or town measurer in the room of Lieut. John Lyman ; Zechariah Field, sur- veyor of highways ; Hezekiah Stratton and Eleazar Mattoon, fence viewers ; and order^ That they cause the fence about the Great meadow to be put in repair. The Committee alfo order. That the furveyors meafure out the feveral allotments in Bennett's Meadow and bound them according to their feveral quantitys of acres, and make report to the Committee, and to render an account of what land remains : And that they meafure and bound men's allotments in Pachage Meadow, and make re- port of what remains : And that they meafure men's allotments in the Great Meadow by the Town, and report what common land remains, and place boundaries where they find none between men's lots ; And that they find a convenient place for a Home-lot for Benoni Moore, and a quantity of meadow land fuitable for his accommodation, and give an account of the refpedive places and the feveral dimenfions of the particular parcels to the Committee. Samel Partridge ^ Com*«'^ John Stoddard >- for Sam^l Porter ) Northfield. 1716. The Home-lots granted this year, and the " new comers" with families, were, Benoni Moore, Remembrance Wright, Jona. Patterson, and Dea. Benj. Janes ; and Jonathan Janes and Daniel Wright, without families. John Hannum was here through the summer. Dea. Janes took possession of his father's (Elder William Janes) rights ; Jonathan Janes took his father Samuel's rights, which he ex- changed Aug. 25, 1 7 18 with Joseph Petty for the Ralph Hutchinson lot, where he and his descendants have since resided. ' This proposed stockade took in the space from a little below the south line of Jonathan Belcher's home-lot, to where the Parson Mason house stands, and the corresponding space on the west side of the street. The enclosure or stockade of 1673, was probably fashioned on much the same general plan, but was smaller, and located a little to the south. Permanent Settlement. 139 March 8, 1716. At a meeting of the Committee, town officers were appointed as follows : Peter Evens, constable and collector. Zechariah Field and Hezekiah Stratton, fence viewers. Eleazar Mattoon, surveyor of highways. Remembrance Wright, field driver: " x'^nd it was ordered, That the Town Meafurers proceed to apportion the common fence about the Great Meadow, fetting out to each man one rod and a half per acre for his land in faid Meadow, each man's feveral quantities being fet out and flaked, in the following order of fuccefsion — beginning at or in the River at the fouth end of f^ meadow, running to or into the River at the north end off meadow, not accounting the northwardly half of the fence at the rear of each man's Home-lot in the fuccefsion, the proprietors of {^ home-lots being obliged by law to make {^ half as their dividend fence." " A lift of the Fence about the Great Meadow by the Town, taken March 31, 1716, beginning at the South end. Capt. Wright's fence being forty-four rods twelve feet and fix inches, eight rods is allowed for the water-courfe, which leaves to Capt. Benj. Wright 36 Common fence 12 John Hutchinfon 5 Jofeph Root 5 Jacob Root 6 Samuel Curtis I Ebenezer and | Increafe Clarke ) Enoch Randall 10 Jona. Arnold 5 Charles Williams 4 John Hylier 7 Wm. Janes's heirs 5 Peter Evens 8 Town Fence 29 Wm. Miller Sen. heirs 28 Nathl. Alexander 17 Sergt. Thos. Taylor, acrofs Miller's brook Nathl. Alexander 2 Jos. Lepingwell 4 Eben. Wright 8 Eleazar Warner 4 Lt. Jona. Hunt 6 Jofeph Brooks 26 Mary Davis i Ifaac Mattoon 2 Zechariah Field 2 Common Fence Mi nifter's Fence Jofeph Brooks , Jofeph Severance Benoni Moore, acrofs the S. way except the Gate Thus. Taylor, the S. Gate . high- 4 o 4 o 7 » 15 o 9 6 14 o 2 9 3 3 Ralph Hutchinfon's heirs 18 Wm. Janes's heirs 14 Saml. Janes's heirs 10 Zechariah Field 10 Ifaac Mattoon 10 Jona. Arnold 10 Ralph Hutchinfon's heirs 2 Ifaac Warner 6 John Hylier 8 Jofeph Brooks 10 ThomasTaylor 11 Hezekiah Stratton ") Mary Davis J ^' Jos. Lepingwell 11 Jona. Patterfon acrofs the N. high- way except the Gate 9 Jos. Alexander, the N. Gate Jos. Alexander 10 Saml. Curtis 10 Eben. Wright ... 10 Peter Evens 20 John Clary's heirs 27 Remem. Wright and Eleazar Mat- toon, acrofs Mill brook Jofeph Clary 8 Minifter's Fence 10 Jona. Patterfon o Hezekiah Stratton 3 Eben. Boltwood 6 Minifter's fence 10 Remem. Wright and Eleazar Mattoon, the water courfe at the River on the North 926 140 History of Northfield. Memorandum : Capt. Benj. Wright is appointed to maintain the water-courfe at the S. end of the Meadow, in confideration of eight rods abatement of his proportion of fence : Serg'. Thomas Taylor is appointed to maintain the S. Gate and the water- courfe in Miller's brook, for which he is abated fourteen and a half rods, four feet and feven inches : Jofeph Alexander is appointed to maintain the N. Gate, for which he is abated eleven rods one foot and three inches of his proportion : Eleazar Mat- toon and Remembrance Wright are appointed to maintain the watercourfe in the Mill brook and the North watercourfe at Connedicut river for the whole of their proportion of fence, being thirteen and a half rods." The foregoing list and memoranda are valuable, as showing the method of apportioning the fences around common fields ; and also, it contains the names of most of the resident and non-resident land owners at this date. In the course of this year, the Ralph Hutchinson heirs sell their lands to Joseph Petty of Coventry, Ct. : Cornelius Merry's heirs sell to Robert Cooper of Deerfield ; and the Joseph Parsons lot is sold to Lt. Jona. Hunt of Northampton. Garrison Soldiers. — "June 10, 1716. On Petition of the Committee and proprietors of Northfield, Ordered^ that ten men in the public pay be allowed for the covering and encouragement of the plantation of Northfield, until the session of this Court in the next Fall, who are not to be of the Inhabitants there. \Gen. Court Records.'] The First Minister. — " At a meeting of the Committee for Northfield, Oct. 3, 17 16, Ordered^ That a house of about 16 foot long and 12 foot wide be forthwith built in Northfield, for the present accommodation of a Minister : and that it be set near or adjoining to the dwelling-house of such inhabitant with whom the Minister shall lodge : And that Capt. Wright, Serg^ Thomas Taylor and Zechariah Field be a Committee to order and inspect the building of s"* house, to appoint and procure workmen and materials, and take an account of all service and expense about s'' building, and render their account to the Committee to be by them allowed. "The Committee did then desire Mr. James Whitmore to carry on the work of the Ministry at N-field for the space of half a year, and for his encouragement have agreed to give him twenty-five pounds and subsist him and keep his horse." It is not known where this house stood. Probably it was placed in the street, near the largest dwelling-house then erected, in the Permanent Settlement. 141 kitchen of which the Sabbath services could be held during the cold season. W. H. Whitmore Esq., of Boston, has kindly furnished the follow- ing sketch of the minister then employed : — " The Rev. James Whitmore was the third son of Izrahiah and Rachel (Stow) Whit- more of Middletown Conn., and was born there 31 Dec, 1695. His grandfather was Thomas Whitmore of M. : and though the spelling Wetmore has been adopted for the last century by most of his de- scendants, it is undoubtedly a local corruption of a very respectable and well-known English family name. "James Whitmore was of Yale College, A. B. in 17 14, and A. M. in 1717. In 1718 he was ordained minister at North Haven, Conn., where he remained about four years. In 1 722, he joined Rev. Timothy Cutler (Rector of Yale College) and others in a public statement of doubt as to the validity of Presbyterian ordination : and with two or three others Mr. W. went to England, and joined the Episcopal Church. He was ordained priest by the Bishop of London in 1 723, and was sent back to New York as assistant to the Rev. Mr. Vesey, Rector of Trinity Church. In 1726 he was called to the parish of Rye, West-Chester Co., N. Y., where he remained over 30 years till his death, 15 May, 1760." Oct. 3, 1 7 16. The Committee appointed Mr. Timothy Dwight of Northampton to be surveyor or town measurer for Northfield, which office he held for many years. Grist Mill. — Up to this date the Northfield families had to sup- ply themselves with bread-stuffs, by carrying their grain to Hadley, and bringing back the meal and flour. And as all teaming was done with oxen (horses were kept solely for the saddle and pillion) it was a heavy burden. But now they felt strong enough to have a mill of their own. The following document will explain how they got it : " Dec. 17, 1716. Conditions of Agreement betwixt Steven Belden of Swamp- field and the Inhabitants of N-field, with the confent of y® Committee for N-field, are as followeth : — The f*^ Belden fhall have 15 Acres of land in Bennett's Meadow, and Labour, as below faid. Provided y^ f^ Belden builds a fufficient Grift-mill and maintain it forever ; If {^ Belden negleft or fail to maintain, or refufe f Mill for the Town's ufe, then {^ Mill with iron and ftone and with all appurtenances thereto belonging to return to the town ; and i^ Mill to be going by next Michaelmas. Labor — Thomas Taylor fix day's work Peter Evens fix day's work 142 History of Northfield. Ifaac Warner fix day's work Jonathan Patterfon, fix day's work Jofeph Alexander fix day's work Remem. Wright fix day's work Hezekiah Stratton four day's work Benoni Moore four day's work" Thus encouraged, Mr. Belding bought out the John Clary heirs, both home-lot and water privilege, and set his mill on the old dam, which was a little nearer the street than the one now existing. 1717. Feb. 17, The Committee issued an order declaring all prior grants of land, not settled on this year, to be void. March 4. At a legal meeting of the inhabitants of Northfield, by order of the Committee, for choosing town officers for the year ensu- ing : Chose Maj. John Stoddard of Northampton, town clerk. Sergt. Thomas Taylor, constable and collector. Capt. Benj. Wright, surveyor of highways. Benoni Moore, Joseph Alexander, fence viewers for Great meadow. Isaac Warner, Eleazar Mattoon, fence viewers for Pachaug. Benj. Janes, tything man. Jona. Patterson, Daniel Wright, hawards. At the same meeting, the town voted that they would have a com- mittee to take care of the town land and minister's land, to improve it to the best advantage to bear public charges, and chose Capt. Benj. Wright, Serg' Thomas Taylor, Benoni Moore s'' committee. " The above mentioned officers are approved of and allowed and confirmed, for the year ensuing this 7th day of March, 171 7." Signed by Samuel Partridge, John Pynchon, Sam^' Porter." Up to this date, the Committee had appointed the town officers ; but this year and henceforth, the inhabitants were permitted to make an election of their officers, subject to the approval and confirmation of the Committee. As will be seen, two new offices were filled this year, viz., tything man^ and hawards. It was the duty of the former to inspect the con- duct of liquor sellers. Sabbath breakers, night walkers, tipplers, and keep order in the meeting house during the Sabbath services. The man most venerable for character and years was commonly chosen. The duty of the hawards was to drive out and impound all cattle, horses and hogs found at loose in the meadows and common fields. The law allowed them 2 shillings for taking up a horse, I penny for a sheep, and 12 pence each for cattle and hogs, to be paid by the owners. Permanent Settlement, 143 Saw-Mill. — Mar. 4, 1717, a grant of 12 acres of upland on the back side of Bennett's meadow, was made to Jonathan Belding of Hatfield, on condition that he build a saw-mill, to be going by Michaelmas next. The saw-mill was put in a short distance below the grist-mill, Stephen and Jonathan Belding were brothers, and appear to have owned the saw-mill and privilege in equal shares till 1728, when Jonathan bought out his brother's rights. This mill privilege was held by Jonathan and his descendants till i8i2 — 95 years — when it was sold to Ezekiel Webster. Jonathan Belding first took the Joseph Root home-lot, [now Timothy Field, C. H. Stearns and Mrs. C. O. Lane] which he exchanged in 1725 for the Jacob Root lot, where he lived and died. May 25, 1717, Samuel Partridge sent a communication — semi- official — to the governor, which is valuable for its historical data, as well as its suggestions : " The Committee is enjoined to fettle 40 families, compa6l as much as may be ; efpecialjy to have refpefl to the former inhabitants and their defendants — upon which we meet difficulty to fettle the place, inafmuch as the moll: and the beft part of the land is claimed by the defcendants of fuch former inhabitants who negleft to go and inhabit : — I humbly propofe whether faid claimants ought not to fupply thefe lands with fetders or quit their lands at leaft upon eafy terms, inafmuch as faid place hath been recovered once and again from the enemy at the charge of the public. I am of opinion it would foon be fup- plied with inhabitants, were the lands at liberty. There is 12 families there now, and fome are going: but the place gets on flowly. As to the garrifon that hath been there about 10 months — it confifts of a ferg'. and 9 men with him, which keep in the place without any defenfive fort ; only abide there well fixed in arms and ammunition, toman the place and encourage the prefent inhabitants. I am of opinion if fufiicient means was ufed to ftir up thofe that claim lands as aforefaid, to fupply their lands with fettlers, and the garrifon men continued (and peace) for one year more, the place might be fettled to good advantage." What action — if any — was taken by the governor is not known. But the effect of the movement, following up the order of Feb. 17, was soon apparent. In the course of the season, Isaac Mattoon gives up his right in the John Lyman land to his brother Nathaniel, and sells the Zachery Lawrence lot to Hezekiah Elmer : the Bolt- wood heirs sell to Joseph Burt of Hatfield : Thomas Leffingwell sells the Micah Mudge land to Zechariah Field : Samuel Curtis and wife sell the George Alexander lots to Lt. Jona. Hunt : Peter Evens sells the John Woodward land to Thomas Holton of Northampton (retaining the Thomas Webster home-lot and grants) : Lt. Jona. Hunt sells the John Hutchinson lands to Lt. Eliezur Wright of Northampton : the heirs of Wm. Miller sell to William Holton 144 History of Northfield. (brother of Thomas) ; Jacob Root sells his rights to Lt. Eliezur Wright ; and Stephen and Jona. fielding purchase lots, as already stated. Edmund Grandee receives a grant of a home-lot ; and Elie- zur Wright Jr. and Azariah his brother become inhabitants. This sudden transfer of estates from non-residents to substantial inhabitants gave a fresh impulse to the new town. The erection of grist and saw mills gave assurance of convenient buildings and com- fortable subsistence ; the presence of garrison soldiers, sent by order of the state authorities, gave a new sense of protection and security ; and the employment of a minister, while it gave them the much coveted " soul food," also carried the idea of permanency. For " it is as unnatural " — writes Capt. Edward Johnson — " for a right New England man to live without an able ministry, as for a smith to work his irons without a fire." The soldiers were withdrawn in June : and a petition was sent to the General court at the opening of the fall session, setting forth that '' a small garrison in the town of Northfield, would give great en- couragement to the settlers in s'^ town, and secure them against the assaults of the Indians who often resort there ;" and Nov. 9, an order was passed, " that lO men be allowed for one year next coming, provided they be not of the present inhabitants." Rev. fiENjAMiN DooLiTTLE. — After the close of Mr. Whitmore's half-year, in April, no minister was employed till late in the fall. But the numbers and ability of the inhabitants already there and now about to come, appeared to require and to warrant a permanent ministry. With this view the Committee made an engagement with Mr. Benjamin Doolittle' of Wallingford, Ct., to supply for the winter, and he commenced to preach the second Sabbath in Novem- ber ; — beginning what proved to be a long and prosperous pastorate. It is very likely that the engagement of Mr. D. was brought about through the influence of the Mattoons, who came from Wallingford, via Deerfield. And his settlement in the ministry at Northfield brought hither the Merriman and Blaksley families, with which his family was connected by marriage. Dec. 17, 1 717. "It was agreed by the Committee for N-field to raise a Tax of six shillings on the poll, and twelve pence per acre on Meadow-lands, and six pence per acre on uplands lately granted: Capt. B. Wright and Ens. Z. Field to take y^ List." ' Abraham Doolittle was of New Haven, 1640. His son John settled at Wallingford j m. for 2d w. Grace Blaksley. Their son Benjamin was b. July 10, 1695 j Grad. Y. C, 1716. Permanent Settlement. H5 As this is the first town tax levied, and contains a reliable exhibit of resident and non-resident land holders at the close of this year, it is printed entire. J Town Rate or Assessment^ for defraying necessary charges arising within y^ Towti of N-field. Names. Capt. B. Wright Peter Evens Hez. Stratton Jos. Alexander Remem. Wright Isaac Warner Ens. Z. Field Elear Mattoon Joseph Petty Benj. Janes Jona. Janes. Jona. Beldin. Steph en Beldin Thos Holton. Benoni Moore Jona. Patterson. Wid. Robt Hez. Th. Taylor. Cooper. Elmore Nath Mattoon Wm Holton Elear Holton Lt. Jona. Hunt of Nhn. | Elier. Elier. Azah Wright Sen. Wright Jr. . Wright Lands. Total 5 o 4 3 3 9 1 14 2 4 4 17 3 3 2 17 2 10 2 17 2 II 3 9 Daniel Wright Ebenezer Clarke \ \ Judah Hutchinson do Thomas Root, Lebanon Ct. Samuel Hutchinson, Lebanon Mary Davis, Northn. Eleazar Warner, Hadley Joseph Burt, Hatfield Elder Presd. Clap, Northn. John King, Wm King & ye rest of ye chiln. of Capt. King deed. John Holton's chiln. Saml. Holton & rest of ye heirs of Dea. Wm Holton John Clarke's chiln. Saml. Clarke & ye rest of Lt. Wm. Clarke's heirs Isaac Mattoon, Deerfield Charles Williams John Stoddard, Northn. £ 91 3 3 Approved by Saml. Partridge ( Comtee Saml. Porter -| for John Stoddard ( N-field. Hatfield Jan. 29, 171!^. 1 718. This year opens with plain indications that the plantation is about to take on more of the characteristics of a town. The set- tlers take hold with a will, and lay plans, looking beyond the present necessity, to future enlargement. Four years ago, the work of the eight families was mainly to find the old marks and paths. The old lines were reestablished ; the old highways accepted and followed. The main street through the village was ten rods wide, and was laid from Miller's brook to where they went down into Pauchaug. When a settler made the journey to Hadley, he struck off near where the south road to Warwick now leaves the street, and went west of Dry swamp, across Beers's plain and so down over what was called the 19 146 History of Northfieid. " common road to Sunderland" — though this path was not then a public highway. The south lane to the Great meadow and Ben- nett's meadow ran near its present location. The north lane to the meadow was where it now is, and was laid ten rods wide from the top of Meadow hill to the woods east. These ways were all estab- lished during the earlier Settlement. The path from the entrance to Pauchaug to the Moose-plain ferry probably varied with the season and condition of ground and crops. This year, the 8 settlers are in- creased to 26 ; and they begin to lay out new highways, and plan other new things " for conveniency." A Home for the Minister. — Mr. Doolittle had married a month before commencing his labors at Northfield j and the 16x12 tene- ment built for Mr. Whitmore, was not commodious for a parsonage. And the first business of the Committee this year was to find a home for the new minister and his wife. At a meeting Feb. 19, "Mr. Dwight was desired to treat with Dea. Eliezur Hawks about an ex- change of lots so as to accommodate the minister ; and Capt. Wright and Ensign Field were instructed to endeavor to hire Lieut. Taylor's house for Mr. Doolittle for the present." It will be re- membered that a home-lot and ather lands were reserved for a minister ; but neither had been located. Lieut. Thomas Taylor — one of the most promising young men of the new plantation — was drowned the preceding autumn ; and the plan was to hire his house of the widow (a daughter of Dea. Hawks of Deerfield) as a temporary expedient. The house was secured, and Mr. D. and his wife took possession early in the spring, though it was not till October that an exchange of lots was finally agreed on. The Taylor lot where Mr. Doolittle lived and died, was the present L. T. Webster lot J the Minister's lot, was the one known in later years as the Dr. Blake lot. Grants of home-lots and interval lands were made this year, to Samuel Orvis of Farmington, Ct. ; to Josiah Field (brother of Ensign Zechariah) ; to Benoni Crafts of Hatfield ; to Benjamin Wright Jr. : to William Sanderson, and to Theophilus Merriman of Wallingford, Ct. March 3. At the town meeting, this date, the following officers were elected : Maj. John Stoddard, town clerk. Thomas Holton, constable. Benj. Janes, Joseph Petty, fence viewers for Great meadow. Peter Evens, Jona. Patterson, fence viewers for Pauchaug. Permanent Settlement. 147 Joseph Alexander, Hezekiah Stratton, surveyors of highways. Benoni Moore, tythingman. Remembrance Wright, Joseph Alexander, field drivers. Capt. Benj. Wright, Benoni Moore, Peter Evens, Isaac Warner, a committee to provide necessaries for Mr. Doolittle ; to build a town pound ; and to take care of town affairs. Joseph Petty, Thomas Holton, Hez. Stratton, a committee to view Pauchaug plain, and lay out a highway through Pauchaug meadow. Isaac Warner, to take care of the boat. Capt. Wright, Eliezur Wright, Benoni Moore, Peter Evens, Zech. Field, a committee to manage in the affair about building a Meeting-house. Capt. Wright and Ens. Field, a committee to discourse with the honored Committee of the town about building the Meeting-house, and getting a petition drawn to send to the General court for some relief to defray our charge. The Boat. — The town owned a boat or scow, and a canoe. The former was used to transport teams, etc., across the river to Bennett's meadow, and bring home so much of the crops as were needed for fall and early winter. The bulk of the hay was left in stack till it could be brought over on the ice. Corn was sometimes left in stook till winter. After the owners began to till their Moose-plain lots, and to mow the west side meadows above, the scow was moved from point to point as needed. Town ownership of the boat, and town management of the ferries, continued for many years. The Pound built this year, was placed in the North lane to the meadow, a short distance off the street. Meeting-house. — Capt. Wright and his committee urged matters ; and at a meeting of the Committee for Northfield, Mar. i8, It was agreed to build a Meeting-house in %^ Town, as soon as it can be conveniently done : and we advise that it be of the dimensions of Swampfield Meeting-house, i. e. 45 feet long, 30 feet wide, and 18 feet between joints. The work was pushed forward, and the house appears to have been enclosed by the first of August. Probably the only " inside finish" then completed, was a rough board pulpit, and slab forms for seats. This Meeting-house stood in the middle of the street, a little south east of its successor. Sabbath meetings had previously been held at the house of such inhabitants as had the largest kitchen. Brick-making was commenced this spring, by Eliezur Wright or his son Azariah. The clay was dug in the street, below the south 148 History of Northfield. meadow lane. When the Committee granted a home-lot here [where John Wright's house now stands] to William Sanderson, they " re- served the rights of the inhabitants to dig clay." Petition for Aid. — According to instructions given at the March meeting, a petition was drawn up, setting forth the slow progress of the plantation ; their good intentions, according to their ability to settle and maintain a minister among them ; but their inability by reason of the fewness of inhabitants, and their low circumstances ; and praying for a sum of money out of the public treasury for their assistance therein. June 27, 17 18, the General court granted the sum of forty pounds, to be improved by the Committee for North- field, towards the support of the ministry in that place. Thus encouraged, as soon as the hurry of haying was over, they proceeded to give Mr. Doolittle a call to settle in the ministry. Terms OF Settlement and Salary. — At a legal meeting of the inhabitants of Northfield, August 5, 17 18, "The inhabitants, confidering the profpeft they have of Mr. Benjamin Doolittle's fettlement in the work of the Miniflry amongll them, have for his encouragement Voted: " 1. To give him a convenient houfe-lot, and the Meadow and Swamp land already referved for a Minifter which is about fifty acres : and alfo ten acres more in fome convenient place for a Pafture. " 2. To give him the Dwelling Houfe formerly belonging to Lieut. Thomas Taylor deceafed, (provided it can be purchafed at a reafonable price) and to finifh faid Houfe : But in cafe f* Houfe be not purchafed for him then in lieu thereof to give him Thirty pounds in money or Province Bills, and likewife to give him the Town Houfe to be adjoined to his dwelling-houfe. " 3, To give to Mr. Doolittle one hundred pounds in money or Province Bills, to be paid in equal portions, one third in May 17 19, one third in May 1720, the other third in May 1721 — all the above gifts to be on condition of his fettlement in the work of the miniftry amongll: them. " 4. To give Mr. Doolittle fixty five pounds in money or Public Bills of credit annually, for the firft fix years of his fervice next comirg after April fourteenth 1718, and feventy five pounds annually from that time forward during his continuance in the work of the miniflry in {^ place. And in cafe the circumftances of his family fhall ftand in need of more, to enlarge it ac- cording to the capacity of the people. " 5. To provide for Mr. Doolittle fuch ftock of wood as the ftate and cir- cumftances of his family fhall require, for fix years next coming, and after the expiration of the faid fix years, that each man with his team fhall cart or fled wood one day yearly for Mr. Doolittle." Permanent Settlement. 149 The above terms were submitted to the Committee for concurrence, and at a meeting Aug. 12, " Having confidered the within votes of the inhabitants of N-field, we do confirm the f^ votes, and do (for his further fecurity) hereby grant to the ^ Benj. Doolitde the within mentioned lands, and also ten acres of upland fuita- ble for Tillage in fome place convenient — all f'^ lands are granted upon the within mentioned condition of fettlement, and to be laid out by the furveyor. Signed Sam^'- Partridge ^ ^ tee Sam'^^ Porter I r ToHN Stoddard ,' -vt r ,j>i Tj T-. N-field XIENRY UWIGHT j " Having confidered y*' fore-mentioned propofals, I do hereby accept of them witnefs my hand Benj'' , Doolittle." This is all the record, so far as known, respecting the settlement of Mr. Doolittle. It is believed that a church was organized, and Mr. D. ordained some time during the present fall ; probably on the ^d day in September. Oct. 8, 1 718. The Committee for Northfield then agreed with Deacon Hawks, administrator, to exchange Lt. Taylor's house and lot in Northfield for a lot reserved for a minister ; and the Committee have agreed to give for the odds thirty pounds in money which we have put into Mr. Dwight's hands, and ten acres of out-lands which shall (if it may be) be to the acceptance of Dea. Hawks : the instru- ments to be drawn and perfected as soon as may conveniently be done. The ten acres of pasture land^ voted to Mr. Doolittle by the in- habitants, was laid out on the west side of the street, just below Pau- chaug, which lot was known in the record as " Mr. Doolittle's Pas- ture" till the old Tavern house was built upon it. The ten acres oi tillage land^ voted by the Committee was laid out on the Second-Moose plain. In addition to the land now granted, Mr. Doolittle received sub- sequently, grants of 140 acres in the " Choice Lots" Division : 39^^ a. in the First Division of commons ; 55I a. in the Second, and400 a. in the Third Division. And his widow received 106 acres in the Fourth, 26J a. in the Fifth, and 10 a. in the Sixth Division ; making in all 855 acres. Land Grants. — As a specimen of the way the lands at Northfield were disposed of by the Committee, the following examples are quoted : "1718, Feb. 19. Then granted to Benoni Moore and Jona. Patterfon each 150 History of Northfield. ten acres on the plain on the back fide of Pachaug, provided there be fo much befides what is already granted : " Then granted to Jofiah Field thirty acres of land, whereof ten or twelve acres of Meadow (if to be found) ; the remainder to be a Home-lot and up- land — all to be laid out conveniently for him by direftion of the Committee — all on condition of his abode there four years from the above date." All the home-lots were granted, subject to the condition of a four years' residence. "Then granted to Jofeph Alexander about two acres on the Saw-mill brook, between two high hills running from ihe Great meadow fence to the fall in the brook, upon condition that he allow the town liberty to dig a drain through his lower lot in the Great meadow — the town not to be at the charge of a highway to faid land. The general theory was, that the grant of a lot of land, be it ever so small, carried the right of a feasible highway to the same. TheTownStreetnarrowed. — Aug. 12,1718. TheCommittee passed an order, that the three northerly lots towards the Mill brook on the east side of the street be extended westward so that the street be left but six rods wide ; and that the line be continued straight from the southwest corner of Orvis's home-lot to the southwest corner of the home-lot formerly belonging to Jacob Root. 1719. March 2, " The inhabitants of the Town of Northfield being con- vened together at a legal meeting, have chofen their officers and other confarn- ments as follows : Jofeph Petty, conftable. Major John Stoddard, clerk. William Holton, Remem. Wright, fence viewers for y'^ Great Meadow Eleazar Mattoon, Jona. Belding, fence viewers for Pachaug Robert Cooper, Nath^ Mattoon, hawards for y*^ Great Meadow and Ben- nett's Meadow Samuel Orvis, Azariah Wright, hawards for Pachaug Ens. Field, Thomas Holton, surveyors of highways Ifaac Warner, Peter Evens, tything-men Benjamin Janes, Thomas Holton, Elea'' Mattoon, truftees for the town ["To lay what is necefsary for the town's affairs before the Committee for their approbation and confirmation" — interlined in the handwriting of Sam' Partridge]. Capt. B. Wright, Eliezur Wright, Enfign Field, Benoni Moore, Jofeph Petty, chofen to agree with Mr. Doolitde concerning his fettlement in the miniftry. Hezekiah Stratton, Eleazar Holton, Nath' Mattoon, a committee to get Mr. Doolittle's wood : and voted to allow 2s. bd. per load for wood for Mr. D. this year coming. Signed, Eliezur Wright, Moderator." Permanent Settlement. 151 It was customary for the moderator to make a record of the doings of the annual town meeting, attest the same, and carry it to the Committee for confirmation. The mode of making out the fore- going record, as well as some of the votes passed, indicate that the people were beginning to chafe under the Committee's rule. But the latter yielded nothing, and the interlineation was acquiesced in. The town furnished Mr. Doolittle this year sixty-two loads of wood, nominally one cord to a load, and paid for cutting and hauling the same £7 15. Blacksmith. — Mar. 10, 1719. "Granted to Ebenezer Field, of Deerfield, thirty acres of land, 8 acres reserved for a smith in Ben- nett's meadow, 7 acres in the Second-Moose plain, 10 acres on the Dry brook (in Dry swamp), and 5 acres in some convenient place, all on condition of his removing to N-field with his family within 15 months, and his employing himself in his trade for the supply of the people." — Mr. Field appears to have removed to this town the next year. He settled on the lot then held by the Patterson heirs (Jona. Patterson having died in 17 18), which he afterwards bought. This was afterwards known as the " Landlord Field place," now John Mattoon's. He put up a shop/« the street^ after the custom of those times. He " finished his house" in the winter of 1721. He died (was shot by mistake) in 1723, and his shop was sold to Dea. Samuel Smith, who moved it down to near the " old Meeting oak." Garrison Soldiers. — By order of the General court, June 16, 1719, seven men were allowed in the public pay to garrison North- field, till the end of Oct. next. Mr. Stoddard's Farm. — "At a legal meeting of the inhabitants of Northfield, Nov. 14, 17 19, Voted^ To give to Maj. John Stod- dard all the Little Meadow that lies just below Great meadow, ex- cepting the old grants ; and so much of the Plain adjoined to it as will make up 100 acres, — Provided he will accept it for the service he hath already done as Committee-man and Clerk, and the service he hath to do for us while we shall be under the Committee's care." Maj. Stoddard sold ihis farm in 1729 to Zechariah Field and Orlando Bridgman, for .£550. Field soon bought out Bridgman, and the place has been known as the " Field farm " unto this day. It is now owned by Thomas J. Field. 1720. Feb. 23, The Committee for Northfield granted the stream upon Bennett's brook to Serg^ Benoni Moore, Joseph Petty, Ebenezer Field and Nathaniel Mattoon, for a saw-mill, with the 152 History of Northfieid. lands that may be necessary for ponding, and to lay logs upon, pro- vided they build it by May come twelve-month, and improve the mill from that time forward for their own benefit and profit and the service of the town. Land grants were made this year to Eleazar Holton ; to Eldad Wright ; to Thomas Blaksley, a relative of Mr. Doolittle ; and to Ebenezer Alexander, who became a deacon in the Church and a prominent leader in civil affairs. He bought the home-lot of his uncle, Nathaniel Alexander (the Parson Mason lot), and the Richard Lyman lot adjoining on the north. The former he sold to Jonathan Hunt ; and the latter to Samuel Hunt in 1732, and built in 1733 or '34 on the Capt. Richard Colton place. Moses Nash of Hadley also received grants of 15 acres in Second-Moose plain and in one of the upper meadows, and the next year bought the William Clarke home-lot, though it does not appear that he became an inhabitant of Northfieid. Mar. 2, 1720. At the annual Town Meeting the following offi- cers were chosen : — Maj. John Stoddard, town clerk. Eleazar Mattoon, constable and collector. Joseph Petty, Jona. Belding, surveyors of highways. Dea. Benj. Janes, tything man. Eben"^ Alexander, Nath' Mattoon, fence viewers for Great Meadow. Thomas Holton, Azariah Wright, fence viewers for Pachaug. Robert Cooper, Dan' Wright, hawards for Great and Bennett's meadows. Nath' Mattoon, Eldad Wright, hawards for Pachaug. Lieut. Eliezur Wright, Thomas Holton, Theoph. Merriman to take care of Mr. Doolittle's wood. Lieut. E. Wright, Serg' B. Moore, Eben' Alexander trustees for the Town, and to take account of the town debts. Edmund Grandee, to take care of the boat and canoe. [The above officers were confirmed by the Committee April 5.] The two matters of considerable importance to be presented in the records of this year, are i. The location of the " Country Farm," and the Committee's Farms ; 2. The resurvey of the town by Timothy Dwight Esq. Country Farm. — It will be remembered that in the original grant of the Squakheag plantation in 1672, a "reserve of land for the country's use " was made. For obvious reasons this land had not been formally laid out, during the earlier Settlements. But the claim was still valid ; and as all the better class of lands were being absorbed Permanent Settlement. 153 by grants to settlers, there was now a necessity that this tract should be selected and bounded out. At a meeting of the Committee, April 20, " It was ordered, that there be a Reserve of two hundred and fifty acres of land, at the southerly end of N-field bounds, bounded on the Town Line southerly, on the Common Road to Sunderland westerly, on the Common land northwardly, and on Country land eastwardly." Committee's Farms. — At the same meeting the Committee voted to set apart farms of one hundred and fifty acres each, to themselves. This action was in accordance with the expressed wish of the town ; and the land was no more than a fair compensation for their services. " Agreeably to the vote of the inhabitants of N-field on April ii, 1720, the Committee have this day [April 20] granted to Samuel Porter Efq. 150 acres of land within the Townlhip of N-field, bounded fouthwardly on a Referve of 250 acres lying next the South line of the f Townfhip, weftwardly on the Common road that leads towards Sunderland, northwardly on land of Henry Dwight Efq. and eaftwardly on Common land — extending in length from the Road eaftwardly three quarters of a mile, and in breadth from North to South one hundred rods, it being in confideration of fervice in fettling {^ place." A farm of similar dimensions, and corresponding boundaries, lying directly north of this, was granted and laid out to Henry Dwight Esq. And a farm precisely equal, lying north of Dwight's, was granted and laid out to Samuel Partridge Esq. The total amount thus granted and laid out in a body, was 700 acres. And this was the origin of what was known to after genera- tions as " The Farms." [As the " Common Road to Sunderland" was not yet a public highway, and was a somewhat uncertain boundary line, the town voted subsequently, " that the westerly end of the Committee's Farms be extended four or five rods across the Path, to the brow of a little hill that runs North and South ; and that as much be taken out of their Farms at the easterly end."] As stated at the close of last year's record, a Farm of 100 acres had already been granted and laid out to Major Stoddard — the 100 acres being in a better location, was considered as equivalent to 150 acres further south. The other member of the Committee, Col. John Pynchon, had been at no considerable pains in furthering the settlement, and received no grant. New Plot of the Town. — The town bounds, as originally laid out by William Clarke in 1672, have already been described in Chap- 20 154 History of Northfield. ter III. In May 1685, on Petition of the Committee, the bounds on the east side of the river were extended "two and a half miles lower to a little stoney brook." But no survey and location of this additional grant was made at the time. As the inhabitants were now rapidly increasing, and these lands were being lotted out, the bounds became a matter of consequence ; and the Committee ordered Timothy Dwight Esq. to survey and plot this tract, and readjust the other lines. Beginning at the old south-east corner [which was nearly due east 3I miles from the lower end of the Three Little Meadows] he run the line "parallel to the general course of the river," till it met a line running E. 7° 30' N. from the mouth of Four-mile brook. That south line (except the deflection to include the " Morgan farm") has remained substantially unaltered till this day. On the west side of the river, the line was extended south from the old south-west corner 145 rods to the Deerfield line, where it re- mained till the adjustment of the boundary lines between Northfield and Gill. The east and west bounds, which run N. 1° 3o' W. were not altered. The north bound, which had been a broken one, i. e., at Broad brook on the west side and at Ash-swamp brook on the east side of the river, was brought down to a point about ^ of a mile below Ash- swamp brook and coincident with the dividing line between the Sartwell and Bridgman farms, and thus made continuous the entire width of the town. This north line began at a point three-fourths of a mile west of the river and run E. 7°. 30' N; 1440 rods. The length of the town on the east side, was 100 rods less than 12 miles ; the length on the west side, was 8 miles ; the superficial contents was 31296 acres. By the terms of the original grant in 1672, the town was 8 miles long by 4^ wide, i. e., equal to six miles square. When the addi- tional grant of 2'k miles was made to the south end on the east side of the river in 1685, nothing was said in the act about taking off an equivalent portion from the north end — although this might be sup- posed to be the intention of the General court. Dwight's survey, now under consideration, assumed that the omitted north-west cor- ner should constitute this equivalent, as the space left off south of Ash-swamp brook was an equivalent for the small south-west corner addition. The town, as thus resurveyed, actually contained 8256 acres more than the authorized six miles square. This survey was not at once accepted by the General court. Although the legisla- Permanent Settlement. 155 ture appears to have been sensible of the dilemma caused by its own carelessness ; yet it was not ready to take a decisive step towards a settlement of the question. And the disputed boundary was a source of anxiety and some controversy for many years. In 1732, the legis- lature granted to Gov. Jonathan Belcher 500 acres of land lying north uf the old Fort Hill above the Ashuelot river. This included the whole of Merry's meadow and the plain lands east, which had been in part allotted to the settlers, and which Northfield had held by pur- chase and possession for half a century. This encroachment by the legislature — as it was regarded, brought matters to a crisis. The town resolved to have the question settled ; and voted to give a large and valuable tract of land as compensation to any man who would get the boundaries fixed. Stephen Balding went to Boston, and labored with the governor and legislature ; but failed of his object, and paid his own expenses. Then Capt. Benj". Wright — who was still at 73 years old a power in the town — was sent down as agent ; and by his influence with the leading men in the government, secured to the town her claimed rights, and was paid for his expenses and time. At the session June 21, 1733, an act was passed, confirming and establishing the survey and plot of the town as made by Mr. Dwight. The north bound remained unaltered till the new Province line was run by order of the king in 1740. This cut ofF 4 miles and 197 rods in width from the north part of the township, which sub- sequently became parts of Vernon, Vt., Hinsdale and Winchester, N. H. Assessor's Return, 1720 — Number of Polls taxed 38 Non-residents and females taxed 18 Number acres of home-lots and meadow lands taxed 1863 " " outlands taxed 298 Tax on poll, 12 shillings. Land Speculation. — About this date, when it became well as- sured that Northfield was to stand, men who had ready cash beo-an to invest it in lands in and around the plantation. As will appear in the Plan and History of the Home-lots, to be given hereafter, Henry Dwight of Hatfield, Lieut. Jona. Hunt of Northampton, and others, were always ready to advance money and take a mortgao-e on said lots, and to buy up grants as they came into market. But this year. Ens. Zechariah Field made a wholesale purchase — it being no less than the balance of all the desirable lands still claimed by the original Indian proprietors. His own petition best tells the story. 156 History of Northfield. " To His Excellency J on a. Belcher ; " It being reprefented to me that it would be for the intereft of this Govern- ment to purchafe the right of Pompanoot, fon and heir to Wawelet, one of the chiefs among the Indians, of and in a large trad of land lying upon Miller's river fo called, at a place called Paquayag (Athol) of the contents of about 30,000 acres, bounded upon large falls in faid river eafterly, extending feven miles down the river, running four miles foutherly from y® {^ river and two miles northerly : And your memorialift being intimately acquainted with the faid Pompanoot, and confidering that if the land fliould not be bought of him before the Englifh began to make fome fetdement and build upon the f** land, he would afterwards demand a much higher price than if bought before fuch improvement — your memorialift for the good of the country bought the {^ land of the f'^ Indian, in the year 1720, for an inconfiderable fum, viz., twelve pounds, which is now of great worth : And the f^ land by the authority of the Great and General Court has been lately granted for a Townfhip to the Englifh inhabitants — though your petitioner has it under the hand of a great number of Indians that the {^ land was the right of the faid Pompanoot, by virtue of a gift from his honored father Wawelet, yet is entirely fatiffied that this grant of the Court fhould take place, provided he be recompenfed for the £t 1 2 advanced, with intereft, or receive a part of faid land. Northfield April 1735. Zechariah Field. The court granted him in satisfaction of his just claim 800 acres, to be laid out in two tracts, adjoining to Paquayag, one of which was on territory, afterwards incorporated into the town of New Salem. Dec. 13, 1720. The General court voted^ That 10 soldiers be posted at Northfield in full pay, and continued there till the last day of November next ; none of the town's people to serve. 1 721. April 4, The Committee granted to Stephen Crowfoot, a home-lot of ']\ acres which formerly belonged to Palmer, and 10 acres in the Second-moose plain, and ten acres in the South plain. Also granted to William Syms a home-lot of 7J acres north of Joseph Warriner's lot, and 10 acres on the Second-moose plain, and 10 acres on the South plain, if to be found when former grants are satisfied : all on condition that he continue an inhabitant there four years from this time, and fence and improve his home-lot within two years from this time. Ebenezer Severance and Thomas Bardwell also received grants of land, in the Second-moose plain. At the same meeting of the Committee it was ordered^ That Ensign Field, Joseph Petty and Hezekiah Stratton be a committee to lease out the town lot in the Great meadow for five years ; and that they have power to lease out any of the land formerly belonging to any Permanent Settlement. 157 person out of this county, who has not paid his rates to any former constable, the lands to be let till the rates are paid. 1722. By virtue of a warrant from the Hon''' Committee, the in- habitants being warned, convened together at a legal town meeting. Mar. 2, and chose officers as follows : Col. John Stoddard, town clerk. William Holton, constable. Remembrance Wright, Ebenezer Field, Eleazar Holton, trustees. Ebenezer Alexander, Hezekiah Stratton, surveyors. Thomas Holton, Nath' Mattoon, fence viewers for Pachaug. • Dan' Wright, Azariah Wright, fence viewers for Great Meadow. Stephen Crowfoot, Eliezur Wright, fence viewers for Bennett's Meadow. Benoni Moore, tythingman. Thomas Blaksley, Eldad Wright, field drivers for all y^ meadows. A company of garrison soldiers was stationed in town from Dec. I, 1721 to July 24, of this year. These were paid by the government, and billeted upon the inhabitants — usually two to a family, — who were allowed 5 shillings each per week, which sum was in part de- ducted from the country rate, and the balance paid in Province bills. The company roll is as follows : Joseph Kellogg Lieut., Suff. James Porter, Nhn. Josiah Stebbins Sergt., Nhn. Joseph Billing, Hat. Josiah King clerk, Nhn. Stephen Smith, Hat. Joseph Allis, Hat. Benoni Wright, Nhn. Japhet Chapin, Spg. Orlando Bridgman, Nhn. John Sergeant, Wore. The pay of the lieutenant was 20 shillings per week : the others received 5 shillings per week. In addition to the above, two men were allowed, as a special guard to the minister, one for night watching and one for day warding. These of course were billeted on his family. Forts — Up to this year, no forts had been built in the village. One or two houses were brick-lined : and the Town-house, i. e., the 12X16 ft. building put up for Mr. Whitmore in 1716, was used as a guard-room. But the garrison soldiers, when not on duty, lived with the inhabitants. The war, which had impended for more than a year, and which broke out on the Eastern frontiers in June, naturally alarmed our people, and immediate measures were taken to prepare for the worst. In the course of the summer two forts were begun and wholly or partially completed. One stood on the Zech. Field home-lot; the 158 History of Northfield. other on the Stephen Belding lot (the site of the old Clary fort). These were not strongly built works. Probably the mounts were only partially finished. It is a family tradition that the Field fort was surrounded by a stockade ; and that, in the following year, the sentry stationed in the mount, shot Ebenezer Field, the smith, in the dusk of the evening, mistaking him for an Indian. ' Militia. — All towns were required by law to enroll their militia men, including all able bodied males between 16 and 60 years of age, and to maintain a military organization. Besides the regular training days, all were liable to be called on to watch and ward and scout. Where the number liable to do duty was less than 64, the company was commanded by a lieutenant or ensign. Northfield was fortunate in having among her settlers several men experienced in military matters and in Indian warfare. Capt. Benjamin Wright was an old fighter. Ebenezer Alexander was an officer, and Robert Cooper was a soldier in Queen Anne's war. Others had seen service. Capt. Wright was the head of our militia company, for the three years after 17 14. Thomas Taylor was ser- geant under him, and was chosen lieutenant (which gave him the command of our small company) in 1717 — the spring before he was drowned. Zechariah Field was chosen ensign the same year, on the death of Lt. Taylor, and succeeded him in command. Eliezur Wright was lieutenant and Benoni Moore sergeant in 17 19. The present year [1722], Ebenezer Alexander and Joseph Petty were chosen sergeants. But these military matters belong more properly to the next chapter. 1723. At a meeting of the Committee Feb. 26, " they then granted to Mr. Benj" Doolittle 24 feet in breadth of the street directly against the house he now lives in, and 32 feet in length, to set a house on, he to have s'' land during the continuance of the house he shall there erect." How far Mr. Doolittle availed himself of the privilege hereby granted, is not known : but it is remembered that the old Caleb Lyman house stood several feet over the line of the street. March 4. At a legal town meeting, this date, officers were chosen as follows : Col. John Stoddard town clerk ; Hezekiah Stratton con- stable ; Sergt. Joseph Petty, Sergt. Eben'. Alexander, Jona. Belding, 'In the dusk of evening, Ebenezer Field was standing on his shed pitching Peas, which were passed up to him from the cart below and out of sight, into the barn window. The sentry caught a glimpse of the wads as they were rapidly tossed into the window, and think- ing that Indians were leaping stealthily into the barn for mischief, instantly fired, mortally wounding Mr. Field. — Dca. Phinehas Field. Permanent Settlement. 159 trustees ; Dea. Benj. Janes tythingman ; Dea. Eleazar Mattoon, Thomas Holton, surveyors ; Serg^ Benoni Moore, Nath' Mattoon, fence viewers for Great meadow : Stephen Crowfoot, Theophilus Merriman, do. for Pachaug ; Eben^ Severance, Ebenezer Field, do. for Bennett's meadow : Dan'. Wright, Eldad Wright, field drivers. The usual endorsement " Allowed by the Committee," is affixed to the record for the last time^ as by act of the General court, their power ceased in the ensuing June. At the meeting, as above, the town voted to Ebenezer Severance a lot of 10 acres " upon Bennett's hill," to be joined to the lot of 10 acres previously granted to him : and another " little piece of land of about 60 rods," " upon the condition of his building a house on his land in Bennett's meadow." If he complied with the condition, his was the first house erected on the west side of the river in Northfield. Industries. — Mills. A grist-mill was erected by Stephen Belding, as early as 171 7, and a saw-mill, the next year, by his brother Jona- than Belding, as already related. A saw-mill may have been built on Bennett's brook, in 1721. Brickmaking. The manufacture of bricks was commenced as early as 171 7. The clay was found in the highway below the old Meet- ing oak. When the home-lot (where John Wright now lives) was granted to William Sanderson in 1718, a clause was inserted, "re- serving to the inhabitants the right to dig clay." Ebenezer Field the smith., and Stephen Crowfoot the carpenter., came to Northfield in 1720. It is not easy to see how the people could get along in the previous years without a blacksmith, as all their tools in daily use, such as axes, shaves, nails, hoes, plow-shares, loom-irons, cranes and trammels, and hog-rings were wrought-work. Very likely they went thirteen miles to Deerfield, and there discov- ered the excellent workmanship of Mr. Field, and so invited his re- moval to Northfield. They could better dispense with a skilled car- penter, as almost every body could hew timber, and use the adze and auger and chisel, and nail on boards and shingles. In those days, no frames were set out by the square rule, but by what they called the try rule., or the rule of six., eight and ten ; i. e. the sills, posts and beams were framed and tried., and the braces were laid on to mark their bevels and length. The covering for ordinary buildings was cleft boards, laid lapping : for the better class of dwelling houses, rough sawed boards chamfered together. Some entries, both Dr. and Cr. taken from the blacksmith's Ac- count Book, for the years 1 721-2, will give an idea of the prices, 1 60 History of Northfield. and the work-day aspect of things in the little frontier village, and are worth preserving. Cr. By fetching a load of coal from Dry brook £050 " a bufliel of malt 036 " harrowing my flax ground .• o 1 o " making hay one day 026 " working at my tar-kiln one day 026 " team to draw tar to Deerfield, 2 days 080 " team getting candle wood i day 020 " horfe to drag my home lot one day o i o " a quarter of venifon iglbs 032 " reapir g at Moofe plain 1 day 030 " Jany., fledding hay from Bennett's meadow 050 " breaking flax one day 020 " 6 bufhels Indian corn o 12 o " a boy to pull flax one day o 1 6 " 3 bufliels of turnips 046 *' malting 72 bufli. barley 030 " I bufhel of wheat 056 " horfe to go huckle-berrying 006 " a bottle of rhum 020 " March, 1721, Step. Crowfoot, work finifliing my houfe.. 026 Dr. To flioeing a hone round 036 " fharpening pr. of plow-irons , o 1 o " my oxen to work one day o 1 o " making 4 hog rings 004 " making a trammel 070 *' " a clevis and pin 058 " " 36 hatchel teeth 030 " Iharpening a plow-fliare 008 " " a coulter 004 " laying an axe 030 " making a fteel trap o 16 o " " a hoe 046 " one fett of loom -irons and fpindle o 10 o " 7 pigs at 7 weeks old 1 5 o " 4 lbs. of hops 040 " a wapanock skin 038 ** 3 fox fkins and 2 a woolang fkin o 13 6 . " my wife's making an Indian's ftiirt 008 " I quart of honey 020 " making a gun lock and two fcrew pins for y*^ Indians 026 Tar. It was quite common at this date, to collect the heart and knots of the old pines that were killed by the Indian's fires and had fallen down since the annual burning ceased, and to cut the older statiding trees which had grown since the Indian occupation, and burn them in pits or kilns for the tar. Some of these old stumps were vtxy fat. The business was commonly regulated by the town. Permanent Settlement. i6i Candle luood. Every family would gather in the fall enough candle wood for use in the winter evenings. This was the hard pine — sometimes stunted or diseased' trees, or old knots, which were full of pitch, and a splinter would give a tolerable light. Indeed it was all the light, except the blaze from the hearth, which most of the fami- lies had. Tallow candles were used to some extent, when one was so fortunate as to kill a fat beef. Oil was unknown. Rye. The Moose plain lots were famous in early times for raising rye. Both plains contained 300 acres. The First was divided into 18 lots varying from 3J to 15! acres each; the Second was divided into 22 lots, mostly 5 and 10 acres each. There were 29 different proprietors, some having a lot in both plains. Joseph Alexander and Hezekiah Elmer were the famous reapers of that day, and always had 3 shillings per day, 6 pence more than for haying. Wheat was raised on the intervals nearer home, and on new ground. Flax required a moist soil. Loom irons. Every considerable family had all the conveniences necessary fcr making all the cloth required for home use. The flax and the wool were grown upon the farm. The former was pulled, cured, broken, swingled and hatcheled by the males, and spun on the " little wheel " by the females. The wool was sheared, washed, greased (goose oil was the best for this purpose), carded, and spun on the "great wheel." Tow, which was the refuse combings of flax, was spun on the great wheel. The yarn was now ready for the dye-pot, which was kept in the chimney corner through the cool season. The com- mon dyes were logwood and indigo ; later, madder came into use for lamb's wool and linsey woolsey. An ordinary day's work was four skeins of woolen yarn, when the spinner carded her own wool ; after the introduction of carding machines, she could as easily spin 6 skeins. Two skeins of linen thread was a large day's work. Spin- ning was commonly done by the run. A run of yarn consisted of twenty knots, a knot was composed of forty threads, and a thread was seventy-four inches in length, or once round the reel. Seven knots of woolen, and fourteen knots of linen yarn made a skein. The loom was commonly set up in the unfinished loft over the kitchen. " Mother" did the weaving, till the girls began to think about getting married, when they in turn learned what was considered a necessary accomplishment. Some men were expert weavers, and made it a sort of winter's work. William Holton and Josiah Stebbins were the noted weavers of this date in Northfield. Thev charged 6 pence per yard for weaving common yard wide linen cloth. 21 1 62 History of Nor thfie Id. Hog rings. Swine were allowed to run at large from April i, to the last of October. To prevent mischief to gardens and fields, the law required that all swine going at large should be " properly yoked and rung." And it was enacted, "That no yoke shall be accounted sufficient which is not the full depth of the swine's neck above the neck, and half so much below the neck ; and the sole or bottom of the yoke to be three times so long as the breadth or thickness of the swine's neck." Wapanock or wogernock, was the Indian name for the sable or marten, valuable for its furs. Woolang or woolaneaque, was the name for the fisher, which is the largest of the mink family, some- times two feet in length. « Shoemaker. There is no record of a professional shoemaker in town till 1725. It is likely that more than one of the inhabitants had a lapstone and awl and hammer, and could cobble, on emergency. Probably too, some one or more of the garrison soldiers stationed here, may have had the trade, and would do the work for the family where they were billeted. It is known that Josiah King, cordwainer, was stationed here as a soldier, and that in 1725 he received a grant of a home-lot, and removed hither and set up his trade. There were some restrictions imposed by law on this and the kindred art of tanning, which deserve mention. " No perfon ufing or occupying the feat or myftery of a (hoemaker fhall ufe or exercife the feat or myftery of a tanner, on forfeiture of 6 fhillings and 8 pence for every hide or fkin by him fo tanned : nor fhall any tanner ufe or occupy the feat or myftery of either butcher, currier or ftioemaker, upon like forfei;ure. And no perfon exercifing the myftery or faculty of a fhoemaker or cordwainer fhall work up into fhoes or boots any leather that is not thoroughly and fufhciently tanned, well dried and properly fealed ; nor ufe any horfe-hide for the inner foles of boots and fhoes, upon forfeiture of faid boots or flioes." Maltster. Lieut. Jonathan Hunt had a malt house in Northfield in 1 721-3. The best malt was made of barley ; meslin, and the poorer grade of wheat mixed with chess were also used. From 7 to 10 bushels was the ordinary supply for a family for a year. Beer made of malt and hops was a common drink at this date, and con- tinued so for several generations. C'lder.^ in small quantities began to be made here as early as 1723; and as the apple orchards came more into bearing, this took the place of malt liquors. A weak beer was the foundation ofy?//>, which was the winter tipple of the tavern loungers till within the last 50 years. Education. No school was established in Northfield, during the period under review. The wife of Ebenezer Field, the smith, was Permanent Settlement. 163 the first teacher in town of whom a record exists. In 1721, she taught a class of young children at her own house, for 22 weeks of the warm season, and charged 4 pence each per week. She edu- cated her own children well ; her oldest daughter Joanna (who m. Col. Phinehas Wright) was the noted school-ma'am of the next generation. Mrs. Field (Elizabeth Arms of Deerfield) was a woman of great energy and versatility. We get but two glimpses of her life ; the first, when she is keeping school ; making shirts for the Indians at 8 pence each ; making breeches for Ensign Field, her husband's brother at J shilling 6 pence per pair ; besides managing her house- hold, with four young children. We next see her ten years later, as Mrs. Azariah Wright, with 8 children, the youngest but a year old, and leisure to work at tailoring as formerly : leisure to spin and weave tow cloth to be exchanged with the traders for crockery and a few luxuries : to spin and weave a web of 26 yards of linen sheeting for Samuel Smith, for which she receives 24 shillings. Taking these as samples of other years, her life was a useful, productive and benefi- cent one. Both her husbands were " known in the gates, when they sat among the elders of the land." [^Prov. 31 : 23.] She had in all fourteen children, the youngest twins. Physician. Rev. Mr. Doolittle combined the two professions of theology and medicine. He was a regularly educated physician and surgeon, and was furnished with books and instruments, and kept a supply of drugs. His own townsmen, and the inhabitants of the new settlements as they were made, above Northfield, and the garrisons at Fort Dummer, and the Ashuelots, and No. 4, depended on his services ; and in the battles and skirmishes of the old French war, the wounded were brought to him for treatment. In his prime, his medical practice became so large and lucrative as to awaken some jealousy among his tax-paying parishioners, as will appear in a subse- quent chapter. Up to near this date, physicians were scarce in old Hampshire county. In 1665, George Filer was allowed by the court to prac- tice " as a chirurgeon" in Northampton. But he remained only a short time; and there was no surgeon in that town till 1730. Dr. John Westcar settled in Hadley in 1666 ; and for ten years eked out a scanty support by selling aqua-vitcB to the Indians and others. After his death, Hadley had no physician for 52 years. Dr. Thomas Hastings was in Hatfield at the time of King Philip's war ; but de- rived his main support from teaching. Deerfield had no educated physician till Dr. Thomas Williams set up there about 1740. Most of the medical practice in those early days, and especially the 1 64 History of Northfield. midwifery, were in the hands of females. As already stated, the wife of William Miller was the only physician in Northfield during the first two Settlements. She also on occasion, acted as surgeon, and was regarded as skillful. Rhoda Wright, daughter of Benjamin Jr., had a good reputation as doctor, and after her marriage to Asa Childs was the practicing physician of Deerfield for many years. These practitioners (and the mothers) depended mainly on simples and specifics. Certain stimulating and cathartic roots and herbs, which had prompt action, together with poultices and plasters com- posed their materia medica ; and with the good constitutions of the men and women of that day, were effectual in common ailments. Fevers and other miasmatic diseases, when epidemic, were usually very fatal. A few years later, Ebenezer Freld, the eldest son of the smith, became a somewhat noted medicine man in Northfield, and is named in the town records as " Dr. Fiejd." He had great faith in the oil and galls of the rattlesnake, and was wont to go late in autumn before they denned for the winter, and early in spring before they scattered for the summer, to hunt these reptiles on Brush mountain. The oil was applied outwardly, and was considered a sovereign remedy for rheumatism. The gall was a specific for fever. It was mixed with powdered chalk, and made into pills. These pills were an article of regular traffic ; were kept on sale by dealers in drugs, and were often prescribed by physicians. Slave. " Ceasar" the slave boy of Ensign Field is named in the records of 1722. Home- Lots in the Third Settlement. 165 Plan of the Home Lots in the Third Settlement. During the First and Second Settlements, the main street of the village constituted the town. The same is true of the first 25 years of the Third Settlement ; and substantially true of the succeeding 25 years, as very few of the inhabitants built and resided on their out farms, till after the close of the last French war. The history of the village home-lots has therefore a peculiar significance. For a long period, all events of public interest centred around them. The town's men and the town life were here ; the schools were here ; the mills were here ; the forts were here ; the headquarters of every movement was here. And not only the location of the street, but the lines of many of the lots remain unchanged to the present time. And the history and the fate of many families are intimately associated with the spot where their ancestor planted his home. Such considerations seemed to require and to justify the expendi- ture of time sufficient to determine the exact location of the old family sites, and to trace the various transfers of property down to the pre- sent owners. From the fact that some families uniformly neglected to have their deeds recorded, the list of owners is not complete ; and in some instances of short, or non-resident ownership, the names are omitted. And doubtless, in some few cases, deeds of transfer have been overlooked in our searches in the Registry offices ; and thus blanks have been left, which more diligence would have supplied. In the Plan, on the following page, the name of the first perma- nent resident owner after 1 7 14, is affixed to the several lots ; while in the description which follows, the name of the original grantee is affixed — thus connecting the historical memoranda of the Three Settlements. The lots on the west side of the street all run to the brow of the meadow hill, unless otherwise specified ; and were nominally 60 rods in length. Beginning, for the sake of convenience, at the lower end of the street, lot No. i, of ten acres, bounded south on the falls of Miller's brook, was, in 17 14, Common land. In 1 718 it was granted by the town to Josiah Field, brother of Ens. Zechariah. He occu- pied it long enough to gain possession, and Mar. 14, 1726, then of Springfield^ sells to Benoni Wright. Nov. 1728, Wright sells to Jos. Alexander Jr. NORTH W Wm. Syms j FIRST DIVISION LOTS Aaron Burt / Joseph Burt / Abra'm Elgar \ Hezekiah Elmer ..•.».• •: Stephen Belding I / Steph. Crowfoot Benj. Wright Jr.- ■-•.. Thomas Holton Benoni Crafts \ Peter Evens Sam'l Orvis \ Azariah Wright | Jona. Hunt Theo. Merriman Jona. Belding Jos. Alexander Thos. Taylor's heirs MEADOW ROAD N. HIGHWAY TO WARWICK Ens. Zach. Field Eben'r Alexander O w > > > o Hezekiah Stratton Eben'r Alexander Rev. Benj. Doolittle ■ W w Jos. Stebbins Ebenr. Field Benj. Wright o Peter Evens Benj. Wright 2 Isaac Warner H Wm. Holton r ? Robert Cooper H Benoni Moore •J Nath'l Mattoon Eliezur Wright Ens. Zach. Field Nehe'r Wright Joseph Petty \ S. HIGHWAY TO WARWICK D > Benj. Janes Eleazar Mattoon 1 Eben'r Field Jona. Janes 1 Edm. Grandee \ MEADOW ROAD Jona. Patterson \ \ Wm. Sanderson . • Josiah Field \ \ Thos. Blaksley SOUTH Home- Lots in the Third Seftlefnent. 167 Ens. Zechariah Field. In 1795 it was held by Samuel Field, and was then united to the lot next north. No. 2. The John Holmes lot: 7^ a. 27 r. wide. April 17 14, this lot was held by Joseph Severance of Deerfield, who did not settle upon it. Mar. i, 1718, J. S. and wife Anna sell to Jonathan Pat- terson of Northfield. Patterson died that year, and the widow built and lived here. In 1760 Col. Eleazar Patterson sells to Samuel Field. It was then owned successively by Franklin Lord, John G. Mudge from Winchester, N. H., who built the house now standing ; and Daniel Callender ; Joseph B. Callender now owns from the meadow road to the falls. No. 3. The Ralph Hutchinson lot: 27 r. wide. In April 17 14, this was held by the Hutchinson heirs. May 9, 1716, John Hutchin- son and Samuel Hutchinson of Lebanon, Ct., and Judah Hutchinson of Northampton, sell the lot and 40 a. of interval land, to Joseph Petty of Coventry, Ct. Aug. 25, 171 8, Petty sells the lot, by exchange for the Samuel Janes lot, to Jonathan Janes of Northfield, who lived and died here ; and it has been held by his descendants till the present time. The lot, as originally laid out, was 27 rods wide; but only 20 r. in width was occupied by Mr. Janes, the balance lying common. May 16, 1797, on petition of Dea. Ebenezer Janes, the town released him from the obligation to maintain the highway through the south lane to Warwick, he giving to the town a quit- claim deed of the strip of 3 r. wide of said lane, which had been granted to his father. And in lieu of this I a. and 20 r., the town granted a strip 7 r. wide in front and 10 r. in rear, on the south side of his home-lot, thus restoring said home-lot to its original dimensions. The house now standing was built by Dea. Ebenezer Janes, and is a good specimen of the first-class dwellings put up at the close of the last French war. Near the south side of the lot as occupied by Jonathan Janes, is the house of Mark Woodard and son ; and A. D. Elmer now owns and occupies the 7 rods addition. No. 4. The Elder William Janes lot : 7I a. 20 r. wide. April 1 7 14, the lot was held by the Janes heirs. In the spring of 1716, Dea. Benjamin Janes took possession, and lived here till Sept. 28, 1725, when he sold out to Isaac Mattoon of Deerfield, and removed to Lebanon, Ct., where he was living June 9, 1731. Dr. Samuel Aiattoon, son of Isaac, rebuilt the old house in 1760; the same is now standing, and is owned by E. Mattoon's heirs. Isaac Mattoon was an " engager " in John Lyman's right, in 17 14, but was prevented by some cause, now unknown, from coming to 1 68 History of Northfield. inhabit; and the town, Feb. 17, 1731, passed the following vote: — "granted to Isaac Mattoon 6 a. of land in Northfield, in considera- tion of his difficulty in coming first to settle here, and this grant to take place when y^ prior grants are laid out." No. 5. The Samuel Janes lot: 7! a. 20 r. wide. April, 17 14, this was held by Samuel Janes's heirs. Aug. 25, 1718, Jonathan Janes sells, by exchange for the Ralph Hutchinson lot, to Joseph Petty, who resided here till his death, when the lot was sold to Joshua Lyman the blacksmith, who spent the rest of his days here. Feb. 12, 1788, Col James Lyman, son of Joshua, sells the lot to Isaac and Samuel Jr. Mattoon. It is now owned by Oliver S. Mattoon. No. 6. The Robert Lyman lot: 7I a. 20 r. wide. Mar. 12, 171 1, Henry Cook sometime of Wallingford, now of Branford, Ct., sells John Mattoon of Wallingford one-half of all the lands in North- field, formerly owned by Robert Lyman, his father-in-law ; and Oct. 13, 1 712, J. M. sells the same to his brother Isaac Mattoon of Deerfield, who sells, before 17 14, to Ens. Zechariah Field of Deer- field. Nov. 12, 1728, Martha Cook, spinster, of Durham, Ct., sells to Nathaniel Mattoon of Northfield, the other " one-half of the lands belonging to my grandfather Robert Lyman, which descended to me by my mother Experience Cook, daughter of s'^ Robert," and N. M. sells the same to Ens. Zechariah Field. This lot was the site of a series of noted forts, both in earlier and later times. It was held in the Field family for four generations. Timothy Field sold it to George A. Stearns, who divided it, selling the south half to Dr. Elijah Stratton, who now owns it; and the north half to Joseph S. Beach, now owned by E. M. Alexander. No. 7 The John Lyman lot : 7I a. 20 r. wide. Mar. 12, 171 1, Henry Cook (as above) sells half this lot, and all the land in North- field once owned by John Lyman and Samuel Lyman, which came to him through his wife Experience, to John Mattoon of Walling- ford, Ct., who sells the same Oct. 13, 1712, to his brother Isaac of Deerfield, who sells in 17 16 to his brother Nathaniel of Northfield. Nov. 12, 1728, Martha Cook (as above) sells the remaining half to Nathaniel Mattoon, who had already built upon the lot. It was held by his son Elijah ; was sold to Mark and Samuel Woodard ; and is now owned by A. R. Lyman. No. 8. The Cornelius Merry lot : 7| a. 20 r. wide. April 17 14, Jonathan Arnold was taxed for this lot. May 17, 17 16, Cornelius Merry jr. and Bethia his wife, of Hartford Ct., sell to Robert Cooper of Deerfield, for ^32, "all the allotments of land in North- field made to his honored father, deceased, except 6 a. in Bennett's Home- Lots in the Third Settlement. 1 69 meadow." Cooper soon enlisted in the army, in which he had already- seen, and was yet to see, much service; and Nov. 27, 17 17, he makes Capt. Ebenezer Pumery of Northampton, his attorney. His family lived here till 1737, when he removed to his "choice lot" above Cooper's Point. Some years later, he sold this home-lot to Joseph Stebbins. Oct. 31, 1765, Joseph Stebbins jr. sells to his son Zebadiah ; who sells, Jan. 26, 1785, to Samuel Field jr. In 1795 it was owned by Oliver Watriss ; then by Samuel S. Stearns, who sold to Dea. Isaac Mattoon. James Mattoon sold the rear part of the lot to A. R. Lyman, and a house-lot on the street to Albert D. Stearns, and retains the balance. No. 9. The Isaac Warner lot: 6 a. 16 r. wide. April 1714, this lot was held by his son Isaac jr., whose son Ebenezer sells it to Shammah Pomeroy. Pomeroy's son William built a new house on the north line of the lot, which is now owned and occupied by Jona- than Minott. No. 10. The John Hilyard lot : 6 a. 16 r. wide. In April, 1714, the property was held by Timothy Hilyard, son of John. In 1737, it was owned by Peter Evens, and afterwards by his son Moses. In 1760, Moses Evens removed to Roxbury Canada, now Warwick ; and Mar. 10, 1761, sells for X226 the house-lot with buildings thereon to Shammah Pomeroy, and after his death it was held by his son William. The old house stood near the north line of the lot. Sham- mah Pomeroy's saddler's shop was a noted place in its day ; as was, later, the store of Pomeroy, Prior and Bowen, which was then a common two storied building, the upper story of which was occupied by lawyer's offices. The building has been remodeled, and is now the Post office, and store of L. T. Webster. The site of the store is owned by George Hastings, the balance of the lot by Jonathan Minott. No. II, The Joseph Parsons lot: 7I a. 20 r. wide. This lot, as originally laid out, extended from the north side of the Post office building, to the south line of the present meeting-house lot. In April, 1 7 14, Joseph Brooks was taxed for it. Aug. 12, 17 15, Joseph Par- sons and Capt. John Parsons sell it to Benjamin Stebbins of North- ampton. June 23, 1716, B. S. and wife Mary sell to Jonathan Hunt of Northampton, who sold it to Ebenezer Field, whose widow held it in 1761. In 1795 William Field owned the lot. In 1809 it was bought by Joel Munsell, who sold the rear part to William Pomeroy, retaining 4J a. of the front, which he sold about 1820 to Samuel S. Stearns, who sold to William Pomeroy. 22 170 History of Northfield. The Field house stood broadside to the street ; the workshop used by Mr. Munsell for the manufacture of his celebrated wooden plows standing back of the house, and jutting 10 feet southerly to within a few feet of the well now in Mr. Wright's summer-house. The rear part of the lot is now owned by Jona. Minott ; and on the front are the dwelling houses of Phinehas Wright and Mrs. LydiaD. Everett. No. 12. The Joseph Dickinson lot: 22 r. wide. This, now known as the Parson Doolittle lot, extended from the south line of the present meeting house, to Mr. Webster's north line. April 13, 1 7 14, Nathaniel Dickinson of Hatfield, maltster, and his wife Hannah sell the lot to Lieut. Thomas Taylor of Deerfield. Lieut. Taylor, who was one of the most enterprising men of the town, appears to have built a large one story house, in the ample kitchen of which Sabbath services were held by Rev. Mr. Whitmore, and for a time by Mr. Doolittle. Lieut. Taylor was drowned in the fall of 1717 ; and Feb. 19, 17 18, the house was hired by the town for the Rev. Benjamin Doolittle, who was preaching as a candidate, and who with his wife moved into it in March. Oct. 8, 17 18, Mr. D. exchanged the " Minister's lot," on the east side of the street, with the heirs of Thomas Taylor, for this lot, paying .£30 in cash. In 1723 a grant of 32 feet in length by 24 in width of the street, directly against the house he now lives in, was made to Mr. Doolittle, " to set a house on." Either the line of the street was then understood to be somewhat to the west of its present position, or Mr. D. did not occupy the full width of his grant ; as the two elms at the head of Rail-road lane, which were set by Caleb Lyman in 1782, mark the front entrance to the house then built. Dec. 31 1 761, Lucius Doolittle sells the lot to Eleazar Pomeroy of Sunderland for £200. In 1773 Pomeroy sells to Caleb Lyman. Mr. Lyman put up a hatter's shop just north of the old house ; and in 1 801, built the commodious house now standing bn the northerly side of the lot. After the death of Caleb Lyman, the place was sold to Capt. Elisha Hunt ; and has since been owned by Samuel C. Allen, George H. Phelps, George Hastings and Lewis T. Webster, who purchased in 1870. In 1685 a highway two rods wide, on the north side of this home- lot, was laid to the cemetery ; and in all the earlier deeds said two rods was reserved for public use. But Eleazar Pomeroy shut up the way, and after trying a variety of expedients, the town, in April 1767, voted to give Eleazar Pomeroy four pounds ten shillings, for a legal right of way two rods wide through his home-lot to the burying ground. Home-Lots in the Third Settlement. 1 7 1 No. 13. The Samuel Davis lot: 22 r. wide. Nov. 10 1713, Thomas Baker, formerly of Northampton now of Broolcfield, sells Hezekiah Stratton of Deerfield, formerly of Concord, four-fifths of the lands in Northfield granted to Samuel Davis, deceased. Feb. 7, 1722, Samuel Clarke, guardian of Mary Davis, daughter of John, and granddaughter of Samuel, sells to Stratton the remaining one-fifth. After the death of Mr. Stratton the land was divided, and in 1794 the south part, five acres, was held by Caleb Stratton and sister, and the north part by Eleazar Stratton. Eleazar sold his part in the spring of 1795 to Solomon Vose, and after Esq. Vose left town, it was bought by Rev. Ebenezer Gay, for his daughter, Mrs. Timothy Swan. After Swan's death, it was sold to Benjamin Murdock, and is now owned by Winsor L. Fay. The south 5 acres was sold Aug. 19, 1795, by Caleb Stratton to Benjamin Callender, who repaired the house, changing the gambrel roof to its present form, and built a large store, broadside on the street, with projecting roof and portico to match. Daniel Callender sold to Franklin Lord ; and the front is now occupied by the dwelling houses of Mr. Lord, S. Y. Walker, and A. S. Stratton. No. 14. The Micah Mudge lot : 22 r. wide. May 18, 1698, Micah Mudge and Mary his wife, now of Lebanon Ct., sell all his lands in Northfield to Thomas Leffingwell of Norwich Ct. June 6, 171 7, Thomas Lefiingwell and wife Mary sell this home-lot to Ens. Zechariah Field, who sold to Samuel Hunt. In 1797, Capt. Elisha Hunt bought of the town 6 rods in width of the 10 rods highway to the meadow, and April 19, 1809 sells 12 rods in width (4 a. 120 r.) of the north part to John Nevers. Before Gen. Nevers built his house, there was a large barn standing near the spot, with the yard in front ; the stock were watered at the old fort well, near the line of the street. Mar. 5, 181 1, Arad Hunt sells the remainder of the lot, 6 acres, to Nevers — "bounded south on land formerly owned by Solomon Vose, on which Timothy Swan now lives." The lot is now (1873) owned by Col. Charles Pomeroy. No. 15. The John Alexander lot: 7I a. 20 r. wide. March 8, 1 721, John Alexander and wife Sarah, now of Northampton, sell the lotto his son, Joseph of Northfield. Jan. 14, 173 1, Joseph Alex- ander sells to Josiah Sheldon of Suffield Ct., who sells. Mar. 9, 1732 to John Beaman of Deerfield, who resided here 15 years. In April 1747, Beaman sells the lot with the buildings thereon to Rev. Ben- jamin Doolittle, for 160 pounds "new tenor bills." May 21, 1759, Lucius Doolittle sells the lot, with barn and cow house standing 172 History of Northfield. thereon, to Philip Mattoon. The south part is now owned by J. L. Mattoon ; the north part by Hezekiah Mattoon. No. 16. The George Alexander lot: 7I a. 20 r. wide. June 8, 1 717, Samuel Curtis and Sarah his wife, of Northampton, with con- sent of Samuel Curtis and Henry Curtis, sell this lot to Lieut. Jona- than Hunt of Northampton, who put up a malt house, and appears by the records to have resided here 1720-23. May 14, 1728, Lieut. Hunt sells the lot to Eliezur Wright Sen., whose son Benoni owned and occupied it as late as 1764. In 1791, it was owned by John Harback and Samuel Brewer, who that year put up a large building, the front part of which was used for a store, and the back part for a distillery. Rev. Mr. Hubbard names it as a distillery of gin ; but Mr. Francis Lyman says it was used for distilling New England rum from molasses. Mr. Harback died soon; and Mr. Brewer left town in the fall of 1797. Feb. 24, 1796, George Burrows, merchant, of Boston, and Aaron Putnam, administrators of the estate of Harback, sell the lot, with dwelling house, barn, store and other buildings standing thereon, to Timothy Dutton. The Benoni Wright house, then standing, was quite old, the front part of two stories, the rear with roof sloping down near to the ground. In the centre of the house was an enormous chimney, with a front room on each side, and a capacious kitchen behind. Dea. Dutton lived in the old house for a year or two, till he could finish a new one — which, minus the wings, is still standing. The store was kept up by Dea. Dutton and his son Timothy B. Dutton, for many years. On the death of the latter, the property was sold to Jonathan H. Blake ; and is now owned by Franklin Field. No. 17. The Samuel Wright lot : ']h a. 20 r, wide. Feb. 8, 17 15, Samuel Wright of Northampton, (son of the original grantee) sells out to his brother Ebenezer of Northampton, who sells Mar. 5, 1718, to his brother Eliezur. Nov. 5, 1725, Eliezur Wright sells the lot to his son Azariah, who married Jan. 27, 1727, widow Elizabeth Field, and July 4, 1727, moved into his new house. After living here 37 years, Azariah sells to his youngest son Abner, who. Mar. 25, 1764, leases it to his father. Abnut 1785, the lot was bought by Obadiah Dickinson Esq. who built the house now standing. It was subsequently owned by Thomas D. Doak ; now by John Mat- toon 2d. No. 18. The Thomas Webster lot: 7^ a. 20 r. wide. In April 1 7 14, this lot was owned by Peter Evens, who built and resided here till 1 741, when he removed for a time to his lands in Hinsdale, from which he was driven by the Indians in '44 or '45, and probably re- Home- Lots in the Third Settlement. 173 turned to his old home in Northfield. After his death, this estate was held by his heirs, and was sold, probably in 1759, to Ebenezer Harvey the carpenter, who lived here till 1773, when he sold to Aaron Whitney of Petersham. Whitney was a merchant ; and when the Revolutionary war broke out, the town's stock of ammunition was kept at his store. He was suspected of toryism ; and the town called a meeting July 10, 1776, on one day^s notice^ and voted^ " To remove the town's stock of ammunition from Mr. Whitney's store to some other place." He however regained the confidence of his fellow citizens, and was often honored by election to important offices. He sold, Sept. 11, 1789 to Benjamin Green of Boston, who sold May 14, 1792 to David Barber a son-in-law of Dea. Dutton. The old store was continued in operation for many years by Mr. Barber. The property was sold by the Barber heirs to J. C. Brigham. No, 19. The John Woodward lot: 7I a. 20 r. wide. Previous to April 1 7 14, Peter Evens bought all of John Woodward's rights in Northfield. Aug. 7, 1717, Evens sells this lot and 22 a. of meadow, to Thomas Holton of Northampton, who immediately took possession. Holton was killed by the Indians Aug. 13, 1723. Let- ters of administration were granted Dec. 6, to widow Mindwell Holton and her brother Dea. Samuel Allen of Northampton. The inventory of the real estate was not returned till Mar. 18, 1736 ; and the heirs probably lived here some time longer. About 1760, the lot was purchased by Aaron Burt, who conveyed it by deed of mortgage, July 26, 1766, to Charles Ward Apthorp of New York. In 1772, the lot was owned by Crean Brush, Jonathan Burt, and Samuel Wier, who sold April 27, 1773 ^° Aaron Whitney of Petersham. Sept. II, 1789, Whitney sells to Benjamin Green of Boston. In 1791 or 92, Green sells to John Barrett Esq. who took possession, and made the lot his homestead. In 1796 or 97, writes Mr. Francis Lyman, " Lawyer Barrett built a good two story house, said to be the best on rhe street at that date. Shortly after, Capt. Elisha Hunt built one on the corner south of the centre school house, which was thought to be a little better than Barrett's. This touched the pride of the law- yer, and he added another story to his house ; which in turn touched the pride of the Hunts, and the Capt. put on a third story — in neither case adding to the comfort or beauty of the dwellings." This lot is now owned by J, C. Brigham. No. 20. The John Clary lot. This historic spot has been spoken of in preceding chapters as the probable site of an Indian village, and the site of the second fort erected by the white settlers. In April 17 14, this double lot was set in the tax list to Joseph 1 74 History of Northfieid. Clary, son of John. June 30, 1717, Samuel Kingsley of North- ampton and Joseph Clary of Swampfield sell the lot, with the mill privileges adjacent, to Stephen Belding of Swampfield. Jan. 26, 1779, this property was sold by Stephen Belding (Junior) to Aaron Whitney, who made large improvements, and carried on an extensive business in lumber and merchandise for several years. Sept. 1 1, 1 789, Whitney sells to Benj. Green of Boston, who sold to John Barrett Esq. Barrett put up a store a ^evj rods down the hill, which was kept a short time by Benjamim Callender, and subsequently by Thomas D. Doak, who eventually removed to Canada. The upper mill privilege was sold to Ezekiel Webster ; the fulling-mill and a con- siderable part of the land to Josiah Fisher, who sold in 18 14 to Capt. James White. A house-lot, on the original Richard Francis grant, is now owned by H. W. Webster, who has the Ezekiel Webster mill privileges. The balance of the Barrett lot is owned by J. W. Cowles, whose house stands near the bank of the brook, some dis- tance back from the street. This completes the list of estates in what was originally called the Town plot. But as several homesteads were assigned in the Second Settlement, north of the brook, and as these lots are intimately asso- ciated with events which transpired in the early period of the Third Settlement, a brief account will be given of the estates between Mill brook and Pauchaug. The first five lots as originally laid out, were 60 rods long by 20 wide: the others extended to the River — which eventually became the limit of all the lots. The Zachery Lawrence lot: 7I a. 20 r. wide. July 6, 1714, Zachery Lawrence, formerly of Northfieid, now of Hatfield, sells all his lands in N. to Joseph Clary of Hatfield, who sells this home-lot to Isaac Mattoon of Deerfield. July 15, 17 17, Isaac Mattoon sells to Hezekiah Elmer of Northfieid, who held it till about 1741. Jan. 8, 1749, Simeon Alexander, blacksmith, sells this lot for 300 pounds old tenor to Jona. Belding ; who sells it, April 9, 1750, to Aaron Burt for £45. Mar. 21, 1765, Aaron Burt and wife Miriam give a mortgage deed to Christopher Devonshier and William Reeve of Bristol, England. It is described as containing 10 acres, and bounded westerly on the River. W. C. Billings has a house on the southeasterly corner; and Henry Wright 2d owns the balance of the front of this lot. The rear part is owned by H. W. Webster. The Samuel Boltwood lot: 7J a. 20 r. wide. In April 1714, Home- Lots in the Third Settlement. ij^ William Boltwood held it in his father's right. On the opening of spring he went to Canada, to aid in recovering some English captives held by the French, and died below Quebec, on his return, Aug. 27, 17 14. Jan. 5, 17 1 7, Ebenezer Boltwood, of Berwick, York Co. Province of Maine, sells to Joseph Burt of Hatfield, all his honored father's rights in Northfield. About the time of Burt's death in 1757, a mortgage deed of this lot was given to Zachariah Johonnot of Boston, who held it in 1765. The property was subsequently redeemed by Aaron Burt, who spent his days here. The house, built by Joseph Burt, and once painted red, was standing within the memory of many now living. The Burts had a store, just north of the house, which was a noted place of business and resort in the early times. In 1790, Asahel Cheney owned this property, and carried on an extensive business in the manufacture of eight-day clocks, many of which still exist, good time-keepers. Elihu Phelps and Rufus Stratton bought the lot, and set up a dis- tillery on the river-bank. They sold to Capt. Richard and Eli H. Colton. The place is now owned by the latter, who built a house on the exact site ofthe old Burt mansion. The Joseph Warriner lot : 7 J a. 20 r. wide. Nov. i, 1711, Ebe- nezer Warriner of Enfield Ct. sells all his father Joseph's rights in Northfield to Eleazar Mattoon of Deerfield. After several ex- changes, it came into possession of the Burts. In 1753, Aaron Burt owned 5 acres of the south part, and Enos Burt had the north part. Mar. 21, 1765 Aaron Burt mortgaged his 5 acres to Devonshier and Reeve. Eventually it came into possession of Phelps and Stratton, who sold to Richard Colton and son. It is now owned by Eli H. and Alonzo Colton. The William Syms lot : 7 J a. 20. r. wide. April 4, 1 721, this lot was granted by the town to William Syms. Jan, 20, 1724, Syms gives a mortgage deed to Henry Dwight of Hatfield, who the next year took a warranty deed ; and it was held by Dwight's heirs for several years. Asahel Burt owned the lot in 1742, and at the time of his death in 1747, and it was taxed to his heirs as late as 1758. In 1765 Aaron Burt gives a mortgage deed of this property, then called a 10 acre lot, to Devonshier and Reeve. In 1792, the lot was owned by James Merriam , since by Ebenezer Bancroft, Warren Mattoon, Lewis T. Webster, and now by J. Campbell. The Joseph Alexander Jr. lot: 7 J a. Mar. 4, 1723, this lot was granted by the town to J. A. Jr. who sells it Dec. 9, 1732 to Eben- ezer Petty of Northfield. In 1745 Joseph Petty owned 3 acres of the south part, which he sold to Ebenezer Warner, who in 1758 176 History of Northfield. sells to Eldad Wright, the Petty heirs holding the remainder. Simeon Lyman bought 9 rods in width of the south side of the lot, i. e. 6 rods of Eldad Wright and 3 rods of — Petty. James Merriam, cabinet maker, bought the remaining 6 rods in width, and built a house and shop, which he sold to Ebenezer Bancroft. The whole lot is now owned by Francis Fisher. The John Brown lot. This is the first of these lots which origin- ally extended to the River. As laid out, it was 24 rods wide in front 3nd 10 rods in the rear. It was granted by the town in 1730 to John Brown, who sells Jan. 31, 1734 to Joshua Lyman, black- smith, then of Fort Dummer. Simeon Lyman, son of Joshua, settled here at his marriage, where he spent his days, and where since have lived his son Joseph, and grandson Simeon. The old house is now the kitchen part of a new and convenient dwelling. A house lot off of an acre at the southeasterly corner is now oc- cupied by Wright Stratton. Next come a 4 acre lot, which was granted in 1733 to Enoch Hall, (who sold and removed in 1736 to Arlington, now Winchester) and a lot of 10 acres, originally laid out for a pasture to the heirs of Thomas Holton. With some changes of lines not now to be identi- fied, the two appear to have been merged in one, and after various changes of ownership, the lot was purchased about 1782, by Major Elisha Alexander, who " moved from his father's across the way when his first child was two years old." The Major was a black- smith ; built a shop towards the north line of his lot, near where his son Elijah afterwards lived. This house lot of i J acres is now owned by Charles Alexander. The main part of the old homestead is owned by William D. Alexander. The Doolittle estate. This comprises two early grants. The southerly one, of 61 acres, was laid out July 27, 17 19, to Benoni Crafts ; was sold by his heirs to Daniel Shattuck, who sells Feb. 17, 1726 to Rev. Benjamin Doolittle. The remaining 10 acres was a special grant, for a pasture, made to Mr. Doolittle in August 1718., when the town gave him a call to settle with them in the ministry. Mr. Doolittle commenced building a house on this lot as early as 1744 ; but it was not finished till the close of the war, and near the time of his death. His son Lucius kept a noted stage tavern here for many years ; till the establishment of the turnpike, with its toll-gates, drove the travel from Southern Vermont for Boston, to a more northern route. The tavern sign is still preserved. On the top is the date, 1784. In the centre is painted a rabbit, with a tall elm standing on the right Home- Lots in the Third Settlement. ijj and left ; and underneath, in clearly cut lettering is, Doolittle's Tavern. It was a swinging sign ; and the inscriptions and pictures are alike on both sides. This homestead is now owned by Charles Alexander. Near the top of Pauchaug hill are two dwelling houses ; the first, a brick house, owned by Trask of Erving, stands on the spot where Joseph Beach had a small house, many years ago ; the other was built by John L. Mattoon, and is now owned by Joseph Lyman. Returning now to the lov/er end of the street — the east side lots were nominally 60 rods in length, and reached to a two rods highway, which was laid out the entire length of the Town plot. No. I. The Thomas Blaksleylot: 7J acres. This was trian- gular in shape, bounded southerly on Miller's brook, and was 40 rods wide on the street. It was granted by the town Feb. lo, 1720, to Thomas Blaksley, a relative of Rev. Mr. Doolittle. He was in town for a year or two, but probably did not take possession of the lot. It was afterwards granted to Benoni Wright ; but no house was erected on it. No. 2. The William Sanderson lot : 7 J acres. Aug. 12, 1718 this lot was granted to William Sanderson. Sanderson took possession ; but the digging of clay, and setting up a brick-kiln in the highway, rendered it an undesirable place of residence, and he removed to Springfield, and Dec. 29, 1724, sells the lot and all his land rights in Northfield to Henry Dwight of Hatfield. In 1731, Dwight sells to Dea. Samuel Smith, who subsequently bought the Blaksley lot. The double lot was held by Capt. Reuben Smith, and is now owned by John Wright. No. 3. The Edmund Grandee lot : 20 rods wide. This lot was granted to Edmund Grandee Dec. 17, 1717 ; but it is doubtful if he set a house upon it. About 1723, it was granted to Benjamin Miller, who sold it Nov. 14, 1729 to Ens. Zechariah Field. In 1 76 1, the lot was bought by Elias Bascom, weaver and clothier, who lived here upwards of 20 years. In 1795, the estate was owned by Jabez Whiting, tanner; and subsequently by his son Abner. It is now owned by Isaac Mattoon. Benjamin Miller, who built the first house on this lot was a sol- dier, hunter and trapper. He is reported to have killed as many as 99 deer in a single season, the skins of which he tanned and sold for breeches. April 23, 1731, the town granted him I3|- acres of land on the east side of Dry Swamp, 80 r. in length north and south, by 29 r. in breadth east and west. Dea. Phinehas Field says : " he 23 178 History of Northfield. built his house a little south of the brook, and paid for It in deer skins. His smoke-house was at the foot of the hill, right against the turn of the road leading to Wendell." No. 4. The Ebenezer Field lot: 25 rods wide. In 171 7, this lot was granted by the town to Jonathan Patterson, tailor, of Deer- field ; who died the next year. March 10, 1719, the town made a grant of 8 a. of land " reserved for a smith," and 22 a. additional, to Ebenezer Field, blacksmith, of Deerfield, on condition of his remov- ing to Northfield, and exercising his trade. The next year Mr. Field made a bargain with the Patterson heirs for this home-lot, and commenced to build a house, which was finished in the winter of '21. His deed from Eliezer Hawks and Mary Patterson, admin'', is dated Oct. 8, 1722, two years after he took possession. He was killed in Sept. 1723 ; and the homestead was sold to Ens. Zechariah Field, in whose family it remained for many years. Ebenezer Field had a " House of Entertainment" here as early as 1 77 1 . He was succeeded by his son Abner. The lot is now owned by John Mattoon. No. 5. The Eleazar Mattoon lot. In 17 17, D ja. Mattoon, who first took the Joseph Warriner, and afterwards the Palmer lot, north of Mill brook, exchanged the latter, by leave of the town, for this, till then vacant lot, where he built a house, and lived till 1738, when he sold to Seth Field Esq. and removed to Amherst. In modern times the place is known as the Seth Field homestead. In 1795, it was owned by Josiah White, millwright, who sold to Zechariah Field (son of Dea. Paul), who built the house now standing. The estate has since been owned by Thomas Lord, and now by Joseph Young. The highway north of this lot was laid out lO rods wide. But as it was not all needed for public travel. Mar. 13, 1728, the town voted^ that Jonathan Janes shall have 3 rods wide of land in the high- way, from Lieut. E. Wright's home-lot southerly, upon considera- tion that %^ Janes do maintain the rest of s'^ highway for the benefit of the town. Said Jonathan Janes doth promise for himself and his heirs forever to maintain a good feasible road through the above said highway, from the first rise of land or little pond, to the rear of Lieut. Wright's lot. This right and obligation continued in force till the spring of 1797, when Ebenezer Janes gave to the town a quit-claim deed of the said 3 rods in width, and the town released him from the obligation to support the road, — and at the same time voted to give him 7 rods in width of land lying south of his homestead, as already narrated. Soon after this exchange, the town agreed to sell 6 rods in width Home- Lots in the Third Settlement. 179 of the north side of the highway in question ; and it was accordingly- divided into 5 lots, each 6 by 12 rods, and sold to the highest bidder. Obadiah Dickinson bought the first lot, abutting on the street, which was afterwards annexed to the adjacent home-lot, now owned by Timothy Field. No. 6. The Joseph Root lot : 20 rods wide. In April 1 7 14, this lot was -held by the original grantee. Dec. 27, 1720, Joseph Root then of Sunderland, sells to Jonathan Belding, who exchanges June 15, 1725 with Lieut. Eliezur Wright, for the Jacob Root lot. Ne- hemiah Wright, son of Eliezur, built a house and lived here for many years. About 1784, Ebenezer White bought the place, and built the house now standing. White was a jeweller and merchant. Mar. 27, 1788, Ebenezer White, goldsmith, sells this home-lot for ,£300 to Josiah White millwright : but in 1797 it was owned by Ebenezer. The lot was afterwards purchased by Samuel Field. There are now three dwelling houses upon the street front, severally owned by Timothy Field, Charles H. Stearns, and the heirs of Capt. Samuel Lane. No. 7. The John Hutchinson lot: 20 r. wide. Dec. i, 1717 Jonathan Hunt of Northampton sells all the lands in Northfield granted to John Hutchinson, now of Lebanon Ct., to Lieut. Eliezur Wright, who built, lived and died here ; and was succeeded by his son Col. Phinehas, and his son Eliphaz, and his son Horace. Col. Phinehas built near the south side of the lot. The house was of two stories, with only two rooms on the ground floor, and stood close to the street line. It was clapboarded, and was painted red. Eliphaz built just north of his father, leaving a drive way between the house and the old apple tree still standing. Horace built on the north part of the lot, which is now owned by the heirs of Robert G. Cook. The southerly part belongs to the Lane estate.' No. 8. The Benoni Moore lot: 19 r. 11 ft. wide. This lot lay common during the First and Second Settlements. It was granted in 1 7 14 to Remembrance Wright ; but he did not take it up. Mar. 8, 1716, it was granted to Benoni Moore, who Jan. 6, 1719 gave a mortgage deed to Henry Dwight of Hatfield ; but he appears to have redeemed the mortgage, and lived here till after 1742. In 1795, the lot was owned by Oliver Watriss, who built a house on the north part, which was held by his son Richard, and is now owned by Mar- tin Dickinson. The south part of the lot was purchased by Jabez Parsons, and is now the homestead of his son A. C. Parsons. No. 9. The William Miller lot : 20 r. wide. This estate was i«o History of Northfield. held by the Miller heirs till Dec. 17, 1717, when Ebenezer and Ab- raham Miller sell all their father's land rights in Northfield to William Holton, weaver, of Northampton, Eleazar Holton lived here with his brother for a considerable number of years: About 1 785, Samuel Hel- ton's heirs sell the lot to Hophni King, carpenter. In 1789, King sells 5 a. (13I r. wide) of the north part to Elisha Hunt. Mar. 6, 1792, Hunt sells the 5 a. to Oliver Watriss who also buy s the south part. Be- fore" 1795, Watriss sells 4 a. on the north side of the lot to Reuben Wright, which is now held by Henry Wright — except a house lot of I a. (8 X 20 rods) on the front, which was sold in 18 12 to Isaac Prior, and is now the Joel Fay homestead. About 1793, Watriss sells the 3I a. on the south side of the lot to Barnabas Billings, who put up a house, which he used for a dwelling and store. April 15, 1804, Bil- lings sells his 3!^ a. with buildings thereon, to Caleb and Josiah D. Lyman, who sold to Jabez Parsons. The front is occupied by the dwellings of H. S. and E. F. Russell, and Dr. M. S. Mead. No. 10. The Ens. John Lyman lot: 20 r. wide. In 1714, Capt. Benjamin Wright bought this lot, and sold 3I a. of the south part to his son Remembrance, and the same is now held by Henry Wright a direct descendant. Jan. 7, 1724, Capt. Wright sells the north half of this lot and i a. of his original grant adjoining — making 4I a. — to his son Daniel, who built and lived here. In 1795, Reuben Wright owned the en- tire lot. The original south line of the Ens. Lyman grant, was just north of Joel Fay's north bounds. And none of the present division lines here correspond with those of the original grant. The dwelling houses of Henry Wright and Col. Belcher stand on this grant. It is a fact of special interest, that the 3! a. of the south part of this lot, is the only homestead on the street, which has passed by di- rect descent from father to son since the resettlement of the town in 1 7 14. No. II. The Capt. Benj'n Wright lot : 19 r. 11 ft. wide. Capt. Wright took possession of this estate in 1685 ; his house stood a lit- tle south of the centre of the lot. Dec. 26, 1728, he sells 3 a. 30 r. (8J rods wide) of the north part, including half the barn, to his son William, and retains the 3 a. 30 r., which he called his own homestead, till July 10, 1740, when he sells to Remembrance Wright Jr. In 1795, Dr. Medad Pomeroy owned the north part, and David Wright the south part. Dr. Pomeroy built the house now standing which was then regarded as new style, and very elegant, and was the pattern for most of the first class dwellings put up near that date. I Home- Lots in the 'Third Settlement, 1 8 1 The turnpike, which was laid out in 1799, took 2 rods in width of the front and nearly 4 rods in width of the rear of this lot. Col. Jonathan Belcher bought the south part of this estate, and the north part of the adjoining lot, in 1821, of Caleb Cook, and retains 8 rods in width as his own home-stead. The balance of the lot, except the town house site, is owned by George Alexander. Capt. Wright's original south line was just north of Col. Belcher's house. No. 12. The William Clarke lot: 19 r. 11 ft. wide. In 1714 this estate was held by the Clarke heirs, and in 17 17 was taxed to Eben"" and Increase Clarke of Northampton. April 22, 1721, Eben- ezer Clarke sells the lot to Moses Nash of Hadley, who sold in 1726 to Joseph Stebbins of Deerfield, who spent his days here. Elisha Stebbins next owned it, and sold the north half to Joshua L. Woodbridge and the south half to Noadiah Warner. May 10, 1787 Woodbridge and Warner sell to Obadiah Dickinson ; who sells June 2, 1787, to Joseph Coolidge of Boston. In 1795, the estate is owned by Edward Houghton, who built a new house about the time the turnpike was projected, and opened a hotel, which has since been kept by Amos Alexander, Aaron Lord, Chapin and Allen, Thomas B. Mattoon, and is now owned and kept as a hotel and summer board- ing-house by James S. Pickard. The turnpike took a strip of 2 rods in width and running to a point, on the southerly side of this estate. No. 13. The Nathaniel Alexander lot: 19 r. 11 ft. wide. Na- thaniel Alexander held his right in the estate till 17 19 or 20, when he sold to his nephew Ebenezer Alexander, who sold to Jonathan Hunt, who sold Mar. i, 1738 to his son Samuel, jvho left it to his son Elisha. Rev. Thomas Mason purchased the lot, and sold \ of an acre to Thomas Lyman, who built a small dwelling-house and hatter's shop. This Lyman lot — enlarged to f of an acre is now the homestead of Charles Osgood. The Mason heirs sold the balance of the lot to Arad Alexander, who sold to David West Allen, the present owner. No. 14. The Richard Lyman lot : 19 r. 11 ft. wide in front : 20 r. 5| ft. in rear. Nov. 29, 17 15, Ebenezer Edwards of Coventry Ct. sells this lot and all other lands in Northfield of Richard Lyman, late of Lebanon, Ct. deceased, to Jonathan Hunt of Northampton, who sells in 1719 or 20 this home-lot to Ebenezer Alexander. Defc. 8, 1732, Dea. Alexander sells to Samuel Hunt, who left it to his son Elisha. Capt. Samuel Hunt kept a noted tavern here as early as 1765 : which was continued by Capt. Elisha, as late as 1802. Capt. Hunt built his new house — now standing — about the year 1798 ; at first of I 82 History of Nor thfie Id. two stones ; but added another, to keep even with lawyer Barrett, as before narrated. This property was purchased by the Northfield Academy corpora- tion in 1829, newly fitted up, and held by them till the franchise was sold to Phinehas Allen in 1836. Mr. Allen relinquished his school in 1843; when the premises were occupied as a Temperance hotel, for a time. A. W. Ross now owns the Hunt homestead. Dr. Philip Hall purchased a home lot at the southwesterly corner of this estate, where he built and still resides. No. 15. The Minister's lot: 19 r. 11 ft. wide. This reserved lot was made over to Rev. Benjn. Doolittle, in 17 18, but he did not occupy it ; and Feb. 4, 1720 exchanged with the heirs of Lieut. Tho- mas Taylor, deceased. Jan. 13, 1740, Thomas Taylor, cordwainer, sells this lot for X157, to Lieut. Jona. Belding. Nov. 24, of the same year, the town granted Lieut. Belding 1 1 feet in width adjoin- ing the rear of this lot, the same to be continued across the lot next north, and for 2 rods and 1 1 feet on the rear of the Merriman lot, "in lieu of what is wanting in y^ minister's lot, on condition he ac- cepts it." Dec. 7, 1763, Jona. Belding Sen. deeds to Jona. Jr., the home-lot granted to the minister, "reserving one-third part of the house during my natural life." This house is now standing. Jona. Belding Jr. sold 4 acres of the south part of the lot to Dr. Charles Blake, who built the, house now owned by W. H. Phelps. The north part was held by Joseph Belding; then owned by David Ball, who repaired the house ; then by Elbridge Foskett, who sold to Rev. Theodore J. Clarke. No. 16. The Jacob Root lot : 20 r. wide. June 24, 1717, Jacob Root, then of Hebron Ct. sells his home-lot and 30 a. of meadow, to Lieut. Eliezur Wright of Northampton. June 15, 1725, Lieut. Wright exchanges this for the Joseph Root lot, with Jona. Belding, who held it during his hfe. After 1795, 4J a. (12 r. wide) of the north part was sold to James Darling, who sold to Timothy B. Dutton, and the same is now the homestead of Dea. Samuel W. Dutton. The balance of the lot, and the north part of the Minis- ter's lot — 7 acres — is now owned by Rev. T. J. Clarke. The meeting-house of the second Congregational Society stands on the northwest corner. No. 17. The Daniel Warner lot: 20 r. wide. In 1714, this lot was taxed to Eleazar Warner. In 17 18, it was granted to Theophilus Merriman of Wallingfurd Ct. After his death in 1723, it was held by his heirs in common till 1737, when it was divided as follows: to the widow 2| a. ; to Theophilus Jr. 2 a. ; to Samuel i a. ; to Ho?}7e-Lots in the Third Settlement. [83 Sarah i a. ; to Anna i a. Dec. 28, 1737 Ephraim and Anna (Merri- man) Chamberlain sell her portion, lying on the north line of the lot (2|r. wide) to Jona. Belding, who sells the same Feb. 9, 1750 to Rev. John Hubbard. In 1742, Josiah Willard Jr. of Keene owned J a. of this estate, and Thomas Taylor owned a part. In 1749, the town appointed a committee to negociate with Samuel Merriman for the purchase of the lot ; and subsequently granted it to Rev. John Hubbard as a parsonage. It has since been known as the parson Hubbard home-lot : and is now owned by Moody Darling and Walter Field. No. 18. The Samuel Orvis lot: 16 r. wide. Jan. 30, 1718, the town grantedithis lot to Samuel Orvis of Farmington Ct. Feb. 17, 1720, Orvis sells to Stephen Belding, who sells in 1727 to Nathaniel Dickinson of Hatfield, who built a house in 1728. The house was brick-lined, and had brick ends, and was used as a fort in the old French War. The Dickinson heirs sold the north half to Gad Corse of Deerfield, a tanner and shoe-maker. This half was owned for a time by Cephas Wells of Waterbury Ct. who sold Feb. 8, 1808 to Benjamin Darling. It is now owned by Azariah R. Bar- ber. The south half was owned in 1795, by Benoni Dickinson ; in 1808 by Samuel Dickinson ; since by Jona. H. Blake, Josiah Brown, and A. W. Ross ; now by Boucher de Stone. No. 19. The Benoni Crafts lot:. 16 r. wide. Aug. 12, 1718, the town granted this home-lot and other lands to Benoni Crafts of Hatfield, who settled, and died here in 1722. April 7, 1725, John Crafts, administrator, sells the homestead to Josiah King, cordwainer, who soon after sold to Daniel Shattuck. It was next owned by Asahel Stebbins, and sold by his heirs before 1754 to Alexander Norton, whose son Selah held it. Dea. Moses Field bought it, and built a new house. It is now owned by P. McHugh. No. 20. The Benj. Wright Jr. lot : 24 r. wide in front, 12 r. in rear. Aug. 12, 17 18, this lot was granted by the town to Benj. Wright Jr. who was a disabled soldier, and becoming poor, mort- gaged the lot Dec. 18, 1720 to Thomas Wells of Deerfield. Dur- ing the years 1728-9, the heirs, viz. John and Rachel Bement of Northfield, Enoch and Martha Hall of N. ; Thankful Wright, spin- ster, of Durham Ct. and Asa and Rhoda Childs of Deerfield sell the estate to Benoni Wright Sen. In 1772 it was owned by Nathan Fiske, tailor, who removed to Westminster Vt. and sold Aug. 30, 1782, to Ezekiel Webster, blacksmith, of Deerfield. The lot has since been held by his son Arad, and his son Charles. 1 84 History of Northjield. This home-lot is bounded northerly on Mill brook, and was the last lot in the town plot. North of the brook were two home-lots, 20x60 rods, laid out and granted in 1685. The Benjamin Palmer lot. Dec. 29, 1702, Benj. Palmer, then of Plainfield Ct. sells this homestead to Enoch Randall of Enfield Ct. who sold to Eleazar Mattoon. In 1717, Mattoon exchanged with the town, for the lot down street, on which he built : and April 4, 1721, the town grantedthis lotto Stephen Crowfoot, carpenter, of Hatfield. Mar. i, 1735, Crowfoot sells to Thomas Blaksley of Waterbury Ct., and Mar. 8, 1735, T. B. sells to Benoni Wright of Northfield. Samuel Burr from Hartford Ct. owned or occupied the south part of this lot from about 1734 to 1749, when he removed to Hinsdale. In 1781, John Holton owned the lot, and held it for many years. The north half is now owned by J. L. Dunklee ; the south half by Timothy Crelan. The W^Jliam Weeks lot. In 1735, this lot was owned by Abra- ham Elgar, who sold, before 1750, the south half to John Holton, and Feb. 7, 1753, sold the north half to Aaron Burt, who also bought out Holton. Burt sells 3 a. on the south side to Elisha Stebbins, who sold his 3 a. April 20, 1781 to William Belcher, tailor; and the same is now owned by Elias Lyman. Aaron Burt sold the 4 a. on the north side to Dr. Samuel Prentice. Dr. P. set his house on the high land back from the street, intending some day to put a more pretentious edifice in front, to which the other could be attached as an ell. But advancing age, and the scattering of his family, pre- vented. This 4 a. is now owned by C. W. Shepardson. North of this point, the land lay common till 1731, when the town made what is known as the First division of Commons. Lot No. 31, lay partly back of the Weeks home-lot, and partly reached to the street. This part, containing 14!^ acres, was 220 r. long, as were all the remaining lots. The list, from this point north, is as follows : 31. Containing in all 23^ a. to Dea. Eleazar Mattoon ; 32. 2| acres, to Ebenezer Webb ; 33. 25I acres, to Isaac Warner ; 34. 7I acres, to Jona. Patterson's heirs ; 35. I3f acres, to Remembrance Wright ; 36. 3} acres, to John Bement ; 37. 7I acres, to Benj'. Miller j 38. 12 acres to Joseph Burt ; 39. 10 acres, to Samuel Smith ; Home- Lots in the T^hird Settlement. 185 40. 12^ acres, to William Wright j 41. 2| acres, to John Alexander ; 42. 26 acres, to Dea. Ebenezer Alexander ; 43. 14 acres, Thomas Holton's heirs ; 44. 37 acres, to Jonathan Belding ; 45. 2| acres, to Joseph Petty Jr. ; 46. I2-|- acres, to Thomas Taylor's heirs ; 47. 37I acres, to Stephen Belding ; 48. 6| acres, to Ebenezer Field's heirs ; 49. 19^ acres, to Daniel Shattuck ; Most of these lots soon changed owners ; and many of the divi- sion lines were obliterated. And it is possible to state only in a general way, how the present homesteads assumed their dimensions and forms. Isaac Warner sold out. May 19, 1731 to his son Israel, who also bought the same year Ebenezer Webb's 1% acres, and built a house, about 1734, just below the site of A. A. Long's. Afterwards this place and the Dea. Mattoon lot adjoining, came into possession of Eldad Wright, who built or rebuilt, near the old spot. It was *'a house of ancient date " in 1795. The place is now owned by Alvin A. Long. Next north is the Dea. Samuel Root homestead, comprising four or more of the early grants. As early as 1750, Dea. Root built a house and hatter's shop near the centre of this lot, where he car- ried on a successful trade, and spent his days. His son Moses sold this farm of 43 a. 50 r. April 27, 1797, to Timothy B. Dutton, who sold to Col. Medad Alexander. Col. Alexander divided the lot, and sold the south part to John Long. The north part is now owned and occupied by Capt. Henry Alexander. There was a house and garden spot of half an acre, on this farm, occupied from 1784 to '94 by John Pitts, who advertizes in the Green- field Gazette Sept. 4, 1792, that he " carries on the business of making clothier's shears at Northfield, cheap for ready pay." Probably the same house is referred to in the deed from Root to Dutton, in which . is a clause, " reserving his house and ^ an acre of land to Ephraim Wilson for 5 years, with a right to move it ofFthen." The next 35 acre homestead comprises the Division lots laid out to John Alexander, William Wright, Samuel Smith, and in part that of Joseph Burt. April 28, 1731 Samuel Smith sells his 10 acres to John Alexander, tailor, of Northfield, and the said John, Oct. 5, 1733, then a soldier at Fort Dummer, sells the same to his brother 24 1 86 History of Nor thfie Id. Joseph. This and the balance of the 35 acres was purchased by Capt. Thomas Alexander, whose son, Col. Medad, built the house now owned by R. C. Fisher. The south part is now owned by A. L. Hale. Next north is the Dea. Ebenezer Alexander homestead. Dea. Alexander sold his home-lot in the village in the winter of 1732, and built, probably the next year, on this Division lot. His was the first house put up in the immediate neighborhood ; was brick lined ; and had a projecting upper story with port holes. In the old French War the house was transformed into a fort, and a mount erected — to be described in full in a subsequent chapter. Simeon Alexander, the blacksmith, succeeded his father ; by whom or his heirs, the lot was sold to David Barber (who also bought the Holton and part of the Belding lots). Sept. 2, 181 2, David Barber Jr. sells Elijah Alexander and Richard Colton, the south half — 23I acres — of the lot which he bought at vendue of Ezekiel Webster guardian to David Barber Sen. bounded south by Col. Medad and Thomas Alexander, and north by the other part of said lot. Capt. Colton subsequently bought the balance of the estate, which embraces the original Dea. Alexander and part or all of the Thomas Holton lots. It is now owned by E. Wells Colton. Jonathan Belding appears to have put up a house on the northerly part of his grant, but at what date is uncertain. It stood north of the Winchester road. His son Jonathan sold the northerly part of this grant to Lewis Page, who sells 4 a. of the same to Isaiah Moody April 13, 1797. Mr. Moody purchased of David Barber Jr. the ba- lance of the Jona. Belding lot, now owned by Z. Rugg, L. A. Moody and M. A. Moody. Still further north, John Petty built a house about 1736, perhaps near the site where is now the house of Elisha Alexander. The view of the valley and distant hills to the west and north west, from these lots, is one of rare beauty. Descending towards Pauchaug, are now the houses of Thomas Conway ; Willard Bancroft ; and the house built 75 years ago by Elisha Lyman. Sept. 3, 1790, Elijah Stratton sells Levi Page of Keene N. H. 41^ acres, lying on the east side of the road near Pauchaug old gate, bounded east by Alexander Norton, north by Philip Mattoon, west and south by the road leading to Pauchaug gate, with house on the premises. [Pedajah Field sold^this lot to Hezekiah Stratton, June 23, 1 745-] Home-Lots in the Third Settlement. 187 Odd Lots, — The town sometimes granted leave to individuals who had no home-lot, to put up houses in the street. The following is an example : " Mar. 4, 1728. Liberty of a small piece of land is granted to Nathaniel Chamberlain for his use this year to set a house, and a garden spot up in the Lane as is by the side of Ens. Zechariah Field's home-lot as is going down to the upper gate, or else upon the front of the street against the front of Ens. Field's lot." S^- --» CHAPTER VI. Father Ralle s War. 1 723-1 726. Occasion of the War — Father Ralle and French Intrigue — Massachu- setts AND New Hampshire against Canada — The New England People NOT united — Soldiers at Northfield — Town Forts built — Close of the Committee's Administration, and the Town incorporated — Gray Lock — Killing of Thomas Holton and Theophilus Merrmian — At- tack ON THE Town, Oct. 9, 1723 — Fort Dummer built — Town Forts rebuilt — Death of Father Ralle — Capt. Kellogg's Expeditions — Capt. Thomas Wells's Scout — Capt. Benj. Wright's two Scouts — Death of Gov. Vaudreuil — Treaty of Peace. HEN the thread of our narrative was broken off, in the pre- ceding chapter, a vv^ar with the Indians was impending. It does not come within the scope of this work, to treat of the remote causes of this war. Directly, it grew out of the pushing forward of settlements, and building efforts, at the head of the bays and up the rivers in the Province of Maine, on lands which the Eng- lish claimed to have acquired by purchase and by treaty — the validity of which claim the Indians denied. The Indiansalso charged the Eng- lish with bad faith, in neglecting to erect trading houses, for the convenient exchange of peltry and supplies, and the non-fulfillment of other stipulations. The Governments of England and France took no open part in this war. Ostensibly, it was a struggle between the Provinces of Massachusetts and New Hampshire on the one side, and the Indian tribes living east of the Merrimack river on the other side. Con- necticut had no interest in these eastern lands ; she was comparatively safe from attacks, as her northern and western neighbors were a wall of defence ; and she aided her sister colonies only so far as policy dictated. New York was opposed to the war. She had at best but few bonds of sympathy with Massachusetts. It was for her interest to build up and control the trade with the native tribes living to the west and north ; and any line of action which might endanger her existing and somewhat complicated Indian alliances, was manifestly impolitic. In a letter dated Dec. 16, 1724, Gov. Burnet says, "As to entering into a war with the eastern Indians, the assembly of this Province in 1722, did expressly refuse to contribute to." Father Ralles War. 189 It was a Massachusetts war. Her people bore the brunt of the fighting and the costs. She placed upon the altar the sacrifice which wrought the redemption of New E ngland, and secured a 20 years' peace. New Hampshire supported Massachusetts ; indeed her position left her no other alternative. Many of the leading officers in command were New Hampshire men — though a small part only of the forces were raised by that government. At the outset, war measures were much hindered by a division of sentiment among our own people ; a considerable party, both in and out of the legislature, doubting whether a war upon the natives would be right or even justifiable. They deprecated the waste of blood and treasure, always incident to the arbitrament of the sword ; questioned the equity of our demands, while they gave full credit to the alleged provocations and wrongs of the savages. As late as April 20, 1724, Col. Samuel Partridge of Hatfield in a letter to the governor says : "In the way we are in, that company of eastern Indians may hold us in hazards, especially the frontiers for many years. They say we take their lands ; it seems to be meet that matter was settled, and a line of division settled between us and them, and if any of ours claim to their wrong, it should be righted, and not a whole Province and neighboring Provinces put to such vast expenses, yea the loss of many lives, as hath been experienced already." This want of una- nimity in prosecuting the war, was a cause of weakness, and gave great encouragement to the Indians and their allies. For while the two parties in the struggle were, in appearance, the people of Massachusetts and New Hampshire on the one side, and the eastern Indians on the other, the real power with which the two colonies were at war was the Governor General of Canada backed by the King of France. The following paper, found in the French Archives at Paris, gives the modus operandi. ^''Memoir Refpe£ling the Abenaquis of Acadia^ 1 7 18. " Tis true that the limits of New France and New York were fixed by virtue of the treaty of Ryfwick [1697] at St. George's river, where the arms of the two crowns had been attached to a fpruce tree, the branches of which had been cut off. But the war which followed foon after, changed the limits. The fpruce tree has been thrown down. Moreover the Abenaquis pretend that the whole of that coaft, and all the rivers to be found therein, belong to them. And it is our intereft to fuftain thefe pretenfions. It is in fact the only means we poflefs to prevent the Englifh eftablifhing themfelves throughout that entire country, up to the height of land, that is very near to Quebec and Montreal. 190 History of Northfield. *• If it be proper to maintain the Abenaquis in our alliance, the governor of Boflon muft be given to underftand, that if he undertake to fettle any of the lands belonging to our Indian allies, it will be impoffible to refufe affiftance to them. And the neceffity of this courfe will be obvious, if we refleft ever fo little. I. That this nation [the Abenaquis] is the only fupport of the Colony againft the Englifh or the Iroquois. 2. If we do not admit or pretend to admit their right to the country they occupy, they will never be induced to take part in any war for the defence of this fame country, which is the rampart of Canada. 3. If fome intereft be not exhibited in their defence, they will divide themfelves be- tween the French and Englifh ; and inafmuch as they experience better terms in regard to trade from the latter than from the former, it will not be long before they are wholly attrafted to them. More than half the tribe is already Englifli by inclination, and retained only by Religion ; their miffionaries alone have the power, it is admitted, to perfuade them to fubmit to the will of the Governor General. 4. If matters be allowed to proceed ever fo little in the courfe they have been for fome time purfuing, New France will be bounded on the fouth by the river St. Lawrence : it will be neceflary to abandon all our pofts and fettlements on that fide, and nothing will prevent the Engliih and Iroquois mak- ing irruptions into the very heart of Canada. " A goodly number of Englifli families having made their appearance fome years fmce at the lower part of the river Kennebec, below the Norridgwalk miflion, received permifTion to fettle there, and have adlually two forts there. Father Ralle, miffionary at N. did make fome efforts to prevent this fettlement, the confequences of which he forefaw. * * The Indians of Nor- ridgwalk beginning laft fummer to take fome umbrage at their new guefts, wiflied to know, in cafe it become neceflary to ufe force to diflodge them, whether they could count on the aid of the French ; they deputed fome among them to wait on the Marquis de Vaudreuil to explain to him the fituation in which they were placed, and to demand of him, who called himfelf their father, and to whom they had always been fubmiflive as children, whether he was difpofed to affift them againft the Englifli in cafe of a rupture, as they had affifted him at the expenfe of their blood on every occafion that he had required them. The General afl"ured them that he fliould never fail them in time of need. But what afliftance, Father, will you give us .? they afked. My children, anfwered M. de Vaudreuil, I fhall fecretly fend you fome hatchets, fome powder and lead. I will engage the other Indian tribes to furnifli you aid, and rather than aban- don you to the mercy of the Englifh, I will myfelf march at your head."^ As is made evident by this document, a main reliance of the French, in establishing their power over the natives, was through religious proselytism. The priests of the Catholic faith always went with the earliest adventurers, to establish missions and open chapels. And just now, these missions afforded a convenient cover for politi- ' Col. Hist. o/N. r., IX, 878. Father Ralle s War. 191 cal designs, and the priests were the most efficient agents in stirring up the Indians to jealousy, and urging them on to acts of war. The two most prominent of these agents, in the interest of the French, were the Rev. Father Superior, La Chasse, and Father Sebastian Ralle. And from the leading public part taken by the lat- ter in the principal events of this struggle, it has been called Father Ralle's War. — Sebastian Ralle, or Rale was of French descent, b* Jan. 4, 1657. Being appointed a missionary from the society of Jesuits to the Indians of North America, he embarked July 30, 1689, and arrived at Quebec in October. He learned the language of the Abenakis ; was stationed at St. Francis; was in Illinois 1693-4; was on the Kennebec from 1695, till his death Aug. 23, 1724. From papers found in his possession, and in his own hand-writing, the governor of Massachusetts felt authorized to say, in a letter dated Jan. 19, 1 725, " He [Ralle] instigated the Indians to war and rapine, instead of preaching peace and friendship, agreeable to the doctrines of the Christian religion — as is proved by the papers found among his effects at Norridgewock." The war opened. 1722. — The first open act of war on the part of the Indians, was on the 13th day of June, 1722, when a party of 60 savages, appearing on the northern margin of Merrymeeting bay in 20 canoes, took captive 9 entire families. This was followed by other similar outrages ; and July 25, the governor and council of Massa- chusetts formally resolved, that the Eastern Indians were traitors and robbers, guilty of plundering, despoiling, murdering and taking captive many of his Majesty's good subjects, and declared war against them and their confederates. The principal theatre of this war was in the Province of Maine, and the details do not properly belong to our narrative. But the intimate relations subsisting between the Eastern tribes and the St. Francis, and French Indians, as the remnant of our River clans was called, rendered it certain that the frontier settlements in Hampshire County would suffer. As before related, Northfield had been in charge of a small garri- son, almost ever since the resettlement. But in view of the dangers from the threatening attitude of the Indians, the inhabitants, in the month of June, 1722, sent a petition to the General court, asking to be put in a posture of defence ; and July 6, the Court ordered^ That the soldiers at Northfield be directed to garrison one or more suitable houses for their security ; and the inhabitants are recom- mended to assist the soldiers with their teams. / 192 History of Northjield. The soldiers at Northfield, referred to in the Court's order, was a Co. of 10 men under command of Lt. Joseph Kellogg, in service here from May 31 to July 24. As soon as the first crop of hay was secured, a stockade of some pretensions was begun, on the premises of Stephen Belding, (the site of the old Clary fort), and another around Ensign Zechariah Field's house. And near the same time, a full company of men was raised and put under command of Capt. , Samuel Barnard of Deerfield, for the defence of that town and Northfield. They were in service from July 24 to Nov. 20. Lieut. Kellogg was second in command, and was stationed at North- field with 20 men. Capt. Samuel Partridge raised a company, for the protection of Hatfield and vicinity. In Capt. Barnard's Muster Roll, are the following names: Jonathan Hunt, clerk, Sergt. Joseph Clesson, Sergt. John Pomroy, Josiah King, Josiah Stebbins, James Porter,'^ Benoni Wright, Orlando Bridgman, Eben" Miller, William Clarke,^ Samuel Wright, Thomas Alexander, John Miller, Joseph Stebbins, Benj. Wait, Samuel Lancton, all accredited to Northampton ,• Japhet Chapin, Eben'' Webb, Caleb Chapin, of Springfield ; John Sergeant, of Worcester ; John Brooks, Asahel Stebbins, of Deerfield ; John Brown, Nathaniel Prior, Enoch Hall, Joshua Gerry, of Enfield. In Capt. Partridge's Co. in service from Aug. 18, to Nov. 26, were, Corp. Eleazar Warner, Corp. William Sims, Wm. Sanderson, Richard Burt Sen. andjun., unsettled; Abraham Elgar, of Enfield ; Ebenezer Petty, Josiah Miller, David Burt, of Springfield ; Cyprian Wright of Rutland. Many of these names will often appear, in connection with our annals. When the war opened, Col. Samuel Partridge of Hatfield, 78 years old, had the chief command in Hampshire Co., and next to him was Lt! Col. John Stoddard of Northampton. 1723. Early in the winter, Lieut. Kellogg writes to the governor — *' The forts at Northfield are in a mean condition, and the people are neither willing nor able to make them good and defensible ; and I am apprehensive that the inhabitants will leave the place unless they are allowed more men and better defenses." Governor Dummer wrote to the authorities in Hampshire Co. urging that the people of North- field should be encouraged to repair the forts, and promised his in- fluetice with the legislature, to secure them a reasonable recompense. But the matter moved slowly. The repayment of expenses and the allowance of just charges by the General court, were very uncer- tain. Besides, it is to be considered, that Northfield was at this date in a transition state — the Committee that had so long managed their affairs being about to retire, and the people to assume the full control Father Ralles War. 193 of civil and military matters. The old order of things was not quite wound up ; and the new order was not well established. But, through the influence of Cols. Partridge and Stoddard, some further repairs and additions were made to the forts ; so that Col. P. writing May 14, could say. " The River is pretty well secured by the forts and men at Northfield and Deerfield ; but, he adds in the same let- ter, the towns cant stand the strain upon them, to watch, and ward, and fort, and scout, without pay^ while their spring work is pressing to be done ; they cant get a living." Civil Affairs. Number of polls taxed, 1723, 39 Number of non-refidents and women taxed,... 18 Tax on the poll, 14^ 6 d Tax on the pound valuation, 8|^ Total tax levied, £1608 15 o The Town Incorporated. " At a General Aflembly for the Province of the Maffachufetts Bay held at Bofton the 29th of May, 1723 A Petition of the Proprietors and Inhabitants of Northfield, fhewing that they have been under the management of a Committee appointed by the General Court, for feveral years — that many of the faid Committee live at thirty miles diftance from the faid Town, which brings a great difficulty and inconvenience upon the affairs of the faid Town — and that the number of Inhabitants is fo far increafed that they judge themfelves capable of managing the prudential affairs of the faid place — And therefore praying that they may enjoy all the privileges and immunities of a Town as others do : In the Houfe of Reprefentatives, Read and Ordered That the Town of Northfield be and hereby is authorized and impowered to have ufe exercife and enjoy, all fuch powers privileges and immunities which other Towns have ufe exercife and enjoy. And that Capt Benjamin Wright and Lieut. Eliezur Wright, two of the principal Inhabitants of the faid Town, are hereby direfted and impowered to notify and fljmmon the Inhabitants duly qualified for voting, to affemble and meet together for the chufing of Town officers to ftand until the annual eledlion according to law. In Council, Read and Concurred. Confented to Saturday June 15, 1723. Wm. Dummer. Thus the Plantation was incorporated into a Town, just 50 years after its first settlement. At a town meeting, held July 22, officers were chosen as follows : Joseph Petty, moderator ; Eleazar Holton, town clerk ; Zechariah Field, Benoni Moore, Joseph Petty, selectmen ; Ebenezer Field, constable; Benoni Moore, Nathaniel Mattoon. Theo- philus Merriman, Stephen Crowfoot, Ebenezer Severance, Ebenezer 25 1 94 History of Northfield. Field, fence viewers ; Eleazar Mattoon, Thomas Holton, surveyors ; Daniel Wright, Eldad Wright, hay wards ; Benjamin Janes, tythingman. The Indians that had settled on the St. Francis river, and at Be- yancourt, were situated convenient to make incursions on either the eastern or northern frontiers; and the Cagnowagas and other clans dwelling near the northerly end of Lake Champlain, were nearer the Hampshire Co. settlements. Gov. Vaudreuil was early in sending emissaries and presents to these last named tribes, and inciting them to acts of hostility against the English. He supplied them liberally with guns and ammunition ; and induced a large war party — the In- dian account says 300 — to set out early in the summer, to watch and annoy the exposed points, and report to him all important movements. Gray Lock. — The Indian chief, most prominent in the exploits of this war, on our borders, and the leader in some daring and successful expeditions, was Gray Lock^ so called from the color of his hair. He was a chieftain of the Waranokes, who lived, previous to King Philip's war, on the Westfield river, and removed thence to the Mo- hawk country. He was now well advanced in age ; but retained all the daring, and tact, and energy of his youth. He was well known to the people of the river towns ; and seems to have been capable of inspiring regard by his friendly offices and shrewdness in time of peace, as well as awakening dread by his craft and cruelty in time of war. He said that he in one instance lurked for a whole summer in an out of the way place in Westfield, to get a chance to make captives of a family of the name of Bentley. He also watched a family of the name of Noble, who lived out of the village, stating afterwards that he had several chances of killing most of the children at a shot, but he did not then want scalps but captives. At the tirne of Queen Anne's war, he was living near Mount Royal, and was known as a French Indian that headed small parties fitted out to prey upon the exposed towns on the Connecticut river. In 1723, Gray Lock was living on the shore of Missisquoi bay, at the northerly end of Lake Champlain. He had built a fort on a small creek, and collected a considerable band of followers. Some rich meadows here afforded the squaws a chance to plant large fields of corn. His method was, to go forth with a force of trusty savages, larger or smaller according to circumstances, build a camp at some convenient and secluded point near the towns, and keep out spies and scouts in small parties, who were ready to take scalps or captives, and hurry away for Canada. Col. Partridge writes — " This enemy can and sometimes do lie in wait two months about a town, before they kill or take, as some of them have acknowledged." ' Father Ralle's War. 195 In the early spring of this year, Gov. Dummer, in conjunction with the military commanders of Hampshire Co., took much pains, through the agency of Col. Schuyler and the other commissioners at Albany, to conciliate Gray Lock, and some of the other chiefs living near the lake. Belts and other presents vi^ere sent : but somehow, it always happened that he was never found at home by the messengers. (He had already accepted a more valuable belt.) During the late spring and early summer months, his whereabouts was not known. Lt. Kellogg, with his 20 soldiers, was doing effi- cient guard duty, and almost daily sending out his scouts, and our people were feeling entirely secure. August 13, while the men were scattered in their grain-fields. Gray Lock with a party of 4 Indians, waylaid and killed two of our leading citizens, viz. Thomas Holton, aged 42, and Theophilus Merriman, aged 31. The circumstances of the killing were not recorded, and cannot now be ascertained. Taking the scalps, the Indians pressed on to Rutland, where, the next day, they attacked Dea, Joseph Stevens and four of his sons as they were making hay in a meadow. The father escaped to the bushes : two of the boys, Joseph and Samuel were killed ; and two, Phinehas and Isaac were made prisoners. Soon after, meeting on the road the minister. Rev. Joseph Willard, they killed and scalped him, took his clothes, and with the two captives started for Canada. Phinehas was soon redeemed, and became the distinguished Captain, and hero of No. 4, in the next war. Isaac was given to the Cagnowagas, and was regained with some difficulty. The redemption money was raised in part by contributions in different towns. The family had been resident in Framingham ; and a collection was taken up in the meeting house there, April 19, 1724, amounting to ,£15 5. News of the raids at Northfield and Rutland reached Boston, August 16. And on the 17th, Gov. Dummer issues orders to Col. Partridge to impress 18 able bodied men, well armed, to be employed as scouts, 5 each at Northfield and Brookfield, and 4 each at Deer- field and Sunderland, to be kept constantly ranging the woods about these several towns. At this time Hampshire Co. had two companies of cavalry, one under the command of Capt. Adijah Dewey of Westfield, the other under Capt. Henry Dwight of Hatfield. Aug. 30, an order was despatched to Capt. Dewey to " rally up his troopers and march to the upper towns, scouting and repairing to the places of most danger, for the space of 14 days ; then Capt. Dwight with his Company was to take his place for the same term of time ; and so they were to alternate for a campaign of 8 weeks." And this significant condition is appended to the order — 196 History of Northfield. " You are to provide for yourselves arms, ammunition and provisions, all which are to be paid for by the public." The want of military stores and a commissary department, was a serious drawback in this and the succeeding war. Companies and drafted men had to provide ammu- nition, clothing and provisions, after being mustered ; and thus time enough was consumed to enable the active enemy to make good his retreat, before his pursuers were ready to march. Capt. Dewey's troop took the field Sept. 3. The captain's pay was 35 shillings per week ; private's 10 shillings. Rations were rated at 5^. per week, and i gill of rum per day when the men were "improved in scouting the woods and lying out a nights." Three shillings six pence a week was allowed for a horse, and the same for a horse's feed. In Capt. Dewey's Company were Medad Pomeroy, Samuel Smith, John Evens, Samuel Root, John Root, and John Coombs for pilot. After the affair at Rutland, Gray Lock and his party made a quick retreat to his fort. His success, in scalps and prisoners, gave him fresh eclat, and by giving the younger of the Stevens boys to the Cag- nowagas as a present, he bound that tribe fast to his interest. On the first of September he was ready to start on a new expedition, at the head of 50 Indians, composed of his own clan and Cagnowagas. Gov. Vaudreuil furnished them with 10 guns and plenty of ammu- nition. Col. Schuyler at Albany got news of the movement, and promptly notified the Massachusetts government. Sept. 13, the go- vernor issued orders to the troops then in service in the valley, " to be on the alert not to be surprised by ambushes, and use y"" best endeavors to surprise the enemy, and when you shall find their tracks you are to pursue them ten days at the least, unless you shall come up with them sooner." But the savages knew the mountain paths and hiding places better than the soldiers ; and long and careful observation had made them perfectly familiar with the habits of families and working parties, and the situation of all out-fields and exposed points. October 9, taking advantage of a remissness in military vigilance, and the carelessness of a party of farmers who were at work at corn harvest, the Indians made a sudden onset at Northfield, and killed Eben^ Severance ; wounded Hezekiah Stratton and Enoch Hall ; and took Samuel Dickinson prisoner. It will be remembered that Dick- inson was taken captive at Hatfield in 1698, when 11 years old, and rescued from the Indians near Pomeroy's island. [See ante^ p. 126.] Oct. II, Col. Partridge orders Capt. Dewey to forthwith move his troop to Deerfield, and send half the officers and men to North- Father Ralles War. 97 field, " to improve y^ time in scouting, and guarding y= people to get in the remainder of y^ harvest, and to take some of y'' people and scout to the north and west in the woods." And on special request being sent to Hartford, by the Massachusetts authorities, a company of Connecticut troops was sent up to Northfield, who were in service here for a few weeks. As our town seemed singled out for destruction, the governor and council judged it necessary to give the inhabitants more efficient pro- tection ; and November 9, sent a captain's commission to Lieut. Kellogg, with orders to raise a company, of which 40 men were to be stationed at Northfield, and the rest to be kept constantly on the alert, and either in force or by squads, to scout on the river in places most likely for the discovery of the enemy's motions, and thus pro- tect and secure the inhabitants of Northfield, Deerfield and Sunder- land. Mujer Roll of Capt. Nov, 20, 1723 Capt. Jofeph Kdlogg, Suff. Lt. Timothy Dwight, Nhn. Lt. John Pomeroy, " Clerk, Jofiah King, " Sergt. Elifha Sear), " Jofiah Stebbins, " •' Waitflill Strong, " " Robert Cooper, Nfd. Corp. Japhet Chapin, Spg. " Benoni Wright, Nfd. " James Stevenfon, SufF. " John Sergeant, Wore. Daniel Shattuck, " John Brown, Enfd. Enoch Hall, " Samuel Vining, " Chriftopher Sitton, Enfd. James Porter, Nhn. Orlando Bridgman, " Afahel Stebbins, " Thomas Sargent, " John King, " Shem Japhet, Spg. Benj. Bodurtha, " Abraham Elgar, " . Jofeph Kellogg s Co. to May 30, 1724. George Bates, Had. Jofeph Merchant, Samuel Kellogg, Hezekiah Stratton, Nfd. Benjamin Miller, Jonathan Janes, Eleazar Mattoon, Daniel Wright, Jonathan Belding, Daniel Severance, Stephen Belding, Hezekiah Elmer, Edmund Grandee Eldad Wright, Nathaniel Hawks, Dfd. George Swan, " Nathaniel Brooks, " Jofhua Wells, John Allen, " James Corfe, *' Anthony Wirefbury, Hat. Jofeph Billing, *' Jofeph Burt, " Ebenezer Williams, " Stephen Winchell, Wind. 198 History of Northfield. Jofeph Morgan, Spg. Caleb Winchell, Wind. Jona. Warriner, " Jofeph Allen, Suff. Abraham Burnet, " Nathaniel Auften, " Benj. Brooks, " David Smith, Samuel Bodurtha, " Ebenezer Smith, " Jofiah Stebbins, " William Hunter, Long Is. Benjamin Mun, " John Ellis, Narrag. David King, Wfd. John Afhman, Farm. John Beamon, " John Holmes, Old Eng. JacobWheeler, " Benj. Kimball, Ips. David Sackett, " Albany, Nov. 28, 1723. To Col. Partridge: I have yours of the 19th. The two Indians y*^ have been with the belt of wampum to Cagnowaga are come back again. They found the Cagnowaga Indians were gone to y'' parts : but y'' Sachems faid they went againft their will ; their young people were deluded. * * Three Cagnowagas who have been at Northfield arrived here yefterday. Saguenognas and Caho- wafco two chief captains, and his brother-in-law. They tell me they had no defign to do any harm : but Gov. Vaudreuil perfuaded them, and gave them powder and (hot and ten guns ; but they are very forry and afhamed that they have gone, and fay they will never go again. All the Indians who have been out, upwards of 300, are coma back again, except 5 eaftern Indians, who re- turned back to your frontiers. I hope they may do no harm. John Schuyler. These repeated incursions of the savages, with impunity, aroused the spirit of the old scout, Capt. Benjamin Wright, and Dec. 5, he wrote this characteristic letter to Gov. Dummer : Hon*^ Sir : After my moft humble duty prefented, thefe are humbly to requefi: y'' Honor to grant me the liberty of commanding five and thirty or 40 men to go on the back of this army which came to Northfield as far as Otter Creek, and thence round to White river, and fo home by Conn, river. This I hurnbly judge to be very ferviceable to this part of the country, and probably might be the means of deftroying fome of the enemy : And if y"^ Honor fee meet to give me orders, we think it a piece of good fervice to march the road which the enemy went, as far as Otter Creek. We are defirous we might go upon the wages the Province allows and the encouragement they give to fuch for fcalps. We would find ourfelves and be allowed for it by the Government. The whole I humbly fubmit to y"" Honor's wifdom to direfl ; and if y'' Honor dont fee meet to fend me, I humbly requeit that fome more fuitable perfon might, that fo our enemy might be difcouraged and the country defended. Northfield Dec. 5, 1723. Benj'n Wright. Father Ralles War. 199 The matter was referred to a committee of the legislature, John Stoddard chairman, who reported, " that an expedition to St. Francis, the head quarters of the Indians, would be of great service, and may if prospered put an end to the present war : 400 able bodied men, English and Indians might be thought sufficient. A smaller party to the heads of the rivers may be of service to destroy some small hunting parties of the enemy. But if on account of winter being so far advanced, it be not advisable to make either of the above named marches, then a party of 30 or 40 to Otter Creek might do good, provided some western Indians go with them." There appears to have been so many ifs in the way, that Capt. Wright's plan was frustrated. Fort Dummer. — A movement of the utmost importance to the safety of the frontiers, was projected at this date, and carried out in the next 'i^-^ months. The following documents give the particulars. Dec. 27, 1723. In the House of Representatives, voted^ That it will be of great service to all the western frontiers both in this and the neighboring government of Connecticut, to build a Block-house, above Northfield, in the most convenient place on the lands called the Equivalent Land, and to post in it 40 able men, English and western Indians, to be employed in scouting at a good distance up Connecti- cut river. West river. Otter Creek, and sometimes eastwardly above Great Monadnock, for the discovery of the enemy coming towards any of the frontier towns ; and that so much of the said Equivalent Lands as shall be necessary for a Block-house be taken up, with the consent of the owners of the said lands, together with 5 or 6 acres of their interval land, to be broke up or plowed for the pre- sent use of the western Indians, in case any of them shall think fit to bring their families thither." The duty of selecting the site, and superintending the erection of the fort, was committed by Gov. Dummer to Lt. Col. John Stoddard ; who writes, Northampton Feb. 3, 1724.. Sir: I rec'' yours of Jan. 8, and 21, and have engaged divers peribns to make fnovv-fhoes. Some of the moginfons are already made and fent to North- field. * * I have committed the work about the Block-houfe to Lieut. Timothy Dwight, Mr. Dwight will go this day to the place with 4 carpenters, 12 foldiers with narrow axes and 2 teams. I fuppofe they will hew all the timber both for the fort and houfing before they return. I hope the fort and houfes will be framed and fet up this month. Capt. Kellogg's 10 fupernumerary men are turned over to the other company, and two more added which makes the number Col. Partridge was ordered to raife ; and orders are given for the ex- 200 History of Northfield. change of a few of Kellogg's moft inefficient men for fuch inhabitants as are driven from their lands. As for Col. Buclcminfler's men, we hear nothing of them. [Col. Jofeph Buck- minfter of Framingham was ordered to imprefs men for fervice at the new fort.] I have talked with Capt. Kellogg about a Lieut, for him ; he feems to think well of Jofeph Cleflbn. Mr. D wight needs a fecond in command ; names Elifha Searle now a ferg^ under Capt. Kellogg. He was long a captive in Canada. Mr. Dwight wants a chaplain at his fort. P. S. I forgot to notice your fuggeftion about fetting ftockadoes around the Block-houfe. I dont fee the benefit of it, as we intend to make the fort fo ftrong that the foldiers will be fafe, even if the enemy get within the parade ground. To Lt. Gov. Dummer. John Stoddard. In another letter, of later date, Col. Stoddard writes : " We agreed with carpenters from Northfield [Stephen Crowfoot, Daniel Wright and 2 others] for 5 (hillings per day, except Crowfoot, to whoin I promifed 6 fl.illings, and they all allow that he earned his money by doing fo much more work than the others. The foldiers had a very hard fervice, lying in the woods, and were obliged to work early and late : it is thought they deferve 2 fliillings per day befides the ftated pay, and the carpenters fomething more. The horfes were worked very hard, and commonly had nothing to eat but oats, and I be- lieve 2 fhillings a day will not be thought an excefs for fuch fervice." The fort was built of yellow pine timber, which was then abund- ant on the meadow lands. It was nearly square, each side ineasuring about 180 feet. It was laid up in the fashion of a log house, the timbers being locked together at the angles. A row of houses was built against the wall round on the inside, with a single roof, and fronting on the hollow square, which served as a parade ground. The cost of the structure was £256. The fort stood on the west bank of the Connecticut river, just within the southerly limits of the present town of Brattleboro, Vt. ; and was named Fort Dummer, in honor of the then acting governor of Massachusetts. As soon as the Block-house was well under way, Capt. Joseph Kellogg was sent to Albany to make efforts to induce the Maquas to enlist as soldiers for its defence. He spent much time and money, as did other commissioners later ; but to little purpose. Some Indians came on and staid a few months ; but when the real danger of the post be- came apparent, they left. They were ready enough to return, after the war was over^ and stay till another war threatened. The truth afterwards come out, viz. that early in 1723, Gov. Vaudreuil had sent a belt of friendship to the Maquas, which they had accepted. Father Ralle's War. 20 When finished, the command of the fort was given to Capt. Timo- thy Dwight, who held it with a Co. of 55 men. He continued in charge here till the close of the war, when he was succeeded by Capt. Joseph Kellogg, who retained the command till 1740. Mujier Roll of Capt. Timothy DwighCs Co. at the Bkck-houfe above Northfield. Feb. I, to May 31, 1724. Capt. Timothy Dwight, Nhn. Lr. Elifha Sear), " Sergt. John McRanney, Spg. " John Burk, Hat. " Robert Cooper, Nfd. Corp. William Syms, " Jacob Wheeler, Kind'k. Jona. Stanhope, Sud. James Hayes, Stow. Jona. Janes, Nfd. Nathaniel Mattoon, " John Brooks, Wind. David Clark, " John Thrall, " Thomas Wooleft, " Stephen Winchell, " Jona. Warriner, Spg. Samuel Burr, Hartd. Thomas Burler, Marlb. Robert Hunt, " Wm. Hunnibufs, Cone. Jeremiah Wedge, Fram. Uriah Clark, " Dan' Dickinfon, Stratd. John King, SufF. Dan' Severance, Dfd. Jofeph Allen, *' Hendrick, Maqua Sachen Chriftopher Sitton, Enfd. John Peafe, Jonathan Peafe, " Elijah Gillett, George Swan, England Anthony Wicrfbury, Germany John Ellis, R. I. John Bement, Weft'd. Jofeph Gillett, Lebanon Michael Fokt, Simfbury Caleb Chapin, Spg. Abraham Burnet, " John Froll " Pelatkh Jones, *' Robert Carter, " John Crawford, " Ezerus, Maqua Sachem. Kewahcum, Weftonhook, Cofaumpt, Wittaug, Ampaumet, Sachem, Hudfon's : Wattunkameag, *' Pomagun, " Waiunnoowoozeet, " Taukaquint, " Noonoowannet, " Poopoonuck, " Suckkeecoo. Schaticook TheTown FortsRebuilt. — Capt. Kellogg writes, Jan. 10, 1724, to Gov. Dummer : "I have 50 men committed to my care by Col. Partridge, 40 of whom are at Northfield with me, and 10 at Deerfield. These men I have with the utmost care kept at watching, warding and scouting. * * I would repeat my former request to y^ Honor, with respect to our forts, y' some care might be taken y' they might be made better, for they are exceeding mean." 26 202 History of Northjield. The governor immediately directs Col. Stoddard " to review the forts at Northfield, and advise and encourage the inhabitants to re- pair them." Between this and the 5th of March, Stephen Bel- ding's premises were surrounded with strong pickets, and a heavily timbered mount built ; a line of pickets was set around parson Doo- little's buildings : and the Zechariah Field fort and mount were finished. Jona. Beld'wgs Account of work done at the North Fori. Myfcjf and team, i day ; and felf and 3 cattle to cart, i day £0110 Five day's work of felf and ferg* Moor 0126 Self and team to cart mount timber i day ; and felf one day's work at the mount 070 To 1063 feet of boards at 2s 6d I 7 o To all the rails for the fort, o 10 o To 2 hundred and a half of teny peny nails Nathaniel Mattoons boards, 863 feet, and one day to cart polls, and 2 horfes 1 day Jona. Janes boards, 400 feet, and 42 feet of plank Dea. E. Mattoon, 4 day's work at the fort, and 320 feet of boards, and 1 day's work with his oxen, 1 day's work at the mount, I day's work with his oxen to fetch in mount timber, and I day's warding for a soldier which did work at the mount Dekon Janes boards, 600 feet; one day's work carting pofts and 4 day's work at the mount Jofeph Petty, 6 day's work at the fort o 15 o and 292 feet of boards 070 The Account of the materials and work at the Field fort has not been found. The cost of cutting and setting up the pickets around Mr. Doolittle's premises, was £4 133. The mounts v/eve. square towers, from 14 to 20 feet high, according to the ground; were made of heavy timbers, framed, and boarded up, with the upper story or deck planked, and fitted up for a sentry. Col. Stoddard writes, March 27, 1 724 : " Capt. Kellogg is returned, and I suppose hath given you an account of his affairs. He tells me that he expected 4 or 5 Scautacook Indians to have been at Deerfield some days since, which I hear nothing of, and am prone to think that the Dutch have dissuaded them. It seems probable that the western Indians will not answer our expectations in assisting at the Block-house ; and inasmuch as our dependence is greatly on the Father Ralle s War. 203 scouts to be sent from there, which cannot be well managed without the number of men allowed, it seems necessary that the complement be made of English for the present ; and in case the Indians do not within a little time join us, undoubtedly it will be best that a number of good dogs be provided, which I hope may near as well answer our designs ; for I think it considerably probable that by means of some of our friend Indians they may be so instructed as that they will pur- sue an enemy, and in case they should kill one Indian, it will more effectually prevent their coming than the killing many in any other way : And although the Five Nations will not approve such a method, yet they must be silent, inasmuch as their neglect hath obliged us to that method. The people of Deerfield grow uneasy (now the spring comes on) at their having but 10 men ; and those of Northfield say that it will be in vain for them to pretend to manage any business in case their number of soldiers be not augmented. And I am fully of their opinion ; and if orders be not speedily given, re- cruits will not be had seasonably. If we are thorough in our endea- vors for the preservation of those in the frontiers, that will greatly quiet the spirits of people, and I hope be the means of the preserva- tion of some lives ; and probably the charge will not long continue, for I think there is a general disposition in the French, Dutch and Indians, that the present difference between us and the Eastern Indians should be accommodated." April 6, intelligence was received that Gray Lock had enticed away several of the Scaticooks, that had lived and hunted in the valley, and were so well acquainted with the situation of the meadows and cornfields, that they would be able to take great advantage against our people. Col. Partridge, by order of the governor, impressed 30 men, 15 each for Deerfield and Northfield. This made 45 men at Northfield under Capt Kellogg, for manning the forts, watching, warding, and guarding the men at work in the fields. The names are nearly the same as were on the last year's roll. On or about the nth of June, Gray Lock, with a party of 1 1 of his own men set out from his fort for the frontiers. Another war party consisting of 30 Abenakis started immediately after ; and within a few days still another party of 40 Indians sung the war song, and made preparation to start on a raiding expedition. Col. Partridge got information of Gray Lock's movement on the 13th at 10 o'clock at night, by express from Albany, and on the 15th wrote the go- vernor : " we have no soldiers but those belonging to the towns, and 204 History of Northfield. all of these are out upon their occasions to get their bread, and that with the peril of their lives, or beg their bread in a little time, but where I know nor, if it comes to that — our dependencies are upon tilling the ground." June 1 8, — about the time the governor would get the Colonel's letter — Gray Lock and his Indians fell upon a party of men who were loading hay in a meadow 3 miles north of Hatfield street, killed Benj. Smith, and took Aaron Wells and Joseph Allis. They also killed the oxen attached to the cart. Allis was killed the next day. A scout of 17 men was immediately organized at Hatfield, and went up as far as Otter Cieek.' But Gray Lock had retired a short dis- tance to the west, and spent the summer in watching the settlements on that side of the river, at diff^erent times killing men at Deerfield, Northampton and Westfield. About the 23d of June, the party of 40 Indians came down on the east side of the river towards Northfield. Two days after, Lieut. John Pomeroy in comm.and of a scout of Capt. Kellogg's men, dis- covered on the north of the Ashuelot the tracks of these Indians. They found some slicks broke off, and some bushes bent down, as if they were intended for a guide to others that should follow. They judge the signs to be very new, as the sticks were not dry, and the leaves hardly wilted. This party turned off to the eastward, and built a camp on Miller's river, to the south of Monadnock, where they spent a considerable part of the summer. A scouting party, passing the spot the next year, found " sixteen of their spits on which they roast their meat : also a canoe and paddle, and some squash shells." = In this emergency Gov. Dummer appealed to the Connecticut au- thorities, and Gov. Saltonstall sent up Capt. Goodrich with 75 men, and Capt. Walter Butler with 30 men, and a company of 42 Mohegan ^This scout had a peculiarly trying service, as appears from the following letter of Dr. Thomas Hastings of Hatfield. " Being desired by Sergt Clesson and Sergt Wait to inform what I know of their expedition in June last, to Otter Creek — the expedition being sud- denly formed suitable necessaries was wanting for such a long and hard journey; saw most of ye men when they went forth, they were lusty and in good plight, effective men : saw them when they returned, and they were much emaciated, and their feet so swelled and galled that they could scarce travel on their feet — for some they were necessitated to hire horses : Some one or more applied to me to dress their feet and were under my care for a week or more, in bathing and emplastering before they were anything tolerably recruited. In fine, they underwent much, and I believe were hearty in their desires and faithful in their en- deavors to overtake the enemy and make reprisals. It's a pity such men undertaking such difficulties for ye country's cause should fail of a suitable reward." — Mass. Archi-ves, lii, 193 2 Mass. Aich'fves, xxxviii, A., p. no. Father Ealles War. 205 Indians, to assist in scouting. ' Capt. G. and the Mohegans staid but a short time : Capt. Butler remained till October. The two com- panies of whites had head quarters at Norihfield, and were billeted on the families. In a letter to Gov. Dummer, dated July 14, Col. Partridge writes : " We are confident the enemy is lurking about, waiting to shed blood so that we being in the midst of our harvest are forced to go thirty or forty men in a day with their arms, and with a guard to accompany and work together." The vigilance of Capt. Dwight at Fort Dummer ; the activity and tact of Capt. Kellogg, and the presence of the Connecticut troops pre- served Northfield from attack, through the summer months. And though laboring at great disadvantage, a fair amount of ground was put in tillage, and a heavy crop of corn made. The employment of Indian scouts was attended with some peculiar difficulties. It was not easy for our men to distinguish between friend and foe when they met them ; and no foresight could prevent serious mistakes. When the Scaticook Indians came to the valley on their hunting excursions, it was customary for them to adopt some signal — as the wearing of a green bough on the head — and inform the commanding officers of the towns what it was, who would give the necessary instructions to their men. July 27, Col. Partridge was notified that 30 Pequods are on the road from Connecticut whom he is to forward to Col. Tyng at Dunstable. " They must have some signal, which must also be known to our people, to prevent any evil that might otherwise happen." Referring to the difficulty in the case, Col. P. writes, "I have always directed all parties scouting from our parts of Hampshire Co. to observe your directions : but shall find it impracticable for them to be always safe. They may hide and seek as the Indians do, and your Indians will not always have the green bough upon their heads, sleeping as well as waking ; and the sign may be stolen and used by the enemy as a decoy, and thus our men de- ceived to their hurt." Death of Father Ralle. — An expedition against Norridge- wock, the head-quarters of Ralle, was fitted out, about the middle of August. Captains Moulton, Harmon, Bourn and Bane, with 208 men, ascended the river Kennebec, reached N. on the 23d, took the Indian village by surprise, and killed a large number, among whom was Father Ralle. " He was slain in fight making actual resistance ' Mass. Archi'vts, lii, io. 2o6 History of North field. to the forces, and attempting to kill an English captive in his hands, and refusing to give or take quarter." ' After the drawing off of the Connecticut men, Col. Stoddard added 6 men to Capt. Kellogg's Co. at Northfield, " to improve them in guard- ing our people in their distant fields, otherwise several people would have lost most of their corn and other fruits." Oct. 7. Capt. Kellogg writes : " Lt. Pomeroy is with me at North- field. * * 'Tis difficult keeping a scout out constantly by reason of guarding y^ people who are now busy getting in y^ harvest. I have a scout out now, ordered to go above 40 miles up y' Great River, and from there to the eastward to Great Monadnock." " Oct. ID, 1724. " The Gov'', of Canada having, as he has threatened, drawn many remote nations, viz. the Hurons and others with whom we have never had the leaft concern into a confederacy with the eaftern Indians, * * Our weftern front- iers have been more annoyed this laft fummer than the eaftern. Almoft every town in the Co. of Hampfhire and half in Middlefex being driven into garri- fons, and much diftrefled by this new enemy; and although we have had great advantages over y® eaftern Indians by fuch a flaughter of them atNorridgewock as has not been known in any of y^ late wars, yet by this junftion of the weft- em tribes the enemy is become more formidable than before. And the fervice in the war, and the charges for the fupport of it are fo heavy as to greatly im- poverifh the whole Province, and drive away many of our inhabitants to the neighboring Colonies, all which, (Conn, and N. H. excepted,) being in perfedl peace and profperity themfelves fit ftill and fee us languifliing under all the ca- lamities of war without afFordirg us the fuccor of either men or money." '*^ "Northampton, Oct. 12, 1724. " I received the enclofed letters by an exprefs laft Wednefday ; Our people are pretty much alarmed therewith: I am ready to imagine that it is Cattanaw- let's fon who is coufin to Gray Lock, that hath either made or aggravated the ftory of the tracks to affright the Indians and prevent their bringing in the letter prefuming it was on account of Gray Lock's being out: but I dare not men- tion fuch a thing to our people left it fliould make them too fecure. This Cattanawlet is a French Indian, and was in Deerfield meadow when our people were wounded : from there he ran over to Scautacook, theie married a fquaw, and is fufFered to dwell there." To Gov. Dummer. John Stoddard. Gray Lock returned to Missisquoi early in November. And about the same time Col. Partridge writes : " I think there will be ' Mais. Archives, lii, 317. = Mass. Arehi-ves, Lii, 58, Letter to Mass. agents in London. Father Ralle's War. 207 no danger of attacks from the enemy till the latter end of Jan. or Feb. when they can come on snow-shoes." To meet such an emer- gency, the governor ordered companies of snow-shoe men to be or- ganized in every town. Northfield had a Company of 24 men, each of whom had to provide himself snow-shoes and moccasins, for which the government allowed 10 shillings. Nov. 30. Capt. Kellogg being relieved from the duty of guarding the farmers, commenced sending out scouting parties to the north- ward. In his Journal he says : " The firft fcout on Nov. 30, 1724, went up on y^ weft fide of Conn. River, and crofling y« Weft river went up to y^ Great Falls, and returned, making no difcovery of any enemy." *' The fecond fcout went up to Weft river, and followed up i^ river 6 miles, and then crofTed the woods to y^ Great Falls, and returned, feeing no new figns of y® enemy." " The third fcout went weft from Northfield about i 2 miles, then northward crofling Weft river, and fteering eaftcame to the canoe place about 16 or 17 miles above Northfield." " The fourth ftruck out north-weft about 6 miles, then north acrofs Weft river and fo to the Great Meadow, below y*^ Great Falls, then crofted the Conn, river and came down on the eaft fide. This meadow is about 32 miles from Northfield." "The fifth, the men were fent up Weft river Mountain there to lodge on the top and view morning and evening for fmoaks, and from there up to y* Mountain at y'' Great Falls, and there also to lodge on y® top, and view morning and evening for fmoaks." " The fixth went up to Weft river, which they followed 5 miles, then north till they come upon Sexton's river fix miles from the mouth of it, which empties itfelf at y® foot ofy^ Great Falls, and then they came down to the mouth of it, and fo returned." " In addition, we watch and ward 3 forts at Northfield continually, befides what thofe 10 men do at Deerfield, and y® people are uneafy that we have no more men to keep y^ forts than we have."i This Journal, kept with soldier-like precision, reads like the most ordinary matter of fact affair, deserving no special attention and no commendation, except as evidence of a faithful discharge of duty. But the labors it recorded, and the daring and endurance of these handfulsof men, thus striking off into the wild forest in the winter, ford- ing bridgeless streams, and climbing mountains slippery with ice and blocked up with snow, watching for the curling smokes from the red man's camp-fire and listening for the report of his gun, were a most exciting romance, if they had not been a terrible reality. By such vigilance, and fidelity, and wear of soul and body, was our vil- lage protected, and our valley kept clean of blood. ' Man. Archi-vesy xxxviii, A. 70. 2o8 History of Northfield. The names of the men who performed this service are worthy of record in the Northfield annals, and are as follows : Capt. Jos. Kellogg Lt. John Pomeroy Serg''. Jofiah Stebbins " Waitftill Strong Corp. Japhet Chapin *' James Stevenfon Benoni Wright Benj. Brooks Jofhua Wells "^ames Corfe Eldad Wright David Smith Ebenezer Smith John King Ebenezer Williams Samuel Bodurtha David King Orlando Bridgman Samuel Vining Shem Chapin Jofcph Burt Abraham Elgar Stephen Belding Jona. Belding Hezekiah Stratton Nathaniel Hawks Jona. Warriner Jofeph Merchant John Sergeant Thomas Sargent Benj. Bodurtha James Porter Eleazar Mattoon Edmund Grandee Hezekiah Elmer Afahcl Stebbins Benjamin Miller Daniel Shattuck Enoch Hall 1725. Some one, probably Capt. Benj. Wright, proposed at this date (Jan. 1725) to organize a large scout and go directly to Gray Lock's fort, and attempt to destroy him and his clan outright. But Col. Stoddard objected. Commissioners had been sent by Massachu- setts and New Hampshire to Gov. Vaudreuil to try diplomacy with the French authorities : and the Colonel was afraid that such an ex- pedition would prejudice their work. He writes, Feb. 3 : "I retain my former opinion, if our peoph had gone to Gray Lock's fort (which lyeth upon a fmall river that empticth itfelf into the Lake near the further end of it) and had made fpoil upon the Indians, thofe that efcaped would in their rage meditate revenge upon our commiffioners, either in going to or returning from Canada. But an expedition thither in the fpring about the time of their planting corn, may not be attended with the like inconveni- ence : Altho' I think that ordinarily we are in lefs danger in the winter and more likely to be succeffful, yet it feems at prefent that a long march will be impracticable, becaufe that the feafon (of late) hath been fo moderate that fome of the rivers are open and fome are frozen, that travelling is rendered very difficult. " Lieut. Pomeroy hath acquainted me that about 30 of Capt. Kellogg's beft foldiers offer to go out this winter or early in the fpring. There are likcwife fome of Deerfield men to manifell their defire to go out with a fmall party in the fpring, and to He on fome rivers in which the Indians frequently pafs, as our people do in the roads. They fay there are 8 men at Deerfield, feveral of whom are men of eftate and have been prifoners with the Indians and know their manners. They propofe to add fome others from the lower towns, but would not have the number exceed 20. Father Ralle s War. 209 Parties fhould be raifed to go to the upper part of St. Francis river where thefe Indians plant their corn, or towards the head of Conn, river where they hunt, or to x^mmonoofuck which is the common road from St. Francis to Ammerifcoggan, and fo to the Eaftern country, or to Gray Lock's fort, or poffibly to all of thefe." Feb. 8, the governor writes in reply, agreeing to the proposal to send 20 men from Deerfield to waylay the Indians, and adds, "The Council have voted that they be allowed half a crown a day each man, (they to find themselves with provisions) during the time of their being out upon actual service, and the time necessary for fitting them- selves out, and that they be entitled to the same rewards for scalps and prisoners as the volunteers, viz. £100." In carrying out this plan, Capt. Thomas Wells of Deerfield, with a party from Deerfield, Hatfield and Northampton, started in the latter part of March, to range the country to the northward. They were absent about a month. But the Journal of the scout has not been discovered. On their return, April 24, a canoe with 6 of the men was overset in the Connecticut, at the falls a little below the mouth of Miller's river, and Simeon Pomeroy, Thomas Alexander and Noah Allyn were drowned, and James Porter, Lt. Joseph Clesson and Samuel Hannum were saved. Immediately on the return of this ranging party the Indians left their winter quarters, and came down to watch and worry the frontiers. Capt. Dwight reorganized his company at Fort Dummer, with how- ever, small changes in his men. Daniel Dwight of Northampton was his chaplain ; Robert Cooper and Benoni Wright were sergeants ; Samuel Burr, Jona. Janes, Daniel Severance of Northfield continued in service. Capt. Kellogg was ordered to retain his command at Northfield. There were added to his company, Sergt. Zechariah Field, Corp. Isaac Mattoon, John Brown, Ebenezer Petty, John Bement, Elias Alexander, William Holton, Azariah Wright, Joseph Alexander, Joseph Alexander Jr., Nathaniel Mattoon, Benoni Moore, Isaac Warner, Remembrance Wright, John Evens, Benj. Wright Jr., Daniel Wright, Ebenezer Webb, then or afterwards of North- field ; Thomas Hastings, surgeon, Josiah Scott, of Hatfield ; William Nelson, Eben^ Wells, William Markham, Joseph Dorchester, Archi- bald Talford, of Springfield ; George Bates, of Hadley ; Ezekiel Bascom, Joshua Lyman, Samuel Lancton, Nathan Lyman, of North- ampton ; Elijah Gillett, Jona. Pierce, Nathaniel Pierce, of Enfield ; Matthew Cobley, Thomas Austin, of Suffield ; Samuel Allen, John Beaman, Joseph Atherton, John Catlin, of Deerfield ; Joseph Perry, 27 2 1 o History of Northfield. of Brookfield ; Isaac Sackett, of Westfield ; Simon Culver, of Ston- ington ; in all 67 men.' The total amount for pay and subsistence of this company from May 19 to Nov. 16, was ^1139 4^^. S^- The Posts sent on his Majesty's service, in the course of the campaign were as follows: Isaac Mattoon and horse to Deerfield, 13 miles; Daniel Wright and horse to Fort Dummer, 10 miles; Enoch Hall and horse to Hatfield, 27 miles ; Ens. Zech. Field and horse, to do. ; Rem. Wright and horse, to do. ; Rem. Wright and horse to Fort Dummer, twice, and Hez. Stratton and horse, to do. once ; Rem. Wright and horse, to Deerfield, Joseph Perry and horse, and Japhet Chapin and horse, to do. Capt. John Lovewell's expeditions, this spring, and his battle with Paugus at Fryeburg May 8, are among the most noted events of this war ; but their recital does not come within the province of this work. Not satisfied with the results of Capt. Wells's expedition, Gov. Dummer made a proposition to Capt. Benj. Wright, to raise and command a party of rangers. Capt. Wright's answer is dated May 29. He says, " I am willing to go and do what I can, but the under- taking being so difficult, and the setting out so chargeable, that the men cant possibly go upon the encouragement offered ; but if there was suitable encouragement, the men would go. (But the unhappy loss of men in the last expedition by the mismanagement of the offi- cers has very much dispirited people young and old). It seems to me the most probable place to be attained, and the most serviceable when done, is Meseesquick, Gray Lock's fort. * *" The governor sent an encouraging letter in reply to this, and a warrant for the enlistment of 60 or 70 men. The captain's anticipations of difficulties and delays were fully realized. The air was full of alarms. Reports constantly came in of war parties of Indians numbering 30 and 40, ready to start, or actually out on their evil designs. In most of the towns the militia were ordered out, or required to be in readiness for orders. By enlist- ments in the river towns, and the impressment of some able bodied men from the companies stationed at Northfield and Fort Dummer, Capt. Wright made up his number to 59, and at the end of two months vi^as ready to start. " J true Journal of our march from N-field to Mefixcouk bay under y^ com- mand of Benj, Wright Captain, begun July 27, A.D. 1725. July 27. It rained in y'^ forenoon : about 2 oclock in y® afternoon I fet out from N-field, being 59 of us, and we came y* night to Pomeroy's Ifland, 5 miles above N-field. 28. We fet off from Pomeroy's Ifland and came to Fort Dummer, and there Father Ralle s War. 21 1 we mended our canoes, and went y' night to Hawley's Ifland, 5 miles above Fort Dummer. 29. We departed from Hawley's Ifland, and came to a meadow 2 miles fhort of y^ Great Falls. 30. We fet off from y* meadow and came to y® Great Falls, and carried our canoes acrofs, and from there we went 10 miles. 3 1 From there we fet off and came within 3 miles of Black river 1 7 miles. Aug. I. We came to y® fecond Falls, 15 miles. 2. We fet off from here and came to y® upper end of White river Falls, 13^- miles. 3. From y® upper end of White river Falls to Paddle Ifland, 13 miles. 4. Foul weather and we camped on Paddle Ifland all day. 5. From Paddle Iflancf we went 13 miles, & encamped. 6. From thence we came to y^ third meadow at Cowafs 20 miles y*^ day, 7. From thence we came to Wells river mouth, 15 m. 8. We encamped here and hid our provifions and canoes, it being foul weather y* day. 9. Foul weather in y® forenoon. In y® after part of y'^ day we marched from y® mouth of Wells river 5 miles. 10. This day we marched weft and by north 10 miles. 1 1 . We marched to y* upper end of y® fecond Pond at y® head of Wells river upon a northweft courfe ten miles. About noon this day we came to y® firft Pond 5 miles, and y° we turned round north weft and travelled 5 miles further in very bad woods. 12. We marched from y® upper end of y® upper Pond 3 miles in very bad woods, and here encamped, by reafon of foul weather : here David Allen was taken fick. 13. We lay by to fee if Allen would be able to travel. 14. We marched from y® upper end of y® fecond Pond north and by weft to French river 9 miles ; we croffed the French river and travelled 1^ m. 15. Here we encamped all day by reafon of foul weather. This day Clerk Hubbard being very lame was fent back and two men with him to.y® fort at y® mouth of Wells river. 16. We marched from our camp 3 miles and came to a branch of y*^ French river, from thence we marched 6 miles and came to a beaver pond out of which runs another branch of y® faid river, from there we travelled 6 miles and came upon another branch, where we camped, our courfe being W. N. W. 1 7. We marched from faid branch 1 3 miles and croffed a vaft mountain and there we camped y* night. 18. We marched from our camp a little, and came to a fourth branch of French river and we travelled down {^ branch 6 miles and then ftruck over y® mountain 6 miles further and there we camped. Our courfe W. N. W. 12 miles. 19. We marched from here W. N. W. to the top of a vaft high mountain which we called mount Difcovery, where we had a fair profpeft of y® Lake : 2 1 2 History of Northfield. 4 miles from whence we went down f'' mountain 2 miles on a N. courfe, and then travelled 6 miles N- W. on a brook; here arofe a ftorm which caufed us to take up our lodging fomething before night. 20. We followed f' brook N. N. W. 9 miles, and then y^ brook turned N. and we travelled over it 9 miles further and the brook increafed to a confider- able river. 21. We marched 6 miles N. and then came to where y*^ river emptied itfelf into another large river coming out from y*^ eaft fomewhat northerly : we travelled down i^ river W. 7 miles, y" y® river turned S. and we marched down 7 miles further, and then we encamped at y® foot of y*^ Falls. 22. Here we lay ftill by reafon of rain. 23. Now I gave liberty to fome y* they might return home, by reafon of our provifions was almoft fpent ; and there appeared 41 : the Capt., Lieut, and Enfign with 12 men marched over y^ river at y® foot of y® Falls, and marched 6 miles S. S. W. and 3 miles W. and y'^ came to y*^ Lake and marched 6 miles down upon y^ Lake and this N. W : and y® north-weft end of y® Lake or bay being at a great diftance, then we turned homeward without making any difcovery here of any enemy. Aug. 25. We fet off from y^ Lake to return home, and came to y*^ mouth of Wells river in 5 days and a half. Here we difcovered 3 Indians, who had juft waded over y® River juft below y*^ fort, which we took to be our own men by reafon y* y^ two Indians which were with us and one man more fet away early in y^ morning to hunt : but it proved upon examination y* they were enemies, but it was too late, for they were moved off. Aug. 29. We fet off from y® fort at y® mouth of Wells river, and came into Northfield Sept. 2, at night. I have given y'' Honor a true Journal of our march, and fubmit y® whole to y'' Honor's cenfure, and am Your Honor's moft humble and ob* fervant to command. Benj'n Wright.'" The burden of war which bore heaviest on Northfield this year, was the absence of so many of her best men in the service as rangers, or at Fort Dummer, or on Capt. Kellogg's scouts, which he kept out continually. Aug. 27, Col. Partridge writes : " The English harvest is mostly in without disturbance. * * Four of our men going out for cattle between Deerfield and Northfield, discovered a party of the enemy who had killed a mare and a colt. Our men made a shot upon them and they upon our men, and wounded one of ours it's thought dan- gerously. It's certain they are near our borders and are about to fall upon our towns, and will do great damage by burning our barns, etc." He immediately receives orders " to dispatch a company of 40 or 50 men, horse or foot at y^ discretion, to scout y"" borders for a week or 10 days." It was afterwards ascertained that this marauding party ^ Mass. Archi'vcs, xxxviii, A. iii. Father Ralles War. 213 was a detachment from a band of 150 hostile Indians which left the Canadian border, under command of Gray Lock, about the i8th of August, for the purpose partly of watching Capt. Wright, and partly to do mischief to the towns, whose efficient defences were weakened by the absence of Wright's men.' On the return of Capt. Wright, Col. Stoddard recommended that he and his men be retained in pay, and used in ranging the woods for the present. Sept. 13, Gov. Dummer sent Capt. Wright X300, which was about half of what was due on his pay-roll, with direc- tions to make a fair distribution of it among his officers and men. And he is ordered to prepare to start upon another scout, by such route as he thinks best — " Having a good opinion of your courage ; also have the rather chosen that you should go out again, that so you may be in the way to retrieve y^ former error in letting those 3 In- dians escape." Capt. Wright at once set about raising another company of rangers. Fifteen of Capt. Kellogg's men, and 10 of Capt. Dwight's men at Fort Dummer enlisted ; and he went to Northampton to secure a full quota. While he was there, Sept. 1 1, a scout of 6 men was sent out from Fort Dummer by Capt. Dwight, and when 6 or 8 miles west of North river, while eating lunch about 2 o'clock, they dis- covered some Indians on their track, within 8 rods of them. They jumped up and ran 7 or 8 rods, when the Indians made a shot upon them, and they turned and shot upon the Indians. Two of the lat- ter were seen to fall, when the soldiers scattered. Thomas Bodurtha of Springfield and John Pease of Enfield were killed ; Edward Baker of Suffield, John Farrar of Ashford, Nathaniel Chamberlain of Hat- field were taken ; Anthony Wiersbury only escaped and returned to the fort, — " The same day, near sunset, Capt. Thomas Wells being in his great pasture, heard crackling of sticks and saw the bushes move, within a few rods of him, and being apprehensive of an enemy near, he ran home and took sundry sturdy men who went to the place, where they found the tracks of 2 Indians, and followed them through two pieces of corn." These alarms drew Capt. Wright to Deerfield, and hindered the preparation of his expedition. He also found enlistments slow ; and had great difficulty in getting the re- quisite amount of suitable stores for his march. The people on the frontiers appear to have become discouraged and reckless. Col. Stoddard writes : " If Capt. Wright could go i7nmediately with 50 men to Otter Creek he might intercept some of those parties ; but there are no public stores here, and they cannot be got ready season- ' Mais. Arclii'ves, lii, 265. 214 History of Northjield. ably." In another letter he says : " The people in these towns can't be careful many days together : upon the receipt of y' Honor's last express, I protested to the officers against our careless way of living, and used all the arguments I was capable of to persuade them to order a watch that might be of some significancy in case of the ap- proach of the enemy, but to very little purpose. Most of the people live in secure places [garrisons] in the towns, and depend on being alarmed [by scouts] before they are in danger themselves." Oct. 8 or 9, Capt. Wright started on his second scout. But some of his men went with great reluctancy ; they were poorly equipped for the approaching cold weather ; jealousies were springing up between the different captains, which infected the under officers and men ; and the belief was gaining ground that the war was sub- stantially over. So far as is known, nothing notable came of the ex- pedition. The state of things in the valley may be inferred from a letter written by Col. Stoddard, Oct. 17. " Capt. Dwight meets with great difficulty for want of ftores for his foldiers at Fort Dummer, and if they can't be fupplied fpeedily they will be ready to peri(h in that cold place, where they can't get blankets to lodge in. They need fhirts alfo and other things, which he cannot allow every man to feek for, him felf at 40 miles diftant. I have advifed him to fend a pack-horfe to Bofton, and hope the Treafurer will be ordered to fupply what is wanting." The death of Gov. Vaudreuil, Oct. 25, broke the mainspring of Indian hostilities. The Father Superior La Chasse and his Jesuits exerted all their powers to prevent a peace ; but the Indians became tired of the conflict ; they were losing in numbers, and being kept from hunting and trapping, were becoming poorer. The profit of the war went into the coffers of the French. After much time spent in negociations, a treaty of peace with the eastern Indians was signed at Boston Dec. 15, 1725. It was rati- fied at Falmouth, Aug. 5, 1726. This did not necessarily bind the western Indians. Gray Lock refused to join in it. Sometime in 1726, he gathered a hostile party about Otter Creek, with a design to fall on our towns. But the keep- ing up of a military force at Fort Dummer, and the known energy of Capt. Kellogg, added to the moral depression resulting from the peace movement, kept him at home. In the fall (1726) instructions were sent to the commissioners at Albany, to endeavor to draw him over by presents and good will. Jan. 2, 1727, the commissioners sent a message to Gray Lock by his brother Malalamet, inviting him Father Ralles War. 215 to come to Albany ; but the message missed him. They then suggest that a suitable belt be forwarded to them to send to him ; and that he be invited to Albany to receive it, as " he w^ill hardly be persuaded to come into your country, for he has done so much mischief on your frontiers, that he doubtless has a guilty conscience. (?) But we fear the French priests and their governor will if possible overset all available measures that may be set on foot to confirm a lasting peace." ^ But peace was established, and proved to be lasting. The Con- necticut valley had rest for eighteen years. Capt> Dwight held the command at Fort Dummer till near the close of 1726 ; when it was transferred to Capt. Kellogg, who con- tinued in service here till June 20, 1740. To show the exhaustive nature of this war, it may be stated that not less than one-seventh of the effective men of Northfield were constantly in garrison or in the field, from the spring of 1723 till the spring of 1726. 1 Masi. Archi-ves, lii, 340. CHAPTER VII. Interval of Peace. 1726-1744. Companies disbanded — Indians come to trade — Truck-house — First Province Tax — Orchards — Capt. Kellogg at FortDummer — Open- ing THE Meadows — Estates in 1729 — How called to Meeting — Division of Commons — Choice Lots — Wanting Lands — Sequestered Lands — Special Grants — School — Town Representative — Four new Townships above Northfield — Building above the Ashuelot — Mr. Doolittle's Troubles — The new Province Line — Shattuck's Fort — Sartwell's — Bridgman's ' — Hinsdell's — Industries. jHE sudden transitions from peace to war, and from war to peace, are a marked feature of frontier life. The leaders on both sides forecast the future, and form plans, more or less definite, in anticipation of events. But the com- mon people, both whites and savages, go on in accustomed ways, till the strife actually opens ; and when the hatchet is buried, as readily resume former occupations, and reinstate all the relations of peace. If revenges are cherished, they are prudently concealed, and the opportunity patiently waited. In the fall of 1726, the military company at Northfield was dis- missed, and in the winter Capt. Dwight's company at Fort Dummer was discharged ; and Capt. Kellogg was ordered to recruit a small company for garrison duty at the Fort. 1727. June 19, Col. Partridge writes: "I thought it mete to in- form Y Honor that considerable numbers of Indians from their hunt- ing come in at Deerfield and Northfield, and the English trade with them ; and it is said that some of our men go out and carry them strong liquor and make the Indians drunk and get their furs for a small matter, so that when they get out of their drink, and see that their furs are gone, they are mad, and care not what mischief they do : a ready way to bring on outrages and murders, if not the war again. I humbly am of opinion that it is needful either to prohibit trading with them, or to regulate their trading as y"^ Honor may judge mete. We have some disorderly men, in particular one Daniel Severance, that declares openly he will kill y^ Indian that scalped his father. I have given him warning that if he should do such a thing in time of peace he must come upon trial for his life." Interval of Peace. 217 Truck-house. — In accordance with the suggestion made in the letter, above quoted, and on recommendation of Capt. Kellogg, who during his captivity in Canada had learned the manner in which the trade in peltry was conducted between the French and Indians, a trading post was eatablished at Fort Dummer in 1728 ; and thence- forth for many years it served the double purpose of a garrison and truck-house. Capt. Kellogg was continued in command till 1740. He received =£4 per month as captain and ,£100 per annum as truck master. His force varied from 9 to 20 men ; and from '34 to '44, six Indian commissioners were stationed here. Rev. Eben^ Hins- dell was chaplain at the post till 1743. Many Northfield men were connected with this garrison for a longer or shorter period. John Sergeant was second in command ; Orlando Bridgman third officer, and Joshua Lyman fourth officer. Samuel Burr, Daniel Severance, Elias Alexander, Joseph Alexander, John Alexander, Philip Alexan- der, Aaron Alexander, Benjamin Knight, John Mun, Seth Field, I Samuel Root, Eben'' Stratton, were in service at different times. The pay of a common soldier was 40 shillings per month. Province Tax. — Previous to 1727, no Province tax had been assessed on Northfield, and the town had received no share of the Bills of Credit issued by order of the General Court. This " year the town was required to pay such tax, and received as her share of the sixty thousand pounds Bills of Credit, issued in 1728, i| ninety-four pounds. This money, when delivered to the town trea- ' surer, was loaned in various sums, to individuals, for the term of 10 I years, the borrower paying 6 per cent per annum interest, 2 per cent hof which went to the town and 4 per cent to the Province treasury. Orchards. — Apple trees were planted during the Second Settle- ment, and were in full bearing in 1723. In 1728, Lieut. Eliezur Wright set out an apple orchard. Rev. Mr. Doolittle was planting an orchard in 1736. Opening the Meadows. — A town meeting was called each year, about the 25th of September, to determine the rime when the meadows and common fields should be opened for the pasturing of stock, and previous to which the corn crop must be gathered. Pau- j chaug was sometimes opened as early as Sept. 25, though not usually till Oct. I. Great meadow was commonly opened about Oct. 10, and Bennett's meadow near the same date. 28 2l8 History of Northfield. 1729. J Rate, for defraying f town and county charges, levied on the Polls and Real and Perfonal Ejlates, in Northfeld, Feb. 12, 1729. 7 ax on the Poll, £0 3/. gd. ■3 Estates ^ Estates Names. c£ Names. o, 1 £ s. d. 6 _£_ J. d. Capt. Benj. Wright, 6 7 Benoni Moore, I 2 S Hez. Stratton, 8 10 Daniel Wright, I 3 10 Benoni Wright, 2 Elie'r Wright Jr., I I s Hez. Elmer, 2 I Zechariah Field, I IS 9 Isaac Mattoon, 6 s Steph. Beiding, I 13 3 Isaac Warner, 6 4 Joseph Burt, I 2 6 Benj. Miller, 2 4 Enoch Hall, I 9 Theoph. Meiriman's heirs, 2 John Bement, I 3 Lt. Eliezur Wright, 16 10 Wm. Wright, I 3 6 Nehemiah Wright, 3 Eben'r Alexander, 2 6 10 Rememb. Wright, 3 7 Joseph Stebbins, I 6 I William Holton, 13 I Jos. Merchant, I 2 Samuel Smith, 8 Nath'l Dickinson, I 5 6 Nath'l Mattoon, 9 3 Abra'm Elgar, I I I Jonathan Janes, 7 6 Mary Patterson, 2 3 Eleazar Holton, 7 10 Asahel Stebbins, I 3 Peter Evens, 12 9 John Stoddard, 3 9 John Brown, 6 Joseph Petty, 2 8 4 Jona. Beiding, 17 2 Thos. Holton's heirs. 3 4 Elea'r Mattoon, 8 3 Robert Cooper, I 5 8 Azariah Wright, 2 Thos. Taylor's heirs 3 -9 Eben'r Field's heirs, I II Jona. Hunt, 12 7 Jos. Alexander, 7 9 Ebenezer Webb, I Dan'l Shattuck, S 6 Israel Warner, I Amount of Poll tax, £966; Estate tax, £12 14 10; Total, £22 i 4. £17 16 2 was to defray town charges, the balance was a county tax. How CALLED TO Meeting. — During the war men went to meet- ing on the Sabbath, as they went to their daily labor, fully armed. And at the return of peace, warlike associations were so intimately connected with all public assemblies, that the town voted to call the inhabitants to meeting for public worship on the Lord's day, by beating the drum. Eleazar Holton was appointed for this duty, and was paid £1 10 per annum. Ensign Field was paid 3 shillings, for the use of his drum. He was also paid ^i 10 for sweeping the meeting-house. In 1734, the drum beat was discontinued, and the town employed a man to sweep the meeting-house, and " hang out a flagg," paying therefor £2 10. The people were called together in this way for the next ten years, and perhaps longer. In 1744, Daniel Wright was paid £1 5 for hanging out the flag ; and Jona. Janes received £2 10 for sweeping the meeting house. Interval of Peace. 219 1 73 1. This year, for the first time, the town voted to send a re- presentative to the General Court; but for some reason failed of making an election, as they did for the succeeding five years. There was also an article in the warrant for the annual meeting, to see if the town will build a school house ; but the project failed ^ and there is no record of any public school till 1736. Division of Commons. — The main business, of historical im- portance, transacted this year, was the division among the inhabitants of a large part of the lands heretofore held in common. Some of these lands were broken and mountainous, and of little value ; while others were attractive, and subsequently became family seats, and productive farms. Choice Lots. — The first meeting of the town to act upon the apportionment of undivided lands, was held February ii, at which it was voted to distribute the more desirable outlands to the inhabit- ants by choice^ i. e. wherever each one's fancy or interest led him to choose, without regard to location or continuous plot. A poll tax drew 10 acres, and a pound in the valuation entitled an individual to a certain number of acres additional. A committee was appointed to determine the proportion of each person, from the valuation of the last year ; and then the choice was to proceed as follows : He who drew the lot marked No. i, could take one-half the number of acres to which he was entitled where he liked best, the piece selected to be laid out by the town measurers in suitable form ; and so with the drawer of No. 2, and through the list. " And he that by lot shall have the first choice in the first half shall have the last choice in the second half of the grant. And if any person shall have a mind to have any part of his grant in the plain below Clarke's Island, he shall take one acre for two, and not to exceed 20 acres for one person. The first choice by lot shall begin on the 1st of April next ; and then each grant successively within two days thereafter: And if any per- son neglect or refuse to take his choice within the time specified, then the next en the list shall take his place. Voted^ that there be a reservation made and consideration for suit- able highways through every man's grant, in case of need." Some of these Choice Lots can be identified. William Holton took his first choice of 81 acres at the north end of Bennett's hill, which eventually led to the location of the Holton family in that vicinity. Hezekiah Stratton chose bofh his lots on the plain north and west of Wells's meadow ; and this tract, together with 52 acres set off" to him as a special grant and laid out adjoining the former, 220 History of Northfield. constituted what was known as Stratton's Field. Daniel Shattuck took his first choice on the plain against Merry's meadow, and his second on Chestnut hill. These were near his lot in Merry's meadow, and naturally led to the building of his house and fort there. Capt. Benj. Wright took his first lot on the plain south of the town ad- joining the Committee's Farms, and his second betwixt Miller's brook and Saw-mill brook. Ensign Field chose one lot below the first Beers's mountain, and the other on the plain against and above Little meadow. The latter was laid out i6o rods long by loi rods wide. Serg' Joseph Petty took both his lots above Second Moose plain. His land covered what is now the Railroad station grounds at South Vernon. Tho' Taylor's heirs chose the first 36 acres, in the meadow south of the Ashuelot, where a son afterwards built his house. Theoph. Merriman's heirs took their first choice south of the seques- tered land, embracing the spot where Capt. Samuel Merriman located some years later. Rev. Mr. Doolittle's first 70 acres was laid out on the north west part of Staddle hill. Dea. Eben"" Alexander took his first choice of 47 acres near Cooper's Point. The First and Second Divisions of Commons. — At an ad- journed meeting held Feb. 18, the town voted to apportion to the in- habitants, the common lands lying southerly, easterly and northerly of the town plot. The First Division began at a place called Old Soldier's Hole, the line abutting against the south foot of Beers's plain, and running east 160 rods. From this as the south bound, the lots were laid out in succession, skipping Dry Swamp and Great Swamp, to the north line of the upper home-lot, when the lots were to be extended west 60 rods to the highway, making the remaining lots 220 rods, and so to continue north to Pauchaug great brook. East of and bounding this division, and extending its whole length, was a 6 rods highway. The Second Division began at a line coincident with the south line of the First ;' ran east half a mile as the other did, to a 10 rods high- way, and extended up north till the number of grants was filled. " These grants not to infringe upon any grants made before the year 1729, with allowance for suitable highways where they are needed; and timber, wood, stone and herbage to be free for the benefit of the town for the space of seven years, and forever unless men's grants be fenced ; and each man to draw for the number of his lot. In the First Division, a poll drew 2| acres ; in the Second, 4 acres. The remainder was apportioned on property according to the valua- tion, but by what rule is not known. Interval of Peace. 22: The Third Division. At a meeting April lO, 1732, the town voted that the Third Division shall begin at a little stoney brook called Four mile brook, or against the Country Farms, and take in all the land between the 10 rods highway and the east bounds of the town, and extend northward above the Ashuelot river. Voted^ that every man's grant shall lie free for the town's use, viz. for stone, wood and timber, until men's grants are enclosed by fence. Voted., that the apportionment shall be according to the following rules, viz. three acres upon the pound valuation, and 50 acres upon the poll. To show who were inhabitants at this date, and the large amount of outlands held by many families, the following tabulated statement is presented, including only the grants made at this time. Most of the inhabitants were already in possession of a large landed interest in the several meadows, plains and swamps ; and their estates were greatly augmented by the subsequent grants under the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Divisions of Commons. » ^ > 5 > ■q 5 3 5 5 > i5 Names. •3 H -a -a Names. t 2 "S % ~ ~ acres acres icres ~ acres Capt. Benj. Wright, 116 22 3°! 320 Eben'r Severance heirs. 26 Lt. Elie'r Wright, 165 46i 6si 415 John Bement, 14 3I 5^ 65 Ens. Zech. Field, 200 5° 7'-4 660 Enoch Hall. 14 4 5i 62 Dea. Eben'r Alexander, 94 26 374 ,85 Samuel Smith, 22 10 14] 104 Mr. Benj. Doolittle, 140 39* 5Sl 400 Tho's Holton's heirs. 68 14 i7{ 141 Dea Elea'r Mattoon, 121 ^-3i 45i 365 Benj. Miller, 24 ll loS 75 William Holton, 162 45 64I 416 Theoph. Merriman's heirs, 35 6-i M\ 75 Joseph Petty, 99 28 39I 293 John Brown, 14 4 ^ 65 Stephen Belding, '34 37| 53-4 455 Jona. Patterson's heirs. 43 1\ 10 75 ona. Belding, 132 37 523 473 Eliezur Wright Jr., 31 1\ I of no " OS Alexander, 21 io| i4| 65 Nehemiah Wright, 30 4* 6i 75 'eter Evens, .65 46I 6SJ 425 Jos. Alexander Jr., 26 3i 4j 56 Eleazar Holton, 98 2'7| 39-4 280 Abraham Elgar, 20 5l 7 6S Hez. Stratton, III 291 41J 308 Thos. Taylor's heirs, 72 12I •7l 171 Isaac Warner, 97 ^5l 36 254 Joseph Petty Jr., 10 2^ 4 98 Nath'l Mattoon, 122 34i 48I 341 John Alexander, 10 2I 4 50 Isaac Mattoon, 94 i6i 37i 281 Ebenezer Webb, 10 2| 4 5° Jonatlian Janes, 91 ^5* 36 296 Israel Warner, 10 2| 4 50 Azariah Wright, 46 ■3 >8'{ 140 Asahel Stebbins's heirs. 10 Daniel Shattuck, 69 Al 27.' ^•5 Benj. Wright Jr., heirs. 10 Nath'l Dickinson, 61 111 ^-4i •09 Eben'r Field's heirs. 34 6| 9: 45 William Syms, 19 n ,21- 90 John Beaman, 150 Hezekiah Elmer, 39 II 15 137 Lt. Jona. Hunt, 300 Remem. Wright, S3 13} ^n 179 William Holton Jr., 214 Joseph Stebbins, 74 20. I 9 227 Elias Alexander, 50 Benoni Moore, 44 8| 12^ 130 Phinehas Wright, 50 Daniel Wright, 45 ,2| 18 149 Daniel Brown, 50 William Wright, 44 I2i- >7l 170 Samuel Holton, 50 Robert Cooper, 71 20 28 197 John Holton, 50 Joseph Burt, 43 12 '7^ 170 Eben'r Warner, 50 Benoni Wright, 30 10 13I no Benoni Wright Jr., 50 222 History of Northfield. The proprietors of the Third Division of Commons organized as a body corporate Nov. 12, 1750. They chose a moderator and per- manent clerk, and provided for calling future meetings. Their re- cords have not been found. The proprietors of the Second Division, organized Mar. 17, 1756, by the choice of Nehemiah Wright moderator, and Seth Field clerk. " Voted^ That the flank lines between each proprietor shall be ranged and run agreeable to the first lot in the First Division as that is ranged and laid out." They continued to hold meetings for many years ; but their records have not been found. An organization, called " The proprietors of common and undi- vided lands," was formed in 1750 or 51, and held meetings from year to year, as late as 1820. They took charge of all unappropriated and unclaimed lands. Many of the grantees of lots in the Third Division soon made sale of their lots to land speculators. Ezekiel Kellogg trader of Hadley bought up 2124 acres,^ which he sold in 1734, for 22 cents per acre, to James Brown of Newport R. I. Jonathan Morton of Hatfield bought 9 lots, amounting to 1048 acres, which land was taxed to his heirs as late as 1797, when a part (450 a.) was sold to Timothy Dutton. Sequestered Lands. — In 1728, by vote of the town, a lot of 50 a. of land lying southwardly of Old Soldier's* Hole, under the west side of the mountain, lOO rods E. and W., by 80 rods N. and S., was " sequestered for the use of the ministry or a school." The next year, the town voted that 50 a. lying N. of the present seques- tered land, and 50 a. lying S. of the same, "be laid out and seques- tered for the use of the ministry." In 1730, it was voted that 50 a. of "the best land to be found on Staddle hill, 100 rods N. and S., by 80 rods E. and W., be sequestered for the ministry or a school." In addition to these four lots, two small lots of town land in Bennett's meadow were sequestered for the use of the ministry. Most or all of these lands were sold, about the year 1765, to pay for the new meeting-house. Wanting Lands. — It often happened that in laying out men's grants, too small allowance for sag of chain would be made, or a bound would be selected for convenience, or a mistake would occur, which subsequent careful measurement would detect. In all such ' Stephen Belding bought his brother Jonathan's right in the Third Division, and sold the united lots, Sept. 26, 1733, '" £zekiel Kellogg. Interval of Peace. 223 cases the town was ready to vote the requisite number of acres to make up the deficiency. Some of the home-lots fell short, and were made up by meadow lands at the rate of several acres for one. The same thing happened in the choice lot's division. These grants to supply deficiencies, are named in the records, wanting lands. Special Grants of Province Lands. — During the period covered by this chapter, the policy became general, of rewarding soldiers, who had rendered special service or been disabled in the Indian wars, with grants of Province land. In some cases, the soldiers or heirs of soldiers that were out on a perilous expedition were, as a body, honored by the General Court. Thus Falls-town, now Bernardston, was granted to the survivors or heirs of the men who were in the Falls Fight under Capt. William Turner, in 1676. Roxbury-Canada, now Warwick, was granted to the officers and soldiers under Capt. Andrew Gardner, who went from Roxbury in the expedition to Canada in 1690. And many similar township grants were made. A brief account will be given of such grants as were set off to Northfield men ; or were laid out on or near our town borders. Nov. 1 721, 500 acres of land was granted by the General Court to the heirs of John Paine, which was located " on Dry brook, between Deerfield and Northfield, beginning 20 rods west of the fordway." In 1728, on his petition, a tract of 200 acres near Brookfield, was granted to Capt. Joseph Kellogg, on account of his services as inter- preter, etc. The same year, [confirmed June 30, 1731] a grant of 200 acres *' lying westerly of Braintry 6000 acres," was made to Capt. Benja- min Wright. This land lay to the north of Brookjield. In 1732, a farm of 500 acres was granted to Gov. Jonathan Belcher, and laid out within the limits of Northfield [See ante^ p. 155]. April 4, 1733, a plantation of the contents of 6 miles square, lying to the northward and eastward of Northfield, was laid out to Col. Josiah Willard and others. This included Gov. Belcher's farm, and extended from the south end of Merry's meadow \\ miles and 20 rods up the river ; and then %\ miles and 20 rods east ; then south b\ miles and 52 rods, etc. This grant encroached about 3000 acres on Northfield territory, and was to that extent null and void ; and in 1739, on petition of Col. Willard, an equivalent for this 3000 acres was granted him elsewhere. The plantation was first called Earling- ton, afterwards written Arlington ; and now constitutes, in part, the town of Winchester, N. H. 2 24 History of Northfield. In 1733, a plot of 150 acres was laid out to William Hack of Taunton, Bristol Co., " on account of his great losses in the expedi- tion against Canada in the year 1690. This land lay on the east side of, and near to the country road leading from Sunderland to North- field. In 1773, this grant was annexed to Northfield. In i860, it was set ofF to Erving. Near this was a small grant known as the " Rose Farm"j but careful search has failed to trace its history. In 1734, a tract of 200 acres east of Northfield and south of Mt. Grace, was laid out to Joseph Severance of Deerfield. In the same year, 300 acres of land on Swift river, was laid out to Nathaniel Alexander ; and 300 acres, lying on the west side of the Connecticut, adjoining the south bound of Northfield, to Joseph Clesson of Deerfield, who was a garrison soldier at the time of the destruction of that town in 1704. Jan. 12, 1736, Benoni Moor, Joseph Petty and Robert Cooper petitioned the General Court for a grant of land, on account of servi- ces in the late war ; and 600 acres of unappropriated land, lying easterly of the township of Northfield was granted to them, 200 acres to each. This tract was located near where is now the village of Orange. June 27, 1736, a grant of 500 acres was made by the legislature to the town of Pembroke, " to enable said town to keep and main- tain a grammar school." This was sold to Reuben and Noah Mor- gan, and was annexed to Northfield in 1773. In the same year a tract of 200 acres, abutting on the east line of Northfield, was granted and laid out to Samuel Field of Deerfield. Dec. 5, 1737, a tract of land, 185 acres, bounded north by North- field south line, was granted to Col. John Quincy. 1736. School. — The town was presented by the County Court this year for not having a school for the education of children, according to law. And at a meeting called for the purpose, it was voted "that the town have a school-master ;" and a committee was chosen to build or buy or hire a school-house. At a subsequent meeting, it was voted " to build a school-house, and set it in the street against Mr. Samuel Hunt's home-lot." From certain votes passed the next year, it appears that a part of the Province bills of credit, loaned to individuals in 1728, was called in, and applied to pay for the School- house. It was voted to raise X13 18 to pay a school-master. Probably Mr. Seth Field was employed as the first teacher. Interval of Peace. 225 1737. Number of taxable polls in town 79 Number of home-lots taxed 32 " of oxen 68 •' "horses 99 " "cows 108 " "sheep 225 " "hogs 141 Total valuation ^62044 1 2 o All males over 16 years paid a poll tax of i^. 6^. ; and real and personal estate, and income of trade or faculty, were taxed \d. on the pound. First Paupers in Town. — Voted, that Thomas Stoddard, wife and children be maintained by the town, till they are able to leave. First Representative. — This year Mr. John Beaman was chosen to represent the town in the General Court. He had no suc- cessor till the opening of the Revolutionary war. At the session of the General Court, a petition of Mr. John Bea- man, representative, and in behalf of the town, was presented, show- ing that certain parties by leave, purchased sundry large tracts of land of the Indian proprietors, wherein Noithfield is included and is part ; that the Indians have lately acknowledged the purchase to be good ; and the General Court has made sundry grants of land within said purchase, which are quietly held ; that there is a tract of land lying between Northfie'.d south bounds and Miller's river, and another tract between Northfield and Arlington, part of said purchase; and praying that the said town may obtain a grant thereof, for the reasons mentioned. Read, and passed in the negative. A NEW Truck-House. — Jan. 21, 1737. Voted by the House of Representatives, that when 20 families are settled in the two upper towns (No. I. on the west side, and No. 4. on the east side of the river) and a corn and saw-mill are put up in said towns or either of them, the Truck-house above Northfield shall be removed and placed on the west side near the Black river, so called. Concurred by the Council, Jan. 22, 1737. New Townships above Northfield. — At this date A4assachu- setts held by undisputed right, the territory as far north as the present 29 2 26 History of Northfield. south line of Westmoreland N. H., and claimed a good title to the country about 30 miles further to the northward, and to the east as far as the Merrimack river. On petition of divers parties, living in different sections of the Province, who were desirous of securing the rich meadow lands in that region, the General Court, Jan. 15, 1736, voted^ " That it is expedient to lay out four townships on the east side of the Connecticut river above Northfield, said townships to be of the contents of 6 miles square, and not to extend more than 6 miles from the river." A committee of eleven persons was appointed, who proceeded to lay out these townships ; and in September notified the petitioners to meet at Concord Mass. A large number attended the meeting, of whom 60 complied with the conditions prescribed, and were admitted as grantees. The south bound of township No. i. was placed at a point on the river, 4^^ miles and 20 rods north of the southerly end of Merry's meadow (which would be near the present dividing line between Hins- dale and Chesterfield). The north bound of No. 4. was in the upper part of the present town of Charlestown N. H. The plot of these townships, known by the numbers, i, 2, 3 and 4, was accepted by the General Court Nov. 30, 1736 ; and Dec. 13, the following per- sons were appointed and empowered to call the first meeting of the several proprietors for organization, viz. Samuel Chamberlain of Westford for No. i. ; Nathaniel Harris of Watertown for No. 2. ; John Flint of Concord for No. 3. ; Thomas Wells of Deerfield for No. 4. At the same session of the Court, two townships were laid out on the west side of the river, " between the Equivalent Land and the Great Falls." Joseph Tisdale of Taunton was empowered to call the first meeting of the proprietors of No. i ; and Palmer Goulding of Worcester to call together the proprietors of No. 2. [The grants lying on the east side of the river were numbered going up stream ; those on the west side were numbered coming down stream.] Building North of the Great Bend. The laying out of these new plantations, and the simultaneous beginning of settle- ments at Upper Ashuelot (Keene), and Arlington, naturally gave an impulse to our people to commence improvements on their choice lots and meadow lands lying on and above the Ashuelot. As early as 1 723, a highway 2 rods wide was laid from Pauchaug to the Ashuelot ; and in 1736, this highway was extended to and through Merry's meadow. Indeed the travel and transportation between Northfield and Fort Dummer, all of which went on the east side of the river Interval of Peace. 227 and over this highway, to the fordway above the mouth of Broad brook, had made a well worn road. And the existence of this es- tablished pathway was one of the reasons why men located on the east earlier than on the west side of the river. Fence viewers were first chosen by the town for Merry's meadow, in 1732 ; and the meadow proprietors organized, and ordered the fences built, in the spring of 1736. [See ante^ p. 16.] As near as can be ascertained, the first house in this vicinity, was built by Daniel Shattuck in the fall of '36 or spring of '37. He put up a good sized and heavily timbered log house on the brook that ran through his lot in Merry's meadow, which he afterwards made into zfort^ by building another similar structure on the opposite side of the brook, and connecting the two by a plank palisade, and sur- rounding the whole with a line of strong pickets. The fort was on the place now owned by John Stearns, and stood a little distance out upon the meadow where the road then ran. The brook has since changed its course, and now runs some distance to the south of the site of the fort. In the spring of '37 Robert Cooper built a log house just south of Merry's meadow, near the site of the old Hinsdale meeting house. Probably the other meadow proprietors improved their lots ; but it is not known that more houses were put up at this time. In 1 741, John Evens built south of the Ashuelot, on what is known as the Elihu Stebbins homestead. Cooper and Evens were driven off" in 1745, but returned after the close of the war. Evens's house was fortified in 1754, and served as a temporary refuge for the Steb- bins and Stratton families then living on the opposite side of the river. In 1738, Josiah Sartwell, then living in Northfield, obtained a grant of lOO acres from the General Court, which was laid out on the west bank of the Connecticut. It butted south on the north line of Northfield ; the west line ran N. 14° 30' W. 309 rods. The width at the south end was 115 rods, at the north end 30 rods. He built a block house, for a dwelling and fort, near the south line of his grant in '39 or '40. He was taxed in Northfield in '38, and seems to have moved upon his grant the next year. In 1742, Orlando Bridgman built a block-house on his farm, which lay south of and adjoined the Sartwell grant. This farm was wholly within the limits of Northfield, and the house stood about half a mile below Sartwell's. The coming on of these families induced Mr. Ebenezer Hinsdell, who had been chaplain at Fort Dummer for 14 years, to erect a block-house, upon land which he owned on Ash-swamp brook, and 228 History of Northfield. to put in a grist mill on the next brook about 50 rods below. This mill-site was convenient to the settlers just now located, and would accommodate the garrison and families stationed at Fort Dummer, who had previously got their grinding done at Belding's mill. The fort buildings were put up, probably in the summer of 1742, and stood on the bluff back of the meadow about 60 rods east of the river. The position was a strong one, and commanded a view southward as far as old Fort Hill, and northward to the mouth of Broad brook, and westward to the mountains, including Sartwell's and Bridgman's block-houses. The cellar-hole of the fort is still to be seen, about 20 rods south- west of the house of Lemuel Liscom. These several block-houses, which were strictly private enterprises, and were used as dwellings, proved of great service in the subsequent wars, and will often come into notice in the course of our narrative. Capt. Kellogg continued in command at Fort Dummer, till June 20, 1740, when he was appointed Interpreter to the Indian nations, and was succeeded in the command by Capt. Josiah Willard. — Joseph Kellogg was the son of Martin Kellogg of Hadley, Deerfield and Suffield. He was born at Hadley Nov. 8, 1691 ; was taken captive by the Indians at Deerfield when 12 years of age and carried to Canada, where he learned to speak French, and became familiar with the languages and customs of all the Indian tribes living in that region, and also of the Mohawks and some of the more western tribes. He was induced to return home in 17 14, and was almost constantly em- ployed in the public service on the frontiers, as has already appeared. He was often sent as a commissioner to Albany, Canada, and other places. He served as Interpreter, with headquarters at Fort Dum- mer, 1740-49 ; was employed as Interpreter in Rev. John Sergeant's Indian Mission school at Stockbridge for near two years ; was present at the celebrated treaty at Albany in 1754. In 1756, though broken in health, he was persuaded by Gov. Shirley to accompany him, as Interpreter, to Oswego. But his strength was not equal to the journey ; and he died and was buried at Schenectady. He was re- garded as the best Interpreter of his day in New England. Capt. Kellogg's was one of those true, brave natures that are not appreciated while living, and receive little renown when dead. A4en feel the good they do and accept the blessings they impart, just as they accept and feel the daily sunshine, hardly realizing its source and beneficent power. Unselfish, fearless, conscientious always, ready to go where duty called, he gave the strength of his manhood to the defence of these frontiers. He lived to see doubtful beginnings be- Interval of Peace. 229 come sturdy growths j he lived to see the question settled that the French rule would never be dominant in the Connecticut valley. Northfield owes it to him that she was not a third time destroyed. While Fort Dummer was used as a Truck-house, little care was bestowed upon its defences; and in 1740 and '41 large repairs were made. Two bastions at opposite angles were built ; a line of pickets, 20 feet in height, was set around the fort ; and some swivel guns were added to the pateraros with which it was originally armed. A " Great Gun," whose report could be distinctly heard at Northfield, is often named in the records, as part of the armament of the fort ; but it appears to have been used mainly as a signal when assistance was needed, or some remarkable news was received. Within the enclosure were four province houses, two stories high, convenient and comfortable ; besides several smaller houses containing a single room each. The New Province Line. — There had long existed a dispute between the Provinces of Massachusetts and New Hampshire, in re- gard to the true northern boundary of the former Province. It grew out of the different constructions put upon the Massachusetts charter of 1692. And as a last resort, the matter was by both parties in in- terest referred to the king. His Majesty issued a decree dated Aug. 5, 1740, fixing the boundary line at a point more than 40 miles to the south of the line claimed by Massachusetts, and 14 miles further south than New Hampshire had claimed ; thus taking a strip 14X50 miles in extent out of the territory of Massachusetts, her title to which had never been questioned, and on parts of which her citizens had been in quiet possession for two generations. This arbitrary decree caused great distress and loss, and laid the foundations for bitter resentments and re-criminations that lasted for half a century. By direction of the government of New Hampshire (Massachusetts declining to be a party) the new line was run in March 1741, by Richard Hazen, from the Merrimack river, westward. As hereto- fore stated, this line cut off a tract of Northfield territory, 4 miles and 197 rods in width. The Northfield proprietors however, did not give up their rights of property in this tract, and they were not inter- fered with. As late as 1753, the common lands lying north of the Ashuelot were divided to the old grantees, and the title thus acquired held good. Till the incorporation of Hinsdale in 1753, the people living on the cut off territory were styled, in deeds and official docu- ments, "of the northerly part of Northfield township above the line of the Massachusetts government." 230 History of Northfield. Mr. Doolittle's Troubles. — The recorded action of the town shows that the first 17 years of Mr. Doohttle's pastorate in North- field was highly acceptable to the people. In 1733, the town voted, " To give Rev. Mr. Doolittle the sum of fifteen pounds additional salary, in money or bills of credit, during his continuance in the work of the ministry amongst us." This vote furnishes unmistakable evi- dence of respect and confidence. But in 1736 or 37, a disaffection arose. His medical and surgical practice was extensive and lucrative, and in the opinion of some interfered with his ministerial duties. He also differed from some of his leading church members in his views of religious doctrine. KMemorandum^'xn the hand-writing of Lieut. Eliezur Wright, indi- cates — without explaining — the principal points of the controversy : " I. the fall of the money ; 2. the ufe of the £100 ; 3. the wood ; 4. his entering a complaint to the Court and withdrawing hisaftion ; 5. his telling the town he would not lay by dodloring and chirurgery under 400 pounds a year ; 6. his refufing to comply with the Aflbciation's and the Court's advice for a mutual council ; 7. his praflice of doftoring and chirurgery, and afting as pro- prietor's clerk for Winchetter, contrary to the town's mind." The leading families that sided with Mr. D. were the Fields, Alexanders, Strattons, Beldings, Hunt, Evens, Petty, Beaman, and William Holton : his leading opposers were the Mattoons, Wrights, Merrimans, Jonathan Janes, Joseph Stebbins, Eleazar Holton, Samuel Smith, Nathaniel Dickinson, and Daniel Shattuck. A strong ma- jority of numbers upheld the pastor ; and the removal from town of Dea. Eleazar Mattoon,from dislike to Mr. D., weakened the minority. Feb. 26, 1739, the following paper was handed to Mr. Doolittle : " Rev'"^ Sir: You have a long time been acquainted with the uneafinefs we labor under refpefting fome of the do6lrines you have delivered from the pulpit and in private converfation, and we judge the following propofals very reafon- able, and defire your compliance with them : 1. We judge it highly reafonable we (hould be heard upon the objeftions we have to make againft fome of the doflrines you have delivered as aforefaid, which doflrines we judge to be Arminianifm. 2. We judge it very reafonable you fhould join with us in choofing a Council of minifters and others, indifferent in the caufe, to hear our matters of objeftion. 3 We judge it reafonable that you fhould have a copy of the matters of charge we have againfl; you, a week before the fitting of the Council aforefaid. 4. We judge it reafonable that the parties fhould be obliged to abide by the determination of fuch Council, that the controverfie between us may be ended. By abiding by the determination of y^ Council we mean, y' if the Council fhall Interval of Peace. 231 judge y* we have proved that you have advanced many of y® Arminian doc- trines, the relation you ftand in to us as our paftor and preacher fhall be dif- folved. But if they judge otherwife, we are willing you fhould continue to be our paftor. 5. If you think what is above propofed, in whole or in part unreafonable, we defire you'd propofe fomething that is reafonable. We defire your anfwer in writing within two days. Signed by Capt. Benj. Wright, and i 8 others. No answer to these proposals was received ; and the disaffected brethren applied to Rev. William Williams the venerable minister of Hatfield, for advice. His answer, dated Mar. 2, 1739, breathes the spirit of true wisdom and christian charity, and recommends substan- tially the line of action contemplated in the proposals just quoted. He suggests, in addition, that "-'the matter may be referred to the next meeting of the Association, which for aught I know, if desired, may be at your town." A meeting of the Hampshire Association was held at Northfield May 3, 1739, and Capt. Wright and those acting with him applied to it for advice. The Association recommended, i. that the mem- bers of the church use all proper methods among themselves to heal the dissensions and secure harmony, by humble prayer to the God of peace, and by the earnest culture of the spirit of mutual good-will ; by treating your pastor with respect and good temper ; by endeavor- ing to learn his principles by calm conversation with him, and careful attendance upon his public ministry for the space of half a year. 2. If all these means shall fail, then we recommend the calling of a mutual Council. 3. If a Council be called, we recommend that you agree upon such churches as are known to be sound and orthodox in the faith, and not directly related to either side ; and that you furnish the pastor in writings two weeks beforehand, all the particulars which you have against him. 4. That you pledge yourselves to abide by the decision of the Council. But the disaffected brethren declined to call upon Mr. Doolittle for the "calm conversation ; " and Mr. Doolittle declined to unite with them in calling a Council. Another appeal was made to the Association at its meeting in West Springfield, April, 174O; and that body repeated its advice of last year. In the fall, the matter was carried (by which party is unknown) to the County court in session at Springfield. In response, the Jus- tices sent a letter addressed " To the selectmen of the town of Northfield, to be communicated to said town," in which they declare that, although " this affair was not directly within their province ; yet 232 History of Northfield. being desirous that peace may be promoted and religion flourish amongst the people," they advise " a compliance with the advice of the Association, without making any additions thereto, or without any strained constructions put thereon, readily and speedily to conform to it." To understand the exact nature and bearings of this controversy, and the zeal of the two parties — the one in favor of submitting the matter to an Ecclesiastical Council, and the other in opposition to that course — it is to be borne in mind that this was the period of the " Great Awakening " which attended the preaching of Rev. Jona- than Edwards then of Northampton, and that men's opinions on doctrinal points were becoming very sharply defined. The strong majority in his favor in the church, probably influenced the pastor to decline all overtures for a public hearing and adjudication. The following paper, in the hand-writing of Mr. Doolittle, shows how the difficulty was settled — though probably not healed: [it ap- pears to have been read and the action taken at the close of the afternoon service on the Sabbath.] Northfield, February 27, A.D., 1740-41. To y^ Church of Chrift in Northfield. Brethren : There has been a great noife about my Principals which has been very wounding to Religion and hurt- full to peace and unity among us : and I now make a demand of all thofe that have any thing to objedl againft my Principals to come to me and tell me y® very particular article they objeft againft, to fe if I cant fatiffie them, and if I dont fatiffie them, then to bring it to the Church, or elfe to hold your peace forever hereafter: And this in order that the matter' may be healed among ourfelves, according to the advice of the Affociation : — Brethren, if it be your minds that thofe that have any thing to objeft againft my Principals fliould do as I have now demanded of them, manifeft it by lifting up the hand. Voted in y® Affirmative." Industries. — Azariah Wright was the mason, Stephen Crowfoot and Daniel Wright the carpenters, Joseph Burt the cordwainer, and Benj. Miller, the tanner, through the period covered by this chapter. John Alexander was the tailor till his removal to Fort Dummer in '33. Samuel Smith opened a blacksmith's shop about 1730. Thomas Taylor commenced work as cordwainer as early as '40 or '41. John Mun the weaver was in Northfield in 1744. CHAPTER VIII. The old French and Indian War. 1744-1753. Fruits of 18 Years of Peace — War Declared — Conduct of New Hamp- shire — New Forts at Northfield — Cordon of Forts — Northfield Militia Company — William Phipps — Nehemiah How — No. 4 — Upper Ashuelot — Joshua Holton — Capt. Daniel Paine's Troop — Capt. Josiah Brown's — Capt. Joseph How's — Indian Raids — The Killing of Young Benjamin Wright — Attack on Shattuck's Fort — Capt. Stevens's Defence of No. 4 — Killing of Nathaniel Dickinson AND Asahel Burt — New Line of Forts Projected — Sieur Raimbault — John Smead — New School House — Lt. John Sergeant's Death — Discouragements and Difficulties — Capt. Melvin's Scout — Col. Stoddard's Death — Capt. Hobbs's Fight — Sergt. Thomas Taylor's Encounter — The Killing of Aaron Belding — Peace — Death of Rev. Mr. Doolittle — Mr. Isaac Lyman — Robert Cooper — Effects of THE War — Rev. John Hubbard's Settlement — Pushing up North- ward — Pasturing the Commons — Shepherds — Fourth and Fifth Divisions of Commons — Industries. iHE present chapter opens at the end of 18 years of assured peace in the Connecticut valley. Besides the forts and dwellings near the north line of the Northfield grant, enumerated in the last chapter, several settlements had been projected higher up, and to the eastward of the river. Single adventurers had squatted down, and clusters of farmers had located on spots of fertile meadow, and were laying the foundations of villages and towns. In the summer of 1736, William Smead, Nathan Blake and Seth Heaton broke ground at Upper Ashuelot (Keene) ; and the planta- tion was now increased to a considerable village. The same year a few huts were put up at Arlington (Winchester) ; and settlers moved on so rapidly that in Nov. 1743 an assessment of £80 was laid on polls and estates. There were on the list, 23 resident families and individuals who paid a poll tax, besides 11 non-resident land owners. In 1739, Richard Ellis and his son Reuben built a dwelling house (log hut) and broke up 5 or 6 acres of land m township No. i (West- minster) on the west side of the river. Seth Tisdale and John Barney 30 234 History of Northfield. were with them. In 1740, John Kilburn started from Wethersfield, Conn., stopped at Northfield with his family where he was taxed 1741, and then moved on to-No. 3 (Walpole). In 1742 or '43, Nehemiah How of Grafton Mass., William Phipps, Daniel Rugg of Lancaster, with their families, Robert Baker and others settled at Great Meadow (Putney), made a clearing, built a fort, and in the space of three years had gathered a considerable stock of cattle. And there is some evidence that, at the same date, Daniel How, Thomas Crisson and others from Rutland Mass. made a clearing and built huts on the opposite side of the river at No. 2. (Westmoreland). As early as 1740, three families by the name of Farnsworth from Lunenburg Mass. commenced a settlement at No. 4. (Charlestown). They were joined by Isaac Parker from Groton, John Spafford, Capt. Phinehas Stevens, and others, and in '43 built a corn-mill and fort. In '44 they put up a saw-mill, and were then described as " nine or ten families who lived in huts near to each other," and depended for protection on the fort. 1744. War was declared by France against Great Britain, March 15 ; and on the 29th England declared war against France in return. Intelligence of the opening of hostilities was not received in Boston till towards the end of May, though it had been known in Canada a month earlier, which gave the French an important advantage. This contest between the powers over the water, meant for New England a war with the Indians, with a repetition of all the atrocities and distress of former struggles with the savages. The Canadian government had been preparing for such an out- break for many years. In 1731, they erected Fort St. Frederick, afterwards known as Crown Point, which gave them the absolute control of Lake Champlain ; and, what was quite as important, afforded a base of operations, and magazine for provisions and am- munition, and an asylum and cover for war parties returning from our valley with prisoners and spoils. The number of Indians then in direct league with the French, ac- cording to a statement prepared by Gov. Clinton of New York, was about 600. The Cagnowagas were about 230 ; the Missisqueeks (Gray Lock's old tribe) 40 ; Abenaques at St. Francis, 90 ; etc. All these tribes were located at points convenient to strike the western New England borders. At this date the block- houses above Northfield were in good con- dition. Fort Dummer had been lately repaired ; and the new forts above the Ashuelot, and at Great Meadow and No. 4, were reason- ably strong — though they were not manned. 'The Old French and Indian War. 235 But our frontiers were taken by surprise, and were really in a poor condition for effective warfare. Massachusetts and New Hampshire were more directly exposed ; and to make effectual resistance to as- saults from the north, or to carry the war into Canada, there was need of united counsels and harmonious action. But the two Pro- vinces were at bitter variance. The arbitrary decision of the bound- ary question caused wounds that were not readily healed. And the course pursued by New Hampshire at this juncture evinced a singu- lar lack of comity and friendliness. Notwithstanding she had got the territory, she refused to defend the people living upon it. The following declaration of the New Hampshire Assembly May 3, 1745, when called upon to man the forts and protect the settlers on the Connecticut, shows the spirit which controlled her people throughout the entire period of the war. " The fort [Dummer] was 50 miles distant from any towns which had been settled by the government or people of New Hampshire : that the people had no right to the lands which, by the dividing line, had fallen within New Hampshire, not- withstanding the plausible arguments which had been used to induce them to bear the expense of the line, namely, that the land would be given to them or else would be sold to pay that expense ; that the charge of maintaining that fort, at so great a distance, and to which there was no communication by roads would exceed what had been the whole expense of government before the line was established; that if they should take upon them to maintain this fort, there was another much better and more convenient fort at a place called Number-Four, besides several other settlements, which they should also be obliged to defend ; and finally that there was no danger that these forts would want support, since it was the interest of Massa- chusetts, by whom they were erected, to maintain them as a cover to their frontiers." ' A second source of weakness in the conduct of the war, was the want of ammunition and stores for the prompt despatch of scouts and relief parties. Nothing was ready for emergencies. " Nobody may move till an account is sent to the chief colonel ; and then the men must be mustered ; and by the time the commissary can furnish the men with provisions, their time is expired."^ Third, " it is observa- ble that the continual changing of schemes renders all measures for the war unsuccessful. Before any one single scheme is tried, it is flung up, and nothing ever prosecuted to advantage : There is scarcely ^ Belknap's History of Nezv Hampshire. Farmer's Ed., p. 286. ^ Doolittle's Narrati'vc. 236 History of Northfield. any one scheme of more than six months continuance."' Another cause, which could not be obviated, but which had most important consequences, was the perfect knowledge of our situation possessed by the savages. For a series of years the Indians had come to trade at the Truck-house, and were free to hunt and rove at pleasure. They lived in all the towns, and went in and out of the houses of settlers — often sleeping at night by the kitchen fire ; and were thus perfectly acquainted with the state of the forts, and fields, and habits of the people. The six Indian commissioners that were maintained by our government at the Truck-house for ten years, receiving regu- lar pay and rations, left the hour that the war-cloud appeared. At this date, John Stoddard of Northampton was colonel of the Hampshire regiment of militia. On the declaration of War, Col. Stoddard was charged with the general superintendence of the defences on the western frontiers : Capt. Ephraim Williams was put in com- mand of the cordon of forts ; Maj. Israel Williams was appointed commissary, with Capt. Josiah Willardat Fort Dummer and Ebenezer Hinsdell at Hinsdell's fort, under-commissarys. This list of officers will need to be kept in m.ind in order to understand many facts and references in the papers which follow. Capt. Benjamin Wright, who took so important a part in preced- ing wars, died in 1743 ; but some of the Northfield men who had had experience in fighting the Indians were still able for service. Dea. Ebenezer Alexander, though in his 60th year, was vigorous and retained the old war spirit. Robert Cooper, though less able was ready on emergency to take the war path. Other names will be found in their place on the muster-rolls. But the Northfield men to be made prominent in the scenes to be now depicted, were mostly new in military command. The officers of the Northfield militia Co. in 1743, were Zechariah Field, Captain, Samuel Hunt, Lieu- tenant, and Hezekiah Stratton, Ensign. Stratton, now in his 55th year, had been distinguished for wood-craft and skill in marking out new land-grants, rather than a taste for warlike adventure. He and Gaius Field were appointed chainmen in laying out Arlington, and many other special and township grants which required thorough knowledge of the lay of the land and points of compass, as well as hardihood and endurance. And his intimate acquaintance with the country and with the Indians, and their hiding places, and his known courage, induced the authorities to confide to him special military trusts. ' Doolittle's Narrati-ve. The Old French and Indian War. 237 The new forts. — Dea. Ebenezer Alexander appears to have scented the war from afar, and in the winter of '43-4 made preparation to fortify his premises. Early in the spring he built a 7nount on the rise of land to the east of his dwelling-house. It was started as a private enterprise, but was afterwards accepted and the cost.paid by the town. The mount, which was made of heavy timbers, two stories high, with look-out and roof, formed the easterly end of a fort, which extended down the slope towards the street and enclosed the buildings and yard. The sides and west end were of stout posts and planks. The mount was finished before May 25, as this bill of labor and a part of the materials, presented to the town on that day, shows : Ac£l, of Work done at Dea. Alexander* s mount. Ebenezer Alexander's accompt — To a hand ii days,. £440 To carting a load of boards, o 40 To 3 cattle J a day, o 30 To timber for rafters and girts to lay the floor, 050 Pedajah Field's accompt — To 2 day's hewing of timber, I 4 o John Holton's acft. — 8 day's work & horfe \ a day, 3 5 3 Eben"" Petty's acft. — 7 day's work & oxen part of a day, 2 ig 6 Simeon Alexander — 3 J day's work, 1 8 o Jofhua Holton — 2 J day's work and horfe half a day, 1 i 3 Richard Chamberlain — 2day'swork,. o 16 o John Petty — \\ day's work and horfe \ a day, i 17 3 Thomas Wier — 4 day's work i 12 o John Brown — 4I day's work and oxen il days, 2 i 6 Ebenezer Webb — 3iday'swork, : i 8 o John Avery — 52^ day's work hewing and framing and raiflng, 2 15 o Hezekiah Elmer — 2 1 day's work, i 00 Benoni Wright — i day, „ 080 Ifaac Warner — i day, 080 Aaron Burt — 430 lbs. nails, o 15 o Jofeph Stebbins — 1 day hand and team, 1 6 o Nathaniel Dickinfon — 800 ft. of boards, 2 18 o Jofeph Petty Jr. — 41 5 ft. planks, 2 10 o Jofeph Stebbins — 1 day, 080 Eben'' Warner — I day, 080 Total, £36 1 6 April 27. The legislature being about to adjourn for a month, Gov. Shirley sent in a message asking that, in case " advices of a rupture with France should arrive during the recess, and it be neces- sary to provide for the defence of the frontiers," he might have power to act at discretion ; and the same was granted. He received in- formation of the declaration of war, about May 21st or 22d, and immediately sent orders to Col. Stoddard, who notified the town officers of Northfield. And early in the morning May 24, a warrant 238 History of Northfield. was issued by the selectmen of Northfield, calling a town meeting at 6 o'clock in the afternoon of said day (on 12 hours' notice) to de- termine 1. whether the town will come into some regular method for the defence of the town, by building forts and mounts. 2. To deter- mine what houses shall be so fortified. 3. To choose a committee to see to the carrying of said forts and mounts. The matter was re- ferred to a committee. And at a meeting held June 9, the town voted^ To build four mounts at the following men's houses, viz. Capt. Zechariah Field's, Dea. Ebenezer Alexander's, Rev. Mr. Doolittle's, Nathaniel Dickinson's — said mounts to be 19 feet high, boarded up 12 feet, and lined with plank in the second story 7 feet ; the whole to be surrounded with a stockade. Voted^ that the selectmen be authorized to employ some persons to apply to the General Court for soldiers to guard us, and money to pay for the forts. Some of the framed houses built near this date, were brick lined ; some had the upper story projecting, with holes cut for firing down upon assailants. Dea. Alexander's, Zechariah Field's, and landlord Field's were brick lined ; Nathaniel Dickinson's had brick ends. But the people did not wait for the formal action of the town. The mount at Dea. Alexander's was substantially finished before the first meeting : and May 25, Lt. Jona. Belding- commenced sawing out mount timber ; and June 6, work was begun at Nathaniel Dickinson's, and the mount and fort finished June 26. The cost of materials was £33 4 8 : cost of labor, X34 o 4. The mount at Mr. Doolittle's cost X18 7 6. The cost of Mr. Doolittle's fort, and the mount and stockade at Zechariah Field's have .not been ascertained. The four mounts were completed at once ; but the work at some of the stockades was delayed. An article in the town warrant the next March, was, " to choose a committee to finish Dea. Alexander's fort." This was the strongest and largest of the four defences, and was reckoned the most important. May 31. The legislature met according to adjournment, and Gov. Shirley says in his message, " I have sometime since received advices that the war between Great Britain and ffrance which had been long expected, is now publickly declared on both sides." At the session, Sabbath June 2, voted^ that 500 men be impressed out of the foot companies and ordered to march under such officers to such parts of the frontiers as may be deemed best, there to be placed in garrison, or employed in scouring the woods, as the circumstances require, to be furnished with provisions and ammunition for a term not ex- ceeding 3 weeks. Two hundred of these troops were sent to the western frontiers. 'The Old French and Indian War. 239 June II. Col. Stoddard directs Maj. Williams "to send 10 men more from his regiment for the protection of Northfield, to finish the detachment already begun." June 13, the legislature ordered 500 more men to be raised for the defence of the frontiers, said levies "to be paid till the 15th day of October and no longer." But provision was made for the subsist- ence of only 200 of this last levy, and no more were mustered into service. June 14, an order was passed by the legislature for building a line of fortifications between Colrain and the Dutch settlements in New York. In pursuance of this vote, three forts were constructed : one — and the strongest — at East Hoosuck (Adams), named Fort Massachu- setts ; one, named Fort Pelham on the high country in Rowe ; the other, named Fort Shirley, in Heath. In addition to these forts, which were built at the expense of the Province, several block-houses were erected at individual or town charge. Two such block-houses were built in Colrain, one in Fall-town, and one in Greenfield. These, like the forts at Northfield, were in part manned bv soldiers in the public pay, and in part by the owners and inhabitants. Forts Massachusetts, Dummer and No. 4, were the strong out- posts ; and Northfield was the strategic point of chief importance as a rallying centre for men and depot of stores, for the forts and men above. In June, Corp. Elias Alexander was transferred from Fort Dummer, and put in charge of the garrisons at Northfield. The rations allowed the troops on the frontiers at this date were : In gar- rison^ iR). bread, \ pint beans or peas, per day ; 2ft)s. pork for 3 days ; I gall, molasses for 42 days. On the march^ liJb. bread, lib. pork, i gill of rum per day. The season was consumed in these preparations, with no interrup- tions from the enemy. Sabbath Oct. 13, the General Court passed an order, that the pay of men in the service be stopped on the 15th. " But inasmuch as it may be necessary for some marching scouts to be employed in the winter, ordered, that 12 men out of each of the 5 snow-shoe com- panies in the western parts, amounting to 60 in all, be detached and sent out under a captain commissioned for that purpose, to scout and range the woods for the four months next coming, their march to be from Contoocook on the Merrimack river to the westward as far as the Captain- General shall think best." 1 745. The seige and capture of Louisburg, distinguished the spring of this year, and concentrated the energies of the government. Dea. Ebenezer Alexander was an officer in this expedition, " where he had 240 History of Northfield. the good fortune to take a French captive." He held a captain's commission, and appears to have been in command of a company raised in this vicinity. Under the call for volunteers for frontier service, Hezekiah Strat- ton and another Northfield man enlisted. The following papers explain themselves : " I am heartily glad that Ens. Stratton is enlifted : I look upon him as a fit man to have y® command of y^ men ported at Northfield, and appoint him to have y^ charge of them and to appoint another under him in his abfence. I have ordered Corp. Alexander back to Fall-town by reafon his family is there. Fort Shirley July 17, 1745. Ephraim Williams. "To Enfign Stratton, Sr: I defire you to fee that y'^ foldiers lodge at y^ forts, and likewife defire you and the commanding officers [of militia] to con- fult in what manner is beft to guard y^ people in their bufmefs, and conduft accordingly till further orders, who am y''^ to ferve. E. Williams. " Enfign Stratton : If you have no man among you that is fit to head a fcout as Alexander, fend for him, for he (hall have corporal's pay whether he does any more than have a care of the fcout. He has been in y® fervice you know a great while. 1 know nothing but he has behaved well. Eph°^ Williams." No record of the scout that went out at this time under Corp. Alexander has been found. The bounty offered by the Massachu- setts government for Indian scalps this year, was lOO pounds new tenor. Capt. Josiah Willard had 20 men at Fort Dummer — barely suffi- cient for guard duty and to keep open his line of communication. Col. Eben'. Hinsdell kept his own garrison ; and Capt. Phinehas Stevens was at No. 4, without men. The first mischief done in the valley in this war, was on the 5th of July, when a small party of Indians captured William Phipps as he was hoeing in his corn-field at the south-west corner of Great Meadow (Putney). Two of them took him into the woods about half a mile, when one of the Indians went back for something which he had left, and Phipps, watching his chance struck down his keeper with his hoe ; and then with the disabled Indian's gun shot down the other as he came up the hill on his return. Phipps instantly started for the fort, but unfortunately was met by three others of the party, who seized, killed and scalped him. On the loth, the same or ano- ther party waylaid and scalped Dea. Josiah Fisher at Upper Ashuelot, as he was driving his cows to pasture. On receipt of the news of these assaults, Capt. Ebenezer Alexan- der, who had enlisted a company under the governor's call, was T^he Old French and Indian War. 24 1 ordered out, and kept in service scouting the woods and guarding the towns, from July 12 to Sept. 8. The company numbered 56 men ; mostly from the lower towns in Hampshire county. This was the time when Ensign Stratton was put in charge of the forts at North- iield, and Corp. Alexander was sent out on a scout. Oct. II. About four score French and Indians assaulted the fort at the Great Meadow, and took captive Nehemiah How, and killed David Rugg, coming down the river in a canoe. How and Rugg were both residents at Putney. The former had been at work cut- ting wood 40 rods from the fort, and was on his way back when he was set upon and seized, and hurried off into a swamp, where he was pinioned. His captors were seen and fired upon from the fort ; one was killed, another mortally wounded, and a third who had hold of Mr. How had a bullet shot through his powder horn. The ward, who was on the look-out at the time told Dea. Wright, " he thought the number of the enemy that came in sight of the fort was about 50 ; when he first saw them there was 8 of them stript and without their guns, in pursuit of Mr. How. When he saw that they would catch him, he turned, and with his hands lifted up, resigned himself into their hands. The enemy were in the meadow scarce an hour, including the attack on the fort and killing the cattle.^" Little damage was done to the fort ; but all the cattle were killed ; the best parts of the flesh of some, and the hides of all were carried away by the retreating savages. Rugg and another (Thomas Baker) were met, coming down the river in a canoe. The former was shot and scalped ; the latter escaped. Mr. How was conducted by way of Lake George and Crown Point to Canada, and died at Quebec May 25, 1747. [See Genealogy.] As soon as the assault was known at Northfield, Ens. Stratton with 10 men started for Fort Dummer. This was on Saturday. At ten o'clock that night, they were joined by 29 men from Deerfield. And Sabbath morning the party, including as many as could be spared from the garrison, set out from Fort Dummer, under command of Col. Willard, and reached the fort at Great Meadow at 2 o'clock. Learning what they could from the ward and soldiers there, they fol- lowed the enemy's track till near sunset, when they came to the point where the Indians scattered in different directions. Here they camped for the night. On Monday Col. Willard and his force started for No. 4 ; when within about 7 miles of this place they struck the tracks of Indians ; but the Indians themselves had disappeared. Rest- ' Dea. Noah Wright's Journal : N. Z. Hist. Gen. Register, ii, Z07. 31 242 History of Northfield. ing at No. 4, on Tuesday the scout set out to return, by way ot Upper Ashuelot, and reached Northfield on Wednesday. Small bodies of soldiers were posted at the forts, and at some of the towns, through the winter. Maj. Edward Hartwell with his com- pany was ordered into garrison at Northfield, and remained until spring. 300 pairs of snow-shoes were sent to Hampshire Co. for use in scouting. 1746. Both the French and English governments laid plans for important campaigns this season. The English intended to invade Canada ; and the French designed to destroy the forts at East Hoosuck, No. 4, Upper Ashuelot, and Fort Dummer, which would lay open the more important frontier towns. Capt. Phinehas Stevens was the first of our commanders astir. March II, he set out with 49 men, as he says, "to save the fortress at No. 4 from falling into the enemy's hands, and arrived there in time." April 19, a party of French and Indians under Ens. De Ni- verville, who had been watching the town [No. 4,] waylaid a party of workmen who were going with a team of 4 oxen to the mill, which was at some distance from the garrison, killed the oxen, and carried the men, Capt. John Spafford, Lt. Isaac Parker and Stephen Farnsworth captives to Canada. They also burnt both the saw and grist-mills. April 23. The General Court passed an order for raising from the several regiments of militia, 178 men to be sent to the western frontiers ; and 93 men more who were inhabitants of the western towns to be employed there, proportioned in the following manner : 4 at No. 4 ; 2 at Great Meadow (which shows that this settlement was not abandoned) ; 4 at Upper Ashuelot ; 4 at Lower Ashuelot ; 4 at Winchester ; 4 at Colrain ; 4 at Fall-town ; 6 at Northfield ; 6 at Deerfield ; etc., the said men to be employed in guarding and scouting in and near the towns to which they respectively belong ; pay and sub- sistence to continue till Nov. I, next. And for the encouragement of scouting and ranging parties, the following bounties were offered, viz. for male captives over 12 years old, 80 pounds ; under 12, 42 pounds, and the same for females of any age. For scalps of males over 12, 75 pounds ; under 12, 36 pounds 10 shillings 6 pence, and the same for scalps of females of any age. Also a bounty for enlistments of 25 shillings, and 25 shillings per month for pay and 25 shillings for billeting. A previous order had been issued to Capt. Stevens to raise a com- pany of 60 nien. And it was now voted, that 30 of these men should be posted at No. 4, there to do duty, while the other 30 marches The Old French and Indian War. 243 into the enemy's country, and so they are to take turns to guard, and go to the places where the Indians dwell and hunt. The same day that these orders were passed — April 23 — about 50 Indians came to Upper Ashuelot, intending to rush into the gar- rison just as the people should come out in the morning to go to their work ; but a man who had gone out early saw them and gave the alarm. They however shot down John Bullard, stabbed Daniel McKeeney's wife, took Nathan Blake, burnt 7 buildings and killed 23 head of cattle. Mrs. McKeeney had been milking her cow at the barn near by, and was returning with her pail, when an Indian rushed up and struck a long knife into her back ; but she continued her walk to near the gate of the fort, where she fell and expired. Near this date, Joshua Holton of Northfield was sent to Boston to receive the money due the Northfield families for billeting Maj. Hartwell and his men the preceding winter. The money, .£46 o ']\^ was paid to him ; and while on the home journey he was waylaid, April 26, by a party of Indians, on the road west of Lunenburg, who killed and scalped him, and made ofF with the money. On the peti- tion of Rev. Mr. Doolittle and others, in which the above facts are recited, the General Court ordered the sum to be made up to them. An immense body of the enemy was now out, as is shown by the fact that nearly simultaneous attacks were made at widely scattered points. May 2, Seth Putnam was shot, at No. 4, about 60 rods from the fort. May 4, Upper Ashuelot was beset. May 6, Dea. Timothy Brown and Robert Moffatt were taken, at Lower Ashuelot. May 9, Fall-town was assaulted ; the same day two men were fired upon by Indians near Fort Massachusetts. May 10, they waylaid the road at Colrain, killed Matthew Clark, and wounded his wife and daughter. On learning these facts. Gov. Shirley May 15, ordered three troops of horse sent up to the upper Connecticut valley. Capt. Daniel Paine of Dudley with his company passed through Northfield the 22d, and reached No. 4 the next day. On the morning of the 24th, twenty of his men went out to see the place where Seth Putnam was killed, and fell into an ambush. As a graphic picture of the affair and its consequents, the story as told by an actor, is here inserted : " The petition of Ebenezer Bacon of Dudley, fheweth — That y'' Petitioner was in the fervice of the Province at No. 4, in the month of May 1746, a quartermafter of a troop of Horfe under the command of Capt. Daniel Paine : That in a little time after the troop arrived there, a number of them were fo imprudent as to go out of the fort not properly armed, to view the fituation of the place, which y'' petitioner obferved, and immediately followed them well 244 History of Northfield. armed. When y*^ Indians, greatly fuperior in numbers fired on y® men, and killed fome ; and y'' petitioner has good reafon to think he not only killed a principal and foremoft Indian, by means whereof he faved fome of the men's lives and Hopped the Indians purfuing them. That while y"" petitioner was thus engaged, he received from an ambufcade of Indians a number of fhot, five of which are ftill remaining in him, and feveral went through the extreme parts of his body. Notwithftanding which he efcaped and got into the fort, where he flayed about 5 or 6 weeks, and then with great difficulty got home ; and it was fo much longer before he was cured fo as to be able to do anything. That while he was at No. 4, it feems he was boarded and nurfed with one John SpafFord who (now near nine years after he was wounded) has commenced an aftion againft him for forty ftiillings lawful money therefor, as by y® writ and account appear — That Y petitioner has obtained a continuation of the aftion that he might bring the cafe before y"" Excellency and Honors — Prays for a fum fufficient to pay the demand above mentioned, together with the charge and trouble he was in traveling out and home near 100 miles to anfwer to faid aftion, and the charges for fupporting a number of perfons bringing y"^ peti- tioner to Northfield, and alfo the great expenfe he was at to get home." The General Court ordered, " That the sum of X5 10 be paid to the petitioner to enable him to discharge the debt mentioned in the petition, and the charges arising on the s'' action." In the skirmish that ensued, the Indians were beaten off, leaving behind 13 blankets, 5 coats, i gun and some other things. Five Indians were killed. Aaron Lyon, Peter Perrin, Joseph Marcy of Capt. Paine's troop, Samuel Farnsworth, Elijah Allen belonging to the fort, were killed ; Obadiah Sartwell was taken prisoner. A plan was projected at this time for the invasion of Canada by a large force. The records of the General Court show that, June 2, a committee was appointed " to provide supplies for the intended ex- pedition against Canada ;" and the governor issued a proclamation on the subject. Many young men and others enlisted, partly for the sake of the bounty, partly for the excitement of such an enterprise, and partly because they preferred service in the open field to the confined life of the garrison. But the plan miscarried. " Great numbers were kept in pay and idleness for more than a year, to the ruin of many of them, and the hurt of the country.'" June 3. The legislature voted that 207 men be raised and added to the 440 already posted on the western frontiers ; 46 of whom were to be posted on or near the Connecticut river above Northfield ; and 50 to be a company under proper officers, to range the woods with 50 large dogs. The company of Rangers was put in command of Capt. 'Doolittle's Narrati-ve. The Old French and Indian War. 245 Eleazar Melvin of Concord, who was one of Capt. Lovewell's men in the fight with Paugus. After a short stay at No. 4, Capt. Paine was relieved by Capt. Josiah Brown and his troop from Sudbury and Framingham. Soon after reaching No. 4, Capt. Stevens and Capt. Brown with about 50 men started to go to the meadow to looic after some horses, when by the action of the dogs, they had intimation of an ambush, which they shortly discovered near a causeway they were intending to cross. They were moving cautiously, when one of Capt. B's men caught sight of an Indian lying flat on the ground, and fired upon him, when the whole ambush arose and fired in return. " Our men were com- manded to stop there and fight them, which they did, and drove the Indians off^ from their ground, and got upon it and maintained it in spite of them. Ours received the loss of no men, but four or five were wounded. They sent a party of men to carry the wounded to the fort, and the rest maintained the fight and stood them manfully. After the fight was over they found where the Indians drew off several of their dead into a swamp. Capt. Stevens sent down a troop of men to guard Mr. Doolittle and Dr. Williams [of Deerfield] to cut off the arm of one of the soldiers that was sore wounded, broke as they supposed, that the end would not be healed without cutting off one of his arms. I have been told that our men recover so much plunder, guns, hatchets, spears, lines, and such like things as they sold for seventy or eighty pounds."^ David Parker and Jedediah Winchell of Capt. Stevens's men were wounded, the latter mortally : Jona. Stanhope and Cornet Noah Eaton, both of Framingham, were wounded but recovered. This fight was on June 19. While Capt. Brown was stationed at No. 4, his horses were sent down and sub- sisted for a month at Northfield. In the absence of funds to pay for forage, sub-commissary Hinsdell had " to pledge his word" to the Northfield farmers, and both parties had sore trials of patience before the money came to pay the charges. Having drawn our troops to the extreme northern border, the In- dians concentrated nearer Northfield. June 24, a party of them came to Bridgman's fort, and surprised some men who were at work in the meadow a little distance below the fort. They killed William Robbins and James Barker of Springfield ; wounded Michael Gilson and Patrick Ray, and took Daniel How Jr. and John Beaman, the latter a Northfield man. Beaman shot one of the Indians before he was taken. ' Dea. Noah Wright's Journal. 246 History of Northfield. The same day, as a scout of 12 men, under Capt. Timothy Carter, was resting at a place called Cold Spring, a little below Fort Dum- mer, a skulking party of Indians suddenly fell upon them, and cap- tured a part of their arms — though the men all escaped. James McLellan, an apprentice to Willis Hall of Sutton, lost a gun valued at 15 pounds, and his coat and waistcoat which cost his master 10 pounds — so says his petition. July 3, a party of about 12 Indians ambushed Col. Hinsdell's lane below his mill. Col. Willard, with a team and guard of 20 men crossed over from Fort Dummer and went down to get a grist. By some means he detected the ambush ; but went directly to the mill and set it running, and then made a dash for the savages who were hid about 30 rods below. The Indians rose and fired and shot off two of Moses Wright's fingers ; but our men drove them from their cover, and took all their packs, which proved to be worth 40 pounds old tenor. In July, Capt. Joseph How of Marlboro' with his troop, was sent up to relieve Capt. Brown. He had a company of 38 men, mostly be- longing to Marlboro' and Southboro.' But cavalry was not adapted for Indian warfare. The difficulty of getting forage, except by turning the horses upon the meadows where they could be shot or stampeded ; and the impossibility of preserving the order and silence necessary for scouting, were fatal objections to this arm of the service. Aug. 3, while Capt. How was there, an army of French and In- dians came upon No. 4, and kept up the siege for two days. They killed 16 horses belonging to Capt. How's men,' and all the cattle owned by the settlers, burnt the mill (which had been rebuilt) and all the houses, save one that stood near the stockade. One man, Ebenezer Phillips, was killed. Having done this mischief the enemy withdrew at his leisure. As soon as the news of this disaster reached Boston, the governor issued orders to Capt. Ephraim Brown and Capt. Win- chester " to go with their troops of horse to No. 4, and carry as great a quantity of provisions as they conveniently can, and relieve the garrison, and hold the place ; and upon their return in the fall, they are to guard off as many of the women and children as may con- veniently leave the place." At the opening of winter, all but 6 men were dismissed ; and in January they deserted the fort. Aug. 6, thirty Indians came to Winchester and waylaid the road over against Benjamin Melvin's house. Several of our men had business to pass by, not knowing of the ambush, and were fired upon. Joseph Rawson was killed and Amasa Wright wounded ; the rest escaped to the fort, though the Indians fired thick after them. The ^ Mass. Archi-vesy lxxiii, 274. T^he Old French and Indian War. 247 same party ambushed the road to Lower Ashuelot. A squad of sol- diers was passing, and just as they came where the Indians lay, they turned out of the path ; seeing which the Indians supposed that they were discovered, and that the English were rounding them in, rose up and fled through thick and thin. Ours gave chase, but the In- dians outran and escaped them. Dea. Wright's Journal. August II. This day the first mischief was done at Northfield. The mounts were so situated as to command a view of the entire village and the meadows ; and the soldiers in garrison here, together with the almost constant passing and repassing of troops had proved an effectual protection. Probably most of the families slept at night within the different stockades. This morning, the milch cows owned at the lower end of the street were sent out to pasture in the south lane and the commons beyond Dry Swamp. Just at evening, Benja- min Wright (aged 21, son of Remembrance) started on horseback, with his gun as usual, to bring them in. He found them on the Commonwealth, and was following the sound of the bell on the leader (as he supposed), when he was fired upon by a small party of Indians in ambush. A ball entered his side and came out at the shoulder opposite. Wheeling, he supported himself by laying his gun across the pommel of the saddle, and reached the street. When opposite the house of Seth Field, he was seen to reel ; the horse was stopped, and he was carried into the house, where he died about midnight. It is a tradition that the Indians watched his funeral from the top ot Round Knob. The same day the Indians were in the thickets east of Merry's meadow, and hung up a white flag in sight of Shattuck's fort, proba- bly as a decoy; and on the 15th, they shot upon 4 men who were near the fort, but without damage. Aug. 20, happened one of the most serious events of the war. This was the surrender and destruction of Fort Massachusetts at East Hoosuck. Serg' John Hawks was in command, and had at this time a chaplain and 20 men. Three of the men had with them their wives and (7) children. The French and Indian army under Gen. Rigaud de Vaudreuil numbered 800. After a gallant defence of 24 hours, Sergt. Hawks surrendered, /or want of ammunition. He had 2 men killed ; the rest were carried prisoners to Quebec. The fort was burnt. For a full and most interesting account of this affair, see " Norton's Redeemed Captive." After the destruction of this fort, a detachment of about 30 of Vaudreuil's Indians came down to Deer- field, and on the 25th killed 5, wounded I, and took i captive. Nothing is heard, this fall, of Capt. Melvin and his 50 rangers 248 History of Northfield. with their dogs, only that, as the legislature failed to provide subsist- ence for the dogs, Col. Stoddard is ordered, Nov. 12, " to dispose of them." The use of dogs is hereafter abandoned, as they proved of little service in tracking Indians. 1747. This year opened vi'ith gloomy prospects for our western frontiers. The destruction of Fort Massachusetts, opened the way to expeditions that should come by the southern route ; and the dis- mantling of No. 4, left the northern route in a measure unguarded. And New Hampshire still refused to supply men or means for the defence of her river border. In February, Capt. Stevens sent a memorial to Gov. Shirley, shewing : " That he has been employed in the fervice of the government ever fmce the commencement of the prefent war, and has had confiderable opportunity to obferve the methods the French and Indians ufe in carrying it on. And would beg leave to fuggeft fome things that appear to me would be profitable for the publick. No. 4. is fituate upon Connefticut river about 45 miles above Northfield ; on which place (No. 4), the enemy have been continually endea- voring to do fpoil, and many great advantages have been loft for want of a fuitable number of foldiers at that garrifon. Fort Maflachufetts (that was) is fituate about 34 miles weft from Deerfield, and is the proper road of an enemy coming upon our frontiers when they come by Wood Creek and the Drownded Lands, as No. 4 is when they come by Otter Creek. Now it appears to me that if 100 men were early fent to each of thefe pofts, fay by the latter end of March, and fuitable encouragement was given them to go and waylay the ftreams the enemy come upon when they i.flue out from Crown Point, they might be very much difcouraged in coming in fmall parties as heretofore ; which in my opinion will be of the greateft fervice to the publick, and the only efFedual method to carry on the war. If anything be done, it Ihould be done early in the fpring, as it is evident from paft experience that this enemy will be down by the firft of April. There is one thing which I have obferved while among the Indians, they are a people which are greatly elated and flafhed up when they have fuccefs and as foon difcouraged when they are difappointed.''^ Acting on the idea embodied in his paper, Capt. Stevens started with a company of 30 rangers, as soon as the snow was gone, for No 4. He found the fort uninjured, and the dog and cat, left alone since January, in tolerable condition ; and at once set about making things comfortable, and strengthening his defences. Mar. 19, Capt. Melvin came to Northfield with a company of 60 rangers, and made his head-quarters here till September. Simultaneously with these movements of our troops, the French ' Mass. Archi-ves, lxxiii, 57. The Old French and Indian War. 249 fitted out an immense army, and sent it in large detachments to dif- ferent points on the frontier. Mar. 30, thirty or forty Indians suddenly appeared at Shattuck's fort. In the night they prepared faggots of dried spruce and pitch pine boughs, and placed them against the south end of the fort. Then taking some live coals in a kettle covered with a blanket, they set the faggots on fire, and soon the south half of the fort was in flames, with a strong breeze driving them towards the othei*half on the opposite side of the brook. But suddenly the wind shifted to the north, and the garrison, with the aid of the water in the brook, saved the north building. Amazed at the sudden change of the wind, the Indians drew off, without attempting any further mischief. The garrison fired at them, and broke the leg of one. The next day Capt. Melvin went up with some of his rangers and some Northfield men, and followed the Indians as far as the Great Meadow, where he caught sight of them, and shot across the river and killed one. Lieut. Jona. Hoyt with 12 men from Deerfield also came up and joined in the pursuit. But the Indians had effected a junction with a still larger body lying to the north. April I, the General Court adopted an order, that there be pay and subsistence allowed for a garrison of 20 men to be posted at North- field ; for 20 men in the block-house at Fall-town ; 20 men at a new block-house to be built between Fall-town and Colrain ; 20 at Col- rain ; 20 at Fort Shirley ; 20 at Fort Pelham ; 20 at a new block- house to be built west of Fort Pelham ; and 30 at a block-house to be built near where Fort Massachusetts stood ; and that two swivel guns be allowed to each block-house except the two west of Pelham, which are to be allowed one swivel and one four pounder each. It was also ordered that scouts be constantly maintained from one block- house to another, and west from Fort Massachusetts ; and that a number not exceeding 10 of the inhabitants of Colrain, and 10 of those at Green River above Deerfield be kept in the pay of the Province. Capt. Stevens had got things in good posture at No. 4, when, April 4, he was furiously assaulted by a large French and Indian army under Mons. Debeline. The assault and defence were alike determined ; and many incidents of the siege equal in valor and bril- liancy those renowned in ancient story. The French shot fire arrows, and pushed a mantelet loaded with blazing faggots against the fort ; but the men inside had dug trenches under the parapet, from which they threw water and extinguished the flames. The 32 250 History of Northfield. siege continued three days ; when finding his task hopeless the French commander withdrew. The only casualties to the defenders were the slight wounding of Joseph Ely and John Brown. A part of Debeline's force steered for Northfield, and lay in am- bush to the northward of the town. April 15, a little after sunset they killed and scalped Nathaniel Dickinson and Asahel Burt as they were bringing the cows home from Pauchaug meadow. They then drew off in the night to Winchester and the two Ashuelots, and burnt down these three towns which had the winter before been de- serted by the inhabitants, because the soldiers were all drawn ofF. The following account of the killing of Mr. Dickinson is given by his grand-daughter, Mrs. Polly Holton, now (1873) 93 y^^rs old. " According to the town regulations, the meadows were pastured only in the fall. But owing to the fact that Indians were known to be lurking constantly in the adjacent woods in the autumn of 1746, the owners did not venture to drive their cows upon Pauchaug mea- dow, and it was thought best to feed it for a while in April. On the 15th, near sundown Mr. Dickinson and Mr. Burt started on horse- back to fetch the cows from the meadow. When going up Pauchaug hill near where the monument stands, they were fired upon by the Indians. Dickinson's horse was shot and fell, and he came down with it. Instantly the savages sprang upon him, tomahawked and scalped him. As no guns were allowed to be fired, except when Indians were discovered, the report of the fire-arms directly brought the people from Dea. Alexander's fort to the spot. Mr. Dick- inson's eldest son, Ebenezer, was the first to reach him. Find- ing him still alive, he asked, " Father, who shot you ?" He an- swered, " Indians," and soon expired. The first intimation of the murder received by his wife was when the bleeding body was brought to the door. She was then pregnant, and the shock to her nervous system can be readily understood. And as a striking example of ante-natal impressions, it may be stated that the son, who was named Benoni, born some months after, had the greatest dread of fire-arms, and could not be induced to use them. He could never listen to any tale of Indian warfare ; and when drafted into the Revolutionary army, the officers, being informed of his inability to bear arms, assigned him a place in the commissary department. He was also averse to taking the life of any creature. And even to old age he was never known to voluntarily speak of his father's death. It appears that Burt's horse was also killed, and that he made an attempt to escape by going back to the meadow, but was overtaken at the foot of the hill a ievf rods to the north, where he was scalped. T^he Old French and Indian War. 25 for which they got Dickinson's horse was on the right hand as they travelled, and his body was found lying a little outside of the road bed. A rude stone was set on the exact spot. Burt's body was in the road, so that a stone could not be placed on the spot ; and for convenience it was set close beside that to Dickinson. Both have disappeared ; and a substantial granite monument has been erected by some of Dickinson's great-grand children. It stands on the opposite side of the way and about two rods to the northward of the spot where Dickinson was scalped. When news of the killing of these men reached Boston, the governor immediately, April 21, communicates the intelligence to the -gislature, and issues orders to Capt. Thomas Cheney of Dudley to march with his com- pany of 60 troopers to Northfield. He staid here and at Hinsdell's fort a short time. The horses were billeted on our farmers, pay. The bill for the subsistence of the company on the march of 60 miles up and return was 75 pounds old tenor. Capt. Cheney also paid Col. Hinsdell for powder and ball 4 pounds 3 shillings 2 pence. April 23. The General Court passed an order providing that two companies of 42 men each should be stationed at Northfield — the said companies to perform alternately marches of 14 days in ranging the woods, and on duty at the forts and guarding the inhabitants in their labors. But the order was not carried into effect. And as an illustration of the " changing of schemes" — alluded to by Mr. Doo- little — that so weakened our efforts in the prosecution of this war, it may here be noted that the General Court on the first of April or- dered a line of block -houses to be built, from Northfield east to Towns- end, to be located 4 miles apart, and fully equipped and manned. A committee was appointed to carry the project into execution. As soon as the plan became known at Northfield, a town meeting was called and a committee chosen " to confer and discourse with the Gen- eral Court's committee respecting the place of setting the block-house in this town, and to transact whatever may be thought necessary and proper in that affair." In a few days the legislature reconsidered its action ; then re-ordered the building of the forts ; then reconsidered, and the project fell through. The following letter from Col. Stod- dard to Gov. Shirley, dated April 22, '47, throws some light on the matter : " I perceive that the Indians are continually about Northfield, 252 History of Northjield. and the people there are in a great measure confined to the town. * * When I was at Hadley last Friday, I mentioned to Col. Dwight the taking care of the men at No. 4, but he giving me a short answer, I said no more to him. * * Mr. Alvord told me that last Monday morning, he sent several letters to Col. Dwight at Hatfield, and I have heard several times that he had orders for sending a guard to cover the workmen in building the fortifications, and concluded he would meet the committee and advise with them ; but I hear that yesterday after- noon he set off for Brookfield without saying anything to either of us." ^ The real heroes of this, as of most wars, were the men who either singly or in small squads, penetrated into the enemy's country to seek information and make reprisals. A few, or even one such man, in a garrison or town, would keep up the spirits of the rest, and inspire confidence, and give a sense of safety. We always read over care- fully the list of such adventurers ; and their names are cherished with a reverential regard, which never attaches to mere rank and official glory. May 15, a scout of 7 men, viz. Lt. Elias Alexander, Ens. John Sergeant, Joseph Petty, Thomas Taylor, Eleazar Stratton, Daniel Brooks and Jonathan Sartwell, started to range the woods and make discovery of the enemy. They went up as far as Otter Creek, and returned June 8. Forty of Capt. Melvin's men at Northfield had been detached for garrison duty at Fort Dummer, which left only 20 men as a perma- nent guard ; and the inhabitants were thus liable to be called upon, at this busy season, to watch and ward at the mounts. June 6, Mr. Doolittle in behalf of the town, sent a petition to the General Court, representing their present exposed condition, and praying that they may be allowed some swivel guns and ammunition from the Province, to be placed in their forts as a protection against the Indian enemy. The petition was read and committed ; but no definite action resulted. July 15, Eliakim Sheldon was shot and mortally wounded, as he was hoeing corn in his field, at Fall-town ; and a young man was shot through the body in two places, while travelling the road between Fall-town and Northfield. Aug. 4, a bold adventure was undertaken and carried out by a small scout, consisting of Matthew Clesson and Martin Severance of Deerfield, Moses Harvey of Sunderland,^ Aaron Terry of Spring- field and Aaron Belding of Northfield. They went up to and tra- versed the Black river, " to discover the motions of the enemy, and ' Mass. Archi-ves, Lin, 230. 'April 22, 1746, Moses Harvey was shot at by the Indians as he was passing between Northfield and Deerfield, the ball passing thro' the rim of his hat ; he returned the fire, and hurried on. T^he Old French and Indian War. 253 see if they were fortifying on or near the same, as had been reported." They were out 22 days, Clesson, who was pilot, received X8 5 ; the others received X5 5 each. SiEUR Raimbault. — An event of much interest to Northfield hap- pened October 16. The following account is compiled from Rev. Mr. Doolittle's Narrative, and papers still preserved in the Alexander family. As Capt. Josiah Willard Jr., Capt, Ebenezer Alexander and Dr. Hall were coming from Ashuelot to Northfield, when a little south of the Ashuelot river in Winchester they met some cattle running as if being driven off. Carefully reconnoitering, Capt. Alexander being foremost saw a Frenchman in the path coming towards them. When he saw our men he jumped out of the path behind a tree. Capt. A. fired and shot him in the breast. The Frenchman at once came up to him and saluted him handsomely, but he soon grew faint, and as our men supposed he was dying, they being afraid the Indians were near made haste and left him. After our men were gone, the Indians, attracted by the report of the gun, came to him, and he revived. They carried him to the bank of the stream, where he again fainted ; and fearing the English would pursue them, left him and made off for Canada, where they reported him dead. He revived again ; and a 'i^\N days after in wandering about he struck the road to Northfield about 5 miles from the village, which he followed and came in in an almost famished condition, having lived on cranberries and nuts. The first man he met was Capt. Alexander, to whom he resigned himself prisoner. Among his papers was the following commission: " I command aufieur Raimbault, cadet in the Troop, to go at the head of forty ravages to the cities of the government of Orange, in order to make war againft our enemies of whatever nation they be, armed as warriors ; charging him to reftrain as far as he may be able the favages accuftomed to pradice out- rages againft the prifoners whom they take. iVIontreal 27 Septem. 1747. Signed, Bonberthelot. The cadet was put under the care of Mr. Doolittle, by whose skill his wound was soon cured. When he had fully regained his strength he was taken to Boston by Capt. Alexander, where he received kind treatment by the authorities. He engaged to use his influence for an advantageous exchange of prisoners, and preparations were made to send him home. Feb. 8, Lt. John Hawks, Lt. Matthew Clesson and John Taylor of Deerfield started with Raimbault for Canada. They made the journey on snow-shoes, carrying their provisions on their backs. They went by way of No. 4, up the Black river, down Otter Creek, 254 History of Northfield. and to Crown Point and so on the usual course over Lake Champlain. After much difficulty and many delays, they secured two captives, Samuel Allen of Deerfield and Nathan Blake of Keene, and returned nearly on their outward route, reaching home April 30. May 3, Sieur Raimbault, or Sieur Simblin, as he is sometimes named, was sent out with a party of 2 Canadians and 9 upper country Indians on a war expedition against our frontiers, and returned June 19 with five scalps. Oct. 19, 1747. A party of Indians lay in ambush where the country road between Northfield and Sunderland crossed Miller's river ; killed and scalped John Smead of Sunderland as he was re- turning home from Northfield. The history of this family is strangely interesting. He, with his wife and 5 children, was in garrison at Fort Massachusetts, when that place was surrendered to the P'rench Aug. 20, 1746, and of course all were made prisoners. His wife was delivered of her 6th child in the woods, on the second night after the capitulation. The child was called Captivity, and died at the age of 9 months in Quebec. His wife died March 28. His son John Jr. died April 8. His son Daniel, then a young man, died May 13. With his remaining children be returned from captivity and reached Boston August 16, two months and three days before he met his death, as above. Oct. 22. About 40 Indians came to Bridgman's fort. They took Jonathan Sartwell, as he was going from Col. Hinsdell's fort into the woods on the west side of the river. The only further record is, " they set fire to and burnt down the fort and Capt. Bridgman's house and barn." This finished the season's work of destruction in our immediate neighborhood. When the garrison which had been posted at No. 4, was relieved Nov. 14, a squad of 12 of the soldiers passing down the river, was fired upon by Indians almost before they were out of sight of the fort, and Nathaniel Gould and Thomas Goodale were killed, Oliver Avery wounded, and John Henderson taken. Capt. Phinehas Stevens, with a company of 60 men went into win- ter quarters at No. 4 ; Capt. Josiah Willard Jr. with 26 men was stationed at Upper Ashuelot ; Capt. Ephraim Williams Jr. with a large company was posted at Fort Massachusetts, which had been re- built j Lt. John Catlin with 39 men was posted at Fort Shirley ; and Lt. Daniel Severance with 42 men at Colrain. Lt. Elias Alexander, Sergt. John Burk, Sergt. Caleb How, Dr. Bildad Andros and his son Nathaniel, Titus Belding, Josiah Foster, Eleazar Holton, John Henry, Joshua Gerry, of Northfield or associated with our annals, James T^he Old French and Indian War. 255 Johnson, James Holden, Stephen Johnson, Daniel McKeeney, Joseph Perry, Eleazar Priest, Ebenr. Scott, Charles Stevens, Joshua Train, Matthew Wyman, Moses Walker, were with Capt. Stevens. Lt. Wm. Syms, Corp. Wm. Smead, Thomas Crisson Sen. and Jun., Benoni Wright, Hezekiah Elmer, Joseph Alexander, Benj. Melvin, Thomas Taylor, James, Samuel and William Heaton, Asahel Graves, Jethro Wheeler, William Grimes, a; d others were with Capt. Wil- lard. On the roll of Lt. Catlin's men, Dec. 10, '47, to June 10, '48, are Amariah Wright of Northfield, Daniel Brewer, William Hutson, Isaac How and John Harris of Framingham, William Crisson of Ashuelot, Thomas Waban of Sherborn, John Fitch of Natick, et als. Sergt. Ebenezer Stratton, Beriah Grandy, Ebenezer Wright and Rich- ard Chamberlain, of Northfield, William Orvis and Martin Ashley of Winchester, James Taylor of Sudbury, Francis Pierce of Hopkinton, and others, were with Lieut. Severance, who also was of Northfield. 1748. A New School House. — At a town meeting held Jan. 18, the town voted to build a new school-house, and chose a committee to erect the new and dispose of the old one. This house was set in the main street, a little north of the meeting house. There was evidently, on both sides, the feeling and the determina- tion, that this should be the eventful year of the war. Both powers made preparations for an early opening of the campaign. Each was determined to strike the first blow. The small number of soldiers posted at Northfield the year before, had obliged the inhabitants to do garrison duty, and neglect their fields, and the consequence was great scarcity of provisions.' And they felt that, without better protection the coming spring, they must send their families away for safety. They appealed to Col. Stoddard : and he sent the following letter, dated Mar. i,to Gov. Shirley : " I perceive that the government have allowed more men to Hoosick and No. 4, than can (as I suppose possibly) be subsisted there, unless earlier care had been taken ; but find no provision made for Deerfield and North- field, and some other places more eminently exposed, where the people have for some time been waiting to see what provision will be made for their safety, that they may be able to determine whether to tarry or to remove to places of more safety, which many seem resolute to do, unless they are allowed much greater numbers of men than 'tis probable the government will allow them. Those people, for want of being seasonably guarded last spring, could not sow, and neces- sarily could not .reap, and so are now obliged to go as far as Westfield to buy provisions for their families, which they could have raised in 256 History of Northfield. abundance, if protection had been seasonably sent them ; The con- sequences of these places being deserted have been so often mentioned by me, that I am ashamed oftener to repeat them." * * * In consequence of this appeal, a bounty of £5, was offered to men who would enlist for one year. And Mar, 7, orders were issued for the posting of soldiers, as follows : at Fort Pelham, 30 ; Fort Shirley, 30 ; Colrain, 15 including 10 inhabitants ; Morrison's, 20 ; Fall-Town, 20 including 6 inhabitants ; Green River, 10 ; Road-town, 10 including 5 inhabitants ; New Salem, 10 includ- ing 5 inhabitants ; Fort Dummer, 20 ; the Ashuelots, 25 each. There were already in garrison at Fort Massachusetts, 42 men ; and at No. 4, 60 men. And the governor was instructed by the legisla- ture to send to Connecticut for 200 men, of whom 60 were to go into garrison at Deerfield, and 60 at Northfield. The Connecticut government responded favorably ; and Capt. Leeds and his company from Hartford came up to Northfield about the middle of April, and staid through the spring and most of the summer. But they would do only garrison and guard duty ; refusing to go above the line ; and refusing to obey military orders, except from the Conn, authorities. Although a large company was in garrison at No. 4, snow-shoes — an essential for winter service — had not been furnished them. Learning this fact, and knowing the helplessness of the soldiers to pursue, a party of about 20 Indians came down on the deep snow, and March 15, attacked 8 men who had gone about 60 rods from the fort to cut wood. Charles Stevens, son of Capt. Phinehas, was killed, Nathaniel Andros wounded, and Eleazar Priest taken captive. Roll of Capt. Jofiah Willard'sCo. at Fort Dummer, Feb. 12, to July 1, 1748. Capt. Jofiah Willard Daniel Elmer Lieut, John Sergeant Simeon Knight Sergt. Nathan Willard Robert Cooper " William Willard Jofeph Willard Clerk. Oliver Willard Andrew Gardner Jr. Samuel Alhley Wilder Willard Joftiua Wells Valentine Butler Daniel Sergeant John Alexander Ebenezer Putnam Jofeph Rofe Robert BafFord Ebenezer Alexander Jr. Mofes Brewer Simon Willard Eleazar Stratton John Fletcher Mofes Cooper Andrew Gardner Sen, Chaplain Hezekiah Elmer Jofeph Kellogg, Interpreter, The Old French and Indian War. i^j March 29, Lieut. John Sergeant, his son Daniel, Moses Cooper, Joshua Wells and another, started from Fort Dummer down the scout path to Colrain, for the purpose of cutting some ash timber for oars and paddles. When a little more than a mile from the fort, they were fired upon by an ambush of 12 or 15 Indians. Moses Cooper was mortally wounded at the first fire, but managed with the help of a comrade to reach the fort. Lieut. Sergeant and the two others retreated slowly, firing as they went. The woods were thick and the savages well covered. Wells was soon killed. The Lieut, encouraged his son with the assurance that help would be sent from the fort ; dared the skulking enemy to come out and fight like men, and firing as often as an Indian showed himself. When near the fort, Lieut. S. was killed and his son taken captive. The next day, a company of 7 Northfield men, Capt. Ebenezer Alexander, Aaron Belding, Moses Wright, Moses Dickinson, Robert Cooper, Thomas Alexander and Jonathan Belding, went up to Fort Dummer, found and buried the lieutenant and his comrade. Lieut. Sergeant's life had been an eventful one. In a petition to the General Court, dated Nov. 29, 1738, asking for a grant of land, he says : About the beginning of Queen Anne's War, y"^ petitioner's father [Digory Sergeant] then [1704] living in Worcester, had the misfortune, with your petitioner's mother and one brother, to be killed by the Indian enemy : At which time y"' petitioner with 5 bro- thers and sisters were taken into captivity, where y' petitioner re- mained 12 or 13 years. When inclined to go home met with great opposition as well from the papists as Indians : Yet he came home and was at the sole cost of his redemption : That upon his arrival into this his native country he was put into the service under Capt. Kellogg, [and afterwards under Capt. Willard] and so remains to this time : That he has been three times to Canada in the service of the Province since his redemption ; and when the Truck-house [one of the small houses within the stockade] was burnt in 1737, he lost greatly."^ A grant of 200 acres above Northfield was made by the legislature. The land appears to have been laid out at the lower end of Fort Dummer meadow. He built a house on this grant, where his family was living at the time of his death. In 1763, Wid. Abi- gail and the other heirs sold the estate to Capt. Samuel Hunt of Northfield. It is described in the deed as " 161 acres with buildings thereon, which was a grant to the proprietors of Lunenburg in 1 73 1 ." The following petition of Col. Josiah Willard will explain why no help was sent to Lieut. Sergeant, and throw light on matters directly connected with our annals. ^Mass. Archi-ves, lxxu, 470, also lxxi, 765. 33 258 History of Northfield. " Fort Dummer, April 5, 1748. " May it pleafe y'' Excellency and Honors : " Thefe come humbly to inform you that fome time ago I was appointed fub- commiflary to take care of billeting the foldiers at Northfield and above the line upon Conn, river ; and according to the beft of my fkill I have faithfully ferved my country therein hitherto, tho' it has been attended with the utmoft difficulty and trouble. The people of Northfield were very unwilling to billet foldiers for lefs than others did, as they had been forced to do before, when they come by their provifions very dearly and were forced to buy of other towns and bring up to Northfield to billet fo many men as pafled and repaffed, and the fcouts from Northfield to Townsend. I therefore told them that they might depend on it to have equal juftice with their neighbors confidering their circum- ftances. But I would give them 26 fliillings per week (old tenor) but hoped they would be confidered and have more ; but by information learn that the General Court in their laft feffion have granted them but 25 fhillings per week and to Deer- field 28 {hilhngs from whom Northfield has been fupplied with provifions, and to Fall-town their next neighbor 30 fliillings. Now it is well known that it is impoffible for Northfield to billet cheaper than either of thefe places and hardly fo cheap ; befides they have been kept out of their money fo long till provifions are near double in the price ; if their money had been paid laft September they could have fupplied themfelves with provifions for this year for little more than half what they muft now give. And they have not their money yet: and this is very finking and difcouraging to y^ people ; and therefore pray that they may have equal juftice and mercy with the reft of their neighbors, and that they may not be fingled out to be borne down and diftrefled under their difficulties. I humbly pray it may be confidered that others have had 30 fliillings per week when they have raifed all their own provifions, and at the fame time Fort Dum- mer has had but 24 fhillings tho' they fetch their provifions 50 miles. I pray it may be further confidered what great difcouragements are laid in my way of providing a fupply for No. 4, and other garrifons. If I am rightly informed the legiflature have granted but 20 men to Fort Dummer, which renders it im- poffible to have guards to bring or carry ftores ; and the men are fo few at Northfield that it is impoffible to have men from thence at any price at all ; and I can hear nothing of Capt. Hobbs's men ordered to No. 4 ; and No. 4 muft fuffer for want of provifions ; and befides this, I am often ordered to keep up a fcout to Colrain, and fometimes out weft of Fort Dummer; all which things are impoffible to be done with 20 men. I defire alfo to inform that I have but 600 pounds Province money in my hands to fupply No. 4 for fix months paft and to fupply No. 4., the Afliuelots and Fort Dummer for the future. I defire alfo further to inform that by his Excellency's direftion to me given to enlift 20 men for Fort Dummer until men could be prefled and fent up. Of prefled men I have but one ; and two that did enlift have gone away not thinking themfelves obliged to tarry any longer ; and when thofe 5 men were gone out for timber to make oars and paddles for the boat and canoe, I had but 8 men left befides what were fick with the meafles when the enemy made The Old French and Indian War. 259 their attack on thefe 5 men, 3 of whom they killed and took another captive. * No, 4 was not fupplied with provifions before winter fet in ; and the fnow coming fo foon after the river was froze and fo deep, and the river not ftrong enough to drive up provifions, that I was forced to have it carried upon Indian fleys, there being no poffible paffing by land." "In the Houfe of Reprefentatives April 14. Read, and ordered, that thofe perfons in the town of Northfield who have billeted foldiers by agreement with the within named Jofiah Willard, be allowed 7 fhillings [new tenor] per week for said billeting. And that the Commiflary General be direfted to take fpeedy and effeflual care that the forts mentioned be fupplied with provifions in the beft manner he is able." Letter from Col. Stoddard dated April 11, 1748. " I was fending Col. Tyng's 22 men to Afhuelot ; but confidering that their bufinefs was chiefly to defend a garrifon, and that the diftrefs of the people at Northfield [from the non-arrival of the Conn, troops] was great, and that their circumftances did inconceivably more demand help, they having no foldiers, I diredled them to tarry there a few days, till I could know whether they were likely to have men any other way. " A Northfield man was with me a few days ago, and tells me that there are 9 or 10 men chiefly belonging to that place that are defirous to go in queft of the enemy fometime in this month. They propofe to go till they meet with fome of them, and if they have not an opportunity fooner to go into Canada. They are fome of the likeliefl: men in our county j and having no opportunity to wait upon the Court to afk their encouragement, they propofe, if y'' Excel- lency approve of their going, to proceed on their journey, and trull to the gene- rofity of the government when they return. But what they are defirous of is that they may have the fame encouragement that Capt. Melvin's men have, if the government think they deferve it." The governor replied April 20, approving of the propofed fcout, and fent a blank commiflion, to be filled out, when the proper man to command it fhould be determined on. But the plan lingered ; and the men joined Capt. Melvin's company. Roll of Capt, Eleazar Melvins Co. of Rangers^ from Mar. 26, to June 13, 1748. Capt. E. Melvin, John Bell, NathigFofter, Lt. John Fletcher, Reuben Kidder, Nathan Collar, Ens. Benj. RofF, Jofeph Kidder, Afa Merritt, Serg. Aaron Ward, Nath' Boynton, Mofes Wright, " Jonas Holden, Edmond Jordan, Daniel Mann, " John Howard, Oba. Wood, Jofeph Petty, " Ifaac Taylor, Jofeph Wilfon, Samuel Severance, Clerk, John Dodd, Benj. Hoar, John Stratton. Thomas Fletcher, 26o History of Northjield. Capt. Melvin's Scout. — Having made his preparations, Capt. Melvin selected i8 of his best men, including the 4 from Northfield, and started from Fort Dummer May 13, camped that night at No. 2 ; and the next day reached No. 4. Here he was joined by Capts. Stevens and Hobbs, with 60 men ; and on Sabbath evening about sunset started for the mouth of Black river. The united force fol- lowed up the Indian road along the banks of this stream, and crossing the divide, struck the main branch of Otter Creek, where the party separated, as had been previously arranged. Capts. Stevens and Hobbs and their men went down on the east side of Otter Creek, while Capt. Melvin crossed the stream and set out for Crown Point. He discovered signs of the enemy, and came upon a deserted camp ; but reached the shore of the Lake without opposition. When nearly opposite Crown Point, he discovered two canoes with Indians, one of them about 60 rods from the shore. Going in plain view of the fort, he fired several volleys into the canoe. This bold defiance to the garrison, with his small band, was heroic, but imprudent. A force of not less than 150 Indians at once started to intercept him. This was May 25. Capt. Melvin now made haste to return. The next day, finding the savages on his trail, he struck for the south branch of Otter Creek, and on the 30th crossed the height of land and came upon a branch of West river. Supposing they had foiled their pur- suers, and being weary and faint, they halted at half past nine in the morning of the 31st, on the banks of West river, took off their packs, and while some were lunching, others begun shooting the salmon then passing up the stream. Of a sudden, the Indians poured in a volley from behind some logs and trees not more than 40 feet dis- tant. Melvin's men fired and scattered. The Captain himself ran down the river, and up the opposite bank closely pursued. His belt was carried away by a shot or the stroke of a hatchet, by which he lost all his bullets but one. The rout of his men was complete. Melvin got into Fort Dummer about noon the next day ; one of his men had already come in, and eleven more arrived before night. Six of Melvin's party were killed outright : viz. Sergts. Howard and Taylor, John Dodd, Daniel Mann and Samuel Severance. Joseph Petty was so severely wounded as to be unable to travel. His comrades got him to a spring, where they put some pine boughs for him to lie on, and set up others as a sort of wind-break, placed a pint cup of water in reach, and told him to live if he could^ till they should return with help. Word got to Northfield by the middle of the afternoon on the ist, and Mr. Doolittle sent a messenger with a letter to Hatfield that T^he Old French and Indian War. 261 \ night. About 30 of the inhabitants of Northampton, Hadley, Hat- field and Deerfield rallied, and with such of the soldiers as could be spared from Deerfield and Fall-town, and a number of men from Northfield, reached Fort Dummer on the 2d ; but Capt. Stevens with a large force of his men coming in opportunely, the men from below returned home, and Capt S. at once started for the scene of Melvin's disaster. They found and buried all the dead except Sergt. Petty. As he was one of the most respected citizens of Northfield, our people resolved to know his fate. A company was at once or- ganized consisting of Lieut. Samuel Hunt, Lieut. Ebenezer Alexander, Lieut. William Wright, Lieut. Benoni Wright, Sergt. Phinehas Wright, Corp. Moses Field, Moses Smith, Moses Dickinson, Moses Belding, Peter Evens, Daniel Brooks, Gaius Field, Simeon Lyman, Thomas Stebbins, Dr. Ebenezer Field, Moses Wright. They started June 5, going on horse back, and were out 4 days. They found the body and buried it. This fight took place about 33 miles from Fort Dummer up West river. Hall, in his History of Eastern Ver- mont^ locates it within the bounds of Londonderry, Vt. In view of this afflictive Providence, and the sickness then pre- vailing in the town, a fast was appointed and held at Northfield Thursday June 16, at which Rev. Mr. Ashley of Deerfield preached. For convenience of reference in studying the events o'f the next few weeks, the following muster-roll is inserted here. Roll of Capt. Jofiah Willard Capt. Jofiah Willard Jr. Lieut. William Syms, Sergt. Thomas Taylor, " William Smead, Clerk, Jeremiah Hall, Corp. Thomas Criflbn, " Benoni Wright, Timothy Fletcher, John Ellis, Wm. Bickford, Reuben Walker, Jona. French, Daniel How Jr., Eben^ Fletcher, Robert Ewers, John Edgehill, John Robert, Aaron Ward, John Froft, Benj. Barrett, Sam^ Hoflinton, Henry Chandler, Jr's Co. at AJhuelot, Feb. Thomas Criflon Jr., Nath' Fairbanks, Jethro Wheeler, James Jewell, Hezekiah Elmer, Samuel Hill, David Nims, David Bacon, Wm. Blanchard, Matthew Wyman, Jos. Richardfon, William Hunt, Thomas Thoyets, John Evens, James Burt, Jeremiah Butler, Robert Tyler, Samuel Hall, William Hill, James Billing, Simeon Green, 10, to Oct. 26, 1748. Nathaniel Hills, Afahel Graves, Benj. Nichols, Thomas Robbins, Jofiah Crofby, Jofeph Barron, Wm. Livingfton, Benj. Hoagg, Henry Stevens, Joel Johnfon, Elijah Holton, ^onas Holton, Ifaac Rice, James Eaton, John Scott. Andrew Allard, Eliph. Corbin, John Henry, Benjamin Ofgood, Jona. Lawrence Jr. John Pullard. 262 History of Northfield. June 16. A squad consisting of 12 of Capt. Willard's men and 2 of Capt. Hobbs's rangers, in going from Ashuelot to Fort Dummer by way of Col. Hinsdell's fort, was waylaid opposite the mouth of Broad brook by a large party of Indians. The ambush was not dis- covered : and our men were taken by surprise. Three were killed and scalped, viz. Joseph Richardson, John Frost and Jonathan French all of Billerica ; seven were taken prisoners, one of whom, Wm. Bickford, was killed where the Indians camped the first night, and his body found and buried a month later. Four escaped across the river to Fort Dummer, one of whom, Daniel Farmer, a ranger, was severely wounded in the thigh, and was brought on a horse the next day to Northfield to be treated by Mr. Doolittle. In answer to " the Great Gun " at Fort Dummer, a relief party immediately started from Northfield. It consisted of Capt. Ebenezer Alexander, Lt. Hezekiah Stratton, Lt. William Wright, Sergt. Phi- nehas Wright, Benj. Brooks, Eben' Field Jr., Moses Evens, Lucius Doolittle, Simeon Alexander, Thomas Alexander, Moses Dickinson, Jonathan Belding, Israel Warner, Samuel Stratton, William Holton, Daniel Brooks. They found and buried the three dead bodies, and scoured the country to the east and north in search of wounded men. They " found great signs of the enemy," showing that a large body had been ambushing Hinsdell's and Fort Dummer for several days. Of the captives, Mark Perkins of Concord, a ranger, returned home in October, Matthew Wyman of Dorchester returned Oct. 5, Benj. Osgood of Billerica, and Wm. Blanchard of Dunstable reached home Oct. 15, Henry Stevens of Chelmsford returned Nov. 12 ; Joel Johnson of Woburn got home early in October. All the pri- soners were stripped of their arms, and most of their clothing at the first camping place. They reached Canada about the first of July. Stevens was thrown into prison, where he lay till Aug. 27. Johnson was made " to run the gauntlet," as were Wyman, Blanchard and Osgood, and all were feeble, emaciated, and unfit for labor on their return. Osgood died in a few weeks from the effects of abuse and want of proper nourishment during his captivity. A Dark Time. — These were dark days to our people on the frontier. The attacks made in such rapid succession, and the signs discovered on all sides showed that the Indians were abroad in great force. The full foliage of the underbrush gave them secure cover ; and their uniform success gave them courage. And they had learned the peculiar tactics of each of our captains and commanders of forts. They knew where to look for carelessness, and recklessness, and The Old French and Indian War. 263 cowardice, and want of foresight. They knew the condition of each garrison ; and when they set an ambush, they knew whether a relief party might be expected promptly or tardily. And added to the other difficulties of our situation in the valley, at this juncture on June 19, Col. Stoddard died. He was an experi- enced and efficient officer ; and had in a high degree the confidence of the people and the authorities. His second in command, Lieut. Col. Eleazar Porter, in the opinion of those best qualified to judge, " had not a genius for war." He was however appointed colonel, with the expectation that he would decline, which he did after a few months ; and Nov. 16, Maj. Israel Williams of Hatfield was placed at. the head of the Hampshire regiment. Col. Porter's friends claimed that he was not fairly treated by the governor, which helped further to complicate matters, at this critical time. Col. Williams was a man of mark, and an able officer ; but he was a man of positive ideas and plain words, and was unpopular with the other regimental command- ers, and with his subordinates. The Connecticut officers at North- field and Hinsdell's fort positively refused to obey his orders. Extracts from his letters, to be shortly given, will indicate the peculiarities of his temper and manners. Such disagreeable facts are commonly left out of histories, and the bright side of things presented. But issues turn on mistakes and jealousies and insubordination, as often as on foresight and fidelity. And to leave out all the frailties and frictions is to hide the secret springs of actions and events, and render much of both written and unwritten history incomprehensible. Capt. Hobbs's Expedition. — The disaster which happened to Capt. Melvin's company, did not appear to dampen the spirits of the scouts. He was able to promptly recruit a new company of 26 men. The service, with all its hazards, was tempting ; and men readily become inured to danger; and through a community of interest, are ambitious to avenge the past. Capt. Humphrey Hobbs, with a com- pany of Rangers had headquarters at No. 4. The roll of his com- pany (given for purposes of reference) is as follows : Capt. Humphrey Hobbs, Corp. Samuel Nutting, Oba. More, Lieut. Ifaac Parker, " James Marvel, Thomas Walkup, " Wm. Peabody, " Enos Town, Uriah Morfe, Ens. Alex"". Stuart, Thomas Robinfon, Nathan Walker, Sergt. Eleazar Collar, Eli Scott, Henry Pudney, " Mofes Willard, Samuel Graves, Jr. Nath' Sheple, " Mofes Wheeler, Rich. Cree, Aaron Hofmer, 264 History of Northfield. Richard Watts, Benj. Taylor, Jacob Nutting, William Durant, Ifaac Davis, Jona. Parker, Abel Farrar, Noah Curtis, Samuel Flint, Samuel Tutos, Samuel Gunn, Dan' McKeeney, Benj. Mclntire, John Martyn, Jonas Fletcher, Jethro Ames, Amos Wood, William Beams, Charles McLain, Mark Perkins, Reuben Brown, Jofeph Farwell, Daniel Farmer, James Farnsworth, Jacob Ames, Jacob Melvin, Nathan Melvin, Hugh Linds, Ifaac Peabody, Ralph Rice, Eben^ Mitchell, Robert Bancroft, Daniel Simmons, Martin xA.fhley, Simon Holden, John Whitney Jr. William Burt, Nathaniel Sartell, Sam' Butterfield. Capt. Hobbs with 40 of his men set out from No. 4, Friday June 24, to scout the woods in a south-westerly direction as far as Fort Shirley. On the 26th, they halted at a place about 12 miles west from Fort Dummer. It seems that a party of Indians under a half- blood named Sackett, had struck his trail ; but, though unaware of any pursuit, Hobbs, who was wary as well as brave, had posted a sentinel in his rear, while his men ate their midday lunch. The driving in of his picket was the first intimation that danger was near. But Hobbs instantly formed his men, ordering each to take his tree for cover. The Indians greatly outnumbered the whites : and con- trary to their usual caution rushed forward with a shout. They were received by a well directed fire, and several fell : when they also took shelter behind the trees and shrubs. The two leaders were well acquainted. Sackett could speak English, and repeatedly called upon his antagonist to surrender, threatening the entire destruction of his men in case of refusal. Hobbs bid him defiance; and dared him to come on and take his men. The fight lasted four hours, when by a fortunate shot Sackett was wounded. Upon which the Indians with- drew, carrying ofF their dead and wounded. They retired in silence^ which meant an acknowledgment of defeat. Hobbs lost 3 men killed, viz. Samuel Gunn, Ebenezer Mitchell and Eli Scott. Four were wounded ; Samuel Graves Jr. of Sunderland was shot in the fore- head, by which his brains came out ; yet he recovered, though he was ever after subject to fits ; Daniel McKeeny was shot through the thigh and disabled for life ; Nathan Walker of Sudbury had an arm broken : and Ralph Rice received a slight wound. Hobbs and his men remained in their cover till nightfall, when, there being no signs of a renewed attack, they gathered up their packs, carried the dead and wounded about half a mile, where the The Old French and Indian War. 265 dead were concealed under some old logs, " as well as we could do it in the dark ;" and after marching about two miles further they encamped for the night. Starting early in the morning, they reached Fort Dummer about 4 o'clock in the afternoon. The wounded men were sent on to Northfield and put under the care of Mr. Doolittle. This bold adventure infused a new life into the desponding garri- sons and people, and was the theme of universal congratulation. Sergt. Taylor's Encounter. — As already intimated, the season was unusually sickly. In the early part of July one half of the in- habitants and the soldiers in garrison at Northfield were unfit for duty ; and the same was true of the garrison at Fort Dummer. This, in connection with a spirit of insubordination which showed itself among the Connecticut troops posted at Northfield and vicinity, made our people exceedingly weak-handed. The last of June, the Chevalier de Repentigny, Ensign of foot, is ordered by the French governor at Montreal " to go to war upon the territories of New England, with a party of 26 Canadians and 80 Indians, of whom we have given him the command." Sieur Raimbault, who had lately returned from a successful raid, was attached to this party, and as will appear, was of great service in selecting the right place for an ambuscade. The equipment of the savages was as follows : 80 muskets ; 80 breech-clouts ; 80 prs. mittens ; 100 deer skins : 8 Sbs. Vermillion ; 80 wood-cutters knives ; 80 ft)s. powder ; 80 ft)s. ball ; 80 ifcs. lead-shot ; 80 collars for carrying ; 80 awls ; 80 toma- hawks ; 400 flints ; 80 powder horns ; lOO needles ; 3 ft)S. thread; 80 war -clubs ; 8 axes; 4 prs. scissors; 80 ft)s. tobacco; 8 iron cooking pots ; 8 canoes ; and 13 day's provisions. This force made directly for the Connecticut valley ; and took a position on the high- lands to the eastward of Fort Dummer. A part of Capt. Loomis's company had been in garrison for a number of weeks at Hinsdell's fort ; but at this juncture, he with- drew them without leave, which left this post with only the resident families. Maj. Partridge ordered Capt. Leeds to send 10 of his men from Northfield, to keep the place temporarily ; but he refused, because Fort Hinsdell was above the Massachusetts line. Some new levies and re-enlistments had collected at Northfield ; and Sergt. Thomas Taylor, who was stationed at Keene with Capt. Josiah Willard Jr.'s company, was sent down to bring up 10 men, to supply the place of the 10 killed or taken in the skirmish above Hinsdell's fort June 16. 34 266 History of Northfield. Col, Josiah Willard, then in command at Fort Dummer, reached Northfield July 12, on his way from Boston, designing to go on to the Fort the next morning. An alarm of Indians seen near Dum- mer reached Northfield that night, which induced the sending forward of a scout; and Col. Willard, under a considerable escort of North- field men headed by Capt. Eben' Alexander, started for the north about noon of the 13th. Meeting Lt. William Wright, one of the scouts, who reported that no Indians were found in the neighborhood, Capt. Alexander with the main part of the escort returned to North- field. Thomas Alexander and 5 or 6 others on horse-back conducted the colonel safely through. As they passed the gate at the upper end of Merry's meadow, one of the horses became alarmed and res- tive, and was with difficulty urged through and forward. They learned afterwards that Raimbault and some Indians lay concealed only a few yards from this point ; and that he restrained the Indians from firing, on the assurance that a larger body of men was soon coming along. The next morning, being Thursday July 14, Sergt. Taylor with his 10 recruits, including Daniel Farmer (one of the wounded in the previous engagement, who was healed and returning to duty) and 6 soldiers belonging to the different garrisons up the river, started for Keene by way of Hinsdell's and Fort Dummer. The road as far as the upper end of Merry's meadow had been a public highway for 12 years, and had been a travelled path since 1724. And the constant passing of men and teams with stores to Fort Dummer and above, which all went by this route, had made a well defined and well worn track. At this date, the road crossed Merry's meadow near the middle, rose the hill just above the upper brook, passed the west foot of the bluff on which Hinsdell's fort stood, and coursing along near the top of the meadow hill, struck across the plain by a direct line to the river bank nearly opposite the mouth of Broad brook, and so to the fordway above. Knowing the reported presence of Indians, and remembering the fate of the 14, mostly from his own company, who were surprised on this same route a month before, Sergt. Taylor marched with an ad- vanced guard out on each side of the way. He would naturally look for an ambush near the brook below the grist-mill, or at the north gate of Merry's meadow ; but this point was safely passed. The meadow hill on the left, and the slope, skirting the narrow part of the plain for 80 rods above Hinsdell's fort on the right, both of which were then well wooded, were favorable covers for an enemy ; but he passed safely. The broad plain — in the central part about 60 rods T^he Old French and Indian War. 267 wide — threatened no danger till he should reach a piece of wet ground just against the " Geese Rocks." As he approached the river at this point, his left vanguard was drawing in, and his right advance was reconnoitering the piece of swampy ground, when his right flank was suddenly assailed by the concealed French and Indians. There was a narrow strip of springy land just under the blufF, 30 rods east of the road, and about the same distance in Taylor's rear, then covered with alders and brakes, which afforded a good cover for half of Repentigny's force; and by letting the squad pass completely by, he could fall on their rear ; while the other half of his force, hidden in the swamp just ahead and in the wooded slopes and broken ground above, could intercept their advance, and thus being out- flanked in front and rear they were effectually entrapped. And as prisoners were more valuable than scalps to both savages and the French, it was for their interest to take the men alive. Taylor's men immediately right-faced, and returned the enemy's fire, when they saw the whole long line closing upon them. " Not less than one hundred guns were fired before our men could re-load." As their only resource, Taylor's men fled for shelter to the river bank. Here was a sharp but short skirmish. The advantage of the enemy, both in position and superiority of numbers — 6 to i — ren- dered resistance useless. Our men did some execution. Two Indians were killed outright. And the relief party found where the Indians had cut 4 biers on which they carried off those too severely wounded to walk. Two of Taylor's party were killed on the spot : Asahel Graves of Hatfield and Henry Chandler of Westford, who were scalped and stripped of arms and clothing. Eleven were taken prisoners. Two made their escape back to Hinsdell's fort : and two got to Fort Dummer. One of the latter, Robert Cooper, was shot in the left side in two places, had a rib fractured and his arm shot through. He and his comrade were making the best of their way up under the river bank, when a party from Fort Dummer came out, and fired across the river on their pursuers, and so guarded them up and across to the fort. Two of the captives, Joseph Rose of Northfield, and James Billings of Concord, were severely wounded ; and the Indians, after going about a mile, halted, and held a consultation. Rose, anticipating his fate, as he was unable to travel, begged of Taylor, who could speak Indian, to intercede with the savages for his life. But the latter was ordered to rise and follow the main body, when the two wounded men were knocked on the head with war-clubs. The remaining prisoners were conducted up the east side of the river 2 or 3 miles above the 268 History of Northfield. mouth of West river, where they crossed at a place called Cats-bane ; thence to the lower fork of West river ; thence up said river, over the ground where Capt. Melvin's affair happened ; and down the Otter creek to Crown Point ; thence to Canada. The Indians halted each day, about the middle of the forenoon, at noon, and the middle of the afternoon, making on the average 20 miles a day. Thomas Taylor was sergeant in Capt. Josiah Willard Jr.'s com- pany stationed at Keene ; he returned from captivity and to his post Sept. 30. Daniel Farmer of Groton, another captive, was wounded in the encounter on the same spot, June 16 ; was cured, and returning to duty. Jona. Lawrence Jr. and Ephraim Powers were impressed men from Littleton ; the latter was severely wounded in the head, and after his return was long disabled from any labor. Daniel How Jr. was from Rutland, as was also Thomas Crisson Jr. This was How's second captivity. John Edgehill was an impressed man from Framingham, where he was living as an apprentice to Jacob Pike. He, like the others, lost everything ; and was subjected to great hardships, by which he was incapacitated from labor. Reuben Walker belonged to Chelmsford. John Henry was from Concord. In a petition to the General Court, he says : *•' Your petitioner had 7 bullets shot through his clothes, but escaped into a thicket ; when happening to see an Indian seize one of his fellow soldiers, he ran up within a few feet of the Indian and shot him through the body ; whereupon he was surrounded, and engaged the savages with his gun clubbed till it was broken in pieces, when he was taken, and carried to Canada, where he remained 2 months and 18 days, when he returned home." For killing the said Indian, he was barbarously treated both on the march, and while in captivity. The prisoners were all sold to the French, who retained them till the last of September, when they were released, and returned home. After his return to his company, Sergt. Taylor sent a petition to the General Court, reciting the facts of the encounter, as above nar- rated ; and asking for the bounty offered by the Province — agreeing to furnish proof that two Indians at least were killed by his men. The legislature after a patient hearing ''''ordered^ that <£ioo be granted and paid to y= petitioner, to be equally divided between him and y* survivors ; and y^ further sum of 50 shillings be allowed y^ petitioner for his bravery in y' action ; also that he be allowed £7 for his ex- penses in travelling to Boston and attendance on y^ Court ; also 26 shillings and 3 pence be allowed John Henry for his expenses, and 24 shillings to Daniel How Jr. for his expenses in this affair." How and Henry went to Boston as witnesses. The Old French and Indian War. 269 The scene of this encounter was less than a mile below Fort Dummer ; and as soon as the report of the first volley was heard by the ward at the Fort, the " Great Gun " was fired, to alarm the peo- ple and garrisons below, and as a signal that help was needed. The reason that no help came from Hinsdell's fort, was, that the soldiers posted there had just deserted it. The reason why no help came from Dummer, and so little from Northfield is given in the following letter, written the next morning by Col. Willard : " Two of Taylor's men are got into Fort Dummer ; one is well, the other wounded in two places, but we hope not mortal. What is become of y^ rest we can't tell, and are unable to go and see. The soldiers here [16 in all] are so many sick that not one-half are able to do duty. And the case is the same and exceedingly difficult at Northfield : for upon the alarm, there came but three men last night to see what was done. They have in times past at Northfield been very free and ready, upon alarm, to come for our help, but are now quite beat out, inso- much that I fear we shall not have help to go and see what is done, and bury the dead." News of the disaster reached Hatfield the next morning ; and Maj. Williams immediately sent up a large number of the militia and sol- diers from Hatfield, Deerfield and Fall-town, under command of Capt. Phinehas Stevens " who happened to be at Deerfield," with orders to expel the enemy and range the woods. They were joined at North- field by such of the militia as could go under Ens. Hezekiah Stratton. Proceeding to the place of the conflict, they found and buried the bodies of Graves and Chandler, ^ and then followed the enemy's track about a mile, when they discovered the bodies of Rose and Billings, whom they buried. Receiving orders from Col. Porter, and re-in- forcements, many of the officers and soldiers remained at Hinsdell's fort ; and on the Sabbath went over to Fort Dummer, where the chaplain, Rev. Andrew Gardner preached from Rev. iii, 3 ; "If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hcAir I will come upon thee." On Monday the party, numbering in all 129 men, followed the trail of Taylor's captors, but could not come up with them, though the report of guns was heard in the distance. They found and buried the body of William Bickford, killed June 16; and returned home ' A pair of rude grave stones stood, till within 50 years, to the east of the " Geese Rocks," a few rods from the present river bank. When the land was cleared, the stones were floived up, and human bones found underneath. About 3 years since, a lad found a skull which had been laid bare by the caving of the bank, near this spot. There is no tradition by which to identify the remains. 270 History of Northfield. by way of the scene of Capt. Hobbs's fight, burying his three men " which the enemy had not found." About 80 years after the fight, Hollis Taylor, a son of Sergt. Thomas, set up a small slate stone with suitable inscription by the side of the highway, directly east of the spot where he was captured. This has disappeared ; and a handsome marble monument has lately been erected, a short distance to the north, by Lewis Taylor a grand- son of the sergeant. Maj. Israel Williams transmitted an account of Sergt. Taylor's encounter to Secretary Willard at Boston, July 15th ; and adds, " Ac- cidentally learning that Capt. Loomis designed to withdraw his men from Col. Hinsdell's fort, without leave, Capt. Leeds was ordered to send 10 of his men from Northfield to keep it for the present, but utterly refused, and declared he would obey no orders but from the committee of war at Hartford — Tho' orders were given to have his men's places supplied, and 10 of Capt. Loomis's men actually went to Northfield for that purpose. If that fort [Hinsdell's] must be left for the enemy to burn, I should be glad to know it. I know Gov. Shirley was fond of its being preserved. It's time we knew who is to govern, whether those who have a right to command, or those who ought to obey. Since the enemy killed the eleven cattle at Ashuelot [on the 8th] and carried ofF the meat, they are well furnished to dwell amongst us, as it seems they do, and destroy us as fast as they please. Something effectual must be done, or the western frontiers are ruined." On the i6th. Col. Joseph Dwight of Brookfield wrote to Secretary Willard : " We have accounts of the enemy lying on our borders in great numbers. It seems to me high time for the government to ex- ert its power, and give more effectual directions to the officers posted on the frontiers — if need be, to raise half the militia of the Province. But I beg we may have lOOO men to drive the woods and pursue the enemy even to Crown Point." July 18, the governor issued orders to Col. Porter to raise a strong and sufficient guard out of the militia for the succor of the exposed garrisons. About July 22d, Capt. Leeds and his company of Connecticut troops were withdrawn from Northfield. July 23. The Killing of Aaron Belding. — The Indians had their scouts out in all directions ; and as soon as Northfield was left without protection, a small party of 6 Indians way-laid Capt. Alex- ander's fort at the upper end of the town street. On the morning of the 23d, a little before sunrise Aaron Belding started from this T^he Old French and Indian War. 27 1 fort to go to his mother's who lived next below Mill brook, and so to Dickinson's fort a little further south. Seeing him leave, the In- dians by a slight detour intercepted him just north of the brook, and fired upon him as he was passing the ledge of rocks which extend out into the highway at this point. The shot brought him down ; and one of the savages instantly sprang upon him. Mr. Belding recognized the Indian as an old acquaintance, and begged him to spare his life. But with a curse the Indian drew his knife, cut round his crown, and placing one foot on his neck, and clenching the hair with both hands, jerked off the scalp entire ; then striking a hatchet into his head he left him. The people were generally in bed ; but on hearing the report of the Indian's gun the watch gave an alarm ; and the inhabit- ants, most of whom lodged in the forts, got out as soon as possible. The Indians were seen from Dickinson's fort, as they fled towards the east, and fired upon, but received no harm. Belding was alive when his brother and others reached him, and was sufficiently con- scious to give some of the above particulars, but died soon after being carried to the fort. An inscription, cut in the face of the rock near where he fell, by Thomas Elgar, reads, " Aaron Belding was killed here July the 23d, 1748." Some years after, in time of peace, three Indians came down the river in a canoe, and stopped at the tavern kept by Moses Belding a twin brother of Aaron. After drinking somewhat freely, one of the Indians related the circumstances connected with the shooting and scalping, and boasted that it was his own act. His statement of the transaction corresponding with what Moses had learned from his dying brother, left no room to doubt the identity of the murderer. Moses gave orders to his wife to supply the Indians with " what they should call for," took his gun, and left the house. Between sunset and dark, the Indians left the tavern and went in the direction of the river. Not long after, a rousing gun was heard ; and in the course of the evening Belding returned home. No questions were asked ; and no explanations given ; but a {tv^ days afterwards a strange canoe was found lodged on the river bank, a little below where the Indians were supposed to have landed. The common belief was, that a rak- ing fire with buck-shot had emptied that canoe ! Capt. Melvin with a company of 26 Rangers was stationed at Northfield, Aug. i. to 30. Capt. Thomas Buckminster, with 48 men from Brookfield reached Fort Dummer Aug. 6, and remained till the 20th. Lieut. Seth Pomeroy of Northampton, with 98 men was in service from Aug. 7, to 21. Col. Joseph Dwight, with 100 men from Hatfield and vicinity was out from Aug. 11, to Aug. 22. 272 History of Nort/jfield. And a few soldiers from Connecticut came up to Northfield, and re- mained till Oct. 24. The news that the preliminaries of peace had been agreed upon in Europe reached Boston Aug, 4 ; but it had no immediate effect on the war movements of the Massachusetts authorities. It had been known earlier in Canada. But the sending of large bodies of soldiers to the western frontiers ; and the more efficient conduct of affairs by Col. Williams, who received the command of the northern Hampshire regiment Nov. 16, checked the raids of the French and Indians. The later harvests were gathered in quietness. Oct. 24, the following petition was sent to Boston : " To his Excellency W"*. Shirley We who are underfigned, in behalf of the inhabitants of Northfield, look upon ourfelves ftill expofed to the Indian enemy, notwithftanding y® ceflation of arms between y*^ Englifh and French ; for y® Indian enemy are not at all obliged by it, and may take this advantage to do y® more mifchief ; And we are well fatiffied that they are about us, and we fear they are watching to de- ftroy us ; and we defire humbly to inform that Connedlicut forces y' were pofted at Northfield are this day drawn off, and we are left naked of any fol- diers for our help, and we are but fmall in number ; and therefore greatly ex- pofed to y® enemy's aflaults. We therefore humbly pray y*^ we may ftill be fupplied with a fuitable number of foldiers, as y"" Excellency fhall fee meet. Benj"^. Doolittle Samuel Hunt, Lieut. Hezekiah Stratton, Ens. Joshua Lyman, '\ Eliezer Patterson, >• Selectmen. JoN*^"^ Belding. ) In answer to this petition, Serg* Ebenezer Stratton and 14 men of Lieut. William Lyman's company at Fort Shirley, were ordered to Northfield, to do garrison duty till Jan. 2, 1749. Fifteen men were allowed at Fort Dummer, and 5 at Hinsdell's gar- rison, from Nov. 15, to Mar. i, '49 ; and then continued till May 30. The calling out of such great numbers of militia involved a large expenditure. And the urgency made it necessary for the commissaries and colonels to use their personal credit and money, in the absence of appropriations by the legislature. Some extracts from Letters will show the straits to which they were brought. "To John Wheelwi'ight. Commy General. Sir : I have met with fo much trouble and been at fo great expenfe in the fupply of the line of forts in the year paft, that I am fick of the bufmefs. They T^he Old French and hidian War. 273 have about 3 weeks* allowance at each of the forts ; and unlefs fome body is foon appointed to fupply them they nr.ay, as the winter may be, have to carry proviiions upon men's backs as I was laft year. I hope you will find fome perfon to ferve the Province and yourfelf better than I am able, November 15, 1748, William Williams." " Sir : I have borrowed large fums of money to enable me to fupply No. 4, Fort Dummer and the Afhuelots with provifions, required by the regular gar- rifons, and the large numbers of men called out upon alarms, for which I do to this time allow interefl, to my great detriment, and will, nay muft throw up my fub-commiflaryfhip. Josiah Willard, "The Memorial of John Wheelwright, Nov. 16, 1748, Sheweth : The difficulty he labors under, particularly in billeting the foldiers in the weftern frontiers : At the prefent junfture thofe that have afted as fub-commiflarys have refufed to do fo any longer, owing to the great fcarcity of the paft winter, the fmail pay they receive, and efpecially becaufe they have been forced to borrow moneys to enable them to furnifh many fupplies : Col. Williams hav- ing advanced upwards of 6000 pounds, and Col. Willard upwards of 10,000 pounds. As the winter feafon is approaching, the confequences of a want of provifions to the forts can eafily be forefeen." Nov. 18, the General Court made the needful appropriations. But it was a long time before the old accounts were all settled. Commis- sary Williams sent a petition to the legislature, in behalf of the town of Northfield, April 13, 1749, shewing, "that the inhabitants of said town billeted Capt. Leeds and company the spring and summer past ; that by reason of the war they were so drove from their improvements, that they were obliged to go as far as the lower part of the county and even to Connecticut to buy provisions for their subsistence, which cost them so dear that they cannot without loss board the men for less than 40 shillings old tenor per week." April 19, the necessary grant was voted, and after the usual delays, was received. The treaty of peace was signed at Aix la Chapelle. Oct. 7, but was not proclaimed in Boston till May loth of the next year. 1749. Death of Rev. Benj". Doolittle. — Our knowledge of the life and leading characteristics of the minister-physician of North- field, is confined to the few incidents interwoven in the preceding pages. His pastorate must have been a varied and in many respects a trying one. The period was distinguished by stirring events in po- litical, military and religious affairs. Men thought quickly and acted 35 274 History of Northfield. promptly. How he stood related to some of these questions has been indicated by the account of his church troubles. The part he took in others appears in the petitions he sent to the General Court, al- ready quoted. The services he rendered in the former and the late war, as surgeon, were of the greatest public and private benefit. His death occurred just at the close of the war, which so directly and deeply affected the interests of Northfield and the adjacent settlements. From the inscription on his grave stone, it appears that Mr. Doo- little died January 9, 174I, in the 54th year of his age, and the 30th of his ministry. The following notice appeared in the Boston Gazette and Weekly Journal of Jan. 24 : " We are informed that on the 9th instant, the Rev. Mr. Doolittle, pastor of the church in Northfield, was suddenly seized with a pain in his breast, as he was mending a fence in his yard, and died in a few minutes time, to the inexpressible grief of the town in general, as well as his own family in particular." A sermon was preached at his funeral by Rev. Jonathan Ashley of Deerfield, from Mark xiii, 37, and Rev. iii, 3. The sermon was printed ; but it contains no sketch of Mr. D.'s life or character, fur- ther than to say, " he was a tender husband and an affectionate father." He appears to have been better known abroad as a surgeon than as a preacher. His medical practice was large and successful ; his surgical practice extended from No. 4, as far down as Springfield. In 1743, he wrote and published a sermon entitled, " An Enquiry into Enthusiasm, being an Account of what it is, the original. Progress, and Effect of it." By a reference top. 232 in the preceding chapter, the occasion of the discourse will be readily inferred. Mr. Doolittle kept a record of the leading events of the war, which transpired in this vicinity, from its opening to- August 2, 1748. This was published, with some small additions, in 1750, under the title, '' A Short Narrative of the Mischief done by the French and Indian enemy, on the western frontiers of the Province of Massachusetts Bay." It is an octavo pamphlet of 24 pages. This record, a copy of which is in the library of Harvard College, has been the basis of the history of the war, contained in this chapter. , A New Preacher. — In March, Mr. Isaac Lyman was hired to preach, and was requested to preach on probation. Sept. 20, the town, at a meeting called for the purpose, voted, to give the worthy Mr. Isaac Lyman a call to settle with us in the ministry. He did not accept. Isaac Lyman was son of Capt. Moses and Mindwell (Sheldon) Lyman, b. at Northampton, Feb. 25, 1725; graduated Xhe Old French and Indian War. 275 Yale College, 1747. In 1750 he was settled as pastor of the church in York, Province of Maine. The soldiers in garrison at the forts above North held were dis- missed May 31. But the inhabitants continued to keep watch and ward at the several town forts. June 20, the Indians made a sudden assault at No. 4. Sergt. Caleb How, writing that day, says : " This afternoon about 3 o'clk, the Indians fhot upon Enfign Obadiah Sart- vvell as he was. harrowing corn in his home-lot. The ward faw them as foon as they rofe out of their ambufli. They ftiot 4 guns, the laft of which killed father Parey's mare. The ward fays he faw the Indians lead off your fon Enos, who was riding the mare, and lift him over the fence, fo that we hope he is well. We faw about 10 or 12 Indians run upon Sartwell, and they were naked, and they made off very quick. Caleb How. To Capt. Phinehas Stevens at Northfield." The next day 5 Indians were seen skulking above West river mountain ; and some cattle feeding above Hinsdell's fort were fired upon.^ These signs of fresh hostilities spread consternation all along the frontier. Orders were immediately issued to raise 100 eftective men ; 25 to be posted at No. 4, 10 at the Ashuelots, 5 each at Fall-town, Colrain and Northfield, and 50 were to be employed in scouting. Early in July, levies were raised out of several Middlesex and Worcester regiments, and ordered to rendezvous at Northfield. The company, comprising 56 men, was put under command of Capt. John Catlin of Deerfield. Some Deerfield and Northfield men were attached to it. The men were mustered July 13, and discharged Oct. 12. On the roll are the following Northfield names : Lt. Elias Alexander, Sergt. John Stratton, Sergt. Thomas Taylor, Sergt. Moses Wright, Daniel How Jr., Samson Freeman, Hezekiah Elmer. Twelve of the men went up from Framingham, viz. Corp. John Butler, Fuller Putnam, Jona. Cole, Moses Parker, Edmund Town, Stephen Hastings, Jona. Farwell, Henry Snow, Joseph Young, Sam- uel Adams, Josiah Stone, Jona. Brewer. This company was bil- leted one-half the time at Northfield and one-half the time at Keene. The allowance for billeting per man per week at Northfield was 8 shillings, at Keene 10 shillings 7 pence 3 farthings, new tenor. The Northfield militia company reorganized, choosing Samuel Hunt, Captain, Hezekiah Stratton, Lieut , Nathaniel Mattoon, Ensign. In the war now closed, Northfield was a depot of stores and rally- ing point of men for the valley frontier. The headquarters of com- ^ Mass. Archives, LIII, 346. 276 History of Northfield. mand was at Northampton and Hatfield ; but the headquarters of service was at Northfield. The four well built forts in the village afforded a temporary lodgment for squads and companies, as well as a permanent station for garrisons. It was convenient and central for the scouts and rangers that went east to Townsend and vicinity, as well as those that took more northern routes. It was the most northern point to which provisions and stores could be safely sent at all times, without a special guard. Then it had a large acreage of rich meadow and tillage lands, which could be relied on for grass and grain. And as the residence of Mr. Doolittle, the oldest and best known surgeon in the region, whose house was a fort, it necessarily became a retreat for disabled soldiers and their friends. All these things gave the town prominence in social and financial as well as in military affairs. This advantage of natural position and resources, was commonly supposed to insure corresponding prosperity. Some of the lower towns were envious of her chance to grow rich out of the war. The Provincial authorities were disposed to cut down allowance for sub- sisting men and horses, because Northfield could afford to supply food and forage cheaper than other points. That Capt. Hunt and Ensign Field, and a few of the large landholders, and the traders, and black- smiths, and shoemakers were individually benefited is certain. Their inventories of personal property went up rapidly. But the cost of all farming operations was greatly increased. And the drain of the material force of the town, by taking off so large a share of the active young men, was a serious drawback. The de- moralization of war was, however, its most deplorable evil. The temptation to enlist in scouting and ranging parties, growing out of the large bounties offered for scalps, and the freedom and excitement of perilous adventure, drew many into these companies; and the pay and occasional bounty proved insufficient to meet necessary expenses, and recklessness as to means and ends was the result. The ragged and hungry Ranger sometimes supplied his wants, without inquiring into the rights of property and life. And the comparatively idle life of the garrison soldier, with no care for supplying daily wants, in- duced habits of shiftless and thriftless living, which were not easily thrown off. Rev. Mr. Doolittle in his Narrative forcibly remarks, *' great numbers of our young men enlisted, and have been kept in pay and idleness, to the ruin of many of them and the hurt of the couiitry." 1750. This was a year of peace and recovery. Garrisons of 10 men The Old French and Indian War. 2jj were kept at Fort Dummer and 15 men at No. 4 ; but the forts at Northfield were deserted of soldiers. March 5, at the annual meeting, the town voted to forbid the cut- ting of timber on the undivided lands north of the Ashuelot and on the west side of the Connecticut ; and a committee was instructed to prosecute all breaches of this order. The Rev. John Hubbard. — After the failure of the effort to settle Mr. Isaac Lyman in the ministry, Mr. John Hubbard of Hatfield, a graduate of Yale College 1747, was employed to preach on probation. " At a legal meeting of the freeholders and other inhabitants of Northfield, duly warned and convened on the 5th of March 1750, Chofe Capt. Ebenezer Alexander moderator : Voted, To give the worthy Mr. John Hubbard <£i 33 6 8 lawful money, to be paid in the following manner, viz. £53 6 8 on the firft day of Sept. 1750, and £80 on the 5 th of March following, on condition he fettles in y*^ work of y® Gofpel Minillry amongft us. Voted, To give Mr. John Hubbard £66 13 4 lawful money of this province annually, at the rate of lilver at 6 shillings ard 8 pence the ounce, during his continuance in the work of the miniftry amongft us. Voted, To provide Mr. Hubbard with fuch fupply of wood as his family fhall ftand in need of, during his continuance in the work of the miniftry amongft us." " Having confidered of the above mentioned votes of the inhabitants of the town of Northfield refpefting my fettlement and falary, I do fully and heartily give my confent and accept thereof As witnefs my hand this 5th of March A. D., 1750. John Hubbard. An ecclesiastical council was called and he was ordained May 30. At a meeting of the town Oct. 7, it was voted that Dr. Watts's Paraphrase of David's Psalms be sung on the Lord's Day and at other times, instead of the New England version. Preparations were made the last year to resettle some of the de- serted farms near the Ashuelot and on Merry's meadow, and to put up some dwelling houses, on the west side of the Connecticut. Capt. O. Bridgman had previously rebuilt his fort and was living there with his family^ Josiah Sartwell and his son-in-law Caleb How were living at Sartwell's block-house. And in the spring of this year (i 750) Capt. Joseph Stebbins and Ens. Samuel Stratton built log-houses on their lands. The former stood 80 rods south of Stebbins's island (some large apple trees now mark the place of the old cellar hole) ; the latter was set on the Fifth meadow, a little south-easterly from the present farm-house of Frederick Brown, who owns the place. A year or two later, Benoni Wright built a log house some distance 278 History of Northfield. above Stebbins. On the east side, John Evens rebuilt on the old site. Sergt. Thomas Taylor built on the meadow a half mile above Evens ; Robert Cooper and his son Aaron returned to their home- stead at the lovi'er end of Merry's meadow ; Peter Evens Jr. (known as Deacon Peter) settled not far from Cooper ; and Daniel Shattuck re-occupied his partially destroyed block-house. Col. Hinsdell had never deserted his fort. Moses Belding built near the Ashuelot. 1 75 1. The Town Forts. — There was an article in the warrant for the March meeting, " to see if the town will pull down and dispose of the forts." The same article was in the warrant for March 1752. At a meeting Feb. 5, 1753, the town voted, "that as they would have no farther use for their forts, a committee be chosen to sell and dispose of them." This year (1751) John Averill, wife and son Asa, William Gould, wife and son John, Amos Carpenter and wife, all of Northfield, and Atherton Chaffee, removed to township No. i, now Westminster Vt. The proprietors of the townships on the east side of the Connecticut above Northfield, granted by Massachusetts, now applied to the Province of New Hampshire for new grants. Most of the original planters, and others, had returned to their lands ; and Gov. Benning Wentworth, for reasons of policy not necessary to be recapitulated, issued charters to all applicants.^ 1752. The township known as No. 2, was regranted by the name of Westmoreland, Feb. 12, 1752. Among the grantees were Philip Alexander, Simeon Alexander, Eben"" Hinsdell, Samuel Hunt, Enoch Hall, John Alexander, Simeon Knight, John Taylor, John Chandler, Josiah Foster, Valentine Butler, Daniel How, Daniel How Jr., Caleb How, Abner How, Josiah Willard, Samuel How, Edward How, Samuel Minot, John Rugg, Jona. Cole, Michael Gilson, John Brown, William How. At the town meeting March 31, 1752, Caleb How was chosen proprietors' clerk, assessor, and one of the committee to lay out the lots ; Daniel How was on the committee to let out the grist-mill, and to call future meetings, the notifications for which were required to be posted up at Northfield, Winchester and at home. Mar. 4, 1752, Capt. William Syms sent a memorial to the N. H. legislature, offering to raise a company of 500 men to explore the Coos (Cowas) country, and cut a road thither from No. 4, with a view to settling the rich meadows there. The St. Francis Indians, who ' Farmer's ed. of Belknap's lint, of N. H., p. 305. The Old French and Indian War. 279 claimed this country, sent a delegation to Capt. Phinehas Stevens at No. 4, threatening war, if the English made a settlement there j and the project was given up. 1753. Capt. Ebenezer Alexander and 94 others, petitioned Gov. Wentworth for a regrant of the territory cut ofF from Northfield by the new state line, and the lands adjacent up to the line of township No. I. In accordance with this petition, the charter of Hinsdale, embracing the lands of both sides of the river, was issued Sept. 3, 1753. At the first meeting of the inhabitants, Sept. 25, Orlando Bridgman was chairman, (appointed by the charter) ; Daniel Shattuck, John Evens, Benoni Wright were chosen selectmen ; Col. Eben' Hinsdell clerk; John Evens, treasurer; Caleb How, constable; Joseph Stebbins Jr., Thomas Taylor, surveyors ; Peter Evens, tythingman ; Col. Hinsdell, Josiah Willard, O. Bridgman, Caleb How, Joseph Stebbins Jr., committee to lot out the land ; Aaron Cooper, field driver. Sept. 26, an alteration was made in the charter by which the above grant was divided into two towns, the line of separation being the west bank of the river; and both towns were called Hinsdale. An article in the Northfield town warrant for the March meeting was, "■ to see if the town will clear ofF the incumbrances and encroach- ments made upon the town street and highways." The width of the main street, and the convenience thereof, made it a sort of receptacle for all cast-ofF things. If one wanted his premises protected against swine and cattle, he built a Virginia fence in front as well as at the sides of his home-lot, as none other was proof against their snouts and horns. And the custom of letting these animals run at large in the highway, made it a repulsive rather than an attractive place ; and broke down the distinctions which are always associated with a well kept lawn and a neatly enclosed dooryard. The logs for timber and building stuff, drawn in on the winter snow, were left in the street ; and so were the sleds. The cart, if it got broken, was left here, as it would be in the way if put near the buildings. Sometimes the pig-pen was established in the highway ; sometimes the cow-yard; and always the sheep-fold for summer use. These with their common accessories made a most unsightly incum- brance. And during the war, barracks for horses had been erected in the street near the different forts, to be convenient for guarding, and handy for mounting in case of an alarm. Altogether, the en- croachments had accumulated to a degree repugnant to the taste of even that utilizing age; and they were cleared off — to await the 28 o History of Northjield. necessities of another war, or the annual convenience of adjacent house-holders. In the same warrant was an article, " To see if the town will gfve liberty to Moses Field, Doctor Andros and Simeon Alexander, to cut away the seats in the body of the meeting house, and make them- selves a pew." According to the fashion of the time, the body seats were long benches without backs. An alley ran down the centre from the front door to the pulpit, separating the women's side from the men's side ; and there was an alley round near the walls, with a fixed bench on the wall side. The sittings were assigned to individuals and families from time to time, by a committee appointed for the pur- pose by the town. Each seat was " dignified " or classed according to its eligibility of location, those next the pulpit in front being con- sidered the highest in rank. Families were seated according to some stated rule of distinction — sometimes by age, sometimes by property, sometimes by respectability, difficult of definition as is the term. Strange complications, and jealousies, and heart burnings, and strifes grew out of this custom of seating the meeting house. Some disliked their seatmates, and stayed at home ; some disliked their seats, and applied to the town for redress, or took a seat of their liking, when they were liable to be taken in hand by the tythingman. And so human nature developed its peculiarities ; and evinced its need of meeting houses and Gospel ordinances, even inside those meeting houses, and under the direct influence of those ministrations. It was not uncommon for two or three families to combine and get leave to build a pew for their especial use. The town's permis- sion was usually coupled with some condition, such as, that they would pledge themselves to sit no where else, or to make a new window or maintain the one next their pew. Sometimes the request was granted on condition that the pew-builders should take care of the meeting house for a term of years. Moses Wright, Simeon Knight and Joel Bigelow removed from Northfield this year, and settled in Rockingham Vt., to be driven back by war within two years. Pasturing the Commons^ was one of the necessities of those days, but was attended with inconveniences, and risks, and loss. Each owner of stock adopted a mark, which was recorded on the town book, and put upon his cattle before they were turned out. It was usually a peculiar slit or hole in the ear, or a brand for young stock, and a mark on the horn for old cattle. Young cattle often wandered off for miles, and had to be hunted up in the fall. This spring, Jona- than Belding turned out a black mare to pasture on the commons. T^he Old French and Indian War. 281 She strayed southward below Miller's river, and in the fall was taken up as an estray by Aaron Cook, of Hadley, and advertized ; where- upon she was claimed by George Patterson of Pelham, who kept her three years, and sold her. In '57 she was owned by Abner How of Amherst, and was found and identified by Mr. Belding. The legal time of recovery having passed, Mr. B. petitioned the legislature for a special act empowering him to reclaim the mare ; and such an act was passed Dec. 31, 1757. Sheep. — All the sheep in town were gathered into one flock about the 20th of April, and put in charge of a shepherd, till the 20th of October. He took them, abroad every day and brought them in at night to be folded. This year Hezekiah Elmer was shepherd, and was paid 6 pounds old tenor per month, each owner sharing the ex- pense. The principal flocks were owned by Rev. Mr. Hubbard, John Stratton, Phinehas Wright, Dr. Eben'" Field, Eben' Field Jr. and Capt. Samuel Hunt. Division of the Remaining Commons. — Fourth division. At a legal meeting of the Proprietors of the Common and Undivided Lands in Northfield, held Monday April 9, 1753, it was voted. To lay out that part of the common and undivided lands in Northfield that lyeth north of the Third Division (so called), and the common lands on the west side of the Connecticut river. Voted, That each poll mentioned in the list of valuation of estates made by the assessors of Northfield in the year 1751 shall draw 20 a. of land in the aforesaid division, and the estates shall draw equally upon the pound according to the list of valuation. Voted, The first lot shall begin adjoining the north side of the Third Division. Voted, That an allowance be made for a county road of 6 rods wide across every man's lot, and a highway of 2 rods wide adjacent to all the general fields and meadows lying against s'' Division. Voted, To draw lots by tickets. Voted, That the clerk shall draw lots for the absent proprietors. Voted, That when a lot happens to fall against some former grant or a pond so as to cut off the lot, then part of s^ lot shall lye on one side and part on the other of s"* grant or pond. The first 14 lots lay on the east side of the river ; lot No. 15 lay partly between Capt. Bridgman's farm and Cold spring meadow, and partly west of Capt. B.'s farm, which part is 160 rods north and south, and bounded on the north and west by the ancient town lines. The lots from 15 to 57 inclusive lay north of the state line (now in Ver- 36 282 History of Northfield. non, Vt.) ; from 58 to 78, south of that line, and extended to the north Hne of Bennett's meadow. The following list of proprietors in the fourth division indicates the names of all the resident land owners and tax-payers in 1751, and the relative valuation of each ; and will be a convenient table for reference and comparison. TJhe names are arranged in the order in which the lots were drawn. §_ Names. < J Names. < Names. S I Sam'] Merriman, 62J 27 Sam'l Holton, 1992 53 Dan'l Elmer, 20 2 Josiah Foster, ^7l 28 Tho's Stebbins, 20 54 Abra'm Elgar, 3^ 3 Serg't Jo. Petty's heirs, 70 29 Lt. Joshua Lyman, 189 55 Jacob Elmer, 20 4 Israel Warner, 20 30 Moses Dickinson, 40 56 John Avery, 57^ 5 Rememb Wright, 236 31 Dea. S.Smith, 246 57 Steph. Belding, 139^ 6 Phinehas Wright, 126 32 Benj. Brooks, 1 15^ 58 Lt. Jona. Belding, 287J 7 Eliezur Stratton, ^5 33 Ens. Nath. Mattoon ,232 59 Philip Alexander, 27I 8 Lt. Wm. Wright, 142 34 Wm. Holton, 20 60 Aaron Burt, 83J 9 wid. Martha Dickinson 89 35 Eben'r Stratton, ^5 61 Lt. Hez. Stratton, 200^ 30 Simeon Alexander, 156J 36 John Stratton, 30 62 Hez. Elmer, 20 J I Samuel Field, H72- 37 Jona. Janes, 248 J 63 Dr. Bildad Andros 88i. J 2 Dan'l Brooks, S9J 38 wid. Sarah Petty, 22J 64 John Moffatt, -l\ 13 Paul Field, 166^ 39 Lt. E. Wright's heit . 20 65 Benoni Wright, no -14 Jos. Stebbins, 189 40 Eben'r Severance, 68 66 Randall Evens, 154 15 Ens. Moses Field, 91* 41 Jos. Alexander, 23 67 Zeb. Stebbins, ^5 16 Wm. Orvis, 100 42 Nehem. Wright, ,i22T^ 68 Hez. Elmer Jr., 46^ 17 Abijah Prince, 20 43 Wm. Holton Jr., 1 17^ 69 Seth Field, 155 .18 John Grandy, 21 44 Henry Kenny, 20 70 Abijah Hall, 95 19 Joseph Burt, 1 07 J 45 Isaac Mattoon, ;i^7|: 71 Philip Mattoon, 35 20 Capt. Eb'r Alexander, 154 46 Nath. Dickinson, 35 72 John Holton, 104 .7,1 Eben'r Warner, 121 47 Capt. Sam'l Hunt, 446 73 Luc's Doolittle, 137J '22 Moses Evens, ^53* 48 Eben'r Field Jr., 155 74 Benj. Miller, 20 23 Beriah Grandy, 28J 49 Sam'l Stratton, 35 75 wid.Lyd. Doolittle, 106 24 Alex'r Norton, 45 50 wid. Marg't Petty, 37^- 76 Elie'r Patterson, 129 US Dea. S. Root, 85 51 Hez. Stratton Jr., 34 77 Dr. Eben'r Field, 119 26 Benj. Rose, 49J 52 Joseph Petty, 105 78 Aza'h Wright, 186 The Fifth Division. — The next spring, what is known as the Fifth Division of Commons was made. It embraced three several tracts of land : the first was a strip 30 rods wide from the original north east corner of the town westerly iioo rods to the choice lots east of Merry's meadow, 9 lots ; the second tract began on the plain €ast of Daniel Shattuck's and extended southerly to the new Province line, 49 lots ; the third began north of Bennett's meadow, where the Fourth Division ended and extended south to Deerfield line, lots numbered 59 to 78 inclusive. A poll drew 5 acres ; and a pound valuation just one-fourth as much as in the Fourth Division, the list of proprietors being the same. Industries. — The new mechanics and tradesmen, starting busi- ness in Northfield during this period were : blacksmiths^ Simeon The Old French and Indian War. 283 Alexander, who set up a shop in the street near the Dea. Alexander home-lot in '44 or '45 ; Joshua Lyman moved from Fort Dummer and built a shop in front of his home-lot about '47. Carpenter : John Avery was a master builder here in '44 ; he was taxed here in '51, and received grants in the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Divisions of Commons. Shoemaker : Ens. Moses Field was at work at his trade in 1750. His shop stood on the south west corner of the Great swamp. Some of his charges were ; for making a pr. of mogasins, 9 shillings ; men's shoes, 18 shillings j women's shoes, 19 shillings ; men's pumps, 4 shillings ; women's pumps, 3s. 8d. Hatter : Samuel Root commenced making hats immediately after the close of the war, probably in 1750. He charged from 20 to 42 shillings for beaver hats, and 12 to 20 shillings for hats made of coon and muskrat furs. Physicians : Ebenezer Field was a medicine man, who used certain specifics and odd mixtures, which he claimed to be sovereign remedies for disease [see ante, p. 164] ; Dr. Bildad Andros (sometimes written Andrews) came to Northfield after the death of Mr. Doolittle, and was here till '55. He was a surgeon of much skill, and was often attached to the forts or with marching regiments in time of war. Merchants : Joseph Brooks had a store in town ; but how early he commenced business is unknown ; Aaron Burt was engaged in trade in '44, at the old store by E. H. Colton's. CHAPTER IX. The Last French and Indian War. 1754-1763. The Three Gates of Canada — Col. Williams's Plan of Defence for Western Frontiers — Ranging Companies — Bounty for Prisoners and Scalps — New Forts at Northfield — Rev. John Dennis — Potatoes — Campaign of 1755 — Lieut. Elias Alexander — Killing of Caleb How, AND Capture of Jemima How and Others — Attack near Hinsdell's Fort — Campaign of '56 — Zebediah Stebbins and Reuben Wright — Campaign of '57 — Surrender of Fort William Henry and the Great Alarm — Submit Belding — Campaign of '58 — Killing of Asahel Steb- bins — Campaign of '59 — Rogers's Expedition against St. Francis — Surrender of Montreal — Cost of the War — Miscellany. IHE treaty of Aix la Chapelle proved to be little more than a truce. The Indians continued their depredations till June 1749; and re-commenced hostilities in May 1754. Assured that there could be no permanent peace to her American Colonies, so. long as the French power was dominant on the northern frontiers, Great Britain determined to effect the conquest of Canada. The gates to the French possessions on the St. Lawrence, were, I, by way of the River St. Lawrence ; 2, by way of Crown Point and Lake Champlain ; 3, by way of Lake Ontario. The reduction of Canada then involved the taking of Louisburg, which had been restored to the French by the late treaty ; the capture of Crown Point ; and the capture of Fort Niagara and its out-post Fort Du Quesne. The English government called on the Provinces to furnish their full quotas of men to these great expeditions, which were placed under command of British officers ; and the intermediate frontiers were left in the main to look out for themselves. The settlements on and near the Connecticut river were, as here- tofore, exposed to direct attacks from the Indians living on the St. Francis river, and in its vicinity, as well as from the tribes further west. Plan OF Defences for these Frontiers. — Col. Israel Wil- liams, commanding the northern Hampshire regiment, writing to Gov. Shirley Sept. 12, 1754, says: The hast French and Indian War. 285 " I conclude by this time you are fully informed of the hoftile attacks of the Indians and the mifchiefs done by them on our frontiers [the capture of the family of James Johnfon at No. 4, Aug. 30, and the raid on Dutch Hoofuck two days before.] It's now open war with us. * My fituation makes the weftern frontiers the more immediate objedl of my attention * * j b^g leave therefore to lay before y'' Excellency what I think will be beft for our defence. My plan is, that there be a garrifon at Fall-town, another at Morri- fon's in Colrain, two at Charlemont, Maffachufetts Fort, and a garrifon at Pontoofuck. The people are preparing for their defence, as I fuppofe ; and the charge of making thefe places fufficient will not be very great to the govern- ment. I propofe that there be at leaft 50 men at Fort MalTachufetts, 30 at Pontoo- fuck, they to maintain a conftant fcout from Stockbridge through the wefterly part of Framingham townlhip, and the weft townlhip at Hoofuck to the {^ fort, and from thence to the top of Hoofuck mountain : That there be 14 men at Fall-town, 20 at Morrifon's, and 1 2 at each garrifon in Charlemont, these to perform a conftant fcout from Connefticut river againft Northfield to the top of f** Hoofuck mountain. Thefe fcouts thus performed will crofs all y® roads the enemy ever travel to come within the aforefaid line of forts. There will doubt- lefs be more wanted for the protedlion of fome places within the line. How- ever, if the fcouting be faithfully performed, tltere will not, I apprehend, any confiderable body of the enemy get within y® line aforefaid undifcovered ; and they will be a great reftraint upon fmall parties, who will be afraid of being enfnared. I propofe that fome of the men pofted at Fort Maffachufetts be employed to waylay the roads from Crown Point. The enemy generally when they leave that place come by the foutherly fide of the Lake or Drowned Lands, leave their canoes, and come down to Hoofuck ; or they may turn off to the eaft ; let which be the cafe, that fort is beft fituated to fend parties from for the purpofe aforefaid to gain advantage. I would negled Shirley and Pelham forts becaufe the Indians were fcarce ever known in y*^ laft war to come down Deerfield river, and that road is very bad, and almoft impaffable. Shirley is rotten, and if maintained, muft be re- built. That at Morrifon's will anfwer as well, and can be much eafier fup- plied. If a fort were built on the top of Hoofuck mountain, it would fhorten the fcouting, and anfwer as well as y® propofed line through Charlemont. I propofe two forts between Fort MalTachufetts and Hudson's river. As to y*^ forts above y® Line ; If New Hampfhire would fupport them, it might be well ; but the advantages that would arife to this government by doing it would not countervail the expenfe, nor leflen the charge we muft be at in defending our frontiers on y® eaft fiide of y** River, where they can be much eafier and cheaper fupplied with provifions. Notwithftanding the fort at No. 4, the enemy can and will come down Black river, Williams river or Weft river, go over eaft, or turn down fouth without hazard, and return with like fecurity the fame way, or go above. The grand delign Col. Stoddard had in garrifoning No. 4, was, that parties 286 History of Northfield. might be fent out from there to waylay the roads from Crown Point, and faid there ought to be loo men pofted there well fupplied, 50 to be out at a time. But he lived to fee himfelf difappointed. The government never did afford a fufficient number of men for that purpofe ; and it was with the utmoft difficulty provifions were obtained for thofe that were there ; many were loft there, and in going there, without doing any great good. That fort might divert the enemy fometimes: but till the French join openly with the Indians, they will not fight forts much ; but in fmall parties carry on a fcalping war, and the more com- paft the better it will be for us." This plan virtually abandoned all the settlements above the state line ; and took care of the towns within our own jurisdiction. But New Hampshire still refused to protect the river towns, now holding rights under her charters ; and iMassachusetts would not consent that No. 4, and Dummer should be left wholly undefended. It was de- cided to maintain a garrison at these posts ; and there were eventu- ally four forts at Northfield ; two garrisons — Sheldon's and Burk's — at Fall town ; three at Colrain — Morrison's, the South, and Lucas's ; three at Charlemont — • Taylor's, Rice's and Hawks's ; two at Pon- toosuck, etc. And there were above the line, Bridgman's and Sart- well's block-houses, and Hinsdell's fort ; and already or soon to be built, forts at Great Meadow (Putney), Walpole and Keene. The bounties offered by the Massachusetts legislature to regular troops were as follows : For every male Indian prisoner over 12 years old delivered at Boston, 50 pounds ; for every scalp of such Indian, 40 pounds ; for every female prisoner of any age and for males under 12, 25 pounds; for every scalp of such female or boy 20 pounds. But the main reliance for offensive warfare during this struggle, was placed on companies of Rangers who should scout from fort to fort, and waylay the Indian paths. The following encouragement and rules of service for such companies were prescribed : " That for the encouragement of volunteers to enlift and form themfelves into companies to penetrate into the Indian country, in order to captivate and kill the Indians of any of the tribes this government has declared war againft, 30 day's provifions fhal! be given to every and all the companies raifed as afore- faid, provided that none of the faid companies fhall confift of lefs than 30 men, and that the faid companies fhall be held to perform a fcout of at leaft 30 days upon every march, unlefs fome fpecial reafon (for the good of the fervice) fhall appear for their returning in a lefs time : And that the officers of each company fhall be alfo held to keep a Journal of each of their marches or fcouts, and ex- hibit it in courfe under oath to the captain general. And for every captive taken by faid companies or by any detachment or party of any of faid com- panies, which fliall be b'ought to Bofton and delivered to the governor, there The Last French and Indian War. 287 Ihall be paid out of the public treafury the fum of 220 pounds ; and for every fcalp brought in as aforefaid, the fum of 200 pounds." The most noted of these ranging companies are Lyman's, Burk's, Rogers's, Rice's, Putnam's, John Stark's and Wm. Stark's. Some of their Journals are a record of hardships and perils ; of waylaying an Indian trail for days together ; of watching on the mountain tops for camp smokes ; of winter marches on snow-shoes and lodging at night in the open air or under brush huts ; of quickness of sight and hearing, and promptness of action, that show human endurance, and reveal the perfectness of discipline, and self-reliance, and contempt of danger, to which men united in a common purpose, can be brought. In stratagem and finesse, they were little if at all inferior to the In- dians ; in combat on equal terms, they were greatly superior." Deerfield was made the depot of stores for the forts and garrisons on the west side of the river ; and Northfield no longer held the cen- tral military position which she had during the earlier wars. 1754. June 21, Gov. Shirley issued orders to the commanders of regiments, to make a thorough inspection of the state of the militia and report to head-quarters. The several towns were also required to supply themselves with the full stock of ammunition required by law. New Forts at Northfield. — As before related, the forts at Northfield were taken down in 1753, because " the town would have no further use for them." But the mistake was soon discovered. When the news of the capture of the Johnson family at No. 4, Aug. 30, reached Northfield the next day, the selectmen issued a warrant dated Sabbath, Sept. I, calling a town meeting for Monday Sept. 2, "at seven o'clock in the morning, that being assembled they then and there may agree to build forts in such places as they shall appoint, if they see meet." It was voted to build four forts at the following places, viz. Capt. Ebenezer Alexander's, Rev. Mr. Hubbard's, wid. Lydia Doolittle's and Samuel Field's. Voted, to choose a committee to apply to the legislature for aid to pay for the same. Work was at once commenced ; and the four forts, consisting of mounts and a surrounding line of strong pickets, were finished in the course of the ensuing winter and spring. August 31. Capt. Israel Williams (who held the two commissions of captain of the local militia, and colonel of the regiment) ordered out his company ; and they were stationed as follows — most of them from date to March 14 : Lieut. John Hawks with 29 men at Colrain ; 288 History of Northfield. Ensign John Burk with 15 men at Fall-town ; Sergt. James Patrick with 14 men at Greenfield ; Ens. John May with 22 men at Char- lemont ; Sergt. Noah Strong with 13 men at Southampton. There was a garrison at Fort Massachusetts ; and Corp. Preserved Clap with 9 men was stationed at Huntstown while the people were gathering their harvest. At this date, No. 4 had 32 families, with a tolerably strong fort, but no soldiers to man it (Capt. Phinehas Stevens was spending the year at Northfield) ; Fort Dummer was occupied by Sergt. Nathan Willard and 7 men with their families ; Col. Hinsdell and several families were living at his fort, which was in good repair, except that the line of pickets was somewhat decayed ; Bridgman's and Sartwell's block-houses were in good repair, and occupied by families. North- field was left in charge of its own militia company, then in command of Capt. Samuel Hunt, with Seth Field as lieutenant, who succeeded to the captaincy in 1756. On the alarm the first of September, the families that had settled on their farms in what is now Vernon, Vt., and Hinsdale, N. H., left their exposed homesteads, and sought shelter in the town or at one of the forts. The Coopers, and Shattucks, and Fairbanks Moore went to Fort Dummer ,- the Wrights, Beldings and some others went to Hinsdell's fort \ and the Evenses and Thomas Taylor built a stock- ade around John Evens's house, which was the resort of Capt. Joseph Stebbins and his family. Ens. Stratton removed back to Northfield street. Potatoes. — The culture of this tuber began in Northfield about this date. The potato was unknown in New England till 1718, when it was introduced by a colony of Scotch emigrants who settled at Nutfield, now Londonderry, N. H. Some of these people removed to Pelham, Mass., and some to Colrain about 1738, and commenced its cultivation at those towns. For a great many years it was regarded by our people as unfit for food ; and did not come into common use till after the Revolution. In 1754 Moses Field sold \\ bushels of potatoes for 15 shillings ; in '66 he sold 15 bushels at one shilling per bushel. The church members living at No. 4, desirous of observing the ordinances, came down to Northfield with their pastor elect, Mr. John Dennis, and were organized into a church December 4, 1754, and Mr. D. was ordained. He was dismissed by a council held at Deerfield March 31, 1756. Mr. Dennis was truck master at Fort The Last French and Indian War. 289 George, province of Maine, 1745 ; was appointed chaplain at Fort Richmond April, '46. 1755. Jan. 29, The church in Northfield voted^ That no stranger coming and dwelling among us shall commune with us in special ordi- nances more than 12 months, without bringing a certificate from the church to which he or she belongs, of their good and regular standing, unless they shall offer satisfying reasons for their refusal. Troops were ordered to be stationed on our frontiers as follows : 4 men at Fort Dummer; 40 at Fort Massachusetts ; 1 1 at Pontoo- suck ; 24 at the three garrisons in Charlemont ; 24 at the three gar- risons in Colrain ; 14 at the two garrisons in Fall-town ; 20 at Northfield and Greenfield. Four military expeditions were planned in the spring of this year ; one against the French in Nova Scotia ; a second against Fort Du Quesne ; a third against Crown Point ; and a fourth against Niagara. Northfield furnished her full quota of men to the first and third of these expeditions. Lieut. Elias Alexander with the Northfield men, sailed from Boston with Gen. Winslow's division May 20, and reached the Bay of Fundy, June i. Fort Beau Sejour was immediately in- vested, and surrendered after a siege of 4 days. The name of this fort was changed to Fort Cumberland. The following letter, written by Lieut. Alexander to his wife, contains some particulars of interest : "Camp at Fort Cumberland Loving wife : A uguft 14, 1755. After due regards to you and duty to my parents, I would inform you that I am well in health, blefled be God for it. Our fon Elijah has been very fick, but is got better, and I hope like to be well foon. We ftill remain in camp, and it is moft likely we fhall tarry here all winter. The French that are in this place are obliged to take up arms for us or go off, which they refufe to do, and they will be fent to France immediately. All their effefts are forfeited to King George. They have a great number of cattle and horfes which will be for our ufe. We have about 400 confined in the fort, and partys of our men are out daily bringing in the reft. All the French that are in Meanefs ' and any where elfe in this country muft bear the fame fate. All the men that came from Northfield are well except Grandy ; he has been fick, but is like to get well. I have wrote fevcral letters home, but have no return. I long to hear from you, and defire you to write a hundred letters, out of which I may perhaps get one. Being in hafte Ihall conclude with my hum- ble regards to my children and all friends, none excepted. So I remain, y loving hufband till death, Elias Alexander." ' Minas is on the bay of the same name on the south east side of the Bay of Fundy, 30 leagues from the entrance of Annapolis. 37 290 History of Northfield. The letter was addressed : " To Mr. Thomas Alexander at Northfield in New England. To be left at Mr. Duits in Boston at the sign of the white horse." The expedition against Crown Point was put under command of Gen. Wm. Johnson ; but for various reasons, the summer was wasted in inaction. As an inducement to enlistments, the Massa- chusetts government offered to furnish each man at the time of enlist- ing, I blanket ; 24 shillings to such as provide themselves with good arms; <£i2 for arms and bounty ; and one month's advance pay on the first muster. Wages were to commence at the date of arrival at the rendezvous. The expedition was popular with our people, and great numbers enlisted. The Hampshire regiment, under Col. Ephraim Williams, marched for the rendezvous at Albany, about the middle of June, which left the valley frontiers almost defenceless and offered inducements which the Indian enemy were not slow to accept. The Scaticooks (Scagkooks) had joined the St. Francis early in the spring : and the united tribes took this occasion to begin their depre- dations. June 1 1, thev attacked a party of men at work in a meadow in the upper part of Charlemont, killed Capt. Moses Rice and Phine- has Arms, and captured Titus King and Asa Rice. June 27, the Indians beset Bridgman's fort. The fort, which was strongly built and well picketed, was then occupied by three families, viz. Caleb How, wife Jemima and 7 children (including 2 daughters of Mrs. How by her former husband William Phipps), Hilkiah Grout,^ wife'and 3 children, Benjamin Garfield,^ wife and i daughter. In the morning the three men, with two sons of Mr. How, went to work in a meadow on the bank of the river a little above the fort. They started on their return about sunset. How and his boys were on horseback, and had got a little ahead of the others. When rising the meadow hill to the northward of the fort, they were fired upon by the concealed ambush. How received a shot in the thigh which brought him to the ground ; when the Indians fell upon him, scalped him, and striking a hatchet into his head left him for dead. The boys were taken alive. The other two men attempted to escape by crossing the river. Grout succeeded ; but Garfield was drowned. As soon as it grew dark the Indians went to the fort, and making the proper signal (which they had learned by skulking around the gate) were admitted, and made prisoners of the women and children. The I Hilkiah Grout was b. at Lunenburg, Mass., July 23, 1728 j m. Submit Hawks of Deerfield. " Benj. Garfield was probably son of Benj. and Bethia (How) Garfield, b. at Marlboro. May 6, 1718 ; m. Eunice Cooley daughter of Benjamin. 'The Last French and Indian War. 291 fort was then fired, and the captives started on the way to Canada.' The next morning a party of men found Mr. How alive ; and took him across the river to Hinsdell's fort, where he soon after died. " On one of the last days of June," an attack was made on the fort at Keene, then in command of Capt. William Syms. The savages were beaten off; but in their retreat they killed many cattle, burned several buildings, and captivated Benjamin Twichel.^ July 22. The Indians ambushed Hinsdell's fort. The following letter gives the particulars : To Gov. Wentworth : V^^^r^^\i July 22, 1755. I this inftant received an exprefs from my wife at Hinfdell's fort informing me that about 9 o'clock this morning a party of Indians attacked 7 men within 100 rods of the fort, who were out to get a few ports to complete the new picket- ing of the fort : they had 4 on guard and 3 with the team. They had drawn but one ftick before the enemy fired upon them, and having got between them and the fort endeavored to prevent them getting in. Four of the men were foldiers and three inhabitants ; one foldier named Heath, and one inhabitant, viz. Amafa Wright efcaped to the fort. The foldiers that are miffing are Jona- than Colby, Hardway (Hardiclay ?) andQuimby. The inhabitants miffing are two : we hope fome may be hid and come in ; but one of the foldiers fays he faw the Indians take off two or three as he ftood in the fentry box of the fort. P. S. Mr. Hardway was found dead upon the fpot with both his breafts cut off and his heart laid open. One of the inhabitants (John Alexander) was found within 60 rods of the fort, and both fcalped. We fee Colby taken off by the Indians. We fired feveral larums, and the Great Gun at Fort Dummer was fhot. Thirty men from Northfield came to our affiftance, and helped to bury the dead. They followed the Indians, and found Colby's track who was barefoot. They found no blood, which gives us reafon to hope Colby is well. The reft is efcaped to the fort. Abigail Hinsdale. Col. Hinsdell adds, " we are loath to tarry here merely to be killed." July 22 or 23, two men were killed by the Indians at Walpole, N. H. Daniel Twichel and John Flint went back upon the hills one and a half miles from the street, to cut timber for oars. Both were shot dead ; one was scalped, the other cut open, his heart taken out and laid in pieces upon his breast. July 25. Seth Field writes : Since the difafterous tidings from Ohio, and the delay of the Crown Point forces, the mifchief done above us together with our circumftances, has {o dif- 'Mrs. Jemima How was known as "The Fair Captive." For interesting particulars of the journey, imprisonment and release, see her Narrative in Belknap's Hist, of New Hamp- shire, vol. in. ^ Mass. Archi-ves, lxxvii, 727. 292 History of Northfield. couraged the hearts of our people that they are almoft ready to give up all and care only for their lives. A fine harveft is on the ground, and likely to be loft for want of a guard. The few foldiers we have are conftantly on duty, and not half fufficient to guard the laborers. Afks that one of the companies of Rangers that are between the Connedticut and the Merrimack rivers may be fent to fcout for a few weeks to the northward of Northfield : fays Capt. Rice of Rutland is ready to come. * * August 17. A large body of Indians (stated at 400) ambushed the house of John Kilburn in Walpole. There were in the house, which was situated about half a mile from Col. Bellows's fort, Kilburn, his wife Ruth, his son John and daughter Hetty, a man by the name of Peak and his son. This handful of people in a small log house, sus- tained the constant fire of the large body of savages from dinner time till sunset — returning the fire with such determination and fatal ef- fect, that the enemy then withdrew, taking his dead and wounded with him. Peak was wounded in the thigh, which for lack of surgi- cal care, caused his death on the fifth day.'' Among the names of men belonging to Northfield and vicinity in the Crown Point expedition this year, are the following : In Capt. Elijah Williams's company, June 12 to Nov. 21 ; Lieut. Seth Field, Corp. Eleazar Patterson, Gideon Shattuck, Richard Carey, Nathaniel Cham- berlain, Daniel Shattuck Jr., Zadock Wright, Moses Wright, Eben' Severance, Hilkiah Grout, Joseph Perry, William Sanderson, Aaron Scott, John Sergeant, Fairbanks Moor, Daniel Sergeant, John Kathan, Daniel Gun, Elisha Scott, James Porter. In other companies ; Ens. John Stratton, Sergt. Joseph Alexander, Pedajah Field, Joseph Burt, Samuel Hunt Jr., Asa Stratton, John Beamont, Noah Belding, Benoni Wright Jr., Elias Bascom, Shammah Pomeroy and Simeon Knight, were in Capt. Joseph Dwight's company. Jonathan Belding was in Capt. Samuel How's company, Aug. 11 to Dec. 27. Having spent two months in gathering stores, etc.. Gen. Johnson marched from Albany, and reached the south end of Lake George the latter part of August. While here he received news that a body of 2000 French and Indians under Baron Dieskau had landed at White- hall, and were marching towards Fort Edward. At a council of war held on the morning of Sept. 8, it was resolved to send a detachment of 1200 men under command of Col. Ephraim Williams, to intercept the French. This detachment, fell into an ambuscade ; and Col. Williams, Hendrick a Mohawk sachem, and 46 men were killed, 24 were wounded, and others were missing. Among the killed were Ens. John Stratton and his brother Asa. Flushed with his temporary ' Hall's Hht. of Eastern Vermont, pp. 739-42. The Last French and Indian War. 293 success, Baron Dieskau pressed forward and made an attack in force on Johnson's camp. For four hours the battle raged with the great- est fury : when the Baron ordered a retreat. Dieskau was wounded and fell into the hands of the English. The French loss was set down at 400 killed and 200 wounded and 30 prisoners. The loss of the English in both engagements was 216 killed, 96 wounded, and 15 missing. Offensive operations soon after ceased : and Gen. Johnson after partially finishing Fort William Henry, on the bank of the lake, and posting a garrison there, dismissed his troops. The result of the cam- paign was highly beneficial, as it showed the provincial troops that in fair fight they were more than a match for the French regulars. Dec. II. A detail ot soldiers from Capt. Israel Williams's company was stationed at Northfield to do garrison duty, who continued in service here till Mar. 22, '56 : Sergr. Joseph Allen, William White, Seth Smith, Benj. Wells, Stephen Belding, Joseph Bodman, Medad Field, Obadiah Wells, Amos Tute, Zech. Gilson, Nathaniel Dickinson, Samuel Stevens. Some New Hampshire troops were in service on the river frontier, for a time during the fall, as appears from the following letter, dated Hinsdale Dec. 23, 1755, addressed to Gov. Benning Wentworth : " ¥"■ Excellency was pleafed to order me the billeting of Capt. Winflow and men while on thefe frontiers, and alfo Capt. Neal and company, while at my garrifon and places adjacent. They have all fubfifted here during their ftay and were fm-nifhed with provifions on their return to carry them home, except the time Capt. Neal's men were at Charleftown, when Lieut. Parker provided for them. Eben'' Hinsdell." Learning that New Hampshire had decided to furnish no further aid to these towns. Col. Hinsdell in behalf of the rest of the inhabit- ants of Hinsdale, sent the following petition to the governor of Massa- chusetts. Hinfdell's Garrifon Jan. i, 1756. y petitioners entered into poffeffion and improvement of thefe lands under your grant and encouragement for many years paft. They have been protefted from time to time in the improvement of them by your provident care : That by the running of the new Province line, the township of Northfield was bi- fected, and y'' petitioners in confequence excluded from y^ Province : and even fince the running of the line they have received a kind proteftion from you when neglefted by the Province of New Hampfhire, We are living in one of the moft expofed places in thefe parts : are in the road of the enemy's defcent on the Englifh frontiers by the way of Otter creek and Weft river. Although No. 4 be 30 miles above us on the Connedlicut river. 294 History of Northjield. yet the diftance from Crown Point to us by Weft river is near the fame as to them by Black river: And as their defcent upon us is eafy, we fufFered much by them in the laft war ; and in the fummer paft the greateft number has been killed or captivated from this place of any other in thefe parts. * * We have been confiderably proteded in the fummer paft by men from New Hampfhire guarding us while gathering our crops : but, notwithftanding, 1 8 of our fmall number were killed or taken, fome of our buildings and a number of our cattle deftroyed : And now thofe forces have been withdrawn for fome months paft, and we are wholly deftitute. * * We are not able to proteft ourselves, and have little hope of protedlion from New Hampfliire, * * and we are encour- aged to feek to you not only from y"^ wonted goodnefs toward us, but becaufe we have one of the beft fortifications for the covert of men that might be em- ployed in fcouting up the known roads of the enemy for the feafonable dis- covery or interruption of them in their approach towards the Englifli fettle- ments, whether in fummer or winter. Unlefs we have y'' kind affiftarice, we cannot continue here, but muft depart to fome other parts we know not whither." 1756. But the people of Hinsdale were not alone in their anxiety about the coming season. Northfield had received so poor protec- tion from the troops during the last year, that her situation appeared desperate, unless some effectual means were taken early — as the fol- lowing: letter will show : To Col. Ifrael Will lams. Northfield, Jan. 27, 1756. Hon*^ Sir: Whereas the time of year draws near in which we have reafon to expeft the enemy will make terrible attempts upon the frontiers, fo we of this town have great reafon to fear we fhall fuft'er the firft fhock from them, in as much as we are very weakhanded and lie open to the enemy, and none to guard us and none to make difcovery of them till they are upon us : — we humbly beg of you Sir, (in behalf of the town) to ufe your utmoft endeavors that we may be well protected by a fufEcient number of foldiers to fcout this winter, and to guard us in our hufbandry in the enfuing fpring and fummer, and that we may not be a gap open as in times paft. Sir, you are well acquainted with our fituation and difficult circumftances, and you cannot but know it was impoffible for us to be well guarded in our labors by fo few men as was allowed us laft fummer. We truft Sir, you have a real concern for our intereft and welfare, and will heartily ferve us in the beft manner you can. We now herein apply ourfelves to you, and beg your favor and influence, and fubfcribe our- felves Y^ humble fervants JONA BeLDING Samuel Hunt Nathaniel Mattoon Seth Field Joshua Lyman Nehemiah Wright Phinehas Wright 1 T^he Last French and Indian War. 295 It does not appear that this petition produced any effect. The small detail of men for garrison duty, under Serg' Allen, was con- tinued till Oct. 18, with the following list of names : William White, Elijah Sheldon, Benj. Wells, Reuben Belding, James Bodman, Medad Field, Nathaniel Dickinson, Abraham Wells, Zechariah Gil- son, Amos Tute. Mar. 23, Col. Williams sends the following order to Lieut. Hawks about posting these soldiers : " Poll the men at Northfield at two garrifons, or at one if the inhabitants define it : in either cafe they are to be removed from one garrifon to another fo that the four may fhare alternately in the advantage. They mull watch and ward, if defired. I expeft the inhabitants to aflifl them, and that punftually. If flationed at one fort only, the foldiers may well perform the whole duty of watching and warding. Confidering thefewnefs of foldiers, leant think you can tend more than one garrifon at a dme, and afford a fufHcient guard for the peo- ple at their labor." The policy of the government, acting underthe adviceof the British generals, appears to have been, that the provincial regiments should be required to furnish their full quotas of men under pay for the lead- ing expeditions ; and at the same lime the local militia should guard their own frontiers, without expectation of reward. This plan was effectual to fill the marching regiments, and garrisons ; but it greatly de- moralized the home forces, and disheartened the people. The plan of the campaign of 1756 embraced the reduction of the forts at Crown Point and Niagara. But through the incapacity of the British commander. Gen. Abercrombie, "the summer passed in fruitless labor." An army of 7000 men was raised — by far the larger part in Massa- chusetts — and mustered for the expedition against Crown Point. The command of this force was given to Major-General Winslow of Massachusetts. But his march was delayed by obstacles ascribed to the improvidence of Abercrombie. What was going on nearer home will appear from the following letters : Northfield June 7, 1756. This evening a poll from Winchefter informs that the Indians have taken Jofiah Poller, his wife and two children from the Bow in Winchefter, about 10 o'clock in the morning as 'ns conjeftured ; though not difcovered till the fun about two hours high this evening. The houfe is rifled and a hog killed at the door. The man and a child tracked from the houfe with the Indians. The num- bers cannot be afcertained, but fuppofed to be about 6 or 8 in all. Seth Field." 296 History of Northfield. Letter from Col. IJrael Williams. Hatfield, July 13, 1756. " Many of the people on the frontiers work in jeopardy of their lives every hour; none to guard or defend them, but at their own coft. Their fituation is very diftreffed. Many of the militia of my regiment have freely ranged the woods, and gone to the relief of their neighbors in diftrefs. I make no doubt the enemy have difcovered this and thereby been intimidated : But they dont think it's reafonable to employ their whole time that way without any reward from the public, which they are told they muft not expeft. I fee not but the enemy are likely to dwell amongft us, to harafs, vex and ruin us ) unlefs some other meafures are foon gone into.'' * * Among the men in the service this year are the following — mostly Northfield names : In Capt. Fairbanks Moor's company at No. 4, June 21 to April 11, '57, Benoni Wright, Uriah Morse, Gideon Shattuck. In Capt. John Burk's company. Crown Point expedition, Simeon Knight, Zadock Wright, Elias Bascom.' In Capt. William Lyman's company Sept. 10, to Dec. 11, John Alexander, Miles Alexander, Samuel Mattoon. Mujler-roll of Capt. "John Catlin ids Co.., in fervice at the wejiward 0£i. li^to Dec. II. Capt. John Catlin 2d, Lieut. Phinehas Wright, Sergt. Jofeph Smead, Nath^ Dickinfon, James Corfe, Mofes Bafcom, Mofes Wright, Samuel Belding, Eldad Wright, Simeon Alexander, John Holton, Jona. Belding, Bildad Andros, — Philip Mattoon, Samuel Hunt Jr., Reuben Wright, Pedajah Field Jr., John Petty, William Orvis, Samuel Smith, Sam^ Merriman, Mofes Stebbins, Elijah Mitchell, Jofeph Catlin, Seth Cadin, John Hawks Jr., Phin, Mun, Jofeph Rugg, Agrippa Wells, Simon Stevens, Tho® Alexander, Aus;uftus Wells. Owing to the discouragements and derangement of business inci- dental to the war, Northfield had neglected to raise money for a school for two years. The matter coming to the knowledge of the county court, a precept was issued, and served on the town. Aug. 10, a town meeting was called, " to choose an agent to answer to a complaint made against our town for not having a school master to teach our children to read and write." » Moses Bascom certifies, that in Sept. 1756, he brought Elias Bascom home from Fort Edward on a horse. T^he Last French and Indian War. 297 Zebediah Stebbins and Reuben Wright. — Notwithstanding the dangers and alarms, some of the farmers undertook to cultivate their out-lands this year. Joseph Stebbins (whose removal to his log house up near the great bend was narrated on page 277) put in crops on his newly broken lands, while his family lived at Evens's stockade across the river. August 20, Zebediah Stebbins and Reuben Wright went up from Northfield, to work on their lots near Stebbins's Island. Just as they started to return, they were assaulted by a small party of Indians in ambush. The leading facts of the encounter are given in a letter written the next day : "Northfield Aug. 21, 1756. To Maj. Williams, Deerfield, Sir : As two of our Northfield men, viz : Zebediah Stebbins and Reuben Wright, were returning from their labor laft night about fun half an hour high, a little below Jofeph Stebbins's Ifland, an Indian laying in the path 6 or 7 rods before them, fired and fliot Wright through the right arm between the Ihoulder and elbow. They turned and rode back 3 or 4 fcore rods and halted, when the enemy immediately came up and fired a fecond gun at them. The men then perceived that there were not more than 3 or 4 Indians ; but ftill rode back a few rods and flopped to have the Indians come up (though they had but one gun). In a minute an Indian came in fight in the path, when Stebbins fired, and the Indian fell and cried out. Stebbins and Wright made off as faft as they could. The Indians were after Jofeph Stebbins, as 'tis fuppofed, who was at work at his houfe, and who faw 3 of the enemy follow our men. Some of our farmers had in too much hafte got out to their homes : but we fee that we are flill in danger, and I hope we fhall take warning and ftand better on our guard. Y"^ humble ferv', Seth Field." Tradition adds some particulars to this official statement. Reuben Wright was a daring, go-ahead man, and noted as a furious rider ; he would never break his horse from a gallop even when he was lighting his pipe with steel and flint. His neighbor was just the reverse. But this morning Stebbins was up first, and called for Wright before he was ready to start ; and all the way up to the great bend was in a hurry, taking the lead. When they started, near sundown, to return, Wright took the lead as was his habit ; and received the Indian's fire.' He had the only gun, and tried to return the fire, but could not raise the piece with his wounded arm. After the second shot, Stebbins took the gun, and after retreating some distance and out of sight of the enemy, both turned into the thicket. Presently the head of an Indian appeared over a swell in the road. The savage appeared to 38 298 History of Northfield. be looking for traces of blood, and was so intent that he did not raise his eyes till he received Stebbins's ball in his breast, when he leaped into the air and fell backward. A pool of blood was found there the next day. The three Indians were watching Joseph Stebbins, who with two boys was taking up oats near his house. When he heard the first gun he snatched up one of the lads, took him upon his back, ran to the river and crossed just above Pomeroy's island to Evens's stockade. The other boy hid in the bushes. The Indians passed close to him but did not detect his hiding place. He was almost dead with fright, so that when the party from across the river came to search for him, he could not move towards them, and when they called it was a long time before he could answer. The Fall of Oswego. — While Gen. Winslow was delayed in his intended movement on Crown Point, the French under Montcalm invested the English fort at Oswego, on the south side of Lake Ontario; and after a short siege took it August 14. Our loss was 1700 men — Shirley's and Pepperell's regiments — 7 armed vessels carrying from 8 to 18 guns each, 200 bateaux, 107 cannons, 14 mortars, 730 muskets, besides stores. Many of the prisoners were massacred by the Indians, and the rest were sent to France. Anxiety about the plans of the victorious Montcalm led the Massachusetts authorities to issue orders about the first of October for impressing men from the militia, to go to the support of the army under Maj. Gen. Winslow. The following were impressed out of the Northfield Foot company : Corp. Thomas Alexander, Moses Evens, Ebenezer Field, Samuel Field, Eliphaz Wright, Amzi Doo- little, Samuel Stratton, Philip Mattoon, Alexander Norton, Asahel Stebbins, Jona. Hunt, Samuel Orvis, Daniel Brooks, Amasa Wright, Benj. Miller, Reuben Wright, Thomas Elgar. — As soon as the draft was completed, Capt. Seth Field wrote the following letter to Col. Israel Williams : " Northfield Oct. 5, 1756. Sir : The men imprefled are the ftrength and fupport of the town : Many of them with great famlHes, and under the moft difficult circumftances to leave, efpecially in the frontiers ; but I am obliged to take fuch or none. Our people are in the utnioft diflrefs at the thought of having this town ftripped of the firfl men in it, and there is a general baclcwardnefs amongil the men to go and leave their families in fuch fituation and under their difficult circumftances ; for as foon as they leave the town we fhall be able to make but a faint refiftance againft the enemy and mufl: lie at his mercy. We have indeed forts, and but a 'ic'w feeble men to guard and defend them. Pity and compaffion cries loud The Lasi/^rench and Indian War. 299 for an exemption from the dou.A burden lying on the frontiers, and efpecially poor Northfield who has been .S^y'^Z away by the hand of the enemy thefe ten years pail:. \ Sir, begging yourVavi*" ^"^^ ^^ diftreffed town, I am ' Y'" humble fervS Seth Field. " \ Oct. 5. Lieut. Parker, an express,^ brought a letter from a captive in Canada, to Col. Hinsdell, to be forvi^arde^ with all possible speed to Capt. Seth Field, desiring he will forward it to Col. Williams at Hatfield. All that is known of the consents > ^^om the following note by Col. Hinsdell : " While the ExpreW is refreshing himself I only minute the express to me, informing that sai^ captive says he knows many of the captives taken from cr^" - parts • That James Johnson with his wife and two younges't ci. . Ven ai^ •" g^ol ^^ Quebec : That those taken at How's are air'l.;^!! : T'nat Foster's family got well to Canada : That there are a vast n. mber t^ captives in Canada, and that they are scattered about at laboi in the pl^ce of the French gone to the war. That the French officers much ridicule our officers for giving up Oswego so soon. That the T-ndians l^^re very backward in going to the war before they took Oswego, but -cS^ now one and all engaged with the French." Sergt, Joseph Allen with 11 men was posted at NorthfieJd from Oct. 19, to Jan. 23, '57. 1757. This was a year of disasters to the English, and was re- membered throughout the colonies, for three generations, as the ye.^r of " the great alarm about the taking of Fort William Henry." The principal event of interest in the Connecticut valley, was the attack by a large force of French and Indians, April 19, on No. 4. There was only a handful of soldiers — among whom was Benoni Wright of Northfield, at the fort. And that morning. Ens. David Farnsworth, Bradstreet Spafford, and Samson Colefax went to work at the mill ; Dea. Thomas Adams, William Porter, and Jacob Sartle went out in the woods to the sugar camp ; and Asa SpafFord, George Robbins, John Grandy, and Asahel Stebbins went hunting. The attack was made on the party at the mill, where they took Colefax and Farnsworth. After burning the mill, the Indians went for the sugaring party, and captured Dea. Adams ; and afterwards they secured Robbins and Asa Spafford.^ Farnsworth and Robbins returned ; the others died in Canada. In the course of the preceding winter, Capt. John Burk had raised ^ The Williams Papers, in Mass. Hist. Soc. Library. 300 History of North^'^^' ^ , . , J -the raneino; service. The a lar^^^Joel Alexander " Silas Smith " Jonathan Burr '* Eben"" Warner " Benjamin Burt •' John Norton, Northampton Joel Holton " Caleb Pomeroy " Jofeph Dickinfon •' Thomas Starr " John Mun Jr. " Afahel Danks Thomas Temple, Roadtown. In Capt. Salah Barnard's Company. Reuben Alexander, Miles Alexander, Mofes Bafcom, Ezekiel Bafcom, Joel Baker, Nehemiah How, Benj. Mun, ^lomon Sartwell, Job Smith, Amos Tute, Eben'' Scott of Sunderland, who died on his return at Fort Maflachufetts. 3o8 History of Northfield. Enlijied men in Col. Is. Williams's regiment. Abner How, Amherft Gaius Crafts, Hatfield Elilha Wait, Hatfield John MofFatt, Northfield Seth Wait Seth Murray Eben^ Belding Eben'" Belding Jr. Jofhua Warner Jonathan Hunt Reuben Petty Eldad Wright Nath' Chamberlain Sam' Frizzell Seth Field, Montague Aaron Field " Jofiah Johnfon, Erving John Severance " Abel Dinfmore, Deerfield Elias Bafcom " Ifrael Warner Charles Wright, Amherft Items. In an account, commissary William Williams charges : £. s. 4. Cafh paid Ifrael Dickinfon for rum and bringing medicines from Dr. Samuel Mattoon in Northfield to No. 4, 3 18 10 Paid burial Expenfes of Elijah Niles of Eafton, Col. Willard's regi- ment 060 Paid burial Exp. of — GofF of Capt. Williams's company 080 Paid Ens. Sawyer for bringing medicines from Northfield to No. 4, o 6 o Paid do. for self and horfe to carry J. How of Col. Willard's reg. from No. 4 to Nfd., 1 13 o Paid Capt. Hunt at Nfd., for billeting J. How 6 days, 090 Credits Dr. Sam Mattoon of Nfd., medicines, 380 and names the following sick men left at No. 4, Nov. 1759 ; Stephen Parker of Shrewsbury, of Capt. Fay's company ; Simon Newton of Southboro, Capt. Fay's company; Benj. How of Upton, of Capt. Bent's company. In October the garrisons stationed in the several towns and block- houses on our frontiers, except at Fort Dummer, were dismissed, for the reason that the possession of Crown Point and the regular opera- tions of the army would effectually cover the settlements. 1760. The capture of Montreal was all that remained to be done to complete the conquest of Canada. Gen. Amherst, having per- fected his plans, concentrated the three divisions of the army before Montreal, Sept. 6 and 7 ; and on the 8th, the whole Province of Canada and its dependencies were surrendered to the British crown. The. Last French and Indian War. 309 The Indian depredations ceased^ when the French power was broken. Capt. Salah Barnard enlisted a large company, which joined Gen. Amherst's division, and marched for Montreal. The company was mustered Feb. 19 and dismissed Dec. 12. Among the names are : Ens. Samuel Taylor, Northfield Thomas Elgar, Northfield Sergt. Nehemiah How, Hatfield Benj. Gardner " Sergt. Eben'- Stoddard, So. Hadley Eben^ Holcon v,^^ Corp. John Petty, Northfield Uriah Morfe " ^ " Solo. Sartwell, Amherft- Simeon Olmiled " " Perez Bardwell, Hatfield Abner Wright " Elias Alexander, Northfield Daniel Wright " Miles Alexander, " Richard Wilds, Roadtown ^ Afa Alexander " James Wilds " Reuben Alexander " Reuben Webb, Springfield Benjamin Burt " John Conkey, Pelham Ens. Samuel Merriman was out in one of the Hampshire regiments, in this campaign. In his diary he writes : " Aug. 25, at Isle aux Noix ; Sept. i, at St. John's; Sept. 5, at camp Shamblee ; Sept. 8, we came to Montreal." The small pox broke out in the French army in Canada in the year 1756, and spread among some of the Indian villages. During the campaign of the present year many of the- English soldiers took the disease, and were brought home sick or infected. Some of our men brought the infection to Northfield ; and Ens. Samuel Merriman's house on Beers's hill (which he had built in '51 or '52) was taken by the town for a hospital. It was used through the winter and spring ; and the town at a meeting in August, 176 1, voted "To pay Ens. Merriman the sum of £ ii 2 o for the use of his house and other damages sustained thereby." In the fall of '59 Lt. Col. Hawks cut a road through the forest from Crown Point towards No. 4 ; and in the early summer of '60 Col. John Goff of New Hampshire, with his regiment, opened the eastern end of this new path, beginning at Wentworth's ferry, two miles above the fort at No. 4, and running 26 miles, when he struck Col. Hawks's work. Massachusetts levied 3000 men for the army in '61 ; and about the same number in '62 ; but the war was substantially closed. A treaty of peace was signed at Paris Feb. 10, 1763. 3 1 o History of Northfield. Cost OF THE War. — From May 1755 to May 1763, Massachusetts raised and expended $4,217,000, of which sum four millions were proper war charges. Great Britain refunded to us one and a half millions ; and the balance was borne by the Province, and was a grievous burden. From the opening of the war to and including the year 1760, the seasons proved remarkably fruitful in New England. The colonies were able to supply the wants of the army from their own resources. But a drought set in in the spring of '61 and continued through '62, which cut short the crops, and made it necessary to send abroad for provisions to supply the ordinary wants of the people. 1 76 1. Seth Field taught school during the fall and winter of this year, and was paid by the town 10 shillings per week. 1762. In June Uriah Morse (b. in Holliston) and Hannah his wife, who had been in Northfield during the war, removed to the town of Haverhill N. H., and were the ^xsl family upon the ground. Miscellany. — During the disturbance of the late wars, and the absence of Indian hunting parties, and the service in the army of the settlers who were expert with a gun, wild animals increased in the forest with great rapidity, and became troublesome to the farmers. In 1754, as appears from the town files, Northfield paid a bounty on 7 wolves, 8 old bears, 8 bears' cubs, and 2 wild-cats, killed within the town limits. The first notice of a wheeled vehicle for pleasure travelling in Northfield, is in 1763, when Lt. Jonathan Belding owned a "chair." He once let it to Eleazar Pomeroy for a journey to Northampton. Tavern. — Capt. Samuel Hunt kept a tavern during the period covered by this chapter. His slave boy Mishap was a noted character among the frequenters of the house. His charges were : for meals, 8^. ,• lodging, id. ; horse keeping per night, Sd. ; ^ a pint of rum, 8^. Physician. — Dr. Samuel Mattoon was in practice here at this date, and continued the leading physician for many years. Shoemaker. — Alexander Norton commenced business in town as early as 1 751, and carried on tanning and shoe-making till his old age. Carpenter. — Ebenezer Harvey was exercising his trade here as early as 1759. CHAPTER X. 1763-1773- A New Meeting-house — New School-house — Church formed at Hins- dale — Logs in the River — Singing — Hunt's Saw-mill — Potash House — List of Polls and Estates 1771 — Warning People out of Town — Annexation of Pembroke Grant and Hack's Grant — Bounty ON Crows — Industries. |NE of the first matters to enlist the interest of the North- field people, when it became certain that the French power was effectually broken, and peace with the Indians was established, was the erection of a new house of worship in place of the one built in 171 8. A town meeting was called the first week in August, 1761, to con- sider the question, and decide whether they would build, and if so, where the house should be placed. After consideration, it was found that there was substantial unanimity in favor of a new house ; but there were conflicting sentiments about the proper site for it. And it was voted to leave the selection of a site to a disinterested com- mittee, consisting of Capt. Orlando Brid'gman of Hinsdale, Dea. Enos Nash of Hadley and Joseph Barnard of Sunderland. Ens. Phinehas Wright, Ens. Thomas Alexander, Sergt. Ebenezer Stratton, Sergt. Moses Field, Aaron Burt, Seth Field Esq. and Philip Mattoon were appointed a committee " to build a meeting house on the place the committee shall determine upon." The committee on location decided that the best place for the new house was in the middle of the street, just north of the old one. At a meeting of the town in November, 1762, it was voted to build the meeting-house on the spot staked out by the committee ; to raise the sum of ,£20 by taxation ; and to sell the town land in the Great meadow and a part of the sequestered lands, to pay for the same. The timber was got out in the course of the winter and brought upon the ground and partly framed. But some of the inhabitants became dissatisfied with the location ; and a town meeting was called May 9, '63, " To determine whether the meeting-house shall be raised on the spot where the committee set the stake, or carried back to the west side of the street, or into the front of Mr. Pomeroy's and widow 3 1 2 History of Northfield. Field's home-lots, if they permit it." A large majority voted to carry the house to the west side of the street. The town then proceeded to sell the Great meadow lots, and the sequestered lands lying south of the village. One mug of flip and two gallons of rum were consumed at the vendue, at the expense of the town. The stone for the foundations of the new house were drawn and laid, and the frame raised in the early part of summer. To supply the requirements of the " raising," the committee purchased 2 barrels of New England rum, which cost .£924, and 4 gallons of West India rum at 8 shillings per gallon. At the meeting May 9, the town voted to build a steeple to the meeting-house ; and at a meeting Dec. 12, it was voted to procure a bell. Seth Field Esq. was appointed a committee to make the pur- chase. Hophni King was probably the master carpenter on the meeting- house and set out the frame by the square rule. Tradition says that this was the first building in Northfield so laid out. From various bills on file, it appears that the house was not fully boarded in the first season ; and in the spring of '64 X50 additional was raised towards finishing the meeting-house. Aaron Burt sold ' the committee a lock for the meeting-house door, on the last of May this year, which would indicate that it was substantially enclosed. But the house was not finished for three years. May 14, 1765, the town chose Capt. Samuel Hunt and Seth Field Esq. a committee "to make sale of the 50 acres of sequestered land lying in Winchester, the proceeds to be applied in payment for still further finishing the meeting-house." Dec. 29, '66, the town voted to raise the sum of X60 in order to finish the meeting-house. August 6, 1767, Ebenezer Walbridge gives the town a receipt for ,£14 8 " in full for work done at the meeting-house." He seems to have been employed in putting in the pulpit and pews ; and this was the date when the house was considered as completed — though the bell was not put in place till the next year. Sept. 8, 1767. At a town meeting this date, it was voted " To seat the meeting-house." The following committee was appointed : Capt, Samuel Hunt, Lt. Joshua Lyman, Ens. Phinehas Wright, Seth Field Esq., Sergt. Simeon Alexander, Sergt. Ebenezer Stratton, Samuel Root, Stephen Belding and Zebediah Stebbins. Voted, that Mr. Hubbard have the choice of the pews for his family. The house then built was 55 by 44 feet, with a steeple at the north end. It stood near the west line of the street, just against the dividing line between the Parson Doolittle and the Joseph Parsons home- lots, fronting to the east. The inside was finished with ground floor, Matters of Interest. 3^3 and galleries on three sides — the pulpit standing on the west side, with a sounding board suspended above. The pews were enclosed in panel work, according to the fashion of the time. The plan on the next page, reduced from one drawn by Seth Field Esq. will give an The Old Meeting House. idea of the lower floor ; and the peculiar numbering of the pews will indicate the " dignity " of each seat as estimated by the first com- mittee on seating the house. [This numbering was afterwards changed — sometimes to suit the views of each new committee.] By common usage, the two pews directly in front of the pulpit ranked the highest ; but the choice of a side pew (No. i, on the plan), by Mr. Hubbard, made it proper to designate that as the highest in dignity j and the rest were numbered to correspond. The seating of \i%0. No. I, Mr. Hubbard's family. No. 2, Esq. Field, Col. Wright, Mrs. H. Mattoon. No. 3, Eleazar Stratton, Capt. Stratton, widow Stratton, widow Mattoon. No. 4, Mr. Stebbins, Dea. Smith, Mr. Todd. No. 5, Hezekiah Stratton, Lucius Doolittle, widow Christian Field. No. 6, Capt. Hunt and family. No. 7, Ebenezer Field, Samuel Field. No. 8, Philip Mattoon, Jona. Belding No. 9, Mr. Norton, Lieut. Janes, Samuel Mattoon. No. 10, Simeon Lyman, Lieut. Wright, Seth Lyman. No. 11, Shammah 40 o o d d 2 Z Z Z »< o ET 5- z 2' z' ^ ^ o 03 00 o' d d d z z z z ■* * 3; °° z z z z Matters of Interest. 3 1 5 Pomeroy, Elijah Mattoon. No. 12, Mr. Whitney and family. No. 13, Sergt. Holton, Lieut. Alexander, Capt. Alexander. No. 14, Ens. Field, Capt. Merriman, Theophilus Merriman, Mrs. Joanna Lyman. No. 15, Ebenezer Field Jr., James Lyman. No. 16, Reuben Smith, Tabitha Wright, Capt. Smith. No. 17, Zebediah Stebbins, Reuben Wright, Reuben Morgan, Noah Morgan. No. 18, William Field, Lemuel Holton, Samuel Holton. No. 19, Pedajah Field, Benjamin Brooks, John MofFatt, widow Reuben Petty, Benjamin Miller. No. 20, William Holton, Ebenezer Severance, John Mun. No. 21, George Field, Capt. H. King, widow Robbins. No, 22, Oliver Wright, Elisha Stebbins, Abner Wright. No. 23, Moses Dickinson, Titus Dickinson, Benoni Dickinson, Mary Dickinson. No. 24, Joseph Cook, David Wright, Josiah Parmenter, widow Stebbins. No. 25, Elijah Stratton, Lieut. Lyman, Dr. Marcus Marble. No. 26, Ebenezer Severance, Oliver Smith. No. 27, Elijah Holton, Elisha Alexander, John Holton. No. 28, Capt. Doolittle, Asahel Stebbins, Rufus Field. No. 29, Oliver Watriss, Eliphaz Wright. No. 30, Rufus Stratton, Samuel Field Jr. No. 31, Simeon Alexander, Medad Alexander. No. 32, A. Field, Jonathan Janes. No. 33, Nathan Flint, Nathan Prindle, John Field, Eunice Field. No. 34, Elisha Smith, Caleb Morgan, Consider Cushman, Amaziah Roberts. No. 35, H. Gaylord, Gad Corse. No. 36, Caleb Lyman, William Belcher. No. 37, Barzillai Wood, Nathaniel Sanger, E. L. Tiffany, William Askey, Peggy Petty, Ruth Miller. Old ladies pew, Mrs. Lyman, widow Dickinson, widow Wright, Mrs. Root, Mrs. Janes. There were also twenty-five singers seated in the orchestra, and about a hundred young people in the galleries, each of whom had a special seat assigned him or her. The widow Wright swept the meeting-house, the first year after it was opened, and received therefor <£ i 6/. 8^. : Billy Field was em- ployed that year, to ring the bell, and was paid & i \s. od. Sept. 22, 1768, the town voted to let out pews in the meeting- house to people living in the neighboring towns. In '69, a committee was chosen to procure stone steps and horse-blocks for the meeting- house. 1783. The town voted, that William Field be directed to ring the bell in future on the Lord's day precisely at 9 o'clock in the fore- noon. Voted, that the intermissions between the public worship on the Lord's day shall be one hour from Oct. i, to April i ; and for the months of April, May and September, the intermission shall be one and a half hours ; and for June, July and August, two hours. Chose Seth Field Esq., Capt. Ebenezer Stratton and Mr. Aaron 3 1 6 History of Northfield. Whitney a committee to wait on Mr. Hubbard and acquaint him of the foregoing votes of the town. Aug. 14, 1786. The town voted, that those persons seated in the northwest corner pew in the body of the meeting house, and those in the southwest corner have liberty to make a window to each of said pews, on condition that they make them at their own cost and expense. The meeting house was seated anew, in '72, '80, '86, and so once in 5 to 8 years, till 1830. The number of heads of families and old people, who were assigned seats below, in 1780, was 103 ; in '86, 133; in 1818, 268. 1787. The house remained unpainted till 1789. At the annual town meeting in '87, it was voted to raise the sum of X12, " to re- pair and colour the meeting-house." But this improvement was a matter of time. In '88, many of the farmers took extra pains with their flax fields ; and in the winter the town bought of them their surplus seed, amounting to 42^ bushels, at 3^. 6d. per bushel. The flax-seed was sent to Boston by teams, where it was exchanged for paints and oil; and the house was colored in the summer of '89. This house stood till 1833. New School House. — When it was determined to build a new meeting house in 1762, it was also voted to remove the old school house (which stood just where it was first decided to set the meeting house) into the lane by Capt. Hunt's. The matter was delayed, and in '64 the town voted to build a new school house, 21 X 20 feet and 7 feet stud, with a chimney at the north end. This was set in the lane aforesaid, and stood till 1797 or 98, when the present house was built on the same spot. The town had but one school district proper, and one school house, till 1 78 1. Seth Field kept school for about 20 weeks in most of the years between 1736 and 1775, at lOs. per week ; and for many years Phinehas Wright was paid by the town for teaching a longer or shorter time. In '65 he kept a school 6| months ; in '69, 24 weeks ; in '72, 25 weeks, at 5^. per week. In '73 Lydia Warner kept school 18 weeks at 55. per week. In '79 the town voted to pay Mr. Daniel Babbitt 100 dollars continental currency per month and his board, for keeping the town school so long as he shall keep said school. In '85, Mr. Abishai Colton of Longmeadow was employed as school master. To account for two school masters and but one school house, it is to be considered that Esq. Field kept what was called the winter school, and Ens. Wright the summer school. It is also known that Mr. Wright kept a school in his dwelling house as did also Matters of Interest. 317 his wife ; and it is not unlikely that two schools were going on at the same time. And as early as 1765, and thenceforth, the town made appropriations for a school among the farmers in the south part of the territory. This latter appropriation varied from =£3 to <£i2. In December 1768, the town voted to raise X6 for the sup- port of a school at the Farms ; and that their proportion of the winter school rate shall be improved for a school amongst themselves, and be under the direction of the selectmen as well with regard to the master as to the time and place of keeping the school. The select- men acted as school committee till '83, when the several districts were allowed to manage their several schools in their own way. After this date however, the selectmen were empowered to take charge of the schools till 1800, when a school committee was chosen by the town. No mention is made of a school on the west side of the river till 1775, when 20 shillings was appropriated for a school at the south farms on that side ; and in 1780 Moses Dickinson, Titus Dickinson and Nathan Prindle were allowed to have their proportion of the school money for a school among themselves. From 1780 to 1792, 60 pounds was usually raised for schools ; in the latter year it was increased to 80 pounds. In some years the town voted *' to hire a master to instruct in reading, writing and singings for one month in addition to the usual winter school. J new Church in Hinsdale. August 14, 1763, Capt. Orlando Bridg- man, Peter Evens and wife, Thomas Taylor and wife were dismissed from the church in Northfield " to lie in the foundation of the church in Hinsdale." Logs for Ship Timber. — The Indians had not burnt over the country above West river ; and the meadows in Putney and vicinity were covered with a magnificent growth of yellow pines. As early as 1732 parties were sent hither by New London merchants to cut mast timber. Enough to load a vessel was floated down in the spring of '33 ; and at one time that season there were 70 men in the woods at Great Meadow cutting and preparing another ship load. After the new Province line was run, the New Hampshire authorities claimed all this timber as within their jurisdiction. In 1763, im- mense numbers of logs broke away in the spring freshet, and lodged on the meadows in the different towns on the river. The inhabit- ants and the town authorities took possession of these logs, and re- sisted the agents of Gov. Wentworth, who were sent to reclaim them. In April of this year, 266 logs were seized by the selectmen 3 1 8 History of Northfield. of Northfield within the town limits. There was a fierce conten- tioh ; and it is not known which party kept possession. Singing. — This part of religious worship had an important place in the Sabbath services, in our fathers' time. And as few, except the pastor and deacons had books, it was customary to " deacon " or " line " the psalm ; i. e. after the minister had read the psalm or hymn, the senior deacon would rise, face the congregation, and read off the first line, which would then be sung ; then the second line, which would be sung; and so on to the end of the psalm. As most of the psalms had six or eight stanzas, the time occupied was consi- derable — or would be thought so, now. The practice of " lining the psalm," which was one of the che- rished prerogatives of the deacon's office, was abolished in this town at a comparatively early date, as the following vote will show : Jan II, 1770, The town voted, "That hereafter the singers shall sing altogether without the deacon's reading the psalm line by line, except at the Lord's table, when the deacon is to read, and at no other time ; this to begin the first Sabbath in March next." At the same meeting it was voted to choose a committee to make the hind seats in the front gallery into four pews for the convenient seating of the singers. And in November, Mr. Seth Hastings was hired one month, to teach the youth of Northfield the art of singing. Saw-mill. In 1763 or '64 Capt. Samuel Hunt built a saw-mill on the first Salmon brook (now in Vernon Vt.). Potash House, — At a meeting in 1765, the town voted to allow Seth Field and others to put up a potash house in the south lane, by Nehemiah Wright's home-lot. This house was set on what was afterwards known as the second 6x12 lot. The ashes were bought of the villagers and farmers, at ^d. per bushel ; and the great con- sumption of wood in the open fire-places of those days, yielded a large amount of ashes, which thus became a source of considerable income. The company commenced boiling in October, and continued through the cold season, or as long as the stock lasted. The potash was in part consumed in the town and vicinity ; and the balance was sent to Boston. In '67, the potash sent to Boston brought ^634 i8j. <)d ; cost of freight £b 6s. ^d. In '68 the net loss of the works to the partners was £1 y. od. if. each. In '69 the net profit to each partner was £0 6s. 3^. 3/^ The business was carried on for many years ; and with varying results. 1 77 1. The town was fined for neglecting to send a representative to the General Court, I Matters of Interest. 319 Polls and Estates, Northfield I'J'Jl. Jonathan Belding, Jonathan Belding Jr. Ebenezer Field Jr., Martha Dickinson, Nathan Fisk, Oliver Taylor, Benoni Dickinson, Alexander Norton, Elihu Lyman, Aaron Burt, Simeon Lyman, Elisha Smith, John Helton, John Larrabee, Titus Dickinson, Moses Dickinson, Eldad Wright, Lucius Doolittie, Samuel Root, Simeon Alexander, Seth Lyman, Abner Wright, Stephen Belding, Ebenezer Harvey, Thomas Alexander, Eleazar Pomeroy, Oliver Wright, Abraham Parkhurst, Samuel Warner, Elisha Hunt, Oliver Watriss, Reuben Wright, David Wright, Zebediah Stebbins, Benjamin Wright, Joseph Stebbins, William Field, Mary Wright, Elisha Stebbins, Shammah Pomeroy, Eleazar Stratton, Philip Mattoon, Samuel smith, Oliver Smith, Samuel Field, Paul Field, Joshua Lyman, James Lyman, Ebenezer Field, Moses Field, Phinehas Wright, Eliphas Wright, Joanna Holton, Samuel Holton, Elijah Holton, Elijah Mattoon, Ebenezer Janes, Noah Munn, William Holton, Benjamin Brooks, Lemuel Holton, Samuel Merrriman, Elias Bascom, Medad Pomeroy, George Field, Rufus Field, Seth Field, Eleazar Stratton, Hezekiah Stratton, Ebenezer Severance Ebenezer Severance Reuben Petty, Reuben Smith, Pedajah Field, Hophni King, Benjamin Miller, Samuel Mattoon, Aaron Whitney, John Brown, Moses Stockwell, John Moffatt, Bradford Newcomb, John Farrar, William Askey, Gad Corse, Samuel Merriman J John Allen, Asahel Stebbins, Cyrus Stebbins, Israel Warner, George Robbins, Eleazar Holton, Number of rateable polls, 106 ; not rateable, 10. Number of dwelling houses, 65. Alexander Norton had a tan house ; Simeon Alexander a blacksmith's shop ; Elias Bascom a clothier's shop and saw-mill ; Aaron Whitney a store j Stephen Belding and Ebenezer Janes grist mills, and Jona. Belding a saw-mill. Paul Field was taxed for one slave. The number of horses 3 years old and over was 107 ; oxen 4 years old 131 ; cows 3 years old 220 ; sheep i year old 437 ; barrels of cider made 168 ; acres of tillage land 1268 ; bushels of corn grown 7701 ; acres of English mowing 251 ; tons of English hay 354. W^arning persons out of town. The custom prevailed at this date throughout the province, of " warning out of town " all transient per- sons, and all who did not purchase real estate, and all strangers not vouched for by some inhabitant. When a stranger moved into town 320 History of Northfield. to reside, the person into whose family or tenement he came, was required to give notice to the selectmen, of the name of such stranger or strangers, the place whence he came, his pecuniary circumstances and the date of his coming to town. The selectmen would then, at their discretion, allow him to remain, or order him to be ''warned and cautioned as the law directs." A person so warned was pre- vented from gaining a settlement, and the town escaped liability for his support. The process implied nothing against the character of the individual or family ; arid it often happened that such warned per- sons eventually became honored and wealthy citizens. The following warrant, which was served upon the parties named, will show the intent and manner of the warning : " Hampfhire ss : To Reuben Wright conftable of the town of Northfield in i^ county of Hampfhire, Greeting : Whereas sundry persons herein mentioned, lately came into and do now refide in the town of Northfield (where they are not inhabit- ants freeholders or proprietors) to the hurt and damage of f town, viz : Abraham Parker of Richmond in New Hampfliire, and Hannah his wife, and Abraham Jun., Hannah Jun., John, Solomon, David, Ruth and Betty Parker, minors, all fons and daughters of the above named Abraham and Hannah Parker ; and Edward Lyman Tiffany of Lebanon in Connefticut, Thomas Richardfon of Chefhire in New Hampfhire, and William Afkey fuppofed to be a deferter from the regular Troops : And whereas the town of Northfield may be obliged to be at charge for the relief and fupport of the above named perfons, by their refiding in f"'' town until they become proper inhabitants of the fame, in cafe they or either of them fhall fland in need ; Now to prevent the fame You are hereby required in his Majefty's name forthwith to notify and warn the above named perfons, to depart and leave thef^ town of Northfield, within the fpace of fourteen days from the day of {^ warning, if they would avoid being conveyed away by warrants from the proper authorities, to their refpedtive towns or regiment ; and that they nor either of them return back again or obtrude themfelves upon the town of Northfield by refiding within the fame, lefl they be proceeded againft as vagabonds. Hereof fail not, and make due return of this warrant and your doings thereon into the next Court of Quarter SefTions. Dated at Northfield, Jan. 22, 1771. Phinehas Wright^ Selectmen Simeon Lyman >- of Ebenezer Janes ) Northfield. In the year 1790, 25 families were thus warned, many of whom purchased real estate, and became citizens, and their descendants are now among our best people. In '92, 6 families ; and in '93, 16 families or individuals received warning. Matters of Interest. 321 The Pembroke Farm and Hack's Grant. — Dec. 16, 1772, the town chose Seth Field Esq. an agent, to present a petition to the General Court, that the fine for not sending a representative be re- mitted : Also for a grant of the 250 acres of country land within the town limits : Also that 500 acres of land granted to the town of Pem- broke and laid out adjoining to the town of Northfield, and 150 acres granted to William Hack, be annexed to Northfield. June 23, 1773, an act was passed for annexing the two tracts above named to Northfield ; but no action of the legislature in regard to the country land can be found. Noxious Animals. — The town offered a bounty of 6 pence for every old crow, and 3 pence for every young crow that should be killed within the town limits. In 1772, bounties were paid as fol- lows: Moses Field, 4 crows; Oliver Wright, 10 ; Abraham Ro- berts, I ; Cyrus Stebbins, 2 ; Abner Field, 6 ; Oliver Watriss, 2 ; Hezekiah Stratton, 2 ; Ebenezer Janes, 5 ; Samuel Holton, i young and Dea. Field 4 young and i old crow. A bounty of 10 pounds was offered to any inhabitant of North- field, who should kill a grown wolf any where between Miller's river and the Ashuelot, and the east and west bounds of the town ; and bounties varying from 6 shillings to 4 dollars were offered for wild cats killed within the above named limits. Industries. — Elias Bascom set up a clothier's shop, and a saw- mill as early as 1770. Hophni King the carpenter was in town in '63 ; Ebenezer Walbridge in '66 ; and David Barrett carpenter and wheelwright in '65. Ebenezer Field opened a house of entertain- ment in '71 or '72 ; and Hezekiah Stratton had a tavern at the farms somewhat earlier, perhaps in '63. Aaron Whitney commenced business as a trader here in '70. Eleazar and Josiah Pomeroy had a store some years earlier. Dr. Medad Pomeroy was in practice as a physi- cian in Northfield in '68 and 9, and in the latter year removed to Warwick. Dr. Isaac Hurlburt came in town just before the opening of the Revolutionary war. 41 CHAPTER XL War of the Revolution. lORTHFIELD as a border town had been so thoroughly schooled in the realities of war, that our people were pre- pared to estimate truly the duties and dangers of the im- pending struggle with the mother country. Hence there was less of violence and turbulence in words and acts when the con- test came, and more tolerance of sentiment between conservatives and patriots, than in the commercial centres and in some of the interior and the more recently settled towns. There was no hesitancy in discussing grievances, and no backwardness in protesting against the arbitrary measures of the British government ; and when the time came, the sword was cheerfully and promptly taken. The part borne by Northfield in the war which resulted in the in- dependence of the American colonies, is best exhibited in the action of the town and the men sent into the service of the country. When the Revenue Act was passed, laying a duty on several arti- cles of luxury and necessity, most of the families in this town, quietly but with singular unanimity, resolved to forego entirely the use of tea, and of foreign calicoes and woolen dress goods, and return to sage and red-root, and the flaxen and woolen homespun stuffs of earlier days. A fair sample of the change in public sentiment and practice is seen in the fact, that in 1771 the number of sheep owned in Northfield was 437 ; and in 1777 the number had increased to 21 16. Probably the acreage of flax grown had increased in the same ratio. The spinning wheels were restored to their place in the kitchen ; the looms were repaired j and the younger girls became ambitious to learn all the mysteries of making and dyeing cloths and bedding. 1774. Sept. I, Gov. Gage issued his proclamation convening the General Court at Salem Oct. 5. In response, Northfield elected Ens. Phinehas Wright as representative. And notwithstanding the governor revoked his proclamation. Ens. Wright with 90 others met at Salem, organized themselves into a Provincial Congress, and then adjourned to meet at Concord Oct. 11. After a session of three days, they adjourned to Cambridge, and continued their sittings from Oct. 1 7 to War of the devolution. 323 Dec. 10. Mr. Wright was paid by the town &Q) lis. 6d. lawful money, for his expenses and time. At a meeting held in December, the town instructed the assessors not to levy a Province tax, and agreed to indemnify them for any trouble or cost which might ensue from such neglect. 1775. At a town meeting Jan. 13, Mr. Ebenezer Janes was chosen a delegate to the Provincial Congress to be held at Cambridge February first next. At the same meeting, Dea. Samuel Smith, Ens. Phinehas Wright, Dea. Samuel Root, Ens. Thomas Alexander and Seth Field Esq. \ were appointed a committee of inspection. And Lieut. Ebenezer ' Janes and Mr. Aaron Whitney were chosen a committee to receive the donation for the poor at Boston, and transmit the same to the committee at Boston. It was also voted, " that the selectmen give orders that such of the Minute Men belonging to this town, that are not able to supply them- selves with ammunition for any expedititm that they may be called to, be supplied out of the town's stock whenever they shall be called forth." A company of Minute Men, consisting of 26 belonging to North- field and 25 belonging to Warwick, was organized the preceding au- tumn, and had been in training under Joseph Allen and Gad Corse. April 3. The town voted to pay 24 shillings to Joseph Allen, and 7 shillings to Gad Corse, for instructing the Minute Men in the mili- tary exercise. Extract from records of second Provincial Congress : April 5, Voted^ That as the present delegate from Northfield, Mr. Ebenezer Janes being sick, and unable to attend, the inhabitants be desired to add another man to him, in order to a full expression of opinion. The Lexington Alarm. — The battle at Lexington was fought April 19 -, and the alarm reached Northfield about noon on the 20th. The long roll was beaten by Elihu Lyman ; and before night Capt. Wright and his Minute Men were on the way to Warwick and Cambridge. Mujler-Roll of Capt. Eldad Wright's Co. of Minute Men that marched from Northfield and Warwick to Cambridge April y' loth^ '^11 Si '" Col. Samuel Williams's regiment. Northfield men. Warwick men. Capt. Eldad Wright, Lieut. Thomas Rich, Serg*. EHphaz Wright, Serg*. Jofeph Mayo, " Hophni King, " Abraham Barns, 324 History of Northfield, Corp. John Holron, " Oliver Smith, Fifer, Cotton Dickinfon, Drummer, Elihu Lyman, Eldad Alexander, Cyrus Stebbins, Mofes Root, Jofeph Allen, Auguftus Belding, Ebenezer Petty, Rufus Carver, Eliiha Alexander, Luther Fairbanks, Thomas Stebbins, George Robbins, Jofeph Fuller, Barzillai Wood, Elifha Stebbins, Benjamin Miller, Elijah Rifley, Nathan Fifk, William Clemmens, David Goodenough, Corp. Seth Peck, " Henry Burnet, Daniel Whitney, John Whiting, Samuel Denny, William Pitcher, Jotham Merriam, Ifaac Burnet, William Burnet, Afahel Newton, Simeon Stearns, Francis Leonard, Wilder Stevens, Jonathan Gale, Caleb Rich, Stephen Gould, Peter Ripley, Gove Stephens, John Mayo, Jedediah Gould, Samuel Griffiths, William Bradley. Rations allowed ; from Northfield, i6 shillings 8 pence per man ; and from Warwick, 15 shillings 6 pence lawful money, to and from the camp. Capt Wright and about half his men were in service 4 weeks and 2 days ; others were out 23 days ; and some returned in a less time. The townspeople that gathered on the alarm, organized a meeting and chose a committee of correspondence, viz. : Dea. Samuel Smith, Ens. Phinehas Wright, Dea. Samuel Root, Ens. Thomas Alexander and Seth Field Esq. The following despatch received on the day of its issue will indi- cate the vigilance of the people : " Montague April 30, 1775. By this you are informed that there is a Poft fent out from New York to General Gage, with a packet. You are defired to intercept him, or follow him, if any intelligence can be had of him on either fide of the River. His name is Oliver Delarsee ; he is a bluff fat young man, 22 years of age, born in New York, and rides a Dutch trotting horfe. His packet is fupp'>fed to be configned [for deception] to Mr. Hancock or Adams, or fome other popular gentleman. Pleafe to infpeft thofe that may take his packet, and carry it down to Bofton. Infpedt taverns, ferries, and all fuspeded perfons. MosES Gun, To Com. of Corr. Northfield. Chair" Com. of Corr. War of the Revolution. 325 May 22. Ensign Phinehas Wright was chosen a delegate " to re- present the town at the Provincial Congress to be holden at Water- town on the 31st day of May instant, and to be continued by adjournment as they shall see cause until the expiration of six months and no longer." July 14. The town chose Ens. Phinehas Wright representative to serve at the General Court to be held at Watertown on the 19th of July instant. 1776. At the annual meeting, March 4, the town chose Col. Phinehas Wright, Dea. Samuel Smith,\Seth Field Esq., pea. Samuel Root, Lieut. Simeon Alexander, committee of correspondence, in- spection and safety. Voted^ that said committee keep a fair record of all their proceedings. Voted^ that the selectmen be impowered to pro- cure spades, pickaxes, etc. according to an act of the General Court, and to draw money out of the town treasury to pay for the same. In the February preceding a company had been recruited at North- field and vicinity, and had made choice of Thomas Alexander as captain. The first of March this company was ordered to join the ex- pedition against Canada. Mujier-Roll of Capt. Thomas Alexander's Company. Capt. Thos. Alexander, Lt. Peter Bi(hop, '* Noadiah Warner, " Jacob Pool, Ens. Abner Nims, Serg* John Hendrick, " Mofes Watkins, *' Arad Sheldon, " John Ball, Corp. Barth. Bartlett, " Jacob Town, Drummer, Jas. Warren, John Beaman, Joab Belding, George Wilfon, George Robbins, Jofeph Allen, Cephas Sheldon, Samuel Marfh, Jofiah Gaylord, Eben"" Martendale, Samuel Dean, Reuben Sheldon, Richard Lucas, Charles Carter, Uriah Weeks, Hazel Ranfom, Philip Maxwell, William Clark, Jonathan Robbins, Ephraim Potter, Mofes Cook, Charles Hutfon, Edw. Skinner, Jonathan Gleafon, Ephraim Town, Ebenezer Scott, Lemuel Roberts, Elijah Town, Simon Leonard, Hophni Rider, Elias Parmenter, John Dewey, James Whalen, Charles Campbell, Malachi Wilfon, Obadiah Wells, Ezekiel Fofter, Ezra Fofter, Nath^ Brown Dodge, Levi Prutt, Ouartus Alexanfler, Timothy Force, Jeduthan Morfe, Afa Barton, Silas Town, Ebenezer Petty, Samuel Goodale, Elnathan Pritchard, John Ranfom, Stephen Ralph or Rolph, Lemuel Martendale, Francis Mun. 326 History of Northfield. Capt. Alexander kept a Diary for a part of the time he was out. This and his petition to the General Court, furnish important mate- rials for a history of this unfortunate expedition. "March y^ 6th, 1776. Then I marched from Northfield with a number of men to Hadley 26 miles, for the expedition to Canada, and tarried there till the 1 2th, and then marched to Williamfburg, and put up at Fairfield's. 13th, marched to Worthington and lay at Miller's one day. i 5th, we marched to Eaft Hoofuck to Mr. Wright's. 1 6th, marched 6 miles to Mr. Jones's. 17th, marched to Bennington, 15 miles and lay there one day. 19th, marched to Shafts- bury to Mr. Galufha's ; from thence to Arlington to Mr. Halley's. 20th, marched thro' a corner of Sunderland and then into Manchefter to Mr. French's ; from thence to Mr. Kent's at Dorfet. 21ft, marched to Eaftman's in Rupert, and thro' Paulet, and to Merriman's in Wells. 22d, we marched from Wells to Poultney and Caftleton 14. miles. 23d, marched from Caftleton to Hubbardfton 9 miles. 24th, marched from thence to Sudbury to Mr. Morfe's 9 miles, then to Mr.Earl's in Shoreham 12 miles to Shoreham Lake. 25th, marched thence acrofs the Lake to Ticonderoga. 29th, marched from thence to a point of land 5 miles, and there encamped. 30th, marched to Crown Point 10 miles. April 14th, failed from Crown Point and lodged at Bafon harbor. 15th, failed and lodged at Cumberland head. 16th, failed to Saint Johns and lodged there, the whole is 120 miles, and I ftayed there. April 17th, Major Butterfield, Capt. Eafterbrooks and Capt. Wilkins came to St. Johns. April i8th, Capt. Shaw arrived at St. Johns from the Point. April 19th, Colonel Porter, Capt. Lyman and Capt. Shepard came to St. Johns. April zirt, I failed from St. Johns and joined the regiment at Shamblee. 22d, failed for Quebec. 23d, failed 9 miles down the River Lapare to the mouth. 24th, we failed 19 leagues down the St. Lawrence, and at Three Rivers I left Lieut Pool and 25 men. 25th, we failed to P 16 leagues, and lay there one day. 27th, we failed and landed at Salary ? and marched from thence 4 miles to Head quarters at Quebeck. May 2d, General Thomas came to Quebeck, and Friday the 3d Capt. Ba- con, Caf)t. Lyman, Capt. Shepard and myfelf went from Ouebeck to Point a trumble and arrived there the 4th. The 5th, got into quarters ; the 6th, our men retreated from Quebeck. It was from the 7th to the 13 th before I ar- rived at Sorell, being all fick with the fmall pox, and I went up the river Sor- ell 6 miles to a place called Santtane ? and there abode with my men from the 13th to the 23d ; and the 23d I had orders to go up to Shamblee, where we arrived the 25th at night, and remained there to the 5th day of June. June 5th, the colonel had orders to fail from Shamblee to Sorell, with Capt. Chapin, Capt. Bacon, Capt. Lyman, Capt. Shepard and myfelf. June the 2d, which is Sunday, General Thomas died, and was buried in the afternoon. June 6th, we arrived at Sorell. The 8th I went on the main guard, and the (hipping at the Three Rivers began to fire early in the morning at our men who War of the Revolution. 327 were ordered to take pofleflion of Three Rivers, and the enemy by land at- tacked them in the front, and our men fought on a retreat. Our force engaged confifted of 2000 ; the enemy of 5 or 6000. We were in the utmoft concern left ours had fallen into the hands of the enemy ; but Monday the 10th, we had refrefhing news that our men were returning to the camp. And the fame day at night Colonel iVIaxfield came into the camp with a large party of the men, and 'tis fuppofed that there was not more than 20 men miffing. General Thompfon is taken. June 14th, the whole army decamped from Sorell to go to Shamblee. Thofe of us that were in the bateaux failed in the night ; and when we had got within a league and a half of Shamblee we heard that the fort was befet by the enemy. But it proved a miftake ; and when we got there we went to drawing the ftores over the Rapids. The 16th 17th we did the fame. The 1 7th, we left Shamblee in flames and marched to St. Johns and camped there ; and the i8th we failed to Ifle-au-noix, and left St. Johns in flames. On the 21ft one of our boats went down towards St. Johns to a French houfe to drink beer, and the enemy came on them and killed one captain and one en- fign and two privates, and took feven prifoners. The 26th which is Wednef- day, we failed from Ifle-au-noix to the Ifle of Mot, which is 21 miles, and there lay, the whole army being colledted in order to go to Crown Point. Friday which is the 28th, we failed for Crown Point, and lay at Cumberland head ; and the 29th we failed to Schiler's Ifland, and lay there. Sunday the 30th we failed to Gillolan's Creek. July lit, we failed to Crown Point and there en- camped. July 5th, Serg* Francis Mun, John Ranfom and Charles Carter difcharged. July 9th, Timothy Force was difcharged. July i6th, the news arrived at head-quarters that the Congrefs had declared Independence. Day of rejoicing that. The colonel invited all his officers to his tent, and gave them a treat at the hearing of the news. July the 17th, our regiment failed to Ticonderoga ; and the iSth, I went back to the Point under command with 60 men. July 29th, Jofiah Gaylord died. Aug. i6th, Samuel Goodale died. Ticonderoga Aug. 20th, George Robbins and Jona. Robbins returned to their duty from their defertion. Aug. 30th, Simon Leonard died. Sept. loth, Stephen Rolph received a furlough for 15 days. Sept. 16th, Afa Barton was difcharged. . Sept. 18th, Jeduthan Morfe died. Sept. 20th, Silas Town was difcharged." The rest of the story of this campaign is told in the following pe- tition, dated May 27, 1778 : " Whereas y'' petitioner marched with a company under his command, in Col. Porter's regiment, March 6th, 1776, and after a very long and tedious march arrived at Quebeck about the laft of April ; and in a fliort time after the army was obliged to retreat from Ouebeck. In the retreat y^ petitioner as well as the reft of the army pafled through a feries of unparalleled dangers., hardfliips and diftrefs, and arrived at Ticonderoga about the 17th of July, where with his company continued until November 18 : when he with thofe of his company 328 History of Northfield. who furvived and were able, marched for Albany ; and from thence, to New Jerfey, and joined Gen. Wafhington's army the beginning of December, where they continued till the laft of the month, when the time for which they were engaged expired. But at the requell of the inhabitants they were defired by the General to ftay 1 5 days longer ; and they in compaffion to the people confented to remain that term of time; at the expiration of which they were difcharged. And your petitioner on his return homeward near Peekfkill, met with an unhappy fall upon the ice whereby one of his hips was greatly hurt, and the bone diflocated, which confined him there fome time, and occa- fioned very extreme pain, and much coft to get home ; and fince his re- turn he has been at confiderable charge in applying to furgeons for relief of his lamenefs by reason of faid fall ; but yet remains very much of a cripple, and fears he ever (hall. Therefore y"" petitioner moft humbly prays that y"" Honors would confider his circumftances, and gracioufly grant unto him what you in your wifdom fhall judge reafonable and equitable for the damage he has fuftained in ferving his country, and in duty bound fhall ever pray y Honors moft humble ferv'' Thomas Alexander " Names of the men in Capt. jfs company at Morrijiown Dec. 1776. Capt. Thomas Alexander, Charles Carter, Lieut. , Levi Prutt, Sergt. John Ball, Joab Belding, " Arad Sheldon, Quartus Alexander, Sergt. John Hendrick, Reuben Sheldon, Corp. Bartholomew Bartlett, Cephas Sheldon, " George Wilfon, Lemuel Roberts, John Dewey, Jacob Town, John Beaman, William Clark. A considerable number of the men that enlisted in Capt. Alexan- der's company were from Bernardston and Warwick, and some from towns down the river. In July, Capt. Samuel Merriman enlisted a company of 5 months men, for an expedition to Ticonderoga. The following are the Northfield names : Capt. Samuel Merriman, Solomon Holton, Cyrus Stebbins, Mofes Belding, Auguftus Belding, Thomas Elgar, Cephas Alexander, Thomas Stebbins, Dennis Stebbins, Eldad Alexander, Mofes Smith, Alpheus Morgan, John Farrar, James Hunt, War of the Revolution. 329 In Capt. Jgrippa Wells's Co. of -^ month's men, muftered Sept. i, are the following men from Northiield : Second Lieut. Miles Alexander, Nathan Hol- ton, Samuel Frizzell. Lil ofz months men deftined for Horfe Neck or White Plains, enlifted at Northiield September 1776: Elihu Root, Reuben Field, Nathan Field, Natha- niel Billings, Stephen Billings, Afa Stratton, Jonathan Janes, Edward L. Tiffany, Elijah Stratton, Noah Morgan, Jona. Loveland, Levi Field, Ithamar Good- enough. Names of men enlifted at Norihfeld in December 1776, to go to Danbury : Nathan Prindle, Titus Dickinfon, David Smith, Jofeph Rofe, Mofes Smith, Samuel Slarrow, Baldwin, Samuel Temple, Ifhmael Turner, John Stearns, Sikes, William King, Ezra King, Simeon King. Mr. Aaron Whitney was the leading merchant in town, and the town's stock of ammunition was kept at his store. Early in July some suspicion arose (which proved to be without foundation) that he was tinctured with toryism ; and on the 9th, a warrant was issued for a town meeting the next day ; at which it was voted " to remove the town's stock of ammunition from Mr. Whitney's store to some other place." Voted, that the ammunition shall be kept at three several places in three different parts of the town, until further orders. Capt. King and Gad Corse were appointed a committee to receive money to procure arms and ammunition, of all those persons in the town that will contribute money to purchase the same. Nov. 7. " Resolved. That it is the mind and will of the inhabitants of the town of Northfield, and do consent that the present house of representatives of this state of Massachusetts Bay in New England, together with the Council, if they consent in one body with the house, should agree on anc^enact such a constitution and form of government for this State, as the said House and Council shall judge most condu- cive to the safety, peace and happiness of the state." 1777. The committee of correspondence and safety this year, were, Dea. Samuel Smith, Dea. Samuel Root, Lieut. Simeon Alex- ander, Capt. Samuel Merriman and Lieut. Ebenezer Janes. Pest House. — The town voted "to build a house 16x30 feet and 7 feet stud, to receive persons infected with the small pox ; said house to be fixed where the selectmen shall determine." It was located near Strobridge hill. Northfield sent her full quota of men to the service of the war this year. Thomas Elgar enlisted in Capt. Leonard's company. Col. Shep- 42 330 History of Northfield. herd's regiment May i, and continued in said company till Dec. 31, 1779. There were in service at Ticonderoga, Lieut. James Lyman, Samuel Field, Thaddeus Brooks, Benjamin Dike, Nathaniel Billings, Benoni Dickinson, Moses Burt, Archibald Clandanel, Ebenezer^Field. Among the 3 months men, were Asahel Stebbins, John Mun, J. Church, Joseph Smead. Col. Phinehas Wright was in command of a regiment out in the campaign which resulted in the surrender of Burgoyne. " Moses Dickinson Field was at the battle of Bennington August 16, and served at Lieut. The company was held in reserve till near the close of the action. On the march to the front, a horse and wagon, filled and surrounded with British officers, apparently in con- sultation, vvas seen at some distance off in the road. As the horse in color answered to the one described the day before as belonging to Col. Baum, Lieut. Field, who was noted as an excellent marksman at long range, managed by the cover of a large oak tree, to get within shooting distance of the officers. His gun would prime itself, and he fired several shots in rapid succession, till the barrel became heated, when he hurried on to overtake his company. On the return of the men to their camp, after the battle, Lieut. Field went to the spot where the wagon had stood, and found the ground 'as bloody as if you had been butchering hogs ; ' and learned that Col. Baum lay in a block-house near by, mortally wounded. The wagon, which was left at the place, contained a large military chest. He felt confident, as he has repeatedly told the writer, that one of his shots inflicted the wound of which the British commander died. " Moses Field (father of the Lieut, above named) was at v/ork in Bennett's meadow, with three of his younger boys, on the day of the Bennington fight. They distinctly heard the report of the guns, and knew that a battle was in progress. After listening awhile, the father remarked : ' I know that there is a battle going on, and I have got a boy in it ; I can't work ; I must go home.' The next day came the news of the victory, and his son's safety." Letter of Dea. Phinehas Field. Mujier-roll of Capt. Peter Pro£tor's Company^ Lieut. Col. Williams's Regiment^ that marched to reinforce the Northern Army^ July lO — Jug. 12, 1777. Capt. Peter Proftor, Sergt. Simeon Lyman, John Whitney, Lieut. Eben"^ Janes, " Daniel Whitney, Alex' Wheelock, " Hophni King, Stephen Gould, Aaron Robbins, Serge. Benj. Mayo, Edw. L. TifFany, Arch. Burnet, War of the Revolution. 331 Benj. Ouincy, Eliphaz Wright, Ebenezer Petty, Jona. Moore, Jonathan Gale, John Mallard, John Bucknam, Jonathan Davis, Jonas Leonard, James Kelton, James Fitch, John Ramfdell, Miifier-Roll of Capt. Wrighfs Regiment^ to the Call of Gen. men.) Capt. Samuel Merriman, Lieut. Eldad Wright, Sergt. Seth Lyman, " Oliver Watrifs, " George Field, Corp Nath' Billings, " James Lyman, " John Holton, •' Eldad Alexander, Levi Field, Mofes Smith, Mofes Root, Medad Alexander, Nathan Wooley, Nathan Holton, Oliver Smith, Seth Mun, Simeon Stearns, Samuel Todd, Stephen Billings, Solomon Holton, Tim. Wheelock, John Field, Eben"" Atwood, Abner Sherman, Benj. Towel, Charles Woods, David Bucknam, Oliver Wright, Simeon Alexandei Samuel How, Thomas Kelton. Samuel Merriman^s Company in Col. Phinehas Expedition to Northern Department in Refponfe Gates., Sept. 22 — Oct. 18, 1 777. [Northfield Elias Bafcom, Alpheus Brooks, Ebenezer Petty, Thaddeus Brooks, Simeon Alexander, Jonathan Janes, Elijah Taylor, John Evens, Nathan Filk, Elirtia Holton, Afa Stratton, l- Prince Tracey,i Henry Allen, Noah Morgan, Elijah Stratton, Eliphaz Wright. This company took part in the battle of Oct. 7, and was present at the surrender of Burgoyne, Oct. 17. Several of Burgoyne's men came to Northfield, and became per- manent residents. Among them were John Woodard, Robert Timson and Dennis McCarty. William Dorrel (who eventually set- tled in Leyden, Mass., and became the founder of a fanatical sect known as Dorrelites) was taxed in Northfield 1784. John Wotton embarked with Burgoyne's army, but the ship was taken by one of our cruisers ; and on landing he enlisted in the American army, and was at the surrender of his old commander. He settled in this town. 1778. Committee of safety : Dea. Samuel Smith, Dea. Samuel Root, Lieut. Simeon Alexander, Hezekiah Stratton,''^ebediah Steb- bins. The town chose Hezekiah Stratton, Ebenezer Severance and Lemuel Holton a committee "to enquire into the circumstances of families whose husbands are gone into the continental service, and From Lebanon, Conn., a grantee of Hartford, Vt. 332 History of Northjield. provide them with meat and grain at the price such articles sold for when they severally enlisted in the service." April, 1778. On the question of adopting the state constitution formed in February last, the town voted ayes 27, noes 16. May 7. Voted to raise £120 lawful money as a bounty for 4 men to serve 8 months in the continental army. At the same meeting Lieut. Ebenezer Janes was elected represent- ative to the General Court to be holden at Boston, May 27th instant. George Robbins, Solomon Alexander, Matthew Ransom, John Dennis and Ebenezer Petty enlisted in the army this year and were paid $100 each by the town. 1779. Committee of correspondence: Lucius Doolittle, Capt. Thomas Alexander and Hezekiah Stratton. Capt. Thomas Alexander was chosen representative to the Gene- ral Court, and also a delegate to the convention for forming a state constitution. June 23, the town voted that a bounty of X120 be paid to each effective man that shall enlist into the continental service for the pre- sent war. July 12, the town paid a bounty of =£30 each to 2 men to serve in the army six months, <£6o Paid rations and travel 100 miles, 40 Oct. 19. Paid, as above, to 7 men ordered by the General Court, 210 Paid rations, etc. 120 miles, 96 List of 9 months men for service at West Point : Eldad Wright, Jona. Belding, Darius Stebbins, Oliver Garey. List of one month men enlisted in July for services at New Lon- don : Capt. Elihu Lyman, Moses Root, Joseph Smead, Joshua Lyman, Eliphalet Stratton, Sylvanus Watriss, Daniel Ransom, J. Church, Phinehas Field, Obadiah Janes, Levi Merriman, Alpheus Brooks. List of men enlisted in October for service at Claverack, Oct. 15 to Nov. 21, in Col. Israel Chapin's regiment: Capt. Samuel Merri- man, Eliphaz Alexander, Thomas Alexander, Francis Burk, Levi Field, Asa Field, Elijah Field, Jonas Holton, Ebenezer Petty, John Dickinson, Francis Akeley. Sept. 6, the town chose Ebenezer Severance a delegate to meet in convention with other delegates from the several towns in the county of Hampshire, to be holden at Northampton on the second Wednes- War of the Revolution. 333 day of Sept. instant, to agree upon a uniformity of prices of the seve- ral articles in the county. 1780. Noxious Animals. — Beasts of prey had multiplied so rapidly, that at the session of the legislature in March, the following petition (signed by members) was presented : " The Petition of the subscribers shows : That the inhabitants of the western counties are greatly distressed by reason of the destruction of the sheep and neat cattle by wolves, catamounts and wild cats, which are numerous in some parts of said counties, and are grown very bold and ravenous. They therefore pray that a bounty may be offered for their destruction. Signed, Thomas Alexander, John Muzzey, Benj. Bonney, Noadiah Leonard, Moses Harvey, Jona. Nash, William Paige, Hugh Mc- Clellan. The petitioners were allowed to bring in a bill. At the annual town meeting, Seth Lyman, Ebenezer Severance and Eliphaz Wright were chosen committee of correspondence. Foted^ that the X120 granted by the General Court be paid to Jona. Belding, for his son's going into the continental service for 9 months. Voted^ that the £360 granted by the General Court be paid to the 3 men that listed for 9 months, to pay them in part for their services. May 2. The new state constitution having been received, a town meeting was called, and Mr. Samuel Todd, Seth Field Esq., Col. Phinehas Wright, Dr. SamjoeLMattoon, and Capt. Elisha Hunt were appointed a committee to receive and peruse the proposed constitution and form of government, and make such observations and objections to any article as they may think proper and report the same to the town. The committee reported at an adjourned meeting May 22. Their objections were as follows, viz. chap. 11, sect. i. Relative to the Qualifications of civil officers : we are of opinion that all civil officers in the state should, previous to their entering upon the duties of their office declare themselves to be of the Christian Protestant Religion. Reason first^ It appears to us that the safety of the state calls for the exclusion of all Roman Catholics from holding any civil office therein : Second^ we are of opinion that the adjuration oath provided in the constitution is not sufficient to exclude all such. Further it is objected that whereas it is implied that there shall be but one Register of deeds in each County, we are of opinion that every corporate town have a right to and ought to have a Register of deeds. Hence to have but one Register in a County is greatly to the disad- vantage of the public, and it increases the travel and cost of the sub- ject ; neither is it so safe : moreover we view it repugnant to the 334 History of Northfield. seventh article of the Bill of Rights which declares that government is instituted for the common good, and not for the profit, honor and private interest of any man or family, or class of men." After hearing the paper read, the town voted on the different parts of the constitution, accepting some and rejecting others : the chapter on qualification of voters was accepted, 37 to 7 ; chapter 6, article 3, on the property Qualification was accepted, 43 to I. The vote on accepting the proposed constitution as a whole stood 2 ayes, 42 noes. June. The town voted to hire the 12 men required as the town's quota in the present expedition, and hire money to pay the same. Un- der this vote the following men enlisted to serve for 6 months at West Point, out July 4 to Dec. 17 : Moses Robbins, Alpheus Brooks, Thaddeus Brooks, Daniel Warren, John Watriss, John Moffatt, Joseph Myrick, Seth Mun, Gideon Putnam, Alpheus Morgan, Wil- liam Vorce (wagoner), Archibald Clandanel. Under the call for 3 months men, the following drafted or enlisted men went from Northfield in Capt. Seth Pierce's Co. Col. S. Mur- ray's regiment. and were in service at Claverack and West Point from July 4, to Oct. 12 ; Lieut. James Lyman, Seth Field, aged 18, Jonathan Belding, Eldad Wright, aged 19, " 18, Eliphaz Alexander Barzillai Woods, " 16, " 26, Tertius Lyman Jofhua Lyman, Eliphalet Stratton, " 18, " 20, Benj. Doolittle, James Scotr, Moses Dickinfon. " 16, Phinehas Field, " 19. Phinehas Field was fifer to the company, and went as substitute for his brother who was drafted. The company was at West Point in September at the time of Arnold's treachery. On their return from the campaign, the men halted under the old Meeting Oak, when young Field struck up a joyous tune on his pewter fife. This was the first intimation the villagers had of their arrival ; and his mother, who lived where F. Stockbridge now does, instantly recognized the familiar tone of the fife, and cried out " Phinny has got home safe !" The town this year voted^ That the price of labor on the highways be 36 dollars (continental currency) per day for man and the same for team of four cattle, from April i, to Oct. 20 ; and 24 dollars per day from Oct. 20 to April i. Voted^ To pay Mr. Hubbard's salary at the exchange of 72 for i. Voted^ That the rate called the soldier's rate be made and paid in grain, as follows : wheat at 5 shillings per bushel, rye at 3 shillings, and corn at 2s. 6d. War of the Revolution. 335 Sept. 4, 1780. At the election held this day, under the new state constitution, the votes cast were as follows : For governor, John Hancock, 27, James Bowdoin, 3 : for lieut. governor, James War- ren, 28, James Bowdoin, i. Lieut. Ebenezer Janes was chosen representative to the General Court. Oct. 20. Levy of Beef. The town voted^ that the assessors lay an assessment on the inhabitants of Northfield for 3650 lbs. of beef, in accordance with the order of the General Court, and in moiicy ade- quate to the value of said beef. Voted., that in lieu of the beef (if not paid by each person that is assessed) they be assessed and pay at the rate of 120 continental dollars per hundred, or 3 pounds New Emission Bills per hundred, and in like proportion for a greater or less quantity. Capt. Elisha Hunt, Eben"^ Field Jr., and Seth Ly- man committee to purchase the beef. Dec. 26. Voted, that the requisition for 10 men made by the Gene- ral Court for the continental service, shall be hired by the town at large. Voted^ that the committee be authorized to borrow 1 000 Spanish dollars to pay for said men. 1 78 1. Committee of correspondence, Seth Lyman, Oliver Smith, Elisha Alexander. Voted., to assess a tax of ,£300 lawful money, to be paid one-half in silver and one-half in continental Bills at the current exchange, i. e. one Spanish dollar for 75 continental dollars. July. Voted., to hire 8 men to join the continental army for 3 months, agreeably to the requisition of the General Court June 30, 1781. /^(?/^^, to borrow the money to pay the recruits. The bounty paid each man was <£i2. The list is as follows : Tertius Lyman, Donaldus Wright, Moses Robbins, Nathaniel Collar, Reuben Whit- comb, William Larkin, Abraham Parker, Jona. Parker. The surrender of Cornwallis Oct. 19, virtually closed the war. Richard Kingsbury, Alexander Best^ and William Brown were hired by the town to serve in the continental army ; but the date of their enlistment is not known. 'Alexander Best received in settlement two notes, signed in belialf of the town by Elisha Hunt, James Lyman and Oliver Watriss. CHAPTER XII. •^ 'Aj?ridged Annals ^ 1780 — 1830. The People impoverished — Equal Rights — Conventions — Valuation — School Districts — Cemeteries — Ferries — Sixth Division of Com- mons — Olive Moffatt — Distilleries — Rev. John Hubbard — North- field Land set off to Gill — Rev. 'S. C. Allen — Post Office — Aqueduct — Sale of Highways — Oil-mill — Rev. Thomas Mason — Turnpike — Choristers — Slaves — Carriages — John Barrett — Solo- mon Vose — John Nevers — Organ — Methodist Church — Bridge — Artillery Co. — War of 1812 — Social Library — Broom Corn — Hops — High School — The Second Church — Unitarian Society — Baptist Church — Northfield Academy — Third Meeting-House — Parish Fund — List of Pastors — Physicians — Lawyers — Representa- tives — Senators — Town Officers — Miscellany — Soldiers in the War of 186 1-5. Appendix. The successful ending of the war brought with it perils which tried the patriotism, and courage and wisdom of our people, as sorely as the strife of arms. The responsibilities of freedom were new. The attempt to build up a commonwealth on the principle of equal rights to all^ was attended with difficulties of the gravest and most complicated character. The maxim of war, that the most direct way to gain an end is the best way, is hazardous in times of peace, and especially hazardous at a time when all the elements of society are in a disturbed and feverish condition. The war left every body in debt. States, towns and individuals had strained their credit to the utmost, and the resources of all were ex- hausted. Taxes were heavy and pressing. The soldiers held town notes, and the traders held the soldiers' notes, and all were clamorous for settlement. Silver money had nearly disappeared ; and the circu- lating medium of continental bills had depreciated, so that in some cases the exchange was 240 for i. The two necessities which pressed heaviest were, the payment of debts; and the adoption of a financial system that should have an as- sured basis ; and secure equality of values. Real estate was unsalable. Personal property could not be exchanged for money ; and hence en- forced settlements by law, to which many resorted, did not cancel obligations, and brought the courts into contempt. The " Tender act " of 1782, which made neat cattle and other articles a legal tender, Abridged Annals. 337 rather increased the evil it was intended to cure. By its expost facto operation, and its suspension of existing lawsuits, it complicated all questions of debt and credit. The slowness of the legislature to act, owing to differences of opinion in regard to the true remedy, and the partial failure of the first devised measures of relief, wrought a spirit of distrust against the go- vernment, and turned the minds of the people to undertake the cor- rection of their own grievances. The singular spectacle presented itself in most of our towns, of the freemen standing aloof from the annual elections. With 120 legal voters, the number of votes cast for governor in Northfield in 1780, was 30; in 1782, 10 ; in '84, 20 ; in '85, 22. And it is believed that this town was not an excep- tional case. At the opening of the Revolution, the people had appointed central and local Committees of Safety and Correspondence. This was found to be a wise expedient, as a means of concentrating opinions and coun- sels, and a medium of efficient action. And conventions of these committees were a potent way of securing concert of plans. They became a power in civil and political affairs, whose authority in local matters was sometimes greater than that of the legislature, and whose action was recognized as binding by the courts. The success of the earlier conventions of these committees of safety, indicated the most direct way of carrying out schemes for opposing, as well as supporting, the constituted authorities* Conven- tions " to consult upon the subject of grievances " — a word quick to catch the popular sympathy — began to be held in Hampshire county as early as 1781. They were made up of delegates chosen by the legal voters of the several towns ; and thus had a semi-official char- acter. For a time these delegates were men of the highest respecta- bility and influence ; and the meetings were moderate in their counsels while firm in the determination to secure what they held to be their just rights. But prudence and wisdom were not always in the as- cendant. These delegate conventions degenerated ; and irregular conventions were held, which became the instruments of faction and mob rule, and culminated in the Shays rebellion. The extracts from the town records which follow, will show the part taken by Northfield in the various measures to adjust conflicting interests, and remedy evils ; how the people went to work with a will, to promote education and material prosperity, and to guard dearly purchased civil and political rights. 1780. The action of the town in reviewing the proposed state 43 338 History of Northfieid. constitution, and the almost unanimous vote against its adoption, were noticed in the last chapter. A like spirit of independence, and determination that the will of the people should be law, was evinced in the matter of choosing men to represent the town in the legislature and in conventions. In 1782 Aaron Whitney was elected repre- sentative to the General Court ; and at the same meeting the town chose Seth Field Esq., Col. P. Wright, Hezekiah Stratton, Dr. Mattoon, Capt. E. Hunt, Dea. Root, Eben' Severance, Lieut. Janes, Capt. Elihu Lyman and Lieut. James Lyman, a committee ■ '* to give instructions to their representative in those things which * may be agitated and acted upon by the General Court." The same thing was repeated in succeeding years. In 1786, Capt. Elisha Hunt was appointed a delegate to a convention at Hatfield ; and a com- mittee of five was chosen to give instructions to said delegate. The town also took action in selecting candidates for the office of Justice of the Peace under the new constitution, as the following vote will show : Voted^ to recommend Lieut. Ebenezer Janes to the governor as a meet person for Justice of the Peace, and chose Lemuel Holton, Oliver Smith and Capt. Seth Lyman a committee to petition the governor for the aforesaid purpose. Similar town action was subse- quently taken in recommending Medad Alexander and Obadiah Dickinson for the same office. The number of rateable polls at this date was 170 ; total valua- tion, .£3980 \Q)s. Voted^ that property be assessed at the following rates for the current year : Home-lots at £ 80 Oxen at £9 Great meadow, ift qua), pr. a. 9 Cows, 3 12 « .c 2d " " 7 Three years old. 2 " 3d " 4 Two years old. I 10 Pauchaug, Ift " " 9 Yearlings, 1 «' 2d " " Horfes, 5 Pine meadow. Ift " " 3 Colts 3 years old. 5 " 2d " 2 " 2 " 2 Moofe plain, per acre 2 Sheep, 7 Log plain, 3 Swine, I Pauchaug plain 3 Wheat, per bufhel. 4 Cow plain. I 10 Rye, 3 Second Divifio n lots, 10 Corn, " 2 Third & Fourth do. 6 Flax, per pound. 8 pence. Good Pafture, 2 1781. Schools. — Up to this date, there had been but one organized school district in town, and but one school house. After 1765 money was regularly appropriated for a school at the Farms ; and after '75 the families living near Bennett's meadow had a small allowance for Abridged Annals. 339 a school among themselves ; but these schools were kept at private houses. Dec. 24, '81, the town voted to divide the village into 3 school districts, the upper district to extend from Mill brook north including the farmers ; the middle district to extend from Mill brook to Shammah Pomeroy's ; the lower district from Mr. Pomeroy's south. A new school house for the upper district was built in the highway, on the easterly side, just above the Capt. Colton place ; the middle district retained the old house ; the south district built a new house on the westerly side of the street in front of the Zechariah Field home-lot. At the same time a school district was organized at the Farms, and one on the west side of the river. Cemeteries. — Mar. 19, 1781, the town voted to lay out a burying- place on the west side of the river ; committee on location, Ebenezer Severance, Eliphaz Wright, Lemuel Holton. It was laid out as follows ; " to begin at a pair of bars that lead through Bennett's meadow ditch near the southeast corner of Hunt's Frizzel farm, thence southerly on the east side of said ditch about 14 rods to a gulf or steep valley ; thence easterly by the said valley about 1 1 rods to the brow of the meadow hill ; thence northerly about 13 rods to the meadow ditch ; thence westerly about 9 rods to the bars first mentioned, and which contains by estimation about one acre. The cemetery at the centre has a varied history, a part of which was given in preceding chapters. In 1769, it was cleared of brush and enclosed with Virginia fence, at a cost of X3 lOs. lod. In '84 the town voted to clear the burying-ground and build a post and board fence around it, with a gate sufficiently wide for the passing of sleighs. In '93, it was voted, "to let out the centre burying-ground to pasture sheep on." May ir, 181 1, the town bought one-fourth of an acre of land of Apollos Morgan, for a burial-place, near said Morgan's house at the Farms, for $18.50, with liberty of passing to said yard — he to build a good board fence around the lot. In 18 14, at the request of Asa Robbins and others, a piece of land was purchased and laid out for a cemetery at the southeast part of the town. Ferries. — March 1781, the town voted to approbate John Moffatt to keep the ferry from Northfield to Bernardston. This was the ferry between Bennett's meadow and Great meadow, which was es- tablished at a very early date, and where the town had maintained a canoe for personal conveyance, and a scow for the transport of teams 340 History of Northjield. and farm produce. The scow was moored at this crossing ; and was taicen to the ferries above for the space of lO or 12 days twice a year to accomodate the proprietors of the Moose plains and the meadow owners above. In '63, the town voted " to build a house at Bennett's meadow ferry, 23 X 18 feet, and to build a boat, and to employ some person to keep the ferry." After 178 1, this was known as MofFatt's ferry. In 1795, the town voted, that the treasurer be di- rected to execute to Edward L. Tiffany a lease of the ferry-place at Bennett's meadow, for the consideration of his ferrying the inhabitants of the town at id. per man and horse, and in that proportion for a foot- man and teams. In 1 799, it was voted that the selectmen take charge of Tiffany's ferry, and a committee was appointed to lease it. The committee was instructed to try the town's title to said ferry ; and at a later date reported ; " ist, they think the privilege of said ferry to be a valuable property, and affords an annual income of about $300. 2d, this property is claimed by Capt. Elisha Hunt, and he is determined to hazard a legal process rather than relinquish his claim. 3d, the committee regard the privilege too valuable to be given up without a struggle ; and 4th think it expedient to appoint one or more agents with full powers, to act for the town. And Timothy Dutton, Solomon Vose, Rufus Stratton and John Barrett were accordingly appointed." No further record of the case has been found. The Moose plain ferry was established in 1686. In 1771 it was known as Prindle's ferry, from Nathan Prindle who was then em- ployed to keep it, and who continued in charge for many years. Little Meadow ferry^ crossing at the upper end of Pauchaug, is named in 1753. Samuel Belding bought the Little meadow property about 1790, and the crossing-place was afterwards known as Belding's ferry. At that date there was an old house called the " ferry house" standing on the meadow, which would indicate a valuable franchise ; but it was probably a private enterprise, and no mention is made of town action in maintaining it. Munn' s ferry ., between Northfield and Gill ; and Stacy's ferry^ near the mouth of Four mile brook ; and Hel- ton's horse-boat ferry near the old bridge, were started at a later date, and were individual enterprises. The Sixth Division of Commons. — At a meeting of the pro- prietors of common and undivided lands in Northfield, Oct. 29, 1781, it was voted, that the committee be impowered to sell and convey these lands to those men that are now in occupancy of them, or to prosecute and dispossess them by due course of law. These undivided lands consisted of numerous detached tracts scat- Abridged Annals. 341 tered over the entire township, and of different values according to location. Some lots had been built upon by squatters, and some had been improved by adjacent owners. Sept. 30, 1782, the pro- prietors voted to apportion to the inhabitants all the common lands not embraced in former divisions. Voted to begin to number ofF the lots of the sixth division at the great river south of George P'ield's land, and to go easterly ; then to begin on the east side of the county road above the Committee's Farms (so called) and to extend northerly up to Beers's plain : Then to begin on the west side of the county road near Elijah Stratton's and extend north up the deep gully on Second brook : Then south and east of Capt. Alexander's pasture : Then above Pauchaug meadow near the fishing place (so called) : Then above Moose plain : Then at the county road west of Lemuel Holton's : Then at Grass hill. The list of grantees is substantially the same as the proprietors of the Fourth Division, on page 282. Capt. Elisha Hunt was sent as a delegate to a convention held at Hatfield on Wednesday Aug. 7, 1781. 1783. Lieut. James Lyman was chosen delegate to a convention to be holden at Hadley, March 25th instant. Olive Moffatt. — The sudden change of the fashion in materials for dress goods, which came with the opening of the Revolutionary war, made famous this maiden of humble birth. She was of Scotch descent ; and the Scotch emigrants that settled at Londonderry, N. H., and Killingly, Ct., were long noted for their skill as weavers. Born in 1757, Olive was in '73, when the people made up their minds to take care of themselves, just at the age to be stimulated by the special favor shown to accomplished spinners and weavers. She was employed by most of the well-to-do families in town ; and in 1780, and for many years thereafter her loom was considered indis- pensable in all fashionable wedding outfits. Her linsey-woolsey cloth was inimitable for evenness of texture ; and she had a pattern of linen damask which no one else in town could weave, and which, of course, all brides coveted. Some of the table linen of her handy work has been preserved in the Elihu Stratton and other families till a recent period, and perhaps may still be found. And what was of special consequence at the earlier date, she understood perfectly how to color the fine lamb's wool yarns with madder. All the housewives knew how to use logwood and indigo ; but it required peculiar tact to get the right shade of red. Olive would never spin over two skeins of fine linen thread, even in the longest day, and would charge 6^. and "jd. per skein. Of fine woolen she would spin four skeins, and 342 History of Northfield. charge T^d. per skein or 8i. per " run."' When she felt just hke it, she could weave 3I yards of yard wide cloth ; but commonly 3 yards was a day's work. The selectmen were instructed " to hire a school-master that will answer the law ;" and Joseph Cummings was employed to teach in the middle district through the fall and early part of the winter. 1784. Number of rateable polls, 145 ; dwelling houses, 71 ,• barns, 71 ; shops and stores, 9 ; saw and grist-mills, 5 ; barrels of cider made, 502 ; stock in trade, X460 ; horses, 143 ; Oxen, 156 ; cows, 225 ; sheep, 372 ; swine, 275. It was voted that it is the opinion of this town that there should be a division of the county of Hampshire into two parts ; and Lieut. James Lyman was sent as delegate to a convention at Deerfield to act on this subject. 1786. May 4, the town chose Capt. E. Hunt and Lieut. E. Janes delegates to a convention to be holden at Col. Seth Murray's in Hat- field on the 2d Wednesday of May instant. Aug. 14, Capt. E. Hunt was sent as delegate to a convention at Hatfield to be holden the 22d inst. 1788. Lieut. Ebenezer Janes was elected delegate to the state con- vention for ratifying the federal constitution. Prices. Fulled cloth, per yard, 6^. ; tow cloth, 2s. \ men's thick shoes, "js. bd. ; carpenter's wages, 4^. bd. ; board 5^. per week ; shin- gles los. per M. 1 79 1. Distillery.— Samuel Brewer from Boston set up a small distillery in the back part of his store this year. And thus was intro- duced a branch of business which assumed large proportions a few years later. Before 1811, William Pomeroy built a large distillery for making whisky from rye and corn, on the north side of the turn- pike, at the corner of the second section of the Great swamp lots : Ebenezer Warner put up similar works on the south side of the turn- pike ; and Elihu Phelps and Rufus Stratton set up a distillery on the river bank at the west end of the Aaron Burt home-lot. These were all closed soon after 1830. Barzillai Wheeler had a distillery for making cider brandy in 1814. 1794. The town voted that the school money be divided to the several districts according to the number of scholars in each district. November 28. Rev. Mr. Hubbard died. 'A "run " of yarn consisted of twenty knots, a knot was composed of forty threads, and a thread was seventy-four inches in length, or once round the reel. A skein of yarn con- sisted of seven knots. Abridged Annals. 343 The ministry of the second pastor of the church, Rev. John Hub- bard, was not marked by any thing of special personal interest, except, in a single instance at the breaking out of the war of the Revolution. He appears to have given his life and his love to the people of his pastoral charge ; and was singularly happy in their reciprocal affection and confidence. The records furnish no evidence that his original salary of <£66 13J. 4^3'., was either cut down or increased. His settlement of =£133 ^s. 8^, was paid promptly ; and it seems to have been taken for granted that this money, and the home-lot and outlands given him, placed him in independent circumstances. Hence his salary, though paid, was never paid punctually. For the first ten years it was paid in about two years after it fell due ; from '60 to '70 it was paid at the end of 12 months after the proper time. In 1775 it was badly in ar- rears ; but by a special effort that year it was brought up to within one year's payment. In 1790 it had fallen 5 years behind. But to the honor of the town be it said, when the currency depreciated, the loss was made up by an addition of the required per centum. In 1780 he was paid by an allowance of 72 for I. The pastor's annual supply of wood was an important item of town concern. The matter was sometimes put in charge of the selectmen, sometimes given to a special committee ; and they were instructed to inspect the loads to see if they held out in quantity and were of the standard quality. The unhappy controversy, which was the only break in the har- mony of Mr. Hubbard's pastorate grew up in this wise. In the public prayers on the Sabbath, like all other ministers, Mr. Hubbard had always offered a petition for God's blessing on his majesty the King of Great Britain. After the battle of Lexington, when men's minds were intensely agitated, and their indignation aroused against the royal cause, he continued to repeat the accustomed petition. The committee of safety, Dea. Samuel Smith, Ens. Wright, Dea. Root, Ens. Alexander and Seth Field, who were the only acknow- ledged source of political power in the town, as the committee at Boston was the head of power in the Province, held a consultation, and determined (Esq. Field only dissenting) to rule out the obnoxious petition, and to do it in a summary way. And on the next Sabbath, after the congregation was assembled and when the service was about to commence, Dea. Smith arose and forbid the pastor offering prayer, informing him that he would be allowed only to read the psalms and preach the sermon. Mr. Hubbard regarded this as an assault upon his rights as pastor of the church, and declined to submit to dictation. 344 History of Northfield. The committee had taken a public stand, and to recede would subject them to ridicule. They were supported by the military leaders and young men generally, who constituted a majority of the legal voters. Mr. Hubbard had the countenance and support of Esq. Field, Dr. Mattoon, Ebenezer Stratton, Alexander Norton, Aaron Whitney, Shammah Pomeroy, and the majority of the church. The war of words, and looks, and actions raged fiercely for a couple of years, when Deacons Smith and Root and their friends withdrew from the communion of the church, and absented themselves from meeting on the Sabbath. In '78 Mr. Hubbard proposed to the town that if they would pay him up in full his salary now due, he would submit the question of dismission to a large mutual council. As this would necessarily in- volve an inquiry into the conduct of the Deacons and others in ab- senting themselves from the ordinances, the proposition was declined. July 7, 1779, the town proposed to Mr. Hubbard, that if he on his part would ask a dismission and obtain it by a small council called for that purpose, then the town on their part (the church agreeing thereto) will, i, make good his salary agreeable to Mr. Hubbard's own proposals : 2, the town will give him the privilege of his pew in the meeting-house, during his stay with us : 3, the town will not im- pose any office on Mr. H. that shall be disagreeable to his inclina- tions, but will endeavor that he shall be honored for the good that he hath heretofore done in the town : 4, the town will not rate his poll in the town or state tax during his stay amongst us — he also continu- ing a peaceable member of society : Or, 5, If Mr. Hubbard chooses to submit the whole of the matter of our uneasiness and want of re- conciliation to a council of nine churches, viz. the churches in Brattleboro,' first in Suffield, Southampton, West Springfield, Belcher, Granby, Barre, first in Brookfield, Athol (the church agreeing thereto), the town consents and is contented, on condition that if a reconcilia- tion cannot be effected then the council shall be authorized to dismiss Mr. H. from his pastoral charge. This alternative proposition for a mutual council, though so care- fully guarded by its condition, and the known sympathies of the churches named, was accepted by Mr. Hubbard and his friends — they only requiring that the churches at Southampton and West Springfield be omitted and two others substituted. The council convened Nov. 17, and was in session four days. Without waiting for its decision — evidently following somebody's wise suggestion — the town's committee drew up the following paper, for " an accommodation between y= pastor of y= church in Northfield A Abridged Annals. 345 and his adhering brethren, and y^ people who are dissatisfied with his conduct." " It having pleafed the wife and holy God to fufFer great difficulties and di- vifions to arife between the Paftor and the majority of y*^ people ot this town which have arifen on account of differences in principle and condudl with re- ference to y^ controverfy fubfifting between Great Britain and thefe United States : — Sincerely defirous to heal thefe unhappy divifions, we propofe that our Rev. Paftor Ihould, on his part, acknowledge that his want of union with the body of the people in thefe ftates in political fentiment and condudl has been the occafion of y^ uneafinefs fubfifting among us ; that in his public ad- miniftrations and private deportment he has done and faid that which afforded great difquietude in the minds of his people, and paffed over feveral things which would have been a great relief and comfort to their minds, under the grievous afHiftions and public troubles of our land ; that the Paftor exprefs his fenfe of the grief which this would raife in the minds of his flock, and his determination to give them every relief in his power : — For this end that he give afTurances that he will conduft as a quiet and peaceable fubjeft of thefe United States ; that he will endeavor according to the duty of his office to submit himfelf and yield obedience to y® authority and government of thefe independent ftates ; that he will ufe his endeavors that the prefent conftitution, laws and liberties of his country be fecured and perpetuated ; that he publicly pray for the profpe- rity of the American arms againft our Britiih enemies and all others in their attempts to overthrow our independence ; that he receive in love and embrace with afFedlion thofe who have been in oppofition to him during thefe our un- happy controverfies ; that he treat them with that kind intercourfe and famili- arity which they experienced in former years ; that he forgive every matter of real or fuppofed offence in the conduct and converfation of any of his people ; that he inculcate this fame fyftem of friendly condudl upon thofe termed his adhering brethren, and perfuade them to a ready compliance with thefe pro- pofajs, wherein they can be applied to them refpeftively. — Upon which com- pliance of theirs, we engage cordially to embrace thefe adhering brethren as fellow members of Chrift's vifible body, and defire to excufe every exception- able part of their conduft towards us, and that every part of our conduft towards them that has been exceptionable may be buried in oblivion ; that the Paftor caft no grievous imputation upon any part of his flock, exercifing meeknefs and gentlenefs towards them all. On our part, we acknowledge that many things grievous to our paftor may have taken place among thofe of our number; and efpecially that, although at the time we afted in the integrity of our hearts, yet we might heretofore have purfued difi^erent meafures for obtaining reconcilia- tion ; and inftead of withdrawing commmunion in the manner we did, might have purfued the more orderly and fcriptural way of procedure by the counfel and advice of fitter churches ; which negleft we pretend not to juftify. Upon thefe conditions, we feel ourfelves heartily willing to receive and ac- knowledge y® Rev. Mr. Hubbard as our fincerely refpefted and dearly beloved 44 34^ History of Northfield. Paftor ; and will endeavor to walk with him as chriftians, and will fubmit our- felves to his gofpel adminiftrations, and demean ourfelves towards him with all that love and efteem which is due to y'^ faithful minifters of our Lord's King- dom. — Remembering with pleafure our former afFeflion, the comfort and in- ftrudlion heretofore received from his pious labors, we are fincerely anxious once more cordially to unite with him in the facred bonds of the Gofpel of Peace. Signed Samuel Smith, -i Phinehas Wright, I Thomas Alexander, )■ Committee. Ebenezer Janes, | Northfield Nov. 20, 1779. We accede to the foregoing propofals, Samuel Root, J John Hubbard, Pajlor. Seth Field, Ebenezer Stratton, Alexander Norton, "^Committee. Samuel Mattoon, | Aaron Whitney," J Mr. Hubbard was a graduate of Yale College, 1747 ; was ordained May 30, 1750, and was consequently in the ministry here \\\ years. About 200 were received to church membership on profession, and 50 by letter, during his pastorate. Rev. Dr. Lyman, in his funeral sermon says : " He lived in the confciences and affections of his people, and preached to them the gofpel of the grace of God with much acceptance. He in general pofFeffed their cordial love and efleem. A momentary eftrangement between him and this people took place in the time of our public trials. But that eftrangement was nOt natural ; it could not laft ; upon the mediation of their common friends it foon vanifhed. He and they returned to the love of their efpoufals. For many fucceffive years he has ferved this people with increafing afFeftion on their part, and growing comfort on his. I need not tell you how firmly he was in fentiment attached to the dodrines of grace, thofe peculiar and leading dodrines of the gofpel. As he fincerely believed them, so, with ftrid uniformity, with pious contention and pathetic zeal, he preached them to his people. He loved his people ; he loved his work ; he loved his Mailer. By the uncorruptnefs and purity of his life, he exemplified the dodrines which he taught. He labored after that minifterial greatnefs and dignity which confift in found dodrine and holy living ; a greatnefs which is not buried in the grave, but goes along with us into heaven." 1795. Rev. Samuel C. Allen. — Friday Oct. 9, 1795, the town at a legal meeting chose Capt. Elisha Hunt moderator. Voted^ to Abridged Annals. 347 settle the worthy Mr. Samuel Clesson Allen in the gospel ministry- over us, on condition that when two- thirds of the people are desirous of his being dismissed, three months' notice shall be given him, and he be dismissed by an ecclesiastical council. And that Mr. Allen have the same liberty of leaving, by giving a three months' notice. Voted, to give Mr. Allen <£i20 lawful money (afterwards declared to mean $400 in the currency of the United States) annually during his continuance in the ministry amongst us. Col. James Lyman, Solomon Vose Esq. and Mr. Oliver Watriss were appointed a com- mittee to present these votes to Mr. Allen. In his answer of acceptance, dated Oct. 23, Mr. Allen states that he shall claim 6 Sabbaths the first year, and 4 Sabbaths in each suc- ceeding year, for journeying and the like, if he find it necessary. The ordination took place Nov. 25 ; Rev. Allen Pratt of West- moreland, N. H., preaching the sermon. The council, professiona' gentlemen, and members of college present were invited to dine at the house of Capt. Elisha Hunt ; and the singers to dine at the house of Mr. Shammah Pomeroy. During his ministry of two years, Mr. Allen was regarded as Cal- vinistic in his views of doctrine. He had in a large degree the con- fidence of his church and people, and was acceptable as a preacher. After his dismission, Jan. 30, 1798, he studied law with John Bar- rett Esq., and became a successful practitioner. He was a member of the state senate, 18 12 to 18 15, and again in 1831 ; was a member of congress i8i7-'29 ; councillor 1829, '30 (see Genealogy). Part of Northfield setoff to Gill. In 1793, Ebenezer Field Jr., Josiah Parmenter, Benj. Carter, Jona. Childs, Sereno Field, Rodol- phus W. Field, Nathan Holton, Elisha Mun, and Abner Severance petitioned the General Court to be set off from Northfield and an- nexed to Gill. The next year the town of Northfield voted to grant leavefor the transfer ; and Feb. 28, 1795, an act was passed in ac- cordance with the prayer of the petitioners. The bounds were as follows : beginning at the northeast corner of Gill, running northerly on the west bank of the river 134 rods to the mouth of Bennett's brook, thence W 13° N 30 rods, thence W 9° S 12 rods, thence N 15° W 40 rods, thence N 22° W 63 rods, thence N 26° W 57 rods, thence W 44° N 37 rods, thence W 10° 30' S 43 rods, thence S 14° W 36 rods, thence S 34° W 61 rods, thence W 27° N 50 rods, thence N 2° E 124 rods to the county road leading to Ber- nardston, and on the middle of said highway to the line between Northfield and Bernardston, thence S ii° E 333 rods to the line of Gill, thence E 5° N 278 rods to the point first mentioned. 348 History of Northfield. 1796. Harmony Lodge of free and accepted Masons was esta- blished this year. 1 797. New School District. — The town voted that the inhabit- ants included between Beers's mountain west, Roman T north, and the Great swamp east, be set off into a school district. Post Office. — A post-office was established in Northfield this year, and Solomon Vose appointed post-master. The mail was brought by stage from Worcester once and afterwards twice a week, containing usually not more than half a dozen letters, and 3 or 4 Boston newspapers. Mr. Vose resigned in 1808. His successors have been John Nevers, Samuel C. Allen, William Pomeroy, Daniel Callender, Charles Osgood, William Hastings, George Hastings, Lewis T. Webster. Aqueduct. — Mar. 9, 1797. An act to incorporate Solomon Vose and others Proprietors of an Aqueduct in Northfield. Section i. Be it enacted, etc., that Solomon Vose, Medad Pome- roy, Caleb Lyman, Edward Houghton, Eleazar Stratton, Elijah Mattoon, Eliphaz Wright, Josiah White, and Samuel Field, all of Northfield, are constituted a corporation by the name of The Pro- prietors of the Aqueduct in Northfield^ for the purpose of conveying water by subterranean pipes in the town of Northfield. Other sections contain the usual provisions for calling meetings, defining rights and liabilities, etc. Sale of Superfluous Highways. — At a town meeting April 3, 1797, it was voted "to sell the lands in the highways where they are unnecessarily wide." Under this vote, 6 rods in width of the south side of the North Lane to the meadow, was sold May 15 ; Capt. Elisha Hunt purchasing the whole. In the north road to Warwick, the whole width, i. e. 10 rods, was retained for the distance of ten rods from the to\yn street, for a school-house or other town use ; then for a short distance 4 rods in width, and beyond this 6 rods in width of the south side was sold to Capt. Hunt. Six rods in width on the north side of the south road to Warwick was divided into five lots, making them 6x12 rods each, and sold in suc- cession, beginning at the town street, to Obadiah Dickinson, Solo- mon Wells, Selah Norton, James Merriam and Phinehas Field. Abridged Annals. 349 Oil Mill. — Near this date Zechariah Field (son of Paul) built a mill for expressing castor and linseed oils, on Miller's brook. He planted large fields of castor beans, as also did Isaac Mattoon and others ; and the business was of considerable account for a number of years. The raising of flax as a common farm crop, at this date, furnished the staple for the linseed oil. 1798. A New Bell. — Mar. 5, the town voted, "to purchase a meeting-house bell of between 6 and 700 pounds weight, and to im- prove the old bell in part payment for the new." <£ioo was raised to pay the balance. Voted^ that liberty be granted to Asahel Stebbins's land joining the town of Northfield commonly called the Clesson Farm, containing 100 acres, to be annexed to the town of Northfield. Voted^ that the land commonly called the Rose Farm may be an- nexed to the town of Korthfield. No further action is recorded in relation to this matter; but it is known that the owner of the Rose Farm declined the ofFer. 1799. Rev. Thomas Mason. — The town voted to give Mr- Thomas Mason a call to settle with us in the gospel ministry. Voted to give Mr. Mason an annual salary of $400. Voted to give him a settlement of 250 pounds, to be paid one-half in one year from the date of his ordination, and one-half at the end of 18 months with in- terest. The settlement was granted on the condition that Mr. Mason continue in the ministry in Northfield for the full term of 20 years ; and if he leave before the expiration of that period — the fault being his own in the opinion of a mutual council — he shall pay back to the town such proportion of the 250 pounds as the time falls short of 20 years. The terms were accepted by Mr. Mason, with the reservation of 4 Sabbaths annually for travel. John Barrett Esq., Elijah Stratton and Solomon Vose Esq. were appointed a committee to unite with the church committee in calling a council and making the necessary arrangements for the ordination. Voted^ that the above committee have discretionary power " to make such provisions and arrangements as they shall think necessary for the honor and respectability of the said day." The ordination took place November 6. The following brief sketch is furnished by a friend of Mr. M. ; Thomas Mason was the son of Thomas and Mary (Baxter) Mason ; born at Princeton Mass., May 28, 1769; graduated H. C, 1796 ; studied divinity with 350 History of Northfield. Rev. Thomas Prentiss, D.D. of Med field, Mass. Being possessed of great phy- sical strength and accustomed to use it, he was during the whole of his college life the successful champion in the then customary college exercise of wrestling. At the date of his settlement, his parish embraced the whole town. In the religious controversy which arose in New England during his ministry, he was an early and positive advocate of liberal views and ranged himself with the Unitarians when that sect organized as an independent denomination. Mr. Mason was a man large in stature and of a dignified and commanding presence. He possessed great native vigor both of body and mind. His writings and his conversation displayed originality of thought, a ready wit, and abounded in ex- pressions of marked significance and force." M'®in ilill^ ^=.^^'.t oiKt iiiiiillhtiitiiiiih iillllill liiiljiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil^ RESIDENCE OF REV. THOMAS MASON. In 1820, Mr. Mason was sent as delegate to the convention for revising the state constitution ; was several times a member of the legislature. He was dismissed Feb. 28, 1830. After the settlement of Mr. Mason, and probably at his suggestion, the town voted " to purchase a Bible for the meeting-house desk." Till this date reading the scriptures was not a part of Sabbath public worship — though many pastors had adopted the practice a few years earlier. Turnpike. — An act for establishing the Fifth Massachusetts Turnpike : Whereas the highway leading from Northfield in the county of Hampshire through Warwick and Orange to Athol, and from Greenfield through Montague and up Miller's river to Athol aforesaid, thence through Gerry, Templeton, Gardner, Westminster, and Fitchburg to Leominster is rocky and mountainous ; and the ex- pense of straightening, making and repairing the same through the said towns so that the same may be conveniently travelled with horses and carriages, is much greater than reasonably ought to be required of said towns : — Abridged Annals. 351 Be it enaBed, That Timothy Dutton, Elifha Hunt, J(jhn Barrett, Edward Houghton, Solomon Vofe, Caleb Mayo, Oliver Chapin, Jofiah Prodlor, Oliver Eftey, Samuel Sweetfer, Hiram Newell, Eben' Jones, Jonas Kendall, Philip Sweetfer, Elifha Ball, Caleb Alvord, Jona. Leavitt, Richard E. Newcomb, Solo- mon Smead, Jerome Ripley, Ezekiel Bafcom, Daniel Wells, Calvin Munn, Thomas W. Dickinfon, their aflbciates and fuccefTors be and hereby are con- ftituted a corporation by the name of the Fifth Mafs. Turnpike Corporation, for the purpofe of laying out and making a Turnpike road from Capt. Elifha Hunt's in Northfield aforefaid, through Warwick, Orange, Athol, Gerry, Templeton and Gardner to Westminifter meeting- hoiife, thence to Jonas Kendall's tavern in Leominfter, and alfo from Calvin Munn's tavern in Greenfield thro' Montague and up Miller's river thro' unimproved lands fo as to interfedl the road aforefaid at Athol : Said road to be four rods wide, and the travelled path to be 18 feet wide: to be authorized to ereft 5 turnpike gates for collefting the toll, one near where David Mayo keeps a tavern in Warwick, one near the houfe where Samuel Sweetfer keeps a tavern in Athol, one near the line between Gardner and Westminfter, one near the tavern of Jonas Kendall in Leominfter, and one between Greenfield and Athol. Rate of lolls : For every coach, phaeton, chariot or other four-wheeled car- riage drawn by 2 horfes, 25 cents ; and an additional fum of 4 5 1j 53j S^i 61, 62, 68. ^^leazar Patterson, 1747, 48, 51. Benoni Wright, 1748, 49. ^A5(illiam Wright, 1750. Phirffehas Wright, 1752, 66, 70, 75. 23. 24, 30, 32. Peter Evens, 1718, 29,41. Isaac Warn&r, 1718. Benjamin Janes, 1719. Thomas Holton, 17 19. Eleazar Mattoon, 17 19, 28, 31. Eliezur Wright, 1720, 24, 32, 33 Ebenezer Alexander, 1720, 23, 25, Samuel Holton, 1752. 32, 38, 39, 42, 49, 50, 51, 53. John Holton, 1753, 5^ Ens. Zechariah Field, 1721, 33, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42. Sergt. Joseph Petty, 1721, 23, 34. Hezel 60, 66. Rufus Caldwell, 1847. Joseph Young, 1848, 58, 59. Samuel Merriman, 1849. Samuel S. Holton, 1850, 51, 152, 53. William Holton, 1850. Franklin Barber, 185 i. Nelson W. Purple, 1852, 53, 54. Samuel W. Button, 1853, 54, 55. Horace F. Field, 1854, 62. Jonathan Lyman, 1855, 5^- Judah Nash, 1856. Samuel Lane, 1857, 61, 62, 63, 64. Thomas Metcalf, 1857. Elisha Stratton, 1858, 59. Elisha Alexander, i860. Horace Holton, 1861. E. G. Cole, 1 86). Winsor L. Fay, 1852. Lewis T. Webster, 1863, 64, 65. Henry W. Montague, 1863, 64, 65, 70, 71, 72. Edwin M. Alexander, 1865. Abridged Annals. 367 A. C. Parsons, 1866. , Rufus K. Caldwell, 1869. Apollos Morgan, 1866, 67. Clesson Merriman, i86g. Henry Johnson, 1867. George Hastings, 1870. Jona, L. Preston, 1867. Asa A. Holton, 1870, 71, 72, 73, 74. James O. Gale, 1868. Roswell Holton, 1870, 71. James E. Priest, 1868. Samuel G. Pratt, 1873. Charles Pomeroy, 1869. Henry W. Dickinson, 1873. The Rebellion of 1861-65. — The following list of soldiers sent from Northfield to this war is copied from the minutes in the town clerk's office, and is supposed to be correct. Three years tnen in Co. B., zzd Reg. mustered Oct. 5, 1861. Lieut. Fred. R. Field (promoted Capt.), Silas W. Bailey, Frank Brown (d. Nov. 29, '61), Adolphus O. Carter, Calvin S. Field (k. Gettysburg, July 4, '63), Geo. P. Field (wounded), Charles X. Janes, Wm. B. Janes, Wm. H. Johnson (k. Gaines's Mills July 27, '62), Daniel D. Kemp, Isaac Mattoon, Lucius B. Rum- rill, Wesley L. Smith, Wm. B. Smith, Aaron Stebbins, Lemuel X. Turner, Joseph Young. Geo. Mason, enlisted 3 years in Co. F. 1st Reg. Cav. must. Sept. 25, 186 4, 186 8, 186 24, 186: 21, 186 24, 186: II, 186 Oct. II, 186 Three years men in Co. C. zjth Reg. Inf. mustered Oct. 3 — 25, 186 Gardner Collar, Joseph Gates, Charles W. Harvey, James S. Johnson, Hen H. Johnson, C. H. Parmenter, Thales H. Page, Elijah Carter, Frank Lovejoy, Andrew J. Andrews. Richard D. Battles, enl. for three years in Co. G. 30th Reg. Inf. must. Nov. 20, 1861 ; k. July 13, '63. Michael Kelliher, enl. three years in Co. E, 28th Reg. Inf. must. Dec. 14, 1861. Nine months men in Co. F. ^id Reg. Inf. mustered Oct. 11, 1862. Lieut. Marshall S. Stearns, Sergt. Hezekiah Hastings, Corp. John H. Robbins, Corp. Edward C. Nash, McK. Britt, Elijah W. Chamberlain, Ansel Field, Frank S. Field, Geo. G. Felton, Clem. C Holton, Job M. Leonard, Elijah S. Merriman, Wm. E. Merriam, Warren Mattoon, Albin N. Nash, Joseph B. Pierce, Charles A. Stimpson, Lucius Stimpson, Asahel Sawyer, Edw. B. Stearns, Oscar Wood, Charles C. Brewer. Geo. W. Field, enl. nine months in Co. F. 53d Reg. Inf. must. Oct. 17, 1862. Charles Dewey, enl. three years in 2d Cav. must. Dec. 10, 1862. Smith W. Copan, " Co. H. 20th " Inf , must. Sept. Chauncey B. Mattoon, " Nathan H. Simonds, " Marshall A. Potter, " Co. G. 10th " " Aug. " July " June Geo. W. Field, Co. H. " July Charles W. Grout, Co. D. 2 1st " " Oct. Frank W. Weeks, .. " Oct. 368 History of Northfield. Three years men in Co. H. i^ith Reg. Inf. mustered Aug. 27, 1862. Sergt. Theodore Fisher, Corp. John A. Fisher Jr., Loren C. Hayden, George Clark, Nathan L. Cutting, Samuel D. Button, Geo. A. Fisher, Joseph A. Harris, Eugene D, Holton (d. in hospital), Elliot D. Stone, John D. Stone, Frank H. Turner, John H. Blake, Henry Murdock. Three years men in Co. K. '7,6th Reg. Inf. mustered Jug. 27, 1862. Samuel Cutting Jr., Cha® K. Spaulding, George Webster. H. S. Caldwell, enl. three years in Co. G, 31st Reg. Inf. must. Nov. 14, 1862. Matthew Conghlin, enl.'j y. in 7th Heavy Art., must. July 21, 1863. Henry E. Pierce, enl. 3 y. in Co. I, 3 2d Reg. Inf. must. Sept. I, 1863, d. Nov. 23, '63. Geo. P. Field, enl. 3 y. in 27th Reg. Inf., must. Dec. 28, 1863. Joshua Maynard, enl. 3 y, in 34th Reg. Inf. must. Jan. 12, 1864. Dennis Harrigan, enl. 3 y. in 20th Reg. Inf. must. Mar. 15, 1864. Frank Beaver, in 3d Cav. mustered Mar 16, 1864, Lewis Luck, " * M. D. Thompson, 19th Reg. I nf " Mar. 23, 1864. John Kenially, 28th " (( Mar. 21, 1864. Noah S. Hutchins, nth " <' Feb. 27, 1864. Henry Sarchfield, " (( Mar. I, 1864. Joseph Smith, " " " Thomas Haley, " (1 " Edward Foster, " " «' John Robertson, " " " Richard Fitzgerald, " " Feb. 24, 1864. John Lewis, " " Feb. 26, 1864. George H. Freeman " " Feb. 29, 1864. Francis Labonte, Co. I. " " Feb. 29, 1864. Addison Cross, " « " John Serrell, " It ft Freeman White, " '( i< Charles Duchine, " " " Lucius H. Mann, " " Mar. 2, 1864. Eugene H. Hawes, " " " John Miller, <( " " William GifFord, " " tf James Hoyt, " " " Charles W. Libby, " " Mar. I, 1864. Henry C. Mitchell, " « " John Gaffhey, " " Mar. 3, 1864. Michael Riley, " " Mar. 2, 1864. William Spencer, " " Mar. 1, 1864. George E. Sockling, K " " Joseph guigley, mustered July, 1864. Abridged Annals. 369 C. K. Kimpland, enl. 3 y. in 14th Mass Battery mus t. Aug. 12, 1864 Geo. H. Mason, ' 2 1 St Reg. Inf. " " Richard Heath, 20th Mar. 31. 1864. Archibald Watson, Co. K, 58th Inf " Dec. 9. 1864. Charles Baar, ' 13th Mass Battery " Dec. 30, 1864. George Ball, 4th Cav. Dec. 27, 1864. Elnahan Britt, Co. H. 31st Inf. " Feb. 23. 1864. Dwight Cook, 37th Dec. 7. 1864. Patrick Barry, " mustered Aug. 12, 1864. Lafayette Ross, " " Three years men in the Vet. Reserve Corps, mustered Aug., 1864, Cornelius Leary, Joseph F. Shepard, Edwin Jones, Andrew Ray, William E. Northend, George A. Sawin, Martin Burke, L. L. Fairchild, John S. Gilbert, James L. King, A. W. Brookings. Thomas Scanlan, enl. A. O. Stimpson, enl. John Whalley, " John Timony, " James Canfield, " 3 y. in 17th Reg. Inf. Feb. 23, 1865. I y. in 2d Cav. Feb. 29, 1865. Feb. 24, 1865. (unknown) Mar. g, 1865. Mar. 9, 1865. 47 37° History of Northfield. APPENDIX. [It has been thought that justice to the memory of Rev. Benjamin Doolittle required the reprint, in the Annals of Northfield, of the following Narrative. Not more than three copies of the tract are known to be in existence. It contains some errors of date and fact, which will be found corrected in Chapter viii.] A Short NARRATIVE of Mischief done by the French and Indian Enemy, ON THE Western Frontiers of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay ; From the Beginning of the French War, proclaimed by the King of France March 15th 1743, 4 ; and by the King of Great Britain March 29th, 1744, to August 2d, 1 748. Drawn up by the Reverend Mr. Doolittle of Northfield in the Couniy 0^ Hampshire ; and found among his Manuscripts after his Death. And at the Desire of some, is now Published, with some small Additions, to render it more perfect. BOSTON : Printed and Sold by S. Kneeland, in Queenstreet. MDCCL. A Short Narrative &c. My Purpose is only to relate Facts, as near as I am capable, from the best Information I could get : But it is probable there may be some Mistakes from Misinformation, arising from the different Apprehension Men have had con- cerning Facts, and the different Interests Men have in View : Some having a Desire to render their own, and the Actions of their Friends better than they were and the x^ctions of others worse than they ought to appear : Which makes it difficult in every Case to obtain an impartial Account. On the iijth of March 1743, 4, France being instigated by Spain (which was in open War with England') declared War with Great Britain : France had in Concert with Spain\ong laid this Scheme ; hoping hereby to bring down England to their Will : And the aspiring young French Monarch hop'd to make himself great ; and render his Neighbours low. The King of Great Britain soon had the News ; and on the 29th of the same Month declared War against France. What has been done by the Nations in Europe, on the Seas, or Continents, I am not about to relate ; only what was done in these Western Frontiers of the Massachusetts Bay. ^744- The first Tear of the War passed without any Mischief ; and was spent in putting ourselves into a Posture of Defence. 1745- But in the Year 1745, July 5th, the Indian Enemy came to a Place called the Great Meadow on Connecticut River about sixteen Miles above Fort-Dum- mer ; and took one William Phips as he was hoeing his Corn. The two that Doo lit tie's Narrative. 371 took him led him near half a Mile from the Place and stopt: Upon which (as we have heard from the Indians) one went down a steep Hill to fetch some- thing they had left : on his Return Phips catch'd hold of their Guns, shot him down, and then fell upon the other with his Hoe, which he carried with him ; struck him down, and chop'd him very much, and then attempted to run away ; But three Indians coming up at that Instant, shot him down, kill'd & scalp'd him, & mangled his Body very much ; and we have heard, the Indian which he wounded with his Hoe, died afterwards of his Wounds. July 10. The same, or some other Party o'i Indians, came to a Place called the Upper- Ashuelot, kill'd and scalp'd Deacon Josiah Fisher, as he was driving his Cows to the Pasture, about half a Mile from the Garrison. Octoher ii. A considerable Party of French & Indians came to a Place called the Great Meadow ; and made an Attempt on the Fort, but did not succeed : But took Mr. Nehemiah How Captive, and carried him to Quebec, where he died in Prison above a Year after he was taken. As these Enemies went ofF they kill'd and scalp'd one David Rugg, who with another Man was coming down the River in a Canoe ; the other Man made his Escape : and they kill'd a Number of Cattle. 1746. Jpril 19. The Enemy came to the uppermost, and most Frontier Place on Connecticut River called Number Four ; where they took three Men as they were going to Mill about half a Mile distant from the Garrison ; viz. Capt. John Spafford, Isaac Parker, and Stephen Farnsworth. They were Prisoners some time in Canada ; but are since returned to their Homes. April zz. A Man was shot upon between Northfeld and Deerfield ; but only shot thro' the Brim of his Hat. April 23. h\io\x\. fift'j of the Indian Enemy came to a Place called the Upper- Ashuelot early in the Morning, and designed to have rush'd into the Garrison just after the People went out : But one at a litde Distance from the Garrison saw them, and gave Warning to the People. — They pursued those that were out of the Garrison, and took one Nathan Blake Captive, who after a long Imprisonment is returned to his Friends. The enemv approached near the Garrison Gate, shot down one John Bullard, who soon died ; and stab'd one Daniel Mc Kenny's Wife in the Back with a long Knife, who soon died. Soon after which, the Enemy burnt seven Buildings, not only to devour the Peoples Substance, but to conceal their Dead ; for human Bones were found in the Ashes : They kill'd also twenty three Cattle. April 26. It is probable some of the same Indians Way-laid the Road be- tween Lunenburg and Northfield, and kill'd and scalp'd one Joshua Holton of Northjield, who was returning from Boston with a considerable Sum of Money for billeting of Soldiers. May 2. The Enemy came again to Number Four ; and as a few Men went out in the Morning about 50 or 60 Rods from the Fort, the Enemy lay in a Barn, fired on them ; and kill'd one Seth Putnam : as the Enemy were scalp- ing of him. Major Josiah Willard, with two Men, ran near to them, fir'd upon 372 History of Northfield. them, and made them immediately retreat in Confusion ; and we hear by the Captives that two of the Enemy were kill'd as they were scalping Puttiam. May 6. A Party of Indians came to Lower- Ashuelot, and lay about the Gar- rison, till they observing Deacon Timothy Brown and Robert Moffett going out of the Garrison towards Upper- dshuelot. Way-laid them, and fir'd upon them. Moffett shot on them and broke the chief Indian's Arm : They were both taken Captive, and carried to Canada; but are since returned. At the same Time, a Party lay about the Garrison at the Upper- Jshuelot ; and as one of them ventur'd to come up to the Fort, and shook the Gate in the Night, the Watch shot at the Gate, and shot the Indian thro' the bottom of his Belly : who died before he reach'd Crown Point. May g. A considerable Party of Indians came to Fall-Town ; with a Design to rush into the Fort in the middle of the Day, when the Men were Abroad : but a Soldier a little distant from the Fort discovering them, alarmed the Fort ; but he himself could not recover the Fort. There being but three Men in the Fort, defended themselves ; the Women assisting in charging the Guns. The Enemy approached near the Fort ; but were soon repulsed ; did no Mischief, except slightly wounding John Burk, burning one House, and killing ten Cattle. The chief Indian had his Ann broke, and one or two more were wounded. The Same Day Serjeant John Hawks and John Mihils, being a little distant from Fort Massachusetts, riding on a Horse ; two Indians Way-laid them, fir'd upon theni, and wounded both of them. Mihils made his Escape to the Fort. Serjeant Hawks falliiig from the Horse, the Indians ran to scalp him; but he soon recovering, presented his Gun : One Indian jump'd down the Bank, the other got behind a Tree : one being a little distant from his Gun, the other discharged ; in their Language, as we have since heard, called for Quarter; but the not understanding them, continued hallowing to the Fort to come and help take them ; but they not hearing, the Indians made their Escape. May lo. Some of the Indians, that were the Day before disappointed at Fall-Town, turned off to Colerain, about ten Miles North West from Deerfield, and Way-laid the Road ; and as one Matthew Clark with his Wife and Daughter, and three Soldiers, were going from the Garrison to Clark^s House, they fir'd upon them : they kill'd and scalp'd said Clark, and wounded his Wife and Daughter: one Soldier play'd the Man, fir'd several Times — defended and bro't off the Woman and her Daughter to the Fort, who are recovered of their Wounds. May 24. There came a large Body of the Enemy to Number Four. Capt. Pain with his Troop arriving there while the Enemy lay in Ambush ; about twenty Men went out of the Fort to view the Place where Putnam was kill'd : the Ambush rose, fir'd upon them, and endeavour'd to run between them and (he Fort. Capt. Stevens and a Number of Men issued out of the Fort for their Relief: a Skirmish began, in which Aaron Lion, Peter Perrin, Joseph Mercy of Capt. Pain's Troop ; Samuel Farnsworth, and Elijah Allen, belonging to the Fort, were killed : Quarter-Master Bacon wounded, and Ensign Obadiah Sartle taken Captive, who is since returned Home : He says, he saw Jive of Doolittle s Narrative. 373 the Enemy dead after the Fight : They left thirteen Blankets, five Coats, a Gun and other Things. June II. A considerable Number of Indians came to Fort-Massachusetts ; fell upon some Men who were at Work some Distance from the Fort ; kill'd, and scalp'd Elisha Nims ; wounded Gershom Hawks : An Ambush arose near the Fort, and endeavoured to intercept those who were running to the Fort, but were repulsed by a brisk firing from the Fort: They took Benjamin Tainter Captive, who is since returned Home. They kill'd near One Hundred Crea- tures belonging to the English and Dutch. A few Days after, one of the In- dians was found buried in the Side of the Bank of the River ; and also some long Leading-Lines bro't to lead Captives Home in Triumph, were found. June 19. A large Body of the Enemy came again to Number Four ; and as Capt. Stevens and Capt Brown, with about fifty Men were going into the Meadow, perceived by the Dogs with them, that there was an Ambush by the Causey ; which put them into a Readiness for an Engagement : One of Capt. Stevens's Men saw one of the Enemy, and fired at him : Upon which, the Ambush arose, and a sharp Engagement ensued : the Enemy were forced to retreat, drawing off their dead Men, as was known by the Signs afterwards dis- covered : None of our Men were kill'd on the Spot : Jedediah Winchel was wounded, and died of his Wounds a Fortnight after : David Parker, Jonathan Stanhope, and Cornet Heaton, were wounded, but are recovered : a Scalp was drop'd by the Indians, supposed to be a French Scalp : one Gun, eight Blankets, and other Things left by the Enemy. June 24. A Party of the Enemy came near to a Fort called Bridgman's- Fort, about two Miles below Fort-Dummer : fell upon some Men at Work in the Meadow, kill'd William Robbins, and James Barker : and took one Daniel How, and John Beaman Captive, who just before he was taken shot an Indian and kill'd him ; they are since returned from Captivity : they also wounded Michael Gilson, and Patrick Ray, who are recovered of their wounds. July 3. A Small Party of the Enemy laid an Ambush at Col. HinsdelPs Mill. Col. Willard with about twenty Men went to get some Grinding: when they set the Mill a-going, went to search round the Mill to see whether there were not an Ambush : and some of the Men happening to go where the Am- bush was, the Enemy fired upon them : our Men engaged, and pursued them a little Way, and recovered of the Enemy the most of their Packs : one Wright was slightly wounded. July 28. David Morrison of Colerain, a young Lad, Seeing a Hawk light on a Tree a little distance from his Father's Fort, went to shoot him : there hap- pened to be about twelve Indians at the Place, who took him Captive : We have no certain News what became of him. August 3. A large Body of the Enemy came to Number Four. The Dogs gave Information that the Enemy were about them : Early in the Morning some went out near to a Nursery, and were fir'd upon by some Indians who lay there. One Phillips was killed : the Enemy run ofF: our Men charg'd their guns and returned to the Fort. Some time after, when they went to fetch 374 History of Northfield. Phillips into the Fort, the Ambush arose, and fired about an Hundred Guns at them : the Men fired some time, retreating to the Fort. The Enemy continued firing till the next Day : then burnt the Buildings, kill'd the Cattle, and drew ofF. August 6. About thirty Indians came to Winchester ; Way-laid the Road ; and as six of our Men were passing they fir'd on them, kill'd and scalp'd one Joseph Rawson, and slightly wounded Amasa Wright. August II. A small Party of Indians came to Northfield: Shot upon Benja- min Wright a young Man, as he was riding after Cows to bring them out of the Woods ; but his Horse brought him into Town, and he died the following Night. August 15. A Number of /W/tf;?j- shot w^ox\four Men near ShattucFs-Fort, but hurt none. A few Days before they hung up a white Flag in Sight of the Fort. August 17. Some Indians came to a Place called Pequaiog ; kill'd and scalp'd one Ezekiel Wallingford, who was alone out at some Distance from the Fort. August 20. About seven or eight Hundred of French and Indians came to Fort-Massachusetts, and laid Siege about twenty-four Hours. After which, they desired to speak with the Officer ; who admitted the Messenger into the Fort, who said in the Name of the General, that if they would surrender, they should be well used. Our Men consulted together, finding they had not Am- munition to stand them many Hours, tho' they had been sparing in firing ; and considering the Number of Sick they had in the Fort, tho't it their wisest Method to make the best Capitulation they could : accordingly resigned them- selves Prisoners of War into the Hands of the French ; with the General's Promise, that none of them should be given into the Hands of the Indians ; and that the Sick, and such as could not travel should be carried. Yet notwithstand- ing. He the next Day delivered one Half of our People into the Hands of the Indians ; who the next Night kill'd one of our Men, who was sick, rather than carry him. The French treated our Men civilly and tenderly : So also did the Indians those with them according to their Manner. Thirty-two Men, Women and Children Surrendered : many of whom died in Canada. The Reason of this Garrison's being lost, was, it's want of Ammunition ; which had they been well Supply'd with, they might have defended the Fort, and done much greater Spoil on the Enemy than they did : yet we have had Intelligence that near_/5/?j of the Enemy were kill'd before the Fort surrendered. By whose Neglect the Fort was lost, we know not ; but it's probable had the Officer been deficient, he would have been disgraced. But want of Ammuni- tion was not only the Calamity of that Fort ; but also of the greater Part of our Garrisons at that Time. There was one Man kill'd in the Fight, and Many died in Prison at Canada : Some are returned Home. And the Fort was burnt down j which it cost the Province many Hundreds to rebuild. August 22. As about ten of our Men were going from Deerfield to Colerain, two or ihree Indians ]ymg by the Road, fired on them ; shot down one Constant Bliss a Connecticut Soldier : the rest made off as fast as they were able : The Indians scalp'd Bliss : and finding some Rum our Men left, the Indians took Doolit tie's Narrative. 375 it, got very merry with it, and (as they told afterwards) the next Morning when they awak'd, they were near one of the Garrisons at Cc/krai?i : The Rum had lik'd to have proved as fatal to them as to our Men. August 25. Thirty of this Army came to Deerfield ; not being satisfied with what was done at Fort-Massachusetts ; and fell upon some People in the South Part of the Meadow : They kill'd and scalp'd Samuel Allen, Eleazar Hawks Jun., Oliver Amsden, Simeon Amsden, ol Deerfield, and Adonijah G///^/, a Soldier : they wounded Eunice Allen ; and took Samuel Allen, a Child of about nine years old ; Allen kill'd one of the Enemy just before he was kill'd ; and it is supposed another was kill'd by some other Person. B^° Had there not been a continual firing in the Town from Day to Day ; the People would have took the Alarm, and might have been upon the Enemy before ever they could have got out of the Meadow : Which shews the great Necessity of Order and Discipline in Frontier Towns. This Summer a Proclamation was issued for inlisting Soldiers for an Expedi- tion against Canada ; and a great Number freely inlisted, hoping the Time was coming, that God would deliver us out of the Hands of our Enemies in Canada ': and the Soldiers especially inlisted out of the Garrisons ; some in order to be freed from the Province Service, which they were weary of ; others with some more generous Views for the pubhc Good : and all Endeavours to put a Check to the Fury of the Enemy were stopt : the whole Concern was to get ready for the expected Expedition : but how this turned out, we all know : great Numbers of Men kept in Pay and Idleness 'till disbanded, to the Ruin of many of them, and the great Hurt of the Country. 1747- March 30. About thirf^ or forty Indians came to a Fort called Shattuck^s- Fort between Northfield and Col. HinsdeWs, with a Design to burn it : they had made Faggots of dry Spruce & Pitch Pine ; dipt the Ends of them in Brim- stone ; brought Fire in a Kettle covered with a Blanket ; and coming silentlv to the Fort in the Night, set it on Fire ; which burnt down that Part of it which stood on the South-Side of the Brook : but presently after the Fire began, the Wind which was Southerly, turning to the Northward, and the Soldiers get- ting into the other Part, by help of the Brook and Wind, prevented the Progress of the Fire to the North-Side : and then the Enemy with Surprize observing the sudden Turn of the Wind, in our Favour, drew off without doing any other Mischief. The English fired at them, & broke the Leg of one of them. March 3 1 . Capt. Eleazer Melvin with some of his Company who were then at Northfield, pursued them to the Great Meadow, shot across the River at them, and kill'd one of them : They burnt the Fort which the English had de- serted. April 7. An Army of French and Indians came to Nufnber Four, and laid Siege to the Garrison. Capt. Stevenshcm^ therewith about thirty Men, made all necessary provision for their Defence ; especially by digging Trenches from dnuer the Fort about a Yard outwards in several Places, at so near a Distance 376 History of Northfield. to each other, as by throwing Water we might put out the Fire, in Case the Enemy by their four Wheel Carriages loaden with Faggots shou'd set any out- ward Part of the Fort on Fire. They continued shooting, and throwing their Fire-Arrows for near two Days : and then desired to speak with the Captain, who admitted three of them into the Fort ; three of our Men going out to the Enemy atthe sameTime : they demanded the Fort ; & promis'd our Men to carry them safe to Mount-Real^ to their Friends, if they would surrender : but the Captain assured them he should not resign the Fort. — After which they continued firing, and made some Preparation to Storm the Fort, till the next Day ; and then they requested the Captain to sell them some Corn ; he told them he would grant them five Bushels of Corn for every Hostage they should send into the Fort, to be kept till the Enemy should bring and deliver so many of our Captives from Canada. But on the third Day they drew olF, having done no Mischief, except slightly wounding Joseph Ely and John Brown. Governour Knowles was so pleased with Capt. Stevens's Conduct, as to make him a Present of a very costly Silver-hiked Sword. April 14. This or another Army came to Northfield, with a Design to have taken Part of the Town. The next Day a little after Sun-set, they kill'd and scalp'd Nathaniel Dickinson and Asahel Burt, as they were bringing Cows out of the Woods ; and then drew off in the Night to Winchester, and the two Ashuelots, & burnt down those three Towns ; which a little before had been deserted by the Inhabitants, because the Soldiers were all drawn off without any Orders to assist the Inhabitants in removing or carrying off their Substance. ig@°" Such little Concern has there been to the poor People in the Frontiers at other Times as well as this. May 25. As Col. William Williams with a considerable Body of Canada- Soldiers were by Order of the Government re-building Fort-Massachusetts ; an Army of the Enemy came upon them with a Design to frustrate them. Major Williams of Stockbridge had been to Albany for Stores ; and was now on his Return with a Number of Waggons near the Fort : He sent a few Men this Morning to mend the Way, and give Notice to the Fort that they were a coming : when they had got within fifty or sixty Rods of the Fort, they saw the Enemy creeping towards the Fort : They fired upon them, which made them discover themselves, and fire at our Men who were on the Guard, and at Work; and pursue those who were coming from Major Williams: Our Men fired from the Fort, and pursued them at some distance from the Fort ; 'till the Enemy seemed to aim to get between them and the Fort, and then they retreated. The Enemy kill'd one Stockbridge Indian, and wounded three more of our Men, who are since recovered. What Mischief was done upon them is uncertain. — But we have the following Account by the Way of the Indians — The Enemy disco- vered our Men when they went over, and immediately carried News to Canada: They sent out an Army of Six Hundred : when they came near to Hoosuck, finding Part of our Men were gone to Albany, three Hundred went to Way-lay them ; but falling in the Rear supposed, by the Waggons and Signs of Men, there was a great Army gone from Albany, they therefore sent away a Post to Doolittle's Narrative. yjj them at the Fort, to give them Information : Who coming in the Time of the Engagement, was the Cause of their drawing ofFas they did; and that they lost Ten in the Engagement. July 1 5. About thirty or forty Indians came to Fall-Town, and shot upon Eliakim Sheldon as he was hoeing Corn in the Field : he escaped to the Fort, but died the Night after. August. A Party of Indians went to Ashuelot, and kill'd three Cattle : Our Men went out after them, shot at them, and they at our Men, but no Mischief was done them. August 26. A Party of the Enemy came to a Village South-West of North- ampton: and kill'd and scalp'd Noah Clark as he was thrashing in his Barn. October I. Peter Boo-vee, a Soldier at Hoosuck, or Massachusetts Fort, went out a Hunting: A Party of the Enemy discovering him, took him Captive, and carried him to Canada : He is since returned. October 16. As Major Willard, Captain Alexander^ and others, were coming from Ashuelot to Ncrthfeld ; in Winchester they met some Cattle running, as tho' pursued ; Captain Alexander being foremost, saw a French Man in the Path coming towards him : When he saw our Men, he jumped out of the Path behind a Tree. Captain Alexander shot at him, and shot him in the Breast : The French Man came up to him, saluted him handsomely ; but he soon grew faint, and as our Men supposed, was dying : They being afraid the Indians were near, made haste and left him : After our Men were gone, the Indians came to him, and he revived ; they carried him some Way ; but fearing the English would pursue them, left him ; and a few Days after he came into North- Jield^ and resigned himself Prisoner to Captain Alexander. After he was healed of his Wound, he was carried to Boston ; where he was kindly entertained. And in the Month of February following was conducted back to Canada ; and has been since out with the Indians, and done Mischief on our Frontiers. October 19. As John Smead, who was taken at Fort Massachusetts, and had just returned from Canada, was travelling f'-om Northfield to Sunderland, was Way-laid by a small Party of Indians, and kill'd and scalp'd. October 22. hhovx. forty of the Enemy came to a Place called Bridgmans- Fort, and took one Jonathan Sartle, as he was going from Col. HinsdePs-^ ori into the Woods. After which they burnt Capt. Bridgmans-¥ orx. House and Barn. Novemher 14.. As twelve of our Men were drawing off from Number Four a. considerable Party of the Enemy Way-laid .them within half a Mile of the Garrison ; shot upon them, kill'd and scalp'd Nathaniel Goold and Thomas Goodale : Oliver Avery was wounded, John Henderson was taken Captive. It is observable, that the Night before, this Goodale, when he met with some Difficulty to obtain Liberty of his Officer to come off, said " he would come notwithstanding all the Powers above & below. March 15. The Snow being very deep, and our Men not fearing a Small Party of Sculking Indians, about eight of our Men went out about 60 Rods 48 6/ History vf Northfield. Distance from Number Four to get Wood : The Enemy about ten in Number come within 30 Rods of the Fort ; run to meet our Men, fired upon them, killed Charles Stevens, wounded one Andreas^ and took Eleazer Priest Captive. Our Men not having Snozv Shoes could not run out of the Path and make their Escape : Nor had the Men in the Garrison Snozv Shoes to pursue them, which the Enemy were informed of by the French Prisoner the Month before: For some of the Garrison told him as he went along, " they would gladly accom- pany him Part of the Way, but they had neither Indian Shoes nor Snozv Shoes.'^ Thus poorly have our Garrisons been stored ; whilst many Hundred Pair of Snoztt Shoes lie on Spoil some where or other, which the Province have paid for. 1748. March 29. About tzoelve or ffteen Indians Way-laid the Scout-Path from Fort Dufnmer to Colerain: Lieutenant Sergeant and /our more went out in this Path to get some Timber for Oars and Paddles : About a Mile from Fort Dum- mer they were fired upon ; Moses Cooper was mortally Wounded the first Shot, and made his Escape to the Fort as fast as he could ; he died the next Night : Lieutenant Sergeant, his Son and Joshua Wells engaged the Enemy, fighting on a Retreat ; Welk was soon killed ; Sergeant encouraged his Son ; said they should have Help from the Fort ; They charged many Times : Seigeant shouted as often as the Enemy did, and called upon them to come out and fight boldly. These ttuo fought on a Retreat half a Mile ; but Lieutenant Sergeant was killed, and his Son taken : They could not have any Help from the Fort ; there being but a few Men there, and some of them sick with the Measels, and others not having Snozv Shoes in Readiness, could not go on the Snow. April 16. One Badcock was taken at Paquoig as he was at Work in his Field. Aftfj 8. About tzvelve Indians lay in Ambush near an House at South Hamp- ton, and killed one 'Noah Pixley. May 21. About thirty Indians lay in Ambush near Fort-Massachusetts, to take our Men as they should come out towards Deerfield. Serjeant Elisha Chapin going out from Deerfield, with a Number of our Men, went silently along the Road, and came within a few Rods of them. One of the Enemy standing up looking towards the Fort discovered them : Chapin suspecting they might be Stockbridge Indians called to them : Upon which the Ambush jump'd up and ran : Chapin and one or ttvo more next to him fired at them and killed one of them, and got his Scalp : They left a Gun, the most of their Blankets, and many other Things. May 25. Capt. Melvin with eighteen Men, who went out after the Enemy, came to the Lake a little South of Crozvn-Point ; saw two Canoes about 50 or 60 Rods from the Shore, going to Crozvn Point (these doubtless were the In- dians who were drove from Hoosuck the Week before). Capt. Melvin and his Company shot 50 or 60 Guns: The Indians made a great Lamentation whilst they were shooting at them : Crozvn Point immediately took the Alarm ; fired their Cannon : And that Night our Men perceived the Enemy had gof before them in their Way Home. Capt. Melvin took a contrary course, when he Doolittle's Narrative. 379 come across their Track, so that he escap'd them, 'till he came on West-Rher on the 31st of May ; they laid an Ambush on the Bank of the River, where they were satisfied Capt. Meknn would come between them and the River ; Providence so ordered it that Capt. Melvin stop'd within a few Rods of the Muzzles of the Enemies Guns ; they fired on him: Our Men jump'd up the Bank, and fired at them ; some of our Men that were in the Rear made up the River ; our Men fired some Time at them, and suppose they killed several of the Enemy. Six of our Men were killed, viz Joseph Petty, John Howard, John Dod, Daniel Man, Isaac Taylor, & Samuel Severance. Capt. Melvin and his Men came in, all but Six, at different Times at Fort Dummer. This was a Surprizing Stroke, and struck a great Damp into the Spirits of our Men who had Thoughts of going into their Country ; when they found how far the In- dians would pursue them to get an Advantage upon them. June 16. A large Body -of the Enemy Way-laid the Road between Col. Hinsdelh Fort and Fort Dummer : Thirteen of our Men going from Col. Funs- dell's to Fort Dummer, were shot upon ; three were killed on the Spot. Some time after, the Bones of a Man were found where they lodged the first Night : Joseph Richardson, Nathan French, and John Frost were killed on the Spot. The Man that was kill'd where they Lodg'd the first Night is supposed to be William Bickford ; the rest were taken Captive, except three who made their Escape in the Fight. June 26. As Capt. Humphrey Hobbs was passing with a Scout o^ forty Men from Number Four to Fort Shirley, they were pursued by One Hundred and Jifty of the Enemy : and Wesloi' Fort Dummer, as our Men stop'd to eat some Victuals, their Guards being out, and the Man set to watch their back Track discovered the Enemy, who gave the Alarm. There immediately began a very hot Fight : The Enemy rushed on very violently ; but our Men stood their Ground and gave them a warm Reception : The -Fight lasted four Hours, in which Time three Men were killed, viz. Samuel Gunn, Ebenezer Mitchel 8c Ely Scot ; & three very dangerously wounded, viz. Samuel Graves, who was Shot in the Head, and Some of his Brains came out ; Daniel Mc^Keney had his Thigh broke; and Nathan Walker had his Arm broke and the Bullet lodged between the Bones of the Arm . Ralph Ryce was slightly Wounded : Capt. Hobbs shot the last Gun at the Enemy, and is supposed to have killed the Chief Indian who encouraged them in the Fight. After the Enemy were drawn ofF, Capt. Hobbs brought off his dead and wounded Men ; came about half a Mile, and buried his Dead as well as he could in the dark : The next Day he bro't his Wounded into Fort Dummer, and the next Day to Northfeld. The Enemy doubtless lost many ; they went off without Shouting, and when some Captives saw them about a Week after, they looked very sorrowful. This was a very manly fight ; and all will grant our Men quitted themselves like Men, who Need not to be ashamed. July 3. A Number of Indians came to the Upper- Jshuelot, and kill'd eleven Cattle. About the same Time a Fort of ours was taken at Lunenburg; two 3 go History of Northfield. Soldiers were killed ; a Man and Woman zwdi fve Children were taken Captive, but are since returned. July 14. The Enemy that fought with Capt. Holbs having been as far as West River, and left Part of their Company, returned and Way-laid the Road between Col, HinsdelF s-Fort and Fort-Dummer ; and as seventeen Men were going to Fort-Dummer, were shot upon. Serjeant Thomas Taylor commanded the Men to fight them ; but the Enemy rushed upon them, killed two Men on the Spot, and wounded two more whom they carried about a Mile and killed. The Men killed were Joseph Rose, Asael Graves, Billings, and Chandler: Nine were taken Prisoners, viz. Serjeant Thomas Taylor, Thomas Crisson, John Henry, Lawrence, Walker, Daniel How, Jun. Edghill, Daniel Farmer, and Ephraim Powers. Four escaped ; one of whom was badly wounded, but is since recovered. July 23, A small Party of the Enemy came to Northfield, and Way-laid the Town-Street ; and as Aaron Belden was going from one Fort to another a little before Sun rise, they shot him down and scalp'd him ; and run off into the Woods before any Body was really apprized what was the Matter. Thus bold and daring had the Enemy grown , before the Cessation of Arms. August I . A Large Body of the Enemy came to Fort-Massachusetts, and laid an Ambush. The Dogs made a Rout, which made the Men sensible that the Enemy were there. Capt. Williams and the Officers were consulting how to go out, and come upon them in their Ambush ; but a few Soldiers ran out without Orders near where the Dogs barked : The Enemy arose some few of 'em and fir'd which caused the Captain and his Men to rush out ; one of the Enemy call'd to the Captain to come along : Our Men went so far, that the Ambush arose partly behind them nearer the Fort : Our Men stood and fired several Times a piece without any Thing to shelter them from the Bullets, and retreated firing, to the Fort : In the Fight Lieutenant Hawley was shot thro' the Legg, Ezekiel Wells had his Thigh broke, but is almost recovered ; one Abbot was shot thro' the Body, who died in a Day or two ; we have heard considerable Spoil was done upon the Enemy. A Cessation of Arms being heard of in Canada, put a stop to the Enemy's coming out. Remarks. The following Remarks are easy and natural from the preceeding History. 1st. What a great Difi^erence there is between our managing a War, and our Enemies: The most we do is to defend our selves at Home ; but they are for an offensive War. And it is true if they have any, they must have this ; for a defensive War they can have none with us : For not a Man of ours has seen a French Settlement all this War, except such as were carried Captive or went with a Flagg of Truce. 2ndly. It is a rare thing we can obtain an Indian Scalp, let us do what Spoil we will upon them ; so careful are they to carry off and conceal their Dead : For at Fort Massachusetts, where it is probable near sixty have been killed. 'Doolittles Narrative. 38 never have been found more than three Scalps, which shows us that our Men will not venture out after the Enemy on any Scalping Act whatsoever : Our Men will not venture their Lives and Service on such uncertain Encourage- ments ; if they should be much greater than ever they have been. The like is demonstrated at Number Four, where they have killed so many of the Enemy, never a Scalp could be recovered. 3dly. We may observe, Of how much Importance the Enemy judge those two Forts at Number Four and Hoosuck, to be to us. Hence their repeated Endeavours to destroy them ; which they would not do, were they not advan- tageous to us, and in their Way in coming upon us. — And it shows how much it must encourage our Enemies, for us to give up either of them. 4thly. We may observe, How safely the Enemy can draw off, when they have done Mischief. I think but one Instance has there been all this War of our pursuing, and overtaking the Enemy to do any Spoil on them, and there are many Reasons for it: One is, that no Body may move 'till an Account is sent to the chief Colonel ; and then Men must be mustered, which takes so long a Time that there is no possibility of our taking them. Another Reason is, that we never have Men near, equipp'd to pursue them in the Woods ; and when they have gone a few Miles in the Woods, they are discouraged and return Home. 5thly. It is observable, That the continual changing of Schemes renders all Measures for the War unsuccessful. Before any one single Scheme is tried, it is flung up, and nothing ever prosecuted to Advantage : There is scarce any one Scheme of more than six Months continuance. 6thly. We may observe. That when the Province have voted any Number of Men for a particular Service ; by that Time the Commissary can furnish the Men with their Provisions, their Time is expired ; and this was the Case the Summer past : It took the greater Part of the Summer to supply the Garrisons with Provisions ; they were so scarce : And the Soldiers who were designed as Scouts towards Crown-Point, were a good Part of their Time employed -in guarding Provisions to the Forts. 7thly. Ic is observable to all who know the State of these Frontiers, That there is not due Provision made to furnish Men out on any Occasion after the Enemy. There is neither Bread nor Meat, Shoes, Blanketts, Sec, that a Number of Men may take on any sudden Occasion. They have their Bread to bake, their Meat to cook, and other Things to get ; when they should be on their March : And so long as this is the Case, the Enemy never need fear our annoying of them when they have distressed us. 8thly. It is observable. That all this War we have never kept Men in the Woods towards Crown- Point to discover their large Bodies coming down upon us, and give Notice of an approaching Enemy : So that they come securely Week after Week upon us ; yea, w.e have since found that the Enemy have camp'd several Months within thirty ox forty Miles of Fort-Dummer. 9thly. Another Thing observable. Is the great Temptation Soldiers have to be unfaithful in the Service. For there is no Distinction made, as to their fFages, between a Soldier posted in an Old Town, one in a Garrison, and one 382 History of Northfield. marching in the Woods ; who when he is in the Woods, wears out as many- Clothes as his Wages will procure, besides all his Hardships and Sufferings; Soldiers therefore choose to Lodge in the Garrison ; and think hard if they must be kept in the Woods, when others have as much Pay in Old Towns, who eat and lodge well. lothly. We differ much from the French with Respect to the War. They will not give Men Commissions, 'till they have been out in the War and done some Spoil on their Enemies. If the like Method was practised with us ; there would be fewer Commissions, and more it's probable would be done on the Enemy, in order to obtain them : But so long as no Regard is had to this in promoting of Men, we can't expect Men will exert themselves as they ought to do. ilthly. The Reader may observe. How much the People in the Western- Frontiers, must be distress'd by the War ; and how falsely they judge, who think the War is an Advantage to them. Their Case is most distressing: The repeated Alarms take them off from their Business Day after Day ior forty or ffty Miles together. And the Reader is to observe, that in the preceeding History there is no mention of great Numbers of Times of the Enemy being seen and shot at, both in the Night and Day Time ; and of their setting open Gates, and turning Creatures into Fields to devour Crops. It was not the de- sign of the Author to give you an Account of the People's Losses ; but of the Mischief done : If any envy the Inhabitants in the Frontiers their Portion, they may come and take their Lot with them. I2thly. It ought to be observed, That great Injustice is done the Inhabitants in the Frontiers in pressing them out of their Business, into the Province Ser- vice, either to follow the Enemy or convoy Stores, and not rewarding them suitably. They are sent out Day after Day with their Horses, and have not half so much per Day as they must give a Man to labour for them in the mean Time. Lastly, We may observe. That in this War, as we encreased our Number of Men in our Forts or Scouts, the Enemy have increased their Numbers ; and the longer the War continued, the oftner they came, and the more bold they grew : Which shows us what we must expect, if the War breaks out a-new : Especially at this Time, when there is no Provision made for Men in our Frontiers. ***** * * * * * FAMILY GENEALOGIES ABBREVIATIONS a., aged. abt., about. A. C, Amherst College. Amh., Amherst. b., born. bapt., baptized. B. C, Boivdoin College. bef., before. Ber., Bernardston. Bratt., Brattleboro, Vt. cap., captured. ch., child, children^ or church, d., ^/-tf^. dau., daughter. D. C.J Dartmouth College. Dfd., Deerfield. dis., dismissed. {r.,from. Gfd., Greenfield. Had., i/a Dr. Gideon Ry- 181 5, Mary Lyman. He d. Oct. 12, ther, Bernardston. 1829. I Family Genealogies. 389 Francis, Feb. 23, 1772, d. April 14, 1772. Allen, Feb. 15, 1799, then of Hins., but Francis, Mch. 20, 1774, d. May i, 1774. rem. to Hartland, Vt. Consider, Aug. 15, 1776, pub. to Lydia Azubah, Sepr. 5, 1778, d. young. 14. Joseph, s. of Joseph (8), b. 1750, sett, in Whately late in life, where he m. a second time and died. He m. Sarah. (2), March 7, 1795, Hannah Wait. C-i. ; Experience, July 31, 1775. Elizabeth, Jan. 11, 1794, prob. m. Joel Josiah, March 8, 1779, d. Dec. 1779. Kellogg. Lydia, " 3, 1781, d. Sept. 30, 1781. Luther, Apr. 8, 1797. Thankful, Dec. 30, 1783. Calvin. Polly, bapt. Apr. 9, 1786, d. Dec I, 1786. 15. Elijah, s. of Elias (10), b. 1733, iieut. ; sett, in Winch. In the Nova Scotia Exp'n, 1755, ^- S^pt- 9. '774> He m. Nov. 1, 1767, Susannah Trowbridge, of Winch. She d. Nov. 17, 1797. Ch. : Elizabeth, Jan. 27, 1769, m. July Susanna, June 28, 1 77 1, m. July 22, 1792, 16. 1788, Samuel Warren. John Knapp, Elijah, 1774, d. 1776. 16. Seth, s. of Elias (10), b. abt, 1746, ens. ; Winch.; d. Dec. 10, 1780. He m. June 19, 1768, Hannah Oaks. C^i. : Hannah, Sept. 25, 1769, m. March 14, Elijah, Feb. 23, 1775. 1789, James Foster of Winch. Elias, Jan. 10, 1777. Seth, 1770, d. Oct. 1776. Seth, March 31, 1779. Elias, July 24, I77i,d. young, Content, May 10, 1781, m. 1779, Joseph Gratia," 4, 1773, m. i795,Ephraim Haw- Stowell, of Winch. kins. 17. Reuben, s. of Ebenezer (11), b. 1740, col., sol. of '76. Rem. 1798 to St. Johnsbury, Vt. He m. Sarah Foster. Ck. : Caleb. May 19, 1765 (27). Edward, Dec. 21, 1772. Sarah, June 26, 1767, m. Jan. 16, 1791, Foster, July 3, 1775, d. s. p. Aug. 2, 1841. Rev. Ezra Conant. Luther, July i, 1778 (29). Miriam, Sept. 26, 1769, d. Nov. 5, 1769. Elijah, Feb. 21, 1782 (30). Reuben, Sept. 4, 1770 (28). Infant, July 14, 1785. ^^ 18. Asa, s. of Ebenezer (11), b. 1742, sett, in Winch. ; d. Nov. 4, 181 1. r He m. Mary Bond, b. Nov. 13, 1742. Ch. : Ebenezer, Apr. 24, 1765 (31). John, Dec. 6, 1774 (33). Thaddeus, Nov. 15, 1766, sett, in Athens, Amos, July 15, 1779, m. Oct. 5, 1809, Vt. Betsey L., dau. Timothy Swan. He sett. Mary, Nov. 9, 1768, m. 1805, Amasa in Groton, No ch. WooUey; his 2d wife. Anna, March 4, 1781, m. Rev. Ezra Conant ; Lucretia, Jan. 11, 1771, m. 1795, Elisha his 2d wife. Knapp J his 2d wife. Solomon, Aug. 8, 1783, m. Thankful (calle» Asa, Jan. 15, 1773 (32). Gratia), dau. of John Alexander. 19. John, s. of Ebenezer (11), b. 1749, captain; d. Dec. 16, 1806. Hem. Oct. 7, 1 771, Thankful, dau. Samuel x'lshley. Shed. July 16, l8i(,^ a. 69. CA. : Abigail, Apr. 14, 1784, m. 1801, Asa Thankful, Apr. 19, 1788, m. 1806, Solomon Alexander (32). Alexander. Susanna, Oct. 25, 1785, m. Witt, of John, ) July 27,^ killed by a falling tree, Swansey, N. H. f T March 18, 1842. Oliver,) 1790 ) (34). 39° History of Northjield. 20. Elisha, s. of Simeon (12), b. 1752, major ; blacksmith; Apr. 20, 1775, marched with the Nfd. Minute Men to Concord, under Capt. Williamson, 1 and thence to Waltham and Cambridge ; in Sept. 1775, again volunteered, and was made orderly sergt. ; in 1 776, he marched in Capt. Samuel Merriman's co. to Ticonderoga ; and served again in 1780. He was a man of note in the town ; d. Oct. 22, 1843. Hem. Dec. 3, 1779, Sophia dau. Josiah Stebbins, who d. Jan. 31, 1800, a. 43. (2) Oct. II, i8ci. Sarah Doolittle. She d. Jan. 27, 1862, a. 89. Ch. : Elijah, Sept. 9, 1780 (35). Son d. in infancy. Fanny, Aug. 3, 1782, d. unm. Sept. 14, Elisha, Jan. 23, 1807, dep. sheriff and co. 1866. com. many years; m. 1830, Cynthia Sophia, Nov. 7, 1784, m. Oct. 23, 1803, Whithead ; (2d) Apr. 12, 1872, Ada M. Joseph Beach. Button. Elisha, Oct. 13, 1786, d. Dec. 22, 1791. Martha, July 30, 1811, m. 1842, Enoch Josiah, March 15, 1789, d. June 16, 1790. Merrill, of WaterviUe, Me. Josiah, Apr. 21, 1791 (36). Mary, Dec. 29, 1817, m. 1836, Joseph Sarah, Aug. 7, 1802, m. 1835, Daniel Pearsons, of WaterviUe, Me. Lyman. 2 1. Caleb, s. of Simeon (i2),b. 1755. Minister and author ; grad. Y. C, 1777. Sett, in ministry at New Marlboro, 1781-2 ; of Mendon, 1786-1802. He published Latin and Eng. grammars; "Grammatical Elements ;" " Essay on the Deity of Christ,'' 1796 ; a translation of Virgil into English prose, 1796 ; " Columbian Dictionary," 1800 ; an arithmetic, 1802 ; and " Young Ladies' and Gentlemen's Instructor." Had charge of an academy at Onondaga, N. Y., where he d. April 12, 1828. He m. Lucina, dau. Rev. Thomas Strong, of New Marlboro. She d. Nov. 24, 1847, a. 91. C/i. ; Laura, m. Rev. Dr. D. C. Lansing, William H., of Syracuse, N. Y., and 5 others. Brooklyn, N. Y. 22. Simeon, s. of Simeon (12), b. 1757 ; blacksmith ; lieut. ; rev. sol. ; June, 1775, was present at the surrender of Burgoyne ; d. July 24, 1849. He m. March 3, 1780, Jerusha, dau. Hezekiah Stratton. She d. Dee. 1, 1813,3. 53. CA. : Samuel, Feb. 25, 1781, d. Nov. 17, Samuel, June i, 1787 (37). same year. Sarah, Nov, 14, 1789, d. Nov. i, 1812. Eunice, Feb. i, 1783, m. Oct. 23, 1803, Abigail, March 22, 1792, d. Sept. 15,1815. Roswell Field. Gratia, Aug. 3, 1797, d. Nov. 24, 1813. Jerusha, Feb. 19, 1785, m. Feb. 6, 1805, Medad Pomeroy. 23. Eliphas, s. of Simeon (12), b. 1764, rem. to Bratt., and about 1797 to Gill. He m. Aseneth , of Bratt. a. : Laura, July 4, 1792. Marina, July 12, 1797. Almira, March i, 1794. Eliphaz, Apr. 17, 1799. Amanda, Nov. 26, 1795. 24. Eldad, s. of Thomas (13), b. 1755, Dr. ; April 20, 1775, he marched with the Nfd. Minute Men to Concord and a ftw weeks after enlisted into the co. of Capt. Samuel Smith, of Hadley, and marched to Cambridge. July, 1776, marched under Capt. Samuel Merriman to Ticonderoga, to join the army under Gen. Gates. He rem. to Hartland, Vt., about 1790, where he d. Dec. 24, 1829. » Other officers were Lt. Eldad Wright and Ens. Elihu Lyman. Wright was soon made capt. and Lyman transferred to the co. of Capt. Smith, of Hadley. Family Genealogies. 391 He m. Feb. 18, 1783, Mary, dau. Hezekiah Stratton. She was alive in Woodstock, Vt., 1848. Ch. : Polly, Feb. 4, 1786, m. Samuel Taylor Elijah, a Dr. ; d. in New Orleans. of Hartland. Thirza, m. Dr. Dinsmore, of Lancaster, N.H . Azubah, Jany. 2, 1788, m. Hubbard Hezekiah S., 1797, of Hartland, 1838. of Windsor, Vt. Eldad, May 22, 1798. George. Susan, d. unm. Order of birth uncertain. 25. Med.^d, s. of Thomas (13), b. 1757, col. 3d Reg. 4th Div. Mass. Militia ; rep. to Mass. leg. 9 years ; selectman 24 years, and long time dep. sheriff, and a prominent man in the county ; d. Dec. 8, 1830. He m. Feb. 8, 1780, Eunice, dau. Hez. Stratton. She d. Jan. 24, 1783. He m. (2) May 18, 1785, Lydia, dau. Samuel Merriman. She d. Nov. 21, 1841, a. 79. «. ; Phila, Feb. 20, 1781, m. Dec. 15, Medad, Feb. 18, 1793 (39). 1799, Isaiah Moody. Eunice Stratton, June 20, 1797, m. Apr. 8, Lucius, Apr. 29, 1786, d. June 21, 1804. 1821, Wm. Brooks. Henry, Oct. 29, 1790 (38). 26. OuARTUs, s. of Thomas (13), b. 1761 ; March 4, 1776, at the age of 15, he enlisted into the army as servant to his father, for one year ; his co. two days later marched for Canada to relieve the army before Quebec, thence to Ticonderoga, and after a few months, to N. J., where the co. served under Washington. When his year of service expired, he enlisted into the N.J. Militia where he served one month. He settled in Hartland, Vt., where he d. Feb. 29, 1847. Hem. — Taylor; m. (2), Jan. 19, 1797, Mary Sergeant, sister to Abraham, of Chester, Vt. Ch. : Lydia, July 26, 1799. Susanna, Dec. 16, 1803. Consider, Oct. 31, 1800. Eliza, Oct. 14, 1805. Thomas, June 24, 1802. 27. Caleb, s. of Reuben (17), b. 1765, sett, in Winch. ; d. April 8, 1839. Hem. 1794, Harriet Lock, of Templeton. She d. Sept. 2, 1807. (2), 1809, Mary Wood, of Winch. Ch. : Gardner, Nov. i, 1794, d. Sept. 6, Louisa, Sept. 7, 1799, d. Oct. 19, 1799. 1796- Emily, Oct. 11, 1800, m. Samuel Ripley, Harriet L., Apr. 27, 1797, m. John Butler Winch. of Winchester. Timothy, Feb. 26, 1803, d. June 2, 1803. 28. Reuben, s. of Reuben (17), b. 1770, Winch.; d. Aug. 3, 1809. He m. 1793, Hat nah Pratt. Ck. : Sally, Feb. 13, 1794. Lemuel H., Apr. 2, 1802, sett, in Phila., Sophronia, Nov. 27, 1795, m. Patterson. Penn. Almira, Nov. 4, 1797, m. 1819, Truman Edward, March 24, 1 804, d. in North Caro- Watkins. lina. Caroline, Apr. 22, 1800, m. William Perham. Louisa, May 22, 1806. 29. Luther, s. of Reuben (i7),b. 1778, Winch. ; d. Aug. 1821, Hem. May 12, 1805, Eunice Ripley, of Rochester. Shed. Dec. 4, 1869, a. 86. CA. : George, Feb. 26, 1806, d. young. Edward, Sept. 6, 1 8 14, m. Oct. 9, 1839, Sarah, March 5, 1808, d. Apr. 4, 1810. Lucy M. Capon. Luther, Jan. 31, 1819, d. May 4, 1829. 392 History of Northfield. 30. Elijah, s. of Reuben (17), b. 1782, Winch. ; d. May 13, i860. He m. 1812, Mrs. Sally Viol, nee Holden, of Sudbury. Ch. : Reuben, Oct. 14, 181 3. Mary A., July 13, 1815, m. Oct. 23, 1844, John Giles. Mariah, July 4, 1817, d. July 8, 1819. William, " 28, 1819, sett, in N. York. Emeline M., March 24, 1821, d. unm. Fanny H., Feb. 3, 1823, m. Sept. 6, 1849, Converse J. Stone. Sarah P., Jan. 23, 1825, m. Dec. 27, 1847, Wm. J. Daws. George, Dec. 13, 1826, d. in the late slave holders' war. Leander L., Oct. 2, 1828, sett, in California. Lambert P., March 2, 1831, d. s. p.; non compos. Ellen L., July 7, 1833. Jane A., Feb. 8, 1836, d. unm. 802, d. Feb. 7, 1835. ^05. 31. Ebenezer, s. of Asa (18), b. 1765, Winch. He m. June 3, 1788, Rhoda Scott. C/!. : Eusebia P., Dec. 28, 1788. Ebenezer, Sept. 14 Emery, Nov. 9, 1790. Chloe, abt. 1804. Mercy. Willard H., Sept. 14, Oliver B., May 24, 1795. Octavia, Dec. 2, 1808. Henry F., Oct. 24, 1797, d. Dec. 17, 1852. Merab A., July 14, 181 1. Mary B., Jan. 24, 1800, m. David Granger, fath. of Col. Brownell Granger of Boston. 32. Asa, s. of Asa (18), b 1773, Winch.; d. March 25, 1849. He m. 1801, Abigail, dau. John Alexander ; d. Nov. 3, 1837, a. 53. Ci. : Horace, March 5, 1803, d. of small Harriet L., Feb. 16, 1814, m. Samuel W. pox. Eunice, Dec. i, 1804, m. Benjamin B. Mur- dock, of Winch, and Nfd. John Locke, Dec. 21, 1806, Dr. ; res. in Bos- ton ; m. Mrs. Rebecca (Perry) Whitney. Charles, March 8, 1810, d. Nov. 1838, at Havanna, Cuba. Francis, Feb. 8, 1812, m. Eugenia Fay. [817, d. of bleeding at the Richardson. Albert, Feb. i nose. Amos, Dec. 5, 1819. Sarah A., Feb. 28, 1822. Henry, March 24, 1824. Esther M., July I, 1 827, m. Nelson Tyler, Spfd. Iowa, d. Apr. 21, 1862. Mercy, Nov. 10, 1810, d. in Fairhaven, Ct., Nov. 8, 1856. Charlotte A., Nov. 20, 1818, m. Dec. 8, 1847, Alfred Wells. 33. John, s. of Asa (i8), b. 1747, of Winch, ; d. May 20, 1842. He m. 1800, Polly Pratt, who d. July 30, 1852, a. 77. Cfi. : Emily, Feb. 12, 1801, m. Pliny Isaac P., Aug., i, 1807, sett, in Davenport, Jewell, of Winch., fath. of Marshall, gov. of Conn., and Harvey, of Boston, speaker of House of Rep. Clarissa, Feb. 7, 1803, m. Henry A. Knapp, Olivia, Feb. 9, 1805, d. unm. Aug. 15, 1841. 34. Oliver, s. of John (19), b. 1790, d. March 1856. He m. Frenda Follet, b. July 14, 1799. Ck. : James, May 30, 1822. Andrew, May 25, 1825, m. Mary E. Silli- Marshall, Nov. 12, 1823, m. Sept. 19, 1852, man. Adeline Bently. Helen, Feb. 26, 1827, m. Oct. 7, 1851, Joel H. Goddard, of the Barn Gazette. 35. Elijah, s. of Elisha (20), b. 1780, major ; blacksmith ; d. Apr, 7, 1854. He m. Jan. 31, 1804, Polly, dau of Abner Field, who d. May. 21, 1848. Ci. : Harriet, Dee. 31, 1806, m. Charles Sally E., Aug. 23, 1815, m. Hopkins Wood, Field. of Green. George, May 8, 1808, m. April 30, 1834, Sophia, Nov. 17, 1817, m. Noah Moody. Eliza Colton. Fanny, May 30, 1 820, m. Chauncey Merriam. Charles, June 17, i8oo, m. Amanda Colton. Elizabeth, Oct. 31, 1823, m. Elijah Howe, Elijah, April 12, 1812, went South. Worcester. Arad, Feb. 14, 1814, m. Adebha, dau. Pliny Isabella P., March 18, 1826, d. Aug. 1 6, Davis. (2), Mary Thompson. 183 1. Family Genealogies. 393 36. JosiAH, son of Elisha (20), b. 179!, d. Dec. 22, 1862. He m. Dec. 11, i8i6, Mira, dau. Caleb Lyman. Ck. : Catherine S., Feb. z6, 18 18, m. Nov. Josiah, June 6, 1825, m. Lucy Valentine. 13, 1839, Moses Field. William D., Feb. 11, 1827, m. Lizzie Francis, May 29, 1 821, sett, in 111. Severance. Edward, March 30, 1823, d. s. p. Sept. 7, Emily, June 18, 1829, d. young. 1865. 37. Samuel, s. of Simon (22), b. 1787, blacksmith. He m. Elvira, dau. of Theodore Field, who d. July 2, 1859. Ch.: George F., Sept. 12, 1815. William P., May 10, 1830, d. Jan. 28, 1831. Samuel, April 18, 1 818. William P., Feb. 14, 1832, d. April 9, Caleb, July 17, 1820. 1835. Gratia, April 10, 1824, d. April 13, 1824. 38. Henry, s. of Medad (25), b. 1790, captain; alive 1875. He m. Nancy Bemis of Royalston, who d. Feb. 7, i860. 2, m. Feb, Ch. : Catherine T., June 30, 10, 1847, Noah Elwell. Azubah Wright, Sept. 6, 18 1 3. Jerusha B., Jan. i, 1817, m. Dec. 2, 1842, George Mason 5 she d. June 17, 1869. Henry, Sept. 9, 18 18, m. Nov. 7, 1847, Amelia Bowrles, dau. Dea. Saml. of Spfd.; res. in Spfd. banker, mayor, state senator, a useful and influential citizen. Thomas, May 31, 1820, m. Dec. 21, 1848, Harriet, dau. Jona. Barber. Jonas B., April 2, 1822, d. June 25, 1833. Edwin M., March 4, 1824, m. Jan. 6, 1853, Helen Minot. Anna P., Apr. 19, 1826. Maria A., June 14, 1829, m. March 19, 1854, Rufus H. Minot. 39. Medad, s. of Medad (25), b. 1793, sett, in Mont. He m. Sept. 28, 1817, Mehitable, dau. Xenophon Janes, d. Jan. 30, 1857, a. 60. (2) Lucinda Childs, of Dfd. Ch. : Lucius, Oct. 19, i8i8, d. Feb. 10, Lydia, April 16, 1829, m. Dwight New- 1835. bery. Sarah P., Jan. 8, 1821, m. Daniel Wil- Mary A., Nov. 21, 1832, m. James Mat- der. toon. Angelina, Apr. 26, 1822, m. John Thomp- Lucretia, Aug. 16, 1833, m. Martin Brown, son. Winch. Frederick J., July 23, 1826. Lucius, Sept. 16, 1835. I. ALLEN, Edward. By a tradition in the fam. he is said to have been a sol. under Cromwell, and came to this country upon the Restoration. He was of Ipswich 1670, was one of the committee for settling Suffield, Ct., for which service he rec'd from the town in 1678 a grant of 60 a. of land. Suf- field was settled by a colony from Mass., under whose jurisdiction it remained until 1752. Prob. Allen was one of the first settlers. At his death, Nov. 22, 1696, he held an estate valued at £256. He m. Sarah Kimball. She d. June 12, 1696. David, abt. ] Samuel, CA. : Order of birth uncertain. John, abt, 1660 (2). Edward, May i, 1663 (3). Elizabeth, m. Nov. 15, 1683, Wil- liam Prichard. She d. abt. 1685. Sarah, m. Apr. 21, 1685, Edward Abigail, Smith. She d. Oct. 18, 1699. of Suffield. William, (4). Mary, April 9, Martha, m. 1 696, Samuel Kent, Jf. 1707. She d. bef. 1700 without issue. Caleb, Mch. 3 Benjamin, (5). 50 m. Sarah — , rem. to N. J, 720, was of Hanover, N. J., 1723. 1679, m. Anna, rem. to N. J. bet. 17 19 and '24, d. at Hanover, Nov. 28, 1730. m. Timothy Palmer, Jr., 683, d. at Dfd. Oct. 25, .685(6). 394 History of Northjield. 2. John, s. of Edward (i), b. 1660 ; granted 40 acres land, at Suffield, March 6, 1688, rem. to Dfd. at the second settlement, and lived at the south end of the street ; but later rem. to the " Bars," where he and his wife were killed by Indians, May 11, 1704. He m. Feb. 22, 1682, Elizabeth Prichard, of Suffield. Ch. : John, Dec. 21, 1682, d. 1683. Sarah, Jan. 4, 1688, d. May 14, 1715. John, Jan. 19, 1684(7). Joseph, March 28, 1691. Richard, Sept. 19, 1685, d. June 8, 1696. Benjamin, April 8, 1693, of Sfd., 1719-23. Elizabeth, Nov. 4, 1686, m. abt. 1705, Ebenezer, Aug. 16, 1696. Thomas Granger, Jr. 3. Edward, s. of Edward (i), b. 1663, rem. to Dfd. abt. 1684, had a grant of a home lot, at the south end of the town plot; was many years clerk of the market, and town clerk, 1704-12 ; d. Feb. 10, 1740. He m. Nov. 15, 1683, Mercy Painter. Ch. : Elizabeth, March 14, 1686, d. Feb. 7, Martha, Nov. 6, 1694, m. Samuel Bardwell, 1697. Edward, March 11, 1687-8 (8). Mercy, Feb. 3, 1689, m. April 8, 1708, Peter Evans, who sett, in Nfd. Sarah, May i, 1691. Taken cap. Feb. 29, 1704, and taken to Canada. of Dfd. Jemima, Feb. 4, 1696-7, m. March i, 17 15, John Catlin, of Dfd. Hannah, Feb. 12, 1698-9, m. July 25, 1735, J<^hn Stebbins, of Dfd., 2d wife. Consider, May 3, 1701, d. May 26, 1701. Samuel, April 6, 1702 (9). 4. William, s. of Edward (i); of Sfd. 1707, d. Nov. 11, 171 1. He m. Dec. 29, 1692, Johanna Dibble, prob. dau. Samuel, of Simsbury, and b. 1672. She m. (2) bef 1717, David Burt, of Nhn. C/i. : William, July 28, 1694, m. June 15, Ebenezer, June 7, 1704. 1727 Kesiah Taylor, was of Sfd., 1717- John, Feb. 24, 1706-7. 22. Hepzibah, March 14, 1710, d. April 5, Johanna, April 21, 1696. 171 1. Sarah, April 28, 1699. Ephraim, April 4, 1712. Posthumous. Samuel, Oct. 8, 1701, sett, in Brimfield bef. 1722. 5. Benjamin, s. of Edward (i); Sfd., 1717-24. He m. Mercy. Ch.: Joseph, 1701 (10). fight," Aug. 25, 1746. She m. (2) June Margaret, 1716, m. May 9, 1743, Elea- 20, 1748, Moses Nims. zer Hawks, who was killed at the " Bars 6. Caleb, s. of Edward (1), b. 16815; weaver; of Sfd., 1717-25, of Enfield, 1748-56; rem. to Nfd,, where he d. Sept. 23, 1761. He m. 1 72 1, Hannah Eaton, of Haverhill, d. June 8, 1786, a. 88. Ch. : Hannah, Feb. 6, 1722-3. Tamer, Dec. 3, 1723, m. abt. 1752, Ebe- nezer Stratton, of Nfd. Lydia, Aug. 16, 1726, m. abt. 1752, Elea- zer Stratton, of Nfd. James. Edward. Per. Benjamin, who, with wife Eunice, rem. from Nfd. to Charlestown, N. H., 1756. Abigail, Jan. 29, 1732-3, m. March 29, 1768, Nehemiah Healy, of Winch. Order of birth uncertain. 7. JOHN, s. of John (2), b. 1684, sett, in Gfd., d, Nov. 30, 1761. He m. June 21, 17 16, Abigail, dau. Ebenezer Severance, d. Dec. 17, 1770, a. 74. Ch. : Abigail, May 27. 1717, m. Dec. 8, Ebenezer, Jan. 11, 172X. 1734, Nathaniel Brooks. Elizabeth, March 24, 1722, m. April 27, Elizabeth, May i, 1718, d. May 23, 1718. 1746, Aaron Brooks. John, May 2, 1719 (11). Family Genealogies. 395 Sarah, Feb. 2, 1723-4, m. Dec. 24, 1741, David, Oct. 2, 1732, m. Jemima. A sol. Shubel Atherton. I755- Ebenezer, Marcli 2, 1725-6, m. Jerusha. Rhoda, Aug. 7, 1734. Noah, June 24, 1727, m. Oct. 16, 1753, Thankful, Dec. 8, 1736, m. Thomas Judd, Ruth Martindale. A sol. 1755. Nhn., his 3d wife. Eunice, Sept. 19, 1729, d. Jan. 16, 1744. Experience, Dec. 20, 1738, d. Jan. 27, Rebecca, Feb. 13, 1730-1. I739- D s. of Edward (3), b. i( sett, in Gfd., d. Dec. 10, I7t;6, or uec. 19, 1757. He m. Feb. 4, 1720, Martha, dau. Eb. Wells, Hfd., d. Feb. 26, 1720, a. 23, (2), Feb. I, 1722, Mercy, dau. Richard Childs, Barnstable, d. Oct. 26, 1758. a. 60. Ch. : Amos, Nov. 18, 1722, m. June 6, Tabitha, Feb. 4, 1730. V 1743, Rebecca Nims. Irene, March 15, 1735, m. ^ias~ Da i Jw utk J^'^-^'^ Elizabeth, Dec. i, 1728, m. Jan. 25, 1747- Edward, April 3, 1739. 8, Ebenezer Arms. Sylvanus, Feb. 26, 1743. 28, 9. Samuel, s. of Edward (3), b. 1702, killed at the "Bars fight," by In- dians, Aug. 25, 1746, while bravely defending his children. He m. Nov. 3, 1727, Hannah, dau. Eleazer Hawks, d. March 8, 1771, a. 68. by Sergt., afterwards Col. John Hawks. He m. Zilpha Hawks, sett, in Ashfield, but rem. to North Hero, Vt. Susanna, Aug. 2, 1739, m. Oct. 6, 1774, Samuel Bodman. Mercy, April 16, 1741, d. unm. Oct. 9, 1765. Lamberton, bapt. May i, 1742, rem. to Ashfield, and in 1783 to North Hero, Vt. Enoch, bapt. Dec. 9, 1744, m. Mary Bel- ding, d. in Ashfield. Wid. and ch. rem. to Grand Isle, 1794. Ichabod, Posthumous, d. in infancy. 1729, d. Aug. m. Oct. 9, 1751, d. unm. Oct. 25. Ch. : Samuel, May 21, 1737. Sarah, June 2, 1730, Amasa Nims. Chloe, Oct. 4, 173 1, 1767. 'Eunice, June 6, 1733 ; left for dead, in the "Bars fight," with a hatchet in her head, but recovered ; d. Aug. 16, 1 8 18. Hannah, bapt. Nov. 14, 1735, m. — Taylor, of Mont. Caleb, March 30, 1737, m. Feb. 4, 1768, Judith, dau. Eleazer Hawks, of Dfd. Samuel, April 21, 1738, cap. at the "Bars fight;" was redeemed from Canada, 1748, 10. Joseph, s. of Benj. (5), b. 1701, sett, at Dfd., but rem. to Fall Town, abt. 1757, where he d. July 17, 1785. He m. April 4, 1727, Hannah, dau Joseph Clesson, of Nhn. She d. May 13, 1790, a. 84. Ch.: Zebulon, Oct. 22, 1727 (12), Simeon, 172S. Sem, Feb. 9, 1730-1, d. July 24, 1754. Mary, Nov. 5, 1732, d. May 15, 1744. Seba, Sept. 16, 1736, d. May 20, 1744. Joseph, March 14, 1739-40, d. April 30, 1744. Asaph, Sept. 16, 1742, d. June 24, 1744. The four next above d. of "throat distemper." Marah, June 12, 1647, d. June 30, 1747. II. John, s. of John (7), b. 1719, sett, in Nfd. He m. May 8, 1744, Jerusha Hastings. Ch. : Eunice, Sept. 13, 1744, m. March 13, 1 76 1, Elias Bascom Jerusha, April 24, 1746, m. July 13, 1769, Benjamin Miller, Jr. t' ■.. Ruel, Oct. 8, 1748. Ithamar, Sept. 25, 1750 (14). John, Nov. 24, 1752 (15). Benjamin, Nov. 4, 1754. Sibyl, July 17, 1759, m. John Field. Elizabeth, Dec. 23, 1762. 39^ History of Northfield. 12. Zebulon, s. of Joseph (lo), b. 1727, sett, in Ber. Corporal in French war, 1755, d. Feb. 15, 1786. He m. Nov. 21, 1751, Freedom Cooley, of Sund., who d. Sep. 16, 1801, a. 71. Ch. : Asaph, Oct. 22, 1752, m. Persis — . Mary, Feb. 2, 1762, m. Thadeus Wright. Sem, April 6, 1755, m. Experience — , sett. IJonathan, April 20, 1766, m. April 9, 1789, in Leyden. \ Chloe Bascom. She d. May 2, 18 15. Joseph, March 29, 1757, in Burk's Fort, m. Samuel Clesson, Jan. 5, 1772 (13). Eunice — . (2), wid. Anna Smith. Electa, Feb. 26, 1775, m. Dec. 21, 1797, Seba, Aug. 16, 1759, m. Clymena E. — . Elsworth Hunt. 13. Samuel C, s. of Zebulon (12), b. 1772. Clergyman, lawyer, states- man. Graduated D. C, 1794. Licensed to preach by the N. H. Western Association. Settled pastor of the 1st church in Nfd., Nov. 26, 1795, '^'^• ■ at his request, Jan. 3, 1798. Studied law with John Barrett. Ad. bar, abt. 1800. In 1803 he rem. to N. Salem, where he practiced law. Rem. to Gfd. about 1818, where he lived a few years, and finally returned to Nfd. Representative, 1806-10, State Senator, 181 2-15, M. C, 1817-29, Executive Councillor, 1829-30, Senator again, 1831. Afterwards lecturer on political economy at A. C, d. at Nfd. Feb. 8, 1842. He m. Sarah, dau. Hezekiah Newcomb, of Ber. She d. Jan. 22, 1797, a. 22. (2), April 10, 1797, Mary, dau. Elisha Hunt, who d. Feb. 13, 1833. (3), Aug., 1841, Rosannah (Smith), wid of Abner Ferry, of Granby. She d. in Princeton, 111., June 9, 1867, a. 83. CL : Samuel C, Sept. 11, 1793 (16). Frederick H., Feb. 3, 1806, lawyer. Grad. Joseph P., May 3, 1795 (17). University of Vt. He became eminent Infant, Jan. I, 1797, d. the same day. at the bar of Maine, judge of the Supreme Patty H., April 28, 1798, m. Oct. 23, 1817, Court, and M. C. He rem. to Boston, David Gregg, of New Salem. and was lecturer on political economy at James B., Dec. 26, 1799, Lieut. U. S. A., H. C, d. at Boston April 5, 1868 ; m. d. at Saginaw, Mich., Aug. 21, 1823. Feb. 26, 1829, Harriet, dau. of Oliver John J., Dec. 26, 1799, m. April 27, 1835, Cooley, wid. of Jackson Dickinson, of Sarah M. Gregg. He d. Nov. 15, 1857. Dfd. Zebulon, Jan. 6, 1802(18). Sarah E., 1808, d. June 19, 1811. Elishi H., Jan. 18, i8o4, lawyer, statesman. Sarah N., Aug. 8, 1810, m. Feb. 6, 1834, Grad. W. C, 1823, M. C. from Maine John Appleton, of Bangor, Me. 4 years ; rem. to the Sandwich Islands to Mary L., April 8, 18 12, d. unm. July 2, practice law, where he soon obtained a 1868. seat upon the bench, and was made chief Dwight, March 20, 1813. justice by Kamahamaha 5th, in 1863, Arthur E., Sept. 7, 1814, an Indian trader which place he still retains under the new in Wisconsin, d. s. p. June 12, 1871. king. In 1867 he was envoy extraordi- Edward, Aug. 5, i8i8,sett. in Philadelphia, nary to Washington, to negociate a treaty d. in Australia, Nov., i860. of reciprocity for the Hawaiian govt. 14. Ithamar, s. of John (ii), b. 1750, rem. to Gill. He m. Chloe — . CA. : Reuben, May 15, 1774. Zenas, March 24, 1786. Ethan, May 22, 1776. Dosha, May 29, 1788. Nancy Stricklin, April 3, 1778.. Solomon, Jan. 24, 1790. Ithamar, Jan. 24, 1780. Lynda, Nov. 3, 1792. Chloe, Nov. 18, 1782. Sullivan, Jan. 18, 1794. Amanda, March 26, 1784. Family Genealogies. 397 15. John, s. of John (ll), b. 1752, weaver. He m. July 6, 1771, Jemima, dau. Ebenezer Janes. She d. Aug. 31, 1787. Ch. : Hannah, bapt. Aug. 9, 1772. John, bapt. Jan. 31, 1781, m. Mary King- Sarah, bapt. June 13, 1773, m. 1791, Wil- man. liam Henderson. Lorastus, bapt. Aug. 8, 1782. Lucy, bapt. June 12, 1775. Polly, bapt. Feb. 15, 1786. Jemima, bapt. June 22, 1777, m. May 7, Russell, Aug. 10, 1788. 1796, John Bates. Lucretia, June 3, 1791. Rhoda, bapt. Jan. 31, 178 1, m. Jeremiah Mellif, April 21, 1794. Dean. Ruel, March 18, 1797. Bri, Feb. 13, 1800. 16. Samuel C, s. of Samuel C. (13), b. 1793, farmer, rep. to Mass. legislature from Nfd. many years; rem. to East Boston, where he was post-master at his death, April 7, i860. He m. Elizabeth Hasley. (2), Submit (Field), wid. Capt. Elisha Hunt. She d. March 5, 1866. Ch.: James B., July 5, 1824, in N. Y. city, Sarah Elizabeth, bapt. Jan., 1837, d. June m. Angle N. Sturtevant, d. Dec. 23, 29, 1841. 1853. 17. Joseph P., s. of Samuel C. (13), b. 1795. Grad. D. C, 1814, law- yer, practiced in Hins. and Charlemont, d. at Troy, N. Y., July 21, 1838. He m. Harriet Newcomb, of Ber. She d. Aug. 4, 1833, a. 35. Ch.: Joseph P., abt. 1820, d. May 30, Harriet L., 1825, d. Jan. 9, 1846. 1846. Mary Hunt, July 16, 1829, m. Alfred R. Sarah Newcomb, 1822, m. 1843, Alfred Field, d. May 3, 1859. R. Field, d. May 6, 185 1. 18. Zebulon, s. of Samuel C. (13), b. 1802, d. Dec. 18, 1866. He m. May 20, 1838, Martha, dau. Luther Holton. Ch. : Florence H., June 28, 1839, m. Nov. Martha E., June 18, 1848, m. May 17, 2, 1864, Capt. Ellet P. Perkins. 1871, Clement D. Barthe. Frederick Z., Dec. 3, 1 841, m. April 30, 1874, Lelia M. Hicks. ALLEN, George H., pub. to Eunice Turner, Oct. 21, 18 19. 1. ALLEN, James, b. in Mendon. He m. — Thayer, of Mendon. Ch.: Ethan, Aug. 31, 1779 (2). Nancy, m. . Sabra, m. — Cheney. Sarah, m. — Lyman. Julia, m. Jotham Lord, of Athol. Thayer, m. . Elijah B., m. Harriet Seymour. 2. Ethan, s. of James (i), b. 1779, d. at Putney, Vt., Oct. 23, 1828. He m. June 17, 1801, Hannah NVard, of Orange, who d. at N. V. city, July 20, 1850, a. 74. Ch. : David West, Oct. 5, 1802, at Orange Samuel L., May 19, 1813, at Spfd., Vt., m. (3). Lucretia J. Wiswall, of N. Y. He d. at Jonathan W., June 17, 1806, at Spfd., Vt., Charleston, S. C, Dec. 29, 1847. m. Rhoda B. Roe, of N. Y. 3. David West, s. of Ethan (2), b. 1802, New York and Nfd. He m. June 6, 1832, Lydia K., dau. Rev. Thomas Mason. Ch.: Mary E., June 10, 1833, d. Feb. 7, 1848. 39^ History of Northfield. ALLEN, Joseph, b. in Uxbridge, Jan. 5, 1754, tailor, sergt. of a company of minute men in Nfd., and marched for Concord, April 22, 1775. At the expiration of his time of service he went to Providence, R. L, where he again entered the army, and was ensign 1778. Abt. 1833 ^e rem. to Rehoboth, where he d. May 2, 1837. He m. March 12, 1778, Phebe Green, of Warwick, R. L She d. Oct. 18, 1847, a. 90. Ch.: Stephen G., May 13, 1778. Harriet, Jan. 7, 1788, m. — Lark, of Pardon, Dec. 16, 1779, d. at Johnstown, Providence, R. I. Feb. 17, 1817. Russell W., Oct. 7, 1793, d. at sea on board George W., Oct. 15, 178 1, d. at sea on ship brig " Defiance," Nov. 24, 18 12. "Hope," March 18, 1804. Abigail H., Sept. 8, 1795, d. April 15, Joseph, Oct. 5, 1783. 1807. Rhoda G., March 28, 1785. ALLEN, Newell, 1811. He m. June 16, 1812, Roxanna Turner, who d. Feb, 22, 1813. 1. ALVORD, Alexander, an early sett, of Wind., rem. to Nhn. bef 1658. A petitioner for Nfd. 1671, d. Oct, 3, 1687. He m. Oct. 29, 1646, Mary, dau. Richard Vore, d. bef 1683. Ch. : Abigail, Oct. 6, 1647, m. 1666, Benjamin, Feb. 11, 1658, m. 1690, Debo- Thomas Root. rah, dau. John Stebbins. John, Aug. 12, 1649, '"• Abigail, dau. Na- Sarah, June 24, 1660, m. July 10, 1689, thaniel Phelps. James Warriner. Mary, July 6, 1651, m. March 24, 1670, Jeremiah, May 9, 1663 (2). John Miller. Ebenezer, Dec. 23, 1665, m. 1692, Ruth, Thomas, Aug. 27, 1653, m. March 22, dau. Joseph Baker. 1681, Joanna, dau. John Taylor. Jonathan, April 6, 1669, m. Jan. 12, 1693, Elizabeth, Nov. 12, 1655, m. 1684, Henry Thankful Miller. Burt. 2. Jeremiah, s. of Alexander (i), b. 1663, sett, in Dfd. He m. i6gi, Mehitable (Frary), wid. Hezekiah Root. She d. Nov. 7, 1697. (2), after 1700, Mercy, dau. William Gull. Ck. : Jeremiah, Feb. 17, 1692, d. March 4, Mercy, Aug. 20, 1696, killed at the desola- 1692. tion of Dfd., 1704. Jeremiah, March 31, 1694, drowned, 1718. ALVORD, Tristram, Dr., 1811. ANDERSON, Ezra, m. Nov. 10, 1793, Tryphena Morgan. ANDROSS, BiLDAD, Dr , 1750, rem. to Westminster, Vt., abt. 1768, and later to Mooretown, or Bradford, and was rep. from that town 1777. He m. Mary — . Ch. : Naomi, Jan. 3, 1751. Mary, July 24, 1756. Levi, Aug. 3. 1753, ^- ^755- Cynthia, March 2, 1760. Mary, April 23, 1754. John, June 6, 1762, and prob. Joshua and Lucy, March 23, 1755. Jonathan. ARMSTRONG, John, 1818. ARMS, WiLLARD, Dr., s. of Josiah, of Bratt., b. 1780, Nfd., 1818-29, when he returned to Bratt., d. Sept. 25, 1863. Family Genealogies. 399 He m. Feb. 8, 1803, Susanna, dau. Eliakim Arms, of Dfd., d. Feb. ^5, 1865. Ch.: Charlotte, Nov. 25, ^804, m. Dec. 15, Susan E., Dec. 13, 1816, m. June, 1843, 1823, Oliver Mattoon. Rev. Edward Wright, of Dfd., and (2), Edwin, Sept. 24, 1808, d. March 6, 1826. Rev. Jason Atwater. Willard, m. Gratia Liscomb. Sarah, June 2, 1818, d. May 22, 1828. ASH, Ebenezer, m. 1794, Sarah, dau. Amasa Sheldon. ASHLEY, Francis, 1773. He m. Sept. 2, 1774, Mehitable, dau. John MofFat. ASHLEY, Joseph, 1773. ASHLEY, Samuel, rem. to Winch, abt. 1754; lieutenant 1764. He m. Eunice, dau. Rev. Benjamin Doolittle. Ch. : Oliver, Oct. 20, 1743. Thankful, Nov. 10, 1749, m. Oct. 7, 1771, Tirza, Dec. 24, 1745. John Alexander. Samuel, Sept. 29, 1747, Col., m. Lydia, dau. Lucius Doolittle. ASKEY, William, 1770, rem. to Winch. He m. March 20, 1771, Elizabeth Mackintosh. Ch.: Mary, Nov. 15, 1772. ATWELL, Richard, captain, 1781. ATWOOD, Jacob, 1788. AVERY, John, I744; master carpenter ; rem. to Westminster, Vt. He m. Mary Ferry. Ch. : Anna, bapt. Sept. 22, 1754. BAKER, Charles, captain, 1772. BAKER, Elijah, 1772-6. BAKER, Isaac, 1804. BALL, John, 1807. 1. BANCROFT, Thomas, b. i622,Dedham and Lynnfield, d. 1691. He m. Alice Bacon, and (2), Elizabeth Metcalf. Ch. : Thomas, Sept. 14, 1649 (2). 2. Thomas, s. of Thomas (1), b. 1649, named, in Mather's Magnalia. He m. Sarah, dau. Capt. Jonathan Poole. Ch.: Rohan, Feb. 14, 1684 (3). 3. Rohan, s. of Thomas (2), b. 1684 ; deacon of Reading. He m. Abigail Eaton. Ch. : David, Aug. 2, 17 18 (4). 4. David, s. of Rohan (3), b. 1 71 8, ens., of Ward, now Auburn. He m. Eunice Bancroft. Ch.: Ebenezer, Sept. 29, 1748 (5). 400 History of Northjield. .5. Ebenezer, s. of David (4), b. 1748, rem. from Auburn to Warwick; d. Jan. 8, 1814. He m. Phebe Bancroft, who d. Aug. 26, 1813. (2), wid. Knapp. Ch. : Ebenezer, Sept. 27, 1774 (6). Warren, Jan. 20, 1791, m. Aug. 7, 1817, Aaron, April 19, 1776. Mary Farrar. Thomas, Sept. I, 1778. Polly, m. Feb. i, 1815, Elijah Ezra, Aug. 27, 1781. Weisley. David, April 6, 1786. Patience, m. Sept. 29, 1817, Ar- Lyman, April 14, 1788. temas Brown. 6. Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer (5), b. 1774, Nfd.; cabinet maker. He m. Nov. 8, 1 801, Naomi, dau. Capt. Seth Lyman. (2), Lydia Vaughn, of Sturbridge. C/i. : Eunice, Sept. 7, 1803, m. Henry Ebenezer W., March 5, 1824, m. Clark. Brooks, of Georgia. BANCROFT, Leonard. He m. Rhoda — . CA.: Helen M., June 23, 1826. Sarah A., May 22, 1829. BANKS, Edward, 1802. He m. May 28, 1806, Polly Field. 1. BARBER, John, of Sudbury. He was a sol. under Gov. Shirley, in his expedition against Fort Niagara, 1755. A letter to his wife, dated July II, 1755, contains the last certain information from him. It is supposed he was killed in a skirmish shortly after this date. He m. Hannah, who m. (2), — Stone. She d. a wid. bef. Feb. 20, 1784. CA.: John, m. Abigail, and d. bef. Silas, of New York city, Jan. 29, 1789. his mother. Abigail, m. — Loker, and d. bef. Samuel, of Stockbridge, 1789. her mother. Oliver. Hannah, m. — Loker, and d. bef. Nathan. her mother. Ephraim (2). 2. Ephraim, s. of John (i), clock maker, of Marlboro; a leading citizen of the town, which he often represented in the legislature ; sol. of '76, d. Nov. 14, 1 81 7, a. 70. He m. Oct. 11, 1 781, Elizabeth Crosby. She d. Oct. 31, 1831, a. 72. CA.: William, Sept. 26, 1782, m. Polly Elizabeth, Feb. 19, 1789, m. 1808, Nathan Manson, 1803. Hapgood. Jonathan, Jan. 25, 1786 (3). 3. Jonathan, s. of Ephraim (2), b. 1786; rem. to Nfd., where he d. Nov. 13, 1871. He m. April 6, 1809, Achsah Howe. She is living 1875. CA. : Lucy, Oct. 9, 1809, m. Sidney S. Mil- Esther, Feb. 2, 1817, m. Jonathan Belding. ler, from Dummerston, Vt. Lydia M., Nov. 23, 1820. Elizabeth, April 5, 181 1, m. Nov. 20, 1832, Harriet, May 8, 1823, m. Thomas Alexan- Horace Wood. She d. April 9, 1852. der. Franklin, Feb. 26, 1813, m. Jane D., dau. Martha A., Sept. 26, 1825, m. 1849, N. A. Jesse Knights. Richardson. Achsah, April 11, 1815, m. Oct. I, 1839, J. Augustus, Oct. 18, 1831 (4). Ebenezer Rice. Family Genealogies. 401 4. J. Augustus, s. of Jona. (3), b. 1831; storekeeper, and miller. He m. April 30, 1858, Harriet, dau. Hubbard Phelps. She d. Feb. 26, 1864, a. 24. (2), Sept. 17, 1867, Ella, dau. Samuel Merriman. Ch.: Fred. A., April 13, 1859, d. April 25, Frank N., April 13, 1859. 1861. 1. BARBER, BARBOUR, Thomas; Lieut.; came in the "Christian," 1635, to Dorchester; scrvd^d in the Pequot war. Of Winds., March 28, 1637, with Mr. Francis Stiles, learning the trade of carpenter. Freeman 1647; sergeant 1648, when he was fined 15s. and his office taken from him, for striking Lieut. Cook; was of Simsbury 1677, where he made a contract to build a meeting- house that year ; was Lieut, of the first military co. of Simsbury; d. 1662, a 48. He m. Oct. 7, 1640, Jane — . She d. 1662. Ch.: John, bapt. July 24, 1642 (2). Josiah, bapc. Feb. 5, 1653, m. Nov. 22, Thomas, bapt. July 14, 1644 (3). 1677, Abigail, dau. Nathaniel Loomis; Sarah, bapt. July 19, 1646. (2), Sarah. Lieut, of Wind., i 699, where Samuel, bapt. Oct. i, 1648 (4). he had a grant of 100 acres land, on ac- Mary, bapt. Oct. 12, i65i,m. July 8, 1669, count of sickness contracted in the Indian John Gillet. war. 2. John, s. of Thomas (1), b. 1642; rem. to Spfd. 1671, thence to Sfd. 1684, where he was deacon: d. May 14, 1712. He m. Sept. 2, 1665, Bathsheba Coggin, of Springfield. Ch. : "Joanna, April 8, 1667. Return, May 29, 1673, d. young. John, July 14, 1669, rem. to Spfd.; m. May Thomas, Feb. 4, 1674. I, 1689, wid. Hannah Bancroft. Mary, Feb. 13, 1677. 3. Thomas, s. of Thomas (i), b. 1644 ; lieutenant; rem. to Simsbury; d. May 10, 1701. He m. Dec. 13, 1665, Mary, dau. William Phelps. Ch. : Mary, Jan. 11, 1666. Sarah, July 2, 1667. 4. Samuel, s. of Thomas (i), b. 1648 ; Simsbury and Windsor. He m. Mary Coggins. (2), June 25, 1676, Ruth, dau. John Drake, of Windsor. Ch. : Thomas, Oct. 7, 1671, buried Oct. 31, Joseph, m. Mary Loomis. 1673. Sarah, Aug. 28, 1698, m. Stephen Palmer. Samuel, Jan. 26, 1673, m. June 18, 1713, (2), — Phelps; rem. to Westfield. Martha Ponder. William, m. Esther. John, Jan. 25, 1776-7, m. July 24, 1717, Mary, Sept. 26, 1704, m. Peter Brown, of Jane Alford. Windsor. Hannah, Oct. 4, 1681. Mindwell, d. unm.; br. Joseph app. Ruth, July 24, 1683, m. William Phelps. administrator, March, 1715. Elizabeth, Feb. 9, 1683-4, m. Daniel Benjamin, m. June 30, 1720, Han- Loomis. nah Lewis. David, May 12, 1686 (5). 5. David, s. of Samuel (4), b. 1686. He was an early settler at Hebron, Ct., where he held a large tract of land, willed him by his father. He became a leading man in the town; was justice of the peace, and captain of the train band ; his house was often used for public meetings, before the meeting- house was built. He m. at Hebron, Hannah Post, prob. dau. Stephen, one of the earliest settlers of Hebron. C-4.; Prob. Stephen. David, 1716(6). 51 402 History of Northfeid. 6. David, s. of David (5), b. 17 16, With thirteen other children he was hapt. in Dr. Obadi-^h Hostoru's barn, May, 1717, by Rev. John Buckly, of Colchester ; Hebron having no minister until the October following. He d. Jan. 14, 1801. He m. — Case. (2), Miss Abigail Newcomb, who d. March 22, 1805, a. J7. Ch.: Oliver. Bildad, m. , sett, in Lyme, Aaron. N. H. Patience, m. Sylvester Gilbert, dea- Elihu, sett, in Pompey Hollow, N. con, and judge ; of Hebron. Y., and 3 daus. who m., one — Phelps 5 David, Aug. 16, 1760 (7). one — Jones 5 one — Post. Obadiah, m. 7. David, s. of David (6), b. 1760; capt. Rev, army; he was in the batde of Long Island, as drummer boy, Aug. 27, 1776, and in the retreat to New York, on the night of the 29th ; he was also of the party who for- tified Dorchester Heights, on the night of March 4, 1776; rem. to Northfield 1792; d. March 13, 1839. He m. Sept. 25, 1781, Lois, dau. Timothy Dutton. Shed. April 20, 1821, a. 61. Ch.: Amaziah D., June .30, 1782 (8). Lucy D., March i, 1796, d. unm. May 10, David, March 18, 1785; doctor; sett, in 1825. Bradford Co., Penn. Mary, May i, 1798, d. May 4, 1798. Isaac B., May 20, 1787 (9). Mary, Nov. 23, 1799, m. May 28, 1821, Lois, Nov. II, 1789, d. Aug. 17, 1807. Dr. Horace Morgan. Fanny, Jan. 25, 1793, d. Feb. 8, 1793. Charles, April 19, 1802 (10). Fanny, March 17, 1794, d. March 10, 1827. 8. Amaziah D., s. of David (7), b. 1782 ; sett, in St. Johnsbury, Vt., where he engaged in mercantile business, and d. 1814. He m. Freelove C. Arnold. She d. \ov. 4, 1811. 9. Isaac B., s. of David (7), b. 1787 ; D. C, 1805 ; lawyer ; admitted to the bar 1808; sett, at Coleraine; first reg. of Probate, in Franklin county, 1811; captain U. S. A. in the war of 1812; rem. to Rochester, N. Y. ; d. Sept. 21, 1864. He m. Miss Nancy Chandler. 10. Charles, s. of David (7), b. 1802; farmer; rem. to Winch. 1848, where he now resides. He m, Dec. 26, 1826, Mary E., dau. Samuel Williams, of Warwick. She d. Sept. 23, 1838, a. 28. (2), Jan. 14, 1840, Lydia C, dau, John Field. She d. Dec. 14, 1843, ^- ^9- (3). Ju^^ 28, 1848, Lucy, dau. John Field. Ch.: Mary, July 27, 1829. Emily L., Nov. 14, 1840. Charles W., March 21, 1831, d. May 26, Charles J., July 31, 1842; physician; m. 1838. 1867, Adeline Sawin, who d. May 6, Lucy, Sept. 3, 1832. 1872. Edward, Sept. 29, 1835, m. Sept. 29, 1864, Caroline A. Colton. BARRETT, Asa, He m, 1789, Dorothy Bancroft, BARRETT, David; carpenter and wheelwright; 1764. I, BARRETT, John; rem, from Middletown, Conn., to Springfield, Vt. ; was a partisan of New York in the Hampshire Grant trouble; in 1775, he Fatnily Genealogies. 403 was commissioned lieutenant-colonel of the upper regiment of Cumberland county ; he was drowned in the Connecticut river, Dec. 3, 1806, a 75. He m. June 19, 1755, Elizabeth Edwards, of Boston. She d. Aug. 27, 1809, a. 76. Ch.: John, Aug. 16, 1756 (2). Thomas, Feb. 10,1760, m. 1791, Betty, Elizabeth, Aug. 10, 1758, m. Rev. Isaiah dau. Roger Bates, of Springfield, Vt. Potter, 35 years minister at Lebanon, Mary, Oct. 10, 1765, m. Arthur McClellan, N. H. of Portland, Me. 2. John, s. of John (i), b. 1756, ofNfd. 1786; lawyer; rep.; he was for many years a leading man in his profession, in the north part of old Hamp- shire county, and his ofRce was a favorite resort for law students; d. Dec. 26, 18 16. He m. Oct. 29, 1790, Martha, dau. Obadiah Dickinson. Ch. : Elixa E., Dec. 18, 1791, d. June 19, Rev. Thomas Shepherd, of Ashfield, and 1814. Sunderland, Vt. Mary, July 19, 1793, m. Sept. 16, 1811, Louisa Warner, Dec. 3, 1799, d. May 24, Woodbury Storer, of Portland, Me. 1804. Martha D., Sept. 12, 1794, d. July 18, John, Feb. 21, 1802 ; doctor, grad. B. C; 1804. sett, in Portland, Me. Charlotte Collins, Feb. 17, 17.66, m. Dec. Charles, Jan. 6, 1804, grad. B. C; lawyer; 18, 1814, Franklin Ripley, of Greenfield. sett, in Portland. Sarah Pullen, Jan. 5, 1798, m. May 6, •1821, BARTLETT, George, i8io. BARTLETT, Mathew, 181.4. BARTLETT, John, 18 12. He m. Feb. i, 1829, Elizabeth Lyman. BARTLETT, Sylvanus, 1814. He m. Fanny , — . Ch.: David, Oct, i, 18 15. Reuben, Oct. 11, 18 18. 1. BASCOM, Thomas, Dorchester, 1634 ; Windsor, 1639; Nhn., i66i ; where he d. May 9, 1682. He m. Avis (or Advice, by Hat. rec). She d. Feb. 3, 1676. Ch.: Hannah, m. Nov. 15, 1650, John Thomas, Feb. 20, 1642 (2). %v,.V«*y Vu*v w^,XjL^^..- Lydia, April I, 171 5. Moses, "1 Feb. 28, ) (7). Thankful, Jan. 6, 17 18, m, abt. 1 741, Jo- Aaron, j 1726, ) killed at Belding's rock, seph Stebbins. July 23, 1748. [See ante, p. 271.] Stephen, July i, 1720 (6). Martha, Jan. 19, 1727-8. Mary, July 9, 1722. Titus, Jan. 16, 1731-2, m. Nov. 16, 1752, Mindwell, April 25, 1724. Anna Carew, of Springfield. 5. Jonathan, s. of Stephen (3), b. 1694, in Had.; lieutenant; sol, in Ralle's war, 1724. He received a grant of 12 acres upland, on condition he build a saw mill at Nfd., 1717; d. July 6, 1778, "near 83." He m. July 7, 1720, Hepzibah, dau. Nathaniel Dickinson, of Hfd. She d. Dec. 29, 1761, a. 65. (2), Oct. 26, 1763, Lydia, wid. Rev. Benjamin Doolittle. She m. (3), Nov. 3, 1778, at the age of 79, Japhet Chapin, of Spfd. She d. June 16, 1790, a. 92. When Madam Chapin was 80 years old, she made a visit to her children in Nfd., on horseback, riding the whole distance, 40 miles, in one day. She was esquired by her youthful husband of 82 years. CA. : Hepzibah, May 12, 1722, d. Oct. 13, Jonathan, Jan. 29, 1729 (8). 1736. Submit, May 13, 1732, m. Aug. 31, 1757, Jonathan, Oct. 17, 1724, d. Nov. 12, 1727. David Keyes, of Western. She m. (2), Katherine, June 24, 1727, d. Oct. 17, Dec. 3, 1763, John Eastman, of Hadley. 1736. 6. Stephen, s. of Stephen (4), b. 1720; miller; rem. to Winch, abt. 1780, where he d. July 3, 18 13. He m. Abigail — , who d. Jan. 5, 1764. (2), abt. 1765, Martha — , from Hardwick. C/i..- Hepzibah, Feb. 14, 1741, m. Nov. i, Stephen, Feb. 14, 1745-6; sol. of '76; at 1763, Oliver Wright. West Point, 1779. Catherine, Jan. 11, 1743-4. John, May 6, 1748. Family Genealogies, 407 Aaron, June a6, 1750. Hannah, July 31, 1767. Joab, Nov. 17, 1752, d. Oct. 27, 1756. Carley, March 19, 1769. Mindwell, March 25, 1755. Timothy B., Dec. 10, 1770, d. Feb. 16, Joab, July 2, 1758, under Capt. Thomas i774- Alexander in Canada expedition, 1776. Aaron J., March 17, 1773. Martha, April 14, 1766. 7. Moses, s. of Stephen (4), b. 1726; sol. of '76; rem. to Winchester abt. 1767. He m. Sarah, dau. Nathaniel Chamberlain. Ch.: Dorcas, May 28, 1747. Lydia, Feb. 8, 1755. Annaretta, Oct. 16, 1749, m. May, 1770, Rhoda, Aug. 2, 1758. Amasa Burt. Sarah, April 6, 1761. Elisha, Oct. 12, 1751 ; sett, in Hinsdale. Moses, Feb. 8, 1766. Augustus, Jan. 13, 1753; sol. of '76. 8. Jonathan, s. of Jonathan (5), b. 1729. In early manhood he was an invalid for years, barely escaping death, of consumption; he was ever after extremely careful of his health, and methodical in his habits. He was never known to run ; no emergency could hasten his regular pace ; and for many years before his death his only food was a certain amount of bread and milk, with a glass of wine, three times a day ; finishing off by smoking a definite amount of tobacco in his clay pipe. Of imposing appearance, in cocked hat and careful costume of a gentleman of the olden time, with his deliberate movements on the street, he is remembered as a striking figure, by the boys of his day. [£. E. Belding.'] He d. Sept. 24, 1825. He m. Sarah Dickinson, of Hfd. She d. Jan. 17, 1762, a. 30. (2), Dec. 28, 1763,, Keziah, dau. Joseph Eastman, of Amherst. She d. Oct. 24, 1812, a. 79. Ch.: Jonathan, April 3,1761, m. Sarah — , Joseph, April 3, 1670; Rev. sol.; m. Dec. who d. Oct. 12, 1789, a 28. (2), 1790, 31, 1801, Elizabeth Bogle; he d. s. p. Abigail Cole, of Richmond, N. H.; sett. May 10, 1850. in New York; Rev. sol. Hepzibah, Jan. 19, 1772, m. Nov. i, 1789, Asa, Oct. 28, 1764, d. s. p. April 26, 1817. Clement Miner. Sarah, Aug. i, 1766, d. unm. Aug. 12, Keziah, ) May 20, | d. unm. Feb., 1841. 1829. Elijah, ) 1774. f (9), Samuel, March i, 1768, sett, in Boston. Mary, Nov. 7, 1776, d. unm. June 8, 1822. 9. Elijah, s. of Jonathan (8), b. 1774, d. March 17, 1843. He m. March 18, 18 10, Lois S., dau. Nathaniel Stearns, Warwick. She d. April 2^, i860, a. 82. Ch.: Lois S., May 2, 1811, d. Sept. 23, Lois S., Sept. 15, 1818, d. unm. Dec. 13, 1814. 1862. Elijah E., April 18, 1813 (10). Maria A., Oct. 2, 1820, m. June i, 1843, Jonathan, Aug. 16, 1815 (11). Elijah M. Dickinson, Fitchburg. 10. Elijah E., s. of Elijah (9), b. 1813; selectman and assessor many years ; rep. to legislature, 1873; a large hop grower. He m. March 22, 1836, Eliza, dau. Jacob Frost, Vernon. Ch. : Edward E., Jan. 2, 1837, m. Oct. 15, Elijah, April 18, 1847, m. June 14, 1870, 1861, Mary A., dau. Phineas Stedman, Hattie E. Overhiser. Chicopee. Edgar F., Jan. 17, 1850; grad. Y. C, Eliza E., May 11, 1842-, d. April 3, 1849. 1872. Everett E., May 25, 1854, d. Oct. 9, 1854. 4o8 History of Northfield. II. Jonathan, s. of Elijah (9), b. 181 5; sett, in Fitchburg. He 111. Ocr. 20, 1841, Esther, dau. Jonathan Barber. Ch. : Augustine S., Aug. 6, 1842, m June Anna S., Nov. 6, 1847, m. Oct. 19, 1871, 5, 1872, Emma S. Young. Warren Wetherby, of Fitchburg. BELLOWS, Benjamin, 1773. 1. BEMENT, John, prob. s. of John of Enfield; if so, b. 1701 j a sol. from Nfd. in Ralle's, and the French wars ; cap. at "Cold Spring, a little below Fort Bridgman," June 24, 1746, by a party of Indians, and carried to Canada. (See ante, p. 245.) He m. Rachel, dau. Benjamin Wright, Jr. Shed. Jan. 19, 1731-2, a. 24, (2), Mary — . Ch. : Abigail, Oct. 31,1726. Jerusha, Sept. 10, 1735, ^- Nov. 23, 1735. Mary, Sept. 7, 1728, d. Sept. 17, 1728. Phineas, March 6, 1737. Mary, Oct. 24, 1729. Jonathan, April 26, 1739. John, May 3, 1734(2). Jesse, Aug. 6, 1740. 2. John, s. of John (i), b. 1734; sol. under Capt. John Burke, in Lord Loudon's campaign, 1777; then of Hfd.; rem. thence to Ashfield. There is a tradition in the family, that when young, he was cap. by Indians, and taken toward Canada; but one night, while staked down on his back in a ditch, he managed to escape, and reached home in safety. He might have been taken when his father was; d. March 22, 1806. He m. Mary, dau. Nathan Wait, Whatelv, b. June 5, 1740, d. March 8, 1822. Ch : Phineas, July 17, 1759, d. Oct. 31, Daniel, Sept. 4, 1773, d. Dec. 7, 1774. 1833. Sarah, May 22, 1775, d. March 22, 1806. John, March i, 1761, d. Nov. 12, 1836. Lucinda, June 9, 1777, d. 1855. Mary, April i, 1763, d. May, 1845. Prinda, Sept. 11, 1779, ^- April 8, 1844. Reuben, Jan. 4, 1767, d. Sept. 27, 1845. Daniel, Nov. 2, 1782, d. July 22, 1871. Samuel, May 17, 1769, d. 1859. Menda, Nov. 22, 1784, d. Sept. 11, 1872. Hannah, Aug. 31, 1771, d. May 6, 1836. BENJAMIN, Seth, 1803. 1. BENNET, Francis, Boston; drowned at Noddle's Island, Dec. 4, 1655, Hem. x'^lice — , who m. (2), Aug. 8, 1656, Ralph Hutchinson, of Nhn. Ch. : Mary, Sept. 15, 1650. Elizabeth, Dec. 20, 1654. James, Feb. 14, 1652 (2). 2. James, s. of Francis (0, b. 1652. At Nfd., in the First Settlement; was killed at the Falls fight. May ig, 1676. He m. Feb. or July 18, 1674, Mary Broughton. She m. (2), 1677, Benoni Stebbins, of Nhn. and Dfd. ; d. Aug. 2, 1689. Ch.: Mary, 1675, "^- John Field, of Dfd. Bennet's share in the Falls fight township, Their son John, had his grandfather James '^111 • BILLINGS, Barnabas, s. of Gideon, of Hardwick; grad. Brown University; Nfd., 1792; merchant; town treasurer many years; rem. abt. 1805 to Nhn., and later to Chesterfield, where he d. 1824, a. 56. He m. 1793, Martha, dau. Dr. Medad Pomeroy. She d. 1845, a. 72. Ch. : Mary A., July 31, 1795. Daniel, March 7, 1802. Frederick A., March 12, 1798. J"''*; Aug. 13, 1804. Martha, April, 1800. Pomroy. Family Genealogies. 409 BILLINGS, Ebenezer, 1763; m. Mary ; of Cambridge, N. Y., 1783. BILLINGS, Samuel, 1803-4. BILLINGS, William. Wife, Mary—, d. Nov. 30, 1837, a. 34. BISHOP, Levi, 1802. Heirs, taxed, 1805. BLAKE, Charles, b, in Hingham, abt. 1771; surgeon's mate on board the old " Constitution," where he was wounded ; afterwards stationed at Fort Independence, and Norfolk; sett, in Nfd., in the practice of his profession, in 1807; d. April 20, 1 84 1. He m. 1802, Fanny, dau. Gov. Jona. Hunt. She d. July 8, 1856, a. 73. Ch.: Charles A., 1805, m. Jane Hays, and Joseph S., July 13, 1809; lawyer, Provi- d. at Washington, D. C, March 21, dence, R. I. ; m. Hope T. Richmond. 1850. Frances L., Feb. 24, 1813, m. 1832, Dr. Jonathan H., Sept. 26, 1807, m. Bethia Marshall S. Mead. Reed. — BLAKELY, or BLAKESLY, Thomas, 172 1-2; bought the Benj. Palmer home lot, 1735 ; rem. to Waterbury, Ct. BLISS, Bishop T., 1818. BLOTCHET, Timothy. . He m. Elizabeth — . Ch.: Joseph, Oct. 28, 1796. BOGLE, Thomas, 1801. 1. BOLTWOOD, Robert; sergeant; of Conn., 1648; prob. of Glasten- bury, where he had a grant of a pond, and a quantity of land adjacent, from Peckhaun, an Indian chief; a first sett, of Had. ; d. April 6, 1684. He m. Mary — , who d. May 14, 1687. Ch.: Samuel (2). Martha, m. April i, 1674, Daniel Warner, Sarah, m. May 31, 1666, Isaac Warner. of Hat. She d. Sept. 22, 1710. (2), Dec. 30, 1696, Dea. John Loomis, of Mary, m. Oct. 24, 1667, James Beebe. She Windsor. d. Aug. 19, 1676. Lydia, m. April 2, 1674, John Warner, of Spfd. She d. Jan. 26, 1683. 2. Samuel, s. of Robert (i); sergeant; Nfd. sett, in 1685; soldier, at Dfd., Feb. 29, 1704, and was killed in the Meadow fight. " A man of remarkable strength and bravery," says Judd. He m. Sarah, dau. of Wm. Lewis, of Farmington, Ct. She d. Aug._ 10, 1722, a. 70. Ch.: Sarah, Oct. I, 1672, m. June 28, Ebenezer, March 20, 1685 ; rem. abt. 1716, 1692, Nathaniel Kellogg. to Berwick, Me. Mary, Aug. 7, 1675, d. young. William, Jan. 28, 1687, d. Aug. 27, 1714, Samuel, Oct. 12, 1679, m. Hannah, dau. while with Col. Stoddard and Rev. John Nathaniel Alexander ; rem. abt. 1731,10 Williams, on the expedition to recover- Amherst. captives in Canada. Elizabeth, April 12, 1681, m. July 12, 1715, Rebecca, Aug. i, 1691, m. May 7, 1724, Eleazer Mattoon, of Dfd., Nfd., and Daniel Shattuck ; his 2d wife. Amherst. , Solomon, July 2, 1694; rem. as early as Robert, April 19, 1683, one of the brave 1737, to Amherst ; d. April 20, 1762. nine, who fell with his father, 1704. Lydia, Oct., 1696, m. June 29, 1719, John Ingram, of Amherst. 52 41 o History of Nor thfe id. BORDWELL, Satmations, 1797. BOWEN, Benjamin, 1795; rem. to Middlcbury, Vt., abt. 1797, where he was postmaster for many years. He m. Dec. 31, 1795, Sabra Wright, 1. BOWEN, Charles, 1772; rem. to Charlestown, N. H., abt. 1774. He m. Dec. 19, 1775, Dinah, dau. Dr. Ebenezer Field. Ch.: Lucy, 1784, m. abt. 1804, William Charles, 1787(2). Pomeroy, Jr. She d. June 18, 18 13. 2. Charles, s. of Charles (1), b. 1787; lieutenant artillery company in the Boston campaign, Sept., 1814; merchant, in company with Prior and Pomeroy; rem. abt. 1824, to Tarrytown, New York, where he now lives, (1874). He m. Esther S., dau. Edward Houghton. Ch. : Lucy, Sept. 29, 1814. James, Sept. 28, 1817, d. Oct. 2, 1817. Charles E., Jan. 27, 181 6. Sarah Houghton, Nov. 5, 18 18. BOWKER,JoHN, 1797. BOWKER, Solomon, 1797. 1. BOYDEN, James, s. of John, of Groton and Dfd.; clothier; Nfd., 1786. He m. Feb. 26, 1789, Susanna, dau. Alexander Norton. 2. Simeon, brother to James (1); weaver and clothier; kept hotel ; rem. to Boston, where he and his sons became famous as landlords of the " City Tavern," and " Tremont House." He m. Sept. 10, 1795, Rhoda, dau. Oliver Watriss, and (2), Lucy — . Ck. : Lucy, Nov. 13, 1795. Frederick, June 22, 1805. John, Jan. 12, 1798. George, August 28, 1807. Maria, April 4, 1800, d. April 11, 1802. Mary A., by 2d wife. She m. Topsfield. Dwight, Jan. 10, 1802. BREWER, Nathaniel, tailor. He m. Margaret — . Ch. : Mary, 1771, d. Dec. 19, 1795. BREWER, Samuel, 1791; merchant; rem. to Boston abt. 1798. He m. Dec. 7, 1791, Sally, dau. Alexander Norton. CA. : Nathaniel, March, 1792, d. Oct. 11, Nathaniel, bapt. June 25, 1797. 1795. Sally, bapt. June 25, 1797. Samuel, 1793, d. Oct. 13, 1795. 1. BRIDGE, John; deacon; Cambridge, 1632; freeman, 1635; rep. 1637; d. April, 1665. He m. (2), Elizabeth, wid. of Martin Saunders, of Boston, and she after- wards m. Edward Taylor. CA.: Mathew (2). Sarah, Feb. 16, 1649. Thomas. 2. Mathew, s. of Mathew (i), b. in England; d. April 28, 1700. He m. 1643, Ann, dau. of Nicholas Danforth. She d. Dec. 2, 1704. C/i. : John, June 15, 1645. Samuel, Feb. 14, 1653, d. Feb. 25, 1673. Ann, 1646, m. June 4, 1668, Samuel Liv- Thomas, Jan. i, 1655-6, d. March 28, ermore, and (2), Oliver Wellington. 1673. Martha, Jan., 1649, d. young. Elizabeth, bapt. Sept. 18, 1659. Mathew, May 5, 1650 (3). Family Genealogies. 4 1 1 3. Mathew, s. of Mathevv (z), b. 1650, d. May 29, 1738. Hs m. Abigail, dau. Joseph Russell, of Cambridge. She d. Dec. 14, 1727, a. 56. Ch. : Mary, June 19, 1688, m. — Russell. John, Sept. I, 1700. Ann, Sept. 12, 1691, m. Abraham Watson. Elizabeth, Nov. 30, 1703. Mathew, March I, 1694. Samuel, May 2, 1705. Abigail, April i, 1696, m. — Whitney. Martha, Sept. 20, 1707. Joseph, July 8, 1698 (4). 4. Joseph, s. of Mathew (3), b. 1698; Lexington. He in. Nov. 18, 1722, Abigail Ctitler, dau. James, of Cambridge. Ck.: Thomas, July 8, 1723 (5). Jeremiah, Dec. 28, 1734; soldier at Lake Abigail, Sept. 28, 1726. George, 1756. Benjamin, Nov. 15, 1728, m. Anna — . Melicent, April 16, 1738, d. July 24, 1753. Joseph, May 9, 1731. 5. Thomas, s. of Joseph (4), b. in Lexington, 1723; rem. to Spencer, 1744; of Shutesbury, 1771 to 1795- He m. 1745, Mary Harrington, of Brookfield. C/i. : Thomas, Oct. 3, 1746, m. April 21, Amos, June 26, 1755. 1768, Elizabeth Jones. Mary, April 10, 1757. George, Feb. 8, 1748. Melicent, May 14, 1761. Jane, June 18, 1752. Jesse, Jan. 13, 1763. Joseph, 1754 (6). Esther, Nov. 4, 1764. 6. Joseph, s. of Thomas (5), b. 1754; soldier of '76; d. in Nfd., 1831. He m. Sarah Crosset, of New Salem. She d. abt. 1822. CA. : Joseph (7). Prob. Patience, who m. July 2, 1806, Ab- Isaac C. (8). ner Jennings. Prob. Polly, who m. Feb. 18, 18 19, David Prob. Abigail, who m. Jan. 26, 1808, Sam- Clarke, uel Collar. 7. Joseph, s. of Joseph (6j;sol. 1812; rem. to Nhn. ; killed by falling from load of hay. He m. Fanny — , who d. May 31, 1832. Ck.: Welis F., June 18, 1807, d. April 26, Persis L., Sept. 15, 1818, m. — Fowle. 1832. (2), Austin H. Buxton, of Springfield. Caroline, Nov. 15, 1808; res. in Wilbra- Joseph A., Aug. 26, 1820; went west. ham. George W., Aug. 16, 1822; sett, in Rock- Juda, July 6, 1 8 10. ville, Ct. Lucy, Feb. 18, 18 12. Thomas C, Nov. 6, 1824, d. May 18, 1825. MiUa C, May 16, 18 14. Thomas C, June 5, 1826; sett, in Thomp- Charlotte E., May 16, 1816. sonville, Ct. Rebecca C., June 3, 1828, m. Henry Stiles. 8. Isaac C, s. of Joseph (6) ; rem. to Ware village. He m. Sept. 29, 1811, Susan Davis, of Warwick. Ch. : Jonathan D., Sept. 10, 1812; Metho- Henry M., Aug. 23, 1823; Cong, minister; dist minister. sett, in Colbrook, N. H. Amos C, Sept. 25, 18 14; sett, in Spfd. Joseph M., Oct. 11, 1825 ; sett, in Flush- Benjamin B , May 26, 1816; sett, in East ing, L. I. Brookfield. Jesse, June 21, 1827; sett, in Warwick. Susan G., April 18, 1818, m. Enoch Spen- Elvira R., March 15, 1829, d. unm. cer. Adeline, m. Upham, West Brookfield. John W., Aug. 19, 1820 J Advent minister; Lawrence. 412 History of Northfield. BRIGGS, Abisha. He m. Elizabeth Kendrick, Oct. 12, 1823. BRIGGS, Abraham. He m. March 5, 1788, Dorotha Oliver. BRIGGS, Asa, 1794, d. June 7, 1797, a. 25. He m. May 9, 1797, Submit, dau. Eliezer Stratton. She m. (2), March 10, 1799, William Maltby, Esq., of Vershire, Vt. BRIGGS, Simeon, 1800. BRIGGS, Zadock, 1801. BRIGHAM, Sardis, 1808-17. BRIGHAM, Seth, 1802. 1. BRIDGMAN, James, Hart., 1641 ; Spfd., 1645; Nhn., 1654; d. March, 1676. He m. Sarah — , who d. Aug. 31, 1688. Ch. : Sarah, m. May 3, 1659, Timothy Mary, July 5, 1652, m. April 29, 1672, Tilston, of Dorchester. Samuel Bartlett. John, July 7, 1645 (a). James, May 30, 1655, d. Jan. 14, 1656. Thomas, Jan. 14, 1647. Patience, June, 1656, d. Feb., 1657. Martha, Nov. 20, 1649, m. June 14, 1668, Hezekiah, June, 1658, d. Mch. 30, 1659-60. Samuel Dickinson, Hatfield. 2. John, s. of James (i), b. 1645 ; of Nhn.; d. April 7, 1712. He m. Dec. i i, 1670, Mercy, dau. Isaac Sheldon, of Nhn.; d. April 28, 1728. Ch.: Mary, March 15, \(iii-'2., m. 1691, Sarah, 1682, m. Feb. 12, 1701-2, John Judah Hutchison. Chapin. Child, Dec. 23, 1673, ^- unbaptized. Ruth, Aug. 29, 1684, d. Sept. 16, 1690. John, Oct. 20, 1675; soldier at Dfd., Feb. Ebenezer, Feb. 4, 1686, m. June 14, 1709, 29, 1704 J he was taken, but escaped the Mary Parsons. same day, with the loss of one finger, Thomas, Jan. 7, 1688. which was wantonly cut off by an Indian. Martha, Aug. 13, 1690, m. March 23, 171 3, Deliverance, March 17, 1676. Hezekiah Root. James, 1677, m. July 13, 1704, Elizabeth Hannah, Oct. 24, 1693, m. I7i6(?) John Allis. In the Med. fight at Dfd., 1704. Bancroft, of Westfield. Isaac, Nov. 29, 1680. Dorothy, 1697, d. 1705. Orlando, Sept. 18, 1701 (3). 3. Orlando, s. of John (2), b. 1701 ; a garrison sol. at Nfd., 1722, and remained there until after the death of his wife, when he returned to Nhn.; was there 1730, but was at Fort Dummer, 1733-5. Built Bridgman's fort, 1740 ; ensign, 1742; was in command of a scout, hunting Indians with dogs, 1746; dis. from the church in Nfd., to "lie in the foundations of the church, at Hinsdale," Aug. 14, 1763. He took an active part in the border struggles with the Indians, and his fort was twice burned by the enemy. He d. June 4> 1771- He m. Mary — , who d. at Nfd., Dec. 3, 1726. (2), Martha — , who d. at Hins., April 3, 1766, a 67. Ch.: John, Sept. 10, 1734; judge; an ac- his brothers; he m. Ruth — , who d. tive partizan for New York, in New June I, 1795, a. 57. He m. (2), Re- Hampshire Grant troubles, as were also becca — . She d. April 20, 1837, a. 84. Family Genealogies. 413 Thomas, grad. H. C, 1762; lawyer; justice Orlando, captain in 1788; a leading man Inferior Court Common Pleas, 1768 5 d. in Hinsdale. 1771. BRINE, John, Nfd., 1788. BROOKS, Jt Nfd., 18 1 8. 1. BROOKS, William, b. 1610; came from London to Va,, 1635; was at Spfd. 1653 ; of Dfd., 1686, where he d. Dec. 30, 1688. He m. Oct. 18, 1654, Mary, dau. Henry Burt. She d. Aug. 30, 1689. Abigail, Jan. 25, 1665, m. Dec. 10, 1685, Samuel Stebbins, a widower. She was a widow, 1720. Joseph, Oct. 17, 1667 (2). 690, Samuel 656-7, killed with Wil- Mercy, Aug. 25, 1669, m Carter, and d. 1701. Ch. : Remembrance, m. Jan. 17, 1674, Jas. Brown, of Springfield and Deerfield. William, Aug. 18, 1655, killed by Indians at Westfield, Oct. 27, 1675. John, Feb. liam. Sarah, May 4, 1658, m. July 11, 1678, Jonathan Taylor, Jr. Mary, Dec. 21, 1659. Patience, June 5, 1661, ought to have m. John Taylor abt. 1680, and prob. did. Ebenezer, Dec. 21, 1662, sett, in Dfd.; m. Elizabeth, dau. Daniel Belding. Nathaniel, May 9, 1664, m. Mary — , and sett, in Dfd., where he was cap. 1704, ■ with wife and two ch. She was killed on Thankful, Sept the march, to Canada; he ret. with Ens. Church John Sheldon, 1707 ; the ch. were never recovered. 2. Joseph, s. of William (i), b. 1667; of Dfd. 1692; in the Med. fight, 1704; of Nfd. 1737 ; d. 1743. He m. Dec. 29, 1698, Lydia, dau. Isaac Warner, of Nfd. and Dfd. Ch. : Mary, Feb. 14, 1704, d. in Nfd. June Joseph, Feb. 3, 1714 (3). Sarah, March 4, 171 5-6, m. March 27, Benjamin July 25, 1671, a sol. in Ralle's war, from Springfield. Deliverance, Feb. 23, 1672, m. Dec. 4, 1708, wid. Mary Brooks, or Burt; sett. in Brimfield. Thankful, Feb. 23, 1672, d. young. Jonathan, Oct. 13, 1674,801. at Dfd., 1698; of Sfd. 1701 ; of Long Island 1725. Mary, July 7, 1677. - - - ^^ 1679, m. 1699, Josiah 1754, John Beaman ; his 2d wife. Benjamin, Feb. 26, 1717-8 (4). Ruth, June 20, 1720, d. April 10, 1721 Daniel, March 25, 1722 (5). 10, 1775, "some over 60." \^Ch. rec.'] Lydia, Nov. 26, 1706, m. Ebenezer Warner Silence, Sept. 7, 1707, m. June 7, 1720, Edmund Grandy. Abigail, Oct. 15, 1708. Hannah, July 15, 1710. 3. Joseph, s. of Joseph (2), b. 1714; storekeeper; rem. to Hadlev. He m. Dec. 22, 1748, Miriam Wright. She m. (2), July 7, 1768, Jona. Sprague, of Gfd. Ch. : Tirza, Feb. lo, 1754. Miriam, Feb. 9, 1761. Uri (son), July 8, 1759. 4. Benjamin, s. of Joseph (2), b. 1718; soldier, 1747-1756; d. June 15, 1786. He m. Mary, dau. Benjamin Miller. Ch.: Lydia, Nov. 11, 1750. Benjamin, July 12, 1752. Mary, March 2, 1754, m. June I, 1775, Joseph Fuller. Cephas, Jan. 10, 1755. Thadeus, Sept. 16,1756, at Burgoyne's sur. ; at West Point, 1780. Alpheus, May 18, 1758, at Burgoyne's sur.; at New London, 1779; West Point, 1780. Ruth, Jan. 6, 1760. Annis, Nov. 28, 1760. Lebeus, May 2, 1762. Jerusha, Feb. 16, 1765. Persis, Oct. 22, 1766. Joseph, July 13, 1769. Elnathan, bapt. June 19, 1774, d. Aug. 16, 1774. 4 1 4 History of Northfield. 5. Daniel, s. of Joseph (2), b. 1722; soldier, 1740-1756. He m. Sept. 19, 1754, Mary Wright. Ch. : Euselia, Sept. 4, 1755, ^- Dec. 23, Daniel, March 22, 1759, m, Aug. 27,1789, 1756- Laura, dau. Noah Morgan; rem. to Gill. Submit, Dec. 9, 1756. BROWN, John; prob. s. of James, of Dfd. ; b. 1695. He m. Nov. 28, 1795, Hannahjv dau. Benjamin Janes. Ch. : John, April 5, 1726. Hannah, Nov. 2, 1732. Benjamin, Oct. 14, 1727. Lois, Aug. 14, 1734, m. Gideon Shattuck. Silas, June 21, 1729. Rufus, July 5, 1736; soldier, 1757. Eunice, Dec. 17, 1730. BROWN, Walter, 1807. BUCKINGHAM, Edgar, 1832; H. C, 1831; teacher in the Academy. BURNETT, Archibald, 1778-80. BURNETT, William, 1779-80. BURNHAM, Moses, 1788. BURR, Samuel; Hart., 1736; at Fort Dummer, 1736-40 ; Hins., 1749. He m. Sarah — . Ch.: Jonathan, July 7, 1739. Nathan, Sept. 9, 1745, d. Aug. 1756. Samuel, April 23, 1741. Joseph, June 3, 1750. Sarah, June 7, 1743. Zebulon, June 13, 1752. 1. BURT, Henry, b. in England; Roxbury, 1639; Spfd. 1640, "clerk of the band ;" 1648, "clerk of the Writs;" d. April 30, 1662. He ra. Ulalia — , who d. Aug. 29, 1690. Ch. : Jonathan, abt. 1632, m. 1651, Eliza- Elizabeth, m. Nov. 24, 1653, Samuel • beth Lobdell, at Boston. Wright, Jr. David (2). Sarah, m. 1643, Judah Gregory. (2),Henry Nathaniel, m. 1663, Rebecca Sikes. (2), Wakely. Jan. 8, 1700, Mary Ferry; he d. Sept. Patience, Aug. 18, 1645, m. Oct. 7, 1667, 29, 1720. John Bliss. Abigail, m. 1664, Francis Ball. (2), 1649, Mercy, Sept. 27, 1647, m. Jan. 8, 1667, Benjamin Munn. (3), 1676, Lt. Thos. Judah Wright. Stebbins. Hannah, m. 1659, John Bagg. Mary, m. 1654, William Brooks. Dorcas, m. Oct. 28, 1658, John Stiles. 2. David, s. of Henry (1); a first settler at Nhn.; d. Sept. 9, 1690. He m. Nov. 18, 1 65 5, Mary, dau. William Holton. She m. (2), Joseph Root, and d. 171 8. Ch. : David, July 30, 1656, "killed by a Jonathan, Sept. 5, 1671, m. June 2, 1696, cart," Aug. 30, 1660. Mindwell, dau. Capt. John Taylor. Jonathan, May i, 1658, d. 1662. Joseph, Sept. 26, 1673 (3). Henry, Aug. 20, 1660, m. 1684, Elizabeth, Mary, May 3, 1676, m. Feb. 14, 1706, Dr. dau. Alexander Alvord; d. Sept. 26, 1735. Thomas Hastings, and (2), May 13, 1713, Mary, March 18. 1663, d. 1666. Samuel Belding, Hatfield. Sarah, May 2, 1665, m. 1688, Robert Por- Ruth, April, 1678, m. 1710, Nehemiah ter, and d. 1689. Allen. Hannah, Sept. 2, 1667, d. young. Benjamin, Nov. 17, 1680, m. 1702, Sarah David, Aug. 25, 1669, cap. by Indians, at Belding; sett, at Deerfield. Schenectady, Feb. 9, 1690; never ret. John, April 29, 1682, killed, while on a scout towards Canada, May, 1709. 3. Joseph, s. of David (2), b. 1673; cordvvainer; sett, in Hfd., but Family Genealogies. 415 rem. abt. 1719 to Nfd., where he took a prominent place in town affairs, and held a large estate ; d: Jan. 13, 1759. He m. April 16, 1702, Sarah, dau. John Cowles, of Hfd. Shed. May 21, 1772, a. gi. Ch.: Sarah, March 25, 1703. Prob. Eleazer, who was at Nfd., 1762. Esther, Jan. 9, 1704-5, m. Dec. 14, 1725, Miriam, Sept. 2, 1713- Benjamin Knights. Asahel, Aug, 31, 1715 (4). Mary, Feb. 8, 1706-7, d. Nov. 26, 1722. Aaron, Sept. 17, 1717 (5). John, Aug. 26, 1709, d. Dec. I, 1759. 4. Asahel, s. of Joseph (3), b. 1715; killed by Indians at Pochaug Hill, with Benoni Dickinson, April 15, 1747. \_See ante, p. 250.] He m. Martha — . Ch.: Joseph, Dec. 17,1738, m. Oct. 21, in Westminster, Vt. ; d. at Bellows Falls, 1764, Mary Burt j rem. to Westmore- June 10, 1835. land, N. H. Reuben, Jan. 11, 1742, d. Dec. 9, 1756. Benjamin, May 10, 1740, m. Elizabeth, dau. Susanna, March 11, 1744, d. Nov. 3, 1754. Dea. Samuel Root. (2), Mary — , who Enos, Sept. 4, 1745. d. Dec. 18, 1831,3. 91 ; was judge ; sett. 5. Aaron, s. of Joseph (3), b. 1717; merchant, 1744-54 '■> ^^'^^ 1781. He m. Mirriam — . Ch.: David, April i, 1741. Asahel, April 21, 1755, an early sett, of Jonathan, Sept. 3, 1742 (6). Kirby, Vt. Sarah, Feb. 26, 1744, d. Aug. 9, 1745. Moses, "I Feb. 18, "I of Northfield, 1784. Mary, Nov. 11, 1746, d. July 13, 1747. Aaron, J 1759, J Mary, June 21, 1748. Mirriam, Nov. 15, 1761. Hannah, Nov. 9, 1750. John, Feb. 12, 1764, m. Feb. 16, 1782, Ruth, Jan. 21, 1753, m. April 21, 1772, Susan Fairbanks, who d. May 5, 1789, a. Nathan Fisk. 28. 6. Jonathan, s. of Aaron (5), b. 1742; rem. to Walpole, N. H. He m. abt. 1767, Thankful — . Ch. : David, Sept. 4, 1768. Amasa, per. s. of Asahel (4), rem. to Winch. He m. May, 1767, Annaretta, dau. Moses Belding. Ch. : Susanna, bapt. July 2, 1770. Annaretta, July 7, 1782. Amasa, bapt. Jan. 12, 1772, m. Feb. 9, Experience, Oct. 24, 1784. 1796, Lucia Taylor; sett, in Hins. Rufus, April,29, 1787, m. Abigail — , who Francis Bernard, May 8, 1774. d. April f, 1852, a. 55; he d. May 21, Annaretta, June 16, 1776, d. Oct. 9, 1776. 1870. Jonathan, Feb. i, 1778. Betsey, July 26, 1789. Simeon, June 18, 1779. Calvin, March, 1792, d. Nov. 17, 1794. BURTON, Benjamin, i 800. BURROWS, John, Mr., 1790-2. BUSS, Zephaniah, s. of John, 1786. He m. Dec. 23, 1790, Arathusa, dau. Ebenezer Severance. Shed. Jan. 19,1793. BUTLER, Miner, 18 14. 4 1 6 History of Northfield. 1. CALDWELL, John, 1795 '■> f™""* Londonderry, N. H.; d. Nov, 15, 1840, a. 84. He m. Elizabeth Swan, who d. Jan. 24, 1819, a. 59. (2) Martha Green. She d. May 21, 1838, a. 60. Ch. : John, 1783 (2). Hannah, 1793, m. Nov. 9, 1806, Parmenas James, Aug., 1786 (3). Temple, of Bernardston. Moses, July 5, 1791 (4). Rufus, Oct. 15, 1797 (5). Betsey, 1792, m. Moses Mallory. (2), Joab Samuel, Oct. 16, 1800, d. Feb. 7, 1822. Fairman. 2. John, s. of John (i), b. 1783; d. June 4, i860. He m. Polly French. She d. Jan. 23, 1849, a. 63. Ch. : Alvira, Aug. 25, 1807. Otis S., Sept. 10, 1816, m. Samantha Phil- Ursula, Aug. 24, 1808, m. Daniel Pierce, lips. Swansey, N. H. Mary, July 20, 1821, m. Dr. Noyes Bar- John S., April 28, 1810, m. Charlotte Guel- stow, of Leyden. low. Charles B., Jan., 1824, m. Mary Young. James D., Feb. 8, 18 14, m. Amelia Chase. 3. James, s. of John (1), b. 1786; d. Oct. 6, 1867. He m. Lovina French. She d. Sept. 15, 1865, a. 69. Ch. : Hetsel Swan, April 10, 1820, m. Mary William F., Sept. 3, 1827, m. Sarah Wilds. Pierce. (2), wid. Theresa Wilson. James N., Aug. 18, 1825, m. Aug. 15, 1854, Harriet Sawyer. 4. MosES, s. of John (1), b. 1791; alive 1874, He m, Lucina Fairman, dau. John; alive 1874. Ch.: Lucinda E., Aug. 25, 1819. Moses S., Sept. 18, 1824, m. Betsey Holton. Lovina, March 11, 1821, d. Nov. 29, 1S21. (2), Anna Green. Gratia M., Nov. 7, 1822, m. Nahum Ad- ams, of Greenfield. 5. RuFus, s. of John (i), b. 1797, d. Jan. 17, 1849. He in. Jan , 1828, Lucinda, dau. Ichabod King. Ch. : Rufus K., April 2, 1829, m. Almeda, Susan M., May 25, 1835, m. Jan. 27,1857, dau. Henry Bascom. Dwight S. Priest, of Vernon. Harriet L., Jan. 16, 1831, m. Jan., 1854, Julia A., Nov. 28, 1837, m. Dec, 1859, Dr. E. P. Burton. Charles Willard. Hannah M., Feb. 19, 1833, m. Dec, 1856, John W., April 17, 1841 ; res. in N. York Henry Parker, of Holden. city. 1. CALLENDER, Eleazer, Boston. He m. June 24, 1740, Susanna Hillar, wid. of James Bound. Ch. : Eleazer, March 14, 1741. Joseph, May 6, 1751. Priscilla, Jan. 22, 1742, d. May, 1752. Thomas, July i, 1754. Benjamin, Aug. 27, 1745 (2). Susannah, Nov. 21, 1756. John, Sepr. 19, 1747. Elisha, Feb. 26, 1759. Elizabeth, May 23, 1749. 2. Benjamin, s. of Eleazer (i), b. 1749; Nfd. 179-; d. in Boston, March 10, 1828. He m. Abigail Belcher. (2), Eunice Franklin, of Boston. Ch. : Benjamin, March 16, 1773 (3). Abigail, Feb. 3, 1781, d. May, 1840. Child, 1776. William, 1783, d. Nov., i860. Abigail, 1778, d. Sept., 1778. Eunice, d. 1848. Joseph, July 9, 1779 (4). Nathaniel. Richard B., Oct. 10, 1780, d. May 17, Susan. 1785. George. Family Genealogies. 417 3. Benjamin, s. of Benj. (2), b. 1773; rem. to Nfd. 1798 ; merchant and engraver ; prominent in town affairs; d. Feb. 22, 1856. He m, Nov. 17, 1798, Sally Laughton ; b. in Boston, d. March 30, 1853, a. 80. Ch. : Hannah, Oct. i, 1799, m. Jan. 29, Sarah, Jan. 17, 1806. 1821, Erastus Field. Elizabeth, Jan. i, 1809, m. Dec. 6, 1830, Daniel L., Nov. 3, 1800 (5). William Pomeroy. Charles A., Sept. 5, 1802 (6). 4. Joseph, s. of Benjamin (2), b. 1779; seaman; commanded two of the first regular line of sailing packets, built to run between Boston and Liver- pool, which consisted of the Emerald, the Topaz, and the Sapphire ; he com- manded a privateer in the war of 1812; was for a few years in the custom house at Charleston, S. C; d. in Boston, March 6, 1839. He m. June 6, 1818, Ann C. Hippins, of Charlestown, who d. June 5, 1834. CA. : Ann Eliza, Feb. 17, 1820, d. June William H., May 25, 1828, d. in Madras, 26, 1821. India, Feb. 6, 1855. Ann Eliza, Dec. 27, 1821, m. Charles B. George B., Sept. 18, 1829, d. Aug. 22, Hunting, of Boston. 1831. Joseph B., Aug. 25, 1825 (7). Sarah M., Nov.* 3, 1831, m. Charles M. Smith, of Charleston, S. C. .5. Daniel L., s. of Benj. (3), b. 1800; Nfd.; merchant; P. M. ; town clerk; was 4 years in custom house, Boston; d. s- p., Sept. 7, 1864. He m. 1838, Lucretia F., dau. James O. Janes. 6. Charles A., s. of Benj. (3), b. 1802, d. Jan. 7, 1834. He m. Jan. 21, 1827, Adeline Webb, of Rockingham, N. H. She d. Feb., 1870. CA. : Mary A., June 6, 1828, m. Jan. 13, 1864, Charles B. Cook, of Charlotte, Vt. 7. Joseph B., s. of Joseph (4), b. 1825; rem. from Boston to Nfd., 1861. He m. June 26, 1850, Elizabeth, dau. Erastus Field. Ch. : William F., July 11, 1851. Edith, Oct. 19, 1862. Thomas R., Nov. 19, 1854. Auther D., Sept. 18, 1864. George B., Oct. 5, 1857. CAREY, Richard, Ber., J753; Gfd., 1759; Nfd., 1760; was at Newbury, N. H., 1765 ; but soon ret. to Nfd.; a sol. on frontier service, 1755-58- He m. June 19, 1759, Mary Frizzell, of Fall Town. Ch. : Dorothy, bapt. Aug. 24, 1760. Patience, bapt. Aug. 8, 1773. Lydia, bapt. Nov, 7, 1763. Huldah, bapt. May 14, 1775. Patience, bapt. Feb. 15, 1767, d. young. CAREY, Seth, 1766; from Gfd.; rem. to Brandon, Vt. ; d. before 1809. He m. Nov. 24, 1768, Abigail, dau. Capt. Wm. Holton. She d. in Gill before 1809. Ch. : Joseph, bapt. Nov. 5, 1769, d. young. Azubah, bapt. Feb. 20, 1780, m. Bela Dudly, Elihu, bapt. Aug. 4, 1771, of Brandon, of Brandon. 1809. Hannah, bapt. June 17, 178 1, d. bef. 1809. Seth, bapt. Aug. 22, 1773, of Brandon, Joseph, bapt. Aug. 3, 1783, of Brandon, 1809. 1809. Violet, bapt. April 30, 1775, d. before 1809. Levi, bapt. March 7, 1788, of Brandon, Nabby, bapt. May 4, 1777, m. Nathan Big- 1809. elow, of Brandon. ' Rhoda, bapt. Feb. 9, 179 1. Tarza, m. Samuel Smith, of Brandon; 53 4 1 8 History of Northfield. CARR, William, 1750-54. CARRIER, Philip, 1797-9. CARTER, Benjamin ; set ofF to Gill, 1795. CARTER, Thomas, 1804. CARVER, Jonathan; captain; b. in Canterbury, Conn., 1730; Nfd. 1753. Moses Field gave him credit for making 20 pairs of shoes in 1754; he was a sol. under Capt. Elijah Williams, 1755, and taken prisoner Aug. 9, at the fall of Fort William Henry ; was serving under Maj. John Hawks, in 1758; a lieutenant under Capt. Selah Barnard, at Crown Point, Oct. 12, 1759; he commanded a company in later expeditions Soon after the close of the war, he commenced his explorations of the great West, and spent four or five years in examining the country about Lake Superior, and the head waters of the Mississippi. He left Boston for England, in 1768, where his book of travels was published, in 1778. He failed to derive a support from this, and died in poverty, at London, Jan. 31, 1780. CARVER, RuFus, b. in Montague, Dec. 13, 1755 ; a minute man at Nfd., 1775; marched to Lexington under Lieut. Ebenezer Janes, on the news of the fighting there ; in May, he enlisted under Capt Elihu Smith, for eight months; was in the battle of Bunker Hill, under Gen. Putnam; on the alarm from the northern invasion, 1777, he marched under Capt. Wright, to Bennington, where he arrived two days after the batde; the same year served three months at Danbury, Ct., being drafted. After the war, he lived in Mont, and Dfd., and abt. 1797 rem. to Brandon, Vt. ; after 1832 he rem. to Sodus, N. Y., where he lived, 1837, with a son and son-in-law. CASS, Samuel, 1808. CASWELL, John, 1796. CASWELL, Zebediah, 1796-7. 1. CHAMBERLAIN, Joseph, a sol. at Had., in Philip's war; sett, in Hatfield, but rem. to Colchester, Ct., where he kept a tavern. The general cburt of Ct. allowed him in March, 1712, "£i 13s. for entertaining the French embassadors in their journey to and from New London, in March, 17 11." In 1714, he presented another bill of 14s. 5d., "for Lt. Crocker's expenses, 1712." He d. Aug. 7, 1752, a. 87. He m. June 8, 1688, Mercy, dau. John Dickinson, of Had. She d. June 3o» 1755- Ch.: Prob. Joseph, who m. Dec. 26, 1720, Sarah, March 10, 1693. Lydia', dau. Joseph Smith, Had.; and was Prob. Ephraim (3). of Northfield, 1731-41. Prob. Richard (4). Nathaniel, abt. 1689 (2). John, per. the first sett, of Thetford, Vt., Sarah, Nov. 2, 1690, d. young. 1764. 2. Nathaniel, s. of Joseph (O, b. 1689; sol. at Fort Dum. ; was cap. by the Indians Sept. fe8, 1725, while on a scout to the westward; was of Nfd, Family Genealogies. 419 1728; of Winch. 1743; Dfd. 1744; Fall Town 1748; Nfd. 1755; d. Nov. 7, 1780. " Left a good name behind him." \Ch. Rec.'\ He m. Elizabeth — . Ch. : Mary, July 13, 1727. Elizabeth; Richard. Sarah, m. Moses Belding. - Order of birth unknown. Nathaniel, d. at Dfd., Aug. 22, 1745. 3. Ephraim, s. of Joseph (i); blacksmith; Nfd. 1730; d. before 1750. He m. 1733, Anna, dau. Theopolis Merriman. She m. (2), abt. 1750, Benj. Rice. She d. July 7, 1778. Ch. : Lydia, Feb. 17, 1733-4, m. Alexander Anna, m. 1758, Thomas Stebbins. (2), Norton. Reuben Frizzell, of Bernardston. Sarah, Dec. 17, 1735, m. Ambrose Ward, of Ephraim, of Southwick, Ct., 1785. New Haven, Ct. Samuel, of Middletown, Ct., 1785. Theopolis, Oct. 20, 1737; sol. in French war; of Nova Scotia, 1792. 4. Richard, prob. s. 'of .Joseph (1); Nfd. 1731-53; of Hins. 1755; rem. to Newbury, 1762. He m. Abigail — . Ch.: Abigail, Aug. 28, 1736. Nathaniel, May 5, 1746. ~ Joseph, March 18, 1737-8; sol. under Capt. Benjamin, Dec. 15, 1747. John Catlin, 1757-8. Rebecca, March 13, 1749. Abiel, Nov. 22, 1739; sett, in Newbery, Louisa, Dec. 25, 1751. Vt. '^- " ..j,^ Silas, Jan. 19, 1754. Uriah, Feb. 28, 1741-2. ^ Richard, bapt. Nov. 2, 1755. Err, June 24, 1744, m. March 10, 1785, Martha, bapt. April 16, 1758. Mary Wright; sett, in Newbery. Eri, bapt. Feb. 22, 1761. CHAMRLAIN, Susanna ; m. March 22, 1801, Clark Cutler. CHAMPLAIN, Thomas, 1706, 1801. CHAMPNEY, Joshua, 1807. He m. Abigail — . Ch.: Joshua, Aug. 11, 1808. CHAPIN, Caleb, 1749; sett, in Bernardston. He m. Jan. 4, 1726-7, Katherine Dickinson. 1. CHAPIN, Samuel, Roxbury, 1638; freeman at Boston, 1640; rem. to Spfd. 1642: was appointed a magistrate 1652, on the occasion of the return of William Pynchon to England; one of the com. appointed 1654, to settle the plantation of ^ Norwottuck ; deacon; and often " chosen to carry on the work of the Sabbath," in the absence of a minister ; and for a generation was one of the leading spirits in the town ; d. Nov. 1 1, 1675. He m. in England, Cicely — , or Sisily, as spelled on record ; d. Feb. 8, 1683. Ch.: Catherine, m. Nov. 20, 1646, Nathan- iel Bliss. (2), June 30, 1655, Thomas Gilbert. (3), Dec. 8, 1664, Samuel Marshfield ; she d. Feb. 4, 1712. Sarah, m. Apr. 14, 1647, Rowland Thomas. of Ipswich. (3), June 22, 1713, Mehit- able Metcalf, of Dedham. He had 15 ch. ; lived in Braintree and Mendon. Henry, m. Dec. 15, 1664, Bethia, dau. Benjamin Cooley ; sett, in Chicopee. David, m. Aug. 29, 1654, Lydia Crump, at Japhet, Oct. 15, 1642 (2). Boston. • Hannah, Dec. 2, 1644, m. Sept. 27, 1666, Josiah, m. Nov., 1658, Mary King, of Wey- John Hitchcock, mouth. (2), Sept. 20, 1676, Lydia Brown, 420 History of Northfield. 2. Japhet, s. of Samuel (i), b. 1642; of Milford, Ct., 1669, but soon rem. to Spfd., and sett, on Chicopee river. The following from an old acct. book in the family is in his hand writing : " I went out volunteare against ingens the 17th of May, 1676, and we ingaged batel the 19th of May in the morning before sunrise and made great Spoil upon the enemy and came off the same day with the Loss of 37 men and the Captin Turner, and came home the 20th of May;" he d. Feb. 20, 1712. He m. July 22, 1664, Abeline, dau. Benj. Cooley. Shed. Nov. 17, 1710. (2), May 31, 171 1, Dorothy Root, of Enfield, Ct. She m. (2), 1720, Obadiah Miller, of Enfield. Ch. : Samuel, July 4, 1665, m. Dec. 24, 1690, Hannah, dau. Isaac Sheldon, of Northampton. Sarah, March i 6, 1668, m. March 24, 1 690, Nathaniel Munn. Thomas, May 10, 1671 (3). John, May 14, 1674, m. Feb. 15, 1702, Sarah, dau. John Bridgman, of Nhn. Prob. Mary, m. Jan. 24, 1694-5, Benja- min Wright. Ebenezer, June 26, 1677, m. Dec, I, 1702, Ruth, dau. Abel Janes, of Northampton. Hannah, June 21, 1679, d. July 7, 1679. Hannah, July 18, 1680, m. Dec. 3, 1703, John Sheldon, of Dfd. They were living with his father, in the " Old Indian House," when Dfd. was attacked, Feb. 29, 1704. She was cap. and taken to Canada. As far as .known, Hannah was the first of the Dfd. captives to be re- deemed. She was at Spfd. June 12,1705, and was prob. brought back by Ens. John Sheldon, her father-in-law, who is known to have been in Quebec, in April of that year. She m. (2), abt. 1718, Lieut. Timothy Childs, of Deerfield. David, Nov. 16, 1682, m. Nov. 21, 1705, Sarah, dau. Joseph Stebbins. {2), Mind- well, wid. of Thomas Holton, dau. of Samuel Allen, of Northampton. Jonathan, Feb. 20, 1685, d. Marclvi, 1686. f-JonathanjSept 23, 1688, m. April 20, 1711, \ Elizabeth, dau. Jonathan Burt. 3. Thomas, s. of Japhet (2,) b. 1671; Spfd.; d. Aug. 27, 1755. He m. Sarah Wright. She d. July 26, 1770, a. 98. Ch. : Thomas, Jan. 2, 1694, m. March 19, 1720, Jerusha Jones, of Sunderland ; sett. in Belchertown. Japhet, March 16, 1697 (4). Abel, Jan. 28, 1700, m. Jan. 9, 1720, Hannah, dau. Luther Hitchcock. He kept a hotel in Chicopee street ; d. May 3. 1772. Shem, Feb. 3, 1702, m. 1753, wid. Anna Clark; sett, in Ludlow. Martha, Dec. 5, 1704, m. Oct. 20, 1740, Samuel Wells, of Hfd. She d. July 8, 1801, a. 97. Esther, Dec. 5, 1704, m. Oct. 22, 1747, Noah Cook, of Had. (2), Dea. Nath'l Horton, Somers, Ct. Sarah, Feb. 18, 1708, m. May 17, 1753, Luke Parsons, of Somers. Nathaniel, Aug. 9, 171 1, m. Sarah, dau. Thomas Abbee, of Enfield, Ct.; he d. in the expedition to Louisburg, 1745. Bathsheba, Dec. 19, I7i3,m. April 2,1745, Jacob Hitchcock. (2), Dr. Lamberton Cooper, of Agawam. Jabez, April 3, 171 6, d. in four days. Deborah, Oct. 31, 1719, m. April 30, 1740, Eleazer Frary, of Hatfield. 4. Japhet, s. of Thomas (3), b. 1697; of Nfd. 1722; served through Ralle's war, under Capt. Kellogg; rem. to Chicopee, where he became a lead- ing man in church and town affairs, and was particularly noted for his habits of punctuality; d. Feb. 8, 1786. He m. May 26, 1726, Thankful, dau, Nathaniel Dickinson, of Hfd. and Nfd She d. March 17, 1773. (2), Oct. 28, 1778, Lydia (Todd), wid. of Rev. Benj. Doolittle, and Jona; Belding. The account of this marriage, and the notice of Madam Doolittle, which follow, were furnished by Miss Mary Montague, of Granby, a great-grand- daughter of the youthful pair : " Madam Belding was then living with her dau. Lucy, wife of Simeon Chapin, a son of the bridegroom, who, also, lived in the same family. The children on coming home from school, one day. Family Genealogies. 421 were told that granther and granny were about to be married; they did not understand what this meant, and as children in those days * mustn't ask ques- tions,' they proceeded ac once to make an independent investigation of affairs; they found granny up chamber, where their mother was tying a purple ribbon on to her best cap, while granther was found sitting in state in the square room below, where he was soon joined by the minister. The children had a dim idea that to be married the two must be together, so they silently seated themselves near their grand father, to wait the course of events. In due time they had their reward. As the ceremony proceeded, the minister requested the bride to take off her glove, which, as was then the fashion, reached above the elbow; one of the little girls, about six or eight years old, unexpectedly, but with unconscious grace, stepped forward and took it from her hand. When the proper time came to replace the glove, she promptly arose and handed it back. By this means she got the name of ' Litde brides-maid.' "At the date of this marriage, Mr. Chapin was 82 years old, and Mrs. Belding 80. Yet they were so strong that they rode on horse back from Chicopee to Northfield, forty miles, without weariness. She, arrayed in a rich sky-blue camlet riding hood, made for the occasion, by his daughter Kath- erine. Parts of this garment are still in the possession of the writer. " As an illustration of the sprightliness and forethought of Mrs. Chapin, then about 87, this anecdote is preserved in the family. Her husband in his last sickness, at times became partially delirious, and would then mistake her for Thankful, his first wife, and would so call her, and say he was sure Madam Doolittle was somewhere around, and beg that he might see her. She at once would go out and put on her best clothes, come in and be received as Madam Doolittle. When he was satisfied with the visit, she would resume her usual dress, and, appear as Thankful, and hear his account of Madam Doolittle's visit. " It is said that she^possessed great mental, as well as physical ability, that she received an unusually refined culture, before her first marriage, and ever after had the privilege of that class of society, calculated to increase it. My im- pression, from what I have heard through those who were well acquainted with her, is, that her moral and religious character, was fully equal to her other attainments. She had been a school teacher before marriage, and in her old age she devoted much of her time to the instruction of her numerous grand- children, retaining her facufties to the last. Her death, in her gzd year, was occasioned by a fall, while taking one of these children from a table upon which it had climbed." After the death of Mr. Chapin, his widow returned to Northfield, where she was alwaya known as " Madam Doolittle," and the notice of her death, June 19, 1790, on the church records, is that of "Madam Doolittle." The matrimonial tastes of Mr. Chapin and Jona. Belding seem to have been much alike; their first wives were sisters, and their second, the same woman. Madam Doolittle. Ch.: Thankful, Feb. 22, 1727, m. Gardner at Ticonderoga, July 5, 1777. Being Kellogg, of Hadley. sent, with some other prisoners, to cut grass Japhet, March 14, 1729, d. 1754. at Crown Point, they got the guard drunk, Hapzibah, March 25, 1731, m. John Mil- and concluding they had rather do their ler, of West Springfield. haying at home, made their escape, and Martha, May 12, 1733, m. Feb. 21, 1754, found their way there through the wilder- William Chapin, of Chicopee. ness in safety. Nathan, Feb. 3, 1735, m. 1758, Mary Smith, Rhoda, April 19, 1737, m. John Day, of of Huntstown, now Ashfield. He was a West Springfield, sergeant in the continental army, and cap. Simeon, Aug. 20, 1739 (5). 422 History of Northfield. Chloe, Dec. 27, 1741, d. July 29, 1771. Sarah, Jan. 14, 1747, m. Rev. Peletiah Katherine, Jan. 22, 1745, •"• Daniel Sexton, Chapiir, of Windsor, Vt. of Somers, Ct. 5. Simeon, s. of Japhet (4), b. 1739; Chicopee; lieutenant in the Rev. army; d. May 20, 1799. He m. Aug. 20, 1765, Lucy, dau. Rev. Benj, Doolittle. She d. Sept. 2, 1824. " She was a lady of cultivated mind, having good opportunity for improve- ment, both in her parents' and her husband's house. She taught school before marriage, became hopefully pious at 16, and acquired extensive religious knowledge. She was very useful in society, and especially among the sick; af her funeral her pastor said 'a mother in Israel had indeed fallen.'" \_Mary Montague. ] Ch. : Roswell, April 16, 1767, m. Aseneth Aseph, June, 1776, d. 1777. Chapin. Lydia, March 31, 1778, m. Robert Wright; Lucy, Nov., 1768, m. 1787, Joseph Allen, they rem. from Chicopee to Jerico, Vt. of East Windsor, Ct. Sarah, June, 1779, d. 1780. Melinda, Oct. 2, 1770, m. John Montague, Simeon, June 22, 1781 ; captain; of Oswego, of Granby. N. Y. ; m. Dorcas Strong. Simeon, Aug., 1772, d. 1776. Sarah, Dec. 3, 1784, m. Towers Franklin. Thankful, Oct. 12, 1774, m. Bezaleel Cha- (2), Samuel Pomeroy, of Somers, Ct. pin. (2), Elijah Torry. CHAPIN, Simeon, 1800. CHASE, James, 1779-97. CHASE, John, i8oo. CHENEY, AsAHEL, 1796-7; clock maker. CHILDS, Ebenezer.; soldier, 1812. He m. Jan, 13, 1819, Hannah M., dau. Edward Nettleton. Ck. : Joseph P., Sept. 18, 1823. Ebenezer M., Aug. 23, 1827. Nelson H., Sept. 8, 1825. Marshal M., Jan. 24, 1829. CHILDS, Jonathan, 1781-97; set off to Gill, 1795. CHILDS, Oliver, 1788; set oft* to Gill, 1795. CHILDS, William; tanner; from Gardner or Winchendon. He m. Sally — . Ch. : Rebecca, Oct. 31, 1800, d. Jan. 20, Caroline, Sept. 27, 1807. 1802. Axah Fisk, Oct. 29, 1809. William, Dec. 20, 1801, d. Dec. 30, 1801. 1. CHINERY, GINERY, Lambert; Watertown; b. 1593; rem. Ded- ham, 1636; he d. Jan. 30, 1673-4. He m. May 14, 1656, Thom?sin Hews, who d. Jan. 2, 1669-70. Ch : Mary, Dec. 24, 1659. John (2). 2. John, s. of Lambert (i), wounded at Nfd., Sept. 4, 1675, while serv- ing under Capt. Beers ; d. the next day. \_See ante, p. 76.] He m. March 12, 1655-6, Sarah Boylston, wid. of Thomas, of Wa- tertown. She d. Sept. 14, 1704. Ch. : John, Dec. 7, 1657. Family Genealogies. 423 3. John, s. of John (2); freeman; 1690. He m. June 4, 1684, Elizabeth Stratton. CLARK, Dexter, 1806. CLARK, HosEA, 1814. CLARK, Joseph, 1781. CLARK, Samuel, 1796. 1. CLARY, John; rem. from Watertown to Had.; d. Feb. 10, 1690. He m. Feb. 5, 1644, Sarah C/j^d'^/, [Judd] ; Cadj, [Savage]; Mary C^/W/, [Bond]. In his will, presented to court Sept. 30, 1690, Clary makes a bequest to Mary Whitney, his wife's daughter, and to each of her children. Mrs. Clary d. Dec. 23, 1681. Ch.: John (2). Gershom, Sept. 7, 1650, d. before 1690. Sarah, Oct. 4, 1649, m. Dec. 13, 1667, John Perry, of Watertown. 2. John, s. of John (1); miller; from Hat.; a grantee of Nfd., 1682; came at the Second Settlement. Built a mill on the Cowas, in 1685. He was one of the "6 Christians, killed bv the Indians, Aug. 16, 1688." \Seeante, p. 115.] He m. Jan. or June 16, 1670, Ann, dau. Nathaniel Dickinson. She m. (2), Enos Kingsley, of Nhn.; d. July 16, 1723. Ch. : John, April 3, 1671 ; killed at Brook- Mary, m. May 27, 1698, Moses Hutchinson. field by Jndians, 1709. Joseph, Nov. 30, 1677 (3). Sarah, March 19, 1673 ; killed with her father. 3. Joseph, s. of JoTin (2), b. 1672; sett, in Sunderland, June 8, 1748. He m. Nov. 19, 1702, Hannah, dau. Samuel Belding. Ch.: Joseph, Sept. 3, 1705, m. Sarah Gunn ; Sarah, d. June 2, 1715. Sett, in Leverett. Sarah, 1717, m. Jonathan Root. Samuel, 1707. Hannah, 1719. Martha, 17 12, prob. 2d wife of Josiah Al- Per. John, who m. 1749, Rachael Eastman, vord. {H. W. Taft.'\ and rem. to Conway. \H. W. T.] CLENDENEN, Archibald; sol. in the Burgoyne campaign; enlisted for six months June, 1780; d. Aug. 9, 1780, a. 45. Ch. : Thomas, 1771, d. April 6, 1789. Polly, m. Dec. 27, 1798, John Robbinson. Rebecca, 1783, m. Feb. i, 1803, Elijah Merriman. 1. COLLAR, Hezekiah B.; farmer ; blacksmith ; Methodist preacher. He m. May 21, 1818, Rhoda, dau. Asa Robbins. Ch. : Emily R., Jan. 17, 18 19. Albert, Oct. 25, 1829. Livonia, Oct. 2, 1820. Marcha A., Dec. 23, 1832. Asa R., Jan. 5, 1823, d. April 24, 1825. Amos M., June 27, 1835. Albert, June 29, 1825, d. Sept. 12, 1826. Philinda R., Sept. 29, 1837. Asa R., June 26, 1827. Adeline M., Nov. 27, 1840. 2. Lemuel, br. of Hezekiah, from Warwick. He m. Sept. 5, 1820, Susan Hurd. Ch. : Harriet H., March 30, 1821. Phebe C, Nov. 25, 1824. Samuel, Dec. 24, 1822. Leonard, Sept. 28, 1828, m. — Greenleaf. 424 History of Northfield. 1. COLLAR, Moses, from Warwick. He m. Mary Greenleaf, who d. Dec. 27, i860, a. 64. Ch. : Moses G., Nov. 19, 1828, m. Mary G., Aug. 10, 1831, m. Alexander Houghton. Helton. Catherine, Jan. 10, 1830, m. Sikes. Judith, m. Wm. H. Holton. 2. RuEL, prob. br. Moses (i). He m. April 25, 1825, Hannali Chapin, of Northfield. Ch.: Mary, Jan. 30, 1826. Leonard, Sept. 8, 1832. Emerson, April 16, 1828, m. Chapin. James D., Aug. 19, 1836. 3. Samuel, br. of Moses, (i); from Warwick, 1808. He m. Jan. 26, 1808, Abigail Bridge. Ch. : Hannah, Aug. 14, 1809, d. unm. Charles W., Feb. 25, 18 16, sett, in Boston. William, Sept. 19, 1811, d. Sept. 21, 1813. COLTON, Abisha; rec'd from ch. in Longmeadow, July 3, 1785; dis. " to the ch. in Southboro, or any other ch. where he shall settle in the min- istry." COLTON, Daniel. He m. March 30, 1830, Mira Miller. COLTON, Richard, 181 i from Spfd.; wagon and plow maker; surveyor; dep. sheriff; d. Aug. 6, 1872. He m. Betsey Hale, of Enfield, Ct., who d. Nov. 2, 18615. Ch. : Eli, Feb. 21, 1809, m. Cynthia Terry, son, m. Jan. 28, 1852, Sophronia Brews- of Enfield. ter. Eliza, at Spfd., Jan. 12, i8ii, m. George Edward Wells, Feb. 15, 1831, m. Susa M. Alexander. Hurd. Amanda, March 10, 1814, m. Charles Al- Edwin Williams, Feb. 15, 1831, m. Mary exander. S. Newton; he d. May 24, 1862. Alonzo, Jan. 28, 1816 ; sett, in South Han- COLTON, Urial, 1800; of Orange 1791, and earlier from Natick. COMBS, Samuel, 1786. COOK, Caleb; shoemaker; from Warwick, 180 1. He m. Dec. 4, 1811, Mabel, dau. Dr. Samuel Mattoon. Ch. : Edward F., Sept. i, 1814, m. Mary Mary M., July 4, 18 17. A. Bardwell ; sett, in Walpole, N. H. Josephine, Feb. 27, 1820. COOK, Joseph, 1780; Rev. sol. 3 years; enlisted from Orange; came from Cambridge; d. s. p. April 24, 1825, a. 64. COOK, Robert G., b. April 2, 1790; Nfd., 1818; from Charlestown; d. July 23, 1846, a. 56. He m. June 3, 1819, Sarah M., dau. Isaac Mattoon, d. Oct. 5, 1835,3.36. (2), Feb. 21, 1839, Lucinda W. Goodrich, of Gill. Ch. : Isaac M., Jan. 29, 1820, m. Lois Robert G., Sept. 15, 1827, d. Feb. 13, Fairbanks; he d. Aug. i, 1857. 1873. Robert G., Feb. 3, 1822, d. March 9, 1822. Mary Jane, Jan. i, 1830, m. Oct., 1847, Martha S., March 27, 1823, m. April 10, Homer Sanders. She d. March 19, 1859. 1845, Wright Stratton. She d. April 26, Eliza Ann, May 31, 1832, d. Dec. 23, 1858. 1832. Lucretia, April 23, 1825. Family Genealogies. 425 COOLEY, Barnes, 1776; wife d. Sept. 30, 1776, a. 30. Ck. : Tirza, bapt. Jan. 7, 1776. COOLEY, Ephraim, 1807. COOPER, Robert, b. 1678; sergeant; rem. from Dfd. to Nfd. at the Third Settlement. In 1740 he bought about 50 acres of land of Eb. Alexan- der, on Cooper's Point, where he settled. He served and suffered much, in the Indian wars.- In a petition to the General Court, April 5, 1749. he says : " I served as a soldier in Queen Anne's war, some considerable time, where I was wounded by the enemy in my right arm, whereby I lost the use of my elbow joint, and my arm greatly withered, to my unspeakable damage. And in the last Indian war, [1722-6,] I was again called forth, and did devote myself to the service of my country, thro' the course of that war, encoun- tering, with great difficulty and hardship, much to my detriment, and future disadvantage; and in the late war, [1744-8,] being settled in an exposed front- ier place, often exerting myself to my utmost to maintain my ground and not encourage the enemy by giving way to them. Expending considerable in fortify- ing, and otherwise, and risking my life in great peril, was obliged to draw ofF, and leave my inhabitance, to my great loss. Then being again employed as a soldier by order the Hon. Col. Stoddard, I was again wounded, [July 14, 1748; see ante, p. 267,] both in my left arm and side, by which means, and other difficulties, I am became a cripple, and my son, [Moses,] on whom I depended to be the stay of my family, was the last year slain by the enemy. So that T am reduced to really distressing circumstances, and unable to support myself." This old battered and worn out veteran, of 75 years, the hero of three wars, was munificently rewarded by a grant of £12! He died in Hins., Jan. 9, 1760. " Robert Cooper's Plain," "Cooper's Meadow,'' " Cooper's Cave," and " Cooper's Point," still keep his memory green. His wife was Sarah — , who,d. Jan. 5, 1769, a. 63. Ch. : Moses, April 23, 1730; was killed by Elijah and ) Aug. 5, \d. Aug. 26, 1736. Indians March 29, 1748, .near Ft. Dum- Abigail, J 1735. / mer, while cutting timber for oars. Lt. Joshua, Jan. 4, 1737-8 ; sol. at Ft. Dum- John Sargeant, and Joshua Wells were mer, 1756. killed at the same time. \_&ce anfe, p. Sarah, June 10, 1 741. 257.] Ebenezer, March 10, 1744; sett, in Hins. Joshua, Sept. i, 1731, d. Dec. 19, 1736. Elijah, Dec. 6, 1746, m. Aug. 4, 1777, Aaron, Oct. 10, 1733; sett, in Hinsdale, m. Sarah Sanger, or Sawyer, who d. Feb. 6, Sarah, and d. April 16, 1805, his wife '797> a. 65. He d. April 16, 1839, a. dying 10 days before, at the age of 65. 93. 1. CORSE, James, Dfd., d. May 15, 1696. He m. Elizabeth, dau. John Catlin ; she was cap. at the destruction of the town, Feb. 29, 1704, and killed on the march to Canada. CA. : Ebenezer, April 7, 1692, m. Nov. 2, James, March 20, 1693-4 (2). 171 5, Sarah French, and sett, in East- Elizabeth, Feb. 4, 1695-6 ; cap. with her hampton. mother, and never returned. 2. James, s. of James (i), b. 1694; sol. 1722-6; explored a route to Canada, 173 i, by direction of the government. He m. Aug. 17, 1721, Thankful, dau. Benjamin Munn. She d. June 22, 1746, a. 42. (2), July 16, 1747, Elizabeth, dau. Capt. Jo. Clesson. She d. July 4, 1773, ^- ^2' CA. : Thankful, May 9, 1722, m. May 9, Elizabeth, Aug. 24, 1725, m. June 24, 1751, 1744, Gershom Hawks. Aaron Scott. Gad, Sept. 23, 1723 (3). 54 426 History of Northfield. Mary, Aug. a6, 1727, m. Feb. 8, 1753, Dan, Dec. 10, 1739, m. Chloe, dau. Joseph Thomas Travis, of Ft. Mass. Clesson ; sol. in French war. Abigail, Jan. 9, 173Z. Rebecca, Nov. 20, 1742. Sarah, May 21, 1735, m. March 29, 1753, John, May 31, 1746, d. the same year. Oliver Avery, d. bef. 1762. Joseph, Aug. 22, 1748, d. Sept. II, 1748. Asher, Sept. 10, 1737 ; sett, in Greenfield. Joanna, March 25, 1750. 3. Gad, s. of James (2), b. 1723; tanner ; sol. at Ft. Mass., 1757 ; Nfd. 1774 ; was often employed during the last French war in transporting guns and ammunition to the forts, and driving catde to the army; also, in riding as express messenger. He m. Dec, 1747, Mary, dau. Azariah Wright. Ch. : Thankful, Nov. 27, 1747. Lucy, 1758, d. same year Gad, March 31, 1750 (4). Azariah, Aug. 21, 1759. Cynthia, Feb. 12, 1752. Rufus, July 31, 1761. James, Feb. 5, 1754. Asaph, Jan. 22, 1764, m. Nov. 8, 1786, Mary, Jan. 15, 1756, m. Nov. 4, 1783, Charlotte, dau. Philip Mattoon. Samuel Picket. Lucy, Aug. 14, 1766. 4. Gad, s. of Gad (3), b. 1750. He m. Jan. 29, 1777, Lydia, dau. Alexander Norton. CA. : Roswell, Dec. 4, 1777, m. Susanna Henry, Feb. 14, 1784, m. March I, 1802, Lyman ; rem. to Canada. Patty Holton. Cynthia, Nov. 2, 1779, m. Aug. 7, 1800, Lydia, bapt. June 24, 1787. Cephas Wells, of Cornish, N. H. Electa, bapt. June 25, 1797. Wyllys, March 5, 1782 ; sett, in Hins., d. Oct. 4, 1818. CRAFTS, Benoni, s. of Thomas, of Had., b. 1692; carpenter; Nfd. 1718 ; d. May 20, 1722. He m. Rebecca — . She d. at Deerfield, Nov. 10, 1720. CA. : Rebecca, Nov. i, 1720, d. at Dfd., June 20, 1721. CROSSETT, Stephen, 1811. CROSSETT, Richard; he m. May 17, 1814, Olive, wid. of James Darling. 1. CROWFOOT, Samuel, Had., d. Feb. 10, 1733, a. 71. He m. Mary, dau. Isaac Warner. She d. April 9, 1702. (2), Nov. 30, 1704, Abigail (Dickinson), wid. of John Crafts. She d. 1714. CA. : Samuel, Jan. 21, 1694. Daniel, June 5, 1700; cap. at Dfd., Feb. 29, Stephen, April 13, 1695 (2). 1704 j never returned from Canada. Mary, April 6, 1697, m. 17 19, Peter Domo, Ebenezer, April 3, 1702. the man proverbial for his silliness. Sarah, May 25, 1706. Joseph, July 3, 1699. 2. Stephen, s. of Stephen (1), b. 1695; carpenter; Nfd., 1718, when he built a scow for the town, and where he continued working at his trade. In 1721 he had a grant of a home lot and out lands. He assisted in building Ft. Dummer, in Feb., 1724, where he appears to have been head carpenter. Hall, in Hist. Eastern Vermont, speaks of him erroneously as '* John Crow- foot, an Indian of Springfield," in giving an account of the building of this fort. About 1735, he sold his estate and reterned to Hadley. He m. March 14, 1717, Abigail, dau. Isaac Graves, of Hatfield. CUMMINGS, WiLLi.AM, 1806. COY, formerly MACCOY, or McCOY, Lemuel, b. about 1765 ; from Conn., at the age of about 21; d. Feb. 19, i8i;2. He m. Nov. 3., 1788, Sarah, dau. Robert Moffat. She d. June 19, 18^1, a. 85. Ch. : Anna, Aug. 24, 1789, m. Oct. iS, Folly, July 2.3, 1796, m. Feb. 9, 1814, Seth 1820, Btnoni, Buckman, of New Ipswich. Field. Jesse, Nov. 9, 1790. Aseph, July 19, 1798. Roxana, Feb. 8, 1793. John, March 5, 1800. Oren, Sept. 29, 1794. William, Sept. 2, 1802. Ira, Sept. 15, 1804, m. Martha Billings. Family Genealogies. 427 CURTIS, Benjamin R. This distit guished jurist was born at Watertown, Nov. 4, I 809 ; grad. H. C, 1829. In 1832 he began practicing law at Nfd., whence, after about two years, he removed to Boston, where he soon took high rank at the bar. He d. Sept. 15, 1874. He m. at Nfd., Eliza, dau. William Woodard, treasurer Dart. College, Ch. : Charles D., March 5, 1834. 1. CURTIS, Henry, Windsor; rem. to Northampton ; d. Nov. 30, 1661, and was the first person buried in the grave yard there. He m. May 13, 1645, Elizabeth Abell. She m. (2), June 22, 1662, Richard Weller. CA. : Samuel, April 26, 1649 (2). Nathaniel, July 15, 1651; killed by Indians at Northfield, Sept. 2, 1675. 2. Samuel, s. of Henry (i), b. 1649; Nfd., at the Third Setdement; d. July 24, 1721. He m. July 3, 1678, Sarah, dau. George Alexander. Ci. : Samuel, Feb. 27, 1679, d. Sept. 11, Jonathan, Jan. 11, 1685. 1680. Henry, Dec. 19, 1690. Jonathan, March 29, 1683, d. young. Elizabeth, Sept. 5, 1693. CUTLER, Thomas, 1818-9. CUTTING, Clark, m. March 22, 1801, Susanna Champlain. DANA, Samuel, 1793-7. DANIELS, Peter, 1775. 1. DARLING, James; cabinetmaker, 1802; d. abt. 181 1. He m. Olive — , who m. (2), May 17, 1814, Richard Crossett. CA. : George, Nov. i, 1803 ; sett, in Swan- Mary, Oct. 21, 1805, d. Nov. 29, 1805. sey, N. H. Mary, May 31, 1807. 2. Benjamin, br. of James; blacksmith; from Hins. ; d. Nov. 4, 1840, a. 64. He m. Fanny Ames, who d. Dec. 18, 1859, a, 85. CA.: Benjamin A., Aug. 19, 1804, m. Susan, Moody M., July 30, 1809 ; blacksmith. dau. Samuel Dickinson. Fanny, May 30, 1812, d. Sept. 28, 1813. Luke A., Dec. 22, 1806, m. Martha, dau. Sidney A., Jan. i, 18 1 5. Ora Holton. DAVIDSON, Josiah, 1768; from Dfd.; rem. to Charlemont; sol. in the French wars. He m. Oct. 28, 1737, Elizabeth, dau. Ebenezer Severance. Ck. : Josiah, adopted son, b. April 3, 1732, Joel, Aug. 30, 1740. m. Oct. 8, 1765, Rachel Collyr. Stephen, 1741. Rebecca, Dec. 7, 1737. Lazaras, Feb. 22, 1744. Barnabas, March 17, 1738-9. Lois, 1745. DAVIS, Aaron; a sol. of '76. I. DAVIS, Samuel, Roxbury; Nhn. 1668; Dfd., 1682; grantee of Nfd. 1682, and settler, 1685 ; d. July 26, 1690. He m. March 4, 1668, Hannah Edwards, who d. Sept. 11, 1680. (2), 428 History of Northfield. 1681, Elizabeth, dau. Wm. Smead. She d. Aug. 26, 1682. (3), Hannah — , who m. 1691, Nathaniel Prichard. Ch : Samuel, Feb. 2, 1670, d. young. Samuel, Jan. 3, 1672 (2). John, July, 1677, m. " Mary Davis, gr. dau. of" Samuel Davis, of Ntd., and dau. of John, dcc'd ;" Mary owned one-fitth of Samuel Davis's estate, Feb. 8, 1 721-2. Samuel Clark was her guardian. She m. before 1736, Ichabod Strong, of Nhn. Joseph, Aug. 6, 1682. 2. Samuel, s. of Samuel (i), b. 1670. He m. Oct. 28, 1695, Thankful, dau. Matthew Clesson. CA. : Samuel, Sept. 16, 1696. DAVIS, Pliny, 1806; d. Jan., 1843. He m. Abigail — . She d. Feb. 28, 1824. Ci. : Adelpha Warren, June i, 1814. Harriet H., April 9, 1822. 1. DAY, Robert, b. 1604. Came over in the " Elizabeth," 1634, from Ipswich, Eng. ; freeman, 1635; rem. to Hart. abt. 1637; d. 1648. He m. Mary — . (2), Edhha_, sis. to Edward Stebbins^ of^HaJ^ She m. (2), John Maynard, and (3), abt. 1658, Elizur Holyoke. She d. Oct. 24, 1688. Ch. : Thomas (2). Mary, m. Oct. 29, 1659, Samuel Ely. (2), Sarah, m. Sept. 1658, Nath. Gunn, of Hart. April 12, 1694, Thomas Stebbins. (3), (2), Nov. 24, 1664, Samuel Kellogg, of Dec. 11, 1696, Dea. John Colman, of Hfd., where she was killed by Indians, Hfd., where she d. 1725. Sept. 19, 1677. John, m. Sarah Maynard, Hartford. 2. Thomas, s. of Robert (1), an early sett, in Spfd. ; d. Dec. 21, 171 1. He m. Oct. 27, 16159, Sarah, dau. Thomas Cooper. She d. Nov. 21, 1726. CA. : Thomas, March 22, 1662. John, Sept. 20, 1673 (3). Sarah, June 14, 1664, m. Feb. 21, 1683, Ebenezer, Sept. 8, 1675, d. June 12, 1676. John Burt. Ebenezer, Sept. 5, 1677. Mary, Dec. 15, i665, m. Feb. 11, 1687, Jonathan, Aug. 8, 1680, d. Aug. 6, 1747. John Merrick. Abigail, m. Feb. 18, 1783, Samuel Warner. John, Feb. 20, 1669, d. Aug. 6, 1670. (2), Thomas Miller. Samuel, May 20, 1671. 3. John, s. of Thomas (2), b. 1673. He m. March 10, 1697, Mary Smith, of Hfd., who d. Feb. 28, 1742, a. 65. (2), Aug. 27, 1743, Hannah Kent, of Had., who d. Nov. 20, 1752, a. 79. Rebecca, May 12, 1713, m. Sept. 26, 1733, Benjamin Stebbins, of Nhn. William, Oct. 23, 1715. 7, 1724, Elizabeth, Jan. 19, 1718, m. — Hall, of Wallingford, Ct. CA.: John, July 5, 1698. Hezekiah,. Oct. 15, 1700. Joseph, June 24, 1703 (4). Mary, Jan. 20, 1706, m. Dec Benjamin Stebbins, of Belchertown Sarah, May 14, 1708, m. Aaron Ashley, of Thankful, June 19, 1 721, m. Nov, Sheffield. 1742, Eldad Taylor, of Westfield. Benjamin, Oct. 27, 1710; col.; m. 1770, wid. Lucy (Bardwell) Sheldon, of Dfd. 4. Joseph, s. of John (3), b. 1703; Nfd., 1733; a sol. under Kellogg, d Family Genealogies. 429 at Ft, Dummer, several years; serving in the last French war, at Ft. Edward, Aug. 14, 1758. He m. Elizabeth, dau. Eleazer Mattoon. She d. Oct. 14, 1767, a. 58. Ch. : Eunice, June 2, 1735, m. May 17, Joseph, Nov. 20, 1745. 175 1, Joel Day. Giles, May 24, 1748. Silence, Nov. 29, 1736, m. Feb. 4, 1756, Hannah, Nov. 14, 1750, m. Oct. 10, 1771, David Day. Oliver Leonard. Lucy, Dec. 19, 1738, m. March 15, 1759, Jacob, Aug. 4, 1753. Samuel Ely. Asa, Dec. 14, 1755, d. young. Eleazur, Feb. 22, 1 741. Zebulon, June 17, 1757, d. young. Elizabeth, Sept. 22, 1743, ""• J°^" Cooky. DELAND, John, 1772-5. DILANO, John, 1773-5; ^- i" Hins., Feb. i, 1795. DEN§MORE, Gersham. He m, Cynthia . Ck. : Cynthia, bapt. Dec. 6, 1767. Dorcas, bapt. Aug. 30, 1772, d. Dec. 8, Leonard, bapt. June 10, 1770. I77S' Dorcas, bapt. Dec. 17, 1775. DEXTER, Samuel, 1781. 1. DICKINSON, Nathaniel; Weth., 1637, where he was town clerk, and rep.; rem to Had., 1659; of Nhn., 1662 ; a few years at Hfd., but d. in Had., June 16, 1676. He m, Anna, per, wid. Gull ; for in will he names " son, Wm. Gull," Ck.: Samuel, July, 1638 (2). Thomas, m. March 7, 1667, Hannah, dau. Obadiah, April 15, i64i,m. Sarah Beardslyj John Crow; sett, in Weth., but rem. to he was cap. Sept. 19, 1677. Had. Nathaniel, Aug., 1643 (3). Joseph (4). Nehemiah, abt. 1644, m. Mary Cowles. John, m. Frances, dau. Nathaniel Foote, of Hezekiah, Feb., 1645, m. Abigail Black- Weth. man; sett, in Spfd. Anna, m. 1670, John Clary, and (2), Enos Azariah, Oct. 4, 1648, m. Dorcas. He was Kingsley, of Nhn. ■ killed in the fight south of Wequamps, Frances, unm. 1676. Aug. 25, 1675. 2. Samuel, s. of Nathl. (1), b. 1638; grantee of Nfd., 1682; Hfd.; d. Nov. 30, 171 I, He m. Jan. 14, 1668, Martha, dau, James Bridgman. She d, July 16, 171 1, a, 61. Ch. : Samuel, Aug. 17, 1669, m. Sarah Sarah, Nov. 5, 1675, d. unm. abt. 1750. Billings, and (2), Rebecca (Barret) Wright, Azariah, Dec. 4, 1678, m. Jan. 23, 1707, wid. of Benoni ; was in Meadow fight at Sarah Gunn. Dfd., Feb. 29, 1704, where he " lost his Ebenezer, Feb. 2, 1681, m. June 27, 1706, coat, worth I 6j." and " captured a hatchet, Hannah Frary. In Med. fight, 1704. worth 2J." Anna, Dec. 17, 1683. A child, Dec. 12, 1671. Joseph, Aug. 3, 1686, d. s. p. in Sund., Nathaniel, Feb. 10, 1673, i"- Esther Cole. Sept. 2, 1755. In Meadow fight, 1704; lost hat and Hannah, April 4, 1689, m. Thomas Hovey, gloves. of Sund. 3. N.ATHANiEL, s. of Nathl. (i), b. 1644; Had.; freeman, 1690; d. Oct, II, 1710, He m. Hannah, who d, Feb, 23, 1679, (2), 1680, Elizabeth, wid. 43° History of Northfield. Joseph Gillet, dau. John Hawks, of Had. (3), Sept. 26, 1684, Elizabeth, wid. Saml. Wright, dau. Henry Burt, of Nhn. Ch. : Nathaniel, May i, 1663 (5). Mary, Feb. 2, 1673, m. Nathaniel Smith. Hannah, Jan. 18, 1666, m. Samuel Kel- Daniel, March 3, 1675. logg, of Colchester, Ct. Rebecca, March, 1677, m. 1713, Thomas John, Nov. I, 1667, m. Sarah — , and (2), Allen. Hepzibah, dau. Thos. Wells, of Dfd. 4. Joseph, s. of Nathl. (1); freeman, in Ct., 1657; Nhn. 1664-74, when he rem. to Nfd. ; was killed with Capt. Beers, Sept, 4, 1675. [See ante, p. 76.] He m. Phebe Bracy, dau. of Mrs. Martin. CA. ; A child, March 5, 1664, d. young. John, May 2, 1672. Samuel, May 4, 1666, d. Dec. 30, 1690. Azariah, May 15, 1674; of Haddam, Ct., Joseph, April 27, 1668. I704- Nathaniel, May 20, 1670 (6). 5. Nathaniel, s. of Nathl. (3), b. 1663 ; Hfd.; while with a small party, which included his sons, Nathl. and Samuel, hoeing corn in Hfd. Med., July 15, 1698, they were fired upon by four Indians from an ambush. Nathl., Jr., and John Billings were killed. Samuel, and a lad named Charley, were taken captive. The father's horse was shot under him, but he escaped. [_See ante, p. 126.] He d. abt. 1757. He m. Hepzibah Gibbs, who d. 1713. (2), Lydia, wid. Samuel Wright, of Nhn. Ch. : Nathaniel, Feb. 25, 1685J killed as Hepzibah, Aug. 7, 1696, m. Lt. Jonathan above. fielding, of Nfd. Samuel, Dec. 30, 1687, m. Dec. 24, 1729, Nathaniel, Nov. 27, 1698 (7). Hannah Field, dau. John. He was cap. Benjamin, Sept. 11, 1702; H. C, 1723; a second time by Indians, at Nfd., Oct. preacher, and teacher j m. Sarah Scott ; II, 1723, and taken to Canada. He he d. 1778. returned the following June, and sett, at Thankful, Sept. 11, 1702, m. 1726, Japhet Dfd. [&e ante, p. 196.] Chapin, of Spfd. Ebenezer, Oct. 7, 1690. Catherine, Jan. 8, 1706, m. 1726, Caleb Daniel, Nov. 13, 1693, m. Lydia AUis. (2), Chapin, of Spfd. 1744, Ruth Bagg. 6. Nathaniel, s. of Joseph (4), b. 1690; dea. ; d. 1745. He m. Hannah, dau. Daniel White. Ch.: Jonathan, Nov. 7, 1699, m. Mary Joshua, Feb. 7, 1709. Smith. Elijah, Feb. 24, 17 12, d. June 8, 1 7 14. Martha, Dec. 25, I70i,m. March 2, 1727, Elijah, Sept. 20, 1714, d. May 25, 1715. Elnathan Graves. Joel, March 23, 1716. Obadiah, July 28, 1704 (8). Lucy, Sept. 9, 1718, d. Dec. 24, 1718. Nathan, April, 1707, d. May 10, 1707. 7. Nathaniel, s. of Nathaniel (5), b. 1698 ; Nfd. 1727 ; he was killed by Indians x^pril 15, 1747, while going to Pochague Med., after cows. His companion, Asahel Burt, was also killed. The monument at Pochague Hill, marks the spot where they were killed. [See ante, p. 250.] He m. Martha, dau. Eleazer Wright. She d. a wid. March 28, 1793, a. 89. Ch. : Miriam, July 13, 1777, d. Oct. 24, Miriam, Dec. 25, 1737. iy,6. Martha, April 26, 1740, d. young. Moses, Nov. 20, 1728 (9). Mercy, Dec. 22, 1742, m. Feb. 11, 1784, Titus, July 18, 1730, d. before 1745. Benoni Brown, of Ber. Martha, Feb. 6, 1733, d. Nov. 2, 1737. Titus, Feb. 15, 1745 (11). Nathaniel, April 24, 1735 (10). Benoni, Dec. 12, 1747, posthumous (12). Family Genealogies. . 431 8. Obadiah, s. of Nathaniel (6), b. 1704; ens.; Hat.; d. June 24, 1788. He m. May 26, 1726, Mary, dau. John Belding. (2), abt. 1756, Martha . Ch.: Elijah, July 31, 1727, d. young. Lois, m. 1770, John C. Williams, of Hfd. Elihu, Oct. II, 1729, d. young. Elijah, abt. 1743, d. 1813, a. 80. Lucy, Nov. 20, 1731, m. — AUis. Elihu. Israel, m. Nov. 20, 1764, Mercy, dau. Oli- Obadiah, Aug. 31, 1757 (13). ver Partridge. Mary, m. Jan. 27, 1774, Elisha Allis, Jr. Hannah, m. Nov. 14, 1755, Julius Allis. Martha, m. Oct. 29, 1790, John Barrett. Submit, m. 1766, Samuel Gaylord. 9. Moses, s. of Nathaniel (7), b, 1728. He m. Prudence Frizzell, who d. May 15, 1790, a. abt. 50. Ch. : Relief, bapt. Aug. 21, 1757, d. Aug. John, bapt. June 8, 1760; sett, in New 23, 1759. York. Relief, bapt. July 9, 1758, m. March 4, Moses, bapt. Aug. I, 1762 (14). 1783, Amos Peabody, of Ber. Sarah, bapt. June 30, 1765, m. Simeon Mallory. 10. Nathaniel, s. of Nathaniel (7), b. 1735 ; sol., 1756-7; Dr.; in Ben- nington, 1660-90. He m. Fisk, of Cambridge, Vt. Ch. : Heman, m. June 24, 1801, Ethelinda, Nathaniel, dau. Benoni Dickinson. Ira. 11. Titus, s. of Nathaniel (7), b. 1745; lieutenant; d, March 30, 1818. He m, Phebe Bond, who d. April 30, 1813, a. 67. Ch.: Tirza, bapt. Feb. 19, 1781. Ahira, bapt. April 20, 1783. Nathaniel, bapt. Feb. 10, 1782, d. March 19, 1782, a. 5 mos. 12. Benoni, s. of Nathaniel (7), b. 1747; sol. of '76; d. July 17, 1839. He m. Phebe, dau. Samuel Marsh, of Had. She d. Nov. 23, 1835, a. 82. Ch.: Samuel, Jan. 20, 1775(15). Betsey, Dec. 25, 1785, m. March 24, 1 8 12, Ethlinda, Dec. 3, 1776, m. June 21, 1801, Gideon D. Stebbins, of Vernon. Heman Dickinson. Nathaniel P., April 9, 1788 (17). Polly, Jan. 12, 1781, m. Feb. 7, 1803, Roswell, Sept. 5, 1792, d. April 28, 1803. Horace Holton ; alive 1875. Asahel, Jan. 25, 1795 (18). Job, m. June 20, 1783 (16). 13. Obadiah, s. of Obadiah (8), b. 1757; grad. Y. C. 1778; Esq.; U. S. assessor in the census of 1798; a leading" man in town affairs; d. March 9, 1844. He m. June 28, 1787, Sophia, dau. Shammah Pomroy. She d. Jan. 14, 1843, a. 77. Ch.: Harriet, Jan. I, 1789, m. Oct. 20, Sophia P., Feb. 4, 1798, m. — Cobb, of 181 3, Henry Williams, of Boston. Hanson, Me. Emily, April ii, 1791, m. Dr. James Delia, March 24, 1801, m. June 23, 1824, Bowen. - Eusebius Weston. Obadiah, April 5, 1793, d. in Pensacola, George, Dec. 19, 1802; sett, in Illinois. Fla. Martha W., Sept. 10, 1804, m. James H. Elijah, Jan. 21, 1795 ; sett, in North Caro- Prentice, Boston. lina. Wm. Frederick, "I Jan. 21, ) d. in infancy. Theodore, Dec. 24, 1796; blacksmith; rem. Frederick Wm., J 1806, / d. in Boston. to Boston. Louisa, Dec. 10, 1807, m. Timothy Field. 432 History of Northfield. 14. Moses, s. of Moses (9), b. 1762; d. from bite of a rattlesnake. He m. Hannah Laughton. Ch. : Sally, Feb. 28, 1798, m. — White. Laughton, May 18, 1807. Abisha, Nov. 18, 1803 ; a blacksmith. Moses, Sept. 23, 1809, m. Lucretia Bogle. 15. Samuel, s. of Benoni (12), b. 1775, d. May 9, 1837. He m. Susanna Barton, who d. Dec. 13, 1827, a. 47. CL : Roswell, Dec. 8, 1803, d. Sept. 17, 1805. Lucretia, March 27, 1805, d. Aug. 24, 1807. Charles, Feb. 14, 1807, d. young. Roswell, May 11, 1809. Lucretia, April 18, 1812, m. Jarvis Root, of Bratt. 16. Job M., s. of Benoni (12), b. 1783; captain; d. Sept. 7, 1870. He m. June 18, 18 10, Rhoda, dau. Ehjah Hohon. She d. Aug. 25, 1846, a. 63. (2), Ruth, sister of Rhoda, wid. of Martin Scott, and George Field. She d. Nov. 21, 1869, a. yj. Mary, May 29, 1 8 14, d. Aug. 20, 18 16. Susanna R.., April 4, 18 16, m. Benjamin A Darling, of -Hoosic, N. Y. Charles, June 24, 1820, d. Nov. 22, 1820. Mary M., May 21, 1822, m. Danforth Richardson, who was starved at Ander- sonville. CA. : Lydia S., April 18, iJ Brigham, of Marlboro. Electa R., Jan. 27, 1813. Infant, Dec. 13, 18 14, d. Dec Elijah M., Aug. i, 1816 (19). Henrietta W., "I Dec. 17, ~l Henry W., J 18 18, j n: 1845, Susan Wilson. m. Joel Erastus P., March 4, 1821, d. March i, 1823. Erastus P., Aug. 8, 1825, d. Dec. 23, 1852. . 1814. Chandler P., Feb. 21, 1828, d. May 28, 1864. Oct. 17. Nathaniel Porter, s, of Benoni (12), b. 1788, d. Oct. 19, 1869. He m, Dec. 18, 1831, Ardelia T. Williams, who d. Dec. 7, 1859, a. 53. Nathaniel, m. May 17, 1872, Harriet Glea- son. Roswell, Feb. 17, 1847, m. June 17, 1873, Sarah J. Stone. Frederick E., 1 Feb. 25,1 d. Oct. 16, 1869. Frank, J 1852, / d.March 11,1852. CA.: Williams, Dec. 3, 1833. Phebe M., June, 1835, m. 'Frank Webb. Ardelia W., m. Jasper M. Bathelow. Abby J., March, 1838, m. Lemuel Hyatt. She d. July 16, 1866. Nathaniel P., Feb., 1840, d. Dec. 3, 1841. Roswell, Sept., 1845, d. March i, 1847. 18. AsAHEL, s. of Benoni (12), b. 1795 ; sett, in Ver. ; d. March 1, 1850. He m. Maria Gould, who d. Oct. 22, 1863, a. 62. Ch.: Asahel L., April 24, 1821, d. March Theodore, 1832, d. Oct. 8, 1854. 3, 1824. Henry C, 1834. Maria L., April 10, 1823, m. George William O., 1836. Peeler. Geo. Hosmer, 1838. Tabitha L., April 4, 1825, d.unm. Feb. 26, Elliot Swan, 1840. 1867. Adeline, Aug. 12, 1841, d. May 7, 1842. Asahel L., Nov. 28, 1827, m. Rosetta Al- Wilson D. dridge. Adeline. Henry H., Feb. 7, 1830, d. Dec. i, 1833. 19. Elijah M., s. of Job M. (16), b. 1816; sett, in Marlboro; rem. to Fitchburg, 1854. He m. June i, 1843, Maria A., dau. Elijah Belding, b. in Ver., Oct. 2, 1820. a. ; Mary M., July 5, 1844, m. June 8, Charles P., March 8 1870, Henry Alison. Edward M., March Anna S., March 31, 1846, m. June 8, 1870, i860. Frederick F. Woodward. 854. 4, i860, d. Dec. 2, Family Genealogies. 433 1. DIKE, Aaron, 1,773. He m. Jennings, prob. Betsey. Ch. : Betsey, Feb. 18, 1789. Benjamin, May 26, 1799. Samuel, Oct. 26, 1790 (aj. Mariah, June 28, 1803, d. March 8, 1816. Aaron, July 28, 1793. Sarah, April 14, 1805. Harriet, May 1, 1796, m. Nov, 30, 1815, Susan, Feb. 26, 1812, m. Solomon Marsh. Chapin Holden. 2. Samuel, s. of Aaron (i), b. 1790. He m. Oct. 17, 1816, Tamison Brigham. Ch. : Emily, Feb. 8, 1818. Samuel, Nov. 23, 1828, d. Aug. 17, 1831. Mary L., Dec. 22, 1819. Fanny M. S., Aug. 13, 1831, d. May 23, Sanford, June 2, 1823, d. April 10, 1824. 1832. Almira R., April 27, 1825. DIKE, Benjamin, s. of Benjamin of Athol, 1772; d. s. p. April 4., 1787, a- 35. DIKE, David. He m. June 17, 1801, Patty Wood, DIKE, Edward. He m. Feb. 22, 1803, Susanna Wood. DIKE, Samuel. He m. Aug. 4, 1803, Hannah Young. DOAK, Thomas D. ; merchant, 181 2; from Dracut ; rem. to Canada. 2d wife, Betsey Mead, who d. June 21, 18 16. CA. : Elizabeth, Oct. 3, 1814, m. , of William D., March 17, 1816. the Canadian Parliament. DOLLOFF, David, 1775. 1. DOOLITTLE, Abraham, b. 1619; sergeant; New Haven, 1640; rem. to Wallingford, 1670, as one of the first settlers ; was one of the committee to organize a church there. In Oct., 1675, his house was fortified at public expense; d. Aug. 11, 1690, a. 70. He m. (2), July 2, 1663, Abigail, dau. Joseph Moss. She d. Nov. 5, 1 7 10, a. 69. C/i. : Sarah, b. at N. Haven, m. — Ebe- Abigail, Feb. 26, 1669; unm. 1690. natha. Ebenezer, abt. 1672, m. Sarah Hall, vifho d. Abraham, Feb. 12, 1650, m. Mary Holt. 171 1. (2), Hannah — . (2), Ruth Lothrop. (3), Elis Thorp j he Mary, March 4, 1673, m. Solomon GofFe. d. Nov. 10, 1732. Daniel, Dec. 29, 1675, m. Hannah Corn- Elizabeth, April 12, 1652, m. — Brocket. well; sett, in Middletown, Ct. ; he d. Mary, Feb. 22, 1654, d. young. •755- John, June 14, 1655 (2). Theopolis, m. Thankful Hall. He was an- Abigail, bapt. May 22, 1659, d. young. cestor of Theopolis, who sett, in Burling- Samuel, July 7, 1665. ton, Vt., 1808. Joseph, Feb. 12, 1676; captain in Walling- ford, 1716; dep., 1713-16. 2. John, s. of Abraham (1), b. 1655; of Wallingford. He m. Feb. 13, 1682, Marv, dau. John Peck, of New Haven. (2), Jan. 29, 1717, Grace Blakesley, prob. wid. of John, of New Haven. Ch.: Esther, Jan. 24, 1683. Benjamin, July 10, 1695 (3). Samuel, Feb. 4, 1685. Susanna, Feb. 4, 1706. Sarah, Feb. 16, 1686. Eunice, May 30, 1707. Susanna, April 5, 1688, d. young. Joiin> Feb. 6, 1712. 55 434 History of Northfield. 3. Benjamin, s. of John (2), b, 1695; Y. C, 1716; first minister of Nfd. ; sett. 1718. \^See ante, pp. 148 and 230.] He d. in the ministry, Jan. 9, 1748-9. He m. Oct. 14, 1717, Lydia, dau. Samuel Todd, of New Haven, She m. (2), Oct. 26, 1763, Lieut. Jonathan Belding. (3), Nov., 1778. Japhet Chapin; he d. 1786, and his wid. ret. to Nfd., where she d. June, 16, 1790, a. 92. "She appeared to be full of faith and good works." \Ch. rec.'\ Ch. : Oliver, Oct. 28, lyiSjd. " in ye flower Lucy, Feb. 27, 1731-2, d. young. of his age." \^Ex.from his father''s letter. May 6, 1746.] Lydia, Aug. 24, 1720, m. Lieut. John Evans. She d. April 2, 1806. Charles, July 31,1722; under Capt. Alexan- der, in the expedition to Loisburg, in 1745, where he was probably lost. Eunice, July 24, 1724, m. Samuel Ashley. Susanna, June 13, 1726, m. Seth Field. Lucius, May 16, 1728 (4). Chloe, May 4, 1730, m. abt. 1746,'^Moses Evans. Thankful, Jan. 20, 1733-4, m. July 10, 1750, Oliver Willard, of Fort Dummer. Amzi, Nov. 15, 1737, m. Dec. 6, 1757, Jerusha, dau. Dea. Samuel Smith ; he was of Warwick, 1761, but d. in Towns- end, Vt. Lucy, July 15, 1741, m. Aug. 20, 1765, Simeon Chapin, of Chicopee, where she d. at the age of 83. A son, d. young; date of b. or d. unknown. 4. Lucius, s. of Benjamin (3), at the north end of the street. He m. Sarah, dau. Dea. Samuel Ch. : Oliver, Dec. 3, 1746 (5). Charles, Sept. 4, 1748 ; doctor; m. Aug. 2, 1747, Tabitha, dau. Daniel Morton. (2), Editha Ruggles ; sett, in Hardwick. Benjamin, Nov. 6, 1751, d. April x6, 1762. Lydia, Dec. 25, 1753, m. Aug. 9, 1770, Col. Samuel Ashley, of Winch. Sarah, Dec. 25, 1756, d. April 20, 1773. Lucius, Nov. II, 1761 ; doctor; m. Esther, 172^ lith. ' rencn war ; kept tavern Green- dau. Daniel Morton ; sel wich. Benjamin, Jan. 12, 1764, m. Dec. 21, 1784, Editha, dau. Paul Field ; sett, in Winch. Jesse, Feb. 2, 1766 ; sett, in Lyndon, Vt. Calvin, July, 1768 (6). Adrastus, Aug. 10, 177 1 (7). Sarah, July 6, 1773, m. Oct. 11, 1811, Maj. Elisha Alexander; a 2d wife. 5. Oliver, s. of Lucius (4), b. 1746, d. April 29, 1827. He m. Aug. 5, 1768, Sibyl, dau. Seth Field. She d. Sept. 86. 14, 1836, Ch. : Infant. Otis, Sept. 20, 1770 (8). Oliver, May 8, 1773, m. Arethusey Whit- ney, of Warwick; d. March 7, 1857. Sibyl, Jan. 23, 1776, d. April 9, 1777. Sibyl, Dec. 9, 1777, m. Samuel Foot. Susa, bapt. Jan. 2, 1780, d. soon. Seth, Feb. 19, 1781 (9). Susa, July 15, 1784, m. Col. Obed Slate, of Bernardston. Charles, Feb. 22, 1786, d. Dec. 8, 1805. 6. Calvin, s. of Lucius (4), b. 1768 ; shoemaker Oct. 23, 1791, Sarah Harvey. (2), H Peabody. Ch. : Infant, d. April 26. Adrastus. Calvin. Sarah. Eusebia, m. — Walton. Frenda. Lyndon, Vt., 1793. wid. Mary (Larabee) Emiline, m. Squire Holden. Edward, 1 . . .„. , Edwin, r^'"=5 sett, m Winch. Mary, May 2, 1819. Harvey. Family Genealogies. 435 7. Adrastus, s. of Lucius (4), b. 1771; landlord; d. Jan. 27, 183a. He m. Patty, dau. George Field. She d. Sept. 29, 1843, a. 68. Martha, Sept. i6, 1 8 10, m. Geo. Wheeler, of 111. Fanny, Feb. 10, 1813, m. Dec. 16, 1829, George E. Scott. Jerusha, Nov. 4, 181 5. Margaret, Sept. 3, 18 17, d. July 29, 1 8 19. Margaret, Feb. 19, 1820, d. March 10, 1826. Ch.: Lydia, Aug. 4, 1800, m. April 13, 1822, Aaron Lord. (2), Nov. 21, 1843, Otis Everett. George, Oct. 2, 1803, m. Dorothy Doollttle ; sett, in Hins. Charles, Jan. 6, 1806, d. s. p. Oct. 3, 1848. Lucretia, Aug. 24, 1808, d. unm. Jan. 15, 1851. 8. Otis, s. of Oliver (5), b. 1770; captain; Winch.; d. June 29, 1855. He m. abt. 1786, Sophia Shattuck, of Guilford, Vt , who d. May 5, 1867, a. 87. Mary Collins ; they had Ch,: Frederick, 16 ch. William, m. Manner Waggener (?) of N. Y. Lydia, m. Tyler C. Stone, of N. Y. Sibyl, m. John Barrett, of Hins. Oliver, m. Martha Wright, of Ver. Hiram, m. Cynthia Perry, of Nfd.; had 10 ch. Eliphalet, m. Phebe Bolton, of Winch. Seth, m. Minerva Moss, of Winch. Franklin, m. Elizabeth Howard, of Winch. Jackson, m. Mary J. Howard, of Winch. Philinda, m. Rufus Lines, of Hins. Sophia, m. Seril (?) Howard, of Winch. Otis, m. Rophelia Howard, of Winch. And four who d. young. 9. Seth, s. of Oliver (5), b. 1781 ; sett. Hit He m. Apr. 14, 180 Nov. 30, 1836, a. 56. Ch.: Londus Bardwell, April 20, 1802. Twindaus., b. and d. March 11, 1804. Lucius, April 25, 1805, d. July 23, 1831. Charles O., March 29, 1807. Eunice, July 15, 1809, m. — Rice. She Jan. II, 1839. d. April 4, 1844. Eunice, dau. Eldad Wright, of Winch. She d. Seth Otis, July 23, 181 1. Lucy, April 7, 1814, d. Dec. 29, 1830. Love, July 25, 1817. Elizabeth, July 23, 18 19. Joseph, July 5, 1822. Benjamin, July 5, 1824. DORRELL, William, b. in England, March 15, 1752; came over in the army of Burgoyne, and cap. with him; was at Nfd. 1784, having bef. lived in Petersham, and Warwick; he rem. to Leyden, where abt. 1794 he estab- lished a sect called Dorrelites, which flourished four or live years. He d. a pauper, in Leyden, Aug. 28, 1846, a. 94. He m. in Petersham, Polly Chase. He left descendents. DOUBLED AY, Elijah, 1763. DUDLEY, Paul, 1786; rem. before 180 1. He m. Martha . Ch. : Nancy, July 2, 1792, d. Oct. 2, 1794. Arad, bapt. Feb. 12, 1797. DUMAR, Samuel, 1786. DUNCAN, John, 1808. DUNCAN, Samuel, 1786. DURANT, Samuel, 1817-18. DURKEE, Thomas, 1807-15. He m. Jan. 31, 1805, Susanna Stebbins I. DUTTON, Timothy, b. abt. 1737; deacon; Esq.; a merchant, of Hebron, Ct. ; rem. to Nfd., 1796, where he continued the same business for 43 6 History of Northfield. many years; rep.; often occupied offices of trust and honor; he d. Aug. 31, 1814, a, 78. He m. Martha Bartholomew, who d. March 29, 1802. (2), 1802, Try- phena, wid. of Col. Samuel Williams, of Warwick, dau. Gad Lyman, Nhn. She d. Jan. 5, 1830. Ch.: Lois, Nov. 12, 1759, m. Sept. 25, Olive, m. Sept. 10, 1797, John Gould, of 1 78 1, Capt. David Barber, Hebron, Ct. Vernon, Ct., and Hins. Timothy, d. at the age of 14. Lucy, d. young. Martha, m. Jonathan Townsend. Timothy B., abt. 1776 (2). Lydia, m. John Man, Hebron, Ct. 2. Timothy B., s. of Timothy (1), b. 1776; ensign ; deacon ; merchant in CO. with his father ; selectman, 5 consecutive years ; filled many places of public trust; d. July 8, 1821. He m. Aug. 8, 1803, Mary, dau. Col. Samuel Williams. She d. Dec. 10, 1827, a. 44. Ch. : Timothy, March 23, 1805 (3). Samuel W., May 13, 1813 (4). Tryphena L., May 10, 1807, d. March 14, Amariah, July 2, 1815, d. Aug. 14, 1822. 1826. Infant son, d. April 22, 1818. Mary W., Nov. 3, 1809, m. Dr. Asa S. Lucy, Oct. 11, 1819, d. Sept. 5, 1822. Rudduck, Buckland. 3. Timothy, s. of Timothy B. (2), b. 1805; sett, in Edgington, 111. He m. Dec. 9, 1827, Adeline Maynard, who d. Dec 23, 1832, a. 27. Ch.: Lucy, Sept. 9, 1828, m. Sept. 28, Timothy, Feb. 9, 1832, d. Oct. 13,1834. 1856, Samuel Woodruff, of Hartford. Infant son, d. Nov. 8, 1832. Adeline, July 25, 1830, m. April 12, 1872, Elisha Alexander. 4. Samuel W., s. of Timothy B. (2), b. 1813; deacon; rep.; town treasurer 29 years; town clerk 18 years; selectman many years; school committee 12 years ; a useful citizen in many other stations. He m. Dec. 3, 1835, Mary Dascom, of Milton, N. H., who d. Feb. 10, 1857, a. 53. (2), March 10, 1858, Mary, dau. Jona. White, of Erving. Ch. : Samuel D., Sept. 3, 1836. Mary T., Oct. 17, 1829. EARLE, Robert, from Scotland, 1781; a shoemaker. His wife and infant ch. d. Feb. 4, 1786. He m. (2), May 28, 1787, Lydia, dau. John Beaman. Ch.: John, Jan. 23, 1788. Sally, April 19, 1793. Abigail, Jan. 2, 1791. Robert, Oct. 22, 1795. 1. ELGAR, or ELGARR, Abraham; sol. under Capt. Kellogg, at Nfd., 1724, entered on roll as "servant to Rev. M. DooHttle ;" was of Nfd. 1727; was alive 1766. He m. Sarah . Ch.: Thomas, April 21, 1732 (2). Waitstill, March 8, 1736; sol. 1756; rem. Submit, Jan. 26, 1733-4, m. Dec. 28, 1754, to Hins. abt. 1790. Jacob Elmer. 2. Thomas, s. of Abraham (2), b. 1732; served in the old French war, and in the war of the Rev. He is said to have made the inscription on Belding's rock, to mark the spot where Aaron Belding was killed. Of Winch. 1762 ; d. Feb. 6, 1801. He m. May, 1783, Azubah Briggs, of Hins., who d. April 9, 1844. Ch.: Salma, 1784, m. Dec. i, 1808, Re- Mary, March 6, 1786. becca Peck, of Roylston. Leonard B., Dec. 18, 1788. Family Genealogies. 457 Sally, 1790, m. Dec. 22, 1807, Aaron Lucinda, Feb. 9, 1797. Morse. Prob. William L., who m. Dec. 3, 1818, Azubah, March 9, 1791. Sophronia Slowter. Abraham B., Feb. 28, 1794. Prob. Lucy, who m. March 3, 1822, Wm. Submit. Webster, Jr. ELLES, Enoch, 1761-90, ELLES, Moses, 1814-15. ELLES, William, 1790 ; sol. in war 1812, at the age of 60. He m May 28, 1793, Esubia Morse, of Warwick. (" Seba" on rec. ) Ch.: Mary, Nov. 15, 1797. Lucy, Feb. 10, 1808. Jonas, Jan. 23, 1800. Elmira, Dec. 21, 1809. Sylvanus, Dec. 28, 1801. Levina, Aug. 19, 181 3, d. Aug. 5, 1814. Aaron, Dec. 14, 1803. George, Aug. 7, 1816. Nancy, Jan. 26, 1806, d. Nov. 9, 1822. 1. ELMER, Hezekiah, Dfd. ; rem. to Nfd., 1717; sol,, 1724, under Capt. Kellogg; alive 1754. He m. Miriam , who d. Sept. 19, 1750. Ch. : Miriam, Jan. 31, 1722. Thankful, and | Jan. 2, 1 Hezekiah, Sept. 29, 1724 (2). Deliverance, / 1736-7, J sett, in Ver. ; Jacob, Dec. 13, 1726, d. Jan. i, 1727. d. Jan. 11, 1804. His grave stone bears Jacob, 1728 (3). the following epitaph : Daniel, July 3, 1730 j of Sund. 1755 ; of "Peaceful and silent here lies Dill, Farmington, Ct., 176 1. What talents he had he used them well. Samuel, Sept. 20, 1732; was living with He did his best to merit fame. Simeon Alexander, 1753. Remember Dill, and do the same." Gad, Oct. 4, 1734. 2. Hezekiah, s. of Hezekiah (i), b. 1724, d. March 30, 1810. He m. May 30, 1751, Sarah, dau. Benoni Wright. She d, April 6, 1809, a. yg. Ch.: Ann, Feb. 2, 1752, m. April 18, Hezekiah, bapt. Jan. 27, 1765, d. young. 1774, Abner Wright. Hezekiah, bapt. Sept. 13, 1766, m. Tabitha, Elijah, Oct. 3, 1753 J s^'^'^- '" Hins. dau. Eldad Wright, and d. in Hins., Sarah, bapt. April 2, 1758, d. May 17, Feb. 23, 1822, She d. March 3, 1850, 1833. a. 80. Zilpha, bapt. Jan. 27, 1760. Philana, bapt. Jan. 5, 1772. Ozias, bapt. Aug. 22, 1762 ; Hins. ; d. Nov. 13, 1838, 3. Jacob, s. of Hezekiah (1), b, 1728 ; sol. 1758 ; rem. from Sund, to Nfd,, 1758, and thence to Hins,, 1763, He m. Dec. 28, 1754, Submit, dau. Abraham Elgar, Ch. : Reuben, bapt. April 19, 1755; sett. Elisha, bapt. Dec. 3, 1757. in Hins.; d. May 9, 1844; m. Ruth — , John, bapt. July 5, 1763. who d. March 17, 1835, a. 76. ELWELL, x^sa, 1 81 5, He m, Rhoda , Ch. : Aretus. Fidelia, Feb. 25, 1 8 17. Asa. Elizabeth, June 12, 18 19. Rhoda. Adams, May 17, 1825. Leonard. Per. Julia, who m. May 19, 1830, Erastus Renoldo, Jan. 13, 1815. Holton. ELWELL, Stephen, 1814. He m. Lucinda . Ch.: Asher Allen, July 26, 1816. Henry, Sept. 25, 1820. Mary T., Nov. 30, 18 18. 43 8 History of Northfield. ELY, Thomas, 1788-9. EMERSON, John, 1801. ENOCH, Benjamin ; a Burgoyne man. He m. Fanny, dau. John Field. ESTERBROOKS, Robert, 18 15. 1. EVANS, John; Roxbury ; Dfd., before Philips' War, and again, 1685-95. He m. Mary . (2), July, 1677, Mary, wid. of Experience Hins- dale, dau. John Hawks. Ch.: John, bapt. July 30, 1671, m. June Peter, June 21, 1674 (2). ai, 1716, Rebecca Merrick j sett, in Ellinor, Jan. 8, 1678. Spfd. Jona, March 10, 1679. Peter, April 27, 1 673, d. young. Randal, 1682. 2. Peter, s. of John (i), b. 1674; rem. to Nfd. abt. 17 16; d. July 8, 1752. He m. April 8, 1708, Mary, dau. Edward Allen. She d. in Hins., May 1772, a, 83. Ch. : John, Dec. 2, 1711 (3). Moses, March 17, 1721 (5). Peter, Feb. 11, 171 3-14 (4). Randal, March 25, 1727-8 (6). Mary, Nov. 11, 17 17, d. young. 3. John, s. of Peter (2), b. 1711; lieut. ; Hins, 1753; d. Feb. 23, 1781. Hem. Lydia, dau. Rev. Benj. Doolitfle. She d. April 2, 1806, a. 85. Ch.: Asher ; major, at Rockingham, Vt., Lydia, bapt. Nov. 16, 1751, m. 1773, Ebe- 1779. nezer Cooper. Ethni. , Urial, bapt. Sept. 23, 1753, m. Oct. 10, Ore. 1774} Lucinda Evans. Zeri, of Hartland, Vt., 1786. John, bapt. June 29, 1755, ^- young. Asa, of Hartland, 1786. Elzi, bapt. July 2, 1758; of Hartland, Henry; sett, in Guilford, Vt. 1768. Eldad, ) April 27, ■) m. Betsey; sett, in John, bapt. Nov. -Z, 1760, m. Dec. 30, Mindwell, J 1749. J Hinsdale. 1778, Rhoda Putnam. Medad, 1750, m. Mary, who d. March 8, Phila, bapt. Dec. 12, 1762. 1833, a. 83. He d. April II, 1833. Selah, 1678, d. Oct. 11, 1792. 4. Peter, s. of Peter (2), b. 1714; deacon; dis. from ch., in Nfd., with wife, Aug. 14, 1763, " to lie in the foundations of the ch. in Hins." He m. Ruth . Ch. : Ruth, Jan. 9, 1739. Naomi, July 7, 1748. Peter, Dec. 7, 1741. Vashti, Sept. 3, 1750. Asher, Aug. 7, 1744. Eli, bapt. June 10, 1754. Jesse, July 7, 1746. 5. MosES, s. of Peter (2), b. 1721 ; sol. in French war, 1756 ; rem. to Warwick, abt. 1761 ; d. Feb, 6, 1807. He m, Chloe, dau. Rev, Benjamin Doolitde, Ch. : Mary, Oct. 29, 1746, d. in infancy. Joseph, Oct. 10, 1756. Moses, Oct. 15, 1747 ; sett, in Warwick. Anner, March 28, 1759. Mercy, Sept. 29, 1749. Imri, Dec. 7, 1761. Lucretia, Feb. 2, 1752, m. Urial Evans. Zerah ; of Windsor, Vt., 1786. Ira, Feb. 5, 1754. Arad, Aug. 12, 1770. Family Genealogies. 439 6. Randall, s. of Peter (2), b. 1728 ; rem. to Waterbury, Ct., after Aug., 1753- He m. Phebe , Ch. : Randall, Sept. 21, 1752. I. EVERETT, EVERARD, Richard, one of the founders of Dedham, 1636. He m. M ary Ch. : John (2). Mary, Sept. 28, 1638 (7 ?), m. Sept., 1662, James Macker. Samuel, March 31, 1639, m. Oct. 28, 1669, Mary Pepper. Sarah, March 14, 1641, d. April i, 1641. Sarah, June 12, 1644, m. July 24, 1665, Cornelius Fisher. Abigail, Nov. 19, 1647, m. April, 1677, Matthias Puffer. Israel, July 14, 1 651, m. Abigail — . Ruth, June 14, 1653. James, March 14, 1643, d. April 21, 1643. Jedediah, July 11, 1656, m. Rachael — . 2. John, s. of Richard (i) ; Dedham ; captain; d. June 17, 1715. He m. May 13, 1662, Elizabeth, dau. Robert Pepper, of Roxbury. C/i. : Elizabeth, Nov. 6, 1665. William, Jan. 20, 1678, m. Feb. 24, 1703, Hannah, Sept. 14, 1670. Rachael Newcomb. Bethiah, Oct. 3, 1673. Israel, April 8, 1681. John, June 9, 1676 (3). Richard, Aug. 24, 1683, m. March 3, 1708-9, Mary Fuller. 3. John, s. of John (2), b. 1676, d. March 20, 1751. Hem. Jan. 3, 1700, "Mercy Brown. Ch. : John, May i, 1701, m. Aug. 31, 1749, Mary Bennett, of Wrentham. Joseph, July 31, 1703 (4). Ebenezer, Aug. 5, 1707, m. Joanna Stevens Eleazer, "I July 29, ") d. Sept. 3, 1710. Mercy, J 1710, J m. May Jona. Newcomb, of Norton. 3. 1737, Eleazer, Aug. 10, 1712, m. Aug. 12, 1735, Judith, Dean. (2), Bethia Morse. Edward, Oct. l8, 1714, m. Mary — . Hannah, Jan. 5, 1717, m. — Draper. Abigail, Nov. 3, 1718, m. Dec. 16, 1740, Eliphalet Fales. Mary, March 8, 1720-1, m. Nov. 24, Benjamin Newcomb. 4. Joseph, s. of John (3), b. 1703. He m. Feb. i, 1727, Hannah Richards, of Stoughton. • 760, Mary Abigail, Dec. 25, 1740, m. Oct. 9, 1760, t743. Ch. : John, Jan. 3, 1/28, m Smith. Hannah, Nov. i, 1730, m. Aug. 5, 1760, Nathan Clark, Jr. Joseph, Feb. i, or 10, 1732-3, m. Keziah Ware, of Wrentham. James, July 23, 1735, d. s. p. bef. 1774. Jesse, Aug. 29, 1738, m. Eunice Hartwell, of Canton. Elijah Hawes. (2), Jacob Hewins. Catherine, May 20, 1743, m. Aug. 24, 1764, Micah Allen. Edward, Oct. 26, 1745. Elizabeth, April 8, 1748, m. Isaac Dean, of Mansfield. Oliver, April 11, 1750 (5). 5. Oliver, s. of Joseph (4), b. 1750, d. July 28, 1827. He m. Sept. 19, or Nov. 15, 1773, Susanna Capen. Ch : Hannah, Aug. 11, 1774, m. Nov., Susan, Feb. 23, 1785, m. 1813, Nathaniel 1794, Benjamin Reynolds, of Sharon. Kimball, of Goffstown, N. H. Oliver, Aug. 19, 1776, m. Hannah Stover. Elizabeth, Jan. 9, 1788, m. May 9, 1809, (2), Wid. Bartol. Ebenezer Tisdale ; hed. Aug. 31, 1811. Otis, Oct. 17, 1778 (6). (2), April 16, 1818, Samuel Tolman, of Moses, Dec. 26, 1780, m, Nov. 8, 1810, Boston. Elizabeth Gore. Joseph, Sept. 14, 1790, d. May 18, 1794. Aaron, Jan. 2, 1783, m. Feb. 22, 1807, Sarah McKindry, of Canton. 440 History of Northfield. 6. EVERETT, Otis, s. of Oliver (5), b. 1778. He presented the first parish with a library, and a fund to keep it up ; was much interested in im- provements in the street and burial ground. He d. Jan. 4, 184.9. He m. May 24, 1801, Hannah Ross, who d. Aug. 30, 1804. (2), Feb. 18, 1806, Elizabeth Hurd, who d. May 26, 1822. (3), Jan. 29, 1829, Lucretia Gore, who d. July 23, 1832. (4), Nov. 21, 1843, Lydia, wid. of Aaron Lord, dau. of Adrastus Doolittle. Ch.: Hannah, July 13, 1802, d. in infancy. Hannah E., Jan. 15, 1813, m. Sept. 11, Otis, June 5, 1803, m. Oct. 25, 1827, Eli- 1833, John D. Weld, of Boston. zabeth L. Blake. Mary Russell, Dec. 24, 1814, m. Nov. 21, Hannah Ross, Aug. 18, 1804, d. Sept. 29, 1833, Samuel S. Curtis. 1805. Susan Capen, Jan. 2, 1817, m. Jan. 2, 1838, Rebecca L., June 13, 1807, m. Dec. 24, John A. Richardson. 1828, Henry Curtis, of Boston. Anna Foster, Nov. 6, 1820, m. June 9, Catherine E., Aug. 17, 1808, d. May 6, 1842, Alfred H. Sumner. 1809. Lucretia Gore, July 15, 1832, m. Nov. 13, John Hurd, Jan. 16, 18 10. 1856, Arthur E. French. Oliver Capen, Aug. 20, 181 1 (2). 7. Oliver C, s. of Otis (1), b. 18 11; H. C. 1832; clergyman; sett, over the First Parish in Nfd., March 8, 1837; dis. Nov. 26, 1848. He m. May 25, 1837, Betsey W., dau. Daniel Weld, of Boston. Ch. : Oliver Weld, July 20, 1838, d. Sept. Moses Williams, d. 1856. 19, 1844. Oliver Hurd. Edward Franklin, May 28, 1840. FAIRBANKS, Luther ; blacksmith; joined the army at Lexington, April, 1775 ; enlisted in May following under Capt. Elihu Smith ; was sergeant in Capt. Jonas Hubbard's co., in the expedition to Ouebec, and was taken pris. at the storming of that city, Dec. 31, 1776 ; released on parole, Sept., 1776 ; being exchanged, re-enlisted Feb., 1777; was present at the cap. of Burgoyne ; went to New Jersey, where Gen, Patterson appointed him wagon-conductor to his brigade ; acted until his discharge, by order of Gen. Green, July, 1778, receiving the pay of captain of infantry. After the close of the war he rem. to Pittsfield, Vt., where he d. Dec. 6, 1836, a. 80, He was m. twice, but left no ch. FAIRBANKS, Nathan, 1755. He m. Sept 21, 1794, Clarissa, dau. Amasa Sheldon, of Ber. FAIRBANKS, Susanna, b. 1761. She m. July 16, 1782, John Burt. FAIRMAN, John, b. 1750; enlisted into the continental army for three years, March. 1777; discharged at Morristown, N, J.; d. Jan. 14, 1827. He m. Elizabeth Pelton. She d. March 12, 1826, a. 62.. Ch. : Prob. John, 1788; sol., 1812; m. Joab, 1799, m. Betsey, wid. Moses Malory, j Eunice Streeter. dau. John Caldwell. Jude, 1790. Asa, 1803, m. wid. — Russell. Zerah, 1793. Elijah, 18 1 3, m. Harriet Arling. Lucina, abt. 1795, m. Moses Caldwell. FARRAR, Adam; reed maker, 1790; d. 181 1. He m. Jan. 2, 1798, Lydia Jennings, of War. Ch. : Polly, May 31, 1798, m. Aug. 17, Nathaniel, Nov. 11, 1799. 1817, Warren Bancroft, of War. Family Genealogies. 441 FARRAR, John, fr. Hardwick, 1766; Rev. sol.; d. March 19, 1780, a. 46. Name of wife unknown. She d. March 9, 1774, a, 34. Ch. : Eunice, bapt. Feb. 10, 1768. Nathaniel, bapt. March i, 1772,. Tabitha, bapt. Nov. 19, 1769. Child, b. and d. March 5, 1774. FELTON, Charles, 1806; rem. to Dfd., 1812. FELTON, William ; taxed, 1791, for three polls. FELTON, Polly. She m. Sept. 28, 1802, Josiah Fisher. FIELD, Israel, from Bratt. 1776; went back 1781. Wife unknown. Ch. : Lucinda, bapt. Aug. 4, 1776. Josiah, bapt. Dec. 5, 1779. FIELD, Reuben, 1763; in Rev. army 1776. 1. FIELD, Zecheriah, b. in England, 1600 ; of Dorchester, 1630 ; of Hart., 1639-49; Nhn., 1659; Hfd., 1663, where he d. June 30, 1666. He m. Mary . Ch. : Mary, m. Oct. 2, 1663, Joshua Carter, Joseph, abt. 1659, m. June 28, 1683, Jo- of Dfd., who was killed with Capt. Lo- anna Wyatt, who d. March 22, 1723. throp, Sept. 18, 1675. (2), May 2, 1723, Mary, dau. Thomas Zecheriah (2). fe. \{fM S Wells, and wid. of Stephen Belding, of John^m. Dec. 15, 1670, Mary, dau. Alex- Hfd. She d. in Nfd., March 15, 1 75 1. ander Edwards. He d. June 26, 1717. He d. in Sund., Feb. 15, 1736. Samuel (3). t^j&Sl ■ 2. Zecheriah, s. of Zecheriah (1); sett, in Dfd.; d. 1674. He m. Dec. 17, 1668, Sarah, dau"!" John Webb, of Nhn. She m. (2), Robert Price. She was killed at Dfd., Feb. 29, 1704. Ch. : Zecheriah, 1669, d. young. John, Dec. 8, 1673 (4). Ebenezer, Oct. 31, 1671 j sett, in East Guil- ford, Ct., 1696. ^3, .'i tr.' 3. Samuel, s. of Zecheriah (i) ; sett, in Hfd. ; in the Falls Fight ; was killed by Indians, June 24, 1697. '^ He m. Aug. 9, 1676, Sarah, dau. Thomas Gilbert, of Spfd. Ch.: Samuel, Sept. 27, 1678, m. Sarah Zecheriah, Aug. 29, 1685(5). (Edwards), wid. of David Hoyt, of Dfd. Ebenezer, March 17, 1688 (6). Thomas, June 30, 1680, m. Oct. 21, 171 3, Mary, July 23, 1690. Sarah Dickinson, of Springfield. Josiah, Nov. 5, 1692 (7). Sarah, June 30, 1683, m. Nov. 18, 1702, Joshua, April 9, 1695, m. Dec. 15, 1719, Samuel Warner, of Springfield. Elizabeth Cooley, of Springfield. 4. John, s. of Zecheriah (2), b. 1673; sett, in Dfd.; his family was broken up Feb. 29, 1704; was of East Guilford, Ct., 1707; rem. to Co- ventry, where he d. 1718. He m. Nov., 1696, Mary, dau. James Bennet, of Nhn. She was taken cap. 1704, but returned from Canada in a few years. Ch. : Mary, 1 697. She was cap. with her them to go to Nfd. and live with him ; mother, was adopted into an Indian fam- the Indian was willing, but Mary had be- lly, who gave her the name of Wala- come so firmly attached to her savage life, howey. She m. an Indian, and came that she would not consent. She told her with him to visit her relations in Ct., and brother that he should be cap. and taken sent to Nfd. for her brother Pedajah ; to Canada. Pedajah firmly believed that her friends made every effort to have the attempt was made one day, while he them both remain, and Pedajah urged was mowing in Little Meadow ; which 56 442 History of Northjield. was only frustrated by his taking the John, Oct. 4, 1700 ; cap. 1704, but re- alarm. He used every precaution to pre- turned. vent a surprise, and escaped in his canoe Sarah, April 14, 1703, killed Feb. 29, over to Pauchaug, where other men were 1704. at work. Nothing more is known of Pedajah, Jan. 28, 1707 (8). Mary. , Bennet, Dec. 13, 1709. Sarah, July 20, 1712. 5. Zecheriah, s. of Samuel (3) ; b. 1685 ; captain ; Dfd., 1698, where he became a large land holder ; rem. to Nfd. as early as 1716, and soon took a leading position in civil and military affairs; d. Aug. 15, 1746. He m. Dec. 21, 1711, Sarah, dau. Philip Mattoon, of Dfd. She was one of that miserable company captured at Dfd., Feb. 29, 1704, and carried to Canada; then 17 years old. Zecheriah was one of that party which followed and fought the retreating enemy on Dfd. Meadows, in the brave but vain attempt to rescue the captives. In the settlement of the estate of Mathetv C lesson, who was killed at Dfd., by Indians, June 23, 1709, " Sarah Mattoon, who was like to be married to said deceased," shared alike with his brothers and sisters in the division of his property, by order of the Probate Court. She m. (2), June 25, 1750, Dea. Samuel Childs, of Dfd., where she d. March 21, 1752. Ch. : Seth, Sept. 28, 1712 (9). Paul, Jan. 23, 1721 (13). Sarah, Nov. 4, 1713, d. April 23, 1722. Silas, July 4, 1722, d. Sept. 23, 1722. Catherine, Feb. 11, 1715, m. — Willard. Rufus, April 10, 1724, d. Sept. 19, 1724. Gaius, April 2, 1716 (10). Zecheriah, July 22, 1726, d. Sept. 12, Ebenezer, June 11, 1717 (n). 1726. Samuel, July 6, 17 19 (12). 6. Ebenezer, s. of Samuel (3), b. 1688 ; sett, at Dfd., where his three first ch. were born, and where he held large tracts of meadow land. March 10, 1719, he had a " grant of 30 acres of land, on condition he came to Nfd., with his family, within i 5 months, and his employing himself in his trade for the supply of the people." He rem. to Nfd., 1720, and worked at his trade as blacksmith. He d. Sept. 12, 1723. There is a tradition among his de- scendants, that being mistaken in the twilight for an Indian, he was shot by a sentry, and wounded in the thigh ; that being carried to Dfd. for treatment, he d. under the hands of the surgeon. Hem. Elizabeth, dau. William Arms, of .Dfd. She m. (2), Azariah Wright, with whom she lived 46 years. She d. Oct. i, 1772, a. 77. She was the first school dame in Nfd., and a noted woman there. Ch.: Ebenezer, June 15, 1715 (14). Aaron, March 17, 1721, m. Eunice Frary, Joanna, April 6, 1777, m. abt. 1737, Phineas and sett, in Ber. Wright. Elizabeth, Jan. 3, 1722-3, m. Ebenezer Moses, Feb. 19, 1718-19 (15). Wells, of Gfd. 7. JosiAH, s. of Samuel (3), b. 1692 ; rem. from Dfd. to Nfd., 1724. In 1726 he sold his home lot there, and rem. to Ct. He m. Elizabeth . Ch. : Josiah, Feb. 24, 1723-4. Family Genealogies. 443 8. Pedajah, s. of John (4), b. 1707; horse doctor; of Arlington, 1736; Nfd., 1737; of Enfield, Ct , 1749-50; d. in Nfd., Feb. 24, 1798. He m. Hannah , who d. abt. 1754. (2), Abigail , who d. Feb. 25, 1792, a. 78. Ch. : Pedajah, before 1733 ; lived with Eli- (2), Ann (Hall) Larabee ; rem. to Roch- jah Williams, at Enfield, 1749 ; sol. 1757, ester, N. Y. from Northfield. Bennet, m. Elizabeth Ferrin ; sett, in Athens. Mary, m. Stephen Cooley, of Long Meadow. Ann, m. James Nichols, of Athens. Sarah, 1738, m. June 8, 1755, Ebenezer John (16). j • • Janes. Hannah, bapt. Aug. 13, 1753, m. -a- Ward. _,JO£<,a/(w Ruth, d. Oct. 17, 1756. Nathan, bapt. Sept. 21, 1755, m. Abigail Abigail, d. Aug. 7, 1754. Bullard ; sett, in Oakham. Eunice, d. unm. at Athens, Vt. Abigail, bapt. April 16, 1756, m. Aug. 19, Reuben J Rev. sol.; m. Hannah Alden. 1775, Samuel Warner. 9. Seth, s. of Zecheriah (5), b. 171 2 ; grad. Y. C, 1732 ; many years the leading man in town; town treasurer and clerk for a long time, and school master for 40 years, Dea. Phineas Field calls him " the father of Unitarian- ism in Nfd." He had been fitted for college by Rev. Mr. Doolittle, and probably imbibed his liberal sentiments. Served under Capt. Kellogg, 1733, and took an active part in the defense of the frontier, during the French and Indian wars ; was captain in Col. Israel Williams's regiment, 1759. He d. May 3, 1792. He m. Susanna, dau. Rev. Benjamin Doolittle. She d. Nov. 15, 1787, a. 61. Ch.: George, Dec. 2Z, 1742(17). Rhoda, Oct. 21, 1757, m. Sylvanus Rufus, Nov. 22, 1744 (18). Watriss. Katherine, May 29, 1746, d. Aug. 24, Henry, Sept. 2, 1759 (19). 1746. Seth, Nov. .6, 1761 ; doctor ; Rev. sol., Katherine, Aug. i, 1747, m. Sepr. 23, 1767, 1780. Elijah Mattoon. Fanny, Nov. 6, 1763, m. Feb. 15, 1786, Sibyl, Oct. 15, 1749, m. Aug. 5, 1768, Oli- Asa Gates, of Brimfield. ver Doolittle. Charles F., Aug. 20, 1765, d. Feb. 21, Susanna, July 10, 1751, m. March 18, 1771, 1792. Asahel Stebbins. Theodore, May 7, 1769 ; rem. to Brook- Francis, June 23, 1753, d. Feb. i, 1770. field. Olive, Aug. 19, 1755, m. Cotton Dick- inson. 10. Gaius, s. of Zecheriah (5), b. 1716; rem. to Winchester. He m. Sarah, dau. Eleazer Holton. Ch. : Zecheriah ; prob. Joshua, and Gaius a Rev. sol. 11. Ebenezer, s. of Zecheriah (5), b. 171 6; doctor; sol. in French wars, 1748-1756; d. April 9, 1759. He m. Abigail, dau. Wm. Holton. She m. (2), Oct. 8, 1767, Dea. Samuel Smith. She d. June 7, 1801, a. 80. Ch. : William, Nov. 25, 1744 (20). Lucy, Dec. 23, 1 75 1. Dinah, Jan. 26, 1746-7, m. Dec. 19, 1775, Levi, April 25, 1755 ; Rev. sol., 1779. Charles Bowen, Charlestown, N. H. Asa, Nov. 9, 1757 ; Rev. sol., 1779. Jesse, Nov. 23, 1749. 444 History of Northjield. 12. Samuel, s. of Zecheriah (5), b. 1719 ; sol., 1756; d. June 17, 1789. He m. 1745, Abigail, dau. Joseph Field, of Sunderland. She d. Nov. 2, 1803, a. 81. Mc [746, Nov. Ch. : Mary, 1746. Silas, Nov. 16, 1747 (21). Mercy, Jan. 9, 1750, d. unm. Nov. 12, 1804. Submit, April 9, 1752, d. June 26, 1762. Samuel, March 3, 1755 (^2). Aseneth, Nov. 27, 1757, m. Nov. 19, 1778, Rufus Stratton. Abigail, Sept. 7, 1764, d. unm. 13. Paul, s. of Zecheriah (5), b. 1721; deacon; d. of small pox, June 20, 1778. He m. Christian, dau. Isaac Hubbard, of Sund. 1786, landlord Ebenezcr Field, whom she soon left. a. 62. She m. (2), May 24, She d. Nov. 6, 1795, Ch. : Spencer, Sept. 26, 1754; doctor; sett. in Brookfield. Roxana, May 12, 1756, m. John Stratton, of Hinsdale. Walter, Nov. 24, 1758 (23). Christian, May 20, 1761, m. Jan. 4, 1784, Hollis Taylor, Hinsdale. Editha, Dec. 15, 1763, m. Dec. 21, 1784, Benjamin Doolittle, Winch. Sarah, June 7, 1766, d. May 26, 1790. Zecheriah, Sept. 27, 1768 (24). Thankful, July 25, 1771, d. Feb. 9, 1775. Hubbard, Sept. 20, 1775 ; doctor ; sett, in Lyndon, Vt. Thankful, Sept. 25, 1777, d. Sept. 26, 1777. of Ebenczer (6), b. 1715 She d. Oct tavern keeper, and tailor ; d. 29, 1785, a. 63. (2), 14. Ebenezer Aug. 12, 1801. He m. Sarah, dau. Eleazer Mattoon May 24, 1786, Christain, wid. of Paul Field; receiving unchristian treatment from her husband. Christian went back to her children, with whom she d., Nov, 6, 1795, a. 62. While his second wife was still living, Ebenezer mar- ried (3), Oct. 9, 1793, wid. Abigail Chapin, of Orange, who d. June 7, 1801, a. 73. Ch. : Lydia, Sept. 12, 1742. Ebenezer, Oct. 11, 1744 (25). Sarah, Nov. 4, 1747, m. April 29, 1784, David Allen, East Windsor, Ct. Abner, May 27, 1750 (26). 15. MosES, s. of Ebenezer (6), b. 17 19; ensign; he was famous as a trap- per of wolves, and once, when the bounty was f 20 a head, he caught two at a time ; on this occasion, Esq. Field told him, that " Providence had fairly snickered on him" that day; he d. Nov. 22, 1787. He m. Aug. 20, 1740, Ann Dickinson, b. at Hfd. Aug. 6, 1 721, d. Oct. 16, 1755. (2), Aug. 12, 1756, Martha Root, of Sunderland. She m. (2), Dec. 24, 1793, Enoch Bardwell, of Mont. She d. March 3, 18 13, a. 89. Ch. : Ann, Jan. 6, 1741-2, d. same day. Rebecca, Aug. 13, 1752, m. Abigail Benton, Moses D., Feb. 10, 1742-3 ; lieutenant; is pf Surrey, N. H. said to have shot Gen. Baum, at the bat- Lucy, Sept. 20, 1752, m. Oliver Watriss. Keziah, d. Feb. 3, 1755. Keziah, Oct. 24, 1756, m. July 13, 1806, James King, Dummerston, Vt. sett, in Surry, N. H. ; Dea. Eli Darte, tie of Benningtc d. Sept., 1825. Ann, Nov. 12, 1744, (since Don), Phila. Solomon, June 28, 1746. Elizabeth, March 30, 1748, m. Rufus Field. Noah, Nov. 29, 1750, m. Aug. 19, 1773, Mary Brown, Whately, and d. July 8, 1797. Medad, Oct. 5, 1755, d. Oct. 17, 1756. Martha, June 11, 1757, m. abt. 1781, Squire Howe, one of the children of Caleb Howe, taken cap. at Fort Bridg- man, 1755. Medad, April 25, 1759 (27). Phineas, Nov. 29, 1760 (28). John Montague, July 2, 1764 (29). Family Genealogies. 445 16. John, s. of Pedajah (8). He m. Sibyl, dau. John Allen; per. she m, (2), 1804, Noah Munn. Ch. : Nabby, Feb. 4, lyyg. Elihu, Dec. 30, 1784, m. Betsey Stratton ; Lucy, Sept. 12, 1779. sett, in Wardsboro, Vt. John, June 3, 1781 (30). Fanny, Nov. 14, 1788, m. Benj. Enoch. Oliver, Feb. 11, 1783 (31). 17. George, s. of Seth (9), 1742; sergeant, at the surrender of Burgoyne; d. Jan. 22, 1803. He m. July 5, 1769, Martha, dau. Samuel Smith. She d. March 13, 1830, a. 81.. Ch. : Malinda, July 20, 1770, m. Dec. 8, Polly, Feb. 28, 1779, m. May 28, 1806, 1791, Bernice Foot, Greenfield. Edward Banks. Francis, April 28, 1772. George, June 16, 1781 (33). Pattee, May 26, 1775, m. Adrastus Doo- Lucretia, July 9, 1783, d. Oct. 4, 1807. little. Jesse, Oct. 5, 1787. Roswell, March 19, 1777 (32). Seth, Aug. 26, 1791. Elihu, Nov. 10, 1794. 18. RuFus, s. of Seth (9), b. 1744. He m. Elizabeth, dau. Moses Field. Ci. : Clarissa, Aug. 25, 1765, born blind. Rufus, June 16, 1780, m. Harriet Jennings. Elizabeth, Feb. 16, 1768, m. Jan. i, 1789, Alice, Jan. 28, 1783, m. Daniel Kenney. Edward Nettleton. Lydia T., Jan. 22, 1785, m. Nov. 28, "1805, Sylvester, July 13, 1770 (34). Jo^"^ Holbrook. Charlotte, Dec. 3, 1772, d. Dec. 21, 1835. Fanny, Jan. 11, 1788. Kate, Jan. 31, 1776, m. Dec. 12, 1795, ^^^^^ ^^X ^3» ^79'» *"• ^eb. 9, 1814, Polly John Robbins. Coy. Hollis, Jan. 22, 1778, m. Jan. 21, 1806, Betsey Jennings. 19. Henry, s. of Seth (9); Rev. sol., 1779; ^' J^"- 4' '^^S- He m. Feb. 3, 1783, Rhoda Stratton, who d. Nov. 21, 1833, a. 71. Ck. : Sopha, bapt. Sept. 7, 1783. Zenophen, April 18, 1797 (37). Rhoda, Feb. 6, 1785, m. Aug. 19, 1806, Mary S., Sept. '16, 1799, d. Sept. 16, 1803. Dr. Cyrus Washburn, of Vernon. Erasmus J., Feb. 4, 1808, d. Aug. 20, Henry, Oct. 3, 1789 (35). 1827. Charles F., April i, 1794(36). 20. William, s. of Ebenezer(ii), b. 1744, d. Jan. 11, 1813. He m. Nov, 13, 1769, Sarah, Petty, who d. Nov. 11, 1806. Ch.: Nabby, Sept. 8, 1774, d. Sept. 23, Nabby, Dec. 6, 1779, d. Nov. 20, 1785. 1775. Sally, March 18, 1782, d. unm. May 2, Ebenezer, Aug. 3, 1776; a sol. under Gen. 1807. Harrison, at Tipecanoe ; d. unm. about Billy, Nov. 23, 1785 (38). 1858. 21. Silas, s. of Samuel (12), b. 1747, d. Nov. 20, 1773. He m. Aug. 16, 1773, ^zubah Root, who d. April 20, 1774. Ch. : Azubah R., March 25, 1774, m. April Twin brother died at birth. 4, 1793, Gilbert Stacy. 446 History of Northjield. 22. Samuel, s. of Samuel (12), b. He m. May 14, 1776, Elizabeth, d 1838, a. 78. Ch. : Rhoda, May 17, 1777, d. unm. Jan. 13,1852. Silas, April 12, 1779 (39)- Elisha, Jan. 28, 1781, m. Miriam Hancock ; sea captain ; res. in Boston ; raised a co. of infantry, which he commanded in the war of 18 12 5 consul to Cape De Verd Islands ; d. at Batavia, Island of Java, E. I., 1817. Caleb, Dec. 8, 1782; rem. to Georgia. Justin, Dec. 22, 1784, m. Harriet Powers; sett, in Boston. Betsey, Jan. 14, 1787, d. July 20, 1787. Betsey, July 12, 1788, d. Jan. 26, 1796. 1755 ; "adjutant;" d. May 30, 1837. au. Samuel Mattoon. She d. Aug. 23, Fanny, Sept. 26, 1790, m. Dec. 31, 1812, Isaac Gregory. Samuel, Nov. 2, 1792, m. Martha Bagnellj sett, in Georgia. Submit, Nov. 6, 1794, m, Oct. 13, 1825, Samuel Hunt, and (2), Samuel C. Al- len, Jr. Betsey, Jan. 26, 1797, d. unm. Nov. 28, 1851. Timothy, Aug. 18, 1799, m. Sept., 1838, Louisa, dau. Obadiah Dickinson. She d. April, 1848. Abigail, Aug. 11, 1802. Mary, June 10, 1808, d. June 13, 1808. 23, Walter, s. of Paul (13), b. 1758, d. May 4, 1817. He m. Plana Pettee, who d. May 2, 1800, a. 58. Ch. : Nancy, July 14, 1783, m. Sept. 13, Sarah, Sept. 1810, Levi Stoddard, Brattleboro, Vt. Paul, Jan. 22, 1785, d. Sept. 28, 1810. Roxana, July 2, 1787, m. Oct. 28, 1807, James O. Janes. Philinda, Sept. 18, 1789, d. unm. June 22, Eloisa, Sept. 19 1813. Walter, June 31 Erastus, Dec. 24, 1791 (40). Sarah, Dec. 4, 1793, d. Oct. 23, 1794 [795, pub. Sept. 3, 1820, John G. Mudge, Winch. Gratia, March 3, 1798, m. Albro Blodget, Claremont, N. H. Plana, April 20, 1800, d. Aug. 15, 1803. 802, d. Sept. 19, 1803. 1804, d. July 1, 1804. Walter, Oct. 22, 1805 (41). Eloisa Plana, June 4, 1808, m. John Mal- lord, of Georgia. 24. Zecheriah, s. of Paul (13), b. 1768, d. May 9, 1858. He m. Nov. 26, 1789, Abigail, dau. Dr. Samuel Mattoon. She d. Nov. 13, 1853, a. 84. Ch. : Son, d. June 2, 1791, a. 9 hours. Catherine, Nov. 25, 1801, d. unm. March Lucius, March 29, 1792, m. Lucia Hubbard; 3, 1864. an auctioneer ; Troy, N. Y. Son, March 30, 1804, d. same day. Sophia, Aug. 12, 1794, m. Joseph Young. Spencer, March 31, 1805, d. Sept. 6, 1805. Christian H., Oct. 12, 1796, m. James Jones, Spencer, Oct. 8, i8o6, m. Clara Humphrey. Athol. Maria, Oct. 3, 1808, d. April 10, 1811. Abigail, May 23, 1799, d. unm. Nov. 4, Zecheriah, June 26, 1811, d. unm. in Troy, 1863. N. Y. Charles, June 9, 18 15 (42). 25. Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer (14), b. 1744; sol. of 'jS; set oiF to Gill, I7q5; d. 1811. He m. July 21, 1767, Eunice, dau. Benoni and Martha Wright. Ch.: Aurelia, bapt. Oct. 16, 1768, d. Nov. Ebenezer S., bapt. May 7, 1775. 13, 1768. Amelia, bapt. March 11, 1778. Rodolphus W., bapt. Oct. 22,1769; of Gill, Emma, bapt. April 3, 1780. 1800. Asaph Warren, bapt. June 5, 1783. Bohan Prentice, bapt. April 26, 1772; D. Loving Sheldon, bapt. April 9, 1786. C, 179s; lawyer; sett, in Maine; d. Gratia, bapt. Oct. 11, 1789. 1843. Philana, bapt. Jan. 7, 1794. Family Genealogies. 447 26. Abner, s. of Ebenezer (14), b, He m. Dec. 17, 1776, Mary, dau. 1840. Ch. : George P., April 10, 1779, d. March 23, 1794. Tirza P., April 6, 1781, m. April 4, 18 1 6, Caleb Lyman. (2), John Huntington. Polly H., April 2, 1783, m. May 31, 1804, Elijah Alexander. Charles L., March 21, 1785 ; sett, in Bridge- port, Vt. Sally E., March 2, 1786, d. unm. May 7, 1812. , 1750, d. July 17, 1832. Dr. Samuel Mattoon. She d. Dec. 19, Roswell, July 17, 1788, d. Dec. 24, 1788. Roswell, Dec. i, 1789 (43). Lucy, Feb. I, 1792, m. Henry Lyman. George P., April 19, 1794, m. Pamelia,dau. Thomas Bardwell, of Deerfield. Mirilla, Au^. 30, 1796, m. Oct. 23, 1822, James Anderson, Charlestown, N. H. Abner, July 5, 1798. Ebenezer, April 4, 1800. Adelaide, Dec. 11, 1802. 27. Medad, s. of Moses (15), b. 1759, d. Feb. 18, 1848. He m. Phebe Gould, of Petersham, who d. May 17, 1841, a. 76. Ch. : Achsah, Feb. 6, 1797, m. May 28, Solomon, 18 1 6, David Eudy, Leyden. (2), Elisha Gould. Wells, Deerfield. Jan. 6, 1801 Prudence 28. Phineas, s. of Moses (15), b. 1760, d. Oct. 18, 1833. He m. Jan. 6, 1785, Diadama, dau. Reuben Morgan. Shed. Aug. 1, 1788, a. 24. (2), March 14, 1790, Eunice, dau. Capt. Seth Lyman. She d. Sept. 18, 1830, a. 60. Ch.: Sharon, Oct. 17, 1785 (44). Electa, July 23, 1787, m. Dr. John Topliff, who rem. from Wfd. to guincy. 111. Diadama, Jan. 23, 1791, m. Oct. 29, 1815, Silas Jewell,of Guilford, N. Y. 5 d. Feb. 24, 1864. Lucius, 1 Dec. "| d. Jan. 9, 1793. Lucy, >- 22, >-d. April 3, 1793. Lura, J 1792,3 d. unm. May 25, 1821. Lucy, Aug. 21, 1796, m. March 5, 1816, Dea. Josiah Smith, of Gill. Lucius, Aug. 21, 17965 clergyman; W. Coll., 1821 ; sett, at Tyringham, 1833 ; d. June I, 1839. 29. John M., s. of Moses (15), b. 1764; doctor; practiced in Sullivan, N. H., and afterwards rem. to Penn. He m. Jan. 19, 1794, Martha Harris, who d. July 5, 1 801, a. 29. (2), June 15, 1802, Olive Clark, of Sullivan, who d. Feb. 4, 1838, a. 68. Ch.: Joseph R., Oct. 5, 1794; grad. D. C, John, April 17, 1803, m. Olive C. Morse. Phineas, April 14, 1799; deacon; anti- quary. He served two years *' at the front," in the Sanitary Commission, dur- ing the great rebellion ; res. in East Char- lemont ; m. May 11, 1831, Chloe M., dau. of Roger Leavitt ; no ch. Eunice, June 27, 1802, d. unm. Aug. a, 1825. Mary, May 9, 1805, m. Jan. 2, 1861, Da- vid Allen, of Putney, Vt. She d. Dec. 27, 1868. Moses F., Aug. 11, 1808 (45). Lydia, Jan. 2, 1805, m. Jan. 14, 1840, Charles Barber, of Winch. ; she d. Dec. 14, 1843. Lucy, June 16, 1807, m. June 28, 1848, Charles Barber, of Winch. ord. as evangelist in Lawrence co., N. Y.', 1827; d. in Nfd. Aug. 9, 1828. Elijah H., Oct. 3, 1796, m. June 8, 1828, Ann Taylor ; Methodist min. in Ohio. Eliza, Aug. 19, 1798, m. March 8, 1818, John Presson, of Mexico, N. Y. 30. John, s. of John (16), b. 1781. He m. Nancy, dau. Lemuel McCarthy. Ch. : Emily M., June 5, 1807, d. unm. Esther S., Nov. 4, 18 13, Harriet M., Sept. 10, 1809, m. Henry ton. Holton. Frederick H., April 30, i John C, Oct. 3, 181 1, m. wid. Abby (Lord) little; rem. to Winch. Harris; rem. Chelsea. Sibyl A., Dec. 20, 1819. 11. Samuel S. Hol- 816, m. — Doo- 44 8 . History of Northfield. 31. Oliver, s. of John (16), b. 1783 ; shoemaker. He m. Rhoda Loveland. Ch.: Elvira, Dec. 28, 1808, m. Avery Gratia, Jan. 4, 1818, d. Feb. 4, 1818. Priest. Gratia, Aug. 6, 1 8 19. Harvey C, Jan. 20, 1811, m. Martha, dau. Lucius O., Feb. 13, 1822, d. Oct. 16, 1822. Calvin Stearns. Lucius O., Jan. 20, 1824, m. Rhoda Field; Rhoda, Feb. 23, 181 3, m. Seth Holton. rem. to Minn. Sophia A., Sept. 12, 1815, d. Oct. 2, 1822. George E., Feb. 20, 1830. 32. RoswELL, s. of George (17), b. 1777, d. July 21, 1835. He m. Oct. 23, 1803, Eunice, dau. Simeon Alexander. She d. Feb. 14, 1821, a. 38. Ch.: Eliza, March 15, 1804, m. James Adeline, Sept. 20,1809. Merriam. Charles P., Sept. 17, 181 3. Simeon A., Oct. 13, 1805, m. Adeline Jerusha, June 16, 181 6, m. M. W. Kelton, (Merriman), wid. Lorenzo Stratton ; rep., and d. 1855. 1850. Horace F., March 8, 1818, m. Mary E— . Lucretia, July 20, 1807, d. Feb. 15, 1818. Sarah, Feb. 20, 1820, m. Horace Holton. 33. George, s. of George (17), b. 1781; rep. 1833; d. March 8, 1856. He m. Dec. 2, 1805, Phila, dau. EHsha Holton. She d. Oct. 22, 1840, a. 54. (2), Feb. 16, 1841, Ruth, dau. Elijah Holton, wid. of Martin Scott. She m. (3), April 13, 1857, Job M. Dickinson. Ch.: George, Sept. 2, 1806, d. July i, George, April 4, 1820; doctor; m. Feb. 5, 1810. 1852, Susan A. Brainard ; sett, in Athol ; Son, April 3, 1808, d. next day. d. in Boston, March 9, 1861. Dau., Feb. 19, 1809, d. Feb. 27, 1809. Mary, March 18, 1823, d. April 23, 1840. Caleb Clesson, May 27, 1810 (46). Phila, March 25, 1826, m. Feb. 21, 1848, Martha S., Jan. 9, 1813, d. unm. Sept. 16, Rev. Hiram Withington. 1832. Prusia, March 15, 1829, d. Dec. 22, 1834. Alfred Russell, Oct. 28, 1815 (47). Morris M., March 10, 1834, d. Jnly 29, Lois B., Nov. 17, 1817, m. Nov. 12, 1837, 1839. Samuel Merriman. 34. Sylvester, s. of Rufus (18), b. 1770. He m. Jemima, dau. Daniel Freeman. Ch.: Thomas, Jan. 6, 1804. Lydia, Nov. 8, 1819. Horatio, April 21, 1814. Silvanus. Hollis, Dec. 8, 1816. 35. Henry, s. of Henry (19), b. 1789; killed March 5, 1833, by being drawn over the embankment, at Webster's mill, by a blind horse. He m. Dec. 29, 1814, Mary, dau. Capt. William Simonds. She d. Dec. 24, 1848, a. 58. Ch. : Henry W., Nov. 26, 1815, d. Nov. Asa S., Aug. 22, 1825, m. Laura Jewell, of 22, 1838. Whitingham, Vt. Mary A., April 9, 1817, m. Sept. 22, 1827, Erasmus J., May 23, 1827, m. Sarah Ser- George H. Waters, of Waterbury, Vt. geant. Elijah C, March 28, 1819. Martha E., March 18, 1829, m. Eli Porter, Albert A., Feb. 13, 1821, m. Eliza Morgan, of New Britton, Ct. of Leyden. Julia E., Oct. 18, 1831, m. D. G. Wilkins, George A., March 20, 1823, m. Elizabeth of Leyden. Wheelock, of Orange. Family Genealogies. 449 36. Charles F., s. of Henry (19), b. 1794. He m. Dec. 21, 1820, Electa, dau. Samuel Mattoon. Shed, May 16, 1823, a. 27, (2), Dec. 20, 1827, Mary H. Alexander. Ch. : Cyrus W., Nov. 19, 1821. Hope F., Oct. 20, 1837. Rhoda S., April 28, 1829, m. Lucius Field. Clarisa J., iVIarch 29, 1839. Sophia B., June I, 1830, m. Feb. 27, 1853, Roxana B., Aug. 8, 1840, m. Westley Simeon A. Spafford. (2), July 16, 1861, Mann. Charles H. Stearns. Elijah A., Feb. 9, 1842. Isabella A., July 20, 1831, m. Joseph C. Charles H., July 12, 1844, d. Jan. 5,184-. Swan. George J., Nov. 4, 1845, d. Oct. 11, 1848. Mary H., Feb. 20, 1833. Otis E. Frederick F., March 9, 1834; sett, in St. Eliza. Paul, Minn. Electa. Sarah E., Oct. 18, 1835, m. Samuel R. Furrow. 37. Zenophon, s. of Henry (19), b. 1797; rem. to Nhn. He m. Clarisa Harris. CA. : Marshal D., May 13, 1822. Elvira A., March 10, 1830. Mary S., June io„ 1824. Wells S., Aug. 23, 1831. Edward E., Nov. 16, 1826. Henry H., April 6, 1835. Dwight D., Feb. 4, 1828. Clarisa, April 20, 1837. 38. William, s. of William (20), b. 1785 ; suicide, Dec. 24, 1849. He m. May 8, 1808, Mary, dau. John Woodward. CA.: Sarah, April 2, 1809. Woodbury S., Nov. 30, 18 19. William, Sept. 9, 18 1 1. Franklin, Aug. 11, 18245 sett, in Troy, Abigail, Jan. 9, 1814, m. Oct. 22, 18 — , N. Y. Josiah Jennison, Jr. Samuel N., m. Electa Atkins ; sett, in Hampton, April 15, 18 1 6. Chicopee. 39. Silas, s. of Silas (21), b. 1779. He m. Sept., 1806, Ruth Bryant Faxon, b. Sept. 18, 1789. CA.: Benjamin F., Sept., 1807, m. Elizabeth Franklin. S. Towne. Maria A. Silas, d. at sea at the age of 24. Joseph W. Augusta. Ruth, d. young. Nathaniel B. 40. Erastus, s. of Walter (23), b. 1791, d. Feb. 23, 1853. He m. Jan. 29, 1821, Hannah, dau. Benjamin Callender. She d. April 14, 1872, a. 72. CA. : Thomas J., March 3, 1822; rep.; Elizabeth, June 17, 1826, m. June 25, pres. Franklin Co. Agricultural Society ; 1850, Joseph B. Callender. m. Feb. 28, 1850, Hannah, dau. Col. Eloisa A., Dec. 13, 1828. Elijah Mattoon. Erastus, Sept. 12, 1831, d. Feb. 7, 1832. Sarah C, Feb. 24, 1824. Lucretia, Feb. 14, 1833, d. Jan. 11, 1856. 41. Walter, s. of Walter (23), b. 1805. He m. Jan. 8, 1834, Mary, dau. Horace Holton. She d. June 4, 1847, a. 38. (2), x^nna, dau. Elisha Lyman. CA. : Anna E., Aug. 2, 1838, m. Dr. Ed- George W., July 14, 1840, m. Fanny Swift ; ward R. Wheeler, of Elmira, N. Y. lieutenant in the great rebellion. 42. Charles, s. of Zecheriah (24), b. 1815; lawyer; sett, in Athol. He m. July 28, 1855, Caroline C. Alden, b. Jan. 27, 1829. CA. : Charles, March 18, 1857. 57 450 History of Northfield. 43. RoswELL, s. of Abner (26), b. 1789; kept tavern in Sunderland. He m. Peace Cook. Ch.: Sarah E., Dec. 13, 1814. Albert R., Sept. 27, 1816. 44, Sharon, s. of Phineas (28), b. 1785, d. 1868. He m. Aug. 2, 1814, Betsey Hastings, who d. Dec. 29, 1848. Ch.: Samuel, May 27, 1815, m. Jan. 4, Ansel, Jan. 27, 1823, d. Aug. 15, 1825 1849, Sarah Woodbury. Reuben M., Oct. 6, 1816, m. Nov. 7, 1837, Harriet M. Scott, of Gill. "Martha, July 3, 1818. Mary E., June 10, 1820. Electa T., March 12, 1828, m. Feb. 4, 1845, D. F. Caller, now of Greenfield. Elizabeth A., Aug. 11, 1828, m. June, 1853, Jones Fisher, of Brattleboro. (2), Nov., 1864, Dea. Philander Pierce. 45. Moses F., s. of Phineas, (28), b. 1808; farmer; d. March 21, 1868. He m, Nov. 13, 1839, Catherine S., dau. Josiah Alexander. Ch. : Lucius, Aug. 15,^1841; res. in Clin- Catherines., June 5, 1847, m. Clement ton ; furniture dealer. Russell, North Hadley. Myra, May 15, 1843, ^- J^"- ^5> 1646. Christiana C, Feb. 12, 1833, m. Frank G. Francis E., Feb. 23, 1845, m. Jan. 2, 1868, Stockbridge. Maria R., dau. Nathan Smith, of Gill. Josiah A., Oct. 21, i860. 46. Caleb Clesson, s, of George (33), b. 1810; Dr.; A. C, 1833; sett. in Leominster; rep., 1873-74. He m. May 27, 1839, Hannah C. Danforth, of Amherst, N. H., who d. May 14, 1857, a. 36. (2), Jan. 7, 1858, Anna S., wid. of William S. Carter. She d. Jan. 16, i860, a. 34. (3), March 18, 1861, Martha Joslyn, of Leominster. Ch.: Mary C, April 29, 1840, d. Dec. 26, Alfred W., May 14, 1851 ; res. in Cam- 1845. bridge, ast. professor of chemistry. Clesson, June 16, 1845; printer; res. in Charles S., Feb. 28, 1854, d. March 19, Boston. 1857. Jennie L., Feb. 5, 1849, d. July 20, 1850. Catherine S., Dec. 23, 1855. 47. Alfred R.,s. of George (33), b. 1815; well known as a civil engineer; sett, in Gfd., where he was often selectman and assessor; rep.; county commissioner 6 years; at the time of his death one of the state commissioners on inland fisheries. He was killed by an accident on the Burlington and Rut- land rail road, June 9, 1870. He m. 1843, Sarah N., dau. Joseph P. Allen. She d. May 6, 1851, a. 29, (2), Dec. 15, 1852, Mary H., sister of first wife, who d. May 3, 1859, a. 29. (3), Oct. 18, 1859, Rebecca ]., dau. Ephraim Williams, of Dfd. Ch. : Harriet N., d. at 13 months. Alfred Russell, Dec. 6, i860, d. Oct. 13, Sarah Elizabeth, March 8, 1846, d. Sept. 9, 1867. 1864. Mary W., Jan. 22, 1863. Joseph Priestly, Feb. 8, 1851. Alfred Theodore, Oct. 22, 1868, d. July 31, 1, FISHER, Abijah ; Warwick ; d. April 4, 1833, a 76. First wife unknown. He m. (2), 1797, Lois, dau. Nathan Hastings. She d. 1834, a. 60. Ch. : Order of birth uncertain. a hand ; he was killed in a duel near De- Abijah, 1780, d. May 6, 1810. troit, about 1816. Josiah, abt. 1781 (2). Benjamin, of Nfd., 18 10. OtisjofNfd., 1806; studied law with John Daniel, m. Sept. 13, 181 5, Elvira Lyman ; Barrett; was lieutenant in the battle of rem. to Hinsdale. Plattsburg, Sept. 11, 18 14, where he lost George, m. April 15, 1820, Ruth Woodward. Family Genealogies. 451 Lois, Sept.. 1798, m. Prosper A. Booth. Fanny, July, 1807, m. Henry Johnson. Hannah, 1800, m. Rev. Levi Briggs, of Lucy, May, 1809, m. Reuben Phinney, of Townsend, Vt. New Salem. Nancy, Oct. 11, i8oz. Tryphena, Nov., 1811, m. John Ball, who Betsey, Nov. 1804, m. Warren Oliver, who rem. to Indiana. rem. to Penn. Mary Ann, 1813, d. Dec. 24, 1836. 2, JosiAH, s. of Abijah (i); a clothier; was of Mont., 1803; owned a mill in Nfd., on Miller's brook, 1801 ; he afterwards operated the clothier's works, carding and fulling mill, on the Cowas, which he sold in 1814, toCapt. White, and rem. to Shoreham, Vt. Hem. Sept. 23, 1802, Mary, dau. Elijah Helton. Ch.: John Bridgman, 1803. George, Nov. 7, 1808. Elvira, Sept. 19, 1806, m. Ezra Holton. Rhoda. FISHER, Israel, 1788; d. in Warwick, June 21, 1842, a. 83. FISHER, Sylvester, 1789-91. FISK, Stephen, 1775. FISK, Nathan, and wife ; "young married people ;" bapt. July 4, 1773. FITCH, James, 1773-5. FLAGG, Asa, 1760-1 ; rem. to Hinsdale. He m. Judith . C'n. : Asa, bapt. July 8, 1759. Prob. Sarah, who m. July 6, 178 1, John Molly. Willis, of Northfield. FLEMMING, Thomas, 1819. He m. Dec. 31, 1824, Abigail, dau. Frederick Morgan. Ch.: Willard, Dec. 18, 18255 Chicago; m. Alfred, March 15, 1830, m. Amerette Fox, Kate Butler. Chicago. Sophia, Nov. 30, 1826, m. Stephen Brown, Mary E. M., March 27, 1833, m. March Leland, 111. 19, 1858, Frank Nims, of Deerfield. FLETCHER, Daniel, 1773. FLINT, Nathan, and wife, from Tolland, 1780; rem. 1784 to iV>- sholm {?) \Ch. rec.'l FOSTER, Israel, 1749-50. FOSTER, JosiAH, 1749 ; rem. to Winch., where, with wife, and two ch., he was cap. by Indians, June, 1756. \Bee ante, p. 295.] He m. Jan. 14, 1750, wid. Submit Wells. Ch.: Susanna, bapt. July 4, 1751. Sibyl, bapt. Oct. 27, 1751. FOSTER, James ; shoemaker, from Winch. ; in Rev. army, from Feb., 1781, to Dec, 1783, in 2d N. H. reg. ; at Enosburg, Vt., 1820; rem. to Winch., where he d. Dec. 16, 1829. He m. Dec. 15, 1785, Hannah Stutson, who was living in Nfd., in 1843, at the age of 79. FOSTER, Nathaniel, 1766. 452 History of Northfield. FOWLER, Clark; Shelburne, 1806; Halifax, Vt., 1808; Nfd., 1809. He m. Jane . Ch.: Electa, Nov. 2, 1806. Charles, Nov. 26, 1 81 3. Julian (dau.), May 3, 1808. William, Nov. 29, 1816. Rebecca, March 18, 181 1. FRANCIS, Richard; Dorchester, 1669 ; one of the 16 young men to be looked after by the constables, as not being able to prove an " orderly liv- ing;" clerk of Capt. Turner's co., in Philip's war; of Nhn. 1675, where he took the oath of allegiance, Feb. 8, 1679; one of the engagers for Nfd, 1683, where he received grants of home lot, and 36 acres meadow land, 1683-6; d. before Feb. 8, 171 5. FRANKLIN, Ebenezer, 1811 ; he m. Hannah, dau. John Woodward; rem. to Surrey, N. H. FREELOVE, Wilber, 1788-1801. 1. FREEMAN, Daniel; from Attleboro, about 1790. He m. Jemima — . Ch.: Lavina, m. April 5, 1796, Daniel Dan (2). Miller. John (3). Cynthia. Oliver. Lydia. Alexander* Jemima. Sally. 2. Dan, s. of Daniel (i). He m. Sally . Ch.: Luthera, Nov. 21, 1817. Philurian, April 23, 1826. Lindal Whipple, Jan. 24, 1820. Elias Harris, June 4, 1828. Stillman Tenny, Aug. 14, 1821. Lyther Intoon, Dec. 7, 1830. Cynthia Spencer, June 23, 1824. 3. John, s. of Daniel (i) ; carpenter. He m. Dec. 18, 1803, Eleanor Green, who d. March 21, 1809. Ch.: Francis, Oct. 18, 1804. Lydia, Aug. 5, 1807. FRENCH, John, b. 1756; Northfield, 1809; d. April, 1833. He m. Susan White, of Mansfield, a descendant of Peregrine; d. Nov., 1836, a. 82. Ch. : John. Otis; sergeant; he m. Jan. 5, 181 3, Han- nah, dau. Lemuel Presson. FRENCH, Jonathan, 1817-28. FRENCH, Stephen; 1811-1817; from Dummerston, Vt. FRIZZELL, John, 1773-1 8 15. He m. Martha •, b. about 174.0, who d. about 1820. Ch.: Earl, bapt. Oct. 6, 1773. Pattee, bapt. June 9, 1776. Susa, bapt. Oct. 6, 1773- Relief, d. unm. Lois, bapt. Oct. 6, 1773. John, bapt. June 20, 1784. Calma, bapt. Sept. 5, 1777. FRIZZELL, Jonathan, 1815. Family Genealogies. 453 FRIZZELL, Michael, b. in Leicester, 1740; sol. from Nfd., 1758-9; Bernardston 1764. FRIZZELL, Otis, 181 5. FRIZZELL, Prudence; she m. about 1756, Moses Dickinson. FRIZZELL, Reuben, 1764; sol. 1759; Leyden, 1786. He m. Oct. II, 1786, Esther, dan. Joshua Lyman. FRIZZEL, Samuel, 1752-7. FRIZZELL, Stephen, 181 5. FULLER, Elijah, 1806. FULLER, Henry, 18 17. FULLER, Jabez, 1818. FULLER, Joseph, 1774; rem. to New Fane, 1781. He m. Mary . Ch.: John, June 30, 1775. Lucy, Oct. 3, 1779. Mary, Nov. 3, 1777. Eli, May 2, 1781. GALE, JosiAH, 1798. GANNET, John L., 1806. GARDNER, Benjamin, b. in Kinderhook, N. Y., 1736; Nfd. sol., 1759- GARDNER, Edward, 1761. GAYLORD, Hezekiah, 1772-3; a tailor ; agent for "Jona. Warner & Son." 1. GILBERT, Cornelius, 1799; from Montague; d. Feb. 19, 1805. He m. Belsora Tubbs, who d. Dec. 6, 1829, a. 66. Ck. : Lyman, 1796 (2). 2. Lyman, s. of Cornelius (1), b. 1796, d. Nov. 4, 1839. He m. Feb. i, 1824, Emily, dau. Levi Merriman. Ch. : George, Feb. 18, 1824, d. June 4, Lyman, Aug. 10, 1829, m. May I, 1856, 1863. Sarah J. Marsh. Foster, Feb. 19, 1825, d. April 5, 1842. Isabella, Oct. 25, 1833, m. James W. Cephas, Oct. 13, 1827; sett, in S. Carolina. Battles. Emily, June 12, 1838, d. May 19, 1857. GILBERT, Harvey, 1818. He m. Levity Turner. Ch. : Roxana, June 11, 1820, d. Nov. 8, David, Feb. 19, 1825. 1821. Sarah C, Feb. 9, 1827. Hannah A. H., June 18, 1822. Roxana S., April 17, 1829. GUILFORD, Paul, from Nhn. about 1760; rem. to Pittsfield, abt. 1765. He m. Mary . Ch. : Ellenor, bapt. Nov. 18, 1761. 454. History of Northfield. GODDARD, William, \797-9. GORSE, Jonas, 1797. GOULD, HosEA, d. Sept. 15, 1801, a. 34. He m. Mary -, who d. Dec. 5, 1799, a. 30. GOULD, Jadadiah, 1770-3. GOULD, Oliver, 1793. GOODENOUGH, Joseph, 1801. GOODENOUGH, Moses, 1773. GRAVES, John, 1751 ; rem. to Westfield, about 1759. He m. Mary . Ch. : Zenas, Jan. 28, 1751-2. , Prob. Sarah, who m. Nov. 27, 1789, Jo- Eldad. tham Death, of Mont. Per. Lucy, who m. June 9, 1787, Freelove Wilber, of Freetown, R. I. 1. GRANDY, Edmund ; sol. at Dfd., March nj, 1711-12; had a grant of a house lot at Nfd., 1717, and of other land, March 10, 1719, and soon after rem, there; sol. under Capt. Kellogg, 1724. He m. June 7, 1720, Silence, dau. Joseph Brooks, of Deerfield. Ch. : John, Dec. 11, 1720 (2). Silence, Jan. 28, 1727. Edmund, Oct. 29, 1722, d. May 6, 1723. Parker, March 15, 1730. Edmund, April 21, 1724; Nfd., 1763. A son, per. Robert, Jan. 19, 1732. Beriah, May 11, 1725; sol. in old French war; Nfd., 1755-63- 2. John, s. of Edmund (i), b. 1720; a noted hunter, 1757-65. He m. Esther . Ch. : Silence, Dec. 16, 1742. Reuben, June 3, 1752 ; served through the John, April 22, 1744. Rev. war; m. June 15, 1794, Sarah Lydia, Nov. 16, 1746, m. Jan. 29, 1769, Newman; sett, in Goshen. Azariah Knights. Asa, June 6, 1756. Parker, April 10, 1748. Eri, July 21, 1758. Remembrance, April 3, 1750, m. 1781, Esther, Nov. 14, 1759. Patience Smith ; d. at Dfd., Feb. 24, 1818. GRANDY, Robert ; from Salisbury about 1765; rem, to Chesterfield, N. H., about 1772. Ch. : Robert, bapt. March 17, 1765. GRANT, Azariah, 1788-93; from Glastenbury, Ct. GREEN, Benjamin G,, 1793-98; rem. to Boston. GREEN, Joshua, 1786. GREGORY, Isaac, 1809; farmer; he m. Dec. 31, 1812, Fanny Field. GRIGGS, Joseph, 1797-1805. GROUT, HiLKiAH, s. of John, of Lunenburg ; b, July 23, 1728 ; ens.; shoemaker; Dfd,, 1750; soon rem. to Nfd.; was living in Bridgman's fort. Family Genealogies. 455 . June 24, 1755, when the fort was taken by the Indians. His wife and three ch. were carried to Canada, where they were in captivity, Oct. 9, 1758, but were probably redeemed soon after. On the loss of his family, Hilkiah ret. to Dfd., and entered the military service, where he remained until the close of the war. He then took up his abode in Winch., where he staid about ten years, and finally rem. to Wethersfield, Vt., where he died. Grout was an active partizan for New York, in the Hampshire Grant troubles, from which state he received a commission of jusnce of the peace in 1777; asst. justice of the Court of Common Pleas, 1788; justice of the Court of Oyer and Termi- ner, and general jail delivery, 1782; was major of the upper regt. of Cumber- land county, in 1775. He m. 1750, Submit, dau. Nathaniel Hawks, of Deerfield. Ch. : Hilkiah, Aug. 12, 1751. Elihu, bapt. Feb. 17, 1760. Asa, Feb. 3, 1753. And others, b. at Wethersfield. Martha, Sept. 15, 1754. GROUT, Samuel, 1747-8. GUNN, Daniel, 1765. GUNN, Elijah, 1791-3. GUNN, Samuel, 1781-6. GURLEY, William; of Scotch descent; Nhn., 1679; brought up in the family of Rev. Solomon Stoddard; an engager for Nfd., 1683, where he received a grant of a home lot, but he did not settle there; drowned at Nhn., May 21, 1697. He m. 1684, Esther Ingersoll. She m. (2), Benoni Jones, who, with two ch., was killed by Indians at Pascomuck, May 13, 1704; Esther was taken and carried to Canada, where she d. Nov. 27, 1705. Ch.: Samuel, May 6, 1686, m. Experience, dau. Nathaniel Rust, of Nhn. He lived in Coventry, and Mansfield, Ct. GUY, an African slave, owned by Dea. Timothy Dutton ; one of the " characters " of Nfd. ; famous for his wit. HALL, Abijah, 175 1-7. HALL, Amasa, 1796. HALL, Enoch; wounded by Indians, in their assault on Nfd., Oct. ll, 1723; of Winch., 1739; was of Hins., 1747-64; of Haverill, N. H., June 22, 1765. He m. Martha, dau. Benjamin Wright, Jr. Order of birth of ch. un- known. Ch. : Richard, Feb. 15, 1731. Prob. Jeremiah, who sett, in Pembroke, and Enoch. m. Dec. 11, J748, Elizabeth Baily ; was Simeon. a member of the Provincial Congress, and Jacob. surgeon in the Rev. army; and Elijah. Timothy, of Nfd., 1752. HALL, Philip; doctor; 1834. HAMILTON, Samuel, 1775. 456 History of Northfield. HANCOCK, William, 1814. 1. HANNUM, William; rem. from Dorchester to Windsor, about 1639; thence about 1685, to Nhn.; a petr. for Nfd., 1771; d. June i, 1677. He m. Honor, who d. at Wfd., 1680. Ch.: John, 1637 (2). Elizabeth, April 24, 1645, m. Peter Bush- Abigail, bapt. Nov. 22, 1640, m. Nov. 23, rod. 1659, John Sacket. Mary, April 5, 1650, m. Dec. 16, 1669, Joanna, bapt. July 24, 1642. John Allen, who was killed with Capt. Lathrop, 1675. 2. John, s. of William (i), b. 1637; a Nfd. petitioner, 1671, but not a settler; he d. Feb. 19, 1713. He m. Nov. 20, 1662, Sarah, dau. Richard Weller. She d. March 30, 1673. (2), April 20, 1675, Esther, dau. George Lankton, of Nhn. Ch. : Abigail, Aug. 16, 1664. Ruth, 1680, d. 1683. Hannah, Oct. 12, 1667, d. March 7, 1689. A dau., 1683, d. young. Sarah, Oct. 4, 1669, d. soon. Esther, 1685, d. young. Sarah, Dec. i, 1671. Esther, June 15, 1687, d. young. Mindwell, "(May 24,) d. young. Joanna, Nov. 27, 1688. Experience, J 1673, f d. young. William, 1690, m. June 20, 1717, Mary John, Aug. 9, 1676 (3). Hutchinson. Eleazer, 1678, d. April 28, 1697. Samuel, 1692. 3. John, s. of John (2), b. 1676; of Nfd. 1716. He m. Nov. 30, 1698, Elizabeth, dau. Mathew Clesson, of Nhn. She d. before 1713. (2), June 16, 1715, Elizabeth {^Wright), wid of Thomas Stebbins. HANSOM, David, 1811. HARMON, Elijah, 1806. HARRIS, King; captain; b. 1790; tanner, 1814; d. Oct. 17, 1829. He m. July 23, 1817, Isabella, dau. John Holton. She d. Sept. 30, 1818, a. 24. (2), Jan. 21, 1823, Abby Lord. She m. (2), Chandler Field. Ch. : Rufus, Sept. 30, 1818. Mary A., June 14, 1826. Isabella, April 24, 1824. Charlotte E., June 19, 1828. HARRIS, Thomas, 1876-8. HARVEY, Ebenezer, 1758; from Sund.; wheelwright, 1767; rem. to Winch, later than 1772; d. in Chesterfield, N. H., 18 10. He m. Feb. 28, 1759, Sarah, dau. Jonathan Janes. She d. Nov. 12, 1764, a. 25. (2), Feb. 25, 1768, Lucy, dau. xAzariah Wright. Ch.t Electa, Sept. 5, 1760. Sarah, Nov. 9, 1764, m. Oct. 23, 1791, Orea, Nov. 8, 1761, drowned, July 24, Calvin Doolittle. 1765. Lucy, bapt. Jan., 1769. Rufus, Feb. 22, 1763. Orea, bapt. Feb. 25, 1770. Ebenezer, bapt. Dec. 22, 1 77 J HARVEY, Nathaniel, 1763-4. HARVEY, Zecheriah, 1791. HASCAL, John, 1789-93. HASTINGS, Caleb, 181 5. Family Genealogies. 457 I. HASTINGS, Thomas; deacon; b. 1605; sailed from Ipswich, Eng., for N. E,, 1634; sett, in Watertown ; was town clerk ; representative; and selectman 30 years ; d. 1685. He m. Susanna , b. 1600 ; who d. Feb. 2, 1650. (2), April, 165 i, Margaret, dau. William Cheney, of Roxbury. Joseph, Sept. 12, 1657, m. Nov. i, i68z. Ch : Thomas, July i, 1652; doctor; m. Oct. 10, 1672, Anna, dau. John Hawks, of Had. She d. Oct. 25, 1705. He m. (2), Feb. 14, 1706, Mary, dau. David Burt, of" Nhn. John, March 4, 1654, m. June 18, 1679, Abigail, dau. Lieut. John Hammond. William, Aug. 8, 1655; drowned, Aug., 1669. Ruth, dau. Mathew Rice, of Sudbury. Benjamin, Aug. 9, 1659, ™ 1683, Eliza- beth, dau. Isaac Graves ; sett, in Hfd. Nathaniel, Sept. 25, 1 661, m. Mary, dau. John Nevinson, of Watertown. Hepzibah, Jan. 31, 1663. Samuel, March 12, 1665 (2). 2. Samuel, s. of Thomas (i), b. 1665; tavern keeper at Watertown; d. July 24, 1723. He m. Jan. i, 1687, Lydia, dau. Caleb Clark. She d. Jan., 1691, a. 30. (2), April 24, 1694, Elizabeth, dau. John Nevinson. She d. 1700, a. 25, (3), July 10, 1701, Sarah, dau. Simon Coolidge. She d. Jan., 1724. CA. : Lydia, Jan. 2, 1691, d. Feb., 1691. Daniel, July 19, 1702, m. Aug. 5, 1724, Elizabeth, bapt. Nov. 29, 1697, m. Sarah, dau. James Ball, of Watertown. Henrys. Benjamin, bapt. 1705 (3). Samuel, Oct. 30, 1698, m. Oct. 13, 1724, Nathaniel, m. April 16, 1734, Esther, dau. Mary Eaton ; sett, in Boston. Benjamin, bapt. Nov., 1700, d. young. Samuel Perry; sett, in Boylston. 3. Benjamin, s. of Samuel (2), b. 1705 ; sett, in Boston; d. about 1757. He m. April 14, 1726, Mary, dau. Simon Tayntor, of Waltham. She d. 1782, a. 79. Ck. : Mary, Feb. 6, 1727, d. Sept. 22, Jonas, Jan. 13,1737, d. unm. in Boston, 1728. 1821. Daniel. Sept. i, 1728, d. 1756. Mary, March 9, 1739, d. Sept. 30, 1739. Benjamin, July i, 1731 ; taken cap. in the William, Jan. 7, 1742, m. 1769, Mary, dau. French and Indian war ; d. in Montreal. George Lush ; from Ireland. Hannah, March 23, 1733, m. Aug. 25, Nathan, Aug. 17, 1744. 1755, Amariah Leonard, of Watertown. Smith, Dec. 30, 1748. Simon, March 28. 1735, m. June 12, 1759, Samuel, Feb. 22, 1750(4). Sarah, dau. Simon Coolidge. 4. Samuel, s. of Benjamin (3), b. 1750; merchant in Boston; owned the lot on which grew the Liberty 'I'ree, so famous in the annals of Boston. In 1777 he was sent express to Philadelphia, with dispatches for Washington. The pass on which he returned, signed " John Hancock, Presd't," is still pre- served in the family. He m. 1778, Nancy, dau. George Lush, b. in Ireland. She d. Aug. 17, 1807, a. 57. (2), Frances, dau. James Lamb, of Boston. She d. Oct 1832. CA. : Samuel, Feb. 2, 1779, d. at Savannah, March i8, 1799. Sally, May 11, 1781, d. July 19, 1795. Benjamin, Jan. 8, 1783, m. 18 12, Sally, dau. James Jarvis. William, May 22, 1785 (5). George, July 30, 1786, d. unm. Feb. 9, Henry, Aug. 31 m. Sept. 4, 1817, 58 Lois, dau. William Simonds ; sett, in Warwick. Mary Ann, Aug. 6, 1791 ; a generous bene- factor to Antioch Col.; at her suggestion, the memorial stone was placed on the building where once stood the Liberty Tree. Catherine, May 19, 1794, m. Feb. 27, 1835, Benjamin Yeaton ; his second wife. 45 8 History of Northfield. 5. William, s. of Samuel (4), b. 1785 ; sett, in Warwick ; d. June 27, 1843. He m. Hannah Poland, of Boston. (2), March 20, 1820, Mary Dutton, of Windham, Vt,, who d. Oct. 23, 1846, a. 57. Ch.: William D., Dec. 28, 1 8zo (6). Esther W., March 28, 1826, m. Mays, George, July 22, 1822 (7). 1847, Rev. John F. Moors, of Dfd. She Mary D., April 12, 1824, m. Nov. 4, 1845, d. June 18, 1850. Royal W. Smith, who d. in Ohio, Aug. Clark, March 31, 1828, d. March 16, 1832. 23, 1849. (2), Jan. I, 1851, Henry W. Allen. She d. Nov. 6, 1851. 6. William D., s. of William (5), b. 1820; merchant and post master, in Nfd.; rep., 1857; rem. to Janesville, Wis., where he became a preacher. He m. March 3, 1844, Hannah D. Bowman, who d. Feb. 6, 1858, a. 34. (2), June 20, 1859, Elizabeth H. Allen. Ch.: Mary A., Dec. 28, 1844. Edgar A., Sept. 15, 1852. William B., Feb. 6, 1848, d. Sept. 11, 1848. Samuel C. A., 1863. Frank G., Aug. 6, 1849. 7. George, s. of William (5), b. 1822; merchant ; post master ; rem. to Mineapolis, Minn. He m. Nov. g, 1847, Mary L. Cunningham, of Boston, who d. Sept. 10, l8(;9, a. 34. (2), May 23, 1861, Virginia, dau. Dr. Elijah Stratton. Ch. : George C, July 29, 1848. Frederick H., Jan. 20, 1858. Willis, Dec. 15, 1852. Walter S., July 22, 1864. HAVEN, James, 1798. HAVEN, Simeon, 1799-1801. HAW, Moses, 18 18-9. HAWKS, AsAHEL, 1 8 10. He m. July 26, 1810, Betsey Robbins. Ch. : Mary Ann, Aug. 6, 18 12. HA WARD, Abraham, 1792-6. HA WARD, EzRiAH, 1793. HEATH, John, 1773. HENDERSON, William, 1789-91 ; from Ringe, N. H. He m. 1791, Sarah, dau. John Allen. Ch. : William, July 29, 1791. HENRY, James H.; doctor, 1833 ; rem. to Brooklyn, N. Y. He m. April 19, 1832, Sarah L., dau. Col. Asa Stebbins, of Dfd. Shed. March 5, 1833. (2), about 1835, Martha, dau. Elihu Maitoon. Ch.: Child, b. and d. Feb. 25, 1833. HILL, Edmund, 1786-9. He m. Mindwell , who d. June 29, 1789, a. 32. Ch.: Joljn, bapt. Sept. 7, 1787. HILL, Isaac, 1761 ; wife, Lydia, 1780. Family Genealogies. ' 459, HILL, Jesse, 1775; rem. to Hins. about 1783. He m. Lydia . CA.: Henry, bapt. June 18, 1780. Mirriam, bapt. June 18, 1780. HILL, Lois. She m. May 10, 1791, Robert Whitcoinb. 1. HILLIOUR, HILLIAR, HILLYER, HELYER, HELLER, HIL- LIARD, HILYARD, John; Windsor. 1639; d. July 16, 165;. CA. : John, June 3, 1637, d. young. John, 1645 (2). ( Mary, Dec. 25, 1639. Andrew, Nov. 4, 1646, m. Hannah, dau. Timothy, June 3, 1642. Benj. Burr; sett, in Sinisbury, Ct. James, Aug. 24, 1644, m. June 15, 1677, Simon, Dec. 25, 1648. Mary, wid. Ebenezer Dibble. (2), March Nathaniel, Jan. i, 165J d. bef. 1673. 30, 1699, Mary (Case), wid. John Alder- Sarah, Aug. 25, 1652. man. Abigail, Aug. 21, 165 <.. 2. John, s. of John (1), b. 1645; rem. to Nhr.; was one of the engagers for Nfd., 1671, and grantee, 1682. If he sett.ed under this engage- ment, he ret. to Nhn., where he res. in 1686; finally sett, in South Hadley, where he d. Dec. 29, 1729, a. 85. He m. Sept. 30, 1664, Anne Baxter, who d. June 5, 1728, a. 84. C-4. .- John, Dec. 26, 1669, d. Feb. 19, Timothy, Nov. 4, 1686, m. Mehitable — ; 1670. held lands in Nfd., under the Third Sett., Mary, Dec. 28, 1 67 1. but finally sett, in So. Had.j d. Dec. 9, Elizabeth, Dec. 28, 1680. 1759- Anne, May 8, 168-, d. July 17, 1687. HODGE, Joshua, 1806. HOLBROOK, John. He m. Nov. 28, 1805,- Lydia Field. HOLBROOK, Paul, 1793-1 801. 1. HOLDEN, James; carpenter. He m. Alice Metcalf. CA. : James, m. Sept. 24, 1811, Sarah Alice, June I, 1799. Lewis. John, May 14, 1801. Chapin, Dec. 4, 1793 (2). Philbrook, April 19, 1803, d. Sept. 26, Amidon, June 18, 1795. 1803. Metcalf, April 19, 1797. Philbrook, Oct. 15, 1805. 2. Chapin, s. of James (i), b. 1793; carpenter. He m. Nov. 30, 1815, Harriet Dike, who d, Aug. 24, 1820. (2), Jan. 9, 1822, Lucy Jackson, of Warwick. CA. : Philbrook, Aug. 15, 1816, d. at Gfd. Samuel; well known conductor on the Vt. and Mass. R. R. I. HOLDEN, John, prob, br. of James (i), b. about 1776. He m. Abigail Merrick. She d. at the age of 93, after being blind 18 years. CA. : Squire M. (2). Ruth M., m. March 22, 1825, Lewis Whit- Shepherd, June 12, 181 3, m. — Anderson. ney. ' Amos, March 7, 1819, d. Aug. 2, 18 19. Ermina ; 2d wife to John Robbins; she m. (2), Oliver Greenleaf. \ 460 History of Northfield. 2. Square, s. of John (i); rem. to Athol, He m. Emeline Doolittle. Ch. : Squire C. , April 28, 1833, d. July 2, Emma M., Jan. 29, 1838. 1834. Amos Taylor, April 16, 1839. Frances G., April 22, 1836. Lewis Whitney, Jan. 30, 1841. HOLLISTER, Elisha, 1797. HOLMAN^, Samuel, 1786. HOLMES, 'ohn; Nhn., 1678; grantee of Nfd., 1682, and there in Sec- ond Settlement; Yem, to Dfd., where he d. 1691 or 2. He m. Sarah, Iprob. Broughton. Ch.: John, Dec. 4, ^678, m. Feb. 10, 1701, Patience Webb. 1. HOLTON, ^OULTON, William, b. in England, 161 1; from Ips- wich, in the ship \" Francis," 1634; original proprietor of Hart. ; rem. to Nhn., where he was 'ordained deacon, 1663; rep. to General Court five years from Nhn., and one f^m Had.; on committee for Nfd. at the Second Settle- ment ; d. Aug. 12, 169. , He m. Mary , who d. Nov. 16, 1691. Ch. : John (2). Ruth, m. Feb. 5, 1663, Joseph Baker, who Samuel, bapt. Nov. i, 1646, m. June 21, was killed by Indians, Oct. 29, 1675 ; she 1673, wid. Mary Rossitter, dau. Jona. m. (2), in 1678, Thomas Lyman. Gilbert. - Il..chael, m. Oct. 10, 1 671, Thomas Strong. William (3). Thomas, killed in the attack on Nhn., Mary, m. Nov. 18, 1656, David Burt. March 14, 1676. Sarah, m. Nov. 18, 1656, John King. The first two marriages in Northampton. 2. John, s. of William (1,) Nhn.; d. April 16, 1712. He m. Abigail , who was alive 17 18. Ch. : Mary, Jan. 10, 1668, d. July 5, 1668. Joshua, May 6, 1678, d. Dec. 29, 1714. Eleazer (4). William, 1 679 (5). Sarah, Oct. 6, 1673. Thomas, Oct. 23, 1681 (6). Abigail, m. John Lyman. 3. William, s. of William (i), Nhn.; rem. Lebanon, Ct., and thence to Hart., where he d. 1711. He m. Nov. 22, 1676, Sarah, dau. Samuel Marshfield. She d. 171 1. Ch. : Mary, July 26, 1678, m. Oct. 25, 1695, Ebenezer Strong. 4. Eleazer, s. of John (2); Nfd. at the Third Sett.; sol. at Fort Dum., 1730; town clerk ten years; rem. to Simsbury, Ct. ; d. April, 1749. He m. June 28, 1716, Sarah, dau. John Alexander. She d. Jan. 11, 1728. C/i. : Sarah, April 15, 1717, m. Gaius Eleazor, July 16, 1720, prob. d. young. Field. Elenor, July 28, 1727, d. May 4, 1752, non Phineas, Feb. 10, 17 1 9, prob. d. young. compos. 5. William, s. of John (2), b. 1679; weaver; Nfd., 1718; d. Nov. 13, 1755- He m. Dec. 5, 1706, Abigail Edwards. Ch. : John, Aug. 24, 1707 (7). Abigail, Aug. 14, 1720, m. Dr. Ebenezer William, March 6, 1709 (8). Field; and (2), Oct. 8, 1767, Dea. Saml. Samuel, Nov. 30, 1710 (9). Smith. She d. June 9, 1801. Mary, May 19, 1714, m. John Munn, of Deerfield. Family Genealogies. 461 6. Thomas, s. of John (2), b. 1681 ; Nfd., 1718 ; killed by Indians, Aug. 23, 1723. [See ante, p. 195.] He m. Mindwell, dau. Samuel Allen, of Nhn. She m. (2), after 1726, Daniel Chapin. She d. Oct. 21, 1758. Ch. : Joshua, abt. 1703 (10). Prob. Mindwell, abt. 1712, m. Dec. 19, Thomas, abt. 1705 (11). I734> Josiah Chapin; d. Oct. 8, 1746. Hannah, abt. 1707. Ithamer, d. Dec. 4, 171 3. 7. John, s. of William (5), b. 1707 ; sergt. in the last French and Indian war; d. Oct. 25, 1793. He m. Oct. 7, 1731, Mehitable Alexander; she was many years blind; d. Dec. 28, 1792, a. 79. Ch. : Chloe, Jan. i, 1733-4, m. May 4, John, Oct. 22, 1747 (12). 1757, Ebenezer Dickinson, Amherst. Sibyl, bapt. Dec. 30, 1750, d. Jan. 18, Mehitable, Feb. 24, 1735-6, m. Dec. 13, 175 1. 1753, Abner Howe, of Hinsdale. Sibyl, Dec. 5, 1751, m. July 25, i77i,Am- Joel, July 10, 1738, m. Bethia Farwell ; sol. asa Sheldon, of Bernardston. 1759; sett, in Westminster, Vt. Solomon, April 8, 1755 (13). Irena, Oct. 20, 1741, m. June 22, 1762, Dorothy, April 10, 1763, d. April, 1787. Medad Wright, of Westminster. Charity, adopted dau., bapt. Dec. 11, 1757. Anna, Oct. 23, 1744, m. May 7, 1764, John Norton. 8. William, s. of William (5), b. 1709; captain; d. about 1798. He m. Bethia , who d. April 10, 1773, a. 60. (2), Jan. 15, 1778, wid. Mary Scott, of Bernardston. CA. : Dorothy, March 4, 1736-7, d. April Bethia, June 14, 1748, m. May 4, 1768, 27, T760. Josiah Parmenter. Mercy, Oct. 30, 1738. Lemuel, June 17, 1749 (14). Violet, Dec. 4, 1740, d. Aug. 14, 1761. William, Dec. 17, 1750; sett, in Bratt, ; Azubah, Aug. 17, 1742, d. unm. d. about 1827. Abigail, July 24, 1744, m. Nov. 24, 1768, Nartian, bapt. May 6, 1753 (^S-) Seth Cary, of Greenfield. 9. Samuel, s. of William (5), b. 1710, d. April 11, 1767. He m. Joanna Morton. She m. (2), June 11, 1772, Dea. Aaron Lyman, of Belchertown. She d. Dec. 8, 1796, a. 82. C/i. : Samuel, Nov. 24, 1743 (16). Mary, bapt. Sept. 22, 1751, m. Aaron Rob- Joanna, Aug. 22, 1745. ins. (2), Noah Morgan. Elijah, May 15, 1749 (17). Ruth, Jan. 19, 1754, d. April 15, 1754. Elisha, Nov. 12, 1756 (18). 10. Joshua, s. of Thomas (6), b. about 1703 ; was killed by Indians April 26, 1746, "while on his way home from Boston, with money to pay the sol- diers, and those who had billeted them." He m. Mary . C/i.: Ebenezer, April 9, 1742 (19). Joshua, Oct. 13, 1745. Jonathan, Sept. 15, 1743. 11. Thomas, s. of Thomas (6), b. about 1705; carpenter; " dis. from church in Nfd., 1799, with wife, and dau. Sarah, to be joined with others in a church in Fulham," (now Dummerston, Vt.). He m. Sarah . CA.: Thomas Allen, Nov. 27, 1744, d. Sarah, unm. 1799. Dec. 7, 1770. Obedience, bapt. April 29, 1764. 462 History of Northfield. 12, John, s. of John (7), b. 1747 ; lieutenant, Rev. army; d. March 22, 1825. He m. 1778, Hannah, dau. Capt. Amasa Sheldon, of Ber. She m. (2), May 23, 1832, Ezekiel Webster. Ch.: Horace, May 18, 1780 (20). Ora, July 14, 1782 (21). Rufus, Oct. 12, 1783, d. Aug. 22, 1815. Henry, April 15, 1788, m. Feb. 3, 1814, Susa, dau. Ezekiel Webster. Lucius, Nov. 24, 1789 (22). Eiias, Dec. 16, 1790 (23). John, May 22, 1792, m. March 14, 1819, Elizabeth Priest. Isabella, Oct. 16, 1794, m. 1817, Capt. King Harris. Electa, July 2, 1798, d. March 23, 1821. Betsey, Aug. 22, 1803, d. March 29, 1822. 13. Solomon, s. of John (7), b. 1753; lieutenant. Rev. army; sett, in Winch.; d, Oct. 9, 1824. He m. May 16, 1781, Mary Lyman, who d. Feb. 10, 1840, a. 84. Ch.: Bohan, March 28, 1782, m. Lucy Elihu, Jan. i, 1789; sett, in Winch. Hawkins, who d. June 26, 1861, a. 85. Harris, April 15, i79i,d. April 27, 1791. Irene, Feb. 9, 1784, m. March 9, 1808, Esther, March 6, 1792, m. 1806, Ralph Elihu Wright. Corey, of Plainfield. Molly, July 8, 1786. 14. LEMUEf,, s. of William (8), b. 1749, d. Oct. 1', 1786; "a very wor- thy and valuable man." \Ch. Rec.^ He m. Lydia Shattuck. She m. (2), Jan. u, 1787, Oliver Smith, and (3), Peletiah Phillips. Ch. : Luther, Dec. 4, 1777 (24). Lucy, May 8, 1779, ^- Nathaniel C. Hurl- burt, of Manlius, N. Y. ; d. 1873. Abel, Feb. 4, 1781 (25). Lemuel, Feb. 9, 1783, of Sherborne, N. Y., 1806-9 j of Nfd., 1815 ; d. s. p. in Gill, 1817. Ezra, March 26, 1785 ; of Brandon, Vt., 1806. Calvin, April 29, 1787; of Barre, Vt., 1808; of Randolph, Vt., 18 19. 15. Nathan, s. of William (8), b. 1753; Rev. sol.; setoff to Gill, 1795; rem. Bratt., after 1800. He m. Hannah Ware. Ch. : Timothy, March 18, 1781, m. Bennett. Dorastus, Aug. 17, 1783 ; sett, in Gill. Nancy, March 29, 1786, d. unm. in Bratt. Aseneth, June 21, 1788, d. unm. in Bratt. Sally, March 6, 1791, of Bratt. Sophia, bap. Jan. 7, Stoddard, of Bratt. Calvin B., March 16, 1797. n. Goodnough, 794, m. Ozearl (?) 16. Samuel, s. of Samuel (9), b. 1743, d. Jan. 7, 1801. He m. May 19, 1770, Sarah Alexander. She m. (2), Nov. 21, 1805^ Jonas Leonard. She d. July 28, 1831, a. 82. Ch : Samuel, Oct. 20, 1770 (26). Theodore, I Dec. 20, \ (27). Theadosia, J 1772, J Jesse, April 4, 1775 ; blacksmith ; sett, in Caleb, M New Ipswich, N. H. ; wife d. 1842. " ' " Sarah, April 30, 1777. Pattee, Dec. 9, 1779, "i- -^"S- 7» 1805 Adolphus Smith. Simeon, "I Dec. 14, \ (^8). Joanna, J 1782, J m. James O. Janes; his 2d wife. h I, 1785 (29). Seth, Oct. 31, 1787. Elihu, bapt. Jan. 15, 1789. Sophia, May 11, 1794, m. Dec. 15, 1814, Asa Stratton. Freedom A., May 5, 1796, m. Seth Stratton, New Ipswich, N. H. Family Genealogies. 463 17, Elijah, s of SamueJ (9), b. 1749, ^- ^^^- 9' 1^3^- He m. Rhoda Root, of Belchertown, who d. June 5, 1832, a. 83. derson, who d. Aug. 19, 1839, a. 39. He Ch. : Hezekiah, Jan. 13, 1777 (30). Susanna, Feb. 17, 1779, d. unm. March 3, 1853- Molly, March 19, 1781, m. Sept. 23, 1802, Josiah Fisher. Rhoda, Nov. 27, 1782, m. Job M. Dickin- son. Erastus, Nov. 9, 1784. Elijah, Jan. 18, 1787, m. Experience An- '39. m. (2), Sarah Dickinson. Quartus, March 14, 1790, m. Jane Dick- inson. She d. June 16, 1867, a. 77. He d. Dec. I, 1865. Ruth, Feb. 7, 1792, m. after 1840, Martin Scott. (2), George Field. (3), Job M. Dickinson. Miriam, April 13, 1794, d. young. 18. Elisha, s. of Samuel (g), b. 1756; Rev. sol.; d. Sept. 17, 1827. He m. Lois Benjamin, of IVlontague, who d. June 26, 1837, a. 80. Ch.: Phila, March 11, 1786, m. Dec. 2, Elihu, March 28, 1792, m. Editha White, 1805, George Field. and rem. to Erving. Electa, March 2, 1788, m. May 9, 1810, Eliphalet, August 2, 1796, m. Betsey Drury ; Elihu Stratton. sett, on Hack's Grant. Elisha, March 28, 1790 (31). Lois, March 19, 1802, d. July 25, 1803. 19. Ebenezer, s. of Joshua (10), b. 1742; sol, in 1760; rem. to Chester, Vt., and later to Westminster, Vt., where he d. April 13, 1798. He m. July 20, 1762, Mary Worthington, .of Spfd., who d. May 16, 1 8 14, a. 69. Ch.: Nancy, May 13, 1763. Ebenezer, 1767, d. Feb. 21, 1790. "Fourdaus., d. at Westminster ; one son. and three daus., d. at Chester." [^Inscrif. tion on gra-ve stone at ff^estminster, ^r.J 20. Horace, s. of John (12), b. 1780, d. April 22, 1858. He m Feb. 7, 1803, Polly, dau. Benoni Dickinson, b. Jan. 12, 1781; alive 1875. Ch. : George, May 10, 1803 (32). Mary, Nov. 7, 1804, d. March 27, 1808. Louisa, Oct. 9, 1806, m. April 15, 1832, Nelson W. Purple. Mary, Aug. 9, 1808, m. July 8, 1833, Wal- ter Field. Lucretia, July 20, 1810. Horace, July 31, 1812(33). Rosvk'ell, Aug. 31, 1814(34). Fidelia, Aug, 16, 181 6. William, July 18, 1818 (35). Isabella, March 23, 1820, m. Dec. 30, 1847, Proctor P. Purple. Rufus, April 10, 1822 (36). Ezra, Jan. 28, 1825, d. Feb. 17, 1825. Ezra L., Jan. 17, 1826 (37). Elizabeth, March 28, 1830, d. April 4, 1830. 21. Ora, s. of John (12), b. 1782; rem. to Gfd. He m. Nov, 29, 1804, Martha Hardwick. Ch. : Nelson, March 6, 1803, m. Sibyl, William H., July 19, 1812; sett, in Ben- dau. Eli Stebbins, of Winch. nington, Vt. Chester, June 30, 1805, m. March 2, 1828, Martha, March 29, 1815, m. Luke A. Dar- ling. Hannah, April 23, 18 17, d. unm. June, 1843. Ora, April 14, 18 19, d. in California, unm. Gratia, May 21, 1821, m. Homer Ramsdel. John, Dec. 20, 1824, m. Mary Harrington; res. in Greenfield. Louisa Cadwell. (2), Martha Smith ; he was wounded in Florida war. Charles S., July 12, 1807, m. Mary Ann — ; sett, in Batavia, N. Y. Erastus, March 19, 1809, m. Julia Elwell ; sett, in Bennington, Vt. 464 History of Northfield. 22. Lucius, s. of John (12), b. 1789, d. Sept. 2, 1872. He m. Lucinda Parmenter, who d. Sept. 2, 1847, a. 53. Ch.: Josiah C, April 4, 1818, m. Rhoda Hunt Blake, Oct. 25, 1824, d. Aug. 10, Fitz. 1848. Elizabeth, May 25, 1823, m. Samuel Cald- Lucius N., June 7, 1827 j sett, in Worces- well. ter. 23. Elias, s. of John (12), b. 1790, d. June 5, 1868. He m. July 4, 1822, Fanny, dau. Samuel Mattoon. Ch. : Electa M., July 25, 1823, m. Austin Edwin C, Feb. 6, 1832, d. unm. Jan. 31, Priest; and (2), Levi Cross. 1871 or 2. Sarah W., Oct. 7, 1825, m. Andrew Hale. Obed M., m. Adeline Cross. Frances E., April 16, 1827, m. Chauncy Kellogg. 24. Luther, s, of Lemuel (14), b. 1777, d. Sept. 24, 1835. He m. April 2, i8oi, Betsey Hodges, who d. Jan. 30, 1845. a. 63. Ch.: George Lucius, Dec. 10, 1801, m. Calvin, Oct. 11, 1811, m. Susan, sister to Content Snow. Anson Burlingame. Charles Lewis, Dec. 10, i8oi,d. March 29, Cyrus, July 20, 181 3, m. 1843, Amanda, 1 819. dau. John Brown. Fanny, Aug. 6, 1803, m. Oct. 16, 1825, Frederick, June 6, 1815, m. May, 1849, Simeon P. Moody. Clara Bowers. Betsey, Feb. "5, 1805, m. Jan. 3, 1828, Ed- Samuel S., March 17, 1817, m. Oct., 1843, win Moody. Elizabeth J. Clapp. (2), 1846, Tryphena, Luther, Jan. 11, 1807, m. Jan. i, — , Mar- her sister. (3), i860, Georgiana, another cia Mixter ; sett, in Gill. sister. Martha, ) June II, ^ m. May 20, 1838, Charles L., Jan. 10, 1820, m. 1844, Re- :ha, j June 1 1, h J 1809, Zebulon Allen. becca Barton. Mary, J 1809, J m. J^. 14, 1841, Lemuel, Feb. 21, 1822, m. 1848, Maria Lewis Ferrell, of Greenfield. Brown. (2), Amelia Smith. 25. Abel, s. of Lemuel (14), b. 1781 ; Gill, 1820. He m. Philinda Ballard. Ch. : Laurian, Sept. 6, 1820. Abel, m. — Park. Nancy, Aug. 19, 1823, m. Joseph Janes. Lorenzo, m. — Aldrich. Ezra, m. Elvira Fisher. 26. Samuel, s. of Samuel (16), b. 1770, d. Dec. i, 185 i. He m. June 22, 1809, Polly, dau. Asa Stratton. Shed. Sept. 12, i860, a. 79. Ch. : Charlotte, April 29, 1810, m. Jona. Asa A., June 19, 1818 (38). Lyman; 2d wife. Lucy A., March 30, 1821, m. Charles Rip- Samuel S., Dec. 8, 181 1, m. Esther S., dau. ley, d. about 1870. John Field. 27. Theodore, s. of Samuel (16), b. 1772; clothier; drowned, Aug. 17, 1847. He m. Mary Smith, of Warwick, who d. Sept. 17, 1863, a. 81. Ch. : Fanny S., Aug. 25, 1804, m. May 17, Jesse, Sept. 26, 1816, m. Martha Walkup ; 1825, Francis Johnson. rem. to Vineland, Va. Mary, Oct. 22, 1806, m. — Cook. Theodore, Aug. 22, 18 1 8, m. Mary A. Theadosia, March 31, 1807, m. — Wesson. Doolittle ; res. in Winch. Jesse, Dec. 8, 1809, d. Feb. 22, 1811. Julia S., Feb. 17, 1821. Sarah A., Jan. 11, 1812, m. Zebina Marsh. Charles B., May 9, 1823 ; rem. to Winch. Asa S., Aug. 5, 1 8 14, d. unm. Sept. 15, Martha, Sept. 26, 1826, m. John Morse, of 1858. Warwick. Family Genealogies. 465 28. Simeon, s. of Samue] (i6), b. 1782; rem, to Middlebury, Vt. He m. March i, 1803, OHve Kendrick. Ch.: Eliza, May 10, 1803, m. — Moody, George M., March 8, 1815, m. Silence — , of Hadley. d. Jan. 29, 1840, a. 18. (2), Hannah Olive, April 27, 1805, m. May 9, 1827, Wright. Edwin Wright. Joanna, Dec. 13, 18 17. Caleb, Jan. 27, 1807, d. unm. Freedom M., Aug. 12, i8ao, m. — Hough- Henry, Sept. 22, 1809, m. Harriet, dau. ton, and (2), Henry Clark, of Bratt. John Field. Simeon, July 12, 1822; rem. to Middle- Seth, June 12, 1812, m. Rhoda Field ; sett. bury, Vt. in Athol. Joseph, Feb. I, 1825, d. young. 29. Caleb, s. of Samuel (16), b. 1785; sol. in the war of 1812, from Maine; after the war ret. to Nfd. He m. in Maine, Rebecca , who d, Oct. 15, 1852, a. 64. Ch.: Freedom, Dec. 11, 1812, m. Joel Sophia A., Dec. 3, 1821, d. June 18, 1842. Merriam, of Gfd. Rebecca, Oct. 22, 1825, m. Henry Sawtelle, Sarah, March 25, 181 6, m. Charles Stimp- of Gfd. son, Gfd. Alexander, April 13, 1827, m. Mary, dau, Samuel, Dec. 27, 18 17; a sailor ; m. — Moses Collar. Wells, of Mont. William H., March 30, 1828, m. Judith, Caleb, Dec. 17, 1819; sett, in Penn. dau. Moses Collar. 30. Hezekiah, s of Elijah (17), b. 1777, d. Aug. 23, 1848. He m. Patty Scott, of Wendell, who d. May 2, 1856, a. 58. Ch. : 2uartus, June 28, 1813; rem. to Samuel S., Nov. 16,1818; rep. 1855. Fitchburg. " Experience R., July 19, 1822, m. James Henry H., Aug. 5, 1815, m. Diantha Aus- Moors. tin. Mary S., Nov. 12, 1832, m. — Foster. 31. Elisha, s. of Elisha (i8), b. 1790. He m. Amanda White, who m. (2), Chester Hubbard. Ch.: Electa, Nov. 24, 1821, m. Quartus Benjamin, of Montague. 32. George, s. of Horace (20), b. 1803. He m. Jan. 7, 1835, Anna., dau. Erastus Hubbard, of Ver. She d. May 29, 1839. (z\ April 21, 1840, Sylvia, wid. Thomas A. Snow, dau. Dr. Gideon Ryther. Ch.: Anna H., March 4, 1841, m. James E. Vickary. 33. Horace, s. of Horace (20), b. 1812. He m. Sarah A. Field. (2), wid. Fanny Webb. Ch.: Sarah E., Feb. 10, 1843. Crosby F., Sept. 9, 1850, d. Jan. 16, 1852. Arthur H., June 2, 1846. 34. RoswELL, s. of Horace (20), b. 1 8 14. He m. Mary A., dau, Izatus Sheldon, of Bernardston. Ch.: Mary A., May 3, 1848. Frank B., Feb. 16, 1856. Clinton S., Oct. 27, 1850. 35. William, s. of Horace (20), b. 1818. He m. Feb. 6, 1848, Editha, dau. William Clark, of Montague. Ch. : Frank T., March i, 185 1, d. Sept. Helen Augusta, Nov. 29, 1852. 14, 1851. Twin sons, b. and d. Jan, 27, 1859. 59 466, History of Northjield. 36. RuFus, s. of Horace (20), b. 1822. He m. May 10, 1849, Harriet Snow. Ch.: Lillia Angelia, ~l June 8, "I Harriet G. Oct. 15, 1854. Lillian Francellia, J 1850, / d. Feb. 3, Effie M., Nov. 3, 1856, d. Feb. 15, 1859. 1875. Carrie M., Sept. 4, i860. Rufus E., Sept. 13, 1852, d. Feb. 17, 1859. Grace B., Nov. 15, 1864, d. May 15, 1866. 37. Ezra L., s. of Horace (20), b. 1826. Hem. Jan. 7, 1852, Martha A., dau. Enoch Chapin. Ch.: lyiartha A. Sept. 20, 1852, d. Feb. 18, Eva R., Aug. 22, 1857, d. April 29, 1858. 1856. 38. Asa A., s. of Samuel (26), b. 1818; selectman many years ; rep., 1872. He m. Feb. 29, 1852, Abby, dau. Hubbard Phelps. Ch.: Charlotte S., Nov. 30, 1853. Frank B., Dec. 27, 1858. CoraB., Dec, 1856. HOLTON, Patty. She m. March i, 1802, Henry Corse. 1. HOSMER, James, b. in Eng. about 1607; came from London in the ship "Elizabeth," 1635 ; freeman, 1637, of Concord j d. Feb. 7, 1685. He m. in Eng., Ann , who was born about 1608. (2), Mary , who d. May 10, 1641. (3), Alice, or Ellen , who d. March 3, 1665. Ch. : Mary, abt. 1633, d. young. Stephen, Nov. 27, 1642, m. Abigail Wood, Ann, abt. 1635. and d. 1704. James, 1637 (2). Hannah, 1644, m. Oct. 26, 1665, Joseph John, 1639. Hayward. Mary, Jan. 10, 1641, d. Aug. 18, 1642. Mary, 1646, m. Thomas Smith, Concord. 2. James, s. of James (i), b. 1637 ; Concord ; killed by Indians at the Sudbury fight, April, 1676. He m. Oct. 13, 1658, Sarah, dau. John White, of Lancaster, sister of Mrs. Rowiandson. She m. (2), Samuel Rice. Ch. : James, Oct. 23, 1660 j sett, in Wor- Hannah, d. young. cester. Hannah, m. Col. Howe, of Marlboro. Mary, April 26, 1664, m. Samuel Wright. Thomas, abt. 1670 (3). Dorothy. 3. Thomas, s. of James (2), b. about 1670. He ra. 1696, Hannah Hartwell. Ch.: Hannah. Thomas, about 1710 (4). Sarah. Mary. 4. Thomas, s. of Thomas (3), b. about 1710. He m. 1731, Prudence, dau. Stephen Hosmer, of Concord. Ch. : Lucy, d. young. Dinah. Joseph, 1738 (5). Lydia. Persis. Benjamin. 5. Joseph, s. of Thomas (4), b. 1738 ; one of the heroes of Concord Bridge, where he was captain, and acted as aid to Col, Barrett; he formed i Famiiy Genealogies. 467 the ranks that marched to the attack; sheriff of Middlesex co. ; a member of both branches of the legislature. He m. Lucy Barnes, of Marlboro. Ch.: Lucy, d. young. Rufus, 1779; lawyer; sett, in Stowe ; a Lavinia, m. Abel Davis, of Concord. member of Gov. Everett's council, at the Cyrus, 1769 (6). time of his death, 1832. Lucinda, m. Timothy Brooks, of Lincoln. 6. Cyrus, s. of Joseph (5), b. 1769, d. 1818. He m. Patty Barret. Ch.: Martha, 1793, '^- 1812. George Washington, 1803 (8). Cyrus, 1795 (7)- Melicent, 1805, m. Jacob B. Farnum, of Rebecca P., 1798, m. Henry F. Cogswell. Concord. Washington, 1800, d. young. Eliza, 1808, m. Joshua Buttrick. 7. Cyrus, s. of Cyrus (6), b. 1795; deacon; principal of academy in Nfd., where he d. Dec. 17, 1833. He m. 1823, Lydia Wheeler, of Concord, Ch.: Sarah, 1824. Joseph H., Nov., 1831. Martha, 1826, m. A.J. Harlow. Cyrus,) Nov. ") m.Anna Prescott,of Groton. Henry, 1827, d. July 15, 1831. Lydia, J 1833, J m. Daniel Wood, Concord. 8. George W., s. of Cyrus (6), b. 1803 ; a distinguished Unitarian divine.; grad. H. C, 1826; ordained minister at Nfd., June 10, 1830; dis., 1836, and installed the same year over a new society in Buffalo, N. Y. ; he left there to accept the presidency of Antioch College, Sept., 1866; resigning this office in 1873, he was sett, in Newton, Nov., 1873. He m. April 21, 1831, Hannah P., dau. Rev. Dr. Kendall, of Plymouth. Ch. : Edward J., May 26, 1832, d. July George H., May 14, 1839 ; grad. Meadville, 21, 1834. 186-; sett, in the ministry at Bridgewa- James K., Jan. 29, 1834; H. C, 1855; ter ; m. Dec. 10,1868, Julia W., dau. ordained minister at Dfd., i860; resigned William Sheldon, of Dfd. his pastorate to take a professorship in Anna, ^ Oct. 21, 1 m. Oct. 21, 1862, Rev. Antioch College, 1866; afterwards prof. >- >■ Wm. H. Savery. in the University in Columbia, Mo. He Ella, J 1841, J d. young. served as corp. in the Port Hudson expe- Edward J., July 12, 1844; orderly sergt. in dition under Gen. Banks, 1862-3 5 author the Port Hudson exp., under Gen. Banks; of the "Color Guard," 1864; and d. at Baton Rogue, La., Jan. 24, 1863, "Thinking Bayonet," 1865 ; he m. Oct. "a young man of natural force and high 15, 1863, Eliza A. Cutler, at Dfd. aims." William R., Aug. 31, 1835, m. July, 1873, Josephine Grant. HOUGHTON, Edward; from Hins., 1793; inn holder; d. Sept. 29, 1820. He m. Sally, dau. Joseph Smith, of Petersham. Ch.: Edward, March 12, 1783. George F., July 16, 1788, d. April 19, Clark, Aug. 27, 1784, m. Fanny Smith, 1804. 1814; rem. to Dfd.; merchant; became Sally, July i, 1790, d. Oct. 26, 1807. blind. Harriet, April 16, 1792, m. Dec. 22, 18 17, Lucretia, March 16, 1786, m.Oct. 3, 1804, Abiel Bellows, Walpole, N. H. Samuel Prentice, Montpelier, Vt., a U. S. Esther S., Dec. 20, 1794, m. Charles Bowen, senator. Tarrytown, N. Y. HOWE, Abel ; from Marlboro, 1818; the first to grow hops in Nfd., and prob. in Franklin co. ; ret. to Marlboro about 1823; lived on the Barber place. 468 History of Northfield. HOWE, Levi, s. of Archelaus, of Marlboro, b. 1796; wheelwright; rem. to Ber,; d. Aug 24, 1861. He m. Hannah French, and (2), Clarissa Kilburn, She d. Jan. 8, 1853, a. 58. Ch. : Frank, sett, in Natick. Louisa, 1832, m. D. H. Jacques. Hannah, m. — Morse. Abraham ; went west. Mary, m. Geo. H. Phelps. George, sett, in Fitchburg. Caroline, m. Geo. Spafford, of Ludlow. HOWE, Luther, br. of Levi, b. 1791; d. April i, 1826. He m. Feb. 7, 1816, Lucy Bingham, of Marlboro. Ch. : Ezra, sett, in Natick. Archelaus, sett, in Worcester. Sophia, m. Samuel Harwood. Harriet, m. Samuel Barker. Sophronia, m. — Steadman. HOWE, Thomas, br. of Levi, b. 1793; rem. from Nfd. to Dfd., 1836, where he d. Aug. 2, 1846. He m. Feb. 5, 18 19, Martha Bigelow, of Marlboro. Ch. ; Martha, d. unm. Thomas H., Sept. 8, 1830; res. in Boston. Mary, Jan. 8, 1825, m. Hammond. Lucy Ann, m. Horace Bigelow, of Marl- (2), John Hows. boro. Augusta, Nov. 30, 1827, m. Lambert Bige- George, d. young. low, of Worcester. 1. HOW, HOWE, John, of Sudbury, 1638; rem. to Marlboro, 1657, where he was a leading citizen; d. May 28, 1680, a. 78. He m. Mary , who d. 1698. Ch. : John, Aug. 24, 1640, m. Elizabeth ; Josiah, 1650, m. Mary Haynes. was killed by Indians, at Sudbury, April, Mary, Jan. 18, 1654, m. John Wetherbee. 1676. Thomas, July 22, 1656, m. Sarah Hosmer. Samuel, Oct. 20, 1642 (2). (2), wid. Mary Barron. Sarah, Sept. 25, 1644, m. Samuel Ward. Daniel, Jan. 3, 1659, d. Jan. 8, 1662. Mary, June 18, 1646, d. young. Alexander, Dec. 21, 1661, d. Jan. 7, 1662. Isaac, Aug. 8, 1648, m. Frances Woods. Eleazer, Jan. 18, 1662, m. Hannah Howe. (2), Susanna Sibley. 2. Samuel, s. of John (1), b. 1642; Sudbury; d. April 13, 1713. He m. June 5, 1663, Martha, dau. John Bent. She d. Aug. 29, 1680. (2), Sept. 18, 1685, wid. Sarah (Leavitt) Clapp. Ch. : John, July 24, 1664, m. Nov. 3, he kept the famous " Howe Tavern," in 1686, Elizabeth Wooison. (2), July i, Sudbury. 1712, Hannah Haven; sett, in Fram- Hannah, April 6, 1677, m. John Barnes. ingham. Elisha, by 2d wife ; m. Hannah — , lived in Mary, March 2, 1666, m. George Farrar. Framingham. (2), Thomas Barnes. Daniel, Feb. 6, 1690 (3). Samuel, May 19, 1668, m. Elizabeth Good- Nehemiah, 1693 (4). ale. Moses, Aug. 25, 1695, m. Eunice — . (2), Martha, Oct. 9, 1669, m. Thomas Walker, wid. Hannah Heald, of Concord; rem. of Framingham. in 17 19, to Rutland, where he d. in Daniel, Oct. 9, 1672, d. Feb. 7, 1681. I750- David, Nov. 2, 1674, m. Hepzibah Death; Ebenezer. Micrejah, Aug. 27, 1700. 3. Daniel, s of Samuel (2), b. 1690; lived in Sudbury; and of Rutland, 1723; a grantee of Westmoreland, N. H., Feb. 12, 1752, where he sett. ; but during the French and Indian wars, lived in the fort at Great Meadows, on the Famih Genealogies. 469 opposite side of the Connecticut ri\er ; he d. at the fort, but was buried in Westmoreland. He m. Dec. 17, 1716, Elizabeth Johnson. Ch.: Elizabeth, Sept. 25, 1717, m. Jan. 6. his return, Aug. 18, and back in service 1736, Samuel Gleason. Aug. 30, where he continued until July William, Feb. 11, 1720 ; of Had., 1743 ; 14, 1748, when he was again cap., above of Westmoreland, 1752-60. Hinsdell's fort, and ta.ken to Canada a Joseph, May 5, 1723 ; of Hfd., 1756 ; was second time ; he ret. Sept. 30 ; he was then sol. at Fort Mass. ; in the Canada cam- of Cambridge. There is a charge in Col. paign under Col. Frye, and cap. at Ft. Ebenezer Hinsdale's account book against William Henry, Aug. 9, 1757. Daniel Howe, Jr., Sept., 1754: "to my Samuel, a grantee of Westmoreland, 1752; marrying you, £1, os., od. ;" and another living there, 1779. charge "for 3 dollars paid your mother, Daniel, cap. by Indians, near Bridgman's Robbins." He was a grantee of Westmore- Fort, June 24, 1746, and carried to Can- land, 1752, and captain there 1760. ada ; was at the hospital in Boston, on 4. Nehemi.\h, s. of Sampel (2), b. 1693; of Sudbury, 17 16; Grafton, 1739; living in the fort at Great Meadows, Oct. 11, 1745, near which he was taken by Indians, and carried to Canada, where he d. May 25, 1747, leaving a journal of his captivity, which was published in 1748. He m. Margaret, dau. Benjamin Willard, who m. (2), Ens. James Miller, of Hopkinton. She d. Jan. 25, 1758. Ch. : Joshua, Oct. 11, 1716. Abner, 1729(6). Caleb, 1724 (5). Nehemiah (7). Sarah, 1725, m. about 1744, Simeon Alex- Prob. Mary, 1735, who m. Feb. 4, 1754, der. Josiah Stebbins. anaer. 5. Caleb, s. of Nehemiah (4), b. 1724; lived near Bridgman's Fort ; was in Capt. Phineas Stevens's co., 1746-49; he was a sergt. at No. 4, and wrote Capt. Stevens an account of the attack on that place, June 20, 1749, when Ens. Sawtelle was killed, and a son of the captain taken ; he was mortally wounded by Indians, June 27, 1775, when Fort Bridgman was taken, and its occupants cap. and carried to Canada; he died the next morning at Hinsdell's fort, and was buried a short distance to the north-east of it, where his grave stones are still to be seen. \See ante, p. 290.] He m. 1746, Jemima, dau. Josiah Sawtelle, wid. of William Phipps, (who was killed by Indians at Great Meadow, July 5, 1745); she was cap. when the fort was taken, and with her seven children carried to Canada; with three of her children she was redeemed, and brought home before 1760, by Col. Schuyler. She afterwards went again to Canada, and obtaine,d her second daughter. Submit Phipps. Mary Phipps, the oldest dau., was carried to France, where she m. Crom Lewis, a Frenchman. Mrs. Howe m. (3), Amos Tute. She d. March 7, 1805, a. 82. Ch.: William, 1747. was a tory, and went to Nova Scotia, after Moses, 1749 (8). the Rev. war. Squire, 1751 (9). Son, Jan., 1755, d. in Canada March, 1756. Caleb, 1753; of Westminster, Vt., 1760; Submit Phipps, b. 1746, m. Nov. 22, 1775, Nathan Willard; she d. April, 1781. 6. Abner, s. of Nehemiah (4), b. 1729 ; blacksmith ; sol. under Capt. Stevens, 1747-8-9; grantee of Westmoreland, 1752; was chosen constable of Hins,, Sept. 25, 1753, at the first town meeting under the charter; rem. to Amherst about 1755. He m. Dec. 23, 1753, Mehitable, dau. John Holton, of Nfd. Ch. : Hannah, Nov. 19, 1754. 470 History of Norihfield. 7. Nehemiah, s. of Nehemiah (4); sol. in Capt. Alexander's co. at Lake George, 1758, from Hat.; of Amh., 1759; two or three years later he rem. to Westmoreland; d. about 1777. He m. Ruth. She m. (2), March 15, 1780, Joseph Burt. Ch.: Selah, July 29, 1762, m. Aug. 15, Nehemiah, March 4, 1766. 1785, Elizabeth Spear. Joshua, March 9, 1770. Orpha, May 6, 1764,111. July 8, 1784, Isaac And perhaps others. Butterfield. 8. MosES, s. of Caleb (5), b. 1749; captain; kept tavern many years on the paternal estate near Sawtelle's Fort. His son Ebenezer succeeded him, and d. on the old place, Sept. 15, 1855, a. 83. 9. Squire, s. of Caleb (5), b. 1751; he was but four years old when taken captive, but in 1790, scars on his head bore testimony to the brutality of the savages; in 1806 he rem. to Fabius, N. Y., where he d. Nov. 20, 1807. Hem., 1781, Martha, dau. Moses Field. She d. at Prattsburg, N. Y., 1839, a. 82. Ck. : Rhodolphus, 1782, m. Clarissa Hill, Anna, about 1792, m. Levi Fowler, of Co- and lived at Prattsburg. hocton, N. Y. Squire, 1785, m. Mary Townsley ; sett, in Susan, April 19, 1794, m. Oct. 24, 1835, Dryden, N. Y. Horace Fowler. Martha, May 20, 1787, m. Jan. 19, 1809, Clarissa, April 17, 1797, m. Feb. 9, 1817, Horace Fowler, of Cohocton, N. Y. Robert Weld, of Sugar Grove, Penn. William, 1790, m. Polly Griffith j lived at Caroline, July 17, 1798, m. Harvey Downs, Geneva, N. Y. of Prattsburg. 1. HUBBARD, George; Weth., 1636; rep., 1638, and often afterwards; Milford, Ct., 1643; Guilford, Ct., 1650; d. Jan., 1683. He m. Mary , who d. Sept. 14, 1676. Order of children's birth uncertain. Ch. : John (2). Abigail, bapt. May 26, 1644, m. Humphry Daniel, bapt. May 26, 1744. Spinning. William. Hannah, bapt. May 26, 1644, m. Jacob Mary, m. John Fowler. Melyne. Sarah, m. a Harrison, or Morrison. Eliza, m. John Norton, of Guilford. Electa, d. young. 2. John, s. of George (i); Hadley, 1660; d. at Hfd., about 1705. He m. Mary, perhaps Merriam, of Concord. Ch.: Mary, Jan. 27, 1651, d. young. Mercy, Feb. 23, 1664, m. Oct. 12, 1685, John, April 12, 1655. Jona. Boreman, of Wethersfield. Hannah, Dec. 5, 1656, d. 1662. Isaac, Jan. 16, 1667 (3). Jonathan, Jan. 3, 1659, m. 1728, — Mer- Mary, April 10, 1669, m. 1688, Daniel riam, of Concord. Warner. Daniel, March 9, i56i. Sarah, Nov. 12, 1672, m. 1698, Samuel Cowles, of Hatfield. 3. Isaac, s. of John (2), b. 1667 ; deacon ; sett, in Sund. ; d. Aug. 9, 1750. He m. Ann, dau. Daniel Warner. She d. June 26, 1750. Ch.: John, April 20, 1693 (4). Jona., Dec. 29, 1703; Y. C, 1724; first Isaac, Jan. 14, 1695. minister of ch. in Sheffield ; ord. Oct. 22, Mary, Feb. 25, 1697. I73S j d- 1765. Daniel, April 30, 1699. Joseph, April 8, 1708. Hannah, Sept. 7, 1701, m. 1727, Nathaniel David, March 9, 1712. Mattoon. Family Genealogies. 47 J 4. John, s. of Isaac (3), b. 1693; deacon; Hfd. ; d. Aug. 25, 1778. He m. Hannah Cowles, of East Hartford, who d, Feb. 19, 1777, a. 84. Ch. : Mary, July 28, 17 1 9, m. Joseph War- Hannah, March 28, 1724, d. March 20, ner, of Cummington. i7-7- Elisha, Sept. 4, 1721 ; a sol. in French and John, Nov. 6, 1726 (5). Indian wars. 5. John, s. of John (4), b. 1726; Y May 30, 1750, where he d. Nov. 28, i He m. Dec. 26, 1753, Anna, dau. 11,1795. Ch.: John, Oct. 8, 1754; sett, in Charles- town ; judge of probate tor Cheshire co., 1789-97 J m. a dau. of Capt. Phineas Stevens, who was b. in the fort, 1750J he d. 1806. Roswell, Nov. 15, 1756; "yeoman," of Sullivan, N. H., 1825.' Erastus, June 4, 1761 5 ".yeoman," of Sul- livan, 1825 ; rem. to Ver. Samuel, Sept. 14, 1763, m. March 5, 1791, Elizabeth Swan, dau. of Timothy ; sett. , C., 1747 ; sett, over church in Nfd., 794. [5^^ tf»/^, pp. 277, 343.] Capt. Samuel Hunt. She d. March in Franklin, Vt. ; lived also in Hunts- burg. Elsworth, Nov. 18, 1766, d. June 3, 1772. Anna, June 4, 1769, dead in 1825. Electa, Aug. 27, 1771, d. June 16, 1773. Electa, bapt. Aug. 29, 1773. Elsworth, July 23, 1776, d. July 17, 1780. Arad H., bapt. Aug. 22, 1779, d. Sept. 6, 1780; "a lovely babe, but in a few hours cut down by the rattles." \^Ch. rec.'] I. HUNT, JoNATHAf(^ from Nhn.» Eng., b. 1637; prob. son of John, and Mary, dau. Gov. Thomas Webster; rem. from Ct. to Nhn. about 1660; deacon, 1680; rep.^i 690; d. Sept. 29, i6qi. He m. Sept. 2, 1*6.63, Clemence, dau. Thomas Hosmer, of Hart. She m. (2), John Smith, of Milford, Ct,, and d. July 8, 1689. C>4. .- Thomas, Jan. 23, 1663; at Dfd., Clemence, Jan. 8, 1671, d. July 8, 1689. 1684-94; of Hart., 1698; one of the Ebenezer, bapt. May 3, 1673, ^- 1675. nine who organized a ch. at Lebanon, Ct., Ebenezer, Feb. 5, 1675, m. May 27, 1698, Nov. 7, 1700. Hannah Clark. Jonathan, 1664, d. same year. • Mary, March 24, 1679, m. Dec. 6, 1701, Jonathan, Jan. 20, 1665 (2). Ebenezer Sheldon ; shed. 1767. John, Dec. 22, 1767, d. unm. April 4, Sarah, July 20, 1682. 1712. Samuel, Sept. 15, 1684. Hannah, Jan. 7, 1669-70, m. Dec. 19, 1 69 1, Ebenezer Wright. 2. Jonathan, s. of Jonathan (i), b. 1665 ; lieutenant; of Dfd., 1684-6; rem. from Nhn. to Nfd., at the Third Settlement ; maltster, and cooper ; d. at Nhn., July i, 1738. He m. Martha, dau. Samuel Williams, of Pomfret, Ct. She d. March 21, 1 75 1, a. 80. Ch. : Theoda, or Theodore, Nov. 22, 1694. Jonathan, April 24, 1697, m. Aug. 6, 1724, Thankful Strong. Martha, April 18, 1699, m. June 17, 1725, Rev. Thomas White, of Bolton, Ct. Elizabeth, March 2, 1701, m. April 26, J722, Ebenezer Pomroy. Samuel, 1703 (3). Mary, Nov. 14, 1705, m. Dec. 14, 1732, Seth Pomroy. She d. Sept. 11, 1777. Joseph, July 12, 1708. John, Aug. 31, 1712. 3. Samuel, s. of Jona. (2), b. 1703; captain; a leading man in Nfd. for many years; a large landholder; grantee of Guilford, Vt., 1754, and of Hertford, Vt., 1761 ; d. Feb. 28, 1770. 472 History of Northjield. He m. Anna Elsworth, dau. of John, of Windsor. She d. May 6, 1794, a. 90. Ch. : Samuel, Sept. 29, 1734, m. — Strong j Jonathan, Sept. 12, 1738 (4). sett, in Charlestown, N. H. ; an active EJisha, Dec. 22, 1740(5). officer in the French and Indian wars ; Arad, July 31, 1743 ; general 5 sett, in Hins.j colonel, 1778; first sheriff of Cheshire d. s. p. Feb. 19, 1825. CO., under the constitution, in 1784, which Sarah, Feb. 26, 1746, m. Oct. 15, 1767, office he held to his death ; was of the Dr. Medad Pomroy. committee of safety, 1775; member of Martha, bapt. July 22, 1750, m. Sept. 8, the Concord convention, 1778; d. 1799. 1783, Noadiah Warner, of Hadley. Anna, Oct. 23, 1736, m. Dec. 26, 1753, Rev. John Hubbard. 4. Jonathan, s. of Samuel (3), b. 1738. His father was a grantee of the town of Guilford, Vt., where he and his brother Elisha cleared the first land, in 1758 ; he settled in the part of Bins., now Ver, ; major, in 1780 ; high sheriff, 1782; he took an active part in the military and civil affairs, resulting' in the formation of the state of Vermont ; and was a member of the conven- tion of 1791, asking her admission to the Union ; was lieutenant governor. He m. July 15, 1779, Lavinia, dau. William Swan. She d. June 29, 1834. Ch. : Jonathan, Aug. 12, 1780, d. Dec. 4, Fanny, Feb. 7, 1783, m. 1802, Dr. Charles 1780. Blake. EUinor, Oct. 19, 1781, m. Hon. Lewis R. Jonathan, May 12, 1787, d. May 15, 1832. Morris. Arad, Sept. 22, 1790, m. Sally, dau. Jesse Newell. 5. Elisha, s. of Samuel (3), b. 1740; ensign; the largest land owner of his day in Nfd., where he kept a tavern for a long time ; rep. nine years ; d. Nov. 27, 1810. Hem. Oct. 24, 1771, Mary, dau. Aaron Lyman, of Belchertovvn. C4. : Samuel, bapt. Aug. 23, 1772 (6). Elisha, bapt. Jan. 20, 1782, d. unm. Molly, bapt. Feb. 13, 1774, m. April 10, Sally, bapt. Aug. 29, 1784, d. Jan. 19, 1797, Rev. Samuel C. Allen. 1795- i Elsworth, bapt. Nov. 5. 1775, m. Dec. 21, Jonathan, bapt. June 4, 1786, m. Betsey 1797, Electa, dau. Zebulon Allen. Trowbridge ; she was a wid. in 1 8 14, and Patty, bapt. Oct. 26, 1777, d. June 26, m. (2), Horatio G. Newcomb; she d. 1796- 1873. Frederick, bapt. Oct. 10, 1779; D. C, 1800; d. April 18, 1805. 6. Samuel, s. of Elisha (5), b. 1772; captain; d. Nov. 29, 1832. He m. April. 1801, Philomelia Watriss. (2), Oct. 13, 1825, Submit, dau. Samuel Field. She m. (2), S. C. Allen, Jr. CA. : Samuel, April 3, 1802, d. unm. Charles, Aug. 10, 1812, d. Oct. 25, 1837. John, Feb. 24, 1804. Martha P., July 23, 1815, d. June 5, 1817. Frederick, Dec. 10, 1806. Martha P., April 29, 1828, d. unm. Aug. Martha, Sept. 30, 1808, d. July 4, 1813. 16, 1861. Elisha, Sept. 15, 18 10; sett, in Hinsdale. I. HURLBUT, or HULBERT, William ; Dorchester, 1630; freeman, 1632; Wind., 1636; Hart., 1647-50; Nhn., 1655; an engager for Nfd., 1672 ; d. April 17, 1694. He m. (2), Anne, wid. of Samuel Allen, of Hart. She d. Nov. 13, 1687. C-4. ; Sarah, July 10, 1647. Abigail, d. Jan. 5, 1669. Ann, bapt. March 17, 1650. Ruth, d. June 12, 1672. William, m. 1684, Ruth Salmon. Date or order of b. of the 3 last unknown. Family Genealogies. 473 HURLBURT, Cyperian, 1788-97; from Berkshire. HURLBURT, Ethan, 1812. HURLBURT, Gabriel, 1788-1 8 10. HURLBURT, Isaac; doctor; 1775-1806; d. about 1813. HURLBURT, Isaac, 1811-16. Ch.: Caroline. Lucretia M., Sept. 5, 1816. Rebecca C, May 24, 181 3. Simeon H., Sept. 7, 1818. HURLBURT, Simeon, 1808-12. 1. HUTCHINSON, Ralph; rem. from Boston to Nhn. ; an engager for Nfd., and settler, 1673; did not return at the Second Setdement; d. at Nhn., Oct. 24, 1703. He m. Aug. 8, 1656, Alice, wid. of Francis Bennet, of Boston. She d. Jan. 10, 1714. Ch.: John, b. in Boston (2). Judah, April 15, 1664(3). Mehitable, d. May 21, 1662. Samuel, 1666 (4). Mercy, d. April 26, 1662. Eleizer, May 31, 1668, d. May 16, 1689. Mehitable, July 21, 1662, d. Jan., 1663. Moses, Sept. 8, 1671 (5). 2. John, s. of Ralph (1), Nfd., 1685; rem. to Lebanon, Ct., 1705. He m. Dec. 27, 1682, Hannah, dau. Joseph Root, of Nhn. Ch.: John, Fab. 21, 1683-4. Joseph, Nov. 17, 1690. Jonathan, Feb. 22, 1685-6. Thankful, Aug. 14, 1693. Hannah, Oct. I, 1688. Hezekiah, March 2, 1696. 3. JuDAH, s. of Ralph (i), b. 1664; of Nfd. at the Second Settlement; d. June 21, 1741. He m. 1691, Mary, dau. John Bridgman, of Northampton. Ch.: Mary, March 31, 1693, d. young. Mary, May 15, 1699, m. June 20, 1717, Ruth, Jan., 1695. William Hannum. Ebenezer, Nov. 18, 1696. John, d. May 24, 1730. Abigail, March 2, 1698. 4. Samuel, s. of Ralph (i), b. 1666 ; Nfd., 1685 ; of Lebanon, Ct., 1705. He m. May, 1691, Sarah, dau. Joseph Root, of Northampton. Ch. : Samuel, Aug. 6, 1692. • Sarah, June 15, 1695. 5. Moses, s. of Ralph (1), b. 1671 ; Ntd., 1685; killed at Pascomuck, May 13, 1704. He m. May 27, 1698, Mary, dau. John Clary. They had two ch., one of whom was killed with the father. HURD, Thomas, 18 14. INGRAHAM, Elisha, 1818-19. INGRAHAM, Nathaniel, 1797. JACOBS, Nathaniel, 1793-1818. I. JANES, William, b. in England abt. 1610; came to New Eng., 1637; of New Haven, 1639-56 ; of Nhn., 1657, where he was recorder, school 60 474 History of Northjield. master, and teaching elder; an engager for Nfd., and there at the First Settle- ment; in his oflBce of teaching elder, he preached to the settlers, congregated under the shelter of the famous old Northjield Oak, at the First Settlement. He did not return at the Second Settlement, but d. at Nhn., April 20, 1690. He m. in England, Mary, who d. April 4, 1662. (2), Nov. 20, 1662, Hannah, dau. Thomas Bascom, wid. of John Broughton. She d. March, 1681. Ch. : Joseph, 1636; of Nhn. and Nfd.; Rebecca, 1656, d. unm. petr. 1671 ; d. unm. Feb. 26, 1694. Jeremiah, 1658, d. 1675. Elisha, 1639, d. Feb. 11, 1662, at Spfd. Ebenezer, 1659, 1 killed by Indians at the Nathaniel, 1 641, d. Jan. 22, 1662, at Spfd. Jonathan, 1661, J attack on Nfd., Sept. 2, Abel, 1646 (2). 1675. Abigail, 1647. Samuel, Oct. 9, 1663 (3). Ruth, Feb. 15, 1650, m. July 3, 1667, Hepzibah, Feb. 13, 1666. John Searl. She d. Nov. 2, 1672. Hannah, Oct. 5, 1669. Jacob, 1652. " Benjamin, Sept. 30, 1672 (4). William, 1654, m. 1685, Sarah Clark. 2. Abel, s. of William (1), b. 1646 ; petitioner for Nfd., 1671 ; a sol. in the Falls fight, 1676; rem. from Nhn. to Lebanon, Ct., 1706; d. Dec. 18, 1718. He m. Nov. 4, 1679, Mary, dau. William Judd. She d. April 24, 1735, a. 80. Ch. : Mary, Oct. 8, 1 680, m. May 16, William; of Lebanon, Ct., 1737; m. June 1700, Benjamin King. (2), Jonathan 5, 1712, Abigail Loomis. Graves. Elisha, m. Mindwell — . Ruth, June 5, 1682, m. Dec. i, 1702, Esther, m. Stephen Hunt, of Lebanon. Ebenezer Chapin, of Springfield. Noah, Nov. 30, 1697. Elizabeth, July 22, 1684. Rachael, March 26, 1700. Sarah, m. Dec. 19, 1701, Waitstill Strong. Bathshaba, April 8, 1703. 3, Samuel, s. of William (i), b. 1663; at Nfd. through the Second Settle- ment; killed at Pascomuck, by Indians, May 13, 1704. He m. Feb. 23, 1680, Elizabeth, dau. William Smead, of Nhn. and Dfd., b. May 20, 1663. (2), 1692, Sarah, dau. Samuel Hinsdell; killed with her husband. Ch. : Samuel, Sept. 30, 1693 ; tomahawked Obadiah, April 21, 1697, d. young, when his father was killed, but recovered. Obadiah, April 3, 1799, "J .... j k j j- Hepzibah, Jan. 4, 1695. Ebenezer, May Jonathan, Jan, 14, 1696 (5). Sarah, May 9, 1703 3. 1799.] 16,1701,^- i703» J ith parents. 4. Benjamin, s. of William (1), b. 1672; deacon; sett, at Pascomuck, where, in the attack on that hamlet. May 1.3, 1704, his wife was knocked on the head and scalped, and three children killed; of Weth., 1707; rem. to Nfd. at the Third Settlement; thence rem., between 1725, and 1729,10 Coventry, Ct., and June 9, 1731, was of Lebanon, Ct. At a meeting of the Gen. Court, of Ct., May 8, 1707, "upon petition of Benj. Janes, late of Nhn., now resident in Wethersfield, complaining of his great sufferings by the French and Indian enemies, who rifled his house, killed four of his children, and scalpt his wife, who hath long been, and still is under cure, and himself so impoverisht that he is unable to satisfie the surgeons, in whose hands she hath been, and is long like to be, for their cost and pains therein; the governor and council, considering his case, and judging him to be an object of charitie. Family Genealogies. 475 order that he shall have a brief, craving the charitie of the good people in the towns of Branford, Guilford, Kilinswortli, and Saybrook, for his relief" He m.. Hannah . Ch. : Hannah, May 14, 1696, ^ ,.,, , „ Hepzibah, June 16, 1710. Mirriam, Jan. 7, 1700, l ' ^^ Miriam, date of birth unknown. Nathan, Jan. 18, 1703. J ^^' ^704- s^th^ 1713, m. Jan. 2, 1739, Sarah Hepzibah, Dec. 14, 1706, d. young. Larabee. Silence, 1708, m. 1725, Henry Curtis, of Elisha, 1715,111. April 20, 1740, wid. Mary Northampton. Dimock. Hannah, June 16, 1710, m. Nov. 28, 1725, John Brown, of Northfield. 5. Jonathan, s. of Samuel (3), b. 1696; weaver; d. Feb. 19, 1776. He m. April 19, 1732, Jemima Graves, who d. June 18, 1790, a. 85. Ck. : Hannah, Aug. 31, 1734, m. Aug. 3, Sarah, Dec. 26, 1738, m. Ebenezer Harvey. 1752, James Oliver. She d. Nov. 12, 1764. Ebenezer, July 31, 1736 (6). Jemima, May 11, 1742, d. Oct. 25, 1748. 6. Ebenezer, s, of Jonathan (5), b. 1736 ; deacon ; lieutenant; manufac- turer of grave stones; town clerk 16 years; rep.; delegate to the Provincial Congress, 1775; rep., 1778; d. Jan. 22, 1808. He m. June 8, 1755, Sarah, dau. Pedajah Field. She d. March 5, 1766, a. 28. (2), March 29, 1770, Mehitable, dau. Simeon Alexander. She d. Sept. 24, 1835, a, 90. Ch. : Jonathan, Feb. 25, 1756 (7). Samuel, May 11, 1764 (9). Jemima,"] May i6,] m, July 6, 1771, John Ebenezer, Jan. i, 1766, d. Nov. 5, 1766. she d. Aug. Ebenezer, Feb. 5, 1771, d. Aug. 27, 1775. Xenophon, Sept. 3, 1772(10). [777, Sarah, Oct. 11, 1774, d. Sept. 1, 1775. Sarah, April 28, 1777, d. Sept. 24, 1779. Ebenezer, Sept. 13, 1779 (")• James O., July 16, 1782 (12). Alexander, Oct. 8, 1785, d. June 3, 1787. Allen ; r r 31,1786. Ruth, J 1756, J m. June 26 Calvin Bliss, of Bernardston. Obadiah, July 9, 1759 (8). Salima, March 11, 1761, m. Dec. i Seth Munn. Hannah, Jan. 5, 1763, d. July 13, , 1782: 770. of Ebenezer (6), b. 1756 ; Rev 7. Jonathan, s. of Ebenezer (6), b. 1756 ; Rev. sol.; lieutenant; d. March 22, 1813. He m. Dec. 18, 1777, Caroline, dau. Samuel Mattoon. She d. Aug. 15, 1821. Ch. : Elihu, July 27, 1778 ; sett, in Charles- town. Onda, Nov. 18, 1780. Henry, July 29, 1782, drowned April 17, 1805. Robert, June 7, 1784, d. July 2, 18 19. Caroline, March 23, 1787, m. Noah Perry. Sally, Jan. 23, 1789, m. May 26, 1812, Arnold Cook, of Charlestown. Jonathan, Jan. 28, 1791 (13). Abigail, May 29, 1792, m. Oct. 10, 1813, Richard Lyman. Philena, April 5, 1794, m. Jacob New- comb. Cynthia, March 23, 1797, m. Thomas Rus- sell, of Dorchester. Mary P., June 14, 1799, d. Sept. 25, 1812. William, Sept. 7, 1802. 8. Obadiah, s. of Ebenezer (6), b. 1759 ; Rev. sol.; rem. to Ohio. He m. Mary Oliver, who d. Sept, 27, 1783. (2), 1785, Harmony Bingham. Ch. : Infant, Sept., 1783, d. Feb. 10, 1784. Melenda, May 5, 1591, m. Otis Munn. Infant, d. Feb. 4, 1786. Oliver, Sept. 24, 1793. Polly, March 20, 1787, m. Joseph Doolittle. Harmony, Sept. 2, 1795, m. Adolphus Jabez, Jan. 24, 1789, d. Sept. 24, 1813. Hosley. 47^ History of Northfield. Naomi, Aug. 4, 1797, m. William Mitchell. Sophia, June 11, 1806, m. Asbury Sabine. Laura, Aug. 27, 1799, d. March 6, 1833. Lucretia, April 13, 1808, m. 1828, Solomon Alonzo, Sept. 21, 1802, m. Mary A. Dis- Dunton. brow. (2), Harriet Converse. Harris, June 21, i8io,m. 1834, Julia King. John, Feb. 4, 1804, d. Oct. 25, 1817. 9. Samuel, s. of Ebenezer (6), b. 1764; sett, in Gill. He m. Jan. 9, 1787, Susanna, dau. Capt. Samuel Merriman. Ch.: Harris, Nov. 23, 1787, m. Harriet W. Hannah C, Aug. 12, 1800, d. March 25, Mason. 1837. Mary, Dec. 18, 1789, m. Alvah Ballard. Sylvanus M., March 8, 1803, m. Eunice Sally, July 25, 1794, m. Eliphas Chapin. Moore. Susan, March i, 1797. Samuel, Dec. 8, 1806. Ebenezer A., Aug. 8, 1809. 10. Xenophon, s. of Ebenezer (6), b. 1772; deacon ; miller ; town clerk 8 years; d. Oct. 21, 1829. He m. Jan. 27, 1796, Sarah Patrick, who d. May 3, 1814, a. 39. (2), Jan. 7, 1824, Tirza, dau. Samuel Childs, of Dfd. ; d. April 5, 1858, a. 77. Ch. : Mehitable, Oct. 27, 1796, m. Sept. Sarah, June 5, 1804, m. June 11, l826> 28, 1 8 17, Medad Alexander. Wright Cannon. Anna, May 21, 1798. Ebenezer, March 4, 1806, m. Martha Bil- Isabel, Dec. 20, 1799, m. Sept. 3, 1822, lings. She d. Sept. 28, 1846, a. 36. John Howland. Frederick, May 6, 1808 (13). Paschal Peole, April 13, 1801, m. Jane E. Mary Ann, July 30, 1809, m. Augustine Hiller. Stebbins. Samuel P., March 3, 1803, m. Sarah Par- sons. 11. Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer (6), b. 1779; grad. D. C, 1801; ship master. He m. March 7, 1811, Lucretia, dau. Joseph ^Smith, of Petersham. She d. Oct. 30, 1 831, a. 51. Ch. : Juliana, Feb. 27, 1812, d. Sept. 2, Joseph, Nov. 28, i8i8,m. Hannah Holton. 181 5. Edward H., Oct. 3, 1820, m. Jane E. Yates. Ebenezer, May 23, 1814, m. Mary Odell. Juliana, Oct. 28, 1822, m. David Sanford. 12. James O., s. of Ebenezer (6), b. 1782, d. Aug. 30, 1829. He m. Oct. 28, 1807, Roxana, dau. Walter Field. She d. Nov. 5, 1 8 10. (2), before Aug. 3, 1815, Joanna, dau. Samuel Holton. She d. May 2, 1835, a, 52. Ch. : Lucretia L., Dec. 17, 1808, m. Daniel Roxana, T Feb. 17, Id. Aug. 21, 1830. L. Cairender. Joanna, J 1824, J d. July 6, 1831. Roxana, Sept. 28, 1810, d. March 20, 181 1. 13. Jonathan, s. of Jonathan (7), b. 1718. He m. May 14, 1818, Harriet B. Cheney. Ch.: Mary H., April 16, 1819. William, Nov. i, 1821. 14. Frederick, s. of Xenophon (10), b. 1808; ordained as an Evangelist, 1837; preached in North Walton and Colchester, N. Y., 1837-40; sett, in Bernardston, Nov. 4, 1840; dis. Nov. 9, 1843; sett, in Pelham, 1844; dis., 1845; preached a short time in Mich.; has been an agent of a missionary society, and teacher; was in New York, 1854, editing a religious magazine; author of Genealogy of the Janes Family. Family Genealogies, 477 He m. Sept. 15, 1833, Paulina Burnell, who d. Nov. 20, 1851. (2), Jan. 18, 1853, Rachael B. Truesdale, who d. 1874. Ch. : Margaret P., Sept. 17, 1834. William A., Nov. 11, 1856. Mary S., June 28, 1836. Anna F., April 3, 1858. JohnC, July 6, 1839. Isabella, June 10, 1801, d. May 9, 1864. Lucy A., June 10, 1841, m. Albert LefFer. Charles H., Oct. 23, 1865. Josephine A., Dec. 10, 1854. JARVIS, Edward, 1833-34; doctor; H. C, 1826; greatly distinguished in his profession. JESOP, Adam, 1806-16; a manufacturer of weavers' reeds. JOHNSON, Francis. He m. May 17, 1825, Fanny S., dau. Theodore Holton. CA. : Mary A., Nov. 13, 1827. Fanny M., Dec. 25, 1844. Julia M., March i, 1836. Alice G., Dec. 3, 1846. George F., Sept. i, 1838. Charles E., March 16, 1848. Albert O., Oct. 21, 1842. JOHNSON, Henry, s. of Calvin; res. in South Hadley Falls. He m., 1 83 1, Fanny, dau. Abijah Fisher. She d. Feb. i, 1838, a. 30. (2), 1839, Martha Wright, who d. April 12, 1871. (3), Oct. 8, 1872, Ellen Tenney. CA.: Henry H., Oct. 22, 1832, m. Almira Watson W., Apr. 8, 1 841, m. Electa Wright; Wright. res. in Keene, N. H. Marshall M., Jan. 25, 1834, m. Kezia P. Dudley D., Sept. 8, 1843, m. Mary E. Mat- Johnson, toon ; res. at Holyoke. Frances E., Nov. 5, 1835, d. Nov. 8, 1841. Anna M., April 2, 1845, m. T. H. Brown- Sarah E., Aug. 8, 1837, m. Alonzo Billings. ing, of Westerly, R. I. Watson W., Oct. 14, 1839, d. Oct. 9, Charles G., July 4, 1848. 1840. Roger S., June 10, 1851. JOHNSON, Isaac ; a Rev. sol. JOHNSON, Isaac. He m. Thankful . C/i. : Maria, April 7, 1805. Sarah, 1814. Thomas, July 6, 1806. Arad, May 7, 18 15. Caleb, Jan. 7, 1809. Susan, July 13, 18 17. Lucretia, March 7, 1812. JOHNSON, Joseph, 1793. JOHNSON, Thomas, 1797. KEENY, Daniel, 1808. KEENY, Henry, 1749 51. KEITH, Owen S., from Framingham, 1829; H. C, 1826; first preceptor of Northfield Academy; rem. to Cambridge. He m. June 5, 1833, Lucretia, dau. William Pomroy. I. KEMPLAND, William, from Athol, about 1780; d. Aug. 11, 1806. He m. Jemima . Ck. : Jesse, Jan. 22, 1760. William, 1763 (2). Samuel, May 2, 1 7 61. 47 8 History of Northfield. 2. William, s. of William (i), b. 1763; a miller; d. Feb. 14, 1853. Hem. May 31, 1801, Elizabeth, dau. Isaac Kendall. She d. Oct. 6, 1869, a. 90. Ch.: Polly, Aug. 14, 1801, m. Oct. 19, Charlotte, Aug. 9, 1806. 1817, Silas Stewart, William, Feb. 2, i8n. Jesse, July 2, 1803, m. Charlotte — . Harriet, July 13, 1813. KENDALL, David, 1793. 1. KENDALL, Isaac, b. 1752; from Sterling ; Rev, sol.; drowned July 14, 1821. He m. Catherine Dunkley, Order of children's birth unknown. Ch.: Elizabeth, 1779, m. May 31, 1801, Isaac ; d. in the U. S. army. William Kempland. Elisha. Robert (2). Levi, m. Hannah Gibbons. George (3). John; a sailor j lost at sea. Jesse; a sol. in war of 1812; d. in the Tirza, m. Isaac Russell. army. Mary A., Oct. 5, 1804, m. Guilford Pratt. 2. Robert, s. of Isaac (i), b. 1786; d. Dec. 18, 1837. He m. May 2, 1825, Hannah Thayer, Putney, Vt., who d, April 2, 1866, a, 72. Ch.: Orrissa W., May 6, 1829, m. July 4, Arethusa B., July 10, 1831, m. July 21, 1851, Horace McKenney. {2), Lyman 1852, George R. Stebbins. O. Smith. Lydia E., April 10, 1835, m. March, 1853, Benj. A. Gaines, of Guilford, Vt. 3. George, s. of Isaac (1). He m. Electa Cowing, of Cummington. Order of birth of children uncertain. Ch.: Dwight, b. at Cummington, Oct. 23, William, 1835. i23. Isaac. Charles, April 18, 1825. Edwin, d. young. Ardelusia, July 19, 1827, d. Jan. 16, 1829. Cynthia. George S., June 29, 1829; sett, in Wor- Mary E. cester. Ella. James, 183 1. Arthur. Lucy, 1833, Job S. KENDALL, Thomas. He m. Nov. 30, 18 14, Onda Tiffany. Ch.: Abigail, Aug. 16, 1816. Frederick, April 28, 1821. Onda, Sept. 18, 1818. KENDRICK, Bartholomew, 1808. KENDRICK, Oliver, 1775-1814, KEYES, Submit. She m. Oct, 27, 1763, John Eastman, of Hadley. KILBOURNE, John, Nfd., 1741, thence rem. to Walpole, where he was the first settler. He is celebrated for the heroic defense of his cabin, against the attack of 400 Indians, Aug. 17, 1755 ; his garrison consisted of his son John, aged 17, John Peak, and son, and, not the least efficient, his wife and daughter. To commemorate this brave defense, the mountain, east of Bellows Falls, bears the name of Mount Kilbourne. He d. April 8, 1789, a, 84. He m. Ruth . Ch.: John, 1738. Hetty. Family Genealogies. 479 KILBOURN, Mary. She m. July 13, 1756, Noah Smith, of Hadley. KING, ASAHEL. He m, Feb. 14, 1788, Lydia, dau. Capt. Thomas Alexander. KING, HopHNi; capt., 1763; Rev. sol.; carpenter and joiner ; "the first in town who worked by square rule, and was considered a very wonderful man to be able to frame a house in the woods." So says Dea, Phineas Field. He m. Dec. 10, 1767, Joanna, dau. Samuel Holton. Ch. : Asahel, Feb. 7, 1769, m. Feb. 14, Lucy, Dec. 15, 1776. 1788, Lydia Alexander. Rhoda, May I, 1779. Lucy, May 28, 1771, d. Jan. 31, 1775. Joseph, March 26, 1785. Rhoda, Jan. 5, 1774, d. Oct. 19, 1775. The two next above " dyed suddenly with rattles." [Ch. rec.'] KING, James, 1808; from Dummerston, Vt. He m. 1806, Keziah, dau. Ebenezer Field. She d. in Boston. 1. KING, John, b. 1629; captain; from Nhn., Eng. ; of Hart., 1645; Nhn., 1654; rep., 1679-89; grantee of Nfd., and one of the com- mittee for settling that town, 1683; military com. for Nhn., 1692; d. Dec. 3. '703- He m. Nov. 18, 1656, Sarah, dau. William Holton. Shed. May 8, 1683. • (2), Nov. 1683, Sarah, wid. of Jacob Mygatt, dau. of Wm. Whiting. She d. at Winds., 1705. Ch. : John, July, 1657 (2). Benjamin, March i, 1675 (7). i William, March 28, 1660(3). Thankful, Sept., 1679, m. Sept. 15, 1704, **rhomas, July 14, 1662 (4). Samuel Clapp. Samuel, Jan. 6, 1664-5 (s)- David, 1681 ; in Capt. Benj. Wright's scout, Eleazer, March 26, 1667, d. unm. 1699. 1709; Sheffield; d. 1730; his son, Benj., Joseph, March 23, 1668-9, ^- young. ,--'' b. 1710, was killed at Fort Mass., June 7, Sarah, May 3, 1671, m. Dec. 22, 1692, 1756. Ebenezer Pomroy. Jonathan, April 25, 1683 (8). { «rJoseph, May 8, 1673 (6). Prob. Daniel, who d. June 24, 1775, a. 85. »^ 2. John, s. of John (1), b. 1657; lieutenant; Nhn.; in the Falls fight, 1676; freeman, 1690; in Capt. Benj. Wright's scout, 1709; d. March 20, 1720. He m. Nov. 4, 1686, Mehitable, dau. Medad Pomroy. She d. Nov. 8, 1755.3.89. Ch. : Mehitable, March 13, 1690, m. April (2), Nathaniel Phelps. (3), Gideon 13, 1712, Eliakim Strong. Lyman. Experience, April 17, 1693, m. Aug. 16, John, April r, 1704; sol. at Fort Dummer, 17 1 6, Timothy Dwight. I7^4- Medad, March 26, 1699; had his father's Twins, June I, 1706, d. in infancy. share in the Falls fight township, 1736. Thankful, Feb. 18, 1709, d. young. Catherine, Aug. 17, 1701, m. — Hickock. 3. William, s. of John (1), b. 1660; sergeant; sol. at Dfd,, 1708 ; d. Sept. 20, 1728. He m. 1686, Elizabeth, dau. Henry Denslow, of Winds. She d. May 27, 1746, a. 80. . Ch. : William, Sept. 7, 1687. stead ; clerk of Capt. Kellogg's co., 1724. Daniel, Oct. 17, 1689. John, June 11, 1697. Josiah, Aug. 27, 1693; cordwainer ; Nfd., Eleazer, Dec, 1701. 1725, where he bo't Benoni Craft's home- Elizabeth, June 15, 1707. 480 History of Northfieid. 4. Thomas, s. of John (i), b. 1662 ; rem. to Hfd., 1686; to Hart. abt. 1694; d. Dec. 26, 1711. He m. Nov. 17, 1683, Abigail, dau. Jedediah Strong. Shed. 1689, a. 23. (2), Nov., 1690, Mary, dau. Robert Webster, of Hart. She d. Sept. 27, 1706. A third wife, died Jan. 2, 1712; name unknown. Ch.: Thomas, Dec. 3, 1684, d. young. ^Mary, Oct. 5, 1691, m. April 4, 1711, Abigail, Jan. 31, 1687. Thomas Clapp. Thomas and Robert. 5. Samuel, s. of John (1), b. 1665 ; Nhn. ; grantee of Nfd., 1682; d. Oct. 3, 1701, He m. 1690, Joanna, wid. of Thomas Alvord, dau. John Taylor. She m. (2j, Nov. 26, 1702, Deliverance Bridgman. Ch. : Eliakim, Feb. 19, 1692, m. Dec. 2, Hannah Stebbins, who d. Feb. 13, 1733, 1719, Hannah Strong, who d. Oct. 10, a. 39. 1722, a. 26. Jemima, m. Dec. 19, 1717, Samuel Wright. Samuel, Nov. 19, 1693, m. Jan. 10, 1717, Twins, July 31, 1699, ^- '" infancy. 6. Joseph, s. of John (1), b. 1673 ; lieutenant; Nhn.; d. Dec. 3, 1734, He m. June 3, 1696, Mindwell, dau. Medad Pomroy. She d. Nov. 21, 1732. (2), Aug. 30, 1733, Mindwell Porter, Ch. : Sarah, March 10, 1697, m. Aug. 18, Joseph, Nov. 24, 1709 ; accidentally killed 1718, James Broivn [F) while hunting, by Samuel Burt. Esther, Jan. I, 1700, d. young. Thankful, Feb. 9, 1712. Eunice, March 12, 1703. Simeon, Oct. 28, 1714, m. 1737, Mindwell, Mindwell, March 15, 1705. dau. Noah Parsons; in Capt. John Burk's Phineas, Sept. 27, 1707, d. at Southampton, rangers, 1756. Jan. 10, 1768. 7. Benjamin, s. of John (i), b. 1675; garrison sol. at Dfd., and in the Pomroy pursuit, 1698; d. Jan. 20, 171 8. « He m. May 16, 1700, Mary, dau. Abel Janes. She m. (2), 1721, Jona. Graves. Ch. : Flisha, Nov. 11, 1717, m. May 20, 1753, Jemima Graves. He d. 1786. 8. Jonathan, s. of John (i), b. 1683; rem to Bolton, Ct., 1724; d.June 10, 1774. He m. April 18, 171 1, Mary, dau. Thomas French, of Dfd. Shed- March 24, 1758, a. 71. Ch. : Jonathan, Jan. 25, 1712, m. Feb. 16, Beriah, Oct. 2, 1721, d. April 10, 1722. 1743, Martha Woodward; sett, in Co- Seth, April 18, 1723, m. April 23, 1747, ventry, Ct. Mary Smith ; sett, in Bolton, now Vernon, Abigail, Dec. I, 1713, m. Nov. 8, 1733, Ct. ; d. 1780. Isaac Bronson. She d. Feb. 27, 1799. Oliver, April 20, 1726. Charles, July 3, 1716, m. Sept. 5, 1739, Gideon, Aug. 24, 1729, m. and sett, in New Sarah King. Hartford, Ct. ; d. 1802. Mary, May 31, 1718. KNAPP, Daniel, 1760-71. He m. Hannah . Ch. : Sale, Feb. 7, 1769, d. July 15, 1770. KNIGHTS. Amaziah, 1766-9. He m. Jan. 29, 1767, Lydia Wright, of Granby. Ch. : Phineas, bapt. Sept. 3, 1767. Family Genealogies. 481 1. KNIGHTS, Benjamin; Hfd., 1725; sol. at Fort Dummer, from Nfd., 1730; rem. to Nhn before 17 15 8. He m. Dec. 14, 1723, Esther, dau. Joseph Burt; and (2), Hannah . Ch. : Simeon, May 23, 1725 (2). Hannah, Nov. 24, 1729. Esther, June 8, 1728. Benjamin (3). 2. Simeon, s. of Benjamin (i), b. 1725; rem., in 1752, to Westminster, Vt., where he was one of the three first sett.; driven thence by the Indians, he ret. to Nfd.; was in Capt. John Burk's co. of rangers, and cap. at the fall of Fort William Henry, Aug., 1757. He was alive in Canada, Sept. 20, 1758, but d. before April 11;, 1759. ^^ '^ supposed he d. in captivity. He m. Sarah, dau. of John Harwood, of Ware River, to which place she rem. after the death of her husband. CA.: Eunice, July 24, 1751. Elisha, Dec. 29, 1754. Lois, Feb. 4, 1753. Elijah, Dec. 27, 1756. 3. Benjamin, s. of Benjamin (i), sett, in Hfd., but rem. to Cold Spring; was a sol. in the French and Indian wars. He m. Mary , who d. June 2, I7i;4. CA.: Catherine, May 11, 1748. Lucius, May 30, 1750. KNIGHTS, Jesse, 1815; from Dummerston, Vt. ; d. June 8, 1851, a. 67. He m. Betsey Dickinson, b. 1787. CA.: Orrilla. William O., Nov. 11, 1821, m. Sarah Mar- Serepta, m. Francis Snow, of Bernardston. veil. Jane D.,'Nov. 27, 1815, m. Franklin Bar- Sally, Jan. 7, 1824, m. July 6, 1848, Ste- ber. phen G. Wilds. Bethany, May 25, 1818, m. June 5, 1843, Sylvester, about 1832. Elijah Stebbins. LAMB, George, 1786. LAMB, Isaac, 1781-97. LAMB, Levi, 1781-1805. He m. Feb. i, 1803, Effie Carter. LANE, Samuel, 1740. I, LANE, Samuel, s. of Elkanah, of Taunton, b. Jan. 9, 1759; Rev. sol.; rem. from Winch, to Nfd., 1807; d. Jan. 26, 1845. Hem. June 15, 1785, Eunice Scott, who d. Nov. 28, 1825, a. 59. a.: Elijah,"! ^'^^' ^0 '"• ^^nny Scott, of Ezekiel, m. Rachael Fisk ; sett, in Swanrey, \ V Winchester. N. H. Elisha, j 1789, J (2). Samuel, m. Maria Parker, of Fitzwilliam, Ebenezer, sett, in Penn. N. H. Lucy, m. Hale Mason. Elisha, s. of Samuel (1), b. 1789; res. in Winch., and Swanzey, N. H. • d. June 20, 1859. He m. June 28, 1809, Electa Healy, who d. May, 11, 1817, a. 27. (2), April 9, 1834, Aseneth, dau. Selah Norton. She d. April 6, 1873, a. jy. CA.: Eliza A., March 27, i8io; d. 1813. Elkanah, Feb. 11, 1837, m. Oct. 29, 1868 Samuel, Sept. 27, 1812 (3). Susan G. Ellis. ' Ephraim, Jan. 6, 1815, m. April 6, 1845, Frederick A., May 3, 1838, m. June i, Caroline E. Wakeman, of N. Haven, Ct. 61 [859, Ellen Worsley. (2), Nov. 28, 1866, Frances S. Willard. 482 History of Northfield. 3. Samuel, s. of Elisha (2), b. 1812; rem. from Winch, to Nfd., 1845; seaman ; was master of a whaleship; d. May 8, 1864. He m. Sept. 25, 1845, Charlotte O., dau. Calvin Stearns. She d. March 2, 1874, a. 51. Ch. : Cara Marie, Nov. 6, 1851, d. March Flora, Feb. 14, 1853. LARABEE, John; from Swanzey, about 1764; rem. to Guilford, Vt., 1778. He m. Alvira , from Swanzey. Ch. : John, bapt. Dec. 29, 1765. Mary, bapt. Sept. 22, 1771, m. — Peabody. James, bapt. June 30, 1767. (2), Calvin Doolittle. Bethsheba, bapt. May 7, 1769; "4th child." Samuel, bapt. Sept. 5, 1773. LATHAM, James, 1773. LAUGHTON, James, 1807. LAWRENCE, Elias, 1763-4. LAWRENCE, John, 1773. LAWRENCE, William; captain, 18 13. He ni. July 18, 18 15, wid. Dorcas Leach. Ch. : Nancy, m. Charles Wilder. LAWRENCE, Zachery, prob. s. of John, of Watertown. If so, b. March 9, 1659; grantee of Nfd., 1682; sett., 1685; of Hfd., 17 14. LEE, Caleb, 1818; from Ver. ; returned after a few years. LEE, Reuben, 181 i. LEE, Zebulon, 1765. He m. Mary . Ch.: Lucy, bapt. May 11, 1766. Mary, bapt. May 7, 1767. Asher, bapt. May 11, 1766, d. May 18, 1766. LEONARD, Samuel, 1780; rem. to Warwick. He m. Silence . Ch. : Samuel, Jan. 19, 1782. LEWIS, John, 1789; mulatto. LEWIS, William, 1803-5. LEWIS, William, Jr., 1803. He m. Sarah '-. Ch. : Kitty, Jan. 5, 1805. Moses Sears, March 14, 1808. William, Jan. 27, 1806. LINCOLN, CusHiNG, 1812; from Hingham; rem. to War.; d. Nov. 9, 1861, a. 87. He m. Sept. 22, 1814, Roxana Moody. (2), Feb. 27, 1823, Mrs. Mara Gale, at Warwick, who d. Nov. 30, 1859. Ch.: Jotham, Feb. 14, 18 15. LINCOLN, Peleg, 1801-10. LINCOLN, Zadock, 1799-18 10. Family Genealogies. 483 LINKFIELD, Benjamin, 1765; of Winch., 1772. Ck. : Hannah, Sally, and John, who were bapt. Nov. 11, 1776. LONG, John, from Swanzey, N. H. He m. Mehitable Hamblet, who d. Jan. 6, 1843, a. 56. Ch. : Mehitable March lo, 1807, m. John Alvin A., March 25, 1817, m. Mary Fisher. Angel. Mary, Jan. 3, 1820, m. Nov. 18, 1841, David, Nov. 15, 18 12, m. Mary H. Gary. Dickinson Holcon. Sarah, Dec. 22, 1814, m. June 20, 1829, John, April 15, 1823, m. Lois Harris. Lucius Moody. Josiah H., Oct. 19, 1829, d. Oct. 9, 1830. 1. LORD, Robert; Ipswich; freeman, 1636; rep., 1638; town clerk, clerk of the courts, and reg. of deeds; d. 1658. He m. Mary Waite. Order of children's birth unknown. CA. : Thomas, i633*(2). Nathaniel, d. 1658. Robert, about 1634. Abigail, m. Feb. 26, 1666, Jacob Foster. Samuel, 1640. Hannah. Joseph, d. young. Dau., m. a Chandler. 2. Thomas, s. of Robert (i), b. 1633; Charlestown ; d. June 4, 1713. He m. Alice, dau. Robert Rand. She d. Aug. 11, 1721, a 87. CA.: Thomas, 1664, d. Nov. ii, 1749. Joseph, 1 Sept. ^5, ) d- in infancy. Nathaniel, bapt. Nov. 4, 1666. Benjamin, / 1670, j Mary, bapt. Nov. 4, 1666. Joseph, June 23, 1672 (3). Elizabeth, Aug. 23, 1668. Abigail, July 26, 1674. 3. Joseph, s. of Thomas (2), b. 1670; H. C, 1691 ; minister at Dor- chester, S. C, for 20 years; first minister of Chatham, 1720, where he remained until his death, in 1748. We have no knowledge of his family, except a son, Joseph (4). 4. Joseph, s. of Joseph (3), b. about 1704; H. C, 1726; of Hfd., 1733; was one of the five original settlers of Athol, who sat down in the forest there, Sept. 1735. He was for many years the leading man in the set- tlement; being the first preacher, first magistrate, first proprietor's clerk, first treasurer, first surveyor, and first tax gatherer. In 1755, Col. Ebenezer Hinsdale paid him £3 6s. lod. for preaching four sabbaths at Hinsdale. Tn 1759, he rem. to Putney, Vt., and later, to Westmoreland, N. H. ; was judge of the court of Common Pleas for Cumberland county, and in high favor with the king's party before the Revolution, He d. Dec. 7, 1778. CA. : Joseph, April 17, 1730. Stephen (6). William, May 3, 1732. Nathaniel; of Putney, Vt., 1778. Mary, Dec. 2, 1733. Sarah, m. July 21, 1763, Judge Thomas Thomas, Jan. 17, 1736 (5). Chandler, of Vt. 5. Thomas, s. of Joseph (4), b. 1736; Athol; d. Dec. 3, 1810. He m. Leonard Smith. She m. (2), Stephen Stratton. CA.: Asa, Oct i, 1761. Thomas, Feb. 17, 1780 (7). Joseph, Oct. 26, 1763 ; lieutenant. Jotham, June 4, 1783, m. Julia, dau. James Aaron, Dec. 25, 1766; lieutenant; m. Oct. Allen. 3, 1792, Hannah Graves. Leonard, m. Jan. 6, 1803, Asaph Oliver. Abigail S., July 7, 1772. Gardner, April 3, 1788, m. March 4, 1813, Abel, March 12, 1774. Nancy Young. Rhoda, March i, 1776. Absalom, June 30, 1790. 484 History of Northfield. 6. Stephen, s. of Joseph (4), Athol. He m. Mary . Ch. : Stephen, June 15, 1760, d. June 26, Samuel, Feb. 9, 1767. 1764. Benjamin, April 14, 1769. Ichabod, Nov. 27, 1762. John, April 19, 1771. 7. Thomas, s. of Thomas (5), b. 1780; rem. to Nfd. about 181 1, where he kept a tavern ; d. June 1 1, 1861. He m. Oct. 12, 1800, Desire Ward, of Orange, who d. Dec. 11, 1859, a. 80. Ch. : Aaron, June 18, 1801 (8). Infant, Feb. 25, 181 1, d. same day. Nabby, June 7, 1803, m. Jan. 21, 1823, Mary A., April i, 1813, d. June 19, 1834. King Harris. (2), Chandler Field. Dau., b. and d. Sept. 9, 18 14. Thomas Chandler, Nov. 24, 18055 captain; Charlotte, Nov. 2, 1816, d. Aug. 17, 183Z. a noted tavern keeper; d. at Bratt., Aug. Samuel S., Nov. 11, 1819, m. Lois C. Pea- 21, 1 85 1. body. Franklin, March i, 1808 (9). Joseph, April 30, 1824, d. Oct. 22, 1826. 8. Aaron, s. of Thomas (7), b. 1801; tavern keeper at Nfd.; d. March 4, 1825. He m. April 13, 1822, Lydia, dau. AdrastusDooIittle, She m. (2), Nov. 21, 1843, 0"s Everett. Ch.: Aaron G., June 20, 1824; sett, in Sarah A., April 22, 1825, m. Nov. 17, Spfg. j m. Josephine Allen. 1846, Thomas Prentice Allen. 9. Franklin, s. of Thomas (7), b. 1808. Hem. March 115, 1829, Sarah S , dau. Harris Stratton. Ch.: Joseph T., March 19, 1830, m. July Mary A., Oct. 2, 1834, m. Oct. 5, 1854, 14, 1855, Anna Haley. Lewis T. Webster. Sarah A., July 22, 1832, m. Oct. 5, 1854, Calista S., Oct. 19, 1836. John Botume. Sarah, S., Aug. 22, 1842, m. Sept. 26, 1862, A. Albee Ward, of Orange. LOVELAND, Jonathan, 1773; Rev. sol. 1. LYMAN, Richard, b. in England, 1580; came to New England with Elliott, in the " Lion," 1631 ; freeman, 1633 ; rem. with Hooker and Stone, to Hart., at the time of the " great removal," in June, 1 636, where he d. Aug., 1640. He m. Sarah Osborne, who d. soon after her husband. Ch.: William, who d. Aug., 1615. Richard, bapt. Feb. 24, 1617-8 (2). Phillis, bapt. Sept. 12, 1611, m. William Sarah, bapt. Feb. 8, 1620. Hills. Anna, bapt., April 11, 1621, d. young. Richard, bapt. July 18, 1613, d. young. John, Sept. 16, 1633 (3). William, bapt. Sept. 8, 1 61 6, d. Nov., 161 6. Robert, Sept., 1629(4). '■^ 2. Richard, s. of Richard (i), b. 1618, in England; came with his father, 1631; sett, in Nhn.; d, June 3, 1662. He m. Hepzibah, dau. Thomas Ford. She m. (2), Oct. 7, 1664, John Marsh, of Hadley. Ch.: Hepzibah, b. at Windsor; m. Nov. 6, Elizabeth, m. Aug. 22, 1672, Joshua Pom- 1662, Josiah Dewey, of Hebron, Ct. roy. Sarah, m. Nov. 28, i666, John Marsh, Jr. John, 1655 (5). Richard, 1647; grantee at Nfd., 1683; a Joanna, June 7, 1658, d. Jan. I, 1659, at first settler of Lebanon, Ct. ; m. May 26, Nhn. 1675, Elizabeth Coles. He d. before Hannah, July 8, 1660, m. June 20, 1677, 17 1 5. Job or Joseph Pomroy. Thomas, 1649, m. 1678, Ruth, wid. of Moses, Feb. 20, 1662-3. Joseph Baker, dau. Wm. Holton. Family Genealogies, 485 3. John, s of Richard (i), b. 1623; ens. at the Falls fight, May 19, 1676', of Branford, Ct., 1654; Nhn., 1658; petr. for Nfd., 1671; grantee, 1682; sett, in 1685; d, Aug. 20, 1690. He m. Jan. 12, 1655, Dorcas, dau. John Plumb. She d. April 21, 1725. Ch.: Elizabeth, Nov. 6, 1655. Experience, Jan. 4, 1668, d. March 16, Sarah, Nov. ii, 1658, m. Samuel Wright. 1669. John, Aug. 20, 1660, m. April 19, 1687, Joseph, Feb. 17, 1670, d. Feb. 18, 1691. Mind well, wid. John Pomroy, dau. Isaac Benjamin, Aug. 10, 1674 (6). Sheldon. • • Caleb, Sept. 2, 1678. He was leader of a Moses, Feb. 20, 1663; at Nfd., 1688; d. scout of five friendly Indians, which, in Feb. 28, 1701. 1704, returned from Cowass, after an ab- Dorothy, March 4, 1665, m. Nov. 2, 1691, sence of two weeks, with seven scalps of Jabez Bracket, Wallingford, Ct. ' the enemy killed at that place ; was dea- Mary, Jan. 2, 1667, m. Samuel Dwight, of con, and one of the 13 who organized the Northampton. new North Church in Boston ; d. s. p. at Western, Nov. 17, 1742. 4. Robert, s. of Richard (i), b. 1629; Nfd. petitioner, 1671, and there at the First Settlement, but had lived before in New Jersey, on the " Pesayak" river; in his later years, was in a "distracted condition," and the selectmen of Nhn. took charge of his affairs, while Robert spent his time in hunting and fishing. In 1690 he was found dead on a hill in Nhn., which has ever since borne the name of " Robert's Hill.'' Hem. Nov. 5, 1662, Hepzibah, dau. Thomas Bascom. She d. Sept. 20, 1690. Ch.: Sarah, Oct. 13, 1663, d. unm. in Nhn. Hepzibah, Feb. 15, 1674, d. unm. in Nhn. John, Dec. 5, 1664; grantee of Nfd., 1682, Preserved, April, 1676, m. John Ellison, of and sett., 1685. Newark, N. J. Thomas, Dec. 23, 1666, d. young. Waitstill, April 14, 1678, d. May 17, 1697. Thankful, Jan. 13, 1671, d. young. Experience, 1679, m. Henry Cook, of Wal- Thankful, Oct. 10, 1672, m. Daniel Hall. lingford, Ct. (^ 5.- John, s. of Richard (2), b. 1655; Nhn.; d. Oct. 13. 1727. He m. Abigail , d. Nov. 24, 1714 Ch. : Abigail, March 12, 1696, d. April 15, Abner, Feb. i, 1701, m. Lydia — . (2), 1796. May 3, 1739, Sarah Miller. Abigail, Feb. i, 1697, m. Dec. 22, 1720, Job, Dec. i, 1702, d. Jan. 14, 1703. Wm. Bartlett. Joshua, Feb. 27, 1704 (7). Nathan, Jan. i, 1699, d. April 11, 1700. Nathan, May 5, 1706; a first sett, of South- James, 1700; captain j m. Ann — . ' ampton, 1733 ; m. Sarah Webb. 6. Benjamin, s. of John (3), b. 1674; Nhn.; was one of that scouting party, under Capt. Benjamin Wright, which had the fight with Indians on French river. May 20, 1709; d. Oct. 14, 1723. He m. Oct. 27, 1698, Thankful, dau. Medad Pomroy. She m. (2), Nathaniel Lewis, of Farmington, Ct. Ch. : Joseph, Aug. 22, 1699, m. Abigail William, Dec. 12, 1715; captain; servedin Lewis, of Farmington, Ct. She d. 1766, French and Indian war; had command at a. 74. He d. March 30, 1763. Ft. Mass., 1748, and of Ft. Shirley, 1749 Benjamin, Dec. 19, 1702, d. in infancy. Daniel, April 18, 1718 ; grad. Y. C, 1745 Benjamin, Jan. 4, 1704; sett, in E. Hampton. Judge, in New Haven; d. 1788. Aaron, April i, 1705 (8). Hannah, July 14, 1719. Eunice, March 6, 1707, d. June i, 1720. Elihu, July 10, 1720; grad. Y. C, 1745; Hannah, July 14, 1709, m. 1735, Nathl. officer in the French and Indian war ; d. Dwight, of Belchertown. unm. Caleb, Aug. 8, 171 1, lived in Boston. Medad, March 26, 1722; sett, in N. Haven, Susanna, July 18, 171 3, m. — Baxter, of where he kept tavern; sol. in French and ~ Indian war, 1748. 486 History of Northjield. -i* 7. Joshua, s. of John (5), b. 1704; capt. ; blacksmith ; sol. at Ft. Dummer, 1730-43; Nfd., 1747, where held many important offices; was active in the French and Indian wars; a captain in Col. Israel Williams's reg., in the cam- paign of 1759; he d. Sept. 11, 1777. He ni. Oct. i, 1729, Sarah Narman, of Sfd., who d. about 1737. (2), about 1738, Esther, who d. March 2, 1786, a. -jz. "The 2d wife of Joshua Lyman, the blacksmith, who lived next south of the old Field Fort, dreamed one night that she would be shot, unless she moved her chair from the corner where she was accustomed to sit, when spinning on the foot wheel. The next morning, after she was seated at her work, the dream came to her mind, and she got up and moved to the opposite corner of the fire place. Presently a bullet entered the house and passed directly where she had been sitting. It seems that her husband had placed an old gun barrel in the forge, which proved to be loaded, and the heat exploded the charge, with the result above named." \Dea. Phin. Field.'] Ch. ; Simeon, Nov. 26, 1730 (9). John, Dec. 27, 1732 j sol. at Ft. Dummer; m. Martha Hannum ; sett, in Southamp- ton. Joshua, March 10, 1734-5 ; Rev. sol., 1779-80, at New London and West Point. Seth, Feb. i, 1736-7(10). 738, d. Sept. I, 1739. 1741, m. — Sheldon, of Mary, Sept. 22, Sarah, Jan. 15 Southampton. Mary, Aug. 21, 1742, d. Nov. 5, 1749. James, Jan. 20, 1747-8 (11). Esther, June 12, 1752, m. Oct. II, 1786, Reuben Frizzell, of Leyden. 8. Aaron, s. of Benjamin (6), b. 1705; deacon ; the first permanent sett, of Cold Spring, where he kept tavern many years; d. June 12, 1780 or 88. He m. Dec. 12, 1733, Eunice, dau. Rev. Josiah Dwight. She d. March 28, 1760. (2), June II, 1772, Joanna, wid. of Samuel Holton, of Nfd, She d. Dec 18, 1796, a. 82. CA. : Susanna, Nov. 16, 1734, m. — Kent, of Sfd. Josiah, March 9, 1736, the first white male b. in Belchertown 5 m. Sarah Winthrop. Anna, July 28, 1737, m. Capt. — Granger, of Sfd. Aaron, March 20, 1740 5 sett, in Charle- mont ; d. Feb. 23, 1758. Elihu, Da«. 25, 1741 (12). Eunice, May 29, 1744, m. Dea. Jona. Arms, of Dfd. Mary, Nov. 12, 1745, m. Oct. 24, 1771, Capt. Elisha Hunt. Dorothy, June 17, 1747, d. Aug. 16, 1789. Caleb, Aug. 7, 1750 (13). Dolly, Oct. 4, 1756, d. Sept. 14, 1787. 9. Simeon, s. of Joshua (7), b. 1730; sergeant. Rev. army; d. May 19, 1809. He m. Sarah, dau. Joseph Field, of Sund. She d. Nov. 2E (2), June 16, 1801, Molly (Smith), wid. of Hezekiah Stratton 24, 1824, a. 91-. Ck. : Mary, May 29, 1756, m. May 16, Submit, July 11, 1767, m, 1 78 1, Solomon Holton. Dennison, of Hartland, Vt, Persis, Oct. 7, 1758, m. Nov. 27 Joseph Smead, Montague. 1797, a. 62. She d. Dec. [804, Col. Geo. Joshua, Oct. 12, 1760, m. Cath. Hammond. (2), Sally Holton; sett, in Winch; Rev. sol., 1780. Joseph, Jan. 23, 1763(14). Simeon, Dec. 8, 1764; blacksmith; m. 1792, Diadama Allen; rem. to Walpole, N. H. 782, /Sarah, Sept. 13, 1769, m. James Strobridge, T I of Trumansburg, N. Y. -^ Timothy, Sept. 22, 1771, m. April I, 1804, Ruby Beach ; sett, in Walpole, N. H. Elisha, Aug. 13, 1772, d. young. Penelope, July 26, 1774, m. Jan. 26, 1806, Lt. Hezekiah Mattoon. Elisha, Aug. 13, 1778 (15). Family Genealogies. 487 10. Seth, s. of Joshua (7), b. 1737; captain ; blacksmith; was at the surrender of Burgoyne. He owned the first wheel carriage, and the first clock, in town. \t>ea. Phin. Field.'\ He m. Oct. 23, 1760, Eunice Graves, of Sunderland, who d. Oct. i, 1801, a. 60. (2), Feb. 3, 1808, wid. Experience (Bardwell) Howland. Ch.: Tertius, Nov. 2, 1761, m. Eunice Seth, Sept. 8, 1772, m. Oct. 23, 1794, Houghton ; sett, in Winch. ; Rev. sol., Elizabeth Page ; sett, in Leyden. 1780-81. Samuel, March 28, 1775 (16). Phineas, Nov. 13, 1763, m. Hannah Hough- Naomi, Aug. 17, 1777, m. Nov. 8, 1801, ton. (2), Sally Morse ; sett, in Winch. Ebenezer Bancroft. Lucy, Feb. 16, 1766, m. June 3, 1819, Aaron G., Dec. 2, 1780 (17). Israel Russell, and d. Dec. 26, 1852. Molly, June 2, 1783, m. 1815, George Al- Eunice, April 17, 1770, m. March 4, 1790, exander, of Bernardston. Dea. Phineas Field. 11. James, s. of Joshua (7), b. 1748; colonel; a corporal, in service at the surrender of Burgoyne, 1777; d. Jan. 25, 1804. He m. March 2, 1768, Mary Crouch Nash, who d. March 23, 1777, a. 29. (2), 1781, Abigail Wright, who d. Aug. 12, 1829, a. 71. Ch.: Luther, Jan. 15, 1769; a clothier; Polly, Dec. 5, 1783, d. unm. Aug. 17, sett, at Sand Lake, N. Y. after 1798; 1848. m. Siviath — . Robert, March 20, 1785, d. Sept. 29, 1795. Princis, June 22, 1771, m. — Root. Richard, July 14, 1786 (18). Aretas, Feb. 4, 1773; rem. to Sand Lake. Tommy, ) Dec. 18, ) (19). James, Feb. 28, 1775; sett, in Thomason, Harry, / 1787, J (20). Maine, after 1798. Rodolphus, April 19, 1790 (21). Gad, Feb. 17, 1782, d. Aug. 16, 1805, while Abigail, July 19, 1797, m. June 13, 1823, a lavv^ student with John Barret. Daniel Clark, and d. July 3, 1824. 12. Elihu, s. of Aaron (8), b. 1741; major; Nfd., 1767-90; was a cap. under Arnold, in the expedition through the wilderness of Maine, for the invasion of Canada, Sept., 1775; was in the army, 1779 and 80, and prob. later; d. at Greenfield, Sept. 12, 1823. He m. 1770, Esther King, of Wfd., who d. Aug. 20, 1774, ^- ^8. (2), Nov. 27, 1781, Sarah, dau. of Joseph Stebbins, of Dfd. Ch.: Sally, Sept. 12, 1771, m. 1816, Eph. Joseph S., Feb. 14, 1785; D. C, 1805; Wells, of Greenfield. lawyer, at Cooperstown, N. Y. ; M. C, Esther, bapt. June 12, 1774, d. Aug. 15, 1819-21; d. March 21, 1821. 1774. Henry, June 30, 1787, d. unm. March 13, Elihu, Sept. 25, 1782, m. wid. Mary Up- 181 1. ham, dau. Robert Field; grad. D. C, Theodore D., 1790; colonel; m. 1819, 1803; practiced law in Gfd. and Green- Rebecca B.Bill, Hart. (2), Julia D., wich ; high sheriff Franklin co. ; state dau. Jona. Dwight, of Belchertown. senator; d. while the leg. was in session, Feb. II, 1826. 13. Caleb, s. of Aaron (8), b. 1750; hatter; his shop stood upon the Parson Doolittle home lot; dep. sheriff nearly 40 years; d. Aug. 18, 1822. He m. Oct. 25, 1774, Catherine Swan, sis. of Timothy. She d. Aug. 22, 1809, a. 53, (iz), April 4, 1816, Tirza, dau. Abner Field, of Nhn. She m. (2), Huntington, of Sudbury. Ch. : William Swan, Sept. 5, 1775 (22). Josiah D., Feb. 27, 1780 (23). Charles, May 4, 1778 ; portrait painter; d. Francis D., Oct. 6, 1782, d. Dec. 27, 1784. unm. April i, 1814, Francis, Feb. 15,. 1785. 488 History of Northfield. Caleb, Oct. 14, 1787, d. unm. in So. Caro- Catherine S., March 19, 1797. Una, Aug. 26, 1823. Edwin, July 30, 1800; printer j d. N. Or- Daniel, May 23, 1790. leans, Jan. 29, 1841. Myra, Feb. 28, 1793, ""• Dec. 16, 1816, Alexander. 14. Joseph, s. of Simeon (9), b. 1763, d. Dec. 21, 1832. He m. Dec. 16, i8og, Elizabeth Liscomb, who d. Oct. 25, 1855, a. 75. Ch.: Joseph, Nov. 9, 1810, m. Rebecca Charles, Feb. 10, 1816; went to California. Page. John, Dec. I, 1819, d. April 7, i860. Simeon, May 1, 1812, m. Julia F. Harris. Elizabeth, Oct. 18, 1822, m. Jan. 30, 1853, Robert, Feb. 14, 18 14; cabinetmaker j m. Marshall Lee, of Ver. Sarah Miner; rem. south. Margaret, Dec. 26, 1824, d. May 11, 1867. 15. Elisha, s. of Simeon (9), b. 1779; captain; d. Dec. 28, 1858. Hem. May 30, 1805, Margaret Liscomb, who d. Oct. 6, 181 1. (2), April 9, 18 1 2, Rachel Ames. Ch.: Adeline, Feb. 18, 1806, d. Feb. 24, Amanda A., Sept. 12, 1809, m. Feb. 28, 1806. 1849, Walter Field. Frances M., May 7, 1807, m. Aug. 31, 1 831, Henry McLallen. 16. Samuel, s. of Seth (10), b. 1775, d. Nov. 6, 1823. He m. Sarah Smith, dau. Capt. Elisha. She m. (2), Samuel Smith, of Granby. Ch.: Warren, Aug. 23, 1805; went to Arad, May 12, 1810 ; in business in Colum- Texas. bus, Ga. ; d. in New York City. Samuel J., Sept. 27, 1807, m. Sarah L. Gray. 17. Aaron G., s. of Seth (10), b. 1780, d. April 15, 1841. He m. Jan. 14, 1806, Cynthia, dau. Israel Lv'ftian, of Had. She d. Dec. 3. 1839. Ch. : Aaron G., May 27, 1808. Israel, June 5, 1818, m. Sophronia W., dau. Seth H., Dec. 21, 1810, d. Sept. 14, 1822. Calvin Lyman ; lives on old homestead. George B., Oct. 11, 18 ix, d. Sept. 9, Elijah W., Aug. 20, 1820, d. Sept. 12, 1822. 1822. Mary A., Jan. 3, 1814, m. William Steb- Elijah S. G., May 7, 1824, m. Louisa C, bins, and d. Aug. 5, 1865. dau. Calvin Lyman. (2), Laduska Rugg. Cynthia, Jan. 26, 1816, d. July 27, 1830. 18. Richard, s. of Col. James (11), b. 1786, d. Oct. 7, 1863. He m. Oct. 10, 1813, Abigail, dau. Jona. Janes. CA.: James, Jan. 14, i8i4,m. Mary Strat- William March 26, 1822, m. Eliza M. Wil- ton. (2), Sarah Bacon. son, of Ala. Jona, Dec. 26, 1815 ; rep. 1854; m. Mch. Aaron L., Nov. 5, 1826; teacher and mer- 25, 1838, Harriet W. Woodward, who d. chant; sett, in Ala.; d. Oct. 18, 1848. July 20, 1846. (2), Charlotte Holton, Albert R., Oct. ii;, 1828, m. Fanny Brooks, who d. Oct. 16, 1865, a. 55. of Brattleboro. Mary, Nov. 5, 1817, m. Sept. 11, 1844, Edwin, Nov. 15, 1832, m. Rhoda M. James Brazier, Groton, and Benton, Ala. Bridge. Gad C, Dec. 5, 1819, m. Fanny Wright. Warren F., April 22, 1833; teacher and (2), Rosina Mack. trader; sett, in Ala.; m. Jenny E. Stone. 19. Thomas, s. of Col. James (11), b. 1787; captain militia; hatter; of Keene, N. H., 18 10; Nfd., 1812; rem. to Ver., 1844, and Gfd., 1862. Family Genealogies. 489 He m. May 19, 1829, Zama Johnson, of Ver., who d. Jan. 17, 1862, a. 62. Ch.: Thomas H., Feb. 14, 1830, tn. Nancy Theodore E., Aug. 16, 1833, d. same day. W. Morgan; d. s. p. July 4, i860. Charles A., June 30, 1838, d. unm. June Martha E., Oct. 17, 1831, m. Nov. 24, 21, 1861. 1853, William S. Severance, M. D., of William D., Oct. 30, 1840, d. unm. March Greenfield. 10, i860. 20. Henry, s. of James (n), b. 1787; rem. to Hartland, Wis.; d. June 24, 1854. He m. March 11, 1813, Lucy, dau. x'\bner Field. Ch. : Senah, Jan. 8, 18 14, m. Albert Field. Mary A.. Nov. 22, 1824, d. unm. Henry, Aug. 19, 1816, m. — Morgan. John F., Nov. 2, 1826, m. George, Jan. 24, 1819, m. Abner F., March 8, 1829. Lucy, March 16, 1821, m. Waldo F., July i, 1831. Marilla, Oct. 30, 1822, m. Juliette, March 16, 1833, m. 21. RoDOLPHUs, s. of Jamcs (11), b. 1790; lived in Somerset, Vt., Dover, Stratton, Sunderland and Bennington; d. Sept. 18, 1866. He m. April 24, 1811, Bethia Robbins, b. Aug. 17, 1791. Ch. : Eldridge, Nov. i, 1811, m. Elvira Lucia A., ~| March 31,^ m. Oscar J. Nor- Simmonds ; rem. to Stratton, Vt. >- >- throp, Bennington. Maria, Feb. 10, 1813, d. Feb. 19, 1821. Lucius, j 1823. J m. Oct. 15, 1855, Rufus, Sept. 3, 181 5; sett, in Stratton, Laura Fills ; sett, in W. Wardsboro, Vt. Vt. Bethia, May 14, 1825, m. Merritt Hawkins, Fanny W., May 19, 1817, m. Edwin M. Sunderland, Vt. Pratt, Manchester, Vt. Ann M., April 16, 1827, m. Milton Ste- Robert T., May 6, 18 19. vens, Shushan, N. Y. Rodolphus, April 23, 1821. Elisha, March 26, 1829, m. Henrietta In- gram. Eliza J., March 26, 1833, m. Wm. Furger- son, Rutland, Vt. 22. William Swan, s. of Caleb (13), b. 1775; hatter; rem. to x-^mherst, but ret. to Nfd., where he d. Feb. 26, 1801. He m. 1799, Fanny, dau. Dr. Medad Pomroy. She m. (2), Nov. 3, 1805, Theodore Hinsdale, of Pittsfield, and d. Aug. 13, 1 81 3. Ch. : William Swan, June 29, 1800, d. in N. O., La., 1840. 23. JosiAH D., s. of Caleb (13), b. 1780 ; col, state artillery; d. Jan. 5, 1869. He m. Feb. i, 1808, Elizabeth, dau. Jabez Whiting. She d. Feb. 24, 1868, a. 83. Ch.: William S., Feb. 27, 1805. Augustus, Sept. 26, 1818. Caleb, Feb. II, 1807; hatter ; d. unm. Mch. Jabez W., Feb. 17, 1821, m. Nov. 17, 8, 1855. 1843, Mary A. Parker, of Boston ; mer- Elizabeth, May 9, 1809, m. Aug. 30, 1824, chant, New York city; d. Nov. 19, ^- CuUen Sawtelle, M. C. from Maine. - - 1862. Josiah D., July 16, 181 i,d. Sept. 24, 1857. Ann W., Oct. 12, 1823, m. April 28, 1846, Catherine F., m. May 20, 185 1, Dr. Cyrus Col. Francis J. Parker, Boston. L. Hunter. MACK, Elisha, 1765-6. MACOMBER, wid. Betsey, 1800. MACOMBER, William, 1799. MAKEPEACE, Jonas, 1804. 62 49 o History of Northfield. MALLORY, Moses. He m. Elizabeth. She m. (2), Joab Fairman, and d. July 11, 1832. Ch. : Hannah M., Jan. 28, 1817. Eliza A., April 23, 1825. 1. MALLORY, Simeon; from New Haven, Ct., 1786; Rev. sol. He m. Sarah, dau. Moses Dickinson. C//. ; Simeon, 1788 (2). Prob. Sophia, who m. Feb. 6, 1820, Henry Moses. Tiffany. 2. Simeon, s. of Simeon (1), b. 1788; sol. 1812 ; d. April 26, 1861. He m. Tilda Tiffany, who d. Sept. 6, 185 1, a. 49. C^. : Catherine, Oct. 26, 1816. Isabella E., Aug. 22, 1833; m. H. S. Wil- Obadiah, May 9, 1819. liams. John F., Feb. 20, 1821. Lemuel E., Oct. 25, 1835, d. in the army, Martha A., Feb. 27, 1823. May 18, 1864; ord. sergt. co. E. 31st Isaiah T., Aug. 5, 1825. Mass. vols. Horace L., Oct. 5, 1827. Harriet A., Sept. I, 1840. Hollis A., Dec. 13, 1830. MALTBY, William, 1801. MARBLE, Marcus ; doctor; 1780-1. MARSH, Amos, 1788. 1. MASON, Robert; of Roxbury, 1637; at Dedham, before Dec. 12, 1642, where he d. Oct. 15, 1667. His wife d. in Roxbury, April, 1637. CA. : John, m. May 5, 1651, Mary Eaton, Robert, a first sett, of Medfield ; m. Abigail prob. dau. John. Eaton. Thomas (2). 2. Thomas^ s. of Robert (i) ; one of the original settlers of Medfield, 1651; he was killed when the town was burned by the Indians, Feb. 21, 1676. He m. April 23, 1653, Margary Partridge. C/i. : John, Nov. 3, 1654, killed by Indians, Zachery, Dec. 29, 1662, killed with father. Feb. 21, 1676. Mehitable, Jan. 29, 1665. Mary, Feb. 5, 1657. Ebenezer, Sept. 12, 1669 (3). Thomas,' July 2, 1660, killed with father. 3. Ebenezer, s. of Thomas (2), b. 1669; d. March 18, 1754. He m. April 25, 1691, Hannah Clark. C/i. : Hannah, May 31, 1692. Ebenezer, April 6, 1701. Mehitable, Nov. 20, 1693. Zachery, and Mary, Jan. 7, 1702. Dorcas, Aug. 12, 1695. Margary, Jan. 5, 1704. Tabitha, July 3, 1697. Eliphalet, Aug. 30, 1706. Thomas, April 23, 1699 (4). Joseph, June i, 1711. 4. Thomas, s. of Ebenezer (3), b. 1699; Medfield; d. Dec. 26, 1789. He m. Mary Sady. C^.: Barachias, June 10, 1723. Sady, Nov. i, 1730. Olive, July 9, 1724. Thomas, June 14, 1733 (5). Lois, June 22, 1726. Caroline, Jan. 25, 1735. Thomas, Aug. 4, 1728, d. young. Silas, June 17, 1740. Joseph, Nov. 4, 1729. Catherine, July 25, 1743- Family Genealogies. 491 5. Thomas, s. of Thomas (4), b. 1733 ton, where he d. Nov. 28, 1814. Hem. Aug. 31, 1763, Mary, dau. of John Baxter 1826. m. from Medfield to Prince- She d. April 3, 1774, d. May 8, Ch.: William, Nov. 19, 1764, d. March Elizabeth, March 24, 1847. 1853. Sarah, May 23, 1767, d. May 11, 1845. Horatio, July 30, 1776. Thomas, May 28, 1769 (6). Joseph, July 6, 1778. Mary, Oct. 16, I77i,d. Feb. 7, 1852. John, Dec. 17, 17 — , d. April 6, 1795. 6. Thomas, s. of Thomas (5), b. at Princeton, 1769; grad, H. C, 1796; ordained minister at Nfd., Nov. 6, 1799; dis. March 28, 1830; rep. 8 years ; d. Jan. 3, 1851. [^See ante, p. 349.] He m. Dec. 11, 1800, Lydia Kendall, of Sterling, who d. Aug. 23, 1803, a. 26. (2), Jan. 24, 1804, Sophia Barnard, of Sterling, who d. April 29, 1842, a. 66. [802, Nov. 12, Ch. : Mary, Jan. 22, 1806. Thomas, Aug. 21, 1803, d. the next day. Lydia K., Dec. 7, 1804, m. June 6, 1832 David W. Allen. Mary, May 28, 1807. Thomas, March 22, 1809, d. in infancy. Thomas, Feb. 11, 181 1^ m. Ellen Holton. Joseph, March 16, 18 13 (7). George, Aug. 6, 1815, m. Jerusha, dau. Henry Alexander j he d. April 26, 1869. Elizabeth, Feb. 12, 18 19. 7. Joseph, s. of Thomas (6), b. 1813; lawyer; studied at the Cambridge Law School, and in the office of Hon. S. C. Allen, and Gov. Emery Wash- burn; practiced in Westborough, Templeton, and Worcester; clerk of the courts for Worcester co. since 1852. He m. Nov. 10, 1846, Sarah R., dau. of Hon. Leonard M. Parker. Ch.: Joseph, Sept. 15, 1848. I. MATTOON, Philip; under Capt. Turner in the Falls fight. May 19, 1676; of Spfd., 1679; Dfd., 1686, where he d. Dec. 30, 1696. He m. Sept. 10, 1677, Sarah, dau. John Hawks, of Hadley. She m. (2), Daniel Belding, of Dfd., whose first wife was killed by Indians, 1696, and his second in 1704. She survived him 19 years^ dying Sept. 15, 1751, aged 94, 75 years after her first marriage. Ch. : Margaret, Nov. 4, 1678. Philip, April 4, 1680 (2). John, Oct. 12, 1682, m. Oct. 20, 1706, Jerusha, dau. David Hall, of Wallingford, Ct., where he was living 1737, when he drew his father's share in Falltown. Isaac, Dec. 10, 1684 (3). Sarah, April 25, 1687, cap. when Dfd. was sacked, 1704; m. 1711, Zecheriah Field. 689 (4). 690 ; sett, in Lebanon, Eleazer, March 10, Gershom, Dec. 25, Ct. Nathaniel, Aug. 29, Ebenezer, Jan. 30, 1716. Mary, July 25, 1697, m. John Miller, 2d of Spfd.; pub. Sept. 5, 1713. 1693 (5). 1694-5, d. Apri] 30. 2. Philip, s. of Philip (i), b. 1680; Deerfield. Hem. Ian. iq, 1703, Rebecca, dau. Godfrey Nims. In the attack Dfd., Feb. 29, 1704, Philip, his wife, and their infant, were all killed. 3. Isaac, s. of Philip (i), b. 1685; rem. to Nfd. about 1721 ; Feb. 17, 1730-31, Nfd. granted him " 6 acres, in consideration of his difficulties in coming first to settle here;" d. May 21, 1767. 492 History of Northjteld. He m. Mary, dau. Col. Samuel Partridge, of Hfd., gr. dau. Rev. Seaborn Cotton. She d. Jan. 31, 1790, a. 91. Ch.: Mariah, Jan. 19, 1729-30, d. young. Elizabeth, Feb. 26, 1733-4, d. March 30, Samuel, Jan. 15, 1730-1 (6). 1738. Mariah, March i, 1732-3, m. April 30, Mehitable, Aug. 15, 1737, m. Sept. 25, i76i,-&a^ Graves, of Sund. 1775, Elisha Wells, of Greenfield. 4. Eleazer, s. of Philip (i), b. i68g; deacon; Nfd., about 1717; sol. 1724; rem. to East Hadley about 1738 ; d. Feb., 1767. He m. July zo, 1715, Elizabeth, dau. Samuel Boltwood. Ch. : Elizabeth, Nov. i, 1718, m. Joseph Sarah, Feb. 21, 1723, m. March 27, 1746, Day, of West Springfield. Ephraim Marsh, of Montague. Ebenezer, Dec. 21, 1720 (7). 5. Nathaniel, s. of Philip (1), b. 1693; ensign; Nfd. at the permanent sett.; sol. under Capt. Kellogg, 1724-5; d. Jan. 18, 1770. He m. 1727, Hannah, dau. Isaac Hubbard. She d. April 16, 1797,3.95. Ch.: Philip, Feb. 19, 1728-9 (8). Hannah, June j, 173 i. m. July 11, Samuel Barnard, of Deerfield. Mary, Nov. 2, 1733, m. May 31, Ebenezer Billings, of Sunderland. Lucy, Nov. 26, 1737, m. Oct. 30, 1766, [771, Elihu Root, of Montague. Elijah, Aug. 26, 1740 (9). 1753, Anna, April 20, 1744, m. April 11, 1765, Shammah Pomroy. 6. Samuel, s. of Isaac (3), b. 1731; doctor; town treasurer; d. March 13, 1807. He m. Sept. 8, 1756, Abigail, dau. Dea. Thomas Bardwell, of Dfd. She d. July 16, 1816. Ch. : Caroline, Dec. 6, 1757, m. Dec. 18, Cynthia, Oct. 27, 1771, d. unm. Sept. 9, , 1777, Jonathan Janes. '859. Elizabeth, Feb. 15, 1760, m. May 14, 1776, Elihu, Nov. 26, 1773, d. April i, 1774. Samuel Field. Rhoda, Sept. 15, 1775, d. Oct. 3, 1776. Mary, Feb. 9, 1762, m. Dec. 17, 1776, Ab- Mabel, Oct. 13, 1777, m. Dec. 4, 1811, ner Field. Caleb Cook. Isaac, April 10, 1765 (10). Hannah, Dec. 23, 1779, m. Nov. 21, 1807, Samuel, June 27, 1767 (11). Elijah Mattoon. Abigail, Sept. 2, 1769, m. Nov. 26, 1789, Rhoda, March 15, 1783, d. June 29, [CA. Zecheriah Field. ^^(•■i\ May 31, \_gr. stone^ 1859. Elihu, March 3, 1785 (12). 7. Ebenezer, s. of Eleazer (4), b. 1720; sett, in Amherst; d. April 27, 1806. He m. April, 1747, Dorothy, dau. Dea. Nathaniel Smith, of x^mh. She d. June 3, 1756, a. 27. (2), 1759, Sarah, dau. John Alvord, of Nhn., who d, Feb. 27, 1803, a. 76. Ch. : Dorothy, bapt. April 16, 1749, m. Eleazer, bapt. Aug. 19, 1764, d. unm. Sfephen Smith, of Amherst. Roxana, Aug. 31, 1766, m. 1785, John Elizabeth, bapt. July 21, 1751, m. Oliver Kellogg, of Amherst. Clapp, of Amherst. Lovisa, about 1770, m. Eli Dickinson, of Ebenezer, bapt. Aug. 24, 1755 (13). Amherst. Sarah, 1761 d. April 11, 1803. 8. Philip, s. of Nathaniel (5), b. 1729; sol., 1756; currier, 1757; d. Sept. 18, 1810. Family Genealogies. 49 3 He m. Jan. 28, 1762, Hannah, dau. Hezekiah Stratton. She d. Dec, 18, 1800, a. 69. Ch. : Nathaniel, Feb. 8, 1763,01. March 8, Philip, Nov. 14, 1771, m. March 20, 1796, 1791, Almena Field; rem. to Vershire, Susanna Field. Vt. Hannah, bapt. Nov. i, 1772, d. Jan. 21, Charlotte, April 18, 1765, m. Nov. 8, 1786, 1775- Asaph Corse. Hezekiah, Oct. 15, 1774 (14). John, Jan. 18, 1767. Charley, bapt. Oct. 18, 1791; a grand son, Elisha, March 31, 17-69. adopted as a son. 9. Elijah, s. of Nathaniel (5), b. 1740, d. Nov. 12, 1823. He in. Sept. 23, 1767, Catherine dau. Seth Field. She d. Aug. 8, 1835, a. 88. Ch.: Sarah, Sept. 29, 1768, m. Dec. i, Katy, Dec. 18, 1776, m. Sept. 27, 1801, 1803, Samuel Hedge, of Windsor, Vt. Samuel Hedge, of Windsor. Lucy, Nov. 10, 1770, d. Oct. 18, 1793. Elijah, Aug. 29, 1782 (15). Susanna, May 6, 1773, d. unm. May 29, 1859. 10. Isaac, s. of Samuel (6), b. 1765, d. Aug. i i, 1856. He m. Nov. 26, 1789, Martha, dau. Oliver Smith. She d. Oct. 5, 1847, a. 76. Ch. : John, Jan. 23, 1791, d. Dec. 15, John, Dec. 29, 1796 (17). 1795. Sarah M., March 18, 1799, m. June 3, James, Feb. 14, 1793 (16). 1819, Robert G. Cook. Sarah M., April 8, 1795, d. Dec. 24, 1795. Ol'ver S., Aug. 4, 1801 (18). I I. Samuel, s. of Samuel (6), b. 1767, d. Nov. 24, 1848. He m. Jan. 9, 1787, Mary, dau. Capt. Samuel Merriman. She d. Sept. 2, 1787, a. 23. (2), 1790, Ruth Wright, of Ver., who d. Jan. 14, 1839, a. 71. Ch.: Samuel, Feb. 26, 1787, d. July 30, Richard, March 12, 1802; sett, in Newr 1804. York. Mary, Dec. 12, 1790, d. Jan. 31, 1811. Samuel, Jan. 21, 1806, m. — Vaughn. Electa, July 24, 1792, d. Dec. 12, 1795. (2), Harriet, dau. Jacob Moody, wid. of Harriet, April 17, 1794, m. Alanson Rob- Henry Brown. erts, of Gill. Ruth E., Dec. 20, 1808, m. March 8, 1829, Electa, March 20, 1796, m. Dec. 21, 1820, Elijah Bent, of Winch. (2), March, Charles F. Field. 1849, John B. WiUard. Obadiah, May 6, 1798 (19). Warren W., May 30, 18 10, m. Augusta Fanny, Dec. 5, 1800, m. July 4, 1822, Proctor, of Lowell. (2), April 15, 1845, Elias Holton. Emeline, dau. Horace Wright. 12. Elihu, s. of Samuel (6), b. 1785, d. Dec. 7, 1859. He m. June 9, 1811, Rebecca, dau. Jabez Whitney. She d. Aug. 8, 1870, a. 87. Ch.: Maria, Dec. 13, 181 1, m. Prof. George, Nov. 3, 1816, d. unm. in California. Kellogg. Elihu, Sept. 26, 1822 ; res. in Californi'a.- Martha, Dec. 31, 1813, m. abt. 1835, Dr. James Henry. 13. Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer (7), b. 1755; Amherst; grad. D. C, 1776; rep. and senator, in Mass. leg.; M. C, 1801-3; sheriff, Hampshire co,, 20 years; lieut. in Rev. army, at the bat. of Bemis Heights, Oct. 7, 1777; left the army with rank of major; adj. gen. of Mass., 1816; major gen. Mass. militia, 19 years; captain Anct. and Hon. Art. Co., 1817; d. Sept. 11, 1843. 494 History of Northjield. He m. July 7, 1779, Mary, dau. Noah Dickinson. She d. July 30, 1835, a. 77. Ch. : Mary D., April 4, 1780, m. Dec. 24, Noah D., Sept. 29, 1783; grad. D. C, 1807, Daniel Dwight, of Westmoreland, 18035 m. — Billings. Vt. Dorothy S., June 25, 1785, m. April 20, Ebenezer, Sept. 29, 178 1, m. Dec. 30, 1804, 18 15, Dr. Timothy J. Gridley, of Amh. Lucina Mayo, of Orange. Fanny, Sept., 1787, d. Jan. 28, 1790. Fanny, June, 1790, d. Sept. 4, 1792. 14. Hezekiah, s. of Philip (8,) b. 1774; lieutenant; d. June 3, 1829. He m. Jan. 26, 1806, Penelope, dau. Simeon Lyman. She d. Aug. 13, 1849, a. 75. Ch. : Mary, Jan. 27, 1807, m. — Mudge, A. Maynard, who d. Aug. 21, 1842, a. of Winch. (2), 1838, Samuel Ford, of 32. Troy, N. Y. (3), Nov. i, 1870, Rev. Luciaann, Nov. 20, 1810, d. Oct. 25, 1832. William Aushor? ■ Julia M., Dec. 14, 1812, d. Nov. 8, 1856. Hezekiah, Dec. 22, 1808, m. 1833, Mary Sarah E., June 11, 1815, m. John Read. John L., April 18, 1817. 15. Elijah, s. of Elijah (9), b. 1782; Col.; d. Dec. 29, 1853. He m. Nov. 21, 1807, Hannah, dau. Dr. Samuel Mattoon. She d. Sept. 1 1, 1846, a. 66. Ch. : Sarah K., Aug. 21, 1808. Franklin co. 5 sett, in Gfd.; m. Lucia A. Lucy A., Sept. 4, i8io, d. Oct. 29, 1826. Humphreys; he d. 1870. Frederick L., May 22, 1814, d. April 10, Elijah, Oct. 22, 1819. 1846. Hannah, Feb. 25, 1822, m. Feb. 28, 1850, Charles, June 17, 1816; judge of probate, Thomas J. Field. Lucy A., Aug. 28, 1825, d. July 24, 1831. 16. James, s. of Isaac (10), b. 1793; rem. to Lancaster; d. Jan. 12, 1874. He m. Mary P., dau. Capt. Elisha Field. Ch. : James H., Aug. 15, 1828, m. Mary Mary P., May 16, 1832, d. young. A., dau. Medad Alexander. George P., 1834, d. March 21, 1840. Frances A. M., July, 1830. 17. John, s. of Isaac (10), b. 1776. He m. Catherine, dau. Thomas Bardwell, of Dfd. She d. Aug. 26, 1870, a. 70. Ch. : James O., Dec. i3, 1821, d.' in Cal. Isaac, m. Eliza Graves, of Walpole, N. H. John, Sept. 18, 1823, m. Mary Bennet. Ann P., 1837, d. June 2, 1841. Thomas B., Jan. 21, 1825, m. Susan — . Infant dau., d. May 18, 1841. Joseph C, Nov. 26, 1829, m. Julia Boyd. 18. Oliver, s. of Isaac (10), b. 1801. He m. Dec. 16, 1823, Charlotte, dau. Dr. Willard Arms, of Bratt. She d. Nov. 22, 1861, a. 57. (2), June 16, 1863, wid. Emily Andross, who d. Aug. 17, 1872. (3), Oct. 23, 1873, Selina E. Bingley, of Charleston, S. C. Ch. : Charlotte, Oct. 26, 1824, d. Nov. 30, Isaac, May 15, 1832, d. June 2, 1832. 1824. Elizabeth, Dec. 13, 1835, d. May 5, 1855. Edwin A., Sept. 22, 1827, d. April 20, Olive W., July 25, 1840, d. April 22, 1859. 1851. Helen, Jan. 1 1, 1846, d. Sept. 6, 1864. Sarah A., May 8, 1829, d. Dec. ii, 1845. Family Genealogies. 495 19. Obadiah, s. of Samuel (ii), b. 1798, d. Nov. 10, 1839. He m. Marianne, dau. Gilbert Stacy. She d. Feb. 24, 1838, a. 31. Ch.: Gilberts , Dec. 27, 1831, m. Fanny, Mary E., m. Curtis Smith, of St. Cloud, dau. Warren W. Mattoon. Minn. Charles, Jan. i, 1834, d. Jan. 9, 1836. MAYNARD, Asa. He m. Chloe. Ch.: Daniel, July 18, 1794. Eunice, Aug. 24, 1800. Anne, April 10, 1796. Seth, ) Nov. 30, Martin, June 23, 1798. Mary, J 1808. McCARTY, CARTER, Dennis, 1781; a Burgoyne man. He m. Feb. 27, 1810, Keziah Jennings. McCOY, William, 1753. MEAD, Marshal S., b. 1802; doctor; from Chesterfield, N. H. ; rep., 1853- He m. 1832, Frances L., dau. Dr. Charles Blake. Ch.: Hope Richards, Sept. 19, 1835, m. Grace G., Oct. 18, 1842, m. June 8, 1864, Nov. 6, 1854, Larkin G. Mead. Capt. M. R. Lawrence. Shed. Sept. 18, Ellen H., Dec. 18, 1838,01. June 18, 1862, 1873. Wm. H. Sherwin. MERCHANT, Joseph; from Had.; sol. under Capt. Kellogg, 1723. He m. Sarah . Ch. : Joseph, May 18, 1727 ; sol. from Anna, Jan. 16, 1729. Mont., 1757 ; in the Crown Point expe- dition, under Capt. John Burk, 1759. MERRICK, Caroline, d. Jan. 6, 1856, a. 72. MERRICK, Joseph, 1781-6. MERRICK, Stephen, d. Nov. 22, 1867, a. 82. 1. MERRIMAN, Nathaniel ; captain ; an original sett, of Wallingford, Ct., 1670 ; from New Haven, where he lived as early as 1665 ; captain of troops, 1675 ;. deputy, 1669 to 1685; d. Feb. 13, 1693, a. 80. Ch. : John, d. Sept. 26, 165 1. Samuel, Sept. 29, 1662 (2). Hannah, May 16, 165 1. Caleb, May, 1665, m. Mary Preston; dep., Abigail, April 18, 1654. 1697. Mamre, July 12, 1657, m. Samuel Munson. Moses, 1667. John, Feb. 28, 1659, m. Hannah Lines. Elizabeth, Sept. 14, 1669, m. Dec, 1695, (2), Mary Doolittle. Ebenezer Lewis. 2. Samuel, s. of Nathaniel (1), b. 1662; d. before Oct. 10, 1695, when his wid. Anna was authorized to make deeds of land, which her husband had sold to Joseph Mallory, and Wm. Robberts. He m. Anna . Ch. : Nathaniel, May 22, 1687, d. young. Theopolis, April 28, 1692 (3). Nathaniel, March 16, 1690. Samuel, Dec. 19, 1694, m. Sarah Wilcher. 3. Theopolis, s. of Samuel (2), b. 1692; from Wallingford, Ct., to Nfd., about 1718 ; was killed Aug. 21, 1723, when the Indians made an attack on Nfd.; Thomas Holton was killed at the same time. \See ante, p. 195.] 49 6 History of Northfield. He m. May 9, 1714, Mary , who m. (2), Benjamin Miller. She d. Jan. 6, 1782, a. 84. Ch. : Anna, Sept. 6, 1715, m. 1733, Eph- Sarah, Aug. 11, 1719,(1. Aug. 21, 1719. raim Chamberlain, and (2), about 1750, Sarah, Dec. 5, 1720,01. abt. 1739, Thomas Benjamin Rice, of Wallingford, and d. Taylor. before 1785. Samuel, Feb. 13, 1722-3 (4). Theopolis, Aug. 20, 1717 ; deaf and dumb 5 d. Sept. 25, 1792. 4. Samuel, s./of Theopolis (3), b. 1723; sett, in Dfd., but rem. to Nfd. about 1754; orderly sergt. in Capt. John Burk's co., at Crown Point, 1757, and promoted to ens.; in Col. Ruggles's reg. in the expedition to Crown Point, 1759; ^^ ^^^ capture of Montreal, Sept. 8, 1760; captain in Rev. war; d. June 22, 1803. He m, March 3, 1747, Mary, dau. Eleazer Hawks, of Dfd. She d. Aug. 24, 1757, a. 29. (2), Dec. 21, 1759, Lydia, dau. John Harwood, of Ware River, wid. of Asahel Stebbins, of No. 4, now Charlestown, N. H. In an attack made upon Charlestown, Aug. 27, 1757, Asahel Stebbins was killed, and his wife taken prisoner, by the Indians, leaving four children, the oldest but 7 years of age. While on the march to Canada, Mrs. Stebbins became worn out by the hardships of the journey, and was unable to travel. As she had thus become an incumbrance to them, the savages determined to burn her. She was fastened to the stake, and witnessed the preparations for the horrid ceremony. Heart broken by her sorrows, exhausted by her suffer- ings, the captive had found her trials almost too great for endurance. She had no hope of ultimate release. In full faith that the portals of eternal rest were about to open for her, she smiled upon her tormentors. The Indians, consid- ering this but an act of bravery, and defiance, were filled with admiration that knew no bounds. She was at once released from her bonds, and assisted and tenderly cared for the remainder of the journey. She was redeemed between September and December, 1758, and lived i» good old age, dying Feb. 2, 1808, a. 76. A monument to her memory has recently been erected in the cemetery by some of her great grand children. Ch : Samuel, Sept. 11, 1749 (5). Mary, April 8, 1764, m. Jan. 9, 1787, Sarah, March i, 1752, m. Nov. 18, 1772, Samuel Mattoon. Elisha Wright, of Mont. Elijah, Dec. 11, 1765 (7). Zilpha, bapt. Sept. 11, 1753, d. same day. Susanna, April 13, 1768, m. Jan. 9, 1787, Levi, Nov. 27, 1760 (6). Samuel Janes, of Gill. Lydia, Aug. 28, 1762, m. May 18, 1785, Son, Oct. i, 1770, d. Oct. 4, 1770. Medad Alexander. Silvanus, Feb. 28, 1773; sailor; killed by pirates, July 4, 1800. 5. Samuel, s. of Samuel (4), b. 1749; of Unadilla, N. Y., 1804. He m. 1768, Eunice . Ci. : Sarah, Nov. 16, 1769. Theopolis, July 16, 1773. 6. Levi, s. of Samuel (4), b. 1760; sol. of 'y6; d. suddenly while at dinner, Aug. 3, 1829. He m. Mercy Morgan, who d. July 10, 1839, a. 72. C/i. : Polly, July 27, 1794, m. June I, 1814, Adeline, Dec. 4, 1801, m. Feb. 28, 1821, Charles Stratton. Lorenzo Stratton. (2), Simeon A. Field. Susanna, Feb. 23, 1796, m. June 23, 1819, Emily, Aug. 6, 1804, m. Feb. I, 1824, Stephen Tilden. Lyman Gilbert. Almira, June 19, 1799, m. Dec. 6, 1821, Samuel, May 12, 1807 (8). Ezekiel Wood. Family Genealogies, 497 7. Elijah, e. of Samuel (4), b, 1765; d. March 30, 1834. He m. Feb. 1, 1803, Rebecca, dan. Archibald Clendenen. She d. Oct. 14, 1839, a. 66. Ch. : Rebecca, Jan. 8, 1804, m. Sept. 18, Lydia, June 10, 1809, m. Nathan Smith, of 1828, FravelStockbridge, of Had. Gill and Greenfield. Elijah, Aug. 28, 1806 (9). 8. Samuel, s. of Levi (6), b. 1807; d. Dec. 21, 1854. He m. Nov. 12, 1837, Lois B., dau. George Field. Ch.: Clesson, Nov. 28, 1838 (10). Ella, Nov. 4, 1846, m. Sept. 17, 1867, J. Mary, Nov. 24, 1840, d. Feb. 23, 1844. Augustus Barber. Crosby, May 25, 1844, d. Feb. 23, 1845. Russell, Oct. 22, 1851, d. July 31, 1853. George, May 22, 1854, d. April 11, 1857. 9. Elijah, s. of Elijah (7), b. 1806. He m. Martha Perry. Ch. : Charles D., May 13, 18 1 3. Stephen W., Sept. 22, 1842. Maria J., Dec. 4, 1834. Harriet E., June 4, 1843. Martha A., Oct. 2, 1836. Lauraette, Dec. 22, 1845. Stephen W., April 11, 1838, d. young. William W., Sept. 21, 1847, Sarah E., Feb. 12, 1840. Mary A., Aug. 7, 1851. Elijah E., June 29, 1841. 10. Clesson, s. of Samuel (8), b. 1838; occupies the old homestead. He m. Helen M. Montague, who d. June 14, 1868. Ch. : Arthur C, June 11, 1868. MERRL'\M, James, 1790; cabinet maker. Hem. Nov., 1790, Lucy Wilder, who d. June 28, 181 1, a. 38. (2), Nov. 11, 1813, Lydia Woodward. Ch. : Artemas, Dec. 11, 1791. James, April 9, 1814. Eunice, June 6, 1793. Emily, March 29, 1815. Fanny, Dec. 22, 1794, d. Jan. 2, 1810. Charles, June 19, 1816. Lucy, Feb. 17, 1797, d. same day. Asa W., Jan. 4, 1818, d. June 5, 1818. Lucy, May 4, 1798, d. Jan. 28, 1818. Peter H., Sept. 13, 1819. Eliza, April 6, 1800, m. Aug. 29, 18 19, Lewis, March 4, 1821. John G. Morse. Clark, Oct. 30, 1822. William, April 27, 1802. Samuel, Oct. 28, 1824. Loving, May 29, 1804. Dwight, June 25, 1826. John, Feb. 23, 1806. Albert, June 18, 1828. Emily, March 5, 1808, d. Oct. 13, 1810. Elisha, June 23, 1831. Eunice, Feb. 2, 1810, d. April 8, 1810. MERRY, Cornelius; from Ireland ; had grant of land at Nhn., 1663 ; was in the Falls fight, 1676; an engager for Nfd., 1671 ; a sett, in 1673, and 1685 ; d. before 17 16. He m. Aug. 11, 1663, Rachael Ball. Ck. : John, May 17, 1664, d. Jan. 5, 1665. Cornelius; sett, in Hart.; m. Bethia, per. John, Nov. 9, 1665, of Long Island, 1737. Baker; had 9 ch. ; 1702-18. Sarah, Jan. 15, 1668. Leah, Aug., 1681. Rachael, Aug. 30, 1670, m. Dec, 1702, Hannah, Dec. 2, 1684. John Baker; prob. a 2d wife. MESHEK, an African slave, owned by Dea. Paul Field. MILLER, Benjamin; Spfd.; sol. under Kellogg, 1724; Nfd., 1728; d. Sept. 23, 1770, a. 75. 63 498 History of Northfield. He m. Mary, wid. of Theopolis Merriman. She d. June 6, 1782, a. 84. Ch. : Mary, Nov. 27, 1728, d. same day. Benjamin, Dec. 13, 1734. Mary, Aug. 16, 1730, per. m, Benjamin Ruth, Nov. 23, 1736. Brooks. Mercy, Dec. 9, 1737. Mehitable, Sept. 2, 1732. MILLER. Benjamin. He m. July 13, 1769, Jerusha, dau. John Allen. 1786, Elijah Mattoon " brought Ben. Millers family" from Skeensborough, N. Y., to Nfd. Jan. 20, 1790, " Benj. Miller and family, with Sarah, and Jerusha Miller, all of Gfd.," were warned out of town. MILLER, Cyrus, 18 15. Hem. Oct. 15, 18 16, Elizabeth M. Leach. Ch. : Lucina, Aug. 4, 18 17. Alexis C, March 17, 1819. Cyrus W., June 24, 182 1. Eliza M., July 18, 1823. Henry O., Dec. 3, 1825. Adeline Dell, Dec. 16, 1828. Charles S., April 12, 1830. Broadaway Dell, Aug. 5, 1832. Gilbert M., Feb. i, 1835. Sarah E., Jan. 3, 1839. Emma L., May 19, 1843. MILLER, Daniel, 1795-1808. He m. April 5, 1796, Lavina Freeman, man. (2), May 9, 1797, Laura Free- MILLER, Elijah. He m. Dec. 27, 1812, Deborah Tripp. MILLER, Jacob; Rev. sol., and in the war of 1812 ; d. May 4, 1832, a. 70. He m. Phebe , who d. Oct. 13, 1845, a. 79. MILLER, William, Ipswich, 1648; early sett, of Nhn.; engager for Nfd., 1671, and sett, in 1673, and 1685; d. July 15, 1690, leaving lands at Wfd., Nhn., and Nfd. He m. Patience , who d. March 16, 1716. Ch. : Mary, m. Dec. 18, 1672, Zebediah Williams. (2), Nov, 28, 1677, Godfrey Nims, of Dfd. Rebecca, d. young. Patience, Sept. 5, 1657, m. John Knott. William, Nov. 30, 1659, m. April 19, 1693, Mary Bushnell. Mercy, Feb. 8, 1662, m. 1687, John Fowler, of Westfield. Ebenezer, June 6, 1664, m. about 1690, Hannah — . Mehitable, July 10, 1666. Thankful. April 25, 1669. Abraham, Jan. 20, 1672, m. Jan. I, 1700, Hannah, dau. Preserved Clapp. MINER, Clement; potter; from West Spfd., 1787; remembered by the boys of his day as the gingerbread peddler at training, who carried his stock on a horse, in two large flat bottomed panniers; d. Feb. 10, 1810, a. 44. He m. Nov. i, 1789, Hepzibah, dau. Jona. Belding. She d. in Boston, April 24, 1819, a. 49. Mary B., Oct. 28, 1800, d. unm. June 2, 1824. Elizabeth S., Aug. 13, 1802. Lucretia, Nov. 14, 1804, d. Sept., 1807. Dwight, June 30, 1806; sett, in Maine. Hephsana Philana, Feb. 28, 1808, m. Sam- uel Belding, of Boston. Sarah B., April 5, 1809, m. Rev, Erastus S. Barnes, of Ohio. Ch. : Benjamin F., Oct. 26, 1790; sea capt. ; killed by accident at Liverpool, England. Henry C, July 8, 1792 (2). Clement S., Dec. 6, 1793 ; sett, in Vermont ; was at the battle of Plattsburg, 18 14. Joseph E., Sept. 6, 1795, d. Aug. 12, 1798. Seth, March 10, 1797, d. in Buffalo, N. Y. Edwin, Feb. 4, 1799; asailorj d. in Ha- vanna. Family Genealogies. 499 2. Henry, s. of Clement (i), b. 1792; sett, in Boston ; was on board the "Chesapeake," Capt. Lawrence, when that frigate was cap. by the "Shannon," ofF Boston, June i, 1813, He m. Eliza Bogle. Ck.: Mary E., July 24, 1823. Sarah C, Jan. 7, 1829. John H. A., Aug. 25, 1825. MISHAP, an African slave, owned by Capt. Samuel Hunt. 1. MOFFAT, John, b. 17 19; sol. in the French wars; d. Nov. 15, 1780. He m. Mehitable, per. dau. Benj. Miller. She d. July 18, 1780, "near 50." Ch. : Mary, Nov. 28, 1749. Catherine D., Oct. 22, 1758. Anna, Nov. 28, 175 1, m. June 20, 1775, John, Oct. 5, 1760(2). David Stone, Chesterfield, N. H. Ruth, Nov. 6, 1763. Mehitable, July 22, 1753, m. Sept. 2, 1774, Justus, June 3, 1765, d. in 3 days. Francis Ashley, of Nfd. Eliel, Feb. 21,- 1768. Mercy, Dec. 15, 1754, m. Feb. 15, 1770, Eli, Feb. 3, 1771, m. Nov. 20, 1799, Edward Tiffany. Thankful Thomas. Olive, Feb. 13, 1757; a famous spinner and Thankful, March 9, 1773, d. next day ; the weaver; d. unm., March 22, 1837. 14th child. 2. John, s. of John (i), b. 1760; Rev, sol., 1779. He m. Abigail . Ch.: Calvin, bapt. Oct. 26, 1783. Mehitable, bapt. March 21, 1785. MUNRO, Asaph, 1819. MUNRO, Nathaniel, Esq., 1 698-1 707. He m. Sarah . Ch. : Deborah, d. May 16, 1798. Mary Harris, d. Nov. 4, 1807. MOODY, Abijah, 1807. MOODY, Eli, b. in Granby, 1789; sett, minister over the second church, in 1826; dis. Dec, 24, 1830 ; he had formerly sett, in Weybridge, Vt., and South Hadley; afterwards he was sett, at Granby, 1830-36; East Granby, 1836-40; Montague, 1847; rep. 4 years. 1. MOODY, Jacob; cooper; from Had., 1801. He m. Susanna Leach. Order of birth of children uncertain. Ch. : Asahel, m. — Woodward, of Ber. Lucinda, m. Dec. 19, 1821, John Nevers, Jr. Silence, m. Sept. 6, 1815, William B. Jacob (3). Farnsworth. Per. Simon P., who was of Nfd., 1826. Susanna, m. Oct. 25, 1821, Elisha Nash, Jr., of South Hadley. 2. Isaiah M., br. of Jacob, b. 1772; brick mason; he came to Nfd. abt. 1796, his whole fortune being the horse he rode, and his kit of tools, in a bag; d. Feb. 20, 1835. Hem. Dec, 15, 1799, Phila, dau. Medad Alexander. She d. Nov. 1, 1869, a. 89. Ch : Edwin, Nov. i, 1800 (4). Noah, April 20, 181 3, m. Sophia, dau. Elijah Isaiah, Aug. 21, 1803; grad. B. U. ; studied Alexander. law with John Nevers j d. June 22, Eunice S., Dec. 31, 1816, m. April 7, 1843, 1828. Geo. A. Arms. She d. Oct. 26, 1857. Lucius A., Aug. 20, 1805 (5). Mary L., Dec. 22, 1818, m. June 25, 1845, Phila A., Sept. 10, 1808, m. April 16, 1835, Lowell Stone, of Cambridge. She d. William Brooks. July 31, 1849. Chloe A., June 15, 1810. Medad A., April 29, 1821 (6). 500 History of Northfield. 3. Jacob, s. of Jacob (1); cooper; d. about 1832. He m. Ruby, dau. John Prindle. Ch. : Charles, Feb. 27, 1820, d. June 9, Ruby, Feb. 7, 1829, m. Robert Pratt, of 1826. Winch. Calvin P., Jan. 25, 18225 sett, in Brook- Harriet P., April 26, 1831, m. Harry Brown, lyn, N. Y. (2), Samuel Mattoon. William F., Aug." 24, 1824. Martha, m. George Cook, of Warwick. Charles W., Nov. 27, 1826. 4. Edwin, s. of Isaiah (2), b. 1800; d. May 28, 1841, He m. Jan. 2, 1828, Betsey, dau. Luther Holton. Ch.: Edwin J., Oct. 8, 1828, d. young. Dwight R., Feb. 5, 1837 5 noted as a revi- Cornelia M., Feb. 26, 1832, m. Bigelow valist preacher. Walker, of Worcester. Warren L., Oct. 23, 1838; sett, at Elmira, (^ George F., June 17, 1833, m. Julia John- N. Y. son. (2), Harriet Brown. Samuel H., "I June 24, ~1 Edwin J., June 26, 1834 ; sett, in Chicago, Elizabeth C, J 1841. J m. Bryant Wash- Ill, burne. Luther H., Aug. 27, 1835, m. 5. Lucius A., s. of Isaiah (2), b. 1805; brick mason. He m. June 20, 1829, Sarah, dau. John Long. Ch. : John F., June 26, 1840, m. Harriet Sarah L., July 29, 1843, d. May 6, 1858. Jacobs. Lucius L., Jan. 17, 1850. 6. Medad a., s. of Isaiah (2), b. 1821 ; brick mason. He m. May 16, 1844., Adeline, dau. Harry Wright. Ch. : Clarence, Oct. 13, 1846. Freddie S., "(April 3, "I d. Aug. 4, 1 8 61. FrankW., May, 1853, d. Aug. II, 185-. Nelly S., / 1859, / d. July 12, 1865. MOORS, Benoni ; Dfd., 1698; he received ^ grant of land from The Comm. at Nfd., 1716, and rem. there the same year; d. Nov. 18, 1753. He m. Dec. 13, 1698, Mehitable, dau. of Samuel Allis. She d. May 8, 1757, a. 90. Ch.: Elizabeth, April 29, 1700. Hannah, Sept. 22, 1708. Mehitable, Jan. 2, 1701-2. Samuel, May 15, 1712. Samuel, Jan. 2, 1703-4, d. June 17, 1704. Mercy, Sept. 12, 171 3. Hezekiah, Jan. 18, 1704-5, d. Feb. 6, 1705. Lediah, Feb. 28, 171 5-6. Hannah, Dec. 25, 1706, d. Sept. 12, 1708. Ruth, Jan. 29, 1727. MOORE, Fairbank; captain ^ killed by Indians, March 6, 1758, at Bratt. He m. Juda, dau. Col. Benjamin Bellows; b. 1708. Ch. : Fairbank (2). Benjamin; sol. at Fort Dummer, 1756. 2. Fairbank, s. of Fairbank (1); sol. in the French and Ind. war; he was killed at Bratt., and his wife and children taken cap. by the Indians, March 6, 1758; they were redeemed, 1762. He m. Esther, dau. Capt. John Kathan, afterwards of Putney, Vt. She was ad. to the church in Nfd., Nov. 28, 1756. Ch.: A dau., bapt. at Fort Dummer, May Oliver, bapt. Nov. 26, 1756. 29,1751. Child, Feb., 1758. I. MORGAN, Reuben; from Brimfield to Nfd. about 1767 ; d. Oct. 19, 1 8 II, a. 79. Family Genealogies. 501 He m. Edith, dau. Benj. Chapin. She d. Feb. 2, 1776, a. 38. (2), bef. 1792, Experience, dau. Isaac Chapin. She d. June 27, 1827, a. 82. Ch.: Edith, 1762, d. Sept. 4, 1789. Sharon, bapt. June 26, 1774, d. Oct. 18, Alpheus (3). 1775. Frederick, Sept. 17, 1765 (4). Charlotte, m. Oct. 22, 1792, Calvin Noble, Diadama. of Westfield. Tryphena H., Sept. 9, 1769, m. Nov. 10, Electa, bapt. Feb. 10, 1776. 1793, Ezra Anderson, of Mont. Order of birth, in this family, uncertain. Gerezim, Aug. 16, 1771, d. Dec. 5, 1779. 2. Noah, br. of Reuben (i); from Brimfield about 1767; Rev. sol. at White Plains, 1776; at sur. of Burgoyne, 1777; d. about 1808. He m. Mercy , who d. Dec. 21, 1776, a. 40. (2), July 18, 1782, Mary (Holton), wid. Aaron Robbins. Ch. : Lavina, m. Aug. 27, 1789, Daniel Fanny E., May 11, 1783, m. Feb. 6, 1811, Brooks, of Greenfield. Jeremiah Pratt, of Mont. Mary, 1767, m. 1793, Levi Merriman. Aaron, Dec. 8, 1785, d. Aug. 31, 1803. Noah, bapt. June 11, 1769 (5). Levi, Jan. 14, 1788, d. June 25, 1874, in Candice, bapt. July 21, 1771, d. Aug. 16, Waterford, N. Y. 1777. Asahel, May 26, 1790 (7). Apollos, bapt. Nov. 14, 1773 (6)- Obed, Feb. 21, 1792 (8). Samuel K., bapt. Dec. 16, 1776, m. Sarah Elisha, June 16, 1793 (9). B., dau. Martin Kellogg; sett, in Had. " The aged wid. Hitchcock, mother to Reuben and Noah Morgan, died April 25, 1785, aged 89. \Ch. Rec.'\ Wid. Mary Morgan, of Brimfield, m. 1761, Ebenezer Hitchcock, who d. 1776. 3. Alpheus, s. of Reuben (i) ; Rev. sol.; at Ticonderoga, 1776 ; West Point, 1780. He m. Susanna . Ch.: Reuben, bapt. Feb. 19, 1792. Laura, bapt. June i, 1794. 4. Frederick, s. of Reuben (1), b. 1765; d. July 24, 1847. He m. Sophia, dau. Jonathan Osgood. She d. Oct. 17, 1837, a. 65. Ch. : Gerizem, March 24, 1798 (10). Calvin N., Dec. 17, 1808 (11). Abigail, June 12, 1799, ^- Dec 31, 1824, Jonathan O., Nov. 25, 1810, m. Harriet Thomas Flemming. Parks. Experience, Sept. 2, 1801, d. July 13, 1803. Joseph B., July 27, 1812, m. Lydia Knowl- Sophia, April 6, 1803, d. unm. ton. Frederick, Sept. 5, 1805, m. Juliette Ballard. 5. NoAH, s. of Noah (2), b. 1769. He m. Mary Dwight, of Hfd. Ch.: William, Feb. 28, 1798, d. young. Cordelia, May 19, 1805, d. Aug. 28, 1808. Dwight, Feb. 3, 1799, m. Aseneth F. Strat- Addison, Feb. 23, 1807, d. young. ton, of Gill. Pamelia, Aug. 29, 1809. Mary, March 18, 1801, m. May 13, 1821, Noah, Oct. 4, 1812, d. young. Nathan Simonds. Cordelia, Sept. 22, 18 1 3, m. Mathews. Avalina, May 28, 1803, m. April 7, 1833, Electa, Oct. 28, 1815, d. young. John Knote. Silas; sett, in Leverett. 6. Apollos, s. of Noah (2), b. 1773; d. May 27, 1855. He m. Jan. 7, 1802, Roxa, dau. Aaron Morgan, of Enfield. She d. April 29, 1837, a. 58. Ch.: Wesson L., May 16, 1802, m. Amanda Lucretia, Jan. 5, 1804, m. Dec. 25, 1826, Robbins. Daniel Belknap. 502 History of Northjield. Aaron, Dec. II, 1806, m. Silvia Pike. Apollos, June 16, 1814, m. Jan. 9, 1839, Charles C, Oct. 21, 1808. Elvira Savpyer. Cleora, Oct. 18, 18 10, m. George Hapgood. She d. May 13, 1850. 7. AsAHEL, s. of Noah (z), b, 1790, He m. Lucy Warren. Ch. : William W., Nov. 22, 1820. Willard. Joanna. 8. Obed, s. of Noah (2), b. 1792; sett, in Gill. Hem. Oct. 12, 181 3, wid. Betsey (Jennings) Field, who d. April 3O, 1857, a. 76. (2), wid. Ann Jennings, who d. Aug. 18, 1869, a. 79. CA. : Jerusha, May 21, 1814, m. Marble. Elijah, Dec. 5, 1822, m. Laura Leach. Elsworth, May 26, 18 1 6, d. Oct. 18, 1842. Mary E., June 5, 1826. Obed, May 14, 1819, m. Clarissa, dau. Roswell Purple. 9. Elisha, s. of Noah (2), b. 1793; d. Oct. 30, 1856. He m. Jan. i, 18 18, Harriet Ruggles. CA. : Minerva, Dec. 18, 1818, d. March Marshal M., March 29, 1829, m. Alice 20, 1822. Dike. Louisa, Aug. 25, 1820, m. Harlow Humes. Julia P., April 11, 1831, d. Sept. 22, 1845. Minerva, Dec. 30, 1822, m. James Dewing. Elisha J., Sept. 15, 1833; Spfd.; at the Mary H., Feb. 14, 1825, m. Orvis Luey. head of the Morgan Envelope co. ; con- Jeremiah P., Sept. 15, 1827, m. Eliza, dau. tractors for U. S. postal cards, 1873. Peleg Adams; sett, in Greenfield. Harriet J., March 21, 1836, m. Fidelia, Jan. 6, 1840, m. 10. Gerizem, s. of Frederick (4), b. 1798; d. Nov. 24, 1850. He m. May 1 1, 1824, Nancy W., dau. EHhu Robbins, of Hfd., b. March 3, 1801. Ci.: Maria O., March 12, 1825. Frederick &., Sept. 5, 1834, m. Jan. i, Martha S., July 12, 1827, d. July 16, 1848. 1856, Janette Hilliard. Elihu R., March 24, 1829; doctor; m. Nancy W., Nov. 10, 1836, m. March 9, April II, 1858, Jennie Lewis, of Pharsa- 1859, Henry Lyman, of Ver. (2), April lia, N. Y. (2), Nov. 27, 1872, Ada 23, 1862, Geo. M. Brooks. Hilliard, of Northfield. Experience H., Oct. 22, 1838. Elvira A., July 18, 1832. Electa A., Oct. 2, 1842, m. Feb. 3, 1864, Edward C. Nash. 11. Calvin N., s. of Frederick (4). b. 180?; d. March 12, 1871. He in. Lucinda Nichols, who d. June 15, 1863, a. 53. CA.: Emily, Sept. 26, 1833, d. Nov. 11, Emily, July 31, 1836. 1834. MORREL, Reuben, 1786. MORSE, Aaron, 1806. He m. Dec. 22, 1807, Sally Elgar. MORSE, Artemas, br. to Aaron. He m. Lucretia . CA. : Lucy, Feb. 11, 1813. John, Jan. 23, 1821. Lucretia, May 5, 18 17. MORSE, JosiAH, 1789. MORSE, Nathaniel, 1807. Family Genealogies. 503 MORSE, Uriah, b. in Holliston, 1733; rem. from Nfd. in 1762, to Haverhill, N. H., where he was the first settler. He m. Hannah . Ch. ; Martha, bapt. Sept. 24, 1758. Anna, bapt. Feb. 17, 1760, 1. MUDGE, Jarvis ; from England; in Boston, 1638; Hart,, 1640; Weth., 1644; New London, 1649, where he d. 1653. He m. 1649, Rebecca, wid of Abraham Elsing, of Weth. She rem. to Nhn. with her ch., 1654. Ch.: Micah, b. at N. London, 1650 (2). Moses, 1652 (3). 2. Micah, s. of Jarvis (i), b. 1750; surveyor; an engager for Nfd., 1671; a settler, 1673, and 85 ; was witness of the delivery of the first Indian pur- chase in Nfd., 1671; was allowed 10/. out of the contribution at Hart., 1676, on account of his losses ; he was one of the first settlers of Lebanon, Ct., and one of the nine men who formed the church there, Nov. 7, 1700; his wife was the first woman who joined the church; he was tavern keeper, 1704; rem. to Hebron, Conn., before Sept., 1717, where he d. Jan., 1724. He m. Sept. 23, 1670, Mary, dau. George Alexander, of Nhn. She d. 1728, a. 79. Ch. : Mary, Aug. 8, 1671, m. — Rust. Ebenezer, Feb. 26, 1683-4, m. Abigail She d. Nov. 3, 1706. Skinner, of Sharon. He d. 1758. Elizabeth, Oct. 10, i 673, m. Sept. 27, 1695, Thankful, 1685, m. July 19, 1714, Wm. Joseph Allen, of Nhn. Nichols, of Lebanon. She d. 1741. Sarah, about 1675, m. Jan. 14, 1696, John Susanna 5 had dau. named in her father's Palmer, of Wind. will. Moses. Sarah, m. Dec. 30, 1714, Isaac Tilden, and Abigail, m. Dec. 7, 1699, William Phelps, d. 1715. of Wind. She d. April 24, 1705. 3. MosEs, s. of Jarvis (1), b. 1652; sett, at Oyster Bay, R. 1.; d. 1729. He m. 1671, Mary . Ch. : Jarvis, 1672, m. Jane — . Elizabeth, m. John Duzenbury. William, m. Ann Coles. Mary, m. Waite Powell. Jane, unm. July, 1741. 1. MUNN, Benjamin; sol. in the Pequot war, 1637 ; Hart., 1639 ; rem. to Spfd.,1649; was fined there in 1653, 5/. "for taking tobacco on his hay cock." In 1665, being then " very aged and weak," he was excused from military service; d. Nov., 1675. Hem. April 12, 1649, Abigail, dau. Henry Burt, wid. of Francis Ball. She m. (3), Dec. 14, 1676, Lt. Thomas Stebbins, of Spfd. Ch. : Abigail, June 28, 1650, m. Dec. 21, James, Feb. 10, 1655-6, m. May 28, 1698, 1672, Thomas Stebbins, Jr. wid. Mary (Moody) Panton ; in the Falls John, Feb. 8, 1651-2 (2). fight, 1676 ; sett, in Colchester, Ct. Benjamin, March 25, 1654-5; sett, in Nathaniel, July 25, 1661, m. March 24, Brimfield, 171 5. 1690, Sarah, dau. Japhet Chapin. 2. John, s. of Benjamin (1), 1652; sett, in Wfd. ; in the Falls fight, where he lost horse, saddle and bridle; aid was asked of the Gen. Court, 1683, and the statement made that " he is under a wasting sickness, by reason of a surfeit got at the Falls fight, and will decline into an incurable consumption ;" he d. 1684. He m. Dec. 23, 1680, Abigail, dau. Dea. Benjamin Parsons, of Wfd. CL: John, March 16, 1682. Benjamin, 1683 (3). James. 504 History of Northfield. 3. Benjamin, s. of John (2), b. 1683; sett, in Dfd. ; escaped unharmed the desolation of Feb. 29, 1704; rem. late in life to Nfd., where he d. Feb. He m. Jan. 15, 1703, Thankful, dau. Godfrey Nims; her sister Rebecca, m. Philip Mattoon, the same day ; she d. July 11, 1746. 1704, m June 15, 1712, 1727, Ch. : Thankful, Jan James Corse. Mary, Dec. 7, 1705, John Catlin. Benjamin, May 26, 1708, d. Jan. 11, 1710. Benjamin, July 3, 1709, m. Mary, dau. Sergt. Benj. Wait, of Hfd. John, March 16, 17 1 2 (4). Rebecca, Dec. 10, 1714, d. Jan. 24, 1716. [738, Joseph [6, 1743, Abigail, Jan. 9, 1717, m Richardson, of Ashuelot. Samuel, Sept. 14, 17 19, m. March Sarah Collins, of Dfd. Rebecca, April 14, 1722, m. 1741, Solomon Richardson, of Medway. Sarah, Nov. 14, 1724, m. 1747, Timothy Day, Springfield. Mercy, June i, 1728, m. 1750, Gideon Clark, of Northampton. 4. John, s. of Benjamin (3), b. 1712; sol. at Fort Dummer, 1730-36 ; rem. from Dfd. to Nfd,, 174 :d. April 5, 1785. Hem, Mary, dau. William Holton. She d, Jan. 8, 1768, a. 54. CA. : John, Nov. 16, 1741 (5). Oliver, April 24, 1748, d. Nov. i. 1757. Mary, Nov. 30, 1743. Abigail, March 3, 1750. Noah, April 17, 1746 (6). Seth, bapt. May 5, 1754 (7). 5. John, s. of John (4), b. 1741; lived he prob. rem. to Gill ; sol. of '76. He m. Ann , CA. : Oliver, Nov. 23, 1768. Anna, July 18, 1770. Eunice, Sept. 18, 1773. Mary, Dec. 19, 1775. Eli, April 23, 1778. Jemima, May 29, 1780. Gfd. until about 1772, when Mehitable, Aug. 8, 1781 Abigail, May 25, 1783. John, April 30, 1785. Joel, March 25, 1787. Roswell, Feb. 8, 1789. Roxa, March 15, 1791. wife unknown. Sarah, bapt. Aug. 8, 1782. Chloe, j b. March 28, Clarissa, j 1787. Asahel, bapt. July 9, 1790. 6. Noah, s. of John (4), b. 1746 ; CA. : Moses, bapt. March 10, 1771. Noah, bapt. May 10, 1772, m. 1804, Sibyl Field, of Nfd., per. wid. of John. Aaron, bapt. Feb. 27, 1774. Eldad, bapt. Oct. 15, 1775. 7. Seth, s. of John (4), b. 1754; Rev. sol., 1779, Hem. Dec. 18, 1782, Salina, dau. Ebenezerjanes. CA.: Otis, Sept. 28, 1784, m. Melenda, Sophia, April 1 5, dau. Obadiah Janes. Orra, Feb. 17, Sylvia, May 21, 1787. Ber. Seth, Aug. 15, 1789, m. Gratia Wright (2), Matilda Griswold. Philips. 1792. 1793. — Horsely, of Rhoda, Aug. 10, 1796, m. Henry Bascom. (3), Elvira D. Obadiah, Oct. 26, 1798, m. Orilla Adgate. Luther, Jan. 25, 1800, m. Lucinda Mayo. MUNN, Elisha; set off to Gill Ch. : Rufus, Nov. 3, 1781. Patty, June 8, 1784. Asaph, bapt. May 14, 1786, m. Cynthia - '795 Elisha, Jan Susan — . . Eunice, Feb. 24, 1791 Lydia, Aug. 16, 1793. 1, MUNSELL, Thomas; New London, Ct., 1681 ; d He m, Eunice . 3, 1789; Greenfield, 1819; m. He m. Lydia . Ch. : Jacob (2). Elisha; of Norwich, Ct., 1723. 1712. Mercy. Deliverance. ^^x^zo^ Family Genealogies. 505 2. Jacob, s. of Thomas (i) ; Wind., 1723-50. He m. Sarah Calkins, (z), Feb. 15, 1718-19, Phebe Loomis. Ch. : Calkins, June 12, 1718,01. May 19, Gurdon, April 26, 1730, m. 1751, Lucy 1743, Mary Booth; sett, in Windsor. Stiles. Thomas, April 9, 1720, d. April 17, 1720. Jacob, April 21, 1732, m. 1751, Sarah Ban- Mercy, Feb. 9, 1721, d. young. croft. Elisha, Sept. 15, 1723 (3). Joseph, Sept. 28, 1734. Jonathan, Oct. 7, 1725, m. Hannah — . John, Sept. 5, 1736. Mercy, Feb. 20, 1728. Desire, Sept. 5, 1 741, m. Isaac Rockwell. 3. Elisha, s. of Jacob (2), b. 1723; d. Nov. 22, 1803. He m. Dec. 27, 1750, Keziah Taylor, who d. April 8, 1784, a. 58. Ch. : Hezekiah, Dec. 7, 1751, d. young. Naomi, April 3, 1758, m. Jonathan Button. Hezekiah, Jan. 17, 1753 (4). Bathsheba, Dec. 6, 1760, d. July 10, 1791. Joel, July 8, 1755, ^- of small pox, Nov. Keziah, Oct. 17, 1763, d. April 9, 1789. ^3> I777> on his return from the conti- Miriam, Jan. 17, 1767, m. James Wolcott. nental army. Ruth, Oct. 15, 1769, d. young. Miriam, Jan. 15, 1757, d. young. 4. Hezekiah, s. of Elisha (3), b. 1753 ; East Windsor; in Rev. army much of the time, from April, 1775, to Nov., 1780; d. April 14, 1844. He m. Jan. 24, 1777, Irene Bissell, who d. March 17, 1847, a. 91. Ch. : Hezekiah, Sept. 17, 1777, m. 1814, Timothy, July i, 1787, m. 1812, AbigailSad. Mary Hull; lawyer. Luke, June 4, 1790, m. 1820, Eliza T. D. Irene, Feb. 2, 1779, m. Martin Green. Z. N. Sneed. Joel, d. young. Elisha, March 13, 1793, m. Oct. 30, 1817, Joel, Jan. 14, 1783(5). Polly Hurd, of Nfd.; sett, in Swanzey,N.H. Ezra, March 27, 1785, m. 1811, Chloe Keziah, Feb. 15, 1796. Squires. Laura, April 29, 1798. 5. JoEL, s. of Hezekiah (4), b. 1783; Nfd., 1806; plough and wagon maker ; rem. to Gill; "a man of excellent reputation," He m. May 5, 1807, Cynthia Paine. Ch.: Joel, April 14, 1808 (6). Luke, Oct. 26, 1816, m. Margaret A. John- Son, Aug. 30, 1 8 12, d. in infancy. ston ; res. in Boston. Cynthia, June 29, 1810. Elijah B. Sept. 21, 1819, m. Martha Covel ; Cyrus, Jan. 10, 1814, m. Diantha Huntoon ; sett, in Manchester, Ct. sett, in Auburn, N. Y. Mary E., Nov. 11, 1822. 6. JoEL, s. of Joel (5), b. 1808 ; printer; sett, in Albany; widely cele- brated as a publisher of historical and genealogical books, and is himself the author of a considerable number of similar works. He is remembered by his school mates as a " smart, lively boy ;" that he was prompt and ener- getic, is shown by this current anecdote. In 1825, Jona. A. Saxton, late of Deerfield, was publishing at Greenfield, the " Franklin Post and Christian Freeman i^ late one evening Joel heard of a vacancy in this office, and at once determined to make application for it; knowing that delays are dangerous, he walked down to Greenfield, some 12 miles, early in the following morning, and secured the coveted place of printer's devil, and returned on foot the same day. At this office he commenced to learn his trade, and in little more than a year's time, filled the highest position in the office. He m. June 17, 1834, Jane C. Bigelow, who d. June 17, 1854, a. 42. (2), Sept. II, 1856, Mary Ann Reid. Ch. : William A., May, 1835 ; res. in Cin- Jessie, Jan. 2, 1859. cinnati. Sarah, Feb. lo, 1861. Anna, Aug., 1839, d. June 10, 1840. Mary, Dec. 9, 1862. Julia Annie, Feb. 13, 1850. Laura, March 15, 1866. Charles, Dec. 29, 1852. Emma, June 14, 1868. Francis, June 19, 1857. 64 506 History of Northfield. NASH, Elizabeth, wid. of Elisha ; d. Dec 24, 1831, a. 6j. NASH, Elisha. He m. Susan, dau. Jacob Moody. Ch. : Oliver, Oct. 28, 1829. Elisha, Feb. 19, 1833, d. Feb. 27, 1833. Elizabeth A., Aug. 13, 1831, d. Sept. i, Jacob M., Dec. 30, 1836. 1842. Eunice D., Feb. 14, 1838. NASH, Joanna. She m. March 2, 1768, Jacob Hastings, of Warwick. 1. NETTLETON, Edward, from Hartford co., Ct.; Nfd. about 1787. He m. Jan. I, 1789, Elizabeth, dau. Rufus Field. She d. June 21, 1830. Ch.: Sobriety, July 18, 1789, m. 1806, 1813, David Wright, of Mont. (*), Joseph Perry. Willard Allen, of Deerfield. George, July 30, 1791 (2). Edward, May 26, 1796 (3). Elizabeth F., Sept. 30, 1794, m. March 10, Hannah M., Oct. 20, 1802, m. Jan. 13, 1819, Ebenezer Childs. 2. George, s. of Edward (i), b. 1791. He m. Feb. 21, 1816, Lucy, dau. Barzillai Wood. Ch.: Roxana L., Oct. 31, 1817. Frances H., July 23, 1825, d. Dec. 22, Charles L., Sept. 4, 1 8 1 9. 1830. George D., March 18, 1821. Elizabeth F., Nov. 28, 1827. King David, Feb. 26, 1823. Lucy L., Nov. 20, 1831, d. May 12, 1832. 3. Edward, s. of Edward (i), b. 1796; rem. to Montague. He m. Lucretia, dau. Barzillai Wood. Ch. : David W., Jan. 3, 1817. Cynthia P., Nov. 11, 18 19. NEVERS, John, 1804; major gen. 15 div. Mass. militia, 1812; P. M.; lawyer; adm. to the bar, 1808; dist. attorney, 1811; high sheriff, FrankHn CO., 16 years; rep. 3 years; d. March 30, 1847, a. 73. He m. Hannah Webb, who d. Nov. 29, 1848^4 a. 65. NEVERS, John, 2d ; from Charlestown, N. H. ; d. 1874. He m. Lucinda, dau. Jacob Moody. Ch. : Lucinda M., Dec. 20, 1824. Sylvia, m. Nathan Fisher. Ebenezer J., Feb. 26, 1828, m. Marcinia Parkman. NEWCOMB, Bradford, 177 1-2. NEWCOMB, Horatio, s. of Hezekiah, of Ben; b. 1786; studied law with John Barrett; practiced in Winchendon ; Nfd., and Gfd. ; d. 1857,- a. 71. He m. Maria . (2), July 19, 1821, Elmira, dau. Quartus Wells, of Deerfield. Ch. : Maria P., b. at Winchendon, April Catherine W., Jan. 28, 1826. 25, 1817. Sarah Helen, April 9, 1827. Eliza A., July 8, 1822. Alonzo W., March 2, 1833. Charles J., Aug. 23, 1825. NEWELL, Seth, s. of Jesse, of Ver. ; came to Nfd., April i, 1820; was killed the 20th, by falling, with a team, through Northfield bridge. He m. Thayer. She m. (2), Silas Logan, of Deerfield. Ch.: David. Eliza. Wyman. Martha. Harriet. Family Genealogies. 507 NEWTON, Abner, 1767; of Dfd., 1765. NEWTON, David, 1764-5. NEWTON, Jonathan, 1765. NICHOLS, James ; from Hins. ; rem. to Athens, Vt. He m. July 13, 1774, Ann, dau. Pedajah Field. Ch.: Anna, bapt. Feb. 10, 1775. Bill, bapt. Aug. 10, 1783. Reuben F., bapt. May 31, 1778. Jonathan, bapt. Dec. 9, 1787. James, bapt. June 25, 1781. NOBLE, Caleb, 1762; taxed two polls ; d. March 7, 1765. NORTH AM, WiLLAiM, 1815. 1. NORTON, Alexander, 1751 ; thrown from a horse and killed, Nov. 13, 1790, a. 62. He m. Lydia, dau. Ephraim Chamberlain. Ch.: Lydia, bapt. Nov. 25, 1753, d. Feb. Alexander, bapt. May 3, 1765, d. Oct. 26, 12, 1754. 1765. Lydia, bapt. Jan. 26, 1755. Sarah, bapt. May 7, 1769,01. Dec. 4, 1791, Huldah, bapt. July 3, 1757, m. June 8, Samuel Brewer, of Boston. 1775, William Belcher. Anna, bapt. Oct. 10, 1773, ^- ^'^^' ^^t Salah, bapt. Aug. 19, 1759 (2). 1775- Susanna, bapt. Dec. 3, 1761, m. Feb. 26, 1789, James Boyden. 2. Salah, s. of Alexander (i), b. 1759. He m. Jan. 20, 1791, Aneseth, dau. Ebenezer Stratton. Ch. : William, April 2, 1791, m. Sibyl Aseneth, Jan. 24, 1796, m. Eliaha Lane, of Knapp. Swanzey, N. H. Anna, Oct. 6, 1792. Betsey, Aug. 28, 1797, m. — Wright. Patty, March 29, 1794, d. July 2, 1817. Alexander, Aug. 15, 1799, killed by a cart, Aug. 18, 1809. NORTON, John, 1760-5 ; rem. to Westminster, Vt.; d. Dec. 5, 181 1, a. 70. He m. May 7, 1764, Ann, dau. John Holton. She d. Dec. 6, 1849. NORTON, William, 1813. OAKS, Jonathan, s. of John, of Petersham, b. about 1740 ; a sol. of Sund., 1757; Nfd., 1765; Conway, 1773. He m. Feb. 21, 1765, Martha, dau. Nathaniel Hawks, of Deerfield. OLIVER, Dorothy. She m. 1788, Abraham Briggs. OLIVER, James; sergeant, 1749. He m. Aug. 3, 1752, Hannah, dau. Jonathan Janes. Shed. Oct. 4, 1831, a. 97. OLIVER, John, 1751. I. OLMSTEAD, Asa, s. of Asa, of Enfield, Conn., b. April 19, 1791; lawyer; grad. at Princeton Col., 18 14; studied law with Geo. Bliss, of Spfd.; practiced in Wilbraham, 1822-30 ; at Nfd., 1830 to 1842, when he left the profession, and rem. to Clinton, N. Y. Here he held offices of honor and 5c8 History of Nortbfeld. trus:, and here he will be held in gratefiil remembrance by the inhabitants of the village, for the fine grove of trees on the green, the planting of which, he personally superintended. He d. Feb. 25, 1874. He m. July 3, 1821, Mart- P., dau. of Dr. Solomon Bond, of Enfield, Cl, b. 1792. Ck.: Maiy B., at Wllbraham, Feb. 26, Dwight H., Nov. 16, 1826(a). 182;, m. Aug. 24, 1 84-, Theodore W. Nabby P., April 7. 1851, d. at Clinton, of Dwight, now the distinguiihed law prof. con.. Not. 7, 1864. of Columbia CoUcge. Sarah H., Dec. 3, 1832. Sarah H., Oct. i-, 1824, d. Jan. 8, 1832. 2. DwiGHT H., s. of Asa (1), b. 1826; lawyer; grad. Ham. Col., 1846; of the firm of Tracy, Olmstead i Tracy, New York City. Is said to be " in extensive practice, and of independent means." He m. Feb. 2, 1855, Maria N., dau. Richard Lawrence, of Flushing, L. I. C*. .• Lawrence D , KoT. 22, 1855. -Agnes M., Dec 31, 1862, d. Aug. 16, Ida C, Dec. 18. 1859. 1864. Grace M., Aug. -, 1S65. OLMSTEAD, Isa.^l, 1761 ; from Warwick. OLMSTEAD, Simeok, b. at Ware River, about 1744; Warwick, 1761 : Nfd., 1763—6; soL under CapL Burke, 1760. OLMSTEAD, Timothy ; sergeant, 1758-69; wife unknown. Ci.: Thankful, bapt. Aug. 27, I "69. ORVIS, Samuel, of Farmington, Cc; was offered 30 a. land, at Nfd., Jan. 30, 1718, on condition he come with his family, and stay four years ; in 1720. he sold land in Paochai^ to Rev. Benj. Dooliitle, and his home lot to Stephen Belding. ^ 1. ORVIS, WnxiAM ; prob. s. of Samuel, b. 1709, at Simsbiuy, Ct.; of Winch., 1743; Nfd., 1749; d. June 14, 1774. Hem. Anna , who d. Aug. 19, 1746. (2), 1750, Martha , who d. Sept. 30, 1754. (3), 1755. Elizabeth Severance. Ci.: Mercy, Nov. 12, 1755, d. Sept. 20, Anna, March 4, 1746-7. 1-54, Ciiarles, Aug. 20, 1751. Samoel, March 10, 1738-9, b. in Simsbnry; Oliver, Oct. 2, 1752 (3). ioL, 1756-?. Gershom, May 23, 1-54; of Bratt. 1782. WillrMn, May 8, 1740 (2). Waitsdll, Dec. 2, 1755 ; of Hiss., 1775- Rachael, July, 1745. Ambrose, July 7, 1758. 2- William, s, of William (1), b. 1740: rem. to Leyden, about 1785. He m about 1764. Mindwell . Ci. ; Mercy, April 12, 1765. Ariel, bapt. Feb. 14, i"-o, d. same day. William, July 23, 1767. Experience, bapt. Oct. 8, 1773. 3. Oliver, s. of William (i), b. 1752: wife unknown. Ci : HieL, bapc March 3, I—. Samuel, bapt. Sept. 12, 1-84. Lucy, bapc Jan. 18, i — 8. Patty, bapt. June 26, 1786. Rufui, bapt- Feb. 20, 1780, d. April i, Rhoda, bapt. Nov. 9, 1788. 1-9C. PoUy, bapt. Feb. 13. 1-91. Oliver, bapt. Sept. 29, 1782; sett, in Hali- Ranjs, bapt. Sepc 23, 1792. fex,Vt. J Family Genealogies. 509 1. OSGOOD, John, b. in England, July 23, 1595 ; came from Andover, Hampshire co., 1637 or 8 ; his wife and ch. sailed from Southampton, in the " Confidence," April 11, 1638, in company with William, his brother; sett, at Newbury, but was of Andover, as one of the founders of the ch., 1645 ; rep. to the Gen. Court, 165 1; d. Oct. 24, 165 1. He m. Sarah, in Eng. She d. April 8, 1667. 659, John [648, John Ch. : Sarah, 1629, m. June Clements. John, 1631, m. Nov. 15, 1653, Mary Clem- ents, who, in 1 692, was indicted for witch- craft, but saved her life by confession of impossible guilt. Mary, 1633, m. July 6, 1653, Henry In- galls. Elizabeth, 1635, m. Oct. Brown, of Reading. Stephen, 1638 (2). Hannah, 1644, m. May 21, 1660, Samuel Archer. Deborah, m. Aug. 28, 1663, John Russ. 2. Stephen, s. of John (i), b. 1638; Andover; d. of small pox, Jan. 15, 1691. He m. Oct. 24, 1663, Mary Hooker. Ch.: Stephen, March II, 1665, d. Oct. i, Stephen, Aug. 16, 1670, m. Hannah 1667. Blanchard, who d. March, 1774, a. 93. Hooker, Aug. 24, 1668 (3). Joseph, June i, 1673, m. Mary Marble. Mary, Dec. 23, 1677, d. March 4, 1678. 3. Hooker, s. of Stephen (2), b. 1668; Andover; caster, 1711, where he d. Jan. 29, 1748. He m. April 13, 1692, Dorothy Wood. iddler; rem. to Lan- Ch. : Hooker, March 26, 1693, m. Mary Wheelock. Joshua, Sept. 2, 1 694 (4). Jonathan, Sept. 16, 1696, m. Aseneth Saw- David, Oct. 8, m. Eunice Carter. Benjamin, May 21, 1700, m. Hannah Divoll. Moses, 1702, m. Martha Parsons. Aaron, 1706, Eunice White. Dorothy, 1707, m. — Whitcomb. Elizabeth, 1709, m. Thomas Sawyer. Sarah, 1710, m. John Divoll. 4. JosHu.^, s. of Hooker (3), b. 1694; rem. from Andover to Barre, about 1726, where he was a leading man; d. May 31, 1783. He m. Dec. 20, 1722, Ruth Divoll, who d. May 28, 1782, 60 years after m. Ch. : Joshua, April 13, 1724, d. young. Ephraim, May 22, 1726, m. Abigail Houghton. Ruth, Nov. 27, 1727, m. Phineas Hough- ton. Sarah, Dec. 7, 1729, d. young. William, Aug. 20, 1732, m. Hepzibah Dunter. Asahel, March 23, 1735, m. Hannah Wilder. Abel, April 25, 1738, m. Eunice Temple. Sarah, Dec. 7, 1740, m. Asa Thompson. Manassah, April 30, 1745 (5). Lemuel, Nov. 6, 1747, m. Lydia Merrifield. Joshua, Aug. 10, 1749, ni. Polly Bachelder. 5. Manassah, s. of Joshua (4), b. 1745 ; Barre ; d. Nov. 27, 1830. He m. April 4, 1770, Mehitable Clark, who d. June 5, 1792 CA.: Cynthia, May 23, 1771, d. Nov. 18, Amasa, Nov, 1S44. Chloe, Jan. 4, 1773, m. Jesse Marsh. Manassah, Oct. 15, 1774, m. Anna Baxton. Luke, Jan. 17, 1777, m. Abigail Blanchard. Joel, Feb. 22, 1779 (6). 5, 1781, d. July 22, 1782. Rhoda, July 4, 1783, m. John Wheeler. Nancy, Sept. 7, 1785, m. Joseph Wait. Eunice, Feb. 5, 1788, d. March 11, 1790- Sylvia, Sept. 6, 1790, m. Jesse Marsh. 5 1 o History of Northfield. 6. Joel, s. of Manassah (5), b. 1779; colonel; New Salem ; tanner and currier; d. April 7, 1852. He m. March, 1804, Henrietta Hastings, who d. June 28, 1839. Ch.: Charles, Jan. 7, 1805(7). Maria C, March 3, 1816, m. Jonathan Julia A., July 24, 1806. Haskall. Infant, Feb. 17, 1808, d. unbaptized. Erastus, June 3, 1819, d. March 6, 1838. Mary, Nov, 30, 1809, d. May i, 1811. Joseph S., Oct. 27, 1822, m. Mer- Nancy, Aug. 29, 18 ii, m. Lot Dearetts. riam. She d. Feb. 23, 1839. Harriet H., March 29, 1830, m. — Appling. George, Feb. 19, 1815, m. Harriet Pierce. 7. Charles, s. of Joel (6), b. 1805; preceptor of academies in New Salem, and Nfd., where he rem. 1838 ; merchant; P. M.; rep.; town clerk, 16 years. He m. July 15, 1835, Lovicy, dau. Jabez Parsons. Ch. : Maria C, Sept. 3, 1836, m. Aug. 15, Agusta P., April 22, 1841. 1859, Charles G. Hooker, Cala. Mary J., Nov. 26, 1843. Henrietta L., Nov. 18, 1838, m. Aug. 26, Charles P., March 5, 1 85 1. 1 8 61, Charles S. Dewey, of Ber. PAGE, Elizabeth, m. 1794, Seth Lyman. PAGE, Esther, m. July 22, 1802, John Prindle. PAGE, Lewis, 1792-1813; had grist and saw mill, on Pauchaug brook j rem. to Winch. He ni. Charlotte . Ch.: David, July 10, 1791, "I Burned to d. George, June 16, 1800 ; a noted inventor Lewfis, Feb. 25, 1793, J in father's of machinery. saw mill, April 21, 181 3. Thomas, Dec. 4, 1801. Allen, Sept. 16, 1794, d. June 20, 1795. Charlotte, March 23, 1806. Phila, April 7, 1796. Lucian, Dec. 29, 1807. Betsey, Sept. 28, 1798, d. Sept. 18, 1803. Mary, Febi 23, 181 3, d. March 28, 1813. PAGE, Orrise, 1801. PAGE, Seneca, 1803-15; miller, on Pauchaug brook. He m. Oct. 5, 1 806, Freedom Lyman. PAGE, Thomas, 1802-13 J miUerj on Pauchaug brook. PAGE, Horace, 1807. PALMER, Benjamin; grantee of Nfd., 1682, and sett. 1685; was of Plainfield, Conn., 1702; did not return at the Third Settlement. PALMER, Moses ; Capt., of Little Compton ; d. Nov. 26, 1759, a. 38. He was buried in Hins., directly across the river from Ft. Dummer. Nothing has been ascertained of his lineage, or history. id. N. H. ; Rev. sol. PARKER, Abraham, He m. Hannah . 1770-80; from Ric Ch. : Abraham. Hannah. John. Solomon. David Ruth. Betty. PARKER, Ebenezer, 1818. Family Genealogies. 511 PARKER, Ephraim, 1790-91. PARKER, Isaac; merchant; in co. with Pomroy & Prior; date not known. PARKER, Jonathan, 1780-5; Rev. sol. PARKER, Stephen, 1781-9; Rev. sol. 1781. PARKHURST, Abraham, 1771-3. PARMENTER, Artemas, 1790-1. PARMENTER, Asahel, 1791-1801; rem. to Gill. PARMENTER, Elias, 1764-1801. He m. Sybil, dau. Ebenezer Sheldon, of Bernardston. PARMENTER, Joseph. He m. Lydia, dau. John Robbins. Ch. : John, Feb. 27, 18 18. Mary A., April 15, 1820. PARMENTER, Josiah, from Ben, 1764; his farm was set off to Gill, 1795 ; d. Aug. 23, 1829. He m. May 4, 1768, Bethiah, dau. William Holton. Shed. May li, 1785, a. 40. (2), Sept. 15, 1785, Hannah Childs, of Greenfield. CA. : Josiah, Feb. 29, 1772. Polly, bapt. Nov. 11, 1787, d. Sept. 3, Bethia, Oct. 17, 1773, m. March 6, 1794, 1788. Benjamin Horsely, of Greenfield. Polly, bapt. June 18, 1790. Nathan, Sept. 10, 1775. Nancy, bapt. May 10, 1791. Ruth, Feb. 22, 1777. Elmer, bapt. Sept. 8, 1793. Dolly, May 3, 1782. Lucinda, Aug. 22, 1795. Chester, June 27, 1786. Philena, April 29, 1797. Melete, Feb. 20, 1801. 1. PARSONS, Joseph; from Dorchester, Eng. ; of Spfd., 1636, where he witnessed the first deed from the Indians to Wm. Pynchon, July 15, of that year; rem. to Nhn. about 1655 ; was given possession of the first tract of land bought of the Indians at Squakheag, 1671, and was active in the settle- ment of the town. [See ante, pp. 53 and 69.] Ret. to Spfd., 1679; cornet of troops of horse; d. Oct. 9, 1683, {Savage,'] March 25, 1684, \_Allen^ He m. Nov. 26, 1646, Mary, dau. Thomas Bliss, of Hart. In 1674 she was accused of being a witch ; on this charge she was tried and acquitted the next year, at Boston ; she d. Jan. 29, 1712. Ch.: Joseph, 1647 (2). David, April 30, 1659, d. young. Benjamin, buried June 22, 1649. Mary, June 27, 1661, m. 1685, Joseph John, 1650; captain ; m. Sarah Clark, who Ashley, and (2), March 2, 1699, Joseph d. April 15, 1728, a. 69. Williston. Samuel, 1653; of Nhn., 1690; of Durham, Hannah, Aug. i, 1664, m. Jan. 6, 1688, Ct., 1713. Peletiah Glover, Jr. Ebenezer, May i, 1655, the first white ch. Abigail, Sept. 3, 1666, m. Feb. 19, 1690, born in Nhn. He was killed by the In- John Colton. dians at their first assault on Nfd., Sept. Esther, Dec'. 24, 1672, m. Sept. 15, 1698, 2, 1675. Rev. Joseph Smith, of Middletown, Ct. Jonathan, June 6,' 1657, m. Mary Clark. He d. Oct. 19, 1694. 2. Joseph, s. of Joseph (i), b. 1647 ; of Spfd., and Nhn.; judge in the County Court; rep. from Spfd., 1706-8; rep. from Nhn., 14 years; built a corn mill at Dfd., 1695; a wealthy and enterprising man; d. Nov. 29, 1729. 512 History of Northfield. He m. March 17, 1669, Elizabeth, dau. Elder John Strong. She d. May 1 1, 1736. Ch.: Joseph, June 28, 1671 ; H. C, 1697, David, Feb. 1,1680; H. C, 1705. sett, minister at Lebanon, Ct., 1700; m. Josiah, Jan. 2, 1682, m. June 22, 1701, 1697, Abigail Phelps. He d. 1740. Sarah, dau. Isaac Sheldon. John, Jan. 11, 1674; lieutenant; m. Nov. Daniel, August, 1685. 23, 1696, Sarah, dau. Rev. Hope Ather- Moses, Jan. 15, 1687. ton. Abigail, Jan, i, 1690, m. Dec. 10, 1712, Ebenezer, Dec. 11, 1675; captain; m. Dec. Ebenezer Clark. 15, 1703, Mary Stebbins. Hed. Nov. i, Noah, Aug. 15, 1692, m. Jan. 17, 1712, 1753. Mindwell, dau. Benj. Edwards. He d. Elizabeth, Feb. 3, 1678; prob. m. Dec. 25, Oct. 27, 1779. 1707, Thomas Lyman. 1. PARSONS, Philip, a first sett, in Enfield, Conn., 1697, where he was living 1748. He m. Anna . Ch.: Philip, 1708; Enfd., 1750. Thomas, 1718 (2). Nathaniel, 1712, m. 1736, Alice Collins. Ebenezer, 1724, d. young. Shubel, 1715, d. s. p. in Enfield, at an ad- vanced age. 2. Thomas, s. of Philip (1), b. 171 8; d. in Enfield, 1811. He m. Nov. 12, 1741, Mary Parsons. (2), June 15, 1753, Lydia Booth. (3), Oct. 21, 1781, Jemima (Bailey) Taylor. Ch.: Elijah, July 21, 1745 (3 )• 3. Elijah, s. of Thomas (2), b. July 21, 1745 ; d. Aug. 31, 1797. He m. Oct. 16, 1766, Jerusha Collins, who d. April 26, 1826, a. 79. Ch. : Jerusha, April 17, 1768. Jabez, Aug. 7, 1777 (4). Elijah, March 2, 1771, m. Sept. 4, 1800, Cynthia, Feb. 4, 1784, d. March 11, 1810. Polly Holton. Horace, March 14, 1785, d. Feb. 4, 1817. Sarah, June 24, 1773. Mary, April 13, 1790. Winthrop, June 8, 1775. 4. Jabez, s. of Elijah (3), b. 1777; tanner and currier; at Nfd., 1801; d. Feb. 9, 1871. He m. Jan. 21, 1801, Lovicy dau. Isaac Prior. Shed. July 6, 1848, a. 68. Ch. : Albert, Feb. 9, 1803, d. Sept. 7, 1805. Albert C, July 31, 1812 (3). Elijah, Nov. 26, 1804, d. Oct. 10, 1837. Horace E., Sept. 13, 1820, m. Sept. 27, Lovicy, Feb. I, 1809, m. July 16, 1835, 1842, Sophia M. Stratton. Charles Osgood. 5. Albert C, s. of Jabez (4), b. 1812; rep. and senator, Mass. leg.; assessor and collector, U. S. revenue. He m. June 12, 1838, Hannah, dau. Joseph Stevens, of Warwick. She d. March 24, 1855, a. 34. (2), July 27, 1858, Susan E., wid. of Joseph Beach, dau. of James Lane, of Virginia. Ch. : Albert S., Nov. 16, 1841, m. Sept. 4, Apoline, April 24, 1848, d. July 3, 1848. 1 87 1, wid. Louise F. Illsey. Walace E., Aug. 13, 1849, ^* Aug. 31 Maria M., Jan. 8, 1843, m. April 3, 1866, 1849. Edward W. Sanborn. She d. Feb. 21, Mary L., May 23, 1859. 1868. Herbert C, Jan. 15,1862. PATCH, John G., 1819. Family Genealogies. 513 1. PATTERSON, James ; one of the soldiers of Charles II, who were cap. by Cromwell at the battle of Worcester, and sent to the colonies, to be sold. They sailed from London, Nov. i, 165 i, in the " John and Sarah," and arrived at Boston, May, 1652. He was made freeman, i6go; a sol. in Philip's war; d. about 1701.' He m. May 26, 1662, Rebecca, dau. Andrew Stevenson. Ch.: Mary, Aug. 22, 1666, m. Jan. 30, Joseph, Jan. i, 1678. 1689, Peter Proctor. Rebecca, July 18, 1680, d. young. James, Feb. 28, 1669, d. young. James, April 13, 1683 ; sett, in Groton. Andrew, April 4, 1672. Jonathan, Jan. 31, 1686 (2). John, April 8, 1675, "i- Joanna Hall; sett. in Billirica. 2. Jonathan, s. of James (i), b. 1686; tailor; Watertown, 1707; of Dfd, 1713 ; in 1716, grants of land were made him, on condition he would settle in Nfd. ; rem. there 1716, and d. 17 18. He m. July 30, 17 1 3, Mary, dau. Eleazer Hawks, of Dfd. She d. March 4, 1757, a. 61. Ch. : Jonathan, Dec. 18, 1714, d. Feb. 24, Eleazer, Sept. 2, 1716 (3). 1821. 3. Eleazer, s. of Jona, (2), b. 1716; colonel; settled in the north part of the town, now Ver. ; sol. under Capt. Elijah Williams, 1755; he was active in behalf of the New York party, in the N. Hampshire Grants trouble, and received a com. from New York as col. of the lower reg. of Cumberland CO., Aug. 18, 1778; and in 1782, was appointed by the same power, justice of the " Court of Common Pleas, and General Goal Dehvery ;" rem. to Bratt. about 1792, where he d. April 8, i8di. He m. Lydia , who d. April 4, 1761, a. 46. (2), about 1770, Abi- gail , from Nhn. She d. Oct, 3, 1783, a. 58. a.: Lydia, Sept. 2, 1737, m. Jan. 28, Jonathan, Sept. 16, 1748. 1757, William White, of Had., Hins., Mary, June 19, 1752. Nfd., and Spfd. Eleazer, Dec. 15, 1754(4). 4. Eleazer, s, of Eleazer (3), b. I7';4; wife unknown. CA.: Sylvester, bapt. April 17, 1776. Lydia Moore, bapt. July 6, 1777. PEABODY, Amos, 1783 ; from Lunenburg ; whole family rem. to the " Holland Purchase," in an ox cart, about 1820. He m. March 4, 1783, Relief, dau. Moses Dickinson. Ck. : Ruth Cole, bapt. Oct. 15, 1786. Prudence, bapt. July 31, 1791. Samuel, bapt. Oct. 15, 1786. Elizabeth, bapt. Sept. 15, 1793. Amos, bapt. Oct. 5, 1787, d. Aug. 20, Amos, bapt. Oct. 23, 1796. 1787. Relief, bapt. Oct. 5, 1788, m. Feb. 7, 181 1, Thomas Higgins. Consider. PEABODY, Samuel, 1810. PEASE, Noadiah, 1797. PECK, Seth, 1788-90. He m. Elizabeth . CL: Sarah, May 20, 1785. Anna, Feb. 7, 1788. PIERCE, William; captain; 1772-3. 65 ' |- twins ; bapt. Oct. 23, 1796. 5 1 4 History of Northfield. PERKINS, Asa, 1804; d. Oct. 30, 18 14. He m. Dec. 30, 1802, Azubah, (Briggs,) wid. Thomas Elgar. She d. April 9, 1844. Ch.: Harriet, Oct. 23, 1803, m. William Webster. PERRY, Joseph, 1755; V'^oh. from No. 4. PERRY, Joseph, 1806-19; ^^^- ^'^ Vernon. He m. Feb. 18, 1806, Sobriety, dau. Edward Nettleton. Ch. : Cynthia, Nov. 9, 1806, m. Oct. 5, 1826, Hiram Doolittle. 1. PERRY, Noah; from Mendon about 1 790; d. Feb. 20, 1836, a. 88. He m. Annah Holbrook, who d. Jan. 14, 1826. (2), Aug. 24, 1826, IsaJDclla Cass, who d. Oct. 15, 1841. Ch. : Alexander, Nov. 23, 1773, d. Oct. Alexander, Jan. 16, 1785(3). 26,1776. Nancy, May 18, 1788, m. Jan. 3, 1811, Elkanah, April 17, 1775, d. Nov. 4, 1775. Solomon Stebbins, Ver. Lois, Jan. 23, 1777, d. Oct. 11, 1777. Moses, Aug. 8, 1790. Noah, March 28, 1778 (2). Sarah, July 25, 1793, m. April 26, 1815, Stephen, Sept. 17, 1780, m. Susanna Bow- George R. Stebbins. man. (2), Harriet, dau. Elijah Stebbins. Lyman, June 28, 1795. Anner, Dec. 28, 1782. 2. Noah, s. of Noah (i), b. 1778; d. Feb. 22, 1830. He m. Caroline, dau. Jonathan Janes ; after the death of her husband, she rem. with ch. to Boston. Ch.: Henry A., March 22, 1816; sett, in Samuel, Nov. 13, 1818 j sett, in Boston. New York city. Lois, Jan. 26, 1820, d. young. Charles, June 17, 1817; sett, in Boston. George, May, 9, 1823; sett, in Boston. 3. Alexander, s. of Noah (i), b. 1785; rem. to Ver.; d. Sept. 15, 1856. He m. Rachel Fisher, who d. Aug. 24, 1855, a. jj. Ch. : Mary C, June 10, 1808, m.^ March Nathan F., Nov. 19, 1809, d. s. p. Feb. 22, 31, 1835, Lorenzo Brown, of Vernon. 1840. 1. PETTY, John; rem. from Wind, to Spfd.; d. March 6, 1680. He m. at Boston, March 30, 1662, Ann Canning. She m. (2), Sept. 5, 1681, Samuel Owens. Ch. : James, b. at Winds., May 25, 1662, Mary, March 27, 1670, m. Dec. 29, 1687, m. June 15, 1683, Mercy Lawton ; sol., Thomas Taylor, of Spfd. 1688. Joseph, Sept. 29, 1672 (2). Hannah, b. at Spfd., Nov. 9, 1666, d. Ann, May 19, 1675. young. Child, June 27, 1677, d. unbap. John, Dec. 11, 1667, m. April 13, 1693, Ebenezer, Oct. 9, 1678. Mercy Taylor. 2. Joseph, s. of John (i), b. 1672; sol. in the garrison at Nfd., 1688; then of Spfd.; sol. at Dfd., 1698, and in the Pomroy Pursuit; of Dfd., 1704, where he with wife, was taken cap.; both were redeemed, prob. by John Sheldon, on his first expedition to Canada, in 1705; rem. to Coventry, Ct., about 1708 ; was af Nhn. as early as 1718, where he d. about 1746. He m. Feb. 14, 1701, Elizabeth Edwards, who d. Feb. 18, 1702. (2), June 2, 1703, Sarah Edwards, who d. Oct. 4, 1754. Ch. : Elizabeth, Feb. 11,1702. Joseph (3). Sarah, April 14, 1707, m. 1727, Asahel Stebbins. Family Genealogies. 515 3. Joseph, s. of Joseph (2); was in the scout under Capt. Eleazar Melvin, which was attacl8 History of Northfield. 5. Joseph, s. of Eltwed (1), b. 1652; Wfd., 1685; Lebanon, Ct. rem. to Colchester, 1703. He m. June 20, 1677, Hannah, dau. Richard Lyman. 1700; Ch. : Joseph, Sept. I, 1678, d. Nov. 26, 1678. Hannah, Dec. 13, 1679, d. Jan. 7, 1680. Elizabeth, Feb. 7, 1681, d. Aug. 20, 1683. John, July 11 Hannah, Aprii Noah.' 1688, d. Aug 2, 1694. Abigail, Feb. 5, 1683. Medad, Nov. 4, 1686. Sarah. . 6. Ebenezer, s. of Medad (2), b. 1669; captain; blacksmith; commissioner to meet the Indians, at Albany, 1724. He m. Sarah ^^ . Ch. : Sarah, Nov. 22, 1693. John, April, 1695 (7). Ebenezer, Sept. 18, 1697, m. April 26, 1722, Elizabeth Hunt. She d. June 10, 1782, a. 83. Sarah, Feb. 5, 1700, m. Dec. 12, 1721, Noah Wright. She d. April 3, 1777. Simeon, Feb. 21, 1702. Josiah, Dec. 29, 1703 (8). Seth, May 20, 1 706 (9). Daniel, March 27, 1709, m. May 31, 1733, Mary Clap ; killed at Lake George, Sept. 8> I7S5> vvhile on the " bloody morning scout." Thankful, July 15, 17 12. 7. John, s. of Ebenezer (6), b. Kellogg, at Fort Dummer, 1723-4 He m. May 29, 1718, Rachael, Ch.: John, 17 19; captain. Elisha, 1720; captain. Rachael, m. — Newell. Ebenezer, May I, 1723. Oliver. Simeon, 1726, d. young. 8. JosiAH, s. of Ebefiezer (6), b, 1695 ; captain ; was a lieut. under Capt. i he d. April 22, 1774. dau. Benjamin Sheldon. Elizabeth, Jan. 27, 1727-8, d. young. Elizabeth, March 3, 17*9. 1734, m. James Eason, of Litch- Ct. [736; sett. South Hadley. He m. Lydia W who d. Dec. Ch. : Adino ? Sept. 22, 1732. Eleazer, Oct. 17, 1734 (10). Shammah, Oct. 24, 1736(11). Lucy, Feb. 15, 1739. Josiah, July 21, 1741 ; 'Y. C, 1762; Euni field,' Titus, 1703; ensign. 19, 1772, a. 62. geon J m. July 5, 1774, Ann AUis, of Hfd.; sett, in Keene, N. H. Eunice, Sept. 8, 1743. Dorothy, Feb. 2, 1746. r- Benjamin, March 16, 1748. Jonathan, Feb. 29, 1749. 9. Seth, ?. of Ebenezer (6), b. 1706; blacksmith; capt. of the snow shoe men, serving on the west frontier, 1744 ; majorat the capture of Louisbourg, 1745; lieut. col. under Col. Williams, in the "bloody morning scout," and was the only field officer left alive in the reg. ; was col. soon after; delegate to the provincial congress, 1774; gen. 1774; brig, gen., 1775, but fought bravely as a private at the battle of Bunker Hill. His appointment by Con- gress as senior brig, gen., causing some difficulty in settling questions of rank, he resigned this office ; too patriotic to remain idle, he entered the service again, and d. in the army, at Peekskill, Feb. 19, 1777. He m. Dec. 14, 1732, Mary, dau. Jonathan Hunt, of Nhn. She d. Sept. 11, 1777. a- 71- Ch. ; Seth, Sept. 26, 1733 ; Y. C, 1753. 30, 1776, a. 40. (2), Rachael — , who guartus. May 13, 1735; blacksmith; m. d. Nov. 18, 1826,3. 80. Red. Nov. 5, Phebe, dau. Benj. Sheldon. She d. May 1803. Family Genealogies. 519 Medad, about 1736 (12). Asahel, Dec. i, 1749, m. Miriam — , who Lemuel, about 1737; sett. Southampton; d. July 19, 1793, a. 41. (2), Hannah 40 years in the leg.j d. 18 19, a. 82. — , who d. Sept. 18, 18 12, a. 58 ; kept Martha, Aug. 12, 1740. the Warner tavern, Nhn. ; d. March 22, Mary, Aug. 16, 1742. 1833. 10. Eleazer, s. of Josiah (8), b. 1734; rem. from Sund. to Nfd., 1762; rem. to Chesterfield, N. H., 1773. He m. Lydia . Ch.: Martin, bapt. Jan. 23, 1763. Mehitable, Sept. 7, 1769, d. April 19, 1770. Lydia, bapt. Sept. i, 1765. Eleazer, bapt. March 17, 1771. Catherine, bapt. Sept. 20, 1767, " 6th child." 11. Shammah, s. of Josiah (8), b. 1736; saddler; Nfd., 1760; sol., 17575 d. July 8, 1818. He m. April 11, 1765, Anna, dau. Nathaniel Mattoon. She d. Aug. 31, 1817, a. 73. Ch.: Sophia, Jan. 11, 1766, m. June 28, Anna, March 8, 1770, m. Nov. 3, 1793, 1787, Obadiah Dickinson. Lucius Hubbard, of Chester, Vt. Chester, Jan. 20, 1768, ip. Oct. ii, 1787, Patty, July 13, 1772, m. July I, I79S> Catherine Smith; rem. to Newfane, Vt. Elijah Paine, of Ashfield. Billy, June 6, 1776 (13). 12. Medad, s. of Seth (9), b. 1736 ; Y. C.,. 1757; doctor; Nfd., 1762; rem. to Warwick, 1769; and ret. in 1788; d. Oct, 28, 1819. He m. Oct. 15, 1767, Sarah, dau. Capt. Sam. Hunt, Shed. Oct. 30, 1832, a. 86. Ch.: Medad, March 26, 1769, d. April, Medad, Aug. 11, 1777(14). 1769. Fanny, Jan. 5, 1780, m. William S. Lyman. Sarah, May 25, 1771, d. unm. Aug. 3, She d. Aug. 23, 1813. 1840. Seth, July 20, 1782, d. March 18, 1822. Patty, Aug. 5, 1773, rn. 1792, Barnabas Arad H., Jan. 15, 1785. Billings. John, July 12, 1787 ; sett, in Bracksville, Mary Anna, July 9, 1775, d. May i, 1793. Ohio. 13. Billy, s. of Shammah (11), b. 1776; merchant; P. M.; rem. to Cambridge; a generous benefactor of the First Parish, \See ante, pp. 361-2.] He m. Lucy, dau. Charles Bowen. She d. June 18, 1813, a. 29. (2). about 1816, Harriet Chapin, of Spfd., who d. Aug. 28, 1818, a. 29. (3), Chrissey Cushing, pub. April 25, 18 ig. Ch.: Charles, April 24, 1805, d. Feb. 23, Oren S. Keith, of Framingham, Nfd. and 1824. Cambridge. William, June 13, 1807 (15). Lucy B., Feb. 26, 1813, d. Aug. 13, 1813. Ann, March 20, 1809. Francis, Aug. 4, 18 18. Lucretia, Feb. i, 1811, m. June 5, 1833, 14. Medad, s, of Medad (12), b. 1777; d. June 14, 1847. He m. Feb. 4, 1805, Jerusha, dau. Simeon Alexander. She d. Aug. 13, 1850, a. 65, Ch. : Fanny, June 20, 1806, d. May 14, Charles, Sept. 7, 18 10, d. June 6, 18 12. 1812. Abby A., Sept. 16, 1815, m. Joseph La- Mary Ann, Jan. 10, 1808, m. Aug. 4, 1828, throp, Nhn. Wm. E. Russell, of Warwick. Charles, July 14, 18 18 (16). 15. William, s. of Billy (13), b. 1807; d. April 13, 1836. He m. Dec. 6, 1830, Elizabeth Callender, who d. May 11, 1836, a. 25. Ch.: Elizabeth C, Oct. 27, 1833. 520 History of Northjieid. 16. Charles, s. of Medad (14), b. 181 8. He m. Aug. 28, 1844, Laura C., dau. Jonathan Connable, of Bernardston. Ch : Maryanna, Oct. 6, 1846. Charles R., Oct. 7, 1850. Sarah H., Oct. 14, 1848, d. May 8, 1849. Laura L., Nov. 13, 1853. PORTER, James; in the garrison at Nfd., 1722 ; under Kellogg, 1724-5. The following petition is preserved among the old MSS. at the State House: "James Porter, of Northfield, petitions. May, 1727. Being one of the sol- diers, that in the year 1725, enlisted under the command of Capt. Thomas Wells, of Deerfield, on an expedition up the Conn, river, in the month of March, in pursuit of the Indian enemy; on our return, it was our bad hap to have our canoe overset, coming down a ledge of falls, when three of our canoe's company were drowned. Lt. Joseph Clesson. and Samuel Harmon, and my- self, with great difficulty gained land." " Lost my gun, value £5, my blanket and all accouterment fitted for such an expedition." £5 allowed. He m. Experience . Ch.: Mary, Oct. 15, 1726. William, March 4, 1732. James, April 21, 1728. Noah, May 6, 1734. Sarah, July 29, 1730. Nathan, April i6» 1736, d. July 28, 1742, POTTER, IcHABOD, 1788-91. POTTER, John, 1802, POWER, Thomas ; b. in Boston, Oct. 8, 1786; grad. B. U., 1808; studied law with Judge Charles Jackson; adm. Suff. bar, 181 1; rem. to Nfd., 1812. He was founder of the Social Library ; to him Nfd. street is indebted very largely for her beautiful shade trees, many of which he set out with his own hand, in 1815 ; "remembered as a shrewd lawyer, and remarkable skater;" rem. to Boston, where he was clerk of the Police Court, with brief intermissions, from 1842, to i860, when he rem. to Framingham. He was a poet and an accomplished musician; d. Sept. 9, 1868. He m. June 8, 1813, Betsey Sampson, of Duxbury, b. Sept. 27, 1789. Ch. i Thomas F., Aug. 25, 1 8 17. Elizabeth J., Dec. 29, 1827, d. June 11, Charles J., April 11, 1824. 1832. 1. PRENTICE, or PRENTISS, Thomas; captain; Cambridge, 1650; was a famous partisan commander of a troop of horse, and served with dis- tinction through Philip's war; rep. several years; d. July 6, 1710, a. 88. He m. in England, Grace , who d. Oct. 9, 1692. Ch. ; Grace, b. in Eng., m. Nov. 27, 1667, John, Feb. 2, 1654, d. March 10, 1654-5. Thomas Oliver. John, July 10, 1655, m. June 28, 1677, Thomas, | Jan. 22, \ (2). Elizabeth, dau. Edward Jackson. Elizabeth, J 1650. J m. May 4, 1675, Mary. Thomas Aldrich, of Dedham. Hannah, 1661, d. 1738. Henry, d. June 4, 1654. 2. Thomas, s. of Thomas (i), b. 1650; had estate at death, in Newton, and Stonington, Ct.; d. April 19, 1685. He m. March 20, 1676, Sarah, dau. Thomas Stanton, the famous Indian interpreter. She m. (2), William Dennison, of Stonington. Ch.: Thomas, Jan. 13, 1677, m. Elizabeth John, 1682; grad. H. C, 1700; sett. Jackson. minister at Lancaster, March 29, i7o8,d. Grace. 1748. Samuel, about 1680 (3). Family Genealogies. 521 3. Samuel, s. of Thomas (2), b. about 1680 ; Stonington, Ct., 1710; d. April 24, 1728. He m. Esther, dau. Nathaniel Hammond, of Newton. Ch.: Samuel, Nov. 25, 1702. Oliver; clergyman. Praise, Jan. 26, 1705. Eunice Dec. 8, 1717. Mary, April 12, 1708. Thomas, Oct. 25, 1719. Jonas, Sept. 28, 1710 (4). Dorothy, Dec. 13, 1723. Esther, Dec. 12, 171 3, m. Christopher Pal- mer. 4. Jonas, s. of Samuel (3), b. 17 10; Stonington, Ct. ; d. June, 1766. He m. Nov. 29, 1733, Lucy, dau. Daniel Dennison. Ch.: Mary, Sept. 6, 1734, m. Capt. John Thomas, April 7, 1743. Swan, of Stonington. Nathan, May 4, 1745. Samuel, Oct. 4, 1736 (5). Lucy, May 22, 1747, m. Capt. Thomas Esther, Sept. i, 1738. Wheeler. She d. 1792. Daniel, Jan. 7, 1740. 5. Samuel, s. of Jonas (4), b. 1736 ; col. of a reg. during the Rev. war, through which he served; d. 1807. He m. Phebe Billings. Ch. : Samuel, 1759 (^)- Nancy. Lucinda, m. Jan. 19, 1786, Dr. Elijah Her- Sally, m. David Moore. rick, of Buffalo, N. Y. Rebecca, 1765, d. Jan. 27, 1786. Betsey. Phebe, 1769, d. June 20, 1786. 6. Samuel, s. of Samuel (5), b. 1759; served as surgeon in his father's reg , in Rev. army ; sett, in Worcester at the close of the war; rem. to Nfd. early in 1786, where he had a large practice in surgery, until his death, Dec. 3, 1818. He m. Lucretia, dau. Capt. John Holmes, of Stonington. She d. Sept. 20, 1841, a. 83. Ch. : Jabez ; ship master in Newbern, N. Francis, d. in Boston, at the age of 21 yrs. C. ; d. 1812. William A., d. an infant, June 6, 1793. Samuel, March 31, 1782 (7). Elizabeth, d. of small pox, at the age of 7. John H., about 1785 (8). Lucretia, 1796, d. March 10, 1817. Henry; sett, in Rome, N. Y. William A., March 24, 1800 (9). 7. Samuel, s. of Samuel (6), b. 1782; LL.D., D. C, 1832; studied law with Solomon Vose; rem. to Montpelier, Vt., 1803; rep. state leg. 2 years; U. S. senator 12 years; ch. justice Supreme Court of Vermont, 5 years; U. S. district judge from 1842 until his death, Jan. 15, 1857. He m. Oct. 3, 1804, Lucretia, dau. Edward Houghton. Ch.: George H., June 25, 1805; lieut. U. Frederick J., Oct. 18, 1816. S. A.; d. Sept. 3, 1833. Theodore, Sept. 10, 1818 ; lawyer; Water- Samuel B., Jan. 23, 1807, m. April 15, town, Wis. 1851, Jane A. Russell; lawyer in Cleav- Joseph A., Aug. 31, 1820 ; lawyer; in co. land, Ohio. with his father. Edward H., Dec. 28, 1808. Augustus, Feb. 16, 1822. Jane H., Feb. 10, 181 1. Lucretia, Jan. 13, 1823. Charles W., Oct. 18,1812; D. C, 1832. James, July 19, 1824; grad. U. of Vr. ; Henry F., Nov. 27, 18 14. lawyer; in co. with br. Theodore. 8. John H., s. of Samuel (6), b. about 1785; learned printing with Hon. John Prentiss, of Keene, N. H. ; 40 years editor of the Freeituvi's Journal, at Cooperstown, N. Y. ; colonel; M. C, 1837 to 1841; d. June 28, 1861. 66 522 History of Northfield, He m. Jan, i8, 1815, Catherine C. Morris, grand dau. of Robert, the signer declaration independence. She d. June 28, 1818. (2), June 3, 1828, Milla Shankland, dau. Thomas. Ch. : Mary M., Aug. 16, 1816, m. Cyrus Alexanders., 1829; grad. Hamilton Coll. } Strong. lawyer j at Chicago. Catherine L., June 23, 18 17, m. John C. John H., 1831 ; merchant at Cooperstown. Dodge, Chicago, 111. Rachael A., 1833. Charlotte O., 1837. 9. William A., s. of Samuel (6), b. 1800; rem. to Jericho, Vt., in 1824, where he was chn. of selectmen and overseers of the poor 8 years, and rep. 1829; in 1836 he rem. to Milwaukie, which then contained but 50 families; the next year he received a commission as justice of the peace, with civil and criminal jurisdiction over what now comprises five large counties; this office he held until the organization of the state govt., in 1848; was elected in 1837, chn. of a board of commissioners, which had control of all county matters over the same territory, which he held until a new system was adopted; he was from the first prominent in the government of the village, town, and city of Milwaukie; a member of the council 15 years, and mayor, 1858; was 4 years in the territorial, and 2 years in the state, leg. It is said of him that he " never solicited a nomination for either of these offices," and that he " never gave a vote, or did an olEcial act, contrary to his convictions of duty." He m. Sept. 11, 1833, Eliza Sands, of Saco, Me. She d. Feb. 6, 1857. Ck. : Helen E., Aug. 25, 1834. Charlotte E., Jan. 4, 1840, d. May 19, William A., March 25, 1836, d. May 24, 1872. 1872. George E., Nov. 20, 1842. Sarah E., March 18, 1838. James S., Sept. 20, 1844. PRESBY, Samuel ; sett, over the Second Unitarian Society, 1828; dis., 1829. 1. PRESSON, Lemuel, 1799; from Dummerston, Vt. ; a Rev. sol. ; d. Dec. 12, 1820, a. 67. He m. Hildreth. (2), March 25, 1788, wid. Anna (Lawton) Temple, who d. about 1855, a. about 97. Ch. : Samuel, 1784, m. Susan Thomas. Hannah, 1793, m. Jan. 5, l8i3,Otis French. Lemuel, 1785, m. Betsey Burnham. Mary, 1795, m. Leonard Smith. Submit, 1787, m. prob. Jacob Esty. Betsey, 1796, m. — Greenwood. John, 1789, m. Eliza, dau. John M. Field; Joseph, Nov. 17, 1798; clergyman; sett. rem. to Warwick. in New York. Aaron,! June 27, \ (2). Sally, Dec. 31, 1800, m. George Smith. Esther, J 1791. J m. Benjamin Dennis. Philana, Aug. 30, 1803, m. Ebenezer Emerson, 1793, m. Polly Brooks; sett, in Dennis. Palermo, N. Y. 2. Aaron, s. of Lemuel (i), b. 1791 ; d. Jan. 11, 1872. He m. Achsah, dau. John French, of HoUis, N. H. She d. Dec. 9, 1859, a. 67. Ch.: George W., May 25, i8io,m. Fanny John E., Dec. 3, 1816; doctor; sett, in Bishop. Salem, N. J. Susan M., June 27, 18 12, m. Dwight W. Aaron O., May 26, 1818 ; sett, in Addison, Nash, of Amherst. N. Y. William B., Sept. 16, 1813, m. Sarah Achsah L., June 3, 1821, m. S. A. Stockwell. Spencer, of 111. Emily L., July 25, 1824. Jonathan L., Jan. 29, 1815 (3). Charles B., May 22, 1826; cap. at battle Wilderness ; d. in Salisbury prison. Family Genealogies. 523 3. Jonathan L., s. of Aaron (2), b. 1815. He m. April 11, 1848, Jane R., dau. John Stearns, Hinsdale. Ch. : Dwight L., Jan. 28, 1851, m. April Pitts W., Aug. 15, 1856. 10, 1873, Carrie M. Stratton. Lucy J., Nov. i, 1859. John A., Sept. 17, 1854. PRESCOTT, Abel H., 18 18. PRIEST, Calvin, 1797 ; from Harvard ; had saw mill on Keup brook. He m. Oct. 6, 1798, Susanna Wesson, of Athol. Ch. : Willard. Avery, m. Elvira, dau. Oliver Field. Calvin, m. Dec. 17, 1825, Clymena A. Susanna. Gould. Order of birth uncertain. 1. PRIEST, Nathan; Harvard; d. 1804, a. 68. He m. Mary Bacon. She m. (2), Nathan Frary, of Dfd. ; d. his wid., Dec. 25, 1842, a. 82. CA.: Nathan, d. young. Nancy, d. young. Mary, d. in Sund., at 16 years. Nathan, June 24, 1792 (2). Solomon, disappeared at 19 years old. Sarah, m. March 29, 1824, Daniel Darling. Lucretia, d. in Dfd. at 19. Elizabeth, m. March 4, 18 19, John Holton. 2. Nathan, s. of Nathan (i), b. 1792; Nfd., 1818 ; living, 1874. He m. Polly, dau. Stephen Gunn, of Sund. She d. June 19, 1854, a. 64. CA. : Mary L., Dec. 31, 1819, m. A. R. Caroline S., Aug. 20, 1826. Kingsley. James E., Aug. 11, 1829, m. Jan. 7, 1862, Caroline, Feb. 12, 1822, d. Sept. 17, 1823. Susan M. Caldwell. Nathan A., May 18, 1824, d. Aug. 29, Dwight S., Aug. 28, 1832, m. June 25, 1849. 1857, S. Elvira King. ' 1. PRINDLE, Nathan; from Westbury, Ct., about 1774; ferryman; sol. of 'y6', d. July 8, 1837, a. 97. He m. Hannah , who d. Oct. 10, 1783. (2), Sept. 15, 1785, wid. Elizabeth Clendenen. She d. Nov. 9, 1821. CA.: Polly, 1770, d. Nov. 26, 1788; pub. Ruby, Sept. 28, 1780, d. May 3, 1796. to Joel Goss, Nov. i, 1788. Hannah L., Feb. 6, 1783. Sarah, 1774. Nathan, July 22, 1786 (3). John, May 4, 1776 (2). 2. John, s. of Nathan (1), b. 1776; d. Nov. 27, 1822, a. 47. He m. July 22, 1802, Esther Page, who d. July 17, 1852, a. 72. a. : Ruby, May 19, 1803, m. Jacob Lucretia, May 19, 1810. Moody. Harriet, Aug. 19, 18 11. Eliza A., Aug. 31, 1804, m. Dec. 23, 1824, Hannah, March 16, 1814. Hubbard Phelps. John F., March 5, 1816. Charlotte, Oct. 12, 1805. ' Tryphena, Aug. 22, 1822, d. Aug. 27, Martha, Sept. 7, 1807. 1823. Mary, Dec. 20, 1808. 3. Nathan, s. of Nathan (i), b. 1786; d. May 15, 1857. He m. Betsey Fowler, who d. March 17, 1850, a. 53. Ch. : Thomas C, Aug. 15, 1816. James D., June 17, 1821 ; in Faneuil Hall Betsey, Dec. 10, 1817. Market, Boston. Roswell H., Sept. i8, 1819, d. Jan. 15, Lydia, April 8, 1823. 1853. John R., June 21, 1825. 524 History of Northfield. 1, PRIOR, Isaac, b. 1742; he was a descendant of Humphry Prior, a first sett, of Winds., but his immediate ancestors are not ascertained ; he d. at Enfield, Ct. He m. Dec. 6, 1764, Beulah Parsons, who d. April 18, 1814, a. 70. Ch. : Beulah, May 17, 1769, m. Nov, 13, Lovicy, Oct. i, 1779, m. Jan. 21, 1801, 1788, Simeon Chapin, who sett, in Jabez Parsons, who sett, in Nfd. Enfield. Nathaniel, Jan. 4, 1782, m. Rebecca Burt, Anna, April 2, 1773, m. Horace King, of of Long Meadow, who d. Feb. 27, 1842; Suffield. he m. (2), Oct. 10, 1842, Mary King ; Isaac, Feb. 14, 1775 (2). he d. Nov. 2, 1846. Betsey, May 20, 1777, m. June 2, 1796, Mary, Jan. i, 1785, m. ^- Hale. Isaac Meacham, of Enfield, Horace, Aug. 18, 1788. 2, Isaac, s. of Isaac (1), b. 1775, in Enfield, Ct., where he was a school teacher; rem. to Nfd., 1806, and became a business partner of William Pomroy, and Charles Bowen ; he was also connected with the firm of Wm. Putnam & Co,, of Boston; rep, 1831-2; his son Isaac, in a letter containing an affectionate tribute to the memory of his father, says of him : " Of inflex- ible integrity, he strove to be just to all, had no eager desire to accumulate wealth, at the expense of others, and would never exact more than the legal rate of interest, however great the temptation, or undoubted the security; deliberate in forming an opinion, tolerant of the opinions of others, he abhored partisan, political, religious, or personal contentions; when difi^erences occurred in business transactions, he was always in favor of * leaving it out,' before 'going to law.' His whole life was exemplary, as a Christian, and as a member of society." An anecdote is told of him, illustrating his kindness to animals. He worshiped with the Methodists, on the mountain, some 4 miles from home, where he attended service every Sunday; for the day meeting he would drive out with his horse and carriage, but for the evening meeting he would go out on foot, leaving his horse at home to rest; he d. Sept. 1 1, 1832. He m. March 3, 1806, Roxanna, dau. Caleb Stebbins, of Wilbraham, She d, March 24, 1840, Ch. : Isaac Newton, Dec. 4, 1806 (3). Rev. Wm. K. Talbot, of Athol, Shed. Mary, Feb. 2, 1808, m. Sept. 12, 1826, July 21, 1834. Warren, Dec. 21, 181 1 (4). 3, Isaac N,, s, of Isaac (2), b. 1806; rem from Nfd, to Hart,, 1821 ; to New Haven, 1837, and to Washington, D, C, 1853, where he is employed in the pension office. He m, Aug, 20, 1833, Susan D,, dau. Dr. Christopher Swan Avery, She d. Aug. 31, 1839, a. 25. (2), x^pril 23, 1845, Sarah A., dau, Isaac English, of New Haven, Ct, Ch. : Mary Brewster, Aug. 31, 1834, d. Maria Louisa, Oct. 8, 1848. June 2, 1873. Catherine Stebbins, July 23, 1851. William English, Sept. 6, 1846, d. Dec. 7, Walter English, April 24, 1856, d. July 30, 18—. 1856. 4, Warren, s. of Isaac (2), b. 181 1 ; deacon; has lived in Middletown, Ct,, and New York city; rem, to Fayettville, N. C,, 1833, He m, March 29, 1837, Louisa W., dau, John Mclntyre, of Fayettville, C-i. : John Newton, May 4, 1838, m. Hattie Louisa E., March 22, 1842, d. Oct. 5, M. Fonda ; lives in New York city. 1847. Warren, April 22, 1840, d. Feb. 9, 1852. Francis S., Dec, 16, 1843, d. Oct. 5, 1846, Family Genealogies. 525 Mary, Oct. 19, 1845, d. Feb. 7, 1847. Warren Stebbins, May 4, 1852, living in N. Ellen R., Oct. 2, 1847, ^- J^n- 3> 1867, Y. city. Thomas S. Atkins, b. in Eng. ; clerk of Eliza Robinson, Aug. 25, 1854. the U. S. District Court; lives in Rich- Robert Morrison, Oct. 31, 1858. mond, Va. Jackson Lee, June 20, 1 861. William, Dec. 16, 1849; living in N. Y. city. PROUTY, Francis, 1765. 1. PURPLE, Ezra; Bernardston; b. Jan. i6, 1747; d. July 22, 1815. He m. Mary Pentfield, b. March 15, 1752; d. Nov. 1, 1831. Ch. : Lucy, Nov. 22, 1775, ^- ^^^- ii> John, Feb. 16, 1783, m. Rachael, dau. Dr. 1779. Polycarpus Cushman. Lucy, Feb. 16, 1776, m. Jonathan Smead, Nancy, Feb. 22, 1786, m. Smith Hodges. Greenfield. Hatsell, July 25, 1788 (3). Polly, Aug. 25, 1778, m. Wm. Newcomb, Roswell, Sept. 5, 1790, m. Mary Robbarts. of Bernardston. Chester, Feb. 25, 1793, d. Aug. 18, 1794. Ezra, Sept. 19, 1780 (2). Sally, March 11, 1795, m. Smith Hodges; his 2d wife. 2. Ezra, s. of Ezra (i), b. 1780; d. Nov. 6, 1852. He m. Nov. 12, 181 2, Clarissa Smead, who d. Nov. 4, 1842. Ch. : Jonathan Smead, Dec. 4, 1813, m. Josephine M., Aug. 17, 1820, m. Nov. i, Jan. 18, 1 87 1, Mary E. Huse, of Fram- 1842, Josiah D. Canning, of Gill, ingham. Ezra O., Nov. 21, 1822, d. s. p. Dec. 9, Emeline C, Oct. 31, 1815, m. Oct. 25, 1873. 1836, Arad Hunt, of Bainbridge, N. Y. Sarah E., March 28, 1828, m. June 11, (2), Sept., 1846, M. W. Seely. 1856, Dr. Saml. Hart, of Marietta, O. Josephine M., Feb. 28, 1818, d. May 4, 1818. 3. Hatsell, s. of Ezra (l), b. 1788; kept tavern in Gill ; sheriff; rep.; d. Oct. 15, 1835. He m. April 3, 1810, Elizabeth Green, who d. Nov. 25, 1757, a. 70. CA. : Nelson, Jan. 3, 1811 (4). Rosanna E., March 30, 1821, m. George Samuel B., June 29, 18 13, m. Jane A. Covifdery. Thomas. Hatsell C, Feb. 3, 1825, m. Sarah Rock- Mary M., Jan. 15, 1815, m. S. J. Lyons. wood. John N., July 30, 1 816, m. Eliza Hamil- Martha M., Dec, 1826, m. Daniel G, ton. Field. Sarah S., Aug. 19, 1819, m. Dec, 1840, Whitby Foster. 4. Nelson W., s. of Hatsell (2), b. 181 1; sett, in Nfd. He m. April 25, 1832, Louisa, dau. Horace Holton. CA. : George B., Jan. 23, 1833, d. Dec. 9, Georgiana L., April 3, 1838. 1834. • Charles N., Sept. 23, 1844. Elizabeth, July 18, 1835. RANDAL, RuFus, 1789. RANSOM, Daniel; Rev. sol., 1779. RANSOM, John ; from Lyme, Ct., about 1768. Ck.: Stephen, bapt. Jan. 18, 1778. RANSOM, Mathew ; sol. under Capt. Thomas Alexander, 1778. 526 History of Northfield. 1. READ, Isaac, b, 1754; from Taunton, 1818; after 8 months service in the Rev. army, in a N. H. reg., re-enlisted in the spring of 1777, for three years, under Capt. James Cooper, Col. Bradford's reg., Mass. line; enlisted 1 78 1, for another three years, and remained to the close of the war; rem. to West Troy, about 1833, where three married daus. lived; but ret. to Nfd., 1838. He m. Bethia , who d. bet. 1833, and 1838, a. about 72. Ch.: James (2). Barzillai, tax 1 8 17. Sophia, 1809, and per. the following. Moses, tax 18 12-17. Charles, tax 1815-17. Isaac, tax 18 15-19. 2. James, s. of Isaac (i). He m. Clarissa . Ch. : Sibyl M., Nov. 16, 1808. John S., Aug. 12, 1815. Bethia A., July 29, 1810. Samuel H., Aug. 13, 1817, d. April, 1843. James, March 7, 18 12. Thomas F., July 9, 1834. Clarissa, Nov. 13, 1814, d. Oct. 22, 1822. RICE, Paul, 1796-1813; wife unknown. Ch. : Nabby, bapt. Jan. 10, 1796. Nancy, bapt. Aug. 20, 1797. RICE, Silas; from Warwick; 1790-1805; wife unknown. Ch. : Emory, bapt. July I, 1792. Benjamin, bapt. Oct. 6, 1793. RICHARDS, Daniel, 1801. RICHARDSON, Amos ; from Packersville, N. H. ; March 10, 18 13, sold one-half of house, to Asa Richardson. RICHARDSON, Augustus, 18 1 5. RICHARDSON, Asa, 18 13. He m. Mehitable . In will, dated Nov. 28, 1815, he gave the church in Nelson, N. H., $33-33, and $50, to CaroHne Hurlburt, of Nfd. RICHARDSON, Jonathan, 1786-9. RICHARDSON, Nathaniel, 1790-gi. RICHARDSON, Thomas, 1770-1 ; from Cheshire, N. H. RISLEY, David, s. of David, of Glastenbury, Ct. ; Nfd., 1760; rem. to Gfd., and later to Bernardston. He m. Oct. 25, 1764, Hannah, dau. Ebenezer Severance. Ch. : Joseph, bapt. Nov. 10, 1765. Obed, June 12, 1776. Hannah, bapt. Jan., 1767. Mary, Jan. 31, 1781. Jonathan, bapt. Jan. 19, 1769. Rufus, Aug. 8, 1782. David, bapt. July 14, 1771 ; sett, in Gill. Philana, Feb. 15, 1786. Sylvanus, bapt. Sept. 7, 1774. Calvin, bapt. March 7, 1788. RIPLEY, Franklin, 1814-16; D. C, 1809; lawyer; rem. to Gfd. ; cashier Gfd. bank; d. June 9, i860, a 71. He m. Dec. 18, 1814, Charlotte C, dau. John Barrett. Ch.: Franklin, Sept. 17, 1815, d. young. Franklin, Jan. 10, 1824. Martha B., May 16, 1817. Barrett, Sept. 26, 1827. Mary S., Oct. 7, 1819. George, July 29, 1833. Sarah F,, March 12, 1823. FaWiily Genealogies. 527 ROBBARTS, Amaziah, s. of Amaziah, of Winch.; b. about 1748 ; Nfd., 1769-81. Hem. Nov. 9, 1775, Lydia.dau. Ebenezer Warner. ROBBINS, Aaron, 1764; Rev. sol., 1777 ; killed by Indians at "Nasho- bee, on Otter Creek," Nov. 22, 1780, while on a hunting expedition, with his brother George, who was also killed. He m. Sept. 27, 1770, Mary, dau. Samuel Holton. She m. (2), July 18, 1782, Noah Morgan. (3), April 8, 18 18, Selah Chapin. Ch. : Elihu, Sept. 6, 1771, m. Patty White; Joanna, Sept. 8, 1774, m. John White. he was killed by being thrown from a Henry, Nov. 14, 1776; sett, in Lyme, N. wagon. H.; living in 1873. Aurelia, Dec. 20, 1772, m. Silas Burnham, Nabby, Nov. 9, 1778, m. Dec. 2, 1805, of Montague. Thomas Rockwood, Jr. 1. ROBBINS, Asa, b. 1764; d. Sept. 29, 1843. He m. Abigail White, who d. . (2), prob. Sept. 8, 1831, Esther, wid. of Nathaniel Stratton. Ch. : Lovicy, June 29, 1786. Fanny, Dec. 30, 1795, m. — Murdock. Betsey, June 25, 1788, m. July 4, 1810, Rhoda, May 27, 1798. Asahel A. Hawks. Asa, July 7, 1801, m. Jan. 21, 1825, Lov- George, July 12, 1791 (2). ing Collar. Jonathan, Jan 9, 1793 (3). Horace, May 16, 1805, m. — Clark. 2. George, s. of Asa (1), b. 1791. He m. Dec. 27, 181 5, Abigail Collar. CA,: Ezra, Dec. 6, 1816, m. — Parkman. Mary, June 7, 1826. Leonard, Nov. 26, 1823, m. Mary — . Hezekiah, Jan. 28, 1828. 3. Jonathan, s. of Asa (i), b. 1793; d. Feb. 18, 1853. He m. Jan. 29, 1817, Nancy Collar ; d. March 5, 1841, a. 44. (2), Ermina Holden. She m. (2), Oliver Greenleaf. CA.: Elvira, Sept. 17, 1817. George, Feb. 15, 1825, d. May 6, 1831. Lovicy, March 12, i8i9,m. Ansel Collar. Amanda M., June 6, 1830. Washington, Oct. 21, 1821. ROBBINS, George; sol. at No. 4, 1757, and Rev. sol., 1779; killed with his br. Aaron, Nov. 22, 1780. ROBBINS, John, 1804; first wife unknown. He m. {2), Feb. 26, 1801, Catherine, wid. of John Tiffany, dau. Rufus Field. CA. : Bethia, Aug. 17, 1791, m. April 24, Amanda, Feb. 3, 1802, m. William L. 1811, Rodolphus Lyman. Morgan. Lydia, m. Joseph Parmenter. Catherine, July 9, 1809, d. young. John, m. Sarah Fisher. Miriam, April 12, 181 1, m. — Sanborn. Charlotte, Feb. 28, 1815, m.— Wheelock. ROBBINS, Jonathan, 1764 ; Rev. sol., 1776. ROBBINS, Moses, b. in Nfd., 1759; served in Rev. army in 1780, in the CO. of Capt. Coney; in 1781, served under Capt. Oliver Shattuck; was present when Andre was hung; rem. to Leicester, 1792, where he d. May 22, 1839. He m. April 15, 1788, Thirza, dau. William Dodge, of Brandon, Vt. CA. : Infant, d. young. Walter, 1810; sett, in Leicester. Child, 1791. 528 History of Northfield. 1. ROOT, John, b. in Eng. Feb. 26, 1608; Farmington, Ct., 1640; d. Aug. 16, 1684. He m. Mary, dau. Thomas Kilbourne. She d. 1697, a. 78. Ch. : John, about 1642, m. Oct. 18, 1664, Susanna, m. Oct., 1683, Joseph Langdon. Mary, dau. Robert Ashley. She d. Dec. 5, 17 12. Samuel, about 1644; deacon, of Wethers- Joseph, m. Sept. 17, 1691, Elizabeth War- field; d. Nov. 27, 1711. ner. (2), May 5, 1727, wid. Ruth (Por- Thomas, about 1648 (2). ter) Smith. Mary, about 1 650, m. about 1669, Isaac Caleb, m. Aug. 9, 1693, Elizabeth, dau. Bronson, of Waterbury, Ct. Thomas Salmon, of Wfd. Stephen, m. Sarah, dau. John Wadsworth, of Hart. ; sett, in Farmington. 2. Thomas, s. of John (i); Farmington, Ct., and Wfd.; d. Aug. 16, 1709. He m. 1670, Mary Gridley, who d. 1673. (2), Oct. 7, 1675, Mary Spencer, who d. Nov. 4, 1690. (3), Sept. 25, 1692, Sarah, wid. Josiah Leonard, dau. John Dumbleton. Ch. : Thomas, Sept. i, 1671, d. Feb. 25, Elizabeth, Feb. 16, i68i,m. 1705, Nathaniel 1689. Bancroft. Mary, Oct. 21, 1673, m. Dec. 12, 1700, Sarah, July 27, 1683, m. — Wright. Isaac Meacham. Timothy, Dec. 3, 1685, m. 17 10, Sarah, John, Dec. 25, 1676 (3). dau. John Pease, of Enfield, Ct. Samuel, Feb. 16, 1699, m. June 27, 1711, Joseph, June 16, 1688; ensign. Sarah Warner j sett, in Westfield. Thankful, )^ Nov. 12, \ Mercy, J 1693. J d. young. 3. John, s. of Thomas (2), b. 1676; lieutenant; Wfd.; d. Oct. 1, 1744. He m. April 14, 1703, Mary, dau. Josiah Leonard. She d. May 3, 1766. C/i. : Elisha, Feb. 28, 1703-4, m. April 22, Naomi, fune 19, 1718, m. 1748, Daniel 1730, Mary Scott. Hibbard. John, Nov. 15, 1705, m. Dec. 13, 1753, Stephen, June 2, 1720, d. 1744. Ann Loomis. James, Dec. i, 1721, m. March 26, 1751, Elizabeth, July 26, 1707, d. June 19, 1736. Hannah Noble. Daniel, April 23, 1710. Hewett, July 6, 1724, m. May 12, 1744, David, Feb. 15, 1711, m. May 29, 1744, Experience Pomroy, of Sfd. (2), Oct. Elizabeth Pomeroy. 12, 1777, Bathsheba Sackett, of Wfd.; Samuel, Nov. 2, 1713 (4). kept tavern at Great Barrington, for many Lydia, March 14, 171 5, m. Aug. 17, 1748, years. Ebenezer Hutchinson, Nhn. Mary, Jan. 26, 1727, m. Dec, 1755, Nich- Solomon, Nov. 17, 1716, m. June 16, 1743, olas Brown. Mary Church, Westfield. 4. Samuel, s. of John (3), b. 1713; Nfd., 1744-1782; deacon; sol. at Fort Dummer, 1735-9; hatter. He m. Mary, dau. Joseph Alexander, who d. April 14, 1796, a. 84. Ck. : Elizabeth, Sept. i8, 1739, m. Nov. Samuel, Aug. 23, 1747; sett, in Bratt. ; an II, 1772, Elijah Ranney, of Westmin- active " Yorker." ster, Vt. Moses, Nov. 3, 1750, m. Jan. 28, 1783, Mary, Oct. 8, 1740, m. July 20, 1762, Judge Levina, dau. Capt. Thomas Alexander; Benj. Burt, of Westminster. rem. about 1797, to Linden, Vt. ; sol. of Azubah, March 8, 1741-2, m. Aug. 13, '76. 1773, Silas Field. Naomi, June 25, 1752, m. Dec. 21, 1791, Timothy, July 27, 1743; lieutenant (5). Capt. David Eaton, Westminster. Elihu, Jan. 27, 1744-5 (^)- 5. Timothy, s. of Samuel (4), b. 1743; deacon; sett, in Guilford, Vt. ; was a prominent partisan of New York, in the New Hampshire grants Family Genealogies. 529 troubles; commissioned lieutenant by New York, 1776; d. Dec. 12, 1843, a. 100 years. He m. June 22, 1773, Mary, dau. Joseph Stebbins. She d. Oct. 14, 1774, a. 27. 6. EuHU, s. of Samuel (4), b. 1745; sol. of ^^(i'^ rem. to Guilford about 1783. He m. June 29, 1775, Thankful, dau. Joseph Stebbins. She d. April ig, 1776, a. 30. Ch. : Jesse S. bapt. July 7, 1776. 1. ROOT, Thomas, s. of John, b. in England, Jan. 16, 1605 ; weaver; of Salem, 1637; Hart., 1639; Nhn., 1654; was one of the seven pillars for the foundation of the church there, in 1661 ; an engager for Nfd., 1672, and sett. 1673; d. at Nhn., July 17, 1694; wife unknown. CA. : Joseph, about 1640 (z). Hezekiah (5). Thomas, about 1644 (3). Jacob (6). John, Jan. 10, 1646 (4). Sarah, cap. atDfd., Feb. 29, 1704; redeemed Jonathan, m. March 22, 168 1, Anna, dau. and m. Samuel Kellogg, of Hfd. William Gull, of Hatfield. 2. Joseph, s. of Thomas (1), b. about 1640 ; Nfd. grantee, 1682; and sett. 1685; d. April 19, 171 1. He m. Dec. 30, 1660, Hannah, dau. Edward Haynes. She d. Jan. 28, 1691. (2), Mary, wid. of David Burt, dau. of William Holton. She d. 1713- C/i.: Hannah, July 9, 1662, m. Dec. 27, Sarah, March 4, 1671-2, m. May, 1691, 1682, John Hutchinson. Samuel Hutchinson. Joseph, Jan. 15, 1664-5 (?)• Hope, Sept. 25, 1675, m. July 2, 1699, Thomas, April 13, 1667 ; sett, in Farming- Sarah Wright. ton, Ct.j d. 1734. Hezekiah, Jan. I, 1677, m. March 23, John, Sept. 11, 1669. 171 3) Martha, dau. Jona. Bridgman. 3. Thomas, s. of Thomas (1), b. about 1644 ; Nfd. grantee, 1682; sett. 1685 ; of Lebanon, Ct., 1705. He m. 1666, Abigail, dau. Alexander Alvord. She d. June 17, 1699. CA. : Thomas, April 11, 1667; of Coventry, Abigail, Jan. 20, 1668, d. Nov. 25, 1691. 1709 ; Lebanon, 1718 ; m. Dec. I, 1691, Samuel, Nov. 16, 1673. Hannah Strong. Hezekiah, April, 1676, d. Sept. 29, 1690. 4. John, s. of Thomas (i), b. 1646; Nfd. petitioner, 1671; sett, at Dfd.; killed by Indians, Sept. 17, 1677, when Ouinton Stockwell, Sergt. Plympton, Benoni Stebbins, and Samuel Russell, were captured. He m. Mehitable, (Johnson,) wid. Samuel Hinsdell. She m. (3), March II, 1679, Dea. John Coleman. CA. : Thankful, Feb., 1677, m. Jan. 7, 1697, Thomas Wells, of Wethersfield. 5. Hezekiah, s. of Thomas (i); Dfd. and Nhn.; d. Sept. 29, 1690. He m. July 12, 1682, Mehitable, dau. Samson Frary, of Dfd. She m. (2), about 1691, Jeremiah Alvord, and d. Nov. 7, 1698, a. 34. CA.: Mehitable, Oct. 31, 1683, d. Nov. 22, Mehitable, May 24, 1688, m. Nov. 29, 1683. 1708, Peter Eastman. Benjamin, April 20, 1686, m. Dec. 14, Mercy, 1689; killed with her grandfather 17 19, Ruth Hubbard. Frary, at Dfd., Feb. 29, 1704. 67 53° History of Northfield. 6. Jacob, s. of Thomas (i) ; sett, of Nfd., 1685 ; rem. to Hebron, Ct.; d. 1731. He m. Feb. 2, 1681, Mary, dau. Samson Frary, of Dfd. ; b. at Medfield, 1662. Ch.: Joanna, Nov. 5, 1681, m. Dec. 7, William, Jan. 17, 1695, m. April 30, 1728, 1703, Samuel Pomeroy, of Nhn. Hannah Pinnock ; sett, in Piermont, Daniel, Oct. 2, 1684; sett, in Hebron. N. H. Jacob, June 15, 1687, m. Nov. 4, 1709, Hezekiah, Oct. 13, 1697, d. before 1728. Sarah Goodale. Ruth, Feb. 7, 1699, d. unm. March, 1787. Mary, Nov. 24, 1690, m. Feb. i, 1713, Nathaniel, Nov. 16, 1702, m. Dec. 28, Nathaniel Mann, or Munn. ly^S? Mary Tarbox ; sett, in Hebron. Margaret, Oct., 1692, m. June 25, 1727, Jonathan, April 3, 1705, m. May 8, 1729, John Warner. (2), — Trumbull 5 d. at Sarah Tarbox; sett, in Hebron. Marlborough, Ct., 1793, a. loi years. 7. Joseph, s. of Joseph (2), b. 1665 ; a grantee, 1682, and sett, in 1685 ; ret. to Nhn., where he d. Oct. 23, 1690. He m. Hannah . Ch. : Joseph, July 13, 1686 (8). Hannah, Dec. 14, 1688. 8. Joseph, s. of Joseph (7), b 1686; holds his father's land in Nfd., 1714, but sells in 1720, being then of Sunderland. He m. Feb. 16, 17 10, Mary Russell, of Sunderland. Ch. : Mary, April 30, 171 1. Jonathan, Feb. I, 1716. Joseph, June 16, 171 3 ; sett, in Montague. ROSE, Benjamin, b. in Bolton, 1724; Nfd., 1748; sol., 1757; rem. to Winhall, Vt., before 1783. He m. Feb. 2, 1758, Eunice Brooks, of Montague. Ch. : Benjamin, bapt. June 10, 1759. Nathaniel, bapt. July I, 1764. Joseph, bapt. April 19, 1761 ; Rev. sol., Freedom, bapt. June 10, 1670. 1776. Lucinda, bapt. June 10, 1670. Eunice, bapt. Oct. 17, 1762. ROSE, Joseph, Nfd., 1745 5 ^^^ one of the party under Sergt. Thomas Taylor, which was attacked by Indians above Hinsdale fort, July 14, 1748; Rose was wounded, cap., and killed about a mile from the place of attack. \^See ante, p. 265.] He m. Patience . Ch. : Elizabeth, Jan. 25, 1731, m. March 25, 1756, Larkin Green, of Hardwick. ROSE, Seth, b. in Dfd., 1738 ; Nfd., 1755-68 ; sol., and cap. at Fort William Henry, Aug. 9, 1757. ROWE, John, 1775. ROWLEY, Erastus, 1790-91. RUGG, Benjamin; Nfd., 1736. He m. Lydia . Ch. : Sarah, Oct. 8, 1736, d. young. Sarah, July 3, 1744. Lydia, May 13, 1739. John, b. at Dfd., date unknown, Benjamin, June 7, 1742. RUSSELL, John, 1755; prob. rem. to Deerfield, Family Genealogies, 531 RYTHER, changed from RIDER, David;, lieut.; sol., 1756-7; from Had., and later in Ber. ; d, June 6, 1804, a. 84. He ni. Martha, dau. Daniel Shattuck. She d. Nov. 12, 1802, a. 77. Ch. : Hannah, May 10, 1746. David, 1758, m. Zuriah — ; sett, in Ber., David, Sept. 10, 1747, b. in Hadley. d. June 11, 1831. Peter, Nov. 23, 1749, b. in Had.; drowned John, 1760, d. 1767. May 24, 1771. Anna, Aug., 1763. Hophni, 1751 ; enlisted Rev. army, Feb. Elihu, 1765, d. 1767. 16, 1776; d. in service, June 13, 1776. Gideon, Nov. 28, 1768; D. C, 1790; doc- Rebecca, May 23, 1753. tor; m. Sylvia, dau. Capt. Thomas Alex- Martha, April 10, 1755. ander; sett, in Ber.; d. 1839. SAFFORD, Ebenezer, 1781. SAFFORD, Philip, 1758-66; sol. under Capt. Burk, 1760; rem. to Rockingham, Vt. ; a lieut. in the whig party, at the Westminster massacre, March 13, 1775, where he was noted for his daring. Ch. : Alvan, bapt. June 5, 1758. SALISBURY, James, 1789. SAUNDERS, Jonathan, 1802-18. SAUNDERS, Shephard, 1802. SAUNDERS, Stephen, 1806. SANDERSON, William; had grant of home lot, 1718; sol. under Capt. Partridge, 1722 ; of Spfd., 1724, at which time he sells his land at Nfd., to Henry Dwight, SANGER, Nathaniel, 1775-87. SAVARY, Daniel; from Sutton, and Warwick; Nfd., 1786-8. He m. Sylvia , who d. Nov. i, 1786. Ch. : Mary, Aug. 27, 1777. Lydia, May 20, 1784. Susanna, May 22, 1780. Sally, Oct. 27, 1786. Sylvia, Oct. 7, 1782. / SAWTELLE, Josiah ; of Lancaster ; Nfd., 1725 ; built Fort Sawtelle, ^1739- He m. Jan. 18, 17 18, Lydia Parker, who was a wid. at Sund., 1756. Ch. : Lydia, m. 1738, Ezekiel Kellogg; Caleb Howe, both of whom were killed tanner; from whom she was divorced, by the Indians. (3), Amos Tute, of Ver. 1757. Susanna, March 27, 1724. Daniel, of "The Cellars," (now Hinsdale); Jonathan, April 23, 1726; sol. 1746-7; a first sett, of Springfield, Vt., 1753. cap. by Indians at Hinsdale, Oct. 22, " Bathsheba, Oct. I, 1721. 1747- Jemima, 1722, m. William Phipps. (2), SAWTELLE, Obadiah; ensign; killed at No. 4, June 20, 1749. Ch. : Nathaniel; sol. in Capt. John Burk's Solomon, 1738; sol. in Capt. Salah Bar- V CO. of Rangers; of No. 4, 1754. nard's co., 1760. - I. SAWYER, Abner, 1797-1820; captain; comb manufacturer. [. He m. Eunice . L, Ch.: Joel, June 5, 1796, d. Oct. 25, 1796. Lucy, May 11, 1802, d. May 14, 1824. Asahel, Dec. 29, 1797 (2). Keziah, Nov. i, 1803, d. Dec. 13, 1826. Eunice, Feb. 3, 1800, m. Aug. 24, 1823, Erastus Wells, N. Y. 532 History of Northfield. 2. AsAHEL, s. of Abner (i), b. 1797; selectman; rep. He m. Sept. 15, 1819, Hannah, dau. Hezekiah Stratton. Ch. : Elvira, Dec. 13, 1819, m. ApoUos Albert, Sept. 21, 1830 j sett, in Fitchburg. Morgan. Ellen A., May 7, 1836, m. Edwin A. Strat- Hannah W., April i, 1821, d. unm. ton. Harris S., Jan. 6, 1823, m.; res. in Mont. Eunice, June 22, 1838, d. unm. Lucy, Nov. 29, 1824, m. Elisha Stratton. Asahel, Nov., 1844, m. Delia, dau. Dwight Martha, Dec. 13, 1826, m. Caleb Alexander. Morgan. Asahel, Sept. 27, 1828, d. Nov. i, 1832. SAWYER, Benjamin, 1817; had saw and grist mill on the iV(7//2»;/, or Bennet's brook; about 1829 his dam gave way; one house was destroyed, and considerable damage done to the lands below. He m. Charlotte Griswold. C^.; Rebecca, 1 8 19. Lucy B., 1826. Benjamin, 1820. John F., 1827. Charlotte G., 1822. Elizabeth T., 1829. Lucy B., 1824, d. 1825. SAWYER, Jonas ; captain ; comb maker j rem. to Greenfield. SAWYER, Thomas; from Bolton, 1 796-1 801; rem. to Maine. He m. Alice . Ch. : Rhoda, bapt. April 23, 1797. SAWYER, JosiAH. He m. Dec. 1, 1822, Adeline Griswold, of Gfd. SCOTT, Abraham; from Winchester, N. H. He m. Mehitable . Ch.: Sarah, bapt. Oct. 28, 1758. SCOTT, Elisha, 1755. SCOTT, James; Rev. army, 1780, at West Point. SCOTT, RoswELL, 1813. 1. SERGEANT, Digory, b. in Sudbury; Worcester, at its Second Settle- ment, 1685; and his family was the only one that remained there after the breaking out of King William's war, 1688; he remained unmolested until about 1704, when he was killed by Indians, and his wife, and five children taken to Canada. His second wife was Parmenter, sis. to George, of Sudbury. Ch. : Martha, b. before 1696, m. Daniel Daniel; remained among the Indians ; d. in Shattuck, of Worcester, April 16, 1719. Canada before 1744. She d. 1722. Thomas; of Boston, 1715. John (2). Mary ; never returned from captivity. 2. John, s. of Digory (i), taken cap. from Worcester, about 1704; remained with the Indians of Canada 12 or 13 years; "when inclined to go home," he says, " he met with great opposition, as well from the Papists, as Indians; yet he came home, and was at the sole cost of his redemption." Upon his return he was taken into the service of the province, and was three times sent with parties to Canada. He served under Capt. Kellogg, at Ft. Dummer, and remained there until his death, being then a lieutenant. In 1738, " 200 acres of land above Northfield,'' was granted him; March 29, 1748, being Family Genealogies. 533 about a mile from Ft. Dummer, getting timber for oars, his party fell into an ambuscade of Indians. He was killed while fighting bravely on the retreat, and his son Daniel, captured. Joshua Wells, of Dfd., was also killed, and Moses Cooper, mortally wounded. \_See ante, p. 257.] He m. July 4, 1727, Abigail Jones, of Springfield. Ch.: Daniel, May 25, 1728, m. July 20, Thomas (3). 1751, Dinah Jones, Springfield. John; said to be the first white child born Abigail, Jan. 26, 1729-30, m. — Ely. in Vt. ; colonel; lived in Brattleboro. Rufus ; alive 1773. Mary. 3. Thomas, s. of John (2); lived at Ft. Dummer, and Fulham. He m. May 19, 1754, Ann, dau. Joseph Stebbins, of Northfield. Ch. : Elisha, bapt. Feb. 11, 1758. Anne, bapt. April 28, 1760. I. SEVERANCE, John; Salisbury, 1637; d. April 9, 1682. He m. Abigail , who d. June 17, 1658. (2), Susanna, wid. of Henry Ambrose. Joseph, Feb. 15, 1650. Elizabeth, April 8, 1652, d. 1656. Benjamin, Jan., 1654. Elizabeth, June 17, 1658, m. 1686, Samuel Eastman, of Salisbury. Twin sister, d. June 22, 1658. Ch. : Samuel, Sept. 19, 1637, d. young. Ebenezer, March 7, 1639,5. unm. 1667. Abigail, Jan. 7, 1641, d. young. Abigail May 25, 1643. Mary, Aug. 5, 1 645, m. Dec, 1663, James Coffin, of Nantucket. John, Nov. 24, 1647 (2). 2. John, s. of John (i), b. 1647 ; kept tavern in Boston, 1680 ; rem. to Sfd., 1681 ; to Dfd., as early as 1696, and thence before 1704, to Bedford, N. Y., where he was living 17 16. He m. Mary . Ch. : Ebenezer, Sept. 19, 1673 (3). Abigail, May 6, 1675, d. at Dfd., Jan., 1691. John, Sept. 22, 1676. Daniel, June 3, 1678 ; killed Sept. 15, 1694, when the Indians attacked Deerfield. Mary, July 14, 1681. Joseph, Oct. 26, 1682 (4). 3. Ebenezer, s. of John (2), b. 1673 ; rem. from Dfd. to Nfd., 171I where he was killed by Indians, Oct. 11, 1723. \^See ante, p. 196.] He m. Mary . " The aged Mrs. Severance ;" d. June 20, 1761. 696, m. June 21 697, d. young. Ch. : Abigail, April 27 171 6, John Allen. Ebenezer, Nov. 14, Sarah, Nov. 19, 1799, '"■ ^^'^- ^'> 17^7 Ezekiel Bascom. Daniel, Jan. 4, 1701-2 (5). Mary, Oct. 7, 1 703. 4. Joseph, s. of John (2), b. i 1714. He m. Nov. 17, 17 12, Anna, dau. Ch. : Joseph, Oct. 7, 171 3, m. Mary, dau. Capt. Joseph Clesson ; sol. under Kellogg, 1732-36. Anna, Dec. 25, 1715, m. Oct. 31, 1737, Samuel Bardwell. Martin, Sept. 10, 1718 ; a noted scout, and sol. ; sett, in Shelburne. John, Oct. 20, 1720, m. Esther Arms ; rem. to Ber., 1769. Hannah, April I, 1706, m. March 31, 1724, Benoni Wright. John, March 7, 1708. Ebenezer, July 24, 1709 (6). Elizabeth, July 30, I7i2,m. April 28, 1737> Josiah Davidson. 682; tailor; Dfd.; owned home lot in Nfd., Martin Kellogg, of Had. Experience, March 14, 1723, m. July 23, 1749, Phineas Nevers, of Stafford, Ct. Jonathan, June 12, 1725, m. Thankful Stebbius; sett, in Deerfield. Rebecca, March 4, 1728, m. Nov. 28, 1743, Samuel Smead, Deerfield. Moses, March 23, 1729. Abigail, Nov. 16, 1732. 534 History of Northfield. 5. Daniel, s. of Ebenezer (3), b. 1702; lieutenant; served under Capt. Kellogg, from 1723. to 1730; commanded a fort at Coleraine, 1747-8; at Fort Mass., under Capt. Ephraim Williams, and participated in the brave defence of that place, Aug. 2, 1748 ; d. in service, Dec. 15, 1748. He m. Oct. 18, 1733, Rebecca Jones, of Springfield. Ch. : Sarah, Jan. 29, 1734-5. Obed, April 6, 1739 ; sol., 1757, from Nfd. Tabitha, Dec. 18, 1736. 6. Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer (3), b. 1709; sol. on frontier service, many years; he d. March 24, 1791. He m. Hannah . She d. " sudenly," Dec. 16, 1780, "almost 70." Ch.: Mercy, Dec. I, 1737. Abner (8). Ebenezer, Sept. 5, 1739 (7). Mary, Sept. 9, 1750, m. July 12, 1799, Hannah, Jan., m. Oct. 25, 1764, David Samuel Stoughton, of Gill. Risley. 7. Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer (6), b. 1739 ; rem. about 1780, to Middle- bury, Vt. He m. Feb. 28, 1764, Azubah, dau. Dea. Samuel Smith. Ch. : Samuel, bapt. Feb. 10, 1765. Martha, bapt. May 4, 1775, d. Feb. 24, Eusebia, "> twins, bapt. ) d.June 16, 1790. 1791- Arathusa, J Feb. 15,1767, f m. Dec. 23, 1790, Ebenezer, bapt. Dec. I, 1776. Zephana Buss. Shed. Jan. 19, 1793. Moses, bapt. Feb. 13, 1780. Daniel, bapt. Nov. 27, 1768. Hannah, bapt. Jan. 31, 1781, Azubah, bapt. Nov. 8, 1772. Adozia, bapt. Oct. 12, 1783. 8. Abner, s. of Ebenezer (6); was set off to Gill, 1795. He m. 1785, Naamah . Ch.: Elijah, bapt. Feb. 15, 1786. Obed, bapt. Feb. 9, 1791, d. June 24,1791. Oren, bapt. April 9, 1786. Obed, bapt. July i, 1792. Philana, bapt. March 7, 1788, unm. 1826. 1. SHATTUCK, Daniel, s. of William, of Watertown; b. 1692; capt.; lived in Groton, and was of Worcester, from 17 19 to 1724, when he rem. to Nfd. ; he located on Merry's Meadow, and about 1736, built a fort on both sides of the brook ; this fort was assaulted and partly burned March 30, 1746. \^See ante, p. 249.] At the organization of the town of Hinsdale, Sept. 25, 1753, he was chosen selectman; d. March 17, 1760. He m. April 16, 1719, Martha, dau. Digory Sergeant, of Marlboro. She d. in Worcester, 1722. (2), May 7, 1 724, Rebecca, dau. Samuel Boltwood, of Had. She d. March 16, 1757, a. 65. Ch.: Sarah 5 of Westborough, unm. 1744, Daniel, April 11, 1727 (2). when she sold to Benj. Flagg, land in Phebe, Dec. 27, 1729, m. Reuben Ingraham. Worcester, "set off to her uncle Daniel Gideon, Oct. 20, 1732, m. Lois, dau. John Sergeant, late of Canada, deceased." Brown; he rem. to Nhn., and d. Oct. 21, Martha, April 2, 1725, m. Daniel Rider. 1757 5 his wid. m. Medad Edwards. 2. Daniel, s. of Daniel (1), b. 1727; sol. at Fort Dum., 1756; captain of a CO. in the battle of Stillwater, 1777; d. .^pril 7, 1809. He m. 1753, Mary, dau. Stephen Smith, of Sund. She d. Sept. 3, 1788, a. 60. (2), Lucy, wid. of Martin Smith, of Amherst. Ch. : Cyrus, Sept. 30, 1754, m. Dec. 27, Experience, dau. Philip Ingram. She d. 1781, Tirza Evans. in Ticonderoga, N. Y., Sept. 12, 1837, Makepeace, Aug. 6, 1756, m. Lydia Grandy. a. 76. Mary, Nov. 4, 1758, m. 1780, Elijah Bar- Phena, "I Dec. 12, Id. in infancy. rett. Thena, J 1764. J m. Jan. 30, 178 1, Ben- Gideon, Aug. 27, 1761, m. Sept. 29, 1785, jamin Sanger. Family Genealogies. 535 SHARRY, Daniel, i 764-1 772. 1. SHEPHERDSON, Amos ; from Attleborough to Nfd., 1793; about 1820, rem. to New York. He m. Rebecca Whitcomb. Ch.: Amos, 1787 (2). Zebediah, 1793. Elijah, 1789. Olive, 1795, m. April 15, 1814, Elijah Ken- Aruna, 1 791. dall. 2. Amos, s. of Amos (1), b. 1787; d. 1841. He m. wid. Rhoda (Packard) Mills, who d. 1825, a. 47. Ch. : Charles W., 1815, in Warwick (3), 3. Charles W., s. of Amos (2), b. 1815; dentist; sett, in Northfield. He m. Maria Esterbrooks, of Bratdeboro. Ch. : Anna M., 1857. SHIRLEY, Alexander, i 790-1. SILL, Isaac, 1770. SIMONDS, William; cooper, 1754. 1. SIMONDS, SIMONS, William; captain; b. in Bedford, Feb. 19, 1762; rem. from Warwick to Nfd., 1807; d. Feb. 19, 1825. He m. Feb. 23, 1787, Mary, dau. Nathan Hastings. She d. Sept. 10, 1838, a. 69. Ch. : William, April 24, 1788, d. May 8, Nathan H., Feb. 18, 1794(2). 1788. Lois, May 10, 1797, m. Sept. 14, 1817, Mary, Aug. 5, 1790, m. Dec. 29, 1814, Henry Hastings, of Boston and Warwick. Henry Field. Samuel H., Sept. 26, 1804 (3). William, June 10, 1792, d. Sept. 12, 1793. 2. Nathan H., s. of William (1), b. 1794; ^' N^^^- 9' '870. He m. May 13, 1821, Mary, dau. Noah Morgan. She d. Dec. 20, 1849, a. 46. (2), May 6, 185 1, Sarah Harrington. Ch.: William, Feb. 24, 1822, d. Aug. 19, 1851, Franklin Park. She d. Nov. 24, 1825. 1854. Dwight M., March 17, 1824, m. Dec. 24, Charles, Nov. 18, 1833, m. Dec. 10, 1857, 185 1, Philana W. Sprague. Agusta Sprague. Mary S., Jan. 12, 1826, m. Feb. 16, 1843, Margaret B., Dec. 12, 1835, m. July 30, Franklin Whithead. 1857, Chauncy B. Turner, of Erving. William, May 11, 1828, m. July i, 1853, Nathan H., June 7, 1838, m. Sept. i, 1867, Ruth S. Potter, of Westport ; served in Emma J. Fay; sol. inflate war. the late war, at N. O. Samuel F., July 3, 1840. Eveline M., July 26, 1831, m. Jan. 15, Frederick H., June 22, 1852. Daniel A., Jan. i, 1854. 3. Samuel H-, s. of William (1), b. 1804; d. June 2, 1842. He m. Harriet Hale, of Gill; pub. Nov. i, 1823. She d. June 5, 1866, a. 67. Ch.: Charles R., Nov. 15, 1826, m. June George A., Nov. 16, 1831, m. Sarah, dau. 25, 1850, Sarah R. Delvy, of Gill. Samuel Janes, of Gill. Hollis D., Jan. 12, 1828, m. Harriet Cum- Charlotte A., Sept. 24, 1834, d. unm., 1857. mings; sett, in Gill. Ralph A., June 2, 1841, m. Sarah Holton. 536 History of Northjield. SLOWTER, SLOUTER, Adam, 1796; rem. to Ohio. He m. Aug. 15, 1791, Jerusha Miller. Ch.: Lewis, Feb. 19, 1792. Eunice. Lois, March 9, 1793. Desdemony. Sophronia. Order of birth unknown. SMITH, Henry, 1804. 1. SMITH, Henry, Rev.; prob. came over in the "Elizabeth," 1635; was at Charlestown, 1636; rem. next year to Weth., where he was settled in the ministry, 1640 ; he d. 1648. The controversy which disturbed the church at Weth., only ending by the removal of a large part of its members to Had., about 1659, does not seem to have broken out until two or three years after his death, although he often has the credit of creating the division. He m. Dorothy , who was prob. a second wife. She m. (2), 1649, John Russell; she d. 1694. Ch.: Mary, 1630. Francis Hall. (3), Mark Sension. (4), John, 1633. Isaac Moore. Dau; referred to as married, in father's will Samuel, Jan. 27, 1639 (2). of 1648. Joanna, Dec. 25, 1641, m. Feb. 4, 1664, Rebecca, m. before 1648, Samuel Smith. Philip Russell, of Hadley. (2), 1669, Nathaniel Bowman. Noah, Feb. 25, 1644, d. young. Peregrine. Elizabeth, Aug. 25, 1648. Dorothy, 1637, m. John Blakeman. (2), 2. Samuel, s. of Henry (i), b. 1639; Nhn,, 1666 to 79 ; rem. to Had.; d. Sept. 10, 1703. He m. about 1662, Mary, dau. James Ensign. Ch.: Samuel, m. Nov. 18, 1685, Joanna Ichabod, Jan. 24, 1670, m. Mary Huxley; McLathlin ; sett, in Sfd.; d. 1723. sett, in Suffield. Sarah, m. Oct. 16, 1684, John Lawrence. Mary, Jan. 18, 1673, m. Aug. 20, 1696, Dorothy, bapt. 1667, m. May 30, 1687, William Barnes. William Rooker. James, June 12, 1675, m. Oct. 26, 1698, Ebenezer, bapt. 1668, m. Sarah, wid. James Elizabeth, dau. Chileab Smith ; sett. East Barlow, dau. Thomas Huxley. She m. Haddam, Ct. (3), Oct. 5, 1732, Martin Kellogg, of Preserved, Aug., 1677 (3). Suffield. 3. Preserved, s. of Samuel (2), b. 1677; Had.; d. 1713. He m. Dec. 15, 1697, Mary, dau. Chileab Smith. She m. (2), April 22, 1741, Peter Montague; d. 1763, a. 82. Ch.: Mary, Jan. 3, 1699, d. young. Samuel, Oct. I, 1705 (4). Ebenezer, Nov. 9, 1700, d. young. Chileab, May 21, 1708 (5). Preserved, Nov. 9, 1700, d. young. James, Sept. 23, 1710, m. Aug. 9, 1734, Ebenezer, Feb. 4, 1703, m. Nov. 9, 1726, Sarah Smith; a Baptist minister. Hannah, dau. Samuel Boltwood ; killed Moses, Oct. 30, 1712, d. 1726. at the raising of a house, June, 1729. 4. Samuel, s. of Preserved (3), b. 1705; deacon; Nfd. about 1726; blacksmith; d. Dec. 21, 1799,3. 94. He m. Sarah, dau. Abraham Morton, She d. March 30, 1767, a. " abt. 60," (2), Oct. 8, 1767, Abigail, dau. William Holton, wid. of Dr. Ebenezer Field. She d. June 1, 1801, a. 78. Ch.: Mary, Oct. 18, 1728, d. March 23, There is a rrai/V/on that she deserted her 1730. family, leaving an infant of 5 mos., and Jerusha, m. Dec. 6, 1757, Amzi Doolittle. joined the Dorrellites ; that when they Family Genealogies, 537 were broken up, she came back — Doolittle having in the meantime married again — and lived with one of her children, until her death, about 1830, at the age of loi. Sarah, m. Lucius Doolittle. Mary, about 1733, '^- Hezekiah Stratton. Elisha, about 1734 (6). Samuel, about 1735 (7). Reuben, about 1740 (8). Oliver (9) Azubah, m. Feb. 18, 1764, Ebenezer Sever- ance, of Middlebury, Vt. Patty, about 1749, m. July 5, 1769, George Field. Moses j was of Ashfield, 1753; ens.; of Hinds., 1761-4; had sons, Moses and Aaron. 5. Chileab, s. of Preserved (3), b. 1708 ; rem. from South Hadley to Huntstown, now Ashfield, 1751, where he was one of the early settlers. It is said the cause of his removal was some trouble in the Congregational church in South Hadley, and that in consequence of this he became a separatist (now Baptist). For 72 years he exhorted and preached in that denomination, but was not ordained minister until he was 80 years old, when the rite was per- formed by his sons, Ebenezer and Enos ; he d. Aug. 19, 1800, a. 92. He m. Jan. 28, 1732, Sarah, dau, Ebenezer Moody. She d. on her birth day, Dec. 23, 1789, a. 80. (2), Jan. 5, 1792, Rebecca Butler. Ch.: Mary, Jan. 22, 1732-3, m. Nathan a 4th wife ; children of the fifth genera- tion attending the wedding. He d. May 25, 1843, a. 100. Enos, July 21, 1744, d. 1746. Miriam, 1746, d. in infancy. Miriam, May 21, 1747, m. Ephraim Jen- nings. She d. at the age of 80. Enos, July 24, J 749, m. Hannah Drake, of Buckland ; Baptist minister ; sett, in Ashfield, where he d. at the age of 87. Son, d. unbaptized. Eunice, 1757, m. Ephraim Randall, of Shel- burne. [73^-3» Chapin, of Chicopee and Ashfield. Ebenezer, Oct. 4, 1734 (10). Moses, Aug. 10, 1736; sett, in Ashfield ; d. at the age of 94. Sarah, Aug. 24, 1738, m. Nathaniel Harvey. (2), Israel Standish, a great grandson of Capt. Miles Standish. (3), Samuel Elmer. Jemima, March 15, 1740, m. Jan. 19, 1764, Isaac Shepard, of Ashfield; they were ancestors of Mary Lyon, of South Hadley; she d. at 88 years. Chileab, Oct. 24, 1742, m. Elizabeth Saw- yer, of Mont. ; when 96 years old, he m. 6. Elisha, s. of Samuel (4), b. about 1734; captain; rem. to Winchester. He m. Eunice Grout, from South Hadley, who d. Aug. 28, 1859, a. 83, Ch. : Triphena, bapt. Sept. 6, 1760, m. Luther, bapt. May 7, 1769, d. Aug. 5, Oct. 21, 1782, Eli Kellogg. 1807. Zimri, bapt. Nov. 8, 1761, m. Eunice — , Eunice, bapt. Oct. 14, I77i,m. 1795, Dan- and d. Nov. 30, 1840. iel Cook, of Hadley. Preserved, bapt. March 10, 1763, killed by Abigail, bapt. March 22, 1772. a cart, Sept. 11, 1775. Seth, bapt. Oct. 17, 1773, d. Sept. 4, 1776. Elisha, bapt. May 20, 1764; sett, in Winch.; Preserved, bapt. Oct. i, 1775, ^- Sept. 5, d. Feb. 17, 1818. 1776. Noah,i)apt. Nov. 27, 1765. Seth, bapt. May 25, 1777. Darius, bapt. Oct. 8, 1767, d. Sept. 5, 1776. Sarah, bapt. Dec. 5, 1779, m. Samuel Ly- man, and (2), Samuel Smith. 7, Samuel, s. of Samuel (4), b. 1735 ; captain; sett, in Winch.; d. Jan. 20, 1823. He m. June 10, 1784, Anna Wright, of Nfd, (2), wid. Stebbins, of Winchester. Ch.: Samuel, about 1800. 8. Reuben, s. of Samuel (4), b. 1740; captain; d. Aug. 24, 1832. He m. Sept. 24, 1761, Catherine, dau. Col. Phineas Wright. Shed. Feb. 68 538 History of Northfield. 9, 1803, a. 62. (2), June 21, 1805, Elizabeth, dau Ebenezer Lane, wid. of Patridge, and of Dr. Alvord. She d. Sept. 2, 1829, a. 86. Ch.: Phineas, Nov. 7, 1762, d. Sept. 18, 1823. Content, April 29, 1764, m. Oct. 5, 1787, Jerome Hutchinson, Brookfield, Vt. Sarah, Oct. 11, 1765, m. May 28, 1783, Ebenezer Stratton, jr Submit, Feb. 27, 1773, m. Dr. Walter Burnham. Rhoda W., Jan. 24, 1775, m. Sept. 22, 1807, Henry Bardwell, Deerfield. Polly, Jan. 21, 1777, d. unm. April 29, 1822. Catherine, Sept. 14, 1767, m. Oct. 11, 1787, Fanny, July 7, 1779, m. Richard Watriss. Chester Pomeroy, of Newfane, Vt. Adolphus, adopted son, bapt. March 24, Joanna, Sept. 12, 1770, m. Jan. 2, 1792, 1782(11). Dea. Ebenezer H. Williams, of Deerfield. 9. Oliver, s. of Samuel (4); sol. of '76; rem. to Brandon, Vt., about 1794; d. Aug. 4, 1801. He m. Sarah, dau. Daniel Morton, of Hfd. She d. July 4, 1784, a. 34. (2), Jan. II, 1787, Lydia, wid. of Lemuel Hokon. She m. (3), Peletiah Phillips. Ch. : Lucretia, Aug. 25, 1769, d. young. Oliver M., July I, 1784; sett, in Brandon. Martha, Aug. 15, 1771, m. Nov. 26, 1789, Lucretia, Jan. 9, 1789, d. Feb. 23, 1803. Isaac Mattoon. Jesse, Dec 26, 1790; doctor; sett, in Fair- Samuel, bapt. July 23, 1775, d. Jan. 25, haven, Vt. 1776. Lydia, July, 1794. Samuel, Feb. 15, 1779 ; sett, in Burlington, Vt. 10. Ebenezer, s. of Cheliab (1;), b. 1734; Baptist minister, at Ashfield. He began to preach Nov. 29, 1753, at the age of 19, was ordained Aug. 20, 1761; he preached during 72 years, 8476 sermons; in 1810, at the age of 76, he made a visit to his children in western N. Y.; he was absent 69 days, and preached 69 sermons, one of which was to a congregation of 32 persons, in the hollow of a buttonwood tree, at Mentz, Cayuga co. He owned a horse 20 years, on which he rode 25,000 miles; was in the army at Lake George, 1755; d. July 26, 1824, aged 89. He m. July 1, 1756, Remember, dau. Richard Ellis, from Ireland, 171 7; of Dfd. and Ashfield. " When the nuptial day arrived, he took his bride behind him, on horseback, and went from Ashfield to Dfd., to have the cere- mony performed, there being no magistrate or minister nearer. His father rode another horse before them, with his gun, to guard them from the Indians." [Rev. Preserved Smith, of Greenfield, his grandson.] She d. Sept. 15, 1795, a. 68. (2), June 14, 1796, Lucy Shepardson, who d. Oct. 5, 1808, a. 68. (3), Jan. 4, 1809, Esther Harvey, who d. Oct. 14, 1814, a. 78. Ch. : Irene, July 4, 1757, m. Dr. John Jemima, March 18, 1761, m. Edward Ana- "'' '^T A.I -- jjjg jjg ^^g lieut. of the guard over Maj. Andre, the morning he was execu- ted. She d. Feb. 13, 1835. Rhoda, May 26, 1762, m. Jesse Merrill. She d. Feb. 21, 1835, in Penn. Ebenezer, April i, 1766. Obed, April 6, 1770, m. Rhoda Sears; sett. at Cambria, N. Y. ; d. Oct. 17, 1828. Richard, June 20, 1774, d. May 8, 1800. Rathbon. (2), Isaac Alden Preserved, June 23, 1759, m. Jan., 1788, Eunice, dau. Col. David Wells, of Shel- burne ; grad. R. I. Coll., 1786; sett. minister at Rowe, 1787 ; left there, 1804, and the next year sett, at Mendon ; in 18 12, he returned to Rowe ; in 1832, on account of ill health, he resigned his pas- torate ; d. Aug. 15, 1834. Family Genealogies. 539 II. SMITH, Adolphus, adopted s. of Reuben (8), b. about 1781 ; d. Feb. ig, 1859. He m. Aug. 7, 1805, Patty Helton. Ch. : George, Jan. 7, 1807. Harriet, d. at 6, years. Dwight, June 19, 1808, m. Nov. 29, 1833, Martha, d. at 4 years. Marietta Thayer. Reuben, d. at I year. Charles, March 16, 1 8 10. SMITH, Job; a drummer from Nfd., in the old French war. SMITH, John H., 1788. SMITH, Noah; with wife, Rebecca, received by the church in Nfd., from church in Hadley, July 2, 1777. SMITH, Oliver; merchant, 1788. SMITH, Sarah ; wid. of Joseph, of Petersham ; d. at Nfd., Feb. 9, 1839, a. 100 years, 5 months, and 9 days. [C^. Rec.^ SOUTHMADE, Althea, 1788; a famous spinner. SOUTHMADE, Erastus, 1801. SPAFFORD, Levi, 1773. SPENCER, Joseph; with wife Lucy, from Bolton, Ct., 1762; rem. to Surrey, Vt., 1769. SPOONER, Joel, 1797. SPRAGUE, Levi, 181 i ; from Hingham. He m. Feb. 22, 18 12, Philena, dau. Barzillai Woods. CA.: Joseph C, Aug. 14, 18 12. Phila, m. Dwight M. Simonds. Moses, Jan. 23, 1815. Levi, June 19, 1821. Blossom, Jan. 27, 1 8 17. Myra. Mary L., June 3, 18 19, m. Samuel Wood- Agusta. ward. SPRING, William, 1789-94. STACY, Gilbert, 1793 ; ferryman; d. in Gill, March 23, 1813. He m. April 4, 1793, Azubah Root Field, who d. Feb 11, 1843. C/4. ; Silas F., Sept. 10, 1796. Marianne, July 26, 1806, m. Obadiah Mat- Sally B., March 25, 1800, d. July, 1803. toon. Charles, May 10, 1802, d. May 12, 1833. Harriet, May i, 1809. Harrison G., July 9, 1804. Almira, Sept. 27, 1812, m. Rev. C. Hay- ward, of Gill. I. STEARNS, Ebenezer, b. April, 1708. He was m. April 12, 1737, by Rev. John Cotton, to Mary Spring, b. Nov. 20, 1709. CA.: Mary, June 24, 1739. Joanna, April 7, 1747. Ephraim, Jan. 10, 1740, d. Sept. 2, 1808. Child, April 3, 1749, d. same day. Ebenezer, Oct. 3, 1741 ; of Warwick; d. Betty, May, 1750. Aug. 4, 1823. Lucretia, July 7, 1752. Nathaniel, Oct. 26, 1743 (2). William, Aug. 5, 1754. Simeon, June 10, 1745 ; in the campaign of 1777. 540 History of Northfield. 2. Nathaniel, s. of Ebenezer (i), b. 1743; mason; Warwick. He m. Mary Rice. (2), Feb. 25, 1778, Elizabeth, dau. Ebenezer Stratton. She d. March 23, 1840, a. 86. Order of birth of children unknown. Ch. : Nathaniel. John, 1780, m. Sally Gale, of Warwick. Polly, m. John Ball, Warwick. Shed. He d. Dec. 31, 1861. April 15, 1 841. Tamer, 1783, d. unm. Eunice, 1770, d. unm. Oct. 30, 1854. Samuel, 1784 (4). Calvin, 1779 (3). 3. Calvin, s. of Nathaniel (2), b. 1779; carpenter; Nfd., 1804; d. Oct. 8, 1857. He m. Nov., 1807, Statira P. Richardson, of Boston, who d. Oct., 1870, a. 81. CA. : Elizabeth S., May 7, 1808, m. 1850, 25, 1845, Capt. Samuel Lane, and d. Martin Maynard, of Orange. March 25, 1874. Martha R., Nov. 20, 1810, m. Feb. 14, Marshal S., Nov. 24, 1824, m. Dec. 21, 1839, Harvey C. Field. 1861, Sula Hilliard. Eunice W., Dec. 20, 1812, d. Dec. 8, 1837. Albert D., Jan. 24, 1827, m. 1853, Delia George A., Nov. 15, 18 15, m. July, 1845, Priest. She d. March 25, 1854, a. 25. Charity B. Richardson, and d. Jan. 8, (2), 1858, S. Minerva Priest. 1859. Edward, March 13, 1830, m. Oct., 1854, Charles H., Nov. 22, 1817, m. July, 1861, Seraphina Caswell. She d. Dec. 21, wid. Sophia B. SpafFord. 1868. (2), Dec. 25, 1872, Sabrina (Bar- Calvin S., Aug. 5, 1820, d. June, i860. rett), twin sister of his first wife. Charlotte Oaks, Aug. 19, 1822, m. Sept. 4. Samuel, s. of Nathaniel (2), b. 1784; carpenter; d. 1849. He m. Olive Ball, dau. of Abraham, of Athens, Vt. She d. Aug. 29, 183 I, a. 32. (2), wid. Betsey Newcomb, of Keene. CA. : Philena B., July 9, 1819, d. Feb. 14, Nathaniel S., Jan. 5, 1828; sett, in Rut- 1831. _ land, Vt. Harriet O., Feb. 9, 1824, d. July 11, 1825. Hannah E., Sept. 15, 1831, m. Edwin O. Ebenezer S., Jan. 11, 1826, m. Mary Cur- Sanderson, of Iowa. tis ; res. in Keene. STEARNS, Sally; m. July 7, 1782, Daniel Newcomb, of Keene, N H. 1. STEBBINS, Rowland, b. 1594; came from Ipswich, Eng., in the " Francis," 1634; landed at Roxbury, but prob. went to the Conn, river the next year, with William Pynchon, the founder of Springfield; from there he rem. to Nhn., about 1656; where he d. Dec. 14, 1671. He m. Sarah , who d. at Spfd., Oct. 4, 1649, a. 58. Ch. : Thomas, about 1620, m. Nov., 1645, Sarah, abt. 1623, m. Jan. 14, 1641, Thomas Hannah Wright, dau. Samuel, of Spfd. Merrick, of Springfield. She d. Oct. 16, 1660. (2), Dec. 14, John, about 1626 (2). 1676, Abigail, wid. of Benj. Munn, dau. Elizabeth, about 1628, m. March 2, 1646, Henry Burt. He d. Sept. 25, 1683, at John Clark, of Springfield. Springfield. 2. John, s. of Rowland (i), b. 1626 ; rem. from Spfd. to Nhn. about 1656; where he d. March 7, 1679, " in an unusual manner." A jury of inquest was held. The jury found on the body, " several hundred spots, small ones, as if they had been shot with small shot," which, when scraped, showed " holes into his body." There were suspicions of witchcraft; an investigation was had before the court, but no prosecution, although the evidence was recorded, and laid before the authorities at Boston. He m. May 14, 1746, wid. Ann (Munson), whose husband, Abraham Family Genealogies. 541 River, Oct. 29, 1645. (2), Dec. 17, She m. (2), Dec. 28, 1681, Jedediah Nov. [687, 7, 1683, William Munden, was drowned in the Conn 1657, Abigail, dau. Robert Bartlett. Strong, and d. July 15, 1689. Ch : John, Jan. 28, 1647, m. Dorothy Al- exander J sett, in Deerfield. Thomas, d. April 24, 1649. Ann, April 10, 1651, d. 1653. Edward, July 12, 1653, d. Oct. 16, 1653. Bcnoni, June 23, 1655, m. 1677, Mary, wid. of James Bennet ; sett, in Dfd. ; killed Feb. 29, 1704. Samuel, Jan. 21,1 658-9, m. Jan. 14, I 678, Mary French j was an Indian trader. Abigail, Sept. 24, 1660; m. May 30, 1678, William Phelps. Thomas, May 6, 1662 (3). Hannah, July 8, 1664, m. Nov. 5, 1679, John Sheldon, of Dfd. She was killed in the " old Indian House," by a shot fired through a hole, still seen, in the front door. 3. Thomas, s. of John (2), b. 1762 ; Nhn. ; d. April 24, 17 12. Hem. Sept. 26, 1684, Elizabeth Wright. She m. (2), June 16, 1715, John Hannum. Mary, Sept. 10, 1666, Thomas Strong. Sarah, Jan. 4, 1668, Southwell. Joseph, Jan. 17, 1670, d. June 3, 1681. Deborah, March 5, 1672, m. 1690, Benj. Alvord. Benjamin, May, 1674, m. July 2, 1709, Mary Ashley, of Sfd. ; was a trooper in the Pomroy pursuit, 1698; of Nhn., 1722; and one of three first setts, of Bel- chertown. Rebecca, Feb., 1676, m. 1697, Nathaniel Strong. Thankful, May 11, 1678, m. July 18,1700, Jerijah Strong. Ck.: Thomas, April 2, 1689, d. Oct. 2, 1689. Hannah, 1 691, m. Jan. 10, 1717, Lawrence King. Thomas, d. 1752. Josiah, Sept., 1694, d. at Nfd., unm., 1724. Joseph, March 30, 1697 (4). Experience, March 4, 1699, d. young. Asahel, April 10, 1701 (5). Experience, March 18, 1703, m. — Birge. Mary, Dec. 24, 1705, m. May 16, 1734, Noah Strong. 4. Joseph, s. of Thomas (3), b. 1697; rem. from Dfd. to Nfd., 1726; d. Jan. 31, 1782. He m. Mary , who d. Dec. 23, 1786, a 83, or 88. Ch. : Mary, July 11, 1719, unm. 1765 Anna, Sept. 15, 1731, d. Nov. 5, 1732. Anna, Nov. 10, 1734, m. May 17, 1757, Thomas Sergeant, of Fort Dummer. Elizabeth, Oct. 8, 1736, m. Gen. EbeneZer Walbridge, of Bennington, Vt. Elisha, March 26, 1743 (9). alive 1794. Joseph, Jan. 13, 1720-1 (6). Zebediah, Oct. 29, 1723 (7). Sarah, Jan. 27, 1727, m. about 1755, Thomas Taylor, and d. Sept. 11, 1809. Josiah, Oct. 20, 1729 (8). 5. Asahel, s. of Thomas (3), b. 1701; sol. from Dfd., 1722; Nfd., 1724; d. Jan. 17, 1730. He iji. 1727, Sarah, dau. Joseph Petty. Ch. : Asahel, May 16, 1728 (10). Thomas, March 11, 1730 (11). 6. Joseph, s. of Joseph (4), b. 1721 ; sett, about 1740, on land now occu- pied by his descendants, in Vernon; d. Feb. 6, 1784. He m. about 1744, Thankful, dau. Stephen Belding. She d. May 9, 1788, a. 70. Ch. : Tabitha, m. Zurr Evans, of Chester- Elijah, bapt. Jan. 6, 1751 (12). field, N. H. Lucy, May 31, 1752. Thankful, Nov., 1745, m. Elihu Root, of Eliakim, Nov. 17, 1753 (13)- Guilford, Vt. She d. April 9, 1776. Abner, bapt. Aug. 9, 1755 (14). Mary, June 6, 1747, m. Timothy Root, of Joseph, bapt. Oct. 10, 1757, d. young. Guilford. She d. Oct. 14, 1774. Joseph, bapt. March i, 1761 (15). Elijah, bapt. April 27, 1749, d. in infancy. 542 History of Northfield. 7. Zebediah, s. of Joseph (4), b. 1723 ; shot the Indian on the west side of the river, Aug. 20, 1755, at the time Reuben Wright was wounded. \See ante, p. 297.] Rem. to Brattleboro, Vt., about 1785 ; d. at Somerset, Vt. He m. Thankful , before 1 760 ; she was received by the church in Nfd. from the church in Gfd., Nov. 2, 1760. Ch. : Content, Dec. 12, 1764, m. — Gard- Levi, Feb. 18, 1767; rem. from Bratt. to ner. Lancaster, N. H. Polly, adopted dau., bapt. Oct. 27, 1782. 8. JosiAH, s. of Joseph (4), b. 1729; d. Oct. 30, 1813. He m. Feb. 14, 1754, Mary Howe, who d. May 14, 1794, a. 59. (2), Abigail Batchelder, who d. July 26, 1805, a. 71. (3), about 1809, wid. Very, of Winchester. Ch. : Patty, bapt. Feb. 2, 1755, m. Oliver Eli, bapt. Feb. 15, 1767, m. Sibyl Simonds, Orvis, of Halifax, Vt. of Bradford, Vt. Sophia, bapt. June 13, 1756, m. Elisha Hiel, bapt. July 9, 1769, d. May 4, 1776. Alexander. Polina, bapt. Oct. 20, 1771, m. Theodore Josiah, bapt. Jan. 15, 1758 (16). Kellogg, of Hanover, N. H. Arad, bapt. Oct. 28, 1759 ('7)- Matilda, bapt. March 13, 1774, m. Isaac Lucy, bapt. March i, 1761, m. Ebenezer Barker. Church. She d. Jan. 23, 1832. Thankful, bapt. April 28, 1776, d. July 2, Elihu, bapt. March, 1763 (i8). 1778. Mary, bapt. March 31, 1765, m. Eldad Wright, of Winchester. 9 Elisha, s. of Joseph (4), b. 1743 ; sett, in Greenfield. He m. Oct. 29^ 1767, Martha Wright, prob. dau. Benoni. Ch.: Lucinda, Feb. 7, 1769. Samuel, bapt. June 18, 1780. Susey, June 5, 1771, d. Oct. 9, 1782. Ore, bapt. Aug. 10, 1783. Lucretia, bapt. April 17, 1774. Susa, bapt. June 18, 1791. Elle Williams, bapt. April 13, 1777. 10. AsAHEL, s. of Asahel (5), b. 1728; sol. under Capt. Catlin, 1757; sett, at No. 4, where he was killed by Indians, and his wife taken captive, Aug. 27, 1758. He m. Lydia, dau. John Harwood, of Ware River. She m. (2), Samuel Merriman. [See ante, p. 496.] Ch. : Asahel, May 30, 1750 (19). Lydia, bapt. June 30, 1754, d. Oct. 4, 1761. Cyrus, April 25, 1752; Rev. sol. ; d. Sept. Experience, Sept. . 26, 1756, m. Nov. 30, 11, 1776. 1809, Moses Gunn, of Montague. 11. Thomas, s. of Asahel (5), b. 1730 ; sol, 1758 ; alive Sept. 21, that year ; " died in the army." [Record.] He m. Feb. 25, 1758, Anna, dau. Ephraim Chamberlain. She m. (2), Dec. II, 1783, Reuben Frizzell, of Ber., and d. between 1785 and 1792. Ch.: Darius, bapt. May 13, 1759; ^^^- Asahel, of North Haven, 1792. sol.; of North Haven, Ct., 1792; rem. Lydia, m. John Conable, of Bernardston. to Tyringham, where he d. Aug. 2, 1819. Damaras, m. Reuben Parmenter. He m. Nov. 28, 1782, Louisa, dau. Bar- Anna, July 28, 1771, d. Oct. 14, 1775. nabas Myrick, of Warwick, b. 1763. She Ephraim, of N. Haven, 1792. was in New Marlboro, 1738-48. Anna, bapt. April 25, 1776. 12. Elijah, s, of Joseph (6), b. 1751; lived in the house built by his father in Vernon, which was burned, Dec. 20, 1820; he was so much injured by inhaling smoke, that he d. Jan. 3, 1821. Family Genealogies. 543 He m. Beulah, dau. Gideon Dickinson, of Hatfield. She d. Feb. lo, 1822, a. d-]. Ch. : Mary, Sept. lo, 1775, d. April 20, Elijah, May 30, 1786, m. Roxana Parmen- 1777. ter, and (2), Abigail Elmer. Mary, 1778, m. Zadock Wright. She d. Gideon D., about 1788, m. March 24, 1812, April 8, 1 841. Betsey, dau. Benoni Dickinson. Thankful, July 10, 1779, d. May 11, 1798. George R., July 8, 1790 (20). Rebecca, March i, 1781, d. March 20, Harriet; 2d wife to Stephen Perry, of War- 1781. wick. Rebecca, 1784, m. Lovel Johnson. Samuel, May 12, 1795, ^- ^'^^- ^» '79^- Williams, Feb. 19, 1799, m. Betsey Newell. 13. Eliakim, s. of Joseph (6), b. 1753 ; d. while sitting alone in his chair, July 28, 1836. He m. Aug. 4, 1785, Rebecca, dau. Col. John Hawks, of Dfd. She d. Feb. 9, 1816, a, 62. Ch. : Solomon, June 28, 1786, m. Jan. 3, 14, 1815, Editha Morley, of Gfd. No. i8ii, Nancy Perry; rem. to 111. children. Eliakim, June 17, 1789 ; lieut. ; m. March Rebecca, 1792, m. Eli Lee. John, Jan. IS, 1794 (21). 14. Abner, s. of Joseph (6), b. 1755; ^^"- ^" Guilford, Vt. ; d. Sept. 18, 1836. He m. Mindwell Marsh, of Mont. She d. Aug. 3, 1837, a. 81. Ch. : Lucy, Sept. 9, 1782, m. Jesse Gaines. Lyman, Nov, 25, 1789, m. — Tyler. Abner, Feb. 6, 1785, m. Hannah Johnson. Tabitha, Feb. 15, 1791, m. Joseph Gains, She d. Jan. 4, 1844, a. 55. He d. Feb. of Guilford. 24, 1862. Zebina, Aug. 20, 1795, m. Eunice Munn, Henry, Feb. 24, 1787, m. Rebecca — . of Gill. 15. Joseph, s. of Joseph (6), b. 1761 ; lieutenant; Rev. sol.; captured in 1777, near Hudson river; he escaped, and arrived home in an almost famished condition ; d. at Watertown, N. Y. He m. Sarah Severance, of Ber. She d. young; a babe was buried in the same coffin. (2), Betsey Eddy, of Guilford, Vt. She d. July 14, 1863, a. 92. Ch. : Joseph ; sett, in Watertown, N. Y. Henry, d. young. Sally, m. Bulkley, of Freeport, 111. Daniel ; went west. Thankful, m. Albro Houghton. Samuel, m. Harris, of Ver. Johnson ; sett, in Penn. Calvin, d. young. 16. JosiAH, s. of Josiah (8), b. 1758; ensign; d. May 9, 1807. He m. Martha Belding. Ch. : Josiah, Sept. 23, 1802, d. May 12, Charles, 1804, m. Abigail Wright. 1808. 17. Aarad, s. of Josiah (8), b. 1759; res. in Bradford, Vt. ; d. April 30, 1828. He m. Dec, 28, 1789, Mary Kent, of Newbury, Vt. Ch. : Mary, Oct. 29, 1792, m. Dec. i, Matilda, Sept. 19, 1799, ^- ^^ Orford, July 18 12, Alfred Corliss, Bradford. 10, 1749. Sophia, Feb. 9, 1794, d. April 6, 1853. Louisa, June 10, 1801, m. July 15, 1827, Lucy, Jan. 3, 1796. m. Feb. 11, 1823, Daniel Moulton, of Montpelier, Vt. Theodore Dame, of Orford, N. H. Arad, Jan. 16, 1803, m. March 24, 1835, Betsey, Sept. 12, 1797, m. July 30, 1838, Eliza Stoddard, of Plymouth, N. H. Nicholas W. Ayer, 544 History of Northfield. 18. Elihu, s. of Josiah (8), b. 1762 ; Hinsdale; d. April 23, 1846. He m. March 24, 1786, Lucretia, dau. Eldad Wright. She d. Dec. 7, 1843, a. 80. Ch.: Son, d. Jan. 10, 1786. Jerusha, March 24, 1798, m. James H. Da- Miranda, Nov. 22, 1787, d. Feb. 3, 1803. venport. Thankful, Nov. 10, 1789, m. Sampson Lockhart, June 3, 1800, m. Caroline Bas- Evans. Lucretia, Nov. 2, 1791, d. Oct. 17, 1798. Son, d. April 15, 1793. Elihu, March 27, 1794 (22). Polina, March 2, 1796, d. Oct. 10, 1798. com. Lucretia, Feb. 25, 1802, d. May 15, 1813. Miranda, Nov. 6, 1804, m. James Parker. (2), Arad Cooper. (3), Judah Nash. 19^ AsAHEL, s. of Asahe] (10), b. 1750 ; in the campaign of 1777; d. July 26, 1822. He m, March 18, 1771, Susanna, dau. Seth Field. She d. April 9, 1835, a. 84. Ch.: Eliphas, Sept. 26, 1771. Cyrus, Nov. 27, 1783 (23). Olive, Jan. 20, 1774, m. Nathaniel Collins. Asahel, July 27, 1786, m. Mary Scott. (2), Thomas, Nov. 9, 1776, m. Polly Willard. Lucy Rockwood. (3), wid. Chamberlain; Susanna F., Jan. 13, 1779, m. Jan. 31, 1805, rep., 1839. Thomas Durkee. Mary, July 27, 1786, d. Sept. 6, 1788. Lydia, Oct. 8, 1781, m. Jan. 10, 1806, Francis, March 20, 1792, d. March 6, i860. Zebulon Burr, of Rockingham, Vt. 20. George R., s. of Elijah (12), b. 1790; d. Oct. 7, 1849. He m. April 26, 1815, Sarah, dau. Noah Perry. She d. March 6, il 75- Ch.: George, Feb. 26, 1816, d. the 28th. Chandler H., Jan. 31, 1818. George R., May 24, 1820 (24). Marshal W., June 2, 1822. Sarah A., Aug. 13, 1824. Norman P., Aug. 6, 1826, d. the 31st. Norman P., Sept. 2, 1827. Annah C, July 12, 1829. Lois D., Aug. 2, 1831, d. Jan., 1854. Sherman B., Aug. 23, 1833. 2 1. John, s. of Eliakim (13), b. 1794; Ver. ; antiquary; living, Hem. July 19, 1825, Harriet, dau. Nehemiah Houghton, who d 1864, a. 58.' July 1874. Jan. 15, Ch. : Alonzo, April 20, 1826, n 1855, Cornelia S. Holland. Lorenzo, Nov. 15, 1827, m. Aug Ellen O. Walton. John, March 10, 1829, m. Sept, Ellen Gleason. (2), Harriet He was captain U. S. vols., 1865. Harriet, Aug. 5, 1830, m. Dec. 17, Henry A. Goodrich, of Fitchburg, .832, Dec. t2, 1856, >9. 1853, Hubbard. Calista, June 29, Charles Lyman. Alfred, Sept. 4, 1834, m. Dec. ! Edith Large. Melissa, July 29, 1837, m. Nov. William Stockwell. Lydia H., July 14, 1839, m. April Lambert Jones. 3, 1869, 9, 1870, 14,1864, 22. Elihu, s. of Elihu (18), b. 1794; Hins. ; d. Oct. 19, 1871. He m. Nov. II, 1824, Sarah G., dau. Seth Hooker. Ch.: John Mills, Dec. 27, 1825 ; grad. D. Sarah H., July 31, 1831, d. Oct. 31, 1866. C, 1848 ; lavk'yer; sett, in Springfield, of Edward, March 10, 1834; lives unm. on which city he was mayor, 1874 ; m. Nov. the old homestead in Hinsdale. 23, 1853, Harriet C, dau. of William Haile, of Keene, N. H. Family Genealogies. 545 23. Cyrus, s. of Asahel (9), b. 1783; d. March 13, 1874. He m. Mercy Morgan, who d. July 9, 1837. (2), wid. Orrell (Dean) Jones. She d. Oct., 1861. Ch.: Susanna, May, 28, 18 1 5, m. Richard Charles E., Nov. 29, 1812, m. — Tread- Pratt. well ; sett, in Hartford. Sylvanus, April 4, 1817, m. Arline Allen. Roxana M., Oct. 12, 1823, m. Peter W. (2), Martha Darth. (3), wid. — Paul. Caruth. Alphonzo, Aug. 14, 1819, d. Dec. 29, 1821. 24. George R., s. of George R. (20), b. 1820; ferryman. He m. July 21, 1852, Arathusa, dau. Robert Kendall. Ch.: Eva Isabella, March i, 1856. STEVENS, Comfort, 1775. STEVENS, Willard; lieutenant; 1763. , STILES, Joseph, 1793. STIMPSON, Charles; from Dummerston, Vt., 1810. He m. Anna Robbins. Ch. : Lucy, 1800, m. Albarto Stratton. Jonathan, April 30, 1814, m. Florinda William ; went west. Shattuck, of Boston. Lydia, m. David Thayer, of Swanzey, N. H. Royal E., May 22, 1816, m. — Clark, of Polly, m. Zecheriah Timson, of Marlboro, Orange. Vt. Sarah A., Oct. 30, 1818, m. May, 1837, Charles, m. Sarah, dau. Caleb Holton. Abraham Wright. Orra, Jan. 28, 1812. Lucius, m. — Clark, of Orange. STOCKWELL, Moses, 1771-2. STOUGHTON, Samuel; from Greenfield; prob. rem. to Gill. He m. Jan. 12, 1769, Mary, dau. Ebenezer Severance. She d. Dec. 31, 1769, a. 19. (2), Sarah . Ch.: Mary, bapt. May 22, 1770, m. Dec. Timothy, bapt. Nov. 12, 1780. 23, 1790, Samuel Parmenter. Fanny, bapt. Aug. 3, 1783. Sarah, bapt. April 18, 1773. Asa, bapt. Feb. 15, 1786. Samuel, bapt. Sept. 19, 1774. Ira, bapt. March 7, 1788 Timothy, bapt. July 16, 1775, d. young. Nancy, bapt. Feb. 9, 1791. STODDARD, Thomas, 1737, d. before 1757. He m. Sarah , who d. before 1757. Ch. : Lemuel. Alvah. STODDARD, Ebenezer, b. 1737, prob. s. of Thomas; sol. 1757. STODDER, Eli, 1815-16. STONE, Seth, 1818. I. STRATTON, Samuel, b. 1592, in England; came over before 1648; at Watertown, 1652, where he d. Dec. 20, 1672. First wife unknown. He m. (2), Aug. 28, 1657, wid. Margaret Parker, at Boston. She d. Dec. 7, 1676, a. 81. Ch. : Samuel (2). John, m. March 10, 1659, Elizabeth, dau. Richard, 1628; came in the " Speedwell," John Train. He d. April 7, 1691. 1656; m. Susanna. He d. July 25, 1658. 69 54^ History of Northjield. 2. Samuel, s. of Samuel (i), Watertown; Concord, 1657 ; free., 1655. He m. May 25, 1651, Mary Fry; and Shattuck thinks, (2), 1675, Han- nah, dau. Moses Wheat. Ch.: Anna, April 4, 1652. Samuel, March 5, 1661 (3). Mary, Jan. 19, 1657, m. Daniel Howe, of Elizabeth. Concord. John. 3. Samuel, s. of Samuel (2), b. 1661; Concord; d. 1717. He m. Elizabeth , who d. April 17, 1762, aged 100 years. Ch.: Samuel; of Watertown, 1719. Elizabeth, m. Jonathan Minot. Mary, m. James Dawson. Hezekiah, 1689 (4). Benjamin, 1703. John. Anna, 1705, m. — Billings. 4. Hezekiah, s. of Samuel (3}, b. 1689 ; he received from his father's estate, £111 i8j. 9^., and from his mother's, £18 %s. \od.\ rem. to Dfd. about 1713 ; and to Nfd., 1715, where he remained one of the earliest per- manent settlers; served under Capt. Kellogg, during Ralle's war; was wounded when Nfd. was attacked, Oct. 11, 1723 ; lieut. under Capt. Elijah Williams, 1748 ; d. Dec. 28, 1756. He m. July 12, 1717, Elizabeth, dau. Eleazer Hawks, of Dfd. She d. April 19, 1788, a. 90. Ch.: Ebenezer, Dec. i, 1718 (5). Sarah, June 24, 1727, d. Oct. 17, 1736. Samuel, Feb. 8, 1720 (6). Hannah, April 11, 1729, d. Oct. 29, 1729. John, Oct. 28, 1721 ; ensign ; killed on the Asa, Jan. 19, 1731 ; killed with br. John, " bloody morning scout," Sept. 8, 1755. Sept. 8, 1755. Eliezer, April 30, 1722(7). Hannah, Sept. 9, 1732, m. Jan. 28, 1762, Hezekiah, Jan. 7, 1724 (8). Philip Mattoon. Mary, Aug. 22, 1725, m. Joseph Stebbins, of Deerfield. 5. Ebenezer, s. of Hezekiah (4), b. 1718; captain; in command of Fort in Colerain, in 1749; ^- Nov. 29, 1801. He m. June, 1752, Tamer, dau. Caleb Allen. She d. July 23, 1797, a. 73- Ch. : Hannah, March 17, 1753, m. Samuel Tamer, March 28, 1760, d. Dec. 12, 1762. Healy. She d. Oct. 29, 1833. Ebenezer, Feb. 14, 1762 (9). Elizabeth, Oct. 21, 1754, m. Feb. 25, 1778, Martha, April 30, 1764, d. Aug. 19, 1767. Nathaniel Stearns, of Warwick. Calvin, Aug. 9, 1769, m. Sally, dau. of Aseneth, Aug. 17, 1756, m. Jan. 20, 1791, Consider Cushman ; he kept tavern near Selah Norton. the mouth of Miller's river; d. Oct. 26, Tamer, March 25, 1758, d. July 17, 1759. 1825. 6. Samuel, s. of Hezekiah (4), b. 1720; lieutenant; sol. in French and Indian wars; sett, in the north part of the town, now Vernon; d. Sept. 1803. He m. Ruth, dau. Benoni Wright. She d. Dec. 16, 1800, a. 61. Ch.: John, Jan. 28, 1756 (10). Ruth Wright, adopted dau., b. 1768, m. 1790, Samuel Mattoon. 7. Eliezer, s. of Hezekiah (4), b. 1722; sol. 1749; lived a short time in Enfield, Ct., but ret. to Nfd. about 1754; d. Sept. 24, 1789. He m. Lydia, dau. Caleb Allen, of Enfield, Ct., and Nfd. She d. April 13, 1783,3. 56. Ch.: Caleb, Feb. 24, 1753, m. Elizabeth; Asa Briggs. (2), March 10, 1799, Wm. sett, in Shelburne. Maltby. Submit, Sept. 8, 1755, m. May 9, 1797, Asa, Jan. 17, 1758 (il). Family Genealogies 547 Eliphalet, Jan. 8, 1760, m. Elizabeth, dau. Lydia, Feb. 29, 1764, m. Feb. 21, 1786, Joseph Stebbins, of Dfd.; Rev. sol., James Knox, of Onoynagoh, N. Y. 1779. Sarah, bapt. July 2, 1769, m. before 1789, Eliezer, Jan. 3, 1762, m. Aug. 31, 1790, Elisha H. Pomroy, of Vershire, Vt. Submit Field. 8. Hezekiah, s. of Hezekiah (4), b. 1724; d. Jan. 5, 1800. He m. Molly, dau. Dea. Samuel Smith. She m. (2), Simeon Lyman, and d. Dec. 24, 1824, a. 91. Ch.: Elijah, July 24, 1 75 1 (12). Rhoda, Oct. 28, 1761, m. Feb. 3, 1783, Sarah, Dec. 26, 1752, d. Aug. 25, 1770. Henry Field. Ruflis, iVlarch 19, 1755 (13). Hezekiah, Jan. 26, 1766 (14)- Mary, Sept. 17, 1757, m. March 18, 1783, Samuel, bapt. April 11, 1773, d. Oct. 30, Eldad Alexander. 1776. Eunice, June 9, 1760, m. Feb. 8, 1780, Cynthia Woods, adopted child, bapt. July 27, Medad Alexander. 1783. Jerusha, June 9, 1760, m. march 2, 1780, Simeon Alexander. 9. Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer (5), b. 1762; rem. soon after marriage to Brookfield, Vt., where he kept a tavern, which is still kept by his descendants; d. June 4, 1814. He m. May 28, 1783, Sarah, dau. Reuben Smith, She d. Feb. 20, 181 1. Ch.: Patty, July 6, 1784, d. unm. Harriet. Sally, bapt. Feb. 15, 1789. Alpha, bapt. Feb. 26, 1792, d. 1811. Caleb Allen. 10. John, s. of Samuel (6), b. 1756; drowned in the Conn, river, at Bellows Falls, June i, 1785. The stone that marks his grave in a cemetery in Vernon, bears the following curious elegiac, and genealogical epitaph, doubtless written by Rev. Bunker Gay : « MEMENTO MORI. Here lie intered where Silence reigns Mr. JOHN STRATTON'S Sad Remains Sam'el and Ruth once happy were In Him, Their only Son and Heir. In January, e'er the Sun Had Eight & Twenty Curci'ts run In Seventeen Hundred Fifty Six With Mortals here on Earth to mix, He first began j but lost his life In Seventeen Hundred Eighty-five. The first of June as in his Tour Where Walpole Rapids foam and roar He to a rock went down too nigh To pierce the Salmon passing by. The Rock's Smooth, Glassy, Sloping Side His Feet betrayed, and let him Slide Plum down into a Watry Tomb, No more to See his native Home His tender Parents, lovely Spouse Or those bright Beauties of his House Three little helpless female heirs Left to bedew his Grave with Tears Alas, who can Their Loss repair, Or ease the Widow's Soul of Care Or furnish adequate Relief To cure the Parents pungent Grief. Father of Mercies, hear our Call, 54 8 History of Northfield. Extend Thy Pity to them all. Let Momentary Ills like this, Issue in Everlasting Bliss." He m. Roxana, dau. Paul Field. She d, in a fit, in the meeting house in Hinsdale, Aug. 14, 1786, a. 29. Ch.: Thankful, also called Gratia, May 9, Roxana P., March 11, 1782, d. March 17, 1776, m. Job Wright. 1803. Electa, April lo, 1779, ^- Dr. Cyrus Wash- burn. She d. Jan. 26, 1806. 11. Asa, s. of Eleazer (7), b. 1758; Rev. sol.; at surrender of Burgoyne; d. March 17, 1818, He m. Nov. 30, 1780, Lucy Woodbury, of Barre, who d. July 23, 1831. Ch. : Polly, Feb. 18, 1781, m. 1809, Sam- Seth, Aug. 9, 1792, m. Freedom A. Holton ; uel Holton. pub. at Warwick, April 16, 1823. Charlotte, Sept. 10, 1782, d. April 7, 1788. Charles A., Dec. I, 1794; noted surgeon Roswell, June 7, 1784 (15). dentist^ d. s. p. at Bratt., Jan. 4, 1869. Asa, Sept. 10, 1786 (16). Alonzo, Dec. i, 1798 (17). Chester, Aug. 3, 1790, d. in Pembroke, Albarto, April 23, 1 801 (18). April 14, 181 5. 12. Elijah, s. of Hezekiah (8), b. 1 751; Rev. sol., 1776-7; d. s. p. May 29, 1819. Hem. April 16, 1778, Abigail, dau. Joseph Stebbins, of Dfd. Shed. July 20, 1826. 13. RuFus, s. of Hezekiah (8), b. 1755; d. March 18, 1827. He m. Nov. 19, 1778, Aseneth, dau. Capt. Samuel Field. She d. April, 1829, a. 71. Ch.: Sarah, Dec. 2, 1779, m. July 21, Rufus, Sept. 12, 1789 (20). 1803, Dr. Stephen Bachilor, of Athol. John, Aug. 8, 1791, d. May 22, 1805. Lucy, May 25, 1781, d. Oct. 23, 1781, Elijah, Aug. 22, 1793, killed by lightning, from a fall into the fire. Aug. 5, 1809. Samuel, July 30, 1782, m. March 25, 1807, Lucy, March 9, 1796, m. May 11, 1820, Li via Ransom, dau. Samuel, of Mont. Allured Benjamin, of Irving's Grant. Elihu, bapt. Nov. 28, 1784 (19). Lorenzo, Dec. 15, 1798 (21). John, April 5, 1787, d. Aug. 22, 1790. 14. Hezekiah, s. of Hezekiah (8), b. 1766; d. Oct. 24, 1825. He m. March 5, 1789, Hannah, dau. Reuben Wright. She d. Jan. 5, 1846, a. 81. Ch. : Charles, May 28, 1790 (22). Hannah, April 25, 1801, m. Sept. 15, 1819, Harras, Nov. 24, 1791 (23). Asahel Sawyer. Arad, Oct. 19, 1795 (24). Hezekiah, June 26, 1804 (25). Fanny, Sept. 27, 181 1, d. March 31, 1822. 15. RoswELL, s. of Asa (ii), b. 1784; d. Feb. 22, 1842. He m. Jan. 26, 181 5, Rhoda, dau. Eliphaz Wright. Shed. Aug. 28, 1857, a. 74. CA. : Chester, March 19, 1816; dentist; George, July 21, 1823 ; sett, in Milbury. sett, in Amherst. Agusta, July 6, 1828 5 a noted teacher at Roswell, Sept. 20, 1818, d. Sept. 20, 18 19. the west. Roswell, Sept. 28, 1820, m. Mary Belknap. Family Genealogies, 549 16. Asa, s. of Asa (ii), b. 1786; d. in Greenfield, April 3, 1870. He m. Dec. 15, 1814, Sophia, dau. Samuel Holton. Ch. : Sarah, March 4, 1816, d. young. 1873, Fmma E. Mann; res. in Gfd.j a Frederick S., Jan. 31, 1817; dentist; sett. carpenter. in Keene, N. H. Sarah A., Feb. 6, 1827, m. Caleb Buffam, Edwin A., Sept. 15, 1819, m. Almira, dau. of Keene. Roswell Purple. (2), Ellen A. Sawyer ; Franklin A., Nov. 30, 1829; captain in carpenter; rem. to Greenfield. late war ; in government service as civil Charles M., July 19, 1823, m. Oct. 30, engineer, at Washington, D. C. Oscar, Aug. 19, 1832; res. in Greenfield. 17. Alonzo, s. of Asa (11), b. 1798; burned to death at Athol, 1871. He m. Mary, dau. Samuel Wood. C/i. : Samuel W., March 22, 1827; a sailor ; Mary J., March i, 1834, m. Amos B. Ful- killed by a whale. som. Marshall D., Feb. 25, 1829; sett, in Maine. Lucy M., Jan. 4, 1836, m. Joseph Lord, of Francis E., Jan. 27, 1832, m. Elizabeth Athol. Putnam. 18. Albarto, s, of Asa (11), b. 1801; d. Feb. z8, 1 871. He m. Lucy, dau. Charles Stimpson. She d. March 18, 1874, a. 73. C^.: Albert S., Nov. 10, 1823, m. Dec. 4, Lucy A., Jan., 1830, d. June 15, 1846. 1850, Nancy D., dau. Tisdale Drake, of Warwick. 19. Elihu, s. of Rufus (13), b. 1784; d. Jan., 1871. He m. May 9, 1810, Electa, dau. Elisha Holton. She d. April 9, 1835, a. 47. CA.: Elijah, Feb. 4, 1811 (26). Edwin, Sept. 17, 1815, m. Jane E. Fuller; Elihu, Oct. 29, 1812, d. Oct. 15, 1833. sett, in Shelburne. Elisha, Aug. 26, 1818, m. Lucy Sawyer. 20. RuFus, s. of Rufus (13), b. 1789. He m. Dec. 29, 1819, Henrietta Ruggles. Ck. : Edward R., July i, 1820. Stephen B., ) May 6, "I Abigail F., Jan. 17, 1822, d. young. Martha B., / 1831, J m. — Merrick. Silas A., Sept. 18, 1824. Calista G., Aug. 6, 1833, m. — Bunker. Rufus W., Jan. 23, 1827; sett, in Amh. Agusta M., May 23, 1836. Elizabeth G., July 7, 1829, m. — Cowles, Abby S., Oct. 12, 1840, m. — Battles, of Leominster. 21. Lorenzo, s. of Rufus (13), b. 1798 ; d. July 14, 1828. He m. Feb. 28, 1821, Adeline, dau. Levi Merriman. She m. (2), Simeon A. Field. C-4. : William H., Dec. 27, 1821, m. Martha Gage. 22. Charles, s. of Hezekiah (14), b. 1790; d. Jan. 22, 1839. He m. June i, 1814, Polly, dau. Levi Merriman; d. Sept. 25, 1835, a. 41. Ck. : Almira, Oct. 20, 18 1 5. — Hildreth ; rem. to Swanzey, where he Oratio, Feb. 26, 18 17, m. Electa Field, a committed suicide. suicide by drowning, Aug. 15, 1843. (2), Charles, Oct. 4, 1819; went to California. 23. Harris, s. of Hezekiah (14), b. 1791; d. 1872. He m. 18 10, Sophia Ruggles. Ch. : Erastus W., July 30, 181 1, d. Aug. Erastus W., Dec. 27, 1815; rem. to Kansas. 22, 1 8 12. George W., Sept. 30, 1817, m. Delia Rice, Sarah Starr, Dec. 24, 18 12, m. Franklin of Deerfield. Lord. Henry, June 27, 1819, d. June 29, 1819. 55° History of Northjield. Nelson, June 23, 1820, m. Shepherd; res. Sumner, July 15, 1824, m. Maria Johnson. in London, England. Sophia M., July 22, 1826, m. Horace E. Wright, March 3, 1822, m. April 10, 1845, Parsons, who shot himself, Oct. 18, 1869. Martha Cook. Shed. 1856. (2), Nov., Harris, Sept. 22, 1828; lives in Kansas. 1859, wid. Lois Cook. 24. Arad, s. of Hezekiah (14), b. 1795. He m. Oct. 6, 1814, Electa Wells. Ch.: Chester, Jan. 18, 18 15; rem. to Penn.j Fanny S., Sept. 20, 1824, d. unm. about m. Martha — . 1850. Eunice W., Sept. 26, 1818, m. Dr. Owen Hannah G., May 3, 1827, m. Harrison F. Lieb, M. C. ; Penn. Root, of Montague. Henry, Sept. 10, 1820. Arad, Aug. 29, 1829, m. Nancy Brown. Mary W., Oct. 9, 1822, m. Oct. 21, 1852, Electa, Feb. 7, 1835, d. July 22, 1835. Hon. S. C. Wells, of Mont. She d. Lemuel, Feb. 27, 1837 ; rem. to Elmira, N. March 16, 1854. Y. ; m. Martha Wells. 25. Hezekiah, s. of Hezekiah (14), b. 1804. He rn. Mercy Evans, of Hinsdale. Ch : Hezekiah O., Aug. 28, 1828, m. — Marcellus D., Aug. 7, 1834, m. — Capen. Burt. 26. Elijah, s. of Elihu (19), b. i8ii; doctor. He m. Aug. 17, 1835, Mary Turner Bruce, who d. Dec. 31, 1869. CA. : Robert Bruce, Aug. 8, 1836, d. Feb. Virginia S., Sept. 25, 1842, m. May 23, 2, 1839. 1861, George Hastings. Mary Turner, March 16, 1838. ]°^^ Dousman, March 11, 1845. Thomas Bruce, June I, 1840, m. May 26, Child, d, Nov. 5, 1847. 1867, Elenora A. Pratt. STRATTON, Nathaniel, 1809; from Athol. He m. Esther . She m. (2), 1831, .Asa Robbins. CA. : Stephen, April 30, 1805. Harvey, m. Olive Evans. Melinda, Feb. 9, 1807, d. Nov. 6, 1828. Warren, m. Cynthia Piper. (2), Lucy Norris, May 30, 1810; sett, in Leyden ; m. Bruce. (3), wid. — Leonard. Mary Piper, d. 1875. Willard. STRATTON, Harvey; from Athol, 1815; br. of Nathaniel. He m. Hannah Foster. Ch. : Susan F., Sept. 23, 1817. Lucinda H., July 24, 1827, d. April 10, Mary F., Dec. 12, 1818. 1831. James H., Oct. 7, 1821. Dudley B., Oct. 7, 1829. Stephen W., Oct. 14, 1824. 1. STROWBRIDGE, James, 1783; d. Oct. 23, 1811, a. 82. He m. Mary , who d. March 3, 1817, a. 84. CA. : James ; Jr. in 1786 (2). Prob. Peggy; whom. Jan. 15, 1786, Luther Henry; tax in Nfd., 1804-10 ; m. — Ly- Dean, of Taunton. man. Prob. Gordon, 1773, m. -j- Leach, and d. Prob. Anna; who m. Sept. 18, 1794, Caleb June 4, 1839. Dean, of Taunton. 2. James, s. of James (i); of Claremont, N. H,, 1790. He m. Feb. 25, 1790, Sarah, dau. Simeon Lyman. She d. Feb. 16, 1833. Ch. : Order of birth not known. Sarah. Henry. Lyman, Jan. 31, 1793.. Ellen. Sophia. Fanny. Family Genealogies. 551 STUART, Adam, 1812. STUTSON, Benjamin, 1808. He m. April 22, 1811, Esther Collar. SUMMERS, John; from Nhn. ; at First Settlement of Winchester. He m. Nov. 15, 1733, Elizabeth, dau. John Alexander. Ch.: Elizabeth, June 28, 1735, d. Aug. 5, 1739. 1. SWAN, Thomas; doctor; b. in Scotland; Educated in England. His mother was a Stuart, and his father near akin to the McDonald family; came to New England and sett, in Roxbury; d. about 1688, a. 40. July 11, 1681, his house was set on fire by Maria, a negro, and "burned with some in it." For this crime, Maria was sentenced to be burned at the stake, and the sentence was executed in Boston, Sept. 22, 1681. He m. Mary, dau. Thomas Lamb, of Roxbury; she was bapt. Sept. 29, 1648, by the apostle, Eliot. Ch. : Henry, b. in Boston, May 16, 1665, Peter, and Dorothy, twins, 1674, d. in in- d. young. fancy. Thomas, d. 1668. Henry, March 29, 1678, d. soon. Thomas, Feb. 16, 1669; H. C, 1689; m. Henry, March 24, 1679; H. C, 1698. Dec. 27, 1692, Prudence Wade ; was sur- Mary, June 4, 1681. geon at Castle William. Peter, June 17, 1684, d. young. Dorothy, Dec. 29, 1672, d. young. Ebenezer, May 12, 1686 (2). 2. Ebenezer, s. of Thomas (i), b. 1686 ; master of a vessel in the London trade; d. at sea, about 1716. He m. Prudence, dau. Timothy Foster, of Dorchester. She d. July 10, 1765, a. 81. Ch. : Ebenezer, m. — Lamb, of Roxbury ; Thomas ; capt. of a vessel in the W. I. as wid. with three children, she rem. to trade; lost at sea; age about 37. Bristol, R. I. William, 171 6 (3). Josiah ; H. C, 1733; minister at Dunsta- ble; m. — Blanchard. 3. William, s. of Ebenezer (2), b. 17 16; goldsmith; rem. from Boston to Marlboro, about 1752; thence, about 1754, to Worcester; d. April 12, 1774- He m. Livina, dau. Gershom Keyes; after the death of her husband, she rem. to Nfd., where she d. March 19, 1813, a. 87. Ch. : Sarah, March 7, 1743, d. Sept. 3, Timothy, July 23, 1758 (4). 1745. Henry, Oct. 10,1760; Methodist minister ; William, March 18, 1745, m. Mercy Porter, resided in Rome, N. Y. of Weymouth ; merchant in Groton. Benjamin, Nov. 12, 1762. Thomas, Nov. 10, 1747, d. Dec. 3, 1748. Lucvetia, Feb. 14, 1764, m. about 1785, Livina, Aug. i, 1749, m. July 15, 1779, John Webster, a first sett, of Huntsburg, Jona. Hunt. Vt. Thomas, Aug. 7, 1751, m. Sally Speakman. Elizabeth, Feb. 14, 1764, m. March 5, 1791, Edward, Feb. 8, 1754; sol. of '76; d. in John, s. of Rev. John Hubbard, who sett. the service, 1779. in Huntsburg, Vt. Catherine, April 12, 1756, m. Oct. 5, 1774, Child, b. and d. April 9, .1770. Caleb Lyman, of Nfd. 4. Timothy, s. of William (3), b. 1758; composer; author of " C/^/;?^," " Poland" and other pieces of sacred music. He published " New E?igland Harmony," 1801 ; was clerk in country store 7 years; came to Nfd. with his 5S^ History of Northjield. mother about 1775; here he learned the trade of hatter; left Nfd. for Sfd., Ct., about 1782, where he lived about 25 years; he returned to Nfd., and con- tinued working at his trade, with his nephews, " Tomy and Harry," Lyman. His house was on the lot now occupied by Winsor L. Fay. He had a remarkable love for the poplar, and the lilac; and with these trees his house and door yard were surrounded, forming a hedge so dense, that he was entirely secluded from street or neighbor; this hedge was occupied by flocks of black- birds, which were his pets, and which he guarded with zealous care. One who knew him says he was " poor, proud, and indolent." Another, that he was a " fine looking old gentleman ;" suffering much, but always seeing the bright side ; a niece says of him, " my personal recollections are always pleas- ant. He had a well stored mind, a retentive memory, and a genial tempera- ment, that made him a most agreeable companion." All agree that he was a very peculiar man. One of his musical compositions was written one night, while a child was dying ; and the famous " Chitia" it is said, was composed while recovering from a fit of intoxication, and was written with his finger, in the sand, on Beers's Plain. Although his oddities did not amount to mania, his life may have been tinged and shadowed by a taint from his mother's blood. She was insane for many years. He was a contributor to the Poet's corner of local newspapers, but none of his effusions are known to us. He was in charge of the library, for a long time. The following anecdote is told, as illustrating some characteristics of Swan, as well as the caustic wit of a neighbor. Swan had received from his friends in Conn., a new Camlet cloak, of which he was quite proud. Not long after, while walking up and down the street in front of his house, airing his cloak and his vanity, he was espied by Parson Mason, who accosted him with a "good morning, Mr. Swan." "Good morning, sir," returned Swan. "Fine morning. I see you have got a new cloak," continued Mr. Mason, " Yes, a present." "Ah ! a cloak of charity ; and is it like the other cloak of char- ity V queried Mason. In a fury, Swan exclaimed, " Get into the house, you old devil, you." He d. at Nfd., July 23, 1842, upon his 85th birth day. He m. Mary, dau. Ebenezer Gay, D. D., of Suffield, Ct., niece of Rev. Bunker Gay, of Hinsdale. She d. Sept. 19, 1841. Ch. : Mary Gay, m. Jan. 20, 1808, Charles John Adams. Dana, of Woodstock, Vt. William Henry, i8oo, m. Margaret Bradley, Elizabeth Eager, d. young. d. in Mich., Oct. 11, 1843. Betty Lauretta, m. Oct. 5, 1809, Amos Al- Ebenezer Gay, 1801 ; sett, in Ohio; d. Aug. exander, of Winchester. 3, 1850. George Washington. Charles Pinckney, d. 1803. Emily Cordelia, 1793, d. Oct. 8, 1856. William Cushing> 1805; sett, in Dayton, Harriet Cushing, 1794, d. 1849. Ohio; d. Feb. 8, 1844. Sally Cotton, d. young. Lucy Aglivin, d. in infancy. Charlotte Keyes. SWEET, Jonathan; doctor; 1806. SWEETLAND, Asa, 1811. SWEETLAND, Benjamin, 1807-19. SWEETLAND, Benjamin, Jr., 1813. SYKES, Nathan, 1775-1 781. Family Genealogies. 553 SYMES, William; colonel; had home lot and out lands granted him in Nfd., 1721, on condition he sett, there ; was sol. in Capt. Kellogg's co., 1722; of Nfd., owning home lot, and buying land there, 1723-4; of Dfd., Oct. 31, 1725 ; at Nfd. again, 1731 ; when he received a grant of 3 acres on Pomroy's Island; was in command of the garrison at No. 4, Jan. 3, to Feb. 13, 1747, and was allowed by the Gen. Court of Mass. £140 18/. 6d. to pay for stores, and wages; of Winch., 1743-52; in Nov. of that year, was prominently engaged in the project of raising a body of 500 men to form a military colony on the Conn, river, atCowas; the St. Francis Indians, claiming the territory, it was found the plan could be carried out, only at the expense ot an Indian war, and was abandoned. In June, I7'55, Capt. Symes commanded a fort in Keene, which was successfully defended against an attack by the enemy; Oct. 13, 1755, he was at the head of his co., scouting near Lake George, when he was met by a large party of Indians; in the skirmish which followed, he lost his lieutenant, and a large part of his men; was in the service, 1756, and sent home an invalid, in Nov.; was Esq., of Hins., 1764, and col., of Nfd., 1768. I. TAYLOR, John, was at Winds., 1640; prob. went there with Rev. Ephraim Huit, or Hewett, Aug. 17, 1639, directly from England; juror, 1641 and 44; Nov. 24, 1645, being "fully intended and prepared for a voyage for England," he made a will, leaving his "daughters in-law," equally to be divided among them, " all my land that lyes on the east of ye great river in lieu of my engagement with them upon my marriage and that my wife shall trayne them up until they come to the age of eighteen years and my said wife to have the ben- efit of ye sd. land until yt time " He gives to his wife and two sons, his house and all the residue of his lands in the town of Windsor, and all his personal property ; his wife to have the use of it until she marry, or the sons come of age. In 1694, this will was presented for probate by John, son of the testa- tor, who was appointed administrator on the estate, with the will annexed. There is a tradition in the family that, soon after making this will, John Taylor sailed for England in the New Haven "Phantom ship," the vessel never heard from, except in the manner narrated below : Rev. James Pierpont, a graduate of Harvard, 1681; minister at New Haven, 1684 to 1714, writes to Cotton Mather, giving an account of a wonderful vision seen there, some half a century before. This letter was incorporated in Mather's " Magnalia,^* written 1695-6; Pierpont says, the ship sailed in January, 1647; a date accepted, so far as we know, by all subsequent historians; but recent investiga- tions show that the date of departure was certainly Jan., 1645-6. "In com- pliance with your desire," writes Pierpont, "I now give you the relation of that apparition of a ship in the air, which I have received from the most credi- ble, judicious, and curious surviving observers of it. In the year 1647, besides much other lading, a far more rich treasure of passengers, (five or six of which were persons of chief note and worth in New Haven,) put them- selves on board a new ship, built at Rhode Island, of about 1 50 tuns ; but so walty, that the master, {Lamberton,) often said she would prove their grave. In the month of January, cutdng their way through much ice, on which they were accompanied with the Rev. Mr. Davenport, besides many other friends, with many fears, as well as prayers and tears, they set sail." " In June next ensuing a great thunder stortn arose out of the north-west ; after which, (the hemisphere being serene,} about an hour before sun-set, a ship of lil^e dimen- sions with the aforesaid, with her canvas and colours abroad (though the wind 70 554 History of Northfield. northerly) appeared in the air coming up from our harbour's mouth, whicli lyes southward from the town, seemingly with her sails filled under a fresh gale holding her course north, and continuing under observation, sailing against the wind, for the space of half an hour. Many were drawn to behold this great work of God ; yea, the very children cryed out, ' There's a brave ship' At length, crowding up as far as there is usually water sufficient for such a ves- sel, and so near some of the spectators, as they imagined a man might hurl a stone on board her, her main-top seemed to be blown off, but left hanging in the shrouds ; then her missen-top; then all her masting seemed blown away by the board; quickly after the hulk brought into a careen, she overset, and so vanished into a smoaky cloud, which in some time dissipated, leaving, as every- where else, a clear air. The admiring spectators, could distinguish the several colours of each part, the principal rigging and such proportions, as caused not only the generality of persons to say. This was the mould of their ship, and thus was her tragick end, but Mr. Davenport also in public declared to this effect. That God had condescended, for the quieting of their afflicted spirits, this extra- ordinary account of his sovereign disposal of those for whom so many fervent prayers were made continually^ Mr. Taylor married a widow, who had daughters. She m. (3), Hoyt, at Norwalk, Ct. Ch. : John, 1641 (2). Thomas, 1643 (3). 2. John, s. of John of Windsor, b. 1641 ; captain; grantee atNfd., 1683; sett, at Nhn., where he was killed May 13, 1704, while in pursuit of a party of Indians which had destroyed the Hamlet of Pascomuck. Pie m. Dec. 18, 1662, Thankful, dau- Henry Woodward. Ch.: Thankful, Oct. 27, 1663, m. March Mary, Oct. 13, 1673, '^- Joseph Atherton. 22, 1680, Capt. Benjamin Wright. Jonathan, Sept. 19, 1675, d. before 1723, Johannah, Sept. 27, 1665, m. 1681, Thomas leaving heirs. Alvord, and (2), 1690, Samuel King. Mindwell, Aug. 19, 1677, m. June 2, 1696, (3), Nov. 26, 1702, Deliverance Bridgman, Jonathan Burt. all of Nhn. Lydia, March 18, 1678, m. Samuel Pomroy. \ John, Oct. 10, 1667 ; sett, in Norwalk, Ct. ; Thomas, Nov. 4, 1680 (4). \ alive 1723. Elizabeth, Sept. 17, 1682. Rhoda, Sept. 26, 1669, m. Samuel Parsons, Experience, Oct., 1684, d. young. of Durham, Ct. Samuel, Aug. 30, 1688 (5). Elizabeth, July 13, 1672, d. 1681. 3. Thomas, s, of John (i), b. 1643 ; went with his mother to Norwalk, Ct., about 1 666; but was one of the earliest settlers of Danbury, Ct., where hed. Jan. 7, 1734-5. He ni. Feb. 14, 1668, Rebecca, dau. Edward Ketchum; their ch. lived to a remarkable age. Ch. : Thomas, Nov. 26, 1668, died at the Timothy, June, 1678, d. at the age of 56. age of 90. Nathan, 1681, d. 178 1, aged 100. Deborah, June, 1671, died at the age of 80. Rebecca, 1684, d. 1783, aged 99. Joseph, June, 1672, died at the age of 90. Theopolis, 1687, d. 1777, aged 90. John, June, 1674, died at the age of 70. Eunice, 1689, d. 1779, aged 90. Daniel, June, 1676, d. Aug. 12, 1770, aged 94. 4. Thomas, s. of John (2); lieutenant; was wounded at Dfd., June 22, 1709, when DeRouviile made his second attack on that town. In July, 1712, he went as sergt., under Lieut. Samuel Williams, to convey French prisoners Family Genealogies, ^^^ to Canada; a saddler, in Dfd., 1714; rem. to Nfd., 1716, and was drowned in the Conn, river, after Aug. 21, the next year. He m. Aug. 31, 1715, Thankful, dau. Eleazer Hawks, of Dfd. She m. (2), before Feb. 20, 1720, Daniel x'^shley, of Wfd. Ch. : Thankful, July 18, 1716. Thomas, Nov. 26, 1717 (6). 5. Samuel, s. of John (2), b. 1688; sergt. ; Dfd.; d. March 5, 1734. He m. Aug. 17, 1715, Sarah Munn, of Spfd., who d. Dec. 26, 17 16. (2), July 15, 1718, Mary, dau. Luke Hitchcock, of Spfd. She m. (2), Sept. 2, 1737, Daniel Arms, of Dfd. Ch. : Samuel, Dec. 19, 171 6 (7). Mercy Nims; kept tavern in Dfd. ; rem. Othniel, April 16,1719; captain ; m. June to Charlemont. 27, 1743, Martha, dau. Daniel Arms; Jonathan, Feb. 7, 1724; rem. to Charle- sett. in Charlemont. mont, with brothers, as first settlers of that Mary, Jan. 20, 1721, d. Feb. 9, 1721. plantation. John, Jan. 17, 1722, m. Dec. 13, 1744, 6. Thomas, s. of Thomas (4), b. 1717; captain; shoemaker; as sergt., was in command of that party of 17 men, which was attacked by 100 French and Indians, July 14, 1748, while on a march from Nfd. to Fort Dummer. \_See ante, p. 267. J After a desperate resistance, Taylor was captured, and carried to Canada, where he was kept in close confinement until Sept. 2. He was released, and arrived home Sept. 27, and at once returned to his duties; Nov., 1748, the Gen. Court, "in consideration of his bravery in that action," voted Sergt. Taylor £50; he lost a "choice good French gun," worth £18, Old Tenor ; and a pair of leather breeches, worth £10 O. T. ; for both of wliich he was allowed pay. It is related by Dea. Shattuck, of Hinsdale, that after the action was over, Taylor was seated on a log, between two Indians, when one of them, who was an acquaintance, said to him : " Tom I am going to kill you, because you killed my brother." " But," said the sergt., "he shot first." The Indian, dropping his head, remained silent a moment, and then replied, " So he did ;" and the captive was spared. There has been, and probably now is, somewhere in the Taylor family, a paintmg representing this scene. He settled on land now in Hinsdale, where he d. March 24, 1778. He kept a tavern on the Charlestown road, which his widow continued, and made famous, for many years after his death. He m. Sarah, dau. Theopolis Merriman. (2), about 1755, Sarah, dau. Joseph Stebbins. She d. Sept. 11, 1809, a. 82. Ch.: Thomas, Aug. 4, 1740. Thomas, March 4, 1764, m. Clara Babcock ; Thankful, Sept. 6, 1 741, m. about 1762, sett, in Charlestown, N. H. Josiah Willard, of Keene, N. H. Calvin, March 19, 1766; surgeon in the U. Elijah, May 28, 1756, m. — Linkfield ; sol. S. A.; d. in the service, at Chickasaw of '76; sett, in Castleton, Vt.; d. about Bluffs. 1823. Thankful, April 5, 1768, m. April 3, 1789, Mollis, Feb. 11, 1758 (8). Stephen Bradley, Esq., of Westminster, ' Mindwell, Dec. I, 1759, m. (2), Dr. Joseph Vt. Goodhue, of Dfd. Eleazer, May 19, 1772, m. Oct., 1793, Sarah, Dec. 20, 1761. Polly Wood; he d. 1810. 7. Samuel, s. of Samuel (5), b. 1716; ensign ; of Winch., 1743; sol. at Fort Mass., from 1746 to 1757; Charlemont, March, 1757; of Nfd., April 8, 1758; he and his wife were dismissed from church, in Nfd., March 5, 1780, to be gathered into a church in Hartford, Vt. 5^6 History of Northfield. He m. Sept. 20, 1738, Anne, dau. Ebenezer Alexander. Ch.: Sarah, Sept. 30, 1739. Oliver, Oct. 22, 1748 ; of Nfd., 1771. Anne, Oct. 15, 1741, m. May 5, 1761, Solomon, July 10, 1751. Eldad Wright, of Winch. Susanna, June 27, 1754; at Fort Mass. Mary, Nov. 19, 1743. Elias, June 27, 1756; at Hoosac. Asa, June 18, 1746, m. July 5, 1769, Dinah Joanna, Jan. 31, 1760. Woods. 8. HoLLis, s. of Thomas (6), b. 1758; sett, in Hins ; d. Sept. 3, 1845. He m. Jan. 4, 1784, Christain, dau. Paul Field. She d. June 1, 1833, a. 72. Ch.: Harriet, July 26, 1784,^1. March 23, Emily, May 16, 1797, m. Oct. 27, 1815, 1802, Randolph Wright. Pardon H. Nevk'ell. John, Jan. i, 1786, d. March 9, 1846. Calvin, June 30, 1800; scalded, and d. Feb. Alpheus, Aug. 27, 1787, m. Lydia Bridges; 19, 1803. sett, in Bratt. Adeline S., Aug. 26, 1802, d. May 27, William, July 25, 1789, m. Dec. 6, 1820, 1803. Delia Hooker; he d. 1861. Edwin H., Aug. 27, 1802, d. May 16, Thankful, April 20, 1791, m. May 20, 1833. 1801, Jason Evans. Calvin, 1804, d. in infancy. Lewis, April 12, 1793 (9). Calvin, Sept. 9, 1805, m. Sept. 14, 1830, Sereno, Dec. 30, 1794, m. Mary E. Creed, Mary A. Bascom ; sett, in Miss. of Taunton, N. J. ; sett, in Miss. 9. Lewis, s. of Hollis (8), b. 1793; Hins. He erected in 1874, a mon- ument near the spot where his grandfather was cap., in 1748. \_See ante, p. 276.] He m. Nov. 8, 1820, Lois, dau. Ezekiel Webster. She d. May 1, 1864. Ch. : Prentice W., April 25, 1822, m. Dec. Susan H., Nov. 26, 1829, m. July 17, 1854, I, 1846, Eveline M. Wellman. Frederick T. Kemper, of Muscatine, Caroline S., Aug. 4, 1823, d. July 3, 1847, Iowa. in Oakland, N. Y. Emily M., July 30, 1831, m. May I, 1857, Hollis, March 4, 1826, d. May 23, 1862, Rev. Moses H. Wells, of Hins. m. May 17, 1747, Mary A. Johnson, of Edwin H., Oct. 25, 1833, m. April 23, Nfd. 1863, Bessie McCarty, at Boonville, Mo. William M., Dec. i, 1827, d. March 26, Julia E., Sept. 20, 1836, d. Sept. 25, 1863. 1861, m. Dec. II, 1856, EUenor J. Henry M., April 21, 1838, m. Nancy Mc- Guion. Carty, at Boonsfield, Mo. TEMPLE, Parmenas, 1806-15; ^^"^- ^° Ber.; was of Palermo, N. Y., 1838. He m. Hannah, dau. John Caldwell. Ch.: Daniel W., Aug. 31, 1809. TEMPLETON, Thomas. He m. Sally . Ch. : Thomas Green, Nov. 14, 1821. THURSTON, John. He m. Lydia . Ch.: Miranda, Sept. 19, 1813, d. young. Wesson, Nov. 14, 1816. THURSTON, John; captain; tavern keeper; from Fitchburg ; rem. to Milton, N. H., 1837; d. 1855. He m. Elizabeth Dascom, who d. in Lunenburg, June 9, 1873. Ch.: Mary E., 1834. Family Genealogies. 557 TIFFANY, Edward L., 1770; Rev. sol.; ferryman; d. May 15, 1819. He m. Feb. 13, 1770, Mary, dau. John MofFat. Ck. : Resign, Aug. 30, 1771, d. Dec. 12, William, July 8, 1781, d. March 11, 1782. 1817. Betsey, Feb. 2, 1784, d. unm. John, Aug. II, 1773, m. Dec. 12, 1795, Mary, July 11, 1786, d. Sept. 15, 1787. Katherine Field. She m. (2), Feb. 26, William, July 15, 1788, d. March 7, 1803. 1801, John Robbins. Frederick, July 2, 1790; sett, in Michigan. Edward, July 7, 1775, m. Sept. 11, 1800, Harry, Nov. 24, 1792, m. Feb. 6, 1820, Sally Richards. Sophia Mallory. Asa, Jan. 15, 1778, d. unm. March 2, 1861. Horace, Oct. 17, 1794. Isaiah, Sept. 30, 1779. TILDEN, Stephen, 1818; rem. to Orange. He m. June 23, 1819, Susanna, dau. Levi Merriman. (2), widow Clark. Ch. : Nathaniel J., Aug. 31, 1819. Marciann, June 26, 1832, m. prob. Adam Caroline A., Feb. 18, 1823. Torrey. Levi M., Feb. 27, 1826. TIMSON, Robert, 1803. TIMSON, Thomas, 1802; d. Sept. 27, 1832. He m. Lucretia Stimson. Ck. : John, d. Nov. 24, 1832. TODD, Samuel, 1775-93. TORREY, Adam, 18 14; prob. m. Marciann Tilden. TOWN, Elijah, 1772-5 ; under Capt. Thomas Alexander, in expedition to Quebec, 1776. TOWN, Samuel, 1781. TRESCOTT, Savage, 1763. TRIPP, Robert, 1800; from Freetown, R. I. He m. Jane . C/i. : Robert, b. at Freetown, d. Sept. 20, Robert, June 10, 1806, m. Patty Merriman. 1802, a. 8. Lurana, Feb. 3, 1809. Thomas, Sept. 15, 1800. William. Betsey, May 31, 1803. Debora. TUBES, Isaac, 1797. TURNER, Ishmael ; Rev. sol. 1776; an African slave, owned by Esq. Seth Field. TURNER, Marcus, 18 17. TURNER, Zadock; a Rev. soldier; d. Feb. 11, 1828. TWICHELL, David; from Fitzwilliam, or Swanzey, N. H. He m. Persis . Ch. : Joanna, June 26, 1822, at Swanzey, Persis, Sept. 16, 1827, m. — Martin, of N. H. Chesterfield, N. H. Sarah, Oct. 21, 1824. Daniel, April 19, 1830 j rem. to New York David N., July 8, 1825 ; rem. to N. York. State. 558 History of Northjield. VOSE, Solomon; H. C, 1787; lawyer; Nfd., 1796; U. S. assessor, 1798; rep.; first P. M. in Nfd., 1798; rem. to Augusta, Me.; d. 1809. He m. Eliza Putnam. Ch. : Rufus C, June 24, 1798. Richard H., Nov. 8, 1803. George H., Oct. 25, 1801. VOSE, or VORCE, William, 1781; Rev. sol.; at West Point, 1780. WAIT, Elmer, 1813. He m. Betsey . Ch.: Lucretia, Oct. 12, 1811. Elmer P., Jan. 4, 1822. Phineas W., Feb. 28, 181 3. Armory W., Oct. 15, 1824. Asa W., Aug. 12, 1816. Waldo F., Oct. 2, 1826. 1. WALBRIDGE, Henry; Norwich, Ct.; d. July 25, 1729. He m. Anna . Ch. : Anna, March 8, 1702. Margaret, Sept. 11, 1711. Ebenezer, May 15, 1705 (2). 2. Ebenezer, s. of Henry (i), b. 1705. He m. Dec. 2, 1730, Mary Durkee, who d. May 9, 1749. C^)' ^^^* 16, 1749, Elizabeth Hyde. Ch. : Mary, March 5, 1732. Anna, Nov. 29, 1746, d. Feb. 17, 1752. Margaret, Jan. 26, 1734, d. June 2, 1736. Gustavus, Aug. 6, 1750, d. Dec. 26, 1751. Susanna, May 1 1, 1736. Hezekiah, Nov. 26, I75i,d. Dec. 16, 1751. Ebenezer, Dec. 20, 1738 (3). Elizabeth, 1752. Rhoda, July 14, 1741. Gustavus, Oct. 4, 1755. Henry; ord. sergt. at battle of Bennington, vifhere he was killed, Aug. 16, 1777. 3. Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer (2), b. 1738; sol. in French and Indian war; carpenter; Nfd., 1760; worked upon the meetinghouse there, 1763-5; rem. to Bennington, 1768 or 9; lieut. in Col. Warner's regt. of "Green Mountain boys," in expedition to Canada, 1776; March 3, 1776, was adjutant of the regt. before Quebec; served as adjt. at the battle of Bennington; col. of the Bennington reg., 1780; was in active service at several periods during the war; brig. gen. of Vermont militia; commanded the Vermont troops called out to resist the forces, sent by New York to maintain her jurisdiction over the " New Hampshire Grants;" rep. 2 years; state counsellor, 8 years; an enterprising business man, he built the first paper mill in Vermont. Stebbins D. Wal- bridge, of North Bennington, in a letter giving his recollections of his grand- father, says : " Gen. Ebenezer Walbridge, at the age of 80, was one of the most venerable looking men I ever saw ; dressed in short breeches, long stock- ings, silver shoe buckles, three cornered hat, silk waistcoat; and with an eagle eye, which never cowered before men, he constituted a figure, and presence, not often seen in those days. I often rode out with him in his carriage about our town, where he was always saluted by his tide, and always saluted every one with a grace, that commanded respect from all." He d. Oct. 3, 1819. He m. Feb. 9, 1762, Elizabeth, dau. Joseph Stebbins. She d. Sept. 24, 1822, a. 86. Ch. : Henry, Aug. 22, 1762, m. Mary Susanna, Sept. 15, 1765, m. Gad Chapin ; Hopkins; sett, in central New York. had 16 ch. ; d. in Penn., 1820. Gustavus, Oct. 27, 1763, m. Clara Dewey. Rodolphus, March 9, 1767, m. Polly Dem- (2), Rhoda Rutenber. ming ; sett, in Lansingburg, N. Y. Rodolphus, Oct. 27, 1763. Sarah, Dec. 28, 1768, d. May i, 1770. Family Genealogies. 559 Stebbins, Aug. lo, 1770 (4). Sarah, Dec. 26, 1771, d. June 23, 1781. Betsey, Oct. 16, 1773, m. Chauncey Hop- kins. Ebenezer W., Oct. 27, 1779, ^- ^^''y Mor- gan. (2), Mrs. Martha Woodward ; grad. W. C. N. Y lawyer ; sett, in Lansingburg, d. 1856. 4. Stebbins, s. of Ebenezer (3), b. 1770; Bennington. He m. Oct. 18, 1796, Betsey, dau. Seth Denio, from Greenfield Ch : Sophia, m. John Winnie, of Albany. Charlotte "V. ; res. in Albany Betsey, m. Ziel Hicks. Stebbins D., m. Harriet Hicks. George, m. Mary A. Olin ; sett, in N. York city. Fanny, m. Joseph N. Hinsdell, of N. York city. Ebenezer, d. in infancy. Ebenezer S., m. Mary A. Hicks. W.4LCOTT, John. He m. Lydia . Ch. : Nathaniel, Oct. 12, 1806. WARD, Samuel, 181 5. WARE, Pliny, 1802. 1. WARNER, Andrew; Cambridge, 1632; Hart., 1639; withdrew from 1st church there, March 12, 1656; an engager for Hadley, April 18, 1659, and one of her first settlers; d. Dec. 18, 1684. First wife unknown. He m. (2), Esther, wid. of Thomas Selden, who d. 1693. Ch. : Order of birth unknown ; Mary, m. Isaac, about 1645 (s)- 1645, John Steel. (2), William Hills. Jacob, m. Rebecca — . (2), Elizabeth, dau. Robert, m. 1654, Elizabeth Grant. (2), Richard Goodman. Mrs. Deliverance Rockwell; he d. in Ruth; admonished, and fined, Jan., 1677, Middletown, Ct., April 10, 1689. Andrew, m. Rebecca Fletcher ; d. in Mid- dletown, Jan. 26, 1 68 1. Daniel, about 1643 (2). for wearing silk contrary to law ; or Daniel Pratt. John, of Middletown. John, 1682; 2. Daniel, s. of Andrew (1); lieutenant; Hfd.; grantee of Nfd. and there at the Second Settlement; d. at Hfd., April 30, 1692. He m. Mary , who d. Sept. 19, 1672. (2), April i, 1674, Martha, dau. Robert Boltwood. She d. Sept. 22, 17 10. Ck. : Mary, Feb. 24, 1663. Daniel, m. Dec. 12, 1688, Mary Hubbard, lived in Hart., and Hardwick. Sarah, Jan. 24, 1667, m. Nov. 25, 1685, Isaac Sheldon, of Nhn. ; a petitioner, 1671. Andrew. Anna, Nov. 17, 1669, m. Isaac Hubbard. Mary, Sept. 19, 1672, per. m. Samuel Shel- don. Hannah, Jan. 24, 1675, m. Oct. 14, 1696, Samuel Ingram. •John, April, 1677; rem. to Wfd., where he d. 1714. 3. Isaac, s. of Andrew (i), b. 1645 ; Nfd. at the Second Settlement; d. at Deerfield, 1690 or 91. He m. May 31, 1666, Sarah, dau. Robert Boltwood. She m. (2), Dec. 30, 1696, Dea. John Loomis, of Windsor. Ck. : Sarah, May 2, 1668, m. — French, Isaac, Jan. 13, 1670 (4). per. Jona., of Nhn. Mary, Jan. 6, 1672, m. Samuel Crowfoot. Abraham, Dec. 20, 1678. Samuel, April 13, 1680, m. May i, 1715, Hannah Sackett. Ebenezer, Nov. 5, 1681, m. Dec. 15, 1709, Ruth Ely ; lived in Belchertown. Mehitable, Oct. i, 1683, m. Jan. 21, 1803, Preserved Clapp. Elizabeth, m. Dec. 25, 1705, Thomas Wells, of Haddam, Ct. Esther, Dec. 15, 1686, m. June 26, 1707, Samuel Henry, or Harvey. Martha, April 3, 1688, d. Nov. 25, 1689. Nathaniel, Oct. 15, 1690. 560 History of Northfield. Andrew, Feb. 24, 1673 ; per. rem. to Say. Ruth, Oct. 18, 1682. brook, Ct. Mercy, Sept. 25, 1685, m. Samuel Gilbert, Hannah, Nov. 14, 1674. of Hebron, Ct. Ebenezer, 1676 (5J. Icha bod ; sett, in Mansfield, Ct. Daniel, Feb. 25, 1677 ; of Dfd., 1702; m. Lydia, m. Dec. 8, 1698, Joseph Brooks, of April 13, 1704, Sarah Golden. Dfd. and Nfd. Samuel, March 14, 1681, m. Nov. 8, 1702, Thankful, m. — Loomis. Sarah, dau. Samuel Field j he was then of Mehitable, m. 171 5, Samuel Hitchcock, of Springfield. Springfield. 4. Isaac, s. of Isaac (3), b. 1670; Nfd. at the Third Settlement; d, Sept. 8, 1754. He m. Jan. 24, 1694, Hope, dau. Timothy Nash. Ck. : Isaac, Nov. 12, 1694, d. Feb. 18, Israel, Dec. I, 1703; sol. 1758; d. unm. 171 1. in Nfd., Nov. 12, 1772. Daniel, Oct. 10, 1697, d. April 7, 1698. Ruth, Feb. 14, 1706, d. young. Sarah, April 3, 1699. Ebenezer, Jan. 26, 1709 (6). Rebecca, Sept. 5, 1701. Ruth, July 13, 171 3. 5. Ebenezer, s. of Isaac (3), b. 1676; sett, in Dfd.; cap., with all his family, Feb. 29, 1704; he was carried to Canada, but was redeemed; alive, 1748. He m. Jan. 5, 1698-9, Waitstill, dau. William Smead. She was killed on the march to Canada. Ch. : Samuel, Nov. 26, 1699; carried to Waitstill, Nov. 6, 1701 ; never returned. Canada, but returned. 6. Ebenezer, s. of Isaac (4), b. 1709; d. Oct. 20, 1768. He m. Lydia, dau. Joseph Brooks. She d. Sept. 25, 1793, a. 87. Ch. : Lydia, Feb. 21, 1742-3, m. Nov. 9, Ebenezer, Dec. 7, 1744. 1775, Amaziah Robberts. Samuel, July 6, 1748 (7). 7. Samuel, s. of Ebenezer (6), b. 1748 ; rem. to Greenfield. He m. Aug. 19, 1775, Abigail, dau. Pedajah Field. Ch. : Ebenezer, bapt. Nov. 17, 1776. Electa, bapt. March 7, 1788. Samuel, bapt. Aug. 9, 1778. Phila, bapt. Feb. 9, 1791. Lydia, bapt. July 23, 1780. Amaziah R., bapt. July 28, 1793. Sarah and Mary, twins, bapt. July 3, 1785. 1. WARRINER, William; Spfd., 1638; d. June 2, 1676. He m. July 31, 1639, Joanna Seatl. who d. Feb. 7, 1661. (2), Oct. 2, ^>\ • 1661, Elizabeth, wid. of John Hitchcock. She m. (3), Joseph Baldwin, of Hadley. She d. April 25, 1696. Ch. : James, Jan. 21, 1641, m. 1664, Eli- Hannah, Aug. 17, 1643, '"• Nov. i, 1660, zabeth Baldwin, of Hadley. Thomas Noble, of Westfield. Joseph, Feb. 6, X645 (2). 2. Joseph, s. of William (i), b. 1645; Had.; Nfd. at the Second Settle- ment; rem. to Enfield, Ct., 1691; d. 1697. He m. Nov. 25, 1668, Mary, dau. Richard Montague. She d. July 22, 1689, a. 47. (2), July 12, 1 69 1, Sarah, wid. of Daniel Collins. She m. (2), Obadiah Abbee. Ch. : Mary, Nov. 17, 1669, m. 1691, Zach- Joseph, Jan. 6, 1672 ; sett, in Enfield, Ct. eriah Booth. Hannah, Sept. 10, 1674, m. 1 691, Robert Joseph, Jan. 16, 1671, d. Nov. i, 1672. Pease, Jr. Family Genealogies. 561 Ebenezer, Jan. 1 8, 1676; sett, in Enfield. Elizabeth, Sept. 30, 1686. Dorcas, June 27, 1678. Abigail, ") May 4, Abigail, Aug. 23, 1680, d. July 21, 1689. Mary, J 1692. Joanna, Nov. 8, 1682, m. 1708, Thomas Colton. 1. WATRISS, WATROUS, prob. originally WATERS, Oliver; black- smith; from Ct. ; Nfd., 1769; Rev. sol ; was at the sur. of Burgoyne; d. July 22, 1825. He m. Aug. 30, 1772, Rhoda, dau Phineas Wright. She d. Nov. 16, 1773, a. 25. (2), Lucy, dau. Ebenezer Field. She d. June 9, 1812, a. 60. Ch.: Infant, d. 1773. Richard, Nov. 12, 1779, d. Dec. 13, 1779. Lucy, June i, 1775, d. Nov. 28, 1791. Richard, May 10, 1782 (2). Rhoda, bapt. Aug. 13, 1776, d. young. Harris, Dec. 21, 1783 (3). Rhoda, July 28, 1777, m. Sept. 10, 1795, Oliver, March 10, 1790. Simeon Boyden, of Boston. 2. Richard, s. of Oliver (i), b. 1782; d. Nov. 23, 1859. He m. Fanny, dau. Reuben Smith. She d. Sept. 12, 1864, a. 65. Ch. : Elijah Williams, Dec. 11, 1816, d. unm. June 28, 1868. 3. Harris, s. of Oliver (1), b. 1783 ; d. May 22, 18 I 7. He m. Oct. 28, 1805, Hannah, dau. Jabez Whiting; she became blind ; d. Sept. 8, 1870, a. 84. Ch. : William, Dec. 8, 1805 ; rem. to Cam- Oliver, Feb. 14, 1813, m. Sarah Gregory ; bridge. rem. to Cambridge. George, Oct. 14, 1807 ; of California. Charles, at Boston Dec. 4, 1814; tailor; Maria, March 11, 1810, m. John Torrey, res. in Boston; m. — Williams. of Eastern. WATRISS, Sylvanus; from New Windsor; Rev. sol., 1779. He m. Rhoda, dau; Seth Field. Ch.: Asa, June 10, 1781. Patty, bapt. Feb. 4, 1787. Henry, Oct. I, 1782. WATRISS, Philomelia, b. Feb. 6, 1775. She m. April 2, 1801, Samuel Hunt. WATRISS, William, 1788-9. WATTON, John, 1799; b. in Watton Edge, Eng., 1761 ; ran away, and became cabin boy ; his vessel was captured by an American cruiser, and he was imprisoned in Taunton jail; befriended by the jailor, he was apprenticed to a nail maker; enlisted in the Rev. army, and was at the surrender of Bur- goyne; sett, in Nfd., after the war; d. Dec. 12, 1824. He m. Laura Smith. (2), wid. Elizabeth (Bigeloe) Green, who d. April 7, 1831, a. 71. Ch.: John, who became a sailor. Hannah K., Dec. 16, 1797, m. Jan. 2, Thomas, m. Betty Haskins; rem. to Ohio, 1817, Mark Woodward. after 18 12. Wright, July 10, 1799, m. May 20, 1822, Mary, m. Oliver Gould. Laticia F. Gould ; sett, in Ware. Lucinda, m. Jabez French, of Nhn, Sally, June 29, 1801, d. Aug. 29, 1803 j Charles ; a sol. in the Mexican war ; went buried the day of the " Seven Funerals." to Canada. Hiram B., March 21, 1805, m. Oct. 23, 525, Laura (Stratton) Peabody. 71 562 History of Northfield. WEBB, Ebenezer, 1729; from Spfd. He m. Miriam . Ck.: Jerusha, Nov. 5, 1739. Ebenezer, Feb. 12, 1743-4, John, Jan. 2, 1741-2. WEBSTER, AsAHEL ; from Gfd. ; prob. lived in Gill. He m. Hannah . Ch.: Hannah, bapt. May 25, 1766. Jona., bapt. June 12, 1775. William, bapt. July 3, 1768. Geo. P., bapt. May 8, 1783. Lucy, bapt. July 21, 1771. Chester, bapt. Feb. 15, 1786. WEBSTER, George, 1807. 1. WEBSTER, John; Hart., 16^7; rep., 1637; mag., 1639;, 1651; ; commissioner for the United Colonies ; and gov., 1656. He took sides with Rev. John Russell, in the church troubles which led to the settlement of Hadley, in 1659, to which place he rem.; d. April, 1661. He m. Agnes. Date or order of birth of children unknown. Ch. : Mary, m. Hunt, prob. John, in Eng. dletown to Hart., about 1659, where he She d., leaving Jonathan and Mary, June was rep. 1659 ; lieut. in Philip's war; d. 25, 1659. before May, 1677. Mathew ; sett, in Farmington j d. July 16, Elizabeth, m. about 1658, William Mark- 1655. ham, of Had. Anne, m. John Marsh, of Had., and d. June Thomas (2). 9, 1662. William, m. Feb. 17, 1670, Mary, dau. Robert, m. about 1652, Susanna, dau. Rich- Thomas Reeve, of Spfd.; he d. 1688. ard Treat, of Wfd. ; he rem. from Mid- 2. Thomas, s. of John (1); Nhn.; rem. to Nfd., 1673; retired to Hadley at the breaking up, 1675, but returned at the Second Settlement, 1685; d. 1686. He m. June 16, 1663, Abigail, dau. George Alexander, of Nhn. She d. before March, i6go. Ch. : Abigail, Jan. 9, 1668, d. in infancy. Elizabeth, Nov. 26, 1676. Abigail, Jan. 10, 1669. Thankful, Jan. 12, 1679, m. Dec. 12,1700, George, Nov. 7, 1670, m. 1 696, Sarah Bliss, John Bascom, of Nhn., who rem. to of Spfd. ; of Lebanon, Ct, 1705. Lebanon about 1729, and d. June 27, John, Feb. 26, 1672 ; a first settler in Leb- 1755. anon. Mary, May 25, 1 68 1. 1. WEBSTER, Stephen, 1805; from Ben; d. Feb. 4, 1818, a. 89. 3d wife, Paiience, d. Aug. 1, 1809. Ch. : Ezekiel, b. about 1757 (2). 2. EzEKiEL, s. of Stephen (i), b. 1757; rep. 3 years; blacksmith; from Dfd., 1782; d. Feb. 9, 1839. He m. Lois Norton, b. May 1, 1759, <^- J'^'')' 2'» 1831. (2), May 23, 1832, Hannah, wid. of John Holton. Ch. : Melenda, Sept. 6, 1783, d. March 25, Arad, June 9, 1790, d. June 27, 1790. 181 1. Susa, Aug. 6, 1792, m. Feb. 3, 1814, Henry Sophia, Oct. 29, 1785, m. Thomas Mason, Holton. of Cambridge. Arad, Jan. 25, 1795 (3). Ezekiel, Jan. 19, 1788 ; H. C, 1812 ; m. Lois, Nov. 4, 1797, m. Nov. 8, 1820, Lewis Elizabeth Gushing, of Fitchburg, who d. Taylor, of Hinsdale. April 28, 1850, a. 60. He d. June 26, Rebecca, Sept. 28, 1800, m. May 25, 1823, 1845. Stephen B. Williams, of Warwick. Family Genealogies. 563 3 Arad, s. of Ezekiel (2), b. 1795; d. 1872. He m. 1830, Lucy, dau. Joseph Williams, of Warwick. She d, Dec. 14, 1863, a. 60. Ch.: Lewis T., April 27, 1832 j merchant; Ellen M.June 18, 1836, m. March 5, 1862, P. M. ; m. Oct. 5, 1854, Mary A., dau. Alexander Brown, of Vernon. Franklin Lord. Charles E., Feb. 27, 1839. Lois S., May 4, 1833, m. Oct. 10, i860, Henry W., July 26, 1841, m. March I, Charles W. Hastings, of Orange. - 18 65, Amanda Smith. ^ Lucy M., Oct. 14, 1848. WEEKS, Thomas, 173 1-7. He m. Hannah . Ch.: Eunice, Aug. 15, 1737. Prob. John. WEEKS, Uriah ; sol. in Capt. Thomas Alexander's co., in expedition to Canada, 1776; d. Dec. 19, 1837. He m. Susa . Ch.: Uriah, June 21, 1808. John, July 10, 1810. WEEKS, William; prob. s. of William, of Dorchester; Nfd., at the Third Settlement. WELLS, Cephas, i 802-4. WELLS, Solomon, 1797-1804. WELLS, Thomas, 1723; cordwainer; soon ret. to Deerfield. WHEELER, Barzillai, 1808-1814; run a distillery. WHEELER, Henry, 1789. WHEELOCK, James, 1793. WHIPPLE, Joseph, 1763. WHITCOMB, Reuben, 1789-90. WHITCOMB, Robert, 1789-91; Rev. sol., 1781. He m. May 10, 1791, Lois Hill. WHITE, Abigail; m. about 1785, Asa Robbins. WHITE, Ebenezer; jeweller ; Nfd., 1781 to 1801. He m. Olive . Ch.: Nancy, Jan. 25, 1780. Susa, bapt. Nov. 4, 1792. Ivory, Oct. 5, 1782. Pearly, bapt. June 29, 1793. Josiah, Oct. 9, 1785. Infant, d. March 6, 1799. Jephthat, bapt. June 8, 1788. WHITE, James, 1814; s. of Asaph, of Heath, b. March 9, 1781: clothier; state senator three years; d. Nov. 5, 1858. He m. June 20, 1803, Polly Wilder, who d. June 28, 1820, a. 47. (2) Oct. 1 1, 1821, Hannah Draper, of Gfd., who d. Dec. 24, 1868, a. 76. Ch. : Phidelia, Sept. 28, 1804, d. unm. Josephine, Jan. 12, 1810, d. unm. Feb. 22 May 3, 1872. 1857. Caroline, Sept. 13, 1806, m. Jan. 8, 1833, Edmund B., Jan, 12, 1813, d. Jan. 26 Porter Cowles, of Amherst. 181 3. Diana, Feb. 27, 1808, d. unm. Dec. 30, Marshall, Aug. 17, 1816, d. July 19, 1822. 1838. [Amos, in Toivn rec.^ Julia, May 18, 1823. 564 History of Northfield. WHITE, JosiAH, 1789-1810; rem. to Nhn. WHITE, William; "rem. from Ber. to Nfd., March 26, 1756, in the afternoon;" d. in Hadley, Dec. 30, 1810, a. 78. He m. Jan. 28, 1757, Lydia, dau. Eleazer Patterson. (2), Nov. 14, 1765, Martha Chapin, of Springfield. Ch. : Giles, bapt. Feb. 26, 1758, m. Sarah Mary. Dodd j rem. to CobleskiU, N. Y. William. Lydia, bapt. Oct. 5, 1766. Samuel. Sarah. Gad. WHITHEAD, Gad, 1814. He m. Thankful . Ck. : Lucinda, June 20, 1815. Cynthia, m. Elisha Alexander. Franklin, Feb. 16, 1818. Thankful, m. Frederick Alexander. 1. WHITING, William; Dover; b. Jan. 11, 1726, d. Feb. 10, 1814. He m. Hannah, dau. Caleb Ellis. She d. Nov. 28, 1813-, a. 77. Ch. : Caleb, Nov. 18, 1754. Julia, May i, 1777, m. — Allen, of Dover. Jabez, Jan. 11, 1758 (2). Enoch, July 18, 1 78 1 ; sett, in Amherst j d. Ellis, Sept. 29, 1760; sett, in Amherst. at St. Albans, Vt. Hannah, April 10, 1768, m. Nathaniel Draper, of Hartford. 2. Jabez, s. of William (1), b. 1758; tanner; rem. from Warwick to Nfd., 1797; d. Oct. 6, 1834. He m. Oct. 26, 1779, Rebecca, dau. Abner Ellis, of Dedham. She d. July I, 1 84 1, a. 80. Ch.: Jabez, Nov. 4, 1780, m. July 30, Abner E., Feb. 7, 1789. 1819, Lucy Harwood. Harriet, Sept. 23, 1796, d. Aug. 18, 1810. Rebecca, Jan. 26, 1783, m. June 9, 1811, Mary G., May 20, 1798, m. Oct. 16, 1821, Elihu Mattoon, and d. Aug. 8, 1870. Jonathan Belcher. Betsey, Aug. 12, 1784, m. Feb. x, 1802, George, March 13, 1802, m. Mary Roe. Josiah D. Lyman. Anne, March 7, 1806, d. Feb. 22, 1823. Hannah, Nov 14, 1786, m. Oct. 28, 1805, Harris Watriss. I. WHITNEY, Aaron, s. of Moses, of Littleton; b. 1714; H. C, 1737; ordained minister to the "Plantation at Nichewang," now Petersham, Dec, 1738. Mr. Whitney was a strong tory, while the. town of Petersham was ardently whig, and at the opening of the revolution, voted that they would "not bargain with him, nor employ, the Rev. Mr. Whitney, to preach for them any longer." Mr. Whitney, however, persisted in preaching, and when kept from entering the pulpit, by an armed guard, he preached at his own house to such as would come, until his death in 1779. Hem. July 12, 1739, Al'<^e Baker, of Phillipston. She d. Aug. 26, 1767. (2), Ruth, wid. of Rev. Daniel Stearns, of Lunenburg. She was of Nfd., 1780, but d. at Keene, N. H., Nov. i, 1788. Ch. : Abel, 1740, d. at H. C, March 15, Alice, m. Ensign Man; H. C, 1746; a 1756. teacher, in Petersham. Peter, Sept. 6, 1744; H. C, 1762 ; ordained Lucy, m. Dr. Samuel Kendall, of New Sa- minister of Northborough, Nov. 4, 1767; lem. She d. at Western, 1784. author History of Worcester County ^ d. Paul; H. C, 1772; doctor; sett, in Wfd.; 1816. d. 1795. Charles; sett, in Phillipston. Abel, March 15, 1756, the same day his br. Aaron (2). Abel died in Cambridge; merchant; sett. in Wfd.; d. 1807. Family Genealogies. 565 2. Aaron, s. of Aaron (l); Esq.; merchant; Nfd., 1768; rep. 3 years; d. April 29, 1790. He m. Sept. 23, 1772, Hannah Willard, of Winch., who d. Feb. 1, 1784, ^- 35- (2), 1785, Hannah, prob. Belding, dau. Stephen, of Winch. She m. (2), before June 8, 1794, Asahel Pomroy, of Nhn. Ch. : Aaron S., Aug. 27, 1773. David S., Dec. 24, 1783, d. Nov. 20, 1785. Sally B., Feb. 28, 1775. Susanna W., Sept. 17, 1785, d. Jan. 17, Kannah, March 24, 1777. 1786. William H., Jan. 22, 1779. Susanna W., bapt. Dec. 17, 1786. Nahum H., Aug. 15, 1781. David S., Aug. 22, 1788. WIER, WIRE, Samuel, 1766; rem. to Walpole, N. H., 1784. WIER, Thomas. He m. Mary . C/4. ; John, April 6, 1744; of Walpole, 1 79 1. WILDER, Charles; from Wendell, 1814. He m. Nancy, dau. William Lawrence. CA. : Sarah L., May 30, 1824. Charles M., March 20, 1828, d. young. Charles, Dec, 1826, d. March 8, 1827. Nancy. WILDER, Willard. He m. Susanna . CA. : Hubbard, bapt. April 12, 1761. 1. WILDS, Samuel, s. of Barnard, of Leverett; b. Feb. 21, 1761. He m. Emma Johnson, b. May 8, 1762. CA. : Earl, Feb. 3, 1791 (2). Amila, May 21, 1797, m. Dec. 22, 1822, Mendall, Dec. 20, 1792. Lyman Gunn. Crusa, April 29, 1795, m. Aaron Howard. Israel, Nov. 27, 1799, m. Lucy Crocker. Infant, March 6, 1802. 2. Earl, s. of Samuel (1), b. 1791 ; from Leverett, 1820. He m. June 11, 1819, Cynthia, dau. Stephen Gunn, of Sund. Shed. Dec. 2, 1855, a. 63. (2), Sept., 1856, widow Melinda (Ball) Cowles, of Amherst. She d. June 18, 1868, a. 68. C/i. ; Samuel J., April 20, 1820, d. Oct. Stephen G., Dec. 16, 1826, m. July 6, 1848, 13, 1824. Sarah, dau. Jesse Knights. Cynthia R., March 10, 1822, m. Jonathan Sarah P., April 30, 1830, m. William F. Crouch. Caldwell. Earl L., Feb. i, 1825, d. Nov. 2, 1825. WILURT, John, 1808-10. WILLIAMS, Benjamin, 1772. WILLIAMS, Charles, taxed, 1717. WILLIAMS, Charles, 1790-97. He m. Aug. 29, 1793, Clarinda Slate, of Greenfield. WILLIAMS, John, 1788. WILLIAMS, John C, 1775. He m. 1770, Lois, dau. Obadiah Dickinson, WILLIAMS, Stephen B. ; from Warwick. He m. May 25, 1823, Rebecca Webster; rem. to Hoosick. 566 History of Northfieid. WILLIS, John. He m. July 6, 1781, Sarah Flagg. WILSON, Ebenezer, 1800. WILSON, Ephraim, 1797. WILSON, John, 1764. WINCHESTER, Amaziah, 1801. WING, Samuel, 1765. WINTHROP, Charles, 1805. WOOD, Amasa, 1789. WOOD, Barzillai, b, 1754; Nfd., 1773; sol. at West Point, 1780; d. Dec, 1831. He m. Jan. 3, 1774, Mary Shattuck, who d. March 22, I78i,a. 30. (2), April I, 1782, Anna Woodbury, Jr. Ch.: Polly, March 15, 1778. Philena, Sept. 4, 1791, m. Feb. 22, 1812, Sally, Jan. 22, 1784, m. Jan. 8, 1801, David Levi Sprague. Wright. Ezekiel, Jan. 9, 1794, m. Dec. 6, 1821, Ira, Oct. 9, 1785, m. Feb. 28, 1804, Sally Almira Merriman. Barton, who was a wid. Sept. 6, 1805. Lucy, Feb. 27, 1798, m. George Nettleton. Roxiana, Dec. 15, 1787, m. June 8, 1807, Lucretia, Aug. 5, 1800, m. Edward Nettle- Abijah Moody. (2), Gushing Lincoln. ton. Loving, Jan. 20, 1805. WOODS, Dinah; she m. July 5, 1759, Asa Taylor. WOOD, Samuel, 1797. He m. Lucy . Ch. : Seth, Sept. 14, 1805 ; rem. to Gfd. Samuel, Nov. 13, 1815. Mary, April 21, 1808, m. Alonzo Stratton. Harriet, July 5, 1822. Esther, June 11, 1 8 14. WOODBRIDGE, Joshua L. ; owned home lot, 1786-7. 1. WOODWARD, Henry; from England in the "James," Capt. Taylor, 1635 ; Dorchester, 1639 ; Nhn., 1659, where he was one of the founders of the church ; killed by lightning, April 7, 1683. He m. Elizabeth, who d. Aug. 16, 1690. I CA. : Experience, m. Nov. i, 1661, Medad Thankful, m. Nov. 18, 1662, Jont Taylor. Pomroy. John (2). Freedom, bapt. 1642, m. Nov. 18, 1662, Jedediah Strong. 2. John, s. of Henry (i) ; from Nhn. to Nfd., 1685; a first sett, of Lebanon, Ct. He m. May 18, 1671, Hannah, dau. Thomas Dewey, of Windsor. CA.: Elizabeth, March 17, 1672. Henry, March 18, 1680. John, April 2, 1674, d. soon. Thomas, April 22, 1682. John, March 20, 1675 ; was a first sett, of Israel, Feb. 6, 1686; rem. to Wfd., about Lebanon, about 1700. I750> 3"^ later, to Lebanon. Samuel, March 20, 1676, d. Oct. 30, 1676. 1. WOODWARD, John; from Norwich, England; a sol. under Burgoyne, and cap. with him at Saratoga, Oct., 1777; was at Spencer, Oct. 18, 1781, when he enlisted into the American army for 3 years ; served at West Point Family Genealogies. 567 in Col. Smith's regt, of the Mass. line, and marched thence, through N. J. to Philadelphia. He also served in the 2d regt.. Col. Sprout. He was discharged by Gen. Knox, at West Point, Oct., 1783, and returned to Spencer; rem. to Nfd., some years after; d. April 5, 1839, a. 78. He m. May 5, 1784, Sally Drury, of Spencer, who d. May 7, 1859,3. 95. Ch.: Polly, 1787, m. May 8, 1808, Billy Joel, ~( d. 1803, and were both buried the Field. Hiram,/ day of the " Seven Funerals." Hannah, m. Dec. 4, 1809, Ebenezer Frank- Sally, Sept. 15, 1804, m. Sept. 15, 1824, lin, of Surray, N. H. Amos Elmer, of Ver. John, Feb. 27, 1791, m. Mary Reed, of Hiram, 1807 ; sett, in New Orleans, La., Wendell ; sett, in Troy, N. Y. where he d. Mark, Oct. 29, 1794 (2). 2. Mark, s. of John (1), b. 1794; sol. in war of 1812; d. Jan. 18, 1875. He m. Jan. 22, 1817, Hannah K., dau. John Watton. She d. April 15, 1871, a. 73. Ch. ; Hannah W., Sept. 28, i8i7,m. Jona- Samuel D., Dec.i, 1819, m. Eunice Brigham. than Lyman. She d. July 20, 1846. (2), Mary Sprague. WOODWARD, William G.; lawyer at Nfd., 1833-37; rem. to Iowa, where he was Judge of the Supreme Court. WOOLLY, Amasa, 1794. WOOLLY, John, 1765-74. 1. WRIGHT, Samuel, s. of Nathaniel, of London, Eng. ; dea. of Spfd., 1639; Nhn., 1655, or 6; he " d. while sleeping in his chair," Oct. 17, 1665. He m. in England, Margaret , who d. July 25, 1681. Ch. : Benjamin, 16275 Nhn., 1668; d. in rence Bliss. (2), Oct. 3, 1678, John Spfd., Oct. 24, 1704. Norton. (3), 1688, John Lamb. (4), Samuel, about 1629 (2). 1692, George Colton. She d. Feb. 13, Hester, about 1631, m. Feb. 18, 1651-2, 1699. Samuel Marshiield. Mary, about 1637. Margaret, about 1633, m. Dec. 8, 1653, James, about 1639(3). Thomas Bancroft. Judah, May 10, 1642 (4). Lydia, about 1635, m. Oct. 23, 1654, Lau- Helped, Sept. 15, 1644, d. young. 2. Samuel, s. of Samuel (1), b. about 1629; an Engager for Nfd., 1671; a settler, 1673; killed by Indians, Sept. 2, 1675. l_See ante, p. 73.] He m. Nov. 24, 1653, Elizabeth, dau. Henry Burt. She m. (2), Sept. 26, 1684, Nathaniel Dickinson, of Hatfield. Ch.: Samuel, Oct. 3, 1654 (5). Thomas Stebbins ; her mother and br. Joseph, June 2, 1657 (6). Ebenezer, were m. the same day. Benjamin, July 13, 1660 (7). Eliezer, Oct. 20, 1668 (9). Ebenezer, March 20, 1663 (8). Hannah, Feb. 27, 167 1. Elizabeth, July 31, 1666, m. Sept. 26, 1684, Benoni, Sept. 12, 1675 ; ten days after his father was killed (10). 3. James, s. of Samuel (i), b. about 1639; Nhn.; was in the Falls fight. May 19, 1676 ; d. 1723. He m. Jan. 18, 1665, Abigail, prob. dau. William Jess, of Spfd. She d. May 24, 1707. Ch.: Abigail, Dec. 20, 1665, d. young. James, Nov. 9, 1670, d. 1688. Helped, July 2, 1668, d. unm. Jan., 1745. Lydia, March 24, 1673, d. March 29, 1673. 568 History of Northfield. Samuel, May 16, 1675. Esther, Aug. 20, 1684, m. Jan. 27, 1703-4, Preserved, Jan. 6, 1679, m. May 5, 1710, Nathaniel Curtis, who d. Aug. 18, 1649. Sarah Hannum. Hannah, May 18, 1688, d. Sept., 1691. Jonathan, Dec. 19, 1681, m. Feb. 20, 1710, Experience Edwards. 4. JuDAH, s. of Samuel (i), b. 1642; Nhn. ; d. Nov. 26, 1725. He m. Jan. 8, 1667, Mercy, dau. Henry Burt. (2), July 1 1, 1706, Sarah, wid. of Richard Burk. She d. March 31, 1713. Ch. : Samuel, Nov. 6, 1667, d. Feb. 18, Ebenezer, Sept., 1679, Nhn.; m. Mary; 1668. was sergt., in the Meadow fight, Feb. 29, Mercy, March 14, 1669, m. Samuel Allen, 1704- grandfather of Ethan Allen. Thomas, April 8, 1682, d. s. p. Hester, Aug. 18, 1671, d. March 25, 1674. Patience, April 18, 1684, m. John Stebbins, Judah, Nov. 14, 1673, d. Dec. 25, 1673. of Springfield. Judah, May, 1677, m. Mary Hoyt ; sett, in Nathaniel, May 5, 1688 j Dfd. ; d. Nov. 7, Dfd.; ancestor of the Dfd. Wrights ; taken 171 1. cap. Feb. 29, 1704. ^ *^ \> 5. Samuel, s. of Samuel (2), Ift. 1654; carpenter; was wounded when his father was killed, at Nfd., 167©, and was carrying a bullet in his thigh, in consequence, in 1703; he was granted, that year, by the Gen. Court, a pen- sion of £10 per annum, for life; d. Nov. 29, 1734. He m. Jan. 3, 1678, Sarah, dau. of John Lyman. She d. April 4, 1733, a. 76. Ch.: Sarah, Dec. 20, 1678. Hannah, Feb. 6, 1689, m. Samuel Phelps. Samuel, May 16, 1682, m. Nov. 3, 1697, Stephen, m. Dec. 9, 1717, Esther Cook. Rebecca Sikes, of Springfield. Hezekiah, May 25, 1695, d. Sept. I, 1761. Dorcas, d. June 7, 1686. Keziah, Jan. 21, 1702. John, Aug. 9, 1687, m. Sept. 13, 1709, Sarah Clark. He d. Feb. 8, 1749. 6. Joseph, s. of Samuel (2), b, 1657; Nhn.; d. Feb. 16, 1697. He m. Nov. 6, 1679, Ruth, dau. Isaac Sheldon. She m. (2), Oct. 28, 1698, Samuel Strong. Ch.: Joseph, June 23, 1681, m. Miriam; James, Dec. 5, 1689, ^- young. sett, in Springfield. Mary, June, 1691. Samuel, Aug. 13, 1683, d. young. - Samuel, Aug. 13, 1693, m. Nov. 10, 1715, Ruth, Feb. 14, 1685, d. May 14, 1685. Lydia Marshall. Ruth, April 26, 1687, m. May 5, 1708, Benoni, Oct. 4, 1697, posthumous (11). Luke Noble. 7. Benjamin, s, of Samuel (2), b. 1660; captain; grantee of Nfd., 1682; a sett., 1685; returned again at the Third Setdement, and was very prominent in the affairs of the town; was a famous Indian fighter, and led several scouting pardcs towards Canada, scalp hunting; he d. 1743. He m. March 22, 1680, Thankful, dau. of Capt. John Taylor, of Nhn. She d. April 4, 1701, a. 37. (2), July 19, 1701, Mary Baker, of Spfd. Ch.: Benjamin, Feb. 26, 1681 (12). Mindwell, Oct., 1694, m. Dec. 24, 1713, Thankful, Nov. 13, 1683, d. Dec. 16, 1683. Stephen Belding. Remembrance, Jan. 26, 1685 (13). Daniel, April 15, 1697 (14). Thankful, May 23, 1687, m. Feb. 6, 1709, William, Nov. 26, 1702 (15). Nathaniel Woodruff. Mary, Sept. 7, 1704. Jacob; sett, in South Carolina. Experience, Dec. 9, 1706. 8. Ebenezer, s. of Samuel (2), b. 1663; deacon; grantee of Nfd., 1682; d. 1742. Family Genealogies. 569 He m. Sept. |6, 1684, Elizabeth, dau. Jedediah Strong, She d. Feb. 17, 1691. (2), Dec. 19, 1691, Hannah, dau. Jonathan Hunt. Ch. : Mary, d. Feb. 12, 1691. 12, 1721, Sarah Pomroy, who d. April 3, Experience, Aug. 20, 1692, d. young. 1777- Obadiah, July 26, 1693, m. Jan. 12, 1721, Clemence, Nov. 4, 1703. Harriet Southwell. Elisha, May, 1705. Experience, 1695, m. July 30, 1714, Nath. Elihu, May 6, 1708. Parsons. Mary, May 8, 171 1. Noah, Nov. 29, 1699; captain; m. Dec. 9. Eliezer, s. of Samuel (2), b. 1668; lieut. in Ralle's war; came to Nfd, with his father, at the Third Settlement; d. May 12, 1753. The following bill was recently found amongst the papers of Maj. Elijah Williams, who died at Dfd., 1772 ; it is given as one of the signs of the times. The MS. shows an accomplished penman: " To the Honourable Colonel Stodard Honoured Sir these are to inform you that I have done aparsall of work for your Honour and I should be glad if your Honour would be pleased to pay to my son the money yt is due for ye sd work yt is mentioned. to mending your old plough three times 00 — 06-^-00 to making you anew plough 00 — 06 — 00 to mending your new plough once 00 — 02 — 00 I have Received of Jeames Porter fiue shillings upon this accoumpt nomore att present. So I Remain your Humble Seruant Eliezer Wright Northfield October ye 1721." He m. Mary Pardee, who d. Aug. 16, 1746. Ch. : Eliezer, 1689 (16). Benoni, Nov. 26, 1702 (19). Hepzibah, Feb. 14, 1691, d. June, 1693. Martha, Dec. 8, 1704, m. Nathaniel Dick- Mary, Sept. 12, 1695, d. May 3, 1 7 14. inson, who was killed at Pauchaug Hill. Azariah, March 6, 1697 (17). Sarah, Jan. 10, 1707. Nehemiah, Jan., 1699 (18). Phineas, July 20, 1710 (20). Eldad, March 2, 1701 ; made ",bed lines, Mirriam, Feb. 10, 1715, d. June 3, 1726. and halters," and sold"" cheirs," 1720. 10. Benoni, s. of Samuel (2), b. 1675, ten days after his father was killed at Nfd.; sett, in Hfd. ; d. Aug. 7, 1702. He m. Rebecca, dau. Benjamin Barrett. She m. (2), 1706, Samuel Dickinson. Ch. : Rebecca, Oct. 9, 1700. Hannah, Jan. 23, 1702-3, posthumous. 11. Benoni, s. of Joseph (6), b. 1697; prob. d. in the army during the French war. He m. Martha, dau. Samuel Sheldon.. She d. Dec. 27, 1785, *a. 78. Ch.: Martha, Nov. 4, 1745, d. young. Martha, Nov. 16, 1748. Asaph, Nov. 8, 1746. Eunice, Jan. 26, 1752. 12. Benjamin, s. of Capt. Benjamin (7), b. 1682; his heirs were granted an island of 5 acres, above the mouth of Salmon Brook, April 22, 1731. He m. Nov. i8, 1702, Hannah Stebbins. Order of children's birth unkn. Ch.: Thankful. Rhoda, June 12, 1717, m. Oct. 31, 1737, Rachael, 1708, m. John Bement. Asa Childs, of Deerfield. Martha, m. Enoch Hall. 72 570 History of Northfield. 13. Remembrance, s. of Capt. Benjamin (7), b. 1685; Nfd. at the Third Settlement; d. Oct. 8, 1765. He m. Elizabeth, who d, June 30, 1769, a. 80. 737. Na Ch. : Lydia, Aug. 26, 1713, m. thaniel Dickinson, of Hatfield Remembrance, Nov. 22, 1715. Jemima, April 30, 1717. Abigail, April 27, 1719. Jacob, Nov. 10, 1721, d. same day. Esther, Nov. 2, 1722, d. Jan. 29, 1723 Benjamin, Jan. 27, 1724-5, killed by Indi- ans, Aug. II, 1746. [&c ante, p. 247.] Mary, Sept. 19, 1726, unm. 1764. Aaron, June 16, 1728 (21). David, April 23, 1731 (22). Reuben, May 26, 1733 (23). 14, Daniel, s. of Capt. Benjamin (7), b. 1697 ; Nfd. at the Third Settle- ment; had £5 15/. in 1736-7, for "sweeping the meetinghouse, and putting out the flag." He m. May 28, 1718, Margaret Judd, of Nhn. Ch. : Jacob, Feb. 8, 1722. Simeon, Jan. 25, 1726. Daniel, Nov. 6, 1724. 15. William, s. of Capt. Benjamin (7), b. 1702 early as 1729; d. Feb. 3, 1763. He m. Sarah . lieutenant : Nfd. as Ck. : Mary, — 26, 1736. William, April 3, 1738. Oliver, April 19, 1741 (24). Israel, Sept. 5, 1743. Tamer, June 29, 1746, d. young. Tamer, Sept. 2, 1747, d. young. Benjamin, Aug. 2, 1750. Tamer, Dec. 5, 1752. 16. Eliezer, s. of Eliezer (9), b. 1689; Nfd. at the Third Settlement ; lieut. 1723; alive Jan. 29, 1742. He m. Nov. 25, 1720, Abigail Hubbard. Ch.: Eliezer, Sept. 15, 1722, of Enfield, Charles, April 8, 1724. Ct., 1747-50. Josiah, Feb. 8, 1731-2. 17. AzARiAH, s. of Eliezer (9), b. 1697; wheelwright, and weaver; Nfd, at the Third Settlement; we find this entry in his memorandum book : "July 4, 1727, then I came to mine own house to inhabit ;" d. Oct. 17, 1772. He m. Jan. 27, 1726-7, Elizabeth, dau. of William Arms, of Dfd., and wid. of Ebenezer Field, the blacksmith, who had been shot by accident, 1723. \_See ante, p. 158.] She d. in a fit, Oct. i, 1772, a. jj. Ch. : Mary, Oct. 27, 1727, m. Dec, 1747, Gad Corse. Eldad, April 19, 1729, d. March 16, 1731-2. Lucy, March 2, 1730-31, d. Oct. 29, 1736. Eldad, March 16, 1731-2, d. Jan. 9, 1732-3. Eldad, Jan. 9, 1732-3 (25). Medad, Dec. 27, 1734, m. June 22, 1762, Irene Helton ; sett, in Westminster, Vt. Azubah, May 26, 1736, m. 1754, Thomas Alexander. Azariah, March 7, 1737-8; captain; he sett, in Westminster, where he proved himself an " Ethan Allen on a small scale," becoming famous for the part he took in the New Hampshire Grant trou- bles. A full account of the man can be found in Hall's " History of Eastern Ver- mont ;'''' he d. Aug. 27, 181 1 ; wife Mary d. Nov. 27, 1776, a. 34; wife Miriam d. Dec. 8, 1797, a. 55. Abner, 1 Oct. 29, "I (26). Lucy, J 1740, J m. Feb. 25, 1768, Ebe- nezer Harvey, his 2d wife. Family Genealogies. 571 18. Nehemiah, s. of Eliezer (9), b. 1699; cordwainer; town clerk, 1736; grantee of Paquaig, 1734. He m. Mary, dau. Samuel Sheldon. She d. a wid. Oct. 12, 1779, a. 71. Ch.: Seth, Oct. 18, 1734, d. Nov. 8, 1734. Miriam, Sept. 10, 1739, m. Oct. 6, 1762, Eunice, April 3, 1736, d. Aug. 21, 1746. Rev. Job. Wright, of Bernardston. Mary, March 28, 1737. * Seth, Sept. 30, 1743, d..Aug. 20, 1746. ••*' David, d. 1746. 19. Benoni, s. of Eliezer (9), b. 1702 ; sergeant, 1741 ; lieutenant, 1753; a garrison sol. at Nfd., 1722; a resident, 1724; of Fort Dummer, 1726; on the first board of selectmen, of Hins., 1753 ; d. Oct. 15, 1767. He m. March 31, 1724, Hannah, dau. Ebenezer Severance. Ch.: Ebenezer, July 5, 1725 ; sol. 1748-9; Zadock, April 7, 1736, m. Jan. 29, 1761, m. Nov. I, 1753, Mary Carew, of Spfd. Mary. Ashley, of Hmsdale. Moses, Jan. 10, 1726-7 (27). Ann, Feb. 21, 1737-8, d. April 28, 1748. Amasa, Sept. 20, 1729 (28). Ruth, Dec. 15, 1739, m. Samuel Stratton, Sarah, April 11, 1731, m. May 30, 1751, of Vernon. Hezekiah Elmer. ., •■ Hannah, Nov. 27, 1744, m. Nov. 5, 1767, Benoni, Nov. 22, 1733. " Asahel Jewell. Nathan, Jan. 15, 1746-7. 20. Phineas, s. of Eliezer (9), b. 17 10;, colonel; sch. master, 1772; rep., 1774; delegate to Provincial Congress, same year; d. Aug. 25, 1795. He m. Joanna, dau. Ebenezer Field, the blacksmith; b. at Dfd., 1717 ; d. April 4, 1798, a. 82. Ch. : Eliphas, Oct. 8, 1738 (29). Naomi, Oct. 29, 1746, m. Col. Thomas Katherine, Aug. 17, 1740, m. Sept. 24, Wells, of Greenfield. 1761, Reuben Smith. Rhoda, Nov. 6, 1748, m. Aug. 30, 1772, Joanna, Aug. 30, 1742, m. Oliver Watriss. Tabitha, Aug. 23, 1744, d. unm. Sept. 23, 1822. 2 1. Aaron, s. of Remembrance (13), b. 1728; sett, in Hinsdale. He m. Feb. 6, 1754, Anna Graves, of Hatfield. Ch. : Remembrance, bapt. Dec. 8, 1754 Anna, bapt. Dec. 27, 1761, m. June 10, (30). 1784, Samuel Smith. ■ Lydia, bapt. Oct. 3, 1756. Lucy, bapt. Nov. 20, 1763. Elizabeth, bapt. May 14, 1758. Martha, bapt. May 9, 1767, d. same d. Darius, bapt. July 27, 1760, m. 1790, Lois Lois, bapt. Jan. 5, 1772. Lee. 22. David, s. of Remembrance (13), b. 1731, d, Feb. 5, 1808. He m. Mercy, (prob. Cooley) ; received from church in Petersham, 1777. Ch. : David, Feb. 13, 1777, m. Jan. 8, Samuel Cooley, April 2, 1787, m. Jan. 16, 1801, Sally, dau. Barzillai Wood. 1804, Hannah Cooley (?) Abraham, Dec. 10, 1778 (31). Moses, Sept. 6, 1789. 23. Reuben, s. of Rem. (13), b. 1733; wounded by the Indians, August 20, 1756. [See ante, p. 297.] Sol. under Capt. John Catlin, 1757. He m. Hannah . Ch. : Abigail, Sept. 10, 1758 ; 2d wife to Benjamin, Sept. 14, 1762. Col. James Lyman. Hannah, April 16, 1765, m. March 5, Mercy, Sept. 21, 1760, m. March 10, 1785, 1789, Hezekiah Stratton. Err Chamberlain. Azuba ['' Seabury" Toion rsc.J, April 24, 1767. 572 History of Northfield. Martha, June 12, 1769, per. m. 1802, Lemuel Wells. Reuben, Oct., 1771 (32). Feb. 14, Eunice, April, 1775, m. Oct. 19, 1794, Solomon Wells, of Montague. Fanny, (adopted,) bapt. July 12, 1789. 24. Oliver, s. of William (15), b. 1741; Rev. sol., 1777 He m. Nov. \, 1765, Hepzibali, dau. Stephen Belding. Ch. : Gratia, Sept. 21, 1756, d. April 29, 1779. Abigail, April 19, 1769. Sarah, bapt. March 17, 1771. Zibah, Sept. 12, 1773, [bapt. Nelly, bapt. Sept. 15, 1776, 1779- d. April Child, unbapt., d. April, 1779. William, March 29, 1779, m. Oct: 7, 1804, Lydia Kendrick ; sett, in Gill. Oliver, April 13, 1781, d. young. Gratia, Dec. 15, 1784, m. Seth Munn, of Gill. Elihu, July 26, 1787, d. unm. 25. Eldad, s. of Asariah (17), b. 1733; captain; marched in the co. of minute men from Nfd. for Cambridge, April 20, 1775; rem. to Winch.; d. Oct. 31, 1822. He m. May 5, 1761, Anne, dau. Samuel Taylor. She d. Aug 18, 1777, aged 36. (2), Oct. 3, 1779, HunicCj d. Nov.'22, 1815, a. 74. Ch. : Eldad, Jan. 9, 1762 (33). Lucretia, Oct. 11, 1763, m. March 4, 1786, Elihu Stebbins. Donaldus, Sept. 15, 1765 (34). Anne, Jan. 9, 1768. Tabitha, Sept. 2, 1769, m. Hezekiah El- mer, Jr. Lockhart, Oct. 22, 1 77 1. Azariah, Feb. 20, 1774. dau. Thomas Bardwell, of Dfd. She Randolph, Dec. 11, 1775; sett, in Hins. ; m. March 22, 1802, Harriet, dau. Hollis Taylor. She d. March 10, 1886, a. 71. He d. April 19, 1855. Thomas Bardwell, March 19, 1781, d. same day. Eunice, March 18, 1782, m. Seth Doolittle. She d. Nov. 30, 1836. Elizabeth, Feb. 20, 1784. 26. Abner, s. of Azariah (17), b. 1740; rem. to Ber. ; d. July 1, 1809. He m. April 18, 1774, Anna, dau. Hezekiah Elmer. She d. March 30, [824, a. 73. Ch.: Sally, Aug. 4, 1774. Lucy, March 4, 1776. John, July 6, 1778. Hezekiah, May 31, 1780. Elihu, May 9, 1782, m. March 9, Irene, dau. Solomon Holton. Anna, Aug. 7, 1784. Flisha, Sept. 23, 1786. Samuel, Sept. 18, 1788. Seth, Nov. 5, 1790, d. Sept. 14, 1791. Patty, Sept. 3, 1792. Daniel, Aug. 20, 1794. 27. Moses, s. of Benoni (19), b. 1727; Hins., I7';i; wounded in the attack on Hinsdale's mill, July 3, 1746; \_see ante, p. 246 ;] was one of the first setders of Rockingham, Vt., 1753 ; commissioned captain by the New York authorities, 1778. He m. Hannah . Ch.: Anna, bapt. July 15, 1750. Nathan, bapt. Aug. 21, 1752. Solomon, bapt. July 21, 1754. Ebenezer, bapt. May 30, 1756. inded by Indians at Winch., 28. Amasa, s. of Benoni (19), b. 1729; Aug. 6, 1746. \See ante, p. 246.] He m. Mary . Ch.: Mary, bapt. June 10, 1750. Aseneth, bapt. Aug. 25, 1754. Jonathan, bapt. June 21, 1752, m. 1782, Amasa, bapt. June 28, 1756. Abigail Rockwood. Hannah, bapt. July 8, 1759. Family Genealogies. 573 29. Eliphaz, s. of Phineas (20), b. 1738; sol. of '76; d. Dec. 26, 1822. Hem. Nov. 10, 1779, ^'*^' Irene (Judd) Southmaid, from Watertown. She d. Feb. 18, 181 1. Ch. : Horace, June 11, 1780, m. Sept. I, Rhoda, May 8, 1783, m. Jan. 26, 1815, 1803, Onda, dau. Benjamin | Janes. Roswell Stratton. Phineas Todd, March 8, 1790 (35). 30. Remembrance, s. of Aaron (21), b. 1754' He m. Miriam ; admitted church May 5, 1793. Ch.: Aaron bapt. Feb. 15, 1778. Elsworth, bapt. Nov. 16, 1783. Phineas, bapt. Nov. 28, 1779, m. April 20, Remembrance, bapt. Dec. 17, 1786. 1800, Aseneth Burnham. Chester, bapt. March 16, 179X. 31. Abraham, s. of David (22), b. 1778. He m. April 3, 1803, Relief Sherman. ["Z^^/^," on marriage certificate.] Ch.: Edwin, Aug. 16, 1803 ; [nfc] m. Harriet, Feb. 6, 1810. May 9, 1827, Olive Holton, who d. July Abraham, Aug. 29, 181 3, m. May, 1837, 19, 1862. Sarah A. Stimpson. Samuel Sherman, Jan. 20, 1804; [rw.] ; Fanny, Jan. 16, 1816, prob. m. Gad C. m. Abigail Durkee. Lyman. Lois R., Oct. 24, 1805 ; \rec.'\ David, Dec. 19, 1819, d. young. Martha, Feb. 25, 1808. 32. Reuben, s. of Reuben (23), b. 1771 ; d. Jan. 1, 1837. He m. Nov. 7, 1802, Phyla. Champlin. Ch.: Eliza, Nov. 17, 1803, d. Sept. 3, Thomas C, June I, 1812. 1805. Henry, Feb. 25, 1814. Benjamin, June 26, 1805. Hannah, Aug. 22, 1816. Eliza, Jan. 30, 1807, d. Dec. 3, 1808. Martha, Sept. 12, 1818. Reuben, Feb. 27, 1809. Philena, May 6, 1 821. George, Nov. 4, 1 8 10. 33. Eldad, s. of Eldad (25), b. 1762 ; Rev. sol.; d. Jan. 1, 1842. He m. May 16, 1785, Mary, dau. Josiah Stebbins. She d. March 28, 1835, a. 70. Ch.: Anna, May 5, 1786, d. young. Polly, March 4, 1794, m. Amasa Beach, Harry, Nov. 15, 1789 (36). Middletown, Ct. Sylvanus, May 31, 1792, m. Laura Dodge 5 Emily, Sept. 20, 1799, m. — Cleaves. rem. to Hinsdale. George, Dec. 19, 1 801 ; sett. in Middletown. 34. Donaldus, s. of Eldad (25), b. 1765; Rev. sol., 1781. He m. Elizabeth . Ch.: Polly, d. Sept. 8, 1798. Robert, d. Sept. 20, 1798. 35. Phineas T., s. of Eliphaz (29), b. 1790; d. Oct. 15, 1841. He m. 1822, Betsey, dau. Jesse Newell, b. March 7, 1800. Ch.: Charles, Oct. 20, 1823, m. Emma Elizabeth, Dec. 14, 1827, m. Dec, 1847, Stearns j sett, in Ohio. John C. Stone, of Greenfield. John, Nov. 9, 1824, m. Nov. 11, 1854, Andrew, April 13, 1832, d. Dec. 29, 1833. Mary J. Ross. Andrew, July 12, 1834, m. Laura Davis j Seth, Nov. 18, 1825, m. Mary J. Pike. sett, in Worcester. (2), Ellen Fisher, of Hinsdale. Ellen, Nov. 3, 1838, m. George Wyart, of Warren, Oct. 26, 1826, m. Elizabeth F. Gill. Gambell, of Barre. Caroline, Jan. 21, 1842, m. Adolphus L. Hale. She d. Dec. 27, 1868. 574 History of Northfield. 36. Harry, s, of Eldad (33), b. 1789; d. Sept. 20, 1848. He m. Hannah White, of Winchester. Ch.: Hannah, Feb. 16, 1817, m. George David, Sept. 29, 1827, m. Mary Dowles, in Holton. England. Henry, Jan. 25, 1820, m. Eliza Woodcock. Lockhart, Sept. 22, 1832, m. in England, Elizabeth, Aug. 25, 1822, m. Rufus Mixter, Mary Roman. Chicopee. Mary J., May 19, 1835, d. Nov. 14, 1851. Adeline, Jan. i, 1825, m. May 16, 1844, George W., Feb. 5, 1838 j sett, in England. Medad Moody. WYMAN, William, 1765-6. \ IN THE OLD CEMETERY AT NORTHFIELD, COPIED BY MARY T. STRATTON. The following inscriptions embrace all that can be decyphered now, a few of the older ones having become obliterated by age and the abrasion of many years exposure to frost and tempest upon an unsuitable material. The peculiarities of orthography and punctuation have been fol- lowed strictly. The perpendicular stroke between the words marks the termination of the lines as they are inscribed upon the monuments. There are other burial grounds in the town, whose inscriptions have not been copied. Here lies Martha | The Daugr of | Mr Simeon & Mrs | Sarah Alexander | who Dec'd | Novr ye 26| 1761 1 aged 14 years 9 mos &| — Days. In Memory of MrsjSarah the late Amiable|Consort of Lieut]Simeon Alexanderjwho Died April 26I1788 In the 6jd yearjof Her age. Desirable in Life Lamented in Death. Lieut Simeon Alexa|nder Died Febry igjiSoi in the 79 year] of his age Death comfortably ends a well spent life In thy fair book of life divine My God inscribe my name There let it fill some humble place Beneath the Slaughtered Lambs. Capt Thomas Alexajnder departed this | life in hope of A glojrious Immortality] March 2J 180I in the|74year of his age. Children and friends as you pass by as you are now so once was I as I am now soon you must be Prepare for Death and follow me. Mrs|Azubah wife of ] Capt Thomas Alexander] died 12 aug 181 1 in I the 76 yr of her] age. Simeon Alexander ] died ] July 24 1849 ] -i^; 92 ys 3 ms ] 17 dys. Jerusha ] wife of | Simeon Alexander ] died ] Dec i i8ij] JE 53 In memory of j Samuel son of Mr] Simeon & Mrs Jerus] ha Alexander who jdied Novr 17 1781 | aged 8 months & 17 days. Miss ] Sarah Dau of | Mr Simeon & Mrs | Jerusha Alex- ander j died I Nov 1812 1 JE 23 When you have read these lines And turn to walk away O Dont forget you must appear At the Great Judgment day. Miss ] Graty Dau of | Mr Simeon & Mrs ] Jerusha Alex- ander I died Z4 Nov 181 5 | i^ 17 Mortals attend for you must die And sleep in dust as well as I. Repent in time your soul to save There is no repentance in the grave. Miss (Abigail dau of] Mr Simeon & Mrs] Jerusha Alex- ander i 15 Sept 1815 JE 23. Friends & physicians could not save This mortal body from the grave Nor can the grave contain it here When Christ commands it to appear. Maj lElisha Alexander |died|Oct 22 1843 [ in his go year. Mrs 1 Sophia Alexander ] wife of Maj Elisha Alexander I Died I Jan 3 1800 In her 44 year In memory of ]Elisha Son of |Capt Elisha &]MrsSophia Alexander Died Dec 22 1791 Mrs|Sally Alexander] wifeof Elisha '\lexander] Died] Jan 27 1863]^ 89ys6 ms Fanny Alexander] Died]Sept 14 l866]a. 84. Cynthia [wife of j Elisha Alexander] Died] Oct 21 1871I aeed 67 < < / 1 ^ '■ Her husband trusted her Josiah Alexander] Died] Dec 22 1862] .« 71 yrs 8 mos An Infant|son of Josiah &|Mira Alexander! Died Feb 3 1820 a. 3 weeks. Joseph son of] Josiah & Mira|AIexander|died Dec ijl 1831 a. 10 mos Emily Cordelia] Dau of fosiah & Mira| Alexander] died Sept 25 i836iaged 7 yearsj& 3 months. Edward Alexander]DiedjSept 7 i865|Aged 42 years. Ernest Bowdoin]son of]William D & Lizzie H.|Alex- anderJDied Sept 19 l872lAged 15 mos In Memory of] Col Medad Alexander] who died Dec 8 i83ojaged 73 years. Lydiajwife of] Col Medad Alexander I died I Nov 21 1841 \JE7<) Mr Lucius Alexander] son of Col Medad | Alexander died June ] 21 1804 in the 9th year ] of his age. Unveil thy bosom faithful tomb Take this new treasure to thy trust And give these precious relics room To slumber in the silent dust. No pain no grief nor anxious fear Invade thy bounds no mortal woes Can reach the peaceful sleeper here Wr.ile angels watch its soft repose. Elijah Alexander | died ] Apr 7 1854 I 73 Rest loved one rest. Polly H ] wifeof] Elijah Alexander ] died ] May 21 1848) Our mother sleeps. Isabella P. ] Alexander] dau of ] Elijah & Polly H / Alexander ] died Aug 16 ] 1831 JE 5 year 4 months and 29 days ' Dwight M. ] eldest son of] George & Eliza ] Alexander! died I May 2 1838 ] aged 3 years 3 ] mos & 7 ds. Jesus called the soul away. S7^ History of Northfield. Charles | son of George & | Eliza Alexander | died | Apr 30 1841 I aged 2 yrs ] 6 mos & | 6 ds Charles M. | son of 1 Charles & Amanda M | Alexander | died I July 2} 1846 j ^ 2 yrs I mo & 18 ds He lived — was loved Is gone — and mourned Edda I dau of | Charles & Amanda M | Alexander | died May 1 1862 I aged 10 ys & 6 mos Our's still in Heaven. Alexander Monument. Arad Alexander | died April 8 1870 | aged 56 Adelphia W |wife of | Arad Alexander|died Dec 23 1843 1 aged 29 Frank E. ] son of | Arad & Mary Ann | Alexander j Died Dec 9 1870 I Aged 21 In memory of| Jonas B.] Son of Henry & | Nancy Alex- ander ] who died June 25 1833 | aged 11 years. Parkman S.|son of | Thomas & Harriet | Alexander | died I Sept 7 1858 \ M 1 yt I mo. Mehitable | wife of | Medad Alexander | Died Jan 30 1857 I Aged 60 yrs. In memory of | Lucius | Son of Medad & | Mehitable Al- exander I who died Feb | 10 183S | Aged 16 years & | ^_^ months Mr I Salma | cDnsort of Mrs I Rebeckah Alger I died 8 July I 1812 ^ I 28 Farewell my children whom I love Your better parent is above When I am gone He may supply To Him I leave you when I die Mrs Roxanna | wife of Mr Newell | Allen died Feb 22 | 1813 Aged 21 . ,, ,, " Allen Monument. Ethan Allen | Died at Putney | Vt Oct 23 | 1828 | IS. 49 Hannah Allen | Died | in N. Y. City | July 20 1850 | M 74 Mary Elizabeth | Daughter of David W & Lydia K. | Allen I and Grand daughter of | Rev Thomas Mason I died Feb 7 1848 | M 14 yrs & 8 mos In pious triumpt she thus Sang "the last of earth " " Vital spark of heavenly flame Quit O Quit this mortal frame Clarissa Fiske | dau of Phineas and Clarissa Allen \ died Sept 7 I 1837 ag 23 mons Of such is the Kingdom of Heaven. John J. Allen | Born Dec 26 1799 | Died Nov 15 1857 Sarah M. G. | wife of | John J. Allen | Born May 3 i8o6| Died June 4 1855 Elizabeth J.| wife of | James Allen | died | Dec 12 1853I a. 23 ys 4 mos. ,,, ,, ' ' ^ Allen Monument. Samuel C Allen | died April 7 i860 | aged 66 yrs. Amicus humani generis Submit I wife of | Samuel C Allen | died March 24 1866 1 aged 71 years Sarah Elisabeth | dau of | Samuel C. Allen | died June 19 1841 ] aged z]A years. Sarah j wife of | Hon Samuel C. Allen | died Jan 22 1797 | aged 22 yrs. ^. ,. ^ ' She lived to die And died to live Joseph P I died May 30 1846 | aged 2; yrs Harriette L | died Jan 9 1846 | aged 21 yrs Children of Joseph P. Allen. James B. Allen | died Dec 23 1853 \ aged 29 yrs Respected honored and beloved Mary Catherine | Dau of Alfred & | Mary Alvord | Died Jan 22 1835 I aged i year & 5 days. Lucy Jane | died Apr 19 1854 I Aged 7 yrs |Wm Arthur] died Apr 21 1S54 I Aged g yrs I children of I John & Harriet E. | Akeley Weep not o'er these eyes that languish upward turned toward their home Raptured they '11 forget all anguish While they wait to see thee come. Sarah D. dau of, Doct Williard & | Mrs Susan Arms | died 22 May 1828 ] iE 10 Juliette I Dau of | W L & H E. Arlen |Died Oct 26 iSjil aged 6 mos Mary A | Dau of | A. J. & H. E. D. Arling | died Oct 28 1872 I ./E 20 yrs Lulah A I Dau of A G. & H E D | Arling | died Dec J 1865 I a. 2 yrs To fair for Earth Jusf fit for Heaven Atkins Monument Benj F. Atkins | Died j Oct ij 1857 | a. 40 ys 5 ms | & 5 Ds Ellen J. I Dau of B. F. & M. T. Atkins | Died | Feb 14 1858 I a. 17 ys 7ms I & 26 Ds. Capt David Barber | died | March IJ 1839 | M 78 Mrs Lois | wife of | Capt David Barber | died 20 | Apr 1821 & 61 Mary Dau of | Mr David & Mrs | Lois Barber died | 4 May 1798 Ag 3 ds Sleep on Sweet babe & take thy rest God called thee home He thought it best In Memory of | Fanny Dautr of ] Capn David & Mrs | Lois Barber who | Died Feb ye 8 1793 ', Aged 14 days Miss Lois dau of j Capt David | & Mrs Lois Barber | died 23 Aug 1807 IE 17 Miss Lucy Dutton | dau of | Capt David & Mrs Lois | Barber died | 30 May 1825 1 IS. 29 Miss Fanny Barber | died 8 March 1827 | IE 33 Lydia C Barber | wife of Charles Barber [ died Dec 14 1843 I IE 39 years Mary E Barber ', wife of | Charles Baiber | died Sept 23 1838 \IE 28 Charles W | son of | Charles and | Mary E Barber | died | May 26 1838 I iE 7 yrs In Memory | of | John Barrett Esq | who | died 26 Dec- ember I8i6 I IE 60 Louisa W Barrett I Daughter of | Mr John & Mrs I Martha Barrett ] died May 24 1804 | in the 5 year of j her age Martha D Barrett | Daughter ofjMr John & Mrs 1 Martha Barrett | died July 18 1804 | in the 10 year) of her age Elizabeth E Barrett | Daughter of | John & Martha Barrett | died ( June 19 1814 | aged 2 Monument Joseph S Beach | died | April 13 1856 | aged 46 years The death of the Righteous is a triumph This Stone | is erected to the | Memory of | Mrs Chloe Beach | wife of | Mr ApoUos Beach | who died Sept II 1805 I in the 31 year or her age Surviving friends weep not for me But while your lamp holds out to burn Prepare for a long Eternity Here lies intered Mr | Stephen Belden | He died Feb 19 1736 I in ^he 47 year o( his age In Memory of | Lieu Jonathan Belding | Deed January ye 6 1778 I in the 83 year of his age Reader behold and shed a tear Think on the dust that slumbers here And when you read the State of me Think on the glass that runs for the In Memory of | Hepsibath Belding | wife to Lieut | Jonathan Belding She died | Decembr the 29 1761 | in the 66 year | of her age Reader Behold as you pass by As you are living so once was I As I am now so you must be Prepare for death & follow me Old Cemetery T^omb stone Inscriptions. ^jj In Memory of Mrs | Hepsibath Belding | wife to Lieut Jonathan Belding wlio Died Dec | ye 9 1761 in ye 66 | year of her age Depart My Friends Dry up your Tears I must lie here Till Christ Appears Mr Jonathan Belding | died | 24 Sept 1825 a. | 91 In Memory of Mrs | Sarah Belding The wife of Mr Jonathan Belding Who died June | 17 1761 In ye 31 | year of her age Depart my friends Dry up your Tears I must lie Here Till Christ Appears Mrs Keziah wife | of Mr | Jonathan Belding died 24 | Oct 1812 a. 79 Joseph Beldin£ | died May 10 1850 a. 81 Monument Elijah Belding | died | March 17 184} aged 69 years Lois I wife of | Elijah Belding | died | April 25 i860 aged 82yrs The/ighteous hath hope in death Lois Stowe I daughter of Elijah and Lois | Belding | died Sept zj 1814 I aged } ys 4 ms 21 ds Lois S Belding | died in ] Fitchburg /Dec 13 1862 | aged ^ ^" The beloved Teacher Emma E Belding | only dau of | Elijah E and | Eliza Belding | Died | Apr j 1849 ae 6 y 10 m 23 d Farewell Father farewell Mother God will heal your deepest pain Farewell too dear weeping brothers Soon in Heaven we'll meet again Everette E Belding | son of | Elijah E and | Eliza Belding ] Died Oct 9 1854 a. 3 bweet little flower that we did love Has gone to dwell with Christ above Mr William Belcher | Died [ 4 Mar 1827 a. | 73 In Memory ofl Mrs Huldah | wife of | Mr William Belcher | who died April 23 | 1829 in the 68 | year of her age Anna | Daught of Wm and | Huldah Belcher | Died | April 21 1822 I a. 47 In memory of Mrs Abigail the only | Daughter of Ben- ja I min Bellows Esq and \ Mrs Abigail his wife ] who Died July 11 1756 } In ye 20 year of her age The body of j Rachel Bement' wife to John | Bement she died I January the 1911732 in ye 25 year | of her age. Mrs I Martha Billings | died March 22 1849 I ^- 79 Mary E | wife of | W. C. Billings |Died|Deci 18373.34 Myron A \ Son of | Alonzo and Althea | Billings | Died | Feb 20 1852 I Aet 2 yrs 7 mos My Father Mother Brother dear If me you seek then look not here But look to God with him I lest Love Him and be forever blest Doct ] Charles Blake | Died Apr 20 1841 | a. 70 Madam Fanny Blake | Died July 8 1856 | a. 73 Charles A Blake | Died | at Washington D C ] Mar 21 1850 I a. 45 Not lost but gone before Monument Anna Hunt | daughter of j J H. and B. A. Blake | died May 18 1861 I aged 26 years James | son of Charles | and E. C. Bowen | Died | Oct 2 1817 1 Aged I 5 days. In Memory of | Miss Mary Brewer | Dautr of Mr Na- thaniel I And Mrs Margaret | Brewer who Died | Deer 19 1795 In the 1 25 yr of her age In memory of | Nathaniel son of i Mr Samuel and Mrs | Sally Brewer who ] Died oct 11 1795 | aged j yr and 7 month In memory of |Samuel son of |Mr Samuel and|Mrs Sally Brewer I who died nctrij | 1795 Aged 2 years. 73 In memory of | Mr Asa Briggs | who Died June 17 1797I In the 26 year of His Age Remember friends as you pass by As you are now so once was i As i am now so you must be Prepare for Death and follow me Hannah C |wife oflJoseph C Brigham}Died|Oct 4 1855! a. 48 There is rest in Heaven Jane | wife of | Warren Brett | died | July 4 1859I *• J^ In memory of | Benjamin Brooks j who died June 15 A D 1786 ] in the 69 yea/ of his age Sweet is sleep to tired nature Sweet to labor is repose Sweet is life to every creatur ■ Sweet the balm that hope bestows In memory of | Roana Brooks | Daughter of | William Brooks I died Sept 28 | 1826 aged I year | and 28 days Josiah Brown | died | Mar i; 1863 | a. 60 Mary T. | dau of [ Josiah and Harriet | Brown | died | Feb 1 1 1850 I a. 18 yrs 10 mos Herbert W P | son of | Josiah and Harriet ] Brown|died! July 4 i860 I Aet. 15 Elizabeth H j wife of |C. A. Moulton [and dau of jj. and H Brown|died|Oct 10 i859|Aet. 30 H. J. Brown | died | Nov 2 1854 I Aet. 28 Hattie E. Brown | Fell asleep | Nov 26 1865 | a. 12 yrs 10 ms. Cynthia M.]wife of | William Brown | Died Jan 14 1857I aged 44 years our Mother Mary T | Dau of | William and Cynthia M | Brown | Diep Dec 22 i8S4laged 15 years Lydia L |Dau of |W and C M| Brown | Died Jan 11 1855 I aged 15 mos Henry K. ] son of | W and C. M. Brown | Died June 15 185s I aged 3 yrs Mary Bucknum | Died March | 16 1827 Aet. 53. Miss I Susan Callender | Aged 20 | Daughter of | Mr Benj and Mrs Eunice ] Callender \ Boston | died while on a visit j at this town i 14 Sept 1814. Callender Monument Benjamin Callender ] died [ Feb 22 1856 j aged 83 years Sarah | wife of Benjamin Callender j died \ March 30 1853 [ aged 80 years Charles A. Callender | died [ Jan 7 1834 | a. 31 Adaline | wife of| Charles A. Callender died | Feb 21 1870 a. 66 Daniel L | Callender | Born Nov j 1800 | Died Sept 7 1864 He is not here he is risen why weepest thou. Mrs Sophia [ wife of [ Doct Elijah W | Carpenter | Died 18 May 1822 ] a. 39 William Elliot [ son of | Eber H and Mary Ann | Car- penter 1 died Aug 8 1848 | a. I yr 4 mos and 12 | ds Sleep on sweet babe and take thy rest God called thee home He thought it best. In memory of I Mrs Abigail Clark | who died July j 1824 ag|ed 26 Cynthia | wife of | Henry Clark | died | Jan 30 1849 I a« 54 Henry | son of | Henry and Eunice | Clark died | Sept ij 1839 j 7 yrs and 9 mos George Clark | died | March 31 1863 | aged 31 yrs Laura Clark | died Oct I J 1865 | aged 2 yrs 7 mos 21 days Mary K | wife of | Moses Collar | Died | Dec 27 i860 | a. 64 Richard Colton Esq | Born April 16 1787 | Died | August 6 1S72 And this is the promise that He hath promised us, even eternal life 578 History of Northfield. Betsey 1 wife of | Richard ColtoR Esq | Born April 24 1791 I Died Nov z 1865 And they rest from their labors. Edwin Williams Colton | Born Feb 15 i8ji | Died May Z4 1862 Rest loved one Rest Fidelia N | wife of | Asa Comins | Died Feb 8 i86j 1 a 62 Robert G. Cooke | died | July 23 1846 | aged 56 years. 3 I mos and 21 days Mrs Sarah M 1 wife of | Mr Robert G Cooke | died Oct 5 I8JS I a. 35 Robert G son | of Robert G | and Sarah M | Cooke | died March ig 1822] a. J weeks. Eliza Ann | Dau of | Robert G. and | Sarah M | Cooke ] died Dec 23 1832 | a. 6 m Isaac M Cooke | died | Aug I 1857 | aged 37 yrs and 6 mos. Caleb Cooke ] Died | Feb 10 iSjo | a. 81 yrs Mabel | wife of | Caleb Cooke | Died | Jan 15 1848 | a. 71 yrs Mary M | Dau of | Caleb and Mabel | Cooke ] Died | Feb 13 1864 I a. 46 yrs Lemuel Coy | died | Feb 19 1852 | aged 87 years Sarah | wife of | Lemuel Coy | died | June 9 1851 | aged 8? years Sophia C I wife of Samuel Cutting | died | Nov 8 1863 | a. 34 Henry X | son of | Samuel Jr and Sophia C | Cutting | died I May 13 1863 | a. 8 yrs 4 mos Here lies Little Henry. In memory of | Dorothy dau of Mr | Clark and Mrs Susanna Cutting | who died Sept 9 1803 | aged I year II months | 22 days. Crosby Monument. On west side — Favenus Spec Coeli Sacred to the memory Wm Vernon Crosby Son of Hon Fortunatus and Mrs Mary Crosby of Louisville Ky who died July 27th 1832 Aged 18 Erected by his parents. North Side — He left home and friends to prosecute his studies in a distant land ; he realized the considerate Kindness and grateful attention of friends and home and was By strangers honoured and by strangers wept. By one unknown East side — His fine genius the clearness and readiness of his mind his generous spirit his native probity and endearing manners had won him esteem and interest here and inspired high hope of his future usefulness. South side — Elate with hope and bouyant with the vision of youth he was Stricken by disease and his aged mother reached him only in time to minister to his dying wants and bless her child ere he was called to render up his spirit to Him who gave it. Benjamin Darling | Died | Nov 4 1840 | a. 64. Fanny Ames | widow of | Benj Darling | Died | Dec 18 1859 I a. 85 Fanny Dau of Mr | Benjamin and Mrs | Fanny DarlingI Died 28 Sept 1813 j aged 16 months Too dear too fair for mortals here Her Saviour called her home Here we are left to shed a tear And mourn her early doom. Charlotte E | daughter of | Alonzo and Esther T | Davis Died Aug 1st 1S56 j Aged 18 yrs 6 mos | and 23 days Again we hope to meet thee When the day of life is fled In Heaven with joy we '11 meet thee Where no farewell tear is shed Hannah Davis | died May 21 1864 | a. 38 yrs 5 ms. Infant son of | Geo A and Lucia A | Deming | Born July 2 I Died July 6 | i860 Rest little cherub rest Thine is an early tomb Thy Saviour loved thee best And called thee early home Roswell son of | Benoni and Phebe | Dickinson died | 28 April 180J ag | 9 yrs and 8 mos Phebe Dickinson | Died | April 10 181 3 a. 67. Titus Dickinson ] Died | March 30 1818 a. 73. Died I Dec 13 1827 Mrs | Susannah wife of | Mr Samuel Dickinson | a. 47 Obadiah Dickinson Esq | Died March 9 1844 | aged 86 years Sophia Pomeroy | His wife | Died Jan J4 1843 | aged 77 years Obadiah Dickinson Jr | Died at St Augustine | Easf Florida | Nov 7 1821 | aged 28 years. Frederic Wm Dickinson | Died at Boston | Nov 2 182S I aged 21 years. | Sons of Obadiah and \ Sophia P. Dickinson William F Dickin | son eldest twin | son | of Obadiah and I Sophia Dickinson | died December 8 1806 aged| 4 months 17 days Charlie Dickinson | Died | July 26 1873 | aged 18 yrs So young so fair pride of my heart Why oh why must thou so soon depart The way to me is dark and drear But trust in God will make it clear. Thomas D. Doak | Died j Oct 10 1867 | a. 83 Betsey Doak | wife of | Tho D. Doak | Died | June 21 1816 a. 25 Mrs Betsey R. Doak | Died | Aug 14 i860 | a. 55 Born in Chesterfield N. H Died in New Castle C. W. Thomas Denio | son of | Thomas D and \ Betsdy R Doak Died I Aug 29 1845 I a. 2 yrs 6 ms Of such is the kingdom of Heaven Elisabeth Doak | Died ] Sept 16 1842 a. 64 In Memory of the Rev Mr Benjamin Doolittle | First Pastor of the Church of Christ in | Northfield who Died Jany ye 9 1 1784 in the 54th Year ( of his Age and 30th I Year of his Ministry Blessed with good intellectual parts Well skilled in two important arts Nobly he filled the double station Both of a preacher and physician To cure men's sicknesses and sins He took unwearied care and pains And strove to make his patient whole Through in body and soul. He lov'd his God lov'd to do good To all his friends vast Kindness show'd Nor could his enemies exclaim And say he was not kind to them His labors met a sudden close Now he enjoys a sweet repose And when the just to life shall rise Among the first he'll mount the skies. In memory of Miss j Sara Doolittle Daugtr | to Mr Lu- cius i Doolittle and Mrs Sara [ his wife She Deed | April ye 20 1773 j Aged 17 years 3 months Here lies Benja | The son of Mr | Lucius and Mrs | Sara Doolittle I who died April | 16 1762 [Epitaph I could not read.] Adrestus Doolittle j died | Jan 27 1830 | a. 60 Patty Doolittle | wife of | Adrestus Doolittle | died Sept 29 1843 I a. 68 Old Cemetery Tombstone Inscriptions. 579 Charles | Doolittle | died | Oct j 1848 | a. 41 y'rs 9 mo's Lucretia Doolittle | died | Jan 15 ) 1851 | a. 43 Celestina E | Dau of j George and Dorothy L.[ Doolittle | died Feb 11 1855 | a. zi Thy will be done. Semira C. Dudley | Died | Jan 19 1845 a. 14 Timothy Dutton Esq | Died | Ji Aug 1814 a. 78. Here lies a servant of God Who forty years did serve In the church of Christ our Lord His people to preserve. In memory of Mrs j Martha late amiable | consort 0* Timothy | Dutton Esq who de | parted this life in hope I of a Glorious immortality | ye March if) l8oz in I the 65 year of her age. When You this monument behold think by it what here is told That life is short and soon you '11 be In an untry'd eternity 1 once stood with you on life's stage Life's busy scenes did us engage But now in land beneath your feet Prepare your solemn change to meet For God above has called me home My tongue in dust now speaks to none But while you read and here me view Learn that the grave was made for you Dea I Timothy B Dutton | died | 8 July 1821 a. | 45 Mrs Mary Dutton | Relict of | Dea Timothy B. Dutton | died I 10 Dec 1817 a. 44 Tryphena L. Dau j of Dea | Timothy B. and Mary | Dutton died 14 Mar 1826 | a. 19 Lucy I Dau of Dea | Timothy B. and |Mary Dutton | died 5 Sept 1822 I a. 3 Amaziah Son of Dea | Timothy B and | Mary Dutton ', died I 4 Aug 1822 | a. 7 Infant son of 1 Timothy B. and Mary | Dutton died 22 I Apr 1818. Adeline | wife of j Timothy Dutton | died Dec 23 1832 I a. 27 An Infant son [ of Timothy and | Adeline Dutton | died Nov 8 | 1832 Timothy ] son of Timothy | and Adeline Dutton | died Oct 14 1834 | a. 3 years Mrs I Mary F | wife of | Samuel W. Dutton | died Feb 10 1867 I aged 53 years In memory of| Emeline E| Dau of Benjamin [ and Fanny Enoch | who died | June 26 1839 I '" ^^^ ^' year { of her age Come unto me all ye ends of the earth and be saved. In memory of I Fanny 1 wife of j Benjamin Enoch | who died Jan | 16 1837 | in the 50 year ] of her age Blessed are they that die in the Lord. In memory of Mr ] Peter Evans | who Deed fan i 4 1752 Oliver Weld | son of Oliver C and Betsey W | Everett \ died Sept 19 1844 | Aged 3 yrs 2 mo Go thy way thy son liveth William B. Farnsworth | Died | March 14 1852 | a. 58 Sylence ] wife of | Wm B. Farnsworth j died Apr 1871 | a. 78 yrs. Levi Fay | Died in Boston | Jan 20 1866 | aged 73 yrs 7 mos For I know my Redeemer liveth Lucretia C. Fay | dau of j Levi and Lucretia Fay | died | Nov 3 1840 aged j 18 years and | 8 months Sarah J. Fay | dau of | Levi and Lucretia Fay | died | Apr 26 1841 aged | 17 years and 12 months Francis Edward Farnham ] Born in Boston June 14 1846 I Fell asleep April 22 1854 Jesus called a little child unto Him Dear little Frank. Sally M I wife of | Geo N. Felton ] Died | Jan 26 1856 | a. J2 ys and 9 ms. Here lies intered | the Body of Capt | Zachariah Field ( who departed | This li.e Aug | 15 1746 I aged 61 years. In Memory of | Mr Samuel Field | who Departed | This Life June 17 1789 | In the 70 year of His Age. Death comfortably ends a well spent life. Abigail Field | wife of | Samuel Field | died Nov 2 1803 | aged 81 years MrsMercy Field | died November 12 | 1804 in the 55th year j of her age Desirable in life, lamented in Death Unveil thy bosom faithfull tomb Take this new treasure to thy trust And give these precious relics room To Slumber in the silent dust. No pain no grief nor anxious fear Invade thy bounds no mortal woes Can reach the peaceful sleeper heie While Angels watch its soft repose. Samuel Field | died May 30 1837 | aged 82 years. Elisabeth | wife of | Samuel Field | died | Aug 29 1858 | aged 78 years. Rhoda I dau of | Samuel and Elisabeth | Field | born . May 17, 1777 {died Jan 18 1852. Betsy I dau of | Samuel and Elisabeth ] Field | born Jan 26 1797 I died Nov 28 1851 Submit The Daur of Mr Samuel and | Mrs Abigail Field I who died June 26 | 1762 aged 10 | years and 3 months Mercy Dau | of Samuel | Field died Nov | i 1746 aged | 2 month and | 12 days. In memory of | Mr Silas Field | who died Novr | 20th A D 1773 I Aged 26 years Time once was Eternity now Reigns In memory of Miss | Azubah the wife|of Mr Silas Field| who died April ] 20 A. D. 1774 | Aged 32 years. Justin son of | Mr Justin and | Mrs Harriet Field died 30 I Nov 1814 a. 5 Louisa I wife of | Timothy Field | Died | Nov 8 18481 Aged 41 Years Here lies intered ] The body of Mr | Ebenezer Field | who departed | This life april | 9th 1759 | Aged 42 years Come Mortal man and cast an eye Come read thy doom Prepare to Die Mr 1 Ebenezer Field | departed this life | in hope of a glori j ous immortality Augt | 12 1801 in the 87 yr | of his Age. When Christ to judgment shall descend His voice my Grave shall ope But till that day within the dust My flesh doth rest in hope. In memory of Mrs j Sarah wife of Mr | Ebenezer Field | who deceased | Oct ye 29 I785iln the 64 year of ] Her Age Desirable in Life Lamented in Death In memory of | Kezia daughter of] Mr Ebenezer Field) and Mrs Sarah his wife who | was born Feby 15 1755 and Deed the same day. Aurelia Field | Dau of Mr | Ebenezer Field | and Mrs Eunice | His wife was | born Octor | lo 1768 Died | Nov ye 18 1768 Miss I Sarah Field | died 26 May | 1790 a. 24 Desired in life Lamented in death Behold my friends as you pass by As you are now so once was I As I am now so you must be Prepare for Death and follow me Mr I Abner Field | Died 18 July 1832 ] Aged 82 Mrs I Mary Field | wife of | Abner Field | died | I May 1840 I Aged 79. 580 History of Northfield. Miss I Sarah Field | daughter of | A and M Field died 7 May 1812 I Aged 25 In memory of | George Partridge | son of Mr Abner|and Mrs Mary | Field who died March 23 1794 | Aged 14 years 11 months ] and ij days. In memory of| R oswell son of | Mr Abner and | Mrs Mary Field | who died Jan j 29 1780 Aged 15 months and 8 I days. Parmela | wife of | George P. Field | died j April 24 1836 I a. 40 yrs. Wm Field | Died ] Dec 24 1849 | a. 6j. In memory of | Seth Field Esqr |He Departed this | Life May 3 1792 in ye | 80 year of his age Death comfortably ends A well spent useful life In memory of Mrs | Susannah the late | Amiable Con- sort of I Seth Field Esqr she | Departed this Life | Nov 15 17S7 In the | 61 year of her age. Life is uncertain Death is sure Sin made the wound but Christ the cure In memory of Mr| Charles Frederick [Field son of Seth | Field Esq He Deed | Feb 21 1792 In the 27 | year of his Age His soul has gone we hope and trust To be with Christ among the just To see his face forever reign And sing his praise Eternaly In memory of Mr | Francis son of Seth , Field Esqr and Mrs I Susannah Fi. Id | who died Feb 12 1770 aged | 10 years 7 mos and 10 days. In memory of | Mr George \ Field who died | 22 Jan 1803 I a. 60 Mrs Martha | relict of | Mr George Field | died 13 | Mar 1830 I a. 81 Miss I Lucretia Field | died 4 | Oct 1807 | Aged 24 Sarah Newcomb 1 wife Alfred R. Field | Born May 6 1822 I Died May 6 1851 We '11 seek the among the Highest Harriette Newcombe | the first born. S arah Elisabeth | Daughter | of | A R and S. N. Field | Born I March 8 1846 ] Died | Sept 9 1864 Sarah Elizabeth | Daughter j of | A R ind S. N. Field | Born I March 8 1846 | Died | Sept 9 1864 To us the silence in the house To her the choral singing Mr I Kenry Field | died | Jan 4 181 3 a. j 51 He walked thro' life in Virtue's road Then closed his eyes to see his God In peace he'll rest till Jesus come And claim the treasure from the tomb Rhoda I wife of | Henry Field | died Nov 21 1833 \ aged 71 years Mary S. dau | of | Mr Henry and Mrs Rhoda Field \ died] 16 Sept 1803 a. 4 Called to adorn a world of bliss Too bright an ornament for this Mr I Henry W Field | died | 22 Nov 1838 a.| 23. Erastus J. Field | died Aug 20 1827 | a. 19 years. In memory of I Henry Field | who died | Mar y 1833 | in the 44 year of | his age. Mary Field | wife of | Henry Field | died | Dec 24 1845 | ^' ^^' Tender mother faithful wife Peaceful and resigned in life From pain below to bliss above She's gone and lives in perfect love Lilla L I Daughter of | Jarvis E and Sarah H | Field | died April 7 1853 I Aged I yrand6 mos. The little blooming seraph lighted here To twine around our hearts and disappear Electa Field | wife of | Charles F Field | died ] May 16 1823 aged 27 Desirable in Life Lamented in Death George Jarvis j son of | Charles F and Mary H | Field ', died I Oct 11 1848 ] a. 2 yrs 11 mos 7 ds Suffer little children to come unto me. Eliza Electa I Daughter of I Charles F and Mary H', Field I died | Sept 9 1851 [ a. i yr 8 mos 3 ds Budded on Earth To bloom in Heaven Charles H | son of | Charles F and Mary H | Field | died Jan 5 1872 | a. 27 yrs 5 mos | 24 days In memory |of | Ens Moses Field who died Nov 22 1787 1 a. 68 Here lies buried Mrs | Anne Field wife of| Mr Moses Field I who deed Octobr ye 16 1755 in | ye 35 year of I Her Age. Great God I own Thy sentence Just I yield my body To the Dust. In memory of | Medad son of Mr | Moses Field and 1 Mrs Anne his | wife who Deed | Octobr ye 17 | 1756 aged I I year and 12 days Medad Field | died | Feb 18 1848 | a. 90 Phebe | wife of | Medad Field | Died May 17 1841 \ a 76 Solomon Field | died | Feb 6 1848 | a. 47 Phinehas Field | Died | Oct 18 1833 | a. 75 In memory of j Mrs Diadema | wife of Mr | Phinehas Field 1 who died | Aug 1st 1788 Aet 24 Eunice | wife of | Phinehas Field | Died Sept 18 1830 | a. 60 In memory of | Miss Lura | dau of | Mr Phinehas and | Mrs Eunice Field \ who died Apr 3d 1821 | a. 28. Lucy I Dau to Phinehas | and Eunice Field | Died Apri. 3d I 1793 I Aet 3 mos and g Days. Lucius ] son of Phinehas | and Eunice Field 1 died Jan 9 ( 1793 I Aet 8 days Rev Joseph R. Field A. B. | died | Aug 9 1828 | a. 3} Unassuming in manners In morals irreproachable As a scholar successful Mighty in the Scriptures with argument invincible He maintained and defended The great doctrines of the Reformation. Rev Lucius Field A. M. | Died | June 1 1839 t a. 42 In doctrine evangelical Chaste and original in style Sincere and devotional Fervent in Spirit He loved and magnified his office. Miss 1 Eunice Field | Died | Aug 22 1825 | a. 23. Dea Paul Field died | 20 June 1778 | a. 58 Thus the bereaved church and all Sorrowing friends lament his fall Help Lord the Godly laborers cease O heal the breach and give us peace. Mrs Christian \ Consort of Dea Paul | Field died 6 Nov 179s I a. 62 So sleep the saints and cease to groan When sin and doubt have done their worst Christ hath a glory like his own Which waits to clothe their waiting dust In memory of | Thankful Daughtr | to Dea paul ] Field and Mrs Chris | his.wifeShe deed Seprye26i7i7 |aged I day In memory of j Thankful Daughtr | to Dea paul | and Mrs Chris | Field She Deed 1775 ,' In ye 4 year of her Age Mr Walter Field I died I May II 1817] Aged 58 years Great was the loss to friends and kindred too Great was the loss to all who did him know I Old Cemetery Tombstone Inscriptions. 581 Mrs Piana | Relict 'of] Mr Walter Field | died 2nd | Oct iSzo a. 58 Her"s was the firm faith that calm'd the fluttering breath And her's the holy hope that liv'd in Death Walter son of Mr | Walter and Mrs | Piana Field died | I July 1804 ag I I day Eloiza Dau of | Mr Walter and Mrs | Piana Field died | 19 Aug i8og a. I Piana Dau of | Mr Walter and Mrs | Piana Field died | IS Aug 180} a. J Sally Dau of I Mr Walter and Mrs I Piana Field died | 2J Oct 1794 a. I Mr I Paul son of |Mr Walter and Mrs | Piana died | 28 Sept 1819 a. 26 In faith he dies in dust he lies By faith far sees that dust shall rise When Jesus calls while hope assumes And boast his joy among the tombs Miss 1 Philena Dau of | Mr Walter and Mrs | Piana Field died I 22 June 181 3 a. 24 What to thy soul its glad assurance gave Its hope in death its triumph o'er the grave The sweet remembrance of unblemished youth The aspiring voice of innocence and truth Mary Field j wife of 1 Walter I Field | died 1 June 4 1847 a. 38 Chrissa Maria | Daugh of | Walter and | A. Ann Field | died I Mar 8 1854 | a. } ys II ms 23 days In memory of | Erastus Field | died Feb 23 1853 aged 61 years. He giveth his beloved sleep. In memory of | Hannah C Field | who died April 4 1872 aged 72 years Her children arise up and call her blessed Erastus " The baby " In memory of | Lucretia Field 1 died Jan II 1856 [Aged 22 years I go to my Father Moses Field | died '.'March 21 1868 | a. 60 Mira Alexander | Daughter of | Moses and Catherine A. I Field | died Jan 25 1846 j aged 2 ys 8 ms and 10 ds Zachariah Field | died | May 9 1858 | Aged 89 yrs and 7 ms He giveth His beloved sleep Abigail | wife of | Zachariah Field | died | Nov ij 1853 ] Aged 84 years When will the morning Come Abigail Field j died ] Nov | 4 1863 | a. 64 Catherine Field [ died | Mar 3 1864 | a. 62 Maria Dau of Mr Zechariah and Mrs| Abigail Field diedj 10 April 1811 a. 2 Spencer son of Mr | Zechariah and Mrs | Abigail Field died I Septr 6 1805 aged | 5 ms and 6 days. Son of Mr Zachariah | and Mrs Abigail Field | died 21 June 1791 ag | 9 hours Son of Mr Za ] and Mrs A Field | died 30 Mar 1804 aged 8 hours Lucy Field ] died | Apr 26 1863 | a. 85 Harriet M] wife of| Reuben M Field | Born Sept 22 1811 I Died June 3 1871 Not dead but slecpeth Sarah Jane | daughter of ! Reuben M and Harriet M Field ] Died Jan 16 1S61 ] Aged 12 yrs and 6 mos Deborah Bonney | wife of | Sylvenus Field | Died | May 28 1867 I a. 62 yrs 11 ms Duane | son of | Sylvenus and Deborah | Field | Died | April 14 1864 I a. 18 yrs 9 mos Rhodaj wife of | Oliver Field | died \ Apr J 1849 ] a. 65 ys 5 ms Gratia | dau of Oliver | and Rhoda Field ] died Feb 4 1818 I a. I mo Sophia Ann ] dau of Oliver and | Rhoda Field | died Oct 2 1822 I a. 7 yrs and 20 days Lucius O I son of Oliver and | Rhoda Field | died Oct 16 1822 I a. 8 mos 8 days George E.j scm of Oliver | and Rhoda Field | died Oct 16 1834 I a- 4 ys 7 mos | and 26 days. Emily M | daughter of | John and | Nancy | Field died | April 16 1841 I a. J3 Sybel A. dau j of John and Nancy ( Field | died | Oct I 1822 ag yr j and 9 mon Thomas | son of | John A and Mary A. | Fisher Died | June 2 1843 I a. 15 yrs Polly I wife of] George Fisher | diedjjuly 28 l865|Aged 66 yrs and 6 ds Rosamond A | wife of | Oliver T. Greenleaf | died | Mar 10 1862 I a. 60 Not dead but gone before Carrie L.| wife of | Adolphus Hale | Died Dec 27 1868 | a. 26 yrs 11 mo's 6 ds Willis E I son of| A L and E J. Hale | died | Aug 15 1872 I a. 7 mos 21 ds In memory of Mrs Sarah | Harvey wife of Mr Ebenzr | Harvey and Dautr of Mr| Jonathan Janes and Mrs | Je- mima his wife who j Deed Nov ye 12 1764 ] Aged 25 years 11 months | 25 days In memory of ] Orea son of Mr | Ebenezer Harvey and| Mrs Sarah his wife | who was Drowned | July ye 24 1765 I aged 3 years |8 months | and 16 days. Monument Mary L.| wife of |George Hastings ] Died |Sept 10 1859I aged 34 years Mother Trusted in God she said I am ready I have nothing to fear And thus she passed away Frank Hamilton | son of |Geo and Virginia S.|Hastings| Died at Minneapolis Minn | Aug 23, 1871 1 a. 2 yrs I mo Our baby. Hannah Davenport | wife of | Wm D Hastings | Born Apr 18 1824 I Born again Feb 6 1858 Like a wreath of ever bloom ing flowers thy memory is twined around our hearts Wm Bowman | son of| Wm. D. and H. D. Hastings,' died Sept 14 j 1843 aged 7 mos Rest soft thy dust Wait the Almighty's will Rise with the just And be an angel still In I memory of] Capt King Harris | who died Oct 17 iSzgja. 40 years. Isabel ] wife of] King Harris | died ] Sept 30 1818 | aged I 25 years Sybel S I wife of] J. A. Harris ] died ] Sept 19 1867 |a. jl For I know that my Redeemer liveth Freddie A. | son of |J. A and S Harris ] died |Jan 7 i86o| Aet 10 m 7 d Sarah C. ] dau of | Samuel and | Sarah Hedge | died Aug 25 1805 ] aged I year. Monument Richard Henry | died Nov 30 1863 | Aet 37 years. Mary Eunice | Henry ] died Sept 11 1857 ] Aet 19 mos. Squire Chandler ] son of Squire ] M and Eineiine | J Holden died ] July 2 1834 1 aged 14 mo's Mr Samuel | Holton died | April 11 A. D ] 1767 | ye 57 year of his age Mr I Samuel Holton | departed this life | Jan 2 1801 in ye I 59 year of his ] age Death is the King of terrors to the wicked but Immortal life is the hope of the Christian 582 History of Northfield. Mrs Sarah | wife of | Jonas Leonard | and formerly wife of I Samuel Holton j died 29 | July 18} I a. 8i Samuel Holton | died j Dec I 1851 | Aged 81 Years Polly Holton | wife of | Samuel Holton | died | Sept 12 i860 I Aged 79 Years. Samuel C | son of | Samuel S and | Esther S. Holton ]died Feb I J 1840 aged | 6 months and | 25 ds Rebecca | wife of | Caleb Holton | Died ; Oct 15 1852 | a. 64 Sophia Ann | daughter of,' Caleb Holton [ died | Jan 18 1842 1 a. 20 Theodore Holton | Died | Aug 17 1847 | a. 75 Mary S. | wife of | Theodore Holton ] Died ] Sept 17 1863 I a. 81 Asa S. Holton ] Died | Sept 15 1858 | a. 44 Walter H.lson of | Wm H. H. J. Holton | Died Mar 18 1862 I a. 2 yrs 6 ms. John H I son of | H and H M Holton | died | Feb 10 184J I Aged 5 yrs John H I son of I H and H M Holton j Died | Oct 2 1867 j Aged 22 years ■" George W Holton | Died | Aug 19 1867 | Aged 52 yrs Selina CJ wife of | George Holton | Died | Jan 19 1840 | a. 18 Infant dau ] died ] Nov 23 1844 ', a. i day Mary A [ Died j Sept I 1846 a. 6 mos| Daughter of The- odore I and Mary A Holton Farewell my children A long farewell Thou art gone ro realms above Yet oft we'll wander near the tomb Of those dear children we love Lavica 1 wife of | Chester Holton | died | July 29 1 841 | a. 29 Mr John Holton | died [ March 22 1825 ', a. 78 Erected by his Grandchildren Mrs I Hannah | wife of | John Holton died ', Jan 17 1S41I a. 84 Erected by her Grandchildren Electa|Daughtof|John and Hannah Holton|died March 23 j 1821 in the 2Zd | year of her age Betsey \ Daught of John and Hannah Holton \ diedMarch | 29 182Z in (the 19 yearjot her age Rufus Holton died|Aug 22 iSls|in the 33d yearjof his age Edwin Elias|son of [Elias and Fanny Holton died Jan I 1871 a. 37 ys II mos 25 ds I die to live again forever. Sarah Fieldjwife of jHorace Holton [ Born, Feb 20 l8zo| Died I Mar 6 1865 There is rest in Heaven. Crosby F|son of [Horace and Sarah | Holton Born | Sept 9 1850I Died] Jan 16 1852 Burton C.|son of| Eleon and Ella | Holton died [Nov 2 1871 a. 4 mo's 12 ds When angels took our Burtie home we laid the Casket here Small Monument. Effie Maria I Born I Nov 3 i856|Died Feb 15 1859! R"f"s Ernest; Born Sept 13 18521 Died, Feb 17 i859|children of I Rufus and Harriet' Holton Effie Ernest They wait for me Edward Jarvis|son of George W and Hannah P|Hosmer I who died July 2 1854 aged 2 years It is well Mr|Edward Houghton j Died] Sept 19 i82o|a. 60 In memory of George H. Houghton |ion of Mr Edward j and Mrs Sarah | Houghton who died | April 19 1804 in 1 the 16 year of his j age In memory of Miss Sarah Houghton | daughter of Mr Edward' and Mrs Sarah Houghton[who died Oct 26 1807 in the l8th year|Of her age. Rev John Hubbard A. .M.| second minister in this town} Died Nov 28 1794 |In the 69 yr of his Age | and 4c of his ministry A man he was to all his people dear And passing rich with eighty pound a year Remote from towns he ran his godly race Nor ever changed or wished to change his place In duty faithful prompt at every call He watched and wept he pray'd and felt for all He tryd each art reproved each dull delay Allured to brighter worlds and led the way. Madam Anna Hubbard | Relict of the late | Rev John Hubbard | and dau of the late | Cap S. Hunt | died March 11 1795 ] In the 59 year of her age With a mild lustre all her virtues shone And nought but vice and folly felt her frown She wept with the distressed their sorrows bore And glanced with generous kindness to the poor Beside the bed of trembling and dismay She hope inspired and smoothed deaths rugged way But her best virtues to her friends were known And her last triumph endless glories crown Electa Dau to ye | Revd John and Mrs | Anna Hubbard who I Died June 16 1773 | aged } I year 9 monthsjand 20 days In memory of| Elsworth son to| Revd John and Mrs Anna Hubbard who died June, 3rd A D 1772 aged|5 years 6 months] and 16 days In memory of| Elsworth ye son tojRevd John and Mrs| Anne Hubbard|who Died July[ye 27 1780 aged|j years 11 months And 22 Days In memory of|Arad Hunt son | to Revd John | and Mrs Anna|Hubbardiwho Died Septrye6 1780 Aged|one year and l8 days In memory of Capt Samuel Hunt|who died very sud- denly of an apolplictick fit Feb 28th A D i77o|Inthe 67 year of his age Trust not in uncertain riches But in the living God My Children friends spectators all who view This marble stone this motto learn tis true Health wealth and honours all are empty things They fly with quicker speed than eagles wings Death sudden Death the Bubble quickly bursts And sinks the Owner instantly in Dust Th industrious frugal Hand its action cease The cautious watchful Eye is clos'd Here sleeps my Body never more to wake Till Christ shall come and it to Glory take Madam Anna Hunt' Relict of the late] Capt Samuel Hunt|Obt May 6 1794 Aetat 90 To rise again the Sun goes down And in the furrow the grain is sown Beauties that sleep throu' winters reign When spring returns revive again Shall then the Friend o'er whom we mourn Never to Life again return Great Source of Life Light Love and Joy Let no such tho't our hope destroy Our lively hope that sometime hence Thro' the Redeemer's Influence On whom she plac'd her hope and trust She'll burst this Tomb shake olF her dust Assend to where God hold his throne And Immortality put on In memory of| Samuel Hunt|who died Nov 28I1832 a. 60 In memory of] Philomela [wife of Samuel Hunt|who died June j] 1817 a. 42. MarthaJDau of Samue!]and Philomela Hunt]who died July 41813 a. 5 Martha PjDau of Samuel|and Philomela Huntlwho died Sept 9|l8z2a. 7 i Old Cemetery Tombstone Inscriptions. 583 Charles Hunt | died | Nov 28 1838 1 a. ij Samuel Hunt | Born Apr } i8oz|Died Dec 6 1851 An infant |son of Samuel and|Submit Hunt Martha Philomela I dau of Samuel Hunt Esq|and Sub- mit his wife; Born Apr 19 iSiS Died Aug 16 1S61 Not a tear must o'er her fall He giveth his beloved sleep Elisha Hunt EsqjDied 27 Nov i8lo aged|69 years and II months Saliy|Dau of Elisha Hunt Esq|and Mrs|Mary Hunt Died 1 19 Jan j 1795 Aged 10 years and 6 ms Miss PattyjDau of Elisha Hunt Esqjand Mrs|Mary Hunt died, 26 June|i796 aged 18 ys|and 9 mos. Mr| Frederic Hi and 7 mo i Died 1 18 April 1805] aged] 25 ys Monument Jonathan Hunt] Elisabeth [ His wife| J. L. Woodbridge! son of[J. and E Hunt Elisha HuntjElsworth Hunt. In memory of Mr I Jonathan Janes who deceased Febry | the 16 1776 in the 1 81 year of his age Dust returneth to dust The spirit to God who gave it In memory of| Mrs Jemina Relict of| Mr Jonathan Janes I who Deceased] June the 18 l79o|In the 86 year of | Her Age In memory! of Jeminatjanes dau to|Mr Jonathan'and Mrs Jemina Janes who decd|Oct 25 i748|Aged 7 years;? months and eleven days Dea|Ebenezer Janes|died|22 Jan 1808 a. 72 In memory of Sarah Janes wifejto Ebenezer Janesjwho died in | Child-bed March ye 5th day 1766! Aged 28 years and 9 months 1 and 29 days This is natures melancholy Vault When Christ to Judgment shall Desend His voice my grave shall ope But till that day within the dust My flesh shall rest in hope Mrs Mehetabelj relict of |Dea Ebenezer Janes] died 24] Sept 1835 a. 90 In memory of [Hannah Janes | Daughter of] Ebenezer and Sarah Janes j who Deed July ye 13 1770 aged ] 7 years and 6 | months and | 8 days In memory of j Ebenezer Son of | Mr Ebenezer Janes] and Mrs Sarah his [wife who Decd]Novr ye 5 1766] aged 9 months] and 5 days Mrs Jemina wife|of Mr. John Allenjand Dautrof Dea] Ebenezer Janes|Died Aug 31 I787|ln ye 31 year In memory of Sarah Dautr to Ebenr and Mehete Janes who died Sept 1 1775 Aged lo months and 21 days. Parents and friends n memory of Ebenezer Son to Ebenr and Mehete Janes who died August 27 1775 Aged 4 years 6 months and 20 days ho saw us struggle Panting for breath in sore distress See here our Pains ihey cease to troubli For here the weary be at rest. In memory of | Sarah Dautr of Mr | Ebenr and Mrs Me- hetle 1 Janes She Deed | September ye 24 1779 I Aged 2 years 4I months and 27 Days. In memory of | Alexander son ] of Lt Ebenezer Janes and Mrs | Mehetable JanfS who Died June 3rd ] 1787 Aged 19 mo|nths and 25 days Mr I James O Janes | died ] 30 Aug 1829 a. ] 47 Mrs Roxana ] Consort of Mr James | O Janes died 5 Nov ] 1810 a. 24 Such were her virtues that from them we gain Relief in mourning and suspense from pain Our dearest friends do oft forsake our sight To dwell in perfect joy and cloudless light Mrs Joanna relict of ] James O Janes ] died 21 May 183s a. 52 Roxana Dau of ] Mr James O and Mrs ] Roxana Janes| died 20 Mar 1811 ag | 6 mo Roxanna dau | of James O and ] Joanna Janes | died 21 Aug ] 1830 a. 6 Joanna dau | of James O and ] Joanna Janes ] died 6 July 1831 a. 7 Mrs Lucretia I wife of] Capt Ebenr Janes] Died 30 \ Oct 1831 a. Jl Juliana | Dau of Ebenezer and | Lucretia Janes died | a Sept 1815 ag 3 yrs | and 6 mon. Dea ] Xenophon Janes ] died ] 21 Oct 1829 a.] 57 Mrs Sarah wife ] of Dea ] Xenophon Janes | died 3 ] May 1814 a. 39 Tirzah C | wife of | Dea Xenophon Janes ] died Apr J 1858 I a. 77 Martha A ] wife of| Ebenezer Janes ] died Sept 28184J] a. 36 Lt ] Jonathan Janes | died j 22 March 1813 | a. 57 Mortals attend for you must die And sleep in dust as well as I Repent in time your souls to save There's no repentance in the grave. Miss Mary P. Dau of j Lt Jonathan and Mrs ] Caroline Janes died ] 25 Sept 1812 a. j 13 Friends and Physicians could not save This mortal body from the grave Nor can the grave confine it here When Christ commands it to appear Hannah | wife of] Josiah Jennison ] Died ] Feb 29 1848 | aged 71 David Johnson ] Died ] Feb 24 1867 ] a. 67 Almira wife of] David Johnson ] Died ] Oct 9 1865] a 6$ Sarah L ] Dau of] Francis and Fanny S. ] Johnson ] died Aug 5 1848 ] a. 15 yrs and 2 mos Alice G. ] Dau of] Francis and Fanny S | Johnsonldied] Sept 1 i860 ] a. 13 ys 9 ms Monument Fanny F ] wife of] Henry Johnson ] Born July 18 1807 | died Feb I 1838 Asleep in Jesus Martha W ] wife of] Henry Johnsonjborn Feb 25 i8o8| died Apr 12 1871 Her children rise up and call her blessed Francis E ] dau of j Henry and Fanny ] Johnson ] born Nov 5 1835 ] died Nov 8 1841 For such is the Kingdom of Heaven Watson W ' son of j Henry and Martha ] Johnson ,' born Oct 14 1839 I died Oct 9 1840 He shall gather the lambs with his arm and carry them in his bosom Anna M | wife of] T. H. Browning of Westerly R. I. | and Dau of Henry and | Martha Johnson | born Apr 2 1845 ] died Mar 23 1872 Let her own works praise her in the gates Here lies buried ( The body of Sale ] Knap son of Mr ] Daniel Knap and ] Hannah his wife ] who Deed July ye ] ij 1770 aged ] I year 5 months | and 8 days Monument. Capt Samuel Lane ] Born Sept 27 1812 | Died May j 1864 An honest man is the noblest work of God Cara Maria ] The first born ] Aged 3 years A bud of promise Mr ] Ezra Consort ] of Mrs Mary | Lawrence died ] 2J Apr 1813 ] a. 22 He left this world in hopes of future blessedness and we trust his soul has gone to rest with Christ while the body takes a sound sleep in the dust until the resurrection of the just Mary Leach | Died ] Mar 27 1850 ] a. 73 584 History of Northfield. Mehitable | wife of | John Long | Died | Jan 6 1843 | in her 56 year Josiah H.|son of | J. and M. Long | Died Oct 9 l8jo | a. II mo 19 Ds Thomas Lord | Died | June 11 1861 | Aged 81 years Dezier | his wife | Died Dec 11 1859 1 Aged 80 years. In I memory of | An Infant | child of Tho's | and Dezier Lord I who died I Mar i 1811 In I memory of | Mary A | Dau of Thomas | and Dezier Lord I who died June 19 1834 \ a. 21 years. In I memory of [Charlotte |Dau of Thomas | and Dezier Lord I who died Aug 17 1832 ] a. 16 years In I memory of | Joseph | son of | Thomas and Dezier | Lord who died | Oct 22 1826 | a. 2 yrs and 7 mos. In I memory of j Aaron Lord | who died March | 4 1825 | a. 24 yrs Capt I Thomas C. Lord |born Nov 25 iSoj | died Aug 21 1851 He is not dead but sleepeth Charles S.I son of] Thos C and Olive S|Lord ] born Mar 19 1832] died April 5 1833 Of such is the | Kingdom of Heaven Harrictte | dau of | Thos C and Olive S.| Lord | born Dec 24 1835 I died Sept 6 1837 It is well with the child Thomas C Jr | son of | Thomas C. and | Olive S. ] Lord| died '1 Nov II 1843 | a. 7 mos and I day Suffer little children to come unto me Lois C I wife of | Samuel S Lord | died | Sept 11 1861 | a. 43 ys 9 ms. She is not dead but sleepeth Do not weep for me 'tis God calls me home Joseph T. Lord | Died | Dec 1866 | a. 36 ys 8 ms In memory of | Lieut Joshua Lyman | who Departed this I life Sept 7 A D 1777 Aged 73 | years and 6 months, Whilst living men My Tomb do view Remember well Here's room for you interred | T of Mrs | Sarah — the | wife — ', — Lyman — Died | A— 23rd | 1738 in the 37 | — of her age. In memory of | Mr Simeon | Lyman who died | 19 May 1809 I a. 78 Death is a sweet sonorous sound To those who have Salvation found It wafts them to the courts of bliss Where all is joy and happiness In memory of | Mrs Sarah late | Amiable Consort | of Mr Simeon Lyman ] who departed this | Life Nov 28 1797 I In the 63 year of | her age She was Desirable in and lamented in death The sweet remembrance of the Just Shall flourish while they sleep in dust In memory of Mrs | Esther the late | Amiable Consort of I Capt Elihu Lyman ] who Died Augt ye | 20 1774 in the 30th | year of Her Age Farewell bright soul a short farewell Till we shall meet again Above In Groves of Bliss where pleasure Dwells And trees of Life bear fruits of Love In memory of Esther I Dautr to Capn Elisha | And Mrs Esther | Lyman who Died Augst 15 | 1774 agd z mo and 8 days Sleep sweet babe And take thy rest God called thee home He thot it Best Captn I Seth Lyman | died | 14 Oct 1817 a. | 81 Death is a sweet sonorous sound To those who have salvation found It wafts them to the courts of bliss Where all is joy and happiness Mrs Eunice the | late amiable | Consort of Cap | Seth Lyman died | Oct I 1801 in the | 61 year of her age The graves of all the saints be blest And softened every bed Where should the dying members rest But with their dying Head In memory of I Col James Lyman | who died 25 Jan 1804 a. 59 In memory of | Mrs Mary Crouch Lyman | wife to Col James Lyman | who died Mar 23 1777 1 aged 29 years and 10 months What tho short thy date That Life is long which Answers Life's great End The man of wisdom is the man of years. Abigail relict of | Col James Lyman | died Aug 12 1829 | a. 71 In memory of I Robert son of Col | James and Mrs Abigail Lyman | who died Sept 29 1759 aged | 10 -f 6 months 9 days In memory of | Mr Gad Lyman | who died 16 Aug 1805 | a. 23 Polly Lyman | died Aug 17 1848 | a. 64 Maria dau of | Rodolphus and Bethiah | Lyman died 19 Feb 1821 I a. 8 Friends and physicians could not save This mortal body from the grave Nor can the grave contain it here When Christ commands it to appear Richard Lyman | died | Oct 7 1863 | a. 78 Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord Aaron L Lyman | died | Oct 18 1848 a. 22 Mary F ] wife of | James Lyman | died May 21 l86j 3. 47 Dear Beloved one and mother for thee the lonely tear we shed Mary Jane | only dau of] J and M F Lyman died j Oct | 9 1859 I a. 17 Dear Jennie The lonely tear for thee we shed. Albert W. ] son of Mr James and Mary F | Lyman 1 Died Feb 7 1854 a. I yr A Fair bud of earth to bloom in Heaven Harriet W. | wife of | Jonathan Lyman j born 28 Sept 1817 1 died 20 July 1846 Charlotte H ] wife of I Jonathan Lyman ] Died Oct 16 1865 I aged 55 years. Alfred H ] son of | Jonathan | and Harriet W | Lyman died Sept 15 1840 ] a. I year and | 7 nlos Elisha Lyman ] died ] Dec 28 1858 | a. 80 Margaret! I wife of] Capt Elisha Lyman j died | Oct 6 181 1 I a. 27 I years Rachel i second wife of J Elisha Lyman | died Oct 3 i860 I a. 75 Aaron G. Lyman ] died | April 15 1841 | a. 60 Cynthia ] wife of] Aaron G Lyman ] died | Dec 2 1839 1 a. 59 Cynthia dau of] Aaron and Cynthia Lyman died 27 | July 1830 a. 14 George B. son of | Aaron G. and | Cynthia Lyman | died 9 I Sept 1822 a. II Elijah W. son of | Aaron G. and | Cynthia Lyman \ died 12 ] Sept 1822 a. 2 Seth son of | Aaron G and Cynthia Lyman | died 14 | Sept 1822 a. 13 Samuel Lyman | died ] Nov 6 1823 a. 49 Sarah Smith ] wife of ] Samuel Lyman ] Died Aag 11 i8S7 1 a. 79 Warren Lyman j died at Texas | Nov 18 1837 | Aet 32 Henry Clay | son of | Warren and | Eliza Lyman | died { Jan 14 1836 Aet 5 years I mo and zz d i Old Cemetery Tombstone Inscriptions. 585 Sophronia W. | wife of | Israel Lyman | died Nov 26 1871 |a. 51 yrs 2 mos 17 ds She trusted in Jesus. Francis Israel | son of j Israel and Sophronia W] Lyman died I Apr 8 1848 | aged I yr 9 mos | and 6 ds John Lyman | Born Dec i i8ig | Died | Apr 7 i860 He left this world with out a tear Save for those he loved most dear And with the Angels he's at rest Where soon we'll meet him with the blest Little. Jennie j Dau of | John and Melinda | Lyman | Died I Nov 5 1857 | a. 12 Ds One less to love on earth One more to meet in Heaven Milton J. I son of | John and Malinda | Lyman | Died | Apr 28 1871 I a. 14 ys 10 ms Ij Ds Tis hard to part with friends so dear No more with them on earth to dwell Erected | in Memory of | Joseph Lyman | who died Dec| zi l8}2 j aged 70 years. Elisabeth | wife of | Joseph Lyman | Died Oct 25 1855 | a. 7J ys 10 ms 9 ds Harriet | daughter of | Joseph and Harriet \ Lyman died ] Sept 2 — [could not decipher], Louisa C.|wife of | E S. G. Lyman ( died ] Feb 26 1867] a. 4J yrs 11 mos 20 ds. Frank W.| sonof E.S. G.] and L. C. Lyman 'died |May 16 i860 ]a. I year and 9 mos Sweet babe that we did love Has gone to live with Christ above Clark I son of Elias and Mary E | Lyman | died Sept 17 1855 I a. 4 mos Sleep little baby sleep And take thy rest God called thee home He thought it best Mr Caleb Lyman | died | August 18 1822 | aged 73 Mrs Catherine j Consort of Mr | Caleb Lyman | died 22 Aug 1809 a. 5}, In memory of | Francis son of | Mr Caleb and Mrs | Ka- therinel Lyman who died] Decbr 27 l784|Aged 2 years 2 I mo and 21 days. Born I Feb 27 In memory of | Josiah Dwight Lyn 1780 I Died I Jan 5 1869 | a. 88 In memory of j Mrs Betsey Whiting | wife of | Josiah Dwight Lyman | Born | Aug 12 1784 | Died I Feb 24 1868 I a. 83 Mr William | Swan Lyman de | ceased Feb 26 1801 in the 26 I year of his age I The young the gay The noble and the brave Must quit this Life To moulder in the grave Caleb Lyman | Died | March 8 1855 ] Aged 48 years. In memory of j Ensign | Nathaniel Mattoon | who Deed Jan ye 18I1770 Aged 76 years [4 months and 18 days. Great God I own Thy sentence just I yield my Body To the Dust Mrs Hannah Relict | of Ensin Nathaniel | Mattoon died April 6 1797 in the 96 yr of her Age This life is a vain and empty show But the bright world to which I go Hath joy so substantial and sincere When shall I wake and find me there Monument (Mattoon) Mr Philip | died | Sept 18 1810 | a. 82 Hannah | his wife | Died | Dec 18 1800 | a. 6g Mr Hezekiah | died | Jan 3 1829 ] a. 54 Penelope j his wife | died | Aug IJ 1849 1 ^- 75 In my Fathers house are many mansions 74 Lucia Ann | Dau of | H and P Mattoon | died Oct 2? 1832 I a. 22 Elijah Mattoon | died | 12 Nov 1S23 1 a. 83 Catherine | wife of | Elijah Mattoon | died j8 Aug i83S| a. 88 Lucy I Dau of | Elijah and | Catherine Mattoon | died | Oct 19 1793 I Aged 23 years. Susannah Mattoon | died | May 29 1859 I Aged 86 years Elijah Mattoon | died | Dec 29 1853 I Aged 71 years Hannah | wife of j Elijah Mattoon | died | Sept 11 1846 a. 66 Frederic F | son of Elijah and | Hannah Mattoon | died | April 10 1840 I aged 26 years. Lucy Ann | Dau of j Elijah and | Hannah Mattoon|died July 24 lS3l]a. 6 years Lucy Ann ] Dau of | Elijah and | Hannah Mattoon| died Oct 29 1826 I aged 13'years Little Charley | died | May 7 1852 | aged 4 mo's Charles H | died at Bloomington Iowa | Aug 6 1844 | a. II m 8 ds Emma F | died j July 22 1848 a. I year. Children of | Charles and Lucia A | Mattoon In Heaven they are united Little Minnie Mary A Mattoon | wife of | Hezekiah Mattoon | Died / Aug 21 1842 1 Aged 32 yrs. In memory of | Mr Isaac Mattoon | who Deed May ye 21 1767 I Aged 82 years | and 5 months Great God I owne Thy sentence Just I yield my Body To the Dust Sacred to ] the memory of | Doct Samuel Mattoon who | died 18 March 1807 in the 77 year of his Age Mrs I Abigail | wife of] Doct Samuel Mattoon | died i6 July 1816 in I the 77 yr of her age Samuel Mattoon | died | Nov 24 1848 | a. 84 Mrs Mary wife of | Mr Samuel Mattoon ] and dautr of Capt jSamuel Merriman | died Septr 2 1788 ] In the 24 year of | Her age Ruth I wife of | Samuel Mattoon | died Jan 14 1839 | a. In memory of Samuel | son of Mr Samuel Mattoon Jr | who died | July 30 1804 In the 18 year of his age. Lifes narrow circle soon is run The voige is quickly o'er Death points to us the race is done Eternity the shore Richard Mattoon | died | Feb 2 1872 | a. 68 yrs lo mos I 21 ds Let not your hearts be troubled believe in God Obediah Mattoon | Died | Nov lo 1839 I a. 41 years Marianne | wife of I Obediah Mattoon | Died Feb 24 1838 a. 81 Charles | son of | Obediah and | Marianne | Mattoon Died ] Jan 9 1836 | a. 2 yrs and|9 days Warren Mattoon | Died July 3 1866 | Aet 56 yrs 2 mo Father He has gone home Lucy A| wife of | Warren Mattoon | Died [Sept 15 1843I a. 26 Granville W. Mattoon | Died j April 27 i860 | a. 16 yrs 9 ms 10 Ds God is love. Mabel R. Mattoon | Passed to the | Summer Land | Aug 30 1870 I a. 10 years 4 mos. Elihu Mattoon j died | Dec 7 1859 I aged 74 years 9 mos Rebecca Whiting | wife of | Elihu Mattoon I died I Aug 8 1870 ] aged 87 yrs 6 mos Rhoda Mattoon | died [May ji 1859I ^ged 76 yrs 6 mos Cynthia Mattoon | died | Sep 9 1859 I aged 88 years 586 History of Northfield. Isaac Mattoon | died ] Aug il 1856 | a. 91 Martha | wife of j Isaac Mattoon | died Oct 5 1847 a. 76 John son of] Mr Isaac and Mrs | Martha Mattoon | died 15 Dec 17953.5 Sarah | Morton Dau j of Mr Isaac and ] Mrs Martha | Mattoon died [24 Dec 1795 Monument Charlotte A | wife of Oliver S. Mattoon | Died Nov 2, 1861 I Aged 57 years I go to meet my children Emily M | wife of O. S. Mattoon | Died Aug 17 1872 ] aged 48 years Isaac son of Oliver S. and | Charlotte A Mattoon | died June 2 1832 I aged 17 days. Charlotte | Dau of Oliver S. and | Charlotte A MattoonI Died Nov 30 1825 | aged 34 days Sarah Ann | Dau of Oliver S. and | Charlotte A Mattoon,' Died Dec 11 1845 aged 17 years Thy will be done Edwin A | son of Oliver S. and ] Charlotte A Mattoon Died April 20 l8si|aged 24 years Trust in God Elisabeth | Dau of Oliver S. and | Charlotte A Mattoon] Died May 5 i855]aged ig years He doeth ail things well Oliver W. | son of Oliver S and ] Charlotte A Mattoon | Died April 22 1859 I 3g<=d '9 Y^ars Prepare to Die Helen | Dau of Oliver S and ] Charlotte A Mattoon] Died Sept 6 1854 ] aged 19 years Geo Parker | son of] James and Mary ] P F Mattoon ] died March 21 1840 a. 6}^ years. Mary Percival , dau of] James and Mary ]Mattoon]died Aug I l8j2 a. II weeks Catherine ] wife of] John Mattoon |Died ] Aug 26 1870] a. 7oyrs 4 mos An Infant ] Daughter of] John and Catherine] Mattoon] died May 18 1841 Ann P. ] Daughter of] John and Catherine ] Mattoon | died ] June 2 1841 ] aged 4 yrs and 6 mo Rev Thomas Mason]Born in Princeton Mass|May 28 1769 I Graduated at Harvard University ] Class of 1796] Ordained Nov 6 1799] Dismissed J at his own re- questJMarch 1830 Died Jan 3 1851 |a. 81 Madam Lydia Mason j Consort of ]Rev| Thomas Mason] Died] Aug 23 1803] Aged 26 years Thomas their infant son] died aug 22 aged 24 hours. That Life is long which Answers life's great end Madam Sophia Mason] Consort of J Rev] Thomas Mason] Died] April 29 1842 aged 66 years Mary Mason I dau of I Rev Thomas and] Lydia Mason died Nov 12 i8o6!aged 4 years and 10 mos Thomas Mason j son of] Rev Thomas and j Sophia Mason ] died Dec 29 1810 ] aged I year and ] 9 mo In memory of ] Gerrtude A J Dau of | Geo and J. B. Mason ] She went to her heavenly home j Dec 21 1852 j a. 9 mths. Sherman E ] son of] Caleb Maynard Jr ] Died | April 11 1870 a. 5 ys 5 mos. Mrs Lucy W ] Consort of James ] Meriam died 28]June 1811 a. 38 In vain to God we may implore Our once dear friends to restore Whom on far other tearms he gave By nature fated to the grave Tis hard but patience must endure And soothe the woes it cannot cure Miss Fa Meriam 2 Jan I iny Miss Eunice Meriam died 8 April iSio Yet why should we mourn their early decay Since they are snatch'd from ; of sorrow away Lucy daughter of] Mr James and Mrs j Lucy Meriam \ died Feb 20 1797 ] a.i month Emily dau of | Mr James and Mrs ] Lucy W Meriam | died j 5 June 1818 age ] 5 mon Lucy Meriam ] died ] 27 Jan 1818 a. 20 Memento Mori ] Mr Theophilus ] Merriman | died Sept ^■5 1793 1 in the 75 year of his age Death comfortably ends a well spent Life Capt Samuel j Merriman depar ] ted this life in | hope of a Glori ] ous Immortality ] June 22 1803 In | the 81 yr of his age Life is uncertain death is sure Sin made the wound but Christ the cure Lydia Harwood \ Her first husband ] j^iahel Stehbins \ was killed and she taken pris ] oner by Indians Aug 27 1757 I at No 4 and carried to Canada ] Saved from torture at the stake | by her heroism and faith ] she returned from captivity ] and in 1759 married ] Capt Samuel Merriman \ She died his widow Feb 2 1808 | Aged 76 To keep her memory green ] this stone is erected by her ] great grand children Clesson Merriman and Ella Merriman Barber A D 1874 Mr I Levi Merriman ] died | August 3 1829 in his 69 year Mercy | wife of] Levi Merriman ] died ] July 10 1839 | a. 72 Elijah Merriman ] died ] March 30 1854 Aged 88 years Rebecca ] wife of | Elijah Merriman ] died Oct 14 1839 | a. 66 Samuel Merriman ] born May 12 1807] died Dec 21 1854 I Mary | died ] Feb 23 1844 ] aged 3 yrs ] and j mos Crosby j died j Feb 23 1845 ] aged 9 mos Russell ]died ] Jan 31 1853 ] aged i yr | and 9 mos George Sdiedj April II l857,aged 2 yrs]and II mos Jesus said Suffer little children to come unto me Helen M wife of J Clesson Merriman] born Aug 25 1843 ]died June 14 1868] Blessed are the pure in heart Monument Martha Ann] wife of j Elijah Merriman] Died Aug 10 1865 Aged 54 yrs. Anna Mj Died Aug 26 1864! Aged 27 yrs Hattie E;Died Sept 22 1865 J Aged 22 yrs S. Wallace; Died Sept 22 1842] Aged 4 yrs Jacob Millar] Died May i i832|a. 7oyrs Phebe]wife ofjacob Millar]died j Oct 13 l843]a. 79 Emma L|dauof|Cyrus and TIiza|Millar Died]Jan 31 i845|a. I yr 8 mo] and 11 days Lucia Ann j Dau of ] Cyrus and Eliza, Millar died] April 28 1842 a. 24 yr 9 mo Clement Miner] died] Feb lo 1810 a. 41 If a man die shall he live again I Hepsibahjwife of C Miner) died and was entombed in| Boston Apr 24 l8ly]a. 47 Mary B|daughter of ] Clement and Hepsibah]Miner] died June 2 i824|a. 23 yrs and]6 mos The memory of the just is blessed Lucretia B daughter of|C. and H Miner | died Sept 1807 aged 3 yrs Daughter thou wast early blest Called from earth to peace and rest Joseph Eastmanlson of Mr Clement]Miner died aug 12 1798 aged] 2 years 11 mos and] 6 d Friends depart Dry up your tears Here I must lie Till Christ appears Old Cemetery Tombstone Inscriptu ions. 587 Stephen Myrick|died Nov 2Z 1867 1 a. 82 Caroline|wife of Stephen Myrick] died | Jan 6 i856|a. 72 Mr Isaiah Moody] Died] June 22 i828|in his 24 year In memory of 'Isaiah Moody | who died Feb 20 1835 1 aged 6j years Monument Isaiah Moody | Died Feb 20 1835 Phila A Moody |his wife] Died Nov I 1869 Isaiah Moody] Died June 22 1828 Edwin Moody I Died May 28 1841 sons of | Isaiah and Phila, Moody Mary L StonejDied July Jl 1841 Eunice S. Arms|Died Oct 26 1857 Dau of I. and P. A. Moody Rest in Heaven Sarah Louisa |Dau of [Lucius A and Sarah | Moody j Died May 6 l8s8|a. 15 Not dead but Sleepeth Our little] Frank I Died Aug II i856|a. JJM. A. and A. W Moody I Not Lost but gone before Freddie|twin son ofjM. A. and A. W. Moody|died Aug 4 l86i|3. 2 yrs 4 mos We loved him Nellie|Twin dau of| M. A. and A. W. Moody]Died July 12 i865|a. 6 yrs j mos Our darling Julia M I wife of| Geo F Moody | Died | Apr 2 i86o|a 24 Susannah! wife of j Jacob Moody | died | April 14 l8jl a. 62 Charles Moody I son of| Mr Jacob Moody Jr|and Mrs Ruby his wifeidied June 9 l826|aged 6 years j months Freedom M.|wife of, Silvanus Moody | died | Oct 10 1847! a. 17 Rodney i their son Sept 26| 1847 a. 7 weeks Mark Mooresj Died (July 7 i869|a. 68 yrs 6 mos Elizabeth I wife of | Harrison Moores | Died) Oct 7 i8sjj a. 47 Sarah Ajwife of | Harrison Moores | Died | Jan 10 1873] a. 47 yrs Mother Ella A Morse | died [ Feb ij 1872 | a. 17 yrs Mr Aaron Morgan ] son of Mr Noah | Morgan died Aug| 31 1803 in the 18 year of his age Unveil thy bosom faithful tomb Take this new treasure to thy trust And give these sacred relics room To moulder in the silent dust Monument B. B. Murdock | Born at Townsend Vt | Nov 27 1805 Eunice Alexander! Murdock) Born at Winchester N. H. Dec I 1804 1 Died at Natick | Oct 6 1870 Lucy Christiana | Dau of | Benjamin B and | Eunice Mur- dock \ Died Northfield | June 28 1839 I ^Z^^ ^ years and I 3 months Thy will be done Abby Jane | Dau of B. B. and Eunice | Murdock died | Aug 20 1841 I a. 9 mos Amen In memory of | Elizabeth | widow of ]Elisha Nash | who died Dec | 24 183 1 | aged 67 years In memory of | Elisha son of j Elisha and | Susan Nash | who died Feb 27 1833 | aged 8 days Frank Dwight | son of Albin and Mary A ] Nash | died Feb 1859 I a- i ys J mos Mrs I Philena Newcomb died | Sept X2 1871 | a. 77 yrs Mrs Nancy C. Newell | died 1 Jan 6 1871 | a. 63 yrs Reuben Newton | Died [ Jan 12 l854lAet 53 We wept to see him die Gen John Nevers | Died | Mar 30 1847 a. 73 Mrs Hannah Nevers ] Died | Nov 29 1848 a. 65 An Infant child ] of John and | Hannah Nevers In memory of | Mr Alexander | Norton who died | Nov 13 1790 Aged 62 years He's gone and left this mortal stage Tho while in life adorn'd his age He Patiently resign'd His Breath And now his Body sleeps in Dust His soul has gone we hope and trust To be with Christ among the Just To see His Face forever nigh And sing His praise Eternally Almira P[wite of Artemus Nye j died Sept 10 1863 1 aged 59 yrs Our Mother. Marshall Nye|died Dec 5 i867laged 36 A few more days and we shall meet The dead we hold so dear Yet only by his loss we've learned How well we loved him here Died January 8 1832 of Spina Biffida|Sarah Hinckley] dau of Asa ind|Mary P Olmsteadja. 7 yrs Jabez Parsons | Died | Feb 9 1871 la 93 yrs 6 mos Lovicy I wife of] Jabez Parsons [died July 7 l848|Aged 69 years Albert son of Mrljabez and Mrs Lovicy [Parsons died Sept I 1805 aged 2 yearsI6 months and 22 days. Mr Elijah Parsons died' Oct 10 1837 a- J^ Ye living men see here your end To Jesus voice pray now attend Your days your years how swift they fly Be warned be wise prepare to die Miss; Cynthia Dau of| Elijah and Mrs|jerusha Parsons] died II Mar i8iola. 27 Hark! she bids her friends adieu Some angel calls her to the spheres Our eyes the radient form persue Through liquid telescopes of tears H.Edwards Parsons] Born Sept 13 1820] Died Oct 8 1869' Aged 49 years Amie Edwards I Daughter of H Edwards and [Sophia M. Parsons andiwife of James H Slade|Born Aug7 1744I Died Sept 4 1864 Nellie Hark I hear the rush | of angel wings Hammat Of such is the Kingdom of[ Heaven Here lies the body of | Mrs Hannah S [ wife of | Mr A. C. Parsons | she left it ] March 24 1S5; | a. 34 Dust thou art to dust returnest was not spoken of the Soul W Everett [ son of Albert C and | Hannah S. | Parsons died 1 Aug 31 1849 [ a. 18 ds Not lost but gone before Apoline | Daughter of j Albert C and Hannah | S. Par- sons I died July 3d 1848 1 Aged 10 weeks She lives in Heaven Abigail | Daughter of | Elihu Phelps \ died ] Dec 7 1821 1 a. 33 Jonathan H | son of | Elihu and [Abigail Phelps ] died | Dec 22 1818 a. lo months Theodore Phelps | died Jan | 2 1849 ] a. 52 Jane G. S. j wife of[ Amos S. Piper] Died,' Aog lo She is not dead but sleepeth. Helen J. Piper | Died [ Jan 2 1856 | a. 19 G. S. 1849 1 a. 29 The darkening angel Not fear In youths bright morn to come But whispered on the passir.g bree«s There is rest at home 588 History of Northfield. George W Piper | died | July 12 1851 a. 21 yrs 6 ms Farewell love one dry thy tears God is a God of Love O strive to serve him here That we may meet above In memory of | Mr John Pirss | who Deed Augst ] ye zoth 1747 in ye | 51st year of his Age This marble is erected | in | memory | of | Lucretia H Prentiss | (Daughter | of | Samuel and Lucretia Pren. tiss)|who Died March 10 1817 \ Aet 2Z This marbl» | was erected | in memory of Doctor | Samuel Prentiss | who died | Dec 3rd A D 1818 Aet 59 years Widow jSarah Priest | died ] 14 Sept 1805 a. 78 Mr I Isaac Prior | died Sept 11 1S32 a. | 58 Weep not for me but weep for yourselves And for your children Roxana | wife of | Isaac Prior | died March 24 1840 | a. 64 The memory of the Just is blessed Mr I Shammah | Pomroy | died [ 8 July 1818 a. 82 Mrs Anna I wife of | Mr Shammah Pomroy | died }i aug 1817 I Aged 7} Mrs Harriet | wife of Mr Wm Pomroy | died | 28 Aug 1818 I a. 29 Mrs Lucy | wife of j Mr Wm Pomroy | died 18 June 1813 I a. 29 Lucy B I Pomroy died 13 | Aug 1813 aged 4 men Charles B Pomroy | died 23 Feb | 1824 a. 19 William Pomroy Jr | Died ] April 14 1836 | Aged 29 years Elizabeth C. j wife of | Wm Pomroy Jr \ Died | May 11 1836 t a. 27 years In memory of j Mehetabel Dau of | Mr Eleazer | Pome- roy and Mrs | Lydia his wife who|Dec Apr 19 1770 | aged 7 months and 12 days. In memory | of Medad Pomeroy | son to Doctor | Medad Pomeroy | and Mrs Sarah His | wife who Deed Apr ye 17 1760 Sarah Hunt | Daughter of ] Charles and Laura C [ Pome- roy I died May 8 1849 I aged 7 months Monument Samuel B Purple | B rn June 29 1813 ] Died Nov 25 1857 Jane A Purple | His wife | Born Dec 25 1831 | Died April 15 1857 George B | son of | Nelson W and | Louisa Purple | died Dec 9 1834 I a. 1 year 10 mos j and 16 dys He is not lost but gone before And when the hour of life is o'er We meet we meet to part no more RoUin E son of Joel and | Rowena Randall ( Died Nov 5 1864 aged 10 yrs 2 ms Farewell Father and my mother Farewell Sister and my two Brothers Jesus calls me home above To dwell with Him in joy and love Samuel H | son of James and | Clarisa Reed | Died j Apr 12 1843 ] a. 24 yrs \ 8 mo Sarah F | Dau of John F and S. Estella i Rice | died Dec 7 1871 a. I yr 10 ms 21 ds Sarah K. | wife of | Leonard Robbins | died | April 25 1850 I a. 24 Just in the morning of her day When hope was bright she passed away In memory of | Mrs Thankful Root ] the wife of Mr ,' Elihu Root who j died April 19 1776 Aged 30 | years and 5 months Lucy I wife of | Israel Russell | Died Dec 6 1852 ] a. 87 Capt j William Simonds | died | 19 Feb 1825 a. | 63 Mrs Mary j relict of |Mr Wm Simonds | died | Sept 10 1838 I a. 69 Mary | wife of | Nathan Simonds | died | Dec 20 1847 a. 46 William son of | Nathan H and Mary Simonds | died 19 Aug 1825 I ag 3 ys and 6 mo Sarah H | wife of | Nathan H. Simonds | Died Dec 9 1872 ! aged 57 years. Samuel H Simonds | died | June 2 1842 | Aged 38 Harriet | wife of | Samuel H. Simonds | died June 2 1866 Aged 67 years Charlotte Ann'iDau of I Samuel H and Harriet|Simonds 1 died Sept 17 1857 | Aged 23 C. Russel Simonds | Died | May 18 1859 Aged 34 We miss Thee Hattie M | dau of | R A and S M | Simonds | Died Sept 22 1868 I aged 5 mos i dy Deacon | Samuel Smith | died Decemr the 21st | 1799 | ° "^ Reader deny it if you can Here lies interred an honest man By Pope denominated rightly The noblest work of the Almighty Here lies buried ] The body of Mrs ] Sara Smith ye wife ] of Dea Samuel | Smith who Deed | March ye 30th 1767 I In the 60th year of | Her Age Mary | Smith Dau | ghter to | Samuel and Sary | Smith Dec I yr 1730 Mar | 23 Aged one | year and a | half and I five days Capt Reuben Smith | died | 24 Aug 1832 a. 92 In memory of | Mrs Catharine Smith | wife of | Capt Reu- ben Smith I who died Feb | 9 1803 | aged 63 years A memorial of ] Mrs Betsey wife of | Capt Reuben Smith I who died sep 2 1822 j aged 86 years A memorial of | Miss Mary | Smith who died | April 29 1823 aged 45 years Mr I Phinehas Smith | died 18 Sept 1823 | in the 63rd year of | his age In memory of | Mrs Sarah wife to | Mr Oliver Smith | who Died Aug | 4th 1784 In the | 35 year of her age Bright Soul farewell a short farewell Till we shall meet Again Above 1 n Groves of bliss where pleasure dwells And trees of Life bear fruits of love While the dear dust she leaves behind Sleeps in thy bosom sacred tomb Soft be Her bed Her slumbers Kind And all Her dreams of joys to come Sarah Smith ] widow of the late [ Joseph Smith | Died| Feb I 1839 I a. 100 years 5 mos 9 ds | As a testimony of the j love and respect of her | Grand daughter | Harriet H Houghton | wife of ] Abel Bellows | of Walpole N. H this | stone has been erected. Simeon L. Spaffbrd | died in | Philadelphia Penn ] Jan 28 1855 1 aged 34 years Husband we miss thee Sam S Stearns | Died | May 15 1849 a. 63 Olive I wife of | Sam S Stearns | dau of | Abraham Ball Esq I Athens Vt j died Aug 29 1831 a. 32 Harriet O | daughter of | Sam S. and [ Olive Stearns \ died July 17 | 1825 a. 17 mos Philena B. | dau of Sam S. and Olive Stearns | died Feb 17 1831 a. I II years. Monument Calvin Stearns | Calvin | Eunice | George | Charity Delia A Stearns | wife of Albert D Stearns | Born Aug 30 1828 I Died Mar 25 1854 I a. 25 yrs 6 ms and 25 days. Daughter thou hast gone and left us For a fairer world above From a Husband's fond embraces And a tender Infants love From a kind and doting Father From a fond and weeping mother Two Brothers and Sn only sister Mourn the loss of one they love Old Cemetery Tombstone Inscriptions. 589 Here lies Lydia | The Daughter | Mr Asahel and Mrs | Lydia Stebbens | who died Oct 4 1761 | Aged 7 years 3 rro I and 7 days William Stebbins | Died in Winchester N. H. | Feb ij 1857 I a. 47 Aaron Stebbins | Died | June 8 l86j a. 21 Warren L Stebbins of the | 2nd Reg' N. H. Vol's | died I Sept 7 1865 I aged ig years II mos 16 ds A dear face gone from o«r home Wells I son of | Joseph A and | Jane W Stevens | died | July 16 1848 I a. 21 mos He is not here he is risen Charles Osker | son of | John and Charlotte j Stewart died I Jan 2 1850 [ a. 2 mo Sleep on dear child for fear and pain can ne'er disturb no more Nancy F Stoddard | died | Dec 26 18J9 | a. 56 Here Lies Buried |. The Body of Lieut | Hezekiah Stratton | who Departed | This Life Decembr | 28 1756 I In ye 68 year | of His Age In memory of Mrs ] Elizabeth Relict of | Mr Hezekiah Strat|ton who departed | this Life Apl 19 1789 | In the 91 yr of Her Age Children and Friends as you pass by As you are now so once was I As I am now so you must be Prepare for Death and follow me Here Lies Sarah and Hannah ] The Daughters of Lieut] Hezekiah and Elizabeth | Stratton ] Sarah Died | Oct 7 1736 ] Aged in her 10 year | Hannah Died ] Octbr 29 I 1729 I Aged 6 mo ] 17 days Mr Hezekiah Stra|tton Died Jany } | 1800 In the 76 year | of his age His Last counsels and adjvice to His Children and | Friends was to prepare] for death re- minding them ] of Christ's words " ye must be born again" Life is the time to serve the Lord The time t' ensure the Great Reward And while the Lamp holds out to burn The vilest sinner may return Mary Lyman ] died Dec 24 1824 | a. 91 years Thro' life she walked in virtue's road Then closed her eyes to see her God In peace she'll rest till Jesus come And claim the treasure from the tomb Here lies buried | Sarah Stratton dautr | of Mr Hezekiah ] Stratton ar.d Mrs Mary \ His wife who Deed | aug ye 25 1770 j aged 17 years and 8 months Depart my friends Dry up your tears Here I must lie Till Christ Appear. In memory of | Samuel son of Mr | Hezekiah and Mrs Mary | Stratton who died oct | the joth 1776 Aged [ 5 days In memory off Mrs Eunice the late | Amiable Consort of Mr I Medad Alexander and ] Daughter of Mr Hezekiah ', and Mrs Mary Stratton ] who Deed Jan 24 1785 I In ye 23 year ot her age While the dear dust she leaves behind Sleeps in thy bosom sacred tomb Soft be her bed Her slumbers kind And all her dreams of joys to come In memory of | Mr ', Elijah Stratton | died May 29 1817I Aged 66 Mark the just man whose end is peace. Abigail wife of | Elijah Stratton | died 20 July | 1826 a. 71 Mr I Rufus Stratton |died | 18 march 1827 a. | 72 Mrs Asenath Relict of \ Mr Rufus Stratton ', died | April 1829 a. 71 In memory of | Lucy Dautr to | Mr Rufus and Mrs Asenath Stratton j who died oct \ 23d 1781 aged | 4 months and | 28 days Elijah I son of Rufus | and Asenath Stratton | was killed by lightning | Aug 5 1809 In his 16 year John son of Mr ] Rufus an J Mrs Asenath | Stratton died I Aug 22 1790 aged 3 yr | 4 mo and 17 days. Death like an overflowing streams Sweeps us away Our life is a dream. Mr John Stratton | son of Mr Rufus and | Mrs Asenath Stratton died May 22 | 1805 aged 13 yr 9 mo | and 14 days. Life's narrow circle soon is ran The voige is quickly o'er Death points to us the race is done Eternity the shore. Mr I Hezekiah Stratton | died oct 24 1825 Aet 60 Han- nah I wife of I Hezekiah Stratton | died | Jan 5 1846 | a. 81 Fanny Dau of | Hezekiah and Hannah | Stratton died JI Mar j 1822 a. 10 Electa I Dau of | Arad and | Electa Stratton ] died July 22 1833 a. 5 mos I and 15 days. Martha S | wife of | Wright Stratton | died | Apr 26 l8s8| aged 35 years Monument Eleazer Stratton | died Sept 4 1789 ] aged 68 years. Lydia | wife of Eleazer Stratton | died April 13 178J | aged 56 years Asa Stratton | died March 17 1818 | aged 60 years Lucy '1 wife of Asa Stratton | died July 19 1831 | aged 74 Dr Charles Stratton | died Jan 4 1869 | aged 74 years Monument Albert Stratton | died | Feb 28 1871 | a. 70 yrs Lucy Stratton [ died | March 18 1874 j a. 73 Lucy Ann [ Dau of Albert and Lucy | Stratton | died June IS 1846 I a. 16 yrs 4 mos Roswell Stratton ] died Feb 22 1842 | a. 58 Rhoda I wife of | Roswell Stratton | died | Aug 28 1857 / a. 74 Capn Ebenezer | Stratton died | Nov 29 1801 in | the 83 year of His ( age Unveil thy bosom faithful tomb Take this new treasure to thy trust And give these precious relics room To slumber in the silent dust No pain no grief nor anxious fear Invade thy bounds no mortal woes Can reach the peaceful sleeper here While Angels watch its safe repose In memory of Mrs | Tamar wife of | Cap Ebenezer | Stratton who ] Died July 23 1797 | in the 74 year of | Her Age Death comfortably ends A well spent life Here Lies Tamar j the Daughter of Mr | Ebenezer and Mrs I Tamar Stratton | who Died Decembr | 13 A D 1762 aged I — year Here lies Tamar | The daughter to | Mr Ebenezer and Mrs Tamar Stratton | who Died July i 17 1759 | aged I yr 3 mo 1 And 29 days In memory of | Martha Dau | of Mr Ebenezer | Stratton and Mrs Tamar his wife [ who Deed Aug | ye 19 1767 Aged I 3 years 3 months | and 19 days Mr I James Strobridge | died | 23 October 1811 | a. 82 Mrs Mary | Relict of Mr James | Strowbridge died 3 | Mar 1817 a. | 84 Gurdon Strowbridge j died | June 3 1839 1 a. 66 Monument Sacred I to the memory of | Timothy Swan | who died July 23 1842 j Aged 84 He was the author of Poland and China and other pieces of sacred music I was dumb because thou didst it. 590 History of Northfield. Sacred | to the memory of | Mary Gay | wife of | Timo- thy Swan ', who died Sept ig 1841 | Aged 77 I am the resurrection even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bting with Him Eben G. Swan | died in Cinn Ohio ] Aug } 1850 | aged 49 And when he came to himself Wm H Swan ] died in Const Mich ] aged 45 \ Oct 10 184} Wm C Swan | died in Dayton Ohio | Feb 8 1844 | aged 39 Jesus saith unto her thy brothers shall rise again Mrs Levina j consort of the late | Mr Wm Swan | of Worcester Mass | died March 19 1813 | aged 88 years Monument Calvin T. Swan Rhoda Brown | wife of | Calvin T Swan | died March 5 1853 I a. 58 yrs Calvin Harrison j died May 18 i8}2 | a. 7 yrs and 6 mos Calvin Truman | Died July I 1836 | a. I yr and 8 mos Children of | Calvin T. and Rhoda | Swan Frederick W Swan | died Nov 5 1849 I a- ^' y^ R Cornelia Swan | died Dec J9 1854 | a. 28 yrs Frederic W. | son of | Calvin T and Rhoda | Swan | died Nov 5 1849 I aged 21 years In memento Mori | John Taylor of | Norwalk in conn who died Novr| 2; 1757 on his | Majesty's service Kil — I 30th year of his age Come Blooming youth Behold My urn And Drop A Tear Susannah ] wife of Stephen Tilden | died | April 21 1842 I a. 46 Alva L. Thornton | died Oct i; 1869 ( Aged 59 years He has go,.e to his rest Rest from the tossing of life's stormy ocean Rest from the evils of earths drear abode Xenophon Turner | died | Jan 26 1859 | a. 53 Lydia A ] dau of j Xenophon and Sarah Turner | died j Mar 12 1863 I a. 24 G "Little Georgie"|son of J B and C M Walker | died Jan 8 1872 | aged 11 mo 8 days Asleep in Jesus Blessed sleep Here lies buried the] Body of Mr Ebenezerj Warner who Deed | Octobr ye 20 1768 | In the 59 year of His Age Lucretia dau of | Ebenezer and Achsah | Warner died 8 Jan j 1823 ag I year and ' 8 mon Sleep on sweet babe And take thy rest God call'd thee home He thought it best In memory of Mrs | Rhoda wife of Mr j Oliver Watriss and ( Daughter of Mr Phinehas and Mrs Jo j anna Wright who Di | ed Nov 10 A D 17-75 | Aged 25 yeais Reader Behold as you pass by As you are now so once was I And as I am so you must be Therefore Prepare to follow me Lucy Dau ] of Mr Oliver | and Mrs Lucy | Watriss died | 8 Nov 1790 I a. 17 Richard Watriss | died | Nov 23 1859 *• 79 Fanny S | wife of ] Richard Watriss | died | Sept 12 1864 I a. 8s Elijah W Watriss | died | June 26 1868 | a. 52 years 7 Harris Watriss j Died | May 26 1817 | a. 33 O'er thy cold urn shall pensive memory bend To early lost Protector Father Friend Hannah Whiting | wife of | Harris Watriss | Died Sept 1870 I aged 84 ys. Willie H I son of) Henry M and Carrie A. | Ward | died Aug 21 1872 I a 10 yrs 10 mos | 3 ds Our Willie How we loved him His song like the Harp was ever joy J. Olcott Webb I Died | June 14 1868 | a. 5; ys 10 ms 4 ds Fannie Eliza | Daughter of|J. O and F. R. Webb | Died Jan 14 1861 | Aged 10 yrs 7 mos 8 ds Ezekiel Webster | died | Feb 9 1837 a. 82 The dust shall return to the earth the spirit to God who gave it Mrs Lois Webster | wife of | Mr Ezekiel Webster | died I July 21 1831 a. 72 An exemplary wife mother Christian friend This stone is erected to the memory of his early friend by Arad Hunt Esq of Vernon Miss Melinda Dau | of Mr Ezekiel and Lois Webster | died 25 March 181 1 a. 27 Life was trouble Death is peace Arad Webster | Died j Sept 8 1872 | a. 77 Parted on earth united in heaven There shall be no night there Lucy L I wife of ] Arad Webster | Died Dec 14 1863 | a. 60 I am going home Priscilla E 1 wife of | Arad Webster| Died Feb 19 1872 | a. 60 Crowned with his rest This Stone \ marks the grave of | Ezekiel Webster | He was born 19 January 1788 | Graduated at Harvard College I 1812 1 Died June 26 1845 | Erected by his classmates | as a testimonial of their esteem Elisabeth | wife of | Ezekiel Webster | Died | Apr 28 l8j2| a. 6q Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord Lucy M] wife of iJohn Weeks | Died May 24 1855 | In her 43 year Anna | wife of E R Wheeler | Born Aug 2 1838 | Died Sept 9 1873 Silas Whitaker | Died | Mar 24 1859 Aet 69 Mary | wife of | Silas Whitaker | Died Dec 7 1855 | Aet 63 Olive Whitaker | died | Dec 15 184S a. 46 Silas Whitaker | died |.Nov 28 1861 | Aged 49 yrs Emily ] wife of | Silas Whitaker | Died Feb 21 1866 | aged 43 yrs Henry F | son of \ Silas and Emily | Whitaker | died Jan 28 1854 I Aet 15 months Here lies buried | son of Mr Ebenezer | White and Mrs Olive | his wife Still-boin | March 6 1799 Nipt in the bud Its gone to rest God call'd it home He thought it best Hon I James White | Died Nov 5 1858 | aged 77 years Hannah Draper | wife of James White | Born Aug 23 1792 ] Died Nov 24 1868 I am the resurrection and the life saith the Lord : he that believeth in me though he were dead yet shall he live : and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die St John XI. -25-26 Polly ] wife of | James White ] died June 28 l82o| aged 35 years Marshall Ames | son of James and | Polly White died \ July 19 1822 a. I 6 yrs Diana White | daughter of | James and Polly | White | died Dec 20 1838 | in the 31 year of | her age Old Cemetery To7nb stone Inscriptions. 591 Josephine White [ died | Feb 24 1857 aged 46 That which thou sowest is not quick- ened except it die. Fidelia White | died |May j 1872 | a. 67 yrs Mary S j wife of] Franklin Whithed | born Jan 12 1826 | died Aug JI 1855 Deborah C | wife of | Franklin Whithed I born May j 1828 I died May 6 1864 Weep not for me Tis God that calls me home Jabez Whiting ) died Oct 6 18J4 | aged 76 years Rebecca | Relict of | Jabez Whiting ] died | July i 1842 I a. 80 Ann dauoflJabez and Rebecca 1 Whiting died 22] Feb 182J a. 17 Abner E Whiting | Died ] July 22 i8j2 | a. 63 Harriet Whiting | died | Aug 18 1870 | aged 73 years Freeman G. Whitney | Died Sept 22 1862 | a. 14 yrs Our little brother sleeps. Clara M | Dau of | W and S A Whitney ] Died ] May 22 1864 I aged 6 yrs Emm M | Dau of] Wm and Sarah A | Whitney Died ] Jan 31 1848 j a. 2 ys and 7 ms and 19 Ds Sweet little flower that we did love She doth now dwell with Christ above Weep not for me dear parent now Nor never shall I be forgot Mr Elijah Willard | departed this life ] Sept 10 1779 In | ye 27 year of his age Beneath these clods of Silent dust I sleep where all the living must The gayest youth and fairest face In time must be in this dark place In memory ofj Miss Emily Williams] Daughter of] John Chester Williams j Esqre | and Mrs Lois Williams of Hadley \ who departed this | Life July ye 1} A D i7S9Jin the l^ year of her | age Jane S | wife of | Samuel Williams | died j Sept 2 1846 J a-SJ Samuel B. Williams ] Died ] Feb 9 18J5 | a. 33 Miss I Sarah Williams | Died j October 21 | 1812 aged 34 I years Hope wipes the tear from sorrow's eye and faith points upward to the skies Samuel M Wood | son of Ezekiel and Almira | Wood ] died I Aug 26 1852 | aged 26 years Look aloft the spirits risen Death canmt the soul imprison Tis Tis in Heaven that spirits dwell Glorious through eternity John Woodard ] died ] Apr J 1839 | a. 78 Sarah | wife of ] John Woodard ] died May 8 1859 a. 95 Hannah I wife ofj Mark Woodard ] Died May 15 1871 a. 73 Eunice Brigham | wife ofj Samuel D Woodard ] DiedJ June 6 I8J3 Aged 29 yrs John Wotton | died ] Dec 12 1844 ] a. 63 Mrs Betsey ] wife of ] Mr John Wotton | died 7 j Apr 1831 a. 71 In memory ] of Lieut Eliezer Wright ] who Died May | 12 1753 ] Aged 85 years Mrs Meraim | Wright Dau ] of Lt Eliezer ] and Mrs Mary | Wright Died \ June 3 1726 | aged 13 years [The oldest date that can be read in the Cemetery.] Here lies Buried \ Mrs Anne wife of Lieut ] Eldad Wright who ] Died augst 18 1777 j Aged 33 years Affliction sore long time i bore Physicians skill was vain Till god did send Death as a friend To ease me of my pain Here Lies Buried | The Body of Mr j Benony Wright who I Deed Octobr ye 15th j 1767 in ye 65 year ] of his Age Here lies Buried | Mr Azariah Wright ] who Died Octbr 17 I 1772 Aged 75 years Mrs Elisabeth Wright wife ] of Mr Azariah Wright Deed oct I I 1772 aged 77 years Cum hither Mortals cast an eye Then go thy way prepare to die Thy time has cum and die thou must Col Phinehas Wright ] Departed this life ] Augst 2Sth 1795 in the | 86 year of H age He's gone and left this mortal stage Though while in life adorn'd his age He patiently resignd his Breath And now his body Sleeps in death His soul is gone we hope and Trust To bee with Christ among the Just To see his face forever nigh And sing his praise Eternally Here is intered ] Seth Son of Mr | Nehemiah and Mrs | Mary Wright who | Deed Nov 8th 1734 | aged 20 days Here is intered | Seth son ofj Mr Nehemiah and } Mrs Mary Wright | who Deed Aug ] 20 1746 aged ] 2 years 10 months and j 21 Days Here is Buried j Eunice Dau of | Mr Nehemiah and Mrs I Mary Wright who ] died Aug 21 1746 | Aged 10 years 4 mos And 7 days In memory of ] Fabitha Wright | who died Sept 1 23 1822 I 38 Eliphaz son of Mr | Horace and Mrs Onda | Wright died August 1 19 1805 aged 16 mo Desirable in life and lamented in Death In ] memory of | Mr Reuben | Wright who died I 11 sept 1807 I a. 74 Mrs I Hannah ] consort ofj Mr | Reuben Wright j died 29 Sept I 1807 a. 71 Eliza ] Dau of Mr | Reuben aud j Mrs Phyla I Wright died ] 22 Dec 1808 ] a. 2 Eliza ] Dau of Mr | Reuben and ] Mrs Phyla I Wright died I Sept 3 iSoJ | a. 2 Reuben Wright | died | Jan 1 1837 | a. 64 Philena ] wife of] Reuben Wright [ Died | Apr 9 1859 ] a. 79 Benj Wright ] died Feb 27 1838 ] a. 33 Miss Fanny Wright | Grand-daughter of] Mr Reuben Wright ] died Octr 291805 | In the 20 year of | Her age Unveil thy bosom faithful tomb Take this new treasure to thy trust And give these sacred relics room To slumber in the silent tomb No pain no grief no anxious fear Invade thy bounds no mortal woes Can reach the peaceful sleeper here While Angels watch its soft repose Eldad Wright ] Died ] Jan I 1842 ] a. 80 Mary ] wife of ] Eldad Wright | Died | Mar 28 1835 ] a. 70 Henry Wright | Died ] Sept 20 1848 ] a. 59 592 History of Northfield. Hannah White | wife of | Henry Wright | Died April IZ i860 I 2l. 66 Yrs and 6 mos Our mother sleeps. Mary Jane] youngest daughter of j Henry and Hannah] Wright ] Died Nov 4 1851 | aged 16 yrs Thy spirit has passed away from earth Thou hast left us Sister dear No more beside our lonely hearth Thy gentle voice we'll hear Miss Ann M | Daughter of I Abraham and Relief | Wright I Died May 25 1861 | Aged }8 yrs Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord Edwin Wright | died | July 19 1862 | a. 59 Jason Wright | only son | of | Edwin and Olive | Wright I died I Jan 8 l86j | a. 17 ys | and 8 mo. Monument Elizabeth Wright | wife of Phineas Wright | Died July 17 1873 I Aged 73 And she was greatly beloved Phineas H | Died | Mar 3 i8;6 | aged 34 Beloved in life lamented in Death Maria F W | wife of | John Mattoon | Daughter of| Joseph and Sophia | Young | Pied July 14 1867] Aged 42 years I leave the world and go to the Father I go to prepare a place for you Sophia ' Dau of | Joseph and Sophia | Young | died March 23 | 1848 | a. 18 yrs and 9 ms. One head stone has the above figure alone. INDEX TO THE HISTORICAL PART ABENAQUIS, 189, 203, 234. Academy, Northfield, 182, 360. Account book, Ebenezer Alexander's, 237. Account book, Jona. Belding's, 202. Account book, Ebenezer Field's, 159. Acloramak, iii. Achitewass, 125. Acqueduct, 348. Adams, Samuel, 275. Adams, Dea. Thomas, 299. Agawams, 25, 27, 49. Aiken, David, 364. Akeley, Francis, 332. Albany Indians, 126. Alexander, Aaron, 217. Alexander, Abigail, 68. Alexander, Amos, 1 8 1. Alexander, Arad, 181. Alexander, Asa, 309. Alexander, Caleb, 363. Alexander, Cephas, 328. Alexander, Charles, 176. Alexander, Dea. Ebenezer, 105, 130, 152, 158, 181, 185, 186, 218, 220, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 253, 257, 262, 266, 279, 282, 287, 365. Alexander, Ebenezer Jr., 256, 261. Alexander, Eldad, 324, 328, 331, 363. Alexander, Elias, 209, 217, 221, 239, 252, 254, 275. 289. Alexander, Elias Jr., 309. Alexander, Elijah, 186. Alexander, Eliphaz, 332, 334. Alexander, Maj. Elisha, 176, 315, 324, 335, 354, 358, 366. Alexander, Elisha Jr., 359. Alexander, Elisha, 186, 366. Alexander, E. M., 168, 366. Alexander, George, 51, 53, 60, 62, 58, 95, 103. Alexander, George, 181. 75 256, 150, 2SS, 331, Alexander, Henry, 185, 363, 366, Alexander, Joel, 303, 307. Alexander, John, 62, 58, 95, 98, 171, Alexander, John, 185, 217, 221, 232, 278, 291. Alexander, John, 296, 302, 307. Alexander, Josiah, 363, 366. Alexander, Joseph, 134, 140, 142, 147 i5i, 171, 209, 217, 218. Alexander, Joseph Jr., 175, 209, 221, 282, 292. Alexander, Mary, 68. Alexander, Col. Medad, 185, 186, 315, 338. 353. 355. 364, 366. Alexander, Miles, 296, 303, 307, 309, 329. Alexander, Nathaniel, 92, 95, 105, 109, 134, 152, 181, 224- Alexander, Philip, 217, 278, 282. Alexander, guarcus, 325, 328. Alexander, Reuben, 307, 309. Alexander, Samuel, 357. Alexander, Simeon, 17, 174, 278, 280, 282, 296, 312, 325, 329. 331. 365- Alexander, Simeon Jr., 353. Alexander, Solomon, 332. Alexander, Capt. Thomas, 186, 262, 266, 296, 298, 302 3". 315. 3i9> 323. 3^4; 326, 328, 332, 333, 354, 365. Alexander, Thomas Jr., 209, 332, 354, Alexander, William D., 176. Alger, Salma, 355. Allard, Andrew, 261. Allen, David, 211. Allen, David West, 181. Allen, Elijah, 244. Allen, Elisha Hunt, 363. Allen, Fred. H., 363. Allen, Hannah, 105. Allen, Henry, 331. Allen, John, 60, 197. [86, 237, 262, '2. 315. 319. 192, 257, diary 303, 325, diary 594 Inde ex. Allen, John, 319. Allen, Joseph, 198, 201. Allen, Sergt. Joseph, 293, 295, 299, 323, 324, 325. Allen, Joseph P., 363. Allen, Phineas, 182, 361. Allen, Dea. Samuel, 173. Allen, Samuel, 60, 209, 254. Allen, Rev. S. C, 346, 348, 354, 360,364. Allen, S. C. Jr., 364, 365. Allen, Zebulon, 364. Allis, Joseph, 157, 204. Allis, Julius, 302. Allis, Lieut. William, 62, 94. Allyn, Hon. John, 119. Allyn, Noah, 209. Alvard, Alexander, 60. Alvard, Abigail, 68. Alvord, Caleb, 351. Ames, Jacob, 264. Ames, Jethro, 264. Ammeriscoggan, 209. Ammonoosuck, 209. Ampaumet, 201. Andrews, Andrew J., 367. Andros, Dr Bildad, 254, 280, 282, 283, 296, 363, 365. Andros, Nathaniel, 254, 256. Andross, Gov. E., 56, 84, no, 113, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121. Appleton, Maj., 77, 79. Apthorp, Charles W., 173. Arlington, 223, 226, 233, 236. 'Arms, Dr. Willard, 364. Arnold, Jonathan, 139, 168. Artillery Company, 355, 357. Ashley, Rev. Jona., 261, 274. Ashley, IVlartin, 255, 264. Ashley, Samuel, 256. Ashman, John, 198. Ash-Swamp brook, 2, 4, 64, 154. Ashuelot, 4, 16, 17, 100, 126, 204. Ashuelot, Lower, 243, 247. Ashuelot, Upper, 226, 233, 243, 254. Askey, William, 315, 319, 320. Asogoa, 37, 51. Atherton, Joseph, 54, 209. Atwood, Ebenezer, 331. Aukooks, 36, 41. Austen, Nathaniel, 198. Austin, Thomas, 209. Averill, John, 278. Avery, John, 237, 282, 283. Avery, Oliver, 254. BAAR, Charles, 369. Babbitt, Daniel, 316. Bacon, David, 261. Bacon, Ebenezer, 243. Bafford, Robert, 256. Bailey, Silas W., 367. Baker, Edward, 213. Baker, Joel, 307. Baker, Robert, 234, 241. Baker, Thomas, 171. Baker, Timothy, 52. Baldwin, , 329. Ball, David, 182. Ball, Elisha, 351. Ball, George, 369. Ball, John, 325, 328, 355. Ballard, Mary, 68. Bancroft, Ebenezer, 175, 176, 352. Bancroft, Patience, 358. Bancroft, Robert, 264. Bancroft, Willard, 186. Baptist church, 360. Barber, Azariah R., 183. Barber, David Sen. and Jr., 173, 186. Barber, Francis, 366. Barber, Isaac B., 363. Bardwell, Ebenezer, 307. Bardwell^ Ebenezer Jr., 302. Bardwell, Perez, 300, 303, 309. Bardwell, Samuel, 303, 307. Bardwell, Thomas, 156. Barker, James, 245. Barker, Mary, 108. Bark-mill, 7. Barnard, Joseph, 311. Barnard, Salah, 300, 301, 302, 307, 309. Barnard, Samuel, 192. Barney, John, 233. Barns, Abraham, 192. Barrett, Benjamin, 261. Barrett, Charles, 363. Barrett, David, 321. Barrett, John Esq., 6, 173, 174, 340, 347, 349. 351. 35^. 354, 356, 364, 366. Barrett, John Jr., 363. Barrett, Oliver, 302. Barron, Joseph, 261. Barry, Patrick, 369. Bartholomew, Henry, 62. Bartlett, Bartholomew, 325, 328. Barton, Asa, 325, 327. Bascom, Elias, 8, 77, 292, 296, 308, 319, 3^1, 33I' 35^- Bascom, Ezekiel, 209, 307, 351. Bascom, Hepzibah, 67. Bascom, Moses, 296, 307. Bascom, Thomas, 60, 62, 64, 67. Bates, George, 197, 209. Battles, Richard D., 367. Baum, Col. , 330. Baxter, Anne, 68. Beach, Apollos, 355, 358. Beach, Chauncey, 355. Beach, Joseph, 177, 355, 365. Beach, Joseph S., 168. Beach, Nathan, 303. Beaman, John, 171, 198, 209, 221, 225, ^45. 364, 365- Beaman, John Jr., 325, 328. ^^. Index. 595 Beams, William, 264. Beaver, Frank, 368. Becancourt, 194. Beef, levy of, 335. Beers, Capt. Richard, 10, 20, 50, 55, 72, 79- Beers's Fight, 74. Beers's Grave, 75. Beers's Plain, 20, 38. Belcher, Col. Jonathan, 180, 181, 366. Belcher, William, 184, 315, 352, 358. Belcher's Farm, 5, 16, 155, 223. Belding, Aaron, 24, 252, 257, 270. Belding, Augustus, 324, 328. Belding, Edgar F., 363. Belding, Ebenezer, 302, 308. Belding, Ebenezer Jr., 308. Belding, Elijah E., 41, 364, 366. Belding, Joab, 325, 328. Belding, Jonathan, 6, 143, 174, 179, 183, 185, 186, 197, 208, 218, 257, 262, 272, 280, 282, 294, .319. 365- Belding, Jonathan Jr., 182, 292, 296, 319, 332, 366. Belding, Jonathan, 334. Belding, Jonathan, 300, 301. Belding, Joseph, 182. Belding, Moses, 261, 271, 278, 328. Belding, Noah, 292. Belding, Paul, 307. Belding, Reuben, 295. Belding, Samuel, 296. Belding, Samuel, 340. Belding, Stephen Sen. and Jr., 5, 6, 19. 155, 158, 174, 183, 185, 192, 202, 208, 218, 222, 282, 312, 365. Belding, Stephen, 293. Belding, Submit, 302. Belding, Titus, 254. Belding's Island, 19. Belding's Rock, 24. Bell, John, 259. Bell, meetinghouse, 312, 349. Bement, John, 183, 184, 201, 209, 292. Bement, John Jr., 300, 301. Bement, Rachel, 183. Bennett, Alice, 67. Bennett, Francis, 67. Bennett, James, 17, 64, 67, 92, 128. Bennett's brook, 2, 9. Bennett's meadow, 17, 100, 138. Bennington, Vt., 330. Bentley, , 194. Best, Alexander, 335. Bickford, William, 261, 262, 269. Bigelow, Joel, 280. Bigelow, Sergt. John, 117. Billerica, 262. Billeting, 157, 205, 258, 273, 275. Billings, Barnabas, 180, 352, 353, 365. Billings, James, 261, 267, 269. Billings, John, 126. Billings, Joseph, 157, 197. Billings, Nathaniel, 329, 330, 331. Billings, Stephen, 329, 331. Billings, William C, 174. Bishop, Peter, 325. Bissell, Jabez F., 357. Blackleach, Nathaniel, 117. Blacksmiths, 151, 159, 174, 176, 178, 183, 186, 232, 282, 319, 356. Blake, Dr. Charles, 182, 364. Blake, Hannah, 358. Blake, Jonathan H., 172, 183, 365, 366. Blake, John H., 368. Blake, Nathan, 233, 243, 254. Blaksley, Grace, 144. Blaksley, Thomas, 152, 157, 177, 184. 182, Blanchard, William, 261, 262. 238, Block-house above Northfield, 199. 310, Block-houses, 239. Bloody Brook, 83. 313, Boating, 356. Boat, 147. Bodman, James, 295. Bodman, Joseph, 293. Bodurtha, Benjamin, 197, 208. Bodurtha, Samuel, 198, 208. Bodurtha, Thomas, 213. Bolts, Oak, 65, 99. Boltwood, Ebenezer, 139, 175. Boltwood, Martha, 108. Boltwood, Robert, 99. 141, Boltwood, Samuel Sen. and Jr., 92, 95, 96, 197, 99, 105, 109, 128. 319, Boltwood, Sarah, 108. Boltwood, William, 134, 135, 175. Bonberthelot, 253. Bonney, Benjamin, 333. Bowen, Charles, 356, 357. Boyden, Simeon, 6, 352. Boynton, Nathaniel, 259. Bradley, William, 324, Bradstreet, Gov., 121, 123. 218, Brattleboro, 200. Brewer, Charles C, 367. Brewer, Daniel, 255. Brewer, Jonathan, 275. Brewer, Moses, 256. Brewer, Samuel, 172, 342, 365. Brickmaking, 147, 159. Bridge, Rev. H. M., J. D., and P. W., 355- Bridge, Isaac, 358. Bridge, Joseph, 358. Bridge over the river, 355. Brigham, J. C, 173. Brigham, Sardis, 355. Bridgman, Orlando, 14, 151, 154, 157, 192, 197, 208, 217, 227, 277, 279, 281, 3"- 596 Index. Bridgman's Fort, 227, 245, 254, 286, 288, 290. Bridgman, Thomas, 363. Britt, McK., 367. Britt, Elnahan, 369. Broad brook, 2, 8, 29, 64, 262. Brooks, Alpheus, 331, 334, 334. Brooks, Benjamin, 198, 208, 262,282, 315, 319- Brooks, Daniel, 252, 261, 262, 282, 298. Brooks, Eliakim, 300. Brooks, Jonathan, 126. Brooks, John, 192, 201. Brooks, Joseph Sen. and Jr., 139, 169, 283. Brooks, Nathaniel, 197. Brooks, Thaddeus, 330, 331, 334. Brookings, A. W., 369. Broom-corn, 357. Broughton, John, 67, 97. Broughton, Hannah, 67. Broughton, Mary, 67. Brown, Daniel, 221. Brown, Capt. Ephraim, 246. Brown, Frank, 367. Brown, Frederick, 277. Brown, James, 222. Brown, John, 176, 192, 197 ^37- Brown, John, 250, 278, 307, 319. Brown, Capt. Josiah, 245. Brown, Josiah, 183. Brown, Lorenzo, 41. Brown, Reuben, 264. Brown, Rufus, 300. Brown, Dea. Timothy, 243. Brown, William, 335. Brush, Crean, 173. Buckingham, Edgar, 361. Buckminster, Col. Joseph, 200 Buckminster, Capt. Thomas, 271. Bucknam, David, 331. Bucknam, John, 331. Bullard, John, 243. Bull, Capt. Jonathan, 121. Burgoyne, surrender of, 331. Burgoyne's men in Northfield, 331. Burnet, Abraham, 198, 201. Burnet, Archibald, 330. Burnet, Gov. — , 188. Burnet, Henry, 324. Burnet, Isaac, 324. Burnet, William, 324. Burke, Martin, 369. Burk, Francis, 332. Burk, Capt. John, 201,254, 288, 296, 300, 301, 302, 307. Burr, Jonathan, 302, 307. Burr, Samuel, 184, 201, 209, 217. Burrows, George, 172. Burt, Aaron, 5, 173, 174, 175, 184, 282, 283, 311, 312, 319. Burt, Asahel, 175, 250. Burt, Benjamin, 307, 309. Burt, Benjamin, 363. Burt, David, 192. Burt, Elizabeth, 68. Burt, Enos, 175. Burt, Henry, 126. Burt, James, 261. Burt, John, 129, 130. Burt, Jonathan, 173. Burt, Joseph, 143, 145, 175,184, 197,208, 282, 292, 365. Burt, Moses, 330. Burt, Richard, 192. Burt, Simeon, 303. Burt, William, 264. Burying ground, loi, 170, 339. Byram, Joseph, 300. CAGNOWAGAS, 194, 1 5^34- Caldwell, H. S., 368. Caldwell, Rufus, 366. Caldwell, Rufus K., 367. Callender, Benjamin, 171, 358, 365, 366. Callender, Daniel, 167, 171 95, 196, 198, '74, 35^, 353, 348. 358. o, 356. 209, 218, Callender, Daniel L., 360, 365. Callender, Joseph B., 106, 167. Camaghtesett, 116, Campbell, Charles, 325. Campbell, J., 175. Canada, invasion of, 244, 284, 302, 308, 325, 326. Candle wood, 22, 161. Canfield, James, 369. Canonchet, 41, 55, 84, 86, 87. Captives, 88, 128, 131, 299. Carey, Richard, 292, 300, 303. Carley, Samuel, 300. Carriages, pleasure, 310, 352, 353, Carpenter, Amos, 278. Carpenters, 159, 180, 232, 283, 3) Carter, Adolphus O., 367. Carter, Benjamin, 347. Carter, Charles, 325, 327, 328. Carter, Elijah, 367. Carter, Robert, 201. Carter, Capt. Timothy, 246. Carver, Jonathan, 300. Carver, Rufus, 324. Catamounts, 333. Caterpillars, 109. Catlin, John, 209, 254, 275, 300. Catlin, John 2d, 296. Catlin, Joseph, 296. Catlin, Seth, 296. Cats-bane, 268. Cattanawlet, 206. Cemeteries, loi, 170, 339. Chaffee, Atherton, 278. Chamberlain, Abial, 303. . Chamberlain, Elijah W., 367. 299, Index. 597 Chamberlain, Ephraim, 183. Chamberlain, Nathaniel, 187, 215, 292, 302, 308. Chamberlain, Richard, 237, 255, 303. Chamberlain, Samuel, 226. Chamberlain, Theophilus, 300. Chandler, John, 278. Chandler, Henry, 261, 267, 269. Chapin, Caleb, 192, 201. Chapin, Col. Israel, 332. Chapin, Japhet, 157, 192, 197, 208, 210. Chapin, Oliver, 351. Chapin, Shem, 208. Charlestown, N. H., (see No. 4,) 234. Chauncey, Isaac, 54. Chenary, John, 76. Cheney, Asahel, 175, 352. Cheney, Capt. Thomas, 251. Cheney's brook, 50. Chickatawbut, 29. Child, Ephraim, 76. Childs, Asa, 183. Childs, Ebenezer, 358. Childs, Jonathan, 347. Childs, Timothy, 129. Childs, William, 355. Choice lots, 16, 17, 169, 219, 221. Choristers, 358. Church, first organized, 149 ; communion, 289. Church, second, organized, 359. Church, Baptist, organized, 360. Church, Methodist, organized, 355. Church, Unitarian, organized, 360. Church, Eber, 358. Church, J., 330, 332. Cider, 162, 319, 342. Clandanel, Archibald, 330, 334. Clap, Preserved, 54, 94, no, 1 20. Clap, Preserved, 288. Clarke, Ebenezer, 139, 181. Clarke, Increase, 139, 181. Clarke, Samuel, 171. Clarke, William Sen. and Jr., 7, 8, 18, 36, 51. 53. 54, 61, 62, 64, 92, 95,96,97, 98, 103, no, 120, 364. Clarke, William, 192. Clark, David, 201. Clark, George, 368. Clark, Matthevi', 243. Clark, Rev. Theodore J., 182, 360. Clark, Uriah, 201. Clark, William, 325, 328. Clary, John Jr., 6, 19, 95, 96, 98, 99, 102, 105, 109, 116. Clary, Joseph, 134, 139, 174. Clary, Sarah, 116. Clary's Island, 19, 33, 41, 96. Claverack, 332, 334. Clemmens, William, 324. Clesson Farm, 224, 349. Clesson, Joseph, 126, 192, 200, 204, 209, 224. Clesson, Matthew, 60, 62, 252, 253. Clockmaker, 175. Clothier's shop, 6, 8, 177, 319. Coasset, 57, 83, 84, 86, 93, 129, 211. Cobley, Matthew, 209. Colby, Jonathan, 291. Cold Spring ambushed, 246. Cole, E. G., 366. Cole, Jonathan, 275, 278. Colefax, Samson, 299. Collar, Eleazar, 263. Collar, Gardner, 367. Collar, Rev. Hez. B., 355. Collar, Nathan, 259. Collar, Nathaniel, 335. Collar, Uriah, 356. Colton, Abishai, 316. Colton, Alonzo, 175. Colton, Eli H., 175. Colton, E. Wells, 186. Colton, Capt. Richard, 175, 186, 355, 357, 363, 364, 366. Commissioners at Albany, 195. Commissioners to Canada, 208. Committee's Farm, 153. Committees of Inspection and Safety, 323, 324, 32.5. 329, 33.1- Commons, 101,219; First Division, 21, 184, 220 ; Second Div., 220, 222 j Third Div., 221, 222; Fourth Div., 17,281; Fifth Div., 282; Sixth Div., 340. Commonwealth, The, 22, 247. Coughlin, Matthew, 368. Conkey, John, 309. Connecticut river, 3. Conn, soldiers at Nfd., 117, 197, 204, 256, 263, 265, 270, 272. Conway, Thomas, 186. Cooke, Capt. Aaron, 117. Cook, Aaron, 281. Cook, Caleb, 181. Cook, Dwight, 369. Cook, Experience (Lyman), 168. Cook, Henry, 168, 172. Cook, Joseph, 315, 358. Cook, Martha, 168. Cook, Moses, 325,. Cook, Robert G., 179, 366. \Cooley, Benjamin, 114, 303. Cooley, Eunice, 290. Coolidge, Joseph, 181. Coombs, John, 196. Cooper, Aaron, 278, 279. Cooper, Moses, 256, 257. Cooper, Robert, 16, 23, 131, 140, 158, 197, 201, 209, 218, 224, 227, 236, 256, 257, 267, 278. Cooper, Lieut. Thomas, 70. Cooper's Cave, 23. 598 Index. Cooper's Point, 12, 23, 42, 220. Coos, 278, 306. Copan, Smith W., 367. Corbin, Eliphalet, 261. Cornish, Thomas, 76. Corse, Dan, 300. Corse, James, 96, 197, 208, 296, 303. Corse, Gad, 183, 303, 315, 319, 323, 329, 35^- Council Rock, 23. Country Farm, 152, 321. Cowas, or Coassoclc, 6, 38, 40, 51, 52, 53, 54. Cowles, J. W., 174. Coy, Capt. Ira, 38, 76, 355. Crackbone, Benjamin, 76. Crafts, Benoni, 146, 176, 183. Crafts, Gaius,- 308. Crafts, John, 183. Crawford, John, 201. Cree, Richard, 263. Crelan, Timothy, 184. Crisson, Thomas Sen. and Jr., 234, 255, 261. Crisson, William, 255. Crosby, Josiah, 261. Cross, Addison, 368. Crowfoot, Stephen, 156, 157, 159, 160, 184, 193, 200, 232, 303. Crown Point, 234, 290, 292, 296, 306, 3^6. Culver, Simon, 210. Cummings, Joseph, 342. Cungowasco, 113. Curtis, Benjamin R., 364. Curtis, Henry, 172. Curtis, Nathaniel, 73. Curtis, Noah, 264. Curtis, Samuel, 139, 143, 172. Cushman, Consider, 315. Cutting, Nathan L., 368. Cutting, Samuel Jr., 368. D ANBURY, 329. Danks, Asahel, 307. Darling, Benjamin, 183, 356, 358. Darling, James, 182. Darling, Moody, 183. Davis, Aaron, 358. Davis, Isaac, 264. Davis, John, 105, 171. Davis, Jonathan, 331. Davis, Mary, 105, 139, 171. Davis, Samuel, 95, 98, 103, 105, no, 122. Deacon the psalm, 318. Dean, Samuel, 325. Debeline, Mons., 249. Deeds, Indian, 51, 52, 53. Deerfield, 73, 128, 247, 287. Delarsee, Oliver, 324. De Nonville, 118. De Neverville, 242. Dennis, Rev. John, 288. Dennis, John, 332. Denny, Samuel, 324. Devens, Charles, 364. Devens, Arthur L., 364. Devonshier, Christopher, 174, 175. Dewey, Capt. Adijah, 195, 196. Dewey, Charles, 367. Dewey, John, 325, 328. Dickinson, Benoni, 183, 315, 319, 330. Dickinson, Cotton, 324. Dickinson, Daniel, 201. Dickinson, Henry W., 367. Dickinson, Israel, 308. Dickinson, Job M., 364, 366. Dickinson, John, 332. Dickinson', Joseph, 60, 62, 68, 71, 74. Dickinson, Joseph, 307. Dickinson, Martin, 179. Dickinson, Martha, 17, 282, 319. Dickinson, Moses, 257, l(n, 262, 282, 315, 317, 334- Dickinson, Nathaniel, 183, 218, 237, 238, 250. Dickinson, Nathaniel Jr., 282. Dickinson, Nathaniel, 170. Dickinson, Nathaniel, 293, 295, 296, 300, 303- Dickinson, Obadiah, 172, 179, 181, 338, 348, 35^. 353. 354, 358. 364- Dickinson, Samuel, 101, 105, 126, 196. Dickinson, Samuel, 183. Dickinson, Thomas W., 351. Dickinson, Titus, 315, 317, 319, 329. H^insmore, Abel, 308. Distillery, 172, 175, 342. Dike, Aaron Sen. and Jr., 353, 357. Dike, Benjamin, 330. Doak, Thomas D., 172, 174, 360. Dodd, John, 259, 260. Dodge, Ebenezer, 358. Dodge, Nathaniel B., 325. Dogs, for tracking Indians, 203, 244, 248. Doolittle, Abraham, 144. Doolittle, Adrastus, 355. Doolittle, Amzi, 298. Doolittle, Rev. Benjamin, 144, 146, 148, 149, 150, 151, 158, 163, 170, 171, 176, 182, 202, 217, 220, 230, 238, 245, 253, 260, 262, 272, 273, 363. Doolittle's Narrative, 274, 370. Doolittle, Benjamin, 334. Doolittle, Charles, 8. Doolittle, Lucius, 170, 171, 176, 262, 282, 313, 319, 332» 365- Doolittle, wid. Lydia, 282, 287. Dorchester, Joseph, 209. Dorrel, William, 331. Draper, Eliza, 359. Draper, Emily, 358. Index. 599 Draper, Julia, 358. Drowned lands, 285. Drum-beat on Sabbath, 218. Dry Swamp, 22. Duchine, Charles, 368. Dummer, Fort, 199, 202, 209, 214, 227, 228, 229, 234, 235, 239, 240, 241, 252, 256, 257, 258, 262, 272, 277, 286, 288, 289, 308. Dummer, Gov. William, 192, 195, 210, 213. Dunklee, J. L., 184. Dunwich, Bepjamin, 73. Durant, William, 264. Dutton, Mrs. Mary, 360. Dutton, Samuel D., 368. Dutton, Samuel W., 182, 364, 365, 366. Dutton, Timothy, 172, 222, 340, 351, 354, 357, 366. Dutton, Timothy, 360, 366. Dutton, Timothy B., 172, 182, 185, 358, 360, 366. Dwight, Rev. Daniel, 209. Dwight, Henry, 133, 155, 175, 177, 179, 195- Dwight, Col. Joseph, 252, 270, 271, 292. Dwight, Timothy, 64, 141, 154, 197, 199, 201, 215, 216. Dwight's Farm, 153. EAMES, Thomas, 88, 89, 91. Eaton, James, 261. Eaton, Cornet Noah, 245. Edgehill, John, 261, 268. Edwards, Ebenezer, 181. Edwards, Rev. Jonathan, 232. Edwards, Col. William, 357. Eggleston, James, 73. Elgar, Abraham, 184, 192, 197, 208, 218, 282. Elgar, Thomas, 271, 298, 303, 309, 328, 3^9- Ellis, John, 198, 201, 261. Ellis, Moses, 358. Ellis, Richard, 233. Elmer, A. D., 167. Elmer, Daniel, 256, 282. Elmer, Hezekiah, 19, 143, 161, 174, 197, 208, 218, 237, 255, 256, 261, 275, 281, 282. Elmer, Hezekiah Jr., 282. Elmer, Jacob, 282, 300, 303. Ely, Joseph, 250. Emery, Samuel M., 361. Emmons, Benjamin, 302. Engagers 1672, 62. Engagers 1683, 95. Equivalent Lands, 199, 226. Estey, Oliver, 351. Evans, Daniel, 300, 301. Evens, John Sen. and Jr., 44, 196, 209, 227, 278, 279, 288, 298. Evens, John, 331. Evens, Moses, 169, 262, 282, 298. Evens, Peter, 44, 134, 139, 169, 172, 173, 218, 365. Evens, Peter Jr., 261, 278, 279, 317. Evens, Randall, 282. Everett, Mrs. Lydia, 170, 359. Everett, Rev. Oliver C, 363. Ewers, Robert, 261, Ezerus, 201. FAIRBANKS, Luther, 324. Fairbanks, Nathaniel, 261. Fairchild, L. L., 369. Fairman, John, 358. Falls Fight, 56, 91, 92, 223. Fall-town, 92, 223, 243, 252. Farmer, Daniel, 262, 264, 266, 268. Farms The, 153. Farnham, Rev. Luther, 360. Farnsworth, David, 299. Farnsworth, James, 264. Farnsworth, Samuel, 244. Farnsworth, Stephen, 242. Farrar, John, 213, 319, 328. Farrar, Abel, 264. Farwell, Jonathan, 275. Farwell, Joseph, 264. Fay, Capt. — , 308. Fay, Joel, 180. Fay, Winsor L., 171, 366. Felton, George G , 367. Females Indian, rank, 39. Fencing, 14, 102, 133, 139, 227. Ferries, I02, 147, 339, 355. Field, Aaron, 303, 308, 315. Field, Abner, 18, 178, 321, 353. Field, Ansel, 367. Field, Asa, 332. Field, Dr. Caleb C, 363. Field, Calvin S., 367. Field, Ebenezer, 9, 22, 57, 151, 158, 159, 178, 185, 193,218,365. Field, Mrs. Ebenezer, 162, 172. ' Field, Dr. Ebenezer, 164, 169, 261, 281, 282, 363. Field, Ebenezer Jr., 262, 281, 282, 298, 315. 319. 330, 335. 347- Field, Elijah, 332. Field, Rev. Elijah H., 355. Field, Capt. Elisha, 356. Field, Erastus, 357, 363, 366. Field, Frank S., 367. Field, Franklin, 172. Field, Fred. R., 367. Field, Gaius, 236. Field, George, 315, 319, 331, 341. Field, George, 364, 366. Field, George P, 367, 368. Field, George W., 367. Field, Henry, 355. Field, Horace F., 366. 6oo Index. Field, John, 331. Field, Jonathan, 303. Field, Josiah, 146, 150, 165. Field, Justin, 363. Field, Landlord, 151, 178. ^ Field, Levi, 329, 331, 332. Field, Lucius, 363. Field, Mary (Bennett), 128, Field, Medad, 293, 295. Field, Moses, 47,261, 280, 282, 283, 3", 315, 319. 3^1. 330. 365- Field, Dea. Moses, 183. Field, Moses D., 330. Field, Nathan, 329. Field, Dea. Paul, 8, 282, 319. Field, Pedajah, 128, 186, 237, 292, 319. Field, Pedajah Jr., 296. Field, Phinehas, 332, 334, 348, 354. Field, Phinehas Jr., 78, 359. Field, Reuben, 329. Field, Rodolphus W., 347. Field, Rufus, 315, 319. Field, Samuel Sen. and Jr., 167, 169, 224, 282, 287, 298, 313, 319, 348, 355. 366. Field, Sarah, 128. Field, Sereno, 347. Field, Seth, Esq., 46, 178, 217, 222, 247, 282, 288, 291, 292, 294, 310, 311, 312, 313, 316, 318, 321, 323, 324, 325, 333, 338, 344, 363, 364. 365- Field, Seth, 308. Field, Sharon, 78, 357. Field, Simeon A., 364, 366. Field, Timothy, 38, 168, 179, 356. Field, Thomas J., 38, 364. Field, Thomas P., 363. Field, Walter, 183, 353, 366. Field, William Sen. and Jr., 169, 315, 356, 359- Field, Ens. Zechariah, 7, 14, 57, 65, 134, J38, 139, 140, 1^-2., 151. 156, 158, 168, 171, 178, 193, 209, 210, 218, 220, 236, 237, 365. Field, Zechariah, 9, 178, 349, 365. Fifth meadow draught, 15, 17, 100. •Filer, Dr. George, 163. Fire wood, 22, 49. First Division, 21. Fisher, Francis, 176. Fisher, George A., 368. Fisher, John A., 359. Fisher, John A. Jr., 368. Fisher, Dea. Josiah, 240. Fisher, Josiah, 6, 8, 174, 354. Fisher, R. C, 186. Fisher, Theodore, 368. Fishing places, 33, 43, 341. 179, 330, 224, 299, 3'9, 343. 319. 128, 155. 202, 276, Fisk, Nathan, 183, 319, 324, 331, 352. Fisk, Rev. Simon E., 355. Fitch, Rev. James, 89. Fitch, James, 331. Fitch, John, 255. Fitzgerald, Richard, 368. Five Nations, 125, 203. Flag, hanging out, 218. Fletcher, Ebenezer, 261. Fletcher, Lieut. John, 256, 259. Fletcher, Jonas, 264. Fletcher, Timothy, 261. Fletcher, Thomas, 259. Flip, 262. Flint, John, 226. Flint, John K., 291. Flint, Nathan, 315. Flint, Samuel, 264. Fokt, Michael, 201. Force, Timothy, 325, 327. Fort Hill, old, 12, 42, 155, 228. Forts, Beau Sejour, 289 ; Cumberland, 289 ; Edward, 292; Massachusetts, 239, 247, 249, 254, 285; Pelham, 239, 285; Shirley, 239, 254, 264, 272, 285 ; William Henry, 293, 299, 300, 301. Forts at Northfield, 65, 98, 102, 114, 122, 157, 168, 173, 183, 186, 192, 201, 237, 238, 278, 287. Forts, cordon of, 239 ; garrisoned, 242, 249, 254, 256, 285, 286, 288,289, 3°^> east of river ordered, 251. Foskett, Elbridge, 182. Foster, Edward, 368. Foster, Ezekiel, 325. Foster, Ezra, 325. Foster, Josiah, 254, 278, 282, 295, 302. Foster, Nathaniel, 259. Four-mile brook, 8, 98. Fourth Division, 17, 281. Fowler, Rev. Bancroft, 360. Fowler, Clark, 357. Fowler, John, 357^ Framingham, 195, 200, 245, 255, 268, 275. Francis, Richard, 95, 96, 105. Frary, Sampson, 107. Freeman, George H., 368. Freeman, Samson, 275. French in Canada, 113, 125. French, Jonathan, 261, 262. French, Otis, 358. Frizzell, Michael, 300, 303. Frizzell, Samuel, 308, 329. Frost, John, 201. Frost, John, 261, 262. Frost, Rev. Leonard, 355. Fuller, Joseph, 324. Fulling mill, 174. Fund, Ministerial Trust, 362; Parish, 361. Furs, 49. Indt ex. 60 1 GAFFNEY, John, 368. Gale, James O., 367. Gale, Jonathan, 324, 331. Game, 49, 310. Gardner, Capt. Andrew, 223. Gardner, Rev. Andrew, 256, 269. Gardner, Andrew Jr., 256. Gardner, Benjamin, 309. Garey, Oliver, 332. Garfield, Benjamin, 290. Garrison soldiers at Nfd., 140, 151, 156, 157, 191, 195, 201, 203, 239. Gates, Joseph, 367. Gates, meadow, 355, 356. Gay, Rev. Bunker, 43. Gay, Rev. Ebenezer, 171. Gaylord, H., 315. Gaylord, Josiah, 325, 327. Gaylord, Sarah, 68. Gerry, Joshua, 192, 254. Geese rocks, 267, 269. Getchell, John, 76. Gifford, William, 368. Gilbert, John S., 369. Gilbert, Lyman, 8, 35. 363. Gillett, Corp. — , 126. Gillett, Elijah, 201, 209. Gillett, Joseph, 201. Gilson, Michael, 245, 278, 303.- Gilson, Zechariah, 293, 295, 300, 301. Giving possession of land, 53. Gleason, Jonathan, 325. Goff, — , died, 308. Goft", Col. John, 309. Gold, Maj. — , 118. Goodale, Samuel, 325, 327. Goodale, Thomas, 254. Goodenough, David, 324. Goodenough, Ithamar, 328. Goodrich, Capt. — , 204. Gookin, Capt. Daniel, i, 25, 32, 50, 80. Gould, Jedediah, 324. Gould, Nathaniel, 254. Gould, Stephen, 324, 330. Gould, William, 278. Goulding, Palmer, 226. Graduates, 363. Grandee, Edmund, 144, 152, 177, 197,208. Grandy, Beriah, 255, 282. Grandy, John, 282, 299. Grants of land, special, 223. Graves, Ansel, 357. Graves, Asahel, 255, 261 ; killed, 267, 269. Graves, Bela, 302. Graves, Ebenezer, 117. Graves, Isaac, 62, 94. Graves, Samuel Jr., 263, 264. Gray Lock, 194, 196, 203, 204, 206, 208, 209, 213, 214, 234. Gray Lock's Fort, 194, 208, 210. Gray Poose, affidavit of, iii. 7G Great Bend in Conn. River, 3, 4, 12, 19, 41, 55, 126. Great gun at Fort Dummer, 229, 262, 268, 291. Great meadow in Nfd., 15, 64, 66, 100, 102, 138, 156, 217. Great Meadow, 234; fort at, 234 ; attacked, 240, 241, 242. Great Swamp, 21, 100. Green, Benjamin, 173, 174. Green, Charles H., 364. Green, Rev. George, 355. Green, Simeon, 261. Green, Hugh W., 364. Gregory, Isaac, 355, 356, 357. Griffiths, Samuel, 324. Grimes, William, 255. Grist mills, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 95, 99, 141, 159, 228. Grout, Charles W., 367. Grout, Hilkiah, 290, 292, 303. Gunn, Daniel, 292. Gunn, Lyman, 359. Gunn, Moses, 324. Gunn, Samuel, killed, 264. Gun-house, 355. Gurley, William, 95, 96, 105. Guy, 357. HACK, William, grant to, 224, 321. Hadley Indians, 72. Halbacum comgane, 17. Hale, A. L., 186. Haley, Thomas, 368. . Hall, Abijah, 282. Hall, Enoch, 176, 183, 192, 196, 197, 208, 210, 218, 278. Hall, Jeremiah, 261. Hall, Martha, 183. Hall, Dr. Philip, 182, 363, 364. Hall, Samuel, 261. Hall, Willis, 246. Hall, William, 357. Hall's History of Vermont, 261. Hampshire County, 133. Hancock, William, 357. Hannum, John, 60, 138. Hannum, Samuel, 209. Hannum, William, 60. Harback, John, 172. Harmony Lodge F. and A. Masons, 348. Harrigan, Dennis, 368. Harrington, John, 77. Harris, Rev. Humphrey, 355. Harris, John, 255. Harris, Joseph A., 368. Harris, Capt. King, 355, 356, 357, 365. Harris, Nathaniel, 226. Hartford Indians, 114, 117. Hartwell, Maj. Edward, 242, 243. Harvey, Charles W., 367. Harvey, Ebenezer, 173, 302, 310, 319. 6o2 Index. Harvey, Moses, 252, 333. Hassanamesetts, 87. Hastings, George, 169, 170, 348, 367. Hastings, Hezekiah, 367. Hastings, Seth, 318. Hastings, Stephen, 275. Hastings, Dr. Thomas, 163, 205, 209. Hastings, William, 348, 364. Hatfield assaulted, 83, 93, 126, 204. Hatters, 170, 185, 283, 356. Haverhill, N. H., 310. Haviland, Col. — , 304. Hawards, 142. Hawes, Eugene H., 368. Hawks, Dea. Eliezur, 146, 178. Hawks, John, 247, 253, 287, 295, 303, 309. Hawks, John Jr., 296. Hawks, Nathaniel, 197, 208. Hawks, Submit, 290. Hayden, Loren C, 368. Hayes, James, 201, Hazen, Richard, 229. Hearse, 355. Heath, Richard, 369. Heaton, James, Samuel, and William, 255. Heaton, Seth, 233. Hemenway, Micajah, 357. Henchman, Daniel, 50. Henderson, John, 254. Hendrick, 201, 292. Hendrick, John, 324, 328. Henry, Dr. James, 364. Henry, John, 254, 261, 268. Highways, 17, 96, loi, 145, 147, 150, 153, 167, 170, 171, 177, 178, 219, 226, 266; sale of superfluous, 348. Hill, Samuel, 261. Hill, William, 261. Hills, Nathaniel, 261. Hillyard, John, 62, 68, 95. Hillyard, Timothy, 134, 169. Hinsdale, N. H., incorp., 229, 279 ; pet. of inhab., 293; old meeting house, 227 ; church formed, 317. Hinsdale, Experience, 91. ^ Hinsdell, Rev.Ebenezer, 217, 227, 236,240, ■" 278, 279, 293, 299. Hinsdell's fort, 4, 227 ; ambush above, 262, 266,269, ^yOj *72> ^86, 288; am- bushed, 291, 300. Hinsdell's Lane, 17; ambushed, 246. Hoagg, Benjamin, 261. Hoar, Benjamin, 259. Hobamok, 48. Hobart, Joshua, 62. Hobbs, Capt. Humphrey, 258, 260, 262; fight, 263, 270. Hog-rings, 162. Holden, Chapin, 357. Holden, James, 255. Holden, James Jr., 355. Holden, John, 355. Holden, Jonas, 259. Holden, Simeon, 264. HoUiston, 310. Holmes, John, 96, 106. Holmes, John, 198. Holton, Asa A., 11, 364, 367. Holton, Clem. C, 367. Holton, Ebenezer, 302, 309. Holton, Eleazar, 150, 152, 157, 180, 193, 218, 230, 364, 365. Holton, Eleazar, 254, 319. Holton, Elias, 355, 357- Holton, Elijah, 261, 315, 319. i Holton, Elisha, 331. Holton, Eugene D., 368. Holton, Horace, 358, 366. Holton, Joanna, 319. Holton, Joel, 307. Holton, John, 184, 221, 237, 282, 296, 315, 319, 3^4, 331, 353, 365- . Holton, John Jr., 357. Holton, Jonas, 261, 332. Holton, Jonathan P., 39. Holton, Joshua, 237; killed, 243. Holton, Lemuel, 315, 319, 331, 336, 339, 341, 366. Holton, Lucius, 357. Holton, Mindwell, 173. Holton, Nathan, 329, 331, 347. Holton, Ora, 355. Holton, Mrs. Polly (Dickinson), 250. Holton, Roswell, 367. Holton, S. S., 364, 366. Holton, Samuel, 180, 221, 282, 315, 319, 32.1, 365- Holton, Solomon, 328, 331. Holton, Theodore, 8, 352. Holton, Thomas, 143, 146, 150, 152, 158, 173, 176, 185, 194, 195, 218, 365. Holton, Dea. William, 62, no, 120, 145 . Holton, William, .143, 157, 161, 180, 209, 218, 219, 282. Holton, William Jr., 221, 262, 282, 315, 319. Holton, William, 366. Holyoke, Capt. Samuel, 90, 91, 92. Home lots, 66; plan of, 104, 166; history of, 165-186. Hooker, Henry, 43. Hoosuck, East, 239. Hopkinton, 255. Hops, 358. Horse Neck, 329. Hosley, James, 357. Hoslington, Samuel, 261. Hospital, small pox, 309, 329. Hosmer, Aaron, 263. Hosmer, Dea. Cyrus, 361. Hosmer, Rev. Geo. W., 361. Hosmer, James K., 363. Houghton, Edward, 181, 348, 3Si> 353. 3S8- Index. 603 Howard, John, 2595 killed, 260, How, Abel, 358. How, Abner, 278, 281, 308. How, Benjamin, 308. How, Caleb, 254, 275, 277, 278, 279; killed, 290. How, Daniel, 234, 278. How, Daniel Jr., 245, 261, 268, 275, 278. How, Edward, 278. How, Isaac, 255. How, Mrs. Jemima, 290, 291. How, Capt. Joseph, 246. How, Joseph Jr. (of Hatfield), 300, 301, 308. How, Nehemiah, 234; captive, 241. How, Nehemiah, 303, 307, 309. How, Capt. Samuel, 292. How, Samuel, 278. How, Samuel, 331. How, Thomas, 120. How, William, 278. Howe, Thomas, 336. Hoyt, James, 368. Hoyt, Jonathan, 129, 130, 249. Hubbard, Rev. John, 65, 98, 172, 183; settled, 277, 281, 287, 312, 313, 334; died, 342; sketch of, 343. HufFanus, 17. Hull, Rev. Salmon, 355. Hunnibuss, William, 201. Hunt, Alanson, 357. Hunt, Arad, 171. Hunt, Capt. Elisha, 170, 171, 173, 180, 181, 313, 319, 333, 335» 338, 340, 341, 34i. 347. 348, 351. 353. 364, 366. Hunt, Ellsworth, 357. Hunt, Frederick, 363. Hunt, James, 328. Hunt, Lieut. Jonathan, 54, 139, 140, 143, 152, 155, 162, 169, 172, 179, 181, 218, 221. Hunt, Jonathan, 192. Hunt, Jonathan, 298, 300, 308. Hunt, Robert, 201. Hunt, Capt. Samuel, 9, 152, 171, 181, 236, 257, 261, 272, 275, 276, 278, 281, 282, 288, 294, 310, 312, 318, 365. Hunt, Samuel Jr., 292, 296. Hunt, Thomas, 95, 96, 106. Hunt, William, 261. Hunter, William, 198. Hurlburt, Dr. Isaac, 321, 363. Hurlburt, William, 60, 62, 64. Huse, Mary Ellen, 361. Hutchins, NoahS., 368. Hutchinson, John, 95, 103, 106, 167, 179. Hutchinson, Judah, 96, 103, 106, 109, 134, 13s, 167. Hutchinson, Moses, 128. Hutchinson, Ralph, 60, 62, 67, 95, 103, 167. Hutchinson, Samuel, 96, 106, 167. Hutson, Charles, 325. Hutson, William, 255. ICE-CAVE, 10. Impressed men, 298. Indians, 25-48 ; sold corn to English, 27; language, 31; mode of burial, 39, 42, 44 J games, 45 ; food of, 45, 50 ; religion of, 47 ; gathering of, 1676, 55 5 fate of, 55. Indian deeds, 51, 52, 53, 103, 109. Indian forts, 12, 13, 42, 43. Indian granaries, 20, 23, 34, 37, 38,41,43. Indian paths, 50. Indian planting-fields, 20, 35,43, 87. Indian villages, signs of, 345 sites of, 20, 35, 36, 37, 40, 41. Indians k. at Spectacle Pond, 113, 114. Indians k. at Nashuelot, 126. Ingersoll, Esther, 105. Ingram, Elisha, 359. Intervals, div. of, 100. Islands in Conn, river, 18, 19. JANES, Abel, 60. Janes, Dea. Benjamin, 19, 20, 128, 138, 142, 145, 146, 150, 152, 167, 194, 365- anes, Charles X., 367. anes, Dea. Ebenezer, 167, 178, 313, 319, 320, 321, 323, 329, 330, 332, 335, 338, 342, 35:, 356, 364. 365- anes, Ebenezer, 363. anes, Ebenezer, 73. anes. Rev. Frederick, 363. anes, Jonathan, 73. anes, Jonathan, 8, 17, 19, 129, 138, 145, 167, 168, 178, 197, 201, 209, 218, 282. anes, Jonathan, 315, 329, 331, 353, 366. anes, Joseph, 19, 60, 96, 106, anes, Obadiah, 332. anes, Samuel, 95, 106, 116, 128. anes, Elder William, i, 19, 24, 32, 51, 60, 62, 65, 66, 67, 95, 103. anes, William B., 367. anes, Xenophon, 354, 364. anes's Island, 96. arvis. Dr. Edward, 361, 364. ennings, Stephen, 96. esup, Adam, 355. ethro, Peter, 53, 54, 78, 1 12. ewell, James, 261. eweller, 179. ohonnot, Zachariah, 175. ohnson, David, 303. ohnson, Dilenton, 300, 301. ohnson, Henry, 367. ohnson, Henry H., 367. ohnson, Isaac, 358. ohnson, James, 255. 6o4 Index. ohnson, James, 299. ohnson, James S., 367. ohnson, Joel, 261, 262. ohnson, Josiah, 308. ohnson, Stephen, 255. ohnson, William H., 367. ones, Ebenezer, 351. ones, Edwin, 369. ones, Pelatiah, 201. ones. Rev. Willard, 360. ordan, Edmond, 259. oshua, 70, 72. ournals, Alexander's 1758, 303; 1776, 326; Kellogg's, 2075 Wright's, 210. Justices of" the peace, 358. KATHAN, John, 292. Keene (see Ashuelot, upper), 291. Keeup, 9, 22, 57. Keeup's hill, 13. Keith, Omen S., 360. Kelliher, Michael, 367. Kellogg, Ezekiel, 222. Kellogg, Capt. Joseph, 128, 157, 192, 195, 197, 200, 201, 202, 207, 208, 209, 214, 215, 216, 217, 223, 228, 256. Kellogg, Joseph, 60, 61, 92, 128. Kellogg, Martin, 228. Kellogg, Samuel, 197. Kelton, James, 331. Kelton, Thomas, 331. Kemp, Daniel D., 367. Kendall, Isaac, 358. Kendall, Jonas, 351. Kendall, Thomas, 358. Kendrick, Oliver, 358. Kenially, John, 368. Kenny, Henry, 282. Kentfield, William, 303. Kerley, Henry, 120. Keyes, David, 302. Kidd, Capt., legend of, 18. Kidder, Joseph, 259. Kidder, Reuben, 259. Kilburn, John, 62. Kilburn, John, 234, 292. Kimball, Benjamin, 198. Kimpland, C. K., 369. King, Benjamin, 126. King, David, 198, 208. King, Ezra, 329. King, Hophni, 180, 312, 315, 319, 321, 323. 3^9. 330- King, James L., 369. King, Sergt. John, 94, no, 118, 120, 122, 124. King, John, 197, 201, 208. King, Josiah, 157, 162, 183, 192, 197. King, Samuel, 96. King, Simeon, 300, 329. King, William, 54. King, William, 329. King, Rev. Zadock, 355. Kingsbury, Richard, 335. Kingsley, John, 96. Kingsley, Samuel, 174. King Philip, 13, 41, 47, 55,70, 80, 82, 83, 84, 86, 89, 93. Knight, Benjamin, 217, 303. Knight, Simeon, 256, 278, 280, 292, 296, 300, 301. Kobin, 58. LABONTE, Francis, 368. Labor, price of, 334. La Chasse, 191, 214. Lancton, George, 60. Lancton, Samuel, 192, 209. Land speculation, 155, 222. Lands granted, 149; special, 223. Lane, Capt. Samuel, 179, 366. Larkin, William, 335. Larrabee, John, 319. Lawrence, Elizabeth, 68. Lawrence, Jonathan Jr., 261, 268. Lawrence, Zachery, 16, 95, 106, 109, I74- Lawyers in Nfd., 364. Leary, Cornelius, 369. Leavitt, Jonathan, 351. Lee, Reuben, 357. Leeds, Capt. — , 256, 270, 273. Leffingwell, Joseph, 139. Leffingwell, Thomas, 143, 171- Leonard, Francis, 324. Leonard, Job M., 367. Leonard, Jonas, 331. Leonard, Noadiah, 333. Leonard, Simon, 325, 327. Letters; Rev. John Russell, 91 ; Elias Al- exander, 289; Gov. E. Andros, 118; Gov. Burnet, 188 ; Com. for Northfield, 119 ; Conn. Council, 88 ; Samuel Da- vis, no; Gov. William Dummer, 192, 209 ; Col. Joseph Dwight, 270 ; Phine- has Field, 78, 158, 177, 330; Seth Field, Esq., 291, 295, 297, 298 ; Abi- gail Hinsdale, 291 ; Ebenezer Hinsdale, 293; Caleb How, 275; Capt. Joseph Kellogg, 192, 201, 206; Henry Ker- ley, 120; Samuel Partridge, 125, 143, 189, 193, 194, 203, 205, 206, 212, 216; John Pynchon, 71, 113, 116, 117, 122, 125, 126; Ed. Randolph, 119; Col. John Schuyler, 198; John Stebbins, 33, 42; John M. Stebbins, 44 ; Capt. Phinehas Stevens, 248 ; Col. John Stoddard, 200, 202, 206, 208, 213, 214, 251, 255, 259; Rev. Solo- mon Stoddard, 78 ; John Wheelwright, 273; Col. Josiah Willard, Sen., 269, 273; Israel Williams, 270, 285, 296; William Williams, 273; Capt. Benj. Wright, 210; Conn. Council to Suc- quance, 88. Index. 605 Lewis, John, 368. Lewis, Sarah, 105. Lewis, William, 355. Lexington Alarm, 323. Libby, Charles W., 368. Library, Nfd. Social, 356. Lickens, George, 76. Lincoln, Zadock, 353. Linds, Hugh, 264. Liscom, Lemuel, 228. Little meadow, 100. Little stoney brook, 8. Livingston, William, 261. Lombard, Rev. H. J., 360. Long, Alvin A., 185. Long, John, 185, 359. Loomis, Capt. — , 265, 270. Looms, 161. Lord, Aaron, 18 1. Lord, Franklin, 167, 171. Lord, Thomas, 178. Lothrop, Capt. Thomas, 70, 72, 83. Louisburg taken 1759, 305. Lovejoy, Frank, 367. Loveland, Jonathan, 329. Lovewell, Capt. John, 210. Lucas, Richard, 325. Luck, Lewis, 368. Lyman, Aaron, 359. Lyman, Adolphus, 358. Lyman, A R., 168, 169. Lyman, Caleb, 24, 170, 180,315,348,352, 353- Lyman, Elias, 184. Lyman, Elisha, 186. Lyman, Elisha, 355, 359. Lyman, Capt. Elihu, 319, 323, 324, 332, 338, 366. Lyman, Elihu, 363. Lyman, Experience, 168. Lyman, Francis, 6, 172, 173. Lyman, Hannah, 107. Lyman, Rev. Isaac, 274. Lyman, Col. James, 168, 315, 319, 330, 331, 334, 338, 34^, 347, 353, 3^6. Lyman, John Esq., 52, 60, 92, 94, 95, 97, 102, 103, 107, 132, 134, 138. Lyman, John, 96, 102, 107, 168. Lyman, Jonathan, 364, 366. Lyman, Joseph 177, 358. Lyman, Joseph S., 363. Lyman, Joshua, 168, 176, 209, 217, 272, 2S2, 283, 294, 312, 319, 365. Lyman, Joshua, 332, 334 Lyman, Capt. Josiah Dwight, 180, 355. Lyman, Moses, 96, 103, 107, 109, 134, 135- Lyman, Capt. Moses, 167, 274. Lyman, Nathan, 209. Lyman, Richard, 7, 60, 95, 97, 103, 107, 181. Lyman, Robert, 60, 62, 67, 95, 103, 168. Lyman, Rodolphus, 359. Lyman, Samuel, 96, 168. Lyman, Sarah, 107. Lyman, Capt. Seth, 5, 307, 313, 319, 331, 333, 335, 338, 358, 366. Lyman, Seth Jr., 355. Lyman, Simeon, 176, 261, 313, 319, 320, 330, 365- Lyman, Swan, 353. Lyman, Tertius, 334, 335- Lyman, Thomas, 181, 357, 359- Lyman, Timothy, 353. Lyman, Lieut. William, 272, 296. Lyon, Aaron, 244. MAGKANEWEECK, iii. Magsigpen, ill. Malalamet, 214. Mallard, John, 331. Mallory, Simeon, 358. Malt, 162. Mann, Daniel, 259 ; killed, 260. Mann, Lucius H., 368. Maple sugar, 47. Maquas, 30, ill, 200. •Marble, Dr. Marcus, 315, 363. Marcy, Joseph, 244. Markham, William Sen. and Jr., 74, 76, 209. Marks, Joseph, 117. Marsh, John, 95, 96, 107. Marsh, Samuel, 325. Marshall, Mary, 361. Marshfield, Josias, 116. Marshfield, Samuel, 90. Martendale, Ebenezer, 325. Martendale, Lemuel, 325. Martyn, John, 264. Marvel, James, 263. Mason, George, 367. Mason, George H., 369. Mason, Joseph Esq., 361. Mason, Rev. Thomas, 181, 349, 357, 361, 364, 366. Massapetot, 28, 37, 51, 109. Massemet, 38, 40, 51, 52, 53, 58, 109. Mather, Rev. Warham, 120. Mattoon, Charles, 364. Mattoon, Chauncey B., 367. Mattoon, Ebenezer, 363. Mattoon, Eleazar, 16, 134, 135, 138, 139, 141, 175, 178, 184, 194, 197, 202, 208, 218, 230, 365. Mattoon, Elijah Sen. and Jr., 168, 315^ 319, 348, 355, 357- Mattoon, Hezekiah, 172, 366. Mattoon, Isaac Sen. and Jr., 134, 135, 167, 168, 174, 209, 210, 218, 282, 365. Mattoon, Isaac, 349, 366. Mattoon, Isaac, 177. Mattoon, Dea. Isaac, 169. 6o6 Index. Mattoon, Isaac, 367. Mattoon, James, 169. Mattoon, James, 358. Mattoon, John, 168. Mattoon, John, 178. Mattoon, John 2d, 172. Mattoon, J. L., 172, 177. Mattoon, Nathaniel, 9, 16, 143, 150, 151, 168, 193, 201, 209, 218, 275, 282, ^94, 365- Mattoon, Oliver S., 168. Mattoon, Philip, 92, 128, 172, 282, 296, ^98, 3". 313. 3i9» 353< 365- Mattoon, Dr. Samuel, 167,296, 308, 310, 313. 319. 333. 338, 344. 363. 365- Mattoon, Sarah, 128. Mattoon, Thomas B., 181. Mattoon, Warren, 367. Mautamp, 86, 87. Maxwell, Philip, 325. May, John, 338. Maynard, Joshua, 368. Mayo, Benjamin, 330. Mayo, Caleb, 351. Mayo, Capt. Enoch, 358. Mayo, John, 324. Mayo, Joseph, 323. McCarty, Dennis, 331. McClellan, Hugh, 333. McCreeney, Thomas, 129. McHugh, P., 183. Mclntire, Benjamin, 264. ' McKeeney, Daniel (wife of, 243), 255, 264. McLain, Charles, 264. McLellan, James, 246. McRanney, John, 201. Mead, Dr. M. S., 58, 180, 364. Meadows, i 3-18. Meeting-house, first, 66, 147, 280; second, 311 ; painted, 3165 third, 361. Meeting-oak, 24, 66, 151, 159, 334. Melvin, Benjamin, 246, 255. Melvin, Capt. Eleazar, 245, 247, 248, 249, 259; disaster, 260, 271. Melvin, Jacob, 264. Melvin, Nathan, 264. Menowniett, 89, 92. Merchant, Joseph, 197, 208, 218, 307. Merriam, James, 175, 176, 348, 352. Merriam, Jotham, 324. Merriam, William E., 367. Merriman, Anna, 183. Merriman, Clesson, 367. Merriman, Elijah S., 367. Merriman, Levi, 332, 353. Merriman, Capt. Samuel Sen. aird Jr., 183, 220, 282, 296, 307, 309, 315, 319, 328, 329, 331, 332, 366. Merriman, Theophilus, 146, 152, 159,182, 193, 195, 218, 220. Merritt, Asa, 259. Merry, Cornelius, 16, 52, 62, 68, 92, 95, 98, loi, 168. Merry, Cornelius Jr., 168. Merry's meadow, 16, loi, 155, 220, 227. Merrymeeting bay, 191. Metcalf, Thomas, 364, 366. Methodist church, 355. Militia, 158. Mill brook, 56. Miller, Abraham, 180. Miller, Benjamin Sen. and Jr., 177, 184, 197, 208, 218, 232, 282, 298, 303, 315, 319, 324. Miller, Ebenezer, 180, 192. Miller, Jacob, 358. Miller, James, 76. Miller, John, 192. Miller, John, 368. Miller, Josiah, 192. Miller, Mrs. Patience, 68, 164, 363. Miller, Solomon, 358.' Miller, William, 60, 62, 68, 95, 98, 109. Miller's brook, 7. Minas, 289. Minott, Jonathan, 169, 170. Minott, Samuel, 278. Minute men, 323. Mishom-assek, 48. Missisquoi bay, 194, 206, 210; Indians, ^34- Mitchell, Ebenezer killed, 264. Mitchell, Elijah, 296. Mitchell, Henry C, 368. Moffatt, John, 282, 308, 315, 319,334, 339- Moffatt, Olive, 341. Moffett, Robert, 243. Mohawks, 26, 28,29, 3°) 3i> 43. 5S> '94* Mohegans, 72. Momatanick, 71. Momonto, 71. Monoco, 73, 81, 82. Montague, 324. Montague, Henry W., 366. Montague, Richard, 60, 61, 74. Moody, Artemas, 358. Moody, Rev. Eli, 359. Moody, Isaiah, 186, 352. Moody, Isaiah, 363. Moody, L. A., 186. Moody, M. A., 186. Moor, Sergt. Benoni, 9, 16, 126, 138, 142, 149, 151, 158, 179, 193, 209, 218, 224 Moor, Capt. Fairbanks, 288, 292, 2965 killed, 305. Moore, Jonathan, 331. Moose plain, 21, loi. More, Obadiah, 263. Morgan, Alpheus, 328, 334. Morgan, Apollos, 339, 357, 367. Morgan, Caleb, 315. Index. 607 Morgan, Joseph, 198. Morgan, Noah, 224, 315, 329, 331. Morgan, Obadiah, 357. Morgan, Reuben, 224, 315. Morrell, Jeremiah, 76. Morristown, 328. Morse, Jeduthan, 325, 327. Morse, Uriah, 263, 296, 309, 310. Morton, Jonathan, 222. Mountains, 9-1 3. Mounts, 158, 186, 202,237, 238, 287. Mudge, John G., 167. Mudge, Micah, 51, 52, 60, 62, 68, 95, 96, 98, 102, 103, 113, 114, 115, 122, 171. Mun, Benjamin, 198, 307. Mun, Elisha, 347. Mun, Francis, 325, 327. Mun, James, 117. Mun, John, 17. Mun, John, 217, 232, 313. Mun, John Jr., 307, 330. Mun, Phinehas, 296. Mun, Seth, 331, 334. Munn, Calvin, 351. Munn, Noah, 319. Munsell, Joel, 169, 170, 356, 357. Murdock, Benjamin, 171. Murdock, Henry, 368. Murray, Rev. John, 363. Murray, Col. Seth, 308, 334, 342. Muzzey, John, 333. Myrick, Joseph, 334. NALLAHAMCOMGON, 17, 27, 51. Nash, Alvin N., 367. Nash, Edward C, 367. Nash, Dea. Epos, 311. Nash, Jonathan, 333. Nash, Judah, 366. Nash, Moses, 16, 152, 181. Nashaway, 31, 55, 73, 80, 82, 83, 85, 87, 88. Nashuelot, 4. Natanis, 9, 17, 36, 51, 63. Natick, 255. Natick Indians, 72, 76, 80, 87. Nauyaug, 8. Nawelet, 8, 30, 40, 53, 57, 87, 109, 156. Negus, Samuel, 302. Nelson, William, 209. Nettleton, Edward, 357. Nettleton, George, 358. Nevers, Gen. John, 22, 171, 348, 352, 356, 358, 364, 366. Newbury, Vt., 129. Newcomb, Bradford, 319. Newcomb, H. G., 364. Newcomb, Richard E., 351. Newell, Hiram, 351. Newell, Mary, 67. New Hampshire refuses protection to her western frontiers, 235, 248, 286. New London, 332. New Salem, 156, 256. Newton, Asahel, 324. Newton, Joshua, 300. Newton, Simon, 308. Nichols, Benjamin, 261. Nicholson, Capt. — , 120. Niles, Elijah, died, 308. Nims, Ens. Abner, 325. Nims, David, 261. Nipmucks, 27, 72, 84, 88. Noble, — , 194. Nonotucks, 25, 26, 28, 72, 73, 84. Norridgwalk, 190, 206. Northampton attacked, 83. Northend, William E., 369. Northlield ; Indian name, I, 32; bounds and contents, 2, 3, 8, 17, 64, 98, 154, 225, 281, 321 ; first visited, 50; peti- tion for, 59 ; grant of, 61 ; laid out, 63; settled, 64; forts at [see Forts) ^ home-lots, 64, 104; attacked, 73; destroyed, 79 ; Indians gathered at, 86-90; resettled, 94; attacked Aug. 16, 1688, 115; deserted 1690, 124; settled 1714, 132; list of inhab., 145 ; incorporated, 193 ; attack on 1723, 195, 196; garrisoned, 140, 151, 156, 157, 191, 195, 201, 203, 239, 248, 249, 251, 272, 275, 293, 295, 299; Province tax of, 217 ; number of polls, 145, 193, 218, 225. 319, 338, 342, 353; inhabitants list of, 221, 282, 319; houses built north of Ashuelot, 226; ambushed, 247, 250; Fast at, 261; dark times at, 262, 269,294; head-quarters, 275, 356; men im- pressed, 298; militia co., 158, 236, 275, 298 ; part set off to Gill, 347; division of town petitioned for, 358 ; population, 363. North Indians, iii, 115. Norton, Alexander, 183, 282,298, 310, 313, 319, 344, 365- Norton, John, 307. Norton, Selah, 183, 348. Norton, William, 357. Noyes, Rev. Charles, 363. Number One, 226, 233. Number Two, 226, 234, 278. Number Three, 226, 234. Number Four, 163, 226, 234, 235, 239, 241; assaulted, 242; ambushed, 243, 245 ; besieged, 246, 248, 249, 254, 256, 258, 263, 275, 277, 285, 286, 288 ; church formed, 288 ; attack on, i99» 305, 309- Nutting, Jacob, 264. Nutting, Samuel, 263. 6o8 Index. OIL, Castor and Linseed, manuf., 7, 349. Olds, Josiah, 302.. Old Fort Hill, 12, 42, 155. Old Soldier's Hole, 23, 77, 222. Olmstead, Asa, 364. Olmstead, Dwight H., 363. Olmstead, Jabez, 129, 130. Olmstead, Simeon, 309. One-eyed John, 73, 81. Opening the meadows, 217. Orchards, 217. Organ, 354. Orvis, Samuel, 146, 150, 183. Orvis, Samuel, 298, 300, 303. Orvis, William, 255, 282, 296. Osgood, Benjamin, 261, 262. Osgood, Charles, 181, 348, 360, 364, 365, 366. Oswego, fall of, 298. Otter Creek, 198, 204, 213, 214. PACKARD, John, 357. Pacomptocks, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 37, 51, 56,71, 84, 90. Page, Levi, 186. Page, Lewis, 186, 353. Page, Thales H., 367. Page, Thomas, 5. Paige, William, 333. Paine, Capt. Daniel, 243. Paine, John, 223. Pall, 354. Palmer, Benjamin, 16, 95, 98, 102, 107, 184. Paquayag, 30, 31, 50, 55, 57, 71, 72, 85, . 89, 156. Parish, first organ., 360; fund, 361. Parke, John, 77. Parker, Abraham Sen. and Jr., 320, 335. Parker, David, 245. Parker, Hannah and children, 320. Parker, Isaac, 234, 242, 263. Parker, Jonathan, 264, 335. Parker, Moses, 275. Parker, Stephen, 308. Parkhurst, Abraham, 319. Parmenter, C. H., 367. Parmenter, Elias, 325. Parmenter, Josiah, 315, 347. Parsons, A. C, 179, 364, 367. Parsons, Ebenezer, 73. Parsons, Jabez, 7, 179, 180, 352, 356, 360. Parsons, Capt. John, 169. Parsons, Joseph Sen. and Jr., 38, 51, 52, 53, 62, 68, 95, 103, 134, 169. Partridge, Samuel, 122, 124, 125, 132, 143, 189, 192, 195, 205, 212, 216. Partridge farm, 153. Pascommuck, 128. Pasquamscot Falls, 27. 34, 50, 90. Pasturing the Commons, 280. Patrick, Sergt. James, 288. Patterson, David, 300. Patterson, Eleazer, 8, 65, 167, 272, 282, 292, 302, 305, 365. Patterson, George, 281. Patterson, Jonathan, 138, 142, 145, 146, 149, 151, 167, 178. Patterson, Mary, 178, 218. Patterson, William, 300. Pauchaug, 15, 44, 45, 65, 66, 100, 102, 138,217. Peabody, Isaac, 264. Peabody, William, 263. Pease, John, 201, 213. Pease, Jonathan, 201. Peck, John, 73. Peck, Seth, 324. Pembroke grant, 3, 154, 224, 321. Pennacooks, 30, 56. Pepper, Robert, 76, 77, 80, 82. Pepperell, Sir William, 301. Perkins, Mark, 262,264. Perrin, Peter, 244. Perry, Rev. Isaac, 360. Perry, Joseph, 209, 210, 255, 292. — Perry, Joseph, 358. Pessacus, 84, 86, 88, 89. Petitioners 1671, 60. Petitions; John Lyman et als, 59; Wil- liam Markham, 74; Rev. W. Mather, 120 ; Samuel Davis and Micah Mudge, 121 ; Peter Tilton, 123; Capt. Benj. Wright, 130, 198; Ebenezer Alexan- der, 130; Thomas Alexander, 327; Robert Cooper, 131; Northfield, 148, 193,' 272, 294, 321 ; Zech. Field, 156; Ebenezer Bacon, 243 ; Eleazer Patter- son, 305 ; Rev. B. Doolittle, 252 ; John Sergeant, 257 ; Josiah Willard Sen., 258 ; John Henry, 268 ; Sergt. Thomas Taylor, 268 j JEbenezer Hins- dell, 293. Petty, Aaron, 302, 307. Petty, Ebenezer, 175, 192, 209, 237, 324, 3^5. 33i>33i- Petty, John, 117, 186, 237, 296, 309. Petty, Sergt. Joseph, 9, 16, 20, 126, 128, 138, 140, 151, 156, 158, 167, 168, 175, 193, 218, 220, 224, 252, 249; killed, 260, 282, 365. Petty, Joseph Jr., 16, 185, 221, 237. Petty, Joseph, 282. Petty, wid. Margaret, 282. Petty, Reuben, 300, 301, 308, 315, 319. Petty, wid. Sarah, 282. Phelps, Elihu, 175, 342, 352, 354. Phelps, George H., 170. Phelps, Nathaniel, 62. Phelps, W. H., 182. Philip, King, 13, 41, 47, 55, 70, 80, 82, 83, 84, 86, 89, 93. Index. 609 Philip's Hill, 13, 37, 55,86. Phillips, Ebenezer, 246. Phipps, William, 234, 240. Physicians, 68, 163, 164, 167, 168, 180, 182, 184, 283, 310, 321, 363. Pickard, James S., i8i. Pierce, Francis, 255. Pierce, Henry E., 368. Pierce, Jonathan, 209. Pierce, Joseph B., 367. Pierce, Nathaniel, 209. Pierce, Capt. Seth, 334. Pierce, Timothy, 300, 301. Pitcher, William, 324. Pitts, John, 185. Plains, 19-21. Plan of Town street, 104. Plow-shop, 170. Poag, Robert, 96, 107. Pomeroy, Caleb, 307. Pomeroy, Col, Charles, 114, J71, 367. Pomeroy, Eleazar, 170, 310,319,321, 365. Pomeroy, John, 192, 197, 204, 206, 208. Pomeroy, Josiah, 321. Pomeroy, Capt. Medad, 118. Pomeroy, Dr. Medad, 180, 319, 321, 348, 352, 363, 365. Pomeroy, Medad, 196. Pomeroy, Nathaniel, 19, 127. Pomeroy, Lieut. Seth, 271. Pomeroy, Shammah, 169, 2.92, 300, 303, 315, 3i9> 344,347. 35^- Pomeroy, Simeon, 209. Pomeroy, William, 1 69, 342, 348, 356, 358, 360, 361, 362, 366. Pomeroy, Prior and Bowen, 169, 356. Pomeroy 's Island, 19, 127. Pompanoot, 57, 156. Pompmohock, 38, 53. Pool, Capt. — , 86. Pool, Lieut. Jacob, 325, 326. Population of Northfield, 363. Porter, Col. Eleazar, 263, 269. Porter, James, 157, 192, 197, 208, 209, 292. Porter, Moses, 353. Porter, Samuel, Esq., 133. Porter, William, 299. Porter's Farm, 153. Post office, 348. Potash-house, 318. Potatoes, 288. Potetipaug, 72. ' Potter, Ephraim, 325. Potter, Marshall A., 367. Pottery, 352. Pound, 147. Powel, Thomas, 117. Power, Thomas, Esq., 24, 356, 364. Powers, Ephraim, 268. Pownal, Gov. Thomas, 301. Pratt, Rev. Allen, 347 77 Pratt, Samuel, G., 367. Prentice, Dr. Samuel, 184, 358, 363. Prentice, Samuel, 363. Prentice, Thomas, 50. Prentiss, Rev. Thomas, 350. Presbury, Rev. Samuel, 360, 361. Presson, Samuel, 358. Preston, Samuel, 300. Preston, Jonathan L., 367. Priest, Calvin, 9, 13, 57, 353. Priest, James E., 367. Priest, Nathan, 359. Prince, Abijah, 282. Prindle, Nathan, 315, 317, 329, 340, 353, 358. Prior, Isaac, 180, 356, 359, 364, 366. Prior, Nathaniel, 192. Prisoners at Squakheag, 88. Pritchard, Elnathan, 325. Procter, Capt. Peter, 330. Procter, Josiah, 351. Proprietors of common and undivided lands, 222, 282. Provincial Congress^ first, 322 j second, 323 ; third, 325. Province line, new, 3, 155, 229. Prutt, Levi, 325, 328. Pudney, Henry, 263. Pullard, John, 261. Pumery, Caleb, 51, 53. Pumery, Ebenezer, 53, 169. Pumery, Joseph, 91, 96, 107. Pumery, Joshua, 60, 62. Purple, Nelson W., 366. Putnam, Aaron, 172. Putnam, Ebenezer, 256. Putnam, Fuller, 275. Putnam, Gideon, 334. Putnam, Seth, 243. Putney, Vt., 234, 286. Pynchon, John, 32, 49, 61, 62, 70, 71,82, 83, 109, 113, 116, 117, 119, 123, 125, 13^, 153- ^UANATOCK, 7, 52. V^ Quaboags, 72, 80, 83, 85, 117. ^^ Quannapohit, James, 77, 80, 81, 82, 84. guebec, surrendered, 306. 2ueen Anne's war, 128, guigley, Joseph, 368. guincy, Benjamin, 331. guincy. Col. John, 224. Quinnapin, 84, 86, 88, 89. guinneh-tuk, 3. RAIMBAULT, 253, 265, 266. Ralle, Sebastian, 188, 190, 191 ; death of, 205. Ramsdell, John, 331. Randall, Enoch, 107, 139, 184. Randolph, Edward, 119. 6io Index. Rangers; Capt. E. Melvin's, 244, 249,259, 271; Capt. P. Stevens's, 248 ; Capt. H. Hobbs's, 263 ; Capt. J. Burk's, 300,302; Maj. Rogers's, 304, 306; Maj. Putnam's, 304; names of Cos., 287; rules of, 286; Ranging compa- nies ; Capt. T. Wells's, 209 ; Capt. B. Wright's, 210, 213. Ransom, Daniel, 332. Ransom, Hazel, 325. Ransom, John, 325, 327. Ransom, Matthew, 332. Rattlesnake den, 10, 11, 48. Rattlesnake galls, 164. Rawson, Joseph, 246. Ray, Andrew, 369. Ray, Patrick, 245. Reed, Charles, 358. Reed, Elijah, 300. Reed, Isaac, 355, 358. Reed, James, 356. Reed, Thomas, 91. Reeve, William, 174, 175. Repeiitigny, Chev. De, 265. Representatives, 219, 225, 318, 322, 325, 33^> 335 > instructed, 338; list of, 364. Reserved lands, loi, 135, 151, 152. Rice, Isaac, 261. Rice, Ralph, 264. Rich, Caleb, 324. Rich, Lieut. Thomas, 323. Richardson, Joseph, 261 ; killed, 262. Richardson, Rev. Nathaniel, 360. Richardson, Thomas, 320. Rider, Hophni, 325. Riley, Michael, 368. Ripley, Franklin, 356, 364. Ripley, Jerome, 351. Ripley, Peter, 324. Risley, Elijah, 324. River Indians, 125, 191. Roadtown, 256. Robbins, Aaron, 330. Robbins, Asa, 339. Robbins, George, 299, 319, 324, 325, 327 33^- Robbins, John H., 367. Robbins, Jonathan, 325, 327, 358. Robbins, Moses, 334, 335. Robbins, Thomas, 261. Robbins, William, 245. Robert, John, 261. Roberts, Abraham, 321. Roberts, Amaziah, 315. Roberts, Lemuel, 325, 328. S Robertson, John, 368. Robinson, Thomas, 263. Rockingham, Vt., 280. Rockwood, Thomas, 357. Roff" or Rolfe, Benjamm, 259. Roff or Rolph, Stephen, 325, 327. Root, Elihu, 329. Root, Jacob, 96, 107, 109, 182. Root, John, 60, 196. Root, Joseph Sen. and Jr., 96, 107, I09> 129, 134, 179. Root, Moses, 185, 324, 331, 332. Root, Dea. Samuel, 126, 185, 196, 217, 282, 283, 312, 319, 323, 324, 325, 3^9, 331. 338, 365- Root, Thomas Sen. and Jr., 60, 62, 64, 68, 96. Rose, Benjamin, 282. Rose, Gideon Jr., 300. Rose, Joseph, 256; killed, 267, 269. Rose, Joseph, 329. Rose, Seth, 300, 301. Rose, Thomas, 300. Rose Farm, 224, 349. Rosie, Jean, affidavit of, ill. Ross, A. W., 182. Ross, Lafayette, 369. Rouville, H. de, 128. Rowlandson, Mrs., 13, 22, 41, 46, 47, 55, 66, 77, 82, 84, 85, 87. Roxbury-Canada, 169, 223. '-Ruddock, Dr. Asa S., 364. Rugg, David, 234, 241. Rugg, John, 278. Rugg, Joseph, 296. Rugg, Z., J 8 6. Ruggles, Col. Timothy, 307. Rumrill, Lucius B., 367. Run of yarn, 161, 342. Russell, H. S. and E. F., 180. Russell, Rev. John, 91, 121. Russell, Sarah J., 361. Rutland, 195. Rye, 161. SABBATH School, 361. . Sackett, David, 198. Sackett (Indian), 264. Saddler's shop, 169. Sagamore Sam, 73, 80, 82. , Salmon brook, 9, 33,41- Sancumachu, 84, 86, 88. Sanderson, Joseph Jr., 307. Sanderson, William, 146, 159, 177, 192, 292. Sanger, Nathaniel, 315. Sarchfield, Henry, 368. Sargent, Thomas, 197,208. ^ Sartle, Jacob, 299. \ Sartwell, Jonathan, 252, 254. . *^Sartwell, Josiah, 154; grant, 227, 277; \ fort, 227, 286, 288. S/'Sartwell, Nathaniel, 264, 300. *^artwell, Obadiah, 244, 275. Sartwell, Solomon, 302, 307, 309. Savage, Maj. Thomas, 85,91. Sawin, George A., 369. Index. 6ii Saw-mills, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 97, 143, 151, 159, 318,319. Sawyer, Abner, 353, 366. Sawyer, Asahel, 364, 366. Sawyer, Asahel, 367. Scagkooks, 56, iii, 202, 203, 205, 206, 290. Scalps, reward for, 209, 240, 242, 286. Scanlan, Thomas, 369. Schools ; 162, 224, 296, 310, 316, 338, 342; school houses, 219, 224, 255, 316, 339; school districts, 339, 348, 353, 354, 3555 committee, 354; select, 358, 361 ; academy, 360. Schuyler, Col. John, 195, 196, 198. Scott, Aaron, 292. Scott, Ebenezer, 255, 325. Scott, Ebenezer, d., 307. Scott, Eli, 263 ; k., 264. Scott, Elisha, 292. Scott, Israel, 300. Scott, James, 334. Scott, John, 261. Scott, Josiah, 209. Scott, Thomas, 73. Scouts, 125 ; Corp. Benj. Wright, 126, 129, 198 ; Lieut. John Pomeroy, 204, 206; Capt. J. Kellogg, 207, 208 5 Capt. T. Wells, 209 J Capt. B. Wright, 210, 214; Lieut. Elias Alexander, 252; Capt. E. Melvin, 260; plan for, 285. Scythe factory, 356. Seaconk, 87. Searl, Elisha, 197, 200, 201. Searl, John, 60. Seating the meeting-house, 280, 31-2, 316. Selectmen, list of, 365. Senators, list of, 364. Sequestered lands, 135, 222 ; sold, 312. Sergeant, wid. Abigail, 257. Sergeant, Daniel, 256, 257, 292. Sergeant, Digory, 257. Sergeant, Lieut. John, 157, 192, 197, 208, 217, 252, 256; k., 257; sketch of, 257. Sergeant, John Jr., 292. Serrell, John, 368. Severance, Abner, 347. Severance, Daniel, 197, 201, 209,216,217, ^54- Severance, Ebenezer, 129, 156, 159, 193; k., 196. Severance, Ebenezer, 282, 292, 315, 319, 33i» 332. 333. 338, 339> 366. Severance, Ebenezer Jr., 319. Severance, John, 308. Severance, Joseph, 134, 135, 139, 167, 224. Severance, Martin, 252. Severance, Moses, 300. Severance, Obed, 300. Severance, Samuel, 259; k., 260. Shade trees, 24. Shattuck, Daniel, 4, 16, 176, 183, 185, 197, 208, 218, 220, 227, 278, 279, 302. Shattuck, Daniel Jr., 292. Shattuck, Gideon, 292, 296. Shattuck, John, 77. Shattuck, Samuel, 300. Shattuck's Fort, 4, 220, 227 ; ambushed, 247 5 assaulted, 249. Sheldon, Arad, 325, 328. Sheldon, Cephas, 325, 328. Sheldon, Eliakim, 252. Sheldon, Elijah, 295. Sheldon, Isaac, 60, 62. Sheldon, Josepfi', 96. Sheldon, Josiah, 171. Sheldon, Reuben, 325, 328. Shepard, Joseph F., 369. Shepardson, Arunah, 357. Shepardson, C. W., 184. Shepardson, Elijah, 357. Shepherds, 281. Sheple, Nathaniel, 263. Sherborn, 255. Sherman, Abner, 331. Ship timber, 317. Shirley, Gov. William, 237, 243, 270, 287. Shoe-makers, 162, 182, 183, 232, 283, 310. Shoshanim, 82. Skinner, Edward, 325. Sign of the green bough, 205. Sikes, — , 329. Simonds, Nathan, 357. Simonds, Nathan H., 367. Simmons, Daniel, 264. Singing, 317, 318, 354- Sitton, Christopher, 197, 201. Slarrow, Samuel, 329. Slate, Ebenezer, 359. Slaves ; Ceasar, 164; Mishap, 310; Ishmael Turner, 329; Guy, 357 ; 319. Small pox, 309, 326. Smead, John and family, 254. Smead, Joseph, 296, 330, 332. Smead, Lemuel, 300. Smead, Solomon, 351. Smead, William, 60, 62, 64, 68. Smead, William, 233, 255, 261. Smith, Benjamin, 202. Smith, David, 198, 208. Smith, David, 329. Smith, Ebenezer, 198, 208. Smith, Elisha, 319. Smith, Job, 302, 307. Smith, Joseph, 368. Smith, Moses, 261, 328, 329, 331. Smith, Oliver, 19, 315, 319, 324, 331, 335, 338,366. Smith, Capt. Reuben, 177, 307, 315, 319, 353, 354, 358, 366. 6l 2 Index. Smith, Dea. Samuel, 177, 184, 185, 196, 2.18, 232, 282, 296, 313, 319, 323, 324. 325, 329, 331, 343, 365. Smith, Capt. Samuel, 353, 354. Smith, Seth, 293. Smith, Silas, 307. Smith, Stephen, 157. Smith, Wesley L., 367. Smith, William B., 367. Snow, Henry, 275. Snow-shoes, 129, 207, 239, 245,253, 256. Sockling, George E., 368. Souanaett, 37, 51. Southboro', 300. Spafford, Asa, 299. SpaflFord, Bradford, 299. Spafford, John, 234, 242, 244. Spaulding, Charles K., 368. Spectacle Pond massacre, 113. Spencer, William, 368. Spits, Indian, 204. Sprague, Levi, 358. Springfield burnt, 83. Squakheag ; meaning of Indian word, 32, 33; English first visit, 50; petition for, 59 J grant of, 61, 62 j laid out, 63 ; settled, 64 ; destroyed, 79 j Indians gather at, 86, 90; resettled, 95; de- serted 1690, 124; third settlement, 132. Squakheags, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 44, 56, 80, 84, 87, 125. Squenatock, 2, 7, 37, 51, 52. Stages and stage routes, 351. Stanhope, Jonathan, 201, 245. Starr, Thomas, 307. State line, new, 3, 135, 229. Stearns, A. D , 169. Stearns, Calvin. 356, 357. Stearns, Charles H., 179. Stearns, Edward B., 367. , Stearns, George A., 168. Stearns, John, 227. Stearns, John, 329. Stearns, Jonathan F., 361. Stearns, Marshall S., 367. Stearns, Samuel S., 169. Stearns, Simeon, 324, 331. Stearns, Thomas, 303. Stearns, William A., 361. Stebbins, Aaron, 367. Stebbins, Asahel, 183, 192, 197, 208, 218, 298, 299,, 300; killed, 305. Stebbins, Asahel, 319, 330. Stebbins, Asahel, 364, 366. Stebbins, Benjamin, 126, 169. Stebbins, Cyrus, 319, 321, 324, 328. Stebbins, Darius, 332. Stebbins, Ebenezer, 126. Stebbins, Lieut. Elihu, 43, 227. Stebbins, Elisha, 184, 315, 319, 324. Stebbins, John Sen., 60. Stebbins, John (of Vernon), 33,42. Stebbins, John M., 44. Stebbins, Joseph, 169, 181, 192, 218, 230, 237, 282, 313,319- Stebbins, Joseph Jr. (capt.), 19, 41, 45, 65, 169, 277, 279, 288, 297. Stebbins, Josiah, 157, 161, 192, 197, 208. Stebbins, Moses, 296. Stebbins, Thomas, 261, 282, 324, 328. Stebbins, William, 5. Stebbins, Zebediah, 169, 2825 fight with Indians, 297, 300, 312, 315, 319, 331. Stephens, Gove, 324. Stevens, Charles, 255, 256. Stevens, Rev. Elias P., 355. Stevens, Enos, 275. Stevens, Henry, 261, 262. Stevens, Isaac, 195, 196. Stevens, Dea. Joseph, 195. Stevens, Capt. Phinehas, 195, 234, 240, 242, 245, 254, 260, 269, 275, 279, 288. Stevens, Samuel, 293. Stevens, Simon, 296. Stevens, Wilder, 324. Stevens, Willard, 300. Stevenson, James, 197, 208. St. Francis, 56, 191, 194, 199, 209, 234, 278, 284, 290; destroyed, 306. Stiles, Henry, 300, 301. Stimpson, A. O., 369. Stimpson, Charles A., 367. Stimpson, Lucius, 367. Stockade at Northfield, 65, 136. Stockwell, Moses, 319. Stoddard, Ebenezer, 300, 309. Stoddard, Col. John, 14,133, 142,192,199, 200, 206, 209, 213, 214, 218, 236, 237 ; death, 268, 364. Stoddard, Rev. Solomon, 32, 105. Stoddard, Thomas, 225. Stoddard's Farm, 14, "20, 151, 153. Stone, Boucher de, 183. Stone, Elliott D., 368. Stone, John D., 368. Stone, Josiah, 275. Stone, Lucinda R., 361. Stratton, Alonzo, 7. Stratton, Asa, killed, 292. Stratton, Asa, 329, 331. Stratton, A. S., 171. Stratton, Caleb, 171. Stratton, Calvin, 353, 357. Stratton, Ebenezer, 217,255,272,282, 311, 312, 313, 315, 319, 344, 365. Stratton, Eleazer, 58, 171, 252, 256, 282, 313, 319. 348- Stratton, Elihu, 8, 341, 357, 366. Stratton, Elijah, 186, 315, 329, 331, 340, 349, 355- "■ Stratton, Dr. Elijah, 168, 364. Index. 6.3 Stratton, Eliphalet, 332, 334. Stratton, Elisha, 366. Stratton, Harris, 364, 366. Stratton, Hezekiah, 134, 138, 139, 150, 156, 171, 186, 196, 197, 208, 210, 218, 219, 236, 240, 241, 262, 269, 2^2, 275, 282, 365. Stratton, Hezekiah Jr., 282, 312, 319, 321, 331. 332, 338, 353. 366. Stratton, John, 259, 275, 281, 282; killed, 292. Stratton, Nathaniel, 356. Stratton, Rufus, 8, 35, 175, 315, 340, 342, 353, 354,366. Stratton, Ens. Samuel, 65, 262, 277, 282, 288, 298. Stratton, Wright, 176, 364. Stratton Hollow, 23, 58. Stratton's Field, 220. Strawberry (Indian), 126. Strobridge, Gurdon, 7. Strobridge, Henry, 355. Strong, Elder John, 62. Strong, John, 129, 130. Strong, Noah, 288. Strong, Waitstill, 197, 208. Stuart, Alexander, 263. Sucquance, 88. Suckquakege, i, 2, 32, 50, 88, 89, H2. Sudbury, 245, 255, 264. Sunck Squaw, 89. Sunderland, Rev. J. T., 363. Swain, Capt. — , 93. Swamp fight in Whately, 72. Swamps, 21-22. Swan, George, 197, 201. Swan, Timothy, 171, 357. Sweet, Dr. Jonathan, 364. Sweetzer, Philip, 351. Sweetser, Samuel, 351. Syms, William, 156, 175, 192, 201, 221, 255, 261, 278, 291. TAILORS in Northfield, 178, 183, 184, 185,232. Talford, Archibald, 209. Tanners, 177, 183, 232, 319, 356. Tar, 160. Taverns, 176, 178, 181, 182, 310, 321. Taylor, Benjamin, 264. Taylor, Elijah, 331. Taylor, HoUis, 270. Taylor, Isaac, 259 ; killed, 260. Taylor, James, 255. Taylor, v'apt. John, 95, 108, 116, 129. Taylor, John, 253, 278. Taylor, Jonathan^i26. Taylor, Lewis, 270. Taylor, Oliver, 319. Taylor, Samuel, 96. Taylor, Sergt. Samuel, 300, 301, 305, 307, 309. Taylor, Thankful, 108. Taylor, Lieut. Thomas, 134, 135, 140, 142, 146, 158, 170, 182, 185, 218, 220. Taylor, Sergt. Thomas, 5, 12, 182, 183, 232, 252, 255, 261 ; fight, 265, 268 ; mon- ument, 270, 275, 278, 279, 288, 317. Teacher, first in Northfield, 162. Temple, Samuel, 329. Temple, Thomas, 307. Tenney, Rev. William C, 363. Terry, Aaron, 252. Third meadow, 100. Thomas, Gen. — , death of, 326. Thompson, M. D., 368. Thoyets, Thomas, 261. Thrall, John, 201. Three little meadows, 14, 63, 96, no, 154. Thurston, John, 366. Tiawakesson, 89. Tiffany, Edward L., 315, 320, 329, 330, 340. Tilton, Peter Esq., 122, 124. Timony, John, 369. Timson, Robert, 331. Tisdale, Joseph, 226. Tisdale, Seth, 233. Tobacco, 46. Tocomonego, 125. Todd, Samuel, 313, 331, 333. Torrey, Adam, 357. Tow, 161. Towel, Benjamin, 331. Town clerks, list of, 364. Town-house, 140, 157. Town tax 1728, 145. Town treasurers, list of, 365. Town, Edmund, 275. Town, Elijah, 325. Town, Enos, 263. Town, Ephraim, 325. Town, Jacob, 325, 328. Town, Silas, 325, 327. Townships above Northfield, 226, 278. Tracy, Prince, 331. Train, Joshua, 255. Treat, Major Robert, 67, 78, 79, 85, 91, 121. Trip-hammer, 7, 356. Truck-house above Northfield, 217, 229, 236. Truck-house, ne'w, 225. Try-rule, 159. Turner, Frank H., 363. Turner, Ishmael, 329. Turner, Lemuel X., 367. Turner, Capt. William, 86, 91, 92, 223. Turner, Zadock, 358. Turnpike, 181, 350. Tute, Amos, 293, 295, 300, 303, 307. Tutos, Samuel, 264. Twitchell, Benjamin, 291. Twitchell, Daniel, k., 291. Index. Twitchell, David, 5. Tyler, Robert, 261. Tythingmen, 142. u NCAS, 28, 55. Unitarian church organ., 360. Uskatugun, 82. VAUDREUIL, Gov. — , 190, 194, 196, 198, 200, 208, 214. Vaudreuil, Gen. R., 247. Vining, Samuel, 197, 208. Vorce, William 334. Vose, Solomon, 171, 340, 347, 348, 349, 351, 352, 364. WABAN, Thomas, 255. Wachuset, 72, 88. Wadkins, Darius, 303. Wahacoet, 113, US- Wait, Benjamin, 91. Wait, Benjamin, 192. Wait, Elisha, 308. Wait, Elmer, 357. Wait, Joseph, 129. Wait, Seth, 308. Walbridge, Ebenezer, 312, 321. Waldron, Maj. — , 89. Walker, Moses, 255. Walker, Nathan, 263, 264. Walker, Reuben, 261, 268. Walker, S. Y., 171. Walkup, Thomas, 263. Walnakane, affidavit of, ill. Walpole, N. H., 233 ; attacked, 291. Wanasquatok, 8, 29, 34, 40, 54, 109. Wanchequit, 88. Wanting lands, 182, 222. Wapanock, 160, 162. Waranokes, 194. Ward, Aaron, 259, 261. Wards, 103. Warner, Andrew, 123. Warner, Daniel, 95, 108. Warner, Ebenezer, 169, 170, 175, 221, 237, 282, 307. Warner, Ebenezer, 342. Warner, Eleazer, 95, 96, 108, 134, 182, 192. Warner, Isaac Sen. and Jr., 95, 108, 109, 134, 142, 184, 185, 209, 218, 237, 365- Warner, Israel, 185, 218, 262, 282, 303, 308, 319. Warner, Joshua, 308. Warner, Lydia, 316. Warner, Noadiah, 181. Warner, Lieut. Noadiah, 325. Warner, Samuel, 319. Warning out of town, 319. Warren, Daniel, 334. Warren, James, 325. Warriner, Ebenezer, 175. Warriner, Jonathan, 198, 201, 208. Warriner, Joseph, 92, 96, 108, 109, no. Wars ; first Indian, 69 ; second Indian, 1 10 ; Queen Anne's, 128; Father Ralle's, 188; Old French and Indian, 233; last French and Indian, 284 ; the Rev- olution, 322; 1812, 356; Rebellion of 1861, 367. Warwiek minute men, 323. Watches, 103. Water-spout, 11. Watkins, Moses, 325. Watriss, John, 334. Watriss, Oliver, 169, 179, 315, 319, 321, 331, 347, 366. Watriss, Richard, 7, 179, 356. Watriss, Sylvanus, 332. Watts, Richafd, 264. Watts, Capt. Thomas, 70. Watts's paraphrase introduced, 277. Watson, Archibald, 369. Weavers, 161, 177, 180, 232. Webb, Ebenezer, 184, 185, 192, 209, 218, 237. Webb, Reuben, 309. Webster, Arad, 183, 363, 364, 366. Webster, Charles, 183. Webster, Ezekiel Sen. and Jr., 5, 6, 143, 174, 183, 186, 352, 353, 358, 364. Webster, George, 368. Webster, H. W., 116, 174. Webster, Lewis T., 169, 170, 348, 366. Webster, Thomas, 60, 61, 68, 95. Wedge, Jeremiah, 201. Weetamoo, 85. Weeks, Frank W., 367. Weeks, Uriah, 325. Weeks, William, 95, 108. Weller, Richard, 60, 62. Wellington, William W., 361. Wells, Aaron, 204. Wells, Abraham, 295. Wells, Agrippa, 296, 329. Wells, Augustus, 296.- Wells, Benjamin, 293, 295. Wells, Cephas, 183. Wells, Daniel, 351. Wells, Ebenezer, 209. Wells, Lieut. John, 129, 130. Wells, Joshua, 197, 208, 256; killed, 257. Wells, Obadiah, 293, 325. Wells, Solomon, 348. Wells, Capt. Thomas, 112, 115, 125, 126, 183, 209, 213, 226. Wells's meadow draught, 15, 17, loi, no, Wennimisset, 50, 55, 70,*77, 82, 83, 85. Wentworth, Gov. Benjamin, 278. Wequomps, Mount, 25, 27, 72. Wequaquat, 88. Wessels, Derick, in, 112. Index. 615 Westcar, Dr. John, 163. Westminster, Vt., 2.33, 278. " Westmoreland, N. H., 234, 278. West Point, 332, 334. Whalen, James, 325. Whalley, John, 369. Whately, 72. Wheat, 161. Wheeler, Barzillai, 342, 356. Wheeler, Jacob, 198, 201. Wheeler, Jethro, 255, 261. Wheeler, Moses, 263. Wheelock, Timothy, 331. Wheelwright, John, 273. White, Ebenezer, 179, 352. White, Freeman, 368. White, Capt. James. 6, 174, 363, 364, 365. White, Josiah, 178, 179, 348. White, William, 293, 295. Whiting, Abner, 177. Whiting, Abner E., 357. Whiting, Jabez, 7, 177, 352, 353, 356, 358. Whiting, Jane, 361. Whiting, John, 324, 357. Whiting, Capt. — , 125. Whitcomb, Reuben, 335. Whitmore, Rev. James, 140, 157, 170. Whitmore, W. H., 141. Whitney, Aaron, 6, 173, 174, 315, 319, 321, 323, 329, 338, 344, 352, 364, 366. Whitney, Daniel, 324, 330. Whitney, John Jr., 264, 330. Wier, Samuel, 173. Wier, Thomas, 237. Wiersbury, Anthony, 177, 201, 213. Wigwam, 23, 58. Wilde, Earl, 359, 364, 366. Wilder, Rev. Otis, 355. Wilds, James, 309. Wilds, Richard, 309. Willard, Rev. Joseph, 195. Willard, Joseph, 256. Willard, Col. Josiah, 223, 228, 236, 240, 241, 246, 256, 257, 261, 266, 273. Willard, Col. Josiah Jr., 183, 253, 254, 261, 262, 265, 278, 279. Willard, Mary Ann, 361. Willard, Moses, 263. Willard, Nathan, 256, 258. Willard, Oliver, 256. Willard, Simon, 256. Willard, Wilder, 256. Willard, William, 256. Williams, Charles, 139, 145. Williams, Ebenezer, 197, 208. Williams, Col. Ephraim, 236, 240, 290; death of, 292. Williams, Ephraim Jr., 254. Williams, Col. Israel, 236, 263, 270, 272; plan of defense, 284, 287, 293, 295, 296, 308, 353. Williams, Sally, 358. Williams, Dr. Thomas, 163, 245. Williams, Rev. William, 231. Williams. Col. William, 273, 302, 304, 308. Wilson, Ephraim, 185. Wilson, George, 325, 328. Wilson, John, 76. Wilson, Joseph, 259. Wilson, Malachi, 325. Winchell, Caleb, 198. Winchell, Jedediah, 245. Winchtll, Stephen, 197, 201. Winchester, Capt. — , 246. Winchester, N. H., 223, 233 ; ambushed, 246, 295. Wissquawquegue, I, 32, 60. Wood, Amos, 264. Wood, Obadiah, 259. Wood, Oscar, 367. Woodard, John, 331, 356. Woodard, Mark, 167, 168, 358. Woodbridge, Joshua L., 181. Woods, Barzillai, 315, 324, 334, 355. Woods, Charles, 331. Woods, Ezekiel, 358. Woodward, Elisha, 76. Woodward, Mrs. E. B., 362. Woodward, John, 7, 95, 97, 108, 173, Woodward, Thankful, 108. Woodward, William G., 363. 364. Woolang, 160, 162. Woolest, Thomas, 201. Wooley, Nathan, 331. Worship, public, hours of, 315. Wotton, John, 331, 352, 355. Wotton, Thomas, 355. Wright, Abner, 172, 309, 315, 319. Wright, Amariah, 255. Wright, Amasa, 246, 291, 298. Wright, Azariah, 144, 172, 209, 218, 232, 282, 300, 365. Wright, Capt. Benjamin, 95, 97, 98, 108, 126, 129, 130, 134, 135, 140, 142, 155, 158, 180, 193, 198, 210, 213, 214, 218, 220, 223, 231, 236, 365. Wright, Benjamin Jr., 19, 146, 183, 209, 221. Wright, Benjamin, 22 ; killed, 247. Wright, Benjamin, 319. Wright, Benoni Sen. and Jr., 157, 165, 172, 177, 183, 184, 192, 197, 208, 209, 218, 221, 237, 255, 261, 277, 279, 282, 292, 296, 299, 300, 365. Wright, Charles, 303, 308. Wright, Cyprian, 192. Wright, Daniel, 138, 142, 180, 194, 197, 200, 209, 210, 218, 232, 309, 365. Wright, David, 180, 315, 319. Wright, Donaldus, 335. Wright, Ebenezer, 95, 96, 134, 135, 172, _ 364- Wright, Ebenezer, 255. 6i6 Index. Wright, Eldad, 152, 176, 185, 194, 197, 208, 296, 308, 319, 323, 331, 332, 366. Wright, Eldad, 334. Wright, Lieut. Eliezur, 143, 150, 158, 172, 179, 182, 193, 217, 218, 230, 282, 365. Wright, Eliezur Jr., 144, 218. Wright, Eliphaz, 179, 298, 315, 319, 323, 331. 333» 339.348, 366. Wright, Henry, 180. Wright, Henry, 357. Wright, Henry 2d, 174. Wright, Horace, 179. Wright, John, 66, 115, 177. Wright, Judah, 60. Wright, Mary, 319. Wright, Moses, 246, 257, 259, 261, 275, 280, 292, 296, 303. Wrignt, Nehemiah, 179, 218, 222, 282, 294, 318, 364, 365. Wright, Dea. Noah, 241, 245. Wright, Oliver, 315, 319, 321, 331, 355. Wright, Col. Phinehas, 163, 179, 221,261, 262, 281, 282, 294, 296, 311, 312, 313, 316, 319, 320, 322, 323, 324, . 3^5. 330. 333. 338, 364. 365- Wright, Phinehas, 170. Wrighu, Remembrance, 138, 139, 179, 180, 184, 209, 210, 218, 282, 365. Wright, Reuben, 180, 296; light with In- dian, 297, 298, 315, 319, 320. Wright, Rhoda, 164. Wright, Lieut. Samuel, 60, 62, 68, 70, 73, loi, 172. Wright, Samuel, 192. Wright, Thankful, 183. Wright, William, 16, 180, 185, 218, 261, 262, 266, 282, 365. Wright, William, 355. Wright, Zadock, 292, 296, 300. Wyman, Matthew, 255, 261, 262. YOUNG, Joseph, 178, 366. Young, Joseph, 275. Young, Joseph, 367. INDEX TO GENEALOGIES. A BBIE, Obadiah, 560. •^ Sarah, 410. Thomas, 420. Abbot, 385. Abel, Elizabeth, 417. Adams, Eliza, 502. Nahum, 416. Peleg, 502. Adgate, Orilla, 504. Alden, Caroline C, 449. Hannah, 443. Isaac, 538. Alderman, John, 459. Aldridge, Rosetta, 432. Thomas, 520. Alexander, 385. Caleb, 532. Dorothy, 541. Ebenezer, pet. of, 386 Thomas, pet. of, 388. Alford, Jane, 401. Allen, 393. Anne, 472. Arline, 545. David, 444, 447. Diadama, 486. Ethan, 568, 570. Hannah, 3S6. Henry W., 458. James, 483. John, 456. Joseph, 422, soj. Josephine, 484. Julia, 483. Lydia, 389. Micah, 439. Mindwell, 461, 420. Nehemiah, 414. Samuel, 386, 420, 461. 472, 568. Thomas, 430. Thomas P., 484. Willard, 506. Allis, Ann, 518. Elizabeth, 412. Elisha, Jr., 431. John, 406. Julius, 431. . Lydia, 430. Mary, 406. Meh'itable, 500. Samuel, 500. Allison, Henry, 432, Alvord, 398. Abigail, 529. Alexander, 529. Benjamin, 541. Elijah, 404. Jeremiah, 529. John, 492. Josiah, 423. Sarah, 492. Thomas, 554. Ambrose, Henry, 533. Susanna, 533. Ames, Dexter, 516. Rachael, 488. Anable, Edward, 538. Andre, Maj., 527, 538. Anderson, 398. Experience, 463. Ezra, 501. James, 447. Andross, 398. Emily, 494. Angel, John, 483. Anne, Queen, 425. ."^ppleton, John, 396. Archer, Samuel, 509. Arling, Harriet, 440. Arms, 398. Charlotte, 494. Daniel, 555. Ebenezer, 39J. Elizabeth, 442, 570. Esther, 533. George A., 499. Jonathan, 486. Martha, 555. Willard, 494. William, 442, 570. Armstrong, John, 398. Arnold, Freelove C, 402. Ash, 399. Ashley, 399. Aaron, 428. Daniel, 555. Joseph, 511. Mary, 528, 541, 571. Robert, 528. Samuel (2), 434. Askey, 399. Atherton, Hope, 512. Joseph, 554. Sarah, 512. Shubel, 395. Atkins, Electa, 449. Thomas, 525. Atwater, Jason, 399. Atwell, 399. Atwood, 399. Aushor, William, 494. Austin, Diantha, 465. Avery, 399. Christopher S., 524. Oliver, 426. Susan D., 524. Ayer, Nicholas W., 543. BABCOCK, Clara, 555 Bachelder, Polly, 509. Bachilor, Stephen, 548. Bacon, Alice, 399. Bacon, Mary, 523. Sarah, 4S8. Bagg, John, 414. Ruth, 430. Baggnall, Martha, 446. Bailey, Elizabeth, 455. Jemima, 512. Baker, 399. Alice, 564. Bethia, 497. Hepsibah, 517. Jeffery, 517. John, 497. Joseph, J98, 460, 484, 517- Mary, 568. Ruth, 398, 484. Baldwin, Elizabeth, 560. Joseph, 560. Mary, 403. Ball, 399. Abigail, 503. Abraham, 540. Francis, 414, 50> James, 457. John, 451, 540. Melinda, 565. Olive, 540. Rachael, 497. Sarah, 457. Ballard, Alvah, 476. Juliette, 501. Mary, 416. Philenda, 464. Philip, 416. Bancroft, 399. Dorothy, 402. Hannah, 401. John, 412. Nathaniel, 528. Sarah, 505. Thomas, 567. Banks, 400. Barber, 400. Bardwell, Abigail, 492. Catherine, 494. Elias, 395. Enoch, 444. Eunice, 572. Experience, 487. Henry, 538. Lucy, 428. Mary A., 424. Pamelia, 447. Samuel, 394, 533. Thomas, 447, 492, 494. 572. Barker, Isaac, 542. Samuel, 468. Barlow, James, 536. Sarah, 536. Barnard, Selah, 418, 531 Samuel, 492. Barnard, Sophia, 491. Barns, Erastas S., 498. John, 468. Lucy, 467. Thomas, 468. William, 536. Barrett, 402. Benjamin, 569. Elijah, 534- John, 435. Patty, 467. Rebecca, 429, 569. Sabrina, 540. Seraphina, 540. Barron, Mary, 468. Barstow, Noyes, 416. Barthe, Clemment D., 597- Bartholemew, Martha, 436. Bartlett, 403. Abigail, 541. Robert, 541. Samuel, 412. William, 485. Barton, Rebecca, 464. Sally, 566. Susanna, 432. Bascom, 403. Almeda, 416. Caroline, 544. Chloe, 396. Henry, 504, 416. Joan, 562. Mary A., 556. Bass, Albert, 516. Batchelder, Abigail, 542. Bates, Betty, 403. John, 397. Roger, 403. Bathelow, Jasper M., 432. Battles, James W., 453. Baum, Gen., 444. Baxter, Anna, 459. John, 491. Mary, 491. Baxton, Anna, 509. Beach, 404. Amasa, 573. Ruby, 486. Beaman, 405. Bean, 405. Beardsley, Sarah, 429. Beebe, James, 409. Beers, Capt., 422, 430. Belcher, 405. Abigail, 416. Gov., 405. Belding, 405. Daniel, 413, 491. Elizabeth, 413. Hannah, 423. 78 6i8 Index to Genealogies. Belding, Mary, 395. Samuel, 423, 414. Sarah, 414. Stephen, 441. Belknap, Daniel, 501. Bellows, 408. Abiel, 467. Benj., 500. Juda, 500. Bement, 408. Bemis, Nancy, jgj. Bennet, 408. Mary, 439, 494. Benjamin, 408. Allured, 548. Lois, 463. Quartus, 465. Bent, Elijah, 493. John, 468. Martha, 468. Bentley, Adeline, 392. Benton, Abigail, 444. Samuel (2), 517. Bigelow, Horace, 468. Jane C, 505. Lambert, 468. Martha, 468. Nathan, 417. Bill, Rebecca B., 487. Billings, 408. Alonzo, 477. Ebenezer, 492. John, 430. Martha, 476. Phebe, 521. Samuel, 406. Sarah, 406, 429. Bingham, Harmony, 475. Lucy, 468. Bingley, Selina, 494. Bishop, 409. Fanny, 522. Bissell Irene, 505. Blackman, Abigail, 429. Blake, 409. Elizabeth L., 440. Blakeman, John, 536. Blakesley, 409. Grace, 433. John, 433. Blanchard, Abigail, 509. Hannah, 509. Blandon, Daniel, 404. Bliss, 409. Calvin, 47;. George, 507. John, 414. Lawrence, 567. Mary, 511. Nathaniel, 419. Sarah, 562. Thomas, 511. Blodget, Albro, 446. Blotchet, 409. Bodman, Saml., 395. Bogle, 409. Eliza, 499. Elizabeth, 407. Lucretia, 432. Bolton, Phebe, 435. Boltwood, 409. Hannah, 536. Rebecca, 534. Samuel, 534. 536. Bond, Mary, 389. Mary P., 508. Phebe, 431. Solomon, 508. Booth, Lydia, 512. Mary, 505. Prosper A., 451. Zecheriah, 560. Bordwell, Satmations, 410. Boreman, Jona.,470. Botume, John, 484. Bound, James, 416. Bowen, 410. James, 431. Bowers, Clara, 464. Bowker, John, 410. Bowles, Amelia, 393. Samuel, 393. Bowman, Hannah D., 458. Nathaniel, 536. Susanna, 514. Boyd, Julia, 494. Boyden, 410. Boylston, Sarah, 422. Thomas, 422. Bracket, Jabez, 485. Bracy, Phebe, 430. Bradford, Col., 526. Bradley, Margaret, 552. Stephen, 555. Brainard, Susan A., 448. Brazier, James, 488. Brewer, 410. Brewster, Sophronia, 424. Bridge, 410. Rhoda M., 488. Bridges, Lydia, 556. Bridgman, 412. Deliverance, 480. Briggs, 412. Azubah, 436. Levi, 4SI. Brigham, 412. Eunice, 567. Joel, 432. Tamison, 433. Brine, 413. Bronson, Isaac, 480, 528. Brooks, 413. Aaron, 394. Daniel, 501. Eunice, 530. Fanny, 488. George M., 502. Nathaniel, 394, 404. Polly, 522. Timothy, 467. William, 391, 499. Broughton, Hannah, 474, John, 474, 403. Mary, 408. Sarah, 460. Brown, 414. Alexander, 563. Anna, 404. Artemas,400. Benoni, 430. Harriet, 500. Harry, 500. Henry, 493. James, 413, 480. . John, 534, 509. / Lois, 534. ^ Lorenzo, 514. Lydia, 419, 517. Maria, 464. Martin, 393. Mary, 444. Mercy, 439. Nancy, 550. Nicholas, 528. Peter, 401. Stephen, 451. Browning, T. H., 477. Bruce, Lucy, 550. Mary T., 550. Buck, Henry, 387. Mehetable, 387. Buckingham, Edgar, 414. Buckley, John, 402. Buel, Daniel, 404. Buffam, Caleb, 549. BuUard, Abigail, 443. Burgoyne, Gen., 516. Burk, John, 408, 481, 495, 496, S08, 515, 5JI- Richard, 568. Sarah, 568. Burlingame, Anson, 464. Susan, 464. Burnell, Paulina, 477. Burnett, 414. Burnham, 414. Asene'th, 573. Betsey, 522. Silas, 527. Walter, 538. Burr, 414. Benjamin, 459. Hannah, 459. Zebulon, 544. Burrows, John, 415. Burt, 414. Elizabeth, 420. Esther, 481. Jonathan, 420. Joseph, 481. Rebecca, 524. Samuel, 480. Burton, 415, 416. Bushnell, Mary, 498. Bushrod, Peter, 456. Buss, 415. Zephaniah, 534. Butler, 415. John, 391. Kate, 451. Rebecca, 537. Butteriield, Isaac, 470. Button, Jonathan, 505. Buttrick, Joshua, 467. Buxton, Austin H., 411. CADDET, Sarah, 423. Cadwell, Louisa, 463. Cady, Sarah, 423. Caldwell, 416. Samuel, 464. Callender, 416. Calkins, Sarah, 505. Canning, Ann, 514. Josiah D., 525. Cannon, Wright, 476. Cassell, Mary, 423. Capen, Lucy M., 391. Susanna, 439. Carew, Anna, 456. Mary, 571. Carey, 417. Mary H., 483. Seth, 461. Carr, 418. Carrier, 418. Carter, 418. Anna S., 450. Effie, 481. Eunice, 509. Joshua, 441. Samuel, 413. William, 450. Caruth, Peter W., 545. Carver, 418. Cass, 418. Isabella, 514. Caswell, 418. Sabrina, 540. Seraphina, 540. Catlen, Elizabeth, 425. Hannah, 403. John, 394, 403, 419, 4^5, 504, 57 1. Chamberlain, 418. Champlain, 419. Phyla, 573. Champney, Joshua, 419. Chandler, Nancy, 402. Chandler, Thomas, 483. Chapin, 419. Abigail, 444. Aseneth, 422. Benjamin, 501. Bezaleel, 422. Caleb, 404. Daniel, 461. Ebenezer, 474. Edith, 501. Eliphas, 476. Enoch, 466. Experience, joi. Gad, 558. Hannah, 424. Harriet, 519. Isaac, 501. Japhet, 503. Wedding of, 420. Extract from Act. book of, 420. Jonathan, 516. Josiah, 461. Kathrine, 429. Martha, 564. Martha A., 466. Peletiah,422. Sarah, 516. Selah, 527. Simeon, 524. Charles II, 513. Chase, 4.22. Amelia, 416. Polly, 435. Chauncey, Abigail, 517. Nathan, 517. Cheney, 442. Harriet B.,476. Margaret, 457. William, 457. Childs, 422. Asa, 569. Hannah, 511. Lucinda, 393. Mercy, 395. Timothy, 420. Tirza, 476. Richard, 395. Samuel, 442, 476. Chinery, 422. Church, Deliverance, 517. Ebenezer, 542. Josiah, 413. Mary, 528. Clark, 423. Anna, 420. Caleb, 457. Daniel, 487. David, 411. Ebenezer, 512. Editha, 465. Gideon, 504. Hannah, 471, 490. Henry 465, 490. John, 540. Joseph, 388. Lydia, 457- Mary, 511. Mehitable, 509. Nathan, 439. Olive, 447. Samuel, 428. Sarah, 474, 511, 568. William, 465. Clapp, Elizabeth J., 464. Georgiana, 464. Hannah, 498. Mary, 518. Oliver, 492. Preserved, 498, 559. Samuel, 479. Sarah, 468. Thomas, 480. Tryphena, 464. Clary, 423. Index to Genealogies. 6,9 Clary, Rebecca, 404. Clemments, John, jog. Mary, 509. Clendenen, 423. Clesson, Chloe, 426. Elizabeth, 425, 456. Hannah, 395. Joseph, 395, 425, 426. 510, 533. Mathew, 428, 442 448, 456. Mary, 533. Samuel, 396. Thankful, 428. Coffin, James, 533. Coggin, Bathsheba, 401. Mary, 401. Cogswell, Henry F.,467 Cole, Abigail, 407. Esther, 429. Coleman, John, 529. Coles, Anna, 505. Elizabeth, 484. Collar, 423. Abigail, 527. Ansel, 527. D. F., 450. Esther, 551. Judith, 465. Loving, 527. Mary, 465. Moses, (2) 465. Nancy, 527. Samuel, 411. Collins, Alice, 512. Daniel, 560. Jerusha, 512. Mary, 435. Nathaniel, 544. Sarah, 504, 560. CoUyr, Rachael, 427. Colton, 424. Caroline A., 402. George, 567. John, 511. Thomas, 561, Combs, 424. Conant, Erra, 389. Coney, Capt., 527. Connable, John, 542. Jonathan, 520. Laura C, 520. Converse, Harriet, 476. Cook, 424. Abigail, 517. Arnold, 475. Charles B., 417. Daniel, 537. Esther, 568. George, 500. Henry, 485. Lieut., 401. Noah, 420. Peace, 450. Cooley, 425. Abeline, 420. Benjamin, 419, 420. Bethia, 419. Elizabeth, 441. Freedom, 396. Hannah, 571. Harriet, 396. John, 429. Mercy, 571. Oliver, 396. Stephen, 443. Coolidge, Sarah, (2), 457 Simeon, (2), 457. Cooper, 425. Arad, 544. Ebenezer, 438. James, 526. Lamberton, 420. Robert, pet. of, 425. Sarah, 428. Cooper, Thomas, 428. Corey, Ralph, 462. Corliss, Alfred, 543. Cornwell, Hannah, 433. Corse, 425. Henry, 466. Cotton, John, 539. Seaborn, 492. Covel, Martha, 505. Cowdry, George, 525. Cowney, Electa, 478. Cowles, Elizabeth, 484. Hannah, 471. John, 415. Mary, 429. Melinda, 565. Peter, 563. Samuel, 470. Sarah, 415. Coy, 426. Polly, 445. Crafts, 426. John, 426. Creed, Mary E., 556. Crocker, Lieut., 418. Lucy, 565. Cromwell, Oliver, 513. Crosby, Elizabeth, 400. Cross, Abigail, 464. Bethial, 388. Levi, 464. Crosset, 426. Sarah, 411. Crow, Hannah, 429. John, 429. Crowfoot, 426. John, 426. Samuel, 529. Stephen, carpenter at Fort bummer, 426. Crouch, Jonathan, 565. Crump, Lydia, 419. Cummings, 426. Harriet, 535. Cunningham, Mary L., 458. Curtis, 427. Henry, 440, 475, Mary, 540. Nathaniel, 568. Samuel, 385. Samuel S., 440. Gushing, Chrissey, 519. Elizabeth, 562. Cushman, Consider, 546, Polycarpus, 488, 525. Rachael, 525. Sally, 546. Sophronia, 388. Cutler, 427. Abigail, 411. Clark, 427, 419. Eliza A., 467. James, 411. Cutting, Clark, 427. Cutts, Thomas, 404. ■pjAME, ■'-' Theodore, 543. Dana, 427. Charles, 552. Danforth, Ann, 410. Hannah C, 450. Nicholas, 410. Daniels, 427. Darling, 427. Daniel, 523. Darth, Martha, 54;. Dascom, Elizabeth, 556. Mary, 436. Davenport, J. H., 544. Rev. Mr., 553, 554. Davidson, 427. Davis, 427. Abel, 467. Adelpha, 392. Laura, 573. Pliny, 392. Susan, 411. Davis, William J., 392. Dawson, James, 546. Day, 428. John, 421. , Timothy, 504. v Dean, Caleb, 550. Isaac, 439. Jeremiah, 397. Judith, 439. Luther, 550. Orrell, 545. Dearetts, Lot, 510. Death, Hepzibah, 468. Jotham, 454. Deland, 429. Deleno, 429. Delvy, Sarah R., 535. Demming, Polly, 558. Denio, Betsey, 559. Seth, 559. Dennis, Beniamin,'^522. Ebenezer, 522. Dennison, Daniel, Jil. George, 486. Lucy, 521. William, 520. Denslow, Elizabeth, 479. Henry, 479. Densmore, Gershom,429. De Rouville, 554. Dewey, Charles S., 510. Clara, 558. Hannah, 566. Josiah, 484. Thomas, 566. Dewing, James, 502. Dexter, Samuel, 429. Dibble, Ebenezer, 459. Johanna, 394. Mary, 459. Samuel, 394. Dickinson, 429. Ann, 444. Beulah, 542. Ebenezer, 461. Eli, 492. Gideon, 542. Jackson, 396. Sarah, 441. Dike, 433. Alice, 502. Dimock, Mary, 475. Dinsmore, Dr., 391. Disbrow, Mary A., 476. DivoU, Hannah, 509. John, 509. Ruth, 509. Doak,433. Dodge, John C, 522. Laura, 573. Thirza, 527. William, 527. Dolloff, David, 433. Domo, Peter, 426. Doolittle, 433. Benjamin, 508. Emeline, 460. Hiram, 514. Joseph, 475. Lydia, Anecdote of, 420. Mary, 495. Mary A., 464. Dorrel, William, 435. Dort, Eli, 444. Doubleday, 435. Dowles, Mary, 574. Downs, Harvey, 470. Drake, Hannah, 537. Drake, John, 401. Ruth, 401. Tisdale, 549. Draper, Hannah, 563. Nathaniel, 564. Drury, Betsey, 464. Sally, 567. Dudly, 435. Bela, 417. Dumar, Samuel, 435. Dumbleton, John, 528.-'' Sarah, 528. Duncan, 435. Dunkley, Catherine, 478. Duntcr, Hepzibah, 509. Dunton, Solomon, 476. Durant, Samuel, 435. Durkee, 435. Abigail, 573. Mary, 558. Dusenbury, John, 503. Dutton, 435. Mary, 458. Dwight, Daniel, 494. Eunice, 486. Henry, 531. Jona, 487. Josiah, 486. Julia D., 487. Mary, 501. Nathaniel, 485. Samuel, 485. Theodore W., 508. Timothy, 479. EARLE, 436. Eason, James, 518. Easterbrooks, Maria, 535. Eastman, John, 406, 478. Joseph, 407. Keziah, 407. Peter, 529. Rachael, 423. Eaton, Abigail, 399, 490. David, 528. Hannah, 394. John, 490. Mary, 457, 490. Samuel, 533. Eddy, Betsey, 543. Edwards, Abigail, 460. Alexander, 441. Benjamin, 512. Elizabeth, 403, 514. Experience, 568. Hannah, 427. Mary, 441. Medad, 534. Mindwell, ;i2. Samuel, 517. Sarah, 441, 514. Elgar, 436. EUes, 437. Abner, 564. Caleb, 564. Hannah, 564. Rebecca, 564. Remember, 538. Richard, 538. Susan G., 481. Ellison, John, 485. Elmer, 437. Abigail, 543. .Amos, 567. Deliverance, Epitaph on, 437. Samuel, 537. Elsing, Abraham, 503. Rebecca, 503. Elsworth, Anna, 472. John, 472. Elwell, 437. Julia, 463. 620 Index to Genealogies. Elwell, Noah, J93. Ely, 4}8. Ruth, 559. Samuel, 428, 429. Emerson, 438. Daniel, 516. Emmett, Cornelius, 404. English, Isaac, 524. Sarah A., 524. Enoch, 438. Ensign, James, 536. Mary, 536. Esty, Jacob, 522. Estabrook, 438. Maria, 535. Eudy, David, 447. Evans, 438. Jason, 556. Mercy, 5J0. Olive, 550. Sampson, 543. Tirza, 534. Everett, 439. Gov., 467. ■FAIRBANKS, 440. ■*■ Lois, 424. Susan, 415. Fairman, 440. Fales, Eliphalet, 439. Farnsworth, Wm. B., 499, Farnum, Jacob B., 467. Farrar, 440. George, 468. Mary, 400. Farwell, Bethia, 461. Fay, Emma J., 535. Eugene, 392. Faxon, Ruth B., 449. Felton, 441. Ferrell, Louis, 464. Fernn, Elizabeth, 443. Ferry, Abner, 396. Mary, 414. Field, 441. Abner, 4S7. Ebenezer, 442. Daniel G., 525. Mary, Indian name of, 441. Phineas, 443, 486, 487. Robert, 487. Tirza, 487. Fills, Laura, 489. Fisher, 450. Cornelius, 439. Elvira, 464. tllen, 573. Jones, 450. Josiah, 441. Mary, 483. Nathan, 506. Rachael, 514. Sarah, 527. Fisk, 451. Nathan, 451. Rachael, 481. Fitch, James, 451. Fitz, Rhoda, 464. Flagg, 451. Benjamin, 534. Sarah, 566. Flemming, 451. Fletcher, 451. Rebecca, ;5g. Flint, 4;i. Esther, 516. Follet, Krenda, 392. Fonda, Hattie M., 524. Foote, Be lice, 445. Frances, 429. Nathaniel, 429. Samuel, 434. Foster, 451. Hannah, 550. Henry, 387. Jacob, 483. James. 389. Prudence, 551. Sarah, 389. Timothy, Jji. Whitby, 525. Ford, Hepzibah, 484. Samuel, 494. Thomas, 484. Fowler, 452. Betsey, 553. Horace, 470. John, 498. Levi, 470. Fox, Annette, 451. Francis, Richard, 452. Franklin, 452. Ebenezer, 567. Eunice, 416. Towers, 422. Frary, Eleaser, 423. Eunice, 442. Hannah, 429. Mehitable, 398, 529. Nathan, 523. Mary, 530. Sampson, 529, 530. Freelove, 452. Freeman, 452. Laura, 598. French, 452. Achsah, 522. Arthur E., 440. Elizabeth, 517. Hannah, 468. Jabez, 561. John, 517, 522. Jonathan, 559. Lovina, 416. Mary, 480, 541. Polly, 416. Sarah, 425. Thomas, 480. Frizzell, 452. Mary, 417. Reuben, 419. Prudence, 431. Prost, Eliza, 407. Jacob, 407. Fry, Col., 469. Mary, 546. Fuller, 453. Jane E., 549. Joseph, 413. Mary, 439. Fulsom, Amos B., 549. Furgerson, Wm., 489. Furrow, Samuel R., 449. P'AINS, Benj. A., 478. ^^ Jesse, 543". Joseph, S4J- Gage, Martha, 549. Gal. , 453. Mara, 482. Sally, 540. Gambell, Elizabeth F.. 575- Gannet, 453. Gardner, 453. Gates, Asa, 443. Gen., 390. Gay, Bunker, 447, 552. Ebenezer, 552. Mary, 552. Gaylord, 453. Samuel; 431, 385. Sarah, 38;. Gibbons, Hannah, 478. Gibbs, Hepzibah, 430. Gilbert, 453. Jonathan, 460. Samuel, 560. Sarah, 441. Sylvester, 402. Thomas, 419, 441. Giles, John, 391. Gilford, 453. Gillett, Elizabeth, 429. John, 401. Joseph, 430. Gleason, Ellen, 544. Harriet, 432. Samuel, 469. Glover, Peletiah, Jr., 511, Goddard, 454. Joel, H., 392. Golfe, Solomon, 433. Golden, Sarah, 563. Goodale, Elizabeth, 468. Sarah, 530. Goodenough, 454. Goodhue, Joseph, 555. Goodman, Richard, 559. Goodrich, Lucinda G., 424. Henry A., 544. Gore, Elizabeth, 439. Lucretia, 440. Gorse, 554. Goss, Joel, 523. Gould, 454. Oliver, 561. Clymena A., 523. John, 436. Laticia F., 561. Maria, 432. Phebe, 447. Prudence, 447. Grandy, 454. Granger, Brownell, 392. David, 392. Thomas, Jr., 394. Grant, 454. Elizabeth, 559. Josephine, 467. Graves, 454. Abigail, 426. Anna, 571. David, 492. Eliza, 494. Elizabeth, 457. Elnathan, 430. Eunice, 487. Hannah, 483. Isaac, 426, 457. Jemima, 475, 480. Jonathan, 474, 480. Thankful, 404. Gray, Sarah L.,488. Green, 454. Anna, 416. Eleanor, 452. . Elizabeth, 525, j6l. Larkin, 530. Martha, 416. Martin, 505. Phebe, 398. Greenleaf, Mary, 424. Oliver, 459, 527. Gregg, David, 396. Sarah M., 396. Gregory, 454. Judah, 414. Sarah, 561. Gridly, Mary, 528. Timothy J., 494. Griifith, Polly, 470. Griggs, 454. Griswold, Adeline, 532. Charlotte, 532. Matilda, 504. Patience, 404. Grout, 454, Eunice, 537. Guellow, Charlotte, 416. Guion, EUenor J., 556. Gull, Anna, 429, 529. Mercy, 398. William, 398,429, 529. Gunn, 455. Cynthia, 565. Daniel, 515. Lyman, 565. Moses, 542. Nathaniel, 406, 428. V Poliy, 523. ^^^ \ Sarah, 423, 429..*'^ Stephen, 523, 565. Gurley, 455. Guy, 455. pjAlLE, f -^ Harriet C, 544. William, 544. Hale, Adolphus L., 573. Andrew, 464. Betsey, 424. Gideon, 385. Harriet, 535. Hall, 455. Ann, 443. Daniel, 485. David, 491. Francis, 536. Jerusha, 491. Joanna, 513. Sarah, 433. Thankful, 433. Haley, Anna, 484. Hamblet, Mehitable, 483. Hamilton, 455. Eliza, 525. Hammond, Abigail, 457. Catherine, 486. John, 457. Nathaniel, 521. Hancock, 456. John, 457. Miriam, 446. William, 456. Hannum, 456. Martha, 486. Sarah, 568. Hansom, 456. Hapgood, Geo., 502. Nathan, 400. Handruck, Martha, 463. Harlow, A. J., 467. Harmon, 456. Samuel, 520. Harrington, Marv, 411, 463. Sarah, 535. Harris, 456. Clarissa, 449. Julia F., 488. Lois, 483. Martha, 447. Harrison, Gen., 445. Hart, Samuel, 525. Hartwell, Eunice, 439. Hannah, 466. Harvey, 456. Esther, 538. Nathaniel, 537. Samuel, 559. Sarah, 434. Harwood, John, 481, 496, 542. Lydia, 542. Lydia, Captivity and Escape of, 496. Lucy, 564. Samuel, 448. Sarah, 481. Hascal, 456. Haskell, Jona, 510. Index to Genealogies. 621 Haskins, Betty, 561. Hasley, Elizabeth, 397. Hastings, 456. Betsey, 450. Charles W., 563. Henriecta, ;io. Jacob, ;o6. Jerusha, 395. Thomas, 414. Haven, 458. Hannah, 468. How, 458. Howard, 458. Hawes, Elijah, 439. Hawkins, Ephraim, 339. Lucy, 462. Merritt, 489. Hawks, 458. Anna, 457. Asahel A., 527. Eleaser, 394, 395, 496, SIS, S46, S5S. Elizabeth, 430, 546. Experience, 438. Gershom, 42;. Hannah, 395, John, 395, 418, 430, 4J8, 4S7, 491, S4J. Judith, 395. Martha, 507. Mary, 496, 513. Nathaniel, 455, 507. Rebecca, 543. Sarah, 491. Submit, 455. Thankful, 555, Zilpha, 395. __ Hawley, Joseph, 386.'^ Haynes, Edward, 529. Hannah, 529. Mary, 468. Hayward, Charles, S39- Joseph, 466. Heald, Hannah, 468. Healey, Electa, 481. Nehemiah, 394. Samuel, 446. Heath, 458. Hedge, Samuel, 493. Henderson, 458. William, 397. Henry, 458. Samuel, 559. Herrick, Elijah, 521. Hewins, Jacob, 439. Hews, Thomson, 442. Hibbard, Daniel, 528. Hicks, Harriet, 559. Lclia M., 397. Mary A., 559. Ziel, 559. Higgins, Thomas, 513. Hill, 458. Clarrissa, 470. Lois, 563. Hillar, Jane, 476. Susanna, 416. Hilliard, 459. Ada, 502. Jeanette, 502 Sula, S40. Hills, William, 484, 559. Hinsdale, Ebenezer, 469. 483. Experience, 438. Mary, 438. Mehitable, 529. Samuel, 405, 474, S19, Sarah, 474. Theodore, 489. Hinsdell, Joseph N., 559. Hippins, Ann C, 417. Ebenezer, 501. Hitchcock, Elisabeth, 560. Hannah, 420. Jacob, 420. John, 419, 560. Luke, 555.' Luther, 420. Mary, 555. Samuel, 560. Hodge, 459. Hodges, Betsey, 464. Smith, (2) 525. Holbrook, 459. Anna, 514. John, 445. Holden, 459. Sally, 392. Holland, Cornelia S., 544. HoUister, 460. Holly, Charlotte, 404. Holman, 460. Holmes, 460. John, 421. Lucretia, 421. Holt, Mary, 433. Holton, 460. Holyoke, Elizer, 428. Hooker, Charles D., 5:0. Delia, 556. Mary, 529. Sarah G., 544. Seth, 544. Hopkins, Chauncy, 559. Horseley, Benj., 511. Horton, Nathaniel, 420. Hosford, Obadiah. 402. Hosley, Adolphus, 475. Hosmer, 466. Clemence, 471. Sarah, 468. Thomas, 461. Houghton, 467. Abigail, 509. Albro, 545- Eunice, 487. Hannah, 487. Harriet, 544. Nehemiah, 544. Phineas, 509. Hovey, Thomas, 429. Howard, Aaron, 565. Elisabeth, 435. Mary J., 435. Rophelia, 435. Serril, 435. Howe, 467. Achsah, 400. Caleb, 531. Col., 466. Daniel, 546. Elijah, 392. Mary, 542. Howland, Experience, 404, 487. John, 476. Hoyt, David, 441, 517. Mary, 568. Hubbard, 470. Abigail, 570. Anna, 465. Chester, 465. Christian, 444. Erastus, 465. Harriet, 544. Isaac, 444, 559. Jonas, 440. Lucia, 446. Lucius, 519. Mary, 559. Ruth, 529. Huit, Ephraim, 553. Hulburd, Chloe,'404. Hull, Mary, 505. Humes, Harlow, 502. Humphrey, Clara, 446. Humphrey, Lucia A., 494. Hunt, 471. Arad, 525. John, 562. Jonathan, 562. Lieut., 515. Mary, 562. Samuel, 499. Stephen, 474. Hunter, Cyrus L., 489. Hunting, Charles B., 417. Huntington, John, 447. Huntoon, Diantha, 505. Hurd, 473. Elizabeth, 440. Lydia, 404. Polly, 505. Susan, 423. Susan M., 424. Hurlbut, 472. Hurlburt, 473. Caroline, 526. Nathaniel C, 462. Huse, Mary E., 525. Hutchinson, 473. Ebenzer, 528. Jerome, 538. Huxley, Sarah, 536. Thomas, 536. Hyatt, Lemuel, 432. Hyde, Elisabeth, 558. TLLEY, Louisa F., 512. ■*• Ingalls, Henry, 509. IngersoU, Esther, 455. ■ John, 403. Ingram, 473. Henrietta, 489. John, 409. Reuben, 534. Samuel, 559. Ingraham, 473. Philip, 534. JACKSON, Charles, 520. Edward, 520. Elisabeth, 520. Lucy, 459. Jacobs, 473. Harriet, 500. Jacques, D. H., 468. Janes, 473. Benj., pet. of, 474. Jarvis, 477. James, 457. Sally, 457. Jennings, Abner, 411. Ann, 502. Betsey, 502, 445. Ephraim, 537. Hannah, 405. Harriet, 445. Ifeziah, 495. Lydia, 440. Jennison, Josiah, Jr., 449. Jesop, 477. Jess, Abigail, 567. William, 567. Jewell, Asahel, 571. Harvey, 392. Laura, 448. Marshall, 392. Pliny, 392. Silas, 447. Johnson, 477. Elisabeth, 469. Emma, 565. Hannah, 543. Julia, 500. Lovel, 543. Johnson, Maria, 550. Mary A., 556. Mehitable, J29. Zama, 489. Johnston, Margaret A., 505. Jones, Abigail, 533. Benoni, 455. Dinah, 533. Elisabeth, 411. James, 446. Jerusha, 420. Lambert, 544. Rebecca, 534. Joslyn, Martha, 450. Judd, Esther, 404, Margaret, 570. Mary, 474. Thomas, 395, 403. William, 474. T^AMAHAMAHA,Sth, ^ 396. Kathan, Esther, 500. John, 500. Keeny, 477. Daniel, 445. Keith, 477. Kellogg, Anna, 533. Capt. Joseph, 387, 420, SJi, S32, 534- S53, S46- Chauncy, 464. Eli, 537. Ezekiel, 531. Gardner, 421. Joel, 389. John, 492. Martin, 501, 533, 536. Nathaniel ,409. Samuel, 428, 429. Sarah B., 501. Theodore, 542. Kelton, M. W., 448. Kemper, Frederick T., 556. Kempland, 477. Kendall, 478. Elijah, 535. Hannah, 467. Lydia, 491. Samuel, 564. Rev. Dr., 467. Kendrick, 478. Elisabeth, 412. Lydia, 572. Olive, 465. Kent, Hannah, 428. Mary, 543. Samuel, Jr., 393. Ketchum, Edward, 554. Rebecca, 554. Keyes, 478. David, 406. Gershom, 551. Lavina, 551. Kilbourne, 478. Clarrissa, 468. John; Mountain named for, 478. Mary, 528. Thomas, 528. Kimball, Nathl., 439. Sarah, 393. King, 479. Asahel, 388. Esther, 487. Horace, 524. Ichabod, 416. James, 444. Julia, 476. Lawrence, 541. Lucinda, 416. S. Elvira, 523. 622 King, Mary, 419, 524, Kingman, Mary, J97. Kingsley, A. R., 523. Enos, 423, 429. Knapp, 480. Elisha, 389. Henry -\., 392. John, 389. Sibyl, 507. Knights, 480. Azariah, 454. Benjamin, 415. Jane D., 400. Jesse, 400. Knote, John, 501. Knott, John, 498. Knowlton, Lydia, 501. Knox, Gen., 567. James, 547. T AMB 481. ■'-' Francis, 457. James, 457. John, 567. Mary, 551. Thomas, 551. Lamberton, Capt., 553. Lane, 481. Ebenezer, 538. Elizabeth, 538. James, 404, 512. Susan E., 404, 512. Langdon, Joseph, 428. Lankton, Esther, 456. George, 456. Lansing, D, C, 390. Larabee, 482. Ann, 443. Mary, 434. Sarah, 475. Large, Edith, 544. Latham, 482, Lathrop, Joseph, 519. Laughton, 482. Hannah, 432. Sally, 411. Lawrence, 482. John, 536. Maria N., 508. M. R., 494. Richard, 508. Lawton, Anna, 522. Mercy, 514. Leach, Dorcas, 482. Elizabeth M. 498. Laura, 502. Susanna, 499. Leavett, Chloe M., 447. Roger, 447. Sarah, 468. Lee, 482. Eli, 54?. Lois, 517. Marshall, 488. Walter, 517. LefFer, Albert, 477. Leonard, 482. Amariah, 457. Jonas, 462. Josiah, (2) 528. Mary, 528. Oliver, 429. Sarah, 528. Lewis, 482. Abigail, 485. Crom, 469. Ebenezer, 495. Hannah, 401, Jennie, 502 Nathaniel, 485. Sarah, 409, 459. William, 409, Lieb, Owen, 550. Index to Genealogies. Lincoln, 482. Lines, Hannah, 495. Rufus, 435. Linkfield,483. Liscomb, Elizabeth, 488. Gratia, 390. Margaret, 488. Livermore, Samuel, 510. Lobdell, Elisabeth, 414. Lock, Harriet, 391. Logan, Silas, 506. Loomis, Abigail, 401, 474- Ann, 528. Daniel, 40I. John, 409, 459. Mary, 401. Nathaniel, 401. Phebe, 505. Long, 483. Lord, 483. Jotham, 397. Joseph, 549. Lothrop, Joseph, 519. Ruth, 433. Capt. Thomas, 441, 456. Loveland, 484. Rhoda, 448. Lucy, Orvis, 502. Lush. George, 457. Mary, 457. Nancy, 457. Lyman, 484. Charles, 544. Esther, warning dream of, 486. Freedom, 510. Gad, 436. Henry, 502. Samuel, 537. Susanna, 426, Thomas, 512. Lyon, Mary, 537. Lyons, Samuel J., 525. ]V/I ack, 489. ^*-^ Rosina, 488. Macker, James, 439. Mackintosh, Elisabeth, 399- Macomber, 489. Makepiece, 489. Mallard, John, 446. Mallory, 490. Joseph, 49;. Maltby, 490. William, 412, 546. Mann, Emma E., 549. Ensign, 564. John, 436. Nathaniel, 530. Westly, 449. Manson, Polly, 400. Marble, 490. Mary, 509. Maria — a negro burned at the stake in Boston, 551. Markham, William, 562. Marsh, 490. Ephraim, 492. John, 484, 562. Jesse (2), 509. Mindwell, 543. Phebe, 431. Samuel, 431. Sarah J., 453. Solomon, 433. Zebina, 464, Marshall, Eydia, 568. Marshfield, Samuel, 419, 460, S67. Marshfield, Sarah, 460. Martindale, Ruth, 395. Marvell, Sarah, 481. Mason, 490. Hale, 481. Harriet W., 476. Thomas, 562. Mather, Cotton, 553. Mattoon, 490. Maynard, 495. Adeline, 436. John, 428. Martin, 540. Mary A., 494. Sarah, 428. Mayo, Lucinda, 494, 504. McCarty, 495. Bessie, 556. Lemuel, 447. Nancy, 447, 556. McClellan, Arthur, 403. Henry, 488. McCoy, 495. Mclntyre, John, 524. Louisa W., 524. McKeeny, Horace, 478. McKindry, Sarah, 439. McLathlin, Joanna, 536. Meacham, Isaac, 524, 528. Mead, 495. Betsey, 4?3. Melvin, Eleaser, 515. Melyne, Jacob, 470. Merchant, 495. Merriam, 497. Adeline, 448. Chauncey, 392. James, 448. Joel, 465. Mary, 470. Merich, 495. Abigail, 459. Barnabas, 542. John, 428. Louisa, 542. Rebecca, 438. Thomas, 540. Merrifield, Lydia, 509. Merrill, Enoch, 390. Jesse, 538. Meriiman, 495. Lydia, captivity and treatment, 496. Merry, 497. Metseck, 497. Metcalt, Alice, 459. Elizabeth, 399. Mehitable, 419. Mighills, Mary, 387. Miller, 497. James, 469. John, 421, 398, 491. Mira, 424. Obadiah, 420. Sarah, 485. Sidney S., 400. Thankful, 398. Thomas, 428. Mills, Rhoda, 535. Minor, 498. Sarah, 488. Minot, Helen, 393. Rufus H., 393. Jonathan, 546. Mishap, 490. Mitchell, Wm., 476. Mixter, Marcia, 464. Rufus, 574. Moffat, 499. Montague, Helen M., 497. John, 422. Mary, 420, 422, 560. Peter, 536. Montague, Rachael, 560. Moody, 499. Ebenezer, 537. Sarah, 537. Simeon D., 464. Moore, 500. David, S2I. Eunice, 476. Isaac, 536. Moors, 500. James, 465. John F., 458. Morgan, 500. Aaron, 501. Delia, 532. Dwight, 532. Eliza, 448. Horace, 402. Rosa, 501. Tryphena, 398. Morley, Editha, 543. Morrel, 502. Morris, Catharine, 522. Lewis R., 472. Robert, 522. Morse, 502. Bethia, 439. Eusebia, 437. Gardner, 505. John, 464. John G., 497. Olive C, 447 Sally, 487 Morton, Abraham, 536. Daniel, 434, 538. Esther, 434. Joanna, 461. Sarah, 536, 538. Tabitha, 434. Moss, Abigail, 433. Joseph, 433. Minerva, 435. Moulton, Daniel, 545. Mudge, 503. John G., 446. Munden, Abraham, 541. Munn, 503. Eunice. 543. Nathaniel, 420, 530. Sarah, 555. Munro, 499. Munsell, 504. Joel, anecdote of, 505. Munson, Ann, 540. Samuel, 495. Murrey, Mabel, 404. Murdock, Benj. B., 392. Mygatt, Jacob, 479. Sarah, 479. NARMAN, Sarah, 486. Nash, 506. Dwight W., 522. Edward C, 502. Elisha, 499. Hope, 560. Judah, 544. Mary C, 487. Timothy, 560. Nettleton, 506. , Nevers, 506. Neverson, Elisabeth. 457. John, 457. Mary, 457. Newbury, Dwight, 393. Newcomb, 506. Abigail, 402. Benjamin, 439. Betsey, 540. Daniel, 540. Harriet, 397. Hezekiah. 396. Index to Genealogies. 623 Newcomb, Horatio G., 472. Jacob, 475. Jonathan, 439. Rachael, 439. Sarah, J96. William, 525. Newell, 506. Betsey, 543, 573. Jesse, 573. Mary, 403. Pardon H., 556. Thomas, 403. Newman, Sarah, 454. Newton, 507. Mary S., 424. Nicholas, 507. James, 443. Lucinda, 502. William, 503. Nims, Amata, 395. Frank, 451. Godfrey, 491, 498, 504. Mercy, 555. Moses, 394. Rebecca, 395, 491, 504. Thankful, 504. Noble, 507. Calvin, 501. Hannah, 528. Thomas, 517, 560. Luke, 568. Northam, Wm., 507. Northrop, Oscar J., 489. Norton, 507. John, 470, 567. Lois, 562. Nutting, Ozias, 516. QAKS, 507. ^^ Hannah, 389. Odel, Mary, 476. Olin, Mary A., 550. Oliver, 507. Asaph, 483. Dorothy, 412. James, 475. Mary, 475. Thomas, 520. Warren, 451. Olmstead, 507. Orvis, 508. Oliver, 542. Osborn, John, 516. Sarah, 484. Osgood, Jog, Overhiser, Hattie E., 407. Owens, Samuel, 514. pAGE, Jio. •*■ Elizabeth, 487. Rebecca, 488. Paine, Cynthia, 505. Elijah, 519. Painter, Mercy, 394. Palmer, 510. I Benjamin, 409. Christopher, 521. John, 503. Stephen, 40I. Timothy Jr., 393. Panton, Mary, 503. Pardee, Mary, 569. Parker, 510. Francis J., 489. Henry, 416. James, 544. Leonard M., 491. Lydia, 531. Margaret, 545. Parker, Maria, 481. Mary A., 489. Sarah R., 491. Parkhurst, Abraham, 511. Parkman, Marcinia, 506. Parks, Franklin, 535. Harriet, 501. Parmenter, 511. George, 532. Josiah, 461. Lucinda, 464. Reuben, 542. Roxana, 543. Samuel, 545. Parsons, Jii, Abigail, 503. Benjamin, 503. Beulah, 524. Luke, 420. Lydia, 417. Martha, 509. Mary, 512. Mindwell, 480. Noah, 4S0. Samuel, 554. Sarah, 476. Thomas, 517. Patridge, Margery, 490. Mercy, 431. Oliver, 431. Samuel, 492. Patch, 512. Patrick, Samuel, 388. Sarah, 476. Patterson, 513. Gen., 440. Peabody, 513. Laura, 561. Lois C, 484. Peak, John, 478. Pearsons, Joseph, 390. Pease, 513. John, 526. Robert, Jr., 560. Sarah, 528. Peck, 513. John, 433. Mary, 433. Rebecca, 456. Peckham, an Indian, 409. Peeler, George, 432. Pelton, Elizabeth, 440. Pentfield, Mary, 525. Pepper, Elizabeth, 459. Mary, 439. Robert, 439. Pepperell, Sir Wm., 386. Perham, Wm., 391. Perkins, 514. Ellet P., 397. Perry, 514. Esther, 457. John, 423. Martha, 497. Mary, 399. Rebecca, 392. Samuel, 457, 530. Stephen, 542. Petty, 514. Pianna, 446. Phelps, 515. Abigail, 512. Mary, 401. Nathaniel, 398, 479. Samuel, 568. William, 401 (2), 503, 541. Phillips, 516. Elvira D., 504. Peletiah, 462, 538. Samantha, 416. Phinney, Reuben, 451. Phipps, Mary, 469. Submit, 469. Phipps, William, 469, 531. Picket, Samuel, 426. Pierce, 513. Daniel, 416. Harriet, 510. Mary, 416. Philander, 4;o. William, jij. Pierpont, James, 533. Pike, Mary J., 573. Sylvia, 502. Pinks, 516. Pinnock, Hannah, 530. Piper, 516. Cynthia, 550. Mary, 550. Pirts, 516. Pitts, 516. Plumb, Dorcas. 485. John, 485. Plympton, Sergt., 529. PoUand, Hannah, 458. Pomroy, 516. Ebenzer, 479. Elizabeth, 528. Elisha H., 547. Experience, 528. Joseph, 484. Samuel, 422, 554. Ponder, Martha, 401. Nathaniel, 417. Poole, Jonathan, 399. Sarah, 399. Porter, 520. Col., 388. Daniel, 386. Eli, 448. Mercy, 551. Mindwell, 480. Robert, 414. Ruth, 528. Post, Hannah, 401. Stephen, 401. Potter, 520. Isaiah, 503. Ruth S., 535. Powell, Waite, 503. Power, 520. Powers, Harriet, 446. Pratt, Clark, 51;. Edwin M., 489. Elenora A., 550. Gilford, 478. Hannah, 391. John, 559. Jeremiah, 501. Polly, 392. Robert, 500. Richard, 545. Prentice, 520. James H., 431. John, 521. Presby, 522. Prescott, 523. Anna, 467. Presson, 522. John, 447. Preston, Mary, 495. Price, Robert, 441. Prichard, Elizabeth, 394. Nathaniel, 428. William, 393. Priest, 523. Austin, 464. Delia, 540. S. Minerva, 540. Prindle, 52J. Prior, 524. Proctor, Augusta, 493. Peter, 513. Prouty, 525. Puffer, Matthias, 439. Purple 525. Almira, 549. Purple, Proctor P., 463. Roswell, 502, 549. Putnam, Eliza, 558. Elizabeth, 549. Gen., 418. • Rhoda, 438. Pynchon, William, 419, 54°- RAMSDEL, Homer, 463. Rand, Alice, 483. Robert, 483. Randal, 525. Ephraim, 537. Ranney, Elijah, 528. Ransom, 525. Livia, 548. Rathbone, John, 538. Read, 526. John, 494. Mary, 567. Reed, Bethia, 409. Reid, Mary A., 505. Reeve, Mary, 562. Thomas, 562. Reynolds, Benj., 439. Rice, 526. Benjamin, 419, 496. Delia, 549. Ebenezer, 400. Frederick, 404. Mathew, 457. Nathaniel, 517. Rath, 457. Samuel, 466. Richards, 526. Hannah, 439. Sally, 557. Richardson, 526. Charity B., 540. Danforth, 432. John A., 440. Joseph, 504. N. A., 400. Samuel W., 392. Solomon, 504. Statira P., 540. Richmond, Hope T., 409. Rider, Daniel, 534. Ripley, 526. Asahel, 515. Charles, 464. Eunice, 391.. Samuel, 391. Risley, 526. Robbarts, J27. Mary, 525. Robberts, Alanson, 493. William, 495. Robbins, 527. Amanda, 501. Anna, 545. Bethia, 489. Betsey, 458. Elihu, 502. Nancy W., 502. Robbinson, John, 423. Rockwell, Deliverance, 559- Isaac, 505. Rockwood, Abigail, 387, 572. Lucy, 544. Sarah, 525. Thomas, Jr., 527. Roe, Rhoda B., 397. Mary, 564. Roman, Mary, 574. Rooker, William, 536. Root, 528. Dorothy, 420. Elihu, 492, 541. 624 Index to Genealogies. Root, Hannah, 47}. Harrison F., 550. Jarvis, 432. Joanna, 517. Jonathan, 423. Joseph, (2), 473. Martha, 444. Moses, 388. Rhoda, 463. Sarah, 473. Thomas, 398. Timothy, 541. Rose, 530. Dorcas, 515. Ross, Hannah, 440. Mary J., 573. Rossiter, Jonathan, 460. Mary, 560. Rowe, 530. Rowlandson, Mrs., 466. Rowley, 530. Rudduck, Asa S., 436. Rugg, 530. Laduska, 488. Ruggles, Editha, 434. Harriet, 502. Henrietta, 549. Sophia, 549. Russ, John, 509. Russell, 530... Abigail, 411. Clement, 450. Isaac, 478. Israel, 487. Jane A., 521. John, 536, 562. Joseph, 411. Mary, 530. Philip, 536. Samuel, 529. Thomas, 475. William E., 519. Rust, Experience, 455. Nathaniel, 455. Rutenber, Rhoda, 558. Ryther, 531. CABINE, Asbury, 476. '-' Sacket, Bathsheba, 528. Hannah, 559. John, 456. Sad, Abigail, 505. Sady, Mary, 490. Saffbrd, 531. Salisbury, 531. Salmon, Ruth, 472. Thomas, 528. Samson,, Betsey, 520. Sanborn, E. W., 512. Sanders, Homer, 424. Sanderson, 531. Edwin O., 540. Sands, Eliza 552. Sanford, Clark, 404. David, 476. Sanger, 531. Benj., 534- Sarah, 52;. Saunders, 531. Elizabeth, 410. Martin, 410. Savary, 531. William H., 467. Sawin, Adeline, 402. Sawtelle, 531 . Cullen, 489. Henry, 468. Jemima, 469. Josiah, 469. Mary, 516. SaXvyer, 531. Aseneth, 509. Sawyer, Elizabeth, 537. Elvira, 502. Harriett, 416, Thomas, 509. Saxton, Catherine, 421. Daniel, 421. Jonathan A., 505. Schuyler, Col., 469. Scott, 532. Aaron, 425. Eunice, 481. Fahny,48i. George E., 435. Harriet M., 450. Martin, 432, 448, 463. Mary, 461, 528, 544. Patty, 465. Rhoda, 392. Richard, 406. Sarah, 430. Searl, Joanna, 560. John, 474. Sears, Rhoda, 538. Seely, M. W., 525. Selden, Esther, 559. Thomas, 559. Sension, Mark, 536. Sergeant, 532. Abraham, 391. Mary, 39I. Sarah, 448. Severance, 533. Elisabeth, 508. Enos, 515. Eunice, 404. Lizzie, 393. Sarah, 443. William S., 489. Seymour, Harriet, 397. Shankland, Milla, 522. Thomas, 522. Sharry, 535- Shattuck, 534. Dea., 555. Fiorina, 545. Lydia, 462. Mary, 566. Oliver, 527. Sophia, 435. Shaw, Ebenezer, 405, Sheldon, Amasa, 399, 440, 461, 462. Benjamin, (2) 518. Clarrissa, 440. Ebenezer, 471, 511. Hannah, 420, 462. Isaac, 412, 420, 485, 512, 559, 568. ^, Izatus, 465. . , John, 413, 420, 429, 514, 541- Julia W., 467.- Lucy, 428. Martha, 569. . Mary, 571. Mary A., 465, ■ Mehetable, ]%. Mercy, 412, 571; Mindwell, 485, -517. Noah, 404. Phebe, 518. Rachael, 518. Ruth, 568. Samuel, 559, 569, 571, Sarah, 399, 512. Sibyl, 5". William, 467. _^ ' Shepherd, Isaac, 5'37. Thomas, 403. Shepherdson, 535. Lucy, 538. Shirley, 535. Gov. William, 386, 400. Sherman, Relief, 573. Sherwin, Wm. H., 495, Sibley, Susanna, 468. Sikes, Rebecca, 414. Sill, 535. Silliman, Mary E., 392. Simonds, 535. Sibyl, 542. Skinner, Abigail, 503. Slate, Clarinda, 565. Obed, 434. Slowter, 536. Smead, Clarrissa, 525. Elizabeth, 574. Jonathan, 525. Joseph, 486. Samuel, 533. Waitstill, 560. William, 428, 474, 560. Smith, 536. Amanda, 563. Amelia, 462. Anna, 396. Catherine, 519. Charles M., 417. Curtis, 495. David, 387. Dorthy, 492. Ebenezer, anecdote of. 5J8. Edward, 393. Elihu, 418, 440. Fanny, 467. George, 522. John, 471. Jonathan, 386. Josiah, 447. Joseph, 386, 418, 467, Laura, 476, 511. Leonard, 483, 522. Lucretia, 476. Lucy, 534. Lydia, 418. Lyman O., 478. Maria R., 450. Martha, 465. Martin, 534. Mary, 42T, 428, 430, 4J9i 464, 480, 534- Nathan, 450, 497. Nathaniel, 430, 492. Noah, 479. Patience, 454. Preserved, 538. Rosanna, 396. Royal W., 458. Ruth, 528. Sally, 467. Samuel, 390, 417, 488, ' 536, 571- Stephen, .',92, 534. Thomas, 4A6. Sneed, Eliza T. D. Z. N., 505. Snow, Content, 464. Francis, 481. Harriet, 466. Sylvia, 465. Thomas A., 465. Southmade, 539. Irene, 572. Southwell, Harriet, 569. William, 541. Spafford, 539. George, 468. Simeon A., 449. Sophia B., 540. Speakman, Sally, 551. Spear, Elizabeth, 470. Spencer, 539. Enoch, 411. Mary, 428. Sarah, 512. Spinning, Humphrey, 470. Spooncr, 559- Sprague, 539. Agusta, 535. Jonathan, 513. Mary, 539- Spring, 539. Mary, 539. Sprout, Col., 567. Squires, Chloe, 505. Stacy, 539. Standish, Israel, 537. Miles, '537. Stanton, Sarah, 520. Thomas, 520. Steadman, Mary A., 407. Phineas, 407. Stearns, 559. Daniel, 564. Emma, 573. Jane R., 5iJ- John, 513. Lois, 407. Nathaniel, 407. Stebbins, 540. Abigail, 548. Asa, 458. Augustine, 476. Benjamin, 428. Benoni, 408, 529. Caleb, 524. Editha, 428. Edward, 4.28. Eli, 463. Elisabeth, 456, 547. Hannah, 480, 569. John, 394, 568. Joseph, 420, 487, 529, 546, 547, 548. Lydia, captivity, and escape from ".torture by Indians, 496. Mary, 512. Roxanna, 524. Samuel, 413. Sarah, 420, 487. Sarah L., 458. Sibyl, 463. Thankful, 529, 533- Thomas, 414, 428, 503, 456, 567. Thomas, Jr., 503. William, 488. Steel, John, 559. Stevens 545. Hannah, 512. Joanna, 439. Joseph, 512. Milton, 489. Phineas, 469, 471, 515. Rebecca, 404. Stevenson, Andrew, 513. Rebecca, 513. Stewart, Silas, 478. James, 515. Stiles, 545. Henry, 411. Lucy, 505. John, 414. Stimpson, 545. Stockbrldge, Flavel, 497. Frank G., 450. Stockwell, 445. Quinten, 529, S. A., 522. William, 544. Stoddard, 545. Elizabeth, 543. John, 409, 425, 569. Levi, 446. Ozearl, 462. Solomon, 455. Stodder, 545. Stone, 545. Converse J., 392. David, 499. f -^ J, \ .V \\ff^ Jj % v^ ^^1^ Jj '$■ yK ^: ^'^ ^'^^^^Jl:!^U■a:^t^,,A^'^^ ,1 > LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS FOR THE HISTORY OF NORTHFIELD, 1875. Albany Institute, Albany, N. Y. Elisha Alexander, Northfield. George Alexander, Northfield. Charles Alexander, Northfield. Elisha Alexander, 2d, Northfield. George A. Alexander, Northfield. Homer Alexander, Northfield. Henry Alexander, Northfield. AzuBAH Alexander, Northfield. Anna P. Alexander, Northfield. William D. Alexander, Northfield. George F. Alexander, Northfield. Mrs. George F. Alexander, Northfield. Henry Alexander, Jr., Springfield. John Locke Alexander, Boston. Elisha H. Allen, Washington, D. C. D. W. Allen, . Northfield. Mrs. Lydia Allen, Northfield. F. Z. Allen, Northfield. Mrs. Catherine Elizabeth B. Allen, Deerfield. George H. Allen, Philadelphia, Pa. A. J. Arling, Northfield. Alinda Anderson, Northfield. William C. Billings, Northfield. 628 History of Northfieid. Mrs. Martha Billings, E. E. Belding, E. F. Belding, A. J. Barber, Charles Bowen, J. C. Brevoort, Prentiss Britton, Jessie C. Beach, W. W. Brooks, George J. Bacon, Lucy Bacon, Miss C. Alice Baker, George B Bartlett, M. M. Bemis, John A. Barrett, J. L. Banks, Mrs. J. L. Banks, J. D. Battles, Alonzo Billings, S. F. Browning, James H. Carroll, Ira Coy, Lucretia Cook, Joseph B. Callender, Rev. T. J. Clark, James W. Cowles, S. B. Cowles, Mrs. L. Clayton, William Clogston, R. K. Caldwell, Mrs. R. K. Caldwell, Moses Caldwell, James N. Caldwell, William F. Caldwell, James D. Caldwell, James Campbell, e. h. colton, E. W. CoLTON, James Callahan, Myron Chapin, N. Y. Northfieid. Northfieid. Northfieid. Northfieid. Tarrytown, Brooklyn, N. Y. Northfieid. Northfieid. Northfieid. Northfieid. Northfieid. Cambridge. Concord. Northfieid. Northfieid. Northfieid. Northfieid. Northfieid. Northfieid. Northfieid. Albany, N. Y. Northfieid. Northfieid. Northfieid. Northfieid. Northfieid. Northfieid. Northfieid. Springfield. Northfieid. Northfieid. Northfieid. Northfieid. Northfieid. Northfieid. Northfieid. Northfieid. Northfieid. Northfieid. Northfieid. List of Subscribers. 629 Earl Chapin, Lyman Coleman, Chester C. Conant, Chester Graves Crafts, S. W. Dutton, M. A. Dutton, M. T. Dutton, John Dale, S. G. Drake, 12 copies, J. S. DUNKLEE, R. E. Dickinson, H. W. Dickinson, Darius Dickinson, E. R. Dickinson, Elijah M. Dickinson, L. A. Darling, M. M. Darling, William E. Darling, George W. Elmer, Aretus Ferry, Walter Field, Mrs. A. A. Field, George Field, Timothy Field, Abby Field, Mrs. Silas Field, Elizabeth Field, T. J. Field, Mrs. T. J. Field, H. C. Field, E. a. Field, S. A. Field, Mrs. S. A. Field, Otis Field, Samuel Field, Sylvenus Field, H. F. Field, R. M. Field. Caleb Clesson Field, Charles Field, Northfield. Easton, Penn. Greenfield. Whately. Northfield. Northfield. Northfield. Northfield. Boston. Northfield. Northfield. Northfield. Northfield. Northfield. Fitchburg. Northfield. Northfield. Northfield. Northfield. Bernardston. Northfield. Northfield. Northfield. Northfield. Northfield, Northfield. Northfield. Northfield. Northfield. Northfield. Northfield. Northfield. Northfield. Northfield. Northfield. Northfield, Northfield. Northfield. Leominster. Athol. 630 History of Northjield. Francis E. Field, Phineas Field, Mrs. Joel Fay, James Fisher, John S. H. Fogg, John Franklin, Mrs. John Franklin, Charles H. Green, O. T. Greenleaf, Lyman Gilbert, Mrs. Lyman Gilbert, Mrs. Emily Gilbert, Elbridge G. Goss, Hon. Whiting Griswold, Benjamin H. Hall, Edward A. Hawks, George Holton, C. L. Holton, Cyrus Holton, RoswELL Holton, Polly Holton, E. L. Holton, Clinton Holton, RuFUs Holton, Mrs. Elias Holton, Samuel S. Holton, Asa a. Holton, Abby Holton, David P. Holton, Samuel Holton, 2d, Alexander Holton, Horace Holton, Henry Holton, Lottie Holton, Nellie M. Holton, Mrs. Hale, Henry Hart, Francis S. Hoffman, Shepherd Holden, A. W. Holden, Greenfield. Charlemont. Northfield. Northfield. Boston. ^ y^ Northfield. -j ^ Northfield. '^ Northfield. Northfield. (<■ Northfield. ^ Northfield. Northfield. Melrose. Greenfield. Troy, N. Y. Deerfield. Northfield. Northfield. Northfield. Northfield. Northfield. Northfield. Northfield. Northfield. Northfield. Northfield. Northfield. Northfield. New York City. Northfield. Northfield. Northfield. Northfield. Northfield. Northfield. Northfield. Northfield. Philadelphia, Pa. Northfield. Glens Falls, N. Y.