D2baU ^" 1908 No. 10 THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY CIRCULAR Daniel Coit Gilman 1831-1908 Baltimore, Maryland pxjblished by the university Issued Monthly from October to July December, 1908 [New Series, 1908, No. 10] [Whole Number 211] Entered, October 21, 1903, at Baltimore, Md., aa second class matter, under Act of Congress of JiUy 16, 1894. DANIEL COIT OILMAN Daniel Coit Gilman FIRST President of the Johns Hopkins university 1876-1901 BALTIMOEE The Johns Hopkins Press 1908 V e THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY CIRCULAR New Series, 1908, No. 10 DECEMBER, 1908 Whole Number, 211 IN MEMORIAM Daniel Coit Gilman 1831-1908 On Sunday afternoon, November 8, 1908, at 4 o'clock, an audience consisting of the Trustees, Faculty, Alumni, and Students of the University, and friends of Dr. Gil- man, the first President, assembled in McCoy Hall to do honor to his memory. The order of the exercises was as follows : SCRIPTURE READING AND PRAYERS The Reverend ARTHUR B. KINSOLVING, D. D. RECTOR OF ST. PAUL'S CHURCH ''Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made Heaven and earth."— Ps. 124: 8. "Lord thou hast been our refuge from one generation to another. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever the earth and the world were made : Thou art God from everlasting and world without end." — Ps. 90: 1, 2. 3 4 Daniel Coit Gilman [1120 "I know that my Kedeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth : and though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet from my flesh I shall see God : "Whom I shall see for myself, "And mine eyes shall behold, and not another." — Jol) 19 : 25, 26, 27. "The souls of the righteous are in the hand of God, and there shall no trial touch them. "In the sight of the unwise they seemed to die: and their departure is taken for misery, "And their going from us to be utter destruction, but they are in peace." — Wisdom 3 : 1, 2, 3. "They that put their trust in Him shall understand the truth: and such as be faithful in love shall abide with Him : for grace and mercy is to His saints and He hath care for his elect." — Wisdom 3 : 9, "The righteous live for evermore; their reward also is with the Lord, and the care of them is with the most high. "Therefore shall they receive a beautiful crown from the Lord's hand; for with His right hand shall he cover them, and with His arm shall he protect them." — Wisdom 5 : 15, 16. "I am the resurrection and the life: he that believeth in me though he were dead, yet shall he live : and whoso- ever liveth and believeth in me shall never die." — 8t. John 11 : 25, 26. "For we know that if the earthly house of our taber- nacle be dissolved, we have a building from God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens." — II Cor. 5: 1. "And they shall see His face; and His name shall be in their foreheads * * * "They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat. For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed 1121] Devotional Exercises 5 them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters; and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes." — Rev. 22 : 4 ; 7 : 16, 17. Minister: The Lord be with you. Answer: And with thy spirit. Minister: Let us pray. Our Father, who art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and glory for ever and ever. Amen. "O God, whose days are without end, and whose mercies cannot be numbered; make us, we beseech Thee, deeply sensible of the shortness and uncertainty of human life; and let Thy Holy Spirit lead us in holiness and righteousness, all the days of our lives: That, when we shall have served Thee in our generation, we may be gathered unto our fathers, having the testimony of a good conscience; in the communion of the Catholic Church; in the confidence of a certain faith ; in the comfort of a rea- sonable, religious, and holy hope ; in favor with Thee our God, and in perfect charity with the world. All which we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. "O God, at whose word man goeth forth unto his work and to his labor until the evening; who art the fountain of all wisdom and the true light which lighteth every man that Cometh into the world ; we beseech Thee regard with Thy favor and blessing all the schools and colleges of our land, and especially this University. Assist all who are guardians of its interests. Give increasingly the spirit of wisdom to its officers and teachers : enlarge the number of its friends and benefactors, and reward them with Thy mercy for whatever good in its behalf they may 6 Daniel Coit Oilman [1122 design or do. Enlighten the minds, purify the hearts, and exalt the ideals of those who are students here. Inspire them with high hopes and worthy purposes, and so prepare them to fulfil their duty in this life that they may attain the destiny to which Thou dost call us in the life to come. Through, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. "Almighty and ever-living God, we yield unto Thee most high praise and hearty thanks, for the wonderful grace and virtue declared in all Thy saints and leaders and founders who have been the choice vessels of Thy grace, and the lights of the world in their several genera- tions; most humbly beseeching Thee to give us grace so to follow the example of their steadfastness in Thy faith, and obedience to Thy holy commandments, that at the day of the general resurrection, we, with all those who are of the mystical body of Thy Son, may be set on His right hand, and hear that his most joyful voice: Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. Grant this, Father, for Jesus Christ's sake, our only Mediator and Advocate. Amen. ''0 Lord, support us all the day long of this troublous life, until the shadows lengthen and the evening comes, and the busy world is hushed and the fever of life is over, and our work is done. Then, of Thy great mercy, grant us a safe lodging and a holy rest, and peace at the last; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen." 1123] President Remscn's Address 7 ADDRESS IRA REMSEN, PH. D., LL. D. PRESIDENT OF THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY We have come together, friends, colleagues, students, co-workers in many lines of activity', to give some expres- sion of our respect and admiration for one who for more than a quarter of a century was the chief factor in the life of this University. No single life can mean as much for us as that of Daniel Coit Oilman. And yet it is diflScult for one who during that long period worked by his side, who knew much of his hopes, his aspirations, and his trials, to give adequate expression to the thoughts that press forward for recognition. Those of us who had the privilege of working under his leadership would, it is certain, testify with one voice that the conditions created by him were well-nigh ideal. His motto was "Do your best work." The effect these words produced upon those of us who came here at the beginning will never be forgotten. We were not hampered by a lot of rules, but were simply asked to do our work in the way that seemed best. What better can anyone have? If there ever was a place where the simple intellectual life was fostered, it was at the Johns Hopkins University in the early years. We were all free to work out our own intellectual salva- tion. If our leader had been meddlesome, narrow- minded, unsympathetic, without tact, and dictatorial, our work could not have flourished. He was, in fact, broad-minded to a remarkable degree; he was sym- pathetic; he had confidence in those whom he had brought together ; he had tact ; and was gentle even when harsh treatment appeared to be justified, as was some- times the case. He created an atmosphere good to live in — an atmosphere salutary and stimulating. Whatever success has attended the efforts of those who have carried on the work of the University, is to be traced back to this clear, invigorating atmosphere. 8 Daniel Coit Gilman [1124 Mr. Gilman was a model administrator. By pre- cept and example he impressed upon us that our object was to build up a University that should be useful to the community, to the State, to the Nation if possible. He told the trustees at his first inter- view with them that he had no desire to take part in the founding of a new college in the ordinary sense. He did not feel that there was great need for another institution of that kind, but his ambition was fired when he was given free rein to work upon the problem of a university as something differing from and supplement- ing the college. Now, the name university had been used in this country up to that time to designate institutions of learning of a great variety of grades. Even to-day it conveys far from a clear idea of the character of the institution to which it is applied. But there has been improvement in thirty years, and there is a well-defined tendency to apply the name university only to those institutions of learning that provide more or less ade- quately for special courses suited to the needs of gradu- ates of the colleges, who wish to proceed to the study of specialties. In 1876, the year of the opening of the Joihns Hopkins University, graduate courses, as these advanced courses are generally called, were offered in only a few colleges and even in them the opportunities were most inadequate. And yet that there was a demand for such courses was shown by the fact that for years large num- bers of graduates of our colleges went to Germany to find opportunity for this advanced work. Mr. Gilman's central thought was to provide for these graduate students. The trustees were in full sympathy with his views, and those who were called to work with him' were eager to take part. Students came in larger numbers than we expected, and we soon found it difficult to accommodate them. The experiment was succeeding. It was necessary to provide for the ever-increasing body of students that came to us, and thus the Johns Hopkins 1125] President hemsen's Address 9 University became firmly established in the heart of the city, whether the authorities would or not. The main point to be kept in mind in this connection is, however, that the experiment was succeeding, and the further fact that the success was due to the admir- able combination of qualities possessed by Mr. Gilman. He was forty-four years old when elected to the presi- dency. That he had made a strong impression on the leaders in the educational world of that day is strikingly shown by the fact that, when the trustees asked five of these leaders to recommend to them a man capable of organizing and conducting the new university on a high plane, all five, independently of one another, recom- mended Daniel Coit Gilman. He was accordingly chosen, and the world knows the result. It is given to few to realize their hopes to the extent that Mr. Gilman did. The conception of a university in his mind became a reality in the Johns Hopkins Univer- sity, and indeed the conception has been realized in a half- dozen or more of the universities of this country that have followed the lead of the Johns Hopkins University in establishing graduate courses. The problem of working out a definition of a university is in a fair way to a solu- tion, and the name is not likely to be as lavishly bestowed in the future as in the past. There are fair-weather leaders who in stormy times fail. Our leader was sorely tested by storms. The time came when the very existence of the University was threatened. No one, not directly involved, can form a clear idea of the conditions that we lived under after it was learned that our income was most seriously im- paired. The work could not go on without an adequate income. Just as the work was beginning to tell came the disaster. Had our leader flinched, we should have lost our courage and the Johns Hopkins University would probably have been a failure. But now some of his best traits came into play. He would not let the members of 10 Daniel Coit Gilman [1126 his staff become discouraged. The work must go on. We must find a way. There must be no change of plan. There must be no lowering of standards. And, though there were months and years of anxiety, the work did go on in spite of the somewhat dismal outlook. There has never been any serious change of plan, and to-day the Johns Hopkins University stands for all it stood for in its formative period, and it stands for more, for, thanks to the efforts of Mr. Gilman and others-, its fortunes have to a large extent been restored and the work has broadened as the necessar}^ funds have been provided. We cannot forget that he carried us through the period of storm and stress, new qualities that were not called for at the beginning being brought into play. One word more. For reasons that did not seem to his colleagues adequate, he decided most unexpectedly to withdraw from the presidency of the University, when he reached the age of seventy. The thought that another could possibly be the president of this University seemed to many of us almost preposterous. But here again he showed new and admirable qualities. His cordial wel- come to his successor, his gentle judgment, his apprecia- tion of whiatever appeared to mark a forward movement, his rejoicing in the welfare of the University, helped to make easy what might have been a most difficult path. His withdrawal from the service was complete. If his successor ventured occasionally to consult him on some knotty problem, his answer was invariably "I am out of it, I cannot help you" : and that answer was prompted solely by a refined sense of the relations between himself and the questioner. It was not due to any lack of friend- liness, for, if anything, the bond of friendship grew stronger in these latter years. President Remsen then read extracts from letters received by him from His Eminence, Cardinal Gibbons; 1127] Commemorative Minute 11 Hon. Andrew D. White, formerly President of Cornell University; President Angell, of the University of Michi- gan; Dr. S. Weir Mitchell; Hon. Seth Low; President Alderman, of the University of Virginia. (See page 36.) MINUTE Read by Judge HENRY D. HARLAN PRESIDENT OF THE TRUSTEES OF THE HOSPITAL AND A MEMBER OF THE UNIVERSITY BOARD The Trustees of the Johns Hopkins University and of the Johns Hopkins Hospital, the members of the philo- sophical and of the medical faculties, the students, grad- uate and undergraduate, many alumni and friends of the University, assembled to give expression to their com- mon sorrow in view of the removal by death of their honored and beloved friend, Daniel Coit Gilman, record hereby their painful sense of loss, and their profound and abiding respect, gratitude, and afifection. The extraordinary services rendered to this institu- tion, and to the interests of higher education in this country, during the twenty-five years' administration of its first President, have received universal acknowledg- ment. We recall with admiration the sagacity with which he discerned the opportunity awaiting the new foundation under the conditions then existing, the con- structive skill with which he devised plans suitable to these conditions, and the steadfastness and courage with which he adhered to these plans under whatever tempta- tion to diverge from them. We appreciate the inestimable value, at this formative period, of certain personal qualities possessed by Mr. Gilman in an unusual degree. A sound and discriminat- ing judgment in respect to men; wide and varied intellectual tastes, interests, and sympathies; resource- fulness of suggestion in practical things; high-minded- ness, generosity, loyalty — how conspicuously these rare 12 Daniel Coit Gilman [1128 endowments of nature and character were employed, in the wise selection of teachers for the leading chairs of instruction ; in the adjustment of the respective claims of the various departments of learning; in the tactful, orderly, efficient conduct of business; in the elimination from the common life of petty motives and ignoble per- sonal differences: all this is abundantly known to those familiar with the history of the past years. Those who served as teachers under Mr. Oilman's presidency remember with keen pleasure the relations of confidence and kindness which he always maintained with them. Quick to commend anything that deserved commendation ; scrupulous in his regard for individual feelings and rights; conceding all reasonable liberty of opinion and action; capable of understanding and of making allowance for exceptional gifts; under no stress of occupation or anxiety, betrayed into petulance, or injustice, or discourtesy; employing rarely the language of authority, assuming rather the attitude of co-opera- tion and comradeship; rejoicing in the successful work or the well-won honor of one of his colleagues — to use the word which he always applied to those subordinate to him — as heartily as though the work or the reward had been his own ; in time of trouble the tenderest and most sympathizing of friends: — it is no wonder that these admirable and delightful traits secured for President Gilman, from the beginning to the end, the united and enthusiastic support of his faculty, and enabled him to secure from them a kind of service to the University which cannot be commanded and which cannot be bought. The relations of the president of a university to the students under his care are, in our day, less immediate and personal than w^as the case a generation ago. The demands upon time and thought, from within and from without, are so constant and so exacting that he is deprived of that means of influence which the great col- 1129] Commemorative 3Iinute 13 lege presidents of the past made so potent — the inter- course of teacher with pupil. In our leading institutions the president is necessarily an administrator rather than a teacher. The larger conception of the presidential office appealed strongly to Mr. Gilman. He did not de- sire to withdraw into impersonal isolation. He often addressed the students, more or less formally, upon edu- cational, literary, or practical themes. He made himself accessible to them during his working hours, and enter- tained them hospitably at his home. For many years he took personal charge of the daily religious service. Never did he lose sight of the responsibility of an institu- tion for the development of character, in those subjected to its influence, as well as for the communication of knowledge. Epoch-making as was the work of Mr. Gilman in educa- tional linesi in the development of the Johns Hopkins University, his services in a wholly different field of activity, in the organization, equipment, and opening of the Johns Hopkins Hospital, are no less worthy of men- tion. Called by an unexpected train of events to under- take this novel task, he formulated for this Hospital a system of medical and surgical attendance and adminis- tration with unusual features, which has continued in force for nearly twenty years. He selected the heads of important departments, established a training school for nurses, and inaugurated systematic medical teaching in the Hospital prior to the establishment of the medical department of the University. He also devised the sub- division and departmental independence of important branches of internal administration in the Hospital, and their effective co-ordination through a single executive head responsible for the work of all branches — a system which remains unchanged to-day. Later, upon the establishment of the medical depart- ment of the University, he beheld the full realization of 14 Daniel Coit Gilman [1130 far-seeing plans formed at the time he came to Baltimore. So wisely were they originally made thiat they required no changes, and after the lapse of many years he had the satisfaction of seeing them brought to fruition in an institution which has powerfully influenced medical teaching throughout the country. During the remainder of his life he continued in close relation with the Medical School and the Hospital, and his constant interest and frequent presence were ever an inspiration to officers, teachers, and students. It may be safely said that no one of us has known a more public-spirited citizen, a more devoted supporter of every good cause, one more ready to expend labor and accept sacrifice for the sake of the higher interests of society. In him appeared — to quote language which Lord Morley applies to John Stuart Mill — ''that com- bination of an ardent interest in human improvement with a reasoned attention to the law of its conditions which alone deserves to be honored with the high name of wisdom." Mr. Gilman was indifferent to nothing which has to do with human welfare. He was an atten- tive and serious student of the problems which press so insistently upon philanthropists and reformers — prob- lems of poverty and crime and disease ; he was constantly in search of better methods in education, in the adminis- tration of government, in the ordering of municipal life; he had an enlightened interest in many subjects less directly connected with immediate utility — geographical exploration, archaeological research, biographical and historical inquiry. It was he who first called the atten- tion of the citizens of Baltimore to the movement for associated charities, bringing about the formation in this city of the Charity Organization Society. It was he who preserved from extinction the Mercantile Library. He served as a member of the Board of School Commis- sioners, and as one of the Commission which framed the 1131] Contmenhorative Minute 15 present charter of the city of Baltimore. As a trustee of the Peabody Institute, of the Pratt Library, of the Samuel Ready School, as one of the council of the Municipal Art Society, he showed his readiness to take part in all efforts for the betterment of the community in which he lived. For many years he was actively con- cerned v/ith the work of Southern education, as one of the trustees of the Peabody Education Fund and of the Slater Fund for the Education of the Freedraen. He was long the president of the American Oriental Society. During recent years he was the president of the Ameri- can Bible Society. He succeeded the Hon. Carl Schurz in the presidency of the National Civil Service Reform League. By invitation of the President of the United States, he served as a member of the Venezuelan Com- mission in 1896-7. He was a member of the General Education Board, and one of the trustees of the Russell Sage Foundation. On his retirement from this Univer- sity he became the first president of the Carnegie Institu- tion — thus called for the second time in his life to the arduous task of leadership in an unexplored field. This incomplete enumeration of the undertakings in which he co-operated, and of the interests which he labored to promote, bears impressive testimony to his alert intelli- gence and to the catholicity of his social feelings. Our grief at the removal from the earthly scene of a friend so honored and cherished, and our well-nigh over- whelming sense of the loss inflicted upon many a worthy cause in the withdrawal from the ranks of its supporters of so vital and forceful a personality, are tempered and assuaged when we consider how perfectly in accord with what he would himself have desired was the manner of his departure. The life which had traversed so wide a circuit of labor and duty returned to the home of its youth, and, laden with honors, with unabated energy of mind, without pain, in the serenity of the religious faith 16 Daniel doit Gilman [1132 which had been its mainstay through the long years, passed into the life immortal. "that force, Surely, has' not been left vain! Somewhere, surely, afar. In the sounding labor-house vast Of being, is practised that strength. Zealous, beneficent, firm." ADDRESS R. BRENT KEYSER, ESQ. PRESIDENT OF THE TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY When we read of men erecting monuments to them- selves, we are apt to think of pyramids and temples and shafts of stone, forgetting that there are monuments which are of the intellect and of the spirit, even more enduring and more impressive. And, as in all times, men have stood before these monuments of stone to gather inspiration from the examples of those who erected them, so, in this day, do men gather to admire the example of those whose deeds and works remain with us in the intangible but impressive evidence of the spirit. Of all the many such monuments created by Mr. Gil- man, in the varied interests to which he gave his energies, the Johns Hopkins University stands greatest, and may best be called his life-work. It is therefore most proper that the Trustees of this University should pay their trib- ute of admiration, and it is my privilege to bring to you this afternoon their testimony. When Johns Hopkins died, he not only left to the Trus- tees of his University the care of its physical well-being, but he imposed upon them the much more important func- tion of giving to the earthly body which he had provided, a spiritual and intellectual character that should be to that earthly body what the inherited instincts and spirit- ual yearnings are to the child. He charged them with 1133] Mr. Eeyser's Address 17 providing what we may, with all reverence, call its soul, without which the physical body would be a useless shell, and the great benefaction would fail of its obligation to humanity. It is due to those first Trustees, chosen by Mr. Hopkins, that we are gathered here this afternoon to do honor to the memory of the man, whom they in their wisdom chose to be the first President. It was because of their high ideals that Mr. Oilman came among us, and brought to this community his unselfish devotion and his untiring energy, and it seems proper that their names should be mentioned in this gathering. In speaking for the Board of Trustees, I feel that Mr. Gilman would wish me to mention those, his early friends and comrades in the great work of his life, that they may, in memory, be present with us this afternoon. Those first Trustees were Galloway Cheston, Francis T. King, Lewis N. Hopkins, Thomas M. Smith, William Hopkins, John W. Garrett, George W. Dobbin, George Wm. Brown, James Carey Thomas, Charles J. M. Gwinn, Eeverdy Johnson, Jr., and Francis White, — now all gone to that further land. In May, 1875, Mr. Gilman began his work as first Presi- dent of the Johns Hopkins University, being then not yet forty-four years of age, and on February the 22nd, 1876, at its first public gathering, he made his Inaugural Address. In this address were first published to the world, the ideals, the characteristics, the spiritual and intellectual attrib- utes of the infant university. Up to that time it had possessed earthly attributes; from thence on it became a living, spiritual influence. What that influence was to be, can best be judged from Mr. Oilman's own words. The new university was *'to develop character — to make men." Its purport was ''not so much to impart knowledge to the pupils as to whet the appetite, exhibit methods, develop powers, strengthen judgment, and invig- orate the intellectual and moral forces ; to prepare for the service of society a class of students who will be wise, 18 Daniel Coit Gilman [1134 thoughtful, progressive guides in whatever department of work or thought they may be engaged ; to impart a knowl- edge of principles, rather than of methods." It was to stand for the doctrine that "religion claims to interpret the word of God, and science to reveal the laws of God;" that "the interpreters may blunder, but truths are immutable, eternal, and never in conflict." He chose as the motto of the University "The truth shall make you free." He laid out a plan, capable of indefinite expansion and based upon the fundamental principles of human progress — a plan, which, after a third of a century, is to-day as pertinent, as vital, as the day it was first con- ceived. Across some of the items we can write "begun and well continued," but across no one of them can we write "accomplished," for plans based on eternal prin- ciples are eternal. Methods and conceptions and knowl- edge may change, buildings rise and decay, teachers and students add their quota of interpretation and pass on, but the work, the real work, of a real university is never completed — and so he planned it. The University was to be, in similitude, a shipyard where ideas and methods and influences are built with much toil, and, when ready for use, are launched out to do their part in the commerce of mankind, and when one is launched, the space it occupied in the building is imme- diately utilized to lay the keel for a new and larger craft, embodying the experience of all that has gone before, together with the new ideas since the last was planned. It was therefore a matter of vital import that the Uni- versity should be established along lines which would bear this test of eternal truth. That the lofty standard established for the University was in a very great degree due to the personal character and influence of Mr. Gilman, may be seen if we consider how completely the ideals which he conceived for the 1135] Mr. Key set'' s Address 19 institution correspond to the purposes that swayed his own life. In this same Inaugural Address, speaking of the world- wide discussion regarding the aims, methods, deficiencies, and possibilities of education, then engaging the atten- tion of thoughtful men, he asks, "What is the significance of all this activity?" And he answers thus: ''It is a reaching out for a better state of society than now exists ; it is a dim but an indelible impression of the value of learning; it is a craving for intellectual and moral growth ; it is a longing to interpret the laws of creation ; it means a wish for less misery among the poor, less ignorance in the schools, less bigotry in the temple, less suffering in the hospital, less fraud in business, less folly in politics; it means more study of nature, more love of art, more les- sons from history, more security in property, more health in cities, more virtue in the country, more wisdom in leg- islation, more intelligence, more happiness, more reli- gion." To satisfy this cry of humanity was the labor of love which he set for the youthful University. Did he not set the same task for himself? Let us con- sider these words of his, not as a plan of life for the Uni- versity, but as a plan of life for himself. Consider his services to humanity, as known to us all, and see if the spiritual and intellectual character which he gave to this University was not part of his very self. Is it not true, then, that he erected a monument, not of brick and mortar, not of stone or marble, but of spirit — the spirit which was in him. And is it not meet that we should bring tribute — we, who both oflicially and personally may learn from him, not by precei^t alone, but also by example, how to attain to the motto of the wise men of old: "Let us learn on Earth those things the knowledge of which will remain in Heaven." 20 Dmiiel Coit Gilman [1136 ADDRESS HENRY M. HURD, M. D., LL. D. SUPERINTENDENT OF THE JOHNS HOPKINS HOSPITAL I desire to speak briefly in behalf of the Board of Trustees of the Johns Hopkins Hospital in regard to President Gilman's connection with that institution. Although the connection seemed fortuitous and almost accidental, it was fraught with benefits to the Hospital and prepared the way for intimate relations with the Medical School when it was later established. When in the winter of 1888-9 the Hospital, after twelve years of preparation, was approaching completion, there was on the part of the Trustees much uncertainty as to the best method of organizing the work and putting the institu- tion into active operation. The President of the Board of Trustees, the late Francis T. King, who had been selected by Johns Hopkins to supervise the erection of the Hospital, and who had been wisely and sagaciously interested in the project, found himself unequal to the task of opening it for patients by reason of ill-health; and advancing years. It was felt by all that the undertaking was of no ordinary proportions and called for the assist- ance of a skilled and wise organizer. One night as Mr. King lay sleepless and perplexed over the question of a proper person to undertake the work, the conviction sud- denly came to him that President Gilman must do it. Later in my acquaintance, Mr. King often spoke of the relief which he felt when, shortly after, at his suggestion, the Trustees in January, 1889, formally appointed Mr. Gilman Director of the Hospital, and committed to him the task of providing the Hospital with "a system," as had been expressed in the report of one of the commit- tees — "a system which should serve as a guide to other institutions." He entered upon his new duties imme- diately with his usual ardor and energy. He familiar- 3137] Dr. Eurd's Address 21 ized himself with the literature of the subject and corre- sponded with experts both at home and abroad. He visited hospitals and large hotels in other cities to see their methods and details of management, and studied their kitchens, laundries, and linen-rooms. He inspected even such minor matters as table linen and napkins. Out of all this personal work he evolved a system of organ- ization which has served excellently well ever since. I saw a very suggestive diagram a few days ago in which he portrayed visually, so that every one might clearly understand, the relations of trustees, chief executive officer, heads of departments, and employes. He assisted in the selection of medical officers ; he saw personally and selected and recommended for appointment all subordi- nate officers and defined their duties and responsibilities ; he familiarized himself with the proper spheres of the housekeeper, the purveyor and the superintendent of nurses, and "set their bounds," and thus secured har- mony and co-operation. He thus spent several very active months until the whole machinery of the establish- ment was put in motion upon the opening day in May, 1889 — and a well-ordered and inspiring day it was! He remained thereafter in daily attendance for many weeks and gave close attention to every detail of administra- tion. I have in my possession several notices of routine appointments written for the bulletin board in his own clear and legible hand. He came often to the Hospital before breakfast, and on occasion spent a night there, and this, too, when burdened with University duties. To him we owe a system of internal administration with many novel features, which, as has been mentioned in the minute just read, have continued unchanged until now. I need not repeat what has been already so clearly stated. His kindness of heart and keen sympathy with the poor and friendless led him to modify many stringent regula- tions then generally in force in other hospitals as to Sun- 22 Daniel Colt Gilman [1138 day visiting. Feeling that the laboring man could ill afford to lose time from his labor during the week day to visit a member of his family sick in the hospital, he arranged from the first for a visiting hour on Sunday. Likewise, impressed with his observation that Sunday was a long and lonely day for people far from home, he arranged that the mail should always be sent after on that day, that the sick might be cheered by news from home. He was interested in employes of every grade and left an impress of kindness, consideration, and courtesy upon all branches of Hospital service. He selected very wisely the first principal of the Training School for Nurses and the first head nurses. He was ever after much interested in the Training School and often visited it, and on sev- eral occasions made addresses to the pupil nurses. To his suggestion the Johns Hopkins Hospital owes the pos- session of the reproduction of Thorwaldsen's statue of Christ, the gift of Mr. Spence, of Baltimore, which adorns our rotunda and suggests rest and healing to sick and suffering. He suggested a system of publications on the part of the Hospital and watched the successive issues of the Bulletin and Reports with kindly critical interest. He kept himself constantly in touch with the work of the institution, and, if in hours of discouragement I sought his advice, he was ever hopeful and optimistic. ''Look at the results," he would say, "they are grand." He remained on terms of intimate friendship with all of his former associates at the Hospital, and his influence was always given to educational and administrative bet- terment. He was never a carping critic, but rather a devoted, interested friend. When his brief connection with the Hospital was at an end, he left behind him tradi- tions of system and order, of a kindly spirit and true courtesy in his relations with ofiScers, nurses, patients, and employes, of an appreciation of honest, faithful work and of high faith in the future usefulness of the institu 1139] Mr. Bryce's Address 23 tion. He was gifted with imagination to conceive the possibilities of its future and a practical sense which had enabled him to realize his dreams. Above all he left with the Hospital an abiding spirit of enthusiasm for scien- tific study, of loyalty to the higher aims of medicine, and of cordial co-operation in every department of service. He was the steadfast friend and trusted adviser of each and all; and we loved and honored him. No better illustration could be given of his enduring personality, versatility, and practical judgment than his successful work at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. It will live for many years. ADDRESS Right honorable JAMES BRYCE BRITISH AMBASSADOR I value this opportunity of joining in paying a tribute — nor was any tribute ever better deserved — to the memory of President Gilman. I desire to pay it as a member of two ancient Universities in Great Britain, to one who will hold always a leading place in the history of universities, and, also, especially because I had the privilege of knowing Mr. Gilman during a period of thirty-eight years. It always struck me that there was a singular fitness in his being chosen to be the first President of this Uni- versity, whose creation and equipment marked a new departure in the history of the higher education in America. There are no posts in this country which a European observer finds more important than are the headships of the great universities. It was said a few moments ago that the President of a university has no longer the same oppor- tunities as he once had, of coming into intimate personal relationship with the students placed in his charge. But, 24 Daniel Coit Gilman [1140 on the other hand, in the development which your univer- sities have taken, there is opened a wide and still expand- ing field through which he can mold the character of thou- sands of your future leaders in Church and State, who are placed under his charge, and I doubt if there be any position in the United States which offers greater oppor- tunities for rendering the finest kind of service to the nation as a whole. We had the other day an illustration of the importance which belongs to that post in the im- pression which has been made upon the whole country by the news of the approaching retirement, after a career of splendid usefulness, of the head of the most ancient uni- versity in America, Dr. Eliot, of Harvard University. Tributes have been paid to President Oilman's work by those who knew him here in intimate personal rela- tionship, who were associated with him, as his successor has been, in the work of the University and of the Hos- pital, and on behalf of the Trustees also. All that I can say is from an outside point of view, which far less touches the details of work in which administrative talents are shown, and what I do say I offer with defer- ence. And yet it is quite fitting that there should be words spoken by those also who saw the University and the city from outside, and who looked at your President in the wider aspects of his career. There were two things that always impressed me in his personality as qualifying him for the special work which he had in this University, and particularly for the work that fell to him of determining the lines upon which this new seat of learning ought to be developed. One of these was his being in close touch with very different lines of study and inquiry. He was in touch with the sciences of Nature. He was capable on the one hand of comprehending and appreciating true scientific methods, not those only which belong to abstract inquiry, but also the application of our knowledge of Nature to enterprises of practical utility. And, on the other hand, he was 1141] Mr. Bryce's Address 25 equally in touch with what we call the human studies — literature, history, political science, economic science. He understood the part to be allotted to them also, and he felt that they were no less essential to the equipment of a truly great university. No man was better fitted to adjust the relations of these two great divisions of knowledge to one another in the organization of a seat of learning. Then further he had also a true and just per- ception of the relation that ought to exist in the plans and organization of a university to secure due attention to each of the two branches of its work, viz., to Research and to Instruction. Appreciating the importance of both of these, he made due provision for each; nor has any- thing more contributed to the progress of this Univer- sity. We in England have been much perplexed by this problem, which his wide and just view of the history and functions of a university enabled him to solve effectively. As the creation of Johns Hopkins has been a very important factor in the recent growth and change in the character of the higher instruction in this country, his sound appreciation of the conditions of this problem deserves the fullest recognition. He had large plans and high ideals, seeing a long way ahead. But one was always struck by this also, that his sense of the ideal and his striving for the ideal never made him unpractical or dreamy. His mind was steadily fixed on what could be done with the means that lay at his disposal. It was, moreover, a singularly fair and open mind, a mind which was not warped by prejudices or prepossessions, so, when he had to judge men and select some one for a ptost, he was able to weigh and sum up the various merits of different persons and their fitness for the work which they were to be chosen to do in the Uni- versity, just as carefully and just as reasonably as he would weigh against one another the respective claims of mathematics, of biology, of Latin or German, to a place in the curriculum. 26 Daniel Coit Gilman [1142 This, too, was conspicuous throughout his action, that he was always thinking first of his duties, not of himself, and that he was far more anxious that the work should be done well than that he should have any credit for the doing of it. Many were the talks I had with him, not only about the organization of universities, but also about the Constitution and politics of your country, and I was impressed by the open mind and the conscientious spirit which he brought to the consideration of all those questions. He was assuredly in the best sense of the word a good citizen, a good patriot, a good American. He loved his country so much as to .wish that everything in it should be made worthy of the finest traditions of our race and of the special opportunities which lie before the American people. Visible throughout his daily life and work there was a quiet serenity, a sort of unobtrusively persistent earnest- ness which largely contributed to the effectiveness of bis actions. He never seemed to be in a hurry. He never allowed the petty annoyances of life to disturb him. Was it not by this serenity of disposition and tranquil steadfastness that he achieved such great results without impairing his own strength? Wisdom grows out of the temper and heart of a man as well as out of his intellect. Where there is practical work and delicate work to be done, insight and sym- pathy must go together. They were happily united in him; and to their union in its first President your University largely owes the high position which it so soon took and which I trust it will long retain among American seats of learning. This is an occasion rather for the commemoration of public service than for reference to the gifts and graces which make the charm of private life. But I may be permitted to say that Dr. Gilman was one of the most true and constant and warm-hearted of friends. He was 1143] Professor Welch's Address 27 one of those friends in whose company it was good to be, for he was always set upon high things, and he followed them in a considerate and pure spirit. He was simple, kindh^, tender. He was one who always gave the best of himself to his friends. ADDRESS WILLIAM H. WELCH, M. D., LL. D. PROFESSOR OF PATHOLOGY IN THE UNIVERSITY As one of the noblest, most distinctive, and most suc- cessful parts of the work of this University has been that of the medical department, it is eminently fitting that there should be on this occasion especial recognition of Mr. Gilman's great achievement in this field, and 1 esteemi it a privilege, in behalf of my colleagues of the medical school, to express our sense of deep indebtedness to him. It was ordained by the terms of Johns Hopkins' gift that there should be a medical department of the Univer- sity, and that the hospital for which he provided should be a part thereof. The task thus imposed was one movst congenial to Mr. Gilman. He had already been actively interested Avith others at the Sheffield Scientific School in arranging a course of study designed to be preliminary to the study of medicine, this being the first provision of a special course of this kind. The address of Professor Huxley at the opening of the University in 1876 was largely concerned with the subject of medical education. The establishment of the chair of biology at the begin- ning of the work of the University had especially in view the needs of the future medical school and prepared the way for its successful foundation. The choice of Newell Martin as the first professor of biology proved to be most fortunate and of great significance for the develop- ment in this country of biology in relation to medicine. 28 Daniel Coit GUman [1144 At the time and under the conditions then existing Mr. Gilman, by securing the establishment of this chair and the appointment of Professor Martin to fill it, manifested great wisdom and foresight and did the best possible service to the future school of medicine. In the interval between the opening of the University and that of the Hospital in 1889, and of the medical school in 1893, Mr. Gilman gave much time and thought to questions of medical education and the character of the future department. He brought to this study the most enlightened, sympathetic, and active interest. He secured the opinions and advice of eminent authorities in this country and in Europe. He was himself greatly inter- ested and well-informed regarding the newer develop- ments of medicine in the fields opened to exploration by Pasteur and Koch, and he realized that medicine was en- tering upon new paths of knowledge and of service to mankind. He was particularly attracted by the life and work of Pasteur. Early in the history of the University Mr. Gilman con- stituted the nucleus of a medical faculty by bringing to- gether for deliberation upon certain questions relating to the contemplated medical school Professor, now President, Remsen, Professor Martin, and Dr. Billings, and in 1884 T was summoned to join in these deliberations. It was realized from the start that there was an opportunity for the University to achieve for higher medical education a work quite comparable in character to that which it was accomplishing for university education in general. It was this ideal which animated Mr. Gilman in all his efforts in behalf of the medical school. The attainment of this ideal of a medical school upon a true university basis, under the administration and largely through the efforts of Mr. Gilman, is of historic importance, and will be remembered as one of his greatest achievements in the cause of higher education. 1145] Professor Welch's Address 29 When, by the generous provision of a special endow- ment, it was possible to open the medical school in 1893, Mr. Gilman brought to us the same qualities of leadership which had served the University so well since its founda- tion, the same wisdom in the selection of the staff, the same sagacity in counsel, the same power of organization, the same inspiring optimism, the same high ideals of at- tainment. He established with the heads of the various departments those close, personal and sympathetic rela- tions which were always an encouragement and stimulus to the best work. He rejoiced exceedingly in any good work or any distinction of any member of the staff, and half the pleasure of any such success was to share it with our president. I should like here to refer to the great interest which Mr. Gilman had in the work of Major Walter Reed and his colleagues of the army yellow fever commission, and to the important service which he rendered in organizing the Walter Reed Memorial Association and accepting the chairmanship. It was principally through his efforts that the fund was raised to commemorate the work of Walter Reed and his colleagues in discovering the mode of con- veyance of yellow fever, and thereby making possible the control of this dread pestilence. I have endeavored in these few words to indicate in some measure, although very inadequately, the profound indebtedness of the Johns Hopkins Medical School to Mr. Gilman, but I cannot express that personal debt which we, his colleagues, as he was accustomed to call us, owe to him. We loved him as a friend, we revered him as our leader and wise counsellor, we shall cherish his memory as an inspiration, and this will remain a precious posses- sion of the medical school throughout its existence. 30 Daniel Coit Gilman [1146 ADDRESS HONORABLE CHARLES J. BONAPARTE ATTORNEY-GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES A really great teacher deals, not with books, but with men; his labors bear fruit, not in the expanded learning of those who have known his care, but in their strength- ened principles, their purified lives, their added useful- ness to other men and to themselves. It is well and of moment that he train up scholars, for on scholarship rests civilization ; but it is better and of far greater moment that he train up good citizens and good men, for civilization withjout righteousness is but armed iniquity and gilded nastiness. And to do this, to fulfil this paramount, this vital duty of his profession, the teacher must be himself a good citi- zen and a good man ; he will teach better by his life than by his word or pen ; a learned recluse may give to the world greater knowledge; in our day, at least, he cannot give the world higher and stronger manhood. These truths shine forth in the life and the life-work of that great teacher to whose memory we pay just honor to-day. He was a stranger to no wise movement for public betterment in our city, and a worker, nay a leader, in many among those of wider scope. He was a founder of the Charity Organization Society, of the Civil Service Eeform Association of Maryland, of the Baltimore Reform League, of the Municipal Art Society, of the New Mercantile Library; in our midst he aided to administer such trusts of enlightened beneficence as the Peabody Institute, the Enoch Pratt Free Library, and the Samuel Ready Orphan School; he served the people of Baltimore as a member of our New Charter Commis- sion and as a Commissioner of our Public Schools. Beyond the borders of Maryland, he was President of the American Oriental Society, of the American Bible 1147] 3Ir. Bonaparte's Address 31 Society, of the Slater Fund to educate the Freedmen, of the Carnegie Institution at Washington, and of the Na- tional Civil Service Reform League; he was Vice-Presi- dent of the Peabody Southern Education Fund and of the Archaeological Institute of America; he was a Trustee of the General Board to promote Education throughout our Union, and of the Russell Sage Foundation to im- prove conditions of work and life among our people. Bj the wise choice of President Cleveland he aided in en- lightening the foreign policy of our country, in safe- guarding the peace of the world, through service as a member of the Venezuela Border Commission. This numbering of his good works leaves a multitude without mention: the life lately closed was so full of fruitful and unselfish labor, so rich in blessings to his fellow-men, that it were easier to say what he did not than what he did to benefit the community wherein he dwelt, his country, and mankind. A youth seeking learn- ing from this University finds depicted in the life of its first President the model of what he and his fellows must be to do credit to their Alma Mater and to merit honor from good men. Such may be his most fitting monu- ment: every young man who enters life, equipped within these walls to bear its burdens and fulfil its duties, and who proves himself worthy of the dignity and happiness of an American freeman, will be a legacy to his country from him who has just left us, will be a reminder to his countrymen of their debt to Daniel Coit Oilman. 32 Daniel Coit Gilman [1148 ADDRESS BASIL L. GILDERSLEEVE, PH. D., LL. D. PROFESSOR OF GREEK IN THE UNIVERSITY In the many tributes already paid to the revered and beloved first President of the Johns Hopkins University the old-fashioned functionary known to foreign universi- ties now as the Public Orator, now as the Professor of Eloquence, would find ample material for a formal address on this memorable occasion. To the crowning achievement of his life, to the organization of this school, by which; men date a new era in the history of American education, converged as to a centre all the lines of his earlier activities. It was for this in the Providence of God that he was imbued with the noble traditions of a great college, that he was brought into contact with the scientific and social life of Europe, that he made himself familiar with the work of the librarian, that he mastered the system of public education, that he discharged the active duties of a professorship, that he planned the machinery of a great scientific school, that he served as the head of a great university. The preparation for the supreme task of his life was as elaborate as his personal endowments were rare; and from the centre thus gained there went forth a radiation of beneficent influences that were felt in every part of the community and the coun- try. It was the glory of the Johns Hopkins University that its President was foremost in every good word and work. It was no fountain sealed — it was a source of life and light. Such was the central sphere, such the ever enlarging cycles of his philanthropic endeavor; and so effective was his work that he seemed to be the one great • champion of each cause that he espoused. Wherever he appeared there came light and hope and confidence. His wide vision was matched by his discernment of spirits which is the secret of power, his marvellous resourceful- ness by his wonderful sense of order. There have been 1149] Professor Gildersleeve's Address 33 many to tell of these things, of his untiring energy, of his unfailing courtesy, which was the effluence of a sympathy unfeigned, his large and gracious hospitality, his inex- haustible generosity, which not only responded to every appeal for help, but even divined the needs of those who hid their trouble as if it were a treasure. His native dignity had no touch of austerity. His presence was a bright presence and a pure presence. There are few who like him have not sinned with their lips under the temp- tation of the infectious mirth of the social circle. High qualities all these — but they are marred in some men by a self-seeking spirit which regards all praise of others as an encroachment on vested rights. No man so utterly free as was he from envy and jealousy. He rejoiced in the successes of his followers more than in his own. He delighted to espy the first recognition of a member of his academic stalf, to get the first appreciative newspaper clipping, to secure the first copy of a new book by one of his men in advance of the author himself. If recognition was slow in coming to one of his associates, its value was enhanced when it came by the eagerness with which he tried to make good the long arrears. Chief trait of all was his faith in his high calling — the faith that led him to triumph, that sustained him under trial. Optimism men call it. He was known as an optimist. And so he was in the best sense. He lived as looking forward to the best, as hoping for the best, as seeing Him who is invisible. All these things have been brought out with varying stress, now in unstudied interview, now in formal resolution, by those who have undertaken to speak his praise, to tell of their love and reverence. But to say again what others have said and said better than I could say it — that is not the office to which I have been called to-day. I have been asked to speak because to me the man, Daniel Coit Gilman, was not a mere synonym for an array of high achievements, an assemblage of high qualities, a treasury of noble thoughts, a source of happy 34 Daniel Coit Gilnicm [1150 influences. He was much more to me than all that, and though others of his colleagues were nearer to him than I, still there are circumstances in our common history that would make it recreancy in me not to respond to the re- quest that I should undertake to represent the thought, the judgment, the feelings of those who shared his work and followed his standard. I am the oldest, if not the earliest of his Baltimore fel- low-workers now living. For twenty-five years, a consid- erable stretch in the longest life — a period that sufQces for the true mission of most men — for twenty-five years, for more than twenty-five years, we were friends in coun- cil, and he often playfully referred to the early days of the University when he and I constituted the faculty. Those days soon passed, but the memory of them is precious to the survivor, and at a time when each man is talking to his neighbor of the common loss and recalling this incident and that, to illustrate the character and the career of the departed master, I may be forgiven for bringing forth my treasured remembrance of the hour when we first met in my old academic home, and when, all unsuspected by me, he was taking my measure for the office I was destined to fill, my treasured remembrance of the long consultation in Washington when he invited me to share his work, and, contrary to his wont, for he kept early hours, pursued until the night waxed old, the high theme of the Univer- sity that was to be. Together we journeyed in the cause of the University, in which the founder himself had made provision for my native South — to Staunton, to Richmond, to Raleigh. But time would fail me to tell the story of that early fellowship, or even to touch on the salient points of those far-off days. ''The old favor sleeps" is the plaint of a Greek poet, but I am happy to think that with him the old favor never slept or slumbered, and in my last inter- view with him just thirty-three years— just a genera- 1151] Professor Gilder sleeve's Address 35 tion — after he sought me out at the University of Vir- ginia, we could look back on all that long period of un- broken friendship and unforfeited confidence, — and when I go over in my mind the details of that last interview, I cannot help thinking that his never-failing benignity had in it something of the tenderness of a last farewell. No wonder that I have dreaded for years lest this hour should come to me, that I had hoped he should be the one to say the little that was to be said about his fellow- worker and his follower, and that I should not have to face the impossible task of summing up his achievements, of portraying his character. You see, my friends, I cannot even at this time dissociate my private loss from the public loss, nor can I suppress the personal note in this public tribute. My plea must be that my relations to him have their counterpart in the experience of all those who were privileged to work under the first Head of the University — and hateful as the first person always is — I find that I cannot better illustrate than by my own example the potent influence of the great administrator, or rather let me say the great Taskmaster. It is indeed a homely word, but it is one he himself would not have disapproved, he who lived as ever in his great Task- master's eye. No Egyptian taskmaster was he with cruel criticism and meddlesome interference; no unwise taskmaster to burden himself with the assumption of duties which he had assigned to others. There were two men of genius in the little band the first President first gathered about him. Now the wind of genius bloweth where it listeth and no one dreams of setting a task to men like Sylvester and Rowland, yet they, too, were ministers to his far-reaching plans; and momentous as the work of these men was in itself, its effectiveness was due in large measure to the infinite tact of the man who guided the fortunes of the University. Few men would have been large-minded enough to appre- 36 . Daniel Coit Oilman [1152 ciate the value of those idealists — few men would have known how to make a plain path before them. And now I go on to make my confession as to his deal- ings with another of his staff, with his only close con- temporary in that first company. No man considers himself a problem, for every man fancies that he knows himself. But looking backward it seems to me that T, too, must have been a. problem. With twenty years behind me of familiarity with university work, in which questions of administration as well as problems of in- struction were always coming up, with all the spirit of independence bred by the conditions of my nativity, by the atmosphere of my only academic home, a man of his own age and so not overawed by the old experience of another — I might have given trouble to a man less famil- iar with the stops of human will. And yet while I was free as air in the conduct of the special work I was appointed to do, I have been so swayed by what I once called his mild but fatal insistence that I have engaged in lines of effort that were foreign to my habits and my inclinations, and much that I have accomplished from my entrance upon the work of the Johns Hopkins Uni- versity down to this day has been due to his initiative. He knew that we were children of the same creed, he knew that we had both been trained to respond to the call of the stern daughter of the voice of God — to obey the mandate "This is the way. Walk ye in it." And so it came about that a man who was radically un-American in his aversion to public performance, who in twenty years had only four or five public discourses to his account — was called on over and over again in the early years of the University to represent by formal addresses and popular lectures the spirit of the new insti- tution; and, if for many years I have seldom figured in that capacity, it has been because he found other work for me to do, work for which he deemed me better fitted, though it was work for which, I must confess, I had little 1153] Professor Gildersleeve' s Address 37 relish. That editorial work involved self-abnegation, it meant a subordination of personal ambition to the pro- motion of the interests of American scholarship, it meant resigning at least in a measure the delightful, if arduous exercise of constructive activity. It was after all follow- ing in his footsteps and subscribing to his faith in the power of the press— for he was a believer in the power of the press, and the Johns Hopkins Press, which he founded in the face of criticism, will hold the University to its high mission and maintain the University in its high repute, whether the worshippers at the academic shrine be few or many. And so it was that he revealed to me, as he revealed to so many, the path of duty, and after walking in it with steady if not eager feet all these years I have publicly acknowledged my obligation to him and publicly con- fessed that I could not have been more usefully employed. My recompense of reward is his recompense of reward and the circumstances are not unlike. For he also was too much of a student not to regret that in his busy life he had not found time to set his seal to some supreme achievement in letters or science. But it must have been a consolation to him— nay, I am sure it was a consolation to him— to know how many of the successes of his follow- ers bore the impress of his administrative genius. And it is only as one of many that I have attempted to show how he energized as well as organized the Johns Hopkins University, only as one of many that I bear this testimony to our great Taskmaster. No testimony is needed, none would suffice for those who knew him as a friend. The audience then arose and sang the Doxology, and the exercises closed with a brief prayer and the benedic- tion by Professor Edward H. Griffin, Dean of the Col- lege Faculty. 38 Daniel Goit Gilman [1154 LETTERS RECEIVED BY PRESIDENT REUSE N CARDINAL GIBBONS I take pleasure in saying . . . that I have always admired Dr. Gilman. He was a splendid type of the public-spirited citizen. Our city had no more ardent and efficient worker for its material and intellectual progress. There was no movement inaugurated for the city's improvement which did not receive not only his approval, but also his whole-souled support and active co-operation. But above and beyond all other works which have stamped the name of Dr. Gilman upon the affectionate memory of the citizens of Baltimore, which have merited their gratitude, and which we can point to with especial pride, stands pre-eminent the great university which he established and over which he presided so admirably and so long. HONORABLE ANDREW D. WHITE I need not tell you how fully earned the tribute is which you purpose to pay to Dr. Gilman. He has deserved well, indeed, not only of Baltimore and of Maryland, but of the whole United States. The republic of science and letters throughout the world also owes him a great debt. I have known him well ever since we were fellow students at Yale, fifty-five years ago, and I have never known a day during that whole period when his thoughts were not upon some enterprise for the good of his fellow- men. What he did at Johns Hopkins was a work of genius. We all knew him before as an admirable worker in various fields, but I think that none but his most intimate friends realized, until he founded your institution, the real originality of that mind which was destined to render 1155] Letters Received 39 such vast services to the higher education in our own country and in others. It has been my good fortune at various times to labor with him in various enterprises, and to be thrown into very close and confidential relations with him, and I can say that in every capacity in which I have ever seen him tried, he has proved himself a master. Eecognition of his merit was far wider than it at first might seem, and it is to me not only a pleasure but a duty to testify that the welcome he received from the foremost men of science and literature in Berlin, when he visited that capital and university preparatory to taking charge of the Carnegie Institution, was very striking. I had pre- viously had occasion to know of the deep impression his personality and ideas made at Oxford and Cambridge in England, and it was with especial satisfaction that I saw such recognition coming from other sources, equally high, but less inclined to admire American university achieve- ments. The realization of his ideas in Baltimore, even though not yet complete, has marked an epoch in the history of civilization in our country. I might dwell upon the personal characteristics revealed in this intimate relation between us, which has lasted more than half a century, but the qualities which I have known in him and which: have led me not only to respect and admire but to love him, must have shown themselves to many who will be present with you, and, beside this, I hardly dare trust myself to open a subject so full of memories which are among the greatest and most sacred treasures of my life. PRESIDENT ANGELL I beg to express my thanks for the invitation to be present at the meeting in commemoration of President Oilman, on November 8th. I regret that my engagements render it impossible for me to accept. I should be glad to 40 Daniel Coit Gihnan [1156 express, by my presence, my great personal regard for him and my high; appreciation of the great value of his services to higher education in this country. PRESIDENT ALDERMAN Permit me to thank you for remembering me in extend- ing the invitation to be present at the meeting in com- memoration of Dr. Gilnian, on November 8th. I regret that it is not possible for me to be present, for I assure you that my spirit is in thorough sympathy with the purposes of the meeting. It was my fortune to know Dr. Gilman well for the last eight or ten years, and, of course, I knew, as a student, of his service to American education, and especially the tremendous service he per- formed in the building of Johns Hopkins University. No American who has worked in the field of education has a clearer title to just and honest fame. PRESIDENT JUDSON The University of Chicago feels acutely the great work which; President Gilman did in the founding of Johns Hopkins University. American universities, to-day, owe a large part of their advanced ideas and of their achieve- ments in the line of real university work to the founda- tion and example of -Johns Hopkins. President Gilman's memory will be enshrined in the history of American uni- versities for all time. DR. S. WEIR MITCHELL I cannot let pass the formal invitation to the commemo- ration service for Dr. Gilman without a word of regret on my part that I cannot be present. I have just arrived at home and am overwhelmed with correspondence and 1157] Letters Received 41 engagements, and have also to be in Baltimore later in the month at the meeting of the National Academy of Sciences. We must, all of us, deeply regret the passing away of this estimable and accomplished gentleman, who has done so much for education and, indirectly, for the science of the country. HONORABLE SETH LOW I regret very much that it is not possible for me to be present at the meeting in commemoration of Dr. Oilman, to be held on Sunday next. My friendship for him as a man and my appreciation of his work both urge me to attend; but, unfortunately, circumstances forbid. I avail myself of this opportunity, however, to say that, in my judgment, Dr. Oilman's influence upon the higher education in the United States was so fruitful that he will be permanently remembered as one of America's greatest educators. It was said of Augustus that he found Eome brick and left it of marble. With equal truth, it may be said of Dr. Oilman that he found the United States a land of colleges that gave to men a broadening education, and he left it a land of universities, also, that train specialists as well as they can be trained anywhere in the world, in every department of human knov.iedge. This was a gift to the United States sur- passing, in its possibilities of benediction, all the treas- ures at the command of Aladdin's lamp. The American people may well do honor to such a man, while we who knew and loved him will bear his name inscribed upon our hearts. PRESIDENT QUIRK I beg leave to offer to you as President of the University and friend of Dr. Oilman, lately deceased, my sincere expression of sympathy and sorrow. In view of the 42 Daniel Coit Gilman [1158 Doctor's advanced age it was but natural that his end might be expected at any time; yet such was his bright and buoyant carriage that one would not readily associate with him the idea of death and parting. It is for me a source of pleasure and satisfaction to express to you as head of Hopkins Universitj^, of which Dr. Gilman was the first president and organizer, the deep appreciation which I have always entertained of his courtesy and kindnesses extended to me while at Loyola, in Baltimore. His large- mindedness, his power of organization, and his keen scrutiny into character have been qualities generally extolled in the public press. Yet I dare say that you will agree with me when I affirm that his finest qualities were that broad and impartial judgment which made him, so to speak, catholic in his view of men and things, and that courtliness of manner which was the constant, outward reflection of that judgment. I am sure that this brief word of condolence will meet with a kind reception on the part of one who knew him so intimately as yourself, and who could therefore appre- ciate his great worth as a friend and educator. 1159] Dr. FranJclin's Tribute 43 ARTICLE IN "THE NATION," OCTOBER 22, 1908 Dr. FABIAN FRANKLIN The great achievement with which the name of Presi- dent Gilman will always be chiefly associated is that of having naturalized in America the idea of a true univer- sity. It would be difficult, if not impossible, to point to any other instance in which a fundamental advance in the aims of the higher education in a great nation has been so clearly identified with the work of one man. To say this is not to claim for Mr. Gilman any great originality of conception, on the one hand, or, on the other hand, any monopoly in the work of shafting the methods by which the ideas underlying the creation of the Johns Hopkins University were brought into definite and concrete form. It is perfectly true that the time was ripe for the great forward step that was taken in Baltimore in 1876 ; vague aspirations in that direction existed in a number of places, and fragmentary efforts toward higher university work were made here and there, by some exceptionally gifted or exceptionally equipped professor in one or another of our leading institutions of learning. But there is no telling how long a time the actual ripening might have required if it had been left to the gradual increase of these sporadic efforts, which had no systematic support, and which were not even recognized, by any but the merest handful of men, as pointing toward any broad or significant result. The first great merit of President Gilman was that, from the moment that he was called to Baltimore, the object which he s-et before himself was that of making the institution which was to arise there under his guidance a means of supplying to the nation intellectual training of a higher order than could be obtained at existing colleges and uni- 44 Daniel Goit Gihnan [1160 versities, and thus distinctly raising the standards of American science and scholarship. The wisdom of Johns Hopkins in placing no restrictions on the discretion of his trustees, and the intelligence and broadmindedness of the trustees themselves, gave President Gilman a rare and enviable opportunity to carry out this high purpose; but it must not be forgotten that, in the practical execution of such a task, there arise a thousand difficulties, tempta- tions, and insidious dangers, any one of which may por- tend serious damage, and all of which, taken together, may mean utter failure. To be firm against local prejudices or desires when in conflict with; the great end in view; to be uninfluenced by personal claims and unafraid of tempo- rary complainings; to disappoint the natural hopes of those who were anxious to see imposing buildings and big crowds of students, and to await the recognition which attends the genuine achievement of a vital but not super- ficially showy result — these are things that look easy in the retrospect, but that did not seem by any means mat- ters of course before the event. As to the actual methods adopted in the inception of the Johns Hopkins University, it would be an error to attrib- ute them to the unaided initiative of President Gilman. He felt his way ; he had at his side, in the original group of six professors, men vt^ho were not only eminent scholars, investigators, and teachers, but able advisers. Three were American and three English ; and of the three Americans, two had been thoroughly imbued with the methods of the German universities in which they had been trained. It was, of course, in the main, the adoption of German uni- versity standards and methods that characterized the new university at Baltimore, and differentiated it from any- thing that had theretofore existed in America; and in determining just how far to go in this direction the views of tw^o such men as Gildersleeve and Remsen were natu- rally of the utmost value and influence. Anything like an 1161] Br. Franklin's Trihute 45 exact imitation of the German university was not attempted; but the conclusion was soon arrived at that the German doctorate of philosophy must be set up as the fixed goal of students, and that the German Seminar must be one of the chief instruments of instruction. That before receiving the university degree the candidate must have shovv^n the training of an investigator in his chief subject, as well as the acquisition of a certain amount of specialized knowledge, was thus fundamental in the Johns Hopkins plan from the beginning ; it need hardly be added that, as a matter of course, productive research was, generally speaking, understood to be an indispensable part of the activities of the professorial body. That the com- bination of the work of research with the work of teaching was a cardinal part of President Gilman's programme from the outset, is evident from his inaugural address delivered February 22, 1876, half a year before the univer- sity was opened ; and the promptness with which the uni- versity began the publication of the American Journal of Mathematics, the American Chemical Journal, and the American Journal of Philology gave evidence of the prom- inence, in President Gilman's mind, of the idea of furnish- ing all necessary facilities and encouragements for the prosecution of research. The project of establishing twenty fellowships, to be held for a period of from one to three years by young men of good attainments and of unusual promise, had been adopted by Mr. Gilman before he had gathered his pro- fessors together, and it proved to be a factor of the first importance in the creation of that inspiriting atmosphere which distinguished the early years of the Johns Hopkins, and which all who shared in the labors and the enthusi- asms of that time cherish among the brightest memories of their lives. The fellowship and scholarship method of attracting students has, in the past thirty years, spread to great dimensions in our country, with results that are not 46 Daniel Coit Gilma/n [1162 without their objectionable side; but neither at the Johns Hopkins nor elsewhere is the idea of the fellowship now what it was when Mr. Gilmian gathered in the aspiring young men who held the Johns Hopkins fellowships in the first few years. It may be somewhat difficult to point out the exact difference; but perhaps this may best be indi- cated by saying that the Johns Hopkins fellowship in those days did not seem a routine matter, an every-day step in the regular process toward a doctorate or a pro- fessorship, but a rare and peculiar opportunity for study and research, eagerly seized by men who had been hunger- ing and thirsting for such a possibility. Of course, not every one of the twenty was a rara avis, nor was every one equally enthusiastic. But, on the whole, here was a little phalanx of gifted and ardent young men gathered from every quarter of the country, some of them fresh from study in Germany, and nearly all filled with the idea that a new world was opening out for American learning and that they were the first to be admitted to the privilege of entering upon its intellectual joys. At least one member of the first band of fellov/s, a man who has reached the highest distinction as a philosophical thinker and writer — Professor Royce — some years ago recorded in a charming way his recollections of those inspiring days, and what he says about them is no more than those who were his con- temporaries at Johns Hopkins will recognize as true. Among the qualities of President Gilman to which the splendid success o^ ^he young university was due, none is more frequently or more justly pointed to than his rare talent in the choice of men. With the small faculty with which the work was begun, it was of essential importance that every appointment, or nearly every appointment, should be of pre-eminent excellence ; and such was the case. Moreover, the qualities of the various professors — their temperament, their predilections, their methods, their origin and antecedents — were extremely diverse; and it 1163] Dr. Franklin's Tribute 47 was in a measure this very diversity that gave Johns Hop- kins that peculiarly intense and picturesque vitality that was so marked in its early years. It would never in the world have done to have a whole faculty of Sylvesters; anything like a systematic programme would have been out of the question, and still more out of the question would have been the carrying out of any programme whatever. But, on the other hand, the presence of one Sylvester was of absolutely incalculable value. Not only did he fire the zeal of the young men who came for mathe- matics, but the contagion of his intellectual ardor was felt in every department of the university, and did more than any other one thing to quicken that spirit of ideal- istic devotion to the pursuit of truth and the enlargement of knowledge which is, after all, the very soul of a univer- sity. It was one of the finest traits of President Oilman that he not only appreciated qualities like Sylvester's sufficiently to lead him to select such a man in the first place, but — what is far more noteworthy — was capable of such genuine sympathy with him, such, participation in his aims and enthusiasms, as to overcome all the barriers and difficulties and vexations that necessarily attended dealings with a man having in so extraordinary a measure the trying temperamental peculiarities that are the privi- lege of genius. It was not only in the selection of men, but in dealing with them, that Oilman showed the gifts of a remarkable administrator. Nor does this adequately express the source of his hold on his colleagues, for that was due not merely to skill or sagacity, but also to the really extraordinary breadth of his interests. There was nothing great, nothing significant in any field of efifort, that failed to appeal to his imagination and to arouse in him the keen interest of a man who?e mind was ever open to the possibilities of achievement and to the promotion of culture in all its forms. 48 Daniel Coit Gilinan [1164 Mr. Giiman's career did not begin with the foundation of the Johns Hopkins University, and did not end with his retirement from its presidency after twenty-live years of service. Nor was his activity during that twenty-five years confined to his university work. He took an impor- tant and sometimes a leading part in every movement for educational and social betterment in Baltimore; he was selected by President Cleveland as a member of the Vene- zuela Boundary Commission, and effectively applied his skill as a geographier and his talent for the organization of a complex work to the task of that body ; he succeeded Carl Schurz as president of the National Civil Service Eeform League; he took an active and important part in the administration of the Peabody Fund, the Slater Fund, and the General Educational Fund. Before the Johns Hopkins days, he had done fine work at Yale, especially in the development of the Sheffield Scientific School ; and his acceptance of the presidency of the University of Cali- fornia resulted in its almost immediate transformation from an insignificant to an important institution. He edited the works of Francis Lieber and wrote a life of James Monroe and a number of papers on subjects con- nected with education and with government. After his resignation from Johns Hopkins, he became the first presi- dent of the Carnegie Institution, and continued at that post during the years in w^hich its work was taking shape. But, after all, the central fact of his life, and that which gives it genuine historical importance, was the formation of the Johns Hopkins University. From this event will always be dated the raising of America's chief institu- tions of learning to the jilane of real universities, and indeed the beginning, in our country, of productive intel- lectual activity on a large scale in the higher fields of research. If anybody is inclined to think that there was nothing but coincidence in this — that it was only a matter of the time and the money coming fortunately together — 1165] Dr. Franldiii's Tribute 49 it is worth while to call his attention to the way in which history repeated itself, when, seventeen years after the foundation of the university, the gift of the moderate sum of half a million dollars, by Miss Garrett and others, rendered possible the opening of the Johns Hopkins Medi- cal School. It was not an accident that such men as Welch and Osier — not to mention others — were found for the work then undertaken ; it was not an accident that the result of that work was such as was characterized by Pres- ident Eliot when he spoke of "the prodigious advancement of medical teaching which has resulted from the labors of the Johns Hopkins faculty of medicine." However ripe the time may have been, it awaited the awakening touch of the right men, set on the right track, encouraged and aided to do the right thing, before the result was accomplished. President Gilman was, all his life, a centre of hopeful and creative effort ; he had a genuine love for large and useful achievement, and he had both the stead- fastness of purpose and the clearness of judgment neces- sary to the realization of such achievement ; he took a keen interest in those who worked with him and those who worked under him ; he was quick to discern excellence of every kind, and eager to help its possessor to the best opportunities for the exercise of his powers; he filled every year of his long life with energetic and beneficent activity; he was kindly and generous; he never lowered the dignity of his office; and he leaves behind him a rare record of high and lasting service to his country and to the cause of learning:. 50 Daniel Goit Oilman [1166 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Mr. WILLIAM C. OILMAN OF NORWICH, CONN. Daniel Coit Gilman was born in Norwich, Connecticut, July 6, 1831. His father, William Charles Gilman, born in Exeter, New Hampshire, in 1795, spent his youth in Boston, and in 1816, at the age of twenty-one, made his residence in Norwich, where he married, in 1820, Eliza Coit, born in 1796 and daughter of Daniel Lathrop and Elizabeth (Bill) Coit. He was the fifth in a family of nine children, eight of whom lived to maturity. He was connected in direct line of descent with many well-known New England families, of whom the first representatives came to this country between 1620 and 1638. Among them, besides Edward Gilman, the first of that name in America, -were the families of Clark, Coffin Dudley, Woodbridge, Perkins, Trueworthy, Coit, Abe! Adgate, Bill, Chandler, Gager, Huntington, and Lathrop all of English stock. In his early years he attended the Norwich: Academy where, among his instructors, w^ere Calvin Tracy, L Carey, S. L. Weld, and William Henry Huntington, some time of Paris. In his fourteenth year he removed with his father's family to the city of New York, where he con tinned his studies with his former instructor, Mr. Tracy and later prepared for college with Dr. John J Owen, editor of Greek and Latin text-books. He was also for a short time in the mercantile house of his father, where he acquired some practical knowledge of business. During these years, as indeed throughout his collegiate course, by teaching and by his ready pen he contributed not a little to his own support. In 1848, at the age of seventeen, he was admitted to Yale College and was graduated B. A. in 1852. His residence in New 1167] Biographical Sketch 51 Haven was in the family of his uncle, Professor James L. Kingsley, whose varied learning, accurate scholarship, and keen perceptions were stimulating and inspiring. In college he took a highly honorable position in scholar- ship, was president of the Linonian Society, one of the editors of the Yale Literary Magazine, a member of Delta Kappa, of Alpha Delta Phi, and of the Beethoven Society, the Atalanta Boat Club, of Skull and Bones, and of Phi Beta Kappa. In the year following his graduation he was engaged in private teaching and literary work in New Haven, continuing at the same time his own studies, and was entered for some months as a resident graduate at Harvard College, where his home was with Professor Arnold Guyot. In connection with S. Hastings Grant he became interested in the work of the New York Mer- cantile Library, and in Norton's Literary Gazette, which under their editorial direction commanded respect for its fair and independent criticism. As a result of their efforts the first annual convention of American Librarians was held in August, 1853. In December, 1853, he and his life-long friend, Andrew Dickson White, sailed for Europe as attaches of the American Legation at St. Petersburg, under Ex-Governor Thomas H. Seymour, minister-plenipotentiary. Pending the arrival of Gov- ernor Seymour, whom he preceded by a few weeks, he traveled in England, and when he was not yet twenty- three years old, under the auspices of Mr. Richard Cob- den and Mr. John Bright, at a large meeting of the National Public School Association at Manchester, he delivered a speech which was enthusiastically received, on "Common School Education in America." His con- nection with the legation at St. Petersburg afforded unusual facilities for observing the work of the great library and other institutions of learning, of technical schools, and reformatories, particularly for children, of the Imperial Court, and of the great fortifications at Cronstadt durinsr the French-English-Russian war. As 52 Daniel Colt Gilman [1168 a correspondent of the New York Journal of Commerce, the Independent, and the Tribune, and as an occasional contributor to other periodicals', his letters, before the days of ocean telegraphy, not only from Kussia, but also from Berlin some months later, when he was a student in the University, were interesting and instructive. Dur- ing his residence in Berlin he established lasting friend- ship with many distinguished scholars, among whom were Professor Pertz, the historian and royal librarian, and, in the department of physical and political geog- raphy in which he was specially interested, with the eminent Karl Bitter and F. Adolph Trendelenburg. In 1855 he was appointed commissioner from the state of Connecticut to the Universal Exposition in Paris, where he became secretary of the board of associated commis- sioners. Returning to New Haven at the close of 1855, he wag made assistant librarian of Yale College in 1856, and becoming librarian in 1858 he held the position until he resigned in 1865. During this period he made a summer trip to Europe in 1857, delivered an oration at the bicentennial celebration at Norwich in 1859, was made acting school visitor of the city of New Haven, was secretary of the State Board of Education, was asso- ciated with the Hon, Henry Barnard in the publication of the Connecticut Common School Journal, and, co- operating with Professor Arnold Guyot, prepared a series of school geographies and maps. He was also a contributor to Appleton's American Encyclopaedia, un- der the editorship of Charles A. Dana, and, with Professor William D. Whitney and others, assisted Professor Noah Porter in the revision of Webster's Dictionary. After resigning the office of librarian in 1865, he de- voted himself more directly to his duties as professor of physical and political geography in the Sheffield Scien- tific School, to which office he had been appointed by the 1169] Biographical Sketch 53 corporation of Yale College in 18G3. Associated with Professor George J. Brush and others, he was efficient in extending and developing the work of the school of which he became practically the chief executive, securing for it large subscriptions for its permanent endowment, especi- ally in connection with the munificent gifts of Joseph E. Sheffield, and Oliver S. Winchester and the family of Mrs. Cornelia L. Hillhouse for an astronomical observa- tory. In 1870 he was elected president of the University of California, but declined the office, which, however, he assumed on his re-election in 1872. Continuing in that position for three years, he reorganized and greatly enlarged the work of the University, and was successful in establishing it on the firm foundation where it has continued to grow and prosper. Called to the presidency of the newly-founded Johns Hopkins University at Baltimore in 1875, before a brick or a stone had been laid or a teacher or student enrolled, he devoted himself heart and soul to its organization and upbuilding, and at the end of a quarter of a century resigned the office, leaving behind him in the University and in the Johns Hopkins Hospital, of which he was the first superintendent, and in the medical school of the University, enduring monuments of his genius as an organizer and administrator, of his inspiring influence with his colleagues and students as an educator, and of his wise discrimination in assembling a permanent staff of brilliant instructors, with eminent scholars and scien- tists of Europe and America as occasional lecturers. From the beginning his motto was "men before buildings." He was a frequent contributor to newspapers and periodicals relating to social science, civil service reform, charity organization, general education, and scientific research. He delivered many academic discourses, some of which were collected under the titles "University Problems" and "Launching of a University." 54 Daniel Coit Gilman [1170 He was the biographer of James Monroe, in the States- men's Series, and of Professor James D. Dana, of Yale College; was editor of the works of Dr. Francis Lieber and of Dr. Joseph P. Thompson, and of a new edition of De Tocqueville's "Democracy in America." He was a contribntor to Johnson's Universal Cyclopaedia and was editor-in-chief of the New International Encyclopaedia. He was chairman of the Committee of Awards at the Atlanta Exposition of 1895. He rendered efficient serv- ice as a member of the Venezuelan Commission in 1896, under appointment by President Cleveland. In 1897 he declined an invitation to the presidency of the Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology, and in 1898 declined President McKinley's invitation to serve on the Army Investigation Commission. He was president of the American Bible Society; president of the American Oriental Society; one of the commission to draft a char- ter for the city of Baltimore, especially in the sections of Education and Charities; president of the Civil Serv- ice Reform Association; president of the board of trus- tees of the John F. Slater Fund; vice-president of the Peabody Education Fund ; an incorporator of the General Education Board; was for three years president of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, and became later a trustee of the Russell Sage Foundation. He received the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws from Harvard Uni- versity and from St. John's College, Maryland, in 1876; from Columbia University in 1887; from Yale University and from the University of North Carolina in 1889 ; from Princeton in 1896; from the University of Toronto in 1903; from the University of Wisconsin in 1904; from William and Mary College and from Clark University in 1905. In his multifarious and important duties he never sought political preferment, personal fame, or pecuniary reward, but through a life of great activity "held his rud- 1171] Biographical Sketch 55 der true," with an unswerving purpose to acquire and impart useful knowledge, and by bis voice and pen and personal influence to realize tbe hopes of his youth in promoting and advancing sound education in all depart- ments, from primary and technical schools to the highest institutions of learning. Between 1853 and 1908 he made ten voyages to Europe, extending his travels to Algiers, Egypt, and Jerusalem. The summer of 1908 was spent for the most part in Southern Europe. He returned on October 7, seemingly in improved health, and after brief visits to his daughter and to relatives in Newport he went to the home of his sisters in Norwich, Connecticut, where he died suddenly on Tuesday afternoon, October 13, 1908. He married in 1861 Mary Ketcham, daughter of Tred- well Ketcham, of New York. She died in 1869, leaving two daughters, who survive their father. In 1877 he married Elizabeth Dwight Woolsey, daugh- ter of John M. Woolsey, of Cleveland, Ohio, and niece of President Theodore Dwight Woolsey, of Yale University. His domestic relations were of the happiest, and during his long official career the liberal and gracious hospital- ity of his household to all sorts and conditions of men, from youthful students to eminent scholars of world- wide distinction, contributed not a little to the promo- tion of the interests which were dear to his heart. J LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 020 773 611 9