w ■II WBBBBBHtt T I w vni. II «■*-;;»; I Rail IBB Bb ft! I I % V ,v . %& ^ -/- *b o x , ^ "*' ■^ ^ v* ' Tq regulate the speed, a °^ turn thumb-screw (10). To increase speed, screw thumb-screw in, and to decrease it, unscrew same. Observe this carefully when reproducing music, as a different speed from that at which the music was recorded will reproduce an entirely dif- ferent pitch. The standard speed at which musical records are taken is about 125 revolutions per minute. Raise lift lever (7) to its highest point. Slip the 10 epro- wax C yh n der, beveled end foremost, upon the taper- ing mandrel (1), and press it firmly, but not too forcibly, into place. Place the horn on the speaker plate tube, 50 HANDBOOK OF THK PHONOGRAPH slide speaker arm (3) to point where record appears to begin, and drop lift lever gently (7), after having first pushed in starting the knob (11). Although the reproducer ball usually adjusts itself to the track or grove made by the stylus, it sometimes occurs that clear reproduction is not at first obtained. To obviate this, jar the machine gently ; which usually throws the reproducer ball into track, or raise lift lever and drop it again gently until the repro- duction sounds clearer. CHAPTER II. The Edison Standard Phonograph. THE Standard is the ideal talking machine. It is made with the same careful precision that characterizes all Phonographs, and is complete in every respect. Made of iron, steel and brass, nickeled gears and mandrel. Black enamel and gold finish. Encased in a handsome oak dust-proof carrying case. Actuated by a spring motor that runs two to three records with a single winding. Crank handle does not revolve while the machine is running. Can be wound while in motion without interfering with reproduction. L,ight, durable and efficient. Absolutely noiseless. Regula- tion perfect. Can be operated by a child, so simple is its mechan- ism. Weighs 17 lbs. Size, 9 in. x 12 in. x 9^2 inches high. Will record, will reproduce, will shave off. Fitted with instanta- neous speaker clamps for instant interchange of speakers. Tvso Speakers are included, free of charge with every Edison Standard Phonograph: The Edison Automatic Reproducer and the Edison Recorder ; also a sapphire shaving knife, a two-way hearing tube a 14-inch polished brass horn, a camel's hair chip brush, an oil can, a winding crank and an oak carrying case. These parts are essential to a perfectly equipped and complete talking machine outfit. The Standard is shipped only complete as above. The only change made is to substitute a speaking tube for the 14-inch polished brass horn, if so desired. 52 HANDBOOK OF THE PHONOGRAPH The Edison Standard Phonograph. THE EDISON STANDARD PHONOGRAPH 53 THE EDISON STANDARD PHONOGRAPH INDEX OP PARTS. 1. Brass Mandrel to hold wax cylin- 25. der (assembled with Cylinder 26 Shaft). 2y * 2. Cylinder Shaft, (assembled with o' Brass Mandrel). 3. Peed Spring. 2 9- 4. Feed Nut. 3°- 5. Feed Nut Screw. 3 1 - 6. Back Rod. 32. 7. Drive Belt. 33. 8. Feed Nut Spring Screw. 43. 9. Speaker Arm. 35. 10. Swinging-arm Center. 36. 11. Swinging-arm Center Set Screw. 37. 12. Swinging Arm. 38. 13. Locking Spring. 39. 14. Speaker Arm Lift Lever. 40. 15. Speaker Adjusting Screw. 41. 16. Speaker Lever. 42. 17. Speaker Clamp Screw. 43. 18. Speaker. 44. 19. Plate Tube. 45. 20. Knife Bar Adjusting Screw. 46. 21. Governor Adjusting Screw. 47. 22. Starting Lever. 48. 23. Hearing Tube. 49. 24. Speaking Tube. 50. Chip Brush Wax Cylinder, or Blank. Swing-arm Spring Washer. Swing-arm Spring Washer Screw Chip Chute Thumb Screw. Cylinder Shaft Pulley. Feed Screw Cover. Feed Screw Cover Screw. Top Plate. Speaker Arm Lift Screw. Straight Edge Roller. Straight Edge Roller Screw. Winding Crank. Speaker Clamps. Cylinder Shaft Gear. Intermediate Gear. Feed Screw Gear. Feed Screw Center Set Screw. Intermediate Gear Stud Set Screw. Cylinder Shaft Center Set Screw. Cylinder Shaft Center. Intermediate Gear Stud. Feed Screw Center. Frame Holding Screw. Locking Spring Knob. Back Rod Set Screw. 54 HANDBOOK OF THE PHONOGRAPH The Phonograph, like every other good mechanism, should be cleaned and free from dust. Instructions as to oiling will be found later in these directions. See that the knife adjusting screw (20) is screwed entirely back, or until the chip box rests against the casting of the speaker arm, as it always should do except when shaving. This screw controls the shaving knife, and draws it away or forces its cutting edge against the wax cylinder. As a precautionary measure, it is well to look to the belt, the shaft (2), and the speaker arm, before starting the machine, All machines are completely adjusted before shipment from the factory. They will sometimes, though not often, become disar- ranged in transit. The tension of the belt should be moderate. Before winding or starting the machine, see that all working parts are free, particularly that there is no dirt or packing in the gear wheels, and that all set screws are tight. Sometimes these screws work loose from the shock of travel. The cylinder shaft (2) turns on centers (10 and 45), between which it should run easily. If centers are too tight they will bind the shaft, while if too loose, the end shake will destroy the accuracy of the reproduction. There should be no end-shake here. A simple test is to throw off the belt with the hand, and see if the shaft will spin freely. The cylinder shaft centers are regulated by set screws ( 1 1 and 24) , as shown in the drawing. The speaker arm or carriage of the machine should work free on the back rod. All bearings should be oiled, as mentioned before, and to obtain the best results from the motor the gears must be kept clean, particularly the fine-toothed gear which engages the gov- ernor pinion. The governor disc (the flat metal plate against which the horse shoe rocker works) must be oiled occasionally. If necessary to adjust the governor, see to it that there is a slight play between centers. If too tight there, regulation is impaired and efficiency is diminished. Under no circumstances should the governor disc, described above, touch the adjacent gear. THE EDISON STANDARD PHONOGRAPH 55 NOTE:— For numbers not shown on this cut refer to cut of complete machine on Page 53. To Put the Wan Open swing arm (12), raise lift lever (14), Cylinder on or to and slip the wax cylinder (26), beveled end Remove It foremost, upon tapering brass mandrel (1). Handling the Cylinder The wax cylinder, which is somewhat brittle, should be handled gently at first, until the operator becomes practised. See Chapter ij, Part II , Blanks and Records. Do not leave the cylinder upon the brass mandrel ( 1 ) of the Phonograph for any length of time when the machine is not in use. To Start or To start or stop, throw switch lever (22); to the Stop right to stop and to the left to start. 56 HANDBOOK OF THE PHONOGRAPH The speed of the machine in revolutions of the To Regulate main glia f t per m i nute j s regulated by the speed the speed adjusting screw (21). To increase speed screw the nut down, and to decrease it unscrew this nut. Observe this carefully when reproducing music, as a different speed from that at which the music was recorded will produce an entirely differ- ent pitch. The standard speed at which musical records are taken is about 125 revolutions per minute ; talking records, about 80 per minute. NOTE: — For numbers not shown on this cut, refer to cut of complete machine on page 53. Raise lift lever (14) to its highest point. Push P speaker lever (16) to its highest point, against ad- justing screw (15). Open swing arm (12) wide. Slip the wax cylinder (26), beveled end foremost, upon the tapering brass mandrel (1), and press it firmly, but not forcibly, into place. Close swing arm. Now place hearing tube (23), or horn, on the speaker plate tube (19). Slide speaker arm to point where record appears to begin, and drop lift lever (14), after having first thrown lever (22) to the left. With the Automatic Speaker the following adjustment is unnecessary, as the reproducer ball adjusts itself to the track or groove made by the stylus. With the Standard Speaker (a com- bination speaker equipped with both recording and reproducing THE EDISON STANDARD PHONOGRAPH 57 sapphires), it sometimes occurs that clear reproduction is not at first obtained. To obviate this, unscrew the adjusting screw (15) until its point disappears in the lug, and while listening press the speaker lever (16) upward with the thumb of the right hand, and with the first and second fingers of the same hand turn the adjust- ing screw (15) slowly down until you can hear the record distinct- ly. This adjustment will bring the reproducer ball into the groove of the record. The machine is at rest. Open speaker clamps (38) 5~0 Record and insert recorder with its speaker lever (16) pressed up against lug. Press up lift lever (14). Open swing arm (12) wide. Slip the wax cylinder (26), beveled end foremost, upon the tapering brass mandrel ( 1 ) , and press it firmly, but not too forci- bly into place. Close the swing arm. Raise the speaker arm from the straight edge upon which it rests in front, and slide to the left until directly over the beveled end of the cylinder, or the point at which you wish the record to commence. Again lower it to straight edge. Everything is now ready to record. Start the machine by pushing the starting lever (22) to the left. The machine is now in motion. Place speaking tube or horn upon the plate tube (19) of the speaker, lower lift lever (14) 58 HANDBOOK OF THE PHONOGRAPH as far as possible and commence recording. Further instructions are given in Chapter 75, Part II. , Dictating ; and Chapter 3 , Part III, Record Making. Every Phonograph except the Gem is equipped with J? a l & a simple device for shaving off or smoothing blank * cylinders, which preparation is necessary before a blank can be used for recording. Here are the instructions for operating the turning rest. Machine is at rest. Wax cylinder firmly set upon mandrel. Hearing tube or horn removed. Fasten back the speaker weight by passing rubber band around lower end of weight and over the speaker arm, or what is better still, remove speaker (18). Lower the speaker arm about over the center of the cylinder by dropping lift lever (14). Hold the end of the arm down firmly with the thumb and forefinger of the left hand, while with the same fingers of the right, screw down the button (20) which controls the knife bar. This will bring the sapphire shaving knife to the surface of the wax. As the depth of the cut to be taken is very slight indeed, the knife must be set very gently into the wax, as shallowly as possible. The machine is still at rest, with lift lever (14) down. Now raise speaker arm, slide it back to the ex- treme left, and start the Phonograph. When the shaving of a cylinder is completed, see that the knife bar is screwed back away from the cylinder, or it will cut the next record that is put THE EDISON STANDARD PHONOGRAPH 59 on the machine. This is managed by manipulating the button (20). Further instructions are given in Chapter 14., Part II. , Shaving. . To stop recording, reproducing or shaving while P the machine is running, raise the lift lever (14). Apply oil sparingly but thoroughly to the following Oiling parts : back-rod, feed screw, cylinder shaft centers (10 and 45) feed screw center (47), roller on the straight edge, all motor shafts at their bearings, all gears, arbor on which main spring turns ; idler pulley, occasionally where tension spring holds it ; governor disc, occasionally, winding shaft, if necessary. No oil should be permitted to get on the belt, and oil must not be smeared on the machine, as it will catch dust and make trouble. When the oil on the gear teeth gets black and dirty, wash it off with benzine before putting on new oil, which apply sparingly. Use best Phonograph oil to avoid gumming. Above all, keep the machine clean. No mechanism will work perfectly unless free from grit. j^a?7hr :::. The Edison Home Phonograph, ACQ] ring and musical machine that does the si git-priced instruments and superior to al". ;:' :'•.: cke.17 :u.ic:::::es '.:: music I: is simple in COD- bo operate and c o s tl ess bo nawntain , ■ - six records with ■ single winding 1: is made ol steel md brass throughou t X; soft metal or 1 in black enamel and gold. Incased in oak Eta ill x 12 in high. It weighs :> lbs. Will ": Fitted with instantaneous >vr.-k:: ; ? ?:.-.::: ::.::: .:' speakers. '.: : the Edison /Luftoanatk Reproducer and the Recordes also ■ ^infliire shaving knife an oak body box, oak : a brass horn, a ti ing tube, ink an 93 can and a came) s hair chip brash ssf THE EDISON HOME PHONOGRAPH 6l The Edison Home Phonograph. 62 HANDBOOK OF THE PHONOGRAPH THE EDISON HOME PHONOGRAPH INDEX OF PARTS. Brass Mandrel to hold wax cylin- der. (Assembled with Main Shaft). Main Shaft. (Assembled with Brass Mandrel). Feed Spring. Feed Nut. Feed Nut Screws. Back Rod. Drive Belt. Main Shaft Center. Main Shaft Center Set Screw. Swing-arm Center. Swing-arm Center Set Screw. Swing-arm Center Adjusting Screw. Swing Arm. Lock Bolt. Lift Lever. Speaker Adjusting Screw. Speaker Adjusting Screw Lug. Speaker Lever. 19. Speaker Clamps. 20. Speaker. 2i. Tube Plate. 22. Knife Adjusting Screw. 23. Speed Adjusting Screw. 24. Start-and-Stop Switch. 25. Hearing Tube. 26. Speaking Tube. 27. Chip Brush 28. Wax Cylinder, or Blank. 29. Swing-arm Spring Washer. 30. Spring-washer Set Screw. 31. Body-holding Screw Washers, (metal and rubber). 32. Main Shaft Pulley. 33. Body-holding Screw. 34. Top Plate. 35. Home Phonograph Body. 36. Back Rod Set Screw. 37. Main Shaft Pulley Set Screws. 38. Body Cushions. the edison home phonograph 63 Instructions for Operating the Edison Home Phonograph. Before winding or starting the machine, see that all working parts are free, particularly that there is no dirt or packing in the gear wheels, and that all set-screws are tight. Sometimes these screws work loose from the shock of travel. The Phonograph, like every other good mechanism, should be clean and free from dust. Instructions as to oiling will be found later in these directions. See that knife adjusting screw (22) is screwed entirely back, or until the stop pin rests against the casting of the speaker arm, as it always should do except when shaving. This screw controls the shaving knife, and draws it away or forces its cutting edge against the wax cylinder. As a precautionary measure, it is well to look to the belt (7), the shaft (2), and the speaker arm, before starting the machine. All machines are completely adjusted before shipment from the factory. They will sometimes, though not often, become disar- ranged in transit. The tension of the belt (7) should be moderate, and the belt- tightening idler pulley (not shown in engraving but easily found on the machine) should be in proper place against the belt. The main shaft (2) turns on centers (8 and 10), between which it should run easily. If centers are too tight they will bind the shaft, while if too loose, the end-shake will destroy the accuracy of the reproduction. There should be no end-shake here. The shaft adjustment is regulated by the adjusting screw (12) on the swing arm center. A simple test is to throw off the belt with the hand, and see if the shaft will spin freely without noise. The main shaft pulley (32) should of course be tight on the shaft. Its set screw (37) regulates this. The main shaft centers are regulated by set screws (9 and 11), as shown in draw- ing. Care should be taken that the large end of the mandrel ( 1 ) does not touch the center lug of the body casting. The thickness 64 HANDBOOK OF THK PHONOGRAPH of a piece of paper between the lug and mandrel is sufficient clear- ance. The speaker arm or carriage of the machine should work free on the back rod (6). All bearings should be oiled, as mentioned before, and to obtain the best results from the motor the gears must be kept clean, particularly the fine-toothed gear which engages the governor pinion. The governor disc (the flat metal plate against which the horse shoe rocker works) must be oiled occasionally. If necessary to adjust the governor, see to it that there is a slight play between centers. If too tight there, regulation is impaired and efficiency is diminished. Under no circumstances should the governor disc, described above, touch the adjacent gear. . The first operation will undoubtedly be reproducing. To Kepro- Raige Hft leyer ^^ to itg highest point< Push speaker lever (18) to its highest point, against speaker adjusting screw lug (17). Throw down lock bolt (14) and open swing arm (13) wide. Slip the wax cylinder (28), beveled end foremost, upon the tapering brass mandrel (1), and press it firmly, but not too forcibly, into place. Close swing arm and re-lock it. Now place hearing tube (25), or horn, on the speaker tube plate (21), slide speaker arm to point where record appears to begin, and drop lift lever (15), after having first thrown start and stop switch (24) to the left. With the Automatic Reproducer the following ajustment is unnecessary, as the reproducer ball adjusts itself to the track or groove made by the stylus. With the Standard Speaker (a com- bination speaker equipped with both recording and reproducing sapphires), it sometimes occurs that clear reproduction is not at first obtained. To obviate this, unscrew the adjusting screw (16) until its point disappears in the lug (17), and while listening press the speaker lever (18) upward with the thumb of the right hand, and with the first and second finders of the same hand turn the THE EDISON HOME PHONOGRAPH 65 adjusting screw (16) slowly down until you can hear the record distinctly. This adjustment will bring the reproducer ball into the groove of the record. . The speed of the machine in revolutions of the main % . shaft per minute is regulated by the speed adjusting J P screw (23). To increase speed screw the nut down, and to decrease it unscrew this nut. Observe this carefully when reproducing music, as a different speed from that at which the music was recorded will reproduce an entirely different pitch. The standard speed at which musical records are taken is about 125 revolutions per minute ; talking records, about 80 per minute. A very good way for the beginner to determine the number of revolutions per minute, is to hold his finger lightly against the main shaft pulley set screw (37), and count the revolutions by his watch, for ten or more seconds. The machine is at rest. Open speaker clamps (19) To Record and insert recorder with its speaker lever (18) pressed up against lug (17). Press up lift lever (15). Throw down lock bolt (14), and open swing arm (13) wide. Slip the wax cylinder (28), beveled end foremost, upon the tapering brass mandrel (1), and press it firmly, but not too forci- bly into place. Close the swing arm, and re-lock it. Raise the speaker arm from the straight edge upon which it rests in front, and slide to the left until directly over the beveled end of the cylinder, or the point at which you wish the record to commence. Again lower it to straight edge. Everything is now ready to record. Start the machine by pushing the switch (24) to the left. The machine is now in motion. Place speaking tube or horn upon the tube plate (21) of the speaker, lower lift lever (15) as far as possible and commence recording. Further instructions are given 66 HANDBOOK OF THE PHONOGRAPH in Chapter 15, Part II, Dictating ; and Chapter 3, Part HI, Record Making. The wax cylinder, which is somewhat brittle, should nana ing ^ e j^y^Ug^ gently at first, until the operator becomes Cylinder practised. See Chapter 13, Part II, Blanks and Records. Do not leave the cylinder upon the brass mandrel ( 1 ) of the Phonograph for any length of time when the machine is not in use. Every Edison Home Phonograph is equipped with a ^ & simple device for shaving off or smoothing blank -^ cylinders, which preparation is necessary before a blank can be used for recording. Here are the instructions for operating the turning rest. Machine is at rest. Wax c}dinder firmly set upon mandrel. Hearing tube or horn removed. Speaker lever (18) set as for reproducing, that is, up against lug (17). Fasten back the speaker weight by passing rubber band around lower end of the weight and over the speaker arm. Lower the speaker arm about over the center of the cylinder, by dropping lift lever (15). Hold the end of the arm down firmly with the thumb and forefinger of the left hand, while with the same fingers of the right, screw down the button (22) which controls the knife bar. This will bring the sapphire shaving knife to the surface of the wax. As the depth of the cut to be taken is very slight indeed, the knife must be set very gently into the wax, as shallowly as possible. The machine is still at rest, with lift lever (15) down. Now raise speaker arm, slide it back to the extreme left, and start the Phonograph. When the shaving of a cylinder is completed, see that the knife bar is screwed back away from the cylinder, or it will cut the next record that is put on the machine. This is managed by manipulating the button (22). Further instructions are given in Chapter 14., Part II, Shaving. THE EDISON HOME PHONOGRAPH 67 Apply oil sparingly but thoroughly to the following Oiling parts: back-rod (6), main shaft feed screw (2), main shaft centers (8 and 10), roller on the straight edge, all motor shafts at their bearings, all gear teeth of motor, arbor on which main spring turns, idler pulley occasion- ally, where tension spring holds it, governor disc, occasionally, winding shaft, if necessary. No oil should be permitted to get on the belt, and oil must not be smeared on the machine, as it will catch dust and make trouble. When the oil on the gear teeth gets black and dirty, wash it off with benzine before putting on new oil, which apply sparingly. Use best Phonograph oil, to avoid gumming. Above all, keep the machine clean. No mechanism will work perfectly unless free from grit. CHAPTER IV. The Edison Spring Motor Phonograph. ACTUATED by powerful triple springs, which drive the machine through fourteen records with a single winding. No electricity or battery required. Winds noiselessly, runs noiselessly, governs perfectly. Simple, but effective con- struction, and in every respect a standard machine. Removable hardened steel bearings, belt tightener, and other useful devices. Includes oak [body and cover as shown. Finished in black and gilt enamel, with nickel parts. Fitted with instantaneous speaker clamps for instant interchange of speakers. Weighs 43 pounds, complete, and is particularly recommended for portable service. Size i6>^ in. long, ioj4 in. wide, 14 in. high. Two speakers are included, free of charge, with every Spring Motor Phonograph : the Edison Automatic Reproducer and the Edison Recorder ; also a sapphire shaving knife, oak body box, oak cover, a 14-inch polished brass horn, two-way hearing tube, a winding crank, an oil can and a camel's hair chip brush. The Spring Motor Phonograph is shipped only complete as above. The only change made is to substitute a speaking tube for the 14-inch polished brass horn, if so desired. THE EDISON SPRING MOTOR PHONOGRAPH 6 9 The Edison Spring Motor Phonograph. 7 o HANDBOOK OF THE PHONOGRAPH THE EDISON SPRING MOTOR PHONOGRAPH INDEX OF PARTS. Brass Mandrel to hold wax cylin- der. (Always assembled with Main Shaft.) Turning Rest, to shave cylinder. Feed Spring. Back Rod. Sapphire Knife Spring Knob. Main Shaft. (Always assembled with Brass Mandrel.) Main Shaft Pulley. Drive Belt. Start-and-Stop Switch. Speed Adjusting Screw. Swing Arm. Swing-arm Center. Straight Edge. Speaker Arm. Speaker. Speaker Lever. Speaker Adjusting Screw. Speaker Arm Lift Lever. 19. Main Shaft Center. 20. Swing-arm Center Adjusting Screw. 21. Back Rod Sleeve. 22. Top Plate. 23. Speaker Clamps. 24. Phonograph Body. 25. Body-holding Screws. 26. Shaving Knife Lever. 27. Winding Key Sleeve. 28. Feed Nut. 31. Speaker Adjusting Screw Lug. 33. Winding Key. 34. Lock Bolt. 35. Back Rod Set Screw. 36. Swing-arm Center Set Screw. 37. Main Shaft Center Set Screw. 38. Swing-arm Spring Washer. 39. Top Plate Lug. 40. Body-holding Screw Washers. THE EDISON SPRING MOTOR PHONOGRAPH 71 Instructions for Operating the Edison Spring Motor Phonograph. Machine at rest. Open speaker clamps (23) and To Record insert recorder with the speaker lever (16) pressed up against lug (31). Press up speaker lever D, place the speaking tube C on the Phonograph, and lower the lift lever H. Press up lift lever (18). The numbers refer to cut on page 70. Throw down the lock bolt (34) and open swing arm (11) wide. L^i • 72 HANDBOOK OF THE PHONOGRAPH Press down the lock bolt A and open the swing arm B. Slip the wax cylinder, beveled end foremost, upon the taper- ing brass mandrel (i), and press it firmly, but not too forcibly into place. The numbers refer to cut on page 70. Close the swing arm and relock it. Raise the speaker arm (14), an inch is sufficient, from the straight edge (13), upon which it rests in front, and slide to the left until directly over the beveled end of the cylinder, or the point at which you want the record to commence. Again lower it to straight edge and push the speaker lever ( 16) up as far as it will go. Start the machine by pushing the switch (9) to the lo Start left until it strikes a g a i nst t he pin. P Place the speaking tube upon the tube plate, lower the lift lever (18) as far as possible, and commence dictation to the machine. Should it become necessary to pause during the dictation and before the end of the cylinder had been reached, raise lift lever (only) until it closes against the speaker arm ; this will disengage the feed nut from the fine thread upon the main snaft, and at the same time raise the recording stylus from the wax. A fine white shaving will appear on the surface of the cylinder where it has been passed over by the stylus. Remove the speak- ing tube ; raise the speaker arm, and, throwing it back as far as possible, dust off these shavings by holding the camel's hair chip brush against the cylinder, and passing it very slowly from left to right. This operation being completed, the record, as it is now called, is ready to reproduce. For further instructions see Chapter Z5, Part II, Dictating ; also Chapter 3, Part III, Record Making. Press the speaker lever D up, place the hearing tube loRepro- ^ Qn the Pnonograpn) lower tne 1^ lever H> and turn the adjusting screw F until the proper sound is obtained. THE EDISON SPRING MOTOR PHONOGRAPH 73 Lift lever (18) up. The numbers refer to cut on page 70. Open speaker clamps (23) and insert Automatic Reproducer. Push the speaker lever (16) up against the point of the adjusting screw (17). Now place the hearing tube on the tube plate, and lower the speaker arm opposite the point where the record be- gins, by dropping the lift lever (18). With the Automatic Reproducer the following adjustment is unnecessary, as the reproducer ball adjusts itself to the track or groove made by the stylus. With the Standard Speaker (a combination speaker equipped with both recording and reproducing sapphires), it sometimes occurs that clear reproduction is not at first obtained. To obviate this, unscrew the adjusting screw (17) until its point disappears in the lug (31), and, while listening with the hearing tube, press the speaker lever (16) upward with the thumb of the right hand, and with the first and second fingers of the same hand turn the adjusting screw (17) slowly down until you can hear the record distinctly. This adjustment will bring the reproducing ball into the groove of the record. 74 HANDBOOK OF THE PHONOGRAPH . . The speed of the machine in revolutions of the main Keguiation g^ft p er m j nute j s re g U i a t e d by the speed adjust- °J P ee ment screw (10). To increase speed unscrew this nut, and to decrease it screw the nut down. Observe this carefully when reproducing music, as a different speed from that at which the music was recorded will reproduce an entirely different pitch. The standard speed at which musical records are taken is about 125 revolutions per minute. . Although this device is not, strictly speaking, an e . " important factor in the working of the Phonograph, ■=> but merely an appliance for greatly increasing the capacity of the cylinder, still a brief explanation of it, and of the reasons for its use, seems advisable before again passing to the details of instruction. Operating Lower the lift lever H, press the knife button until of burning the knife touches the cylinder, and press down the Rest knife lever L, then raise lift lever H. Do not put the Phonograph in motion to shave the cylinder until the knife has been adjusted as above and carried to extreme left end of cylinder, after which lower lift lever H. Machine at rest. Wax Cylinder firmly set upon mandrel ; hearing tube removed; speaker lever (16) pushed up. Fasten the kdison spring motor phonograph 75 back the speaker weight by passing rubber band around lower end of the weight and over the speaker arm, about where the figures (23) are shown on cut. Or remove speaker, as preferred. Lower the speaker arm and lever (18) about over the center of the cylinder. Hold the end of the arm down firmly with the thumb and forefinger of the left hand, while with the same fingers of the right gently press the button (5) of the knife lever down- ward and toward the machine. Then press down the knife lever (26) as far as it will go, then close lift lever (18) up into its slot in the speaker arm, slide the arm to the extreme left, again lower the lever (18) and start the machine. When the turning off of a cylinder is completed, always see that the knife lever (26) is thrown up and back as far as it will go. Further instructions are given in Chapter 75, Part II, Dictating; see also Chapter 13, Part II, Blanks and Records. To Stop or to change to another part of the cylinder, Temp or- raise the lift lever H, without stopping the arily machine itself. Always keep the entire machine perfectly clean and Oiling free from dust. It is an essential to perfect work with any piece of machinery, and the Phonograph is no exception. 76 HANDBOOK OF THE PHONOGRAPH Apply oil sparingly but often to the following parts, never over a drop at a time in any one place except where otherwise specified. : end bearings of main shaft ; thread of main shaft (several drops); back rod, (several drops); straight edge; the two bearings of the winding shaft ; the teeth of the rachet wheel on which pawl works ; the inside surface of the friction disc of gov- ernor, where the leather touches it; the cupped centers at the end of every gear shaft ; the governor shaft, where the governor-disc sleeve moves on the shaft, if dry. Three places will be found for oiling the barrels and to these places several drops should be applied, (a) The main oil hole is plainly marked on the large barrel. The other two are in the hubs, (b) There is a square opening in the hub of the loose barrel plate at the right hand end. By turning the winding shaft the oil hole can be seen through this opening. (c) The oil hole in the left-hand hub, if not in view, can be found by allowing the machine to run part of one revolution. Use best Phonograph oil only. Keep gear teeth free from dirt, to prevent wear and noise. Use benzine for this purpose if necessary, and afterwards apply a drop of oil. Care should be taken not to get any oil upon the drive belt, as it will cause it to stretch and slip loose. Oil only where directed. In smearing oil upon any other part you simply set a trap for dust. Before winding or starting machine, see that all set screws holding bushings, pinions and shafts are Instructions tight They sometimes work loose from the j ar of travel. See that all working parts are free, and particularly that there are no particles of wood or packing material in the mechanism. The belt should not be too tight, but almost loose enough to slip when main-shaft pulley (7) of the Phonograph is held station- ary with the motor running and wound up tight. A new belt THE EDISON SPRING MOTOR PHONOGRAPH 77 should be brought to proper tension upon setting up machine the first time. If belt is too tight it will act as a break on the machine. After being once stretched it will require little or no attention. The tension of the belt is regulated by turning the thumb, screw at the front of the motor below. This belt-tightening screw should not be used when machine is in motion, as there is danger of hitting the moving governor and disarranging the governor springs. Observe that the rubber cushions on top edge of the body box, and body cushions (39) are in place, and that the main-shaft pulley (7) of the Phonograph is directly above the drive pulley of the spring motor, so that belt runs true. The belt must never run on the flange of the wheel. Care should be observed to keep the rubber cushions and washers of the spring motor in good condition at all times. The Phonograph should never be shipped with springs wound up. The sapphires upon the speaker and the turning rest are perfectly adjusted before shipment The bearings of the main shaft, called the centers, should be snug but not tight. There must be no shake. The sapphire recording and reproducing points should be kept free from dust and wax scales by brushing, or they may be touched with a little benzine on the finger tip. Never attempt to slide the speaker arm from side to side without either raising it or closing the lift lever, as you are liable to damage the thread upon main shaft by scraping the twin nuts across it. Do not remove main shaft from machine unless it becomes absolutely necessary, then use great care in drawing it out to avoid injuring the thread. CHAPTER V. The Edison Concert Phonograph. MR. EDISON has perfected the Phonograph. Beginning with the early tin foil machine, Mr. Edison has de- veloped the Phonograph step by step, until to-day the Phonograph stands on the pinnacle of perfection. It perfectly reproduces human voice ; just as loud — just as clear — just as sweet. It duplicates instrumental music with pure-toned brilliancy and satisfying intensity. Used with Edison Concert Records, its reproductions are free from all mechanical noises ; only the music or voice is heard. It is strong and vibrant enough to nil the largest concert hall. It is smooth and broad enough for the parlor. It is made with the careful precision that charac- terizes all Genuine Edison Phonographs. It is made to reflect credit and to uphold the fame of the name of the man who stands behind it. The Edison Concert Phonograph is actuated by powerful triple springs. It plays six to eight concert records with a single winding. It is finished in black and gilt enamel, with nickel parts. It has a polished oak body box and carrying cover. Size, 12x17x17 inches. Weighs 51 pounds. Size of mandrel, 4% inches diameter by 5 inches long. Every Edison Concert Phono- graph includes, free of charge, an automatic reproducer, a recorder, a sapphire shaving knife, oak body box and cover, a THE EDISON CONCERT PHONOGRAPH 79 24-inch brass horn and stand, winding crank, speaking tube, oil can and chip brush. The Edison Concert Phonograph is built on the same body as the Edison Spring Motor Phonograph described in the previous chapter. The Phonograph top is also exactly the same, except that the parts are larger, to admit the swing of the five-inch record. are the same as in the preceding chapter. The following is the only point that it is necessary to emphasize especially : in closing swing arm of the Edison Concert Phonograph, see that the pin on swing arm enters hole on straight edge cast- ing. Press the arm firmly with thumb, at the same time lock- ing the lock bolt with first two fingers of same hand. General In- structions for Operating this Machine CHAPTER VI. The Edison "M" and "E" Electric Phonographs. THE Edison "M" Electric Phonograph, the most approved type of Electric Phonograph, is equipped with electric motor (wound for battery) and governor, and is fitted with instantaneous speaker clamps, for instant interchange of speakers. It sets in an oak body box. Weighs 65 pounds. Finished in black, gold and nickel. Size, 20 in. long, 9^ in. wide and 1 1 in. high. A Battery is not a part of the Phonograph, but is an independent apparatus. Storage or primary (chemical) battery may be used. The motor requires a steady current of 2% volts and 2 amperes. Its uniform action and continuous power supply recommends the "M" Electric Phonograph for all occasions where these requisites are desired. Two speakers are included, free of charge, with the "M" Electric Phonograph : the Edison Automatic Reproducer and the Edison Recorder ; also a sapphire shaving apparatus, a 14-inch polished brass horn, a two-way hearing tube, an oil can and a camel's hair chip brush. The only change made in the above equipment, is to substitute a speaking tube for the 14-inch polished brass horn, if so desired. The Edison "E" Electric Phonograph. In general appear- ance and equipment this Phonograph is exactly the same as the "M" Electric, but is furnished with an electric motor wound to THE EDISON M ' AND " E " ELECTRIC PHONOGRAPHS 8 1 The Edison "M" and "B" Electric Phonographs. 32 HANDBOOK OF THE PHONOGRAPH THE EDISON M AND "E : GRAPHS. ELECTRIC PHONO- INDEX OF PARTS. Brass Mandrel to hold wax cylin- der. (Assembled with Main Shaft.) Turning Rest, to shave cylinders. Feed Spring. Back Rod. Sapphire Knife Spring Knob. Main Shaft. (Always assembled with Brass Mandrel.) Main Shaft Pulley. Governor Frame. Governor Shaft. Governor Shaft Center. Swing Arm. Swing-arm Center. Straight Edge. Speaker Arm. Speaker. Speaker Lever. Speaker Adjusting Screw. Speaker Arm Lift Lever. 19. Governor Adjustment Screw. 20. Governor Brake, or Switch. 21. Armature Pulley. 22. Armature Shaft Center. 23. Governor Block. 24. Phonograph Body. 25. Body-holding Screws. 26. Shaving Knife Lever. 27. Chip Box. 28. Feed Nut. 31. Speaker Adjusting Screw Lug. 33. Top Plate Cover. 34. Back Rod Sleeve. 35. Lock Bolt. 36. Governor Contact. 37. Top Plate. 38. Speaker Clamps. 39. Belt-tightening Screw. 40. Idler Pulley. 41. Governor Top Brush. THE EDISON " M " AND " E " ELECTRIC PHONOGRAPHS 83 run on the no to 120 volt Edison Direct Current. It is the most convenient style of Phonograph made. The power is both con- tinuous and handy, as connecting wires need only to be attached to the nearest electric light connection. It is equipped with resistance block fitted with lamps, attaching plug and cord. Instructions for Operating the Edison ■ ' M " and ' ' E ' ' Electric Phonographs. The "E" electric is in every way similar to the "M" electric, with the single exception of the motor, which is wound differently. For instructions as to care of batteries, renewals and recharging, see Chapter 11, Part II, BATTERIES. Machine at rest. Open speaker clamps (38) and To Record insert recorder with the speaker lever (16) pressed up against lug (31). Press up speaker lever D, place the speaking tube C on the Phonograph, and lower the lift lever H. Press up lift lever (18). The numbers refer to cut on page 82. Throw down the lock bolt (35) and open swing' : arm (n) wide. 8 4 HANDBOOK OF THE PHONOGRAPH „Xo\ ~ :::::n * Press down the lock bolt A and open swing arm B. Slip the wax cylinder, beveled end foremost, upon the taper- ing brass mandrel (i), and press it firmly, but not too forcibly into place. The ?iumbers refer to cut on page 82. Close the swing arm and relock it. Raise the speaker arm (14), an inch is sufficient, from the straight edge (13), upon which it rests in front, and slide to the left until directly over the beveled end of the cylinder, or the point at which you want the record to commence. Again lower it to straight edge and push the speaker lever (16) up as far as it will go. Move the brake handle to the left or right as the case may be. Obtain desired speed by turning ■P governor adjusting screw M (see page 85). Start the machine by pushing the brake handle (20) to the left until it strikes against the pin. Place the speaking tube upon the tube plate, lower the lift lever (18) as far as possible, and commence dictation to the machine. Should it become necessary to pause during the dicta- tion and before the end of the cylinder has been reached, raise THE EDISON " M " AND " E " ELECTRIC PHONOGRAPHS 85 lift lever (only) until it closes against the speaker arm ; this will disengage the feed nut from the fine thread upon the main shaft and at the same time raise the recording stylus from the wax. A white shaving will appear on the surface of the cylinder where it has been passed over by the stylus. Remove the speak- ing tube ; raise the speaker arm, and, throwing it back as far as possible, dust off these shavings by holding the camel's hair chip brush against the cylinder, and passing it very slowly from left to right. This operation being completed, the record, as it is now called, is read} r to reproduce. Further instructions are given in Chapter 15, Part II, Dictating ; also Chapter 3, Part III, Record Making. Press the speaker lever D up, place the hearing tube To Repro- -g Qn the Y honogrSLV ^ i ower t h e H£ t lever H, and turn the adjusting screw F until the proper sound is obtained. Iyift lever (18) up. The ?iumbers refer to cut on page 82. Open speaker clamps (38) and insert automatic reproducer. Push the speaker lever (16) up against the point of the adjusting screw (17). Now place the hearing tube on the tube plate, and lower speaker arm opposite the point where the record begins, by dropping the lift lever (18). With the Automatic Speaker the 86 HANDBOOK OP THE PHONOGRAPH following adjustment is unnecessary, as the reproducer ball adjusts itself to the track or groove made by the stylus. With the Standard Speaker (a combination speaker equipped with both recording and reproducing sapphires), it sometimes occurs that clear reproduction is not at first obtained. To obviate this, unscrew the adjusting screw (17) until its point disappears in the lug (31) and, while listening with the hearing tube, press the speaker lever (16) upward with the thumb of the right hand, and with the first and second fingers of the same hand turn the adjusting screw (17) slowly down until you can hear the record distinctly. This adjustment will bring the reproducing ball into the groove of the record. Regulation of Speed The speed of the machine in revolutions of the main shaft per minute is regulated by the speed adjust- ment screw (19). To increase speed unscrew this nut, and to decrease it screw the nut down. Observe this carefully when reproducing music, as a different speed from that at which the music was recorded will reproduce an entirely different pitch. The standard speed at which musical records are taken is about 125 revolutions per minute. 87 The governor speed (top) brush (41) on the speed- adjusting spring should rest against the under side of the contact disc (35) only. It must never touch the hub of the disc. _,, ^ Although this device is not, strictly speaking, an important factor in the working of the Phonograph, * ( but merely an appliance for greatly increasing the capacity of the cylinder, still a brief explanation of it, and of the reasons for its use, seems advisable before again passing to the details of instruction. Operation Lower the lift lever H, press the knife button until of Turning the knife touches the cylinder, and press down the Rest knife lever L,, then raise lift lever H. Do not put the Phonograph in motion to shave the cylinder until the knife has been adjusted as above and carried to extreme left end of cylinder, after which lower lift lever H. Machine at rest. Wax cylinder firmly set upon mandrel ; hearing tube removed; speaker lever (16) pushed up. Fasten back the speaker weight by passing rubber band around lower end of the weight and over the speaker arm, about where the figures (38) are shown on cut. Or remove speaker, as preferred. Lower the speaker arm and lever (18) about over the center of the cylinder. Hold the end of the arm down firmly with the thumb and forefinger of the left hand, while with the same fingers 88 HANDBOOK OF THE PHONOGRAPH of the right gently press the button (5) of the knife lever down- ward and toward the machine. Then press down the knife lever (26) as far as it will go, then close lift lever (18) up into its slot in the speaker arm, slide the arm to extreme left, again lower the lever (18) and start the machine. When the turning off of a cylinder is completed, always see that the knife lever (26) is thrown up and back as far as it will. Further instructions are given in Chapter 14., Part II, Shaving. Handling The wax cylinder, which is somewhat brittle, should the be handled gently at first, until the operator becomes Cylinder practised. See Chapter ij, Part II, Blanks. or to change to another part of the cylinder. . ° * Raise the lift lever H, without stopping the Temporarily machine itself . Always keep the entire machine perfectly clean and Oiling free from dust. It is an essential to perfect work with any piece of machinery, and the Phonograph is no exception in this respect. Phonograph oil should be applied sparingly every two or three days to the following parts : "Oil hole," back of governor block; base of governor shaft ; small hole in top of governor frame ; top center bearing of armature shaft ; bearings of idler pulleys under which the main belt turns ; end bearings of main shaft ; thread of main shaft; back rod; a little upon the straight edge. Care should be taken not to get any oil upon the belts, as it makes them slip and stretch loose very quickly. Use as little oil as possible at the top of the governor, as spreading down it gets upon the contact and tends to make the motor govern badly. Oil only where directed. In smearing it upon any other part you simply set a trap for dust. THE EDISON ' ' M " AND ' ' E ' ' ELECTRIC PHONOGRAPHS 89 To Tighten Main Belt. — Loosen the two body- uenera n- ]j j^i n g screws (25) which fasten the machine to the s rue ions tQ ^ ^ate, an( j turn belt- tightening screw (39) which is under the mandrel, inward. To Tighten Governor Belt. — Slightly loosen the four screws which hold the wooden governor block (23) to the top plate, the holes for which are slotted, and slide the entire governor to the left until sufficient tension is obtained. Belts should be kept moderately tight to prevent slipping ; if too tight extra power is required to start the machine. The sapphires upon the speaker and the turning rest are perfectly adjusted before shipment. The copper brushes, both motor and governor, should be kept clean by the use of benzine. Never oil them, or the commutator or contact on which they rest. These parts must be perfectly dry and bright. When necessary to clean, use care not to spread or displace the fine wires of the brushes. The bearings of the shafts, called the centers, should be snug but not tight. There should be no shake. Keep battery wire contacts bright and clean, and see that the wire is held tightly at its terminals. The sapphire recording and reproducing points should be kept free from dust and wax scales by brushing, or they may be touched with a little benzine on the finger tip. When the machine is used indiscriminately for both recording aud reproducing, do not leave the speaker lever (16) down except while recording. Never attempt to slide the speaker arm from side to side without either raising it or closing the lift lever, as you are liable to damage the thread upon main shaft by scraping the feed nuts across it. To use your power economically, be sure to cut off current from the motor when not in use. Do not allow any metallic sub- go HANDBOOK OF THE PHONOGRAPH stance to come in contact with either the speaker sapphires or the knife. Do not remove main shaft from machine unless it becomes absolutely necessary, then use great care in drawing it out to avoid injuring the thread. CHAPTER VII. The Edison a M" Concert Phonograph. THIS consists of a Concert body (see description of the Concert Phonograph, Chapter 5, Part II), mounted on an " M" electric motor, asdescribed in preceding chapter. It rests in an oak body box 20 inches long and g% wide. It stands 14 inches high, weighs 73 pounds, and is finished in black, gold and nickel. Is equipped with electric motor (wound for battery) and governor, and is fitted with instantaneous speaker clamps, for instant interchange of speakers. The battery is not a part of the Phonograph, but is an independent apparatus. Storage or primary (chemical) battery may be used. The motor requires a steady current of 2^ volts and 2 amperes. On account of its uniform action, continuous power supply, volume of sound, true tone quality, and distinct articulation, the "M" Concert Phonograph is recommended for important work where the highest results are sought. Two speakers are included, free of charge, with the "M" Concert Phonograph ; the Edison Automatic Reproducer and the Edison Recorder: also a sapphire shaving apparatus, a 24-inch polished brass horn and stand, an oil can and a camel's hair chip brush. "> 9 2 HANDBOOK OF THE PHONOGRAPH this machine are the same as in the preceeding chapter. The following is the only point that is necessary to emphasize especially : in closing swing arm of the Edison ' ' M " Concert Phono- graph, see that the pin on swing arm enters hole on straight edge casting. Press the arm firmly with thumb, at the same time locking the lock bolt with first two fingers of same hand. General Instructions for Operating CHAPTER VIII. The Edison " H " Coin Slot Phonograph. AN automatic Coin Slot Phonograph that is almost as effective as the higher priced machines. The machine is a Home:, requiring to be wound by the customer each time a coin is dropped in. It is simple in construction, easy of adjustment and costless to maintain. Every detail in construction has been worked out with the greatest care and precision. The slot mech- anism is an improvement over any other on the market, and is solid and substantial in every particular. Equipped with a winding stop, thus preventing overwinding by careless customers. The slot locks automatically while the machine is playing. The only care it needs is the occasional changing of the record. Most of the machines are operated by a nickel ; but machines to be operated by special coins are also to be had. Base measures 18^ x 12 inches. Height, 21 inches. Weight, 45 pounds. Is equipped with a 14-inch brass horn and and Edison Automatic Reproducer. Instructions for Setting Up and Adjusting the ' ' H " Coin Suot Phonograph, First open the large box containing the cabinet. Set it on a convenient stand or table. Unlock the lower swinging front. Pull HANDBOOK OF THK PHONOGRAPH The Edison "H » Coin Slot Phonograph. THE EDISON "H" COIN SLOT PHONOGRAPH 95 out the brass knob to release the catch that fastens the glass cover. Raise glass cover till it is held back, wide open, by the swinging catch on the left. Be sure to remove any dust or excelsior packing that may have accumulated, from all parts of cabinet. The cabinet is now ready to receive the movement. .. Next open the smaller box containing the move- Unpacktng ment Yqu wiU gee for yourself> a f te rward, the delicacy of the mechanism. We tell you about it now so that no jamb, or knock, or twist, or blow shall be given to the coin chute or tripping mechanism or any other parts. The greatest possible care is exercised in packing and shipping this movement. It is first encased in a temporary stand or cabinet, which in turn is floated in a heavy outer packing case with thick layers of packing between the two boxes, thus making it impossible for the move- ment to be damaged in transit. Remove the inner cabinet from the packing box, side marked top up, and remove the wood screws. This allows the upper half of cabinet to be taken off, leaving the movement screwed to the lower half of the stand, with the sides exposed. It leaves the factory already assembled (except coin chute as noted hereafter) ready to run, and thoroughly tested. Make all adjustments in the order given in the following instructions : don't touch this piece or that piece, before you have followed out exactly the directions for each part. Study each part carefully and intelligently as you adjust it, and you will find no difficulty in setting up the whole Phonograph. Once properly assembled, the coin slot mechanism works perfectly, and, if care- fully treated, requires no attention other than changing the record and emptying the money drawer. Accidents and misuse, however, are contingencies that must be considered ; and the following suggestions and explanations are made so that you may be enabled to readjust the machine yourself in case of anything happening to it. 9 6 HANDBOOK OF THE PHONOGRAPH ^ . Place the mechanism on a table before you, still liA . in its temporary stand. Study it carefully. Don't attempt to put it into the cabinet until you have looked at it carefully from the front, from behind, on all sides. The stand is purposely made open front and back, so that the working of all parts may be watched and studied. This open unobstructed view will enable you to see how simple and perfect the mechanism is. Untie the parts carefully that are fastened with cord, oil gears and centers as instructed in Directions for Operating Edison Home Phonograph. The Coin Slot Phonograph is built up from the Home, so you must first follow the general Home instructions down to To Reproduce. The polished nickeled coin chute with sliding sleeve is packed with the horn and other small parts in the large box, inside the cabinet. Adjust the coin chute A (Fig. i.) to the projecting piece B at the back of the movement, with the screw that is tied to it. Particular care must be observed that the coin chute is set so that it does not touch the two prongs C and D on the coin lever. THE EDISON " H ' ' COIN SLOT PHONOGRAPH 97 The coin lever must play freely, without rubbing or even touch- ing the chute. Any friction at this point will throw the working of the machine entirely out. The winding is the next operation. At the first turn of the key, the speaker arm is lifted by the action of the friction lever B (Fig. i.) This friction lever plays upon the winding shaft. The proper amount of friction is regulated by the brass clamp F, by means of the adjusting screw as shown on the clamp. It should be just tight enough to lift up the speaker arm, and keep it raised during the entire operation of winding. If too tight it makes the machine wind hard. ^ „ The raising of the speaker arm plays two important , „ 7 . parts ; ist, disengaging the feed nut from the main Mechanism \ ' ' , *? \* . « . shaft, and 2d, putting the return mechanism into operation. The lever G (Fig. 1.) comes into contact with the lugs H H on the sprocket chain, which carries the speaker arm back to the proper starting point. This is easily determined by shifting the lever G back and forth on the speaker arm, and then clamping it firmly by the thumb nut I in upper end, so that the reproducer will be exactly over the beginning of the record at the moment the sprocket lugs leave the lever G. This return movement also unlocks the slot in the cabinet, as explained under heading "Starting." is shown in Fig. 2. This is the device by which 1 tie 01 op overwinding is avoided, thus prolonging the life of Winding ^ ma i nS p r i n g. Fig. 3. shows the relative position Mechanism of the gtop j and the pin Ky after the operation of winding. The pin K is against the stop J, thus stopping the wind- ing. Note that the pin K is on the winding gear and the stop J is on the spring barrel. While winding, the gear wheel and pin K revolve in the direction shown by arrows, the spring barrel remain- ing stationary. Three and a half turns of the winding key make the gear wheel and pin K revolve once. On the first revolution 9 8 HANDBOOK OF THE PHONOGRAPH F;§.2. the stop J presents the slot I, to the pin K, thus allowing the wind- ing to continue. On the 2nd revolution the stop J presents the slot M to the pin K, thus continuing the winding. On the 3rd revolution J is stopped by the pin K coming in contact at N. The correct adjustment of stop J must be such that it does not stop the winding until the spring is wound to its full capacity (but not too tight). After winding, make sure that the spring is wound fully by looking into the spring barrel on its left side, from the front of the mechanism. Adjustments Stop Winding Mechanism As the best results are obtained when the full force of the spring is exerted upon the mechanism, it is highly important that the spring should be coiled up tight in the spring barrel, or nearly so. If such is not the case, the stop J (Fig. 2.) has been moved or jarred by shipment, and has stopped the winding THE EDISON " H "COIN SLOT PHONOGRAPH 99 • operation with the spring not fully wound. To remedy, turn the stop J on its central pivot so that the pin K will come into slot M, thus permitting another revolution of the winding gear and pin K, equal to $% turns of the winding key. Should the opposite happen, that is, the spring become fully wound before the pin K touches the stop J, at the point N, let the machine run until the stop J passes the pin K, then turn the stop to position shown in figure 3. ^ Should the return mechanism fail to return, or the coin in the j slot fail to start the machine, or the record stop playing half way through, the remedy is simple. Remove the record and revolve the shaft in the opposite direction, or toward the front, until the stop J disengages itself from the pin K, so that it can be adjusted as in Fig. 2 ; that is, so that the pin K fits into the slot M, thus permitting another revolution of the winding gear, equal to 3% turns of the key. IOO HANDBOOK OF THE PHONOGRAPH The importance of these winding adjustments cannot be em- phasized too much. As noted in the instruction card, the nickel is dropped Starting into the slot after the machine is wound. This prevents the possibility of ''working" the machine twice with one nickel. The coin is caught on the prongs C D (Fig. i) of the coin lever, its weight acting on a series of levers (as explained later under the heading "Stopping"), thus releasing the governor brake and starting the mechanism. The nickel stays on the coin lever until the record is played through, when it is released and falls into the money drawer. The machine is so planned that you cannot wind it as long as the coin remains on the coin lever. Once started by the nickel, it plays the record through. You cannot stop it, you cannot rewind it. Not until the nickel drops out of the coin lever will the machine stop. It is then ready to wind again. The starting of the machine and the movement of • n ° C • " the speaker arm locks the slot in the cabinet instantly . ing Device The lug Q ^^ ^ on thfi kver Q Qn the speaker arm releases a spring lever attached to the cabinet work, and throws a pin across the slot, thus making it impossible to drop in another nickel until the machine is rewound. As explained under its heading, the winding operation carries the speaker arm back to its original position ; and by so doing, unlocks the slot and the machine is ready for the next nickel. It is important that the slot locking device is always in working order ; for if it gets out of adjustment and allows of another nickel being dropped before the machine is rewound, or while it is winding, it locks the winding shaft immediately. Should this occur, trip the prong C on the rear end of the coin lever. This throws the nickel out, unlocks the winding shaft, and permits the machine to be wound properly. THE EDISON "h" COIN SLOT PHONOGRAPH IOI To stop the machine when the record is played to Stopping the end, adjust the wire P (Fig. i) by means of the thumb screw in the speaker arm, so that it just comes into contact with the lever Q at the proper time, thus throwing the nickel out of the coin lever and stopping the mechanism. The coin lever is balanced on the shaft R (See also Fig. 2). The adjustment of the balance is made by moving the weight S (Fig. 1) on the front end of the coin lever. On the other end of shaft R (Fig. 2) near the governor is a disc T with a small pin which works in a slot in the brake lever U. This brake lever comes into contact with the governor disc V, thus stopping the machine. While the nickel is on the coin lever the end of the To Adjust brake lever U (Fig. 2) should jusi clear the gov- ernor disc V, thus allowing it to revolve freely. When the nickel drops into the coin drawer, the weight S (Fig. 1) tips down its end of the coin lever, causing shaft R (Fig. 2) to turn, thus throwing pin in disc T upward, causing the brake lever U to press upward upon the governor disc V. If the pressure is not sufficient to stop the governor immediately, loosen the set screw in T, and turn disc toward the front, until the proper pres- sure of brake on governor disc is obtained. When you have mastered the movement thoroughly, shift the machine to the permanent cabinet. Take out the screws from top plate, and lift the machine out of the temporary stand, very care- fully. Don't Set the Mechanism Down Again, But Place it Immediately into the cabinet, taking the same care that none of the parts and especially the coin chute touches the woodwork as you set it into place. See that the two screw holes in the top plate correspond with the holes in the cabinet. Screw down firmly. . on the mechanism is connected with the short chute The Loin at tached to cabinet by the sliding sleeve on the UDper end of coin chute. 102 HANDBOOK OF THE PHONOGRAPH .. On the inside of the lower cabinet, to the right, just * over the money drawer, is a flat iron pawl. Slide J the key through the hole in the cabinet, on to the winding shaft, lifting the pawl at the same time. When the key is in its proper position, the pawl drops into the groove on key. Thus the key is free to turn, but absolutely unremovable from the outside. CHAPTER IX. The Edison "M" Coin Slot Phonograph. T HIS outfit consists of an Edison "M" Electric Phonograph with Automatic Reproducer, hearing tube, 24-inch polished brass horn and horn support, automatic slot attachment, storage battery and cords. The Phonograph mechanism and the battery are enclosed in a substantial oak cabinet, as shown. Weighs 130 lbs., height, 53m.; occupies a floor space of 27^ x 16^ in. These machines when placed in a store, hotel, or place of amusement usually prove a source of great profit to their fortunate owner. Usually operated by a nickel. Machines to be operated by special coins are also to be had. As they are actuated by electricity, no winding is necessary. They run noiselessly and continuously, and are a safe and profit- able investment. 104 HANDBOOK OF THE PHONOGRAPH Instructions for Operating the Edison ' ' M " Coin Si see Chapter 5, Part I/I, The Phonograph as an Aid to the Arts op Stenography and Typewriting. CHAPTER XVI. Speakers. As its name implies, is made for reproducing The Edison purposes only, and is of the greatest value to every Automatic user. For reproducing only, the Automatic Reproducer Reproducer is recommended as being superior to the Standard Speaker. For the information of those not acquainted with either, a brief description follows. It has no record- ing sapphire nor can one be attached to it. It does away with the use of the speaker adjusting screw, as it is so constructed that it always tracks the thread of the record, overcoming the expansion and contraction of the wax cylinder in different temperatures. Thus, when the "track" is once found, the reproducing ball remains properly adjusted, and the repro- duction holds clear and firm through- out. On account of always being in the track, it sounds much louder than the Standard Speaker, which may get out of track, thus requiring adjustment by use of adjusting screw. 128 HANDBOOK OF THE PHONOGRAPH Thp F//' * s a com bination recording and reproducing device, n. j i being equipped with two sapphires, one for record- r. 7 ing and the other for reproducing. It was designed ' for recording and instant reproduction for dictation purposes, thus obviating the neces- sity of change of speakers. In combining these qualities, it was necessary to design and construct it with rigid weights. Owing to its rigid character, and the unequal expansion and contraction of the wax cylinder, the reproducer some- times loses the track of the record, and requires to be adjusted by the use of the speaker adjusting screw. Th ~Fdi n ^ S * ts name indicates, is especially adapted for to / recording purposes only. It is not constructed so rigidly as the Standard Speaker, and consequently adjusts itself automatically, making an even and unvarying cut on the surface of the blank. It is furnished with a recording sapphire only, of the highest quality and most delicate adjustment. The adept at record making will find in this attachment the finest recording equipment that can be produced. It is used by all the leading makers of high-priced Original Records. The Proper Complete and detailed instructions as to what Diaphragms diaphragms are the best for recording different To Use volumes and qualities of sound, are given in Chapter 3, Part III, The Secret of Making Phonograph Records. SPEAKERS I2 g jj All that is necessary is the "know how" and a . small bottle of stratena. Unscrew the soeaker- j\ Pi) £Z1,¥* of* J clamp-ring A, and remove the tube-plate B. On <-, ^f S top of the glass diaphragm you will find a thin * e ' rubber ring GG (called a gasket). If this gasket has become hard, do not use it again. Take it out. Then remove the glass diaphragm. On the under side of the diaphragm DD is another gasket GG. If this has not become hard it can be used again, otherwise throw it away. See that a rubber gasket is always placed under the diaphragm. Now put the diaphragm into place on top of the gasket, being careful that it does not touch the side of the cup. This is import- ant. Now place another gasket on top of the glass, adjust tube- plate in position and tighten the e ^j^JLg* speaker-clamp-ring, which should not D - Lg£^3L* zitt D be screwed in too tight or yet left \f *; _ i ' ' too loose. If too tight the diaphragm ! | ceases to be sensitive. If too loose the record will whistle or blast. There is Fist i . ' . a happy medium which you must Cross Section View. ,. r ,, discover for yourself. Unscrew the speaker-weight-limiting-screw C allowing the speaker- weight W to swing freely on the hinge pin K. Do not allow the weight to touch the glass. If this is done it may crack the glass. The cross-head F (a small flat metal disc) hangs from a tiny link L from the reproducer arm H. If the glass diaphragm has been broken, the cross-head should be scraped so that no cement or bits of broken glass remain on it. It should also be washed with a clean cloth so that no dirt or oil remains on it. Benzine will do this thoroughly. If you are changing diaphragms (substituting either a thin- ner or thicker glass for the one in use) the stratena which cements the cross-head to the glass may be melted by applying heat to it. 130 HANDBOOK OF THE PHONOGRAPH The safest way is to heat the head of a nail fairly hot and press it gradually against the glass under the cross-head. It may crack the glass but it is the surest way of detaching the cross-head. The new glass to be substituted must also be cleaned thoroughly (preferably with benzine) as any oil or dirt on either the diaphragm or the lg ' 2 * cross-head makes it difficult to make a good joint wiih the cement. Dip the end of a match into the stratena and drop a very small drop in the centre of the glass diaphragm. Lower the speaker-weight very very slowly to the glass and then with the aid of a pin or some sharp pointed instrument, place the cross- head in position ; pressing it firmly. A small wedge of paper under the sapphire point will serve this purpose very nicely. Now place the weight-limiting-screw in position, then turn the speaker so that it rests on the tube-plate as shown in Fig. 1 , and allow the stratena to dry for at least an hour. INDEX OF PARTS. A — Speaker-Clamp-Ring. H — Reproducer Arm. B — Tube-Plate. I — Reproducing Arm Pin. C — Limiting-Screw. J — Sapphire. D — Diaphragm. K — Speaker Lever. K— Hinge Pin. L— Link. F— Cross-Head. W— Speaker Weight, G— Rubber Gasket. Great care should be taken not to use the speaker until the stratena has become thoroughly dry. These same instructions apply in the adjustment of the Edison Automatic Reproducer, The Edison Standard Speaker, and The Edison Recorder. CHAPTER XVII. A Word About Belts. THE slipping of the drive belt on the main shaft pulley is due to the following conditions : An Oily Belt is the most frequent cause. When oiling a Phonograph, absolutely no oil should be put on the surface of the pulley or on the belt. When this happens it not only makes the belt slip but softens the leather, thus causing it to stretch very easily. A I/)OSE Belt. — In spite of great care used in selecting material, a belt is sometimes cut from a stretchy part of the leather, or, again (as above noted) , oil will cause the best belt to stretch very quickly. With ordinary care a belt will last a year without the need of renewal. A belt should not be renewed or shortened under the impression that it is too loose, until the idler pulley (which is placed on every Phonograph for the very purpose of taking up the slack in a belt) touches, or nearly touches, the drive wheel inside the mechanism. To Shorten a Belt. — Dampen it at the point where it is already joined. When the ends separate, dry thoroughly. Apply stratena on the parts to be joined, overlap a quarter to a half an inch as may be necessary and press firmly togetherf or an hour or two. If the belt is oily it will be impossible to make the cement stick. Buy a new one. PART THIRD THE OPENEER PAPERS CHAPTER I. What Mr. Openeer Heard. LAST Christmas my wife and I were invited to a house party at Larchmont, New York. The gray afternoon was deep- ening into dim dusk as the sleigh left the little station, and the cold was intense. Our fifteen minutes' ride to the home of our host chilled us through and through, and as we fumbled with wraps and gloves in the silent hall of the house, our feelings were divided between personal discomfort and wonderment that no one was there to greet us. Suddenly there piped up a thin little voice seeming to come from nowhere. It grew louder and stronger, and we heard ' ' Merry Christmas, merry, merry Christmas. Welcome, Mr. Openeer ; we are glad to see you. Welcome, Mrs. Openeer ; how is the baby? How did you leave Ponjo?" (Ponjo is our dog). We looked around bewildered. The voice continued : ' ' Take off your wraps ; lay them on the table. James will see them safely laid away." Astonishment gave way to curiosity, and we drew aside a curtain and found the cheery speaker to be — a Phonograph. Then through a half-open door we heard whisperings and merry laughter as the uncanny little machine went on to sing for us a Christmas glee. Before it was finished the children of the house came running in laughing, followed by our hostess and the other guests ; and we saw and 136 HANDBOOK OF THE PHONOGRAPH felt heartily the double welcome that had been prepared for us. The surprise had all been planned. Our host had talked and sung this Christmas greeting into the Phonograph the night before, making a ' 'record" with which the jolly little machine could greet each guest as he arrived. We saw it all when Jack Halsey and his sister came, about five minutes later. "Here comes Jack," called one of the children from the porte cochere window ; and hastily adjusting the wax cylinder ticketed ' ' Halsey, ' ' we waited in the dining-room and den with half-open doors as they entered. "Hello, Jack," said the Phono- graph behind the curtain, "How d'ye do, Clare? Glad to see you. Come in and stay a while.' ' They stopped and stared around, bewildered just as we had done. "Take off your things. Merry Christmas." And then, without stopping, the wonderful toy began to play the banjo. Then, we, all of us burst in upon the astonished pair, and welcomed them amid shouts of laughter. The thing entertained us all next day. When we tired of hearing our own voices fired back at us, we played the piano for it. Then we made a quartette of ban joists : then our host played the cornet ; then we sang — solos, duets and choruses ; and the ' ' bally little mocker," as Algy Dunraven called it, gave us every time as good as we gave it. Why, it was perfectly wonderful ! Then we were entertained with boughten records. Selections by famous bands and orchestras, operatic, military marches and dance music, all in perfect time, and loud and clear. Songs by famous singers, speeches by famous men, funny talks and dialect records. Why, we spent a delightful time. Our host told us confidentially that had he engaged the artists, per- formers and bands to appear in person, a thousand dollars would WHAT MR. OPENEER HEARD 137 have been a reasonable price for the entertainment that was provided for less than a tenth of that sum. And, best of all, he could repeat the whole programme the very next night if he wanted to. And we believed every word, because we heard it all ourselves. I have since bought a Phonograph for myself ; and have been repaid a hundred times for the invest- ment, by the fun and entertainment I've got out of it. My advice to my friends is, ' ' Go and do likewise. ' ' My wife called on our next door neighbor the other day to sympathize with her over the loss of their eight-year-old boy. They had bought a Phonograph, by the way, immediately on hearing ours. Well, the conversation naturally was about the dear little fellow who had just crossed over the Dark River. And she could not stop talking to my wife about his pretty eyes and curly hair hair and laughing voice. "It's one of the greatest consolations that I have these," she said, going to her record cabinet ; and carefully tak- ing from it three of the wax cylinders, she put one on the machine. The next moment it was as if Harry was in the room. First came his merry laugh, then an aside. "Dear mamma, do keep quiet while I speak my piece. ' ' voice, clear and strong : " A tiny little seed am I, In the mold, Hidden from the great blue sky And the cold. I throw my little rootlets out And feel around. There ! I almost turned about In the ground. Did I hear a bluebird sing ? Can it be? If I did it must be spring. I'll go and see." Then came a steady little 138 HANDBOOK OF THE PHONOGRAPH Then there sounded a clapping of hands and bits of conver- sation. His mother sat there with tears in her eyes, but with a joyous look on her face. ' ' My precious first born," was all she said. And one of the first things my wife did when she came home that afternoon was to take our poor little youngster and make half a dozen records of his chatter and baby-talk right away. I fancy him listening to those "talks" twenty years from now ! Eut should he be taken from us in the meanwhile, I know I'd hold them as my most highly-prized possession. I heard of a novel use for a Phonograph the other day. Teaching languages — what do you think of that ? My wife told me about it. Somewhere in her afternoon calls she saw the whole thing. There was a Phonograph grinding off a French cylinder that had been specially prepared by the visiting teacher the day before : "J' al > tu as, il a, elle a, nous avons, vous avez, ils ont, elles ont," over and over and over. Then, " Avez vous le pain, avez vous le pain, ' ' and so on through a long list of words and phrases. Parrot like, perhaps, but there was the pronunciation and accent. Capital ! The children couldn't get away from it. Then came a German record, "Der die das. des der des, dem der dem," and so on. The broad a, the short i, the funny b in Konig, the elusive and difficult umlaut. ' ' Haben sie das brod. Wo ist mein Hut ? Ich Hebe dich," and little poems and couplets. " Man sieht sich, lernt sich kermen, Liebt sich, muss sich trennen." Rather advanced for children, this; but I suppose their teacher was in love and felt a bit sentimental just then. ' • Ein verhungert Huhnchen fand Binen feinen Diamant Und verscharrt ihn in den Sand.'' WHAT MR. OPEN3ER HEARD 139 This was better. But the whole idea struck me very forcibly. The difficult pronunciation was there — always on tap — over and over, sinking deep into the minds and memories of the little youngsters, and especially so because it was a novelty. Ah ! that's the point. New ideas appeal to children just as much as to "grown ups." I look forward to the day when a great many other things besides the languages will be taught through the aid of this marvelous little talking-machine. While the field of the Phonograph is a wonderfully large one, yet it reaches its limits, like everything else in this world for that matter. The recent attempt of the Sophomores of Ithaca to give their ora- tions by talking machines was very laughable. The Professors found out what was in the wind and promptly vetoed it, but not before several rehearsals had been held to demonstrate its feasibility. The Freshies found it out, too, and invaded one of their trials with pitchers of water, which they poured into the Phonograph horns with dire results. The practicability of the scheme is assured, however, and some day we may hear of a commencement con- ducted entirely by machine talkers. This reminds me of an occurrence that happened several years ago, when the Phono- graph was first brought out. A very advanced Dominie at Hasbrouck Heights, N. J., con- ceived the idea of a novel Sunday evening service ; so he prepared his sermon — a short one — and several hymns and scripture readings 140 HANDBOOK OF THE PHONOGRAPH the day before on a number of cylinders ; and he actually held the meeting, "as advertised." The affair created quite a sensation indeed. Inside of a month the Rev. Mr. Dominie was preaching in a church out West, — preachings mind you, — no more Phonograph for him. Well, it simply proves the truth of the saying, " Everything in its proper place." The Phonograph for dictation in business offices has long been a success. Instead of of talking to a giddy and unreliable young lady stenographer (not all of them, I assure you, O ye wives of busy husbands, but some- times—quite often), the letter is talked, just the same, into the specially prepared cylinders, until a dozen or so are ready for the typewriter clerk. Then he is called from his work and transcribes the records at leisure. See ? He is working all the time while you are dictating. With hearing- tubes in his ears, he puts each cylinder on another Phono- graph in front of his typewriter, and pegs right along. There's no loss of time. He is always working and he's much cheaper than a "stenographer and type- writer." The experiment has been tried also, with some successs, of sending the record, just exactly as you've talked into it, by mail or express, directly to your corrrespondent. It has remained for Mrs. Openeer to discover the most novel use for the Phonograph as an entertainer. She gave a ' ' Voice Guessing party ' ' last week, and we had all kinds of fun and WHAT MR. OPKNEKR HEARD 141 jollity over the funny guesses. It's somewhat similar to a "Perfume Party." You know how that's done. Twelve or fifteen little vials, all alike as to appearance, are filled with differ- ent perfumes. It adds to the perplexity of the guessers to include vinegar, alcohol, benzine, turpentine, chloro- form or kerosene. Then the contestants smell and guess, and the winner of the prize is the one who has the longest correct list. My wife conducted her party on a similar plan. Kach guest made a three minutes' talk into a Phonograph in separate rooms (we borrowed two other machines for the evening), and ■ttf f H after every one had talked or sung, either in natural voice or disguised, we played the records before all the assembled guests. Kach was provided with paper and pencil. The scheme was immense. You can imagine the hilarity that greeted the wild guesses when the results were declared. A surprising number of the voices were guessed correctly, however, and the entertainment was voted by all to be a very happy success. I tell you, my friends, it takes a Phonograph every time to be a fun-maker. I represent a chemical syndicate. It's a far cry from sulphuric acid and by-products to Phonographs, I know, but you will see the connection presently. There's a town I strike when I'm on the road where there is a most unique collection of stories: unpublished unbound, 3^et indestructible, and most carefully preserved. The genius who is making the collection does business 142 HANDBOOK OF THE PHONOGRAPH in Iyouisville, what street I won't say, and whenever a drummer shoots a good story at him he says, ' * Hold up — come here," and then and there, on the spot, he embalms Mr. Drummer in wax ; and like a fly in amber, his funny tale is preserved for all time. I've sat by the hour listening to stories ; and such stories. Cylinder after cylinder, every one different. Kvery now and then I'd recognize a fellow knight of the road ; some I hadn't met for years, some dead. I do not hesitate to say that Mr. Blank's collection of stories hasn't an equal in the whole world. Some of the mildest of them, revised and expurgated, are often heard in vaudeville ; but for the most part, the ' ' Louisville records " are to be heard only by the favored few who are in the ring. I have lately heard of other collections, but none to equal that of the pioneer, Mr. Blank. I told my wife about Blank's collection the last time I made home after a three week's flier, and gave her a sketch — very sketchy, indeed — of some of the yarns. She said, ' ' Capital idea ! ' ' and before I knew what she was about she started what is now known to my friends as "Openeer's Voice Album." As a novelty, it proves very interesting to visitors, and bids fair to be as popular as the old-fashioned autograph collections, and, in fact, supplements that and the photograph album most beautifully. We limit our friends to a half-minute's talk, first announcing the name and WHAT MR. OPKNEKR HEARD 43 following with a funny short talk, or a touch- ing sentiment, or a bit of poetry ; and really, we have a delightful way of entertaining our guests, as any one who has made Phonograph records for friends well knows. The hot and bloody work before Santiago, in Cuba, has made one of my wife's Voice Album records of inestimable value. Young Smith, of the 71st New York, was my cousin, and was among the first to try the effect of his voice on a wax cylinder. His name comes out loud and clear, and then these words : "Of all the fish in sea or lake The bloomin' codfish takes the cake." Its funny, but it's sad too ; for poor Smith was shot through the lungs with a Mauser bullet and died seven days afterward. When his father learned of the record we had of his voice, he bought the finest, most expensive Phonograph to be had ; and we gave him our cylinder, taking several copies or duplicates of it for ourselves and his friends. This is easily done, you know, by connecting the ' ' speaker ' ' from the Phonograph that is playing the original to the ' ' recorder ' ' of another machine, on which is a smooth blank. Of course, this copy is a little indistinct — all duplicates are. The original Edison records such as you buy are always the best. But the copies we ^ 144 HANDBOOK OF THE PHONOGRAPH made were plain enough for us to distinguish Bert's voice, and we are proud of it, I can tell you, not only for the satisfaction of having a hero record in our collection, but also that we were able to be of service to his father ; for the old gentleman holds that cylinder as one of his choicest possessions on earth. CHAPTER II. How We Gave a Phonograph Party. IT was Charlotte's plan. The idea struck her suddenly (they always do come to her that way) during an evening we were spending over at the Openeer' s. Young Mrs. Openeer had asked us to dine with them and play whist ; but after dinner Mr. Openeer started one of his Phonographs so that we could hear an opera we had been talking about, and cards were entirely for- gotten. It was delightful. They had lots of the wax records — almost a complete score of the opera in question. The talk naturally turned on how it was all done, for it seemed perfectly wonderful. So he showed us all about it, and that's how Char- lotte's inspiration came. 1 ' I have it, I have it ' ' she whispered excitedly the moment we left the house, and she almost pushed me down the steps in her eagerness. ' ' We will give a Phonograph Party, and it will be the newest and most delightful thing out, ' ' and she straightway unfolded the whole scheme as we crossed the street to our house. By the time we had climbed up to our room the schedule was complete. I must say that Charlotte is a quick and ready thinker. Her plan was fine. You see she teaches mathematics in the high school, while I have only a kindergarten class. She thought the idea and I completed the practical arrangements ; and between us 146 HANDBOOK OF THE PHONOGRAPH we planned an. entertainment which I am sure will be long remembered by our friends as a very happy evening. We sent out our invita- tions the very next day, for Wednesday evening of the following week. To Beverly Dunlap's we added a line "Bring your cornet.' ' To Alice Blank's "Please bring your banjo. Will Hamilton's also had a ' ' banjo ' ' postscript, and Nat Browton's a "clari- net" item. Charlotte had a violin and I a guitar, which, with the piano (fortunately an upright), would give a variety of instrumental music for the occasion. In each of the other notes, we wrote- the mystifying words " Please bring your voice." To Mr. and Mrs. Openeer's invitation Charlotte insisted on adding (as a matter of form only she explained to me), "Please bring your Phonographs ; " for we had already enlisted their co- operation, and Mr. Openeer had entered into our plan with en- thusiasm. He loaned us not one, but two Phonographs ' ' for convenience sake," said he, "one for recording and one for reproducing. Saves the bother of changing speakers and horns. ' ' He also insisted on furnishing us with a plentiful supply of smooth wax cylinders or blanks as they are called ; at the same time offering us his services as an expert should we need him. The next few days saw us busy at every spare moment. First we tried and experimented in every possible way with the Phonograph, making record after record, until we found out just how to do it. It's wonderfully simple if you only know how HOW WE GAVE A PHONOGRAPH PARTY 147 (like everything else in this world for that matter) . Mr. Openeer offered to teach us, but we wanted to find out all by ourselves ; and we did very nicely by following the printed in- structions which he furnished us. Then we had refreshments to prepare. Charlotte gave way to my ideas in this matter, and my kindergarten training suggested that we get some jelly glasses that were just the right size, two and a half inches across and four inches deep. Into these, we packed our ice cream after we had made it, so that each guest should have a " frozen record" just like that great fib of Baron Mun- chausen's. We also made ginger snaps in the shape of a horn, by fashioning a cake cutter out of a strip of tin. All our plans matured beautifully, except that Charlotte scorched two whole pans of ginger snaps, and let some salt get into the ice cream tins; Charlotte was never good at those things. Bvery one of our guests came on Wednesday evening ; every one of them as curious as an original Eve (or Adam) and every one of them delighted on learning what was in prospect. We com- menced right away with the cornet. It makes a fine loud record, and we wanted to start off auspiciously. We had placed our Recording Phonograph high up on a small table, so that the horn was about on a level with Mr. Dunlap's head, as he stood ready to play. The shape of the horn, too, makes some little difference. 148 HANDBOOK OF THE PHONOGRAPH Mr. Openeer loaned us his recording horn for our party. It was fully two feet long and shaped like a cone. It had no flare or bell on the end, which was about 6 or 7 inches across. Our equip- ment was really quite perfect. The second Phonograph stood on one end of the large table and was fitted with a reproducing dia- phragm or speaker as they call it. It also had a small fourteen-inch bell shaped horn, which shape seems to spread the sound better than the other. I attended to the machine, put on a new blank and started it, while Charlotte started each performer. At the close of each record taking, I stopped the machine, took off the record and put it on the reproducing Phonograph, and we all heard what had just been played into the other machine, reproduced with startling and marvelous exactness. I will say right here that a single Phonograph with two speakers and a bell shaped horn would have been all that was absolutely necessary. The only advantage of having two Phono- graphs was that it saved the delay (a very small matter) of changing the recording speaker for the reproducer after each record was made. As directed by Charlotte, Mr. Dunlap stood about five feet away, and played directly into the horn. He gave a short aria from ' ' Maritana, ' ' playing it with considerable volume and with even, well sustained notes, with but little attempt at expression. He used only half his record in a minute and a half, so Charlotte whispered " Do you know any bugle calls?" (Dunlap was in camp at Jacksonville all through the war). His laughing answer " Do I know any bugle calls by heart ? well, rather! " made us all laugh too. It was wonderful the way he made his cornet fairly talk. HOW WE GAVK A PHONOGRAPH PARTY 149 " I can't get 'em up I can't get 'em up I can't get 'em up In the morning. ' ' His attempt ended in a storm of applause, which was repeated a few minutes later when I changed his record to the other Pho- nograph and reproduced it. First came the aria, loud and clear and distinct. Then a pause of a few seconds. Then a big manly voice said " Do I know any bugle calls by heart ? Well, rather." How we all shouted! It did sound so funny. Then came his bugle call and a faint clapping of hands and then our real applause. Our first record was a success ! Then Nat Browton played his clarinet ; and the reproduction was so perfect that we could actually hear his breathing. Those quick little gasps for breath that I for one had never particularly noticed, un- til the reproduction of the record called it to my attention. He played directly into the horn, as close to it as he could. Then we had several vocal solos. Each singer stood close to the horn, with the face almost within the opening. Charlotte cautioned them all to sing rather loud and be particularly careful to draw back the head while taking any high notes. Our bass and baritone artists made highly successful records. Our tenor sang " The Holy City " most beautifully, but his voice lacked that peculiar quality necessary for Phonograph record making. The tones of his voice were like the invisible rays of the spectrum beyond the violet ; it seemed impossible to record them. Char- lotte discoursed learnedly about the number of vibrations per and i5o HANDBOOK OF THE PHONOGRAPH second caused by his high C — about a thousand I think she said. Mr. Openeer lessened his discomfiture by remarking that a Phonograph tenor was an exceedingly rare phenomenon. "As rare as a Phonograph soprano ' ' he added bowing to Mrs. Openeer who was our next performer, ' ' and although my wife has a beautiful voice I have never yet taken a really good record of it. ' ' We made a passably fair record of Mrs. Openeer' s fine soprano voice by draping the opening of the horn with mos- quito netting; but it wasn't real good and we had to put it in the same class with the tenor' s ; and also with Charlotte' s violin record, which came next on the programme. The amateur will do well to avoid the sorrow that is almost inevitable in at- tempting to make a record of a high tenor, a soprano or a violin. The most effective records we made during the entire evening were two chorus records. All stood close together in a bunch about three feet from the horn and sang " Marching through Georgia, ' ' and it came out fine. Our success led us to try another, ' ' Onward Christian Soldiers, ' ' and it was every bit as good. The piano accompaniments of all our records were very good indeed. In every case the piano stood about three feet distant, with its open back towards the Phonograph. A square or a grand piano is not so well adapted for this accompaniment work, al- though a solo may be recorded very nicely by bringing the horn close up to the raised cover of the instrument. HOW WE GAVE A PHONOGRAPH PARTY 151 We now removed our Recording Phonograph from its lofty- perch, to accommodate our banjoists and also those of our guests who were to make talking records, and preferred to sit rather than stand. The banjo should be played as close to the horn as is possible. We made several capital records, so loud and natural as to tone quality that I would defy anyone listening with eyes shut or in the next room to tell the difference. The talking records were mostly all good too. The per- formers were cautioned to speak very distinctly, sounding the S's and soft C's with particular emphasis. Some of them caused lots of merriment when they were repro- duced, owing to the funny and irrelevant side remarks of the speakers ; most of whom had never talked into a Phono- graph, and seemed to forget that the machine would catch and repeat all that was said. Last of all came the ginger-snap horns and the ' ' frozen records. ' ' The tenor declared that these were the best of all. He may have been perfectly honest (for they were real good) or it may have been gross flattery ; or yet again his fail- ure may have made him a little jealous of the others. But, somehow, I didn't exactly like his remark. I think on the whole, while perfectly polite and courte- ous to Charlotte and me, his hostesses, what he said simply proved the proverb, "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach ;" for the rest of us agreed, not even counting in our "frozen records," that our Phonograph Party had been a grand success. CHAPTER III. The Secret of Making Phonograph Records. THE secret of making Phonograph records is summed up briefly as follows : — experience and knowledge of the Art. The two go together. One is useless without the other. What I know about it has been the result of a great deal of experimenting (such as you must do) combined with many useful hints and pointers and suggestions gathered from practical Phonograph men (which I propose to tell you). You will then know all that I know, which, after all, isn't so much. What I don't know about it would fill books ; a negative way of express- ing my modesty, perhaps ; but, as in photography, the negative prints the positive, so will my negative assertion serve to bring out more clearly the details of that greatest of Phonographic problems — the making of a perfect record. Let's talk about the Recorder to begin with, for that is the heart of the whole matter. Your recorder must be perfectly adjusted and adapted for the particular kind of record you are taking. This is largely a matter of judgment and experience. Certain musical instruments and certain qualities of voice, will record with a squeak or a blast when a glass diaphragm of a certain thinness is used, and yet will record perfectly if a thicker or thinner diaphram is substituted. Recorders are usually THE SECRET OE MAKING PHONOGRAPH RECORDS 153 equipped t with a No. 7 to a No. 8 diaphragm ; that is to say the glass is from 7-1000 to 8-1000 of an inch thick. The rubber washers between which the diaphragm rests, may have become hardened. Rubber does, you know, get either hard or sticky in time. This interferes with the free vibration of the diaphragm, and consequently affects the clearness of the record, and new washers should be substituted. In changing washers or diaphragms the metal clamp-ring should not be screwed in too tight, nor yet left too loose. If too tight, the diaphragm ceases to be sensitive. If too loose, the record will whistle or blast. There is a happy medium which you must discover for yourself. See also that the tiny metal arm is cemented firmly to the center of the glass ; if not, you will get a dull, rasping quality of sound that is very unnatural. The sapphire recording point must have a sharp even surface, that it may readily engrave the surface of the cylinder. Great care should be taken in handling or laying down the recorder, that the sapphire stylus does not come into contact with a hard surface of any kind. A chipped stylus is a frequent cause of poor records. I mention these points in detail as it is of the greatest importance that you become familiar with them. You've got to know the tools you work with ; and especially the glass diaphragm, which is the most delicate and sensitive part. Now, as to the various diaphragms to use. In making vocal records, it depends entirely on the strength of voice of the singer ; varying all the way from an 8 down to a 6 glass. The thinner the diaphragm, the more sensitive it is. Take, for instance, a singer with a good loud voice. Use an 8 glass. Should the record not come out strong and if it has no blasty defects, try a 7^, then a 7, or even a6^. The moment the record blasts, your diaphragm is too thin and over-sensitive for the voice. ' ' If at first you don't succeed, try, try again !" It is a very apt motto to adopt in record making. For a cornet, use an 8 or a 7 glass. Use an 8 or a 7^ for a band record or an orchestra record. For a clarinet, try a 7 or 154 HANDBOOK OF THE PHONOGRAPH a 6. For a piccolo a 6. For a banjo or xylophone record a 6 or a 5. For a violin, a6^ down to a 5. For talking records, use a 6 glass. Upon the shape of your horn, also, depends in a great measure your success as a record maker. The horn should be pointed on the level with the head of the performer. In other words, the Phonograph itself should be about on a level with the head. The best results for talking records are obtained by using the mohair speaking tube. If the peculiar quality of a speaker's voice should make the record sound muffled, try the bell-shaped 14-inch brass horn with which most Phonographs are equipped ; or the 26-inch japanned tin horn may also be used with good effect. It all depends on the quality and loudness of the speaker's voice. The 26-inch japanned tin horn is also a good shape to use for banjo, violin, xylophone, cornet, band and orchestra records ; although a regular special recording horn would be better. These special horns are made of block tin, long and narrow in shape, being from 20 to 26 inches long and not more than 6 inches across the end, perfectly conical in shape, with no flare or bell on the end. They are the very best shape for all vocal records, and also for the piccolo or clarinet. While good records may be made with the regular shape 26-inch japanned tin horn, it is best not to take any chances. In making records, strict attention must be paid to the smallest details. The veriest trifle will sometimes spoil the best attempt. Next, the wax cylinder should be perfectly smooth and true. Much depends on the absolute smoothness of the wax blanks. If you do your own shaving, run the machine at the highest pos- sible speed ; and do not cut too deep. If you do, it causes the wax to chip, leaving a broken crackled surface on which a good record cannot be made. Shave several times in preference to one deep cut. The Edison blanks you can buy already shaved are superior to any possible work you can turn out yourself, as they are shaved by a special machine running at a very high rate of THE SECRET OF MAKING PHONOGRAPH RECORDS 1 55 speed and are absolutely accurate. Be very careful in handling the shaved blank, that no finger marks are left on its surface. Should there be any residue of the shaving operation left on it, take the cotton in which the blank is wrapped, and tear open one end, picking out the frayed edge to make a soft brush, and brush the blank gently, with a downward motion. Don't breathe or blow on the surface to remove the wax dust. Better still for this purpose is a soft wide camel's hair brush. Lastly, see that your Phonograph itself is in perfect running order, well oiled and free from dust. This is an essential to perfect work with any piece of machinery, and the Phonograph is no exception in this respect. Any undue friction will make a grind or rumble, and will seriously mar your attempt by making itself heard in the record you are making. If the machine makes discordant records, or false tones, it may be that the belt is loose, thus causing the main shaft to slip. If your Phonograph is an electric machine, the governor contact may be dirty. Care should be taken if you use a machine of the spring motor type, that the mechanism is always fully wound. A record made while the machine is running down will reproduce with a varying pitch, thus destroying all harmony. The proper speed for recording is about 125 revolutions per minute. This is easily ascertained by watch- ing the screw on the pulley, and counting and timing the turns. As to the room in which you take your records, it might be well to have no curtains or other soft hangings. In a perfectly bare room, with no carpets or furniture or draperies, a record will have a certain ring to it, a peculiar resonant quality of sound that some prefer. One objection to stripping a room in this manner, is that there is a greater likelihood of your records blasting. On the other hand a " seasoned," room with just enough hangings to break up any echoes, makes a richer, more mellow tone quality. This is largely a matter of individual taste and judgment ; and can only be determined by experimenting and watching results very carefully. All these are points that may seem to be un- 156 HANDBOOK OF THK PHONOGRAPH important, but if you are after success, you cannot afford to omit the smallest detail that might help you to secure the most satis- factory results. And now for the record. If a vocal solo is to be recorded, the singer should stand immediately in front of the recording horn, not more than three or four inches from the opening, and should sing directly into it. The articulation should be very distinct. Avoid singing with too much expression. That voice will record best that has an even quality throughout the entire register. Some voices are full and rich and mellow in the lower notes, and thin or weak in the upper register. In all cases, choose the songs that are best suited for the singer's range of voice. When a high note is sung, the singer should draw back the head, away from the horn, so as to equalize the vibrations. Hither do this, or repress the voice so that the tones are covered. Should the singer make a very strong and loud record, with a blasty imperfection in only one or two spots, keep the same dia- phragm, and try to remedy by drawing away from the horn at the high notes that blast ; in other words, correct the blasting, if possible, by covering the objectionable tones rather than by substituting a thicker diaphragm, which might make the whole record weak. In general, the tones that cause the defect of blast- ing are open tones, the long " i " sound, the " o " as in " love '■ the word ' ' heart. ' ' These tones occurring on high notes, almost invariably cause trouble, even with experts in the art. Scientists estimate that there are over a thousand sound waves per second in in the high C of a tenor. To record high notes accurately and naturally is very difficult, on account of the exceeding rapidity of of the vibration. A soprano high C being an octave higher is still more difficult to record. In fact, women's voices are the least satisfactory records for an amateur to attempt, on account of the great amplitude as well as the rapidity of the vibrations. In making talking records, speak naturally, but with energy. Do not force the voice too much. Articulate plainly, sounding THE SECRET OF MAKING PHONOGRAPH RECORDS 157 the s's and c's with particular distinctness. In using the speaking tube, the lips should just about touch the mouth piece. With the 14-inch horn, or the 26-inch japanned tin horn, the speaker should be from two to four inches away. Experiments will prove the proper position for each speaker. In making tests, announce upon the record each change you try, so that the effect of each experiment may be traced when the record is reproduced. If a piano is used (and all musical records are vastly im- proved by a piano accompaniment), it should be an upright, with the back of the instrument as close to the horn as the position of the performer will permit. This again is a matter of judgment, as some pianos are so much louder than others that they may be placed farther away, up to three or four feet. With a square or a grand piano, it is difficult to get real good results unless the cover of the instrument is raised at an angle (so as to act as a sounding board) , and the horn placed very close. For vocal duets and quartettes, the singers should stand with their heads as close together as possible, directly in front of the horn. Good records of choruses are not easily made, as the greater the number of singers, the more complicated do the sound waves become. In fact, a single voice or a single instrument will produce every time the loudest record. The cornet is the best instrument for the amateur to commence with; it should be placed from four to six feet away. Watch the high notes carefully, or the record will blast. The scheme of ' l flagging, ' ' high notes is a good one. Whenever such high notes are played, lower a silk handkerchief in front of the horn. But better still, have the player enter into intelligent co- operation with your efforts, and by repressing certain notes, he can aid you very materially. The most successful Phonograph singers or performers are those who watch results as carefully as the record maker does himself and regulate their efforts accord- ingly. They must realize every moment that they are making records for the Phonograph, and not singing for an audience. Evenness of tone is what tells. 158 HANDBOOK OF THE PHONOGRAPH A piccolo or a clarinet should be within a foot of the record- ing horn. A violin or banjo as close as possible. Banjo duets make especially loud and clear records. A guitar or mandolin does not give satisfactory results. A xylophone should also be as near as possible, with the upper octave closer to the horn than the lower. In making band or orchestra records, place the bass instru- ments, (such as tubas, altos and trombones) at a distance of five feet from the horn. These instruments all give tones having slow vibrations, and consequently must be nearer the recording dia- phragm to balance the other instruments having a greater energy of tone vibrations. Cornets should be at the greatest distance, about fifteen feet. Place the other instruments in between ; pic- colo, five or six feet from horn ; clarinet, seven feet. Better omit the bass drum. It is likely to spoil the effect, as it does not record well. If it is possible, have the cornets on the back row well elevated, so that the performers in front do not cut off or block the sound. In fact, it is well to elevate even the piano THE SECRET OF MAKING PHONOGRAPH RECORDS 159 about two and one-half to three feet from the floor, so that it may be on a level with the recording horn, which, as before stated, points level with a singer's head. For record making at home, where it would not be an easy matter to do this, the performers should sit rather than stand, so that the piano accompaniment records with a true relative value to whatever it accompanies. As previously stated, experience in the art of record making is the best teacher. The above instructions merely outline the principal points to be observed. Follow them carefully, and give particular attention to the minutest details, as very frequently the smallest trifle will spoil what would be otherwise a highly sat- isfactory record. CHAPTER IV. The Phonograph as an aid to Language Study. THERE are two ways of learning a language. One, the University method of studying from a literary standpoint ; learning the grammar, learning to read but not learning to speak ; in other words, through the eye. The other way is through the ear ; the natural method. Mark Twain has told us what a wonderful country France is. ' ' Why even the children speak French." This sage reflection, however, does not avail those of us who, though fortunate in being born Americans, yet wish to speak the tongue of Johnny Crapaud with pure native accent. So, unless we go to Paris, we rely on a teacher, whose excellence of method and accent shall prove either our making or undoing as the case may be. The conversational system is generally conceded to be the best ; yet some teachers carry out this idea so far as to claim not to teach the grammar. Both methods have their advantages and weaknesses. The two methods may be combined by the use of the Phonograph, in such a way as to learn the grammar at the same time while learning to speak by hearing the Phonograph speak. This is really the ideal method. Every one knows that the secret of learning to speak in foreign tongues is to hear the language constantly spoken. The way to learn French, is to "go to Paris." The next best thing THE PHONOGRAPH AS AN AID TO LANGUAGE STUDY l6l is to have a teacher constantly with you, to talk whenever you desire and say just what you wish to hear, repeating as many times as wanted and no more ; a teacher that never gets tired and does not have to be paid. The great adaptability of the Phonograph for this sort of work is readily apparent to any person understanding the machine. In learning any new subject, art, science or business, particu- larly languages, it is always a matter of surprise to consider the small number of leading principles constituting the frame-work of the entire subject. When these principles are acquired, the whole subject becomes an open book. This idea is strictly illus- trated in language study. A vocabulary of iooo to 2000 words is sufficient to cover all ordinary intercourse. A few ordinary pages will contain all these words and they will go on eight Phonograph cylinders, allowing 250 words to each cylinder. If these are placed on a Phonograph and run across consecutively, without stopping, it would only require about half an hour to hear them all. Think of it ; all the words that you would require to know of any foreign language could be spoken in half an hour. But, these words cannot be learned by rote. They must be learned in combinations of sentences, with changes in construc- tion, according to their grammatical connection. The best way to learn them is undoubtly to hear them spoken constantly in these combinations. Take any lesson from any language text-book, for example, French, German or Spanish ; let the reading or conversation exer- cise in the foreign tongue be dictated to the Phonograph by a native voice. If the pupil is studying with a teacher, so much the better. Now after the lesson is over, and the teacher has dictated the lesson, let the pupil go home and listen to that cylinder before he retires, listen several times, until he gets tired. Then, the first thing next morning upon rising, start the Phonograph talking and let it talk while dressing, — killing two birds with one stone. 1 62 HANDBOOK OF THE PHONOGRAPH He can listen to that record seven or eight times in the morning, without apparently consuming any time. Let him take another lesson in French from the Phonograph when he comes home at night, two or three turns of the cylinder whenever he has the opportunity. Every word on that cylinder will, in a remark ably short time, be committed to memory and so indelibly stamped upon the mind that it becomes like his native tongue. He can soon reproduce in the exact tone of voice, accent and inflection of the machine — and what the machine teaches him will be a faithful reproduction of what the teacher has spoken into it, without the slightest variation from his pronunciation. This is simply an ideal method. Let the pupil take three or four pages of conversation in this manner and listen to it daily between lessons, repeating it over after the machine, imitating the accent given by the machine. When he goes for the next lesson the teacher will be surprised at the readiness with which those sentences will flow from the pupil's lips. Having learned the words in those sentences, it is an easy matter to adapt them to other sentences. Any teacher of languages can put the lessons from any text- book upon the machine in this manner, for the benefit of the pupil. Of course, it is better if a special book is used, prepared by a teacher who has given thought to this method of study. There is prominent Professor in New York, who has done this. He has been using the Phonograph in teaching French and Span- ish for the past ten years. Both his Spanish and his French books are designed for this purpose and all his teaching is done in this manner. Pupils use his book, who do not use the machine, but if they desire to use the machine in connection with it, there is the book and the system already prepared. The Professor fur- nishes cylinders in Spanish dictated in his own voice. In French the cylinders are dictated by a native Frenchman. 20 lessons com- prise the course, covering all that is contained in the book. THE PHONOGRAPH AS AN AID TO LANGUAGE ©TUDY 1 63 When a student can talk fluently everything that is upon the Phonograph in those twenty lessons, he knows enough of the language for all ordinary purposes. By having these records and a machine in his own home it is only a question of listening to them all, faithfully for a short while, until they will be learned. The pupil sits at the Phonograph with the open book before him. He sees just what the w r ord is, printed in foreign tongue, with the English translation underneath it. He has previously read or studied what the book says about the pronunciation of the letters, accents, the construction of the sentence and the gram- matical form. Then, having these things in his mind, he listens to the sounds by hearing the machine speak them. Thus he culti- vates the eye and ear at the same time. Then he imitates the machine and tries to pronounce the letters and the words exactly as the machine pronounced them. He is not afraid to say them over as many times as he wishes, or to make the machine go back and repeat, many, many times, oftener than a teacher would be willing or able to repeat for him. Suppose a student wishes to study several languages. He can have a set of French records, a set in Spanish and a set in Ger- man, or in any other language, all at the same time. Having purchased the cylinders and the machine, there is no further expense attached to it and the student can prosecute his studies to any length, at his own pleasure. Nor is there the slightest difficulty in acquiring all the most difficult sounds in any of these languages. The German ' ' ich ' ' and the French nasals, reproduce perfectly. Take the word "marche" in French, m-a-r-r-r-ch (pronounced like sh). The breath sound of ch, surprising as it may seem, can be reproduced, if properly dictated, so that it will be heard through a large horn, clear across a large room. L,et a German teacher, with a full heavy voice, dictate to the Phonograph " Mein Kind, ich habe nicht daran gedacht," and the German guttural will be heard distinctly. The writer has a 164 HANDBOOK OF THE PHONOGRAPH French cylinder which begins, " Monsieur Robert, est-il chez lui ? Non, monsieur, il est sorti. Ou etiez vous hier? Hier soir j'etais au concert. Combien d' argent avez vous dans votre portmonnaie ?' ' These sentences soon became so fixed upon his mind from constant Phonograph repetitions, that he could hear them ringing in his ears whenever the idea of French occurred to him. After a few days, about two pages of conversation contained on the first cylin- der, could be repeated understandingly and with the exact accent as given by the Phonograph, which had been previously talked into by a French teacher. This could not have been done in as many months with any ordinary method of teaching. French teachers will all admit that many times they have pupils who study with them for years and yet cannot speak. Say there are two hundred words made up into sentences on one cylinder. It takes about four minutes for a cylinder to run through. Now, if those sentences are listened to over and over again, with the eyes on the printed book, following every word as the machine speaks it, no better practice could be imagined. It is far better than the disconnected practice obtained in conversation with persons, many of whose words are not comprehended. It is useless to listen to talk in a foreign tongue, where the pronun- ciation is not understood and the meaning is a total blank. One- half hour's practice listening to the Phonograph and studying out the meaning from the printed translation accompanying it, also learning the rules of construction as laid down in the text books is worth more than a whole evening spent in disconnected conversations. Take a single sentence, for instance " Yo deseo hablar espanol." Repeat that sentence alone, many times, until every single sound and inflection is perfectly clear to the mind. Then turn to the grammatical rules given in the same lesson of the book and learn the reason for everything which is being listened to. After that is thoroughly learned, so that the student not only understands the construction but can also repeat the full sentence THE PHONOGRAPH AS AN AID TO LANGUAGE STUDY 1 65 without the aid of either book or Phonograph, then let him take the next sentence. When that is learned proceed to the next and so on, until all are learned. Then let him start at the beginning and repeat the first sentence, then the second, then the third — until he makes a mistake ; then go back to the beginning again and repeat from the beginning. L,et him practice this until he can repeat the entire contents of that cylinder from memory. The pupil will thus commence from the beginning to acquire a special vocabulary, which, can be learned by no other way, except by years of toil and perhaps waiting for the opportunity when he can go to Paris, or to Cuba, only to find when he arrives there, that he belongs to that class of Americans who, it is said, al- though they study French in this country, cannot speak or under- stand a word of what is said to them on their arrival in Paris. The writer firmly believes that any one with a taste for lan- guages can learn three languages in his own home, with the aid of a Phonograph easier than he can learn one without the aid of the instrument. An earnest student can learn without the aid of a teacher. Of course, it is better to have a teacher too — but much tan be learned without a teacher, there is no doubt about that. If he could not have both — a teacher and a Phonograph, and had to choose between them, the writer would certainly take the Phonograph. CHAPTER V. The Phonograph as an Aid to the Arts of Stenography and Typewriting. Being a conversation and argument between Charles Freeman Johnson (a shorthand reporter of considerable fame and prowess) and Mr. Openeer. JOHNSON," said I one day, "you're a hard headed practi- cal business man ; what do you think of the Phonograph in every day business ? It is an acknowledged factor as a home entertainer ; but what do you know about the Phono- graph for practical business use ? ' ' "Mr. Openeer," he replied, "I know a lot about it; I've been a shorthand reporter for twenty years. ' ' Now, my friend Mr. Johnson isn't much of a talker ; his business is listening ; and he does a lot of it, (all the time writing while other fellows are talking). So I said, in a bantering way, to draw him out, ' ' Do you really think — ' ' " Do I think," he grew hot right away, " Do I think it's of any use ? After using it for ten years in my business ? After training hundreds of operators to earn their bread and butter by it ? After seeing our court stenographers earning big money by report- ing cases with its amanuensis aid, which they could not other- wise report without calling in the aid of other stenographers ? ' ' He paused for want of breath. "Say, Johnson," said I, "don't talk to me at the rate of 250 a minute ; come down to 132 and tell me about it in a kindly and christianlike manner. ' ' THE PHONOGRAPH IN STENOGRAPHY AND TYPEWRITING 1 67 "No I don't think," he went on again ignoring my inter- ruption, " I don't think the sun shines or the wind blows or that it rains or snows. I know these things absolutely, and I also know absolutely that the Phonograph in its sphere is just as im- portant a factor as the telegraph, the telephone, the typewriter and the stenographer are in theirs. The time was when no tele- phones were used, and not so very long ago there was no tele- graph and no typewriters, and a stenographer was a rarity ; now, we have all these things and we also have the Phonograph." When Mr. Johnson warms up, he is really quite eloquent. "Johnson," said I, " How does a typewriter come in on the Phonograph question." 1 ' An operator becomes more expert through practicing from Phonograph dictation ; just as shorthand students train them- selves for the fastest shorthand reporting, by taking down short- hand exercises from Phonograph dictation." He whipped a letter from his pocket. ' ' Listen to this, ' ' he said. My Dear Mr. Johnson : — When I wrote you last fall, I was thinking about buying a Phonograph to be used as a dictator : in this way ; you see I am a stenographer, with a speed of 140 words a minute ; my object is to increase my shorthand speed, so all I now need is some one to read to me. My work being of such a nature, I cannot get any- body to read to me in the day, and when I get home at night it is too late to have a person read to me even at a reasonable price, should I hire one. So the idea came to me to get a Phonograph. Now I want to ask you a few questions concerning the Edi- son Home Phonograph, as that is the one I shall buy, the one for thirty dollars. Will it record my voice in such a manner that on being repro- duced I can write it down in shorthand just as though a person were reading to me ? Will every word be reproduced distinctly 1 68 HANDBOOK OF TH£ PHONOGRAPH provided it is dictated distinctly ? If for instance, I take a clip- ping from a newspaper containing about one thousand words and dictate the same to the Phonograph at a rate of 180 words per minute ; could I make the Phonograph reproduce it at a rate of 190 words and also at a less rate? In other words, can I make the Phonograph reproduce the same record very fast or very slow; and while being reproduced fast, can it be heard as distinctly as when reproduced slow, and also vice versa ? How many times will I be able to use the same record, and how many times can a record be shaved and a new record taken ? Please tell me what size horn I shall buy. Can I dictate through a horn or is it necessary to use a speaking tube ? If the Phonograph can do as above asked, I want you to buy me one. Yours very truly, Johnson folded this letter up and put it back in his pocket with a satisfied air. "I answered this letter," he said, "and told him that he couldn't do better than to buy a Phonograph right away, as it would do all he asked and more too. He can get 800 to 1000 words on a record, and can reshave it a hundred times if he's careful about it. "That is certainly very much to the point," said I, "and now what else do you know. ' ' ' ' I was stenographer in the famous Fair will case in San Francisco, probably one of the greatest cases ever tried in this country, lasting over five months. I saw page after page of daily testimony and arguments forming an exact copy of the complete proceedings ready by 9 o'clock the same night; thousands of pages in all, so that the judge and attorneys had the complete proceed- ings of each preceeding day before them upon starting work every morning. All this was done by one shorthand reporter, (your THK PHONOGRAPH IN STENOGRAPHY AND TYPEWRITING 1 69 humble servant) , and two typewriters with the aid of the Phono- graph in transcribing. " I also reported the proceedings of the Trans- Mississippi Congress in 1894, both in St. Louis and in San Francisco ; the California Fruit Growers Association in Los Angelos in 1893, the American Publishing Association in Brooklyn in 1889 and the National Trotting Association, held in Buffalo in 1889 '■> an( i many others. So I guess you'll believe that I know what I am talking about. ' ' Every person, no matter how ignorant, understands that it will require time to learn to become a good telegraph operator, and it takes many months and years to become a good stenog- rapher, and it seems funny that they should not think the same way about the Phonograph. 1 1 Why should we spend time and money to learn telegraphy, shorthand and typewriting and then have an idea that no time is required to learn the Phonograph; the most delicate of all and one of the most useful. " The use of the .Phonograph must be learned, the same as anything else. But how easy it is to learn, and to use, when you know how. Take the easiest of all the foregoing arts, typewriting. Even that requires weeks to learn ; and months, perhaps years, to become expert. But the Phonograph, while it does require a little time to learn, yet needs but a few days to learn everything about it and only a few weeks practice to acquire all the dexterity in its use, that is necesssary to make it an indispensable adjunct to a skilful person's life. Yes, indispensable to life ; for life is not worth living without it to a man who really has much business requiring its use. I make the following broad statement without the slightest hesitation. 1 ' Every person engaged in work of any kind requiring dicta, tion and typewriter transcription, can do this work with greater ease by dictating to the Phonograph than in any other manner." 170 HANDBOOK OF THK PHONOGRAPH * ' Do you mean that the Phonograph will entirely take the place of shorthand," said I. " No, nothing of the kind." replied Johnson, " I believe that not in a thousand years will this ever happen. There are many cases where the dictation (from the circumstances of the case) can be done better in shorthand. For this reason the amanuensis stenographer will never be entirely displaced. The telegraph has not been displaced by the telephone ; the elevated railroads have not displaced the surface lines, nor has the typewriter done away with handwriting. More pens are manufactured today than ever before in the world's history. The greatest usefulness of the Phonograph for business purposes, lies in its value as an aid in developing shorthand and typewriting. It will make more work and increase the number of typewritists and make better operators of those who use it in their daily work, or in their practice as students. In many cases perhaps, it will take the place of the amanuensis stenographer, as any good typewriter can do all the necessary work from it without the aid of any shorthand whatever. But the same person doing the amanuensis stenography, will become the phonographist, receving more pay, for an expert phonographist and typewritist is worth more pay any time than an ordinary amanuensis stenographer. While it should increase the wages of the typewritist, it will save money for the employer, for far more work will be done by each operator. "It should be a part of every stenographer's education to understand the Phonograph thoroughly, to be able to dictate his notes, and, if a typewritist, to be able to transcribe from it. He should know everything pertaining to his art. The time is certainly coming when thousands of Phonographs will be in use ; when the sight of a Phonograph in a business office will be as familiar as the sight of a typewriting machine. " There are 3,000 business colleges and shorthand schools in the United States, averaging say 150,000 students of shorthand and typewriting. A large percentage of these will never pass the THE PHONOGRAPH IN STENOGRAPHY AND TYPEWRITING 171 line of mediocrity, because they have not the general education and special talent required to make good stenographers. Yet all of these could become good typewritists and fill money earning positions, simply by learning the use of the Phonograph. With three months' study, they could take positions. If they wish to learn shorthand besides, they can get all the dictation practice so necessary, by writing down in shorthand selected dictation exercises previously dictated to the Phonograph. And it is so much easier for this sort of work to be done from the Phonograph, that it will ultimately result in its being done in this manner, as soon as the public and the operators find out how much better it is. 1 ' Every student of shorthand should own one of these machines and have it in his own house for practicing shorthand dictation. It is far better than a human dictator. If the student asks a sister, or brother, or a friend to read for him, they soon tire out. Besides, the best of reading for practice is never quite satisfactory. But with a Phonograph, the student dictates any of the exercises he wishes to practice, at his own rate of speed ; then lets the machine talk it back to him at whatever rate of speed he may choose and he practices taking it down in shorthand, over and over again, as many times as he wishes, until he becomes thoroughly expert. 1 ' The secret of speed in shorthand writing is constant practice on the same exercise, writing a paragraph over and over again, until it becomes almost second nature to write it. For this purpose, a Phonograph is simply ideal ; and it will not be long before every business college and shorthand school in this country will have an equipment of Phonographs for the purpose of giving their scholars dictation work, instead of paying teachers salaries for the purpose of reading dictation exercises to scholars, as they now do. 1 ' Now letus come to the question of what class of people needs the machine most, and who can use it the most readily. I 172 HANDBOOK OF THK PHONOGRAPH answer, court stenographers. Why ? Because, they have the most work of this kind to do. How do they do it ? Well, they report in court all day long, we will say. A reporter takes from 100 to 200 pages of shorthand notes a daj^. When court adjourns, he goes to his office and reads his notes into the Phono- graph. He simply talks them off from his note book, just as fast as he can possibly talk. It makes no difference to the type- writist how fast the dictator talks into the machine. He can try his skill in this direction and talk ' like lightning. ' As soon as the cylinder is full, it is turned over to the typewritist, who is waiting with another Phonograph and a typewriter. The reporter goes right on dictating another cylinder, as fast as he can talk. The typewritist meanwhile starts the first cylinder on her Phono- graph talking back to her. If too fast, she simply stops the machine until she catches up ; then she goes ahead again ; or she can set it back and repeat as many times as necessary. ' ' With a good t}^pewritist, no repeating is necessary, for the reason that the reproduction can be regulated so that the talk will come off, not as fast as dictated, but at a very slow rate of speed. In this way an expert typewrtist can keep writing continuously, without making any stops, all the time keeping up with the machine. 1 ' This develops great speed in typewriting ; and it is the experience of all operators using the Phonograph (until they be- come throughly expert with it) , that they prefer writing in this manner. They can turn out more copy than in any other way, with more ease and comfort to themselves. ' ' Every typewritist knows how much pleasanter it is to write from dictation than either from copying or from shorthand notes. One half of the transcriber's time is wasted in deciphering notes. An expert transcriber from dictation can do as high as eighteen pages an hour, while the same operator, transcribing from short- hand notes, could not do more than ten pages an hour. This, of course, is the highest degree of skill. THE PHONOGRAPH IN STENOGRAPHY AND TYPEWRITING 1 73 " With the Phonograph, the typewritist is not compelled to adapt her time to the reporter's, and it is a wonderful relief to him to know he can stop work at any moment, without wasting the time of another employee, in the middle of a sentence, or at the end, and go on again from the same place, whenever he is ready. He can be doing something else, while his work is being transcribed, releasing him from the drudgery of being tied down to the operator, waiting for the slower transcription ; when he knows he could talk so much faster. " In dictating to an amanuensis stenographer, the time of the employee in taking notes is entirely wasted, for if the dictator were talking to the machine instead, the amanuensis would be engaged in transcribing something else, or doing other work. In other words, the Phonograph gives both dictator and transcriber absolute liberty as to time. "If reporters can do this with the Phonograph, 'because they have so much of it to do,' how much easier it should be for other persons to use it, who have less work to do? ' ' Not only is the Phonograph a benefit to the typewritist, but it is an educator to the person dictating. It will improve the the dictation of anyone using it. There are lawyers whose speeches at the bar are models of diction ; not requiring the slightest change after delivery. But there are many others, if their speeches were reported word for word as delivered, who would deny they ever uttered them. To such men, the habit of dictating to a Phonograph would be invaluable ; for it would force them to think, before beginning to talk ; to put their language in proper form for expression and not leave the auditor to imagine from their disconnected words what they really mean to say." 1 ' As far as the talking quality of the Phonograph is con- cerned, it is to-day perfectly satisfactory. If the cylinder is prop- erly shaved so as to present a smooth and highly polished surface, and the record is properly dictated, in the right tone of voice, with the mouth at a proper distance from the speaking 174 HANDBOOK OF THE PHONOGRAPH tube, the reproduction will be perfect. It will be so clear that no one can have the slightest difficulty in understanding it, quite as well as if spoken in the ordinary manner. Dictating correctly, without mistakes or changes, is entirely a matter of habit. With a little practice a dictator can form the words in his mind, so as to utter them rapidly, without correction. Should an error be made, it can be indicated to the typewritist before it is written, by simply saying at once, 'mistake.' If a change is required in matter dictated some time previously, it can be made readily by a simple memorandum on the slip of paper used to number the cylinder, calling the typewritist' s attention to the same. The typewritist, seeing the memorandum, will catch the change before commencing to write, by listening for the part to be corrected. " No judgment as to the usefulness of the talking machine for this work can be formed by listening to ordinary music, singing, or comic speech records. These give no idea of the clearness of reproduction for real work, with records properly made for the purpose. When dictation is carefully and properly done, pitch and timbre are in the record ; the accent is clear and distinct ; every change and inflection is noted, also the rise and fall of the voice ; all in fact, that is required for reproduction of the work. Any typewritist with one week's practice in listening, can there- after distinguish every word spoken to the machine, without the slightest difficulty. " No one starting to use a Phonograph, should begin it with- out carefully considering every detail, having full instructions from those understanding it and having all the appliances necessary to make it a success. Where any failure is recorded, it is always due, not to any inherent inability in the machine for such work, but either to trifling mechanical defects, possible in any piece of machinery, or else to lack of intelligence on the part of either the dictator or the typewritist. THE PHONOGRAPH IN STENOGRAPHY AND TYPEWRITING 1 75 1 1 If the first trial of the Phonograph is not pleasing, try it again and persevere at it. It is like every new exercise. The first day of bicycle riding is unpleasant ; the first trial of skates on ice may be disastrous ; the first week of typewriting is very discouraging. But stick to it. Give the Phonograph a thorough trial of two weeks. Then, if you do not like it, you may rest assured it is only because you are doing something wrong and require a little instruction from some expert operator to show you where the difficulty is. " One machine is not enough ; there should be two. There must be a stock of cylinders, at least a dozen, and in a short- hand reporter's office, as many as 150 cylinders should be on hand ready for use. ' ' There should be a separate shaving machine and some one person trained to shave cylinders, whose duty it is to see that prepared cylinders are always ready for the dictator, standing in the proper receptacle alongside of the dictation machine. ' ' The machine should be thoroughly and regularly cleaned, so as to require no attention by the dictator. Its running parts should be freed from wax and dirt daily, and carefully oiled. 1 ' The recorder and reproducer should be examined to see that they are in perfect order and should always be kept in receptacles provided for them, so that they are always ready when wanted and never broken by being laid down in unexpected places. With the best of care, the glass diaphgrams are liable to be broken by accidents ; for this reason, it is well to keep an extra recorder and reproducer on hand for use, while a broken piece is being repaired." ' ' Make it a rule never to touch the outside, or talking sur- faces of the cylinders with the hands, and never allow anything to strike them. Do not let the cylinders rub against one another. " Remember that the Phonograph, like the human voice, being designed to perform most delicate work, is a very delicate instrument, requiring the best of care and skilful handling, such 176 HANDBOOK OF THE PHONOGRAPH as any person of ordinary intelligence is able to give ; and that provided simply a little thoughtful attention is given to all its details, the results obtained are the most satisfactory and pleasing of all the devices introduced into the work-a-day life of the nineteenth century, for the aid of mankind in intellectual pur- suits. ! ' The best place for a typewritist to learn this work is in a shorthand reporter's office, where there is plenty of work. The typewritist is then competent to fill any position where a talking machine is used. If such a typewritist, taking an interest in the work and thoroughly understanding the machine, will instruct the dictator how to use it (if not thoroughly conversant therewith) , it will work with great satisfaction." 1 'A busy man's time and brains now-a-days are worth too much for him to spend himself in the old ways of doing work, to say nothing of the saving of nerve power and physical energy, when a Phonograph can be obtained for such a reasonable sum. He can have a machine at his house and another, perhaps two, at his office. He can go home at night, sit in his own room in ease and comfort, and dictate at his leisure, taking the work to his office the next morning to be transcribed by the typewritist. ' ' Many of the best shorthand reporters, all over the United States are now using this machine in their offices for transcribing their notes, and hundreds of the machines are in use in business houses where the heads of the various departments have learned to dictate their letters in that way, where they have long since passed the stage of experiment ; so that they now say, under no circumstances would they go back to the old way of correspond- ence by dictating in shorthand. 1 ' The time is coming when business and professional men will be ashamed to admit that they have not sufficient intelligence to dictate to the Phonograph, and when no typewritists or stenog- raphers will consider their education complete without a thorough knowledge of the machine and skill in using it." CHAPTER VI. Three Greek Roots. PHONE : the voice. Its use in such CfJC02S7j — English words as telephone, pho- netic, euphonious and megaphone, tells the story of its meaning. GRAPH : to write. As used in ypCCCpELV* § ra P hic > telegraph, and autograph, J I ' its meaning is clearly explained. Hence, Phonograph: the voice — to write. In other words, a device for writing or recording sound. GRAM: that which is written. As in ypCC/JLLLCUz the wor ds grammar and telegram. -'' Hence, Phonogram: the voice — that which is written. That is to say, sound recorded; or, as applied to Mr. Edison's invention, a Phonograph Record. ABOUT TALKING MACHINES IN GENERAL. AT first there appears to be a wide choice when one decides to buy a Talking Machine. Besides the Phonograph (Thomas A. Edison's original invention), there are on the market a large variety of "grams," "graphs" and "phones," subsequent inventions or modifications of the Original Edison Phonograph. Not content with copying the general features of 178 HANDBOOK OF THE PHONOGRAPH the first Talking Machine, the names also for the various models are adapted from the titles chosen by Mr. Edison to describe the machine he invented and the record it made, of hitherto unseen sound waves. The result has been a confusion of names ; and the public is to-day at a loss to know exactly what does, and what does not constitute a Phonograph, and a Phonogram or Record. DIFFERENT TYPES OF TALKING MACHINES. The most sweeping classification of Talking Machines would be : The Phonograph (Class 1). All other Talking Machines (Class 2). This would not be just, however, in classifying as to types ; for many well-known Talking Machines are very similar to the Phonograph in their general characteristics ; the difference being mainly in their structural inferiority and consequent inability to do fine work. As to types, therefore, there are but two Talking Machines — one. using cylinders of wax or similar compositions, and the other, flat discs of hard fibre or metal. With machines of the first type it is possible for any one to make a record, either of the voice, of musical instruments or, in fact, of any kind of sound. The waves of sound, playing upon a sensitive diaphragm, cause a sapphire stylus to engrave or indent upon the smooth wax cylinder indentations corresponding to the pitch or intensity of the sound. The cylinder revolves as the sound is continued, causing a succession of indentations to appear on the wax surface, in the shape of a long spiral groove. This constitutes a Phonogram — a "writing of sound" — a Record. When the sapphire point is set back at the beginning of the groove and the record revolves, it is vibrated by the indentations, making the sensitive diaphragm in turn to vibrate and to give off again the same sounds that caused the indentations. THREE GREEK ROOTS 1 79 With machines of the second type it is not possible to make records except with very elaborate and costly machinery, and the use of chemicals and acids. The groove is first traced on a flat disc by a stylus, vibrating sinuously, that is, sideways, instead of in-and-out as with machines of the first type. This groove is afterwards bitten deeper by the use of acids ; thus destroying in a measure the absolute value of the sound writing. It is as if a child with a black blunt lead pencil should trace over the delicate strokes of a fine signature. The inaccuracies of the result are plain to the eye and ear. When the reproducing stylus is placed at the beginning of the groove and the disc is revolved, a harsh, grating sound is heard, in addition to the sound waves recorded. This is known as the "scratch of the needle" and is pronounced by musical experts to be a most radical objection ; not taking into consideration even the fact that with this type of machine one cannot make his own records ; which is more than one half the fun of owning a Talking Machine. THE CHOICE OF A TALKING MACHINE. That Talking Machine is best which is most complete. Viewed from the standpoint of absolute merit, the wax cylinder machines present the means for the widest enjoyment. With this type it is always possible for an amateur to make records, and they are superior in every way to the "flat disc" machine, with its gritty "scratch of the needle" and its acid-etched record. With the complete wax cylinder Talking Machine, not only can records be reproduced that are especially prepared by experts in the art, but also records that are made at home. Not only are famous singers, bands, instrumental soloists, actors and vaudeville artists brought into your very home, but you have the enjoyment of making records of your own voice, your children's voices, your friend's banjo, cornet and piano playing. l8o HANDBOOK OF THE PHONOGRAPH With the choice thus narrowed down to complete machines of the wax cylinder type, there yet remain two considerations — Price and Quality. It is a well known fact that the cheapest goods are not usually the best. A certain value must be asked for value given in manufacture. A dollar watch is made to sell. It is a good thing in its way, but for time-keeping it is a superfluity and a source of annoyance. A cheap bicycle is made to sell. It is a pretty thing to look at, but one buys a wheel to ride, not to put into a glass case. A cheap Talking Machine that is made to sell will make a noise ; its wheels will go around, but that is its limit. It is also a well known fact that a great man with a great name and a great reputation, will use every power and exercise every care to uphold the high standard that the use of his name demands. There can be but one conclusion. To paraphrase the cry of Islam, "There is only one Talking Machine, and its name is the Phonograph. ' ' ALWAYS LOOK FOR THE TRADE MARK. All Genuine Edison Phonographs bear the name of the in- ventor — Thomas A. Edison. That is the hall-mark of the genuine article. Other Talking Machines may look like the Phonograph ; may appear to run as true and as smooth as the Phonograph ; may even be called, unscrupulously, by the same name, but no one need be deceived. The signature of Mr. Edison is on every Phonograph ; with- out it no other machine is genuine. Phonographs are made with the delicacy and accuracy of a scientific instrument. They run smooth and true and govern perfectly. This explains their use by other companies in making fine high-priced musical records. Edison Records are the best in the world. Not only is the best talent obtainable employed in the music-rooms at the Edison THREE GREEK ROOTS l8l Laboratory, but the records are made on Kdison Blanks. This is a fact that speaks volumes to the Talking Machine expert. Kdison Blanks are chemically pure. They are recognized as Standard the world over. They have no successful rival in the market. There is no Talking Machine company or infringer who does not recognize this fact and there are no records worth having that are not made on Kdison Blanks. Other kinds are gritty, harsh and unservice- able, and little, if any, cheaper. The following, from a recent publication on the subject, covers the ground truthfully : 1 ' While the ingredients that compose the Kdison Cylinder are not unknown in the art, the secret of their chemical combina- tion still remains with Mr. Kdison. Other cylinders, made in imitation of his, and cast in the same form, lack the qualities essential for record making and other characteristics that give a cylinder permanent value." RECAPITULATION. A Phonograph, any style, playing an Kdison Record, any kind, made on an Kdison Blank, is Perfection. n *? * } ? V - v^> ''"-■ * 111:' 1 ■ <**■ ^ I ^ ^ \ 00 ^ ^ ,\" x ' < V sr^luLL^^ *" & y* \ /' ^>- /' & -s. \ /% .tf C'*V> ^ v* 1 O0 N Oo "', / N ,0 o A ' w v^ ^ v §, < % ./' ,♦*% ^ <» v O ^-- ' Jl1 '-> 0? *,*u *% % W ° '"*<■ V •\ %^k ^ ■ w ^^ 4?