Class JEiFLX2^1 Book. ■ C£) (r> _ (ipight>J°- CGEXRICHT DEPOSIT. The Laws of Life A Series of Inspired Lessons From the Spirit World Written By MARY COLE OLIVER Illustration visualized to the author from the Spirit World and drawn by WILLIAM T. CAMPBELL ("Billy Cam") .O)(o Copyright 1922 By MARY COLE OLIVER 4 c^^^E> 3 ^UG "7 1922 ©CI.AG81272 DEDICATED to my gvxirding angel sister, IRENE MAY COLE, whose loving trust brought to me the teachers who so im- pressed me to write and spread the gospel of Love and Truth, MARY COLE OLIVER, . CONTENTS Chapter I— LIFE. Chapter II— LOVE. Chapter III— TRUTH. Chapter IV— EVOLUTION AND PROGRESSION. Chapter V— KNOWLEDGE. Chapter VI— IGNORANCE. Chapter VII— RELIGION. Chapter VIII— THE SOUL. Chapter IX— PEACE AND HARMONY. PREFACE The following Inspired lessons on living were writ- ten by Mary Cole Oliver during a period of time cov- ering several months. Coming slowly at first, per- haps only a few sentences at a time, which she was strongly impreftrsed to write, the inspirations soon fol- lowed closely upon each other and after the first month came at the rate of about two hundred words a day. They were not written in trance, nor were they dictated word by word, but the thought subjects were given in the form of impressions only, and, being phratsed in the simple words of the author, are even more powerful and impelling than if couched in deep, scientific terms. Usually she sat alone in concentration in her own home. On other occasions psychic friends sat with her, to determine, if possible, the source of inspiration. At various times teachers from the higher realms were seen standing near, and often the author's sis- ter, who passed to the Spirit World nearly twenty years ago, and who was identified by detailed de- scriptions given by those who were watching, was seen standing in the background while the messages were being written. It is to the memory of this guarding angel sister, Irene May Cole, that this book is dedicated. It is the firm belief of the. author that the wonderful love of her sister and her never ending efforts and desires to help humanity, was the power that brought the teachers to her and impressed her so strongly to write the revelations. -:=mQ.Q(§IKl^.^:'-- [LQ(?@ \ Q.®^S 4 ( CHAPTER I LIFE The life of mankind is one long, winding journey thru the cycles of eternity. Years, centuries, ages, all are as one in the evolution of the spark of divinity. Truth is its mission, and Love the law. The nature of your present existence is dependent on your inner development. Only thru a thorough understanding of self and your mighty power of ad- vancement can you go forth, conquering by loving, the synonym of Brotherly Love. Your spirit is the self of the soul, giving expression thru the flesh. Life in the flesh is to create for Truth. By experience and the experience of others, correct understanding is gained and justice meted out to all. If you abide in Truth, harmony and Love will be the keynote of your success. To be wise as a serpent yet gentle as a dove is the work of a master. Be ye master of the life you are living, sending the thots of purity and teaching the law of Love. Solve the problem of destiny by the supreme test, self-knowl- edge. Seek ye first the God within, for in unity there is strength. The open door of the Christ principle faces the workers for humanity and universal Love becomes a realization. You can and must realize that life is a part of the redemption of matter. You have risen from the ele- ments even as the flower, a law unto yourself. To — 1 — THE LAWS OF LIFE give to the world the portion of divine inspiration through right living is the birthright of the soul and the leaven that raises the world's development. Life is everlasting and perfection the goal. All that is not of Truth must be cast off, the work of the law of cause and effect. Laws of life are true to nature, the nucleus of evo- lution. The basis of progress is action: in all things doth it abide. Success, failure, all are under one law, its justice charging the universe with eternal life. The poise of wisdom and the humility of pure Love center their mighty force on the perfection of being. To triumph over matter, the mind is God's gift that you may understand Truth, and the heart that you may know Love. Be not content with a little knowledge: the realms of wisdom lie deep. The price is diligent search in Truth's domain; the reward is peace and Love — the heaven within. The gulf that lies between ignorance and Truth is only the darkness that precedes the day, and Love is the ship that brings in safety the child of darkness to the light of clear understanding. The troubled waters that beset the workers for Truth bring closer home the knowledge of continuity. Cause and effect are collecting their toll, that har- mony may reign supreme. Where is eternity? It is the land of creation. Poets their message of Love have woven into the lines of Paradise mysteries too deep to fathom. Think ye that a Love so pure and sincere ever came to die again? None has come to tell the tale where the land of life shall end. Yet within the voice ye hear: "Love is everlasting." — 2 — LIFE The breath of life is God, is you, creator and cre- ation. A firm foundation, the staff of Hfe — Love — is eternity. You ask the reason why 'tis so: God's in- finite wisdom has willed it so. You have the will to send the Love of life into that vast eternal land. Purify, sanctify the spirit of Love in the heart of man. Then will you hear the answer loud and clear. Spirit thou art and unto spirit thou shalt return, is the song of the soul. The cycle thru eternity is the circle of Love, no beginning and no end. Life is the shadow of the soul in the current of creative force. Twixt life and eternity the chasm of reality is reached by the path of inward consciousness. From the heights of divine knowledge into the realms of perfect being, is the crossing of the soul into infinity. Yonder lies the gate of greed, and within its realms the torch of material dominion beck- ons and tempts the seekers of selfish gain. Pos- terity wavers in the balance ; they hear the call, but would not heed. Again it calls in the problems of daily life, only to be silenced until in some tragedy too great for mortal mind to bear, they enter the portal of inner consciousness and whisper a prayer for guidance. Mercifully and tenderly the All-Wise One counsels and comforts, turning the light of understanding into the heart crushed with sorrow and the mind veiled with ignorance. The path of reason opens and the mind is cleansed, making it a mighty power for Truth. Teach ye the children of the earth that the sin of omission is as great as the sin of commission. Work is the solace of the mind and a source of growth for the soul's attainment. Lowly or in the ranks of the THE LAWS OF LIFE nobility, the soul gathers unto itself the ripened grain, and contentment is the reward of work well done. Law gravitates, Love permeates, and Truth evolves thru the unity of life. Man has proclaimed the word of God, but nature is left to swerve the multitude by her testimony of eternal existence. The gift of elevating, transforming and creating is nature's divine heritage — and still man searches for the law of life. Look to the elements, the source of growth, and learn the lesson of super-life. Surrounded by the cities of man, nature's call is seldom heard. Yet in the wilderness the light of wisdom gleaned from the silence of nature is calling to the inner man. None that listen shall be afraid or think that mortal can e'er be half so lovely as Mother Nature. Nature in her modesty is the fairest flower in the garden of Love. Entreating, creating, en- chanting, expressing, life has no greater power than nature. Sovereigns reign in earth's domain, but nature reigns forever. She does her work well and when it is finished she claims her own, an endless chain of life and Love. Figuratively speaking, the life is the flower and the soul the seed. Perfect the flower and **corrup- tion shall have put on incorruption." Death has no sting when life is sought in Love of humanity. Change is the element that reaps the harvest, sep- arating the wheat from the chaff. For as much as the scales must balance, live by lifting and fulfill the law of Love. Life is the creation of Infinite Intelligence. It is not all good that is stored away as knowledge. It is the sum and substance of ripe experience. Grains — 4 — LIFE of sand are as mighty in their endeavor to lift the ocean as are deeds of kindness to lift mankind. In all the worlds and all the ages life has been the force that lifts and generates into activity the spirit of the soul. The fall of spirit into matter is a natural function of enduring evolution. In the mind of man rests the seed of inherited Love, its perversion being brought about by the desire of the animal self to gain satisfaction. Gain of the desire world is part of the world's Karma that must be obliterated. Clean, pure thots attract the elements of oneness and embrace the Love principle. It is this elevating principle that is the savior of mankind. All force is life, sending out myriads of infinitesminal feelers in search of a breeding place. Wherever it lodges there it will reap the harvest. Life is vibration, constantly working, either con- sciously or unconsciously, to create harmony. Every good deed perfectly accomplished is a creation of the higher self and a step unto knowledge. The Love of creating is universal and eternal. It is the answer to the call of life. Life is the expression of the soul within. When mortal mind controls, the expression is often the gratification of the lower self, and must be purified ere it can return to the soul as food for growth. Nature's laws are the great cleanser and leveler for Truth. Obedience to the higher self means co- operation with God. Uproot all ideas of personal gain and in its place sow the seeds of Love and unity. You are limiting yourself by personality. All power lies within the soul. Every turn of the wheel of evo- lution is the soul's unfoldment, increasing^ in Love and wisdom. — 5 — THE LAWS OF LIFE The sustenance of all life is evolved from the soul, working in order and harmony. Cause and effect are the great adjusters at work in every stage of evolution. Spirituality is man's natural and high- est state of existence. The lower, grosser qualities in man's nature are brot about by the will of man. Predestination is not a law of the inevitable. Only as we know the oneness of all things and the ultimate end can we comprehend predestination. Many things could be avoided and the soul's unfoldment hastened if we would learn the laws of God, and work with them. The power to will is God's gift to man, and deep within is the perfect understanding of right and wrong. God's laws are all just, and will, the highest power of man,. would not be given without its equiva- lent, the power of divine judgment. The will in man is used freely and often works injury when the divine spark that opens the door to Truth is barred with ignorance. Direct the will to its task of conquering the lower self and when ac- complished, will for good, and its power for attain- ment will be manifest daily. Will is a mighty factor in the drama of life and when used in the service of Truth is of God and is unlimited. Be up and work- ing. Learn the power of good and step upward for humanity in God Love. The destiny of all creation is eternal life. The power of creation is the spirit of Truth that must work for harmony. The law of cause and effect will often appear to work destruction, tho the de- struction of evil, will never consume the good, but will give it greater chance to work for Truth. — 6 — LIFE Nature's laws are ever working for harmony. When the eyes are dimmed to the wonderful beauty of na- ture by selfish desire, be glad that your soul is calling you to a nobler Hfe, and stamp out the lower self. The mind has been falsely taught to obey desire, and is ever at work to appease that desire. As the in- herent desire for materialism is deep-rooted, it is not surprising the cry for spiritual attainment is met with fear and trembHng. The voice within has spoken the Truth and the awakening will ever be the facing of self. The most comforting and potent Truth of all ages is "God is Love." The creation of all good is God. Then as we are creators, a part of that Divine Intelligence, to work in harmony with His loving plan should be the sincere desire of all. Cheerfully accept the re- sponsibility that is yours, and a life of service will lead to wisdom and peace. Pearls of Truth are the reward of an awakened soul, and Love will lead to the haven within. All of life is not living, nor of death is dying. Life is immortal, and death is merely a beautiful change to a higher expression of life: fear it not. Life ever- lasting is here and now. Seek the things that are lasting. Waste not your life's energy in satisfying your worldly ambitions. Unless they are character building and soul inspiring they are as nothing. Put aside those thots that bind you to worldly things and clothe your soul with divine knowledge. Teach your brother the Truth, for his growth is your growth, and by Love all must be reclaimed. Man's laws are built on the rights of the many, God's laws on Love and justice for all. By Love all men are created free and equal, and by THE LAWS OF LIFE Love all must be saved. Call forth the Spirit of Truth, that the world may be enlightened and know God. Love is the dominating force of the universe, and Truth will prove it. Faith is trust and is the first step toward knowl- edge. Knowledge comes from obedience to God's law and a sincere desire to know God. The Tree of Life can bear only good. Love and Truth are its fruit. Change and decay are not a part of good, but a part of the laws of evolution and compensa- tion. To say evil does not exist would be to deny God's law. His laws are all the natural result of cause and effect. We may work in opposition to God's law, we may build barriers to combat its force, but the law is not changed. His laws are of Love and Truth, ever working for peace and harmony. Seek the things of Love and Truth: make that great Brotherhood a realization. Step up to that higher life, that better self, and bring heaven here below. Why wait for death, that great change, to learn God's Truth ? Pave the way by a life of Love and understanding of Truth. Be ready when the Master calls, and the same Love and Truth that has worked for good here will go forth with you to glorify God. The Truth of life everlasting is demonstrated daily, and in all things. What is there you can destroy? The fire can burn, but always the ashes remain, to return from whence they came. The mighty oak, once a tiny seed, was nourished by Mother Earth and fed by the elements that gave it birth. By that same law that gives back the tree the spirit of man returns to spirit, from whence it came. LIFE Know that you are spirit now and forevermore. Feed the spirit as well as the body. The soul growth is slow when the mind sees only the material needs. Find that higher self, the spark of divinity that is God's gift to all. Go into the silence with loving thots and aspirations for things eternal. Only by Love and concentration can self, that greatest Truth in the world, be unfolded. Think right and live with charity for all and malice toward none. Be true to yourself, and it must follow as the night the day, you shall abide in Truth and by your works you shall be known. 9 — CHAPTER II LOVE The light on the path is Love, the illumination of Truth. It permeates every atom of the universe, lifegiving and forceful. HumiHty, kindness, charity, all are characteristics of divine Love, the fount of wisdom. Let your smile and your deeds be a clear reflection of spiritual unfoldment. Forget the sor- rows of yesterday, lest you hide your light under a bushel. The sunlight of the soul shines steadily on, but the clouds of materiality have dimmed the mirror and a countenance of worldliness shows mortal mind is master. A willing heart and a cheerful smile make life worth living and death worth dying. If you have found the beauty in this great world, then price- less joys await you as you journey on. Endurance is the test of material for eternity. Silver and gold may have precedence on this earthly plane, but only as they are used wisely and with a true knowledge of their worth can they stand the test. Better would you journey on with a heart of Love and a soul at peace, than mansions of beauty and a purse of gold. Seek the Truth in all things. Ask yourself the value of the life you are living and stand face to face with reason and Love. Love is the law of progress and the vessel of eternal Truth. Sublime in its subtle strength. Love is ever visiting the self of life by nature and her chil- —10— LOVE dren. Fondly she wields the sword of justice, for life is not a thing to spurn, and the lesson of Love is yours to learn. The sting of redemption is the recompense of jus- tice. Arise to the Hfe of service for Love and the flame of sorrow shall be turned from darkness into the wisdom of eternal day. Each in its place shall play the part of Love that life sustains. To one is given the fullness of Love, unconscious of the anguish-crushed heart that stalks the path of life. Yet each must learn the lesson for a greater day, and couched in gold the soul shall bare each deed well done. You cannot pass it by for greater goal until you pay the service to your soul. Prosperity is only a word of worth according to its quality. Seek for the good and ye shall find prosperity means to you a life of Love for your fel- lowman. Pay the price the soul demands and enter into that peaceful land. Patience is the voice of Love that speaks the tongue of every man. Mortal and immortal stand in the wake of Love so pure that patience leads to unity. The glory of God is the emanation of Love, the divine gift to all. All power is given Truth, the man- ifestation of the divine principle, Love. Open the door of wisdom. The depths of the soul is the sanctuary, and Truth bids you enter. The dwellers in the flesh have only to go within, realizing the Almighty is every present, directing the unfoldment that brings peace and wisdom. Life eternal draws all in its course — you cannot escape. The lesson you must learn is that justice will win; that Truth and Love, the goal of oneness, work in marvelous ways their miracles to perform. Cause —11— THE LAWS OF LIFE and effect are ever before you as a natural law of adjustment, bringing compensation to all. With a perfect understanding of Love, all life takes its proper place and you no longer ignore the voice within, but become one with God. Henceforth you must abide in Love, demonstrating the Christ principle that is the Truth of Brotherly Love. Creatures of Love destined to life everlasting are we. The breath of Truth is the force that penetrates all things, creating and in turn reincarnating the soul of life. The journey thru eternity has many diversified paths, but the goal of Love and harmony must be attained. Just as the law of gravitation draws all unto itself, like attracts like, and the spark of divinity must surely return to the source from which it came. You may wander from the main road, setting up barriers to curb the laws of nature, but the lifeline of Truth will claim its own. It is the inevitable law of nature that "time and tide wait for no man." Thus it is, you must either work with the law, car- ried forth on the tide of Love, or you are calling on the law of compensation to mete justice. You are a law unto yourself, creating and bringing into play cause and effect, the arm of Truth and jus- tice. Revolutionize your worldly life by living in Love and Truth. Let the God within work with and for you and you shall know the peace that passeth all understanding. All things are possible with God. Know that you are a part of that divine Love, and that by working in harmony with His divine laws all things must work for good. Let wisdom and Love so fill your heart that God may shine forth in all His glory. As —12— LOVE we are made in the likeness and image of God, let His light so shine that all may know the Truth: we are one with God. Love is the highest expression of God. Find that Love within, that you may know that peace and con- tentment that all seek. God has given his angels charge over you: deny them not. Know they are God's and as children of God we are one. Christ Jesus taught the gospel of Love, not for the chosen, but for all. Spread His teachings; reach out for Truth and that thirst for knowledge shall be quenched. Let each day be a step up on that ladder of progression. Think right and you must live right; live right and know God; love God and do good. Call forth the Spirit of Love to guide and direct your path. Trust and obey His teachings. Let Christ's teachings be yours. Make each day shine forth a lesson in Love to all who know you. Sow the seed of kindness. Christ taught: "Feed my lambs.". . . . "As you do it unto one of these you do it unto Me." Remember that happiness is not measured by dol- lars and cents, but by a heart of gold. Do well that duty that is before you, be it humble or great. Know that God is ever present and just. Carry the message of Love to every walk of life and hasten the day of that great Brotherhood. Let that great Truth of the continuity of life, that there are no dead, that we do not die, and that salva- tion is for all, ring forth and glorify God. Let the path of Love lead onward and upward. Let your faith go hand in hand with Love and wis- dom, for faith without works will perish. Lift up your heart, knowing that all things are possible with —13— THE LAWS OF LIFE God, and you shall receive that spiritual awakening and come forth a messenger of Love and Truth. Creeds may come and creeds may go, but Love will reign forever. Pin thy faith on Love, the Rock of Ages. It cannot fail, for God is Love, the essence of all things good, the firm foundation on which all may stand. Change and decay are ever around us, but Love and Truth, the gifts of God, will march forth victorious. Open your eyes, that you may see the beauty of God everywhere. Then open your ears, list to God's message and voice the Truth to all who would know. Marvel not at God's wisdom. The mighty mountains so stately in all their majesty, the troubled seas so deep in mystery, forever the wonder of mankind, are only expressions of God's Love, as you and I. The infinite wisdom of God is no greater than His Love. As you climb the ladder of progression, remember always that knowledge without charity must fail. Let each day be a lesson in Brotherly Love. Onward and upward, secure in the arms of Love and Truth. Know that God's loving Presence in all things doth abide. From the mountains to the sea, from the in- finitely small to the infinitely great, all are a part of God's wondrous plan. Tho all things are expressions of God, a part of His divine Love, still He is greater than all. No beginning and no end, life everlasting is God. Work in harmony with His loving plan and all things are possible. All that has been and all that ever will be, God of Love has given us. Knowledge and Love are the greatest forces in the universe. Stand firm for Truth and let Love be the mediator. Love —14— LOVE calls forth the good in all. Know that God will never fail you when you earnestly seek the Truth. When success comes from honest toil, grasp it tight, and forget not from whence it came. Just let it prove another opportunity to help a brother. Knowledge may bring success, but only when joined with Love can it give peace and contentment. From deeds in the past we have made our present: start today by right living and make that future just what you would have it be. "Day cometh after night, bloom after vexing blight; peace after pain and strife; rest, joy, eternal life." Love is God manifest. Truth is the essence of God's laws. His laws are ever working and are just. Let Love lead, and the law of compensation will prove it is of God. Toil and strife must vanish when Love and har- mony are present. Let your work be from Love and all things will work together for good. When sor- row crosses your path, remember that "every cloud has a silver lining," and look for the sunshine of the morrow. Changing, ever changing as time goes on, the toil of today will bear the fruit of tomorrow. In the heavens above, on the earth beneath, God's wondrous laws are ever working for Love and Truth. Weary not of well doing. The source of Love is great, and eternity is ours. Seek diHgently for the Truth, that all things shall be made plain. Keep thy trust in His divine Love, knowing always that what is best for mine and me we shall receive. Love is the force supreme. It is the noblest force in the universe. It is of God and is God. Keep in the path of Love and thy ways shall be ways of —15— THE LAWS OF LIFE pleasantness, and all thy paths shall be peace. It is only when Love is of God that the divine spark is touched. But Love of God is Love of thy fellow men. "As ye love one another, ye love me." God is calling to all, that they may know that salvation thru Love is His promise. He will not fail, neither will be forsake you. Be wise and build thy home on a firm foundation. Let Love be the song of the soul and let it ring forth and glorify God. Children of Love, open wide the door. Let the divine knowledge fill your soul and peace will reign forever. The road to heaven is Love. "The kingdom of God is within you." Let your body be the temple of God and Love and Truth reign supreme. The tem- ples are many, but God is One. Temples may come and go, but "Truth crushed to earth shall rise again." Keep His dwelling place free from evil thots, that God may give you wisdom; His storehouse is abundant for all. Trust and obey. His Love is the light of the world, a beacon of Truth that all may know. Go into His presence with prayer and thanksgiving, for peace is the reward of the upright. The Spirit of Love will conquer the world, and all shall know God. To know God is to understand His divine principles, and to live by them. Love and wisdom are the chief requisites of eternal peace. Happiness comes from within, and conscience will show you the way. You may dull the sound of that wee small voice, but you cannot silence it. Sooner or later it will call for justice, and none can escape. Our loving Father has given us the greatest counsel in all worlds, conscience; that great judge will never fail you. God has given you work to do and con- science is keeping the account. Thine eyes shall see —16— ( LOVE and thine ears shall hear, but conscience shall speak the Truth. Obey the voice and drink of the cup of Love and Truth. Rule by Love and return good for evil. Surely it is no test of character to return good for good. Only when we learn to draw all into the circle of Love can we know peace. Tho your burdens are heavy and friends forsake you, still can you go within and find that peace that passeth all understanding. Time and Love are as the balm in Gilead to the bleeding heart and the hungry soul. Truth is stranger than fiction and must finally win. You cannot change God's law; but the constant working in opposition to His loving plan can only bring destruction. Some way, somehow you must learn the law. It is just and will work good for all. Learn the Christ principle, that ye love one an- other. Start today and find the good in all things. You will soon find a life of service, with no time to fathom the evil, "Be true to yourself, and it must follow as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man." Love is the divine attribute of nature. It is mani- fest in every walk of life, attracting and drawing forth the deeper nature we would learn in no other way. Commencing with the mother Love for her child, it works in a great circle in this life, just as universal Love was breathed forth by the loving Father of all to His children. The Love of God is in all creation and cradles the spirit of Truth. How infinitely tender is His Love, children of earth, yet strong as the arm of Truth, that none may stray out of the path of evolution. —17— THE LAWS OF LIFE Let your Love be pure, bathed in the blood of the heart, and the good in all things shall be to you as a breath of heaven. Tho your sins be as scarlet. Love, that deep, pure desire to purify thyself, shall wash the garment spotless. Universal Love knows no class distinction. From the depths of the earth to the heavens above. Love and Truth have woven a mighty chain of evi- dence of the continuity of life. There is no place or language where His Love is not known. The flowers of the field are as truly a manifestation of Love as the tender devotion of the mother for her babe. It is God, the good in all, that shines forth at every touch of pure, true Love. It soothes the hun- gry heart, enriching the soul that it may blossom forth. Answer the call of the divine spark in all things. Work with Truth and know that Love is the tie that binds. The oneness of all things is the law of Love. As you are one with God, all that is attributed to God is potentially yours. Awaken to the marvelous Truth that law is Love, Love is life and life is everlasting. There is power in unity and when oneness is realized, you have taken the greatest step to unfoldment. The fulfillment of every worthy ideal means in- creased strength for a greater work. You cannot stand still. The cycle of time draws all in its course and nature is ever at work adjusting and sifting the wheat from the chaff. Work with the tide and live a life of spiritual attainment. Gain the goal of Love and wisdom. To seek for less is unworthy the God within. You are your own keeper, as well as your brother's. You cannot think one thot or do one act that in some —18— LOVE way does not affect all. Consider how great is the possibility, then ponder on the responsibility that is yours. The law of oneness makes every particle of life force a link of Love, evolving in order and harmony back to God, the source from which it came. You have all power for knowledge within. Enter the silence with Love and thanksgiving, that you may learn the Truth and master self. The greatest tribute to God is a hfe of Brotherly Love. Nature is God's messenger, fulfilling the law of Love. Follow your natural intuition and you will soon learn the soul is greater than mortal mind. Work from within and abide by the voice. Mind is the seat of desire and is often dominated by the senses. The realization of the true self and implanting in the mind of high spiritual desires will mean a life of service and the soul's progression. Your life is yours to unfold the soul, as the flower in the sunlight. Each day opportunity knocks, and the mind stands sentinel at the door. Give the super- conscious mind its rightful place and you will not have to doubt the path to tread. The God within is your guardian angel, bringing Love and Truth to strengthen and help. The problems you are facing may be difficult and Hfe's journey hard to bear, but the law of just recompense metes justice to all. If you are learning your lesson as you go, the price will be small com- pared to the reward. Wisdom is the pearl of Truth that crowns a life of Love and service. Your lesson is to know thyself. A Friend — The Giver of All Things has given us our choice of the greatest, a friend. Choose wisely, —19— THE LAWS OF LIFE then know thyself that you may prove worthy. Give freely of all that is within, knowing always it is more blessed to give than to receive. Be a true friend, that the Love in each may flow forth as one. Lend a helping hand, clear the stones from the path and when sorrow comes, draw nearer and comfort. Smile and share each joy, for happiness given must return tenfold. Keep sacred the charge God has given you: a friend indeed. -20— CHAPTER III TRUTH Life is the creation of Truth in man; death is the illusion that veils the span. Comfort comes to the heart and -mind when Truth is taught by law divine. You need not think of the distant land, immune from sin and the trials of mortal mind. You are the land of Love and in you dwells the power of wisdom. Understanding of your soul of Truth shall change the faith of Love into the peace of justice. Simplify your code of life by learning the cause that works for justice. Evolution makes each step of life safe and secure. Danger in the master's hand is only a law of life to lift and mold. Cause and effect are the allies of Truth. They form the principle whereby all mankind is given power to create. The assimilation of this law, and teaching of its natural code to the children, shall form the nucleus of a higher standard of living. Training the mind to reason is to foresee the ef- fect of every thot and deed. Naturally and in com- mon sequence the law evolves its compensation and its counterpart, retribution. When you have grasped the wide scope of this natural principle you have gone far toward learning the law of Truth, which is Love and justice. In order that harmony shall reign, discord must be transformed into Love. Blessed is the peacemaker. —21— THE LAWS OF LIFE To turn aside from the voice of forgiveness is the act of willful adherence to discord. Truth is the perfect being and all that is thereof is God. A seed of eternal progression is its origin and a life of Love is the flower that sheds its fragrance thruout the land of promise. Living by the law of Love gives Truth its food for growth. Wisdom settles the trials of man and Love creates the prince of peace. The fire of Truth con- sumes the dross and leaves the gold of wisdom. The peace of life is poise gathered from th<; realms of shattered dreams. Truth is the power behind the throne. Mind, spirit and soul join to form the great triune, and are linked with Infinite Intelligence. Truth is the mighty wheel that turns darkness into day, ignorance into knowledge and hate into Love. The mind keeps ac- count of all things, but the soul responds only to Truth. Trust is hope supreme and is the force that leads us to pray. Put your trust in things spiritual and let the soul unfold. Think in things eternal and that mighty force that overcomes all will break down every barrier. Unite with Truth and bring closer that universal Brotherhood. Make it a union of God, and Love and Truth your pledge. Life is living, loving and progressing, no beginning and no end. Let Truth lead and your life will be mighty in its power of service and Love. Tho your days on earth are numbered, life is eternal and God's laws are immortal. Know thyself. Keep the mind and body in tune with the Infinite. Tis not of death but of life we would learn. The spring of Truth is nature's and —22— TRUTH runs clear and pure. Nature's God is our God, send- ing the messenger of Love and Truth from the lowest to the highest. How mighty is His Truth, yet in- finitely tender His Love. Tho God is ever5rwhere and in all things, yet is He greater than all. Look to the flowers of the field and learn God's Truth. Work unceasingly, yet in all work keep Truth be- fore you, that your task may be of Love. Remember always that every task well done is a creation of God. Let your life be a mirror of Truth, reflecting back Love and service to all who would know you. Every word of Truth lived as well as spoken is a step unto heaven. A kind word may turn a life into the path of Truth, and costs but Love. There are no creeds and dogmas in God's great law: it teaches of things immortal, and Love and Truth are the keynote. Take up the thread of spir- itual unfoldment; it is not dead, neither is it sleeping, but watching ever the opportunity to tell you of life everlasting. From Spirit we came: then spirit we are now and forevermore. The Love of Truth is the Love of God. Courage and right thinking will work a wondrous change. Be sure you are in the right, then have the courage of your conviction. It profits little if you think right and then live in iniquity. The sin is greatest when you understand Truth and serve a god of hypocrisy. You cannot serve Truth lest you love good. Take the stand on the side of Love and Truth, the only laws that never change. Of what avail is knowledge when you waste a life in sin? The law of compensation will adjust all things, and by God's law the wage of sin is death. The death of sin is the birth of Truth, and none can enter —23— THE LAWS OF LIFE the light lest they be born again in Love and Truth. The law of evolution has worked steadily on for the salvation of all. From the beginning were the same laws that will live forevermore. They will stand the test and are all sufficient. You cannot change the laws to suit the multitude; neither can all nations combined alter their progress one whit. Work with His law, that you may abide in Love and bring heaven to all who would know. Live in Truth and teach by example. Learn the lesson of Brotherly Love, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven. Life is Love and Love is God. Thus walk in the path that must lead to spiritual develop- ment. Link by link the chain is formed, and you are no stronger than the weakest link. Humility is a necessary step to soul growth. Forget self and let the Christ within you seek the lowly, that all things may be added; a life of service for your fellowmen is greater to be desired than gold. Desire only the things that are lasting, but think not of re- ward lest you see thru a glass darkly. Have faith in yourself to know all is Truth. Re- member you are one with God, and with your Creator and yourself as a majority all things are possible. Unto Truth Love was born, the light that will free all. Live in the light and let every task be a step up the ladder of Truth. Linger in the path of Truth and bathe thy soul in understanding. Love is the great healer of all diseases, and Truth is the staff of life. Before these two great principles all else must eventually bow in submission. The day of spiritual awakening is at hand, and each must take his stand. Truth will go forth and —24— TRUTH blaze the trail and Love will ever follow, healing the sick and feeding the hungry soul. The Brother- hood of Man must find a home on earth as it has in heaven. Co-operation can only be realized in its higher sense when Love is the dominating force. Learn the laws of compensation and evolution, then find the good in all and condemn none. Enter the Hfe of service and know thyself. Shirk not one task, but make each day give forth its lesson. Today is here: take it, use it for progression, and the mor- row will give its just reward. Search for the laws of spiritual progression here. They have ever been the same, and must lead to wisdom and peace. Send out the prayer for Truth, and knowledge of the Tree of Life shall be yours. The foundation of all Truth is based on action, and action is the greatest principle in progression. But the mighty efforts of the masses have been for vainglory, with only a fleeting thot to spiritual growth. Cause and effect are absolute: you may deny the law, but it is yours and you cannot escape its action. Nature has endowed us with that great faculty, rea- son, and! when highly developed it is capable of solving each successive problem. But the mind has been dulled from lack of use, and the shortest path is to store away the knowledge as given. Some day it must all be classified and entered in its proper place. Give reason a chance to prove how great is its understanding and Truth will be the answer. You are an emanation from that same great Spirit as your brother, then why ask him to reason for you? De- velop your own faculties; make your life a living dynamo of Truth. You can help the greater when —25— THE LAWS OF LIFE you have mastered self. Keep universal Love before you, that every step for Truth will be another link in the chain of the Brotherhood of Man. Be content only when you can go within and find a haven of rest, the reward of unselfish service. The laws of evolution are the foundation of Truth, the goal of perfection. Wisdom and Love are the evidence of co-operation with God's law. Love eternal and universal is the answer to nature's call. The way of the transgressor is broad and leads to destruction, the natural consequence of cause and effect. The God within creates for eternity, trans- forming and molding all into Love and harmony. The latent qualities of the soul await expression in the service of Truth, to light the path to knowledge. Infinity is all time and all space. It is creation, yet ever creating; in all life and the source of all life; the essence of Love and Truth. The bondage of limitation is ignorance ; Love and work the key to freedom. When the heart knows only Love and the mind sees freedom in work, 'tis then the Christ within brings that peace that abides with Love and Truth. The mighty Truth of the law of Love that emanates from God works ever and on thru eternity, creating and purifying, fulfilling its oneness with God. You are a part of that law, one with God, and the realiza- tion of your mission means divine power. Love ye one another and find the Truth in life. Your search will not be vain when you go within for the light of understanding. Volumes upon volumes have found their way into the world, their teachings filled with wisdom, but lest ye make of it a part of you it is "as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal." —26— TRUTH You have the right to think and know the Truth and then it is your duty to teach by Hving. Your daily Hfe is mightier than songs of praise, and is the thing for which you must give account. The record is kept by the same God within that has given you the power to discern Love and Truth. Your little daily experiences are all the lessons you most need. If you were ready for greater lessons they would be facing you and the task would be no greater than your strength to grow. Try to find the quality most needed for spiritual growth and make each day give its unfoldment. You need not go into the wilderness to spiritualize your life. You can gain faster by overcoming tempta- tions and proving by example that the flesh is the cheerful servant of the God within. Keep the life of the Nazarene before you, a pure example of Love and Truth. Facts are things, and may or may not be Truth. But Truth is God's law and is unchangeable. Mortal mind has created many facts, but all of Truth is In- finite Intelligence and is immortal. In our ignorance we have built up many barriers in opposition to God's law. Fear and superstition are deep-rooted and are the inheritance of mortal mind. Love and Truth are the gifts of God and will live forever. Every rose has a thorn, but its beauty is not changed by a prick. So in life we find God's loving Presence everywhere amid the toil and strife. His laws are of Love and Truth and must work for good. In the heavens above, on the earth beneath, His laws are ever the same, working in Truth, but higher than all. —27— THE LAWS OF LIFE Fill your heart with Love and your mind with Truth and all that is not of God will perish. You shall know God and be judged according to your understanding. Ask in the name of the Christ that ye shall be made whole. His power is real and the force divine shall penetrate the broken spirit and heal the wounded heart. Ask for the Truth: seek in love: qualify by deeds. —28— CHAPTER IV EVOLUTION AND PROGRESSION Ancient and modern alike have staged the drama of eternal progress. Modern civiHzation tells the story of the redemption of matter thru the evolutionary law of Love. The stage is set, the curtains drawn and the Christ within steps forward with the message of the soul. No longer can you deny the origin or destination of your soul of Truth. Nature is calling on every side and the answer echoes back with a heart of Love and a soul of wisdom. Nations have been rocked and planets have taken their new positions in the system of divine creation. The war of Truth against ignorance has left its mark and the sacrifice is no greater than the reward. Humanity surges forth victor, and the cycle of Love has again turned the wheel of spiritual attainment. Lives have not perished, neither have they left this plane of matter for naught. Freedom called and Love was the price of wisdom. Think ye that ye pan the gold lest ye first separate it from the sand? Truth claims its own and eternity merges into Love, action and unity. The scientific demonstrations that greet the seekers of spiritual philosophy have paved the way for the proof to the world of the continuity of life. Broader and keener the vision Opens and materiality is seen as a part of the world's evolution. Gradually the —29— THE LAWS OF LIFE forces of matter are becoming spiritualized and man sees in nature a new law of life. Thru the creative power existing in all life the ex- pression is given called character. It looms up in all planes as the natural function of the soul. Preparatory to the attainment of God conscious- ness, many stages of life are evolved and each cycle gives to the soul the quality necessary for its un- foldment. Having reached the stage of mortal, the soul gives mind its opportunity to develop. Qualified to will, according to the stage of soul development, you meet the experiences of life and learn the lessons that are to stand the soul test and give their portion of character. Life and death are but steps of evolution. Life in the land of shadows is no more real than in that home where the light is from within. This temple of God wherein lies the true self, is given us to work out our salvation the better. Everything that is done perfectly, either in this life or in the land of promise, is a creation of God. Be creators and do well that duty that is before you, be it humble or great. You are not judged by the size of the task, but by the way in which you do it. The greatest are no more than the least: all must be saved. Begin today and let the light shine. It is within and will turn darkness into day. The light of Love and Truth knows no place where it cannot be seen. Look for the good in your brother, then pass it on, for good given must always reap good. Let nature teach you the laws of Truth. From the majestic mountains to the depths of the sea, each —30— EVOLUTION AND PROGRESSION is an island of Truth surrounded by Love. The birds of the air, the flowers of the field, all are tender messengers of Love. Ask them all why they are here and the answer will come: It is God's Love. He gives us all, and asks only that we see His Truth and love one another. Just as the loving Father has given His angels charge over us, so are we our brother's keeper. The two great principles, cause and effect, work in perfect harmony with Love and Truth. They are the mighty levelers of all classes and things, and their ultimate end is justice. In all things the posi- tive and negative poles are working, even unto man, the supreme expression of God's law. You cannot know the highest until you have found the least. Each is a part of divine Providence and is as one with God. So long as you think in terms of specific time and space, you cannot understand Truth. All time and all space, else no time and no space is God's law. Center your thots on the highest, then set about to realize your mind's picture. Remember always that all things are possible with God, and work without ceasing in His name. The law of retribution is as truly at work as the law of compensation. So think not to change all in a day. There is a cause for all things. Accept the bitter with the sweet, that the sweet may be the greater. The effect of good can only be good. Put selfishness and greed from your mind. They are not a part of your spiritual nature, so why waste a life in the service of them? Be truthful in all things. Find the good in your fellowmen, and reap the re- ward of the righteous. —31— THE LAWS OF LIFE Live in Truth and love good. Mind and matter are ever changing in accordance with the laws of cause and effect. There is no such law as chance. Everything has a purpose, and when that purpose is fulfilled nothing can keep you from the next higher step. Consciously or unconsciously you must master the lesson before you, ere you receive a greater task. Then find that something in your daily work that must be a part of you. Be firm in your purpose to know self, and every duty will give forth its message of unfoldment. Press onward and upward with Love and Truth as your goal. Be not too content with well doing lest you tarry on the wayside. Keep active in mind and body, for the laws of God are ever working, and to know peace is to work in harmony with His loving Truth. Serve the Master with Love, and wisdom will be your reward. Open the door to that sanctuary of God and know ye that your spirit is a part of and one with that great Infinite Intelligence. Sincerity is the keynote of all progression. A sincere desire to accomplish something is the first step to the fulfillment of that desire. Make your de- sires worthy and know that all things must be real- ized when we work in obedience with God's law. The noblest purpose is ofttimes seemingly misused, but remember always God is just, and pure gold will ever stand the test. Think not that you can deceive yourself. You may have an abundance of material goods and a world to applaud your success, but go into silence and ask the God within. The answer will return loud above the applause of the multitude, and justice will win. Truth is golden; Love is divine. Answer the —32— EVOLUTION AND PROGRESSION call of the higher, truer self and seek the life of eternal growth. Weigh up your life and find on which side the bal- ance is strong. As the trouble is all with you, then know it is possible to go within and find the cause. Desire to know Truth and live in Love. Be firm in your stand for right, and the power of evil and ignor- ance will fall. Let your religion be your daily life and Brotherly Love your creed. The consciousness of Love and Truth lies deep in every soul and is paramount to growth. Growth is evolution, ever at work with cause to bring harmony to all things. The darkness that precedes the day is as necessary as the change and decay that accom- pany all growth. From the beginning man has built barriers to com- bat the law of Truth, and with every age new walls have been erected to hold back the tide of time and change, but the same laws that are of God stand un- changeable. Awake to thei knowledge that God's laws are sufficient unto all and the arm of justice will never fail. Nature is God's marvelous teacher and there is no greater storehouse of wisdom. The same immutable laws that are nature's govern the evolution of all life. The cycle of growth is eternal and Love and Truth the goal. Enter the school of progression and be of service to mankind. The infinite purpose of evolution is Love and har- mony. The reality of the continuity of life is no longer a mere theory, but a scientific fact. Love is law and law is life. All life is an expression of divine Love governed by nature's law, which is Truth. —33— THE LAWS OF LIFE Truth is the essence of the soul, the life force that builds for eternity. The spirit of Love guards the door and welcomes the good in all. The Christ prin- ciple is the foundation of universal Love. Until you have mastered self, and given all power to the Christ within, where it rightfully belongs, you cannot know true Love. You cannot serve two masters. Either the mortal mind dominates and selfishness reigns, or the super-conscious mind leads and Love and service are the watchwords. Harmony is necessary to evolution, otherwise the laws of cause and effect step in to further the course of life. No soul is ever lost, but a life wasted thru ignorance causes much delay and chaos. You are creating your own future as well as your present, so remember always only Truth is immortal. You are responsible for your own success or failure. Train the mind to serve the true spiritual self and know Love and wisdom. Kindness and patience are two great virtues, and when accompanied by a desire for knowledge will overcome all obstacles. The greatest kindness to all is to know thyself. Knowledge of the oneness of all things, living in Truth and Love, will throw out the lifeline to all. Truth is mightier than ignorance, but it is enduring patience that will win the battle for right. Cleanse the mind of evil thots. Center your aspira- tions on things eternal and seek understanding. Weed out of your life all things that limit or retard your spiritual growth. Do not think the daily duties that are yours to perform can be set aside for a higher or more pleasing task. Gain the Truth in the knowl- edge of a task well done, and when trials come and things perplex, let the silence within be the com- —34— EVOLUTION AND PROGRESSION forter. You will soon learn the solution to all prob- lems must come from within, and will probe deep for the cause. Be kindly toward all, but do not let your kindness work an injury. It is ofttimes easier to carry the bur- dens of a loved one than to teach him to stand alone ; but growth can only come from conquering the work that is his, and mistaken kindness is not a test of true Love. Unity of the powers of Love and Truth will ever be the firm foundation that builds for eternity. Above, below, the Love that binds calls forth in glad reunion. Each flower strewn on the grave of a loved one, each prayer for a dear departed, is answered by a living, loving presence. Lift up your hearts; feel that tender caress and know they are ever with you, even to the end. Smile away the tears of the sorrowing one. The flowers of today so tenderly placed in their memory, tomorrow will have faded, going back to Mother Earth from whence they came. But the Love that prompted that gentle deed will never die. That Love that gave birth to every noble deed is ever the tie that binds. Open the door that they may draw nearer, guiding and helping over each rough place, and sharing the joy of your progression. "Where are the dead?" Can it be that you do not know? The grave cannot hold them, for they are not dead, neither are they sleeping. Love brot them forth and Love will ever bind us as one. We are all children of one great Father, and one with God. A part of that great Love, surely we must re- turn to the fold. —35— THE LAWS OF LIFE To those blessed boys who died for liberty, think of them as happy in their new home, ever progressing and paving the way for that great Brotherhood. Love will find the way, and the great cause that called those loved ones home will not perish, but echo back and ring forth a glory to God. Sorrow not for the loved ones. Tho the graves are deep and the monuments high, God's Love has brot them one and all into the fold. That garment of flesh so frail was but a cloak for the soul. Spirit of Love, come forth and comfort. Tho their sins be as scarlet, God's Love will wash them whiter than snow. As you scatter the flowers of Love on the mound, the sweet perfume shall be wafted above and they shall know they are not forgotten and will be happy. Then scatter the seeds of sunshine all along the way. Brighten the path of a brother, show him the light and tell him they are not dead: they have just gone away. Remember this: Evolution means the eternal turning around, the motivating power being within. E-v-o-1 L-o-v-e. —36- CHAPTER V KNOWLEDGE Knowledge is the fruit of study and experience, a law unto itself. It is the power of progress, opening the avenues in all life. All of knowledge is not Truth, but Truth is divine knowledge, unchanging and eternal. Knowledge is the accumulation and clear under- standing of experience together with all information. It may be spiritual wisdom you have gained, the reward of diligent search for Truth. Again it may be only the dregs of knowledge you are using. Then it is that the laws of nature* come forth in their changing process of evolution to cleanse and purify. Good is a part of all, a divine revelation of Truth, and knows no change. With a true understanding of your spiritual nature, life is very real and the soul's growth unlimited. The master mind knows well this instrument of flesh is given to better accomplish the soul's unfoldment, and thus he rises to heights sublime. The instrument is no greater than the master. Make your body an in- strument in tune with the soul and the voice shall speak the message of Love. You are an emanation of Truth, and a clear knowledge of self is the firm foundation of universal Love. Profound reason is the open, unprejudiced mind that invokes the power of justice. Your mind is an automaton of direction. When fostered by the senses —37-- THE LAWS OF LIFE of the physical plane, your super-consciousness gains its mission by various intuitive messages, the radio of self. The house of learning is God's temple. Silence is the sacred shrine of the hour of prayer and treasures of worth are pearls of Truth. Your portion of wisdom gleaned from life's jour- ney is placed on the altar of divine Providence. Yet a little while and it will return to gather unto itself the fruits of the seed of wisdom. That providential word of Love dropped in the lap of doubt and despair will find fertile soil in which to grow: it is God's way. Nothing of good is ever lost, for Truth is its foundation. Sincerity of purpose is essential to spir- itual growth, and purity is the cloak of perfect attain- ment. Cleanse thyself from secret faults, that the emanations of Love may be thy guiding star. Laurels of fame can only bring peace and contentment when the soul of humanity is lifted up and echoes back as spiritual manna. Linger not in the path of ease, lest you forget from whence all came. Welcome the morrow, tho filled with pain and sorrow. Trouble and experience are two great teachers, and many there are who would learn in no other school. The key to the kingdom of knowledge is in your keeping and none but you can open the door. Others may show you the road and lead you to the fountain of Truth, but you must drink of the cup. You may think to forget by playing with time, but remember always that time is eternity, and sooner or later the awakening will prove how foolish you have been. That all must awake to the knowledge of His —38— KNOWLEDGE divine nature is as truly God*s law as the daylight that follows the darkness. Fear not to look within. You are the judge, and the arm of justice is strong. Smile away the stones in the path and soon the stones will change to roses and the sunlight within your soul will brighten the path of all. Open the heart to Love and the mind to wisdom. They are your natural birthright, as one with God. Oneness is the power that binds all Love in Truth and harmony. Into each life comes daily the opportunity to un- fold. To unfold is to create in Love and Truth. Every kind thot and loving deed is a seed of purity, and the harvest shall ever be even as it is sown. It is time to realize the mighty power within you. Since you have intelligence and will to discern and create, see to it that your energy is given to the power of upbuilding. Build for eternity by living in har- mony with your brother and the diligent search to know thyself. Your body is the temple of God. Keep it clean and pure, a perfect instrument thru which the soul may manifest and unfold. Make of it a clear emana- tion of the soul within, reflecting Love, the radiation of Truth. Live a life attuned to the Infinite, and the trials and temptations shall become stepping stones of progression. Be up and doing, ready to face every obstacle, that your unfoldment shall be the greater, and Love reign in your heart forever. Concentration is the first and greatest aid to un- foldment. To be able to calm the mind, giving the super-consciousness greater opportunity to send forth —39— THE LAWS OF LIFE its message, will bring a clear understanding of right and wrong. It is the mortal mind that doubts and scatters its force to the four winds in search of wisdom. Led by the senses and dominated by the will, the main object of the mind is to gratify the desires. The will is a mighty power, and when its force is directed for Truth, giving spirit its rightful place, you are then working with the law and can no longer doubt. If you would lead others right, the great principle is to know self and your relation to God and your fellowmen. Spiritulaize your every thot and deed by high aspirations and seeking the Truth in all things. Elevate your brother by creating an atmosphere of Love and harmony. By helping others you must lift yourself: the law of compensation is of Love and justice. A grain of wheat can never produce anything but wheat, and nature's laws are yours. "Cast thy bread upon the waters, for thou shalt find it after many days." What is there that you would learn? Give to us the will and we shall discern the Truth of life, of Love, of overpowering peace that Hfts above and draws all unto it. Your life is ever in the balance, weighing the Truth, giving aye to wisdom and recreating the evil into good. Yourself is the master mind, the sense of justice from divine Love. Create in Truth and the change that surrounds you will pass you by. You need the wisdom of self mastery to sever the ties of materiality. The season of uncertainty centers about the dense worldly environment, the Karma of ages of undevel- —40-- KNOWLEDGE oped spirit. Thousands and tens of thousands are entering the state of realization where spirit gains power over mind and matter. It is no longer their voice that bids them enter field of workers for hu- manity. The God within leads the march and car- ries them over the thorny path, onward and upward, throwing the light of Truth in the wake of ignorance. The self of all creation is the soul, of Love working for unity and harmony. Creatures of destiny, in that immortality embraces all ; creatures of Love, an emanation of Infinite Intel- ligence, the goal of oneness is yours to attain. —41— Tl CHAPTER VI IGNORANCE Ignorance is the folly that lends to destruction. The conserving of the force wasted in promoting ignorance would mean increased life force. Materialism is the open door of ignorance. The fall of man has ever been from his inherent desire for worldly gain. Instead of using the body, the temple of God, to develop the soul qualities, the spirit is forgotten in the quest for worldly gain and the physical mind dictates. Keep before you the knowledge that your spirit is watching and waiting every opportunity to unfold. Spiritualize your daily work with acts of kindness and a mind at peace. Preserve a healthy body and a clean, pure mind, thru which the higher, truer self may manifest. It is not enough to live right because it is a duty, but let it be a privilege, with the only thought of gain to be greater service for good. Sac- rifice for Truth will reap wisdom. Know that you are right, then have the courage of your convictions. Accept only that which will stand the test. All of Truth is sound and true, a scientific fact. Greater wisdom hath no man than that gained from a life of service for Love and Truth. It is then the spirit leads and the body becomes a true servant of God. Sin is the outgrowth of ignorance. It is confined to man as the product and misuse of will. Without will and knowledge of right and wrong there could —42— IGNORANCE be no sin. The power to discern right and wrong governs the enormity. The failure to Hve according to the highest under- standing of God*s will has caused the misinterpreta- tion of Love which is sin. The sin of tradition has been the false value placed on self and its earthly environment. Cause and effect work steadily on thru the cycles of evolution to erase the error of ignorance. When the will of man bows in service to the God within, Love will become universal. The triumph of the ages is the clear understanding of the Truth that spirit is eternal. The time is now to unfold a true spiritual being, guarding all thots that enter the mind, that it may be a memory chest of Love and inspira- tion. You are here to give expression to the voice within, that the soul may create greater force on its mission of attainment. Do the will of the Master, the Christ within, and let the spirit of Brotherly Love teach you the lesson that law is Love. Freedom is the keynote of happiness. To be free from the bondage of fear and ignorance means eternal progression. To heights sublime the Truth will lead, and fear can have no place where Love and wisdom reign. Let the nations proclaim the Truth: God is Love. "His mercy is everlasting and His Truth endureth to all generations." In union there is strength. Band together in Love and Truth and the Golden Rule shall be your declara- tion of independence. You need no other laws than God's Truth. It is mightier than the sword and gives justice to all. Let Love be the watchword and all class prejudice must vanish. Greed and vanity will lose their power where Truth is law. Riches will be measured by a heart of gold and a storehouse of THE LAWS OF LIFE wisdom. Search within and free thyself. God of Love is the Spirit of Truth. Preachers and teachers will come and go, but every grain of Truth that is planted in fertile soil will bring forth much fruit. Guard carefully every word and deed lest you plant doubt and ignorance. Words of Love and deeds of kindness are revelations of Truth. Store away only the things that are im- mutable and unchangeable. The path to Truth may be filled with thorns and the cross heavy to bear, but patience and Love will ever lead you to a haven of rest. Let the silence within you be the light on the path. Enter that port of peace and search for understanding: it is God's gift to all. Train the mind in the path you would follow. Remember you must reap what you sow, and a mind filled with the prejudice and superstition of generations gone by will not respond very readily to the demands of the greater self for Love and Truth. But the wall of ignorance will crumble when knowledge and Love march forth. Be truthful, be kind, and let universal Love hasten the day of Brotherhood. 1 -~44r- CHAPTER VII RELIGION Religion is the great cloak for spiritual growth. It may be pure, clean and the essence of all things good. Again it may be only a garment shining bright, to be brought forth on special occasions to cover and atone for a life of selfishness and sin. But a true spiritual religion must be a part of your daily life and taught by example. Let the Love of your fellowmen and an under- standing of God's law be the heights to which you aspire. All of Love and Truth learned and lived in this world will be carried over to the next in exact proportion to which it is part of you now. Create a character noble and true and you need not think of the change called death. You have come here for a purpose: be not swayed on the tide of change, but find your work and do it well. The task that is before you, be it ever so hum- ble, is yours, and it is better by far to do your work well than the greater work which is your brother's. The test is not always the size of the task, but how well it is done. Remember there is a place for all things, and all things have their place. Let your daily life proclaim your faith and your worship be of Love and Truth. Be kind to all, and "whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, do ye even so unto them.'* Father of Truth, Mother of Love is God. Su- preme power is His right hand, infinite Love is His —45— THE LAWS OF LIFE left, balancing the Truth in all things. His tender mercy bids you enter the Kingdom of Love. Truth stands at the portal and Love will usher you in. Fear can never be accepted for Love, nor super- stition for knowledge. Love God and do good; seek earnestly for the Truth, and wisdom will march forth where ignorance dare not enter. His word is mani- fest in all things, that all may know and abide by it. There is no mystery to God. Mystery is the lack of knowledge, and man in his ignorance has doubted and denied all that mortal mind could not compre- hend. The miracles of all ages have ever been the working of Love in harmony with God's law. Divine faith with Love is power. Power with wisdom, the gifts of God, are the reward of faithful work for the Master. "Count your many blessings — name them one by one.** Then stop and ponder: What of good have you that is not of God? God, that great omnipotent Power, Father of Love and Truth, has taught us sal- vation is for all, with life everlasting. Only a God of Love, Who gives all things and knows all things, can lead us from darkness into light. His light is the light of wisdom and Love. As we come from God, we must return to God, a spirit of Love and Truth. The paths are many, but Truth is one. Walk in the path of Love and wisdom. Smile away the tears of a brother, help carry his burdens and work in Love and Truth. Let your daily life shine forth a message from God. Waste not thy days in idle pleasure, neither spend thy days in weeping. Forget self and work in Love and Truth, that contentment may be yours. Think not to change God's laws, but live in har- —46— RELIGION mony with all, that He may shower you with under- standing. His knowledge is of the Tree of Life that breathes forth Love and Truth. We are the fruit of that divine Tree and a part of His great Love and wisdom. It is for all. The smallest and the greatest are equal with God. Time and space have no place with His loving plan. Each has a part to play and the failure of one will be felt by all. Right is might and all must be saved. His plan is perfect and all are a part of that perfec- tion, but many there are who stray from the path. Let the trials and temptations be stepping stones to a higher life. To err is human, to love divine. The noblest characters are most often those who have suffered keenly. Take the bitter with the sweet and let all round out a Godly life. God is Love and He is just. Fear not that He would see the least of His children perish. Unite with God in His plan for Love and harmony. You must pay the price for all things. Therefore choose wisely and seek the things that are lasting. The re- ward of good is in the doing. Christianity is only realized when the Christ within blends harmoniously with all. To know universal peace you must first know self. When you have learned the laws of God, knowing they are just and all sufficient, you can no longer doubt. Doubt is the forerunner of fear. Where perfection is, all that is not perfect has been lost in the crucible. Love and Truth are In- finite Intelligence, the port of peace. You may be content with well doing, but until you have realized oneness and acknowledged the God within, you can- not know peace. —47— THE LAWS OF LIFE The ability to face all things under all circum- stances with the perfect assurance that justice is for all, requires a clear understanding of Love and Truth. It is then the Christ principle is master and Brother- ly Love the school of life. Enter the school with a sincere desire to learn all that is in your power of the life here and now. The same great underlying principle that governs nature is yours. You may work with the law and the soul's growth is rapid; but change it you cannot. Be up and doing. God is everywhere and in all things. Know the Truth and live it. Old-time religions are going to put on a new cloak, for it is quite time. Our message is Love, and the Truth will prove it. Give the world a religion that demonstrates what it teaches. If we just pass on to another world, what reason is there why we could not come back the same way? Let Love reign in your hearts and those who have gone on will find the way back. You can never gain much with faith alone, but faith with works will never fail. God has given His angels charge over you: deny them not. Let them guide you, for they are ever ready to lead where Truth and Love are one. Forgive all, as your Father in heaven forgives even the blackest sinner. Only good can live; evil is ever changing. Think right and you must live right. Remember you are one with God, and all things are possible with God. Open the door to Truth, and knowledge and the Love of God will so fill your heart that the world will know it is the voice of the God within you. Love and peace abide with you. Fasten thy faith on God, the Infinite Intelligence. —48— RELIGION The foundation of all true religions is Love, but few there are that find the goal. In their efforts to please the people rather than God, the Truth is lost. The worship of gold and worldly success has been put above God. Only when in distress and sorely in need of help do we turn to God in all humility. Our sorrows we share with God, our joys we keep. God, the source of all things good, is ever ready to help; but it is time we let God lead. Give the reins to God; in all things trust His loving wisdom. He will guide and direct thy ways and His Love will bring peace to thee. Prayer for worldly goods may be answered and the reward may be great, but the law of compensation is just, and sooner or later you must pay. God in His infinite wisdom has taught us to pray: "Thy will, not mine, be done." The wise one knows God will provide his every need and forgets self in doing good. The foolish see only their selfish de- sires, spend a lifetime in appeasing them and starve the soul. Come into the fold; know thyself. Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven and all else will be added. Affirm the Truth : God is Love and we are God's. We are all spirits of one divine Spirit. Think not that we are spirits only when we cast aside the ma- terial body. God has made us in His own likeness and image. Then, as God, that great loving Power, is Spirit, so are we spirit. Those loved ones who have passed beyond our mortal gaze are ever near and trying to guard and protect. They have found the way back and would speak to us, spirit to spirit, but our vision has been clouded by a veil of doubt and superstition. Open ^-49— THE LAWS OF LIFE the eyes to that great Truth: there are no dead; we do not die. Then let the guiding spirits return and voice their message of Love. The teachers so long in God*s service are ever watching and waiting their message to unfold. We are all children of one Father, and just as on the mortal plane the loving parent gives the older child charge over the younger one, so our Heavenly Father gives His angels charge over us. Work with them for God's kingdom, and His Love will bring heaven here below. After the darkness the dawn, after the storm the calm. Be of good cheer, the spiritual awakening is near and all must soon know the Truth. The good has ever been present, but the storm of materialism has tossed high on the sea of Truth. The craving for material success will never be satisfied as long as the good is present and calHng for recognition. For every deed of kindness prompted by Love of God, a contented mind and a soul at peace is the reward. The foundation of all Truth is Love. Then as God in His divine Love created all things for good, remember that each thing has its purpose, be it great or small, and seek the good in all. God in His in- finite wisdom and tender mercy is every ready to show us the way when we would know the Truth. Let wisdom and Love rule, trusting in God, the source of all, that He may lead us in the path of judgment and righteousness. Live the Truth and love God. Be true to yourself, that the God within may shine forth. Remember, when you are false to an- other you cannot be true to God. Be not puffed up with vain knowledge. Lest it be of God it is as noth- ing. Come into the light and know God. —50— CHAPTER VIII THE SOUL The soul is the spark of divinity that connects each one with God. Life cannot add to it, nor death detract. It is the seat of Love and Truth and a part of God. Then as the soul is developed we shall know God. Live in Truth and love God, that the soul may unfold and blossom forth like a flower in God's glorious sunlight. His light is the light of wisdom that permeates the soul. His Love is balm for the weary and strength for the oppressed. The key to Truth is in His keeping and each door is opened as you seek in His name. Time, the es- sence of all things changeable, is as nothing to God. In the land of no shadows the laws are of God and time is eternity. Work with God, that you may .step up and into that higher expression of Truth when the Master calls. Each flower of the field is a lesson of Truth, and God's birds sing a message of Love. All are yours and you are God's. The body is only a frail garment, but the soul is immortal. The brain and the soul are not the same. The soul is not harmed by evil, but the brain may be. Just as you reach the heart of man by loving deeds, so by kind thoughts, combined with good deeds, the soul is developed. The soul of man is the seed of Truth. From the heights of Love to the depths of the soul the pendu- lum swings in perfect harmony. —51— THE LAWS OF LIFE Man in his true nature is spiritual, a part of Divine Intelligence. Selfishness and greed have held sway so long that fear has been substituted for Love and ignorance for Truth. To take up the thread of spir- itual unfoldment means concentration on higher things and of a necessity is slow because of the deep- rooted hold of material tradition. God is the Tree of Life; we are the branches. Without the Tree the branches are as nothing. Look to the great omnipotent Power for strength and wis- dom. By His Love we are what we are, and by a clear understanding of Truth and a life of Love we shall know God. The price of wisdom is as great as the reward. A knowledge of God's laws can only be had by loving service and the search for Truth. Pay the highest price: the Truth is for all, and the reward is great. The manifestation of all being is the creation by soul in accordance with the laws of God. This life in the objective world is the working out of theories created by the soul. The work of the soul is to de- velop, unfold and go forward in its course of attain- ment. Thus it is from within outward that the body should work and not from the dictation of the senses thru mortal mind. Mind and flesh can be made perfect, an expression of Love and Truth, when the guarding angel, the God within, is master of all your survey. Keep before you the image of perfection in all that you see and wish to accomplish. You cannot fail, for if you are willing good and earnestly working for Truth, all else must fade away before its mighty power. If seeming failure comes, remember it is only thru change and decay that all that is not perfect is —52— THE SOUL consumed. Your every act is calling into play na- ture's laws, and if you are not working with Truth you will surely reap the harvest of inharmony. You do not, you cannot work alone. Your failure to grow is the retarding of evolution in the same pro- portion as you have the power to expand. Your soul growth is the helping hand that is leading to uni- versal Love. Order is the first law of the universe, the oneness of the law of Love. When chaos and turmoil hold sway the barrier is raised against harmony, and the reign of sin welds a link in the chain of the world's Karma. In all things the soul is the center of evolution. The divinity of purpose is the soul's work. Without, within, the law of Love is the central magnet, and the purpose of the law is oneness. The purification of the mind of man, giving him a higher standard of ideals and ideas, will Hft the world and exemplify the Christ principle. Believe not that one loving teacher can atone for the sins of the multitude. You are your own savior and the God within metes justice. To enter the King- dom of Heaven is the privilege of all, for the King- dom of Heaven is within you, the sanctuary of di- vine wisdom and Love. Enter the silence with prayer and thanksgiving, for the mighty power of sincere thot and humility of pure Love draws knowledge from the fount of wisdom. The seed of Truth is planted in the soul of all life. Thru the stages of evolution it travels in obedience with God's law. As it reaches the human kingdom its growth it reached where the divine spark of in- —53— THE LAWS OF LIFE telligence is given power. Gradually in perfect order and harmony the super mind thru experience grows to maturity. It is only by co-operation with mortal mind the soulful qualities can be developed. When you have mastered self you have the key to all things. You are a complex microcosm in yourself, working thru eternity to express the law, which is Love. All power is within you, and the flesh is the creation of the God within to strenghen the spirit on its journey thru the material plane. On this objective plane marvelous advancement can be made thru correct understanding of your spiritual being, and the living for the soul's unfold- ment. Remember always the soul is the seed of Truth and its growth is dependent on service for Truth. A life of Brotherly Love is the illumination of the God within, and will be as food and drink for the soul. Give and it shall be given unto you. The breath of life is Love. 54— CHAPTER IX PEACE AND HARMONY Infinite Intelligence, praise be to Thee. Grant us this hour the privilege of joining in communion for the peace on earth. On the altar of sacrifice the nations lay bare the lives of men and sought the world to save. Yet freedom is a voice within, a port of peace each one must learn to love. You cannot save the country lest you first save man. Wars have claimed their toll and still ye know not peace. Deep within the heart of man is his sword and armor. Touch the spring of the inner-man and the fountain of Love shall cleanse the heart and purify the mind. Sullied and trampled by wars of man the hour of peace is but a glimpse of nations steeped in graves of memory. The wrongs of man can never be erased until ye learn the principle of peace. When Brotherhood shall wend its way straight into the heart of man, then shall ye know that Love is the law of man. Not law to bind, to crush and to dominate, but law that makes each one a part of Truth, lifting, teaching, and living for your fellow- men. Peace is of Love, not hate; and verily the seed ye sow, the harvest shall ever be the same. Let knowl- edge of the higher self build for eternity, and wars be blotted from the minds of men. Scatter the seeds of peace, live a life of Love and —55— THE LAWS OF LIFE purify this land of God. Earth is a dwelHng place, not a battlefield, and nature lifts her voice to teach you the law of Love is harmony. Hope, reverence and charity are the traits that breathe harmony. It is the law of Love, disseminating into all parts of life. You may follow the lines of least resistance, worldly and carefree, but your soul of Truth is the watchman of the night. Harmony will prevail when knowledge of Truth as the Love principle becomes man's sword and scepter. In the beginning was man the gift of Infinite In- telligence — a product and a process, compelHng and repelling, the existence of microcosm and spirit. Until the Truth is listed as life, a force of Love, that celestial problem of union with God can scarce be comprehended. As God is, so are we: the divinity liveth and hence the law fulfilled. Reincarnate the life of Jesus and the Christ shall demonstrate His spirit of union. Be as it may, either the land of reality — the temporal home — or the home of transfiguration to the palace of light, yet each is a part and particle in forming and unfolding the prism of enlightenment. Thus we find the Truth as one with life. — 5e— Treatment Date: NOV. 2004 111 Thomson Park Drive CranberryTownship. PA 16066 (724)779-2111