°* » ^ ^5^ .V V » J ^V V^' ^. ^ J ^\c^.\ o^.5^ii>o ,/^^V * <& \ '^ < £ ^°* . % • • ■ •• y . .... v " ' v ^- -> V^ 1 A^^ V ^ ' - o " ° » *0 ,0^ V *^ rt^ ^ V\^ 0- O > ^ * "oV" *>>0« *bV . 0a W5 »°: . •• A >°^ r,- 1 .^ - .v> V ■ i5- 1 * ^ V< V j ' ^6* • "' & % *"* w ■»'■ w* .-ate- \/ jPr*. •^-o /> y-<.\ 2) Information Circular 9051 An Overview of Research on Explosionproof Enclosures By L. W. Scott and MR. Yenchek UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Donald Paul Hodel, Secretary BUREAU OF MINES Robert C. Horton, Director Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data: Scott, Lawrence W An overview of research on explosionproof enclosures. (Information circular ; 9051) Bibliography: p. 17-18. Supt. of Docs, no.: I 28.27: 9051. 1. Mine explosions— Safety measures. 2. Coal mines and mining- Safety measures. I. Yenchek, M. R. (Michael R.). II. Title. III. Se- ries: Information circular (United States. Bureau of Mines) ; 9051. TN295.U4 [TN313] 622s [622'. 334] 85-600164 ^ CONTENTS \y~ Page Abstract Introduction Electrical clearances Reliability of enclosures with windows Glass Plastic Safety factors in X-P enclosures Potting materials used in X-P enclosures ^ ^ 1 2 2 3 4 4 4 6 6 6 12 13 14 14 16 17 17 Performance tests for X-P enclosures Structural performance Ruggedness Effects of high-voltage on explosion-protection techniques Innovative X-P devices Pressure vent Elastomeric grommet cable entry Summary References ILLUSTRATIONS 1. Minimum arc voltage versus air-gap spacings of electrodes 3 2. Hydrostatic test apparatus 10 3. Recommended sealant pattern 11 4. Kinetic energy produced by roof falls at top of continuous-mining machine.. 12 5. Pressure vent 14 6. Pressure buildup in vented enclosures 16 7. Suggested guidelines for number of screens and allowable flange gaps for vents and explosionproof electrical enclosures 16 8. Trailing-cable entry assembly 17 TABLES 1 . Summary of safety factors for four enclosures 5 2 . Arc-decomposition products 7 UNIT OF MEASURE ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS REPORT °c degree Celsius J/c joule per cycle °F degree Fahrenheit kV kilovolt ft foot KE kinetic energy ft 3 cubic foot lb pound ft-lb foot pound lb 2 square pound ft-lb/ft 2 foot pound per square foot mm millimeter gal gallon mph mile per hour in inch mV millivolt in 2 square inch psig pound per square inch, gauge in 3 cubic inch V volt in/ft inch per foot V ac volt, alternating current in 2 /ft 3 square inch per cubic foot V dc volt, direct current J joule AN OVERVIEW OF RESEARCH ON EXPLOSIONPROOF ENCLOSURES By L. W. Scott ' and M. R. Yenchek 1 ABSTRACT This report presents an overview of explosionproof (X-P) enclosure research being conducted by the Bureau of Mines. This report empha- sizes the increasing importance of research related to the safety con- siderations of X-P enclosures used in underground coal mines. Selected topics are included that summarize results of research in the areas of electrical clearances, reliability of enclosures with windows, safety factors in X-P enclosures, potting materials, performance tests for X-P enclosures, protection against high-voltage explosions, and innovative X-P devices. Electrical engineer, Pittsburgh Research Center, Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, PA, INTRODUCTION For several years, the Bureau of Mines, through in-house and contract research, analyzed several of the critical factors involved in the design of X-P enclosures (_1_).2 The study of X-P enclosures is an area requiring investigation regarding materials, methods of construction, and acceptance and testing criteria. The X-P enclosures used in underground mines are constructed according to rigid design re- quirements that contribute to the dif- ficulties in maintaining the enclosures in a permissible condition. If designers were permitted more freedom, it would be possible to construct enclosures that are easier to maintain in a permissible con- dition. These new enclosures would be performance tested to ensure that they would be as safe as the enclosures being constructed to the design requirements. The objective of this research is to determine the safety factors in the pres- ent design requirements and to develop and demonstrate the feasibility of per- formance tests. The progress presented here should be of considerable inter- est to the mining industry in general and to designers of X-P enclosures in particular. ELECTRICAL CLEARANCES It has been known for many years that the flame front of a methane-air explo- sion produces free ions that can cause a current to flow when the front bridges two conductors of opposite polarity. If the voltage is high enough, this current can increase to a value that would be self-sustaining, and a dangerous arc dis- charge can occur. Arc discharges pro- duced in this way could cause premature failure of electrical equipment, produce excessive heating, or burn through an en- closure wall. This study was initiated to obtain experimental results that would be useful in determining safe levels of voltages and clearances required to pro- tect X-P enclosures from failures due to arc discharges. The critical arcing voltages (single phase, alternating current) for vari- ous air gaps are shown in figure 1 (2). Curve A shows the minimum arcing voltage versus electrode spacing in air. This curve was obtained by selecting the spac- ing and increasing the voltage until arc- ing occurred. Curve B shows the minimum arcing voltage versus electrode spacing in a 9.8% methane-air mixture. Because it was necessary that an explosion occur for each measurement, it was not possi- ble to conduct the experiments as simply 5 ^Underlined numbers in parentheses re- fer to items in the list of references at the end of this report. as those on arcing-in-air. For curve B, again a spacing was selected and the voltage was varied until arcing occurred. However, at this point, the voltage was decreased by 100 V, and the explosion test repeated. If arcing occurred, the voltage was decreased again by 100 V. This procedure was continued until no arcing was observed. At the level of voltage where no arcing occurred, 10 tests were conducted. If no arcing was observed, the previous level of voltage was considered to be the minimum arcing voltage. The minimum arcing voltage was found to increase with the distance between the electrodes. It follows that the danger of arcing can be decreased in X-P enclo- sures by using larger air-gap spacing be- tween live conductors of opposite polar- ity and between live conductors and earth. Figure 1 is a plot of the actual mini- mum arcing voltage versus air-gap spac- ing. However, since these experiments were conducted for design purposes, and because of limited space for X-P enclo- sures, it was decided that a factor of 1.5 should be applied to the spacing ob- tained in figure 1, in order to provide a reasonable margin of safety. For exam- ple, curve B indicates that arcing will occur at a spacing of 1.2 in (30 mm) if 5,000 V are impressed across the elec- trodes in a 9.8% methane-air mixture ID g > uj o > - _l CL Q. < Curve B : 10 20 30 80 90 40 50 60 70 SPACING, mm FIGURE 1. - Minimum arc voltage versus air-gap spacings of electrodes. 100 no (compared to a spacing of 0.071 in (1.38 mm) for normal atmosphere, as shown in curve A). Therefore, a spacing of 1.8 in (45 mm) [0.106 in (2.07 mm) for curve A] should provide adequate clearance for this voltage. All clearance data were obtained using 0.5-in (12.5-mm) diameter spherical brass electrodes at room temperature and atmos- pheric pressure, thus giving optimis- tic values of clearances. The required clearance for pointed electrodes are considerably greater. Pointed termina- tions should be avoided, and every effort should be made to employ rounded termina- tions with smooth surfaces. RELIABILITY OF ENCLOSURES WITH WINDOWS Windows in X-P enclosures require care- ful design, fabrication, and installa- tion. The designer must be certain that the window or lens is adequate for the design conditions of the enclosure, par- ticularly the dynamic pressure, tem- perature, point impact, thermal shock, and corrosive effect of the underground environment. Windows and lenses should be fabricated only from materials suited for the opera- tional environment encountered in mines. The suitability of a material is based either on documented extensive past ex- perience or on exhaustive evaluation by a materials testing laboratory in simulated mine environments. At present, glass and polycarbonate plastic are considered the only practical materials for fabrication of windows and lenses (3). Glass The chemical composition, casting pro- cess, and thermal treatment determine the physical, chemical, optical, and electri- cal properties of glass. Because of a very complex relationship among these variables, no single glass composition, casting process, or thermal treatment is considered superior to others. Thus, the designer is free to select the combi- nation of fabrication parameters that best matches a specific set of product requirements. The primary advantages of glass are its ability to retain its physical and opti- cal properties under high ambient temper- ature, ultraviolet radiation, and humid- ity for a long period of time; to resist surface abrasion by rock particles; and to tolerate immersion in aqueous and organic solvents without initiation of stress cracking or corrosion. Glass win- dows can tolerate 100% relative humidity, temperature of 400° F (204° C), intensive ultraviolet radiation, and continuous or intermittent immersion in basic or acidic water or organic solvents for indefinite periods. The primary shortcomings of glass are its brittleness and low tensile strength. To compensate for these shortcomings, the design of the window seat assembly must provide, whenever feasible, protection against point contact with the metallic components of the enclosure and impact by rock fragments capable of fracturing the window. The protection against fracture initiated by point contact is usually ac- complished by inserting gaskets between the glass and metallic components of the seat assembly. Protection against break- age by impact is generally provided by an external shield in the form of a cage or plastic envelope, or by precompressing the glass window surfaces with thermal tempering or chemical ion exchange. Because of their history of success- ful use in enclosures, the follow- ing are practical for use as windows in enclosures: (1) borosilicate glasses, (2) soda lime glasses, and (3) silica glasses. Plastic The high temperature, humidity, inten- sive ultraviolet radiation, and presence of vapors from petroleum-base oils tend to rapidly degrade the mechanical proper- ties of plastic windows and lenses in X-P enclosures. Some plastics deteriorate in lamp enclosure service faster than oth- ers, but even the most resistant ones age sufficiently to mandate their removal from service in less than 10 years. For this reason, a thorough engineering eval- uation of plastic material must be con- ducted prior to its selection for ser- vice as a window in an X-P enclosure. At present, polycarbonate plastic is consid- ered practical for fabrication of windows and lenses for enclosures; however, the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) , U.S. Department of Labor, policy limits the design temperature to 240° F (115° C). Industrial experience has shown that three other restrictions should be noted: 1. Contact with hydraulic oil and pe- troleum-based lubricants are prohibited. 2. Low ultraviolet (UV) environment. 3. Service life should be limited to 4 years. SAFETY FACTORS IN X-P ENCLOSURES The design requirements for X-P enclo- sures used in underground coal mines are contained in Part 18 of Code of Federal Regulations Title 30 (30 CFR 18) ( h) . However, these requirements do not allow for much deviation and the approval pro- cess is based primarily on enclosures constructed to these requirements. Any innovative design attempts by enclosure manufacturers would require substantial effort to prove that the enclosure is as safe as an enclosure built to the re- quirements of 30 CFR 18. One phase of Bureau research has con- sisted of determinating the charac- teristics of materials commonly used in enclosures. Such materials include steel, aluminum, polycarbonates, and var- ious sealants. Emphasis is placed on determining (1) how these materials sat- isfy design requirements and (2) the min- imum safety factors contained in the requirements . A finite-element computer model was used to ascertain the structural integ- rity of four existing X-P enclosures (1) . A finite-element model consists of many small elements, each of which has stress and deflection characteristics defined by classical theory. By proper element selection and by writing any necessary constraint equations at the corners or "nodes" of the elements, a good estimate can be obtained of the stresses generated in an enclosure by an internal loading function. The computer code ANSYS selected to perform the finite-element analysis is commercially available and contains all the capabilities necessary for analyz- ing X-P enclosures. It has a library of finite elements that includes general shells, three-dimensional beams and sol- ids , and gap elements . It has the capa- bility of performing elastic, elastic- plastic, or thermal stress analysis, and static and dynamic loading. In determining the yielding of the en- closures, the von Mises yield criterion was used (it assumes that the structure will yield when the distortion energy equals the distortion energy in simple tension). A combined stress, called the von Mises stress, is defined as VM = 0.707 /(a, - a 2 ) 2 + (o 2 - a 3 ) 2 + (a 3 - a,) 2 ' where O), 02, 03 are principal stresses. The von Mises criterion expressed in terms of stresses states that yielding will occur when °VM where a is the yield stress in simple tension. In determining the safety factors for the four enclosures analyzed, a design pressure of 150 psig (as specified by MSHA) was used. A safety factor for each component of the enclosure was determined by Safety factor = P V M/Pdesign» where P VM is the pressure that will give the von Mises stress. Safety factors for the four enclosures analyzed are summarized in table 1. For each enclosure, multiple factors of safe- ty were calculated for different compo- nents and with different finite-element models. Table 1 gives the minimum safety factor for each enclosure, which is the factor that governs the failure mode of the enclosure; other factors were cal- culated for evaluation and comparison only. As table 1 shows , there is a wide vari- ation in the strength of X-P enclosures. Although enclosure 1 showed a safety TABLE 1. - Summary of safety factors for four enclosures Enclosure Enclosure Minimum strength Safety Enclosure description volume , in 3 component factor 1 Steel rectangular box, aluminum cover. 926 0.73 2 Steel rectangular box, small steel cover. 234 1.60 3 Rectangular luminaire, aluminum casting. 140 Bottom plate, aluminum casting. 1.20 4 Cylindrical junction box, steel casting. 142 Cover, steel casting. 4.83 factor of less than 1, all of these en- closures have been certified as explo- sionproof. However, it should be remem- bered that the design criterion of 150 psig used to compute the safety factors is a much more severe load than that pre- sented by the internal methane-air explo- sion specified by MSHA. POTTING MATERIALS USED IN X-P ENCLOSURES Potting materials are frequently used in X-P enclosures to reduce hazards by separating potential ignition sources from flammable environments. They may serve as heat sinks to quench sparks as well as heat from zones where abnormal operating conditions arise. Under normal conditions, materials serve as an elec- trical insulator, whether the material is a solid, liquid, or gas. Besides the usual mechanical and electrical proper- ties exhibited by a potting material, two additional factors are important in eval- uating materials. One factor concerns the flammability of the material. The second factor relates to the flammability of the products produced when the mate- rial is decomposed by an electric arc caused by failure of the potted electri- cal equipment. Organic potting materials will, in gen- eral, undergo decomposition, carboniza- tion, and burn in an oxidizing atmos- phere. In an inert atmosphere, pyrolysis is likely to occur. However, no general guideline exists for establishing an ac- ceptance criterion for potting materials for use in X-P enclosures used in under- ground mines. The purpose of this phase of Bureau research was to develop a testing methodology where a rank ordering of can- didate materials may be established based on arc decomposition products. A list of the arc decomposition products of seven potting compounds evaluated in this study is presented in table 2. A prescribed number of arcing cycles were produced by a cycle timer (cycles per second) that when multiplied by the average energy per cycle gave the energy dissipated in the arc. Results show clearly the potential for addition of more sensitive hydrocar- bons and hydrogen (_5) . Results obtained indicate that a rank- ing order could be based on the least amount of flammable gas (hydrogen) evolved. This is evidenced by results obtained during arcing tests conducted at 43 J/c for 30 cycles. Therefore, the materials tested should be ranked in the following order, (from best to worst) : ° Eccosil 3 (solid, liquid, gas). ° DPR242H (solid). ° Eccothane (gas). o DPR242 (solid). o Epoxy (solid). ° Dow Silicone Oil (liquid). o RS#3 (asphaltic solid). PERFORMANCE TESTS FOR X-P ENCLOSURES Since 1977, the Bureau has conducted research to develop performance standards for X-P enclosures. These new standards are intended to provide a method of ap- proving enclosures for use in underground mines based solely on the performance of the enclosure during specified tests. When enclosures are evaluated in this way, rather than by specifying certain dimensions as in 30 CFR 18, the enclosure designers will have more freedom in their design approach. Two performance tests have been developed to date: (1) a structural performance (hydrostatic pressure) test and (2) a ruggedness test. STRUCTURAL PERFORMANCE The purpose of the structural perform- ance test is to verify that X-P enclo- sures are designed for a minimum static pressure of 150 psig. ■^Reference to specific products does not imply endorsement by the Bureau of Mines . TABLE 2. - Arc-decomposition products Material Environment Cycles Average energy per cycle, J Decomposition products Total combus- Component ' ppm tibles, % Nitrogen. . . 60 43 H 2 CH 4 22,712 943 71.5 2.9 C 2 H 2 5,217 16.4 C 2 H 4 2,609 8.2 C 3 H 6 26 .1 C3H4 48 .2 C 6 H 6 230 .7 15 43 H 2 CH 4 C 2 H 2 C 2 H 4 1,458 87 109 16 87.3 5.2 6.5 1.0 15 43 CH 4 27 84.3 60 43 CH 4 5 100 30 43 CH 4 <5 NC Nitrogen. . . 30 43 H 2 11,288 94.5 30 21.5 CH 4 10 50 Nitrogen. . . 30 21.5 H 2 4,101 91 60 43 H 2 CH 4 C 2 H 2 C 2 H 4 C 3 H 6 C3H4 C 6 H 6 27,979 4,496 4,783 3,913 661 430 361 67 8.4 11.5 9.4 1.6 1.1 .9 15 43 H 2 CH 4 C 2 H 2 C 2 H 4 C 3 H 8 8,305 435 739 163 22 85.9 4.5 7.6 1.7 .3 15 43 CH 4 C 2 H 2 32 22 59.3 40.7 60 43 H 2 CH 4 C 2 H 2 C 2 H 4 339 109 152 98 48.6 15.6 21.8 14.0 30 43 CH 4 C 2 H 2 C 2 H 4 <5 22 <5 15.6 68.8 15.6 Nitrogen. . . 30 43 H 2 CH 4 2^2 C 2 H 4 C 3 H 6 39,424 739 2,935 1,033 98 89.1 1.7 6.6 2.3 .3 30 21.5 CH 4 C 2^ 2 C 2 H 4 13 15 10 34.2 39.5 26.3 Nitrogen. . . 30 21.5 H 2 CH 4 C 2 H 6 C 2 H 2 C 2 H 4 11,864 526 24 926 441 86.1 3.8 .2 6.7 3.2 See notes at end of table, TABLE 2. - Arc-decomposition products — Continued Material Environment Cycles Average energy per cycle, J Decomposition products Total combus- Component 1 ppm tibles, % Silicone oil. . Nitrogen. . . 60 43 H 2 CH 4 C 2^2 C 2 H 4 5,085 35 65 15 97.8 .7 1.3 .2 • • « QO • • • •• • 15 43 H 2 CH 4 C 2" 2 C 2 H 4 3,119 108 54 11 94.7 3.3 1.6 .4 15 43 CH 4 5 100 60 43 CH 4 27 100 39 43 CH 4 <5 NC Nitrogen. . . 30 43 H 2 CH 4 C 2 H 2 C 2 H 4 C 3 H 6 17,797 217 283 54 <5 96.9 1.2 1.6 0.3 30 21.5 CH 4 C 2 H 2 5 <1 NC NC Nitrogen. . . 30 21.5 H 2 CH 4 C 2 H 2 C 2 H 4 7,458 245 106 17 95.3 3.1 1.4 .2 30 21.5 CH 4 C 2^2 C 2 H 4 7 5 3 46.7 33.3 20.0 Nitrogen. . . 30 21.5 H 2 CH 4 C 2^2 C 2 H 4 11,186 580 1,030 135 76.2 7.9 14.0 1.9 DPR 242 • • *QO« • » t • i 30 43 H 2 CO CO 2 CH 4 2 2 C 2 H 4 C 2 H 6 5,593 1,300 580 565 500 413 13 79.0 NC NC 8.0 7.1 5.8 .1 30 43 CO CO 2 CH 4 C 2^2 C 2 H 6 210 4,700 9 7 9 NC NC 50.0 38.9 .2 Nitrogen. . . 30 21.5 H 2 CO 2 CH 4 C 2 H 2 C 2 H 4 2,034 350 130 217 98 82.0 NC 5.2 8.8 4.0 30 21.5 CO 2 CH 4 C 2^2 1,700 3 3 NC 50.0 50.0 TABLE 2. - Arc-decomposition products — Continued Material Environment Cycles Average energy per cycle, J Decomposition products Total combus- Component ' ppm tibles , % Nitrogen. . . 30 43 H 2 CO 2 CH 4 C 2 H 2 C2H4 C 2 H 6 3,898 1,700 576 609 315 9 72.1 NC 10.6 11.3 5.8 .2 30 43 CO CO 2 CH 4 C 2 H 2 340 4,800 14 11 NC NC 56.0 44.0 Nitrogen. . . 30 21.5 H 2 CO co 2 CH 4 C 2 H 2 C 2 H 4 C 2 H 6 3,390 480 300 217 250 109 12 85.0 NC NC 5.5 6.3 2.7 .3 30 21.5 C0 2 CH 4 C 2"2 C 2 H 4 1,600 14 5 3 NC 63.6 22.7 13.7 Nitrogen. . . 30 43 H 2 CH 4 C 2 H 2 C 2 H 4 1,661 174 43 9 88.0 9.2 2.3 .5 30 43 CO 2 CH 4 1,300 7 NC 100 Nitrogen. . . 30 21.5 H 2 CO CH4 2 2 C 2 H 6 2,034 330 65 17 9 95.7 NC 3.1 .8 .4 30 21.5 CO 2 CH4 C 2 H 2 1,100 14 2 NC 87.5 12.5 Nitrogen. . . 30 43 H 2 CO CO 2 CH 4 C 2 H 2 C 2 H 4 5,593 1,300 150 228 1,011 217 79.3 NC NC 3.2 14.3 3.2 39 43 CH 4 C 2 H 2 C 2 H 4 3 6 3 25.0 50.0 25.0 Nitrogen. . . 30 21.5 H 2 CH 4 C 2 H 2 C 2 H 4 1,186 33 87 27 89.0 2.5 6.5 2.0 Air CO 2 CH 4 C 2 H 2 2,200 3 6 NC 33.3 66.7 NC Not considered in the calculation of percentage t H 2 = hydrogen; CH 4 = methane; C 2 H 2 = acetylene; C3H4 = propyne; C3H5 = benzene. otal. C 2 H 4 = ethylene; C3H 6 = propylene; 10 In order to routinely test X-P enclo- sures for structural performance as spe- cified in 30 CFR 18, the apparatus shown in figure 2 is required. This setup consists primarily of a water reservoir, a regulated nitrogen source, intercon- necting hardware, and pressure-sensing instrumentation. The water tank should be at least 50 gal in volume and be rated for 300-psig water service. A regulated high-pressure bottle of nitrogen (2,000 psig), or the equivalent, is used to provide the input pressure to the water tank. The geome- try, size, and complexity of the test en- closure will dictate how it is connected to the pressurization apparatus. Once a pressure connection is avail- able, the next step is to provide a tight seal between the cover and the enclosure if one has not been provided by the manu- facturer. Two sealing methods have been found to be satisfactory for hydrostatic testing. The most suitable method for the enclosure being tested can be used. Me thod 1 (suitable for small, regular shaped enclosures). — In this method, a continuous gasket is cut from 1/16-in- thick reinforced neoprene. The gasket should extend outside the bolt circle, but no closer than 3/16 in from the outer edge of the flange or cover. Clean the mating surfaces with acetone or an equiv- alent solvent before placing the gasket and closing the enclosure. No sealants are necessary. Torque bolts to their rated load. Method 2 (suitable for enclosures of all sizes) . — This method uses General Electric Silicon Construction Sealant 1200 series. Clean the surfaces to be sealed with acetone or an equivalent solvent and apply the sealant in a uni- form bead 1/16 to 1/8 in. in diameter. A zigzag pattern, as shown in figure 3, has been found to work satisfactorily. Test cell Control cell i l/4-in steel tubing and fittings — £>£}— Vent valve r\ Water tank To water .x. supply ~~ ^^ Level gage Vent ■fcl E O CO O O or 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 KINETIC ENERGY 3 FT ABOVE MINE FLOOR, I0 3 fflb/ft 2 FIGURE 4. - Kinetic energy produced by roof falls at top of continuous-mining machine. 13 ft-lb/ft 2 . Thus, to protect against 60% of all roof fall accidents, X-P enclo- sures should be designed for a KE level of 3,200 ft-lb/ft 2 . To protect against 90% of all roof falls, the enclosure should be designed for a KE level of 16,000 ft-lb/ft 2 . In summary, the following recommenda- tions are made: ° Test enclosure surfaces exposed to the roof at a KE level that will protect against 60% of roof falls. ° Test enclosure surfaces exposed to side impacts to an energy level that cor- responds to a 60,000-lb shuttle car im- pacting at 2 mph. ° Design protected surfaces to a KE level that is 10% of that required for side impact. These recommendations correspond to the following energy levels: ° Top exposure: Design and test to KE = 3,200 ft-lb/ft 2 . ° Side exposure: Design and test to KE = 8,000 ft-lb/ft 2 . ° Protected areas operator's canopy): KE = 800 ft-lb/ft 2 . Only impact forces produced by roof falls are discussed here. Detailed in- formation on the other forces are con- tained in a Bureau contract report (1). (such as under the Design and test to EFFECTS OF HIGH-VOLTAGE ON EXPLOSION-PROTECTION TECHNIQUES The development of more efficient coal removal equipment for use in underground coal mines has resulted in a demand for more electrical power at the working face. This could be accomplished in sev- eral ways; however, the most cost-effec- tive way appears to be the increase of the supply voltage. The Bureau is re- viewing the effects of increasing the high voltage limit (presently limited to 4,160 V by MSHA) to 15,000 V. One aspect of this review is the effect of this new limit on explosion protection techniques. The Bureau has conducted research on the three methods of explosion protec- tion: X-P enclosures, pressurization, and potting (_5 ) . The three methods pre- sent varying degrees of difficulty in protecting the mine environments from potential ignition. The effects of high voltage on conductor isolation, insulator selection, and power dissipation must be considered when comparing explosion pro- tection techniques. High-voltage conductor isolation must be reliably accomplished within the se- lected enclosure based on the available energy and the potential for damage to enclosure materials during breakdown. The theory of operation for the potted enclosure assumes inherent conductor iso- lation. However, practical application of this method requires definition of various verification and certification tests, the potting compound specifi- cation, and the protective enclosure specification. The explosion-proof meth- od provides conductor isolation by sep- aration and insulation. It has been demonstrated that separation is not a re- liable isolation technique at high volt- ages for uninsulated conductors during methane combustion. High-voltage conduc- tors should be insulated to provide re- liable isolation in an X-P enclosure. The pressurized enclosure provides con- ductor isolation by the separation and insulation. However, the inherent lack of methane combustion within the enclo- sure greatly increases the reliability of the isolation method of isolation separation. A high-voltage insulator must reliably isolate the conductor under any condi- tions anticipated for the enclosure. The selection of an insulation material is most critical in the X-P enclosure owing to the harsh conditions present during methane combustion. These insulators must not only survive these combustion episodes, but they also must resist the effects of corona discharge. The insula- tors selected for use in pressurized and potted enclosures are not required to survive methane combustion due to the lack of flammable gas concentrations within these enclosures. However, the insulators must be resistant to the ef- fects of corona discharge. The power dissipation of a given machine will increase as the supplied power is increased. The potted enclosure 14 is very sensitive to variations in the power dissipation owing to the natural thermal insulation of the potting com- pound. Small changes in the power dissi- pated within this enclosure can produce large temperature gradients in the pot- ting compound. The resultant tempera- ture gradients are dependent on the heat capacity, conductivity, and thickness of the potting compound. The pressurization and X-P enclosures provide air circu- lation around equipment by forced circu- lation or convection. Thus, these two methods are relatively insensitive to changes in the machine power dissipation. INNOVATIVE X-P DEVICES PRESSURE VENT The design requirements for X-P enclo- sures used in gassy areas of underground mines are contained in 30 CFR 18. These regulations define an X-P enclosure as "an enclosure that complies with the ap- plicable design requirements in Subpart B of this part and is so constructed that it will withstand internal explosions of methane-air mixtures: (1) Without damage to or excessive distortion of its walls or cover(s) and (2) without ignition of surrounding methane-air mixtures or dis- charge of flame from inside to outside the enclosure." The intent of this regu- lation is to provide criteria to ensure that the explosive energy will be con- tained within the enclosure. Since internal pressure may exceed 100 psig, these enclosures are characterized by heavy wall construction, tight flange gaps, and a multitude of cover bolts. If an enclosure could be designed to release or vent the heat and pressure in a safe, controlled manner, the design criteria of 30 CFR 18 could be relaxed to permit lighter enclosures and less stringent flame path requirements. Lightweight construction would facilitate handling of large enclosure covers or complete enclo- sures by one person. In addition, larger allowable flange gaps would negate the present effects that corrosion and dust entrapment have on attempts to comply with 30 CFR 18. Under contract H0357107 (7-8), the Bu- reau investigated numerous concepts in- cluding venting, designed to reduce the internal pressure generated in X-P enclosures during internal methane-air explosions. From this study, it was determined that any venting mechanism must — Quench both methane gas and coal dust flame fronts. o Be relatively permeable to gas flow to minimize vent size. ° Have self-cleaning characteristics to reduce the possibilities of clogging during use underground. o Have sufficient corrosion and me- chanical shock resistance to be compati- ble with the mine environment. In light of these requirements , an open-cell metal foam was judged to offer the best combination of mechanical and flame-arresting properties. For actual hardware designs, Retimet, a stainless steel foam from the United Kingdom, was chosen; it is an excellent flame arrestor and was the only open-cell metal form available. For the prototype vent, a 1/2-in-thick foam slab of Retimet was fixed in a metallic frame and mounted in the enclosure wall. A cross-sectional view is shown in figure 5. The foam was protected against mechanical damage by a hinged metal cover that swung open when internal pressure exceeded 2 psig. Nor- mally, this cover was held in place by a small permanent magnet. To have a significant impact upon en- closure design, it was determined that a vent must limit internal explosion pres- sure to a 12-psig maximum. To determine the relationship between vent area size, the internal pressure developed, and the enclosure volume, a vent area-to-volume ratio was established through laboratory tests. As illustrated in figure 6, any enclosure with a vent area to volume ra- tio larger than 4 in 2 /ft 3 will meet the 12-psig criterion. To protect the metal foam from oxida- tion damage due to high temperature, a series of 20-mesh stainless steel wire 15 Vent body Vent cover retainer Swinging- door vent cover Magnet holds cover closed Enclosure cover Flame path meets MSHA requirements Steel retaining ring vent retainer Retimet vent material, foam stainless steel Bolt with lock washer Bolt with lock washer ^jC(j Tapped blind hole as required by MSHA FIGURE 5. - Pressure vent. screens was placed on the inner face of the foam and acted as a thermal barrier to the flame front. The minimum number of screens to be used increases as the vent area-to-enclosure volume ratio de- creases. The number of screens used in the vent design must be more than or equal to the number of screens indicated in figure 7. It was determined that flange-gap tem- peratures must not exceed 1,200° F (649° C) peak to preclude ignition of a surrounding external gassy atmosphere. Since one of the goals of utilizing pres- sure vents was to permit the safe use of larger flange gaps, a series of labora- tory tests was conducted to determine allowable gaps for various vent area-to- enclosure volume ratios. The maximum al- lowable gap was found to decrease as the vent area-to-enclosure volume decreases (see figure 7). To use figure 7, the designer deter- mines a convenient size for the pressure vent assembly or the enclosure. Using this, one then can determine the number of screens required from the top axis and the maximum flange gap spacing from the left axis. The enclosure could then be designed solely on the basis of rugged- ness for the mine environment. ELASTOMERIC GROMMET CABLE ENTRY Conventional asbestos-packed cable en- tries require considerable skill, ex- perience, and motivation on the part of the mine mechanic to achieve a permis- sible installation. Proper cable entry is time-consuming. It not only entails packing the correct length of asbestos rope in the stuffing box but also tight- ening the gland nut to the correct depth in accordance with 30 CFR 18. Under contract H0357107 (7-8), the Bu- reau investigated numerous cable entry concepts in addressing the deficiencies of asbestos entries. A cross section of the optimum design is shown in figure 8. It incorporates a tapered elastomeric grommet compressed against the cable jacket by a clamping nut. The advantages of this arrangement are as follows: ° Reduced entry time. ° Reusability. ° One size fits many cable diameters. ° Captive grommet cannot be lost. Evaluation of several materials led to the selection of polyurethane as the grommet material. It is highly resistant to wear and abrasion, and impervious to oil, grease, and water. Laboratory tests of the grommet proved its equivalency to conventional asbestos packing in the fol- lowing areas: ° Ability to grip the cable. ° Gland nut torque required. ° Distance in contact with cable. o Flammability. ° Explosion-proof integrity. Both the pressure vent and the grommet cable entry were successfully field tested at an active underground coal mine. Approval for this demonstration was obtained via an experimental permit from MSHA. The innovative devices were installed on the connection box of a Jeffrey 120M continuous-mining machine for 8-1/2 months. Subsequent laboratory tests revealed no measurable deteriora- tion in their condition. 16 'to QL Ld or Z> CO CO UJ or 0_ £0 20 - ,,,,,,,, | i | i 1 i 15 — I 12-psig criterion — 10 5 1 l 1 i 1 . 1 . 1 — I 1- r- — J— 1 1 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 VENT AREA PER ENCLOSURE VOLUME, in 2 /ft 3 FIGURE 6. - Pressure buildup in vented enclosures. 32 o_ < CD i UJ CD c 5" < CD 5 CO 0.05 .04 16 10 NUMBER OF SCREENS 6 3 T No screens over 28in 2 /ft Guideline curve 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 VENT AREA PER ENCLOSURE VOLUME RATIO, in 2 /ft 3 FIGURE 7. - Suggested guidelines for number of screens and allowable flange gaps for vents and explosionproof electrical enclosures. 17 Enclosure wal Retaining clip Tapered urethane grommet Thrust washer Clamping nut Cable body entry FIGURE 8. - Trai ling-cable entry assembly. SUMMARY Research by the Bureau has revealed much about the mechanisms of contain- ing a methane-air explosion. Finite- element analysis and hydrostatic pressure tests revealed wide variations in the margin of safety of selected X-P enclo- sures. Results of research on electrical clearances showed that clearances that would be safe in ordinary locations are insufficient when there is a possibility of a methane-air explosion. The use of glass and polycarbonate have proved sat- is factory for window materials in X-P enclosures with certain restrictions. when choosing potting materials for use in X-P enclosures, attention must be given to the possibility of the accu- mulation of arc-decomposition products, especially when used in high-voltage en- closures. The lack, of definition, speci- fications, and basic research on most potting materials make this method a dif- ficult choice. The X-P enclosure and the pressurized enclosure can be applied di- rectly to high-voltage conditions using the present state of the art. Addition- ally, research results showed that the pressure vent precludes a buildup of high pressure caused by an explosion inside a permissible enclosure, and the elasto- meric grommet simplifies and hastens ca- ble entry while minimizing worker error. REFERENCES 1. Cox, P. A., 0. H. Burnside, E. D. Esparza, F. D. Lin, and R. E. White. A Study of Explosionproof Enclosures (con- tract H0377052, Southwest Res. Inst.). BuMines OFR 96-83, 1982, 426 pp.; NTIS PB 83-205450. 2. Scott, L. W. , and J. G. Doglos. Electrical Arcing at High Voltage During Methane-Air Explosions Inside Explosion- proof Enclosures. BuMines TPR 115, 1982, 9 PP. 18 3. Scott, L. W. Some Design Factors for Windows and Lenses Used in Explosion- proof Enclosures. BuMines IC 8880, 1982, 9 pp. 4. U.S. Code of Federal Regulations. Title 30 — Mineral Resources; Chapter I, Mine Safety and Health Administration. U.S. Department of Labor; Subchapter D — Electrical Equipment, Lamps, Methane Detectors; Tests for Permissibility; Fees; Part 18 — Electrical Motor-Driven Mine Equipment and Accessories; July 1, 1984. 5. Herrera, W. R. , R. E. White, L. M. Adams, and H. S. Silvus. Recommended Ac- ceptance Criteria for Potting Materials Used in Explosionproof Enclosures in Coal Mines (contract J0100041, Southwest Res. Inst.). BuMines OFR 168-83, 1982, 100 pp.; NTIS PB 83-254722. 6. Linley, L. J., and A. B. Luper. Performance Criteria Guideline for Three Methods of Electrical Equipment Rated Up to 15,000 Volts AC (contract J0318081, NASA). BuMines OFR 60-84, 1982, 63 pp.; NTIS PB 84-172303. 7. Gunderman, R. J. Innovations for Explosionproof Electrical Enclosures (contract H0357107, Dresser Ind., Inc.). BuMines OFR 121-81, 1980, 109 pp.; NTIS PB 82-104936. 8. . Evaluation and Acceptance Criteria for Innovations in Explosion- proof Electrical Enclosures (contract H0357107, Dresser Ind., Inc.). Bu- Mines OFR 127-83, 1982, 141 pp.; NTIS PB 233379. irU.S. CPO: 1985-505-019/20,111 IN T.-BU.O F MINES,PGH.,P A. 28121 Ml 1 5 U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Mines— Prod, and Distr. Cochrans Mill Road P.O. Box 18070 Pittsburgh. Pa. 15236 OFFICIALBUSINESS PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE, «00 ] Do not wi sh to receive thi s material, please remove from your mailing list* ] Address change* Please correct as indicated* AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER v^o* o ■• %/ .-ate'- X/ -*M|i"° %/ .•afcfv V^ .-W^- P> \ "•/P-m #<*> .0 tp't «5 °^ -^ W* a? A- ■** " • . v °^. » " ° » .0-' V •'••f 1 *^* *V - O > ^ • cS^Wj/\_ O p -»>•* :«©>•- 'W : v». %v*' ;«.'. ^ •' ^- A * -^ ** v v ^' V -«R ^°«o '^^^> : ^^ Willis ^°^ ^° V V' "o. **T7i 4 A * . . i • .0 0v y -^- sflflBHHi