-/> ' » ft ^ »» 'c *^' \^^' X^^ '^^. ■^^v^ ^.S^ v^^ '% \V , o c , ^ --"•^V ^^;o \' -^- x.^" N^v'^ ,v» ^ . ■ °' -^ ' ■ ■"■■ % ^r *v ^. .V -V.y^^-. .A^' ^%.- ',/V ^. V :. ^V. \' x^ ..../'' '^ .vO' >!-^ 0/- 'rr. ■?z. ' ' ••> ^ ^ ^ ^^ , , „ , ^ ^ , . ■* ^oo^ ^A V cT ^^ -^ <^v.:'.%.,,,^ / ■*-%/■/.■■ =\,.^ '^^^^ A^ -P^ . •' A' GENEALOGY OF THE TRIPP FAMILY Descended from ISAAC TRIPP, of Warwick, R. I., and Wilkes-Barre, Pa. By ^^n!^ THUR D.DEAN, OF SCRANTON, Pa. *> f . • • * * ♦ " • «. i » • • • « I < J • » •* » • • 9 1 SCRANTON, Pa. Printed foe the Author by F. H. GERLOCK & CO. 1903. u^ VIM'III i; I). DKAN PREFACE. The Tripp records contained in this small vol- ume do not comprise a full genealogy of the Tripp family in America. No such work has yet been undertaken so far as the writer has ascertained. These records were mainly gathered while the author was engaged in collecting data for his Dean family history. As he is related by blood to Isaac Tripp, the first of the Tripp name to settle in Luzerne county contemporaneously with his Dean ancestor, he was easily persuaded by some of his Tripp relatives to continue his labor and print the result of his researches and correspondence for the benefit of all who might be interested in the Tripp family records. While the original plan of the author to print and bind the two family records together has been carried out in the main, he has deemed it best to issue a limited number of copies of the Tripp book sepa- rately for the benefit of those who are not inter- ested in the Dean records, and thus enable them to procure the part they want at a small cost. The chief merit the author claims for this work is its accuracy, so far as painstaking care would lead to that end. That there are numer- ous errors which readers will discover he readily concedes. Seldom has he found two persons who would furnish exactly similar copies of the records of the same family. As his information iii has come to him mainly in copies furnished by some member of a family, he has had few oppor- tunities of proving the accuracy of the record. That this record is incomplete in some lines is due to the fact that all trace of some branches of a family is lost, and letters mailed to the last known address have elicited no reply. Much delay has been caused by the dilatoriness of correspondents who seem to think that any time is as good as the present for matters of so little importance as family history. The plan of this work is quite simple, and a brief explanation will enable any one whose name appears, or who can trace his descent from any of those herein named, to follow back his line to the immigrant and founder of the family in America, John Tripp, of Portsmouth, K. I. The numeral at the end of the Christian name represents the generation, counting from John as of the first generation. The consecutive figures in heavy type in front of each name, is the number of the individual and reappears in brackets in the center of the page when that individual is discussed or becomes the head of a family. The general index of Tripps at the end of the book indicates the page where the indi- vidual is to be found. Take for illustration the name Harry ^^ M. Tripp on page 38. The figures " 11 " show that he is of the 11th generation from John^. He is the son of Alem^^, whose number is 169, as shown by the central number in brackets. Turn back to No. 169 found on page 37 and it is seen IV that he is son of Charles^, whose number is 158, and he the son of Danford^ C. No. 155, who was son of Thomas^ No. 124, who was son of Wil- Ham^ No. 12, who was son of Job^ No. 3, who was son of Isaac* No. 1, the founder of the family in Luzerne county, Pa., who is assumed to be the son of Job^ of Peleg^ of John^ by the process of reasoning contained in pages two and three. The author takes this opportunity of express- ing the hope that all who read these pages will take new and deeper interest in collecting and preserving family records so that the task will be less difficult for the future genealogist who undertakes the work of preparing a complete his- tory of the Tripp family in America. A. D. DEAN. ScRANTON, Pa., May, 1903. V . The Tripp Family. The fact that the writer's gi-andmother was a Tripp, and her family prominent in the history of Luzerne and Lackawanna counties, is a suffi- cient reason to warrant the putting into perma- nent form such records as he has heen able to gather of this family. The Tripps in this vicinity, as well as many others of the nnme scattered over the United States, spring from John Tripp, who came from England and located at Portsmouth, R. L, in 1638, when about 28 years of age. He was a carpenter by trade. His wife was Mary Paine, daughter of Anthony Paine. He was a prominent citizen, filling the office of deputy many terms, also member of the town council. He died in 1078. His children were: John, born about 1640. Peleg, born about 1642. Joseph, born about 1644. Mary, born about 1646. Elizabeth, born about 1648. Isabel, born about 1651. Abiel, born about 1653. James, born about 1656. Martha, born about 1658. It is the writer's belief that our family of Tripps are descended from Peleg, second son of John Tripp. The reasons for this belief will be given later when discussing the family of Job Tripp. Peleg Tripp married Anna Sisson, daughter of Richard Sisson, the immigrant. It is a cuiious circumstance that in my own household, after many yeai's, the Tripp and Sisson blood is again united. My grandmother was a Tripp, making me a descendant of John Tripp, and my wife was a Sisson, direct descendant of Richard Sisson, hence in my children is united the blood of these old Tripp and Sisson immigrants. Austen's Dictionary of Rhode Island families which furnishes the data concerning the fiist three generations of Tripps does not give the dates of birth of Peleg's children, but their names in the following order : John. ^ ' - ' ^ ' Priscilla. Sarah. Job. i^ Peleg. Mary. Ann. Merit ABLE. Richard. Judging from the birth dates of the children of John Tripp, oldest brother of Peleg, we can safely fix the birth of Peleg's first child at about 1667, and allowing two years between births would give 1683 as the date of the last child, Richard's birth. Job, the fourth child, would fall on or about 1673. It is from this Job, son of Peleg, that we believe the Tripp family in Luzerne and Lacka- wanna counties descends. The evidence is far from satisfactory or conclusive, but in absence of definite proof we must be content with such as can be had. The prevalence of the name Job in ouf Tripp line leads us to attach our family to Job rather than to any other decendant of John. We know that Job was born not far from 1673. We find the birth of a second Job recorded in Arnold's Vital Records of Rhode Island, on 20 Apiil, 1701, who could have been a son of the first Job. This second Job had a son Job, born 28 June, 173J:. We have discovered no record of the birth of our ancestor, the first Isaac, who came from Rhode Island among the early emi- grants to the Wyoming Valley, but we can ap- proximate the time, as he was an old man when killed by the Indians in 1778. Hence he could have been born any time from 1700 to 1710. We know he had a son Job, as will be shown later. The only Job we know of who could have been Isaac's brother is Job 2d, born 20 April, 1701, whom we have assumed to be the son of Job 1st, son of Peleg. There was only one Job in the 3d generation of Tripps in this Rhode Island family, and there was no Isaac, hence the most reasonable conclusion is that our Isaac"* was a brother of Job^, son of Job^, son of Peleg^, son of John^. Job Tripp was admitted a citizen of Newport 3 in 1726 ; was deputy or member of the Assembly for North Kingston in 1734 and 1738 ^ A Job Tripp was deputy for the town of Exe- ter in 17572. Job Tripp, Jr., was admitted a citizen of Exe- ter in 17573. Job Tripp was admitted a citizen of Warwick in 1759*. • ' (1) Our definite family records of Tripps begins with the 1st Isaac, born about 1700. We know nothing certain of his birth either as to time or place, and only inferentially as to his parentage. The vital records of many towns in Rhode Island are in a defective condition due to fire, ravages of the public enemy and natural decay. Hence it is not strange that many names are lost even if once placed upon the town records. We learn from history that Isaac was a Quaker in religion, a faith that had many followers in the early days of Rhode Island. That he was a man of ability and substance will appear from the cir- cumstances herein recorded. An Isaac Tripp, either father or son, was admitted a citizen of Warwick in 17586. For some time he resided at Pomfret, Conn., as shown by deeds recorded in Wai-wick, R. I. Deed of Godfrey Malbone, of Newport, to Isaac Tripp, of Pomfret, Conn., 6 August, 1757. Mort- gage, Isaac Tripp, of Pomfret, Conn., to God- » R. I. Col. Records. 4 vol. pp. 375, 495, 543. * R. I. Col. Hec, 6 vol. p. hti. « Ibid p. 45. * Ibid p. 202. • R.I. Col. Rtc, 6 vol. p. 141. frey Malbone, of Newport, R. I., amount 2,852 Spanish dollars ; land 240 acres in Warwick, Kent county, R. I., date 9 February, 1757, re- corded 29 May, 1758. "Newport, 31 May, 1774, this mortgage is dis- charged in settlement with Isaac Tripp, and his son Isaac, signed, John Malbone, administrator of estate of Godfrey Malbone." Isaac Tripp, of Pomfret, Conn., and Susannah his wife, to Stephen Arnold, of Warwick : con- sideration, 14,300 pounds, old tenor, 200 acres of land, my mansion house farm at Cowesett, date 22 February, 1760. Recorded 13 May, 17601 . Isaac Tripp, of Pomfret, Conn., and Susannah, his wife, to Benjamin Arnold, of Warwick, 57 acres; consideration, 2,400 pounds, old tenor. Witnesses: Nathaniel Kenyon, Isaac Tripp, Jr., date 1 November, 1762. Recorded 26 January, 1763. Same to Wilbore Carpenter, of Warwick, 98^ acres; consideration, 4,850 pounds, date 26 March, 1762. Recorded 12 April, 1764. Same of Warwick, R. L, to Jonathan Slocum, of Warwick, 120 acres; consideration, 981 pounds, date 4 Angust, 1764. Recorded 28 August, 1764. Isaac Tripp, and Susannah, of Pomfret, Conn., to Godfrey Malbone, 240 acres, Warwick; con- sideration, 19,200 pounds, old tenor, date 31 January, 1764. Recorded 4 March, 1765. Isaac Tripp, of W^arwick, to Isaac Tripp, Jr., of Warwick, the dwelling house in which I now live, and 9 acres of land ; consideration, 250 pounds, dated 10 April, 1765. 1 Warwick Land Evidences, Book 6, page 203. 5 Isaac* Tripp, Sr., was one of the early settlers in the Wyoming Valley, and no doubt the occa- sion of his selling his pi'operty in Warwick, R. I., was to enable him to invest largely in the new settlement on the Susquehanna and Lackawanna rivers. As early as 1768, he, with another of the w^riter's ancestors, Ezra Dean, was appointed as a committee for Rhode Island to admit the first two hundred settlers under the Connecticut title to lands in Wyoming Valley ; and Isaac Tripp was on the same day appointed to serve on a committee with Benjamin Follett, John Jenkins, William Buck and Benjamin Shoemaker, "to approve, admit, oversee, superintend, manage, and order the affaii'S and proceedings of the first forty settlers, to receive and order the moneys granted to their use, to lay out and prepare a convenient road to said Susquehanna river, etc."^ After the ineffectual attempt to make a per- manent settlement in 1763, Isaac Tripp, with the first forty settlers arrived in the valley 8 Feb- ruary, 1769. We have seen in the earlier part of this book' that Ezra Dean was one of these forty settlers. It is quite likely that these two men, Isaac Tripp and Ezra Dean, were neighbors and inti- mate friends in Rhode Island, as both were agents of the Connecticut Susquehanna Company for that State, and together shared the dangers and privations of pioneers in a new country sur- rounded with Indian foes, and whites no less hostile. On their arrival they found the im- 1 18 Volume Pennsylvania Archives, 2d series, pages 60, 61. ■ Page 54. 6 provements and blockhouse erected by their friends in 1762 in the possession of the Pennsyl- vania proprietors, under command of Captain Amos Ogden. Isaac Tripp and Benjamin FoUett of the executive committee, and Vine Elderken, were selected to negotiate with Ogden, at his in- vitation. No sooner were they within the fort than they were arrested by Sheriff Jennings, and were carried off to Easton jail. Here they quick- ly secured bail and returned to Wyoming^. Thus began the Pennymite war which was waged with great fury and much bloodshed be- tween the settlers, under the Connecticut title, and the Pennsylvania proprietors. During these trying times Isaac Tripp was a prominent man in the colony. If the Westmoreland records were only within reach of the anxious inquirer for facts relating to the eaily history of the val- ley, much interesting family data would, no doubt, be disclosed concerning Isaac Tripp and his children. But these valuable records have long been lost or destroyed. It is only an occa- sional glimpse into the past that we now can gain after diligent research. We find that the town of Exeter, in Luzerne county, just north of Kingston, was granted to Isaac Tripp, John Jenkins and Jonathan Dean 28 November, 17723. In 1777 Isaac* Tripp was representative to the Connecticut assembly for Westmoreland, the name of the town comprising the Wyoming val- » Miners' History of Wj-oming, pages 107, 108. * Egle's History of Pennsylvania, page 1165. ley, which was attached to the county of Litch- field i. In a letter of Judge Jesse Fell of Wilkes- Barre to the state commissioners, dated 29 May, 1802, he states that the grant of the town of Provi- dence had been obtained by Isaac Tripp^. The Susquehanna Company on 2 June, 1773, appointed Gideon Baldwin, Timothy Keys, and Isaac Tripp, directors or proprietors of Provi- dence 3. A list* of the original owers of lots in the cer- tified town of Providence is given by Isaac Tripp, son of Isaac Tripp, Esq., as they existed 22 March. 1773, in which it appears that Isaac Tripp, Esq., was owner of lot No. 13. Henry Dow Tripp '' " 15. Ezra Dean *' '' 17. Isaac Tiipp (probably Jr.,) " 39. Isaac** Tripp settled on the Capouse meadows, now within the city of Scranton, as early as 1771. as also did his son-in-law, Jonathan Slocum"^. His son Isaac^ Tripp, Jr., was a purchaser in the same locahty between 1772 and 1775. Isaac Tripp purchased certified lot No. l-t, of Daniel Adams, 7 July, 1774. The deed is copied entire in Hollister's History of Lackawanna Valley *>. 1 Pierce's Annals, Luzerne county, page 522 : Records of Connecticut, Volume 1. pajies 409. 411, 470. * 18 Volume Pennsylvania Archives. 2il Series, page 356. » Hollister's History of Tiackawanna. 5th Edition, page 123. * 18 Volume Pennsylvania Archives, 2(1 Series, page 772. * Hollistf^r's History of Lackawanna, 5th Edition, page 188. * Hollister's History of Lackawanna, 5th Edition, page 123. 8 21 October, 1788, Matthew Taylor, of Danbury, Conn., sells to Isaac Tripp, of Susquehannah, one-half of certified lot No. 11 of Providence^. 9 October, 1789, John Staples of Wilkes-Bari-e, sells to Isaac Tripp one-half of right No. 7 at Providence, and recites that Staples got it of Captain John Howard, of Windham, Conn., who got it of the proptietors^. Isaac* Tripp, Sr., was killed by Indians after the Wyoming massacre, 16 December, 1778, while assisting his son-in-law, Jonathan Slocum, to feed stock from a stack in the field on the Slo- cum farm where now is the city of Wilkes- Barre. Slocum was also killed and a son William wounded^. It would be interesting to many readers to find here an account of the capture of Isaac'* Tripp's granddaughter, Frances Slocum, by the Indians, and her long captivity and life as the wife of an Indian chief ; but it would be too long for insertion in a family record of this character. It must suffice to say that when she was discov- ered by her brothers in 1837, she refused to leave her home with her children, near Peru, Indiana, and return to civilization. I must refer those w^ho are interested in her history to the account found in Miner's History of Wyoming, Peck's History of Wyoming, and a more complete and later account in Maginnis' Life of Frances Slocum. The family record of Isaac* Tripp, Sr. , is not 1 L'izerne County Deed Book No. 1, page 172. « Ibid. 3, page 6. « Miner's History of Wyoming, page 248. 9 authentic. No private or official record has thus far been found. Some of his children are known, but whether the list here given is complete or not, we do not know. The oldest living descend- ant of whom we have knowledge is Mrs. Polly (Tripp) Robbins, living at 1422 N. Main avenue, Scranton, Pa., who is a daughter of Stephen Tripp, son of Isaac Tripp, Jr., of Providence, hence great dranddaughter of Isaac Tripp, Esq., the first of the name to settle in Wyoming Val- ley, Mrs. Robbins tells the writer that from tradition the family of Isaac'* Tripp, Sr. , was the following : By his first wife, who was a Sweety he had a son William^, who was a sailor, and no record of him is preserved. He raairied for his 2d wife a Spencer, and had two children : Job^ and Ruth^. He mariied for his 3d wife, Sarah Dow, and had Isaac^ and Henry^ Dow Tiipp. Assuming the tradition to be correct we would then have the following as the record of Isaac Tripp's children : 2. WlT.LIAM^. 3. Job5. 4. RUTH^. 5. Isaacs. O. Henry^ Dow. We also find in the Rhode Island records an account of a Samuel Tripp, son of Isaac Tripp, of Exeter, born 19 April, 1735, and died 10 June, 1798'. His age would make him contemporary * Arnold's Vital Records gives the marriage of Isaac Tripp and Sarah Sweet — June, 1729. * Arnold's Vital Records of Rhode Island, volume 7. lo with the children of our Isaac'^ Tripp, but as we have no proof or tradition that he was of the same family, we have not included him in the list of our Isaac's children. It is somewhat remarkable that so little is known of Job Tripp's descendants by the family of his brother Isaac. My father, Isaac Dean, who has the widest acquaintance of any person hving, with the descendants of Isaac, knows nothing of Job's family, though many live in the same and adjoining counties. What data I have been able to collect has been secured from records or correspondence with members of the family. I will follow the same plan with the Tripp as in the Dean genealogy, taking up each cliild of Job^fand writing all that has been learned of such child and his or her descendants before taking up the family of Isaac, which will then be treated in the same manner. II (3) Job Tripp and Descendants. Job^ Tripp ( Isaac* Job^, PelegS, Johni ). We have no record of the birth of this Job Tripp, but we can approximate to its date. If it was his father who married Sarah Sweet in 1729, and after her death married a Spencer, and Job was the first child of this nnion, he was born probably not earlier than 1731, nor later than 1736. He married 16 May, 1757, Hannah Kice, daughter of William Rice, deceaseds We have no record of the time or place of his death, but it was prior to 1792. Mrs. Polly Tripp Robbins says that Job Tripp lived below Lackawanna, and was buried in the old Griffin burying ground near Bull's Head, between Hyde Park and Providene. A careful search in this ground revealed no stone with his name or initials upon it. On 8 January, 1793, John^ Tripp, administra- tor of Job^ Tripp, late of Providence, conveys' to Micajah Harding, lot No. 15, in Providence, for the sum of 48 pounds, 10 shillings. Job^ Tripp was the administrator of his father's estate, and this fact would go to confirm the ^Arnold's Vital Kecoids of Rhode Island, Warwick: volume 1, page 121. Curiously, this marriage is also recorded in the East Greenwich Records, and the date given as 30 May, 1757. " See Luzerne County Deed Book, No. 3, page 88. 12 tradition related by Mrs. Polly (Tripp) Robbins that Job^ was the oldest hving son of his father, Isaac'^ Tripp. Job Tripp, administrator of Isaac ^ Tripp, con- veyed lot No. 12, Providence, to Isaac^ Tripp for 865 pounds, 12 August, 1788, and recites: "I, Job Tripp, of Providence, administrator of my father, Isaac Tripp, late of Providence, de- ceased, etc"^. Tliis recital in the above-mentioned deed fully confirms the memorandum carefully preserved to this day, which I took when a youth from a con- versation with my great aunt, Nancy Tripp Vaughan. My curiosity was aroused by her relating the circumstances of her grandfather's death at the hands of savages. I then copied her father's family record, the only one I know to be in existence at this time, and I also noted down other family history which she related, among which was the statement that her father Isaac^ had a brother Job. I have as yet obtained no authoritative record of Job's children, but from information received from Mrs. Polly Tripp Robbins, Hosea Phillips, Rhode Island vital records, and other sources, I give the list below, but am not sure that it is complete. r. Sarah^, born 23 October, 1758. 8. ISAAC^, born 27 November, 17608; died 15 April, 1820. 9. Lydia®, born 6 September, 1762»; died 4 December, 1840. ^ See Luzerne County Deed Book. No. 1, page 182. * See Rhode Island Vital Records, Warwick. 13 10. Mary®, born 15 September, 1764^ 11. John®, born 5 September, 17GG'. 13. William^, born 5 July, 17G9 ; died Sep- tember, 1842. 13. Elizabeth®. (7) Sarah® Tripp married Moses Quick. We have no record of her family. (8) Isaac® Tripp ( Job^, Isaac*, Job^, Peleg^, Johni) Was born in Warwick, Rhode Island, 27 Novem- ber, 1700, He came with his fathei-, Job^ Tripp, to Providence, Pa., about 1771. Soon after the bloody massacre which occurred 3 July, 1778, in the Wyoming Valley, Squire Isaac* Tripp and his grandson, Isaac® Tripp, with two other young men. Keys and Hocksey, were captuied by the Indians at Providence. The old man, who was a Quaker, and had been friendly with the Indians, they painted and dismissed. The young men were taken through Leggett's Gap into the foi-ests of Abington. Near the present village of Clark's Summit, Keys and Hocksey were tomahawked and scalped. Tradition says that when the bloody knives were flourished aiound young Tripp's head he never winced, and on account of his bravery they spared his life. He was carried off with much suffeiing to Canada, where he was retained in captivity till after the end of the * See Rhode Island Vital Records, Warwick. » " " " " " Middletown, vol. 4, p. 41 14 Revolutionary war, when he escaped and returned to his old home in Pennsylvania^. He married Eleanor Frear, aunt of Elder Frear, and settled in Clifford, Susquehanna county, Pa. He was one of the early members of the first Baptist Church, of Abington, Elder John Miller, pastor, and helped to form the Scott Valley Bap- tist Church, nearer his home*. His wife died in Clifford 10 May, 1816, aged 67 years. He died 15 April, 1820, aged 60 years. They are buried near Clifford Corners, Susque- hanna county, Pa. Their children were one son and twin daughters. 14. Job'7. born about 1Y92 ; died 12 September, 1815, aged 23 years, and was buried at Clifford, Pa. 15. Susan'' ( or Susanna), born 24 November, 1788, married Stevens, and had sons Ziba and Reuben. 16. Sarah*'. (16) Sarah'' Tripp, born 24 November, 1788 ; mar- ried her cousin, Benjamin'' Tripp, a son of Eliz- abeth^ Tripp, daughter of Job^ Tri{)p. They lived at Clifford, Pa., and had the following chil- dren : 17. MiLO^, died of consumption. Unmarried. 18. Isaac^, born 21 July, 1812 ; died 15 Feb- ruary, 1886. 19. Johns ' Miner's History of Wyoming, page 240. Hollister's History of Lackawanna, page 128 (5th Edition). * Bailey's History of Abington Association, page 117. 20. William^, born 30 May, 1818 ; died 20 November, 1901. 21. Benjamins, born 29 May, 1820; living 1902. 22. Eleanor^, married Pardon Stone. 23. Lydia^, died of consumption. Unmarried. 24. James^ M., born 21 August, 1825; living in 1902. (18) Isaacs Tripp, born 21 July, 1812, at Clifford, Pa. ; married 15 April, 1833, Elizabeth Ann Hodgson, who was born in England 14 Septem- ber, 1815. Their children were : 25. Ann® Jane, born 25 May, 1834; married 30 August, 1854, Jared R. Utley. No children. 26. Sarah® Elizabeth, born 1 October, 1841 : married 24 May, 1864, Charles A. Utley. No children. 27. Caroline® Lydia, born 18 November, 1844 ; died 10 April, 1846. 28. JuDSON® Isaac, born 20 August, 1849 ; married 17 December, 1875, Emma A. Lee, who was born 29 March, 1855, in Greenfield, Pa. Isaacs Tripp, died 15 February, 1886. Elizabeth Hodgson Tripp, died 8 February, 1897. (28) JuDSON® I. Tripp and Emma Lee Tripp had no children, but adopted a niece of Mrs. Tripp, Bertha Ann Lee, who was born 11 October, 1876. Bertha 10 Lee Tripp, married 22 September, 1897, Merl M. Robinson, of Lenoxville, Pa. i6 (19) JoHN^ Tripp (of Benjamin'^ and Sarah'^), mar- ried Lydia A. Jenkins, and lived at Tankhannock, Pa. They had three children. I have not been able to get any further information concerning the family of this John Tripp. (20) William^ Tripp ( of Benjamin''' and Sarah '^), Born 30 May, 1818, in Luzerne county, Pa., married 15 October, 1845, Selina Shoesmith, at Pittsford, N. Y., moved soon after marriage to Berlin township, St. Clair county, Mich., where he died 20 November, 1901. Their children were: 29. Mary^ Ann, born 13 June, 1846 ; died 6 April, 1876. 30. John® Benjamin, born 25 May, 1848 ; died 22 September, 1856. 31. Sarah® Elizabeth, born 8 September, 1850 ; died 29 March, 1877. 33. Harriet® Isabel, born 20 March, 1854 ; died 7 September, 1856. 33. William® J., born 10 March, 1858 ; living 1901. Single. 34. Eva® Adell, born 19 September, 1860. (29) Mary® Ann Tripp, married 4 July, 1869, John Hand. They had one child: 35. Selina^o Isabel, born 18 May, 1870. I? (31) Sarah® Elizabeth Tripp, married 4 Novem- ber, 1868, Robert Wesley Bowen. Their children were : 36. John 10 William, born 8 April, 1871; mar- ried 6 October, 1897, Delilah Ingram, and have two children, Delilah^^ and Howard^^. 37. Hattie^^^ Edna Bowen, born 16 July, 1874. (34) Eva® Adell Tripp, married 19 September, 1882, Robert Wesley Bowen. Their children were : 38. Florence! o, born 30 March, 1883; mar- ried 20 November, 1901, Alfred Hickmott. 39. EllieIo, born 12 May, 1893. Robert W. Bowen died 24 September, 1899, aged 60 years. (21) Benjamin® Tripp (of Benjamin? and Sarah?), Born 29 May, 1820, living in 1902 at Shunk, Sulli- van county, Pa. He married Emily Spencer, who was born 18 April, 1821, died 16 April, 1882. They had the following children : 40. Ellen® M., born 9 February, 1849. Lives at Shunk, Pa. 41. William® Jessup, born 18 April, 1851. Lives at Canton, Pa, 42. Henry®, born 28 February, 1855. Lives at Canton, Pa. 43. Arthur® Eugene, born 8 May, 1857; lives at La Porte, Pa. i8 44. M®. J., born 10 June, 1859 ; lives at Can- ton, Pa. (40) Ellen® M. Tripp married William E. Porter. Their children are, Jessie B., Anna A., Leon H., and Emily J. (41) William® Jessup Tripp married 22 December, 1870, Sarah P. Gorton, who was born 2 January, 1848. Their children are: 45. Arthur 10 W., born 2 October, 1871, died 21 April, 1890. 46. Berton^o Jesse, born 21 June, 1875, mar- ried 17 April, 1901, Emma Schimpff, born IbSl. 47. Deville^o Gorton, born 12 November, 1876. (43) Henry® Tripp married 24 May, 1874, M. A. Wing. They have one child : 48. Fannie! o g^ born 11 February, 1887. (43) Arthur® Eugene Tripp married 20 February, 1884, Anna Spencer. Their children are : 49. Beryl lo Eleanor, born 22 May, 1886. 50. Bertelle^o, borri 7 December, 1893, died 28 July, 1894. (44) M.® J. Tripp married 20 June, 1880, Hattie Kelly. They have one child : 51. MatieIO, born 28 March, 1883. 19 (22) Eleanor Tripp married Pardon Stone, of Abington, Pa., and has one child, Lydia Ann, who married (1) Fiank M. Taylor, and lives in Tomkinsville, Lackawanna county. Pa. Lydia Ann had four children by this husband who all died within a week, and the father also. She married (2) Benira Taylor, and has one son, Frank Taylor. (24) James^ M. Tripp (of Benjamin'^ and Sarah^), married Lydia Jane Mulenix. They were second cousins, both descendants of Job Tripp i. Their children were : 52. Frances® J., born 18 March, 18i8. 53. Janette® E., born 23 December, 1853. 54. Theodore® P., born 5 April, 1855. 55. Lora® E., born 19 June, 1857. 56. Ella® A., born 2 October, 1859. 57. Nina® M., born 4 April, 1861. 58. Zacheus® J., born 10 April, 1864 ; died 2 July, 1893. Unmarried. 59. George® A. born 23 February, 1869. 60. Ernest® S., born 25 January, 1871 ; died 20 July, 1890, in Denver, Col. (52) Frances® J. Tripp, married Frederick S. Pills- bury, and they have one son, Lora E. of Pon- tiac. Ills. ^Jarnes'line is Job*, Isaac^, Sarali^. James*. Lydia's line is JobS Johu^ Paiuelia', Lydia*. 20 (53^) Janette® E. Tripp, married John Pillsbury, 25 October, 1871. They have one son married, hving at Minneapolis, Minn. (54) Theodore® P. Tripp, married Grace A. An- drews, 2 April, 1876. He died 5 December, 1876, at Lemars, Iowa. No children. (55) LoRA® E. Tripp, married 24 December, 1882, Edith Durkee They live at Charlevoix, Mich., and have six children, viz. : 61. AlvaIO E. 63. EarlIO. 63. Ernest! o. 64. Arthur! °. 65. Percy 10. 66. Forest! 0. (56) Ella® A. Tripp, married 1 January, 1880, F. C. Billerbeck. They have three children : 67. Elsie! o. 68. Kuah!0. 69. Janette!^. (57) Nina® M. Tripp, mairied 5 November, 1894, Arthur Hatch. They Uve at Black Creek, N. Y., and have one child. 70. Burdell!0. 21 ( S9) George^ A. Tripp, married 27 April, 1892, Anna W. Durkee. They live at Flint, Mich., and have 71. MeraIO. 72. Helen 10. 73. ErmaIo. 74. Donald 10. (») Lydia® Tripp, ( of Job^ ) married first a Hard- ing. We do not know his first name or anything of his family. We know that she survived her husband, and on 17 November, 1816, she was married by Elder John Miller to Deacon John Phillips, of Abington, as his second wife. At the time of her second marriage her residence is given by Elder Miller as Deer Park, N. Y. ^ She died 4 December, 181:0. (10) Of Mary® Tripp ( of Job^ ) we know nothing. She may not have lived to maturity. The only record is that of her birth in the Rhode Island vital statistics for Warwick. (11) John® Tripp (of Job^, Isaac*, Job^, Peleg^, Johni). He was born in Middletown, R. I., 5 September, 1766. We do not know when he came to Pennsylvania from Rhode Island, but ^ See list of marriages of Elder John Miller in Proceedings of Wyoming Historical Society, for 1902, volume 7. 22 probably came with his father about 1771. He married Martha Phillips, daughter of Deacon John Phillips, 16 December, 1789. Deacon Phil- lips was then a resident of Pittston. On 6 June, 1792, John Phillips deeds^ to his son-in-law, John Tripp, 100 acres of land in Pitts- ton "in consideration of love and good will." The residence of both parties was stated to be Pittston. 21 August, 1793, William Donaldson deeds' to John Tripp, 700 acres of land in Exeter town- ship, Luzerne county, Pa. On 10 November. 1791:, John deeds^ 300 acres of this land to William Tripp, of Exeter, who, I am convinced, was a brother of John Tripp, and on 18 March, 1795, he deeds* the remaining 400 acres of this land to his father-in-law, John Phillips. John Tripp was the administrator of his father. Job Tripp's estate. On 17 December, 1791, he presented a petition* to the Orphans' Court of Luzerne county, asking for an order to sell his father's real estate to pay debts exceeding his personal property by 59£, 13s., lOp., and the Court granted the order. The sureties of the administrator were John Phillips and Ebenezer Slocum. The residence of Job Tripp was stated as late of Providence. As administrator of Job Tripp, John Tripp, deeds', 8 January, 1793, lot 15 in Providence, 1 Luzerne County Deed Book, No. 2, page 37. t >< tt >( << i( on crjl a (t << .. n .i 5^ li J97 4 <« a .» w »' 3 " 349_ * See Orphans' Court Docket, No. 1. page 35. • See Luzerne County Deed Book, No. 3, page 88. 23 comprising 375 acres, with a log house, toMicajah Harding for 48£, 10s., and Harding promptly reconveysi this land to John Tripp, in his private capacity. 10 May, 1794, John Tripp sells' 210 acres of lot 15 to John Staples for 1()0£., and the same day sells^ the balance of lot 15 to Stephen Gardner, of Providence, for 100£. This looks like a pretty good deal for John Tripp to sell at over 400 per cent, profit, but had he kept this 375 acres of coal land in the heart of the city of Scranton a hundred years, or even less, it would have made his family millionaires. This land afterwards came into the family of Isaac Tripp, tbe uncle of John. Hosea Phillips, now living at Justus, Lackawanna county. Pa., over ninety years of age, who is a nephew of John Tripp, says that his uncle lived near Priceburg, between Scranton and Olyphant, and was buried in a cemetery which was vacated when the boulevard was constructed. John Tripp was a carpentei- by trade. His children were : 7.1. William'7, born 4 September, 1790. 76. James'', born 25 May, 1792. 77. Sarah "7, born 1 November, 1794. 78. Polly'', born 21 November, 1797. 79. Zacheus'', born 29 July, 1800. 80. David'', born 25 June, 1803. 81. Pamelia'', born 30 November, 1806. 1 See Luzerne County Deed Book, No. 3, page 89. » See Luzerne County Deed Book. No. 3, page f56. * See Luzerne County Deed Book, No, 3, page 97. 24 (75) William'^ Tripp ( of John® ). I have not been able to get any trace of this Tripp by correspond- ence with other members of John's family. If there was snch a son, it is sti-ange that some of the relatives do not remember of his existence. He may have died young, and so left no family. I have no record of his death or of his leaving any descendants. His name appears first in the list of John's children published in 1901, by Mary Besecker Stone, in writing a history of the Stephen Miller family. She drew her informa- tion as to the Tripp connection largely from the records of Deacon John Phillips, whose daughter, Martha, was John Tripp's wife. (76) James"^ Tripp (of John®) was born 25 May, 1792. He married Melancy May. He was a farmer, of Scott township, near Justus postoffice, his farm lying at the head of the Providence Water Company's upper reservoir. His will is on record in Luzerne county, re- corded before the division of the county, in Will Book F, page 533, dated 21 October, 1875. He died 6 November, 1875. His wife, Melancy, died 24 January, 1884. Their children were : 81i. Martha^, born 21 March, 1822, died 18 February, 1884. 83. Johns Dexter, born 28 August, 1823 ; died II December, 1857 ; unmarried. 83. NancyS , born 15 April, 1825. 84. Harriet©, born 5 April, 1827. 25 85. George^ Washington, born 17 December, 1829 ; died 5 May, 1864. 86. Charlotte^ Helen, born 3 May, 1832. 87. Electa^ Melancy, born 20 June, 1834. 88. HenryS Clay, born 17 March, 1839 ; died 11 February, 1891. 89. Sarah^ Aurora, born 6 May, 1841 ; died 13 March, 1855. 90. Theodore® Frelinghuysen, born 7 July, 1844. 91. James® Monroe, born 24 September, 1849. (81i) Martha® Tripp, married Edmund Weatherbv and had five children, viz : Cummings, Augusta. Oren, Agnes, and Ernest. (83) Nancy® Tripp ( of James'' ), married Eben Moon, and lives at Callapoosa, Wayne county, Pa. A letter addi-essed to her elicited no reply, and I have no record of her family. (84) Harriet® Tripp ( of James'' ), married (1) John Mott, and has a son, John Mott, living at Moosic, Lackawanna county. Pa. (2) John Belknap, and had two sons, George and James, by this hus- band. (3) James White. (85) George® Washington Tripp (of James''), mar- 26 ried Emily Johnson, daughter of Franklin John- son, and has two sons, Eugene® Tripp, of Justus, Pa. Ahiion® Tripp, of Justus, Pa. (86) Charlotte^ Helen Tripp married Giles Scutt and had Harriet M. who married Ditmore, Charles (deceased), Euphemia (deceased), James, Nettie married Ward, Amy married Davis, Agnes married Allen, Winfield, Henry, and Grant. (87) Electa® Melancy Tripp married (1) Oscar Griffin, and had one daughter. May, now de- ceased. She married (2) Rev. Stephen Jay. (88) Henry® Clay Tripp ( of James'' ) married Catharine Ann Bell, 21 Octoher, 1867. She was born 31 May, 184:7. Tlieir children are : 99. Carrie® May, born 18 May, 1868. 9a. Flora® Elizabeth, born 1 February, 1870. 94. Harry® Grant, born 21 January, 1872. 95. LoviNA® Helen, born 18 August, 1875. 96. Minnie® Augusta, born 25 April, 1881. (95) LoviNA® H. Tripp married Oscar Brown, 14 September, 1896. Their children are : 97. Mildred 10 May, born 14 March, 1898. 98. ArthurIo Henry, born 28 October, 1900. 27 (91) James^ M. Tripp married 25 December, 1872, Anna A. Wismer, who was born 28 February, 1854. Their children are: 99. William^ W., born 17 July, 1875. 100. Ralph® D., born 10 March, 1879. 101. Ira® W., born 13 November, 1882, died 25 March, 1883. Tliey live at Waverly, Pa. (77) Sarah'7 Tripp (of John® ), married Silas Clark 22 November, 1810. Her residence was given as Pittston by Elder John Miller, in his marriage records^ Silas Clark was son of Deacon William Clark, the first settler of Abington. They had two daughters. 102. Aurora®, married Wheaton Wright. 103. Nancy® married Pardon Stone. It is a little curious circumstance that the two wives of Pardon Stone were descendants of Job^ Tripp in the same degree^. (78) Polly'' Tripp ( of John ®), married Solomon Millard 10 May, 1813^. He was born in July, 1791, and died, January, 1842, at Blairsville, ^ See Proceedings of Wyoming Historical and Geological Society, 1902, voluuie 7. • Tiie Ist wife's line is Job*, Jolin*, Sarah^, Nancy*. The 2d wife's line is Job^, Isaac*, Sarali', Eleanor*. 28 Posey county, Ind. She died 28 March, 1869, at Hallstead, Pa. Their children were : 104. Amos^ W., born 16 August, 1814 ; died, 1872. 105. Triphosa^, born 13 September, 1816 ; died, 1825. 106. Jane®, born 18 August, 1818 ; died May, 1847. 107. FiDELiE^ F., born 13 November, 1820; living in 1901, 108. S.8 Zelotes, born 20 June, 1822; died, 1895. 109. ZacheusS, (Dr.) born 20 June, 1825. 110. RensalaerS J., born 13 November, 1827. 111. Joseph^ L., born 13 January, 1830; died, 1856. 113. £8. Z., born 1832; died, 1833. 113. Pardons S., born 1833; died, 1864. (106) Jane^ married (1) Pease. (2) Dr. Mitchell. (107) Fidelia® F., married Asa Marsh, Blairsville, Ind. (109) Dr. Zacheus®, lives at Thackery, 111. (110) Rensalaer® J., lives at Los Angeles, Cal., and is an architect, builder, and real estate agent. 29 (79) Zacheus^ Tripp (of JohnS), died in early man- hood. He studied for the Baptist ministry, but his health failed. He sailed to England, but growing worse returned immediately, and died in quarantine before reaching shore. (80) David7 Tripp (of John® ). I have been able to learn little of this son of Jolin Tripp or of his family. In 1838, David and his family, in com- pany with his sister, Mary or Polly Millai-d and her husband, having built a canal boat at Pitts- ton, migrated to the west. They went by canal to Pittsburg (using the railroad over the moun- tain), then by the Ohio river to Evansville, Ind. Their boat was thirty-eight feet long, and was their home from Pittston to Evansville, Ind, Here the two families parted and lost sight of each other. As strange as it may seem, the families kept up no correspondence, and I am unable to get the names of David's children. David died a few years after moving to Indiana. His wife's name was Elizabeth or Betsy. The oldest son was Ralph, another Zacheus, and there were some girls whose names could not be ascer- tained. (81) Pamelia'7 Tripp ( of John® ), married Jesse Mulenix. She died 8 February, 1840, leaving the following children : 114. ByronS, born 16 July, 1828 ; died, 1859. 30 115. LydiaS Jane, born 19 October, 1829; living in 1902. 116. SophiaS Miranda, born 27 May, 1834. 117. Martha^ Polly, born 24 November, 1837. (114) Byron^ Mulenix, left four children, Lydia Jane, Hannah, Charles W . and Byron. (115) Lydia^ Jane Mulenix, married 13 September, 1845, James M. Tripp, her second cousin, and their family record appears on page 20. (116) Sophia^ Mulenix, married Isaac Cleveland, and they have six children : Milton R., Mary E., Adelbert J., Sophia J., Emma A., and CHnton Cleveland. 11 8.' Milton® R., married Jane Battenhouse, and they have four daughters : Grace, Sophia, Jane and Florence. 119. Mary®E., married Artemus Wells and have one daughter, Minnie. 120. Adelbert® J. married Kate Battenhouse, and have four children. 121. Sophia® J. married Martin Battenhouse, and have four children : Emma A., Frank, Min- nie and Irving. 122. Emma 8, married Fred Allen, and hves at Elgin, Ills. They have one son, Clinton. 31 (117) Marthas P. Mulenix, married Levi Stanton, and have nine chidien : Leonard, Harriet, Myra. Margaret, Giles, Julia, Ida, Frederic, and Jessie! (12) William® Tripp (Job5, Isaac*, Job^, Peleg2, Johni). Born 5 July, 1769 ; died September, 1842. He married Grace Harding, of Exeter, Luzerne county. Pa. His brother John sold him 300 acres of land in Exeter 10 November, 17941 ; the residence of both was then given as Exeter. Later he removed to Clifford, Susquehanna county, Pa., which was the residence of his brother, Isaac. He is called Deacon William Tripp by some of his descend- ants. His family record is as follows : 193. Job '7, born 12 February, 1801. 124. Thomas^, born 24 September, 1802. 135. Ira?, born 6 June, 1806. 126. Lydia'7, born 1823, died, 1898. (123) Job'7 Tripp ( of Williams ), married Thurzy Clark, and had the following children : 127. Joseph^ Orson. 128. SandsS N., born 19 March, 1831 ; died s May, 1892. » Luzerne County Deed Book, No. 5, page 197. 32 129. Charles^ H., bom 1842 ; died 6 Novem- ber, 1880. 130. Alizean^. 131. Adaline^. (127) Joseph^ Orson Tripp ( of Job'^ ), enlisted in Company B, Regiment, Pennsylvania Cav- alry, 1864. He contracted disease and died No- vember, 1864. He was buried at Arlington, Va. He married Pheasnet Coon, and had : 132. Avery® N. 133. Adaline® married Benjamin Carr of Forest City, Pa. They had no children. 134. Elizabeth® Ann, born 2 September, 1861. (132) Avery® N. Tripp, born 16 June, 1855, married Cora F. McDowell of Chemung county, N. Y., 10 March, 1884. She was born 5 September, 1866. They live at Landrus, Tioga county, Pa. Their children are: 135. EstherIO f., born 17 June, 1885. 136. George 10 E., born 10 October, 1887. 137. Leon 10 C, born 15 August, 1889. 138. Olive 10 M., born 21 April, 1891. 139. PaulIo, born 24 April, 1893. 140. HarryIO, born 1 May, 1894. 141. TownselIO, born 5 July, 1896, died 5 July, 1896. 33 142. DanielIo, born 19 February, 1900, died 15 January, 1901. 143. Gladys! o G., born 10 May, 1901. (134) Elizabeth 9 Ann Tripp married 24 December, 1881, Danford C. Tripp, her father's cousin, as his second wife. They hve at North Jackson, Susquehanna County, Pa. She has no children. (128) SandsS N. Tripp ( of Job-^ ), married Alzada Stuert, who was born 17 March, 1833. They had the following sons : 144. Clark® L., born 22 October, 1854. 145. Joseph®. 146. George®, born 19 June, 1861. They had four daughters all now deceased. (129) Charles^ Tripp ( of Job'? ), married Ehzabeth Sherwood. He served in the union army through the civil war. One child: 147. Hattie® E. Tripp, born 24 June, 1875. (130) AlizeanS Tripp ( of Job*? ), married Nelson Eessigue, and has no children. (131) AdalineS Tripp ( of Job*? ), married George Vanhorn, and has eight cliildren. 34 (144) Clark® L. Tripp ( of Sands^ ), married Clarissa Blain, of Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 4 October, 1879. She was born 30 August, 1854. Their family are : 148. Josephine 10, born 10 August, 1880; mar- ried 25 November, 1889, Hubert Felton, and have one child, Henry W., born 15 September, 1900. 149. Nellie 10 Blanch, born 21 August, 1884. 150. SandsIO c^ born 23 January, 1887. (145) Joseph® Tripp (of Sands® ), married Ida Search. They live at Canton, Bradford county. Pa., and had : 151. Harry 10. Deceased. 152. FrankIo . 153. WinneIo. 154. Willi amIO. (146) George® Tripp ( of Sands® ), married Ettie E. Tiifany, daughter of Alonzo Tiffany, born 6 May, 1764. George Trix^p is a painter by trade and lives in the city of Scranton. Their children are Arthur J., born 21 February, 1892, died 17 January, 1899 ; George Ray, born 21 August, 1894; Josephine Mildred, born 23 September, 1896. (147) Hattie® E. Tripp ( of Charles® ), married 3 35 March, 1893, Samuel Hull, who resides at South Gibson, Susquehanna county, Pa. They have one child, Amasa Charles Hull, born 28 July 1894. / (lai) Thomas? Tripp (of Wilhame), born 24 Sep- tember, 1802, married Martha Fish of Pittston, Pa., and had the following children: 155. Danford^ C, born 9 June, 1824. 156. Elizabeth^. (155) DanfordS C. Tripp married (1) 31 December, 1846, Lucy Ann Whitlock, who was born 22 Janu- ary, 1825, and died 18 February, 1880. He married (2) Elizabeth Ann Tripp, daughter of his cousin, Joseph Orson Tripp. They live at North Jack- son, Susquehanna county. Pa. By his first wife he had the following children: 157. Abby^ Jane, born 23 January, 1848, mar- ried Isaac Edwin Drake. No children. 158. Charles^, born 24 June, 1849. 159. William®, born 29 March, 1851. 160. Harriet® Elizabeth, born 24 October, 1852, married Josiah H.Whitmore; died 27 April 1896. 161. Emma® Ellen, born 24 May, 1854, died 21 May, 1859. 162. Mary® Terissa, born 3 March, 1866, mar- ried Lester Race and live at Lockville, Wyoming county. Pa. 36 163. Martha®, born 13 November, 1857, died June, 1867. 164. TULIE® Eva, born 20 July, 1859, died 9 April, 1869. 165. Lydia®, born 27 April, 1861, married George N. Thompson and live at McCann, Cherry county, Nebraska. 166. Lewis® Thomas, born 20 April, 1863, died 18 July, 1870. 167. Ellie®, born 31 December, 1864, married George Hendershot and live at McCann, Ne- 168. Lucy®, born 8 November, 1867, married Wilham Updike and live at Lockville, Wyoming county, Pa. (158) Charles® Tripp (of Danford^), married Susan Whitmire, 19 December, 1868. She was born 21 August, 1849. They Uve at Milwaukie, Lacka- wanna 'county, Pa. Their children are as fol- lows : 169. AlemIO, born 16 July, 1870. 170. Edith^o, born 23 December, 1872. 171. William! o, born 30 August, 1875. 172. DavidIO Oakley, born 31 August, 1878. 173. Edwin 10, born 7 September, 1880. 174. MyrtieIO, born 5 April, 1883. 175. Rebecca! o, born 7 June, 1885. 176. Lossie^o, born 8 September, 1888. 177. JosEPHio, born 9 June, 1891, died 14 June, 1891. 37 (169) AlemIo Tripp (of Charles^), married 6 Sep- tember, 1894, Emma Vangasbeck, who was born 24 February, 1877. Their children are : 178. HarryU M., born 30 September, 1895. 170. Anna 11 M., born 3 January, 1897. 180. IraH Orson, born 23 February, 1898. 181. RoYii David, born 18 August, 1899. 18a. JessieIi Leona, born 12 August, 1901. (171) WiLLiAMio Tripp (of Charles^), married 23 December, 1895, Myrtle Sarah Detrick, who was born 26 April, 1878. Their children are: 183. Harold 11 Orson, born 14 February 1897, died 15 February, 1897. 184. RaymondI 1 Oland, born 12 March, 1898. 185. LuLuii Alberta, born 7 July, 1900. (172) Davidio Oakley Tripp (of Charles^), married 23 December, 1900, Velma Sara Peet, who was born 2 September, 1882. They have one child: 186. LydiaH Viola, born 21 September, 1901. (150) William^ Tripp ( of Danf ord^ ), married 9 No- vember, 1872, Narcissa Alice Drake, who was born 10 November, 1854. They live at Clark's Sumnnt, Lackawanna county. Pa. Their chil- dren are : 38 187. Walter lo Forgeus, bom 9 May, 1878. 188. Stephen i<^ Theodore, born 10 May, 1880. 189. BerthaIo Alice, born 20 September, 1882. 190. Harry lo Marion, born 14 June, 1885, died 25 September, 1886. 191. Francesco Josephine, born 5 October, 1887, died 14 July, 1889. i (187) Walter 10 Forgeus Tripp ( of William®), mar- ried 20 June, 1900, Annie Adams. They live at Niagara Falls, N. Y. (188) StephenIo Theodore Tripp (of William®), married 25 September, 1901, Perella Freeman. They live at Scranton, Pa. (125) Ira'? Tripp ( of WiUiame ) removed to New York state, and no trace has yet been found of him, nor have we been able to secure any data concerning his sister Lydia. This ends the line of Job^ Tripp. 39 (4) RuthS Tripp ( of Isaac^ ), married 23 Febru- ary, 1757, Jonathan Slocumi. She was born 21 March, 1736. He was born in East Greenwich, Kent county, R. I., 1 May, 1733. They resided in Warwick, R. I., where he followed the trade of blacksmith. As early as 1771 he was in Prov- idence, Pa., as is shown by this record : '*A lot surveyed to Colonel Lodwick Ojidirk in ye town- ship called ye Capoose Meadows, passed into the hands of Jonathan Slocum in 1771, on account of Slocum's doeing ye duty of a settler for Ojidirk. "» It is behoved that his family settled at Wilkes- Barre as early as 1774. On 6 November, 1775, he received a deed from Jonathan Fitch for lot number 15, in the second division of the town plot of Wilkes-Barre. He settled within a hundred yards of Wilkes-Barre fort, and there his daughter Frances was cap- tured by the Indians 2 November, 1778, and carried into captivity. On the 16th of December, 1778, Jonathan Slocum and his father-in-law' Isaac Tripp, were killed by the Indians while they were feeding cattle from a stack in the meadow in sight of the fort. The children of Jonathan Slocum and Ruth^ Tripp Slocum were: ^ Rhode Island Vital Records. Warwick, Vol. 1, page 121 Jonathan's line is: Anthonyi, Gile8^ Samuel', GilesS Jos- eph s. Jonathan «. 2 Hollister's History of Lackawanna Valley, 5th edition page 188. ' 40 GiLES«, born 5 January, 1759, died 14 Novem- ber, 1826. ,^ ^ Judith^, born October, 1Y60, died 11 March, WiLLiAM«, born 6 January, 1762, died 20 Octo- ber, 1810. EbenezerS, born 10 January, 1766, died 25 July, 1832. ^. ^ . A -1 Mary®, born 22 December, 1768, died 5 April, 1844. ^^ -,• J ^ T 1 Benjamin^, born 7 December, 1770, died 5 July, 1832 Frances^, born March, 1773, died 1847. Isaacs, born 4 March, 1775, died 1858. JosEPH«, born 9 April, 1777, died 27 Septem- ber, 1855. Jonathan^, born 12 September, 1778, died 1842. 41 Isaac Tripp and Descendants. (5) We do not know much of the active hfe of this ancestor. His name does not appear so prominently in the history of Luzerne county as does that of his father, Isaac 4. We know that he was a large land owner in the early settle- ment of Providence, Pa., and was active in its material development. He owned a still house, and with his son Stephen built the first grist mill on Leggett's creek. He must have been one of the wealthiest men in the valley, judging from the taxes assessed against his property. In 1796 there were 90 taxables in Providence town- ship, which extended from Eix's Gap to Pittston, and Isaac Tripp's tax was $15.89, while the next largest tax was $4.69i. We do not know exactly when this Isaac settled in the valley, but we can tell very closely when his family was brought there from the family record which fortunately notes the birth place of each child. This tells us that the family came to Providence between 1784, and 1787. It is quite Hkely that Isaac^ was there with his father Isaac^ prior to the former date. Isaac ^ Tripp was born at East Greenwich, R. I , 27 July, 1743. Martha Wall, his wife, was born at East Greenwich, R. I., 29 January, 1745. 1 Hollister's History of Lackawanna Valley, 5th Edition page 199. ' 42 The date of their marriage is not given, but they must have been a youthful couple, as their first child was born when the father was under twenty and the mother was a little over eighteen. Their children were : 10»:j. Elizabeth^, born at Pomfret, Connecti- cut, 6 March, 1763. 193. Mary^ (Polly), born at East Greenwich, Ehode Island, 5 May, 1Y65. 194. William 6, born at East Greenwich, Rhode Island, 11 July, 1767. 195. Isaac®, born at East Greenwich, Rhode Island, 10 November, 1769, died 18 May, 1776. 196. Susannah®, born at East Greenwich, Rhode Island, 29 February, 1772. 197. Amasa®, born at East Greenwich, Rhode Island, 8 April, 1774. 198. Stephen®, born at East Greenwich, Rhode Island, 19 July, 1776. 199. Isaac®, born at Rhinebeck, New York, 27 January, 1779. 900. Martha®, born at Rhinebeck, New York, 6 September, 1781. 201. Catherine®, born at Rhinebeck, New York, 22 April, 1784. 303. Holden®, born at Providence, Pa., 22 November, 1787. 303. Nancy®, born at Providence, Pa. , 21 Janu- ary, 1792. The will of Isaac^ Tripp, dated 11 April, 1804, with a codicil dated 23 August, 1806, is on record at Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne county. Pa., in Will 43 Book A, Page 84. Letters were granted to his widow, Martha Tripp, 18 August, 1807. The will declares that he has disposed of his real estate principally by deed of gifts to his five sons, William, Stephen, Amasa, Isaac and Hol- den. He accordingly gives his personal estate principally to his daughters. Isaac died 22 May, 1807. Martha died 27 January, 1809. (192) Elizabeth^ Tripp married William Case of Providence, and had son Hiram, who married Hannah Enos ; daughters Patty, who married Moses Vaughn ; Sally, who married Elisha Pot- ter ; Betsy, who married Roswell Rice, and Hannah, who married William Knapp. (193) Mary6 Tkipp married John Gifford of Provi- dence, Pa. They removed to Bergen, Genesee county. New York. They had sons Dow, Isaac, Aaron, and Maiden; also a daughter Martha, who married Wheaton Southworth. 44 Wm. Tripp and Descendants. (194) William^ Tripp (of Isaac^) was born in East Greenwich, R. L, 11 July, 1T6T. He sold his land in Luzerne county and moved to Ohio, se tlmg near Steubenville in 1824. He was killed by an accident in 1836. A yoke of oxen which he was driving ran away and he was thrown under the wheels, causing injuries which proved fataL He was twice married ; the name of the second wife I have not been able to ascertain. The Ai'st Jife was Catherine Holbert, and by her he had three children. 304. Albert''. 205. Lovina'^. *i06. William^ Henry Augustus. By his second wife he had also three children. 207. Jacob''. 208. Isaac''. 209. Catherine''. We have no account of Albert Tripp, nor of the children by second wife, though much effort has been made to get trace of them. (205) LoviNA'' Tripp (of William^), married Joseph W Wright of Hocking county, Ohio, in 1828. They had ten children, viz: Albert, Lucmda, 45 Presley, Catherine, Hiram, Mary, Robert, Bar- bara, Irvin and Emma. (206) William? Henry Augustus Tripp (of Will iam6) was born 25 June, 1802, near Marietta, Washmgton county, Ohio. His grandmother Holbert brought him to Athens county, Ohio thence to Nelsonville, and from there to Logan' Hockmg county, Ohio, where he married Nancy A. Roby, who was born 14 May, 1805, in Harrison county, Vn-gmia. She died 9 November, 1894 They lived in Hocking county about two years t^ien moved to Haydensville, Athens county, Ohio. In 1835, they moved to Jackson county' Ohio. He joined the United Brethren Church in 1830, and was ordained as a minister of that denomination in 1845. He worked hard on his farm and at the carpenters trade during the week and preached Saturday nights and Sundays with- out charge for his services. Of his nine sons seven were in the Union army at the same time' 1 he father was a Whig, and the sons all belonged to the Republican party, in fact it would be difficult to find a Democrat in all the Tripp family of this branch, at least. He died 20 Janu- ary, 1849. He had a family of fourteen children as follows : 210. Williams H., born 17 December, 1822. 211. Davids S., born 20 January, 1823. 212. HoldenS, born 28 November, 1825. 213. LovinaS, born 10 March, 1827. 214. Elizabeths, born 5 December, 1828 46 ai5. JesseS j^ born 13 December, 1830. a 16. Rebecca^, born 27 December, 1832. Sir. Mary^ a., born 2Y August, 1834. SI 8. Stephen^ M., born 28 May, 1836. 219. JoHN^ R., born 10 February, 1838. 550. Olivers t., born 24 July, 1840. 551. Joseph^ W., born 11 July, 1842. SSS. Leonidas^ H., born 30 November, 1844. SS3. Louisa^, born 1 January, 1849. (210) Williams h. Tripp (of William^ Henry Augus- tus), married 12 February, 1843, Sarah Rines. He is a farmer living at Shelbyville, Shelby county, lUinois. His children are : 554. George® W., born 12 August, 1843, in Jackson county, Ohio, single, lives with parents, Shelbyville, Illinois. 555. Henry® A., born 24 October, 1844, in Jackson county, Ohio. SS5i. Nancy® A., born 16 November, 1846, died 7 July, 1858. 556. Jesse® J., born 10 August, 1849, in Jack- son county, Ohio. 557. David® A., born 18 June, 1851, died 23 April, 1873. SSS. Margaret® E., born 14 December, 1852, died 4, July, 1853. SS9. Sarah®, born 20 November, 1859, died 23 August, 1866. 47 (235) Henry® A. Tripp (of Williams H. Tripp), married Martha J. Boling, 21 April, 1864, and had the following : SarahIo e., born 2 June, 1865. JosieIo F., born 4 August, 1867. Anna 10 m., born 1 December, 1869. ClaraIO m., born 15 January, 1872. Thomas 10 M,, born 29 March, 1874. GeorgieIO B., born 28 June, 1876. MaryIo F., born 10 May, 1879. Joseph 10 E., born 1 February, 1882. WiLLiAMio L., born 27 August, 1885, died 2 September, 1886. JosiEio F. Tripp (of Henry » A. Tripp), mar- ried 14 November, 1883, David L. Reed, and had the following children : JohnI 1, born 17 June, 1884. MinaH, born 28 September, 1886. MandieI 1, born 4 August, 1889. WiLLiAMii, born 28 October, 1891. EthelI 1, born 19 April, 1894. SarahIo E. Tripp (of Henry® A. Tripp), mar- ried 1886, Nathan M. Hart, and had the following children : Charles 1 1 S., born 8 March, 1887. RausaI 1, born 4 February, 1888. James 1 1 A., born 4 May, 1893. AnnaI 1 M., born 23 July, 1895. 48 SararII e., born 27 March, 1900. Thomas lo M. Tripp ( of Henry® A. Tripp), mar- ried 3 April, 1898, Arminta Bailey, and had the following children : AlvaII, born 29 September, 1898. Blanche 1 1, born 17 September, 1900. (211) Davids g. Tripp (of WilHam^ Henry Augus- tus), married 30 April, 1845, Jane Redfern. He was a member of the 18th Regiment Ohio Volun- teer Infantry for three years and re-enlisted m the 2d Virginia Cavalry. He died in lUinois Au- gust, 1889. His children were : S31. Perry®. 233. Ezra®. 233. John®. 234. Rebecca®. 235. Nancy®. (212) HoldenS Tripp (of William^ H. Augustus), married 5 November, 1846, Catherine Eckelberry. He was a member of the 148th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. He died near Zaleska, Vinton county, Ohio, in September, 1890. His children are : 236. Susan®. 237. Nancy®. 238. Presley®. 239. Henry®. 49 240. HiramO. 241. Alexander®. 24S. LOVINA®. 243. Leonidas®. 244. Flora® J. (213) LovinaS Tripp (of William? H. Augustus), married 11 December, 1846, Eobert F. Jones of Jackson county, Ohio. They moved to Wells county, Indiana, where he died. Their children were : Oren, Allen, Leonidas, Theodore, Ohver, Emma, Nancy A. (214) Elizabeths Tripp (of Wilham? H. Augustus), married 3 July, 1849, Alexander Livingstone. They had three children : Sarah, Letitia, and Holden. Mr. Livingstone was a soldier in the 114th Ohio Volunteer Infantry. (215) Jesses J. Tripp (of Wilham'^ H. Augustus), married 23 November, 1854, Mary Walters. He died 6 August, 1865, in Jackson county, Ohio. His children were : 245. Sanford®. 246. Rachel®. 247. Harvey®. 248. Laura®. 249. William®. 250. Mary® A. 50 (216) Rebeccas Tripp (of William? H. Augustus), married 21 October, 1857, Noah Lohr, in Jackson county Ohio. He served three years in the 18th Ohio Volunteer Infantry. He lives in Hockmg county, Ohio, and is a United Brethren Mmister. Has one child. John®. (217) MaryS a Tripp (of William? H. Augustus), married 29 May, 1852, Eli Livingston, in Jackson county, Ohio. They live in Vinton county, Ohio, on a farm of 120 acres. They had the following children : Lovina, Hattie, and EUza- beth. (218) Stephens m. Tripp (of WilUam? H. Augustus), married 1 June, 1862, Eliza J. Tucker, daughter of William O. Tucker of Hocking county, Ohio. She was born 1 June, 1838. Stephen haying been deprived of a father at the age of thn-teen, was limited in his educational advantages, but by perseverance and energy secured a good education. On 2 May, 1864, he enlisted in Co. C, U h Ohio Infantry, under Captain J. J- McDowell. Was on the skirmish hue between Richmond and Petersburg, part of the time acted as color bearer, and at all times brave and prompt in Pe^' ormance of duty He was mustered out at Marietta, Oho, U September, 1864. After returning home he resumed work on the farm, and also was ern^ ployed in the carpenters' trade. He owns a farm 51 of 300 acres, of which 120 acres was his father's homestead iu Washington township, Jackson county, Ohio. He was elected Commissioner of Jackson county, on the Repubhcan ticket in the fall of 1883, by a majority of 303 votes, re-elected in the fall of 1886, by a majority of 603 votes. Is a member of Fenton Post, No. 316, G. A. R., at Hamden Junction, Ohio. The following is a record of his family : 251. William® Oliver, born 26 August, 1863. 959. Ida 9 Florence, born 26 December, 1864. 953. Angenette®, born 25 September, 1866, died 17 July, 1870. 954. Joseph 9 Grant, born 30 August, 1868, died 7 June, 1869. 955. Homer® Hamlin, born 24 March, 1870. 956. Harriet® Elizabeth, born 8 November 1872. 957. Sanford® Bundy, born 29 December 1874. 958. Thomas® Fletcher, born 22 July, 1877. 959. RoscoE® C, born 19 March, 1880. (919) JohnS R. Tripp (of William'? H. Augustus), married 8 June, 1860, Mary Patterson, born 5 November, 1841, in Vinton county, Ohio. He was a soldier of the 18th Ohio Volunteer Infan. try, promoted to Corporal of Co. B., serving 4 years and 3 months. He Hves in Shelby county, lUinois. His children were as follows : 52 260. Harvey® H., born 16 January, 1861, in Jackson county, Ohio. 261. Gary® A., bom 24 May, 1864, in Vinton county, Ohio. 262. Stella®, born 8 May, 1866, in Vinton county, Ohio. 263. Clara® E., bom 21 December, 1868, in Shelby county, lUinois, died 18 December, 1896. 264. J. Boyd®, born 22 August, 1874, in Shel- by county, Illinois. 265. W. Arthur®', born 9 May, 1880, Decatur county, Kansas. 266. Morton® A., born Y November, 1877, in Shelby county, Illinois. 267. Effie®, born 2 February, 1884, in Shelby county, Illinois. 268. Ona®, born 20 April, 1886, in Shelby county, Illinois. (220) Olivers T. Tripp (of William^ H. Augustus), married 25 March, 1865, Eliza Hanning, at Hamden Furnace, Ohio. He was a soldier in the 18th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, promoted to Ser- geant of Co. B. and served 4 years and 3 months. He hves at Burton, Kansas. His children are : 269. Addie®. 270. Joseph®. 271. John®. 272. Olive®. 273. Myrtle®. 53 274. Lelia^. 275. Frederick®. (221) Josephs W. Tripp (of William? H. Augustus). He was a soldier of the 114th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and died at Vicksburg 29 July, 1863. (222) LeonidasS H. Tripp (of William '7H. Augustus), born 30 November, 1844, in Jackson county, Ohio. His father died in 1849, and he lived with his mother till, at the age of 17, he enlisted 16 June, 1863, in Co. A. 1st Ohio Heavy Artillery. Was discharged at Knoxville, Tenn., 25 July, 1865, and returned to his mother's farm. Was married 30 October, 1867, to Elizabeth McKinniss. He is a carpenter by trade, and farmer, owning a farm in S. Richland township, Vinton county, Ohio, near Hamden, Vinton county, Ohio. They had five children : 269. Louisa® Viola, born 17 September, 1868. 270. Sarah® E., born 16 June, 1870. 271. Joseph® 0., born 3 December, 1872. 272. William® A., born 3 December, 1872. 273. Charles® E. born 27 November, 1876. ( 269 ) Louisa® V. Tripp ( of Leonidas^ H. ), married Charles H. Edward, 22 January, 1899. Two children: Nellie C, born 18 November, 1899, 54 Mamie, born 13 September, 1901. They reside at McArthur, Vinton county, Ohio. (270) Sarah^ E. Tripp (of Leonidas^ H. ), married Alonzo Rathburn, 19 March, 1894. Two children : Marjorie E., born 5 January, 1895; Charles A., born 19 July, 1898. Residence, GaUipohs, Gallia county, Ohio. (271) Joseph® O. Tripp (of Leonidas^ H. ), single; occupation, carpenter and farmer. Residence, Hamden Junction, Ohio. (272) William® A. Tripp ( of Leonidas^ H. ), married Stella Bolas, 27 November, 1898. William Tripp, is by occupation a mechanic. Residence, Hamden Junction, Ohio. They have one child : LauraIO e., born 5 September, 1899. (273) Charles® E. Tripp (of LeonidasS h.), married Anna Swepston, 12 June, 1901. Occupation, st. car conductor : Residence, 1327 Howard Street, Cleveland, Ohio. (223) Louisas Tripp (of WiUiam'' H. Augustus), married 25 February, 1865, George W. Loving. 55 He was a soldier in the 1 8th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and served tliree years and three months. They live on a farm in Shelby county, Illinois. They had twelve children as follows : Fenton E., Josie, Cora, Frank, Olive, Louisa, Myrtle, Betsy, Eose, Nellie, Vista and George. (251) William^ 0. Tripp ( of Stephen^ M. Tripp ), born 26 August, 1863, married 3 September, 1889,' Lizzie F. Livengood. Is a school teacher and farmer by occupation. Has taught school fifteen winters, and been township clerk four years. Owns a farm of 175 acres in Richland township, Vinton county, Ohio. Family : 974. Stanley 10 M., born 18 June, 1890. 275. Clifford 10 L., born 24 March, 1892. 276. Infant son, born and died 14 August 1894. 277. Nellie 10 May, born 2 February, 1896. 278. Ethel 10 a., born 12 December, 1897. 279. ElizaIO, born 18 November, 1900. (255) HomerO H. Tripp (of Stephens M. Tripp), born 24 March, 1870, married 12 August, 1891, Laura B. Livengood. Is a farmer, owning a farm of 120 acres in Washington township, Jackson county, Ohio. Family : 280. LuellaIo E., born 8 June, 1892. 281. Annie 10 L., born 23 October, 1893. 282. Stephen 10 E.. born 9 October, 1895. 56 283. Laura i<^ B., born 2 September, 1897. 284. VeraIO l^ born 30 March, 1899. (256) Harriet^ E. Tripp (of Stephen^ M. Tripp), married 20 October, 1896, John E. Weaver. He is a carpenter and farmer by occupation. Owns a farm of 40 acres in Hocking county, Ohio. One child. 285. DwightIo e., born 13 August, 1898. ( 260 ) Harvey® H. Tripp ( of John^ K. ), married 14 September, 1883, Elizabeth Schinsler. He is a farmer and cattle raiser, of Christian county, Illinois, P. 0. Assumption. Has a farm of 230 acres. Two children. 286. Leonard 10, born 5 December, 1885. 287. Elmer1<^, born 13 August, 1890. (261) Carey® A. Tripp ( of John^ R. ), married 31 December, 1891, Ona Watson. They live at Wal- nut, Kansas, where Mr. Tripp carries on the business of farming. His family is as follows : 288. Elsie 10 Gertrude, born 9 June, 1895. 289. John 10 Oscar, born 4 October, 1897. 290. Mary 10 Orettie, born 11 July, 1899. 291. Carey lo Averille, Jr., born 26 April, 1901. 57 (262) Stella® Tripp (of JohnS R.), married Eber Patton, 9 September, 1888. A blacksmith, living at Duvall, Illinois. (263) Clara® E. Tripp (of John^ R.), married C. E. Sands, 29 December, 1887. A farmer living at Brunswick, Illinois. Have one child : Erma, born 5 October, 1891. (264) J. Boyd® Tripp ( of John^ R.), married 29 Octo- ber, 1899, Lottie Bean. A farmer, address Ass- umption, Ilhnois. They have one son : 292. OmerIo Bryson, born 27 March, 1902. (266) Morton® A. Tripp (of John^ R.), married 11 February, 1900, Minnie Steed. He is a farmer. Address Shelbyville, Illinois. He has one child : 293. HazelIO, born 19 November, 1900. (196) Susanna^ Tripp married Abram Brovs^n, of Dunmore, Pa. They moved from the valley early and settled at Newfield, Tompkins county. New York. Their children were : 294. William'7, died young. 295. John''. 296. Alvah7. 297. Stephen 7 T. 58 298. Adinirum'7. S99. HOLDEN^ T. 300. Nancy?. (395) John '7 Brown, married Abigail Hughes and had Susan, Abram, Holden, and Mary. (396) Alvah Brown married Lydia A. Clark and had Arthur, Nancy, OHve, and Alvah. (397) Stephen'^ T. Brown married Sarah White and had Urvilla, Augustus, Lydia, Jerome, Legrand, and William. (398) Adinirum'7 Brown married (1) Seana La Bar, (2) Ann Searls, (3) Carrie Smith. He had by his wife Catherine, Arthur, and Elbert. ( 399 ) Holden "7 T. Brown married Margaret Craw- ford, and had Nirum H., Ira T., Helen, Edgar, Abram, Margaret, Delia, Lin a, Charles, and May. (300) Nancy 7 Brown married (1) Cornelius Drake, (2) WilHam Drake. No children. 59 Amasa Tripp & Descendants. Amasa® Tripp (of Isaac^) was born in East Greenwich, R. I., 8 April, 1774. His father, in his migration from R. I., stopped with his family some years at Rhinebeck, N. Y., at least the years from 1778 to 1784, as we learn from the family record which gives the birth of three of his children at the latter place. His father, who was a very large land owner in the Township of Providence, now city of Scranton, divided his land among his sons, but Amasa sold his portion and moved to the frontier of civihzation at that time, and located at Leroy, Genesee county, N. Y. The land that he sold for a trifling sum would now bring a fortune, as it was some of the best coal land in the Lacka- wanna Valley. He married Jerusha Dolph, of Providence, Pa. The writer has had great difficulty in learning the Httle he has gathered concerning this branch of the Tripp family. Though Amasa Tripp was my father's uncle, and my father has visited in his ninety-one years of life many branches of his mother's family, going three times to the Pacific coast within the last fifteen years, yet he had almost no acquaintance with this family, and only an indistinct recollection of the names of some of Amasa's children. Many letters of inquiry still remain unanswered, and it was late in the pro- gress of this work before the little I now record 6o was elicited. I regret that no better and fuller account can at this time be furnished for the benefit of all who are interested ni obtannng a full and correct family record. The followmg is probably a correct list of Araasa's children, but as birth dates are not given, it is not certain that the order is that of their ages : 301. Henry 7. 302. Holden'7. 303. Isaac "7. 304. Chandler'^ 305. Horace '7. 306. Elizabeth'7. 307. Caroline'^. 308. Jerusha'7. 309. Rachel'7 (301) Henry7 Tripp ( of Amasa« ) was born in Penn- sylvania 4 March, 1799, before his father removed to New York State. He married Lydia Guthrie, who died 25 March, 1875. He went as a youth to Leroy, N. Y., where he resided until he was twenty-five years of age. when he selected a farm on Beech Ridge, Pendle- ton, Niagara county, N. Y., which he occupied until his death, which occurred 24 April 1891 m his 93rd year. He was a man of strong character, with many excellent qualities of mind and heart. He was early inured to toil, and among the pleasant reminiscences of his boyhood was his service as a teamster when only 14 years of age, 6i in furnishing the soldiers with suppHes in the war of 1812. His wife preceded him to the grave about 16 years, and for the last 8 years of his life he was confined to his bed by rheumatism from which he had suffered much in previous years. He left to survive him three sons and three daugh- ters, Daniel, Heniy, Chandler, Mrs Lydia Kinue, Mrs. Jerusha A. Harper, Mrs. Caroline Eedfield! He was interred in Bear Ridge Cemetery. His children were as follows : 310. AmasaS, born 29 September, 1826, died 17 November, 1892. 311. Daniel^, born 6 January, 1828. 312. Henrys, born 10 December, 1829. 313. William^, born 16 July, 1833. 314. JoelS, born 16 March, 1835. 315. Chandlers, born 8 September, 1837. 316. Carolines, born, 12 April, 1842. 317. JerushaS, born 16 December, 1843. 318. LydiaS, born 16 September, 1845. 319. AngelineS. (310) AmasaS Tripp (of Henry?), married 1854, Delight Richards. He died 17 November, 1892. His children are : 320. Wilber9. 321. Emma®. 339. Ella© V. 323. Fred®. 62 (320) WiLBER® Tripp (of Amasa^), married Nora Ford of Michigan, where they reside. No children. (321) Emma® Tripp (of Amasa^), married Daniel Collins, who died in 1901. No children. (322) Ella® V. Tripp (of Amasa^), married Daniel Nerber. She lives in Lockport, N. Y., and has : 324. CecilIO, married and living in Pennsyl- vania. 325. Florence i<^, single. 326. Bertha lo, single. (323) Fred® Tripp ( of Amasa^), graduated at West Point. Went to California for his health and died there about 1897. Buried at Angel Island. (311) Daniel^ Tripp (of Henry 7), married 1850, Charlotte Olds. He is a farmer hving at Maple- ton Station, Niagara county, N. Y. No children, but adopted a daughter. 327. Emma®, who married Charles Mellons, and has : Mary 10, who married Roy LeVan and have one son Fred. 63 Fred 10, who married Hattie Wendel, and have daughter Maud. (319) Henry s Tripp (of Henry "7), married Matilda Allen. They live at Mapleton Station, Niagara county, N. Y. Children : 398. IvA®, is a school teacher. 399. Addie®, married Henry Dersham ; three children. 330. Loren®, married Carrie Dersham ; two children. (313) Williams Tripp (of Henry 7), died about 1886, leaving children in Michigan. 331. John9. 339. Elwood®. 333. Coras. (314) JoelS Tripp (of Henry "7), married 1 July, 1868, Alice E. Eichards, who was born 9 June, 1850. He died 24 November, 1887, leaving the following children : 334. Arthur^, born 31 December, 1870. 335. WiLLARD® J., born 27 April, 1882. 336. JoEL^ E., Jr., born 16 March, 1880, died 31 August, 1880. (334) Arthur^ V. Tripp (of Joel^), married 11 Decem- 64 ber, 1895, Maud E. Van Slyke, who died 17 December, 1899. No children. (315) Chandlers Tripp ( of Henry "^ ), married Mar- garet Dahash, and had : 337. George®, has two children. 338. Charles®, has one child. 339. Jennie®, married Fargo, and both died leaving a son and daughter. One report gave name of a son Daniel instead of George. (316) Carolines Tripp (of Henry 7), married (1) James Richards, who enhsted in the Union army and died in a hospital. She marrried (2) William Redfield, and they live at Potterville, Michigan, where they had four children. (317) JerushaS Tripp (of Henry''), married C. G. Harper. They live at Hortons Bay, Michigan. One son. Claire® C, who married Nelhe Treat. They Uve at Tonawanda, N. Y. , and have two children : Harold and Floyd. (318) LydiaS Tripp (of Henry ^ ), married John L, Kinue. She died 25 May, 1899. No children. 65 (319) AngelineS Tripp (of Henry 7)^ married Nicholas Gibbs. He served four years in the Union army. Moved to Michigan after the v^^ar, and later re- moved to Palmetto, Marietta county, Florida. Among his children I get the names of Egbert, deceased; Myrtie, a school teacher, and Bertha. (302) HoLDEN^ Tripp (of Amasa^), married Butterworth. They lived at Dryden, LaPeer county, Michigan. Had five children. 340. Isaacs 341. Chandler^ 342. Horaces 343. JuliaS Ann. And another daughter. I have not been able to get rephes to letters addressed to this family. (303) ISAAC'7 Tripp ( of Amasa^ ). I failed to get any definite data of this family. One correspondent said he had 8 children, another said 4 boys and 2 girls, but could get no names or definite loca- tion. (304) Chandler^ Tripp ( of Amasa^ ), was unmarried and died in Michigan. (305) Horace? Tripp ( of Amasa^ ), died unmarried. 66 (306) Elizabeth^ Tripp (of Amasa« ), married Kim- ble Ferrin, a liveryman of Batavia, N. Y. They had children: Ebenezer, Henry, Horace, and Emaline. (307) Caroline^ Tripp (of Amasa^ ), married Lloyd Adams, and had one son who died in Missouri. (308) Jerusha^ Tripp (of Amasa^), died unmarried. (309) Rachel^ Tripp (of Amasa^), married Chadwick Brown, who lived at Niles, Michigan. They had three children. One report states that the family removed to Indiana. 67 Stephen Tripp & Descendants. (198) Stephene Tripp was a prominent citizen of Providence, Pa. He was interested with his father in erecting the first mill on Leggetts Creek. He also was the owner of a still house and carried on the important and at that time respectable industry of making whiskey. His house was the first to be opened as a place of public entertainment in the early settlement of Providence. His farms, comprising lot 33, and parts of lots 19, 20 and 23, included some of the most valuable portions of the present city of Scranton. i In 1813 the first town meeting was held at the house of Stephen Tripp a. Providence then in- cluded the territory embi-aced in Lackawanna, Covington, Jefferson, Blakely, Greenfield, Scott^ and Scranton. This large territory polled 82 votes. Stephen Tripp, married Nancy Benedict, daugh- ter of Joshua Benedict, at Pittston, Pa., 27 No- vember, 1800. She was born 9 July, 1782, at Warwick, N. Y., and died 12 July, 1863. Stephen died 10 September, 1841, and both are buried in the Tripp family plot in Forest Hill Cemetery, Scranton, Pa. 1 Crewe' History of Scranton, pages 81 and 83. * Ibid, page 94. 68 Their children were as follows : 344. Horace'7, born at Providence, Pa., 4 August, 1802. 345. Harriet'', born at Providence, Pa., 7 September, 1804. 346. Hannah'', born at Providence, Pa., 27 May, 1809. 347. Martha'' (1), born at Providence, Pa., 2 August, 1811. 348. Samuel'' Benedict, born at Providence, Pa., 15 March, 1813. 349. Martha'' (2), born at Providence, Pa., 7 April, 1815. 350. Nehemiah'' Wisner, born at Providence, Pa., 3 August, 1817. 351. Polly'', born at Providence, Pa., 11 March, 1819. 352. William'' Henry, born at Providence, Pa., 18 February, 1821. 353. Fanny'' Benedict, born at Providence, Pa., 4 September, 1823. (344) Horace'' Tripp (of Stephens), married Almira Stone, daughter of Robert Stone of Abington, Pa., 4 November, 1824. She was born 29 April, 1804, and died 4 September, 1843. He was a far- mer, and for a time lived in Abington, Pa., but sold his farm here and removed to Genesee county, N. Y., in 1832. He married (2) in 1844, Mrs. Caroline Baker Kempton, of Bethany, N. Y. 69 He died 20 November, 1891. She died 30 April, 1892. His children, all by his first wife, were : 354. LoRA^ Stone, born 8 October, 1825. 355. GiLES^ Slocum, born 14 July, 1827. 356. Isaacs born 23 May, 1829. 357. SiBYL^ Stone, born 1 April, 1831. 358. Helens b^i.^ i^ -^^y^ i^^^^ ^^^^ ^q -^^_ vember, 1834. 359. ByronS L., born 11 April, 1835. 360. William® Henry, born 26 January, 1837. 361. Nancy® E., born 22 November, 1839. (354) LoRA® Stone Tripp (of Horace'^), married 12 November, 1854, Clarissa Phillips, who was born 8 March, 1829. He died in 1857. Their children were: 362. Cyrus® L., born 28 August, 1855. 363. Clara® E., born 25 October, 1857. (362) Cyrus® L. Tripp ( of Lora® ), married 16 No- vember, 1880, Sarah I. Kearns, at Auburn, Ne- maha county, Nebraska. Their children are: 364. LoraIo a., born 30 August, 1881. 365. Clara lo B., born 25 March, 1884. 366. Donald 10 a., born 4 June, 1892. 367. KearnsIO c., born 17 November, 1894. 368. Cyrus 10 0., born 17 November, 1894. 70 (363) Clara^ E. Tripp ( of Lora^ ), married Wins- low Henry Philleo 16 November, 1880. He was born 5 November, 1857, in Clarendon, Orleans county, N. Y. She was born 25 October, 1857, in Waukegan, Lake county, Illinois. They now live at South Byron, Genesee county, N. Y. Their children are : 369. Cyrus 10 Henry, born 27 June, 1887, at Alexandria, South Dakota. 370. James 10 Edgar, born 24 November, 1889, in Alexandria, South Dakota. 371. LoraIo Winslow, born 4 May, 1891, at South Byron, N. Y., died 29 April, 1892. 372. Winifred 10 Belle, born 27 November, 1894, at South Byron, N. Y. (355) Giles^ Slocum Tripp ( of Horace'' ), married Mary Jane Dibble 21 February, 1856. They Uve at Alexandria, South Dakota. Their children were: 373. Elenora® Irene, born 27 June, 1857, died 21 March, 1876. 374. Hattie® Nancy, born 12 January, 1861. 375. AvoNiA^ Ellen, born 18 April, 1864. 376. William^ Henry, born 5 October, 1866. 377. BuRRiTT® Ward, born 13 April, 1870, died 19 October, 1889. 71 (374) Hattie® Nancy Tripp ( of GilesS), married 13 November, 1890, William Newman. (375) AvoNiA® Ellen Tripp ( of Giles^ ), married 5 June, 1884, Dimmock W. Hollister. (356) Isaacs Tripp ( of Horace'' ), married 29 Octo- ber, 1856, Irene A. Parke. She was born 23 October, 1831. Still living in 1901. Isaac died 20 May, 18Y0, from an accident while engaged in gold mining. Their children were : 378. Mary® Arletta, born 27 December 1857. 379. Herman® Tilden, born 6 August, 1858. 380. Esther® L., born 12 April, 1862. 381. Sheridan®, born 10 November, 1868 died 1870. 382. Helen® S., born 19 April, 1870. (378) Mary® A. Tripp ( of Isaac^ ), married 27 De- cember, 1876, Andrew A. Stiles, who was born 30 June, 1847. They live at Vallejo, California. Their children are : 383. EarlIo n., born 4 November, 1877. 384. Irene 10 m., born 12 October, 1879. 385. Helen 10 I., born 4 February, 1882. 72 386. LesterI*^ a., born 2 December, 1896, died 25 March, 1899. (379) Herman® Tilden Tripp (of Isaac^), born 6 August, 1858, at Butte City, Amador county, Colorado; married 23 April, 1889, Eva Adelia Kay. She was born 15 December, 1862, at Jack- son, Amador county, Colorado. Their children, all born near Big Bar Bridge, Amador county, Colorado, are : 387. Ethel^o ]y[AY, born 1 August, 1890. 388. ChesterIO Kay, born 19 March, 1893. 389. Gladys! o, born 21 January, 1896. (380) Esther® L. Tripp (of Isaac^), married 12 August, 1885, Wilham Hawes Payson, who was born 16 February, 1855, in Boston, Mass., a son of the Payson who was of the well known pub- lishing house of Payson, Dunton & Scribner. He is a lawyer by profession, and they reside in San Francisco, CaHfornia. (357) SibylS Stone Tripp ( of Horace ^ ), married (1) William S. Green, 16 February, 1854. He was born 19 November, 1821, and died in 1864. She married (2) Enos B. Muzzey, 2 April, 1878. He was born 17 December, 1839, and died 12 Janu- ary, 1892. Sibyl's children are, by the first hus- band : 390. Emma® A., born 28 April, 1855. 391. Ella® May, born 28 October, 1859. 73 (390) Emma^ a. Green married 27 January, 1875, John Barnheisel Weston, and has three chil- dren : 392. Ella 10 J. 393. Kate 10. 394. RochfordIo. (391) Ella® May Green married 24 May, 1884, And- erson H. Sheakley. He was born 30 September, 1854, and died 2 January, 1902. They had no children. ( 393 ) EllaIo J. Weston married Clark, and has three children : 395. AiMEEii. 396. RaymondH. (359) ByronS L. Tripp ( of Horace "^ ), born in Barre, Orleans county, New York, 11 April, 1835, married Sarah A. Worthington 18 March, 1873. She was born in Ashland, Ohio, 6 February, 1835. Their children were : 397. Infant daughter died 1 March, 1874. 398. Grace® Annette, born 25 March, 1876, at Byron, Genesee county. New York. (360) William^ Henry Tripp ( of Horace'^ ), married 74 Helen Burnet Alvord 9 July, 186Y. She was bom at Syracuse, New York, 30 August, 1845. Their residence for some years has been nominally at Vallejo, Cahfornia. As to Mr. Tripp, his resi- dence of late years has been largely abroad. He is a great traveller and cannot tie himself long to one place. He has been more than once around the world, and made several extensive trips through most of the countries of Europe. He is an artist by profession. He has taken much interest in the study of Tripp genealogy and he encouraged the writer to make this attempt to connect our family with the Rhode Island immi- grant. His family is the following : 399. Spencer^ L., born 25 July, 1870. 400. D0N» E., born 2 June, 187Y. (399) Spencer® L. Tripp married 27 March, 1895, Sarah Louise Eardley, who was born 9 February, 1875, at HoUister, Cahfornia. They have two children: 401. iNEzio, born 8 March, 1896, at Anaconda. Montana. 402. Helen 10 Louise, born 16 July, 1897, at Anaconda, Montana. (361) Nancy^E TRiPP(of Horace^), married 7 February, 1867, Simon Hill Bartlett. He was born 3 April, 1822, and died 6 October, 1889. &he died 3 March, 1880. 75 Their children were : 403. Elmer9 Hill, born 26 June, 1868. 404. Gertrude® C, born 11 April, 1870. 405. Carlton® Tripp, born 30 July, 1872. (403) Elmer® H. Bartlett married 15 August 1893 Minnie S. Holland. (404) Gertrude® C. Bartlett married September 1893, SheUy Carne. (405) Carlton® Tripp Bartlett married 26 January, 1896, Frances T. McCuUoch. He is in the railway mail service running from San Francisco to Los Angeles. (345) Harriet'7 Tripp (of Stephen®), married 15 August, 1824, Samuel Church. He was born 26 July, 1786, died 25 May, 1873. Harriet died 27 May, 1884. Their children were : 406. JamesS, born 29 May, 1825, died 22 Janu- ary, 1883. 407. Josephs, born 1 June, 1827, died 2 May 1898. 408. Stephens, born 1 June, 1829, died 28 March, 1871. 409. Nancys, born 26 August, 1831, died 16 January, 1874. 76 410. Sarah^, born 16 March, 1834. died 25 September, 1836. 411. OrphaS, born 24 January, 1837. 412. Cynthia^, born 2 October, 1839. 413. Willi am8 H., born 16 October, 1841, died 2 August, 1876. 414. ChaklesS p., born 5 January, 1845. 415. Gilbert^ W., born 28 April, 1849. (407) Joseph^ Church married Charlotte Stevens, and resided many years in the city of Scranton. His only child is Charles J. Church, who resides at 1422 N. Main avenue, Scranton, Pa., and cares for his great aunt Polly Tripp Bobbins, the oldest surviving child of Stephen Tripp. He married Anna Barker, daughter of Mrs. F. E. Loomis of Scranton, Pa., and has two children, Bonnalynne, and Charles J., Jr. (346) Hannah^ Tripp (of Stephen®), married Har- mon Byron Dailey. He was born in Connecticut in 1804, died 3 March, 1884. Their children were : 416. Stephen^, born 1 March, 1830, died 26 June, 1834. 417. Martha^ Ann, born 1831, married (1) Charles Pollard, (2) Edwin N. Palmer. 418. Caroline^ Louise, born 1834, married Allan B. Abbott. 77 419. HenryS Martin, born 1836, married Alice Ranous. 420. Horace^ Tripp, born 1839, married Viana Jewell. 421. Gertrude^, born 1841, died in infancy. 429. Granville^ Byron, born 1844, died 1866. 423. Maurice^ Eugene, born 1854, married Fanny Preston. (417) Martha^ Ann Dailey, had one son by her first husband Chas. Pollard. By her second husband, Edwin N. Palmer, she had Gertrude, Fanny, Horace, and Eugene. (418) Caroline^ Louise Dailey married Allan B. Abbott. He died in 1896. She died in 1897, leaving seven children : Don Elwin, May, Emma Jane, Carrie, Lulu, Alvin, and another. (419) Henry^ Martin Dailey has three children : Maud, Carrie, and Henry. (420) Horace^ Tripp Dailey has one child named Velma. They reside at San Rafael, California. (422) Granville^ Byron Dailey served a year and a half in the Civil war. He died single. 78 (423) Maurice^ Eugene Dailey has three children : Horace, Frank, and Harry. (348) Samuel^ Benedict Tripp (of Stephen®) married (1) Sarah M. Brown, who was born at Providence, Pa., 27 September, 1820, and died at Abington, Luzerne county, Pa., 24 April, 1854. He married (2) Polly Hobbs, who was born at Benton, Luzerne county. Pa., 3 November, 1825, died 1874. He died 31 July, 1867. Children by 1st wife: 424. Stephen^, born 20 December, 1841. 425. Benjamin^, born at Hyde Park, Pa., 24 October, 1846. 426. EmmaS c., born at Abington, Pa., 11 March, 1854. Child by 2d wife: 4«7. Adelia^, born at Abington, Pa., 14 July, 1864. (424) Stephens Tripp (of Samuel^ B.), married 7 February, 1866, Sarah J. Emerson. She was born 15 February, 1843. He was captain of a company of the Eleventh Pennsylvania Cavalry during the war of the Rebellion. He has written very interestmg let- ters, which have appeared in the Scranton Re- publican, throwing light on the early history of Hyde Park, Providence, and Scranton. They 79 reveal an excellent memory, and ability to write in an entertaining manner of things as they ex- isted in the middle of the last century. His home is at Ottawa, Kansas. They had the following children : 428. Elliot® S., born 18 October, 1867, in York county, Va., died 9 April, 1888, at Ottawa, Kansas. 429. Harrys E., born 15 September, 1869, in Hyde Park, Pa. 430. Harley® p., born 14 February, 1873, at Fontanelle, Washington county, Neb. 431. Horace® L., born 14 February, 1873, at Fontanelle, Washington county. Neb. 432. Ruth® E., born 14 December, 1876, at Fontanelle, Washington county. Neb. 433. Sadie® B., born 25 December, 1878, at Grand Centre, Osborn county, Kan. 434. Metta® B., born 20 December, 1881, at Grand Centre, Osborn county, Kan., died 14 December, 1882. 435. Carrie®, born 6 January, 1884, at Grand Centre, Osborn county, Kan. (439) Harry® E. Tripp married 25 December, 1898, Emma Zeiger, at Waldo, Kan. One child. 436. AdeliaIO B., born J 3 October, 1899. (430) Harley® p. Tripp married 25 December, 1897, Jesse Pangburn, at Waldo, Kan. One child. 437. OrvilleIo W., born 19 December, 1900. 8o (431) Horace^ L. Tripp married 22 May, 1901, Sallie S. Price. One child. 437^. SadieIo m., born 2 March, 1902. (433) RuTH^ E. Tripp married 19 July, 1899, Joseph Ellison. One child. 438. LyleIo Merrick, born 4 April, 1900. (435) Benjamin^ Tripp (of SamueP B.), married (1) Mariah T. La Bar, who was born at Pittston, Pa., 16 September, 1846, died 10 June, 1879. He married (2) Rachel L. Garringer, 4 July, 1882. She was born at Findlay, Ohio, 11 August, 1848. Children by first wife were : 439. Sarah^ M., born 10 September, 1875, at Old Forge, Pa. 440. Samuel®, born 2 June, 1879, at Scott, Pa., died 10 June, 1879. Children by second wife were : 441. Emma® G„ born 12 July, 1886, at Grand Centre, Kansas. 442. Elsie® L., born 16 November, 1888, at Grand Centre, Kansas. (436) EmmaS c. Tripp (of Samuel^ B. ), married 9 February, 1876, H. R. Sanders. She died 27 February, 1876, at Scranton, Pa. 8i ( 431 ) AdeliaS Tripp (of SanmeF B. ), married 31 October, 1880, Alfred Gumaer, of Benton, Pa. Slie died 7 September, 1887, leaving a daughter, Minnie, born 4 September, 1881, who married Abel Ruland. (350) Nehemiah? Wisner Tripp (of Stephen^), was born at Providence, Pa., 6 August, 1817. He married 1 January, 1852, Margaret Inman, of Nanticoke, Luzerne county. Pa. They hved in Rock, Rock county, Wisconsin, where he died 16 May, 1892. His widow still resides in Wisconsin. They had no children. (351) Polly'7 Tripp (of Stephen^), born at Provi- dence, Pa., 11 March, 1819, married (1) James Hartley, of Lenox township, Susquehanna coun- ty, Pa. After Mr. Hartley's death she married (2) Robbins. She resides at 1422 N. Main avenue, Scranton, Pa., with her great nephew, Charles J. Church. She is the oldest surviving child of Stephen^ Tripp. (353) William^ Henry Tripp (of Stephen®), was born at Providence, Pa., 18 July, 1821, on a farm now owned by the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Company, and he has followed farming as an occupation to the present time. His educational advantages were limited to the district school, but being of an observing disposi- 82 tion and possessed of more than the average inteUigence, lie acquired a fair education for the time which fitted him to fill with credit the public offices that have fallen to his lot. He has been Justice of the Peace, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, County Commissioner, member of the Assembly in 1857, trustee of the Institute for the Blind for twenty-one years under appoint- ment of six different governors of Wisconsin, where Mr. Tripp has resided most of his fife, having removed from his native state in 1851. He settled in Rock county, Wisconsin, on a 200- acre farm on the Hanover road, four miles from Janesville. He was a charter member of the Central Wisconsin Bank, and its first vice-pres- ident and a member of the board of directors. Mr Tripp married Delilah Thomas, daughter of John and Eliza (Osborn) Thomas, of Nichol- son township, Wyoming county, Pa., U Janu- ary, 184i. His family comprised three children: 443. Theodore^, born 19 December, 1846, died 13 July, 1865. 444. George^ B., born 4 March, 1852. 445. Hattie^ H., born 13 May, 1861. (443) Theodore^ Tripp enlisted in Company C, 35th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, and served two years in the Union army. He contracted disease which resulted in his death at his home, 13 July, 1865. 83 (444) Georges B. Tripp ( of William^ Henry ), born 4 March, 1852, married Ida Clark, who was born 13 October, 1855. They had four children : 446. Lydia^ Mae, born 12 April, 1877, at Janesville, Wisconsin. She is a student at the Leland Stanford University, Cahfornia, in the class of 1903. 447. Minnies Belle, born 30 April, 1880, at Janesville, Wisconsin . 448. George^ William, born 17 April, 1887 died 21 October, 1887. ' ' 449. ClarkS Byron, born 21 July, 1889, died 6 September, 1897. (445) HattieS H. Tripp ( of William? Hemy ) mar- ried 29 October, 1884, J. B. Porter, who was born 18 March, 1857. Their children are: 450. Joseph^ K., born 4 November, 1885. 451. Eockwood9, born 27 February, 1889. 452. Wallace^ B., born 27 December, 1890. 453. Lyell», born 27 November, 1897. . (353) Fanny? Benedict Tripp (of StephenO), born 4 September, 1823, married 25 December, 1849, Lewis Armstrong, by Eev. William K. 'Mott.' Her husband was a farmer who hved near Fac- tory ville, Wyoming county. Pa. She died 5 March, 1896. Their children were : 84 454. Stephen^, born 21 March, 1851, died 26 July, 1880. 455. JosieS, born 26 August, 1853, who mar- ried T March, 1877, Abram Wrigley, and had : 456. Lewis® A., born 18 October, 1879. 457. Stanley® A., born 10 December, 1881. 458. Stella® E., born 12 September, 1883. 459. Fannie® E., born 8 November, 1885. 85 Isaac^ Tripp and Descendants. (199) Isaacs Tripp was born 27 January, 1779, at Rhinebeck, N. Y., and died at Providence, Pa 30 May, 1830. He received a portion of his father's land by deed in his father's hfetime, and was a farmer by occupation. His home was on the main road from Providence to Hyde Park, which his son Ira later occupied till his decease.' He married Catherine LaFrance, daughter of Peter and Sarah LaFrance. She died 6 October, 1836. They had the following childi-en : 460. Diana 7, born 5 February, 1808. 461. Martha?, born 25 June, 1809, died 1 Jan- uary, 1813. 462. Caroline?, born 31 December, 1810 died 26 April, 1812. 463. Benjamin? S., born 13 April, 1812. 464. Ira?, born 6 January, 1814, died 3 Aug- ust, 1891. 465. Mahala?, born 15 December, 1815, died 10 March, 1879. 466. Isaac?, born 7 September, 1817, died 5 February, 1898. 467. Phoebe?, born 17 June, 1819, died 4 October, 1844. 468. Maria?, born 23 July, 1822, died 8 June, 1883. 86 469. Holden'', born 15 October, 1824, died 30 December, 1870. 470. Catherine^, born 15 November, 1827, died 4 December, 1892. (460) DiANA^ Tripp (of Isaac®), married Samuel Depuy, of Dunmore, Pa. Their children were : 471. IsAAC^, who married Sarah A. Spencer, daughter of Edward Spencer, and had Ringold, Rose, Jennie E. and Harry. 472. Elizabeth^, died aged 16. 473. Helens Marr, married Joseph Jenkins. 474. Catherine^, died single. 475. Frances^ Eugenia, died single. 476. George^ Edward, who had Gertrude ^nd Elizabeth. (463) Benjamin^ S. Tripp (of Isaac«), married (1) Mary Jane Brown, daughter of Aaron Brown, of Pittston, Pa., 25 May, 1837. She was born 6 October, 1817, and died 6 September, 1852. He married (2) Adela . He died 12 May, 1889. By his first wife he had : 477. Georges b., born 20 June, 1838, died 15 July, 1873. 478. Williams H. H., born 19 December, 1839- 479. Sarahs e., born 19 December, 1841, died 22 March, 1863. 87 480. Catherines, born 10 September, 1844, died 29 January, 1865, 481. MaryS J., born 9 December, 1846, died 13 July, 1849. 482. Benjamins S., born 6 February, 1849, died 30 January, 1852. 483. CharlesS R., born 23 March, 1851, died 5 February, 1863. By his second wife he had one daughter : 484. Jennie^, (477) Georges B. Tripp (of Benjamin "7 S.). Was an assistant paymaster in the navy, dur- ing the civil war, on the Unadilla and Arizona. There was consumption in the family and he fell a victim in the prime of early manhood. He died unmarried 15 July, 1873. (478) Williams Henry H. Tripp (of Benjamiu'7 s.), married 1 November, 1867, Jeanette L. Oram, of Hyde Park, Pa. She was born 21 January, 1843. Mr. Tripp, for a number of years, was in the tobacco trade with J. W. Garney in the City of Scranton, Pa. His health failing, he removed to Philadelphia, where he remained a few years and returned to Scranton and traveled as a sales- man for the Stowers Packing Co. He was com- pelled by ill health to give up business, and recently took up his residence with his only surviving child, George B. Tripp, in Colorado Springs, Colorado. 88 The record of his family is as follows : 485. Edward® F., born 12 October, 1869, died 16 July, 1870. 486. George® B., born 18 June, 1871. 487. Howard® W., born 31 August, 1875, died 4 July, 1900. 488. Virginia®, born 19 March, 1877, died 2 May, 1877. (486) George® B. Tripp (of WiUiamS H. H.), mar- ried 2 September, 1896, Katherine Hibbard. She was born in Pittsburg, Pa. Mr. Tripp learned the machinist trade at the Finch shops in Scranton. He then studied elec- trical engineering, and was employed for a time at the Suburban Electric Light Plant on Wash- ington avenue, Scranton. He became assistant superintendent of the Cleveland, Ohio, Electric Light Co., where he remained until he received the appointment of superintendent of the Elec- tric Light Co. of Colorado Springs, which posi- tion he now holds. It was while he was in Cleveland, Ohio, that his younger brother, Howard, who held a subordinate position in the same company, was accidentally drowned while bathing on 4 July, 1900. George B. Tripp and Katherine have one child: 489. George lo B. Tripp, Jr., born 1 May, 1901. (464) Ira'7 Tripp (of Isaac®), married 20 February, 89 1838, Rosanna Shoemaker, daughter of Jacob I. Shoemaker, of Wyoming, Pa. She was born 26 September, 1817, and died 29 April, 1899. Ira Tripp died 3 August, 1891. Like most of the Tripp family for many generations, he was a farmer by occupation. He inherited one of the best farms in the Lackawanna valley, rich in fertility as to the surface, and vastly more rich by reason of the veins of "black diamonds," or anthracite coal, which underhe the whole extent of his possessions. He was the last of his name to retain a portion of the land which his grand- father and great-grandfather had acquired when the valley was first settled by the hardy and venturesome pioneers from the Eastern states. He left no son to survive him, and the old Tripp home, which for generations had been the centre of boundless hospitality and good cheer, has now passed into the hands of strangers. Ira Tripp for many years was a conspicuous figure in the history of Luzerne and Lackawanna counties. His extremely heavy and long white beard, in later life, was a feature that attracted attention wherever he appeared. His jovial dis- position and hearty manner made him hosts of friends in all directions, and probably no man in Lackawanna county had more or stronger friends. In early life he was appointed an aide-de-camp on the staff of Gov. Pollock, with the rank of Lieut. Colonel, which gave him his military title of Colonel. In 1861 he enlisted as a private in the Eighth Pennsylvania Regiment, and served nine months as hospital steward. He was captured by the enemy, but his good nature and easy 90 '■M > ^o^^i^ ^^^^Myf^y^ IRA TRIPP manner ensured him kind treatment and an early exchange. He died 3 August, 1891, leaving a large estate to his widow and two grandchildren, children of his deceased son Leander. The following is a record of his family: 490. Isaacs c., horn 28 March, 1839, died 11 October, 1882. 491. LeanderS s,^ born 27 February, 1841, died 22 June, 1876. 492. William^ R., born 26 January, 1846, died 12 September, 1847. 493. Gertrude^, born 18 January, 1848, died 3 May, 1874. (491) LeanderS s Tripp (of Ira''), married Jennie Pierce, daughter of WiUiam Pierce, of Provi- dence, Pa. Their children were: 494. Walter® Sherman, born 6 February, 1865, died 17 June, 1901. 495. Katherine® G., born 21 April, 1869. (494) Walter® S. Tripp (of Leander^), married 22 February, 1894, Margaret B. Williams. They had one child. 496. RozeneIO Eugene, born 10 May, 1897. (495) KatherineOG. Tripp (of Leander^), married 91 9 February, 1891, John F. Broadbent, of Scran- ton, Pa. They have three children. 497. KathrynIo R., born 10 December, 1891. 498. Ira 10 Tripp, born 27 July, 1896. 499. John 10 Franklyn, born 24 July, 1901. (493) Gertrude^ Tripp (of Ira'7) born 18 January, 1848, died 3 May, 1874, unmarried. She was small in stature, bright and vivacious in man- ner, and overflowing with good nature and generous impulses. She was the pet of the household and loved and admired by a wide cir- cle of acquaintances. Her death, occurring in the flush of young womanhood, surrounded by ah the attractions and luxuries that wealth and affection could bestow, cast a gloom, not only over the immediate family and relatives, but wherever she was known. The name of Gertie Tripp brings back, after nearly thirty years, the recollection of the bright, attractive image of the cousin who always had a smile and pleasant word of greeting for all without regard to wealth or position, whom no flattery or attention could spoil, but who remained the kind, generous and lovable girl until the last sad day when the angel of death bore her spirit away to her heavenly home above. (463) Mahala'' Tripp (of Isaac®), married October, 1836, Aretus Heermans, son of Henry Heermans, 92 Jk '^ ecCL^c of Providence, Pa. He was bom 16 August, 1815, and died 28 June, 1842. She died 10 March, 1879. They had two children: 49 8i. Isaacs Henry, bom 25 July, 1839, died 2 March, 1871. 499i. HoldenS a., born 7 July, 1841, died 17 September, 1842. (466) ISAAC*7 Tripp (of Isaac^), married (1) 17 Feb- ruary, 1840, by Rev. E. H. Snowden, Margaret Shoemaker, daughter of Jacob Shoemaker, of Wyoming, Pa. She was born 30 May, 1822, and died 23 November, 1856. Married (2) 28 Decem- ber, 1861, by Rev. William Frear, Hannah Rogers, who was bom 16 February, 1834. Mr. Tripp, like most of his family, was a farmer by occupation. He settled in Kingston, Pa., in 1854, on the place late the property of Frank Helme. In 1859 he purchased the "Ab- bott farm" at Forty Fort, Pa., comprising 138 acres. This farm, under Mr. Tripp's skillful management, became one of the most produc- tive ones in the far-famed Wyoming Valley. For some years tobacco was a staple crop, and extensive sheds were built for the curing and preparing of the product for market. He was a lover of fine cattle, and was quite an extensive dairyman. At one time he raised a cow that was the wonder of the community for size. It weighed over 2,000 pounds. Though this farm was rich and productive in an agricultural point 93 of view, its fertility was but a small element of its value. The settlement of old Kingston has grown beyond its original bounds and now has extended past Dorranceton to Forty Fort, bring- ing the Tripp farm into market for building pur- poses. But the greatest value hes under the surface in the shape of the best veins of anthra- cite coal to be found in the coal region. These are now under lease to a mining company, and bring a revenue that would have astonished the early Connecticut settlers, who had no com- prehension of the underground wealth when they fought Indians and white men for the pos- session of this beautiful valley. The family of Mr. Tripp was as follows : By the 1st wife he had : 500. MaryS a., born in Providence 24 Julv 1842. •^' 501. Penelopes E., born in Providence 24 December, 1844. 502. PhoebeS M., born in Providence 24 August, 1847. 503. Margarets E., born in Providence 21 August, 1851. 504. Isaacs Eugene, born in Providence 20 September, 1849, died 22 May, 1851. 505. Emma® C, born in Providence 12 Novem- ber, 1853. By his 2d wife he had : 506. Floras, born at Forty Fort, Pa 16 April, 1863. 507. MaudS, born at Kingston, Pa., 3 Decem- ber, 1864. 94 508. IsAAC^ Nelson, bom at Kingston, Pa., 29 December, 186B. 509. Edwin^ McNeil, bom at Kingston, Pa., 8 September, 1868. 510. Katherine^ Jane, born at Kingston, Pa., 31 July, 1872. 511. Bertha^ May, born at Kingston, Pa., 18 May, 1875. (500) Mary^ a. Tripp (of Isaac'^), married 4 April, 1900, Benjamin G. Lawrence, and resides at 125 E. William street, Bath, N. Y. (501) Penelope^ E. Tripp (of Isaac '7), married 1 March, 1864, Isaac S. Estabrook, who was bom at Poney Hollow, N. Y., 31 March, 1839. Their children are : 512. ElmerQ Tripp, born in Catherine, N. Y., 30 April, 1868. 513. Robert® Charles, born in Catherine, N. Y., 26 July, 1870. 514. Grace® Ellen, born in Catherine, N. Y., 25 August, 1880. (512) Elmer® Tripp Estabrook married 30 March, 1892, by Rev. W. A. Granger, Minnie M. Noonan. Their child is : 515. Helen 10 N. Estabrook, born 26 May, 1894. Their residence is Newfield, N. Y. 95 (513) Robert^ C. Estabrook married by Rev. F. F. Rice, 16 February, 1892, at Catherine, N. Y., Ida May Lattin, who was born 21 May, 1872. Their children are : 516. Blanche lo May, born 26 December, 1892, died 10 August, 1894. 517. Fred 10 Tripp, born 1 January, 1894. 518. Harold lo E., born 1 May, 1895. R. C. Estabrook died 10 May, 1896. (502) PhoebeS M. Tripp married by Rev. F. A. King, 25 February, 1874, WiUiam Irving Sherwood,' who was born in Trumansburg, N. Y 8 July 1849. ' Their children were : 519. Edwino Stone, born 1 September, 1877, died 27 September, 1877. 520. Merritt^ Tripp, born 29 May, 1879, died 3 February, 1889. The home of Mr. Sherwood is at Trumans- burg, N. Y. (503) Margarets E. Tripp (of Isaac "7), married by Rev. F. A. King, 27 December, 1871, Anson C. Stout, who was born in Kingston, Pa., 10 Janu- ary, 1846. Their children were : 521. Frederick® N., born at Penobscot, Pa., 13 December, 1872. 96 522. Isaac® Tripp, born at Penobscot, Pa., 26 June, 1879. Margaret E. Stout died at Forty Fort, Pa., 28 August, 1882. (505) EmmaS c. Tripp (of Isaac^), married by Rev. F. A. King, 5 January 1881, Stephen F. Wil- liams, who was born in Huntington, Pa., 22 April, 1845. Their children were : 523. Stewart® Jay, born in Plymouth, Pa., 1 April, 1884. 524. Kate® Louise, born in Plymouth, Pa., 22 July, 1886. (506) Floras Tripp (of Isaac "7) married by Rev. John LaBar, 20 May, 1884, Simeon F. Bronson, who was born in Allentown, Pa., 15 April, 1863. Their children were : 525. Frederick® Howard, born in Forty Fort, Pa., 18 March, 1887. 526. Willard® Earl, born in Forty Fort, Pa., 29 May, 1889, died 8 October, 1896. 527. Edith® Marion, born inKimberton, Pa., 21 April, 1892, died 29 October, 1896. 528. Donald®, born 1 December, 1896, died 2 December, 1896. 529. Ronald®, born 1 December, 1896, died 2 December, 1896. 530. Edwin® Tripp. 97 531. Elsie9 Arline, bom 4 September, 1898. Mr. Bronson and family live at Kimberton Pa. (507) MaudS Tripp (of Isaac'?), married by Rev John LaBar 16 August, 1888, Fred L. Space, who was born in Kingston, Pa., 15 November, 1865. Their children are : 532. Clifford^ W., born at Forty Fort, Pa 2 September, 1889. ' 533. Helen^ Gertrude, born at Forty Fort, Pa., 26 October, 1892. 534. Mildred^ Tripp, born at Forty Fort Pa., 23 July, 1898. (508) Isaacs Nelson Tripp (of Isaac "7), married by Rev. A. C. Clark in Philadelphia, Pa., 27 June, 1889, Nettie V. Thomas, who was born in Shamokin, Pa., 6 December, 1866. Their children were : 535. Helen^ Margaret, born in Phoenix- ville. Pa., 12 May, 1890. 536. IsAAC^, born in Phoenixville, Pa., 7 September, 1892. 537. Annette® Karcher, born in Phoenix- ville, Pa., 10 September, 1897. 538. John® Thomas, born in Phoenixville 21 October, 1900, died 24 February, 1901. 98 (509) Edwin^ McNeil Tripp (of Isaac^), married by Rev. John LaBar 16 October 1895, Lucy Althea Wolfe, who was born at Pike's Creek, 11 De- cember, 1873. No children. (510) Katherine^ Jane Tripp (of Isaac''), married by Rev. H. S. Dunning at Forty Fort, Pa., 1 June, 1898, James Reid Thompson, who was born in Pittston, Pa., 27 October, 1868. Their children are : 539. Marjorie®, born in Pittston, Pa., 9 June, 1899. 540. Bertha®, born in West Pittston, Pa., 20 September, 1900. 541. Anna®, born in West Pittston, Pa., 3 September, 1901. Their residence is at 211 Luzerne Avenue, West Pittston, Pa. (511) Berth a8 May Tripp, married 29 October, 1902, Dr. D. G. Robinhold. They reside at Forty Fort, Pa. (468) Maria'' Tripp (of Isaac^) married William S. Shoemaker, son of Jacob I. Shoemaker, of Wyoming, Pa, He was born 19 February, 1820, died 17 July, 1884. Maria died 8 June, 1883. 99 Their children were : 542. Catherine^, born 1 August, 1843. 543. EmaretS M., born 18 September, 1845. 544. Williams H., born 25 September, 1847. 545. Martha^ W., born 4 July, 1850, died 12 January, 1890. 546. MaryS J., born 29 January, 1854. 547. Ira8 R., born 7 March, 1852. 548. Stella^, born 19 May, 1858, died 28 February, 1901. (469) HoLDEN? Tripp (of Isaac®), married 25 Sep- temper, 1848, Sallie Shoemaker Bardall, daughter of Jacob I. and Elizabeth (Wohlgemuth) Shoe- maker. She married (1) Thomas Bardall 16 January, 1845. He was born 11 July, 1818, and died 24 July, 1847. By this husband she had Sterhng Thomas Bardall, who was adopted by her second husband, Holden Tripp, and he took the name of Sterling B. Tripp. The record of births is as follows : 549. Sterling^ Bardall Tripp, born 7 Febru- ary, 1846, died 28 March, 1902. 550. OscarS H., born 6 April, 1850, died 21 September, 1851. 551. Marcia^ Althea, born 4 July, 1852, died 18 September, 1897. 552. William^ S., born 12 November, 1854, died 17 June, 1887. 553. Lizzie^ D., born 22 November, 1856. lOO 554. Charles^ C, born 18 February, 1859. 555. Ira^ Holden, born 22 January, 1862, died 17 March, 1888. (549) Sterling'' B. Tripp married Josephine Chase, of Factory ville, Pa., daughter of Henry Chase. He died by his own hand 28 March, 1902. No children. (551) Marcia^ a. Tripp (of Holden^), married 2 March, 1885, John W. Morgan. No children. (553) Lizzie^ D. Tripp (of Holden^) married Her- bert T. Gregory. They live in San Francisco, Cal. No children. (554) Charles^ C. Tripp (of Holden^) married 12 October, 1881, Carrie M. Brobst. She was born 24: June, 1863. Their children were : 556. Gertrude® M., born 26 December, 1882. 557. Holden® I., born 17 February, 1885. 558. Blanch® E., born 20 April, 1888. (555) Ira8 Holden Tripp (of Holden'^) married Mary A. Wilson. lOI His widow and their daughter 559. SalHe H. Tripp, aged 15 years, live in Scrautou, Pa. (470) Catherine^ Tripp ( of Isaac^), married Daniel Silkman, of Providence, Pa. He was born 8 July, 1820, died 30 August, 1897. She was born 15 November, 1827, died 4 December, 1892. Their children were : 560. Frances^ Adelaide, born 18 Septem- ber, 1846. 561. Walters C., born 1848, died 1861. 562. Helens M., born 11 September, 1854. 563. Harriet^ Grace, born 18 August, 1860. 564. Blanch^ C, born 22 January, 1868. Frances^ A. Silkman married Byron M. Win- ton 22 October, 1868, and had children as follows : Daniel®, born 11 July, 1869, died 9 July, 1875. Frances® A., born 27 July, 1875, who married Arthur C. Twitchell, 5 April, 1899. Helen®, born 27 December, 1882. Helens M. Silkman married Edward L. Ful- ler, and has one child. Mortimer® B., born 11 August, 1877. Blanches C. Silkman married John P. Ryon, and has one child. John® Lesley, born 4 August, 1894. Harriet G. Silkman married Chas. Mercer. I02 (200) Martha® Tripp (of Isaac^), married Elisha Miller. We have some knowledge of the ances- try of this relative. His grandfather, Alexander Miller, came from Ireland when eleven years of age, but was raised as a Yankee in Windham County, Conn. He became a Presbyterian clergyman, and later a Congregationahst. He was an eminent scholar and dignified preacher. EUsha's father was also named Alexander, a man of more than ordinary talents, with refined manners and a good education. He was of the Universalist faith. His home was in the town of Voluntown, Windham County, Conn. He married Mercy Hall, who was raised in the same neighborhood. She was a Baptist in religious behef , and a member of a church some miles dis- tant in Rhode Island. When Elisha was about four years of age his father removed to Plainfield, Conn., in the same county. He had a family of six children, five boys and one girl. I have learned the names of only three of the children. John, the oldest of the family, became an eminent Baptist preacher, the pioneer minister in the northern part of Luzerne County, Pa., settHng in Abington in February, 1802, when the county was almost a wilderness. He preached till his death, which occurred 19 February, 1857. Another son was Anthony Miller, who settled in Michigan, near Lake Huron. Ehsha Miller was born 30 August, 1785, and died 2 August, 1842. He settled in Genessee County, N. Y., and was a substantial 103 farmer, residing near Byron Center, N. Y. He married Martha Tripp 3 December, 1809. She was born 6 September, 1781, and died 21 De- cember, 1855. Their children were : Wheaton'' Southworth, born 30 December, 1817, died 28 May, 1864. Hamilton^, born 3 January, 1813, died 16 December, 1885. Nancy'', born May, 1820, died 10 November, 1853. Wheaton'7 Southworth Miller (of Elisha and Martha® Tripp Miller), married 13 February, 1840, Emarett Southworth, who was born 3 October, 1820, and died 22 November, 1890. Their children were : 565. HoLDEN® T., born 1 February, 1841. 566. KachelS E , born 2 March, 1842, died 7 February, 1855. 567. Elisha^ H., born 3 January, 1844. 568. EdwinS S., born 27 January, 1846. 569. Frances^ T., born 16 October, 1847. 570. Marthas N., born 15 October, 1849. 571. Aretta^ L., born 3 January, 1852. 572. MaryS J., born 19 October, 1853. 573. Rachel^ E., born 21 May, 1858. 574. Andrew^ T., born 17 January, 1860. (102) Catherine® Tripp (of Isaac 5), married 28 De- cember, 1803, James Dean, of Abington, Pa. 104 He was born 7 May, 1780, and died 26 February, 1844. She died 25 April, 1861. Their children were : 575. Eliza^, born 10 July, 1805, died 20 February, 1877. 576. Ann '7 Maria, born 5 December, 1807, died 25 June, 1877. 577. IsAAC^, born 9 June, 1811, died 15 No- vember, 1902. 578. Nelson'7 N., born 11 July, 1814, died 1 June, 1879. 579. Laura'' W., born 25 September, 1817, died 10 April, 1848. 580. Amasa7, born 27 March, 1819, died 29 December, 1900. 581. Myron'', born 7 November, 1822, living in 1902. 589. Mary'7 a., born 6 November, 1824, liv- ing in 1902. Note.— A full record of the Dean family is printed as the first part of this book. A number of copies of part two, covering the Tripp family, are bound separately for the bene- fit of those who do not care to purchase the larger work. (S02) HoLDEN® Tripp (of Isaac^), married Martha Tuttle. He died 21 June, 1824, in his 38th year. His family was as follows : 583. Mariamne'7, who died 25 November, 1824, aged 1 year, 2 months, 3 days. 105 584. Lucilla'7, who married Charles Silk- man, one of the first lawyers that settled in the old town of Providence. They had no children. (303) Nancy® Tripp (Isaac^, Isaac^, Job^, Peleg2, Johni), was born at Providence, Pa., 21 Janu- ary, 1792 (one record says 1791). She married Isaac Vaughns of Providence, Pa., 15 February, ISIO. He was born 2 January, 1787, died 5 August, 1873. Nancy died 24 November, 1879. Their children were : 585. Ann'' Eliza, born 2 September, 1811, died 12 October, 1842. 586. William? T., born 5 October, 1813, died 4 September, 1897. 587. Truman "7, born 5 April, 1816, died 31 May, 1850. 588. Richard'7, born 2 March, 1818, died 7 April, 1893. 1 Note.— Isaac Vaughn belonged to one of the earliest fam- ilies in Lackawanna Valley. Three brothers came from Con- necticut—John, Edward and Richard. Richard settled near Wyalusing, Edward at or near Philadelphia, and John in Blakely, then Luzerne county, Pa. The family of John Vaughn, who located in Blakely in 1797, comprised the following, within the knowledge of Isaac Dean, and this list may not be complete, and the order of age is not known: Henry, Stephen, Moses, Isaac, John Jr., Ann. who married Rev. Samuel Griffin, son of James Griffin, of Providence, Pa., Eunice, who was married to Adam Stearns, of Providence, by Elder John Miller 24 January, 1813. io6 589. Caroline^ T., born 31 January, 1820, died 31 July, 1846. 590. MoRRis'7, born 11 January, 1822, died 14 March, 1823. 591. Ann7 Y., born 29 December, 1826. 592. Stephen "7 B., born 26 August, 1828, died 11 February, 1896. 593. Warren'^ D., born 24 March, 1832, died 18 May, 1880. (585) Ann'' Eliza Vaughn, married Norval D. Green 18 September, 1828. He was born 1 September, 1808, and died 17 January, 1901. Their children were : 594. Ellen^, born 23 February, 1831, died 2 June, 1846. 595. Caroline^, born 15 April, 1833, died 12 February, 1851. 596. Emily^, born 4 April, 1835, died 20 Aug- ust, 1884. 597. HenryS, born 3 July, 1837, died 16 De- cember, 1864. 598. Louise^, born 27 September, 1839, died 29 June, 1884. 599. Ann^ Eliza, born 12 December, 1841, died 20 May, 1884. N. D. Green married (2) Charlotte Felts, daughter of Albert and Mind well (Schultz) Felts, and had : Douglas Norval, born 8 October, 1 844, who married Emma Christie Posten ; Albert, born 8 January, 1847, died 31 January, 1847 ; 107 Alma Charlotte, born 17 October, 1853, died 19 January, 1860. Note. -Emily married Lewis B. Warner, Henry married Sarah Knapp, Louise married Clarence Van Buskirk, of Scranton, Pa, The Green line is as follows : Johm, Benjamins, Henrys, Benjamin*, Benjamin 5, Henry 6, Norvali Douglas. (586) William'7 T. Vaughn married Sarah Mahon. Their children were : 600. MaryS a., born 8 December, 1839. 601. Johns e., born 2 September, 1841. 603. Harriet^ E,, born 8 May, 1843. 603. Edwards a., born 28 June, 1846. (587) Truman '7 Vaughn married 25 November, 1840, Emeline Griffin, daughter of Stephen Griffin, of Providence. (588) Richard'7 Vaughn married Jerusha Travis, of Providence, daughter of Levi Travis. She was born 19 April, 1822, Hving December, 1902. Their children were : 604. Marthas A., born 14 March, 1844, mar- ried 14 February, 1871, WiUiam B. Smith. Lives at Port Chester, N. Y. No children. 605. Helens F., born 4 September, 1845, io8 married 25 December, 1879, Nathan M. Parker. Their children were : 606. Edith® V., born 17 July, 1881, married 10 April, 1901, Seaman Mott Mead. 607. Howard® Preston, born 4 June, 1884. 60S. William® Richard, born 24 May, 1887, died 30 June, 1893. 609. Nancy^ Jane, born 12 August, 1849, married 18 November, 1891, Henry Lyon Ray- mond. Reside at Port Chester, N. Y. No children. 610. Romaine« Henry, born 14 June, 1851, died 13 July, 1886; married (1) Emma Lines, married (2) Emma Thompson. 611. William^ Richard, born 19 June, 1853, married 11 July, 1881, Carrie Grecean. No children. 612. George^ Augustus, born 15 April, 1857, married 20 August, 1886, Grace A. Sours. Their children were : 613. Katherine® E., born 31 January, 1888. 614. George® A. Jr., born 1896. 615. Franks p.^ born 29 March, 1859, died 19 February, 1888. 616. JoHN^ Howard, born 15 September, 1861. 617. Leonora^ T., born 2 May, 1865. (589) Caroline^ T. Vaughn married 13 December, 1838, Voltaire Searle, son of Miner Searle, and great grandson of Constant Searle, who was killed in 109 the Wyoming massacre 3 July, 1778. Miner Searle was a brother of WilHam Searle, who married Mary Heermans, sister of Henry Heer- mans, of Providence, Philip Heermans, of Hyde Park and John Heermans, of Galatin, Tenn. Voltaire Searle had three children by this wife, one of whom grew to manhood, 618. DuaneS Searle, an architect and engi- neer residing in Jersey City, N. J. Mr. Searle married (2) Amanda Carey, and has two children by this wife, George Searle, of New York, and Joseph Miner Searle, of Pittsburg, Pa. I ro Henry^ Dow Tripp. (6) The family of Tripps in Luzerne and Lacka- wanna counties have lost all trace of this relative and his descendants, if any there were. He probably left the valley prior to 1800. For some reason he had made himself obnoxious to the Connecticut Company, which controlled the set- tlement at Wyoming. In the possession of the Wyoming Historical and Geological Society at Wilkes-Barre is a manuscript copy of some of the minutes and proceedings of the Connecticut Sus- quehanna Company. On page 24 of this copy appears this resolution: "That Dow Tripp be excluded from the number of said forty, and any right in the Township." The Recorder's office at Wilkes-Barre contams the record of a deed dated 6 September, 1794, from Isaac D. Tripp, of New York City, to Henry D Tripp, of the same place, and recites the pay- ment of 250 pounds by ''my father, Henry Dow Tripp " This would indicate that father and son were then residents of New York City. The land conveyed was lot 15 at Providence. Ill NOTE I. On page 10 we have noticed the fact that a Sam- uel Tripp, son of Isaac, of Exeter, lived in Rhode Island, who may have been a brother of Isaac^, of Providence, Pa. This Samuel Tripp married Catherine Jenckes, daughter of Benjamin Jenckes. Their children were : Sarah, born at Tiverton, R. I., 8 August, 1760. Abigail, born at Warwick, R. I., 10 July, 1762. ^ Ruth, born at Warwick, R. I., 16 April, 1764. Martha, born at E. Greenwich, 21 March 1766, died 1 April, 1766. Benjamin Jenckes, born at E. Greenwich, 19 June, 1768, died 27 February, 1769. Catherine, born at E. Greeawich, 25 August 1772. ^ ' Catherine Jenckes was born 6 September. 1741, and died 30 July, 1793. Samuel Tripp, her hus- band, died 10 June, 1798. The prevalence of similar names in the two families adds strength to the o inion that Samuel and Isaac^ were brothers. I surmise that Ruth, daughter of Samuel, was named for her Aunt Ruth, who married Jonathan Slocum ; Martha, daughter of Samuel, named for her aunt Martha,' wife of Isaac^; Catherine (the writer's grand- mother), daughter of Isaac^, named for her aunt Catherine, wife of Samuel. This conjecture may be false, but it seems quite plausable. I 12 NOTE 2. It may interest some readers to know that the writer has seen one of the long lost " Westmore- land Records," and has been permitted to copy the inventory of the estate of Isaac* Tripp, which is found on page 84 of said Record. The record is as follows : At a Court of Probate, holden within and for the District of Westmoreland, April 8, 1782, present Nathan Denison, Esq., Judge, was ex- hibited the inventory of the estate of Isaac Tripp, Esq., which was ordered to be recorded, and is as follows, viz : An inventory of Isaac Tripp, Esq., estate, ap- prised by us, the subscribers, Westmoreland, March 23, 1782. £ s d 957 Acres of land lying in the District of Providence, at 20 shillings per acre...- - - ^^^ ' ' 1209i Continental Dollars 60 1 Note against Noah Adams for £9 L. M, payable Dec. 1, 1778 -- 1 16 1 Note against Wm. Gallup for 15 Spanish milled dollars, payable Aug. 1773, with interest on the Note 5 13 8 1 Note of hand on Jonathan Hascall, payable ye 22 Aug., '73, for £10 4.0 on interest 113 £. s. d. 1 Note on Sam'l Millard for £14 12, payable July, 1778 4 ig 1 Note on Asaph Whittlesey for 23^ bushels of rie 3 g g 2 Ox chains at ___ __ 15 1049 13 4 Apprised by us. William Williams, ] Apprised Jno. Jenkins, Jr., ] under oath. 114 INDEX Index of Tripps B Gener- ation Abiel 2 Ann 3 Ann J. 9 Arthur E. 9 Arthur W. 10 Alva 10 Arthur 10 Alnion 9 Alizean 8 Adaline 8 Avery N. 9 Adaline 9 Arthur J. 10 Abby J. 9 Alem 10 Anna M. 11 Aniasa 6 Albert 7 Anna M. 10 Alexander 9 Angenette 9 -■- Ad die 9 Annie L. 10 Amasa 8 Angeline 8 Addie 9 Arthur 9 Avonia E. 9 Adelia 8 Adelia 10 Annette K. 9 Abigail Child of John Peleg Isaac Benj. Wm. J. Lora Lora Geo. W Job Job Jos. O. Jos. O. Geo. Dan ford Chas. Alem Isaac Wm. Henry A. Holden S. M. O. T. H. H. Henry Henry Henry Joel Giles Samuel B. Harry Isaac N. Samuel Page 1 2 16 18-19 19 21 21 27 33 33-34 33 33 35 36 37-38 38 43-60 45 48 50 52 53 56 62 62-66 64 64 71-72 79-82 80 98 112 Benjamin Benjamin Berton J. Beryl E. Bertelle Bertha A. Byron L. Burritt W. Benjamin Benjamin Benjamin Benjamin S. Bertha May Blanch E. Benjamin J. Gener- ation 7 8 10 10 10 10 8 9 8 7 8 8 8 9 Caroline L. Charlotte H. Carrie M. Chas. H. Clark L. Charles Catherine Catherine Clara M. Gary A. Clara E. Chas. E. Clifford L. Gary A. Jr. Chandler Child of Elizabeth Sarah Wm. J. Arthur E. Arthur E. William Horace Giles Samuel B. Isaac Samuel Benjamin Isaac Chas. C. Samuel Pag« 15 16-18 19 19 19 39 70-74 71 79 86-87 81 S. 88 95-99 101 112 9 8 9 8 9 9 6 7 10 9 9 9 10 10 7 Isaac James Henry C. Job Sands N. Dan ford Isaac William Henry A. J. R. J. R. L. H. Wm. O. C. A. Amasa 16 26-27 27 33-34 34-35 36-37 43-104 45 48 53-57 53-58 54-55 56 57 61-66 116 Index of Tripps Oanar- G#D61 ation 1 Child •{ Pait« atioD I Child of PkF Caroline 7 Amasa 61-67 Ernest S. 9 J. M. J. mz 20 Chandler 8 Henry 62-65 Earl 10 Lora 21 Caroline 8 Henry 62-65 Ernest 10 Lora 21 Cora 9 William 64 Erma 10 Geo. A. 22 Charl«s 9 Chandler 65 Electa M. 8 James 26-27 Chandler 8 Holden 66 Eugene 9 Geo. W. 27 Cyrus L. 9 Lora S. 70 Elizabeth A. 9 Jos. O. 33-34.3fi Clara E. 9 Lnra S. 70-71 Esther F. 10 Avery N. 33 Clara B. 10 Cyrus 70 Elizabeth 8 Tliomas 36 Cyrus 0. 10 Cyrus 70 Emma E. 9 Danford 36 Chester K. 10 H. T. 73 Ella 9 Danford 37 Carrie 9 Stephen 80 - - Edith 10 Chas. 37 Clark B. 9 Geo. B. 84 Edwin 10 Chas. . 37 Caroline 7 Isaac 86 Elizabeth 6 Isaac 43-44 Catherine 8 Benj. S. 88 Elizabeth 8 Wm. H. A . 46-50 Chas. R. 8 Benj. S. 88 Ezra 9 David S. 49 Catherine 7 Isaac 87-103 Effie 9 J. R. 53 Charles H. 8 Holden 101 Ethel A. 10 Wm. 0. 56 Catherine Samuel 112 Eliza 10 Wm. O. 56 D Elmer 10 H. H. 57 Deville G. 10 Wm. J. 19 Elsie G. 10 C. A. 57 Donald 10 Geo, A. 22 Elizabeth 7 Amasa 61-67 David 7 John 24-30 Emma 9 Amasa 62-63 Daniel Danford C. 10 8 Avery N. Thos. 34 34-36 Ella Emma 9 9 Amasa Daniel 62-63 63 David 0. 10 Chas. 37-38 El wood 9 Wm. 64 David S. 8 Wm. H. A . 46-49 Elenora I. 9 Giles 71 David A. 9 Wm. H. 47 Esther L. 9 Isaac 72-73 Daniel 8 Henry Cyrus Wm. H. ^ 1 62 Ethel M. 10 H. T. 73 Donald 10 70 Emma C. 8 Samuel B. 79-81 Don 9 75 Elliott S. 9 Stephen 80 Diana 7 Isaac 86 Emma 9 Benjamin 81 Elsie 9 Benjamin 81 E Edward F. 9 Wm. H. H . 89 Elizabeth 2 John 1 Emma 8 Isaac 94-97 Elizabeth 6 Job 14 Edwin McN. 8 Isaac 95-99 Eleanor 8 Sarah 16-20 F Eva A. 9 Wm. 17-18 Ellen M. 9 Benj. 18 Fannie E. 10 Henry 19 Ella A. 9 J. M. 20-21 Frances J. 9 J. M. 20 Index of Tripps 117 G«n«r- atioo Child of Page Qener- ation Child of Pago Forest 10 Lora 21 Harry G. 9 Henry C. 27 Flora 9 Henry C. 27 Harry 10 Avery N. 33 Frank 10 Joseph 35 Harry 10 Joseph 35 Frances J. 10 Wm. 39 Harriet E. 9 Danford 36 Flora J. 9 Holden 50 Harry 11 Alem 38 Frederick 9 O. T. 54 Harold O. 11 William 38 Fred 9 Amasa 62-63 Harry M. 10 William 39 Fanny B. 7 Stephen 69-84 Holden 6 Isaac 43-105 Flora 8 Isaac 94-97 Holden 8 Wm. H. A . 46-49 Henry A. 9 Wm. H. 47-48 G Henry 9 Holden 49 Hiram 9 Holden 50 Geo. A. 9 J. M. 20-22 Harvey 9 Jesse J. 50 Geo. W. 8 James 26 Homer H. 9 S. M. 52 Geo. E. 10 Avery N. 33 Harriet E. 9 S. M. 52-87 Geo. 9 Sands N. 34-35 Harvey H. 9 J. R. 53-57 Gladys G. 10 Avery N. 34 Homer H. 9 S. M. 56 Geo. R. 10 Geo. 35 Hazel 10 M. A. 58 Geo. W. 9 Wm. 47 Henry 7 Amasa 61 Georgie B. 10 Henry A. 48 Holden 7 Amasa 61-66 George 9 Chandler 65 Horace 7 Amasa 61-66 Giles S. 8 Horace 70-71 Henry 8 Henry 64 Gladys 10 H. T. 73 Horace 8 Holden 66 Grace A. 9 Byron 74 Horace 7 Stephen 69 Geo. B. 8 Wm. H. 83-84 Harriet 7 Stephen 69-76 Geo. Wm. 9 Geo. B. 84 Hannah 7 Stephen 69-77 Geo. B. 8 Benj. S. 87-88 Helen 8 Horace 70 Geo. B. 9 Wm. H.H. 89 Hattie N. 9 Giles 71-72 Geo. B. Jr. 10 Geo. B, 89 Herman T. 9 Isaac 72-73 Gertrude 8 Ira 91-92 Helen S. 9 Isaac 73 Gertrude 9 Chas. C. 101 Helen L. 10 Spencer 75 Harry E. 9 Stephen 80 H Harley P. 9 Stephen 80 Henry Dow 5 Isaac 8-10 Horace L. 9 Stephen 80 Harriet I. 9 William 17 Horace L. 9 Stephen 81 Henry 9 Benjamin L 18-19 Hattie H. 8 Wm. H. 83-84 Helen 10 Geo. A. 22 Holden 7 Isaac 87-100 Harriet 8 James 25-26 Howard 9 Wm. H. H. 89 Henry C. 8 James 26-27 Helen M. 9 Isaac N. 98 Hattie E. 9 Charles 34-35 Holden I. 9 Chas. C. 101 118 Index of Tripps Q«ner- atiot 1 Child of Page Isabel 2 John 1 Isaac 4 Job 3-4-6-7-8-9 Isaac 5 Isaac 5-8-10-42 Isaac 6 Isaac 13-14-43-86 Isaac 8 Sarah 15-16 Ira W. 9 James M. 28 Ira 7 William 32-39 Ira 0. 11 Alem 38 Isaac 7 William 45 IdaF. 9 S. M. 52 Isaac 7 Amasa 61-66 Iva 9 Henry 64 Isaac 8 Holden 66 Isaac 8 Horace 70-72 Inez 10 Spencer 75 Ira 7 Isaac 86-89 Isaac 7 Isaac 86-93 Isaac C. 8 Ira 91 Isaac Eugene 8 Isaac 94 Isaac Nelson 8 Isaac 95-98 Isaac 9 Isaac N. 98 Ira Holden 8 Holden 101 Isaac 4 Job 112 Isaac D. 6 Henry Dow 111 John J 1 1-3 John 2 John 1 James 7 John 24-25 John D. 8 James 25 James M. 8 James 26-28 Job 7 William 32 Joseph 0. 8 Job 32-33 Joseph 2 John 1 James 2 John 1 John 3 Pel eg 2 Job 3 Peleg 2-3 Job 5 Isaac 10-li M3-2,S John Job John James M. Judson John B. Janette E. Joseph Josephine Josephine M. Joseph Jessie L. Jacob Jesse J. John R. Joseph W. Jesse J. Josie F. Joseph E. John Joseph Q, J. Boyd Joseph John Joseph O. John O. Jerusha Joel Jerusha John Joel R. Jr. Jennie Julia A. Jennie John Thomas Keari^s C. Kalherine Katherine J, Gener ation 6 Child of Page Job 12-14-22- 23-24 7 Isaac 15 8 Sarah 15-17 8 Sarah 16-20 9 Isaac 16 9 William 17 9 J. M. 20-21 9 Sands N. 34-35 10 Clark L. 35 10 George 35 10 Charles 37 11 Alem 38 7 William 45 8 Wm. H. A. 47 8 Wm. H. A. 47-52 8 Wm. H. A. 47-54 9 Wm. H. 47 10 Henry A. 48 10 Henry A. 48 9 David S. 49 9 S. M. 52 9 J. R. 53-58 9 O. T. 53 9 O. T. 58 9 L. H. 54-55 10 C, A. 57 7 Amasa 61 8 Henry 62-64 8 Henry 62-65 9 William 64 9 Joel 64 9 Chandler 65 8 Holden 66 8 Benj. S. 88 9 Isaac N. 98 K 10 Cyrus 70 9 Leander 91 8 Isaac 95-99 Index of Tripps 119 L Gener- ation Child of Page Gener- ation Child of Page Mehitable Mary 3 6 Peleg Job 2 14-22 Lydia 6 Job 13-22 Milo 8 Sarah 15 Lydia 8 Sarah 16 Mary Ann 9 William 17 Lora E. 9 J. M. 20-21 M.J. 9 Benjamin 19 Lovina 9 Henry C. 27 Matie 10 M.J. 19 Lydia 7 William 32 Mera 10 Geo. A. 22 Leon C. 10 Avery N. 33 Melancy 25 Lydia 9 Danford 37 Martha 8 James 25-26 Lewis T. 9 Dan ford 37 Minnie A. 9 Henry C. 27 Lucy 9 Danford 37 Mary T. 9 Danford 36 Lossie 10 Charles 37 Martha 9 Danford 37 Lulu A. 11 William 38 Myrtie 10 Charles 37 Lydia V. 11 David 38 Mary 6 Isaac 43-44 Lovina 7 William 45 Martha 6 Isaac 43-103 Lovina 8 Wm. H. A, . 46 Mary A. 8 Wm. H. A L. 47-51 Leonidas 8 Wm. H. A, , 47-54 Margaret E. 9 Wm. H. 47 Louisa 8 Wm. H. A, , 47-55 Mary F. 10 Henry A, 48 Lovina 9 Holden 50 Mary A. 9 Jesse J. 50 Leonidas 9 Holden 50 Morton A. 9 J. R. 53-58 Laura 9 Jesse J. 50 Myrtle 9_ 0. T. 53 Lelia 9 O. T. 54 Mary 0. 10 C. A. 57. Louisa V. 9 L. H. 54 Martha 7 Stephen 69 Laura E. 10 Wm. A. 55 Mary A. 9 Isaac 73 Luella E. 10 H. H. 56 Metta B. 9 Stephen 80 Laura B. 10 H. H. 57 Minnie B. 9 Geo. B. 84 Leonard 10 H. H. 57 Martha 7 Isaac 86 Lydia 8 Henry 62-65 Mahala 7 Isaac 86-92 Loren 9 Henry 64 Maria 7 Isaac 86-99 Lydia May 9 Geo. B. 84 Mary J. 8 Benj. S. 88 Lora S. 8 Horace 70 Mary A. 8 Isaac 94-95 Lora A. 10 Cyrus 70 Margaret E. 8 Isaac 94-96 Leander 8 Ira 91 Maud 8 Isaac 94-98 Lizzie D. 8 Holden 1 LOO-101 Marcia A. 8 Holden 100-101 Lucilla 7 Holden 105 Mariamne 7 Holden 105 M Martha Samuel 112 Mary 2 John 1 Mina M. 9 N J. M. 20-21 Martha 2 John 1 Nancy 8 James 25-26 Mary 3 Peleg 2 Nellie B. 10 Clark L. 35 120 Index of Tripps uener- ation Ckild of Paffe 6«n«r- ation Child of Page Nancy 6 Isaac 43-106 Rebecca 8 Wm. H. . A. 47-51 Nancy 9 Wm. H. 47 Rebecca 9 David S. 49 Nancy 9 David S. 49 Rachel 9 Jesse J. 50 Nancy 9 Holden 49 Roscoe C. 9 S. M. 52 Nellie M. 10 Wm. O. 56 Rachel 7 Amasa 61-67 Nehemiah W. 7 Stephen 6983 Ruth 9 Stephen 80 Nancy E. 8 Horace 70-75 Ruth E. 9 Stephen 81 O Rozene E, 10 W^alter S, 91 Ruth Samuel 112 Olive M. 10 Avery N. 33 Oliver T. 8 Wm. H. A. 47-53 S Ona Olive Omer B. Orville W. Oscar H. 9 J. R. 9 0. T. 10 J. B. 10 Harley 8 Holden 53 53 58 80 100 Sarah Susanna Stephen Samuel Sarah 3 6 5 6 Peleg Isaac Isaac Job 2 5 10 10 13-14 P Susan 7 Isaac 15 Peleg 3 John 1 Sarah 7 Isaac 15 Peleg Priscilla 3 Peleg 3 Peleg 10 Lora 2 o Sarah E. Sarah 9 9 Isaac William 16-18 17 Percy 21 Sarah 7 John 24-28 Polly Pamelia Paul Perry 7 John 7 John 10 Avery N. 9 David S. ^z 1 24-28 24-30 33 49 Sarah A. Sands N. Sands C. Stephen T. 8 8 10 10 James Job Clark L. William 26 32-34 35 39 Presley 9 Holden 49 Susanna 6 Isaac 43-58 Polly Phoebe 7 Stephen 7 Isaac 69-82 8fi Stephen Stephen M. 6 8 Isaac Wm. H. A. 43-68 , 47-51 Penelope Phoebe M. 8 Isaac 8 Isaac 94-95 94 Sarah Sarah E. 9 10 Wm. H. Heni-y A. 47 48 ^^ ^k^jmrV«HV^^ Susan 9 Holden 49 R Sanford 9 Jesse J. 50 Sanford B. 9 S. M. 52 Richard 3 Peleg 2 Stella 9 J. R. 53-58 Ruth 6 Isaac 10 Sarah E. 9 L. H. 54-55 Ralph 9 James M. 28 Stanley M. 10 Wm. 0. 56 Rebecca 10 Charles 37 Stephen E. 10 H. H. 56 Roy D 11 Alem 88 Samuel B, 7 Stephen 69-79 Raymond 11 William 38 Sibyl S. 8 Horace 70-73 Ruth 5 Isaac 40 Sheridan 9 Isaac 72 Index of Tripps 121 ®ener ation Child of Page Gener- ation Child of Page Spencer L. 9 Wm. H. 75 Wm. Jessup 9 Benjamin 18-19 Stephen 8 Samuel B. 79 William 7 John 24-25 Sadie 9 Stephen 80 William W. 9 James M. 28 Samuel Isaac 111 Winne 10 Joseph 35 Sarah Samuel 112 William 10 Joseph 35 Sadie M. 9 Stephen 81 William 9 Danford 36-38 Sarah M. 9 Benjamin 81 William 10 Charles 37-38 Samuel 9 Benjamin 81 Walter F. 10 William 39 Sarah E. 8 Benjamin 1 3. 87 William 6 Isaac 43-45 Sterling B. 8 Holden 100-101 Wm. H. A. 7 William 45-46 Sallie H. 9 IraH. 102 Wm. H. 8 Wm.H.A . 46-47 William L. 10 Henry A. 48 T William 9 Jesse J. 50 Theodore P. 9 J. M. 20-21 William 0. 9 Stephen M. 52-56 Theodore F. 8 James 26 W. Arthur 9 J. R. 53 Thomas 7 William 32-36 William A. 9 L. H. 54-55 Townsel 10 Avery N. 33 William 8 Henry 62-64 Tulie E. 9 Danford 37 Wilber 9 Amaaa 62-63 Thomas M. 10 Henry A. 48-49 Willard J. 9 Joel 64 Thomas F. 9 S. M. 52 Wm. H. 7 Stephen 69 Theodore 8 Wm. H. 83 Wm. H. 8 Horace 70-74 V H. H. Wm. H. B Wm. H. 9 Giles 71 Vera L. Virginia 10 9 57 :. 89 Wm. Henry Wm. H. H. Wm. R. 7 8 8 Stephen Benj. S. Ira 82 87-88 91 W Walter S. 9 Leander 91 William 5 Isaac 10 Wm. S. 8 Holden 100 William 6 Job. 14-32 Z William 8 Sarah 16-17 Zacheus J. 9 J. M. 20 William J. 9 William 17 Zacheus 7 John 24-30 INDEX OF OTHER SURNAMES A Page Arnold, Stephen ._ 5 Arnold, Benjamin 5 Adams, Daniel 8 Andrews, Grace 21 Adams. Anna 39 Allen, Fred. 81 Allen, Clinton 31 Allen, Matilda 64 Adams, Lloyd 67 Alvord, Helen B 75 Abbott, A. B... 77 Armstrong, Lewis 84 Armstrong. Stephen 84 Armstrong, Josie 84 Adams, Noah 113 B Bell, Catherine A 27 Belknap, James 26 Belknap, John. 26 Belknap, George 26 Buck, William 6 Baldwin, Gideon 8 Bowen, R. W 18 Bowen, John W 18 Bowen, Uattie E.. 18 Bowen, Florence 18 Bowen, Ellie 18 Billerbeck, F. E 21 Billerbeck, Elsie 21 Billerbeck, Ruah 21 Billerbeck, Janette 21 Brown, Oscar 27 Brown, Mildred M 27 Page Browai, Arthur H 27 Batten liouse, Jane 31 Battenliouse, Kate.. 31 Battenhouse, Martin.. 31 Blain, Clarissa 35 Boling, Martha J 48 Bailey, Arniinta 49 Bolas, Stella... 55 Bean, Lottie.. 58 Brown, Abram 58 Butterworth 66 Brown, Chad wick 67 Benedict, Nancy.. 68 Bartlett, S. H 75 Bartlett, Elmer H 76 Bartlett, Carlton... .,. 76 Brown, Sarah M. 79 Brown, Mary J. 87 Brown, Aaron 87 Broadbent, John F 92 Bronson, Simeon F. 97 Bronson, Frederick H. 97 Bronson. Edwin 97 Bardall, Thomas 100 Brobst, Carrie M 101 C Carpenter, Wilbore 5 Clark, Silas 28 Clark, William 28 Clark, Aurora 28 Clark, Nancy 28 Cleveland, Isaac 31 Clark, Thurza 32 Coon, Pheasnet 33 Index of Other Surnames 123 Pag« Dean, Isaac 10^ Dean, Nelson N 105 Dean, Amasa ^^^ Dean, Myron 10^ Page Carr, Benjamin 33 Case, William 44 Case, Hiram - ^4 Collins, Daniel -- 63 Came, Shelly "^6 Church, Samuel "76 Church, James - "^^ Church, Joseph 76-77 Church, Stephen 76 Church. Charles P 77 Church, G. W --- 77 Church, C.J - 77 Clark, Ida 84 Chase, Josephine. 101 Carey, Amanda ..- HO Elderkin, Vine.-- "^ Eckelberry, Catherine 49 Edwards, Charles H 54 Eardley , Sarah L 75 Emerson, Sarah 79 Ellison, Joseph 81 Ellison, Lyle M. 81 Estabrook , Isaac S - 95 Estabrook, Elmer T 95 Estabrook, Robert C. - 96 Dean, Ezra 6 Dean, Jonathan - 7 Dean, Isaac- H Dow, Sarah 10 Durkee, Edith 31 Durkee, Anna W '^-^ Donaldson, William- 23 Drake, Isaac E ^6 Detrick, Myrtle S. . - 38 Drake, Narcissa A. - 38 Dolph, Jerusha 60 Dersham, Henry 64 Dersham, Carrie --- 64 Dahash, Margaret 65 Dibble, Mary J 71 Dailey, H.B 77 Dailey, Stephen, 77 Dailey, Henry M - 78 Dailey, Horace T 78 Dailey. Maurice E 78 Denison, Nathan -- H^ Depuy, Samuel 87 Depuy, Isaac -- --- 87 Dean, James 104 Follett, Benjamin 6 Fell, Jesse -- 8 Frear, Eleanor 15 Felton, Hubert 35 Felton, Henry W. . - 35 Fish, Martha - 36 Freeman, Perilla 39 Ford, Nora-- 63 Ferrin, Kimble 67 Fuller, Edward L 103 Fuller, Mortimer B 103 Felts, Charlotte 107 G Griffin, Oscar 37 Gorton, Sarah P - - - 19 Gifford, John - 44 Guthrie, Lydia 61 Gibbs, Nicholas 66 Green, William S 73 Gar ringer, Rachel 81 Guniaer, Alfred 83 Gumaer, Minnie 83 Gregory, Herbert T 101 124 Index of Other Surnames Page Green, Nerval D 107 Green, D. N jqT Grifl3n, Emeline ' 108 Griffin, Stephen ]08 Grecean, Carrie. 109 Gallup, William ns H Howard. John 9 Harding, Micajah 12 Hocksey j^ Hodgson, Eliza Ann ]6 Hand, John J7 Hand, Selina I 17 Hatch. Arthur. 2I Hatch, Burdell 2I Harding. _ 22 Harding, Grace 32 Hull, Samuel 3g Hull, Amasa C qq Hendersliot, George 37 Holbert, Catherine 45 Hart, Nathan M 43 Hanning, Eliza.... 53 Harper, C. G 65 Harper, Claire C 65 Hollister, D. W 72 Holland. Minnie 76 Hobbs, Polly 79 Hartley, James. §2 Hibbard, Katherine 89 Heermans, Aretus 92 Heermans, Henry 92 Hall, Mercy jqs Heermans, Mary uq Heermans, Henry no Heermans, Philip hq Heermans, John ijq Haecall, Jonathan ns I T ^ , ^*^« Jones, Robert 59 Jenkins, John 6-7 Jennings, Sheriff 7 Jenkins, Lydia A 17 Johnson, Franklin 27 Jolinson, Emily 27 Jay, Stephen 27 Jenckes, Benjamin m Jenkins, John 113 K Kenyon, Nathaniel 5 Keys, Timothy g Keys 14 Kelly, Hattie 19 Knapp, William 44 Kinne, John L Kempton, Caroline Kearns, Sarah I Kay, Eva A 65 69 70 73 Lee, Emma A iq Lee, Bertha A jg Livingston, Alexander 50 Lohr, Noah 5] Livingston, Eli 5^ Loving, George W. 55 Li vingood, Lizzie F 56 Livingood, Laura. 56 Le Van, Roy La Bar, M. T La France, Catherine .. Lawrence, Benjamin G. Lattin, Ida May Lines, Emma 63 81 86 95 96 109 M Inman, Margaret. 82 Mulenix, Jesse Mulenix, Byron Mulenix, Lydia Jane 31 30 30 Index of Other Surnames Page Mulenix, Sophia 31 Mulenix, Martha P - ol McDowell, Cora F 33 McKinness, Elizabeth 54 Mellons, Charles 63 Mellons, Mary 63 Mellons, Fred 64 Morgan, John W 101 Mercer, Charles - 102 Miller, Elisha 103 Miller, Anthony 103 Miller, John 103 Malbone, Godfrey - 4 Malbone, John 5 Miller, John 15 Mulenix, Lydia J 20 Miller, Stephen 25 Moore, Eben 26 Mott, John - 26 Millard, Solomon 28 Millard, Amos 29 Millard, Triphosa 29 Millard, Jane 29 Millard, Fidelie 29 Millard, S. Zelotes 29 Millard, Zacheus 29 Millard, Renealear - 29 Millard, E. Z 29 Millard, Pardon S 29 Marsh, Asa 29 Muzzy, Enos B - '''3 McCuUoch , Frances T 76 Miller, Wheaton S 104 Miller, Hamilton - - - 104 Miller, Holden 104 Miller, Elisha -- 104 Miller, Edwin S 104 Miller, Francis T --- 104 Miller, Andrew T 104 Mead, Seaman M.. 109 Mead,HowardP 109 125 Pago Mead, William Richard 109 Millard, Samuel 113 N Nerber, Daniel - 62 Newman, William 72 Noonan, Minnie 95 O Ogden, Amos 7 Olds, Charlotte 68 Oeborn, Eliza 83 Oram, Jeanette, L. . . - 88 P Paine, Mary. _ 1 Paine, Anthony.- 1 Porter, William E 19 Porter, Jessie B 19 Porter, Anna A - -- 19 Porter, Leon H 19 Porter, Emily J 19 Pillsbury, Frank S 20 Pillsbury , Lora E 20 Pilisbury, John 21 Patergon, Mary. 52 Patton, Eber 58 Pierce, Jennie 91 Posten, Emma C --- 107 Phillips, Clarissa - 70 Phillio, Winslow H 71 Park, Irene A 72 Pay son, William H 73 Pollard, Charles.- .--- 77 Palmer, Edwin N ..- 77 Preston, Fanny 78 Pangburn, Jessie 80 Price,Sallie 81 Porter, J. B 84 Porter, Joseph K. 84 Porter, Rockwood - - 84 Porter, Wallace 84 126 Index of Other Surnames Page Porter, Lyell 84 Phillips, John.. 23 Phillips, Hosea 13 Phillips, Martlia 23 Peet, Velma S 38 Potter, Elisha 44 Quick, Moses 14 Robbins, Polly Tripp 10-12 Rice, Hannah 12 Rice, William 12 Robinson, Merl 16 Ressigue, Nelson 34 Race, Lester 36 Rice, Roswell 44 Roby, Nancy A, 46 Rines, Sarah 47 Reed, David L, 48 Redfern, Jane 49 Rathburn, Alonzo 55 Richards, Delight... 62 Richards, Alice E 64 Richards, James 65 Redfield, William 65 Ruland, Abel 82 Robbins 82 Rogers, Hannah 93 Robinhold, D, G. 99 Ry on, John P... 102 Ryon, John Lesley.. 102 Raymond, Henry Lyon 109 S Sisson, Anna _ 2 Sisson, Ricliard 2 Slocum, Jonathan 5-9-40 Shoemaker. Benjamin 6 Staples, Joii n 9.24 Slocum, Frances 9 Page Sweet, Sarah ..10-12 Spencer 10-12 Siioesmith, Selina 17 Spencer, Emily.. ig Spencer, Anna 19 Stone , Pardon 20-28 Stone, Lydia Ann 20 Slocum, Ebenezer 23 Stone, Mary Besecker.. 25 Scutt, Giles. 27 Stanton, Levi .. _ 31 Stanton, Leonard 31 Stanton, Giles _. 31 Stanton, Frederic 31 Stuart, Alzada 34 Sherwood, Elizabeth 34 Search, Ida 35 Slocum, Giles 41 Slocum, Judith 41 Slocum, William 41 Slocum, Ebenezer 41 Slocum, Mary _ 41 Slocum, Benjamin 41 Slocum, Frances 41 Slocum, Isaac _. 41 Slocum, Joseph 41 Southworth, Wheaton 44 Swepston, Anna 55 Schinsler, EHzabeth 57 Sands, C. E 58 Steed, Minnie 53 Stone, Elmira. ... 69 Stiles. Andrew A 72 Sheakley, A. H 74 Sanders, H. R gl Spencer, Sarah 87 Spencer, Ed ward 87 Shoemaker, Rozanna 90 Shoemaker, Jacob I 90 Shoemaker, Mar>;aret 93 Sherwood, William 1 96 Index of Other Surnames 127 Page Stout, Anson C 96 Stout, Fred L. 98 Space, Clifford W 98 Shoemaker, W. S 99 Shoemaker, William H 100 Shoemaker, Ira R 100 Silkman, Daniel - - 102 South worth. Emarette 104 Silkman, Charles 106 Smith, William B.- 108 Sours, Grace A 109 Searle, Voltaire 109 Searle, Miner 109 Searle, Constant 109 Searle, William 110 Searle, Duane 110 Searle, George 110 Searle, Joseph Miner 110 Slocuni, Jonathan 113 Taylor, Matthew 9 Taylor, Frank M. . . - - 20 Taylor, Benira 20 Tiffany, Ettie E 35 Thompson, George N 37 Tucker, Eliza J - 51 Thomas, Delilah... 83 Thomas, John 83 Thomas, Nettie V. 98 Thompson , James Reid 99 Twitchell, Arthur C 102 Tuttle, Martha... 105 Travis, Jerusha - 108 Travis, Levi 108 Thompson, Emma 109 U Utley, Jared R.. 16 Utley, Charles A 16 Updike, William 37 Page Vaughn, Nancy Tripp. 13 Van Horn, George 34 Vangasheck, Emma. 38 Vaughn, Moses 44 Van Slyke, Maud E 65 Vaughn, Isaac 106 Vaughn, William T 106 Vaughn, Truman... 106 Vaughn, Richard 106 Vaughn, Stephen.. 107 Vaughn, Warren 107 Vaughn, Ann Eliza 107 Vaughn, William T 108 Vaughn, John E 108 Vaughn, Edward A 108 Vaughn, Truman 108 Vaughn, Richard 108 Vaughn, Martha A 108 Vaughn, Helen F 108 Vaughn, William Richard... 109 Vaughn, Nancy Jane 109 Vaughn, Romaine H 109 Vaughn, George Augustus .. 109 Vaughn, Frank P 109 Vaughn, John Howard 109 Vaughn, Leonora T. 109 W Wing, M. A - 19 Wetherby, Edmund 26 Wetherby , Cummings 26 Wetherby, Augusta 26 Wetherby, Oren 26 Wetherby, Agnes 26 Wetherby, Ernest 26 White, James 26 Wismer, Anna A 28 Wells, Artemas 31 Whitlock, Lucy A 36 Whitmore, Josiah H 36 128 Index of Other Surnames Page Whitmire, Susan 37 Wall, Martha 42 Walters, Mary 50 Wright, Joseph W. 45 Weaver, John E. 57 WatBon, Ona 57 Wendell, Hattie 64 Weston, J. B 74 Wilson, Mary A 101 Winton, Byron M 102 Worthington, Sarah A . 74 Page Wrigley, Abram 85 Williams, Margaret B 91 Williams, Stephen F 97 Williams, Stewart J 97 Wolfe, Lucy A 99 Whittlesey, Asaph. 113 Williams, William 113 Zeiger, Emma 80 ^ ,.%'-'/" .v,a, '\ '^' J" .■^% ■i '^^•.^^' .%: ^'i^ %,^V^' "^/-i^ -^^ > CO -f r \0O - -4 -7*. - ^^o^ ^b ^r^^^.^.y ^^ ^^^.^^•o'^ %/ %o<- %.c^' : \c^^ -% '^ aV tf> \^' '/* \ V :- n . ^z-:. 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