Glass ii_ ; Book ,V 3 WHITESBORO'S GOLDEN AGE. 4^ BY D. E. WAGER, [The following series of papers were prepared for, and most of them read before the Oneida Historical Society in 1881 and 1882. The first paper was read December 7, 1S81.] In 1705 the colonial authorities of Xew York, with the approval of the sovereign of Great Britain, granted to five persons some 30,000 acres of land, now known as the " Oriskany patent." The boundaries of that patent commence at the junction of Oriskany creek with Mohawk river, (where the present village of Oriskany is), and extend up the creek four miles, for a distance of two miles on each side of that stream; also, for a distance of two miles on each side of Mohawk river and up that stream far enough to include the present city of Koine. That was the first patent granted of lands in what is now Oneida county. The second grant of lands in this county, by the same authorities, was made in 1734, and known as " Cosby's manor," The Village of Whitesborough was incorporated under that name by an Act of the Legislature passed March :?t;, 1813. The official name of its Post Office is still Whitestown. Whitesboro has long been the popular name of both. By an Act of the Legislature passed June 14, iSSi, the corporate name of the village was changed to Whitesboro. For the above engraving of its seal (representing the wrestling match between the pioneer settler and an Oneida chief,) we ai-e indebted to the courtesy of Mrs. B. W. Wliitcher, the authoress of "A Few Stray Leaves in the History of Whitesboro," published May 31, 1884. 66 WHITESBORO'S GOLDEN AGE. the western boundary of which was at the point where Sauquoit creek empties into the Mohawk river, at or near what is now the village of Whitesboro. A glance at the map of Oneida county will show, that between the above two tracts of land, is a strip about two miles wide and six miles in length, and on both sides of Sauquoit creek and Mohawk river. There are about 6,000 acres of land in that strip of territory, and in 1736, the above authorities granted that parcel to Frederick Morris and twelve others, under the name of the " Sadachqueda patent ; " it has been sometimes called and known as the " Morris tract." At the breaking out of the Revolutionary war, Hugh Wallace was the owner of that patent. He had been from 1769 .to 1775 a member of the New York Legislative Council, and by reason of his adherence to the crown, the New York Legislature in October, 1779, passed an act confiscating his property, forfeiting it to the State, and ordering the Sadequada patent to be sold. In January, 1784, that tract was so sold, and John Taylor, Zephaniah Piatt, Hugh White and others became the purchasers. By an arrangement between the owners, they were to meet on the patent in the summer of 1784, survey it out, make a partition and divide the lands among themselves. In pursuance of this plan, and for the further purpose of becom- ing a permanent settler in the then remote wilderness, Hugh White, in May, 1784, left his old home in Middletown, Connecticut, accompanied by three sons, a daughter and a daughter-in-law, and proceeded by water to Albany, where they were joined by another son who had gone overland with two yokes of oxen. From Albany the party went by land to Schenectady, and there a batteau was purchased, and while the family and their goods went up the Mohawk by boat, the oxen were driven along the road and Indian trail, and kept even pace by land. Not far from May 20th, 1784, the party reached a place on the south side of Mohawk river, a few miles east of what is now Utica, known as " Shoemaker's." The charred remains of burned build- ings and the desolated and deserted, but once cultivated fields, told a sad, but eloquent tale of the ravages which the war of the Revolution had made. With a commendable foresight the party stopped there long enough to plant one of the unoccupied fields, to corn. They then resumed their journey and reached their place of destination on Sauquoit creek, and at what is now the village of Whitesboro, on the 5th day of Juue, 1784. A temporary bark HUGH WHITE, THE PIONEER. 67 shanty was erected for that summer's use, and until .a more sub- stantial structure could be built. Soon after a log house was erected about quarter to half of a mile westerly of Sauquoit creek, on a rise of ground which formed the west bank of the valley of that stream, and about half a dozen rods southerly of what is now Main street in that village. It was at that house that Lafayette stopped and shared the hospitalities of Hugh White in the fall of that year, during his attendance at the treaty with the Indians held at Fort Stanwix. In the partition of that patent Mr. White acquired title to about 1,500 acres, and his possessions embraced the site of Whitesboro and extended southerly to the south bounds of the tract. During the season of 1784, Mr. White and his sons cleared off about four acres of land by chopping down the trees, but not by piling and burning them as now, but by rolling the logs off the embankment east of his house, and upon the low lands between it and Sauquoit creek. That clearing included the present " village green," the sites which were subsequently those of the court house and jail, and adjacent lands. In due tims the male members of that family hoed and harvested the field of corn, which they had planted at " Shoemaker's " the May before, and that crop did good service for the next winter's supply of food and fodder. In January, 1785, Hugh White returned to Connecticut for the rest of his family, and at once brought them to his new settlement on the banks of the Sauquoit. The family then consisted in all of fifteen persons, viz. : five sons, (two of them married,) three daughters, two daughters-in-law, and three grand children. Those were the pioneer settlers subsequent to the revolution, and then the only white settlement in the State west of what is now the village of Herkimer, formerly " Fort Dayton." Old Montgomery County. At that period of time, that settlement was in Montgomery county, which county then included all of the State west of the county of Albany. That county was divided into " districts," not into towns as now. The "German Flatts district" then included part of what is now Herkimer county, and thence to the northern, southern, and western boundaries of the State. On the 7th of March, 1788, Montgomery county was organized into towns, and all that part of the State west of a north and south line drawn aci'oss the State, passing through Genesee street in Utica, was formed into the "Town of Whites Town." The territory 68 WHITESBOEO'S GOLDEN AGE. embraced *in this town included about half the State, with a population, perhaps, of less than 200. The first town meeting was held at the tavern of D. C. White, in Whitesboro, son of Hugh White, April 6, 1789. The first general election held in the town in 1791, commenced at Cayuga bridge, then adjourned to Manlius, thence to Fort Stanwix, and closed up at Whitesboro. Old Herkimer County. In February, 1791, Herkimer was carved out of Montgomery county, and extended west to Ontario county, which had been taken off in 1789. By this act of 1791 it was provided that the courts of common pleas and of general sessions for Herkimer county, "should be held at the church in the town of Herkimer." The church thus alluded to then occupied the present site of the Dutch Reformed church in that village, on the corner diagonally across the street from the present court house. But two terms in each year were provided for by said act, and those terms to commence on Tuesday and end the Saturday following. The judges and justices of these courts and the supervisors of the several towns in Herkimer county were authorized to select the site, and the latter to raise money to erect a court house and jail. The site selected is the present one in Herkimer village, and the jail was placed in the story under- neath the court house. Henry Staring, a plain Dutch farmer, but of much native ability and good strong sense, and who had rendered valuable service, and endured great suffering for his country, was appointed first judge. Jedediah Sanger, of New Hartford, Hugh White and Amos Wetmore, of Yfhitesboro, were made side judges. William Colbrath, of Fort Stanwix, was appointed sheriff, and Jonas Piatt, of Whitesboro, county clerk. Work was soon commenced on the court house and jail, and an act was passed in January, 1793, authorizing the supervisors to raise £1,000 to defray the expenses ' already incurred in the erection of those buildings; by the same act the courts above mentioned w r erc authorized to alternate " between the court house in the town of Herkimer, and such place in the town of Whites- town as said courts should order to be entered in their minutes ; " and the sheriff was ordered to remove all the Herkimer county prisoners to the jail in that county from Montgomery county, on or before March, 1793. In pursuance of above act the January term of the court was held in 1794 in an unfinished "meeting HERKIMER COUNTY COURTS. 69 house," iri what is now New Hartford, at which Judge Stalling presided. That was the first court of record held within the limits of Oneida county, and was the same court where Sheriff Colbrath passed up to the judge a jug of gin as the court was about to adjourn for the day, in consequence of the absence of fire and the intense cold in the building. As that story has been so often told and so many times published, it need not be repeated here. In March, 1 79r> 7 a law was passed authorizing the super- visors of Herkimer county to raise $720 to complete the court house and jail, and iri March, 1797, they were further empowered to raise all funds necessary for that purpose. While Jonas Piatt was county clerk of Herkimer county, he kept the county cleric's office at Whitesboro, but when Oneida county was taken off in 1798, the Herkimer county clerk's office was ordered to be located at Herkimer. In 1804, that clerk's office was destroyed by fire, and with it, about all of the valuable books, records and papers. Not long since I examined the clerk's office at Herkimer to gather material for this sketch; but that fire of 1804 had made sad havoc with the early records. In a dry goods box, promis- cuously stowed away, were "declarations," "Afan*," and other pleadings and legal proceedings, with the names of E. Clark, T. R. Gold, Jonas Piatt and J. Kirkland, early members of the bar in this locality when it was. part of Herkimer county, endorsed on such papers, but so bedimmed by time and damaged by fire as to make it extremely difficult to gather much information therefrom. I was able, however, to ascertain from scraps and fragments of scorched and half burned court calendars, minutes of the courts and other legal documents, that prior to 1794, the Herkimer courts were held in what is now the village of Herkimer ; and that from and after the January term of the Common Pleas in 1794 (which term was held at New Hartford) until Oneida county was taken off in 1798, the county courts of Herkimer alternated between Herkimer village and "the school house near Hugh White's in Whitestown." That school house stood on the north-easterly side of what is now Main street in Whitesboro, and was the site subsequently occupied by the Academy, and now by the residence of Hon. C. M. Dennison. In January, 1795, at a term of the Common Pl?as held at the court house in Herkimer, a vote was taken by the judges and justices present, as to the place in Whitestown the next June term should be held, and the votes, as entered on the minutes of the 70 court, stood eleven for " the school house near Hugh White's," and two votes for " the meeting house near Jedediah Sanger." Those two votes were James Dean and James Steele. I did not find any- other vote entered in detail upon the minutes, as to where the courts should be held. The June term of 1795, and the September and October terms of 1796 and 1797 and the January term of 1798 were held at said school house. The fact that the county clerk's office of Herkimer county, for the first seven years after that county was organized, was kept at Whitesboro, and was so kept for eighteen years alter Oneida county was formed, and that the county courts were held there half the time, had much to do in attracting thither, at that early period, leading lawyers and prominent citizens and in giving to that village a start and prominence in the early history of the county. Oneida County. In March, 1798, Oneida county was formed, and its boundaries then extended to the north and south bounds of the State, and as far west as Onondaga county. By that act courts were directed to be held "at the school house near Fort Stanwix," which school house then stood in the southeast corner of the west park in Rome. A court house when built, was ordered by said act organizing the county, to be located within one mile of the fort. Jedediah Sanger was appointed first judge, Hugh White and three others, side judges. William Colbrath, who had been the first sheriff of Herkimer county, was made the first sheriff of Oneida, and Jonas Piatt, who had been first county clerk of Herkimer county, was made the first county clerk of Oneida. Dominick Lynch, a large land-holder in Rome, donated to the county, May 21, 1800, for the purposes of court house and jail, the present site occupied by those edifices. In March, 1801, an act was passed providing for the keeping of Oneida county prisoners in the Herkimer county jail, but to be removed therefrom to Oneida county, as soon as the sheriff of the latter county should deem the jail directed to be built in Oneida county sufficiently finished for the safe keeping of prisoners. In April, 1801, Thomas Jenkins and H. L. Hosmer, of Hudson, and John Thompson, of Stillwater, and Derick Lane of Troy, were appointed commissioners to locate the court house and jail in Oneida County, and they selected the site which Mr. Lynch had deeded to the county. The Whitesboro people then made an effort to make that locality ;i half shire town of the county; for at that time Utica was quite an THE COUNTY BUILDINGS. 71 insignificant place and the leading men of the county were located at Whitesboro. In September, 1801, Hugh White deeded to the county over an acre of ground in Whitesboro to belong to the county, so long as it was used for purposes of court house and jail, but to revert to him or his heirs, when not so used. At a term of the Common Pleas held at the school house in Rome, in December, 1801, Sheriff Brodhead reported that the jail at Whitesboro was sufficiently completed for the safe-keeping of prisoners, and the court ordered the Oneida couuty prisoners in jail at Herkimer to be removed to the jail at Whitesboro in January, 1802. In February, 1802, the supervisors of Oneida County were authorized to raise the further sum of $539 to complete the jail (without mentioning which jail), and in February, 1803, they were further empowered to raise $500 to complete the jail at Whitesboro, and in April of the same year courts were authorized to be held alternately at Rome and Whitesboro, and the commissioners who had been authorized to erect the Rome jail were empowered by that act to go on and " cause the doors of the jail lately built at Rome to be made and completed." In April, 1806, the legislature authorized the supervisors of Oneida County to raise $4,000 to erect two court houses, the one near the jail at Rome and the other near the jail at Whitesboro, and those two court houses, both made of brick, were soon after built on the sites which had been donated to the county. The Rome court house was burned in 1847, but the Whitesboro building yet stands, probably the oldest one in the State yet standing, erected for a court house. In delving among the session laws of the last century, to find laws relative to the holding of courts, I found the following law, passed in February, 1788, the same session Whitestown was formed, which may be curious and of interest at the present day, as showing how carefully the bench was then guarded, right after the Revolution, lest some wealthy and influential outsider should sit thereon, and by his presence overawe judges and perhaps thwart or prevent justice. The act reads : " No person, little or great, shall sit upon the bench with the judges during their session, upon pain of fine and imprisonment; and said judges are charged that they do not suffer any person to sit with them on the bench in their session contrary to the intent of this act." This preliminary sketch relative to the patents, to the organiza- tion of counties and towns, to the designation of county seats, and the erection of court houses and jails, and the holding of courts, seemed to be necessary for a better understanding of 72 WHITESBORO'S GOLDEN AGE. some of the causes which gave to Whitesboro its start and importance in the early history of the county, and contributed to make it the abode of so many influential persons, so many learned and able lawyers, and so many prominent politicians and citizens. I have named the pioneer settler. He was a person of resolute will, great force of character, full of energy and enterprise, and with a clear and discerning mind. The fact that Hugh White, at the age of fifty-one years, with a large family, should break away from early associations and pleasant surroundings, and become a pioneer in such a remote wilderness as this part of the State then was, indicates pretty clearly the character of the man, and that he was a person of far-reaching sagacity to be able to discern what this section was destined to become. He at once set to work to improve and build up the neighborhood, to cause it to be the place for holding courts, and in various ways to make it attractive, so as to induce its settlement by the best class of citizens from his own State, as well as from other localities. The lawyers who early locateel in Whitesboro, were college bred and learned in the law, and the other citizens were generally persons of mark, and of more than ordinary prominence and ability. The ladies, too, who composed the families of those early settlers, were as a rule, educated and refined, and, of course, gave grace, culture and dignity to the circle in which they moved. In many respects the villages of Whitesboro and Canandaigua seem much alike. Both were small places. While Whitesboro had her Whites, Gold, Sill, Piatt, Storrs and Breese, Canandaigua had her Grangers, Wadsworth, Spencer, Porter, Sibley, Phelps and Gregg, men of distinction and large influence in the State. In March, 1790, Congress passed a law for taking a census of the inhabitants of the United States. Under that law the first enumeration of the people was made after the revolution, and from it, it appeared that there were in what is now Rome, in that year, some three or four families, and in what is now Utica, about fifteen families and one hundred persons. Whitesboro had twenty families and some one hundred and thirty inhabitants. Of this number sixty-one were males over sixteen years of age, twenty-five males under sixteen, and forty-four females. That census showed there were six hundred and eighty-nine families in the town of Whitestown and a total population of one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one. These papers are entitled " Whitesboro's Golden Age," and to show that Whitesboro had a golden age, and is justly entitled HUGH WHITE AND FAMILY. 73 to that name, and to all that may be said in praise of her prom- inent and worthy citizens, it will be essential to give a brief account of some of the persons who resided there, and who con- tributed to give it prominence and celebrity. Hugh White axd Family. i Hugh White and family occupy so large a place in the history of this State, that a full sketch of the various members would fill quite a volume. Even the merest outline will be quite too lengthy for a paper of this kind. Hugh White was one of the selectmen of Middletown from 1779 to 1783; he was commissary in the army during a portion of the Revolutionary war, and he was a man of means and of position, or he would not have been associated with such men as joined him in the purchase of Sadaqueda patent. At the time of his location in Whitesboro, this part of the State was a wilderness, the woods peopled with hostile Indians, the nearest white settlement twenty miles distant, and the nearest mill forty miles, (at Fort Plain). Mr. White, like Sir William Johnson and Rev. Samuel Kirkland and Judge James Dean, had the prudence and sagacity to conciliate and make friends with the Indians. The Oneidas adopted him into their tribe and he was a general favorite with all. He w T as one of the judges of the Herkimer Common Pleas when that county was organized in 1791, and held that office until Oneida county was formed seven years later, when he was appoiuted judge of that court for the latter county and held the office until 1804 — fourteen years judge. During his life he placed his sons in comfortable circumstances about him by giving each a farm, locating them in relation to his own residence according to the priority of their ages — the eldest being the nearest, the youngest the farthest removed. Judge White was the first settler after the Revolution, who dared to overleap the German settlements lower down on the Mohawk, and brave the dangers and the hardships of the western wilds. He lived to see the territory in which he settled, named after him as a town, and the vast wilderness, then in- habited only by savages, turned into cultivated fields and prosperous villages and become the abode of 300,000 persons, the forests and the red men replaced by seminaries of learning and temples of worship, the place where he settled and passed the remaining twenty-eight years of his life, become the leading village west of Albany, and the center of as refined and cultured a society, and 74 the home of as influential and intelligent a class of men as any in the state or nation. He died on the 17th of April, 1812, at the age of 79 years. His funeral was attended by his numerous descendants and connections, and by an unusual concourse of the most aged and respectable inhabitants of the county. The remains of this pioneer settler repose in a commanding position in the Whitesboro cemetery, and so long as history shall retain a memorial of the first settlement Of this country, the name of Hugh White will be remembered with veneration and respect. Mr. White had ten children, eight of whom grew to man or womanhood. Daniel C. White, the eldest of his sens, came (with his wife and a son then two years old) with his father in 1784 to settle on the Sadaqueda patent. He kept tavern directly across the road from his father's residence, on the brow of the hill, or rise of ground, east of and near the site now occupied by the residence of Mr. Babbitt, formerly of William Robbing. It was there his daughter, Esther White, was bom in 1785; the first white child born in the State after the Revolution, west of the German Flats. She became in 1810 the wife of Henry R. Storrs. It was at that tavern the first town meeting was held in town, in April, 1789. Daniel C, died in 1800, and his widow kept the tavern after his death. Fortune C. White was another child of Daniel C. White. He was born at Whitesboro three years after the removal of his father there, and graduated at Hamilton College, which conferred on him in 182G, the honorary degree of master of arts. He read law with his brother-in-law, Henry R. Storrs, and the two subsequently became partners. In 1828, Mr. White was member of assembly from this county, and again in 1837. From 1840 to 1845, he was first judge of the Oneida Common Pleas, and was brigadier general of the New York State Militia. Except a residence of a few years at Yonkers, he was a resident all of his life, of the place where he was born. He died at Whitesboro in 1866, at the same age his grandfather, Judge Hugh White, was at his death. Joseph White was another son of Judge Hugh White. He and his wife and his daughter Susan, then three months old, accom- panied the pioneer settler to Whitesboro, in May, 1784. He was a farmer and settled on the flats, between his father's residence and Sauquoit creek, and died in 1827 at the age of sixty-six years. The daughter Susan, above mentioned, was the one taken to the house of the Indian Han Yerry, at Oriskany, to be kept over night, as l'elated in Jones' Annals of Oneida County. Another HUGH WHITE AND FAMILY. 75 daughter of Joseph White was Abigail, the wife, but now the widow of Samuel Wilcox. She is yet living at Whitesboro, past ninety-two years of age, but with a good mind and memory for one of her years. She is the only one of those early born who has, up to this time, been a continuous resident of that village.* Henry White, a son of Joseph White, was born in Whitesboro, the same year Whitestown was organized; he was ambitious in his youth for the army or navy, and for the services he rendered his party in the political campaign of 1804, when he was but sixteen years old, in carrying political documents and dispatches, he was promised a cadetship ; but as that promise was not fulfilled, he became a farmer. When the Utica and Schenectady Packet Boat Company was organized in 1822, after the completion of the Erie canal, he was appointed superintendent, and held that position for sixteen years, exhibiting great executive ability. He died in Utica in 1 860, at the age of seventy-two. Joseph White had eleven children, five of them sons, and two of the latter died in infancy. Hugh White, Jr., was another son of Judge Hugh White. For three years Hugh, Jr., was in the Revolutionary army, and for a time on board a privateer during that war. He was twenty-one years old when he accompanied his father to Whitesboro in 1784. He was a farmer, and lived near his father's residence, and had seven children. One of his sons was Canvass White, who served in the war of 1812, was one of the early engineers on the Erie canal, and was sent to England by the canal authorities to procure mathematical instruments and to make observations relative to canals. To him has been generally ascribed the credit of being the first discoverer of water lime cement, until that claim was so ably combatted in a jDaper prepared and read before this society in November last year by Hon- Samuel Earl. He died in Florida in 1834. Hugh White, brother of Canvass White, graduated at Hamilton College in 1823, at the age of twenty-five, read law with his relatives, Storrs & White, and afterwards in New York city, but soon turned his attention to other pursuits. From 1825 to 1830, he was a resident of Chittenango, and after that removed to Waterford, Saratoga County, and in 1844 was elected to Congress from that county, and was subsequently twice re-elected, serving three terms in that body. Ansel White, was another son of Judge Hugh White. He accompanied the latter to Whitesboro in 1784. He was a farmer and had ten children. He died in that village in 1858, at the age * Since deceased. 76 WHITESBORo's GOLDEN AGE. of ninety-three, having been a resident of that locality seventy- four years. Philo White, another and the youngest son of Judge Hugh, was seventeen years old when he came with his father to Whites- boro. He was a farmer and also engaged more or less in merchandising; and he had nine children, four of them sons. One of the sons, (Hon. Philo White, LL. D.,) was born in Whitesboro, and acquired an academical education at the seminary. in that village. His early inclinations were for the press, and before of age, he contributed much to the columns of the Columbian Gazette, a paper started in Rome in 1*799, but removed to Utica in 1803. In 1820 he went to Washington, and while there and through the influence or acquaintance of his relative', Henry H. Storrs, then in Congress from this county, Mr. White went to North Carolina and became editor and proprietor of the Wester)! Carolinian, and so continued until 1830, when he was appointed United States navy agent for the Pacific station. In 1834 he established the North Carolina Standard at Raleigh, and was elected State printer and his paper became the State paper. From 1837 to 1844 he was paymaster and purser in the United States Navy. Subsequently he removed to Wisconsin, was editor of several newspapers there, and in 1847 was member of the Territorial Legislature, and subsequently of the State Senate. He held other positions of influence in that State. In 1849 he was appointed United States Consul at Hamburg. In 1853 he was appointed charge d' affaires to the Republic of Ecuador, and the next year was raised to the grade of minister resident in that country, and there remained until 1858. Many years ago he returned to the village where he was born, where he now resides at the age of eighty-two, with a vigorous mind, respected by his neighbors and a very large and extensive circle of acquaintance. (Died February 15, 18S3.) General George Doolittle. Within two years after Judge White left Middlet own in 1784,. there came from that same place to Whitesboro a young man, then less than twenty-six years old. Although a young man in years he had rendered good service to his country, for during the struggle which resulted in our independence, George Doolittle had served in the continental army. He was a shoemaker by trade, and carried his "kit of tools" with him while in the war, and with these he "cobbled" and mended the shoes of the soldiers, GENERAL GEORGE DOOLITTLE. 77 and the money thus earned was carefully saved.. With his little capital he commenced at Whitesboro the shoe-making- business, which expanded into that of a tanner and currier. He was highly prosperous in business, accumulated a handsome property, and was greatly respected. He was for nearly thirty years supervisor of Whitestown, and such was the confidence of the taxpayers and his fellow-citizens, in his ability and integrity, that there was little or no opposition, to his repeated re-elections. His residence at the time of his death was just east of Sauquoit creek, in the brick house yet standing there, a few rods southerly from Main street. He was the first brigadier general of militia com- missioned in the county, and a Roman who remembers General Doolittle sixty years ago, says lie was a large handsome man and occupied a high position in the community where he lived. He died quite suddenly in 1825 at the age of sixty-five years leaving ten children and twenty-eight grandchildren. Two of his sons, Jessie W. and Charles R., were prosperous merchants in Utica, the former as early as 1805. One of his daughters became the wife of Benjmin S. Walcott; another married Herbert B. Mann, a son of Newton Mann, then of Whitesboro, but who subsequently moved to Jefferson county, and after whom Mannsville was named; another was the wife of William K. Tibbitts; another married Joseph Foster, and the youngest one married Charles Hammond, who was prominently connected with various railroad enterprises in the west. His wife was the survivor of all General Doolittle's ten children, and a few years ago she arid her husband were resi- dents of Chicago. Amos Wetmoke. In 1780 Amos Wetmore, with a large family, came from Middle- town, Conn., and settled on lands adjoining Mr. White's, but east of Sauquoit creek. He was the owner of two hundred and fifty acres of land and was a prominent and enterprising citizen. In 1788, the first grist mill in the State west of the German Flats, was erected on his lands by John Beardsley, builder, at the joint expense of Mr. Wetmore, Hugh White and Mr. Beardsley — the latter being owner of half, and each of the others of one-quarter of the mill. The mill was but a short distance from Mr. Wet- more's residence, and a number of rods east of the Sauquoit. and the machinery of the mill was propelled by water taken in a canal from the creek. In the course of a few years the mill burned down, and Mr. Wetmore, in 1797, built anew one, he having in the <0 WHITESBORO S GOLDEN AGE. mean time become sole owner. There had been no actual purchase or deed of the water, or the right to use it, to Mr. Wet more, and soon after the new mill was rebuilt, Mr. White insisted that unless Mr. Wetmore would build a dam and turn half of the water on a meadow contiguous to Sauquoit creek (owned by Hugh White, Jr.,) and become a Presbyterian and join the congregation in Whit es- boro under the charge of Rev. Bethuel Dodd, he (the elder Hugh White) would cut the old dam and deprive Mr. Wetmore of the use of the water. Mr. Wetmore did not consent and the dam was cut accordingly, and Mr. Wetmore filed a bill in chancery against Hugh White, Sen. and Jr., claiming that a parol agreement or understanding between Wetmore and the elder White existed as to the w r ater. Jonas Piatt, a young man of less than thirty years of age, then located at Whitcsboro, was solicitor for Mr. Wetmore, assisted by Abraham Van Vechten of Albany, one of the best real estate lawyers in the State. Thomas R. Gold, assisted by John V. Henry of Albany, also a bright legal luminary, was counsel for Mr. White. At the hearing in chancery, before Chancellor Lan- sing, the latter decided in favor of Mr. White, but on appeal to the Court of Errors, the latter court unanimously reversed the chancellor's decision and gave to Mr. Wetmore the permanent use of a portion o'f the water. The case after being in the courts seven years was decided in ] 805, and the mill was for years known far and wide as " Wetmore's Mills." Mr. Wetmore w r as appointed one of the side judges of the Herkimer Common Pleas when that court was organized, and in 1798 when Oneida county was formed he was appointed one of the justices for the county. He died in 1808 at the age of sixty-seven years, leaving eight children and numerous descendants. Among his sons were Amos, Jehiel, Ezra, Asher and Parsons Wetmore; the latter married a daughter <>f Judge. Hugh White. Leavenworth, Wilcox, Pool, Barnard and Brain aim. Soon after Amos Wetmore's removal to the "Whitestown country," there came, (and prior to 1790), a number of other iami- lies from the New England States, who located at or near Whitesboro; but the order or the precise year of their coming can not now be ascertained. There were the families of Lemuel Leaven- worth, Reuben and Ozias Wilcox, Simeon Pool, Moses Barnard Jeptha Brainard; all of the foregoing appear on the United States census of the town of Whitestown, taken in 1790; all, except Mr. Pool, I believe, came from Connecticut ; Pool came from Massa- LEAVENWORTH, WILCOX AND OTHERS. 79 ehusetts. It would seem from recorded deeds in the county, that most, if not all of the above, located on farms outside of the village of Whitesboro, and hence, strictly speaking, out of the line of these sketches. A brief reference, however, to each will not be, perhaps, uninteresting. Mr. Leavenworth located cast of Sauquoit creek and at his death, in 1825, was the owner of quite a farm. He held •town offices, and was coroner of the county in 1798, 1799 and 1800; he left a number of children. Jeptha Brainard located west of the village, but after a few years he moved to Western in this county, and died in 1829, at the age of 83 years. He was the grandfather of the somewhat celebrated Dr. Daniel Brainard, of Rush Medical 'college. The Wilcox family became permanent residents of the town. Reuben was a soldier of the Revolution, and when he came to Whitesboro, bought a farm a mile west of the village, for which he gave two shillings per acre, and had to cut a road through the woods to get to it. He married a daughter of Joseph White, (and sister of Mrs. Abigail Wilcox,) and died in 1853 at the age of ninety years. He was father of Morris and Reuben Wilcox, whom present residents of Whitesboro will remember as being old residents of that place. Moses Barnard purchased considerable land in that locality and was one of the substantial citizens of the town; he died in 1811, at the age of sixty-one. Simeon Pool in 1793, owned some two hundred acres of land adjoining the Oriskany patent, west of Whitesboro. In that same year he had the contract for carrying the United States mails between Canajoharie and Whites- boro, which was evidence of the establishment of a post-office at the latter place, at least as early as that year. In the Western Oentinel of 1794, then published at Whitesboro, is an advertise- ment of a store at •" Pool's landing," (wherever that- may be) in that town. It further appears from recorded deeds, that Simeon Pool was a resident of Whitestown in January, 1795, but that iu December of the same year, he is described as being of German Flats. All that I. can learn further of him is from Jesse R. Pool, who was a resident of Whitestown since his birth in 1806, on the farm where he resided until his death in September last ; which farm was about a mile south of Oriskany. He informed me that his father (John H. Pool) was a cousin of Simeon ; that he remem- bered hearing his father read or tell of letters he had received from Simeon Pool, then at Washington, or further south ; giving an account of the arrest of Aaron Burr, in which arrest Simeon had a part, and of Burr's trial for treason in 1807. The Pools cordially disliked Burr, and hence those letters were full and interesting. 80 WHITESBORO'S GOLDEN AGE. The grandfather of Jesse R. Fool came to Whitestown with another sou between 1790 and 1800, and the two soon afterwards moved into what is now Jefferson county. Jesse R. stated they moved to Watertown. Hough's history of that county records the fact that Timothy Pool was one ol the assessors and one of the overseers of highways of the town of Champion, the first year that town was organized in 1800; but what relationship that Timothy was to Simeon Pool, I can not state. The John Pool who was republican United States senator from North Carolina from 1867 to 1873, and who made a sensation in political circles by coming out for General Hancock in the presidential campaign of 1880, is supposed to be a descendant of the Simecn Pool above mentioned. Dr. Elizur Moseley. As early as 1790, there was living in Whitesboro, one w T ho was the first physician, the first merchant, and the first postmaster of the place. How much sooner than 1790, Dr. Elizur Moseley came to that village I can not ascertain. The United States census of August of that year, shows he was there then. He came from Massachusetts, and his wife was a sister of Mrs. Captain Ebenezer Wright, who came to Wright's settlement in Rome, in 1789, father of the present E. W. Wright of that town. Dr. Moseley erected a dwelling on the corner of what is now Main and Clinton streets, in Whitesboro, and in due time erected a more substantial dwelling, quite a nice one for the times and place. He also erected a store near his dwelling, and later a tavern stand. My information is, that he had considerable of a ride as a physician when he first located in the place and the country w T as new and the population scattered, but years before 1820 he gave up about all of his practice, and up to about 1830 attended mainly to