A ) Pass F I ^ ^ \ CENTENNIAL HISTORY OF Somerset County, J. BY / ABRAHAM MESSLER, D. D. -;.iV/^/ SOMERVILLE, C. M. JAMESON, PUBLIRHEB. 1878. 'V' 6, si INTRODUCTION. The shores of New Jersey were first trod by the feet of civilized men in September, 1609. The visitors were fron» tlie shi}) of Hendiick Hudson, who on the Third day of that month had brouctober, 1614, the West India Company was formed, the country named New Netherland and a regular intercourse and trade commenced. As early as 1620 settlers had built houses and occupied lands on the shores of New Jersey, adjacent to New Amsterdam, for which titles were granted, and on which improvements were made. But on the 20tli of March, 1664, Charles II. King of England, granted to his brother James, Duke of Yoik, "all that tract of land adjacent to New England, bounded on the East by the main Sea and part of Hudson River, and hath upon the West, Delaware Bay or River, and extendeth Southward to the main Ocean as far as Cape May at the mouth cf the Delaware River," ignoring the discovei-j, occupancy and improvements made for the space of Forty Three years by the Hollanders, and resting title solely on the voyages of Cabot in 1497 — 8, along the coast of Labrador to the parallel of Gibralter and Verazzano in 1506. 4 INTRODUCTTON. I>, lull- till- l)iikeh:i'l iictdjilly taken posst'ssion of any part ..f this tiritiry, .ii the -23, 1 and 24th of June, 1664, he 'vxvuteil (Ifcds iif lease and ndease to Lord John Berk- K-y anil Sir (,jr.-.irj;t' (Jarteret for the whole of that portion of It itu-lmh'd w.thin tlu' hmndsoft'ie State of New Jersey," and called it Neo Caesaria, in ciMnplitn-^nt to Carteret, who had h.vti Governor > I'^urope, but came back again in 1692. and resumed his position, but was superseded by Jeremiah Basse, The Provinces were united in 1702 and placed under the Government of Queen Anne. Carteret's government of the Province of East Jersev was (; INTRODUCTION. not .'itli-'i- succi'ssful or happy. Aiulros, of Nh\v York, claimed suprcine antliority in New Jersey as a depond'-ncy »)f New York, dep)sed Carteret, look him prisoner and conveyed liim to New York an 1 tried him, but his proceed- iiitting to make him surrender his old patent, li>' now claims 20,000 by it, and so takes away upon Mill- SOMERSET COUNTY. 13 stone River from Mr. Hart, and on tlie Karilan, from Mr. Plumstead and Mr. Barker, considerable tracts ot land , so that he uses both patents— the old one if he can, and the new one if tUe old fail him ; it was a great oversioht. He is the verv leader of the troublesome sort ol the peo- ple and it is he tlmt infuses the motive in them ol hold- iu-'to their Indian titles." This is not favorable alto-eth- er" to Mr Rnyce. He, however, managed to maintain his position and influence, and was chosen the same year one ot the Representatives of iNew Jersey in the Colonial Legis- lature ; in his oiiic- as such, he questioned the authority ()f Gov Hamilton to call a Legislative Assembly— in- sistincr that it was not safe to act without the King s ap- proba'tion. It appears that he had been one of the council of Hamilton, appointed on his arrival and entrance^^upon office in 1692. His associates were Capt. Isaac iy"gs- land Cant. Andrew Browne, John Inians, David Mudie, James Uundas. Samuel Dennis, John Bishop and Lewis Morris. One of his descendants (it must have been) occu- pied the same position in Gov. Franklin's council when tiie Revolution commenced, and encouraged the capture and supersedure of the Governor when it became necessary to displace him. When the family sold their possesions and when they retired, is not known to the present writer. 1 he name is still met ^ith in New York city, and is also in existence in Northern New York and in Vermont. John Royce was a man of activity and energy in his day, and has left his trace upon our history in an unmistakable way. As one of the earlv pioneers, he is not to be forgotten, and ought not be suffered to pass without commanding his appropriate meed of honor. He was at all times a man of the people, and could be depended upon when resistance to authority was necessary to the defence of their rights. We esteem him as a true patriot. The Other names included among the signers ot the deed, with the exception of Gov. Carteret, do not occur again in any documents or history of whicli we have any knowledge^ They were citizens of New York, and, probai'ly, never had anv other connection with the affairs of our county, ex- cept that for a time thev had a title to a portion of land m 14 SOMERSET COUNTY. IwlnnT ^'^•^^••^cf-. Hisresulencewasat Elizabeth, and IS onlv association with us, is, in his bein^. a native of tie^JshuKlofJersov ; which being under the Government of Enghmd, brouoht him here as a phicp man 1 he second huid tith. in Somerset County i-s dated De- cember 12th 1681 in the same year in which the foitoTn^ a has Keneekome, Aw.ps, Xegacape and Pamascome. The u:^:^::'^^ ^"J^^^^^ Corm;lius Corsen and S^ib! • nVs ;• ^^^^'J^^^''^'/';^'-'^f^» ^« £120 ; and the bound- a cs ue from Raweighweros, (Middlebrouk), on both K e.s ot the Rar.tan to a place called Fackahackawac (.ipl)arently according to an ancient map ) the lin,^ h..' tween Caleb Miller and the late John M, 'Mann a run-" ■nngon this hue nortl- until it reaches the nuunttn andah.ng the mountain until it reaches Middleb ook. a.^ ou„,saKl brook to the place of beginning. It included hrce plots based on the river, and a? leas? five o Tof them along the mountain. iv^^uoiin or Tlit' first of these west of Middlebrook were assio-ned to John Palmer and contained 877 acres. The second be onoed to John White, contained also 877 ac es The' thud ren^amed unappropriated ; and on the north R ^the E'otH?"'"M''r^^^^^'' '^^^-^ Hoop^f an^l tne iKus of Hooper," had large possessions. The e^act amount included in this purchase is not stated bu it con tamed many broad acres, and would now be a p .Sv" inheritance Somerville stands on it ; and besides hh more than thirty farms, whose fertilitv is unsu p sed liv None of the original purchasers of this plot seem to SOMERSET COUNTY. 15 he assumed the government of East Jersey in 168G. Thomas Codrington, of whom we have heretofore spoken was another one of the members of the same council ; the others were Grawen l^awrio, and Major John Berry, of Bergen and Isaac Kingshmd of New Barbadoes, and Capt. Andrew Hamilton, of Amboy, Kichard Townley, of Elizabetlitown, and David Mudie and John Johnstone also of Amboy. On this plot of land the earliest permanent settlements along this part of the Raritan, were formed. According to the declaration of John Worth of Elizabcthtown, Cod- rington, Royce, White, Peter Van Nest, Jerome Van Nest, the Tunison's and Graham came and located here sixty years previous to 1741, or in 1681, the very year this land was bought. The residences of Royce and Cod- rington we have already designated. The Van Nest house was, it is said, on the very spot now occupied by U. Frelinghuysen's residence, and the Tunison's located where John C, Garretson now resides. But the residence of Gra- ham we have not ascertained. He was a prominent man in the Province — more than once of the executive council, and he resided in the county somewhere on the river. He was a man of influence in those days, and yet he may not have remained any length of time on the Raritan, At all events, his name does not occur again in any histo- rical documents with which we have formed acquaint- ance, referring to the progress of events in the county, Jerome VanNest and Peter settled permanently on the Rari- tan, and their descendants are yet among our most re- spectable citizens. But the original farm on which they first located has now for many years been in other posses- sor's hands. The i Tunisons, Cor neliu s^ and John^ came here from Fort 0ra\ig?7TJ0w Albany, and were originally from the vicinity of Htnxdi, in Holland. The name is found early in coUonial annals, and was prominent in more than one way ; and it has become widely extended in our State, They were respectable from the beginning. When the First Church of Raritan was organized on the ninth day of March, 1699, John Tunison was elected the first Elder, and Peter Van Nest the first Deacon. On the 16 SOMERSET COUNTV, Saturday previous Jerome Van Nest had a daughter t.amed Judith, l.apt.ml, and Peter Van Xest also a dauxhter Jaqu.-ni.na The place where these services were held nu.st hHvehet nut the house ..f either Tunison or Van ISest pnd.ahly the latter; and if so it would determine that the organization of the First Church was where D irelinghuysen now resides. Froiu all the circumstances, ^ye think tins IS alninst certain. If w- should attempt to realize the state of thino-s ex- isting at that time, it might not vary much from th^ hdlow.ng imaginary p,icti.re Foursmall dwellings, com- posed of logs standing not tar from the smooth Howin- river m contracted sj,aces of cleared land, with a dens? forest all around them-unhroken and almost impenetrable are the only human habitations in all the wide space now so th.c cly inhabited. Along the river side, in the low- lands, there were some open spaces on which Indians had practiced their rude efforts to raise a little corn and a few beans and pumpkins. Her. h^y could be mowed, or the nn ! ^- J ''71' n"'l ^'r*"'"'' ^^"''' ^'«« Pi^'"tv of game an hsh, but al of what we now regard as the necessaries life, besides these, were hard to be obtained. Amboy 0^ hlizabethtown, or perha]>s Jnnian's Ferrv, now New mn tV ""^^1 'VJ'^y '^^""'^ ^^' th^»^' but\.ertainlv not mai.N. 1 he roads hml been cut out of the dense forest; and were dimcult of passage with any wheel carriages, piivid- ing they had such things, which is not ver)^ probable ! Phey may have been lonely sometimes, but they had the hey had no bad neighbors to annoy them. But thev WnU.r''' ''"''' ^'^' '^^''"- firmly* the foundations of agiculture, commerce, religion and education for future generations. 1 hey must have been earnest men, full of self ' sinrr//' T r^^r^ticipating much of what has «.nce been realized. The Van Kestes' came here fron. Long Jslan.l and had been in l he country from an earlv lt\iuf ^f.^'*'" ^"'» ^est came to New Amsterdam as earfv as 104/. hl,^ was the comm.)n ancestor of all those wno at p.esen hear the name. The family had some promi- nence in Holland ,n the time of Wiliam the Silent- SOMERSET COUNTY. 17 Ouo Vau JS^est was employed by him in Spain to ^'ive liiin notice, of Philp's plans and purposes ; and what is more wonderful, he copied eveiy night whai ever Philip had written during- the day, relating to the affairs in Holland, and sent it to William He continued to do this for sev- eral years and yet escaped from Spain with his head on his shoulders ! Those who know how suspicious the Tyrant of Spain was, will never think it any less than a mira- cle, or at least a special influence of a watchful Provi- dence, tLat protected him. So much depended on William being able to circumvent Philip, that the Almighty it would seem allowed him to fall into the snare laid for him. and all his secrets to be betrayed to his enemy. It must have demanded no small amount of circumspection to circumvent such a suspicious master of craft, and to deceive him for so long a time ; the success shows how much was ventured in those evil days from the purest patriotism. H" any clue to his practices had been obtained, the most cruel and painful death would have been his im- mediate punishment. Tt may even have had something to do with the emigration of the first Van Neste to New Neth- erlands, for such a man was never safe while Philip lived; he came to America the same year in which Frederick Hen- ry Stadtholder and Prince of Orange died, and when the troubles at home were by no means settled. But whether the imigrant was in anyway connected with the agent of William of Orange, we cannot determine. Perhaps he was only a farmer, and sought our shores with a view of better- ing his worldly estate. The first imigrant settled on Long Island 34 years before Peter Van Nest came to Raritan, and bore the same name, A part of the original farm was sold subsequently to the church, and on it Rev. John Frelinghuy- sen built his house, when he returned from Holland and suc- ceeded his father in the Church of Raritan. It remained in possession of the church until after the resignation of the Rev. John Duryea, when it was sold to pay the debt which was owing him by the disaffected in the church. • Another Van Nest, was Vice Admiral under De- Ruyter, in 1666, and fought the British under the Earl of 'Albemarle off the JNorth Foreland ; in which engagement 18 SOMERSET COUNTY. the most astonishing endurance was manifested anr] he sups o Van Nest and Van Trcnp were fnti -elv d - abl-dand hadto be abandoned, but neither of tben thou-ht of giving up the fight. The next year he blocked the monniof the Thames, whi'e De Ruyt.-.- was th eaten- iQg the Bntis.x coast. 'uccien The third purchase of bind in Somerset County is da- ted Nov. 19, G81, and extended from the west Hn; of the former plot, that ,s from the east side- of the land former! v mvned by John M. Mann, to the foot of the moun in at Pluckamin ; and on the Raritan, the west line wa the west point of the Island in front of R. H. Veght '^pn) erty the point of the mountain wheie the east line terminated It embraced all the land between Caleb Miller'fZ^rtv on the east, and the old Patterson farm on the J^t^ ami extended north, nearly up to the village of Pluckam'in"a broa, .an'J valuable tract, including son^e of the mot b au^ tfnl farms in our vicinity, and on it, on Peter's Brool- stood the old Van Neste mansion in which •'Piince Geoi^e" live^" '--^- -"'I Hdvise, / "!'V;''i'''''''' were erected, we are not T h ■ , . , f '.'-^'^f ^1« >'";^^<-^^^^'> that it vvas either wbere jMhnM. Mann lived, or where the residence of Rev F F Cornell is at present located. The large plot of low hind «outh of these ,,oint8 was a favorite ?orn ground of thO SOMEKSET COUNTY. J 9 Indians and had no forest on it. and was called by tlicni Eacka-wacka-hack. At a very early pt^riod the Coejeman pro])erty was j)ur- ehased and the lVIedday;h house afterwards J. M. Mann's is mentioned by John Lawrence, as bein*;- on the line be- tween East anil West Jersey, which he ran in 1711), and the laro-e wdiite oak tree sliill standing on th(? easl; side < f the house Was lUMrked by him as being in that line. An- otiier mark of the sam^ line is still visible in a stone plant- ed on the south bank of the river by the I'oadside. nearly in front of the house which John V. Veghte erected for his own residence, previ(jus to removing to his father's. This line is called the "Qaintipartate line," and extended from Little E^^^ harbor to a point on the Delaware in 41 de- grees latitude. It was made for the purpose of dividing the clai.us of Sir George Carteret and the assigns (.)f Lord Berkley and separated the Province of New Jersey into F]as t and West Jersey ; a division continuing as long as the Proprietary Goveinment lasted. The Coejenian family came here as early as 1736. Thev were Hollanders, but came to the Raritan fiom Coejeman's on the Hudson river, and built the ancient brick house still standing in Raritan vibage. It was a very large and ex- pensive mansion tor that day. When they moved into 'it. it is said, they brought a "wheelbarrow^load of silver plate." Staats Coejeman^ an officer in the navy, some 40 years since^ we believe, to have been the last male descendant. Andrew Coejeman of Raritan, was the son of Barent Pi- eterse Coejeman's, who with his mother and three brothers, David, Jacob and Arent imigrated from Holland, to Ren- sellaer's Wyck 1636. They came originally Irom Utrech. Barent worked in the Patroons Grist Mill until 1645, then superintended his Saw Mill, then rented a farm and final- ly in 1683, with the consent of the Commissioners at Alba- ny, purchased from the Kaafs Kill Indians a large tract of land some twelve or fifteen|, miles south of the city, on the west side of the river. The^inducement was the favorable situation of the land for the erection and running of Saw Mills. The purchase began at a point on!the shore called Sieskasin opposite the middle of Jan Ryerson's Island 20 SOMERSET COUNTY, and ran smith to the mouth of Peter Bronck's Kill, as Coxsakie Creek was then called, following up the creek to its scource, the line then ran west until it struck the head waters falling into the Hudson River. The land on the waters flowing west into the Schoharie Creek belonged to the Mohawks. Ffom this point the line went north until it reached the lands of the Patr(Xin, and thence along the south side of his patent to the Hudson River A patent was obtained for this land, some eight miles in length west, and nearly ten along the river side from Gov. Lovelace. April 9, 1693. A slight dispute arose with the Patroon about his jurisdiction, but in August 6, 1714, Queen Anne confirmed the whole to him and h's heirs forever. Barent Pieterse Coejeraans had five children, Andreas, Samuel and Peter, — sons, — and Aryan tye and Jannetye, daughters. The eldest of these sons, Andreas or Andrew came to Raritan and built as above. It was a large brick house four rooms and a hall, one and one-half stories. The family were buried near it but the grave stones are lost. Andrew Coejemans, of Raritan, married a daughter of Dr. Samuel Staats, of Albany, and had four daughters and a son, Samuel Staats Coejeman. The daughters married as follows : Catherine, an Irish gentleman named Neilson, by whom she bad three children, John, James and Gertrude, and resided in New Brunswick. Gertrude married Abraham Lett, and had four children, Catharine, Cornelia, Gertrude and Abraham. Johanna married Col. White, and had three children, Gen. Anthony Walton White, who resided on th,^ Raritan below New Brunswick, and Mrs. Governor Patersou and Mrs. Bayard. Moyaca was a crip})le and never married. She died at the house of Col, John Neilson, where she had been re- siding with her brother's children of whom Col. Neilson and Gov. Paterson had been appointed executors and Guardians. Andrew Coejeman, son of S. Staats Coejeman, married SOMERSET COUNTY. 21 Ani'ttje Schuyler, and had two children, (irertrude and Andrew. Andrew married ■Juno Vandoren, and liad three sons, Samuel Staats, John Neilson and Abraham Vandoren, all died and with them the name became extinct on the Rari- tan. Gertrude married George Farmer, and Ir-id one son and four daughters, Andrew Coejeman also purchased of John Roycc 400 acres on south side of Raritan — to be called Roycefield. Many yeais since, the writer of these notes spent a night in the old Cojeman mansion on the Hudson, and saw the full length portrait of the Lady Cnejemau wjiich is pi(^- served tiiere. In a littlj Dutch bed in a large room in the seccnd story of the old stone hu'use, we dreamed of the olden times, and had many visions of stately dames in rufts and high heels and stays passing before oui' mind. It was quite a romance in our young life, and the memory of it has never been defaced. It brought the past near- er than we had ever realized it before. Robert Van Quillen, the purchaser of tliis thinl tract on the Raritan, figures quite largely in our eariy history. His character, however, is somewhat dubious. He may be called a Frenchified Dutchman, or, perhaps more properly a Dutchified Frenchman. He is represented as being a native of Caen, in France, and called De La Prie, and again La Prie. He was Surveyor General of the Province of East New Jersey for some time, and naturalized March 8, 1(369. Beside his valuable possession on the Raritan, he had at an earlier date located for himself a large tract of land south of the Raritan, o])posite Amboy, which one of the early Scotch settlers sj)eaks of as being "but mean land." His purchase of the Indians on the Raritan, was un speculation, and he did not long retain the title of his possessions, and never lived in Somerset. His residence was at Elizabethtown. He was one of Gov. Carteret's first council, in 16G8 — having as his associates Capt. Nicholas Verlett, Daniel Pierce, Robert Bond and Samuel Edsall. In 1674, during the administration of Gov. Colve, he is reported as hav- ing carried away a variety of goods from the house of Gov- 22 somi^:rset county. iM-nor Caifcrct, in Eliz-ibt-thtown, which he (h^cliiied to re- store ; wliereupon an order was issued from Fort Williaju Henry, in New Y(n'k, for hvd ari-est, in company with one Singleterry, to be brought before th(^ Governor. The ex- planation given is, thnt lie lield the goods out of friend- ship to Gov. Carteret, and in his interest ; whic'.i is prob- able, since Carteret had been, as it is now conceded, un- justly expelled from his rights as proprietor and Governor under the Duke of York's grant, and was soon after re- stored to hi« f )rnier position. When such restoration had taken place, in 16'74, Van Quellen was appointed one of his CHincil together with Capt. John Berry, William San- ford and John Pike, and Messrs. Lawrence Anderson and John Bishop Sr. ; Robert Boben being Secretary of the Board. He s"en]s also to have been concerned in the Elizabeth purchase, as appears from the oath of Jeremiah Osborn, appended to the Elizabethtovvu Bill in Chancery. In fact he was a greedy, grasping adventurer in his land speculations. Though owning lands along the Raritan, his residence was constantly at Elizauethtown, which had become, not only the home of the Governor and the place where the Legislature met, but besides, a })lace of considerable im- })Oi'tance, comprising within its limits at least VOO inhabi- tants, with 40,000 acres of land under cultivation. Tlie Governor is said to have had a house, orchard and farm within the town limits, indicating that he was surrounded with all the comforts possibh^ in a new settlement. One of the very best [)lantations embiaced in this third purchase, was owned at the opening ot the Revolution by a lawyer named Peregrine Lagrange, who, from conviction and choice, took the part of the British Government in the conflict which ensued. As a consequence his property was confiscated and sold f>t })ublic auction. It was pui chased by William Patterson, afterwards Governor of the State, and one of the J ustices of the Supreme Court of the Uni- ted States, or soon after came into his possession ; and is still known as "The Patterson Farm," and on it he resid- ed for several years. Here, in a stone house, some eighty years ago, Mrs. Van Rensellar, wife of Gen. Stephen Van SOMERSET COUNTY. 23 Rensellar, commonly known as '^-\;'^f'Zfrt^^!!^l WHS born and grew up to early gulhood. ^'^^^ /^'J!^ '^;. ;^ vivid and grat.ful memory ot the oh home on the K.uit.u atul after the death of her husband, intended to purcuse t and make it her residence ; but bemg urged by he. daugl - ters first to consent to accompany thein for ^^ yea. to France, she returned only to die in a tew months^ aftei reaching her home in Albany ; and the purpose i^^^^ed Tt is?>ne of the instances which prove the power o ea.lv associations. P.-obably wneu she came to see the oW home- stead she would have be<'n g.-eatly disapi^omteo, and cle- teried from carrvin^; out her intentions. Dirk MiddahVesided on the place owned by JolinJ-^^; Mann, as earlv as 1699. and his name i.^ among the farst on the Church records. U was one ol the m '« ?f j;;^' ^^.^^ locations on the Raritan, overlooking those ^r^^^tiful nu - .nvs which lav south between it and the nve.-, Ihe old white oak tree, already referred t^ standing on the cast side of the house is a .neinorial of the olden time. It stood there in 1743, one hundred and thirty-hve years sinct. When dohn Lawrence marke.l it as in the Qumtapate line, it was aheady a large tree, and it ought to be lett s tai d- incv as long as vitality remains in it, as a hmdma.dv ot the past. When Lawrence came to the south side of the uwu it was evening, and he sought for quarters for themght. He was promised accommodations, m the house of a Mr Fulkerson, {Who lived near the p.^esent cemetery), bu when he cLme there, the good wife did not relish he ide. ofadmittingst.-ange.-sto her domicile, and ^^ed hti husband to suchadeg.-ee, that Lawrence thought be t to decamp : and he went back towaids Roycefield wht?ie he found a house without a scolding dame, and slept in peace He gives quite an amusing account in his journal of his disappointment and the lady who occassione^d it. The fourMi p.irchase of land from the Indians on the Raritan, extended fn-u. the western boundary of the last mentioned plot up to the junction of the north and south branches, This place was called by the natives ruck-a- rama-hacking, From tlds point the line ran east of o. to a place nearly equidistant between the North Bianch 24 SOMERSET COUJSTY, and Laraiii^>ton river, at or near what was the late turn- pike bridiic above Burnt Mills ; thence due east, until it met the line <>t' the fornu-'r purchase ; and thence south to the place of betiinnini:;. The aboriginal owners conveyino- this land, are called Pawark, Cowalanuck, Manamasaniet Agnamapaniund ! The purchasers were John Robinson,^ William Pinhorn, Richard Jones, and Matthew Taylor.^ The consideration was, "certain goods mentioned in the deed," and the date Nov 19, 1G81. This ]Tlot was afterwards surveyed and divided as fol- lows : William Pinhom, had deeded to him, March 8, 1697, 500 acres on the east side and 160 on the river ; Lord iS'eil Campbell, Jan. 9, 1685, had 1650 acres — em- bracing all the land between Pinhorn and the junction of the two branches, and extending north as for as Pinhorn's grant extended. Inmiediatelv north of these two grants and including all that remained on the east side of North Branch, William Ackman had 400 acres ; Archibald Kiddle 300 ; and Sir John Dalrymple 500 acres. The land on the west side was taken by John Johnson, while Lord Neil appropriated to himself another 1000 acres and other smaller proprietors, whose deeds expended west and em- braced land boyond the western line of the Indian grant and reached the present boundary of Branchburgh township took the balance. Their names were Michael Hawden, G-eorge Willocks, Miles It'oster and Thomas Gordon, and their deeds all bear the date of 1703, JS one of the individuals who had, in this way, become proprieiors of land, c-ccupied their possessions except Lord Neil Campbell ; Matthew Tayhn' is not mentioned again ; Pinhorn resided on the Passaic river near Bellville, and was a man of some note in his day. He was a member of Gov, Basse's council in 1698 from Bergen county. His associates were Thomas Codrington, of Somerset, and Thomas Warne, of Middlesex. He was also interested with Kingsland and Berry in settling and cultivating lands on what has long beei. known as Barbadoes-Neck, but more recently, Rutherford Park ; a man of intelligence culture and talents ; probably an emigrant from the Island of Baibadoes, whence Kingsland and Berry had come. SOMERSET COUNTY. 25 Lord Neil Oampbell was a biother ut" the Duke of Ar- gyle and was concerned with him in the uiit''rtnnate expe- dition in favor of -'the handsome Duke of Monm )nth." tht^ son of Charles 11,, and Lncy Warters. Besides being himself implicated in an enterprise which proved a desper- ate failure, and sent scores of honest and lionoral^le men to a premature and bloody grave, he had two sons, John and Archibald already in New Jersey, who had been also com- promised in the same unfortunate rebellion against the Gov- ernment. John is mentioned as early as 1685, with his wife and three children and eleven servants, as a resident in New Jersey. He was the owner of 1870 acres of land en the west side of South Branch, beginning near Corle's Mills and extending west to the townshij) line. John Campbell, with John Dobie, John Drumond, Andrtnv Hamilron, owned all the land from Holland's lirook u[) to where the west line of Branchbnrgh meets the South Branch. Their deeds are dated Nov. 9. 1685, the autumn of the year in which he left Scotland. But it is not known to the present writer that he ever resided on this land. Lord Neil Camj)bell was a].)pointed Deputy Governor by the proprietors of East New Jersey tor two years on the 4th of June 1G85, and reached the Province in the ensuing October. His rnsidence was on his plantation on the banks of the Raritan ; the property is now owned by George McBride. He had sent 65 servants to settle on it previous to his coming. He must have arrived in Septem- ber. On the 5th of (Jctober his commission was read, and on the 18th his council named. It consisted of Gawen Lawrie, Maj. John Berry, of Bergen, Isaac Kingsland of Nfw Barbadoes, Captain Andrew Hamilton of Amboy, Richard Townley of Elizabeth, Samuel Winder of Cheese- quakes, David Mudie, John Johnson of Amhoy and Thom- as Codrington of Raritan. But whatever motives may have induced Lord Neil Campbell to come to New Jersey and assume the adminis- tration of its affairs, his stay was very short. On the 10th of December he appointed Anthony Hamilton his substi- tute, being, as is said, constrained by the urgent necessity of some weighty affairs, to return to Scotland, What 26 SOMPJRSET COUNTY. were the "weighty affairs" and wliut the necessity of at- tending to them is not exj)lained. He remained liowever permanently in his Scottish home, and hd't iiis interests here to be attended to by his sons. If his absence was in- tended tp be temporary, it was a disap}n)intment, tor it proved to be popetual. The reason of it is not apparent. The aspect of things had probably changed in Scotland, or else soiue important pecuniary interest required liis atten- tion there. He had been appointed, no doubt, so far as th(^ proprietors were concerned, as a matter of [)olicy, and it had succeeded, to a certain extent at least, for it induc- ed imigration to some extent. There are references in the Records of the province, to the following persons as having emigrated and settled pe r- y manently about this tim^, viz ; Dec. 16, 1$64, i^xawen (Lawrie and 8 persons ; William Haize 8 ditto ; the Pro- prietors, 22 besides 2 overseers ; Uaptain Thomas Peai- son Nov. 24, 1684, 14 ; William Dockwra Dec. 14, 1684, 24 ; and subsequently ten more ; John Barclay, 6 in 1683; Robert FuUerton 9, John Campbell 8, Andrew Hamilton 10, David Mudie 17, Lord Neil Campbell 56, Jam-^s Johnson 9, John Forbes 4, George Keith 6, Charles Gor- don 5, in all nearly 200 persons. These imigrants re- mained, and many of them became afterwards prominent men in the affairs of the ])rovince. About the same time, also, George Scot, of Pitlochie wrote and published a work entitled "the model of the Government of East Jersey in America ;" in which, great encouragement was attempted to be given to emigration to that beautiful and promising region. There is a curious conveyance on record (says Whitehead) under date of Dec. 16,1684, by which one Moneybaird, makes over to John Campbell, the son of Lord Neil Campbell, all his interests in Perth Amboy, in consideration of the said Camjjbell's sending a footman to wait on Moneybaird during Parliament in New Jer- sey, and holding his stiru}). Great things were expected, and there were men who saw visions in those days, as in our more humdrum and n\oney getting age — y^reater things than will ever be realized. Archibald Campbell, another son of Lord Neil Campbell, came to New Jersey in 1684, SOMERSET COUNTY. 27 immediately nfter the tei'min;itit)ii of his uncles expedition. He had been en<>-aged in this mid from the Highlands, as well as his father. Two sons of Argyle, .John and Charles, jind their cousin, tlu^ Archibald Campbdl of wliom we arc writing, were sentenced to death and forfeiture of estate ; but the sentence vvas afterwards so far modiiied as to re- n)it the |)< rialty of death. Archibald Cani|)b.4l di"d in May 17(^2, antl it is uncertain whether lie h^t any children. John had died before him, in December 1689 b'aving one son and two cbinghteis. John Cam|)bell who l)uilt and owned the Herbert Mills, and Alexander Cam[)bell who lived last on thi^ Codrington place were descendants. There i.s an old Bell used in the Academy of Bound Brook, which belonged to Campheil. It has an insciiption datt'd 1734 at Amstereodam — Amsterdam — and is a valuable relic of the olden times. It is said that Archibald Campbell ui>ed it in calling in his slaves from their field lal).>rs. He liveil in Baronial styie on Herbert's Island and called it Kelts Hall, and em])loyed a numerous company of men and maidens in his house and fa'in labors. The ])lantation of Kell's Hall was owned about the time of the devolution, by Cornelius Van Horn, a merchant of New York, and about 1800 it came into the possession of George Smock. It has always been considered one of the most valuable farms on the Haritan. John Campbell resided in a house which stood near the river banks, almost directly south of tht^ Railroad Depot in Bound Brook. It has only recently been removed, and it will be remembered by the more aged inhabitants, as an old dihipidated mansion wl ich had had great pretentious, and was in its last days jnhabi ted by a family of Jews, Alexander the last of the Campbells resided on the Cod- vington place and died some 40 years since. So far as we know or havt^ been able to ascertain there are no male rep- nesentatives of Lord Neil Campbell living iti New Jerset at the present tinn'. The Argyle familv was, and i.s still, one of the most .prouiineht among the aristocracy of Scotland. Lord lorn who had married a daughter of Queen Victoria is a liu- fial descendant of the Duke of Argyle who -was the brother 28 SOMERSET COUNTY. of Lord Neil Oampbell, and uncle of John and Arcliibald UaM)[)b(dl, The j)lantation of Lord Neil Cam[)bi 11 on the Raritan, in process of time passed into the hands of William Cook ; then John Elrnendorf inherited it, and left it to his son Peter, who sold it to the present proprietor, Immediate- ly east <;f this farm, a Mr Potter, of Philadelphia owned some four hunlred acres of land. It passed from him in to the hands of John Simonson, Esq., and is now owned in part by the heirs of PettM* V. Staats, deceased. A por- tion of it the late Gusbert B. Vroom of New York, pur- chased, and his family residi-d there for si)me time after his death. On the west side of South Branch, commencin;^ at Hol- land's Brook and proceedinjj south there were five deeds given, each one extentding west to the township line, viz : •-irst, April 25, 1687, to Andrew Hamilton 510 acres ; next John Drumoud 1000 acres Nov. 9, 1685 ; next, An- drew Hamilton same daie 750 acres ; next, John Camp- bell, one of the sons of Lord Neil Campbell, same date 1874 acres ; next, John Dobie same date 395 acres ; which brings us up to the South Branch and the inter- section of the township line, in other words to "the Hookee." West of this line and south ot the river, was all included in "the Lotting [)urchase" which extentled u\) to the New Jersey Society's lands," That ])urchase included the Cushetonk Hills (Pickels mountain) Llound Valley and all the land west to the Delaware ! Beginning again at Holland's Brook, north side, there were twelve plots of land surveyed, and the deeds were given to the following persons ; viz : First to Andrew Hamilton Oct. 13, 1689, 250 acres ; next, Hendrick Cor- son June 10, 1688, 500 ; next, Thomas Gordon 500, May 10, 1703, and in the meantime Peter Van Nest seemes to have been the owner of the previous 500 acres of Thomas Gordon, for the plot is said to begin at the Van Nest cor- ner ; next Miles Foster had 466 and the deed dated the same time as the former ; next, Michael Hawden 466 acres same date ; next. Lord Neil Campbell 1000 May 24, 1690; next, Jolinson a small plot of 61 acres ; and again John SOMERSET COUKTY. 29'. Johnson 400 May 10, 1690 ; and the ivni-iinder ninnihi;- up t(Tthe Lainin'j;ton river, and west to the to\vnshi[) line belonging to WiHocks, Johnston, Ciiiij)b>dl an I Bhickvvo.id. On the other side of the NorTli Bianch, And West owned 912 acres. This hind ]);iss( d snbscqiiently into the hands of the I'amons Diicht'ss of Gordon, who married General Staats Monis a brother of Gonveinenr Morris ; and this Qwneiship has been the occasion of tiiat neighborhood bi_'- ing called ''the Duch'^ss " Between Lamington River and Noith Branch, Maj, Ax- tell owned a lar^e and valnahle tract of land, out of which i.in}tbell and Blackwood purchased 3900 acrrs in 1693 ; Margaret Winuer 1000 on May 20, 1690 ; Johnson and Willocks 3150 June 6, 1701. This last survey "included all the lands in Peapack valley ; and tinally Andrew Ham- ilton obtained a deed for 875 acies on Lamitunk, Feb. 25, 1740. This brings us to the Morris County line. The land north of Sonierville, embracing the first and vsecond mountain and the valley between them beginning ."at or near Pluckaniin, was deeded to Alexander McDowell Dec. 12, 1727 ; and Margaret Tiepel, John Parker, Judi- ah Higgins, and others owned all the remainder until a point directly liorth of Bound Brook. North of the mountains on Dead Kiver, Paiker, Hooper, George Kisca- rick, Josepii Jennings, JSTathaniel Kolph and others owned lancis. Northeast of Bound Brook and between the moun- tains, David Cosart. Danit 1 Hollingshead, the heirs of An- thony Sharu and others, had in possession huge tracts. South of the Passaic, William Dockwra and Kobert Bai- clay had 2000 acres, Kobert Morris in trust for Aslitield's estate, D. D. Dunstar and James Alexander were large owners in the same vicinity. Their purchases dated Oct. 1742 ; and Dunstar and Alexander, and Budd and Alex- ander exti^nded their titles up nt)rth, into Morris county. We refer those who are desirous of more specific inf>rm'ir efforts to indnce emigration and settlements npon their lands were made in their native country. As the effect of this .Vmboy was fixed upon as a site lor a town and was named New Perth ; and i'rom thence settlements of people from Scotland and England spread out northwest and "'est as far as Scotch[)laiiis. Plainfield and Bound Brook, and single families even further, t'rom this immigration the Church- es of Bound Brook, Basking Ridge and Lamington pro- ceeded. It was an influx coming almost entirely, direct from Scotland ; and the first Pastors of these churches were all native Scotchmen ; Scotch Presbyterians of the Knox, Rutherford and Erskine stamp. Besides this, there were several families of German origin, and of the Lutheran Church, who settled about Pluckamin. The beginning of this influx is probably mark by one of the land titles which we have given above — that of Margaret Teiple 1727. The Lutherans built, at an early day, a house of worship in the village of Pluckamin, and in connection with New G-er- mantown and German Valley, engaged the services of a minister, or ministers, of their own denomination for a term of years. Mr. Muhlenbergh in his youth, it is stated, ministered to them for a time. CIJAPTER II, FTRST SETTLEMENT AND SOME OF THE EARLY INHABITANTS. When the title to the hxnd on the Raritan had been se- cured, settlers at once came to occupy it. It was, of course, in a state of nature, clothed with its primitive for- ests and inhabited by wild animals, and wilder men. The inducements leading those who came from Long Island and New York to seek a home in the wildei'ness, was, first, to enjoy full religions liberty in scu'ving God. Gov. Lovelace favored tLe Episcopal Church, and threw many obstacles in the way of those who belonged to the Di-.rch Church, of enjoying their own services in peace. Rather than yield one iiHa to his interference, they expa- triated themselves a second time and came into the Prov- ince of New Jersey, where the "Concession's and Agree- ments" secured ample religious toleration from the very be- ginning. We cannot but honor tht^ir spirit and commend their attachment to the truth as they had learned it and believed it. Another and a second motive was no doubt found in the rich and unoccupied lands along our beautiful river, which seemed to invite the imigrant and pr-omise him an abund- ant reward for his labor in their culture and improvement. The earliest reliable recorded notice which we have seen of the Raritan river, is found among the Albany records, and is dated 1663, when the trade in turs with the Indi- ans had begun to excite the cupidity of the English, and led to remonstrances on the parr of the Dutch of Manhat- tan Island. There is, indeed, said to be in the same rec- ords, a letter from Herr Van Werkhoven to Baren Vander Capellan, stating that the lands about Nevesink and the Raritan's Kill, had been purchased for him in 1649, and complaining that they had not been allotted to him. This only shows that the value of these lands was already 32 SOMERSET COUNTY, known as early as 30 years r.fter the first settlements were formed around the -'Trading Post" on Manhattan Island. Ogilhy says in 1671, "that both sides of the Raritan .are adorned with spacious meadows, enough to feed thousands of catth'. The wood land is very good for com, and stor- ed with wild beasts ; as deer, elks, and an innumerable multitude of fowl, as in oiher parts of the country. This river is thougiit very capable for erecting of several towns and villages on each side of it ; no place in North Ameri- ca having better convenience for the maintaininfia;Taulus Bulner,, Lucus Scher- •uierhorn, Pieter Van Nest. Emanuel Van Etten,. J.ohanes SOMERSET COUNTY. 35 Grauw, John Euiens, Coert .lansen, George Dildine, Jolin Readiiis, Garret Van Vleet, William Brown. John Cook, Hendriciv Koesenbooin, Frans Waldron, Godfried Peters, David Busum David Subair, Abravn Broca, Jacob Rey- uierse^ Garret Smock. In the vicinity of New Brunswick, were Adrian Bennet, Aart Artsen, Roelif Sebring;, Johanes^ Folkerson, llen- drick Bries, Koelif Voorhees, Lawrens Wiliinise, Roelif Ne- vius, Jau Van Voorhees, Jacob Oake, Johanes Stoothoflf. Jaqes Foiiteyn, Jacolnis Buys, Thomas Auten, Thomas David is, William Klassen, Johanes Goevert, Hendrick Bries, Andrias Wortman, Bernardus Kuetor, Christopher Van Arsdalen, Jac'J) Corse, Cornelius Suydam, Joris An- dersen, Martin Vanderhoeve, Johanes Metselaer, Samuel Montfort, Jan Ateu, William Moore, Nicklas Bason. At Three Mile Run, Hendrick Bries, Roelf Lucas, Jan Voorhees, Aert Aertsen. Isaac Van Dyke, Johanes Folker- sen, Jan Aeteii, Laurens Willimse, Roelif Nevius. Charles b'onteyn, Hans Stoothoff, Thomas Bouwman, Derek Vol- kerse. Garret Bolmer, Jan Lavor. Simon Wickoif, Pieter Hotf, Garret Dorland, Andries Bort, Jan Broca, James Fonteyn, Adrian Mollenar, Jacob Rapleyett, Joris Hael, Jan Laeten, William Lambers, Peter Kinne, Hendrick Traphagen, Luycus Schermerhorn, Jans Van Middles- worth. Johannes Fisher, Joeremias Field," Luycas VVessels,^ Jacob Koersen, Nicholas Hay man, Cornelius Jan Onwe- gen, William Harrise, Andreas Ten Eyck, William Dey, Manuel Van Allen, Abram Elemeteren, Johannes Seigeler, Jaurieu Remer. We are not able to indicate specifically or certainly the place of residence of each of these families. The Sebring's anil Harris's lived in the vicinity of Bound Brook, Pieter Dumont on the south side of the Raritan, Powelson's near Pluckamin ; all of them evidently did not remain permanently or leave descendants. The names of others continue to occur in the records for many years, but some of them have at last passed away. All of them we judge were religious men, and aided in the formation of the Raritan Church, then a church in the wilderness. Most of them are ktiown to have imis;rated to Somerset from 36 SOMERSET COUNTY. Ji'Mig- Isl.mil ; Jindam()n<; them tluMe art^ several iiatues which indicate a F[ai!;aeiint i'Miol ISIiujo.'. It stn > I on the iiurtii side (if the rivei' a shnrt distance hel )vv thi- uhl b'idge. Around it there were j[in's house towards the falls of the Delaware, until it intersects the division line aforesaid ; thence along said division line to the s )iUh branch of Raritan river af)resaid, where it began." March 28, 1749 the bounds were thus defined: Begin- ning at a fall of water called the Alamatunk Ealls; and from thence in a straight line in a course east and by north as the compass now points, to the main branch of Prissiic; river, and so down the said river as the betore sealed act directs. By an act passed Nov. 24, 17!iO, it was again enacted that the middle of the main six rod road, from the Ferry at the city of New Brunswick, formerly called Innian's Fer- ry, to the boundary line of the county of Flunterdon, on SOMERSET COUNTY. 41 the road to Trentun. shall be the boundary line of those parts of the counties of Middlesex and Somerset which are oti tlie soutii side of the river Raritan, and that all the lands and tenements lying to the northward of this line and heretofore belonging to the county of Middlesex shall be and are hereby annexed to the county of Somerset, and all the lands and tenements on the southward of said lines, heretofore belonging to Somerset shall he and are hereby annexed t<> the county of Middlesex. In 1838 a portion of the Township of Montgomery, sur- rounding Princeton, was taken from Somerset and annexed to the new county of Mercer ; and linally a part of Frank- lin east of the Mile Run and extending to the north side of Albany street. New Brunswick, was annexed to the city limits for the purpose of the better police supervision of the city ; since which time no further modification of our county has been attempted, if we except the annexa- tion of the Township of Tewksbury for a short time. Somerset County embraces a portion of the most fertile lands in the State, and its productiveness is exceeded by no other of equal extent. For intelligence, culture and re- finement, its inhabitants are excelled nowhere. It has given the State and Nation some of their noblest men, at the bar, on the bench and in the pulpit. Society is no- where better ordered, property more secure, or comfort and happiness more generally diffused. CHAPTER IV. COURTS, AND THE ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE. Somt^rst t County, though t'oimcd iu 1(588, was not fully oiganiztrd until 1724. It h;id no courts of its own, but was dependent for the adiuiuistiation of justice u})on the courls of Middlesex for 36 years. An act passed by the Teriitorial Legislature, A])ril "23, 1724. r*-fers to an ordi- nance of 1723, as inconvenient to the inhal»itrtnts of Somer- set, both as to the tinits and plact-sof holding courts, and fixes ihe courts ui h^omeiset "'at the court house" on Thuis- day alter the third Monday iu September ; Thursday after the second Monday in December ; Thursday after the fourih Monday in February, and Thursday after the fourtli Monday in May. P ield's I'rov. Courts, 7-11. The court house referred to in the above act was built at Six Mile Kun, a short distance east oi' the chuich ; a few stones, part of its foundation, are said to be still visible and point out the spot. Tradition furnishes n(t iviea of the chaiacter or tornj of the building A single precept, dated A})ril 3d 1729, the second year of the reign of Geoige II, directed to the coroner of tlie county and commanding him to cause to be made 14£ 148 4 \)ence of the goods and chatties of Adrian Bennet, Innhokb-r, late of the County of k omerset, recovered against him by reason of a certain trespass ujion the case as adjudicated by Daniel Hollings- head, Judge and Justiee of the county. We give this remnant of olden times, as a curiosity : ^'Xlw .Jersey ) ._ George the Second, by the Grace of S(UiERsET j ** God of Gneat Brittain^ France and Ireland, King Defender of the faith, &c. To the Coroner of the County of Somerset Greeting : We Command you, that you of the Goods and Chatties of Adrain Bennet, Late of the County of Somerset, Innholder In Your Bailiwick, You cause to be made fourteen pounds. SOMERSET COUNTY. 43 fourteen shillings and fourpenci\ Wh, Daniel Hi»llings- head the Judge and Justice of our County Court for hold- ing of pleas for the County of Sonler^et In the Sd Court Recovered against him tlie said Adrian Bennet by Reason of a Certain Trespass upon the Case Lately Done to him the Sd HoUiugshead, &c , &c. Witness Thomas Leonard. Esq., Judge of our Sd Court at ye house aforesaid, ye third Day of April in ye Second year of our Reign. Wn.L HoLLlGSHR-.AD, CI, Vera Copia. Francis Harrison, Coroner. This house with the Jail belonging to it was accidentally destroyed by fire in 1737, and by an act of the Legislature dated the same year^ another court house was directed to be built at Millstone. This house stood until 1779, when it was also burnt, October 27 by the Queen's Rangers un- der command of Lieutenant Colonel Siracoe, together with the first Church of Raritan. After this catastrophe the courts were removed to Somerville, and were held at first in a small building known as the "Court Martial House," standing on Mount Pleasant east of our village ; then in a log house occupying part of the ground on which Dr. Wilson's house and premises now stand. The present couit house was built in 1798. As regards the administration of justice — Courts were provided for in the Concessions of Berkley and Carteret, and the power of originating them and defining their jurisdic- tion was given to the General Assembly. This body met for the first time at Elizabeth in 1668. It held however only two sessions of four days each, passed a very few acts, and then on account of the unsettled state of public opin- ion adjourned, and seven years elapsed before another As- sembly convened. It is therefore only in 1675 that courts were really established in East New Jersey. However, in Woodbridge and Bergen, Courts really existed as early as 1668, and in Monmouth in 1667, It seems to have been by common consent, under Proprietary Concessions. When the assembly met in 1675. the first act passed re- lated to the establishment of courts of justice. It provi- 44 SOVIKliSET COUNTY, (led titst t'lr a nioiithlv eoiiit for the trial of small causes under 40 shillinji,s. This cuiiit was to be held on the first Wednesday of every month, in each township, by two or three persons ehuseii by the p'oplt^, oneof wlioui must be a J ustice of tlie Peace. Second, thi-'i'e wi're to be county courts to be held twice a year in each county, and the act provided at the same time for f »ur counties% Berjfen om*, Elizabeth and Newark a second, Woodbrige and Piscata- way a third, and the two towns of Niivesink a fourth, ma- kin^^ the first counties to be Berui-n, Essex, Middles :^x and Monmouth. In these courts all actionable causes were tried and there was no appeal under the sum of £20 "'ex- cept to the bench or court of chancery.'' By "the bench" was meant what ^as called the "court of assizn" — a court j)rovided to be held once a year at Woodbridge, or where the Governor and council appointed. It vv;is, in other words, "the Supreme Court" and appeals could be made to the Governor and Council, in certain cases. These courts were modified from time to time as circum- stances seemed to require and in 1682 the four original counties were divid^rd into townships. We give the origin- al Letter Patent fVom George II, for the formation of Bridgewater Township. Whether any of the others are in existence is doubtful , GEOKGE the Second by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland. King, Defender of the faith &c TO ALL to whom these presents shall come GREETING. Kuow that we of our Especial Grace Certain knowledge and Mere Motion Have Given and Granted, and by these presents do give and Grant for us our heirs and Successors to the Townships of the Southerinost part of the North- ern Precinct of our County of Somerset in our Province of New Jersey within the following boundaries (to wit) beginning at the Mouth of a Bound Brook where it Emties into Rariton. thence up the said Btnind Brook to the Mouth of Green Brook thence up the said Brook to the Kino-'s Road at Lawrence tiuth's Mill; thence Northerlv up the said Road to the Top of the Second Mountain; thence SOMERSET COUNTY. 45 Westerly along the Toj) of the said Mountain to tlie Ga)) bv .lacoi) Brewers; whence down the said Gap to (Chamber's Brook l)v McDonald's Mill; thence down the said Brook to thr North Branch; thence U[) the said Branch to Laonia- tong; then U}) said Laomatong to the Division line between East and West Jersey; thence along said Line to the South Branch of Kariton Hiver; thence up said Branch to th<^ Mouth of the North Pranch of said Ri^^er; thence down sfiid Rariton to the Place where it Began, To be and remain a P<^'petual Township and Comniiinity, in Word and in Det d to be Called and known by the Name of the Town- ship of Bridge water. And We Further Grant to the •Inhabitants of the townshi]> aforesaid and their Succe.>sors and to Choose annually a Constable, Overseers of the Poor and Overseers of th»' Highways f )r the Township aforesaid and to Enjoy all the Privih-ges, Rights, Liberties and Im- munities tliat any other Township, in our said Province, do or may of Right enjoy and the said Inhabitants are hereby Constituted and appointed a Township by the Name afore said. — To Have Hold and Enjoy the privileges aforesaid to them and their Successors forev.n-. In Testimony where- of we have Caused these our Letters to be made Patent and the Great Seal of our said Province of New Jersey to be hereunto affixed. Witness Our Trusty and well beloved Jonathan Belcher, Esqr : Our Captain General and Gov- ernor in Chief in and over His Majesties Province of Nova Ceserea or New Jersey and Territories thereon Depending in America, Chancellor and Vice Admiral in the Same &c. at our City of Burlington in our said Province the fourth day of April in the twenty second Year of (jur Reign. An- no Dom MDCCXLIX ; Read. Let the Great Seal of the Province of New Jersey be affixed to the within Letters Patent. To the Sea-etary of the ) j belcher. Provmce oi New Jersey ) The early laws found upon the statute book may be characterized as judicious and liberal. Liberty of con- science waa secured, the desecration of the Sabbath forbid- 46 SOMERSET COUNTY. den ii(ttin<^, drunkenness und debauchery were severelv pun- ished, arson, murder, niijjht walkin^ij. false wit :es.s, selling liquor to the savages, burglary, beggary are all condemned with penalties ; and everything done which a|)peared to the law makers fo be necessary to secure integrity, g(»(^d order, morality, and a pri)sperous and hap[)y state of society. We may indeed refer with {)ride to several enactments on the subject of schools and education at an early day, evincing a very liberal spirit and a high appreciation of learning, by no means common in that age and even in bet- ter ordered communities. In 1G93 the following ordinance was passed : ''Whereas the cultivation of learning and good manners, tends ijreatly to the good and benefit of mankind, which hath hitherto been much neglected within this Province, be it therefore enacted by the Governor, Council and Deputies in Greneral Assembly now met and assembled, and by the authority of the same that the in- habitants of any town within this Province, shall and »uay, l)y a w,:rrant from a Justice of Peace of that county, when they think fit and convenient, meet together and make choice of three or more men of the said town, to make a rate for the salary and maintaining of a schoolmaster with- in the sai l town for so long time as they think fit ; an I the consent and agreement of the major part of the inhabi- tants of the sairm in this than the Rt^gnlators ohserve, and a little more time given, but cer- tainly justice was sufficiently stern and s|)ee(ly. Again in 1788, there were two public executions in . Somerset county ; both slaves and both for setting fire to an outbuilding. Sept. 19 Sam the eldci-. and Sam the younger slaves of Richard McDonahl were indicted and tried, and in V )ctol)er the same year Dine, belmginir to , Peter Dumont of Bridgewater, One of ti)i' negr^>(^s was respited — the other wms hung in comp.uiy with Dine on Gallows Hill, north oi Somerville. Two soldiers also were h,ung on Mcuint Pleasant during one of the winters when there was ai\ encamprntrnt of part .of Washington's aimy in Souieiset. We give the account from Thatcher's military Journal, who was present in the CHiii}) and an eye witness of whai. he relates. The location of ■the camp was on t'l.e slope to the north east t'unn Mount Pleasant. There'was also a cantonment on the south side of the residence of Henry H. Grarretson, where Wayne's (JoTjis was stationed and went from this point in June to . storm and take Stony Point. The ground near Mount Pleasant was a dense fore;5t and the destruction of timber must hav;e been extensive. But let us hear Dr. Thatcher, "b"'eb. 177y, having continued to live under the cover of .canvass tents luost of the winter, w,e have suffered exten- ..sively from eX])osure t >. colds, oi^r soldiers have been em- ploy ^^d six or eight wecdts in constructing log huts which a,t length are complete, and both ijfHcers and soldiers are under comfortable covering for the remainder of tlie win- . ter. Log houses are constructed witli trunks of trees, cut into various lengths according to the size intended ; and are firmly connected by notches cut at their extremities in the manner of dovetailing. The vacancies between the logs are filled with plastering consisting of mud and clay. .The roof is formed of smaller pieces of timber and covered with hewn slabs. Tin- chimne\ situated at one end of the house is made of similar but smaller timbers; and both the inner and outside are coveied with clay plaster to de- SOMERSET COUNTY. 49 fend the wood against the tire. The doors and windows are formed by s'a'"ing away a part of the logs of a prop.u- size, and move on wooden hing.^s. In this manner have our soldiers withont nails and aim »st with)at toois, except the axe and saw, provided fir their officers and themselves convenient and CDinfortable quarters with little or ito ex- pense to the public. The huts are arranged in straight lines, forming a regular unif trtii com{)act village. The officers huts are situated in front of the line according to their rank — the kitchen in the rear is similar in form to ,tent encamjiment. The ground for a considerable distance in front of the soldier's lin • of huts is cleared of wood and rubbish, and is every morning swept clean for the purpose of a parade ground, and roll call of tie respective regiments. The officer's huts are generally divided into two apart- ments, and are occujiied by three or four officers, who com- pose one mess. Those for the soldiers have but one room, and contain ten or twelve men with their cabins placed one above the other against the wall and filled with straw, and one blanket for each man. I now occupy a hut with our field officers Col, Oibson Col. Brent and Maj, Merriweather." The description will apply equally to tljp three encamp- ments ; at which of them Thatcher lived is not determined ; probcibly at Mount Pleasant, tie proceeds under date of April 20 to say : •'Five soldiers were conducted to the gallows, according to their sentences for the crimes of desertion and robbing the inhabitants. A detachment of troops and a concourse of people formed a circle around the gallows, and the crim- inals were brought in a cart sitting on their coffins, with halters around their necks. While in this awful situation, trembling on the verge of eternity, three of them received a pardon from the commander-in-chief, who is always ten- derly disposed to spare the lives of his soldiers. They ac- knowledged the justice of their sentence, and expressed their warmest thanksgiving and gratitude for their merci- ful pardon. The two others were obliged to submit to their fate, one of them was accompanied to the fatal spot by an affectionate and sympathizing brother, which rendered the scene uncommonly distressing, and forced tears of com- 50 SOMERSET COUNTY. papsion from the eyes of numerous spectators. They re- peatedly embraced and kissed each other, with all the fervor of brotherly love, and would not be separated till the executioner was obliged to perform his duty ; when with a flood of tears and mournful lamentations, they bade each other an eternal adieu — the criminal trembling under the horrors of an untimely and disgraceful death, and the brother overwhelmed with sorrow and anguish for one whom he held most dear." Since these scenes were enac<^ed the gallows has not been seen within the bounds of Somerset. It is now a hundred years, and amid all the excitement of interest and sin, all the crimes committed under their influence, murder has not been proved against any one ot its citizens, in such a form as to necessitate the punishment of it by a public exe- cution. May it long continue to be so, to the distinguish- ed honor of its citizens. CHAPTER V. SOME OF THE MEN OF SOMERSET. In attempting to give a notice of some of the prominent men of the County of Somerset, we begin with those wiio hekl its lands in the first instance. We have noticed al- ready some of them, but think it proper to append the fol- lowing, viz : Thomas Codrington was Sheriff in New York City from 1691, to 1692. He came and resided on his lands along Middlebrook, probably soon after the latter date. His place was called Raekahacawanna and came into the pos- session of Alexander Campbell. Daniel Talmage owned it a few years since. John Delavall was a son of Thomas Delavall, a captain under Col. Nichols when New York was captured in 1664. It seems from some transactions of liis that he had been in the city before this time, but immediately after the surren- der he took a prominent part in the administration of pub- lic affairs. He owned a farm at Harlem as well as a resi- dence in the city, on the south east corner of Broad Street and Exchange Place, embracing an orchard and a large garden. Visiting England in 1669, he had a conference with the Duke of York, who sent by him to the Mayor and Aldermen of the city, a mace of office and a gown to be worn on proper occasions. He died«,t his residence in 1681, leaving a large estate. His son John Delavall, who mar- ried Catharina Van Courtland, was interested in land grants on the Jlaritan, but continued to reside in the city. How long is not ascertained, but in a list of the inhabitants of New York in 1703, his name is not found, nor does it appear in subsequent times. He had several sisters who married men of prominence in that day. Gabriel Minvielle, merchant, was Mayor of the City of 52 • SOMERSET COUNTY. New York in IG84, Alderman in 1675, and a member of the C<>U)nial Cmjiicil nndor Governors Sloughter, Ingolds- and Fletcher. He was a Frenchman by descent, but lived in early lite in Amsterdam, H(dland. In the year 1669 he established himself as a merchant, in New Amstt'rdani (New York) and carried on an extensive foreii^n trade. He marrieil Susannah, a daughter of John Lawrence, a wealthy merchant of the city, and fixed his residence on the -vest side of Broadway in a fine mansion near the Bowling Green. Mr. Minvielle died in 1703, leaving no children and the name consequently became extinct. He had bv^en a resident of the city for simie twelve years, when he be- came interested in lands on the Raritan. In 1703 there were three families in the city of New York bearing the name of Minvielle, viz : Peter Minvielle having a tamily consisting of one male, one female and one negress ; Mrs. Minvielle, probably the wife of Gabriel, who had died the previous year, one female, one child, two negresses ; and David Minvielle having in his family one male two females one child, one negro and one negress. He is recorded in 1674s after the final surrender of the city to the English, as being worth an estate of $15,000, a large estate for that day; there being only three persons, viz : Jacob, Leister, and William Delavall, worth $30,000 each, and Samuel Wilson $20,000 — estimated hightn- than he was. Richard Hall, was the son of Thomas Hall, who died in the city of New York 1670. Mr. Hall's father was an Englishman by birth, but having joined with others from New England in an attempt upon the Dutch Colony at the mouth of Delaware River, was taken prisoner and sent to New York. He was treated with leniency by the authori- ties, and finally obtained the rights of citizenslii[). In 1639, with a partner, he attempted to locate a tobacco plantation at "Deutel bay," Turtle bay on the East River. In 1654 he purchased property on a hill near the present Beekman street, and erected a house. His heirs sold it after his death to William Beekman. Of Richard Hall we know only his being a joint owner of that splendid tract of land west of Middlebrook The name is respectable, and nu- merous iu Somerset County at the present time. SOMERSET COUNTY. 53 Peter Soumans was --i native of liollaiid, a iiiin of activi- ty and energy, educated at the University "f Leyden. He held important offices under the Prince ofOrange after he be- came Wm. Ill King of Enghmd, and most probably ac- com]ianied him wlien he wtnt to take possession of the throne. He was Surveyor 'iri'neral of New Jersey for foui- years, a men)bcr of the Council, a Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, and represented the County of Berg'u in the House of Assembly. He was a Churchman ' by ])ro- fession, but gave land to build the Presbyterian Church at Hopewell, and aDutcii Church at Harlingen. Heownedland in Somerset County, but never resided within its Hunts. His father, Aaent Sonraans, was one of the original Pro- prietors of East Jersey. His resitlence was in Bergen County. His reputation is not spoken of as being very good. Gawen jiawrie was originally a merchant in London, and from his name seems to have been ot Scotch extrac- tion. He became at first interested iti theUifFairs of New Jersey by being appointed in connection with Wm. Penn and Nicholas Lucas, onn of the Trustees of Kdward ByUinge, one of the original proprietors of West Jersey. When the Duke of York confirmed the sale of the Province March 14, 1G82, to the twenty four Proprietors, by giving them a n^-w grant with increased and more f jll privileges. Lawrie is named as one of them. When Governor Kud- yard left the Province at the close of the year 1685, Gawen Lawrie was appointed in his place as Deputy of Barclay. He is represented as possessing qualifications well fitted for the place ; intelligence, activity, energy and business habits being made conspicuous in his management of affairs. He was commissioned a Gov. in July, 1683 and arrived in the Province, in the beginning of the following year. He brought with him a new code of laws, or as they are called "Fundamental Constitutions," deemed by the framers as being far superior to the Concessions of Berkley and Car- ter it, but it does not seem as if tliis code was ever enforc- ed. He was dismissed in 1686. The dissatisfaction arose probably from his having appropriated to his own benefit a tract of land on the Raritan, said to be superior to any 4 54 SOMERSET COUNTY. other land in the Pr^)vince. His resulenca seems to have been at Elizabethtown. He was subsequently one of the Council of Lord Neil Campbell, by whom he was superce- ded. He remained in the Province unt'l his death in the Autumn of 1687. His wife Mary survived him. They had one son James, whose dauo;hter Isabella, married \Vm. 'Davis of New York, and inherited the estate of her (jrand- father, and two daughters, Mary who became the wife of VVni. Haize, and i^Lebecca, who ujarried Milcs Foster. — Nothing known of the descendants of Mr. Haize ; a son of Mr. Foster removed to the Island of Barbadoes and two daughters cimtiuued unmarried, and so none of Lawrie's descendants finally remained in the Province. The autograph of Gov. Lawrie, a copy of which is giv- en in Whitehead's New Jers.'y, does not by any means oonjmend his clerkship, whatever his business qualifications may have been. After noticing a few of the men connected with the His- tory of Somerset in very early days, we now turn to those who are more properly Somerset men. It would be a pleasant task to mention the name of eve- ry one who has adorned the Annals of Somerset County, by the elevation of their character, their efficiency, their in- telligence, their moral culture and their Christian consist- ency ; but we have neither the knowledge nor the space for such an extensive review of the past. We only men- tion a few. There was an emigration dii'ectly from Scot- land, at different times, to which we owe the names of Kirk- patrick, McEowen, McDowell. Logan, McKinstry, Boylan! Then there came from Canada, Captain Creighto McCrea, Colonel James Henry, Dr. John Henry, Major McDonald, and others. McCrea, Dr. Henry and McDonald, it is un- derstood, had been connected with the British Army, — From Long Island came the ancestors of Jacobus Van Derveer, who, at his death, was said to be the richest man in Somerset County, and Elias Van Derveer — both of Bed- minster — and the latter the father of the late Dr. Henry Van Derveer of, Pluckarain ; and of Dr. Lawrence Van Derveer, of Roycefield, an eminent physician, philanthro- phist and christian. Cornelius Van Derveer of North SOMERSET COUNTY. 55 Branch, Ferdinand and Colonel Henry Van Derveor, the Vanarsdalens, the Schencks, Van Stays, Van Camps, Ten Eycks, La Tourettes, B )i;arts, Van Mtddleworths, De Groots, BroUavvs and others were from the same }dace ; Robert Bolmer, of German extraction, often an ehler in the church, Enos Kelly, an assemblyman, Robert Blair, John Simonson, Guysbert Sutphen, Christopher Hoagland, the Lanes and Fields, and many others, honorable in their d;iy, useful in church and in State, and worthy of commemora- tion, had we space to give it. From such general memoranda we now turn to copy two or three obitutiri^s as interesting relics of a former age ; from Jersey State Gazette, Sept. 1. 1779. "Died on the 15th ultiuKj, Hon. Abraham Van Neste, Member or Coun- cil for the County of Somerset." In an advertis;nnent, Oct. 27, 1781, he is said to have been "of Millstone." Jan. 17, 1781, from the same source — 'On Sunday, 7th inst., departed this life, in an advanced age, Jacob Ber- gen, first Judge of the Court of Common Pleas f )r the County of Somerset, He was for many years a magistrate under the former government ; was continued under the present ; universally respected as an early, a consistent and decided patriot. The country has lost in him a faithful, active magistrate, and the State a useful, respectable citi- zen," Judge Bergen lived in Princeton, and one of his ap- pointments was given him in "Joint Meeting," held in the College Buildings, Sept 13, 1776. Peter Schenck, Abra- ham Van Neste, Ja mes L inn and Enos Kelly were appoint- ed to the same position at the same time. On November '26th, 1777, the Legislature of New Jersey met at liis house, and in the season of 1779 Abraham Van Neste, mentioned above, was a member of the Assembly from Som- erset. Another dated Trenton, December 6th, 1781, "on Thursday, 29th ult,, died at his seat on the Raritan, Der- rick Van Vegten, in the 84th year of his age. This gen- tleman possessed the virtues of patriotism and hospitality in a very eminent degree. Warmly attached to the cause of his country, he took peculiar pleasure in rendering it any service in his power ; and when his property was very 56. someusp:t county, essentially injured by the winter quarters of a (livisi(»n of our army beinsj fixed on his possessions, like a good citizen he submitted without repining to suffer as an individual, to promote the public good. His benevolence and hos[)i- tality were not confined to the circle of hia friends and ac- quaintances. His doors were ever open to the friendless stranger — his house afforded a resting place and a cheerful welcome to the weary traveller. The blessings of the poor and needy, the widc^'^ and the orphan, dail\' ascended to heaven in his behalf. Providence blessed him with a good constitution, and he met the gradual approaches of death with that composure and I'esignation which j)i-oceeds from the consciousness oi a religious life, and a well grounded hope of the divine acceptance, Tlie general sorrow of the numerous assembly whicli attended the fnnei-al on the Sunday following, testified their sense of his merit and their loss." Mr. Van Veghten resided on the banks of the Raritan near what is now called the old bridge. The American army was quartered on Mr. Van Vegh ten's land, in the winter of 1778 and 1779. Washington's general orders to the troops were published in the New Jersey Gazette, Feb- ruary 17, 1779, but were really given at an early date. The location of the encampment has already been indica- ted. It was a valuable piece of timber land, which was al- most entirely destroyed as fuel and logs for the soldiers huts ; and there is no evidence that any compensation was ever made. During ihe same winter Gen. Washington and Mrs. Washington lived in the parlor of Caleb Miller's house, then just newly finished to receive them. Here Washington planned and arraigned all the details of Gen- eral Sullivan's expedition against the Indian's in western New York. With the reverance due to such a circum- stance, that parlor has not been changed in the least since the Father of his country lived and slept in it, and it ought to remain as it is, until time effects its demolition. Our veneration for the past is too short either for our own credit or the benefit of future times. Hendrick Fisher was horn the year 1697, in the Pala- tinate, and emigrated to this country as a young man. He SOMERSET COUNTY. 57 was received into the church in 1721 and soon appointed a Deacon, then an Elder, and continued an ardent friend of F. J. Vrelinghuysen until his death, A mechanic by trade, he was yet a man of more than ordinary intelligence and capacity for business. He was almost constant in his attendance with him in the Ecclesiastical c )nventions. The first Convention of the Churches of the Coetas or liberal party in the Dutch Church which met in New York in 1738. recognized him as the Elder from Raritan. On the adoption of the plan of union in 1771 he was again present, and his name appears on more than one of the important committees. He exerted an important influence in bring- ing about union in the church. He was one of Mr. Freling- huysen's Helpers and acted as a Catcchist and Lay Preach- er. Some of liis sermons were published, and are said to have been rich in doctrine and in their illustration of spir- itual Christianity. In civil life he was one of the most influential men of his day. When the Revolution opened he wais a member of the Assembly of New Jersey from Somerset County, and stood up firmly on the patriot side. He represented the County often afterwards, and never flinched from active du- ty whenever or in whatever form he encountered it. In the Provincial Consress of New Jersey which assembled at Tren- ton 1775, he was elected President His opening address is said to have been most forcible in setting forth tLe griev- ances of the Colonies, He was chairman of the Committee of Safety which had really wide extended executive powers when Congress was not in session. He served also in other afl'airs of delicacy and trust. His firm and decided course made him many enemies among the opponents of the war, and for fear of them he generally went armed, especially on his various journeys. His courage no one doubted any more than they did his moral integrity or the decided character of his Christianity. He resided below Bound Brook on the south side of the river, and the homestead is now owned by Abraham I, Brokaw, In process of time it was bought by Captain McCrea who devised it to his niece Maria, the wife of Wm. Van Duyn. He represented the county of Somerset in the 58 SOMERSET COUNTY. Assembly at Perth Araboy in 1772, and also in 1775 in company with John Royce. This x-Vssembly took part in the opening scenes of the Revolution, the end of which he was not permitted to see — since he died four years after- wards. His remains rest in a family graveyard on his farnj. In a dense thicket overgrown with thorns and small trees, stands a plain brown u|)right slab, bearing the fol- lowing inscription : "In memory of Hendrick Fisher who departed ihis life August 16th, 1779 in the 82nd year of his age." Col, John Mehelm came from Neshamany Fenns, and at first engaged in Merchantile and Milling business at New Bromley (StiliweU's Mills) near White House, He was appointed Surrogate of Hunterdon and Somerset and resi- ded in Pluckamin — was a member of the first Provincial Congress, and of the Council of Safety — was present when Gov. Franklin was arrested and suj^erceded, and one of the commissioners appointed to sell the estate of Lord Sterling. Wm. McEowen married his daughter, and was during the war. Musician and Quartermaster. He repre- sented Somerset County several terms as Member of As- sembly. Col. Mehelm was in his day a man of character and influence, and has left a memory which is an honor to his posterity. We must not fail to mention among those who have been prominent in public life the name of John Harden- burgh. He was the son of the Rev. Dr. Hardenbur";h, pastor of the church of Raritan, and JefFvrow Harden- burgh, a woman of eminent piety. He is commonly sjjo- kenofby the aged, who still remember him, ao Sheriff Hardenburgh, but his holding that office was a great misfor- tune to himself, and to the friends who became his sureties. He was a gentleman of popular address and manners, and lived a free and generous life, not regarding always the ex- penses in which indulgence involved him. He married Ann W^allace, from Philadelphia, and lived in the old house which was removed to make room for the ])resent mansion ol Dumont Frelinghuysen, Esq. He died in 1738, and his remains were deposited by the tide of his wife on the banks of the meadows east of the old Parsonage in which his fath- SOMERSET COUNTY'. 59 er had resided. His wife d^'ed before him. We give their epitaphs: -'In memory of Ann, wife of John Harden- burgh, who departed this life November 26th, 1793, aged 35 years and 6 months " "In memory of John Hardeti- burgh, Esq., who departed this life July 23, 1798, aged 39 years, 3 months and 12 days." In the house now occupied by John Herbert, at tbe Mills, near Middlebrook, resided during the Hevolution, a merchant from New York by the name of Philip Van Horn ; and from him it was known as "Phil's Hill." His house was resorted to by the officers of the American army, and his daughters, one or more, married them. Col Sim- co called at the house on his way to Van Veghten's bridge and Millstone, when the church of Raritan was burnt, ex- pecting to find Col. Moyland there who was we believe, a son-iu law. The Duke DeChastellaux, Major-General of the French army under Rochambeau, on his way from Mor- ristown to Trenton, dined with Mr. Van Horn, and give.s an amusing account of one daughter, an officer's wife, and another the younger, who was flirting with a Lieutenant during the dinner. We have no knowledge of what be- came of the family, except that the property was sold after the war, and they must have died or moved away. William Mercer lived above Millstone and was a man of high character. He owned a mill and a store, and accu- mulated wealth. His descendauts reside at the present time in Newark and its vicinity, Theodore Frelinghuysen married his daughter Charlotte, and Dr. Stryker, of ISomer- ville, another. Dr. Stryker, besides serving in the legisla- tive council, was a physician of eminence and large prac- tice ; an earnest christian^ living to the age of nearly nine- ty years, and going down to his rest full of honor and in perfect peace. At Weston lived J . M. Bayard, owner of the mills, a citizen of influence in his day ; a christian man and an ex- ample of every good word and work. He assisted at the first meeting called to form the Somerset County Bible So- ciety, and was active wherever the good order of society was concerned. Rev. Balthazar Bayard, before the revocation of the edict 60 SOMERSET COUNTY. of Nantes, was driven tr.)!n Franc.^ by the policy of Cardi- nal Kichlievv, and en)i(:;rated to Holland the only place where he could enjoy lil)e.rty of conscience. There his only daughter. Judith, married Petrus Stuyvesant, the last of the Dutch (xovernors of New Aiuersterdam. She prevailed with the Governor to persuade her three brothers to ac- company the-m to this country. On their arrival in 1647, James the youngest of the three purchased a manor in Cecil County, Maryland Prior to leaving Holland, he hatl married Blandinia Conde. They had four children. The youi.gest son named James inherited the manor on the death of his parents. He tnarried Miss Ashton. Two sons were born to them, John and James Ashton — John being the oldest in age by thirty minutes. JohnJ3ayard was born August 11th 1738, in the Marj^- land Manor House. His father dying intestate he became entitled by law to the whole inheritance, but on reaching manhood, he conveyed to hib brother one half the real es- tate. In early life he became a communicant of the Pres- byterian Church in Philadelphia, under the pastoral care of the Rev, Gilbert Tennent. At the con)mencement of the Revolutionary war he took an active part in the Patriot cause. At the head of the 2d Batallion of the Philadel- phia troops he marched to the assistance of Washington and was pres, by his rapidly declining he'ilth," He died at Philadelphia, in 179.5, while on a journey to the South — and was there interred, He was a learned and profound lawyer, and distinguished in the halls of science and legis- lation. Mr. H., while in Princeton, must have lived as Dr. Witliei'spoon .lid, on the Somerset side of the street, which was the common boundary betwepn this county and Middle- sex. David Kirkpatrick of Mine Brook, the father of Chief Justice Kirkpatrick, was entirely a Soruerset man, though born in Scotland. He emigrated to New Jersey with his father, Alexander Kirkpatrick, when 12 years of age, in 1736, landing at Nevi^ Castle, Del.^ after a stormy passage, during which their provisions were almost entirely consum- ed and the passengers in danger of starvation. Wander- ing up from Delaware they finally reached Bound Brook, and went on over the mountains on foot by an Indian path. On their way they encountered ''a land-turtle, sticking up hi.T head and hissing fearfully." They had heard of rattle- snakes, and were sure this terrible monster must be one of them ; so turning cautiously aside, they left his -Hortlesl-ip" in full possession of his quarters, and went on their way giving him a wide berth. Coming to a spring of water on the south side of Mine Brook or Round Mountain, they rested ; and fancying the outlook of the place, settled and built a log house. David Kirkpatrick. the subject of our sketch, was born at " Wattiesneacli," Dumfrieshiie, Scot- land, February 17, 1724. and was a plain but earnest man living four score years and ten to see and enter upon his 64 SOMERSET COUNTY. ninety first year. He was often a member i)f the Xew Jersey Legislature ; and it is pleasantly said of him, that on going to Trenton, he usually commenced his journey on horseback ; but soon dismounted and walked, leading the animal all the way to Trenton. He was always a pub- lic spirited, earnest christian man ; a man with the tem- per of the Scotch worthies larg(dy developed in his char- acter, and left posterity who have borne honorable names among the honorable men of Somerset. His descendants have in many ways proved themselves worthy of their sire, at tiie bar, in the pulpit, and m many other branches of public life, A. plain, simple-hearted almost uneducated man, he obtained ai extensive influence in his day and died full of years and honors. Gen. Frederick Frelinghuysen, the only son of Rev. John Frelinghuysen and Dinah Van Burgh, of Amsterdam, Holland. He was born in Soraerville, April 13th, 1753, and died on April 13th, 1804, aged fifty-one years exactly. He entered public life early, and in 1775 when only 22 years of age, was sent to the (Jontinental Congress, He served in his place for two years and resigned in 1777, on account of the expense attending it, and the claims upon him from the exigencies of his own private ati-iirs. His letter, which has been preserved and published, is highly honorable to his patriotism and his sense of duty. He was, at first, a Captam of a Volunteer Artillery com- pany for one year on the opening of the revolution. He fought in the battles of the Assinpink, and of Monmouth; and generally during the war he was active as a colonel of the militia of his native county. After receiving rep'eated evidences of the confidence of the public, he was in 1793 elected to the United States Senate. He served in his place until domestic bereavements and the claims of his own ajffairs obliged him again to resign in 1796. In the Western expedition, or the ''Whiskey War," he served as a major-general, commanding the troops from New Jersey and Pennsylvania. He enjoyed a large share of public con- fidence and was one of the prominent men of his time, Som- erset has long cherished his memory with pride. Earlier in public life than Frelinghuysen, was William I SOMERSET COUNTY. 65 Paterson, the sec )nd ^ )vernor of New Jersay, after Inde-^ pendence. He is called one of the most talented men of his day We have not ascertained the place of his birth, but his father resided at Princeton, and he graduated from the college in 1763. Though mostly a resident of New Brunswick, he lived for several years on the Raritan, on ■ what is called the -'Paterson Farm." Here he attended to the business of his plautation, and at the same time en- gaged in the practice of the law. In the little office which stood aside from his dwelling and near the road side, he transacted his business and attended to the instruction of several studentb, of whom we shall make mention in an- other connection as a matter of interest and pride. He was appointed in 1776 a Judge of the Supreme Court of New Jersey, and elected Grovernor of the State in 1790, as a successor of William Livingston. Previous to this he had been a member of the convention to frame the U. S. Constitution and Senator of the First Congress. He was at the time of his death, 1806, a Judge of the Supreme- Court of the United States. New Jersey claims his mem- ory as one of her most honored and cherished possessions, and the County of Somerset, enrolls him with pleasure among her great men. His character is singularly pure, unstained even by one blot. He was evidently a most hon- est, honorable upright man. Somerset has a right to claim as one of her prominent men William Alexander, best known as "Lord Sterling," a major-general in the armies of the revolution. He was a son of James Alexander, surveyor general of New Jersey and born in New York City, 1726. His father, James Alexander, fled from Scotland, 1716, having been implica- ted in the outbreak in favor of the Stewarts in that year. His mother was the widow David Provost, facetiously called -'Ready Money" Frovost, He spent several years of his life near Baskingridge, where he built a splendid man- sion, had a park filled with deer, and lived in baronial style. He joined the army in his youth, and was aide- camp to Gen. Sherley in the French and Indian war. He claimed the Earldom of Sterling, in Scotland, and went to England to prosecute his claims, but failed in obtaining 66 SOMERSET COUNTY, the acknowlpclgmeiit of what was considered his just rights, but his friends iisually gave him by way of compliment the title. He acted a conspicuous part during the war of the revolution, and stood high in the confidence of Washing- ton. He distinguished himself at the Battle of Long Is- land, but was taken prisoner ; and again at Germantown and Monmouth. On Long Island his brayery was the means of saving a large part of the American army. At (rermantown his division, with the brigades of Nash and Maxivell, f repre- sent her, and continued her representatives in the subse- quent Congresses, until the Declai-ation of Independence! was issued on the^th of July, 1776, In these Assemblies, be- sides Hendrick Fisher, we find tin names of William Pat- erson, Frederick Frelinghuysen, John Royce, Peter Sclienck Abraham Van Neste, Enos Kelsey, Jonathan 0, Sergeant, Archibald >tewart, Edward Dumont, William Maxwell, Ephriam Martin, Cornelius Ver Meule, Ruloff Van Dyke, as representatives from Somerset County, at different times. When the "Provincial Congress," as it was called, met at Burlington, June 10th, 1776, she sent Dr. Harchmburgh to assist in framing a constitution for the State ; and when Gov, Franklin was superceded, arrested and confined, and William Livingstone appointed Governor on the 31st of August 1776, she was present by her representatives to as- sent to and assist in forwarding the good cause. She had already called out her military when the battle of Lexington was fought, April 19th, 1775 ; and when that of Bunker Hill, on the 17th of June occuired, she was active in arming for the fight. But fortunately, our State and County continued exempt from the ravages of armies, as well our own, as those ot our enemies, until the next year ! Clinton and Corn wa His, driven out of Boston, came with their re-inforced troops and landed 35,000 men on Long Island early in June 1776 ; and on the 20th of August, the battle of Long Island was fought. Then came the abandonment of the city of New York, Sep. tember 15th, the taking of Fort Washington and For^ 70 SOMERSET COUNTY. Lee. Nov, 10. and the transfer of both the armies into the ^State of New Jersey. Our State and county were now at first called apon to realize the bitterness of the contest in which they had engaged ; and henceforth she was, in a measure, the battle ground of the war. At this point, properly, the military operations of the Revolution, so far as Somerset is concerned, commenced, and we shall endeavor to give them, as far as it is possible, separate from the other actions in the great drama ; hoping in this way to enable the reader to f )rm a distinct idea of her sufferings in the cause of liberty. After the 16th of November, 1776, Washington crossed over the Hacken- sack and Passaic rivers, and as his troops were being daily diminished by desertion only [)aused when he had reached the Delaw ire. Penetrating the design of the enemy, to pass into New Jei'sey and march to the capture of Philadelphia, Washington had promptly crossed the Hudson with the main body of the American ariny, after securing some po- sitions on the east bank, between Kings' bridge and the Highlands. He paused at Hackensack in the rear of Fort Lee, where Greneral Lee was in command. Lord Corn- wallis also crossed the Hudson at Dobb's Ferry, with all his men, on the IStli, and landing at Closter. a mile and a half from English Neighborhood, proceeded to attack Fort Lee. The gan-ison made a hasty retreat, and joined Washington at Hackensack, five miles distant. All the bag- gage and military stores at Fort Lee fell into the hands of the enemy. It was an easy conquest for Cornwallis, and had he followed up this successful beginning with energy there is every probability that he would have captured Washington and his whole army. When Cornwallis ap- proached, he at once commenced a retreat towards the Delaware, hoping to be sufficiently enforced by the New Jersey and Pennsylvania militia to enable him to make a successful stand against the invaders at some intermediate point. But the late reverses had sorely disappointed the militia as well as the people, and Washington found his army to diminish at every step, rather than augment. By the last of November scarcely 3,000 troops remained under his com- SOMERSET COUNTY. 71 raand. For three weeks he fled before Gornwallis across the level districts of New Jersey, Newark, New Brunswick, Princeton and Trenton were successively evacuated by the Americans -imd occupied by the eneray: often the music of the pursued and the pursuers would be heard by each oth- er. Having arrived at Trenton on the 8tli of December, Washington and his army crossed the Delaware in boats, which had been pressed into this service by proclamation from all parts of the river. The last one had reached the Pennsylvania shore just as one division of Cornwallis's ar- my, with all the pomp of victors, marched into Trenton. This was about 12 o'clock at night. The main body of the British troops, however, halted about six miles from Trenton. The long agony was at last over ; and the cause of liberty, though surrounded with gloom and dis- couragement, was not yet quite lost. Washington had hoped to make a stand at New Brunswick, but abandonnd the idea as the eneuiy approached The service of the New Jeisey and Maryland brigades expired on the day he arrived there, and no persuasion could induce them to re- main, and -without them a stand was hopeless. When Washington commenced this retreat. Gen. Chas. Lee had been left at White Plains, east of the Hudson, with a corps of nearly 3000 men. When at Hackensack, Washington wrote to him, requesting hira to hasten to New Jersey, to reinforce him ; but Lee did not see fit to regard this reasonable request. The Commander-in-chief made the order peremptory and positive ; but he still lin- gered and delayed, and so tardy were his movements that after three weeks he only reached Morristown, It seems he coveted independence of command, and expected by some fortunate juncture of circumstances, to perform a striking and splendid feat of arms, and eclipse his com- mander in the eyes of the people. How miserably he fail- ed we have now to relate. On the 13th of December the main body of Lee's troops were at Vealtown, (now Bernardsville,) but Lee himself lodged at Mrs. White's tavern at Baskingridge, two miles distant, having with him only a guard of a few men for his protection. We quote from Wilkinson's Memoirs. — 72 SOMERSET COUNTY. "Gen. Lee wasted the morning in altercations, with cer- tain militia corps who were of his command, particularly the Connecticut light horse ; one wanted forage, one his horse shod, one hisj)ayand a fourth his provisions, to which the General replied. Your wants are numerous, but you have not mentioned the last ; you want to go home and shall be indulged, for you are no good here. Sev- eral of them appeared in large full bottoned perukes and were treated ver}- irreverently. "The call of the Adjutant General ibr orders also occu- pied some of his time, and he did not set down to break- fast before 10 o'clock. Gen. Lee was engaged in answer- ing Gen. Gate's letter, and I had risen from the table and was looking out of an end window, down a lane, about one hundred yards in length, which led to th(^ house from the main road, when I discovered a party of British turn the corner of the avenue in full charge. Startled at this un- expected appearance I exclaimed : "Here, Sir, are the British Cavalry." "Where" asked the General, who had signed the letter on the instant, "xlround the house" fur they had opened tiles and encompassed the building. General Lee appeared alarmed and yet collected, and his second observation mai'ked his self possession. "Where is the guard ? d — m the guard ; why don't they fire ?" and after a momentary pause he turned to me and said : "Do Sir, see what has become of the guard ?" The woman of the house at this moment entered the room, and propos- ed to him to conceal himself in a bed ; which he rejected with evident disgust. I caught up the pistol which lay on the table ; thrust thj letter he had been writing in my pocket, and passed into a room at the opposite end of the house, where 1 had seen the guard in the morning. Here I discovered their arms, but the men were absent. I step- ped out of the door, and saw the dragoons chasing them in different directions, and receiving a very uncivil salutation, I returned into the house. "Too inexperienced, immediately to penetrate the mo- tives of this enterprise, I considered the reconotre acciden- tal, and from the terrific tales spread over the country, of the violence and barbarity of the enemy, I believed it to be SOMERSET COUNTY. 73 a wanton marauding party, and determined not to die without company. I accordingly sought a position where 1 could not be approached by more than one person at a time, and with a pistol in each hand awaited the expected search, resolved to shoot the first and second person who might appear, and then appeal to the sword. I did not lona: remain in this unpleasant situation, but was ap])rised of the incursion by the very audible declaration. "It the General does not surrender in five minutes, I will stt fire to the house," which after a short pause was repeated with a solemn oath ; and within two minutes I heard it pro- claimed "here is the General, he has surrendered \" A general shout ensued, the trumpet sounded the re-assem- blinor of the troop, and the unfortunate Lee, mounted on my horse which stood ready at the door, was hurried off in triumph, bare-headed, in his slippers and blanket coat, his collar open, and his shirt very much soiled from several days use/' The capture of Gen. Lee was felt to be a public calami- ty ; it cast a gloom over the country and excited general sorrow. The matter is explained by later intelligence. It seems that a certain Mr. Mukle wraith, an elder in the Presbyterian Church of Mendham, had passed Mrs. White's tavern, and had. been told of the presence of Lee there, and while travelling on foot on his private busmess, was overtaken by Colonel Harcourt and pressed into service as a guide ; but whether Harcourt was only reconnoitering and accidently heard of the place where Gen. Lee had slept, or had followed him up intending to capture liirn, is not explained. He was taken by way of Bound Brook to New Buunswick and delivered, as a prisoner, to the British commander. At first he was claimed to be a deserter, and treated accordingly, but finally exchanged in May for Gen. Prescott and returned to the army. Col. Harcourt had no sooner retreated with his prize, than Gen. Wilkinson hastened to the stable and mounting the first horse at hand, hurried to join the main body of the army which he found on the road toward Pluckamin, The command now devolved upon Gen. Sullivan ; and continuing on his march by way of Lamington, Potters- 74 SOMERSET COUNTY. town and Clinton, he finally crossed the Delaware at Phil- ijishuro;, and joined Washinjj^ton in Pennsylvania. These, then, are the militaiy niovenients in Somerset County in 1776; the year when Independence was declared. Washington passed our county on its south-eastern and southern bender, along the public road leading by Six Mile Run, and Kingston to Princeton and Trenton ; and Lee and Sullivan led another division from Totowa, (now Paterson,) by the Valley of the Passaic to Morristown, Bernardsville, Lamington and Clinton, to Phillipsburg ; and the two united on the west side of the Delaware about December 20th, 1776. New Jersey was thus in December, given up almost en- tirely into the hands of the enemy ; and all tradition unites in averriiig that their hands were not restrained. Private property was but little respected ; no allowance made in favor of non-combattants ; and vii'tue and purity were often brutally outraged, Cornvvallis lingered in New Brunswick during the whole of the succeeding winter, collecting a large depot of stores and forage from the sui'rounding country for the subsist- enc« of his army. He at first purposed to continue his march to Philadelphia, but finding that Washington had secured all the boats on the river, decided to delay it until the ice should form and enable him to pass his troo[)s over in that way ; but befoie this came he had other work on his hands. While at Brunswick he issued a }.roclamation inviting all the inhabitants of the State to come in and take out "Protections," promising exemption for the past and safety in the future ; and in the discouraging aspect of the pub- lic affairs, the timorous and the doubtful almost univer- sally took advantage of it. The following is a copy of one of these papers : I do hf^reby Certify that the Bearer Abraham Sedam, of Middlebush, in the County of Somerset, came and sub- scribed the declaration specified in a certain Proclamation published at New York, on the 13th day of November last, by the Right Honorable, Lord Howe, and his Excellency General Howe. Whereby he is entitled to the protection SOMERSET C0U:NTY. 75 of all Officers and Soldiers, serving in his Majesties' Army in America, both for himself, his family and property, and to pass and repass on his lawful business without molesta- tion. Given under my hand this IStli day of December, 177(). C. Mawhood. lit. Col. The tendency was to weaken and discourage the cause of patriotism greatly. Even some men who had bt-en active until this time, wavt-red and sought safety in ••Protection." It was the darkest hour of the struL'^ffle, but fortutiritely it did iiot last long. We do- e the tirst year of Independence then with the British troops occupying New Brunswick, and extending their outposts to the J)elaware at Trenton, while Washing:- ton, with his little army almost ci>mpletely demoralized, is just savfd by a timely retreat to the west side of the river. New Jersey is in the possession of its enemies, except the counties of Sussex, Morris and Hunterdon, and the spirit of the people is being debauched by deceitful offers of pro- tection and peace. The State government had hardly been organized bef)re it was dispersed. War, therefore, not only, but anarchy, threatened the State ! No doubt many wept in secret, and others prayed almost in despondency and total despair ! But the agony, though intense, was brief. The year in which the Declaration of Independence was made really seemed to close in almost helpless desponden- cy ! Washington had only 2,200 n?en under his com- mand when he reached the western side of the Delaware on the 8th of December ; and even a part of these waited on- ly to be dismissed, as their term of service had already ex- pired. Indeed, there were scarcely 1000 men upon whom he could depend, until he was joined by Sullivan from Phillipsburgh. The whole State of New Jersey was at the mercy of the British. Sir Wm. Howe took this op- portunity to issue a Proclamation offering a full and free pardon to all who would lay down their arms, with full and ample protection, also to those who after doing so consented to take the oath of allegiance to the British crown. The effect of this was to bring great numbers of 76 SOMERSET COUNTY. the tiinerous and wavering to desert the cause of Indejjend- eiicc The following was issued on Long Island ; Whereas, it is represented that many of the lo\ml in- habitants of this conntiy have been Ci)n)pelled by the lead- ers in rel)ellion. to take np arms against H.is Majesty's Grovernraent. Notice is hereby given to all persons so f )ic- ed into rebelli(jn, that on delivering themselves up at head quarters of the Army, they will be received as fairhful snl)- jects, have permits peaceably to return to their respective dwellings, and meet with full protection for their persons ;ui 1 property. All those who chose to take up arras for the restoration of order and good government within this Island, shall be disposed of in the best manner, and have every encouragement that can be expected. oriven under my hand at Head(|uarters on Long Island Aug, 23, 1776. VVm. Howe. By his Excellency's command Robert Makensie, Sec. . The finances of Congress were in disarrangement ; the troops in the field were ill provided for, ill fed and greatly deuioralized as the effect of alt this. It was in fact thb darkest hour of the conflict. But it did not last long. On Christmas day in seventy-six, Our gallant troops with bayonet.s fixed. To Ti-enton marched away. From the 8th to the evening of the 24th of December nothing had been done, but early on the morning of the 25th, Christmas day, in the midst of a cold sleet, the in- habitants of Trenton were startled by the noise of a sharp conflict in the streets of the town. The result of which was, the capture of the entire corps of Hessians stationed there. Washington himself was there, present in person, aided by Generals Green, Mercer, Sterling, Sullivan and Stevens. The conflict was brief but decisive. Col. Rail was wounded by a shot fired, it is said, by Col. Frederick Fre- linghuysen, and surrendered the troops under his command amounting to 1000 prisoners, with 6 brass field pieces, 1000 stand of arms and 4 flags. iSOMKPSET COUNTY. 77 In the evenin*;-, Wnsliinjxtot), with his men and i)ris(»n- ers ictuined again to the west side of the Delawaie, hav- ing; loat only tuur men, iwo of which were frozen to death. He returned again, however, on the 30th, t(. tind all the British from Bordentown removed to Princeton, except Cornwallis, who, with strong i'orco was waiting for him on the south side of the Assinpink. Here a conflict oc- curred on the 2d of January, lasting until it became too dark to continue it, neither having obtained any decided advantage, and lighting their fires on opposite sides of the narrow little river. Cornwallis boasted that he would cer- tainly "catch the fox" in the morning, when urged by Sir William Erskine to attack in the evening ; but "the fox" was not caught ! Leaving his camp fires burning brightly, Washington stole away under the cover of the darkness, and appeared early in the morning at Princeton, where he defeated the British troops stationed there with great slaughter, and sent one regiment flying precipitately back to Trenton ; but his victory was saddened by the unfor- tunate death of General Mercer. Pursuing the other de- feated regiments as far as Kingston, he halted, and after consulting with his officers, decided to turn aside and se- cure his army by leading them to a place of safety. Break- ing down the bridge at Kingston, he led his troops on the east side of the Millstone to Rocky Hill, when he crossed again to the west side, and following the course of the riv- er crossed the Raritan at Van Veghten's bridge, and ren- devouzed the next day at night-fall, at Pluckamin. The morning of the battle at Princeton was bright and frosty, and the air being calm the canonading was iieard as far north-west as New Germantown, and spread consternation far and wide ; and when the camp fires gleamed the next evening the 4th of January, on the side of the Pluckamin mountain, the alarm was most intense. Many a horse- man, during the night, dashed onward to the point, to as- certain what it portended, and when the news was brought back, that it was Washington, the joy was almost raptur- ous everywhere. This hurried march on the 2nd of January, 1777, was the second military movement through Somerset County. 78 .SOMERSET COUNTY, It WHS made amid the most intense sufferings of the poor soldiers A.11 of them had been without sleep the previous night ; tiie weather w is uery cold — they hacl not had time t(j supply thiMuselves with even one regular maai, aiid the march from Kingston, after tlie batth^, was a long and a fatiguing one. Many of them became exhausted and laid down to sleep by the way side. 8>me cjf them became ex- hausted and laid down to sleep by the wayside. Some of the inhabitants along the Millstone supplied them as they j)assed, with such food as they had })!epared ; but the ex- haustion of the whole was almost com})lete, when they rest- ed at last at Pluckamin on the evening of the 4th. Beside the death ot Gen. Mercer the battle of Princeton ton is memorable on account of another victim. Captain William Leslie, son of thi- Earl of Levin of Scotland, was wounded in the first on-set, carried to Plut;kamin, and died on the i)orch of the small inn, almost immediately on reach- ing there. Mr. Gr. W. P. Custis in his recollections of the life of Washington, gives the following account of this in- cident of the battle : "It was while the Commander in Chief reined up his horse, where lay the gallant Col. Harshlet mortally wounded, that he perceived some Brit- ish soldiers supjjorting a wounded officer, and upon in- quiring his name and rank, was answered Uapt, Leslie. Dr. Benjamin Kush, who formed a part of the Genl's. suite, earnestly asked "a son of the Earl of Levin?" to which the soldiers replied in the affirmative. The Doctor then addressed the General-in-Chief, "1 beg your excellen- cy to permit this wounded officer to be placed under my care, that I may return, in however small a degree,' a part of the obligation, I owe to his worthy family for the many kindnesses received at their hands while a student at Bdin- burgli." The request was granted, but poor Leslie wa s soon past all surgery, "After receiving all })ossible kind- ness in the march, he died, was interred at Pluckamin in the old Lutheran Cemetery, and after the war Dr. Kush placed a monument over his remains, yet in existence. It has the following hiscription : "In memory of Capt. William Leslie, son of the Earl of Levin, who died January, 1776, after being wounded m the SOMERSET COUNTY. 79 Battle of Princeton." This nionument has been erected by Dr. Benj. Kush, out of respect to his noble family, and in testimony of his exalted worth. Many years since money was smit from Scotland to build a stone wall in front, and more recently the Presbyterian Church was erected on a part of it. The following extracts will be of interest to many of our readers : '•Many persons in this country will recall with pleasure the visit to this country last year of the Hon. Roland Les- lie Melville, brother of the Earl of Levin and Melville, wh j some time iv^o beci'.ne a pirtn..^r in Lnidon of Mr. McCulloch. ex-Secretary of the United States Treasury. While here Mr. Melville mentioned the fact that one of his "Forbyes," a young British otficer, had fallen in America during tlip. Revolutionary war, and that tLe family had never been able to learn where he was hurried. There was tradition that his remains had been dt>posited in a certain ^'Trinity" church yard, but that vague description gave ttiern little clue to the spot. Only the other day an American friend of Mr. Melville, searching our early national history with quite another ob- ject, stumbled on the story of his ancestor's death, and tinding that he fell at the battle of Princeton, January 3, 1777, pursued the inquiry, and discovered his burial place still well preserved. As the story throws an agreeable light on the courtesies which mitigated the terrois of those days of strife we lay it bufore our readers. The young officer in question was the Hon. William Leslie, and the account of his fate is ta- ken from "Custis's Recollections of the Life of Washington." As an interesting addition to this item of Revolutionary history, I make the following extract from the journal of Col. Thomas Rodney, who commanded a body of Delaware militia during the campaign of January, 1777, and partici- pated in the battles of Trenton and Princeton. The Col. licslie he mentions is undoubtedly the same referred to in the above paragraph, and the coincidence is the more re- markable from the great lapse of time since the occurrence of the event ; 80 SOMERSET COUNTY. FLUCKAaiiN, N. J., Jan. 5, 1777. " The General continued lune this day also to refresh the army. He ordered 40 of our light infantry to attend the funeral of Col Leslie, to bury him with the honors of war. He was one of the enemy who fell at Princeton ; they readily obeyed in paying due respect to bravery, tliough in an enemy. Ca])t. Henry was now gone home and 1 myself had com- mand of the five companies of infantry, but as I had not paid any attention to the military funeral ceremonies I requested Capt Humphries to conduct it. 1 had nothing to cover me here but my great coat, but luclvily got into a house near the mountains, where I fared very comfortably while we stayed here. These troops, Col. Rodney further states, were the only soldiers in the whole army in comjdete uniform, and while they remained at Morristown acted as General Washing- ton's body-guard, doing all the parade duty, and acted al- so as the funeral escort to Col. Ford and Gen, Hitchcock." Caesak a. Rodney. The army only remained at Pluckamin for a few days, and then went into winter quarters near Morristown, shel- tering themselves in huts on the south side of Kimball's mountain. The winter passed a.wa.y in quietness, not, how- ever, without suffering from sickness and want of sufficient provision. Often there were only three day's rations in the camp. Somerset County lay at the mercy of the enemy, whose foraging parties went out from New Brunswick, where Howe had quartered his troops, across the Millstone as far as Neshanic, and the South Branch, gathering eve- rything they Cf uld lay their hands on, and maltreating the inhabitants most cruelly, svhenever any resistance was oiSF- ered. It seemed as if the idea that they were or might be rebels, formed a sufficient excuse in the minds of the sol- diers for any outrage, that their })assions j'^'O^ipt^^^ tham to commit. They did not, however, always escape with impunity. On the 20th of January, sixteen days after Washington had passed Weston with his victoiious army, a large party of the British, foraging as usual, was met there, routed, and 43 baggage wagons, 164 horses, 118 I SOMERSET COUNTY. 81 cattle, 70 sheei» ami 12 prisoners captured . The Ameri- can party was under Gen. Dickenson, and ineluded two companies from the Valley of Wyoming. We find the follow account of this little fight giyen in the "Field Book of the Revolution." " A line efforts had been established along the Millstone river, in the direction of Princeton, One of these, at Somerset Court House, (the village of Millstone), was occupied by (xen. Dickenson with two companies of the regular army, and ab;)ut 300 militia. A mill on the opposite ])art of the stream contained consider- able flour. Corn wal lis, then lying at New Brunswick, dispatched a forai^ing party to capture it. The party consisted ol about 400 men. with more than 40 wagons. The British arrived at the mill at Weston, in the morning and iiaving loaded their wagons with flour, were about to return^ when Gen. Dickenson leading a portion of his force through the liver, middle deej), and filled with ice, at- tacked them with so much spirit, that they fled in haste, leaving the whole of their plunder with their wagons, be- hind them." Dickenson lost five men in this skirmage, and the enemy about 30 Washington warmly commend- ed Gen. Dickenson for his enterprise and gallantry evinced itt this little skirmish." But the discomfeitui'e in one of their ravages^ did not prevent them from repeating them almost daily in one di- rection or another around the whole country. The whole region of the Raritan and Millstone was stripped. The farmers threshed their wheat and then hid it under the straw in the barn, in order to preserve it from the greedy enemy. In many instances not enough was saved to serve for seed in the autumn. Cellars, houses, pig pens and hen roosts, were all carefully explored, and everything desirable carried off to feed the insatiate cormor- ants. Let us now leave Washington's soldiers in their tents near Morristown, undergoing innoculation for the small pox, as a "precautionary measure," and consuming lots of butter-nut pills in substitution for better medicines," While the wintermonths thus are passing, let us look to- wards the future. The prospect for the coming summer 82 SOMEKSET COUNTY. in deed was not bright, hut it was not quite so discourag- ing as the auturan had been. Trenton and Princeton, coming after Long Island and White Plains, and the sur- render of Forts Washington and Lee, had shown that the British were not quite invuhierable and omnipotent. Gen. Putnam was placed in observation at Piinceton, soon after the defeat of the British. He h-id only a few hundred troops : sometime not as manv as he had miles of frontier to guard. In January, Washington issued a proc- lamation from Morristown, directed t ) those who had ta- ken protection, "discharging them from the obligitions of their oath to the King, and directing them to repair to head-quarters, or tlie nearest genei'al officer, and swear al- legiance to the United States, as the condition of a full pardon, for wh;it they had done in a moment of fear and despondency/' It had a good effect ; tue people soon flocked from all quarters to take the oath, and all i (ea of British protection was abandoned. Howe, at New Brunswick, as the spring opened, was the principal object of solicitude to Washington. It was evi- dent he must attempt one of two things ; either to move up the Hudson, and co-operate with Burgoyne approach- ing Albany from Ticonderoga, or attempt to reach Phila- delphia by marching across the State of New Jersey. He determined so to place himself and his troops, as to shield them from attack, and at the same time have them ready to attcick, if any movement was made. Sending the northern troops to the Highlands, he stationed his own on the heiglits north of Midd'ebrook, and repaired to the camp in person, on the 28th of May. He had only 8,398 men in all, inclusive of cavalry and artillery ; and of these more than 2,000 were sick ; so that the effective rank and file were only 5,738. Howe and Cornwallis had been employ- ed during the winter in enlisting every loyalist possible, offering large and special rewards to deserters ; and, strengthened in this way, far outnumbered the little array of Washington. What he had not in numbers, he en- deavored however, to provide for by the advantage of his position and his superior vigilance. The drama was one of tlie most interesting in the whole war. Washington's SOMERSET COUNTY. 83 skill as a tactition was nowhere and on no occasion, more triumphantly displayed, than on the plains south of our mountain and east of Bound Brook, in June 1777. It is enough to say that he foiled his enemy completely, and fi- nally forced him from the State. He had seen early in the winter, that the campais^n of this year must be an important one — perhaps the ultimate decision of the contest ; and th;it, so far as his antagonist Sir William Howe was concerned, it would t;mbrace three points ! One an attempt from Canada by Burgoyne, to form a junction with the British at New York, by way of Albany and the Hudson ; and so by cutting off and isola- ting the eastern states of New England, divide and weak- en the colonies. Another, to maintain British ascendency in New York, and by preventing commerce, weaken and discourage the people. Lastly, to obtain possession of the city of Philadelphia, preparatory to the efforts to conquer the southern states. These three objects attained, he felt that the cause of Independence would be lost, or at best only a question of time. The British might rest in their conquests, and leave the Americans to waste their strength in vain ; and it would not take long to do it ! It was therefore, his business to frustrate all these designs. With the view of preventing the junction between Burgoyne and the British forces in New York. He threw, early in the spring, additional forces into Ticonderoga, collected men and stores at Albany, and strengthened the defences at West Point and Peekskill ; and planted himself behind the mountain at Middlebrook, within striking distance of New Brunswick, and near enough to New York, to act in any emergency that might arise there in the progress of the pending operations. We may sufficiently indicate the precise place of the encampment, by saying that it was on the right of the road leading through the mountain gorge in which Chim- ney Rock is situated, just where it rises up from the bed of the little stream, and attains the level of Washington valley. A strong earth work was thrown up about a quarter of a mile to the north west, almost in the centre of the valley, as a protection to any movement approaching 84 SOMEKSET COUNTY, from Pliickamin ; and the whole of the defile leading through the narrow mountain valley was strongly guard^^d while the brow overlooking the plain bristled with cannon. Just at the edge of the wood, east of Chimney Rock, huts were erected as quarters for the officers, and everything done which either safety or coraf )rt demanded in the emergency. At Bound Brook a strong redoubt was con- structed, commanding the bridge over that miery little stream, just north of the present Railroad crossing, looking to any attack to be made from the way of New Bruns wick. Having taken, in this way, all possible precaution against surprise, he felt strong to abide the issue of events. The result justified his sagacity as a military tactition. In, the strong position described, guarded in front by the abrupt mountain wall and the wood crowning it ; and almost equi-distant from New York and Philadelphia, he was equally {)repared for any movement made in either di- rection. While from the elevation of the mountain itself the whole plain upon which the enemy had to travel was visible to his watching eye. It would be difficult for Sir William Howe to change his position in any way, or at- tempt to come out of New Brunswick without finding some one on his heels who would not allow him a single mistake without taking advaitage of it. There was however no equality in the relative strength of the two armies, when the contest commenced. The British forces were well clothed and provisioned, and flush- ed with their success in the preceeding campaign. The army of Washington was a feeble band — the whole effect- ive rank and file, when at Middlcbrook, amounting only to 5,737 men ; more than half of which had never seen any service. And beside, there were elements of weakness in the corps itself, A large portion of it was composed of foreigners; many of them servants — upon whose attach- ment to freedom it was not safe to depend. This circum- stance was known to Sir William Howe ; and he had en- deavored to profit by it, offering pardon and protection to all deserters, and bounties to any slaves who might bring in their arms and accoutrements. It was a dastardly stroke of policy ; and its meanness seems to have been its weakness. SOMERSET COUNTY. 85 Few took udvaiitage of the offer, and the slaves remained content -vith their masters. As soon as Washington had taken his position at Middlebrook. Gen. Benedict Arnold was directed to form an army of Militia on the east side of the Delaware, and be prepared to dispute the passage of Howe, should he escape from Washington, and attempt to cross on his way to Philadelphia. And to give strength to his corps, a few companies of regulai- troops were detailed to assist him in making his dis].ositions effective. At the same time Gen. Sullivan, who had remained in the vicinity of Princeton with a })art of the regular army, and whose force was increasing daily by recruits from the South and the Militia of New Jersey, was ordered to hold himself in perpetual expectation of attack — to be prepared to send his bagage and provisions to a place of safety, and to move at a moment's warning — to preserve a communi- cation with the main army at all times open ; by no means to risk a general engagement, but to act as a partizan corps ; and on the first movement of the British from their encampment at New Brunswick, after having placed his main body in safety, to harrass and annoy them by detatch- ing active parties for that purpose. The whole militia of the state were also called out, and instructed to hang up- on the main body of the British army ; and by ranging the country in small parties, harrass their flanks and rear, cut off their supplies, and injure them as much as possible. Such was the state of things in Somerset County at the end of May, 1777 ; and now if we take a map of \he State and place it before us, we shall have a chess-board, upon which to trace the subsequent movements of the opposing forces in that grand contest of stratagem and skill, which was about to commence, It is equal in interest and in ability to anything in the military text book. Its results entered largely into the ultimate success which crowned American valor, and gave liberty to these United States, so proud in their career of glory, so magnificent in their fu- ture prospects. Leaving now Burgoyne to Schuyler and Gates, and Cornwallis looking anxiously for news from the north at New York, we concentrate our attention upon the two ar- 86 SOMERSET COUNTY. mies in Somerset County. Wasliinj^ton looking from the mountain summit in the lear of Bound Broi>k, and Howe at New Brunswick contrivin<> to escape him, or to bring him down from his eirey, to fight him on the plains on more advantageous terms. The city of Philad^^lphia was the stake, and the play for it was magnificent. The British General had two ways of attaining his ob- ject. One by marching through New Jersey and crossing th*^ Delaware by a portable bridge, constructed for thafc purpose, during the winter at New Brunswick, and make his way directly to his object. The other to embark his armv and attempt the city by the way of the Delaware or Chesapeak Bay. The first was preferable, and was there- fore to be attempted befire the other was resorted to, — The demonstration was made on the l4th of June. Gren. Sir William Howe, leaving 2000 men at New Brunswick under the command of Gren. Matthews, advanced in two columns towards Princeton, The first under Lord Corn- wallis reached the village of Millstone by break of day ; the other under DeHester arrived about the same time at Middlebush, having taken a route more to the south than that which the former pursued. To meet the movement thus begun, Washington brought his army forward and posted it to great advan- tage in order of battle, on the south side of the mountain east of the gorge in which Chimney Rock is situated.- This position he maintained during the whole day, and at night the troops slept upon their arms. In this condition things remained from the morning of the 14th to the evening ot the 19th. Howe threatening and making every eff"ort to induce the Americans to abandon their high ground and fight him on the plain ; and Washington resolutely dis- regarding his taunts and maintaining his superior position; but perfectly prepared and willing to give him battle where lie was. Nor had he been idle at other points in anticipation of these movements. The troops from Peeks Kill, with the exception of 1000 effective men left there on guard, had been summoned to his aid, and were present and ready to act. A select corps of riflemen under Col. Mergan had been or- SOMERSET COUNTY. 87 ganized early in the season, and was acting as a partizea corps between the Raritan and Millstone, with instructions to watch the left flank of the enemy and fall on at the first favorable moment ; but not to permit himself to be sur- rounded, and his retreat to the main, body cut off. Mor- gans's men soon became a perfect scourge to the British regiments. >ir William Howe could not throw out a pick- et guard at any distance from the main array, but Morgan would drive it in ; and of woods and grain fields the ene- my soon had a complete horror, and would at any time march a mile round to avoid them ; for they were almost sure to receive from eveiy one which they approached a sa- lute of Morgan's rifles. Ranging the whole country on the south side of the Raritan, from that river to Rocky flill, he kept the inhabitants during the whole time that the British army remained on the east side of the Millstone, almost in a state of perfect security, and many a farmer owed to the fear of Morgan's men, the preservation of his tenements from the flames. It has been a common mistake to assert that Morgan during this period was encamped on the ridge of land be- tween the present residences of Mr. Henry Grarretson and what was formerly that of C. Brokaw, west of the Weston road. That encampment consisted of 1st, 2d and 7th Regiments of Pennsylvania troops, commanded by Gen. Anthony Wayne, and the time of their encampment there, was the winter of 1778 and 9, They came upon the ground in November, and remained until May, Their huts formed quite a town with its streets and parade ground in beautiful order, and when the encampment was broken up they proceeded to the Highlands, immediately after which, Stony Point fell, being stormed and taken by Glen. An- thony WayTie ! In the meantime Gen, Sullivan had changed his position from Princeton as soon as Howe mov- ed towords Millstone, and lay on the high grounds of Rocky Hill, looking over the plains on which the scene was act- ing ; and the militia of New Jersey, rallying with an alac- raty unexemplified at any previous time, took the field in great numbers, principally joining Gen. Sullivan, who again, when Howe threatened him from Middlebush and 88 SOMERSET COUNTY. the village of Millstone, retired behind the Shannock moun- tain, in the neighborhctod of Clover Hill, and was forming a formidable army there to resist his progress to the Dela- ware. When General Howe determined on leaving a part of his army at JSTew Brunswick, marched out towards Mill- stone, with two divisions, stationing one at Middlebush, under the command of General De Heister, where two forts or redoubts were thrown up, one across the Amwell road, a few yards west of the house in which Moses Wol- sey at present resides ; the other was about three hundred yards south of the former, adjoining the present railroad, on land then owned by Denice Van Liew. The other division, under command of Lord Cornwallis, was stationed at Millstone, and a fort thrown up on the IVorth side of the road, a few yards West of the present dwelling of John V. C. WyckofF, on the land then owned by Hendrick Probasco. Another fort was thrown up on the opposite side of the road on land of Ann, widow of Cornelius Van Liew. While the army was encamped there a great amount of property belonging to the inhabitants of the neighborhood was taken and destroyed, The Dutch Church was dam- aged. General Cornwallis, in marching with his division to Millstone, took the amwell road, which then came into the Princeton road but a bhort distance above the Mile Run Brook near New Brunswick, which he followed, until he reached Millstone, while General De Heister followed the one running along the West bank of the Raritan for more than three miles, until he came to the then Van Duyn place, where he turned to the left and followed the road leading from thence into the Amwell Road, a few yards east of the present Middlebush Church, about half a mile west of which he encamped with his troops. This was the state of things from the 14th to the 19th of June. On the night of the 19th, Sir William Howe, finding the American army could not be drawn from its strong position, and seeing the crowds which flocked to join Sullivan in his front, determined to waste no more time in attempting to reach Philadelphia by land^ returned to New SOMERSET C0U:NTY. 89 Brunswick. Here he remained only two days, and on the 22d, proceeded to Amboy, when he threw over the Kills the bridge of boats intended to cross the Delaware, and com- menced passing over his bagge acd some of his light troops to Staten Island. His whole retreat was precipatous and was marked by the smoking ruins of barns and farm hous- es ; but it was not peaceable. Morgan's eye was upon him, and at sun rise on the mornhig of the 22d the sharp report of his rifles sounded in his ears, as he attacked and drove in his picket guard, and when they threw them- selves into the redoubts on the hill west of New Brunswick, Wayne was there to second Morgan's attack. These were soon abandoned, and the whole army having cros?ed the Raritan, was seen in full flight towards Amboy. Some sharp skirmishing took place between the rear guard and Morgan's riflemen, but the march was conducted in such a guarded manner that nothing efl'ectual could be accom- plished. Sullivan was now ordered to move his division and co-operate with Green and Maxwell, who had been di- rected to watch the enemies flanks and rear, and molest them in every possible way. But from the distance at which he was encamped, he was unable to come up in time. And the express sent to Maxwell either deserted or was taken ; and the rear guard being stronger than was ex- pected, Green with his three brigades could make no effec- tual impression on them. In consequence the retreat to Amboy was less disastrous than it might have been, had circumstances favored our troops ! An aged man who was a native of Middlebash, and as a boy was taken prisoner when the British retreated, related that in returning from the movement above described, the troops crossed below Bound Brook to the north side of the Raritan, on their way to New Brunswick. It is difficult to see the occas- ion of such a movement, and yet more difficult to discredit the testimony of an eye witness. Perhaps it was in the hope of tempting Washington to attack them. While the movements indicated above were being made, the whole army of Washington had remained paraded every day on the heights north of Bound Brook, really to act as circumstances might require. But now, in order to / 90 SOMERSET COUNTY, cover his light parties which hung on the British rear, he descended from his position and advanced to New Market, some six or seven miles eastward, and the division under Lord Sterling proceeded still further, to Metuchen meeting house, heing directed to act ^»'ith the several parties of Green and Morgan already on the lines and harrassing the rear of the retreating army. As soon as Washington had made this movement, Sir Wm. Howe thought the moment had arrived to bring on a general engagement, a thing which he had sought and ho[)- ed for from the commencement of active operations. With this view, on the night of the 25th he hastily recalled the troo[)s which had been transported to Siaten Island, and early next morning, made a rapid movement in two col- umns, toward Westfield. The right, under command of Lord Cornwallis, took the route by Woodbridge^ to Scotch Plains, and aimed to seize the strong pass through the mountains west of Plainfield, and thus, by gaining the rear of Washington, force him from his advantageous position on the high grounds, and oblige him to fight on the plains. The left, under the personal direction of Sir Wm Howe, marched by Metucheu meeting house, and intended to at- tack the Americans at New Market, and, ultimately, gain also the heights on the left of the camp at Middkbrook. If this well concentrated movement had succeeded, Wash- ington would have either been obliged to fly towards the Highlands, on the Hudson River, or to fight th6 well ap- pointed army before him with his feeble force, upon such terms and in such a position as to afford but slight hopes of success. But a kind Providence averted the well aimed blow. Howe's own account is in the following words : The necessary preparations being finished for crossing the troops to Staten Island, intelligence was received that the enemy had moved down from the mountain and taken post at Quibbletown, (New Market) intending, as was given out, to attack the rear of the army removing from Amboy — that two corps had advanced to their left — one of 3000 men and eight pieces of cannon, under the command of Lord Sterling, Gen's. Maxwell and Conway ; the last, SOMERSET COUNTY. 91 said to he a captain in the French service. The other corps, consisted of about. 700 raett with only «)ne piece of cannon. In this situation, it was thought advisable to make a move- nienr, that might lead on to an attack, which was done on the 26th in tlie morning, in two columns. At Woodbiidge, the right column of the British fell in with the light ])arties sent out to watch their motion, and thus acquainted Washington with the movement. He at once penetrated the whole design, ordered his army back with the utmost celerity to their original position at Middle- brook^ and sent out a party to guard the heights which the enemy intended to seize. The left, under (yornwallis, en- countered Lord Sterling, and after a severe skirmish, drove him from his position and pursued him over the hills as far as Westfield, where they halted. But the pass in the moun- tain west of Plainfield being guarded, and Washiuirton, like an eagle, perched again upon his eyry, and Sterling beyond the reach of Cornwallis, the British commander saw that the object in view of which his whole raauoeuver had been made, was beyond his reach, turned his face again towards the seaboard; and on the 30th of June crossed over to Stateu Island with his whole army. His course was a clear acknowledgment that he was beaten ; and that too, by a force far inferior to his own. Both his designs were de- feated. He had neither gained an op^u road to Philadel- phia, nor brought on a general engagement ; and after raanoeuvering a month and more, was obliged to change the whole object of the campaign ; or seek to gain its end by a circuitous route, in which there was both danger and uncertainty. As the result of his contest with Sterling's command, the British General claims to have captured three brass cannon and three captains ; and computes the American loss at 60 men killed and more than 200 wounded, while he avers that Cornwallis had only 5 killed and 30 wounded, and ends by excusing the want of success, from the day prov- ing so intensely hot, that the soldiers could with difficulty continue their march. In fact there was always something the matter with the British commander. His most suc- cessful feat seems to have been that moonlight race from 92 SOMEKSET COUNTY. the battle of Monmouth in the next sumnier . It was so swift and successful, that when the morninoj dawned, VVashin<^ton dispaired beinoj able to come up with him, and let him go until another time. So now, from WestHeld and Scotch Fiains, he glories in having made a saf^ retreat again to his shi[)s at Amboy. Even in this he was not left unmolested. Scott and C(»nway were despatched to watch his motions, and annoy him in every way ; and the rear guard of the British army was not yet out ot Ambt)y, before the former marched into it, and to;)k possesion. But the guarded and soldier like manner in which the whole retreat was managed, prevent- ed any successful attack, and so the prize fled from our State in safety. Such were some of the busy scenes enacted in the coun- ties of Somerset and Middlesex, in the spring and early summer of 1777. Armies were marching and counte-"- marching daily. The tread of the war horse echoed through their peaceful solitudes, and the glitter of steel flashed in the sunlight, while the vast interests dependent upon every movement, filled the minds, not only of the actors, but also of all the inhabitants, with the most in- tense interest. On the apex of the Round top, on the left of the gorge, in which Chimn(iy Rock stands, there are yet to be seen rude remains of a hut, which Washington sometimes fre- quented, during these anxious months of 1777. On the east side of the gorge, also, fronting the plain north of Middlebrook, there is a rock, which has been named "Washington Kock," because there he often stood to gaze anxiously u[)on the scene it overlooks. On the mountain, west of Plainfield also, there is a very lavgfi rock, which has received the same appellation, from this circumstance. On the 30th of June, while Sir Wm. Howe and Cornwallis were moving in the plain between the Raritan and Amboy, no more favorable position from which to see every motion, could be desired, and it is not improbable that there, the noble i'ovm of the American Fa- bius was often seen from morning until evening, during all these anxious days. Perhaps we owe to these spots, more iSOMEPSET COUNTY. ingr.on, of every tnovenient of his enemies, might have involved him in a false position. Had he not been in a situation, when on his rock elevation, to see at once the aim of Sir VVm. Howe in that well concerted n)ov'ement from Amboy, his regiments might have been captured after he left his strong camp at Bound Broolc and advanced upon the plain, and then our soil too, would have been saturated with human ^>ore, and our vicinity celebrated as another of the battle fields of liberty. But as it was, life was spared, the designs of our enemies frus- trated, and the triumph of t'^e principles of human liberty secured. Let the memory of all such places live, and let l)ilgrims visit them as consecrated spots, as long as the glory of the great deeds and the enduring fiime of the noble man with whom they are associated shall continue. The British remained on Staten Island until the middle of July, and then embarked and sailed for the Chesapeake. Washington, after a few days, hearing of Burgoyne's ap- proach to Ticonderoga, moved his araiy to Morristown, and advanced Sullivan as far as Pompton Plains — and then again to Peeks Kill, while he hiaiself took position at Pompton. But as soon as Howe had passed out of Sandy Hook, knowing well that his aim was to the city of Phila- delphia, he returned through the county of Somerset, and crossed the Delaware at New Hope, hastening to the scene of action. The result was tlie battle of Brandy wine on the 11th of Sept. Germantown Oct., 4th, and finally the oc- cupation of the city of Philadelphia by the British forces. The route of this march across the State is no where stated so far as we have read. It was probably by the way of Newark and New Brunswick, by the troops from Peekskill ; and by Morristown and Millstone, by those from Pompton. The State was now cleared of all Milita- ry companies and warlike action, and remained so until the evacuation of Philadelphia, June 18th, 1778. It was al- most a year of sweet rest for its wasted inhabitants. — When the British entered it again, there was a very diff- erent state of feeling existing among the people. For some time after Sir Wm. Howe had embarked his 94 SOMERSKT COUNTY. troops rtt Ainboy, there hnwj^ i^n-ut uncertainty over his destination, baton the 30th ofJuly the fleet appeared off the Capes of Dehiware apparently desirinj^, but tearing to enter tin- river, and only finally reached the Chesapeake on the 16th ofAuiiUst. Washington, upon learning this, concentrated his army ;it nnce in the vicinity of Philadel- phia. On tliH 25th of Atigust the British landed at the IVrry of Klk tlun. Tlie whole force was computed at 18,000 men. On the 15th of September, occurred the Battle of Braiidywine. Various movements and skirmish- v-s succeeded, the taking of the forts on the D -laware, then came the battle of Germantown, and finally the oc- cupation of the city of Pl)iladelpiiia, liie great object of solicitud'^, nn the part of Howe, during the wh(de sum- mer. Tlien came news of the capture of Burgoyne at Saratoga, ()(;tober 13, and Washington encain[)ed for the winter at Valh^y Forge, on the Schuylkill, and the active? ojjerations of another year ended We have seen the British resting in Philadel[thia, in the winter of 1777 and 1778, and Washington watcuing them along the Schuylkill from Valley Forge and Whitemarsh. Tlie winter was a weary and discouraging one. The American troops were ill clad, ill fed, and exposed to sick- ness, but they endured it all with patriotic patience, and waited for the opening of the next spring for action — And a stirring scene it was indeed. The British army had been comfortable in their quarters in the city, and the officers had sought to ingratiate thems^lvc^s with the inhabitants by "theatricals, balls, and suppers ;" but their success had hardly corresjiondetl to the efforts put forth. They lingered through the whole sj)ring, but finally, on the 18th of June, crossed the Delaware at Camden and Burlington, and |.roceeded on their march to the city of New York, by the way of Allentown, Washington put his troops in motion to follow their footsteps, and if possi- ble, bring on an engagement before they had reached their ships on Monmouth shore. He crossed his army at Cor- yelle's Ferry and marching by the way of Pennington and Kingston, aj)proached his enemy. From the lines on which the two armies were marching, SOMERSET COUNTY. 95 it soon becaiTK:! evidtiiit that there wouUl bo a iiuieting and conflict, somewhere in tne vicinity of Freehold or Englisli- town, in Monmouth county. Washington was greatly em- barrassed however, by differing opinions among his officers. Lee, with five othe.- general officers, was in favor of the [tolicy of a perpetual annoyance of the enemy on the march; Green, Wayne and Lafayette, thought with Washington, that it was possible to defeat the British army and make them prisoners, before they couhl e.Ktricate themst-lves and reach their shii)s in the Raritan Bay. Finally, soon after l)assing the Millstone, jit Kingston, the Commander-iii- (Jhief determined to take the responsibility and to carry ont his own private views, by attacking his enemy with his whole f )rce. Detatching Wayne, with 1000 men to the front, and giving Lafayette conmiand of all the ad- vanced i)arties, he moved forward the main body of his troops to Cranberry on the 26th of June. On the 27th, Lafayette reached Englishtown. Sir Henry Clinton ap- prehending an immediate attack, placed all his baggage in his front, and took up a strong position at Freehold. In this situation the morning of the 28th of J une dawn- ed- It was the Christian Sabbath. The sky was cloud- less over the plains of Monmouth, and the sun came up with all the fervor of the summer solstice. It was the sultriest day of the year, but twenty thousand men had girded on the implements of cruel war, and stood ready for the battle which decided a long conflict and gave us our freedom. We refer to the published description of the battle for particulars. We only remark that notwithstanding the misconduct of Lee, for which he was tried and dismissed from the army, the victory of the Americans was so complete, that during the night the British forces retreated to their ships at Mid- dletown shore, and so made their escape before Washing- •ton had time to reach them in the morning. Sir Henry Clinton's moonlight raid from Freehold to the waiting ships, of which he wrote a brilliant account to his friends at home, may be quoted as one of the most successful run- nings of the war, if not among its most brilliant exploits. On the day of the battle of Monmouth the French fleet 96 SOMERSET COUNTY, arrived off the coast, one month earlier the British ships wonkl have been caught at Phibidelphia. It was proj)Osed to attempt the same thing in the harbour of New York, but unfortunately they drew so much water, that they were unable to pass tlie Bar at Sandy Hook, and went to Newport, and Washington marched his army again to the Nerh Kiver above New York, sending a |)art of it into Rhode Ishmd to assist in the attack made by the French fleet up- on Newport. He himself continued with his troops at Haverstraw. In a few desultory movements the season was spent, and the French fleet in December, went to winter in the West Indies and tlie campaign closed. Washington with tie remainder of his troops came to the vicinity of Somerville and selected as the place for en- campment, the slopi! of woodland north east of Mount Pleasant, the officers oceupied the huts which had been erected on the south side of the mountain east of the gorge of Chimney Rock. He himself took u}) his quarters at the house of William Wallace, in Somerville, and here Mrs. Washington came and joined him, and they passed the wint<3r. There were about 7000 men at Mount Pleasant and at Chinmey Rock ; the principal part at the former place. The (.'ommander-in-Chitf had, on the 26th of October through Lord Sterling, caused the following resolutions of the Continental Congress to be published to the army, sub- scribed by Francis Barber, Adj. Gen'l. viz : Whereas, religion and good morals are the only solid foundation of public liberty and happiness ; Resolved, That it be, and hereby is earnestly recom- mended to the several States to take the most effectual measures for the encouragement thereof, and for the sup- pression of theatrical entertainments, horse racing, gaming and such other diversions as are productive of idleness, dis- sipation, and general depravity of principles and manners. Resolved, That all officers in the army of the United States, be hereby strictly enjoined to see that the good and wholesome rules provided for the discountenance of pro- SOMERSET COUNTY. 97 faneness and vice, and the preservation of morals araoDg the soldiers, are duly and punctually ohserved. In consequence whereof, the Comniinder-in-Chief of ihe army in this Stctte, directs, that strict obedience to the foregoing resolves be paid by all offisers and soldiers within the same, By order of Major-G.meral L )rd Sterling, Com- mander of the C mfederate troops of New Jersey. FuANcis Barber, Adj. -Gen. On the 6th of February, 1779, when the encampment was just completed and regular order fully established, Washington himself supplemented the above by the fol- lowing additional orders : The Commander-in-Chief approves of the order issued by Major Gen. Lord Sterling during his command at the camp, and thanks him for the endeavor to pres'^rve order and discipline, and the property of the farmers in the vi- cinity of the camp. He doubts not but the officers of eve- ry rank, from a just sense of the importance of sncuring to others the blessings they themselves are contending for, will use their utmost vigilance to to maintain those privileges and prevent abuses, as nothing can redound more to their personal honor and the reputation of their respective corps. Extract from general orders, Alexander Scammil. Adj. -Gen. Pr'^cisely when the encampn>ent broke up in the next summer is not readily ascertained Gen. Wayne, whose corps lay on the scuth side of the Raritan River, left there on the last days of June for Stcmy Point, which he as- saulted and captured on the 15th of July. It is probable that the troops were gradually withdrawn, and from this time our County ceased to be the resting place of the ar- mies fighting in trie cause of liberty, and the foot of a British soldier trod it no more except in one hasty visit, which is to be related. The alliance which had been formed with France in consequence of which, Rochambeau and Count De Grasse were sent to the United States, was, during the winter 1779, a matter of universal congratulation. After the ar- my, had been comfortably hutted, the officers of the artill- ery stationed in the vicinity of Pluckarain, gave an enter- 98 SOMERSET COUNTY. tainra<^nt, consisting of" a hall and supper in honor of the event. We extract th'^ following account of this joyous occasion from cotenij)orary records. It is in the following words : "The anniversary of our alliance with France was celebrated on the 18th ultimo at Pluckamin, at a very ele- gant entertainment and display of fireworks given by Gen. Knox and theofficeisof the Corps of Artillery. It was postponed to this late day on account of the Commander in Chief being absent from the camp. Gen. Washington, the principal officers of the array, with Mrs. Washington. Mrs. Green, Mrs. Knox, and the ladies and gentlemen of a large circuit round the cam{), were of the company. Besides these, there was a vast concourse of spectators from every part of the Jerseys. The barracks of the artillery are at a small distance from Pluckamin, on a piece of rising ground, which shows thera to great advantage. The entertainment and ball were held at the Academy of the Park. About 4 o'clock in the af- ternoon, the celebration of the Alliance was announced by the discharge of 13 cannon, when the company assembled to a very elegant dinner. The room was spacious and the tables were prettily disposed, both as to prospect and con- venience. The festivity was universal and the toasts de- scriptive of the happy event, which had given certainty to our liberties, empire and independence. In the evening was exhibited a very tine set of fire works conducted by Col, Stevens arranged on the point of a temple 100 feet in length and proportionately high. The temple showed 13 arches, each displaying an illuminated painting. The centre arch was ornamented with a pediment larger than the others, and the whole edifice supported by a colonade of the Corinthian order The illuminated paintings were disposed of in the follow- ing order. The 1st arch on the right represented the commencement of hostilities at Lexington, with this in- scription — '-The scene opened ;" 2d, 'British Clemency/ represented in the burning of Charleston, Falmouth, Nor- folk and Kingston ; 3d, "The separation of America from Britain." "By your tyranny to the people of America, you have separated the wide arch of an extended empire ; SOMERSET COUNTY. 99 4th, '-Britain iV'piesenteJ as a decaying eiui)iri', by a bar- ren Country, broken arches, fallen spires, shij)s deserting its shores, births of t)i"ev hovering over its luoulderinQ- citi(\s. and a gloomy setting sun. Motto : The Babylonian spires aie nunk Aohciia, Rome and Eirypt iiiuuldered down : Time siiakes the stable tyiaiiny of thrones. And totteritiu Empires crushed b}- theii own weiyht." 5, America re])resetited as a rising Em; ire, [)rospect (d' a feride country, hai'bors and rivers covered with ships, new ca als opening, cities rising amidst woods, splendid sun emerging from a bright horrizon. Motto, "New worlds are seen emerf thein was a dread- ful spectacle ; he a|)[)eur.s to ha^'e been almost starved, and was chained to the Moor. [Wo have no information in re- gard to the ])risoner.'. in the jail at Millstone ; hut we be- lieve the scene described to be an exaggeration. The par- tiz;!ns of the British, it is true, were not much respected in Somerset County, Init humanity was never foigotten in dealing with them. They had coats of "tar and feathers" bestowed on th' m ; but ''almost, starvation" is (;vi(lently an hy[)erbolic form of e.xpression .] The soldiers wished and it was peinutted, to burn the court house. It was unconnected with any other building, and, by its flamifs showed ( n wdiich side of the Rarilan he was, and would, most pi obably, operate lo assemble the neighboihood of Brunswick at itsbiidge, to prevent him fi'om returning by thatroaii. The party proceeded toward Brunswick. — Alarm guns were now heard, and some shots were fired at the rear, particularly by one person, who, as it afterward aDpeared, being out a shooting, and hearing of the incur- sioti,) had sent word to Gov. Livingston, who was at Brunswick, that he would follow the party at a distance, and tiiCn give a shot, that he might know which way they directed their march. Passing by some houses, Lieut. Carty approached Brunswick, Lieut. Col. Simcoe began to be anxious for the cross-road diverging from it into the Princeton road, which he ment to puisne, and which having once arrived at, he himself knew the by-ways to the heights he wished to attain, where having frequently done duty, he was mi- nutely acquainted with every advantage and circumstance of the ground. His guide was periectly confident that he was not yet arrived at it ; and Lieut. Col. Simcoe was in earnest conversation with him, and making the necessary inquiries, when a shot, at some little distance, discovered there was a jiarty in front. He immediately galloped jhither ; and he sent back Wright, his orderly sergeant to 108 SOMERSET COUNTY. jicquMint Capt. Sandfonl "that the shot had not been fired at the piuty," when, on the iii;ht at some distance, he saw thu rail t'lMice (\vh)ch was very Itisj^h on both sides of the narrow road between two woods) somewhat broken down, iiiid a man oi- two near it, when, pnttin*:; his horse on the canter, he joined tix^Jidvance men of the Hnzzars, (h'terinin- ini!; to [lass throng'h this o[)enini^, so as to avoid every ani- bnscade that might be hiid fir him, or attack, n.pon more e]na\ terms, Col. Lee, (whom he nnderstood to b.^ in the D'^ighborhood, and apprehended might be opposed to him,) or any other paitv ; when hi- saw some men concealed be- hind loos and bnshes, between iiim and the opening he meant to puss througli, and he heard the words ''Now, n;»w," and fonnd himself, when he recovered his senses, prisoner with the enemy, his horse being killed with five; bnllets, and himself stnnned by the violence of his fall. [Th<> n^snlt near DeMott's Tavern, two miles west of New Brnnswick reqnires more additions, than any other part of the narrative, to render it complete. Col. Simcoe's horse was shot under him and he hiniself thrown violently to the gronnd and rendered insensible. James Schnrernan, of !New Brunswick, saved his life by thrusting aside the bayonet of a soldier of the militia who attempted to stab him ; he was braced u[) against a tree, and Dr. Jonathan Fold Morris, afterwards of Som^^rville, then a student of medicine in New Brunswick, bled him, and administered such restoratives as could be obtained. He was then taken to New Brunswick and properly cared for. He recovered and was exchanged ; entered on his command again, and was present with his Corps, the Queen's Raui^ers, at Spen- cer's Ordinary on James River, July 1781 ; at King's Bridge, January 1778, and at Oyster Bay, Long Island, 1778-9, where there was literally a "nest of Tories," of whom William Franklin, late Governor of New Jersey, was Chief He became, after the Revolution, Governor of Uj)per Canada, and wrote to enquire for the young man who had so kindly and humanely assisted him at DeMott's Tavern ; and again, a second titue, to Dr. Morris himself, thanking him for his attentions, and offering him advance- ment and active assistance, provided he would visit him in SOMERSET COUNTY. 109 Caniula ; which Or. Morris saw reasons to (h^cline. Sim- coe died in England, in 1806, and has a niurai inonu- HKnit with sevcMcil scnl[)tni('d fignn^s, in Exeter (Jathedi'al, executed by Fhixniaii, ilie i"aniou>* English Scul[)tor It is said to bean unfavorable example of his ability, having lit- tle poetic character in its design, and no refinement of form in execution. Among the pursuers of the Hangers from Millstone was Capt. G. P. Voorhee«, a brave man, wiio in his ardor 'lut- stripped his comrades Seeing him alone, several of the Rangers turned up'>n him, an I in attenuting to leap a fence to escape frotn their assault his horse became entan- gled and hung on the rails. In this situation h*^ was ter- ribly hacked with tLeir swords, and carried bleeding to New Brnnswick^ where Ik:" dieu in a few hours. After the loss of their leader, the Rang(^rs hastened to the appointed rendezvous at South River ; and there Dr. Ryker and Mr. John Folhemus were made prisoners, by the covering party sent from Amboy to protect them as they came in. The whole enterprise was certainly conducted with spirit, and resulted in the loss of fewer lives than could have been f^xpected. The benefits were nothing, but the disabling of eighteen flat boats, which >vould not have been used, had they not been burned. As to the prisoners, at Millstone, no out- specially careti ; it was probably re- garded as a good ridaance ; but the Church and the Court House had done no harm ; and the first, especially, was not amenable to military execution ; and its destruction was neither justifiable or necessary, in any way, except as an annoyance to the citizens of Somerset County.] CONCLUDING SCENES. After this the tide of war drifted away almost entirely from Somerset County. It was a great relief to its inhabi- tants, and left them time to recuperate a little from their severe losses. The armies had eaten out their substance almost entirely. The farmers often had not been able to save grain enough to give their families bread, and supply seed for their fields for another harvest. But their firm pa- 110 SOMEEISKT CO UN FY. triotisin was not evajjorati^J. Tht; (k'preciation of the ''contiiivnfcal curmnc^y" wis lu )rc i)jr!)lexinj^ an\ c'atailed moie roal loss, than all tlit^ jirevious injuries of the war. ('ontracts f »r the arinv coiihl ni>t be inaile ; ;uk1 in tlie winter of 1780, th;^ ariny at AL)i-ristown were reiliiC'd to ''famine rations." A military requisition had t(^ b' mide by Wasliing'ton upon the oeople for supi)lies to fe('(i his starving troops. With this necessary im[)osition New-ler- SHy [)romptly conij;)lied : am! Somerset county hastened to b:"ing in her alloted contribution am ;ng the very first. The winter proved to be one of the most severe on rec- ord. The Kai-itan was compbitely frozen, and the inhabi- tants employed its icy surfice as a public highwiy. Por almost four months, it was more used than, any road in the county. Washington was confine 1 to his cam|) at Morristown, but he was not unwakeful to suirounding scenes. As soon as the ice had formed between 8taten Island and the main- land to such a state of solidity as so admit of the passage of wagon and cannon^ he thought ot renewing the (h^sign entertained in the ])receeding autumn, of attacking the British Post on the Island. The enter[)rise was committed to Lord Sterling, but the Jjritish w^^'e early apprised of his indentions, and the attempt filled — faih^d indeed, in con- siderable loss to the American forces. Discontent arising out of the scarcity of i'oo'l was so rife in the camp at Morristown and so much magnified by re- ports that that the British were led to think a favorable sentiment towards them was growing up, and even that a return of the peo{)le to their former allejiiance was possi- ble. This idea led to an effort to aid the supposed m;il- contents. Gen. Knipiiausen crossed over to Elizabeth- town point, and marched as far into the country as Springfield on the sixth and seventh of June ; but he soon found how terribly he had mistaken the temper of the people. Gov. Longston called n\)on the militia to rally for defense, and the British troops were so perpetually har- rassed, that they soon only thong!) t of revenge and a safe return. The village of Connecticut Farms, with the church was given to the flames, and Mrs. Caldwell, the SOMERSET COUNTY. Ill wifo of the Rev. .Jain.'s CaldwcIl, of Elizib^lhtown, was shot in litn- own h(M,ise with lior cliiKh-cm aroun;l her and a babe in her arnis ! It was cUiimed to have l.een an acci- dent, bat it appears to have had the impnlse of reven<;"e f2^r.iwini>; ont of disappointai'nt, as its incitin:^,' canse The incident, iiad :i, hiri^e share in enibitterino- the feelings of the inhabitants of tlie State ai!;ain:^t th'ir enemies, and inflani- iii'j; their determinate resistance. After a short si^irmish at Sprino-fiehl, Kniphaasen made his wav back to rttaten Ishiud. Almost simultaneously with this raid into New .Jersey the t'rench auxiliaries arrived at N'ewport, July 18th. — Washington inimediaioly planuMl an attack upon the city New York in conjunction with the French forces ; but so many squadrons of British siiips arrived on tlie coast about the same time that the French were confined to the har- bor of Newport, and unable to CO operate with the army at Morristown. While Washington was absent at Hart- ford in consultation with Count Rochambeau. Arnold found an oj)po:tunity to attempt his long meditated trea- son of betraying West Point, the key to Highhmds, to 8ir Henry Clinton at New York, How it was defeated and h' w the amiable and accomplished Majre Andre lost his life in consenting to be concerned in it, is too well known too re(][uire to be told here. Fviily in Dt'cember the army went into winter quarters : the Pennsylvania troops near Morristown, the New Jersey troops on Pompton Plains, and the New England troops near West Point, on both sides of the North river. The season of 17S1 opened in gloom. The disappointment from tne unavailable nature o| the French aid was deep ! Almost the only hope from abroad seemsil to be confined to the disposition which had b.!en manifested by the Hol- landers, to unite in assisting the American patriots Ma- ny in the army were still discontented, lAostly from a mis- understanding in regard to the proper interpretation of the terms of enlistment, which read "f)r three years or during the war." The soldiers claimed discharge at the end of "three years." but the officers insisted on the other clause "or during the war." The Pennsylvania line broke out in 112 SOMERSET COUNTY. )pen revolt and iiiarcln^d from Pompton as far as Trenton, where they wern met by President Reed and indnced tf) submit oil certain specified conditions — having rej-^cted with disdain the treacherous overtures made to them by Sir Henry Clinton. They had suffered indeed, but they were not justified in attemjjting to redress their own grievances in such a summary way, and the revolt was crushed before It had time to s|)read among the corps from the other States. Washington still adhered to his plan of beseiging the city of New York, and capturing Sir Henry Clinton and his army Tlie French troops were even ordered to Newport eaily in June in anticipation of such a movement, but in August this idea was abandoned, and instead of it, Lord Cornwallis was besieged in Yorktown ; the French fleet under Count De Grasse blockading the pf.>rt and Washington surrounded him on the land side. On this occasion all the troo])s in New Jersey, as well as those at West Point, hastened to the scents of active operations. This was the last time that any large military force was seen in Somerset County, and then only on its southern borders. It is said Clinton might easily, by a sudden at- tack, have interrupted this movement, greatly to the relief of Cornwallis, had he not been deceived by letters upon which he relied, and wiiich represented it only as a feint ; the real point of intended attack bluing himself in the city of New York. Finally on the sixth day of October the troops wee all present, and the first cordon was drawn around the devot- ed city, and on the 19th after a defense of thirteen days, Cornwallis capitulated ; but not before almost every gun on the British fortifications had been dismounted and all their batteries silenced. The surrender included York- town and Gloucester Point, with their garrisons and the shipping in the harbor, and the seamen, the army, the arms, the military chest, with all the stores and ammuni- tions. It was a proud day, and it virtually ended the war. A show of hostilities was indeed kept up and skirmishing continued for a few months longer in the vicinities of SOMERSET COUNTY. 113 Charleston and New York, but every one saw that the ruin brought upon the British interests, by the hiss of such an army as that which surrendered at Yorktown, was findl. The state of feeling in Enghmd, forbade even an attempt to repair it. During the summer of 1782 the border warfare, especial- ly in Monmouth county, was excee<'ingly bitter, but in our own county, there was cornj)arative quiet ; and at once peaceful industry and commence revived. The feeling of the people really grew stronger in their determination to stand out to the last. They hoped for peace, but they felt resolute to endure to the end and to conquer it. On the 30th of November. 1782, the Americrn Commis- sioners, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, John Jay and Htnry Laurens, signed a treaty in the city of Ghtmt, which acknowledged the Independence of the Thirteen United Colonies, and gave them peac(^ The treaty however, did not take effect until the Twentieth of January, 1783, when the general pacification was to go into operation. These ti- dings, so happy and so ardently desired, were first com- municated by LaFayette, in a letter received on the Twen- ty-fourth of March, Early in April a copy of the treaty arrived, and on the the nineteenth of that month, 1783, a proclamation suspending hostilities was issued. It was done, but no one thought then, what a great thing really had been effected. How great the event really was we scarcely yet know. CHAPTER VIII. WASHINGTON AND DR. H AliDENEURGH. In the winter of 1778 anil 1779 while VVashln2:ton had his quarters in Caleh Miller's house, Dr. Hardenbiircjh was residing next door in the parsonage. A friendshi[) grew up naturally between them as the result of almost diily intercourse. They were, in many respects, men of the same spirit, alihough one was a warrior and the other a minister of the gospel of peace. Dr. Hardenburgh had not yet lost his church, and there can be little doubt that Washington, sometimes at least, attended divine service on the banks of the Raritan in the liouse which was after- w-ards burned, for he was a respecter of re'igion and car^^ful not to seem to neglect, far less to oppose it. The fruits of this intercourse and iriendship are seen in several public orders i.'^sued to the army while at Raritan. His general orders quartering his army, dated September 17th, 1778, cautioning against unnecessary injury to i)er- sons or property belonging to thw inhabitants, and f)rbid- ing peremptorily any tres})asses — again, on Octobvrr 28th, an order against horse-racing ; and what marks the coinci- dence and the inspiration, is that the minutes of the church show a protest about the same time written no doubt by Dr. Hardenburgh against "cock-lighting, shoot- ing matches and horse racing," — still ngain, JSIovemi'er 19, 1778, another series of orders directed against the prevail- ing practice of ])rofane swearing, repiobating and forbid- ding it in the army. Attest this. But there are two other papers arising out of this inter- course and friendsliip, which we have reserved for this SOMERSET COUNTY. 115 place. The first is entitled an address of the Minister,^ Elders and Deacons of the Dutch Reformed Chnrch of Raritun, presented to His Excellency. George Washing- ton, Commander-in-Chief of the Armies of the United tS.tates of North America, and is as follows : May it please your Excellency — We, the Consistory of the Dutch Reformed Chnrch of Raritan, heg leave to emhrace this opportunity to declare to your Excellency the real sentiments of our hearts. As we would wish to adore the directing hand of Provi- dence, so we aie bound to acknowdedge that, spirit, of pa- triotism, which has induced your Excellency to sacrifice the swe ets of an affluent domestic life, to put yourself and your rn'^^st amiable a.id virtuous consort to repeated and afflicting- separations, for no other reason than defending the just rights and liberties of our bleeding country. Here, sir, permit us to express our grateful sense of your Excellency's care and vigilance for this part of our country in the trying winter of the year 1777. when after two mem- orable victories, your Excellency by masterly strokes of generalship defended us by a handful of undisciplined mi- litia, against the depredations of a formidable army of our enemies, collected and quartered in our vicinity. We can not help admiring that gracious Providence which has made the success and victories of your arms to bear down the remembrance of discouraging disappointments ; and we cordially hope that the agreeable prospect of a speedy termination of the present troubles, in favor of our distress- ed nation, may support your Excellency under the pres- ent weight of perplexing cares and concerns, inseparable from your station. p Though the quartering of armies among f citizens is al- ways attended with unavoidable inconveniences to the;lat- ter ; yet we are agreably constraiced lo acknowledge thaj; your Excellency has been pleased to take particular care, throughout the course of this last winter to prevent and alleviate these calamities, as much ■• as Possible. Your Excellency's concern for the support of civil government in its just and equitable execution, rhas endeared you to our fellow citizens ; and the strict discipline which the 116 SOMERISBT COUNTY. genlleriianly dfficers under your Excellency's more immediate coiuinaad al this time. Iiave observed not only at head quar- ters, but also throughout the body of the army, we are per- suaded has merited the approbation and applause of the good peo})le ot this neighborhood. We beg your Exceilen- C}' will do us the justice to believe us sincere, when we de- chire our affection and true regard for your person, and the deep sense wiiich we entertain of the important t^ervices your Excellency and the gentlemen oflicers under your com- mand, have rendered their country in the course of this se- vere contest ! And we assure you, sir, that we shall deem it our duty and privilege to nialce our warmest addresses to the God of armies, for the preservation of your health and your invaluable life — as also that of the brav-e officers and soldiers of your ariny — praving that indulgent Heaven may direct your counsi-ls ami crown your exertions in the ensuing campaign, with such victories and success, as shall compel a haughty and relentless enem}^ to consent to the terms of a safe, honorable and lasting peace. Signed by order of the Consistory. Jacob R. Hardenburgh, V. D. M. June 1, 1779. This is quite a courtly document indeed ; but it ex- presses the sentiments of a noble man, in a case where pa- triotism and humanity were both concerned. Its warmth breathes not only admiration but friendship, and it forms a reminescence of those rimes, the value of which cannot be well overestimated. It proves the I'riendship of Wash- ington and Hardenbugh. This int(M-esting document was succeeded the next day, Ju!ie 2d, 1779, by an answer, of which the following is a literal coj)y, dated at Camp Middlebrook, and addressed : — Gentlemen : To meet the the ap]>robation of good men cannot but be agreeable. Your affectionate expressions make it more so, In quartering an ai'my and supplying its wants, distress and inconveninnce will often occur to the citizens. T feel myself hapi)y in the consciousness that these have been strictly linnted by necessity ; and in your opinion of my attention to the rights <.f my fellow citizens. I thank you gentlemen sincerely for the sense you enter- SOMERSET COUNTY. 117 tain of tho conduct of the army, and for the interest yoii take in my welfare. I trust the goodness of the cause and the exertions of the peo])le, under ]Hvine ])rotection, will give us that honoi'ahJe peace for which we are contending. Suffer me. gentlemen, to wish the Dutch Heformed Church at Karitan a long continuanc(> of its present minister and consistory, and all the blessings which flow from piet}' and Religion. I am, &c., Tteorge Washington. A noble answer, showing how fally he appreciated the noble sentiments to which he was responding. These doc- uments are alike honorable to both [ arties, and firm a pre- cious memorial of the times, and of the sentiments and men who uttered them. We append to these interesting memorials of our revolu- tion two other public documents which seem to find here their most appreciated place. General Orders, Morris House, July 29, 1779. Many and pointed orders have been issued against that unmeaning and abominable custom of swearing, notwith- standing which, with much regret, the geneial observes it ])revails, if possible, more than •-•ver ; his feelings are con- tinually wounded by the oaths and imprecations of the soldiers whenever he is in hearing of them. The name of the Being from whose bountiful goodness we are permitted to exist and enjoy the comforts of life, is incessantly imprec ated and profaned in a manner as wan- ton as it is shocking. For the sake therefor, of religion, decency and order, the General hopes and trusts that offi- cers of every rank ,will use their influence and authority to check a vice which is as unprofitable as it is wicked and shameful. If the officers would make it an invariable rule to reprimand, and if that does not do, to punish soldiers for offenses of this kmd, it would not fail of having the desired effect. The following minutes of a public meeting at Millstone, are interesting as evidence of the pressure of the burdens oif the war, and the patriotic spirit in which it is proposed to meet them : 118 80MKUSET COUNTY. At a meeting of the electois of the (Joiuity of Somerset. purs\iant to notice by advertisement on Thursday, 3il Inst., at tlie Court House of said county. The business of the meeting being introduced and dis- cussed, the folliivving resolutions were adopted : Whereas, Thf^ cimeurrence of a variety of causes, the bills of credit emitted under authority of the Unitetl States in Congress assembled, have greatly depreciated in their val- ue, and in addition to the quantity circulating, will tend to increase such depreciaton ; therefore Resolved, That a petition be presented to the legislature, requesting them to make application to Congress on be- half of this State, that the emission of bills of credit be henceforth discontinued. Resolved, that the Legislature be requested to make ap- plication as aforesaid, that a plan be adopted and recom- mended for a general limitation of prices throughout the United States, according to which, such prices may be di- minished slowly from the present time or at stated periods and by small differences, until the quantity of money be reduced by taxation to what is necessary for a circulating medium. And, Whereas, taxation is the most natural and bene- ficial source from which to dt-rive the supplies necessary for suppoting the army and carrying on the war, Resolved, That the Legislature be requested to make ap- plication as aforesaid that requisitions of taxes be hence- forward made on the States for the above purposes ; and that to avoid as far as possible the expense of purchasing in the modes hitherto practiced, and the necessity of such large circulations of money through thq public treasury, a just quota of provisions, forage and other necessaries for the army, be laid upon each State, in such kind as they are severally suited to produce, to be paid in the way of tax at regulated prices by those who raise them, while those who do not, pay a fair proportion in money. Resolved, That it be expressed to the Legislature as the sense of this meeting, that on levying all future taxes and aids for the use of the State and Union in general, the as- sessments be made according to the value of all property SOMERSET COUNTY. 119 possessed by each individual ; it being reasonable that persons should be taked for their mone_y, their income, the faculty and means of acquiring property, or for any estate whatsoever Whereas, There is great reason to believe that many persons employed in va/ious branches of the public de[^art- ment of the United States are guilty of mism-inagement and fraud, in the ext^cution of their trust and ap[)lying the public money, and there being no ready and regular mode pi'esented by public authority, of which such as are dispos- ed may avail themselves, to furnish the necessary informa- tion to those who have the power to correct such abuses and thereby prevent unnecessary increase of the public burdens, Rns'^lved, That the Legislature be requested to direct some convenient and adequate means of collecting and transmitting to Congress, or to such Board or Committee by them appointed, as may be adequate in point of juris- diction, or to the executive power of the State in cases where that is competent, all such authentic evidences and documents as can be procured, that the guilty may be pun- ished and the iaithful seryants of the public may be res- cued from teat indiscriminate censure which the bad and unworthy bring upon all, and that we will exert our ut- most endeavors for effecting so laudable a purpose. Whereas, virtue and good morals are not only product- ive of individual happiness, but have a great and extensive good effect upon the political state of every government when they are cultivated. Resolved, That we will by our example and influence en- deavor to promote these, and will look upon it as the course of duty to support and strengthen the arm of the civil authority in detecting and bringing to deserved pun- ishment all such as are guilty of profanity, immorality, extravagance, idleness and dissipation, of extortion, sharp- ing and oppression, and of all such practices as tend to the unjust advantage of individuals and detriment of the com- munity. 120 SOMERSET COUNTY. Ordered, That a representation and petition to the Leg- islature be drawn up pursuant to these resolutions and signed by the chairman, and that the re]»resentatives of this county be requested to lay the same before the respec- tive house. Extracted from the minutes of proceedings and publish- ed by order. Wm. C. Haston, Chairman. CHAPTER IX. THE LADIES IN THE REVOLUTION, The sufferings of the poor soldiers in their log huts on the south side of Kimbal's Mountain, west of Morristovvn, during the dreadful winter of 1780, when f )od w,is so scarce and many of them so poorly and scantily clothed, excited a wide spread and deep sympathy in the public mind. It manifested itself most prominently and perhaps the earliest among the Ladies of Philadelphia. They aroused themselves immediately, and began by forming an association for the sufferers relief, ''Never, says one, was the energy of a noble and genuine sympathy more nobly expressed than by the noble matrons of the Quaker City on this occasion. Mrs Esther rleed, the wife of General Joseph Reed, though feeble in health and s-urrounded by a numerous family, entered witli hearty zial into the service, and was by the united voice of her associates placed at the head of the Society. Mrs. Sarah Bache, daughter of Dr. Franklin, was also a conspicuous actor in the formation of the association and in carrying out its plans. All classes in the city became interested and the results were glorious. All ranks of society seemed to have joined in the liberal effort, from Philis, the colored woman, with her seven shil- lings and six pence, to the Marchioness DeLafayette whose husband contributed in her name one hundred guineas in specie, and the Countess de Luzerne who gave six thous- and dollars in Continental paper. Those who had no money to contribute gave the labor of their hands iu ply- ing the needle ; and in almost every house the work went on." It was charity in its genuine form, and from its pur- est source — the voluntary outpourings of the heart. It 122 SOMERSET COUiS'TY. was not stimuliired by the exciteinciirs of our ilay — neither fancy fairs uur bazars had anything to do vritli it. It was not jileasure and conspiciiity llnit they sought, but tiie coiutort of the suffeiiug })at2iots in the winter huts, scan- tily ied and clothed, who appealed to their noble and lov- ing hearts ; and they met, counselled, acted and brought them relief. The Ameiican woiuen woiking for the com- fort of a starving American patriot army was indeed a no- ble exhibition of patriotic kindness. That army needed relief and they provided and brought it. They Avent out and solicited money and other necessaiies from door to door, stating what it was for, and carried it to the army di- rectly as the result of their activity. They had in the first instance given tl^eir trinkets and jewtliy and wrought with their needles, and when the need was more pressing they claimed from the public what they themselves were unable to supply. The Marquis DeChastellax who was in Philadelphia while this work was in progress, was delighted with the spirit excited by it. In describing a visit to several of the ladies, he says : "We began by Mrs. Bache. She mer- its all the anxiety we had to see her, for she is the daugh- ter of Dr. Franklin. Simple in her manners, like her re- spectable father, she possesses his benevolence. She con- ducted us into a room filled with work, lately finished by the ladies of Philadelphia. This work consisted neither of embroidered tambour waistcoats, nor net work edgings, nor of gold and silver brocade — It was a quantity of shirts for the soldiers of Pennsylvania. The ladies bought the linen ficm their own private purses, and took a j^leasure in cutting them out and sewing them themselves. On each shirt was the name of the married or unmarried lady who made it, and they amounted to 2200." The result of this sympathy and industry was great and very timely. The aggregate amount of the contributions in the city and county of Philadelphia was 9,500 dollars in specie value; added to this was a princely donation from Ptobert Morris of a ship fully loaded with military stores and clothing which had just arrived. It went further. The ladies of almost all the populous SOMERSET COUNTY. 123 towns en.uLited the kindness of fhcir sisters in Philadel- phia. We are most interested in what was done in onr native State, and we ane and jn-aiseworthy, and that they will be happy in forwarding (he amount of I heir several collections either with or without the names of the donors, which will im- mediately be trnnsmitted by Mrs. Moore Forman, who is hereby api)oiDted Treasuress. to be disposed of by the Commander-in-Chief agreeably to the general plan. As the ladies here would wish to expedite the good work as much as possible they have appointed Mis, Dag- worthy of Trenton, tlieir Secre'tary, who will receive and answer all letters that the ladies of the different counties may think proper tufavor her with on the occasion, and to furnish them with proper subscription papers as soon as possible. In Spark's correspondence of Washington there is printed a letter from Mrs. Diigworthy of Trenton, trans- mitting to him the sum of L').408 dollars, the amount col- lected in New Jeisey up to July 17, 1780. This is not to Ik? SOMERSET COUNTY. 125 understood as the Avhi>le amount collected by the exertions of the '-Ladies of New Jersey;" Suhsequent to thiti (hite, tlie good work is known to have progressed, ceasing only when the occasion for exertion had ceased. We arc not. tlierefore, able to say what were all the fruits <^f this move- ment. No record of it sm^ns to have heen made at the time, which has been transmitted to the future. It is however, an understood tradition, that large supplies wer(* sent in, both in provisions and clothing, as well as in mon- ey, to relieve the [)ressing necessities of tht^ aiiny and en- courage the men to remain steadfast in their etFurts to free the country from its oppressors^. Indeed, when has the sympathy of the female heart been appealed to in vain. Tne womeii of the Revolution were the noblest of their sex. and the encouragement which they gave, on promi- nent occasions and in all pro])er ways, had no small share in sustaining the patriotism of their husbands and broth- ers, in the dark hours of the ])rotracted cutest. Many instances are remembered when it displayed itself in beau- tiful firmness or in tenderest sympathy, and the history of those times will not be written until these things find a pen to record them. There were many as noble and devo- ted Women as Mrs. Reed and Mrs. Bache, iu the other States of the Union, and it has been a real pleasure, to rescue from an obscure place the action of the ladies of New Jersey, and give it at least a temporary resuscitation iu these remeniscences of our Revolution. It is a valuable record in many ways. It presents to us the names of la- dies who were piominent in their day and who wielded an influence from which good was expected, and we are glad to know them. CHAPTER X. SERVITUDE AND SLAVPIS. We giv(^ sotne note8 ou the subject of servitude and slaves. hf-rvitnde was early introduced in New Jersey in at least three different forms. Which was the worst form we shall not determine, but leave it as an open question for each one for himself to decide. In the first instance the Proprietors sent over their ser- vants to occupy and improve their lands for them. Among the individuals who are most cons{)icuous for their efforts in this direction, were Lord Neil Campbell, William Dock- wra, Thomas Pierson^ ihe Scotch Proprietors, Capt. xln- drew Hamilton, Gov Gawen Lawrie, Robert Fulton and David Mudie. These servants, perhaps, did not absolute- ly forfeit their personal liberty by their enijfagements with their masters, but still they were in all essential particu- lars "lx)nd men," held in servitude and controlled entirely j)ersonally and socially, by those who had brou<^ht them into the })rovince for their own profit. They were slaves in everything but the name ; and their relation to their superiors was unquestionably a form of what we may call "white slavery," and continued for life ; and in some in- stances included their children also. But as it had no legal sanction in the laws of the Province, it ceased of it- self from causes which the authors of it could not control. At a later |)eriod, many persons from the "Palatinate" came to New Jersey as well as New York, under what has l>een called the "apprentice system." The captains of the vessels who brought over the emigrant, did so under a bond signed by the emigrants, which gave the captain liberty to SOMERSET COUNTY. 127 sell his time on his arrival in America for his passage money. This included fewer or more years, as the pur- chaser might be willing to accept ; and in this he was guided by the age, the health and the working power of tho apprentice or emigrant. Many of these ap[)rentice8 became prosperous citizens after serving out their time. Some of them even died wealthy. But while they were bound, their condition did not differ essentially from that of a slave. Nor were they better treated, except in one particular, having relation to their color. They were not negroes ; and were not kept with them in social equality. The third form was negro slavery. The earliest instance which we have seen of negroes being held in bondage as slave in New Jersey, is that of Col. Richard Morris, of Shrewsberry, who is noticed as having sixty or seventy slaves about his ''iron mill and plantation/' as early as 1680. Whether Codrington, or Royce, or Palmer or White, had any negro slaves on their plantations in Som- erser. County, we have not ascertained. We do not think the fact has been noted anywhere, and yet we hardly think there can be any doubt of it ! At all events, the iirst in- habitants on the Raritan, all had slaves as early as 1685 or 1690 The slave trade was active in the harbor of New York, and cargoes direct from the African coast, were sold to the planters in the various parts of the State. As a general thing these slaves were humanly treated, well clothed, and not Dver- worked. In the various homesteads, children were boru and reared, until, sometimes, the ne- groes in them were more numerous than the whites. There was a difference in social position, and in the duties and employments assigned to them respectively, but this was nearly all the distinction. Authority was exercised by the one, and obedience exacted from the other. The two races were kept distinct when eating and sleeping, as well as in the employments and occupations of daily life. They were not clothed alike. They did not frequent the same places as amusement or pleasure might incline. But not- withstanding all these things, it would not be true to state that both were not comfortable in every essential par- ticular necessary to the well being of the individual man ; 128 SOME KSET COUNTY. and as the effect of all this there was a great deal of har- mony of action between them ; even in the most instances, a mutual and zealous co-operation in business and in so- cial necessities in all the important matters of life, and also so much amity and attachment '"n all actions, that serious collisions seldom occurred. The slaves, in most instances would have defended their masters and their master's house- hold with their lives. Indeed it is remarkable in how few instances theft, or arson, or murdtM' occurred, as the effect of having such persons in so many families. Pilfer- ing in various t''>rms, there altvays was, but it was of a. petty character, and perpetrated generally for the pu.rpose of obtaining some luxuries or personal indulgences, not al- lowed them, because not beneficial or unnecessary to their comfort, We have notice of a case of arson succeeded by a pub- lic execution, and also oneOf the murder of one slave by another. VVe have obtained the relation of another of a white man by his slave, as the consec{uence of which the slave was burned at Millstone, th«^n the county seat in the presence of a large concourse of negroes, who were express- ly brought there to witness it. We give the narrative as it was written out for us. The sauje thing also occurred in other places about the same time. Jacob Van Nest was murdered in what is now B'^anch- hurgh township, by his black man, somewhere about the year 1753. The occasion is said to have been, taking a leaf of tobacco out of the negroe's box by his master as he was going up the kitchen stairs. Mr, Van Nest had been out on horseback and returned home at night. The ne- gro stood inside of the stable door, and struck hira with an axe as he came to put his horse in his j)lace. He then turned the horse loose with the saddle under liim, but bur- ied the body under some le^-ves and brush nesir the house. He was an athletic fellow, and when taken had on his per- son his master's pocket knife. He was purposely sent cut of doors to bring in a back log, and was then taken by the officers when he could not defend himself. What form of a trial was irjstitutcul is not related, but when condemned he was pul)licly burnt at the stake as a punishment for his SOMERSET COUNTY. 129 crime. It is noticed that the effect upon the slaves present \v;us so sreat that they did not eat any meat for a long time aftei'wards. The propeity where this murder occurred is now in po- session of Gilbert Kershaw, son-in-law of Andrew Hage- man, who purchased the farm from Peter D. Vroom, a son of Hendrick D Vroom. The barn in which the murder was committed was removed to make room for a better some thirty years since. Hendrick D. Vroom who possess- ed it, ujairied Jemimah the only daughter of Jacob ■ Van Nest, and came into its possession \ri right of his wife. Jacob Van Nest was a son of Peter — the son of that Peter who originally purchased the 600 acre tract of land from the Proprietors iirst north of the junction of the Branches, and was in his day one of the most popular men in Somer- set County, if we may judge so from his representing the county almost constantly in the Legislative Council and in other public trusts during his life time. The peaceful con lition of the negroes, notwithstanding these exceptionable executions, is universally attested ; and yet there had been a sort of rebellion among them along the Raritan in 1734, in consequence of which, one at least, if not more was hung. It is called a "rising," and the design was to obtain their freedom, kept from them, as they believed, contrary to the express directions of the king ; and the plan was to murder all ''the whites," and then join the Indians in the interest of the French, but it failed to do any real harm or have any results. That slaves were numerous in Somerset is not to be questioned; nor is it doubtful that as a general thing they were human- ly treated : and yet circumstances also show that crimes were committed, and their punishment was meeted out to them swiftly and not always considerately. Burning was not an exceptionable mode. At t^erth Amboy two were burnt within two weeks of the the time after which the crime — the murder of their mistress — was perpetrated ; and as in the case ot Millstone, the negroes were all summoned from their homes to witness it, under the belief not yet exploded, that the effect of it would be salutary. There seems to be, and there no doubt was, a conaection 130 SOMERSET COUKTY. between these transactions, and the famons "nefijro plot" in New York, in 1741. The public mind had leen p;ivat- ly excited with fear by the devehipments then made and the instinct of self-preservation is not apt to be, either tol- erant or considerate They believed in the wholesonn^ness nt terror as a conservator of the peace of society, and em- ployed it freely. Another "rising" among the negroes was feared in 1772, but precautionary measures were adopted and the excite- ment passed oif. In connection with this disturbance an •'abolitionist" appeared, and in the public prints and oth- erwise, urged the propriety of the passage of a law by the Parliament in london, obliging every master to free his vslave and secure his being sent back to his native jdace. It made the slaves for a time dissatistied and dangerous, but it effected no good — rather the contrary. An act had been passed as early as 1713 levying a duty on the importation of negroes, but it seems not to have been enforced. The tariff was forty shillings in East New Jersey, and £6 in West New Jersey, This inequality in levying the tax was obviated by another act in 1767, and again by another act in 1749, which was in force at the time of the revolution. When Sunday Schools were introduced the negroes were largely benefitted by them and received the religious in- struction given in them extensively. In christian familes, also, they were brought under christian influences, and many of them became members of the different Christian Churches. When properly cared for at home, they main- tained generally a creditable course of conduct ; but like the missionary converts in heathen lands, for the most part in time of temptation they were but weak christians, and liable to fall under the passion engendered by strong drink ; and yet th.ere is no doubt, many of them were tru- ly pious, and soujiht to be better than they were. All the churches in the country had them among their members; but in the old Church of Ilaritan, after the Great Revival there was the largest number. At one communion season, sixty eight colored persons came down from the galleries and sat down at the table, spread then, according to oiler SOMERSET COUI^T Y. 131 customs, in the middle aisle of the church. Most of thesn are now no moie, but during their life they miiintauied a consistent demeanor and died in the hope <;f a better condi- tion. We make these references because we think them of practical importance in the future ! Slavery is hap[)ily abolished in our beloved state ; but the questions, having reference to the future of the descendants of slaves, are yet living questions ; aud their solution will press upon the future, more than they do upon the present. To ig- nore them is not more proper for us, than it is for the wel- fare of the unfortunate creatures, to whom they relate. God has been in this pai't of history, as in all others, and his designs, when wraught out, will be worthy of his wis- dom and purity. We rest our anxieties all upon this foun- dation. It ought to be noted also as an evidence in favor of the gentleness and amenity of domestic slavery in our country that when the slaves were invited by the British in the revolution, to abandon their homes and seek refuge in the armies, so few of them took advantage of the opportunity to abscond. If there had not been attachment on their part, to those whom they served, it would not have been so. There were, in fact slaves enough in the country to have decided the contest against us, if they had generally entered the array of our enemies. The Indians were de- ceived into activity, and fought bravely for their natural enemies, but the slaves remained in quietness ; aiding on- ly as their attachments influenced them to do — and for the most part favored those who had been called their tyrants and oppressors. Their course indicated clearly what they thought, and what in fact was the truth. They would not trust strangers as against their national protectors and friends; and who will say it was not the course of prudence and wisdom ? The first Legislative action looking to the abolition of slavery in New Jersey, occurred on the February 24th, 1821. It determined that the children of all slaves in the state, born after July 4, 1804 should be free — the males at 25 years aud the females at 21 years. Under this wise • l32 SOMERSET COUNTY. and safe provision the evil ceased of itself, so impercepta- bly and gradually, that no interest or feeling was in any way disturbed by it. The sentiment of Somerset county was largely in favf r of this law, and rejoiced in the effects •of it upon an unfortunate race of human beings, whose hiippiness has been too much the sport of nnprinci})led pol- iticians. They had treated them humanely while in bond- age and they rejoiced to see them making successfully the attempt to provide for their own well beuig. It will always be accounted as a special honor that Dr. Finley, a Somerset man, wiis the first to move in the for- mation of the American Colonization Society ; an institu- tion which has already done so much for the colored peo- ple and for Africa, but whose work is just beginning to show its real grandeur, and to demonstrate its immense im- portance in the developments of the plans of mercy to this our world. It will christianize Africa and save at least a remnant of her children given over to bondage, from all extermination. CUAPTEK XI. HISTORICAL HOUSES. We cannot, in our new country, make any pretentions to the possession of historical localities, such as abound in England, Scotland and on the continent of Europe, gener- ally. We have, as yet, no "hoary antiquities" to buast, no castellated crags or hill-top forts and strong-holds. Comparatively, we are but of yesterday, and know nothing; and yet we are beginning to possess some things in which we may take a little pride — a very little, perhaps — on ac- count of the historical associations connected with them. We have, on this account, ventured to name a few histori- cal h u>es in tS,omerset County. Notice has already been taken of Kcll's Hall, (Archibald Campbell's house), Phil's Hill, (Philip Van Horn's house), the Codrington house, the old house of John Campbell on the river side, just above the Bound Brook turnpike bridge. Tliere are oth- ers besides these around which memories cluster, also, which will live long — long after the houses themselves have moul- dered into dust and are visible no more. The old Abraham Staats house, just below Bound Brook on the east side of the turnpike and near the river, m which Baron Steuben had his wmter quarters in 1778 — 9, stands yet in a comfortable state of preservation. Here that noble Prussian, whose love of liberty induced him to give the aid of his personl influence to our almost fainting cause, slept, and thought, and planned, during those long winter nights, when hope had hardly yet dawned upon the struggling efforts for American liberty. His dignified man- 134 SOMERSET COUNTY. ners, his s})len(h*d gold medal sot in diamonds, a present from old Frederick the Great, King of Prussia, designating the order nf '-Fidelity," are visible to our iu)agination when we visit the sacred spot ; General and Mrs. Washington coming to dine with him, and other genth^men and ladies accompanying them — the entertainment of "the Bir," giv- en hy the American officers, when the tables were spread in a grove near by, all give the old Staats house an abid- inii; interest in future times. This was early in June, 1779, just before the encampment at Middlebrook was broken up, and was a great dis{)lay of its kind. Yes, the old Staats hoi.iae is "an historical h mse." —^ We append the following account of the Unveiling of the Steuben Monument, September 30, 1873 : — Large delegations from neir Utica, with several repre- sentatives of the press and German societies of New York, went to Remsen and Steuben this morning to be present at the unveiling of the Steuben monument. A line of wagons nearly three miles long, extending from Kerasen to the monument, were furnished by farmers for the convenience of visitors. The Citizens' Corps, of Utica, guarded the speaker's stand at the monument. Abf)ut 4,000 per- sons were present. Mayor Butter Held, of Utica, was the chairman, and prayer was offered by the Rev Owen F. Perry, after which followed the presentation of the monu- ment to the people of America, by Carl Sixtus Kapf, of New York, on behalf of the Steuben Monument Associa- tion. As Mr. Kapf concluded the ceremony of presenta- tion, the clouds cleared away for an instant, and a single shaft of sunshine fell on the monument. Ex-Gov. Seymour received the monument on behalf of the people, and ad- dresses were made by ElHs H. Roberts in English, and W. Zarth, in German The benediction was pronounced by the Rey. Dr. Brown, of Hamilton College. The ceremo- nies having ended, the party went on an excursion, and on the return attended a pic nic at Trenton Falls. There were no accidents, and the day was pleasant though cloudy. The excursionists returned to Utica at forty-five minutes past six P. M. The house in which Hendrick Fisher resided below SOMERSET COUNTY. 135 Bound Brook, on the road to Middlebash, is yet in a good state of preservation, and will long be remembered as hav- ing a memory not to be lost. We have given a brief as- couni of liim in another phice. Passing over "'the mountains we visit Lord Sterling's mansion" house, on the flats south-east of Baskingridge, built about 1761, as a summer retreat, but adopted after- wards as a permanent residence. Sterling, when coming to Baskingridge, had just returned from Europe, and told the following anecdote oi his having buen introduced to a Mrs. Drummond, by her husband, at a dinner, after he had informed her that he had that day invited '*a native American" to dine with him. When the introductiion took place the good woman, mystified by the words "na- tive American," exclaimed in broad Scotch, "MieGod! the awnimaal is wheete." She expected to see the "oop- })er color" of an American Indian. Sterling resided at Baskingridge improving his manor and developing the manufactory of iron in Morris county, until the war of the revolution called him to the field. The place was long known as '"Sterling's buddings." Another is the house in which G-en. Charles Lee was ta- ken prisoner by Col. Harcourt, leading a scouting party of British cavalry on the 11th of December, 1776. It was then calhid "Whi e's Tavern," and kept as a public house by a widow lady named White. It is the last house on the south end of the main street of the village, and since destroyed. Lee was blamed greatly fur his dilatoriness and disregard of orders. lie was completely surprised when he imagined himself secure : taken out of his bed and hurried away in a most unceremonious manner as a prisoner, into the British camp. Though exchanged in 1778 for General Prescott, he never recovered the lost con- fidence resulting from his capture, and was finally court- martialed for his conduct in the battle of Monmouth. In Bedminster Township, on the south bank of the North Branch, half a mile below Kline's Mills, and formerly the residence of Job Lane, Esq., stands the house in which re- sided the Rev. Mr. McCrea, minister of the Presbyterian Church of Lamingron, and the father of Jane McCrea, 136. SOMERSET COUNTY, murdered by the Indians near Fort Edward, July 27, 1777, when Burgoyne was on his wav to Sarato<;a, and defeated and surrendered there. The Rev. Mr. McCrea had pre- viously lived in a house on the west side of Lauiinj^ton river, which was removed to be joined to another, and formed a part of the old mansion, since burned, in which the Rev. Dr. Messier was born. The kitchen standing a few feet from the mansion house was always said to have been Rev. Mr. McCrea's study. The romance connected with Jennie McCrea's death, gave it a wide notoriety, and had no little influence in exciting indignation against Burgoyne for em- ploying the savages against the peaceful inhabitants of Washington county ; many of whom were in fact •' royal- ists," and even Captain David Jones, the lover of Jennie, and the McNiels, in whose house she was staying, were all inclined to the British side. Mrs. McNiel, was in fact, a cousin of General Eraser, of the British army, killed at Saratoga, and strongly sympathized with Burgoyne. The Miller house in Somerville, built by William Wal- lace, and inhabited by General and Mrs. Washington, in tlie winter of 1778-9, and kept in exactly the state in which it was then, is a proud historical monument. How uiany fond memories cluster around it; and what a pity, that that large old white-oak tree, under which Mrs. Washington so often sat in the spring of 1779, was sacrificed to " the woodman's axe," It would have been a precious relic now, if it had been spared from destruction. The old parsonage in Somerville. built in 1750-1, by Rev, John Frelinohuyscn, with bricks imported from Holland; in which Dr. Hardenburgh resided during the whole of the revolution, sleeping with a loaded gun beside his bed, and where Gen, Washington so often visited him and his ac- complished wife. What a pleasure to recall these com- munings between two such noble men! What an interest they would inspire now, had they been preserved! We should probably be entirely satisfied in reference to the truly religious character of the Commander-in-Chief, if we had a narrative of these conversations. Dr. Hardenburgh probably knew him more intimately than any other minister of the gospel, except his own pastor in Virginia.' Here SOMERSET COUNTY. li57 Haiclenburgh, Leydt, Van Nest, Jackson and others, stiul- ied tlieolo2:y with J. Freliti«;fhiiysen. It was, in fact, the first Theological Seminary in the Dutch Church. ,. The Paterson house, unfortunately raised to the ground, where Mrs. Steplien Van riensellaer spent her youth, and which she remembered so ft)ndly; where Aaron Burr, Gen. Morton, of New V'ork and John Young Noell studied law, and probably also, Frederick Frelinghuysen, Andrew Kirk- patrick, and George M. Tr(»uii, Gov. of Georgia. It ouglit to have been spared by the spirit of iraprovem-nt. In the Old Countries they do not sacrifict- such precious relics, but keep them as a sacred trust; and so we should do — our pride ouglit to be their protection; i'or the memories around them are precious. How many years Gov, Paterson lived on the Raritan is not knoTn to the writer. He removed after the v7ar to New Brunswick, and died there in 1806. His name is one of our proud and most fivored possessions. On Rock Hill stands at the present time the former man- sion of Judge Berrien, in which Washington wrote his larowell address to the army. Congress being in session at Princeton, Nov, 2d, 1783. 'The President of Congress, it is said, addressed him in a complimentary manner, to which he replied, and then retired. A house was provided for him at Rocky Hill, where he resided, holding conference from time to time witL committees and members of Con- gress and giving counsel on such subjects as wt-re referred to his consideration. A large part of the officers and sol- diers had been permitted, during th" summer, to retire from the army on furlough, and Congress issued a proclamation on the 18th of October, discharging them from further du- ty, together with all others who had been engaged io serve during the war. The army was, in effect, disbanded. A small force only remained, consisting of such troops as had been enlisted for a definite time till the peace est ib- lishment should be organized. This house is a landmark which ought to be preserved. Time is working changes enough without desti'oying these old homes of history. This proclamation was followed by Washington's farewell address to the army and then his circular to the States. To his cordial and affectionate thanks for the devoteduesa 138 SOMERSET COUNTY. of the officers and soldiers to him throuorh the war, and for the manner in which they had discharged their duty, he adds reasonahle advice as to their conduct in resuming the characters of pi ivate citizens and in contributing to the support of civil governmert. "Let it be known and remembered," said he, "that th(^ reputation of the Feder- al Armies is established beyond the reach of malevolence ; and let the consciousness of their achievements and fame, still incite the men who composed them, to honorable ac- tions ; under the persuasion that the private virtues of economy prudence and industry, will not be less s,miablH in civil life, than the more splt-ndid qualities of valor, per- severance and enter])ise, weve in the field. Every one may rest assured that much very much of the future happiness of the officers and men will depend upon the wise and man- ly conduct which shall be adopted by them, when they are mingled with the great body of the community. Al- though the General has so frequently given it as his opin- ion, in the most public and explicity manner, that unless the principles of the Federal Government were properly supported, and the powers of the union increased, the hon- or, dignity and justice of the nation will be lost forever; yet he cannot help repeating on this occasion so interesting a sentiment, and leaving, as his injunction to every officer and every soldier, who may view the subject in the same serious point of light, to add his best endeavors to those of his worthy fellow citizens towards effecting these great and valuable purposes, on which our existence, as a nation, so naturally depends. On the east side of North Branch there stands a brick house in which resided Capt. Isaac Brokaw, killed in the battle of Gerraantown, To this house Washington went while he was living in Somerville, on a visit of condolence to the widow. We have always thought this incident one of the most beautiful exhibitions of his most extraordinary life. What a heart the great man had 1 and he could well conceive of the grief of a lone widow, made so in one of his battles, and ride several miles to see her and express his sympathy for her great loss. Of what other hero is the same tenderness recorded ? The house is now owned SOMERSET COUNTY, 139 l)\' Mr. Nevius, whose wife irf a great-grand daughter of Captain Brokaw. On the south side of Karitan near the junction of the North and South Branches, is the former residence of Col. Peter D. Vrooiu, and the birth phice of Governor P. D. Vrooni. The old house remains just as it was in early days, only an addition has been annexed to it. It deserves to be remembered among the venerated localities of our beloved country. While Greneral and Mrs. Washington were living in the Miller house, Gen. Knox antl .Gen Green and their wives were also quartered in the vicinity of Soraeiville ; but where exactly, we have not been ab!e to ascertain. — There were officers at Van Horn's, near Middlebrook, at Van Veghten's on the Raritan, and at the D union t house owned at present by Mr. Gildersleeve, Ca|)t. Esty recol- lected carrying messages from the latter place often to Washington, but did not state from whom they came. It is remembered that one of them was a French officer, but the names are lost. For a short time, during the Revolution, Queen's Col- lege was located at the John Protest Dumont House, near the junction of the Branches in 1779, and Col. John Tay- lor, who was the principal instructor in the institution, wrote from thence Sept. 25, excusing his delay in render- ing a full report of the officers and the condition of the va- rious regiments in the State, on account of his duties in the College, and the imperfect reports he had received from subordinates. Indeed, the College had for several years quite a perapatetic character, being temporarily lo- cated in more than one place. At one time, at least, it was at Millstone. Then we are reminded of Tusculm, the residence of Dr. Wetherspoon, and Morven, the seat of the Stocktons for three or four generations, standing yet as land marks in the flowing tide of time. The Kirkpatrick house at Mine Brook built by David Kirkpatrick, as if it was to stand forever with solid two feet stone walls, and a double white oak floor of two inch planks, is also worthy of remembrance. 140 SOMERSET COUNTY. The Linn house, the old Boyd house at Lamington, neg- lected and almost in ruins, where so many young men were trained for college l\y the good Domine before acada- mies were known ; Dr. Finley's house and the Southard house in Baskingridge, the Ludlow house on Long Hill, the Frelinghuysenhouse at Millstone, and that in whicli Dr. liawrence Vanderveer resided in lioycefield, and tlie Sehenck house below Millstone, are all worth remembering by the generation to come. I am assured also, that there was in a very early day, a mill on the Raritan just above the Flemington Railroad Bridge, and below it was the ford used in crossing until the covered bridge was erected. There was also a dam in the river a short distance above the landing bridge, the only one in the river, which gave dissatisfaction to the inhabi- tants above because it prevented their shad fishing in the spring. With these local remembrances we close our no- tice of the interesting localities and historical houses. CHAPTER XII. ROADS. There was an Indian path, very much travelled by the aboriginees, leading from Minisink Islands in the Delaware below Port •] eryis, to Shrewsbury and the ocean side. It passed north of Morristown, crossed the mountains west of Springfield, followed Rahway River, and passed the Rari- tan at a place known as Kent's Neck, about four miles West of Amboy. But it was not in any sense a road. There was a kind of road or way yyhen the country was discovered, between the Raritan and Delaware, kuown as the Indian Path, which seenjs to have been formed by the aboriginees for the purpose of transition to the sea shore. It diverged from the jiresent road about 300 yards west of the mile run brook, and ran in a more northerly direction between the present French and Somerset streets, passin-g \i\ front of Mr. French's residence to the river, a short dis- tance above the Ferry and below the ford, wher^i the Indi- ans had long crossed at low tide. The French house stood on the right side near where the residence of Judge T^r- hune is now located. He was a highly respectable citizen, but his house was humble and unostentatious, consisting •of wood, long and low, and of one story only. Indeed there were few which aspired so higli as have added to them a second story. The well which supplied water is the same that contains to day the pumj) in Washington street, a tew feet west of George street in New Brunswick. It stood as late as the year 1812. Philip French owned in 1745, 400 acres of land in Franklin Township, and was a prosperous <)pulent farmer. Just beyond the mile run bro>«)k: in earlj 142 SOxMEKSET CUUNT Y, days, a Public House was in exisfeucii call Frtmcli's Mile Run House. The earliest names which occur as land owners along this road are John Van Houten, Tunis Quick, Dollius Hagcman, Frederick Van Liew, Jacob Ben- net,. Abraham Bennet, Fulkard Van Nostrand. Along the Indian path the first settlers in Franklin Township purehasini lands and built • houses. When it began to be passable for vehicles we are not able to state, probably soon after 1699. In that year there is an account of a traveller named Edmonson, wli ) attempted to pass from the Raiitan to the Delaware, and procured an Indian guide to conduct him, but he lost his way, and aftn* a fa- tigutiing march through the forests found himself some where beyond iSix Mile Bun, overtaken by the closing day, and after encamping all night in tlie woods, succeeded in etlecting a return to Innian's Ferry the next day. Later, Jvalm, a tSweedish traveller, coming from Princeton says : "the country is pretty well peopled ; there were however, great Avoods in many ])laces. The ground was level and did not seem to be everywhere of the richest kind. Al- most near every farm house were great orchards ; the hous- es commonly built of timber and at some distance from themselves stood the oven for baking, consisting common- ly of clay. • Previous to 1675 and 1677, when the legislature adopt- ed some general regulations for the opening of roads, the only road laid out properly within the limits of New Jer- sey, appears to have been that by which the inhabitants at New Amsterdam communicated with their settlements on the Delaware. It ran from Elizabeth Point, o\ its neigh- borhood, to where New Brunswick now stands ; and was probably the same as that since (widened and improved) knowh as the old road or Indian path between those places. At New Brunswick the river was fordable at low water, and the road thence ran almost in a straight line to the Delaware, (above where Trenton is now situated,) which was also fordable. This was called the ''upper road," which branched off about five or six miles from the Rari- tan, took a sweep toward the east, and arrived at the Del- aware at the site of the present Burlingtou. These roads SOMERSET COUNTY. 143 however, ^ere very little more than foot-paths, and so con- tinued for many years, affording facilities f )r pedestrians and horsemen })rincipally. Even as late as 1716, when In- nian's firrv had been established at New Brunswick for twenty years, provision was only made, in the rates allow- ed by the assembly, for 'horse and man,' and 'single per- son.' Previous to -that tinie, the road had been improved eastward, and was considered the main thorough hire to Pennsylvania ; for, in 1695, the Inkeepers at Piscataway, Woodbiidge and Elizabethtown, were taxed for five years, to prevent its falling into decay. The sura required at that time, was only ten pounds. An opposition road was opened by the Proprietaries, in the hope of drawing the principal travelling to Amboy, their seat of government ; but without success. They express a wish to Deputy-gov- ernor Laurie, in 'July, 1683, that 'it might be discovered whether there may nor a convenient road be found between Perthtowu (Perth Amboy) and Burlington, for the enter- taining of a land conveyance that way.' This was done by Laurie the ensuing year, and he connected with the road a ferry boat, to run between Amboy and New York, 'to en- tertain travellers.' Finding however that the other road continued to be preferred. Gov. Basse, in 1698, was direct- ed to bring the matter before the assembly, and have an act passed that would cause the public road to pass through the port-town of (Perth Amboy,) from New York and New England to West Jersey and Pennsylvania ; but Basse's authority was of such limited duration that noth- was done. "kSuch were the two routes travelled between New York and Philadelphia, under the Proprietary Government ; but no public conveyance for the transportation of either goods or passengers existed in either place. One Delaman was permitted by Gov. Hamilton to drive a wagon on the Amboy road about this time, but had no regular prices or set time for his trips. In April, 1707, the assembly, enumerating their griev- ances to Lord Cornbury, complained that patents had been granted to individuals to transport goods on the road t'roni Burliugton to Amboy, for a certain number of years, 144 SOMERSET C0U:NTY. to the exclusion of others ; which was deemed not only contrary to the statute respecting monopolies, but also de- structive to that freedom wliich trade and commerce ought to have. The governor, in Ids reply, gives us an insight into the facilities afforded by Dehiman's wagon. After Htating the difficulties which had previously attended the carriage of goods upon the road, he says, '*at present, eve- ry body is sure, once a fortnight to have an opportunity of sending any quantity of goods, great or small, at reasona- ble rates, without being in danger of imposition ; and the settling of this Avagon is so far from being a grievance or a monopoly, that by this means and no other, a trade has been carried on between "Philadelphia, Burlington, Amboy and New York, which was never known before, and in all probability never would have been. As none of the griev- ancts suffered under Lord Cornbury's administration were removed until his recall, in 1710, it is probable this wagon continued to perform its journey once a fortnight till then, if not longer. Soon after, however, the road seems to have been more open to competition. ''The first advertisement respecting the transportation on this route, which I have met with, is in Andrew Brad- ford's Philadelphia Mercury, of March, 1732—33. It is as follows : "This is to give notice unto gentlemen. Merchants, Tradesmen, Travellers, and others, that Solomon Smith and James Moore of Burlington, keepeth two Stage Wag- ons intending to go from Burlington to Amboy, and back from Amboy to Burlington again, 'Once every Week' or oflft'er if that Business presents. They have also a very good store house, very comodious for the Storing of any Bort of Merchants Goods free from any Charges, where good Care will be taken of all sorts of Goods." About this time, also, aline by the way of New Bruns- wick commenced, and in 1734 another via Bordentown was established, running from South river, the proprietor of which would be at New York once a week, if wind and weather i)ermit, and come to the Old-slip. In 1744 the stage wagons between New Brunswick and Trenton ran twice a week. SOMERSET COUNTY. 145 In October, 1750. a new line was estalilished, the owner of which resided at Perth Aniboy. He informed all gen- tlemen and ladies who have occasion to transport them- selves, goods, wares, or merchandise, from New York to Philadelphia, that he had a stage boat well fitted for the purpose, which, wind and weather permitting, (that never- forgotten proviso,) would leave New York every Wednes- day for the ferry at Amboy on Thuisday, where, on Fri- day a stnge wagon would i)e readv to proceed immediately to Bordentown, whi-re they would take another stage boat to Philadelphia — nothing being said of the time when they might expect to arrive there. He states, however, that the passages are made in forty eight hours, less time than by any other line. This was probably the case, for the route was so well patronized that, in 1752, th^^y carried passengers twice a week instead of once, endeavoring to use people in the best manner, keeping them, be it observ- ed, from five to seven days on the way. The success of this line seems to have led to an opposi- tion, in 1751, originating in Philadelphia, which professed to go through in twenty-four or thirty hours, but which nev- ertheless, appears to have required the same number of days as the other. Great dependence was placed u})on the attractions of the passenger boat between Amboy and New York, described as having a fine commodious cabin, fitted up with a tea table, and sundry other articles. In 1756, a stage line between Philadelphia and New York, via. Trenton and Perth Amboy, was established, in- tended to run through in three days. This was followed in 1765, by another to start twice a week ; but nine years had worked no increase of speed. The following year a third line of good stage wagons, with the seats set on eprings, was set up, to go through in two days in summer, and three in winter. These wagons were modestly called "^Flying Machines.' The title soon became a favorite with all the stage proprietors. These lines ran, I believe, by the way of Blazing Star Ferry and Staten Island, and soon put an end to the transportation of passengers on the old Amboy route. From 1765 to 1768, attempts were made by the legisla- 14G SOMERSET COUNTY, tare to raise funds, by lottery, for shortening and improv- ing the great thoroughfares ; but without success. Gov. Franklin, alluding to them, in a speech to the assembly, in 1768, states that even those which lie between the two principal trading cities in North America, are seldom passable without danger or difficulty. Such being the conilition of the roads it was a great improvement to have John Mersereau's 'flying machine,' in 1772, leave Paulus Hook three times a week, with a reasonable expectation that passengers would arrive in Fhiladelphia in one day and a half This time, however, was probably fjnnd too short, for two days were required by him in 1773 — 74. The mails, being carried on horseback, moved at this time with rather greater speed than passengers ; but they had been a long time acquiring it. To Col, John Hamil- ton, son of Gov. Andrew Hamilton, of New Jersey, (him- self at one time acting governor, as president of the coun- cil,) were the colonies indebted for devising the scheme by which the Post-Offlce was established. This was about the year 1694. He obtained a patent for it, and afterward sold his right to the crown. It is presumed that it was soon made to carry the mails regularly ; but speed was little regarded. In 1704, in the pleasant month of May^ a New York paper says, the last storm put our Pennsylv::nia post a week behind, and is not yet com'd in. In 1717, advices from Boston to Williamsburg, in Vir- ginia, were completed in four weeks, from March to Decem- ber, and in double that time in the other months of the year; but there is a probability that th3 mails south of Philadelphia d'd not continue to be carried regularly until some years later. About 1720, the post set out from Philadelphia every Friday, left letters at Burlington and Perth Amboy, and arrived at New York on Sunday night; leaving there Mour day morning, on its journey eastward. In 1722, a Philadelphia paper states that the New York Post was three days behind his time, and not yet arrived. InT729, the mail between the two cities went once a »,week in s-ummer, and once a fortnight in winter; and thi* SOMERSET COUNTY. 147 continued to be the case till ).7.'54, when Dr. Franklin be- came snnerintencienb, and improved the condition of the Post Office materially. In October, notice is given that un- til Christmas the Post would leave the two cities three times a week, at ei^lit o'clock, A. M. ; makini^it thirty three hours After Christmas, being frequently delayed in crossing New Yoik Bay, (the route being via. Blazing Star ferry,) it would leave only twice a week. Further im- provements were made in the foHowing years, and in 1764, 'if weather permitted,' the niaiis were to k^ave every alter- nate day, and ^o through in less than twenty-four hours ; and such was the rate at vvliich they travelled until the revolution put a stop to their regular transmission. In 1791, there were only si.x: Post-offices in New Jersey — Newark, Elizabethtcwn, Bridgetown, (now Rahway,) Brunswick, Princeton, and Trenton. Somerset seems to have had no mail facili*^ies at all. The total of the re- cdipts, for the year ending October 5th, 1791, was $530, of which the postmasters received $108.20 — leaving $421.80 as the nett revenue. The first road along the Raritan branced off from what we have called the "old road" at New Brunswick, and fol- lowed the north side of the river uj') to the junction of the two Branches, from which it ran west to New Hope, on the Delaware. Below Bound Brook its location has not been altered in any essential particular up to the present time ; but the opening of the New Jersey Turnpike led to its being closed westward of Bound Brook. Its location was south of the turnpike all the way between Somerville and the turnpike gate at Bound Brook — just north of the farm houses on the banks of the river; and it came into Somerville where the shop of Leonard Bunn still stands; passed quite close to the front of tlie Brick Church, and went north of the houses in Main Street, crossing the turnpike again where John Whitenack's shop was since built, and so continued up until near Raritan, where ttie present road is located. Opposite the mansion of the late Gen. John Frelinghuysen it th'-ew off a branch which r;iw to the Mills at North Branch, and on to Easton. How soon, after the first families settled on the Raritan, this 148 SOMERSET COUNTY. road was opened we are not informed. It was probably a giadual alfair. The earliest legislative action in reference to roads in Somerset County which we have seen was in 1694 ; and it refers to a previous action of the same char- acter, by which John Royce, Peter Vaness and John T uni- son were appointed commissioners of highways, in the place of several who had died; and it was enjoined upon them not to change the localities of roads without necessi- ty, and to lay out and open new ones wheie required. These acts jM'obably mark the time when what were really roads, first began to be formed for the convenience of the residents of Somerset County. There was a road at any early day from New Brunswick to Millstone by way of Middle bush; and the road from Bound Brook to Pluckamin was also opened before the Revolution. From the Raritan road there also branched off another which crossed the river a little west of the old church, and went to Millstone. On this road the first bridge across the Raritan was built, some time before the Revolution, but what year we have not ascertained. This bridge was situated some distance below the site of what we now call "'the old bridge." The church stood in the second field east of the present road, not near the river, but on the high ground north of it. By this bridge Wash- ington's army crossed after the battle of Princeton on their way to Pluckamin; but the exact line of march we are not able to point out ; if by the usual public highway then it must have been through Somerville, along the road to the mountain by Fritt's Hotel. The road from the uppt^r part of the village is later in time and it could not have been by this, because not then in existance The Landing bridge was begun previous to 1772, as is evident from the fact, that in that year, an act was passed to enable the inhabitants of Middlesex and Somerset to tax themselves to complete that bridge, said to have been "already begun." These bridges continued for many years to be the only points of passage along the river ; the other places of crossing were fords. The New Jersey Turnpike built their bridge about 1809, and the "covered SOMERSET COUNTY. 149 • bridge," at first m "chiiin bridge," was erected in 1815 or 1816. How the first settlers made their way up to Bound Brook and Somerville, we are left to conjecture. It may have been on horseback, and it may have been by means of canoes or small boats ; both w.^-e used in transporting their produce to a considerable extent in early times ; and in winter they had a splendid road on the ice and used it to their comfort and advantage. Wheat and corn are known to have been brought down, even out of the South Branch in boats in the early days, when the water in the riv< r was full, The necessity of the case, made the work to be done, difficulties notwithstanding. The road from Brunswick to Pluckamiii ought to be mem- orable for a Revolutionary incident, which, singularly enough, has found no record in any history of those times. We refer to a visit of ceremony and congratulation made to Major McDonald, of Pluckamin, by a company of mounted men from Gen. Howe's army at New Brunswick. It must have been in the autumn of 1776 or the spring of 1777. As a matter of precaution, on their way up, they threw out videttes on both sides of the road tVom Bound Brook upward ; but they were not mcjlested until they ar- rived at "LafFerty's Hill " immediately east of the village, when they were fired upon by some person or persons con- cealed in the woods on the mountain side, and one of the party was wounded. This attack incensed them greatly and when they arrived at the hotel in Pluckamin, then kept by Christian Eofi", they were very violent and noisy, and forcibly possessed themselves of some of the sheets from the beds in the house, which they tore up for bandage? for the wounded soldier, Having provided lor fiis immediate wants, they repaired to Major McDonald's house, and sa- luted him It is understood that he had been an officer in the British service, in his early life, and was living here, probably on half pay. He received the compliment, and to show his appreciation of it, rolled out a barrel of whiskej from his cellar, and gave them such refreshments as could be extemporized for the emergency. After tasting the 150 SOMERSET COUNTY, ";ipl)le jack" and consuminensive mood. Among the 'dticers wlio were in attencianco on him and admitted to terms of intimate and confidential course, tiiere was one wiio p-oposed as a joke, to com- up b.^hitrl him and as he stoojH'd somewhat, to h^ap upon his back. A bet was made that m* one among them (hired to attempt sncii a thing. The young officer accepted it ; and the nexc day when Washington had again c)min.-nced his walk up and down tne garden |)ath, he stoh^ softly up and leaped upon his back, and clasped his arms around his neck — he straigh- tened himself up, shook the intrutler off, and facing him gave him such an annihilating look that the young man tied in terror ; and afterward averred that the indignation expressed in Washington's countenance frightened him to such a degree that no amount of money could ever induce him to attempt a similar familiarity. If the pig chase niadi- him lau;h heartily, the unwarranted familiarit}' call- etl forth siimething which sent terror into the lieart of the thoughtless young man. His indignation was as prompt and decisive us his mirth. He was iti fact nut a tame man in any moode, (JIlAPTKLi XIV, THE OLD RED SCHOOL HOUSE, In the period which elapsed before tlie Revolution, but little p: ogress had been wiide in providing for the proper education of the young, in Somerset County. Circumstan- ces were such as to make any proper provision almost im- possible. The popuLition was sparse, the people were poor and had to struggle hard to build themselves houses and cultivate and iuiprove their homesteads. Hence, sciiool houses were few, and it was no common tiling for children to be obliged to walk two and three miles in going and re- turning from school. Even when they had a school to at- tend, only the mere rudiments, such as reading, writing and arithmetic, were taught even in the best schools. The teachers were generally emigrants from Ireland, England, and Scotland, and they took upon themselves the ttisk ot giving tuition mostly as a mode of self su})port, in prefer- ence to manual labor, or mechanical industry. New Eng- land had not yet sent forth her young men and maidens to enlighten their country and occupy its places of influence. There is evidence however to show that if learning was not deep, it was good as far as it went, and answered sub- stantially the pirposes of the honest yeomanry of that day, and of their children. There was not much improvement before the commencement of the present century, but edu- cation was not entirely neglected, and there was some SOMERSET.COUNTY. 107 progress. The |):>i)ulatiMir of our country was alimst t^utirely Dutch {Uicl PreshyU-rian, ixwl the early teachings at home and in the church led to the desire for further at- tainments. The good old custom, inherited from their ancestors, of making the iSabbath evening a seasi)n for reciting the cate- chism, was almost universally })revalent, and then when the pastor came on his accustomed rounds to hear the pt)r- tions Committed to'memoiy, and eX])lain the doctrin(^s taught in them, tiiere was an interest which brought the old as well as tht^ young to hear and profit. It was a blpssed custom, and tended largely to perpetuate the truth and preserve the unity of the • Church, (iur youth may learn more of the Bible ; but thin* fail to attain that sys- tematic knowledge of what the Bil^le teaches, which those who carefully committed the catechism were sure to ])os- sess. It was laying di^ej) and broad a foundation for f;iith and practice, which certainly made many eminent Chris- tians — men who were largely concerned in preparing for the more extended privileges which vve enjov. At the period to which we refer, school houses were not oidy few in number, but very unconif irtable and ill con- trived, if indeed theie was anything like contrivance about them. It is impossible at this time to give all the differ- ent localities in Somerset County, and we must confine onrselvL • to a few of those of which we have the bt:'st in- formation 'ither by history or tradition. There was a school house at Karitan, now Somerville, in which English was taught until the Acarlemy was built in 1801, after vvhich the English school was transferred to that building. Tlie last teacher before its removal was a Mr. Tenard, who gave an evening exhibition in the Com t House, which was the first of its kind, and the wonder of all the [)eople. There was a school house also at Bound Brook, Pluckamin and near the Two Bridg^^s, of which no trace now remains. There was one on the mountain road north of Someiville, which remained staniling yet as late fts 184). It was the scene of an outrage during the Kevo- lutioii, when a tory had given him a coat rf tar and feath- ers by some entlmsiastic p itri )ts. It was an outbroalc td 158 SOMERSET COUNTY. temper, (.'xcascd in some measiite by the times and circum- stances, but still an outrage of perf.onal and indiviilual lib- erty, which cannot be justified There was a fourth on»» on the south side of the river situated on a little knull on the roadside, near the point where the properties formerly of Jacobus Quick and Peter Dumont joined. It was small and unpretending- and was abandoned as a school house to- ward the latter ])art of the last century, and occupieil for some years afterward by a poor and wwrthy family of the neighborhood. It is understood that at an early day one William Parrish taught in this house, and fr«>m papeis once in our possessiem that he was a man of considerable attainment. Owing to changes continually occurring in the neifrhborhood, it was concluded to build a new school house about a mile turther west, so as to accom- odate the peo[)le from what is now called the South Branch and castas far as the farm of Mr. H. V-^ghte on the river below, and also the back neighborhood. In that district there was at that time a large number of children. A little srrip of land between the road and the river bank on the north end of the farm then owned by John ,Van Middleswoith, was chosen for the site of the new house. Near it on the east was a small stream, tributary to the Raritan, known by the Indian name of Paw-ne-pack. It was then a constantly running brook, taking its rise in the hills and large tracts of woodland to the south. A fine row of cedar and hemlocks graced the river banks to the west for some distance above, and on the opposite side of the road was a row of walnut trees in full growth. The space between the river and road was large enough for a pleasant play ground, and the urchins of that day enjoyed their ball plays quite as much as the base ball champions of the present time can do. This new school house was built about the year 1795. It was perhaps 24 feet square, having one room only, and one door. On one side of the room there was a spacious fire })lace, which would hold wood of almost any length. Tho furniture of the room was of the simplest kind. Plain wooden benches, without backs, sufficed for the younger scholars. A long table with benches on each side was de- SOMERSET COUNTY. 159 voted to such as could write and ciplK^r, wliile near the phice for the teacher vveiv two square tables ot diffi.M-ent hei!j;hts at which were phiced the little out-s who were \k^- tate to regulate and (enforce, will bring with it the bene- fit so fondly anticipated by n^auy. If we look back to the community in which stood tiie old Red School House for so many years, and s«;e who they were that received their learning within its walls, we may well doubt whether sound li-arning has advanced as mu(;h as some imagine. The same r<.'mark may no doubt be applied to other parts of the c )untry. The old ciMumon school, with its elementary instruction, and the pulpit, have made the {)eo{)le of this SOMERSET COUNTY. 161 country what they are. The precepts of the inspired books, which were constantly read, ma(h} iinprcv^sioiis which were never hist. Will the time ever come when these books shall be l)anished from oar schools. There are some things connected witii the (dd Red School House, which although local and personal we may be excused for noticing. Every one who has knowledge of this ancient seat of learning, associates with it the charac- ter, if not the person, of the good old master to whom we have referred, and who for years led the children up the little hill of science — for steep they cei"tainly were not. We have spoken of liim somewhat, but we could add, that he had quiliries well fitted to his vocation. His great points were order an 1 method. He allowed no sloveliness in his school. Exact himself in all that he did, he requir- ed exactness in his scholars. The writing books and cyph- ering books of the children were patterns of neatness. — Every line was fixed by scale and dividers, and every figure had its proper phice. In this quiet way he made the children proud of themselves and of their work, and incul- cated useful habits. At the call for *M)ook" in the morn- ing, all took their places at once. When the shadow at the door mark high "twelve" a tap of the ruler gave notice ofit, andthe hour-glass was turned. Tiiis glass deserves a passing notice. It was an old clumsy affair, as though made for hardships. It always stood upon the master's table, and was an object of great interest to the scholars. They all thought that I'y long use, the passage way for the sand had become enlarged, and that they lost at least a quarter of an hour by it. Sometimes the master, if in a very good humor, would ])retend not to see that the up{)er end of the curious machine was empty, but generally when the last sand dropped, the call was made for books, and the lessons of the afternoon commenced. The manners and morals of the pupils were carefully attended to. In this duty he was aided by the fticility he possessed of gaing the affection, of the very young, and by setting a proper example to all. It was the custom in early days ft)r country teachers tp board alternately, week by week, among their employers— 1S2 SOMERSET COUNTY. thus lessening the expense of eiliication by t;-ivin< money concealed some where. Once on a time the school house was left unguard- ed, and was entered by some country burglar, (^uite a darcel of old i)istareens and quarteis, and other sm.-ill change was fumd upon the culprit, and it was said they ha 1 been discovered stowed away in little nooks and corn- ers all around the garret where they might best be con- C'aled Fortunately the whii)pirig-i)i)st was in fashion in those days, and thirty nine lashes were laid on, served as a j>rotection against future anoyance. The old master was never known to go to church. The SOMERSET COUNTY. 163 Rchnol room was liis temj)le, and miiny curious speculations were iiululged iu as to what his religion was. He had on a particular part of his table, a cou[)Ie of very nice lookinjjj books, the contents of which w^-e a mystery to all. Some supposed that as hd was an Englishman, they were the Book of Common Prayer and some other g;ood book used in the English Church, and that he worshiped according to that forni, although no one seemed ho know what the torm was. Among the suj)erStitious it was reported that strange noises were heard at different times in the night, and it was even whispered by the more censorious that the old master must have some communication with evil spir- its. Such imaginings, which always attach to persons who lead somewhat of a hermit life, did not effect the character of the good man. Whatever may have been his eccentrici- ties, ur his religiiMis creed, he wtis a good preceptor, and resj)ected by all who knew him, foi- his probity ana up - riglitiiL'SS, He had strong filial treblings, and htis been known to walk to New Brunsv/ick and back in a day to dej)osit in the post offict^ a smtdl remittance for his aged [)arents in England. For a series oi years the old master had charge of the children in the Red School House and its vicinity. Scarce any are left who i-emember him, but his name was as fa- miliar as a household word. The effect of his teachings will out live his memory. Late in life he left the little tenement on the river bank, and taught for a time in a school house, near the old Raritan bridge. He had saved up a little [)roperty, with which he bought a few acres of land on the mountain north of Somerville There he had j)Ut up a small house, near to which was a cave construct- ed for his own use at, t)art.icular seasons. To this place he finally retired, living a lonely life during the residue of his days. A few tried friends who had long known him at- tended to his wants. Nature at last gave wfiy. His spir- it departed, and he vvas laid to rest in his ujother earth. Peace to his memory ! The school house, after master Warburton left it con- tinued to stand on the little knoll by the road side. It was used for a time as a place to teach in. The Sunday 164 SOMERSET COUNTY. School of tlie neisjhbnrhood was for a time hold in it, and then some little family would occupy it by permission of the iniiahirants. But t^era seemed to be no one to keep it up. The paint wore off, the weather boards loos- ened, and all parts of it showed marks of decay. Year af- ter year it became more and more ruinous and desolate, and there was a sympathy in many hearts attendinti; this desolation. The hemlocks and evergreens that had adorn- ed the river bank, were from time to time washed out by the current, until cnly here and there (me remained. The walnut trees, with their grateful shade, wasted gradually away. The Pawneoack, from natural causes, became 'smaller and smaller, until it almost ceased to flow. A few years later, and the house itself disappeared, It had ful- hlled its office. If there be a gray-headed pilgrim who spent joyous days in and around it in early life, and who shall })ass by it now, he will pause, while memory traces the scene as it was, and shed a tear over the sad change which has taken place. For many years to come the inhabitants of that beautiful valley will point the passing stranger to the sa- cred spot where in early days the fathers learned their first lessons under the good Master Warburton, and where once stood so long the Old Red t^.chool House. We have experienced a special gratification in giving these remeniscences from the pen of Gov. P. D. Vroom of his early school days. We have a i)leasant recollection of the Old Red School House, as it stood 46 years ago in its de- serted dilapidation, a monument ol the past. It hid an important influence in its time. Men and women were educated in it who acted prominent parts in active life. If it were proper we could give a list of names which would be recognized by the present Uving as conferring no small honor on this humble Seminary, because it was the place where they acquired the rudiments of a culture which gave them prominence and influence in their subsequent life. CHAPTER XV. SOMERVILLE, There were at least three farm houses in the vicinity as early as 1683, yet it is not one of the oldest towns in the county. It was first known as Raritan, then the Court House. The ])resent name when first proposed was not popular. It was considered to be too fine, or fanciful, and it took a \ourr time to reconcile the popular mind to its use, B>)und Brook. Millstone and Pluckamin are all older in point of time. In the times of the Revolution there were only two houses within the present limits of the villiige. One is now the eastein part of -'Fritt's Hotel,' th ■ other the west end of what was long called the 'Low- er Tavern.' B-side these the Tunisonfauiily lived in a house were John Garretson, Esq., now resides. There was also a house near the Cemetery in which the Fulkerson's had lived at an earlier day, a house part of which remains, where Col. Southard once lived; the Parsonage built by Rev. John Frelinghuysen in 1751' and 1752, a small stone house where Caleb Miller lives, which was removed and the present housp built in 1777 or 1778 by William Wal- lace, and not yet finished in the winter of 1778 and 1779, ana a small house owned by Derrick Middagh, where John M Mann formerly resided. A little later than the time we are speaking of a two story house was built where .Duniont Frelinghusen now resides and was occupied by lf)6 SOMERSET COUNTY. Shpiiff H;inlen1)iirg]i, Tlii.-? house remained until 1834 or 1835 when it was reniovf^d hy Rev. Charles Whiti^liHiul and *the presen* mansion erected Jn its place. This i>^ ab )ut what tlien^ was of SomtM-vim^ when the Kevolution o[)ened. Aftrr the destruction of the Court House at Millstone by Col. Simcoe, Oct. 18. 1779 the seat of justice was removed to teomnrville. In 1789 affi.lavits in the Orphan's Court were taken by Frederick Frelin^huysen as Surro>;ate at Millstone. In June, 1794 th_Te was a Court of Common Pleas setting in Bridgewatrr, the Judges bein.'jj, Robert Stockton, Robert Blair, Nicholas Dub.)ise, John Stryker and Archibald Merc^T. The removal must have taken place between these two dates. At first the courts were held in a small building, which had stood on Mount Pleasant and had been known as the court 'martial house,' and after its revoval stood on the corner at present occupied by the store belonging to Mrs. Keed, It was removed and fitted up at the joint expanse of the Freeholders and the Consistory of the Church, at Raritan. After being abandoned by both the County and the Church it was nMUoved across the street and fitted up as a store house. In it for many years Mr. Latourette and subsequently Willi irn J. Hedges transacted mercantile business. It was finally taken away and the present build- ing owned by William C. V^-ghte erected in its place. Tl)e road through Somerville crossed the brook near the R. R. Bridge and entered the present street nearly where Leonard Bunn's shop was located, thence it passed near the front of the Brick Church, and onwards where S, S. Hartwell's office stood, back of all tie houses in the main street and coming into it again where John Wiiite- nack's carriage shop stands at present. The laying of the Turnpike in 1807 or 1808 was the occasion of its being changed to its present course. Precisely where the road from Pluckamin united with the Raritan road, we are not able to say, probably where it is now, between Mrs. Reed's store and the Hotel of Jacob A. Fritts. Precisely when the village received its present name is not known. The oldest documentary evidence dates July SOMERSET COUNTY, 167 18. 1801, After tlie Bevolution the extreme admiration for every^'hing French, excited by the aitl extended to our slru2;<>:linrd and J. Frelinghuysen ; HiHsborough, Rev. J. Zabiiskie and Nicholas Dubois, Esq. ; Franklin, Rov. Mr. Huntington, and J. M. Bayard, Es(|. ; Bernards, Rev. Charles Hardcnburgh and Joseph Annin ; Bedminsttjr. Rev, Horace Galpin and Nicholas Arrowsmith : Warren, Alexander Kirkfoatrick and Fred- SOMERSET COUNTY, 1G9 erick Vermenle. The Bofird wpre to serve until the third Tuesday of August, which had been fixed upon as the day for the first annual meetitii^ of the society. In this unpretending way an oiganization was set in motion, which has been as a fountain of lite in Somerset County eve/ since. The little hotel perished in the flames some- time afterwards, but the action will give its memory so much interest as to keep it bright in many coming years. The academy was built in the sumUier of 1802 ; and about the same time Isaac Vactor, a tailor, built a small hou5e nearly opposite to it, in which he resided for many years. Feihaps a year or two anterior to this a house in which Philip Tunison lived, in the lower part of the village was built. He was sexton of the church, and his widow lived there for a long time. It was removed for the pur- pose of o[)ening a street only very recently. The Dav>'n- port house, in which Dr. Vredenburgh resided was coteui- porary or nearly so with the last mentioned. Then, next in point of time, came the tlulofsen h'Uise, once the Up[)er Tavern, the Van Natta house, the George Van Neste house, forming a pajt of the large house second bjlow Fritt's Hotel. There was also at the same time, a small house converted into a store, and belonging since to Henry Cook, in which Ricliard Compfeon and his wife lived. She was known as "Aunt Yauney," and kept ginger cake and spruce beer. Here the young gentlemen of tliat day es- ' corted their lady loves on Sunday, during "intermission," to regale them with her savory stores It was a noted place, and "Aunt Yauney" was a noted woman. In all the surrounding community none were more so in her day. Cotemporary with the days of which we are now writing the Stewart bouse was built on South street, in which his widow and family resided until a very recent period. It is now owned by Mr. Onderdonk. Samuel Brant built a shop about the same time next below Greorge Van Keste's house, and manufactured chairs. He was a brother of Mrs. Stewart, and a long time resident of Somerville. In 1809 Peter B. Dumont built a house opposite the hotel of Mr. "Fritts ; and George McDonald erected the house next 170 SOMERSET COUi^TY. jibovcit, in wliich Goy. VroDin re.s'uled many years ; and Hiibscquently John M. Mann lived an.l died there. Tlien nixt in point of time came the store and dwellin;^- of 0. ixi.Tnjiison ; and Soniervilie bej^jan really to he w )r- thy of its name. Those who art. living can write the re- maining history of its growtii. The charter iW an Aqneduct Company was obtained in the fall of 1807, and an enterprise soon completed wliicli in that day was a grand effjrt for the few who composed the inhabitants of onr village. Water was brought in )):^r- foratt-d pine logs from the nionntain north of the town, and a fine stream could bo s(^en constantly gushing out from a pen stnck near Fritt's Hotel, then kej t by William Mann, si)aikling as bright and as pr.re as its mountain .^oui'ce ! Uiiibrtunatcly the weight of the column intro- duced through the logs, was too much fm* their adhesive ])roperties ; and a break was the consequence. These breaks soon became so frequent that the logs were aband- oned and clay pipes tried without success. Then an etTi>rt was made to procure pure water by boring down deep through the red shale. The well of Ferdinand Vander- veer was selected for the })urpose. and a bore of many feet made, but finally abandoned. Since Ihis time no effort has been made to supjdy our village with {)ure wat(n-. It is one of its most important enterprises waiting completion. Half the effo't made in that eai^ly day by a few enterpris- ing men, would now be enough to rt-medy the deficiency. It is vvonderiul how content men can become, under a nuisance, when they are once accustomed to it. Waiter and gas are now the pressing demands of the *own ; and they ought to be both introduced before another year ends. It is a reproach to our enter[)rise that they are not ; and the want of them dei)resses the value of our property in amount more than their cost. The Water Power at Raritan was incorporated by an act of the Legislature, Feb. 28, 1840, by appointing John Gaston, Garirs, wifh a eipitii ;>f ,•$2)0,01),), Thss company SOMERSET COUNTY. 171 formed the canal from head of Raritan and commenced activ'^e operations in carrying out the phm of m ikino;, what, is now the village of Raritan, a manufacturing centre; but failed. Auditors were appointed and finally the new act was obtained in which Jo«hua Doughty, John M. Mann, Bezekiah B. Loomis, John M. Martin, Steven B. Ransom, Edward F. Loomis, and Hugh M. Gaston are named as incorporators, and the title is changed to the Raritan Water Power Company, and is dated March 24th, 1863. Under this act the original design has been carried out with some success and a village has grown up, which promises to be a flourishing place of business and manu- factories. In 1809, John Davenport, who owned one hundred acres of land fronting on the main street in Somervide. had it divided off in lots and streets in the form of a village, and disposed of the whole in the form of a lottery Every ticket costing thirty dollars was assurt-d to draw a prize, and fortunate ones might become entitled to the htuise in t^.omerville^ or to one of the lots fronting on the main street. Most of the tickets were sold in New York ; ami the land itself was thrown out and bec'>me a village com- mon, and is known as the "Lottery Field." It has in late years been appropriated principally by the colored popula- tion. It was a fine speculation in its day, but the effect of" it has by no means tended to increase the pros[)erity of Somerville. About 1807 the need of books being much felt, anJ el- fort was made to establish a public library in the village. Quite liberal contributions were made for that day, and a respectable number of books were purchased, a book case was procured, and they were kept in Mr. LaTourette's store. 1 wouhl give a great deal for a catalogue of those books, just to see how they would contrast with books of the present day used in libraries. There was some of the best historical works, ancient and modern, Shakespear and the best of the English Poets, and the Essayists such as Johnson, Addison, Steele, &c.^ an aportioument uf good sermons, besides other rural and religious works, books ot travel, and others of a lighter kind. It was an important 172 SOMERSET COUNTY. acquisition to the neio;hborhood, and was kept for a num- ber of years, but after the generation that had gotten it u]), had passed away, it began to decline, and there being no one to take care of it, there was a kind of distribution of the books made that had been preserved, and that was the end of it. At an early day tho importance (^f a newspaper was felt. The Somerset Messenger was not the fir&t paper printed in Somerville. The first one was CDinianiced ab.).ifc 1814 Of 1815. It was called the Intelligencer or Sonierset In- telligencer. James E. Gore commenced the publication of the Messenger as a continuation of it, as early as 1822, and it is still ])ublished. There is a history about the old Hotel. When I first recollect it. which was about 1800, it was kept by John Meldnim, and well ke{)t. He was a jolly old soul and his family respectable, everybody liked them. The prop- erty was owned by an association of gentlemen, called the Somerset Hotel Company, consisting chiefly of the public men in the county, and some of the lawyers who attended the Courts. About 1800 Judge Van Derveer removed from Cooperstown, N. Y., and purchased a property which comprised quite a little farm, running back some distance North, beyond the brook. He som3 timi after- wards traded the tavern house with Gilb.u't A, Line of the North Branch, for his farm, afterwards owned by Ar- thur Schenck. Lane removed to Somerville and kept the Hotel. Meldrum's friends were unwilling to lose him and his family, and procurred for him the house that Job Van Arsdale, a blacksmith, had built, where T. A. Hart- well lived, and some additions having been made to it, he moved there and kept it until he died, some years after. Lane was not calculated to keep a public house, and the old Hotel passed from him to William Mann, tvho occupied it until about 1823 or 1824, when it passed into the hands of John Torbet, and since Jacob Fritts has occupied it. The County House was of a later date, and was built and owned by a company called the Hotel Company. It has had many owners in its time. With these notes of some of "The First Things," in SOMERSET COUNTY. 173 our beautiful village, vvtxlisniiss the subject and hand it over for completion to those who ra;i.y come after us. Our purpose is only to put on record such things as are in dan- ger of being lost, for the information of some one who may undertake to write the history of our county as it ought to be written. THE ACADEMY. Any account of Somerville would be incomplete that did not embrace a notice ot its Academy. In the early history of the village it was a prominent feature. The idea of erecting such a building and attempting to main- toin a classical school, in which young men could by fitted fm* college, at such an early day was an honor to the in- habitants of the village. It came in this wise : A nuiuber of gimtlemen from Somerville and its vicinity met together to celebrate the Fourth of July, 1801. Some suitable preparations had been made to give interest to the occasion. The public exercises of the day were held in the church. Two young b.ys, one a son of J. R. Hardenburgh, Esq,, and the other a son of Col. Peter D. \^room, made each an oration ; one upon the discovery of America, the other on the death of George Washington. These juvenile orators afterwards became conspicuous citizens of the county of Somerset. One was Cornelius L. Hardenburgh of New Brunswick ; the other Peter D. Vroom, Esq,, Governor of the State, and Envoy Extraordinary and Ambassador to the King- dom of Prussia, After the exercises in the church the gentlemen repaired to the hotel, where a dinner had been prepared. Among them weie several who had sons to be educated. After a free conversation on the subject of education, it was re- solved to make an effort to establish a classical school where young men might be instructed in Latin and Greek, and prepared to enter college. Immediate action was ta- ken, and on the eighteenth of July, at another meeting, a constitution was adopted^ which provided for the erec- tion of a building and the organization of an association 174 SOMERSET COUNTY. aiding in its support and patronage. The preamble re- cites that ^Svhernas an attempt had been made by the in- habitants of Somerville and vicinity, to raise by subscrip- tion in shares of ten dollars each, a sum sufficient to erect a suitable building for a classical school, and had succeed- ed so far as to warrant the commencement of such build- ing ; that, theref)re, it becomes necessary to form a con- stitution for the government of the said association. The first article fixes as its name "The Proprietors of the Academy of Somerville," and defines it as an institution expressly set apart for the instruction of youth in the learned languages, the English, the arts and sciences, and public speaking ;" each proprietor to be entitled to one vote for each share of tpn dollars. Aftpr the usual officers for such an association had been provided for, the annual meeting was fixed for the first day of April. The instru- ment was signed by Peter Studdiford, John Bryan, John Frelinghuysen, Andrew Howell, Jonathan Ford Morris, Thomas Talmage, John Elmendorf, Jacob R. Harden- burgh, John Simonson, John VV. Hall, Joseph Doty, Dickenson Miller, Cornelius Van Deventer, Brogun Bro- kaw, Edmund Elmondorf, John Brokaw, John Cox, Gaij ret Tunison, Philip Herder, Roelnf Nevius, Peter B. DiH monf and Matthew A. Lane. The subscription amounted to $1,701. Besides the persoDS who subscribed the Con- stitution, there were present at this meeting John Wort- man, James Van Derveer, John Meldrum, Israel Harris, Richard McDonald, John Whitenack, Joseph Annin, William McEowen, Andrew Coejeman, and Johannes Van Neste, The officers of the association who were first elected were Peter Studdiford, President ; John Bryan, Vice President ; John Frelinghuysen, Treasurer, and Andrew Howell, Sec'y. The Board of Regents consisted of Jona- than F, Morris, John Wortman, Thomas Talmage, John ;^. Vredenburgh, John Elmendorf, Jacob R. Hardenburgh, Dickinson Miller, John Simonson, Garret Tunison and the President. At an adjourned meeting on the fourteenth of Decem- ber ensuing, Messrs. Studdiford, Vredenburgh, and Har- SOMERSET COUNTY. 175 denburgh wore appointed a committee to contract for the erection of a suitable building for the contemplated school. The price of tuition in the Latin . and Greek lauj^iuages was fixed at four dollars per quarter, nnd the canunittee were authorized to offer fifty dollars in addition to the tui- tion fees, to procure a suitable teacher to open tlie school. On the first of March, 1802. at a meeling of the associa- tion the accounts were referred to a committee consisting of Andrew Howell, Thomas Talmago and John Elmendorf. and an order made to have the house lathed and ])lastered and the wood work painted ; also to erect a suitable form and benches. The accounts were to be submitted to an- other meetinj; on the second Mondav in April. This meet- ing was convened, officers appointed and the exeicises in the school commenced almost immediately ; The teacher employed, we learn, was Lucas George, an Irishman, who proved himself to be a fine scholar and an efficient in- structor. The school went into operation in MavorJune of 1802. Lucas George remained at its head for some four years, and the Regents then raised the price of tuition to five dol- lars per quarter instead of four. In 1804 the incorpora- tion of the association was effected under the laws of the State, and a general satisfactory progress was made in all the afi\iirs of the school. Mr. George resigned at the close of 1804, and in March, 1805, Jacob Kirkpatrick was engaged as principal, at the rate of $182 per half year. Then W. C. Morris, a sou of Dr. J. F, Morris, taught for a time. Then on November 26th, 1808, Stephen Boyer, was engaged as Principal. He was still principal in 1810. Afterwards Isaac N. WyckofF and Rev. John Cornell taught, and the school had flourished extensively. It had no rival except Baskingridge, and enjoyed an ex- tensive patronage for some time. Somerville, in that day, was a point to which many eyes were directed ; and it was A power in the State. It had in it, and around it, a num- ber of citizens of large influence and commanding force of character. After the days when Rev John Cornell had charge of the school, Rev. Peter Studdiford taught in it, then Mr. 176 SOM E PtSET COUNTY, Nevil, then John Walsh, then William Thompson, then Charles Hageman, then William D. Waterman and John L. See. But ultimately other views be;^an to be entertain- ed by many of the citizens of the vilhige ; other wants grew up ! Young men began to look more to business than a ccllege diploma, and the importance of the Eng- lish department over-lopped the classical in public esti- mation. The building itself grew to be too contracted for the number of pupils desiring instruction ; and the en- larged views of education prevalent in the community pointed to another school. The following minute records the mode in which it was abolished. Whereas, on the 16th day of April 1804 the original Constitutiori of said association was by the Stockholder s thereof altered and amended as follows, to wit : "If it should so happen that a sufficient sum arising from the tuition of students in the said institution, and from voluntary subscription, shall not be procurred suc- cessively so as to enable the trustees to procure a teacher of competent abilities for instruction in the dead languages, it shall in such case be the duty of the trustees for the time being, to dis[)0se of the ])roperty belonging to the associa- tion, by way of public vendue to the highest bidder and for the best price that can be procurred for the same, and the net proceeds arising from such sale shall be divided by the number of shires subscribed. The product thence arising shall be the same each subscriber shall be entitled to receive for each and every share by him or her subscribed. And it shall also be the duty of the sfiid trustees to give public notice in a newspaper printed at New Brunswick, in one of the newspapers printed at Trenton, and also in one of the newspaper printed in the city of New York, for the space of one month, what may be the dividend eaidi share is entitled to receive, and requesting the proprietoi s to call f )r the same in six months from the (Lite, or it will be considered a donation and appropriated to the founding* of an English school in the neighborhood of Somerville." And VVhereas, the Trustees of said association have been unable to obtain and procure a sufficient sum from the tuition of students in the said institution, and from volun- SOMERSET COUNTY. 177 tary subscriptions, so as to enable them to procure a teach- er of competent abiHties for instruction in the dead hm- guages, for any part or portion of the period of four full years next before tiiis tune, therefor. Resolved, That the said property belonging to the said associaticul be sold and the proceeds be disposed of pursu- ant to the power and direction contained in the said arti- cle of association. At a meeting of the Trustees, at the office of S. S. Hart- well, December 4th, 1855, it was on motion resolved that the resolution of the board of trustees on the 5th day of September 1855, be confirmed and carried out in all things, and that the real estate of the Academy lot be disposed of at Public sale, at the house of Jacob A. Fritts, Inn keeper, in Somerville, on Tuesday, the 19th day of Feb- ruary next, between the hours of two and five P. M., and that the same be advertised according to law. In conformity with these resolution, a decree in Chancery was obtained directing the sale of the property and the di- vision of the money among the original stockholders and their heirs, and after due notice, the house and lot was sold to S. S. Hartwell. (JHAPTER XVI. BOUND BROOK. The earliest settlem(?nts in the county of Somerset, were made in the village of Bound Brook and its vicinity. The oldest land title, dated May 4, 1681, in tins portion of the State, secured at once all the land on which the villao-e now stands, extending from Bound Brook to Middle- brook and from the North side of the River to the Moun- tain. We have given in another j)lace the names of the Indian grantors and the purchasers. Out of this tract the proprietors to(dc 1,170 acres, em- bracing the site ol the village ; and after being surveyed by Phillip Wells, surveyor, September 25th, 1683, it was patented to Thomas Rudyard, an eminent lawyer of Lon- don. The only one of tiie proprietors under this Indian grant who actually settled on any part of it, was Thomas Cod- rington. He had 877 acres apportioned to him Septem- ber 25th, 1683 ; and built a house upon it soon after, and called his place Racavvackhana, He also owned 1,000 acres more, lying on the rear of his farm, running uu to the apex of the mountain. Thomas Codriny-ton was livinij: at Racawackhaua on the 26th of November 1684, and was at that date appointed one of Governor Barclay's council. He was a man of in- fluence in his time, and received the same appointment SOMERSET COUNTY. 179 from Lord Neil Camj)b('ll, Oct 18th, 1686, and again from Governor Bass, May 6, 1G98. The place was owned about the commencement of the present century, by Alexander Campbell. Thomas Rudyard, who owned the land uj)on wli'ch tJie village now stands, was one of the twenty-four projirietorH , to whiim the Duke of York confirmed March 14th, 1682, the previous sale of the Province of East New Jersey, by . giving them a new grant. Under this grant Robert Bar- clay was appointed governor for life, September 16th, 1782, with peimission not to reside in the Province, and Thomas Rudyard becan)e his deputy. He arrived in the Province November 13th, of the same year — having with him as Surveyor General, Samuel Groome, also one of the. Proprietors. He was superceded in 1685 and went to Jamaica, West Indies. He resided at Amboy and had with him two ot his daughers, ladies of education and cul- ture named Anne and Margaret. They were great prizes in such a land, and w^re soon "woo'd and won," by two gentlemen from New York City. Anne marri.^'d JohU; West ; Margaret became the wife of Samuel Winder, and resided on a plantation near Middletown, in Monmouth county. The. Episcopal Church at Perth Amboy is even at this day enjoying the fruits of her liberality. It does not a\ pear probable that Thomas Rudyard ever resided ia Bound Brook — not even that he ever visited it. As early as 1700, or before that, the lands of Rudyard, with 877 acres adjoining it, belongmg to John Royce, were ])urchased by a company consisting of George Cussart, Samuel Thojnpson and Jacob DeGroot. Rudyard's orig- inal 1,170 acr(-'s were divided between Thompson and DeGroot equ illy, but the Royce land was held iu company. There is no authentic record of their havmg sold any pare of this land previous to 1720. The highway thmugh Bound Brook was laid out bv this company, and was known as the "Great Raritan Road," })revious to which the travel had been on the banks of the river near the stream. The Thompson residence, built at an early day, stood on the road just where the railroad now crosses it, and was pur- chased by the company and demolished to form their 180 SOMERSET COUNTY. roadway. This property was conveyed first to Thomas Olawson, then to William Wortman, then to David Mc Kinney, then to Michael Shoolev, and then March 27th, 1786, to Clarkson Freeman, M." D. On the Royce plot, Yivdd as early as 1720, John Ander- son, whose residence was just south of the lane leadinut before becoming interested in lands in Somerset County, had been employed in mercliantile pursuits. Some ot the first permanent settlers in Bi)und Brook, besides those al- ready named, were Hendrick Hendrickson, Pleudrick Van- derbelt. Fletcher Van Nortwick, Jan Van Doren, Pieter Jansen Van Deventer. Garrei Garretson, Jan An ten. In the year 1700, the 1,171 acres of the original propri- etors were purchased as we have said, bv George Oussart and Jacob OeGroot. In 1720 Ebenezer Triuibly, Hen- drick Harpending, Tornelius Prant, Hendrick Fisher, William Riddle and John R. Meyers had become purch;is- ers of parts of this original tract, and subsequently, in 1746. Peter Williamson, James Hude, Esq., Anthony Blackford, Bartholomew Kelso, Char/es McEvers, Thom- as Irvine, Josepli Stansberry. David Cussart, Tobias Van Norden, Thomas (Jooper and John De Groot occuj)ied parts and parcels belonging to it ; the particulars cannot be more minutely specified. In the days succeeding the revolution there were three public houses of entertainment kept in Bound Brook, viz : The Middlebrook Hotel kept by Israel Harris, thn Fre- linghuysen Hous^^, the site of which was occupied by the house of B. B. Mathews. It swung out a greaf. sign con- taining a portrait of Major-Cxeneral Frederick Frelinghuy- sen, and was k)uney, who at that time was the widow of Benjamin Bonney, whose tragical death by ihehand of the notorious Tory Bill Stu- art, is still chronicled among the traditions of tiie place. She died September 10th, 1795, aged 45 years, Ca{)t. Powers afterwards wooed and wed Mary, (hiughter of the Rev. Israel Read. She died May 4th. 1819, and sleeps by the side of her father. At the time of the Revolution the inhabitants of Bound Brook were, with a few exceptions, on the Patriot side, and suffered as much, if not really ni )re than others, from the war. The a.-my was quartered near them twice, and during the military operations in Somerset County in 1776, they were for a time alnaost directly between the two ar- mies, and exposed in every possible way to annoyance from both Perhaps one of the most interesting incidents illustra- ting what we have said, may be told in the following words: While a party of Washington's army was stationed at Pluckamin, a company of British cavalry made a raid from New Brunswick through Bound Brook, accompanied by a number of 'Tories,' among them the noted Bill Stewart. On aeaching the house of Benjamin Bonney, he took his little son Peres, then about four years of age and secreted himself in the cellar of his house. Stewart prowling round the house saw him sitting on the steps of the cellar and fired upon him while the child was on his lap. The ball took effect in his left groin, just missing the child. Bon- ney died of this wound after the third day. This catas- trophe occurred in what is now the Rockafellow house, and the room to which he was taken and in which he died, ex- ists still in the rear of the building. From Bonney's resi- 186 Sf)MEESET COUNTY. dence they went to DeGrroats, brolce open the cellar, con- sumed all the i)rovisions, threatened and attempted to strike DeGroat with a sword which his wife turned aside by seizing it, but cut her hand ba ily. They then obliged him, by threatening his lite, to swear allegiance to "the King, and also committed violence upon Archibald Van Norden. On their return however, they were met below Bound Brook by Col. John Staats, attacked so fiercely that they lost all their plunder and their prisoners escaped. Mischief had been done, liie sacrificed and property de- stroyed ; but any benefit to either of the contending [)ar- ties it is difficult to indicate. During the 'troublesome tim.z-s' the sabbath worshipers in Bound Brook often came to church on Sunday armed, and their muskets could be seen at the end of their pews or perhaps some leaned upon them when in the act of prayer. They had faith in God, but like Cromwell, be- lieved in keeping their powder dry, and in the safety of a good musket held firmly in hand as a defense from enemies. On the Sabbath day two services were attended before the people were dismissed. During the intermission of half an hour an old colored woman remembered as "OM Susanna," stood ready by the side of the church to refresh, customers with ginger cake and spruce beer The young gentlemen and their sweethearts were her best customers, and to spend sixpence in 'treating the girls' was considered an act of noble generosity, if not really a little extravagant. How things d(> change. The prosperity of Bound Brook dates from 1830 when the Delaware and Raritan Canal was begun. Previoifs to this time it was as ragged a little town as one would wish to see. What the canal began, the raiiroatl comi)lete(i, and Bound Brook is now one of the most prosperous vd- lages in the State. We append a note endeavoring to offer a meaning to the four Indian names associated with Bound Brook. 1. Sacunk seems to be a compound of clsqua, muddy »x\d conk or tonk or tmik, a stream, a slow sluggish stream, SOMERSET COUNTY. 187 and so means the stream of mud, or stream flowing through the mud. 2. Kaca-hova-wallaby. Baca is a loomy piece of land, hogua bent like a fish hook, wallaby, deep water, i. e., Tht; round plain by the deep crooked water. 3. Kha-weigh-weiros. Ragaioeighioeros running from a deep hole or gorge. 4. Raca-wack-hanna, Raca loomy again, waqua, flat or low, hanna rivulet or brook, a loomy flat by a running brook or by a rapid noisy rivulet. And so we see all these words are expressive of the nat- ural features of the places which they designate. CHAPTER XVII. In the brief sj^ace which is left me, a few words can only be said of BASKINGRIDGE. It was settled by imigrants from Scotland and the north of Ireland, probably as early as 1730. Alexander Kirk- patrick came to Mine Brook and bnilt a log house in 1736. In his memoir no mention is made of any families in that vicinity. He travelled on foot from Bound Brook over the mountains and through the woods, reaching at last a spring of water on the South side of Round Mountain, he admired the out look and determuKHl to settle there. The title to his land was not secured until Nov. 24, 1747. At a later date, 1762, Lord Sterling (Wm. Alexander) com- menced to build a mansion on his property, which ivas long known as Sterling's buildings. Between these datos the lands seem to have been taken up and settlers located The first names include the Southards, Linn. Bavkely, McEown, Guerin. McMartin, Ayres, Johnson, Whitecar, Oonklin, Cross, Mehidm, Dayton, Annin, Lewis, G-aston, and others. A Presbyterian Church was oi-ganiz^d, and was served by Rev's. Cross, Kennady, Finl'\v, Brownlee, Sso. Its nr^st prominent feature was the Academy, commenced by Fin- ley, and continued by Brownlee, in which many young men SOMERSET COUNTY. 189 afterwards eminent iu the learned professions, reopiv^ed their early trairiing. The region has always been distin- guished by the. intelligence and the decided christian char- acter of its inhabitants. LAMINGTON Had a Church organized as early as 1740. Its early set- tlers were of the sann^ national itv of those at Baslcingridg • Henry, Logan, Suydam, McKinstry, Kennadv, Diinha-n, McDowell,' Sloan," Boylen, Todd. McBride, Field, Blair, Blackwell, Vandervoort. and others, are names which are to be found engraven on the niDnaments in the grave yard beside the church. Kev. Jaraes McCrea, Jeremiah Hals^'y, William Boyd, Horace Galpin and VVni. Blauvelt have served this church. Boyd, like Finley, devoted himself to teaching the classics, and prepared a number of young men for college, who were eminently useful in their day in church and state. We may mention John and Wm. Mc Dowel, J. T. Field, Sloan, J. C. Vandervoort, and l^rown as among his students ; then subsequently S. C. Henry, Oliver Ogden, Abm. Hageman, who served in the christian ministry and did honor to their native place. Somerset County has from its first days been distin- guished for its religious character, its pure morals, its in- dustry and thrift, and its general prosperity. It embraces a population which in wealth, intelligence, virtue, respect for law, and general culture is not excelled by any other community in our State. Fewer great crimes have been committed, fewer public executions have taken place, few- er great scandals have occurred. Its public men have been eminent, filled places of honor which are a source of pride to all right thinking men. Occupyino; a central place, it has been denominated the garden of New Jersey, it is cer- tainly not behind the foremost or the best. Its churches, schools, roads, and public improvements are abreast of the times, if not actually in advance. Hence its verdant plains are being sought as a residence by many from the overflowing cities on its borders. Its climate is mild and healthy, not subject to contamination from malarial influ- ences. In a word it offers as many advantages and enjoy- 190 SOMERSET COUNTY. meats to those who are seekino^ homes as can he found iu any portion of our proud old State. The Rail Road facilities of the County are ahundant. We cannot say that every man has them at his door, but he at least has them within an easy distance. Hence prop- erty has advanced in every part of it, and capitalists who have invested their funds have not h-id occasion to recjret their action. Its fature is bright and encouraging. It will not be long before many of its choice locations will be occupied by mansions, and improvements which will at once gratify and enrich its prosperous inhabitants. In- deed, when ail its advantages are properly estimated, it presents attractions to the public which few can offer to an equal extent. All honor to our goodly land — may its future be equal to the highest wishes of those who love it best. Its past memories are a proud inheritance, and we fondly hope its future may not develope anything to mar or de- preciate them ; and when another Centennial has arrived, may those who celebrate it feel as much pride in their an- tecedents as we really feel now in ours. Let them emu- late our example, and they will not fail to enjoy the ani- mating distinction, which has been so unanimously conce- ded to us, their antecedents. Industry never looses its reward. Public virtue is a public blessing. Temperance and good morals are essen- tial elements in the prosperity and happiness of every com- munity. Political integrity is as important as the equal administration of justice. As long as these virtues are cultivated by a people and demanded from those trus- ted with influence and called to offices of profit and honor, ive may hope to see our good county advancing and pros- pering as she has until now done. The school, the church and the law, can operate in perfect harmony, and be made to combine in maintaining correct principles and public in- tegrity ; and all those who have intelligent conceptions of their own best interests, will unite in upholding them and extending these influences in their separate flelds of opera- tion. Somerville June 17, 1878. APPENDIX. When the spirit of resistance to British oppression h;ul formed itself into a resolution to contend, preparations weie made to oriranize, and to call out the military of the country. The first public act looking to ii "plan for regulatinjr the militia of the colony,'' was passed iu the Pro- vincial Congress, at Trenton, June 3J, 1775. Tinder this act two Regi- ments were raised in Somerset Co.; August 16, nii), five companies from Somerset were added to the former enrollment. When the first Batallion was formed, William Alexander (Loid Ster- ling) was made Colonel, Stephen Hunt, Capt, Col.; Frederick Freling- huyson, Capt. Col. ; Abraham Ten Eyck, Lieut. Col.; Derrick Middah, 2d Maj. Lieut. Col ; James Linn. Capt. 1st Maj.; Rich. McDonald, Capt. 2d Maj,; Thomas Hill, Cipt. 2d Maj. Of the 2d Batallion, Abraham Quick was made Col.; Hendrick Van Dyke, Col.; Berij. Barrd,"~nTlPniJTTeter D. Vroom, Capt. 1st Maj. Lieut. Col.; William Verbryck, Capt'. 2d Maj.; William Baivd, Capt. 1st Maj.; Enos Kelsey, 2d Maj. For a complete list of all the oftioeis and men who served in the Revolutionary War, we can only refer our readers to Adj. G-en. Stryker's official Register, published in Trenton, in 1872. The foUowiiJg Resofutic)ns of a meeting iu Hillsborouirh Township, show the form i;i which action was taken in enrolling the Militia in Somerset County. They are interesting as being the only memoranda referring to this early period in the action of the people in defense of their liberties. The oriirinal was found accidentally among some old oapers on a book stand in New York. /' At a meeting of the principal Freeholders, and Officers of Militia., of ' the Township of Hillsborough, County of Somerset and Piovince of New Jer.sey, held this 3d of May, 1775, at the house of Garret Garrison, it was agres;d as follows, viz : 1st. That the Companies of Militia this day assembled here, do choose officers for their respective Companies. 2d. That the officers so devised, shall choose officers for a Company of Minute Men, who are to beat up for volunteers to raise said Company to consist of GO men, who who are to be exercised twice per week, and to be ready at a minutes warning to march in defence of the liberty of our country. ("Sd. That (the men so voluntarily enlisting in said Company, shall receive one shilling aud six pence for every pan, of a day they are cm- 2 APPENDIX. ployo.i in l.cinjf oxercised by any of rhf>ir uftii.ers, luid the (.ffic■.el■^* in prop(irti(iii. 4ih that ill case waid Compiiny .shall march in defense ot their country, the C.ipuiin t" receive six Khillmgs, the 1st Lieut, five shilliiiirs. t.h<- 2d Lieut, torn- MhillinjfH. and etch ot the interior offi !ors, three shilliiiir.s, all I'roc. per day ; with provision-* and aminuiMtion. and t( those who are able. Amis ; and all the above money to bo raised by tax >ii the inhabi- tants of .said To wuship, in the same manner the Provincial Taxes are raised. 5tb. In pursuance of the first article of the above arentlemen their oflicers, viz : bOH THS. HiLi.sHOitoUGii CoMP.VN Y.— John Ten EycK, Capr. ; Pctor ). Vroom, Lieut. ; Jacobus Quick, 2d Lieut. Fou THE Mll.LSTONK CoMP.\NY. Ilendrick Probasco. Capt. ; Jidn. Smock, 1st Lieut.; Casparus Van Nostrand, 2d Lieut. FoH THE Sh.vnnuk CoMi'ANY.— William Vcr Bryck, Ctpt.; Roelif Peterson, 1st Lieut.; Cornelius Petersim, id Lieut. P'ou THE CoMi'.vNY OK GuENADiEus.— Cornelius Lott, Capt.; .lohn Bennet, Lieut.; Cornelius V^m Darv er, 2d Lieut.; Garret Garrison, ;M Lieut. 6th. The above officers proceeded accordiiiij to the authority ^'iven them in the second article, to the choice of ofSceis for the Company of Miuute Men, when the foUowinj? men were uiianimously chosen : For Capt., Cornelius Lott ; for lat Lieut., John Nevius : for "2d Lieut., Gar- ret R. Gar-iuon. ?th. The officers of the Militia, and the Committee of Observation are desired to meet together and appoint a Committee to provide the above i Company with Arms and Ammunition. May 16, 1775. The Officers of the Militia, and the Committee of Ob- servation having met, unanimously, chose Hendrick Van Middlesworth, Conrad Ten Eyck and Dirck Low,fo provide ammuKition for said Com- pany, and arms for those that are not able to buy for themselves, and the aforesaid ijentlcmen are desired to take £40 Proc, in money on the credit of the Township, to buy 140 pounds powder, 420 pounds lead, and 210 flints ; and if the said Company .should be called to march in de- fense of their country, if not provided for, then the aforesaid Hendrick Van Middlesworth, Conrad Ten Eyck and Dirck Low, are to find pro- visions on the credit of the township as above said. It is further agreed that the above agreement thall be subject to such alterations, and additions as the Provincial Congress shall think proper. By order of the As.sembly, John Baptist Dumont, Chairman, Peteu D. Vroom, Clerk. We give a list of the members of Capt. P. D. Vroom's Company, en- rolled after the above action ; it is evidently not complete, but it con- tains all now recoverable : Jacobus Amerman. Albert Amerman, John Amerman, Thomas Auten, John Br.c^kaw, Lieut, Capt. Vroom's Co. killed at German town, Oct. 4th 1777 ; Abraham Brokaw, Peter Brokaw, Corp'l ; George Brokaw, Jaco- bus Bergen, Corp'l ; Jacob Cook, Jacob W. Cook, Jacobus Corshow, Ber- prun Coevert, Fifer ; Thomas Coevert, Corp'l ; Poier Ditmas, Nicholas Dubois, Peter J. Dumont, Thomas Dwore, Jacobus Dubois, Minne Du- bois, Serg't ; William Grijfge, Augustus Hartshough, Harmon A. Hoag- APPENDIX. 3 land. Lucas Hoatrlnml, Peter HoagUind, Dirck Huif, Abrain Low, Peter Leyster, Hujrh MoAUum, Hendrick PdsI, Serr, Abram Taylor, Abraham Van Arsdalcri. Ser Daniel Ammerman, John Dow, Jr., George .Anten, Abrani Van Voorhees ; Diinimer, Fred. K. Dltiuars ; Privates, Peter Low, Aaron Craig. AialrewTeu Eyck 'iariufi, •loUn Tunison, Jacob Ten Eyck Tartus, Morines Miller, Jolin_Evens, John Dowty Jr., Henry Brokman, 2«ickolas Broknian, Thomas I'mphrey. Godfi ey Clear, 1-eier Post, Wlillam \Vllson, John Beeknian, John Uownc, Cornelius Suyri; ni, Peter Bodlne, Fulkert Dow, David Helebmnt, John Stnait. Jas Wintfrsteln, lavld Vanarsdalcn, Chrs. McMons, Peter 'leeple, Mlnard Johnson. Peter Sutphen. JeMs- mlah Doty, Christian Frazer, George A"an Neste, Hugh Clark.. Jacobus Van Voor- hees, John Storm. John .Myers, Amos .Smalley, cor. Van Dike, .lohn Mortinan, John Ross, Luke Teeple. Peter Ten Eyck, Peter Duniont. Abm. Billion. Heiidrlck Suydam, Jeremiah Britton, Samuel Williamson. Jamc'^ Koss (;ilberl Lane. Barn- ard Klsden, Nls C, Hendrick Teeple. Jacob Sneiloker. James Duycktiick. William Milllken, Evert Brokaw, Samuel Brittaln, Lucas Vosseller, Jacob Vo^ seller. Lewis Heartsont, Ambrois .\pplebee, BoLuid Cihaml^ers, Ulcharrt Brokaw, Kdwaid Mon- tanye, Dlrck Dowe, Peter Van Derbarge, John Powelson. Abraham Btiton. CoMMiTTKE Chamber. Hkidegwatkk, Feb. 2-ith !T7(>. Whereas, by the orduances lately made by the Provincial Congress, for n'gt-la ting the Militia of New Jerse.^', It ai)pears necessary that (-ach Caplaii) sliould have a District for the Company he eoinnntnds, we the committee. ac(;or(lingly grant unto Capt. Jacob Ten P^yck. the command of all the men within ilie follow- ing bountlaries or District : Beginning ai the line of Hunterdon Co.. on the river Allamatunek, thence down said river and also down the North Bvniich to the mouth ot Chamber"'; Brook, then up the said brook to the phne where Wllliarii McDonal's MUl formerly stood, then to th(^ top of the moiinialn to Capt. Stile's line, then on a direct line down between Philip A'an Narsdalen, and Chris. Van Narsdalen's, \\esterly of Win. Black Halls, to the rear of Karltan River Lots, then along the real of said Klver Lois to a line of William Laee's B1\er lot, then northerly and westerly, then down said branch to the line which 'divides the lands ot Borgen Brokaw, and Mr. Conovers, then along said Utie to liunteidon Co., line, then along the same to the beginning. By order of the Committee. ED BVNX. Chairmati. Boundaries of the Millstone Company.— At a meeting of the Coumilttee of the Township of Hillsborough held at the house of Garret Garret>on. the 3d day of July, 1775, It was unanimously agreed that the boundaries of the Company called Millstone Company, are as follows, viz : Beginnin.g at the mouth of Millstone Klver, thence along the said river to the house ofGeretie Cornetry. then along her westward bound to and still continuing westwardly to the house of Ccuri, Van Vorehase, then westwardlv to a small brook, and thence down the said brook to the Ainwell Road, then westwardly along the said road till it comes tn the 2 rod road that leads to Millstone road, contimiine' along said road, thence along Millstone Road to Uaiitan Bridge, thence along the Karltan River to the pJ ice of beginning. PETER D. vnoo.M. 4 APPENDIX, A ll.st or tinf ni'-n \v!io served under Capt. .J;i-ob Ten Tyck in the lieroluUouarj- W.ir, liOM ilie yiMr i7T5 to r.he y<;iir ITsi, at dUTcrenl tliiirs : Arasraltli Kdiiiiin, Andr.nv.-. Joliii. An Irews Malcolm, Abiiylon Aaron, Aiifen 'riK);niis, Andrews Koliert. Aiiitn .Idini, Applenian David, Uerii.oii .Jeremiah. Jjrolvuvv IMeliurd, I'.erit m S unuel. Beriron David, llroKaw Dirk, Drokaw JJer),'en. 1$ nil lie idrl>-k, tiuine'r Garret. Kodlue CDrnelle.s. Hin-anan Aihmi. Ho<,'ert <;is- l)-it, l!,is'r(iwn Abraliani. Buss C'or- ii"lH!.s, BnsliMtl 1 'l'le)ni i.s. BaniHr I,"\vls. Btiim llenr.\. Burner Besijandu, JJiowu (ir 'I'a. Bum 'r (i.'orj^.', Biii'^ODii.s Irederli-K'. Brown Jolin. Buorun Hi-nrw Beiiier K'.chird, B.iclilcw ured'k, Bulrner Itob 'rt. Brewer (i^orffe. Brewer Wliliiin. Brii\- I 'n .l.mi's. Colter, John, cauipb-il Archibald, (Miandler John, 4_;uini.iloa IM-hard. \<'()m -H i{|enai-di,<"'>in'.'s Charles.- Cr.it,'' .;■ .lehn. (.^asbern CiirisTbplier. Toruellson .fiiiin, Colter Alexan ler. Cornelison WlUiini. Cla\*!-rin Henjjniin. Clawson B irnet Cnrn"lis()n (iarret colli-r Peter. Chtvns William. Caslner.Idhn. Chandier.sWllliaiiii Conine David, Coole I'eier. Clawsnn Bra' I. Calwell .folin, rii;,inbns Jri-;eph. CoUer .Ml:hael, (;hapnian John, Doty .ferMulaii, Iniyekins James, llerrod John. Hoatr- lind Sinniel, Henry Job. 1, Mall (i'0!-;:e. llo'.ri- James. lluiT John. Ileipencllnj; l'\- ter. Hall Isaae. Hay A'llliaui, Harris Benjiini!), Hail Wiiliani. Hal! Nieols. Hesa- men Jun^s, HoiiJland William, Hoaj,rland Derrick, Iladenbreok I'eter, Hall Thom- as. Hadentirook Isiv. Harris J mies, llarrlni John. Harris Joiin. Johnson Mlnanl.- - Johns )n Wiliiam, .roitnson, James, .lemlman Jaeobns, Jones Benjamin, KeUe\ D ivid, Kln< David. ICInjj 'ITiomas. Kirkpatrick Andrew, Lane Tunis. Damoni Jolin, Damont Klbert, Dow P'lilkcrt Dennis Kubin, D.ieker I'eter, Dailey William, DoiiKhtv iSkiUinan. Drene Thomas Drake Dirk. Defraste Isaac. Duyekinan John. Dnyekman Williaiii. Davis (Jairei. Davii John. Kwlns John. Klveiv John. Fiaser Christopher. Kusler laike. Ful.ls Jere.niaii. Fulker Pder, Fnsler JaVob, Fulkerson Henr.v. French William, (Joldtraii Jonn. (Jorden John, Carrel son Jeremiah. Cilmer Timthey. Helcbrant D ivid, Harlson Lewio, Harris Carnt. Ilerutu^-h 1 ewis, Liieas John, I.onjj William. Lon^'John. l.ane Tlioma.-:. I.fddlc Hobcrt. Le(? 'I'homa.s, Lane John, Lane Jacob. Lellls .laines. More John. .Mapes Heiirv. .Miiuir Samuel. Mulner Joseph, Montlninore William, MeMurtry TliOinas. McKinslev SauiueL ^Ma-iwll Robert, Misbet Peter. More Luke. .McDowell Kiihraim. Mali^'-li .'rohii, .Millln Janies. - Mechleni-alh 'i'luiin if+, IMulbrln John.Oilaw ful Samuel. .Maybeck John. Mnrfey Thomas. Messier Cta-neiious, Mannin Isaac. McDonald Sainuei. .Mi'all^h l'et(>r. Mii- --Un John, McMans WUll.im. iMcCraln Daniel. Mccarty HuHh, .McDowel Joim. Mea- beaeh John, Kortwlek John. Nevlus Christopher, Nevus John. Off Chrlsloplier. Oliver Nicolas, Prine John, I'owelson Henry, Post I'cter. Prav.l L>-aae. Packsen William. Probasco Garret. Poner William. Fowl Arelilbald, Powel James. Peaeh William. Powelson Mina, Probiise'o Christopher. I'ossJohn, Uoss J.imes. IHchson Joseph. Kolan John, Kiinyon IHchard, Koscbome Hendriek. Hoseboiue Hoberl. P.lirhtmer James, Klekey Israel, Heimir Benjamin. Bunyon Vincent. Bolan I'eter, Siekel Zaehariah, strvker Barrant, Stryker Chrl.stopher. Stuard John. Suvdani t:oriiilHis. Suydam Byke. Storm Jolin, Smnlley Amos.^itgiil&ilohn. Smo'."k Banant suydain Charles, Stephens Joseph, Sebrlnj? Fnlkert, StuIT'Josenh, SHiiKerlan Henry. Scuyler liarrant. sparks .lolin, stul John, Sebron GcoiKe, Stephens Henrv, Suddard Kiehard. Sm.illey Jonas, Stuart James, soms .Andrew, ! harp Johii. Sharp Matthias, simasnn John, Si'brln Abraham. Sparks Gabriel, Stephens Joseph, Schenk Abrah;ini, Sill !)hen Glsbirt. Smith John. SnialUiy Isaac, Stillwell John, Ten Kyck Peter, Tunlson John, Tee)ile Luke, Tecple Luke. Teeple Hendricks. —Thompson Thomas, Teeiile (!eort;e. Todd .Ceorffo, t'mphrey Tliomas. Van Nars- dalen Dow, Van Nest (J'oive. Van Dike Cornelius, Van DebeVfce Peter, Van Nars- dalen (Miri.stopher, Van Debrodk Peter, Van Nest Peter, Van Narsdalen John. Van Horn Janies, Van Narsdalen Perlck, Van Xarsdalen Hendriek, Vossler Peter. Valentine .Jacob, Van Natten John. Van Cort John, Van Nest Barnard, Van Camp John. Van Nest Abraham. Van Doren Ciirlstopher, \'an Vest .Liromas, Van Nars- Irand Jacob, Van Nest Frederick. Van Nest Cornelions, Van Deventer Aliraliam, Van Vln^-ie Isaac, Van Tln^rle Abraham, Van I)e\cntcr I'eter, Van 'lingie John. Van Wa','ener Coonrad, Van Narsdalen Philip, Voorliees Fulkert. Van Doren Lsaac, Van Pelt RullIT, Van Cort Michael, Van Deveer Matthew. Nan Norilen Toblah, \'an Doren Bergen. \'room IhMidrlrk. \'rooin (icorne, \room .lohn, Voorliees Isaac, Van Hoiilen John, Van Nortwiek John, Wormian John, Wilson William, Wlnter- sleln Janies, Williamson Samuel, WyckolT ,101111. Wlte Matthew, Williamson Cor- nelius, Walker Thomas, Waldron Wllllar:. Whealer James, Wooderd Daniel, Wortman Andrew, WInans William, Worley Pcier. Wilson John, Waldron Cor- nelius, Wortman Peter, Younjjc George, Young- John. APPENDIX. 5 Members of Capt. Conrad Ten Eyck's Company : David Am merman, Powel Aminerman, Benjamin Arrosmlth, John liPimet2tl Lieut., Daniel Blew, Hendrick Blew, John Board, Oeorge Brewer, Abraham Bro- kaw, corsparus Brokaw, Adain Uallas, .lacob Coach, Henry Cook, Abraham Co- shaw, Tliomas covert, Tunis covert. Samuel Davis. John Decamp, John Decker, Ilencliick Duinon, Peter Dmnon, Mancias Dnboys. Seig"t ; Abraham Dumott, Ben- jamin Dumott, Lawrence Duiiiott, Henry Fislier, Joseph I-'reneh, Fnlkert Fulker- son, Chvl^llan Herder, Heruianus iloagland, J()luinn( s Hong-la 'id, John Hoagland, 'I'unis Ho ;..), isiio, I'ftcr I) Vroom, 1788, '89, '90, '91, '92, '9:^, '9^1, .I(is<>|)h Annln. 1789, '91, •92, I{olj, '9C,, Jolin Beatty, 1793, 'g.'i, '90, Uoljcrl Stockton, 1795, ■'96, '97, '9S, ISOO, 'Ol, '02, 'IKt, '04, 'OS. 'OO, '(17, Ds, '09, Davlcl Kelly, 1795, "oo, '97, Johii Strykpr, 1795, W., '97, '98. 'm, Pet^r Diiinont, 1797 to IHoo. .JoUn Biiyard, 1798 to is04. John Bryant, lH(n to 1806, Jacob K. Hardenbergh. SHERIFFS. 1777, 78, '79. Pct^r Duiuunt, l7so, Peter T. Schenck. 1781, '82, "83, Peter I). Vroom 1784, 'HTy, Hobert Stf)ekton, I7.so, •n7. .fohn HarclenberKh, 17ss, '89, '90, William Wal- laee, 1791. '92, '93, John Hardenbergh, 17W. 95, '96, Joseph Annln, 1797, '9s, Kobert Blair. 1799, 1800. Joseph Doty. APPENDIX. 7 Somerset County — Its Physical Aspect. It contains about 189,800 acres, and 297 square miles, Htid is divided into nine Townships, viz : Bridijewater. Bedminster Bernards, Warren, North Plaiufield, Frardilin, Hdlsborough, Montijjomery, and Branchbur<^h. Its cen- tral Latitude is 40 deg. 34 ruin, Longitude 2 deg. 15 luin. The clinjate is mild and most healthfuL The whole Coun- ty rests on and is composed of the seccmdary or transition formation, of the old red sand stone, or red shale. The northern pait is hilly or mountainous, the central undula- ting, and a part of the southern is i>f tht^ sa ue character Its mountains are of Tra[) f)rmation rising from lot) to 300 feet, but they nowhere exhibit any ot^the columnar form which the Basalt or Trap sometimes assumes. North of Somerville there is a double range of Tiap Mountains. The first mountain begins near Pluckamin, lying in the form of a horse shoe, and extending to Paterson. The second commences at Bernardsville, and terminates at the little falls of the Passaic Between them there is an elevated valley from a mile to halt a mile in width, in wLich, at different places, grey flag and building stone is obtained. These two ranges are almosL unbroken, and have had the effect of changing the course of all the small rivers which flowed off the primative granite and gneiss hills north of them, and f(jrcing them all to the north east, unil thfy reach Paterson Falls, over which the Passaic precipitates itself on its way to the ISea. Dead River evi- dently at first flowed into the Raritan at Bound Brook. All these Trap Hills were unquestionably protruded from below by volcanic force in a semi-fluid state. In many places portions of the trap includes broken pieces of red shale, hardened by the effect of heat until almost vitrified. The Neshanic Mountain, on its northern extremity, show.s the effect of intense heat, and the loose shale is burnt to such an extent that it rings like clink stone or cast iron. It is, in many respects, a curious formation, coming al- most to a point on its northern end, and spreading out like a triangle to the south, broken in some places and fur- rowed by the action of water. 8 appp:ndix. Ill the little valley at Chiiniujy Rock, the place vvlien the Tiap was protruded is luaiked [)y the falls of the east branch of Middlebiook creek, and the overlapin^ of the red shale is ])lainly marked for more ihan a hundred yanl.N. There is also another lower range noith of Princeton, known as Rocky Hill, through which the Millstone has found an outlet, where the same thing, though not so whII defined, may be seen. It it weie not for tiie conchoidal fracture of the Traj), it would be a most useful and excel- lent building material ; being less dense than granite and gneiss, its temj^erature is higher, and consequently a house built of it would condense less moisture and be dryer and much morci healthy The Red k>liale of our County is compcjsed of silicious and angilacious substances, and its color is owing to the presence of the red oxide of iron in small quantities. It has sometimes been ground fine and used as paint, but it is not valuable as a pigment. As it lies in the central ])arts of our county, it has a general dip or inclination of about fifteen degrees to the north west, and everywhere exhibits the effect of disturb- ances ; being broken up and uneven on its surface. At some remote period it has evidently been denuded oi the superabundent material whicii originally rested on it. The Sand Hill west of Soihervllle, that at the Compton burying ground on the noith, the hill west of the North Branch at Milltown, and the one north west from the North Branch Church, are instances of the character of the material which originally rested on it and has been re- moved in some way^ not now recognizable. It has resting on it clayey loom, forming the soil of th<; endulating grounds wiiich rises above the alluvial along the water courses. It varies in thickness from a foot to twenty or thirty feet, and is capable of being made ex- ceedingly fertile and valuable for agricultural purposes. In the valley of the Peapack, there are extensive beds of limestone, which are used extensivi-iy in enriching the soil^ as well as for mechanical })urposes. Copper ore exists in the mountains north of Somerville, but has not been ol>- tained in quantity to make it valuabb\ itiJejA ^