/ ELDER WILLIAM BREWSTER, arm ©Hjer jSotes. By JUSTIN WINSOR. ELDER WILLIAM BREWSTER, F T H E "MAY F L ( ) W E H : " HIS BOOKS AND AUTOGRAPHS, iiti) (dt\)tx Notes* By JUSTIN WINSOR Reprinted, Seventy-five Copies, from the Proceedings, March, 1887, OF THE Massachusetts Historical Society. CAMBRIDGE: JOHN WILSON AND SON. SEnibersitg Press. 1887. R>« -]A^ 0^ V BOOKS AND AUTOGRAPITS OF ELDER WILLIAM BREWSTER, WITH OTHER NOTES. ^[r. AV'insor said : — When recently investigating tlie details of the famous In- dian fight of Captain Lovewell near Fryeburg, Maine, May 8, 1725, I was obliged to accept the map of the neighborhood of the pond on the banks of which the conflict took place, as it is given in Bouton's edition of " Lovewell's Great Fight," (Concord, New Hampshire, 1861), and copied in Frederick Kidder's "Expedition of Captain John Lovewell " (Boston, 1865). This map places the scene at the north angle of the l)ond, as deduced from the accounts and traditions. Since I made this study I have found an early i)lan entered upon the records of Harvard College ^ by President Langdon, with care enough to indicate an accurate copy " from a large plan be- longing to the proprietors of Fryeburg." This draught shows '" Lovels pond" and its neighborhood, and there is a small dot ])ut against the shore on the northeast side of the pond with this inscription, "• Place of Lovel's battle with the Indians." This plan must have been made not many 3'ears from 1770, or about forty years after the event, when there were many persons living remembering tlie occurrence. Langdon, it will be remembered, was a map-maker not with- out experience, for he had assisted Colonel Blanchard in the well-known map of New Hampshire which was published in 1761. * College Book, vol. iii. p. l^O. Mr. WiNSOR also said : — I have had occasion in another place to review the discus- sions which have taken place over the landfall of Sir Francis Drake on tlie California coast, in connection with the views of our associate, Dr. Hale, that San Francisco Bay was the spot.^ I received yesterday from Professor George Davidson, of the Coast Survey, an abstract of a paper read by him before the California Academy of Sciences, on the "■ Early Spanish Voy- ages of Discovery on the Coast of (.California." As his conclu- sions on the point of Drake's landing are at variance with what has usually been held by his associates in the Survey, and as he has l)een on work in the coast line of that region for more than thirty-five years, his opinion is of importance to any one who seeks to weigh the evidence. His testimony is in favor of what is known as Jack's Bay, or the Sir Francis Drake Bay of the modern maps, which is a depression in the coast a few miles north of the Golden Gate. He identifies the " Portus Nova) Albionis " of Drake, given by that navigator as under 38^ of north latitude, with the " Baia de Pinos " of Cabrillo, the " Bahia de los Pinos" of Ferrelo, the "Puerto de San Francisco " of Vizcaino, and holds them to be the modern Drake's Ba}', or the northern part of the gulf of the Farallones, whose true latitude is precisel}' what Drake records, and more than a degree south of the record made by Ferrelo. Those interested in the historical cartography of the Pacific coast will be glad to learn that Professor Davidson in this paper has sought to determine the identity of sixty-nine places on the coast mentioned in the narratives of Ulloa, Ca- brillo, Ferrelo, Drake, and Vizcaino, and that, as the result of much study, it has been submitted to the Superintendent of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey for publication. Mr. WiNSOR finally referred to the list of the nearly four hundred books left by Elder William Brewster of the " May- flower" at his death, as interesting in showing what the most learned man of that company had gathered for his household companions. He said : — This list is spread upon the records of inventories at Plymouth,^ and enables us to authenticate all of the auto- 1 Narrative and Critical History of America, vol. iii. p. 74. ^ I'iymouth Wills, vol. i. p. 53. graphs of the Elder which lire known, with the exception of one, and that is attached to the record of a deed in the Court House at Plymouth, — not a solitary instance in those records of original signatures being attached to papers spread upon its records, — and this was for a long time the only autograph of Brewster known. About thirty years ago a copy of Cart- wright's " Harraonia Evangelica " (Amsterdam, 1627), was found in the Yale College Library, — the same book priced in the inventor}' at Plymouth at five shillings. It has, accom- panying the signature, the motto " Hebel est omnis Adam," which seems to be play upon the Hebrew names of Adam and Abel and to signify the vanity or transitoriness of man. Not long after this a folio Chrysostom (Basle, 1522) was discov- ered in the Boston Athenseum, with the name and motto, and it was found to be further inscribed as having been owned by the 3'oung Thomas Prince, a son of Governor Prince, who married a daughter of Brewster, and also as having been at one time the property of President Wadsworth of Harvard College. Brewster died in April, 1644, and young Prince notes receiving it in July following thus : " Thomae Principis. Liber ex bibliotheca avi mei, 1644, JuU." Some years later than this a copy of Francis Johnson's " Treatise of the Minis- ter}"- of the Church of England " (1595) came into the hands of a Boston dealer, and thence passed to our associate. Dr. Dex- ter, who has given a fac-simile of the autograph of Brewster which it contains, in his '^ Literature of Congregationalism " (p. 410). It is not accompanied by the motto, and has a firmer stroke in the writing, so that it is probably an earlier date than the others. This as well as the Athenaeum volume is also in the inventory. At the time I made a note on these autographs in the "His- tory of America" (vol. iii. p. 287) no others were thought to be known; but two additional have since come to my knowledge. The first of these is in one of the Commentaries of David Parens, of which the inventory shows three, including this, which is the " In Genesin Mosis Commentarius " (Frankfort, 1615). This also has the motto, and belongs to Mr. William Brewster, the ornithologist, my neighbor at Cambridge. The other of these last two is found in a volume which I chanced upon a few months ago in Woodstock, Connecticut, and it proves to be of accumulated interest for the series of autographs which it contains. The inventory at Plymouth shows " Senecas Workes, 6 sliillings," and the book in question is this folio volume, being Thomas Lodge's English translation of Seneca's Morals, published in London in 1G14. It seems to have been owned at first by two persons named Kyrbie, of whom I can find nothing, the autographs being "Edmund Kyrbie, anno domini, lGl-4," " Edward Kyrbye," and in a latinized form " Edvardus Kyrbie." Its interest begins with the next signa- ture, "William Peirse his book," — the master mariner who commanded the " Ann," which brought Edward Winslow to Plymouth in 1623, and who after that date is frequently found on the coast, now serving the Pilgrims and then the Massa- chusetts people. It will be remembered that Winthrop found him and liis ship in Gloucester Hai'bor when he first touched the New England coast in 1630, and fired " two ordnance " in salutation. It will be remembered, too, that the almanac of " Mr. William Peirse mariner " was the first thing printed at Cambridge in 1639, after the little broadside of the "Free- man's Oath." How Peirse's book wandered after it arrived we learn from the next inscription : "Willm. Brewster, his booke, bought of William Peirse. Cost 10/6, in Plimouth in New England. Hebel est omnis Adam." Brewster, as I have said, died in 1644, when the book fell to his son Love Brew- ster, and was by him sold the same year to the eldest son of Myles Standish, as is shown by the autograph " Alexander Standish, his booke, bought of Love Brewster, cost 16' — 1644." The next signature is of David Standish, a son of Alexander ; but it was from another son of Alexander that it passed to the hands of the minister of Duxbury, — "John Robinson, his Book, 1722, bought of Thomas Standish." The next transmission was on a death-bed, for Robinson died on the same day noted in the next autograph, — " Ichal)()d Rob- inson's Book. The gift of his Rev. Father Mr. Jolni Robinson Nov. 14, 1745." John Robinson at the time of his death was living in Lel)anon, Connecticut, which was the home of Jona- than Trumbull, the later Governor of Connecticut, who had mai-ried a daughter of Robinson. Trumbull's daughter married William Williams, the Connecticut signer of the Declaration of Independence ; and through this descent it seems to have passed to William T. Williams, the son of William Williams, and brother of the wife of John McClellan, who in turn received it and added his autograph, from whom it passed to its present owner, Mr. Joseph McCleUau, of Woodstock. It is possible, and perhaps probable, that some other of the four hundred books of Brewster's library may yet be found, and I venture to add to these remarks a transcript of their titles from the Plymouth Records, not only as indicative of tlie kind of library which he had, but as possibly assisting hereafter in the identification of some of them. It is well known that Brewster's press was active at Leyden in printing books that the censors in England condemned. The subject may very likely be further elucidated as to the extent of such printing if many other volumes in this inventory are found ; but we may be quite content to leave such investigations in the hands of Dr. Dexter. I have asked his permission to quote a passage in a recent letter which came to me from him: — "In Jauuary, 1876, after much effort I succeeded in purchasing for twenty-five dollars, of the late Charles Plammoud, of Monson, a small volume in a dilapidated condition, which he had picked up in some Connecticut garret, the interest of which to me consisted in the fact that, among other things, it included a perfect copy of John Robinson's ' Peoples' Plea.' It was loosely stitched together in a manner to make me think it might be the ' divers books sticht together ' of the inventory, and priced two shillings. The first thing I did was to cut it apart, when I had before me seven small IGmo's, five of which were perfect. When laid side by side, I was immediately struck with their t^imilar type, the same sized page, the same ornaments, and with that indescribable tout ensemble which declares the same printing-house. They were all of date 1618 and 1619, except that the seventh lacked the title ; and this and the others were of the same office, as the worn and somewhat broken type showed. My next step was to infer, as I had always heard that the ' Plea ' was printed by Elder Brewster at Leyden, that they all might have been. I then set to work to see what evidence there may be that the ' Plea ' was really printed by Brewster. It has two large initial letters, each defective slightly in spots, and by comparing these (with a microscope) with like initials in books known to have been printed by Brewster at Leyden, I arrived at a moral certainty that all were his. Of such books I have three of which I suppose no reasonable doubt can be entertained, namely, ' Com- mentarii Succincti & Dilucidi in Proverbia Salomouis,' which has his imprint, 'Lvgdvni Batavorvm. Apud Gulielraum Brevvsterum. In vico Chorali, 1617;' Cartwright's 'A Confvtation of the Rheraists Translation, Glosses and Annotations on the New Testament,' (with no imprint), 1618; and the 'Perth Assembly' (no imprint), 1619. Both the latter seem well authenticated by Sir Dudley Carleton's Let- ters (pp. 379, 380, 390). The 'Proverbia' has but two large initials, but the ' Confutation ' has twenty-six, and the ' Assembly ' has six, — thirty-two in all, — offering a fair chance for comparison. As the re- sult of a careful study of the matter, I feel morally certain that the wliole ten books were printed at the same press between 1G17 and 1G19 inclusive, and that that press was William Brewster's." I may be pardoned in adding a final sentence from Dr. Dex- ter's letter, indicative of his laborious study in tlie literature of the Pilgrims. He says : — '• I have never till this year succeeded in getting together what might be called a perfect set of John Robinson's original editions; yet even now I lack his ' Manvmission to a Manvdvction ' (1615), which Mr. Deane has, and his ' Appeal on Truth's Behalf,' which nobody seems to have but the Bodleian. I have abandoned all ho25e of ever getting his 'Answer to a Censorious P^pistle,' or ' Catechism ' except as pub- lished with the 1644 edition of his ' Apologie.' " I may finally add that I found the other da}'-, on running over the titles of John Harvard's books, — part of his endow- ment of the College, the list of which is preserved in the College Records, — that Harvard had, among these companions of his pilgrimage to New England, the Essaj's of John Robinson, the Pilgrim Pastor. The inventory of the library of Elder Brewster in the Ply- mouth Records is as follows : — £ s. d. It 2 little chatachismes 00 — 00 — 04 It 1 Lambeth on the Will of man 00—00—02 It 1 morrall discourse 00 — 00 — 02 It Discouery of Spanish Inquisition 00 — 00 — 03 It Johnson on 18'" INIath 00—00—04 It Kemaynes of Brittaine 00 — 01 — 00 It Description of New England 00 — 00 — 04 An Inventory of the Latten books taken btj Mr. Bradford Mr Prence and Mr Rcyner May 18'* 1644.1 £ s. d. Inpris Nova Testamenti Malarato 01 — 04 — 00 It Tromelius & Junius Biblia Sacra 00 — 18 — 00 It Bcza noua testament, lat & gre 01 — 00 — 00 1 The title of the Inventory is thus interjected in tlie Keconls. £ s. d. It Centuria Selecta 00—08—00 It Calvin duodecim't^phet 00—15—00 It Clauis Scriptura flacio Illirico 00 — 15 — 00 It Peter Martyr Com. prio'" ad Corinthos 00 — 08—00 It Musculiis ad Isaiam & Komanos 00 — 12 — 00 It Regneri prandial 00—02 — 06 It CEcolumnadI in Jeremia 00 — 03 — 00 It Crisostm Mattias & Joannes 00 — 06 — 00 It Musculus Psalmos David 00—12—00 It Calul at Daniel 00—05—00 It Calvl on Isay 00—15-00 It Musculus ambos Epist ad Corinthos 00 — 08 — 00 . It MoUeri ad Psalmos 00—10—00 It Lanaterus Esequeh 00 — 05 — 00 It ZanchI ad Ephe 00—06—00 It Syntagma amudo polo Syntagmatis tlieologia Chris- tian 00—10—00 It Sulteti Isaiam 00—05—00 It Purei Hoseam 00—01—00 It Gualterin Deluerin Nov Test 00—02 — 06 It Psalm Pagnii 00—02—06 It Pareus in Genosa 00—08—06 11.05.00 It Piscator in Nova Testament 00 — 17 — 00 It Pareus ad Ronianos 00 — 05 — 00 It Pareus ad Priorem Corinthis 00 — 04 — 00 It Calvin Eze. vigint prima 00 — 03 — 00 It Tabula Analytice Stephano 00 — 01 — 06 It Cartwright harma 4 Evangl 00—05 — 00 It Pascillia Hemnigm 00—01 — 00 It De Vera Jes. Chr. Religione 00—01-00 It Erasmus in Marcifi 00 — 01 — 06 It Parkerius politica Eccle 00 — 05 — 00 It Piscator in Genesn 00—02—00 It Kykermano Systema Physica 00 — 03 — 00 It Beza Confess. Christ 00—02—04 It Pollock in Dany 00—02—06 It Dauen in prio Juni 00 — 02 — 00 It Thom Thomaseus Dix 00-02-00 It Bastwick Apolegeticus 00-00 — 06 It Machauelii princeps ' 00—01—08 It Elenchus papistice Bastwick 00 — 00 — 06 10 £ s. d. It Rollock at Psalmos 00—02—06 It Rainoldi de Romana Eccles 00— 02— OG It Calvin in Josua 00—01—00 It Syntagma Vigandus 00—01—06 It Epistola Apologetica 00—01—06 It Paraphrasa Erasmus in Luke 00—01—06 It Latina gramatica 00—00—06 It Hebrew Gramat 00—00—06 It Camden Brittau 00—03—00 It Ilollock ad Romanos Ephes 00—03—00 It Dixtio. Triglott 00—01—06 It BuxtorfF Lexicon 00 04 06 It Cartwright prouerbia 00-07-00 It Junii ad Ecclam Dei 00—00—03 It Tyrocinia 00—00—04 It Poemata Heringii 00—00—02 It Ad Reuerend. patres Eclles Anglican 00—00—06 It Amesii contra Grevin. Co. 00—00—06 It Ilypomneses 00—00—03 It Antichristus prognostica 00—00—04 It Ilarmonia Evangelia 00—00—06 15.19.04 An inventory of the English books taken hy Mr Bradford ^- Mr. Prence. £ s. d. It 1 English bible lattin letter 00-08-00 It 1 English bible 00—06-00 It A new Testament 00—05 — 00 It Mr Ainsworths Psalms in prose & meter 00 — 02 — 00 It 1 new testament 00 — 01—04 It Major Coment new testament 00 — 12 — 00 It Hexapla upon Daniell 00 — 05 — 00 It 2 volumes of Mr Perkins 01—10-00 It Mr Hemes works 00 — 05 — 00 It Babingtons works 00—08-00 It Cartwright against Remise 00 — 08 — 00 It Byfield on Coloss 00—05—00 It Dodoner Ilerball 00—06—00 It Mr Rogers on Judges 00—06—00 It Mr Richardson on y« State of Eur 00—04—00 It Knights Concord 00-05-00 It Caluiu on Isay 00-06-00 It Willet on Romans 00—06—00 11 £ s. d. Greiisames works 00 — 10 — 00 Bodens Comon weale 00—08—00 Willet on the P' Samuel 00—04—00 Surveyor by Ratborue 00—03—00 Willet on Genesis 00—07—00 Seneca Workes 00—06-00 Wilcocks on Psalmes 00—06-00 Cotton's Concordance 2 volumes 00 — 12 — 00 Scholastical discourse about the crofse 00 — 04 — 00 Taylor upon Tytus 00—05—00 Hill upon life Euer 00—05—00 Wilson's Dixonor 00—06—00 Waimes Christiii Synagogue 00 — 02 — 00 Gibbines question & disputacons 00 — 02 — OG Calvin Harmon Evan. 00-06-00 Defence of Synod of Dort by Robin 00—02—00 Mefselina 00—03—01 Downams Warfarr 2 Vt 00—04-00 Barlow on 2 Tymothy 00—02—06 Cartwights ag" Whitgift 2 ?t 00-02-00 Jackson ag^' Misbeleefe 00—02—00 Granger on Eccl. 00-02-00 Brightman on Reuel. 00 — 05 — 00 Birdag Anti 00-02-00 Byfield on 1 Peter 00—05—00 Weyraes on Image of God in Man 00—02—00 Parr on Romans 00 — 05 — 00 Robinsons Observacons 00 — 02 — 00 Right way to go to worke 00 — 02 — 00 Byfield's sermons on 1 Peter 00 — 05 — 00 Dod on Commandm'' 00—02—06 Mayor on Catholick Epistles 00-03-00 Taylor parable on the Sower 00 — 02 — 00 Narme of Chr. Strarr 00—02—00 Morley of truth of religion . 00—03—00 Attersons badges of Christianity 00 — 02 — 00 Downam Consolatrix 00 — 03 — 00 Elton on 7 Romans 00—02—00 A declaracon of Quintill. question 00 — 02 — 00 Byfield on 3 of Peter 00—01—06 7 p'bleames against Antechrist 00 — 01 — 00 Dike upon Repent 00—01—06 Sibbs Soules Comfort 00-03—06 12 £ s. d. It Passious of the mynd 00—01 — OG It 5 bookes of Sermons stichet together 00 — 01 — 00 It Constitucoiis & Cannons of ff of Cant. 00—00—02 It "Wittenhall discovery of abuses 00 — 01 — 00 It Rollock on Thessal 00—02—00 It Heauen opened by Coop 00 — 02 — 00 It Treasury of smiles 00—04—00 It Downefall of Popery 00—02—00 It Saints by calling by Wilson oo_02— 00 It Wittenhall discouy of abuses 00 — 02 — 00 It Udall on Lamentacons 00 — 01—04 It Dyocean Tryall 00—00—06 It Sparks against Albin 00—02—06 It Wottons defence of Perkins Refor Catholicke 00 — 02 — 06 It Brinslow on Ezech 00-03-00 It Defence of Ministers reasons 00 — 01 — 06 It Downam ag" Bath «& Wells 00-01—06 It A discourse of troubles Cliu. of Amster. 00 — 01 — 06 It Mr Smyths 3 treatises 00—02—06 It Discourse of equivocation 00 — 01 — 06 It Mr Smyths paroliles 00—00—08 It A peticon for reformacon 00 — 00 — 06 It A primer of Chr. Relig. 00—00—09 It A discourse of variance betweene pope and Venet. 00 — 01—00 It Broughton on Lament. 00 — 01 — 00 It Perkins ou Sat. Sophist 00—00—06 It A discourse of adoracon of Reliq"' 00 — 01 — 00 It A trew mark of Catholike Church 00 — 00 — 06 It A quodlibet to bewarr of preise 00 — 00 — 04 It Justifycacon of sepaeon 00 — 02 — 00 It Storke answere to Campion 00 — 02 — 00 It Dike on the heart 00-02-00 It Perkins on 11 Ilebrewes 00—03—02 It Bayne on Ephes 00—02—00 It Dike on repent. & ch. teratations 00 — 02 — 00 It Bolton on true happynes 00 — 01 — 06 It Downam ag" Beller 00—01—08 It Wotton on 1 John 00—02—00 It Gouge Armor of God 00-02-00 It Plea for Infants 00—01—06 It Dod on Commandm" 00—03-00 It Rollock on effectual calling 00—01—10 It Callingof Jews by Finish. 00— 01— 00 £ s. d. It Prill Antearrninescence 00 — 00 — 08 It Discouery by Barrow 00—03—00 It Ainsworths deffeiice of Scripture 00 — 01 — 06 It 2 Downam's Reply ag" Bath 00—03-00 It Admonition to Parli"' 00—01—06 It Refutacou to Giftord 00—02—06 It Perth Assembly ' 00—01—06 It Defence of the Ministers reasons 00 — 01 — 06 It Treatise of Ministery of England 00—01—00 It Cassander Anglicans 01 — 01 — 08 It Downams warfarr 00 — 05 — 00 It The meane of mourneing 00 — 03 — 00 It Hackhill History of Judges 00—00-00 It Sweeds Intelligencer 00 — 01 — 06 It Comunion of Saints 00—02—00 It Abridgment of Ministers of Lincolne 00 — 01 — 06 It Jacob Attestation 00—01—00 It Modest defence 00—03-00 It Exposicon of Canticles 00 — 01 — 00 It Whitgifte answere to a libell 00 — 01 — 00 It A reply to a libell 00—02—00 It Duplefs of a Chur. 00—02—00 It Perkins on lude 00—02—00 It Downams 4 treatises 00 — 02 — 00 It Deareing on Hebrews 00 — 03 — 00 It A Collection of Englands Delluanc' 00 — 01 — 06 It 1000- notable things 00—01—06 It Riches of elder ages 00—00-00 It Dod on comandm'" 00—02 — 06 It Sweeds Intiliigencer 00—01—06 It tymes turne coate 00 — 00 — 06 It A continuacon of adventur of Don Sebastian 00 — 00 — 04 It Surveyor Dialougs 00 — 01—00 It Apology Chur. of England ag"' Brownists 00—01 — 06 It Kings declaracon about Parli"" 00 — 00 — 02 It Scyrge of Drunkerds 00 — 00 —02 It Syons Plea 00—02—00 It Elton of Comandmts. 00 — 02—00 It Treatise of Chr. Religion 00—02—00 It A battaile of Palatinate 00—01 — 06 It Treatise 122 Psalm 00 — 00—06 It Concordance of yeares 00 — 00 — 06 It Cesars Tryumphs 00—00—02 14 £ s. d. It A dialogue concerneing Ceremonies 00 — 00 — 04 It Essayes about a prisoner 00 — 00 — 03 It Politike diseases 00— 00— Ofi It Exposicon of Liturgie 00 — 00 — 08 It Magiiifyceiit entertaynement of King James 00 — 00 — 06 It A modest defence 00—00—06 It Essex practise of treason 00 — 00 — 06 It Prosopeia 00—00—02 It Withers motto 00—00—04 It Staudish for woods 00—00—06 It A recautacon of a Brownist 00 — 00 — 04 It A supply to German History 00 — 01 — 00 It Of the use'of silk worms 00—00—06 It Newes from Virginia 00 — 00 — 06 It Newes from Palatinate 00—00—04 It Hacklett 00—02—00 It Byfeild on the oracles of God 00—03—02 It Gods monarchy Deuells Kingdome 00 — 00 — 04 It New shreds of old share 00 — 00 — 06 It Discharg of o imputacons 00 — 01 — 00 It Dauids iMusick 00—00—06 It Home sheild of the Rightous 00—01—00 It Ruiue of Rome 00—01—06 It Uownameon 15 Psalm 00—01—06 It Pisca Evangelica 00—01—06 It Virell on Lords prayer 00 — 01 — 06 It Answere to Cartwright 00 — 00 — 06 It Broughton on Gods Diuinitie 00 — 01 — 00 It Bayne tryall of Christ state 00 — 01 — 06 It Wlieatley on Gods husbandry 00—01—00 It Exposicon on Reuelac 00 — 01 — 00 It Perkins Reformed Catholik 00—01—06 It Johnsons & AVithers works 00—02—00 It 10 sermons of the supper 00 — 01 — 06 It Ciuill Conuersacon Gnahzo 00 — 02 — 00 It Smyths plea for Infants 00—00—06 It Bacons p'ficiency in Learning 00 — 02 — 00 It Arguments ag" seinge 00 — 01 — 06 It Theologicks 00 — 00 — 06 It Emiiig on James 00 — 01 — 06 It Catholike Judg 00-01-00 It The spiritual! watch 00 — 01 — 00 It reasons for reformacon of Chur of Engl 00 — 00 — 06 15 . £ s. d. It A looking glass ag" Prelates 00 — 01 — 00 It A sermon of Bishop of London 00 — 00 — OG It Resolucon for kneeling 00 — 00 — OG It 2 Exact discouery of Romish doctrine 00 — 00 — 04 It Warr was a blefJing 00— 00— OG It ]\Iidland souldier 00—00—04 It Ilumillitie Christians life 00_00— 06 It Church Deliuance 00-01-00 It Coment on Ecclesiastic 00 — 00 — OG It Prerogatiue of Parli'"' 00—00—06 It Temple on 20 Psalm 00—01-06 It Abbott sermon 00—00—03 It Soules Implantacon * 00 — 03 — 04 It A treatise of Stage pleas. 00 — 00 — 03 It Apologue of Brownists 00 — 00 — 04 It State Mistery of Jesuits 00—00—06 It Dike Schoole of affliccon 00-02-00 It Sibbs Comfort OB— 01— 06 It Taylor on 32 psalm 00-02-00 It Parable of the Vine by Rogers 00—02—00 It Apologeticall reply by Damfort 00' — 02 — 00 It divers books sticht to-gether 00 — 02 — 00 It Broughton of Lamentacons 00 — 00 — 06 It A good wyfe 00—00—03 It Northbrook against Images 00 — 01 — 06 It Tryall of truth by Chibbald 00-01-00 It The tryall of truth 00—00—04 It The paterne of true prayer 00 — 01 — 06 It Houshold gouermeut 00—01—06 It Blackwells answers 00 — 00—04 It Aristotles probleames 00—00 — 06 It Symers Indictment 00 — 00 — 04 It Johnsons psalmes n meeter 00 — 00 — 04 It Mores discouery 00 — 00 — 03 It A sermon 00—00—02 It Refutacon of tolleracon 00—00—06 It Aphorismes of state 00 — 00 — 02 It Of Union betweene England & Scotland 00—00—06 It Tales of Popes custome house 00 — 00 — 04 It Of Pope Joane 00—00—04 It A dialogue betweene a gent & a preist 00 — 00 — 04 It Against kneeleing 00 — 00—03 It Perkins on fayth 00—00 — 03 16 £ s. d. Bacons Apologye 00 — 00 — 03 A History of Mary Glouer 00—00—03 A huudle of smale books & papers 00 — 02 — 00 Defyance of death 00—01—00 A Christians apparelling 00 — 01 — 06 Perkins on repentanc 00 — 00 — 08 Essays by Cornwallis 00—01—06 Spiritual! stedfastnes 00—00—08 A manuell 00—00—06 A breiffe of bible 00—00—06 Jacob on 2'' Coraand"' 00—00—04 A pill to purge popery 00 — 00 — 02 Withers 00—00—04 Cathologue of nobillyty of England 00—00—03 English votaryes 00—00—06 Sibbs Yea & Amen 00—01—06 Sermons by Rollock 00—01-00 Kinges Bath 00—00—08 Great Afsise by Smyth 00—00—08 :Martin on Easter 00-01-00 Smyth on 6"^ of Hosea 00—01—06 Discription of World 00—01—00 Cantelus Cannon of Mafse 00-01-00 Perkins of Repentance 00 — 00 — 06 Gods incy & Jurasa misery 00 — 00 — 06 Silu Watch bell 00—00—06 7 sermons by W. B. 00—00—06 Burton ag"' Cholmely 00—00—06 Sibbs Saints p'^uiledges 00 — 01 — 01 Sibbs Riclies of mercy 00 — 01 — 01 Regla vite 00—01—01 Pilgrimes pTession 00—00—08 Sermon at Pauls crofse 00 — 00 — 04 Nature & grace 00-00-00 Perkins of Predestinacon 00—00—06 Sjiirituall trurapett 00—00 — 08 Vox Regis 00—00—06 Barrowes platforme 00 — 00 — 06 Exposicon of Lords prayer 00 — 00 — 06 Comon weale of England 00—00—06 Right way of peace 00—00—06 4"* pt of true watch 00—01 — 00 Johnson on Psalms 00 — 01- — 00 17 £ s. d. 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TlIO. PUENCK. Ih'l- .-— 'T-'i''*-^/ ^'Y^^'^