415 .9 lI>T3V9 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. HISTORY DOUGLAS MONUMENT fr At CHICAGO; PREFACED WITH A BRIEF SKETCH OF SENATOR DOUGLAS' LIFE, 3ttu8trotlon* of tfu JHonutnont, ck. LEONARD W. VOLK, SCULPTOR, AND DESIGNER OF THE MONUMBN*. A'a....-/..^:/.^ i^ CHICAGO { (THE dlllCAGO LIEGAL NEWS COMPANY* 1880. COrVRIGIIT, Leonard W. Volk, A. D. 1880. BTCREOTVPtO AND PRINTED THE CHIOAQO kCQAL NEWS OOMPANY. .DOUGLAS MONUMENT. STATUE SURMOUNTING THE MONUMENT. CONTENTS. Death of Senator Douglas, with a brief Sketch of his Life The Resting-place of Douglas ...... Letter of Mrs. Adele Douglas to L. W. Volk Meeting to organize the Monument Association Articles of Association, with Signatures Meeting of Monument Association and Election of Trustees Trustees' Appeal to the People in behalf of Monument Act to Incorporate the Douglas Monument Association . Circular addressed to Legislature by Executive Committee Advertisement for Designs for Monument Adoption by Trustees of Leonard W. Volk's Design Bill for Appropriation to Purchase Ground Report of Legislative Proceedings thereon . Letter of Gov. Oglesby to Mrs. Douglas . Report of Doings of the Association . Mrs. Douglas' Deed to State of Illinois . Laying of the Corner-stone — Letter of Invitation Reply of Secretary Seward Comments of the " Chicago Times "... Letter from Gov. Oglesby .... Explanatory Letter of Secretary of Association . Dispatch from Secretary Seward Correspondence between Superintendent Swinyard and Sec- retary Seward ..... Articles deposited under Corner-stone . . The Presidential Party at Laying of Corner-stone Chief Marshal's Order of Arrangements . (1) to and PAGE 3 9 10 11 13 16 18 21 24 25 26 26 27 28 29 31 34 36 39 40 44 45 46 47 48 CONTENTS. *' New York Herald's " Account of the Journey of the Presi dent to Chicago and Ceremonies at the Grave Oration of Gen. John A. Dix .... Speech of President Johnson .... Speech of Secretary Seward .... Receipts at Laying of Corner-stnne Remains deposited in Sarcophagus . Meeting of Board of Trustees .... Letter of Mrs. Williams, formerly Mrs. Douglas Financial Statement submitted to Legislature Bill for Removal of Monument Bill to Appropriate $50,000 to Complete Monument, 1875 Bill to Appropriate $50,000 as finally passed, 1877 Passage of the Appropriation .... Speech of Hon. Joseph E. Smith in House of Representatives Passage of House Bill in Senate ..... Meeting of the Monument Commission .... Agreement between Commissioners and Leonard W. Volk Proposals for Granite Work ...... Agreement for Colossal Statue of Douglas . Unveilino- of Statue and Remarks of Judije Caton . Agreement for four symbolical Statues, representing " Illi- nois," "History," "Justice" and "Eloquence" . Bill to Appropriate $9,000 Additional to Complete Monu- ment, passed 1879 ....... Agreement for four Sas-reliefs ...... Description and Dimensions of Monument as Completed, with Cost of same ....... 51 64 82 83 85 86 87 89 89 90 93 93 94 99 109 110 112 113 114 115 116 118 119 120 HISTOKY OF THE DOUGLAS MONUMENT. DEATH OF SENATOR DOUGLAS, AS ANNOTTXCED IX THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE JUNE 4, 1861. Stephen" Arnold Douglas, Senator in Congress from Illinois, died at the Tremoiit House, in this city, on Monday morning, at ten minutes past nine o'clock, after a painful illness of somewhat more than a month. The subject of the deep and universal g-rief which shrouds our streets, was born at Brandon, Rutland county, Vermont, Ajjril 23d, 1813. From the rooms of the Chicago Historical Society, we ob- tain the following interesting facts in his genealogy, extending back to the seventh generation, and beginning with the first rep- resentative of the family in America: First Generation. Mr. William Douglas, of Boston, Massachusetts, A. D. 1640. Married Aun, daughter of Thomas Mable, of Kingstead, Northamp- tonshire, England. The birth of their son William is recorded at Boston, as the "1 (2) 1645," i. e. March 1, 1645. The family afterwards removed and settled at New London, Conn., where Mr. AVilliam Douglas was one of the lead- ing men of the colony, deacon of the church, representative in the colonial legislature in 1672, and during King Philip's Indian War was appointed com- missary of the army. The following, from Gov. Bradstreel's journal, gives the date of his death : " 1682, July 26th, Mr. William Douglas, one of ye deacons of this church, died in ye 72d year of his age. He was an able Christian, and this poor church will much miss him." Second Generation. His son, William Douglas, born as above, married, De- cembfcr 18th, 1667, Abiah Hough, daughter of Mr. William Hough, of New London, Conn., (who was a son of Edward Hough, of West Chester, Cheshire, England,) by whom he had two sons and five daughters. Third Generation. Of these sons the oldest, William Douglas, was born April 19th, 1672, and removed to Plainfield, Conn., where he was a deacon in the church. By his wife, Sarah, he had eight sons and three daughters. Fourth Generation. The youngest of these children was Asa Douglas, born Dec. 11th, 1715. Asa Douglas, by his wife Rebecca, had seven sons and six daughters. He died Nov. 12th, 1792. Fifth Generation. The twelfth child of Asa and Rebecca Douglas was Bena- jah Douglas, born May 10th, 1762. He married Patty Arnold, daughter of Stephen Arnold, Esq. (3) 4 HI8T0KY OF THE bixtli Generation. The father of our late Senator was Stephen Arnold Doug- las, son of Benajah and Patty Douglas, as above. He was born in the State of New York, and was a physician of considerable repute. He died suddenly of apoplexy, in 1813, when his son (Stephen Arnold) was only two months old. It appears from this interesting recital that Senator Douglas came of distinguished Puritan stock. The indomitable energy of his character, and the iron will which made him always a master of circumstances, mark him a lineal descendant of the Mayflower. Brought up on a farm under his mother's care, and receiving a common school education, he desired, at the age of fifteen, to pre- pare for college. His family being unable to defray the expense, he left the farm and apprenticed himself to a cabinet maker at Middlebury, where he labored a year and a half. He then entered an academy at Brandon, where he studied another year. His mother having married Mr. Granger of Ontario Co., N. Y., Stephen removed with her to Canandaigua where he entered another acad- emy. He remained at Canandaigua two years and a half, study- ing law at the same time that he acquired his academical educa- tion. In the spring of 1833, he came west to find an eligible place to practice law, going successively to Cleveland, Cincinnati, Louis- ville, St. Louis and Jacksonville, 111. At Jacksonville he found himself reduced to his last shilling, and went on foot to Winches- tor (Scott county) to get employment as a school teacher, taking with him a few law books v/ith which to perfect himself in his chosen profession. Obtaining six dollars for three days' work as clerk to an auctioneer he hired a room and opened a school, teach- ing by day, studying by night and practicing before justices of the peace on Saturday afternoons. In March, 1834, he opened an of- fice for law business, and was so successful that before the expira- tion of the year, he was chosen Attorney General of the state by the Legislature. He resigned the office shortly afterwards and was elected a member of the Legislature from Morgan county. His rise from that time to the present was brilliant and rapid, and, un- til betrayed by the Southern leaders for whom he had done so much, marked by hardly a single defeat. In 1837 he was appointed by President Van Buren register of the land office at Spriljgfield. In the same year he received the Democratic nomination for Congress in a district embracing the whole northern part of the State. His competitor was John T. Stuart, Esq., of Springfield. Something over 36,000 votes were cast, and Mr. Stuart was declared elected by a majority oi five. Neither Mr. Douglas nor Mr. Stuart nor any one else have ever been able to say which candidate actually received the majority, :^^ birthplace; of senator DOUGLAS, at BRANDON, VT. DOUGLAS MONUMENT. O but it is certain that Mr. Stuart obtained the seat. In 1840 Mr. Douglas was appointed Secretary of State. In 1841 he was chosen by the legislature a judge of the Supreme Court. In 1843 he was nominated for Congress, and was elected by 400 majority in a Whig district. He was re-elected in 1844 by 1,900 majority, and again in 1846 by 3,000 majority. The same year he was chosen by the legislature to a seat in the United States Senate, which he took on the 4th of March, 1847, and has occupied without interruption ever since. His present term would have expired March 4th, 1865. Mr. Douglas' career in Congress is familiar to almost every citi- zen of Illinois. Hardly a measure of national moment has been before that body during the past seventeen years without receiving the imprint of his strong and comprehensive intellect. The Ore- gon bill, the Jackson resolutions, the admission, respectively, of Florida, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota and California; the maritime laws of the great lakes and rivers of the vV^est; the war with Mex- ico; the compromise measures of 1850; the Kansas and Nebraska Act; the Pacific Railroad bills; the Clayton- Bui wer treaty, and the Lecompton Constitution, all bear the marks of his energy and abil- ity in a greater degree than of any other contemporary statesman. In the Democratic National Convention of 1852, Mr. Douglas re- ceived 92 votes for the Presidential nomination, and in the Con- vention of 1856 he received 121. We need hardly recur to the conventions of Charleston and Baltimore last year, where the del- egates from the North clung to him with the energy of desperation, and where the South deliberately broke the party in twain for the purpose of defeating the only candidate who could have been elec- ted, and thus affording themselves a pretext for destroying the Union. It is little enough to say, in concluding this biographical sketch, that for the past four years at least the Democratic party has existed in and by Stephen A. Douglas. Neither Jackson nor Van Buren, in their palmiest days, ever reigned with more perfect and unquestioned sway than he in the great political division to which he belonged. Mr. Douglas* was married April 7, 1847, to Miss Martha D. Martin, of Rockingham county, N. C, by whom he had three chil- dren, two of whom are living. She died Jan. 19, 1853. He was again married Nov. 20, 1856, to Miss Adele Cutts, daughter of James Madison Cutts, Esq., second comptroller of the Treasury, by whom he had a daughter, who died about a year and a half ago. It is well known that the Chicago Tribune has had no sympathy 6 HISTORY OF THE with the political movements of the late Senator since 1853. He was content to go his way, and we ours. He had one line of policy, and we another. In all these years of diflference, we have shared with others the animosity that our prejudices or his acts provoked; and he even was not exempt from the infirmity which afflicts all partisans. We draw a veil over that distracted period, and leave the historian to decide whether he and his friends, or his opposers, ourselves among the number, were right. "We have nothing to apologize for — nothing to extenuate — and he would have had nothing to unsay had he lived. But in all partisan strifes there come moments when the enmities and hates eno-en- dered by conflicting views and personal ambitions, are beaten down and conquered by danger which all men must share. One of these moments has been upon us; it brought about a union which years would have cemented. Only yesterday Judge Douglas^ and the Trihune stood upon the same platform. The imminent peril of the present had put all old things out of sight; and side by side with him we stood for the defense, the honor and the perpetuity of the great Republic; and now uncovered and reverently look- ing into his grave, we can say that a Patriot reposes therein. In revolutions, the events of a day are equal to the work which years of peace accomplish. The rude shock of arms lately encoun- tered, awakened him to the true designs of the men with whom he had acted; and the same potent cause revealed him to us in an aspect as unwonted as it was glorious. If he had been mistaken in those for whom he had hazarded so much, we were not less so in him whom we soearnostly opposed. If he found them treacher- ous and false, the country saw him noble and true. Under all that seemed to contemporaries of the opposite school, selfish, ambitious and unpatriotic, was felt to be that enduring basis out of which devotion and patriotism grow. To-day, the signs of sorrow and the habiliments of woe, the subdued voice, the measured tread and the look of grief every where observable among all parties and men of all creeds, are proofs that the heart of the country is wounded, and the people, now all sensible of his value, will pro- foundly and sincerely mourn their irreparable loss. * In his last days, he gave those who stood near to minister to his wants, the most convincing assurances of the depth and earnest- ness of the lively love of country that filled his heart. In his wak- ing hours, as well as in those moments when the violence of his disease unseated his great intellect, he was busy with national events, and the conflict that is now upon us. It was his last wish DOUGLAS MONUMENT. 7 that the work which will regenerate the country while rescuing it from his enemies, should go rapidly on. To one, in a wandering moment, he said, "I station you at the Relay House. Move on!" Of another he asked, " Why do we stand still? let us press on! Let us to Alexandria quick!" To still another he said, "Tele- graph to the President, and let the column move on!" And so, throughout the progress of the disease, which struck him down — he was thinking of his country and her peril. At Washington, in his imaginings, and in the command for which nature had fitted him, and which would have been bestowed had he lived, he seemed to direct events and dictate victory. And when the lucid inter- vals came, he was, if not so emphatic, not less sincere. The salva- tion of the Republic was uppermost in his thoughts by day and by night. His own condition, the imminent peril of death, his com- plicated affairs, gave him no concern. Almost his last coherent words were an ardent wish for the honor and prosperity of the Re- public, by the defeat and dispersion of her enemies. The country, regardless of party distinctions, wherever the love of the stars and stripes is not repressed by the terrorism which he knew and hated, will treasure up his dying prayer and make his hopes and aspira- tions the rule of patriotic endeavor. We need say nothing of the personal characteristics of Stephen A. Douglas. There is no cabin in America to which his name has not gone. There is no man, however humble or unfit, who from the praise of his friends, often indiscreet, or the abuse of his ene- mies, more frequently undeserved, has not made up an estimate of the man. He was undeniably great. He had a great brain, in which size did not repress activity. He had a will which was as in- flexible as iron. He had a courage which bordered at times upon audacity. He had great affections, and by consequence great pas- sions — he could hate as well as love. He had great vigor of con- stitution, and, all men said, a firm hold upon the strings of life. He had the power of drawing men to him with the grasp and vigor of a giant. No one since Henry Clay has had such hosts of friends who would do his will or die in the attempt. He had great ambi- tion, which he sought to gratify by great events. Hence he was an orator and politician; and as both he greatly excelled. Nature fitted him to make a mark in the world; and he could not have been placed where he would not have graven his name. He has gone from us at a moment when his loss will most be felt. In the vigor of early manhood, without having yet attained the full ma- turity of his powers as an orator or thinker; but of ripened expe- 8 HISTORY OF THE rience and broad culture, he has fallen. Another decade, when the voice of war is forgotten, would have witnessed the gratification of the object of his later strifes. His country at peace in all its parts and with all the world, the arrogant slave power humiliated partly by his courageous efforts, would have seen his elevation to the position that he would have filled with conspicuous ability. That was among the readable certainties of the future. But he has gone. The good and evil of his life remain, for the instruction of those who will do the work from which he is dissevered forever. Let us who are left, emulous of that fervid love of country which will make his name glorious, press on in the direction in which, when living, his face was set. His last public speech is the stand- ard by which his life is to be measured. We remember him by that, and lay down therefor this tribute of gratitude and praise. Senatok Douglas died on the 3d of June, 1861, at the Tre- mont House, in the city of Cliicago, about four weeks after his great speech before the State Legislature, and his last pub- lic address in the old "" Wigwam," on Market street, where Abraham Lincoln was nominated, one year before, for Presi- dent. His death was pronounced by his physicians to be the result of fever of a typhoid nature, brought on by extreme mental and physical labor during the few last years of his life, together with the excitement and anxiety caused by the precarious con- dition of the country upon the eve of a great civil war. There was probably not a man in all the land who possessed a keener sense of the disastrous and doubtful consequences of such a revolution as was about to burst forth, than Senator Douglas. His remains were embalmed, and for some time lay " in state" at Bryan Hall. An immense concourse x)f people, irre- spective of political or religious differences, viewed the mortal remains with loving and respectful deference. The body was then borne to the place whereon he had intend- ed to build his homestead, and there, buried underneath the track of a primitive highway, once a stage road leading from DOUGLAS MONUMENT. 9 the east along the lake shore to Chicago, and within a few feet of a great railway of which he was the chief promoter and father, he " sleeps his last sleep" within sound of the beating waves of Lake Michigan and of the rushing trains. The funeral procession extended half-way from the City Hall to the grave, and all parties and creeds vied with each other to honor the dead Senator. He was buried with Masonic ceremo- nies, and the Koraan Catholic bishop of the diocese accorded such honors as he could under the laws of his church. A space, sixteen feet square, was immediately inclosed by a rude board fence, and in two weeks this inclosure presented a level spot of sand, without a shrub or spear of grass to greet the visitor to this then lonely place. Steps were soon taken, however, to beautify and protect the grave. [From Chicago Tribune, July 24, 1861.] THE RESTING PLACE OF DOUGLAS. An unusual degree of interest is manifest among our citizens, in the direction of suitable improvement and adornment of the last resting place of Douglas at Cottage Grove. The following we find in the Post of yesterday, alluding to the same: " The rough fence boards were inscribed all over with the names of visitors, representing nearly every section of the Union that is still loyal to the constitution. Here are a few of them: " And then our contemporary gives a list of these scribblers, who would have been quite as likely to have scrawled their autographs on the memorial marble itself. It is a lamentable American weak- ness, the cheapest kind of *' Brummagem " vanity, that incites these scrawling tribes to the scoring of their address on every place of jHiblic resort, whether cemetery, or public building, no matter how sacred or how costly. For ourselves we desire to see the last rest- ing place of the illustrious dead at Cottage Grove marked ap- propriately, as it will be, by a tribute worthy the fame of the sleeper that rests beneath. We shall hope to see it adorned with rich and permanent memorials, and a resort of all visitors to our city. We 10 HISTORY OF THE are glad to learn that our talented young fellow citizen, Leo. W. VoLK has already been put in charge of the preparation of some plan of such adornment. Let it be handsome, liberal, proper. But then will the scrawlers and scribblers of their own ill- written names, spare the place their profanation. Visitors who pause to read the name of "Douglas," cut in marble or enduring bronze, will be lit- tle edified to learn, from handwriting hard by, that " Peter Smith" lives in Porkopolis, or " Mary Snooks " in Hedgepole. The " Invincible Club" interested itself, and the City Coun- cil of Chicago made its first and only appropriation of fifty dollars in behalf of a new fence. Some flowers from Lake Yiew and evergreens from Egan- dale were donated by friends, and with volunteer work from neighbors in the vicinity, the inclosure was soon made to look quite neat and respectable. While this tribute of love and resj)ect was being performed, and the green sod laid over and around the grave, there came like a thunder-clap the announcement of the disastrous battle of Manassas, or Bull Knn. How dark indeed was this day! In the following September, the writer was authorized by Mrs. Douglas to take charge as custodian of the grave and the estate at Cottage Grove. A short time previous he received from her the following letter: Me. Leonard W. Volk: " My Dear Sir: — I have not words to tell you how thankful I am; and your young friends have undertaken a task which will I well know, be to you each one a labor of love. The lonely and desert- ed appearance of that cherished grave has never left my memory since I last saw it for one moment. I was anxious to make some better arrangement before I left Chicago, but my grief made me too helpless to carry out my intention, and friends advised me to leave it to them. Any plan your taste may suggest will be agree- able to me. With renewed thanks, I am yours, Adele Douglas. Washington, July 25th, 1861. " DOUGLAS MONUMENT. 11 FIRST CALL FOR A MEETING. Chicago, October 19th, 1861. Sir: A meeting of gentlemen interested in providing an efficient organization for the erection of a suitable monument in honor of the late Hon. Stephen A. Douglas, and as a grateful recognition of the illustrious services rendered by him to his country, will be held at the parlor of the Treraont House, on Tuesday, October 22, 1861, at 8 o'clock, p. M. You are respectfully requested to be present and participate in the proposed meeting. Respectfully, Your obedient servants, J. W. Shea HAN, S. W. Fuller, S. H. Kekfoot, W. C. GOUDY, Thomas Drummond, David A. Gage, J. P. Clakkson, Leonard W. Volk. [From a Morning Paper.] A meeting of citizens was held at the Tremont house last even- ing, for the inauguration of the popular movement towards the erection of a monument to the memory of Stephen A. Douglas. There was a full attendance of influential and respectable citizens, and the matter was discussed at considerable length. The senti- ment of the meeting was in favor of making the movement a pop- ular one by appealing to every class of citizens. To effect this, it was deemed advisable that the subscription should be limited to one dollar for each person, — a sum which every friend of the great statesman and his doctrines will give with cheerful readiness. It is proposed to erect a monument which shall cost one hundred or one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. This sum will I'urnish a work of art which will be a worthy token of the regard in which the great statesman was held by the nation; and will constitute an enduring ornament among the institutions of the city of Chicago. No plans have yet been presented, but the best talent in the country will be employed on the designs, and the monument will be of magnificent and tasteful proportions. 12 HISTORY OF THE A committee was apppointed to deliberate on the best method of carrying out the design of the meeting, who will report at a future session. This committee consisted of the following gentle- men, viz: Hon. John M.Wilson, L. W. Volk, W. C. Goudy, H. G. Miller, S. W. Fuller, J. W. Sheahan, J. M. Rountree. ORGANIZATION OF THE MONUMENT ASSOCIATION. [From Chicago Times, Nov. 9, 1861.] An adjourned meeting of citizens to take into consideration the erection of a monument to the memory of Stephen A. Douglas, was held last evening at the Tremont House. The meeting was organized by the election of Judge Scates as chairman, and W. C. Goudy as secretary. H. G. Miller, from a committee appointed at a previous meeting, to propose a plan for carrying out the object in view, reported in favor of founding an incorporated company under an act of the Legislature entitled, " An act for the Incorporation of Benevolent, Educational, Literary, Musical, Scientific and Missionary Societies, including Societies Formed for Mutual Improvement, or for the Promotion of the Arts," approved February 24, 1859, the incoqDO- rated company to be named "The Douglas Monument Associa- tion," and its object to be the erection of a monument to the memory of the late Stephen Arnold Douglas, with a capital stock of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, divided into one hun- dred and fifty thousand shares, of one dollar each. The operations of the association are to be carried on in the city of Chicago. The committee were in favor of effecting a permanent organiza- tion by special act of the Legislature. Professor McChesney, in behalf of a committee of the board of trustees of the University of Chicago, stated that the board had resolved that the centre building of the University, including the tower, shoiild be called Douglas Hall, and that they desired that the name should be inscribed upon a tablet and embodied therein, and that the remains of Judge Douglas be placed in the tower. He thought that the propriety and fitness of this action was appa- rent from the relation of Judge Douglas to the University, he hav- ing taken a zealous interest in the establishment of that institution, and donated to it nearly one hundred thousand dollars. He DOUGLAS MONUMENT. IZ thought that such a tower as was proposed would be the most fit and appropriate monument that could be erected. The board had already made an appeal for means to carry out this plan. L. W. Volk presented a plan of organization of an association, the aflFairs of which should be managed by a board of eighteen trustees, and memberships to which should be secured by the con- tribution of one dollar. The various plans were discussed at some length. Judge Scates was of the opinion that the monument should be erected indepen- dently of the University. Many would wish to contribute to the one who would not be willing to give aid to the other. He thought the object could be more quickly and surely accomplished by hav- ing the one distinct object in view, and urged that some definite organization be effected as soon as practicable. The report of the committee was laid on the table. The plan of Mr. Volk was then adopted. The organization is as follows: Article First. — This association shall be known as the " Doug- las Monument Association." Article Second. — All persons contributing not less than the sum of one dollar to its object shall be considered members of the As-. sociation, and be entitled to a diploma or certificate of membership. Article Third. — For the energetic and successful prosecution of the object of this Association, namely, the erection of a suitable monument in honor of the late Hon. Stephen Arnold Douglas, to be placed over his remains at Cottage Grove, or elsewhere near Chicago — a Board of Trustees, to consist of eighteen persons, a majority of whom, at least, shall be residents of Chicago, or with- in a distance therefrom convenient for attendance at its meetings, shall be forthwith appointed, this association to select twelve mem- bers, and the residue to be elected hereafter by said twelve mem- bers so selected; to which said Board shall be committed: 1. All the active, executive and legal powers of the Association without reserve, and especially the entire charge of selecting and deciding upon a plan for said monument. 2. The adoption of such plan or plans for the raising and col- lection of contributions in aid of its construction and completion as they shall judge advisable. 3. The contracting with such party or parties for the complete construction of the proposed monument, at such time, and within such conditions as they may approve. 14 HISTORY OF THE Article Fourth. — 1. Said board shall be known as the " Board of Trustees of the Douglas Monument Association." 2. The whole number of said board shall be divided into three equal sections, one section to retire alternately every five years; and all vacancies in the board made by such retirement, by resig- nation, disability, death, or otherwise, to be filled by the remain- ing members. 3. Said board shall organize by the election, at such times as they may direct, of a president, treasurer, and secretary (which secretary, at their discretion, may be outside of their body, to be of approved capacity, integrity, and particular abilities for the office, and receive, at their discretion, a remuneration for hts ser- vices), as also of an executive committee of the board for the bet- ter transaction of its business, — together with such other officers or agents as they may judge needful and proper. 4. Said board shall make and establish such rules and regula- tions relating to its meetings and organization, the duties of its officers and agents, and the transaction of its business, as in their judgment shall be thought best. 5. Said board shall hold, through its treasurer, all property or moneys now or hereafter to be acquired in the name or for the pur- poses of this Association; shall have a legal seal, and shall seasona- bly secure such legal incorporation, under the authority of the Legislature or of existing laws, as shall give full validity to its acts. 6. Said board shall hold themselves individually, and exclus- ively of the Association, responsible for all expenditures of money made by them beyond such amounts as are or have been actually collected and paid in to their treasurer. 7. Said board may, at their discretion, elect individuals of this or any other State to be honorary members thereof, or of the Asso- ciation in general, under such provisions or conditions as they may see fit to establish; provided^ that no person, upon the condition of pecuniary contribution, shall be made an honorary member of the Association upon the payment of a sum less than twenty dol- lars; nor an honorary member of the board of trustees upon the payment of a sum less than one hundred dollars. 8. Said board shall take seasonable steps to secure, as a prelim- inary to, and on the condition precedent of, the completion of the proposed monument, the guaranty of the fee of the land or such part thereof as may be required for the suitable arrangement of DOULGAS MONUMENT. 15 said monument, or otherwise provide for the perpetual and unais- turbed security of the same. 9. Upon the full completion of said monument, it shall be the duty of said board to have set apart and provided a sufficient per- manent fund, to be put at interest, the annual proceeds of which shall be applied for the preservation, care, and repair of said monu- ment and land, or, at their election, to convey t»o the city of Chicago, or the state of Illinois, said monument or land, or both, upon the guaranty of the authorities so receiving the same, that said monu- ment and the land upon which it stands shall be jDerpetually kept in due preservation and care for all time. Article Fifth. — It is the intention of this association to intrust £aid board with as full and complete powers as may be necessary for the execution of the trust hereby committed to them, whether the same are herein expressed or not. Article Sixth. — Said board shall, as often as once in each year, publish a full account of their proceedings, as also of their receipts and expenditures, in behalf of said monument, duly certified; for the information of the members of this association and the public. The meeting then adjourned, subject to the call of a committee of three. The following are the names of the subscribers to the fore- going Articles of Association, arranged as originally signed, which were obtained bj Mr. Yolk, all of whom paid one dollar: WALTER B. SCATES, WM. C. GOUDT, LEONARD W. VOLK, J. P. CLAHKSON, SAML. W. FULLER, E. B. McCAGG, S. H. KERFOOT, J. L. MAHSH, THOS. B. BRYAN, E. VAN BUREN, JNO. G. ROGERS, GEO. A. MEECH, PHILIP CO LEY, M. B. THOMAS, J. W. FOSTER, EDWIN H. SHELDON, JAMES ROBB, J. H. ROBERTS, W. B. OGDEN, M. AV. FULLER, C. R. STARKWEATHER, HENRY G. MILLER, WILLIAM BARRY, JOHN V. EUSTACE, JOHN TYRRELL, JOHN M. ROUNTREE, W. K. MCALLISTER, J. H. HUBBARD, OBEDIAH JACKSON, Jr., T. S. FITCH, D. CAMERON, Jr., JOHN N. JEWETT, AARON HAVEN, B. S. MORRIS, J. H. McCHESNEY, WM. H. BRADLEY, D. A. GAGE, WM; H. KING, W. F. STOREY, IRA SCOTT, H. A. TUCKER, J. M. PARKER, GEO. P. A. HEALY, U. F, LINDER, THOMAS DRUMMOND, J. C. BURROUGHS, le HISTORY OF THE c. H. Mccormick, EDWIN BURNHAM, C. R. BURNHAM, E. HEMPSTEAD, SOL. A. SMITH, S. S. HAYES, JOS. KNOX, J. Q. HOYT, C. WATROUS, H. D. COLVIN, GEO. M. GRADY, A. T. KING, JAMES LARMON, P. A. HOYNE, ANDRE MATTESON, A. M. HERRINGTON, WIRT DEXTER, R. T. MERRICK, M. PARKER, JOHN GARRICK, HORACE A. HURLBUT, G. S. HUBBARD, F. A. EASTMAN, J. M. DOUGLAS, C. WALSH, JAS. GRANT WILSON, R. B. MASON, W. L. NEWBERRY, W. G. SHERMAN, JOHN VAN ARM AN, GEO. S. KIMBERLY, B. G. CAULFIELD, JOHN M. WILSON, EDW. I. TINKHAM, R. A. B. MILLS, H. 0. STONE, J. H. DUNHAM, F. A. BRYAN, JOHN PARMLY, E. C. ROGERS, MARTIN RYERSON, MALCOLM McDonald, JOHN COMISKEY, B. McVICKAR, F. C. SHERMAN, HENRY FULLER, GEO. W. FULLER, J. H. WOODWORTH, W. W. WAITE, C. R JONES, FRANK PARMELEE, JOHN B. TURNER, V. C. TURNER. J. W. CONNETT, J. B. OLCOTT, L. D. LANGLY, JULIAN S. RUMSEY, R. R BALL, S. B. GOOKINS, J. M. WALKER. MEETING OF THE DOUGLAS MONUMENT ASSOCIATION. A MEETING of the members of the Douglas Monument Associa- tion was held at the Tremont House, December 5, 1861, in pur- suance of the call of the committee appointed for that purpose, to select twelve trustees of the Douglas Monument Association, which was called to order by W. C. Goudy, Esq. On motion, Hon. S. W. Fuller was elected Chairman and W. C. Goudy Secretary. On motion of Aaron Haven, Esq., a committee of five was ap- pointed, consisting of Aaron Haven, Wm. Barry, H. G. Miller, L. W. Volk, and B. G. Caulfield, to nominate twelve persons for the office of trustees. The committee retired and reported the names of the following persons for the office of trustees, to- wit: John B. Turner. John D. Caton, Wra. B. Ogden, Walter B. Scates, Wm. Barry, Sam'l W. Fuller, John M. Douglas, Wm. C. Goudy, David A. Gage, John S. Newhouse, Francis C. Sherman, and Thos. B. Bryan. DOUGLAS MONUMENT. 17 Hon. S. B. Gookins moved that the report be adopted, and the persons nominated be elected, which motion was carried unani- mously. Rev. Wm. Barry moved that John B.Turner, Esq., be requested to call the first meeting of the Board of Trustees, and that the sec- retary notify the persons elected trustees, of their selection. On motion the meeting adjourned. S. W. Fuller, Chairman. W. C. GouDY, Secretary. On the 19th of October, 1861, was issued a call, signed by a number of well-known citizens, requesting a meeting of the friends of the late Senator Douglas, for the purpose of devising the most judicious plan of organization to carry out the wish of his friends and admirers for the erection of a suitable monument over his remains. Pursuant to the call, the meeting was numerously attended, and a marked interest and enthusiasm were manifested in the proposed object. At a subsequent meeting, held on the 8th of November, articles of association were adopted, to form the proposed constitution, and a committee was appointed to procure signatures to the same, and to call a full meeting of the subscribers, who were to select, in ac- cordance with the constitution, twelve trustees, to whom the in- terests and business of the association were to be committed. After more than one hundred names had been obtained by the committee, the meeting was called, at which twelve gentlemen were unanimously chosen by the association as its trustees, who, at sub- sequent meetings of their body, filled up their number to eighteen by the selection of six others, and elected their officers and execu- tive committee, in compliance with the constitution. They also adopted a code of by-laws for their own regulation, together with an appeal to the public in behalf of their patriotic object. BOAKD OF TRUSTEES. Hon. John B. Turner, Chicago; General William A. Richardson, Quincy; Hon. John D. Caton, Ottawa; Hon. William B. Ogden, Chicago; Hon. Waiter B. Scates, Chicago; Rt. Rev. James Dug- gan, D. D., Chicago; Rev. William Barry, Chicago; Hon. James C. Allen, Palestine; Hon. Samuel H. Treat, Springfield; Hon. Wil- liam C. Goudy, Chicago; Thomas B, Bryan, Esq., Chicago; David A. Gage, Esq., Chicago; Hon. Francis C. Sherman, Chicago; Hon. 18 HISTORY OF THE Samuel W. Fuller, Chicago; Col. John Dement, Dixon; Col. John A. Logan, Benton; John M. Douglas, Esq., Chicago; John S. New- house, Esq., Chicago. OFFICEKS. Walter B. Scates, President; Thomas B. Bryan, 1st Vice Presi- dent ; William C. Goudy, 2d Vice President ; David A. Gage, Treasurer ; Leonard W. Volk, Secretary. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Walter B. Scates, President ; Rt. Rev. Bishop Duggan, John B. Turner, Francis C. Sherman, David A. Gage, Treasurer ; Leonard W. Volk, Secretary. THE DOUGLAS MONUMENT ASSOCIATION. APPEAL TO THE PEOPI.E. The Board of Trustees, appointed by the Douglas Monument Association, being duly organized for the execution of the patriotic enterprise entrusted to their charge, respectfully submit their doings and design to the public, confident that no urgent appeal is needed to the friends of the late Stephen A. Douglas to assisl in the proposed tribute of honor and gratitude to that illustrious statesman and patriot. Born among the free hills of New Eng- land, his early life passed in New York, his maturer years conse- crated with generous and never-faltering devotion to his country, he has long been known as the distinguished representative of the West in the councils of the nation, whose boldness, courage, enthu- siasm, and brilliant talents elevated hira to an almost unrivalled power and commanding influence among his countrymen — equal for every emergency, daunted by no obstacle, and acquiring new greatness even in disaster and seeming defeat ; giving him an ac knowledged place in the constellation of eminent statesmen and patriots whose names will ever illumine the history of our country. Without recalling the various and eventful occasions of his brill- iant career as a politician and statesman, in which he won the renown which was so willingly and warmly conceded to him, it needs only to recur to his last appeals of a true and magnanimous DOUGLAS MONUMENT. 19 patriotism in behalf of his imperiled country, rallying all hearts to a loyal and self-sacrificing maintenance of the Union of these States, and the Constitution of our hitherto great and united Repub- lic, to vindicate hjs full claim to an honorary and grateful remem- brance, now that he has fallen in the meridian of his fame, when, never more than now, his eloquent voice and inspiring courage are needed in his country's hour of darkness and trial. In the tranquil rest of the grave the departed can be reached indeed by no honors a grateful country can rear over his remains. But not less to ourselves and to our country, and to the genera- tions yet unborn who are to enter upon the sacred heritage and responsibilities of freemen, than to him is it due, that his grave should not be unmarked by some enduiing tribute of national honors and gratitude. In seeking to secure a fitting monument to perpetuate the name of Douglas, the trustees feel assured that they but represent the warm and unanimous sentiment which found prompt utterance throughout our country on his lamented death; and they desire to be actuated in the accomplishment of the sacred charge committed to them by an inviolable trust to what is due alike to the honored dead, and to the sentiments which consecrate his memory in the hearts of his friends and countrymen. In submitting the plan of organization and proceedings adopted for and by this board, it is hoped that the same will commend it- self to the general confidence and approval. It is believed that the judicious precautions early adopted will be a sufficient guarantee that all due care, fidelity and good judgment will be employed to secure an early and satisfactory achievement of the work they have undertaken. The trustees pre- sume to make no demands, nor do they prescribe limits in their appeal to Mr. Douglas' friends. They forbear at this time even from presenting any anticipatory design for the j^roposed monu- ment, either in respect to its form or cost, beyond such suggestions as propriety may dictate, leaving the matter finally to be determined hereafter by what shall appear to be the wish of the public, as ex- pressed in their voluntary benefactions to his memory. It has been the desire of this board to afford the broadest scope to the liberal- ity of the public, and to do this in such a manner as to connect the names of the humblest contributors with the association formed to honor the departed statesman. The trustees cannot hope, with- out the concurring vigilance of the public, to guard against all contingencies of imposture or misplaced confidence in the collec- 20 HISTORY OF THE tions proposed by them. They beg to have it distinctly under- stood that all authorized agents of this board will carry with them authentic credentials under the seal of the association, which, it is hoped, may guard with due caution against misrepresentation and fraud. In prosecuting their proposed collections, it is the intention of the board to afford opportunity to the friends of the late Mr. Douglas in all parts of the country to unite in this national trib- ute to his memory. To this end they would be gladly assisted by the voluntary organization of local auxiliary associations, to be under judicious and reliable management, with which this board may be in communication, and to which diplomas will be for- warded in return for such moneys as are collected and forwarded. Should any individuals feel prompted to anticipate a direct ap- peal by a voluntary transmission of money in aid of the object, the same can be forwarded by mail, or otherwise, to the treasurer. The appeal which this board makes to the fellow countrymen and friends of the late Mr. Douglas cannot be deemed untimely, even amidst the dark hour of the republic, and the privations and dis- tress of an unnatural war. None more than that patriotic states- man sought to avert, by just and constitutional aims, legitimate complaint; none more than he, when treason menaced the foun- dations of our national existence, and glory proclaimed in truer and more inspiring tones, his steadfast loyalty and everlasting fidelity to the Union and Constitution, bequeathing to his country in his dying w^ords unquestioned tokens of the allegiance which had inspired his whole life, and which, breathing from his silent grave, may yet reanimate and restore the divided glory of our common country. Surely it is not untimely to rear now enduring marble over his honored remains, bearing forever the last words which burst from his dying lips, "Tell my childrex to obev the lavts, and up- hold THE Constitution." A constitution and code of by-laws were duly adopted by the trustees, for the government of the association, and the constitution provided that the secretary should receive as com- pensation for his services the sum of one thousand dollars per annum. No other officer or trustee was to receive compensa- tion for any service rendered. The following was drafted by Mr. Goudy, and presented to the Legislature and passed: DOUGLAS MONUMENT. 21 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE DOUGLAS MONU- MENT ASSOCIATION. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the people of the State of Illinois, represented in the general assembly, That William A. Richardson Francis C. Sherman, William B. Ogden, John B. Turner, James Duggan, Samuel H. Treat, William C. Goudy, John D. Caton, Walter B. Scates, Thomas B. Bryan, William Barry, Samuel W. Fuller, Samuel S. Marshall, James C. x\llon, .lohn Dement, John M. Douglas, David A. Gage and John S. Newhouse, and their suc- cessors, be and are hereby created a corporate toJy, under the name and style of "Trie Douglas Monument Association," and by that name may sue and be sued, shall have a seal, and exercise all the powers necessary to carry out and effect the purposes of the act. Sec. 2. The said corporators shall constitute the first board of trustees of the Douglas Monument Association; and their division into three equal sections (each section to retire alternately every five years), heretofore made by the preliminary organization of said association, is hereby ratified and confirmed; and all vacan- cies in the board made by such retirement, resignation, disability, death or otherwise, shall be filled by the remaining members of said board. Sec. 3. All persons contributing not less than the sum of one dollar to its objects, shall be considered members of the associa- tion, and be entitled to a diploma or certificate of membership. Sec. 4. The said corporation is created for the purpose of erect- ing a suitable monument in honor of the late Stephen A. Douglas, to be placed over or near his remains, at Cottage Grove, near the city of Chicago; and shall have power to select and decide upon a plan for said monument; to adopt plans for raising and collecting contributions in aid of its construction and completion; and to con- tract for the construction of the proposed monument. Sec. 5. The said board of trustees may organize by the election of a president, vice-president, secretary (who may be Outside their body), treasurer, and also an executive committee, together with such other officers or agents as they may deem proper; and they may make and establish such rules and regulations relating to its meetings and organization, the duties of its officers and agents, and tho transaction of its business, as in their judgment shall be thought best. 22 IIISTOKY OF THE Sec. 6. The said corporation shall have power to hold such real estate, whether acquired by purchase, gift or devise, as may be necessary for the purpose of effecting the purposes hereinbefore men- tioned, and also have power to take, receive or hold real estate or personal effects, that may be granted, devised, bequeathed or do- nated to said corporation, and to sell and convey the same for the purpose of aiding the erection and care of said monument or im- proving the grounds belonging thereto. Sec. 7. The board of trustees shall publish a full account of their proceedings, and of their receipts and expenditures in behalf of said monument, duly certified, as often as once in each year, for the information of the members of the association and the public. Sec. 8. The proceedings and organization of the Douglas Mon- ument Association had under articles of association adopted on the 8th day of November, 1861, are hereby confirmed, and shall be treated with like effect as if made by the corporation now created by this act. Sec. 9. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved February 11, 18G3. The work of collecting funds to carry forward the object was now the order. A temporary place of meeting for the trustees was obtained, and some cheap office furniture and stationery purchased. Also an engraving on steel for diplo- mas of membership and printing of pamphlets and circulars were ordered, special agents were appointed to canvass for sub- scriptions, and local agencies established in different places. But the great Rebellion absorbed all interests. " Camp Doug- las, " adjacent to the grave of the namesake, with its first installment of Confederate prisoners of war from Fort Donelson, and the thousands of Union soldiers, to the end of the conflict attracted more attention than the humble grave of Douglas. The almost universal answer to appeals for money to build the proposed monument, was, "Wait till the war is over; the government must have aid, and the sick, wounded and dying soldiers must first be cared for; and if tlie cause of tlie Union fails, then no monuments need be erected to Douglas or any DOUGLAS MONUMENT. 23 other statesman." Who could press for subscriptions alter such answers ? Yet, in tlie face of all these difficulties, it was pressed and never lost sight of. New men — statesmen, patriots and heroes came upon the stage and went off in rapid succession, completely overshadow- ing for a time those great men who died before the struggle began. In a brief time contributions were being solicited not only for the relief of the sick and wounded soldiers, but for the dead soldiers' monuments. The agents of the association soon threw up their commis- sions, as most of them were not able to collect sufficient to pay their expenses. The authorities of the University of Chicago had their agents, Gen. U. F. Linder and others, in the field canvassing and lec- turing for funds for the " Douglas monument" (meaning the tower of that institution) some months before the monument association got organized and at work. This action on the part of the University proved a serious drawback on the outstart, as it was difficult to make people un- stand amid the turmoil and prevailing excitement, which object was the proper one to contribute to, and probably some contri- butions to agents were made and applied contrary to the donors' intentions. During this " dark age " of the war, the writer sus- tained great difficulty in keeping the grounds in which the grave of Douglas was located free from hospital and general camp purposes. The grave was infested bj-" all manner of tres- passers and desecrators, such as usually hover about military camps. For some time after the association organized, the meetings of the trustees were regularly attended, but owing to the pub- lic attention being so completely absorbed in the daily and ex- citing events of the war, and after its close it was difficult to obtain quorums for the transaction of business. In 1863, during the absence of President Walter B. Scates in 24 HISTOKY OF THE the army, the following circular was addressed to the members of the State Legislature: Chicago, May 22, 1863. iSir: — The undersigned, members of the executive committee of the trustees of The Douglas Monument Association, desire to make a brief statement of their labors, and to respectfully ask your efficient aid and co-operation in the furtherance of their patri- otic endeavors to rear, in behalf of the people, a befitting monu- ment over the remains of the late Stephen A. Douglas. It is now two years since his lamented death, and yet no stone is erected to mark his grave, notwithstanding the many pledges made by the people of Illinois, irrespective of party, to his be- reaved family before his burial, that his remains should be appro- priately honored were they but allowed to repose within the state of his adoption. The Monument Association was formed eighteen months ago, for the purpose of carrying out the wish of the public by raising funds adequate for the erection of a suitable monument; but owing mainly to the extraordinary and melancholy condition of the country, it has proved impossible thus far to make any mate- rial collections sufficient to purchase the land and commence the work, as it would have doubtless been easy to do in times of peace and prosperity, having only accumulated about twenty-five hun- dred dollars. But the committee are assured from experience, that should the State make a donation, the people at large would then feel a confidence in the speedy success of the object, and would doubtless respond more liberally in mal-*ng up any deficiency. The undersigned committee earnestly appeal to the legislators of the State to vote an appropriation to aid them in the immediate accomplishment of this noble purpose. To carry out the plans of the association, the sum of $25,000 for the purchase of land, and 150,000 for the erection of the monu- ment, is desired from the State. It should not be said by the world that Illinois has forgotten her pledges, made over his dead body, and that the grave of him whose whole life was spent in her service, must go u reared for, without a single stone to record those eminent services, and mark the spot where he reposes. The rearing of this tribute of respect to his memory should be done in part by the people, through their representatives, as such action would be alike honorable to the late Mr, Douglas, and to DOULGAS MONUMENT. 25 the State he so faithfully served; and this duty ought not to de- volve upon his bereaved family, whose only inheritance was his illustrious name, and who have but recently been visited by an- other sad and irreparable loss in the death of a father and pro- tector, to whose affectionate care they had been confided. Very Respectfully, Your obedient servants, Thomas B. Bryan, 1st Vice President, John B. Turner, 3nd Vice President, David A. Gage, Treasurer, James Duggan, Bishop of Chicago, Francis C. Sherman, Mayor of Chicago, Leonard W. Vot.k, Secretary. The following advertisement was published in the Chicago papers : At a meeting of the trustees of The Douglas Monument Associa- tion, held on the 23d instant, the executive committee were author- ized to procure a design for the proposed monument, the cost of which not to exceed $50,000. The design or designs to be sub- mitted on or before the 25th of March next, it being the intention of the trustees to commence the work immediately after adopting a plan, with as little delay as possible. A sum not to exceed seventy-five dollars (175) will be paid for the plan adopted, and the committee will not be responsible for any design or designs that may get injured or lost. In this connection it is ordered by the committee that all agents of the association are hereby earnestly requested to make immedi- ate returns to the association of all moneys which they may have collected, and those agents who cannot further act in behalf of the above object are requested to return their commissions, diplomas, &c., belonging to the association. The friends of this cause, in all parts of the country, who will give information to the association of any collections made by authorized persons or otherwise, and not forwarded by them, will render a great service to the society, and which will be duly appre- ciated by the public. F. C. Sherman, D. A. Gage, ^ John B. Turner, James Duggan, Executive Committee, Chicago, January 25. 1864. 20 HISTOKY OF THE An adjoin lied meeting of the Board of Trustees was held at the Sherman House July 14, 1864, for the purpose of selecting a design for the proposed monument. There were present at the meeting, Messrs, Thos. B. Bryan, Eight Kev. Bishop Dug- gan, Eev. Wm. Barry, D. A. Gage, S. W. Fuller, John M. Douglas, W. C. Goudy and F. C. Sherman. Mr. Bryan, First Vice President, occupied the chair, and Mr. Gage, Treasurer, acted as Secretary. There were but two competing designs presented — both models. After discussing the merits and practicability of the designs submitted, a ballot was taken re- sulting in the adoption of the design of Leonard W. Yolk, by seven affirmative votes to one negative. The design will be described further on. During the legislative session of 1864-5, the following bill was drawn by Mr. Goudy, of the association, and introduced b}' Col. A. F. Stevenson, member of the House of Representa- tives, and through whose indefatigable efforts passed both branches of the Legislature. AN ACT TO APPROPRIATE TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS TO PURCHASE THE TRACT OF LAND IN WHICH REPOSE THE REMAINS OF STEPHEN A. DOUGLAS. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the people of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, that the Governor of the State of Illinois is hereby authorized to purchase, in the name of the State of Illinois, the lot of ground in which now re- pose the remains of Stephen A. Douglas, deceased, to-vvit: Lot one (1) of the lower tier of Oakenwald subdivision of part of the south half of the north-east quarter of section 34, township 39 north, range 14 east, in the city of Chicago, Cook county, Illinois, and now owned by Mrs. A. Douglas; the same to be held as a burying place for said deceased, and for no other purpose; and the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars, or svich less sum as ma}' be required, is hereby appropriated out of any unappropriated money in the treasury. And, upon the certificate of the Governor as to the amount required, and that he has received an abstract of title and a proper deed, conveying the fee of the above described premises, as herein required, being presented to the Auditor of DOUGLAS MONUMENT. 27 Public Accounts, he shall draw his warrant for the amount thus certified to, as a full j^ajment of the consideration money for the conveyance as aforesaid; and the Governor is hereby requested to pay such sum of money, appropriated as above, to Mrs. A. Douglas, and to no other person, whatsoever. Sec. 3. This act shall be deemed a public act, and shall take eiFect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved February 16, 1805. United States of America, ) State of Illinois, f * I, Sharon Tyndale, Secretary of State of the State of Illinois, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of an enrolled law now on file in my office. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand, and the great : •" ■■■-"" i seal of State, at the city of Springfield, this 22nd i of the I day of March, A. D. 1865. \.^}^t^.E!^±.l SHARON TYNDALE, Sec'y of State. REPORT OF LEGISLATIVE PROCEEDINGS FEB. 3d, 1865. purchase of the grave of DOUGLAS. The finance committee made two reports upon the proposed ap- propriation of 125,000 for the purchase of the grounds in which sleep the remains of Stephen A. Douglas. Messrs. Noble, Huntly, Strevell, Mclntyre and Hill sign the majority report, which is adverse to the apjDropriation, and Messrs. Piatt, Logan, Morrill and Patten present the views of the minority in its favor. The majority report is, in brief, as follows: That, while the gov- ernment is engaged in subduing the rebellion, it is the duty of all good citizens to dedicate themselves and every available means within their control to the support of that government, leaving minor objects to be adjusted until after the war; and that, until that time, our patriot dead, both heroes and statesmen, will remain enshrined in the hearts of the people. The minority report exi>resses the opinion : " That the state of Il- linois should own the ground wherein repose the remains of Sena- tor Douglas. No man ever claimed a home in Illinois who did more for the state than he who now sleeps his last sleep on the 28 HISTORY OF THE shores of Lake Michigan. While living, it was his pride to make Illinois in fact what was conceded to her in prospect — the glory of the republic. As a statesman, none in his day claimed to be his superior, while all parties drank of his wisdom and honored him as a devoted patriot. "At his death his devoted wife desired to remove his remains to Washington, there to be interred in the national burying ground, where all could claim the privilege of bowing at the tomb of Amer- ica's noble son, and all do honor, regardless of the claims of Illi- nois, who gave him to the world. *' But our noble Governor interfered, and besought his afflicted wife to permit the remains to slumber in his adopted state, that Illinois might do honor to his memory. She yielded to Illinois, and the remains were buried in his own beautiful Oakenwald. *' It is well known that Senator Douglas left but little for the support of his family. His young and accomplished wife and two noble boys were rich in the honors of their noble husband and parent, but poor in the means of worldly support; and, for the pur- pose of relieving their present necessities, Mrs. Douglas has con- sented to part with the ground where sleep the remains of her be- loved husband, and deed it to Illinois, for the sum of $25,000. The state, in our judgment, ought to own this sacred soil. The state, in our judgment, ought to relieve their present wants; and we, therefore, feeling a state pride in this matter, have no hesita- tation in recommending this general assembly to purchase the ground so generously offered." On motion of Mr. Stevenson, of Cook, the subject was made the special order for Monday afternoon at 2 o 'clock. By the following letter of Governor Oglesby to Mrs. Doug- las, it will appear that the action of tlie State of Illinois in reference to the purchase of the burial place of her lamented statesman has been consummated. It is an act creditable to our State : State of Illinois, Executive Department, ) Springfield, April 5, 1865. ) Mrs. Adele Douglas, Washington City, D. C. : Dear Madam : Your notice of the 6th ultimo was received some days ago, with the deed to lot one, in Oakenwald, Chicago, DOUGLAS MONUMENT. 29 Cook County, Illinois. Herewith I enclose you exchange on New York for $25,000, as requested. I take the liberty to inclose you an authenticated copy of the Act of the Legislature of this State, which refers to the same subject. I take pleasure in informing you that all the forms have been complied with, proper and necessary to vest in the State of Illi- nois the title to the ground upon which lie buried, in that State he loved so well and honored so long, the sacred remains of your devoted husband and Illinois' noble patriot and statesman. Always jealous of his immortal fame, the people of Illinois would not be satisfied to suffer the soil of his last home on earth to fall a heritage to any other than their own descendants. "With assurances of the highest personal esteem, I am, most respectfully, your obedient servant, Richard J. Oglesby, Governor of Illinois. STATEMENT OF THE TREASURER AND SECRETARY- RECEIPTS— EXPENDITURES— MEMBERSHIP. The following report of the past action and present condition of the Douglas Monument Association has just been presented by Messrs. D. A. Gage, treasurer, and L. "W. Volk, secretary: On behalf of the board of trustees of the Douglas Monument Association, and for the information of the public, the treasurer and secretary would respectfully make a brief statement of the affairs of the society — more particularly of the funds collected and expended since its organization. The cash receipts to February 13, 1865, amount to the total sum of seven thousand five hundred and ten (17,510.94) dollars, includ- ing two hundred and ten (1210) dollars interest allowed by the treasurer. The expenditures to same date, three thousand eight hundred and ninety-five (13,895.29) dollars, leaving a balance of cash in the treasury of three thousand six hundred and fifteen (13,615.65) dol- lars, a gain since the last published statement of one thousand eight hundred and ninety ($1,890.37) dollars, which latter sum was nearly all obtained at Douglas' grave, from the sale of pictures. 30 HISTORY OF THE The expenditures would appear unduly large, without being ex- plained by the fact that nearly the entire amount received has been from the sale of engravings of Douglas, diplomas of member- ship, photographs of the monument, etc., all of which have cost a large proportion of the amount paid out, together with the com- missions to agents for selling them. But few hona fide cash sub- scriptions, comparatively, have ever been made to this object, an equivalent of some kind having in most cases been given to the subscribers, who have desired to purchase a picture of some kind as a memento of Douglas, or of their visit to his grave, and the profits on such subscriptions or purchases now mainly constitute the fund in the treasury. Therefore, the amount chiefly expended has been for the pur- chase of engravings of Douglas, diplomas of membership, photo- graphs of the monument, and for printing of pamphlets and circu- lars, and also office furniture and rent. Of the amount expended, the secretary has received altogether during over three years, for services, seven hundred and sixty-nine (1769.70) dollars. No expenses have been incurred for the past two years for fuel and lights, the same having been provided by the secretary without charge to the society, nor has any expen- ditures been made, as the vouchers filed in the office will show, except what was necessary to conduct the business of the associa- tion. Besides the balance of cash, there are two valuable lots of land, situated near the grave of Douglas, donated and deeded to the as- sociation by the mother and sister of the late Mr. Douglas, to aid in the erection of the monument, and probably worth three thou- sand ($3,000) dollars. It is expected that a few hundred dollars more may be in the hands of parties who have acted as agents in different parts of the country, and who are hereby requested to report immediately to the association any sums which they may hold, as every dollar that has been collected will soon be needed, with considerable be- sides, to enable the committee to make any material progress in the erection of the monument. The society numbers seven honorary members of the board of trustees, two hundred and fifty honorary members of the associa- tion, two hundred and thirty-two of which were editors of news- papers, Avho paid for their membership by advertising the society's circular for a season in their papers; and two thousand eight hun- dred and five members of the association, in all three thousand and sixty-two members. DOUGLAS MONUMENT. 3] The Legislature of Illinois having, during its late session, made an appropriation for the purchase of the Douglas burial lot at Cot- tage Grove, in the southern limits of Chicago, it is to be hoped that the trustees of the Monument Association will soon hold a meeting and take energetic measures for increasing the fund and commencing work on the monument. WARRANTY DEED OF THE SAID LOT TO THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. "This indenture, made this first day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five (A. D. 1865), between Adele Douglas, widow of Stephen A. Douglas, deceased, late of Cook county. State of Illinois, party of the first part, and Richard J. Oglesby, Governor of the State of Illinois, and his suc- cessors in office, for the use and benefit of the people of the State of Illinois, of the second part: Witnesseth, that the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars (125,000), in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and the said party of the second part forever released and discharged there- from, has granted, bargained, sold, remised, released, conveyed, aliened and confirmed, and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell, remise, release, convey, alien and confirm unto the said party of the second part, and to his successors and assigns forever, all the following described lot, piece or parcel of land, situate in the county of Cook and State of Illinois, and known and described as follows, to wit: Lot one (1), in the lower tier of Oakenwald, subdi- vision (fronting on Woodland Park and Douglas Place) of a part of the south half of the northeast quarter of section thirty-four (34), township thirty-nine (39), north range fourteen (14), east of the third (3rd) principal meridian, in the city of Chicago, together with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and rever- sions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof; and all the estate, right, title, interest, claim or demand whatso- ever of the said party of the first part, either in law or equity, of, in and to the above bargained premises, with the hereditaments and appurtenances; to have and to hold the said premises above bargained and described, with the appurtenances, unto the said party of the second part, his heirs, successors and assigns forever. And the said Adele Douglas, party of the first part, for herself, her heirs, executors and administrators, does covenant, grant, bar- gain and agree to and with the said party of the second part, his 32 HISTORY OF THE successors and assigns, that at the time of the unfjealing and de- livering of these presents, she is well seized of the premises above conveyed, as a good, sure, perfect, absolute and indefeasible es- tate of inheritance in law, in fee simple; and has good right, full power and lawful authority to grant, bargain, sell and convey the same in manner and form aforesaid: and that the same are free and clear from all former and other grants, bargains, sales, liens, taxes, assessments and incumbrances of what kind and nature soever; and the above bargained premises in the quiet and peaceable pos- session of the said party of the second part, his successors and as- signs, against all and every other person or persons lawfully claim- ing or to claim the whole or any part thereof, the said party of the first part shall and will warrant and forever defend. This deed being executed in conformity with an Act of the Leg- islature of the State of Illinois authorizing the Governor of said State to purchase the premises herein described, and the said Adele Douglas, party of the first part, hereby expressly waives and re- leases all right, benefit, privilege, advantage and exemption un- der or by virtue of any and all statutes of the State of Illinois, providing for the exemption of homesteads from sale on execution, or otherwise, and especially under the Act entitled "An Act to Exempt homesteads from sale on execution," passed by the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, A. D,, 1857, and approved Feb- ruary 11, A. D. 1857, and an Act entitled "An Act to amend an Act entitled 'An Act to Exempt Homesteads from sale on execu- tion,'" passed by said Assembly A. D. 1857, and approved Feb- ruary 17, A. D. 1857. In witness whereof, the said party of the first part has hereuntc set her hand and seal, the day and year first above written. [Signed] Adele Douglas, Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of 1^^^ [Signed] John S. Hollingshead, '5^^' John S. Holijngshead, Jr. u. s. u. s. U. S. March, March. Mnrch. Internal Rev- Internal Rev- Internal Rev- enue. enue. enue. 1S65, JSfi.'i. 1S65. One Dollar. Five Dollars. Ten Dollars. Mortgage. Probate Will. Mortgage. A. D. A. D. A. D. 10. Five. in. - ss. District of Columbia, Washington County, I, John S. Hollingshead, a Notary Public in and for said county, -^dAi^M DOUGLAS COTTAGE, COTTAGE GROVK, BUILT 1853. DOULGAS MONUMENT. 33 in the district aforesaid, do hereby certify that Adele Douglas, who is personally known to me to be the same person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing warranty deed, appeared be- fore me this day, in person, and acknowledged that she signed, sealed and delivered the said instrument of writing as her free and voluntary act, for the uses and purposes therein set forth. Given under my hand and notarial seal, this sixth day of March, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five (18G5). [Signed] John S. Hollingsiiead, Notary Public, Washington County, Early in the winter of 1866, the writer was authorized by the Trustees of the Association to locate the site of the monu- ment, and in the performance of which duty he fixed it as near- ly a3 ho could remember on the precise spot which Senator Douglas pointed out to him in the summer of 1855, as the place whereon he intended to build his permanent residence. At the time, the Senator was spending part of the summer in his little one-story frame cottage, standing among the primi- tive oaks in what is now known as Woodland Park, and whicli has, since his death, been moved by the writer, and which is occupied by him on Douglas Avenue adjoining the monument grounds. The design of the monument having been adopted as before stated, proposals were invited by advertisement for the construction of the foundations and tomb of Illinois limestone. :,*■ About a half-dozen sealed bids were received and opened by tlie building committee, consisting of Mayor F. C. Sher- man, John B. Turner and D. A. Gage, and the contract was awarded to the lowest bidders at $10,700. The work was begun immediately, and soon after prelimi- nary steps taken to lay the corner stone with fitting ceremonies. The following action was taken by the Board of Trustees, by inviting the Hon. Wm. II. Seward, Secretary of State, to de- liver an address upon the occasion. 3 34: HISTORY OF THE LAYING OF THE CORNER-STONE. To THE Ho2f. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington : Sir : The undersigned, the Board of Trustees of The Douglas Monument Association, would most respectfully invite you to be present and deliver the oration on the occasion of laying the corner-stone of the proposed monument, in honor of the late Sena- tor Douglas. Profoundly appreciating your eminent abilities as an orator, statesman and patriot, and also your personal acquaintance with Mr. Douo-las, being cotemporaries in the Senate of the United States for so long a period, it is earnestly hoped that your public duties and health will permit you to accept the invitation hereby respectfully tendered. It is the intention to lay the corner-stone in the city of Chicago, on the ground recently purchased by the State of Illinois, some time during the month of May or June next. The Trustees would be pleased, however, to conform to yoiir own convenience, as to the precise day, should you consent to confer upon them and the object the honor of your presence. James DuGGAN, John B. Turner, William B. Odgen, Thomas B. Bryan, Dayid a. Gage, William C. Goudy, John L. Wilson, Samuel W. Fuller, Wm. a. Richardson, William Barry, Samuel H. Treat, John M. Douglas, James C. Allen, F. C. Sherman, John D. Caton John Dement, Walter B, Scates, Leonard W. Volk, Secretary. Chicago, March 22, 1866. ME. SEWARD 's REPLY. Department of State, ) Washington, April 1, 1866. [ To the Right Reverend James Duggan, D. D., AND others, Chicago, Illinois : Gentleinen: — I have received your kind letter of the 22d iilti- DOUGLAS MONUMENT. OO mo. It informs me of the purpose of the Douglas Monument As- sociation to lay, in the month of May or June next, the corner-stone of the proposed monument in honor af the late Senator Douglas, and that the association has been pleased to invite me to deliv^er the oration on that occasion. Iti reply, I may inform you that I should consider it an agreeable duty to accept this invitation, which does not exaggerate the regard in which I hold the memory of Stephen A. Douglas. The last of his days in Washington were employed in consultation with President Lincoln and myself in or- ganizing the resistance to disunion. Unless two events, which are now mentioned, should concur hereafter, I could not expect to be able to assume the proposed duty at a time so early as May or June. First, my returning health must become more distinctly established; second, official duties must become less exacting. At present, I am prevented, therefore, from making a promise which depends so materially upon the future for its realization. Believe me to be, gentlemen, you very obedient servant, William H. Seward. the' CORNER-STONE TO BE LAID ON THE 13th OF JUNE — GOVERNOR OGLESBY TO DELIVER THE ORATION. An adjourned meetiiig of the board of trustees of the Douglas Monument Association was held at the Sherman House on the 11th May, 18G6, Hon. John B. Turner, Second Vice President, in the chair, at which meeting several vacancies existing in the board were filled by the re-election of Walter B, Scates, S. M. Nick- erson, and L. W. Volk, were also elected as trustees; the election of officers resulting as follows: President — Walter B. Scates. First Vice President — John B. Turner. Second Vice President — John M. Douglas. Treasurer — David A, Gage. Secretary — Leonard W. Volk. Executive Committee — W. B. Scates, President; J. B, Turner, First Vice President; F. C. Sherman; Right Rev. Bishoj) Duggan; D. A. Gage, Treasurer; L. W. Volk, Secretary. The contract for the first section of the monument, comprising the foundations, platform steps and tomb, of Athens stone, having Sf6' HISTORY OF THE been let last October to Messrs. John Howlson & Co. for the sum of $10,700, and the work thereon now progressing, the Treasurer was authorized to pay Messrs. Howison & Co. |1,000 on account of the work, in addition to a like sum paid them when the contract was executed. The Hon. William H. Seward, who had been first invited to deliver the oration, but whose health and public duties prevented his acceptance so early as the present month of May or June next, the Governor of the State was then invited, and has consented to deliver the address. A supplemental meeting of the board Avas held at the same place on the 13th instant, and Wednesday, the 13th day of June, was fixed upon for the dedication of the corner-stone of the mon- ument. A Special Committee of four was selected from the Board of Trustees, consisting of Judge W. B. Scates, D. A. Gage, J. L. Wilson and L. W. Volk. Also, a Citizens' Committee of Arrange- ments was chosen, as follows: Charles H. Walker, Esq., Geo. L. Dunlap, Esq., James W. Sheahan, Esq., General C. A. Dana, Wilbur F. Storey, Esq., Geo. W. Gage, Esq., Dr. B. McVickar, Col. J. L. Hancock, Col. Jas. H. Bowen, Hugh Maher, Esq., G. P. A. Healy, Esq., C. L. Woodman, Esq., Philip Wadsworth, Esq., Lieut.-Gov. Wm. Bross, Stephen Barrett, Esq., C. G. Wicker, Esq., Col. A. C. Hesing, H. D. Col- vin, Esq., Rev. Dr. Dunne, D. D., J. C. Fargo, Esq., Hon Thomas Hoyne, Clinton Briggs, Esq., W. F. Coolbaugh, Esq., M. C. Stearns, Esq., Isaac R. Diller, Esq. Another vacancy still existing in the Board of Trvistecs, Mr- Charles R. Starkweather was duly elected to fill the same. The meeting then adjourned, subject to the call of the special committee. The above committees are requested to meet at the Tremont House, on Tuesday evening. May 23nd, at 8 o'clock, to make the necessary arrangements for laying the corner-stone of the Douglas monument. COMMENTS OF THE CHICAGO TIMES. " Had Congress, instead of inviting Bancroft to deliver a eulogy on Mr. Lincoln, invited Fernando Wood, Mr. I^ong, of Ohio, Mr. Harris, of Maryland, or any other democrat who had shown himself DOUGLAS MONUMENT. 37 to be an extreme and bitter partisan, the action would have excited such intense indignation among republicans that the invitation wouid, very probably, have been rescinded. It vpould have ap- peared as a studied and intentional insult to the memory of Mr. Lincoln and to his political friends and the party of which he was a member and which elected him to the presidency. For this reason, either of the three last gentlemen named would have declined the invitation. Their sense of propriety, their deference to usage, their conciousness that their political prejudices unfitted them to grasp impartially the considerations which influenced the action of Mr. Lincoln, and their respect for the feelings of political oppo- nents, would all have commanded them to decline appearing on such an occasion to eulogize him they had so often and warmly opposed. " The Douglas Monument committee has invited Governor Oglesby to deliver the address at the laying of the corner-stone of the monument. The invitation can only be excused on the suppo- sition that the committee is ignorant of usage and of propriety. The governor has accepted the invitation, which is one of the best evidences that could be given that he is unfit to perform the hon- orable task required. He knows that he is a leader in that party which pursued Douglas with bitterest hatred from the time it came into being until he died, and that mobbed him in this city and within sight of the ground where his bones lie and where the mon- ument is to be built. You, gentlemen of the committee, and you Richard .T. Oglesby, will do well to reconsider the invitation and its acceptance. If you have no respect for the party of which ]3ouglas was leader, and to which rightly belongs the controlling voice in paying him posthumous honors, you may refrain from in- siilting his memory by the selection of one of his bitterest enemies during his whole life to officiate on such an occasion." An adjourned meeting of the committee of citizens appointed to make arrangements for laying the corner-stone of the Douglas monument, was held in parlor No. 1, of the Tremont House, last evening. The attendance was very full, and Judge Walter B. Scates presided. The chairman stated, for the benefit of those not present at the last meeting, the objects for which the committee had convened. The sub-committee, to whom was referred the arrangements of the inauguration, the laying down of plans of action, and the cere- monies to be observed, reported through their chairman. Col. J. H. Bowen, as follows : " Your committee, appointed at the meeting on the 22nd inst., to 38 EISTOKY OF THE devise some plan for the furtherance of the object of the com- mittee of arrangements, namely, the laying of the corner-stone of the Douglas Monument with appropriate and as imposing cere- monies as may be possible, would respectfully submit the follow- ing recommendations, unanimously adopted by your committee: 1st. The time fixed upon by the Trustees of the Monument Asso- ciation is, in their judgment, too near at hand to make suitable preparations for the ceremonies, and they are of opinion that the 4th day of July next would be the most fitting day for those ser- vices. 2d. That they deem it appropriate that the Masonic fraternity should lay the corner-stone, according to their usage in such cases. 3d. That the civic and military societies should be invited to participate. 4th. A committee of five on invitation should be selected to in- vite leading and distinguished public men and organized bodies on the occasion. Also a committee on finance, to provide for such contingent ex- penses as may be incurred, without encroaching upon the monu- ment fund. 5th. That the Hon. John B. Rice, Mayor of Chicago, be appoint- ed President of the day, and David A. Gage, Esq., Marshal of the day. Signed by the committee. The report of the committee was considered seriatim, and was adojDted, after which the committee was discharged. A communiation was received from Gov. Oglesby stating his inability to be present at the ceremonies, if held on the fourth day of July, having made an engagement elsewhere for that day which was imperative. L. W. Volk, secretary, asked to be excused from the duties as secretary of the citizens' committee, and, upon motion, his resig- nation was accepted, and H. W. Zimmerman was elected in his stead. The Committee upon Invitations were selected as follows: W. F. Coolbaugh, Col. J. H. Bowen, Hon. Thos. Hoyne, Charles Walker, and Dr. B. McVickar. The following gentlemen were appointed a Committee on Finance: H. D. Colvin, C. G. Wicker, M. C. Stearns, Clinton Briggs, A. 0. Hesing, I. R. Diller, Philip Wadsworth. DOUGLAS MONUMENT. 39 C. L. Woodman moved that a committee of three be appointed to invite the Masonic fraternity to perform the ceremony of laying the corner-stone. The motion prevailed, and the following gentlemen were ap- pointed such committee: L. W. Volk, I. R. Diller, and Col. J. H. Bowen. The chairman and secretary were empowered to fill the vacancy of secretary to the committee in case the new appointee was un- able to serve. The chairman, Judge Scates, announced his intention to be absent a few days, and Charles Walker was appointed to act in his stead during his absence. The Committee on Invitation was instructed to procure an orator for the occasion, selecting such person as they, in their dis- cretion, might think j^roper. The Committee on Finance was instructed to meet at the office of Col. I. R. Diller on Saturday afternoon, at o o'clock. C. G. Wicker moved that all organizations and societies desiring to join in the procession be instructed to report to the Chief Mar- bal. The motion prevailed. The committee then adjourned until out to be seyered; thinking only of his country rent by civil strife, and overshadowed by 'impenetra- ble darkness, he replied, " Tell them to obey the laws, and sup- port the Constitution of the Union." The orator was frequently interrupted by applause. GENERAL GRANT SURROUNDED AND ENGAGED IN CONVERSATION. During the delivery of General Dix's oration. General Grant quietly left.tl\e upper platform and took a. seat on the lower and larger- platform-, where he sat for a time.'qiiietl]f indulging in a cigar. ■ He -vyas unattended by -any of his, usual suite, buft-of course he could not remain long unnoticed. His admirers on-' this occa- sion, were siich as to completely exercise the General's' proverbial reserve. He was at first taken by surprise,'- but it is evident" that the General can talk to some purpose'. when he pleases. Three young graces, utter strangers to the General^ opened their batteries upon him, and, after gaining a little ground, and engaging the General in a chat, the youngest and loveliest of them, rairsed' her- s;elf to the seat on the General's left flank, While another perched herself updn his iright, the third cutting ofl" "all 'retreat in front. The Gener.al met their sallies and replied to them good humoredly, and there is dQubt but we might have given an account of what the GenetaJ saidand how he:conducted himself in this emergency, but We feared a too near £lpproach with book and pencil would have frightened oft" the spirited young ladies, and drawn upon us the frowns of the General. The scene was, however, enjoyed by many, and a number of committee men who broke in upon it and carried off the General to the little embowered cottage which Mr. 6 82 HISTORY OF THE Douglas in his life-time made a temporary resting place when he visited the neighborhood, got but little praise for their intrusion. THE PRESIDENT'S SPEECH. When General Dix had concluded, the President of the United States was called for. He appeared at the front of the platform and delivered the following brief address: Fellow Citizens: — I have traveled over eleven hundred miles, having been invited to attend the ceremony of laying the corner- stone of the monument to be erected, I will say, to my friend, per- sonally and politically, that in accepting the invitation to be pres- ent on this occasion, it was for the purpose of bearing testimony on my high respect for a man who perished in the public service, and one whom I respected and loved. (Cheers.) I have no eulogy to pronounce; that has been done better than I could do it, and it will be handed down and placed in the possession of all who took an interest in the history and character of the distinguished indi- vidual who is now no more. (Applause.) Some men may wear the civic wreath which the nation weaves for those who serve their country in lofty positions, or they may be graced with laurels pre- pared for those who defend her in the hour of peril, and their names may be engraved upon the imperishable records of national glory. This column is reared in memory of the legislator and the representative man. A consciousness of duty performed was his remuneration while living, and his reward will be the inscrip- tion of his name high on the cenotaph erected by a grateful na- tion to commemorate the services of those who lived and toiled for the people and the Union of the States. (Immense applause.) Fellow citizens, I believe in my heart that if we could communi- cate with the dead, and cause them to know what was transpiring on earth — were it possible for Stephen A. Douglas to be disturbed from his slumbers, he would rise from his grave, shake off the hab- iliments of the tomb and proclaim, " The Constitution and the Union, they must be preserved. " (Great applause.) DOUGLAS MONUMENT. 83 SECRETARY SEWARD'S SPEECH. Secretaky Seward then came forward, in response to repeated calls, and said: Like the President, I am not here to make a speech. Less than on any other occasion could I consent to speak without considera- tion. It would be a disrespect to the great dead to oifer a hurried and heedless tribute to the greatness and fame of Stephen A. Douglas. (Cheers.) You have just heard, as all the world knows, that Stephen A. Douglas was concerned many years in the great affairs of this nation at the capital. You are not ignorant that I have been concerned in the same way; for the last eleven years of his life that I was an associate in the Senate of Stephen A. Doug- las. During the last six months of that period I was a fellow la- borer on the same side, in supporting the same great cause; and I say that cause was the Union against the rebellion. All the pre- vious portions of that time we were in a party sense adversaries. It is among the proudest of my personal recollections that, al- though we were enemies as the world understands it, political men arrayed against each other by partisan combinations for ten years, and were political friends and associates only for six months, yet, notwithstanding this, the widow, the children, the kindred, the friends and the party of Stephen A. Douglas paid me the extraor- dinary compliment of asking me to be the orator on the occasion for which we have assembled. It proved this, namely, that Stephen A. Douglas was a great and generous man. Had he not been, he covild not have gone through ten years of opposition to me without leaving in my heart a pang or wound. It proved that I knew all the while that he was a patriot, and that he thought me to be one also. When they, broken down with grief for his loss — struck down as he was on the ramparts of his country's defence — came to me and begged to commit to me the care of his great name and memory, I was unable to accept the precious trust. I am glad now that I declined, because I rejoice that the task of his eulogist has been performed by one who throughoiit his whole life was united to him in the bonds of political as well as personal friendship, and who therefore could more justly appreciate his great merits, and who, having sympathized with him so deeply and so long, knew how his fame ought to be presented for the emulation of his country- men. I am sure the oration just delivered will live in history and 81 HISTORY OF THE the affections of mankind long after you and I shall have perished, and even after this corner-stone shall be crumbled into dust. And what, fellow citizens, made a whole nation admire him during the last eventful years of his life? What is it that has made us unan- imous in the homage now paid his memory? It was because, in the most fearful crisis that ever overtook our country, he rushed forward to the country's defense, and gave up his life in the eiFort to maintain and save the Union of these States (applause), and through it to preserve to posterity the blessings which, by the will of Providence, it was designed to confer. It shows one great and important truth from which men in every age should take encour- agement. It is a mistake to suppose the greatest merit on earth is to found an empire or state — there is a great deal more merit in preserving it. The study I have been obliged to make of the af- fairs of nations has satisfied me that he who saves a falling state is greater than he who founds a state. (Great applause.) There- fore, I think that Stephen A. Douglas, with Abraham Lincoln, will live in the memory and homage of mankind equally with the Washingtons and Hamiltons of the revolutionary age. For my- self, I could not ask higher commendation to the favor of mankind in future ages than this — when they shall mark and read the trials of this our beloved country under the administrations of Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson — that they may find that Avith Abra- ham Lincoln .and Stephen A. Douglas I was in true association, and with Ulysses S. Grant and David G. Farragut, and with all the great heroes and all the great statesmen who have given to the American people a new lease of life — a life that I feel able to defy faction, sedition and powerful enemies to destroy, either now or hereafter, for evermore. Tremendous cheers greeted the utterance of these sentences. GENERAL GRANT's RECEPTION. General Grant was next introduced and received the most tre- mendous greeting, as he has through all the places we have passed. Admiral Farragut was, as usual, warmly greeted. The other dis- tinguished excursionists were introduced and applauded. VISITING THE OPERA HOUSE. - The excursionists, with the exception of the President, visited the opera house to-night, and were escorted thither by the commit- tee of reception. They were applauded by the audience as they en- tered. During the evening. General Grant was cheered, when he DOUGLAS MOXL'MENT. 85 rose and said they could get nothing from him as agreeable as they got from the stage. Admiral Farragut responded to the cheers for him by saying that he and Gen. Grant had made a bargain to speak three minutes and a half, but as General Grant had engrossed nearly all the time there was nothing left for him to say. This produced much laughter. Secretary Seward, in return for a similar compliment, rose and merely bowed his thanks; Secretary "Welles and several army offi- cers, following his example under like circumstances. INJURIES EECEIVED BY THE PARTY. Admiral Farragut has seriously injured his hands while getting in and out of the carriage; one is bandaged. General McCullum has injured a foot, and several others of the party were more or less injured by jams in crowds. The gross receipts of the Douglas Monument Association, on the occasion of laying the corner-stone, were as follows: For seats $3,581.00 For committee badges 114.00 For opca house concert (about) 1,000.00 For medals, etc , 454.20 For photographs, etc., at registry 20.35 From four contribution boxes in Tremont, Sherman and Briggs Houses, and at the Committee Rooms, from Sep- tember 5 to September 9, inclusive 1.31 At registry on the grounds 2.55 Amount raised by the finance committee prior to the 6th in- stant, and as reported at last meeting 6,500.00 Total $11,673.41 There is no report from the gentlemen having charge of refresh- ment stands. The supposition is that nothing in that direction has been made. As soon as the bills for expenses incurred have been rendered, and audited by the auditing committee, the public will be duly informed of the amount. L. W. VoLK, Secretary. Chicago, September 11, 1866. [From the Chicago Evening Journal.] A Pleasant Affair. — During the progress of the ceremonies on the occasion of 'the laying of the comer stone of the Douglas Monument, the cottage of L. W. Volk, Esq., situated near the monument grounds, was visited by many of the Presidential party, the Committee of Arrangements, and others, who enjoyed the re- 86 HISTORY OF THE freshments so bountifully furnished by the host and hostess. Amono- the distinguished guests present were Generals Grant, Meade, Dix, Custer, Rousseau, Admiral Farragut, Postmaster Gen- eral Randall, General Rawlins, General Steadman, Admiral Rad- ford and General McCullum. After the prolonged march of four miles, occupying nearly three hours, the refreshments thus provided were very acceptable to the party. A number of toasts were pro- posed and responded to by the gentleman present. The tables were loaded wth good things, and excellent taste was displayed by Mrs. Volk in all the arrangements. The amount of $6,500.00, reported as having been raised by the finance committee of the committee of arrangements for the purpose of defraying the expenses, was expended by that committee, and the association proper was drawn upon for $1,304.69 additional, to make up the deficit. On June 3d, 1868, the anniversary of Mr. Douglas' deatli, liis remains were taken from the ground and deposited in a sarcopliagns, the marble of which came from his native county, Rutland, Yermont, and was placed in the center of the tomb. While being conveyed by the trustees from the grave, the Ger- mania Maennerchor sang a beautiful hymn. An impressive prayer was made by the Eev. Dr. Haven, and for a day or two the public was allowed to view the face of the deceased senator through the glass cover of the casket. It appeared quite nat- ural, being well preserved by the embalment, and presenting no appearance of decomposition. The students of the Univer- sity of Chicago acted as a guard of honor around the casket, some time before it was carried to the tomb. In January following, a memorial was drafted by the presi- dent of the association, Walter B. Scales, with a statement of its condition, asking for $50,000 to complete the monument, and was forwarded to the legislature. The amount asked for was reduced to $25,000, and thus amended the bill passed the House of Representatives. But DOULGAS MONUMENT. 87 from some negligence it was not presented to the Senate before the adjournment, and therefore went by default. MEETING OF THE BOAKD OF TEUSTEES. Parlor No. 10, Sherman House, Wednesday, 7th December, 1870. In response to a call from President "W. B. Scates, a meet- ing of the Board of Trustees was held at 3 o 'clock this P. M. Present Messrs. Scates, Fuller, Yolk, Goudy, Stearns, Bur- roughs, "Wilson and Chandler : Mr. Scates occupying the chair. It hav'ing been stated that the chief object of the meeting was to consider and determine upon the propriety of remov- ing the monument to the grounds of the University of Chicago, and of using the value of the present site towards completing it, Mr. S. AV. Fuller, after some preliminary discussion, offered the following resolution, which was upon consideration unani- mousl}' adopted. " Resolved, That in the opinion of the directors of the Douglas Monument Associa'.ion, if the widow and children of the late Stephen A. Douglas shall first consent thei-eto, it is best and expedient for this association to make appli- cation to the next legislature of the State of Illinois for leave to remove the remains of the late Judge Douglas from their present resting place, together with the monument now erected over them, to some suitable place within the grounds of the University near by, to be hereafter selected and agreed upon between this association and the trustees of said University, and for the sale of the land now belonging to the State of Illinois and occupied by ihis association for its corporate purposes, and the application of the jiroceeds of such sale, or as much as may be necessary to the cost of completing the monument according to the original design, and to apply the balance of the proceeds, if any, to- wards the maintenance and preservation of the monument, in such manner as shall be agreed upon by and between the State of Illinois, the trustees of the University and this association." Letters having been received by the chairman from Messrs. Turner and Treat, who could not be present at this meeting, were read, favoring the object of this resolution; and as pre- liminary to the consummation of its object, Messrs. Burroughs, PQ HISTORY OF THE Scates and Gage were, upon motion, appointed a committee to confer with and obtain the consent of the widow and children of the hate Judge Douglas. Upon motion of Dr. Burroughs, Mr. C. Beckwith Avas also added to this committee, and another committee, consisting of Messrs. Fuller and Goudy, was also, on motion to that effect, appointed to memorialize the legislature, and to prepare such act or acts as may be necessary for its action. The secretary, Mr. L. "W. Volk, then stated that he was about to start for Europe, and would probably be gone two yeai'S, and tendered his resignation as secretary and trustee of the associ- ation, with the request that he be relieved from further duty, and that a committee be appointed to examine and audit and report upon his accounts. "Whereupon the Board declined to accept his resignation as trustee, but, on motion of Dr. Burroughs, accepted his resigna- tion as secretary, and on further motion, Messrs. D. A. Gage and John B. Turner were appointed to adjust and report upon his accounts. On motion, the board then proceeded to fill the vacancy oc- casioned by the resignation of Mr. Yolk, which resulted in the election of Joseph B. Chandler as secretary. Mr, S. W. Fuller then submitted the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That, we regret the intended journey of Mr. L. W. Volk, to Europe, makes it necessary in his opinion for him to resign the office of secretary of this Association ; and in accepting his resignation, we tender him our thinks for the unremitting zeal, energy and tidelity with which he has discharged iiic duties of his oflBce and labored to promote the objects and interests of the Asso- ciation, A vacancy existing in the Board, caused by the death of Francis 0. Sherman, a ballot was taken, resulting in the elec- tion "of W. F. Coolbaugh to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Sherman, ending January 30th, 1872. ISTo further business requiring attention, the board, on mo- tion, adjourned till 2 p. m. of Saturday, the 24th inst. Attest: Jos. B. Chandlek, Secretary. DOUGLAS MONUMENT. 80 The following is Mrs. Williams' (formerly Mrs. Douglas) reply to the Committee appointed at the foregoing meeting: To Messrs. Walter B. Scates and others: Gentlemen: In reply to your letter dated Dec. 3, 1870, which I have this day (March 5, 1871) received through the Dead-Letter Office, I have the honor to say that I heartily agree with your Com- mittee, and ths Members of the Monument Association, in the pro- priety of removing the monument to theUniversity grounds. It is my most eaniest and heartfelt wish that it should be as speedily completed as possible, and I hope the legislature will consent to the sale of the ground and the appropriation of the funds to the immediate completion of the •monument. My step-sons, Robert and Stephen, are of the same mind. Your Committee's letter reached me without stamp, and simply addressed to Mrs. A. Williams, only after being opened at the Dead-Letter Office, after the lapse of three months. This will, I hope, excuse my apparent negligence of so important a subject. With respects, gentlemen, I am very truly yours. Adele Williams. Washington, D. C, March 5, 1871. ]^o definite action was taken by the trustees for the removal of the monument till 1875, and meanwhile, in 1873, another memorial to the legislature, asking for $50,000 to complete the monument where begun, was presented by a member of the House of liepresentatives from Chicago, Mr. W. H. Condon, who earnestly and efficiently labored for its passage, and was ably assisted by his colleagues Judge Bradwell, General Sher- man and others; and just before the recess of the legislature the bill passed the House, with two votes to spare. The following is the financial statement, as submitted to the legislature with the last memorial, dating from the organiza- tion of the society to January 1, 1871, and signed by the pres- ident and treasurer: Amount by subscriptions in sums from ^500 to $20 | 2,856.40 P'rom sales of photographs and engravings of Douglas and the mon- ument, diplomas of membership, and small contributions 8,137.32 Sale of seats at laying of corner-stone 3,581.00 Sale of concert tickets, opera-house, on same occasion 1,00G.08 Sale of donated real estate (2 lots, each 120x50 feet 6,000.00 Total 121,580.80 90 HISTORY OF TPIE AMOUNTS PAID OUT : Building foundations and first section of monument, marble sar- cophagus, iron doors, fencing and grading $12,275.00 Expenses laying corner-stone, September 6, 1866 I,o04.69 Photographs, engravings, diplomas and medals 2,227.08 Stationery and postage 57.00 Agents' commissions 506.68 Taxes on real estate 157.15 Sidewalk and fence in front of monument gi-ounds 351.00 Design of Douglas monument 75.00 Lithographing monument 314.00 Printing diplomas, pamphlets, circulars, and office furniture 962.82 Secretary's services, eight years, including office rent, furnished by him 3,321.78 Balance ia treasurer's hands 29.10 Total $21,580.80 Several hundred dollars' worth of photographs, engravings, diplomas, steel-plates of diplomas, medals, and office furniture belonging to the association, vrere destroyed in the great lire, but its important books and papers escaped. At the adjourned session held the following winter of 1874, the House bill came up in its order in the Senate, but was de- feated. Dispatch from Mr. Condoit. Springfield, 111. Apl. 34, 1873. To Leonard W. Volk, Chicago: We have passed the bill only two votes to spare. (Signed.) Wm. H. Condon. In 1875 the bill for removal of the monument was presented in the House of Representatives by authority of the Trustees. A BILL FOR AN ACT ENTITLED " AN ACT TO REMOVE AND COMPLETE THE DOUGLAS MONUMENT." INTRODUCED BY MR. HISE. Section 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly. That the " Douglas Monu- ment Association" is hereby authorized and empowered to remove the " Douglas Monument," from the grounds upon which the same now stands, to such locality in the grounds of the University of Chicago as may be agreed upon between the board of trustees of the said university and the board of directors of the " Doughis DOUGLAS MONUMENT. 91 Monument Association." And power and authority is hereby given to the said board of trustees of the said University and the said board of directors of the "Douglas Monument Association" to agree upon such re-location of said moiiumeut within said grounds of the said University of Chicago, to preserve the ground upon which said monument shall be so re-built for the use of the same, and to fix and agree upon the terms for the maintenance, repair and custody of said monument and grounds. § 2. Said board of directors of the " Douglas Monument Asso- ciation " are hereby authorized and empowered to make sale or sales of all that lot, piece or parcel of land, situate in the county of Cook and State of Illinois, whereon the Douglas Monument now stands, and known and described as follows, viz: lot one (1), in the lower tier of Oakenwald subdivision, fronting on Wood- land Park and Douglas Place, of a part of the south half of the north-east quarter of section thirty-four, in township thirty-nine north, range fourteen east of the third princii^al m3iidian, in the city of Chicago, together with the appurtenances thereunto be- longing, for such price and upon such terms as they may deem most advantageous; and the Governor of the State of Illinois, for the time being, be and he is hereby authorized and empowered to execute all necessary deeds of conveyance of said premises to carry into eflfect any sale or sales made by said board of directors, and any and all preliminary contracts to effectuate any sales that may be made by the said board of directors on credit: Provided, that said board of directors shall be entitled to no compensation for services rendered under the provisions of this act; and i^^'O- vided further, that no sale shall be made by said directors until the written consent of Mrs. Adele Williams, formerly Mrs. Senator Douglas, shall have first been obtained. 3d. Said board of directors of the Douglas Monument Associ- ation is hereby authorized and empowered to remove the said Douglas monument from the grounds whereon it now stands, and to re-erect and finish, and complete the same according to the plans and specifications adopted by the Douglas Monument Asso- ciation, or such others as may be adopted, on such location as may be selected, as hereinbefore provided; and for that purpose they are hereby authorized and empowered to expend the proceeds of the sale of the grounds whereon said monument now stands, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the completion of said mon- ument according to said plans and specifications, and the protec- tion and preservation of the ground upon which it may be erected. 92 IlISTOKY OF THE 4tli. That if there shall be any balance left of the proceeds re- sulting from the sale of said lands after the completion of said monument, such balance shall be invested in United States bonds, or bonds of the State of Illinois, and the income to be derived therefrom, shall be applied toward the preservation and protec- tion of said monument, and of the grounds immediately adjacent thereto. About the same time the following bill for an appropria- tion to complete tlie monument where began, was introduced in the Senate by Mr. Hodges. A BILL FOR AN ACT TO APPROPRIATE FIFTY TH0USA2?^D DOLLARS TO COM- PLETE THE DOUGLAS MONUMENT AT CHICAGO. Section 1. Be it enacted by the people of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, that Walter B. Scates, Jo- seph B. Chandler, Joshua L. Marsh, J. H. McVicker, Melville W. Fuller and Potter Palmer, all of the city of Chicago, and Benja- min F. Fridley, of Kane county, Illinois, be and they are hereby constituted commissioners of the Douglas Monument at Chicago, and are empowered to receive proposals and contract for the com- pletion of the Douglas Monument: Provided, that said commis- sioners shall not obligate the State of Illinois to exceed the sum named in section three of this act. Sec. 2. Said commissioners shall receive no compensation for their services. Sec. 3. For the purpose of defraying the cost of the comple- tion of said monument, the sum of fifty thousand dollars is hereby appropriated out of the State treasury, and the auditor of public accounts is hereby authorized to draw his warrant on the State treasurer for said amount, out of money not otherwise appropria- ted, upon the certificate of a majority of the said commissioners, from time to time, as may be necessary, during the progress of the work: Provided, no money shall be drawn under the provisions of this act prior to the first day of April, A. D. 1870, which is made payable out of revenue from the assessments for the year A. D. 1875. AMENDMENT. Amend section 1, after the words " of Kane county, Illinois," by DOUGLAS MONUMENT. 93 inserting the names of " William A. Richardson, of Adams coun- ty, Illinois, and Gustavus Koerner, of St. Clair county, Illinois." Thereupon, Mr. Hise did not press the bill for removal, in the House, and after the passage of the Senate bill appropriat- ing $50,000, he, with other members, labored to pass it in the House. But on the final vote the bill failed to pass, for the want of a constitutional majority — lacking some five votes. [From the Illinois State Register.] It is a pity the House refused to concur in the Senate's bill, ap- propriating $50,000 for the purpose of erecting a monument to the memory of the great Douglas. This it did this morning. Douglas' remains would not to-day be in Illinois soil, were it not for the fact that prominent citizens of the State, regardless of party, begged his widow to allow them to be interred here, at the time of his death. The House has struck an economical vein, but is very inconsistent. To-day, within one hour's time it refvised to pay a debt of honor to the memory of a man who has done more fOr the state thin any other man that ever belonged to Illinois, on the score of its "costing too much," and immediately, by a vote, continued the useless fraud-protecting and expensive election reg- istry system, that costs the tax-payers of Illinois not less than two hundred thousand dollars annually! Next in order will be " Copperas creek," an unconstitutional taking of the people's money; and if our vote would pass this appropriation it would never be made. At the next legislature, two years later, the same appropri- ation bill, except as to names of commissioners, was introduced in the house by Mr. Jos. E. Smith, member from Chicago, who worked mitiringly for the measure, and had the satisfaction of seeing the following bill pass both houses and become a law. A BILL FOE A5f ACT To APPROPRIATE FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS TO COM- PLETE THE DOUGLAS MONUMENT AT CHICAGO. Section 1. Be it enacted by the pgople of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, that John D. Caton, Thomas 94 HISTORY OF THE Drummoncl, Lyman Trumbull, Melville W. Fuller, Robert T. Lin- coln and Potter Palmer, all of the city of Chicago, county of Cook, Benjamin F. Fidley, of Kane county, Gustavus Koerner, of St. Clair county, and Ralph Plvimb, of LaSalle county, Illinois, be and they are hereby constituted commissioners of the Douglas Monu- ment at Chicago, and are authorized and empowered to receive proposals and contract for the completion of the Douglas monu- ment : ^^rovit^^ec?, that said commissioners shall not obligate the State of Illinois to exceed the sum named in section three of this act. Sec. 2. Said commissioners shall receive no compensation for their services. Sec. 3. For the purpose of defraying the cost of the comple- tion of said monument, the sum of fifty thousand dollars is hereby appropriated out of the State treasury, and the auditor of public accounts is hereby authorized to draw his v/arrant on the State treasury for said amount, out of the money not otherwise appro- priated, upon the certificate of a majority of the said commission- ers, from time to time during the progress of the work: Provided, no money shall be drawn under the provisions of this act prior to the first day of April, A. D. 1S77, which is made payable out of revenue from the assessments for the year 1876. [From the Chicago Times, March 24, 18T7.] THE ILLINOIS HOUSE PASSES THE APPROPRIATION FOR THE DOUGLAS MONUMENT. Ivi the house this morning, the special order being the discussion of the bill appropriating ^50,000 for the completion of the Douglas Monument, Mr. Smith, who introduced the measure, made a strong speech in its favor. He said that justice and right demanded the passage of this bill. From time immemorial monuments had been erected by grateful people to their great and good men. The pyramids of Egypt were but tombs of kings, and the mausoleum but a monument from a widowed queen to her departed husband. But if monuments were erected to those who had contributed to the moral or historical wealth of a nation, how much more should they be erected to those who, in addition, had contributed to the material wealth of the State. The persistent efforts of Judge DOUGLAS MONUMENT. 95 Douglas from the time he entered Congress in 1843 till he succeed- ed in passing the law, were given to obtaining from the Congress of the United States the land- grant to the Illinois Central railroad. This grant enabled the company to build that road which opened up the heart of the state. It has poured into the coffers c>f this state in cash the the sum of nearly seven millions of dollars. Year by year hereafter it will continue to yield to the treasury its mil- lions. But these cash payments represent not a tithe of the ma- terial wealth which has come to the state through this great enter- prise. The cities and towns along its line have become populous and wealthy, and lands which could not be sold for anything, now yield from 820 to $30 an acre in taxes. It was Douglas' wish that he be buried where he now lies. The state demanded it, and purchased the land where his unfinished monument now stands. Attempts are being made to remove it, but it should be finished where it now stands. The state bought the land that it might have the power to jDrevent what is now at- tempted. It cannot be said that economy demands its postpone- ment, for the state has now nearly two millions balance in its treas- ury. The state can well afford to pay less than one mill on a dol- lar of what Douglas contributed to the coffers of the state. Mr. Smith closed with a tribute to the character of Douglas, speaking of him as a representative man of the genius and char- acter of the American people. Mr. Herron argued that there could not be any objection to the passage of this bill, except on the question of economy. There have been millions expended in the construction of public insti- tutions, which have been as bread cast upon the water. Civili- zation is more exacting now than it was a century ago. The old church was the monument of Christianity a hundred years ago, but to-day we do not hear the vials of wrath thundered from the pulpit. We hear that God and Christianity are realities. Monuments are erected to show the progress the human family are making in civilization. If this be true, it is meet that we should preserve the memory of him who has stamped his name as among the great of earth. Mr. Herron continued with a history of Douglas' record in this state, especially during the critical period when the state of South Carolina fired on the Star of the West and arrayed her- self against the Federal Government. Mr. Connelly — Did he sever his relations with the democratic party in the stand he then took? Mr. Herron : He did not; but he told them there was no time to 96 IIISTOKY OF THE discuss party affiliations; the country Avas in danger, and the first duty of democrats was to rush into and close up the chasm; after that they could unite for political warfare. After the children of Israel crossed the Jordan, Joshua 'commanded each of the twelve tribes to take a stone and build thet'efrom a moimment. He said to his people: " When your children shall ask their fathers, in time to come, 'What mean these stOttefe?' then you shall let your chil- dren know, saying Israel came over this Jordan on dry land." When your children visit the tomb of Douglas, they will ask you, " What means this monument?" You shall tell them it is- the earthly home of him who forgot position for patriotism, and who died, as he lived, for his country. Mr. Merritt wished to'say afe%v Words. He was not much in favor of stone monuments, and was not enthusiastically in favor of the deceased Stephen. DOitglas predicted that war was disun- ion and the destruction of constitutional liberty, and his predic- tions had been verified. . In the face of his opinions he lia;d joined with Lincoln in urging war, and with his skin full of brandy had pranced about in the vain idea -that he was a second Napoleon. The sjjseaker was opposed to the appropriation, oh the groiinds that enough money hstd already been subscribed for the purpose con- templated,'.expended and not been accounted for, and that his rep- utation was a part of 'history, more enduring than stone. Morris, of Hardin, followed in a brief speech supporting the ob- ject of the bill, and was succeded by Morrison, of Christian,- who denied' in. emphatic language that Merritt's speech represented the sentiment of the democratic party or the sentiment of a constitu- ency Merritt had left in Marion. What has Douglas done? He united in contcibuting to the country's salvation at 'a time when such effort was vital. The gentleman from Marion'had said 'if he had died, bfefore the delivery of his war speeches, he wouW have left a reputation, more lasting than brass. True, but to-day there would have been no country in which to e^njoy' coi)stitution;il liberty. ■ ...,'.- Mr. James was in favor of commemorating the excellence of great men, but was apprehensive that the means suggested were illegal, and the end to be attained unnecessary. He did not need a monument, and he didn''t think it was right to take money from the public treasury for the purposes suggested, and for those rea- sons he should vote against the measure. If, however, it wks in- dispensable that his memory should be perpetuated, let it be done by voluntary contributions. DOUGLAS MONUMENT. 97 Rowett moved the previous question, but at the solicitation of many on the republican side of the house, who were solicitous lest there piece wouldn't be spoken, he withdrew the motion, and Dunne, of Cook, addressed the House in support of the bill. He said a great state should do honor to its illustrious dead. There- fore, Illinois should do honor to the memory of Douglas, and in no more fitting way can she do this than by erecting a suitable mon- ument over his remains. Let no paltry consideration of expense defer this merited tribute any longer. Let no party prejudice hinder its accomplishment. Stephen A. Douglas spent his life in the service of the state, and died in his prime with his armor still on He died not alone in the service of Illinois, but although disease had stricken him, he hesitated not to raise his voice in an eloquent and patriotic appeal for his country, and died before its echoes had ceased to reverberate in the hearts of thousands of his fellows. With his death Illinois lost her most brilliant and illustrious statesman, the nation one of its most devoted champions. Lincoln and Douglas, patriots both, the sons of Illinois, died battling for the preservation of the Union, and their names will go down to posterity associated with the- hallowed names of the fathers of the republic. The» one sleeps the everlasting sleep of the just and good within sight of this hall, beneath the splendid obelisk erected over his remains by the patriotic and grateful people of the nation, in Oak Ridge cemetery; the other lies buried beneath an incom- pleted and crumbling tomb on the beautiful spot selected by him- self on the shores of Lake Michigan, his coffin exposed to the vicis- situdes of the weather, reminding the visitor forcibly and sadly of the old-time saying that republics are ungrateful. The services of this great man, who, during his life, was the idol of his party and the admiration and pride of his country, are worthy of more honorable recognition, and no remains are deserving more decent sepulchre, and it is a burning shame and disgrace to the people of this great and rich state that he, on whose words thou- sands hung entranced as he uttered his last memorable sentences of patriotic fervor and devotion to the cause of free government in this land, should now lie uncared for and forgotten, with no fit- ting monument to tell the traveler who, with reverent steps, visits his grave, where his remains are laid. Gentlemen tell us that he needs no monument to recall his fame; that his great deeds, and particularly the great railroad that runs through the state, which he did so much to have constructed, is a more enduring and glori- ous monument than any he could erect. That may be true, but, 7 tfO HISTORY OF THE gentlemen, that was founded by liim, not in his own honor, but for the prosperity and benefit of his people. It is our duty to mani- fest our respect and admiration for the great departed by at least erecting a memorial over his remains. I trust that no niggardly economy, nor partisan feeling, will defeat this appropriation, I know that our constituency will approve of our action, and that no legislative action we may take in this session will be more gen- erally commended. Mr. Phillips, of Montgomery, opposed the appropriation, and at the conclusion of his remarks the House took a recess until 2:30 P. M. When the house convened after recess, Mr, Winter, of Bloumington, led off in a brisk and fervent speech in favor of the measure. He claimed, that as $60,000 had been appropriated by the state for the building of a monument for Lincoln, it was no more than fair and just that $50,000 should be appropriated to the erection of a monument to perpetuate the memory of Douglas. Mr. Rowett followed with a warm argument, also in favor of the appropriation. He believed it was a patriotic duty which this assembly owed to the people of the State and to the memory of a great man, to build a monument over his remains. The roll was called, and when the name of Pinn^y was reached, he explained his vote by leave of the House. He believed the bill was for a patriotic purpose, and he should cast his vote for it. Mr. Matthews also explained his vote, during which he stated that he was in favor of the bill, and hoped enovigh of the republicans would change their votes to cause it to pass. Mr. Wall thought that Mr. Merritt had insulted the young democracy of Illinois, in his remarks to the House, and he should therefore vote aye. Mr. Chambers explained his vote by claiming that the people of the state should be consulted as to the time this expenditure should take place. He wanted to cast his vote for the bill. Mr. Jack also voted aye. The bill was passed by a vote of 81 to 40. The following is the vote: Yeas — Abel, Allen, Bartholow, Bibb, Bielfeldt, Bower, Brown, Buckniaster, Busey, Byers, Gallon, Chambers, Chesley, Clover, Cronkrite, Crooker, Davis, Dennis, Dunne, Easton, English, Evans of Kane, Fontch, Graham, Granger, Hall, Hendrickson, Herrington, Herron, Hickey, Hopkins, Irvin, Jack, Jay, Kearney, Kedzie, King, Kiolbassa, Leiper, Lott, Matthews, McCreery, Mitch- ell, Monohon, Mooneyham, Moore, Morris, Morrison of Christian, Morrison of Morgan, Neal, Oakwood, Palmer, Pinney, Raley, Reavill, Reed, Robison of Ful- ton, Rourke, Rowett, Secrist, Sexton, Sheridan, Sittig, Smith of Cook, Smith of Sangamon, Smith of Tazewell, Stowell, Taylor of Cook, Taylor of Kankakee, DOUGLAS MONUMENT. 99 Thomas, Thompson, Truesdel, Voss, Wall, Wentworth, Wilderman, Wilkinson, Winter, Wood, Woodward, Wright, Zepp, Mr. Speaker — 82. Nats — Albright, Baldwin. Black, Boyd, Browning. Budlong. Collier, Con- nelly, Curtis, Evans of Bond, Fosbender, Fritts, Gill, Goodrich, Gray, Halley, Heslet, Hogge, Hollister, Hurd, James, Kouka, Latimer, Mace, Merritt, Nevitt, Pierce of Pope, Phillips of Franklin, Phillips of Montgomery, Ranney, Pica- burn, Ross, Taggart, Tierney, Tyrrell, Vandeventer, Walker, Washburn, Wells, Whitaker of McDonough, Wilderman — 41. Absentees — Armstrong, Ashton, Berry, Boydstone, Cannon, Duwey, Foun- tain, Fox, Gilbert, Gi'ennell, Heffernan, Klelim, Koplin, Lindsey, McKindley of Madison, Powell, Powers, Ramsey, Reman, Robinson of Effingham, Roche, Rogers, Sherman, Tice, AVatkins, Westfall, Wheeler, Whitaker of St. Clair, and Williams— 30. [From the Chicago Evening Journal. ^ HON. JOSEPH E. SMITH'S ELOQUENT APPEAL IN BE- HALF OF THE DOUGLAS MONUMENT. DELIVERED IN THE ILLINOIS HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES, FRIDAY, MARCH 23. Mr. SpeaJcer: — I approach the consideration of this subject this morning in the earnest hope that, when the discussion is con- cluded, this bill,which is not now for the first time before the General Assembly of this State, may pass this House by a large majority, in which event I feel assured that it will also in due time pass the Senate, receive the Executive approval, and become a law. It seems to me, Mr. Speaker, that justice and right alike re- quire that this bill be passed; and my hope is that I may be able to convince at least a constitutional majority of this House that such is the fact, before I conclude the remarks, necessarily brief, that I shall make in its support; for if it be true that justice and right demand the passage of this bill, surely gentlemen will not hesi- tate to vote the appropriation, and especially will this be so when they take into consideration the other fact, sufficient, it would seem, in itself, that it is asked to complete a monument, now par- tially constructed, on land owned by the State, and designed to perpetuate the memory of certainly one of the two greatest men that the State of Illinois has thus far produced. It has been almost from time immemorial, certainly so far back as history has left us a record, the uniform practice of nations and peoples to erect to their great and good men lasting monuments to commemorate their names and deeds. The pyramids of Egypt arc 100 HISTORY OF THE but the monuments of mighty kings, and one of the seven won- ders of the world was the mausoleum erected by a widowed queen to the memory of her royal husband. Indeed, sir, it will be found that all through the ages — barbaric as well as civilized — it has been the custom to erect monuments and monumental tombs, in some cases magnificent and costly, and in others crude and inex- pensive, to perpetuate the memory of men who had done their State great service. But, Mr. Speaker, while throughout all th3 ages monuments have been thus erected by grateful peoples in commemoration of the deeds of men mighty in war or renowned in peace, who had contributed to the moral or historical wealth of their country, where there is found an instance, like the one before us, of a citizen who in his life-time largely contributed not only to the honor, dignity and greatness of the Commonwealth, but also by persistent and deter. mined and successful effort added immensely to the material wealth of his State; where you find a State that, like our own, has enjoyed for nearly a quarter of a century, is enjoying now, and for years to come — aye, for all time — shall continue to enjoy the fruits of the efforts of such a man, — it does seem, as I said before, that justice and right alike require that such services be commemorated in a fitting way, and that the General Assembly of a State like ours can well afford, and should not hesitate, to take from the wealth which svich a man has poured into its treasury, enough to fittingly com- memorate the great sei'vices he rendered to her. It will be ray pleasure, before I conclude, to give some statistics showing in what the services to which I immediately refer consisted, and explain- ing why I claim so confidently that every principle of equity and fair-dealing demands that this act of tardy justice be done. Of course, sir, these statistics will show but meagerly the vast amount of wealth, which through the efforts of Judge Douglas have been i^oured into the treasury of the State. What we can touch and see can be approximately arrived at, but the remote and intangible cannot be calculated. I will, however, before entering upon that branch of the discussion, endeavor to give briefly the history of previous legislation touching this matter, and, so far as necessary, describe the present condition and needs of the Douglas monument and grounds. Judge Douglas died in 18G1, and in the General Assembly of 1865 a bill was introduced, which afterwards became a law, and is to be found in the session laws of that year, on page 18, appropri- ating 125,000 " for the purpose of purchasing," as the bill reads, " in DOUGLAS MONUMENT. 101 tho name of the State of Illinois, the lot of ground in which now re- pose the remains of Stephen A. Douglas, deceased." In that bill it is stated that this ground was owned by Mrs. Douglas. The bill further provides that "said land shall be held for a burial place for the deceased, and for no other j^urpose.'''' I hold in my hand that bill, which passed both houses, and was approved February 16, 1865. I also hold in my hand the original deed from Mrs. Adele Douglas to Richard J. Oglesby, Governor of the State of Illinois. It con- veys the land mentioned in that act, is a general warranty deed, and states that " this deed is executed in conformity with the act of the legislature of the State of Illinois, authorizing the Gover- nor of said State to purchase the premises therein descrihed." I am not aware that any measure has been introduced into this House or the other — but it has been mooted in the public papers — to change the location of this monument, and to remove the remains from the place where they now repose to some other local- ity in the city of Chicago. Doviglas Park on the West side, the Chicago University grounds, the entrance to the Grand boulevard, and the entrance to Drexel boulevard have been mentioned, and some even desire — notably the Chicago Tribune — that the remains be removed to Graceland or Rosehill, and interred in one or the other of those public cemeteries. Now, sir, the act to which I have referred reads, " where now repose the remains." That plat of land which was purchased by the State for $25,000 was and is the place " where now repose the remains," and the sum so apj^ro- priated for its purchase is the only appropriation ever made by the State in aid of the Douglas monument. That land is worth now, even at the low prices of to-day at least double the amount that it cost in 1865. In case of the removal of the remains by the State, the title would, in my judgment, revert to Mrs. Douglas, now Mrs. Will- iams; but whether this would be so or not, the idea of removal should not be entertained for a moment, and I am unwilling to be- lieve that it will find a single advocate on the floor of this House. Besides, sir, it is a fact that the plat of land on which that unfin- ished monument now stands, was the only piece of land, unincum- bered, which the widow of Stephen A. Douglas possessed at the time of his decease. It is unnecessary for me to state why it was that Judge Douglas, a few years before his death, became embar- rassed and was obliged to mortgage his property, the principal part of which was finally lost. Had he been of a less generous disposition he might have died rich. But I do state it as a fact, 102 HISTORY OF THE and one which I wish to impress upon every member of this Gen- eral Assembly, that it was the desire of Judge Douglas, frequently expressed, that his body might repose where it did repose at the time this bill for the purchase of the land became a law. That plat of land is on the borders of Lake Michigan; it is a part of that large tract which once belonged to Judge Douglas, and upon which ho erected a cottage, and to which he gave the name of Cottage Grove, which it still retains. When he died there were but few residences erected in its immediate neighborhood, and it was his almost dying- request that he be laid there, near the waters of Lake Michigan, and close upon its banks. He was laid there, and there he still reposes. After his death it will be remembered that there was a struggle for the possession of his remains. Mrs. Douglas herself had ex- pressed the wish that the body should be laid in the Congressional burying-ground at Washington, and but for the request of her hus- band, to which I just alluded, she would probably have insisted up- on its being taken to the National Capital. But the State of Illinois persistently demanded that the body of her dead statesman should repose beneath her soil, and her persistency carried the point, and he was buried beneath her soil, on the very spot where the unfin- ished monument now stands. Sir, the State itself offered to buy this land. It was no request of Mrs. Douglas, or of the heirs, or of the people of Chicago, that this land be purchased by the State; but the State itself, of its own motion, off"ered to purchase of the widow of Stephen A. Douglas that lot of land which he himself had selected as his burial-place, and to pay for it its full value, in order that the remains might lie in the soil of this State, in land to which the State had the title, and so that no one thereafter could have the right, at any time, to remove those remains without the consent of the State and the widow and the heirs-at-law. Such is the fact so far as the purchase of the land is concerned. It was bought by the State at the request of the people; and it was then proposed to erect over the remains a monument which should be a fitting memorial of the illustrious dead. The State was not asked at that time to appropriate anything for this purpose, but sub- sequently a bill appropriating money to build a monument passed in one branch of the General Assembly, but failed to secure a con- stitutional majority in the other, and therefore did not become a law. Private subscriptions were then started, and other means re- sorted to to procure funds for the purpose, and upwards of $20,000 was collected, and so much of the monument as is now completed DOUGLAS MONUMENT. 103 was thereupon erected. It has been stated, I am free to say, that in the payment of salaries, office rent, etc., several thousand dol- lars of the money so collected was diverted from the object for which it was contributed. On the other hand, it is asserted that every dollar was prudently expended. I prefer to believe and do believe the latter assertion. But be that as it may, the money, whether wisely expended or not, was all expended, and none of it remains. It served to construct so much of the monument as is now complete, that is, so far as to be fitted to receive the sarcoph- agus containing the remains. This bill asks for an appropriation of $50,000 to complete the monument where it now stands. The high character of each of the commissioners named therein, is a sufficient guaranty that the money, if appropriated, will be wisely and economically expended ; and I assure you, gentlemen, that with the amount named, the monument shall be completed on its present site, the grounds made worthy of the treasure they hold, and that no further or other sum will be asked by the Monument Association in aid of the one object or the other. Bills to accomplish the purpose sought to be accomplished by this bill, have from time to time been in- troduced into the General Assembly of the State, at one session passing one house and at another session the other house, but up to this time failing to pass both houses, and thereby becoming a law. In the meantime, the monument and grounds are neglected; cattle wander at will over the premises; the fences have gone to decay and fallen — only that of wooden pickets surrounding the monument itself remains standing — and within that narrow space the monument is cared for. But, perhaps, gentlemen will say: "Why not erect monuments to other men? Is not this establishing a bad precedent? Shall we not be called upon by and by to make other appropriations of a similar character and for similar reasons? Is it prudent to do this thing?" These objections are not without weight. But, sir, I say to all who make them, " coine and let us reason together." If we except that of Abraham Lincoln, is there now, or is there likely to be in our day and generation, an instance requiring at our hands the recognition that the one before us does? In view of tlie man and all that he did for us, do we ask anything that is not pre-eminently just and right? I commenced, Mr. Speaker, by saying that to vote this appropri- ation was but an act of justice and right. Let me try to explain now wh}^ I so consider it. The older members of this House know, 104 HISTORY OF THE because they were here; the younger members know, because they have read and heard of it — of the long siege which finally resulted in the passage by the two houses of Congress of the bill for an act donating lands to the Illinois Central Railroad Company of this State. That act became a law in the year 1850. Judge Doug- las entered the United States Senate in 1847 ; he entered tli"^ House of Representatives in 1843, being then but 30 years old. From the time he entered the House up to the time this bill finally became a law, he had devoted himself, all the while, with persistent effort, to obtaining this grant. True, he was not alone in this effort; the distinguished Justice Breese, who has for so many years adorned the Supreme bench of this State, was, during a large portion of that time, representing the State of Illinois in the Senate of the United States, and, as chairman of the Commit- tee on Public Lands, devoted his time and attention and exerted his great influence and his every effort, while he remained in the Senate, to further the measure which Judge Douglas had intro- duced into the House, and subsequently so earnestly and success- fully advocated in the Senate. It was owing to the efforts of these two men that that measure was finally adopted. By the passage of that law, the Illinois Cen- tral Railroad ComjDany received alternate sections of the public lands on the line of that railroad. Some question arose as to whether the road should be built on the line of the old Illinois Central road or follow a different course, and it is a part of the history of the State how that difficulty was finally settled by tak- ing the old road-bed, and constructing a branch from Chicago, tapping the main line at Centralia. There was great opposition to this land grant in some parts of the State, because the proposed line of the road cut them off from its advantages. All these dif- ficulties were finally adjusted by the construction of this branch line. Judge Douglas at the first feared that to include this branch line might result in the defeat of the whole bill, but was finally in- duced to advocate the measure, with the branch line included, and in 1850 the bill became a law. At that time thp State of Illinois had a population of less than 800,000. Within five years its pop- ulation had increased to nearly 1,500,000. That line of railroad which started over the prairie and through sparsely-settled vil- lages, became alive with active, strong men and brave women, the founders of towns now populous and Avealthy. The population of the State increased at an unprecedented rate, not only enabling the railroad company to build its road by the sale of its lands, and DOUGLAS MONUMEKT. 105 to pay the State, as it has done from that day to this, a vast in- come, but the General Government itself, which had donated this land found that by the settlement of the alternate sections still belonging to it, money was poured into its own coffers, so that the United States lost nothing by its gift, and the State gained and the road gained immensely. The Illinois Central Railroad was completed, an outlet for the products of the fertile Valley of the Mississippi was provided, and cities, towns and villages sprang up all along the line as if by enchantment. The other day I asked the Auditor of Public Accounts, to have prepared for me a detailed statement of the annual receipts by the State from the Illinois Central Railroad Company, which, by the terms of its charter pays 7 per cent, of its gross earnings to the State. I now hold in my hand that statement. A copy has been furnished the press, and will be found printed in the morning pa- pers of to-day. In 1855, the first year of its operation, there was but $29,751.59 paid into the treasury of the State. In 1876, the last year, $356,005.58. In 1865, the year of the close of the war, the amount was $496,489,84, being about $32,000 in excess of any other year; while the aggregate received into the State Treasury during the twenty-two years of its operation, from the Illinois Cen- tral Railroad Company, as shown by the subjoined statement, reaches the enormous sum of $6,976,607.48. The annual receipts have been as follows: TEAR. AMOUNT. 1855 $ 29,751.59 1856 77,631.66 1857 145,646.84 1858 182,005.53 1859 132,104.46 l.'^eO 177,557.22 1861 177,257.81 1862 212,174.60 1863 300,394.58 1864 405,514.04 1865 496,489.84 YEAR. AMOUNT. 1866 $ 427,075.65 1867 444,007.74 1868 4 8,397.48 1869 464,933.81 1870 464,584.52 1871 463,512.91 1872 442,856.54 1873 428.574.00 1874 394,366.46 1875 375,766.02 1876 356,005..')8 Total $6,976,607.48 But that amount, enormous as it is, represents only the cash that has been paid directly by the Illinois Central Railroad Company into the treasury of the State; it includes no portion of that added wealth of which I have heretofore spoken as incalculable, and for which the State is so largely indebted to the construction of that road. I assume, sir, that no one on the floor of this House will deny 106 HISTORY OF THE that it was owing to the efforts of Judge Douglas that this sum was secured to the State. Without him the land grant bill would not have passed. Prior to its passage, Judge Breese, who had so ably advocated its passage, had retired from the Senate and been succeeded by General Shields, Avho also succeeded him as chair- man of the Committee on Public Lands. But Judge Douglas, not leaving it when his associates left him, pushed the bill with rei^ewed vigor and did not relax his efforts till it became a law; and I assert, Mr. Speaker, that but for his persistent efforts, this grant to the Illi- nois Central Railroad Company would not have been made and this road would not have been built, and this sum would not have been paid into the treasury of the State; and I repeat that vast as that sum is, it represents but a fraction of the wealth that this State has derived from the construction of that road. In popula- it has increased from less than a million to three millions and a half, and who can estimate the proportion of that increase justly to be credited to the building of that road, or tell in figures the value of that living wealth? Thousands of acres of land that a quarter of a century ago could not have been sold for a dollar an acre, are now yielding from twenty to thirty dollars an acre yearly in taxes. I do not say but that this population might have gone somewhere else in this State than along the line of that road or that other roads might not have been built; but it may be asserted without fear of contradiction that this great artery would not have been opened through the heart of the State, but for the grant which Judge Douglas procured from the United States of America. Now what are the friends of this measure asking from the State? They are asking the comparatively small sum of 150,000. For what? It is not to erect a monument; not to start a new project: not to establish a precedent which may be bad; but they coiae before the General Assembly to say to us, the representatives of the great State of Illinois: " You have purchased and you own this plat of land on the shores of Lake Michigan; you purchased it for the purpose of depositing in it the remains of one of your greatest sons. Individuals have done what they could, and have left there a monument in an unfinished state, and we ask only that you take from the coffers of this State less than one cent on the dollar of the vast sum that Judge Douglas contributed to place in those coffers, for the purpose of completing this work, which has been so long begun, and which the State owes it to itself to finish." And speaking for myself, I say, Mr. Speaker, that it is a disgrace DOUGLAS MONUMENT. 107 to the State that that monument should be left in the condition that it is now in, when comparatively so small a sum is required to com- plete it. But it may be said that it is better not to do it now, as a matter of economy; that the State is called upon to appropriate large sums of money for charitable institutions, and that it is better to wait awhile. Anticipating this, I this morning asked the Auditor of Public Accounts to give me a statement showing the balance in the treasury on the first day of March, A. D. 3 877. That balance was $1,771,309.17; our State debt is comparatively nothing; and I venture to say that there is not a State in the Union that can give a better showing. Of that money, during the last year, 1356,005.- 58 was paid into the treasury by the Illinois Central Railroad Company. Now, I rose, Mr. Speaker, simply for the purpose of giving these facts. I shall be followed by gentlemen who will give the record and illustrate the character of Stephen A. Douglas in more elo- quent language than I could hope to do. I never in my life met him but once. I never heard from his lips but two words, and those M-ere addressed to myself. Those words were " Get right! " But I must say that I knew him by his works. I knew him by hearing of him from those who were intimate with him, and who knew his worth and appreciated what he was. . The true nobility and greatness of a nation consists in the nobility and greatness of its representative men. I regard Stephen A. Douglas as one of the two greatest men that Illinois has ever produced. I regard him as pre-eminently a self-made man. Coming into this State a stripling, with but two dollars in his pocket; serving as an auc- tioneer's clerk, and earning his first six dollars in that wa}'^; teach- ing school and eking out a meager livelihood till he attained his majority; stepping forth a marked man on the very threshold of his manhood, and going on " conquering and to conquer," I re- gard him as a representative man of the genius and character of the American people. I regard him as a man, honest, upright, just; of great power of intellect and of great strength of purpose; knowing and always pursuing the right; a man, in short, whom any State or people should delight to honor. And shall this State re- fuse to honor him — rather 1 should say to do him justice — when all we ask is that his unfinished monument on the banks of Lake Mich- igan may be completed? That on the foundation which the liber- ality of individuals has constructed, a column may rise bearing the statue of the illustrious statesman, and visible from the land and 108 . HISTORY OF THE from the broad bosom of the lake, upon whose banks the dust of the honored dead reposes, a fitting memorial of the greatness of him whose achievements it is erected to commemorate, and of the gratitude of the State which honored itself in honoring him. If, sir, my limited time permits me to allude to anything else which should operate to make men unite for the passage of this bill, let me briefly refer to those dark days of the Republic, when the black cloud of secession and disunion hung over this nation, and when we knew not whether out of that cloud should come the lightning stroke that would destroy us as a people, or whether from behind it the light of heaven should again shine forth, dispelling the darkness, and again illuminating everything with the bright- ness of its rays. Let me remind you, gentlemen, that in those dark days, Stephen A. Douglas rose up in his might, here in the city of Springfield, and in a speech glowing with eloquence and jDatriot- ism, put at rest all doubt, quieted all fear, and nerved the hearts of his countrymen to that mighty effort, the issue of which was the maintained integrity of the Union. Two months afterwards that voice, then so mighty for good, was hushed in the silence of death; a nation stood with bowed head, and the hearts of a great people were filled with a sadness inexpressible. Men who had opposed him in the political arena, and against whom the mighty power of his matchless eloquence had been brought to bear, stood sorrow- ful before the tremendous reality that one of earth's greatest men had fallen; while those who had been of his political household, who were his familiar friends, who had sat, as it were, at his ieeti and drunk in the political wisdom that flowed from his lips, felt almost as if death had entered their own homes and taken from their family circle the form of a loved one. Like him whom Web- ster apostrophized so grandly, Douglas was cut off in the hour of overwhelming anxiety and thick gloom, and like his would I have the memory of Douglas endure, " wheresoever among men a heart shall be found that beats to the transports of patriotism and liberty. " It may be, sir, that republics are ungrateful; it can never be that they are justly so. Carlyle has said that " the hands of forgotten brave men have made it a world for us." Forgotten brave men! True. But that such men have been forgotten, though it prove the truth not only of the adage that republics are ungrateful, but that all nations are alike so, proves none the less that they should not be. Upon the one side of this house hangs the portrait of Abraham liincoln, upon the other that of Stephen A. Douglas — Illinois' two DOUGLAS MONUMENT. 109 greatest sons. In Oak Ridge Cemetery'-, almost within the shadow of the dome which rises above us, the massive monument to the former towers to Heaven, grand, perhaps, in its architectural design, grander in its purpose, grandest in that it is a memorial of the gratitude and the grief of a great State and nation. On the shores of Lake Mich- igan, within sound of the sighing of the waves of that mighty sea, unfinished and neglected, stand the foundation stones of the monu- ment proposed to be erected to the memory of that other illustrious man, upon whom for years every son of Illinois looked with pride and affection. The friends of this bill ask of the State that hon- ored Stephen A. Douglas so much while living, to no longer neg- lect to do justice to his memory. Let the monumental shaft at Oak Ridge Cemetery, and the beautiful column on the shores of Lake Michigan, as they point heavenward, teach our young men, as they stand at the base of the one or the other, to emulate the vir- tues and the example of those whose virtues and patriotism those monuments are erected to commemorate. Victor Hugo has said that it is well to celebrate the anniversaries of great ever.ts, for such celebrations stimulate to other great achievements. As truly may it be said that it is well to erect monuments to perpetuate the memory of the truly great, for they stand always as monitors, bid- ding the living strive to be also great, that their words and deeds may be alike remembered and honored by those whose benefactors they may prove to be. In conclusion, I appeal to you, gentlemen, one and all, to vote the appropriation asked in this l)ill. On the 15tli day of May, 1877, the House bill was taken up by the Senate and passed without debate. It was approved on the 22d following by Governor Cullom, and thus became a law, taking effect July 1st, 1877. The same Legislature voted an appropriation of $27,000 to complete the Lincoln monument at Springfield, and it was pre- sumed that one measure assisted the other. Pursuant to a call, the commissioners named in the foregoing bill met at the Palmer House July 2d, 1877, and organized, by the selection of a President and Secretary, and an Executive Committee. 110 HISTORY OF THE The writer was requested to submit his designs for the mon- ument, which were substantially the same as had been adopted by the Trustees in 1864 — the original model of the design liaving been destroyed in the great lire of '71, he had since then reproduced it by drawings, with some slight modifications, and the same were exhibited before the Legislature of 1875. These designs, together with plans for coping around base of monument, coping and sidewalk along Douglas avenue south of monument grounds, and a terrace wall along the railway track east of the grounds, were submitted and explained before the commission, and were unanimously re-adopted by the com- missioners. The next meeting of the commission was held July 7th. Tlie Chicago Thaes of the 8th contained the following: "The Douglas Monument Commission, consisting of Judges Drummond, Trumbull, Caton, and Fridley, and Messrs. Potter Palmer, M. W. Fuller, R. T. Lincoln, and Ralph Plumb, met in Judge Drummond's room, United States building, on yesterday afternoon, the full board present. Mr. Lincoln, on behalf of the committee appointed at the meet- ing on Monday to make an examination of the design for the mon- ument, as originally made by Leonard W. Volk, and in accord- ance with which the work was begun in 1868, reported that in their judgment it fulfilled the requirements in every respect, and recommended its adoption by the commission. The committee had taken the advice of a competent architect, whose opinion was that a granite shaft might safely be placed on the Lemont lime- stone base already erected; or, the monument could be completed with the same stone as that used in the tomb, though it would be necessary to see, first, that the foundations were well and carefully laid. The committee would recommend a division of the work, giving to Mr. Volk the statuary, and putting the ma- sonry into the hands of an architect. In conclusion, the committee submitted a resolution to the eflfect that Mr. Volk be asked to submit double proposals for completing the monumental statuary; one stating time and terms for doing the work as a whole, the DOUGLAS MONUMENT. Ill other, times and prices for the surmounting statvie and the sur- rounding allegorical prices, separately, that the commission might choose. Considerable discussion followed. Mr. Fuller favored a division of the work — one man to do the statuary, another the masonry. Judge Fridley thought the work could be done cheaper if let to one man, and it seemed to him that the most reliable person was Mr. Volk. Judge Caton was in favor of granite, and opposed to limestone for the shaft. So, also was Judge Drummond. He pre- ferred advertising for the work as a whole. Mr. Palmer thought there should be an architect. The commission should advertise for proposals, and let each part of the work to the lowest bidder. Judge Caton suggested that they advertise for proposals both in whole and in part, and then they could choose. After some further talk the report of the committee was received, and the resolution adopted. On motion the same committee, consisting of Messrs. Fuller, Lincoln, and Palmer, was continued, with instructions to procure plans and specifications, and after a careful examination of them to advertise for proposals for the work, except the statuary. The commission then adjourned to meet two weeks from Tuesday next. The committee will meet at the Palmer house, at 2 o'clock this afternoon." The following resolution was passed at this meeting : Resolved, That the secretary of this commission be and he is hereby directed to request Mr. Leonard W. Volk to submit to this commission, at his earliest convenience, proposals for the execution and completion, including the placing of the same, of the statuary for the Douglas Monument, at Chicago, according to the design adopted by the Douglas Monument Association. Wiiich propos- als shall state the price at which, and the time within which he would contract to execute and complete said statuary in whole, and also the price and time for and within which he would contract to execute, complete and place: First, the statue designed to surmount said monument ; Second, the figures at the corners, and Third, the Relief work ; taken and considered separately. A true copy of resolution adopted by commissioners to com- plete Douglas Monument at Chicago, July 7th, 1877. M. W. Fuller, Sec'y of said Commission. At a subsequent meeting of the Executive Committee, held soon after, the writer was ordered to prepare working plans and 112 HISTORY OF THE specifications, to be made ready forthwith, for tlie siipei-striict- nre of the monument, (i. e. all that portiow above the tomb to the base of statue) to be of a light-colored New England granite. Also, plans and specifications for coping around base of mon- ument ;;nd along Douglas avenue, a sidewalk in same street, and a terrace wall along the railway. The following agreement was made: This memorandum of an agreement made at Chicago, this first day of August, A. D. 1877, between the Commissioners of the Douglas Monument at Chicago, and Leonard "W. Volk, of the city of Chicago, county of Cook and State of Illinois, Witnesseth: That the said Leonard W. Volk, for the consideration hereinafter named, agrees that the designs, plans, drawings and specifications of the Douglas Monument at Chicago, already drawn and prepared by him and furnished to said Commissioners, shall and do belong to the latter, and they and the preparation of the same are paid for in full by this agreement. Said Volk, further for said consideration agrees to furnish all working plans, drawings, designs and specifications, and copies thereof, and models which may be required for the architectural and other work named in specifications No. 1, and all work speci- fied in specifications Nos. 2 and 3 (said specifications having been already prepared by said Volk), needed and required for the execution of the work herein named, and also all other specifica- tions, plans, drawings, etc., required for the completion of said monument in accordance with the existing general design thereof. Said Volk further agrees for said consideration to superintend the work named in specifications Nos. 1, 2 and 3 as the same may be contracted for and directed by said Commissioners to be done, and all other work in and about the completion of said monument audits grounds, if and as requested and directed by said Commis- sioners. The superintending of said Volk to be strictly under the direction of said Commission, and no authority being hereby given to said Volk to incur any liability for and on account of said Com- missioners, or make any change in said work not authorized by them without their specific assent. And in consideration of the faithful performance of the fore- going, the said Commissioners of the Douglas Monument at Chi- cago hereby agree to pay to said Leonard W. Volk the sum of five DOUGLAS MONUMENT. 113 liundred dollars. In witness whereof the parties hereto have sub- scribed these presents (the party of first part by its President and Secretary) the day and year first above written. Commissioners of Douglas Monument at Chicago, by J. D. Caton, Pres. M. W. Fuller, Sec'y. Leonaed W. Volk. The writer subsequently rebated $200 from the above con- tract. At the next meeting of the committee, the writer was ordered to omit certain ornaments resting on the corners of the main base of the superstructure, and enlarge the diameter of the column at the top, when the following advertisement was pub- lished in the daily papers: DOUGLAS MONUMENT COMMISSION. Proposals are invited for the New England granite work necessary to com- plete the Douglas Monument in Chicago, and for walls, sidewalk and limestone or sandstone coping, Also for marble and tile work in the tomb chamber and work on sarcophagus. Full plans and specifications of the work can be seen at the ofiSce of Robert T. Lincoln, No 31 Portland Block, Chicago. The above work is described in three separate specifications, and proposals are requested for the work on each specification separately, and also for all the work together. Specimens of the material proposed must accompany each bid. Each bidder will name in his proposal the time within which he will com- plete the work proposed for by him, if his bid is accepted. A satisfactory bond, with two sureties, in the sum of one-half the amount of each contract, will be required of the successful bidder, to insure the comple- tion of such contract. Names of proposed sureties should accompany bids. No payments will be made on any contract until the full completion of the work named. Proposals should be in sealed envelopes, marked "Proposals for Work on Douglas Monument," and addressed to Melville W. Fuller, Secretary of the Commission, No. 152 Dearborn street, Chicago. Proposals will be received until ten o'clock in the morning of Saturday, July 28, 1877, and will be opened at a meeting of the Commission. The right is reserved to accept or reject any bid, or to reject all bids, in the absolute discretion of the Commission. Chicago, July 18, 1877. ROBERT T. LINCOLN, POTTER PALMER, MELVILLE W. FULLER, Committee. The meeting was held as advertised and the bids of a large number of contractors were opened. The superstructure was let to one of the lowest bidders 8 114 ."'rinsTOET of the at $15,600, to he of Hallowell, Maine, granite, and was com- pletedJnly, 1878. The limestone work, consisting of the copings, sidewalk and terrace wall, was let shortly after at $4984, and was completed ia sixty days. In October, the writer was commissioned to execute a colos- sal statue o£ Douglas, in bronze, to surmount the monument, as appears by — This agreement, made this 17th day of October, A. D. 1877, be- tween the Commissioners to complete the Douglas Monument at Chicago, of the first part, and Leonard W. Volk, of the city of Chicago, comity of Cook and State of Illinois, of the second part, witnesseth: That the said Leonard W. Volk, for the consideration hereinaf- ter mentioned, agrees to execute for the Douglas Monument at Chicago, Illinois, to the satisfaction of the party of the first part, a colossal statue of Stephen A. Douglas, in standard bronze metal, not less than nine feet high, to be a faithful and true likeness of said Douglas both in feature and in form throughout, and place it on the column of the monument as designed, by the first day of June, A. D. 1878. And said Volk also agrees that the model for said statue shall be exhibited to said party of the first part, and that the party of the first part shall be informed of the formula adopted by said Volk for the bronze metal, and that said party of the first part shall be satisfied with the execution of the model and with the formula adopted before the casting of the statue is attempted. In consideration whereof, the said party of the first part agrees to pay the said L. W. Volk, upon the completion of the statue as aforesaid, of the likeness and material aforesaid, and the placing of the same in positon and acceptance thereof by said party of the first part, the sum of eight thousand dollars (|8,000). In witness whereof, the parties hereto have subscribed these presents (the party of the first part by its President and Secretary thereunto duly authorized), the day and year above written. The Commissioners to complete the Douglas Monument at Chicago, BY J. D. Caton, President. M. W. Fuller, Secretary. Leonard W. Volk. 1 DOUGLAS MONUMENT. 115 Soon after, it was decided by the Commissioners to remove the limestone tomb or substructure built twelve years before and rebuild it of granite, utilizing the old ashler facing for the in- ner walls. Some changes were made by reducing the diameter of the tomb at the top, and omitting the arches which connect- ed the octagonally formed buttrass-pedestals at the four cor- ners of tomb with the cornice, substituting square ones about half the height, and making a square door-way instead of the keyed arch. The foundations as originally constructed were examined by experts but were not disturbed. On Dec. 31,1877, the contract for the renovated substruct- ure was let to the lowest bidders at $7803, and is of "Fox Isl- and " Maine granite, and was completed in June, 1878. The statue of Douglas was hoisted into position as soon as the capstone of the column was placed. And was informally unveiled July 17th, in presence of several of the Commission- ers, the only sister of Senator Douglas, Mrs. Granger, who came from her home at Clifton Springs, New York, to view the work, and a considerable number of spectators. The following remarks were made by Judge Caton upon the occasion: "As a representative of the Commission appointed by the State Legislature to execute its purpose in the completion of the monu- ment for Senator Douglas, it is proper for me to say that we are gratified to see so many appear here to witness the manner in wliich this work has been done. We have assembled here, — the Commission, — not for the purpose of a public exhibition in any manner or form, or in any sense of the word; but for the purpose of examining how the work thus far has been executed. It has now progressed to that stage when you can see, and we can see, the form and features of the monument erected in honor of Judge Douglas, and we deem it proper that the Commission should meet here, for the purpose of examining the manner in which this work has been executed; and I repeat, that it is a matter of gratifica- tion to see so many of the citizens of Chicago spontaneously met here with us for the same purpose. I may be permitted to say, 116 HISTORY OF THE that the completion of this work — so far as the monument proper and the statute are concerned, it is completed, — I may, I say, be permitted to say that the completion of this work is an era in the history of our State, which, some of us at least, can sensibly feel. Seventeen years ago. Judge Douglas was taken from among us. At that time his features were familiar to almost every man, woman and child in Illinois. Since that time a new generation has grown up, strangers to his features. They all knew the sound of his voice which electrified the mul- titude; they knew the expression of his countenance whence beamed that light which lit up the great multitudes of people. During the meantime, many of these have passed away, and a new generation has come, who will to-day for the first time look upon the countenance of which they had only heard. Standing as I do in this position, it is proper to say, that but few comparatively, of the contemporaries of Judge Douglas are left; the most dis- tinguished of them have been swept away, one by one; and why a few of us of lesser light should have been spared, none but Omnipotence can tell. How long we shall follow in his footsteps of course is hidden in the future. We return to you our thanks for your kind attendance. I will now proceed to uncover the statue, that all may look on the features which all so much loved." In August, the writer entered into the following agreement to execute the four heroic size symbolical statues for the pedestals at each corner of the tomb. This agreement, made this 7th day of August, A. D. 1878, be- tween the Commissioners to complete the Douglas Monument at Chicago, of the first part, and Leonard W. Volk, of the city of Chicago, county of Cook, and State of Illinois, of the second part, witnesseth: That the said L. W. Volk, for the consideration hereinafter men- tioned, agrees to execute for the Douglas Monument at Chicago, Illinois, to the satisfaction of the party of the first part, four stat- ues representing " Illinois," " History," " Justice" and " Eloquence," ill standard bronze metal, not less than seven feet high, if standing, but to be in sitting posture, each, and place the same upon four pedestals at the four corners of the substructure of said monument by the 1st day of May, A. D. 1879. And said Volk also agrees that the model fw each of said statues DOUGLAS MONUMENT. 117 shall be exhibited to said party of the first part, and that said party of the first part shall be informed of the formula adopted by said Volk for the bronze metal, and that said party of the first part shall be satisfied with the execution of the model and with the formula adopted before the casting of either of the said statues is attempted. In consideration whereof, the said party of the first part agrees to pay the said L. W. Volk, upon the completion of each of the four statues aforesaid of the material aforesaid, and the placing of the same in position and acceptance thereof by said party of the first part, the sum of sixteen hundred and twenty-five dollars, being the sum of six thousand five hundred dollars for said four statues when completed, placed in position and accepted as aforesaid. In witness whereof, the parties hereto have subscribed these presents (the party of the first part by its president and secretary thereunto duly authorized) the day and year above written. The Commissionees to complete the Douglas Monument at Chicago, (Signed) By J. D. Caton, Pres. (Signed) M. W. Fuller, Sec'y^ (Signed) Leonard W. Volk. I, Melville W. Fuller, of Chicago, the Secretary of the Commis- sioners to complete the Douglas Monument at Chicago, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct copy of the contract for four statues entered into between said Commissioners and L. W. Volk, and voted May 1st, 1878. As witness my hand this 8th day of August, A. D. 1878. Melville W. Fuller, Sec'y Commissioners to complete Douglas Monument at Chicago. Upon the assembling of the legislature in the winter of 1879, the Commissioners forwarded their report to the Governor, stat- ing the amounts expended from the appropriation of $50,000 and liability under contract for symbolical statues; and that in order to complete the four bas-reliefs as originally designed for the panels of the base of superstructure, and also to substitute granite in place of the old limestone steps or base of substruc- ture, $9,000 additional to the $50,000 would be required. 118 HISTORY OF THE Governor Cull om in his message recommended that this sum be appropriated for the purpose. , The following bill was introduced in the House by Mr. Mo- ses Wentworth, iand was in due time passed. An act to appropriate nine thousand ($9,000) dollars for the completion of the Douglas Monument at Chicago. That said Com- mission was compelled to remove and rebuild the substructure thereof, requiring an expenditure not anticipated at the time of the passage of the act creating said Commission, and necessitating a further ajDpropriation; therefore, Be it enacted, by the people of the State of Illinois, represen- ted in the General Assembly, That the sum of nine thousand (19,000) dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated for the completion of said monument, and the Auditor of Public Accounts is hereby authorized and directed to draw his warrant on the State Treasurer for said amount out of money not otherwise appropria- ted, upon the certificate of a majority of said Commissioners, from time to time, as the same may be needed. The same bill was presented to the Senate by Mr. Bash, who in a speech advocating its passage explained the reasons for the appropriation. It was defeated; whereupon Senator De Lany moved a re-consideration. The vote resulted in a tie. Lieut. Gov. Shuman, the presiding officer, voted in favor of re-consid- eration, and the discussion of the bill was then resumed, which was amended, making the amount $5,000, and then it was moved to refer it to committee on appropriations. Lost. The Senate again refused to order it to a third reading by a vote of 21 to 22. Just before the adjournment in May, ex-member of the House of Hepresentatives, Hon. Jos. E. Smith, who introduced the original bill, proceeded to Springfield and succeeded in get- ting the House bill which liad gone to Senate committee on appropriations resurrected, and it was shortly afterwards passed by the Senate and approved by the Governor May 27th, 1879. About July 22d, the first of the four statues, representing Illinois, was successfully placed upon its pedestal, and on Sep- tember 28th the second, History, was put in position. DOUGLAS MONUMENT. 119 Aboat December 30th, 1879, the third. Justice, was com- pleted and seated safely upon its pedestal. On July 24th, 1879, the Executive Committee of the Board of Commissioners issued an advertisement inviting proposals to complete in granite the circular bases or steyjs around the tomb in place of the limestone. Three, instead of the seven original stej)s, and curtailment of diameter eight feet and four inches, having been previously determined upon, the contract was in due time let to the lowest bidder at $3,925, and com- pleted March, 1880. All the granite work was cut at the quar- ries in Maine. On March 1st of same year the last contract was made with the writer to execute the four Bas-reliefs as follows: Tills agreement, made this 9th day of March, A. D. 18S0, be tween the Commissioners to complete the Douglas Monument at Chicago, of the first part, and L. W. Volk, of the city of Chicago, County of Cook, and State of Illinois of the second part, Witness- eth : That the said L. W. Volk for the consideration hereinafter mentioned, agrees to execute to the satisfaction of the party of the first part, four Bas-reliefs in standard bronze metal, for the four panels on the main base of the superstructure of the Douglas Monu- ment at Chicago, and to place the same in, position, all to be done to the satisfaction of the said party of tb^ first part, by the first day of January A. D. 1881. And said Volk also agrees that the design as well as the model for each of said Bas-reliefs shall be ex- hibited to said party of the first part, and that said party of the first part shall be informed of the formula adopted by said Volk for the bronze metal, that said party of the first part shall be satisfied with the design as well as the execution of the model, and with the formula adopted, before the casting of either of the said Bas-reliefs is attempted. In consideration whereof the said party of the first part agrees to pay the said L. W.Volk, upon the completion of each of the Bas- reliefs aforesaid, of the material aforesaid, and the placing of the same in position and acceptance thereof by said party of the first part, the sum of twelve hundred dollars, being the sum of four thousand eight hundred dollars for said four Bas-reliefs when com- pleted, placed in position and accepted as aforesaid. In witness whereof, the parties hereto have subscribed these 120 HISTORY OF THE presents (the party of the first part by its committee thereunto duly authorized) the day and year above written. Commissioners to complete the Douglas Monument at Chicago, By Potter Palmer, Lyman Trumbull, M. W. Fuller, Robert T. Lincoln, Committee. Leonard W. Volk. The last of the statues of the monument, representing Elo- quence, was safely placed May 13th, 1880. All these statues, in- cluding the Douglas, were first modeled in clay by the writer, in Chicago, and approved by the commissioners; then cast in Plaster of Paris, and in that material forwarded to the bronze foundry of M. J. Power, I^ew York, who has cast them in the best bronze metal, i. e.: 90 parts copper, 8 parts tin, and 2 parts zinc. The statue of Douglas, which is 9 feet 9 inches high, weighs about 2200 pounds. The four symbolical statues, if standing in upright posture, would be about 7 feet 6 inches high, and average weight of each is about 1150 pounds. description and dimensions of the monument as completed. The octagonal base coping, of Lemont, 111., Limestone, is 70 feet in diameter. The first of the three circular bases of the substructure is 42 feet 2 inches in diameter, and the height of the three together is 4 feet 3 inches. The tomb is octagonally formed, 20 feet 3 inches in diameter, and 10 feet high, to the plinth-base of superstructure. Its chamber is 8 feet 9 inches square by 7 feet 2 inches high. The pedestal at each of the four corners of the tomb is 6 feet high, with base 4 feet 2 inches square. The octagonally formed pedestal of the superstructure above the tomb is 18 feet 10 inches high, to the circular base DOUGLAS MONUMENT. 121 of the column. Its plinth-base is 15 feet in diameter. The length of the column, including its base, which is 2 feet thick, is 46 feet 5 inches, and is 5 feet 2 inches in diameter at base, with a diameter of 3 feet 6 inches at the top. The cap, includ- ing the ornamented frieze, is 4 feet 6 inches high, and the statue- base above is 2 feet high, making the entire height of the monument, including the statue, 95 feet 9 inches. The orna- mentation cut in the granite consists of a wreath and the letter " D " on the lintel of the tomb door. There are raised shields on the corners of the main base of superstructure, the pedestal of which is ornamented with festoons and wreaths of laurel, sa^d ^a7nheaux on the octagonal corners — all in high has-relief. The two main sections of the column are marked by belts of raised stars, indicating the number of states ; and the frieze of the cap is encircled with oak leaves in high relief. Within the tomb-chamber repose the remains of Senator Douglas, in an iron casket which is placed in a white marble sarcophagus, lined with lead. The following inscription is let- tered on the front side: " STEPHEN A. DOUGLAS, I " Born Apkil 23d, 1813. Died June 3d, 1861. "Tell my children to obey the laws and uphold the Constitution." The marble of the sarcophagus is from his native State and county — Rutland, Yermont. The tomb has a heavy wrought- iron grated door, with padlock, and an inner iron safe-door with combination lock. The entire superstructure of the mon- ument is made of solid blocks of granite except the die of pedestal, which is in four parts, and has a small hollow space within, containing the copper box of records, coins, etc., which was deposited in the corner-stone of the original limestone tomb. The faces of the raised shields, stars and panels are polished or glossed. 122 HISTORY OF THE THE BKONZE STATUARY. The colossal statue of Douglas surmounting the top of the column, looking, eastward over the lake, is 9 feet 9 inclies high, and represents him standing in repose, with scroll in left hand pressed against the hip, and the right hand thrust under the lapel of his tightly buttoned under-coat. The four pedestals at the base are occupied by heroic-size statues representing Illinois, History, Justice and Eloquence, in sitting attitudes; the forn.er has her right hand placed on the State coat of arms, with ears of corn in her left hand, and crowned with a chaplet of wheat, and is supposed to be in the act of relating the story of' the State to History, on the oppo- site corner, who, with stylus in hand, is about to record it up- on the scroll lying across her lap; her left foot rests upon a pile of tablets. Justice rests her right hand upon a sheathed sword, and holds the balances in her left. Eloquence points with her right hand towards the statue of Douglas, while the left rests upon a lyrical instrument. All these statues are differently composed and robed in har- monious and classical garments. The four Bas-reliefs in the panels of the main base of suj^er- structure represent the advance of civilization in America, first by an Aboriginal Indian scene in which appears the sun rising above the horizon of a lake, upon which two Indians are about to embark in a canoe; wigwams, with squaws and papoose, and an elder and two younger Indians, and a dog, the elder injthe act of shooting a deer with bow and arrow. • The second represents Pioneer Settlers building log cabin, plowing, sowing grain, and a group of mother, children and doo- restino: before the unfinished cabin and the "Prairie Schooner" wagon. In the third scene Commerce and Enterprise are represented, DOUGLAS MONUMENT. 123 by trackmen working on the railroad, a locomotive, vessels discharging and receiving merchandise, an elevator warehouse and telegraph line. The fourth and last of the scenes il- lustrates Education — the culmination of civilization. THE MONUMENT GROUND Is bounded on the north by Woodland P$rk with frontage of 260 feet. On the east by the Illinois Central Railway and lake Michi- gan, with frontage of 300 feet. On the south by Douglas avenue or 35th street, with a frontage of 402 feet. And on the west by an alley, and the width of the lot along this alley is 266 feet. 124 RECAPITULATION OF COST OF MONUMENT. RECAPITULATION OF THE COST OF THE GROUND AND MONUMENT. The ground — State appropriation $25,000 Foundations and limestone tomb — Public subscriptions. . . 13,350 Drafting and superintendence — State appropriation 300 Limestone copings, sidewalk and terrace wall — State ap- propriation 4,984 Superstructure, Hallowell granite — -State appropriation. , . 15,600 Substructure, four pedestals and tomb. Fox Island granite — State appropriation 7,893 Statue of Douglas, in bronze metal — State appropriation . . 8,000 Statues of Illinois, History, Justice and Eloquence, in bronze metal — State appropriation 6,500 Three base-steps around tomb. Fox Island granite — State appropriation 3,925 Four Bas-reliefs, in bronze metal — State appropriation. . . . 4,800 Miscellaneous expenses — grading and gardening done and to be done — State appropriation 6,998 Total expense of the Douglas Monument $96,350 Douglas's Cottage, and the Registry for Visitors to the Monument, are numbered 36 Douglas Avenue, adjacent to THE Monument Grounds. -^.^am^imQ^^wsi^ ■ -'*—i-—^^&t HISTORY DOUGLAS MONUMENT At CHICAGO; 80) 1 PREFACED WITH A BRIEF SKETCH OF SENATOR DOUGLAS' LIFE, 3t[u$tration8 of tbc Dloniimcnt, etc. LEONARD W. VOLK, SCULlTOtt, AND DESIGNER OF TME MONUMENT. CHICAGO : THE CHICAGO LEGAL NEWS COMPANY. 1880. g^p55^^3£S^-