(1555 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 011 769 HoUinger Corp. pH8.5 E 263 .C5 S5 Copy 1 PUBLICATIONS OP THE CONNECTICUT SOCIETY OF THE ORDER OF THE FOUNDERS AND PATRIOTS OF AMERICA'"" No. 4 A Forgotten Connecticut Patriot BY COIv. EDWARD EVERETT SILI, /« NEW HAVEN, CONN., A.D. 1901 Zci oA YYllTyx Gitb The Society {>fcC 16 (til The Order of the Founders and Patriots of America The Order of the Founders and Patriots of America was incorporated in the city of New York, March i8, 1896. The objects for which it was established are indicated in the second article of the Constitution, as follows : 1. To bring together and associate men whose ancestors struggled together for life and liberty, home and happiness, in this land, when it was a new and unknown country, and whose line of descent from them comes through patriots who sustained the colonies in the struggle for independence in the Revolu- tionary War. 2. To teach reverent regard for the names and history, character and perseverance, deeds and heroism, of the founders of this country and their patriotic descendants. 3. To inculcate patriotism in the Associates and their descendants. 4. To discover, collect and preserve records, documents, manuscripts, monuments and history relating to the first colonists, their ancestors and descendants. 5. To commemorate and celebrate events in the history of the Colonies and the Republic. 6. Other historical and patriotic purposes. The Connecticut Society of the Order of the Founders and Patriots of America was organized May 9, 1896. The following are the Charter Associates of the Society : Maj. Frank William Mix, Charles Mather Glazier, John Emery Morris, Francis Durando Nichols, James Emery Brooks, Jonathan Flynt Morris, William Charles Russell, Col. Edward Everett Sill, Col. Charles Alexander Jewell. OFFICERS OF THE CONNECTICUT SOCIETY I 900-1 901 REV. JOHN GAYLORD DAVENPORT, D.D., Governor, Waterbury COI/. EDWARD EVERETT SILL, Dkputy Governor, New Haven WILLIAM CHARLES RUSSELL, Secretary, ERNEST BRADFORD ELLSWORTH, Treasurer, SYLVESTER CLARK DUNHAM, State Attorney, GEORGE FRANKLIN NEWCOMB, Registrar, . HENRY BALDWIN, Historian, .... REV. DRYDEN WILLIAM PHELPS, Chapi^ain, . Hartford Hartford Hartford New Haven New Haven New Haven WILLIAM FRANCIS JOSEPH BOARDMAN, Geneai