Lis. ^ ft/§ f ^ /Xi- L 13 .R8 Copy 2 Bulletin E DIVISION OF EDUCATION RUSSELL SAGE FOUNDATION ACTIVITIES AND PUBLICATIONS LEONARD P. AYRES, PH.D.. Director Published by the Division of Education of The Russell Sage Foundation 400 Metropolitan Tower, New York City May, 1913 S-13-S0 (^ h " RUSSELL SAGE FOUNDATION The Russell Sage Foundation was incorporated under the laws of the State of New York in April, 1907. The endowment is $10,000,000 given by Mrs. Russell Sage. The purpose of the Foundation, as stated in its charter, is "the improvement of social and living conditions in the United States of America." TRUSTEES Mrs. Russell Sage, President Mrs. Helen Gould Shepard Robert W. deFoREST, Vice- Robert C. Ogden President Mrs. William B. Rice Cleveland H. Dodge, Treas- Miss Louisa Lee Schuyler urer Alfred T. White GENERAL DIRECTOR John M. Glenn 105 East 22d Street, New York City Gin Publisha? iUN ^ ftll V The Division of Education The Division of Education had its inception in the Backward Children Investigation of the Russell Sage Foundation, which began work on November i, 1907, with the object of studying "retardation" in the public schools. The work rapidly increased in scope and led to studies of factors influencing the physical as well as the intellectual welfare of school children. This broadening of the work led after some two years to reorganization of the Investigation in November, 1909, as the present Division of Education. Field and Method of Work The fundamental purpose underlying the work of the Divi- sion is to discover, formulate, and apply methods for illuminating and clarifying educational problems. Our work aims to discover facts, formulate methods, and develop forms of record keeping which will aid workers in the field of education to substitute knowledge for opinion, and to base action on evidence rather than on speculation. In the field of educational administration our work is in the main devoted to problems having to do with the progress of school children, and here our object is to conduct researches and develop methods that aim to secure for each child the best and most complete education possible within the limits of the time that he can remain in school. In the field of school hygiene our principal interests are the medical inspection of schools and open air schools ; and here our aim is to secure for each child, normal or defective, such physical vigor and mental vitality as will best enable him to take full ad- vantage of the free education offered by the state. In school statistics our work consists both in conducting our own researches and in assisting others who are carrying on in- vestigations and need help in the statistical parts of their studies. Our methods of work aim not only at discovering facts, but at bringing them to the attention of educators and social workers in such a form and manner that they can neither be misunderstood nor disregarded. PUBLICATIONS Pamphlets The following pamphlets have been issued by the Division. A nominal price is charged for each, to help cover cost of printing and mailing. Where any single pamphlet is purchased in quan- tities of 100 or more a discount of 25% is allowed. Pamphlets which are starred (*) have been published since the last edition of this bulletin. The numbers omitted are out of print. Make all checks payable to The Russell Sage Foundation 61. The Relation of Physical Defects to School Prog- ress. Leonard P. Ayres, Ph.D. A statistical study based on 7,608 cases. 9 pp. Price, 5 cents. 77. Why 250,000 Children Quit School. Luther H. Gulick, M.D. An account of an investigation of the reasons why so large a proportion of children fail to complete the school course. 30 pp. Price, 5 cents. 94. Measurements as Applied to School Hygiene. Luther H. Gulick, M.D. A presentation of the need for measuring the results of our present school processes. 7 pp. Price, 5 cents. 96. The New Attitude of the School Towards the Health OF THE Child. Leonard P. Ayres, Ph.D. Brief account of how the abnormal child is reshaping the aims of education. 8 pp. Price, 5 cents. 99. Medical Inspection Legislation. Compiled by Leonard P. Ayres, Ph.D. Contains map, tabular presentation, abstract, sugges- tions as to model law, and each law verbatim. 54 pp. Price, 20 cents. loi. What American Cities are Doing for the Health of School-Children, A report covering conditions in 1038 cities. 44 pp. Price, 15 cents. 107- The Binet-Simon Measuring Scale for Intelligence: Some Criticisms and Suggestions. Leonard P. Ayres, Ph.D. A critical study of these tests and suggestions as to their adaptation to our conditions. 12 pp. Price, 5 cents. 108. The Identification of the Misfit Child. Leonard P. Ayres, Ph.D. Data from a study of the age and progress records of school children in twenty-nine cities. 1 1 pp. Price, 5 cents. no. The Relative Responsibility of School and Society for the Over-age Child. Leonard P. Ayres, Ph.D. Data from a study of the age and progress records of school-children in twenty-nine cities showing the number of children over age because of late entrance, slow progress, and both causes combined, 6 pp. Price, 5 cents. 111. The Money Cost of Repetition Versus the Money Saving through Acceleration. Leonard P. Ayres, Ph.D. Further results of the study of the age and progress records of school children in twenty-nine cities, computing the money saved through rapid progress and that lost through slow progress. 12 pp. Price, 5 cents. 112. The Relation Between Entering Age and Subse- quent Progress Among School Children. Leonard P. Ayres, Ph.D. The evidence from three investigations bearing on the problem "What is the best age to send a child to school?" 9 pp. Price, 5 cents. 113. A Scale for Measuring the Quality of Handwriting of School-Children. Leonard P. Ayres, Ph.D. A quantitative study of legibility. 16 pp. Report, 5 cents. Scale, 5 cents. 1x6. The Measurement of Educational Processes and Products. Leonard P. Ayres, Ph.D. An account of the development of the quantitative method in education. 9 pp. Price, 5 cents. *Ei24. A Comparative Study of Public School Systems in THE Forty-eight States. Fifteen tests of educational efficiency and accomplish- ment. 32 pp. Price, 15 cents. *Ei26. The Spelling Vocabularies of Personal and Busi- ness Letters. Leonard P. Ayres, Ph.D. An analysis of 2000 letters. 16 pp. Price, 5 cents. *Ei28. Psychological Tests in Vocational Guidance. Leonard P. Ayres, Ph.D. Analysis of the problem, with brief sketch of the progress already made towards its solution. 6 pp. Price, 5 cents. *Ei3o. The Effect of Promotion Rates on School Ef- ficiency. Leonard P. Ayres, Ph.D. A method and tables for measuring differences in the effect of promotion rates. 12 pp. Price, 5 cents. *Ei32. Fire Protection in Public Schools (in preparation). Photographs and text showing dangerous conditions commonly found, and methods of remedying them. 16 pp. Price, 10 cents. *Ei34. Open Air Schools (in preparation). Methods employed in open air schools, and growth of the open air movement in the United States. Fully illustrated. 16 pp. Price, 10 cents. *Bulletin E. The Division of Education of the Russell Sage Foundation. Activities and Publications. Brief description of the work of the Division, with list and prices of publications. 8 pp. No charge. Books Medical Inspection of Schools. Luther H. Gulick, M.D., and Leonard P. Ayres, Ph.D. 4th edition. Completely revised. 276 pages. Illus. Price, postpaid, $1.50. Sur- vey Associates, Inc., 105 East 22nd Street, New York. Gives in convenient form for easy reference, information concerning the historical, educational, administrative, and legal phases of the work of medical inspection of school children. Laggards in Our Schools. Leonard P. Ayres, Ph.D. 236 pages. 4th edition. Price, postpaid, $1.50. Survey As- sociates, Inc., T05 East 22nd Street, New York. A study of the over-age child, the child who repeats grades, and the falling-out of school of pupils before the completion of the course in American city school systems. It is illustrated with some forty charts and diagrams, and its inter-city comparisons are set forth in nearly one hundred tables. Open-Air Schools. Leonard P. Ayres, Ph.D. 171 pages. Price, $1.20 (postage, 12 cents). Doubleday, Page & Co., New York. Gives the important and significant American and foreign material with respect to outdoor schools. It describes the Eng- lish, German, and American types, gives the results, and fur- nishes definite information with respect to clothing, food, cost, administration, etc. It has more than 70 pages of illustrations and diagrams. Bibliography. Lantern Slides The Division of Education has two sets of slides which it is glad to lend for use at meetings, exhibitions, etc. One set of thirty slides represents Medical Inspection of Schools, and the other of fifty slides illustrates Open-Air Schools. Each slide is accompanied by a brief description. There is no expense except that of expressage, but the date of the meeting must be given when application is made, and the slides should be returned immediately after they have been used. This arrangement is necessary in order that we may keep faith with those to whom slides have been promised. Anyone desiring duplicates of these slides for permanent use may secure them upon payment of the cost of making (from twenty to forty cents each) and mailing. IliliilHiliiiliiiii^ Russell Sage Foundation Pubncauuus 1 The Pittsburgh Survey. Findings in six volumes. Price per set, $g net; per volume, $1.50 net. Women AND THE Trades. By Elizabeth Beardsley Butler. 2d ed. Postpaid, $1.72. Work-Accidents and the Law. By Crystal Eastman. Postpaid, Si. 72. The Steel Workers. By John A. Fitch. Postpaid, $1.73. Homestead: The Households of a Mill Town. By Margaret F. Byington. Postpaid, J1.70. Correction and Prevention. Four volumes. Price, per set, express prepaid, f 10; per volume, ^2.50 net. Prison Reform. By Chas. R. Henderson, F. H. Wines, and others. And Criminal Law IN the United States. By Eugene Smith. Postpaid, $2.67. Penal and Reformatory Institutions. By Sixteen Leading Authorities. Postpaid, $2. 70. Preventive Agencies and Methods. By Charles Richmond Henderson, Ph.D. Postpaid, $2.68. Preventive Treatment of Neglected Children. By Hastings H. Hart, LL.D. Post- paid, $2.70. Juvenile Court Laws in the United States: Summarized. Edited by Hastings H. Hart, LL.D. Postpaid, $1.60. The Delinquent Child and the Home. By Sophonisba P. Breckinridge and Edith Abbott. Postpaid, $2.00. San Francisco Relief Survey. Postpaid, $3.50. Workingmen's Insurance in Europe. By Lee K. Frankel and Miles M. Dawson, with the cc-operation of Louis 1. Dublin. Postpaid, ^2.70. Co-operation in New England: Urban and Rural. By James Ford, Ph.D. Postpaid, $1.50. Fatigue and Efficiency. By Josephine Goldmark. Postpaid, $2.00. Women in the Bookbinding Trade. By Mary Van Kleeck. Postpaid, ^1.50. Artificial Flower Makers. By Mary Van Kleeck. Postpaid, $1.50. Saleswomen in Mercantile Stores. By Elizabeth Beardsley Butler. Cloth, postpaid, $1.08. Paper, postpaid, $0.75. The Standard of Living Among Workingmen's Families in New York City. By Robert Coit Chapin, Ph.D. Postpaid, $2.00. Medical Inspection of Schools. By Luther Halsey Gulick, M.D., and Leonard P. Ayres, Ph.D. Postpaid, $1.50. Laggards in Our Schools. By Leonard P. Ayres, Ph.D. Postpaid, $1.50. Wider Use of the School Plant. By Clarence Arthur Perry. Postpaid, $1.25. Among School Gardens. By M. Louise Greene, M.Pd., Ph.D. Postpaid, $1.25. Housing Reform. A Handbook for Use in American Cities. By Lawrence Veiller. Postpaid, $1.25. A Model Tenement House Law. By Lawrence Veiller. Postpaid, $1.25. One Thousand Homeless Men. By Alice Willard Solenberger. Postpaid, $1.25. The Almshouse. Construction and Management. By Alexander Johnson. Postpaid, $1.25. Civic Bibliography for Greater New York. Edited by James Bronson Rey- nolds. Postpaid, $1.50. Handbook of Settlements. Edited by Robert A. Woods and Albert J. Kennedy. Cloth, postpaid, $1.50. Paper, postpaid, $0.75. Complete Descriptive Catalog of These Books will be Mailed on Request to Survey Associates, Inc. SURVEY ASSOCIATES. INC. PUBLISHERS FOR THE RUSSELL SAGE FOUNDATION 105 East Twenty -Second Street, New York # ; <2. n'S LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 021 487 798 3 u«^ii; — ^^ r«.