THE MACCABEES IN THE WORLD WAR THE MACCABEES IN THE WORLD WAR -y{ historical review of the JVorhi Jl\ir and the part taken by The Maccabees, with a Roll of Honor of the members of our order who gave their fives for the sake of humanity The MACCABEES ■ Detroit, Mich., U.S. A. 1920 CHAMPIONS OF "■■is?" L I B E R. T Y ' liii Linj iiii . ni w ii .l^..UJ i « ' J! I WU.. "Jl ...~..I 1I W| ru.TM'5 The Maccabee Declaration of Americanism {zAdopted Chicago, July, igig) w lE ARE Americans and Maccabees, one and inseparable. We stand united in the morn on this new day which signalizes : the reconstruction of the world and the enthronement of the il ji ideals of "the brother of our humanity" and we are ready to meet the challenge of the hour as men and fraters. While nations are in a maelstrom of unrest, while emperors and potentates are being thrust aside, and while governmental policies of centuries no longer obtain, there is evidence of the acceptance of the message of "peace on earth, good will toward men" as the chart of individual and national conduct, foretelling the brotherhood of nations, and the time when ''''Man to man the world o\'r Shall brothers be for «' that.'^ We here vow our love for America as the freeman's hope and home. We believe in the American ideal of citizenship equality and the mutual interests of capital and labor. We hail the promised day when employer and em- ployed shall meet and work together on a common basis of true fraternity. We stand for an undivided Americanism speaking for our fraternal hosts in the United States and Canada, and are unalterably opposed to a hyphenated citizenship. We register our belief in liberty, law and order under governmental authority, as opposed to autocracy and might and likewise to Bolshevism with the mob. W'e cast aside the red flag as un-American. We challenge for membership in our Association any person unwilling to subscribe to the doctrine "America first, America only," and we pledge our last full measure of devotion to the two governments under which our Association is established and our membership protected, the flags of the Red, the White, the Blue. 2& Eiiii'ki^LMiiry ■-V-! ^ I Tfec aftoi'e tablet is made of east bronze, with double doors — it is fifty inches long, and forty-five and one-half inches hiyh and, weighs over one thousand pounds Home of The Maccabees, where the Roll of Honor memorial has a site dedi- cated to the memory of the Maccabees who gave their lives for their country. THE WORLD WAR I'lN June 28, 1914, a bullet, smaller than a sew- ing thimble, pierced the vitals of the Prince jl Imperial of Austria -Hungary and brought J| down upon the earth a deluge of death, suf- fering and destruction such as mankind had never before experienced. History simply calls it "The World War," but in these three solemn words is summed up the whole range of human tragedy from the innocent victim in the cradle to the proud nation that over night faded into memory. WHO CAUSED THE WAR? Perhaps time will one day definitely and irrefut- ably place the blame for the war. This much we now know; the train of war-like events that started with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the dual throne of Austria-Hungary, at Sera- jevo, June 28th, 1914, had its inception in Vienna and was fostered by Berlin. A formal inquiry into the assassination was made, but of this the world heard but little. And then on that ill-omened day, July 23, 1914, Austria-Hungary served its ultimatum on Serbia, demanding the latter submit to humiliating terms — terms utterly uncalled for in the eyes of all nations l)ut those few which were predetermined to accept the slightest pretense to involve all Europe in war. Austria had no satisfactory proof that Serbia as a nation was involved in the murder of Ferdinand. Serbia, and many other nations as well, knew this and sensed the real intent of the ultimatum was — war. Europe was aghast at the potential evil in the situation. Statesmen of the chief powers of the west tried in vain to temper Austria's belligerency. Serbia sent her answer to the dual monarch on July 2.5th, protesting her innocence in the alleged con- spiracy. But the little nation, counseled by the Triple Entente and Russia, agreed to Austria's terms. Serbia's tone was conciliatory and she promised to submit all issues in\olved to the Hague. Austria, to her undying shame and regret, ignored this reasonable, even humble, offer, and on July 28th formally declared war on Serbia. Russia had begged the Austrians to postpone action for a few days at least, but Vienna was truculent, and on July 27th the Russians formally pledged their aid to their Slavic Allv. Thus the controversv became chiefly one between Russia and Austria. Steps were taken by SayonofT, Foreign Minister of Russia, to avert the impending strife. Perhaps Sayonoff knew too well that Russia was not prepared to fight, and especially without the aid of France, who as yet was neutral, but to the great and unfortunate nation of the Czars belongs indisputably the credit for attempting to prevent war when war was cra\ed by militaristic Germany through her Allies. Elven in the face of this situation, France, nomin- ally Russia's Ally, and England joined in an endea\-or to establish mediation. It seemed for a time, until July 31st, that their efforts would succeed. But Austria had already progressed in her preparation for the invasion of Serbia, and Russia was not far behind her in mobilization. Up to this time the power to fight or to maintain peace lay between Austria and Russia. It seems entirely safe to state that the Austrians, alone, would have responded to the importunities of the Russians for peace. But Germany stood in the way, for every normal mind knows the German government coun- seled, and probably directed, every move of the Austrians toward a European war. While Germany has divulged much war correspon- dence she has never given to the world the communi- cations between her Foreign Office and Vienna during this critical period. Suffice to say, Austria was Ger- many's stepping stone to the Balkans and Constan- tinople, for vast ambitions in the east which Teutonic minds had dreamed for many, many years. E\cn Rohrbach, the well informed German writer, has gone on record as saying that Germany promised, after the murder at Serajevo, to stand by Austria "for life and death." Germany denied any knowledge of the Austrian ultimatum prior to its service on Serbia, but on the same day it was dispatched, the German Chancellor informed the principal German Ambassadors that Berlin approved the attitude of Austria and that unless "the dispute be localized," general war was likely. The decisive influence of Berlin over the entire issue was immediately cognizant to the Russians who on July 2()th asked Germany to exert its power in an effiirt to calm the obstinate and belligerent position which Austria had assumed. England at the same The 326th Infantry in review at Camp Gordon time attempted to induce Germany to sway Austria peacewards. But it is certain that the Kaiser and his court did not try to influence the Austrians to mediate with Serbia. Of all the nations concerned, Germany was by far the most adequately prepared for war. For decades the militant spirit had been fostered, even worshipped, in the German Empire. Germany knew all the moves of the intrigue and what they meant, yet when a word of conciliation might have prevented the cata- clysm, she was silent. Germany let the controversy between Austria and Russia drift to the reefs of war. Germany knew France would side with Russia, but hoped England would remain neu- tral. .^_, Throughout this stage of the con- troversy, England believed the whole matter could be settled amicably by arbitration, and on July 24th put forth the proposi- tion that England, Germany, France and Italy decide as a body what should be done by Russia and Austria. France and Italy accepted; Germany declined. Even Rus- sia stated her willingness to accept the British plan and went so far as to offer a formula of her own to solve the portentous problem. Again, England urged the great powers to confer and Emperor William exchanged telegrams with the Czar — all to no avail. Austria, secretly confident of Germany's support, plunged on toward Serbia — and ultimate destruction. Both England and France wanted peace. They were friendly to Russia but honestly hoped Austria would concede some points and avoid a general war. The French were the more involved of the two on account of France's alliance with Russia. The Eng- lish strangely held aloof from promising aid to her old ally, the French; probably held back by a sincere, if selfish desire to keep the British Empire out of an European embroglio — the first for Britain since the battle of Waterloo. Up to the 31st of July, the British were still withholding positive promises to the French. All of these important and fruitless moves and counter-moves filled the ten pregnant days from July 23rd to August 1. The powers were playing a careful game of chess for gigantic stakes. Each nation protested its good intentions for peace. But the greedy eyes of the militarists were fixed on the Suez Canal, the East, Africa, and other prize pawns in the One of Uncle Sam's big steps in the war liml'^ international contest, and in their hearts the states- men knew the inevitable time had come when the racial hatreds brewing from Napoleon's time were ready to boil over. Germany was the keystone of the situation and she meant to light the fuse regardless of her superficial displays to bring about peace. On July 30th Emperor William telegraphed the Czar, protesting strongly against the Russian mo- bilization, which St. Petersburg claimed was directed solely against Austria. The Russian war office made its orders general. On July 31st Germany again demanded a disavowal within 12 hours. The Rus- sian answer was an order for the mobil- ization of the entire army. Once more Germany notified Russia that unless a satisfactory of?er was immediately made, war would be declared, and at 7:10 p. m., August 1st, 1914, the World War began. THE VORTEX Followed nation upon nation into the World War arena. Germany //"' Mioiiiii- declared war on France, August 3rd. England took sides with France on August 1st with an assurance that the British fleet would engage any German fleet in e\ent of an attack on French coasts on shipping. On August 3rd Germany demanded free passage for her troops through Belgium. The Belgians promptly refused, and on August 4th the Germans crossed the border, to be met and fiercely fought by the small but valiant army of King Albert. This wanton in\'asion precipitated England actively in the conflict, and the long hand of war began to be felt in Canada, Australia and all parts of the British Empire. Little Montenegro immediately came to the defense of her Slavic sisters, Serbia and Russia. THE FIRST SHOTS Despite the trend of events, it was not until August 16th that the Germans and Russians engaged in heavy fighting. In the meantime Austria had commenced shelling Belgrade, the Serbian capital, on July 29th. In the west the Germans in their first flush ot victory quickly pushed on through Belgium and almost reached Paris in one of the greatest campaigns of the war. The grey hordes were hindered by the brave Belgians and stopped by England's "contemptible little army" of 120,000 Territorials and the French troops that were rushed to the north. Then came the first battle of the Marne and three days of desperate fighting, September 8th to lllh, when the Germans received their first serious setback and retreated to their fine of prepared defense, which they were fated to hold for over two years. It was the first defeat for a German army in the open field since the days when Bonaparte dictated peace terms in Berlin. On September 15th the first battle of the Aisne began. On October 9th Antwerp fell, and on Novem- ber 5th Great Britain declared war on Turkey. Then on Christmas Eve, 1914, came the first air raid on England, which stirred to thedepths, the hatred of the people of the Triple Entente — France, Russia, and England, and aroused the indignation of the entire neutral world. THE U-BOAT BLOCIvADE Nineteen hundred fifteen was ushered in by the establishment of the U-boat blockade of England on February 18th. A week later the Allied fleet attacked the Dardanelles. The war had already brought forth many surprises in fighting machinery. Guns of a size and range never before known quickly smashed fortresses supposed impregnable; aircraft began to dot the skies above the battle fields; the submarine had opened up a new field of destruction; giant Zeppelins promised much to Germany's war ambitions. The first gas attack came with the Second Battle of Ypres, April 22nd. Allied soldiers fell by thousands before the dread fumes. The Canadian soldiers suffered heavily in this attack. Even the Germans were as yet so inexpert with their new weapon that many of them were gassed. Had they then realized the power of gas and known how to correctly employ it, the history of the conflict might ha\'e been quite difTerently written. THE LUSITANIA America, nominally neutral, nevertheless was horrified at the atrocities perpetrated by the Germans upon innocent civilians. American sympathy as a whole was with the Triple Entente. Then came the wanton sinking of the Lusitania by a German submarine on May 7th, 1915. The echo was heard in Belleau Woods later on when the dough -boys rolled up the crack German regiments, yelling as they plunged on, the avenging battle cry, "Lusitania! Lusitania!" Among the other important events of the year w^ere the declaration of war by Italy on Austria May 23rd, and the fall of Warsaw on August 4th. VERDUN February 1st, 1916, saw the beginning (jf the famous siege of Verdun, one of the brightest — and bloodiest — episodes in the history of the war. On August 27th Rumania entered the war. On November 13th the British won a victory on the Ancre. On December 20th President Wilson sent his first peace note. ENTRY OF THE UNITED STATES Germany's mistakes were legion. On February 1st, 1917, Berlin notified the world that the U-Boat war henceforward would be unrestricted. Two days later the United States broke with Germany, and to most Americans actual warfare between the two countries seemed only a question of weeks. Notes passed to and fro over the cables for a few weeks, but the Germans were too steeped in the blood lust; the memory of the Lusitania was too poignant, and on April 6th, 1917, the United States formally declared war on Germany. The war lords of Berlin sneered and scoffed, but a few weeks later, on Ma)- 18th, the Selective Draft Law was passed and America pre- pared to gird herself for battle. Russia, meanwhile, had begun to crumble. The Czar abdicated on March 15th, 1917, and after a few months of revolution and counter-revolution, Lenine and Trotzsky established the Bolshevik regime by their coupe d'etat of November 7th. The Russian bear, wounded, exhausted, hors de combat, was lost to the Allied cause. THE LAST YEAR Early in January, 1918, President Wilson announced his historic "Fourteen Points" which subsequently figured largely in the negotiations between the various nations involved in the war. But the most encourag- ing event of the period from the view point of the Allies, was the appointment, on March 28, of General Foch as Generalissimo, just one week after the Ger- mans began their spring offensive. Foch typified the new spirit of solidarity that had, of desperate ex- pediency, developed among the various armies of the Allies. The terrific German assaults in March, May and June met solid resistance from a united front. Allied morale was greatly strengthened by the leadership of Foch and the steady influx of American soldiers. By July 2, 1918, more than 1,000,000 "dough- boys" were in France, eager to take their places at the front. In fact, Americans in detached units had Canadian Kilties celebrating the Armistice in Mons, taken seven hours earlier that day A double tragedy — wrecked mess kitchen Canadians relieved from front line duty Baseball rooters, someiiiiere in France m-^^'-cmM-- already distinguished themselves in sc\xTal engage- ments at various sections of the battle line. Providence now seemed to aid the Allies. On June ir)lh the great Austrian offensive against Italy was launched. The world waited in suspense as the terrific struggle took place. Italy held her ground, and better. Then the heavens opened and a deluge of rain swelled the Piave, destroying the liridge of the Austrians — trapping them like rats. Six days later, on June 23rd, the Austrians were in full retreat, broken, demoralized, utterly vanciuishcd in the greatest of the many military defeats that ha\'e been the signal lot of the dual monarchy. THE BEGINNING OF THE END July found the Allied countries watching the war clouds which foretold of the coming supreme offensive of the German armies. No one knew what the out- come would be, and when the blow fell on the 15th, extreme anxiety was felt everywhere, except in those quarters near the front where the hollowness of the German military structure was doubtless plainly apparent. The battle raged with unprecedented fury for three days and then Foch struck a terrible blow at the enemy. The counter attack was a signal for a general onslaught by the British, French and Ameri- cans against the Germans. In cjuick succession the French and Americans swept on at the Marne and Aisne; Soissons was recovered; the British delivered a smashing attack at Amiens; Bapaume, Noyon and Peronne were regained. By Septeml)er 1st the German line at Drocourt-Queant had been breached, and on the 27th the Hindenburg line was l)roken. Bulgaria surrendered on September 29th, and the next day Damascus fell. October 1st St. Quentin was regained; the 4th, Cambrai. On the 13th the French recovered Laon. By October 25th, the British were in Irkutsk and Homs; Ostend, Lille and Douia were regained; the Belgian coast was clear of the Hun and Ludendorff had resigned. Turkey, crestfallen and battered, was granted an armistice on October 30th. Austria surrendered on November 3rd, and on the next day the Versailles armistice agreement was drawn up. Americans reached Sedan November (ith. On the 9th the Kaiser abdicated and Berlin was in the throes of a revolution. The Kaiser's flight to Holland took place on November 10th, the same day the British were at Mons. Novemlier 1 1th, 10 IS, the Armistice was signed and civilization remo\'ed from jeopardy. THE PEACE OF VERSAILLES Five years to a day after the assassination at Serajevo, the Treaty, formally ending the World War between Germany and the Allies, was signed in the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles, France,onJune28th, 1919. The terms were terrible but just and necessary. True, Germany had to give up rich portions of her empire, submit to plebiscites in others, and agree to pay huge indemnities. But that which she lost, in large part, was never truly German in origin nor German in heart, and the penalty imposed met with almost universal approval. And so with Austria. The representatives of the wretched monarchy signed the Treaty in the same mirrored room on September 10, 1919. Never before in all the unglorious history of the Hapsburgs was Austria forced to submit to such abject humili- ation as that pressed upon her at Versailles. Bulgaria and Turkey eventually underwent a sim- ilar operation at the hands of the Allied Commission- ers. Disintegrated into a number of small individual states, Hungary lost her identity as a nation. AND NOW Today the World nominally is at Peace. The greatest war growing out of the World War has ended with the signatures of Poland and Russia on a treaty of peace which humiliates neither nation, enables the former to mend her economic and social affairs, and signifies that Bolshevism is on the wane. Although the United States technically is at war with Germany, actual peace conditions between the two countries probably will soon become a reality. The quadrennial election is over with its usual turbulence; record breaking crops have been attained; production is on the increase; prices are becoming more stabilized. The morale of the nation is gradually recuperating from the stress of war and post-war conditions and the country looks forward confidently, hopefully and cheerfully to the era that lies ahead. CANADA'S PART IN THE WAR TH IS is the war story of the gallant sons of Canada, telling with extreme briefness their record of glory as related in the formal report of the Department of Public Information of Ottawa. Save only that it lacks the beautiful tales of personal \alor, of shining deeds of sacrifice performed in the muck and hell of the worst war of the ages, this, then, is the story of Canada. HOW THE WAR FOUND CANADA In the early months of 1914 Canada had virtualK' no army. There did exist a standing iorce of 3,000 men, used chiefly to garrison icirtresses, and also to train militiamen. The militia was a lightly trained, de- fensive force whose number in 1913 was about 60,000. BUILDING SWIFTLY In the late sum- mer and early autumn of 1914, the First Canadian Divi- sion of 33,000 men was raised, trained and sent across the Atlantic, leaving Gaspe Bay October 3, and after a three months interval of final drilling in Eng- land, they landed in France, at Ste. Nazaire, Feb- ruary 11, 191.5. The heels of the soldiers of the First Division had hardly ceased drumming the soil of Canada when the Second Division was formed and landed in France September 14. Just before Christmas of 1915 the Third Division was authorized and had disembarked in France early in 1916. In the middle of August, 1916, the Fourth Division joined the Canadian Corps. The Canadian Cavalry Brigade appeared in France in 191.5. Upon the completion of the Canadian Army Corps the Dominion policy was to keep up only a few divisions, but always to maintain these at full strength in order that the troops might have the encouragement of full ranks. In all more than 418,000 members of the Canadian Expeditionary forces crossed the Atlantic for service overseas. WHAT CANADA DID Following these divisions down the long, red road we find that the First Division distinguished itself in the second Battle of Ypres, April 22, and again at Festubert and Givenchy in May and June. In 1916 J. J?*-!*. Burial of a Canadion nurse, killed in a hospital by a German boinb the Canadians, now three divisions strong, were locked in death grips with the enemy at St. Eloi in April, and at Sanctuary Wood and Hooge in June. Through September, October and November the four divisions fought in the Battle of the Somme, with particularly meritorious conduct at Courcelette, Mouquct Farm, and the Kenora, Regina and Desire Trenches. Bui it was at Vimy Ridge in 1917 that the star of Canada's bra\ery shone with surpassing glory. Cana- dian troops bore the burden of this offensive and of Alleux and Fresnoy, and also fought with singular success in the advance of Lens and the taking of Hill 70 in August. And ■i /i;.ii', '^ - :J^ n^ then came Pas- schendaele, in Octo- ber and November. With the brave men of Canada falling at e\ery step in the face of bitter firing, the advance went on. Every Canadian objective was taken. In 1918 the Can- ad i a n Cavalry, Motor Machine Guns, and Railway Troops actively resisted the German advance in March. The Battle of Amiens found the Canadian Corps in the centre of the British Front. It was here that the Canadians pushed ahead 14,000 yards the first day, the deepest advance made in one day during the entire war. In the Battle of Arras the Canadians aided materially in the breaking of the Drocourt-Queant line, a part of the Hindenburg system. Canadian losses were severe in these two engagements, but the number of prisoners taken exceeded the losses. Heavy losses again marked the next major action of Canadians, the Battle of Cambrai. Large captures of men and material signalized the taking of Cambrai. In the last bloody stages of the battle Denain was taken by the Canadians on October 20, Valenciennes on November 2 and Mons at 4 a. m. on November 11, seven hours before the signing of the armistice. Canadians took 45,000 prisoners in the course of the war, 850 artillery guns and 4,200 machine guns, and retook 130 towns and villages, liberating 310,000 French and Belgian civilians. Canadian units also served in Palestine, Macedonia and Russia. CANADIAN CAVALRY The C. A. C. and the Canadian Cavalry fought separately. The cavalry distinguished themselves in March, 1917, by the capture of six villages in two days and in December gave valuable help in the attack on Villers-Guislains. In the German offensive of March and April, 1918, the cavalry performed meritorious work suffering severe losses at Bois Moreuil, Rifie Wood and elsewhere. The Brigade fought as part of the Canadian Corps in the second Battle of Amiens and captured the town of Le Cateau in the great advance that helped end the fighting. Operating behind the combat units were thousands of Canadians whose devotion to the cause were the means of keeping the combat units in splendid morale. Among these were the Canadian Railway Troops, immediately behind the lines, the Forestry Troops, Army Medical Corps, Garrison Duty men. Royal Air Force, Royal Naval Air Service and Royal Flying Corps, in addition to those thousands of patriots whose duty held them at home at their callings, or whose age deprived them of the honor of serving His Majesty, The King. Canada served, with every fiber I if her broad-flung strength, and ser\etl well. CANADA'S MOBILIZED STRENGTH The total nimiber of men enlisted in Canada from the beginning of the war to No\eml)er 15, 1918, was 595,441. The details are:— Obtained by voluntary enlistment 465,984 Drafted or reporting voluntarily after the Military Service Act came into force 83,355 Granted leave or discharged 24,933 Overseas Service other than C. E. F.: r- IS, in the thrust toward Soissons, the place of honor was given to the 1st and 2nd American Divisions, in company with French troops chosen for their prestige on the battlefield. By the first days of August, the Marne salient, into which the enemy had imprudently driven hundreds of thousands of his best troops, had been completely wiped out. GENERAL PERSHING IN COMMAND On August 10, the First Army was organized under the personal command of General Pershing. In view of the important part the Americans were now to play it was necessary for them to take over a permanent portion of the line which extended from east of the Moselle River to a point near Verdun. The operations in this sector resulted in signal success; On September 12, the First Army wiped out the Saint-Mihiel salient, it released the inhabitants of many villages, took 16,000 prisoners, 443 guns, a great quantity of material, and it established the new lines in a position to threaten Metz. The power of the American Army had asserted itself. The gratitude of the French to the Com- mander-in-Chief was threefold; for this foresight in planning from the first for an army of millions, for his judgment in realizing that his soldiers must exercise themselves not in trenches, but in a war of movement, and for his character, so essentially American, which in the most critical moments laid aside all questions of personal vanity, in a disinter- ested determination that the cause, for which his men were giving their lives, should triumph. THE MEUSE ARGONNE OFFENSIVE Twelve days later, hostilities were to be resumed on a much larger scale; at daybreak, on September 26, a barrage fire which for eleven hours illuminated the sky, announced that the American offensive had been launched, between the Argonne forest and the Meuse river. This battle — one of the most important operations of the war — was to continue until the enemy capitulat- ed. The objectives assigned to General Pershing's Army were of paramount importance. The Germans m^^ Wit ^i«*i»*ait. thy A division of the American Army in review on a plateau above the Rhine near the fortess of Ehrenhreiistein 11 realized that if they could not hold their line of com- munications at this point, all would be lost for them. They consequently withdrew division after division from the north, to fling them in desperation against the Americans. Out of nine divisions which took i)arl in this brilliant attack, sustained for 47 days, only three were in possession of their organic artillery or had ever taken part in active war and five divisions came in contact with their artillery for the first time on the battlefield. Two divisions had spent about sixty days in calm sectors, one had been ten, another sixteen days in the trenches, two had never been under fire. They were |^ro^'ided with only three-cjuarters the regulation nunfljer of horses and wagons, and the natural dilTi- culties which they had to face seemed insurmountable. Yet in spite of roads heavy w'ith mud, of deep ravines, thick woods and steep hills, the Americans pushed steadily on. Not at any time superior in numbers to the enemy, during this long struggle, they always had the upper hand. On October 26, at the end of the first month, the troops had made an average advance of 10 miles on a 20 mile front, they had freed 45 villages from the Argonne to the Meuse, they had liberated 200 square miles of territory, and they had penetrated the four strongest German systems of trenches, including the Hindcnlnirg line. The aviators had shot down 230 airjilanes and 20 balloons. The gains from Noveinber 1 to November .5 brought the Americans to within 5 iniles of the Metz-Sedan railroad, one of the two main lines connecting France with Germany. Hve days before the armistice was signed. Marshal Foch sent General Pershing the follow'ing message: "Operations since November 1, by the First Ameri- can Army, have already assured, thanks to the valor of the High Command, and to the energy and the bravery of the troops, results of the greatest impor- tance. I am happy to offer you my w-armest con- gratulations on the success of these operations." Fifteen out of the twenty-two divisions engaged had been twice in action during the Meuse-Argonnebattle, in which the Americans sustained 100,000 casualties. On November 11, 191S, an armistice was signed, the enemy capitulated: the war was won. These few pages cannot begin to recite all ot the glorious achievements of Americans in the World War. The feat of the Navy in transporting millions of American soldiers and countless tons of supplies is a war epoch in itself. And in hundreds of other ways Americans toiled and fought in many lands under all flags of the Allied nations, to do their very best in the cause of humanity. THE PRICE OF WAR No one on earth will ever know- what the World direct toll of battle. Altogether the World War was War cost in human lives and suffering, but the the most terrific and far-reaching catastrophe that has official data and official estimates show in cold figures ever visited the human race and its evil influence will appalling numbers of dead and wounded in history's be felt for decades to come, epic fight for democracy. Fifteen nations, three of them born of the War, THE TRAGIC TOTAL engaged in the gigantic struggle against four other Adding the civilian mortality, caused directly or established powers. In all nearly 60,000,000 soldiers otherwise by the war, to the military losses, the wxre involved and now over 7,000,000 of them are figures show: dead and 6,000,000 incapacitated for life. j^.,.^^_.y ^^^^^^ ^ ^Sj gog Besides, civilians innocently engaged were slain. Civilian deaths .' 9,185,523 Over 100,000 were killed by U-boats, air raids and ,, r^**^*/''' ,„„„-„„„ r 1 ^ 1 A J J ^ * 'rai'l Total . . .• I(5,9b7,.329 other wanton acts of the Central powers. Add to these figures, the 4,000,000 Armenians, Syrians, Jews, Besides, there are uncounted, hosts of men and and Greeks massacred or starved by the Turks; the women and children who starved to death or were 1,085,441 Serbians killed by disease or massacred; and luitchered at the hands of the Bolsfteviki, and the the 4,000,000 deaths from "flu" epidemics. The sum grim spectre of war still overshadows the lives and total of non-military losses is larger even than the happiness of many desolate lands. Home! 12 PRINCIPAL EVENTS OF THE WORLD WAR June July July July Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Feb. Feb. April April May May Aug. Feb. Mch. Apr. May May June Aug. Aug. Sept. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 1914 28 — Franz Ferdinand shot at Serajevo. 23 — Austro-Hungarian note to Serbia. 28 — Austria declared war on Serbia. 31 — State of war in Germany. 1 — Germany declared war on Russia. 2 — German ultimatum to Belgium. 3 — Germany declared war on France. 4 — Great Britain declared war on Germany. 10 — France declared war on Austria. 12 — Great Britain declared war on Austria. 15 — Fall of Liege. 16 — British army landed in France; Russian advance into East Prussia. 20 — Germans occupied Brussels. 23 — Japan declared war on Germanv. 24— Fall of Namur. 6 — First Marne battle begun. 15 — First Aisne battle begun. 9 — Fall of Antwerp. 5 — Great Britain declared war on Turkey. 24 — First air raid on England. 1915 18 — U-Boat "blockade" of England. 25 — Allied fleet attacked Dardanelles. 22 — Second battle of Ypres begun. Germans. 25 — Allied landing in Gallipoli. 7 — Lusitania torpedoed. 23 — Italy declared war on Austria. 4 — Fall of Warsaw. First gas attack by 191G 21 — Battle of Verdun begun. 6 — Admiral Von Tirpitz dismissed. 24 — Rebellion in Ireland. 24 — British conscription bill passed. 31 — Battle of Jutland. 5 — Lord Kitchener lost at sea. 27 — Roumania entered the war. 29— Hindenburg Chief of Staff. 1,5 — First use of "tanks" by British in battle of the .Somme. 13 — British victory on the Ancre. 7 — Mr. Lloyd George Prime Minister. 12 — German "peace proposals." 15 — French victory at Verdun. 20 — President Wilson's peace note. 1917 Feb. 1 — "Unrestricted" U-boat war begun. Feb. 3 — America broke with Germany. Mch. 11 — British entered Bagdad. Mch. 12 — Revolution in Russia. Mch. 15 — Abdication of the Czar. April 6 — America declared war on Germany. April 9 — Battle of Vimy Ridge l.icgun. May 18 — Selective draft law passed in LInited .States. June 26 — First American troops in France. July 31 — Great allied attack around Ypres. Sept. 15 — Russian Republic proclaimed. Nov. 7 — Lenine and Trotzsky in power; Bolshevik coupe d'etat in Russia. Nov. 20 — British victory at Cambrai. Dec. 6 — Armistice on Russian front. Dec. 10 — British enter Jerusalem. Dec. 22 — Brest-Litovsk conference opened. 1918 Jan. 8 — President Wilson's fourteen points. Feb. 21 — British capture Jericho. Mch. 21 — German ofTensive in France. Mch. 28 — First long distance bombardment of Paris. Mch. 28 — General Foch made allied Generalissimo. April 2'2 — Naval raid on Zeebrugge and Ostend. April 24 — Battle for Amiens. May 27 — Second German offensive. May 31 — Germans reached Marne. June 1 — Attacks toward Paris held. June 9 — New German assault. June 15 — Austrian oflfensive in Italy. June 2.3 — Great .Austrian defeat. July 2 — One million Americans are in France. July 1.5 — Last German offensive. Second Marne battle begun. July 16 — Ex-Czar shot at Ekaterinburg. July 18 — General Foch's counter attack. Victorious Franco- American offensive on the Marne and .Aisne. July 20 — Germans recrossed the Marne. Aug. 8 — British attack at Amiens. Sept. 12 — .American attack at St. Mihiel. Sept. 15 — Austrian peace note. Sept. 27 — Hindenburg line broken. Sept. 29 — Bulgaria surrendered. Sept. 30 — Fall of Damascus. Chancellor Hertling resigns. Oct. 1 — St. Quentin regained. Oct. 4 — Abdication of King Ferdinand. Oct. 9 — Cambrai regained. Oct. 13 — French recovered Laon. Oct. 14 — British troops at Irkutsk. Oct. . 17 — Ostend, Lille, Douia regained. Oct. 20 — Belgian coast clear. Oct. 2.5 — Ludendorff resigned. Oct. 27 — Austria sued for Peace. Oct. 28 — Italians crossed Piave. Oct. 29 — Serbians reached the Danube. Oct. 30 — Turkey granted Armistice. Nov. 1 — Versailles conference opened. Nov. 3 — Austria surrenders. Kiel mutiny. Nov. 5 — .Armistice powers for Marshal Foch. Mr. Wilson's last note to Germany. Nov. 6 — .Americans reach Sedan. Nov. 7 — Bavarian Republic proclaimed. Nov. 9 — Foch received German envoys. Abdication of the Kaiser. Chancellor Prince Max resigns. Berlin revolution. Nov. 10 — Kaiser's flight to Holland. British at Mons. Nov. 11 — .ArTuistice terms accepted by Germany. MOBILIZED .STRKNGTH AND CASUALTIES OF THE NATIONS AT WAR Nation Mobilized Dead Wounded Prisoners or MissiiiK TotalCasualties United States 4,272,521 67,813 192,483 14,363 274,6.59 British Empire 7,500,000 692,065 2,037,325 360,367 3,089,757 France 7,500,000 1,38.5,300 2,675,000 446,300 4,.50t),600 Italy 5,500,000 460,000 947,000 1,393,000 2,800,000 Belgium '267,000 20,000 60,000 10,000 90,000 Russia 12,000,000 1,700,000 4,9.50,000 2,-500,000 9,1.50,000 Japan .800,000 300 907 3 1,210 Rumania 750,000 200,000 1'20,000 80,000 400,000 Serbia 707,343 322,000 28,000 100,000 450,000 Montenegro .50,000 3,000 10.000 7,000 20,000 Greece 230,000 15,000 40,000 45,000 100,000 Portugai 100,000 4,000 15,000 200 10,000 Total .39,676,864 4,869,478 11,075,715 4,9.56,'2.33 20,S92,2'26 Germany 11,000,000 1,611,104 3,683,143 772,5'22 6,066,769 Austria-Hungary 6,500,000 800,000 3,'200,000 1,211,000 5,211,000 Bulgaria 400,000 201,224 1.52,399 10,8'25 264,448 Turkey - 1,600,000 300,000 570,000 130,000 1,000,000 Total 19,.500,000 2,912,328 7,605,.542 2,124,347 12,.542,217 Grand Total 59,176,864 7,781,806 18,681,'257 7,080,580 33,434,443 13 The First — ^ Maccabee OSMOND KELLY INGRAM The fiirst man in the United States forces to lose his life in actual combat His name was Kelly Ingram; he was Alabama's son, And he whistled "Yankee Doodle," as he stood beside his gun; There was laughter in his make-up, there was manhood in his face. And he knew the best traditions and the courage of his race; Now there's not a heart among us but should swell with loyal pride When he thinks of Kelly Ingram and the splendid way he died. On the swift Destroyer Cassin he was merely gunner's mate, But up there today, I fancy, he is standing with the great. On that grim day last October his position on the craft Was that portion of the vessel which the sailors christen aft; There were deep sea bombs beside him to be dropped upon the Hun Who makes women folks his victims and then gloats o'er what he's done. From thelookout came a warning; came the cry all sailors fear, A torpedo was approaching, and the vessel's doom was near; Ingram saw the streak of danger, but he saw a little more, A greater menace faced them than that missile had in store; If those deep sea bombs beside him were not thrown beneath the wave. Every man aboard the Cassin soon would find a watery grave. It was death for him to linger, liut he figured if he ran And quit his post of duty 'twould be death for every man: So he stood at his position, threw those depth bombs overboard, And when that torpedo struck them, he went forth to meet his Lord. Oh, I don't know how to say it, but these whole United States Should remember Kelly Ingram — he who died to save his mates. — Edgar A. Guest U iiilid Slults Subiiuirine, lite S-J, enleri/iy New York harbor 14 THE MACCABEES IN THE WORLD WAR AT the beginning of the Great World War, The Maccabees, L. like all other Fraternal Beneficiary Associations and like Insurance Companies, was confronted with the problem of how they should deal with the question of insurance protection upon the lives of their members who might become involved in the struggle. The laws of nearly all such insurance Organizations relieved the Associations from any liability under their contracts with the members in case of loss of life while engaged in war. THE FIRST TOLLS It was some considerable time after the beginning of the war before any Maccabee lost his life in that struggle, but as the war progressed, Canada, one of the countries under the jurisdiction of The Maccabees, began reporting war losses among the members of our tents located in that country. There was no provision for the payment of these losses, under the laws of The Maccabees. For the purpose of considering this subject, the Supreme Com- mander called a Special Review of the Supreme Tent, which met in Detroit, Michigan, August 7, 1916. In his call for this Special Review, the first matter recommend- ed for consideration by him was that of making such change in the laws of the Order as would assure to Maccabees and their bene- ficiaries, the fullest protection of the Order while they were engaged in the service of their Country, by the creation of a patriotic fund for such purposes, thus maintaining the integrity of the life benefit fund of the Order and at the same time giving encouragement to all in the performance of their duty to their country, under the flag of which they and their families receive protection of life and property. In this connection the Supreme Commander, in his message to this Special Review, said: "It has ever been the boast of The Maccabees that one of its main objects was to create and maintain a patriotic interest on the part of its members, not only in affairs that pertain to their own locality, their own duty to Home and Loved Ones, but to their Country as well. The Order of The Maccabees is founded upon the history and tradition of the Ancient Maccabees, and takes for its exemplar one of the most patriotic characters in all the history of the world. The name and fame of Judas Maccabeus will ever be cherished because of his undying devotion to Country as well as Home and Friends, and it was upon this foundation that the Order of The Maccabees was established. THE PLEDGE OF HONOR As you are well aware, one of the questions asked an applicant for membership, as he appears for initiation, is whether he is willing to give up his life for his Country, should such a sacrifice be demanded, and we demand an affirmative answer to this question; nothing else would be accepted, so it nuist be under- stood that every man whose name is enrolled upon our records today as a member, has given his Pledge of Honor that he would he true to his Country, and if necessary would give up his life for it. Only twice during the history of this Organization have emer- gencies arisen when the protection of the Order was needed for the families of the men of the Order who had enlisted in theservice of their Country and lost their lives in following the Flag, and on both occasions the Order promptly and generously provided for the home and families of such members. It will be remembered in this connection that botli of these events — the Boer War and thp Spanish-.Anierican War — occurred prior to the time when our rates of contriliution were placed upon a scientific basis. The laws of the Association then, as now, exempted it from liability in such cases, but through the power of dispensation, approved by the Board of Trustees of the Association, action was taken which temporarily set aside the provision in the Laws relating to this subject, and payments were made as though there were no such prohibition. When our rates of contribution were adjusted in 190t to an adequate and scientific basis, of course only normal conditions were taken into calculation. In other words, the Mortality Table upon which these rates of contribution were based did not contemplate the deaths that might result from war, hence it would be unwise and unsafe, not at all justified by our calcula- tions, to impose upon the Life Benefit Fund of the Association any obligations growing out of our duty to the member and his famil\- while engaged in the service of his Countr\- during war. A BIG PROBLEM When the European War broke out, some two years ago, it was of such a character, and its consequences thought to be so far reaching, that the granting of such a dispensation was not deemed advisable; yet all in authority have contended that at the proper time all claims against the Order, arising out of that conflict, should be paid and would be paid. We have heard a great deal of war and rumours of war for two or more years, and while none of us wish to see further strife and international disturbances, we believe that the time has come when we should as an organization, square our conduct with our professions. We believe we should go on record in an affirmative way in this connection, declaring in no uncertain manner that it is not only the duty of the individual member to render such service, but that it is equally the duty of his fellow members in the Order to keep his insurance protection in full force while he is thus serving his Country. THE MACCABEE P.ATRIOTIC FUND It is, therefore, proposed that there shall be created what may be called a Patriotic Fund, this fund to be established by a special assessment upon every member regardless of age, amount of benefits, or time of entrance into the Order, and when so estab- lished, the fund shall be maintained sacredly for the purpose of taking care of such obligations as arise from service in the army or navy. Certainly every member of the Order who is not able or so situated that he cannot render this patriotic service, should be thrice willing to contribute to a fund which will make certain the ample protection of the dependents of those members who can, and will render it." This part of the Supreme Commander's report was referred to the Committee on new business, and this Committee, in due time, through its Chairman, Ed. I^. Young, made the following report which after full and general discussion of the matter was adopted: To the Officers and Members of the Supreme Tent: The Committee on New Business begs leave to make report on the proposed amendment to the laws of the Association as submitted to us: "First. This is a proposition to clearly set forth the policy of The Maccabees with reference to the enlistment of members in the armies of the United States or other countries of which the\- are citizens or in which they have declared their purpose to become citizens, under the law. Also for the establishment of a patriotic fund adequate to the generous care of such members, their needy families and dependents. We here and now declare it to be the policy and purpose of The Maccabees to encourage and recognize members who are lawful citizens of any nation in which our Association has jurisdiction, who shall in the spirit of true patriotism, enlist in the army or navy of such country in time of war. No virtue is more domi- nant in the tenets of Maccabeeisni than that of patriotism which burns out upon every page of our ritualism and distinguishes the life and sacrifices of Judas Maccabeus, one of the first martyrs of genuine chivalry, and for whom our order is named. His patriotism is not only the most striking example in sacred history of the willingness of a man to die for his country, but likewise to live for it. He it was, who in dividing the spoils of war, was first to set aside a definite portion for the generous care of the widows and orphans. In that spirit The Maccabees today, enforcing its purpose with adequate laws, guarantees in full tlie insurance protection of such members now and hereafter, together with generous care of the families and dependents of such members through its General Reliel department. To this end we recommend that a proviso be added to section 263 of the general laws of the Association making this purpose effective and legal. We also recommend that Section -iS of the general laws be amended so as to give full authority to the Supreme Board of Trustees to levy upon the entire membership of the Association such special assessments as may be needed to meet any national emergency and all such relief demands in case of war being declared by any country in which our Association has jurisdiction, provided that such special assessments shall not exceed one dollar at any one time." 15 OFFICERS AND REPRESENTATIVES ATTENDING SPECIAL SUPREME TENT REVIEW HELD IN DETROIT, MICHIGAN, AUGUST, 1916 officers attending sperial review, lOKi. Name Title D. D. Aitken Past Commander D. P. Markey Supreme Commander S. W. Hall Siii)reme Lieut. Commander L. E. Sisler Supreme Record Keeper A. VV. Frye Supreme Chaplain J. A. Gordon Supreme Sergeant Henry Hildebrand Supreme M. at A. Geo. S. Starret Supreme 1st IVl. of G. A. I. Lee Supreme 2nd M. of G. M.J. Bulger Supreme Sentinel Hugo H. A. Becker Supreme Picket 1). P. Markey Supreme Board of Trustees L. E. .Sisler Supreme Board of Trustees Name Title J. B. McDannell Supreme Board of Trustees S. W. Trusler Supreme Board of Trustees J. F. Downer Supreme Board of Trustees \V. E. Blaney Supreme Board of Trustees R. B. Anderson Supreme Board of Trustees J. J. Volk Supreme Auditors John S. Boots Supreme Auditors Geo. J. Sulnian Supreme Auditors F. Edmister, M. D Supreme Medical Examiner J. E. Sawtell, M. D Sup. District Medical Examiner J. C. Hanchett, M. D Sup. District Medical Examiner Ed. L. Young Editor "Bee Hive" Major Gen. \\'. 11. .Sletzer Major General Uniform Rank 1). J.Coaklev W. M. Kent A. B. Chace Geo. B. Stocker, M. D. H. A. Tucker John Chalmers, M. D. C. L. Edwards M. Shannon F. M. Hodge \Vm. Fairlee J. E. Price N. Manasse T. Freeman M. F. Hemingway Geo. S. Lovelace A. M. Slay A. H. Cote, M. D. Thomas Watson Edw. J. Jefifries E. J. McCarthy Peter Wiggle Stephen D. Williams E. \V. Thompson Isaac Erb Carl Wuerthner Geo. H. Scott J. R. Zmunt A. E. Culbert W. W. Dollison F. F. Schwartz C. L. Metz J. B. Yaw Peter Gardner A. J. Richie L. S. Boyd W. L. DeWolfe, M. D. J. P. McNarnev W. L. Callahan John R. Himes REPRESENTATIVES L N. Furguson Renne P. Kuntz Chas. E. Gard Frank C. W. Hagenberg Weldon Cloak J.J. W'alsh Chas. Gustafson H. N. McFarlane Milo Meredith J. W. Replogle C. B. Matthews Walter C. Bailey S. H. McMasters J. N. Becker Rev. Grant A. Robbins Rev. John R. Morris A. S. "Fonts Frank Hanson John R. Webb A. L. Pollard Geo. W. Sulman Geo. H. Townsend C. O. Trusler Edw. L. Oakes E. B. Florentz John W. Brown A. J. Bruce J. W. Howatson Stanton Rowell Fred Hutchins H. R. Gross S. S. Burgin A. D. Fleu C. C. Show-alter E. B. Hardesty M. F. Elkin W. E. Johnson Dr. E. H. Haas E. M. Sutherland M. J. Bulger A. McBride J. E. Hutchinson P. M. Sawyer J. N. Stuckey B. W. McDuffie B. H. Parrish E. A. Enright Thos. E. Gerin Geo. G. Peil John A. Griffin D. W. Gall W. O. Hayes E. W. Miner P. J. Touhey G. W. Baumann J. E. Roy, Dist. No. 1 Geo. C. Morton, Dist. No. 2 OFFICERS AND REPRESENTATIVES ATTENDING QUADRENNIAL REVIEW HELD AT CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, JULY, 1919 D. D. Aitken Past Commander D. P. Markey Supreme Commander S. W. Hall Supreme Lieut. Commander Thos Watson Supreme Record Keeper A. W. Frye Supreme Chaplain J. W. Gordon Supreme Sergeant Henry Hildebrand Supreme M. at A. Geo. S. Starret Supreme 1st M. of G. A. I. Lee Supreme 2nd M. of G. M. J. Bulger Supreme Sentinel Hugo H. A. Becker Supreme Picket J. B. McDannell Supreme Board of Trustees Name Title S. W. Trusler Supreme Board of Trustees J. F. Downer Supreme Board of Trustees W. E. Blaney Supreme Board of Trustees R. B. Anderson Supreme Board of Trustees J.J. Volk Supreme Auditors John S. Boots Supreme Auditors Geo. J. Sulman Supreme Auditors F. Edmister, M. D Supreme Medical Examiner J. C. Hanchett, M. D Sup. District Medical Examiner Ed. L. Young Editor "Bee Hi\'e" Major General W. W. .Sletzer Major General Uniform Rank I). J. Coakley M. F. Hemingway John Chalmers Geo. H. Baker E. J. Klippel W. H. Fuller A. B. Chace M. Shannon N. Manasse Frank Hodge Willard M. Kent J. F. Frazier A. W. Hedden E. W. Thompson A. M. Slay E. J. Jeffries F. E. Jones J. C. Lehr H. H. Batdorff A. F. McDonald Fred Cutler S. D. Williams J. H. Williams Herbert O'Connor Geo. H. Scott G. L. Tattersail J. D. Weaver J. R. Zmunt F. F. Schwarz J. B. Yaw A. W. Shinn A. J. Richie C. K. Walker A. E. Culbert C. A. Clark W. L. Callahan John R. Himes J. P. McNarney D. E. Martin Chas. M. Nutting E. B. Rosenzweig W. F. Trader Thos. E. Fitzgerald REPRESENTATIVES Chas. Gustafson Thos. Moriarty Jas. P. Mohnihan ,'\. P. Brostram Milo Meredith J. W. Replogle H. F. Backemeyer E. J. Weaver Fred Klier Harry W. Foster Henry L. Jost H. Brooksbank Jones H. Parker J. B. Sawtell L. C. Harvey Sol. Z. Gordon VV. S. Lemly E. M. Guthrie A. L. Pollard Geo. H. Jones C. O. Trusler Henry Roe E. H. Woollev R. P. White ■ .'\rthur Lister John W. Brown Herman Walthers J. W. Sherwood Ned Munger S. C. C. Ward Wm. H. Sheehan Foster G. Iddings Thos. J. Roberts C. C. Showalter Jos. G. Emig M. F. Elkin E. B. Pendleton, M. D. Dr. E. H. Haas A. E. Miller A. L. McBride Max Levy W. J. Pepin J. A. Stackhouse E. H. Palmer Frank O. Croy T. R. Kelly J. C. Bartram Dr. P. J. Donnelly Geo. Whitehead W. H. Cameron D. McNaniara Geo. G. Peil W. W. Adamson, Jr. Renne P. Kuntz J. E. Turner P. R. Touhey Geo. W. Baumann J. Emil Roy, Dist. No! 1 S. H. McMasters, Dist. No. 1 Elmer L. Galley, Dist. No. 2 Chas. W. Bvrns, Dist. No. 2 10 In pursuance of the action of the Special Review of the Supreme Tent in August, 1916, it was found necessary to levy two assess- ments of $1.00 each upon the entire membership of the Associa- tion, to provide the necessary funds to pay the death losses occurring on account of the war. The proceeds of these two assessments amounted to $000,491.25. From this fund, 478 death claims, amounting to $470,252.38 were paid. Every claim, for which proofs have been filed, was paid immediately upon the completion of the proofs, the balance remaining in the fund, after the payment of all obligations against it, was, by order of the Supreme Tent session of 1919, transferred to the Life Benefit Fund. The Supreme Commander in his report to the Supreme Tent Review, held in Chicago, 1919, referring to these war claims, said; "In the payment of these 'war claims' our Association did only its plain duty, and we shouUl be very proud of the manner in which the membership everywhere responded to the demands for this service. On our 'Service Flag' to-day, as it hangs in this hall are over four hundred 'Gold Stars,' every one of them representing the splendid patriotic spirit that characterized our membership in this great struggle. To the memory of these brave boys who made the 'supreme sacrifice' we pay our grateful tribute of love and loyalty, conscious of the fact that we were as true to them and theirs as they were to the flag of their country. At the proper time, later in the session, we will do ourselves the honor of holding suitable memorial services to the memory of our noble dead." Sir Knight Thomas Watson, Supreme Record Keeper, in his report to the Supreme Tent Review of 1919, referring to these war claims, said: "No brighter page in the history of Maccabeeism had ever been written than that relating to the Patriotic Fund, its creation, the almost unanimous response made to the call by the membership, and its distribution in the payment of death claims of those heroes who laid down their lives in behalf of their country. The patrio- tism and loyalty of the membership were put to the test and it was not found wanting. True, there were a few who thought that the death claims of those who were killed in war should be paid from the Life Benefit Fund, forgetful of the fact that the laws of the Association do not provide for the payment of the death claims of those who die as the result of war. The most of those were easily convinced that this could not be done." On the afternoon of the third day of the Supreme Review of 1919, held in Chicago, Memorial Services were held in the large auditorium of the La Salle Hotel, Chicago. The room was crowded to its capacity. Sir Knight Judge Wm. M. Kent of New York, Chairman of the Memorial Committee, reported as follows: "Your Committee approaches another phase of its memorial service with a sense of the importance that attaches to any effort to give expression of gratitude and appreciation for the sacrifices that the young for the sacrifices that thi men of America have made in the cause of human liberty. Officially we communicate to our brothers upon this floor the information that from the ranks of the members of this Order, and from the more than sixteen thousand of its member- ship who went forth in the defense of the principles of American liberty, four hundred seventy-eight Maccabees were taken by the fate of war and removed from the land of the living. We are conscious of the fact that in the going out of each and every one some story of valor, of patient suffering, or determined effort to serve could be unfolded. The hearts of all of us here assembled beat with the impulse of special tribute to each and every one of them. However, they themselves would not have it so. There is a grander and more glorious thought in the tribute which a grateful brotherhood would pay to these, our heroes. In living they had identified themselves with the noble principles of this Order. To them the principle of protecting their loved ones after death, was a living, vital thing. To them the obligation of Maccabean manhood was an ever-present reality. To them the good fellowship of a fraternity like ours appealed and had a value. These were men who needed no clarion call to the service of their country in its hour of danger to awaken the heart beats of true fellowship and fidelity to home and loved ones. The more readily then did they embrace the opportunity to go forth as American citizens and we at this time find added comfort in the thought that in so going, they brought honor and renown to this Order. Some, from the hardships of camp life, died in the hospitals at home; some joined the great majority while brav'ing the dangers of the high seas; many indeed were counted among those whose blood moistened the stricken fields of France and Belgium, but they all died helping to drive home, through the stupidity of the German mind, the compelling fact — that which we now believe has been established, never again to be questioned, that the force of America's strength is and ever will be dedicated and so engaged, is unconquerable, irresistible and shall be over- whelming. So with humble words we pay our tribute of respect to these brothers who in dying have brought so much honor to our Order. "We would recommend that the Board of Trustees be authorized to place a suitable Memorial Tablet, at the office of the Supreme Tent, to the end that the memory of these honored dead be perpetuated in Maccabean history." Which report was unanimously adopted. In pursuance of this action of the Supreme Tent Review of 1919, the Memorial Tablet, cuts of which appear herein, was authorized by the Board of Trustees of the Supreme Tent. The design is unique — one developed by Supreme Commander Markey — and manufactured by the McCoy Bronze Company of Detroit, Michigan. Thus has the Order taught patriotism and loyalty to Country during all its years of operation, thus did the Order nobly meet the exigencies of this World War in the way of encouragement to its members and to their families; thus did it fulfil its every obligation morally and financially to its heroic dead and their loved ones at home; thus did it in truth and in fact demonstrate its loyalty to Country, Home and Friends. /;/ Flanders Fields By Lieut. Col. John D. (Written during the second battle of Ypres, April, 1915. The author. Dr. John McCrae of Montreal, Canada. was killed on duty in Flanders, January 28, 19IS.) In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly. Scarce heard amidst the guns below. We are the dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow. Loved and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe! To you from falling hands, we throw The torch. Be yours to hold it high! If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields. zAmerica s Answer By R. W. Lili.iard (Written after the death of Lieut. Col. McCrae) Rest ye in peace, ye Flanders' dead, The fight that ye so bravely led We've taken up. And we will keep True faith with you who lie asleep With each a cross to mark his bed, And poppies blowing overhead. Where once his own life blood run red. So let your rest be sweet and deep In Flanders fields. Fear not that ye have died for naught. The torch ye threw to us we caught. Ten million hands will hold it high And freedom's light shall never die! We've learned the lesson that ye taught In Flanders fields. In '^yntemoriam A year has passed, and peace has reigned O'er Flanders' fields, where deep blood staine.l The soil where now the crosses stand — To mark the graves of that brave band Who gave their lives to save the land. They are not dead! They now but rest. While strength endured, they stood the test. And now, with honor, let us lay A mental wreath o'er mounds of clay — To show our homage on this day. Let's not in haste forget the score Which left its scar the wide world o'er. But, tenderly, may rains and snow Caress those crosses, row on row. In Flanders' fields, where poppies blow. — By Edith Reymer, Lincoln, Nebr. November 11, 1919. lt< ALABAMA INGRAM. OSMOND K. Model Tent. No. 11. Pratt City. -Ala.-, born at Oneonta. Ala., .\ugust 4th. 1SS7; became a Maccabee. June 8th. 1908; entered the U. S. Military Service. .^. E. F.. Navy. Gunner's Mate. U. S. S. "Cassin." August 1st. 1917. Was drowned in a submarine attack October 1.5th. 1917. Age 30 years. SIOOO.OO Benefit was paid to his mother. Naomi Elizabeth Ingram. Octo- ber 29th. 1917. ARKANSAS BL.VNKIN'SHIP. WILEY Nebo Tent. No. 36. Chickalah. .Arkansas; born at Eufala. Okla.. November 21. 1892; became a Maccabee July 2. 191.5; entered the U. S. Mili- tary Service, .\. E, F.. Private. Co. C. 7tli Infantry, September ISth, 1917. Died of appendicitis. July 1.5th. 1919. .\ge 26 vears, SIOOO.OO Benefit was paid to his brothers. George & Gilbert Blankinship, November 11th, 1919. LEVY, HERBERT C. Cherokee Tent. No. 2. Fort Smith, .\rkansas; born at Fort Smith. .-Vrk.. November 5th. 1891 ; became a Maccabee. November 8th. 1910; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Pvt. Unassigned, LIniversity. -August 20th, 191S. Died of influenza and pnuemonia at Camp Mabry. Austin. Texas. October 12tli. 1918. Age 26 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Belle Levy. July 2nd. 1919. MORGAN, LAFAYETTE H. Chickalah Tent, No. 34. Stafford. Ark.; born at Dardanelle. ,\rk., February 21st, 1890; be- came a Maccabee .\ugust 3rd. 1917; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. H. 38th Infantry. September 18th. 1917. Killed in action. October 8th. 1918 Age 28 years. $200.00 Benefit was paid to his brother. Lemonia E. Morgan. May 8th. 1919. CALIFORNIA ADAMS. HERBERT H. Vosemite Tent, No. 35. Stockton, California; born at Lebright Station, California. March 2nd. 1894; became a Maccabee January 15th, 1916; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F,. 363rd Infantry, September 4th, 1917. Killed in action, October 4th. 191S Age 24 years. -SIOOO.OO Benefit was paid to his mother, Sarali I. .\dams, January 7th, 1919. BEYER. GEORGE F., Jr. Los Angeles Tent. No. 2. Los Angeles, Calif.; born at Hoboken. N. J., May 25th, 1895; be- came a Maccabee July 2nd. 1913; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F., Corporal. Co. F, 117th Engineers, August 20th, 1917. Killed inaction, July 13: h. 1918. Age 23 years. $50000 Benefit was paid to his father, George F. Beyer, Sr., September 17th. 191S. BOND. ARTHUR F. California Banner Tent. No. 6, Los .\ngeles, California; born at Wales. Mass., September 7th. 1894; became a Maccabee September 25th. 1913; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. H. ISth Infantrv. September 19tli. 1917. Killed in action. June 11th. 1918. Age 23 vears. 81000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother Clara Bond. November 2nd. 1918. CRANE. WILLIAM E. Canyon Tent. No. 85, Niles, California; born at Sunol. California. February 26th, 1898; became a Maccabee Mav 15th, 1916; entered the \J. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. L. 30th Infantry. June 23rd. 1916. Killed in action, October 12th. 1918 Age 20 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his parents, Marcus N. & Sarah Crane, February 5th, 1919. DOYLE. RICHARD F. California Tent, No. 6. Los Angeles, California; born at Los .Angeles. California, May 22nd, 1897; became a Maccabee December 19th. 1916; entered the V. S. Military Service, A. F. E., Medical Dept.. Camp Kearney. California. September 5th. 191S. Died of influenza and pneumonia at Camp Kearney, California. December 19th. 1918. Age 21 years. SIOOO.OO Benefit was paid to his mother, Margaret Doyle. March 20th. 1919. LaVIGNE. JOHN A. San Diego Tent. No. 26. San Diego. California; born at New York. N. Y., July 10th. 1883; be- came a Maccabee March 21st. 1913; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F., Pvt. Battery A, 25th C. A. Died of influenza and broncho pneumonia. Post Hospital. Ft. Rosencrans. San Diego. Calif., November 21st. 1918. Age 35 years. $2000.00 Benefit was paid to his wife and mother, Hazel and Marv Caroline LaVigne. February 5th, 1919. LEWIS. HOLLIDAY Vallejo Tent. No. 46, Yallejo. Calif.; born at Portland. Oregon, December 25th, lS88;becanH- a Maccabee August 9th, 1918; entered the L^. S. Military Service. A. E. F., Navy, January 16th. 1917. Died of pneumonia. U. S. Naval Hospital Mare Island. November. 1st, 1918. .\ge29years. $2000.00 Benefit was paid to his wife. Mabel J. Lewis, December 5th, 1918. MARCONI. GEORGE F. Yosemite Tent. No. 35, Stockton, California; born at Groveland, Calif.; September. 2Sth. 1892; became a Maccabee May 9th, 1912; en- tered the LT. S. Military Service, A. E. F.; Died of influenza and meningitis, St. Joseph's Hos- pital, Gray's Harbor, Washington. December 28th, 1918, Age 26 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Norah Blackwell. .'\pril 4th. 1919. MONSON, EMANUEL A. Oakland Tent, No. 17, Oakland, Calif.; born at Copenhagen, Denmark, June 18th. 1886; became a Maccabee March 13th, 1905; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F., Pvt. Co. B, 316th Engineers. April 27th. 1918. Killed in action. September 30th. 1918, Age 32 years. $250 00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Chris- tina S. Monson. March 14th, 1919. PARKHOUSE, EDWARD B. San Francisco Tent. No. 18. San Francisco Calif.; born at -Adelaide. S. Australia. August 12th, 1SS5; became a Maccabee July 28th, 1916. entered the V. S. Military Service, A. E. F.; Sailor. U. S. S. "Patterson." Died of surgical operation, Providence Hospital. Seattle. Wash- ington. December 21st, 1917. Age 32 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his brother. Devon Parkhouse. June 18th, 1918. SPURGEON, LUCIUS B. Lincoln Tent, No. 48. Lincoln, Calif.; born at Winter. Calif.. October 7th, 1888; became a Maccabee May .30th. 1908; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F., September 15th, 1918. Died of pneumonia. October 30th. 1918. .Age 30 years. $2000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Mary Spurgeon, January 28th. 1920. COLORADO liKLL, IRIS A. Carbonita Tent. No. 25, Leadville. Colorado; born at Pattonsburg, Mo.. February 20th, 1891; became a Maccabee March 19th. 1912; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Co. B. 2nd Engineers. Mav 17th, 1917. Killed inaction, November 2nd, 1918. 'Age 27 years. $2000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Caroline E. H. Bell. January 25th, 1919. CHOBANOFF, CHRIS P. Silverton Tent, No. 31. Silverton. Colorado; born at Coramase, Bulgaria, October 16tli. 1886; became a Maccabee September 15th, 1915; entered the U. S. Militarv Service. -A. E. F., 9th Ret. Co. G. S. L Died of influenza and pneumonia at Post Hospital, Fort Logan, Colorado. January 28. 1919. Age 32 years. SIOOO.OO Benefit was paid to his wife, Margarett P. Chobanoff. EYLENS, CHARLES E. Columbine Tent. No. 19, Georgetown, Colorado; born at Silver Plume. Colorado, .April 1 1th. 1896; became a Maccabee May 16. 1917; entered tlie U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. E. 354th Infantry. April 27th. 1918. Killed in action, October 2Sth, 1918. Age 22 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Jennie Roberts. March 20th. 1919. JENKINS. JOHN Jr. Walsenburg Tent. No. 38, Walsenburg. Color- ado; born at Leadville, Colorado, May 27th, 1894; became a Maccabee June 24th. 1913; entered the U. S. Military Service, .A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. H, 109th Infantry. Killed in action. October Sth. 1918. Age 24 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Agnes Jenkins, F'ebruary 1st, 1919. MERCER, ALEXANDER \'. Pueblo Tent. No. 16. Pueblo. Colorado; born at Grand Haven. Michigan. May 4th. 1886; be- came a Maccabee January 18th. 1907; entered the U. S. Military Service. .A. E. F. Died of lobar pneumonia. Base Hospital. No. 6. France. October 4th. 1917. Age 31 years. $1000.00 Benefit paid to his mother, Pauline Mercer. December 22nd, 1917. ORCINE. HENRY Boulder Tent, No. 4. Boulder, Colorado; born at Crisman, Colorado, April 18. 1891; became a Maccabee March 21. 1918; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. K. 3,54th Infantry. April 27th. 1918. Killed in action, November 1st. 1918, Age 27 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his parents, .Antonia and Dominick Orcine. October 3rd. 1919. SCHILLER, JOHN S. Pueblo Tent, No. 16, Peublo. Colorado; born at Pueblo. Colorado. January 14th, 1896; be- came a Maccabee September 1st. 1914; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. K. 355th Infantry. April 29th. 1918. Killed in action, November Sth, 1918. Age 22 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Maggie Schiller. February 18th. 1919. CONNECTICUT MANENT. PAUL Wooster Tent, No. 31. Danbury. Conn.; born at Roxbury, Conn., February 5th. 1893; be- came a Maccabee February 26th, 1914; entered the U. S. Military Ser\-ice, A. E. F., 37th Co., 10th Battalion. Depot Brigade, July 25th, 1918. Died of pneumonia, September 24th, 1918. Age 25 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Julia A. Manent, .August 28th. 1919. SEQUIN. RENEY A. Americas Tent. No. 3, Bridgeport. Conn.; born at Rouses Point. N. Y.. March 3rd. 1896; became a Maccabee May 26th, 1916; entered the LT. S. Military Service. .A. E. F., .Aviation, October l3th, 1917. Died as result of accident. Flying Ofificers' Training Dept., Kelly Field. San Antonio, Texas. December 31st, 1916. Age 21 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Helen Sequin, January 25th, 1918. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CADY. R.AYMOND P. Brightwood Tent. No. 5. Brightwood. D. C.; born at Washington. D. C, September 7tli, 1891; became a Maccabee November 28th. 1911; entered the U. S. Militarv Service, .A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. E. 19th Engineers. June 26th, 1918. Died of pneumonia. September 29th. 1918. Age 27 years. $500.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Josephine Cady. January 14th. 1919. FLETCHER. FR.ANKLIN E. Georgetown Tent. No. 6, Washington, D. C; born at Washington. D. C, January 22nd. 1895; became a Maccabee September 3rdn, 1918; entered the U. S. Military Service. .A. E. F.. Navy, about May 1st. 1917, Died of broncho- pneumonia. Naval Hospital, Brooklyn. N. Y.. October 19th. 1918. Age 23 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, .Annie E. Fletcher. November 29th. 1918. FLORIDA STONEBR.\KER, JACOB F. De Soto Tent. No. 7. Arcadia. Florida; Ijorn at Arcadia. Florida, October 22nd, 1895 became a Maccabee July ISth, 1017; entered the U. S. Militarv Service. A. E. F., Co. K. 124th Infantry, .\pril 10th, 1917. Died of 19 spinal meningitis. Base Hospital. Camp Wlieelcr. Ga., April 17th. 1918. Age 22 years. SIOOO.OO Benefit was paid to his wife, Leonora .\. Stonebraker, May 21st. 1B18. ILLINOIS ANDERSON, ARTHUR C. Humboldt Tent, No. 26, Chicago. Illinois; born at Chicago, Illinois. November 1st. ISSJS' became a Maccabee June 2.5th. 1909; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F. Died of pneumonia. Base Hospital. Jackson, S. C. Age 30 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Hanna Anderson. February IStli. 1019. ANDERSON. HARRY W. Belmont Tent. No. 49. Chicago. 111.; born at Chicago. 111.. March 8th. 1896; became a Maccabee July Uth. 1917; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F., Sergeant. Marine Corps, June 16th, 1917; Killed in action. June 20th. 1918. Age 22 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Hilda .Anderson. CAREY, EDWARD P. .\ctivity Tent, No. 249. Chicago. 111.; born at Chicago. 111.. May 27th, 1896; became a Maccabee February 28th, 1918; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Headquarters Co. 161st. Depot Brigade. February 26th. 1918. Was accidently drowned in Kishawau- kee River. Camp Grant. 111.. July 22nd. 1918. .'^ge 22 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Katherine Carey. August 12th. 1918. DINGLE. WILLIAM Unity Tent. No. 4. Chicago. 111.; born at Spurr Mt.. Mich.. July 29th. 1894; became a Mac- cabee .\ugust 22nd. 1912; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Pvt. Marine Corps, Mav 28th, 1917. Killed in action June 3rd, 1918. Age 23 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his father. Alexander Dingle. August 21st. 191S. HANNEMAN. JOHN A. LaFayette Tent. No. 31. Chicago. 111., born at Chicago. 111.. July 28th. became a Maccabee June 28th, 1910; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. 362nd Co.. W. S. Draft. September 20tli, 1917. Died of wounds. General Hospital No. 28. Ward 53, Fort Sheridan, HI.. October 5th, 1919. Age 31 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Augusta Hanneman. November 1st. 1919. HOLM BERG. CARL G. R. Humboldt Tent, No. 26, Chicago, 111.; born at Ciiicago. 111., January Uth, 1S72; became a Maccabee December 14th, 1906; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Supervising Government Work. Died of tuberculosis, Kearney. N. J.. February 5th. 1919. Age 47 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his wife, Helga Holmberg, March 26th, 1919. KRIWINSKI, HARRY N. ."Apollo Tent, No. 63. Chicago. 111.; born at Romaor. Russia. June 27th. 1893; became a Maccabee May 7th. 1917; entered the U. S. Military Service, .\. E. F.. Pvt. Co. G, 4th Infantry, May 24th, 191S. Killed in action. September 30th. 1918. .\ge 25 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his sisters. Martha and .Alexandra Kriwinski. March 26, 1920. KUCHOR. JOHN Jan Ziska Tent. No. 193. Chicago. III.; born at Chicago, III.. May 16th. 1895; became a Maccabee June 23rd, 1916; entered the U. S. Military Service March 12th. 1918. Died of pneumonia. Base Hospital. Fort Preble. Maine. .April ISth. 191S. Age 22 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Barbara Kuchor, May 21st, 1918, MISCH, LOUIS R. Pulaski Tent, No. 1107, Chicago, III.; born at Chicago. 111.. May 3rd. 1893; became a Mac- cabee November 5th. 1917; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F., Pvt. Co. H. o8th Infantry. May 3rd. 1918. Killed in action. November 5th. 1918. .Age 25 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his parents, Fred and Bertha Misch, February 6th. 1919. R.AYMOND. SAMUEL W. Ottawa Tent. No. 270. Ottawa. III.; born at Ottawa. III.. August 20th. 1882; became a Maccabee September 16th. 1910; entered the U. .S. Military Service. -A. E. F.. First Lieut., July 25th. 1917; Killed in action. August 2nd. 1918. .Age 35 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Carrie M. Raymond. November 29th, 1918. REYELTS, CHARLES B. Reliance Tent, No. 255. Chicago. III.; born at Chicago. 111.. November 11th. 1895; became a Maccabee January 14th. 1914; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F., Pvt. Co. D. 353rd Infantry. April 26th, 1918. Killed in action. September 12th. 1918. Age 23 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother and step-father. Bettie and Henry Y'oung. Novem- ber 10th. 1918. THOMAS, GEORGE .Apollo Tent. No. 63. Chicago, 111.; born at .Azores, Portugal, October 27th, 1886; became a Maccabee November 5th, 1917; entered the U. S. Military Service; Died of broncho- pneumonia. October 10th, 1918, San Francisco, California. Age 31 years. SIOOO.OO Benefit was paid to his wife. Louise L. Thomas, Octo- ber 30th, 1918. WILSON. JOHN W. Wentworth Tent. No. 58. Chicago. III.; born at Chicago. HI.. March Uth. 1888; became a Maccabee March 12th. 1909; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Corporal Co. D. 58th Infantry, in 1917. Killed in action. -August 6th. 1918. .Age 30 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his father, George W. Wilson. May 5th. 1919. ZEIGENBEIN, HENRY Park Ridge Tent, No. 172. Park Ridge, HI.; born at Park Ridge. 111.. May 11th. 1894; be- came a Maccabee December 9th. 1915; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Pvt. Battery B. 123rd Field Artillery, October 5th, 1917. Died of influenza and broncho- pneumonia. March 6th, 1919. Age 24 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Annie Zeigenbein. May 3rd, 1919. ZELLER. FREDERICK W. Ottawa Tent, No. 270, Ottawa. 111.; born at Chicago. III., November 29th, 1894; became a Maccabee March 7th. 1913; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Corporal. Co. C. 129th Infantry. March 29th, 1915. Killed in action, October Uth. 1918. Age 23 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Julia Zeller, February 5th, 1919. INDIANA AUGUSTINE, IRVINE Rochester Tent, No. 16. Rochester. Ind.; born at Monterey, Ind.. October 21st. 1893; became a Maccabee May 4th. 1915; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Army. December 12th. 1917. Died of pneumonia. Base Hos- pital, Ft. Wood. N. Y., October 8th. 1918. .Age 24 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Elizabeth Irvine, October 30th, 1918. CUNION, GEORGE Wavne Tent. No. 54. Fort Wayne. Ind.; born at New Haven. Ind.. January 20th, 1SS9; became a Maccabee July 2nd, 1907; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. D, 2nd Machine Gun Battalion, April 3rd. 1917. Killed in action. Julv 19th. 1918. Age 29 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Katherine Cunion, October 17th. 1918. MARSCHKE. ALBERT Harbor Tent. No. 14. Michigan City, Ind.; born at Michigan City. Ind., May 31st, 1891; became a Maccabee February 22nd, 1912; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. F. 40th Infantry, May 22nd, 1918. Died of influenza and pneumonia. Mercy Hospital, Camp Custer. Battle Creek, Mich.. December 9th. 1918. Age 27 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Tillie Marschke, January 20th, 1919. MONTEL. CLARENCE Claypool Tent. No. 83. Claypool, Ind.; born at Mentone. Ind., March 31st, 1893; became a Maccabee November 2nd, 1911; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F., 1,58th Depot Brigade. 8th Battalion. August 15th. 1918. Died of pneumonia. Base Hospital. Camp Sherman, Ohio, October Uth, 1918. Age 25 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his wife, Nellie Montel, January 14th, 1919. VRLENIC, NICK Harbor Tent, No. 14, Michigan City, Ind.; born at Bojinkim, .Austria. February 1st. 1888; became a Maccabee August 27th. 1912; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. E, 23rd Infantry, October 3rd. 1917. Killed in action. October 8th. 1918. Age 30 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his father. Hijas Vrlenic, September 22nd. 1919. IOWA PHILLIPS. LLOYD D. Linn Tent, No. 38, Cedar Rapids. Iowa; born at Laredo. Missouri, September ISth, ISSS; became a Maccabee February 10th, 1916; entered the LT. S. Military Service, A. E. F.. Pvt. 2nd Dept. Div. Camp, Pike Step Auto- matic Replacement Draft. July 25th. 1918. Died of tubercidosis. January 5th. 1919. Age 30 vears. SIOOO.OO Benefit was paid to his mother, Anna E. Phillips. April 2nd. 1919. VOLTZ. CLARENCE Dubuque Tent, No. 24. Dubuque. Iowa; born at Dubuque. Iowa, August 10th, 1895; became a Maccabee February l(Jth. 1916; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F., Pvt. Co. F. 26th Infantry, September 18th. 1917. Killed in action, October 12th, 1918. Age 23 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Katherine Voltz, January 25th, 1919. IvANSAS NEEL, HAROLD P. Pittsburgh Tent. No. 70, Pittsburgh, Kansas; born at Kansas City, Mo.. December 30th, 1890; became a Maccabee February 24th, 1912; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F., Sergeant. Co. C, 11th Machine Gun Battalion, September 22nd. 1917. Died of broncho-pneu- monia, November 25th, 1918. Age 27 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his grandmother, Nancy E. Steib. February 25th. 1919. KENTUCKY HILBERT. DAVID B. Fork Tent. No. 134. Rollings. Ky.; born at Anderson. Ky.. September Uth. 1891; became a Maccabee May 24th. 1918; entered the U. S. Military Service. .A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. E, 17th Infantry. Died of cerebro spinal meningitis. Camp Meade Base Hospital. November 30th. 1918. Age 27 years. $500.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Martha .A. Hilbert. March 20th. 1919. HOBBS. JOSEPH C. Lexington Tent. No. 20, Le-xington. Ky.; horn at Lexington. Ky.. March Uth. 1895; became a Maccabee September 22nd, 1914; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Field .Artillery. 1st Lieut.. May Uth, 1917. Killed in action. November 21. 1918. Age 23 years. $3000.00 Benefit was paid to his wife. Perilla Enaline Hobbs. February I7th. 1919. HOLTON, DANIEL Mammoth Cave Tent. No. 1483, Mammoth Cave, Ky. ; born at Edmonson. Ky., January 10th, 1895; became a Maccabee December 20th, 1913; entered U. S. Military Service. .A. E. F.. Pvt. Supply Co. 144th Infantry. Died of tuberculosis, February 9th. 1919. .Age 24 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his father. James Madison Holton. .April 14th. 1919. MONROE. ELMER Boston Tent. No. 105. Boston. Ky. ; born at Nelson County, Ky.. .August 4th. 1893; became a Maccabee February 12th. 1912; entered the U. S. Military Service. .A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. C, 95th Infantry, May 27th, 1918. Killedin action. October Uth. 1918. Age 25 years. $3000.00 Benefit was paid to his father. Duard li. Monroe. December 30th. 1918. PINSON.FRED C. Pikeville Tent. No. 76. Pikeville. Ky.; born at Pikeville. Ky.. October 14th. 1891; became a Maccabee February 16th. 1914; entered the U. S. Military Service. .A. E. F.. Military Band. -April 1st. 1917. Died of spinal meningitis. Camp Taylor, Kentucky. December 7th. 1918. .Age 27 years. $3000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Sallie C. Pinson. February 6th. 1919. SANDUSKA'. CHAS. C. Liberty Tent. No. 51, Liberty, Ky.; born at Liberty. Ky.. April 23rd. 1894; became a Maccabee February 23rd. 1918; entered the U. S. IVIilitary Service. A. E. F. Died of broncho- pneumonia. Base Hospital, Camp Z. Taylor. Ky.. April 22nd. 1918. Age 23 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his parents. Sam H. and Belle Sandusky. May 21st. 1918. T.AYLOR. HUGH F. Science Hill Tent. No. 137. Science Hill. Ky.; born at Pulaski County. Ky.. November 7th, 1870; became a Maccabee October 5th, 1901; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F. Died of nephritis. Camp Mills. N. Y.. December 16th. 1918. Age 48 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his wife. Selecta C. Taylor. February 18th, 1919. WILKINSON, MATTERSON Liberty Tent. No. 51. Liberty. Ky.; born at Libertv. Ky., March 23rd. 1893; became a Maccabee March 22nd. 1916; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. K. 6th Infantry. October 2nd. 1917. Died from wounds received in action. October Uth. 1918. .Age 25 years. $500.00 Benefit was paid to his sisters. Lillie and Lora Wilkinson, .April 9th. 1919. LOUISIANA BENOIT. PHILIP Youngs Tent. No. 105. Paradis. La.; born at Thibadaux, La.. December 15th. 1892; became a Maccabee November 7th. 1914; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F. Killed in action, October 15th, 1918. Age 25 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Lvdia D. Benoit, October 13th. 1919. BRICE. JOHN L. Blennville Tent. No. 137. Gibsland. La.; born at Gibsland. La.. January 22nd. 1.S97; became a Maccabee June 18th. 1917; entered the U. S. Military .Service. A. E. F.. Co. 1, 7th Infantry, June 25tli. 1916. Killed in action. July 24th. 1918. Age 21 years. $2000.00 Benefit was paid to his father. Patrick Candler Brice, April 18, 1919. 20 BROWN. JOHN F. Rapides Tent. No. 75, Alexandria, La.; born at Zimmerman, La. February 7tli, 1S9S; became a Maccabee December Sth, 1916; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. I, 29th Infantry. January 9th, 1917. Killed in action. May 2Sth. 191S. Age 20 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his parents, Henry J. and Mary C. Brown, September 4th, 1918. COLVIN. EMMETT H. LTnionville Tent, No. 157. Unionville, La.; born at Unionville. La., April 12th, 1892; became a Maccabee June 23rd, 1913; entered the V. S. Military Service, A. E. F., Co. F. H. 106th Sanitary Train, June 15th, 19 IS. Died of influenza and pneumonia at Hampstead, N. Y., October 21st, 191S. Age 26 years. SIOOO.OO Benefit was paid to his father, Cal C. Cochran. CROSBY, JAMES D. Rapides Tent, No. 75, Alexandria, La-; born at Forest Hill, La., May 31st, 1887; became a Maccabee July 2nd. 1915; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F., Pvt. 451st Motor Truck Co., Engineers, October 3rd, 1917. Died of pneumonia, October 31st, 1918. Age 32 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Mamie Tissie Doggett Crosby, August 16th, 1919. DORSEY. ALBERT N. Beaureguard Tent. No. 175; Harrisonburg, La., Born at, Harrisonburg. La., August 10th. 1895; became a Maccabee December Sth. 1913; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F., Co. D. 156th Infantry, June 24th, 1916. Died of measles. Base Hospital, Camp Beaureguard, La., December 14th, 1917. .Age 22 years. $2000.00 Benefit was paid to his father. Warn S. Dorsey, February 1st, 1918. GOODMAN, JAMES R. Red Stock Tent, No. 25. Baton Rouge, La.; born at Baton Rouge, La., September 10th, IS94; became a Maccabee March 1st, 1917; entered the V. S. Military Service, A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. E, 10th Regiment Artillery, June 15th. 1918. Died of pneumonia. Base Hospital. Camp Jackson, S. C, October ISth, 191S. Age 24 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his sister. Myrtle Louise Goodman. February 5th, 1919. LAND. HILRY H. Campti Tent, No. 202. Campti. La.; born at Bienville. La.. March 11th. 1891; became a Maccabee July 24th, 1915; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. H. 156th Infantry. May 26. 1918. Died of influenza. November 3rd, 1918. Age 26 years. $2000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Eldora Land, February 25th, 1919. SAVOI. ISAAC Bayou Blue Tent, No. 9. Bayou Blue. La.; born at Bayou Blue, La., February 4th. 1892; became a Maccabee August 23rd, 1914; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F.. Pvt., Co. E. 23rd Infantry. Killed in action, July 2Sth. 1918. Age 26 years. $1000 00 Benefit was paid to his father. Theophile SavoJ, November 16th. 191S. WILKS. JOHN C. Camelia Tent. No. 23. Opelonsas, La.; born at Alexander, La.. April 17th, 1895; became a Maccabee December 17th. 1913; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F., Army. Died of peritonitis. St. Joseph's Infirmary. Tarrant County, Texas, December 22nd. 1917. Age 22 vears. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his father, Albert M. Wilks. February Sth. 1917. MAINE COCHRAN. WALTER Woodland Tent. No. 108. Woodland. Maine; born at Woodland. Maine. July 2nd. 1894; became a Maccabee -April 2nd. 1918; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F".. Pvt. 35th Co. 9th Training Battalion, 151st Depot Bri- gade, July 24th, 191S. Died of pneumonia. September 27tli. 1918. Age 24 years. $500.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Izabel Cochran. DAUDIER, THOMAS York Tent, No. 1, Biddeford. Maine; born at Biddeford. Maine, October 1st, 1889; became a Maccabee March 23rd, 1910; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F., Pvt. Co. H, 325th Infantry, March 28th, 1918. Killed in action, October 25th, 191S. Age 29 years. $500.00 Benefit was paid to his wife. Rose .Anna Daudier, February 18th, 1919. LEO. AUGUSTUS J. Dexter Tent. No. 94, Dexter, Maine; born at Dexter. Maine, September Sth, 18S6; became a Maccabee May 10th. 1905; entered the IJ. S. Military Service. A. E. F., 3rd Chemical Bat- talion, Edgwood Arsenal, June 26th. 1918. Died of pneimionia, Base Hospital, Edgwood, Maryland, October 9th, 1918. Age 32 years, $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his parents. Joseph and .Agnes Leo, December 5th, 1918. R<^Y, JOSEPH JR. York Tent, No. 1. Biddeford. Maine; born at St. Bernard. Quebec. December 5th. 1890; became a Maccabee November 1st. 1910; entered the U. S. Military Ser\Mce. A. E. F., Pvt. 117th Regiment, Mounted Rifles. Marcli 1st, 1916. Killed in action, October 30th, 1917. Age 27 years. $500.00 Benefit was paid to his father. Joseph Roy. March 12th, 1918. RYAN. ERNEST A. Waldo Tent. No. 66. Liberty. Maine; born at Liberty. Maine, July Sth, 1892; became a Maccabee September 2nd, 1910; entered the LT. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Pvt. Batterv E. 305th Field Artillery. Died of broncho- pneumonia,, F'ebruary Sth, 1919. Age 26 years. $500.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Esther P. Ryan, .April 24th, 1919. TOMPKINS. LEE W. ' '' Robinson Tent, No. 53, Robins&n, Maine; born at Blaine. Maine. July 22nd, 1889; became a Maccabee July 2nd. 1917; entered th(^ U. S. Military Service, A. E. F., Hospital Attendatkt, June 22nd, 1918. Died of pneumonia, Base , Hospital, Camp Devens. Ayer. Mass., Septem- ■ ber 19th, 191S. Age 29 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his cousin. Charles F. Cronkite. October 17th, 1918. MANITOBA BLADES. ROLAND Fort Range Tent. No. 39, Winnipeg, Manitoba; born at West Herblepool, England, March 19th. 1894; became a Maccabee September 14th, 1014; entered the Canadian Military Service. Sth Battalion. September 19th, 1914. Died of wounds received in action, October 19th. 1915. .Age 21 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid In his aunt, Catherine Best. August I4th. 1916. CAMERON. JOSEPH T. LaPrairie Tent, No. 4, Portage La Prairie. Manitoba; born at Leith. Scotland. December 17th. 1879; became a Maccabee March 1st. 1913; entered the Canadian Militarv Service, C. E. F. Killed in action. October 27th. 1918. -Age 38 years. $2000.00 Benefit was paid td his wife. Euphemia Cameron. January 7th. 1919. COLLIER. WILLIAM J. MacGregor Tent. No. 41. MacGregor, Mani- toba; born at MacGregor, Man., December 25th, 1S93; became a Maccabee June 14th, 1915; entered the Canadian Military Service. C. E. F.. Pvt. Engineers. January 4th. 1916. Killed in action, September 1st, 191S. Age 24 years. $500.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Jennie Collier, November 26th, 1918. DFWAR, WILLIAM J. Selkirk Tent. No. 5, Selkirk, Manitoba; born at Winnipeg, Manitoba, .August 27tli, 1894; be- came a Maccabee December 26th, 1906; entered the Canadian Military Service. C. E. F., Pvt. 61st Overseas Battalion, March 5th, 1916. Killed in action. September 27th, 1916. Age 32 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Elizabeth Dewar, May 23rd. 1917. EARDLEY, ALBERT E. Russell Tent, No. 33, Russell, Manitoba; born at Manchester, England, June 10th, 1878; became a M accabee November 2 1 st , 1910; entered the Canadian Military Service, C. E. F., Pvt. 16th Overseas Battalion. Killed in action, October Sth. 1916. Age 38 vears. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his wife, Esther Eardley. September 5th, 1917. EVANS. JAMES L. Miniota Tent. No. 17, Miniota, Manitoba; born at Flint. Wales, March 17th. 1879; became a Maccabee June 1st. 1905; entered the Canadian Military Service, C. E. F., Capt. 32 Battalion. Infantry. November 13th. 1914. Killed in action. September 1st. 1918. Age 39 vears. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his wife. Editli Eleanor Evans, February 17th, 1919. FOTHERINGHAM, ADAM La Prairie Tent, No. 4. Portage La Prairie. Manitoba; born at Clackmannan. Scotland. June 10th. 1891; became a Maccabee October Sth. 1914; entered the Canadian Military Service. C. E. F.. Pvt. 43rd Overseas Battalion. Killed in action. October Sth, 1916. Age 25 years. $500.00 benefit was paid to his sister. Jeanie Dawson. August 1, 1917. HALL. ARTHUR W. Foxwarren Tent, No. 40, Foxwarren, Manitoba; born at Asissippi. Man., February 16th, 1886; became a Maccabee July 3rd. 1905; entered the Canadian Military Service. C. E. F., Pvt. 203rd Overseas Battalion. April 1st. 1916. Killed in action, June 3rd, 1917. -Age 31 years. $2.50.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Nartha H. Hall. September 13th. 1917. LAWSON, HERBERT Fort Garr>' Tent. No. 1, Winnipeg. Manitoba; born at London, England. October 5th. 1875; became a Maccabee May 15th. 1912; entered the Canadian Military Service, C. E. F.. Corp- oral, 1st Canadian Mounted Rifles. Died of wounds received in action. Southern General Hospital. Edgbaston, Birmingham. England, October 20th, 1918. .Age 43 years. $500.00 Benefit was paid to his sister, Evelyn M. Law- son. March 20th, 1919. LONG. JAMES W. Ninette Tent, No. 13. Ninette. Manitoba; born at Wigton. England. January 25th. 1880. became a Maccabee February Sth. 1915; entered the Canadian Military Service, C. E. F.. Pvt. 27th Overseas Battalion. Julv 26th. 1915. Killed in action. April 10th, 1915. Age 29 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Hannah Long, September 13th, 1917. McKONE, JOHN M. A. Fort Garry Tent. No. 1. Winnipeg, Manitoba, born at South River. Ontario. September 21st. 18S8; became a Maccabee .August 16th. 1910; entered the Canadian Military Service. C. E. F., Pvt. 27th Overseas Battalion. June 1st, 1916. Age 27 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his father, David McKone. November 1st. 1916. NOLAN. JOHN Fort Garry Tent. No. 1. Winnipeg. Manitoba; born at Reading. England. January 31st. 1894; became a Maccabee June 22nd. 1914; entered the Canadian Military Service. C. E. F.. Pvt. 10th Overseas Battalion. Killed in actio n, April 22nd. 1915. Age 21 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Melanie Nolan, May 24th. 1917. SPONG, WILLIAM E. Fort Garry Tent. No. 1, Winnipeg, Manitoba; born at Wolverton, England, January 27th, 1881; became a Maccabee November loth, 1910; entered the Canadian Military Service, C. E. F., Pvt. 78th Regiment Overseas Bat- talion. Killed in action, January 3rd, 1917. Age 35 years. $500.00 Benefit was paid to his wife. Edith Maud Spong, April 1st, 1917. MARYLAND LINK, HOWARD W. Washington Tent. No. 4. Morrell Park. Md; born at Baltimore, Maryland. May 21st. 1893; became a Maccabee Marcii 21st. 1915; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Corporal Co.F. 126th Infantry. October Sth. 1917. Killed in action. September 1st. 1918. Age 25 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Annie Link. December 20th. 1918. MICHIGAN BARNETT. FREDERICK C. Silver Creek Tent. No. 415. Silverwood, Mich.; born at Woodstock. Ontario, February 17t!i. 1S.S6; became a Maccabee November 1.5tli. 190.5; entered the Canadian Military Service. C.-E, F.. Pvt. 2nd Canadian Overseas Bat- talion.' Killed inaction. May 3rd. 1917. Age 31 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his wife. Sarah Harnett. April 11th. 1918. BIELECKl. LEON S. .American Tent. No. 112. Detroit. Midi.; born at Erie. Penn.. July 17th, 1895; became a Mac- cabee February 12th. 1917; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F., Co. M. 12fith Infan- try, April 10th. 1917. Killed in action. October 5th, 1918. Age 23 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his father. Joseph Bielecki. .\ugust 1st, 1919. CUNNINGHAM. CHARLES E. Crescent Star Tent. No. 1.52. Grand Rapids. Mich., born at Grand Rapids. Mich., July 31st, 1892; became a Maccabee September 1st, 1915; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Sergeant. Co. K. 126th Infantry. Julv 1.5th. 1917. Killed in action. July 3rd. 1918. Age 25 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Augusta Pangburn. August 21st. 1918. DECKER. CLAIRE E. Davis Tent No. 302. Muskegon. Mich.; born at Muir. Mich.. August 19th. 18S7; became a Maccabee February 17th. 1916; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. 41st Regiment Co. C. April 26th. 1916. Died of lobar pneu- monia and pleurisy. Fort Cook. Nebraska. April nth. 1918. Age 30 years. $500.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Ida F. Decker. May 21st. 1918. DOWNER. CLYDE J. Cadillac Tent. No. 232. Cadillac Mich.; born at Genessee County. Mich.. November 20th. 1889: became a Maccabee October 30th. 1916; enterecl the v. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Medical Department. July 27th. 1917. Died of pul- monary tuberculosis. Base Hospital. Camp Travis. Texas, August 28th, 1918. Age 2S years. $500.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. -Anna Downer. September 25th. 191.8. FLORIANO. EMILIO Maple Tent. No. 335. Hermansville. Mich.; born at Valdagno. Italy. September 1st. 1895; became a Maccabee October 16. 1916; entered the v. S. Military Service. .■\. E. F.. Pvt. Co. L. 7th Infantry. May 25th. 1918. Killed in action. October 18th. 1918. Age 23 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his wife, -Augusta Floriano. April ISth. 1919. FROMBY. LESLIE Cadillac Tent. No. 232. Cadillac. Mich.; born at Owosso. Mich., August 2nd, 1893; became a 21 Maccabee February llth. 1018; entered t he U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. C. 47th Infantry. Killed in action August 21st. I91S .^ge 25 yearii. $1000.00 Benefit was paid' to his father. Henry Fromby. October 30th. 1918. r.READY. ROY E. South Lyon Tent. No. fl. South Lyon. Mich.; born at South Lyon. Mich.. April 19th. 1S90; became a Maccabee February llth, 1911; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. 85th Infantry. March 28th. 1018. Died of Epithelonia of tongue. Pontiac. Mich.. Novem- ber loth. 1918. Age 28 years. $500.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Loretta Gready. December 10th. 191S. GRISVVOLD, FRANK M. Muskegon United Tent. No. 175. Muskegon. Mi h,; born at Muskegon, Mich.. January 28th. 1892- became a Maccabee August 7th. 1909; en- tered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Ser- geant. Co. L. 126th Infantry, March 7th. 191o. Killed in action, at Chateau Thierry. August 4th 1918. Age 26 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his parents. Frank E. and Rose A. Griswold. August 12th. 1919. HEBEL. WILSON H. Detroit Tent, No. 82. Detroit. Mich.; born at Pittsburgh. Penn.. July 23rd. 1894; became a Maccabee March 26th .1915; entered the U.S. Military Service, A. E. F.. Motor Truck Co. Died of Hcmorrhagia. Overseas. January 16th. 1918. Age 23 years. $2000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Leone Hoffman, March 4th. 1918. HUTCHINSON. ALFRED G. Island Tent. No. .59. Plainwell. Mich.; born at Plainwell. Mich., January 15th. 1889; became a Maccabee January loth. 1907; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Co. A. 339th Infantry, 4th Platoon, A\ni\ 26th. 1918. Killed in action. January 19th. 1919. Age 30 years. $500.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Rosa Hutchinson. September llth. 1919. KIDDER. ALBERT Hollowav Tent. No. 769. Holloway. Mich.; born at Saline. Mich.. December 23rd. 1883; became a Maccabee November 21st. 1902; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Sergeant. Co. B. 126th Infantry. June 23rd. 1916 Killed in action, October 5th, 191S. Age 34 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Lena Sanford. January 20th, 1919. KLINE. WARD RUSSELL Edwardsburg Tent. No. 723. Edwardshurg. Mich.; born at LaGrange. Indiana. December 3rd 1896; became a Maccabee June 12th. 1917; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Pvt Co. D. 328th Machine Gun Battalion. September 18th. 1917. Killed in action. October 9th. 1918. Age 21 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. March 3rd. 1919. LARGES. WALTER M. Myrtle Tent. No. 453. Detroit. Mich.; born at Detroit. Mich.. February 12th. 1896; became a Maccabee March 30th. 1914; entered the U. S. Military Service A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. H. 126th Infantry. Killed in action. .September 1st. 191S. Age 22 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. November 16. 1918. LOOKER. FRED C. Wilson Tent. No. 169. Owosso. Mich.; born at Cambridge. Ohio. August 17th. 1S83; became a Maccabee April 27th. 1903; entered the U. S. Military Service A. E. F.. Infantry. September, 1916. Died of pneumonia. Whitby Military Hospital. Whitbv. Ontario. September 24th. 1918. Age 35 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his sister, Mabel Looker, November 2nd, 1918. McCURDY, ASA C, Calhoun Tent. No. 54. Battle Creek. Mich.; born at Battle Creek. Mich.. June 12th. 1886; became a Maccabee May 17th. 1916; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Major. Medical Corps. June Sth. 1917. Died of car- buncle. Brest. France. November 28th 19I.S. Age 32 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his wife. Frances N. McCurdy. February 17th. 1919. MONAHAN. JOHN H. Arbor Tent. No. 296. Ann Arbor. Mich.; born at Northfield. Mich.. June 29th. 1893; became a Maccabee October 9th. 1917; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Supply Co.. Artillery. September 19th. 1918. Died of motorcycle accident. Camp Custer. Mich.. March 17th. 1918. Age 24 years. $1000 00 Benefit was paid to Caroline Monahan. mother. May 14th. 1918. MOORE. SHERMAN E. Hancock Tent. No. 489. Ravenna. Mich.; born at Ravenna. Mich.. January 23rd. 1888; became a Maccabee May 23rd. 1906; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Mechanic. Co. K. 126th Infantry. June 16th. 1917. Killed in action. August 28th. 1918. Age 30 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Margery .^. Crone, November 16th, 1918. NUMBERS. GEORGE R. Detroit Union Tent. No. 556. Detroit. Mich.; born at St. Louis. Mo.. November llth. 1883; became a Maccabee February 19th. 1915; en- tered the U. S. Military Service. C. E. F.. Pvt. 1st Battalion Overseas. May 14th, 1917. Dk<1 of wounds received in action. No. 5 South General Hospital. Southsea. England. October 12th. 1918. .4ge 24 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his wife, .^lice K. Numbers. Decem- ber Sth. 1918. PATELSKI. WILLIAM H. Holton Tent. No. 519. Holton. Mich.; born at Chicago. 111.. August 17th. 1887; became a Maccabee February 23rd. 1918; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. M. .338th Infantry. April 2Sth, 1918. Killed in action. October 6th. 1918. Age 31 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his brother. Richard Patelski. February 25th, 1919. RENTSCHLER. REUBEN M. American Tent. No. 112. Detroit. Mich.; born at Saline. Mich.. October 10th. 1890; became a Maccabee March 13th. 1917; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F. Died of accident. ■September 15th. 191S. Age 27 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Katherine Rentschler. December 19th. 1918. ROBERTSON. ANDREW Detroit Tent. No. 82. Detroit. Mich.; born at Paislev. Scotland. March 12th. 1895; became a Maccabee July 30th, 1915; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Pvt. SSth Battalion. Killed in action. September 16th. 1916. Age 21 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Bridget Robertson. .August 15tli. 1917. ROWE. JESSE F. Corunna Tent. No. 30. Corunna. Mich.; born at Owosso. Mich.. June 1.5th. 1890; became a Maccabee March 2nd. 1910; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F., Corporal. Co. M. 12.5th. May 3rd. 1917. Killed in action. July 31st. 1918. Age 28 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Jennie Clemens. February 18th. 1919. SILLS. CHARLES W. Hoisington Tent. No. 710. Eau Claire. Mich.; born at Danville. 111.. January 26th. 1893; became a Maccabee November 25th. 1914; entered the U. S. Military Service. .•\. E. F.. Pvt. Co. G. 337th Infantry, May 24th. 1918. Killed in action. November 4th. 1918. .'Vge 25 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Nancy Ellen Sills. February 18th. 1919. SKEZNTA. PAUL Linton Tent. No. 17. East Lake. Mich.; born at East Lake. Mich.. September .30th. 1.H91; became a Maccabee December 6th. 1910; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. B. 4th Infantry. June 22nd. 1918. Killed in action, October 13th, 1918. .-^ge 27 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Agnes Skeznta. February 21st. 1919. SPINK. ROY H. Shepherd Tent. No. 237. Shepherd. Mich.; born at Warsaw. N. Y., July 12th. 1891; became a Maccabee. August 24th. 1917; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Pvt. 3rd Corps Military Police. November 19th. 1917. Died of pneumonia. January 27th. 1919. .\ge 27 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his parents Edward and Cora E. Spink. April 2nd. 1919. STILLSON. WARD Edwardsburg Tent. No. 723. Edwardsburg. Mich.; born at Cass County. Mich.. September 26th. 1891; became a Maccabee October 2nd. 1917; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F Pvt. Co. F. 310th Engineers. March 31st. 1918. Died of scarlet fever. February 3rd. 1919. Age 27 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Sarah M. StiUman. April 2nd. 1919. SZCZUKOWSKI. MARK R. Cement City Tent. No. 378. .Alpena. Mich.; born at Alpena. Mich.. October 3rd. 1896; became a Maccabee April ISth. 1918; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Student .\rmy Training Corps. August 21st. 1918. Died of pneumonia. Univer.sity Hospital. Iowa City. Iowa. October I7th. 1918. .Age 22 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Katherine Szczukowski. December 2nd. 1918. TRANK. CLAYTON A. Central City Tent. No. 139. Jackson. Mich.; born at Jackson. Mich.. June 20th. 1890; became a Maccabee December 9th. 1012; entered the U. S. Military Service. .■\. E. F.. Baker. U. S. .iirmy, May 2.5th. 191S. Died of pneumonia. Base Hospital. Camp Custer. Mich.. October 13th. 1918. .\ge 28 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his children. Wm. B. Trank. Alta Howe. Satie and Bercie Hinkley. December 23rd. 1918. TWOMEY. MICHAEL P. Kalamazoo Tent. No. 57. Kalama'oo. Mich.; born at Detroit. Mich.. June 9th. 1896; became a Maccabee June 21st. 1917; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Corporal. Co. C. 126th Infantry. March 1.5th. 1915. Killed in action, .\ugust 1st. 1918. .\ge 22 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Albemea Twomey. October 20th. 1918. WARD. WILLIAM E. Fern Hill Tent. No. 733. Grant. Mich.; born at Shelby. Mich.. August .5th. 1894; became a Maccabee March 23rd. 1918; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. G. 4th Infantry. June 3rd. 1918. Killed in action. October 14th. 1918. Age 24 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Ellen Ward. March 3rd. 1919. WATSON. HENRY Garland Tent. No. 618. Sherwood. Mich.; born at Payne. Ohio. February 17th. 1.S96; became a Maccabee February 6th. 1917; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. D. 126th Infantry. September 18th. 1917. Killed inaction. September 7th. 1918. Age 22 years. .$.500.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Emeline Watson. January 30th. 1919. WILLIAMS. STEPHEN E. Cutler Tent. No. 21. Buchanan. Mich.; born at Grand Rapids. Mich.. July 16th. 1899; became a Maccabee January 2nd. 1918; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. 274th .\ero SQuadron Signal Corps. December 12th. 1917. Died of spinal meningitis. Camp Bowie. Base Hospital. Fort Worth. Texas. March 27th. 1918. .•\ge 18 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Emma Williams. June llth. 1918. WILLIAMS. FRED J. Greater Detroit Tent. No. 33. Detroit. Mich.; born at Sarnia. Ontario. December 6th. 1874; became a Maccabee December 28th. 1903; entered the LI. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Infantry. Died of gunshot wound. General Hospital. Letreport. England. October 3rd. 1918. .^ge 43 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his wife. Eva Williams. October 17th. I9I8. WING. STANLEY J. Citizens Tent. No. 289. Detroit. Mich.; born at Detroit. Mich.. January 29th. 1804; became a Maccabee January 12th. 1914; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Navy. 2nd Class Fireman. U. S. S. "Michigan." March 27th. 1917. Drowned. New York Harbor. N. Y.. October 30th. 1017. Ase 23 years. $500.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Sarah E. Wing. November 15th. 1917. MINNESOTA DAVIS. CLAUDE E. Big Lake Tent. No. 74. Big Lake. Minnesota; born at Elk River. Minn.. April .3rd. 1897; be- came a Maccabee March 1st. 1918; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. 388th Infantry. October 21st. 1918. Died of broncho-pneu- monia. Base Hospital. Camp Cody. New Mex- ico. November 3rd. 1918. Age 21 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Myrtle M. Davis. December 16th. 1918. JACOBSON. WALTER G. Nelson Tent No. 91. Nelson. Minnesota; born at Rose Creek. Minn.. October 26th. 1893; became a Maccabee June 14th. 1913; entered the U. S. Military Service. .\. E. P.. Pvt. Co. A. 362nd Infantry. September 18th. 1917. Killed in action. September 29th. 1918. Age ■'4 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his father, .\ndrew Jacobson. February 6th. 1919. KIRKGARD. HENRY Modin Tent. No. 20. Minneapolis. Minnesota; born at Minneapolis. Minn.. October 21st, 1886- became a Maccabee May 5th. 1909; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. K. Pvt. 0th Detachment .^dm. Labor Co.. July '>'> 1918. Died of broncho-pneumonia. Oct- ober 12th. 1918. Age 31 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to Johanna Kirkgard. March 20th. 1919. KYLE. CECIL F. St Anthony Tent. No. 52. Minneapolis. Minn; born at Hankinson. N. D.. January 26th. 1894; became a Maccabee June llth. 1912; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Sergeant. Co B. 13Ist Infantry. February 26th. 1918. Killed in action. October 10th. 1918. Age 24 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Mary E. Kyle. March 20th. 1919. LINNELL. WILLIAM Duluth Tent. No. 1. Duluth. Minnesota; born at Dodge Center. Minn.. October 27tli. l.S,S7. became a Maccabee November loth. 191o; entered the Canadian Military Service. C. E. F Pvt 50th Overseas Battalion. November 1st 1915. Killed in action. June 21st. 1917. \ge 29 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother.' Lydia Linnell. January 9th, 1918. SCHAFFERT, WM. T. \ustin Tent. No. 16. Austin. Minnesota; born at Carlstad. N. J.. September 24th 1.888; be- came a Maccabee April llth. 1916; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Navy (An Station), June 12th, 1918, Died of pneumonia, U S, Naval Air Station, N. Sydney, Nova Scotia. September 30th. 1918. Age 30 years. $2000.00 Benefit was paid to his wife. Iza May Schaffert. MISSISSIPPI BAILEY. GREENWOOD Columbus Tent. No. 2. Columbus. Miss.; born at Caledonia. Miss., .\ugust 23, 1S95; became a Maccabee .August 2nd, 1917; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Navy. November 13th, 1917. Died of disease. U. S. Naval Hospital. Norfolk. Virginia. January 23rd. 1918. Age 22 years. S2000.00 Benefit was paid to his parents. John Woodie and Lillie Jane Bailey, March 7th, 191,S. GRAHAM, JOE L. Gulfport Tent, No. 59. Gulfport. Mississippi; born at Meridian. Miss., .^pril 10th. IS94; be- came a Maccabee -August 14th. 1916; entered the U. S. Military Service. .A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. .A. 2Sth Infantry. Killed in action. May 29th, 1918. Age 24 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his sisters. Edna Mav and Anna Belle Graham, October 23rd. 1918. LINDH. OSCAR F. Gulfport Tent. No. 59. Gulfport. Miss.; born at Handsboro. Miss.. December 9th, 1890; be- came a Maccabee November 24th, 1916; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. 73rd Balloon. Co., March 27th. 1918. Died of pneumonia. Base Hospital. Fort Omaha, Nebraska. October 15th. 1918. Age 27 years. .SIOOO.OO Benefit was paid to his mother, Eliza- beth Lindh. December 2,3rd, 1918. SHIVE. LAWRENCE W. .Acme Tent. No. 57. Charleston. Miss.; born at Charleston. Miss. July 27. 1896; became a Maccabee August 12th. 1914; entered the U. S. Military Service. .A. E. F.. 578th Pioneer Infantry. September 4th. 1918. Died of broncho-pneumonia. Overseas. October 7th. 1918. Age 22 years. $2000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Rabie Shive. December 23rd. 1918. SMITH. ALBERT Laurel Tent. No. 10, Laurel, Miss.; born at Newton County. Miss.. May 12th. 1896; became a Maccabee July 3rd. 1917; entered the U. S. Military Service .A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. K. 113tli Infantry. -April 2nd. 1918. Killed in action. November Uth. 1918, Age 22 years. SIOOO.OO Benefit was paid to his sister. Alma Smith, February I7th, 1919. MISSOURI BAZAN, THEODORE B. Moberly Tent, No. 3. Moberly. Mo.; born St. Joseph. Mo.. July 29th. 1895; became a Macca- bee October 29th. 1913; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F.. Lieut. 138th In- fantry. May. 1917. Killed in action. September 29th. 1918. Age 23 years. $2000 00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Paulina Bazan. De- cember 10th. 191S. BORLAND, WILLI.AM P. Kansas City Tent. No. 105. Kansas City, Mo.; born at Leavenworth, Kansas, October 14th, 1867; became a Maccabee December 4th. 1915; was doing Missionary Work for the Masonic Order among the boys at the Front. Died of bronchial pneumonia at Field Hospital No. 301, France, February 20th, 1919, Age 51. Was Congressman from tlie 5th Missouri District at the time of his death. .$.500 00 Benefit was paid to his wife. Ona VVinants Borland. June 10th. 1919. BROOKER. BENJAMIN S. -Apollo Tent. No- 185. St. Louis. Mo.; born at St- Louis, Mo., June 28th, 1890; became a Maccabee June 4th. 1914; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Co. M. 138th Infantry. Mav 2Gth. 1917. Died of pneumonia October 21st. 1918. Age 28 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to Margaret V. Brooker. mother. January 3rd. 1919. C-'VNARY. THEOPHILUS Anderson Tent, No. 116. St. Louis, Mo.; born at Union Town, Ky.. August 8th, 1893; became a Maccabee March 29th, 1912; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. 1. 28th Infantry, October 5th, 1917. Killed in action, July 10th, 1918. -Age 24 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his parents. John H. and Mary E. Canary. October 30th. 1918. EADES. VINCENT Chillicothe Tent. No. 31, Chillicothe, Mo.; born at Brunswick. Mo.. October 1st, 1887; became a Maccabee May ISth, 1909, entered the U. S. Military Service. -A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. 39. Camp Mc.'\rthur. Replacement Draft. .August 9th. 1918. Died of pneumonia. October 15th. 1918. Age 31 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Tempa Eades. January 24tli, 1919. FOUST, ARNOLD J.. Lilbourn Tent. No. 185. Lilbourn. Mo.; born at Charleston, Mo.. November 16th. 1891; be- came a Maccabee June 20th. 1911; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. A. 4th Infantry. June 4th, 1918. Died of menin- gitis. October 2nd. 1918, Age 26 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. .\nianda C. Foust, April. 24th 1919. HALL. HUGO Eclipse Tent. No. 30. Brookfield. Mo.; born at Brookfield. Mo., November 9th, 1891; became a Maccabee November 25th, 1914; entered the v. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Sergeant. 2nd -Artillery -Auto Repair Shop. December 13th. 1917. Died of tuberculosis. October 4th. 191S. Age 26 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother and brother. Elizabeth Jennings and John Hall. February 1st. 1920. HANSHAW, Wm. O. Kansas City Tent. No. 105, Kansas City, Mo.; born at Leonda. Iowa. -April ISth. 1888; became a Maccabee June 15th. 1916; entered the U. S. Military Service. -A- E. F-. Navy. May 22nd. 1918. Died of lobar pneumonia. U. S. Naval .\ir Station. Miami, Florida. October 20th. 1918. Age 30 years. SIOOO.OO Benefit was paid to his sister. Grace Hanshaw, December 20th. 1918. HARNESS, WILLIAM T. Macks Tent. No. 166. St. Louis. Mo.; born at St. Louis. Mo.. December 16th, 1891; became a Maccabee March 1st, 1910; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. B. 11th Infantry. June 27th. 1918. Killed in action. October Uth. 1918, Age 26 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his father. George Harness. January 25th, 1919. HAYS, WALTER J. Capen Tent. No. 102. St. Louis. Mo.; born at St. Louis, Mo., October Uth. 1,893; became a Maccabee March 12th, 1914; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F. Navy. May 7th. 1918. Died of influenza, LI, S. Naval Hospital. Great Lakes. 111.. Spetember 19th. 1918 Age 24 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his father. John W. Hays. October 30th. 1918. HOWE. HOSEA S. California Tent, No. 117. California. Mo.; born at Kliever. Mo.. June 18th. 1892; became a Maccabee -August 15th. 1910; entered the U. S. Military Service, Battery C, 342nd F. A.. Sep- tember 21st. 1917. Died of pneumonia, Base Hospital, Ft. Riley. Kansas. December 22nd. 1917. Age 25 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Louisa Howe, February 19th, 1018. JONES. ROY C. Athens Tent. No. 7. Columbia. Mo.; born at .Ashland. Mo.. November 23rd. 1891; became a Maccabee July 19th. 1916; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. C. .Ammu- nition Train. May 15th. 1918. Died of pneu- monia. September 26th. 1918. -Age 26 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Carry Jones. January 7th. 1919. KIRBY. FAYETTE O- -Athens Tent, No. 7, Columbia, Missouri; born at Sweet Springs, Mo.. February 9tli. ISSl; became a Maccabee December 12th. 1902; entered the LI. S. Military Service. -A. E. F.. .Aviation Department. Died through aero- plane accident. December .30th, 1918. Age 37 \'ears. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his wife. Flake B. Kirby, March 26, 1919. McMillan, james a. Crocker Tent, No. 134. Crocker, Mo.; born at Pulaski Co., Mo.. September 6th. 1888; became a Maccabee May Sth, 1913; entered the U, S. Military Service,-A. E- F., Pvt. Battery F. 337th Field .Artillery. May 27th. 1918. Killed in action. October 21st. 1918. .Age .30 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his parents. James B. and Hattie A. McMillan. March 20th, 1919. REAGAN. DANIEL Hall Tent. No. 8. St. Louis. Mo.; born at St. Louis. Mo.. July 24th. 1S89; became a Macca- bee October 9th. 1916; entered the U.S. Military Service, A. E. F.. Sergeant, Machine Gun Co.. 354th Infantry, September 9th, 1917, Killed in action, September 17, 1918. Age 29 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Bridget Reagan. December 23rd, 1918. ROBB. PORTER F. Crescent Tent. No. 4, Sedalia, Mo.; born at Green Ridge. Mo.. November 19th. 1894 became a Maccabee November 1.3th, 1913; entered the U. S. Military Service. -A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. G. 34th Infantry, May 12th, 1918. Killed in action November 2nd. 1918. Age 23 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his sister. Mabel Jane Robb. F'ebruary 18th. 1919. ROBERTSON. D-AVID M- Doniphan Tent. No. 179. Doniphan. Mo.; born at Florence. Colo.. June 10th. 1SS5; became a Maccabee December 17th. 1913; entered the U. S. Military Service, .A. F. E.. First Lieut. Co. E. 140tli Infantry. August 5. 1917. Killed in action. September .30th. 1918. Age 33 years. $500 00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Maggie Robertson, F'ebruary 6th, 1919. SMITH. JOS. A. Crescent Tent. No. 4. Sedalia. Mo.; born at Rock Island. 111.. February 6th. 1889; became a Maccabee June 19th. 1917; entered the U. S. Military Service.. A. E. F.. Field .Signal Battalion. Died of accident at Camp Dodge. Iowa. Decem- ber 1st. 1917, -Age 28 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Ida M. Smith, Decem- ber 29th, 1917. MONTANA BROLIN, HARRY W. Sincerity Tent. No. 3, Anaconda, Montana; born at -Anaconda, August 2nd, 1,890; became a Maccabee September 17th, 1908; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. p.. 2nd Co. Prov. Ordnance Dept., December Sth. 1917. Died of pneumonia, at Mehun. France, October 22nd. 1918, Age 28 years. SIOOO.OO Benefit was paid to his mother. Carrie Brolin. December 23rd 191S. HENDERSON. JOHN .A. Ruby Tent. No. 6. Butte. Montana; born at San Francisco, California, September 7th, 1888; became a Maccabee June 4th, 1918; en- tered the V. S, Military Service. .A E F . Pvt. Co H. 359th Infantry. Mav 28th. 1918. Killed in action. November 5th. 1918. Age 30 years. SIOOO.OO Benefit was paid to his wife, Olga Henderson, June 10th, 1919. HORE. JOHN Ruby Tent. No. 6. Butte. Montana; born at St. .Austell, England, December 11th, 1893; became a Maccabee .August 10th. 1915; entered the U. S. Military Service. .A. E. F.. Corporal. Battery F. 34Sth Field Artillery. October 6th. 1917. Died of pneumonia. November 20th 1918. Age 24 years. $2000.00 Benefit was paid to his step-mother. Sarah Hore. February 17th. 1919. NEBRASKA JONES. FLOYD Harmony Tent. No. .57, Blue Springs. Nebraska; born at Blue Springs. Nebraska. June 27th. 1895; became a Maccabee February Sth. 1915- entered the U. S. Military Service, -A. E. F.' Pvt. Veterinary Corps. July 21st, 1918. Died of lobar pneumonia. March 20th. 1918. Age 23 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his parents John and Kate Jones. July 2nd, 1919. NEW HAMPSHIRE RAZA. HYPOLITE Queen City Tent. No. 7. Manchester. N. H.; born at Blake Mill. Quebec. November 10th, 1890; became a Maccabee November 15th. 1910; entered the U. S. Military Service. .A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. F. 20th Infantry. May 24th. 191S. Killedinaction. October 1st. 1918, Age 27 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Melina Raza. .August 12th. 1919. NEW JERSEY BAKER. J. BENJAMIN H. United Tent. No. 20. Jersey City, N. J.; born at Jersey City. N. J.. November 9th. 1889; became a Maccabee March 12th. 1914; entered the LT. .S. Military Service. .A. E. F., 87th Division, Medic- al Detachment, June 28th, 1918. Killed in action. September 17th. 1918 -Age 28 years. SIOOO.OO Benefit was paid to his mother. Eliza- beth Baker, on February 25th. 1919. BJORK. GOTTFRIED Jefferson Tent. No. 43. Perth .Amboy. N. J.; born at Oskarhaam. Sweden. March Uth. 1892; became a Maccabee June 27th. 1910; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. 46Sth .Aero Squadron. July 29th, 1917. Died of tubercu- losis, at Rest Camp, France, Februarv 26th, 1919. Age 26 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his sister. Edith Bjork. on May 20th. 1919. DINEEN. WILLIAM E. Pavonia Tent. No. 42. Jersey City. N. J.; born at Jersey City, N. J., on May 20th, 1895; became a Maccabee May 2Sth, 1917; entered U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. F, 9th Infantry, July 21st, 1917. Killed in action. July 2nd. 1918, -Age 23 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Katherine Dineen October 26th. 1918. HENDERSON. ARCHIE Jersey Heights Tent . No. 40. Jersey City. N. J. ; born at South Haven. Mich.. July 3rd. 18S9; became a Maccabee May 22nd. 1911; entered the U. S. Military Service, .A. E. F.. Pvt. Aero Squadron. October ISth. 1917. Killed in action. March 22nd, 1918. -Age 28 year-- $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Hattie Hender son. July 3rd. I91S. MALONE, EDWARD J. United Tent. No. 20. Jersey Citv, N. J., born at Jersey City. N. J.. -April 4th. 1887; became a Maccabee May 25th. 1917; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Sergeant. Co. M. 312th Infantry. September 23rd, 1917, Kille.l 23 in action, Octobrr 2Sth. I9IS. Age 31 years. $300.00 Benefit was paid to lus wife. Dorothy Gcorgiana Malonc, December 23rd. 1918. SCHOLL. CH.\RLES United Tent. No. 20. Jersey City. N. J.; born at Jersey City. August 5th, 1895-, became a Maccabee .April 23rd, 1914; entered the U. S. Mihtarv Ser\'icc, A. E. F., Pvt. Co. A, 312th Engineers, June 27th, 1918. Died of influenza. October 23rd, 1918. .Age 23 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to liis mother, Clara Scholl, January 14th, 1919. NEW YORK ANGILLI, N.ATALI Little Falls Tent, No. 333. Little Falls, N. Y.; born at Bott, New York, December 24th, 1894; became a Maccabee February 27th, 1917; enter- ed the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F.. Co. C, 61st Infantry. September 22nd, 1917. Killed in action, October IStli, 1918. Age 23 years. $500 00 Benefit was paid to liis mother, Paula B. Angilli. September 16, 1919. ARCHAMBAULT, OSCAR J. Plattsburgh Tent, No. 274, Plattsburgh, N. Y.; born at Plattsburgh, N. Y.. December 31st, 1893; became a Maccabee March 6th, 1912; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F., Supply Co., 71st Infantry. July 21. 1918. Died of influenza. Base Hospital, Camp Meade, Maryland. October 4th. 1918. Age 25 years. $.i00'00 Benefit wa" paid to his parents, Edward and Carrie Archambault. December 5th. 1918. AYLIFFE. FRED D. West End Tent. No. 449, Syracuse. N. Y.; born at Syracuse, N. Y.. October 27th, 1898; became a Maccabee March ,30th, 1917; entered the U. S. Military Service. .\. E. F., Medical Corps. June 17th ' 1918. Died of Streptococus-Septi- caemia, at U. S. A. General Hospital No. 4, Ft Porter, N. Y., April 9th. 1919. Age 20 years. .$1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Mary J. Ayliffe, May 12th, 1919. HAKER. CLIFFORD C. Brownville Tent, No. 439. Brownville, N. Y.; born at Brownville. N. Y.. September 25th. 1894- became a Maccabee February 24th, 191b; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F., 7,5th Co., 18th Battalion, September .5th. 1918. Died of pneumonia, Crouse-Faring Hospital, Syracuse. N. Y., September 27th. 1918. Age 24 years. $500 00 Benefit was paid to Charles Baker, father, December 23rd, 1918. BECKER, MILES E. Limestone Tent. No. 3. Limestone, N.Y.;born atCoudersport.Pa., January 18th, 1896; became a Maccabee January 12th, 1915; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Co. 1. 310th Infantry, .April 3rd, 1918. Killed in action, October 19th, 1918. Age 22 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Kate Becker, February 17th, 1919. BOTTS. GEORGE Mesa Tent, No. 317, LeRoy, N. Y.; born at Pavilion N.Y., May 1st. 1.895; became a Macca- bee June 22nd, 1915; entered the LI. S. Military Service A. E. F., Pvt. Co. G, 7th Infantry, September 26th, 1917. Killed in action, July 15th 1918. Age 23 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his father. Peter Botts, November 2nd, 1918. BOYLE, WILLIAM J.. Jr. Whiiehall Tent, No. 228, Whitehall. N. Y.; born at Whitehall, N. Y., November 29th, 1,892; became a Maccabee December 20th. 1911; en- tered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F.. Pvt. Co D 101st Infantry. November 8th, 1917. Killed in action , July 26th, 1918. Age 25 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Elizabeth Boyle, October 13th, 1918. BRIDER. HERBERT Lumber City Tent. No. 93. Tonawanda, N. Y.; born at Tonawanda. N. Y., .\uRust 31st, 19.S3; became a Maccabee August 22, 1912; entered the LI. S. Military Service. A. E. F,. Co. B, 312th Engineers. May 28tli. 1918. Died of influenza, at Camp Hospital No. 66, St. Sulpice, France, October 12th, 1918. Age 25 years. $.50100 Benefit was paid to his sisters and brother. Lena Tomni, Maime Mayer, Clara Regnet and Fred Brider, June 10th, 1919. CASTLE, HERBERT Delanson Tent, No. 674. Delanson. N. Y.; born at Wright. N. Y., ."April 8th, 1892; became a Maccabee December 5th, 1914; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F., Wagoner, Co. .\ 301st Engineers. October 5. 1917. Died of pneumonia. December 9th, 1918 .Age 26 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his sister. Rachel Schell. February 18th, 1919. CONLIN, J. RALPH Castleton Tent. No. 840, Castleton. N. Y.; born at Castleton, N. Y., August 5th, 1893; became a Maccabee June 30tli, 1916; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F., Pvt. Machine Gun Co.. April 5th, 1918. Killed in action, October 3rd, 1918. Age 25 years. $.500 >0 Benefit was paid to Farrel Conlin. father. December 23rd, 1918. CUTLER, LEWIS J. Corinthian Tent, No. 275, Corinthian, N. Y.; born at Milton, N. Y., November 3rd, lS9oj became a Maccabee June 18th, 1914; entered the LT. S. Military Service, A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. G, 60tli Infantry, October 5th, 1917. Killed in action. November 6th. 1918 .Age 23 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to Elva M. Cutler, mother, March 6th, 1919. DUDLEY, HARRY Produce Tent, No. 784, Peru, N. Y.; born at Peru N. Y., October 12th, 1894; became a Maccabee March 8th, 1917; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F., Pvt. Co. D, Machine Gun Battalion, May 27th, 1918. Killed in action. November 3rd, 1918. Age 24 years. $500 00 Benefit was paid to his father, Henry Dudley, February 17th, 1919. DUQUETTE. THOM.AS J. Oswegatchie Tent. No. 244. Gouverneur, N. Y.; born at Gouverneur. N. Y.. .April 7th, 1896; became a Maccabee May 2nd, 1917; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. F, 23 Infantry, July 20th, 1917. Killed in action, luly ISth, 1918. Age 22 years. SIOOU.OO Benefit was paid to his sister, Emma Holmes. November 16th. 1918. ECKLER. FORD E. Niskavuna Tent. No. 6,54. Milford, N. Y.; born at Middlefield, N. Y., July 15th, 1.893; became a Maccabee March 14th, 1917; entered the U.S. Military Service. .A. E. F.. Sergeant. Co. K. 303rd Infantry. September 21st, 1917. Died of lobar pneumonia. October 27th. 1918. .Age 25 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his wife', Nettie Eckler, February 1st, 1919. FARRINGTON. CLYDE H. Oneonta Tent, No. 389. Oneonta, N. Y., born at Otego, N. A'., January 5th, 1895; became a Maccabee lanuary 31st, 1913; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F., Mechanic, Co. K, 309th Infantry, April 4th, 1918; Died of broncho-pneumonia. November 2nd, 1918. .Age 23 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to Cora Farrington. mother. February 5th. 1919. FINLEY. JOSEPH C. Bay Ridge Tent, No. 708. Brooklyn, N. Y.; born at Brooklyn, N. Y.. April lOtli, 1895; became a Maccabee May 8th. 1917; entered the U. S. Military Service, .A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. B, 165th Infantry. Killed in action, July 29th. 1918. -Age 22 years. $500.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Mary Finley, December 30th, 1918. GAYNOR, FR.ANK Prospect Tent, No. 209, Brooklyn. N. Y.; born at Brooklyn. N. Y., October 3rd, 1887; became a Maccabee December 11th. 1916; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F., Sergeant, Co. E, 39th Infantry. Killed in action. October 1st. 1918. Age 30 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his brother. Harry Gaynor. .April 4th, 1919. GOLDEN. CLARENCE R. LestershireTent, No. 396. Johnson City, N. Y.; born at Ithaca, N. Y., March 31st, 1896; became a Maccabee May Och, 1914; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. L. 312th Infantry. April 29th, 1918. Killed n in action, October 24th, 1918. .Age 22 years, $500.00 Benefit was paid to his father, .Augus- tus H. Golden, January 7th, 1919. GRAHAM, BERCHMAN J. Standart Tent. No. 437, Auburn, N. Y.; born at Auburn. N. Y., January 13th, 1897; be- came a Maccabee January loth, 1918; entered the U. S. Military Service. .A. E. F.. Marine Corps, April 27th, 1917. Was accidentally drowned. May 1st, 1918. Age 21 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Rose A. Graham. April 8th, 1919. GREENWALD. CHARLES E. Fort Orange Tent, No. ,505, Albany. N. Y.; born at Albany, N. Y., November 1st, 1892; became a Maccabee May 21st. 1918; entereil the U. S. Military Service. Cook. Marine Ser- vice, March loth, 1918. Was accident:illy drowned in the wreck of the U. S. S. "Tampa", September 26th, 1918. .Age 25 years. $1000.- 00 Benefit was paid to his sister and brothers, Loretta Stein, Harry .A. and William B. Green- wald, March 20th, 1919. GUNGER. L.AURENCE N. Walcott Tent. No. 248, Walcott. N. Y.; born at Chicago, 111., November 17th, 1890; became a Maccabee October 17tb. 1917; entered the LI. S. Military Service. A. E. F., Corporal, Co. C. 305th Infantry. Killed in action. September 26th, 1918. Age 27 years. .$1000.00 Benefit was paid to his aunt. Harriet S. Mc- Cumber. February 1st, 1919. HADCOCK. FRANK W., JR. Little Falls Tent, No. 333. Little Falls. N. Y.; born at Little Falls, N. Y., March 22nd. 1894; became a Maccabee August 5th, 1913; entered the U. S. Military Service, .A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. C 28th Infantry, September, 22nd. 1917. Killed in action, October 4th, 1918. .Age 24 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his wife and father, Anna and Frank W. Hadcock, April ISth, 1919. HANEY, OWEN J. Marcellus Tent. No. 517, Marcellus, N. Y.; born at Marcellus. N. Y., March 8th, 1894; became a Maccabee June 5tli, 1914; entered the U. S. Military Service. .A. E. F.. Navy .Aviation Corps, December 13th, 1917. Died of influenza, at Kingston Ave. Hospital, Brook- lyn, N. Y., February 17th, 1919. Age 24 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Bridget Haney, .April 18th. 1919. HARRINGTON, CHARLES D. Gasport Tent, No. 215, Gasport, N. Y.; born at Hartland, N. Y., February 15th, 1890; became a Maccabee May 13th, 1917; entered the U. S. Military Service, .A. E. F., Wagoner, 33rd Co.. 20th Engineers. July 29th, 1917. Died of bronchial pneumonia. January 4th, 1919. .Age 28 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his sister, Ruth .A. Harrington. March 14th, 1919. HESS, DANIEL Westfield Tent, No. 260. Westfield, N. Y.; born at Pittsburgh. Pa.. May 28th, 1890; became a Maccabee April 3rd, 1916; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. M. 148th Infantry, September 29th, 1917. Killed ui action. September 28th. 1918. Age 28 years. $500.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Carlyn Hess, January 3rd, 1919. HODGE, KEITH D. Erlich Tent, No. 200. Gloversville. N. \'.; born at Gloversville, N. Y., October 2nd, 1891; became a Maccabee December 10th, 1909; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F., Officers' Training School, July 12th, 1918. Died of pneumonia. Base Hospital, Camp Lee, Va., October .5th, 1918. Age 27 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Alta B. Hodge, October I7th, 1918. HOHLER, GEORGE Roland Tent, No. 723, Lackawana, N. Y.; born at Derby, N. Y., May 27th, 1896; became a Maccabee February 25th, 1918; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. M, ,307th Infantry, February 27th, 1918. KlNed in action, September 16tli, 1918. Age 22 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Ora Hohler, March 10th, 1919. HYDE, GUY C. Corinthian Tent. No. 275. Corinth. N. Y.; born at Tioga County. N. Y , September 8tli, 1894; became a Maccabee September 22nd, 1915; entered the U. S. Military Service, .A. E. F., Navy. 31st. 1917. Died of pneumonia. U. S. Naval Hospital. Norfolk, Va.. February Kith. 1918. Age 23 years. $.500.00 Benefit was paidtohis mother. Lillian Hyde, .April 2nd, 1918. JOHNSON, HARRY E. Hartford Tent, No. 1, Hartford, Conn.; born at New York. N. Y., May 1st, 1895; became a Maccabee December 1 1th. 1916; entered the U. S. Military Service, .A. E. F., Sergeant, Co. B, 102nd Infantry, June 23rd. 1916. Age 23 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother .Anna Johnson. October 23rd, 1918. 'JOHNSON. ROBERT P. i Limestone Tent, No. 3. Limestone. N. Y.; born at Lewiston, N. Y., October 10th, 1891; be- came a Maccabee December 18th, 1911; entered the LI. S. Military Service, A. E. F.. Pvt. 1st Class Co. C. 112th Infantry, May 1st. 1917. Killed in action, July 15th, 1918. Age 26 ^■ears. $.500.00 Benefit was paid to his sister, Jennie Johnson, February 18th, 1919. JONES, JAMES Corning Tent, No. 53, Corning, N. Y.; born at Jackson. Penn., March 23rd, 1893; became a Maccabee February 21st, 1913; entered the U. S. Military Service, .A. E. F., Co. G, 7th I nfantry, November 23rd, 1917. Killed in action, October 1 5th, 1918. .Age 25 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his sister, Cassie Jones, May 5th, 1919. KILMER, EDWARD J. F'ort Orange Tent, No. .505, Albany, N. Y.; born at Albany, N. Y., .April 14th, 1895; became a Maccabe'e April 28th, 1913; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. A, 312th Infantry, April 28th. 1918. Killed in action October 18th, 1918. Age 23 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his father. Edward Kilmer. February 5th, 1919. KIMBALL, FRANK H. Ballston Spa Tent, No. 429. Ballston Spa, N. Y.' born at Rock City Falls. N.Y., August 31st, 1882- became a Maccabee May 5th. 1903; entered the U. S. Military Service; A. E. F. Died of lobar pneumonia, Post Hospital, -Army Supply Base, Fort Newark, N. J.. December 16th '1918. Age 38 years. $.500.00 Benefit was paid to his wife, Mabel S. Kimball, March 3rd, 1919. LA FORGE, THAD H. Endicott Tent, No. 640. Endicott. N. Y.; born at Union, N. Y.. July 15th. 1893; became a 24 Maccabee March 28th, 1918; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F., Pvt. Co. 1, 310th Infantry. April 3rd, 1918. Killed in action, October 16th. 1918. Age 2,5 years. JIOOO.OO Benefit was paid to his motlier, Dorliska La- Forge, February 6tli, 1919. LAMM, GEORGE F., JR. Whitney Tent, No. 531, Pendleton. N. Y.; born at N. Tonawanda. N. Y.. December 3rd, 1894; became a Maccabee June 2nd, 1917; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F., Pvt. Co. 1, 7th Infantry, November 22nd, 1917. Killed in action, July 15th, 1918. -Age 23 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his father, George B. Lamm, November 12th, 191S. LEIGHTON, ALEXANDER W., JR. Brooklyn Tent. No. 34, Brooklyn, N. Y.; born at Edinburgh, Scotland, December 30th, 1892; became a Maccabee November 22nd, 1915; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F., Pvt. Co. C, 25th Engineers, October 23rd, 1917. Killed in action. October 2nd. 1918. Age 25 years. $500.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Annie W.Leighton. December 23rd. 19 IS. LEONARD. CHARLES Whitehall Tent. No. 228. Whitehall, N. Y.; born at Roland. Russia, July 2t)th, 1890; became a Maccabee May ISth, 1910; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F., Co. H, 71st Infantry, July 22nd, 1918, Died of broncho-pneumonia. Base Hospital, Camp Meade, Md.. October 9th, 191S. Age 28 years. $500.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Antonina Leonezyk, November 26th, 1918. LIEBLER. EARL Honor Tent, No. 314, Buffalo, N. Y.; born at Buffalo, N. Y., May 31st, 1896; became a Maccabee March 11th, 1916; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F., Pvt. Co. C, 18th Infantry. October 31st. 1917. Killed in action. March 28th. 1918. .Age 21 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Magdalena Liebler. May 1st. 1918. LINCOLN. LEO R. Cortland Tent, No. 304, Cortland, N. Y.; born at Cortland. N. Y.. November 29th. 1895; be- came a Maccabee September 29th. 1914; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. I. 28th Infantry. April 27th. 1918. Died of broncho-pneumonia. November 2nd. 1918. .Age 22 years. $500.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Alice Lincoln. February 25th, 1919. LOUGHLIN, SYLVESTER Fraternal Tent, No. 712, Brooklyn, N. Y.; born at Brooklyn, N. Y., January 13th, 1897; became a Maccabee May 25th, 1915; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F., Corporal, Co. G. 106th Infantry. June 20th. 1918. Killed in action. September 27th. 1918. Age 21 years. $500.00 Benefit was paid to his father. William B. Loughlin. February 17th, 1919. MEADE. HARRY L. Waneta Tent. No. 580. Weston. N. Y.; born at Tyrone County. N. Y.. December Uth, 1894; became a Maccabee September 2nd, 1914; entered the U. S. Military Service, .A. E. F., Mechanical Co., May 23rd, 1917. Died of pneumonia, LT. S. A. Embarkation Hospital No. 1. .Age 24 years. $500.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Clara Meade, November 20th, 1918. MINSTERMAN, ALBERT M. Long Tent, No. 63, Buffalo, N. Y,; born at Buffalo. N. Y.. February 9th. 1897; became a Maccabee March loth. 1915; entered the U. S. Military Service. A, E. F.. April 16th. 1918. Died of lobar pneumonia, November 3rd, 1918. .Age 21 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his parents, Mary and Valentine Masterman, December 10th, 1918. MINSTERMAN, JULIUS E. Long Tent, No, 63, Buffalo. N. Y.; born at Buffalo, N. Y., November 5th, 1890; became a Maccabee December 1st, 1908; entered the U. S. Military Service, .A. E. F., December ISth, 1917. Died of pneumonia, Brooks Field, San Antonio, Texas, October 14th, 1918. Age 27 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Mary Minsterman, November 16th, 1918. MONTGOMERY, WILLIAM C. .Altmor Tent, No. 593, Altmor. N. Y.; born at Orangeville, Penn., February 2nd. 1896; became a Maccabee November 8th. 1917; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. K. 6th Infantry. June 2Sth. 1918. Died of pneu- monia, February 26th, 1919. .Age 23 years. $500.00 Benefit was paid to his wife. Mary S. Montgomery, September 18th, 1919. McNAMARA. ROBERT E. Fort Orange Tent, No. 505, Albany, N. Y.; born at Albany, N. Y., April 30th, 1896; became a Maccabee February 7th, 1916; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F., Pvt. Co. H, 21st Engineers. June 26th. 1918. Died of accidental gunshot wound. November 14th, 1918. Age 22 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his sister, Ella McNamara. January 25th, 1919. O'CONNOR. JAMES Standart Tent. No. 437. Auburn. N. Y.; born at Auburn. N. Y.. July 21st. 1899; became a Maccabee October 22nd, 1917; entered the U. S. Military Service. .A. E. F.. Navy. Co. 3. oth Regiment. July 16th. 1918. Died of pneumonia. Naval Hospital, Newport, R. I., September 22nd, 1918. .Age 19 years. $500.00 Benefit was paid to Anna O'Connor, mother, October 3rd, 1918. ORSER. THOMAS H. Maple Valley Tent. No. 786; Maple Valley. N. Y.; born at Cold Brook. N. Y.. November 13th. 1873; became a Maccabee May 4th. 1907; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Captain. Medical Corps. June 23rd. 1918. Died of influenza. April 20th. 1919. Age 4,t years. $500.00 Benefit was paid to his wife. S. Ruth Orser, May 20th, 1919. PATTEN, ELBERT N. Oneonta Tent, No. 389, Oneonta, N. Y.; born at Oneonta, N. Y., November 24th. 1888; became a Maccabee July 11th, 1912; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F.. Sergeant, Co. M, 107th Infantry, January 6th, 1915. Died of influenza, October 12th, 1918. .Age 29 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his children, Eleanor E. and Edward J. Patten. February 1st. 1919. PEETS, NORMAN F. Plattsburgh Tent. No. 274. Plattsburgh. N. Y.; born at Lyon Mountain. N. Y.. .August 12th. 1892; became a Maccabee February 13th. 1918; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F.. Co. I. 5th Provisional Battalion. July 23rd. 1918. Died of broncho-pneumonia. Post Hospital. Fort Benjamin Harrison. Indiana- polis. Ind.. October 23rd. 1918. .Age 26 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Elizabeth Peets. January 2.5th. 1919. PISTOR. HERBERT O. Arlington Tent. No. 473. Brooklyn. N. Y.; born at New York. N. Y.. September 16th. 1895; became a Maccabee February 16th. 1917; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F.. Corporal. Battery B, 32bth Field .Artillery. October 12th. 1917. Killed in action. October 19th. 1918. Age 23 years. $500.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Minnie Pistor, March 6th. 1919. POYNEER. WARNER R. Kenka Tent. No. 90, Branchport, N. Y. ; born at Branchport, N. Y,. February 15th, 1891; became a Maccabee January 27th, 1916, entered the V. S. Military Service, A. E. F., Naval .Aeroplane Mechanic, December 2Sth, 1917, Died of pneumonia. Naval Hospital, Great Lakes, 111 , September 23rd. 1918. Age 27 years. $500.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Blanche H. Poyneer, October 10th. 1918. PRITZ. RAYMOND Salamanca Tent, No. 4. Salamanca. N. Y. ; born at Salamanca. N. Y., .April 20th. 1896; became a Maccabee June 19th. 1914; entered the U. S. Military Service. .A. E. F.. Corporal. Co. F. 325th Infantry. September 'Mi. 1917. Died of pneumonia, October 16th. 1918. Age 22 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his father, Rheinold Pritz, February 6th, 1919. PROPER, ARCHIBALD K. Nassau Tent, No. 762. Nassau. N. Y.; born at E.Schadoak. N. Y., February Uth, 1896; became a Maccabee December 13th. 1916; entered the U. S. Military Service. .A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. E. 2nd Infantry. May 24th. 1918. Died of typhoid fever. June 8th. 1919. Age 23 years. $500.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Emma J. Proper. September 18th, 1919. PURDY, MORRIS Endicott Tent, No. 640. Endicott, N. Y.; born at Lycoming Co., Penn., July 31st. 1870; became a Maccabee April 24th. 1916; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Engineer's Department. Died of pneumonia. October 6th. 1918. Age 48 years. $500.00 Benefit was paid to his wife, Julia F. Purdy, February 21st, 1919. RAHN, CLAUDE H. Point Gratiot Tent, No. 70, Dunkirk, N. Y.; born at Salamanca. N. Y.. July 4th, 1892; became a Maccabee .April 3rd, 1918; entered the U. S. Military Service, .A. E. F., 2nd Training Battalion, July 26th. 1918. Died of pneu- monia. Embarkation Hospital No. 1. Hoboken. N. J.. October 10th. 1918. Age 23 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his wife. Flossie H. Rahn. November 29th. 1918. REAGAN. DANIEL F. Saratoga Tent. No. 464. Saratoga Springs. N.Y. ; born at Saratoga Springs. N. Y.. June 15th. 1S90; became a Maccabee February 3rd, 1917; entered the U. S. Military Service, ,A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. M. .39th Infantry. March 30th. 1918. Killed in action. September 28th. 1918. Age 28 years. $.500.00 Benefit was paid to his parents. Daniel P. and .Alice Reagan. February 6th, 1919. ROEDER, GEORGE Lumber City Tent, No. 93, Tonawanda, N. V.; born at Buffalo, N. Y., January 30th, 1896; became a Maccabee September 14th, 1914; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F.. Infantry, February 27th, 191.S. Died of broncho-pneumonia. Base Hospital, Camp Upton, N. Y., October 10th, 1918. Age 21 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. -Anna Roeder, November 12th, 1918. ROYS, ROSCOE Malone Tent, No. 258, Malone. N. Y.; born at Dickinson, N. Y.. October 23rd, 1893; became a Maccabee January 26th, 1917; entered the U. S. Military Service. .A. E. F.. Sergeant. Co. K. 107th Infantry. January 11th, 1916. Killed m action, October 18th, 1918. .Age 24 years, $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother Eva Roys, January Uth. 1919. SCULLY. AMBROSE J. Fort Orange Tent. No. 505. Albany. N. Y.; born at .Albany. N. Y.. March 10th. 1897; became a Maccabee November 18th. 1917; entered the U. S. Military .Service. A. E. F.. Navy. Blacksmith. July 19th. 1918. Died of broncho-pneumonia. St. Peters Hospital, N. Y., October 5th. 1918. .Age 21 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Jane Scully. October 17th, 1918. SEIFTS, OSCAR J. Poughkeepsie Tent, No. 819, Poughkeepsie. N. Y.; born at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., December 15th, 1889; became a Maccabee February 23rd, 1911; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Pvt. 1st Class, Co. F, 315th Infantry, September 28tli, 1917. Killed in action, No- vember 17th, 1918. Age 28 years. $500.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Anna Seifts, March 20th, 1919. SPETZ, GLENN W. Jamestown Tent, No. 9, Jamestown. N. Y.; born at Wrightville. Pa.. .August 10th. 1894; became a Maccabee May 8th. 1916; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. E. !09th Infantry. March 29th. 1916. Killed in action. September 2flth. 1918. Age 24 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Emma J. Jackson. .April 18th. 1919. STAFFORD. GEO. H. Matteawan Tent. No. 413. Beacon. N. Y.; born at Matteawan, N. Y., March 24th, 1890; be- came a Maccabee January 12th. 1910; entered the U. S. Military Service. .A. E. F.. Iron Workers. Limited Service Dept.. October 4th, 1918. Died of pneumonia. Base Hospital, Ft. Slocum, N. Y., October 25th, 1918. Age 28 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his parents. Alexander and Elizabeth Stafford. December 5th. 1918. STELLWAGON, WALLACE Siegle Tent. No. 135. Rochester. N. Y.; born at Rochester. N. Y.. March 27tli. 1895; became a Maccabee January 25th. 1895; entered the U. S. Military Service. .A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. K. 310th Infantry. .April 4th. 1918. Killed in action. September 22nd. 1918. Age 23 years. S500.00 Benefit was paid to his father. Joseph Stellwagon. April Uth, 1919. STERLING, FRANK C. South Bay Tent, No. 756, South Bay, N. Y.; born at Oneida Valley, N. Y., July 31st, 1894; became a Maccabee March 5th, 1914; entered the U. S. Military Service, .A. E. F.. Pvt. Head- quarters Co., .345th Infantry, May 25th, 1918. Died of pneumonia, October 13th, 1918. Age 24 years. $.500.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Mary Sterling. January 25th, 1919. TREIBER, JOHN YorkvilleTent, No. 116, New York, N. Y.; born at New York, N. Y., .August 31st. 1898; be- came a Maccabee .April 27tli. 1917; entered the LI. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Pvt. Battery D. 75th. Field .Artillery. September 19th. 1917. Killed in action. June 2Sth. 1918. .Age 19 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his parents. -Andrew and Veronica Treiber. October 10th. 1918. TROWBRIDGE. CLYDE Lestershire Tent. No. .396, lohnson City, N. Y.; born at Windham, Pa.. August 29th, 1893; became a Maccabee September 5th, 1916; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F., Pvt. Co. H. 107th Infantry, April Uth, 1917. Killed in action. October 17th. 1918. Age 25 years. $.500.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Bertha Trowbridge. March Uth. 1919. TYLER, PHILIP Mt. Discovery Tent, No. 873, Lewis. N. \'. ; born at Lewis. N. Y.. October 3rd. 1894; be- came a Maccabee October 17th. 1912; entered the U. S. Military Service. .A. E. F.. Co. C. 49th Infantry. November 29th. 1917. Died of pneu- monia. U. S. .A. General Hospital No. 1. New York. N. Y.. May 31st. 1919. Age 24 years. $500.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Olive B. Taylor. July 28th. 1919. VROOMAN. LAMANCHE Stamford Tent. No. .548. Stamford, N. Y.; born at South Wooster, N. Y., January 5th. 1887; became a Maccabee November 20th, 1912; 25 entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F., unassigned. September 2nd, 191S. Died of pneumonia, U. S. General Hospital No. 5, New York. N. Y., September 25th. 1918. Age 31 years. $500 00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Hannah Vrooman, November 26th. 1918. WADE. JOHN M. \\'orcester Tent, No. 710, Worcester, N. Y.; born at Sinipsonville, N. Y., October 9th, 1880; became a Maccabee November 18th. 1910; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F.. Y. M. C. A. Secretary. May 1st, 1919. Died of Erysipelas. Camp Hospital, Camp Dodge, Iowa. August 7th, 1910. Age 38 vears. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Ella M. Wade. November 3rd, 1919. WE.WER. LOUIS H. Bay Ridge Tent. No. 70S. Brooklyn. N. Y.; born at Brooklyn, N. Y., July 18tli. 1881; became a Maccabee April 14th, 1914; entered the U. S. Military Service, Army Transportation Service. Died of chronic endocarditis. March 30th, 1919. Age 37 years. $500.00 Benefit was paid to his father. Harry Weaver, -April 18th, 1919. WELLS, MORTON K. Glens Falls Tent. No. 298, Glens Falls. N. Y.; born at Glens Falls, N. Y., November 19th, 1892; became a Maccabee October 3rd, 1913; errtered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F., Pvt. Co. K. 105th Infantry. June 6th. 1917. Killed in action. September 29th. 1918. Age 25 years. $500.00 Benefit was paid to his brother, Sdelbert Wells. January loth, 1919. WHITMAN. R.\LPH Ellsworth Tent, No. 414, Mechanicsville, N. Y.; born at Hoosick Falls. N. Y., September 1st. 1893; became a Maccabee September 12th, 1913; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F.. Marine Corps, November 26th. 1917. Killed in action, June 6th, 1918. Age 24 years. $500.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Jennie Whitman. November 22nd, 1919. WIQUIST. D.AVID E. Jamestown Tent, No. 9. Jamestown, N. J.; born at Jamestown, N. Y.. February 11th, 1888; became a Maccabee January 25th, 1916; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. M. 312th Infantry, April 1st. 1918. Died from the effect of a surgical operation. General Hospital No. 41. Foxhills. N. Y.. July 21st. 1919. Age 31 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his father. Otto William Wiquist. October 13th, 1919. WOOD. DANA W. Onondaga Oak Tent, No 170, Syracuse, N. Y.; born at Rock Valley, Iowa. October 20th, 1889; became a Maccabee July 11th, 1916; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F.. Wagoner, Supply Co., 310th Infantry, September 29th. 1917; Died of pneumonia, January otli, 1919. Age 29 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to liis father. Norman Wood, January 5th. 1919. NORTH CAROLINA STARR, CLAYTON W. Gate City Tent, No. 7, Greensboro, N. C; born at Greensboro, N. C, April 22nd, 1S94; became a Maccabee July 2.3rd, 1917; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F., Wagoner, 105th Engineers, July 31st, 1917. Killed in an ac- cident, Poperinghe, Belgium, July 18th, 191S. Age 24 years. SIOOO.OO Benefit was paid to his mother. Malinda Starr, December 30th, 1918. NORTH DAKOTA DUNX, FRED R. Jamestown Tent. No. 2. Jamestown. N. D.; born at Charlestown, 111., March 7th, I.S9.3; became a Maccabee September 26th, 1916; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F., Corporal, Co. F. 168th infantry, June 4tli, 1917. Killed in action. July 15th. 1918. Age 23 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Leah Dunn, November lotli, 1918. GUETSCHOW, WALTER Union Tent, No. 26. Cayuga, N. D.; born at Valders, Wisconsin, October 29th, 1892; be- came a Maccabee November 10th, 1917; entered the V. S. Military Service, .\. E. F.. Pvt. Headquarters Co. 337th Engineers, .April 29ih, 1918. Died of pneumonia, October I4th, 1918. Age 25 years. »1000.00 Benefit was paid to his father, Herman Gustafson, May 5th, 1919. LAWRENCE, PAUL N. Grand Forks (Phoenix) Tent, No. 8, Grand Forks, N. D.; born at Cadies. N. Y., April 2.5th. 1898; became a Maccabee .August 1st, 1917; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F., Pvt. 3rd Batallion, 2flth Infantry. Killed in action. August 1st. 1918. Age 20 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Emma E. Lawrence, October 22nd, 1918. PIPER, HERBERT R. Member-at-Large. Cathay. N. D. ; born at Chicago, 111., April 9th, 1889; became a Mac- cabee December 21st, 1909; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F., 162nd Depot Brigade. Died of broncho-peneumonia. Camp Pike, .Arkansas, October loth, 1918. .Age 29 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Nannie V. Piper, November 12th, 1918. OHIO ANDERSON. FREDERICK L. Mechanicsburg Tent, No. 408, Mechanicsburg, Ohio; born at Durbin, Ohio, June 19th. 1892; became a Maccabee June 16th. 1911; entered the U. S, Military Service, A. E. F,, Corps Reserve, December 15th, 1917. Died of pneumonia. Naval Base Hospital No. 13, November 2nd, 1918. -Age 26 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his parents. Harry L. and Martha L. Anderson, January 25th, 1919. BARBER, PAUL H. Williamsficld Tent. No. 453, Williamsfield, Ohio; born at Wayne, Ohio, October 29th. 1890; became a Maccabee December 28th, 1912; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F., Co. B, 14Sth Infantry. Killed in action. Sep- tember 30th, 1918. Age 27 years. $.")llo.llo Benefit was paid to his sister, Abbie J. Blouni, August 21st, 1919. BAUER, CHARLES W, Akron Tent. No. 126, -Akron, Ohio; born at Fairlawn, Ohio, May 8th, 1897; became a Maccabee December 19th, 1916; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F., Field .Artillery, August 15th, 1918. Died of endocarditis- chronic nephritis, November 21st, 1918, Base Hospital, Camp Jackson, S. C. Age 21 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Carrie Bauer, December 30th, 1918. BEALS, COLUMBUS A. Barberton Tent, No. 114, Barberton. Oliio; born at Barberton, Ohio, March 29th, 1896; became a Maccabee October 28th, 1914; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F., Balloon Detachment No. 7. March 13th. 1918. Died of cerebro spinal meningitis. Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Age 22 years. $.300.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Martha P. Beals, May 6th, 1918. BEARD, DAVID L. LaBelle Tent. No. 464; Steubenville. Ohio; born at .Augusta. Virginia. February Sth, 1890; became a Maccabee July 20th, 1916; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Co. C. 10th Battalion U. S. Guards, April 29th, 1918. Died of influenza and pneumonia, at U. S. Embarkation Hospital No. 1, Hoboken, N. J. Age 28 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to ills brothers and sisters. Virginia B. Fitzgerald, and Daniel, Claude, Edward, Sidney, Susie F. Elisha D. and Cleveland G. Beard. July 2.3rd, 1918, BELL, HARRY Fitchville Tent, No. 125, Fitchville, Ohio; born at -Attica, Ohio. February 4th, 1890; became a Maccabee March 1st, 1913; entered the U. S. Military Service, .A.E.F., Co. G. 145th Infantry, April 9th, 1917. Killed in action. September 26th, 1918. Age 28 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Ella Bell, March 10th 1919. BRESLIN, CLARENCE E. Brighton Tent, No. 387, Cincinnati, Ohio; born at Fayetteville, Ohio, December 16th, 1894; became a Maccabee December 2Sth, 1912; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F., Sergeant of Ordnance, 26th Ordnance Casual Co., July 26th, 1917. Killed in action. March 26th, 1919. Age 24 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his motlier, Mary Breslin, July 2Sth, 1919. BRONSON, LEON O. Cuyahoga Tent, No. 260, Strongsville, Ohio; born at Strongsville, Ohio, February 19th, 1898; became a Maccabee February 23rd, 1918; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F. 15th Co.. 4th Battalion, 15Sth D. B.. September oth, 1918. Died of broncho-pneumonia, at Base Hospital. Camp Sherman, Ohio. October 6th, 1918. Age 20 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his parents, Harley and Cecelia Bronson, February 5th, 1919. BURWELL, CLOYD R. Shawtown Tent. No. 63. Shawtown.'Ohio; born at Leipsic, Ohio, March 10th, 1897; became a Maccabee December 25th, 1917; entered the U. S. Military Service, -A. E. F., Landsman, Machinist's Mate, Navy, July 17th, 1918, Died of pneumonia, Great Lakes Training Camp, Chicago, III., September 29th, 191.S. Age 21 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. May M. Burwell. October 22nd. 1918. CHERRY, PEARLEY H. Plymouth Rock Tent. No. 444, New Plymouth, Ohio; born at New Plymouth, Ohio, February 25th, 1889; became a Maccabee July 7th, 1917; entered the U. S. Military Service. .A. E. F., Pvt. Co. C, 106th Machine Gun Battalion, .April 26th. 1918. Died of influenza. October 30th, 1918. Age 29 years. $500.00 Benefit was paid to his brother. William Reed Cherry, May 8th, 1919. EKELMAN, FRED Harmony Tent, No. 165, Cleveland, Ohio; born at Cleveland, Ohio, March 9th, 1892; became a Maccabee September 27th, 1911; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F., Pvt. Co. D, 58th Infantry, October Sth, 1917. Killed in action. Julv 10th, 1918. Age 26 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his parents, Gustave and Dorothy Ekelman, November 16th, 1918. FEIST, LEO S. LaBelle Tent. No. 464, Steubenville, Ohio; born at Wheeling, W.Va., November 1st. 1894; became a Maccabee May 25th. 1916; entered the U. S. Military Service. .A. E. F.. Pvt. Ordnance Detachment, ISth Field Artillery. May 20th, 1917. Killed in action. Julv 23rd. 191S. Age 23 years. $1000.00 Benefit was I>aid to his mother, Elizabeth Feist, November IBth, 1918. FRIDAY, JAMES H. Vermillion Tent, No. 19, Vermillion, Ohio; born at Vermillion, Ohio, -August 22nd, 1886; became a Maccabee March 3rd, 1908; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F., July 25th, 1918. Died of broncho-pneumonia. Base Hospital, Camp Sherman, Ohio, October 6th, 1918. Age 32 years. $.500.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Leona Friday, December 10th, 1918. GREENWOOD, JAMES E. Patton Tent. No. 120, Cuyahoga, Ohio; born at Trenton, N. J.. July 16th, 1889; became a Maccabee November 15th, 1912; entered the LI. S. Military Service, -A. E. F., Infantry, Camp Gordon, July Replacement Draft, May 27th, 1918. Killed in action, October 9th, 1918. Age 29 years. $.500.00 Benefit was paid to his sister, Elizabetli Marv Snider, February 6th, 1919. HAMILTON. CARL Uheichsville Tent, No. 121, Dennison, Ohio; born at Toronto, Ohio, January 31st, 1892; became a Maccabee July 26th, 1912; entered the V. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. .A, 26th Infantry, September 20th, 1917. Killed in action, October 4th, 1918. Age 25 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his motlier, Maggie Hamilton, February 18th, 1919. HANKINSON, EARL B. Crooksville Tent. No. 531, Crooksville, Ohio; born at Dixie, Ohio, October 15th, 1895; became a Maccabee June 21st, 1918; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F., Infantry, June 27th, 1918. Died of pneumonia. Overseas, October Sth, 1918. .Age 22 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Retta Hankin- son, December 23, 1918. HAYES. CECIL E. Bucyrus Tent, No. 135. Bucyrus. Ohio; born at Wingsburg, Ky., June 19th, 1893; became a Maccabee February 3rd, 1914; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Pvt. Co- H, 102nd Infantry, -April 1st, 1918. Killed in action, September 14th, 1918. Age 25 years. $500.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Marv Hayes, December 20th, 1918. HINE, HOMER C. Wauseon Tent, No. 133, Wauseon. Ohio; born at Columbus, Ohio, January 20th, 1896; became a Maccabee January 28th, 1915; entered the U. S. Military Service, -A. E. F., 1.58th Depot Brigade. 30th Co., 8th Training Battalion, September 5th, 191S, Died of broncho-pneumonia. Base Hospital, Camp Sherman, Ohio, October 7th, 1918. -Age 22 years. $1000.00 Benefit w^as paid to his mother, Mary 1. Eck. November 16th, 1918, HOLLE, HENRY M. Plioenix Tent, No. 42, Amherst, Ohio; born at Amherst, Ohio, February 12tli, 1893; became a Maccabee February 20th, 1913; entered the U. S. Military Service. .A. E. F., Pvt. Co. C. 6th Infantry. September 20th. 1917. Killed in action. September 12th. 1918. .Age 25 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his parents, Henry and Kate Holle, January 7th, 1919. HOYE, L.AWRENCE Champion Tent. No. 4. Columbus, Ohio; born at Nelsonville. Ohio, October loth, 1892; became a Maccabee June 26th, 1917; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F., Corporal Battery A, 324th Regiment, October 2nd, 1917. Died as a result of an automobile accident. Camp Sherman, Ohio, May 19th, 1918. -Age 25 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Mary L. Hoye. June 14th. 1918. HUGHES. AMOS W. Twin Cities Tent, No. 512, McConnelsviUe, Ohio; born at Malta, Ohio, September ISth, 1896; became a Maccabee September 2Sth, 1914; entered the U.S. Military Service, -A. E.F.. Sergeant. Co. E. 14Sth Infantry, January 9th. 1915. Killed in action. September 2nd, 1918. -Age 21 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his father, George W. Hughes, January 14th, 1919. 26 HUGHES. ELMER Brighton Tent, No. 3S7. Cincinnati, Oliio; born at Cincinnati. Ohio, November 22nd. 1S97; became a Maccabee February 20th. 191S; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. A, 3rd Separate Battalion. Marine Corps. 6th Regiment. May 17th, 191S. Killed in action, October 4th, 191S. Age 20 years. SIOOO.OO Benefit was paid to his mother. Elizabeth Hughes, May 10th. 1919. JAMESON. CARL C. Hamilton Tent. No. .317. Hamilton, Ohio; born at Eaton, Ohio, March I6th, 1S95; became a Maccabee September 3rd. 1S95; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F.. Pvt. Ordnance Detachment 2nd Army Corps, July 21st, 1917. Died of lobar pneumonia. October 28th. 1918. Age 23 years. $500.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Ollic Jameson, February 18th. 1919. JOHNSON. ELMER B. Phoenix Tent. No. 42, Amherst. Ohio; born at Henrietta. Ohio, December 10th. 1S97; be- came a Maccabee April ISth, 1917; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Infantry. April 6th, 1917. Died of scarlet fever. .A-pril 22nd. 191S. Age 20 years. S2000.00 Benefit was paid to his parents, Samuel and Lottie Johnson. June 8th. 191S. KASSNER. FR,'\NK: Crusader Tent. No. 155. Cincinnati. Ohio; born at Silverton. Ohio. August 21st. 1896; became a Maccabee May 26th, 1916; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. 158th Depot Brigade, September 6th. 1918. Died of broncho-pneumonia, U. S. Army Base Hospital. Camp Sherman. Ohio. October 6th. 1918. Age 22 years. SIOOO.OO Benefit was paid to his wife, Anna Marie Kassner, December, 10th, 1918. KOSCIUSZKO. ANTON Wade Oark Tent, No. 151, Cleveland. Ohio; born at Saginaw, Mich., June 10th, 1S94; be- came a Maccabee December 20th, 1916; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F., Pvt. Co. G. 59th Infantry. May 28th. 1918. Killed in action. November lltii. 1918. Age 24 years. $1000.00 Benefit paid to his mother, Josephine Kosciuszko. August 11th, 1919. LODGE. ROBERT H. LaBelle Tent, No. 464. Steubenville. Ohio; born at Steubenville, Ohio. April 5th, 1892; became a Maccabee March 31st, 1913; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. F. 28th Infantry, May 27th. 1918. Died of lobar pneumonia. October 4th. 1918. Age 26 years. SIOOO.OO Benefit was paid to his mother. Mary Lodge. January 3rd. 1919. MAROHN, WILLIAM F. Perry Tent. No. 1103. Cleveland. Ohio; born at Cleveland, Ohio. June 12th, 18SS; became a Maccabee November 19th. 1908; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F., Pvt. 47th Infantry. May 25th, 1918. Killed in action. October 4th. 1918. Age 30 years. $500.00 Benefit was paid to his sister, Ida Kendziora, January 3rd, 1919. MARTER, TIMOTHY E. Forest City Tent. No. 457, Cleveland, Ohio; born at Coshocton, Ohio. July 7th, 1883; be- came a Maccabee April Uth, 1906; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F., Pvt. Marine Corps, LT. S. S. "Minnesota". April. 1917. Died of pneumonia. June 15th. 1919. Age 35 years. S500.00 Benefit was paid to his mother Elizabeth Martcr, August 16tli, 1919. MARTIN. LYNN H. Old Fort Tent. No. 1.53. Old Fort. Ohio; born at Old Fort, Ohio. June 17th. 1893; became a Maccabee January 2nd, 1917; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Pvt. 1st Cla^s. Co. E, 308th Field Signal Battalion, April 29th. 1918. Died of pneumonia meningitis. January 6th, 1919. Age 25 years. SIOOO.OO Benefit was paid to his father. Benjamin W. Martin. March 20th. 1919. MENTZER. PEARL J. Kenton Tent, No. 150. Kenton. Ohio; born at Kenton, Ohio. December 1st, 1890; became a Maccabee October 1st. 1909; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. M, 333rd Infantry. June 2Sth, 1918. Died of lobar pneumonia. Vandecourt, Meuse. October l8th. 1918. Age 27 years. S500.00 Benefit was paid to his father. Samuel B. Mentzer, August 1st. 1919. NAGLE. CLYDE A. Andover Tent, No. 152, Andover. Ohio; born at Mahoningtown. Pa.. May Uth, 1897; be- came a Maccabee July 2nd, 1917; entered the U. S. Militarv Service. .A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. L. 145th Infantry, May 31st, 1917. Killed in action. November 4th, 1918. Age 31 years. $2000.00 Benefit was paid to his father, Charles P. Nagle. January 20th, 1919. NARY. EDDIE G. Grafton Tent. No. 96, Grafton, Ohio; born at Grafton. Ohio, July 2nd, 1895; became a Maccabee Januarv 22nd. 1914; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. C, 101st Infantry. June 2nd, 1017. Killed in action. October 26th, 1918. Age 23 years. SIOOO.OO Benefit was paid to his wife, Corabel Nary, February 17th. 1919. PETTERSON. JOHN W. Ohio Tent, No. .37, Columbus, Ohio; born at Stolkholm, Sweden, December 17tii. 1896; became a Maccabee March 8th. 1917; entered tlie U. S. Military Service. -A. E. F.. 1st Train- ing Battalion, 14Sth Depot Brigade. September 24th, 1918. Died of lobar pneumonia. Camp Slierman. Ohio. October 13th. 1918. Age 21 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Wilma Pctterson, November 2nd. 1918. PIPPERT. C. W. WALTER Phoenix Tent. No. 42, Amherst, Ohio; born at Amherst, Ohio, September 9th, 1894; became a Maccabee March 8th. 1913; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Co. L. 329th Infan- try, April 1st, 1918. Killed in action. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his parents, John H. and .\nna Pippert, March 20th, 1919. PISKL'R, KAROL Carniola Tent. No. 1288, Cleveland. Ohio; born at Leibach. Austria. October 25th, 1895; be- came a Maccabee May 17th. 1916; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F., 4th Co.. 3rd. Battalion. 9th Regiment. 1917. Killed in action. May 13th. 1918. Age 22 years. $2000.00 Benefit was paid to his brother. Joe Piskur, September 23rd, 1920. RAKESTRAW, CLOYD Napoleon Tent, No. 177. Napoleon. Ohio; born at Napoleon, Ohio. September 11th. 1893; be- came a Maccabee July 29th. 1918; entered the \J. S. Military Service, A. E. F., Headquarters Co.. 12th Regiment, F. .A. R. D., July 24th. I9I8. Died of lobar pneumonia. Base Hospital Camp Jackson, Columbia, S, C. October 2nd, 1918. Age 25 years. SIOOO.OO Benefit was paid to his mother, Henrietta Rakestraw, October 23rd. 1918. RYAN. WILLIAM H. Golden Rod Tent. No. 347, Junction Cit\', Ohio; born at Junction City. Ohio. June 30tii. 1897; became a Maccabee April 6th, 1916; entered the U, S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Aviation Corps, June Sth. 1917. Died uf influenza and pneumonia. Naval Hospital. Great Lakes. 111., October Uth. 1918. Age 21 years. S2000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Susan Irene Ryan, February 1st, 1919. SEEBERGER, FRANK Criterion Tent, No. 224. Cleveland, Ohio; born at Cleveland, Ohio. December Uth. 1893; be- came a Maccabee February 23rd. 1911; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. K. Uth Infantry, November 13th. 1917. Killed in action. September Uth. 1918. .\ge 25 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his parents. Joseph and Marie Seeberger. December 19th. 1918. SEDDON. ALBERT L. Champion Tent. No. 4, Columbus, Ohio; born at Columbus, Ohio, June Uth, 1897; became a Maccabee May 18th. 1918; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F., Mechanical Insti- tute, September 18th. 1918. Died of pneu- monia. General Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio, October 10th. 1918. Age 21 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. May A. Seddon. October 30th, 1918. SHARITS, NORMAN H. Champion Tent. No. 4. Columbus. Ohio; born at Montgomery, Ohio. October 3rd, 1887; be- came a Maccabee on March 1.3th, 1917; entered the U. S. Militarv Service, A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. 1. .'">9th Infantry. February 12th, 1918. Killed in action. July 19th. 1918. Age 30 years. SIOOO.OO Benefit was paid to his wife. Rosie J. Sharits. August 29th. 1918. SKATZS. ARTHUR Delaware Tent. No. 246, Delaware, Ohio; born at Deleware, Ohio, March 29th, 1895; became a Maccabee June 20th. 1913; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Corporal Co. K. 166th Infantry. Killed in action, July 15th, 1918. Age 23 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Alice Skatzs, September 20th, 1918. SMITH, CARL CLEVELAND LaBelle Tent, No. 464, Steubenville, Ohio; born at Cadiz, Ohio. March 7th, 1886; became a Maccabee August 26th. 1913; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F., First Lieut. Medical Corps, Julv 15th. 1917. Died of phvcholosis. February 17th. 1919. Age 32 years. S1500.00 Benefit was paid to his parents. Nathan .A. and Catherine Smith, August 1st, 1919. SOLE. JOHN E. Rennecker Tent, No. 414. Salesville. Ohio; born at Sardis, Ohio, September 7th, 1890; became a Maccabee January 27th. 1914; enter- ed the U. S. Military Service, .\. E. F., Corporal. Co. D. 139th Machine Gun Battalion, October 6th. 1917. Died of lobar pneumonia, October 16th. 1918. Age 28 years- SIOOO.OO Benefit was paid to his mother. Mary J. Sole, February Sth, 1919. SPENCER, JAMES A. O. Mahoning Tent. No. 279 Ohio. Youngstown, Ohio; born at Cardiff, Wales. November 2Sth. 1891; became a Maccabee July 6th, 1915; entered the Canadian Military Service, C. E. F., Pvt., Infantry. Killed in action. November 10th, 1918- Age 26 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to hi? wife, Lillian Spencer, January 14th, 1919. STEWARD. RUSSELL H. Queen City Tent. No. 379. Logan. Ohio; born at Monday. Ohio, .August 23rd, 1893; became a Maccabee October 22nd, 1917; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Pvt. 125th Infantry, 32nd Division Machine Gun Co.. April 24th. 1917. Killed in action. September 30th, 1918- Age 25 years. $2000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Anna Steward, March 10th. 1919. SWARTZ, CLOYCE Anthony Wayne Tent. No. 140. Weston, Ohio; born at Weston. Ohio. May 28th. 1897; be- came a Maccabee March 19th, 1918; entered the LT. S. Military Service. A. E. F., Heavy Artillery. September 5th. 1918. Died of pneu- monia, U.S. Army Base Hospital. Camp Sher- man, Ohio. October 4th, 1918 Age 21 vears. SIOOO.OO Benefit was paid to his mother. Katherine Swartz, November 2nd. 1918. SWARTZ, R.AY LEE Warren Tent, No. 162, Warren, Ohio; born at Bloomfield, Ohio. July 12th, 1892; became a Maccabee March 9th, 1916; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Sergeant, Co. D, Uth Regiment. Killed in action, September 29th. 1918. Age 27 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his grandmother, Mary Jane Swartz, Febru- ary 18th, 1919. SWEGEL, ANTON. Jr. Carniola Tent. No. 1288. Cleveland. Ohio; born in .•\ustria. January 21st, 1896; became a Maccabee .April 27th. 1914; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. P.. Sergeant Co. K, 145th Infantry. March 29th, 1917. Killed in action. September 2Sth, 1918 Age 22 vears. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Frances Swegel, January 20th, 1910. SWINT. RAYMOND J. Dickinson Tent. No. 21, Fremont, Ohio; born at Rising Sun, Ohio. March 23rd, 1896; became a Maccabee .April 23rd. 1918; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. D.. 332 Infantry, April 27th, 1018. Died of lobar pneumonia, December 9th, 1918. Age 22 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his brother. Lloyd E. Swint, February 18th, 1919. T.AYLOR, REGINALD V. Youngstown Tent, No. 34, Youngstown. Ohio; born at Oldham, England. February Uth. 1895; became a Maccabee .August 4th. 1015; entered the LT. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Sergeant. Base Hospital No. 31. June 26th. 1917. Died of broncho-pneumonia, Januarv 9th, 1919 Age 23 years. SIOOO.OO Benefit was paid to his brother. Randolph Taylor, .\ugust 1st, 1919. VOLL. ADOLPH Centennial Tent, No. 295. Cleveland, Ohio; born at Syracuse, N. Y.. August 23rd, 1892; became a Maccabee January 6th. 1913; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F., Pvt. Co. L. 23rd Infantry, May 26th, 1917. Killed in action. June 1st, 1919- Age 26 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, .Adelia Voll, September Uth, 1919. WELLS, GUS American Tent, No. 9, Toledo, Ohio; born at Port Huron, Mich.. August 22nd. 1882; became a Maccabee No vem ber 20t li , 1 903 ; entered the LT. S. Military Service. A. E. F., Corporal. Co. F. 305th Engineers. December 2nd, 1918. Died of pneumonia. October 24tli. 1918. .Age 37 vears. SIOOO.OO Benefit was paid to his father. Horace Wells. January 3rd, 1919. WHISLER, HOMER Middletown Tent, No. 522, Middletown, Ohio; born at Ottawa, Ohio, January 21st, 1894; became a Maccabee April 1st, 1914; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. 1. 126th Infantry. Killed in actitm, Octobei 9th, 1918 .Age 24 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Mary Elizabeth Whisler. Febru- ary 1st. 1919. WHITEMAN, HARMON E. Sherman Tent. No. 22. Fostoria. Ohio; born at Tiffin. Ohio. February 10th, 1894; became a Maccabee October 24th, 1912; entered the LT. S. Militarv Service, A. E. F.. Pvt. 1st Class. Co. 1, 148th Infantry. October 4th. 1017. Killed in action. November Sth, 1918. .Age 24 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his sisters. Maude, Ethel. Mildred and Vernia Whiteman. March 10th. 1919. WIRTH. WM. A. France Tent. No. 70. E. Palestine. Ohio; born at East Palestine. Ohio. March 28th. 1892; became a Maccabee Mav 25th, 1910; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Nitrate Section, Ordnance, May 30th, 1917. Died of 27 pneumonia, Walter Reed General Hospital. Takoma Park. D. C. October 8th. 1918. Ane 26 years. .SIOOO.OO Benefit was paid to his parents. William Wirth, Sr.. and Lucv Wirth. November 2Uth. IfllS. WOODW.\RD. OSCAR E. Eagleport Tent. No. .539, Eagleport. Ohio; born at Tridelphia, Ohio, August 17th, 1893; became a Maccabee March .3rd. 1913; entered the U. S. .Military Service. A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. B. 2nd .Ammunition Train. June 1st. 1918. Died of broncho-pneumonia. October 21st. 1918. Age 25 years. $.500.00 Benefit was paid to his brother. Fred Woodward. March 10th, 1919. ZILZ, HERMAN A. Pearl Tent. No. 23, Cleveland, Ohio; born at Cleveland, Ohio, .August Uth, 1888; became a Maccabee February 18th, 1914; entered the IJ. S. Military Service. .A. E. F.. Pvt. 1st Class. Co. B. 117th Infantry. September 20th, 1917. Died from wounds received in action. October 10th. 1918. .Age .30 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to Iiis nephew. Chester Leopold, ■August 1st, 1919. ONTARIO ALLEN. CHARLES H. Thayendanyea Tent, No. 9S. Burlington, Ont.; born at Burlington, Ont., July Sth. 1893; became a Maccabee February 15th, 1915; entered the Canadian Military Service, C. E. F., Pvt. 102nd Canadian Overseas Battalion, trans- ferred to Pvt. lG4th Battalion, December. 1915. Killed in action. .August Sth. 1918. Age 25 vears. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother Elizabeth Jane .Allen. October ;iOth, 1918. BEATTIE, ARTHUR Mersea Tent, No. 76, Leamington, Ont.; born at Essex, Ont., January 14th, 1879; became a Maccabee .April 21st, 1909; entered the Can- adian Military Service. C. E. F., Pvt. 99th Battalion, January 27th, 1916. Killed in action. April 9th, 1917. Age 3S years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to liis sister. Elsie Beattie, June 5th. 1917. BEAUMONT. GEORGE Sarnia Tent, No. 1, Sarnia, Ont.; born at Wyoming, Ont.. .April Sth. 1895; became a Maccabee June 6th. 1913; entered the Can- adian Military Service, C. E. F., Pvt. U9th Overseas Battalion, November 13th, 1915. Killed in action, October 1st, 1918. Age 23 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his father, George Beaumont, February IStli, 1919. BENTLEY, DAVID B. Sarnia Tent, No. 1, Sarnia, Ont. ; born at Warwick, Ont.. December 16th. 1864; became a Maccabee July 19th, 1S99; entered the Canadian Military Service, C. E. F., Base Medical Stores. March 1st. 1915. Died of pneumonia, nephritis, Granville Canadian Special Hospital, Ramsgate. England, April 5th. 1917. Age 53 years. $500.00 Benefit was paid to his wife. Alice S. Bentley, Sep- tember ISth. 1917. BENTON, JAMES H. Mooresville Tent, No. 54, Mooresville. Ont.; born at London, England. August 23rd, 1894; became a Maccabee March 15th, 1915; entered the Canadian Military Service, C. E. F., Pvt. 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles, November. 1915. Killed in action. November 16th, 1917. Age 23 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his sister, Ellen Sophia Benton, May 1st. 1918. BIRMINGHAM. HERBERT F. Fidelity Tent, No. 13. Toronto, Ont.; born at Toronto. Ont., October 20th. 1881; became a Maccabee November 13th, 1908; entered the Canadian Military Service. C. E. F., Lieut. 204th Overseas Battalion. August 11th, 1915. Killed in action, August 10th, 191S. Age 37 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his wife. Edna Birmingham. September 20th. 191S. BRADLEY. GEORGE Fidelity Tent, No. 13, Toronto, Ont.; born at Kent. England. February 6th. 1893; became a Maccabee February 18th, 1915; entered the Canadian Military Service. C. E. F., R(jyal Canadian Horse Artillery. March, 1916. Killed in action. May 26th. 19tS. Age 25 years $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother and wife. Hannah and Nellie Bradley. July 2nd, 1910. BREWER, HARRY Metropolitan Tent, No. 12. Toronto. Ont.; born at Mansfield, England. May 15tli. 1894; became a Maccabee October 20th. li)14; entered the Canadian Military Service, C. E. F., Pvt. Royal Canadian Dragoons. Killed in action. March 24th. 1918. .Age 23 vears. $500.00 Benefit was paid to his sister. Edith Wragg. March 20th. 1919. BROOKS, ALBERT E. Sarnia Tent, No. 1. Sarnia, Ont.; Iioni at Hawlsville. Ont.. February 12th, 1896; became a Maccabee October 18th, 1917; entered the Canadian Military Service. C. E. F., 1st Depot Battalion. W, O. R.. September 1st. 1917. Died of pneumonia, February 3rd. 1918. .Age 21 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Jane Brooks, .April 4th, 1918. BUTLER. WILLIAM O. Windsor Tent. No. 42. Windsor. Ont.; born at Essex, One. September 6th. 1890; became a Maccabee April 12th, 191 1; entered the Canadian Military Service, C. E. F.. 7th Mounted Rifles. Killed in action, at Ypres, November I2th, 1917. .Age 27 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to liis wife, Ethel Butler. September 16th. 1919. BROWN, DUNCAN Member-at-Large, Shallow Lake, Ont.; born at Hepworth. Ont., November 18th. 1872; became a Maccabee March 18th, 1895; entered the Canadian Military Service, C. E. F., Pvt., Infantry. Killed in action. October 1st, 1918. .Age 45 years. $2000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Catherine Brown. December 20th. 191S. BYRD. ALFRED T. Cliatham Tent. No. 8, Chatham, Ont.; born at Woodstock, Ont.. May 27th. 1884; became a Maccabee December 17tli, 1917; entered the Canadian Military Service. C. E. F.. Lieut. 186th Battalion Infantry. November 15th, 1915. Killed in action, August 31st. 191S. .Age 34 vears. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to liis father. Arthur J. Byrd. November 16th, 1918. CHALMERS, ADAM P. Member-at-Large. Toronto, Ont.; born at Oil Springs, Ont.. March 4th. 1865; became a Maccabee January 3rd, 1S93; entered the Canadian Military Service, C. E. F.. Medical Officer. Died as a result of an accident, Vigie Barracks, St. Lucia, British West Indies. May 16th, 1917. Age 52 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his wife, Helena A. Chalmers, October 23rd. 1917. CLEGG. WILLIAM Metropolitan Tent. No. 12. Toronto. Ont.; born at Toronto. Ont., September 16th. 1883; became a Maccabee May 17th, 1914; entered tlie Canadian Military Service. C. E. F.. Infantry; died of gunshot wound in foot. Red Cross Hospital, Calais. France, August 20th, 1916. Age 32 years. $500.00 Benefit was paid to his wife, Maud Mary Clegg. October Isth, 1916. CRANE. JOHN E. Fidelity Tent. No. 13. Toronto, Ont.; burn at Leicester. England. March 11th. 1892; became a Maccabee August 13th, 1912; entered the Canadian Military Service, C. E. F., Pvt. 4th Battalion, Canadian Mdunted Rifles, November 7th, 1915. Killed in action, August 9th, 191S. Age 26 years. $1000,00 Benefit was paid to his wife, Hilma Crane, September 20th. 1918. EDMUNDS, CHARLES L. Smiths Falls Tent, No. 222. Smith Falls, Ont.; born at Carleton Place, Ont.; became a Maccabee December 6th, 191 1; entered the Canadian Military Service, C. E. F., Pvt. 15th Canadian Battalion. 4Sth Highlanders. Killed in action. -April 25th, 1915. Age 24 vears. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Lydia Jane Edmunds, December 3rd, 1915. ENGLAND. GEORGE E. Mersea Tent, No. 76, Leamington, Ontario; born at Okon. Michigan. July 24th. 1894; be- came a Maccabee January 20th. 1915; entered the Canadian Military Service. C. E. F.. Pvt. 99th Battalion. November 27th. 1915. Killed in action. September 15th, 1916. Age 22 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his wife, Annie England, May 23rd. 1917. GENNELL, WILFRED H. Chatham Tent. No. S. Chatham, Ont.; born at Chatham. Ont.. January .5th. 1893; became a Maccabee November 13th. 1914; entered the Canadian Military Service. C. E. F., Pvt. Canadian Army Medical Corps, 1915. Was drowned in the sinking of the "Landdovery Castle." .Atlantic Ocean. June 27th. 1918. .Age 25 years. $500.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Minnie Lauber, May Sth. 1919. GUNTHER. HARRY HALL Rob Roy Tent, No. 23, Listowel, Ont.; burn at Listowel. Ont., August 5tli. 1898; became a Maccabee May 1st, 1918; entered the Canadian Military Service. C. E. F.. Lieut. Ro^■al .Air Force. .April 16th. 1917. Accidentallv kilLd, July 19th. 1918. Age 19 years. $IiH)().ini Benefit was paid to his sister. Mabel Ile-^ti.r Gunther. September 17Lh. 1918. H.\MILTON. DOUGLAS T. Lome Tent, No. 3. Stratford, Ont.; burn at Stratford, Ont.. August 22nd. 1876; became a Maccabee June 22nd, 1S96; entered the Canadian Military Service, C. E. F.. Pvt. Royal Canadian Highlanders. Killed in actiim, June 2nd. 1916. .Age 39 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his wife. Minnie Hamilton. June 21st. 1917. JENKINS. WALTER Evergreen Tent. No. 56, Teeswater. Ont.; born at London, England. November 3rd. 1882; became a Maccabee March 26th. 1908. entered the Canadian Military Service. C. E. F.; died of hemorrhage. Calgary. Alberta. June 7th. 1919. Age 26 years. $500.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Listte Jenkins, .August 12th, 1920. KEMP. ALFRED F. Metropolitan Tent, No. 12, Toronto. Ont.; born at Surrey. England, January Sth. 1883; became a Maccabee July 1st, 1911; entered the Canadian Military Service. C. E. F., Driver, 5th Brigade. Artillery. Killed in action. October 12th. 1918. Age 35 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his wife. Sadie Elizabeth Kemp. December 10th. 1918. KENNEDY, HUGH CLARK Metropolitan Tent, No. 12. Toronto, Ont.; born at Toronto, Ont.. April 28th. 1S92; became a Maccabee .April 15th. 1913; entered the Canadian Military Service. C. E. F., Gunner, 30th Batterv. Killed in action, November 14th. 1917. .Age 25 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to Ills mother. Elizabeth Kennedy, January 9th, 1918. LACY. PERCY Redemption Tent. No. 15, Brantford. Ont.; born at Staffordshire, England, January 13th. 1894; became a Maccabee June 16th, 1915; entered the Canadian Military Service, C. E. F., 125th Overseas " Battalion, November 17th. 1915. Killed in action, February 21st. 1918. .Age 24 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Mary Lacy. June Uth, 1918. LING. GEORGE M. Fidelity Tent. No. 13. Toronto, Ontario; born at Belleville, Ont., April 28th, 1891; became a Maccabee July 3rd, 1914; entered the Canadian Military Service. C. E. F.. 92nd Highlanders, transferred to 42nd Highlanders, August 9th. 1915. Died of wounds received in action. 4th LondoH General Hospital. Denmark Hill. London. England, December 9th, 1917. Age 26 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his wife, Ida Ling. February 19th, 1918. MACBETH. WILLIAM M. Metropolitan Tent. No. 12, Toronto, Ontario; born at Reading, England. .April 6th. 1878; became a Maccabee December 12th, 1910; entered the Canadian Military Service, C. E. F.. Corporal. 256th Overseas Railway Construc- tion Battalion. Died of paralysis of insane, Lord Derby War Hospital. Warrington, England. March 20th, 1919. Age 40 years. $500.00 Benefit was paid to his wife. Nellie Mortimer Macbeth. July 9th, 1919. MARTIN. SIDNEY A. Picton Tent, No. 154. Picton. Ontario; horn at London, England. September 25th. 1889; be- came a Maccabee October 1st. 1914; entered the Canadian Military Service, C. E. F.. Pvt. 20th Overseas Battalion, Infantry. February 6th, 1916. Killed in action. September 28th, 1916. Age 32 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his wife, Charlotte C. Martin, Febru- ary 1st. 1917. MEPHAM. ROBERT Brittannia Tent. No. 29. Hamilton. Ontario; born at Hamilton. Ont.. October 15th, 1872; became a Maccabee March 22nd, 1900; entered the Canadian Military Service, C. E. F., Pvt. 13th Overseas Battalion. August 16tli. 1915. Killed in action. October Sth. 1916. Age 44 years. $500 00 Benefit was paid to his wife, Bessie Mepliam, August Ut, 1017. MINCHINTON. GORDON E. Pride of Ontario Tent. No. 276, Napanee, Ontario; born at Napanee, Ontario, May 25tli, 1S85; became a Maccabee November 24th, 1903; entered the Canadian Military Service. C. E. F.. Lieut. 27th Overseas Battalion. Killed in action. April 9th, 1917. Age 31 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Harriet Minchinton, February Sth, 1918. MULLALY. JOHN T. Metropolitan Tent. No. 12. Toronto, Ontario; born at Toronto, Ontario. February 7th, 1887; became a Maccabee April ISth, 1907; entered the Canadian Military Service. C. E. F.. 81st (Overseas Battalion. Killed in action. Septem- ber 16tli. 1916. Age 29 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his executor of will. E. N. Tutt, December 30th, 1916. McDonald, bryce Metropolitan Tent. No. 12. Toronto. Ontario; born at Toronto, Ontario. October 25th. 1889; became a Maccabee March 13th. 1911; entered the Canadian Military Service. C. E. F., Gunner. Overseas Artillery. Died from wounds received in action. Ontario General Hospital, Orpington. Kent. England. January 2Sth. 1918. Age 28 vears. $500.01) Benefit was paid to his mutlier, Rebecca McDonald. March 19tli. 1918. NETHERCOTT. WILLIAM J. Metropolitan Tent, No. 12. Toronto. Ontario; born at Delverton, England, November 20th. 1870; became a Maccabee March 1st, 1912; 28 entered the Canadian Military Service. C. E. F., Pvt. 75tti Overseas Battalion. Killed in action. June Sth, 1917. Age 40 years. $.500(10 Benefit was paid to liis wife. Florence V. Nethercott, October 23rd. 1917. ORR, ANDREW Regina Tent. No. 106. Hamilton. Ontario: born at Kilbright. Ireland, August 17th. 1S93; be- came a Maccabee July 24th. 1914; entered tlie Canadian Military Service. C. E. F.. Pvt. 19th Overseas Battalion. November 1st. 1914. Killed in action. July 31st. 1916. Age 22 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his father. John Orr, December 30th, 1916. PALLING. JOHN F. Hallett Tent. No. 124. Barrie, Ontario; born at Simcoe, Ontario. .August 14th. 1S62; became a Maccabee October 23rd. 1S93; entered the Canadian Military Service. C. E. F.. Capt. Canadian Army Medical Corps. November. 1916. Died of cerebro thrombosis. Queen Alexandria Military Hospital. London. England. May 21st. 191S. Age 55 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his wife. Margaret A. Pall- ing. May 21st. 1918. QUINN, ISAAC Santa Maria Tent, No. 123. Blythe. Ontario; born at Blythe, Ontario, November 1st, 1879; became a Maccabee March 2nd, 1903; entered the Canadian Military Service, C. E. F.. Corporal. 159th Battalion, transferred to 58tli Battalion, December 1st, 1915. Died of wounds received in action, November 21st. 1917. Age 38 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his wife. Ella Quinn. June 11th. 1918. RODDY. HUGH Fidelity Tent, No. 13, Toronto, Ontario; born at Dunlarg, Ireland, January 21st, 1892; be- came a Maccabee March 1st, 1915; entered the Canadian Military Service, C. E. F., Queen's Own Regiment, 166th Overseas Battalion. Killed in action. September 29. 1919. .-^ge 25 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his step- mother. Mary Ellen Roddy. .August 10th, 1919. SMITH. THOMAS Yorkville Tent. No. 60. Toronto. Ontario; born at Worcestershire. England. March 11th. 1892; became a Maccabee December I9th. 1910; entered the Canadian Military Service. C. E. F., Pvt. 15th Overseas Battalion. Killed in action. April 24th. 1915. Age 23 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Margaret Smith, August I4th, 1916. SYDER, PERCY Wingham Tent, No. 68, Wingham, Ontario; born at Norwich, England, May 5th, 1892; be- came a Maccabee .April 23, 1914; entered the Canadian Military Service, C. E. F. Killed in action. June 13th, 1916. Age 24 years. $500.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Char- lotte Syder. November 10th, 1916. WISKIN. JAMES D. H. Peterboro Tent. No. 69. Peterboro. Ontario; born at Napanee, Ontario, August 16th, 1883; became a IVIaccabee February Sth, 1903; en- tered the Canadian Military Service, C. E. F.. Pvt. 93rd Overseas Battalion, transferred to 18th Battalion Machine Gun Section, May llth 1916. Killed in action. May 9th. 1917. Age 33 years. $500.00 Benefit was paid to his wife, Carrie F. Wiskin, July 6th, 1917. OREGON DIXON. JOSEPH Multnomah Tent. No. 67. Portland. Oregon; born at Vancouver. Washington, November 22nd. 1894; became a Maccabee June 14th, 1915; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. L. 305th Infantry. Killed in action. November 10th, 1918. Age 24 years. $1000 00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Sarah Emma Dixon. March 3rd. 1919. EASTMAN. EDWARD G. Hood River Tent. No. 19. Hood River. Oregon; born at Hood River. Oregon. October 29tli. 1889; became a Maccabee June 1st, 1911; entered the V. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. H. 361st Infantry, April 29th, 1918. Killed in action, October 21st, 1918. Age 28 years. $500.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Mary Eastman, January 25th, 1919. FLINT, WILLIAM R. Mount Hood Tent. No. 17. Portland. Oregon; born at West Portland. Oregon. January 5tli. 1892; became a Maccabee January 31st, 1910; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. L. lUth Infantry. June 25th, 1918. Died of broncho-pneumonia, March 1st, 1919. Age 27 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his father. Thomas A. Flint. August 1st, 1919. KINNEY, WILLIAM A. Portland Tent, No. 1, Portland, Oregon; born at Butler. Missouri. September 26th. 1875; became a iVlaccabee February 1st. 1917; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F., Captain U. S. Guards. Died of Brights Disease. The Letterman General Hospital, San Francisco, California. September 1st. 1919. .Age 47 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his wife. Florence Kinney, March 18th, 1920. McDANIEL. ROY Albany Tent, No. 5. .Albany. Oregon; born at Waterloo, Oregon, February 9th, 1887; became a Maccabee February 9th, 1907; entered the U, S. Military Service. A. E. F.. October 26th. 1918. Died of influenza-pneumonia. Post Hospital. Ft. Mac.Arthur. California. November 2nd, 1918. Age 31 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Viva McDaniel, Decem- ber, 30th, 1918. PENNSYLVANIA ANDERSON, JOHN Bessemer Tent. No. 92. Braddock, Pa.; born at Braddock. Pa.. July 27th. 1893; became a Mac- cabee March 25th. 1913; entered tlie V. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Co. E. 109th Infan- try. February 23rd, 1918. Killed in action. July 29th. 1918. .Age 25 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his parents. Thomas and .Annie .Anderson. May 16tli. 1919. BACHMAN, LEO F. Austin Tent, No. 38, Austin. Pa.; born at Austin. Pa.. January llth. 1893; became a Maccabee August 3rd. 1912; entered the U. S. Military Service. .A. E. F.. 302nd .Ammunition Train, February 27th, 1918. Died of acute appendicitis suppurative. Camp L^pton Can- tonment. N. Y.. April llth. 1018. Age 25 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother Kate Bachman. May 21st. 1918. BELKO. JOHN G. Donora Tent. No. 42. Donora. Pa.; born at Plymouth, Mass., November, 1890; became a Maccabee November llth, 1913; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Co. .A. UOth Infantry. July 21st. 1917. Killed in action. October Sth. 1918. Age 27 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his father. John Belko. October 15th. 1919. BRUCE. JOSEPH E. East Liberty Tent. No. 369. East Liberty. Pa.; born at Pittsburgh. Pa.. November 26th. 1893; became a Maccabee April 10th. 1914; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F., Pvt. Co. A, Machine Gun Battalion, June 27th, 1918. Killed in action. September 25th, 1918. Age 24 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Mamie Bruce, December 8th, 1918. BURKHART, FRANK E. Shoemakersville Tent. No. 416. Shoemakers- ville. Pa.; born at Shoemakersville. Pa.. March llth. 1895; became a Maccabee .April 15tli. 1913; entered the U. S. Military Service. .A. E. F.. Medical Dept.. June 24th. 1918. Died of influenza. LT. S. A. General Hospital No. 9. Lakewood, N. J.. October 12th. 1918. Age 23 years. $500.00 Benefit was paid to his sister and brother. Mary Zimmerman and Charles Burkhart. November 26th. 1918. CRAIG. WALTER W. New Bethlehem Tent. No. 170. New Bethlehem, Pa.; born at Climax. Pa.. January 5th. 1892; became a Maccabee July 7th. 1911; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. 2nd Lieut. Infantry. .April llth, 1917. Killed inaction. October 6th. 1918. .Age 26 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his father. William T. .A. Craig, July 23rd, 1919. DALEY, EDWARD T. Electric City Tent. No. 455. Scranton. Pa.; born at Scranton, Pa.. July 14th. 1888; became a Maccabee March 30th. 1907; entered the V. S." Military Service. A. E. F.. .Aviation Detach- ment No. 3; died of influenza and pneumonia, at Camp Morrison. Virginia. October 2nd. 1918. Age 30 years. $500.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Mary Dudley. February 17th, 1919. DOWLING. WILLIAM F. Yough Tent. No. 159, Connellsville, Pa.; born at Hay Springs. Neb.. February 6th. 1892; became a Maccabee February 21st. 1910; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F.. Mechanical Repair Shop. September 22. 1917. Died of peritonitis. June 4th. 1918. Age 26 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother Blanche Dowling, August 12th, 1918. ELDER. WILLIAM Broomfield Tent, No. 64, Broomfield, W. Va.; born at Jollytown. Pa., February 2Sth, 1895; became a Maccabee March 21st. 1916; entered the U. S. Military Service, .A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. M, 128th Infantry, May 26th, 1918. Killed in action. October 26th, 1918. Age 23 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his sister. L. Dilly Elder. February 17th, 1919. EVANICKY. JOSEPH Donora Tent, No. 42, Donora, Pa.; born at Braddock, Pa.. December 22nd, 1893; became a Maccabee June 9th. 1914; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. C. 104th Infantry. May 14th, 1918. Killed in action. September 19th. 1918. Age 24 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Julia Evanicky, January 20th, 1919. FAGAN. WILLIAM L. Altoona Tent. No. 407. Altoona. Pa.; born at Altoona. Pa., September 13th, 1888; became a Maccabee March llth, 1908; entered the U. S. Military Service. .A. E. F.. Employment Agent. Arsenal. Died of influenza, at Philadel- phia. Pa.. October 3rd. 1918. Age 30 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his wife. Ida May Fagan, February 1st, 1919. FICKES, R.ALPH H. .Avonmore Tent. No. 405. Avonmore. Pa.; born at Irondale, Ohio, June 19th, 1890; be- came a Maccabee October 30th. 1912; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Dental Corps. November 6th, 1917. Died of broncho- pneumonia. Base Hospital. Camp Greenleaf. Ga.. October 18th. 1918. .Age 28 years. $1000.- 00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Cora B. Fickes, December 10th, 1918. FLYNN, WILLIAM J. Yough Tent. No. 159. Connellsville. Pa.; born at Connellsville. Pa.. July 28th. 1892; became a Maccabee February 24th. 1914; entered the LI. S. Military Service. .A. E. F.. Mechanic, Co. G. 2nd .Ammunition Train. June 13. 1917. Died of pneumonia, January 27th, 1919. Age 26 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Mary Flynn, April 18th, 1919. GAVIGAN, JAMES Bessemer Tent, No. 92. Braddock. Pa.; born at Rankin. Pa.. January ISth. 1896; became a Maccabee March lOth. 1914; entered the U. S. Military Service. .A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. K, llth Infantry, .April 29th, 1918. Killed in action. November 10th. 1918. Age 22 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his parents. -Anthony and Catherine Gavigan, -April 2nd, 1919. GEIGER. FRANK H. Philadelpliia Tent. No. 274. Philadelphia, Pa.; born at Hillside. Pa.. November 21st, 1888; became a Maccabee -April 3rd, 1917; entered the U. S. Military Service. -A- E- F-. .April 26th. 1918. Died of tuberculosis. Camp Meade, Maryland. September 5th. 1918. .Age 29 years. $.500.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Ida Geiger, December 16th, 1918. HAMER. FLOYD C. New Brighton Tent. No. 190. New Brighton. Pa.; born at New Brighton. Pa.. February 17th. 1894; became a Maccabee July 6th. 1917; entered the L^. S. Military Service, A. E. F.. Sergeant. Co. B, IlOth Infantry, June 24th, 1916. Killed in action. July 15th. 1918. Age 34 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his parents. Iva -Allen and Tohn Joseph Hamer. December 23rd. 1918. HASSON, JOHN R. Bessemer Tent, No. 92. Braddock. Pa.; born at Braddock. Pa., -April 27th, 1892; became a Maccabee May 23rd, 1911; entered the U. S. Military Service. -A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. M. 327th Infantry, September 22nd. 1917. Killed in action. October 10th. 1918. -Age 26 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his sister. Mary G. Hasson. February 21st. 1919. HAWLEY. LEWIS Corry Tent. No. 16. Corry. Pa.; born at Clymer. N. Y.. March 1st. 1898; became a Maccabee March I4th. 1917; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Corporal. Co. A. 112th In- fantry. February 1st. 1916. Killed inaction, October 4th, 1918. Age 20 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his sister. Arvilla Hawlev, March 22nd, 1919. HESS, EARL D. Berwick Tent, No. 282. Berwick. Pa.; born at Berwick. Pa.. June 12th. 1887; became a Mac- cabee July 6th. 1905; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Sergeant. Co. F. 314th Infantry. September 20th. 1917. Killed in action, November 3rd, 1918. .Age 31 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Ella R. Hess. January 25th. 1919. HOCHARD. HERBERT T. Somerset Tent. No. 19. Somerset. Pa.; born at BakersviUe. Pa.. -August 26th, 1895; became a Maccabee September 16tli, 1913; entered the U. S. Military Service. -A. E. F.. Sergeant. Co. C. 110th Infantry. Killed in action. July 26th, 1918. Age 22 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Ida Bella Hochard, September 25th. 1918. HUDAK. MIKE St. Paul Tent. No. 1634. Pottstown. Pa; born at Pottstown, Pa.. December llth. 1894; be- came a Maccabee July 16th, 1913; entered the U. S. Military Service. -A. E. F.. Corporal, Co. G. 360th Infantry. November 2nd. 1917. Killed in action. October 1st. 1918. .Age 23 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his parents Andra and Maria Hudak, February 6th, 1919. HUNTER. WILLIAM D. Johnstown Tent, No. 238. Johnstown, Pa.; born at Phillipsburg. Pa.. November 27th, 1894; became a Maccabee -April 27th, 1917, entered the U. S. Military Service. .A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. E. 23rd Infantry. July 30th, 1917. Killed in action. July 1st. 1918. Age 23 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Catherine Devine, .August 23rd, 1918, 29 KATOUCH' ROBERT Greensburg Tent, No. 214, Greensburg. Pa.; born at West Newton, Pa.. March 24th, 1883; became a Maccabee October 26th, 1911; entered the U. S. Mihtary Service, A. E. F., Pvt. 149th Machine Gun Battalion. Killed in action. March Sth. 1918. .Age 24 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Annie Katouch, May 14th, 1918. KELL, .ALFRED H. Yough Tent, No. 159, Connellsville, Pa.; born at Denver, Colo.. September 21st, 1893; be- came a Maccabee May ."jth. 1917; entered the U. S. Mihtary Service. A. E. F., Pvt. Battery F. 313th Field Artillery, April 26th, 1918. Died of pneumonia, October ."Hh, 1918. Age 2,5 years. SIOOO.OO Benefit was paid to his mother. Ida M. Kell, February .5th. 1919. KING, NORMAN L. Corry Tent, No. 16, Corry, Pa.; born at Corry, Pa., May 19th, 1895; became a Maccabee February 2nd, 1914; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F., Pvt. Co. K. 16Sth Infantry, October 6th. 1917. Killed in action, July 16th, 1918. Age 23 years. JIOOO.OO Benefit was paid to his parents. John F. and Julia King, March 14th, 1919. KROH, WILLIAM H. Lebanon Tent. No. 402, Labanon. Pa.; born at Lykens, Pa.. ,\pril 23rd, 1888; became a Mac- cabee December 19th. 1911; entered the U. S. Military Service, .^. E. F., Sergeant, Battery F, 54th Coast Artillery Corps, July 16tli, 1915. Died of influenza and pneumonia November 6th 1918. Age 30 years. .SIOOO.OO Benefit was paid to his mother, .\nnie E. Kroh, ,\pril 14th, 1919. LAUER, JOHN B., JR. East End Tent. No. 20, Pittsburgh, Pa.; born at Pittsburgh. Pa., .\pril lltli. 1895; became a Maccabee November ISth, 1914; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F., Sergeant, Battery F, 107th Field .Artillery. Died of pneumonia January 4th, 1919. .-^ge 23 years. $2000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Eugenie E. Lauer, April 9th, 1918. .MACHMER, FRANK E. Shoemakcrsvillc Tent, No. 416, Shoemakers- ville. Pa.; born at Shoemakersville. Pa., Decem- ber 9th, 1894; became a Maccabee March 4th. 1914; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F., Pvt. 1st Class, Co. B, .305th Field Signal Battalion. .April 27th, 1918. Died of lobar pneumonia, December 21st, 1918. Age 24 years. S500.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Annie Machmer, March 26th, 1919. MEALS, DELMER T. Eau Claire Tent, No. 23, Eau Claire, Pa.; born at De Sal, Pa., December 26th. 1896; became a Maccabee .August 26th, 1918; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F., Pvt. Co. A, 134th Engineers, September 14th, 1918. Died of cerebro spinal meningitis, April 10th. 1919. .Age 22 years. SIOOO.OO Benefit was paid to his mother, Mina A. Meals, .August 16th, 1919. MEANEY, FRED Bradford Tent, No. 4. Bradford. Pa.; Iirn at Mt. .Alton, Pa.. September 25th, 1889; became a Maccabee October 21st, 1907; entered the U. S. Military Service, -A. E. F., Pvt. Co. 1, 305th Infantry, February 24th, 1918. Killed in action, October 20th, 1918. .Age 29 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Bridget Meaney, March 20th, 1919. MILLER, GORDON L. East End Tent. No. 20, Pittsburgh, Pa.; born at Gault. Mo., July 25th, 1891; became a Maccabee April 21st, 1916; entered the U. S. Military Service, .A. E. F.. Naval Aviation Corps, May 28th, 1918; died of influenza and pneumonia, LT. S. Naval Hospital, Gulfport, Miss.. October, 7th, 1918 .Age 27 years, $1500.00 Benefit was paid to his wife. .Annetta Miller, February Ist, 1919. MURDOCK. ELMER M. Utica Tent, No. 140, Utica, Pa.; born at Sugar Creek Township, Pa.. .April 8tli, 1897; became a Maccabee June 4th, 1917; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. F. 112th Infantry. Killed in action. July 15th, 1918. Age 21 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Martha Murdock, October .3rd, 1918 McGONIGAL, RAYMOND S. Karthaus Tent, No. 196, Karthaus, Pa.; born at Pottersdale. Pa., September 22nd, 1.S94; became a Maccabee July 5th, 1917; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. B, 304th Telegraph Battalion, .April 1st. 1918. Killed in action. October 6th, 1918. Age 24 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Anna Sykes, McGonigal, January 20th, 1919. NOLAN, EDWIN W. Philipsburg Tent, No. 297. Philipsburg, Pa.; born at Philipsburg. Pa.. .August 30th, 1892; became a Maccabee July 23, 1913; entered the U. S. Military Service. .A. E. P.. Pvt. Co. I, ISth Battalion Infantry. Died of pneumonia, Base Hospital. Camp Lee, Virginia, October nth, 1918. Age 26 years. $100000 Benefit was paid to his mother. Jennie M. Nolan, March 26th. 1919. ORMSBY, ORSON C. Presque Isle Tent, No. 243. Erie, Pa.; born at Candor. N. Y.. .August 7th, 1894; became a Maccabee April 4tli, 1918; entered the U. S. Military Service. .A. E. F., Pvt. Machine Gun Co., 306th Infantry, May 13th, 1918. Killed in action, October 15th, 191.8. .Age 24 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his sister, .Alma S. Doty, March 20th, 1919. RUMBAUGH, MERLE Eau Claire Tent, No. 23. Eau Claire, Pa.; born at Butler County. Pa.. March 29th, 1893; became a Maccabee July 24th, 1918; entered the LI. S. Military Service, .A. E. F., July 24th, 1918. Died of bronchopneumonia. Base Hospital. Camp Lee, Va., October 3rd, 1918. Age 24 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Barbara Ellen Mahood, November 2nd. 1918. SEAWARD, FRED L. Kendall Tent, No. 5, Kendall, Pa.; born at Bradford, Pa., March 2nd. 1874; became a Maccabee February 20th. 1895; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F., Pvt. Coast Artillery Corps, July 15th, 1918. Drowned in the sinking of the transport "Otranto." October 6th. 1918. Age 44 years. $2000.00 Benefit was paid to his wife. Emma B. Seaward. February 1st. 1919. SECRIST, HOWARD Yough Tent. No. 159. Connellsville, Pa.; born at Dickerson Run, Pa.. April 12th. 1892; became a Maccabee April 26th, 1917; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F.. Corporal, Co. D, UOth Infantry, 1916. Killed in action. August 1st, 1918. .Age 26 years. $2000.00 Benefit was paid to his grandmother, Emma Secrist, October 14th, 1918. SHANER. EARL E. Leechburg Tent. No. 186, Leechburg, Pa.; born at Gilpin Township, Pa., March 3ri, 1894; became a Maccabee December 23rd, 1912; entered the V. S. Military Service, .A. E. F.. Pvt. Medical Department, 7th Infantry, October 6th, 1917. Killed in action. October 3rd. 1918. Age 24 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Maria Shaner. Decem- ber 24th. 1918. SHAW, LLOYD J, Yough Tent, No. 159, Connellsville, Pa.; born at Connellsville, Pa., April 26th, 1884; became a Maccabee May 18th, 1903; entered the U. S. Military Service, .A.E.F.. Medical Detachment. 110th Infantry, July I.5th, 1917. Died of blood poisoning. St. Clements Hospital, Metz, Germany, September 3rd, 1918. Age 33 years. $2000.00 Benefit was paid to his sisters and niece, Aldagert Giles. Rae Hustead and Vivian Jones, December 16th, 1918. SPEECE. CHARLES E. New Brighton Tent. No. 190. New Brighton. Pa.; born at New Brighton, Pa., September 28th, 1897; became a Maccabee April 7th, 1916; entered the LT. S. Military Service, .A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. B, 110th Infantry, June 23rd, 1916. Killed in action, July 15th, 1918. .Age 20 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Fannie May Speece, January 3rd, 1919. SQUIRES. ALBERT B. Corry Tent, No. 16, Corry, Pa.; born at Corry, Pa.. April 13th, 1895; became a Maccabee November 24th, 1913; entered the U. S. Military Service. .A. E. F., Pvt. Medical Dept.. 319th Infantry, October 6th. 1917. Killed in action. October Sth, 1918. .Age 23 years. $1,500.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Lottie Sguires, June 22nd, 1920. STRATTON, GEORGE G. Rock Tent, No. 211, Falls Creek, Pa.; born at Strattonville. Pa., September 3rd. 1887; became a Maccabee January 30th. 1907; entered the LT. S. Military Service, .A. E. P., Troop H, 13th U. S. Cavalry, June 6th, 1917. Died of accident. Base Hospital. Ft. Rilev, Kan.. December 29th, 1917. .Age 30 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Carrie E. Stratton, April 16th. 1918. SZEDLOCK, JOSEPH Eckland Tent, No. 213. Eckland. Pa.; born at Tioga, Pa.. January 4th. 1894; became a Maccabee April 8tli. 1915; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F., Pvt. Medical Dept.. 314th Infantry. November 1st. 1917. Killed in action. October 20th, 1918. .Age 24 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Elizabeth Szedlock, February IstJi, 1919. TROUT, IRA K. Kinzer Tent. No. 440, Kinzer Pa.; born at Leaman Place. Pa., November 18th, 1888; entered the U. S. Military Service. .A. E. F., Pvt. Co. I, 216th Infantry, November 2nd, 1917. Killed in action. November 4th. 1918. .Age 29 years. $500.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Sarah Anna Trout, February 17th, 1919. \'EAL, JOHN A. New Brighton Tent, No. 190, New Brighton. Penn.; born at New Brighton. Penn., .August 23rd, 1897; became a Maccabee June 9th. 1916; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F. , Corporal, Co. B. 110th Infantry, May 22nd, 1917. Killed in action, July Kith. 1918. .Age 20 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his father. William Veal, November 1st, 1919. VENOBLE, JOSEPH E. -Alpha Tent, No. 1, Erie, Penn.; born at Dundas, Ontario, September Kith, 1854; became a Mac- cabee June 11th, 1896; entered the U. S. Mili- tary Service. A. E. F.. Navy. March 3rd, 1909; Died of pneumonia, U. S. Naval Hospital. N, Y.. .April 30th, 1918. .Age 63 years. $.3000.00 Benefit was paid to his wife. Lillian J. Venoble. July 22nd, 1918. WEHR, PAUL E. New Castle Tent, New Castle, Pa.; born at Prospect. Pa.. May 13th. 1895; became a Mac- cabee May 2nd. 1916; entered the U. S. Military Service. .A. E. F., 1st Class Private 610th Medical Dept.. Aero Squadron. November 13th. 1917. Died of pneumonia. Aviation Supply Depot. Springwells, Detroit. Mich.. October 10th. 1918. .Age 23 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Carrie M. Wehr, De- cember 16tli, 1918. WILSON, MARTIN L. Selica Tent. No. 281, Mt. LTnion, Penn.; born at Path Valley, Pa.. March 11th. 1888; became a Maccabee April 27th, 1917; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. 4th Casual Detach- ment. August 5th, 1918. Died of pneumonia. Base Hospital, Camp Wadsworth, S. C Octo- ber 17th, 1918. Age 30 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his wife, Kathryn Wilson, November 12th, 1918. QUEBEC BORLAND. HAROLD W. St. Johns Tent, No. 1, St. Johns. Quebec; born at Ulverton, Quebec, July 21st, 1887; became a Maccabee September 28th, 1907; entered the Canadian Military Service, C. E. F. Died of wounds received in action. Canadian General Hospital, .April 20th. 1917. Age 29 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his wife. Georgina Borland. June 27th. 1917. RHODE ISLAND BERTHERMAN. R.AY C. Providence Tent. No, 2. Providence. R. !.; born at Hanover, N. H.. March Kith, 1896; became a Maccabee November 3rd, 1915; entered the U. S. Military Service. .A. E. F.. Battery B, 103rd Field Artillery, May 7th, 1917. Killed in action. December 10th. 1918. Age 22 years. $-500. 00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Eliza- beth Bertlierman, February 21st, 1919. DEROUIN, ALBERT F. Pawtucket Tent, No. 6. Pawtucket, R. I.; born at Natick. R. I., October 31st, 1895; became a Maccabee May 6th, 1915; entered the U, S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. D, 49th Infantry. .August 9th, 1917. Killed in action, October 20th. 1918. Age 22 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Amelia Derouin. March 3rd, 1919. SOUTH DAKOTA AMUNDSON. HAAKON M. Aberdeen Tent, No. 2. .Aberdeen, .S. D.; born at Norway. S. D.. October i2th. 1889; became a Maccabee November 17th, 1916; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F., Co. L, 18th Infantry, .April 23rd. 1917. Killed in action, July Ksth, 1918. Age 28 years. $1000,00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Mary B. .Ainund- son, September 8th. 1919. BANKOL. RUDOLPH Member-at-Large, Roslyn. S. D.; born at Rosh'n. S. D., August 23rd, 1895; became a Maccabee May 1st, 1917; entered the U. S. Military Service. .A. E. F.. Co. 1. 105th Infantry. 77th Division, Killed in action. .August 13th. 1918. .Age 22 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his father. Peter H. Bankol. .August 1st. 1919. MOORE, HAROLD A. Aberdeen Tent, No. 2. Aberdeen. S. D.; born at Elmwood, Illinois, October 7th, 1895; be- came a Maccabee October 12th. 1914; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. M. 18th Infantry. June 2nd. 1917. Killed in action, July ISth, 1918. Age 22 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Ella L. Moore, November 22nd, 1919. TENNESSEE ACKLIN, CHRISTOPHER C. Marble Tent. No. 17. Knoxville. Tenn.; born at Kno.\ville. Tenn.. February KSth, 1897; became a Maccabee Julv 7th, 1917; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. 129th 30 Field Artillery, August (3tli, 1918. Died of pneumonia. October 2f)th. 1918. Age 21 years. SIOOO.OO Benefit was paid to his mother, Cora C. Acklin. February 17tli, 1919. GOOCH. CLARENCE C. Double Bridge Tent. No. 73, Double Bridge, Tenn.; born in Landerdale County, Tenn.. March 6th, 1887; became a Maccabee April 1st, 1913; entered the U. S. Militarv Service. A. E. F.. Co. E. 17th Infantry. September 23rd. 1917. Died of lobar pneumonia. Base Hos- pital. Camp Sevier. S. C. Februarv 2nd. 1918. Age 30 years. SIOOO.OO Benefit was paid to his brother, Onie Gooch, April Sth, 1919. LEWIS. JOHN E. Stokes Tent, No. 60. Stokes. Tenn.; born at Lebanon. Indiana, December 1st. 1893; became a Maccabee October 23rd, 1914; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F., September 7th, 1917. Died of pneumonia. Base Hospital. Camp Jackson, S. C, Januarv 4th, 1918. .-X-ge 24 years. SoOO.OO Benefit was paid to his mother. Anna R. Lewis. February 26th, I91S. POTEET. MARCUS L. Forked Deer Tent, No. 83. Eaton. Tenn.; born at Newbern, Tenn.. August 22nd. 1SS9; became a Maccabee July ISth. 1918; entered the U. S. Militarv Service. A. E. F., Co. 27, 7th Depot Brigade. July 24th. 1918. Died of broncho- pneumonia, at sea, October 1st. 191S. Age 29 vears. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his wife. Nick Poteet, October 26tli. 191S. SHELEY. JOHN C. Smeedville Tent. No. 21, Dickson, Tenn.; born at Dickson, Tenn., March Sth, 1S97; became a Maccabee July 7th, 1916; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F., Co. H, 57th Pioneer Infantry, September 6th, 1918. Died of lobar pneumonia, at sea. U. S. S. "Leviathan", October 3rd. 1918. Age 21 years. SIOOO.OO Benefit was paid to his mother, Fannie Sheley, November 2nd. 1918. SMITH. CLIFFORD E. Volunteer Tent. No. 13, McICenzie, Tenn.; born at Henry, Tenn., August 11th, 1888; be- came a Maccabee November 14th. 1913; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Corporal, Medical Dept.. B. H.-No. 57, December 12th, 1917. Died of pneumonia, September 26th, 1918. Age 30 years. SIOOO.OO Benefit was paid to his motlier. Arcana Smith, February 5th, 1919. TEXAS BOGGESS. ROLLEY E. Dallas Tent. No. 23. Dallas. Texas; born at Kaufman. Texas. October ISth. 1893; became a Maccabee March 6th, 1917: entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F., Pvt. Marine Corps. May 2Stli. 1917. Killed in action. June 25th. 1918. Age 24 years. SIOO.OO Benefit was paid to his father. John B. Bog- gess, November 16th, 1918. BURKE. JOHN T. Dallas Tent. No. 23. Dallas, Texas; born at Dallas, Texas. June 0th. 1894; became a Mac- cabee December 22nd. 1014; entered tlie U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Co. F. 369th Infan- try, April 28tlt, 1918. Killed in action, Sep- tember 26th. 1919. Age 24 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Margaret Burke. April 24th. 1919. CROSBY. THOMAS H. Long Staple Tent. No. 1027. Clarksville. Texas; born at Clarksville, Texas. January 24th. 1891; became a Maccabee September 22nd. 1911; entered the U. S. Militarv Service. A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. K. 39th Infantrv. Februarv 18th, 1918. Killed in action, October 10th, 1919. Age 27 years. SIOOO.OO Benefit was paid to his sisters. Ruth Cornett. Mary. James and Bonnie Crosby. August 1st. 1919. EARLE, HENRY G. Magnolia Tent, No. 88. Beaumont. Texas; born at Jacksonville. Texas, December 13th, 1894; became a Maccabee December 12th, 1917; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F.. Pvt. 16th Balloon Co.. June 20th. 1918. Died of pneumonia, at Ft. Omaha. Nebraska. Age 23 years. S2000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Ammie Elengton Earle, April 14th, 1919 EMGLES. BROOKLYN K. Yoakum Tent. No. 60. Yoakum, Texas; born at Bellwood. Pa.. Marcli 10th. 1893; became a Maccabee June 6th, 1913; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F., Corporal. Co. L. 355th Infantrv. Killed in action, August 29th. 1918. Age 25 years. SIOOO.OO Benefit was paid to his mother. Edith K. Engles, November 16th, 1918. GARDNER. JASPER Gainesville Tent, No. 2, Gainesville, Texas; born at Dexterm. Texas, December 27th, 1894; became a M accabee December Sth, 1914; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F. Died of lobar pneumonia. Base Hospital. Camp Grant. 111., April Sth. 1919. Age 25 years. SIOOO.OO Benefit was paid to his parents, William A. and Martha Gardner, August 21st, 1919. GARNER, GEORGE W. Long Staple Tent, No. 1027. Long Staple. Tex- as; born at Antoine. Ark-, November 22nd. 1893; became a Maccabee October 7th. 1916; entered the U. S Militarv Service. A. E. F.. Pvt. 1st Class. Co. A. 143rd infantry, Septem- ber 20th. 1917. Died of Septicaemia. Septem- ber nth, 1918. Age 24 years. $1000.00 Benefit was r)aid to his father. Tobert T. J. Garner, January 20th. 1919. GILES, LYNN W. Dallas Tent, No. 23. Dallas. Texas; born at Dallas. Texas. October 31st. 1889; became a Maccabee September 22nd, 1908; entered the U. S. Militarv Service, A. E. F.. Radio Oper- ator, U. S. Navy. November 2Sth. 1917. Died of influenza at Los Angeles. California, Novem- ber 27th. 1918. Age 29 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Mattie Giles, January 25th, 1919. HOLLANDSWORTH. CECIL W. Somerville Tent, No. 118. Somervllle. Texas; born at Velasco. Texas. August 2nd. 1894; became a Maccabee June 2nd, 1914; entered the U. S. Militarv Service, A. E. F.. Pvt. Bat- tery F, 64th C. A. C. July 4th. 1918. Died of accident at Newport News. Va.. Februarv 20th. 1919. Age 24 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Susan .\. Hullands- wortli. March 26th. 1919. JOHNSON, BENTLEY C. Dallas Tent, No. 23, Dallas, Texas; born at Calvert, Texas. December 30th, 1899; became a Maccabee December 3rd, 1912; entered the U. S. Military Service, .A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. F. 359th Infantry. April 28th, 1918. Killed in action, November 6th, 1918. Age 28 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his wife. Ethel May Johnson, February 17th, 1919. KIRCHNER, GEORGE W. Markey Tent, No. 74. Galveston, Texas; born at Galveston, Texas. October 4th. 1893; be- came a Maccabee January 7th, 1915; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F. Died of influenza, Ft. Douglas, Utah, February 1st, 1919. LANHAM, HOWARD M. Prairie Queen Tent, No. 7, Temple, Texas; became a Maccabee March ISth, 1918; entered the LI. S. Military Service. A. E. F., Remount Division. May 27th, 1918. Died of pneumonia. Base Hospital, Camp San Antonio, Tex. Age 25 years. $2000.00 Benefit was paid to his sister, Bertrice Lanham. December 20th, 1918. LARSON, ALMER C. Clifton Tent, No. 1175. Clifton, Texas; born at Clifton, Texas, March Sth. 1892; became a Maccabee June 9th, 1910; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F.. Field Signal Battal- ion. October 13th. 1917. Died of pneumonia. Overseas. September 15th. 1918. Age 26 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his adopting father, Louis Larson, November 16th. 1918. McDowell, richard l. Long Staple Tent, No. 1027. Clarksville, Texas; born at Jackson County, .\rkansas, September Sth. 1895; became a Maccabee September 20th. 1913; entered the U. S. Militarv Service. A. E F., Pvt. Co. C. 140th Infantrv, September 19th, 1917. Killed in action. September 26th, 1918. Age 23 years. SIOOO.OO Benefit was paid to his parents. William A. and Ida McDowell, May 3rd. 1919. McGEE. EDDIE L. Dewevville Tent, No. 185, Deweyville, Tex.; born at Coffee County. Ala.. March 12th. 1896; became a Maccabee April 14th, 1914; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F. Co. C, 143rd Infantry, August 15th, 1917. Died of pneu- monia. Base Hospital. Camp Bowie, Texas, December 3rd. 1917. Age 21 years. $2000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, MalindaMcGee. May 21st, 1918. PATTON, MATTHEW COOK Nixon Tent. No. 176, Nixon, Texas; born at Gillett, Texas. September 3rd, 1896; became a Maccabee March I2th, 1917; entered the U. S. Mihtary Service, A. E. F., Cavalry, March, 1917. Died of broncho-pneumonia. Ease Hos- pital. Camp Bowie, Texas. Age 21 years. SIOOO.OO Benefit was paid to his sister, Opal Patton. April Sth. 1918. PENRY, FREDERICK D. Lufkin Tent. No. 131. Lufkin, Texas; born at Lufkin, Texas, April 27th, 1888; became a Mac- cabee June ISth, 1915; entered the U. S. Mili- tarv Service, A. E. F., Pvt. Co. G, 360th Infantry. .Xpril 26th, 1918. Killed in action, November 6th. 1918. Age 30 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Tiny Penry, January 29th, 1919. PERKINS, BENJAMIN F. Pearl Tent, No. 123, Dallas. Texas; born at Brooklyn, Mass.. November 24th. 1S94; became a Maccabee March 15th. 1916; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. .A, 150th Infantry, July 15th. 1918. Died of influenza and broncho-pneumonia. Camp Merritt, N. J. Age 23 years. SIOOO.OO Benefit was paid to his mother, Ada Perkins, January 14th, 1919. ROBINSON, MARCUS Chico Tent, No. 159, Chico. Texas; born at Prentiss Co., Miss., November 29th. 1882; be- came a Maccabee March 9th. 1907; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F., September 12th, 1918. Killed by accident, DuPont Hospital, Jacksonville, Tenn., October 2nd, 1918. Age 35 years. S952.38 Benefit was paid to his wife. Eva May Robinson, February 5th, 1919. SCHMIDT. J. WILL Lufkin Tent, No. 131, Lufkin. Texas; born at Grand Cain, La., November 12th, 1898; be- came a Maccabee January 19th, 1917; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F., Navy. April 9th, 1917. Died of pneumonia, U. S. Navy Base Hospital No. 5, Brest, France. Age 19 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Dazie Alzoria Schmidt, December 16th, 1918. SEPMOREE. THOMAS H. Alcove Tent, No. 147. Crockett. Texas; born at Cherokee, Okla., August 4th, 1S94; became a Maccabee March 26th, 1917; entered tlie U. S. Military Service, A. E. F., Corporal. Co. E, 360th Infantry. September 6th, 1917. Killed in action, November 14th, 1918. Age 24 years. SIOOO.OO Benefit was paid to his mother, Mollie Sepmoree. March 20th. 1919. SMITH, HAMILTON Orange Tent. No. 53, Orange, Texas; born at Cameron, La., June 2Sth, 1893; became a Maccabee November 1st, 1912; entered the U. S. Military Service, .A. E. F.. Sergeant, Co. D, 360th Infantry, April 27th, 1918. Killed in action. November 4th, 1918. Age 25 vears. SIOOO.OO Benefit was paid to his mother, Roda Smith, March lOth. 1919. TRIBLE, RICHARD W. Floral Tent, No. 158, Fort Worth. Texas; born Savilla. Texas. March 20th, 1892, became a Maccabee July 5th. 1917; entered the Military Service of the U. S., A. E. F.. Pvt, 75th Balloon Co., Ft. Omaha, Neb.. June 18th. 1918. Died of pneumonia, October 21st, 1918. Age 26 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother Laura P. Trible. March 10th, 1919. WHALEY, WILLIAM C. Roxton Tent, No. 1520, Roxton, Texas; born at Fairlie. Texas. April 5th, 1889; became a Maccabee November 29th, 1916; entered tlie U. S. Military Service. -A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. E. 360th Infantry, April 26th. 1918. Killed in action, September 16th, 1918. Age 29 years. SIOOO.OO Benefit was paid to his wife. Carrie Whaley. December 23rd, 1918. WRIGHT. ADOLPH K. Brenham Tent, No. 4, Brenham, Texas; born at Brenham, Texas. December 3rd, 1892; be- came a Maccabee May 24th, 1911; entered the U. S. Military Service, .\. E. F.. Sergeant. Co. 1, 14Ist Infantry, May 18th, 1917. Killed in action. October 9th, 191S. .\ge 25 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Kate Wright. January 20th, 1919. UTAH JOHNSTON. GUY Silver Tent, No. 1, Ogden, I'tah; born at Marshalltown. Iowa. December 24th. 1891 ; became a Maccabee April 5tli. 1918; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Pvt Co. C, 44th Railroad Transportation Corps. Mav 20th, 1918. Died of pneumonia , March 15th, 1919. Age 27 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his motlier. Marv E. Johnston. Mav Sth. 1919. PAPAS. CONSTANTINE D. Summit Tent. No. 3. Park City, Utah; born at Glantisea, Greece. October 6th, 1889; became a Maccabee April Sth, 1917; entered the U. S. Military Service. IHfith. Infantry, date un- known. Died of Pulmonarv tuberculosis. New York. N. Y.. April 26th. 1919. Age 29 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his cousin, Tonv Poulus. July 9th. 1919. PEOY. DELOS L. Summit Tent. No. 3. Park City. Utah; born at Provo. Utah. February .3rd. 1894; became a Maccabee June 29th. 1916., entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Navy, ,3rd Class Fireman. U. S. S. Agamemnon, November 17tli, 1917. Died from being scalded while perform- ing dutv on warship, August 24th. 1918. .'Vge 24 vears. $2000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Mercy E. Peoy, October 3rd, 1918. STOCKS. WILLIAM E. Tintic Tent, No. 13. Eureka. Utah; born at Marvvale. Utah. April 16th, 1893; became a Maccabee May 19th, 1916; entered the U. S. 31 Military Service, A. E. F., Marine Corps. Died of pneumonia, at Camp Hospital No. 2(t, Tours, France. January 24tli, 1919. Age 25 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his motlier, Nellie Stocks. June 3rd, 1919. VIRGINIA FREETH, GEORGE W. Hoynton Tent, No. 1301. Newport News, V'irginia: born at Stoke, England. July IStli, 1888; became a Maccabee July 10th. 1913; entered the U. S. Military Service. .\. E. F., Sergeant. Co. D, 116th Supply Train, June 4th, 191,S. Died of broncho-pneumonia, De- cember lOth. 1918. Age 30 years. S.iOO.OO Benefit was paid to his mother, Emily P. Freeth, February 17th. 1919. SPIVEY, OCIE C. Brambleton Tent. No. 25. Norfolk, V'irginia; born at Isle of Wight. October 3rd, 1S92; be- came a Maccabee February 2Sth, 1918; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. B. ;i42nd Machine Gun Battalion, May 25th, 191S. Killed in action, November 7th, 1918. Age 2li years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his father, Keeney F. Spivcy. March 20th. 1919. WASHINGTON ANDERSON, HAROLD H. Lake Tent, No. 61. Big Lake, Wash.; born at Skutskar. Sweden. January 27th. 1896; became a Maccabee December 8th, 1917; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. 157th Infantry. 40tli Division, June 10th. 1918. Diedof broncho- I)neumonia October 10th. 1918. Age 22 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Julia Anderson. May 12th. 1919. CLAYTON, FRANCIS A. Mt. Baker Tent. No. 58, Wickersham. Wash.; born at Marblemount. Wash., September 14th, 1894; became a Maccabee November 6th, 1917; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. G. 18th Infantry. November 1st. 1917. Killed in action, July 24th. 1918. .Age 23 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Emma Clayton. May 27th. 1919. GABRIELSON, GOTTFRED Skagit Tent, No. 53. McMurray. Wash.; born at McMurray, Wash.. June 2.8th, 1892; be- came a Maccabee November 17th. 1917; entered the LI. S. Military Service, A. E. F., Infantry. Accidentally killed when alighting from a train. Camp Mills. N. Y., August 7th, 1918. Age 26 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Martha Gabrielson. October 10th, 1918. LANG. ANTON C. Alki Tent, No. 33, Seattle, Wash.; born at Manitowoc. Wis., September 12th, 1889; be- came a Maccabee December 13th, 1917; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F.. Wagoner. Battalion lC6th Depot Brigade. April ,26th, 1918. Killed in action, October 24th, 1918. Age 28 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his wife, Rose Lang. March 6th, 1919. MASTER, FERN M. Kelso Tent, No. 38. Kelso. Wash.; born at Kelso, Wash., November 30th, 1891; became a Maccabee May 31st, 1914; entered the LI. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Quartermaster Sgt., Co. C, 223rd Field Battalion, Signal Corps, later Supply Sgt.. Co. A. 223 Field Battalion Signal Corps, June 14th, 1918. Died of pneumonia, Fort Leavenworth. Kansas, October 26th, 1918. Age 26 years. $100.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Mary Master, December 23rd, 1918. WEAGANT. FRANK G. Washington Tent, No. 1, Bellingham, Wash.; born at Grafton, N. D., September 26th, 1894; became a Maccabee April 26th, 1915; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F., 23rd Engineers, November 25th. 1917. Killed by accidental fall, Overseas, September 9th, 1918. Age 23 years. $.500.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Jennie Weagant, December 23rd, 1918. WILLIAMS. THOMAS O. Tacoma Tent, No. 2. Tacoma. Wash.; born at Oshkosh. Wis., February 10th. 1889; became a Maccabee April 23rd, 1907; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F., Corporal, Co. D. .361st Infantry. October 2nd, 1917. Killed in action. September 30th, 1918. Age 29 years. $,500.00 Benefit was paid to his father. Thomas H. Williams, February 17th. 1919. WEST VIRGINIA BENNETT, ARNETT O. Clarksburg Tent. No, 19, Clarksburg, W. Va.; born at Nina. W. Va., July 3rd, 1,892; be- came a Maccabee February 28th, 1918; entered the U, S. Military Service, A. E. F., Machinists Helper Aviation Dept., April 1st. 1918. Died of influenza and pneumonia, at Dallas. Texas, January 9th, 1919, Age 26 years. $3000.00 Benefit was paid to his brother, Lovd Ernest Bennett, March 6th, 1919. BURROUGHS, ROY E. Clarksburg Tent, No. 19, Clarksburg, W. Va.; born at Rock Cave. W. Va.. October 31st, 1889; became a Maccabee -April 4th. 1917; entered the U. S. Military Service, .\. E. F.. Battery B, 314th Field .Artillery, September IS. 1917. Killed in action. October 8th, 1918. Age 28 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his wife, Alnerta Burroughs, February 6th, 1919. DI.XON, ARTHUR G. Morgantown Tent, No, 8, Morgantown. W. Va.; born at Independence, W. Va.. November 29tli. 1895; became a Maccabee November 25th. 1916; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F.. Pvt, Co. E. 61st Infantry. Died of wounds received in action, October 26th. 1918. Age 22 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Missouri Elma Grimm, July 2nj, 1910. GARRISON. PORTER Auburn Tent, No. 1.308. Auburn. W. Va.; boru at .\uburn. W. Va., March 4th. 1896; became a Maccabee July 31st. 1915; entered the U. S. Military Service. -A, E. F.. Mess Sergeant, Battery D, 314th Infantry, September 18th, 1917. Killed in action. November 10th, 1918. Age 22 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his brother, .\mos I. Garrison. .August 1st. 1919 ROBINSON. CECIL B. Grove Tent. No. 1348, Grove, W. Va.; born at Blandville, W. Va., August 31st, 1891; became a Maccabee December 10th. 1910; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F., Pvt. Marine Corps. Killed in action, July 19th, 1918. Age 26 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his father, Albert W. Robinson, October 17th. 1918, VILLERS, FR.\NK L. Showalter Tent, No. 7, Fairmont, W. Va.; born at Wetzel County. W. Va., August 29th, 1897; became a Maccabee .\pril 7th, 1916; entered the U. S, Military Service, A. E. F., Pvt. Co. 28, 155th Depot Brigade, September 5th, 1918. Died of pneumonia. Camp Lee, Virginia, Oc- tober 2nd, 1918. Age 21 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Mary Eliza- beth Villers, February 18th. 1919, WISCONSIN KUNKEL, FRANK Wisconsin Tent. No. 1. Milwaukee, Wisconsin; born at Milwaukee, Wis., December 2.')th. 1 805 ; became a M accabee Decem ber 16t li , 1016; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E F.. Pvt. 1st Class. Battery A. 125th Field Artillery. Mav 26th. 1917. Killed inaction. November 21st. 1918. Age 22 years. SIOOO.OU Benefit was paid to his parents, Frank and Mary Kunkel. January 25th, 1019. MEAD, JOHN V. Blaine Tent. No. 42. Blaine. Wisconsin; born at Belmont, Wis onsin, August Stli, 1894; became a M accabee December 28t h , 1912; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F.. August 13th, 1918. Died of pneumonia, St. Luke's Hospital, Kansas City. Kansas. Oc- tober Sth. 1918. Age 24 years. SIOOO.OO Benefit was paid to his sisters. Mildred and Leatha Mead. January 7th. 1910. MUNSON, LOUIS Westboro Tent, No. 116, Westboro. Wisconsin; born at Stockholm, Sweden. July 3rd, 1891; became a Maccabee Januarv 3rd, 1916; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. P., Pvt. Ma- chine Gun Co., 353rd Infantry, March 20tli, 1918. Killed in action, November 4th, 1918. Age 27 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his fatlier, Carl Ludwig Munson, June 22nd, 1920. WAHL. ANDREW B. Westboro Tent, No. 116, Westboro. Wisconsin; born at Luxemburg, Wis., December 7th, 1892; became a Maccabee April Sth. 1916; entered the LT. S. Military Service, A. E. F., Pvt. Co. E, 14Sth Infantry. May 25th, 1918. Killed in action. October 31st, 1918. Age 25 years. SIOO. 00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Anna Wahl, August 11th. 1919. ZEMAN. WALTER F. Lakeside Tent. No. 95, Manitowoc. Wisconsin; born at Manitowoc, Wis., December 14th, 1890; became a Maccabee May 23rd, 1912; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F.. Pvt. Co. F. 11th Infantry, May 24th, 1018. Died of lobar pneumonia, October 28th, 1918. Age 27 years. SIOOO.OO Benefit was paid to his mother. Anna Walter. January 20th, 1919. <^CKNO IV LODGEMENT The publishers of ^^The Maccabees in the World War" gratcfiilh acknoicledge their indebtedness to the Current History Magazine, published btj The Netv York Times Company, the Canadian Department of Public Information at Ottawa and the Research Bureau of the Detroit Public Library, for the data upon which is based the contents of this book. '♦^e' ^i m iJBiitt '*-? »> ^ '\k^¥> *. • JH " "" "11 (■ ori: cuiiiliKj, Father Ahnihoiii" — Scoic oi Caiitp l>i.r hi iiar liinc NTEH-HEBB DETROIT --J« ADDITIONAL RECORD When compiling the iXlaccabee and War record of those who died in the service we found some cases where the data was incomplete. Repeated attempts to obtain this were, in a few cases, greatly delayed. We append hereto a list of such cases, regretting that we were unable to give them in their regular order. CALIFORNIA LARSON. EDWARD A. Citrus Tent, No, 36, Loomis, California; born at San Francisco, Calif., December 13th, 1896; became a Maccabee December 7th, 1915; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F., November 13th. 1917. Died of broncho pneu- monia, January 9th. 19 IS. Naval Training Camp, San Diego. California. Age 21 years. $500.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Kirsten Larson. July ISth. 1918. CONNECTICUT JOHNSON. HARRY B, This name will be found in tlie New York Hst. IDAHO ANDERSON. JOHN R. Pend D'Oreille Tent. No. 6, Sandpoint. Idaho; born at Hogsater, Sweden, .'\ugust lltli, 1891; entered tlie U. S. Military Service. .\. E. F.. Pvt. Co. C. 305th Infantry, June 27tli. KIIS. Killed in action. October 4th. I91S. Age '27 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. .-Xnna Pauline Anderson. June 3rd. 1919. KENTUCKY GLASCOCK, AARON E. Fork Tent, No. 134, Rollings, Ky.; born at Gravel Switch. Ky., September 15th. 1892; became a Maccabee April 25th. 1912; entered the U. S. Military Sen'ice. .A. E. F.. Co. C. 5th Infantry. May 20th. 1918. Died of pneu- monia, October 7th, 191S. at Base Hospital, Camp Mcrritt, N.J. Age 26 years. SlOIW.dd Benefit was paid to his mother. Wilhelnuna Glascock. December 16th, 1918. MICHIGAN D.WIDSE, ADRIAN Ada Tent. No. 638, .Ada, Michigan; born at Ada. Michigan. March 3rd. 1896; became a Maccabee November 13th. 1915; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F. Died of broncho pneumonia. October 25th, 1918, Base Hospital, Camp Jackson, S. C. -\ge 22 years. $500.00 Benefit was paid to his sister. Anna Davidse, December 5th. 1918. EDGCUMB, FRANK M. Old Mission Tent, No. 788. Old Mission. Michigan: born at Mapleton, Miciiigan, November 2Stli, 1875; became a Maccabee August 24th. 1895; entered the U. S. Military Service. -A. E. F.. Pvt. 661st Aero Squadron Signal Corps. Died of lobar pneumonifi. March 7th. 1918. Base Hospital, Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Age 42 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his wife. Stella I . Edgcumb, June Sth, 1918. FONGER. HARRY E. Santa Maria Tent. No. 849. Grand Rapids, Mictiigan; entered the U. S. Mil'tarv Service. A. E. H.. Pvt Co G. 16th Infantry. Killed in action, June 6th, 1918. $300.00 Benefit was paid to Lucy M. Fonger. HOLMES. FRED Hancock Tent. No. 489. Ravenna, Mich.; born at Sullivan. Mich., March 12th, 1893; became a Maccabee July 14th. 1917; entered the V. S. Military Service. A. E. F. Died of pneumonia. October 10th, 1918. Age 25 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Tena Holmes. November 16th. 191S. MISSOURI BROOKS. MONTTIE N. Washington Tent. No. 0. Mexico, Mo.; born at Caniytin. Mo., January 1st. 1895; became a Maccabee February 9th. 1917; entered the U.S. Military Ser\'ice. A. E. F.. Co. 23, 164th Depot Brigade. April 2nd. 1918, later Pvt. Co. L, 354th Infantry. Died of nephritis. July 3rd, 1918, Ft. Riley. Kansas. Age 23 years. S500.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Allie E. Dunham, August 12th. 191S. LEDFORD, CHARLES D. Eureka Tent, No. 1, Hannibal, Mo.; born at Hannibal. Mo., August 27th, 1S96; became a Maccabee December 30th. 1914; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F. Died ot pneumonia, December 26th, 1917. Post Hospital. Jefferson Barracks. Mo. Age 21 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Ida M. Ledford, February 2nd. 1918. NEW YORK BANKER, CHARLES Dauntless Tent. No. 781. Albany, N. Y.; born at Bethlehem, N. Y., became a Maccabee November 13th. 1917; entered the U. S. Military Ser\'ice. A. E. F. Died of pneumonia, October 17th, 1918, Camp McClellan, .Age 27 years. $.500.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Hester Banker. November 12th. 1918. BECKER. JOSEPH L. New Empire Tent. No. 194. R' Davis, March 7th, 191S. JONES, WILBUR France Tent, No, 70, Palestine, Ohio; born at Port Perry, Pa., October Sth, 1895; became a Maccabee February 24th, 1916; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F. Died of broncho pneumonia, October 17th, 1918. .\ge 23 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his wife. Nana Jones. November 2nd, 1918. MILLER. CHARLES W. Twin Cities Tent, No. 512, McConnelsvilie, Ohio; born at Nelsonville, Ohio, April 22nd, 1891; became a Maccabee June 28th, 1911; entered the LT. S. Military Service, A. E. F. Died of pulmonary tuberculosis. October 3rd, 1918. Age 27 years. $500.00 Benefit was paid to his father. James W. Miller. December 23rd. 1918. PENNSYLVANIA BELL. MARCUS E. Emlenton Tent, No. Ill, Emienton, Pa,; born at Emlenton, Pa., October 6th, 1896; became a Maccabee .\pril I6th, 1917; entered the U, S. Military Service, A. E. F.. December nth. 1917. Died of pleurisy. February Sth, 1918, U, S. Naval Hospital, Newport, R. I. Age 21 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his father, James Bell. May 4th, 1918. COSTELLO. FRANK E. White Haven Tent. No. 256. White Haven, Pa.; born at White Haven, Pa.. February 14th, 1887; became a Maccabee July 13th, 1905; entered the U. S. Military Service. Died of pneumonia. October 16th, 1918. Age 31 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his sister and iDrother. Mary S. and Michael L. Costello, December 23rd. 191S. TEXAS McPHERSON. BENJAMIN L. Lufkin Tent. No. 131. Lufkin. Te.xas; born at Lufkin, Texas, September 3rd, 1893; became a Maccabee November 26th, 1913; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F. Died of endocarditis. January 26th. 1918. Age 24 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother. Hester McPherson. March 12th. 1918, UTAH JOHNSTON, GUY Silver Tent. No. 1. Ogden. Utah; born at Marshalltown. Iowa. December 24th, 1891; became a Maccabee April 5th, 1918; entered the U. S. Military Service. A. E. F., Pvt. Co. C, 44th Railroad Transportation Corps. Died of lobar pneumonia. March 15th, 1918. Age 27 years. $1000.00 Benefit was paid to his mother, Mary E. Johnston, May Sth, 1919, VIRGINIA HARLOW, EDDIE LEE Charlottesville Tent. No. 27, Charlottesville, Va.; born at Richmond, V^irginia, June 6th, 1891; became a Maccabee April Sth, 1915; entered the U. S. Military Service, A. E. F. Died of acute cardiac dilatation, September 1st. 1918. Age 27 years. S1500.00 Benefit was paid to his wife, Queenie Harlow, October 3rd, 1918. WEST VIRGINIA ELDER, WILLIAM Will be found in the Pennsylvania list. irSaS-tJsSSS? 020 935 833 5