t ♦»>' >i Class rx t! 5 Book H 6^ Gop>Ti8ht]^'' 1 CjQBfRIGlfr OEBOSIC The Ne^sv Home 1922 Copyright 1922 Published By The Illinois State Register Springfield, Illinois I'Lililislii'il to order as \Miiiti'd in special editidiis SEP -5 1922 ©CUflf^soss The ncu) Home Cook Book. /Y5- Bread The Staff of Life. Probably no food is more generally used than bread, and to be able to make a perfect loaf is the ambition of every woman who aspires to cook well. One essential for good bread is good yeast. Tliis is in different forms — one of which is Compressed Yeast. This is a very convenient and reliable lorm. It is very quick and satisfactory but will not keep long. In just a day or so it begins to die. Dried Yeast. This may be kept for some time and by soaking be- fore mixing gives very good results. Home Made Yeast. This is a mixture of flour, water and potatoes with dry yeast as a starter and probably is one of the best yeasts used; but one must remember that yeasts are plants and all vessels used for it must be kept very clean or bacteria will form and give the bread a very unpleasant flavor. Yeast plants grow best at a temperature of 77° to 95° F. A lower temperature retards the growth while a higlier kills the plants, thereby spoiling the bread. So the temperature of the dough is very important. The yeast, as it grows, digests the flour and sugar by means of a fluid which it secretes and changes them into alcohol and carbon dioxide gas. The alcohol is driven out by the heat of the Qven, the gas expands mak- ing the bread light and porous, and the yeast is killed. Another essential is good flour. Flour is made by grinding grain; wheat flour being the most important in Europe and North America, and containing five food elements : water, protein, fat, carbohydrates and ash. The protein is chiefly in the form of gluten which stretches and expands, holding the air and gas, forming the frame work of the bread, and hardens when baked. Flour from winter wheat is whiter and smoother, more like corn starch, and contains little gluten. This is soft wheat or pastry flour. When squeezed in the hand it retains the imprint of the fingers. Flour from spring wheat is creamy color, feels gran- ular, and if squeezed in the hand will fall apart as the hand opens. This contains more gluten and is known as ''strong" flour. A good bread flour contains a larger per cent of gluten, is creamy in color, granular to the touch and ab- sorbs more moisture than a poor one. Sugar is another ingredient of bread. It is food for the yeast and shortens the time for rising, but too much sugar causes toughness of both crust and crumb. About 2 teaspoons to the loaf should be used. Salt, another ingredient, gives flavor to the bread, but a large quantity retards the growth of the j^east. 1 cup liquid (scalded milk or water). 2 teaspoons sugar. 1 teaspoon salt. 2 tablespoons lard or butter. 1/4 cake yeast. 6 cups flour (or more). This makes one medium sized loaf. Break up the yeast and put to soak in about two tablespoons of warm water. Add the sugar to the warm milk or water, add the dissolved yeast and about half of the flour. Beat until smooth. This is sponge. Cover this and let stand in a warm (about 88°) place until full of bubbles. Now add the salt, shortening, and enough flour to make a smooth elastic dough. Turn on a well floured board and knead, adding more flour if necessary. Too much flour makes the bread hard, but enough to keep the dough from sticking to the hands is necessary. Place the dough in a greased bowl, cover with cloth and let stand in warm place until doubled in size. It may then be kneaded and made into loaf or placed back in bowl, let rir'e again and then made into loaf. (The latter gives better results.) A greased pan about 9x4 inches is used. When the loaf rises to twice the size it is ready to bake. Test the oven with a piece of luhite paper. It should turn a gulden brown in 5 minutes. Bake from 45 to 60 minutes. It should brown in the first 15 minutes and heat should be lowered the last 20 minutes. If coal fire is used, have enough fuel in stove when bread is placed in oven to avoid replenishing fire until bread is removed. When loaf is removed from oven place so air may circulate on all sides of it. When cool place in tin or stone jar which should be scalded often. Bread sliced lengthwise of loaf is much better than when sliced crosswise. Bread. Sponge. 1 cake yeast foam 1 quart lukewarm water 2 tablespoons salt 2 tablespoons sugar 2 tablespoons lard flour Put yeast to soak in Mi cup wann water in afternoon, set sponge at night and make stiff as can be stirred with spoon, set to rise over night in warm place. In morning, sift flour, add sponge, salt, sugar, lard and water and mix with spoon until stiff, then knead in flour with hands and then knead on boara until very smooth. Let rise in greased pan, knead down and let rise agam, form into loaves and let rise again until twice the ' height. Bake from 45 to 60 minutes. Coffee Cake. 2 cups sponge 1 cup milk 1 cup sugar 1 cup shortening 1 cup seedless raisins 1 teaspoon salt flour When making bread, n^serve about 2 cups sponge. Heat 1 cup milk and to this add 1 cup of sugar and 1 cup of shortening. This cools the milk enough to add it to the sponge. Into this put the raisins and enough flour with the salt sifted in to make a stiff batter. Let rise, then make into loaves 1 inch thick. Let rise to twice the height. Paint top with paste made of 1 part cinnamon, 3 parts sugar and enough cream to make thin paste. Bake in slow oven thirty minutes. Parker House Rolls. No. 1. About 1 loaf dough 1 cup sugar 1/2 cup butter 3 eggs flour For 20 Rolls use about as much lightbread dough as you would use for a loaf, add 1 cup sugar and I/2 cup but- ter and 3 eggs. Mix and add enough to inake like bread dough. Set in warm place to rise. When light make into flat biscuits, butter tops and turn in halves. When light bake in moderate oven 20 minutes. Parker House Rolls. No. 2. 1 cake Fleishmann 's yeast 1 pint milk scalded and cooled 4 tablespoons lard or butter 2 tablespoons sugar 3 pints sifted flour 1 teaspoon salt Dissolve yeast and sugar in luke wami milk, add lard or butter and V/. pints flour. Beat until perfeetlv smooth. Cover and let rise in warm place 1 hour Then add remainder of flour and salt. Cover and let rise in warm place until double in bulk. Then roll V4 inch thick brush over with butter, cut with 2 inch biscuit cutter' crease thru center heavily with dull edge of knife, fold over and place in well greased pans 1 inch apart ' Let rise until light and bake 10 minutes in hot oven. Cinnamon Rolls. 3 cups sponge 2 eggs 1 cup sweet milk 1 cup sugar 1 cup lard ^ Mix well, roll out, sprinkle with brown sugar and cinnamon. Roll this like jellyroll and slice off in % inch slices. Place these in well greased pan and when lio-ht bake in moderate oven 20 to 30 minutes. * Cream Biscuits. 1 quart flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 tablespoon butter or lard V2 teaspoon salt 1 cup cream Sift flour, baking powder and salt together twice, work in shortening and cream. Roll about % inch thick, cut and bake m quick oven. Sour Milk Biscuits. 1 cup sour milk 1 teaspoon salt flour 3 tablespoons shortening V2 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon baking powder Stir soda in milk and baking powder in Hour. Buns. 1 cup sponge 1 cup warm water V2 teaspoon salt y2 cup sugar ^ cup lard flour Leave out cup of sponge in morning, at three o'clock add the other ingredients and make stiff dough. Let r*se until bed time. Make into rolls, place in greased pans 1 inch apart. Let rise until nioniing. Bake 15 minutes in very moderate oven. Corn Meal Gems. % cup corn meal 1 cup flour 3 teaspoons baking powder 1 tablespoon sugar 1 tablespoon melted butter 1 teaspoon salt % cup milk legg Mix and sift dry ingredients, add milk gradually, egg well beaten and melted butter, bake in hot oven in butter- ed gem pans, twenty-five minutes. Corn Bread. 2 cups sour milk IMi cups corn meal Vo cup flour 2 tablespoons lard 1 teaspoon soda V2 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon salt 1 egg * Beat egg light, add milk, sift meal, flour, soda aud baking powder, stir into milk, add lard and salt, beat well and tnni into well greased pan and bake in quick oven until well brown. 7 Corn Meal Bread. 1 cup com meal 1 cup flour 1 cup milk 1 teaspoon salt Vi: cup lard, melted 1/4 cup sugar 1 egg 2 teaspoons baking powder Corn Bread. 1 cup corn meal 1 cup white flour 2 rounding teaspoons baking powder y^ cup sugar 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 egg 11/4 cups milk Sift dry ingredients together twice, beat egg, add the milk and stir into dry ingredients. Melt the shortening and add and beat vigorously. Bake about 20 minutes. Nut Bread. 1 egg y-2 cup sugar 1 cup sweet milk 1 cup nuts 21/2 cups flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt Bake 40 minutes in moderate oven. Bread. Soak 1/2 yeast cake in 1 pint of whey made from clabber milk or buttermilk. Do this at noon and have whey lukewaiTa when yeast is added. Let stand 2 liours then thicken with flour, making a stiff batter. Let this rise, set in a wann place, in the eveiiing put 8 in as miK'h water as you want to make bread, beat real well, pnt in a wann jilace, let set until morning, then add Mj cup of sugar, 1 largo cooking spoon of salt, '2 table- spoons of lard, and enough flour to make a soft dough, knead until smooth. Let rise twice, and then bake. Brown Bread. No. 1. 1 cup brown sugar .*> tablespoons molasses 2 eggs pinch of salt 4 teaspoons boiling water V2 cup nuts 1 cup buttermilk 1% cups graham flour 1 cup wheat flour 1 teaspoon soda 1 cup raisins V2 cup dates Steam 3 hours. Brown Bread. No. 2 -V2 cups buttermilk 2 teaspoons soda 1 teaspoon salt 3 cups graham flour 1 cup flour 1 tablespoon sugar 1 cup molasses 1 cup raisins Put in four baking powder cans well greased and floured, set in kettle of water and boil 2V> hours. Then set in oven 20 minutes without lids. Date Bread. 1 cup dates 1 cup flour IV2 cups graham flour ^4 cup sugar 1 teaspoon salt 4 tonspooiiR bnkiiio- powder 1 Clip milk 1 teaspoon melted butter Sonk fruit :)0 minutes and drain. Mix sugar, flour, salt and baking powder. Add fruit and shortening. Put into greased pan. Allow to stand 20 or 25 minute!:, in warm place. Bake in moderate oven 1 hour. Nut Bread. 1 cake compressed yeast 1 tablespoon sugar 1 cup milk scalded and cooled 3 cups flour Crumble yeast in milk, add sugar and }% cups flour. Let rise until light, add 1-3 cup sugar 2 tablespoons butter 1 white of Oii;i<; ♦)4 cup of nuts and the remaining flour. Tiot rise again and inake into loaf. Rolled Oats Bread. 2 cups rolled oats (packed down) 2 cups scalded sweet milk 1 cake compi'essed yeast % cup sugar 2 cups lukewarm water about llVi.. cups flour 2 tablespoons shortening 1 tablespoon salt Allow the 2 cups of oats to soak in the 2 ('nj)s of scalding milk for one-half hour. AVhen cooled to luke- warm, add 1 cake of yeast, dissolv(Ml in 2 cups of luke- warm water. Add sugar next. AVarm flour, make a nest in the center and ])our mixture over in flonr, stirring and gradually pulling in the (lour from sides. When about two-thirds of the flour has been mixed in, add the melted 10 slioricirm^' Mild salt and ('oiitimic to mix until all Hour is used and doii^li is, smooth and firm. Place doiii>li in raiser, grease on top, cover and set aside to rise. When double in bulk, press it down. WIhmi trippled in volume the second time, nudvc^ out into loaves, y)lace in ])ans, grease on top and set away lill nearly (h)uble in size. When loaves have nearly doubled in bulk, ])lace in oven and bake. This })read should bake loiii^'er than plain bread. To ])e sure llie bi'ead is done, bake iill the bread shriid^s some IVom ilie ])an. Corn Bread. 2 et;-i;'S IVii cups sour milk .'> tabl(\spoons sugar 1 leas))oou soda .*) tabh'spoons melted shortening 1 teas|)()()n salt '2 (Mips corn meal , 1 Clip Hour 1 teaspoon baking ])0\\'dei* Beat all together and hake in well greased pan. Sweet Milk Biscuits. 2 cu{)s Hour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1/^ teaspoon salt 1-5 scant tablespoons shortening 1 scant cup sweet milk or i)art sweet cream Sil't (lour, baking powder and salt, then add shorten- ing cutting it into dry ingredients, add sweet milk, roll to d(\sired thickness, cut out, l)riisli over with melted l)utter and hake in (piick oven. Corn Bread. 2 eggs 2 cups sour milk ."> tables})Oons sugar 1 teaspoon soda 2 teasi)oons baking ])owder 11 Muffins. 2 teaspoons salt 2 cups corn meal 1 scant cup unsifted graham flour Beat eggs liglit, to wliicli add sour milk. Sift sugar, soda, baking powder, salt, and corn meal togetlier and add. Next add the graham flour and beat all together. Bake in pone or in well greased corn stick pans. Sour Milk Biscuits. 2V2 cups flour 1 teaspoon salt 3 teaspoons baking powder 1/4 teaspoon soda 3 tablespoons shortening 1 cup full sour milk Sift flour, salt, baking powder, and soda together. Cut shortening in with spatula or mixing spoon. Add sour milk, stir briskly, roll on flounul board to desired thick- ness. Cut in shapes, placing biscuits on ]:)ans so they do not touch. P>ake in hot oven for about eight minutes. Biscuits may be brushed over top with melted butter or left without grease. If milk is very sour, it is sometimes necessary to add % teas[)0()nful of soda to one cup of milk instead of Vi teaspoonful. Bran Bread. 4 cups bran 2 cups white flour 2 cups sour milk 1 tablespoon soda V2 cup sugar Bake 1 hour. Biscuits. 1 cup flour 1 level tablespoon lard pinch of salt 1 teaspoon baking powder V2 cup milk and water 12 Mush Rolls. 1 quart warm mush 1/2 cup butter or other shortening i/i> cup sugar 1 teaspoon salt Mix thoroly and add 1 yeast cake previously well soaJ^ed. When well raised add flour to make a dough. Let rise and mold into rolls — two in one gem pan. Make in morning for supper or at night for breakfast. Bake about 40 minutes. Muffins. 2 cups flour 3 teaspoons baking powder 1 tablespoon sugar Mj teaspoon salt 1 cup milk 2 eggs 1 tablespoon shortening Sift together flour, baking powder, sugar and salt, add milk, well beaten eggs and melted shortening; mix well. Half fill greased muffin tins, and bake in hot oven 20 or 25 minutes. Peanut Bread. V2 cup sugar legg 1 cup sweet milk 2 heaping teaspoons baking powder 1 cup nuts or 2-3 cup peanut butter 2y2 cups flour Bake about 40 minutes. Yeast. 1 quart fresh buttermilk placed on stove, let come to a boil, stir in corn meal to consistency of mush. Let this cool, stin'ing often, then add 1 teacup of soaked dry yeast, 1 tablespoon salt, and 1 tablespoon sugar. Let stand until light, then stir in enough meal to make cakes. Make cakes thin and let them dry. 13 Cakes and Icings White Cake. Mi cup butter 1 cup sugar 1% cups flour iy4 teaspoons of baking powder whites of 3 eggs Cream butter, add sugar, th(Mi milk, add sifted flour and baking powder, add tlie os^ii; whites well beaten, add extract. Bake about 80 minutes. White Cake. IMi cups sugar Ml cuj) butter 1 cup water or milk 3 cups of sifted Swansdown flour and Happy Hour Whites of 6 eggs 1 teaspoon of vanilla 2 heaping teaspoons baking powder White Cake. IVo cups sugar Vi> cup butter 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 cup milk 2 cups flour 5 egg whites Cream butter and sugar, add milk, add flour and bak- ing powder, last the egg whites. Bake in moderate oven. White Cake. 2 cups sugar % cup of butter 1 cup sweet milk 6 egg whites, well beaten 3 teaspoons baking powder 3 cups flour 14 White Layer Cake. IV2 Clips siis^ar V2 cup butter 2 cups flour 2 teaspoous baking po^Yder 1 cup cold water 1 teaspoon vanilla 4 egg whites Cream butter and sugar together, sift baking powder and flour together times, add 4 or 5 tablespoons of flour to creamed mixture, then cream, add the water and diy ingredients alternately, add extract, last fold in whites of eggs. Bake in layers. White Cake. V2 cup butter IVii cups sugar 1 cup water 2^/^ cups pastry flour 2 heaping teaspoons baking powder whites of 6 eggs Cream butter, add sugar gradually and beat until white. Sift flour and baking powder together, beat the eggs whites until fluffy. To the creamed butter and sugar add water, flour and baking powder. Beat mixture until smooth. Flavor and fold in e^'e- whites. White Cake. 1 cup butter 2 cups sugar 1 cup water 3 cups Swans Down flour 21/2 teaspoons of baking powder whites of 8 eggs Mi teaspoon of vanilla 1 teaspoon of lemon Cream butter and sugar, add water; sift flour and ])aking powder together and add ; add last beaten whites of eggs and flavoring. 15 White Cake. iy2 cups sugar ^ cup butter 1 cup sweet milk 2^/2 cups flour 5 egg wliites Yz cup flour with 4 teaspoous baking powder White Cake. % cup butter 1^2 cups sugar 1 cup water 1 teaspoon vanilla 3 cups flour 4 level teaspoons baking powder 5 egg whites Cream butter and sugar, add water and flour, saving V^ cuJ3 flour with baking powder until last. Do not beat after adding baking powder. Fold in white of eggs and bake in a moderate oven. Devil's Food Cake. 1 cup sugar % cup sugar 1 cup buttermilk 2 tablespoons cocoa or chocolate 2 cups flour 1 heaping teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon vanilla Devil's Food Cake. 2 cups sugar 1/^ cup butter Yolks of 4 eggs 2 cups flour 1/2 cup cold water Pour i/o cup of boiling water over 1 cup grated chocolate 2 teaspoons baking powder Add whites of eg-gs. 16 Layer Devil's Food Fruit Cake. 1 cup butter 1 cup granulated sugar 1 cup brown sugar V2 ci^P grated cliocolate disolved in V2 cup boiling water 1 cup sweet cream 1 cup molasses 4 cups flour 4 eggs 1 teaspoon cream tartar % teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon allspice, cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg 2 cups raisins 1 cup sliced citron 1 cup chopped nuts Cream butter and sugar, add soda to chocolate after it lias been dissolved in boiling water. Sift cream tartar and flour together. Dredge fruit in flour, also nut meats. Use caramel filling. Chocolate Cake. 2 cups sugar Vo cup butter 2 eggs V2 cup sour milk 1 teaspoon soda % cup cocoa 1 teaspoon vanilla ' 2 cups flour and a little more if needed Disolve cocoa in M.> cup of hot water, let cool before using. Disolve soda in 1 tablespoon of hot water, then add to sour milk. Cream sugar and butter, add the well beaten eggs, then add Y2 of milk and V2 of flour, inix thoroughly, add the remainder of milk and flour, add cocoa and vanilla. 17 Mahogany or Devil's Food Cake. IMi cups sugar 1/2 cup butter 1 cup milk 1 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon vanilla 3 eggs 2 cups flour V2 cup chocolate 2 teaspoons baking powder Cream butter and sugar. Beat eggs and add to butter and sugar and beat together, add V^ of milk little at a time and beat. Take Mi cup of the milk and the chocolate, put on stove and let boil up good. Let cool some. Add soda and vanilla to the chocolate, then add to cake. Add flour. Bake in a moderate oven. Apple Sauce Cake. 1 cup sugar 2 cups flour 1/2 cup butter 2 level teaspoons soda y2 cup chocolate 1 teaspoon each of cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg IV2 cup hot apple sauce unsweetened and quite dry 1 cup raisins 1 cup walnuts Can't Fail White Layer Cake. 1/2 cup shortening 2 cups flour 1 cup sugar 2 teaspoons baking powder V2 cup cold water Whites of 3 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla Cream shortening and sugar together until very light; add water slowly, almost drop by drop, and beat constantly; stir in flour and baking powder which have 18 been sil'tcd io.^etlicr twice; add (Uivoriiig; fold in egg whites wlii(^li have Ixhmi beaten stiff. Bake in greased pans in moderate oven 20 or 25 niinntes, and put between layers and on top caramel icing. Devil's Food. 2 cnps Hglit ))rown sugar Vii cup butter 2 eggs Yj cup boiling water Mi cup sour milk 21/2 cups flour Fhu'or to taste 1 teaspoon soda y2 cup grated chocolate Cream l)ut(er and sugar, add well beaten eggs; dis- solve soda ill milk, dissolve clio(H)late in liot water and 7nix with milk; let cool then mix with butter and suga]" and eggs; stir in Hour and llaN'oring; beat well and bake in modei-aie oncmi. Devil's Food Cake. 1 cuj) sugar 1 cup sour milk Yj cup butter 2 eggs 2 cu))s flour 6 tablespoons chocolate 6 tablespoons hot water 1 large teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon baking powder Flavor with vanilla Cream butter, sugar and egg yolks togetlu^r. Mix soda with chocolate, add hot water, stirring all the time, add sour milk, add this mixture to sugar and butter and egg yolks, add flour and baking powder gradually and beat uuiil sniooih. Add flavoring, then fold in whiles of eggs. Bake in layer or loaf. 19 Date Loaf. 1 pound of dates, seeded 1 poiiiid of Eiiiilisli Avnlimt moats 1 cii]) flour pinch of salt 1 cup sii.^ar 2 teaspoons baking- powder 1 teaspoon vanilla 4 eggs Beat eggs, then beat sugar into eggs, add vanilla, then flour, roll dates and nnts in a little Hour and add last. Bake very slowly 1 hour. Devil's Food Cake. 1/4 cake chocolate, melted in one-half cni) hot water Vii cup sour milk 2 cups sugar 2 eggs Yi teaspoon baking powder y^ teasi)oon soda Vz cup butter 2^2 cups fiour Cream butter and sugar, add sour milk and soda and part of flour a little at a time, add eggs and beat, add rest of flour and baking ])owder, add chocolate and mix well. Bake in layers. Spice Cake. IMi cu{)s of sugai' % cup of butter, scant 3 whole eggs, beat whites separately 1 cup of water 1 even teaspoon of cloves IV2 teaspoons of cinnamon 1 teaspoon of allspice 1 teaspoon nutmeg 3 full cups of flour 2 teaspoons baking y)owder, sifted with the flour ."I times. 20 Angel Food Cake. 1^/4 cups sugar 1 toaspoou cream tartar 1 cup si Tied flour 10 egg whites Wlicu eggs are lialf beaten put in cream tartar, add sugar, tlieu flour. Flavor with vanilla, pineapple and baruma, ^4 teaspoon salt. Cream Cake. V^ cup butter 1 cup sugar yolks of 2 eggs, beaten very light 1% cups sifted pastry Hour whites of 2 eggs, beaten dry 2 teaspoons baking y)()wder % cup cold water , Cream butter, add sugar, add yolks of eggs, add water, add flour sifted willi baking j)owder. Mix thorough- ly, add V^ teasjtoon lenion extract. jjastly fold in egg whites; bake in 2 or ."> layers and i)nt together with powd- ered sugar filling. Burnt Sugar Cake. Vl> cup sugar, burnt l^/i> cups sugar Mi cii]) boiling water % cup butter 2 eggs 1 cup cold water .'] cups flour 2 level teaspoons soda To burnt sugar add boiling water and cook to thick syrup. Cream butter and sugar, add yolks of (\ggs and syrup. Sift (lour and soda togetlieivadd cu}) of cold water, flavor with vanilla and last fold in i^i^u: whites. Bake in moderate oven. 21 Caramel Fruit Cake. 1^/2 cups brown suj^^ar 4 eggs Mi cup butter 1 cup sour milk 3 cups flour 1 licapirig toasj)ooii soda 1 y)ound raisins 1 ta))lcspO()ii cinnamon 1 t(iaspoon nnlnici^ 1 teaspoon cloves pinch of salt Bake in layers. Eg-gless Cake. 2 cups sng'ar 1 teaspoon ciniuimon Mi cuf) })nttei' 2 teaspoons soo-u'S 1 (Mip lard, scald, 1 '/- Clips l)i;l l( I'lnilk 1 bi^ teaspoon soda 1 Icaspooii ciniiainoii 1 (caspooii iiidiiic^' 1 (Mip raisins DissoK'c soda in milk, add .'5 (Mips (lour, add Vi; tea- spoon hakiiii;" powd(M'. Delicious Cake. 2-.') (Mip l)lltt(M' 2-'A (Mip milk "2 (Mips Hour 2 (Mips siii^ar 'A (MI'O'SJ 2 teaspoons hakini;' powder 1 teaspoon Nanilla, l^eat the e,i;,i;s separately. Mix t horoii,i>lily all dry iu- i»-.redi(Mits, and IIkmi add wet. Heat well. Ijast fold in e^'U" whites and bake in la_\(M's. h\)\' liMin,^' take 1 (Mip sour (M'cani 1 (Mip su,i;ar 1 (Mip S(HMled I'aisius Vi teaspoon vanilla Cook iinlil it reaches the thread stai^c and beat like fudi^'c. Spread betwe(Mi the lay(M's and on top. 28 Sunshine Cake. 1 '/4 cujjs su^ar 7 eggs Mi f'lip watci' 1 cup pastry Hour pinch salt 1 teaspoon cream tartar Add water to sugar and boil iiiilil it forms a tliread. Beat ('4!;^ yolks until tliiek, llicii poui- over tlicm the hot syrup stin-jng all llic time. Iicat tliis uiixlurc unjil cool. Add fioui'. Whip egg whites stiff aii(i dry, add |)iii('h o] salt, add cream tartai', th(;n cut them carefully into the cake. I\)ur this niixiurc into an ungreasc(I ]'>aper HikmI pan and bake 1 hour in a slow oven. I^>ak(' in Angel Food c;\k tiines; cream butt"r and sugar; add yolks which have been l)eaten to a stiff froth; add '/li cup of flH>uj- then the rest of llie flour with llie stiffly beaten wliites alternatelv. 24 Sunshine Cake. 2 cups sugar 4 eggs, yolks aud whites beaten separately 1 cup boiling water 2 cups Swans Down flour 2 teaspoons baking powder Bake in tube pan -^i lioin- in verj^ slow oven. Flavor to taste. Lemon Cake. y^. cup butter 1 cu]) sugar 3 eggs 2 cups flour 1 cup sweet milk 2 teaspoons baking powder Mix well and bake in hot oven in two layers. Filling: grated rind and juice of 1 lemon 1 cup sugar 1 tablespoon flour 1 Q^^ 1 tablespoon butter y^. cup water Boil till consistency of corn starch. Spread between layers and on top. Devil's Food Cake. 2 cups sugar . Mj cup cocoa 1/2 cup sweet milk i 2 eggs beaten separately Mi cup butter 2Mi cups Swans Down flour \ 1 teaspoon soda 8 tablespoons boiling water 1 teaspoon vanilla Cream' Initter and sugar together, add q^^ yolks, dis- 25 solve soda and cocoa in 3 tablespoons boiling water, add flour, little at a time, and mix thoronglily, adding Y^ milk at a time. I^ast fold in egg whites and add flavoring. Fruit Cake. 1 cup butter 2 cups sugar 2 cups sour milk 7 eggs beaten separately 4 cups flour 1 level t(!aspoon baking powder 1 level teaspoon soda 1 teaspoion nutmeg 1 teaspoon cinnamon y^ teaspoon ginger 1 lb. raisins 1 lb. currants Vii lb. citron 1 lb. dates % lb. figs 1 cup nuts Cream butter and sugar together, add eggs (yolks) and sour milk, flour, baking powder, spices, and soda, that has been sifted; flour all fruit and add, also nuts and last fold in e^fi; whites. Bake in moderate oven. This makes 2 good sized cakes. Mashed Potato Cake. 2 cups brown sugar 1 cup butter, creamed well 1 cup sweet milk V2 cup mashed potatoes 1 cup chopped walnuts 2 teaspoons baking powder sifted with 2 cups flour 1 teaspoon cinnamon Mi teaspoon cloves 1 teaspoon nutmeg 4 eggs, beaten lightly Mi square of melted chocolate 26 Strawberry Short Cake. 1 egg y-> cup sugar 2 tablespoons butter 1 cup sweet cream lV-2 cups flour 2 teaspoons baking powder Beat eggs very light, add butter and sugar, cream all together, add cream, add flour and baking powder which have' been sifted together. Bake in 2 layers. Remove from oven and split and butter, spreading mashed strawberries between cake and serve with whipped or plain cream. Fruit Cake. 1 package of raisins 1 teaspoon soda 1 cup water 1^/^ cups sugar 2 tablespoons lard Boil all together, when cold add Mi cup water, with 2 teaspoons baking powder dissolved and salt and spices. JeUy Roll. 1 cup sifted pastry flour scant % teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons baking powder grated rind 1 lemon 2 eggs beaten light 1 cup sugar 1-3 cuy) hot milk 1 glass jelly powdered sugar Beat the sugar into the eggs, add lemon rind, add flour wliicli has been sifted with baking powder and salt, add milk last and bake in buttered dripping pan and turn out on damp cloth, spread with jelly and make into roll. Dredge the top with powdered sugar. 27 Hasty 1 Egg Cake. 1 Qgg 1 cup sugar 1 tablespoon butter 1/13 cup sweet milk 1 teaspoon baking powder ' 1 heaping cup flour Velvet Sponge Cake. 1 cup sugar 1 cup flour 1 teaspoon baking powder a pinch salt i/i> cup boiling water 2 eggs Beat eggs separately and lastly add beaten egg whites. Bake in moderate oven. Quick Sponge Cake. 4 eggs 2 cups sugar 1 cup hot water 2 cups flour 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 teaspoons baking powder Beat eggs separately. Add sugar, add water and our, add egg whites and 2 teaspoons baking powder. Nut Cake. 2 cups sugar 1 cup butter 3 cups flour 1 cup cold water 1^/2 cups kernels of hickory nuts whites of 4 eggs 2 teaspoons baking powder Cream butter and sugar, add the cup of water slowly. Dredge nut kernels in flour, add whites of eggs last. 28 Potato Chocolate Cake. 2 cups sugar 4 eggs 2-3 cup butter Vo cup sweet milk 1 cup mashed potatoes ^2 cup grated cliocolate 1 cup English walnuts (chopped) 2% cups flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon each cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg Cream butter, sugar and egg yolks, add chocolate, spices, mashed potatoes, milk, nuts, flour and baking powder, lastly egg whites, bake in loaf in moderate oven. Pork Cake. scant 1 pound fresh fat pork, ground 1 pint hot coffee 1 tablespoon soda 2 pounds raisins, chopped 1 pound dates 2 heaping pints flour 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg 1/4 teaspoon salt Vo cup black walnuts Pour hot coffee over ground meat and mix in the re- mainder of the ingredients. Bake almost 2 hours in slow oven. Devil's Food Cake. . Vo cup of cocoa to y2 cup of water, add 2 level tea- spoons of soda and let stand until rest is mixed. 1% cups sugar % cup butter % cup sour milk 21/2 cups Swans Down flour 2 eggs, beaten separately This is fine. 29 Orange Cake. 11/2 cups sugar 2 cups flour y2 cup butter 2 teaspoons baking powder 4 eggs_ 2 heaping tablespoons corn starch 1 cup water 1 teaspoon of orange extract a little orange coloring 2 tablespoons water Cream butter and sugar, add beaten yolks of eggs. Sift flour, corn starch and baking powder together 4 times. 1 cup of water, whites of 4 eggs beaten lightly, add 2 tablespoons of water last. One Egg Cake. 1/4 cup butter 1 cup sugar legg 1 cup milk 11/4 cups flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon extract Caramel Cake. % cup butter 11/^ cups sugar 1 cup water 2 cups flour yolks of 2 eggs 2 teaspoons baking powder Beat butter and sugar to a cream, add yolks, flour and water alternately, beat 5 minutes, add 1 teaspoon vanilla, 3 teaspoons of maple syrup or burnt sugar syrup, add 2 teaspoons of baking powder and the well beaten whites of 2 eggs. 30 Eggless Fruit Caks. 1 cup dark brown sugar 1 cup water 1-3 cup lard 2 cups seeded raisins, chopped ^ cup dates 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon cloves y^ teaspoon salt %, teaspoon nutmeg nuts if desired Mix together, put on the stove and boil 3 minutes, then when cool add ^ teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon soda dissolved in wa'ter 2 cups flour, after sifting Bake in moderate oven. White Cake. 3 cups flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 2 Clips of sugar 1 cup cold water 4 egg whites Sift flour, baking powder and sugar together twice. Put the unbeaten whites into cup and fill cup with butter, add to dry ingredients, add water and beat 10 or 15 minutes. Kiss Cake. 6 egg whites Vo teaspoon cream tartar 2 cups sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 tablespoon vinegar Beat whites of eggs real stiff, add cream of tartar, when eggs are partly beaten; add sugar when eggs are beaten real stiff, add vanilla; vinegar added last. Bake un- til cake falls, in slightly greased pan. Fill fallen centers 31 with whipped cream to which is added cut marshmallows, fruit and nuts. Berries of any kind witli whipped cream may be used. Buttermilk Cake. 2 cups sugar > 2 cups buttermilk V2 cup butter 3 cups flour 2 cups of raisins 2 teaspoons soda 1 teaspoon of cinnamon y^ teaspoon of nutmeg y^ teaspoon of allspice 1 cup of nut meats, if preferred Cream sugar and butter, add milk into which soda has been dissolved. Mix raisins, spices and nut meats into flour and add. Bake in slow oven. It is not necessaiy to use nuts unless you wish to. Apple Sauce Cake. 2-3 cup melted lard 1 cup of sugar 1 cup of raisins 1 cup of chopped nuts 1^/2 cups hot apple sauce (unsweetened) 2 cups flour (sometimes more) 1 teaspoon cinnamon y4 teaspoon salt Mi teaspoon cloves y^ teaspoon nutmeg 2 teaspoons soda Add hot apple sauce and soda last. Put soda in apple sauce. Bake 45 minutes. 32 Icings and Fillings Chocolate Icing. 1 cup sugar Vo cup milk 1/2 cup chocolate butter size of walnut Boil five minutes. i j Chocolate Filling. 1 egg yolk 1/4 cup chocolate 1 cup sugar Vz cup milk Cook in double boiler until it will form a soft ball in cold water. Beat well and spread on cake. Lemon Filling. 1 cup sugar legg 1 tablespoon butter | 1 tablespoon of flour Grated rind and juice of 1 lemon. Mocha Icing. 2 scant cups powdered sugar 4 heaping teaspoons of cocoa 1 heaping teaspoon of butter 3^2 tablespoons of hot coffee vanilla Mix together until quite smooth. Burnt Sugar Icing. 2 cups sugar 1 cup cream and milk mixed 1 tablespoon sugar browned in pan and add to milk and sugar. Boil until thick, w^hen almost cool beat; if too thick add water or milk. 33 White Icing. 2 cups sugar % cup boiling water 1 egg white ^ teaspoon vanilla 1/4 teaspoon cream tartar Boil sugar and water until it threads. Do not stir. Partly beat the white of egg, add cream tartar, then finish beating. Add boiling sugar slowly. Nuts or fruits can be added if liked. Lemon Filling. 1 cup sugar 2 eggs ^ ounce butter Grated rind and juice of 1 lemon. Simmer for 10 minutes and use when cool. White Icing. 1% cups sugar 9 tablespoons cold water 2 egg whites Boil sugar and water together until it threads. Pour over whites of eggs, then beat five minutes. Yo teaspoon flavoring Cream Icing. 2 cups sugar 1 cup sweet cream Flavor to suit taste. Cook until it forms a soft ball in water. When cool beat until thick. Chocolate Icing. 2 cups sugar 1 cup sweet milk, part cream V2 cup cocoa butter the size of a walnut Boil all together until it forms a soft ball in water. —2 34 Caramel Icing. 2 cups brown sngar, V2 cup butter Vo cup sweet cream Boil 5 minutes then beat till creamy. 1 teaspoon vanilla. Place on cake. Caramel Icing. 2 cups brown su.i^ar 1 cup cream y2 cup butter Cook until it forms a soft ball in water. Caramel Filling. 2 cups of light brown sugar ^/i> cup water Cook until a ball is formed when tried in cold water. Pour over Mi tablespoon of butter and 3 tablespoons of sweet cream. Beat until ready to spread. If too stiff add more cream. Flavor with vanilla. Caramel Icing. 1 cup sugar ^2 cup cream 1 tablespoon burnt sugar Mj teaspoon vanilla Let sugar and cream boil, then add burnt sugar, let cook until thick. Take from stove and beat until very creamy; add flavoring and spread on cake. If it becomes too thick add a little cream. Walnut meats can be added if desired. Chocolate Icing. 5 tablespoons chocolate legg 1 cup of sugar Mi cup cream Cook until it bubbles. 35 Caramel Icing. 2 cups of sugar browned 1 cup of cream V^ cup butter Cook until it forms a soft ball in water. White Icing. 2 cups sugar % cup cold water whites of 2 eggs Let sugar and water boil a few minutes, then add 7 tablespoons to the stiffly beaten whites of 2 eggs beating well until mixed. Put remainder of syrup on dtove and cook until it spins a thread, add to the whites beating until it is cold, add vanilla and spread on cake. Raisin Icing. 2 Qgg whites beaten stiff. 1 cup of sugar V2 cup water V2 cup raisins Boil sugar and water till threads. Pour over beaten whites and beat. 36 Cookies Chess Cakes. Make a rich pie crust and line tart pans. Filling for same: V/o cups of sugar 1/4 cup of butter 3 eggs V2 cup of sweet milk 1 cup of raisins a handful of flour mixed with raisins Mix all together, place in tart pans in a moderate oven. Take from pans, frost with whites of eggs beaten to a stiff froth and 2 tablespoons sugar. Return to oven and brown. Sugar Cookies. 2 cups sugar ^/2 cup butter and lard mixed 1 cup sour cream 1 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon lemon extract 1 teaspoon vanilla 3 eggs Cream butter and sugar, then add sour cream with soda dissolved in it, add eggs well beaten, add flour, bak- ing powder and extracts. Roll and sprinkle with sugar before putting in oven to bake. Cream Puffs. 1 cup flour 1 cup boiling water M2 cup butter pinch salt 4 eggs Put the water and butter on to boil, add flour and 37 stir quickly until mixture sticks together and leaves sides of pans. Remove from fire, cool and add one egg at a time beating- all the while. After adding last egg beat vigorously for 5 minutes. Drop by tablespoons on greased tins, leaving a space between each puff. Bake in a moder- ate oven for twenty-five minutes. Fill with cream filling. Filling: 1 pint sweet milk V2 cup butter V2 cup sugar 2 tablespoons corn starch Cook until done. Cool and spread between split layers. Fruit Bars. 1 cup dates (cut up) 1 cup nuts 11/4 cups flour 1 cup brown sugar 2 eggs 5 tablespoons buttermilk 1/4 teaspoon baking powder pinch salt Butter pan and put oil paper in. Have a moderate oven and bake 25 or 30 minutes, after slightly cool, cut in bars and roll in powdered sugar. Caramel Cookies. 4 cups brown sugar 4 eggs 1 cup lard 5 cups flour, measured after sifting 1 cup chopped nuts 1 teaspoon of soda 1 teaspoon cream tartar Knead as you would bread, then mould into three long loaves, let stand until moniing, then cut about I/4 inch thick. Bake in slow oven. 38 "Cry Babies." 1 cup sugar 1 cup molasses 1 cup shortening 2 eggs 2 teaspoons of cinnamoTi 2 teaspoons of ginger 2 level teaspoons of soda dissolved in 1 cup of hot coffee 1 cup raisins 1 cup of nuts pinch of salt 5 cups of flour Drop by spoon and bake. Ginger Cookies. 1 cup sugar 1 cup shortening 1 cup sorghum molasses V2 cup cold water 2 teaspoons soda 1 teaspoon ginger pinch of salt enougli flour to make a thin dough Ginger Cookies. 3 cups sugar IV2 cups lard 1 cup molasses 1 cup sour milk 3 eggs 2 teaspoons soda 1 tablespoon cinnamon 1 tablespoon cloves 1 tablespoon ginger Mix sugar and lard, add molasses and well beaten eggs, ciniuvmon, cloves and ginger. Dissolve soda in sour milk, add to above and mix with flour to make soft dough. 39 Rocks. 11/2 cups of sugar 1/2 cup of butter 4 tea.si)ooiis hot water 1 teaspoon of soda 3 eggs 3 cups flour 1 tablespoon cinnamon and nutmeg mixed 1 cu]) nuts IMi cups raisins pinch of salt Bake in moderate oven Drop Cookies. 2 cups sugar 1 cup lard and butter mixed 2 eggs 1 cup sour milk 3 cups rolled oats 3 cups flour 1 tablespoon soda 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspo_on cloves 1 teaspoon cocoa 1 teaspoon vanilla ] cup raisins 1 cup cocoanut Date Nut Bars. 1 pound of dates cut fine 1 cup nuts 3 eggs, beaten separately 1 cup sugar IMi cups flour 3 teaspoons ?)aking powder 1 teaspoon vanilla Mix in order given. Put in square pans and bake, cutting immediately. When cool put in bag of powdered sugar and shake. 40 Oatmeal Cookies. 1 cup sugar 1 cup shortening 2 eggs 1 cup raisins or currants 2 cups oatmeal 2 cups Hour 1 scant teaspoon soda in 4 tablespoons milk ] lieaping teaspoon cinnamon pinch of salt 1 teaspoon vanilla Bake in greased pans. Oatmeal Fruit Cookies. 2 cups sugar 1 cup lard and })utter mixed 3 to 5 eggs 1 cup sour cream 1 tablespoon soda 3 cups rolled oats 3 cups flour 2 teaspoons cocoa 2 teaspoons cinnamon Mi teaspoon cloves V2 teaspoon nutmeg 1 pound raisins Ml, pound cocoanut or 1 cup English walnuts Ginger Cookies. 2 cups sugar 1 cup mo hisses (sorghum best) 1 cup sour cream 1 cup shortening 2 eggs 1 tablespoon ginger 3Vii teaspoons soda dissolved in cream pinch of salt Make a soft dough, roll and bake in quick oven. 41 Oatmeal Cookies. 2 cups sug-ar 1 cup butter 3 cups flour 4 eggs 4 cups rolled oats 1 cup liot water 1 box raisins 1 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon cinnamon 2 teaspoons baking powder Dissolve soda in hot water, tlien mix all together and drop from a spoon into a greased pan. Fruit Cookies. 1 cup sugar % cup butter 1 cup milk 3 cups flour 3 eggs 2 teaspoons baking powder Second part: *- % cake chocolate 1 cup sugar V2 cup sweet milk legg 1 cup each of raisins, dates and nuts Boil until thick, then add to first part. Mix all in- gredients well. Bake in moderate oven. Drop Doughnuts. Beat together 3 eggs and 1 cii]) sugar, add 1 piiit of sweet milk, 1 tablespoon melted butter, V^ teaspoon nut- meg, 2 teaspoons baking powder, a pinch salt. Mix in enough flour to permit the spoon to stand upriglit in the mixture. Beat mixture until very light, drop from a tea- spoon into boiling hot fat and allow to brown quickly. 42 Health Cookies. 1 cup shortening 1 cup sugar 2 eggs 4 tablespoons sweet or sour milk 2^/2 cups rolled oats 2V2 cups flour 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon nutmeg Mj cup raisins y2 cup chopped nuts Cream shortening and sugar together. Add eggs and recream. Add rolled oats and mix all together. Sift flour, cinnamon, soda, salt and nutmeg together and add alter- nately to creamed mixture with milk. Roll on floured board as thin as can be handled, cut in desired shapes and bake in moderately heated oven. If sugar coated cookies are wanted, sprinkle sugar on dough while rolling. These cookies keep well and are better with age. Drop Cookies. IV2 cups sugar Vi> cup butter 2 eggs 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon % teaspoon nutmeg y2 teaspoon cloves 14 square baker chocolate V2 teaspoon soda 1 cup sour milk 1 cup chopped raisins 1 cup English walnuts 1 large teaspoon baking powder flour to make a stiff batter Cream sugar and butter, add well beaten eggs, add spices, dissolve soda in 1 tablespoon of boiling water, dis- solve chocolate in 2 tablespoons of boiling water, then 43 add to other ingredients, sift baking powder and flour to- gether, soak raisins in water, add raisins and English walnuts, make a stiff batter and drop in well greased pans not too close together. Dropped Hermit Cookies. 1 cup butter 1^ cups brown sugar 1 1-3 cups flour 3 eggs 1 cup raisins, chopped 1 cup walnuts 1 teaspoon each cinnamon, salt, cloves, and one of soda in hot water. Cream butter and sugar, then add other ingredients. Drop by spoonfuls in buttered pan. Kiss Cakes. whites 4 eggs, beaten stiff 1 cup granulated sugar, added gradually while the egg whites are being beaten 1 teaspoon vinegar % teaspoon vanilla 1/4 teaspoon baking powder Drop on oil paper, on inverted pan, making an in- dentation in center of each to hold ice cream when ser\^ed. Bake in slow oven about 40 minutes. This will make about 12 cakes somewhat smaller than a small size saucer Soft Ginger Bread. 1 cup sugar 2 cups molasses M> cup butter 2 eggs 3 cups flour 1 cup sour cream 2 teaspoon soda 1/4 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons of ginger 44 Chocolate Cookies. 11/4 cups sugar Mi cup butter or lard 2 squares cliocolate 2 cups flour 1 cup each nuts and raisins 1 egg V2 teaspoon salt V2 cup milk 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon vanilla Cream butter and sugar, add milk and well beaten egg. Add melted chocolate, nuts and raisins, and then flour with baking powder and salt. Drop from a teaspoon on greased pans to bake. Fruit and Oats Cookies. IV2 cups sugar % cup butter and lard 3 eggs 1 cup raisins 1 cup currants 1 cup rolled oats 1 teaspoon soda r teaspoon baking powder V2 teaspoon each ginger, nutmeg, cinnamon V2 cup sour milk Cream sugar and butter, beat eggs well. Dissolve soda in sour milk. Add rest of ingredients and flour to make dough firm enough to roll. Doughnuts. 1 cup sugar 1 cup sweet milk 2 tablespoons butter legg 1 teaspoon baking powder flavor to taste 45 Nut Cookies. 2 cups brown sugar 2-3 cup butter 1 cup sweet milk 1 cup nut meats 1 cup raisins 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon cloves 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 teaspoons baking powder enough flour to make a stiff dough Drop in buttered pan and bake 20 minutes. Soft Ginger Bread. 1 cup molasses 1 cup sugar 1 cup butter or lard 4 cups flour 1 cup buttermilk 4 eggs 1 tablespoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon ginger 1 cup raisins Bake in slow oven. Doughnuts. 1 cup sugar 1 cup sweet milk 3 2-3 cups flour 2 eggs 2 teaspoons butter 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg 1 teaspoon vanilla Fry in hot fat. 1 teaspoon vinegar to each 2 pounds of fat to keep from soaking. 46 Doughnuts. 1 cup sugar 1 cup sweet milk 1 egg beatc^n well y^ teaspoon salt 1 tal)lespoon butter y^ teaspoon vanilla 2 teaspoons baking powder enough flour to handle Fry in hot lard. Doughnuts. One cup sugar, one cup milk, Two eggs beaten hue as silk; Salt and nutmeg (lemon will do). Of baking powder, teaspoons two; Lightly stir the flour in, Roll on pie board, not too thin. Cut in diamonds, twists or rings, Drop with care, the doughy things, Into fat that briskly swells Evenly the spongy cells; Watch with care tiie time for turning Fry them brown, just short of burning, Roll in sugar, serve when cool, Price a (piarter for this rule. Doughnuts. 1 cup sugar 1 cup milk 2 eggs 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon lard 1 teaspoon soda 1 teasi)()()n baking powder nutmeg to taste flour to make soft dough Beat ofrs:;, add sugar, melted lard and sour milk into which soda has been stirred. Add tirrated nutnu^g and salt. 47 Sift baking jjowder with flour and mix to make a soft dough. Knead lightly, roll out, cut and fry in deep hot fat. Dust with powdered or granulated sugar. Doughnuts. 5 potatoes size of an egg 1 tablespoon butter IV2 oups sugar 1 cup sweet milk 1 teaspoon salt 3 eggs 4 licaijiiig teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon of nutmeg Cream potatoes and butter, add sugar, beaten eggs, stir in milk and nutmeg, salt, flour and baking powder, which have been sifted tog(;ther and (mougli additional flour to make a dough stiff enough to roll. Roll on floured board VI inch thick and fry in fat hot onougli to brown a piece of bread in 60 seconds. Filled Cookies. 1 cup sugar legg pinch salt 2^/2 cups pastry flour .Vz cup butter V2 cup sour milk 1 scant teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon baking powder Roll thin. Filling for filled cookies: 1/2 cup sugar 1 cup raisins or figs, ground 4 tablespoons water juice Vii lemon Cook and spread when cold. 48 Doughnuts. 2 eggs 1 cup sweet milk 1 cup sugar 4 teaspoons baking powder Raised Doughnuts. Cake Fleisclimann 's yeast 11/4 cups milk, scalded — cooled 1 tablespoon sugar 4I/2 cups sifted flour 1/2 cup sugar 3 tablespoons butter 14 teaspoon cinnamon legg 14 teaspoon salt Dissolve yeast and 1 teaspoonful sugar in luke wanu liquid, add IMj cups flour and beat well, cover and set aside to raise in warm place 1 hour. Add to this mixture sugar and butter creamed, cinna- mon, egg well beaten, the remainder of flour to make a soft dough. Knead lightly. Place in greased bowl, cover, allow to rise until again its size. When light turn on floured board and roll to 1-3 inch in thickness. Cut with doughnut cutter, place on floured board and let rise again until light. Drop into hot fat with side uppermost which has been next to the board. When raising keep in a warmer place than for bread. 49 Puddings Plum Pudding. 14 pound chopped suet y^ pound sugar ^ pound raisins % pound currents V2 pound citron 5 eggs I/O pint sweet milk 2 tablespoons molasses 1 teaspoon each of cinnamon, cloves, allspice Y2 teaspoon salt flour to make stiff batter Steam 4 hours Dark Pudding. 1 cup molasses 1/2 cup melted butter 1 cup raisins 2 cups flour 1 cookingspoon dark brown sugar 1 teaspoon soda 1-3 cup milk 1 pinch allspice Mix together and steam 2 hours Suet Pudding. 1 cup suet, chopped fine 1 cup sweet milk 1 cup molasses ll^ cups raisins % cup nuts 2^/2 cups flour % teaspoon soda Salt and spices to suit taste Steam 2 hours 50 Marshmallow Pudding. 1/4 pound of almonds chopped y2 pound of marshmallows, cut each in 4 pieces Yo pint whipped cream Stir in ahnonds and marshmallows, set away to cool ; when served place cherries on top. Canton Marshmallow Dessert. 2 cups whipped cream % pound marslunallows, diced 1 cup pineapple 1 cup nuts Mix and let stand in ice chest for an hour or more. Serve in sherbet glasses. Suet Pudding. 1 cup chopped suet 1 cup molasses 1 cup sour milk 3 cups flour 1 cup raisins 1 teaspoon soda V2 teaspoon each cloves, allspice and cinnamon salt Mix suet, molasses and sour milk into which soda has been stirred. Sift together the flour, salt and spices and add, then stir in the raisins. Turn into a greased mold. Steam 3 hours. Steamed Pudding. Vo cup butter Yo cup syrup Mi cup hot water 1 level teaspoon soda Yz cup nuts Flour to make dough a little stiffer than for pan cakes. Steam for 2 to 2Y2 hours. Serve with sauce. 51 Charlotte Russe. 1 pint ground pineapple 1 Clip chopped English walnuts 1 cup sugar 1 package gelatine 4 yolks of eggs % cup water 1 pint of cream 1 teaspoon vanilla Drain all juice from the pineapple, then line pan with the pineapple and sprinkle with the English wal- nuts. Beat the yolks of eggs lightly with the sugar. Dissolve the gelatine in the water, add juice of pineapple and gelatine to yolks of eggs. Whip the cream and add mixture to the cream and pour it over the pineapple and nuts and let it harden. Imperial Nut Pudding. 2 cups of flour 1/2 teaspoon of salt 2 eggs 2 teaspoon of baking powder Vo cup of sugar 1 cup of milk 2 tablespoons of melted butter 1 cup of English walnuts 1 cup of raisins Steam 2 hours. Date Pudding. 1 cup nuts 1 cup dates 1 tablespoon flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 11/4 cups milk Put in high pan, bake in oven V2 hour. Stir down when it foams up. Serve with whipped cream. 52 Cottage Pudding. 1-3 cup butter 2-3 cup sugar legg 1 cup sour milk 1% cups flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1/4 teaspoon soda Vi teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon vanilla Cream butter, sugar and egg together; sift flour, baking powder, soda, salt together and add to cream mixture alternately with sour cream; add vanilla and beat hard; place dough in greased pan. Serve liot with lemon sauce. Carrot Pudding. 1 cup carrots 1 cup apples 1 cup potatoes. These are to be raw and to be ground up in food chopper 1 cup sugar 1 cup flour V2 cup butter or 1 cup suet with 1 teaspoon of salt 1 cup raisins 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon soda Steam 3 hours. Then set in oven 10 minutes lo dry. Tapioca Pudding. 2 eggs 1 quart of milk 1/2 cup sugar 2 tablespoons minute tapioca 1 small can shredded pineapple Stir the tapioca into the milk and cook 15 minutes in a double boiler, stirring occasionally. Beat up the eggs and add sugar. Slowly add this to the milk and tapioca and cook about 15 minutes longer. Remove 53 from fire and add pineapple. In place of the pineapples it may be flavored with lemon. Serve cold with whipped cream. Dip for Pudding. 1 cup powdered sugar 1 egg 1 tablespoon melted butter vanilla Beat all together add 1 cup of whipped cream. Corn Starch Pudding. White part — 2 cups of milk 1/2 cup sugar 2 tablespoons corn starch flavor Cook and beat in whites of two eggs after removing from the stove. Yellow part — 2 cups of milk 2 egg yolks V2 cup of sugar 1 tablespoon of butter 1 heaping teaspoon of corn starch Put white around j^ellow part. Use pu'ilding sauce or whipped ci eam Fig or Date Pudding. V2 cup sugar 1/2 cup sour milk 11/2 cups flour pinch of salt Vo teaspoon soda sifted in % cup ground figs or dates 1/2 cup butter 1 egg Steam 2 hours in greased pan. Keep up an even boil for the cooking. Don't remove lid. 54 Marshmallow Pudding. 3 egg whites, beaten very stiff 1 cup sugar 2 teaspoons of Knox Gelatin dissolved in V^ cup hot water Beat five minutes, mix in some kind of fruit or serve with whipped cream. Pineapple Fluff. 1 cup pineapple chopped Yz cup chopped nuts 1 cup cream, whipped y^ pound marshmallows Cut marshmallows in quarters, mix with nuts and pineapple and add whipped cream. Pineapple Sponge. Boil 1 pint sugar and 1 pint water five minutes. Soak 1 box Knox No. 3 in 1 cup cold water 5 minutes. 15 cent can shredded pineapple. Add syrup to the pineapple. When it begins to jell, add ^A pint whipped cream beaten real stiff and beat until smooth. The whites of 2 eggs beaten stiff may be used in place of whipped cream. Maple Sponge. 1 envelope Knox Sparkling Gelatin iy2 cups cold water 2 cups brown or maple sugar 1/2 cup hot water whites of 2 eggs 1 cup chopped nut meats Soak gelatine in cold water five minutes. Put sugar and hot water in saucepan, bring to boiling point and let boil ten minutes. Pour syrup gradually on soaked gelatine. Cool, and when nearly set, add whites of eggs beaten until stiif, and nut meats. Turn into mold, first dipped in cold water, and chill. Serve with custard made of yolks of eggs, sugar, a few grains of salt, milk, and flavoring. 55 Tapicoa Date Pudding. 1 cup pearl tapicoa 5 cups water 1 cup sugar y2 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon vanilla V2 cup dates cut in small pieces Soak tapicoa in three cups cold water 1 hour. Add 2 cups of water, 1 cup sugar, salt and dates. You may use other fruit. Chocolate Bread Pudding. 2 cups stale bread crumbs 4 cups scalded milk 2-3 cup sugar 2 squares Bakers chocolate 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 eggs Soak bread 20 minutes in milk, melt chocolate in sauce pan over hot water and enough milk to make thin enough. Add bread, milk, salt and eggs slightly beaten and put in pudding pan. Bake 1 hour. Sauce for above pudding : V2 cup butter 1 cup powdered sugar % teaspoon vanilla and lemon Fruited Rice Fluff. Wash 1-3 cup of rice and cook until tender in a cup of scalded milk with 1 teaspoon salt. Soak 1 envelope of Knox gelatine in Yj cup cold water 5 minutes and dissolve in i/4 cup boiling milk. Add 1 cup sugar, strain into cooked rice. Chop fine i/4 cup maraschino cherries. Add cherries with 1 teaspoon vanilla. AVhip 1 pint of cream until stiff. When mixture is cold, fold in half of cream, turn into mold. Remove from mold, garnish with remaining cream, sweetened, and 14 cup of cherries. 56 Pink Chiffon. 1 pint of cream, whipped, add 2 lieapiiig tablespoons of Knox Gelatine after it has been dissolved in 1-3 cup of wami water. Add 1 cup of diced pineapple, 1 teaspoon fruit coloring, 1 cup nuts. Ginger Pudding. 1 peer V2 teacup buttermilk 2-3 cup sorghum 1-3 cup sugar 1 teaspoon ginger Make soft dough, not quite as stiff as cake. Bake in a moderate oven. Cut in squares and serve with whipped cream. Chocolate Pudding. 2 tablespoons chocolate . yolks of 4 eggs 1 cup sugar 1 quart milk 1 whole egg 2 tablespoons corn starch Cook until it thickens, beat whites of eggs and put on top, put in oven to brown. Serve with cream, if preferred. Lemon Sponge or Snow Pudding. V2 envelope Knox Sparkling Gelatine 14 cup cold water 1 cup boiling water % cup sugar Yi cup lemon juice whites of 2 eggs Soak gelatine in cold water five minutes, dissolve in boiling water, add sugar, lemon juice and grated rind of one lemon, strain, and set aside: occasionally stir mixture, and when quite thick, beat with wire spoon or whisk until frothy; add whites of eggs beaten stiff, and continue beat- mg on 57 until stiff enough to hold its shape. Pile by spoonfuls ^.. glass dish. Chill and serve with boiled custard. A very attractive dish may be prepared by coloring half the mix- ture red. Chocolate Plum Pudding. 1 envelope Knox Sparkling Gelatine % cup cold water 1 cup sugar 1/2 teaspoonful vanilla 1 cup seeded raisins 1/2 cup dates or figs, if desired 14 cup sliced citron or nuts, as preferred 1/2 cup currants 11/2 squares chocolate 1 pint milk pinch salt Soak gelatine in cold water five minutes. Put milk in double boiler, add melted chocolate, and when scalding point is reached add sugar, salt and soaked gelatine. Re- move from fire and when mixture begins to thicken add vanilla, fruit and nut meats. Turn into mold, first dipped in cold water, and chill. Remove to serving dish and gar- nish with holly. Serve with whipped cream, sweetened, and flavored with vanilla. Cherry Roll. 11/2 cups flour 1 tablespogn sugar pinch of salt 1 tablespoon butter 2 teaspoons baking powder Mix as for biscuits and roll out and cover with cherries. Then drop dots of butter over cherries and sweeten. Roll up and cut in slices. Have ready the juice of cherries in pan to which has been added sugar, flour, butter and water to make the amount needed. While this is boiling hot, drop slices in and bake in moderate oven. 58 Apple Roll. 2 cups flour 4 tablespoons sugar 2 teaspoons baking powder Mi teaspoon salt 5 tablespoons shortening 2-3 cup sweet milk Sift dry ingredients, then cut in the shortening, add the milk, stirring all together. Roll dough on board about 1/4 of an inch thick, keeping dough in oblpng shape, spread with melted butter, then a generous layer of finely chopped apples and sugar. Sprinkle cinnamon over this and roll as tightl}^ as can in long roll. Cut slices about 2 inches thick and place in greased pan. Keep slices close together. On top of each slice place 1-3 of an apple. Bake in oven until apples on top are brown. Serve hot with rich sauce. Blackberry Roly Poly. 1 quart blackberries y2 cup water IV2 cups sugar 3 cups sifted flour 3 teaspoons baking powder V2 cup shortening beaten yolk of 1 egg milk or water as needed beaten white of 1 egg V2 teaspoon salt Cook the berries with the water, then press thru sieve. To the pulp add the sugar and let simmer until well re- duced. Keep a part hot for sauce and cool the rest. Sift together the flour, baking powder and salt; work in the shortening, then mix to a dough with milk or water added to the beaten egg yolk. Knead slightly and roll into a sheet 1/4 inch thick. Cut in pieces longer than wide, spread with the cold blackberry mixture and roll. Brush the top of each with egg white and dredge thickly with sugar. Bake about half an hour. Serve hot with blackberry sauce. 59 Rice Pudding (Chocolate). 1 quart milk (scalded) 3 ounces grated chocolate 1 cup hot cooked rice 1 cup sugar 4 egg yolks Bake. Spread top with beaten whites and brown. Steamed Pudding. 1 cup molasses 1 cup sugar 21/2 cups flour 1 teaspoon soda 1 cup butter 1 cup sour milk 4 eggs flavor with nutmeg Mix butter and sugar to cream, add eggs well beaten, then molasses, then nutmeg, flour, sour milk; lastly soda dissolved in small amount of boiling water. Steam 3 hours. Sauce for same: Cream 1 cup of sugar and V^ cup butter together, put iy2 cups water in a pan, when it boils thicken w^ith flour to the consistency of cream, take from fire and stir rapidly into sugar and butter. Flavor to taste. Snow Pudding. Dissolve a package of Lemon Jell-0 in a pint of boil- ing water. When cold and still liquid whip with an egg- beater to consistency of whipped cream. Let stand till firm and then pile it by spoonfuls into sherbet glasses and serve with egg custard. The "Plain" JeU-0 Dessert. Dissolve one package of Jell-0, any fla'vor, in a pint of boiling water. Pour into a mould and put in a cold place to harden. When set turn out on a plate. Be sure to use Jell-0, with the name Jell-0 in big, red letters on the package. 60 Caramel Pudding. 1 tablespoon of butter 1 pint of milk 2-3 cup sugar 3 tablespoons com starch legg vanilla to flavor Brown the sugar, add the milk and egg and corn starch. Cook in double boiler. Serve with cream. How to Whip Jell-0. If you have never whipped Jell-0 and know nothing about the process, you will be glad to know mat it is as simple a matter as whipping thick cream. Begin to whip the jelly while it is still liquid — cold but not yet congeal- ing — and whip till it is of the consistency of thick whipped cream. Use a Dover egg-beater and keep the Jell-0 cold while whipping by setting the dish in cracked ice, ice water or very cold water. A tin or aluminum quart meas- ure is an ideal utensil for the purpose. Its depth prevents spattering, and tin and aluminum admit quickly the chill of the ice or cold water. Add cream or whatever else goes into the dessert after — not before — whipping the Jell-0^ The whipping process more than doubles the quantity of plain Jell-0, so that when whipped one package of Jell-0 serves twelve persons instead of six. 61 Pies Caramel Pie. 1 cup dark brown sugar 11/2 cups boiling water legg 2 rounding tablespoons flour 1/2 teaspoon vanilla Thoroughly mix the flour and sugar. Add to this the water, place in a double boiler over the fire and stir until mixture thickens. Drop in this the whole egg, beating vigorously until thoroughly mixed. Cook a few minutes longer, remove from fire and add flavoring. Pour into baked crust. Spread with the beaten egg whites to which 2 table- spoons sugar has been added. Brown in oven. Cocoanut Pie. V2 cup sugar 2 tablespoons flour 1 pint milk 2 eggs Yo cup cocoanut Cook well and fill crust after baking. Beat white and sprinkle with cocoanut, put in oven to brown. Sour Cream Pie. Line a pie pan with crust. Make filling. 1 cup cream (sour) 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon cinnamon 14 teaspoon cloves V2 cup raisins, chopped 2 yolks of eggs Use whites on top. 62 Pie Crust for One Pie. 5 heaping tablespoons of flour IV2 heaping tablespoons lard pinch of salt enough water to make a pie dough Sift flour and salt, knead in lard, add water and handle as little as possible. Lemon Tarts. Top part — 2 cups sugar 1/^ cup butter and lard mixed 2 teaspoons baking powder 2 eggs 1 cup water 2 cups flour Mix these ingredients together. Lower part — juice and grated rind of 1 lemon or 1 tablespoon of essence of lemon 1 cup light brown sugar 1^/4 pints of water legg 1 cup molasses 2 tablespoons of flour Mix these ingredients together. Have six pie plates lined with dough, put the lower part in them. Pour the top on the lower part and bake in a moder- ate oven. These will look like cake when done. Butter Scotch Pie. 4 egg yolks 2 cups of white sugar, browned 3 tablespoons butter Let this cook down like wax, then add 2 cups water, let this cook until the burnt sugar is dissolved. Mix to- 63 getlier 4 tablespoons flour, yolks of 4 eggs and 2 cups of milk. Pour this into tlie above ingredients. Beat tlie whites and put on top. Will make two pies. Rhubarb Custard Pie. 1 cup rhubarb, cut fine % cup sugar 1 egg. beaten 1 square cracker, rolled 1 tablespoon of butter Stir all together and let stand while you are prepar- ing the crust. Cream Pie. Bake pie crust light brown yolks of 3 eggs lyo cups sugar 2 heaping tablespoons flour 2 cups rich milk Cook until thick, flavor, put into crust, spread white on top and brown lightly. This makes two pies. Pie Crust. 1 cup flour 14 cup lard Add enough cold water to handle. Pineapple Pie. 1 large can of grated pineapple iy2 cups sugar V2 cup corn starch 1/2 cup flour 2 eggs, use yolks for filling, whites on top butter the size of a walnut Stir all together and cook in double boiler until thick. Flavor with vanilla. Enough for two pies. 64 Apple Cream Pie. Make a smooth apple sauce and to each cupful add : 2 well beaten eggs 1/2 cup cream 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg 1 heaping tablespoon of flour Mix well, cook in double boiler, fill pie shell. Put meringue on top and brown. Mock Mince Pie. 1 cup of molasses 1 cup sugar y2 cup butter % cup vinegar 2 cups raisins 4 rolled crackers 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon cloves 2 cups hot water Pineapple Pie. 2 tablespoons butter 1 cup sugar 1 can pineapple 3 egg yolks, beaten lightly 1 teaspoon com starch 1 cup sweet milk Dissolve com starch in milk and sugar, mix with egg yolks, add pineapple cut fine. Beat whites stiff and fold in. Cream Pie. Line a pie pan with a rich crust and bake. Filling — Heat a scant pint of milk, beat the j^olks of 2 eggs. Mix together i/o cup sugar, i/4 cup flour, dissolve in a little milk. Add this to the hot milk, then the yolks, a small piece of butter. Let thicken, but do not boil, then add extract. Cover with meringue from the whites of the eggs and su2:ar. 65 Mince Meat Pie. 3 quarts of chopped meat 5 quarts of apples 5 quarts of sugar 1 qviart of molasses 3 quarts cider or fruit juice 1 quart suet 2 pounds each raisins and currants 2 tablespoons each cloves and cinnamon 1 tablespoon each pepper and salt 2 nutmegs V2 pound each prepared lemon peel and orange peel 1/4 pound prepared citron Cook raisins and currants together, then cook all if desired. Banana Pie. Slice 3 bananas in a baked crust heat 1 cup milk add 14 cup of sugar yolks of 2 eggs 1 tablespoon flour mix with V2 cup cold milk pinch of salt Boil to a thick cream. Flavor with vanilla. Pour this on sliced bananas. Beat whites of eggs, put on top and brown in oven. Lemon Pie. Grated rind and juice of 1 lemon IV2 cups of sugar ^ 2 eggs a piece of butter size of egg 2 heaping tablespoons of flour or com starch 2 cups boiling water, added gradually Dissolve the corn starch in a little water, add eggs, then the remainder and place on the stove till it becomes quite thick. This makes filling for two pies. —3 6G tlio lonioii juico. Tako romaiiiiiij^" half of svi^ar, mix woU Chocolate Pie. 2''/i teaspoons ^ratcHl cliocolate 4 tablespoons flour 1 Vii cups sugar Mix well, add '.] cups of sweet uiilk, 1 teaspoon of butter, theu yolks of 4 eggs well beaten. ]iet come to ])oil, take from stove. Pour in crust. Lemon Cream Sponge Pie. 2 tablespoons butter 1 cup sugar 3 eggs rind of Vii lenu)n 3 tablespoons of lemon juice 1 cup whole sw(M^t milk ' 6 level tables})oons of flour Takr (lour iiilo ;i (hick piece oC round ;:(e;ik on holli sides. Sc;ir well on holh sides in liol, siie(. drippiii«j;s. Sejison well wilh Siill Jiiid chopped onion if d<'sire;ircly coxcr wilh \\;i(cr :in(( siinnier slowly iiiilil lender. StufTod Steak. Tjike ;i liir-'c round slejik nlxuil ' i inch (hick, (ill wilh dressin/j;' iii:iooiiH riic!l(' cool. 72 Beef Loaf. 3 pounds beef ^2 pound pork 2 eggs 1 cup cracker crumbs V2 cup sweet milk 1 medium sized onion Grind beef and pork, add eggs well beaten, cracker crumbs, sweet milk, onion cut fine, salt and pepper to taste. Mix all together and roast. Salmon Croquettes. 1 can salmon 1 or 2 eggs 6 crackers, rolled fine Mix with salmon and eggs. Make in small balls and fiy in hot fat. Salmon Loaf. 1 pint cracker crumbs 4 eggs, beaten 1 large can salmon juice of 1 lemon pinch of salt and pepper Put into a greased pan and steam 1 hour. Slice when cold and garnish with parsley. Escalloped Salmon and Macaroni. Break Mi cup macaroni and boil 20 minutes. Free one can salmon from bones and skins. Lay in layers in baking dish alternately with the macaroni, pouring over each layer cream sauce made with 1 tablespoon flour 1 tablespoon butter 1 cup milk, season with salt, pepper and lemon juice Cover with buttered crumbs and bake 20 minutes in moderate oven. 73 Oyster Fritters. Make batter of 2 eggs, 2 cups milk, 2 cups flour, little salt. Dip oysters in batter and fry in hot larcl. Drain on brown paper. Cheese and Nut Roast. 1 cup of cheese 1 cup of bread crumbs 1 cup chopped English walnuts 2 teaspoons chopped onions butter size of walnut juice of Yz lemon salt and pepper to taste 2 well beaten eggs 2-3 cup hot water Cook onions in melted butter for a few minutes. Mix cheese, nuts and bread crumbs together, add hot water, butter, onions, lemon juice, mix, add eggs, bake in but- tered pan 30 minutes. Sprinkle top with tomato sauce. Macaroni and Eggs. V2 pound macaroni 1 cup cream 4 or 5 eggs salt and pepper Break up macaroni and boil in salted water until done. Drain, place in casserole with the eggs well beaten and the cream, salt and pepper. Bake in moderate oven % hour. Baked Fish. Halibut or pike is best. Arrange thin slices of salt pork on bottom of pan. Clean and wipe fish dry, place over pork. Cover fish with 3 tablespoons flour and 3 tablespoons butter rubbed together. Cover top witli buttered cracker crumbs and thin slices salt pork. Cover with buttered paper and bake 1 hour. Remove paper and brown a few minutes before removing from oven. 74 Salmon Loaf. 1 egg 1/2 cup water 1 can salmon, boned 1/2 cup bread crumbs 1 onion size walnut 1 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons butter Beat egg light to which add water, then salmon, bread crumbs, chopped onion, salt and melted butter. Mix well, mold in loaf and bake in greased pan. Sei'A^e plain or with tomato sauce. Meat Loaf. 2 pounds round steak, ground 11/2 pounds pork, ground 1 cup cracker crumbs 2 eggs 1 tablespoon salt 1 cup sweet milk butter size of an egg 1 teaspoon pepper pinch of celery salt Put meat and crackers thru food chopper, add other ingredients, mix thoroly, make into loaf, place in roaster, cover with bits of butter, cover half way up the sides with water. Bake 2V2 hours. Cheese Straws. 1 cup flour 1/4 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons butter dash of cayenne pepper 1 cup grated tasty cheese or cheese that comes in tin- foil with snappy flavor 4 tablespoons ice water Sift fiour, baking powder and salt. Cut the butter well into it, then add cheese. Next add ice water and cayenne 75 pepper. Mix tlioroly, then roll on floured board as thin as can be handled. Cut in strips 5 inches long and width of a lead pencil. Bake on greased biscuit sheet in moderate oven. Care should be taken to keep straws from becoming too brown. Creamed Chicken. 1 cup cream 2 tablespoons flour 2 tablespoons butter 2 cups chicken meat cut fine Place butter in pan, when melted add flour, stirring until smooth, then add cream slowly. When hot add chicken cut up fine — salt and pepper. Cheese Souffle. 2 cups fine bread crumbs 1 cup cream 1 cup milk butter size of walnut % teaspoon salt 2 well beaten eggs % teaspoon ground mustard Stir milk, cream and eggs together, add 1/2 pound dried cheese, add mustard, add salt to taste, stir in bread crumbs and butter, bake 30 minutes in casserole. Spanish Rice. 1 cup uncooked rice 2 cups water 2 cups tomato juice 2 medium sized onions 2 chopped pimentoes 1 tablespoon butter salt Mix all together and let come to boil on top of stove. Put in oven and bake % hour. 76 Macaroni Rarebit. 2 cups cooked macaroni 1 cup grated cheese 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon each mustard and pepper 6 slices bread (broken in bits) 2 tablespoons butter Mi cup cream or milk 3 eggs Bake about V^ hour in casserole. Nut Croquettes. 1 cup stale bread crumbs 1 cup nut meats (any kind) 2 eggs Mj cup milk Beat the eggs well, add nuts, ground, bread crumbs, pinch of salt and milk. Shape in balls, roll in egg and cracker crumbs. Fry in deep fat and drain. May sei've with white sauce. Brains with Eggs. 1 set of brains Allow to soak until all the blood is out of them, then remove the skin. Wash again and soak in salt water. Place in a pan of water and season with salt and pepper and cook until white, add a little butter, pour in a oeaten egg and mix well, cover for several minutes. Serve as a sandwich filling or on toast. Baked Oyster Loaf. 1^2 pounds of round steak IV2 pounds of fresh lean pork 1 quart of fresh oysters 3 eggs salt and pepper Mix all together into a loaf and bake 1 hour with 1 pint of water. 77 Brown Stew. Cut lean beef in inch cubes, season, each piece dredge with flour, brown on all sides in frying pan using a little suet to prevent sticking and add necessary fat. Add hot water and turn in double boiler and cook for 3 hours. One hour before it is done, add vegetables you like cut in cubes. Potatoes require less time. Meat Loaf. V2 pound each of beef and pork (ground) 3 well beaten eggs 12 soda crackers rolled fine 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon pepper 3 tablespoons cream 2 tablespoons of boiling water To the meat add all ingredients and mix well, form into a loaf and place in greased pan and bake 1 hour in moderate oven. Bake with cover the first half hour, then remove and let brown. Veal Loaf. 2 pounds veal % pound fresh pork 1 cup stale bread crumbs softened in milk juice and grated rind of 1 lemon 2 eggs, beaten salt and pepper Mix well and form in loaf. Bake 1 hour. Pot Roast. Sear 3 or 4 pounds shoulder meat, put in iron kettle, season, add I/2 cup of boiling water, 1/2 onion, 2 cloves, parsley and celery. 78 Eggs and Breakfast Dishes Deviled Eggs. Boil fresh eggs until hard, remove shells, cut into halves lengthwise, remove yolks and mash very fine. Sea- son with melted butter, pepper, salt, sugar and a little vinegar or prepared salad dressing may be used if pre- ferred. Stuff eggs and in the center of each put a stuffed olive. Deviled Eggs. Boil eggs twenty minutes, remove shells, cut length- wise, take yolks and n^ash in mixing bowl, add pepper and salt to taste, a little dry mustard and enough vinegar to moisten well. Press closely into cavities, arrange on lettuce leaves and serve. Omelet. To each egg take 1 tablespoon milk. Beat eggs separ- ately. To yolks add milk and seasoning, then fold in the whites. Turn into hot skillet which has tablespoon of butter in. When well browned on bottom, set in oven to brown on top. Omelet. 5 eggs 10 tablespoons milk 1-3 teaspoon salt Separate yolks from whites; beat whites very stiff; beat yolks 12 times only; add milk and salt to yolks and stir; fold in whites. Have one scant tablespoon butter in heavy skillet; turn omelet into it and cook on top of stove until nearly done, then place on grating in olen to brown. Deviled Eggs. • Boil hard, peel and cut in halves. Remove yolks, mash, season with pepper, salt, vinegar and celery salt. Place back in whites and serve. 79 Cheese Omelet. yolks of 2 eggs 2 tablespoons hot water 1 cup grated cheese salt and pepper whites of 4 eggs 1 tablespoon bntter Beat j^olks nntil lemon colored, add tne water and seasoning. Beat whites until stiff, add cheese. Mix both mixtures together and pour in hot buttered skillet and cook in oven. Shredded Wheat Biscuit for Breakfast. 'Warm the biscuit in the oven to restore crispness — don't burn— .pour hot milk over it, dipping the milk over it until the shreds are swollen; then pour a little cream over the top of the biscuit. Or, serve with cold milk or cream, according to individual taste. Scalloped Eggs. 6 hard boiled eggs % cup of chopped meat % cup buttered crackers 1 pint of white sauce Sprinkle the bottom of buttered baking dish with crumbs, cover with V2 of eggs chopped fine, then pour on sauce, then meat; repeat and cover the top with crambs. Bake until brown. Ham, cliicken, sausage or veal may be used. Scalloped Eggs. 6 hard boiled eggs. Sprinkle the bottom of buttered baking dish with cnimbs, cover with sliced eggs, add butter, salt and pepper (and onion if you like). Repeat until you have used all of the eggs. Cover the top with crumbs. Cover with part cream and milk. Bake until brown. 80 Shredded Wheat Biscuit with Strawberries. Prepare berries as for ordinary serving. Warm bis- cuit in oven before using. Cut or crush oblong cavity in top of biscuit to form basket. Fill the cavity with berries and serve with cream or milk. Sweeten to taste. Peaches, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, pineapple, bananas, and other fruit, fresh or preserved, can be served with Shredded Wheat Biscuit in the same manner. Egg and Fish Loaf. 3 hard boiled eggs 1 cup fish, salmon or any left over fish 1 cup cold boiled rice 1 teaspoon minced onion 3 thin slices bacon salt and pepper milk to moisten Grease a baking mold, slice one of hard boiled eggs in rings around the pan. Press the fish mixture into a pan. Waffles. 2 cups flour 2 teaspoons baking powder % teaspoon salt legg Add milk to make batter Fry in waffle iron. Shredded Wheat Oyster, Meat or Vegetable Patties. Cut oblong cavity in top of biscuit, remove top care- fully and all inside shreds, forming a shell. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, put small pieces of butter in bottom, and fill the shell with drained, picked and washed oysters. Season with additional salt and pepper. Replace top of biscuit over oysters, then bits of butter on top. Place in a covered pan and bake in a moderate oven. Pour oyster liquor or cream sauce over it. Shell fish, vegetables, or meats may also be used. 81 Waffles. 4 level teaspoons baking powder 2 cups flour V2 teaspoon salt 4 teaspoons melted butter 3 tablespoons sugar 2 eggs IMi cups sweet milk Mix ingredients in order given, beat yolks until light and add stiffly beaten whites last, fold in gently and fry in hot, well greased watfle iron. Sour Milk Batter Cakes. legg 21/2 cups sour milk 2 1-3 cups flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon salt Beat egg light, to which add sour milk. Sift flour, baking powder, soda and salt together into liquid and beat hard for one minute. Fry on soapstone griddle or on ordinary griddle, sparingly greased. Griddle Cakes. 2 cups flour Mi teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon sugar 1 teaspoon soda 2 teaspoons baking powder 2 eggs 1 tablespoon shortening buttermilk Sift the dry ingredients, then add tlie eggs and enough buttermilk to make a thin batter, then add the shortening melted and you will find it unnecessary to grease griddle. 82 Drop Dumplings. 1 Clip flour 2 teaspoons baking powder ^/4 teaspoon salt 1 egg enough milk to make a stiff batter Drop from teaspoon. Com Fritters. ^ pint flour 1 gill milk % can sweet com 1 tablespoon butter legg 1 teaspoon sugar 1 teaspoon salt % teaspoon pepper Make a smooth paste with the flour and milk, add the salt, pepper, sugar and com to this and beat vigorously for 3 minutes. Now add the butter melted and beat 3 minutes longer. Beat the white of the egg to a stiff froth ; add the yolk to it and beat half a minute longer. Stir this into the batter. Drop by scant tablespoonfuls into deep hot fat and cook for about 3 minutes. Drain and serve at once. Pop Overs. 2 eggs 2 cups sweet milk 2 cups flour 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon baking powder Beat whites and yolks of eggs separately. Add yolks to milk, stir in flour with baking powder sifted into it, add salt, add whites and beat together. Bake in gem pans. 83 Vegetables Baked Beans. 2 cups beans 1 cup tomatoes % cup molasses 2 onions 1-3 teaspoon mustard 3 or 4 slices bacon salt and pepper to taste Mix all together and bake 4 hours in a moderate oven. Fried Tomatoes. When about half ripe, wash, cut in halves, season with salt and pepper, dust with bread crumbs. Have hot butter in skillet, brown tomatoes on both sides. Then put over moderate fire to cook slowly. Add 1-3 cup cream and let boil up. Tomatoes will have to be removed with cake turner. Creamed Carrots. Peel and dice carrots, cook in salt water until tender, remove from stove and drain. Fiy 4 slices of bacon, drain off a part of grease, cut bacon in small slices, add carrots, 2 tablespoons of flour, stir all together, add 1 cup of sweet cream, salt and pepper to taste. Mexican Chili. Cook chili or pinto beans until well done. Get from the butcher IV2 pounds chili meat, put meat into pan with- out water and let simmer very slowly stirring occasion- ally. When meat begins to turn white add 2 teaspoons of Mexican chili pepper or powder, 2 teaspoons finely minced garlic and salt to taste. Let fry in its own fat until meat is well done. It is a good plan to ask for extra suet when purchasing meat. Serve with beans and crisp crackers. 84 Asparagus on Toast. Cut asparagus in short lengths, cook in salt water until done, drain, add 2 tablespoons of flour, stir with a fork, add 1 tablespoon butter, i/^ cup sweet milk and cream mixed, salt and pepper to taste. Have small pieces of toast prepared, place in individual dishes, cover with creamed asparagus and serve. Potato Puffs. 2 eggs % teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon baking powder V2 cup flour 1 cup mashed potatoes Beat eggs well, add potatoes, flour, salt and baking powder. Fry in hot fat. Stuffed Tomatoes. Cut off the top of six large ripe tomatoes. Carefully remove the pulp with spoon. Season the inside of tomato shell with 1 teaspoon of finely chopped onion, olive oil, vinegar, salt and pepper. Then chop fine 1 cucumber, 1 stalk celery, I/2 cup English walnuts. Mix well with rich mayonnaise dressing and fill the tomatoes. Cabbage and Cheese. 1 head medium cabbage. Salt to taste. Cut and cook 20 minutes in boiling water, drain and place in baking dish in layers with cheese, cream sauce and bread crumbs between layers. Bread crumbs and butter on top and bake 40 minutes in moderate oven. Cream sauce — 2 tablespoons melted butter' 2 tablespoons flour 1 pint milk Put this sauce between layers of cabbage and cheese. 85 Canned, Beans. 1 peck green beans Enough water to cover 1 pint cider vinegar After they reach boiling point, boil 10 minutes. Have jars and lids hot. Seal. Lyonnaise Potatoes. Take six cold boiled potatoes and cut in thin slices. Chop an onion fine and fry to a light brown in a table- spoon of hot butter in a frying pan. Then add the potatoes and fry them also light brown, turning them often. Turn into a hot dish, stirring in a teaspoonful of chopped pars- ley. Escalloped Cabbage. Pour white sauce made of 1 tablespoon butter 1 cup milk 2 tablespoons flour cooked over tender cooked cabbage well drained. Grind bread crumbs, mix with melted butter and spread over the top. Bake about 20 or 30 minutes. French Peas. Drain water from one can of peas. Dice about 4 slices of thin bacon, add one medium sized onion, brown bacon and onion in skillet, stirring constantly, add peas. 1 cup sweet cream, butter size of walnut, salt and pepper to taste. Let boil until thick. To Can Com (Field). 9 cups com % cup salt 1 cup sugar Water enough to cook well, fill sterilized jars and seal. 86 Harvard Beets. V2 cup sugar 1 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon corn starch % cup vinegar 1 tablespoon butter Cook this in skillet and add the beets, previously cooked and diced. Baked Sweet Potatoes. Fresh sweet potatoes cooked or canned sweet potatoes Slice and put in baking dish, add sauce of ^ cup butter M2 cup boiling water 1 cup sugar Let come to a good boil then pour over potatoes, salted, and bake to light brown. Just before serv^ing, place marshmallows on top and brown and serve. Italian Dish. 21/2 pounds pork 1 pimento 1 quart tomatoes 1 medium sized onion salt and pepper to taste Grind pork, cook with tomatoes until brown, add pimento and onion. Cook Vo package spaghetti until done. To sreve — Place meat and tomatoes in center of platter, putting spaghetti around it. To Can Green Beans. 6 quarts beans ( after they are cooked) 3 tablespoons sugar 3 tablespoons salt % cup vinegar Let boil up good and can. 87 Salads Waldorf Salad. IVo cups of tart apples 1 cup chopped celery 1 cup nuts 1 cup white grapes Pineapple and Pear Salad. 1 slice of pineapple place on lettuce leaf, then put V2 of pear on pineapple. Remove pear center, fill with cot- tage cheese to which few nuts have been added, then add paprika. Egg Salad. 9 hard boiled eggs 1 bunch of celery 1 bottle stuffed olives, chopped salt and pepper Moisten with mayonnaise. Serve on lettuce leaf. Apple Salad. 6 apples 1 bunch of celery Chop all together, then add 1 cup of English walnuts. Serve with dressing. Pea Salad. 1 can peas 1 can pimentoes 1 large stalk celery Serve with dressing. Chicken Salad. 1 chicken weighing about 4 pounds. Stew until it falls from bone. When cool put through meat chopper. Salt and pepper to taste. Add V2 as much finely chopped celery as chicken. Mix with salad dressing. 88 Nut Salad. 1 «l()/,(Mi l<]ii_i;iisli wnliiuts I I'lip coKm'v juice o\' nil oraiii^v (Mu)|> in small l>ils lli(> dales, walnuts aiul tH'tory, ndd l\\o juice cl' an orani^'c fruit, mix all to^'cthcr and siu'x c on l(>ttuci> leal" with a ixood salad dressinu' Vegetable Salad. 1 cup cucundxM' 'J cups cabbai^i^ I cup cold l)oiled [>()tat()es 1 cup cel(>ry 'J hard hoi led »\u",j;s I small tuiien 1 s\V(Hd. red pepper S(M"\(> wit h dr(>ssiuu". Marshmallow Salad. 'J cups marshmallews, t'ut tint* 1 cup uuts I cup pint^ipple Mix all teut^ther. ' •_• cup ci'cam wliipped with a little sui^ar. I'our on the mi\lurt> and ser\-e. Meat Salad. 'J IxMiuds o\' veal or hoo\\ cut in small piiM'es 1 pint o\' Vvouch p(»as 1 cup of tine cut celei'v salt to taste M i\ wit h mavtumaisi*. Fruit Salad. 1 can slicivl piiu>ai>plt\ cut in small piiH'OS '•J (io'/iMi bananas, slictMl () or more applt>s. cut tine Mix anci S(M"\(^ with drt^ssiuu" (swtH^t). Chicken Salad. 1 cliickcii, cliopix'tl lijie 1 Imiik'Ii (>r celery a liiil(^ pieUle 1 ciif* of iiiii rnejilH sail, mid |>e|)|)ei" Mix wii li s;il;i(l dressiiiji,'. Pea and Salmon Salad. 1 e;in red sniiiioii 1 cim [x'Jis ',] liard l)(>iled ei!,i;s, il" desire(l Mix with snhid di-essiii;;'. Meat Salad. 2 Clips incMt (ti^roniid) 1 eiip of sliced |)<)l;d()es 1 lar,ij;"e onion ."> svveel, pick les .'1 liai'd hoi led ei;ij;s 1 cn|> oi" celei-y (or celei'y seed ) add mayonnaise dressing;' Bunched Asparag"us Salad. I l)iincli aspai'a.ii;iis 1 laru;(' |)iclifneid(>, |)arsley arnl th(; while of the ejj;'^". Ar'ran^e the as|)ara^iis on leiliice in tli(( form of the original hnncli and lay over the middle of 11 the [tickle, ()imenlo, cL',"'; and [tarsley to look like a hand hoidinu;' the hnncli together. I'oiir Krench dressini;' over all. 90 Bean Salad. 1 can washed kidney beans 3 hard boiled eggs 6 sweet pickles add mayonnaise dressing Pea Salad. 1 can peas V2 ponnd cheese 6 pickles 3 hard boiled eggs mix witli dressing- Bean Salad. 1 can waslied kidney beans 3 sliced bananas 6 sweet pickles Mix with salad dressing. Celery and Apple Baskets. 6 large apples 1 small pimento 1 bunch celery lettuce and mayonnaise Peel the apples and cut off the tops. Scoop out the centers. Chop the celeiy very fine and mix with the part taken out of the center of the apple and mayonnaise dress- ing, about a spoonful to an apple. Replace the chopped apple and celery in the apple shells. Ornament the top of each with pimento. Set on h^ttuce. Salmon Salad. 1 can of salmon 1 small onion 10 sweet pickles 3 stalks celerj^ Cut fine and add mavonnaise or vinegar to moisten. 91 Cheese Salad. 1 pound cheese 1 can pimentoes V2 poniid Eric^lish walnuts 6 sweet pickles 1 bunch celery G hard boiled eggs Mix witli mayouTiaise dressing. AVill serve 20 persons. Fruit Salad. 2 cups diced celery 1 cup of diced pineapple V2 cup of nut meats V2 cup of dressing- Serve on lettuce leaf. Pea Salad. 1 can of peas 3 tablespoonfuls of cheese, cut fine 6 sweet pickles, cut fine 3 hard boiled eggs salad dressing Luncheon Salad. 1 envelope Knox Sparkling Gelatine 1 cup cold water IV2 cups boiling water 1/2 cup lemon juice V2 cup sugar 3 tart apples 1 cup celeiy, cut in small pieces V2 cup pecan nut meats Soak gelatine in cold water five minutes, and dis- solve in boiling water. Add lemon juice and sugar. When mixture begins to stiffen, add apples, sliced in small pieces, chopped celery and broken nut meats. Turn into mold, first dipped in cold water, and chill. Accompany with mayonnaise dressing. This mixture may be served in cases made from bright red apples. 92 Perfection Salad. Soak the contents of 1 envelope of gelatine in Vii cup cold water six minutes. Dissolve in 1 pint boiling water. Add 2 tablespoons vinegar, the juice of 2 lemons, 2 level teaspoons salt and i/i> cup sugar. When the gelatine begins to set, add ^ cup shredded cabbage and % cup cucumbers, V2 cup celery, V2 cup green peppers and 1 can pimentoes which have been chopped finely together. Pour into a mold and put on ice to set. When set cut in cubes and sen^e on a nest of lettuce leaves with dressing. Egg Salad. Hard boiled eggs celery sweet cucumber pickles Cut eggs, celery and pickles just before sersdng, mix with mayonnaise and serve on lettuce leaf. Perfection Salad. 1 envelope Knox Sparkling Gelatine V2 cup cold water 1/2 cup mild vinegar 2 tablespoonfuls lemon juice 2 cups boiling water V2 cup sugar 1 teaspoonful salt 1 cup cabbage, finely shredded 2 cups celery, cut in small pieces 2 pimentoes, cut in small pieces Soak gelatine in cold water five minutes. Add vine- gar, lemon juice, boiling water, sugar, and salt. Strain and when mixture begins to stiffen, add remaining in- gredients. Turn into mold, first dipped in cold water, and chill. Remove to bed of lettuce or endive. Garnish with mayonnaise dressing, or cut in' cubes, and serve in cases made of red or green peppers, or turn into molds lined with canned pimentoes. xA. delicious accompaniment to cold sliced chicken or veal. 93 Fruit Salad. 2 cups pineapple 2 oranges 1 grapefruit 2 cups white sugar V2 cup English walnut meats Dissolve 2 packages of jello, when cool pour over fruit, serve with mayonnaise or whipped cream. Delicious Fruit Salad. Rich, ripe strawberi'ies and sliced bananas in equal quantities, make a delicious salad for spring suppers. Dress with powdered sugar and whipped cream. The salad will not be perfect unless the cream is used gen- erously. Veg"etable Salad. Vii head of chopped cabbage 6 boiled potatoes 5 eggs, boiled hard 3 onions 6 pickles 3 apples 4 stalks of celery salt and pepper to taste salad dressing Fruit Salad. 1 can pineapple, large size 6 large oranges 9 bananas 2V2 cups hickory nuts 2 envelopes of Knox gelatine dissolved in 1 cup of cold water 2^2 pints of boiling water 3 cups sugar Mix all together, let stand until cold. This makes 1 gallon of salad. ^ , 94 New Manhattan Salad. Dissolve a package of Lemon Jell-0 in a pint of boil- ing water and two tablespoonfuls vinegar. While it is cooling, chop one cnp of tart apples, one cup of English walnuts, one cup of celery, and season with salt. Mix these ingredients and pour over them the Jell-0. Cool in individual moulds, and ser\^e with mayonnaise or French dressing on crisp lettuce leaves, garnished with pimentos or radishes. New Style Bavarian Creams. The Bavarian creams made from the following recipe are "new style" in their simplicity and economy and their piquancy of flavor. No sugar, cream or eggs are used in these delightful disLes, but only whipped Jell-0 and fruit juices (the fruit itself only Avhen particularly de- sired). Pineapple Bavarian Cream — Dissolve a package of Lemon Jell-0 in a half pint of boiling water and add a half pint of juice from a can of pineapple. When cold and still liquid whip to consistency of whipped cream. Add a cup of shredded pineapple if you wish. Serves from 9 to 12 persons. Listead of pineapple juice, berry juice or other fruit juices may be used to make similar Bavarian creams. Salmon Salad. 1 can of salmon 3 hard boiled eggs 6 pickles salad dressing- Oyster Saladu 1 can of oysters, chopped and drained 1^/4 cups cracker crumbs 4 hard boiled eggs 3 pickles mix with maygnnaise dressing 95 Salad Dressings Fruit Dressing. For salad to be used with mea"t and vegetable courses. 2 eggs well beaten ^ cup lemon juice V2 cup pineapple juice 1/2 cup sugar Mayonnaise Dressing 4 egg yolks or 2 whole eggs 1 cup of vinegar V2 cup sugar lump of butter Put over fire and let heat in double boiler. Take 1 tablespoon salt 1 tablespoon flour 1 teaspoon mustard Stir into above mixture before it gets hot. Mayonnaise Dressing. 1 cup sour cream 2 egg yolks 1/2 cup vinegar % cup sugar 1 tablespoon flour 1 tablespoon mustard and 1 of salt 1/2 teaspoon pepper Mix and cook sugar, cream, flour, salt and pepper, let cool, add mustard and vingear, last add egg whites. Mix first part with second part and serve on crisp lettuce leaf. Mayonnaise Dressing. 1 cup sugar, cream with 2 eggs, butter size of English walnut, i/i> cup vinegar, 1 teaspoon salt and pepper. Cook in double boiler, when thick set aside and cool. When readv to serve thin with sour cream. 96 Salad Dressing. 2 eggs beaten 1/^ cup lemon juice % cup pineapple juice ^2 cup sugar add corn starch if not thick enough Sweet Dressing. 4 eggs 1 pint sugar 1 ])iut of viucgnr a lump of butter Mix and boil all together until it thickens. Salad Dressing. 2 Qgg 3'olks 1 cup buttermilk Mi cup vinegar 1 tablespoon butter 1 tablespoon flour ^2 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons sugar Beat the eggs, add to tliis tiie Hour, salt and sugar mixed together, then add buttermilk, vinegar aud butter and cook until it thickens. Salad Dressing. Place in double boiler y^ teacup vinegar and let come to a boiling heat, take 1 cup sugar 2 tablespoons flour M2 teaspoon ground mustard yolks of eggs 1 tablespoon melter butter - ^/4 cup cold water Mix all aiid boat until smooth, then pour into boiling vinegar, cook uutil thick. 97 Salad Dressing. 1 cup vinegar 4 tablespoons sugar salt and popper 3 well beaten eggs butter size of a walnut Mix and boil until thick, when cold add one cup whip- ped cream. Uncooked Mayonnaise. Vj cup sour ci'cjini 3 ta])lespoons sugar 1 tablespoon prepared mustard V2 teaspoon salt Beat cream, tlien add sugar, then mustard. Fine for lettuce or slaw. Salad Dressing. 4 eggs well beaten % cup of vinegar V2 cup sugar, scant y2 tablespoon butter 1 teaspoon mustard ] teaspoon salt. pinch of cayenne pepper Sugar, salt and mustard and cayenne pepper mixed together. Add this to eggs and vinegar, then cook. When cool add 1-3 cup of cream. Waldorf Salad Dressing. 8 tablespoons vinegar 16 tablespoons water legg y? teaspoon mustard 1 tablespoon butter V2 cup sugar Beat ego; lightly, add other ingredients, cook in double boiler until thick, thin with whipped cream. 98 Mayonnaise Dressing'. 3 whole eggs or 6 egg yolks y2 teaspoon cornstarch 1 teaspoon mustard dissolved in vinegar and then fill the cup np with vinegar. Put this in the eggs. % cup of sugar. Add butter, celery salt, salt, curry powder. Salad Dressing. 1 cup vinegar 1 egg 1 tablespoon each of flour and butter salt and pepper Cook in double boiler. Thousand and One Island Dressing. First part — 1 tablespoon flour 2 tablespoons sugar 1,4 tablespoon dry mustard 1 tablespoon salt 4 tablespoons vinegar 2 tablespoons water legg 3 tablespoons olive oil or butter Mix vinegar, water and egg together. Second part — 6 mushrooms V2 cooked beet 12 green olives 1 canned pimento 1-3 green sweet pickle 1 or 2 tablespoons chives or onions 1 hard boiled egg dash of pepper 1/2 pint double cream Mix chopped mixture with cooked dressing, add cay- enne pepper. Then add cream and liard boiled egg riced. 99 Ideal Salad Dressing. 1 egg 4 pounds vinegar 1 pound flour 1 pound sugar 1 tablespoon salt 1 tablespoon dry mustard 1 tablespoon paprika 2 tablespoons pepper 1 onion size of walnut 1 pimento 8 ripe olives V2 cup thick cream Soups Com Soup. Cook for 20 minutes 1 can corn 1 pint milk, scalded 1 pint boiling water 1 sliced onion Mix 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons flour Stir into liot milk. 1 teaspoon salt, cayenne. Strain thru as pulp. If wished to be a little thick add 2 eggs. Do not let it cook but a minute after eggs are added. Cream Tomato Soup. 1 pint tomatoes, cooked and run through seive, add salt, pepper and butter to taste. In another vessel put 1 pint boiling water and 1 quart sweet milk. Just before sei-ving i/4 teaspoon soda to tomatoes, then pour milk and water into tomatoes, stir- ring rapidly. Sei'\"e immediately. 100 Tomato Bouillon. 1 peck of ripe tomatoes 2 bunches of celery 1 red pepper 1 green pepper 2-3 bunch of parsley 5 small onions Boil thoroughly and strain through a coarse sieve or fine colander, then add V^ cup sugar, teaspoon salt, Mi cup flour, VL' cup butter, boil and seal. Makes 6 pints. Dilute when you use, same as Campbell's soup. Cream Soups. 1 (piart of milk 1 tablespoon chopped onions 2 stalks celery 1 tablespoon flour 1 tablespoon butter salt and pepper to taste This may be used with many different vegetables such as: cabbage, carrots, asparagus, potatoes, tomatoes and cauliflower. Potato Soup. Let a small onion, finely chopped, simmer in a table- spoon of butter for a few minutes, then add half a table- spoon of flour. To this add one pint of milk, stirring to a creamy consistency, then add 3 or 4 mashed potatoes. Strain and heat again, stirring well. Season with salt and pepper. Tomato Soup. 1 quart of sweet milk y^ can of tomatoes, strained V2 teaspoon of soda Heat the milk and tomatoes separately. Stir soda in tomatoes until it foams, add the milk with butter, pepper and salt and let come to boil. 101 Noodles. 2 well beaten eggs 1/2 cup rich milk 1 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon baking powder enough flour for stiff dough, then roll into round sheets as thin as possible and let lie until dry, cut into narrow strips and cook 10 or 15 minutes in chicken or beef broth. Noodle Soup. Chicken soup is best, but can use beef stock if pre- ferred, 3 eggs Y2 teaspoon salt flour to mix very stiff. Roll thin, let dry, roll and slice very thin. Put into boiling stock and let cook for 10 minutes. Sauces Pudding Sauce. V2 cup of butter 1 cup of sugar V2 cup of boiling water 1 tablespoon of flour 2 egg whites Cook in double boiler Lemon Sauce. 2 eggs V2 cup sugar 2 tablespoons butter 1 tablespoon corn starch 1 cup boiling water juice of 1/2 lemon 102 Pudding Sauce. 1 (nip siig-ar 1 ogg yolk 1 tablespoon butter 2 tablespoons flour 2 tablespoons vinegar flavor to taste Sift sng-ar and flour together. Then mix in butter and egg. Pour enough boiling water on to make it about as thick as cream. Jelly Sauce for Pudding. 2 cups of boiling water 1 tablespoon butter 1 glass of dark jelly Let this come to a boil and thicken with corn starch. Lemon Sauce. 1 cup sugar 1 cup boiling water 2 tablespoons flour 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons lemon juice salt Mix sugar, flour and salt together to which add boil- ing water in double boiler and add lemon juice and butter. Chocolate Sauce. 1 ounce of unsweetened chocolate 1 tablespoon of butter 1 cup of sugar 1 tablespoon of flour 2-3 cup of boiling water . M2 teaspoon of vanilla Melt chocolat(\ then add butter, mix flour and sugar together, then add boiling water, mix all together and boil 15 minutes. Vanilla. 103 Pudding Sauce. 2 cups water 1 cup sugar 1 tablespoon corn starch 1 tablespoon butter flavoring to suit taste Sauce for Pudding. 1 cup sugar 2 cups hot water 1 tablespoon flour 1 tablespoon each vanilla, lemon, vinegar and butter Let come to a boil. Serve hot. Sauce for Pudding. 1 cup sugar 1/2 cup butter Stir in one i)int boiling milk. If desired just before serving add two well beaten eggs. Brown Sugar Sauce. 1/4 cup brown sugar % cup hot water 2 tablesx^oons butter 1 tablespoon flour salt Mix sugar, flour and salt, add hot water slowly, stir until it boils and boil two minutes, add butter and serve hot. 104 Pickles Cold Relish. 3 or 4 carrots 2 large heads of cabbage 9 red and 9 sweet peppers S medium onions Mi cup of salt added to the above mixture after it has been run thru the food grindei'. Let stand 2 or .3 hours, then drain thoroughly and add 3 pints of vinegar 2 pints of sugar 2 tablespoons white mustard seed 2 tablespoons celery seed dash of ground red pepper Mix and can cold in self-sealers. Do not cook the carrots. It is good lookin, good to taste and easy to make. Piccalilli. 1-3 measure chopped green tomatoes 2-3 measure chopped cabbage grated horseradish to taste black and white mustard seed cover with vinegar Cucumber Pickles. 1 gallon vinegar 2 tablespoons ground mustard 1 teaspoon saccharine (level) V2 cup horseradish % cup salt Scald pickles in the evening. In the morning put pickles in cans or jars. Cut the horseradish up fine and mix all ingredients together cold and pour over the pickles and seal. Do not heat the mixture as it will spoil the pickles. 105 Pepper Hash. 4 dozen mangoes 2 dozen onions Chop separately. Mix and coyer with boiling water, let stand 5 minutes. Have boiling 3 pints vinegar, 3 cups sugar and 5 tablespoons salt. Squeeze out onions and mangoes, put in scalding syrup. Do not boil. Can. Com Salad. 2 dozen ears of corn 2 heads of cabbage 12 mangoes 4 tablespoons of ground mustard 2 cups sugar 2 tablespoons salt 2 quarts of vinegar Boil 20 minutes. Seal. Spiced Fruits. For each 7 pounds of fruit as peaches, pears, cherries, etc., allow: 3 pounds of sugar 1 pint of vinegar 2 teaspoons cinnamon 1 teaspoon cloves Chili Sauce. 18 ripe tomatoes 3 onions 1 green pepper chopped V2 cup sugar 2 tablespoons salt 2 cups vinegar 1 teaspoon each of all different kinds of spices Slice tomatoes, add other ingredients and cook for 2 hours. Can and seal while hot. 106 Celery Relish. 6 bunches celery 11/2 teaspoons tnmieric 15 medium ripe tomatoes 1 red pepper 2 cups sugar 2 tablespoons salt 1 teaspoon each of ground mustard, cloves, allspice, cucumber and celeiy seed IMi cups vinegar Chop celery, tomatoes and peppers, add spices and vinegar. Cook l^/^ hours. Cucumber Relish. 1 quart large cucumbers, peeled 1 quart small cucumbers, not peeled 1 quart green tomatoes 1 head cabbage 3 mangoes 1 quart onions, chopped fine Let all stand over night in a brine made of cup salt and 1 gallon water. Next morning drain, heat liquor and pour over again, drain again. Make a dressing of 1 cup flour 4 cups sugar 4 tablespoons mustard 1 tablespoon turmeric 2 quarts vinegar Boil and pour over hot. French Pickles. 2 large heads cabbage 18 large onions 20 cucumbers, sliced 20 very small cucumbers 1 quart small onions Put this amount in salt over night, drain well in the morning. Cook 1 quart green beans until tender and drain. 107 1 quart green or dried butter beans. Add the above all together, then cook in weak vinegar 15 minutes. Second part — 5 quarts vinegar 1 ounce celery seed 1 ounce turmeric 1 pint grated horseradish % ounce white mustard 1-3 teaspoon ground black pepper 2 pounds brown sugar 1-3 teacup ground mustard Put this on stove and boil, then put with the other part and let boil up and then can. Mustard Pickles. 1 gallon vinegar 1 cup sugar y2 cup salt y2 cup ground mustard Mix and pour over cucumbers. Ready for use in about two weeks. Tomato Catsup (Cooked). 2 quarts ripe tomato pulp 2 tablespoons salt 1 finely chopped onion 3 tablespoons brown sugar Boil until thick, then put thru seive, return to stove. Add 2 tablespoons mustard 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper 1 tablespoon allspice V2 teaspoon cloves ^ teaspoon nutmeg 2 cups vinegar Boil up good and can. 108 Cold Relish. 1 peck tomatoes 4 green peppers 5 onions 2 cups chopped celery i/i> teaspoonful ground cloves 1 teaspoonful cinnamon 1 teaspoonful pepper mustard seed to taste 1/2 cup salt 4 cups brown sugar 5 cups cold vinegar Chop tomatoes and let stand over night. Add other ingredients chopped. Stir. Put in cans cold. New England Tomato Soy. Peel and chop a peck of ripe tomatoes till fine. Cook in preserving kettle with 1/2 teaspoonful whole cloves 1/^ teaspoonful spice 1 scant taespoonful salt 1 teaspoonful black pepper 3 red peppers 5 onions chopped fine Boil for one hour, then add one quart cider vinegar. When cool bottle and seal. Beet and Cabbage Pickles. 1 quart chopped cabbage 1 quart ground cooked beets 2 cups sugar 1 tablespoon salt 1/2 cup grated horseradish 1 teaspoon black pepper Mix all together, cover with cold vingear, cover and let stand until next morning, then can in glass jars, having plenty of liquid in top of jars. 109 Beet Pickles. Cook beets in water until done. Then peel, slice in cans and pour over them till the can is full the following: 1 cup vinegar 1 cup sugar 1 level tablespoon spices Pour over beets in can boiling hot. Chow Chow. 1 quart of beans, green and yellow 1 quart small whole cucumbers 1 quart large sliced cucumbers 1 quart small button onions 1 quart sliced green tomatoes 1 large cauliflower cut in pieces 4 green peppers cut fine Make a brine of 1 pint of salt in enough water to cover the vegetables and let stand 24 hours. Then heat the entire mixture enough to scald, and turn into a colander to drain and throw the salt water away. Mix 1 cup of flour Mix 1 cup of flour, 6 tablespoons of mustard and 1 tablespoon of turmeric with enough vinegar to make 2i/^ quarts in all. Boil this mixture until it thickens and is smooth, stirring all the time. Finally add the vegetables and cook until thoroughly heated. Tomato Jelly. 1/2 cup water 1 can tomatoes 4 cloves 1 onion sliced dash of pepper 2 stalks celery 1 bay leaf Cook 20 minutes. Put thru sieve. For each cup of tomatoes use 2 teaspoons of granulated gelatine. Serve with maj^'onnaise, thinned with cream. 110 Cold Catsup. 6 pints ripe tomatoes (peeled and chopped) 2 cups chopped celery 4 tablespoons chopped red x^eppers 8 tablespoons chopped onions 2 tablespoons salt 12 tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon cloves 2 teaspoons cinnamon 1 teaspoon mustard 2 teaspoons nutmeg 4 cups vinegar Mix all together and put m a stone jar. Makes jne gallon. Will keep one year. Cold Cucumber Pickles. 1 gallon vinegar 1 cup salt 2 cups brown sugar (more if desired) 1 cup ground mustard 1/2 cup mixed pickling spices Mix all ingredients and stir well, then add cucumbers washed as they are gathered. Keep weighted down as they will not stay down in jar. These are not to be sealed but to be kept in an earthern jar. Relish. 1 quart red tomatoes 1 large head cabbage 1 quart green tomatoes 1 dozen onions 4 red peppers 4 green peppers Chop fine, salt over night. In the morning, drain, add 2 quarts of vinegar, 5 cups of sugar, 1/2 cup of mustard seed, 1 tablespoon of celery seed and 1 cup of grated horseradish. Cook 20 minutes and seal. Ill Mixed Yellow Pickles. 2 large heads cabbage, shredded 18 onions 20 cucumbers sliced 2 quarts small cucumbers whole 1 quart string beans 1 quart celery cut up Salt above separately, let stand 1 day and night and drain. Cover with weakened vinegar, let stand 1 day and night and drain. Add 1/4 pound white mustard seed 2 ounces celery seed 1 ounce turmeric 2 tablespoons black pepper % pint grated horseradish Mix well through vegetables. Scald 5 quarts vinegar, 2 pounds brown sugar. Pour over all, repeat for 3 morn- ings. Last mix I/2 teacup ground yellow mustard in vine- gar and mix through well. Beverages Hot Chocolate. Dissolve 3 tablespoons of grated chocolate in 1 pint boiling water, boil for 10 minutes. Add 1 pint rich milk, let come to boil, sweeten to taste and serve hot. Punch. Juice of 3 lemons 1 orange 1 pint grape juice 1 cup sugar 1 cup water 1 pint apple juice Mix all together and strain. Add large piece of ice. 112 Lemonade. Juice of 2 lemons 2 large cups sugar ^ cup cherry juice 2 quarts water More sugar can be added if desired. Cherry Juice. To 1 pint cherry juice add juice of 1 lemon, 1 pint of water, sugar to taste. Beef Tea. Cut very fine 1 pound of good lean beef and put into glass jar with 1 cup of cold water. Seal and put in boiler or steamer to cook for 3 or 4 hours, strain and serve. Cocoa. Use 1 rounding teaspoon of cocoa and IMi teaspoons of sugar to each cup milk. Put cocoa and sugar into V2 cup of cream and bring to the boiling point stirring con- stantly. Put milk in double boiler. Then stir cocoa into it and if desired add 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla. Serve with teaspoon of whipped cream in each cup. Grape Frappe. 7 cups water 5V2 cups grape juice 1 cup orange juice 31/2 cups sugar 1/2 cup lemon juice Boil sugar and water 20 minutes, add juices and strain. Put in 2 cups cracked ice and serve. Grape Juice. 12 pounds grapes 3 quarts of water Crush. grapes and boil 15 minutes. Strain and add 3 pounds white sugar. When sugar is dissolved strain through a cloth and heat to boiling point. Seal. 113 Ginger Water (Harvest Drink). 1 cup sugar 1/4 cup vinegar 1 tablespoon Jamaica ginger, or 2 tablespoons ginger Mix all together and add V^ gallon cold water. Lemon juice may be added, also cracked ice. Dixie Punch. Juice of 6 lemons juice of 2 oranges 1 pint of crushed strawberries 1 gallon of water 1 pound of sugar 2 oranges cut in cubes Mix all together and chill with ice. Pineapple Lemonade. 2 cups water 1 cup of sugar 1 can of grated pineapple juice of 3 lemons Cool, strain and add ice water Harvest Drink. This is the drink that is relished in the hay-field. Take 1/4 cup vinegar, 1 cup molasses with 10 cups water, add level tablespoons of ginger, more or less, according to the fondness for the taste. Serve very cold. J14 Conserves, Jams, Preserves Grape Conserve. 3 pints grape pulp juice of 3 oranges 3 pounds sugar 2 pounds seedless raisins Cook grape pulp and orange juice until quite low. Cook skins witli "2 pounds of seedless raisins until soft, add sugar and pulp. Cook until quite thick and can. When opened, add chopped nuts. Delicious Cranberries. 11-3 pints sugar 1 pint water 1 quart cranberries Boil sugar and water together for a few minutes, put in cranberries, cover, remove from fire and let stand 5 minutes. Place on fire and cook again 5 minutes, then allow to cool still covered. They will look like candied cherries. Pickled Peaches. 8 pounds of peaches 4 pounds of sugar 1 quart of vinegar cinnamon and cloves Heat vinegar, sugar and spices together, when boil- ing add peaches and cook until tender, then can but re- move spices as they will turn pickles quite dark. Pinecot. Let apricots soak all night, then grind through food chopper. Use grated pineapple. For each cup of pineapple and each cup of apricots, allow 1 cup of sugar. Cook down and seal. 115 Plum Conserve. 4 pounds plums 1 cup seeded raisins 2 oranges sugar juice of 1 lemon y2 pound English walnuts Wash plums, remove stones, add raisins and oranges which have been sliced fine. Measure, add % cup of sugar to each cup of fruit and juice. Put into kettle, cook slowly until thick like jam, add lemon juice and chopped nuts. Pour into sterilized jar and seal. Pineapple Delight. ^V2 pints crushed strawberries 2 pints pineapple after it has been ground Ty2 pints sugar 1 pint water Mix all together and boil hard for 20 minutes but in small quantities. Fill jelly glasses, covering with paraffin. Fig-lade. Get preserved figs and grind, also apricots that have been soaked over night and grind. Use about 2-3 as much sugar as fruit. Cook down until like jam and seal. Raspberry-Rhubarb Marmalade. Raspberries rhubarb sugar Take 2-3 amount of raspberries to 1-3 amount of rhubarb and just as much sugar as you have fruit. Cook 20 minutes after it commences to boil, can and seal. Pear Honey. 1 pound ground pears 1 pound sugar Mix together and cook 20 minutes, can and seal. 116 Cranberry Jelly. 4 cups cranberries 1 cup water Cook cranberries and water until soft. Let cool, press through a wire strainer, there will be about 2 cups of juice and pulp. Add an equal part of sugar and stir until sugar is dissolved. Tjet boil up, skim and turn into little cups and set away to become firm. For a salad serve on hearts of lettuce with a mayonnaise dressing and garnish with chopped celery and nuts. Cherry Delight. 4^/2 pints ground cherries 2 pints ground pineapple 8 pints sugar 1 pint water Mix all together and boil hard for 25 minutes, but in small quantities. Fill jelly glasses, covering with paraffin. Blackberry-Rhubarb Marmalade. Blackben^es rhubarb sugar Take 2-3 as many blackberries as rhubarb and just as much sugar as fruit. Cook 20 minutes, can and seal. Baked Cranberries. 1 quart cranberries 2 cups water 3 cups sugar Mix all together and bake one hour. Orange Marmalade. 4 oranges 1 lemon slice thin as possible 1 quart of juice and pulp Add 2 quarts of water and let stand 24 hours. Then 117 cook over slow fire until rinds are tender. Cut rinds in small pieces. Let stand 24 hours where it will keep cool. To each quart of fruit add 1 quart of sugar. Boil until thickens and orange is clear. Apricot Conserve. 2 pounds dried apricots 4 pounds sugar 1 large can grated pineapple Wash apricots and run through food chopper. Cover with water, soak a short time, then add sugar and pine- apple, cook about lialf hour. Care should be taken that it doesn't stick as it burns easily. This should make 4 quarts. Strawberry Preserves. 3 pounds strawberries 3 pounds sugar Cook sugar and small quantity of water together until it threads, add fij.uit, boil 15 minutes, remove scum. Let cool. Can when cold. Pear Honey. 8 pounds pears 16 pounds granulated sugar 1 can pineapple Peel pears, run through the food chopper, then weigh Grrind pineapple, mix with ground pears, add sugar, boil 20 minutes. At the end of this time it should drop from spoon like honey. Be careful, don't cook too long as it will go to sugar. Will make 11 quarts. 118 Candies Heavenly Hash Candy. 11/2 pints of cream 1 pint of Silver Drip synip 6 cnps sugar 1 pound of English walnuts 1 pound almonds Boil syrup, sugar and cream until it makes soft ball in water, then take from the stove and stir in nuts. Stir as long as possible. Cracker Jack. 3 tablespoons molasses (sorghum) 1 tablespoon butter Vo cup sugar 1-3 cup water 1^ teaspoon soda 1/4 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons vinegar Add soda after removing from the stove. Boil until it threads, then pour over 1 gallon of pop corn. Peanut Butter Fudge. IMj cups sugar 2 tablespoons peanut butter Mj cup milk Mix all together and boil until forms soft ball when dropped in water. Remove from stove and beat until creamy. Pour in buttered pan and let cool. Walnut Creams. Dissolve 1 pound powdered sugar in I/2 teacupful of water, boil five minutes and let cool slowly stirring it con- stantly, add flavor when cold. Form into small balls, press Y2 English walnut on one side and drop into granu- lated sugar. 119 Fudge. 3 cups sugar 1 cup creamy milk 1 cup nuts ^ teaspoon soda 1/2 cup chocolate 1 ounce butter 2 tablespoons syrup Mix sugar, milk, chocolate and syrup and cook until it forms a soft ball in water. Then add soda and nuts. Stir until thick and creamy, then beat until cold. Peanut Brittle. 1% cups sugar % pound Karo syrup 1 pint water 1 pound peanuts 1 tablespoon soda 1 tablespoon vanilla Cook until hard when dropped in water. Chocolate Fudge. 3 cups granulated sugar 1 cup cream % cup milk 1-3 cup Karo syrup 1/4 cake Baker's chocolate Cook until makes a soft ball in water. Remove from fire, add butter size of walnut, add cup of chopped nuts. Beat until thick, then pour in pan. Chocolate Fudge. 2 cups sugar 1 tablespoon corn syrup 2 squares chocolate Just enough milk and cream to stir well. Cook until forms a soft ball in water. When almost cool beat until stiff and pour on buttered plate and cut in squares. 120 Mexican Candy. 2 cups brown sugar V2 cup water 1 tablespoon butter % cup nuts Cook to a boiling point, add butter, then cook until forms soft ball in water, then add nuts. Beat and pour on buttered plate and cut in squares. Fudge. 2 cups sugar 3 tablespoons cocoa 1 cup sweet cream Boil until forms soft ball in water. Add 1 cup nuts and 1 tablespoon vanilla. Beat until thick and pour in buttered plate and cut in squares. Fudge. 2 cups sugar 2 tablespoons cocoa 1 cup milk 2 tablespoons w^hite syrup 1 teaspoon vanilla Mix sugar and cocoa, add milk and syrup and cook until a soft ball is formed in water. Let cool, add flavor- ing, beat and add nuts. Heavenly Hash. Part one — 1 cup sugar ^ cup water Part two — 2 cups sugar 1 cup white syrup 1 cup water 1 tablespoon vinegar Cook each part separately until forms a ball in cold w^ater. Beat part one into whites of 2 well beaten eggs, 121 add 1/4 teaspoonful of cream tartar, add part 2 and beat well. Add 1 square of chocolate into parts of mixture, nuts or cocoanut as desired. Flavor to taste. Fondant. 2 cups sugar 1 cup hot water 1/4 teaspoon cream tartar Dissolve sugar in water, add cream tartar. Boil to soft ball stage without stirring, taking care to keep crystals from side of pan with a wet cloth. Pour on a cold platter and when cool beat to a creamy mass. Divinity. 2-3 cup syrup 2 cups sugar 1-3 cup hot water Cook until hard, beat the whites of 2 eggs, add 2 ounces chopped nuts, 2 ounces of chopped dates. Pour on hot syrup beating all the time. Fudge. 2 cups sugar 2 tablespoons cocoa 1 cup rich milk Cook until forms a soft ball dropped in water. Pour out while warm. Fudge. 2 cups sugar 1 cup cream 1 square Baker's chocolate 1 tablespoon butter 1 teaspoon vanilla Cook until forms a soft ball dropped in water, remove from fire, add 1 cup nuts and beat until thick, pour on buttered pan, cut in squares. 122 French Vanilla Creams. Break into a bowl the whites of 2 eggs, add an equal quantity of water measured in % ^gg shell, then stir in enough confectioner's sugar to make stift enough to mold. Knead well. This is the foundation for all French creams. Add flavoring, nuts or chocolate, form into shapes and lay on buttered paper until ready to box. Stutfed Dates — Remove the seeds from the dates and fill the cavity with French cream. Divinity. 3 cups sugar % cup Karo syrup % cup water 2 egg whites 1 cup chopped nuts flavoring Cook sugar, syrup and water together and boil until mixture threads from spoon. Add this to the well beaten egg whites and beat. Add nuts and flavoring. Turn out when beaten real stiff. Butter Scotch. Melt 1 pound of brown sugar in a pan without water, add ^/4 pound butter beaten to a cream and stir constantly, flavor with a little ginger. Divinity Candy. SYz cups sugar 1 cup com syrup ^ cup water 3 eggs whites Boil water, syrup and sugar until it hardens when dropped in cold water. Have eggs beaten very stiff and pour syrup slowly into whites and beat until creamy, add 1 cup chopped nut meats. A pint measure may be used with the same amount of eggs making a larger receipe. 123 Chocolate Caramels. 2 cups molasses 1 cup brown sugar 1 cup cream or milk 1/4 pound unsweetened chocolate 4 tablespoons butter Put all ingredients into pan. Boil until it hardens in cold water, add 1 teaspoon vanilla and turn into buttered tins. When nearly cold cut into small squares. Date and Peanut Paste. 1 cup stoned dates 1 cup peanut butter 1 teaspoon salt 14 cup confectioners sugar Wash and drv dates, put through food chopper, add peanut butter and salt. Mix and roll into small balls, then cover with sugar. Lay on plate to dry. Taffy. 2 cups sugar 1 cup water 1 teaspoon cream tartar butter size of English walnut Do not stir, cook until it snaps in water. Pour into plate and let cool enough to puU. Fruit Cheese. 1/2 pound raisins 1/2 pound currants 1/2 pound dates 1/2 pound figs 1/2 pound blanched almonds 1/0 pound English walnuts Grind all together and mix well, pack tight and leave for two or three days and cut in squares and roll in powd- ered sugar. 124 French Dainties (Candy). 2 envelopes Kiiox Acidulated Gelatine * 4 cnps granulated sugar 1^2 cups boiling water 1 cup cold water Soak tlie gelatine in cold water five minutes. Add the boiling water. When dissolved add the sugar and boil slowly for fifteen minutes. Divide into two equal parts. When somewhat cooled add to one part one-half teaspoon- ful of the' Lemon Flavor found in separate envelope, dis- solved in one tablespoonful water, and one tablespoonful lemon extract. To the other part add one-half teaspoon- ful extract of cloves. Pour into shallow tins that have been dipped in cold water. Let stand over night; turn out and cut into squares. Roll in fine granulated or powdered sugar and let stand to ciystallize. Vary by using different flavors and colors, and adding chopped nuts, dates or figs. Fudge. 2 cups of sugar 1 cup cream 1 square of chocolate 1 tablespoon of butter add vanilla Beat, add a cup of English walnuts. Nut Fudge. 4 cups sugar 1 cup syrup iy2 cups sweet cream Cook together until it makes soft ball in cold water. Let cool a little beating constantly just before it grains, add IM? cups chopped nut meats. Pour in buttered pan. Puflfed Rice Brittle. Crisp rice before using Boil together one cup of granulated sugar, one-half cup of water, teaspoonful vinegar, for five minutes; then add two teaspoonfuls molasses, butter size of walnut, half 125 teaspoon salt. Boil until a few drops in cold water be- come hard and brittle. Take from fire, stir in one-half package Quaker Puffed jRice ipriveously wamied and spread on dish to cool. Taffy. 2 cups sugar 2 pounds syrup Cook until thick, add ^4 cup vinegar. When nearly done add 1 tablespoon butter, pinch soda. Remove from fire, add 2 teaspoons vanilla. Nougat. 3 cups sugar 1 cup water 1 cup corn syrup add flavoring Boil these until it threads real good. Have previous- ly beaten up the wliites of two eggs and beat the above syrup in it. Beat thorouglily until it gets thick and add nuts. Pour in buttered pan. Butter Scotch Candy. 2 cups of sugar 1 cup sweet cream 1 cup butter 1 cup syrup Boil all together until it forms a hard ball when drop- ped in cold water, walnuts may be added, pour in a but- tered pan. Heavenly Hash. IV2 pints cream 1 pint Silver Drip syrup 6 cups sugar 1 pound each English walnuts and almonds Boil until it makes a soft ball in water, then take from stove and stir in nuts and stir as long as possible. Put ir; pan and cut in squares. 126 Sandwiches Cheese Sandwiches. V2 lb- cheese. 3 sweet encumber pickles. Grind thrn food chopper. Thin out with mayonnaise dressing. Place between buttered bread. Chocolate Sandwiches. 1 large banana. 2 tablespoons cocoa Mash banana to a cream, then work in tlie cocoa and then put in a few tablespoons of mayonnaise. Then place between buttered bread. Dried Beef Sandwich. For a dozen sandwiches soak a half pound of dried beef in cold water for a half hour ; then take out and press out all the water. Roll in flour and fiy in butter, place between thin slices of buttered bread. Wrap in oiled paper. Indian. Mix mashed sardines with the yolk or whole of hard boiled egg and cooked salad dressing. Spread on uiibut- tered bread. New. Add two tablespoonfuls of water to three tablespooii- fuls of peanut butter. Beat until creamy then add two tablespoonfuls catsup. Mix well and spread on unbut- tered bread. Salmon. To one cup salmon chopped fine add three tablespoon- fuls of cooked salad dressing. Season with salt and spread on buttered bread. 127 Sandwich Fillers. There is no off season for sandwiches for when they are not doing duty as the main part of the scliool lunch they are in demand for the picnic supper. Sandwich fill- ings need to vary according to the season of year as well as for the individual meal. Date Sandwich. Mi cup dates Vz cup English walnuts % cup sweet cream Mix all ingredients together and spread between buttered slices of bread. Ham and Egg- Sandwich. M> cup cold minced boiled ham 2 yolks of hard boiled eggs 1 teaspoon of melted butter 1 teaspoon lemon juice Spread between slices of buttered bread. Celery. Equal parts of finely minced celery and cheese moist- ened with two tablespoonfuls of salad dressing. Season with salt and paprika and spread on thin slices of bread spread with melted butter. Marshmallow. Put sixteen marshmallows in the top of a boiler and soften them over hot water. Add four teaspoonfuls chop- ped nut meats. Spread at once on buttered crackers or bread. Ham Sandwiches. 1 pound ham (ground) 6 hard boiled eggs 10 sweet pickles % cup nut meats Mix with dressing. 128 Date. To one cup stoned and chopped dates add one table- spoonful orange juice. Mix well and sprinkle with a little cinnamon. Use buttered whole wheat bread. Fig. Chop fine one cup figs, cook to a paste with one-half cup water. Add one teaspoon lemon juice and cool. Spread on buttered bread and sprinkle with chopped nuts. The kind of sandwiches to make for any occasion de- pends upon the people who are to eat the sandwiches. If boys are to be satisfied the slices of bread should be thick, the filling generous and the crusts left on tlie bread, but for girls the bread should be cut as thin as possible, the butter creamed to spread evenly and thinly. Each sand- wich should be wrapped in waxed paper to retain mois- ture and freshness. Peanut Sandwiches. 1 cup peanuts chopped fine, add 1 teaspoonful sugar and white of 1 egg beaten very stiff. Cut thin slices of bread and butter and spread with the same. Will make 12 sandwiches. Sandwich Filler. ^ pound ham or any meat (ground) 3 hard boiled eggs 4 stalks of celery ^/4 pound of cheese ^/4 pound nut meats Moisten with a salad dressing. Sausage Sandwiches. Fry the sausage until a nice brown and when cool mix into it a little fine cut celery and season with pepper and add a few fine cut pickles. Take thin slices of but- tered bread, cover with lettuce leaves and place the sau- sage between. 129 Picnic Sandwiches. Chop English wahiuts and olives equal parts and mix with good boiled ham chopped or ground veiy fine. Cut bread in thin slices, butter and add filling. Deviled Sandwiches. Mix into y2 pound cream cheese worked to a paste 3 hard boiled eggs chopped fine, season with salt and pepper to taste and mustard. Add mayonnaise and spread on buttered bread. Frozen Desserts Pineapple Sherbet. 3 pints thick cream 1 quart diced pineapple juice of 4 lemons 4 cups sugar Let pineapple, lemon juice and sugar be mixed to- gether, stand until dissolved, pour into freezer and let stand 15 minutes. Pour in cream with enough whole milk to fill the freezer to freeze nively, let all stand until thoroughly cooled. Freeze real stiff. Enough for 11/2 gallons. Double Three Cream. 3 oranges 3 bananas 3 cups water 3 lemons 3 cups sugar 3 eggs 1 small can grated pineapple (not the juice) Mash bananas, add beaten eggs, use juice and pulp of lemons and oranges and other ingredients. Freeze like ice cream. —5 130 Apricot Cream. 1 quart cream 1 quart milk 3 oranges 1 lemon 1 can apricots iy2 pounds sugar 11/2 pints warm water Squeeze the juice from oranges and lemon, rub the apricots through a collander, add this to the water and sugar stirring until sugar is dissolved. Freeze cream and milk until mushy, then add the fruit mixture and finish freezing. Will make 5 quarts. Frozen Custard. 1 quart of milk 1 cup sugar 3 eggs Cook in double boiler until thick, cool, add V2 cup each of nuts and figs. Add 1 teaspoon of vanilla and freeze as ice cream. Ice Cream. 2y2 cup sugar 3 eggs ly^ quarts milk 1 quart cream 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 teaspoon lemon 3 heaping tablespoons com starch Mix 1/2 cup sugar with com starch, dissolve with a little cold milk, then add the beaten eii;g yolks. Heat the milk in a double boiler, then stir in the above mixture and add the rest of the sugar. Cook 15 minutes longer remove from fire and cool. Strain through cloth into freezer, add cream, beaten egg whites and flavoring. Finish filling freezer with milk and freeze. A 6-quart freezer should be used for this recipe. 131 Ice Cream, No. 2. 2 Mi quarts milk 1^/2 quarts cream 21/^ teaspoons vanilla 1% tablespoons corn starch 2 cups sugar 4 eggs Let one quart of milk come to a boil and'thicken with c^m starch. Let cool. Beat the eggs and sugar together then add flavoring, cream and milk. This will make ivl gallons. Pineapple Ice. 1 quart sugar 3 pints water 1 large can sliced pineapple juice of 4 lemons 1 quart cream Boil sugar and water until sugar is dissolved, then cool, add pmeapple and lemon juice, when half frozen add the cream. Lemon Ice. 1 quart milk 1 quart sugar whites of 2 eggs well beaten 1 quart water juice 6 lemons Mix milk, sugar and water, place in freezer, freeze to mush, then add lemon juice, freeze a little longer, then add whites of eggs and finish freezing. Maple Parfait. 4 whole eggs or yolks of 8 eggs beaten thoroughly 1 cup hot maple syrup Then put in a double boiler and cook until real thick stirring constantly. Cool and stir into this 1 pint cream whipped very stiff. Pack in freezer with equal parts of salt and ice and stand 4 hours. 132 Orange Ice. 8 oranges 2 lemons whites of 2 eggs 31/4 pints sugar 314 quarts water 1 tablespoon orange fruit coloring Roll, squeeze and strain the juice of the oranges and lemons. Boil the sugar and water together for 15 min- utes, then add to the fruit juice, cool, add 1 tablespoon of orange fruit coloring. Add the beaten whites of eggs and 1 pint of cream when you begin to freeze. Walnut Cream. 2 cups scalded milk 1 tablespoon flour 1 quart rich milk 1 cup walnuts 1 cup sugar 2 eggs 1 tablespoon vanilla 1/4 teaspoon salt Mix flour, sugar and salt, add beaten eggs and milk Cook in double boiler 20 minutes stirring constantly When cool add cream, flavoring and nuts, then freeze. Binola. 6 egg whites 1/^ box gelatine V2 pound English walnut meats 1 teaspoon vanilla 6 tablespoons sugar 1/4 pound candied cherries 3 bananas Dissolve gelatine in 3 tablespoons of cold water, add a scant I/2 cup of hot water, place on stove and stir until gelatine is thoroughly dissolved. Then cool add to sugar, vanilla and whites of eggs (well beaten). Stir until it 133 begins to jell, then add fruit and nnts, which have been prepared by cutting" cherries in halves, dice the bananas, and chop the nuts. Pour into a long narrow pan and slice as ice cream. Fruit Ice Cream. 1 can apricots juice of 1 orange juice of 1 lemon (if desired) 2 cups sugar 2 eggs Beat yolks and sugar together and cook, with some milk, beat this into the beaten whites. Sieve the apricots, add to above mixture, add enuogh whole milk to make 1 gallon of ice cream. Mint Ice Cream. 3 cups sugar 5 eggs 5 or 6 sticks mint candy 4 tablespoons flour 1 quart thick cream whipped 1 quart milk Let milk come to a boiling point, add sugar, flour and eggs. Let cook a few minutes, then cool, add broken mint sticks, 1 quart of cream whipped, enough cream and milk to fill the freezer, freeze 5 minutes, add beaten egg whites and finish freezing. Will make 2 gallons of ice cream. Fruit Sherbet. 1/2 envelope Knox Sparkling Gelatine 11/2 cups sugar 1 orange 3 cups rich milk 1 lemon Grate the outside of both orange and lemon. Squeeze out the juice and add to this the sugar. Soak the gelatine in part of a cup of milk for five minutes and dissolve by 134 stnii(liii,<»' ill ]iaii of hot wator. Stir into the rost of the milk. Whoii it begins to freeze add the fruit juice and vsugar, and fruit of any kind if desired. This makes a large allowance for five persons. Chocolate Parf ait. 2 squares chocolate 1/2 cup powdered sugar -> tahh^spoons boiling water 1 cup cream (single) % tablespoon gelatine % cup sugar 1 quart double cream 1 teaspoon vanilla Melt cliocolate, add powedered sugar, gradually add 1 cup single cream. Stir over fir<^ until boiling point is reached. Then add gelatine dissolved in boiling water, add sugar and vanilla, stir in a bowl of cold water until cool, then add to 1 (|unrt of double cream which has been whipped. Pack in freezer 4 hours Avitli ecpial i)arts of salt and ice. Nut Frappe. l^ envelo])e Knox Si)arkliiig (Jehitiiie 1,4 cup cold water Vi> cup sugar 1 cup cooked luneapple and strawb(>rries 1 cup cream % cup milk white of one egg T cup chopped nuts Soak gelatine in the cold water live minutes and dis- solve over hot water. Add dissolved gelatine to cream, milk and sugar and stir in beaten white of egg. When cold, add the jiineapple and strawberries which have been chopped in small pieces, also tlu^ c]io])])ed nuts. Serve ice cold in sherbet erlasses. 135 Caramel Ice Cream. 1^/2 pounds brown sugar 1 pint thick cream 1 tablespoon corn starch 3 ounces chopped almonds 1 quart milk 3 egg yolks 1 tablespoon flour Mix com starch, flour and eggs, add a little of milk. Melt sugar without any water being careful not to bura. Let milk come to boiling point, add egg mixture just be- fore milk boils. Remove from fire and pour into browned sugar, stir well, cool, add cream and nuts when partly frozen. Pineapple Ice Cream. 3 cups sugar 5 eggs 1 quart milk 1 ([uart crushed pineapple 4 tablespoons flour Let milk come to a boiling point, add sugar, flour and egg yolks, well beaten. Let cook a few minutes, add enough milk and cream to fill freezer within 4 inches of top. Freeze 5 minutes, add pineapple and well beaten egg whites and finish freezing. Q"'his makes 2 gallons. 136 Miscellaneous Boiled Soap. 32 pounds meat scraps or cracklings 16 quarts water (soft) 8 boxes lye Boil 2 hours tlien add 1 gallon of water. Then take fire from under the kettle. Cold Soap. 1 cup of fat ■V2 cup of cold water iy2 tablespoons of lye Melt fat, add lye to water and combine with fat. Beat with Dover egg beater twenty minutes. Cold Soap. 1 can Lewis lye 21/2 pints cold water 5M2 pounds clean grease tallow or lard Dissolve lye in the water and set aside until tempera- ture is not over 80 degrees. Melt the grease and set aside until temperature is 115 degrees. Slowly pour dissolved lye into the grease, stir until thoroughly combined. Boiled Soap. 2 gallons of soft water to a can of Lewis lye. 5 pounds of meat scraps and cracklings. Heat the water and meat scraps together, then add the lye. Cook 2 hours. Hand Lotion. 1 ounce glycerine 'S drams carbolic acid 2 drams chlorate potash Mix with 1 pint of boiled rain water which has been cooled. 137 Salve. 1 cake of .camphor gum 2 ounces of beeswax 2 ounces of rosin 2 ounces of vaseline 2 ounces of turpentine 1 ounce of carbolic acid Liniment. 1 teaspoon turpentine 1 teaspoon coal oil 1 teaspoon lard Heat and apply Snow Liniment. 1 pint of cider vinegar 1 pint tui*pentine ammonia 1 pint hartshorn 2 eggs Beat eggs, then add together Teter Cure. 1 ounce tincture camphor 1 ounce of opium 21/2 ounces spirits of turpentine 4 ounces of olive oil Sug^ar Cure for Meat. For 1000 pounds of meat. 4 pounds of brown sugar 1 pound of pepper V2 pound salt petre 12 quarts of salt To Season Sausag-e. 21 pounds of sausage 6 teaspoons of pepper 5 teaspoons of ginger Mix with the sausage before grinding-. 138 To Preserve Tenderloin. 3 gallons cold water 1 pint of salt 1 tablespoon sugar 1 teaspoon of salt petre Change when water gets bloody. Sugar Cure for Beefsteak. 1 pound of steak 1 teaspoon brown sugar 1 teaspoon salt y2 teaspoon pepper Slice your steak ready to fry and weigh it. Then measure a teaspoon of sugar and salt and mix it all to- gether with the pepper. If you do not care for pepper it will keep it just as well. Sprinkle each slice of steak with the mixture of sugar, salt and pepper until it is all used. When you have 3^our crock full (it is best to use one or two gallon crocks), cover with a muslin cloth. Seal with melted lard. By put- ting the cloth next to steak it is easy to remove the lard when you want to use the steak. Put in a cool place, if it freezes all the better. Will keep until warm weather. Lice Powder. 2 ounces carbolic acid 6 ounces gasoline 2 pounds of plaster paris Stir plaster paris in mixed liquids until it would be dry enough to powder nicely. Miscellaneous. To remove iron rust cover stain with lemon juice and salt and place in sun. Cut flowers last well witli camphor in the water. 139 To remove ink from silk saturate the spots with tur- pentine, let remain several hours, then rub between the hands. This will also take ink out of cotton and worsted goods without injury. To remove grass stains use Karo molasses. Cover spot and let stand a few hours and rub molasses well into stain. Then wash in lukewarm soap suds. To kill worms on cabbage. Take 1 tablespoon of paris green and nine of flour and dust on cabbage. Throat gargle: 1 teaspoon salt, 1 of soda and 1 of sugar in a pint of warm water. Mildew: Dip the stained clothes in buttennilk and lay in the sun. If the crust on hot bread is baked too hard, grease and place in open window and it will soften. If by accident, you scorch white clothes while iron- ing, moisten a white cloth with peroxide and rub on the scorched place, then rinse with clear water. Do not use on colors as it will remove the color. When separating eggs if you drop a portion of egg yolk into whites, moisten a cloth with cold water, touch to yolk and it will adhere to it. When making cold soap add 1 tablespoon each of powdered borax and ammonia to the dry lye before add- ing w:ater. Soap will be better. You can keep lettuce crisp and fresh for several days if you wash and separate, put in a tin bucket, closing it air tight. To cut hard boiled eggs without breaking yolks, dip the knife in water. A lump of sugar placed in the teapot before the tea is made will prevent it staining the cloth if spilled. A teaspoon of vinegar or salt put into the water when poaching eggs will prevent them breaking. 140 To remove the dirt and dust from a felt hat and make it look like new, rub the entire surface with fine sandpaper Table silver may be kept bright by placing in an aluminum utensil and cover with strong gold dust water and let boil for a while. A lemon will yield nearly double the quantity of juice otherwise obtainable if it is heated thoroughly be- fore squeezing. 141 Oven Cooking Guide. For Electric Range. BREAD Put Food in Suggested Oven Whon Cooking Heats. Tliermometer Set Adjustable Hand Readies Hand at Biscuit, baking powder. .. .G^/^ Biscuit, raised 6 Bread, light 3 Bread, ginger 4 Popovers 6 Rolls, Parker house 3 .71/2 .7 .6 .6 .71/2 .6 Allow for Cooking After Plaring in Oven 10 to 1.5 Minutes 45 Minutes 1 Hour 40 Minutes 45 Minutes 40 Minutes CAKE Angel ZVz Cookies 6 Fruit 31/2 Layer 4 Loaf 4 Sponge 21/^ .5 15 to 20 Minutes .7 10 Minutes .51/2 3 Hours .6 15 to 20 Minutes .6 45 Minutes ■ SVz 45 Minutes \ PASTRY Pie Crust 6 Pie Fruit 5 Pie Custard or Pumpkin... 5 15 Minutes 45 Minutes 45 Minutes FISH, FOWL AND MEAT (Roasted) Beef — rare Hot 8 Beef — well done Hot or Cold 8 Chicken Hot or Cold 71/2 Duck Hot or Cold 8 Fish Hot or Cold 71/2 Ham Hot or Cold 8 Lamb Hot or Cold 8 Mutton Hot or Cold 8 Pork Hot or Cold 8 Turkey Hot or Cold 8 Veal Hot or Cold 8 20 Min. per Lb. 20 Min. per Lb. 25 Min. per Lb. 25 Min. per Lb. 1 Hour 35 Min. per Lb. 28 Min. per Lb. 30 Min. per Lb. 35 Min. per Lb. 25 Min. per Lb. 35 Min. per Lb. Use very little water in roasting meats. Your roast will not shrink and all the natural juices will be retained. The meat will be much more delicious in flavor and much more nourishing. You will save from 15 to 20 per cent of the weight of every roast cooked in this electric oven. If you wish to retain all of the juices in the meat, do not season it until cooked. If you prefer to season it before cooking, put the seasoning on a piece of suet, which should be laid on the meat. 142 OVEN COOKING GUIDE— Continued. FISH, FOWL AND MEAT rut Food ill Su^gestod Allow for Oven When Heat C(KiklnK Heats. CooklnR After Article IndientiuK Set Adjustable* PlnoinK in Roasted llund Ueaelies Hand at Oven lieef— rare 6 6 20 Min. per Lb. Beef— well done... Hot or Cold 6 25 Min. per Lb.f Chicken " 51/2 25 Min. per Lb.f Duck " 6 25 Min. per Lb.f Fish " 5 V2 1 Hourt Ham " 61/2 35 Min. per Lb.f Lamb " 6 28 Min. per Lb.f Mutton " 6 30 Min. per Lb.f Pork " 6 35 Min. per Lb.f Turkey " 6 25 Min. per Lb.f Veal " 6 35 Min. per Lb.t DON'T use a double roaster. Use open pan only for roasting meats, and do not leave the top heater turned on. DON'T use any water at all in roasting meats. Your roast will not shrink and all the natural juices will be retained. The meat will be much more de- licious in flavor and much more nourishing. You will save from one-fourth to one-third of the weight of every roast cooked in this electric oven. If you wish to retain all of the juices in the meat, do not season it until it is cooked. If you prefer to season it before cooking, put the seasoning on a piece of suet, "which should be laid on the meat. Salt draws the juices out of meat. Stewed (Cut into about one-inch pieces) Beef Hot or Cold 1 V2 2 to 3 Hoursft Fowl " 1 V2 2 to 4 Hourstt Mutton " iy2 2 to 3 Hourstt FRUITS Fruit, stewed Hot or Cold 11/2 .10 to 30 Minutest Fried (previously soaked) " iy2 V2 to 1 Hourt Apple, baked " 5 45 to 90 Minutest§ Apples, Steamed " 1% 1 to IV2 Hourst§ Bananas, baked " 4 40 to 50 Minutest Pears, baked " 5 45 to 90 Minutest§ F^-uit should always when possible be cooked on stored heat. PASTRY Pie Crust 51/2 6 15 Minutes Pie, fruit 6 6 45 Minutes Pie, custard, pumpkin 3 4 45 Minutes Baked PUDDINGS Bread Hot or Cold 4 45 Minutest Indian " 5 3 Hourst Rice, uncooked " 41/^ 1% Hourst Rice cooked " 4 45 Minutest Steamed Date " 1^ 2 to 21/2 Hourst Fig " .... ..IV2 21/^ to 3 Hourst Blueberry " 1^ 1 to 2 Hourst •On semi-automatic ranges the current should be turned off by hand when the Indicator reaches the desired point. tWhen started in a cold oven, add half the time required to heat the oven to tlie desired temperature, as noted on page 5. ^Depends somc^what upon variety, size aitd condition of fruit. Use xincovered pans and no water for roast meats. 143 OVEN COOKING GUIDE— Continued. BREAD Put Food in Suggested Allow for Oven When Heat Cooking Heats. Cooking After Article Indicating Set Adjustable* I'laoing in Hanil Keaches H-ond at Oven Biscuit, halting powder iVz 5% 10 to 15 Minutes Biscuit, raised 4 5 45 Minutes Bread, light 4 5 1 Hour Bread, ginger 3 5 40 Minutes Popovers 4 5V2 45 Minutes Rolls, Parkerhouse 4 5 40 Minutes CAKE Angel 2 3 15 to 20 Minutes Cookies 5 514 10 Minutes Fruit 2 31/2 3 Hours Layer 51/2 6 15 to 20 Minutes Loaf iV2 5 45 Minutes Sponge 1 2 45 Minutes CEREALS Fine Wheat Products . .Hot or Cold 1^^ 1 Hourf Whole Cereals — Wheat (whole grain) " IV^ 2 Hourstt Hominy " 11/2 3 Hourstt Oats (rolled) " 1^/2 3 Hourst$ Oats (steel cut)... " 11/2 6 Hoursjt Cereals are best started in boiling, salted water. CUSTARDS Custards and Meringues .... 2 3 45 Minutes Boiled FISH, FOWL AND MEAT Beef Hot or Cold 11/2 30 Min. per Lb.ft Fish " 11/2 15 Min. per Lb.ft Fowl " 11/2 30 to 40 Min. per Lb.ft Ham (whole) " 11/2 30 to 40 Min. per Lb.ft Mutton " 11/2 30 Min. per Lb.tt Tongue " 11/2 35 Min. per Lb.fJ Broiled§ Fish About 10 minutes per lb. Fowl After browning allow 15 to .35 minutes Beefsteak — rare After searing about 10 minutes Beefsteak — well done After searing about 15 minutes Mutton Chops After searing about 25 minutes Pork Chops After searing about 30 minutes *On semi-automatic ranges the current .should be turned off by hand when the indicator reaches the desired point. tWhen started in a cold oven, add half the time required to heat the oven to the desired temperature, as noted on page 5. tAfler circuit-breaker cuts off at 11/2 move the adju.stable hand to 2'/a, turn the switch to "low" and reset the circuit-breaker, to retain the neces- sai-y heat for boiling foods requiring more than two hours. §Sear on both sides, then turn the switch to I^OW. The time will depend upon the age of the animal and the condition as well as the thicknos.s of the portion to be broiled. Keep the door ajar. Use the top heater, only. Use not more than 2-3 of a teacup of loater and a maximum tem- perature of iy2 for boiling fresh vegetables in oven. 144 OVEN COOKING GUIDE— Continued. SOUPS Put Food in Suggested Oven When Heat Cooking Heats. Indicating Set Adjustable* Hand Reaches Hand at Allow for Cooking After Placing in Oven Vegetable Soup — Place ingredients in small oven. Set hand for l^^. Turn on full and let soup remain in oven for 2 hours.t It will then be ready to serve. VEGETABLES Asparagus Hot or Cold iy2 max. .15 to 25 Minutest Beans, baked (Oven turned to low) Beans, string (Oven turned to low) Beets, young Beets, old Cabbage Cauliflower Carrots, young Carrots, old Celery Corn, green Onions Peas, fresh Potatoes, baked Potatoes, new Potatoes, old Potatoes, sweet Rice Spinach Squash, stewed Tomatoes Turnips .IV2 .IV2 .11/2 .IV2 .11/2 .IV2 .iy2 .1V2 .11/2 .11/2 .11/2 .5 .1V2 .1V2 .11/2 .11/2 .1V2 .1V2 .1V2 .iy2 . .45 .0 to ..45 to \-V2 .1/2 . .20 to . .20 to . .50 to . .45 to . ..8 to . .40 to . .20 to . .30 to . .20 to . .25 to . .15 to . .30 to . .15 to . .40 to .30 to 6 to 8 Hourst 90 Minutest 60 Minutest to 2 Hourst to 1 Hourt 25 Minutest 40 Minutest 60 Minutest 60 Minutest 20 Minutest 60 Minutest 60 Minutest 60 Minutest 30 Minutest 40 Minutest 25 Minutest 45 Minutest 25 Minutest 60 Minutest 15 Minutest 60 Minutest Time required for cooking depends somewhat upon the age, freshness and size of vegetables. Cauliflower, spinach, and green corn should not be cooked overtime. DON'T use more than 2-3 of a cup of water in cooking vegetables. DON'T forget to put cover on cooking utensils. This prevents steam from escaping and food will cook more quickly. All vegetables for a meal can be cooked in the same oven with meats, with absolutely no exchange of flavors. "►On semi-automatic ranges the current should be turned off by hand when the indicator reaches the desired point. tWhen started in a cold oven, add half the time required to heat the oven to the desired temperature, as noted on page 5. All boiled vegetables maximum temperature l^^. WTien boiling veg«^- tables or meats set directly on burner. Use not more than 2-3 of a teacup of water and a maximum tem- perature of 11/2 for boiling fresh vegetables in oven. 145 RECORD OF RESULTS. While the foregoing tables are compiled from actual tests, in which they produced perfect results, the individuality of the housewife, and her particular methods of preparing the food may necessitate some variations. The following pages should be used for a permanent record of results. .\rtlcle Food Put In When Hand Indicated Adjustable Hand Set at Time Allowed For Cooking Which Rack Hesults i 1 / • - - Use uncovered pans and no water for roast meats. 146 -^ Time Table for Cooking Loiif T'rojid 40 to (iO juimitt's Jjolls and liiscnits 10 to 'JO niiniitcs (Jraluiin (icMiis 'M) ]iiinu1es (' 1 to '■] lionrs Steanu'd Ui-own Bread ^^ lionr.s Custards 1") 1o -0 minutes Pie (^rust al)out )50 nnnutes Plum Puddiug 2 to 3 hours For oil and j^'asoliiu' stoves ^yr sust you ti'v a lillle loii^'er lime for bread and eake. is.,.. «?.;