OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS OF CORNELL UNIVERSITY VOLUME II NUMBER 5 THE CAMPUS OF CORNELL UNIVERSITY A BOOK OF VIEWS MARCH 1, 1911 PUBLISHED BY CORNELL UNIVERSITY ITHACA, NEW YORK OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS OF CORNELL UNIVERSITY THE CAMPUS OF CORNELL UNIVERSITY A BOOK OF VIEWS MARCH I, 1911 PUBLISHED BY CORNELL UNIVERSITY ITHACA, NEW YORK .^ X CORNELL UNIVERSITY V ^- ^' 1 . The University Heating Plant 2. The Gymnasium 3. The Armory 4. Sage College. The Residential Hall for Women 5. Barnes Hall. The Young Men's Christian Asso- ciation Building 6. Sage Chapel 7. The University Library 8. Boardman Hall. The College of Law 9. Stimson Hall. The Ithaca Division of the Med- ical College 10. Morrill Hall Lower Floors: Offices of Administration Upper Floors: Psychological Laboratory 1 1 . McGraw Hall. The Departments of Geology and Vertebrate Zoology 12. White Hall. The College of Architecture and The Department of Mathematics 1 3. Morse Hall. The Department of Chemistry The Department of Electrical 14. Franklin Hall. Engineering 15. The Sibley College of Mechanical Engineering and the Mechanic Arts 1 6. Shops and Laboratories of Sibley College 1 7. Foundry and Forge Shop of Sibley College 18. Lincoln Hall. The College of Civil Engineering 19. Goldwin Smith Hall. The Departments of Languages, History, Philosophy, etc. 20. Rockefeller Hall. The Department of Physics 2 1 . The New York State Veterinary College 22. The Fuertes Astronomical Observatory 23. Hospital of the Veterinary College 24. The New York State College of Agriculture 25. The Carnegie Filtration Plant Reservoir 26. The Hydraulic Laboratory of the College of Civil Engineering 27. The University Electric Light and Power House 28. Annex to Sage College MAY W 1914 PLAY GROUrtD AMD ATHLCLTIC TIELD This plan shows about one hundred and fifty of the one thousand and ninety - five acres in the property of the University. col^^^c:LL u/^i varsity campus :;^-::^,;| W-^Sfr ^. .^^■^ i^i^ ' '|;;^-' ■;5^^^>^- v^£V^ ■-^^ :'-■-•-'• f ' -"■' ,-^ • p .^:V. i^V- ■■■>'M'|| ^Q FALLS IN NORTH GORGE WALK ALONG NORTH GORGE CENTRAL AVENUE LEADING TO QUADRANGLE I.'NIV1.F(M 1-1 I.IBRAR'l MORRILL HALL FRANKLIN MALL WHITE HALL McGRAW HALL ilBLfl COLLEGE LINCOLN HALL THE QUADRANGL GOLDWIN SMITH HALL OOKING NORTH ROCKEFELLER HALL STIMSON HALL BOARDMAN HALL MORSE HALL INTERIOR OF SAGE CHAPEL THE FRESHMAN CADET CORPS WEST SIDE OF QUADRANGLE VIEW FROM THE CAMPUS OVER THE CITY AND THE LAKE THE NORTH GORGE SIBLEY COLLEGE SAGE COLLEGE EAST AVENUE AND ROCKEFELLER HALL LINCOLN HALL THE HYDRAULIC LABORATORY GOLDWIN SMITH HALL. STIMSON HALL THE QUADRANG 30ARDMAN HALL -OOKING SOUTH UNIVERSITY LIBRARY MORRILL HALL McGRAW HALL BARNES HALL THE INFIRMARY i: ■s^«=;;~«sa53M| ^B 2 rl ' w^ \m ^B • a^^^B ^^B "^K ^^^^^1 li 1 ROCKEFELLER HALL THE NEW YORK STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE — SOUTH SIDE OF NEW QUADRANGLE PERC THE NEW YORK STATE VETERINARY COLLEGE GOI.DWIN SMITH WALK OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS OF CORNELL UNIVERSITY Issued at Ithaca, N. Y., monthly from July to November inclusive, and semi-monthly from December to June inclusive [Entered as second-class matter, August 31, 1910, at the post-office at Ithaca, N. Y., under the Act of July 16, 1894] These publications include the annueJ Register and the Book of Views (for each of which a charge of twenty-five cents a copy is made), and the following publications, any one of which will be sent gratis and post-free on request : General Circular of Information for prospective students Announcement of the College of Arts and Sciences Courses of Instruction in the College of Arts and Sciences Announcement of Sibley College of Mechanical Engineering and the Mechanic Arts Announcement of the College of Civil Engineering Announcement of the College of Law .Announcement of the College of Architecture Aiinouncement of the Medical College Announcement of the New York State College of Agriculture Announcement of the Winter Courses in the College of Agriculture Announcement of the New York State Veterinary College Announcement of the Graduate School Announcement of the Summer Session AnnueJ Reports of the President and the Treasurer Pamphlets on scholarships, fellowships, and prizes, samples of entrance and scholarship examination papers, special departmental announcements, etc. Correspondence concerning the publications of the University should be addressed to The Registrar of Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. The Morrill Press. Fulton, N. Y. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ^0 029 923 166 5