'% - '' ^. y /^ a* ^ . *o ' V ^ k V " r ^. *J0 -4 I 1 « * ^ *A v* V£ V, *.' .Oo. A* »• SCENES IN A SOLDIER'S LIFE: BEING A CONNECTED NARRATIVE OF THE PRINCIPAL MILITARY EVENTS IN SCINDE, BEELOOCHISTAN, AND AFFGHANISTAN, During 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, and 1843, 5JNDER GENERALS LORD KEANE, BROOKS, SIR R. SALE, WILTSHIRE, POLLOCK, NOTT, ENGLAND, M'CASKILL, AND SIR C. NAPIER. BY J. H. W. HALL, AUTHOR OF "ETHALDI," " THE OUTCAST," "THE DESERTERS,' > ETC. ETC. *' Still question' d me the story of my life, From year to year ; the battles, sieges, fortunes, That 1 have pass'd. I ran it through, even from my boyish days, To the very moment that he bade me tell it; Wherein I spoke of most disastrous chances ; Of moving accidents, by flood, and field; Of hair-breadth 'scapes i' the imminent deadly breach; Of my being taken by the insolent foe, And sold to slavery ; of my redemption thence, And portance in my travels' history; Wherein of antres vast, and deserts idle, Rough quarries, rocks and hills whose heads touch heaven, It was my hint to speak, such was the process." SJiafcspere's Othello. JHnntrtal : R. AND C. CHALMERS; LONDON, LONGMAN AND COMPANY; NEW YORK, BERFORD AND COMPANY. 1848. 2S "%L ^ kj to w H*5 d(4 / "^ M0KTK1LLL ! Printed by Lovkll and Gibjjoh, St. Nicholas Street, it Bulteel, Mrs J J5elle Vue ' \ 56th Regiment,. Beemish, Mrs Per Captain Lawson, 56th Re, Beautflower, J Bury, Lancashire, Beautflower, J. Surgeon Salford, Lancashire, Bedford, Captain 60th Rifles, Beesley, John, Athenaeum, Manchester, Blackwell. J Bombay, Broomhead, T Banermans, Manchester, Baily, J Montreal, Chamberlain, Sir II., Baronet,... 23rd Fusiliers, Campbell, Major, A. D. C to the Governor General, Croker, Captain, 17th Regiment, , Colston, Lieutenant Colonel , Cotton, Lieutenant S, -. 28th Regiment, Crofts, Lieutenant, 23rd Fusileers, Cruikshank, D. A. C. Genl., Kingston, Chalmers, R., Montreal, Cunynghame, W. A. M., 71st Regiment, H. L. I., LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. Cary, Lieutenant, 77th Regiment, Garden, Lieutenant 77th Regiment, Connolly, J. N Montreal, Connor, Serjeant 77th Regiment, Cordial, J Bugle Major, Rifle Brigade,... Crawford, Captain Rifle Brigade, Colman, J Dundas, C. W., Code, J 23rd Fusiliers, Campbell, R., junior Montreal, Crookshank, A Commissariat Staff, Kingston, Cary, T. A Montreal, Chester, Captain 23rd Fusiliers, Craig, J. 23 St. Nicholas Tolentine St., Clarke, Mr St. Johns, Campbell, A. D Montreal, ■» Cregh, W at Mr. Townsend's, Collins, J City & District Saving's Bank, Coote, W * St. Johns, .... Crossman, C. E Scott, Shaw & Co., Carter, George Advocate, Montreal, Cosgrave, R... 23rd Fusiliers, Clapham, J. H Quebec, , Clapham, J. Greaves Quebec, Clark, R. B Quebec, Carrole, N. G Quebec, Clarke, T. M Quebec, Coles, R Quebec,. Cameron, Lieutenant, 26th Regiment, Chetewood, E. J Dublin, Clarke, J Solicitor, Manchester,.... Clayton, E. F Dublin, Cormack, H Deansgate, Manchester,...,.... Cotton, Lieutenant Colonel S.,...28th Regiment, Conran, Captain, 56th Regiment, Cox, Captain, 56th Regiment, Crompton, P ...Bury, Lancashire, Coward, W Bury Bank, Lancashire, Campbell, Dr 56th Regiment, Campbell, Lieutenant 60th Rifles, Creed, R Sec. London & Birm. Railway, Connor, J Band Master, 22nd Regiment, Challinor, Sergeant 17th Regiment, Challinor, Levi Stanley Street, Manchester,... Dyneley, Colonel, C. B. R. A... Cornwall Terrace, Montreal,.. Dyde, Colonel J Montreal, , Dilke, Lieutenant W. W. E., 77th Regiment, Dickens, Lieutenant 23rd Fusiliers, Darell, Lieutenant, Royal Navy, 8 LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. DelHoste, Major D. Q. M. General, Bombay, ... Davidson, Major D. Com. General, Bombay,.... Dickinson. H 183 St. Paul Street, Dand, T. S Garrison Sergeant Major, Doe, Serjeant 77th Regiment,. Diolet, Alexis 20 Main Street Davies, J 23rd Fusiliers, Dawson, B Notre Dame Street, Dow, Andrew 89 St. Joseph Street, De Walden, T Canada Hotel, Dickenson, Serjeant P 23rd Fusiliers, Davidson, Serjeant 23rd Fusiliers, Derbishire, P Montreal, Derbishire, J Montreal, Davies, D 23rd Fusiliers, Dallas, Rev. J Manchester, Davis, J Bridge Street, Manchester,.... Draper, Captain D. A. General, Dublin, Dudley, Dr. R ,.. .... Newcastle under Lyme, Dimmuck, J Newcastle under Lyme, Dale, — Water Street, Manchester, Darell, Captain, 60th Rifles, Dolan, Color Serjeant .....22nd Regiment, Dove, John 28th Regiment, Drew, Serjeant 60th Rifles Dewhurst, J..... Salford, Lancashire, D'Urban, His Ey., Sir B Commander-in-Chief, Elgin, Right Honorable Earl of.. Governor General Erroll, Earl Rifle Brigade, A. D. C Egerton, The Honorable A A. D. C Elliott, The Honorable G Rifle Brigade, Evans, T., Major General. C. B.late 70th Regiment, Montreal,20 Egerton. Major 77th Regiment, Evans, Lieutenant Royal Artillery, Eden, Lieutenant Colonel 56th Regiment, Evans, J. A Montreal, English, D West Williamsburg, Eagleton, Corporal W 23rd Fusiliers, Elgie, Sergeant J 23rd Fusiliers, Evans, Serjeant Major 23rd Fusiliers, Edwards, — Manchester,... .... Ellery, Miss, Green Heys, Manchester, Engledue, Captain 51 St. Mary Axe, "London,.... Evans, W Whip Maker, Birmingham,... Frazer, Colonel Mackenzie, Q. M. General, Forester, Captain A. D. C, to Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Frith, Lieutenant Colonel Ins. Field Officer, Dublin, Forster, Lieutenant O., 77th Regiment, LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. Fleming, T Ch., Exchange, Manchester,... Fleming, Dr. M. D Broughton View, Manchester, Fortune, Quarter Master 23rd Fusiliers, Foy, Major 71st Highland L. I., Ford, A. J R. E. Department Florence, J., junior 400 Broadway, New York,.... Favy, J 23rd Fusiliers, Ford, P 23rd Fusiliers, Fletcher, J., Q. M. Sergeant 23rd Fusiliers, Farrow, J Canal Basin, Farnden, G St. Louis Street, Fisher, J. C, L. L. D Quebec, Frew, J Quebec, Frazer, Dr Rifle Brigade, Fazakerley, — Bridgewater St., Manchester,. Foulkes, E Solicitor, Manchester, Freeling. Clayton, Dublin........ Freke, Surgeon R., Dublin, Freke, W Solicitor, Dublin, Farmer, H Winch estor House, London, . . . Greenock, Lord A. F., 23rd Royal Vfelsh Fusiliers,... 2 Granville, F., Major 23rd Royal Welsh Fusiliers,.. 2 Gugy, Colonel A., M. P. P De Bleury Street, 10 Granthan, Dr. D., 23rd Fnsiliers, 1 Grant, Daniel Bury, Lancashire, 8 Garman, Rev. N Head Mas. Gram. Sch., Man., Glass, John ., Montreal, Galway, Lieutenant W., 77th Regiment, Gallogher, J 23rd Fusiliers, Green, R. J 23rd Fusiliers, Goodrich, C Burlington, George, Sergeant 23rd Fusiliers, Gilbert, Color Sergeant 23rd Fusiliers, Gordon, J Montreal, Griffin, Gilbert Montreal, Grant, D O rdnance Department, Quebec, Gi llespie, A Ordnance Department, Quebec, Gale, D Quebec, Goodfellow, — Water Street, Manchester, Gough, C King Street, Manchester, Goldsmith, — Gravesend,... Grettan, Lieutenant Royal Navy, Manchester, Grundy, E The Wyl de, Bury , Manchester, Graham, Dr Royal Navy, Guise, Lieutenant, Grix, Sergeant Major 56th Regiment Grundy, Miss Bury, Lancashire, Hoghton, Sir H. Bold, (Bart.)... London, 10 LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. Harris, Colonel, Radford, Holmes, Lieutenant Colonel, 23rd Fusiliers, Halloway, Colonel, Royal Engineers, Hopton, Lieutenant C 23rd Fusiliers, Hammond, Lieutenant Rifle Brigade, Hoger, James, .Grenville, Hare, Captain....... 56th Regiment, * Hogarth, Major, C. B 26th Regiment, Hare, Rev. H care of Capt. Hare, 56th Reg. Hughes, Lieutenant, , 22nd Regiment, Hughes, Lieutenant, 23rd Fusiliers, Holmes, J. M Hamilton, J Custom House, Honey, J Court House Holmes, J Trinity House, Hall, J Ordnance Department, Handley, Sergeant W 23rd Fusiliers, Hitchcock, Sergeant R 23rd Fusiliers, Hutchins, J. R St. Paul Street, Harvey, A. G Montreal, Howell, Sergeant... 23rd Fusiliers, ,, Howell, Lieutenant 23rd Fusiliers, Hartley, W. M. B Montreal, Henderson, Peter 36 St. George Street, Harper, — care of Mr. Loveridge, Hayes, M Montreal, Hayes, — Montreal. Harris, Charles At Mr. Phillips Academy, Hughe?, N Q. M. General's Department, Henderson, Alexander 36 St. George Street, Hayes, — Montreal, Hooper, A. C Quebec,. Hall, George Quebec, Hall, G. B Quebec, Halkett, CC late 93rd High, ) C Uppe r Berkeley St., Halkett, H, C \- London, ^ pj; 1 Stiuare Halkett, Mrs. C ) postman bquare. Hallpike, Julius 73 Lombard Street, London... Harrison, — King Street Manchester, Harrison, J. B Solicitor, Manchester, Henderson, Rev. J Manchester, Hey wood, T Harparhay, Manchester, Hutchinson, W Dublin, Hooper, J Bank of England, Manchester, Hulme, — Water Street, Manchester, Hardcastle, J Kirvvood, Bolton, Lancashire,. Hargreaves, Jno Newport House, Lancashire,... Hick, J Highfield, Lancashire, LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. 11 Hardman, E Chambers Hal], Bury, Lancas. 2 Halkett, Miss Craigee 1 Sil wood Place, Bngh. Sussex, Harris, J. C Radford, Hawker, W. H Plymouth, Holt, B Bury, Lancashire, Harper, — Solicitor, Lancashire, Harrison, J Irwell House, Lancashire, Harrison, Jno Green Banks, Lancashire, Hodgson, E. W Leberts & Co., Bradford, Hollond, Dr Philo. Soci., Shef., Yorkshire, Heany, Color Sergeant 22nd Regiment, Hindle, Sergeant Major 60th Rifles,.... Hogg, Captain 90th Regiment, Harvey, J Commissariat, Bombay, Ingilby, C. H Lieutenant Royal Artillery,.,. Isaacson, J. H Notary, Montreal, Idler, Ernest, Corner of Dorchester Street,. Irwin, Corporal , 23rd Fusiliers, , Ibbitson,H. I , Globe Works, Sheffield........ Jones, Captain 23rd Fusiliers, Jones, D. Captain 60th Rifles, Jarvis, Judge Cornwall, Jane, Assistant Surgeon 71st Regiment, H. L. I., Jarvis, Color Sergeant.* 77th Regiment...... Johnson, S 23rd Fusiliers, Johnson, James 2 St. Mary Street, Johnson, J. G< Montreal, Jones, George Quebec,.. Jackson, G Bridge Street, Manchester,.... Johnson, — Bury, Lancashire, Jerrutt, Frederick 22ncl Regiment, Jones, J. Sergeant 22nd Regiment, Kerr, Lord Mark A. D. G, to the Gov. General... Kaye, Alderman Manchester, Kingsford, W Montreal, Khriecoff, Cornwallis Great St. James Street, Keane, J , Ordnance Department, Kinton, J...... Barclay Place, Keary, Sergeant, 23rd Fusiliers, Knapton, Serjeant 23 rd Fusiliers Kays, J Gain Street, Kain,C Keith, John Campbell Bryson, Knapp, — DeBleury Street, Kelly, Color Sergeant 22nd Regiment, Lance, Captain Newcastle under Lyme, Love, Captain 9 1st Regiment, late 60th Rifles, Lawson, Captain 56th Regiment, 12 LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. Lindsay, Charles Montreal,... , LaMert, Captain 78th Highlanders, Lee, Josephs Montreal, Lancaster, Fk R, Engineer Department, Lamart, N R. Engineer Department, Laidly, D. C. General Montreal, Lindsey, W. B St. Johns, Lindsay, W St. Johns, Lettle, G 74 St. Antoine Street, .... Library Rifle Brigade, Lyman, J Notre Dame Street, Laggatt, H Notre Dame Street, Langslongh, — Montreal, Lay, Alexander Montreal, Large, Sergeant W., 23rd Fusiliers, Lyons, M Cigar Divan, Montreal, Leslie, E. S .....Montreal, Lyons, Saml Notre Dame Street, Loveridge, D St. Mary Street, Lamb, J, Artist, Montreal, Library , Royal Artillery, Lavicount, A. K ,Pembroke Street, Levy, — Notre Dame Street, Low, S care of the Barrack Master,... Longmore, M Courier Office, Lovis, J..... St. Paul Street, Lanauze, Lieutenant 56th Regiment, Lanauze, — Dublin, .'. Lee, Joshua Salford, Lancashire, Lyons, John... Dublin, Lee, — Architect, Sheffield, Yorkshire, Lewis, Colonel Royal Engineers, Dublin, La Motte, — Bolton, Lancashire, Longworth, Sergeant 7th Fusiliers, Macdougall, Sir D., M. Genl United Service Club, Maclaine, Sir. A., M. General. ..United Service Club, Maclaine, Colonel H United Service Club, Markham, Lieutenant Colonel. ..32nd Regiment, Majoribanks, Mrs. Campbell 56 Upper Berkely St., London, Messiter, Lieutenant Colonel.. ..28th Regiment,.... Munroe, Colonel Royal Artillery, (Dublin,;.... Montizambert, E. L 49 Little St. James Street, Montizambert, C. N Quebec Morrison, Lieutenant Royal Engineers, .... Montague, P Montreal,, Macdougall, D. L Montreal, Mackenzie, Dr., M. D... Newcastle under Lyme, 2 Mann, Dr., M. D Bridgewater Street, Manchr., 1 LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. 13 Molson, Mrs. Wm Montreal, Meason, W. L 71st Regiment H. L. I., Moffatt, Ogilvy Montreal, Macdougall, L Montreal, Maggridge, Lieutenant Royal Engineers, Moffatt, P Royal Engineer Department... Mills, Thomas Chambty, Murray,. — , Commissariat Department Mostyn, Lieutenant 77th Regiment, Maitland, J. H....... St. James Street, Montgomerie, H. E Sherbrooke Street, Mess, Sergeants, 77th Regiment, Moriarty, Color Sergeant 7 7 th Regiment, Musson, J Quebec, ; Mansell, M 23rd Fusiliers, Mundy, D Lachine Canal Basin, Moore, Sergeant Alfred 23rd Fusiliers, Montague, J. M. P Montreal, Mann, D 3 St. Mary Street, Maffre, J., junr , Montreal, - Merritt, F Meredith, W. C Advocate, Morgan, W Sadler, Montreal, Merritt, H. S Bank, B. N. A., Quebec, Miller, Lieutenant P. F Royal Artillery, Quebec, Macdougall, John Quebec, Mainwaring, C Whitemore, Staffordshire, Mayes, C Mr. Baines, Clements Lane, Mechanics Institute Bury, Lancashire, Mosley, R Sec, South Western Railway, Mylins, Captain 26th Regiment, C. J. M 8th Regiment, Margeson, Lieutenant 56th Regiment, ... Murray, Lieutenant Colonel F....17th Regiment, late 60th Rifles Mangnall, — King Street, Salford, Lane.,... Morton, Sergeant 22nd Regiment, Maud, Sergeant W 40th Regiment, M'Gill, Hon. P Donegana's Hotel, M'Carty, Lieutenant 77th Regiment, M'Pherson, Duncan Quebec, M'Limont, A. N Quebec, M'Dermott, G Newcastle under Lyme, M'Kenzie, — , Beaver Hall, M'Gregor, J ; Nazareth Street, M k Coy, Jno St. James Street, M'Indoe, M Montreal, M'Millen, Jas 3 St. Mary Street, M'Ginness, J Montreal, 14 LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. M'Veagh, — Late 52nd Regiment, Montreal, M'Guire, — St. Johns, Nott, M. Genl. Sir W., K.C. B.care of Grindley & Co.,Lond. Norman, Major 56th Regiment, Napier, D. C Commissariat Department,.... Newdigate, Lieutenant Rifle Brigade, Nixon, T 71st Regiment, H. L. I., Nixon, Lieutenant J. P 7 TJ - -n t n o Nixon, Lieutenant J \ a K J " C ' SerTlce " Norris, Thos Bury, Lancashire, Nuttall, J Bury, Lancashire, Newton, Qr. Master 41st Regiment, Oakley, Captain 56th Regiment, Ormrod, Jas Halliwell Lodge, Bolton, O'Neil, J Queen's Light Dragoons, Overbury, Color Sergeant J .23rd Fusiliers, O'Neill, Sergeant J 23rd Fusiliers, Orr, John Notre Dame Street, Ogden, G. P Quebec, Ordnance Library Dublin, Pritchard, Lt. Colonel A. A. G.Montreal, Paget, Major M 56th Reg., A. D. C , M. G. O. Paris, Rev. A Whitmore Rectory, Passey, Major E. W. W 56th Regiment, Potter, Rev. — Bury, Lancashire, Phillips, Lieutenant 23rd Fusiliers, Pollock, Lieutenant Royal Artillery, Montreal Percival, V., Surgeon, Royal Artillery, Montreal, Pasley, Lieutenant ....Royal Engineers, Proctor, T Hochelaga, , Paul, Sergeant Alexander Rifle Brigade, Price, John 23rd Fusiliers, Perry, G. L St. Urbain Street, Prince, J Lowell, near Boston, Patrick, W Q. M. General's Department,. Phillips, J St. Urbain Street Academy,... Patton, Duncan Quebec, Patton, James Quebec, Parkinson, J Bury, Lancashire, Philipps, J, Lloyd care Mr. Evans, Exchange St. Quinn, Major J. D 23rd Fusiliers, Roper, Sir H Lord Chief Justice of Bombay, Rushbrook, Colonel, M. P London Ryarie, Captain Alexander Hibernia Steam Ship, Rathbone, Lieutenant G 77th Regiment, Ross, Thos Montreal, Robertson, E. A Montreal, Rogers, W. M, Commissariat Department LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. 15 Robertson, Mrs. Dr St. James Street Rowe, Thos Royal Engineer Department,. Ross, Color Sergeant Rifle Brigade, Riley, Alexander 23rd Fusiliers, Robinson, J 23rd Fusiliers, Robertson, D Montreal, Ready, J. M., 1 Durham Place, Rapsey, Color Sergeant J 23rd Fusiliers, Renaud, E. J Montreal, ." Roberts, Sergeant, 23rd Fusiliers, Robertson, Messrs 2 St. Paul Street, Raffan, J care of Mr. Mann, 3 St. Mary st. Routh, J., D. A. C. G Montreal, Rogers, Rev. E. E St. Helens, Ross, D. M late 1st Royals, Ready, Captain C D. Q. M. General's Offiee, Richardson, Robert Quebec, Roe, F. N Quebec, Raban, Lieutenant 56th Regiment, Raine, Henry Bury, Lancashire, Ramsay, Lieutenant Fox Maule,56th Regiment, Robson, Lieutenant 5th Dragoon Guards, Rose, R. J., J. P Newcastle under Lyme, Ryarie, R care of Captain A. Eyarie,.... Ramsay, Sir Alexander, Bart,. ..of Balmain, Rogers, Sergeant R 56th Regiment, Ryan, Dr., M. D 56th Regiment, Richards, F. C ...Manchester, Robertson, W. N City Bank, Rice, G St Johns Sale, M. Gen. Sir R„K.C B. &c.,Uted.Ser.Club; forLadySale. Saye and Sele, Lord care of Mrs. Thornton, London, Slade, W Crompton Fold, Bolton Lane, Stopford, Rev. G . Sutton, Lieutenant, 71st Highland, L. I, Stehelin, Captain., , Royal Engineers, Seymour, R. A Montreal, Sedley, H Ordnance Department, Shaddock, Serjeant, 20th Regiment, Kingston, Sabine, A. F St. Francois Xavier Street,... Savage, D Notre Dame Street, Shipman, J Montreal, Skerrett, G 41 St. Urbain Street, Smith, W. H ...23rd Fusiliers, Smith, Ferdinand F Morning Courier, Smillie, D Montreal, Stratton, Dr Royal Navy, Quebec, Spong, W. H Q. Master General's Office,... 16 LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. Stewart, G. O Mayor of Quebec, Sealy, J Quebec, Skinner, A Rifle Brigade, Quebec, Scott, Wm Quebec, Stevenson, H. E Quebec, Sherrier, — Montreal, Supple, J St. Paul Street, Shaw, B Shudehill, Manchester, Sloan, J Manchester, Smith, R. P Bank of England, London,.... Smith, J Manchester, Smith, S Bolton, Lancashire, Smith, Warwick, Oldham Street. Manchester,... Stork, W , Solicitor, Glossop, Stisted, Captain 2nd, or Queen's Royals,.... — Sudlow, J Solicitor, Manchester, Sparkes, Lieutenant R. M 86th Regiment, Sydney & Horsman, Market Street, Manchester,.... Swan, J ,....King Street, Manchester, Swaine, Q. Master J 56th Regiment, Schofields, S „ Oldham, Lancashire, Smith, R Harewood House, Leeds, Slade, Rev. J Vicar of Bolton, Lancashire,. Smith, Captain 56th Regiment, Smith, Sergeant J 78th Highlanders, (late 40th,) Tenterden, Lord London, Turner, Major General Cork, Ireland, Talbot, Major, A. D. C to Commander in Chief, Tomkins, Captain, 77th Regiment,, , Taylor, J., O. R. S Rifle Brigade...... Thompson, E Sr. Francois Xavier Street,.... Thomas, R 23rd Fusiliers, Thomas, J 23rd Fusiliers, Thomas, J., P. M.JSergeant 23rd Fusiliers, Tuite, Sergeant J 23rd Fusiliers, Townsend, W. A Notre Dame Street, Twibyen, — ....- Water Works, Turner, Captain, Montreal, Travers, — ..Custom House, Tipson, Captain, Steamer Iron Duke, Tims, F Quebec, '. Tims, W Quebec, Tait, — Dublin, Taylor, — Temple Street, Manchester,... Taylor, — Manchester, 2 Thornton, Lieutenant £ 56 Upper Berkely Street, * TnornX Kw: •£:::::::::::: s Portaan s ^ re - London -~ % LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. If Todd, Rev. J. H Trinity College, Dublin, Townsend, J King Street, Manchester, Trafford, J... Manchester, Thornton, J. Butler, ...Sounds Street, London, Thompson, C. N.... Winchester House, London,... Taylor, C Oldham Street, Manchester,... Tanner, R Market Street, Manchester,... Travers, J Bridge Street, Manchester,.... Taylor, Color Sergeant St. Helena Regiment, Udell, Sergeant J... ,..23rd Fusiliers, Vaughan, Captain.. » Sorel, Vincent, Lieutenant 23rd Fusiliers, ... : Van Kleck, C. A care of Mr. J. Gordon, Vickerman, — Bookseller, Bury, Lancashire, Warre, M. Gen Sir W.,K. T. S.Manchester, Wemyss, Major General., C. B.. Manchester, Wilson, W. J Quebec, .... w i ur • * c *u ^ • * f A. D. C, to H. M., the King Wyke, Major, 56th Regiment |^ Hanoy ' er » * West, Colonel Lieut. Gover., Longford Fort., Wegg, Major 56th Regiment, Isle of Wight, Waddell, Captain 56th Regiment, Weatherly, Captain .....Montreal, Walken, C Royal Engineer Department, Walden, Miss St. Paul Street, Williamson, J , 23rd Fusiliers, , Williams, J 23rd Fusiliers, Walls, H 23rd Fusiliers, Warton, J. D., Corporal 23rd Fusiliers, Watkins, Thos 23rd Fusiliers, Watson, W 28 St. Joseph Street, White, J 23rd Officers Mess Walsh, P Montreal, Walcott, — Commissariat Department,.... Weaver, Sergeant 23rd Fusiliers, Walker, — Sherbrooke, Whitney P Missisquoi, Walsh, J Quebec, White, Richard P Quebec, Wade, M. B Quebec, Wynn, Captain W. W 23rd Fusiliers, Washington, G Rawtenstal, Lancashire Westall, Mr Spread Eagle Hotel, Manr.,... Wemyss, Lieutenant Manchester, , White, Major, Dublin, Willis, J King Street, Manchester, Williams, Mr King Street, Manchester, Wynne, — Bury, Lancashire, B 18 LIST OP SUBSCRIBERS. Wetherall, Colonel, C.B.D. A.G.St. Antoine Street, i Woodford, Lieutenant 56th Regiment, 1 Ward, Lieutenant F... 56th Regiment, 1 Woodcock, W. P... Solicitor, Bury, Lancashire,... 1 Walker, J., M. P... Belle Vue, Lancashire, 1 Washington, Sergeant 41st Regiment, 1 Webb, J Sadler, Birmingham, 1 Yates,— c Norton Hall, Sheffield, 2 Young, T. A Quebec, 1 Young, Serjeant Major J. ......,41st Regiment, 1 CONTENTS. CHAPTER L War in Central Asia; Army under Sir John Keane; Her Ma - jesty's Ship Wellesley; Embarkation of H. M. 40th Regiment for Kurrachie ; Brig Hannah, with the Bombay Artillery; Arrival at Minora, mouth of the Indus; Fortification of Minora; A Summons to Surrender; The Flag of Truce; Preparations for Battle; Disembarkation of the Troops; Admi- ral Maitland and Colonel Valiant; Ascent of the Troops up the Mountains; Evacuation of the Fortress by the Enemy; Kurra- chie, its environs ; Traffic; Native Government; Food soon supplied; Markets; Difference of Camp and Quarters; Mise- ries of the latter; Troops visited by Cholera; Awful ravages of Disease; Unremitting attention of Surgeon M'Andrew; Scinde and its People; United Hostility against the British; Faqueers or Native Priests; their power over the people; their mode of living; Harrassing Route from Minora to Kurrachie; Precarious situation ; Development of British perseverance. CHAPTER II. Safe arrival into Camp; Uncomfortable Lodging; Barren Coun- try; Effects of Filth; Position of Camp; Second Grenadiers Native Infantry ; Massacre of Captain Hand ; Exploit of Lieutenant Clarke; Desperate Leap down a precipice; Cry of Revenge; Troops in Camp; Dust Storms; Miseries thereby occasioned; Force increased; State of Scinde; Reserve Force; Sir John Keane's advance on Cabool; Rumours of capturing Hydrabad; Description of Hydrabad; Policy of the British Functionary, Sir H. Pottinger; Ameers of Scinde; Removal >f 20 CONTENTS. their Body Guards ; Substitution of a British Subsidiary Force % Scinde made tributary to the British Government; Sir John Keane resumes his March for Cabool; Monotonous life of the Scinde Force; Troops put into Huts; Description of Huts; Bad made Worse; Hospitals crowded; Minora selected as a Sanatorium; Benefit derived thereby; Curious Phenomenon; Boiling Spring; Sacred Alligator Lake; Picnics; Fate of a Dog. CHAPTER III. Improvement of Kurrachie ; News from Upper Country of the Capture of Ghuznee ; Cabool; Coronation of Shah-Shooja- ool-Moolk as King of Cabool; Sir T. Wiltshire takes Kelat; Return of Sir John Keane's Army; Arrival in Kurrachie; Favorable opportunity; Brilliant Staff; Prince Hyder Khan; Presentation of New Colors to the 40th Regynent; Departure of the Cabool Army for Bombay; Wreck of H. M. 17th Regt. ? in the "Hannah"; Dreadful loss sustained by the Corps; Prospects of an Insurrection ; Call upon Brigadier Farquharson to supply Troops; His inability to comply; Despatch of the Right Wing 40th; An Anglian' s opinion of European Powers Preparations for March to Tatta; A slight retrogade step in the story; Embarkation of Troops in the Ship Stalkart, laden with Powder and Camp Equipage; Alarm of Fire at Sea; Expectation of being blown up; Description of Scene; Dis- covery of Cause; Effect Produced ; Arrival at Destination; The Murderers of Captain Hand; The Commander of the Party; A Priest hanged ; March of the Wing to Googah. Its beau- ties; Tatta; Embarkation in Boats; Arrival at Tatta. CHAPTER IV. Tatta; Its appearance from the Indus; The River Indus; Its Inundations, like the Nile; Danger of being overpowered by the Current; Whirpools; Curious modes of Swimming and Na- vigation; Description of Jerrick; Dreadful Catastrophe; Burn- ing of Dr. Hibbert and two others, British Officers, by Firing CONTENTS. 21 / the Jungle; Impossibility of Escape; Surmise as to cause; Shikarees or Hunting Grounds of Ameers of Scinde; Appear- ance of Hydr abaci from Indus; Lucknoe Mountains; Pleasure Boats of the Ameers; Description of Workmanship; The Ameers of Scinde ; The Power and Scource of Revenue ; Lake of Harran; Larkana; Arrival at Bukkur; Conjunction of Troops; Description of Sukkur; Fortress of Bukkur; Its Situation and Employment; State Prisoners; The Prince of Shawl and Grand Vizier of Kelat; Strict Guard on them; Their Treatment and Allowances; Short History of the Prince; Release of the Prisoners; Their Employment by Go- vernment; Ross Bell, Esquire, Political Agent; Captain Bean; Defeat of Lt. Clarke's Force; His Death; Dreadful Loss of Stores, &c. ; Awful situation of Troops in Sukkur; Prepara- tions for War; Press for Cattle; Effect of the appearance of British Troops; March of Troops to Shikarpoor; Equipment of the Force; Appearance of Shikarpoor, CHAPTER V, Description of a March in the East; Extreme Change of Wea- ther; European Constitution; Young Officers; Their Praise- worthy Conduct; Preparations for Active Service completed; Departure of Force; Destination ; Dadur; The Enemy; Nusseer, the Youthful King of Kelat; His Mother, Beebee