mmsm wmrnn '■ , JL * - ' ■ ■' I DENISON'S ACTING PLAYS Partes List of Successful and Popular Plays. Large Catalogi i-r.ce loc e .ch, Postpaid, Unless Different Price Is G»v DRAMAS, COMEDIES, ENTERTAINMENTS, Etc. M. F. Aaron Boggs, Freshman, 3 acts, 2Yz hrs (25c) 8 8 Abba ban oj Old Japan, 2 acts, 2 hrs (25c) 15 After the Game, 2 acts, 1J4 hrs (25c) 1 9 All a Mistake, 3 acts, 2 hrs. (25c) 4 4 All on Account of Polly, 3 acts, 2^ hrs (25c) 6 10 American Hustler, 4 acts, 2>£ hrs (25c) 7 4 As a Woman Thinketh, 3 acts, 2% hrs (25c) 9 7 At the End of the Rainbow, 3 acts, 2Y A hrs (25c) 6 14 Bank Cashier, 4 acts, 2 hrs. (25c) 8 4 Black Heifer, 3 acts, 2 h. (25c) 9 3 Boy Scout Hero, 2 acts, 1)4 hrs. (25c) 17 Brookdale Farm, 4 acts, 2*4 hrs (25c) 7 3 Brother Josiah, 3 acts, 2 hrs. (25c) 7 4 Burns Rebellion, 1 hr (25c) 8 5 Busy Liar, 3 acts, 2yi h. (25c) 7 4 Civil Service, 3 acts, 2 1 ,4 hrs. (25c) 6 5 College Town, 3 acts; 2^4 hrs (25c) 9 8 Danger Signal, 2 acts, 2 hrs.. 7 4 Daughter of the Desert, 4 acts, 2J4 hrs. (25c) 6 4 Deacon Dubbs, 3 acts, 2 1 / £ hrs. (25c) 5 5 Deacon Entangled, 3 acts, 2 hrs. (25c) 6 4 Down in Dixie, 4 acts, 2 x /2 hrs ..(25c) 8 4 Dream That Came True, 3 acts, 2% hrs (25c) 6 13 Editor-in-Chief, 1 hr . . . (25c) 10 Enchanted Wood, 1M h.(35c).Optnl. Everyyouth, 3 acts, \% h. (25c) 7 6 Face at the Window, 3 acts, 2 hrs. (25c) 4 4 Fun on the Podunk Limited, , iy 2 hrs (25c) 9 14 Heiress of Hoetown, 3 acts, 2 hrs. (25c) 8 4 Her Honor, the Mayor, 3 acts, 2 hrs. (25c) 3 5 High School Freshman, 3 acts, 2 hrs (25c) 12 Honor of a Cowboy, 4 acts, 2^ hrs (25c) 13 4 Indian Days, 1 hr (50c) 5 2 In Plum Valley, 4 acts, hrs {2: > 4 Iron Hand, 4 acts, 2 hrs. . (_. 4 Jayville Junction, iy 2 hrs. (25c) 1 4 17 Kicked Out of College, 3 acts, 214 hrs (2x)10 9 Kingdom of Heart's Content, 3 acts, 2J4 hrs (25c) 6 12 Laughing Cure, 2 acts, 1)4 hrs. (25c) 4 5 Lexington, 4 acts, 2% h..(25c) 9 4 Little Buckshot, 3 acts, 2*4 hrs. C5c) 7 4 Lodge of Kye Tyes, 1 hr.(25c)13 Man from Borneo, 3 acts, 2 hrs (25c) 5 2 Mirandy's Minstrels. . . . (25c) Optnl. Mrs. Tubbs of Shantytown, 3 acts, 214 hrs (25c) 4 7 New Woman, 3 acts, 1 hr.... 3 6 Old Maid's Club, 1 54 hrs. (25c) 2 16 Old Oaken Bucket, 4 acts, 2 hrs (25c) 8 6 Old School at Hick'ry Holler, 1J4 hrs (25c) 12 9 On the Little Big Horn, 4 acts, 21/2 hrs (25c) 10 4 Out in the Streets, 3 acts, 1 hr. 6 4 Parlor Matches, 2 acts, \ l / 2 hrs. (25c) 4 5 Poor Married Man, 3 acts, 2 hrs (25c) 4 4 Prairie Rose, 4 acts, 2]/ 2 h.(25c) 7 4 Rummage Sale, 50 min 4 10 Rustic Romeo, 2 acts, 2Y\ hrs (25c) 10 12 Savageland, 2 acts, 2^ hrs. (50c) 5 5 School Ma'am, 4 acts, 1^4 brs. 6 5 Scrap of Paper, 3 acts, 2 hrs.. 6 6 Sewing for the Heathen, 40 min. 9 Southern Cinderella, 3 acts, 2 hrs (25c) 7 Star Bright, 3 acts, 2y 2 h. ("5c) 6 5 Teacher, Kin I Go Home? 2 scenes, 35 min 7 3 Those Dreadful Twins, 3 acts, 2 hrs (25c) 6 4 Thread of Destinv, 3 acts, 2^ hrs (25c) 9 16 Tonv, the Convict, 5 acts, 2y 2 \rs (25c) 7 4 Town Marshal, 4 acts, 2 $4 hrs (25c) 6 3 Trial of Hearts, 4 acts, 2^4 hrs. (25c) 6 18 Trip to Storvland, 1 Y\ hrs.(25c) 17 23 Uncle Josh, 4 acts, 2Ya hrs. (25c) 8 3 Under Blue Skies, 4 acts, 2 hrs (25c) 7 10 Under the Laurels, 5 acts, 2 hrs. 6 4 When the Circus .Came to Town, 3 acts, 234 hrs. (25c) 5 3 HUNGRY! A COMEDY A LA MODE FOR TWO BLACKFACE COMEDIANS BY HARRY L. NEWTON AUTHOR OF "All on Account of Polly" "The Corner Drug Store" "Every youth' 1 "The Goodfellow," "Good Mornln' Judge" "The Heiress of Hoetown" "Jayville Junction" "The Little Red School House" "Teacher ICxn J Go Hornet" "When the Circus Came to Town" "Some Vaudeville Monologues" etc. CHICAGO T. S. DENISON & COMPANY Publishers HUNGRY! CHARACTERS. Tobias A Commissary Man. Mose An Envious Mortal. Place — Near the Commissary Quarters. Time — Long Past Meal Time. Time of Playing — About Fifteen Minutes. PROPERTIES. Large covered basket containing a pie, for Tobias, also a handkerchief. STAGE DIRECTIONS. R. means right of stage ; C v center ; R. C, right center ; L., left ; i E., first entrance ; U. E., upper entrance ; R. 3 E., right entrance, up stage, etc. ; R. D., right door; L. D., left door, etc. ; D. F., door in flat or back of the stage ; up stage, away from footlights, down stage, near footlights; 1 G., first groove, etc. The actor is supposed to be facing the au- dience. . /*** , ! COPYRIGHT, 1917, BY EBEN H. NORRIS. 0CI.D 47790 •^ 12/9/7 HUNGRY! Scene: A street in "One" or an interior. Enter Tobias R. He carries a large covered basket. Tobias {talking as he comes on). Doggone everythin' and everybody, anyhow ! Here I done tote dis basket clean up 89 flights of stairs, and nobody knows where it belongs. (Sets basket down — wipes face with handkerchief.) Enter Mose, running, from L.; Tobias grabs him. Tobias. Heah yo' — what yo' runnin' f o' ? Mose. I'm tryin' to stop two men from fightin'. Tobias. Who am those two men? Mose. Me and another fellow. Tobias. Shucks, man, why didn't yo' stay and fight him? Mose. Dat nigger beat me fo' twenty minutes one time and honest to Gawd, I never got so tired of a nigger in all mah life. Tobias. Yo' ain't skeered, is yo'? Mose. No — I'm hungry — jes' hungry, dat's all. (Sniffs loudly.) Lordy, Lordy — what does I smell? Tobias. Don't yo' go 'sinuatin', man — Mose. (Looks at basket.) Dat's it — dat's what I smells. — What yo' got in dat basket? Tobias. Twenty-eight fried chickens, seventy-nine baked sweet potatoes, eighteen pumpkin pies — Mose. Oh, envy leave mah soul! (Tries to open basket.) Tobias. (Shoves him away.) No, yo' don't. Dem eats don't belong to yo'. Mose. Does dey belong to yo' ? Tobias. No, sah ; but dey're under mah personal man- agement — I am deliverin' dis heah junk; but I can't find nobody to take it. Mose. Man, yo' need look no further. Tobias. Go 'way, man, I don't know yo' ! Mose. Yo' don't need to. Jes' introduce me to de con- 3 4 HUNGRY ! tents of dat basket — I don't care if yo' ever know me or not. Tobias. Yo' talk like yo' was hungry. Mose. Yes, and whatta yo' suppose mah stomach's say- in' right now ? Tobias. Now let's be frank and earnest. Mose. All right, Frank. Tobias. All right, Ernest! Mose. Mah goodness, I wish I had yo' job — chaperone to a bunch of chickens and pies — Tobias. Mah job ain't no cinch. Dat's a doggone heavy basket. Mose. Let's make it lighter! (Tries to get at basket.) Tobias (shoves him away). Behave! What right yo' got to be hungry ? Why don't yo' look f o' work ? Mose. Listen, man. Work am doggone scarce. I been all over dis town tryin' to find a job f o' mah wife. Tobias. Dat's too bad. Maybe I kin help yo'. Mose. Say, tell me one thing. How did yo' ever find your job ? Dat's what gets me ! I kin understand how a man kin be President of de United States, but how does a man grab a job like yours? Tobias. To get my job, I had to pass an examination. Mose. Lead me to it — I'll bet dere ain't a nigger in town kin eat more den me. Tobias. Dat ain't de kind of examination I mean. Mose. Oh, I thought dere was a trick 'bout it some- where. Tobias. De examination was fo' intelligence, honesty and things like dat. Now, maybe, I kin get yo' a job, if yo' kin answer certain questions pro rata. First question— Who was de first man ? Mose. George Washington. Tobias. See ? Yo' am all wrong. Right dere yo' lose yo' job. Adam was the first man. Mose. Oh, well, I wasn't countin' foreigners. Tobias. Second question — When was yo' born? Mose. I don't know. HUNGRY ! 5 Tobias. Mah goodness, don't yo' know dat even. Who was with yo' when yo' was born ? Mose. My aunt ! Tobias. Lordy ! Lordy ! Mose. And it was on a Thursday. Tobias. How do yo' know yo' was born on a Thursday? Mose. 'Cause de next day we had fish — Tobias. Yo' don't get no job on dem come-backs. Mose. How's come? Tobias. Yo' don't qualify fo' dis heah job. Howsom- ever, I might git yo' a nice job in a powder factory. Mose. Powder factory? Don't I git mahself blow T ed up, maybe ? Tobias. Sure, dat could happen, but yo' wouldn't know anythin' 'bout it — blew^ie, and all is over ! Mose. Yes, and I am jes' naturally ruined fo' life. Tobias. Well, we all gotta pass out some time. Mose. Dat's so. Besides, if I gits blowed up, I stays up — I git me a home in heaven. Tobias. Not profoundly so. Yo' come down agin — more like yo' git yo'self a home down below — but you'd like it down there, fust class. Mose. How's come? Tobias. Because down there de streets am paved with dice; the trees are loaded with possum; chickens am as thick as flies 'round a molasses barrel, and de river am overflowing with gin. Mose. Oh, death, where is thy victory? Tobias. Dat settles it. I gives yo' up. Wait — why don't yo' join da army? Mose. Dat's good advice, but why don't you enlist in de army ? Tobias. I tried to, but dey rejected me. I got bad eye- sight. But why don't yo' enlist? Mose. Dey rejected me, too. Tobias. How's come? Mose. I got a floatin' kidney. Tobias. Well? 6 HUNGRY ! Mose. Dey said a man with a floatin' kidney should en- list in de navy. {Laughs and slaps him on the back.) Tobias {angrily). Look heah, man. Yo' git fresh with me and twelve months from today yo'll be one year dead. Mose. Think so? Tobias. Yo' pester with me and I'll jes' naturally knock yo' ten blocks beyond yo' own home. Mose. Yes, and I'll fool yo' — I don't live dere no more. Tobias. Oh, well, I don't want to have any trouble with yo'. Mose. Yes, and I wouldn't have any trouble with yo'. Yo'd be a cinch fo' me. Howsomever, I'm still hungry. Tobias. Take mah advice and go around to back doors. Mose. I done tried dat. Every time I stick mah face in a back door and ask fo' somethin' to eat, dey sick de dog on me. Tobias. Den yo' case am hopeless. Mose. No, it ain't. I got an idea — de next time I go to a back door and dey sick de dog on me, I'm goin' eat de dog. Tobias. Yes, but suppose he eats yo'? Mose. Man, dear, if dat dog eats me any faster den I eats him, he's gotta work powerful fast, dat's all. Tobias. Oh, say, I jes' thought of somethin' else. Did yo 'ever do any big game shootin'? For instance, lions, tigers, elephants — and doughnuts? Mose. Doughnuts ? Tobias. 'Xactly — doughnuts ! A male doughnut is one of de gamest animals in existence. But a female doughnut will fight desperately to protect its young. During de mat- ing season it's as much as yo' life is wo'th to attempt to shoot a mother doughnut. Mose. Say, man wait a minute. Is yo' talkin' 'bout de doughnuts dat has a hole in 'em, and built like a automobile tire? Tobias. Nothing like it. You are referring to de tame, or domesticated doughnut. I am speaking of de doughnut in its wild and native state. HUNGRY ! 7 Mose. Does yo' kind of doughnuts bite ? Tobias. Not after dey are fried. After yo' fry one it then become kind and gentle. However, dey are extremely hard to shoot — extremely hard. Mose. How's come? Tobias. Because yo' are always liable to hit de hole in dem. In which case yo' shot passes through dem and yo' ammunition is wasted, de doughnut becomes fright- ened, calls to its mate and dey take flight. Mose. Mah goodness, a person kin sure learn somethin' every day. How kin yo' tell a male doughnut from a female doughnut ? Tobias. Very simple. You creep up on a covey of dem, with a handful of watermelons — Mose. Watermelons? A handful of watermelons? Tobias. Certainly. All doughnuts are extremely fond of watermelons. Mose. Dey must have colored blood in dem. Tobias. Possibly. I cannot vouch for dat. Now when yo' reach the covey, you must coax dem to eat the water- melons. Therein lies de way to tell a male doughnut from a female doughnut. Mose. How's come ? Tobias. If she eats a watermelon, it's a female, and if he eats a watermelon, it's a male. Simple, isn't it? Mose. Yes, clear as mud, — but now dat you speak of it, I remember I once did some doughnut huntin' mahself . Tobias. Ah, you have me interested. Tell me about it. Mose. Well, dis was way down South, far from civiliza- tion — in de wilds and jungles of 22d street. I had been trackin' a large and ferocious doughnut fo' four days one day, but I couldn't git close enough to it to even wing it with a shot. Tobias. Ah, that very often happens. Dey can smell your scent. Mose. Dis heah one couldn't. I didn't have no cent — I was broke. Suddenly, however, I conceived a idea. I re- solved to snare de doughnut. I 8 HUNGRY ! Tobias. Snare him? Say, that's a new one. I never heard of anybody snaring a doughnut — especially a male doughnut. Dey are very timid of traps and snares. Mose. Ah, dat's de wonderful part of dis adventure. Dat's where I conceived de big idea. I sat down, built me a fire and made me a large cup of coffee. As soon as de doughnut smelled de coffee, it ran right up, curled up along- side of de coffee and went sound asleep. In 15 minutes de woods was so full of doughnuts, I had stomach ache fo' a whole year. Tobias. You don't expect me to believe dat, does yo'? Mose. No — not yet — wait! Jes' den it began to rain — Oh, how it did rain ! Some of the rain drops was as big as a dime, others was as big as fifteen cents. We sure would av all been drown, if it hadn't been fo' one thing. Tobias. And what saved yo' from drownin' dead? Mose. A flock of tame sponge-cakes came along and soaked up all de water. Tobias. Yo' win. (He picks up basket — opens lid — takes out a whole pie and plasters Mose's face with it — then quickly exits — followed by Mose, who frantically attempts to stuff pie into his mouth.) Curtain. DENISON'S ACTING PLAYS Price 15 Cents Each, Postpaid, Unless Different Price Is Given M. r. Winning Widow, 2 acts, V/ 2 hrs. (25c) 2 4 Women Who Did, 1 hr. . . (25c) 17 Yankee Detective, 3 acts, 2 hrs. 8 3 FARCES, COMEDIETAS, Etc. 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A merry trip for fun tourists. Negro Minstrels. All about the business. The New Jolly Jester. Funny stories, jok^a, gags, etc. Large Illustrated Catalogue Free T.S. DENISON & COMPANY, Publishers ,154 W. Randolph St. , Chicago