CS 71 .1189 1901 Copy 2 MORTON DATA ' > » • • - • . • * ... ' • • .. . • I . •. •• • • :.• • *» " > .. , ^ 'Of fIDorton H)ata The following pages from the Morton Genealogy, which I have been compiling for years, give the generations in my descent from John Morton and William Morton. There were several other men of the name Morton who lived in Virginia prior to 1800 from whom have come distinct lines of descent, but what relationship these Morton patriarchs bore to each other is a problem for their descendants to solve. 1 will be glad to receive any data bearing upon these early Mortons and in return will cheer- fully furnish any information in my posses- sion. I hope to publish the entire family history at some future time. I am indebted to many persons for help, but cannot men- tion names in the body of the text, though I am thankful to all. When dates are not given it is because they are unknown. DANIEL MORTON, M. D., January, 1901 St. Joseph, Mo. /liorton S)ata Explanation The sj'stem of numbering which I have devised is based on letting each decimal point represent a generation. The num- ber will then indicate the line of descent, kinship to other names and generation ot each person mentioned. For instance, the number 115 means that the name bearing this number is the fifth child of the first child of number one John Morton, and of the third generation. The relationship of any two descendants can therefore be easily deter- mined by comparing the numbers which they bear, thus number 12 is the uncle of number 115, and number 121 and number 115 would be cousins. A>orton S)ata 5 AN EXTRACT FROM THE DESCENDANTS OF JOHN MORTON . ]. John Morton. A careful search of Morton data and documentary evidence en- ables the following statements to be made concerning John Morton and his family. He owned land in King George County, Virginia prior to 1747. He was married to Mary surname imknown. She was married twice, John Morton being one husband and Jordan another. The dates of marriages are unknown. By her Jordan husband she had a son John Morton Jordan, who died in 1771, and mentions in his will, his wife Dorothy and a minor son John Nesbit Jordan. The origin of John Morton and his wife Mary i? unkno\yn. The Morton crest is believed to be a lion rampant. It is evident that the Morton and Jordan families were intimately connected. Children: Morton: 4. 11. Joseph; of whom hereafter; m. (1) Frances Colston; m. (2) Elizabeth (?) Beck- with. 12. George; of whom hereafter; m, Lucy Baylor. ]B. Mary; m. Jonathan Sydenham, "late of London, Merchant;" no other facts. 14. Frances; m. (1) Nicholas Meriwether; will proved in Goochland Co., 1758; m. (2) Samuel Pryor of Goochland; no other facts. Aorton S>ata 11. Joseph Morton, b. . d. 1759, in James City County, Va.; m. (1) Frances Col- ston dau, William Colston and Mary Meri- wether: see Excursus, Meriwether. Colston. Bellfield; m. (2) Elizabeth or Margaret Beckwith, daughter Sir Marmaduke Beck- with of Richmond County, Virginia; a full genealogy of this family can be found in The Beckwiths by Paul Beck- with. The founder of the family was Sir Hugh de Malebisse, a follower of William the Conqueror. Joseph Morton was Justice of King George in 1744. Capt. Daniel Mc- Carty, Parish of Cople, County of Westmorc-. land,' in his will dated March 29, 1724 pr. May 27, 1724 names ''my well beloved friends Col. Presley Thornton, Mr. Joseph Morton, Mr. Augustine Washington and Mr. Law- rence Butler, Gents, exrs." Augustine Wash- ington was the father of George Washington. It is significant that Joseph Morton named one of his daughters Betty McCarty and an- other I-ucy Butler. Joseph Morton was a member of the House of Burgesses of Vir- ginia. Children: Morton: 1st marriage with Fran- ces Colston: 1. 111. Frances, m. James Hubard of Wil- liamsburg, Va.: lawyer; Crown Solicitor; of an old cavalier family of Virginia and England; a man of high character. He was a Tory and went to England with Lord Dun- more. His property was confiscated by the Colonies. See Hubard Genealogy in the William and Mary Quarterly Magazine, 1895- 96. Children: Morton: 2nd marriage with Eliz- abeth (?) Beckwith: 6. 112. Molly Beckwith; no facts. 113. Lucy Butler; no facts. il)oi:ton S>ata 7 .114. Betty IMcCarty; of whom hereafter; m. Col. George Payne. 115. William Jordan; of whom hereafter; m, Martha Pryor. IIG. Margaret Sydenham; of whom here- after; m. Robert Payne, (brother Col George Payne). 117. ; a son; not christened when Joseph Morton wrote his will in 1758. Tra- dition states that he died young. No other facts. 115. William Jordan Morton; Born in Westmoreland county, Virginia, Nov. 15, 1754. Died and buried at "Snowden", Lo- gan County, Kentucky, Jan. 3, 1825. Grave obliterated. Married March IG, 1779, Martha Pryor, dau. William and Sarah (Wood) Pryor. See Pryor Genealogy. Martha Pryoi, b. April (J, 17(31, d. IMarch 15. 1800, and buried on the farm on which her husband lived in Louisa County, Virginia, about eighteen miles from Louisa C. H.. near Thomp- son's Cross Roads. Her grave is obliterated. She was an accomplished violinist; her vio- lin remaining in the famih'- for many years, but finally disappearing. After her death her husband would never allow any of the children to "draw a bow." When William Jordan Morton was five years old his father died, and he was taken to Essex Countj'^ and raised by his two uncles, Marmaduke and Sir Jonathan Beckwith. He resided in Lou- isa and Goochland Counties, moving about 1783 from the latter to the former, all of his children being born in one or the other of these counties. In 1811, his son, 1155 Will- iam Jordan, came to Logan County, Ky., and was followed by Joseph, John, and Fan- nie, the remainder of the family coming out in 1815. Thus the entire family emigrated, consisting of William Jordan, twelve children, together with the slaves, and established 8 /Dctton 2>ata themselves at "Snowden", this being the name given their new home, at the head of Gasper River, Logan County, Ky. It is re- ported as a remarkable thing that the emi- grants encountered only one light shower of rain during the entire trip. William Jor- dan Morton is said on good autTiority to have been a Revolutionary soldier and the com- rade in arms of George Blakey and James H'. Davidson, who were also residents of Logan County, but no documentary proof of such service has been found. He is supposed to have died intestate. See "Sketch of Will- iam Jordan Morton and his family". Children: Morton: 12. 1151. Peter, b. Dec. 16, 1779, in Virginia, d. Dec. — , 1854, in Logan County, Kentucky, and buried at "Snowden." Married Mrs. Sarah MaxAvell when he was sixty-five years old. No descendants. An intelligent, well- read man. Methodist in belief, but not a churcli member. Soldier in the War of 1812. ;.- 1152. Sarah; of whom hereafter; m. Mar- tin Robertson. 1153. Rebecca; b. May 21, 1783. in Vir- ginia; d. May, 1838 and buried at Snowden. Never ntarried; in old age large and fleshy; a shouting Methodist; godly and religious. Could mak-e the welkin ring. 1154. Fannie Hubard, b. March 9, 1785. in Virginia: d. July 21. 1834, and buried at Maple Grove Cemetery, Russellville, Ky. Never married. A religious woman and faithful member of the Methodist church. 1155. William Jordan; of whom hereafter; m. (I) Rebecca Haden; m. (2) Louisa Mc- Cormick; m. (3) Clarissa McClellan. 1150. Margaret B., b. March 31, 1788. in Virginia, d. Aug. 20. 1875, at home of her brother Marmaduke Beckwith Morton, Rus- sellville Kentucky. Buried at Maple Grove /B>oiton Data 0, cemetery. She was a beautiful woman, the most beautiful member of the family. 1157. Joseph; of whom hereafter; m. Louisa Davidson. 1158. John; of whom hereafter; m. (1) Elizabeth Rollins; m. (2) Catherine Millcr Spencer, 1150. Elizabeth; of whom hereafter; m. Jefferson Hayden. 115(1('). Marmaduke Beckwith: of whom hereafter; m. (1) Nancy Caldwell; m. (2) Elizabeth Smith Morton Caldwell. 115(11). Henry Pryor, b. Sept. 13, 1798, in Virginia, d. Oct. 15, 1870, in Logan Countv. Kentucky, and buried on farm of brother Joseph Morton, near Auburn, Ky. Died sin- gle. Farmer; man of fine sense. Lived at "Snowden". When a child he would often compel his brother Marmaduke to carry him in arms by the novel procedure of holding his breath. This would so frighten Marma- duke that for fear his younger brother would die he would pick up Henry and walk off with him. This little story has passed down the generations. 115 (12). Martha; of whom hereafter; m. James McCarley. 115 (10). T^Iarmaduke Beckwith Morton of Russellville. Ky., b. in Louisa County, Vir- ginia, Sept. 13. 179G. d. March 11, 1887, bur- ied at Maple Grove Cemetery. Emigrated to Kentucky in 1815 with father's family. County and Circuit Clerk. Cashier South- ern Bank of Kentucky. Justice of the Peace; farmer. See following sketches. Marriea twice, wives being sisters, m. (1) Sept. 0, 1827, Nancy Caldwell, b. Sent. 8, 18<»!). d. June 19, 1834, dau. Andrew Caldwell and Frances Terrell Morton. See the Descend- ants of William Morton of Orange Coun- ty. Andrew Caldv/ell was son of Oliver 10 /ftorton Sata Caldwell and Isabella (Cook) Caldwell. See The Caldwell Family. Married (2) Jan. 17, 1838, by Rev. Thomas Waring, Elizabeth Smith Morton Caldwell, a sister of Nancy Caldwell, b. Sept. 3, 1811, d. June 22, 1880. Children: Morton: 1st marriage with Nan- cy Caldwell: 3. 115(10)1. Daniel; of whom hereafter; m. (1) Susan Eliza Moore Booker; m. (2) Mrs. Mary A. (Bottomley) Shipley. 115(10)2. William; of whom hereafter; m. Sophia Wesley Maria Warren. 115(10)3. David; of whom hereafter; m. Hannah W. Bottomley. Children: Morton: 2nd marriage with Eliz- abeth Smith Morton Caldwell: 4. 115(10)4. Nannie; of whom hereafter; m. James H. Bowden. 115(10)5. Infant daughter, born and died April 9, 1840. 115(10)6. Infant son, born June 24, and died July 1, 1841. 115(10)7. Infant daughter, born and died June 27, 1843. 115(10)3. David Morton of Kentucky, born at Russellville, Ky., June 4. 1833, d. at 705 West Chestnut, Louisville, Ky., March 9, 1898, from blood poisoning, the result of a slight wound of the left thumb, made by a splinter four days previously. Buried Maple Grove Cemetery. Married by Rev. N. H. Lee at Russellville, August 8. 1854, to Hannah Wilson Bottomley, b. February 5, 1831, dau. Rev. Thomas Bottomley and Hannah (Wilson) Bottomley. See Bottomley Famih'. M. B. Morton's first wife; died in June, 1834, and he then had his sister, Frances Hubard Mor- ton, come and live with him and take his fl>orton E)ata II youngest child, David, in charge, then about one year old. This sister lived only about one month after this, dying in July, 1834. The baby David was then taken to his Grandfather Caldwell's home and placed in charge of his maternal aunt, Betsy, who sub- sequently became his step-mother also. The following are some of the important dates in the life of David Morton. Licensed to preach in 1852 by Quarterly Conference Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Russell- ville, Ky. : Joined Louisville Annual Confer- ence, 1853; President Russellville Female Academy 1864-G8; member of General Con- ference M. E. C, S., 1870-1878-1886-1890- 189-1-1898; member Ecumemical Conference, London, England, 1881, and Washington, D, C, 1891; 1882 elected Secretary Board of Church Extension, M. E. C, S., by Gener- al Conference, Nashville, Tenn., and remained such until death, sixteen years later* 1883, degree of "Doctor of Divinity" conferred by Centenary College, Jackson, Louisiana; 1891, elected member Filson Club, Louisville, Ky. ; 1876, Presiding Elder Montana District and Chaplain Montana Senate. See "A Me- morial Volume of David Morton." Children: Morton: 9. 115(10)31. Mary Emma; of whom here- after; m. James H. Edwards. 115(10)32. Infant son; born and died June 13. 18»57. 115(10)33. Charles Shipley, b. Aug. 20, 1858, in Bardstown, Ky., d. July 12. 1859, in Owensboro, Ky. Buried at Maple Grove Cemetery. 115(10)34. Thomas Bottomley; of whom hereafter; m. (1) Mattie Petrie; m. (2) Mar- garet Williams. 115(10)35. Joseph; of whom hereafter; m. Frances Elizabeth Gregory. 12 /©ci'ton S>ata 115(10)36. Daniel; of whom hereafter; compiler of this Morton Genealogy. m. Fannie Ella Johnson. 115(10)37. Hinds, a son, b. Julv 27, 1867 at Riissellville, Ky., d. March 22, 1868; bur- ied Maple Grove Cemetery. 115(10)38. Nannie, b. Dec. 23. 1868, at Riissellville, Ky.. d. July 20, 1870; buried Maple Grove Cemetery. 115(10)39. Marmaduke Beckwith; of whom hereafter; m. Gertrude Moore. 115(10)31. Mary Emma Morton, of St. Joseph, Mo.; b. Nov. 11, 1855 in Taylor Co., Ky., at the home of Richard Cowherd; edu- cated at Logan Female College, Russellville, Ky., graduating in 1873; Methodist. M. Dec. 21, 1S82 at Walnut Street M. E. C. S., Louis- ville, Ky., by Rev. James C. Morris to James Henry Edwards of Elkton, Ky,, b. Aug. 22, 1850, d. July 24, 1893, buried at Glenwood Cem- etery. Elkton, Kv. ; son of Elisha Beall Ed- wards, M. D., D.'D. S. and Sarah Ball (Por- ter) Edwards. See Excursus Edwards. Mary Emma (Morton) Edwards came to Louisville in 1897 to live with her father and from there in 1898 to St. Joseph, Mo. Children: Edwards: 3: 115(10)311. Marietta; b. Nov. 16, 1884, at Elkton, Ky. 115(10)312. David Morton; b. at Elkton, Ky., June 29, 1886; d. March 25, 1893; buried at Glenwood Cemetery, Elkton, Ky. 115(10)313. Elisha Beall, b. Jan. 17, 1889 at Elkton, Ky. 115(10)34. Thomas Bottomley Morton, of Louisville, Ky., Office Supply Co.; b. March 20, 1860, at Owensboro. Ky.; educated at Bethel College, Russellville, Ky.; Methodist; /Rovton E>ata "13 m. Dec. 18, 1883, (1) Mattie Petric of Elkton, Ky., b. Aug. 22, 18(il; d. Dec. 31, 188t); buried at Gleiiwood Cemetery, Elkton, Ky., dau. H. G. Petrie and Mary (Bristow) Petrie, and niece Benjamin H. Bristow, Secretary Navy, under Grant: m. Sept. 27, 1893, (2) Margaret Williams, dau. Bailey Peyton Williams and Virginia (Snead) Williams of Louisville, Ky. Bailey Peyton W'illiams and the grandfather of Lieutenant Hobson, of Santiago fame, were first cousins. Children: Morton: 1st marriage, 2: 115(10)341. Mary Petrie; b. Nov. 2, 1884, at Elkton, Ky. 115(10)342. David Ha^^cl; b. Feb. 21, 1886, at Elkton, Ky. Children: Morton: 2nd marriage, 2: 115(10)343. Paul; twin brother with Vir- ginia; b. Dec. 24, 189*, at Louisville, Ky. 115(10)344. Virginia: twin sister with Paul; b. Dec. 24, 1894, at Louisville, Ky. 115(10)35. Joseph Morton, of St. Joseph, Mo. Attorney at law. B. Jan. G, 1862 at Elkton, Ky. Educated at Bethel College Russellville. Ky., and at High School, Louis- ville. Studied law at Law Department, Uni- versity Louisville. Emigrated to St. Joseph, Mo., 1885; m. at St. Joseph, Mo., June 27, 1889 by Rev. Henry Bullard to Frances Eliza- beth (jregory, born in Wilson, N. Y., dau. William Enoch and Eliza Nichols (Bartlctt) Gregory of Jonesville, Mich. Children: Morton: 8: 115(10).351. Margaretta; b. ^larch 22, 189.) at St. Joseph, Mo, 115(10V35?. William Marmaduke; b. Jan. 20, 1892 at St. Joseph, Mo. 115(10^353. David Gregory: b. June 21, 1893, at St. Joseph, Mo. 14 /iDortoii S>ata 115(10)36. Daniel Morton of St. Joseph, Missouri, Doctor of Medicine, compiler of this Genealogy, born November 25, 1864, at Riissellville, Kentucky in Logan Fe- male x\cademy. Educated at Bethel College, Russellville, and at Male High School, Louis- ville, Ky.; Doctor of Medicine, University of Louisville, Medical Department, 1887; Post- graduate course Medical Department Colum- bia College, New York City, 1888; emigatcd to St. Joseph. Mo., 1888. M. by Rev. David Morton, D. D., March 8, 1894, to Fannie Ella Johnson, b. Feb. 1, 1869, dau. William Barry and Mary Kurtz (Colhoun) Johnson: See Johnson and Colhoun genealogies. Children: Morton: 3. 115(10)361. Roger Daniel; b. December 1, 1894 at 1504 Buchanan ave., St. Joseph, Mo. 115(10)362. Paul Colhoun; b. June 5, 1897 at 1504 Buchanan ave., St. Joseph, Mo. 115(10)363. Elizabeth Bickley; b. Feb. 6, 1900, at 620 North Twenty-fourth street, St. Joseph, Mo. 115(10)39. Marmaduke Beckwith Morton of St. Joseph, Mo., b. Dec. 12, 1873 at Rus- sellville, Ky., in Logan Female Academy; educated at Louisville Male High School, graduating B. A., 1893. Emigrated to St. Joseph, Mo., December, 1893; m. May 23, 1900 by Bishop E. R. Hendrix to Gertrude Moore, b. Dec. 30, 1875 at New Market, Mo., dau. Dr. Wm. Pratt Moore and Margaret Craig (Dysart) Moore of Maryville, Mo. flOorton S)ata 15 EXCURSUS-MERIWETHER-COLSTON-BELFIELD 1. Mary Meriwether; dau. Francis Meri- wether and Mar}' Bathitrst. (Richmond, Va. Standard, Oct. 2, 1800). b. , d. Oct. 0, 1750. M.. (1) William^ Colston; b. , d. 1721: son of William Colston, who made will Oct. 27, 1701; pr. Dec. 8, 1701 and who mar- ried Ann Beale, widow of Thomas Beale, Jr. and daughter of William Gouge (Gooch). The Colstons were descended from Robert de Colston of Colston Hall, living at time of Conquest. Willam Colston the emigrant, was a son of William Colston, a great mer- chant of Bristol, England. William Colston, merchant, was a brother of Edward Colston the Bristol Philanthropist, merchant of Bris- tol and London and Member of Parliament. Mary Merriwether m. (2) March 9. 1723-4, Thomas Wright Belfield; b. Jan. 1, 1704; d. Oct. 7, 1743; son of Joseph Belfield by first wife Frances Wright. Children: 1st marriage: (Colston): 12. Mary; m. John Smith, Gent. Rich- mond Co. 13. Frances; m. Joseph Morton of James City Co. Issue: Frances Morton, who mar- ried James Hubard of Williamsburg, lawyer. In the division of the land of Willam Colston in 1738, Mary got the Northumberland land, and Frances got the .King George land. Children: 2nd marriage: (Belfield). 14. John; b. June 23, 1725. ^ 15. Elizabeth; b. Oct. 25, 1732-35; m. — Stark. 10. Frances; b. March 23, 1735-G; m. (1) Walker; m. (2) Broadnax. There were five others, who died before their mother; 13. 14, 15 survived their mother. It thus appears that Mary Meriwether by 16 /iDotton S)ata her first husband had a daughter, Frances (Colston); and by her second husband an- other daughter, Frances (Beh'ield). Mary (Meriwether Colston) Belfields will, dated 1750, is in Will Book 5, p. 45'^, Rich- mond Co., Va. She therein mentions her granddaughter, Frances Morton. BELFIELD 1. Joseph Belfield. Of the Parish of Sit- tenbourne. Richmond County, Va. ; Chirur- geon; emigrant from England: made will July 18, IT'V). probated June 5. 1738. leaving to his son, Thomas Wright Belfield, 20 shil- lings, to his son Joseph Belfield, one-half of his estate, to his wife Elizabeth Belfield, the other half, which after her death was to go to Joseph. M. (1) Frances Wright, b. Jan. 7. 1685, dau. Mattrom (?) Wright and his wife Ruth Griggs, dau. Robert Griggs of England; m. (2) in 1707-17 about May 20, Mrs. Mary Wilson, dau. William Lane, who left her one-half interest in 2.500 acres of land in Sittenbourne Parish, patented July 20, 1662 unto George Morris and William Lane; m. (3) Elizabeth . Children: Bcllfield. 12. Thomas Wright: bv 1st wife: b. Jan. 1, 1704-5; d. Dec. 7. 1743; m. March 9, 1728-4, Mary (Meriwether) Colston, widow; see above; will dated 1743 is in Will Book 5, p. 427. 13. Joseph: of whom iiereafter; believed to have had (131) a daughter Nancy, who m. (1) William Lane by whom she had several children: m. (2) April 23, 1778, Enoch Smith, by whom she had several children, among them a daughter (1311) Sarah, b. Mav 27, 1786. •/iDcirton S>ata t7 AN EXTRACT FROM THE DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM MORTON 3. William Morton, Orange County, Vir- ginia. Of the ancestry of William Mor- ton, nothing authentic is known. Tradition states that he or his ancestors at one time owned large tracts of land upon which por- tions of the City of Washington, D. C., are now built. After disposing of it the family moved to Orange County, Virginia, where descendants reside today. William Mor- ton married Ann Mothershead, it is be- lieved; her brother or her father was at Braddock's defeat. William Morton died 1748, made will Dec. 8, 1747, proved July 28, 1748. will book 2, p. 131. witnesses George Taylor. Taverner Beale, W. Russell, J. Bran- ham, Jr., John Smith. Appoints his wife, Ann, Executrix, and his son Elijah and son- in-law. Andrew Bourne, executors; mentions wife Ann. also grandchild George Morton, son of Elijah Morton, also granddaughter Frances Christopher, who afterwards married Francis Bourne and became the ancestress of Gen. Bristow. Mentions the following Children: Morton: 8. 11. Son, Jeremiah; of whom hereafter; m. Sarah Street. 12. Son. Elijah; of whom hereafter; m. Elizabeth Hawkins. 13. Son-in-law, Henry Bourne and my daughter Ann, married before August, 1746. -14. Son-in-law, Thomas Newman and my daughter Elizabeth; 15. My daughter, Mary Minor, or Morris? 16. Son-in-law, Andrew Bourne: of whom hereafter; whose wife was Jane, though his will does not mention her. IS /Dorton S>ata 17. Son, John, then under twenty-one years, believed to have been married to a Miss Bourne, sister of Henry and Andrew Bourne. 18. Son, George, died before his father hence his name does not appear in the will. Will Book 2, page 21, shows quali- fication of Jeremiah Morton as adminis- trator of George Morton, died October 25, 1744 and at page 30 the inventory and appraisement of personal estate of George Morton, made October, 1744, amount- ed to 391 pounds, 16 shillings, 9 pence. A George Morton m. Margaret Strother, April 6, 1744, in Overwharton Parish (see Regis- ter). He lived but a few months. Perhaps he was this man. 12. Elijah Morton: m. Elizabeth Hawkins, whose ancestry is not known; license issued July 3, 1745, in Spottsylvania County, Virgin- ia; her brother, John Hawkins, was the an- cestor of Gen. W. O. Butler; the will ot Elijah Morton has never been foimd. Children: Morton: 7. 121. George Morton; of whom hereafter; m. Jane Morton. 122. William Morton; of whom hereafter, m. Elizabeth Hite Smith. 123. Joseph; no facts. 124. John; of wdiom hereafter; m. Mary Tandy. 125. Sallie; m. William Bledsoe, Aaron Bledsoe on the bond, license issued July 2J, 1785; no other facts. 126. Frankie Terrill; no facts. 127. Betsey (?) of whom hereafter; ni. William Quisenberry. IKnorton S)ata td 122. William Morton, emigrated from Vir- ginia to Kentucky about 1785, after selling "Soldiers' Rest" near Berryville. Va., to Gen. Daniel Morgan; m. in Virginia, Elizabeth Hite Smith, dau. of Major Charles Smith, and Re- becca Hite, daughter of John Hite, son of Joist Hite of Valley of Virginia fame. Charles Smith was an officer with Washington at Braddock's Defeat and the Great Meadows, and was wounded. Berryville, Va., stands upon his old homestead. Charles Smith was the great grandfather of William H. Eng- lish, Indianapolis, Ind., Democratic candidate for Vice-President. (See the Conquest of the Northwest" by English, for an account of the public services of Charles Smith and Joist Hite. Children: Morton: 14. 1221. Charles Smith; of whom hereafter; m. Hannah Bright. 1222. George Washington; of whom here- after. 1223. Abram Bowman; of whom hereafter; m. Martha Fletcher. 1224. John Hite; of whom hereafter; m. Sarah Price. 1225. Gabriel J.; of whom hereafter; m. Winnie Taylor. 122G. Elijah; of whom hereafter; m. Miss Stewart. 1227. Joseph, died in early childhood. 1228. William Raglan; of whom hereafter; m. (1) Nancy Thomson, (2) Eliza James Bradford. 1229. Frances Terrill; of whom hereafter; m. Andrew Caldwell. 122(10). Kitty; m. Ben Vance; no chil- dren; no other facts. 122(11). Mary; of whom hereafter; m. John Barner. 20 Aorton S>ata 322(12). Rebecca; of whom hereafter* m. James Haden. 122(13). EHzabeth Hite, died single, known as *'Aunt Betsy Lexington" because she Hved part of her life in Lexington, Ky. There was an Aunt Betsey Hayden who lived at Auburn, Ky., and was an own sister of Marmaduke Beckwith Morton. It became necessary, in order to avoid confusion, to so distinguish these old ladies. Aunt Betsy Lex- ington was often called upon by her widower brotliers to raise their children. On one oc- casion she made the trip to Missouri on horseback to the home of her brother George Washington to take charge of his motherless children. 122(14). Sallie, died single in Lexington, Ky,, no other facts. 1229. Frances Terrill Morton; b. Nov. 29, 1798: d. Oct. 23, 1862; buried at Maple Grove Cemetery, Russellville, Ky. Married April 3, 3808, Andrew Caldwell, son of Oliver Cald- well. Full details concerning Andrew Cald- well and his wife are set out in the Caldwell Family, which see. They were a noble cou- ple and served well their day and generation. Their descendants are set out also in "The Descendants of John Morton," which see. Children: Caldwell: 8. 12291. Nancy; of whom hereafter; m. Marmaduke B. Morton. 12292. Elizabeth Smith Morton; of whom hereafter; m. Marmaduke B. Morton. 12293. WilHam Morton Fletcher. 12294 Daniel Duverney. 12295. George Ann. 12296. Frances Ellen. 12297. John Andrew. 12298. Andrew Peter Akers. /ICocton H)ata 21 122D1. Nancy Caldwell; b. Sept. 8, 1809. d. June 19, 1834; buried at Maple Grove Ceme- tery, Russellville, Ky.; m. Sept. 6, 1827, Marmaduke Beckwith Morton. After the death of Nancy Caldwell her sister, Eliza- beth Smith Morton Caldwell, was married also to Marmaduke Beckwith Morton, In the children of these marriages two strains of Morton blood commingle. Nancy Cald- well and her sister were descendants of William Morton of Orange County, Virginia. Marmaduke Beckwith Morton was a descend- ant of John Morton. So far as know John Morton and William Morton were not re- lated. See Descendants of John Morton. Children: Morton: 3. 122911. Daniel. 122912. William. 122913. David; of whom hereafter; m. Hannah Wilson Bottomley. 12292. Elizabeth Smith Morton Caldwell; b. Sept. 3, 1811; d. June 22, 1880; buried at Maple Grove Cemetery, Russellville, Ky. ; m. January 17, 1838, Marmaduke Beckwith Mor- ton, widower of her sister Nancy Caldwell 12201. See Descendants of John Morton. Children: Morton: 4. 122921. Nannie; of whom hereafter; m. James H. Bowden. 122922. Infant daughter, born and died April 9, 1840. 122923. Infant son, born June 24 and died July 1, 1841. 122924. Infant daughter, born a nd died June 27, 1843. 22 Aorton S)ata 122013. David Morton; b. June 4, 1833, d. March 9, 1898; Methodist preacher; secretary- Board of Church Extension of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Louisville, Ky. See the David Morton Memorial Volume for a full account of his life. Married Aug. 8, 1854, to Hannah Wilson Bottomley, b. Feb. 5, 1831. See the "Descendants of Thomas Bottomley." See the "Descendants of John Morton: 115(10)3." Children: Morton: 9. 1229131. Mary Emma. 1229132. Infant son. 1229133. Charles Shipley. 1229134. Thomas Bottomley. 1229135. Joseph. 1229136. Daniel. Compiler of this Morton Genealogy. See the Descendants of John Morton: 115(10)30. 1229137. Hinds. 1229138. Nannie. 1229139. Marmaduke Beckwith. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 021 549 790 2 xS V