• LYON MEMORIAL NEW YORK FAMILIES DESCENDED FROM THE IMMIGRANT THOMAS LYON, OF RYE WITH INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER BY DR. G. W. A. LYON ON THE ENGLISH LYON FAMILIES WITH MAPS AND FACSIMILE REPRODUCTIONS OF INTERESTING ANCIENT MANUSCRIPTS EDITOR: Robert B. Millbr, of Brooklyn, N. V. ASSOCIATE EDITOR: A. B. Lyons, M. D. of Detroit, Mich. DETROIT, MICH. rxti of William Graham Printing Co. IQ07 V A ' x «\° l Copyright, 1907 By Albert Brown Lyons, Detroit, Mich. PREFACE The o ginal prospectus of the Lyon memorial contemplated a sin- gle volume of possibly five hundred pages, which should include all easily accessible information about the several Lyon families which es- tablished themselves in New England prior to the year 1650. As the material accumulated, it became soon apparent that a single volume would not suffice. In fact the monograph has given place to a trilogy. With the present volume, the task taken in hand four years ago Is brought to completion. It deals with the family of Thomas Lyon, which, although belonging in the beginning to New England, was early in its history transplanted into the neighboring State of New York. The publisher of the Lyon Memorial has been fortunate in en- listing for this portion of the work, the co-operation of a man whose acquaintance with the subject has extended over many years, and has been that of a professional genealogist — Mr. Robert B. Miller. It is only fair to Mr. Miller to say that, while he has given shape to the family history, furnishing the autheutic data and references to au- thorities that give to the narrative its high value as history, it has not been possible for him to edit the whole of the material that has been collected during the past year. For the foundation and plan of the work, hia is the credit; if the structure seem to the critical lack- ing in symmetry and harmony, the fault is that of those who have had to build independently upon that foundation, with such material as offered itself. Very valuable assistance has been rendered by a number of the descendants of Thomas Lyon. First and foremost among those who have interested themselves in gathering details of the family history must be named R. F. Skiff, of Iowa Falls, la., who has traced down to the present time the history of many of the des- cendants of Jonathan Lyon of Bedford. It would, perhaps, be Invidious to select for mention individuals from the many others who have contributed data pertaining to their immediate relatives. Acknowl- edgment must, however, be made of the aid rendered by Mr. Paul P. Lyon of Mount Pleasant, Pa., in draughting the map of Westchester County — an important addition to the value of the book. Each volume of the Lyon Memorial is complete in Itself, although each contains matter that cannot fail to interest every Lyon who has 6 PREFACE a proper family pride. The first volume of the series treats of the families of William Lyon of Roxbury, Peter Lyon of Dorchester and George Lyon, also of Dorchester. It contains an introductory chapter on the English Ancestry of the American Lyon families, contributed by Dr. G. W. A. Lyon, who has returned to the subject, with much add- ed information, in the introductory chapter of the present volume. The second book of the series deals with two of the brothers who came to Fairfield, Conn., about 1648. This volume is edited by Sidney Elizabeth Lyon, of Jeffersonville, Ind., who accepts the family tradi- tion of a Scotch origin of these families. She treats in an introductory chapter of "Some Old World Lyons," particularly the Scotch family of the Earls of Strathmore. Prof. S. R. Winans, of Princeton University, contributes an interesting chapter on Lyons Farms, illustrated with a map showing the original allotments of land in the old settlement. Another map shows the original allotments of land to settlers in New- ark. The present volume is devoted to the single family of Thomas Lyon, at one time of Fairfield, and persumably a brother of Richard and Henry, who were also "of Fairfield." Its distinguishing feature is the index of places, which will be of help to any one who wishes to trace the ancestry of any particular Lyon. The index includes descendants of all the Lyon families treated in the several volumes of the Memorial. The task which the writer of these lines assumed four years ago is at last concluded. If it has been but imperfectly done, the half loaf is better than no bread. It will be long before the complete and adequate history is written. Meanwhile those who have collaborated in preparing the Lyon Memorial will find ample reward for their labor in the gratitude of their kinsmen who will owe to them some acquaint- ance with a family history in which they may well take pride. A. B. LYONS. Detroit, Mich., Oct. 1907. THE LYONS OF ENGLAND FROM THE TIME OF THE CONQUEST. BY G. W. A. LYON, M. D. (Member of the Pennsylvania Historical Society.) "Lyons, a small district of France, to the s. e. of the district of Bray, and n. of Lyons la Foret, on the left bank of the Andelle; for- merly included within the extent of the Forest of Lyons, much more vast than today." [Univ. Geography — v. de St. Martin.]. "Lyons la Foret, a village of the department of Eure, 20 kilometers n. of Andelys, at the sources of the Lieure, a tributary of the Seine through the Andelle, in the midst of a beautiful beech forest; 75 meters altitude; 690 inhabitants, 1270 with the commune; sawmills and tan- neries; church of the 13th and 16th centuries." [Gazeteer.]. This district and this town are of special interest to the Lyon family, inasmuch as it is from them that we derive our name. The village has probably grown from the cottages that clustered about the ancient Castle of Lyons, of which the ruins may still exist. The Cas- tle and the forest are both plainly marked on old maps. Those who can not find it on their maps, can place it quite accurately by marking a dot a little to the south of east of Rouen, at the apex of an equi- lateral triangle whose base is a line drawn from Andelys to Gisors. The name was originally De Lyons — of the castle and forest of Lyons. But phonetic spelling plays havoc with names: about 1100 variants of the name Cushing have been noted, and one name has four variants in a single line. Lyon is spelled with and without the de or the s; with y changed to i, e, oi or oy, ei or ey, or eu; the o becomes a, e or u; the n becomes nne. It is found as Len, Line or Lyne. By the monks it was sometimes written Lin, with the Latin ending u s, or was more frequently translated literally Into Leonibus. Whether it is the origin of Lynne is uncertain; while as n often as- sumes a d, as in Simon — Simond, it may be connected with Lynd [see Mass. Col. Rec, Thos Line or Lynd of Charlestown 1637]. In 1066, the Lord of Lyons hearkened unto the call of Duke William, and for his services was awarded Corsham and Culington. The earlier generations seem to have spent most of their time abroad. When Hen. I. went to France to arrange the disputes arising out of the marriage 8 THE LYONS OF ENGLAND of his daughter Matilda with Geoffrey of Anjou, he stayed for some time at the Castle of Lyons, no doubt as the guest of its Lord; and It was at this castle that, after a day of hunting in the forest, he par- took of a hearty meal of stewed eels, of which he was especially fond, and "died of a surfeit." Hugo, of the 4th generation, passed little of his time in England; and it was due to his friendship with Richard I. that he incurred the enmity of King John, whereby he was twice depilv^d of his estates. I^ater the family became attached to the soil, though many county histories tell how estate after estate passed from them, partly througu large donations to religious societies, partly through failure in the direct male line. The chief authority for the history of the English Lyons nas been the Rolls Office Pedigree [vol. 1.* p. 10.], printed in Welles' American Family Antiquity. Mr. Philippe, the compiler, had access to the En- glish records, and while his statements are, in the main, quite accurate, his conclusions therefrom are in many cases contradicted by direct evidence. As no records were kept until Hen. VIIL, and even these very incompletely, all data concerning the old families must come from various documents of a legal or a religious nature. In the very nature of the case, it is generally impossible to determine dates, and therefore to decide upon the precise degree of relationship between thos<> who yet are unquestionably of the same household. A glance at the published pedigree of the Earls of Strathmore will show that it is impossible to prove a clear descent from the 11th century. In this exegesis, the compiler does not attempt to cover the whole ground, but confines himself to the evidence that he has personally examined. He passes over the history of the Scottish branch, which is treated fully in vol. II. of the memorial. It has been claimed that Godfrey de Louvain, duke of Brabant, was the head of the Norman family of Lyon; but this seems quite unlikely. First: There was no duke Godfrey till some time after the conquest; the dukes were the head of the family of Louvain; they did not hear the lesser title de Louvain, which was borne by a younger son. Second: Manning (Hist, of Surrey) says that Sir Nicholas Louvain was a descendant of the noble family of Louvain, a younger branch of the Houso of Lorraine: Godfrey de Louvain, surnamed from his •Vol. I., throughout this chapter, means Lyon Memorial. Massachusetts Fam- lllea, THE LYONS OF ENGLAND 9 place of birth, had lands in England in right of his mother, grand- daughter of King Stephen. Third: the name Louvain in England is always Louvain, just as Lyon is always Lyon, disguised though each may be by the well-established phonetic changes. An interesting item, possibly bearing upon the relations with Malcolm Canmore [vol. II. pg. 12.] is noted in Kennet's Parochial Hist, of Oxford. •'Waltheof, son of Earl Siward, for winuing him over to the Norman interest, received from William I. his niece Judith, dau. of Lambert de Lenes [Lyons?] by Maud, countess of Albemarle, dau. of Halwyn de Comitis Villa by Arlota his wife, and thereby sister to Duke William by his mother." "The name Loions," says the Duchess of Cleveland [the Battle Abbey Roll], is derived from the castle and forest of Lions in Nor- mandy" [see also the Norman People].! "Ingelram de Lions came in 1066, and held Corsham and Culington from the King. He had Ran- ulph, whose brother, William de Lions, had a grant from Earl Wm. Gif- fard. and left descendants. Ranulph had Ingelram de Lions, who was named Parcarius, as being forester (parker) of Croxton Park, Leicester, by exchange with the King [Hen. II.]. Wm. Parcarius de Lions [his son] was a benefactor of Croxton Abbey tempo Hen. II. (1154 — 1189), and was a brother of Hugh, who was deprived of his estates 1203. One of this family [dropping the title, and assuming the name of the office] was ancestor of the family of Parker, and of the Earls of Macclesfield." "Earl Wm. Warren possessed Croxton," says Nicholls (Hist, of Leicester). "He died 1160. Henry II. kept it for a while, but ex- changed it for Corsham and Culington, of which two-thirds belonged to William, son of Ingelram Parcarius de Lyons, a Norman who[se ancestor] came with the Conqueror ["and one-third," says Lancashire Inquests, "to Masilia de Apyard, held by bearing the standard of the Parker when in service of the King"]. William was succeeded by his brother Hugo: but King John gave his lands to Hubert de Bergh. while Hugo was absent in Normandy. But he accompanying Richard I. back, his lands were restored, and he held them till 1203, when John, in retaliation for the seizure of the lands of the English in Normandy by Philip Angustus, seized the lands of the French in England, and Hugo's lands escheated to the crown, and were given tBurke says there was not a place In Normandy at that period which did not. through Its Lord, give name to some English family. 10 THE LYONS OF ENGLAND to Geoffrey Luttrel. William finished the abbey in 1162, and bestowed the property for the [spiritual] health of his mother Matilda, his father Ingeram, his brother Hugo, and his ancestors. The grant was confirmed by Hugo, and other lands were added. Maud (Matilda) de Perer, mother of Hugo, gave also her right in Croxton Park." This park still exists. The Monasticon Anglicanum is a compilation by Dugdale of the historic records of the monasteries and abbeys in England. These records were written by monks, and of course in Latin. Those relat- ing to Croxton Abbey give substantially the account quoted from Nich- olls above; but as a matter of interest, an excerpt from the original is here given. Ex registro de Croxton penes Comitem Rutland apud Castrum de Belvoir. "Habemus in Croxton de dono Willielmi Parcarii, filii In- gerami Parcarii de Linus, duas partes de parco de Croxton et quicquid in eodem sui juris fuit et libertates etc....et duas partes carnucatae [100 A.] terrae Rogeri Parcarii etc Item. Hugo Parcarius f rater praedicti Willielmi confirmavit nobis dictum donatium secundum ten- orem cartem ejusdem Willielmi. Item, habemus de dono ejusdem Hug- onis duas bovatas [30 A.] etc. quas Reginaldus filius Estmundi tenuit etc. Item, idem Hugo dedit etc sicut Ingeram pater suus sive Will- lelmus frater suus illud unquam liberius et plenarius possederunt nobis imperpetuum possidendum. . . .Item. Matilda de Perer mater praedicti Hugonis Parcarii dedit nobis in puram clemsinam quicquid juris etc." Thereafter follows what is found in Nicholl. From these accounts, it appears quite evident that the four first generations of our line were: — 1. Ingelram de Lyons, who came with the Conqueror. 2. Ranulph— William of Norfolk. 3. Ingelram de Lyons, called Parcarius (the Parker), m. Matilda de Perers. 4. William— Hugo. Probably there were other children: note the name Roger in Mon. Angl. above. Ranulph, brother of Ilgeram, Ranulph, son of Ilgeram, and Edmund, son of Paganus, are found in Norfolk Doomsday Book. This last may be the Estmund referred to in the Mon. Angl. excerpt. It is but fair to say that there is no proof that the three last were eurnamed Lyon. It is unfortunate that Mr. Philippe does not give his authorities for the descendants of Roger [vol. I., p. 11]; still the com- THE LYONS OF ENGLAND 11 pletion of the Victorian series of county histories may enable the future historian to clear up many points that are now obscure. William of the second generation settled in Norfolk. It was probably the sons of this William who became lords of Weston. The records are not so full as one could wish, and it is often impossible to tell who's who. Blomfield (Hist, of Norfolk) gives the following data: — Ralph de Lions and William de Lions were the lords of Lyon's Manor, Weston, and are mentioned in a grant of Wm. Giffard, 2d. Earl of Buckingham. In 1187 Roger de Leonibus impleaded Ralph de Birston for two parts of a fee [800 A.] in Earl Warren's manor of Birston. Roger was son of Jeffrey, who m. Mathilda, dau. and coheir of Wm. de Lions who lived tempo Hen. II. (1154-1189), and left two other daus. and coheirs, Hawise and Beatrice, and they dying without issue, he claimed it as heir [through Matilda]. Wm. de Grandcourt, lord of Fulmodeston, proving that Jeffrey had levied a fine of the same to his ancestor Wm. de Grancourt, Birston held his possession, [compare vol. II., p. 11.]. In 1228 Walter de Grancurt purchased by fine of Jeffrey de Leonibus one carnucate (100 A.) of land in Clipston-Croxton. Wm. de Lions and his tenants tempo Hen. III. (1216-1272) held one-half fee (400 A.) of the Honor of Richmond in Archbridge and Swanington under Robt. de Furneaux. Wm. de Lions and Sibilla his wife held lands here and in Weston and Helmingham of the Earl of Clare. He granted a meadow at Brockdish Hall for the use of the Almoner of the Priory. Adam of Weston, living 1239, acknowledged to do service for one- half fee (400 A.) to Wm. de Englefleld for his lands in Weston etc. Jeffrey Lyon and Thomas, son of Henry de Lions, are mentioned 1303. In 1314 Hugh de Stanford settled by fine on Adam de Lyons lands in Weston, Helmingham and Ringland for life, with remainder to Ernald de Lyons his son and Alice his wife in tail. In 1347 Adam, son of Ernald, released to Sir Peter de Tye lands in Weston, — 'papers sealed with a lion rampant. In 1391 Nicholas, son of Arnald of Weston, parson of Rollesby, reciting that whereas Wm. Lyons of Plytcham had enfeoffed John Stanford et al. in his manor of Weston-Lyons in Weston, Helmingham L2 THE LYONS OF ENGLAND and Moretou, which where [sic] the said Arnald Lyons, Nicholas re- leased his right in the same. In 1401 Walter de Middleton held the fourth part of a fee (200 A.) of the heirs of Arnald de Lyons, and he of the Earl of March. No one of our name appears in the list of Norfolk gentry in 1500. An incomplete pedigree would appear as follows, the dates show- ing when they were mentioned: — Ralph and William : very early. Matilda, Hawise and Beatrice, daughters of William; the first m. Jeffrey Lyon: before 1187. . Roger, son of Jeffrey and Matilda: 1187. Jeffrey de Leonibus: 1228. William de Lions and Sibilla. his wife: 1216-1272. — Adam: 1239. Jeffrey and Thomas, son of Henry de Lions: 1303 — Adam: 1314. Ernald, son of Adam, and Alice his wife: 1314. Adam, son of Ernald: 1347. William — Arnald, and Nicholas, his son: 1391. Arnald dead: 1401. The Lyon family was established in Essex early in the 13th cen- tury. The first known proprietor was Thomas, who may have been that son of Henry de Lions of the Norfolk records. The main seat of the early Lyons was near Saffron Walden. This Thomas m. Mar- garet, and their dau. m. John Wydville, a son of that Richard Wydvllle who m. Elizabeth, dau. of Sir John Lyon of Warkworth, Northampton. A tabular statement of these marriages will show the double strain of Lyon blood in the royal family of England: — 1. Sir John de Lyons m. Alice St. Liz. 2. Elizabeth Lyon m. Richard Wydville. Thos. Lyon m. Margaret. 3. John Wydville m. dau. of Thos. Lyon. 4. Thos. Wydville. 5. Richard Wydville, Earl Rivers. 6. Elizabeth Wydville m. 1st. Sir John Grey; m. 2d. King Edward IV. By this 1st. marriage, Elizabeth was the ancestress of Lady Jane Grey; by the 2d. marriage, she was the mother of the murdered princes of the tower, and of Elizabeth of York, who m. Henry VII. In the histories of the county by Morant, Chancellor and Wright, we have little more than vague references, such as "Lyons Hall, Chelmsford, was named from an ancient family." "In Hinchford Hun- dred is tin- capital messuage of Lyons, so called from an ancient THE LYONS OF ENGLAND 13 family surnamed Lyon which flourished in this county tempo Edw. I. —Ill," (1307-1377). Liston Hall reverted to Richard Lyons, who was killed by Wat Tyler (vol. I., p. 16). Shardlowe estate also belonged to him. Richard was the famous vintner and lapidary. He was buried in the church of St. James, Garlickhythe. Stow (Survey of London, 1598) says that his house was next to the Hanse Merchants' Guildhall, Thames St., next to Cosin's Lane. He describes the "Picture on his gravestone: very large and fair, with hair rounded by his ears; a little beard, forked; a gown girt to him down to his feet, of branched damask wrought to the likeness of flowers; a large purse on his right side, hanging in a belt from the left shoulder; a plain hood about his neck, covering his shoulders, and hanging back behind him." At the time of his death he held the Manor of Overhall in Liston of the King in capite, by service of making wafers on the King's coronation day, and serving with them the King at dinner on that day. But long before his decease he had enfeoffed Alice, Lady Neville, in the manors of Netherhall, and in lands and tenements in Liston, Borle, Foxherd and Penstowe. Netherhall was held of the Earl of March by the service of 12 s. per year, and Weston of Thomas Monshensy for 1 lb. of pepper. He had also the manor of Gosfleld. Upon his death, these escheated to the crown. He is said by some to have been Richard of Oakley, mentioned in the Northampton pedigree; but Bridge says that the lat- ter died 1361. A Richard was in Parliament tempo Richard II (1377- 1399). John, the Lord Mayor, and wife Alice, were granted lands 1545 by Hen. VIII. Elizabeth, 2d. wife of John, held lands in St. Albans 1560 for the life of Elizabeth. She was dau. of John Lee of Stanford, Co., Lincoln, and widow of Alderman Hynd, a colleague of Sir John. His will was proved 1569. Richard, son of his bro. Henry, was his heir, and he died 1579, leaving a son and heir Henry, aged 27 years. The latter died seized of the estates of Buckhurst in Chigwell and Wood- ford in 1690 (vol. I., p. 17). The arms of the Essex family are first mentioned in connection with Thomas, 14th. century, and quite likely were assigned to him for some special service; they are described as arg. a chevron sable be- tween three lions sejant gules, and are impaled with the Wydvllle arms. Later the coat bears lions couchant. Those in the British Museum are badly drawn, and the position of the sleeping lions led to 14 i HE LYONS OF ENGLAND the Inference that they were rampant, in allusion to the Warkworth arms; and they are so drawn in vol. I., p. 20, though the proper position is sejant or couchant. The argument of heraldry indicates that the Essex family migrated to Hampshire and Somerset, as stated by The Norman People. Collin- son (Hist, of Somerset) says: "About the time of Edw. I., another family succeeded to the estate of Long Ashton of the name of Lions or De Lions. Of this family was Nicholas de Lions, who in 1252 held the office of Reeve of Bristol. His eldest son was William, who improved the patrimonial estate by purchase from Agnes, widow of DeAlno, and Wm. de Ashton. At his death 1312, he held a capital messuage, the same in all probability that is still partly standing. By Maud, his wife, he left issue, three sons, Adam, Thomas and Edmund. Adam de Lions, b. 1287, lived only one year after the death of his father. Thomas died 1328 without issue. Edmund, b. 1303, made a grant of Stockeleigh to the Abbey of St. Augustine. He had lands in Kencot also. He died 1367, leaving two sons; William and Thomas. Wm. died without issue 1370. Thomas obtained a charter 1392 of free warren and liberty to enclose a park in Long Ashton, which from this family henceforth assumed the name Ashton-Lyons, and still dominates a tithing in this parish. His wife's name was Margaret; he left no issue. The church, dedicated to All Saints, was built by one of the Lyons, and Thomas is buried there. The Lyon arms — those of Essex — are cut in stone on the west end of the tower, and blazoned on the ceiling. The Manor of Lyons Court at Filton still remains. It lies north- ward from the village of Whitchurch, and belonged to a family distinct from those of Ashton. As early as the 13th. century, they bore arms; Arg. two lions rampant respecting sable [a variant of the Warkworth arms]. They were retainers to the Abbots of Keynsham, from whom they held their territory. From David de Lyons issued David; Robert; Stephen; Ralph; Thomas and Roger, his brother who died without issue; Thomas; Thomas and Nicholas; Richard (9th generation) left no issue; his sister Edith m. Thomas Holbeach of Co. Lincoln. The hamlet of Burton and Melton was held 1396 of the King in capite by Thomas de Lyons. Edward was member of parliament 1336. From Somerset they must have crossed into Ireland. O'Hart claims an Irish origin for the family, deriving the name from O'Liathan, THE LYONS OF ENGLAND 15 the gray-haired. But as the family arms are those of Essex and Somerset, and as its most distinguished representative, the late Lord Lyons, former British Minister at Washington, derives from Hamp- shire, where Wm. de Lions was a witness 13th. century, it seems quite certain that any descendants of the gray-haired one are not of our race. Some Lyons in Ireland are of the family of Strathmore, and bear the Strathmore arms. The descendants of the De Lyons of Croxton Park passed into Nottingham and Derby. The existing histories of these counties are unsatisfactory in many ways; but the Feudal History of Derby fur- nishes some items which are of considerable importance when taken in connection with the very full Northampton data. Nicholas de Lenne, Forester, presented on the part of Edw. I. (1272-1307). John Lyon was with the Derby archers in Ireland 1362. Alan de Leuns was sued 1270. In 1310 Letitia and Alice, daughters of Wm. de Leuns of Chesterfield, sell lands. Adam de Lennes was on the Subsidy Rolls 1327. In 1286 Philip de Lenne (also called de Leuns) of Chesterfield was sued; he was plaintiff 1290. Robert and Philip de Leune mentioned about 1318. Alan de Leune and Philip mentioned tempo Hen. III. (1216-1272.) Philip was a witness 1318. Richard and Philip mentioned tempo Edw. I. (1272-1307.) Richard de Lenne sells lands in Eyom 1290. Robert de Leune of Chesterfield mentioned in Pleas of the Forest tempo Edw. I., and Philip de Lyan in the Pipe Rolls (tax list) 1213. Richard de Sutton held one Knight's fee (600 A.) in Sutton of the Honor of Richmond [for which Peter de Leonlbus should respond]. Note: Peter de Leonibus did not suc- ceed to the Honor of Richmond till 1203, but the words here placed in brackets, not there in the original, may have been added subse- quently [Testa de Nevil (Inquisition)] Roger de Linde is on the Pipe Rolls 1255. The Derby family spread into Northampton, probably through a marriage. The chief authority for the Northampton pedigree is the collection of documents preserved in the muniment room of the Chet- woods, who succeeded to the Warkworth estates through marriage with a Lyon heiress, and failure in the direct male line. An epitome of these documents was given in vol. 1., p. 436; but a few of them are copied below in the original form, the contracted forms, for the sake of clearnesss, being filled out in brackets, and the annexed numbers corresponding to the order in vol. I. 16 THE LYONS OF ENGLAND The pedigree is as follows. It is based upon the papers referred to, and upon the county histories of Baker and Bridge and the new Victorian History. Compare the names of witnesses [vol. L] with the Derby list above. 1. Richard de Leuns m. Maud 2nd. Julianna, who was his widow 1205. He granted two virgates (80 A.) to his brother Matthew. 2. Roger de Leuns m. Hawise. His dau. Margaret m. Richard, Bon of Walter de Sutton; their dau. m. Sir Geoffrey Luttrel; a pic- ture of this couple adorns a psalter made for Geoffrey, and a copy thereof is published in Fairholt's Costumes, Bohn Library. 3. Roger m. Joan, dau. of Adam de Napton. At her death 1278, her lands in Plympton went to their son and heir Richard, he being then 30 years. 4. Richard b. 1248, was living 1288 m. Lady Emma, who was his widow 1311. He had a brother, John de Lions.J 5. John de Lions m. Margery, dau. of Hugo de Oakley; she was his widow 1317; he d. 1312; she was living 1323. This is the John, son of Pagan, of the Philippe pedigree (vol. I. p. XI.); but the following extracts seem to be conclusive. [XIII.] Haec est finalis concordia facta in curia regis apud Ebor [aceum] inter Hugonem de Okele quaerentem et Joh[ann]em de Lyouns et Margeriam uxorem ejus deforc[iantes] per Adam de Harewedon de duabus p[ar]tibus manerii de Warkworth etc. et pro hac recognitione fine et concordia idem Hugo concessit pred[i]ctis Joh[ann]i et Margeriae et haeridit[ibus] reman- ere Ric[ard]o filio p[rae]d [i] c[t]i Joh' is et heredibus etc. remanere rectis heredibus d[i]c[t]i Johannis patris p[rae]d[i]c[t] or [um] Joh'is et Ricardi. Ao. 31 Edw. I. [1302]. [XVII.] Universis S[an]c[t] ae matris eccl[es]iae filiis ad quor[um] noticiam praesentes pervener- int. Prior et fratres ordinis S[an]c[t]i Augustini de North'ton salu- tem. Nobili viro Johanni de Leonibus concessimus quod pro salubrl statu suo et Aliciae consortis suae et eorum liberor[um]dum vixerint necnon pro animabus eor [um] et omnium progenitorum suorum etc. pro a[n]i[ma]bus Rogeri de Lions, Joh'is, Ricardi de Lions et Emmae uxoris suae, Joh'is de Lions et Margeriae uxoris suae etc. Sarae de Ocle, Will[ielm]i de Seintliz et Margeriae uxoris suae, Ao. 1330. [This John was son of John and Margaret. Note particularly the line of JDoeument No. XII. (omitted in Vol. I. of the Memorial) is an "agreement between Walter Pompes, etc., on the one part, and William Purkell on the other. Witnesses Richrird de Lyuns. son of Lord Roger Lyuns, Gerard de Lyuns. Rich- ard de Lynns. Nicholas de Lyuns et al." Anno 1260. THE LYONS OF ENGLAND 17 descent — Roger, John and Richard, John, and compare with Philippe, vol. I., p. 11.]. 6. John de Lions* m. Alice, dau. of Wm. de St. Liz; m. 2nd. Elizabeth Hastings, living 1346; m. 3rd. Lora Latimer. He d. 1383. A second son was Richard de Lions. There were two daughters: Margerie, who m. Egidius St. John, and Agnes, both mentioned 1322. [XX,XXXII.].§ In 1311 he received his grandmother's dower of Sever- ford. [XVII.] Sciant quod ego Joh'es de Liouns dedi Joh'i Alio meo capitale messuagium de Swerford parva etc. cum reversione terrarum et ten [en] tor [urn] quae d[omin]a Emma mater mea de me tenet nomine dotis etc. et si contingat p[rae]d[i]c[t]um Joh'em sine herede de corpore suo obire remanerent Ricardo fratri suo. Testibus Thomas de Liouns de Dunstowe et aliis. In 1319 he gave the manor of Beckbroke to his wife Alice; and in 1346 he gave to the prior and convent of Chacomb lands in Har- pole and Plympton which he inherited from Adam de Napton; in 1337 he gave lands in Grimsbury to St. Leonard's Hospital in Banbury and later the hospital received lands in Banbury and Overthorp. His will was dated Saturday after the Feast of Conception of the B. V. M. 1383: To be buried in Chacomb Convent church; masses for the souls of Elizabeth Hastings and Lora Latimer his former wives: bequests to religious bodies. Proved Dec. 19, 1383. [Lincoln Wills]. His brother, Richard of Great Oakley, m. Margerie. He had a son Richard: [XXV.] A toutz ceaux l're verrounts ou orrounts. Richard de Lions de Warkworth et Richard son fitz etc. nouz estre tenuz a sire [Sir] John de Lyons, Seignr de Warkworth etc. Donne Ao, 35 Edw. III. (1361). In 1330 Richard was summoned to show cause of his claim in Oakley. Replied that Hugo de Ocle died seized of the manor etc., leaving daughters, one Margery, his heirs; and that Margery con- veyed her share to Richard de Lions and his heirs. In 1347 Richard accounts for one fee (800 A.) in Oakley, on levying aid for Knighting the King's son. In 1361 Richard died; his moiety descending to Isabella, Cecilia and Christina, his sisters and heirs [this was probably Richard the son (see also the Battle Abbey)]. In 1418 Cecilia Ragonel •Baker thinks there were twu generations of Johns In No. 6. JDocument No. XX (omitted in Vol. I.). "Be It known that I. Margery, who was wife of Lord John de Lions, lord of Warkworth. have given to Margery and Agnes, my daughters, for the course of their lives, etc.. and after their death, to Richard my son, etc." Anno 1322. (2) IB THE LYONS OF ENGLAND died possessed of one-third of the manor, descending to her daughter and heirs. She m. 1st. Hamelin de Mathan of Mulesey, Co. Surrey, who d. 1381, her dau. Elizabeth being three years old. Her dau. Margaret, wife of John Mitchell, died 1454 [Escheats 1381 and 1454— Clutterbuck's Hertford, Manning's Surrey and the Battle Abbey]. He has been confused with Richard, the vintner of Essex. Alice, sister and coheir of Richard, living 1403, m. Nicholas Lovett of Rush- ton in 1361. A Richard, with Claricia his wife and William his son, confirmed a grant of Waleran de Sulgrave [probably father of Claricia] to the convent— no date. 7. John m. 1370 Margaret St. John; he d. 1385. [XXVI.] Ceste indenture faite a Ald- ington peutre dame Isabelle Seynt Johan d'un parte et Johan de Lyouns fitz et heir monsr. John de Lyouns, Seign'r. de Wark- worth de l'autre parte testimoyne cest assauoir que ]p dit John de Lyouns espousera Marge- rie Seint Johan fille au dit Isabelle etc. pour que marriage la dit dame Isabelle in- feoffera le dit Johan de Lyouns de son manoir de Middleton Cheynduyt en le comte de North'- ton a terme de vie la dit Isabelle etc. Ao. 44 Edw. III. (1370). His sister m. 1st. Nicholas Chetwood; he died 1369; she m. 2nd. 1370 Richard Wydville [compare the account of Es- sex above]. The Chetwood family succeeded to the Lyon estates 1392, inasmuch as John died without issue 1385. His monument, said to be one of the most beautiful in England, is in Warkworth church. He wears on his head a bascinet, to which is attached a camail of mail. Over the body is a cyclas laced on the right side; under this a haketon with sleeves, and under this a gambe- son. Legs and feet are in chausses of mail; spurs have plain wheel rowels left almost in block. Knees are protected by genouilleres decorated with ball flowers and quatrefoils; el- Monument (reclining) of John Lyon. THE LYONS OF ENGLAND 19 bows by guards and lion-faced discs; hands by gauntlets of plate and leather, with close-fitting cuffs strapped round the wrist. The head, supported by angels, rests on his helm for battle and jousting, sur- mounted by the crest, a talbot's head issuing from a ducal coronet. The feet press with admirable spontaneity on a lion. The shield is charged with the lion rampant of De Lions. The sword is suspended by an elaborate baudric worn obliquely, whose ends are fastened in a double locket placed a few inches below the top of scabbard. The end of scabbard is protected by a bouterolle, and the pommel ornamented with a human face. An ornate misericorde is slung by a loop from the baudric. Every detail has received the sculp- tor's most careful attention. Two other monuments are there; said to be of Sir John and Margery. He is represented cross-legged, in a hauberk which covers his head, and extends to the wrists, leaving the hands, which are elevated, bare. Every trace of mail is worn away, except a small portion above the knee at the opening of the tunic, which falls back, and reaches nearly to the heels. A plain horizontal belt, and a trans- verse one from which depends a sword at left side; on the left side is a heater shield. The head, bound with a plain fillet, is supported by two mutilated angels, and rests on a double cushion; the feet rest on a lion. The other figure has a veil headdress confined around the head by a plain fillet, and falling to the shoulders. A wimple just covers the chin; an open mantle fastened by a cordon crossing below the arms, which are raised in devotion. The head rests on a cushion; on each side is a mutilated angel. The last Sir John is the one who has been mistaken for John of Glamis. The John de Lyons, who 1334 was summoned to attend the King with horses and arms at Roxburgh [Rot. Scot., I. 306], and in 1343 had charters for lands in Perth and Aberdeen, who obtained the reversion of Glamis, and whose son was Grand Chamberlain of Scot- land, was a descendant of Richard of Northampton — King David had possessions there — and may have been a cousin of the last Sir John. Much more might be said of Northampton Lyons, but space for- bids. The Oxford Hist. Soc. vol. 24 gives a long account of the vari- ous rectors of Begbroke, of whom the first whose name is known was appointed by Roger de Lyons in 1231. [see also Kennet's Parochial 20 THE LYONS OF ENGLAND Hi8t. of Oxford]. Nicholas de Lyons was Rector 1303, and many of his family entered the church, here and in other counties. The Lyon family presented to this rectory for 117 years, except 1294, when Roger de Lens was patron. The name is probably connected with that of Matilda de Lens, who held one knight's fee (800 A.) from Ralph de Saley tempo Edw. I. [Lens is phonetic for Lyons, as in the Derby records, and there was therefore no "except.]" The History of Banbury quotes an odd writ of 1330. "Sir John de Lyons, summoned by quo warranto to show his claim of view of frankpledge and weyf in the manor of Warkworth, pleaded proscrip- tion, but acknowledged that neither he nor his ancestors had a pillory for offenders against the assize of bread, and that they punished offenders against the assize of beer by amerciament, and not by tum- bril, till the third offense. The view was taken into the King's hands, and restored again for one-half mark." The Derby family crossed into South Lancaster; but either as younger sons, or at a time when the family had descended from its proud estate. Many, however, were of the gentry class, and the name is found in the list of lesser gentry to this day. The county might be considered the Lyon stronghold in England, as they comprise .008 percent of the population. The published parish registers are of great value, and show that the Lyons have not removed from their original position in the southern part. Southern York also received a few settlers, and these also have not wandered far afield. In Lincoln, too, the name appears, but they do not seem to have settled in this shire until the 16th. century, possibly through the exchange of lands between the Lord Mayor and the King. (vol. I., p. 17.). On account of their importance, and for the significance of the names, some of the Lancaster records are quoted, even though many dates are subsequent to the colonial migration. The dates are not here given in full, and names of females are for the most part omitt- ed:— Bury: Alice, of John, bp. 1594; Henry, of Henry, bp. 1636. Walton: William, of Robert, bp. 1640; Thomas m. Margaret Plimp- ton 1609. Upholland: Abraham, of Henry, d. 1659; Charles, of George, bp. 1684; Peter, of George, bp. 1663; Thomas of Billing, d. 1678; Susanna, of George, bp. 1677; other children of George; John, of Daniel of Bil- THE LYONS OF ENGLAND 21 ling, bp. 1686; Thomas, of Robert of Orral, bp. 1661; Lydia, of Thomas of Windle, b. 1674; John, of Robert of Orral, d. 1678; Ellen, of Richard of Billing, bp. 1635; Margaret, of Daniel of Billing, bp. 1617; Susanna, of Daniel, bp. 1621; Gilbert, of Daniel of Billing, bp. 1670. Newchurch, Tulchuth: Henry of Peter, bp. 1654; Alice of Peter, bp. 1656; John, of Richard, bp. 1691; Peter, of Richard, bp. 1694; Old Roger, d. 1676; John, of Peter, d. 1684; Elizabeth, of Roger and Ann Hynd, bp. 1633; Henry, of Richard, bp. 1631; Henry, bp. 1608; child of Henry, d. 1607; Alin [Ellen ?] wife of Peter, d. 1682. See also Henry Lyon, gent, of Prestwick, Thomas Lyon, gent, of Billing, and the con- nection of Thomas Lyon and wife Margaret with the witch trials 1612. Ormskirk: Ann, of George, bp. 1602; Mary, of James, bp. 1605; Elizabeth, of James, bp. 1615; Thomas, of James, bp. 1618; Edward, of Richard, bp. 1623; Ellen, of James, bp. 1613; Margaret of James, bp. 1607; Susan, of James, bp. 1609; Marierie, of Peter, bp. 1606; Thomas, of John, bp. 1585; child of George, d. 1601. Wigan: Edward, of Thomas of Rainforth, bp. 1580; Henry, b. 1605. A few Lancaster Wills: Edward of Halewood. 1614; George of Eccleston, 1606; Henry of Rainforth, 1614; Henry of Windle, 1582; James of Rainforth, 1592; John of Eccleston, 1607; John of Halewood, 1598; John of Rainforth, 1614; John of Whiston, 1615; Robert of Wool- ton, 1594; Robert of High Leigh, 1620; Thomas of Rainforth, 1603; Thomas of Whiston, 1612; Daniel of Billing, 1627; David of Billing, 1627; Edward of Gansworth, 1633; Henry of Whiston, 1629; George of Rainforth, 1640; George of Windle, 1629; Gilbert of Windle, 1622; Josiah of Rainforth, 1628; Peter of Windle, 1647; Thomas of Windle, 1624; Thomas of Woolfall, 1625; William of Gansworth. 1646; William of Woolfall, 1628. The Lyons of Warwick, Bucks, Berks, and other Midland counties, seem to be of Northampton origin. The Middlesex line is said by Philippe to be of Essex stock, but this has been disproved by Mr. Thornton in the Harrow School [vol. I., p. 12.]. Some importance must be attached to the fact that most of the great schools of England founded their seals upon the coat-of-arms of their founders, the Harrow arms being based upon the arms of John Lyon of Preston, or the lion rampant. He had lands in Hertford. Here and there appear early Lyon representatives in various counties: but these must be passed by; as also the various parish 12 THE LYONS OF ENGLAND registers and other references of later years. A partial list is offered here for the pleasure of the curious. Lipscomb's Buckingham; Chaun- cey's and Clutterbuck's Hertford; Lyson's Environs of London; Famil- iae Minorum Gentium; Misc. Genealogica et Heraldica; Herts Geneal- ogist; Reitstap's Armorial General — for Lyon arms in France; York Wills; Lincoln Wills and Marriages; Northampton Wills; Parish Registers of Leeds, York, Solihull, Warwick, Stratford-on-Avon Moulton, Northampton, Ipswich, Suffolk, London Parishes. The Lyon family lost, by gift or otherwise, their vast estates; but they have tenaciously clung to their distinctive names. William occurs as early as the second generation, and doubtless was bestowed in honor of the Conqueror. Henry, Richard and John appear tempo Henry II. and his sons, while the name Jeffrey (from Geoffrey of Normandy or Geoffrey or Anjou) failed to survive. These four names persist in every generation, and in any list far outnumber all others. The same may be said of Peter or Piers, but chiefly in the northern counties; the first mentioned being Peter de Leonibus of Derby, 12th century. Thomas is nearly as ancient, and quite as persistent, and these two quite likely owe their names to the apostles, or to intermarriage. Edward made its advent with Edward I.; while Nicholas and Adam are not popular today. George naturally does not occur till late, but took a firm hold. If one were to judge from family names, any or all of the immi- grants might have come from any of the midland or adjacent counties of England. The family of William of Roxbury claim Heston, Middle- sex, as their home, and their claim appears good. Peter was most surely not immediately related to William; there is nothing to show that they were aware of each other's near presence. George was quite surely of the same family as Peter. There is reason, too, to believe that the first recorded George was the son of a prior immi- grant who probably bore the same name. Since the publication of vol. I., the Lancaster records have become accessible, and they furnish strong presumptive evidence that Peter and George were from that shire. Peter appeared at the time of the Great Lancastrian Migration, when the first settlers of Dorchester removed to Connecticut to make room for the flock of Richard Mather. This eminent divine came with his following from that part of Lancas- ter where the Lyon family was especially numerous, and where the parish registers read almost as antecedent pages of the records of the THE LYONS OF ENGLAND 2S First Church of Dorchester. A comparison of these old-world lists with the List of Inhabitants in 1700 will show that nearly every name in the latter has its counterpart in the former; and this is especially true of those who were resident there during the middle of the 17th. century. The evidence for a Lancastrian origin for Dorchester men ap- pears very striking and almost conclusive. The statement that the Connecticut families are of Scotch descent seems to require the Scotch verdict "not proven." They are much more likely to have been Lancastrian. There is presumptive evidence that Thomas at least had some connection with the Lyons of near Boston, and it may have been due to such connection that Thomas of "near Boston," who was killed in the Turner's Falls fight, has been con- fused with Thomas of Fairfield; the biographer of the Thomas Lyon Family should have something to say on that point. It is not at all likely that the 17th century Lyons of the various counties of England had knowledge of each other; while those of Lancaster and York may have had a vague idea, and so have handed down the tradition, that they were in some way related to the only Lyon family they knew about — the noble family of Strathmore, which, indeed, had a common origin with themselves. Moreover, the tradition that three Lyon brothers were on guard at Whitehall, and witnessed the execution of Charles I. very strongly militates against their being of Scottish blood; for the strong feeling of suspicion and dislike which the Puritan felt for the Scot at this time, and which culminated shortly afterward at the battle of Worcester, must have caused, at such a momentous time, some such order as "Put none but Ironsides on guard tonight." Taking into consideration, then, all the data obtained at the present time, it is the opinion of the compiler that the special arms of Strathmore belong only to those descended from John of Glamis; that the lion sejant or couchant belongs only to a special Essex family, who appear also in southern England and in Ireland; that the lion passant belongs only to the immediate family of Sir John, the Lord Mayor; and that the original lion rampant, as borne in Norfolk, North- ampton, and by John of Preston, is the common heritage of all the first settlers who bore the Lyon name. G. W. A. LYON. 2022 Diamond St., Philadelphia. Aug. 19th, 1907. If IK KARLY LYON IMMIGRANTS TO AMERICA For the benefit of readers of this volume who have not the com- plete series of the Lyon Memorial, a brief synopsis is here given of the facts connected with the transplanting to the New World of offshoots from the English Lyon family. In the list of passengers that embarked for "Barbadoes" in the ship "Hopewell," Capt. Babb, February 12th, 1634, we find the name of John Lyon, aged eighteen years. It has been suggested that this was John, son of William and Anne (Carter) Lyon of Heston (now part of London), England, but this is not probable, since that John was baptized June 7, 1619, and so was probably not more than fifteen years old at the date above mentioned, and since his father was buried February 18, 1634, only six days after the sailing of the Hopewell. The assumption had been that the lad had set out to seek his fortune in a new country because he was left fatherless. It is, however, more than possible that the John Lyon who embarked for the Barbadoes 1634 was the same John Lyon who was taxed in Marblehead Mass. in 1637, and who in 1638 gave his note for payment of money to George Ching of Salem, Mass. We read that on 3. XI. 1644 (Jan. 3, 1645) John Lyon, with some companions in Salem, was fined for drinking wine and other offences. He was one of the proprietors of Salem 1649, and there after disappears from history. It is not known whether he had a family. No descendants are known, although there was a Lyon family in Marblehead in after years whose origin has not been otherwise accounted for. John Lyon, however, sold his property in Marblehead in 1653 (Essex Deeds), and seems to have returned to England. See memorial, Massachusetts Families, page 20. The earliest Lyon immigrant of whom we have positive knowledge was William Lyon, who came to Roxbury, Mass. in 1635 on the ship 'Hopewell." being then a lad of fourteen. He was from Heston. youngest son of William and Anne (Carter) Lyon. He received a srant of land in Roxbury in 1648 and acquired ultimately considerable landed property there; in 1645 became a member of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Roxbury; was made freeman in 1666 and died in 1692. He had interested himself in the new colony at New Roxbury. now Woodstock, Conn., and that became the principal EARLY LYON IMMIGRANTS 26 seat of the family in the eighteenth century, although the family was also represented until after the Revolutionary War in Roxbury. In the dispersal which followed, members of the family established them- selves in Colerain, Mass. (these writing the name Lyons) and in North Craftsbury, Vt. The family had also spread to Middleboro on the south and Royalston and Gageboro on the west, and from Wood- stock northward into other Massachusetts towns. In later years, of course, there has been a wide dispersal of the family. Among the more distinguished members of the family may be mentioned Caleb Lyon, first territorial Governor of Idaho, and designer of the State seal of California; William H. Lyon, Indian Commissioner under General Grant and in several subsequent administrations, a well-to-do New York merchant; General Nathaniel Lyon, one of the most gallant soldiers that fought for the Union, and (almost certainly) Mary Lyon, founder of Holyoke College. The next immigrants of the Lyon name were the two brothers (?) Peter and George of Dorchester, Mass. Peter Lyon is mentioned as a proprietor in Dorchester 1639, was freeman in 1649 and held public offices 1675-85. The family remained for several generations in the vicinity of Boston, in Milton, Stoughton, Needham, Newton, Taunton, etc., extending later into Vermont and Maine, and ultimately, like the other Lyon families, becoming widely dispersed. It furnished soldiers in the Colonial and Revolutionary wars. Among the distin- guished names in its record perhaps the most prominent is that of Admiral Henry Ware Lyon, U. S. N. Of George Lyon not very much is known beyond the fact that he was selectman in Dorchester 1645-7 and perhaps in 1661 and 1672, his record being probably confused with that of another George who was probably his son. His descendants lived in Dorchester, and Mil ton., Mass., and in Woodstock, Conn., but they seem to have been comparatively few in number. In 1644 Richard Lyon was sent from England to Cambridge by Sir Henry Mildmay as a tutor for his son William. He, however, returned soon to England. About 1648 there appeared in Fairfield Co., Conn, almost simul- taneously three new immigrants bearing the name Lyon, presumably brothers. One of these, Thomas, was founder of the family treated of in the present volume, whose principal seat, in the early days, was in Westchester, Co., N. Y. 26 EARLY LYON IMMIGRANTS Henry Lyon, the most enterprising and forceful of the three "brothers," settled first in Milford, Conn., removed later to Fairfield, Conn., and finally joined the colony that established in New Jersey the town on the Pasaic to which the name Newark was afterwards given. The descendants of Henry Lyon were prominent in the early history of New Jersey, including several officers in the Revolutionary army. A branch of the family established itself at an early day in Rhode Island. Another removed to Ohio and aided in founding the city of Cincinnati. Still another, Rev. James Lyon, ardent patriot in the Revo- lution, planted the family name in Machias, Me. Richard Lyon settled in Fairfield, Conn., about 1648-49, was free- man there 1664, commissioner for Fairfield 1669 and at his death in 1678 left an estate valued at £632. His descendants settled in Fairfield, Redding and neighboring towns, extending gradually north- ward into Massachusetts and Vermont. In the Revolution they were mostly loyalists, except those who had removed to Massachusetts and Vermont. From Vermont some of them found their way to Michigan — among these Hon. Lucius Lyon who represented the new State of Michigan as Senator in Congress 1837-39. The families of Henry and Richard Lyon form the subject of the second volume of the Lyon memorial "Families of Connecticut and New Jersey." The first volume, "Families of Massachusetts," contained the family histories of William Lyon of Roxbury and Peter and George Lyon, of Dorchester. Another early Lyon immigrant, of whom perhaps too little is known, was Rev. John Lyon from Cork, who came to Taunton, Mass., in 1666. Mention must be made, too, of the statement of Rev. Dr. Burhams (Churchman's Magazine, 1832) that the Richard Lyon who was the first churchman in Redding, Conn, was from Ireland. There is a possi- bility that the Episcopalian and loyalist Lyons of Redding and neigh- borhood were, after all, descendants of this Irish Richard and not of Richard of Fairfield. Among the Lyon immigrants who arrived in the eighteenth cen- tury, special mention should be made of Matthew Lyon, "the redem- tioner,'" of whom there is a sketch in the Lyon Memorial "Massachu- setts Families"; of a Jew Lyon family that came to New York City, and of John Lyon from Ireland who settled in 1763 in Mifflington, Pa., and was progenitor of many of the Lyons of Pennsylvania. ABBREVIATIONS. Ch. R. — Church or Parish Record. Fam. R. — Family Record. G. R. — Grave Record; i.e. Cemetery Inscription. T. R. — Town Record. E. C. M. — Early Connecticut Marriages. E. M. M. — Early Massachusetts Marriages. Col. Rec. Conn. — Colonial Records of Connecticut. SYSTEM OF NUMBERING. Each name has a serial number, printed in full-faced type, fol- lowed by Roman numeral, whose significance is obvious. Preceding the names which head the several paragraphs there are three num- bers, the first the serial number of the person, the second, in Roman numerals, the number of th« generation, the third the serial number of the person's father. By aid of these numerals, it is easy to trace back the ancestry of any individual mentioned. An asterisk * preceding a serial number indicates that further information is to be found in the next generation. THOMAS LYON OF RYE THOMAS LYON "of Rye" was born in England§ about 1621, and died at Byram Neck, Greenwich, Fairfield Co., Conn, in 1690. He was buried in the old Lyon family burying ground at Byram Neck. He is supposed to have come first to the Massachusetts Colony, and thence to have gone to seek his fortune in the far west of Fairfield County, Conn., where at about the same time Richard and Henry Lyon, presum- ably his brothers or cousins,! appeared. His first wife was Martha Joanna Winthrop, a grand-daughter of Gov. John Winthrop, of Salem, Mass., and it is to Hon. Robert C. Winthrop, a lineal descendant of the Governor that we are indebted for nearly all the circumstantial knowl- edge we have of the life of Thomas Lyon. He made public in a com- munication to the Massachusetts Historical Society, of which he was for thirty years president, a number of letters found among the papers of Governor Winthrop, written by Thomas Lyon, his wife Martha (Win- throp) Lyon, and other members of the family. Martha's mother, Elizabeth (Fones) Winthrop remained in England when her husband, Henry Winthrop came to America. He was drowned in Salem Harbor, July 2, 1630, the day after his arrival. She, with her infant daughter, Martha, came to America the following year. She did not remain long a widow. Her second husband was Robert Feake (Feeke, Feke, Fekes, Feeck, the name was variously written), one of the earliest and largest proprietors in Watertown, which he re- peatedly represented in the Massachusetts General Court. After some years Mr. Feake removed with his family to Greenwich, Conn., where in 1640 he, with Capt. Daniel Patrick, purchased of the Indians a large tract of land. It appears that about this time he developed symptoms JThe statement which has been often repeated that Thomas Lyon was from Yorkshire, England, appears to have no foundation. It was probably a mere inference from the association of Thomas Lyon with John Banks, but the history Indicates that this Association was purely accidental. Possibly of more signifi- cance was the earlier association of Thomas Lyon with John Winthrop, who was from Suffolk, but this association may have begun in Watertown or Dorchester, Mass. tThomas Lyon was in Stamford as early as 1647; Henry Lyon In Milford 16*9, Fairfield 1652. later in Newark. X. .J.; Richard Lyon in Fairfield in 164». That the families of Thomas and Richard were Intimately related Is shown by the fact that Abigail, daughter of Thomas Lyon married John Banks, Jr., while Elizabeth, daughter of Richard Lyon, married Benjamin a brother of John Banks Jr. THOMAS LYON OF RYE 29 of a derangement of mind which ended in complete insanity. There may or may not have been estrangement between man and wife; at all events Mr. Feake returned to Watertown, leaving his family in charge of his business partner, Capt. Patrick. The gossips had it that the relations between Capt. Patrick and Mrs. Feake were more intimate than business required. However, these relations, whatever may have their nature, were brought to an abrupt close in 1643 by the death by assassination of Capt. Patrick. Mrs. Feake and her daughter con- tinued to live in Connecticut (in the town Stamford), her business affairs being intrusted now to one William Hallett. At this juncture Thomas Lyon comes on the stage and assays the difficult role of son- in-law. The first of the letters of Thomas Lyon made public by Mr. Win- throp was written at this time. It is addressed to the "Right Worship- full Guvernor, Mr. Winthrop, at Boston." (See facsimile reproduction.) Kind and Louing Granfather, my humble duty remembered unto you with humble and harty thanks unto you for all your kindness showne both to me and to my wife. I am sorrow for to heare of that sad newes of the loss of my granmotherj, but the Lord knoews best what to doe. The ocasion of my writing is seing the Lord hath brought me unto this condition as for to mary won of your gran- children, my desier is for to seeke both for her sole's good and her body's. Therefore seeing my time is in the Lord's hands (how soone I may be taken from her I know not) I would prouide as com- fortable as I could. For her to goe to her Mother if the Lord should take me Away, is not my deseir, considering her condition, for I have knowne enough. Therefore I hearing by som since I married her that there was somthing both giuen her and apoynted to be gluen her, caused me to write to you intreating you to send me word how it is. If there bee anything it is better she have her right to doe her good another day than those that be as strangers or have noe right at all and as for her Mother, I think if she cannot mary here (as yet she may not be suffered) she will goe som where else with the fellow, if he be as willing, soe that my wife has not nor is like to have litle or noe comfort or helpe of her mother. Soe if there bee anything by right for my wife I would pray you to consider of her and send word. I shall bee short but would pray you to speke with Goodman Lockwood the bearer and he can satisfie you fully how all tMarsaret, wife of Gov. Winthrop, died June 14, 1847. ii// m i $k\\ Map of Fairfield County, Conn. THOMAS LYON OF RYE 31 things is, for I tould my mind to him. Thus intreating you to let me heere by this bearer fully how all things is, I hast. I pray you to remember my duty to my father Feeke, if he be not departed for England, and to my kind Unkle John Winthrop and my Aunt with thankfullness for all their former kindnesses. I would [have] sent to him before now but had not an opertunyty. Likewise my love to all the rest of my friends in generall. My wife remembers her humble duty unto you and thanks you for your love and care toward her. Your good exhortation she hopes she shall not forgit, and she prays you to remember her to her loving and kind Unkle John and to her Aunt and to her Unkle Adam and all her Unkles & Aunts & friends. Likewise she would pray you to remember her duty to her father Feeke. Thus leaving you to the protection of the Allmighty, I rest Your dutyfull and obedient grandsonn Thomas Lion. From Stamford ye 25 August, 1647. Endorsed, almost illegibly, "Sonne Lion, ltr. about M. J. her right, 23 (7) 47 [Sept. 23, 1647]. In spite of its conventionalities of form, its crudities of expression, its occasional obscurities, the letter is a marvel of self-revelation. We have before us the New England pioneer living in an atmosphere of obtrusive but sincere piety, surrounded with perils of the wilderness, inured to hardship and toil, self-reliant, yet with an eye to the main chance. Commenting on this and the succeeding letters, Mr. R. C. Winthrop says: "As far as can be ascertained these letters constitute the earliest existing mention of Thomas Lyon in New England,, but they afford no clue as to his antecedents, except as showing by his hand writing, though difficult to read at the present day, that he was an educated man. On Aug. 25, 1647 he had not long been married, his means were small, he had acquaintances in Boston and was on good terms not only with the Winthrop family but with his wife's step- father Robert Feake." It may be added that they do not necessarily imply a previous residence in Salem or Boston, although they suggest the probability of this. The vagaries of spelling found in the letters are no indication of illiteracy since at that date the English language had no settled orthography. It need not surprise us at all that he wrote his own name sometimes "Lyon." sometimes "Lion." His con- temporary, William Lyon of Roxbury. took even greater liberties with 82 THOMAS LYON OF RYE the name, writing his signature "Lyon," "Lion" or "Ljon," and neglect- ing often to capitalize the Initial L. The object of the first letter appears to have been to intimate that any bequests Intended for the grand daughter should be made directly to her and not to her mother, for reasons easy to understand. In the succeeding eight months the situation went from bad to worse. Mrs. Lyon was in delicate health. It seems to have been intimated by some one that she was not cared for as tenderly as she should have been by her husband. Mrs. Feake, although not divorced from her husband, had become the wife of Mr. William Hallett, and complica- tions had naturally arisen with regard to the disposition of the Feake estate. Thomas Lyon to John Winthrop, Sr., From Stamford ye 14 April 1648. Loving Granfather — My humble duty remembered unto you. This is to aquaint you that I have received your kind token you sent to my wife as a gowne and petecote and savegards, which I humbly thank you for. They stand my wife in great sted. For my own part, I am willing to doe for my wife to the utermost of my power, but she being is such condition, not able to helpe her selfe, makes me doe and suffer that which otherwise I might not; but my trust is in the Lord who had apointed us to com together. He can help and re- leive those that wayt upon Him, as experiance shows. Although I am base in degree to you, and poore, yet that you should look upon me to helpe me the goodness of God is great. As for your good counsell, I humbly thanke you The Lord inable [me] to follow it, that soe I might make my wife's life as comfortable as I can in her condition. As for my wife she is worse and worse, soe that is a great hindrance to me, having but little but my labour, and cannot git a helpe for her, they being all so scarce here. Concerning my wife's mother, she hath delt very harsh with me, witholding my right from me in severall cases. The reason as I conceive and noe other, I shall tell you. When I married first, I lived in the house with her, because, my fatherf beeing destracted, T might bee a helpe to her. Whereupon seeing severall carages be- twene the felow she now hath to be for husband and that the people allsoe tooke notic of it (which was to her disgrace) which greved me verie much, — and I can say as the Lord knowes, her fall hath been the IReferrlng: to his wife's step-father. Mr. Feake. FOLDOUT FOLDOUT THOMAS LYON OF RYE 33 greatest greefe and trouble to me that ever com by other, — and after long time heering and seeing what condition she were in I spake to her about it privately and after I discovered my dislike. I see her carage alter toward me. And haveing profered divers times to the utermost of my power to help her to take care of her estate, either in the house with her or in a house by her, haveing soft all menes that were lawfull, both betweene she and I — allsoe, when nought would prevale, before witnes — that soe she might gaine her name, bring glory to God, and part with the felow; yet nothing would pervale, but the more I desired her to part with the felow, the more I see that she were against mee. But however I hope I shall have a clere consiance toward her before God that I have not been the cause in the leest by my neglect, but to relate were tedi- ous. However, I am sorow for the sad efect she hath brought upon her selfe in general, and now more partickquler that none of her for- mer freinds will scarse look upon her, which I desier the Lord would lay it open to her if at the last there may be hopes, and I desire my selfe and others may take notis of her fall that soe it may be gaine to others. My wife remembers her duty unto you and to all the rest of her freinds in generall, with thanks to you for your gifts sent to her and likewise to all her freinds to their kindness. I thought to have writ to my Uncle John Winthrop, but the time is [torn] I shall not. Farther concerning the condition she is in. My father Feeke going away sodingly, having taken no course about the children and estate, only deseired a friend of his, and I, in case wee see them about makeing away the estate and to remove, wee should stay it — allsoe sending a letter to same effect, from Watertown — wee sent for counsell what wee should do. Wee were advised to stay it according to my fathers order; whereupon wee sent to the Dutch Governor, and went allso, that the estate might be stayed according to my father's desier. My mother and William Hallett coming there, there were som com- plants made against them, their living together; whereupon the Gov. ordered that the estate should be preserved for the children and my father upon his land at Greenwidg. It were farther ordered that my mother should live with her children having the benyfit of comfortable to live on, if she continewed there. If she did not stay there, she was not to carie away any of the estate nor children; likewise William were to depart the jurisdiction. But when they were returned to (3) 34 THOMAS LYON OF RYE Greenwidg because the fellow might not live there, my mother in law came hither with him, bringing away the children and estate, which we have seized on. Allsoe sence she came here she hath openly con- fessed she is married to him, is with child by him; and she hath been at New Haven but could have no comfort nor hopes for present to live in the jurisdiction, and what will become of her I know not. She is resolute in her course or else I think if she would leave William, she might stay here, and for the present they are in an unsettled condition, not knowing what to doe; and wee have had much trouble concerning the estate and yet it is not settled, for wee know not how to dispose of the children, for the estate is sould and wasted by their menes and charges comd on it, soe that it will not be soe good as my father left it neither will it maintayne the children except they be put forth. I could desier that my Uncle John would make a voyage hither and see if hee could settle things for the best, for the children and the estate spedely. The ocasion of my writing is to informe you of the truth, lest you might be informed otherwise. If my Uncle John Winthrop would com, it would be very good. I humbly intreat you to speke with him about it, for the children and the estate suffer. Or I would intreat you to send by this bearer your mind what you think will be best. I intreat your favour to aquaint him, how things are that I could desier (as the case stands) he would make a jorny hither spedely. Likewise let me intreat you soe much because I shall not write to him at this time as to tell him I would intreat him to conseder the state of the place here and helpe me with a couple of sithes and a sickell or two against harvest, for here is none to bee got, and I shall send such pay as the cuntry doth aford, as whete; for if I had such things it would help me to get much that now I cannot. Oure thoughts are for the present to see to the Dutch Governor if he will resine the part of the Estate there in our hands soe wee might have it all improved at Greenwidg upon the land. I intreat you would be pleased to let me heere from you spedely, soe in hast I rest Your dutyfull and obedeant grandsonn Thomas Lion. In a postscript, after giving details of the complications that had arisen about the disposition of the Feake estate he says: "there is 300 acres of land which were given to my wife by my father and Cap- taine Patrick. I intreat you to write to the Dutch Governor who has taken the land away, that soe I may not lose my right." [This may THOMAS LYON OF RYE 35 have an important bearing on the validity of the claim put in after his death by his daughter, Mary Wilson]. Letter indorsed by Governor Winthrop "Sonne Lyon, 14 (2) 48" [April 14, 1648]. Incidentally we see how the conflict of authorities — those of Con- necticut and New Amsterdam — helped along with the Indians and the sanctimonious cussedness of Puritan human nature to make life Inter- esting to the frontiersman. The letters from the invalid wife — a person evidently to whom the hardships of the pioneer life were a new and overwhelming experience — will be read in this connection with "pertickquler" interest. It may be noted that they were penned by an amanuensis. To John Winthrop, Jr. Stamford ye 23 March, 1648-9. Most Loving and Kind Unkell and Aunt: — My humble duty remem- bered unto you. I haveing an opertunyty thought good to send these few lines, allthough I have writ many but received none. I humbly thank you for your great love and care toward me in that you have sought to know how it is with me. Mr. Eaton being here I have sent by him playnly and nakedly How it is. I hope he will acquaint you. For my owne part, I am weaker than ever I was and not able to doe any thing, scarce to take my owne vitles when it is set by me. I likewise have a very bad stomack, but the more because of my bred- ing my stomack very choyse and daynty which causes me to suffer the more, my husband beeing not able nor at leasure to gitt mee what I would. Here is noe help to bee got, neither by neiborhood nor ser- vants, my husband beeing forst to doe all both for himselfe and mee, which is a great hindrance and loss. I entreat you good unkell con- seder my condition as it is, and help me a little with som of your cast off clothes, for I know not how to doe when the Lord plese to give me another litle one. For my husband's part he dos doe what he can for me and I am sorry he should suffer soe much for mee, for he drinks water that I might drink beer, eats Indian that I might eate whete ;ind fares hard & works hard that I might not suffer; but you may conseder partly his condition that he cannot doe as he would. For my owne part I prayse God that he hath provided such a comfertable helpe for me that is willing to suffer soe unspekeable. I beseech the Lord to open your hart and the harts of all my freinds to consider mee which I hope he hath. I with my husband have sent a letter of 36 THOMAS LYON OF RYE Atturny to my Granfather concerning my right. I beseech you helpe mee what you can, considering my extreme need. Remember mee to all my cozens. Remember my duty to my mother. I sent a letter to her; I hope she hath received it. My husband remembeers his duty to you. In haste I rest Your humble and dutyfull cozen, Martha Johana Lyon. To my loving and kind uncle, Mr. John Winthrop att Pequot, this d. d. Indorsed: Cos Lion. To John Winthrop, Jr. Stamford dated the Second of September, 1649. Right worthy Unkell, my dutie and love in all humbell manner remembered to you & my deere & loving Ante, with my harty thanks to God & you for all your former love and kindeness shed to mee. This is to certefie you of the late greate deliverance God hath shewed mee through his free love in Christ Jesus in giveinge mee a comfortabell deliverance of a dafter wch. is a hopeful child & is likely to live and my selfe is well up agayne, thanks bee given to God in and through Crist Jesus for it. I am forced to put it oute to nurse by reson of my infirmitie & because help is not to bee had, soe that my husband is at greate charges for the nursinge of it, yet for my comfort & for the good of the child my husband is willing to do the uttermost that hee is abell. Nowe concerninge ye linnen wch my Ante was pleased to bestowe uppon mee. I have greate need of them & was put to greate straight because I did trust to them and was fayne to borrow & if nowe shee could send them to mee shee would doe mee a grate pleasure & I should bee verie thankefull for them. Concerninge my husband's carridge to mee I have noe cause to complayne but rather to bless God that hath given him a hart to goe through soe many trubells with soe muche patience; for he is verie lovinge & kinde to mee & tender over mee, soe that I wante for nothinge that lieth in his power and soe with my humbell dutie to yourselfe & my Ante & ye rest of my cussens & my love to Mtres. Lake & to your sarvant Katterine, I rest Your humbell and dutyfull Neece Martha Johana Lyon. To the Worpll. hir verie loving Unkell Mr. John Wintrop at Peiquit give this I pray. THOMAS LYON OF RYE 37 Indorsed 'Cosen Martha Lion before winter 1649." In another letter dated Stamford 23 (11) 1649 (Jan. 23, 1650) she writes of the "little daughter, now about halfe yeare old. We call her name Mary. She is well in health (through mercy) and a thriving child for one bread up without the breast, as this hath been." Her last letter was written the following year. From Stamford the 17 Febua., 1650 [1651]. Most loving and kind Uncle and Aunt my kind love remembred to you and allsoe to my cozens and the rest of my freinds, hoping you are in good health etc. I haveing an opertunyty thought it good to 6end you these few lynes, only to acquaint you that thorrow mercy I am in good helth and my child allsoe. I would intreat you to send me some white copperous and redd lead, and what may bee fit for sarve, for I yet remaine as I were and have need of som and know not what to doe for som. My mother's is all spent. I pray you to do what you can, because of my owne partickquler neede of it. My mother is well and removing farther off from mee. I wrot to you before this. I know not whether you received my letter or not. I desier to heere from you. I had thought to have seene you here before this. My husband remembers his love kindly to you with thankfullness for all your former kindneses, time being short (the bearer stands, I pray pardon my defects) leaving you to the protection of the Allmighty, I rest, remaining Your dutyfull and obedient kinswoman Martha Johana Lyon. To her loving and kinde Uncle Mr. John Winthrop liveing at Pequot this d. d. Martha Johanna Lyon died probably 1854 when Thomas re- moved from Stamford to Fairfield. A family trait which characterizes many of the descendants of Thomas Lyon, found expression in his adoption of the principles of the Society of the Friends. It called for no common courage for a man in those early days to avow himself a Quaker. Both in Con- necticut and in Ney York the authorities dealt severely with advocates of the new heresy. We read that in 1657 a ship arrived in New Amsterdam having on board several of the 'accursed sect" called "Quakers." They had been banished from Boston and were on their way from Barbados to Rhode Island "where all kinds of scum dwell." as Dominie Magapolenses expressed it. Two women of the 38 THOMAS LYON OF RYE company, who ventured to parade their seditious doctrines in New Amsterdam were thrust into the common prison, their hands bound behind them, and kept there until the ship which brought them was ready to sail for Rhode Island. One of their number, Robert Hodgson, went to Hempstead, L. I., where, it is said, there were already a few Quakers living. He was seized, tied to the tail of a cart and so driven back to the city where he was sentenced to a heavy fine and to im- prisonment "in a filthy jail" two years, to be chained to a wheel- barrow with a negro who was charged to lash him with a heavy tarred rope. Such inhumanities no doubt made converts of many who otherwise might have been indifferent to the doctrines of the new sect. Of such metal no doubt was the yeoman, Thomas Lyon§. When the inevitable persecution came, for giving adhesion to the new seditious doctrine, it was not he who was first to utter complaint. It is his wife who writes thus to Gov. John Winthrop, Jr. Faierfeild, Juen the 22, 1668. Honerd Sir: — My husband being from home, I am bould to present you with my present greivance. We have seven children, fouer of them small. Last year they took away an ox for half a year. Senc they fined us six pound moer, and for that have soulde the greater part of our home lot. Now honerd sir, I have noe man but yourselfe whom God hath impowrd to redres this great opreshern. My husband can not act aganes his conscience. They are resolved in theyer way. Thus hoping you will conseder my distres, I rest Youer pooer servant to command Mary Lion. To John Winthrop, Jr. Indorsed "Mary Lion Senr., reed., June 23, 1668." Thomas Lyon himself wrote a letter shortly afterwards "To the worshipfull Mr. John Winthrop, Governor of Connecticut Colony," in which he says: "You know my condition, which God of his grace has cald mee to, blessed be His name, and how I am delt with for It. God in his time, tho man be silant, will find a way to deliver My goods is taken, my land divided, yett the Lord is my portion for ever, blessed be His name!" Signed "Your kinsman, Thomas Lyon." }In this connection we must not forget that William Hallett, who had re- moved with his wife, the former Mrs. Peake to Hempstead, L. I., became promi- nent In the Society of the Friends. One of his daughters was an exhorter, and among the foremost leaders In the Society. THOMAS LYON OF RYE 39 Indorsed "Tho. Lion, rec. June 23, 1668." The seal of this letter has the initials T. L. in a monogram, a fact that it is worth while to put on record here. The signature, with date, of the last letter in this series is here given for comparison with that of the first letter, in which the name is spelled Lion, and with that of the will of Thomas Lyon. See fac-simile reproductions. Confirmation of the statements made in the letters is found in a communication addressed to G-overnor Winthrop June 29, 1672, by the venerable William Coddington, who writes: Road Island, 29d. 4 mo., 1672. ***Now I shall in trew loue to thee relaite what is corned to me (I beliue thou was absent), & it was in thy Jurisdiction, & came to me In writing, viz: that some of our friends abute Rye or Greenage have had some of their good taken away because they could not goe to heare those teache which they knew was not sent of God, nore called by Christ Jesus vnto that worke which they pretend too, as theyer fruites doe manefest or other causes, which to them is matter of conscience, Thomas Lyon being one with some others. I desire thee to inform me of the trewth hereof. Those, for whatever I could larne, or heare, have lived vnspotted in that kind.** We find nowhere any evidence that Thomas Lyon identified him- self permanently with the Quakers, or at any time adopted their pecu- liarities of speech and dress. Of his personality little is known. He is described as a man of exceptionally fine physical development, being known in the neighbor- hood where he lived as "Thomas Lyon, the strong." 40 THOMAS LYON OF RYE His first wife, as has already been noted, was Martha Johanna Winthrop (See appendix, note 1), daughter of Henry and Elizabeth (Fones) Winthrop, and grand daughter of Hon. John Winthrop, Governor of the Colony of Massachusetts in 1629, 1630, 1637, 1642 and 1646. She was born in Groton Manor, England, May 9, 1630, and died in Stamford, Conn., probably about 1653. In 1652 Thomas Lyon bought a house and lot in Stamford of William Potter (See appendix, note 2). It is probable that his wife, Martha, was still living at that time. May 11, 1654, he purchased of Thomas Shervington a house and lot at Fairfield, and this fixes approximately the date of his second marriage§. This house he sold Nov. 1, 1675 to Daniel Frost, and on Feb. 13, 1676, he, with John Banks, Sr., of "Fayrefield" acquired title to a "sartaine parsell of land in Greenwich, lying by Byram River and by estimation three score ackers." It is recorded that previous to this "the towne had granted unto Mr. John Banks, senior, of Fayre- field, as Thomas Lyon's attorney, a sartaine parcell of land lying in Greenwich on the lower end of Byram neck, by estimation three hun- dred ackers." It was this land, "Elizabeth Neck," that was later claimed by the daughter of Martha (Winthrop) Lyon, Mrs. Mary (Lyon) Willson, as rightfully her inheritance. Into the merits of that controversy it is not necessary to enter, but it is interesting to note that in the original deed "by Amogerone Sachem of Asamuck and Rammatthone [and] Nawhorone, sachems of Patomuck, to Robert Feaks and Daniell Patricks" of Greenwich lands, Elizabeth Neck "by ye Indians called Mona Kewego" is expressly excepted "which neck is ye perticular perchace of Elizabeth Feaks, ye sd Robert Feaks his wife, to be hers and her heaires or assigns forever." See appendix, note 3. This item is from the Town Record of Rye, under date March 5, 1676: "The Towne of Rye adopted the following. Thomas Lyon and Thomas Brown are appointed to choose a house or place to be for- tified for safety of the towne." See appendix, note 4. Mr. Win- throp says that it is believed that it was this Thomas Lyon who served as a colonial soldier from Connecticut and remarks that his expres- sions in the letter of Aug. 25, 1647 in relation to his possible death would tend to confirm that theory. In Schenk's History of Fairfield JThere is record also under date Jan. 12, 1658, of the purchase by Thomas Lyon of two lots of land In "ye Newfleld" from Andrew Ward, and of a lot, also In "ye Newfleld," from Symon Hoyt of Stamford, the total amount of these purchases about 14 (?) acres. (Fairfield Land Records, Lib. A., p. 92). Map showing Environs of Rye, N Y. and Greenwich, Conn. 42 THOMAS LYON OF RYE we find the following statement: The soldiers engaged in the Pequot war of 1637-8, who afterwards settled at Fairfield were: Roger Ludlow Thomas Lyon Dr. Thomas Pell of Saybrook John Wood James Eggleston Thomas Basset Nehemiah Olmstead Samuel Gregory William Hayden Richard Osborne. No authority for the statement is quoted. If the record is authentic we must conclude either that Thomas was a mere boy when he joined the force sent to chastise the Pequots, or that he was of unusually mature age when he married Martha Johanna Winthrop — or else that there were two Thomases. The last alternative is worthy of consideration, although there is nothing in the Winthrop corres- pondence to bear out such a hypothesis. We know that there was a Thomas Lyon who was killed in the battle at Turners Falls, 1667. Savage supposed that it was Thomas of Fairfield and Rye. It is pos- sible that it was the Thomas of the Pequot war, if there were any such Thomas. The early settlers of Stamford came from Watertown, Dorchester, and other places near Boston, at first by way of Wethersfield. Is it not more than possible that the Thomas Lyon who in 1647 is of Stamford, with acquaintances in the vicinity of Boston, was related to Peter and George Lyon of Dorchester — possibly a brother? The question is merely suggested. It may be possible some day to an- swer it authoritatively in the affinative or negative. Thomas Lyon married for his second wife, about 1654, Mary Hoyt, daughter of Simon Hoyt, of Stamford, Conn., by whom he had four sons and four daughters. See appendix, note 5. During the latter years of his life Thomas Lyon, although living probably In Greenwich at Byram Neck, Is spoken of as "of Rye," this place being just the other side of Byram river in New York — the place now being called Port Chester. In a list of the inhabitants of Rye in 1683, the name Thomas Lyon appears twice repeated — father and son no doubt. The name Lyons Point, written also Lions Point, applied to the point at the mouth of Byram River, was in common use as early as 1683. The will of Thomas Lyon was dated Dec. 6, 1689, and probated at Fairfield with inventory of estate, September 7, 1690. See facsimile reproduction. THOMAS LYON OF RYK 43 Its full text is as follows: In the name of God, Amen. I, Thomas Lyon Senior, being sick and weak in body but of good perfect memory, blessed Be the Lord for it who hath now put it into my heart to sett my house in order by makeing this my Last will and Testament in manner as ffolloweth: Imprimis — I give and bequeath my soule into the hands of Almighty God my Creator and my body to the Earth from whence Itt came to be buried at the discretion of my freinds and as for this worldly Estate which it hath pleased The Lord to Indowe me with-all I give and be- queath as ffolloweth. ffirst — I give unto my Loveing wife Mary Lyon Thirty pounds with my best Bedd and furniture belonging to itt and one Cowe and four sheep. I give unto my sonn John Lyon the Mill att Rye and all the Lands belonging to it that I bought with it and also Two Other percells that I bought of John Coe, the one Lying att the upper end of the feild at Rye of upland and the Other of Meddow Land Lyeing in the middle hassakkey Meddow with a half Lottment Lying by blind Brook and a small Lottment Lyeing att the White plains he paying unto his Mother Twelve Bushells of Indian Corn and Six Bushells of wheat yearely soe Long as she doth Live and remain my widdow if it is demanded. I give unto my sonn Thomas Lyon my homelott Lying up Byram River above the Country Road and half my uppermost percell of Land Lying up the same River with two Byram Ridge Lotts, the one which I Bought of John Coe and the other of Robert Bloomer with a small percell of Land which I bought of Stephen Sherwood Joyning to these Lotts and A half Lottment of Land that Is between me and John Coe upon Bryam Ridge he allowing a feild Cartway convenient through his homelott To goe to and from the other half of the uppermost percell of Land Lying up the said River. I alsoe give my said sonn Thomas Lyon half the Salt Meddow that I bought of John Coe and a Weavers Loom and the furniture or tacklin belonging to itt, he paying to his Mother four bushells of Indian Corn and two bushells of wheat yearely soe long as she doth Live and Remain my widdow if it is demanded. I gave unto my sonn Samuell Lyon the Litle Swamp for a home Lott with half the breadth of my orchard at the front Joyning to It and Also a Litle hill Lying over against ye said swamp beginning att a Chestnutt tree northward and soe Running Round to the topp of the hill Eastward & Southward till it meets with two black Oaks marked standing in the pasture feild with a pasture below his homelott on the westward side of the highway that goes into the neck. And alsoe I glre 44 THOMAS LYON OF RYE my sonn Samuell Tenn pounds which I Will that it be paid out of my sonn Joseph Lyons portion. I give unto my sonn Joseph Lyon my dwelling house and Barn and homelott and the northward part of the Orchard and A pasture lying on the Eastward side of the highway that goes into the neck, But I will that his Mother have Liberty to Live in the house soe long as she Lives & Remains my widdow ffurther, I give unto my sonn Samuell Lyon and Joseph Lyon all my Lands below the Country Road with half The Salt Meddow that I Bought of John Coe and the half of the uppermost percell of Land that I have on Byram River, To be equally divided between them for them and Either of them to Receive when they shall come to age and then to pay unto theire Mother each of them four bushells of Indian Corn and two bushells of wheat yearly soe Long as she Lives and Remains my widdow. I give unto all my four sonns all my Rights and priviledges in un- divided Lands belonging to Greenwich and Rye to be Equally divided amongst them Except one grant of Lands to me from ye Town of Greenwich which I doe give unto my sonn Thomas Lyon And Like- wise unto my Aforesaid four sonns I doe Give All my Rights & priviledges in Lands att ffairfeild for them to dispose of as they see best. I Give unto my five daughters as ffolloweth unto my daughter Mary Tenn Shillings unto my daughter Abigail Tenn Shillings unto my daughter Elizabeth five pounds unto my daughter Sarah five pounds unto my daughter Debora five pounds besides what I have given them already. I give unto my son John Lyon's sonn that is my grand-child Thomas Lyon fivety shillings. I give unto my Aforesaid foure sonns all my Estate that shall be Left After All just Debts and Legacies be paid that shall arise or is already made to be divided amongst my aforesaid four sonns my sonn John Lyon to have a double share with his Bretheren of the Estate soe Remaining ffurther I will that if any of my Sonns shall make Sale of theire Lands theire brothers shall have the refuseall of itt first ffurther I will that my two sonns Thomas & Samuell Lyon, Shall provide Winter Meat sufficient and pasture as need shall Require for four Cows & Six Sheep for theire Mother and firewood as she shall have occasion My sonn Joseph doeing Equally with them when he shall come to age this to be done soelong as theire Mother remains my widdow. FOLDOUT FOLDOUT ^.^ ^^cc ' U 9«-**~ «-^~&. /6W SECOND GENERATION 46 I doe make and appoint my Loveing wife my sonn John Lyon and my sonn Samuel Lyon Executrs of this my Last Will and Testiment and I have made choice of Thomas Brown of Rye and John Marshall Senior of Greenwich to be my Overseers to mee this my will p'formed and I doe desire That my Executors would take Advice of them con- cerning the same and in Testimony of this writeing abovesaid to be my Last Will & Testiment I have hereunto sett my houd asd seale this sixth day of December in the year of our Lord One thousand six hun- dred and eighty nine. Signed and sealed in the presence of us Thomas Lyon (Seal) Thomas Brown John Stoakham Probated at Fairfield, Lib. 1689. 1701. p. 13. Inventory Sept. 7, 1690. Will exct. Nov. 8, 1690. Children of Thomas and Martha Johanna (Wlnthrop) Lyon: 2. I. — — — ; d. In Infancy. •3. II. Mary [Marie]: b. Aug. 1649; d. before 1713: m. John Willson. Children of Thomas and Mary (Hoyt) Lyon: •4. III. Abigail; b. about 1654-5; d. before 1713; m. John Banks. •6. IV. John; d. 1736; m. •6. V. Thomas; d. 1739; m. Abigail Ogden. •7. VI. Samuel: d. about 1713; unm. •8. VII. Joseph; b. 1677; d. Feb. 21. 1761; m. Sarah . •9. VIII. Elisabeth; d. before Nov. 1713; m. John Marshall. 10. IX. Deborah; m. i ■ ' ■ » " '■' Co#e. A*^"**' C»« 11. X. Sarah; m. Merrltt. 3. II. 1. MARY 2 LYON (STEDWELL) (WILSON) [Thomas 1 ] was born in Stamford, Conn, in Aug. 1649 (her mother, Martha J. (Wlnthrop) Lyon writes Sept. 2, 1649, of her "late comfortabell deliver- ance of a dafter, which is a hopeful child") ; the date and place of her death have not been ascertained. She inherited from her mother a delicate constitution, and because of her "sad condition" of health, she was sent in 1668 to visit her uncle, Governor John Wlnthrop, Jr.. who was living at that time in Hartford. This event no doubt had much to do with shaping her subsequent life. Little, however, is known of the details of that life. She is said to have married first Joseph Stedwell of Rye and second, before Nov. 1691, John Willson of Bedford, afterwards of Rve. 46 THOMAS LYON OF RYE She received by her father's will only an equal share with her sisters in the movable property. She believed that since a portion of the land her father had owned came to him through his marriage with Martha Winthrop, she was entitled to more than that§, and she pushed her claims in the courts, appealing at last to the General Assembly of Connecticut. The petition was for a restitution of three hundred acres of land claimed to have been originally the property of Mrs. Feake, Martha Winthrop's mother. The record reads: "This Court having heard and considered said petition doe order that the sons of said Lyon, viz: Samuel and Joseph Lyon doe pay the sume of fiftie pounds in currant money of this Colony, to be paid within the space of one year unto said John and Marie Willson, the said John and Marie Willson giving them quitt claim to land aforesaid, and in failure thereof said John and Marie Willson may take out an execution against so much of the land aforesaid as may satisfie the said sume." (Colonial Rec. Conn. IV. p. 424; date May 13, 1703). Oct. 11, 1705, there is record of the issuing of such execution (Col. Rec. Conn. IV. p. 531). See appendix, note 6. A more amicable transaction is recorded June 24, 1737, when certain lands at Horseneck were transferred by Thomas Lyon, John Willson, Jonathan Lyon, David Lyon and John Lyon, all of Greenwich, to Thomas Close (Greenwich T. R. V. p. 13.). Children of Joseph and Mary (Lyon) Stedwell: 12. I. Mary; m. Samuel Crampton of Rye. IS. II. Joseph. 14. III. Martha; m. David Lyon (No. 34). 18. IV. Johanna; m. George Knlffen. Jr. A* 4. II. 1. ABIGAIL 2 LYON (BANKS) [Thomas 1 ], born Fairfield, Conn., about 1654; died before Nov. 1713t (date of settlement of estate of her brother Samuel). She married in Stamford, Conn., April 3, 1672, John Banks, son of John Banks, Sr., of Fairfield. See appendix, note 7. John Banks, Jr. died July 14, 1699 (Savage). Distribution of estate May 4, 1703; to widow Abigail Banks her dowry and one-third the personal estate; four sons and two daughters; widow Abigail guardian SThis seems to have been an after thought, for on Nov. 4, 1691. John Willson and Mary Willson gave quit claim to the executors and administrators of th« estate of Thomas Lyon for any demands by reason of any legacy due by tn« will of the deceased, or any other demand which is or may be [made] by us on said estate. Greenwich Town Records, p. 78. tShe was living Dec. 19, 1710; "Deliverance Brown received from mother-in- law Abigail Banks, etc." (Fairfield Rec.) SECOND GENERATION 4< to John Banks, the youngest son; Mary Banks chose her Mother guar- dian; Joseph Banks guardian to his brothers Daniel and Samuel. Children of John and Abigail (Lyon) Banks: 16. I. Joseph; b. about 1674; m. Hannah , who married Ind, 1718, John Lyon (No. 24). 17. II. Daniel; m. T.yrtia . . 18. III. Samuel; m. 1st ; m. Jnd Rebecca (Hobby) Lyon, widow of Thomas Lyon (No. 22). 19. IV. Daughter; m. Deliverance, son of Hakaliah Brown. 20. V. John. 81. VI. Mercy. 5. II. l. JOHN' LYON [Thomas 1 ], horn, probably at Fairfield, Conn., about 1655, and died in Greenwich in 1736. He lived with his brother Samuel on the undivided estate left by their father, Thomas Lyon. The name of his wife has not been ascertained. John Lyon was deputy to the General Court of Connecticut from Fairfield, Conn., 1725- 1730. Feb. 27, 1698-9, at a meeting of the proprietors of the town, it was agreed "that we doe impower the aforesaid men (Hecaliah Brown, Deliverance Brown, John Merritt, Robert Bloomer and John Stockham) to bargain with and sell unto John Lyon a certain tract of land lying Y up Byram river, if they shall see good and convenient soe to doe," and to John Lyon was confirmed "a parcel of land lying against the mill between the cartway down into the Neck and the mill creek bounded up the said creek by John Hoit's meddow and to run down to the said Creek till it comes to John Boyd's meddow, provided the said John Lyon doe not praidice the carte way into the neck, nor the way to the mill, neither shall hee hinder any person from settin up thare field fence if they have occasion." At a town meeting held Sept. 20, 1697, Capt Theall, John Horton, Joseph Purdy, Hecaliah Brown, John Lyon, Thomas Merritt and Isaac Denman were chosen a committee "for the management and carrying on of the worke of building a meeting house for the towne of Ry, and also for the appointing of a place where it shall set, and the above meeting house shall not acsed above thirty square feet." The seating space of this place of worship speaks for the size of the congregation, which doubtless comprised every family in the settlement. In April 1699, John Lyon and Isaac Denman were chosen to lay out a road to White Plains, "beginning at the head of Capt. Theall's land and so to run to the caseaway (causeway) brook," said road to be three rods in breadth. July 14, 1710, John Lyon signed a quit claim for 48 THOMAS LYON OF RYE all obligations due him from his brother Joseph; witnesses Richard Ogden and John Stockham. Feb. 1714 ("one thousand seven hundred and thirteen fourteen") John Lyon, Sr., living at Byram in the Town of Greenwich, deeded to his son Daniel Lyon of the same place his dwelling house and home lot, with all his lands and meadows on "Byrum Neck" not already disposed of to his son John Lyon, Jr.; John Corbit witness. His will (Stamford Probate Rec. Lib. I. p. 115) was dated Jan. 24, 1736; executors John Merritt and Samuel Brown; witnesses Johannes Dow, David Lyon, George Gorham. He bequeathed to Caleb Lyon, son of his son Thomas, deceased, one half the mill in Greenwich, with one half the lands pertaining to it, he to pay to his sister, when he should come of age, £30 current money; Thomas, brother of Caleb to have the other half of the mill property; to his son John the western and to his son Daniel the eastern half of the land at Byram Neck already deeded to them, Daniel to have also the lands on "Mary's Hill." (In case Daniel died leaving no male heir the lands bequeathed to him were to go to James Lyon, son of John, Jr.) The moveable estate to be divided equally between "my four daughters, Ruth, Mary, Hannah and Jude." For full text of the will see appendix, note 8. Children of John Lyon : •22. I. Thomas; b. before 1689; d. 1733; m. Rebecca Hobby. •28. II. Daniel; b. about 1688; d. 1752; m. Sarah Jennings. •24. III. John; b. about 1690; d. July 1749; m. Hannah, widow of Joseph Banks. 25. IV. Ruth; living In 1736. 26. V. Mary; living 1736. •27. VI.. Hannah; b. 1704; d. about 1790; m. Close. 28. VII. Jude; living 1736. 7. II. I. SAMUEL 2 LYON [Thomas 1 ], was born at Greenwich. Conn., date not ascertained, and died at Rye, N. Y. in 1713. He was unmarried and died intestate. Fairfield Probate Records (Lib. 1702-50, p. 268) contained the following memorandum: "Thomas Lyon who was appointed administrator on the estate of Samuel Lyon late of Greenwich, according to a former Order of Court, have rendered an accompt of his administration to the Court of Probate held in Fair- field Dec. 1713, which accompt the Court have compared with the In- ventory [and] do find that there is Clear Estate the sum of £180. 14s., the deceased Lyon dieing and leaving no Issue but there was surviving eight brothers and sisters, two of the said sisters being also, deceased, -— r- ^>: lt ;; UJ o o E to S < cr CO *t ^- < a < LU \- CD UJ 2 o I z o >- _J UJ O < 0. UJ UJ 1 SECOND FENERATION 49 the Court do therefore order that said estate shall be divided as fol- loweth: To Thomas Lyon above named £67. 16s. 9d.; to John Lyon. Joseph Lyon, Sarah Merritt and Deborah Cove [or Cone] each £22. 12s. 3d., and to the children of Elizabeth, one of the sisters of the deceased Samuel Lyon, £22. 12s. 3d. It is to be understood that Thomas above sd hath bought two sheirs of sisters Abigail and Mary \ J / $ which is the reason of his exceeding a single portion. And the Court "" Vr do desire and appoint Mr. Elisha Holly and Mr. John Holly Cooper to v »\V-C distribute sd Estate according to above Order of Court." 6. II. 1. THOMAS 2 LYON [Thomas'] was born at Greenwich, Conn., in 1673, and died April or May 1739. He built the house near V Byram Bridge, which is still standing, having been occupied continuA ously until the present time by his descendants. Among the Land A Records we find "Land laid out on ye west side of Byram River, known as Cook's Purchase, to Thomas Lyon, Joseph Lyon, Samuel Lyon, Abigail Banks and Thomas Bullis" (Fairfield Deeds II, p. 43, date 1701). John Lyon, Thomas Lyon and Samuel Lyon of Rye and Byram, sell property at Fairfield that was their father Thomas Lyon's (ibid III. p. 73; date 1707). Thomas Lyon married Abigail, daughter of John Ogdent, of Stamford, Conn.; she was living at distribution of estate of Thomas Lyon, Sept. 1752; d. before Nov. 26, 1760. Thomas Lyon was a member of Colonel Robert Hunter's Com- pany of Fuliseers, mustered in New York and Westchester counties on February 24, 1711 for 61 days' service on the Canadian frontier (Booth's Hist. New York City). For the full text of the will of Thomas Lyon (dated April 2, 1739, proved at Stamford, Conn., May 1st, 1739, see Note 9 in Appendix. The following are named as children and grand children and heirs of Thomas Lyon #nd also of Abigail Lyon, widow of said Thomas, Nov. 26, 1760: John Fowler and wife Elizabeth, both of Westchester; Charles Theall and wife Jemima, both of Greenwich; Israel Knapp. of Greenwich, and his children, born of his first wife Mary, daughter tJohn Ogden came to Stamford from Long- Island In 1641 and received Dec. 7 a house and lft "f ten icres. In 1042 he agreed with Governor Klefl to build a stone Church for 2500 guilders. He returned to Hempstead In 16<4. and was one of the patentees of the town. He removed In 1661 to Southampton. L. I., where he was chosen Assistant, and named In the Royal Charter. He went to New Jersey with Governor Carteret, and was representative from Ellza- bethtown In the First General Assembly, 1668. He married Jane, daughter of Robert Bond of Southampton, and his daughter Abigail became the wife of Thomas Lyon, Jr. j _ ^C__^ A 7 -< #C iH^LA /72 1 a l "- '<£_ (* aft /-*•« i r*~~( c<-t~^- ^ C b. May 8, 1742; 5. John; b. April 24, 1744; 6. Joab; b. July 29, 1746; 7. and 8. (twins) Richard and John; b> Jan. 13. 1748-9.. ^. • /) O <-> f^r^l icAM^> Lh^^> ^ fh*U 2- ). •103. IV. Elizabeth; b. about 1740: m. Joseph Banks. $ Israel Knapp was grandson of Nicholas Knapp of "Watertown, Mass., 1630 (see note 12 In Appendix). He married 2nd, Aug. 2, 1742; Anna, daughter of Joseph and Mary Marshall; children: 1. Israel; b. May 1, 1743; living In 1777; 2. Anna; b. March 1, 1748; d. before June 1777; 3. Amy; b. April 1, 1752; living June, 1777. Israel Knapp had a third wife (married Jan. 7, 1762), Elizabeth Hugford, widow of Dr. Hugford. {Samuel Crampton of Rye, and wife Mary, daughter of Joseph Stedwell, Feb. 16, 1740, sell to brother Joseph Stedwell, and sister Martha, wife of David Lyon, and Johanna, wife of George Kniffen, Jr., (Greenwich T. R. V. S97, S38.) ) r> 7 2 m. Mary Mills, no issue. •146. VII. Abigail; b. April 5, 1760; d. July 3 [or 23], 1841; m. Daniel Purdy. 146. VIII. Klizabeth; b. Aug. 19, 1762; d. April 17. 1858; m. March 26, 1786. Samuel Lyon (No. 217). •147. IX. Abraham; b. Nov. 13, 1764; d. Aug. 26, 1849; m. Hannah Mills. 40. III. 8. PHEBE* LYON (MILLER) [Joseph-, Thomas'], born at Byram Neck, Greenwich, Conn, about 1700; was living 1752. She married Samuel, son of Samuel Miller of Budd's Neck, Rye; born in 1692; living in 1752. In 1717 he made affidavit that his age was about 25. March, 1741, he sold to Joseph Haines 70 acres of land in Rye. Jan. 14, 1742, he sold to his father in law, Joseph Lyon a considerable tract of land in the lower part of Harrison. In the will of her mother, dated April 8, 1767, her sons Joseph and William were named as executors. Children of Samuel and Phebe (Lyon) Miller: 148. I. Joseph; b. before 1731; m. Margaret, dau. of John and Catherine (McDonald) Thomas. 149. II. William; m. March 21, 1765, Mary, dau. of John Haviland. ^--i--*^A — 1 *®' IJI - liyon; b. July 4, 1736; d. March 15, 1814; m. Susanna, dau. of j „ • —j Roger and Elizabeth Purdy K ' 41. III. 8. AMY 3 LYON (HAINES) [Joseph;. Thomas'], born at Byram Neck, Greenwich, Conn, about 1702; died at Harrison in 1783-4; will dated Nov. 22, 1782; probated New York, Feb. 3, 1784. She mar- ried Godfreyt, son of Godfrey and Anne Haines of Rye. An item in the New York Gazette for July 3, 1766, gives details of his accidental death by drowning on the Tuesday evening previous, stating that he followed the business of lobster catching for the market. Children of Godfrey and Amy (Lyon) Haines: 151. I. Gilbert; b. about 1745; "aged about 21" when his father died. 152. II. Sarah. tWill dated Greenwich, Aug. 26, 1804; probated Stamford, Aug. 17, 1807; executors wife Mary and Nehemiah Williams. Mary was daughter of Samuel and Abigail (Holmes) Mills; she was b. Jan. 14, 1758; d. 1832. Her will wa» dated June 6. 1832; probated Stamford. Aug. 24. 1832: executor, Seth Lyon (No. 702). JGodfrey Haines Sr. died July 22, 1768. ae. 93; adm. of his estate April 10, 1769, to his son Gilbert. His wife, Anne, died Feb. 19, 1858; ae. 68; buried in Blind Brook Cemetery. THIRD GENERATION 63 153. III. Mary Ann; h. 1752; d. Dec. 8. 1S25, ae. 73; m. 1st. Aug. 8». 1769 William Ascoughg; m. 2nd. Daniel Merritt Jr., (a son John). 42. III. 8. ANNE' LYON (BUDD) [Joseph 2 , Thomas 1 ], born at Byram Neck, Greenwich, Conn; died "in her fiftieth year" Dec. 6. 1760; buried in Blind Brook cemetery. She married Elisha, son of Joseph and Sarah (Underhill) Buddt, born 1705, died Sept. 21, 1765, in sixtieth year; buried in Blind Brook cemetery. His will dated 1765. - Children of Elisha and Anne (Lyon) Budd: 164. I. Jonathan; mentioned in grandfather's will, Oct. 1762. 165. II. James. 156. III. Miriam; m. before 1765 Jonah Maynard. 167. IV. Sarah; m. before 1765 Hackaliah Purdy. 168. V. Anne: m. before 1765 Brown. 160. VI. Phebe. 43. III. 8. MARY* LYON (MERRITT) [Joseph-, Thomas'], born at Byram Neck, Greenwich, Conn.; died before the date of her father's will, Oct. 10, 1752. She married (perhaps Joseph) Merritt. Children of Joseph (?) and Mary (Lyon) Merritt. 160. I. Silvanus; was living in 1767. 161. II. Elisha; died under age before 1761. 162. III. Joseph; was living in 1767. 52. IV. 22. CALEB 4 LYON [Thomas 8 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born in (j t <- i< Greenwich, Conn., Oct. 20, 1718; died there Aug. 30, 1809, ae 90 yt / , / % t. § Children of William and Mary Ann (Haines) Ascough: 1. Sarah; b. July 10, 1772; 2. William. They lived at Brown's Point. Harrison. He died Sept. 1776. Administration of estate granted Oct. 9, 1784 at New York, to Daniel Merritt Jr., who had married the widow of deceased. tEllsha Budd was a descendant (probably a grandson) of John Budd. the immigrant. The Budd family (from Normandy) were in Rye, co. Sussex, Ens.. during the Norman conquest. Jean Budd was a soldier under Charles the Oreat and Richard his grandson (son of William) was rewarded by the Duke of Nor- mandy for his valor. John, son of Richard, \v:is created Earl of Sussex by William the Great, whose sister he married. John, his son, married Kathlene Brown, a descendant of Sir Anthony Brown of the Montague family. He was born at Rye, Eng. about 1600 and came to New Haven Conn., with his wife and two sons John and Joseph, 1652. He went to Southold, L. I., where he bought lands and was one of the original proprietors of the town of Brookhaven in 1655. In 1661 he purchased a tract of land In Rye. N. Y.. on which he settled. He was deputy to the General Court at Hartford in 1663. tin 1847 Dr Thomas Lyon (No. 373) of Morristown, N. J., prepared a manu- script record of the descendants of Caleb Lyon which is authority for many statements in the succeeding pages, credited as above "Dr. T." An authentic copy of this valuable record i* now owned by Mrs. Esther B. Hunt of Atwater. Cayuga Co., x v 64 THOMAS LVON OF RYE He was mentioned in the will of his grandfather, John Lyon, dated Jan. 24, 1735-6. May 20, 1736, he chose for his guardian his cousin, John Hobby. He was a farmer and blacksmith. He married Eunice, daughter of Elnathan Mead of Greenwich, born in 1720 (bapt. Green- wich, Oct. 20, 1728), and died April 9, 1803 (Dr. T.). Both were buried on the farm, North St., Greenwich. Jan. 2, 1782, a petition against allowing tories who had served in the British armies to return again as citizens of either town was signed by thirty-seven Stamford and Greenwich men, one name being Caleb Lyons. Children of Caleb and Eunice (Mead) Lyon: •163. I. Caleb; b. Dec. 3, 1744 O. S. ; (Dec. 4. Dr. T.) d. Aug. IS. 1832 (Aug. 16, Dr. T.); m. Rachel Mead. •164. II. Daniel; b. Nov. 3, 1745 (Dr. T.); d. 1824; m. 1st. Elizabeth Treen; m. 2nd. Betsey Lockwood Whelply. •165. III. Eunice; b. April 1, 1750; m. Peter Husted. •166. IV. Amos; b. April 9, 1752 (Dr. T.); d. Dec. 1815 (Dr. T.); m. Amy Palmer. •167. V. Noah; b. March 16, 1756; d. Sept. 20, 1820; m. Mary Mead. •168. VI. Job; b. Nov. 16, 1758; d. Sept. 23, 1841; m. Elizabeth Mead. 169. VII. Jerushu; m. Nov. 7, 1804, Gideon Peck (2nd wife); he b. Sept. 3. 1756; d. Greenwich, Jan. 7, 1815, son of Theophilus and Rebecca (Knapp) Peck. •170. VIII. Rebecca [Rebekah]; b. Nov. 1765; m. Jonathan Close; res. 1861 Stanwlch, Conn. •171. IX. Hannah; b. July 16. 1767; d. June 1, 1806; m. Jonathan Mead. 57. IV. 22. RUTH 4 LYON (MEAD) [Thomas 3 , John 2 , Thomas'], born at Greenwich, Conn.; bapt. Oct. 29, 1732; married Abraham Mead, born at Greenwich, May 22, 1735. son of Elnathan Mead and a descend- ant of William Mead the immigrant. See appendix, note 14. Children of Abraham and Ruth (Lyon) Mead (Greenwich T. R.): 172. I. Abraham; b. Aug. 26, 1754; killed In the Revolutionary War. 173. II. Eunice; b. Oct. 9, 1755; m. 1st, July 27, 1750, Solomon Mead. m. 2nd. May 27, 1779, Benjamin Weed. 174. III. Ksbon; b. Jan. 26, 1757; killed in the Revolution. 175. IV. Daniel; b. May 1, 1758; m. 1st, Lucincy Palmer, who died April 20, 1813; m. 2nd, Mary Doty. 176. V. Jonathan ["Jotham"]; b. Nov. 25, 1759, died young. 177. VI. Enos; b. May 3, 1761; d. Sept. 6. 1837; m. 1783. Prudence Ander- son. 178. VII. Lemuel; b. April 1, 1763; d. Jan. 28, 1826; m. June 24. 1802. Jerusha Pool. 17». VIII. Ruth; b. Jan. 21, 1764; d. Nov. 17. 1842; m. Major Brown of Round Hill, Conn. 58. IV. 23. HANNAH 4 LYON (MERRITT) [Daniel 8 , John 1 , Thomas'], born about 1730; living in 1782. She married Gilbert, son FOURTH GENERATION 65 of Andrew and Rachel (Kniffen) Merritt§; born about 1725; died 1785; will dated Dec. 2, 1782, proved New York, April 15, 1785. Executors, wife Hannah, brother Robert Merritt. In it the expression is used "by force of title of his wife," of land in dispute with James Lyon (No. 62) of Byram. Gilbert Merritt was Justice of the Peace in Rye. Children of Gilbert and Hannah (Lyon) Merritt: 180. I. Daniel; b. 1749: d. 1810. ae. 62 y. 2m. 20 d. 181. II. Gilbert; b 1753; d. Feb. 2, 1824; m. 1st after 1782. Anne Miller, (was to be disinherited If he married one Mary Seaman); m. 2nd, Abigail 182. III. Surah; b. 1751; d. 1843. ae. 90 y. ; m. April 2, 1771. Daniel Car- penter; Children: Gilbert, Daniel. Hannah (m. Francis Secor). 59. IV. 24. JOHN 4 LYON [John 5 , John 2 , Thomas'], born at Greenwich, Conn., Nov. 18, 1713, died there about 1790. His father bequeathed to him "the farm he lives on in Greenwich." He died insolvent; Inventory Oct. 13, 1790; settlement of estate, Aug. 22, 1793 (Stamford Probate Rec). He married Mary Miller, born Rye, Nov. 10, 1714, daughter of Abraham and Hannah ( ) Miller of Rye. Children of John and Mary (Miller) Lyon: 183. I. Mary; b. before July 1749 (bequest from grandfather Lyon). •184. II. James; b. 1747; d. Nov. 13, 1819. There may have been other children. Possibly Joshua Lyon of Green- wich, pensioner 1840. and Pelatlah Lyon, who served In the Revolution Army, were his sons. 60. IV. 24. CAPTAIN ROGER' LYON [John 11 , John-, Thomas'], £ u ^^^^ born Byram, Greenwich, Conn. Dec. 13 (or 15), 1715; died North Castle, Westchester Co., N. Y. May 13, 1797. Will dated March 26. 1788; probated White Plains June 3, 1797; executors, sons Samuel Lyon and Gilbert Lyon. Bequeaths land and meadows on Calves Island. He married, date not ascertained, Mary, ^daughter of Samuel and Susanna Ci Cr+ f Cyl^C SAndrew Merritt of Rye (son of Merritt) was born in 1689; d. Nov. 28. 1728, ae. 93 y. Will dated July 2. 1780. probated June 23, 1783. Bequeathes to son Robert, farm where I now dwell and father, mother and wife are burled; to sons. Gilbert and Nehemiah, house and lot near Grace Church St. Rye. ad Joining Nehemiah Sniffln and John Hawkins. He married 1st, Rachel (probably KniffVn or Sniffcn ) ; she died Oct. 8, 1742. and he married ~nd. Mary Children of Andrew and Rachel: 1. Andrew, b. Feb. 22. 1722; d. Aug. 18. 1781; m. Mary ; 2. Gilbert, b. 1725; d. 1785; m. Hannah Lyon; 3. Rachel, b. Sept. 9. 1731; living 1780; m. Gilbert Miller; 4. Robert, b. Jan. 6, 1735; d. Feb. 12. 1817; m. Phebe (b. July 27, 1735. d. July 18. 1817); 6. Nehemiah, b. 1738; d. May 10, 1817. (6) (Ogden) Willsont of King St., Rye. (The record "died North Castle. May 19, 1813, ae. 83 y.," roquirca ex p lanation) . Roger removed in early manhood to North Castle where he purchased an extensive estate, a part of which was occupied until a few years ago by a descendant, Samuel Augustus Lyon. In 1772 he received from Governor Tryon a commission as Captain of Middle Battalion, West- chester County Militia, and served in the Revolutionary war. When General Washington was on his way to White Plains, he, with his staff, was entertained at the home of Capt. Roger Lyon. The silver cup from which the future president of the United States drank on that occasion is now in possession of Mr. G. Livingstone Lyon of White Plains. Children of Roger and Mary (Willson) Lyon: •185. I. Roger; b. 1736; d. Oct. 1S24; m. Phebe Lyon (No. 92). •188. II. Justus; b. July 6, 1744; d. 1815; m. Sarah Ferris. . 187. III. Glorlanna; m. Dec. 13, 1764. Andrew Kniffen [Snlffen]. W&*^*~<- L>ft±m •188. IV. Samuel; b. May 14, 1747; d. Jan. 23, 1819; m. 1st, Mary Lounsbury; t±2J^k m. 2nd. Elizabeth Fleming /-y>~i ct •18J». V. Gilbert; b. 1751; d. Sept. 12, 1819; m. Mary . •180. VI. John; d. 1816; m. Ruth . 191. VII. Daniel. 188. VIII. Sarah; m. before 1788 William "Wright. 193. IX. Joseph. 61. IV. 24. ELIZABETH 4 LYON (TREADWELL) [John 8 , John 1 , Thomas'], born Greenwich, Conn., Jan. 12, 1718; married about 1737, Thomas Starr Treadwell, son of Thomas and Hannah (Denton) Tread- well of Hempstead, L. I. March 11, 1727 he was witness to a deed of land in Hempstead. In 1737 he bought land from Thomas Treadwell near Rye Point; in 1738. also 1750, was "of Rye;" was living in 1757. Son of Thomas Starr and Elizabeth (Lyon) Treadwell: 184. I. James; bapt. Oct. 29, 1738. There were probably other children, -fSamuel 1 Wilson of Portsmouth. R. I., made freeman 1655. died in 1682. His son Jeremiah 3 Willson married Mary and lived at Block Island. 8amuel* Willson, son of foregoing, came from Block Island about 1710 and settled at King St., Rye. He operated a Ferry between Rye and Oyster Bay. He mar- ried Susanna, daughter of Joseph and Susanna ( ) Ogden. She died 1770. He died in 1751; will dated Aug. 1, 1750; probated Nov. 25, 1751 (N. T. Probate rec. XVIII 21). Inventory showed value of estate L13.478, 5s. 0d., of which L9.015 was real estate. Children of Samuel and Susanna (Ogden) Will- son: 1. Samuel; <1. July 2, 1756; m. Phebe Lyon (No. 74); 2. Joseph; b. Aug. 30. 1726; d. June 15. 1811; m. Eunice Brown: 3. William; under 21 in 1751; d. 1763; 4. Susanna; m. Kniffen of Rye; 5. Mary; b. about 1720; d. May 19, 1813: m. Roger Lyon (No. 60). FOURTH GENERATION 67 62. IV. 24. JAMES 4 LYON [John 4 , John 1 , Thomas 1 ], born Green- wich, Conn. May 31, 1720; lived at Byram Point, Greenwich, Conn. t c t-iu^ and died there in November 1804f. Will dated Feb. 24, 1804; pro- bated Stamford, Nov. 27, 1804; mentions children named below except James (deceased). He married Martha x . daughter of David and Martha (Stedwell?) Lyon, who died before April 30, 1807, when estate was distributed. V_ $tr i.£r& Children of James and Martha (Lyon) Lyon (Greenwich T. R.): •195. I. James; b. Dec. 19, 1749; d. 1795; m. Susanna Marvin. ♦198. II. Sarah; b. Dec. 16, 1751; d. Dec. 23, 1817; m. James Banks. •197. III. David; b. July 19, 1754; d. before 1824; m. Sophia Merrltt. •198. IV. Daniel; b. Dec. 20, 1756; d. Aug. 29, 1817; m. Elizabeth Sher- wood. 199. V. Mary [Polly]; b. Feb. 25, 1758; d. about 1824J; m. Daniel, son of Daniel and Rachel (Hobby) Banks (b. Dec. 1, 1747 ;d. about 1814). No children. •200. VI. Elizabeth; b. Jan. 10. 1762; d. before 1824; m. Abraham Merrltt. •20L VII. Benjamin Woolsey; b. April [Aug.] 15, 1764; d. 1810; m. Phebe Merrltt. a , /, t 63. IV. 24. GILBERT 4 LYON [John 8 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Greenwich, Conn., March 10, 1722; died before 1798. By the will of his father, he received the homestead and farm at Rye. He married Mary , of Greenwich, Conn. He was member of the Com- mittee of Safety of Rye, Westchester Co., 1776-7. The will of his widow, Mary Lyon, was dated Oct. 5, 1798, and probated at Stamford Nov. 3, 1798; executor, son John Lyon; witnesses, John Stickler, Abr. Lyon, Charles Tabor; inventory of estate Feb. 21, 1799, mentions her as widow of Gilbert Lyon of Rye. Children of Gilbert and Mary ( ) Lyon: 202. I. Sarah; b. March 22, 1760; m. Olmstead; living In 1798; a son, John Strickland Olmstead, m. Elizabeth Clark and had a son Jeremiah: 1>. Dec. 3, 1817; d. Sept. 12, 1826. 203. II. William; b. Feb. 19, 1762; d. probably young. •204. Ill John; b. Dec. 4, 1765; d. Dec. 1837; m. Jan. 1788, Mary Merrltt. •205. IV. Daniel; twin brother of John; d. about 1855; m. Elizabeth Sher- wood. •20«. V. Phebe; b. Jan. 10, 1771; m. 1st. May 18. 1788, Isaac Seaman; m. 2nd. Solomon Wheat. 8 . - ±~*si \ U1M tNov. 16 1804, the minister of Christ Church, Rye, says: "Attend th.- funeral of James Lyon of Byram Point, Conn., ael 85." iMary (Lyon) Banks owned real estate in Greenwich. When her estate was administered, March 9, 1824, the following, named as heirs, were all deceased: Daniel l.v.m, Samuel Lyon (? this must have I n David), Benjamin I. yon. Or Elizabeth Merritt and Sarah Banks . A . A vm^a & ~ -a far/ft vtrj *Ac ,-Q-+~r J &&-^^dZ ™&&te '- 08 THOMAS LYON OF RYE 64. IV. 24. RUTH 4 LYON (BUSH) [John 8 , John 2 , Thomas'], born Greenwich, Conn. July 10, 1724; died June 22, 1804; married Abraham Bush, born 1720, son of Justus and Anne (Belden) Bush§ of Rye, N. Y. Children of Abraham and Ruth (Lyon) Bush: 207. I. Abraham; b. 1761; d. Sept. 26, 1786; m. Nov. 26, 1780, Mary Lyon (No. 235). 208. II. Gilbert; b. Nov. 7. 1753; d. Feb. 2, 1831; m. Sabrina Seymour. 209. III. Anne; m. Jonathan Fisher. 210. IV. Sarah; m. Thomas Theall. 211. V. Elizabeth; b. March 20, 1761 ;m. March 12, 1782, Izrahiah Wetmoret 212. VI. Rebecca; b. Jan. 2«, 1766; d. Aug. 21, 1855; m. 1790 Daniel Merritt t. 65. IV. 24. SARAH 1 LYON (MEAD) [John 3 , John 1 ', Thomas 1 ], born Greenwich, Conn. Dec. 10, 1727; married before 1749, Elnathan Mead, born about 1726, baptized Oct. 20, 1728; son of Elnathan Mead. Children of Elnathan and Sarah (Lyon) Mead: 213. I. Elnathan; m. Sept. 7, 1788 Anne Merrltt; children: 1. Uibberd, b. about 1789; 2. Sarah, b. May 30, 1792; (m. Floyd Lyon No. 508): 3. Solo- mon, (m. Maria Merritt): 4. Nathaniel. 214. II. Sarah. 215 III. Eunice; m. Josiah Close (b. April 1. 1758; d. Aug. 23. 1840); a son , Elnathan. 72. IV. 30. THOMAS 4 LYON [Thomas 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], {Justus Bush, born in Holland, came to New York about 1700. In 1726 he bought from John and Jonathan Brondig a tract of land in the Ponlngo Neck purchase. He died in 1737, leaving a widow Anne, who died Aug. 5, 1745, and sons Henry, Bernardus and Abraham. •flzrahlah Wetmore, b. Oct. 15, 1757, was son of James and Elizabeth (Abra- hams) Wetmore. Children of Izrahiah and Elizabeth (Bush) Wetmore: 1. Nancy, b. Jan. 21, 1783; d. June 24, 1783; 2. Esther, b. July 9, 1784; m. April 5. 1823, Judge Justus Sherwood; 3. Bush, b. Dec. 24, 1785; d. Dec. 13, 1827; m. Aug. 29. 1805, Bethia Pierce; 4. Rebecca, b. Feb. 19, 1788; m. Feb. 12. 1806: Gabriel Merrltt; 5. Elizabeth, b. Oct. 6. 1789; m. July 12, 1828, James W. Puddington; 6, Anna, b. Sept. 21, 1791; d. Nov. 3, 1791; 7. James Bush, b. Nov. 20. 1792; m. Dec. 21, 1816, Jane Wetmore; 8. Sarah Bush, b. Jan. 7, 1795; d. April 2, 1795; 9. Infant son, b. July 9. 1796; d. July 16, 1796; 10. Gilbert Bush, b. Jan. 10, 1798; d. Jan. 20. 1798; 11. Amelia, b. Dec. 8, 1799; d. Dec. 12, 1799; 12. Izrahiah, b. June 15, 1801; m. 1833, Clorinda Porter; 13. Phebe, b. May 21, 1803; m. Sept. 4, 1828, James Wetmore. tDanlel Merritt, son of Nehemlah and Ruth ( ) Merritt, was born March 6, 1764, and died June 7, 1836. Children of Daniel and Rebecca (Bush) Merritt: 1. Ann, b. Aug. 9, 1792; d. June 28, 1884; 2. Rebecca, b. Oct. 8. 1793; d. Sept. 13, 1865; 3. Sarah, b. Feb. 19, 1795; d. March 10, 1882; 4. Eliza, b. Sept. 7, 1796; d. Feb. 5, 1865, ae. 64 y. 4 mo. 29 d; 5. Daniel, b. Feb. 15, 1797; d. July 22, 1875; 6. Ezra B., b. July 9, 1799; d. July 4. 1854; 7. Harriet 7 , b.. Aug. 15, 1800; d. Feb. 9, 1876; m. John Lyon (No. ) ; 8. Joseph, b. Feb. 8, 1803; d. Sept. 9, 1834; 9. Lavina, b. July 23, 1811; d. Aug. 3. 1871. FOURTH GENERATION 69 born King St. Rye, N. Y. 1724; died Dec. 23, 1810, x . 86 y.; buried in Union Cemetery. Rye. He married Anne Marsh, born 1731; died April 3, 1817. se. 86 y. (G. R. Union Cem. Rye); daughter of Thomas and Freelove (Carpenter) Marsh of Harrison. § Jan. 10, 1757, Thomas Lyon received a deed of land from his father. Oct. 4, 1768. he bought of Thomas Marsh eleven acres of land on "Hog-pen Ridge.'" His will was dated July 20, 1801; probated White Plains Nov. 6, 1811; executors, sons Samuel and Thomas Lyon and son in law Jonathan Guion. Children of Thomas anil Anne i Marsh > Lyon: •216. I. Phebe; b. May 3, 1753; d. Dec. 11, 1819; m. Jonathan Gulon. •217. II. Samuel; b. June 5, 1760; d. Sept. 21, 1849; m. March 26. 1786, Elizabeth Lyon (No. 146). •218. III. Thomas; b. March .",. 1770; d. Oct. 6. 1803: m. April 10. 1791, Levlnia Sniffin. •219. IV. Sarah; b. July 15. 1771; d. Sept. 9. 1834; m. James Pine. 220. V Marsh; b. March 17. 1775; d. Nov. 21, 1854. ae. 79 y. 8 m. 4 d; m. Mary (No. ch.). 74. IV. 30. PHEBE 4 LYON (WILLSON) [Thomas', Thomas 2 , Thomas'], born King St. Rye, N. Y., probably about 1720; died Jan. 29, 1770. She married Samuel, son of Samuel and Susanna (Ogden) Willsont of Rye. He died July 2, 1756; will dated June 30, 1756; probated N. Y. Nov. 16, 1756; executors: widow Phebe, brother Joseph Willson. The will of Phebe (Lyon) Willson was dated Jan. 26. 1770, probated N. Y. April 10. 1770; executor son Benjamin Willson. - Children of Samuel and Phebe (Lyon) Willson: / . / 221. I. Samuel; b. 1739; d. Oct. 28, 1806. ae. 67; n/ Sarah Newman, dau. (>- */?/ 3** Daniel Newman / , r ZZ2. H Benjamin; h. May 6, 1741; d. 1804; m.J^fil. Mary [Polly] Kniffen. /• Vj ,*? 223. III. Justus; d. 1781; m. EUzabeth x ____^/ ; removed to Amenla, N. T. *■ "/? '^O 224. IV. Jotham; b. 1747; d. Oct. 21, 1811; m, Mary, daughter of James- «t /2 ' V ***i ^Brundage (children: 1. Jotham; 2. Mary)- ^ ft i "►*« • PU«jtM* ft*^c?cS. 225. V. Andrew; moved to Nine Partners. Dutchess Co., N. , Y. JX*- '**%" 226. VI Rodger; a "sickly" child. \*~<- ^ ol*-*A*_ (si tu^*<^" £• , 221. VII. Susanna; jn, Jan. 13, U65, Jeremiah Andersen, who d. Jan. •_' I Wr r/'G / " I 1794. ^\ ft , *-.. Q A^U*J-<_£ 1^t-«-.*«-» ~ I , 228. VII! Thomas; b. 1765; b. May :f 1S1L': in. Ruth, dan '. 241a. VII. Sarah; living 1805; m. Sylvanus Purdy of Marlboro, son of Caleb and Hannah (Brown) Purdy (Sylvanus b. 1750; d. Oct. 28, 1831. There were two other children who died young . . — 79. IV. 31. WILLIAM 4 LYON [Samuel 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas'], ^ <*<**£• born at Rye, N. Y. Jan. 15, 1726; died in 1822, x . 96; buried in Ander-w *JU£Z*. son cemetery, Portchester. His wife's name was Phebe; buried "^-^n^-. King St., Rye; no date. Administration of estate granted to brother's / 7 ^ ~7 son, Alvan Lyon (No. 244). 80. IV. 31. NEHEMIAH 4 LYON [Samuel 8 , Thomas-, Thomas 1 ], born at Byram Neck, Rye, N. Y. Feb. 10, 1728-9; (In Bible record of birth, called Nathaniel) ; died at "Saw Pitt," Port Chester, N. Y. Dec. 9, 1758. He was commonly called 'Miah. His wife's given name was Mary. He was a ship and boat builder at "Saw Pitt," which place was named from his ship yard. He built the ship "Duchess of Gordon" for Captain Abraham Bush and the sloop "Independence" of Mamaroneck, "the fastest craft on Long Island Sound." His estate was administered by his brother William Lyon and his Uncle Gilbert Lyon at Stamford, Conn., March 3. 1761. He left a pusthumous child: tSee appendix. Note 16 a. 7'J THOMAS LYON OF RYE *242. I. Nehemiah; b. Jan. 18, 1759; d. April 13, 1816; m. 1st Martha : m. 2nd. Elizabeth; . 82. IV. 31. BENJAMIN* LYON [Samuel 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas'], born Byram Neck, Rye, N. Y., March 7, 1733 [date given also as Jan. t>- l -' tJ 1 and March 14]: died White Plains 1822; buried in Presbyterian 4-1 4- 5*" Church yard, White Plains. Will dated April 13, 1816; probated White Plains Jan. 22, 1823; executors Caleb Merritt and Jeremiah Andrews; also letters of adm. to son Alvin Lyon Jan. 22, 1823. April 18. 1758 he enlisted in Capt. Nathaniel Hyatt's Company of West- In 1776 was member of Westchester Co. Committee of Safety! from Chester Co. Militia. In 1775 joined minute men, Westchester Co. White Plains. Was member of Lieut. Col. Joseph Benedict's Regi- ment of "Associated Exempts." He married June 13. 1759 Mary, daughter of Caleb Hyatt of White Plains; born Oct. 30, 1737; died 1816; buried in Presbyterian Church yard. White Plains. See note 17 in appendix. Children of Benjamin and Mary (Hyatt) Lyon: Sarah; b. March 10, 1760: d. about 1817; m. Roger Park. Alvan; b. Dec. 2. 1762; d. Sept. 13, 1841; m. Mary Ascough. Samuel; b. Jan. 7, 1764; d. Jan. 27, 1856; m. Sarah Ascough. Mary; b. July 27, 1766; d. June 6, 1834; m. John Gedney. Elizabeth; b. Nov.. 24, 176S; m. Edward Bugby.§ Elijah B. b. Feb. 19, 1771; d. Nov. 25, 1827; m. Sarah Lyon (No. VII. Rohert; b. April 4, 1773. VIII. Nicholas B.; twin bro. of Robert; d. July 25, 1839. Phebe; b. Oct. 25. 1775; d. 1822; m. Christ Chh. Rye. N. Y.. March 23. 1806, l J »>t<-r Hatfield. ♦252. X. Anna; b. April 23, 1778; d. 1833; m. Monmouth Hart Guion. 263. XI. Hyatt; b. April 17, 1781; m. Christ Chh. Aug. 11, 1808 Sarah Hatfield (another record says: "m. Phebe Hatfield"). 84. IV. 31. MONMOUTH 4 LYON [Samuel ; , Thomas 2 , Thomas'], born at Byram Neck, Rye, N. Y. Oct. 19, 1738; died Sept. 18, 1770 in 32nd year (Bible Rec). He was "of Greenwich, but late of Rye Will dated June 12, 1770; probated Stamford Sept. 27, 1770; executor brother Silvanus. His wife's name was Phebe. Administration of estate of Phebe Lyon, late of Greenwich, granted Nov. 6. 1792 to William Knapp and Nathaniel Mead. *243. I. •244. II. «245. Ill •246. IV 247. Y. *248. VI. 3491. 249. VI] •250. VII 251. IX " $ Edward Bugby Lieutenant I7:>s (Council of Minutes, N. Y state: Dutchess Co.. Militia, 442); Edward Buckbee Captain 1807 in Lieut. Col. James Townsend'a Rgt. (Ibid 905); Edward Bugbee, 1st. Major 61st. Regt. 1814 (ibid 1484); Edward Buckbee Lieutenant Colonel 61st. Regt. 1816 (ibid 1690). fto^ FOURTH GENERATION 7?. Children "f Monmouth and Fhebe ( ) I. yon 254. I. Abigail. 265. II. Hannah. •266. III. Abraham; b. June 15. 1768; d. Jan. 17, 1834; m. Sarah Underhill; res. North Salem. [One of the above daughters probably married David Olmstead. who was living in 1830.] V 87. IV. 31. SYLVANUS* LYON [Samuel 8 , Thomas", Thomas'], -j born at Byram Neck, Rye, N. Y. Jan. 7 (or 18) 1746; died at the resid- (foc^S-J^* ence of his son Sylvanus in Springfield, N. J., Sept. 13, 1830, se. 84; buried in Union Cemetery, Rye. Will dated June 2, 1828; probated ,JL^*p~~ White Plains Sept. 22, 1830 (Lib. M., 317); executors, sons Monmouth and Sylvanus. He married Oct. 6, 1790 Sarah Purdy, born Aug 9, 1757; died Dec. 25, 1844. «• 87 y.; buried in Union Cemetery, Rye. She was daughter of Isaac Purdyf of White Plains. Children of Sylvanus and Sarah (Purdy) Lyon; ♦257. I Monmouth; b. Dec. 7. 1791; d. March 29, 1 S73 ; m. Alethea Mc- Collum. «268. II. Hannah: b. Jan. 19, 1795; d. April 17, 1886; m. John Peshlne 259. III. Sylvanus; b. Sept. 14. 1797; d. Mamaroneck. N. T., Nov. 18, 1836 (Letters of adm. Jan. 27, 1837); buried White Plains. 88. IV. 32. JONATHAN 4 LYON [Jonathan 8 , Thomas 3 , Thomas'], born in Greenwich, Conn. Nov. 14, 1728; died in Bedford, N. Y. in 1787, (will proved Jan. 24, 1787). He married Anna daughter of Isaac and Elizabeth (Smith) Millert of North Castle. Jonathan Lyon owned a stone house in Bedford at the time of the Revolutionary war. He also owned a farm outside the town. The first winter Lafayette was in America he was stationed in Westchester County. The pay master had his quarters in Jonathan Lyon's stone house, paying the troops in silver that came in kegs from the old country. After Lafayette and his troops moved away, a company of Light Horse, sent from New York, burned Jonathan Lyon's house and all it contained as tFrancis Purdy was of Fairfield and died there In 1658. His son Samuel married Penelope Strang, daughter of Daniel and Charlotte Strang. Joslah, their son, married a daughter of Rev. James Wetmore and had Joshua, who mar- ried Mary Park. They hail Rodger who married Tamar Lyon (?), and Isaac whose daughter Sarah married Sylvanus Lyon above. Arms: or, on a chevron az. between three Mulletts sa. pierced of the field. tlsaac Miller was a farmer in Bedford, N. Y. "Will dated April 12, 1774; probated New York May 11, 1774; bequests to wife Elizabeth, son James (land in Bedford), dau. Anna, male heirs of dau. Anna, Samuel, James. David and Isaac; female heirs of dau. Anna, Thena and Phebe. Will of widow Elizabeth Miller dated Dec. 22, 1776; probated New York May 29, 1784; mentions dau. Anna, wife of Jonathan Lion; grandson Samuel, son of Jonathan Lion; grand daugh- ters Elizabeth Green, Phebe Lion, Theny Lion. Deborah Lion. qa^-t^ y^^^^t^a , m*--tus 74 THOMAS LYON OF RYE he was a rebel to the crown. He had been in fact very vigilant in frustrating the attempts of British scouting parties to steal the cattle of the colonists. He is described as having been distinguished for a remarkably luxuriant growth of hair — worn as was customary in that day. in a queue. His hair was so long that when he was sitting in a chair it could be tied in a knot under the seat of the chair. Children of Jonathan and Anna (Miller) Lyon: •260. I. Samuel; b. Dec. 22, 1754; d. Feb. 24, 1828; m. Maplet Miller. -^J^ld .» „ 261. II. James.g < 3»-«-/£f Klizuhrth: b. July 8. 1764; d. Oxford. X. Y.. Sept. 27. 184S; m. , f Israel Jaool>s. •288. -*llJ> Thomas; b. May 31, 1766; d. Lyons, Wis., Sept. 29, 1847; m. •*•£? Valentine. 289. TV. Mary; b. April 6, 1768. ♦290. *.tf William; b. Feb. 15, 1770; res. Greene. Chenango Co., N. Y. ; m. Christine . •291. fa[. /Abigail; b. April 4, 1772; m. David Adee; res. New York City. •292. VH.y David; b. March 23, 1774; d. April 3«. 1867; m. 1st. Charity Wilson; m . 2nd. Sarah Sherwood: res. Port Chester. N. V. •293. Yin Hitter; b. Oct. 1. 1775. *294. IXJ^Samuel; b. May 6, 1778; res. Port Chester, N. Y. ; m. Hannah ^SaM. ' Merritt. 296. X. Sarah; b. March S, 1781. •'29H. JWi^Forman; b. Feb. 19. 17S3: res. (1821) New York City; m. Eliza- beth . 94. IV. 32. PETER 1 LYON [Jonathan- 1 , Thomas', Thomas 1 ], born at Byram, Greenwich, Conn. May 17, 1743 (T. R.) (May 28, 1745, crv V ^T" * <~~ born at Byram, Greenwich, Conn. May 17, 1743 (T. R.) (May 28, 1745, /, v £>~»*>teible Rec.) ; died at 37 Pump St. New York City, July 4, 1824. Will JL^^ ^I*£*- dated May 14, 1824; probated New York, July 12, 1824; mentions all / a ) ^ ♦ "the children named below; executors sons Jonathan, Edward and /7 * ,- Peter Lyon. He was a farmer and Justice of Peace in North Castle, V. N. Y. It is said that Major Andre was brought before him after his fy capture (Christian Advocate July 18, 1895). He was a member of occupied\his father's farm. „ Y The name pf his wife is not known. _ / l «■ Children of James Lyon: P . /> a- •S19. I. Sarah; d. May 1, 1845; m. July 15. 1786, Abraham Hurd.£/f v£*^"*-7 320. II. Ann. -C J*^*-C^l— /^Z^V 139. IV. 39. DEBORAH 4 LYON (MERRITT) [Gilbert 3 , Thomas 5 , Thomas'], born at Byram Neck, Rye, N. Y. March 26, 1743. She mar- ried in 1759 Caleb, son of Caleb and Elizabeth (Carpenter) Merritt of North Castle. He was born Feb. 4, 1739 and died in 1824. Will dated June 22, 1822; probated White Plains, June 24, 1824. He was Second Lieutenant, Westchester Co. Militia, 1775. They lived at North Castle. Children of Caleb and Deborah (Lyon) Merritt: 322. I. Daniel; b. Jan. 26, 1760; went west. 323. II. Gilbert; b. Sept. 19, 1762; m. Sebe, dau. of Caleb Carpenter. FOURTH GENERATION 79 324. III. Elizabeth; b. Aug. 4. 1764; m. Thomas Tlllot. 825. IV. Caleb; b. Sept. 8, 1766; m. Elizabeth Carpenter. 326. V. Monmouth; b. Nov. 10, 1768. 827. VI. Ivan [Jean]; d. Jan. 21, 1770. 328. VII. Mary; b. Sept. 2, 1773; m. Noah Cox of Dutchess Co., N. T. 829. VIII. Esther; b. Oct. 6, 1775; m. Hopkins. 330. IX. Andrew; b. Aug. 25, 1778; d. Sept. 1. 1866; m. Dec. 2a, 1798. Charlotte Whelpley. 831. X. Deborah; b. Nov. 4, 1781. 332. XI. AbUah; b. Nov. 4, 1785; d. Feb. 5, 1847; m. Oct. 14, 1808, Ruth Carpenter. 140. IV. 39. GILBERT* LYON [Gilbert 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born at Byram Neck, Rye, N. Y., July 13, 1745; died in Greenwich be- fore 1809 (the date of his father's will). He married Ruth Lyon. They lived on Weaver St. Greenwich, just before you enter Glenville. The house is yet standing (1896), occupied by one of his descendants. /. A t-i ■ Children of Gilbert and Ruth (Lyon) Lyon: wood 883. I. Phebe; b. March 29. 1763; d. April 14, 1855; m. Nehemlah Bher- /~> 834. II. Jane; b. 1769; d. April 3, 1841; m. Monmouth Hubbs. 335. III. Elizabeth; b. 1770; not m; d. Oct. 6, 1848 In 78th y.; burled on Lyon farm, Greenwich. •336. IV. Thomas; b. 1774; res. Greenwich; d. Dec. 5, 1821. 337. V. Anne; mentioned In grandfather Gilbert Lyon's will. 141. IV. 39. SARAH* LYON (MILLER) [Gilbert 5 , Thomas 5 , Thomas 1 ], born at Byram Neck, Rye, N. Y., Jan. 17, 1748-9; died March 23, 1813, je. 64 jr.; buried on farm at South Oxford, Chenango Co., N. Y. She married Andrew (No. 229), son of Abraham and Mary (Lyon) Miller, of Rye. He was born Feb. 15, 1743 and died April 8, 1812, ae. 69 y.; buried at South Oxford. They moved about 1800 to South Oxford. Children of Andrew and Sarah (Lyon) Miller: 338. I. Thomas; b. Nov. 3, 1768. 339. II. Sarah; b. May 25, 1770. 340. III. Mary; b. June 14. 1774; d. Oct. 12. 1832; m. Gideon Mead. 841. IV. AbigaU; b. Sept. 11, 1778; d. May 7, 1846; m. Dec. 1», 179» Daniel Wlllson. 342. V Andrew; b. Jan. 8, 1782; d. April 30, 1865; m. Zervlah Morey. 348. VI. UnderhlU; b. July 14, 1788; d. May 8, 1861; m. Mary . 344. VII. Josiah. 142. IV. :ifl. ANDREW 4 LYON [Gilbert 3 , Thomas 2 . Thomas'], c ' 2 c* 5 born at Byram Neck. Rye, N. Y.. Aug. 5. 1751: died in Ryp. Aug. 4, t -h o + i Id 2 i c*^H. 80 THOMAS LYON OF RYE 1840. Will dated Sept. 15, 1834 (age 83 y.); probated White Plains, Aug. 11, 1840; executors nephew Thomas Lyon, Merritt Brown, William Bush. He married Feb. 12, 1784 (in Second Congregational Church, Greenwich) Eunice.t daughter of Jonathan and Rachel (Brown) Kniffen [Sniflen]. She was born in 1753 and died July 10, 1829, x . 76. They lived on Sniffen Lane, now Regent St., Rye. Children of Andrew and Eunice (Kniffen) Lyon: •845. I. Sarah; b. 1791; d. Feb. 25, 1865; m. Charles Rundle. 346. II. Andrew; b. 1793; d. May 3. 1854, ae. 62. 143. IV. 39. JOSHUA 4 LYON [Gilbert", Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born at Byram Neck, Rye, N. Y., Feb. 5, 1754 (Bible Record); died in Rye Oct. 2, 1841 ae. 87 y. 7 m. 21 d.; buried in Baptist Cemetery on ^ cross road to Glenville. Will dated July 11, 1837; probated Stamford ^./'jNov. 18, 1841; executors, sons Joshua and John. He owned a large Vl tract of land above the ancestral Lyon homestead and now in posses- ' 2 • i*" sion of his grandchildren John and Rebecca Lyon (Nos. 846 and 847). He married Elizabeth Purdy, daughter of John and Rebecca (Brown) Purdy. Her sister Phebe was wife of Nehemiah Sherwood. She was born March 24, 1754 and died April 26, 1822, ;e. 68 y. 1 m. 2d.; buried in Baptist cemetery. Children of Joshua and Elizabeth (Purdy) Lyon (from an authentic family record in possession of Miss Sarah C. Lyon, of Lyon's Point): ♦347. I. Elizabeth; b. Feb. 14. 1776; d. May 12, 1859; m. William Mosher. 348. II. Hannah; b. May 14. 1778; d. Sept. 7, 1853; m. New York, Dec. 20, 1795, Simeon Knapp. 349. III. Sarah; b. Jan. 25. 1781; d. March 13. 1830; m. April 19, 1804. Elijah B. Lyon (No. 248). 350. IV. Samuel; b. Jan. 26, 1783; d. Feb. 7, 1853. 361. V. Rebecca; b. March 25, 1785; unm. ; d. June 5. 1833. •352. VI. Gilbert; b. Dec. 28, 1787; d. June 20, 1846; m. Deborah Lyon (No. 352). 353. VII. Phebe;* b. April 6, 1791; d. Sept. 16, 1866; m. March 4, 1833, David, son of Samuel and Mary (Dean) Sands (2nd wife); no issue. tHer sister Polly Kniffen was shot and killed during the Revolutionary war on Regent St. by cow boys. * Before her marriage Phebe had an illegitimate child, William Lyon, born July 21, 1810; died Dec. 15. 1858; burled in Union Cemetery, Rye, N. T.; ad- ministration of estate 1859 to widow Elizabeth Ann. William was partner in business with his uncle. Joshua Lyon (No. 354). He married Elizabeth Ann. daughter of David and Elizabeth (Brady) Sands. She was born at Bedford March 28, 1813; died April 11, 1897; buried in Union Cemetery; adm. of estate f May 15 1897 to son Joshua. Their children were: 1. Samuel, of Poultneyville. Wayne Co., N. Y. ; 2. Joshua, b. 1839; res. Portchester, N. Y. ; m. 1st Mary A. Tripp, born 1836; died, Nov. 12, 1873, dau. of Daniel Tripp; Joshua m. 2nd, Oct. 31, 1883, Sarah, dau. of Jonathan and Catharine M. (Zarr) Sands; no issue: 3. Rnrah Elizabeth; m. Joseph C. Griffin; had a son Daniel M. Griffin. V > o 05 co H D O CD < s • Q 03 5 * m uj s ° f < d °" > UJ CD Ul < Ul S O I z O > -i Q -l O UJ z I- 0* i wM> FOURTH FENERATION 81 354. VIII. Joshua; b. Nov. 11, 1793; d. April 26, 1843. *355. IX. John; b. April 13, 1796; d. Sept. 20. 1875; m. Harriet B. Merritt. 145. IV. 39. ABIGAIL 1 LYON (PURDY) [Gilbert*, Thomas J , Thomas'], born at Byram Neck, Rye, N. Y. April 5, 1760; died July 3, 1841. She married, Jan. 3, 1780, Daniel Purdy, born Jan. 15, 1759; died April 17, 1817; son of John and Rebecca (Brown) Purdy, of King St. Greenwich, Conn.; will April 14, 1817. Children of Daniel and Abigail (Lyon) Purdy: 356. I. John; b. March 25, 1781; d. April 21. 1866; married three times. 367. II. Nelieniiuh; b. Jan. 28, 1783; d. Aug. 7, 1873; m. June 15, 1825, Amy Merritt Brown. 358. III. Rebecca; b. July 19, 1787; d. Aug. 11, 1831; m. Sept. 11, 1806, Samuel Townsend. 359. IV. Hannah; b. Dec. 2. 1790; d. in New Rochelle. N. Y. ; m. March 1. 1810, William Mathews. 860. V. Daniel; b. Sept. 13, 1799; d. Feb. 16, 1878; m. Nov. 25, 1824, Rachel Brundage. 361. VI. William; b. March 3, 1804; d. Dec. 17, 1859; m. Dorcas Park, dau. of Knapp and Elizabeth (Wilson) Park. 147. IV. 39. ABRAHAM 4 LYON [Gilbert 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born at the old Lyon homestead near Byram Bridge, Nov. 13, 1764; died there Aug. 26, 1849, x. 86; buried on Lyon farm.§ Will dated July 26, 1843; probated Stamford Sept. 13, 1849; executor Samuel Close. He married Feb. 7, 1789 Hannah, daughter of Samuel and Abigail (Holmes) Mills, a descendant of the immigrant Simeon Mills.! She was born Nov. 8, 1764 and died Oct. 5, 1854, se. 88; buried on Lyon farm. In Benjamin Trumbull's journal of the campaign in the vicinity of New York, 1776-7, the following entry occurs: "Jan. 31, 1777. First Company of Second Battalion march to Byram River and take post at Lyons' near the Bridge. The other Companies quarter along in the same street and in Kings Street." Children of Abraham and Hannah (Mills) Lyon: •362. I. Seth; b. Aug. 7, 1790; m. Nancy Seaman. 363. 11. Fitch; b. Aug. 13. 1793; unm. ; d. June 21, 1874, ae. 81 y. {Abraham Lyon was skeptical as to the fact that the earth was round and that it revolved every twenty-four hours. One night he put the matter to the test. He Bet a pail of water on the gate post at the entrance of the old home- stead. In the morning he found the pall full as he had left It — convincing proof, to his mind, that the astronomers were all wrong. tSimeon Mills, born in England, married Mary Buell, Feb. 23, 1649, and settled in Windsor, Conn. Removed afterwards to Slmsbury, and thence to Greenwich, Conn., and had eleven children. (6) l< Che p 82 THOMAS LYON OF RYE 364. III. Deborah; b. Nov. 5. 1795; d. Aug. 22, 1883; m. Gilbert Lyon (No. 352). •3«5. IV. Olivia; b. Nov. 9, 1797; d. April 5, 1868; m. 1st Jonathan Lyon (No. 531); ra. 2nd Jotham Sheerwood. 366. V. Underhlll; b. Jan. 30, 1799; d. Jan. 2, 1826. •367. VI. Ellas; b. June 26, 1800; d. Feb. 3. 1863; m. Martha A. Banks. •368. VII. Abigail Jane; b. Feb. 25, 1802; d. Sept. 26, 1886; m. Henry Davis. 369. VIII. Hannah; b. Dec. 21, 1804; d. June (or Dec.) 21. 1892. 370. IX. Emellne; b. Dec. 26, 1807; unm. ; d. Sept. 10, 1886. 371. X. Adaline; twin sister of Emellne. 163. V. 52. CALEB 6 LYON JR. [Caleb 4 , Thomas 3 , John 2 , Thomas'], born Greenwich, Conn. Dec. 4, 1744, O. S. (Dr. T.); died Aug. 16, 1832, ae. 87 years, 8 months, and two days (Dr. T.). Like his father he was a farmer and blacksmith. He married Feb. 20, 1765, Rachel Mead, daughter of Benjamin 4 and Martha (Ferris) Mead Esq. (Ben- jamin," John, 2 John 1 ). She was born Aug. 31, 1745 O. S. and died June 19, 1821 (Dr. T.). He settled in Quaker Ridge, Greenwich. He served in the Revolutionary war in Fourth Reg*t Westchester Co. Militia, his family being driven from their home by the invading British army. After the war was over they returned to the abandoned home- stead, but in 1799 removed to Cayuga County, N. Y., where Caleb pur- chased land in the township of Milton, now Genoa. Children of Caleb and Rachel (Mead) Lyon, born in Greenwich: •372. I. Mary; b. Feb. 22. 1766; d. May 18, 1828; m. Solomon Peck. •373. II. Thomas; b. Aug. 28, 1768; d. April 24, 1849; m. Abigail P. Mead. 374. III. Rachel; b. Oct. 5, 1770; d. Nov. 28, 1833, ae. 63 y. (Dr. T.); m. Eliphalet Peck (bro. of Solomon), who was b. May 18, 1779, and d. Sept. 9, 18*1; res. Greenwich. •375. IV. Caleb; b. Dec. 22, 1772; d. July 1, 1856 (Dr. T.); m. Amy Peck. •376. V. Luther;i b. May 23, 1774; d. June 5, 1S32 (Dr. T.); m. Ruth Peck. •377. VI. Enon; b. Aug. 15, 1776; d. Lanslngville, N. Y., Dec. 19, 1819; m. Elizabeth Webb. •378. VII. Anna; b. Nov. 14. 1779; m. 1st Stephen Webb; m. 2nd John Adee; res. (1847) Moravia, N. Y. •378. VIII. Martin; b. Sept. 28. 1782; d. after 1849; res. Genoa, N. T; m. 1st Sarah Chadwlck; m. 2nd Rachel Haight; m. 3rd Harriet Northway. •380. IX. Benjamin; b. Jan. 10, 1784; d. April 18, 1837; res. Genoa. N. T., later In Bronson, Ohio; m. Deborah Lawrence. •381. X. Abla rAliceT ; b. July 31. 1787; m. Hoyt Webb, bro. of Stephen; res. (1847) Ithaca, N. Y. •382. XI. Moses; h. April 3. 1790; res. Genoa, N. Y.; m. 1st, Hester Peet; m. 2nd Laura Riggs; m. 3rd Clarissa Bradley Eaton. 383. XII. Aaron; twin bro. of Moses: d. about Nov., 1792. tRecord is found of the baptism of a Rutherford Lyon (aon of Caleb?) Aug. 20, 1774, in the Second Congregational Church, presumably Luther abore. cc FIFTH GENERATION 88 164. V. 52. DANIEL 5 LYON [Caleb*, Thomas 8 , John 3 , Thomas 1 ]. /V*^ born in Greenwich, Conn. Nov. 3, 1745; died in that place 1824. Will o dated March 9, 1824; probated Stamford, June 5, 1824; executor, son, ' Daniel Lyon. He married first Elizabeth Treen, daughter of Ben- • ' jamin Treen, who came from England, and Abigail Banks. Elizabeth S** **>fS was born about 1747 and died in 1777. He married second Feb. 5, 1778, Betty Lockwood Whelpley (rec. 2nd. Cong'l Chh., Greenwich). Children of Daniel and Elizabeth (Treen) Lyon: 384. I. Elizabeth [Betsey]; b. Nov. 27, 1770; bapt. Sept. 16, 1784; m. June 29, 1788, Elliott Palmer, who d. 1852; settled In Cayuga Co., N. Y. •385. II Joseph; b. Feb. 2. 1773; bapt. Sept. 16, 1784; d. 1856; m. Esther Peck. •386. III. Charles; b. March 17, 1776; bapt. Sept. 16, 1784; d. Huron Co., O., Jan. 9, 1845; m. Deborah Palmer. Childen of Daniel and Betty Lockwood (Whelpley) Lyon, born in Green- wich, bapt. St. Johns Episcopal Church: •887. IV. Fanny; bapt. Sept. 16, 1784; m. 1st Morris Mead; m. 2nd Henry Lockwood (?). 388. V. Mary; b. April 28, 1790; bapt. July 4, 1790; d. April 3. 1856; m. George Derby, b. April 28, 1790; d. May 6, 1872; both bur. Eplsc. Chh., Green- wich, Conn.; a son, George Alfred, b. Nov. 18, 1833; d. Feb. 14, 1850. 389. VI. Jerusha; bapt. May 31, 1795; m. Moses Husted. 390. VII. Rebecca. •391. VIII. Daniel; b. about 1798; res. Greenwich; d. 1859; m. Hanna'i Holly. 165. V. 52. EUNICE 6 LYON (HUSTED) [Caleb 4 , Thomas', John 2 , Thomas'], born in Greenwich, Conn., April 1, 1750. She married Feb. 11, 1768, Peter, son of Moses and Susanna (Mead) Husted (see appendix, note 18) of Greenwich, where they continued to reside. He was born May 1742. Children of Peter and Eunice (Lyon) Husted; record from Bible of Mrs. Mills Hobby Husted, who d. Greenwich. Feb. 27, 1904: 892. I. Amos; b. Dec. 2. 1769; m. Aug. 14, 1793, Eunice Close. 393. II. Cynthia; b. Sept. 22, 1770; m. Nov. 1791, Squire Hobby. 394. III. Peter; b. Oct. 11, 1772; m. Jan. 14. 1796. Hannah Leeds of Stamford. 395. IV. Klnathun; b. Jan. 16. 1 7 7 r, ; d. 1^25; m. Nancy Close. 396. V. Moses; b. Dec. 19. 1776; m. April 1798, Sally Peck. 397. VI Aaron; b. Jan. 23, 1779; m. Amy Hobby. 398. VII. Caleb; b. March 22, 1782; m. Mary Grlgg. 399. VIII. Eunice; b. June 21, 1784; d. March 15. 1876; m. Benjamin Green. 400. IX. Esbon; b. Feb. 25. 1787; d. Sept. 19. 1792. 166. V. 52. AMOS' LYON [Caleb 4 , Thomas 8 , John', Thomas 1 ], Ju^t^<^» born Greenwich, Conn. April 9, 1752; died Genoa, Cayuga Co., N. Y.. ^t^-x.^^ 84 THOMAS LYON OF RYE Dec. 1815. He married Amy Palmer of Fairfield, Conn. He served in the Revolutionary war. Children of Amos and Amy (Palmer) Lyon (Dr. T.); the first six bapt. (In order following) in Greenwich Cong'l Church, April 16, 1794: 401. I. Samuel; num.; d. July 8, 1815. •402. II. Anna; m. Mathias Mead; settled In Ohio. 403. III. Hannah; m. Ebenezer Parsons; res. Wilkesbarre, Pa.; had 3 ch., one named Stanford. •404. IV. Amasa; b. about 1792; settled in Genoa, N. T. •405. V. Eunice; m. John Chadwick; lived in Genoa, N. Y., later In Ohio. •406. VI. Amos; m. Sally Palmer; res. Genoa, N. Y., later In Huron Co., O. 407. VII. Amy; unm.; d. Dec. 1815. .408. VIII. Harvey; b. Jan. 1799. 400. IX. Luther; unm. 167. V. 52. NOAH 5 LYON [Caleb 4 , Thomas 3 , John-, Thomas 1 ], . born Greenwich, Conn., March 16, 1756; died Genoa, Cayuga Co., N. Y., •Sept. 20, 1820. He served in the Revolutionary war, being one of those who responded to the alarm at Lexington. About 1798 he re- moved with his family to Milton, now Genoa, N. Y. He married March 29, 1781, in Christ Church, Salem, N. Y., Mary Mead, born 1762, in Greenwich, Conn., died Aug. 22, 1841 in Genoa, N. Y.; daughter of Thaddeus and Tamar (Hobby) Mead. Children of Noah and Mary (Mead) Lyon: •410. I. Israel; b. Dec. 16. 1781; d. Genoa, N. Y., June 3, 1826; m. Nov. 29, 1804, Polly Hubbard. •411. II. Thaddeus; b. March 29, 1785; d. Genoa, N. Y., 1861; m. Amy Marshall. 412. III. Matilda; b. Feb. 2, 1788; unm.; d. Nov. 10, 1843 (1840 Dr. T.). 413. IV. Ruth; b. May 30, 1799; m. Ira Curtis; res. Huron Co., Ohio. 168. V. 52. JOB* LYON [Caleb 4 , Thomas 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Greenwich, Conn. Nov. 16, 1758; died Sept. 23, 1841; buried on the farm, North Greenwich. Will dated July 11, 1832; probated Stam- 4-l^A ford, Oct. 19, 1841; executor, son Isaac Lyon. Job Lyon was a tailor '( . *2 by trade. He inherited his father's homestead, which he occupied as long as he lived. Among the men from Greenwich who were in the Revolutionary army, we find the names of Caleb, David, Amos, Noah and Job Lyon. Job married at Greenwich (Rec, 2nd Cong'l Chh.), Dec. 20, 1786, Elizabeth Mead, born April 19, 1760; died May 31, 1823; buried on the farm. She was daughter of Deliverance and Abigail (Howe) Mead. •cc- FIFTH GENERATION 85 Children of Job and Elizabeth (Mead) Lyon: 414. I. Abigail; b. Oct. 2, 1787; d. Dec. 29, 1792. 415. II. Isaac; b. July 6, 1791; d. Oct. 11, 1792. •416. III. Isaac; b. May 12, 1795; d. July 30, 1873; m. 1st Amelia Mead; m. 2nd Eliza W. Mead. •417. IV Abigail EllEabeth; b. July 26 (29). 1797; d. July 4. 1851; m. Isaac Holly Jr.; res. Greenwich. 418. V. and VI. Twins; d. in infancy. Feb. 7, 1801. 170. V. 52. REBECCA 5 LYON (CLOSE) [Caleb 4 , Thomas', John, 2 Thomas 1 ], married Jonathan Close. They lived in Stanwich, Conn. Only child of Jonathan and Rebecca (Lyon) Close (Dr. T.): 419. I. Mary Rebecca; b. May 25, 1810; chosen as guardian March 1, 1824, her uncle Job Lyon; m. Feb. 29, 1830. Asa Hobby Brush; a dau. Mary Elisabeth was born July 22, 1832. 171. V. 52. HANNAH 5 LYON (MEAD) [Caleb 4 , Thomas 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Greenwich, Conn. July 16, 1767; died June 1, 1806; buried on farm near Stanwich, Conn. She married, March 5, 1800, Jonathan Mead, born Greenwich, Sept. 27, 1766; died Stanwich, March 23, 1825; buried on the farm; son of Nathaniel and Prudence (Wood) Mead. Children of Jonathan and Hannah (Lyon) Mead: 420. I. Zachariah; b. March 11. 1801; d. Nov. 27, 1840; m. Feb. 25, 1835, Anna M. Goodrich. 421. II. Luther; b. Nov. 12, 1802; unm. ; went West. 422. III. Bradford Lyon; b. Nov. 29, 1804; m. July 1, 1828, Deborah Lyon (No. 917). 184. V. 59. JAMES 5 LYON [John*, John 8 , John-, Thomas 1 ], n born Byram, Greenwich, Conn. 1747; died Nov. 13, 1819, ae. 72; buried /j^,*^..^ at Byram Point. Inventory of estate, New York July 24, 1824. He ^J-w^; 1 «■ *" was familiarly called "Spunk," and his disposition is said to have justified the sobriquet. He married Hannah Lockwood. They lived &, /; *>■ at Rye, at or near the junction of the "Purchase" and the Post Road. J,l<. 3'f/. Mrs. Lyon, wife of James Lyon was buried June 9, 1812 (Rye Ch. R.). Children of James and Hannah (Lockwood) Lyon: •423. I. Hannah; b. June 4, 1771; d. Aug. 1. 1858; m. Frederick P. Steven- son. 424. II. Jaliez; 1>. about 1774; not m. ; d. 1811; adm. of estate to bro. Thomas July 20, 1811 (New York Probate Rec). 426. III. Mary; b. April 26, 1776; not m. ; d. June 8, 1844. ae. 68 y. 1 m. 12 d.; buried Byram Point (adm. of estate to brother Stephen, White Plains, Sept. 20, 1844). 86 THOMAS LYON OF RYE •426. IV. Thomas; b. 1778; d. July 4, 1845; m. Margaret . 427. V. Hezekiah ["Kyer"]; b. about 1780; "cordwainer" but called "Captain" and d. at sea May 21, 1853; adm. of est. to bro. Stephen, Oct. 4, 1853 (New York Probate Rec). 428. VI. Stephen; b. Aug. 13, 1782; unm. ; a merchant in New York; d. July 17, 1862; bur. Eastchester, N. Y. ; will dated Aug. 11, 1854; probated Aug. 22. 1862. 428a. VII. Augustus; b. Jan. 19, 1789; m. ; a dau. Susan E. m. Feb. 20, 1854, William Vooris of Nyack. •429. VIII. Martha; b. Oct. 7, 1799; d. Sept. 26, 1830; m. Thomas Clark. 185. V. 60. ROGER 6 LYON [Roger 4 , John 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], -> born 1736; died Bedford, N. Y., Oct. 1824, ae. 88; buried in Buxton f3-f J Cemetery, Bedford. He was a private in the Second Regiment of -ei^rt/vc) Westchester Co. Militia, Col. Thomas Thomas. He married Phebe Lyon (No. 92), daughter of Jonathan and Elizabeth (Mead) Lyon, born Dec. 16, 1736; died Jan. 7, 1817; buried in Buxton Cemetery. Children of Roger and Phebe (Lyon) Lyon: •430. I. James; b. Oct. 19, 1761; d. April 2, 1850; m. Martha Banks. •431. II. Jonathan; b. Nov. 1, 1767; d. April 5, 1809; m. Ruth Newman. •432. III. Elizabeth; b. Nov. 26, 1775; d. Nov. 8, 1843; m. David Higgins. 433. IV. Daughter; m. Sutton. 186. V. 60. JUSTUS 5 LYON [Roger*, John 8 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born King St., Rye, N. Y., July 6, 1744; died Bedford, N. Y. 1815. Will dated Nov. 7, 1808; probated White Plains, Dec. 27, 1815; exe- cutors, sons Stephen, John and William. He married Sarah Ferris, born Oct. 19, 1746. Children of Justus and Sarah (Ferris) Lyon: 434. I. Justus; b. May 19, 1765. 436. II. Hannah; b. March 27, 1766; d. Oct. 25, 1838; adm. of estate Nov. 4, 1863, to granddaughter Mary Hoff. 436. III. Sarah [Sally]; b. Oct. 24, 1769; d. Feb. 6, 1847; m. James Tyler; (he b. Sept. 8, 1766; d. March 24, 1823); res. Bedford, N. Y. 437. IV. Stephen; b. Jan. 1, 1772; res. Sing Sing, N. Y.; was living In Nov. 1808. 4 •438. V. John; b. Sept. 20, 1779; d. Jan. 31, 1861; m. Catherine Quereau. •430. VI. William; b. Aug. 3, 1783; d. April 14, 1840; m. Rachel Robertson. 440. VII. Ferris; b. March 20, 1789; res. North Castle, N. Y.; adm. of estate Feb. 16, 1856. 441. VIII. Betsey Ferris; b. Jan. 2, 1791; m. Moses Wakeman Collyer; res. Sing Sing, N. Y. ; a son John Lyon Collyer m. Mary Forbes Shandley and had a daughter, Charlotte De Koven Collyer D. A. R., who became the wife of Capt. Julius .Tenks. 188. V. 60. MAJOR SAMUEL 5 LYON [Roger 4 , John 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born May 14, 1747; died in Bedford, N. Y. Jan. 23, 1819; fa^fit^tl*^-**^* FIFTH GENERATION \ , „ 87 /") < buried on the Lyon farm, North Castle. His tombifuears the in- scription "In memory of Major Samuel Lyon who departed this life January 23, 1819, aged 71 yrs. 8 mo. 9 d." His will was dated April 7, 1818; probated White Plains, May 30, 1820; executors, sons John u^~**^.€ Lyon, Samuel Lyon. He was a private in the Second Regiment /vt^-w-t-e) Westchester Co. Militia, Col. Thomas Thomas; June 2, 1772, was com- /^ /fyy-ZA£\ missioned Major of Colonial Troops; Feb. 22, 1776, commissioned Major ' in the Continental Army, Westchester Co. Regiment. His commis- sion, with other interesting heirlooms, is in possession of Mr. John. Todd ,, of Stamford, Conn. Samuel Lyon knew General Washington well. He had charge of the estates of John Jay at Bedford, while the latter was in Europe on diplomatic missions. He married first Mary, daughter of Nehemiahf and Sarah (Webb) Lounsberry. She was born 1747; died Jan. 17, 1793; buried on the farm. He married second, Jan. 8, 1795, at Christ Church, Salem, N. Y., Elizabeth Fleming; born Jan. 10, 1767; died Feb. 13, 1855; buried in Hill cemetery, Bed- ford; daughter of Dr. Peter and Sarah McDonald Fleming. Children of Samuel and Mary (Lounsberry) Lyon: •442. I. John; b. April 11, 1770; d. April 3, 1820; m. Sally Smith. 443. II. Sarah; m. Dr. Lyman Cook; res. (1837) Cortland, Westchester Co., N. Y.. rem. to Ohio. 444. III. Mary; m. William Reynolds; removed to Indiana. •445. IV. Samuel; b. April 11, 1787; d. July 26. 1860; m. Rosalinda Fowler. 189. V. 60. CAPTAIN GILBERT" LYON [Roger 1 , John 8 , John 2 , Thomas'], born King St. Rye, N. Y., 1751; died Eastchester, N. Y., £b.~-£-«t-o Sept. 12, 1819. Will dated July 14, 1819; probated White Plains, Dec. o-rf-t-- *,^ 1, 1819, (Lib. I. 233); executors, sons Gilbert and Garretson Lyon. He r u.o^tt^ was a soldier in the Revolution; he was in the battle of Stillwater Ca-^Lt^n- as private; First Lieut. Second Regiment Westchester Co. Militia; promoted Captain May 1778 to April 1781. He married Mary (possibly Morgan or Wright); born 1758; died Jan. 8, 1836, in 78th year; buried at Eastchester. Children of Gilbert and Mary ( ) Lyon: 446. I. William; eldest son. 447. II. Deborah Ann; eldest daughter. •448. III. Garret t«on; b. about 1795; d. 1862; m. Hannah A. Carhart. 44». TV. Gilbert; D. D. ; res. Rochester. N. T. tNehemiah Lounsberry. son of Michael and Sarah (Lockwood) Lounsberry. was born Dec. 2. 1717; he married, Feb 8. 1744-5 Sarah Webb. cfattTz, e Is<.£-C4^-! 88 THOMAS LYON OF RYE 450. Y. Margaret M ; m. John J. Morris; she was living Dec. 13, 1869; they had a son, Gilbert L. (b. May 1818; d. Aug. 17, 1819). 451. XI. Mary. 452. VII. Elizabeth. *453. VIII. David W.; b. 1791; d. Jan. 2. 1843; m. Martha Shute. •454. IX. Jesse; b. Feb. 5, 1798; d. Dec. 25, 1879; m. Sarah Ann . 455. X. Hannah; b. Aug. 1799; d. June 16, 1811. 190. V. 60. JOHN 5 LYON [Roger 4 , John 3 , John-, Thomas 1 ], born King St., Rye, N. Y. about 1753; died about 1815; administration of estate granted Jan. 30, 1816 to his son Abraham Lyon. He mar- ried Ruth , born 1757; died March 9, 1837, x . 80 y. (Bedford Chh. Record). They lived in North Castle, N. Y. Children of John and Ruth ( ) Lyon: 456. I. Abraham; and perhaps others. 195. V. 62. JAMES 5 LYON [James 4 , John 3 , John-, Thomas 1 ], born Greenwich, Conn. Dec. 19, 1749; died before the date of his father's <\ '•<-- 1817; executors sons-in-law, Henry S. Brooks and John Horton. He * ' ^ married before Aug. 16, 1775, Elizabeth Sherwood, born Nov. 22, 1769; ' / died March 14, 1790; buried at Byram; daughter of Jabez and Hannah ", , i j - 90 THOMAS LYON OF RYE (Disbrow) Sherwood.^ They occupied the homestead on Powder Hill, Greenwich, Conn. Children of Daniel and Elizabeth (Sherwood) Lyon: •488. I. Hannah; b. Dec. 26, 1775; d. May 4, 1861; m. Daniel Merrltt. •484. II. Levinht; b. March 15, 1780; d. Oct. 28, 1865; m. Henry S. Brooks . •485. III. Elizabeth; d. before 1817; m. Abraham Banks (No. 317). 486. IV. Loretta; b. 1786; m. before 1817 John Horton of White Plains. 200. V. 62. ELIZABETH LYON (MERRITT) [James 4 , John*, John 2 , Thomas'], born Greenwich, Conn., Jan. 10, 1762; died before 1824. Jan. 20, 1837, request for adm. of estate to Daniel Merritt; March 6, 1838, adm. granted to Samuel Close and William Strong. She mar- ried Aug. 24, 1783, Abraham Merritt, son of Solomon and (Lyon) Merritt (records 2nd. Cong 5 !. Chh., Greenwich). He died about 1832; adm. of estate granted April 26, 1832 to William A Merritt of New York. Children of Abraham and Elisabeth (Lyon) Merritt: 487. I. Abraham; b. 1785; d. Dec. 20, 1860, ae. 76 y. ; m. Abigail New- man (b. 1790; d. May 25, 1864). 488. II. Elizabeth; b. July 26, 1787; d. Feb. 26, 1851; m. 1st, Merritt Lyon (No. 482); m. 2nd, Joseph Bloomfield. 489. III. Benjamin; b. July 12, 179«; d. Oct. 6, 1865; m. Maria Palmer. 490. IV. James. 491. V. Sarah. 492. VI. Daniel; living In 1837. 493. VII. Phebe; b. Aug. 2», 1802; d. April 9, 1882; m. 1st Tyler Mead; m. 2nd Walter Travis (b. 1802; d May 23, 1884). 494. VIII. Mary; m. Crawford. 495. IX. Hattie. 201. V. 62. BENJAMIN WOOLSEY 8 LYON [James 4 , John*, John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Greenwich, April 15, 1764; died in 1810. Will dated July 6, 1810; probated Stamford Sept. 4, 1810; executrix named, wife Phebe; she declined and James Lyon and W. H. Husted were appointed. He married Feb. 5, 1787, Phebe Merritt born July 22, 1768; died March 31, 1855; buried at Byram Point; daughter of Thomas and Amy (Purdy) Merritt. tJabez Sherwood, born Dec. 28, 1719; will dated Aug. 16, 1776; married July 9, 1739 Hannah Dlsbrow (born March 22, 1718 — 9, was living in 1776). Children: 1. Rebecca, b. March 5, 1739 — 40; 2. Both, b. Oct. 6, 1741; 3. Hannah, b. Jan. 9, 1743 — 4; 4. Mary, b. April 24, 1746; 5. Jabez, b. Aug. 16, 1748; d. Aug 18, 1814; 6. Susanna, b. April 18. 1752; 7. Daniel, b. Feb. 21, 1766; d. June 1826; 8. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 22, 1759; m. Daniel Lyon (above). /5o-e FIFTH GENERATION 91 Children of Benjamin W. and Phebe (Merritt) Lyon (all mentioned In ths fathers will) : •49«. I. Mary; b. Feb. 19, 1789; d. Sept. 22, 1876; m. before 1810 W. H. H usted. •497. II. Benjamin Woolsey; b. 1794; d. 1826; m. Deborah Reynolds. •488. III. James; b. Nov. 13, 1796; d. Feb. 8, 1884; m. Mary Peck. •499. IV. Daniel; b. May 28. 1798; d. Jan. 10, 1886; m. Ann Eliza Davis. •600. V. Thomas M. ; b. 1803; d. July 9, 1860; m. Sarah Backus. 601. VI. Sarah; unmarried In 1810. 204. V. 63. JOHN 5 LYON [Gilbert 4 , John', John", Thomas'], born Greenwich, Conn. Dec. 4, 1765; died New York City Dec. 1837. Administration of estate granted Jan. 5, 1838 to William Peck, at New York. He lived on what is now the old Post Road that runs to the right hand at the top of Byram Hill. He married Jan. 1788, Mary Merritt, daughter of Solomon and (Lyon) Merritt. She died before 1838. Children of John and Mary (Merritt) Lyon: 602. I. Elizabeth; b. 1788; d. May 28, 1881, ae. 98 y. ; m. Thomas Chappell. •503. II. Daniel; res. New York City; d. May 1837. 504. III. John; a policeman in New York City; married and had: 1. John; 2. Augustas; 3. Holly. •606. TV. Mary; m. William H. Peck of Grenwich. 60S. V. Thomas M.; d. Norwalk June 10, 1863; m. Oct. 29, 1836 Mehit- able Peck. 607. VI. Abraham. 205. V. 63. DANIEL 6 LYON [Gilbert 4 , John 3 , John 2 , Thomas'], p^^c&^ born Greenwich, Dec. 4, 1765; died about 1855. He lived on the Byram CM^t-i^-O Shore road, just southeast of Byram Bridge in a "stone end." He f+t + %^ married El izabeth Sherwood born about 1767; died 1870, aged 103, A ^c^k^A! in Pennsylvania; daughter of Jabez and Eliza ( ) Sherwood. t x"**'**So (In 1856 she lived in New York City, cor Stanton and Suffolk Sts.). Children of Daniel and Elizabeth (Sherwood) Lyon: •508. I. Floyd; b. Dec. 3, 1790; m. 1st Sarah Mead; m. 2nd Laura J. Reynolds. •509. II. Mary; m. William Robbing. •510. III. Charlotte; b. Oct. 21, 1800; d. Dec. 26, 1866; m. Capt. William Robinson. 206. V. 63. PHEBE* LYON (SEAMAN) (WHEAT) [Gilbert 4 , John', John 2 , Thomas'], born Greenwich, Conn., Jan. 10, 1771. She married first May 18, 1788 Isaac, son of Israel Seaman of Rye, N. Y. (Rec. 2nd. Cong*l Chh Greenwich), He was horn In 1768 and died 92 THOMAS LYON OF RYE April 14, 1805, ae. 37 y. She married second Major Solomon Wheat. Children of Isaac and Phebe (Lyon) Seaman: 511. I. Mary; b. March 1789; m. 1811, Capt. Thomas Wright. 512. II. James; b. June 21, 1791. 513. III. Rebecca; b. 1793; m. Capt. Jarvis Martin, son of Isaac Martin. 514. IV. Henry; b. April 5, 1796. 615. V. Phebe; b. June 14. 1798. 5ie. VI. Jane; b. Feb. 4, 1801. 517. VII. Isaac; b. April 18, 1803. 216. V. 72. PHEBE 6 LYON (GUION) [Thomas 4 , Thomas*, Thomas 2 , Thomas'], born Rye, N. Y. May 3, 1753; named probably for her grandmother, Phebe (Vowles) Lyon; died Bedford, N. Y., Dec. 11, 1819, je. 66 y. 7m. 8 d.; buried St. Matthews Churchyard, Bedford. She received by will of her maternal grandfather, Thomas Marsh of Harrison's Purchase, a bequest of £100; will dated April 14, 1770; probated Oct. 3, 1770. She married Jonathan Guion born Jan. 28, 1749; died Aug. 28, 1835: buried St. Matthews Churchyard; son of John and Anna (Hart) Guion. Children of Jonathan and Phebe (Lyon) Guion: 518. I. Annie; b. Dec. 2, 1774. 61l>. II. James; b. Sept. 20, 1777; d. Feb. 7, 1861; m. Tabitha (d. Nov. 6, 1872, ae. 79). 520. III. Sarah; b. Sept. 28, 1779. 521. IV. Mary; b. Aug. 23, 1782. 522. V. Thomas; b. Aug. 11, 1786. 623. VI. Phebe; b. April 24, 1789; d. Jan. 29, 1849; m. Thomas Read of Ireland (b. July. 1794; d. Jan. 14, 1859). 524. VII. Hetty: b. June 10, 1791; m. Oct. 30, 1821, Reuben Green. 526. VIII. Alvah; b. Oct. 21, 1795; d. Nov. 5, 1872. 217. V. 72. SAMUEL 6 LYON [Thomas 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born King St. Rye, June 5, 1760; baptized at St. Johns Church, Dec. 9, 1760; died Sept. 21, 1849; buried in Union cemetery at Rye. He married March 26, 1786, Elizabeth Lyon (No. 146), born Aug. 19, 1762; died April 17, 1858; buried at Rye; daughter of Gilbert and Jane (Kniffen) Lyon (No. 39). Children of Samuel and Elizabeth (Lyon) Lyon: •526. I. Thomas; b. 1792; d. March 21, 1873; m. Mary Tottem. 527. II. Anna; b. April 18, 1794; d. Feb. 12, 1846. 528. III. Alphens; b. 1779; rem. to Tennessee. 529. IV. Mary; b. Aug. 10, 1799; d. Jan. 19, 1891; unm. 530. V. Jane K.; b. June 19. 1804; d. Aug. 10, 1829; unm. FIFTH GENERATION t3 218. V. 72. THOMAS 5 LYON [Thomas', Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas'], born King St., Rye. March 5, 1770; died Oct. 6, 1803; bur- ied in Union Cemetery, Rye. Will dated Sept. 14, 1803; probated White Plains, Nov. 30, 1803; executor Nehemiah Willson (Lib. F., 9). He married in Grace Church, Rye, April 10, 1791, Levinia, sister of Jonathan Sniffin. Son of Thomas and Levinia (Snlffln) Lyon: •631. I. Jonathan; b. Jan. 13, 1792; d. Feb. 29, 1820; m. Olivia Lyon (No. 366). 219. V. 72. SARAH 5 LYON (PINE) [Thomas 4 , Thomas 3 , Thom- as', Thomas 1 ), born Rye, N. Y. July 15, 1771; died Sept. 9, 1834; buried at Eastchester. She married James Pine, born Nov. 15, 1768; d. Sept. 18, 1838, ae. 69 y. 10 m. 3 d.; buried at Eastchester. Children of James and Sarah (Lyon) Pine: 632. I. Jane; b. March 11, 1807; d. Oct. 9, 1845, ae. 38 y. 6 m. 28 d. 533. II. Deborah Ann; b. May 5, 1804; d. Sept. 8. 1829, ae. 25 y. 4 m. 3 d. 232. V. 76. SARAH 5 LYON (HALSTED) [Andrew 4 , Thomas', Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born King St., Rye, N. Y. Aug. 17, 1760; bap- tized L>ec. 9, 1760 in St. Johns Church, Greenwich; died Feb. 24, 1802. She married Feb. 10, 1784 Ezekiel Halsted, born Feb. 6, 1761; died Aug. 18, 1829, ae. 68 y. 6 m. 13 d.; buried Blind Brook Cemetery; son of Ezekiel and Abigail (Theall) Halsted of Rye. Children of Ezekiel and Sarah (Lyon) Halsted: 634. I. Andrew Lyon; b. Dec. 15, 1784; d. Nov. 24, 1866; m. 1st April 3. 1809, Lavlnla Horton; m. 2nd May 13, 1812, Frances Miller. 636. n. Ezekiel; b. Aug. 13, 1787; d. Aug. 26. 1828; m. Nov. 23, 18«8, Anne Griffln. 638. III. Sarah; b. Aug. 21, 1789; d. Sept. 20, 1816; m. Nov. 22, 1808. Joseph H. Horton. 687. IV. Mary; b. July 4, 1791; m. Jan. 3, 1815, Elijah M. Davis. 638. V. Cnderhlll; b. Jan. 3, 1794; d. Dec. 6. 1884; m. April 28, 1818. Ann Barker. 638. VI. Elisha; b. Feb. 13, 1796; d. April 30, 1853; m. April 28, 1824, Harriet Purdy. 640. VII. William Henry; b. Aug. 21, 1799; m. Nov. 12, 1823, Sarah Barker. 541. VIII. Jane Eliza; b. July 29, 1801; d. Sept. 16. 1870; m. Feb. 8. 1826, Joseph Miller. 233. V. 76. UNDERHILL 6 LYON [Andrew 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , . Thomas 1 ], born Rye, N. Y. 1763; died May 24, 1795, in his 32nd year; buried in Blind Brook cemetery. He lived in the house next to the ' * I -t J bridge on the west side of the Byram River. He married Jan. 4, 1M THOMAS LYON OF RYE 1787 Mary (Polly) Halsted, daughter of Ezekiel and Abigail (Theall) Halsted (Rec. 2nd. Cong'l Chh., Greenwich). She died at East Had- dam, Conn. April 5, 1843; adm. of estate granted May 17, 1843 to Isaac B. Parsons. Children of Underhlll and Mary (Halsted) Lyon: •542. I. Harriet Halsted; d. before 1823; m. Hezeklah Belden. •543. II. Sarah Bndd; d. Aug. 21, 1868; m. Rev. Isaac Parsons. 644. III. Eliza Jane; b March 5, 1792; d. Dec. 7, 1840; m. David N. Lord, ■on of Nathan and Mary (Nevens) Lord of Norwich and Franklin, Conn, (he b. March 17, 1794; d. July 14, 1880). 646. IV. Mary Underbill; b. 1794; d. 1816. 235. V. 76. MARY 6 LYON (BUSH) [Andrew 4 , Thomas 8 , Thom- as 3 , Thomas 1 ], born Rye, N. Y., date not ascertained. She married first, Nov. 26, 1780, Capt. Abraham Bush (No. 207) born 1751; died Sept. 26, 1785; son of Abraham and Ruth (Lyon) Bush. He was cast away and drowned with his crew, five souls in all, in a violent hurri- cane off the coast of North Carolina. She married second Newberry Davenport. Children of Abraham and Mary (Lyon) Bush: 546. I. William; b. June 17, 1781; d. Dec. 24, 1856; m. Eliza Davenport; (4 sons, Andrew L., William L.. H. Hobart and Newberry D., and 5 dau.). 647. II. Sally Lyon. 648. III. Rebecca. 238. V. 78. JESSE" LYONS [Samuel 4 , Samuel 3 , Thomas 2 , Thorn- e-ttJ^J as 1 ], born Rye, N. Y., Oct. 20, 1767; died May 15, 1835; buried in Bap- + Lt -r V tist cemetery, Lattingtown, Ulster Co., N. Y. He married Phebe, iX-L\ff ^dauehter of Richard and Hannah (Lockwood) Woolsey. >*£+4^wX**l a±_ Sir ' Children of Jesse and Phebe (Woolsey) Lyons ("note the final "s"~\ : 548a. I. Mary. R48b. II. Phebe; d. in infancy. 548c. 111. Ueliluh. 548d. IV. Samuel; removed to Michigan. 548e. V. Ruth; m 1st Charles John; m. 2nd Philip Rutters. 548f. VI Tumar. 548g. VII. Sarah; d. In Infancy. 584h. VIII. Eliza; m. John Rutters of Philadelphia, Pa. 5481. IX. Jesse; b. Oct. 20, 1820; d. Aug. 6, 1893. 239. V. 78. ELIZABETH 5 LYON (PARK) [Samuel 4 , Samuel', Thomas*, Thomas 1 ], born Rye, N. Y., date not ascertained (not far from 1760); she was living in 1805. She married Roger Park born July 11, FIFTH GENERATION 96 1754; died Aug. 25, 1838, ae. 85; buried at Milton, N. Y.; son of Thomas and Martha (Carpenter) Park. Children of Roger and Elizabeth (Lyon) Park: 649. I. Sophia; d. young. 560. II. Phebe; b. Feb. 18, 1786; d. young. 661. III. Samuel; b. Nov. 28, 1789; d. April 11, 1816. 668. IV. Thomas; b. April 30, 1791; d. Oct. 80, 1817. 66S. V. Timothy; b. Aug. 3, 1793; d. Feb. 17, 1817. (The children all baptized Jan. 2, 1805, In Grace church, Rye). 242. V. 80. NEHEMIAH 5 LYON [Nehemiah,* Samuel," Thomas,* Thomas'], born Rye, N. Y., Jan. 18, 1759; died New York City April 13, 1816. Like his father he was a shipwright. Will dated April 3, 1816; probated New York May 8, 1816; executors, wife Elizabeth, friends Richard Morrell and Abel Wooster. See note 19 in appendix. He married first Martha (probably Purdy) and second Eliza- beth , who died Oct. 27, 1817. Children of Nehemiah and Martha ( ) Lyon: .554. I. WUliam; b. Dec. 6. 1791; d. young. 555. II. Abraham; b. Dec. 1793. 556. III. Nehemiah; b. Sept. 1794; d. Aug. 4, 1828; m. June SO, 1820, Sally Crowell. •557. IV. Samuel Morrell; b. July 3, 1796: d. June 4. 1830; m. Charlotte Osborn. 558. V. Andrew; b. 1797. 559. VI. Elizabeth Ann; b. March 22. 1798; d. Sept. 26. 1824; m. Jan. 31. 1819, Jonathan M. Higglns. 560. VTI. Sarah; b. June 7. 1800; m. Feb. 9, 1819, William Lewis Rogers. Children of Nehemiah and Elizabeth ( ) Lyon, (all mentioned in hla will): 561. VIII. Leah; b. May 25. 1803; d. June 29, 1825. 562. IX. William; b. Dec, 5, 1805; d. Aug. 17, 1820. 564. XI. Easter; b. March 17, 1810; d. Jan. 27. 1828. 563. X. Martha; b. April 29, 1808. 243. V. 82. SARAH LYON (PARK) [Benjamin 4 , Samuel*, Thomas', Thomas 1 ], born March 10, 1760; died Oct. 1, 1817; buried at Milton, Rye. She married about 1795, Roger Park, born July 11, 1754; died Aug. 25, 1838; buried at Milton, Rye; son of Thomas and Martha (Carpenter) Park. Son of Roger and Sarah (Lyon) Park: 565. I. Knapp; m. Elizabeth Wilson (b. Sept. 1796; d. Dec. 18. 1856); they had a dau. Dorcas. 244. V. 82. ALVIN 6 LYON [Benjamin*, Samuel 8 , Thomas', 96 THOMAS LYON OF RYE Thomas 1 ], born Dec. 2, 1762; died at Kitohawan, Westchester Co., N. Y„ Sept. 13, 1841. He was a private in the Third Regiment West- chester Co. Militia, Col. Pierre Van Courtlandt, and served in the Revolutionary War. He married Mary Ascough, daughter of William Ascough, of White Plains. She died Jan. 14, 1820; buried at Kitchawan. Children of Alvan and Mary (Ascough) Lyon: •B66. I. WUllam; b. March 25, 1785; d. Dec. 2, 1862; m. Millie Hunter. •M7. II. Samuel; b June 23, 1789; d. July 9, 1874; m. Hannah Dickinson. •668. III. Hannah; b. Aug. 10, 1791; d. April 7, 1873; m. Isaiah Flewellyn. •5W. IV. Benjamin; b. ; d. Feb. 7, 1869; m. Mary "Wright. •570. V. David C; b. Dec. 4, 1806; d. Aug. 3. 1883; m. Hannah B. Sutton. •671. VI. Rachel; b. 1807; d. 1882; m. James Conklin. •872. VII. Alvan; b. April 19, 1813; d. March 23, 1878; m. Sarah Huyler. 573. VIII. ? Caleb; d. Aug. 21, 1818. 246. V. 82. SAMUEL 6 LYON [Benjamin 4 , Samuel 3 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 1 ], born Jan. 7, 1764; died Yonkers, N. Y., Jan. 27, 1856; ae. 92 y. mo. 20 d.; buried in St. Johns cemetery. Will dated May 1, 1849; probated White Plains, July 22, 1859; executors, sons Ebenezer and William Lyon. Samuel was private in the Third Regiment Westchester Co. Militia, Col. Pierre Van Cortlandt; burial notice in newspaper says "a soldier in the Revolution." He married Sarah Ascough, daugh- ter of William and Mary Ann (Haines) Ascough of White Plains; married by Elder Smith, Baptist Minister at Harrison. She was born July 20, 1772 and died Oct. 4, 1826; buried St. John's cemetery. Children of Samuel and Sarah (Ascough) Lyon: 574. I. Ebenezer; b. Sept. 5, 1791; d. July 15, 1875. 676. II. WUllam Ascough; b. March 30, 1795; d. Aug. 23, 1872; adm. of est. Jan. 31, 1879 to Mary Archibald. 676. III. Mary Ann; b. March 19, 1797; d. June 18, 1878; will probated 1878, Brooklyn, mentions all her family; m. Wardell*. Ot t u -k V*v ♦ X- 677. IV. Hyatt; b. Aug. 23, 1800; d. Oct. 31, 1825; adm. of est. April 1, 1839 to bro. John M. Lyon. •578. V. John Merritt; b. Aug. 9, 1803; d. Sept. 7. 1S46; m. Sarah Jane Garrison. 246. V. 82. MARY 6 LYON (GEDNEY) [Benjamin 1 , Samuel 3 , Thomas 1 , Thomas 1 ], born July 27, 1766, died June 6, 1834; buried at Greenborough Dutch Ref. Chh., Elmsford, Westchester Co., N. Y. She married John Gedney of White Plains, son of John and Mary ( ) Gedney. He was born March 16, 1761; died Dec. 28, 1841; buried at White Plains; will dated Feb. 20, 1840; probated Feb. 25, 1841, at White Plains. John Gedney Sr., died Oct. 3, 1766, ae. 71; Mary his wife died Jan. 5, 1772, ae. 75 y. 12 m. d. (G. R.). ** bx^v «. «-a. &h$* c+^tJi FIFTH GENERATION 97 Children of John and Mary (Lyon) Gedney: 578. I. Margaret; b. May 17, 1786; d. Feb. 27.1829; m. May 27, 1806. Peter Cornell [Crowell]. 580. II. He-ler [Esther]; b. Jan. 24, 1788; d. March 1. 1872; m Sept. 8. 1807, Anthony Martine. 681. III. Elizabeth; b. Nov. 2, 1791; d. Sept. 22, 1821. unm. 688. IV. Abigail; m. Tompkins. 683. V. Dorothy; unm. 684. VI. Charlotte; m. Edward Billington, of New York. 685. VII. Phebe; m. Jan. 2, 1822 George Wlldey. 686. VIII. Hury: m. Charles I,. Whiting. 687. IX. Bartholomew; b. April 23. 1S02; d. May 5, 1897; m. Ann Eliza Hunt. 588. X. Elijah I-.von. 588.a XI. John Benjamin; m. Anna McFarquhar. 248. V. 82. ELIJAH B. s LYON [Benjamin 4 , Samuel'. Thomas', Thomas 1 ], born Feb. 19, 1771; died Nov. 25, 1827; ae. 56y. 9 m. 6 d.; buried Baptist Cemetery on Cross road King St. to Glenville. He lived in White Plains, N. Y. He married, April 19, 1804, in Episcopal Church, Rye, Sarah Lyon, (No. 349) daughter of Joshua and Elizabeth (Purdy) Lyon. She was born Jan. 25, 1781 and died March 13, 1830; ae. 49 y. 1 m. 19 d., buried Baptist Cemetery. Children of Elijah B. and Sarah (Lyon) Lyon: 589. I. Julia Ann; b. Aug. 17, 1805; d. March 22, 1892. 690. II. Mary Eliia; b. Aug. 16, 18«7; d. Feb. 1812. 691. III. Clement; b. Feb. 5. 1810; d. Jan. 8, 1812. 592. IV. William Clement; b. May 12, 1812; d. Feb. 20, 1890. 593. V. Rebecca; b. Aug 13, 1815; d. Feb. 12, 1826; m. Alvah A. Lyon(No. 834). 594. VI. Elijah B; Jr.. b. Sept. 5, 1817; d. Dec. 13, 1861; unm. 695. VII. Joshua John; b. Sept. 20, 1820; d. young. 250. V. 82. NICHOLAS B. 5 LYON [Benjamin*, Samuel 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born April 4, 1773; died at 42 Catherine St., New York City July 25, 1839; ae. 66 y. Administration of estate granted July 29, 1839 to son Robert Lyon. July 27, 1810 he was recorded as mer- chant, formerly cooper; 1834 was Street Inspector of New York City; salary $720 per annum. He married Rachel . Children of Nicholas B. and Rachel ( ) Lyon: 596. I. Irmenia ; m. Richard Kaln; d. Jan 1. 1824. 597. II. Robert; d. after 1839. |N. Y. Evening Post has notice; "Died, Jan. 1, 1824. Armenia, wife of Rich- ard Kaln 'Hart & Kaln) and (laughter of Nicholas B. Lyon." (7) 98 THOMAS LYON OF RYE 252. V. 82. ANNA 5 LYON (GUION) [Benjamin 4 , Samuel", Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born April 23, 1778; died White Plains, N. Y. 1833; buried in Presbyterian Churchyard. She married Sept. 14, 1797, Monmouth Hart Guion, son of John and Anna (Hart) Guion. He was born. Oct. 8, 1771 and died Oct. 15, 1833, in 63rd y.; buried in Presby- terian churchyard, White Plains. They lived at 60 Division St., N. Y. City. His will dated Oct. 8, 1833; probated New York Oct. 30, 1833; executors wife Anna, son Benjamin L. Guion, son-in-law Thomas Hunt. Children oif Monmouth H. and Anna (Lyon) Guion: 598. I. Harriet; b. 1797; d. Dec. 23, 1883; m. Thomas Hunt (b. 1798; d. July 12, 1882). 699. II. Rachel Ann; m. James S. Bull. 600. III. Sarah P.; unm. 601. IV. Benjamin Lyon. 602. V. Mary H; b. 1814; d. 1827; unm. 256. V. 84. ABRAHAM 5 LYON [Monmouth 4 , Samuel 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ] , born Rye, N. Y., June 15, 1768; died North Salem, N. Y., Jan. 17, 1834. He married Feb. 6, 1792, Sarah Underhill, daughter of Benjaminf and Elizabeth (Bonnett) Underhill of Scarsdale, N. Y. She was born Jan. 30, 1772 and died Aug. 11, 1832. Children of Abraham and Sarah (Underhill) Lyon: •03. I. Phebe; b. Nov. 16, 1792; d. Sept. 23, 1834. •604. II. Eliza Ann; b. Dec. 24, 1793; d. Feb. 8, 1870; m. Nathan Lobdell. 605. III. Monmouth; b. Dec. 18, 1795. •606. IV. Deborah: 1>. March 16, 1798; d. Aug. 24. 1840; m. Harvey Riggs. 607. V David; b. May 30. 1800; d. Dec. 9. 1880. 608. VI. Benjamin I.; b. Feb. 12. 1803; d. Sept. 7, 1805. •609. VII. Isaac B.; b. Dec. 12, 1805; d. Sept. 29, 1830; m. Mary Banks. 610. VIII. Hiram; b. May 28, 1808; d. Aug. 13, 1832. •611. IX. Abraham Underhill; b. Aug. 6. 1809; d. Sept. 24, 1878; m. 1st. Mary E. Rogers; m. 2nd. Eliza J. Reynolds. 612. X. Augustus; b. Sept. 11, 1810. 613. XI. Samuel; b. March 10, 1813; d. Aug. 10, 1832. tBenjamin, son of John and Elizabeth Bowne Underhill, was born March 10, 1747 and died Sept. 22, 1818; res. White Plains, N. Y. His wife Elizabeth Bon- nett was born July 11, 1747; died Dec. 24, 1838. Children: I. John; b. March 20, 1770; m. Esther Pell; 2. Sarah; b. Jan. 30, 1772; m. Abraham Lyon above; d. Aug. 11, 1832; 3. Hannah; b. June 19, 1774; m. Stephen Horton; 4. Joshua; b. Feb 22, 1776; d. Dec. 1, 1852; m. 1st. Margaret Angevine; m. 2nd. Susanna Ange- vine; m. 3rd. Mary Underhill; 5. Mary; b. April 24, 1779; d. March 20, 1866; m. Barnes Underhill; 6. David; b. Jan. 12, 1782; m. Margaret E. White; 7. Effama; b. Oct. 3, 1784; unm; d. April 5, 1864; 8. Susanna; b. Nov. 26, 1786; m. Feb. 21, 1805, Richard Griffin; 9. Elizabeth; b. Jan. 21, 1789; 10. Jans. FIFTH GENERATION 99 257. V. 87. MONMOUTH' LYON [Sylvanus 4 , Samuel 8 , Thomas', Thomas 1 ], born Rye, N. Y., Dec. 7, 1791; died at Springfield N. J., March 29, 1873, at the home of his son Sylvanus; buried in Union Cemetery, Rye. He married Alethea McCollum, daughter of Thomas and Sarah (Park) McCollum, of Purchase. She was born May 3, 1791 and died Jan. 26, 1869, ae. 77y. 9 m.; buried at Rye. They lived at Mamaroneck, Westchester Co., N. Y. Children of Monmouth and Alethea (McCollum) Lyon: •614. I. Thomas Col In in; b. March 31, 1816; d. June 7, 1895; m. Ann M. Gulon •615. II. Surah Ann; b. Aug. 31 (or 18), 1817; d. Oct. 29, 1845; m. Francis Secor. «16. III. Caroline; b. Nov. 8, 1818; d. March 11, 1898; m. April 7, 1853, William E. Schott, who d. March 16, 1896. 617. IV John Pennine; b. June 17, 1820; <1. July 19. 1820. •618. V. John Pennine; b. Feb. 11, 1823; d. Dec. 11, 1896; m. Amelia Smith. •619. VI. Sylvanus; b. May 7, 1825; m. 1st. Hannah T. Kirk; m. 2nd. Adele C. Peshine; res Orange, N. J. •620. VII. William Jackson; b. Nov. 6. 1828; d. Dec. 1896; m. 1st. Cecilia Gasner; m. 2nd. Mary Jane Nichols; m. 3rd. Julia Gasner. 621. VIII. George; b. May 1, 1830; d. May 2. 1831. 258. V. 87. HANNAH 5 LYON (PESHINE) [Sylvanus 4 , Samuel*, Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Rye, N. Y., Jan. 19, 1795; died there April 17, 1886, ae. 92; buried in Union Cemetery. She married John Peshine, born 1792; died Sept. 27, 1882, ae. 90; buried in Union Cemetery. Son of John and Hannah (Lyon) Peshine: 822. I. John ["Rev." John]; b. May 1823; d. Sept. 24, 1847, ae. 24 y. 4. m. 260. VI. 88. SAMUEL 5 LYON [Jonathan 4 , Jonathan*, Thomas', Thomas 1 j, born Dec. 22, 1754; died in Bedford, N. Y. Feb. 24, 1828, ae. 73 y. 2 m. 2 d.; buried in Holmes cemetery, Bedford. Will dated July 23, 1827; probated White Plains, March 22, 1828; executors, son Solomon Lyon, David Miller, Benjamin Isaacs. Samuel is said to have been a private in the Third Regiment Westchester Co. Militia under Pierre Van Cortlandt. He married July 3, 1777, at Church of Christ, Salem, Maplet [Mapylet] Miller, born Feb. 3, 1753; d. Jan. 10, 1835, ae. 81 y. 11 m. 7 d.; buried Holmes cemetery Bedford; daughter of John and Maplet ( ) Miller. They lived on a farm a mile or two from Bedford. Children of Smnuel and Maplet ( ) Lyon, born In Bedford: *H!.i. I. Solomon; b. Nov. 20, 1782; d. Nov. 23, 1853; m. Mary MllKr. Removed to Steuben Co.. N. V.: m. and had sons Samuel and Henry, who were klllfd In the Civil war. 100 THOMAS LYON OF RYE 624. II. Ey.rn; b. July 17, 1785; d. March 7. 1869; was a soldier in the War of 1812. 625. III. Catherine; b. July 12, 1788; d. Jan. 26, 1861. •626. IV. Isaac; b. Aug. 23, 1791; d. Feb. 17, 1849. •1243. II. Solomon. Jr. 627. V. Jonathan; b. Nov. 14, 1794; d. Nov. 14, 1859. 628. VI. Martha (Patty]; m. Schofield. 263. V. 88. ISAAC 5 LYON [Jonathan 4 , Jonathan', Thomas 2 , Thomas'], born Bedford, Westchester Co., N. Y., 1772; died Rush, Monroe Co., N. Y., Sept. 19, 1857. He married in Bedford in 1791 Mercy Armstrong, born Bedford March 17, 1772; died May 7, 1836. She was buried in Baptist Cemetery, Burnthills, Ballston, N. Y. Isaac Lyon removed from Bedford to Ballston, Saratoga Co., N. Y., before 1799 and thence finally to Rush, Monroe Co., N. Y. Children of Isaac and Mercy (Armstrong) Lyon: 629. I. Edmund; b. Bedford, Nov. 3, 1792; d. April 26. 1880; m. 1st. Mary Willard (b. 1797; d. April 8, 1859); m. 2nd. Elizabeth M. Dunning (b. 1837). 630. II. Henry; b. Bedford, July 27. 1794; d. Jan. 24, 1853; m. 1st. Annie Willard; m. 2nd. Nancy (who afterwards m. Sherwood). 631. III. Elizabeth [Betsey]; b. Bedford Aug. 10, 1796; d. Oct. 5. 1884; m. Henry Monroe; one daughter. 682. IV. Harvey; b. Burnthills. Ballston. Saratoga Co.. N. Y. Jan. 3. 1799; d. Aug. 20, 1852; m. Sarah Guernsey (b. 1803; d. Oct. 2t>, 1839). •633 V. Perllna [Paulina]; b. Burnthills. Jan. 26, 1801; d. Aug. IS, 1890; m. 1st. Alfred Curtis; m. 2nd. Lewis Miller. •634. VI. Isaac; b. Burnthills, Feb. 5, 1803; d. Oct. 6 (or 26) 1839. 635. VII. Pamela (Parmella); b. Burnthills, July 13, 1805; d. Nov. 29, 1883; m. 1838, Samuel Tellmadge. 636. VIII. Alfred; b. Burnthills, Oct. 20, 1807; d. April 26, 1814. •637. IX. Phebe; b. Burnthills, Nov. 10, 1810; d. Aug. 81, 1892; m. 1841 Thomas Eddy. 638. X. Nelson; b. Burnthills, Aug. 13, 1813; d. April 8, 1832. *639. XI. Harrison Armstrong; b. Burnthills, Sept. 13, 1815; d. Oct. 17, 1900; m. Fanny Minerva Gale. 268. V. 90. AARON 5 LYON [Elnathan 4 , Jonathan 8 , Thomas', Thomas 1 ] , born July 28, 1758, probably at North Castle, N. Y.; died in the town of Clinton, Dutchess Co., N. Y.; buried, it is believed, in the Lyon Cemetery there. He married March 6, 1796, Elizabeth Nelson, born June 11, 1765; died July 15, 1836, daughter probably of Reuben and Elizabeth Nelson. Aaron Lyon was a Civil Engineer and is said to have planned the fortifications at Stony Point during the Revolution. Aug. 3, [or 30] 1787 "Aaron Lyon of the County of Dutchess, Gentleman, nephew of David Lyon (No. 93) of Northcastle in the County of Westchester, Yeoman, deceased" was appointed administrator of his FIFTH GENERATION 101 uncle's estate. The following record, from which his several placet of residence may be learned, is from his family Bible. Children of Aaron and Elizabeth (Nelson) Lyon: 640. I. Klnathan; b. Jan. 8, 1797 at Rhynbeck, Dutchess Co.; went west and became lost to the family. 641. II. Francis Nelson; b. Dec. -1. 1700. at .Jericho; went west and be- came lost to the family. •642. III. Henry Clinton; b. Nov. 2. 1801. at Jericho; d. July 20. 1841. at Jacksonville Fla.; m. Jane Denman (one child Aaron A., recorded In the Bible i. 643. IV. Julia Ann; b. Sept. 10. 1804. at Burlington. Monday. 9 o'clock P. M. ; d. Oct. 6. 1876; m. Herrick. •644. V. Elisabeth Ambrosia [Betsey] ; b. Jan. 12, 1806, at Burlington; d. Jan. 17, 1842. 645. VI. Carolln; b. Aug. 3, 1807, at Blenheim; unm. ; lived to old ag«; no date of death in the Bible. 269. V. 90. JONATHAN 6 LYON (Elnathan 4 , Jonathan', Thomas 3 , Thomas 1 ), born North Castle, "Westchester Co., N. Y. Aug. 7, 1760; died April 6, 1841 ; buried in the burying ground on his father's farm, Clinton, /-> Dutchess Co., N. Y. Will dated May 18, 1840; probated Poughkeepsie +i~t-C( April 9, 1841; executor Alfred Duel (Lib. M. 40). Jonathan Lyon was qJLJ^J!^ mentioned in the will of his grandfather Jonathan Lyon. His farm, bought in 1791, lies about one mile northeast of Clinton Hollow, and is now owned by his grandson, Prof. Lewis H. Allen of Rhinecliff. Record of his family is from Jonathan's Bible, now in possession of Prof. L. H. Allen. He married first Elizabeth Furman [Forman], born Nov. 7, 1759; died Sept. 12, 1835; buried on the farm. He mar- ried second Sally L. . Children of Jonathan and Elizabeth ( Furman) Lyon: •646. I. Susanna [Susan]; b. April 16, 1786; d. April 9, 1814; m. Henry Rlckert [Rleker]. •647. II. Clarissa; b. May 7, 1787; m. Ambrose Furman. 648. III. Sarah [Sally]; b. Sept. 7, 1788; d. June 21, 1811; burled In Lyon Cemetery at Clinton, N. T. •649. IV. John W; b. Jan. 7, 1790; d. March 6, 1826; m. 1st. Martha Jenks; m. 2nd Sabra Bradshaw. 656. V. Franklin; b. Sept. 8. 1797; d. May 3. 1883; m. Rachel Smith. «86?); a dau. Emily b. March 5, 1824; d. July 3, 1848. •651. VI. Amos; b. July 29, 1798; d. April 19, 1881; m. Margaret Schry- ▼er. 270. V. 90. SARAH" LYON (NELSON) LElizabeth 4 , Jonathan*, Thomas', Thomas'], born Jan. 26, 1763; died Oct. 28, 1821 while en route with her family to the far "West; buried at Marietta, O. She married Nov. 15, 1787 Francis R. Nelson, born July 5, 1749 at Clinton Corners ]0" THOMAS LYON OF RYE (now Hyde Park), N. Y.; died June 2, 1812; son of Reuben}: and Elizabeth ( ) Nelson. He was appointed, Nov. 19, 1781, 1st Lieut. Capt. Spencer's Co., Regiment Dutchess Co. Militia. After his death the family removed to Marietta, O. Children of Francis R. and Sarah (Lyon) Nelson, births of first eight re- corded In an old family Bible: 652. I. Reuben Wellington; b. July 27, 1789; d. about 1825; "foully murdered at Mt. Vernon, Ind." 663. II. Harvey; b. Aug. 16. 1790; d. Oct. 26, 1840; m. Sarah . 664% III. Amos; b. March 20, 1793; m. Nancy Smith. 656. IV. Thomas; b. July 20, 1795. 656. V. Franklin; b. Sept. 8, 1797; d. May 3, 1883; m. Rachel Smith, •later of Nancy. 657. VI. Anna; b. March 20, 1800. 658. VII. Sarah; b. Aug. 9, 1803. 650. VIII. Elizabeth; b. Aug. 3, 1805; d. Aug. 1884; m. 1st. Layton; m. 2nd. Greene. 660. IX. Maria; b. Dec. 17, 18«9; d. Nov. 2, 1821. 660a. X. Susan; b. March 3, 1812. note 24. For descendants of Francis R. and Sarah (Lyon) Nelson, sec appendix, 271. V. 90. ISAAC LYON [Elnathan 1 , Jonathan 4 , Thomas', Thomas 1 ], born April 14, 1765, in North Castle, N. Y.; d. April 3, 1830, in Clinton, Dutchess Co., N. Y.; buried in Lyon Cemetery there. Will dated Feb. 13, 1816; probated July 19, 1830; executors Widow Esther, Jonathan Lyon, J. A. Lyon. Isaac Lyon was an ardent Methodist. He married Esther Timpson, born 1771; died in Clinton, July 21, 1851; buried in the Lyon burying ground. Between Isaac and his cousin Thomas (No. 288) there existed a very close friendship; each named a son for the other. Children of Isaac and Esther (Timpson) Lyon (dates from family Bible and tombstones in Lyon cemetery): 661. I. Thomas; b. Dec. 2. 1795; d. April 1, 1828 (G. R.); unm. 662. II. Mary; b. July 29, 1797; d. Nov. 24, 1843 (G. R.) 663. III. Susan; b. July 31, 1799; d. In Stamford, Dutchess Co. about 1880; unm. •664. IV. Catherine; b. Aug. 11, 1801; d. May 21, 1885 (G. R.); m, Rev, Hiram Wing. •665. V. Sarah; b. May 1, 1803; d. before 1880; m. Edwin Bates. 666. VI. Betsey; b. Feb. 21, 1805; d. Dec. 13, 1812 (G. R.). 667. VII. Phebe; b. June 29. 1807; d. Sept. 26, 1826 (?) (Bible R.); m. Bleazer Conklln; no ch. JReuben, eldest son of Francis Nelson, was born In Mamaroneck (or pos- sibly Scarsdale) Nov. 15, 1713; d. Dec. 5, 1784. Elizabeth was born 1726; died April 30. 1812. (See note 23 in appendix.) FIFTH GENERATION 103 •68. VIII. Jane Ann; b. March 18. 1809; d. July 27, 1816 (G. R.). •69. IX. Cornelius Tlmpson; b. March 28, 1811; m. ; no ch •670. X. Hannah Jenkins; b. May 10. 1815; m. Wells Conklln of Orange Co., N. T. 272. V. 90. MARY 5 LYON (HERRICK) [Jonathan*, Jonathan*, Thomas, 5 Thomas 1 ] married Stephen Hicks Herrick, son of Josiah and Margaret (Hicks) Herrick of Dutchess Co., N. Y. He became a mer- chant in New York City. Children of Stephen H. and Mary (Lyon) Herrick: •71. I. Susan; m. 1824 Henry Vlele. 072. II. Laura; m. Oct. 31, 1831, James Robinson. 67S. III. Edwin; b. Oct. 18, 1810; d. March 31, 1870; m. Aug. 17, 1864, Jeannette Hayden. 273. V. 90. ELIZABETH* LYON (FURMAN) [Elnathan*. Jona- than,* Thomas,' Thomas'] married Paul Furman [Forman] a brother of Jonathan's wife. They lived near Hyde Park. Children of Paul and Elizabeth (Lyon) Furman: 674. I. John; kept a hotel In Hyde Park. 675. II. Samuel. 678. III. Susan Mary; m. Abram Masten; res. In Pa. 275. V. 91. ISRAEL* LYON [Israel 4 , Jonathan', Thomas 3 , Thomas'], Co^**^ born Feb. 12, 1755; res. Bedford, N. Y. His granddaughter, Clarissa , + / -f o Lyon (No. 1346), writes: "We were all born in Bedford on the old ^ ^y_ j homestead and lived there until grandpa's death, when we moved to North Castle, although Bedford is still our post office." Israel Lyon married Hannah Merritt, born March 29, 1745. Children of Israel and Hannah (Merritt) Lyon, born In Bedford, N. T. •677. I. William; b. Aug. 17. 1774; res. Balnbrldge, N. T. 678. II. Betsey: b. March 31, 1778. •678. III. Samuel; b. Oct. 26, 1777; d. Balnbrldge, N. T., April 4, 1866; m. Charlotte Brlggs. ?' 680. IV. Caleb; b. Jan. 26. 1780; he was a Methodist minister and became Und. •681. V. Daniel; b. Oct. 20, 1782; rem. to Balnbrldge. N. T., where he died. •68t. VI. Charles; b. Jan. 26, 1780; d. Balnbrldge March 8, 1878; m. Betsey Balcom. 688. VII. Wlllet; b. March 28, 1786. 684. VIII. Clarissa; b. May 26, 17 8 8. 685. IX. Abljah; b. April 19, 1790; went west and became lost to the jrr ^^^ &<* <*!_, (h^*> ft 104 THOMAS LYON OF RYE 68«. X. Jared; b. March 8, 1792; went west with his brother Abijaht •087. XI. Alvah; b. June 8, 1797; b. Sept. 11, 1878; m. Barah Carpenter. 276. V. 91. MOSES 5 LYON [Israel 4 , Jonathan', Thomas', Thomas 1 ], born Bedford, N. Y. about 1758. He married Diadamia Banks, born Dec. 17, 1762; daughter of John and Deborah (Newman) Banks, of Bedford. They settled in Bloomville, Delaware Co., N. Y. Children of Moses and Diadamia (Banks) Lyon: •88. I. Henry. est. II. John. Vnji ' fcl/rf.{ « rt / 690. III. Deborah; m. about 1816, Raymond Wlnchell; a dau. Dlantha (b. Oct. 12, 1817) m. June SO, 1836. Lyman Ludlow Cleveland. 691. IV. Benjamin. 692. V. Israel. •693. VI. Nancy; b. June 17, 1801; d. April 12, 1878; m. Nov. 10. 1826, Samuel Goodrich Cleveland. 604. VII. Abigail. •95. VIII. Hiram. 277. V. 91. CHARITY* LYON (BANKS) [Israel*, Jonathan*, Thomas', Thomas 1 ], born Bedford, N. Y. Sept. 28, 1760; died Bain- bridge, N. Y. Dec. 2, 1848. She married April 9, 1778, Samuel§ Banks, born Bedford, April 18, 1755; died Bainbridge, June 24, 1826; son of John and Deborah (Newman) Banks. They removed from Bedford to Bainbridge in April 1806 with their daughter Polly and her husband. Children of Samuel and Charity (Lyon) Banks: 896. I. Mary [Polly]; b. Jan. 23. 1779; d. May 5, 1806; m. May 1799, Ezra Clark. 697. II. Samuel 698. III. William; b. Sept. 27, 1783: m. May 23, 1819, Sarah Miller Mead; res. Bainbridge, N. Y. «99. IV. Abby. 700. V. Sally; b. Aug. 9, 1786; d. Oct. 16, 1790. 701. VI. Pannella. 279. V. 91. SPARDON* LYON [Israel*, Jonathan', Thomas 2 , Thomas'], born Bedford, N. Y. Oct. 26, 1764; died May 3, 1845; buried tit Is almost certain that this was the Jared Lyon who married Parmella Lyon (No. 650) and afterwards separated from her and left Dutchess County. They had a daughter Emily, b. March 5. 1824; d. July 3, 1848; burled In the Lyon cemetery In the town of Clinton, Dutchess Co., N. T. §Samuel Banks served In the Revolution as Sergeant and Ensign In Capt. Gilbert Lyon's Co., 2nd Regt. Westchester Co. Militia, Col. Thomas Thomas. He was commissioned Ensign Dec. 2, 1781, served until Feb. 15, 1782; was made prisoner by the British and confined In the old sugar house prison In New Tork City. He received a pension for his services. FIFTH GENERATION 106 at Bedford. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church there (1822). He married, April 16, 1788, Phebe Scofield (Rec. Presbyter- ian Chh.). She was born Feb. 10. 1767 and died Feb. 27, 1848; buried at Bedford. Children of Spardon and Phebe (Scofleld) Lyon: •70*. I. Seth; b. Aug. 31. 1794; d. Jan. 31. 1878. m. 1st Clarissa Rundls; m. 2nd. his cousin. Mary Woolsey (No. 717). •703. II. Alvah; b. June S. 1797; d. Sept. 11, 1878; m. Fab. 27. 1824. Sarah Carpenter. 280. V. 91. ANN 5 LYON (PARK) (SARLES) [Israel 4 , Jonathan 1 , Thomas-, Thomas 1 ], married first Thomas Park, born Aug. 17, 1761; died 1790, son of Thomas and Martha (Carpenter) Park. They had several children, names not ascertained. She married second Lot Sarles, son of Richard and Margaret ( ) Sarles of Bedford. He was a private in the 2nd. Regiment Westchester Co. Militia, Major Thaddeus Crane, and received a land bounty. Children of Lot and Ann (Lyon) (Park) Sarles: 704. I. Elizabeth. 705. II. Patty. 281. V. 91. SUSANNA 6 LYON (RAYMOND) [Israel 4 . Jonathan*, Thomas 3 , Thomas 1 ], born Bedford, N. Y. 1768; died there May 17, 1859. ae. 91 (Presbyterian Church Record). She married Enoch, son of Enoch and Betty (Hanford) Raymond, who died Feb. 1, 1835. He was a pensioner of the war of the Revolution. Administration of estate at White Plains. Children of Enoch and Susanna (Lyon) Raymond: 700. I. Samuel; b. May 19, 1790; res. Monroe Co.. N. T. 707. II. Israel; res. Westchester Co., N. T. 708. III. Frances. 709. IV. Rebecca; m. Michael Bedell; res. Elizabeth, N. J. 710. V. Thomas Hanford; b. June 11, 1807; d. Dec. 15, 1874; m. Susan F. ; res. Bedford, N. Y. 711. VI. Henry; b. July 24, 1809; res. in Connecticut. 712. VII. Frances [Fanny]; m. Robert Brown; res. New York City. 713. VIII. Elizabeth; m. Johnson; f"ne record says: "m. Newman"]; rps. Stanwloh. Cnnn. 713a. IX. Abigail. 282. V. 91. ABGAIL* LYON (WOOLSEY) [Israel 4 , Jonathan'. Thomas', Thomas 1 ], born Bedford, N. Y. Aug. 11, 1770; died there Sept. 19, 1851, ae. 81 y. lm. 8 d.; burled In Cemetery on the Hill. 106 THOMAS LYON OF RYE She married Josiah Woolsey; born Dec. 5, 1774; died June 2, 1861, ae. 86 y. 5 m. 27 d.; buried in Cemetery on the Hill. Children of Josiah and Abigail (Lyon) Woolsey: 714. I. L*vl; b. Aug. 30, 1802; d. Oct. 20, 1821. 284. V. 91. JERUSHA 8 LYON (WOOLSEY) [Israel*, Jonathan', Thomas 1 , Thomas 1 ], born Bedford, N. Y., 1775; died April 27, 1863, ae. 88 y.; buried in cemetery on west road north of Mt. Klsco. She married William Woolsey (probably son of Johnt and Elizabeth ( ) Woolsey); born April 13, 1770; died June 19, 1836, ae. 66y. 2m. 6d. Children of William and Jerusha (Lyon) Woolsey: 715. I. Hiram; b. 1797; d. Aug. 8, 1867; m. Hannah . 716. II. Henry; b. July 1799; d. Nov. 1799. 717. III. Mary; b. March 1805; d. April 14, 1894; m. Seth Lyon (No. 702). 718. IV. Josiah; b. Feb. 17, 1810; d. April 8, 1810. 286. V. 93. HANNAH" LYON (RAYMOND) [David*, Jonathan*, ^Thomas 8 , Thomas 1 ] was born in Bedford or North Castle, N. Y., July «," ll7$), 1762. She married, March 15, 1779, Thomas Raymond, born Dec. 23, 1757; died June 10, 1805, son of Ephraim and Betty (Hanford) Ray- mond. He served in the Revolutionary war. Children of Thomas and Hannah (Lyon) Raymond: 718a. I. Betsey; b. May 3. 1780; d. May 6, 1780. 718b. II. Samuel; b. Jan. 14, 1782; d. Aug. 22, 1782. 718c. III. David; b. Jan. 30, 1784; unm. : d. Kingston, N. T. . 718d. IV. Catherine; b. Sept. 14 1787; d. Nov. 21, 1874; m. Samuel Merrltt at New Canaan, Conn. 718e. V. Charles; b. Oct. 14, 1789. 718f. VI. Louis; b. Sept. 2, 1791. 718*. VII. Maria; b. Sept. 26. 1793; d. In Indiana; m. Moore. 718h. VIII. WUUam; b. Oct. 10, 1795; d. In Marine Hospital; he was a seaman. 7181. IX. Thomas; b. March 2, 1798. 718J. X. Abigail; b. May 15, 1800; m. Isaac Myers; res. Ohio. 718k. XI. Infant; b. Aug. 17, 1802; d. March 2, 1803. 7181. XII. John Firman; b. Dec. 14, 1804. 287. V. 93. ELIZABETH 5 LYON (JACOBS) [David*, Jonathan 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born North Castle, N. Y. July 8, 1764; died Oxford, Chenango Co., N. Y. Sept. 27, 1848. She married at North Castle about tJohn Woolsey died July 9, 1805, ae. 78; Elizabeth, his wife, died April 4, 1822, ae. 94. FIFTH GENERATION 107 1783/ Cornelius Jacobs, born North Castle, May 19, 1754; died Dur- ham, Green Co.. N. Y., April 18, 1811; son of Cornelius Jacobs. Cornelius Jacobs, Jr. enlisted at the begining of the Revolutionary war and served until its close. He was one of General Washington's body guard, and, being a light man and a bold rider, was much employed in carrying despatches. At the close of the war he was paid off in worthless Continental money. In April 1811 he left Dutchess County, where he had been residing, to join his brother in law, David Lyon, in Oxford. The journey on horseback over the newly opened Catskill Turnpike consumed four days. He found a place for his family in a log cabin near South Oxford, but on his way back was taken sick at Durham, Green Co., and died there before his wife could reach him. She was thus left a widow with a large family to begin pioneer life in the wilderness. She however heroically carried out to a successful issue the difficult task of rearing and providing for her numerous offspring, presumably with the aid of the three older boys. Children of Cornelius and Elizabeth (Lyon) Jacobs: 718m. I. Mary; b. June 25. 1786; d. April 10. 1879; m. May 25. 1811. Stephen Lake. 718n. II. Susan; b. Nov. 22, 1788; d. March 1, 1852; m. Eber Isbell. 718o. III. Israel; b. April 26, 1791; d. July 29. 1857; m. 1st 1810, Jane Anderson; m. 2nd June 11, 1849, Mrs. Julia Kinney. 718p. IV. Thomas; b. Oct. 13, 1793; d. Feb. 18, 1875; m. Oct. 16, 1816, Phebe A. Stratton. 718q. V. Cornelius; b. Feb. 28. 1796; d. Dec. 21. 1872; m. Nov. 13. 1824. Ann Baldwin. 718r. VI. William G.; b. May 28. 1798; d. in Infancy. 718s. VII. Ellxa Ann; b. July 28, 1800; d. July 24, 1885; m. Jan. 1. 1817, William Stratton. 718t. VIII. William Lyon; b. July 21, 1802; d. April 6. 1876; m. Phila Oifford. 718u. IX. George Alvin; b. Jan. 22, 1805; d. May 27. 1848; m. Jan. 31. 1830 Eleanora Adams. 718v. X. James Henry; b. May 1, 1807; d. June 23. 1884; m. Nov. 1833. Sarah Miller. 718w. XI. Edwin T.; b. Jan. 16. 1809; d. Aug. 1, 1889; m. 1st Sept. 23, 1832. Mary Ann Noble; m. 2nd March 22. 1880. Mrs. Martha L. Darrance. 288. V. 93. THOMAS 5 LYON [David*, Jonathan*, Thomas 1 , Thomas'], born North Castle, N. Y. May 31, 1766; died at Lyons, Walworth Co., Wis. Sept. 29, 1847. While a resident of Ridgebury, Conn., he enlisted in Capt. Hunt's Company of Rangers and served as private for nine months. Aug. 29, 1832, he applied for a pension, which was allowed, he being then of Chatham, Columbia Co., N. Y. He moved to Dutchess Co., N. Y., presumably with his uncle Elnathan and lived 108 THOMAS LYON OF RYE for a time at Nine Partners, nine miles south of Stanfordville. About 1797 he moved to Columbia Co. and settled first on a farm in New Lebanon; later he kept a store and owned a farm at Chatham Four Corners, where he spent the greater part of his active life. He lived next a short time in Oswego Co., N. Y., and finally for seven years previous to his death at Lyons, Wis. where four of his sons had set- tled. He married Benjamina Valentine, born Aug. 1, 1768; died at Chatham, N. Y. June 26, 1834. See Appendix, note 25. Children of Thomas and Benjamina (Valentine) Lyon: •719. I. Susanna; b. Aug. 1, 1786; d. Feb. 25, 1876; m. Nehemlah Gale. •720. II. Clarissa; b. Oct. 19, 1788; d. Feb. 7. 1868; m. Jededlah Barnes. •721. III. Polly; b. Feb. 11, 1791; d. March 27, 1874; m. Reuben Finch. •722 IV. Freelove; b. Feb. 1, 1793: d. Feb. 25, 1871; m. John Kirby. •728. V. Isaac; b. April 4, 1795; d. Dec. 15. 1884; m. Eunice Coffin. •724. VI. David; b. Oct. 1, 1797; d. Sept. 22, 1874 at Iowa Falls, la.; m. Sarah Wilbur. 725. VII. Thomas; b. Feb. 1. 1S«0; d. Sept. 9. 1S50. en route to California; m. Sophia Chapman; children all died young. •726. VIII. Sarah; b. Sept. 1, 1802; d. Oct. 23, 1884; m. Hiram Brockway. 727. IX. Eliza; b. June 23, 1804; d. June 15, 1807. •728. X. John Wesley; b. Feb. 7, 1807; d. 1887; m. 1st Julia Lawson; m. 2nd Lucy Hamlin. •729. XI. William Fletcher; b. June 16, 1811; d. 1887; m. Catherine Pulver. 290. V. 93. WILLIAM 6 LYON [David 4 . Jonathan 5 , Thomas*, Thomas 1 ], born North Castle, N. Y. Feb. 15, 1770; lived in Greene, Chenango Co., N. Y. He married Christine . Children of William and Christine ( ) Lyon: ** 730. I. David. 731. II. PUtt. 732. III. Smith. 733. IV. Mott. 7S4. V. Lina. 736. VI. Electro. 291. V. 93. ABIGAIL 6 LYON (ADEE) [David 4 , Jonathan', Thom- as', Thomas'], born North Castle, N. Y. April 4, 1772. She married David Adee. He was a blacksmith, afterwards a merchant at New York City. They lived on the same street as John Jacob Astor. Children of David and Abigail (Lyon) Adee: 736. I. Catharine; m. 1st, Charles Valentine; Children 1. David, d. leaving one ch. ; 2. Charles, d. unm. 737.. II. Varie; m. James Simpson; Children. 1. James; 2. Julia; 3. Edwin; 4. George, living 1899; 5. Carrie, d. unm. <^^ l^A^l^^M- , )ty -. June 28. 1817; d. Nov. 26, 1878; m. Sept. 4. 1848. Mary Green Wlllson. I 116 THOMAS LYON OF RYE 352. V. 143. GILBERT 5 LYON [Joshua 4 , Gilbert 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Rye, N. Y. Dec. 28, 1787; died June 20, 1846; buried in Union Cemetery, Rye. Adm. of estate June 30, 1846 to widow, De- borah Lyon. He was Captain in succession of the market sloops "Caroline," "Jackson" and "New York," plying between Port Chester and New York City. He married March 26, 1814 Deborah (No. 352) daughter of Abraham and Hannah (Mills) Lyon. She was born in Rye, Nov. 5, 1795; buried in Union Cemetery, Rye. Captain "Gillie" about 1817 bought the home lot on "Lyons Point" where he lived and died. The house formerly belonged to Nathaniel Hyatt, having been built for him by John Sniffen. About 1820 he bought of Robert Merritt the lower Dock [now Ryan's] property, where he had a vinegar house and lime kiln. The business was continued after his death by his sons. Gilbert Lyon was Grand Master of the local Free Mason's Lodge. He fiercely opposed the change of the name Saw Pits to Port Chester. During his absence he was falsely represented at Albany as in favor of the change, and for this reason refused to acknowledge the name Port Chester, refusing even to carry freight billed to Port Chester in- stead of Saw Pits. Children of Gilbert and Deborah (Lyon) Lyon: •834. I. Alvah Augustus; b. April 26, 1816; d. April 18, 1884; m. Rebecca Lyon (No. 693). •886. II. Gilbert; b. Oct. 11, 1817; d. July 10, 1893; m. Anna Crawford. •886. III. Richard Montgomery; b. Aug. 14, 1820; d. March 18, 1884; m. Esther Ann Smith. •837. IV. James Madison [or Munroe] ; b. March 1823; m. Virginia B. Good- day. •838. V. William Venn; b. May 22, 1825; d. April 15, 1899; m. Phebe E. Sherwood. 839. VI. Andrew Jackson; b. July 28 (or 29), 1827; d. Aug. 5, 1832. 840. VII. Benjamin Franklin; b. Nov. 12, 1829; d. Sept. 11, 1866; unm. 841. VIII. Thomas Jefferson; d. in Infancy. •842. IX. Sarah E.; b. April 6, 1832; m. George E. Wilcox; res. (1906) a widow, at Port Chester, N. Y. 355. V. 143. JOHN 5 LYON [Joshua 4 , Gilbert 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born April 13, 1796; res. Port Chester, N. Y.; died Sept. 20, 1875. He married Harriet B. Merritt, born Aug. 15, 1800; died Feb. 9, 1876; daughter of Daniel and Rebecca (Bush) Merritt of Hog Pen Ridge. Children of John and Harriet B. (Merritt) Lyon: 843. I. George M.; d. Oct. 27, 1838. 844. II. Joseph; unm.; deceased. 845. III. Harriet. FIFTH GENERATION 117 846. IV. Rebecca; res. Port Chester, N. Y.. with her brother John •847. V. John Merritt; b. about 1845; m. Sarah H. Merrltt. 362. V. 147. SETH 5 LYON [Abraham 4 , Gilbert 8 , Thomas 1 , Thomas'], born Byram Bridge Aug. 7, 1790. He married May 24, 1822. Nancy Seaman, born Nov. 22, 1798; died June 12, 1835; buried on Lyon farm. Children of Seth and Nancy (Seaman) Lyon: 848. I. WlUlam Henry [Harvey]; b. Oct. 20, 1823; d. ; a son Henry W., res. Bridgeport, Conn. 849. II. James Willis; b. March 24, 1833; res. Bridgeport, Conn. 365. V. 147. OLIVIA 5 (LYON) (SHERWOOD) [Abraham 4 , Gilbert 3 , Thomas-, Thomas'], born Bryam Bridge Nov. 5, 1797; died April 5, 1868; buried in Union Cemetery, Rye, N. Y. She married first Jonathan Lyon (No. 531 q. v.), son of Thomas and Levinia (Snif- fen) Lyon; born Jan. 13, 1792; died Feb. 29, 1820. Adm. of estate March 17, 1820 to widow Olivia Lyon (White Plains Probate rec). They had a son Thomas who died ae. 17. She married second Jotham Sherwood, born 1796; died April 13, 1850; son of Nehemiah and Phebe (Purdy) Sherwood. Children of Jotham and Olivia (Lyon) Sherwood: 850. I. Luviniu; b. June 16, 1822; res. (1904) Port Chester, N. Y. ; m. Oct. 6, 1841, Robert Anser. 851. II. Hannah Maria; b. June' 7, 1825; d. Feb. 14, 1848; m. William H. Drew. 852. III. Mary Jane; b. 1828; res. (1904) Bridgeport, Conn.; m. John Racket [Rocket]. 853. IV. Samantha; b. Nov. 2, 1830; d. Dec. 15, 1872; unm. One of the daughters married Vernon; a son Leo Vernon res. (1906) Port Chester, N. Y. 367. V. 147. ELIAS" LYON [Abraham 4 , Gilbert*, Thomas', Thomas'], born at the Lyon homestead, Byram Bridge, June 26, 1800; died there Feb. 3, 1863. Will dated Nov. 28, 1862; probated Greenwich 1863; executor James H. Hoyt. He married Martha A. Banks; born Oct. 24, 1805; died April 6. 1893; daughter of John and Elizabeth (Banks) Banks. Children of Ellas and Martha A. (Banks) Lyon: •854. I. Underbill; b. Oct. 24. 1837; res. (1906) Byram Bridge; m. Maria Blackett. •855. II Louisa; b. 1844; d. March 30, 1893; m. Daniel Haight. 118 THOMAS LYON OF RYE 368. V. 147. ABIGAIL, JANE* LYON (DAVIS) [Abraham 4 , Gilbert 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas'], born at Byram Bridge, Feb. 25, 1802; died Sept. 26, 1886. She married Henry Davis, born Jan. 8, 1797; son of Silas and Maria (Benson) Davis.§ He was a miller at Indian Har- bor, Conn. Children of Henry and Abigail J. (Lyon) Davis: 866. I. Caroline Matilda; b. Sept. 1, 1823; d. April 16, 1886; m. Capt. Amos M. Lowden; a son Thomas res. (1906) at Port Chester, N. Y. 857. II. Edgar Byker; b. Feb. 4, 1825; m. about 1850. Julia Ann Lyon; a son, Capt. Charles W., res. (1906) at Marmaroneck, N. Y. 858. III. Hannah Maria; b. March 8, 1829; d. May 3, 1892; m. 1st William P. Brush; m. 2nd Isaac C. Sheldon. 859. IV. Thomas Jefferson; b. May 3, 1831; d. Feb. 1, 1841. 372. VI. 163. MARY 8 LYON (PECK) [Caleb 6 , Caleb 4 , Thomas*, John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born in Greenwich, Conn. Feb. 22, 1766; died May 18, 1828. She married March 18, 1790, Solomon, son of Theophilus and Rebecca (Knapp) Peck, born Nov. 25, 1765; died Greenwich Feb. 7, 1850. Children of Solomon and Mary (Lyon) Peck: 860. I. Arad; b. April 16, 1791; d. Dec. 16, 1874; m. Sept. 3, 1833, Eliza Stephens; one son Edward. 861. II. Rachel; b. June 8, 1795; d. Feb. 28, 1821; unm. 862. III. Mary; b. Nov. 25, 1797; m. Sept. 8, 1835. Allen P. Carpenter; res. Rye, N. Y.; Children: George William; b. Sept. 5, 1837; 2. Mary Allen; b. Sept. 8, 1840. 373. VI. 163. THOMAS 6 LYON [Caleb 5 , Caleb 4 , Thomas 8 , John 2 , Thomas'], born Greenwich, Conn. Aug. 28, 1768; died Morristown, N. J. April 24, 1849. He studied medicine and practised first in Genoa, N. Y., afterwards in New York City and finally took up his residence in Morristown, N. J.t He was greatly interested in the Lyon family his- tory and prepared in 1847 an extended manuscript family record that is still extant. See note to Caleb Lyon, No. 52. The name of his first wife is not known. He married second, March 31, 1812 his cousin, Abigail Parmelia, daughter of Gideon Mead and widow of Dr. Caleb Lindsay, who died at Newark, N. J., in 1801. Abigail P. Mead was granddaughter of Samuel Ferrand of Bloomfield, N. J. §Silas Davis was born in Greenwich. Conn.. Oct. 21. 1772; married at Tappan, N. Y., Feb. 24, 1794, Maria Benson. tDr. Thomas Lyon and his wife were received into Morristown Church by letter from Basking Ridge, N. J.. Dec. 1, 1829. and dismissed by letter to the second church there Jan. 26, 1841. SIXTH GENERATION 119 Children of Thomas Lyon by first marriage: 863. I. William M.; b. Sept. 26, 1794; m. his brother Joseph's widow 864. II. Joseph B.; b. May 2. 1797; m. Aletta Johnson. 865. III. Robert P.; b. June 22, 1799; m. Mary A. Fairaloe. 866. IV. Caleb F.; b. March 2, 1801. Children "f Tin ■mas and Apibail P. (Mead) Lyon: •867. V. Edward Thomas; b. New York City, March 12, 1813; d. Oct. », 1862; m. Mary W. Canfleld. 868. VI. George Augustus; b. New York City. Dec. 12, 1815; d. Jan. 9, 1817; buried in churchyard of Trinity chh., N. Y. 375. VI. 163. CALEB' LYON [Caleb 5 , Caleb 4 , Thomas', Johrr, Thomas'], born Greenwich, Conn. Dec. 22, 1772; died Genoa, Cayuga Co., N. Y., July 1, 1856. He was a farmer and blacksmith. He was married Nov. 24, 1795 by Rev. Nathaniel Finch, to Amy, daughter of David and Amy (Rundle) Peck. She was born Aug. 12, 1777 and died in Genoa Jan. 30, 1843. In the spring of 1798 they removed from Greenwich to Milton, now Genoa, Cayuga Co., N. Y. They were twenty- one days on their journey. They slept one night in an Indian wigwam near Utica. They located lot No. 35, half a mile north-west of the stone bridge and the line of the towns of Genoa and Lansing. The country was then a wilderness. Daughter of Caleb and Amy (Peck) Lyon: •86». I. Eliza; b. Oct. 17, 1798; d. March 26, 1847; m. Wines Palmer. 376. VI. 163. LUTHER 6 LYON [Caleb 5 , Caleb 4 , Thomas 8 , John 3 , Thomas 1 ], born Greenwich, Conn. May 23, 1774; baptized ["Ruther- ford"] 2nd Cong'l Chh. Aug. 20, 1774; died Genoa, N. Y. June 5, 1832. He married, Nov. 16, 1797, Ruth, daughter of Theophilus and Rebecca (Knapp) Peck (Rec. 2nd. Cong'l chh.). She was born in Greenwich Dec. 20, 1777 and died in Genoa, N. Y. June 28, 1843. Children of Luther and Ruth (Peck) Lyon; •870. I. Theophilus; b. June 18, 1800; d. Aug. 27, 1870; m. 1st Mary Peet; m. 2nd Amy Clock; m. 3rd Margaret Randolph. •871. II. Esbon [Ezbon]; b. Feb. 26. 1806; d. Feb. 3, 1887; m. Elizabeth Barnes. •872. III. Rebecca; b. Feb. 3, 1810; m. David Bower. 377. VI. 163. ENON 6 LYON (Caleb 6 , Caleb 4 , Thomas 4 , John*, Thomas*], born Greenwich, Conn., Aug. 15, 1776; baptized 2nd Cong'l Chh. Sept. 28, 1777; died Lansingville, Tompkins Co., N. Y. Dec. 19, 1819. He married Nov. 19, 1799 Elizabeth Webb; born in Greenwich Aug. 27, 1776; died in Lansingville May 8, 1833; daughter of Stephen 120 THOMAS LYON OF RYE and Elizabeth (Hoyt) Webb. See note 20, appendix. They removed from Greenwich to Cayuga Co., settling finally in Lansingville. Both husband and wife were devotedly pious. Children of Enon and Elizabeth (Webb) Lyon: 873. I. Elizabeth; b. Dec. 10, 1800; d. Nov. 22, 1819. •874. II. Nathan Rockwell; b. Nov. 16, 1803; d. Sept. 7, 1885; m. Sophia Crocker Lyon (No. 948). •875. III. Rachel Peck; b. Nov. 16, 1805; m. Benjamin W. Huated. •878. IV. Rhuna; b. June 28, 1811; d. Feb. 11, 1844; ra. John Conrad. 877. V. Angelina; b. May 15, 1815; d. July 6, 1822. •878. VI. Mary; b. Aug. 12, 1819; m. Joseph Conrad. 378. VI. 163. ANNA 6 LYON (WEBB) (ADEE) [Caleb 5 , Caleb 4 , Thomas", John 2 , Thomas'], born Greenwich, Conn., Nov. 14, 1779; was living in 1847, in Moravia, N. Y. She married first, April 11, 1799 Stephen, son of Stephen and Elizabeth (Hoyt) Webb, born June 28, 1772; died April 22, 1820. They settled in Scipio, Cayuga Co., N. Y., and were both Charter members of the First Church organized in that place. She married second March 20, 1823, John Adee, who died in Moravia, N. Y., March 30, 1827. Children of Stephen and Anna (Lyon) Webb: 879. I. Mary; b. May 21. 1800; d. Jan. 6, 1825; m. June 2, 1817; Oliver Reynolds Jr.. who was born Feb. 27, 1795; res. Scipio, N. Y. ; Children: 1. Richard Lansing, b. Aug. 26, 1819; 2. Rachel Lyon, b. Sept. 24, 1821; 3. Stephen Webb, b. May 26, 1824; d. Aug. 26, 1852 [Oliver Reynolds m. 2nd Lucy Anable]. 880. II. Rachel; b. July 9, 1802; d. July 4, 1804. 881. III. Zachariah Lewis; b. May 22, 1805; m. July 22, 1835 Polly Hoff- man of Auburn (b. Nov. 1816); res. Moravia, N. Y.; Children: 1. Ann Maria, b. June 9, 1840; 2. Catharine Mary, b. May 1844; 3. Lewie Hoffman, b. March 1846; 4. Abigail Williams, b. 1848; 5. Julia Day, b. 1851. 882. IV. Ann Mead; b. June 10, 1807. 883. V. Seth Romine; b. Oct. 8. 1810. 884. VI. David; b. June 2, 1812. 885. VII. Lydia; b. Sept. 15. 1817; m. Auk. 2, 1S35. James C. Sayers, a carpenter; res. Moravia, N. Y. ; Children: 1. Mary Sophia Holmes, b. Oct. 29, 1837; d. April 2, 1854; 2. WiUiam Holmes, b. Dec. 20, 1839; 3. Charlotte Angellne, b. Nov. 24, 1843; 4. Sarah Bochford, b. Jan. 25, 1846; 5. James Cooper, b. Feb. 8, 1850. Daughter of John and Anna (Lyon) (Webb) Adee: 886. I. Deborah Ann; b. Dec. 13, 1824; d. March 28, 1903. 379. VI. 163. MARTIN" LYON [Caleb 8 , Caleb 4 , Thomas 8 , John 2 , Thomas'], born Greenwich, Conn., Sept. 28, 1782. He removed to Cayuga Co., N. Y., and settled in Genoa. He married first, Jan. 23, 1805, Sarah Chadwick, born 1788; died at Genoa, July 23, 1827. He married second Rachel Haight of Geneva, Ontario Co., N. Y., formerly of Connecticut. She was born in 1793 and died July 13, 1840. He \0- 4 -' / t* l SIXTH GENERATION 121 [, Jan. 16, 1849. Harriet Northway of Ithaca,. N. Y., bora u-> Son of Martin and Sarah (Chadwlck) Lyon: •887. I. Samuel Chadwlck; b. May 31, 181* ; Adams. Daughter of Martin and Rachel (Halght) Lyon: •888. II. Caroline Hall; b. Aug. 18. 1832; d. Sena N. T., Aug. 1890; m. Charles Porter Moster. nenecti 380. VI. 163. BENJAMIN* LYON [Caleb", Caleb 4 , Thomas', John', Thomas 1 ], born Greenwich, Conn., Jan. 10, 1784; died Bronson, Ohio, April 18, 1837. He removed in 1807 from Greenwich to Genoa, Cayuga Co., N. Y., where he lived twenty-eight years. In 1835 he sold his property in Genoa and removed to Bronson, Huron Co., Ohio. He mar- ried, Sept 17, 1807, Deborah Lawrence, born Stamford Conn., Jan. 14, 1786, daughter of Timothy and Ruth (Hoyt) Lawrence.§ Children of Benjamin and Deborah (Lawrence) Lyon: •S89. I. Annon Mead; b. March 9, 1S10; m. Betsey Reebler; res. Genoa, N. T. •890. II. Timothy; b. Aug. 13, 1812; m. Mrs. Catherine Beebe; res. Syracuse, N. Y. 891. III. Ruth Maria; b. June 15, 1822; d. May 20. 1849; m. 1841, Barna, Johnson; res. Peru. Huron Co., O. ; ch. : Holla Ambrose, b. July 1842. 892. IV. (no record). 381. VI. 163. ABIA' LYON (WEBB) Caleb 5 , Caleb*. Thomas*, John 2 , Thomas'], born Greenwich, Conn., July 31, 1787; baptized Sept. 10, 1788; was living in 1847 in Ithaca, N. Y. (Dr. T.). She married, Jan. 1, 1807, Hoyt Webb, born Dec. 12, 1783; died in Ithaca, July 27, 1838; son of Stephen and Elizabeth (Hoyt) Webb. Children of Hoyt and Abla (Lyon) Webb: 898. I. Thomas L. [Lyon]; b. Nov. 19. 1807; d. Nov. 10. 1833. 894. II. Charlotte; b. Dec. 19, 1808. 895. III. Ransom; b. Aug. 24. 1810; was a tanner and currier; m. Emellna Helen Brown; res. Lexington, Ohio. 896 IV. Marvin H. [Hoyt?]; b. May ; d. Nov. 21, 1824. 897 V. Rachel; b. Feb. 19. 1818; d. Jan. 21, 1837. 898. VI. Abla; b. May 30, 1820. 899. VII. Calvin; b. July 13. 1826; m. July 15. 1851, Prudy Ann Robinson (b. April 2, 1831); a son. WUHs Hoyt, b. Nov. 8, 1853. JTlmothy Lawrence married Nov. 1764 Ruth. dau. of Nehemlah and Ruth (Peck> Hoyt. Children: 1. Timothy, b. Dec. 16 1766; 2. Ruth. b. Oct. 6, 1768; 3. Samuel, b. Feb. 27, 1771; 4. Sarah, b. Nov. 18, 1772; m. Oot. 11. 1795, David 8treet; 5. Philander, b. Feb. 26, 1776; 6. Mary, b. April 17, 1777; 7. Betsey, b. Sept. 5. 1781; 8. Deborah, b. Jan. 14, 1787 (?); m. Benjamin Lyon above. 122 THOMAS LYON OF RYE 382. VI. 163. MOSES" LYON [Caleb , Caleb 4 , Thomas 5 , John', Thomas 1 ], born Greenwich, Conn., April 2, 1790. He came with his parents to Genoa Tp., Cayuga Co., N. Y., in 1799, and made his per- manent home there, becoming a prosperous farmer. Moses, his broth- er Caleb and his father Caleb were all deacons in Congregational or Presbyterian Churches. He married first Hester Peet, born Jan. 1793; died April 8, 1824. He married second at Groton, N. Y., Oct. 3, 1826. Laura Riggs, born at Ballston Spa, Saratoga Co. N. Y., daughter of Miles and Suse ( ) Riggs. She died Nov. 6, 1844. He married third, Feb. 28, 1846, Mrs. Clarissa (Bradley) Eaton, daughter of Major Bradley. Moses Lyon was her third husband. Children of Moses and Laura (Riggs) Lyon: •900. I. Marcus; b. Sept. 23, 1827; d. Sept. 18, 1899; m. Susan M. Schuyler. 901. II. Newton; b. Jan. 11, 1829; d. April 14, 1832. •902. III. Brainerd; b. Aug. 1, 1830; res. Kings Ferry. Cayuga Co.. N. Y. 903. IV. Newell; b. Feb. 18, 1832; d. Portland, Me., Aug. 2, 1903; m. 1878 or 1879, Mrs. Mary Close; she d. Jan. 31, 1904. •904. V. William Richards; b. May 6, 1834; res. (1906) St. Joseph, Mich. 905. VI. Laura Elizabeth; b. Sept 27, 1836; d. Watervliet, Mich., June 6. 1892; m. July 3, 1856. Rev. William B. Dada; a son, Arthur H. Dada; b. Nov. 20, 1861, d. March 27, 1887, leaving a widow and one child, Percy A. Bada, b. Aug. 21. 1886. 908. VII. Lewis Edwin; b. June 30, 1838; m., Auburn, N. Y., about June 7, 1864 Jane Hunt; res. (1906) 38 Logan St., Auburn, N. Y. Son of Moses and Clarissa (Bradley) (Eaton) Lyon: 907. VIII. John Jay; b. Aug. 14, 1849; d. Oct. 21, 1889. 385. VI. 164. JOSEPH 6 LYON [Daniel 6 , Caleb 4 , Thomas 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Greenwich, Conn., Feb. 2, 1773; died Genoa, N. Y., 1856. He was a blacksmith. He married Esther, daughter of David and Amy (Rundle) Peck of Greenwich, a niece of Solomon, Eliphalet and Gideon Peck, (see No. 372.). She was born in Greenwich Nov. 25, 1781, and died in Genoa, Jan. 7, 1832. They removed to Genoa, joining the Lyon colony in that place. Children of Joseph and Esther (Peck) Lyon (Dr. T.): •908. I. Mary; b. March 4, 1802; m. Jacob Smith; res., Lansing, N. Y., later at Groton. ♦909. II. Fanny; d. Bronson, O., April 7, 1847; m. William Smith. •910. III. Amy; m. 1st Thore Smith, bro. of Jacob; m. 2nd Edward, aon of Levi Palmer; res. near Five Corners. •911. IV. Charlotte Rebecca; m. Rev. George W. Nichols. 912. V. Joseph. 018. VT. Ann. 386. VI. 164. CHARLES 6 LYON [Daniel 8 , Caleb*, Thomas*, SIXTH GENERATION 123 John', Thomas'], born Greenwich, Conn., March 17, 1776; died Fitch- ville, Ohio, Jan. 9, 1845. He married at Stanwlch, Conn., Feb. 7, 1800, Deborah, daughter of Samuel Palmer, of Greenwich. Children of Charles and Deborah (Palmer) Lyon (Dr. T.): 914. I. Betsey; d. May 1847; m. 1835, John Filklns. 915. II. Sally. 916. III. Levi. 917. IV. Deborah; m.. July 1, 1828. Bradford Lyon Mead (No. 423). 918. V. Belinda. 919. VI. Daniel. 920. VII. Amy Abigail. 921. VIII. Charles. 387. VI. 164. FANNY* LYON (MEAD) [Daniel 5 , Caleb 4 , Thomas*, John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Greenwich; baptized Sept. 16, 1784. She mar- ried Morris Mead, born March 3, 1782; d. Sept. 1823; son of Stephen and Patience (Farr) Mead. He was a widower; his first wife was Fannie Darby, t Daughter of Morris and Fanny (Lyon) Mead: I. Mary E.; b. 1825; d. 1845. 391. VI. 164. DANIEL* LYON [Daniel 5 , Caleb*, Thomas*, John*, Thomas 1 ], born Greenwich, Conn., about 1798; died there In 1859. Will dated Jan. 21, 1857; probated Greenwich ; executors Isaac Lyon of North St., son Albert J. Lyon. He lived on the farm in Greenwich inherited from his father. He married Hannah Holly, born 1796; d. April 17, 1837 in Greenwich; daughter of Isaac and Sarah (Reynolds) Holly, of Greenwich. Children of Daniel and Hannah (Holly) Lyon: •922. I. Eliza A.; b. April 29, 1822; d. Dec. 24, 1865; m. Allen Howe. 923. II. Lucius [Lucus] Holly; b. June 5, 1823.* , ( <" . I ) f / % i J •924. III. Daniel W.; b. Sept. 18, 1824; d. about 1893; m. Frances L. Sayre. 925. IV. Hannah Maria; b. April 18, 1827; rea. Greenwich, 1893. •926. V. Albert Judson; b. Jan. 7, 1828; d. Dec. 13, 1894; m. Mary Jane McKenzle. 927. VI. Sarah Frances; b. Sept. 7, 1830; d. before 1893; m. Breese: a son, Charles M. res. (1895) Greenwich. Conn. •928. VII. Joseph Theodore; b. Aug. 7, 1832; res. (1906) Greenwich. 929. VIII. Mary Elisabeth; b. Dec. 22, 1833. tChlldren of Morris and Fanny (Darby) Mead: 1. George Clark, b. Aug. S, 1807; m. Jan. 22, 1829 Lois ; 2. Morris; 3. Alfred, res. Jerry. Licking Co.. O. ; 4. Phehe Clark; res Oakland, Calif.; 5. Fanny, b. July 12, 1816; d. Aug. IB. 1831; 6. Adolphus. 124 THOMAS LYON OF RYE •MO. IX. George Derby; b. April 7, 1835; d. Dec. 1895; m. Ella 931. X. Emily Augusta; b. April 17, 1837; d. Feb. 10, 1838. 402. VI. 166. ANNA" LYON (MEAD) [Amos 5 , Caleb 4 , Thomas', John,-* Thomas 1 ], born Greenwich, Conn, baptized April 16, 1794, Cong'l Chh. She married Mathias Mead. They settled in Ohio. Children of Mathias and Anna (Lyon) Mead: 932. I. Anne Lyon. 933. II. William. 934. III. Mark. 935. IV. Amy; m. Thomas Clark. 936. V. Eunice; d. Dec. 30, 188«; m. Wilson Green. 937. VI. Luther. 938. VII. Orrln. 404. VI. 166. AMASA" LYON [Amos 5 , Caleb 4 , Thomas", John 1 , Thomas 1 ], born Greenwich; bapt. April 16, 1794, Cong'l Chh. He mar- ried Sophia Crocker. They settled in Genoa, Cayuga Co., N. Y. Their children all died young. At her husband's death Sophia married Joseph Southard. They removed to Illinois and had a family. The eldest daughter married a Governor of the State. 405. VI. 166. EUNICE 15 LYON (CHADWICK) [Amos 5 , Caleb 4 , Thomas*, John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Greenwich, Conn., baptized April 16, 1794, Cong'l Chh. She married John Chadwick, brother to Sarah, wife of Martin Lyon (No. 379). They settled in Genoa, Cayuga Co., N. Y., where they remained many years, but at last the whole family removed to Ohio. All were fine singers. Children of John and Eunice (Lyon) Chadwick: 939. I. Harriet; m. In Genoa. N. Y., Timothy Tallman, a shoemaker. 940. II. Archelus [Archelaus]; m. 1st. in Genoa, Fidelia Davis; m. 2nd. in Genoa, Emily Darrah; rem. to Ohio. 941. III. Adelia; m. in Genoa. Judson West. 942. IV. Thursa; m. in Genoa, Simeon Gale; res., first In Chautauqua Co., N. Y., thence to Ohio. 943. V. Ann; m. in Ohio, Rundle Palmer. 406. VI. 166. AMOS' LYON [Amos 5 , Caleb 4 , Thomas 5 , John*, Thomas 1 ], born Greenwich, Conn., baptized April 16, 1794, Cong'l Chh. He married about June 20, 1813, Sally [Sarah] Palmer, born in Green- wich, Jan. 14, 1788; daughter of Levi and Sarah (Rundle) Palmer.t tLevi Palmer, born Greenwich. Omn.. Sept. 9, 1763. married Jan. 4. 1787. Sarah Rundle. born Greenwich, Jan 2. 1766; daughter of William and Amy ( ) Rundle; children: 1. SaUy, b. Jan. 14, 1788; m. Amos Lyon above; 3. Levi, b. Oct. 18, 1789; 3. EUab, b. Aug. 27, 1793; 4. Abigail, b. Aug. 21, 1798; 6. Edward, b. Oct. 8, 1799; 6. Elbert, b. Sept. 9, 1805. SIXTH GENERATION 125 They settled in Genoa, Cayuga Co., N. Y.; afterward removed to Huron Co., Ohio. Children of Amos and Sally (Palmer) Lyon (Dr. T. ): 044. I. LllCUS. U46. II. Samuel. 946. III. Edwin. 947. IV. David. 410. VI. 167. ISRAEL 6 LYON [Noah 5 . Caleb 4 , Thomas*, John', Thomas 1 ], born Greenwich, Conn., Dec. 16, 1781; died Genoa, N. Y., June 3, 1826. He lived on his father's homestead in Genoa, N. Y. Mar- ried Nov. 29, 1804, Polly Hubbard, born July 16, 1782. Children of Israel and Polly (Hubbard) Lyon (Dr. T.): 948. I. Sophia Crocker; b. Aug. 11. 1S06; m. Nathan R. Lyon (No. 874). 949. II. Hannah; b. Jan. 3, 1808. 950. III. Orson; b. Feb. 19, 1810. 961. IV. Anna; b. June 14, 1812, m. Samuel Palmer; res. Fltchvllle, O. ; 2 ch. d. in Infancy. •052. V. Noah; b. April 30, 1820; m. Catherine Stlllwell. •953. VI. Zacharlah; b. Nov. 30, 1823; m. Esther Brown. 411. VI. 167. THADDEUS 6 LYON [Noah 6 , Caleb 4 , Thomas*, John 2 , Thomas'], born Greenwich, Conn., March 29, 1785; died Genoa, N. Y., 1851. He married Nov. 10, 1806, Amy Marshall. He settled one mile west of his father's place in Genoa. Children of Thaddeus and Amy (Marshall) Lyon (Dr. T. ) : 954. I. Lavina; b. Oct. 18, 1808. •965. II. Sylvester; b. Dec. 4, 1810; m. Howell. 956. III. Amaxlah; b Dec. 7. 1815. 416. VI. 168. ISAAC 6 LYON [Job 6 , Caleb 4 , Thomas*, John 1 , Thomas 1 ], born Greenwich, Conn., May 12, 1795; died July 3 [or 30], 1873; buried on the farm, North St., Greenwich. Will dated April 19, 1872; probated Greenwich, Aug. 4, 1873; executor Solomon Mead. He married first, Dec. 9, 1828 (Greenwich T. R.) Amelia Mead, born Green- wich, Sept. 4, 1799; d. Feb. 28, 1833; buried on the farm; daughter of Zophar and Huldah ( ) Mead. He married second, Nov. 17, 1840, Eliza W., daughter of Job and Elsie ( ) Mead, born Feb. 9, 1806; d. Feb. 15, 1847; buried on the farm. Children of Isaac and Amelia (Mead) Lyon: 957. I. Mary Elizabeth; b. Nov. 19, 1829; d. Jan. 7, 1882. !»58. II. Infant; b. 1832; d. Feb. 7, 1833. 126 THOMAS LYON OF RYE Children of Isaac and Eliza W. (Mead) Lyon: •959. III. Edwin; b. Feb. 21, 1842; d. July 12, 1892; m. Mary A. Seaman. •960. IV. Sylvester Mead; b. May 24, 1843; m. Sarah Collins. Ml. V. Oliver M. : b. Feb. 5, 1845; d. May 15, 1846. 417. VI. 168. ABIGAIL" ELIZABETH LYON (HOLLY) [Job", Caleb*, Thomas 5 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Greenwich, Conn., July 26 (or 29), 1797; died July 4, 1851; buried at Greenwich. She married Sept. 20, 1826, Isaac, son of Isaac and Sarah (Reynolds) Holly§; born Green- wich, March 9, 1798; d. 1879. He married second, Mary M. . Children of Isaac and Abigail E. (Lyon) Holly (Dr. T. ): 962. I. Elizabeth Mead; b. Aug. 5, 1827; d. 1903, unm. 963. II. William Piatt; b. Oct. 8, 1829; d. 1887; unm. 964. III. Amelia Lyon; b. April 3, 1836. 423. VI. 184. HANNAH* LYON (STEVENSON) [James 5 , John 1 , John 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Bryam, June 4, 1771, died New York City (49 Division St.) Aug. 1, 1858, ae. 87 y. 1 m. 28 d.; buried at East- chester, N. Y. Will dated Nov. 21, 1856; probated New York, Nov. 8, 1858; executors Ephraim Brown, Joshua Heath. She married Fred- erick P. Stevenson, born 1752; died July 17, 1870, ae. 68; buried at Eastchester. He was Lieut. Colonel in the Revolution with an inde- pendent command; was at the battle of White Plains.. Will dated Sept. 9, 1819, probated Nov. 24, 1820; executor, Thomas Lyon (No. 426). 965. I. Abigail; m. John H Sickels of Port Chester. 966. II. Shore Edward; b. Jan. 1, 1801; d. Nov. 25, 1845; m. Ophelia -) ; children: 1. Frederick W. ; 2. George F.; 3. John; 4. Emellne; res. Bridgeport, Conn. 967. III. Caroline; b. 1803; d. March 2. 1884; unm. 968. IV. Maria; b. May 10, 1805; d. Dec. 18, 1837; unm. 969. V. Emeline; b. Oct. 20, 1806; d. Jan. 7, 1901; unm. 970. VI. Jane; b. Nov. 10. 1809; d. Sept. 21, 1865; unm. 970.a VII. John Watson; b. Feb. 21, 1811; d. Aug. 10. 1833; unm. 970.b. VIII. Gloriana; b. 1818; d. March 20, 1880; m. Joshua H. Heath (one record has "James Heath"). 426. VI. 184. THOMAS 8 LYON [James*, John 4 , John 5 , John', Thomas 1 ], born 1778; died New York City (171 Cherry St.) July 4, 1845, ae. 67 y. Adm. of estate at New York Oct. 2, 1845, to daughter Abigail S. and brother Stephen Lyon. He was a lumber merchant In New York (194 Cherry St.) He married Margaret . §Isaac Holly, horn Dec. 24, 1764; died March 8. 1851; son of Stephen and Lois (Mead) Holly. Sarah Reynolds born Nov. 3, 1767; d. June 2, 1853; they were married April 14, 1790, at Stanwich Cong. Chh. SIXTH GENERATION 127 Children of Thomas and Margaret ( ) Lyon (all mentioned In will of their Uncle Stephen Lyon, Jan. 11, 1854): 971. I. Abigail S.: d. Aug. 15. 1854. •72. II. Jabez H.; living 1888; m. Emily J. before 185S. 873. III. James D., living 1888; m. Mary A before 185 J. 974. IV. Mary June; living 1888; unm. •975. V. Rachel V.; d. Dec. 17, 1867; m. Daniel Sturges, of Brooklyn. 976. VI. Margaret A.; living In 1888; unm. 977. VII. Hannah Elizabeth: b. 1S31; d. Aug. 16. 1888; unm. 429. VI. 184. MARTHA" LYON (CLARK) [James", John*, John*, John 3 , Thomas'], born Oct. 7, 1799; died Sept. 26, 1830. She married Thomas Clark, of Rye, b. Dec. 10, 1791; d. June 30, 1867. Children of Thomas and Martha (Lyon) Clark: 978. I. Mary Lyon; b. June 26, 1820; d. Oct. 16, 1844; m. William Horton. 979. II. Thomas H.; b. Oct. 29, 1824; m. Josephine Hall. 980. III. Henry; b. June 16, 1826. 981. IV. Caroline; b. Nov. 1, 1827; d. Sept. 11, 1841. 982. V. Martha; m. before 1854, Charles Stevens. 430. VI. 195. JAMES" LYON [Roger 5 , Roger 4 , John*, John', Thomas 1 ], born Oct. 19, 1761; died Bedford, N. Y., April 2, 1850, ae. 88 y. 5 m. 14 d.; buried in Buxton Cemetery, Bedford. Will dated . l "* Dec. 20, 1848; probated White Plains April 22, 1850. He was a private /, in Second Regiment, Westchester Co. Militia, Col. Thaddeus Crane; j* received land and bounty, and in later years drew a pension. He mar- ried May 31, 1785, Martha, daughter of John and Deborah (Newman) Banks of North Castle, Middle Patent. She was born July 3, 1764; d. July 21, 1849, buried Buxton Cemetery, Bedford. Children of James and Martha (Banks) Lyon: 983. I. Banks; b. May 15, 1786; d. Jan. 21, 1788. •984. II. Phebe; b. July 7, 1788; d. Feb. 14, 1867; m. Danied Halght. •985. III. Deborah; b. July 27. 1791; d. June 24, 1877; m. Albertson Mose- man. •986. IV. Israel; b. Aug. 24, 1793; d. Sept. 22, 1868; m. Eunice E. Ray- mond. •987. V. Newman Clark; b. Dec. 18. 1797; d. Nov. 20, 1890; m. Alethea Mer- rltt. •988. VI. James; b. April 7, 1800; A. March 26, 1869; m. 1st. Maria Quereau; m. 2nd, Charity Gedney; m. 3rd, Maria A. Chase. •989. VII. Mary; b. April B, 1804; d. Oct. 27, 1878; m. 1st, Ellas Q. Horton; m. 2nd, Philander Crane. •990. VIII. Knapp; b. Sept. 5. 1806; d. April 19, 1870; m. Sarah H. Tyler. 431. VI. 185. JONATHAN" LYON [Roger 8 , Roger 4 , John", John*, Thomas'], born Nov. 1, 1767; died in Bedford, N. Y., April 5, 1809; 128 THOMAS LYON OF RYE buried in Buxton Cemetery, Bedford. Adm. of estate April 28, 1809 to brother James Lyon, Jr. He married Oct. 28, 1792, Ruth Newman, born Jan. 18, 1772, died Jan. 17, 1827; buried Buxton Cemetery. Adm. of estate Feb. 1, 1827; to friend Joseph Barrett. Children of Jonathan and Ruth (Newman) Lyon: ML I. Catherine; b. Feb. 8, 1794; d. Aug. 19, 1795. •»M. II. MUes; b. Dec. 25, 1795; d. April 7, 1838; m. Mary Williams. MS. III. Sarah; b. Jan. 2, 1798; d. June 9, 1841. •94. IV. Catherine; b. Nov. 28, 1799; d. Dec. 22, 1822. t»5. V. Lydia; b. April 11, 1802; d. Oct. 1879; m. Abraham Hubbard. W6. VI. Phebe N.; b. Dec. 4, 1804; d. Nov. 19, 1837, M7. VII. Fitch; b. Jan. 17, 1807; d. Sept. 25, 1838; unm. WW. VIII. Jonathan; b. June 17, 1809; d. July 1. 1849; unm. 432. VI. 185. ELIZABETH 6 LYON (HIGGINS) [Roger 6 , Roger 4 , John", John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Nov. 26, 1775; died in Bedford, N. Y., Nov. 8, 1843; ae. 67 y. 11 m. 13 d.; buried in Buxton Cemetery, Bed- ford. She married about 1794, David, son of Moses and Elizabeth (Holmes) Higgins.t He was born Dec. 16, 1770; died June 21, 1857; ae. 86 y. 6 m. 5 d.; buried in Buxton Cemetery. Children of David and Elisabeth (Lyon) Higgins: 9W>. I. Aniiisa; b. 1796; d. April 15, 1874; m. Catherine Blish. 1000. II. David; b. April 3, 1798; d. Jan. 11, 1834; unm. 1001. III. Harvey; b. April 25, 1800; d. Nov. 15, 1873; m. 1st, Elisabeth Blish (d. Feb. 15, 1849; ae. 50 y. •ra. 15 d.); m. 2nd, Lucretla . 1002. IV. Charles; b. July 2, 1802; d. July 17, 1851; m. Ellen Reed. 1003. V. Ezra; b. 1806; d. 1828; m. Rebecca Noah. 1004. VI. Joel; b. March 29, 1807; d. Dec. 29, 1844; m. Jemima Ketchum. 1005. VII. Eliza; b. 1808; d. 1840; m. Garrison Moseman. 1006. VIII. Sandy; b. Aug. 15, 1810; d. March 20, 1901; m. 1st, Lodeska McDonald (d. April 19, 1873; ae. 67 y.); m. 2nd, Isabella Swaney (d. Nov. 1, 1895, ae. 71 y.) 1007. IX. Samuel; b. July 3, 1813; d. April 4, 1891; m. Dec. 31, 1840. Jane Eliza Rickert. 1008. X. Hosea; b. Feb. 11, 1816; d. Sept. 14, 1849. 438. VI. 186. JOHN 6 LYON [Justus 6 , Roger 4 , John 8 , John 3 , Thomas 1 ], born Sept. 20, 1779; died at Bedford, N. Y., Jan. 31, 1861, ae. 81 y. 4 m. 11 d.; buried near Whitman farm, Bedford. He married Catherine, daughter of Elias Quereau. She was born Aug. 16, 1794; died March 7, 1849; ae. 54 y. 6 m. 21 d.; buried near Whitman farm, Bedford. tDavld Higgins, Sr., was in the war of 1812, stationed at Fort Green*, Brook- lyn. His father, Moses Higgins. was in the war of the Revolution. SIXTH GENERATION 129 Children of John and Catherine (Quereau) Lyon: 1009. I. Bllxa; b. Dec. 29. 1821; d. Oct. 19, 1842; unm. •1010. II. Ellas Quereau; b. April 8, 1823; m. Mary Ann Wood. 1011. III. Jane Horton; b. June 24, 1827; d. Dec. 8, 1847; unm. 1012. IV. Anna M.; b. Sept. 5, 1831; d. Feb. 7, 1853; unm. 1013. V. Susan Matilda; b. 1839, d. Chicago, Oct. 4, 1865; unm. 1014. VI. John Ferris; res. (186 8) Bedford. 1015. VII. Sarah E. 1016. VIII. Mary C.J m. Buckley; res. Knoxvllle, 111. 1017. IX. Aaron C; res. Lodl, Wis. 439. VI. 186. WILLIAM 6 LYON [Justus 5 , Roger 4 , John 5 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Aug. 3, 1783; died Bedford, N. Y., April 14, 1840, ae. 56 y. 8 m. 11 d.; buried Union Cemetery, Bedford. Will dated March 11, 1840; probated White Plains April 13, 1842; executors, son, Stephen Lyon and Jabez Robertson. He lived on his father's homestead, a mile north of the village of Bedford, the property afterwards sold to Mr. Orr of New York City. He married Rachel Robertson, daughter of Jabezt and Rachel Robertson. She was born Sept. 8, 1785; died Mar. 26, 1872; ae. 86, 6 m. 18 d.; buried Union Cemetery, Bedford. Children of William and Rachel (Robertson) Lyon, record of births from family Bible In possession of Mrs. Emily R. Lyon (No. 1026): *1018. I. Stephen; b. Oct. 29, 1810; d. April 24, 1898; m. 1st, Amanda Mil- ler; m. 2nd, Amy A. Wheeler. 1019. II. William H.J b. Dec. 29, 1812. 1020. III. Harvey; b. Nov. 26, 1815. 1021. IV. Betsey; b. Dec. 25, 1818; d. young. 1022. V. Henry; b. Sept. 12, 1821; d. Aug. 9. 1847. 1023. VI. Betsey; b. March 14, 1824. 1024. VII. Catherine; b. April 10, 1826; m. Oct. 18, 1860, David B. Halght (b. May 26, 1819; d. South Salem, Nov. 10, 1885; son of Phlneas and Mary Halght). •1025. VIII. Ferris; b. April 26, 1828; d. Nov. 23, 1878; m. Sarah L. William- son. 1026. IX. Emily Robertson; b. March 27. 1831; m. June 10, 1860, John Addison Lyon (No. 1034.) 442. VI. 188. JOHN 6 LYON [Samuel 8 , Roger 4 , John 8 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born April 11, 1770; died April 3, 1820. Adm. of estate Sept. 20, 1820 to widow Sarah and sons Alfred and Thomas S. Lyon. In his father's will he received land at Bedford. He married Aug. 1, 1790 (Presbyterian Chh., Bedford) Sarah, daughter of Samuel Smith, whose sister Loretta married Joseph Brundage. She was born May tJabez Robertson died Feb. 10, 1832; ae. 88 y. ; his wife. Rachel, died Feb. 13, 1832, ae. 80 y. (9) 130 THOMAS LYON OF RYE 10, 1770, and died June 28, 1854. Will dated April 26, 1854; probated Oct. 9, 1854; executors, son, Samuel Lyon, friend, Stephen Lyon. They had eight children and forty-eight grand children. Children of John and Sarah (Smith) Lyon: •1027. I. Walter Smith; b. Feb. 12, 1791; d. Oct. 13, 1867; m. Betsey San- ford. •1028. II. Alfred; b. June 8, 1793; d. 1880; m. 1st, Lavlnia White; m. 2nd, Harriet Valentine. •1029. III. Mary [Polly]; b. July 29, 1795; d. Dec. 8, 1858; m. Solomon Clason. 1030. IV. Thomas Smith; b. April 21, 1798; d. young. 1031. V. Loretta; b. March 20, 1801; m. Hiram L. Sturtevant. •1032. VI. Isaac Dickinson; b. June 14, 1803; d. Feb. 7, 1870; m. Ruth White. 1038. VII. Samuel; b. June 14, 1812; was living 1854 in Bedford. •1034. VIII. John Addison; b. Dec. 4, 1816; d. July 23, 1891; m. Emily K. Lyon (No. 1026). 445. VI. 188. SAMUEL 6 LYON [Samuel 5 , Roger', John 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born April 11, 1787; died at North Castle, July 26, 1860. Will dated May 12, 1848; probated White Plains, Oct. 5, 1860; ex- ecutors, son Samuel A. Lyon, John A. Lyon, Job Sand. He received in his father's will land at North Castle. He married Feb. 23, 1809, Rosalinda Fowler, born July 20, 1791; d. Dec. 19, 1844; daughter of Moses and Ada (Crane) Fowler. Children of Samuel and Rosalinda (Fowler) Lyon: •1035. I. Louisa Florette; b. May 24, 1810; d. Dec. 31, 1880; m. Jacob Deincke. •1036. II. Osmond Custis; b. April 28, 1812; d. Jan. 3, 1891; m. Martha Lavlnia Lyon (No. 1055). 1037. III. John Addison; b. June 29, 1814; d. Aug. 28, 1823. ^* 1038. IV. Mary Narclssa; b. July 29, 1816; d. May 17, 1884; m. Horace B. Sarles, of Ossining; children: 1. Addison; 2. Samuel Dewitt. 1039. V. Frederick W.; b. April 4, 1818; d. April 5, 1818. •1040. VI. Rosalinda Catherine; b. Feb. 28, 1819; d. Dec. 13, 1891; m. Edwin Knapp. 1041. VII. Samuel Augustus [called Augustus]; b. April 24. 1821; bapt. Cong'l Chh. Stanwich, Nov. 4, 1822; d. Feb. 28, 1895, lived on his father's home- stead^ 1042. VIII. Ann Augusta; b. Feb. 17, 1823; unm. •1043. IX. Henrietta Caroline; b. April 13, 1825; d. Feb. 7, 1895; m. Elnathan Todd. •1044. X. John Newton; b. July 19. 1828; d. April 11, 1885; m. Julia E. Comstock. {This homestead was on the eastern shore of Byram Lake which lies In the north-eastern part/«f Jhe town of North Castle (Hist. Westchester Co.). + &L*~c^-< CJci-i '/x-kJ (h~yA^\l CHcx x^c^j Qc*-^j£-*- SIXTH GENERATION 181 448. VI. 189. GARRETTSON 8 LYON [Gilbert 6 , Roger 4 , John 1 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born about 1795; died in New York City about 1862. He was a wheelwright. In 1820 his address was 67 Varick St. He married Feb. 8, 1817, Hannah Anderson Carhart, daughter of Hach- aliah and Margaret (Anderson) Carhart. She was b. March 22, 1795; d. Nov. 13, 1877, buried Anderson Cemetery, King St., Rye. Letter of adm. of estate Jan. 14, 1878 to son Nathan E. Lyon. Children of Garrettson and Hannah A. (Carhart) Lyon: •1045. I. Nathan Emery; b. Jan. 2, 1818; d. July 7, 1886; m. Catherine B. Cole. •1046. II. Albert; b. Aug. 21, 1821; d. Oct. 24, 1881; m. Harriet N. Van Zile. •1047. III. William Edwin; b. Feb. 8, 1824; d. May 15, 1900; m. Jane A. Sloat. 1048. IV. Addison; b. Dec. 14, 1825; d. In Infancy. 1049. V. Margaret; b. June 1827; d. in Infancy. 1050. VI. Gilbert; b. May 28, 1828. •1051. VII. Warren; b. Nov. 2, 1829; m. 1st, Mary A. Ferguson; m. 2nd, Lucy Atkins. •1058. VIII. Elmira; b. Aug. 2, 1832; m. Matthew T. Rooke. 453. VI. 189. DAVID W. 8 LYON [Gilbert 5 , Roger*, John', John 1 , Thomas'], born in 1790; died at White Plains N. Y., Jan. 2, 1843, ae. 52 y. He married Martha Shute, born 1790; died White Plains, May 14, 1871, ae. 81; daughter of Gilbert and Lavinia Shute of Eastchester. Children of David W. and Martha (Shute) Lyon: 1053. I. Gilbert Shute; was County Treasurer Westchester Co. 1866-72; d. April 7, 1879; unm. 1054. II. Harriet Amelia; d. April 3, 1877; unm. 1055. III. Martha Lavinia; b. 1824; d. White Plains, N. T., July 1, 1901; m. Osmond C. Lyon (No. 1036). 1056. IV. Caroline A.; d. July 19, 1905; unm. •1057. V. Sarah; m. Christian Morgan. 1058. VI. Mary M.; d. Dec. 22, 1887; unm. 454. VI. 189. JESSE 8 LYON [Gilbert 6 , Roger 4 , John 1 , John', Thomas'], born Feb. 15, 1798; died Dec. 25, 1879. Will dated Dec. 13, 1869; probated New York, Feb. 14, 1880; executor, son Darius. Jesse lived at West Farms and Eastchester. He was Town Clerk and Supervisor of Eastchester, and member of New York Assembly, second district, Westchester Co., 1856. He married Sarah Ann ; died Feb. 8, 1888. Adm. of estate West Plains, March 19, 1888 to son Darius. Son and only child of Jesse and Sarah Ann ( ) Lyon: •1059. I. Darius; b. April 23, 1822; d. Mar. 9, 1896. 132 THOMAS LYON OF RYE 457. VI. 195. LEWIS 8 LYON [James 6 , James 4 , John*, John*, Thon:as'] born Greenwich, Conn., Jan. 4, 1775 (Bible Record) (date also given Oct. 2, 1774); died March 17, 1844; ae. 69 y. 5 m. 15 d., buried in Episcopal Churchyard, Greenwich. He was a cooper and lived in New York City. He married Mary ; b. 1776; died Oct. 20, 1846, ae. 70 y.; buried in Episcopal Churchyard, Greenwich. Children of Lewis and Mary ( ) Lyon: 1060. I. Susan ML; b. Jan. 28, 1801; d. Aug. 12, 1838. 1061. II. Jarvis (?); b. 1805; d. June 30, 184 2. 1062. III. Catherine F.; b. 1812; d. Jan. 30, 1845. 459. VI. 195. JAMES 6 LYON [James 5 , James 4 , John 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Greenwich, Conn., May 2, 1778; baptized Aug. 23, 1780, St. Johns Chh.; died May 19, 1830; buried in Episcopal Cemetery, Greenwich. He lived in New York City, 49 Essex St. March 8, 1810, James Lyon and wife Catherine sold property at 21 Essex St., to Talman Pugsley of Westchester Co. James married 1797 Catherine Ware, born Sept. 18, 1779; died Nov. 20, 1869; ae. 90 y. 2 m. 2 d.; buried in Episcopal Cemetery, Greenwich. Will dated Jan. 9, 1861; probated New York, Dec. 20, 1869. Children of James and Catherine (Ware) Lyon: •1063. I. Eliza Ann; b. July 4, 1799; d. Feb. 24, 1870; m. John Emmons. 1064. II. Harriet Jarvis; b. March 16. 1804; d. Dec. 30, 1805. •1065. III. William Lewis; b. Aug. 25. 1808; d. New Orleans. June 30, 1858; m. Catherine Mead. 1066. IV. Louisa Catherine; b. May 15, 1812; res. (1905) 268 Hewes St., Brooklyn, N Y. ; unm. •1067. V. Jane Adelia; b. July 9, 1816; d. July 20, 1854; m. her cousin, Daniel B. Merrltt (No. 1075). 1068. VI. James; b. Jan 3, 1820; d. Jan. 22, 1844; unm. 460. VI. 195. SAMUEL 8 MARVIN LYON [James 5 , James 4 , John 8 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Greenwich April 23, 1780; baptized St. Johns Episcopal Chh., Aug. 23, 1780; d. about 1818. He lived in New York City. In 1807 he served in the Third Regiment Artillery, Charles Snowden commanding. He married Catherine Cole, born Nov. 12, 1786; died Staten Island, N. Y., Sept. 13, 1831. Children of Samuel M. and Catherine (Cole) Lyon: •1069. I. Catherine Cole; b. Oct. 27, 1806; d. April 12, 1893; m. Walter W. Conklln. •1070. II. Abigail Cole; b. Dec. 30, 1809; d. Aug. 5, 1846; m. Henry Cole. 1071. III. Mary Simmons; b. Dec. 20, 1815; d. Nov. 19, 1903; m. Oct. 12, 1837, James Johnson; no living descendants. SIXTH GENERATION 133 461. VI. 195. NANCY MARVIN 8 LYON (HUSTED) [James 5 , James 4 , John 8 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born April 15, 1780; died Aug. 13, 1861, ae. 81 y. 3 m. 29 d.; buried Cong'l Churchyard, Greenwich, Conn. She married (before 1807) Drake, son of Abraham and Hannah (Knapp) Husted.f He was born in 1779 and died Aug. 17, 1838, ae. 59 y. 4 m. 18 d. ; buried Cong'l Churchyard, Greenwich. Children of Drake and Nancy M. (Lyon) Husted : 1071a. I. Joseph Hurt is; m. Jennette Moseman. 1071b. II. Sarah; m. Augustus Mead. 1071c. III. Israel; d. ae. 21. 1071d. IV. Betsey; d. ae. 19. 1071e. V. William Augustus; b. April 13, 1818; d. Aug. 2, 1856; m. Jan. 13, 1839, Nancy Eliza Husted. 463. VI. 195. SARAH 8 LYON (MERRITT) James 5 , James*, John 3 , John 2 , Thomas'], born Greenwich, Conn., March 23, 1782; died July 8, 1844. She married May 9, 1807, Capt. Daniel Merritt, son of Ebenezer and Cynthia (Miller) Merritt of Greenwich, born Greenwich, Oct. 19, 1784 (T. R.); died April 30, 1849. Will dated Sept. 26, 1848; probated May 17, 1849 at Stamford; executors, sons Joseph G. and Daniel B. Merritt. 1072. I. Willis Jarvis; b. Feb. 16. 1810; m. Mary H. Mead (b. Feb. 2, 1810; d. April 20, 1868)./// r^ , +? ^ /W>v A-*. ^CLt Of < Children of Daniel and Sarah (Lyon) Merritt: Mary H. Mead (b. 1 1073. II. Joseph G.; m. a daughter of John Pease. Ci^i_ \ . '' O S, Belle Roys of Brooklyn N. Y. ; 4. Amelia Willis, b. Sept. 9. 1873; 5. Seaman //if2^A// Mott, b. Aug. 2, 1877; m. April 10, 1901, Edith Vaughn Parker of Hawthorne. \ . *- Greenwich, Conn., [ch.; (a) Riehard Vaughn, b. Jan. 18. 1902, d. Feb. 20. 1902; if*. I < < I (b) Helen Elizabeth, b. April 18, 1903]; 6. Edward, b. March 23, 1883; d. April jj. 1075. IV. Daniel B.; m. Jane Adelia Lyon (No. 1067). ™ ° f s ' * ' s* c '-*.< 1076. V. Cynthia W.; b. Jan. 12, 1818; d. Feb. 19, 1827. \r*<' *\* *■ 2 ' ^' /' 1077. VI. Caleb W.; b. 1822; m. Phebe Ann Husted. / ^ ? 9 * l ' <■ * 5 * * /(/'/ , . June 4, 1S55; m . Carolyn H. Talcott ; res. (1906> Rochester, N. Y. 1258. III. Daughter; d. in infancy. 642- VI. 268. HENRY CLINTON 6 LYON [Aaron 6 , Elnathan 4 , Jonathan 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born "Nov. 2, 1801 at Jerico, Monday afternoon" (record in his fathers' family Bible); died of yellow fever July 20, 1841, at Jacksonville, Fla. He married May 8, 1827 Jane Den- man, daughter of John Denman. She was born June 1, 1807 and died Dec. 25, 1880 in Hyde Park, Dutchess Co., N. Y. Henry Clinton Lyon was a machinist and built the machinery for the first steamboat to ply the Hudson River. He was a prominent orator of the old Whig party in the campaign of 1840. Children of Henry C. and Jane (Denman) Lyon: 1259. I. Aaron Augustus; b. Feb. 17, 1828; d. March 22. 1828, in New- burgh, N. Y. 1260. II. John Robert; b. Jan. 30. 1829: d. Jan. 16. 1902. in Hyde Park N. Y. •1261. III. Adalaide Elizabeth; b. Dec. 17, 1830; d. 1873, in Hyde Park, N. Y.; m. DeGrove A. Lattier. 1262. IV. Horatio; b. Feb. 19, 1833; d. March 21, 1891, in Poughkeepsie. N. Y. 1263. V. Sheridan A.; b. Nov. 9, 1834; d. April 1, 1851, in Hyde Park, N. Y. 1264. VI. Julia Ann; b. Oct. 19, 1836; d. April 29, 1853, in Hyde Park, N. Y. •1265. VII. Asahel Denman; b. Aug. 12. 1838; d. March 28, 1906, in Hyde Park. N. Y. ; m. Feb. 22, 1860, Sarah Ann Lawless •1266. VIII. Henry William; b. Aug. 28. 1840; res. (1906) Elk Lake, Pa. 644. VI. 268. ELIZABETH AMBROSIA" LYON (MOSELEY) [Aaron 5 , Elnathan 4 , Jonathan 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas'], born Jan. 12, 1806, "at Burlington, Sabbath day, 12 P. M." (as recorded in her father's family Bible); died Jan. 17, 1842. She married Lucilius Horace Moseley, born July 17, 1802, in Washington, Litchfield Co., Conn. He was a wheelwright and lived in Poughkeepsie, N. Y., from 1810 until the time of his death in 1889. Children of Lucilius H. and Elizabeth A. (Lyon) Moseley, born in Pough- keepsie : 1267. I. Frederick Clark; b. Sept. 24, 1827; d. July 30, 1828. 1268. II. Charles Horace; b. April 23, 1829; d. Nov. 7, 1904. 1269. III. Aaron Lyon; b. Dec. 4. 1830; d. Jan. 12, 1875. in San Francisco, California. 1270. IV. George Frederick; b. March 1. 1833; d. Feb. 14, 1852. SIXTH GENERATION 149 1271. V. Julia Ann; b. Oct. 30, 1835; d. Sept. 11, 1897. 1272. VI. Elisabeth Ambrosia; b. Feb. S, 1838; m. Oct. 3. 1860 at Pough- keepsle, N. Y., DeWltt C. Stevens; she was a school teacher; they have resided in New York City and Brooklyn; now (1906) at Yonkers. N. Y.. 240 Woodworth Ave.; ch. ; 1. Alniini Eliza, b. in New York; 2. Julia DeWltt, b. in Brooklyn; 3. Grace Clinton, b. in Brooklyn; is married; 4. Helen Frances, b. in Brooklyn; married; 6. Elizabeth E., deceased. 1273. VII. Jacob Herrlck; b. March 29. 1840; dentist; res. Brooklyn, N. Y., Clairmont and Willoughby Ave. 646. VI. 269. SUSAN 6 LYON (RICKERT) [Jonathan 5 , Elnathan 4 , Jonathan 3 , Thomas-, Thomas 1 ], born April 16, 1786; died Clinton, Dutchess Co., N. Y., April 9, 1814; buried on the Elnathan Lyon farm. She married Henry Rickert, baptized Dec. 23, 1771; died July 3, 1830, in 57th year; son of Henry and Ann Maria (Tator) Rickert. He married second Lydia Hodge. Children of Henry and Susan (Lyon) Rickert: 1274. I. John; b. Dec. 6, 1810; d. Nov. 2. 18S2; m. Feb. 11. 1836. Mary, dau. of James Thorne. 1275. II. Henry Lyon; b. Jan. 31. 1814; d. June 14, 1894; m. Dec. 3. 1836. Ann Chace, dau. of James Thorne. 647. VI. 269. CLARISSA 6 LYON (FURMAN) [Jonathan 5 , Elna- than*, Jonathan', Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born May 1, 1787; died in Aurelius, N. Y.; m. Ambrose Furman [Forman]. Children of Ambrose and Clarissa (Lyon) Furman: 1276. I. Jonathan; m. Copeman. 1277. II. Elizabeth; m. Copeman. 1278. III. Susan; m. Copeman. 649- VI. 269. JOHN W.° LYON [Jonathan 5 , Elnathan 4 , Jona- than 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Jan. 7, 1790 in Clinton, Dutchess Co., N. Y.; died there March 6, 1836; buried in the Lyon burying ground. Will dated Feb. 6, 1836; probated Poughkeepsie, Sept. 5, 1836; exe- cutors, widow Sabra, Jonathan Lyon, Amos Lyon. He married first Martha Jenks and second, May 8, 1816, Sabra Bradshaw, born Jan. 4, 1792; died Feb. 19, 1869; buried in the Lyon burying ground. Daughter of John W. and Martha (Jenks) Lyon: *1279. I. Julia Ann; b. Oct. 15, 1813; d. March 1, 1893 In Ashtabula, O. : m. Henry Field. Children of John W. and Sabra (Bradshaw) Lyon: •1280. II. Sarah; b. Dec. 20, 1817; d. Aug. 23, 1895; m. William Hicks. •1281. III. George; b. Nov. 12, 1821; d. May 24, 1902 in Pleasant Valley. Dutchess Co., N. Y. ; m. Mary F. Woodford, of Victory, N. Y. 150 THOMAS LYON OF RYE •1282. IV. Maria; b. Dec. 4, 1823; d. June 3, 1866; m. Nov. 1, 18B4, George Schryver of Hyde Park, N. Y. ; a son George (b. March 22, 1863; m. Dec. 20, 1888 Ida Gilbert). 651. VI. 269. AMOS 9 LYON [Jonathan 5 , Elnathan*, Jonathan*, Thomas', Thomas'], born July 29, 1798 in Clinton, Dutchess Co., N. Y.; died there April 19, 1881. He lived all his life on the farm he in- herited from his father. He married Feb. 20, 1823, Margaret Schryver, born March 1, 1802; died April 17, 1858; dau. of Peter and Catherine (Wiggs) Schryver. Both Amos and his wife were buried in the Lyon burying ground on the farm formerly owned by Elnathan Lyon, about one mile from the Jonathan Lyon farm. Children of Amos and Margaret (Schryver) Lyon: •1283. I. Julia; b. Dec. 24, 1823; d. Jan. 19, 1899; m. Nov. 20, 1845, Eli A. Van Wagner. 1284. II. Catherine E.; b. Jan. 6, 1825; d. Sept. 24, 1889; m. Feb. 9, 1854, Leonard I. Haight (d. Feb. 3, 1894); no ch. 1285. III. Mary Ann; b. Aug. 2, 1827; d. June 3, 1885; unm. •1286. IV. SuBan; b. Feb. 7, 1831; d. Sept. 20, 1899; m. Dec. 8, 1851, Caleb Angevlne. •1287. V. Sarah; b. Sept. 14, 1836; d. July 29, 1893; m. Jan. 12, 1859. Clark W. Allen (d. Jan. 7, 1870); a son Lewis H. Allen m. April 18, 1883 Annie F. Greene; res. Rhinecliff, N. Y. •1288. VI. Lucinda; b. April 8, 1840; m. Nov. 18, 1857. Isaac Stringham; res. (1906) Slaatsburgh, N. Y., R. F. D. 1288. VII. Martha Jane; b. Oct. 8, 1847; m. Dec. 24, 1863, Smith Sherman; res. Hyde Park, N. Y. ; no ch. 664. VI. 271. CATHARINE 9 LYON (WING) [Isaac 5 , Elnathan*, Jonathan 8 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 1 ], born Aug. 11, 1801 in the town of Clin- ton, Dutchess Co., N. Y„ "Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock" (Bible Record) ; died May 21, 1885, at the home of her son, Thomas, at Pough- keepsie, N. Y.; buried beside her husband in the Lyon cemetery at Clinton. She married Rev. Hiram Wing, born Jan. 26, 1804; died Feb. 18, 1840; son of George and Mary (Martin) Wing. He was a minister of the Methodist denomination, his last pastorate being at Danbury, Conn. Children of Hiram and Catherine (Lyon) Wing: 1290. I. Thomas Lyon; b. Oct. 3, 1830; d. Jan. 12, 1906, in Poughkeepsie; a merchant In New York City and Poughkeepsie; m. Cynthia, dau. of Rufus and Elizabeth (Thorne) Smith of Stanford, Dutchess Co., N. Y. ; she d. about 1864; children: 1. Anna Keese, b. Feb. 1, 1858; unm.; 2. Elizabeth, d. young; 3. Carrie Thorne, b. June 12, 1861; unm.; res. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 27 Conklin St. 1291. II. Phineas Bice; b. Feb. 14, 1833; farmer; res. (1906) at Stanford with son William, on farm bought by William Sands in 1837; m. 1st., Oct. 1858, Mary, dau. of Thomas and Anna (Griffin) Sands; she d. June 8, 1865 and he m. 2nd., Feb. 1878 Elizabeth Sands, sister of former wife: Children of Phineas and Mary: 1. Henry Hiram, b. Nov. 29, 1859; (grad. Cornell Univ. 1881 as B. Agr.); SIXTH GENERATION 51 professor of Dairy Husbandry and Animal Industry at Cornell; author of "Milk and its Products;" m. July 16, 1885 Lilian, dau. of Garhardus and Ellen (Catch- pole) Watson, of Clyde, Wayne Co., N. Y.; they had: (a) Louis, b. Aug. 24, 1887; (b) Paul, b. April 16, 1892; (c) Ellen, b. March 22, 1904; 2. William Thomas, b. Jan. 22, 1S62, (farmer); res. Stanford [P. O. Clinton Corners]; m. Oct. 16, 1892 Jennie Atcheson Wing, dau. of John Sands and Mary (Underbill) Wing of Arling- ton N. Y. ; they had: (a) Mary Gertrude, b. July 11, 1893; (b) Eleanor Baldwin. b. Dec. 1894; (c) John Harvey, b. Oct. 1896; (d) Helen, b. July 11. 1904; 3. Charles Benjamin, b. Jan. IS, 1864, (grad. Cornell Univ. 1886 as C. E. ); Prof, of Structural Engineering in Leland Stanford Jr. Univ. since 1892; m. Sept. 1888, Anna Maria, dau. of Lewis Paddock of Auburn, N. Y. ; she d. Jan. 1905; they had (a) Snmner Paddoek, b. Feb. 28, 1891; (b) Winchester Paddock, b. March 3. 1893; (c) Charles Benjamin, Jr., b. March 12, 1895; (d) Robert Lonis [Louis ?]. b. Oct. 1896). 1292. III. Mary Esther; b. Jan. 9. 1836, unm. ; res. Poughkeepsie. N. Y., 27 Conklin St. 1293. IV. Catharine; b. ; d. in infancy. 665. VI. 271. SARAH 6 LYON (BATES) [Isaac 9 , Elnathan 4 , Jonathan 1 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born in Clinton, Dutchess Co., N. Y. May 1, 1803; died before 1880. She married Edwin Bates. Children of Edwin and Sarah (Lyon) Bates: 1294. I. Katherine; m. James Reynolds. 1295. II. Theron W.; d. in Iowa. 1296. III. Martha; m. W. Alfred Mitchell, a manufacturer of fishing tackle in New York City; she d. in fall of 1905: one son, Edwin (married and has one child). 670. VI. 271. HANNAH JENKINS 8 LYON (CONKLIN) [Isaac 1 , Elnathan 4 , Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born in Clinton, Dutchess Co., N. Y., married Wells Conklin of Orange Co., N. Y. They lived to celebrate their golden wedding. Children of Wells and Hannah J. (Lyon) Conklin: 1297. I. Isaac; died in the Civil war. 1298. II. John; deceased. 1299. III. Sarah Esther. 1300. IV. Kate; deceased. 1301. V. Susan; m . 1302. VI. Wells. 677. VI. 275. WILLIAM 8 LYON [Israel 8 , Israel 4 , Jonathan 8 , Thomas', Thomas 1 ] of Greenwich, Conn., was born Aug. 17, 1774, pro- bably at Bedford, Westchester Co., N. Y. Married Sarah Woolsey about 1796. He and three brothers, Charles, Daniel and Samuel and sister Clara Lyon (Seeley) moved to Bainbridge, Chenango Co., N. Y. about 1803. The four brothers settled on farms adjoining each other that included a half section, about 320 acres, purchased by 16J THOMAS LYON OF RYE their father for them. The father continued to hold the title in his own name to insure against the sons divesting themselves of the land. The sister Clara, who married Harry Seeley, had her home three to four miles distant, on the Susquehanna River, about one mile above Bainbridge village. The four brothers lived all their long lives upon the farms where they first settled and all reared large families: William 12, Charles 12, Daniel 5, Samuel 13. The sister, Clara Seeley, con- tinued in her home and reared 7 children. The four homes now in 1906, more than one hundred years after their settlement, are owned by descendants, and all but the Daniel Lyon place still of the Lyon name. William married Sarah Woolsey about 1796. He was a Whig in politics; both were Methodists. Three children were born to them at Bedford and nine at Bainbridge. Eleven grew to adult years. Nine married and had homes near them, and children were born to eight of them while the grandparents lived. Sally, the youngest, married and Hannah, unmarried, continued at the homestead as long as father or mother lived. He died Sept. 2, 1844, she Oct. 20, 1849 aged 73 years. Both were buried in the homestead burial plot. This plot in- cludes graves of children and grandchildren. It is enclosed by stone wall and is well cared for by Horace Lyon and his son, Hudson Horace, and their families, who now have this homestead. Horace, son of Charles, and Deborah Lyon Doolittle, daughter of Samuel, are all that, of their generation, in 1907, survive of the forty- two children of the four brothers who came to Bainbridge a century and four years before. There were fifty-four grandchildren. Ten of them served in the Union army in the Civil war. Children of William and Sarah (Woolsey) Lyon; the first three born at Bedford, N. T.. the rest at Bainbridge, N. Y. *1303. I. Charles; b. April 4, 1798; d. about 1S50 at Bainbridge, N. Y. •1304. II, Ambrose; b. Jan. 30, 1800; d. Aug. 17, 1886, at Bainbridge. •1305. III. Betsey [Elizabeth]; b. Feb. 1. 1S02; d. at Masonville. N. Y. ; m. Martin Stoddard. „ J^jkC I 5, t f 4 'L. •1306. IV. Phebe; b. Jan. 7. 1804; d. about 189£ at Guilford; m. Jonathan Bush. •1307. V. Richard; b. Sept. 9. 1805; d. July 12, 1869. at Masonville, N. Y. 1308. VI. Hannah; b. July 30, 1807; d. April 25, 1887. at the home of her sister Sally Bardick, near Masonville, N. Y. ; unm., she was a Methodist; res. while her parents lived, at Bainbridge. f~?"J •1309. VII. Pamelia; b. June 9. 1809: d. ~' ' ; m. Asa Gould. 1310. VIM. Woolsey; b. April \Z* 1811; d. at Bainbridge, Sept. 1. 1838; unm. •1311. IX. Caleb; b. Jan. 28. 1813^^ 'Z2l CU fi^c. /, /%i £, 1312. X. Polly; b. Dec. 28. 1814: d. ae. 2 y. SIXTH GENERATION 163 •1313. XI. William; b. Oct. 8. 1817; d. Aug., 1856. •1314. XII. Sarah; b. April 15, 1819; d. April 19, 1900; m. Randolph Bur- dick. 679. VI. 275. SAMUEL 8 LYON [Israel 5 , Israel 4 , Jonathan', Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Bedford, N. Y., Oct. 26, [or 20] 1777 [former date from authentic Fam. Rec.]. He removed with his brothers, Charles, Daniel and William, about 1805 to Bainbridge, where they settled on a new farm. He married, probably in 1803, Charlotte Briggs. He died at Bainbridge, April 4, 1855. Children of Samuel and Charlotte (Briggs) Lyon, born in Bainbridge: 1315. I. Sally; b. Jan. 1, 1804; m. Wesley Cleveland; probably lived away from Bainbridge; children: 1. Alice; 2. Sarah; 3. Leroy; all married and had children. V v /H-vcp iS^Z. j •1316. II. Briggs; b. Sept. 10. 1805; d. June 23, 1890; m. Sally Cleveland 1317. III. Clarissa; b. July 1, 1807; d. Feb. 11, 1809. •1318. IV. Harvey; b. May 7, 1809; m. Adaline Cleveland ._ » Vj f Sj / a/ p 1319. V. Seth; b. Feb. 3, 1811; d. In 186 1^-at Belvldere, N. T. •1320. VI. Spardon; b. Jan. 22, 1813; d. Dec. 1, 1874; m. Almira Graves. 1321. VII. Willet; b. Oct. 4. 1815; d. in infancy. •1322. VIII. WiUet; b. Nov. 23, 1816; d. April 8. 1886, at Wellsville, N. Y. ; m. Lovine Monroe. 1323. IX. Luther; b. June 13, 1819; d. in infancy. •1324. X. Charlotte Jane; b. June 14. 1821; m. Jerome B. Youmans. •1325. XI. Samuel; b. Sept. 20, 1823; d. Feb., 1901; m. 1st Sarah Bartholo- mew; m. 2nd Blackman. 1326. XII. Henry; b. Nov. 9, 1825; d. Nov. 3, 1892; m. Jane Fosbury. who d. March 21, 1876. •1327. XIII. Deborah Ann; b. Aug. 25. 1828; res. (1906) Bainbridge. N. Y. : m. Abel S. Doollttle. 681. VI. 275. DANIEL 6 LYON [Israel 6 , Israel 4 , Jonathan', Thomas-, Thomas 1 ], born Bedford, Westchester Co., N. Y., Oct. 20, 1782. He settled, about 1805, in Bainbridge, Chenango Co., N. Y., and died there, date not ascertained. The name of his wife has not been learned. Children of Daniel and ( ) Lyon: 1328. I. Hiram. 1329. II. Banks. 1330. III. John. •1331. IV. Jared; b. 1831, in Afton, N. Y. ; d. Oct. 21. 1900 at Sidney. Colo. 1332. V. Polly. [The record of this family is very incomplete]. 682. VI. 275. CHARLES' LYON [Israel', Israel*, Jonathan', Thomas 5 , Thomas 1 ], born Bedford, N. Y., Aug. 10, 1784; died Bain- 154 THOMAS LYON OP RYE bridge, N. Y., March 3, 1879. He removed to Bainbridge 1805 where he owned a farm. He married in 1809 Betsey Balcom of Masonville, N. Y. ( born Jan. 22, 1788; died April 12, 1873. Children of Charles and Betsey (Balcom) Lyon, born in Bainbridge, N. Y. : •1333. I. Israel; b. Nov. 14, 1809; d. Oct. 24, 1891; m. Annjanette Ireland. •1334. II. Abijah; b. Jan. 15, 1811; d. Montana, N. J., Oct. 24, 1890; m. Olive Pollard. 1835. III. Luther; b. March 21, 1812; d. Oct. 28, 1817. 1336. IV. Lois; b. Oct. 15, 1813; d. Jan. 12, 1857; unm. •1337. V. Univilda; b. Aug. 11, 1815; d. Nov. 3, 1889; m. Edward Ireland. •1338. VI. Rebecca [Rebekah] ; b. April 21, 1819; d. Plum Valley, Neb., Nov. 3, 1888; m. Richard Yale. •1339. VII. Huldah; b. Jan. 10, 1821; d. Ft. Calhoun, Neb., Sept. 28, 1892; m. 1st. Willard Aylsworth; m. 2nd. Samuel Cole. •1340. VIII. Eunice Lucretia; b. Sept. 21, 1822; d. March 24, 1895- m J. Wheeler Smith. •1341. IX. Prisciila; b. May 31, 1824; d. Dec. 19, 1879; m. Edwin Holcomb. 1342. X. Joel; b. April 5, 1826; d. April 23, 1877; m. Mahala Newton; no ch. •1343. XI. Horace; b. Feb. 11, 1828; m. Mary M. Doolittle. 1344. XII. Abigail; b. Jan. 31, 1830; d. Jan. 14, 1856; unm. 687. VI. 275. ALVAH 8 LYON [Israel 5 , Israel 4 , Jonathan', Thomas' Thomas 1 ], born June 8, 1797 in Bedford, N. Y.; died Sept. 11, 1878. He married Feb. 27, 1824, Sarah Carpenter, born April 22, 1802; died Aug. 9, 1893; daughter of Morris and Abigail (Lawrence) Carpen- ter. After his father's death he removed to North Castle. Children of Alvah and Sarah (Carpenter) Lyon: •1345. I. Elixa; b. Dec. 27, 1824; m. James E. Palmer. 1346. II. Clarissa; b. Sept. 30, 1826: unm.; res. (1906) on her father's homestead in North Castle; address, Bedford, N. Y., R. F. D. •1347. III. Miriam M.; b. Sept. 22, 1828; d March 1, 1889; m. Jonathan Searles. •1348. IV. Abigail C; b. July 25, 1833; d. Feb. 14, 1896; m. Albert Hobby. •1349. V. Emily A.; b. April 10, 1837; m. Rufus William Ayres; res. Washington, D. C. 693. VI. 276. NANCY 8 LYON (CLEVELAND) [Moses 8 , Israel 4 , Jonathan 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Bedford, N. Y. June 17, 1801; died Meredith, N. Y., April 12, 1878. She married Nov. 10, 1826 Samuel Goodrich Cleveland, born at Stillwater, Saratoga Co., N. Y. Nov. 26, 1802; son of William and Nancy Ann (Baker) Cleveland. In 1839 he had a mill and timber lot at Bainbridge, N. Y. In 1883 he was a farmer at Riverton, Franklin Co., Neb. SIXTH GENERATION 165 Children of Samuel G. and Nancy (Lyon) Cleveland: 1350. I. George Evans; b. Nov. 6, 1827; d. April 16, 1866; m. Sept. 4. 1851 Althea Maria Tupper. 1351. II. Margaret Hulduh; b. Dec. 1, 1829; m. Dec. 31, 1861 Sherman Fitch Bartlett. 1362. III. Moses Lyon; b. July 1, 1831; m. 1852-3 Clarissa Flowers; res. Delhi. N. Y. 1353. IV. Harriet Olive; b. March 10, 1834; m. Dec. 25, 1854 Lucius M. Tupper; res. Rlverton, Neb. 702- VI. 279. SETH 6 LYON [Spardon", Israel 4 , Jonathan 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas'], born Bedford, N. Y., Aug. 31, 1794; died Jan. 31, 1878; buried in Union Cemetery, Bedford. He was an Elder in the Presbyterian Church in Bedford, ordained March 19, 1816. He married first Clarissa Rundle, born March 9, 1793; died Bedford, Aug. 14, 1836. He married second Mary Woolsey (No. 717), born March, 1805; died April 1, 1894; buried at Bedford. She was daughter of William and Jerusha (Lyon) "Woolsey. Children of Seth and Clarissa (Rundle) Lyon: •1354. I. Solomon Rundle; b. Jan. 31, 1812; d. March 19, 1868; m. Hannah Rundle. •1355. II. Charlotte Rundle; b. Feb. 19. 1814; d. April 8, 1850; m. Phlneas Lounsberry. 1356. III. Mary E.; b. April 23, 1816; d. March 28, 1837. 1357. IV. Clarissa; b. May 10, 1820; d. Feb. 28, 18S7. •1358. V. Seth Jay; b. about 1822; d. Dec. 8, 1883; m. Frances B. Clark. 719. VI. 288. SUSANNA 6 LYON (GALE) [Thomas*, David 4 , Jonathan*, Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Aug. 1, 1786, probably in Dutchess Co., N. Y.; died Feb. 25, 1875. She married Nov. 24, 1801 Nehemlah Gale, born Oct. 11, 1776; died Jan. 17, 1853, son of and Anna (Rush) Gale. They lived on Gale Hill near West Lebanon, N. Y., where Nehemiah's father, coming from Sawpit, N. Y., had settled and where a daughter Susan (Gale) Ashby now lives (1900). Children of Nehemlah and Susanna (Lyon) Gale (records furnished by Mrs. Susan (Gale) Ashby: 1363. I. William; b. Sept. 24, 1802; m. Polly Bowen of Saratoga, N. T. ; res. near Esperance, N. Y., where children were born, then rem. to Albany, Mo.: children: I. William (went to Iowa); 2. Sason; 3. Jane (m. James Hunter; 2 dau's.); 4. Anna. 1364. II. Jeremiah; b. May 19. 1804; d. Gale Hill. Aug. 5, 1833; m. Jane Dickson at East Nassau, N. Y., where they lived; children: 1. Maria (m. Henry Johnson and had Charles, Isaac and Marlette) ; 2. Lounzo. 1365. III. Harvey; b. June 16, 1806; m. Ursula Roberts of Rider's Mills. 15« THOMAS LYON OF RYE N. Y.; res. Maiden, N. Y., later Lincoln, 111., where they died; children: 1. Ruth (m. James Kelsey and rem. to Minnesota); 2. Spencer (d. in army); 3. Samuel (m. and rem. to Minnesota); 4. Isaac (m. ; res. near Lincoln, 111.); 5. Julia (d. a young woman at Maiden, N. Y.). 1366. IV. Eliza; b. Aug. 18, 1808; m. William Ray; rem. to Maryland. Otsego Co., N. Y., where they died; children: 1. David (m. Mary Burns; res. near Rochester, N. Y.; a son and dau.); 2. Edward (d. in Ohio; m. Esther Jones; a son William lived near Rochester, N. Y.); 3. Mary (m. George Ransom; res. Lockport, N. Y. ; had children); 4. Frederick (m. Mary Larkins of Hoag's Corners; rem. to Maryland, N. Y. ; two sons Burt and Frederick; 6. Catharine [Kate] (m. Merle Piatt; res. Maryland, N. Y., now at Oneonta, N. Y. ; children- Clarence of Albany. N. Y. and Lottie); 6. William Henry (d. young); 7. Julia (d. a young woman); 8. Lucius (d. young). 136". V. Jane; b. Nov. 2, 1810; d. Aug. 11, 1811. 1368. VI. Sally; b. June 1. 1812 on Gale Hill; m. Russell Ashley of Chat- ham Twp. ; rem. to Maiden, N. Y. where she died. Russell (at one time clerk in Isaac Lyon's store) d. at Poland, N. Y. ; children: 1. Clarissa (m. Christopher Bosfield; a son John lived in Russia, N. Y; another child d. young); 2. Albert (unm.; res. Poland. N. Y.); 3. Anna (m. George Buck, a rich farmer of Poland, N. Y. ; a dau. Flora is married); 4. Charles (d. young). 1369. VII. Isaac; b. March 30, 1815; d. April 11, 1S15. 1370. VIII. Armenia; b. March 30, 1816; m. Thompson Curtis, of Lebanon. N. Y. ; Armenia was living (1900) with a dau. at 7 Prospect Place, Renssalaer. N. Y.; children (all married): 1. Lewis; 2. Lucinda; 3. Zaccheus; 4. Susan; 5. Samuel; 6. Julia; 7. Ida; 8. Mabel. 1371. IX. Freelove; b. Sept. 10, 1818; d. Sept. 12, 1865; m. Oliver Davis of W. Lebanon, Columbia Co., N. Y., where they lived; children: 1. Charles; 2. Mary; 3. Freelove; 4. Matilda; (all four d. young); 5. George (m. Susie Grove; res. Batavia. N. Y.); 6. Lorenzo (m. ; res. N. Adams. Mass.); 7. Albert (m. Harriet Hall; res. Hoosick Tunnel. Mass.); 8. Phebe Jane (m.' Charles Bigelow; res. Brainard, N. Y.); 9. Cora (m. Melvin Sedgwick, New Lebanon, N. Y.); 10. Emma (d. young). 1372. X. Susan; b. Feb. 8, 1821; m. about 1842 Hiram Ashby, farmer of New Lebanon Twp., N. Y. He went to California in 1848 and died at Sacra- mento Feb. 22. 1849. In 1900 Susan Ashby was living alone in the large Gale homestead house on Gale Hill; a son, Hiram, b. Jan. 1843; d. Jan. 9, 1864; m. Eliza Jane Carpenter. 1373. XI. James; b. July 2, 1823; m. Caroline Record of Berlin, N. Y now (1900) of Elmore. Peoria Co., III.; children: 1. Emma (m. Dr. Morris of Galesburg, 111.); 2. John; 3. Nebemiah; 4. Eugene; 5. Susan; 6. Antoinette; and eight more. 1374. XII. Clarissa; b. Jan. 22, 1826; unm.; d. July 4, 1880 on Gale Hill. 1375. XIII. Maria Antoinette; b. Feb. 28, 1828; unm.; d. March 1 1884 on Gale Hill. 720. VI. 288. CLARISSA" LYON (BARNES) [Thomas 6 , David 4 , Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Oct. 19, 1788, probably in Dutchess Co., N. Y.; died Feb. 6, 1868. She married Jedediah Barnes, about 1805, probably in New Lebanon, N. Y. He was born May 12, 1782 and died Dec. 1, 1867. They lived on their farm east of Rayville and south of the Gale farm. SIXTH GENERATION li7 Children of Jedediah and Clarissa (Lyon) Barnes: 1376. I. James H.; b. April 7. 1806; d. Ghent. N. T. June 5. 1851; physician; no. ch . 1377. II. John M.; b. July 25. 1808; d. East Chatham, N. Y. 1889; m. Roxanna Hopkins; children: 1. Ellen M. (m. Jones and had Dora and Flora; Ellen d. In Bloomington, 111.); 2. Edward (m. Harriet Tlbbets: res. E. Chat- ham. N. T.); 3. Jndson (d. unm.); 4. Clark (m. ); John M. Barnes m. 2nd. Mrs. Ann ((McToon) Lowe, a widow. 1378. III. Polly; b. Nov. 8, 1810; d. May 8, 1855. 1379. IV. Julia; b. Nov. 3, 1812; d. 1883 near E. Chatham, N. T. ; m. David Caswell; children: 1. James H. (res. Chicago, 111.); 2. Jedediah (d. at E. Chatham, N. T.); 3. Antoinette (m. King; res. Springfield, 111.; 2 ch.) 1380. V. Isaac W.; b. June 10, 1815; d. June 14. 1878 at E. Chatham, N. Y. ; m. Mary Dunham; children: 1. William (res. Denver, Col.); 2. Priscilla (married ; dec; no ch.);3. Isaiah; (dec; unm.). 1381. VI. Meribah; b. Sept. 25. 1817; d. July 12, 1843; unm. 1382. VII. Clarissa; b. Aug. 17, 1820; d. March 17, 1897, at National City. Calif.: m. Josephus Seeley; a dau. Meribah m. Paton (res. National City. Calif.; has a dau. Clara). 1383. VIII. Esther L.; b. Sept. 11, 1822; d. Nov. 29, 1843; m. John W. Wadsworth; d. a few months after marriage on the Wadsworth farm near the Barnes homestead. 1384. IX. Benjamin Franklin [Frank]; b. April 19, 1827; d. after 190« on the Barnes farm, E. Chatham; served under Cameron In the Civil War. also under Gen. Canby; discharged at New Orleans June 2. 1865; m. Oct. 27, 1852, Harriet E. Smith (b. June 20, 1830; d. Jan. 23, 1879); children (born E. Chat- ham): 1. Mary L., b. July 5, 1853; d. Sept. 14, 1854; 2. Eunice C, b. June 6, 1855; d. Dec. 23, 1865; 3. Clara, b. Dec. 3, 1857 (m. Carroll Coon; res. Green Island. N. Y. ; 4. ch.); 4. Myra, b. Feb. IS, 1861 (m. Ralph Bryant; res. New- ark, N. J., 61 N. 11th. St.); 5. Fanny, b. March 9. 1863; (unm. in 1900; res. Troy. N. Y., near her sister Clara); 6. Meribah C, b. Oct. 4. 1864; d. Feb. 1880; unm. 1385. X. David Lyon; b. Sept. 6, 1834; d. Dec. 23. 1895 at Rhinelander, Wis.; m. Ann McDonald; 3. ch. 721. VI. 288. POLLY" LYON (FINCH) [Thomas 5 , David 4 , Jona- than 3 , Thomas-, Thomas'], born Feb. 11, 1791, probably in Dutchess Co., N. Y.; died March 27, 1874. She married Jan. 14, 1808, probably in New Lebanon, N. Y., Reuben Finch§, born on the Finch homestead near Rayville, N. Y., died 1868. Children of Reuben and Polly (Lyon) Finch (record of the family furnished by John W. Finch). 1386. I. Clarissa; b. Nov. 21, 1808; d. Dec. 30, 1875 at Rayville. N. Y. ; SReuben was grandson of Solomon Finch, who came from Dutchess Co.. N. Y. and settled on land received from the Crown, located near Rayville Station, X. Y. The homestead passed in succession to his lineal descendants. Nehemiah, Reuben. Wesley (No. 1387) and finally to the present owner, John Wesley Finch. 158 THOMAS LYON OF RYE m. April 3, 1828, John Coffin, son of Capt . Uriel Coffin. See note 22 in appendix. 1387. II. Wesley; b. Sept. 25, 1810; d. Oct. 28, 1880; m. Dec. 5, 183S, Maria, dau. of Capt. Uriel and Mary (Pinkham) Coffin; children (born on the Pinch homestead): 1. Eliza Ann, b. Oct. 9, 1834; d. young; 2. John Wesley, b. March 18, 1854 (m. Charlotte S. Reynolds, b. Jan. 30, 1847; res. on the Finch homestead; no. ch.). 1388. III. Thomas; b. Dec. 2, 1812; d. Dec. 3, 1878 at Newport, N. Y., where he was visiting; m. 1st. June 5, 1842, Alzina Reynolds (a dau. Elizabeth, who d. young); m. 2nd., Sept. 19, 1858, Harriet Green (no issue). 1389. IV. David Lyon; b. Jan 16, 1815 (or 1816); d. Jan. 3, 1891; m. Eliza, dau. of Capt. Uriel and Mary (Pinkham) Coffin, born April 26, 1814; children: 1 .Charles H. (res. Liberty, Neb.); 2. Mary M. (m. Robert Coffin; res. 1052 S. First St., San Jose, Calif.; a dau. Carrie; m. April 10, 1895, Cloyd E. Pres- son and res. (1900) at 1335 G. St. Lincoln, Neb.; a son, Edward N., m. Aug. S, 1892, Carrie L. Nye; res. (1900) 3133 R. St. Lincoln, Neb.); 3. Eliza Ann (m. and d. soon after); 4. Thomas Ell wood (res. Brooklyn, N. Y.); 5. Charlotte R. (m. Sept. 6, 1882, at Green Brook, N. Y. to Daniel Anthony; res. Rochester. N. Y. ; 2 ch.). 1390. V. Orville; b. April 23, 1818; m. Ophelia Bull; keeps a store at West Lebanon, N. Y. ; children: 1. Charles N. (res. Brooklyn, N. Y. : in the oil business); 2. Willis M. Ophelia Finch res. with her son in Brooklyn. 1391. VI. Mary; b. April 18, 1822; m. Gilbert Green; res. Ellsworth, 111.; children: 1. Eliza M. (m. Theodore Dunlap; res. Ellsworth, 111.). 1392. VII. Roby; b. Oct. 22, 1824; m. John W. Gardner; res. N. Chat- ham. N. Y.; children: 1. Henry C. (res. N. Chatham, N. Y. ; 2. Alice, dec; 3. Fred (res. Brainard, N. Y.). 1393. VIII. Charity; b. Oct. 10, 182 8; m. Seth Smith; res. Seneca Falls, N. Y. with dau. Sarah J. Bocker; children: 1. Sarah J. (m. Bocker) ; 2. Charles (m. ; dec); 3. William (m. widow of his brother Charles; res. Brooklyn, N. Y.); 4. Eliza (m. ; res. Portland, Oregon); 5. Frank; 6. Reuben F. (m. ; res. Auburn, N. Y.); 7. Hattie (m. Globe; res. Janesville, Wis.); 8. Kate (m. ; res. Auburn, N. Y.); 9. Edward (res. in Michigan); 10. John W. (m. ; dec); 11. Minnie (m. ; res. Janesville. Wis.). 1394. IX. Julia; b. June 21, 1831; d. Dec 15, 1863; m. Joslah Carpenter (dec); children: 1. Thomas E. (m. Feb. 15, 1883, Mary A. Hersch; res. Polo. 111.); 2. Roby J. (m. Helfert); 3. Ella R. (m. Robert Mott; res. Forest City, Calif. ) . 722. VI. 288. FREELOVE 8 LYON (KIRBY) [Thomas 8 , David 4 , Jonathan 8 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 1 ], born Feb. 1, 1793. She married in New Lebanon, N. Y., Dec. 24, 1809, John, son of Elihu and Patience (Gifford) Kirby, of Westport, Mass. He was born Oct. 24, 1787, being of the seventh generation of the descendants of Richard Kirby of Sand- wich, Mass. Children of Elihu and Freelove (Lyon) Kirby (born in New Lebanon. N. Y.): 1395. I. Mary Ann; b. Dec. 23. 1810; d. Dec. 11. 1811. 1396. II. Elihu; b. Nov. 27, 1812, in New Lebanon, N. Y. ; d. East Chatham, N. Y. March 15, 1885; unm.; a merchant. 1897. III. Thomas; b. July 23, 1815, in New Lebanon, N. Y. In 1836 SIXTH GENERATION 169 he entered the ministry and was a member of the Troy conference of the M. E. Church until his death, July 10. 1846, at Greenville. Washington Co., N. Y. ; unm. 1398. IV. Mary; b. Feb. 18, 1818; d. Sept. 17, 1860; unm. 1899. V. Patience; b. April 26. 1820; m. Jan. 19, 1847, Lewis J. Haight, b. Jan. 29, 1818; son of Jonathan and Mary Haight of New Lebanon. N. T. ; they rem. in 1878 to Kalamazoo, Mich.; children: 1. Jonathan, b. New Lebanon, Nov. 10, 1847; d. May 13, 1859; 2. Clara C, b. May 6, 1849; 3. Sarah, b. Aug. 15, 1850 (m. Sept. 1. 1875 in New Lebanon, William J. Kirby, son of William and Jane (Dickson) Kirby of Cherry Valley, N. Y. ; 2. ch.: (a) Lewis Haight, b. New Lebanon, July 30, 1876 and (b) Ralph Campbell, b. Pavilion, Mich., Aug. 81, 1880; d. Kalamazoo, Mich. Sept. 20, 1889). 1400. VI. William Gilford; b. Aug. 22, 1822; m. Sept. 15. 1846 in Saratoga, N. Y., Rhoda Swetland (b. Jan. 26, 1828; dau. of David and Pamelia (Howland) Swetland of Clifton Park. N. Y.); merchant in Clifton Park until 1858; then removed to a farm In Charleston, Mich., where he now resides (1900); children: 1. Silas S., b. Sept. 26, 1847; d. Sept. 15, 1851; 2. Pamelia, b. Jan. 3, 1849; d. Sept. 28, 1851; 3. Pamelia; b. Sept. 28. 1852, in Clifton Park, N. Y. (m. Dec. 18. 1872 at Charleston. Mich., Henry D. Upjohn, b. July 22, 1843; s. of Dr. Uriah and Maria (Mills) Upjohn of Kalamazoo; they had (a) Lawrence Northcote, b. Dec. 16, 1873; (b) Ida Rowena, b. Jan. 6. 1877; d. Feb. 3. 1885; (c) William Kirby, b. March 4, 1878; (d) Uriah Carlyle, b. Sept. 23, 1879; (e) Hubert Stodard, b. Jan. 4. 1881; (f) Donald Henry, b. March 3, 1884; (all born in Kalamazoo); 4. William S., b. Nov. 25, 1857 in Crescent. N. Y. (m. July 5, 1876, Alice Louisa Wightman, b. Feb. 27, 1858, dau. of Dr. George and Mary (Crandall) Wightman of Galesburg, Mich. T they had: (a) William G., b. Gales- burg, June 5, 1879; (b) George Wightman, b. Jan. 10, 1881; (c) Harold Ell, b. Oct. US, 1883; (d) Nina Isabella, b. Sept. 11. 1886); 5. Mary 8., b. Jan. 23, 1862. 1401. VII. John Wesley; b. Oct. 5. 1824; m. Jan. 28, 1852, Mary Howland (b. July 28, 1830, In Half Moon, N. Y. ; dau. of Knowlton Howland of Mechanlcs- ville, N. Y. and Susan Marshall of Schuylerville. N. Y.); res. in New Lebanon until 1870, then moved to a farm in Charleston, Mich., where they reside (1900); he represented his district in the State Legislature 18S8-90; children: 1. Arzelia, b. Jan. 22, 1855 (m. May 6. 1880, S. Olln Spier of Galesburg, Mich., s. of Samuel and Hannah (Paton) Spier of Galesburg); one ch., Viva F., b. May 25, 1881 in Charlotte, Mich.); 2. Marion Freelove; b. Dec. 13, 1860; 3. Alice M., b. April 30, 1864 (m. April 30, 1890 William E. Ely. M. D., b. March 6, 1861, a. of Joseph E. and Elizabeth (Driffield) Ely of New York City; res. (1900) Ocheyedan, Iowa; no ch.); 4. Elbert L., b. Feb. 25, 1874 in Charleston, Mich. 1402. VIII. Samuel Howe; b. March 28, 1827; d. Nov. 1, 1880, in Cleve- land. O.; m. 1st. July 2, 1856, Maria Colt (b. July 27. 1830; dau. of Henry H. and Mary (Breed) Colt of Cleveland, O.); she died Sept. 14, 1876, and he m. 2nd., March 28. 1880, Elizabeth Colt, sister of his former wife; he was in mercantile business in Brooklyn, later in New York City and Anally in Cleve- land. O.; by his nrst wife he had one son, Henry Colt, b. Sept. 21, 1860 in Cleveland (m. in Cleveland, Oct. 12, 1886, Eleanor Wright, b. June 1. 1865; dau. of Edward P. and Mary (Herdman) Wright of Cleveland; ch. (a) Edward, b. Jan. 13. 1886; d. Jan. 16, 1887; (b) Henry Wright, b. Dec. 11. 1888; (c) Eleanor Herdman, b. June 19, 1891; Henry C. Kirby is a member of the Goff- Klrby Coal Co. of Cleveland. 1403. IX. George; b. May 1. 1830; d. June 30, 1834. 1404. X. Adam Clark; b. Feb. 23, 1833; d. Aug. 11, 1894, on the home- stead where he was born; m. in Lebanon. Jan. 26, 1859, Lucy Campbell (b. July 27, 1837; dau. of John and Epherlna (Herrlck) Campbell of New Lebanon); children (born in New Lebanon): 1. Charles C, b. Oct. 14, 1862; d. Dec. 10. 1876; 2. Mary Ella, b. Jan. 31, 1867 (m. Oct. 9, 1889, Abraham Lincoln Sherman, b. Jan. 15, 1864; s. of Benonl and Martha (Waterbury) Sherman of New Lebanon; he is a physician in New York City; one dau. Alice Alena, born June 26. 1893). 1405. XI. Catherine; b. Aug. 25, 1835; m. Feb. 18. 1863, Dr. Henry D. 160 THOMAS LYON OF RYE Jones, s. of Williams and Lucy Bell (Dresser) Jones of Granville, Mass; Dr. Jones res. until 1892 In E. Chatham. N. Y., then rem. to Duluth, Minn.; res. (1900) Grand Marais, Minn.; children (b. in E. Chatham): 1. Kirby, b. Feb. 25, 1871; grad. Cornell Univ. 1893; a teacher in Minnesota; 2. Henry Elihu, b. Dec. 8. 1876; in Bureau of Steam Engineering, Navy Department, Washing- ton, D. C. 723. VI. 288. ISAAC LYON [Thomas 8 , David 4 , Jonathan", Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born April 4, 1795, probably at Nine Partners, Dutchess Co., N. Y.; died Dec. 15, 1884 in Madison, Wis. at the home of his son, Judge William Penn Lyon. He served in the war of 1812. He married April 2, 1817, at the Chatham Friends meeting-house, Eunice Coffin, daughter of Capt. Uriel Coffin, a descendant of Tristran Coffin of Nantucket (see Coffin Gen.). She was born April 2, 1801. They lived in the town of Chatham where their children were all born; he kept a store near the village of Rayville. In 1841 he moved to Walworth Co., Wis. and settled on a farm near the village of Lyons. After the death of his wife he made his home with his son, Judge William Penn Lyon, in Madison, where for many years he was Librarian of the State Historical Society. Children of Isaac and Eunice (Coffin) Lyon: •1406. I. Mary Coffin; b. June 5, 1818; m. Abiah Palmer; res. Bristol, N. Y. •1407. II. Clarissa; b. Sept. 29, 1820; d. Feb. 25, 1853, at Burlington, Wis.; m. David P. Gardner. •1408. III. William Penn; b. Oct. 28. 18 22; res. (1906) Eden Vale, Calif. *1409. IV. Catharine M.; b. March 14. 1825; m. Sperry Northrup; res. Madison, S. Dak. 1410. V. Isaac Pennington; b. April 4, 1827; d. Feb. 6, 1850 in California; unm. •1411. VI. Maria C; b. Jan. 22, 1829; m. Amos Phelps; res. San Francisco, Calif. 1412. VII. Eliza C; b. March 12, 1831; d. Dec. 20, 1854 at Lyons, Wis.; unm . •1413. VIII. Elmina; b. July 1, 1833; m. Stephen S. Skiff; res. Ulen, Minn. •1414. IX. Sarah Ann; b. April 29, 1836; m. Elkanah Andrews; res. Bristol, N. Y. •1415. X. Julia A.; b. May 28, 1838; m. John Phelps; res. Howard, S. Dak. 724. VI. 288. DAVID 8 LYON [Thomas 6 , David 4 , Jonathan*, Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Oct. 1, 1797 at Nine Partners, Dutchess Co., N. Y.; died Sept. 22, 1874 at Iowa Falls, la. He married April 2, 1817, Sarah Wilbur, the occasion memorable as a double wedding in which his older brother Isaac was the other bridegroom. Sarah Wilbur §Wllliam Jones, born Jan. 4, 1794, son of Benjamin Jones of Tisbury, Mass. SIXTH GENERATION 161 born Nov. 4, 1800 was daughter of Robert and Ruhama (Berry) Wilburf. She died at Iowa Falls, la. David Lyon lived from 1822 to 1835 at Guilford, Chenango, Co., N. Y., where he kept a store. In March, 1835 he moved to Elba, Genesee Co. In 1842 he joined his brothers in Lyons, Wis. and engaged there in farming. He was dur- ing his life school teacher, merchant, lawyer, farmer and preacher in the Friends' Church. He was a scholarly man and while living in Guilford undertook to bring about a reform in English spelling and published a School Reader and Speller which was used in a number of schools in Chenango Co. Children of David and Sarah (Wilbur) Lyon: 1411. I. Eliza; b. Feb. 17, 1818 at Chatham, N. Y.; d. June 24, 1863 at Lyons, Wis.; m. March 28, 1837 at Elba, N. Y., Gilbert Griffin; no. ch. 1412. II. Thomas Ellwood; b. Dec. 12. 1819 at Chatham. N. Y.; d. May 5. 1840 at Elba, N. Y. ; unm. 1413. III. Sarah; b. Sept. 10, 1821; d. Jan. 31, 1824 at Guilford, N. Y. 1414. IV. Eunice; b. March 8, 1823 at Elba, N. Y. 1415. V. Harriet; b. Feb. 22, 1825 at Guilford, N. Y.; d. June 22, 1860 at Lyons, Wis. ; unm. •1416. VI. Ruth; b. Dec. 11, 1826 at Guilford, N. Y.; d. 1897 at Fort Calhoun. Neb.; m. Edward Hallock. •1417. VII. Emma; b. June 21, 1828 at Guilford, N. Y. ; d. March 24, 1864. at Marquette, Wis.; m. John Noble. •1418. VIII. Estelle; b. March 31, 1831. at Guilford. N. Y. ; m. Rozelle F. Skiff; res. (1906) Iowa Falls, la. 1419. IX. Robert Jud»on; b. May 7, 1833 at Guilford, N. Y. ; d. Aug. 9. 1859, at Kenosha, Wis. ; unm. •1420. X. Diana; b. Dec. 26, 1835 at Elba. N. Y. ; d. March 22, 1901 at Iowa Falls, la.; m. DeWitt Crandall. •1421. XI. Lovina; b. June 26, 1838 at Elba, N. Y. ; m. Charles H. Packard; res. (1906) Iowa Falls. la. 726. VI. 288. SARAH 6 LYON (BROCKWAY) [Thomas 5 , David 4 , Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Sept. 11, 1802 in East Lebanon, Columbia Co. N. Y.; d. Oct. 23, 1884, in Springfield, Pa. She m. Oct. 18, 1825, in Chatham, Columbia Co., N. Y. Hiram Brockway, born in Chatham, N. Y., April 9, 1803; died in Springfield, Pa., Aug. 15, 1885; son of Jedediah and Elizabeth (Truman) Brockway of town of Chat- ham, N. Y. He was a carpenter and millwright and lived successively in East Chatham, N. Y., Clyde, N. Y., Erie, Pa. (1832), Edinboro, Pa. Ashtabula, O., on a farm in Iowa, and finally in Springfield, Pa. tRohert Wilbur was born May 2, 1778 and died, probably at Chatham, N. Y., Feb. 2, 1804; he married Sept. 23, 1798 Ruhama Berry, born Feb. 18. 1775; died Jan. 30, 1858 at Lyons, Wis. (11) 162 THOMAS LYON OF RYE Children of Hiram and Sarah (Lyon) Brockway: 1422. I. William F.; b. March 21, 1827 in Chatham, N. Y. ; d. Jan. 5, 1868 in Springfield, Pa.; in 1852 traveled overland to California; was once shipwrecked on Hawaiian Islands; 1st Lieut. 145th P. P. V. I.; wounded at Fredericksburg and at the Wilderness; of the latter wound he died; m. 1st., April 21, 1847 Betsey Smith; a dau. Alice, d. young; m. 2nd., Sept. 20, 1857 Jane De Vore; a son Eugene, b. Dec. 30, 1858 (res. 1906 Springfield, Pa.; m. Laura Bellows, b. May 27, 1861; they had: 1. Maggie, b. Nov. 18, 1878; m. Charles Shepard in 1897; 3 ch.. Orson, Paul and Mary Mahala; 2. George E„ b. Aug. 18, 1881; m. Minnie F. Gregory June 20, 1906; 3. Lena Frances, b. May 6, 1881; d. Aug. 29, 1890; 4. Irene, b. Sept. 30, 1891; 5. Carl William, b. June 18, 1896; 6. Fred Stanley, b. Feb. 3, 1904). 1423. II. Alhertine C.J b. Jan. 12, 1829 in Chatham, N. Y. ; m. April 22, 1847. Albert H. Smith, b. in Springfield, Pa. Oct. 9, 1824; res. still on the old farm in North Springfield, Pa. ; at their golden wedding all their children were present; children: 1. William Fletcher, b. May 7, 1848; res. North Springfield, Pa.; 2. Florence E., b. March 4, 1850; m. Jan. 12, 1881, Albertus H. White (b. Jan. 17, 1840; d. Nov. 4, 1903); no ch. ; 3. Agnes B„ b. 1854; m. Dec. 3, 1873, Henry E. Crouch, R. R. Agent and operator (b. in London, Eng. June 17, 1849); 4. Eddie C, b. May 2, 1856; m. 1st. at Oak Hill Feb. 24, 1881, Kate Burrows (b. Feb. 23, 1856; d. Jan. 3, 1888); m. 2nd. Oct. 9, 1888, Louella Ellis (b. April 23, 1858); farmer; res. Waterford, Pa.; children: (a) by 1st. wife, Ray Albert, b. June 23, 1884 at Oak Hill; m. March 29, 1906 at Waterford, Jennie Blair Mahan; (b) by 2nd. wife, a son, b. and d. Sept. 26, 1889; 5. Eva May, b. June 4. 1859; m. Aug. 12, 1880, at Springfield, Pa.. George E. Ormsby, d. Waterford, Pa. (b. April 5, 1860); members of M. E. Chh. in Waterford; ch. : (a) Ethel Alliertine, b. Nov. 22, 1883, at No. Springfield, Pa.; m. April 29, 1902 in Waterford, Dr. Forrest L. Robbins of Cambridge Springs, Pa. (a son, b. Aug. 25, 1906); (b) Theodora Agnes, b. Dec. 25, 1888, near Waterford, Pa.; 6. Clarissa A., b. Aug. 1, 1864; res. with parents in No. Springfield, Pa. 1424. III. Charles D.; b. Oct. 3, 1831, in Clyde, N. Y.; d. Sept 9, 1832. 1425. IV. Julia E.; b. Jan. 23. 1834; unm.; res. Erie. Pa. 1426. V. Alvah; b. May 12, 1837 at McKean, Erie Co., Pa.; d. Sept. 10, 1906 at Greencastle, Ind.; m. at Greencastle, Ind. ; Sarah, dau. of John and Martha (Peck) McCarty; manufacturer; res. Greencastle, Ind. where he has served often on the City Council and School Board. Children, b. at Greencastle: 1. Allan Theodore, b. Dec. 30, 1872 (assistant cashier in Rockvllle National Bank; m. June 22, 1899 Frank McCune of Rockville, Ind., 3 ch., Evaline. Louisa and Frances); 2. Edwin I., b. May 24, 1878; unm.; head bookkeeper in Central National Bank of Greencastle; two other children d. in infancy. 1427. VI. Elias; b. June 22, 1841: unm.; killed In the battle of Spottsyl- vania, May 12, 1864. 1428. VII. Sarah C; b. Aug. 25. 1844; m. Dec. 15. 1864 in Springfield, Pa., Charles Anson, s. of Anson B. and Angeline (Gray) Sherman of Spring- field; res. Springfield, Pa., Monroe, Wis., Seneca, Ks. and (1906) Kansas City, Ks., 2056 N. 11th St. Children: 1. Alfred T., b. Dec. 1, 1865, in Monroe, Wis.; res. (1906) Table Rock, Neb.; m. March 1896, Minnie Nott [ch. : (a) Vivian, b. Feb. 1897 at Wymore, Neb.; (b) Laura, b. June 16. 1899, at Wymore, Neb.]; 2. Adelaide, b. March 22, 1868 in Springfield, Pa.; res. (1906) Terlton, Pawnee Co., Okla.; m. Feb. 22. 1887 Adna Colburn [ch.: (a) Dee C, b. April 19, 1888 at Seneca, Ks. ; (b) Ray, b. April 17, 1890 at Seneca, Ks. ; (c) Elsa, b. Nov. 27, 1899, at Terlton, Okla.; (d) Nellie, b. June 17. 1902, at Terlton, Okla.; (e) Rnth, b. Oct., 1905, at Terlton, Okla.]; 3. Vivian, b. Aug. 3, 1870 in Spring- field, Pa.; res. (1906) Terlton, Okla.; m. Oct. 30, 1890, Isaac Shotwell (deceased) [ch.: (a) Emily Mary, b. Dec. 13. 1891. at Seneca, Ks.; (b) Sadie, b. Dec. 6, 1893, at Kansas City, Ks.; (c) Olen, b. Jan. 9, 1897, at Kansas City. Ks.]; .4 Mark T., b". Nov. 28, 1872, in Springfield, Pa.; m. Sept. 20, 1904 Bertha Montgomery; res. (1906) Kansas City, No. 4726 Charlotte St.; no ch.; 5. Charles R.; b. Oct. 25, 1874, in Springfield, Pa.; m. Dec. 25, 1901, Onia Ellis; 1 ch. ; res. (1906) Kansas City, Ks., 1048 Greeley Ave.; 6. Harley H„ b. Jan. SIXTH GENERATION 163 30, 1877. at Springfield. Pa.; m. June 19, 1900, Minnie Dickinson; res. (1906) Terlton, Pawnee Co., Okla. ; 7. Winifred, b. June 17, 1879, at Springfield, Pa.; unm.; res. (1906) Kansas City. Ks., 2056 N. 11th St.; 8. Herman, b. May 6. 1883. in Seneca. Ks. : d. Dec. 28, 1887. 728. VI. 288. JOHN WESLEY" LYON [Thomas 5 , David*, Jona- than', Thomas 2 , Thomas'], born Feb. 12, 1807 In Columbia Co., N. Y.; died April 24, 1887 at Atkinson, 111; buried at Bernhard's Bay, N. Y., by the side of his first wife. He married first, April 23, 1827, in Colum- bia Co., N. Y., Julina Lawson, born about 1807 at Renssalaerville, N. Y.; died May 24, 1853 at Cleveland, N. Y. He married second, in 1855, Mrs. Lucy Ann Thurber. "Wesley" Lyon remained in Columbia Co. when his brothers went to the fertile west. About 1836, he left his stony farm and moved to Hastings, N. Y. About 1848 he again moved to Cleveland, N. Y. where he bought a one-hundred acre farm on the shore of Lake Oneida. Later he moved to Valatie, Columbia Co., and thence to Whitesboro, Oneida Co. His chosen branch of farming was fruit raising and gardening. In early life he was a Methodist but in later years became a Liberal thinker. Previously a Democrat, he joined the Republican party at the time of its organization. He was a man held in high esteem by his neighbors and acquaintances. Children of John Wesley and Julina (Lawson) Lyon: •1429. I. Robert Barclay; b. Sept. 10, 1821 at Chatham. N. Y. ; m. Sophie Manington. 1430. II. I. mien Howard; b. Oct. 2. 1830 at Chatham, N. Y. ; d. June 10, 1837. •1431. III. Catherine Pulver; b. Aug. 7. 1832 at Chatham, N. Y. ; m. Albert F. Ransom. •1432. IV. Henry Lawson; b. Dec. 17. 1834 at Chatham, N. Y. ; m. Elizabeth Nowers. •1433. V. Eleanor Benjamina; b. April 18. 1840 at Hastings. N. Y. ; m. Dr. Elbridge G. Dalton; res. Kansas City, Mo. •1434. VI. Georgiana Maria; b. Aug. 6, 1834 at Hastings, N. Y. ; m. 1st. John D. Van Allen; m. 2nd. Curtis F. Hoag. •1435. VII. Elma Josephine; b. April 8. 1846 at Hastings. N. Y.; d. April 28. 1873; m. Peter Vandenburg. •1436. VIII. Julina; b. April 28. 1852 at Cleveland. N. Y. ; m. Richard Smith; res. Syracuse, N. Y. 729. VI. 288. WILLIAM FLETCHER" LYON [Thomas', David 4 , Jonathan*, Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born June 16, 1811, in Chatham, N. Y.; died Feb. 5, 1887, at Adrian, Mich. He married at Chatham, Aug. 18 1835, Catharine Pulver, born at Kinderhook, N. Y. July 2, 1812; died at Adrian, Mich. May 10, 1901; daughter of Wendell and Hannah 164 THOMAS LYON OF RYE (Schultz) Pulver. 4 ; He was teaching district school when he married. About 1838 he moved to Wisconsin, where he with his father and three brothers, David, Thomas and Isaac, founded the town of Lyons. He was engaged in mercantile business in several places until 1870, when he devoted himself to writing, and published two books, "The Hollow Globe" and "The Gospel of Nature." In his later years he was a spiritualist. His wife was gifted as a medium. Children of William Fletcher and Catharine (Pulver) Lyon: 1437. I. William Martin; b. May 29, 1836 at Richmond, O. ; d. March 18, 1892 at Sacramento, Calif.; merchant; m. Martha Willey; no ch. 1438. II. Wendell P.; b. July 7, 1839 at Lyons, Wis.: d. July 3, 1885 (?) at Oakland, Calif.; m. ; no ch. 1439. III. Alice Amelia; b. Sept. 1, 1842 at Lyons, Wis.; m. March 12, 1863, Thomas Henry Agnew (b. Warren, Pa., May 3, 1831; d. Santa Barbara, Calif., Feb. 25, 1877; son of Smith and Maria (Mays) Agnew); they had a son WiUiam, b. May 7, 1866, now res. Washington, D. C. •1440 IV. George Fletcher; b. Aug. 1, 1847 at Lyons. Wis.; m. Alice Turk; res. San Francisco, Calif. •1441. V. Millard Filmore; b. Dec. 7, 1848 at Lyons, Wis.; m. Ella Sterrltt ; res. Adrian. Mich. 1442. VI. Thomas; b. Nov. 7, 1850 at Kenosha, Wis.; d. July 3. 1853 at Beloit, Wis. 742. VI. 292. DAVID WILSON 6 LYON [D^vid 8 , ' David 4 , Jona- than 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ] born Oct. 7, 1800; died jApril 21, 1838; mar- ried Dec. 27, 1821 Rosanna Bartle.,, *f* U >t* J> „ J* ^ /> -* ? + y - Children of David W. and Rosanna (Bartle) Lyon: . ^ 1443. I. WUliam. _ *-*"* » -S y «na C-«u*-XA . **-7 - 1444. II. Wilson. fi-*^) . C^A^j' , |*t , A>i« » v n « ^^ j 1445. III. Charles; res. Elkhorn, 111. C / ^*" c * *? f ^* **** C *^*- C ^ '*f 743. VI. 2». SUSAN 8 LYON (LYON) [David 5 , David 4 , Jona- than*, Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born May 30, 1803; died March 28, 1877; n 5-«^ |v married Dec. 28, 1822, George R. Lyon, son of Samuel Lyon, of Lyon * Brook, Chenango Co., N. Y. See Appendix, Note 25. $*^7 ' ffi on) Lyon- 1446. I. Henry A.; m. Elvira Dyer. 32 2- 'ft Children of George R. and Susan (Lyon) Lyon ■ 1446. I. Henry A.; m. Elvira Dyer. 1447. II. Anne E.; m. Hudson J^abcock. '^_, J *S dG.Ct /$ # /?&< *-£-&-- 1448 III. George M.; m. Eliz/ Lewis. 1449. IV. Mary Alice; unm. 1450. V. Susan Alice; d. 1896; m. in 1870 Burdette Holcomb. JWendell Pulver, son of Andrew and Eve Pulver of Kinderhook, N. Y., was born in Dutchess Co., N. Y.; a farmer, living near Pine Plains; died In Columbia Co., In 1833. Hannah Shultz, born 1769 in Dutchess Co.; died near Kinderhook, Avjg. 1830; daughter of Christopher and Rebecca (Churchill) Shultz. SIXTH GENERATION 165 745. VI. 292. FREDERICK 8 RUNDLE LYON [David 8 , David 4 , Jonathan 8 , Thomas', Thomas 1 ], born Feb. 29, 1808; died Feb. 24, 1884. He married first Nanc£ Rood and second Nancy Hill. toy /^W/U,7^*/ ^v ^ c «'w2 ; / Children of Frederick R. and Nancy GRwwfc^ Lyon: 1451. I. George; res. Waverly, N. Y. 1452. II. Charles; res. Ohio. 1453. III. Frank; res. Columbia, R. I. 1454. IV. John; res. East New York (New York City). 749. VI. 29,2. JOHN RATHBURN 8 LYON [David 8 , David 4 Jonathan 3 , Thonaes-', Thomas 1 ], born Aug. 14, 1818; died Glenville, Conn. Feb. 4, 1877. He was a "humpback;" sobriquet "monk." He was the last of the Lyons at the old place near the bridge, west side, where for a number of years they had a smithy and wheelwright shop. He married Louise Frary. — 0\*~4_ CX^^cJ t> , ^w^** <=c * 'u£. 750. VI. 292. JAMES W. 8 LYON [David 8 , David 4 , Jonathan 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Dec. 4, 1820; died Oct. 26, 1894; res. Brook- lyn, N. Y. He married first, May 29, 1842, Delilah Fields, and second, in 1857, Mary Reither. Children of James W. and Del ilah (Fields) Lyon: 1455. I. Mary. ^ tVw., .,. fL*s»^ \a^*-c*^k. r3o~ CO h- < UJ 5 o I z o > _l Q _J o UJ I H UJ UJ '75 SIXTH GENERATION 17S 1552. II. Carmilla; d. ; m. Charles Sours, who was b. Aug. 10. 1847. d. July 20, 1874. ae. 26 y. 11 m. 10 d.; 2 children. 1508. III. Henrietta; m. Joslah N. Wilcox; res. Port Chester; had a son Archie and a dau. Lillian, who m. John Mills Sr. 842. VI. 352. SARAH E." LYON (WILCOX) [Gilbert 5 , Joshua 4 , Gilbert 5 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born April 6, 1832 at Port Chester, N. Y. She married in that place, Jan. 5, 1855, George E. Wilcox, b. 1831, died at Greenwich, Conn., Sept. 22, 1903. He was a son of Josiah and Celestia ( ) Wilcox, of Greenwich, Conn. They lived at Rivers- ville, north of Glenville, Conn. She resides (1906) in Port Chester, N. Y. Children of George E. and Sarah E. (Lyon) Wilcox: 1554. I. Gilbert Lyon; b. Sept. 28. 1856; res. (1906) Port Chester. N. Y. 1555. II. Bertha D.; b. July 6, 1866. 847. VI. 355. JOHN MERRITT 5 LYON [John 5 , Joshua 4 , Gilbert*, Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born about 1845; res. Port Chester, N. Y.; m. Sarah H. Merritt, born March 28, 1847; daughter of Capt. Caleb Mer- ritt of Quaker Ridge. He inherited the homestead formerly owned and occupied by his grandfather, Joshua Lyon, No. 143. Children of John M. and Sarah H. (Merritt) Lyon: 1556. I. John M.; b. July 27, 1876. 1557. II. Joseph; b. Sept. 12, 1877. 1558. III. Harriet Rebecca; b. Sept. 1, 1880; d. April 22, 1883. 1559. IV. Phebe WUTis; b. Jan. 16, 1S82; d. May 3, 18S3. 1560. V. Edie B.; b. June 6, 1884; d. Aug. 21, 1884. 854. VI. 367. UNDERHILL 8 LYON [Elias 5 , Abraham 4 , Gilbert*, Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Byram Bridge, Rye, N. Y. Oct. 24, 1837; lives (1906) with his only daughter on the old homestead, in the house built two hundred years ago by Thomas 2 Lyon. Photographs of this house may be procured by writing to Mr. J. W. Ingmar, Port Chester, N. Y. Underhill Lyon married, June 1880, Maria Blackett, born March 25, 1854; died 1900; daughter of John and Frances (Rich) Blackett. Daughter of Underhill and Maria (Blackett) Lyon: 1561. I. Julia Frances; b. Dec. 18, 1889. 855. VI. 367. LOUISA" LYON (HAIGHT) [Ellas 5 , Abraham 4 , Gilbert 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Byram Bridge 1844; died March 30, 1893; married Daniel Haight. 174 THOMAS LYON OF RYE Children of Daniel and Louisa (Lyon) Haight: 1562. I. Daniel. 1563. II. John H. 1564. III. Martha. 867. VII. 373. EDWARD THOMAS 7 LYON [Thomas 6 , Caleb*, Caleb 4 , Thomas 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], bom New York City March 12, 1813; died Morristown, N. J., Oct. 9, 1862. Graduate of Rutgers College 1831. In 1849 was in mercantile business in Princeton, N. J. He married Sept. 27, 1843, Mary Waynman Canfield, born May 26, 1819; died April 8, 1886; daughter of Abraham and Sarah (Waynman) Canfield. Children of Edward T. and Mary W. (Canfield) Lyon: •1565. I. Edward Canfleld; b. Nov. 3. 1845; m. Caroline H. Crane. 1566. II. Sarah Waynman; b. July 12, 1848; m. April 14, 1891, Charles G. Leary; no issue. •1567. III. William Waynman; b. May 8, 1850; m. E. Kate Taylor. 869. VII. 375. ELIZA 7 LYON (PALMER) [Caleb 8 , Caleb 5 , Caleb 4 , Thomas 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Genoa, Cayuga Co., N. Y. Oct. 17, 1798; died March 25, 1847. An obituary notice in the N. Y. Observer speaks of her nobility of character and the fidelity with which she discharged her obligations in every relation of life. She married April 5, 1814, Wines Palmer of Genoa, born May 18, 1795; died July 26, 1859 (?). They lived on the farm with Deacon Caleb Lyon. Children of Wines and Eliza (Lyon) Palmer (Dr. T.): 1568. I. Ann Augusta; b. July 8, 1815; m. July 29. 1836. Philo Clark, M. D.§; res. Kings Ferry, N. T. 1569. II. Aaron Lyon; b. Aug. S. 1817. 1570. III. Amy Bundle; b. March 5, 1820; d. June 20. 1885. 1571. IV. Rachel Mead; b. March 6. 1822; m. March 25, 1857, . 1572. V. Esther Bates; b. June 19, 1836; m. Feb. 5, 1867, Henry Beardsley Huntt (b. Fulton Co., N. Y., May 22, 1840). 870. VII. 376. THEOPHILUS 7 LYON [Luther 8 , Caleb 8 , Caleb*, Thomas 8 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Genoa, Cayuga Co., N. Y., June 18, 1800; died Aug. 27, 1870. He married first, Nov. 22, 1822, Mary Peet, SChildren of Philo and Ann A. (Palmer) Clark: 1. Ambrose Benoni, b. May 23, 1837; 2. Alvan Wright; b. Jan. 11. 1839; d. in Andersonville prison Georgia, during the Civil war; 3. George Bradley; died during the Civil war at Newburn, N. Y. ; 4. Amy Eliza; 5. Asa Thayer; 6. Charlotte Elizabeth. tChildren of Henry B. and Esther Bates (Palmer) Hunt: 1. George Clark, b. Dec. 8, 1867; 2. Walter Dunbar, b. April 18. 1869: m. July 12, 1902, Lizzie E. Smith (b. April 12, 1868); one dau. Ethel Kathrin; 3. Oscar Palmer, b. Sept. 18. 1871; m. Dec. 12, 1894, Nettie A. La Sell of Sumner Hill; children: (a) DeAlton La Sell, b. May 30, 1897; (b) Leslie Beardsley, b. July 18, 1899. SEVENTH GENERATION 175 born Nov. 28, 1797; died Aug. 31, 1830. He married second, Feb. 15, 1832, Amy Clock, born Aug. 13, 1802; died Sept. 25, 1844. He married third, Sept. 29, 1847, Margaret Randolph of Ithaca, born Sept. 16, 1798 (Dr. T.). Children of Theophilus and Mary (Peet) Lyon: 1673. I. Luther Peet: h. Dec. 23. 1823. •1574. II Calvin; b. Sept. 27, 1826; m. Cornelia Hart. 1575. III. Harriet Amanda; b. Jan. 4, 1830; m. Sept. 6. 1864. Thomas Miller (b. May 13, 1818; d. Feb. 24. 1902); one son Charles Henry, b. Feb. 11, 1871. Children of Theophilus and Amy (Clock) Lyon: 157B. IV. Susan Angellne. 1577. V. Mary Cornelia; b. Nov. 22. . 1578. VI. Harlan Page; b. May 1, 1840. •1579. VII. Charles Henry; b. Nov. 18. 1843; m. Aug. 18. 1866, Amarilla P. Allen. 871. VII. 376. ESBON* LYON [Luther*, Caleb', Caleb 4 , Thomas*, John 2 . Thomas 1 ], born Genoa, N. Y. Feb. 26, 1806; died Feb. 3, 1887. He married Elizabeth Barnes, died Dec. 10, 1886. Son of Esbon and Elizabeth (Barnes) Lyon (Dr. T.): 1580. I. Edward Franklin; b. March 7, 1843. 872. VII. 376. REBECCA 7 LYON (BOWER) [Luther 8 , Caleb 8 , Caleb*, Thomas 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Genoa, N. Y. Feb. 3, 1810. She married Jan. 18, 1826 David Bower, a farmer, born Sept. 4, 1804; died March 4, 1839. Children of David and Rebecca (Lyon) Bower (Dr. T.): 1581. I. Ruth Peck; b. April 29, 1828; m. May 14, 1850. Charles N. Holden, b. Aug. 10, 1825. 1688. II. Luther Lyon; b. Jan. 30. 1832. 1583. III. Caroline; b. March 11, 1835. 1584. IV. Harriet Rebecca; b. Oct. 17, 1857. 1585. V. David Edwin; b. May 22. 1839. 874. VII. 377. NATHAN ROCKWELL' LYON [Enon", Caleb 5 , Caleb 4 , Thomas 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born near Five Corners, Genoa Township, Cayuga Co., N. Y., Nov. 16, 1803; died in High Forest, Minn., Sept. 7, 1885. He married at Five Corners, Sept. 1, 1829, his second cousin Sophia Crocker Lyon (No. 948) daughter of Israel and Polly (Hubbard) Lyon. He was a farmer and shoemaker, and lived suc- cessively in Genoa, Geneva and Rochester, N. Y. For many years he 176 THOMAS LYON OF RYE was in charge of the shoe cutting department in the States prison at Auburn. He removed in 1854 to High Forest, Minn., where he died. Children of Nathan R. and Sophia C. (Lyon) Lyon, born in Genoa Town- ship (Dr. T.): *1586. I. Orson Israel; b. June 10, 1830; d. Nov. 16, 1893; m. Sarah Ann Wood. •1587. II. Albert; b. Feb. 7, 1833; m. Rebecca Mead. •1588. III. Enon Irwin [Erwin Enon] ; b. Sept. 11, 1838; m. Harriet A. West; res. Oberlin, O. •1589. IV. William Franklin; b. June 27, 1842; m. Emily Jane West; res. (1907) Detroit, Mich. ♦1590. V. Chester Rockwell; b. March 9, 1845; m. Abbie Knapp. Nathan R. Lyon also adopted his niece Sarah Elizabeth Conrad (No. 1600). 875. VII. 377. RACHEL' LYON (HUSTED) [Enon 6 , Caleb', Caleb*, Thomas 8 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born at Five Corners, Cayuga Co., N. Y. Nov. 16, 1805; married, Dec. 26, 1828 (Stanwich Cong'l Chh.), Benjamin W. Husted, born Greenwich, Conn., Jan. 15, 1808 son of Wil- liam Husted and Mary Lyon (No. 496). They settled in or near Greenwich. Children of Benjamin W. and Rachel (Lyon) Husted (Dr. T. ) : 1591. I. Julia; b. Aug. 12, 1830; d. Sept. 20, 1830. 1592. II. Israel George; b. April 27, 1832. 1593. III. Theophilus Peek; b. Dec. 8 (or 9), 1836; d. young. 1594. IV. Eliphalet Peck; twin brother of Theophilus. 1595. V. William Enon; b. March 12, 1840; m. Merritt. 1596. VI. Nathaniel Lyon; b. Jan. 8, 1844; m. Mary Brundage. 1597. VII Mary Elizabeth; b. Jan. 31, 1846; m. Alexander G. Knapp. 876. VII. 377. RHUNA 7 LYON (CONRAD) [Enon 6 , Caleb', Caleb 4 , Thomas 8 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Five Corners, Cayuga Co., N. Y. June (or July) 28, 1811; married John Conrad, a farmer of Lansing, N. Y. (John Conrad married second Mercy West Dimick, and third. Dec. 29, 1853, Harriet Counselman of Union). Children of John and Rhuna (Lyon) Conrad: 1598. I. Theron. 1599. II. Rachel. 1600. III. Sarah Elizabeth; b. Oct. 11, 1834; adopted by her uncle, Nathan R. Lyon; m. Daniel Cady Jackson. 1601. IV. Enon. 1602. V. Benjamin. 878. VII. 377. MARY' LYON (CONRAD) [Enon', Caleb', Caleb', Thomas', John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Five Corners, N. Y., Aug. 12, 1819; SEVENTH GENERATION 177 married Jan. 16, 1842, Joseph Conrad, born May 8, 1810. They lived In Lansing, N. Y. (Dr. T.). Children of Joseph and Mary (Lyon) Conrad: 1603. I. Fanny Elizabeth; b. Nov. 19, 1S43. 1604. II. Orin; b. June 7, 1845; d. Sept. 19, 1851. 887. VII. 379. SAMUEL CHADWICK 7 LYON [Martin 6 , Caleb 8 , Caleb 4 , Thomas 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Genoa, Cayuga Co., N. Y., May 31, 1810; died Sept. 13, 1870. He married, May 11, 1840, Emily Adams, born Oct. 30, 1819 (Dr. T.). Shelves (1906) in Grand Rapids, Mich., with her daughter Ellen. <>** <*-« c Children of Samuel C. and Emily (Adams) Lyon: . S^-* fcC-^Cc ' J ^*^ 1605. I. Henry; b. Oct. 27, 1S50; res. (1906) Syracuse, N. T. ' 1606. II. Ellen Augusta; b. July 6, 1852; res. (1906) Grand Rapids, Mich. k<., 4~fg A 888. VII. 379. CAROLINE HALL 7 LYON (MOSIER) [Martin', Caleb 5 , Caleb*, Thomas 5 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Aug. 18, 1832, died $U.. Oc kcnc c ta d y -, N. Y., Aug. 4, 1890, her home being at the time in Syracuse. She married July 5, 1858, Charles Porter Moskr, born Car- bondale, Pa., Jan. 21, 1837. He was a merchant (Dr. T.). Daughter and only child of Charles P. and Caroline H. (Lyon.) Mosier. 160T. I. Lillian Virginia; b. Phelps, N. Y., July 14, 1867. 889. VII. 380. ANSON MEAD 7 LYON [Benjamin , Caleb 6 , Caleb 1 , Thomas 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Genoa, Cayuga Co., N. Y., March 9, 1810. He was a carpenter and painter. He went with his father in 1835 to Ohio, but returned to Genoa. He married Betsey Reebler. Children of Anson M. and Betsey (Reebler) Lyon (Dr. T.): 1608. I. William Alexander Richards. 1609. II. Caroline Elizabeth. 1610. III. George Anson Benjamin. 1611. IV. Catherine. 1612. V. Emily Maria. 1618. VI. Timothy. 1614. VII. Abigail. 16ir,. VIII. Rachel. 890. VII. 380. TIMOTHY 7 LYON [Benjamin 6 , Caleb 8 , Caleb 4 , Thomas 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], b. Genoa, N. Y., Aug. 13, 1812. He mar- (12) 178 THOMAS LYON OF RYE ried Mrs. Caroline Beebe, who had two children by her former hus- band. They lived in Syracuse, N. Y., where he was a clerk. Son of Timothy and Caroline ( ) (Beebe) Lyon: 1616. I. Timothy. 900. VII. 382. MARCUS 7 LYON [Moses 6 , Caleb 5 , Caleb 4 , Thomas 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Genoa, N. Y., Sept. 23, 1827; d. Sept. 18, 1899. He was a graduate of Yale, 1852; an attorney at law in Ithaca, N. Y., where he was Postmaster; District Attorney of Tomp- kins Co.; County Judge and Surrogate Tompkins Co., 1873-1892. He married in Ithaca, Sept. 17 (or 23), 1855, Susan Mann Schuyler, who was born May 6, 1834, and died in Ithaca Sept. 17 (or 19), 1896. Children of Marcus and Susan M. (Schuyler) Lyon: ♦1617. I. Lucy; b. July 9, 1S5S; m. "Walter Craig Kerr. *1618. II. Laura; b. Oct. 28, 1865; m. Otis Lincoln Williams; d. March, 1894. 1619. III. rhilip Schuyler; b. Sept. 30, 1867; M. E., Cornell University. 1889; d. June 1, 1890. 1630. IV. Mary; b. Sept. 7, 1870; m. June, 1897, John Howard Southworth; one ch., Faber. •1621. V. Newell; b. Sept. 20, 1S74; res. New York City; m. Delia Ward Ferous. 902. VII. 382. BRAINERD 7 LYON [Moses 6 , Caleb 5 , Caleb*, Thomas 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Five Corners, Genoa, N. Y., Aug. 1, 1830; res. (1906) King Ferry, Cayuga Co., N. Y. Educated in public schools and Horner Academy; a farmer; trustee, elder and deacon in Presbyterian Church. He married first Harriet Tollotson who lived only a year afterward. He married second Melissa Cobb, and she also lived but a short time. He married third, Oct. 4, 1876, at Poplar Ridge, N. Y., Candace Maria Vaughan, born Oct. 4, 1842. She was daughter of John Vaughan (born Middleboro, Mass.) and Candace Maria Wheeler. Children of Brainerd and Candace Maria (Vaughan) Lyon: 1622. I. Henry A'aughan; b. Sept., 1S77; d. Oct. 15, 1877. 1623. II. Anna Webb; b. Oct. 31. 1879; res. (1906) King Ferry, N. Y. 1621. III. Helen Vaughan; b. Sept. 2, 18S3. 904. VII. 382. WILLIAM RICHARDS 7 LYON [Moses 6 , Caleb 5 , Caleb*, Thomas 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Genoa Township, Cayuga Co., N. Y., May 6, 1834; grad. Williams College, 1858. He is an attorney at law; res. (1906) St. Joseph, Berrien Co., Mich. He married at St. SEVENTH GENERATION 179 Joseph, Nov. 3, 1864, Frances Emeline Jones, daughter of Hiram and Charlotte Ann (Ellis) Jones of St. Joseph. 908. VII. 385. MARY T LYON (SMITH) [Joseph 8 , Daniel 8 , Caleb 4 . Thomas 3 , John 2 , Thomas'], born March 4, 1802; married Jacob, son of Henry Smith, of Lansing, N. Y. They lived in Genoa and Lansing a few years and then removed to Groton. Children of Jacob and Mary (Lyon) Smith (Dr. T.): 1625. I. Sarah Esther; b. March, 1847; m. Thomas B. Roberson, who d. Feb. 20. 1853; res. Fayetteville. 1626. II. Edward Elander. 1627. III. Ellen Augusta; m. Feb. 20, 1853, Brown. 1628. IV. Amy Jane; b. April 29, 1838. 909. VII. 385. FANNY 7 LYON (SMITH) [Joseph 8 , Daniel 8 , Caleb*, Thomas 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born about 1804; d. April 7, 1847; married William Smith (not related to Jacob Smith, her brother-in- law). They settled in Bronson, Huron Co., O. Children of William and Fanny (Lyon) Smith (Dr. T.): 1629. I. Harriet; b. Dec. 1, 1832. 1630. II. John Henry. 910. VII. 385. AMY 7 LYON (SMITH) [Joseph 8 , Daniel 8 , Caleb 4 , Thomas 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born about 1806; married first, Thore (?) Smith, twin brother of Jacob, her sister Mary's husband. They lived in Lansing. He was accidentally shot and killed while hunting. She married second, Edward, son of Levi Palmer. They lived one mile west of Five Corners. No children. 911. VII. 385. CHARLOTTE REBECCA 7 LYON (NICHOLS) [Joseph 6 , Daniel 5 , Caleb 4 , Thomas 3 , John 2 , Thomas'] was educated at Oberlin, O., married Rev. Geo. M. Nichols, and settled in Perryville, Boyle Co., Kentucky. Children of George W. and Charlotte R. (Lyon) Nichols: 1631. I. George Lewis. 1632. II. Ann Amelia; b. March 1G, 1846; d. July 31, 1847. 922. VII. 391. ELIZA A. 7 LYON (HOWE) [Daniel , Daniel 8 , Caleb 4 , Thomas 3 , John 2 , Thomas'], born Greenwich, Conn., April 29, 1822; died Greenwich, Dec. 24, 1865. She married Nov. 3, 1852, Allen Howe, born June 10, 1819, died June 20, 1892, son of Jonas and Anna (Mead) Howe. 180 THOMAS LYON OF RYE ^ O******— 1633. I. Lewis Lyon; res. Greenwich. 924. VII. 391. DANIEL W. 7 LYON [Daniel , Daniel 3 , Caleb 4 , Thomas 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Greenwich, Conn., Sept. 18, 1824; died before 1893; married Nov. 1848, Frances L. Sayer,/born Jan. 1828. t~#* Children of Daniel and Frances L. (Sayer) Lyon: 1634. I. Albert Davis; b. Dec. 29, 1850. 1635. II. Ella F.; m. Thurber; res. 1893, Newark, N. J.; res. 1895, Rosevllle, N. Y. 926. VII. 391. ALBERT JUDSON 7 LYON [Daniel 6 , Daniel 5 , Caleb 4 , Thomas 8 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Greenwich, Conn., Jan. 7, 1828; died Dec. 13, 1894. Will dated Oct. 21, 1893; probated March 5, 1895; executors, wife Mary J., brother-in-law, Robert A. McKenzie. He mar- ried Mary Jane McKenzie, who died at 174 Hooper St., Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug. 14, 1904. No children. 928. VII. 391. JOSEPH THEODORE 7 LYON [Daniel 9 , Daniel 8 , Caleb 4 , Thomas 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Greenwich, Conn., Aug. 7, 1832; res. (1907) on the old farm, Greenwich; m. at Greenwich, Sept. 6, 1858, Rebecca Finch, born 1838, at Greenwich. Children of Joseph T. and Rebecca (Finch) Lyon: •1636. I. George W.; b. I860; m. Ida Louise Husted. 1637. II. Edward. 930. VII. 391. GEORGE DERBY 7 LYON [Daniel 6 , Daniel 5 , Caleb 4 , Thomas 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Greenwich, Conn., April 7, 1835; died Deer Lodge City, Montana, Dec, 1895. He married Ella Children of George D. and Ella ( ) Lyon: 1638. I. William; minor, over 14, 1895. 1639. II. Arthur; minor, over 14, 1895. 1610. III. George; minor, under 14, 1895. 952. VII. 410. NOAH 7 LYON [Israel 6 , Noah 5 , Caleb 4 , Thomas 8 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Genoa, Cayuga Co., N. Y., April 30, 1820; lived on the old homestead. He married Catherine Stillwell, granddaughter of Patty Quick, who was a daughter of Thaddeus Mead. Children of Noah and Catherine (Stillwell) Lyon: 1641. I. Jay Edgar. 1642. II. Emma Ellen. SEVENTH GENERATION 181 953. VII. 410. ZACHARIAH' LYON [Israel 8 , Noah 8 , Caleb 4 , Thomas 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Genoa, N. Y., Nov. 30, 1823. He mar- ried Jan. 1846, Esther Brown and "settled on his grandfather's place" (Dr. T.). Son of Zachariah and Esther (Brown) Lyon: 1643. I. Murray; b. March, 1847. 955. VII. 411. SYLVESTER' LYON [Thaddeus 8 , Noah 8 , Caleb 4 , Thomas 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Genoa, N. Y., Dec. 4, 1810, and lived there near his father. He married Howell. Son of Sylvester and (Howell) Lyon: 1643. I. Warren. 959. VII. 416. EDWIN 7 LYON [Isaac 9 Job 5 , Caleb 4 , Thomas 8 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Greenwich, Conn., Feb. 21, 1842; died July 12, 1892. He married Mary A. Seaman, born Jan. 13, 1845; daughter of Charles H. and Mary A. (Mead) Seaman. Children of Edwin and Mary A. (Seaman) Lyon: 1644. I. Ella H.; b. June 21, 1874; m. Joseph B. Mead (b. July 30, 1866). 1645. II. Walter S.; b. March 26, 1878; d. ae. 17. 960. VII. 416. SYLVESTER MEAD T LYON [Isaac 8 , Job 8 , Caleb 4 , Thomas 8 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Greenwich, Conn., May 24, 1843; res. (1906) 263 Madison St., Brooklyn, N. Y. He is a dentist. He mar- ried in New Haven, Conn., Aug. 3, 1863, Sarah J. Collins, born 1840; daughter of Sheldon and Mary Jane ( ) Collins of Straits- ville, Conn. Children of Sylvester M. and Sarah J. (Collins) Lyon: 1646. I. William S.; b. April 13, 1865; m., May 27, 1891, Jennie B. Mead (b. Jan. 10, 1867; d. March 15, 1892; dau. of Arthur D. and Alice (Bingham) Mead); no issue. •1647. II. Isaac; b. 1866; m. Adelaide Bird. ♦1648. III. Bertha E.; b. 1867; m. Wallace H. ~radley. 975. VII. 426. RACHEL V. 1 LYON (STURGES) [Thomas 8 , James 8 , John 4 , John 8 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], died New York City, Dec. 17, 1867; will dated Sept. 16, 1864; probated New York, Feb. 10, 1868; executors, Daniel L. Sturges, James D. Lyon. She married Daniel L. Sturges of Brooklyn, born 1827; died Sept. 30, 1902. Res. (1867) 86th St. and Ave. A., New York City. 182 THOMAS LYON OF RYE Children of Daniel L. and Rachel V. (Lyon) Sturges: 1649. I. Thomas L,. 1650. II. Abby L. 1651. III. Anna t. 1652. IV. Fannie L. 984. VII. 430. PHBBE 7 LYON (HAIGHT) [James 6 , Roger". Roger 4 , John 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Bedford, N. Y., July 7, 1788; died Feb. 14, 1867; buried in Buxton Cemetery, Bedford. She married May 19, 1807, Daniel Haight, born Nov. 2, 1782; died July 6, 1841, buried Buxton Cemetery; son of Abraham and Keziah ( ) Haight of Bedford. Children of Daniel and Phebe (Lyon) Haight: 1653. I. James. 1654. II. Alvah. 1655. III. William Henry; res. New York City; d. about 1368. i«fifi. iv. Jane. 1657. V. Harriet. 1658. VI. Anna; m. Sydney Smith Guy; res. (1906) Sandy Hill N. Y. ; ch. 1. Josephine, dec; 2. Louise; 3. Walter Britton$ (b. Victoria Mills, N. Y.); 4. Frederick, dec . ; 5 . Frank, dec . ; 6 . Cornelia ; 7 . Fannie ; 8 . Jennie. 985- VII. 430. DEBORAH 7 LYON (MOSEMAN) [James 8 , Roger 5 , Roger 4 , John 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Bedford, N. Y., July 27, 1791; died June 24, 1877; buried Buxton Cemetery, Bedford. She mar- ried Albertson Moseman, born 1796; died Nov. 14, 1862; buried Bux- ton Cemetery. Children of Albertson and Deborah (Lyon) Moseman: 1659. I. William E.- res. New York City; in fish business. 1660. II. George W.; b. May 15, 1827; d. Feb. 13. 1888. 1661. III. Aaron A.; farmer on Long Island; m. Rachel ; a s. Aaron A.; b. March 4, 1852. 1662. IV. Jane E.; b. 1832; d. May 11, 18S8; m. A. Reed. 986. VII. 430. ISRAEL 7 LYON [James 6 , Roger 5 , Roger 4 , John 8 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Bedford, N. Y., Aug. 24, 1793; died Sept. 22, 1868; buried at Bedford. Adm. of estate, May 19, 1869 to brother New- man C. Lyon. He married Dec. 23, 1818, Eunice Elmira Raymond, born JWalton Britton Guy, born Victoria Mills, Saratoga Co., N. Y. ; m. Florence Jane Davidson, born at Glens Falls, Warren Co., N. Y.; daughter of Charles Robert Moore Davidson and Frances Ann Tompkins. Children: 1. Burgess; de- ceased: 2 Rose Davidson, b. Sand Hill, N. Y., 1875. Francis Ann Tompkins was grand-daughter of Jonathan Allen and Luclnda Clark, sister of Gen. Orville Clark. SEVENTH GENERATION 183 April 12, 1801; died April 1, 1864; buried Buxton Cemetery, Bedford; daughter of George W. and Elvira (Sherman) Raymond. Children of Israel and Eunice E. (Raymond) Lyon: •1663. I. Elizabeth K.; b. April 16, 1820; d. Jan. 21, 1895; m. Thomas W. Smith. 1664. II. George W.; b. Oct. 14, 1828; d. Nov. 23, 1875; m. 1860. Abble Duncan; assemblyman, Westchester Co., 1852; res. Mt. Kisco; rem. to Kalama- zoo, Mich. 1665. III. Jane Ann; b. May 2, 1833; d. Sept. 10, 1840. 987. VII. 430. NEWMAN CLARK' LYON [James 6 , Roger 8 , Roger', John 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Bedford, N. Y., Dec. 18, 1797; died Nov. 20, 1890; buried Buxton Cemetery, Bedford. He married Nov. 18, 1818, Alethea Merritt, born June 26, 1798; died Aug. 10, 1887; buried Buxton Cemetery. She was daughter of Nathaniel and Deborah (Honeywell) Merritt. t Children of Newman C. and Alethea (Merritt) Lyon: •1666. I. William Edward; b. Sept. 18, 1819; d. Jan. 6, 1904; m. 1st, Elizabeth Banks; m. 2nd, Mary E. Carr. 1667. II. Merritt; b. Nov. 11. 1820; d. Sept. 27, 1821. 1668. III. Nathaniel M.j b. Feb. 22, 1823; d. Jan. 4, 1827. 1669. IV. Henry >'.; b. March 21, 1825; d. Jan. 3, 1827. •1670. V. Henry; b. June 16, 1827; m. 1854 Anna Maria Dingee. 1671. VI. James M.; b. Jan. 29, 1830; m. . •1672. VII. Sarah Jane; b. March 19, 1831; m. Stephen Holly Miller. •1673. VIII. Ann Matilda; b. June 20, 1832; m. William Harvey Banks. •1674. IX. Newman C; b. June 18. 1834; d. Nov. 1, 1900; m. Addie Cary. 1675. X. Nathaniel; b. April 28, 1837; d. 1895 (will prob. Jan. 16); m. Henrietta, dau. of John Cary; she lives in Brooklyn. •1676. XI. Alethea M.; b. May 19, 1839; m. Isaac N. Halt. 988. VII. 430. JAMES 7 LYON [James 6 , Roger 5 , Roger 4 , John', John 2 , Thomas'], born Bedford, N. Y., April 7, 1800; died March 26, 1869, in Western New York. He married 1st, Nov. 3, 1824, Maria Quereau, born Jan. 11, 1801; died July 10, 1828; daughter of Peter Quereau. He married second, July 24, 1831, Charity Gedney, born Dec. 20, 1799; died Nov. 16, 1848, buried in Gedney Cemetery, Mamaroneck, N. Y. She was daughter of David Gedney. He married third, April 20, 1856, Maria A. Chase, born July 5, 1828. Son of James and Maria (Quereau) Lyon: 1677. I. Peter Quereau; b. June 9, 1826; res. Cato, Cayuga Co., N. T. ; m. ; ch.: James, another son, and 2 daughters. tSee footnote to No. 302. 184 THOMAS LYON OF RYE Children of James and Charity (Gedney) Lyon: •1678. II. Harvey; b. Nov. 27, 1832; d. Jan. 20, 1906; m. Thirza C. . *1679. III. Phebe; b. Dec. 7, 1835; m. Theodore Fowler. 1680. IV. Albert; b. Nov. 2, 1837; res. (1906) Katonah. *1681. V. William; b. June 8, 1839; m. Lucretia Merritt. 1682. VI. James Henry; b. Feb. 9, 1841; d. June 16, 1864, at siege of Petersburgh. Va., in 4th N. Y. Heavy Artillery. 989. VII. 430. MARY 7 LYON (HORTON) (CRANE) [James 8 , Roger 6 , Roger 4 , John 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Bedford, N. Y., April 5, 1804; died Oct. 27, 1878; buried at Buxton Cemetery, Bedford. She married first, Jan. 25, 1826, Elias Quereau Horton, born Dec. 22, 1800; died Sept. 23, 1831; son of Wright and Ann (Quereau) Horton. $ She married second, Philander Crane. Children of Elias Q. and Mary (Lyon) Horton: 1683. I. Martha Ann; b. Dec. 26, 1826; d. Sept. 6, 1897; m. Nov. 21. 1846. Silas G. Tompkins. 1684. II. James Wright; b. Jan. 20, 1S27; d. Feb. 19, 1827. 1685. III. Elizabeth Mary; b. May 27, 1831; d. May 3, 1885; m. 1st. Na- thaniel O. Williamson (d. Nov. 3, 1851, ae. 24 y.); m. 2nd, Feb. 4, 1858, Peter M. Dingee (b. July 22, 1822; d. Oct. 11, 1886). 990. VII. 430. KNAPP 7 LYON [James 6 , Roger 6 , Roger 4 , John'. John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Bedford, N. Y., Sept. 8, 1806; died April 19, 1870; buried in Buxton Cemetery, Bedford. He married Sarah H Tyler, born July 4, 1810; died Oct. 4, 1872, buried Buxton Cemetery. Adm. of estate New York City, Oct. 8, 1892, to sister, Harriet H. Slight. Son of Knapp and Sarah H. (Tyler) Lyon: •1686. I. William A.; b. July 13, 1834; d. Sept. 25, 1863. 992. VII. 431. MILES 7 LYON [Jonathan 6 , Roger 6 , Roger 1 , John 8 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Bedford, N. Y., Dec. 25, 1795; died Cornwall, Orange Co., N. Y., April 7, 1838; buried Canterbury Cemetery near t Wright Horton, son of Stephen, born May 22, 1776; died June 12, 1861: m. Nov. 29, 1798, Anne Quereau, born March 10, 1780; died Jan. 4, 1852; dau. of Dr. Elias Quereau. Children: 1. Elias Quereau, b. Dec. 22, 1800; d. Sept. 23 1831; m. Mary Lyon (above); 2. Betsey Ann, b. Nov. 4, 1802; 3. George W., b. Sept. 10, 1804; m. Charlotte Griffin; 4. Frost, b. Sept. 15. 1806; m. Phebe Tomp. kins, 5. Stephen D., b. Oct. 3, 1808; d. March 5, 1842; m. Delia Clapp; 6. Wil- liam C, b. Jan. 9, 1811; d. Jan. 26, 1846; m. Phebe McKiel; 7. Jane, b. Jan. 17. 1813; m. May 19, 1839 Thomas C. Van Hensen; 8. Sarah, b. May 10, 1815; d. Jan. 11, 1850; m. March IS, 1838, Joseph T. Hallock; 9. Peter Quereau; b. Dec. 26, 1817; unm.; 10. Wright Frost, b. Feb. 22, 1820; d. March 23, 1844; unm. SEVENTH GENERATION 185 Cornwall. He married at Bethlehem Chh., Orange Co., N. Y., Nov. 17, 1823, Mary Williams, born Oct. 9, 1802; died Dec. 31, 1842. Children of Miles and Mary (Williams) Lyon: 1687. I. Moreau P.; b. Auk. 25, 1824; d. Jan. 15, 1862. 1G88. II. Edward E.; b. March 4, 1826; d. Jan. 2, 1829. 1689. III. Amelia; b. March 1. 1828; d. Dec. 24, 1829; buried Buxton Cemetery. •1690. l\ William Williams; b. Sept. 10, 1830; d. Nov. 15, 1875; m. Emma Jane Howell. 1691. V. John H.; b. March 12, 1834; d. Jan. 14, 1860; bur. Buxton Cemetery. 1692. VI. Margaret Ann; b. Sept. 14, 1836; d. Nov. 12, 1894; unm. 1010. VII. 438. ELIAS QUEREAU' LYON [John", Justus 8 , Roger 1 , John 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born in Bedford, Westchester Co., N. Y., April 8, 1823; a farmer, living (1906) in South Salem, N. Y. He was married Dec. 30, 1846, by Rev. Reuben Frame to Mary Ann Wood, born April 13, 1827, daughter of Jeremiah and Margaret (Horton) Wood of South Salem. Children of Elias Q. and Mary Ann (Wood) Lyon: 1693. T. Mary Ann Ophelia; b. New York City, April 16, 1856; res. South Salem. N. Y. 1694. II. Catherine Elizabeth; b. South Salem, May 29, 1859; d. Aug. 28, 1859. 1695. III. Clementina Quereau; b. South Salem, July 14, 1860; d. July 21, 1863. 1696. IV. Louisa Matilda; b. South Salem, Jan. 16, 1862; d. Jan. 17, 1862. 1697. V. Caroline Emma; b. South Salem, April 21, 1864. 1018. VII. 439. STEPHEN 7 LYON [William 6 , Justus , Roger 4 , ^ f John 5 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Bedford, N. Y., Oct. 29, 1810; died April ,, 24, 1898. He married first, Jan. 9, 1834. Amanda A. Miller, born May 14, 1814; died Jan. 8, 1847; buried in Union Cemetery, Bedford. She was daughter of John and Sarah (Mills) Miller, of Bedford. He mar- ried second, Oct. 16, 1850, Amy A. Wheeler, born Oct. 4, 1815; died March 27, 1897; daughter of Samuel Wheeler. tfc-CM-pt. u^t* , *^£tf*~ Children of Stephen and Amanda A. (Miller) Lyon, born in Bedford, N. Y. : •1698. I. John Miller; b. Sept. 28, 1P34; d. Feb. 22, 1902; m. 1st. Sarah J. Clifford; m. 2nd. Jennie M. Balllle. •1699. II. William Penn; b. Feb. 7, 1837; m. Mary Ann Snlffen. 1700. III. Jere Miller; b. Aug. 10, 1841; m. Susan Robertson; res. Kato- nah, N. Y. 1701. IV. Stephen E.; b. July 8, 1843; d. Dec. 21, 1851. 1702. V. Amanda A.; b. Aug. 20, 1846; d. March 23, 1847. 186 THOMAS LYON OF RYE 1025. VII. 439. FERRIS 7 LYON [William 8 , Justus 5 , Roger 4 , John», John 2 , Thomas'], born April 26, 1828, died Bedford, N. Y., Nov. 23, 1878; buried Union Cemetery, Bedford. He married Sarah Letitia Williamson, born in Bedford, Jan. 14, 1836; died Nov. 2, 1898; buried in Union Cemetery; daughter of William Williamson. Children of Ferris and Sarah L. (Williamson) Lyon: 1703. I. William Henry; b. July 30, 1856 [or 1857]; unm. ; res. New York City; address 151 Maiden Lane. 1704. II. Mary C; b. June 7, 1859; m. Edgar N. Reynolds; res. Yonkers, N. Y. 1705. III. Carrie Louise; b. July 1, 1861; m. Aug. 25, 1885, Leonard K. Knox (son of Peter H. and Jane (Hewson) Knox), dentist; res. Bedford, N. Y. 1706. IV. Stephen F.j b. Sept. 11, 1868; d. Jan. 17, 1869. 1707. V. Charles F.; b. April 13, 1870. 1708. VI. Jeannette C. [Nettie]; b. July 11, 1S73; m. Cornell; res. Bedford Station, N. Y. 1027. VII. 442. REV. WALTER SMITH 7 LYON [John 6 , Samuel 5 , Roger 4 , John 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Bedford, N. Y., Feb. 12, 1791; died Oct. 18, 1867. Will dated March 18, 1864; probated White Plains, Dec. 9, 1867 (Lib. 55-56). He married, Nov. 25, 1814, Betsey Booth Sanford, born Reading, Conn., Dec. 6, 1796; died Bedford, N. Y., Jan. 3, 1842, daughter of Hezekiah Sanford. They lived at Katonah, West- chester Co., N. Y. Children of Walter S. and Betsey B. (Sanford) Lyon: /^ 6-~~<^ , ^-*i /V V^ *1709. I. Antoinette; b. April 4, 1816; living 1906; m. Abraham Stockholm. *1710. II. Thomas S.; b. Feb. 17, 1818; d. 1903; m. 1st] Calista B. Haight; m. 2nd, Deborah *^ •1711. III. Sarah Elizabeth; b. July 18, 1S20; d. May 22, 1885; m. Lemuel Wales. •1712. IV. Mary; b. June 4, 1823; m. John J. Wood. 1713. V. Louisa Sanford; b. Feb. 4,1826; living 1904; unm. 1714. VI. Louisa ["Lonesa"] Smith; twin sister of foregoing; d. May 12, 1901; m. Jan., 1861, William Clark of Brooklyn, N. Y. ; 2 sons (1 living). •1715. VII. Caroline; b. March 4, 1828; d. Jan. 9. 1904; m. Silas W. Al- bertson. •1716 VIII. Betsey B. ; b. Nov. 4, 1830; m. John W. Peck. 1717. IX. Walter Sanford; b. March 26, 1833; d. May 11, 1863. 1718. X. John Ahaz ["Charles" in one record]; b. Nov. 20, 1835; d. Sept. 1028. VII. 442. ALFRED 7 LYON [John 6 , Samuel 5 , Roger 1 , John*, John 2 , Thomas'], born Bedford, N. Y., June 8, 1793; died 1880 at Sher- wood's Corners, Cayuga Co., N. Y. He was Colonel of Militia. In 1843 he was member of the N. Y. Assembly. He married first Dec. 31, 1818, SEVENTH GENERATION 187 Lavinia White, born Aug. 10, 1794; died July 16, 1830; daughter of Thomas and Rebecca (Vail) White. He married second Harriett Valentine. Children of Alfred and Lavinia (White) Lyon: •1719. I. Sarah M.J b. Sept. 30. 1S20; m. Elijah Sturdevant. 178Q. II. John A.; b. Nov. IS. 1822: d. July 13, 1851. 1721. III. Thomas; b. Aug. 19, 1S24; d. July 6. 1848. 1722. IV. George C; b. June 7. 1S26: d. 1900; m. ; 2 ch . 1728. V. Rebecca White: b. June 17. 1S2S; d. Jan. 30. 1831. 1724. VI. Lavinia White: b. July 16. 1830; m. Sept. 30, 1852, Henry L. Hieley. Children of Alfred and Harriett (Valentine) Lyon: 1725. VII. Lyman Cook. •1726. VIII. Hiram D.; m . Abbie Gifford. •1727. IX. Elizabeth: m. Henry Grimshaw. ^. A/'w. s',/^1 Ktjll cM^ ^^ ' ^^ U •1730. XII. Leonard: b. March 11, 1843; m. Mary HainesrA^. QjQj,^ •1731. XIII. James: m. Sarah Hopkins. / / 1732. XIV. Phebe J. 1733. XV. Charles; res. Attalissa, la.; m. Lucy Avery; a son Alfred. 1734. XVI. Alfred. •1735. XVII. Harriett; m. Frank Fowler. 1736. XVIII. Augustus; res. Fort Collins, Col. 1737. XIX. Mary; d. ; m. Samuel (or William) Avery; a dau. Pearl. 1029. VII. 442. MARY 7 LYON (CLASON) [John 6 , Samuel 5 , Roger 4 , John 3 , John 2 , Thomas'], born Bedford, N. Y., July 29, 1795; died Dec. 8, 1858. She married Solomon Clason, M. D., born Stamford, Conn., April 8,' 1793; died Stormville, Dutchess Co., N. Y., May 18, 1864; res. Peekskill, N. Y. He was son of Solomon and Ruth (Smith) Clason. Children of Solomon and Mary (Lyon) Clason: 1738. I. Sarah Lyon; b. May 28, 1830; d. May 21, 1898; unm. 1739. II. John Addison; b. April 6, 1833; d. Oct. 12, 1894, at Mullen, Hooker Co., N. B. ; burled Danbury, Conn. 1740. III. Abraham Travis; b. March 22, 1840; d. June 16, 1896; unm.; a surgeon; res. 154 Deer Hill Ave., Danbury, Conn. 1032. VII. 442. ISAAC DICKINSON 7 LYON [John', Samuel 6 , Roger*, John 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Bedford, N. Y., June 14, 1803; d. Binghamton, N. Y., Feb. 7, 1870; a farmer in Binghamton. He married 188 THOMAS LYON OF RYE June 1823, Ruth White, born Dec. 11, 1803; died Jan. 27, 1865; daugh- ter of Thomas and Rebecca (Vail) White. Children of Isaac D. and Ruth (White) Lyon: •1741. I. Thomas White; b. March 25, 1824; m. Margaret E. Howe. 1742. II. John; b. Jan. 30, 1826; d. Feb. 17, 1826. •1743. III. John Addison; b. July 6, 1827; m. Henrietta Hooper. 1744. IV. Hepsabeth; b. April 22, 1829; d. Jan. 19, 1830. *1745. V. Sarah Rebecca; b. Aug. 19, 1831; d. 1889; m. 1st. Horace S. Buckingham; m. 2nd. Herman Graves. *1746. VI. Mary Lavinia; b. Beekman, Dutchess Co., N. Y., Aug. 25, 1833; m. Henry Hooper of Danbury, Conn. 1747. VII. George Alfred; b. Nov. 13, 1834. 1748. VIII. Infant; b. May 13, 1836. 1749. IX. James Walter; b. Binghamton, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1838; res. Blng- hamton; m. ; a dau. m. Henry W. Lovell. 1750. X. Moses VaU; b. Sept. 30, 1839; became Mayor of Boise City, Idaho. •1751. XI. Tamar Parmelia; b. Dec. 23, 1842; m. Festus C. Bailey. 1752. XII. Ruth; b. Dec. 28, 1843; d. March 21, 1844. *1753. XIII. Eugenia Ann; b. May 10, 1846; d. May 30, 1903; m. 1st, Charles Gevens; m. 2nd, James H. Hoag. 1034. VII. 442. JOHN ADDISON 7 LYON [John 6 , Samuel 6 , Roger 4 , John 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Bedford, N. Y., Dec. 4, 1816; died July 23, 1891; res. Bedford. He married June 11, 1850, Emily Robertson Lyon (No. 1026), born March 27, 1831; daughter of William and Rachel (Robertson) Lyon. Mrs. Emily Lyon lives (1906) in Katonah, N.Y. Children of John Addison and Emily R. (Lyon) Lyon, born in New York City. 1754. I. Charles Herbert; b. Oct. 6, 1854; m. Oct. 14, 1896, Ella Calkins (dau. of Norman A. and Mary C. ( ) Calkins of New York City) ; res. White Plains, N. Y. ; no ch. 1755. II. Irving Addison; b. Oct. 19, 1858; res. Paris, France, Hotel Continental; is connected with a bank in Paris. 1035. VII. 445. LOUISA FLORETTE 7 LYON (DEINCKE) [Samuel 6 , Samuel 5 , Roger 4 , John 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Bedford, N. Y., May 24, 1810; died Dec. 31, 1880. She married in 1828, Jacob Deincke, died Sept. 22, 1887. They lived in Courtlandt, Westchester Co., N. Y. Children of Jacob and Louisa F. (Lyon) Deincke: 1756. I. Caroline; b. Feb. 14, 1829; m. Jan. 18, 1848 James H. Lent. 1757. II. Antoinette; b. Aug. 1, 1831; m. Stephen Pullen. 1758. III. Sarah; b. July 25, 1835; m. Paul Wessells. 1759. IV. Emma; b. Jan. 5, 1838; m. Elihu Richey. 1760. V. Mary Ellen; b. March 21, 1840; d. Oct. 6, 1845. 1761. VI. Cornelia; b. July 12, 1843; m. Theodore Lent. SEVENTH GENERATION 189 1762. VII. Rosalinda; b. March 1, 1846; m. Amos Nelson. 1763. VIII. George W.; b. Jan. 3, 1847; d. Nov. 6. 1896; m. Oct. 21. 1868, Mary Louisa Hart; he was a merchant In Peeksklll. 1764. IX. John J.; b. Oct. 25. 1851; d. Dec. 6, 1896; m. Ida Halstead. 1765. X. -Mary Ellen; b. March 25. 1854: d. 1856. 1036. VII. 445. OSMOND CUSTIS 7 LYON [Samuel 6 , Samuel 8 , Roger 4 , John 8 , John-, Thomas'], born April 28, 1812; died Jan. 3, 1891; buried at White Plains, N. Y. He m. Martha Lavinia Lyon^ born 1824; died at residence of her daughter, Mrs. William W. Lyon, 157 West 92nd St., New York City, July 1, 1901; buried in Rural Cemetery, White Plains. Martha was daughter of David W. (No. 453) and Martha (Shute) Lyon. Children of Osmond C. and Martha L. (Lyon) Lyon: 1766. I. Rosalinda Amelia; d. July 24. 1875; m. Matthews. •1767. II. Gilbert Livingston; m. . 1768. III. Paulina Elmira ; m. William Warren Lyon (No. 1782). 1040. VII. 445. ROSALINDA CATHERINE 7 LYON (KNAPP) [Samuel 6 , Samuel 5 , Roger 4 , John 3 , John 2 , Thomas'], born Feb. 28, 1819; died Dec. 13, 1891. She married Edwin Knapp. Children of Edwin and Rosalinda C. (Lyon) Knapp: 1769. I. Edwin A.; b. July 12, 1846; m. Dec. 3, 1874, Jennie H. Healey. 1770. II. John V.; b. June 7, 1855; d. Oct. 21. 1876. 1771. III. Henrietta F.; b. Oct. 13, 1857; d. Dec. 16, 1895; m. Dec. 15, 1902, Robert G. Jones. 1043. VII. 445. HENRIETTA CAROLINE 7 LYON (TODD) [Samuel 6 , Samuel 5 , Roger 4 , John 3 , John 2 , Thomas'], born April 13, 1825; died Feb. 7, 1895; buried at Long Ridge, Stamford, Conn. She married Elnathan Todd, born Oct. 15, 1812; died Feb. 15, 1897; buried at Long Ridge, Stamford. He was son of Elnathan and Sally (Smith) Todd.§ IJohn Todd of Stamford, Conn., born 1730; died Aug. 24, 1814; buried at Long Ridse. Will dated May 20, 1811; probated Stamford. Sept. 16, 1814. He married Jemima Hart, born Aug. 13, 1755; died Feb. 3, 1826; buried at Long Ridge. She was daughter of Daniel and Jemima (Lounsbury) Hart. Children: 1. Noah; married and had Leander; 2. John, b. 1767; d. June 20, 1S10; m. Hannah (d. Sept. 16. 1S37. ae. 56 y. 11 m. 18 d.); 3. Washington, b. Sept. 28, 1770; d. Sept. 16, 1 M' 7 ; m. Charlotte Mills (b. Dec. 1, 1780; d. June 4. 1; 4. Elnathan. b. 1773; d. Oct. 10, 1818; m. Sally Smith (d. Dec. 19, 1818, ae. 45); 5. Deborah; m. Benedict; 6. Hannah; m. Sept. 8, 1786, Ebenezer Webb, (b. Sept. 14, 1756; s. of Benjamin Webb); 7. Phebe; m. Aug. 30, 1786, Ebenezer Webb (b. May 27, 1764, s. of Epinetus Webb); 8. Mary; m. Boulton. ^./0£\ 190 THOMAS LYON OF RYE Children of Elnathan and Henrietta C. (Lyon) Todd: 1772. I. John Everett; m . Sally Gardiner; a dau. Ruth. 1773. II. Harriet Adah; m. Sullivan Moulton Pine; res. King St., Port Chester; ch. : James and Mildred. 1044. VII. 445. JOHN NEWTON 7 LYON [Samuel 6 , Samuel 8 , Roger 4 , John 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], of North Castle, born July 19, 1828; died April 11, 1885; buried at Oakland Cemetery, Mt. Kisco, N. Y. Adm. of estate May 15, 1885, to widow Julia. He married Dec. 4, 1867 Julia E. Comstock, born Nov. 4, 1837; res. (1906) Mt. Kisco. Children of John N. and Julia E. (Comstock) Lyon: 1774. I. Albert C; b. Oct. 20, 186S. 1775. II. Florence R.; b. May 13, 1870. 1045. VII. 448. NATHAN EMERY 7 LYON [Garrettson 6 , Gilbert 5 , Roger 4 , John 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], of 369 West 48th St. New York City; born Jan. 2, 1818; died July 7, 1886; buried at White Plains. He mar- ried, April 15, 1840 Catherine E. Cole of Red Hook, N. Y., born Jan. 13, 1817; died Oct. 12, 1885; buried at White Plains. Children of Nathan E. and Catherine E. (Cole) Lyon: *1776. I. Sarah Maria; b. June 26, 1S41; m. Peter Sheldon Coles. *1777. II. Emery Garrettson; b. Aug. 25, 1843; m. Mary W. Lewis. •1778. III. Emma E.; b. Jan. 10, 1S46; m . 1st. Halsey W. Knapp; m. 2nd. William B. Long. 1779. IV. Mary Jane; b. April 10, 1848; d. in infancy. *1780. V. Andrew Simpson; b. Jan. 15, 1S51; m. Mary A. Morton. 1781. VI. Charles Benjamin; b. May 14, 1854. *1782. VII. William Warren; b. Oct. 25, 1856; m. Paulina E. Lyon (No. 176G). «3 1046. VII. 448. ALBERT 7 LYON [Garrettson 8 , Gilbert 6 , Roger 4 , John 8 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Aug. 21, 1821; died Oct. 24, 1881. He mar- ried, Nov. 18, 1845, Harriet Newell Van Zile of Rye, N. Y., born May 15, 1828; died May 28, 1894. Adm. of estate July 2, 1894 to son Calvin A. Lyon. Children of Albert and Harriet N. (Van Zile) Lyon: 1783. I. Calvin Augustus; b. May 2, 1847; res. Mamaroneck, N. Y. ; married ; 2 daughters. 1784. II. William Edwin; b. May 22, 1849; d. Feb. 13, 1852. 1785. III. Albert Edward; b. Nov. 21, 1S51; d. May 26, 1866. 1786. IV. George Nelson; b. May 17, 1854; married ; ch. : 1. Albert; 2. Mary; 3. Charles; 4. George. 1787. V. Lizzie Sanford; b. Jan. 19, 1856; m. Dec. 25, 1876, Ellsworth White. SEVENTH GENERATION 191 1788. VI. Edwin Anderson; b. Aug. 8, 1859. 1789. VII. Harry (icdney; b. Oct. 30, 1S62. 1790. VIII. Wilbur Carhart; b. July 11, 1865. 1791. IX. Hattie Frances; b. Sept. 8, 1869. 1047. VII. 448. WILLIAM EDWIN 7 LYON [Garrettson , Gilbert 5 , Roger', John 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], of Mamaroneck, N. Y., born Feb. 8, 1824; died May 15, 1900; adm. of estate May 29, 1900 to son W. Irving Lyon. He married Aug. 8, 1859 Jane A. Sloat. Family res. (1906) Mamaroneck, N. Y. Children of William E. and Jane A. (Sloat) Lvon ■ 1792. I. Ella Frances; b. July 20, 1S60. 1793. II. William Edwin; b. April 14, 1863. 1794. III. Margaret Jane; b. April 12, 1865. 1795. IV. Charles Warren; b. June 26, 1866. 1796. V. W. Irving; b. May 4, 1868. 1797. VI. James Newman; b. April IS, 1870. 1798. VII. Minnie EsteUe; b. Nov. 19. 1872. 1799. VIII. Lillie I.; b. March 13, 1877. 1051. VII. 448. WARREN 7 LYON [Garrettson", Gilbert 5 , Roger 4 , John 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], of Mamaroneck, N. Y., b. Nov. 2, 1829; living 1906. He married first, May 22, 1856, Mary A. Ferguson, died March 29, 1864. He married second, April 27, 1868, Lucy Atkins. Children of Warren and Mary A. (Ferguson) Lyon: 1800. I. Olivia Augusta; b. May 2, 1S57; d. in infancy. j801. II. Leonora; b. Feb. 28. 1859. 1802. III. Emma; b. Aug. 21. 1S62. 1803. IV. Mary Augusta; b. Jan. 22, 1864. 1052. VII. 448. ELMIRA 7 LYON (ROOKE) [Garrettson 6 , Gil- bert 5 , Roger 4 , John 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], of New Rochelle, N. Y., born Aug. 2, 1832; living 1906. She married May 3, 1859 Mathew T. Rooke. Children of Mathew T. and Elmira (Lyon) Rooke: 1804. I. Theodore Augustus; b. March IS, 1860; d. June 8, 1865. 1805. II. Frank Aydelott; b. Nov. 17. 1S62. 1806. III. Ida Jean; b. Jan. 13. 1866. 1807. IV. Jessie; b. Jan. 4. 1868. 1808. V. Carrie; twin sister of Jessie. 1809. VI. Warren Augustus; b. Sept. 27, 1873. 1057. VII. 453. SARAH 7 LYON (MORGAN) [David W. a , Gilbert 5 , Roger 4 , John 8 , John 2 , Thomas'], res. (1906) 175 Railroad Ave., White 192 THOMAS LYON OF RYE Plains, N. Y. She married Christian D. Morgan, born May 28, 1825; died May 7, 1865; son of Caleb (or Cobb) and Hettie (Deberer) Mor- gan. Son of Christian D. and Sarah (Lyon) Morgan: 1810. I. Franklin T.; of Kinderhook, N. Y. ; d. Sept. 11, 1906, at residence of his mother. 1059. VII. 454. DARIUS 7 LYON [Jesse 6 , Gilbert 6 , Roger 4 , John 8 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], of Mount Vernon, N. Y., born April 23, 1822; died March 9, 1896; adm. of estate March 28, 1896 to son Addison J. Lyon. He was Town Clerk, Supervisor of Eastchester 1864-5; Sheriff of West- chester Co., Excise Commissioner, 1867-8. He married . Children: 1811. I. John B. S.; res. 160 Stevens Ave., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. 1812. II. Addison J.; attorney at law; res. 144 Stevens Ave., Mt. Vernon. 1813. III. Ella A.; res. 144 Stevens Ave., Mt. Vernon. 1063. VII. 459. ELIZA ANN 7 LYON (EMMONS) [James 6 , James 5 , James 4 , John 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born ["with two teeth"] July 4, 1799; died Feb. 24, 1870. She married, Jan. 26, 1819, John Emmons; res. Livingston, Essex Co., N. Y. Children of John and Eliza Ann (Lyon) Emmons: 1814. I. Ann Eliza; b .Oct. 28, 1819; d. July 5, 1841. 1815. II. Mary Amelia; b. Nov. 15, 1821; d. 189 — ; m. 1st, Aug 16, 1843, Oliver E. Wade; m. 2nd Depue. 1816. III. John Francis; b. Jan. 22, 1824; d. Oct. 25, 1895; m. Nov. 8, 1848, Eliza Albright. 1817. IV. William; b. Jan. 11, 1826; d. Oct. 22, 1892; m. Dec. 21, 1872, Cecilia M. Collins. 1818. V. Isaac; b. June 15, 1S28; d. Aug. 1902; m. Phebe Edwaruo. 1819. VI. Louisa; b. June 22, 1830; d. June 22, 1832. 1820. VII. Louisa; b. May 13. 1833; m. Charles Post. 1821. VIII. James Lyon; b. Nov. 11, 1835; d. Aug. 22, 1848. 1822. IX. George; b. Aug. 28, 1839; d. Nov. 16, 1890; m. 1st. Betsey Burnett; m. 2nd., June 16, 1875, Charlotte Adele Squier. 1823. X. Catherine Lyon; b. May 30, 1843; m. 1st. Robert McChesney; m. 2nd. . 1065. VII. 459. WILLIAM LEWIS 7 LYON [James 6 , James 5 , James 4 , John 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], of Greenwich, Conn., born New York City, Aug. 25, 1808; died New Orleans, La., June 30, 1858 of yellow fever. Adm. of estate, New York City Aug. 17, 1858 to Augustus Mead of Greenwich. William was a sea captain. He married, June 1, 1840, SEVENTH GENERATION 193 Catherine Mead, born Nov. 13, 1819; died April 18, 1895; daughter of Amos and Mary (Purdy) Mead. Children of William L. and Catherine (Mead) Lyon: •1824. I. Mary Louise; b. March 10, 1841; m. Luke A. Lockwood; res. Riverside, Conn. •1825. I. Amos Mead; b. March 7, 1843; m. Bessie Clark; res. (1906) New York City. •1826. III. James; b. May 27, 1845; m. 1st. Victorlne Jefferson; m. 2nd. Laura Howe Salmon; res. Spokane. Wash. 1827. IV. Elisabeth Daw-born; b. July 28, 1848. 1828. V. Catherine Ware; b. May 18, 1850; m. Vanderbilt Buxton. 1829. VI. Clarinda Menn; b. Jan. 29, 1852; m. Edwin Moore. 1830. VII. William Lewis; b. Jan. 16, 1854; d. Jan. 5, 1895, in Arizona. 1831. VIII. Charles O.; b. March 2, 1856; m. Ida Paillon. /£*.£ , / 9 2 3 Q'L0-*- t~>*K 4 1067. VII. 459. JANE ADELIA 7 LYON (MERRITT) [James 8 , James 5 , James 4 , John 3 , John 2 Thomas 1 ], born July 9, 1816; died July 20, 1854. She married Daniel B. Merritt, son of Daniel and Sarah (Lyon) Merritt. Children of Daniel B. and Jane A. (Lyon) Merritt (all mentioned Dec. 20, 1869): 1832. I James L. 1833. II. Lonise. 1834. III. Phebe W. 1069. VII. 460. CATHARINE COLE 7 LYON (CONCKLIN) [Samuel M. 6 , James 5 , James 4 , John 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born in New York City Oct. 27, 1806; died April 12, 1893. She married April 4, 1824, Wal- ter "Williams Concklin, born March 2, 1798; died May 8, 1883. They lived in New York City. Children of Walter W. and Catharine C. (Lyon) Concklin: 1836. I. Samuel Marvin; b. Feb. 27, 1825; d. Sept. 13, 1872; m. Maria Louisa Clark. 1837. II. Thomas Lyon; b. Aug. 2S, 1826; d. April 17, 1892; unm. 1838. III. .Mary Eliza; b. Dec. 5, 1828; d. Feb. 11, 1884; unm. 1839. IV. Catharine Augusta; b. May 14, 1831; unm. 1810. V. Henry Cole; b. March 18, 1833; d. Nov. 24, 1876; unm. 1841. VI. William; b. April 1. 1836; d. Dec. 27, 1837. 1842. VII. Anna .Marvin; b. June 30, 1S46; m. March 1, 1870, Henry Clay Stephens (b. Port Henry. N. Y. Dec. 7, 1832; d. New York, May 14, 1898); son of Chester and Mary Hemenway (Wetherbee) Stephens; one ch: Thomas Concklin (b. Pelham Manor. Westchester Co., N. Y. Jan. 29, 1878); res. (1904) 142 W. 65th. St.. New York City. 1070. VII. 460. ABIGAIL COLE 7 LYON (COLE) [Samuel M. e , (13) 194 THOMAS LYON OF RYE James', James 4 , John 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born New York City, Dec. 30, 1809; died Aug. 5, 1846; married in New York City, 108 Vasey St., Oct. 12, 1825, by Rev. William McMurray, to Henry Cole, born Jan. 12, 1804; died July 11, 1854. Children of Henry and Abigail C. (Lyon) Cole: 1843. I. William W.; b. Sept. 18, 1830; d. Oct. 2, 1831. 1844. II. Mary Lyon; b. Sept. 2, 1832; d. Dec. 12, 1850. 1845. III. Katherine Conklin; b. Aug. 9, 1834; res. (1904) 108 W. 101st. St., New York City; m. Nov. 18, 1857 Rev. William Day (b. Nov. 10. 1827; d. July 21, 1895), s. of Thomas and Elizabeth (Groves) Day of co. Kent. Eng. ; ch. : 1. Henry Cole, b. Jersey City. Dec. 15, 1858; 2. Fannie Cole, b. Rahway. N. J., Oct. 15, 1S60; 3. Kittie Cole, b. Washington, N. J. (m. Nov. 1, 1893, Henry Winter Davis). 1846. IV. Henrietta; b. Sept. 13, 1S3G; d. Aug. 26, 1837. 1847. V. Frances Priseilla; b. Jan. 21, 1839; res. (1904) 107 W. 101st. St., New York City; m., Newark, N. J. Sept. 9, 1862, John Juveno Youlin, M. D.; b. of John and Susanna (Fisher) Youlin of Rupert. Vt.; ch. : 1. Kittie Cole, b. Jersey City, N. J. Dec. 8, 1864; d. New York City June 28, 1897; 2. William Day, b. Jersey City Sept. 15, 1869; d. Rutherford. N. J. June 4, 1896 (m. July 22, 1893 Nellie Irving; a dau. Frances Cole, b. April 28, 1894). 1848. VI. Anna Husted; b. June 5, 1846; d. July 23, 1846. 1116. VII. 497. LORRETA 7 LYON (PECK) [Benjamin W. e , Benjamin W.\ James 4 , John 3 , John 2 , Thomas'] , born March 2, 1821; d. Nov. 1, 1891. She married 1838 John Forbes Peck, born Dec. 27, 1821: died July 13, 1883; son of Capt. Curtis and Hannah (Lonerre) Peck, of Flushing N. Y. Children of John F. and Lorreta (Lyon) Peck: 1849. I. Curtis H.; res. Mamaroneck. N. Y. 1850. II. Emily; m. Clark. 1851. III. Alphonse. 1852. IV. Hannah; m. Linton. 1853. V. Sarah. 1854. VI. Mary; m. Taylor. 1120. VII. 498. DAVID MERRITT 7 LYON L James 6 , Benjamin W. 6 , James 4 , John 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born 1825; d. July 23, 1891, ae. 66 y. ; m. Lavinia Moseman, daughter of Willet and Lavinia (Coe) Moseman. Children of David M. and Lavinia (Moseman) Lyon: 1855. 1. Herman. 1856. II. Clarence. 1857. III. Georgia A.; m. Henry P. Girard. 1125. VII. 499. BENJAMIN W. 7 LYON [Daniel 6 , Benjamin W. B . SEVENTH GENERATION 195 James 1 , John 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born June 16, 1824; died Oct. 7, 1897; buried at Bryam Point. He married Derinda Fairchild, born June 29, 1815; died Dec. 24, 1896; buried at Byram Point. She was daughter of Benjamin Fairchild, born Dec. 18, 1781; d. Aug. 31, 1866, and Rachel Merritt. died Jan. 14, 1849, ae. 76 y. Daughter of Benjamin W. and Derinda (Fairchild) Lyon: 1857a. I. Avaline; b. Greenwich, Conn., 1849; d. Oct. 16, 1889; m. Frederick A. Lyon (No. 1133). 1128. VII. 499. ANN ELIZA 7 LYON (RAWSON) [Daniel 8 , Ben- jamin W. 5 , James 4 , John 3 , John 2 , Thomas'], born 1830; died 1863; m. Chauncey Rawson, born 1814; died 1870. He married second Amy M. Lyon, sister to his first wife, but they had no children. Children of Chauncey and Ann Eliza (Lyon) Rawson: 1858. I. Ida K. Knight; res. New Rochelle. 1859. II. Virginia B.; res. New Rochelle. 1860. III. Kate G.; m. George Wishart; res. Port Chester. 1861. IV. Albert M.j b. Jan. 18, 1860; d. July 2. 1860. 1862. V. Maria M.; b. Jan. 25, 1863; d. July 4, 1863. 1130. VII. 499. WILLIAM HUSTED 7 LYON [Daniel 6 , Benjamin W. 5 , James 4 , John 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], married . He died May 14, 1878, ae. 48. Children: 1863. I. George Irving. 1864. II. Walter D. 1865. III. Emma F. 1133. VII. 500. FREDERICK A. 7 LYON [Thomas M. 6 , Benjamin W. 5 , James 4 , John 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born in New London, Conn., 1849 (?); died before 1889. He married, Oct. 20, 1869, Avaline Lyon (No. 1857a.). She died Oct. 16, 1889, ae. 40 y. 4 m. Children of Frederick A. and Avaline (Lvon) T.von: 1865a. I. Frederick; b. Oct. 2, 1870. 1865b. II. Son; b. Jan. 1879. 1865c. III. Child; b. Dec. 26, 1882. 1149. VII. 508. JULIA ANN 7 LYON (DAVIS) [Floyd 9 . Daniel 5 , Gilbert 4 , John 3 , John 2 , Thomas'], born Jan. 30, 1830; died July 17, 1883. She married Capt. Edward Davis, born Feb. 4, 1825; son of Henry and Abigail Jane (Lyon) Davis. 196 THOMAS LYON OF RYE Children of Edward and Julia Ann (Lyon) Davis: 1866. I. Charles W.; m. Addie Taylor. 1867. II. Thomas Jefferson; m. Nettie Wellman of New Milford, Pa. 1868. III. Sarah Jane; m. William L. Dean. 1869. IV. Maria M.; m. Edwin L. Decker of New Milford, Pa. 1156. VII. 526. MARY W. 7 LYON (PURDY) [Thomas 6 , Samuel 6 , Thomas 4 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Rye, N. Y.; died Purdy's Station, N. Y., Jan. 11, 1905. She married Issac Hart Purdy, son of Isaac and Anna (Hart) Purdy of Purdy's Station. He died in 1892, leaving a son Thomas and two daughters. § Children of Isaac H. and Mary W. (Lyon) Purdy: 1870. I. Thomas L,yon; res. Purdy Station, N. Y. 1871. II. Isaac. Also two daughters. 1164. VII. 548i. MARY ANNA 7 LYONS (WOOLSEY) [Jesse 8 , Jesse 5 , Samuel 4 , Samuel 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Nov. 4, 1844; mar- ried, at Milton, N. Y., Jan. 29, 1868, Joseph Romer Woolsey, born Feb. 15, 1843, son of Eli Sylvester and Susanna (Romer) Woolsey. Res. Milton, N. Y. Children of Joseph R. and Mary Anna (Lyon) Woolsey: 1871a. I. Mary Romer; b. Nov. 24, 1868; m. April 12, 1899, William G. Covert. 1871b. II. Jesse Lyons; b. June 21, 1871; m. Feb. 1, 1898, Alice A. Apgar. 1871c. III. Joseph Romer; b. Jan. 1, 1874; m. Aug. 30, 1903, Marion L. Gray. 1871d. IV. Ada Woolsey; b. May 20, 1877; d. Aug. 11, 1880. 1871e. V. Stephen; b. Aug. 22, 1879; m. Oct. 4, 1904, Edna E. Gray. 1871f. VI. Susanna; b. June 25, 1881; m. June 5, 1907, Clarence P. Mears. 1165. VII. 557. ANNE ELIZABETH 7 LYON (HINCKEN) [Sam- uel M. e , Nehemiah\ Nehemiah 4 , Samuel 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born May 3, 1818; died June 27, 1852. She married, Nov. 4, 1835, Edward Hincken of London, Eng., born Oct. 17, 1812; died Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 6, 1894. Children of Edward and Anne E. (Lyon) Hincken: 1872. I. Elsie Elizabeth; b. Nov. 19, 1836; d. April 1, 1840. 1873. II. Edward Boyd; b. Nov. 25, 1843; d. March 20, 1888; m. Oct. 26, 1882, Helen Suydam Pyle; a dau. Elsie Onderdonk, b. Feb. 5, 18S4. §It is said that the Lyon cane, handed down through several generations by namesakes of the original Thomas Lyon, is now in possession of some mem- ber of this family. SEVENTH GENERATION 197 1874. III. Cort Roadside; b. New York City. Nov. 16, 1850; d. April 12, 1907; m. New York. March 30. 1875. Jennie Budd Hubbard (b. Boston, Mass., March 6. 1853); children: 1. Mabel, b. Brooklyn March 16, 1876; m. April 24, 1900, Joseph Nostrand Rigot (one son Palmer Nostrand) ; 2. Edward, b. Nov. 16, 1877; m. Oct. 20, 1897, May French (one son Cort Roadside); 3. Boyd, b. Aug. 10. 1879. 1166. VII. 557. ELSIE ONDERDONK 7 LYON (HINCKEN) [Samuel M. 6 , Nehemiah 5 , Nehemiah 4 , Samuel', Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Rye N. Y., Jan. 11, 1820; died Jan. 28, 1883. She married first, Aug. 23, 1835, William Crawford, died Oct. 1838. She married second, May 31, 1855, Edward Hincken, widower of her sister Anne, born London, Eng., Oct. 17, 1812; d. Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 6, 1894. Children of Edwin and Elsie O. (Lyon) Hincken: 1875. I. Anne Elizabeth; b. Sept. 17, 1856. 1876. II. Charlotte Matilda; b. June 20, 1859; d. March 5, 1862. 1167. VII. 557. CHARLOTTE MATILDA 7 LYON (DILLON) [Samuel M. 8 , Nehemiah 5 , Nehemiah 4 , Samuel 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Oct. 26, 1822; died Jan. 17, 1852. She married Oct. 30, 1838, Robert Dillon, born July 26, 1817; died April 19, 1892. Children of Robert and Charlotte M. (Lyon) Dillon: 1877. I. Elsie Elizabeth; b. Feb. 8. 1841; m. Dec. 3, 1867, Harold L. Crane (b. Feb. 4, 1846); ch. : 1. Robert Dillon, b. Jan. 9, 1S69; 2. William Watrous, b. Oct. 1. 1873; d. Sept. 17, 1874. 1878. II. Charlotte Matilda; b. March 17, 1843; m. April 30, 1859, George 5. Diossy (b. April 26, 1835; d. April 27, 1882); children: 1. John Joseph, b. Feb. 1. 1862; d. Sept. 12, 1862; 2. George S., b. May 30, 1863; m. Jan. 15, 1896 Maude Dickson; 3. Lucy Vida, b. July 13, 1865; 4. Robert Dillon, b. Oct. 24, 1867; m. Feb. 3, 1892, Alice Doerflinger; 5. Sidney Wallace, b. May 2, 1872; 6. Elsie Crane, b. May 1, 1878. 1879. III. Mary Ellen; b. Dec. 27, 1844; d. Oct. 5, 1861. 1168. VII. 557. ITHAMER OSBORN 7 LYON [Samuel M. 8 , Nehe- miah 5 , Nehemiah 4 , Samuel 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born July 18, 1835. He married Adelaide J. Parks, born June 26, 1827; died Nov. 11, 1903. Children of Ithamer O. and Adelaide (Parks) Lyon: 1880. I. Robert Dillon; b. Nov. 10, 1847; d. June 18. 1899. 1881. II. Samuel Morrell; b. June 16, 1849. 1882. III. Mary Louise; b. June 26, 1850. 1883. TV. Ithamer Osborn; b. Jan. 26, 1852; d. April 23, 1883. 1169. VII. 557. MARY LOUISE 7 LYON (BRUNDAGE) [Samuel M.", Nehemiah 5 , Nehemiah 4 , Samuel 8 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 1 ], born Jan. 198 THOMAS LYON OF RYE 10, 1828; died Dec. 31, 1880. She married, Jan. 10, 1850, James Harvey Brundage, born April 28, 1827; died April 15, 1866. Children of James H. and Mary Louise (Lyon) Brundage: 1884. I. Estelle; b. Sept. 26, 1850; m. 1st. Dec. 9, 1S69, Edmund Owen Holt (b. March 21, 1S41; d. Aug. 20, 1874); 1 ch., Mary Louise, b. Dec. 31, 1872; d. May 25, 1891; m. 2nd. April 4, 1888, Walsingham A. Miller. 1885. II. Edwin Hincken; b. April 29, 1852; d. May 15, 1889; m. Dec. 2. 1875, Caroline Taylor Patterson (b. Aug. 22, 1853); ch. ; 1. Estelle Holt, b. Dec. 3, 1876; m. George Bingham; 2. Schuyler, b. April 12, 1879. 1886. III. Marie Louise; b. Dec. 13, 1860; d. Dec. 1, 1902. 1887. IV. James Harvey; b. Sept. 17. 1863; m. Mrs. Bertha Honore (Stone) Ball. 1888. V. Percy Howard; b. Nov. 4, 1864; m. Hattie Hanford Bishop. 1170. VII. 566. HYATT 7 LYON [William 8 , Alvan B , Benjamin*, Samuel 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], of New York City, born July 1, 1806; died New York, Aug. 7, 1880 (suddenly of heart disease); buried at Mt. Kisco. Adm. of estate, Brooklyn Oct. 27, 1880 to daughter Delia E. Lyon. He married first Ann Fowler, second Caroline Kerr and tbird Jemima C. Sutton, daughter of Willet and Amy ( ) Sutton. Children of Hyatt and Ann (Fowler) Lyon: 1889. I. Mary Adelia. 1890. II. Frank; (her father was guardian for her Dec. 21, 1848). Children of Hyatt and Jemima C. (Sutton) Lyon: 1891. III. Delia E.; m. about 1881 McKeever. 1892. IV. Carrie A.; b. Nov. 29, 1859; d. Jan. 12, 1881. 1171. VII. 566. EDGAR H. 7 LYON [William 6 , Alvan 5 , Benjamin 4 , Samuel 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas'], born Oct. 24, 1813; died Aug. 15, 1858; (Chappaqua Rec.) ; adm. of estate Aug. 27, 1858 at New York, to widow Emma F. Lyon and Hyatt Lyon. Dec. 22, 1859 Hyatt Lyon guardian for Ann O., John C. and Permelia Lyon, minors. Edgar married Emma F. Corsen. Children of Edgar H. and Emma F. (Corsen) Lyon: 1893. I. John Corsen; b. July 21, 1840; d. July 19, 1873; m. Oct. 3, 1870. Cornelia Flewellyn (d. 1905); no ch. 1894. II. James. •1895. III. Ann Ophelia; m. David Anderson. 1896. IV. Permelia; m. Edward Watson; res. Westfleld, Chautauqua Co., N. Y. ; no ch. 1172. VII. 566. CALEB 7 LYON [William 8 , Alvan 5 , Benjamin 4 , Samuel 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas'], born Feb. 4, 1819; res. (1903) Cortland, SEVENTH GENERATION 199 DeKalb Co., 111. He married Mary Ann Freeland; died Feb. 3, 1855; daughter of Abraham and Elizabeth ( ) Freeland. Children of Caleb and Mary Ann (Freeland) Lyon: 1897. I. Matilda; b. March 8, 1845; d. March 22. 1888; m. Leonard Smith. 1898. II. William; b. March 20, 1848; d. March 27. 1852. 1899. III. Adelaide; b. Feb. 20, 1853; m. Feb. 2, 1881, Hollin Miles. 1900. IV. Estelle: b. Feb. 8, 1855; m. Dec. 9, 1873, Beecher Snow. 1901. V. Emma; b. Oct. 2S, 1860; d. Jan. 28, 1902. 1174. VII. 566. MARGARET 7 LYON (ACKER) [William 8 , Alvan", Benjamin 4 , Samuel 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born May 1, 1825; died Oct. 20, 1902. She married Augustus Acker, born April 27, 1822; died Sept. 22, 1902; son of Stephen Acker. Children of Augustus and Margaret (Lyon) Acker: 1902. I. William Edgar; b. March 24, 1S46. 1908. II. Margaret; b. July 24, 1848. 1904. III. Odessa; b. Sept. 12, 1851; d. June 6, 1882. 1905. IV. Delia; b. Dec. 2, 1854. 1906. V. Winiield; b. Sept. 8, 1860. 1907. VI. Howard; b. June 20, 1S62. 1908. VII. Frank; b. May 3, 1864; d. Feb. 7, 1881. 1909. VIII. Antoinette; b. April 10, 1866. One of the daughters is Mrs. John A. Murray, 303 Railroad Ave., Brooklyn. 1176. VII. 567. DAVID R. 7 LYON [Samuel 6 , Alvan 8 , Benjamin 4 , Samuel 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], of Kitchawan, Westchester Co., N. Y., born Jan. 18, 1835. He married first Elizabeth W. Hood, born Sept. 11, 1838; died Jan. 22, 1890; daughter of Benjamin Hood. He married second in 1892, Abby Jane ( ) widow of David Griffin. Children of David R. and Elizabeth W. (Hood) Lyon: 1910. I. Herbert; b. Dec. 12, 1864. 1911. II. Frank; b. Dec. 15, 1868. 1912. III. Eugene Theodore; b. Oct. 2, 1877. 1188. VII. 569. JOHN W. 7 LYON [Benjamin 8 , Alvan 5 , Benjamin 4 , Samuel 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], died 1901; res. Pleasantville, N. Y., also cl < 89 Skillman St. Brooklyn, N. Y . Will dated March 4, 1901; probated <"C\i_> White Plains (Lib. 138. p. 180). He married Eliza Jang . Son of John W. and Eliza, Jane ( 1913. I. Clarence 8. 1190. VII. 570. CORDELIA C. 7 LYON (CARPENTER) [David JF. C. 8 , Alvan 8 , Benjamin 4 , Samuel 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Sept. 5, 1838; C t£* 200 THOMAS LYON OF RYE died Mt. Kisco, N. Y., July 20, 1906. She married J. Theodore Carpen- ter, born 1836; son of Zophar and Phebe (Marshall) Carpenter. Children of J. Theodore and Cordelia C. (Lyon) Carpenter: 1914. I. Km ma Louisa; b. 1864; m. April 23, 1891, Henry Haight Louns- berry, son of William H. and Phebe H. (Fowler) Lounsberry. 1915. II. Lizzie; m. Harrison T. Slosson. 1197. VII. 572. JOHN HUYLBR 7 LYON [Alvan a , Alvan 5 , Ben- jamin 4 , Samuel 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Jan. 15, 1841; married first, June 14, 1865, Lucy Ann Boddy, died Nov. 10, 1883; daughter of Rich- ard and Elizabeth ( ) Boddy of England. He married second, Oct. 20, 1884, Fredricka Hennsler, daughter of John and Regina ( ) Hennsler of Germany. Children of John H. and Lucy Ann (Boddy) Lyon: 1916. I. Edwin Alvan; b. April 9, 1866; d. Nov. 18, 1881. 1917. II. Charles A.; b. Sept. 19, 1867; d. July 15, 1868. *1918. III. David Huyler; b. April 7, 1869; m. Mary Anna Bartlett. •1919. IV. Frank Selover; b. Aug. 13, 1871; m. Gussie Lengle. 1920. V. Louisa Phelan; b. March 4, 1874; d. March 1, 1900; m. Nov. 17, 1898. Frank White; a son John Huyler. 1921. VI. Grace Robertson; b. July 9, 1881. Children of John H. and Fredricka (Hennsler) Lyon: i922. VII. Jennie Jones; b. Feb. 26, 1886; d. Nov. 1886. 1923. VIII. Abigail Huyler; b. Nov. 1, 1S87. 1924. IX. William Havis; b. Aug. 21, 1SS9. 1925. X. Harry MacKenzie; b. July 14, 1893. J 926. XI. John Walter; b. March 14. 1896. 1198. VII. 572. MARY CATHERINE' LYON (MABIE) [Alvan 8 , Alvan 5 , Benjamin 4 , Samuel 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Nov. 23, 1843; died Nov. 20, 1902. She married Nov. 23, 1864, Henry Mabie, born Feb. 21, 1848; son of Peter and Rachel (Bogart) Mabie. Children of Henry and Mary C. (Lyon) Mabie: 1927. I. Harry C; b. Oct. 2, 1865; unm., 1903. 1928. II. Eva Huyler; b. June 26, 1872; d. Sept. 23. 1872. 1929. III. Ada E.; b. Nov. 7, 1875; unm., 1903. 1200. VII. • 578. SARAH ANN 7 LYON (SCHERMERHORN) (BEATTY) [John M.°, Samuel 5 , Benjamin 4 , Samuel 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Sept. 11, 1837; died 202 Keat St., Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 18, 1885; buried in St. Johns Cemetery, Yonkers. Will dated Feb. 19, 1884; pro- bated Brooklyn, March 9, 1885. She married first Levi Dexter Schermer- horn, born May 28, 1830; died July 19, 1860; son of Uriah and Olive SEVENTH GENERATION 201 (Cahoon) Schermerhorn. She married second Benjamin Beatty, who had a daughter Florence E. by a former marriage. Son of Levi D. and Sarah Ann (Lyon) Schermerhorn: 1930. I. Frank Merritt; b. Oct. 11, 1858; m. Feb. 7, 1883, Myra Ada PLnckney/b. March 25, 1860); res. (1906) Setanket, L. I. 1201. VII. 578. MARY HYATT 7 LYON (ARCHIBALD) [John M.', Samuel 5 , Benjamin*, Samuel 3 , Thomas 3 , Thomas 1 ], married April v-— 2- O 1864, Andrew Archibald,, born Dec.^839, at Fordham, N. Y.; *fcori ?+ y. Y e nk o r o , N . K*rT~ J) / - v~» ,1 \2 /q m sn . „ / ' / ■7 ;n of Andrew' and Mary H. (Lyon) Archibald: ^l c"» Qj I. Merritt Lyon. 4 - / f 6 $'; /?„/?/» J~ *a£Z. .. f */ V } > * ^<_/ 1932. II. Harry Ascough; b. 1872; attorney at law; alderman 3rd Ward, *~ c , fonkers 1903, ae. 26. j f f ^« * ( ' 1 '\JJk£*-*C> f^ocl. c LC k. l< 1933. III. Fred Ascough. £- -A^O . / // ,$->_£-. tZTTt. , ^ /. /q.-cO-> / 9>^ "7 1218. VII. 611. GEORGE LAMSON 1 LYON [Abraham U. 8 , Abra- ham 5 , Monmouth*, Samuel 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born 1848; res. (1906) Mamaroneck, N. Y.; business, Central Lard Co., Produce Exchange, N. Y., City. He married June 18, 1873 Fannie Mary Crowe. Children of George L. and Fannie M. (Crowe) Lyon: ■» 1934. I. George John 1935. II. Albert Roe; d. Dec. 4, 1884." t 1936. III. Clara Elisa. 1937. IV. Wilbur Francis. 1938. V. Lauretta. ' ^3^zL* '?'SL 1220. VII. 614. MONMOUTH' LYON [Thomas C, Monmouth 5 , Sylvanus 4 , Samuel 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas'], born June 10, 1853; salesman; res. 1158 Halsey St., Brooklyn, N. Y. He married, Aug. 24, 1874, Mary L. Ford, born Aug. 25, 1853; daughter of Michael and Louisa Bonsieau Ford. Children of Monmouth and Mary L. (Ford) Lyon: 1939. I. Monmoulh Ford; b. July 1, 1875. 1940. II. Edith; b. Sept. 13, 1877; d. Jan. 17, 1896. 1941. III. Stephen Guion; b. April 2, 1880. 1942. IV. Thomas Collum; b. Sept. 2, 18 83; d. June 15, 1885. 1943. V. John Edward; b. Aug. 17, 1886. 1229. VII. 618. IDA AMANDA 1 LYON (REQUA) [John P.», Monmouth 5 , Sylvanus 4 , Samuel 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born about 1854. She married, April 24, 1873, Charles H. Requa, born Dec. 31, 1850,. son "* /$ (Titbit rr ■■ f $■**,[ C^l< tS* c£ Lyon: •2005. I. Marcus; b. April 21, 1832, at Bainbridge, N. Y. ^«j 2006. II. Adelia [Delia]; b. Aug. 19. 1833, at Bainbridge. N. Y. ; m. Jan. J* ■ 14. }8"8. Stillman Smith, s. of Noah and Nancy (Blake) Smith; they have a large farm in Guilford. N. Y. ; no children. 1304. VII. 677. AMBROSE 7 LYON [William 8 , Israel 8 , Israel*, Jonathan 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born at Bedford, N. Y., Jan. 30, 1800; died at Bainbridge, N. Y., Aug. 17, 1886. He came with his parents in 1803 to Bainbridge. Oct. 25, 1827 he married Polly, daughter of Ell 208 THOMAS LYON OF RYE Roberts. They made a home on a farm within a half mile of his fath- er's homestead. His wife died within a few years and he married second, Jan. 10, 1837, Lois Roberts, born March 28, 1811; died Jan. 16, 1880; a cousin of his first wife and daughter of John Roberts. Both wives were Methodists. He was not a member of any church. Their later years they lived in Bainbridge village. Children of Ambrose and Polly (Roberts) Lygn, born at Bainbridge: 2007. I. Lois; died young, - jT**-c-L-fc. *■* i * <1~%j 2008. II. Alvah; &.*X, years old. L , frM* 1 , L 4 / '£* ^ Children of Ambrose and Lois (Roberts) Lyon, born at Bainbridge :._ Q^y\ . X *-* fat 2009. III. Lois; b. Oct. 4, 1837; d A at Bainbridge. 2010. IV. John Emery; b. July 4, 1839; d. April 29, 1870, at Bainbridge. •2011. V. Alvah W.; b. Aug. 14, 1842; res. (1907) in Bainbridge village. •2012. VI. Polly P_; b. Nov. 24, 1S44; res. (1907) at Wadena, Minn. 2013. VII. Sarah jTane; d. in infancy.^' O^i.-f, /$**?/' £*> St-fiZ^, /? •2014. VIII. MiltonKb. May 29, 1853; res. (1907) in Binghamton, N. T. 1305. VII. 677. BETSEY 1 LYON (STODDARD) [William 8 , Israel 5 , Israel 4 , Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], was born Feb. 1, 1802, at Bedford, N. Y., and died at Masonville, N. Y., Feb. 12, 1876; buried in the old Cemetery in that place. In 1803 she came with her parents to Bainbridge. She married, Oct. 5, 1820, Martin Stoddard, born in Hartford, Conn., Dec. 21, 1798, died in Denver, Colo., Oct. 20, 1891. They lived about eight miles from Bainbridge, near Masonville. After his wife's death, Mr. Stoddard lived with his daughter, Mary Teed, in Denver, Colo. Children of Martin and Betsey (Lyon) Stoddard, born at Masonville, N. Y. : 2015. I. Almira: b. Oct. 5, 1821; m. William V. Ferguson; they had 1 son, Willie; she d. in Guilford, 1871; bur. Masonville. 2016. II. Charles Henry; b. Sept. 25, 1823: d. Rock Island, 111., Nov. 10, 1891; he was school teacher, school commissioner, surveyor of government lands, civil engineer of railroads, manager of several railroads and bank president. He m. Emma Eliza Gray of Oxford. N. Y. ; children: 1. Charles; 2. Alice; 3. Anna; 4. Susan; the widow, son and one dau. d. Rock Island; one dau. res. (1907) In Rock Island, the other in N. Y. City. 2017. III. Calvin; b. 1825; unm. ; a blacksmith; removed to Oregon, where he d. April 4, 1858. 2018. IV. Harvey; b. Feb. 24, 1828; d. March 9, 1S32. 2019. V. Theodore David; b. Feb. 24, 1830; m. Marie Bartlett and lived In Chicago; was in a Cavalry Regt. in the Civil war; killed in a charge Feb. 11, 1864; bur. Bainbridge, N. Y.; widow res. (1907) Asbury Park, N. J.; one son Edward, a photographer, res. Chicago, 111. 2020. VI. William N.; b. April 22, 1833. 2021. VII. Oliver W.j b. Sept. 8, 1835. 2022. VIII. Franklin; b. Jan. 18, 1838; d. Denver, Colo., at G. A. R. National Encampment, Sept. 4, 1905; served 10 months in Co. K., 144 Regt. N. SEVENTH GENERATION 209 T. Vols., in Civil war; he m. Adella Earl of Masonville, N. Y. ; they lived at Norton, Ks.. where four sons and two daughters live (1907), their names: 1. Earl; 2. Caddie; 3. Charles; 4. Anna; 5. Hardie; 6. Myrtle, the survivors of a family of ten children. 2022a. IX. George Martin; b. Feb. 28, 1841; served 10 months in Civil war, Co. H. 144 Regt. N. T. Vols.; m. Jan. 1, 1863. Mary Jane Fitch; res. Masonville, later at Moline. 111.; children (living at Moline, 1907): 1. Rose; 2. James; 3. Clara: 4. Eva; 5. Sarah. 2022b. X. Chester; b. Aug. 14, 1842; served about three years in the Union Army, Co. 13. 144 Regt. N. Y. Vols.; m. Catherine Hoyt, of Denning, Ulster Co., N. Y. ; res. Sidney Center, Delaware Co. N. Y. ; children: 1. Mary E. (m. Elbert Dibble; res. New Berlin, N. Y., three ch., Arthur, Gertrude and Henry); 2. Lizzie; 3. Jane; 4. Marien (one of these m. L. Cronk; their two ch. d. in in- fancy); 5. Harvey (m. Catherine McCulty; res. Norwich, N. Y.; he is conductor on N. Y.. O. & W. R. R.). 2022c. XI. Mary E.; b. Dec. 21, 1846; m. ■ Teed; res. Denver, Colo. 1306. VII. 677. PHEBE 7 LYON (BUSH) [William 8 , Israel 5 , Israel 4 , Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], was born at Bainbridge N. Y., Jan. 7, 1804, the first after her parents came to this home in Chenango County. Oct. 17, 1826 she married Jonathan Bush who was born Nov. 22, 1803. They made their home on a farm in Guilford about eight miles from the Lyon homestead. He was a farmer and Methodist local preacher, and she was a member with him. He died Apr. 24, 1885. She died a bout l S93^J^c . * 4~, / ff 2. Children of Jonathan and Phebe (Lyon) Bush, born at Guilford, N. Y. : 2023. I. George; b. Oct. 18, 1827. He m. Oct. 24, 1855. Mary Jane Piper, dau. of James and Susan Piper, of Coventry, N. Y. ; a farmer; res. Guilford, N. Y. ; children: 1. Phebe Elizabeth, b. JUne 11, 1856; 2. Susan Amelia, b. Sept. 17, I860; 3. Leona J., b. March 10, 1862; 4. George H., b. March 14, 1864; d. unm. at Sidney, N. Y., Oct. 8, 1895; the other ch. all married. 2024. II. Richard; b. Jan. 19, 1829, and d. , m. about 1856, Lydia Bateman; farmer; res. Guilford until near 1868, then at Afton, N. Y. ; children: 1. Charles, b. Guilford, March 20 1857; d. Bainbridge, Dec. 31, 1S70; 2. Mary; b. Guilford. July 20. 1860; 3. Gertrude, b. Guilford, Aug. 1. 1SG2; 4. Augusta, b. Guilford, 1864; 5. Mertie, b. Afton, 1868; 6. Chester, b. Afton about 1870; res. (1907) with widowed mother at Afton; 7. Joseph, b. Afton, about 1872; d. ae. 6 months. 2025. III. Lambert; b. June 15 1831; d. May 3, 1831. 2026. IV. Herman; b. Oct. 25, 1834; d. Nov. 2, 1834. 2027. V. Chester; b. Oct. 27, 1837; d. Unadllla, N. Y., Nov. 17, 1865; m. March 13, 1861, Mary Townsend; a dau., b. 1866, in 1902. m. George Marvin. 2028. VI. William; b. Nov. 1, 1840; m. Sept. 14, 1870, Alice E. Humphrey; res. (1907) Albany, N. Y. ; he is agent on the road; one son, William. 1307. VII. 677. RICHARD 7 LYON [William 8 , Israel 5 , Israel 4 , Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], was born Sept. 9, 1805 at Bainbridge, N. Y., Jan. 26, 1840, he married Lydia Mahala Burdick, b. Dec. 2, 1815. They lived on a farm near Masonville and near his sister Betsy Lyon Stoddard. Both were Methodists. He died at Masonville July 12, 1869. She died Apr. 18, 1886. (14) 210 THOMAS LYON OF RYE Children of Richard and Lydia Mahala (Burdick) Lyon, born at Mason- ville, N. Y.: •2029. I. Wilfred H.; b. Feb. 22, 1841. •2030. II. Arad S.; b. May 21, 184 2. 2031. III. James S,; b. June 9, 1843. *2032. IV. Charles L., b. April 27, 1845. 2033. V. Julia A.; b. April 17, 1846; d. Sept. 28, 1848. •2034. VI. Ambrose A,; b. Aug. 24, 1S49. •2035. VII. Sarah A.; b. Aug. 18, 1852; m . Edward P. Randall. •2036. VIII. Emily F.; b. April 1, 1859; m. James "W. Ramsdell. 1309. VII. 677. PAMELIA 7 LYON (GOULD) [William", Israel 5 , Israel*, Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], was born at Bainbridge, N. Y., June 9, 1809 and died Nov/ 1883. She married, Feb. 27, 1834, Asa Gould. They lived on a farm near Masonville, N. Y. Both were Methodists. He died Sept. 1861. Children of Asa and Pamelia (Lyon) Gould, born at Masonville: 2037. I. Betsey; d. in infancy. 2038. II. John Butler; b. 1837; unm. ; a prosperous farmer; res. (1907) Neville, Sherman Co., Kansas. 2039. III. Sarah Jane; b. 1841; many years a teacher; lives with her brother John. 2040. IV. Charles Woolsey; b. 1843; m. Miss Christy Bixby of New York City; has been 40 years principal of a school at W. Haverstraw, now mainly in charge of his son. being engaged in business in New York City; children: 1. son, Charles W., Jr., b. 1877, and 3 daughters, 2 of them married, each having one son. 2041. V. Phebe Ann; b. 1844; d. at Masonville, 1861. 2042. VI. Hattie; b. Jan. 25, 1848; was a teacher; m. 1st. Feb. 29, 1872, S. M. Jones of Wellsville, N. Y.; one son. Arthur Gould, b. Wellsville, Feb. 13, 1873; there was a separation and she m. 2nd. Dec. 19, 1880, Capt . John McKee: res. (1907) Lincoln. Neb., 1636 N. Side Ave.; children: 1. Charles, b. Beaver City, Neb., Jan. 28, 1882; 2. Eulalie, b. Dec. 27, 1883, at Beaver City (m. Hale, Sept. 25, 1901; a son Merle McKee, b. Aug. 21, 1902); 3. William H., b. Beaver City, May 1, 1886; d. Sept. 8, ; 4. John II., Jr., b. March 6, 1x92. 2043. VII. Herman; b. about 1848; non compos mentis. 1311. VII. 677. CALEB' LYON [William 6 , Israel 5 , Israel*, Jona- than 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], was born at Bainbridge, N. Y., June 28, _l 2 < 2 O U. CO I- < LU z UJ o a. O Ul SEVENTH GENERATION 211 Children of Caleb and Ann Maria (Davis) Lyon: •3044. I. Clarke; b. Bainbridge, N. Y., about 1842; res (1907) Hartford. Conn . . . 2044a. II. Rozillu; b. Bainbridge. N. Y., about 1843; m. Leroy Cornwell. a machinist, engaged in the manufacture of guns; res. Guilford, N. Y.. later [1907] Hartford. Conn. 2044b. III. Nelson; b. Feb. 23. 1845; d. May 14, 1845 (G. R.). 1313. VII. 677. WILLIAM' LYON [William 9 , Israel 5 , Israel*, Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], was born at Bainbridge N. Y., Oct. 8, 1817: Little Bill was the name that distinguished him from his father. This implies that William Sr. was a large man. William Jr. was average size. He was quick in movement and alert in business and s^ acquaintance with men. Aug. 8, 1840 he married Julia^Hendrick, daughter of Leontes Hendrick of Coventry, N. Y. Both he and she had been teachers of the public school near his home. Deborah Lyon Doolittle, in 1906 one of the only two survivors of the 42 born to the four Lyon brothers first at Bainbridge, tells now that she attended school to both of them. They lived at Masonville, and at Bainbridge on the Davis farm. In 1850, soon after the death of his mother, he bought the Wm. Lyon homestead. He quickly appropriated for it the best methods and appliances for farming. In 1854 he sold the farm to his cousin Horace Lyon (No. 1343). Horace is the other one of the two survivors of the forty-two. He has for more than fifty years main- tained the place in high culture. His son, Horace Hudson Lyon ; Is with him, and is a frequent writer for agricultural papers* about the practical work done there. The good wife of H. H., Mrs. Jeannette Gladstone Lyon, a relative of Wm. H. Gladstone, and a sister Miss Mary E. Lyon, help to make the home and to augment the pleasure and interest in the ancestral place. William, in 1851, purchased 300 acres in the wools of Sweden, Pa. In March 1852, two years preceding his sale of the homestead, he moved to the new place. Three men, one of them a nephew, Richard Bush, went along to help a year on the work. Randolph Burdick, husband of his sister Sarah, went later the same year to build their barn. Thus is evinced the interest of William to draw his friends near to him. He was always a total abstinent of tobacco and intoxicating liquors. The building of that barn gave occasion to show his mettle and resourcefulness. The neighbors informed him that the barn could not be raised without whiskey. Their view was a widely prevalent one. They came from four miles to the raising. Some of them brought a supply of whiskey for him to accept if he would. Otherwise their 212 THOMAS LYON OF RYE help would be withheld. The work went on with a small force that raised the first bent to position of hardest lift, where, for a long time it halted, while the others looked on at their efforts. William said he would send as far as New York state, if need be, to hire men, but there would be no whiskey. About the middle of the afternoon a four horse team with help from Coudersport, eight miles distant, came to the rescue, and everybody joined in raising that barn. This was more than fifty years ahead of equal courage in general to exclude the liquors from banquets at the White House. He bought horses in Ohio and brought by wagon road to the mar- ket east. He handled sheep and other stock. With his busy life he found time and place to be a Christian. When Sunday came his driving, different from the prevailing custom, was always suspended. He would be at the school house meetings, two miles distant, or drive the eight miles to church at Coudersport. He was a Methodist. Mrs. Lyon was Baptist. They had in the home an altar of prayer, and in which the farm help shared. Both were good readers of the Bible. Both made occasions to open up this book to their boys; and so well did they do it that they were often importuned to read more. William Lyon was quick to be in touch with men throughout the county who were interested in the antislavery issue, and in cnurch and educational work. Ministers, editors, teachers and any who loved these things, were frequent visitors to their home in the woods. From the midst ot vigorous and busy life he was suddely stricken. His death, which occurred^Aug. 18, 1856, wa^ due to exceedingly ex- hausting effort to reach and\ attend his brother Caleb, who died a few days before. Mrs. Lyon died Feb. 22, 1876. . .. a- Children of William and Julia Hendrick Lyon: 2045. I. Henry Franklin; b. Masonville, N. Y., May 7, 1841; d. Sept. 7. 1844. •2046. II. George Hendrick; b. Bainbridge, N. Y., Oct. 27, 1844; res. (1907) Mt. Jewett, Pa. •2017. III. Farnham Eugene; b. Bainbridge, Jan. 5, 1847; res. Sweden, Pa. •2048. IV. Edward William; b. Bainbridge, Feb. 14, 1851; res. (1907) Coudersport, Pa. 2049. V. Charles Woolsey; b. Sweden, Pa., April 4, 1853. 2050. VI. Merrit Joel; b. Sweden, Pa., July 22, 1854; d. Aug. 10, 1882. 2051. VII. Flora Elizabeth; b. Sweden Pa., Oct. 20, 1S55; d. Sept. 12, 1858. 1314. VII. 677. SARAH 7 LYON (BURDICK) [William 6 , Israel", Israel 4 , Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], was born at Bainbridge, N. Y., SEVENTH GENERATION 213 April 15, 1819. She married, 1843, Randolph Burdick, brother of Lydia Mahala Burdick, who became wife of her brother Richard. He was farmer, carpenter, Republician. Both were Methodists. After the death of her parents, they lived in Bainbridge, two miles from the homestead, and later near Masonville, N. Y. Her sister, Hannah, un- married, always had a home with them. She died April 19, 1900. He died April 13, 1903. Children of Randolph and Sarah (Lyon) Burdick. born at Bainbridge, N. Y.: 2052. I. Lambert; b. July 24, 1847; d. Boyne, Mich., Sept., 1903; m. 1884. Minnie Hunt, at Boyne. Mich.; children: 1. Eva; 2. Estella; 3. Harry; 4. Leona. 2053. II. Sarah Jane; b. Jan. 29, 1850; m. Oct. 24. 1871, Dewitt C. Warner, at Guilford, N. Y. ; res. Rockdale in Guilford; children: 1. Ernestine, b. Sept. 27, 1873; d. Jan. 13. 1899 (m. Nov. 24. 1893, Fred Callahan, son of William and Rozilla (Odell) Callahan; 1 ch., Edson D., b. 1894, at Rockdale); 2. Bertha R., b. Aug. 22, 1876, (m. Oct. 24, 1895, George Avery of Sullivan Co.. N. Y.; one dau. Vestries, b. Aug. 4, 1900, at Rockdale); 3. Emma G., b. June 12, 1879; d. Rockdale, Jan. 19, 1899 (m. William, son of Chauncey and Margaret ( ) Hazelton, of Brooklyn, N. Y.; a dau. Henrietta, b. Sept. 19, 1893, at Rockdale). 2054. Milton J.; m. Jane Blencoe; res. (1907) on a farm near Masonville; children: 1. Claude, b. May 5, 1886; d. Feb. 6, 1887; 2. Clarence; b. June 12, 1889. 1316. VII. 679. BRIGGS 1 LYON [Samuel 8 , Israel", Israel 4 , Jona- than 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], b. Sept. 10, 1805 [whether before or- after his- parents removed from Bedford to Bainbridge is not certain]. He married Sally Cleveland, who was born April 22, 1807 and died Feb. 1, 1869. He died June 23, 1890. %*~*-tl ~lLc*Jr* S<±< Al^f^, S ' Children of Brlggs and Safly (Cleveland) Lyon: / •2055. I. Thomas J.; b. March 29, 1834; d. Binghamton, N. Y., June, 1903; m. Ellen Kelley. 2056. II. Lavandcha; b. Jan. 24, 1836; m. Nov. 25, 1857, H. T. Green, a farmer in Bainbridge; he was Supervisor of Bainbridge three terms; no children. 2057. III. Malissa; b. Aug. 7, 1837; m. Nov. 5, 1862. Smith Lane of Bainbridge, son of Shepherd Lane; he d. March 10, 1904; she res. (1906) in Bainbridge; no children. •2058. IV. Josiah E.; b. May 15, 1840; d. Sept. 8, 1906; m. 1st, Tabltha Johnson; m. 2nd. Antoinette Teed. 2059. V. Marie! le; b. May 20, 1844; m. Feb. 29, 1866, Luman Lane of Bainbridge, son of Shepherd Lane; he died Jan. 13, 1877; she res. (1906) Bain- bridge. N. Y.: no children. •2060. VI. Orville J.; b. June 20, 1847; m. 1st. Alice Teachout; m. 2nd. Clarissa Sweet: res. Scranton, Pa. 2061. VII. Amy Elizabeth: b. Oct. 14, 1852; m. Jan. 1, 1874. Frank B. Davis of Oxford, N. Y. ; res. Bainbridge. N. Y. ; 1 child, Bertha, b. June 16, 1882. 1318. VII. 679. HARVEY' LYON [Samuel 8 , Israel 8 , Israel 4 , 214 THOMAS LYON OF RYE Jonathan 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ]^ born Bainbridge, N. Y., May 7, 1809; died of paralysis^(1882. , He was a carpenter and mill-wright. He re- moved from Bainbridge in the early thirties to South Port, Chemung Co., N. Y. He enlisted in 1862 in the 50th Engineers, Co. H. and served nine months. He was in the battle of Fredericksburg, where he was un- der fire while helping lay a pontoon bridge. He married Adaline Cleveland. Children of Harvey and Adaline (Cleveland) Lyon: 2062. I. Mary Emily; b. 1838; m. Holloway; res. Rochester. N. Y.; 1 son; 2 daughters. 2063. II. Charlotte; b. 1840; m. Albert Ashdown; res. Seely Creek, N. Y.; children: 1. Grant Lyon, b. 1869 (married and has 4 children); 2. Albert W.. b. 1879 (married and has one dau.). 2064. III. Miles B.; b. 1843; killed before Petersburg, June 18. 1864. 2065. IV. Ellen Rosalie; b. 1845; d. 1865. 2065a. V. George Wesley; b. 1848; res. Lock Haven. Pa.. 2065b. VI. Ludlow L.; b. 1850; res. Elmira. N. Y. 1320. VII. 679. SPABDON 7 LYON [Samuel 6 , Israel 5 , Israel 4 , Jonathan', Thomas 2 , Thomas'], born Bainbridge, N. Y., Jan. 22, 1813; died Dec. 1, 1874. He married, Nov. 18, 1846, Almira Graves. Children of Spardon and Almira (Graves) Lyon: 2066. I. Richard; b. Sept. 19, 1847; m. Ellen Smith (No. 2124); no ch. ; res. Bainbridge, N. Y. •2067. II. Horace D.; b. July 29, 1850; res. Bainbridge; m. Ada Kelly. ♦2068. Ill Clara J.; b. Aug. 3, 1852; m. Oct. 11, 1875, W. H. Kelly. •2069. IV. Willet C; b. Feb. 28, 1855; m. 1st. Ida Vosbury; m. 2nd. Hattie Vosbury; res. Binghamton. N. Y., No. 1 Park Terrace. 2070. V. Aliph C; b. April 27, 1858; m. Dec. 5, 1888, Will Davis of Oxford; res. Bainbridge, N. Y. ; no children. •2071. VI. Cora E.; b. July 10, 1860; m. Charles Loomis of Oxford, N. Y. ; res. Bainbridge. N Y. 2072. VII Calvin B.; b. May 31, 1863; unm. ; res. Bainbridge. N. Y. •2073. VIII. Edward B.; b May 1, 1866; m. Emma Hayes: res. Bain- bridge, N. Y. •2074. IX. Ernest S.; b. June 29, 1870; m. Minnie M. Rounds; res. Bain- bridge, N. Y. 1322. VII. 679. WILLET T LYON [Samuel 8 , Israel 8 , Israel 4 , Jona- than 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Bainbridge, Nov. 23. 1816; died Wells- ville, Alleghany Co., N. Y., April 8, 1886. He was a surveyor and farmer. He married Lovina Monroe, who died June 20. 1901. Children of Willet and Lovina (Monroe) Lyon: 2075. I. Mary Jane; b. May 3. 1844 at Sweden, Pa.; m. Feb. 26, 1864, John Calhoun Davidson of Bainbridge, N. Y., who d. Feb. 8, 1881; no children. SEVENTH GENERATION 215 •2076. II. Miriam Charlotte; b. May 10, 1851, at Bingham, Pa.; m. Geo. W. Ward. 1324. VII. 679. JANE CHARLOTTE' LYON (YOUMANS) [Sam- uel\ Israel", Israel 4 , Jonathan", Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Bainbridge, June 14, 1821. She married, Dec. 30, 1846, Jerome B. Youmans, born July 5, 1818; died June 14, 1905. S>L* 2, tv~UU /Ja/P^ H '2104. I. Cuyler W.; b. Nov. 14, 1838; d. Aug. 19. 1872; m. Susan M. Taylor. 2105. II. Subrie A.; b. Oct. 5, 1847; d. May 8, 1905; m. July 3, 1876, Willard Truesdell of Colesville, N. J.; 2 sons; 2 daughters. I '2106. III. Clarinda M.; b. Sept. 20, 1837; m. Joe Pike of Colesville, N. J. 2107. IV. Wealthy; b. Sept. 6. 1841; m. David Beers of Montana, N. J. i 1337. VII. 682. UNIVILDA 7 LYON (IRELAND) [Charles 8 , Israel 5 , Israel 4 , Jonathan 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas'], born Bainbridge, N. Y., Aug. 11, 1815; died Nov. 3, 1889. She married Edward Ireland, born Jan. 1, 1812; died July 14, 1878. Children of Edward and Univilda (Lyon) Ireland: 2108. I. Laura; b. Sept. 30, 1834; d. May 18, 1866; m. Oct. 28, 1855, Hiram Lyon (No. ); 1 ch.; b. Jan. 1, 1860; d. June 25, 1863. 2109. II. Jacob D. ; b . Feb. 16, 1836; d. March 3, 1836. 2110. III. Hulda; b. May 20, 1838; m. Feb. 21, 1869. Hiram Lyon; 1 son, E. Jay, b. Dec. 5. 1873; d. Feb. 17, 1890. 2111. IV. Maria; b. Dec. 16, 1841; m. Jan. 22, 1891, Joel DeLong. 1338. VII. 682. REBECCA' LYON (YALE) [Charles', Israel 5 , Israel 4 , Jonathan 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas'], born Bainbridge, N. Y., April 21, 1819; died Plum Valley, Neb. Nov. 3, 1888. She married Richard Yale. Children of Richard and Rebecca (Lyon) Yale: 2112. I. Ira A.; b. Sept. 24, 1842; m. Martha Smith; children: 1. Lizzie, b. 1869; 2. Lucy, b. 1872 (m. 1900, Louis Stocking; two ch., Kenneth L,., b. 1901 and Edith, b. June 1904). 2113. II. Elma A.; b. March 29, 1845; d. Oct. 2, 1849. 2114. III. Sarah E.; b. July 2, 1848; d. Sept. 24, 1849. 2115. IV. Phebe J.; b. Oct. 22, 1852; m. Arthur Doolittle; children: 1. Anna, b. Sept. 27, 1881; 2. Jesse, b. Oct. 5. 1886. 2116. V. Levi E.; b. July 26, 1850; m. Phebe Tyrrell; one dau.. Hattie, who m. and had: (a) Louise, b. 1897 and (b) Elizabeth, b. 1902. 2117. VI. Sarah B.; b. May 5, 1858; d. Jan. 3, 1872. 1339. VII. 682. HULDAIT LYON (AYLSWORTH) (COLE) [Charles 9 , Israel 5 , Israel 4 , Jonathan 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Bain- bridge, N. Y., Jan. 10, 1821; died Fort Calhoun, Neb., Sept. 28, 1892. She married first Willard Aylsworth and second Samuel Cole. Daughter of William and Huldah (Lyon) Aylsworth: I. Eleanor; married ; several children. Children of Samuel and Huldah (Lyon) (Aylsworth) Cole: 2118. I. George; d., ae. about 15. 2119. II. Willard; d. young. 2120. III. Frances; twin sister of foregoing; d. young. 218 THOMAS LYON OF RYE 1340. VII. 682. EUNICE LUCRETIA' LYON (SMITH) [Charles*, Israel 4 , Jonathan 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas'], born Bainbridge, N. Y., Sept. 21, 1822; died there March 24, 1895. She married, Aug. 31, 1842, James Wheeler Smith, born March 1, 1820 at Oxford, N. Y. They set- tled first on a new farm in Ulysses, Potter Co., Pa., where they lived twelve years. They returned to Bainbridge to occupy the farm on which Charles Lyon, father of Mrs. Smith, had settled in 1808. Mr. Smith has been a farmer, teacher and writer. He is a son of Nicholas and Susanna (Wheeler) Smith. Nicholas Smith was a son of Peregrine Smith of Rhode Island. Susanna Wheeler was a daughter of Hezekiah and Mary (Wood) Wheeler, who emigrated from Rhode Island to Chenango Co., N. Y., in 1813. At the Wheeler reunion of 1906, as on past occasions of the reunion, Mr. J. W. Smith, at 86 years of age, was the poet. Children of James W. and Eunice Lucretla (Lyon) Smith: 2121. I. James De Forest; b. Nov. 26. 1843, in Ulysses, Pa.; m. 1st. in Oxford. N. Y., 1868, Lavinia Main; one child, Byron Lee, b. June 4, 1876 (civil engineer; address Mobile, Ala.); m. 2nd., Nov. 22, 1899 Cora C. Cone, farmer and teacher; res. Oxford, N. Y. 2122. II. Levi Leroy; b. Oct. 10, 1845, at Ulysses, Pa.; d. April 9, 1903; m. in Coventry, N. Y., Feb. 21, 1883, Sarah Jane Acley [or Acly] ; a farmer. 2123. III. George Henry; b. Jan. 19, 1848, in Ulysses, Pa.; d. Nov. 6, 1850. 2124. IV. Ellen Elvira; b. Sept. 19, 1850, in Ulysses, Pa.; m. Dec. 23, 1874, Richard Lyon (No. 2026); no ch. 2125. V. Horace Henry; b. May 6, 1853; m. March 28, 1878, Jenettie Auguste Walkins, in Bainbridge, N. Y. ; a dau. Orlina Lucretla, b. Nov. 8, 1885; res. Bainbridge, N. Y., R. F. D. No. 1. 2126. VI. Celia Loiza; b. Feb. 8, 1856, in Bainbridge, N. Y. ; unm. 2127. VII. Myrtle Lucretia; b. Oct. 12, 1859; d. June 5, 1883. 2128. VIII. Miranda May; b. Aug. 2, 1864; d. April 1, 1865. 2129. IX. Charles Nicholas; b. May 7, 1866; m. March 22, 1888, Frances De Forest; teacher and farmer; address, Guilford Center, N. Y. ; one child, Harland Earl, b. July 20. 1894. 1341. VII. 682. PRISCILLA 1 LYON (HOLCOMB) [Charles'. Israel 5 , Israel 4 , Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Bainbridge, N. Y., May 31, 1824; died March 24, 1895. She married Edwin Holcomb. Children of Edwin and Priscilla (Lyon) Holcomb: 2130. I. Friend; b. Jan. 1, 1843; d. Aug. 1844. 2131. II. Jane; b. Nov. 24, 1844; m. May 1867, M. D. Fabrique; children: 1. Edwin H., b. March 26, 1868; m. ; no ch. ; 2. Henry L., b. Aug. 1872; 3. Marion L., b. Jan. 1874; m. Charles Lasky; 4. Mabel J., b. Aug. 1875; m. Henry Weary; all res. in Nebraska. 2132. III. Albert; b. April 6, 1847; d. May 1848. 2133. IV. Egbert W.; twin bro. of Albert; m. March 29, 1877, Mary J. Cahill; children: 1. Virgil I., b. March 5, 1878; m. June 24, 1903, Alma Perry SEVENTH GENERATION 219 (a dau. Mary Virginia, b. Sept. 1904); 2. Juniu H., b. March 22. 1882; 3. Laura I)., b. Aug. 3, 1880; d. Sept. 23, 1881: 4. Priscilla E., b. Nov. 2, 1884; d. Aug. 6, 1885; the family res. In Tennessee. 2134. V. C. Judson; b. May 8, 1S50; d. May 14. 1906; res in Nebraska; ■was County Treasurer two terras; m. Nov. 8, 1878, Elizabeth Lewis; children; 1. Earl; 2. Mary. 2135. VI. Horace S.; b. May 20, 1852; res. in Kansas; m. Feb. 29, 1880, Bellville; children: 1. Fort E., b. Oct. 1882; m. ; 2. Otis E., b. March, 1885; m. ; 3. Olive, b. Sept. 1, 1886; m. ; 4. Clara, b. Oct 1888; m. ; 5. Newton, b. Aug. 1893; 6. Elmer, b. Oct. 1895; 7. Edward, b. April 1900; 8. Virgil, b. Feb. 1903. 2136. VII. Huldah; b. Oct. 3, 1855; m. 1st., March 1875, Olanson Howard; he d. 1884, leaving one dau. Beatrice, who d., ae. 3y. ; she m. 2nd. in 1892, Adelbert Cherry; children: 1. Shirley, b. May 1895; 2. Warren, b. Jan. 1900; they live in Illinois. 2137. VIII. Ralph R.; b. March 8. 1860; res. Montana; twice married; children: 1. Eva. b. March 1886; 2. Herbert, b. Feb. 1888; 3. Lester, b. Jan. 1897; 4. Egbert, b. July 1901. 2138. IX. Shirley Grant; b. July 23, 1864; m. Jan. 29, 1896, Elizabeth Smith; one adopted dau., Hettle, b. Jan. 20, 1897; res. In Tennessee. 1343. VII. 682. HORACE 7 LYON [Charles', Israel 6 , Israel 4 , Jonathan*, Thomas 2 , Thomas'], born Bainbridge, N. Y., Feb. 11, 1828. He married Mary M. Doolittle. In 1853 he bought the farm formerly owned by his uncle William Lyon, No. 1313, and has for more than 50 years maintained the place in high culture. His son, H. H., Is wltn him and is a frequent writer for agricultural papers of the practical work done on this homestead. _, * Children of Horace and Mary M. (Doolittle) /Lyon:.ri fi96/) 2139. I. Hudson H.; b. Feb. 1, 1857; m.^Nov. £8, 1£°- 2 - Jennette C. Gladstone (a relative of the late William H. Gladstone); one daughter Mary E. [Minnie]. 2140. II. Mary E.; b. Feb. 7, 1863. 2141. III. Laura A.; b. May 17, 1870; d. Aug. 5. 1870. 1345. VII. 687. ELIZA 1 LYON (PALMER) [Alvah', Israel', Israel 4 , Jonathan', Thomas', Thomas'], born Dec. 27, 1824; m. Dec. 29, 1847, James E. Palmer, who died Oct. 30, 1894, leaving a widow and one son. Son of James E. and Eliza (Lyon) Palmer: 2142. I. Charles E.; m. Delia Wright of New Haven; three children; res. 853 Jefferson Ave., Brooklyn, N. T. ; he is with the N. T. Life Insurance Co. 1347. VII. 687. MIRIAM M. T LYON (SEARLES) [Alvah', Israel 6 , Israel*, Jonathan', Thomas 2 , Thomas'], born Sept. 22, 1828; d. March 1, 1889. She married Jonathan Searles, who died Oct. 22, 1891. 220 THOMAS LYON OF RYE Son of Jonathan and Miriam M. (Lyon) Searles: 2143. I. Alvah I,. ion; an electrician; unm. ; res. Grand Rapids, Mich., Livingston Hotel. 1348. VII. 687. ABIGAIL C. T LYON (HOBBY) [Alvah 8 , Israel*, Israel*, Jonathan 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born July 25, 1833; died Feb. 14, 1896. She married Albert Hobby, who resides (1906) on the Alvah Lyon homestead in North Castle, N. Y. Children of Albert and Abigail C. (Lyon) Hobby: 2144. I. Sarah E.; b. Feb. 14, 1867: m. Harvey C. Waterbury, clerk In the Custom House; address, 3 Cottage Place, White Plains, N. Y. ; one son, Rassel Albert. 2145. II. Mary B.; b. March 9, 1869; m Elroy Smith, Bedford, N. Y. 2146. III. Clara L,.; b. Sept. 29, 1876; unm.; address, Bedford, N. Y. 1349. VII. 687. EMILY A. 7 LYON (AYRES) [Alvah 8 , Israel", Israel 4 , Jonathan 8 , Thomas', Thomas 1 ], born April 10, 1837. She mar- ried April 10, 1869, Rufus William Ayres of Long Ridge, Conn. He died April 5, 1879. Daughter of Rufus W. and Emily A. (Lyon) Ayres: 2147. I. Annie A.; b. Nov. 24, 1875; unm.; address, 1107 C. St., "Wash- ington, D. C. 1354. VII. 702. SOLOMON RUNDLE 1 LYON [Seth 8 , Spardon 8 , Israel 1 , Jonathan*, Thomas', Thomas 1 ], born Bedford, N. Y., Jan. 31, 1812; died there March 19, 1868; buried in Union Cemetery, Bedford. He was a farmer and lived on the farm owned by his father and grand- father and now occupied by his son Phillips. He was Elder in the Presbyterian Church in Bedford 1865. He married Sept. 12, 1837 Han- nah Rundle, born Sept. 12, 1818; died April 18, 1883, in Bedford; buried in Union Cemetery. She was daughter of Solomon and Hannah Phil- lips) Rundle. Children of Solomon R. and Hannah (Rundle) Lyon: •2148. I. Phillips Rundle; b. July 1838; res. 1906, Bedford, N. Y. •2149. II. Irving Wittall; b. Oct. 1840; d. March 4, 1896; m. Mary Elizabeth Tucker. 2150. III. Anna; b. Aug. 10, 1842; d. Oct. 22, 1863. 2151. IV. Dewitt; b. March 30, 1844; d. Aug. 27, 1844. 2152. V. Mary E.; b. July 27, 1845; d. Aug. 28, 1867; m. Stephen Terry. 2153. VI. Emma Constant; b. April 15, 1847; d. Oct. 26, 1871; m. April 1871, Henry D. Jennings. 2154. VII. Josephine C; b. Aug. 19, 1848; m. Edward P. Holly; res. (1906) Coscob, Conn. 2155. VIII. Hannah Rundle; b. June 8, 1850; m. Dec. 19, 1883, Edward A. Raymond; res. (1906) Bedford, N. Y. 2156. IX. Dewitt; b. April 15, 1853; d. Nov. 23, 1854. SEVENTH GENERATION '±il 2157. X. Isabel G.; b. Nov. 18, 1855; d. Sept. 4. 1866. 2158. XI. Clarissa Rundle; b. March 19, 1859; m. Clifford R. Weld; res. (1906) Boston. Mass. 1355. VII. 702. CHARLOTTE RUNDLE 7 LYON (LOUNSBURY) [Seth 5 , Spardon 5 , Israel 4 , Jonathan 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Bedford, N. Y., Feb. 19, 1814; died April 8, 1850; buried in Union Cemetery, Bed- ford. She married Phineas Lounsbury, born June 5, 1797; died Dec. 26, 1879, buried in Union Cemetery. He was son of Stephen and Sarah (Raymond) Lounsbury. He was a New York merchant; retired from business and lived at Bedford. Children of Phineas and Charlotte R. (Lyon) Lounsbury: 2159. I. Mary Jane; b. Sept. 14, 1S34; unm.; res. (1906) Bedford, N. Y. 2160. II. William Henry; b. April 10, 1S36; m . Nov. 13. 1860, Phebe H. Fowler. 2161. III. Seth Stephen; b. Sept. 11, 1837; d. April 26, 1872; unm.; a physician. 2162. IV. Sarah Elizabeth; b. March 1, 1839; d. Aug. 2, 1887; m. Oct. 3, 1866, Henry C. Palmer. 2163. V. Nehemiah; o. Aug. 27, 1840; d. May 23, 1844. 2164. VI. Clarissa; b. May 24. 1844; m. 1st, Oct. 9, 1867, Stephen P. Newman (d. Oct. 12, 1867); m. 2nd. Jared P. Wood, M. D.. of Brewster, N. Y. 2165. VII. Caroline; b. March 24, 1846; m. Oct. 14, 1875, Charles Elmer Drummond, M. D., of Maine (deceased). 1358. VII. 702. SETH JAY T LYON [Seth«, Spardon 5 , Israel*, Jonathan', Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born about 1822; died Dec. 8, 1883. He was married at Bedford, N. Y., Oct. 12, 1849 to Frances Elizabeth Clark, by Rev. David Inglis. She was born June 21, 1831, daughter of Jeremiah and Emeline (Smith) Clark. They had three children. 1406. VII. 723. MARY COFFIN 7 LYON (PALMER) [Isaac 9 , Thomas 5 , David 4 , Jonathan 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born June 5, 1818, in the town of Chatham, Columbia Co., N. Y. She married, April 28, 1852, Abiah Palmer, son of Nicholas and Margaret Palmer. He was a farmer in Stamfordville, N. Y., where he died Nov. 15, 1859. His widow now (1906) lives with her sister, Mrs. Sarah (Lyon) Andrews, In Bristol, N. Y. In faith she is a Friend. At the ripe age of 88, she Is beloved by all; "this life to her is still a joy; the life beyond an anticipated joy." Children of Abiah and Mary Coffin (I. yon) Palmer, born in Stamfordville, N. Y. 2166. F. William C; b. March 14. 1856; m. Ida Mickle (b. May 28. 1856. at Old Chatham; dau. of Simeon and Catharine (Simmons) Mlckle); children, b. at Ol'd Chatham: 1. Jennie E., b. June 1, 1871; m. Arthur Henry Cltnchy, who 222 THOMAS LYON OF RYE died Jan. 16, 1901; no ch. ; 2. William Penn, b. and d. Oct. 1883; 3. Frances E., b. Feb. 4, 1886; res. Pittsfleld, Mass. 2167. II. Abiah I.; b. March 16, 1858; d. April 6, 1872. 1407. VII. 723. CLARISSA 7 LYON (GARDNER) [Isaac 8 , Thom- as 5 , David 4 , Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Sept. 29, 1820, in the town of Chatham, N. Y.; died Feb. 25, 1853 at Burlington, Wis. She married, Sept. 28, 1837, David P. Gardner, a farmer; born July 14, 1814; died July 29, 1850, en route to California. Children of David P. and Clarissa (Lyon) Gardner: 2168. I. Eunice; b. Oct. 15, 1838, in Chatham Twp., N. Y. ; m. Jan. 22, 1883, at Iowa Falls, la., John H. Noble, widower of her cousin Emma (No. 1417); no ch.; res. (1906) Bristol, N. Y. 3169. II. Isaac Lyon; b. Jan. 6, 1S43, in Chatham, N. Y. ; d. Dec. 5. 1899, in Marshalltown, la.; m. Sept. 21. 1S80, at Iowa Falls, la., Agnes Hubbard (b. in Clinton Co., N. Y., Jan. 8, 1851); he served throughout Civil war in 35th. N. Y. Vols, and 3d. Wis. Vols.; children: 1. Everette Ray, b. Nov. 5, 1881; 2. Burdett Lyon, b. July 24, 1888; the widow and two sons res. (1906) Iowa Falls, la. 2170. III. Mary Clara; b. May 15, 1S46, at Lyons, Wis.; unm. ; res. with her sister at Bristol, N. Y. 1408. VII. 723. HON. WILLIAM PENN 7 LYON [Isaac 8 , Thomas", Daniel 4 , Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Oct. 28, 1822, in the town of Chatham, N. Y. ; married Nov. 18, 1847, Adelia Caroline Duncombe, who was born July 13, 1826 at St. Thomas, Ontario. She was daughter of Dr. Elijah Ely Duncombef (b. March 15, 1795 in Delaware Co., N. Y., moved to St. Thomas, Ontario about 1824; died there in 1870), and Katharine Bonck (born Feb. 6, 1802; died 1860). They reside (1906) at Edenvale, Calif, near their children, Mrs. Clara Hayes and William Penn Lyon Jr. It can well be said of William Penn Lyon that he began at the lowest rung of the ladder and by his own efforts attained a prominent position in life. At eleven years of age he left the district school to work in his father's store near the little village of Rayville, N. Y., subsequently attending "select school" about one year, but the world was a school for him and every good book a teacher. At fifteen he was teaching a district school and later he was a clerk in a grocery store in the city of Albany, N. Y. Here outside of business hours he spent much of his time in attending the courts and sessions of the Legislature and in his mind now grew a desire that served as an in- tElljah E. Duncombe was son of Thomas and Rhoda (Tynell) Duncombe of Delaware Co., N. Y. Katharine Bonck was daughter of Wilhelminus and Anne (Lawyer) Bonck of Schoharie Co., N. Y. SEVENTH GENERATION 223 centive throughout his public career. In 1841 he moved with his father to Walworth Co., Wis. and lived there on a new farm. If in this wild country he forgot his ambition, it was of short duration, for one morn- ing in early winter he set out to walk to Elkhorn, the County seat of Walworth Co., to borrow a law book that some one had promised to loan him. On his return home, stiff and sore from walking through the deep snow, he lay on his back with the book open, and now began the education in law of one who in after years lectured before the classes of the law department of the State University of Wisconsin, and whose published opinions as one of the associate justices of the Supreme Court of Wisconsin have become a part of the law of the land. He afterward studied law in the office of Judge George Gale of Elkhorn, Wis.; in the fall of 1845 he entered the office of Judge Charles M. Baker of Geneva, Wis., and In the Spring of 1846 he was admitted to the bar. Having been chosen one of the justices of the peace of the town of Lyons, he opened an office for the practice of his profession and the first twelve months brought him the munificent income of sixty dollars. From 1850 to 1855 he practiced in Burlington, Wis., when he was elected district attorney of Racine, Wis., and moved to Racine, Wis. He served two terms in the Assembly and was each time made speaker. At the beginning of the rebellion he was commissioned captain of Co. K of the Eighth Wis. Infantry to rank from Aug. 1861. On Aug. 5, 1862, while in the hospital at Inka, Miss., he was promoted to the rank of Colonel of the Thirteenth Wis. A brief history of the part taken by his Company and regiment may be found in the Magazine of Western History, April 1887. On the eleventh of Sept. 1865, Col. Lyon was mustered out of service and was subsequently brevett.ed a brigader general to date from Oct. 26, 1865. While at the front, Col. Lyon was chosen judge of the first judicial circuit of Wisconsin, entering upon his duties Dec. 1, 1865, and serving five years, when upon the death of Associate Justice Byron Paine he was appointed by Gov. Fairchild to fill the vacancy. In the following April he was elected by the peo- ple for the unexpired term. After serving two terms following two years as ex-officio Chief Justice, on Jan. 1, 1894, he retired from the Supreme Court. During these twenty-three years was performed his life work, and he feels a just satisfaction in his participation in pre- paring material for sixty volumes of the Wisconsin reports. The next two years were spent in California. In 1896, finding he was not ready to retire from the active duties of life, he accepted a position as mem- 224 THOMAS LYON OF RYE ber on the Wisconsin State Board of Control, of which he became President and remained such until he resigned in July 1903. Here in brief are the chief features of the career of a grand and noble man. A fuller account would tell in detail of his struggle to gain an education and the many events of his life as he made his way from one position of usefulness and honor to another, would tell of his disappointments and many successes, of his joys and sorrows, of the hazardous and thrilling events of the four years in the army and the work of his mature years and would tell of the peculiar qualifications that enabled him to fill with honor every position to which he was called. Children of William Perm and Adelia C. (Duncombe) Lyon: 2171. I. Elijah E. Duncombe; b. Aug. 15, 1848, at Burlington, Wis.; d. Sept. 10, 1848. 2172. II. Catharine Eunice; b. Dec. 30, 1850, at Burlington, Wis.; d. Sept. 6, 1853. 2173. III. William Penn; b. June 24, 1S55, at Racine, Wis.; d. Sept. 6, 1856. *2174. IV. Clara Isabel; b. Oct. 2, 1857, at Racine, Wis.; m. Jay Orlo Hayes; res. (1906) Edenvale. Calif. *2175. V. William Penn Jr.; b. Aug. 23, 1861, at Racine, Wis.; m. Ellen Chynoweth; res. (1906) Edenvale. Calif. 1409. VII. 723. CATHARINE M. T LYON (NORTHROP) [Isaac 8 , Thomas 6 , David 4 , Jonathan 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born March 14, 1825, in Chatham Twp., Columbia Co., N. Y. She moved with her father about 1841 to Lyons, Wis., and there married, Dec. 21, 1843, Sperry Northrop, son of Enos and Nancy (Sperry) Northrop, of Erie, Pa. He was born Oct. 25, 1819 and died Oct. 4, 1862 on the battle field of Corinth, Miss. He went to California during the gold mining excite- ment. Mrs. Northrop was living 1899 at Madison, S. Dakota. Children of Sperry and Catharine M. (Lyon) Northrop: 2176. I. Julia Fitch; b. Nov. 15, 1844, at Lyons, Wis.; unm. 2177. II. Adelia Caroline; b. June 25, 1846. at Lyons, Wis.; m. May 11. 1880, Jacob G. Towle, at Manston, Min. ; d. Oldham, S. Dak., Dec. 20, 1865; one son, Jacob Jr., b. 1881. 2178. III. Eliza Maria; b. June 17, 1849, at Lyons. Wis.; res. (1899) Madison, S. Dak.; m. March 4, 1874, at Manston, Min., William Aubert Thomas; children: 1. Bert; 2. Angus; 3. Ethel; 4. Ben; 5. Bernice. 2179. IV. Eugene H.; b. Nov. 28, 1855, at Lyons. Wis.; res. (1899) Ra- cine, Wis.; m. May 19, 1886, at Racine, Wis., Minnie Duncombe; one son James Slauson, b. April 19, 1891, at Racine. 2180. V. Arthur Angus; b. June 6, 1862, at Manston, Min. res. (1899) Madison. S. Dak.; m. Dec. 27, 1888, at Madison, S. Dak., Jennie Belknap; children: 1. Eugene; 2. Donald Angus; 3. Mildred; 4. Catharine. 1411. VII. 723. MARIA C. T LYON (PHELPS) [Isaac 6 , Thomas 6 . SEVENTH GENERATION 225 David 4 , Jonathan 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ] , born Jan. 22, 1829, in Chatham Twp., Columbia Co., N. Y. Latest address 2468 Broadway, San Fran- cisco, Calif. She married Feb. 25, 1853, at Burlington, Wis., Amos Phelps, born June 15, 1823, in Shefford Co., Quebec; son of Jeremiah and Margaret (Collins) Phelps. He was a farmer and miller. They lived in Burlington, Wis., until 1865, in LaCrosse, Wis., one year, in Sheldon, Minn., 1866-69, in Delevan, Wis., 1869-86 and finally moved to Santa Clara, California, where he died. Children of Amos and Maria C. (Lyon) Phelps: 2181. I. Margaret Eunice; b. March 16, 1854, at Burlington, Wis.; d. April 10. 1854. 2182. II. Minnie; b. March 14. 1855, at Burlington, Wis.; d. Jan. 26, 187 4. at Madison, Wis. (student in Univ. of Wis.). 2183. III. Jennie Evelyn; b. Oct. 22, 1857, at Burlington, Wis.; m. June 29, 1893, at Santa Rosa, Calif., Lorenzo P. Latimer; res. (1906) San Francisco, Calif.; one son Lorenzo Phelps; b. July 7, 1893. 2184. IV. Infant; b. and d. Oct. 13. 1859. 2185. V. Frances Eliza; b. Jan. 13, 1861, at Burlington, Wis.; grad. Univ. of Wis.; res. Santa Rosa, Calif. 2186. VI. Florence Alice; b. Dec. 10, 1866, at Sheldon, Minn.; d. Dec. 20, 1886. 1413. VII. 723. ELMINA 7 LYON (SKIFF) [Isaac 6 , Thomas 5 , David 4 , Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born July 1, 1833 in the town of Chatham, Columbia Co., N. Y.; removed with her parents about 1841 to Lyons, Wis. She married April 15, 1856 at Geneva, Wis., Stephen Smith Skiff, son of Stephen 6 [Stephen 5 , Benjamin 4 , Stephen 8 , Nathan 2 , James 14 ;] Skiff and Mehitable Fisk, a descendant of Lord Simon Fisk of Stadhough, Eng. In 1856 they moved in a covered wagon to Freeborn Co., Minn., and located on a farm six miles north- west of Albert Lea; returned to Lyons in 1858 and again went to Free- born Co. in 1865. In 1878 they moved to a new and larger farm south- west of Alden, Minn. Here Mr. Skiff died June 28, 1884. His widow resides (1906) with her son Stephen near Ulen, Minn. Children of Stephen S. and Elmira (Lyon) Skiff: 2187. I. Mary Emily; b. Nov. 14, 185S, at Lyons, Wis.; m. April 28, 1878. Devilo J. Chamberlain; one child, Edith Elmina, b. Sept. 19, 1879; d. April 7, 1892. 2188. II. Stephen Smith; b. Feb. 28, 1864, at Lyons, Wis.; res. (1906) near Ulen, Minn.; a farmer; unm. 1414. VII. 723. SARAH ANN 7 LYON (ANDREWS) [Isaac 9 , (James Skiff, 1637-1638, the immigrant, settled at Sandwich, Mass. (15) 226 THOMAS LYON OF RYE Thomas 8 , David*, Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born April 29, 1836 in Chatham Twp., Columbia Co., N. Y.; moved with her parents in 1841 to Lyons, Wis.; married Dec. 20, 1864, at Stanfordville, N. Y., Elkanah Andrews, son of Royal Andrews (born Bristol, N. Y., May 30, 1799; married April 21, 1822) and Hannah Evarts (born Bloomfield, N. Y., Dec. 24, 1801). Elkanah Andrews was born Oct. 18, 1833 at Bristol, N. Y., where they have lived since their marriage and where their child- ren were all born. Children of Elkanah and Sarah Ann (Lyon) Andrews: 2189. I. Royal Pennington; b. July 9, 1867; m. at Cheshire, N. Y., Nov. 24, 1892. Elizabeth Johnson; street-car conductor; res. 1585 Jefferson Ave.. Buf- falo. N. Y.; children: 1. Kay Milton, b. Nov. 24, 1895; 2. Kenneth Raymond, b. May 27, 1901; 3. Reginald Johnson, b. May 14, 1905. 2190. II. alary Europa; b. May 3, 1869; unm. ; teacher; res. Bristol, N. Y. 2191. III. Mabel Clara; b. April 29, 1871; unm.; trained nurse; res. Bris- tol, N. Y. 2192. IV. Gifford M.; b. Oct. 5, 1873; farmer; res. Bristol, N. Y.; m. Dec. 12. 1898, Jessie A. Pennel of Davisburg, Mich.; one ch., Sybil P., b. July 15, 1904. 2193. V. Blinnie; b. March 2, 1877; unm.; res. Bristol, N. Y. 1415. VII. 723. JULIA ADA 7 LYON (PHELPS) [Isaac 6 , Thomas 5 , David 4 , Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born May 26, 1838, in the town of Chatham, Columbia Co., N. Y.; moved with her parents 1841 to Lyons, Wis. She married there Nov. 12, 1856, John Phelps, a farmer, who died at Enderlin, N. Dak. March 21, 1899. She lives in Howard, S. Dak. Children of John and Julia Ada (Lyon) Phelps: 2194. I. Addie Frances; b. June 27, 1858, at Sheldon, Minn.; m. March 27, 1879, at Yucatan, Minn'., Hush Finch Brown; res. Yankton, S. Dak.; chil- dren: 1. Mabel Eunice, b. Feb. 29, 1880; 2. Hugh Paul, b. Nov. 2, 1881; d. Jan. 19, 1882; 3. William Penn, b. Dec. 25, 1S82; 4. Hugh Frank, b. April 19. 1885; 5. Margaret Elizabeth, b. March 10, 1892. 219.5. II. William Pennington; b. Jan. 13, 1861, at Sheldon, Minn.; m. Aug. 1, 1890, at Butler, S. Dak., Nellie McKennet; res. Oaks, N. Dak.; chil- dren: 1. Royal Ellsworth, b. Sept. 12, 1891; 2. Elva Maria, b. Aug. 19, 1893; 3. William Glenwood, b. Sept. 4, 1S95; 4. Rosetta Louisa, b. May 11, 1897; 5. John Alders, b. Feb. 18, 1903. 2196. III. John Angus; b. Feb. 1, 1863, at Sheldon, Minn.; m. 1st. July 25, 1888. at Money Creek, Minn., F.lva Berry (d. Oct. 25. 1892, at Money Creek); res. Madison, S. Dak.; children: 1. Hazel Mae, b. March 16, 1S90; 2. Ray E., b. Jan., 1892; d. March, 1892; John m. 2nd., Aug. 23, 1905, Sarah Bowyer; his mill at Heron Lake, Minn., burned Nov. 25, 1905. 2197. IV. Mabel Eunice; b. May 29. 1866, at Sheldon, Minn.; m. Oct. 5. 1894, at Madison, S. Dak., Duncan McGillivray; res. Hartford, S. Dak.; a son, Murdock John, b. July 22, 1895. 2198. V. Amos Lyon; b. Sept. 10. 1868, at Caledonia, Minn.; m. Nov. 1, 1897. at Wentworth, S. Dak., Eva Hare; res. Hatton, Wash.; children: 1. Lot- tie, b. and d. Aug., 1898; 2. Harold John, b. May 9. 1905. SEVENTH GENERATION 227 2199. VI. I en. -i George; b. Auk. 10. 1870, at Sheldon, Minn.; m. Sept. 2, 1896. at Wentworth. S. Dak., Ousta Hannaman; res. Madison, S. Dak.; chil- dren: 1. Estella Anna, b. June 29, 1897; 2. Delia Marian, I). April 17. 1899; 3. Irving Hermann, b. Jan. 24, 1901; 4. John C, b. Oct. 11. 1902; d. Oct. 17, 1902. 2200. VII. Edward Anthony; b. Jan. 2, 1872, at Sheldon, Minn.; m . Jan. 13. 1S99. at Howard, S. Dak., Anna Volby; res. Anamoore, N. Dak.: children: 1. Donald E., b. Nov. 28, 1899; 2. Verne Volby, b. March 8, 1901; 3. William A., b. Feb. 22. 1905; 4. Winnie Marie, twin sister of William; d. April 16, 1905. 2201. VIII. Hurlburt Isaac; b. Feb. 10, 1S74, at Sheldon, Minn.; d. April 3, 1874. 2202. IX. Maud Maria; b. Nov. 14, 1876, at Yucatan, Minn.; m. June 28, 1905, Andrew C. Hoist; res. Hartford, S. Dak. 2203. X. Glfford Wendell; b. Aug. 12, 1879, at Yucatan, Minn.; unm.; res. Boise, Idaho. 1416. VII. 724. RUTH 7 LYON (HALLOCK) [David 6 , Thomas 8 , David 4 , Jonathan', Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Dec. 11, 1826, at Guilford, N. Y.; moved with parents in 1835 to Elba, N. Y., and in 1842 to Lyons, Wis.; died Feb. 7, 1897, at Fort Calhoun, Neb. Previous to her mar- riage she taught school at Lyons, Wis. She married March 18, 1849 at Lyons, Wis., Edward Hallock, born July 24, 1820 at Watertown, N. Y. ; died Jan. 21, 1826, at Fort Calhoun, Neb. He was a farmer. They lived successively at Marquette, Wis., Rudsbury, Wis., and Fort Calhoun, Neb. Children of Edward and Ruth (Lyon) Hallock: 2204. I. Eliza Estelle, b. Jan. 30. 1850, at Marquette, Wis.; m. Nov. 11, 1868, Simon R. Patten§; res. 1801 Locust St., Omaha, Neb. 2205. II. Sarah L.; b. Aug. 18, 1854, at Marquette, Wis.; m. Sept. 28, 1875, at Ripon, Wis.. Adelbert G. Mackeyt. res. (1906) Gurley. Colo. §Simon R. Patten was born Sept. 8, 1S47, at Rochester, N. Y., son of Horace Patten (b. April 5, 1801, at Vernon, N. Y., d. March 26, 1880), and Olive Rice (b. April 20, 1819. at Wilmington. Vt.). Simon is a dentist by profession. Chil- dren: 1. Elmer Eugene, b. Marquette, Wis., May 18, 1870; m. Sept. 7, 1896, at Omaha, Neb.. Viola Stella Rice; res. Los Angeles, Calif, 'a dau. Ethel, b. Jan. 21, 1906); 2. Alvin E., b. Oshkosh. Wis., May 22, 1874; m. July 22, 1896, at Omaha. Cora E. Knapp (they had: (a) Robert Alvin, b. April 23, 1897, at Fre- mont, Neb.; (b) Alice Cora, b. Dec. 6, 1903, at Omaha); 3. Flora A., b. Ripon, Wis.. Sept. 8, 1876; m. Sept. 23, 1901, at Lincoln. Neb., Frederick J. Duhrsen, born in Germany; res. Sanger, Calif.; 4. William L., b. Fremont, Neb., June 22, 1883; 5. Ella May, b. Fremont, Neb., July 1, 18S7; 6. Clarence E., b. Omaha, Nov. 17, 1890. t Adelbert G. Mackey was born Auk. 6, 1854, at East Line, N. Y.. son of George and Eliza ( ) Mackey; he lived on a farm near Gary, S. Dak.; now res. Greeley, Colo. Children: 1. Nettie E., b. Bismark, la., July 2, 1876, (m. March 1, 1901. Charles W. Stone; res. La Salle, Colo.; ch. : Evalin B., b. Feb. 21. 1902, at Greeley. Colo.); 2. Carrie, b. Cazenovla, Wis., March 9, 1878; d. March 8. 1880; 3. George Adelbert, b. near Gary. S. Dak., Aug. 10, 1881, (m. Dec. 24, 1904, Elsie Wlnslow; res. La Salle. Colo.; ch. : Cora Belle, b. Nov. 30. 1905): 4. Elmer Edward, b. near Gary, S. Dak., July 4, 18S3; 5. Ger- trude, b. near Gary, 8. Dak.. July 9. 1886; 6. Alma L., b. near Gary, S. Dak.. June 21. 1889; d. Greeley, Colo.. March 5, 1903; 7. Emma Lillian, b. near Gary. S. Dak., April 22. 1893; d. Greeley, Colo., March 11, 1903; 8. Grace Hazel, b. Nov. 28. 1897; d. Greeley, Colo., July 24, 1899; 9. Esther, b. Lac qui Parle Co., Minn., Nov. 28. 1897. 228 THOMAS LYON OF RYE 2206. III. Nettie; b. July 13, 1856, at Marquette, Wis.; m. 1879 at Ruds- bury, Wis., LaPayette Hale; res. (1906) Denmark. Ore.; children: 1. Jesse, b. In Minn., near Gary, S. Dak., Feb. 28, 1882 (m. 1906 Nancy FitzHugh of Curry Co., Ore.); 2. Lona, b. Sept. 17, 1885, (m. 1904 Clint Malehorn of Curry Co., Ore.); 3. Earl, b. in Minn., Oct. 18, 1887; 4. Louisa, b. in Minn., June 4, 1891; 5. Effie, b. in Alberta (?) April 6, 1894; 6. Percy, b. In Montana, Sept. 25, 1897. 2207. IV. Edward G.; b. April 1, 1862, at Marquette, Wis.; m. 1st. Ada A. Laird In Sauk Co., Wis.; she d. and he m. 2nd. Lydia ; no ch. ; res. Huson, Mont. 1417. VII. 724. EMMA 1 LYON (NOBLE) [David 6 , Thomas 5 , David*, Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born June 21, 1828 at Guilford, N. Y.; died March 24, 1864, at Marquette, Wis. She married, Sept. 1854 at Marquette, Wis., John H. Noble, son of Hezekiah and Electa (Rich- mond) Noble (see Noble Gen.). He was born May 15, 1831, at Delay, N. Y., and died July 30, 1903 at Marquette, Wis. Left a widower, he married second Roana Richmond by whom he had two sons, Samuel and Carleton. Children of John H. and Emma (Lyon) Noble, all but the first born at Marquette, Wis. : 2208. I. Hattie; b. May 1, 1855, at Lyons, Wis.; d. March 8, 1856, at Marquette, Wis. 2209. II. Thomas Ellwood L.; b. Dec. 30, 1856; m. April 23, 1885. at Manchester, Minn., Dora Chamberlain§ (b. Aug. 22, 1859, at Elllcottville, N. Y. ; res. (1906) on farm 6 miles N. of Albert Lea. Minn.; a successful farmer and staunch Prohibitionist; one son, William Ellwood, b. Aug. 28, 1888. 2210. III. Josephine; b. June 27, 1858; m. Dec. 7, 1892, at Iowa Falls, la., Lewis E. Phillips, (b. June 23, 1871, at Bear Creek, Wis.; s. of Martin and Phllena (Packard) Phillips, both b. in Ashfield, Mass.); engineer on the 111. Central R. R. ; res. 438 Cottage St., Waterloo, la.; children: 1. Emma Philena, b. Iowa Falls, la., Sept. 28, 1894; 2. David Lyon. b. Iowa Falls, March 11, 1896; 3. Alice, b. Waterloo, Oct. 19, 1899; 4. Leavitt, b. Waterloo, la., Dec. 29, 1902; 5. Rozelle Edward, b. Waterloo, June 18, 1905; d. Oct. 27, 1905. 2211. IV. Robert Judson; b. March 20, 1860; unm. ; res. Marquette, Wis. 2212. V. Lucy; b. Jan. 17, 1862; d. Aug. 22, 1905. at Bristol, N. Y. 2213. VI. Emma; b. and d. March 19, 1864. 1418. VII. 724. ESTELLE' LYON (SKIFF) [David 8 , Thomas 5 , David*, Jonathan 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born March 27, 1831 at Guilford, Chenango Co., N. Y.; moved with her parents to Elba, N. Y., in the spring of 1835 and to Lyons, Wis., in the spring of 1842. While a young woman she taught school near Lyons, Wis., several terms. She married Nov. 3, 1852, at Lyons, Wis., Rozelle F. Skiff, born Oct. 19, 1804 at Pike, N. Y.; d. Oct. 28, 1893 at Iowa Falls, la.; son of Stephen §Daughter of George Chamberlain, born Nov. 21, 1820, at Palmer, Mass., and Emily 7 Skiff, [Stephen 6 , Stephen 8 , Benjamin 4 , Stephen 8 , Nathan 2 , James 1 (of Sand- wich, Mass.)], born March 29, 1832. at Machias, N. Y. SEVENTH GENERATION 229 and Mehitable (Fisk) Skiff (see footnote to No. 1413). He was a farmer. In the fall of 1864, In company with David and Sarah Lyon and Charles H. and Lovina Packard, they moved in covered wagons from Lyons, Wis., to Iowa Falls, la., where they took up farms. Estelle (Lyon) Skiff is now living (1906) at Iowa Falls, Iowa. Children of Rozelle F. and Estelle (Lyon) Skiff: 2214. I. Lovina; b. March 29, 1855, at Lyons. Wis.; d. Feb. 4, 1861. 2215. II. Rozelle Fayette; b. Feb. 10, 1860, at Lyons, Wis.; grad. Univ. of Iowa, 1885; principal of schools in Iowa and Wisconsin until 1900; m. Sept. 11, 1S89, at Livermore, la., Josephine, dau. of Kinzy and Henrietta ( ) Carlon; no ch. ; res. (1906) Iowa Falls, la. 2216. III. David Lyon; b. May 17, 1862, at Lyons, Wis.; grad. Iowa State Normal School 1885; principal of town schools until 1891; since then engaged in farming: res. (1906) Milford, la.; m. Aug. 18, 1892, at Des Moines, la., Bessie, dau. of James H. and Althea ( ) Nichols, of Des Moines; one dau. Mar- jorie, b. Sept. 9, 1897, at Des Moines. 2217. IV. Miriam; b. April 15, 1866, at Iowa Falls, la.; d. of diphtheria, Nov. 6, 1875. 2218. V. Edmond E.; b. March 22, 1870, at Iowa Falls; d. of diphtheria, Nov. 17. 1875. 1420. VII. 724. DIANA T LYON (CRANDALL) [David 6 , Thomas 8 , David*, Jonathan 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Dec. 26, at Idleport in the town of Elba, N. Y.; died March 22, 1901 at Iowa Falls, la; buried in the Friends' Cemetery; m. Dec. 3, 1861 at Marquette, Wis., De Witt Crandall, born about 1836 at Ticonderoga, N. Y.; died Feb. 17, 1906 at Gentry, Ark. They lived successively at Marquette, Wis., near Sauk Center, Minn., and at Iowa Falls, la. They belonged to the Adventist Church. Children of De Witt and Diana (Lyon) Crandall: 2219. I. Ruth Evalin [called Eva]; b. Aug. 14, 1863, at Marquette, Wis.; m. Jan. 24, 18S6, at Iowa Falls, la., Thomas R. Dohertyt (b. March 26, 1855); res. (1906) Tracy, Minn.; children (b. Iowa Falls, la.): 1. Fayette Carbery, b. June 27, 1889; 2. CecU Walter, b. Nov. 8, 1891; 3. Ruth, b. Nov. 12, 1894. 2220. II. Grace; b. Feb. 26, 1865, near Rochester, Minn. ; m. 1st, Will Young; m. 2nd. Harvey Britton; no ch.; res. Minot, N. Dak. 2221. III. Cora; b. Feb. 26, 1865, near Rochester, Minn.; unm.; d. April 4, 1901, at Iowa Falls. la. ; bur. in the Friends' Cemetery. 2222. IV. Clara; b. July 1, 1869, in Stearns Co., Minn.; d. there Aug., 1875. 1421. VII. 724. LOVINA 7 LYON (PACKARD) [David", Thomas', David*, Jonathan*, Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born June 26, 1838 in town of Elba, N. Y.; m. March 25, 1858 at Lyons, Wis., Charles H. Packard, tThomas R. Doherty was son of Simon Doherty (b. in Kings Co., Ireland; died Iowa Falls, la., about 1901) and Bridget Carbery, (b. West Meath County, Ireland; died Iowa Falls, la., about 1902). 230 THOMAS LYON OF RYE born Jan. 31, 1836, in Ashfield, Mass.; son of Willard and Rosina (Beals) Packard of Ashfield (see Packard Gen.). In the fall of 1864 they removed to Iowa Falls, la., where they now (1906) reside. Mr. Packard has been a teacher and a farmer. Children of Charles H. and Lovina (Lyon) Packard: 2223. I. Elsie Cornelia; b. July 15, 1859, at Lyons, Wis.; ra. Aug. 15, 1899, at Iowa Falls. la., John W. Bullis (served in the Civil war in Co. C, 104th. 111.); res. Iowa Palls; no ch. 2224. II. Emmie; b. Aug. 8, 1862, at Lyons, Wis.; d. Dec. 20, 1S65, at Iowa Falls. 2225. III. Annie; b. Nov. 27, 1866, at Iowa Falls; m. Nov. 29, 1894, at Iowa Falls, lone C. Bullis; res. on a farm near Iowa Palls; children: 1. Mal- colm Packard, b. July 26, 1898; 2. Berna, b. Dec. 10, 1899; 3. John Well- ington, b. April 4. 1902; 4. Lovina, b. Aug. 20, 1903; 5. Robert Judson, b. July 19, 1905. 2226. IV. Chester Walter; b. Sept. 26, 1871, at Iowa Falls; a physician; m. Oct. 14, 1899, at Iowa Falls, Ida Petterson; no ch. ; res. Titonka, la. 2227. V. Judson Lyon; b. Nov. 24, 1873, at Iowa Falls; m. May 21, 1896, at Iowa Falls, Nellie Rowe; res. Titonka, la., where he is manager of a grain elevator; children, b. at Iowa Falls: 1. Carroll, b. March 3, 1897; 2. Lois, b. Sept. 24, 1901. 1429. VII. 728. ROBERT BARCLAY 7 LYON [John W.«, Thomas 5 , David*, Jonathan 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Sept. 10, 1828 on his father's farm in Chatham, Columbia Co., N. Y. He married, March 7, 1856, Sophie Manington of Cleveland, N. Y., born Nov. 1834; daughter of Alfred and Sophia ( ) Manington, natives of Hastings, Kent Co., Eng. He moved in 1856 to Henry Co., 111. and engaged in farming. In 1863 he moved to Muscatine, la., where he was in the lumber busi- ness. In 1866 he returned to his former home in Illinois. In 1884 he went to Springfield, Mo. From 1890 to 1893 the family lived in Bluff- ton, Ala., then removed to California to engage in the culture of citrus fruits. Their home is now in Hollywood, Calif. He is vice-president of the Hollywood Board of Trade, with a membership of 165. At nearly four score years, he is interested in the affairs of the world and is doing his share of its work. Chidren of Robert B. and Sophie (Manington) Lyon: •2228. I. Alfred Manington [called Fred]; b. June 29, 1862, at Atkinson, 111. 2229. II. Alice M.; b. April 26, 1868, at Atkinson, 111.; teacher of vocal and instrumental music; res. Hollywood, Calif. 2230. III. Philip; b. Nov. 19, 1872, at Atkinson, 111.; m. Oct., 1906, Mar- Jorie Needles, of Belleville, 111.; res. Los Angeles, Calif. 1431. VII. 728. CATHARINE PULVER 7 LYON (RANSOM) [John W. 6 , Thomas 6 , David*, Jonathan 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Aug. SEVENTH GENERATION 231 7, 1832, in Chatham, Columbia Co., N. Y.; died July 28, 1895, at Bur- lington, Wis. She married, Dec. 20, 1854, at the home of her parents in Cleveland, N. Y., Albert F. Ransom, born July 4, 1830, at Sandy Creek, N. Y.; died July 29, 1905, at Burlington, Wis. He was son of Francis Porter' Ransom (Robert', Jonathan 2 , Robert, Jr. 1 ), who came from England 16 ). Mr. Ransom was an accountant and lived successively at Rowe, N. Y., Pottersville, N. Y., Glens Falls, N. Y., and Burlington, Wis., where he was proprietor of the Burlington Blanket Co. Children of Albert F. and Catharine P. (Lyon) Ransom: 2231. I. Jessie Julina; b. Oct. 16, 1856, at Rowe, N. Y.; m. Dec. 20, 1876. at Lake George, N. Y.. William Alston: res. Lake George, N. Y. ; Mr. Alston 1b a house decorator; children: 1. Albert WUliam, b. 1877; 2. Bessie, b. 1881; m. ; 3. Howard Paul, b. 1884; 4. George, b. 1886; 5. John Ransom, b. 1892; 6. Frederick, dec; 7. Jessie, dec. 2232. II. Paul D.; b. Feb. 12, 1860, at Pottersville. N. Y. ; m. July 3. 1888, at Atkinson, III., Elizabeth McVenn (b. Sept. 11, 1863, at Winslow, 111.; dau . of John and Janet (McGregor) McVenn of Winslow); res. Atkinson, 111.; a merchant, in partnership with his uncle, Henry Lyon; children, b. in Atkinson, 111.: 1. Robert Nowers, b. Oct. 12, 1889; 2. Stanley McVenn, b. Sept. 6, 1891; 3. Reuben Holmes, b. Oct. 28, 1894; 4. Eugene Field, b. Feb. 29. 1896; 6. Janet Katharine, b. Sept. 10, 1898; 6. Barclay McGregor, b. Oct. 13. 1901. 2233. III. Robert Lyon; b. Sept. 28, 1862, at Pottersville, N. Y. ; d. Sept. 30, 1901, at Burlington, Wis.; served five years in the regular army; m. his cousin Helen Lyon (No. 2238); was vice-president of the Burlington Blanket Co.; one dau. Roberta, b. April 11, 1893, at Atkinson, 111. 2234. IV. Albert Wesley; b. Feb. 13, 1865, at Glens Falls, N. Y.; m. ; no ch. ; a house decorator; res. Lake George, N. Y. 2235. V. Katharine Adaline; b. Aug. 18, 1869, at Glens Falls, N. Y. ; m. Aug. 3. 1904, Ernest H. Foltz, s. of C. G. Foltz, of Burlington, Wis.; res. Burlington, Wis.; she is an artist in oil, water colors and china decoration; one eon, Charles Ransom, b. Oct. 21, 1905, at Burlington, Wis. 1432. VII. 728. HENRY LAWSON 7 LYON [John W. 6 , Thomas 5 , David 4 , Jonathan 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Dec. 17, 1834, in Chatham Twp., Columbia Co., N. Y.; m. Dec. 27, I860, at Atkinson, 111., Elizabeth Nowers, born Sept. 10, 1840 at Yonkers, N. Y., daughter of Thomas and Decima (Foster) Nowers. % He was a merchant in Atkinson, 111. Children of Henry L. and Elizabeth (Nowers) Lyon, born in Atkinson, 111.: 2236. I. Infant Son; b. and d. Oct. 13, 1861. 2237. II. Louisa Grace; b. Nov. 24, 1862; m. Dec. 27, 1881. Will H. Smith, of Dixon, 111.; res. 523 N. Ottawa Ave., Dixon, 111.; child, Dale Pillsbury, b. Nov. 15. 1882. 2238. III. Helen Lurena; b. March 4, 1870; m. Dec. 24, 1891. her cousin. JThomas Nowers, born Aug. 24, 1805, at Lenham, Eng. ; died 1887, at Atkin- son, 111. Decima Foster, b. Oct. 26, 1807. at Egerton, Eng.; d. about 1878. They lived some years at Cleveland, N. Y.. came to Illinois about 1850, and settled finally at Atkinson, 111. 232 THOMAS LYON OF RYE Robert Lyon Ransom (No. 2233), who became a partner in her father's busi- ness; res. Atkinson, 111. 1433. VII. 728. ELEANOR BENJAMINA' LYON (DALTON) [John W.°, Thomas 5 , David*, Jonathan 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born April 18, 1840, at Hastings, N. Y. She was married Aug. 2, 1862, at Kinder- hook, N. Y., at the home of her parents, to Prof. Elbridge Gerry Dal- ton, born May 30, 1814 at Northfleld, N. H., son of Samuel and Polly (Merrick) Dalton. He was a graduate of Amherst College; principal of the Upland Normal at Chester, Pa.; professor in a Medical School in Philadelphia; filled a chair in the Cincinnati Electric College in con- nection with his practice as a physician, and was a preacher and lecturer. He died at the age of 72 in Cincinnati, O. Mrs. Dalton resides (1906) in Kansas City, Mo. Children of Elbridge G. and Eleanor B. (Lyon) Dalton: 2239. I. Mary Lyon; b. May 29, 1864, at Philadelphia, Pa.; d. Chicago, Feb. 9, 1903; m. Dec. 31, 1883. Philip Williams Cadman, who is assistant man- ager of the Royal Insurance Co., Chicago. 111.; children (b. in Cincinnati): 1. George Elbridge, b. Oct. 28, 1884; 2. Klma, b. Dec. 22, 1885; d. July 23, 1886; 3. Ethel Marie, b. Aug. 18, 1898; Mr. Cadman res. Wheaton, 111. 2240. II. Elma Frances; b. Feb. 7, 1867, at Philadelphia; m. June 13, 1883, at Cincinnati, O., William Arthur Hunt, Supt. of the Russell Molding and Picture-frame Factory; res. Cincinnati, O. ; no ch. 2241. III. Henry Lyon; b. Jan. 16, 1870, at Cincinnati, O. ; state agent for the Royal Insurance Co.; res. Milwaukee, Wis.; m. June 4, 1906, Catharine Tuttle, of Cincinnati, O. 2242. IV. Bertel Gerry; b. March 11, 1872, at Cincinnati, O. ; d. there May 5, 1887. 2243. V. Edna Katharine; b. July 2, 1875, at Cincinnati, O. 2244. VI. Nellis Norman; b. May 17, 1878, at Cincinnati, O. ; m. Sept. 20. 1904. at Cincinnati. Ruth Perry, granddaughter of Gov. Aaron T. Perry of Ohio; he is expert chemist of the Peet Soap Factory; res. Kansas City, Mo.; child, John Perry, b. Aug. 23, 1905. 1434. VII. 728. GEORGIANA MARIE' LYON (VAN ALLEN) (HOAG) [John W. 9 , Thomas , David 4 , Jonathan 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Aug. 6, 1844 at Hastings, N. Y. She married first, Feb. 11, 1864, at Pottersville, N. Y., at the home of her sister, Catharine (Lyon) Ran- som, John D. Van Allen§, born 1820. She married second, Sept. 27, 1876, at Glens Falls (also at the home of the same sister) Curtis F. §The Van Allen house, home of Georgie Lyon's first husband, is a few miles south of Kinderhook, and a short distance north of the house of the late Presi- dent Martin Van Buren. The brick of which the older part of this house was made was brought, it is said, from Holland. Here in this house, in company with Martin Van Buren, Washington Irving is said to have got material for the legend of Sleepy Hollow. John D. Allen did not live in this house, having other property, but It was willed to his children. SEVENTH GENERATION 233 Hoag, born Feb. 27, 1845. Mr. Hoag operated an extensive knitting factory at Kinderbook, which was moved about 1901 to Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Children of John D. and Georgiana M. (Lyon) Van Allen: 8245. I. Marie; b. May 12. 1866, In the Van Allen house; m. April 30, 1884. at Kinderhook. N. Y.. William Herrick (b. Feb. 11, 1866, s. of Daniel and Sarah ( ) Herrick of Kinderhook); children, born on the old Van Allen farm, where the family now reside: 1. Elizabeth, b. May 11. 1885; 2. Mary, b. Feb. 4, 1887; 3. Helen, b. Dec. 29, 1889; 4. Daniel, b. Nov. 16, 1894; 5. Georgians, b. Dec. 29, 1899. 2246. II. John D. ; b. July 21. 1869; res. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Children of Curtis F. and Georgiana M. (Lyon) (Van Allen) Hoag: 2247. I. Asa; b. Sept. 7, 1877. at Kinderhook. N. Y. ; m. Oct. 14, 1903, Frances S. Woolsey of Milton, N. Y. 2248. II. Pauline; b. Sept. 19, 1SS0, at Kinderhook; res. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 1435. VII. 728. JOSEPHINE 7 LYON (VANDENBURG) [John W. 8 , Thomas 5 , David 4 , Jonathan 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born April 8, 1846 at Hastings, N. Y.; died April 28, 1873. She married Peter E. Vanden- burg, who was born Feb. 13, 1842, son of Henry L. and Helen ( ) Vandenburg. They lived in New York State; later at Lee's Summit, Mo. Children of Peter E. and Josephine (Lyon) Vandenburg: 2249. I. Ralph Ludlow; b. March 8. 1869, in State of New York; m. June 18, 1895, at Jerseyville, 111., Eugenia Carlin; res. 506 Peoria Ave., Peoria, 111.; children: 1. Mary Josephine; 2. Alma Fausta. 2250. II. Grace Josephine; b. May 21, 1871, at Lee's Summit, Mo.; m. May 2, 1893, at Jerseyville, 111., Eddlngton R. Welch (b. May 28, 1866; s. of Richard and Grace ( ) Welch of Woodburn, 111.); res. Bunkerhill, 111.; children: 1. Ralph F., b. April 14, 1894; 2. Donald 31., b. Dec. 11, 1895; 3. Clara Josephine, b. July 30. 1898; 4. Harold Vandenburg, b. Jan. IS. 1900; 5. Mar- garet Kathleen, b. April 1, 1902; 6. .Malcolm, b. Sept. 12, 1905. 2251. III. Minnie Cecilia; b. April 21, 1873, at Lee's Summit, Mo.; m. George P. Hasbrouck: res. Syracuse, N. Y. ; no ch. 1436. VII. 728. JULINA 7 LYON (SMITH) [John W. 8 , Thomas 8 , David 4 , Jonathan 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ,], born April 28, 1852, at Cleve- land, N. Y. She married Richard Smith. They reside in Syracuse, N. Y. Children of Richard and Julina (Lyon) Smith: 2252. I. Charles. 2253. II. LUlie. 2254. III. Bessie 2255. IV. Allie. 2256. V. Nina. 2257. VI. Curtis. 234 THOMAS LYON OF RYE 1440. VII. 729. DOCTOR GEORGE FLETCHER 7 LYON (Wil- liam F. 8 , Thomas 5 , David 4 , Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ), born Aug. 1, 1847, at Lyons, Wis.; grad. Davenport Medical College. He married Alice Turk daughter of William and Jane ( ) Turk of Terre Haute, Ind. He practised medicine a few years and then went into mercantile business and at the latest accounts was a produce merchant in San Francisco, Calif. Address (1906) 185 John St. Oakland, Calif. Children of George F. and Alice (Turk) Lyon: 2258. I. Wendell; b. Oct. 1874; d. ae. 11 months. ♦2259. II. Nina; b. Terre Haute, Ind., Sept. 10, 1876; m. Bento C. Dalton of San Francisco, Calif. 1441. VII. 729. MILLARD FILMORE 7 LYON [William F. 8 , Thomas 6 , David 4 , Jonathan 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Dec. 7, 1848, at Lyons, Wis. He married, Feb. 3, 1876, at Adrian, Mich., Ella Jane Sterrett, born Nov. 20, 1857; daughter of William W. and Elizabeth (Carter) Sterrett. He is a bookkeeper at Adrian, Mich. Children of Millard F. and Ella J. (Sterrett) Lyon: 2260. I. Lorena Elizabeth; b. Oct. 29. 1876, at Adrian, Mich.; m. June 28, 1905, at Adrian, Roy G. Auchampaugh (b. July 24, 1875, at Adrian, son of Levi and Angelina ( ) Auchampaugh); he is a U. S. Post Office Inspector; res. Adrian, Mich. 2261. II. James William; b. Aug. 12, 1881, in Lewis Co., Tenn. ; d. June 10, 1882. 1470. VII. 770. WILLIAM HENRY 7 LYON [William W. 6 , Jona- than 6 , Peter 4 , Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Belleville, N. J., Sept. 5, 1821; brought up at Oyster Bay, N. Y.; died May 28, 1899. He married, Sept. 14, 1846, Mary Caroline Jacobs, born Sept. 27, 1824; died Sept. 7, 1889; daughter of Laban Jacobs of New York. Children of William H. and Mary C. (Jacobs) Lyon: »2262. I. William Henry; b. Oct. 8, 1847; d. Nov. 5, 1901; m. Frances H. Sherwood. •2263. II. Mary Parish; b. Dec. 25, 1848; m. Anthony C. Vail. ♦2264. III. Caroline Whiting; b. Sept. 30, 1853; m. Edwin B. Day. •2265. IV. Adelaide S.; b. June 1, 1859; m. Alfred W. Day. 1483. VII. 778. WILLIAM ROSCOE 7 LYON [William P. 8 , James H. 6 , Peter 4 , Jonathan 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born at Haverstraw, N. Y., May 29, 1835; res. Morristown, N. J. He married Jan. 20, 1858, Mary Eloise Crocker, born July 15, 1836; died April 3, 1900; daughter of Alvah Crocker of Fitchburg, Mass. SEVENTH GENERATION 235 Children of William R. and Mary E. (Crocker) Lyon: 2266. I. Mary Louisa; b. May 16, 1859; d. April 15, 1860. 2267. II. Huttie Crocker; b. Feb. 17, 1S61; d. Oct. 22, 1861. 2268. III. Kloise; b. Oct. 21, 1862; d. Sept. 29, 1870. 2269. IV. Alvah Crocker; b. Nov. 20, 1863; d. Aug. 12, 1864. 2270. V. Rheba Bruff; b. Oct. 7. 1865; d. May 8, 1866. - * 2271. VI. Richard Bruff; b. March 15, 1869. £t „ J . ffO^*^ C^tU^t^. /£ 2/ 1488. VII. 778. PHOEBUS WOOD' LYON [William P. 6 , James H. 5 , Peter 4 , Jonathan 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Sept. 2, 1844; grad. West Jersey Academy; formerly of Bridgeton, N. J., now of Mary- ville College, Tenn. He married, March 5, 1867, Sarah W. Wood, born Nov. 1, 1842; died March 2, 1900. Children of Phoebus W. and Sarah W. (Wood) Lyon: 2272. I. Mary Hastings; b. Dec. 29, 1867. 2273. II. Lorenzo Grenville; b. April 20, 1869. 2274. III. William Phoebus; b. Oct. 24, 1871; d. Oct. 11, 1872. 2275. IV. George Wood; b. July 2, 1873. 2276. V. Louise Merwin; b. Oct. 21, 1875. 2277. VI. Henry Roseoe; b. Feb. 19, 1877; d. Dec. 6, 1877. 2278. VII. Charles Knox; b. Dec. 22, 1878; d. Jan. 14. 1S79. 2279. VIII. Jennie Tower; b. March 19, 18S0, d Jan. 25, 1892. 2280. IX. Kldridge Schauffler; b. Aug. 21, 1881. 2281. X. Sarah Scudder; b. Nov. 8, 1884. 1506. VIII. 788. DANIEL 7 LYON [Lorenzo M. 9 , Samuel 5 , Peter 4 , Jonathan 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Ann Arbor, Mich., Feb. 23, 1833; farmer in Dexter, Ann Arbor road, living in 1907; address R. F. D. Dexter, Mich. He was a member of the farmers' convention 1854 at Jackson, Mich., which gave rise to the Republican party. He mar- ried, April 4, 1864, Sarah Ruckman, born Dec. 23, 1840; died June 11, 1893 at Ann Arbor. She was daughter of John and Phebe (Lane) Ruck- man of New Jersey. Children of Daniel and Sarah (Ruckman) Lyon: Webster; b. March 2, 1866; d. Sept. 27, 1866. Mary A.; b. Nov. 3, 1868; unm. Cora; b. Nov. 29, 1870; unm. Elmer Daniel; b. March 24, 1872; m. Carrie Eva Brown. 8arah M.; b. Aug. 7. 1873; d. April 14, 1882. Laura Lucille; b. June 1. 1876; unm.; res. Chicago. 111. Alma; b. June 16, 1878; m. 1901 Gilbert Close; res. (1904) 8 Lombard Terrace, Detroit. Mich. 1508. VII. 788. CHARLES WILLIAM' LYON [Lorenzo M. s , 2282. I. } 2283. II. 2284. III. •2285. IV. 2286. V. 2287. VI. 2288. VII. 236 THOMAS LYON OF RYE Samuel 5 , Peter*, Jonathan 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Nov. 4, 1835, at Ann Arbor, Mich., died . He married in Bengal Twp., near St. Johns, Mich., March 20, 1859 Sarah Maria Lyon, born Sept. 24, 1841, daughter of Royal Corbin 8 and Betsey (Wilkins) Lyon [Nehemiah M. 7 Nehemiah 8 , Benjamin , Caleb 4 , John 8 , John 2 , William 1 of Roxbury 1635] (see Lyon Memorial, Massachusetts Families, p. 153). She died at Conway, Mich., Sept. 3, 1902. Charles W. Lyon was a farmer in Bengal township, and owned and operated a saw mill. He was also post master, the post office being known as "Lyon's Mill." Children of Charles W. and Sarah M. (Lyon) Lyon: •2288a. I. Willard Charles; b. Scio, Mich., Dec. 17, 1859; res. (1907) St. Johns, Mich. *2288b. II. Edwin Howard; b. Scio, Mich., July 7, 1861; res. (1907) St. Johns, Mich. 2288c. III. Mark; b. Jan. 7, 1863; killed in a railroad accident Sept. 26, 1883. *2288d. IV. Ida May; b. Nov. 9, 1865; m. John H. Fildew; res. (1907) St. Johns, Mich. 2288e. V. Fred M.; b. Sept. 29, 1868; unm. ; was in U. S. Navy; d. Hong- kong, Dec. 26, 1905. 1511. VII. 788. THEODORE' LYON [Lorenzo M. 9 , Samuel 8 , Peter*, Jonathan 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Ann Arbor, Mich., May 27, 1844; settled in Vassar, Mich.; married Mary Ruckman. Children of Theodore and Mary (Ruckman) Lyon: 2288f. I. Albert T.; m. . 2288g. II. Lorenzo M.; m. 2288h. III. Anna; m. 1512. VII. 788. ARTHUR SETH T LYON [Lorenzo M. e , Samuel 8 , Peter*, Jonathan 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Ann Arbor, Mich., June 11, 1847; farmer, living in the town of Scio; a strong Republican; ad- dress (1906) Rural S. Ann Arbor, Mich. Married, Nov. 8, 1871, Susan Ruckman, born Feb. 11, 1843; daughter of John and Phebe (Lane) Ruckman of New Jersey. L^.^.^y*^ ^S^ <^-~t^~-* 2341a. I. Eva; b. Aug. 1893. 2341b. II. Grace. 2341c. III. Theodore; b. Aug. 5, 1897. 1647. VTII. 960. ISAAC 8 LYON [Sylvester M. T , Isaac 6 , Job 8 , Caleb 4 , Thomas 3 , John 2 , Thomas'], born 1866; married Adelaide Bird, daughter of Theodore S. Bird. Children of Isaac and Adelaide (Bird) Lyon: 2342. I. Theodore Bird; b. 1887. 2343. II. Wallace Bradley [William W.]; b. 1889. 1648. VIII. 960. BERTHA E. 8 , LYON (BRADLEY) [Sylvester M. T , Isaac 6 , Job 5 , Caleb 4 , Thomas 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born 1867; mar- ried Wallace H. Bradley, son of John C. Bradley of New Haven. Children of Wallace and Bertha (Lyon) Bradley: 2344. I. Leon; b. 1S91. 2345. II. Whitney; b. 1S93. 2346. III. Sheldon; b. 1S97. 2347. IV. Bertha Josephine; b. 1900. 1663. VIII. 986. ELIZABETH R. 8 LYON (SMITH) [Israel 1 , James 6 , Roger 5 , Roger 4 , John 8 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Bedford, N. Y., April 16, 1820; died Jan. 21, 1895. She married Jan. 12, 1841, Thomas Wakeman Smith. Children of Thomas W. and Elizabeth R. (Lyon) Smith: 2348. I. Mary K. 2349. II. Orville. 2350. III. Fannie E. 2351. IV. Squire W. 2352. V. Israel L. i 2353. VI. Lucretla R.; m. Cornelius Young. 2354. VII. Emma L. 2355. VIII. Whiting R. 2356. IX. Langley C. (16) 242 THOMAS LYON OF RYE 1666. VIII. 987. WILLIAM EDWARD 8 LYON [Newman C. T , James 6 , Roger 6 , Roger 4 , John 8 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], of Brooklyn; born Bedford, N. Y., Sept. 18, 1819; died Jan. 6, 1904; buried at Bedford. He married first, Jan. 4, 1844, Elizabeth Banks, born May 3, 1823; died July 22, 1883, buried at Bedford. She was daughter of Jeremiah and Hannah (Mead) Banks. He married second, July 23, 1884, Mary E. Carr. Children of William E. and Elizabeth (Banks) Lyon: 2357. I. Jeremiah Banks; b. Feb. 2, 1848; m. 1st. Feb. 5. 1868, Hen- rietta Washburn; m. 2nd. Dec. 2, 1885, Marcia L. Washburn; by 1st. wife had Grace and another dau. 2358. II. Clark N.; b. Dec. 7, 1851; unm. 2359. III. Leroy M.; b. Jan. 31, 1854; m. Dec. 24, 1873, Anna Merritt; an infant son d. 1877. 2360. IV. Rockwell M.; b. March 8, 1856; d. Sept. 9, 1878. 2361. V. Seely; b. Nov. 24, 1859; d. Jan. 27, 1882; m. Feb. 25. 1881, Maria Henry; one ch. 1670. VIII. 987. HENRY 8 LYON [Newman C. T , James 6 , Roger", Roger 4 , John 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Bedford, N. Y., June 16, 1827; res. Sing Sing, N. Y.; a merchant. He married, Oct. 4, 1854, Anna Maria Dingee, born Oct. 29, 1826; daughter of Jesse and Esther (Honeywell) Dingee. t Children of Henry and Anna M. (Dingee) Lyon: 2362. I. Edgar Marshall; b. Dec. 25, 1855; d. June 1, 1860. 2363. II. Montgomery. 2364. III. Alethea M.; b. Oct. 8, 1861; d. March 27, 1864. 2365. IV. Henry. 2366. V. Esther. 2367. VI. Ida. 1672. VIII. 987. SARAH JANE 8 LYON (MILLER) [Newman C.\ James 6 , Roger 6 , Roger 4 , John 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], of Katonah, N. Y., born Bedford, N. Y., March 19, 1831. She married Aug. 6, 1850 Stephen Holly Miller, born Aug. 16, 1823; died May 18, 1905, at Katonah, N. Y. He was son of Alvah and Lois (Holly) Miller. Children of Stephen H. and Sarah Jane (Lyon) Miller: 2368. I. Emma Jane; b. Aug. 30. 1S52. 2369. II. Alvah; b. Jan. 30, 1855; m. Feb. 9. 1876, Phebe Augusta Sutton. 2370. III. Cyprus; b. Feb. 4, 1859; m. Dec. 19, 1883, Hattie E. Henry. t Jesse Dingee died Oct. 23, 1877, ae. 81 y. 3 m. 4 d. born Sept. 25, 1801; died Nov. 5, 1893. Esther Honeywell EIGHTH GENERATION 243 2371. IV. Stephen Holly; b. March 25, 1865; d. May 1, 1872. 2372. V. Lois Adeliu; b. Nov. 25, 1866; m. May 4. 1892. Lewis H. Ferris. 2373. VI. Arthur; b. March 23. 1S69; m. Feb. 6, 1896, Julia Tracy. 1673. VIII. 987. ANN MATILDA 8 LYON (BANKS) [Newman C. f , James 8 , Roger 5 , Roger 4 , John 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born June 20, 1832; died South Salem, Westchester Co., N. Y., July 9, 1907. She married Nov. 30, 1852, William Harvey Banks, born Sept. 5, 1820; died May 18, 1894; son of Jeremiah and Hannah (Mead) Banks. Children of William H. and Ann Matilda (Lyon) Banks: 2374. I. Chilion; b. Jan. 26, 1854. 2375. II. Orion; b. Dec. S, 1856; m. Maggie Glass. 2376. III. Florence; b. Nov. 14. 1859; m. A. A. Irvine. 2377. IV. Varian; b. April 28, 1S63. 2378. V. Alethea; b. March 8, 1869. 2379. VI. William S.; b. Dec. 21, 1870. 1674. VIII. 987. NEWMAN C. 8 LYON [Newman C. T , James 8 , Roger 5 , Roger 4 , John 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born June 18, 1834; died Nov. 1, 1900. He married first Addie Cary, born June 3, 1836, died May 9, 1872; daughter of John Cary. He married second Mary Powell. Child of Newman C. and Addle (Cary) Lyon: 2380. I. Infant; b. March 1859; d. 1859. Children of Newman C. and Mary (Powell) Lyon: 2381. II. Newman C; b. 1883; d. April 27, 1905; shot and killed himself at Rumford Falls, Me. 2382. III. Albert. 1676. VIII. 987. ALETHEA M. 8 LYON (HAIT) [Newman C. T , James 8 , Roger 5 , Roger 4 , John 8 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], of South Salem, West- chester Co., N. Y.; born May 19, 1839. She married Isaac N. Hait, born April 28, 1837, died March 24, 1907, at South Salem, N. Y., son of Daniel and Harriet (Todd) Hait.§ Children of Isaac N. and Alethea M. (Lyon) Hait: 2383. I. Harriet Todd; b. Dec. 20, 1863; d. Sept. 1. 1870. 2384. II. James M.; m. . 2385. III. Alethea Louise; b. 1S67; m. June 3, 1891. Richard W. Pridham of London, son of William C. and Elizabeth (Woodsmlth) Pridham. 2386. IV. Emily; m. George Hoyt. 2387. V. Ida. §Danlel Hait died July 5, 1856, ae. 55 y. 2 m. 14 d. He married Harriet Todd, Oct. 27, 1827. 244 THOMAS LYON OF RYE 1678. VIII. 988. HARVEY 8 LYON [James 7 , James 8 , Roger", Roger 4 , John 8 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], of New Canaan, Conn; born Bedford, N. Y., Nov. 27, 1832; d. Jan. 20, 1906 at Four Corners, near New Canaan; buried at Bedford, N. Y. He married Thirza C , born Feb. 25, 1837; died April 3, 1887. Children of Harvey and Thirza ( ) Lyon : 2388. I. Emma; m. Edward Comstock; res. New Canaan, Conn.; P. O. Norwalk, Conn. R. F. D. 2389. II. George H.; res. New Canaan, Conn. 1679. VIII. 988. PHEBE 8 LYON (FOWLER) [James T , James 8 , Roger 5 , Roger 4 , John 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], of Bankville, Westchester Co., N. Y., born Dec. 7, 1835. She married Theodore Fowler. Children of Theodore and Phebe (Lyon) Fowler: 2390. I. Charles. 2391. II. William L. 2392. III. Newman. 2393. IV. Adelia. 2394. V. Florence. 1681. VIII. 988. WILLIAM 8 LYON [James 7 , James 8 , Roger 5 , Roger 4 , John 8 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], of White Plains N. Y.; born June 8, 1839; res. 21 Tibbetts Ave., White Plains. He married, Dec. 31, 1862, Lucretia Merritt, born July 28, 1837; died Sept. 19, 1904 at White Plains; buried Mt. Kisco, N. Y. Daughter of William and Lucretia (Merritt) Lyon: *2395. I. Lizzie; b. Jan. 19, 1865; m. George Lockyer. 1686. VIII. 990. WILLIAM A. 8 LYON [Knapp 7 , James 8 , Roger 5 . Roger 4 , John 8 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born July 13, 1834; died Sept. 25, 1863 from injuries received by falling through the hatchway of a vessel. Adm. of estate New York City, Dec. 5, 1863, to widow Christina and John J. Tyler. Children of William A. and Christina (- -) Lyon: 2396. I. Julia Augusla ; b. July 5, 1858; d. June 28, 1859. 2397. II. Joseph Warren; b. July 27, 1860; d. Nov. 8, 1862. 1690. VIII. 992. WILLIAM WILLIAMS 8 LYON [Miles 7 , Jona- than", Roger 5 , Roger 4 , John 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], of New York City, born Sept. 10, 1830; died suddenly Nov. 25, 1875, New York City, 112 Avenue C. Adm. of estate New York City Feb. 1, 1884 to widow Emma J. EIGHTH GENERATION 245 (res. 349 So. 3rd. St. Brooklyn, N. Y.). He married Oct. 2, 1851 Emma Jane Howell, born April 12, 1834; died Jan. 17, 1902, at Westfield, N. J.; buried in Evergreen Cemetery. She was daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth B. (Campbell) Howell. Children of William W. and Emma J. (Howell) Lyon: 2398. I. Mary Louise; b. Oct. 19, 1852; m. Elisha Taylor; res. Westfield. N. J. 2399. II. Kate Ann; b. Oct. 17, 1854; m. Charles F. Taylor; res. West- field. N. J. •2400. III. William Williams; b. Nov. 15, 1856; m. Alice Mott . 2401. IV. John H.; b. March 16, 1859; d. July 18, 1860; buried Buxton Cemetery, Bedford, N. Y. •2401a. V. Hervey C; b. Oct. 20, 1865; m. Ida Tilley. 1698. VIII. 1018. JOHN MILLER 8 LYON [Stephen 7 , William*. Justus 5 , Roger 4 , John 8 ,John 2 , Thomas 1 ], of Port Chester, N. Y.; born Sept. 28, 1834; died Feb. 22, 1902 at Port Chester; buried Bedford Sta- tion. Adm. of estate April 4, 1902 to Jennie M. and William Penn Lyon. He married first, Sarah Jane Clifford, born March 3, 1838; died Nov. 11, 1881; buried in Union Cemetery, Bedford. She was daughter of Rev. Isaac S. and Annie (Ford) Clifford. He married second Jennie M. Baillie, daughter of Samuel Baillie. 1699. VIII. 1018. WILLIAM PENN 8 LYON [Stephen', William 4 , Justus 5 , Roger 4 , John", John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Bedford, N. Y., Feb. 7, 1837; lives (1906) in Katonah, N. Y. He married, Sept. 16, 1874, Mary Ann Sniff en, born Dec. 13, 1839; died Jan. 1, 1893; buried Union Ceme- tery, Bedford, N. Y. She was daughter of Daniel and Mary (Carpen- ter) Sniffen of Round Hill, Conn. Adm. of estate March 27, 1893 to husband William P. Lyon. t , < •. /-"... f9* Children of William P. and Mary Ann (Sniffen) Lyon: •2402. I. Mabel Amanda; b. Jan. 4, 1876; m. George Seward Robinson. > 2403. II. Stephen D.; b. Oct. 16, 1882; m. ; undertaker; res. White Plains, N. Y.,/138 Railroad AveJ i / W- «-»^ &( Q-*~^ // 9 r 2. ; v - /v [a i , ., . V 1709. VIII. 1027. ANTOINETTE 9 LYON (STOCKHOLM) [Wal- ter S. T , John 9 , Samuel 5 , Roger 4 , John 8 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Bedford, N. Y., April 4, 1816; res. (1906) 27 So. Hamilton St., Poughkeepsle, N. Y., ae. 90 y. She married Oct. 7, 1840 Abraham Stockholm, born April 2, 1819. Children of Abraham and Antoinette (Lyon) Stockholm: 2404. I. Maria; b. Aug. 20. 1841; res. (1906) Hyde Park. N. T.; m. . A»4<-'u n J< Wr' C ff.^' ./ ■ , ^ Cull re , M /U ^u~ y ii*w» la. t ' y . * ■ 246 THOMAS LYON OF RYE 1864, John Gilbert (b. 1843; d. March 22, 1895); 6 children. One daughter, Helen W. m. H. A. Somers and lives (1906) at 301 Church St., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 2405. II. Phebe Helen; b. Nov. 27, 1843; m. 1st, Egbert B. Killey (d. Feb. 11, 1873); m. 2nd. ; res. Washington, D. C. ; has clerkship. 2406. III. Abraham Brinckerhoff; b. Jan. 6, 1849; m. June 2, 1874, Jennie Ward (b. Aug. 2, 1849). 2407. IV. Walter Lyon; b. March 20, 1854; d. Dec. 2, 1857. s ' 1710. VIII. 1027. THOMAS S. 8 LYON [Walter S. T , John 6 , Sam- t> c3 ueP, Roger 4 , John 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], of Katonah, N. Y., born Feb. 17, 1818 / died 1903. He married first Calista Bailey Haight/and second De- / // - 2408. ^t. Ann EUza; 0. Jan. 23, 1850; m. JjMay 8p 1873, Constant Ferris Whitney (b. Jan.^1^, 1851)| son of Silas Constant and Sarah Matilda (Ferris) Whitne y^ns*. YorktW N ] Y.^. £. Cj^f /( / tQ C O^^it^, Louisa ;l m. J Hosea Fn&syellyn^ no ch. ' lO^-^ffi. Walter Haighti^m, — — =^-; res. Iowa; has a daughter. / 2409^ of Thomas S. anSl Deborah (— — ) Lyon: Mineola; under 14\ in 1876; m. . / O -j (It s . 1876; m. . In ) J 1711. VIII. 1027. SARAH ELIZABETH 8 LYON (WALES) [Wal- ter S. T , John 8 , Samuel 5 , Roger 4 , John 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Mt. Pleas- ant, N. Y., July 18, 1820; died May 22, 1885; buried at Katonah (re- moved in 1903 to Oakwood, Mt. Kisco). She married, Sept. 4, 1838, at Bedford, Lemuel Wales M. D., born Aug. 15, 1811 at Hartford Conn.; died March 25, 1892 at Croton Point, N. Y.; buried at Katonah (after- wards 1903 in Oakwood, Mt. Kisco). He was a veteran of two wars, the Mexican and the Civil war. Children of Lemuel and Sarah Elizabeth (Lyon) Wales: 2412. I. Thomas Hender; b. July 16, 1S39; d. July 2, 1840. 2413. II. Sarah Elizabeth; b. July 27, 1842; res. (1904) Mt . Kisco, N. Y. 2414. III. Walter Aha/.; b. June 15, 1845; d. Sept. 26, 1856. 2415. IV. Lizzie Lyon; b. Aug. 31, 1849; m. at Purdy Station, Oct 28, 1868. Stephen W. Underhill; ch. : 1. William Alexander, b. May 24, 1880; 2. Stephen Maurice, b. June 15, 1884. 2316. V. Frank Adelbert; b. June 22, 1852 at Brookyln, N. Y. ; Presby- terian Minister (D. D.); m. Oct. 27, 1880, at Chicopee, Mass., Minnie Taylor; a son, Kenneth D. 1712. VIII. 1027. MARY 8 LYON (WOOD) [Walter S. T , John 9 , Samuel , Roger 4 , John 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born June 4, 1823; living In fie tOne record says "married first Lounsbury; second Haight." n EIGHTH GENERATION 247 1904. She married, Sept. 12, 1843, John Jay Wood, born July 3, 1821; son of Stephen and Phebe (Underhill) Woodf of Bedford. Children of John J. and Mary (Lyon) Wood: 2417. I. Alice; b. Sept. 13, 1S45; m. Fitz Randolph Runyon; res. New Brunswick, L. I. 2418. II. Charles; b. June 2, 1851; m. Morris; was pastor of Presbyterian ch., Germantown, Pa. 2419. III. Mary Ella; b. July 3. 1855; d. young. 1715. VIII. 1027. CAROLINE 8 LYON (ALBERTSON) [Walter S. 7 , John 6 , Samuel 5 , Roger 4 , John 8 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born March 4, 1828; died Jan. 9, 1904 at Roslyn L. I. She married at Jamaica, L. I., April 27, 1853, Silas Whitson Albertson, born Aug. 1825; living 1904, son of Silas and Kezia (Whitson) Albertsont of North Hempsted, L. I. Children of Silas W. and Caroline (Lyon) Albertson: 2420. I. Sallie Lyon; b. Jan. 30, 1854; d. March 2, 1856. 2421. II. Silas; b. March 12. 1857; m. . 2422. III. Ida; b. Dec. 14, 1S5S; m. Edwin C. Willetts. 2423. IV. Caroline; b. Oct. 23. 1860; m. John S. Hicks. 2424. V. Sarah; b. Dec. 4, 1864; m. J. Wheeler Glover. 1716. VIII. 1027. BETSEY B. 8 LYON (PECK) [Walter S.\ John*, Samuel 5 , Roger 4 , John 8 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Bedford Nov. 4, 1830. She married, Nov. 11, 1847, John W. Peck, born Dec. 26, 1828; son of Gideon and Phebe W. (Merritt) Peck of Sing Sing, N. Y. Children of John W. and Betsey B. (Lyon) Peck: 2425. I. Julia; m. Bert Foshay (d. 1904); res. Sing Sing; a son William. 2426. II. Bessie. 2427. III. Ada. 2428. IV. John. 2429. V. Dan. 1719. VIII. 1028. SARAH M. 8 LYON (STURDEVANT) [Alfred 7 , John 8 , Samuel 5 , Roger 4 , John 8 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Sept. 30, 1820; res. Danbury, Conn. She married, Oct. 10, 1837, Elijah Sturdevant. Children of Elijah and Sarah M. (Lyon) Sturdevant: 2430. I. Edgur. 2431. II. Amelia. 2432. III. Thomas Alfred. tStephen Wood, born Dec. 4, 1792, son of James and Martha (Weeks) Wood; m. Sept. 16. 1812, Phebe Underhill, who died Dec. 26, 1855. tSilas Albertson died Jan. 2, 1847, ae. 63; Kezia died Aug. 20. 1853, ae. 66. 248 THOMAS LYON OF RYE 1726. VIII. 1028. HIRAM D. 8 LYON [Alfred 1 , John 9 , Samuel 8 , Roger 4 , John 8 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], married Abbie Gifford. Children of Hiram D. and Abbie (Gifford) Lyon: 2433. I. San ford. 2434. II. Genevieve. 2435. III. Edith. 2436. IV. Gertrude. 2437. V. Lyman. 2438. VI. Herbert. 1727. VIII. 1028. ELIZABETH 9 LYON (GRIMSHAW) [Alfred', John", Samuel 5 , Roger 4 , John 8 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], married Henry Grim- shaw. Children of Henry and Elizabeth (Lyon) Grimshaw: 2439. I. Samuel. 2440. II. Howard. ,2441. III. Delia. - £X* 1728 - VIIL 1028 - SAMUEL 8 LYON [Alfred 1 , John 8 , Samuel 8 , t- jo- j Roger 4 , John 8 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], res. Chieage, 111,; married BeHar Nye-. Children of Samuel and Delia (Nye) Lyon: ,-, ' Art.t/< A, A/... A ^ K'XQ- 2 * 42 - I Howard./^, / i *-* " > * 2443. II. Alfred. K-'*^ ^A^^^,^;^^ 2444. III. Page.^A^^ f ^ C «.£* K /**,/ T J W0 " ''' Son of William W. and Pauline E. (Lyon) Lyon: 2485. I. William Warren; living 1903. 1824. VIII. 1065. MARY LOUISE 8 LYON (LOCKWOOD) [Wil- liam L. T , James 6 , James 5 , James 4 , John 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Green- wich, Conn., March 10, 1841; educated St. Mary's Hall, Burlington, N. J. She married, Sept. 11, 1862, in Christ Church, Greenwich, Luke Adolphus Lockwood, LL. D., born Dec. 1, 1833; died Nov. 20, 1905 at his residence, Riverside, Conn.; buried St. Andrews Churchyard, Stamford, Conn. He was son of Frederick and Mary Ann (Jessup) C< 252 THOMAS LYON OF RYE Lockwood§ of Brooklyn, N. Y. He was a graduate of Trinity College. An attorney at law of Lockwood and Hill, New York City. Children of Luke A. and Mary Louise (Lyon) Lockwood: 2486. I. Theodora Lyon; b. Greenwich, Jan. 12, 1868; m. Riverside, Conn., Nov. 22, 1898, Smith Dewey Pierce of Brooklyn, N. Y. Ch.: 1. Katherine Dewey; b. Sept. 29, 1899; d. Nov. 1, 1899; 2. Dewey Lockwood; b. Brooklyn, Dec. 3, 1901; 3. Gertrude Lockwood; b. Brooklyn, May 4, 1903. 2487. II. Gertrude Louise; b. Brooklyn, Oct. 29, 1869; d. New Haven, Conn., July 12, 1896; m. William Pitt Baldwin, M. D. of New Haven. 2488. III. Luke Vincent; b. Brooklyn, Feb. 1, 1872; grad. Trinity College, 1893; New York Law Sch., 1905; m. Nov. 16, 1897, in Hartford, Conn., Alice Gardener Burnell of that city; res. Brooklyn, 10 Garden Place; one son Luke Burnell; b. Oct. 31, 1901. 2489. IV. William Frederick; b. Brooklyn, Nov. 12, 1874; d. Riverside, Conn., Sept. 29, 1875. 2490. V. Alfred Whitney; b. Riverside, Conn., April 13, 1882. 1826. VIII. 1065. AMOS MEAD 8 LYON [William Lewis 1 , James*, James 5 , James*, John 8 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Greenwich, Conn., March 7, 1843. He attended the Greenwich Academy and the Port Chester Military School. He served as a volunteer officer in the U. S. Navy 1861 to 1865 "service on the U. S. S. Lancaster in the Pacific Ocean," and during the last two years of the Civil War "service under Admiral David Dixon Porter and on his staff." Participated in the attacks on Fort Fisher, N. Car. in Dec. 1864 and Jan. 1865. Was in the assault on the fort and at the head of the column, his commanding officer, Lieut. Benjamin Porter, being shot at his side, almost under the stockade of the fort. Later was in the James River on the Flagship "Malvern," and while at City Point, Va., was sent to the front while the 9th Army Corps was charging the works around Petersburg in the last battle §The Lockwoods were of very ancient origin in Essex and Northampton Counties. England, the name being found in the Doomsday book. In 1530 the family were of Devis Hall, co. Essex and Grayton co. Northhampton. Eng., and to the Rev. Richard Lockwood. Rector of Dingley. was granted these arms: Ar. a fesse sa. between 3 martlets of the same. Crest: on the stump of an oak tree, erased, proper, a martlet sa. Motto: "Tutus in undis." Robert Lockwood, born in England, with wife Susannah, came to Water- town, Mass. 1630,, to Fairfield. Conn. 1646. From him are descended many of the Lockwoods or Greenwich, although sorrfe" claim descent from Edmund. The lineage of Luke A. Lockwood runs: Robert 1 , Jonathan 2 , Still John 5 , Jonathan*, Frederick 5 , Frederick 8 , Luke Adolphus 7 . Luke A. Lockwood was a prominent member of the Masonic fraternity. He was a charter member and the first Worshipful Master of Acacia Lodge, which at the time of his death was preparing to celebrate his fiftieth anniversary as a Mason by presenting to him a thousand dollar silver service. Mr. Lock- wood founded St. Pauls Episcopal Church in Riverside, where a memorial window was recently placed to his wife, Mary Louise (Lyon) Lockwood. He was an authority in Episcopal and Masonic law. / C A ^ / EIGHTH GENERATION 253 of the war before Appomattox. April 4, 1865 went into Richmond with Admiral Porter when he escorted President Lincoln to the city the day following the evacuation by Jefferson Davis and the confederate army. Resigned his commission in June 1865. After the war he engaged in business in New York City and is now Vice-President of the Electric Conveying Machinery Company; residence (1904) East Orange, N. J. In 1875 he was married in the New York City Rutgers Presbyterian Church to Bessie Blackwell Clark of New York, daughter of Rev. Fred Gorham Clark, D. D. and Sarah Blackwell. Children of Amos M. and Bessie B. (Clark) Lyon: 2491. I. Sarah Clark; b. 1S76; d. 1879. 2492. II. Fred Gorham Clark; b. 18S0. 2493. III. Bessie Blackwell; b. 1882. 2494. IV. Katharine Ware; b. 1885. 2495. V. Amos Mead, Jr.; b. 1888; d. June 8, 1890. 2496. VI. Ruth Greenonk; b. 1890. 2497. VII. William Lewis; b. 1896. 1826. VIII. 1065. JAMES 8 LYON [William L. 7 , James 6 , James 5 , James*, John 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Greenwich, Conn., May 27, 1845. He pursued his studies in the United States and four years in Europe and has made his life work the education of youth. He conducted the Plainfield Academy for Boys in New Jersey for fifteen years. He es- tablished under most unfavorable condtions the Indianapolis Institute for Young Ladies (now Knickerbocker Hall) and left it in 1892 in a most flourishing condition. He established in 1892 St. Mary's Hall (now Brunot Hall). In 1897 he established the Lyon Boarding School for Boys which he is now successfully conducting in Spokane, Wash. An item in the Spokane Chronicle of Oct. 11, 1906, speaks of the flour- ishing condition of the school and states that Mr. Lyon has recently purchased fifteen lots adjoining the present location of the school, making his holding now 92 lots. He married first Victorine Jefferson, born Dec. 31, 1845; died 1881. He married second June 18, 1882, Laura Howe Salmon. Children of James and Victorine (Jefferson) Lyon: *2498. I. Joseph Herbert; b. Greenwich, Conn., March 21, 1871; m. Rose Leet; res. (1904) Mica, Idaho. 2499. II. James Winfred; b. Dec. 31, 1874; d. Aug. 27, 1875. •2500. II. William Ernest; b. Plainfield, N. J., July 21, 1S78; m. Leonore Searles; res. (1904) Harrison, Idaho. 2501. IV. Charles Jefferson; b. Nov. 12. 1880; d. July 23. 1881. 254 THOMAS LYON OF EYE Children of James and Laura H. (Salmon) Lyon: 2502. V. Laura Louise; b. 1888. 2503. VI. Maud Catharine; b. 1892. 1895. VIII. 1171. ANN OPHELIA 8 LYON (ANDERSON) [Edgar H. 7 , William 6 , Alvan 5 , Benjamin 4 , Samuel 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], of Hackensack, N. J.; married David Anderson. Children of David and Ophelia (Lyon) Anderson: 2504. I. Carrie. 2505. II. Alice May. 2506. III. Jennie. 1918. VIII. 1197. DAVID HUYLER 8 LYON [John H. T , Alvan 8 , Alvan 5 , Benjamin 4 , Samuel 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born April 7, 1869; married July 31, 1890, Mary Ann Bartlett, daughter of James F. and Anna Catharine ( ) Bartlett. Daughter of David H. and Mary Ann (Bartlett) Lyon: 2507. I. Olive Marie; b. May 16. 1891. 1919. VIII. 1197. FRANK SELOVER 8 LYON [John H. 7 , Alvan 8 , Alvan B , Benjamin 4 , Samuel 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Aug. 13, 1871; married Oct. 14, 1892 Gussie Lengle, daughter of Rev. Harry Ward and Bella ( ) Lengle of Reading, Pa. Daughter of Frank S. and Gussie (Lengle) Lyon: 2508. I. Ruth; b. Dec. 3. 1S93. 1947. VIII. 1244. SOLOMON T. 8 LYON [Samuel 7 , Solomon 9 , Samuel 5 , Jonathan 4 , Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born May 1, 1835; died Dec. 30, 1890. He married, Sept. 30, 1860, Sarah E. Rumsey, born Oct. 10, 1837. He enlisted in the 5th Michigan Infantry, Col. Pulford, and served with distinction in the Civil war. He became afterwards a teacher, and later a newspaper editor. Children of Solomon T. and Sarah E. (Rumsey) Lyon: 2509. I. Edward E.; b. Aug. 5, 1863; d. Sept. 8, 1863. 2510. II. Solomon T., Jr.; b. Sept. 8, 1S64; d. Sept. 9, 1S64. 2511. III. William S.; b. Oct. 6. 1S66; m. 1st. Dec. 19, 18S7. Florence Tiffany; m. 2nd. Oct. 24, 1895, Amy Teft; was postal clerk 13 years on Pere Marquette R. R. ; d. Sept. 27, 1901. 2512. IV. Abigail L.; b. Aug. 24, 1871. 2513. V. Jennie Alice; b. Dec. 13, 1872; m. Jan. 2, 1902, Prof. Lyman Bacon. 2514. VI. Permilla E. (Millie); b. April 5, 1875; d. Nov. 8, 1892. EIGHTH GENERATION -55 2515. VII. Mary Belle (Isabel); b. March 16, 1880; m. July 9. 1901, Frederick S. Lockwood. 1980. VIII. 1265. ASAHEL ANSON 8 LYON [Asahel D.\ Henry C. 9 , Aaron 5 , Elnathan', Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Sept. 9, 1864 in the town of Hyde Park, Dutchess Co., N. Y. He married first, at Albany, N. Y., Sept. 2, 1885, Sarah Carlton Shaw, daughter of Rob- ert Shaw, of Solway, Saratoga Co., N. Y. She died Nov. 28, 1893. He married second at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., April 26, 1899, Grace Allen Van De Water, daughter of Clarence and Estell (Allen) Van De Water, of Hyde Park, N. Y. He is now (1905) a member of the firm of A. D. Lyon & Sons, 143 Albany Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y., engaged in the manufacturers of Lyon's Certain Cure Remedies. Daughter of Asahel A. and Sarah C. (Shaw) Lyon: 2516. I. Sarah Pauline; b. June 29, 1886; d. Feb. 11, 1893. Children of Asabel A. and Grace A. (Van De Water) Lyon; 2517. II. Aaron Denman; b. Feb. 7, 1900, at Salt Point, Dutchess Co., N. Y. 2518. III. Horace Anson; b. Oct. 16, 1902, at Brooklyn, N. T. ; d. Jan. 17, N. Y. 1981. VIII. 1265 GEORGE MORGAN 8 LYON [Asahel D. T , Henry C. 8 , Aaron 5 , Elnathan 4 , Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Jan. 14, 1867 in Hyde Park, N. Y. He married, Feb. 22, 1893, Elizabeth Cath- arine Faust. He resides in Brooklyn, N. Y., and is a member of the firm of A. D. Lyon & Sons, 143 Albany Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y., manu- facturers of Lyon's Certain Cure Remedies. Children of George M. and Elizabeth C. (Faust) Lyon: 2519. I. Pauline Ki ; b. June 9. 1894. 2520. II. Kossmore Denman; b. Dec. 14. 1895. 2512. III. Leroy Faust; b. March 10. 1901. 1989. VIII. 1281. AUGUSTA M. 8 LYON (PARMELE) [George', John W.°, Jonathan 5 , Elnathan*, Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Oct. 18, 1854, in Clinton, Dutchess Co., N. Y.; married Nov. 20, 1878, John H. Parmele of Pleasant Valley, N. Y., where they have continued to live; address, Arlington, N. Y. Children of John A. and Augusta M. (Lvon) Parmele, born at Pleasant Valley. X. Y.: 2522. I. Mary Louise: b. March 10, 1880; a teacher. •.'rm. II. Joseph Lyon; b. Aug. SI. 1881. 8624. III. I red; b. Sept. 21. 1 256 THOMAS LYON OF RYE 2525. IV. Elizabeth; b. Sept. 2, 1887. 2526. V. George; b. May 19, 1889. 2527. VI. William J.; b. March 7. 1891. 2528. VII. Ruth Agnes; b. Feb. 6, 1894. 2529. VIII. Ernest; b. July 20, 1S96; d. April 23, 1897. 2530. IX. Mildred; b. Aug. 4, 1S9S. 1991. VIII. 1281. ROSE 8 LYON (OAKLAND) [George', John W. e , Jonathan 6 , Elnathan 4 , Jonathan', Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born April 12, 1861 at Jersey City, N. J.; married Aug. 19, 1896 at Van Wagner, N. Y. John A. Oakland, b. Nov. 4, 1861, son of Henry and Anna ( ) Oakland. They have lived at Fort Defiance, Ariz., and at Cheyenne Agency, S. Dak., where Mr. Oakland was Superintendent of the Indian School Service. They now (1906) reside at Brushie, S. Dak., on a cattle ranch. Children of John A. and Rose (Lyon) Oakland: 2531. I. Agnes Minerva; b. June 16, 1897, at Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 2532. II. Godfrey Lyon; b. Dec. 19, 1900, at Cheyenne Agency, S. Dak. 2005. VIII. 1303. MARCUS 8 LYON [Charles 7 , William 6 , Israel 5 , Israel 4 , Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], was born at Bainbridge, N Y.. April 21, 1832. He lives (1907) on his father's homestead. Oct. 27, 1872, he married Sophia Mandeville, daughter of Melancthon Mande- ville of Coventry, N. Y. They have a good home. Daughter of Marcus and Sophia (Mandeville) Lyon: C-tMu-*- •2533. I. Amy; b. Bainbridge, Sept. 27, 1875; m. Cora D. Thornton. 2011. VIII. 1304. ALVAH W. 6 LYON [Ambrose 7 , William 8 , Israel 5 , Israel 4 , Jonathan 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], was born at Bainbridge, N. Y., Aug. 14, 1842. He married, about 1865, Mary Brigham. They^<<5 A reside in Bainbridge village. He is butcher, Republican, no church. Children of Alvah W. and Mary (Brigham) Lyon: 2534. I. Allen. 8585. II. Dora. 2536. III. Wiley. 2012. VIII. 1304. POLLY 8 LYON (VAN ZANDT) [Ambrose 7 , William , Israel 5 , Israel 4 , Jonathan 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], was born at Bainbridge, N. Y., Nov. 24, 1844. She married Anson Van Zandt. They lived at Bainbridge until 1882 and then at Wadena. He owns and operates a flour mill. Republican. Both Methodist. EIGHTH GENERATION 257 Children of Anson and Polly (Lyon) Van Zandt: 2537. I. Luella. 2538. II. Emmagene. 2539. III. Frunk. 2014. VIII. 1304. MILTON^ LYON [Ambrose 7 , William 8 , Israel", Israel 4 , Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], was born at Bainbridge, N. Y., May 29, 1853. He married first, Feb. 22, 1875, Lizzie Whitney, daughter of Rozzell and Jerusha (Rosebuck) Whitney. In 1881 they settled in Binghamton, N. Y., where she died, March 17, 1896; he married second Sarah Cunningham. He runs a furniture workshop in Binghamton. They belong to the Congregational church. Daughter of Milton and Lizzie (Whitney) Lyon: 2540. I. Lois; b. Bainbridge, July 27, 1876; m. April 11, 1906, Clarence Morse, son of Griffith and Hattie (Hunt) Morse; he is a felt carder; res. (1907) Binghamton, X. V. 2029. VIII. 1307. WILFRED H. 8 LYON [Richard 7 , William 8 , Israel 5 , Israel 4 , Jonathan 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], was born at Masonville, N. Y., Feb. 22, 1841. He married, June 6, 1862, Cerressa Pattin. They reside (1907) at Rock River, Wis. He is a farmer. Children of Wilfred H. and Cerressa (Pattin) Lyon: 2541. I. George; d. . 2542. II. William; m. . 2543. III. May. 2030. VIII. 1307. ARAD 8 S. LYON [Richard 7 , William 8 , Israel 5 , Israel 4 , Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas'], was born at Masonville, N. Y., May 21, 1842. He married in Feb. 1862 Mary J. Lynch. He served in the Union Army, and was killed on the skirmish line June 5, 1864. Daughter of Arad and Mary J. (Lynch) Lyon: 2544. I. Hattie Arad. 2032. VIII. 1307. CHARLES L. 8 LYON [Richard 7 , William 9 , Israel 5 , Israel 4 , Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], was born at Masonville, N. Y., April 27, 1845, and died Oct. 4, 1903. Dec. 13, 1887, he married Maria Rhinehart. They lived three miles east of Masonville. He was farmer, Republican, no church. She is Baptist. Children of Charles L. and Maria (Rhinehart) Lyon: 2545. I. Bertha. 2546. II. Ralph. 2547. III. Frunk. (1 258 THOMAS LYON OF RYE 2034. VIII. 1307. AMBROSE A. 8 LYON [Richard 7 , William 9 , Israel 5 , Israel 4 , Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], was born at Masonville, N. Y., Aug. 24, 1849. July 3, 1870, he married Ellen J. Blakeslee. They lived in Delhi, N. Y. He is gardener, Republican, no church. She died about 1900. Children of Ambrose A. and Ellen J. (Blakeslee) Lyon: 2548. I. Amy May. 2549. II. Flora Belle. 2550. III. Alva. 2035. VIII. 1307. SARAH A. 8 LYON (RANDALL) [Richard', William 6 , Israel 6 , Israel 4 , Jonathan 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], was born at Masonville, N. Y., Aug. 18, 1852. She married Edward P. Randall. He is machinist, Democrat; both Baptist. They reside at Walton. Dela- ware Co., N. Y. Children of Edward P. and Sarah A. (Lyon) Randall: 2551. I. Willis I.; b. East Masonville; d. . 2552. II. Charles; b. Unadilla, N. Y. ; res. (1907) Schenectady, N. Y. ; machinist, no church. 2553. III. Frank; b. Unadilla, N. Y. ; machinist; m. Olive Lobdell; 2 ch. ; res. Pearl River, N. J. 2554. IV. Lucy E.; b. Unadilla, N. Y. ; m. Roy Wilson of Sidney, N. Y. ; res. (1907) Walton, N. Y. ; children: 1. Victor; 2. Ralph; 3. George; 4. Herman. 2036. VIII. 1307. EMILY 8 F. LYON (RAMSDELL) [Richard 7 , William 9 , Israel 5 , Israel 4 , Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], was born at Masonville, N. Y., April 1, 1859. She married Dec. 27, 1877, James W. Ramsdell. He was a farmer, living two miles east of Masonville. He died . Children of James W. and Emily (Lyon) Ramsdell, born at Masonville: 2555. I. Raymond O.; b. Nov. 1, 187 8; d. Masonville, Feb. 13, 1901. 2556. II. Nellie O.; b. July IS, 1S80; school teacher; res. (1907) with her mother. 2557. III. Louis O.; b. April 6, 1882; farmer; Republican; res. (1907) with his mother. 2044. VIII. 1311. CLARKE 8 LYON [Caleb 7 , William 9 , Israel 5 , Israel 4 , Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], was born at Bainbridge, N. Y., about 1842. His mother died when he was four, his father when he was fifteen, years old. He served four years in the Union army (N. Y. Vols.) and participated in eighteen battles. He married Mrs. Mary Townsend Bush, widow of his cousin Chester Bush (No. 2027). They separated EIGHTH GENERATION 259 after two years and he lives (1907) with his sister Rozilla Lyon Corn- well, in Hartford. Conn. 2046. VIII. 1313. GEORGE HENDRICK 8 LYON [William 7 , Wil- liam', Israel 5 , Israel 4 , Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], was born at Bain- bridge, N. Y., Oct. 27, 1844. At 7 years he and his two brothers, Farnham and Edward, came with their parents to Sweden, Pa., where a new home in the woods was made. Four and a half years later their father died, leaving six children, George, in his twelfth year, being the oldest. The large enterprises of their father could not be continued as he would have done, and the financial crisis which came on im- mediately after made a hard path for the mother and family to keep and make their home. The two boys, twelve and ten years old, the next spring in their sugar bush accomplished the work of making two hundred pounds of maple sugar. A neighbor learning about it cheered and said that was the biggest thing he ever knew for boys of their ages. At thirteen George became a member of the Baptist Church. His great grandmother Hendrick, who was spending a year at their home, grandfather Hendrick, and mother, with him, made four genera- tions together holding the faith. Four winters at Coudersport, he at- tended the academy schools and paid board and tuition by doing chores, and caring for school rooms. He served in Company K. 37th Pa. Militia at time Lee and his army invaded the state. Later he enlisted, a private in Co. F. 211th Regt. Pa. Vol.. and served nine months till close of the war. This included two engagements, charging upon strong fortifications. One was the re-capture of Fort Steadman, and the other, April 2, in front of Peters- burg, charging and taking the Confederate Fort, Mahone. He says: "After storming Fort Mahone we rallied in two charges further to adjacent works. I was four hours in the fight where, at from 200 feet apart to some of the time not more than twelve feet apart at opposite sides of partition walls, each side was trying to make the other keep guns and heads low. My blouse was ragged with bullet holes. I, my- self, took five men prisoners, and later was made prisoner In turn. That proved to be an opportunity under escort, to see the Confederate retreat from Petersburg to Appomattox, and the surrender." Seven years after the war was devoted at schools, interspersed with work at farming, teaching and surveying. He was graduated C. E. from Union College Schenectady, N. Y., with class of 1872. Feb. 28, 1873, at North East, Pa., he married Sarah Paden, 260 THOMAS LYON OF RYE daughter of Hugh and Sarah (Dunn) Paden. One son, Paul Paden Lyon was born at North East April 18, 1874. Mrs. Lyon died at Bradford, Pa., Dec. 4, 1877. She was a woman of excelling worth and traits. Paul, emulating them, and growing up the chum of his father, has gained a large esteem widespread. G. H. Lyon has adhered closely to the work of civil engineer. Thirty years it has been in the Pennsylvania oil field except from 1893 to 1897 in West Virgiana. He was twice elected city engineer of Bradford, Pa. He was eleven years county surveyor, has been chief engineer of numerous railroads in and near the oil fields. Until 1882 he was Republican, since that a Prohibitionist. In 1882 he changed from observance of Sunday, the first day, to the Seventh Day and in the Spring of 1883 he became a member of the Baptist Church, non resident, at Alfred, N. Y. In November following, Paul, his son, nine years old, was baptized, uniting with the same church. They have co-operated all the years since, in the church, politically, and now as civil engineers. Their engineering parties have always halted from their work on Seventh Day Sabbath. Both were delegates from Pennsylvania to the Prohibition National Con- vention in 1900 in Chicago. He says of their work, "Both have been in some measure successful in persuading leaders in the Prohibi- tion Party to desist from proclivity to infringe religious liberty by Sunday laws; and to discern that a civil sabbath does not promote a hallowed Sabbath, and is not helpful to the church. To discern that a civil sabbath begets a holiday instead of a holy day. That making a compulsory idle day, by control that has not and cannot have super- vision to make it a hallowed day, does make an idle day; and this idle day, this civil sabbath, more than has been suspected, fosters the liquor traffic." G. H. Lyon till 1907 did not marry again. Announcement is now made of engagement to marry April 17, 1907, Miss Celina Bliss, daughter of John and Harriet (Spencer) Bliss. They were school friends at Bel- fast N. Y., 40 years ago. His home is at Mt. Jewett, Pa. Son of George H. and Sarah (Paden) Lyon: *2558. I. Paul Paden; b. April 18, 1874; res. (1907) Mt. Jewett, Pa.; civil engineer. 2047. VIII. 1313. FARNHAM EUGENE 8 LYON ] William 7 , Wil- liam 6 , Israel 5 , Israel 4 , Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], was born at Bain- bridge, N. Y., Jan. 5, 1847. At 17 years he enlisted with Co. G. 53rd Regt. Pa. Vol., and served a year and a half to the end of the war. EIGHTH GENERATION 261 It included a heavy picket service, many months near Petersburg, and the encounters in close pursuit of Lee all the way to Appomattox. He was at Appomattox at the surrender. July 4, 1877, he married Mary Kelly, daughter of Andrew and Lucinda (Lyman) Kelly. Their home has been principally on the William Lyon homestead at Sweden, Pa. They have named it "The Maples." With its maple groves and fine rows of large maples, and commodious, well built house it is as pretty a place as any in the township. He has dealt largely in cattle, fur- nishing meat wholesale and retail in the lumber regions of Northern Pennsylvania. He is Republican. Children of Farnham E. and Mary (Kelly) Lyon: 2559. I. Charles; b. Sweden, Pa., May 16, 1880. 2560. II. Florence; b. Tyler, Clearfield Co., Pa., July 19, 1882. 2561. III. Elizabeth M.; b. Sweden, Pa., Aug. 24, 1884. 2562. IV. Mary Farnham; b. Sweden, Sept. 26, 1886. The parents have separated. The children continue with their father. 2048. VIII. 1313. EDWARD WILLIAM 8 LYON [William 7 , Wil- liam 8 , Israel 6 , Israel 4 , Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], was born at Bain- bridge, N. Y., Feb. 14, 1851. June 1877, he married Mary Dodd, daughter of Edward and Betsy (Holcomb) Dodd of Sweden, Pa. Their home has been most of the time at Coudersport, Pa., where he has for many years kept a meat market. He is Prohibitionist. Both are Baptist. Children of Edward William and Mary (Dodd) Lyon: 2563. I. Dorothy; in Vassar College 2 years; a teacher 2 years; now (1907) librarian at Coudersport. 2564. II. Arch MaoDonald; b. Eldred, Pa.; has been engaged about 3 years assisting at engineering work. 2565. III. Margery; at school (1907) in Baltimore, Md. 2566. IV. Ralph Waldo Emerson; in school (1907) at Peddle Institute, Hightstown, N. J. 2567. V. Edward; in the Coudersport school (1907). 2568. VI. Hollister William; in the Coudersport school (1907). 2055. VIII. 1316. THOMAS 8 J. LYON [Briggs T , Samuel 9 , Israel 8 , Israel*, Jonathan 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born in Bainbridge, N. Y., March 29, 1834; died Binghamton, N. Y., June, 1903. He married Ellen Kelley. Children of Thomas and Ellen (Kelley) Lyon: 2569. I. Florence 8.; m. Frank D. Lyon (No. ); address (1906) Park Terrace, Binghamton, N. Y. 2570. II. Frank R.; m. Sept. 12, 1888, Mary A. Gilbert of Bainbridge, N. Y.; res. (1906) Manistee, Mich.; children: 1. Marjorie, b. 1889; 2. Mildred, b. 1891; 3. Gilbert, b. 1895. 262 THOMAS LYON OF EYE 2058. VIII. 1316. JOSIAH B. 8 LYON [Briggs T , Samuel 8 , Israel 5 , Israel*, Jonathan 1 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Bainbridge, May 15, 1840; died Sept. 8, 1906. He married first, Dec. 1868, Tabitha Johnson, and second, Dec. 25, 1882, Antoinette Teed. His widow lives (1906) at Bainbridge, N. Y. Daughter of Josiah E. and Tabitha (Johnson) Lyon: 2571. I. Louise; b. Sept. 30, 1869; m. Dec. 24, 1894, Edwin S. Champion; res. Cortland, N. Y. ; one child, Lolita, b. Aug. 19, 1904. Children of Josiah E. and Antoinette (Teed) Lyon: 2573. II. Blanche M.; b. Dec. 12, 1883. 2573. III. Erie; b. Dec. 19, 1888. 2574. IV. Ray F.; b. April 28, 1897. 2060. VIII. 1316. ORVILLE J. 8 LYON [Briggs 7 , Samuel 8 , Israel 5 , Israel 4 , Jonathan 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Bainbridge, June 20, 1847. Present residence (1906) Scran ton, Pa. He married first, April 24, 1869, Alice Teachout and second, Clarissa Sweet. Children of Orville J. and Alice (Teachout) Lyon: 2575. I. Laverne; married and has one ch., Mildred. 2576. II. Irene. 2067. VIII. 1320. HORACE D. 8 LYON [Spardon', Samuel*, Israel 5 , Israel 4 , Jonathan 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], of Bainbridge, N. Y., born July 29, 1850. He married, Feb. 2, 1880 Ada Kelly of Bainbridge, daughter of William and Sarah (Doolittle) Kelly. Children of Horace D. and Ada (Kelly) Lyon: 2577. I. Lena M.; b. Feb. 23, 1881; m. March 1, 1905, Earl Shapley; res. Coventryville, Chenango Co., N. Y. 2578. II. Daisy M.; b. Feb. 3, 1893. 2068. VIII. 1320. CLARA J. 8 LYON (KELLY) [Spardon 7 , Samuel", Israel 5 , Israel 4 , Jonathan 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Aug. 3, 1852, probably in Bainbridge, N. Y. She married, Oct. 11, 1875, W. H. Kelly, son of William and Sarah (Doolittle) Kelly of Bainbridge, N. Y.; res. Afton, N. Y. Children of W. H. and Clara J. (Lyon) Kelly: 2579. I. Clifton; b. July 9, 1877. 2580. II. Robert; b. April 7, 1879. 2581. III. Neva F.; b. Dec. 6, 1889. 2582. IV. Paul R.; b. Nov. 28, 1898. EIGHTH GENERATION 263 2069. VIII. 1320. WILLET C. 8 LYON [Spardon', Samuel", Israel 8 , Israel 1 , Jonathan 5 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], of Binghamton, N. Y.; born Feb. 28, 1855, probably in Bainbridge, N. Y. He married first, Ida Vosbury and second Hattie Vosbury. Present address (1906) No. 1 Park Terrace, Binghamton, N. Y. Children of Willet C. and Ida (Vosbury) Lyon: 2583. I. Myra; b. May 6. 1885; m. July 5, 1902, Louis Fischer; children: 1. Ralph, b. June 8. 1903; 2. Florence, b. May 22, 1904. 2584. II. Edith; b. April 23, 1891. 2071. VIII. 1320. CORA B. 8 LYON (LOOMIS) [Spardon', Samuel 6 , Israel 5 , Israel 4 , Jonathan 5 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born July 10, 1860. She married, Dec. 23, 1880, Charles Loomis of Oxford, N. Y. They lived in Bainbridge, N. Y. Children of Charles and Cora E. (Lyon) Loomis: 2585. I. Ward; b. June 19, 1883. 2586. II. Ralph; b. July 7. 1885. 2587. III. Leon; b. Dec. 12, 1887. 2588. IV. Bernice; b. Aug. 12, 1889. 2073. VIII. 1320. EDWARD B. 8 LYON [Spardon', Samuel', Israel 8 , Israel 4 , Jonathan 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], of Bainbridge, N. Y.; born May 1, 1866. He married, Sept. 18, 1888, Emma Hayes. Children of Edward B. and Emma (Hayes) Lyon: 2589. I. Jessie; b. Aug. 3. 1889. 2590. II. Archie; b. June 15, 1891. 2591. III. Mildred; b. Dec. 31, 1895. 2074. VIII. 1320. ERNEST S. 8 LYON [Spardon', Samuel*, Israel 8 , Israel 4 , Jonathan 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], of Bainbridge, N. Y.; born June 29, 1870. He married Minnie Maude Rounds. Children of Ernest S. and Minnie M. (Rounds) Lyon: 2592. I. Erlford Henry; b. Nov. 27. 1894. 2593. II. Homer Ernest; b. Oct. 11, 1897. 2594. III. Edna Josephine; b. Sept. 16, 1899. 2595. IV. Howard MUton; b. April 1, 1900(7). 2596. V. Kenneth B.; b. Jan. 31, 1904. 2076. VIII. 1322. MIRIAM CHARLOTTE 9 LYON (WARD) [ Willet', Samuel 8 , Israel 5 , Israel 4 , Jonathan 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Bingham, Pa., May 10, 1841. She married, Sept. 24, 1867, George W. 264 THOMAS LYON OF RYE Ward of Newburg, N. Y., born Nov. 16, 1845. They live (1906) in Wellsville, Alleghany Co., N. Y. Children of George W. and Miriam C. (Lyon) Ward: 2597. I. Willet Lyon; b. May 10, 1869; m. Nov. 17, 1897, Eliza Leonard of Spring Mills, Alleghany Co., N. Y. ; children: 1. Churchill Lyon, b. Sept. 17, 1898; 2. Miriam, b. July 3, 1900; 3. Dorothy; b. April 27, 1903; 4. Margaret, b. Oct. 12, 1905; 5. Eleanor, b. Oct. 12, 1905. 2598. II. Mary; b. March 7, 1872, at Bingham, Pa.; m. July 10, 1895, Del- bert Alonzo Crowner of Wellsville, N. Y. ; res. Columbus, Ohio; a dau., Lovina Ann, b. June 21, 1903; d. Sept. 26, 1903. 2599. III. Lovina Monroe; b. March 15, 1876, at Wellsville, N. Y. ; m. June 28, 1899, George Bryant Nichols of Ossian, N. Y. ; a dau., Mary Georgia; b. Aug. 24, 1902. f(X £^tf O) CUM-^aJ^C^ t L. ■ 2083. VIII. 1325. SETH JAY 8 LYON [Samuel 7 , Samuel 6 , Israel 5 Israel 4 , Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born 1867; died Aug. 24, 1900, m. Evalyn Dyke. Children of Seth Jay and Evalyn (Dyke) Lyon: 2600. I. Clifford. 2601. II. Herbert. 2602. III. Ernest. 2603. IV. A son. 2093. VIII. 1331. MARY 8 LYON (BLAKESLEE) [Jared 7 , Daniel 8 , Israel 5 , Israel 4 , Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born in Afton, N. Y., Aug. 9, 1853. At the age of twelve she moved to East Pike, Wyoming Co., N. Y. She married, first Oct. 1, 1873 Jerome Blakeslee. He died Dec. 27, 1875; killed by a falling tree. She married second, Feb. 4, 1877, George Blakeslee, nephew of her former husband. They re- moved in 1881 to Simpson, Ks., where they now (1906) reside. Son of Jerome and Mary (Lyon) Blakeslee: 2604. I. Ward Jerome; b. East Pike, N. Y.. Aug. 21. 1874; m. in Cali- fornia, March 12, 1901, Ida McGinniss, dau. of J. H. and Lizzie ( ) Mc- Ginniss, of Rockville, Ind. ; machinist and farmer; res. Simpson, Ks. ; no children. Children of George and Mary (Lyon) Blakeslee: 2605. I. Ernest G.; b. Jan. 22, 1878, at East Pike, N. Y. ; has lived in Colorado. Mexico, New Mexico and California; now res. Kemmirer, Wyoming; a railroad engineer; is married and has a son, George Ernest. 2606. II. George J.; b. Feb. 13, 1881, at East Pike, N. Y. ; m. 1892, Kate Noll at Ashville, Ks. ; IT. S. mail carrier; res. Simpson, Ks. ; children: 1. Rex- ford, b. Oct. 4, 1903; 2. Irene, b. May 21, 1905. 2607. III. Earl K.; b. Nov. 24, 1883, in East Pike, N. Y. ; m. Ruby O'- Conner of Parachute, Colo.; res. some time in Parachute, now a farmer at Simp- son, Ks.; no children. 2608. IV. Merton F.; b. June 9, 1889, at Simpson, Ks. 2609. V. Loren E.; b. March 2, 1894, at Simpson, Ks. EIGHTH GENERATION 265 2094. VIII. 1331. RAY 8 LYON [Jared 7 , Daniel", Israel 5 , Israel 4 . Jonathan 3 , Thomas', Thomas 1 ], born in Afton, N. Y., July 20, 1863; removed with his parents in 1867 to East Pike, Wyoming Co., N. Y.; in 1879 to Simpson, Ks., and in 1886 to Sidney, Colo. He married about 1889 Agnes Rawson. They reside (1906) at Sayre, Okla. Children of Ray and Agnes (Rawson) Lyon: 2610. I. Kyle; b. about 1894. 2611. II. William; b. about 1898. 2612. III. Mildred; b. about 1900. 2613. IV. Infant; dec. 2099. VIII. 1331. ELBERT 8 LYON [Jared 7 , Daniel", Israel 8 . Israel 4 , Jonathan 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Nov. 24, 1873 at East Pike, Wyoming Co., N. Y. ; removed with his parents in 1879 to Simpson, Ks., and in 1886 to Sidney, Colo. He married in Vernal, Utah, about 1894; res. Sidney, Colo. Children of Elbert and ( ) Lyon: 2614. I. Boy; b. about 1895. 2615. II. Florence; b. about 1901. 2616. III. Merton; b. Oct. 1905. 2101. VIII. 1333. CHARLES L. 8 LYON [Israel 7 , Charles", Israel 5 , Israel*, Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Oct. 28, 1835. He mar- ried Elvira D. Landers, born Oct. 23, 1835. Children of Charles L. and Elvira D. (Landers) Lyon: •2617. I. George L.; b. Feb. 5, 1857; m. Myra J. Doolittle (No. 2090). •2618. II. Sarah M.; b. Dec. 28, 1860; m. Keeler E. Shaply. •2619. III. Melvin T.; b. Jan. 22. 1863; m. Iva Hendrlckson. •2620. IV. Frank A.; b. June 18, 1865; m. Lela Davis. •2621. V. Carrie B.; b. Nov. 1, 1874; m. Ray W. Parker. 2104. VIII. 1334. CUYLER W. 8 LYON [Abijah 7 , Charles", Israel 5 , Israel 4 , Jonathan', Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Nov. 14, 1838; died Aug. 19, 1872. He married, Dec. 10, 1864, Susan M. Taylor of Sand Lake. Children of Cuyler W. and Susan M. (Taylor) Lyon: 2622. I. Alva; b. June 10, 1870; d. Aug. 11, 1877. 2623. II. Florence; m. May 18, 1887, Adam H. Miller. 2106. VIII. 1334. CLARINDA M. 8 LYON (PIKE) [Abijah 7 , Charles", Israel 6 , Israel 4 , Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Sept. 20, 1837. She married, Sept. 7, 1853, Joe Pike of Colesville, N. J. 266 THOMAS LYON OF RYE Children of Joe and Clarlnda M. (Lyon) Pike: 2624. I. Ida; b. Dec. 29, 1854; m. Henry Truesdell; has children. 2625. II. Hector; d. ae. about 15. 2626. III. Olive; married ; has children. 2148. VIII. 1354. PHILLIPS RUNDLE 8 LYON [Solomon R.\ Seth", Spardon 5 , Israel 4 , Jonathan 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], res. Bedford Village, Westchester Co., N. Y.; m. Susie A. . Son of Phillips R. and Susie A. ( ) Lyon: 2627. I. Herbert; b. April 8, 1888; d. Jan. 13, 1890. 2149. VIII. 1354. IRVING WITTALL 8 LYON [Solomon R. T , Seth e , Spardon 5 , Israel*, Jonathan 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], a physician; married Mary Elizabeth Tucker, daughter of Frederick Darrow and Louise (Jacobs) Tucker; res. Hartford, Conn. Children of Irving W. and Mary E. (Tucker) Lyon: 2628. I. Mary Phillips; m. Chester Albree; res. Pittsburg, Pa. 2629. II. Jr^ing^PWlllps: a physician; res. 531 Franklin St., Buffalo, N. Y. /) . ^ / 2630. LLL Charles; res. 'TIartford. Conn. . I f A A ' 2174. VIII. 1408. CLARA ' ISABEL 8 LYON (HAYES) [William Penn 7 , Isaac 6 , Thomas 5 , David 4 , Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born at Racine, Wis., Oct. 2, 1857; grad. Univ. of Wisconsin, 1876; studied French, German and painting in Europe 1878-79, 7 months at Berlin Art School. She married at Madison, Wis., June 16, 1885, Jay Orlo Hayes, son of Anson Everis Hayes (b. Aug. 27, 1813, at Granby, Conn.) and Mary Folsom (b. Oct. 2, 1825, at Holland, N. Y.; see Holland Gen.). He was born Oct. 2, 1857, at Waterloo, Wis.; grad. Law School of Univ. of Wis. 1880; practiced law in Ashland, Wis. until 1886 then operated extensive iron mines at Ashland and at other places. They live (1906) in Eden Vale, Calif. Children of Jay O. and Clara Isabel (Lyon) Hayes: 2631. I. Harold Ariel; b. Nov. 9, 1886, at Hurley, Wis.; d. Jan. 19, 1887. 2632. II. Infant son; b. and d. Feb. 23, 1888, at Eden Vale, Calif. 2633. III. Mildred Mary; b. Oct. 29, 1889, at Eden Vale, Calif. 2634. IV. L,yetta Adelia; b. Feb. 22, 1893, at Eden Vale. Calif. 2635. V. Elystus I.yon; b. Feb. 15, 1895, at Eden Vale, Calif. 2636. VI. Meriam Folsom; b. June 27, 1897, at Eden Vale, Calif. 2637. VII. Jay Orlo Jr.; b. Dec. 22, 1899. at Ironwood, Mich. 2175. VIII. 1408. WILLIAM PENN 8 LYON, JR. [William Penn 7 , Isaac 9 , Thomas 5 , David 4 , Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born at Racine, EIGHTH GENERATION 267 Wis. Aug. 23, 1861; grad. Univ. of Wisconsin, A. B. 1881, also LL. B. 1886. He married, Oct. 27, 1889, at Eden Vale, Calif., Ellen Chynoweth, born Feb. 5, 1850; grad. Univ. of Wisconsin, A. B. 1870, A. M. 1882. She was daughter of Thomas and Emily (Bradford) Chynoweth. t They lived (1906) in Eden Vale, Calif. Children of William Penn and Ellen (Chynoweth) Lyon: 2638. I. Carroll Hayes; b. March 2, 1891, at Eden Vale, Calif; d. April 13, 1892. 2639. II. William 1> nn ; b. April 11, 1894, at Eden Vale, Calif. 2228. VIII. 1429. ALFRED MANINGTON 8 LYON [Robert B. T , John W.', Thomas 5 , David 4 , Jonathan', Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born June 29, 1862 at Atkinson, 111. He married, Dec. 25, 1888, in Los Angeles, Calif., Anna D. Tufts, daughter of John Quincy and Susan A. (Cook) Tufts of Los Angeles. He lived in Indian Territory 1880 to 1888, then moved to Los Angeles, Calif., where he has resided ever since. He is a dealer in firearms and sporting goods. Son of Alfred M. and Anna D. (Tufts) Lyon: 2640. I. Percy Tufts; b. Los Angeles, Calif.. Sept. 17, 1893. 2259. VIII. 1440. NINA 8 LYON (DALTON) [George F. T , Wil- liam F. 8 , Thomas 6 , David 4 , Jonathan', Thomas 1 , Thomas'], born Terre Haute, Ind., Sept. 10, 1876. She has musical talent, which she has cultivated and put to use as a church singer and a teacher of music. She was at one time on the stage as Katharine Lyon. She married, April 25, 1896, in San Francisco, Bento C. Dalton, son of Frank and Jennie (Cole) Dalton, of Berkeley, Calif. Present address 185 John St., Oakland, Calif. Children of Bento C. and Nina (Lyon) Dalton: 2641. I. Raymond Lyon; b. Nov. 25, 1898. 2642. II. Harold Francis; b. Feb. 5, 1901. 2262. VIII. 1470. WILLIAM HENRY 8 LYON [William H.\ Wil- liam W.", Jonathan , Peter 4 , Jonathan', Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Oct. 8, 1847; died Nov. 5, 1901; res. White Plains, N. Y. (19 South Broadway). He married June 4, 1873, Frances Halsted Sherwood, born 1849 at White Plains; daughter of John R. and Martha (Halsted) Sherwood. tThomas Chynoweth, born in Cornwall, Eng.; moved to Rochester, N. T., at nine years of age, (See Chynoweth Gen.); Emily Bradford born at Keene, N. H. (See Bradford Gen.). 268 THOMAS LYON OF RYE Children of William H. and Frances H. (Sherwood) Lyon: 2643. I. Edith M.; b. April 11, 1874; d. May 5, 1886. 2644. II. William Henry; b. April 11, 1881. 2645. III. Charles Sherwood; b. Nov. 9, 1886. 2263. VIII. 1470. MARY PARISH 8 LYON (VAIL) [William H. T , William W. 8 , Jonathan 6 , Peter 4 , Jonathan", Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 25, 1848; res. Plainfield, N. J. She married Oct. 29, 1873, Anthony C. Vail. Children of Anthony C. and Mary Parish (Lyon) Vail: 2646. I. Carolyn Lyon; b. Jan. 22, 1876; m. May 8, 1902, Dr. Charles New- ton Cutter of Chelsea, Mass. 2647. II. Ralph Lyon; b. Jan. 31, 1885. 2264. VIII. 1470. CAROLINE WHITING 8 LYON (DAY) [Wil- liam H. T , William W. 8 , Jonathan 5 , Peter 4 , Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Brooklyn, N. Y. Sept. 30, 1853; res. (1906) No. 53 Broadway, White Plains, N. Y. She married, Sept. 18, 1878, Edwin Bowers Day. Children of Edwin B. and Caroline W. (Lyon) Day: 2648. I. Grace Lyon; b. July 21, 1880; m. Jan. 2, 1905, Charles Waters Klngsley. 2649. II. Edna Bowers; b. May 28, 1885; d. Feb. 21, 1887. 2650. III. Irving Meade; b. Jan. 11, 1888. 2651. IV. Doris Carolyn; b. Feb. 22, 18 90. 2265. VIII. 1470. ADELAIDE S. 8 LYON (DAY) [William H.\ William W.*, Jonathan 6 , Peter 4 , Jonathan 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Brooklyn, N. Y. June 1, 1857; res. (1906) Plainfield, N. J. She mar- ried, June 5, 1878, Alfred William Day. Children of Alfred W. and Adelaide S. (Lyon) Day: 2652. I. Mabel; b. Jan. 12, 1880; d. Nov. 3, 18 88. 2653. II. May Lyon; b. Jan. 27, 1886. 2285. VIII. 1506. ELMER DANIEL 8 LYON [Daniel T , Lorenzo M.', Samuel 6 , Peter 4 , Jonathan 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born March 24, 1872; address (1905) P. O. Box 41, South Milwaukee, Wis. He married May 8, 1901 Carrie Eva Brown, at Centerville, Mich. Daughter of Elmer Daniel and Carrie Eva (Brown) Lyon: 2654. I. Florence May. 2288a. VIII. 1508. WILLARD CHARLES 8 LYON [Charles W. T , Lorenzo M.*, Samuel 6 , Peter 4 , Jonathan 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born in NINTH GENERATION 269 Scio Township, Mich., Dec. 17, 1859; attorney; res. (1907) St. Johns, Mich. He married at Medina, O., March 21, 1882, Stella Gertrude Spink. Children of Willard C. and Stella G. (Spink) Lyon: 2655. I. Charles Ralph; b. March 10, 1883; unm. (1907); machinist in Oldsmobile works. Lansing, Mich. 2656. II. Harry Glenn; b. April 10, 1S87; unm. (1907); machinist In Olds- mobile works, Lansing, Mich. 2288b. VIII. 1508. EDWIN HOWARD 8 LYON [Charles W.\ Lorenzo M.", Samuel 5 , Peter 4 , Jonathan 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas'], born in Scio township, Mich., July 7, 1861; a prominent lawyer (1907) in St. Johns, Mich. He married first Alice Maxam. She died within two years and he married second, Sept. 14, 1893, Nellie M. Bundy. Children of Edwin H. and Nellie M. (Bundy) Lyon: 2657. I. Frances; b. 1897. 2658. II. Edwin Howard, Jr.; b. 1901. 2288d. VIII. 1508. IDA MAY 8 LYON (FILDEW) [Charles W. T , Lorenzo M. 8 , Samuel 5 , Peter 4 , Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Nov. 9, 1865; married in September or October, 1890, John H. Fildew; res. (1907) St. Johns, Mich. Children of John H. and Ida Mary (Lyon) Fildew: 2659. I. Helen; b. March 17, 1892. 2660. II. Annie; b. 1895. 2661. III. Stanley; b. 1897. 2662. IV. A son; b. 1900. 2320. IX. 1589. WILLIAM FRANKLIN LYON JR. [William F. 8 , Nathan R. T , Enon 8 , Caleb 5 , Caleb 4 , Thomas 8 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born High Forest, Minn., Oct. 7, 1870. He married Nellie Russell, daughter of Judge Russell of Hart, Mich. They live (1906) in Hart, Mich. Son of William F. and Nellie (Russell) Lyon: 2663. I. Fred Russell; b. about 1895. 2322. IX. 1589. JAY EDGAR" LYON [William F. 9 , Nathan R. T , Enon*, Caleb 5 , Caleb 4 , Thomas', John 2 , Thomas'], born Oberlin, O., Nov. 10, 1874. He married Edna Palmiter of Hart, Mich. They live (1906) in Detroit, Mich., where he is connected with the National Express Company. 270 THOMAS LYON OF RYE Children of Jay Edgar and Edna (Palmiter) Lyon: 2664. I. Laura Louise; b. July 4, 1900. 2665. II. Edwin Franklin; b. March 7, 1904. 2324. IX. 1589. JUDSON WEST LYON [William F. 8 , Nathan R. 1 , Enon 6 , Caleb 6 , Caleb 4 , Thomas 8 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Norwalk, O., Feb. 6, 1880. He married, Aug. 23, 1905, Donna Wisner of Lowell, Mich. They live (1906) in Norwalk, O., where he is a booker in the A. B. Chase Piano Company. 2395. IX. 1681. LIZZIE 9 LYON (LOCKYER) [William 8 , James 7 , James 6 , Roger 5 , Roger 4 , John 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Jan. 19, 1865. She married, Jan. 14, 1892, George Lockyer, born Feb. 6, 1863; son of John and Elizabeth ( ) Lockyer. Children of George and Lizzie (Lyon) Lockyer: 2666. I. Albert William; b. Nov. 18, 1892. 2667. II. Edith Agnes; b. Dec. 4, 1894. 2400. IX. 1690. WILLIAM WILLIAMS 9 LYON [William W. 8 , Miles 7 , Jonathan 6 , Roger 5 , Roger 4 , John 3 John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Nov. 15, 1856; res. 758 Jefferson Ave., Brooklyn; appraiser, U. S. Customs. He married Dec. 2, 1874 Alice Mott, born Aug. 25, 1857; daughter of John and Mary Louise ( ) Mott. Children of William W. and Alice (Mott) Lyon: 2668. I. Florence Louise; b. Sept. 28, 1875; m. Nov. 29, 1893, George M. Davis; ch. : George M. and Gladys. 2669. II. Blanche; b. Sept. 10, 1877. 2670. III. Alice Mott; b. June 16, 1886. 2671. IV. Frederick W.; b. Oct. 13, 1891. 2672. V. Ruth Newman; b. May 6, 1897. 2673. VI. John Mott; b. Jan. 14, 1899. 2401a. IX. 1690. HERVEY C. 9 LYON [William W. 8 , Miles 7 , Jona- than 6 , Roger 5 , Roger 4 , John 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Oct. 20, 1865; res. 44 Lee Ave., Brooklyn, later in Pittsubrg, Pa. He married April 25, 1886, Ida Tilley, born June 11, 1864; daughter of William and Almeda (Willetts) Tilley. Children of Hervey C. and Ida (Tilley) Lyon: 2674. I. Mary Abigail; b. Jan. 13, 1887. 2675. II. Mildred; b. Nov. 7, 1888. 2676. III. Harold; b. Jan. 13, 1891; d. Jan. 17, 1891. NINTH GENERATION 271 2402. IX. 1699. MABEL AMANDA" LYON (ROBINSON) [Wil- liam P. 8 , Stephen 7 , William 9 , Justus 5 , Roger*, John 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], horn Jan. 4, 1876. She married, June 2, 1898, George Seward Robinson, who was born in Putnam Co., N. Y., Oct. 19, 1873; son of Lewis George and Laura (Henion) Robinson. He is a farmer, living near Amawalk, Westchester Co., N. Y. Children of George S. and Mabel A. (Lyon) Robinson: 26*7. I. Ernest Lyon; b. Towners, N. Y., Aug. 23, 1898. 2678. II. Karl Henion; twin bro. of Ernest. 2679. III. Seward Penn Lyon; b. April 11, 1906, at Amawalk, N. Y. 2 no > ^ *' r ' < ■ > n ■ -^_V 5" . 2498. IX. 1826. JOSEPH HERBERT 9 LYON [James 8 , William L. T , James 6 , James 5 , James 4 , John 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Greenwich, Conn., March 21, 1871. He studied medicine but is at present Captain of a steamboat. Has been Justice of the Peace. Present address Mica, Kootenai Co., Idaho. He married in Spokane, Wash., Nov. 11, 1891 Rose Leet, daughter of Col. M. and Sarah E. (Snow) Leet, of Indianapolis, Ind. Children of Joseph H. and Rose (Leet) Lyon: 2680. I. Alfred Jefferson; b. Mica Bay, Idaho, Aug. 23, 1892. 2681. II. Felix Herbert; b. Spokane, Wash., Nov. 9, 1S94. 2682. III. Victor Leet; b. Coeur d' Alene, Idaho, May 15, 1897. 2683. IV. Laurance Paul; b. Mica Bay, Jan. 9, 1899. 2500. IX. 1826. WILLIAM ERNEST LYON [James 8 , William L. T , James 8 , James 5 , James 4 , John 3 , John 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Plainfield, N. J., July 21, 1878. Present address Harrison, Idaho. He was mar- ried in Spokane, Wash., Feb. 5, 1902 to Lenore Searles, daughter of G. C. and Lavantia (Mertin) Searles of Coeur d' Alene, Idaho. Children of William E. and Lenore (Searles) Lyon: 2684. I. Ernest Kenneth; b. Harrison, Idaho, Dec. 15, 1902. 2685. II. Dorothy Mabel; b. Nov. 2, 1904. 2533. IX. 2005. AMY LYON (THORNTON) [Marcus 8 , Charles', William", Israel 5 , Israel 4 , Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], was born at Bainbridge, Sept. 27, 1875. She married, Oct. 14, 1893, Cory D. Thorn- ton, born Sept. 17, 1870. They make their home with her parents. He is a farmer, and has another farm half a mile distant, the original homestead of Daniel Lyon (No. 681). He is Republican, president of a local telephone company, and road commissioner for Bainbridge town- ship. 272 THOMAS LYON OF RYE 2558. IX. 2046. PAUL PADEN LYON [George H. 8 , William 1 , William", Israel 5 , Israel 4 , Jonathan 5 , Thomas 2 , Thomas'] ; was born at North East, Pa., April 18, 1874. His mother died at Bedford, Pa., when he was 2>y 2 years old. He had a home with his grandmother the great- er part of each year, but with his father each winter till nine years old. After that all the time except in school was with his father. On his 16th birthday he was presented with a new surveyors' compass. He proceeded at once to good use of it, and was credited with being the youngest surveyor in the state. At eighteen he was given charge of one of three corps of men making survey for a pipe line from Brad- ford Pa. eastward to near the seaboard. This was wholly outside of his father's supervision. His work was so expeditious and satisfactory that he was retained in service several months at the best wages after the several parties were dismissed. In 1898 and '99 he spent one year prospecting in the Klondike gold field. Thousands were waiting in May below the Chilcoot Pass in the rush to be in the lead to go down the lakes and rivers by boats when the ice should break. Friends wanted to join with him, but decided they could not because of his decision not to run Sabbaths (Saturday). The exigency, they thought, required then to run every day. He made his trip single handed. He tied up every Saturday. His expertness at boating and use of charts brought him in two days ahead of his friends who would not wait for him. His prospecting was not remunerative except in knowledge gained of the country and of mining and methods. He returned the following spring. Aug. 26, 1902, he married Adaline Bonham, daughter of Winfield Scott and Eva (Saunders) Bonham, at Shiloh, N. J. He and his father co-operate, working together or separately, as engagements favor, at civil engineering. He is chief engineer for Timberlake Gold Mining Co., of Routt Co., Colorado, devoting part of his time to that work. The Prohibitionists have twice made him their candidate for the legislature. He has served them since as secretary and later as chair- man of the county committee. He is a good writer, speaker, and organi- zer, and everywhere gains friends. His home is Bradford, Pa. Children of Paul Paden and Adaline (Bonham) Lyon: 2686. I. Richard Bonhnm; born July 2, 1903, at Mt. Jewett Pa. 2687. II. Chester Faden; born Jan. 12, 1905, at Mt . Jewett. 2688. III. Ruth Virginia; born June 3, 1906, at Bradford, Pa. NINTH GENERATION 273 2617. IX. 2101. GEORGE L.° LYON [Charles L.\ Israel', Charles*, IsraeP, Israel 4 , Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas' |. born Feb. 5, 1857. He married, Sept. 24. 1879, Myra J. Doolittle, born May 13, 1860. Children of George H. and Myra J. (Doolittle) Lyon: 2689. I. Alton B.; b. Oct. 6, 1881. 2690. II. Rcnn M.; b. Dec. 22, 1S87. 2618. IX. 2101. SARAH M.° LYON (SHAPLY) [Charles L. 8 , Israel 7 , Charles , Israel 5 , Israel 4 , Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas'], born Dec. 28, 1860. She married, Feb. 16, 1877, Keeler E. Shaply, born Jan. 12, 1855. Children of Keeler E. and Sarah M. (Lyon) Shaply: 2691. I. .Miiilie A.; b. Nov. 19. 1877; m. July 1, 1895. Isaac Woods, b. April 9, 1S73 d. June 22, 1906; children: 1. Flossie, b. May 10. 1896; d. Aug. .". 1S96; 2. Ralph, b. Aug. 7. 1898; 3. Celia, b. June 6. 1900; 4. Ina, b. March 7, 1902. 2692. II. Florence May; b. Dec. 23. 1883; b. Feb. 9, 1882; ch. ;/ Mario_n , 6. Feb. 2633. III. Ross; b. July 3. 2694. IV. Ernest; b. June 27, 1S94. Dec. 23, 1883; m . Nov. 27, 1:102, Ralph Hinman, y "~ y ;(Vj^"J " c - 1889. ' Z*^**T,t9'0 2619. IX. 2101. MELVIN T.» LYON [Charles L. s , Israel', Charles", Israel', Israel 4 , Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas'], born Jan. 22, 1863; died June 22, 1896. He married, June 6, 1888, Ida Hendrickson, born Dec. 22, 1863. Children of Melvin T. and Ida (Hendrickson) Lyon: *L*X- . 2695. I. Erl; b. July 27, 1890. !**«*■ «• ~ 2696. II. Eouie; b. Oct. 28, 1892. 2620. IX. 2101. FRANK A." LYON [Charles L. 8 , Israel', Charles 8 . Israel', Israel 4 , Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas'], born June 18, 1865. He married, Dec. 1, 1886, Lela Davis, born May 23, 1867. Children of Frank A. and Lela (Davis) Lyon: 2697. I. Alta; b. Oct. 5. 1SS7. 2698. II. Ida; b. July 19, 1889; d. Dec. 1900. 2699. III. Ina; b. Aug. 16, 1892. 2621. IX. 2101. CARRIE B.° LYON (PARKER) [Charles L. 8 , Israel 7 , Charles', IsraeP, Israel 4 , Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas'], born Nov. 1, 1874. She married, Jan. 1, 1901, Ray W. Parker, born March 11, 1876. Son of Ray W. antt Carrie B. (Lyon) Parker: 2700. I. Kenneth); b. Dec. 6. 1903. ^^fr**/' V^ „ „ „ /> / — APPENDIX. Note 1.— LINEAGE OF MARTHA JOANNA WINTHROP. ADAM 1 WINTHROP of Lavenham, co. Suffolk, Bng., about 1497 married Joanne Burton. Adam- Winthrop, born Oct. 9, 1498; died Nov. 9, 1562; m. in London July 20, 1534, Agnes Sharpe, daughter of Robert Sharpe, Gent, of Islington, co. Middlesex, Eng. Adam 3 Winthrop, born Lavenham, Aug. 10, 1548; died Groton, Eng. March 28, 1623. He was auditor of Trinity College, Cambridge. He married as his second wife, Feb. 20, 1579-80 Anne, daughter and co-heir of Henry Browne of Edwardstone, co. Suffolk, Eng. She died April 19, 1629 (Manorial families of Suffolk). John 4 Winthrop was born at Groton Manor, Eng., Jan. 12, 1587, and died at Boston, Mass., March 26, 1649. He was a lawyer and County magistrate who became a great Puritan leader and emigrated to New England, coming to Salem in the ship Arabella in 1630. He was elected on the passage Governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, and held that position of honor almost continuously until 1646. His first wife (married March 16, 1605) was Mary Forth, daughter and heiress of John Forth, Gent, of Great Stan- bridge, co. Essex, Eng. She died June 26, 1615. He married second Dec. 6, 1615, Thomasine Clopton, daughter of Vv'illiam Clopton of Castellane near Groton. She died Dec. 8, 1616. April 29, 1618, he mar- ried Margaret Tyndall, daughter of Sir John Tyndall of Great Maple- stead, co. Essex. She died June 14, 1647, and in December of that year he married as his fourth wife Martha (Rainsborough) Coytmore, widow of Thomas Coytmore, and daughter of Capt. William Rains- borough, R. N. By his first wife, Mary Forth, John Winthrop had: 1. John; b. Feb. 15, 1606; d. April 5, 1676; m. 1st Martha, daughter of Thomas and Anne (Winthrop) Fones; m. 2nd Elizabeth, dau. of Sir Edmund Reade of Wickford, co. Essex. 2. Henry; b. Jan. 20, 1607; d. July 2, 1630; m. April 25, 1629, Elizabeth Fones; 3. Forth; b. Dec. 30, 1609; d. Nov. 28, 1630; 4. Many; b. 1612; d. April 12. 1643; m. 1632, Rev. Samuel Dudley, Governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony. John Winthrop had by his third wife, Margaret Tyndall: 1. Stephen; b. March 24, 1618; d. 1658; m. Judith, dau. Capt. William Rainsborough; 2. Adam; b. April 7, 1620; m. 1st, Feb. 1642, Elizabeth Grover; m. 2nd, Elizabeth Hawkins. 3. Deane, b. March 16, 1622; d. March 16, 1704; m. 1st, Sarah Glover; m. 2nd, Martha Mellows. 4. Samuel; b. Aug. 28, 1627; d. 1673-6; m. in Antigua, Elizabeth . (His grand- APPENDIX 275 daughter, Sarah, m. Henry Lyons of Antigua, whose great great grand- son, Edmund, became Admiral Lyons, R. N., raised to the peerage as Baron Lyons in 1856, the father of Lord Lyons, British Minister in Washington 1858). Henry" Winthrop was baptized at Groton Manor, Jan. 20, 1607. At the age of twenty he went to the Barbadoes, but did not remain there very long. April 25, 1629, he married, in London, his cousin Elizabeth Fones, daughter of Thomas and Anne (Winthrop) Fones.f When Henry Winthrop, following his father, sailed from England in the month of April, 1630, he left his wife at Groton to come over sub- sequently with his mother, both being on the verge of maternity. Henry arrived on the ship Talbot in the harbor of Salem on July 1, 1630, and, as the ancient family records state the circumstances, on the following day he went on shore with the principal officers of the ship, and walking out to a place, now called by the Salemites Northfield, to view the Indian wigwans, they saw on the other side of the river a small canoe. He would have one of the company swim over and fetch it rather than walk several miles on foot, it being very hot weather, but none of the party could swim but himself and so he plunged in and as he was swimming over was taken with the cramp a few rods from the shore and drowned. His wife, with her infant daughter, came over on the ship Lyon which arrived Nov. 2, 1631, also bringing Governor John Winthrop's wife and others of the family. She afterwards became the wife of Captain Robert Feake of Watertown, who removed a few years later to Stamford, Conn, where he, with Capt. Daniel Patrick, had purchased land. Her daughter, Martha Johanna Winthrop, there married Thomas Lyon, and the young couple for a time lived with Mrs. Feake, whose husband had returned to Watertown. Captain Feake became insane and his wife, who seems to have had no strong affection for him, found a new "affinity" in the person of William Hallet who ultimately married her while Captain Feake was still living- Mr. Hallet settled afterwards at Hallets' Cove, L. I., joining the Society of the Friends. Greenwich Town Records have the following item (Lib. I. p. 168): Nov. 25, 1650 William Hallet of Greenwich in New Netherlands for 3 score and 10 pounds sells to Jeffere Ferris as his own and wife's right also ye lands purchased by Daniel Patrick and Robert Feke in New Netherlands. Signed, William Hallet; Elizabeth Hallet. tThomas Fones of London, an apothecary, married, Fob. 25, 1004. Ann. Winthrop, born Jan. 16. 1585, died May If.. 1819; daughter of Adam and Anne (Browne) Winthrop of Gro(,on and slater • lor John Winthrop of Mass- achusetts. Thomas Fones died April 15, 1829. 276 THOMAS LYON OF RYE Note 2.— DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THOMAS LYON OF STAMFORD, FAIRFIELD AND RYE. From Stamford, Conn., Town Records. Nov. 26, 1652. — An agreement between William Potter the on pty, and Thomas Lyon the other pty, Viz — of bartter or exchange of lands, the said William Potter doth surrender and pass over from him and his, on house and horn lote Contaynin on acre and half mor or less, bounded by the highway west and north west, Henry Ackerly Est., and that wch was Samuell Shermans south, unto Thomas Lyon and his for ever and in leue whereof the said Thomas as above doth surender unto the foresaid William Potter two acres of medow more or less Bounded by Jno Chapman Bste, Thos Stevens West, butting to the Sea South, and highway North. From Fairfield Land Records. Lib. 4, p. 92. May 11, 1654. — Thomas Lyon hath purchased of Thomas Sherving- ton one home lot being in quantity foure acres and half being more or less being bounded on the Northwest with the land of Samuel Drake, on ye northeast with the land of the said Thomas Lyon, on the south- east with the land of the said Thomas Lyon, on the southwest with a highway. The town hath granted unto Thomas Lyon a parcell of land lying by his homelot that sometime was the land of Thomas Sherving- ton part of it was swamps and part of it was upland being in quantity foure acres being more or less bounded on the southeast with the highway on the southwest by the land of Thomas Beardsley and Georg Godwine on the northwest and have with the Common, on the north- west with the land that sometime was Thomas Shervington now Thomas Lyon's now that within ye boundes ther lyes an acre East of Swamp land that John Barlow Samuel Drake Thomas Shervington have sold unto the said Thomas Lyon and his heirs forever. From Fairfield Land Records. Lib. A. p. 92. The 12th. January 1658. Thomas Lyon hath purchased too parcells of land of Andrew Ward, ye one parcell of land containinge six acres more or less lying on ye Newfield Bonded to ye South by ye land of Alexander Knowlton to ye North by ye land of George Roden butting to ye highway to ye East and to ye river to ye West. The other parsell APPENDIX 277 being too acres of ruadow lying In 1' quit nyeck is commonly Sasqua bounded by ye land of Mr. Jons to ye north by ye land of John Wheeler to ye south butting to ye upland to ye west and upon ye land that was given [?] by Mr John Tomsons to ye east. From Fairfield Land Records. Lib. A. p. 92. The 12th of January 1658, Thomas Lyon of Fairfield hath pur- chased of Symon Hoyt of Stamford one parcell of land in quantity six acres more or less Lyinge and being in ye Newfield or Milno plains also so called bounded by ye land of John Hayt to ye north and ye land of ffrancis purdye to ye south buting on ye highway to ye East and to ye common fenc to ye west. From Fairfield Land Records. Lib. A. p. 141. Nov. 1, 1675. Daniel ffrost hath purchased of Thomas Lyon his homelot in ffairfeild both the upland and swamp land being in quantity- eight acres more or less with the privilidges and appurtenances there- unto belonging with all the houseing and trees on the said land. To be to him and to his heirs forever the land is bounded on the north- west with the land of Samuel Drake and the Common, on the north and northeast with the Common, on the southeast with the land of John Sturge and the highway. After ye said Daniel hath purchased of ye said Thomas to be to ye said Daniel and to his heirs forever Two thirds intrest in ye perpetual Commons of ffairfeild. From Greenwich Town Record, p. 78. I, John Willson with Mary my wife, of Greenwich in the Collony of Connecticut do hereby acquit and discharge as well in our behalf as in the behalf of our heires executors and administrators John Lyon the eldest son of Thomas Lyon of the place aforesaid and the said Thomas Lyon's heires executors and administrators, from all demands debts dues which I the said John or Mary my wife or any of or from us might have by resone of any legacye due by will of Thomas Lyon deceased or any other demand, which is or may be on the said estate of him the said Thomas Lyon by us or any of us. Nov. 4th 1691 JOHN x WILLSON } their Job Wright MARY X WILLSON \ marks John Stoakham 278 THOMAS LYON OF RYE Note 3.— DEED GIVEN BY CERTAIN INDIAN SACHEMS To Robert Feeke And Daniel Patrick. Wee Amogerone, Sachem of Asamuck and Rammatthone, Naw- horone, Sachems of Patomuck, have Sould unto Robert Feaks and Danlell Patricke all theire rights and interests in all ye severall lands betwene Asamuck River and Patomuck, which Patomuck is a littel river which divideth ye bounds betwene Capt. Turner's Perchase and this, except ye neck by ye indians called Monakewego, by us Elizabeth Neck, which Neck is ye perticaler perchace of Elizabeth Feaks, ye sd. Robt. Feaks his wife, to be hers and her heaires or assigns forever, or else to be at ye disposal of ye aforementioned purchasers forever, to them and there heares executors or assigns, and theye to enjoy all rivers, Islands, and ye severall naturall adjuncts of all ye forementioned places, neigther shall ye indians fish within a mille of aney English ware, nor invite nor permit aney other indians to sett down on ye forementioned lands; in consideration of which lands ye forementioned purchasers are to give unto ye above named sachems twentie five coates, whereof theye have reseived eleven in part payment; to witness all which theye have heerunto sett their hands this 18 July 1640. Witness Powiatohx ] Robert A. Heusted Amogerone x Saponasx his Nawhoronex Whonehornx their Andrew X Messenger Amsetthehonex Akeroquex marks, mark Keofferamx Pauonohasx Rosobibittx i Keofferam hath sould all his right in ye above to Jeffere Ferris. Witness Richard Williams. Angell Heusted. APPENDIX 279 Note 4.— FROM TOWN RECORDS OF RYE. March 3, 1676. The Towne of Rye adopted the following: Tim, Lyon and Thomas Brown are appointed to choose a house or place to be fortified for safety of the towne also the young men who come into the fortifications anil remaining during the trouble are to have equal proportions in the undivided land provided they be such as the towne approve. No te 5.— THE HOYT (HAIGHT) FAMILY. The following records were taken from the parish church at Upway, Eng., by Cornelius Haight of Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N. Y. Simon Hoyt, son of John and Ruth Hoyt, was born at Dorchester, Eng. Jan. 20, 1590, and died Sept. 1, 1657 at Stamford, Conn. He married first at Parish church. Upway, 1612, Deborah Stowers, daughter of Walter Stowers. She was born at Dorchester, May 1, 1593, bapt. Up- way parish church. June 5, 1593. Date and place of death not known. Simon married second, after coming to America, Susanna Smith, who survived him. She married second Bates, and died about 1674 at Stamford, Conn. By his first wife, Deborah, Simon had (born in England) : 1. John, b. March 12, 1614 (m. Mary ; settled in Rye, N. Y.; will dated Aug. 29, 1684); 2. Walter, b. June 9, 1616; d. 1695-6; m. ; 3. Thomas (adopted the name "Hyat"), b. Sept. 20, 1618; d. Sept. 9, 1656: 4. Deborah; b. Aug. 9, 1620; d. June 3, 1628; 5. Nicholas; b. Nov. 11, 1622; d. July 7, 1655; m. June 12, 1646, Susanna Joyce, widow; 6. Ruth; b. Jan. 2, 1625. By his second wife, Susanna, he had (born in America); 7. Moses, b. about 1637; m. Eliza- beth ; res. Eastchester, N. Y.; 8. Joshua; b. about 1640; d. 1690; m. Mary Bell; 9. Samuel, b. about 1642; d. April 7, 1720; m. 1st, Nov. 16, 1671, Hannah Holly; m. 2nd, Sept. 20, 1714, Rebecca Gold; m. 3rd Hannah Gold; 10. Benjamin; b. Feb. 2, 1644; d. Jan. 26. 1735-6; m. Jan. 5, 1670, Hannah Weed; 11. Mary; m. Thomas Lyon (No. 1); 12. ; m. Samuel Finch. 13. Miriam; m. Samuel Firman. In 1628 Simon Hoyt, accompanied by his brother-in-law Nicholas Stowers, and the Spragues, who also were from Upway in Dorset, came to America, in the ship "Abigail" with Governor John Endicott. arriv- ing at Salem, Mass. Sept. 6. In 1629 he went to Charlestown. In 1630 he was In Dorchester, his name appearing in the records as Simon 280 THOMAS LYON OF RYE Hoit. In 1635 he was at Scituate where he with his wife, Susanna Smith, joined the Church. In 1639 he went to Windsor, Conn., where he had four score acres of land granted him by the plantation Feb. 28, 1640. A house lot was granted him in Fairfield, March 1649, and his name appears in a list of the pioneers of Stamford. In the Stamford Town Records there is on file an interesting document relating to the distribution of her estate. It is dated 1, 12 mo. 1674, and signed by her several sons and sons-in-law, as follows: Moses Hoyt, Joshua Hoyt, Samuel Hoyt, Benjamin Hoyt, Thomas Lyon. Samuel ffinch, Samuel Firman. Witnesses Abram Finch and Jonas Seely. Note 6.— CORRESPONDENCE AND RECORDS RELATING To Land Claimed By Mary (Lyon) Willson. Letter from Mary (Lyon) Willson (No. 3) to her cousin Fitz John Winthrop. Cover and date torn off; probably written in spring of 1698. Honnered Sir I have made bould to let you understand how I have been wronged. Sir, be plesed to know that the Indians about the year 1640, gave a parsal of land to my grandmother Mrs. Elizabeth Feke as by Gren- which record may appear. My grandmother gave it to my mother Martha Johana Winthop, to her and the heirs of her body, but my father haveing got the writing in his hand, and my mother was dead, my father haveing many children by a second wife and some persons in Grenwhich had the land which was my mothers is posesion, my father tooke thre hundred acres of land in another plase and it was recorded to him free and not on account of exchange, and my father haveing reseved such a heavy bribe, always kept the deed of gift from me and I cannot lern that it hath been recorded in any publick Record, and the deed is now in the hand of such as I think I can prove have declared they had it in ther posesion very lately. I am sory that I have ocation to reflect on the person from whome I had my being, but the truth could not be declared without it, and I would intreat your asistans by your counsell or ani other lawfull way wherby I may if it be posible recover my right. I rest Your Kinswoman MARY WILLSON. To Fitz John Winthrop. APPENDIX 281 Indorsed by Fitz John Winthrop "Mrs. Willson the daughter of Mr. Lyon . these to be looked over. The men in possession of her right at Grenwich are John Medes, Robert Husted and James Ferris etc." Letter from John Willson and Mary (Lyon) Willson to Gov. Fitz John Winthrop. Bedford, October 4th, 1698. Most Honoured Sur We have troubled your Honour with a few lines to enforme your Honour that we ear in good helth at this present writing. We have cause to bless God for it and we doe hope and desire that thes lines may find your Honoure in good helth and, after our loving du- tifull respects unto your Honour, wee see caus to informe you that we have gotten what writings and evediances we cann at present and have gotten by Maiger Silicks order a man to plead our case, Samuell Haise by name and we desire your Honour to dew what you can to trouble you any more at present for the bairer hereof can fully enforme your Honour and so we rest. Your Honours humble servants JOHN WILLSON. MARY WILLSON. For the Honoured Governor Wintrop of Conecticut, deliver with care I pray. To Fitz John Winthrop. Letter from Widow Mary Lyon. Byram, December 21, 1701. Generall Winthrop and Honrd Governr. I have presumed to trouble yu with the perusall of these few lines in respect of the trouble yo? Kinswoman puts me and my children to, as also hearing that by her means you have receeved false reports; as if I hadd not performed the duty of a mother to her and that my children hadd not acted as if she were a sister to them; But I doe asure y Hon r that I have done for her as for any of my own daughters, And concerning my children showing respect to her, my eldest sonn gave her a good cow since her father's decease and the rest of my sonns hath done more for her than for anv -other of their sisters. I shall forbeare to write every 282 THOMAS LYON OF RYE perticular that I and my sonns have done for y* Kinswoman since my husband's decease, the which would amount to a great sum of Money but I can not forbeare to informe yor Honr of the value of thirty pounds at least, my husband gave to Joseph Stedwell by marriage of his daughter Mary y Horns Kinswoman, I shall forbeare also to inform y* Honr of the many gross abuses and scandalizeing reports, which is spread here by her means amongst the neighbourhood against her father whom on duty she ought to have honoured if she hadd ex- pected the blessing of God to have prospered her designes the which she is now carrying on in a very unjust manner; and I doe hope y* Honr will not contenance any such unjust actions. I would desire earnestly that yr Horn would be pleased to send me word what re- ports itt is that you have heard concerning this matter, that thereby I might cleare my name among my neighbors, not else from. Your Friend Mary Lyon. To Pitz John Winthrop. This letter was in quite a different hand from the one of 1668 (see p. 38) and was evidently dictated. From Greenwich Town Records, p. 30. Feby. ye 13, 1676. The towne have formerly granted unto John Bancks Seneor of ffayrefeild and Thomas Lyon of Greenwich a sartane parsell of land in Green- wich Lying by byram River and by Estemation three score acers this land to be equally divided betwixt the fore said John Banks and Thomas Lyon and it is Bounded by Byram River on the west by the comon road to Ry on the south and the comon land on the north East as it is marked upon the top of the hy hill as unto the uper end of the plagne. The town acknowledgeth that they have formerly granted unto Mr. John Banks senior of ffayrefeild as Thomas Lyon's attorney a sartaine parsell of land lying in Greenwich on the lower end of Byram neck by estemation three hundred ackers bounded on the sea on the southeast and south, byram River on the west and so to run by the river, north unto a markt tree and foure or five Rocks about six and twenty Rods below the wading place at byram River in the comon Road, and all soe bounded on the north by the comon Land, the eastern bounds by a little run that runneth into the sea. Against the title of lands this above said entry is to stand of no force until the towne approves. APPENDIX 283 Greenwich Town Records Vol. 1. p. 440. Greenwich Anno 1701 October ye 17, at a towne meeting Legaly Warned. Whereas Mr. Richard Blackly Mr. Johnt Haite Mr. Daniell Shelton have mad Representation un [to] ye towne Conserning a sertaine titule thaye by virtue of Right they Chalenge in ye behalfe of an heiress desending from Mrs. Martha Johanah Wintrop, ye sd Gentlemen desiring an ac- ount [of] ye towne of what they know in ye matter more pertickuleiiy [when] ye towne granted to Mr. John Bancks as attorney unto Thomas Lyon that neck of Land Cauled Byram neck as [ye] perticuler grant to sd banck as Lyon's atturney whether sd neck was granted to sd bancks and Lyon as ye towne perticuler and free grant to them Careflnes unto which ye towne makes this returne from what know- ledge they have reseved from theire authorized prsons yt ye grant made by ye towne 1676 Febr 13 [respecting what is in sd grant Insealed was made to sd bancks [Thomas] Lyon's atturney upon ye account of a Right sd Thomas Lyon [lai]d a Clame to in Lands in Greenwich by virture of a right [of his] first wiffe Mrs. Johannah Wintrop. Ye above written is aproved pr vote of ye towne at ye towne meet- ing above sd. Letter of Theophilus Eaton to John Winthrop, Jr. See p. 36. Sir: yours of Deer 8th I received this last night concerning her that was Mr. Feakes his wife and that part of the Estate at Stam- ford. I know not well how to add to what I formerly wrote. By order of a Court of Magistrates William Hallet was to prove what part of the Estate belonged to him, and then to receive it without further question. Mr. Feakes his Estate and children were to be divided and half to be delivered to her if she settled within any of the 4 Colonyes, where the Government would have an Eie to the children and that part of the Estate with a due respect to Mr. Feakes and the other half to be kept at Stamford with like respect to Mr. Feakes and the children. I shall pass by her injurious writing to myself desring God may give her true repentance for greater miscarriages, but her departure from Stamford with the children (as I am informed) was altogether without allowance, and in the language which comes from thence, she stole away. It is true by order before the Court of Magistrates sate — she was to have 2 cowes delivered and some provisions but had no 284 THOMAS LYON OF RYE liberty to take away the children. I pitty her and the children and upon any reasonable security at Boston or Hartford that the Estate shall be preserved for use of Mr. Feakes herself and his children, this jurisdiction being discharged I shall move the Court of Magistrates that the Estate may be wholly delivered from Stamford to such as may be orderly appointed to receive it, but no part of it is at New Haven. I am altogether a stranger to Thomas Lyon and his wife; till now I have not heard the least intimation of her weakness or his neglect. From your information I shall now enquire and consider what the case may require. With my best respects I rest Yours in what I may New Haven THEOPLE EATON. January 4 1648. Note 7.— THE BANKS FAMILY. JOHN BANKS was in Windsor, Conn., as early as 1640 and was town clerk there in 1643. He was soon after in Fairfield, Conn., and was representative to the General Court for that place 1651-1661. In 1670 he owned a home lot at Rye, N. Y., on the Plains. (Rye Records). He was representative from Rye and Fairfield as late as Oct. 11, 1683. He died Jan. 1685 at Fairfield. Will dated Dec. 12, 1684, probated at Fairfield; executors, sons, John Banks and Obadiah Banks. JOHN 1 BANKS married 1st a daughter of Charles Taintor of Wethersfield, Conn. They had one child, born at Windsor. He mar- ried second, Mary, dau. of Thomas Fitch and widow of Thomas Sher- wood. By his second wife he had: 1. John 2 ; m. Abigail Lyon (No. 4); d. July 14, 1699; 2. Samuel, of Rye; adm. of estate June 27, 1719 to John Banckes and John Lyon, nephews and principal creditors; 3. Joseph; d. Oct. 1682; unm.; 4. Obadiah, of Fairfield; d. Feb. 1691; 5. Benjamin; m. Elizabeth, dau. of Richard Lyon, of Fairfield; d. 1692; 6. Susanna; m. Jonathan Sturgis; 7. Hannah; m. Daniel Barr; 8. Mary; m. John Taylor. JOSEPH 8 BANKS [John 2 , John 1 ], born, probably at Fairfield, Conn., about 1672, lived in Greenwich, Conn., died before 1713. His wife's name was Hannah. She survived him and became the wife of APPENDIX 285 John Lyon Jr., (No. 24). At settlement of her estate (Fairfield Pro- bate Records, Feb. 7, 1729) her "present husband" John Lyon, Jr.; only son, Joseph Banks; George Gorham and wife, Hannah, oldest daughter; Abigail Banks, second daughter, and Mary Banks, third daughter, all of age, sign an agreement for distribution of the estate. Children of Joseph and Hannah ( ) Banks: 1. Hannah, b. Oct. 27, 1704; m. George Gorham; 2. Abigail, b. Jan. 23, 1706-7; 3. Joseph 1 , b. Jan. 14, 1708-9; d. 1760; m. Martha ; 4 Mary, b. June 27, 1710. DANIEL 3 BANKS [John 2 , John 1 ] was a minor in 1703. His wife's name was Lydia. Children: 1. Abigail 4 , b. July 23, 1721; m. Benjamin Treen; 2. Daniel 4 , b. Jan. 23, 1723; d. July 25, 1759; m. Rachel Hobby; 3. Obadiah 4 , b. Aug. 21, 1724; m. Elizabeth Smith; 4. Lydia, b. July 2, 1726; m. Feb. 16, 1754, Daniel Smith, Jr.; 5. Ruth, b. June 10, 1710; m. John Holmes. SAMUEL 3 BANKS [John 2 , John 1 ] was a minor in 1703. He settled at North Castle, N. Y. Will dated Jan. 15, 1742; probated March 1, 1743 at New York; executors David Brundage, Aaron Forman, Sr. The name of his first wife is not known. He married second, before Oct. 17, 1733, Rebecca, widow of Thomas Lyon (No. 22) and daughter of Thomas and Rebecca Hobby. Children by first wife: 1. Samuel 1 , d. 1774; m. Deborah ; 2. John 4 , b. about 1729; d. after 1772; m. Deborah Newman; 3. Hannah, m. before 1742, Finch; 4. Jemima (?); 5. Mary Anna; 6. Rosanna; 7. Susanna. CAPTAIN JOSEPH 4 BANKS [Joseph 3 , John 2 , John 1 ], born Green- wich, Conn., Jan. 14, 1708-9; d. 1760; will dated Dec. 31, 1756; probated Dec. 17, 1760. His wife's name was Martha. Children: 1. Joseph, b. about 1745; m. Elizabeth Lyon (No. 103); 2. James, b. Feb. 16, 1752; d. May 29, 1844; m. Sarah Lyon (No. 196) "Oct. 7, 1767, he chose for guardian Epenetus Holmes"); 3. John; 4. Abigail; 5. Mary; 6. Martha. ABIGAIL 4 BANKS (TREEN) [Daniel 3 , John 2 , John 1 ], born Green- wich, July 23, 1721; married May 17, 1741, Benjamin Treen, from Eng- land. Children: 1. Henry, b. March 15, 1741; 2. Abigail, b. Sept. 14, 1743; 3. Joseph, b. Nov. 1745; 4. Elizabeth, b. 1747; m. Daniel Lyon (No. 164). DANIEL 4 BANKS [Daniel 3 , John 2 , John 1 ], born Greenwich, Jan. 23, 1723; died July 25, 1749. He married Aug. 14, 1747, Rachel, dau. of 286 THOMAS LYON OF RYE John and Hannah (Mead) Hobby. Children: 1. Daniel, b. Dec. 1, 1747; d. 1814; m. Mary Lyon (No. 199); 2. Sarah, b. Sept. 20, 1749; May 4, 1762 chose Thomas Hobby guardian; 3. David, b. May 27, 1751; May 4, 1762 chose Thomas Hobby guardian; 4. Charity, b. March 9, 1753; 5. Samuel, b. May 27, 1755; April 3, 1769 chose John Hobby guardian; '6. Lydia, b. Aug. 9, 1757. OBADIAH 4 BANKS [Daniel 3 , John 2 , John 1 ], born Greenwich, Aug. 21, 1724; d. early in 1784; will dated Jan. 25, 1784; probated Stamford, Feb. 11, 1784. He married Sept. 1, 1755, Elizabeth, dau. of Daniel and Rebecca (Butler) Smith, who survived him. Children: 1. Obadiah, b. Aug. 21, 1757; 2. Daniel, b. Feb. 23, 1759; 3. Joshua, b. Dec. 23, 1760; 4. Elizabeth; 5. Mary; 6. Abigail; 7. Rebecca; 8. John, b. 1774; d. April 26, 1842; m. Elizabeth Banks; 9. Benjamin. SAMUEL 4 BANKS [Samuel 3 , John 2 , John 1 ], born probably at North Castle; d. about 1774; will dated Jan. 26, 1772; probated Feb. 10, 1774; witnesses John Banks and Deborah Banks; executors, wife Deborah and son James Banks; bequests: to son James Banks, all my lands at North Castle; to grandson, Samuel Banks, land at Stanwich; grand- daughters mentioned Betty Banks, Mary Ann Banks and Vashti Banks. Children of Samuel and Deborah ( ) Banks: 1. James; res. Stanwich, Conn. (?). JOHN 4 BANKS [Samuel 3 , John 2 , John 1 ], born about 1729; res. North Castle; was living in 1822. He married Deborah, dau. of Joseph Newman; also living in 1822. Children: 1. John, b. 1750; d. March 26, 1807; m. June 1771, Elizabeth Reynolds, who died Feb. 12, 1812, ae. 67 y; 2. Deborah, b. Nov. 30, 1752; m. Silas Sutherland; 3. Hannah, b. Nov. 23, 1753; d. June 22, 1824; m. June 1771, Daniel Ferris; 4. Samuel, b. April 18, 1755; d. June 24, 1826; m. April 9, 1778, Charity Lyon (No. 277); 5. Joseph, b. March 22, 1758; d. in Sugar House prison, N. Y., in American Revolution; 6. Jonathan, b. Aug. 29, 1759; d. April 15, 1811; m. Ann Murphy, who d. March 3, 1843, ae. 81 y.; 7. Sarah, b. March 10, 1761; m. Joshua Briggs; 8. Diadamia, b. Dec. 17, 1762; m. Moses Lyon (No. 276); 9. Martha, b. July 2, 1764; d. July 21, 1849; m. May 31, 1785, James Lyon (No. 430); 10, Marion b. July 16, 1766; 11. Rachel, b. March 30, 1768; m. Jonathan Miller; 12. Benjamin, b. Feb. 15, 1770; d. July 31, 1843; 13. Alanson, b. ; m. Mary Avery. APPENDIX 287 Note 8.— DOCUMENTS RELATING TO JOHN LYON (No. 5). From Town Records of Rye. Know all men by thease presents that I John Lyon of The Town of Greenwich in the County of Fairfield and Colony of Connecticut, yeo- man, has this day Received of my brother Joseph Lyon of the Town of Rye in the County of Westchester in the province of New York, yeoman, full satfaction of and for all bills bonds Reckonings accounts debts dues or any manner of demands whatsoever due in time past. This present day to me from my said brother Joseph Lyon. As witness my hand and seal this 14th day of July Anni Domini 1710. Witness JOHN LYON Richard Ogden. John Stoakham. To all Christian people to whom these presents shall come Greet- ing. Know ye that I John Lyon Senior living at Byrum in the Town of Greenwich, in the County of Fairfield in the Colony of Connecticut Yeoman, for Divers good causes and considerations me thereunto es- pecially moving have given and granted and do by these presents Give and Grant unto my well beloved son Daniel Lyon of the same place all that my now Dwelling House and Home lot with all and singular my lands and meadows lying on Byrum Neck commonly so called both divided and undivided which I have not already disposed of to my son John Lyon Jr., for my son Daniel Lyon his heirs or assigns to have and to hold for ever to his and their only proper use benefit and behoof forever with all the privileges and appurtenances to the same belonging or in any wise appertaining but that I do reserve the use of the same until such times as my said son Daniel Lyon shall come to the age of one and twenty years and that he shall not sell or in any ways convey or dispose of the same until he shall attain the age of thirty years and that my said son Daniel Lyon his heirs or assigns shall and may at all times forever hereafter lawfully peaceably and quietly have hold use occupy possess and enjoy the above said demised and granted premises without any let hindrance molestation or trouble by me my heirs executors or administrators or any other person or persons whatsoever by or from or under me or them or by mine or their assent consent means procurement. As Wit- ness my hand and Seal this Fifteenth day of February in the year of 288 THOMAS LYON OF RYE our Lord one thousand seven hundred and thirteen fourteen. Signed Sealed and Delivered in the presence of John Corbit. JOHN LYON, Senior. Will of John Lyon (No. 5) [Stamford Probate Records, Lib. I. p. 115]. This 24th day of January in ye yeare of our Lord God 1735-6. I John Lyon of ye Town of Greenwich in the County of Fairfield and Colony of Connecticut in New England, being weak and Loss in Body But in Perfect mind and memory, Thanks be given to God therefore, calling to mind ye mortality of my Body and Knowing yt it is appointed for all men once to Die, Do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament that is to say princepally and first of all I give and Recom- mend my soul unto ye Hands of God yt gave it and for my Body I command it to the Earth to be buryed in a Christian like and Decent manner at the Discretion of my Execrt nothing doubting but at the General Ressurection I shall Receive ye same again By the mighty Power of God and as Touching such Worldly Estate where with it hath Pleased God to Bless me In this Life I give Devise and Dispose of ye Same in ye following manner and form. I Give and Bequeath unto Caleb Lyon son of my son, Thomas Late of Greenwich, Deceased ye one half part of ye Mill in sd Greenwich which I bought of Joseph Morgan with ye one half part of ye lands also Belonging with sd Mill by him ye sd Caleb Lyon freely to be Possessed and Injoyed ye sd Caleb Lyon paying his sister Hannah ye sum of Thirty Pounds Cur't money of Connecticut when he arrives at ye age of Twenty one years, sd mill untill yt time to be in care and possession of my son John Lyon he keeping sd mill in good Repair and then Deliver ye sd mill to ye above sd Caleb Lyon in yt like good order, ye sd John Lyon hav- ing ye Benefit of sd Mill until yt time. Ye sd Caleb Lyon is also to allow his Brother Thomas Lyon to Take ye Half of sd Land Belonging to sd mill where ye House now Standeth I haveing formerly Disposed of ye one half of ye sd mill unto my son Thomas Lyon Deceased. Item. Whereas I have formerly conveyed unto my son John Lyon ye one half part of ye Byrum Neck with all and Singular ye Improvements as I should Divide ye some I do now Ratifiy and Confirme ye Bounds as I have divided ye same to be as ye fence now Stands, my son John Lyon haveing ye west part of sd neck. Item. I Give and bequeath unto my son Daniel Lyon he paying my just Debts, ye other Half part of Byrum Neck, not allready Disposed of Being ye East side of sd neck APPENDIX 289 with all and Singular ye Buildings and improvements thereon, also my Lands above sd road Leading from sd Byrum to Byrum Bridge Com- monly called or Known by ye name of Mary's hill, by him freely to be possessed and Enjoyed. But if ye sd Daniel Lyon shall Decease without having male heirs of his own Body then all ye sd Lands so disposed and given to my son Daniel Lyon shall be James Lyon's ye son of my son John Lyon by him peaceably to be possessed and Enjoyed. Item. I Give and Bequeath unto my four Daughters Ruth, Mary, Hannah and Jude all my moveable estate to be equally Divided Between them all and I do hereby put Constitute and appoint my Trusty and Loveing friends John Merritt and Samuel Brown Both of ye Town of Rye in ye County of Westchester and province of New York to be my sole executrs to this my Last Will and Testament, and I do hereby utterly Disallow and Disannull all and Every other former Testaments, Wills Legacies Bequests and Exect by me in any way Before this time named. Willed, Bequeathed hereby Ratifying and Confirming This and no other to be my Last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I have here- unto set my Hand and Seal. JOHN LYON. Signed, sealed, published, pronounced and declared by ye sd John Lyon as his Last Will and Testament In ye presence of us Subscribers. Johannes Dow, David Lyon, George Gorham. "Probated July G, 1736." Note 9.— THE WILL OF THOMAS 2 LYON OF GREENWICH, Dated April 2, 1739 and Probated at Stamford, Conn., May ye 1st, 1739. In ye name of God Amen. I Thomas Lyon of ye Towne of Green- wich, in ye County of Fairfield and Colony of Connecticut yeomant. tOur ancient inhabitants wen- wont to call themselves for the most part by the humble but honest name of "yeoman." They were farmers living frugally upon the produce of the soil. Most of their wants were supplied by domestic industry, and what they purchased was commonly procured in the way of barter, They trafficked chiefly, we are told, in wood and cattle. By the middle of, the eighteenth century, however, we find quite a variety of trades carried on in Rye, such as those of wheelwright, cordwainer, carpenter, saddler, tailor, hatter, weaver, and the like. We are not to suppose that the persons so designated were employ.-. I exclusively in these several occupations They were generally farmers who joiner] some kind of handicraft to their ordinary business, partic- ularly in winter. The weavers' or wheelwrights' shops were no unusual ap- pendage to a farm house a century or more ago. (19) 290 THOMAS LYON OF RYE Being now very sick and weak of Body, but of perfect mind & memory, Calling to mind the Mortality of my Body & Remembring yt it is appointed once for all men to Die Do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament, That is to say first & Principally of all I Recom- mend my Soul unto ye Hands of God yt Gave it & my Body to ye Earth to be Buried in a Christian Like & Decent manner according to ye Discretion of my Execrt nothing doubting but at ye General Res- surection I shall Resume the same again by ye mighty Power of God, and as Touching what Worldly Estate as it Pleased God to Bless me with in this world, — First I order all Just Debts to be paid and I Give Bequeath and Dispose of ye Rest in manner following (viz.) I Give to my ever Loving and Affectnt, wife Abigail Lyon all my Household goods for ye use of my house forever, & ye use of all my Home farm yt is to say Dwelling house Barne and Home lott with all my out Lands and hereafter Given or Bequeathed in this my Last will & Testament During ye time of her Widowhood, or untill my son Gilbert Lyon shall come to age & Likewise all my moveable Estate to her proper use to Dispose of as she shall see Cause to her five Daughters, viz: Abigail, Elizabeth, Jemimy, Mary & Deborah Except one yoke of Oxen, Two Horse Cart and plough with all Tackling to them belonging. Item, I give unto my well Beloved and Dutiful son Thomas Lyon his heirs and assigns forever certain parcels of land in ye Township of Rye in Province of New York & part in Greenwich Known & Called by ye Name of Byrum Ridge Being four certain allottmtts of Land Two whereof I had of my Father & Two which I bought myself & one half of my Right of undivided Lands in ye Township of sd Rye & Like- wise my will is yt my sd son Thos Lyon should pay his Mother Abigail Lyon fourty shills. New York money yearly & every year dureing her natural Life if Demanded. Item. I give unto my Loveing son Sam 1 Lyon of sd Rye besides what he now enjoys by bills of sale my Boat as he has been in possess- ion Together with ye other half of my Right in ye undivided Lands in ye Township of Rye, he paying to his Mother Abigail Lyon fourty shills. New York money yearly and every year Dureing her natural life if Demanded. Item, I give to my Loving son Jonth Lyon Besides what he now Enjoys by certaine Bills of Sale ye one quarter part of my Rights in APPENDIX 291 ye undivided Lands in ye Bounds of Greenwich Tog-ether with one quarter part of ye Salt Meadow and ye Land Lying on ye point near Joseph Shearwood's in ye Township of Rye he paying to his Mother Abigail Lyon fourty shillings New York Money yearly & every year dureing her natural life. Item. I give unto my Loving Son David Lyon, his heirs and assigns forever Besides what he had of me by Bills of Sales certain parcels of Land in ye Bounds of Greenwich Commonly called ye Lower, & Spring Hills, yt Lying and Being to ye Southward of his house and one quarter part of my Right in ye undivided Lands in ye Bounds of Greenwich Together with one quarter part of ye Salt Meadow & upland Lying on ye Point near Joseph Shearwood's in ye Township of Rye. he ye sd David Lyon paying to his Mother Abigail Lyon fourty shilling New York Money yearly and every year Dureing her Natural Life if Demanded. Item. I give to my Loving son Joseph Lyon, his heirs and assigns forever Besides what he had of me by Bills of Sale a Lott of Land in Cox's purchase Near Cornell's Mills containing about 23 acres, one quarter part of my Right in ye undivided Lands in ye Bounds of Greenwich & one quarter part of ye Salt Meadows & uplands Lyeing on ye point near Joseph Srerewood's in ye township of Rye, he ye said Joseph Lyon paying to his Mother Abigail Lyon fourty shillings New York money yearly and every year Dureing her Natural life, when Demanded. Item. I give unto my Loveing son Gilbert Lyon, his heirs and assigns forever ye one half part of my fore mentioned Homestead & Lands mentioned in my Loving Wife's Dowry to be Distributed to him when he shall be of age & at ye decease of my sd Loving wife to have ye other half and three Lotts of Land in ye Bounds of Green- wich (viz.) One of ten acres called Hixes by ye Roadside Going to Horse Neck another Lott called Bower's Lott and a Third known by ye Jeremiah Pike's right and a certain Lott of Land in ye Township of Greenwich on ye East side of Byram River between Joseph Shear- wood's Mill & which Lands I will yt my sd son Gilbert shall not sell or Dispose of until] he comes of age of Twenty eight years without ye consent of my execrt. & likewise ye one quarter part of all my Right of undivided Lands in ye bounds of Greenwich as also one quarter part of ye Salt Medows & upland lying .in ye point near Joseph Shearwood's in ye Township of Rye and also a yoke of oxen. 292 THOMAS LYON OF RYE 2 Horse Cart plough & Tackling which was reserved out of ye Dowry of my dr wife he ye sd Gilbert Lyon paying to his Mother Abigail Lyon forty shillings New York Money yearly and every year Dureing her natural life when demanded. I give unto my Grandson Thos Lyon Twenty Shills. New York Money & yt to be put to Interest intill he comes of age. And I do hereby appoint Constitute and ordain my true & Loveing wife Abigail Lyon my sons Thomas Lyon & Saml Lyon to be my sole Exr of this my Last Will and Testament, & I do hereby Renounce all manner & former Wills Legacies & Testaments allowing, Ratifieing & Confirming this & none other to be my Last Will and Testament In Witness where- of I have hereunto sett my Hand & fixed my Seal this second Day of April In year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred & Thirty nine. his THOMAS X LYON (Seal) mark Signed, Sealed, acknowledged & pronounced by ye sd Thomas Lyon in ye presence of us Subscribers Vallentine Rowell Elijah Weeks Alex Burns Note 10.— WILL OF JOSEPH- LYON OF RYE, DATED Oct. 10, 1752, Probated March 12, 1761. In the name of God Amen this tenth day of October in the year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred & fifty two I Joseph Lyon of Rye in the County of Westchester & Province of New York being under the Decays of old age but of Sound mind & memory God be thanked, do make ordain and appoint this my last Will and Testament in Manner and form following that is to say first of all I give my soul to God, the father of Spirits and my body I bequeath to the ground from whence it was taken to be buried in a decent manner at the Discretion of my executors And as to such Portions of Worldly Estate with which it hath Pleased God to bless me, I will and Dispose of the same in the following manner. Imprimis, I give and bequeath unto my loving wife Sarah Lyon all my moveable Estate of what kind soever after the Payment of AI'PKNDIX 29.°> my Just debts Funeral Expences and charges and Proving this my last Will and Executing the same all of which I order to be paid by my executors out of my moveable estate, and all the remainder to be wholly for the use of my said loving wife and for her disposal among our ofspring according to her Direction when she needs it no longer. Item I give and bequeath unto my said loving wife Sarah Lyon the whole use and enjoyment of all my lands. Mills and Tene- ments, except such as I shall otherwise devise hereafter in this Will to be possessed, used and enjoyed by her during her natural Life and I order my said wife as soon as convenient may be after my decease to pay unto each of her three daughters Phebe the wife of Samuel Miller, Amy the wife of Godfrey Haines and Anne the wife of Elisha Budd the sum of five pounds to each to be Laid out by them in good and Pious Books for them and their children. Item. I give devise and bequeath unto my Grandson Joseph Miller son of my loving Daughter Phebe, all that Tract of land which I purchased of his father Samuel Miller lying above Westchester Old Road in Rye to him his heirs and assigns for ever reserving however out of the above bequest the use of one third part of the whole tract to be for his mother and my Daughter Phebe if it shah please God she shall become a widow and I Will and Devise that the said third part to be for her use whenever and so long as she shall be a widow and I also reserve out of the above bequest the liberty and Privilege for my wife to cut and fetch away for her use what Timber and Trees she shall have occassion of for her own use — the use of the Mill & Farm where I live & this Priviledge I give her during her life after which reserves, the remainder & Reversions to be fore the use & benefit of the said Joseph Miller his heirs and assigns forever But in consideration thereof I will and appoint that my said Grandson Joseph Miller shall pay unto his brother Lyon Miller when he comes to the age of twenty one years the sum of Ten Pounds current money of New York. I give Devise and bequeath unto my loving Daughter Anne and her husband Elisha Budd all my lands & Tenements, Right in lands, Mills, houses and all appurtenances thereto belonging after expiration of above Bequest to my loving wife and with ex< i ition of abov< granl to Joseph Miller all the Residue after the Death of my wife I bequeath unto my daughter Anne & Son in Law Elisha Budd and the survivor 294 THOMAS LYON OF RYE of them for their use and disposal during the term of their natural lives or of the survivor of them Howsoever upon the following con- dition only Viz that in consideration of their enjoying this bequest they well and truly pay the sum of four hundred Pounds current money of New York according to the following order i. e. unto my Daughter Phebe or her surviving children to be equally divided among them the sum of forty pounds current money of New York as soon as con- veniently may be after the decease of my wife of which the eldest son Joseph to have no share, also unto my daughter Amy or her sur- viving children to be equally divided among them the sum of one hundred pounds like money to be paid at the same time also unto my Grandson Joseph Merritt son of my deceased Daughter Mary, the sum of ninety pounds like money to be paid when he comes to the age of twenty five years, if the decease of my wife shall be before that time also unto my Grandson Elisha Merritt the sum of seventy Pounds like money and unto my grandson Silvanus Merritt the sum of One hundred pounds to be paid to each their part when they arrive at the age of twenty five years if the Decease of my wife happens before that time. I will and bequeath unto my grandson Jonathan Budd, son of my Daughter Ann Budd the Reversion and Reversions of all my Real Estate after the Decease of his Father & Mother & the survivors of them Viz All my Lands, Mills, Houses and Rights of Land where soever and of what kind soever for his use and his heirs and assigns forever. Provided the above mentioned four hundred Pounds be paid as above directed, otherwise tis my will & I hereby order that my surviving Executor or Executors in five years after the death of my wife shall sell such part of my Estate as they think best and pay the above four hundred pounds as directed and a Deed from such Executor or Executors shall be a good Title to the purchasers Lastly I nominate and appoint my loving wife and my son in Law Elisha Budd and my beloved Kinsman Andrew Merritt to be the Exe- cutors of this my last Will and Testament hereby Revoking and dis- annulling all former Wills by me made and executors by me appointed confirming this only to be my last Will. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & Seal the day and year first above written JOSEPH LYON Signed Sealed Published & Pronounced by said Joseph Lyon to be his APPENDIX 295 last will and Testament in presence of us Rapl Jacobs, Abraham Theall, J. Wetmore. Proven 12th day March 1761 before John Barstow Surrogate West- chester County N. Y. WILL OF SARAH LYON. WIDOW OF JOSEPH LYON (No. 8). New York Probate Records XXI. p. 647. Proved Jan. 30, L769 before Caleb Fowler, Surrogate of Westchester Co., N. Y. In the name of God amen this Eighth day of April Ano Dom. One thousand seven hundred and sixty seven I Sarah Lyon widdow of Joseph Lyon late of Rye, Westchester County and Province of New York, deed, being at present in good health and sound mind and mem- ory but calling to mind the uncertainty of this Life and that it is appointed for all Persons once to Die, do make this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following: Imprimis — I order that my just Debts funeral charges and charges of settling my Estate be paid by my Executors hereafter named out of what Estate belongs to me. Item — I give and bequeath unto my two daughters Phebe Miller and Amy Haines all my wearing apparell and household goods and furniture therein of every kind and sort to be equally divided between my said two daughters and when divided to each of them to hold the one equal half to their several uses and disposal absolutely. Item — I give to each of the children of my daughter Anne Budd deceased which shall appear to demand the same at the Expiration of twelve months after my decease the sum of Ten pounds Each to be paid them by my Executors. Item — I order and it is my will the remainder of my whole Estate after the above Legacys, Debts and Charges are paid (Excepting seventy pounds given by my husband Joseph Lyon to one grandson Elisha Merritt which I otherwise order if in my Power so to do) to say the whole remainder as above to be divided by my Executors within the Expiration of twelve months after my decease into three Equal parts to say: one third part to my daughter Amy Haines and the other one third part to be equally divided between my grandsons Jos Merritt and Sylvanus Merritt and delivered by my safd Executors within the term of one year as abovesaid to the several uses of my said children and grand children to them their heirs and assigns absolutely. 296 THOMAS LYON OF RYE Item — Whereas my grandson Elisha Merritt died before his grand father and under age and had no lawfull issue therefore supposing the seventy pounds given him by his grandfather in his will Reverts back to my Husband's Estate and is part of his movable Estate therefore in my power — I order the said seventy pounds to be paid and disposed of by my Executors in this manner — to Joseph Merritt my grandson twenty pounds, to Sylvanus Merritt my grandson twenty pounds and the remaining thirty pounds to my grandson William Miller to hold the same for their several uses as above. Item— I order that my negroes shall have a fortnight to look their masters in and not to be forceably sold under a month after my decease. Lastly I nominate and appoint my two grandsons Joseph Miller and William Miller to be the Executors of this my last Will and Testa- ment hereby revoking all former Wills by me made and allowing this and no other to be my last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal the day and year first above written her SARAH X LYON mark Signed sealed published and pronounced by the said Sarah Lyon to be her last will and Testament in the presence of us: Andrew Merritt, farmer Ezekiel Halsted John Carhart NOTE 11.— WILL OF THOMAS 3 LYON OF RYE, DATED Nov. 5, 1770, Probated New York Dec. 20, 1770. In the name of God Amen. I Thomas Lyon of Rye in Westchester County and Province of New York, yeoman, being sick in body but of sound mind and memory, thanks be to God for the same but calling to mind the uncertainty of this mortal life and that it is appointed unto all men once to dye, do make my last Will and Testament in manner and form following Imprimis I Will and order that my just debts, funeral charges and the charge of settling my Estate be paid by my Executors, out of my moveable Estate in some convenient time after my decease. APPENDIX 297 Item I give unto my loving wife Martha Lyon all my household goods of every sort. I also give my said wife one Jade mare or horse of mine at her choice and a side sadle and bridle, Two cows at her choice. I also give my said wife Martha my negro woman called Phillis, all the above moveables to her use and disposal absolutely. Item. I further order and it is my will that my said wife Martha shall have the liberty to dwell in and have the use of the whole of my now dwelling-house deuring the time she shall remain my widow and liberty of pasturing her Jade and two cows hereby given her on part of the land I have hereby given to my son Andrew Lyon and he is to provide for the wintering said Jade and cows. She is also to have the use of a garden and keep two Hoggs on the said land, and to have the apples of my orchard, and Andrew Lyon to make them into Syder as much as sees cause of them. Item. I give unto my eldest son Thomas Lyon to him and his heirs and assigns forever the following parcels of land and part of my Estate, to say, one parcel of land lying west of the Street or road, beginning at the Southerly corner by Gilbert Miller's land by said street and running northerly along his land to Thomas Howell's land to my upper lot against my house, thence Easterly along said Lott as the fence stands to King St. thence down said street along the road, to Miller's Land where it begins, may it contain more or less in quantity, also one other parcel of land to my son Thomas lying Easterly of my Homestead, beginning at the South Easterly Corner thereof and running Northerly as the fence now stands along my homestead until it comes to the corner at the Lane, then to run an equal breadth at Each end to Byram River, and may this East parcel contain more or less in quantity. I order and it is my Will that my eldest son Thomas Lyon shall have out of my moveable Estate the sum of twenty five shillings paid him in full barr (over and above what I have already given) to his claim as Eldest son or heir to my Estate and to have no more than what is given him as aforesaid. Item. I give my homestead and Dwelling House after my wife Martha Lyon marrying again or death, unto my son Andrew Lynn in which I mean all my land from my son Thomas Lyon's land along the street to Samuel Brown's land Northerly including thereon and therein the house that Andrew Lyon, my son hath built and now dwells in and so running along Samuel Brown's land I have given my son Thomas down to Byram River and lying [ ?] said Homestead more or less, to 298 THOMAS LYON OF RYE hold said dwelling of mine and House of Andrew Lyon as abovesaid and the land thereto adjoining aforesaid unto him the said Andrew Lyon, my son his heirs and assigns forever. My upper lot of land opposite to my house on the street bounded Southerly by Thomas' land and street Easterly and Northerly and however be it more or less. Item I further give unto my son Andrew Lyon his heirs and assigns forever all that my land lying between Samuel Brown's land and Byram River and running up the River by Joseph and Benjamin Willson's land and Samuel Brown's land about sixty or seventy acres. Item I further give unto my son Andrew Lyon his heirs and assigns forever all that my fifty acres of land I have on the East side of the Byram River in Greenwich in Connecticutt lying joyning Gilbert Lyon's land and mayors [?] Item I order and it is my will that what land, meadow sedges or Island or Beach I have on Neversinck Island In partnership with my son Andrew Lyon be sold by my Executors to the best advantage and the produce thereof to be accomptable for by them as moveable and divided with the rest of my moveable Estate among my children as hereinafter directed and that such sales, deeds and conveyances made by my Executors of my right on Neversinck Island shall be good to the purchaser in law or equity as if given by myself in my own life time to all intents and purposes. Item. I order and it is my will that after my just debts and charges and all so much of my moveable Estate hereinbefore given and be- queathed that the whole of my moveable Estate be it more or less shall be divided, shared and paid to and among my children in follow- ing manner by my Executors — to say — To the children of my daughter Phebe, deed late wife of Samuel Willson deed Equally among her children one fifth part of the remainder of my moveable. To the children of my daughter Mary deed late wife of Abraham Miller deed Equally among them her children one fifth part of the remained of my moveable Estate. To Abigail wife of Daniel Merritt one fifth part of my said moveable remainder of my Estate. To Jemima the wife of James Seaman one fifth part of my said moveable remainder of my Estate. To my son Andrew one fifth part and ten pounds more of the remainder of my moveable Estate. It is to be understood that when a division of said moveable Estate is made that in said division the other four children are to Each lose their part of the ten pounds that Andrew Lyon is to have more than one fifth. Lastly I nominate and appoint my two sons Thomas Lyon and Andrew Lyon to be the exe- APPENDIX 299 cutors of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all my former Wills by me made and allowing this and no other to be my last Will and Testament. In witness whereof 1 have hereunto set my hand and seal this fifth day of November Ano Dom One thousand seven hundred and seventy. his THOMAS X LYON mark Sealed signed published pronounced and declared by said Thomas Lyon to be his last Will and Testament in presence of Jonathan Kniffen John Carhart Saml Lyon. WILL OF JONATHAN LYON (NO. 32). In the name of God Amen this second of April one thousand seven hundred and eighty three I Jonathan Lyo of North Castle Westchester County State of New York being advanced in age and weak in body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be unto God therefore calling unto mind the mortality of my. body and knowing it is appointed for all men once to die Do make and ordain this my last will and testa- ment, that is to say, principally and first of all I give and recommend my soul unto the hands of God that gave it and my body I recommend to the Earth (to be buried in decent Christian burial at the discretion of my Executors nothing doubting but at the general resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God and as touching such worldly Estate wherewith it has pleased almighty God to bless me with in this life I give, demize and dispose of the same in the following manner and form. — Imprimis I give and bequeath to Elizabeth my dearly beloved wife one third part of all my lands in North Castle during her natural life. Also I give unto my beloved wife the sum of seventy pounds to be paid out of my estate by my beloved son Peter Lyon. Also I give unto my beloved wife Elizabeth the whole of my moveable Estate to be at her sole disposal.— Item I give and bequeath unto my well beloved son Jonathan Lyon the the sum of ten pounds. — Item I give unto my beloved grandson Jonathan be paid by my son Peter. Item 1 give and bequeath unto my well beloved son Elnathan Lyon the sum of forty pounds to be raised and levied out of my Estate and paid by my son Peter.— Item I give and bequeath unto my well beloved son Israel Lyon the sum of eighty 300 THOMAS LYON OF RYE pounds to be raised and levied out of my Estate and paid by my son Peter. — Item I give and bequeath unto my well beloved son Peter Lyon all my lands lying in North Castle to be and remain his sole property. — Item I give unto my well beloved son Peter one negro man named Isaac- — Item I give unto my loving grandson Jonathan son to Elnathan the sum of ten pounds. — Item I give unto my beloved grandson Jonathan son of Peter the sum of five punds. Also give unto my beloved grand- son Jonathan son of my daughter Phebe the sum of five pounds. Also I Constitute, make and ordain my well beloved sons Israel and Peter Executors of this my last will and testament and I do hereby disallow, revoke and disanul all and every other former Testaments and wills, legacies and bequests and Executors by me in any way before named, willed and bequeathed rattifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written. JONATHAN LYON Seal Signed and setaled, published, pronounced and declared by the said Jonathan Lyon as his last will and testamest in the presence of us the subscribers. Silas Sutherland Enoch Miller Samuel Miller. Weschester County — ss. — Be it Remembered that on the twenty- fourth day of January one thousand seven hundrey and eighty-seven personally came and appeared before me, Richard Hatfield, Esquire, Surrogate of the said County, Silas Sutherland, of North Castle in the said County, yeoman, and being duly sworn on his oath, declared that he did see Jonathan Lyon, deceased, sign and seal the preceeding written testament purporting to be the will of the said Jonathan Lyon bearing date the second day of April one thousand seven hun- dred and eighty- three and heard him publish and declare the same as for his last will and testament that at the time thereof be the said Jonathan Lyon was of sound disposing mind and memory to the best of the knowledge and belief of the Deponent and that Enoch Miller and Samuel Miller together with the Deponent subscribed the said will as Witnesses thereto in the presence of the testator. Richard Hatfield, Surrogate. APPENDIX 301 Copied at Albany, N. Y., May 29, 1902, by Smith H. Riker from "Wills and Probates, No. 1, 1787 to 1796" in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Appeals. ABSTRACT FROM WILL OF JOSEPH LYON (NO. 35). Feb. 17, 1758, Joseph Lyon of the White Plain, yeoman, then in good health and sound memory but calling to mind the uncertainty of this mortal life, etc., do make this my last will and testament. Men- tions wife Mary, brother-in-law Charles Theall, six sons, Joseph, Dan- iel, James, Reuben, Jeremiah and Thomas (Joseph, the eldest son). Mentions "my three youngest daughters, Hannah, Susannah and Anne", then mentions "my four daughters", Mary, the wife of El- nathan Haight, Hannah, Susannah and Anne (some of these sons and daughters being then minors). Makes wife Mary executrix, and in case of her death or marrying again his brother in law Charles Theall and son Daniel Lyon, "in whose care and fidelity I very much confide and depend upon" to be the executor of his will. "It is my will that whereas my said wife Mary at the Ensealing hereof is Great with Child, that when the child she now goes with shall be born, if it proves a son," etc. August 30, 1786 Elisha Horton of Harrison's purchase (who with John and Jane Carhart, was a witness to Joseph Lyon's will) appeared before Richard Hatfield, Esq., Surrogate of Westchester County, with Joseph Lyon's will, from which the signature and witness names had been torn, and swore that he witnessed the will and that it was Joseph Lyon's last will and testament. November 24, 1798, Daniel Goldsmith, Quaker, of Consackie, Albany County, appeared before Peter Ogilvie, Judge of the court of Probates of the State of New York, and swore that the instrument attached was Joseph Lyon's will — that he came in possession of it in 1783 and that two years afterwards, Daniel Lyon the executor therein named being in Nova Scotia, the name and seal of said testator and the names of the witnesses were cut off to the knowledge of this Deponent in order that the letters of administration upon the estate might not be grantel to some other person. He swore that Joseph Lyon died in the fall of 1776. Copied from Book II., p. 88 Wills and Probates, 1796-1822 in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Appeals at Albany, Feb. 14, 1903 by J. H. Riker. 302 THOMAS LYON OF RYE NOTE 12. THE KNAPP FAMLIY. NICHOLAS KNAPP come to New England probably with John Winthrop 1620 He was at Watertown, Mass., 1730, and there his chil- dren were born and recorded. He removed to Stamford, Conn., about 1640 and died there Sept. 16, 1670; will dated April 15, 1670, probated at Fairfield. Nicholas married 1st Elinor , who died Aug. 16, 1658. He married 2nd March 9, 1659 Unity , widow 1st of Clement Baxton, 2nd, of Peter Brown. Children of Nicholas and Elinor ( ) Knapp: 1. Jonathan; b. 1361; d. Dec. 27, 1631, ae. 7 mo; 2. Timothy, b. Dec. 14, 1632; m. Bertha Brandish; 3. Joshua; b. Jan. 5, 1636, d. 1684; 4. Caleb (Cobb?); b. Jan. 20, 1638; m. Hannah Smith; 5. Sarah; b. Jan. 5, 1639; m. April 6, 1657, John Disbrow; 6. Ruth; b. Jan. 6, 1641; m. Nov. 20, 1657, Joseph Ferris; 7. Hannah; b. March 6, 1643; 8. Moses; b. about 1645; m. 1669, Abigail Westcoat; 9. Lydia; b. ; m .May 22, 1685, Thomas Pennoyer. JOSHUA 2 KNAPP, born Watertown, Mass., Jan. 5, 1636; d. Green- wich, Conn., 1684 (inventory of estate Oct. 27, 1684). He married at Stamford June 9, 1657, Hannah Close, dau. of Joseph Close. She survived him and married 2nd, John Bowers. He removed in 1663 from Stamford to Greenwich. Children of Joshua and Hannah (Close) Knapp: 1. Hannah, b. March 26, 1660; m. Daniel Smith; 2. Joshua, b. 1662; m. March 16, 1689, Elizabeth Reynolds; 3. Joseph; b. 1664; m. Mary (Lockwood) Husted (widow); 4. Ruth; b. 1666; m. John Reynolds; 5. Timothy; b. 1668; d. 1737; 6. Benjamin; b. 1674; m. April 13, 1700, Elizabeth Butler; d. 1719-20; 7. Caleb (Cobb?) b. 1677; m. April 1, 1697 Sarah Randall; d. 1750; 8. Jonathan, b. 1679; m. Mary Husted. TIMOTHY 3 KNAPP, born Greenwich 1668; died there 1733 (?) (will dated Oct. 15, 1733, probated Nov. 6, 1737; inventory of estate Nov. 7, 1733 (?). He married 1st March 16, 1699. Elizabeth Seamore, who d. June 17, 1713; he m. 2nd Feb. 16, 1713-4 Martha Weeks. Children of Timothy and Elizabeth (Seamore) Knapp: 1. Rebecca, b. Sept. 24, 1701; 2. Timothy, b. Aug. 9, 1703; d. April 22, 1703; 3. Israel, b. Dec. 13, 1705; m. 1st Mary Lyon (No. 33); m. 2nd Aug. 1742 Anna Mar- shall; m. 3rd Jan. 7 (or 17) 1762, Elizabeth Hugford (widow of Dr. Hugford); d. 1783; 4. Mary, b. April 16, 1708; m. Thomas Hoyt of Danbury; 5. Elizabeth, b. Aug. 22, 1710; m. Ebenezer Picket of Dan- APPENDIX 803 bury; 6. Prudence, b. Jan. 20, 1712-13. Children of Timothy and Martha (Weeks) Knapp: 7. Ruth, b. Feb. 24, 1714-5; m. Dec. 6, 1733, Nathan- iel Lockwood; 8. Hannah, b. July 12. 1717; m. Sept. 19, 1732, Nathaniel Finch. NOTE. 13.— THE HOBBY FAMILY. JOHN* HOBBY was in Greenwich as early asl672. He died there before Oct. 17, 1707; will dated 1707; executors Stephen Holmes, Jonathan Hobby. His wife's name is not known. Children: 1. Thom- as; m. Rebecca ; d. Aug. 6, 1732; 2. John; d. March 12 1693; 3. Benjamin; d. 1744; 4. Jonathan; m. Dec. 12, 1711 Sarah Mead; 5. Martha; m. Thomas Morehouse Jr.; 6. Elizabeth; m. Ebenezer Prindle; 7. Mary; m. Nov. 18, 1656 Stephen Holmes; 8. Hannah; m. Cornelius Burkcom; 9. Rebecca; m. Samuel Hardy; d, before 1693; 10. Rachel; m. Henry James. THOMAS 2 HOBBY (above) d. Greenwich Aug. 6, 1732; inventory of estate March 13, 1732-3. He married Rebecca . Children: 1. John; m. March 1716 Hannah Mead; 2. Rebecca; m. 1st about 1717 Thomas Lyon (No. 22); m. 2nd, about 1733 Samuel Banks; 3. Martha; m. Oct. 29, 1718, Charles Thomas; 4. Susanna; m. Isaac Mead. JONATHAN 2 HOBBY (above) married Dec. 12, 1711 Sarah Mead. Children: 1. Jonathan, b. Oct. 28, 1714; m. Deborah Lyon (No. 37); 2. Joseph, b. Dec. 23, 1716; m. Aug. 20, 1744 Sarah Knapp; 3. Ebenezer, b. Feb. 8, 1718-9; m. Hannah Holmes; 4. Benjamin; m. Feb 25, 1763 Amy (Knapp) Mead (widow). NOTE 14.— THE MEAD FAMILY. WILLIAM 1 MEAD was born in England about 1600. He came to Massachusetts with his family about 1642 (?) and later settltd in Hempstead, L. I. In 1660 his two sons, John and Joseph came Greenwich, Conn, and bought land of Richard Crabb and others. Wil- liam Mead died in 1663. His children were: 1. Joseph; b. about 1630; d. May 3, 1690; m. Dec. 4, 1654 Mary Brown. 2. Martha; b. 1632; DO. John Richardson of Westchester, N. Y. 3. John; b. 1634: m. U'.r.T Hannah Potter, dau. of William Potter of Stamford. 304 THOMAS LYON OF RYE JOHN 11 MEAD [William 1 ] b. 1634; children: 1. John; b. about 1658; m. 1681 Ruth Hardy; 2. Joseph; b. May 2, 1660; m. Mary ; 3. Hannah; b. about 1661; m. July 12, 1697, John Scofield; 4. Ebenezer; b. about 1663; m. Sarah Knapp; 5. Jonathan; b. about 1665; m. Martha Finch; 6. David; b. about 1665; m. Dec. 16 1707 Abigail Leave; 7. Benjamin; b. about 1666; m. 1st. May 10, 1700, Sarah Waterbury; m. 2nd Rachel Brown; 8. Nathaniel; b. about 1669; m. Rachel ; 9. Samuel; b. 1673; m. Hannah ; 10. Abigail; b. 1675; 11. Mary; b. 1678. SAMUEL 3 MEAD [John 2 , William 1 ], born 1673; died before Jan. 9, 1719-20. date if distribution of estate. He married Hannah ; Children (Green T. R.) ; 1. Samuel; b. May 3, 1696; m. Dec. 6, 1716 Ann Hewitt; 2. Elnathan; b. Feb. 11, 1698; was living 1754; 3. Peter; b. Oct. 2, 1699-70; d. young; 4. Hannah; b. Nov. 29, 1702; m. before Jan. 7, 1719-20 Samuel Haight of Rye; 5. Deborah, b. July 10, 1704; 6. John, b. Feb. 11, 1706; 7. Elizabeth, b. April 5, 1708-9; m. about 1727, Jonathan Lyon (No. 32). ELNATHAN 4 MEAD [SamueP. John 2 , William 1 ], born Feb. 11. 1698; res. Greenwich; was living 1754. Name of wife unknown. Chil- dren: 1. Eunice, b. 1720, bapt. with Elnathan and Deborah Oct. 20, 1728; d. April 9, 1803; m. about 1743, Caleb Lyon (No. 52); 2. Elnathan, b. about 1724; m. about 1748 Sarah Lyon, (No. 65); 3. Deborah; m. 1st Nov. 20, 1749, Samuel Close; m. 2nd, Smith; 4. Stephen; m. June 25, 1755, Molly Knapp; 5. Abraham, b. May 22, 1735; m. Nov. 1, 1753, Ruth Lyon (No. 57); 6. Henry; m. 1st Elizabeth Denton; m. 2nd. Sept. 10, 1775 Mary Wood. NOTE 15.— THE MILLER FAMILY. JAMES MILLER was a resident land owner at Norwalk, Conn., where he had received a grant of four acres of land from the town prior to July 4, 1668. He is enumerated on the assessment rolls of Norwalk March 1671 for £80. May 30, 1678 John Roach, a soldier in the Indian War, makes a deed of gift of 12 acres of land unto Samuel Miller, minor, son of James Miller, in case of his death to go to the other children of James. Feb. 17, 1679, James Miller and Benjamin Scribner bought of John Budd house and land on Apacamake APPENDIX 806 Neck, Rye. ec. 24, 1861, James Miller and wife Martha of Rye sell house and home lot at Norwalk to Matthias Sensior. Nov. 28, 1695 Benjamin Scribner releases John Miller of Rye for all interest in the Rye property, James having paid all the purchase money. In 1701 the town of Rye by vote granted to James Miller 10 acres of land in the White Plains purchase. In 1708 he was still living in Rye. Chil- dren of James and Martha Miller: 1. Samuel, b. about 1670; m. ; 2. Anthony, b. about 1675; m. Mary ; 3. Jonathan, b. about 1680; Warden Grace Chh. Rye, 1712; 4. Abraham, b. about 16S5; m. Hannah ; 5. John, b. about 1688; d. April 1750; m. . SAMUEL 2 MILLER [James 1 ] born about 1670; m. ; a son Samuel, b. 1692, was living in 1752; m. Phebe Lyon f.No. 40). ANTHONY 2 MILLER [James 1 ], born about 1675; m. Mary ; children: 1. Anthony, b. about 1701; m. Hannah Gaming; 2. William, m. 1727 Martha Hunt; the descendants of these were Tories and went to New Brunswick during the American Revolution. ABRAHAM 2 MILLER [James 1 ], born Rye. N. Y. (Budd's Neck) about 1685; died Rye (Sawpit) April 1750; will dated Sept. 18, 1749; codicil March 28, 1750; proved April 16, 1750. He lived in a house near where the railroad now crosses King St., Portchester. Oct. 20, 1720 deeds land at Budd's Neck to Samuel Cheeseman; May 31, 1722, bought 120 acres of land near Byram River from John Coe; Town Constable, 1720-1725; Warden Grace Chh. 1727. He married Hannah ; d. Jan. 20, 1777. They had: 1. James, b. Sept. 9, 1709; d. young; 2. Hannah, b. June 1, 1712; d. April 18, 1793; m. Dec. 23. 1735 Samuel Lyon (No. 31); 3. Mary; b. Nov. 10, 1714; m. John Lyon (No. 59); 4. Anna, b. Aug. 28, 1717; m. Caleb Fowler; 5. Martha, twin sister of Anna; m. Nathaniel Worden; 6. Abraham, b. Dec. 9, 17. d. Oct. 17. 1747; m. Mary Lyon (No. 75); 7. Gilbert b. July 29, 1724; d. April 13, 1792; m. Rachel Merritt; 8. Jonathan, b. Dec. 12, 1726; d. June 3, 1793; m. Elizabeth Doughty; 9. Elizabeth, b. Rec 7. 172S; 10. Mary, b June 23, 1734; d. young. JOHN 2 MILLER [James 1 ], born about 1688; res. White Plains, N. Y.; m. ; children: 1. James, b. about 1718; d. 177('.-S4; m. Hannah Bloomer; 2. Abraham, b. about 1720; d. 1765; m. Letitia ; 3. Elijah, b. May 8, 1728; d. Aug. 21, 1776; m. Ann Fisher; (2in 308 THOMAS LYON OF RYE 4. Anthony, b. about 1735; d. 1822; m. Hester Davids; 5. Eliza, m. Jeremiah Fisher; 6. Tamar, m. Lewis Kniffen; 7. Letitia, m. Elisha Merritt; 8. Mary, m. Joseph Hunt. (Hon. Warner Miller, U.S. Sen- ator from New York is a descendant of Anthony 3 Miller). GILBERT 3 MILLER [Abraham 2 , James 1 ], born July 29, 1724 at Budd's Neck, Rye; died April 13, 1792 at Sawpit, Rye; m. Rachel Merritt, born Sept. 19, 1731; living July 21, 1780; daughter of Andrew and Rachel (Sniff en) Merritt; children: 1. Abraham, b. Feb. 17, 1750; d. 1789; adm. of est. Jan. 6, 1789 to Robert Kennedy; 2. Gilbert, b. Feb. 20, 1752; d. June 26, 1824; 3. Anne, b. Dec. 5, 1754; d. Nov. 27, 1802; m. Gilbert Merritt; 4. Hannah, b. Oct. 11, 1756. ABRAHAM 4 MILLER [Abraham 3 , Abraham 2 , James 1 ], born Sawpit, N. Y. about 1745; died 1794; adm. of estate April 21, 1794 to widow Phebe Miller. He was farmer and village blacksmith at Sawpit, Rye, N. Y. He married about 1767 Phebe Hawxhurst, born May 30, 1748, O. S. at Oyster Bay, L. I.; died Nov. 23, 1831, at Somers, Westchester Co., N. Y.; buried at Amawalk. She was dau. of Daniel and Sarah (Seaman) Hawxhurst. Children: 1. Elizabeth, b. 1768; d. April 29, 1848; m. May 1799 Joshua Fowler; 2. Daniel H., b. Feb. 22, 1771; d. Sept. 2, 1841; m. Oct. 19, 1797 Abigail Griffen; 3. Philadelphia, b. Aug. 2, 1773; d. Nov. 13, 1852; m. Aug. 9, 1795, Joseph Griffen; 4. Walter, b. about 1776; d. 1777; 5. Richard, b. Jan. 1779; d. Oct. 3, 1845; m. 1804 Jane Van Sicklen; 8. Charles, b. Nov. 1, 1781; d. Aug. 29, 1868; m. Oct. 16, 1806, Amy Conklin; 7. Abraham, b. Jan. 18, 1784; d. March 4, 1847; m. June 21, 1804, Elizabeth Griffen; 8. John, b. April 30, 1786; d Feb. 2, 1815; m. about 1814 Esther Haviland; 9. Phebe, b. 1788; d. 1810; 10. Walter; b. 1790; d. 1835. Note that this Abraham Miller is No. 230, p. 70, a descendant of Thomas 1 Lyon. NOTE 16— LETTER OF SAMUEL LYON (NO. 78) To Governor George Clinton. Horse Neck Dec'br 19th 1778. Sir, I beg leave to acquaint your Exel'cy that the situation of af- fairs, are such in the County of Westchester, for the want of Guards, that I am reduced to the necessity of quitting my house, and puting myself under the protection of the Guards in this plnee. This is like- APPENDIX 307 wise the fate of every honest friend to his Country in Rye. The con- siquence is, that, a nomber of designing persons under the influent e of avaritious & Inimical principles, make a practice, of secretly pur- chasing fat Catle, and in the night thro woods and bye Places, pass the Guards, here, and keep them secreeted until! a convenient oper- tunity presents, to send them to the Enemy. In this way I am cred- ibly Informed, eight fat oxen and four Cows have lately been sent from the neighbourhood where I should live and a considerable nom- ber of fat hoggs. There is no doubt this is the case quite neross to the North River. In this way the Enemy have a large and ever plenti- f till supply in New York market. I am confirmed in this by the re- port of Capt. Olmstead of Col. Enos Regt., on Guard here; who has this week return'd from Valentine's near Fort Independence, where he had been sent a flag and detained some days, who says he heard and saw while there, two hundred head of Cattle, and a great nomber of Sheep and hoggs pass by there towards New York. This is a harvest for those Infamous Villains, the Cow Thieves, &c, and brings great distress on many of the good Citizens in this quarter of the Country, I would beg leave to hint to your Exelency. that should a party of men, as a patrole under the Command of an active honest man be Employed, I conceive would be of great Importance, and the most likely method to detect the Theives. I am told Mr. John Haynes proposes to offer himself for that purpose. Whether this, or such other method as your Exelency in your great wisdom shall judge best, I doubt not will soon be adopted. I am, with Great Respect and Esteem, your Exelen'ys most obed't Humble Ser't Samuel Lyon. His Exe'lcy Gov'r Clinton. [From Public Papers of George Clinton, War of the Revolution Series, Vol IV.] NOTE 17. In Committee of Safety for the County of Westchester, July the 24th, 1776. Benjamin Lyon (No. 82) of the White Plains being A Man of Repute and A Member of this Committee being Sworn on the Holy Evanjalist of Almighty God, Deponeth and Saith that he was coming from New York in a Boat Some Time Last March as Near as the Deponent can Recollect the Time when Joseph Ball was in C<«m- 308 THOMAS LYON OF RYE pany at the Same Time and A dispute arising between the Deponent and Sd. Ball Respecting the Propriety or Impropriety of Independency when Sd. Ball Declared to the Deponent that when Independency was set up he the Sd. Ball would meet the Deponent in the Field of Death and further the Deponent saith not. Benj'm Lyon. Sworn before the Committee this Day and Year as above. By order of the Committee. John Thomas Jr., Ch. [Calendar of N. Y. Historical Mss., Revolutionary Papers. I. 428.] From Military Returns, 27-87. I, Jonathan G. Tompkins & Nicolas Fisher, Two of the Committee in the County of Westchester being cawled, up by Sum Minute men to Superintend an Electien in Chosing of Their officers. The Number of Minute Men that were pres- ent that voted were 19 in Number which are as follows: Benjamin Lyon, Olliver Kellick, etc. (ibid I. 239). NOTE 18.— THE HUSTED FAMILY. (SEE ALSO NOTE 21). MOSES HUSTED was a descendant of Robert 1 Husted who was in Boston Mass., in 1649; received a grant of land "for eight heads" at Wollaston near Braintree; removed soon after to Stamford, Conn. Will July 8. 165?; will of his wife Elizabeth 1654. Their children wero: 1. Robert; m. Jan. 9, 1655 Elizabeth Buxton; res. Westchester Co., N. Y.,; 2. Ann; m. Richard Hardy; d. Dec. 13, 1707; 3. Angel. ANGEL 2 HUSTED was in Greenwich, Conn, 1672; d. April 1706; will dated April 5, 1706. He m. Rebecca . Their children were: 1. Jonathan; m. Mary Lockwood; 2. Joseph; 3, Angel; 4. Moses; 5. John; 6. Samuel; m. Sarah : 7. Elizor; m. Baldwin. ANGEL 3 HUSTED died before 1728. He married Mary who subsequently married John Reynolds. Children: 1. Jonathan; 2. Ebenezer; 3. Mary; m. Jonathan Knapp: 4. Benjamin; m. Sarah New- man; d. before 1796; 5. Moses; b. about 1702; m. Sept. 5, 1726 Susanna Mead. MOSES 4 HUSTED married Sept. 5, 1726 Susanna, daughter of Eben- ezer and Sarah (Knapp) Mead. Children: 1. Moses; b. July 1, 1728; d. Nov. 1795; m. Lucy ; 2. Susanna; b. April 1, 1731; nt APPENDIX 309 Denton; 3. Abigail; b. June 1, 1734; d. Jan. 14, 1715; m. Israel Lyon (No. 91); 4. Peter; b. May 1742; m. Feb. 11, 1768, Eunice Lyon (No. 165): 5. Sarah; m. Worden: 6. Hannah; m. Doty: 7. Jabez. NOTE 19.— WILL OF NEHEMIAH LYON (NO. 242), DATED April 3. 1816, probated May 8, 1816. It is on record in Surrogate's office, City of New York. "In the name of God, Amen. I, Nehemiah Lyon, of the City of New York, shipwright, laboring at present under great bodily weak- ness but possessing a sound and disposing mind and memory, and being desirous before it shall please God to call me hence, of making a suitable arrangement of my worldly affairs and a just disposition of my property, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in the manner and form following, that is to say, First I give and be- queath and devise all my estate real and personal to my beloved wife, Elizabeth, and to my dear children, Leah, William, Easter and Martha, and I do nominate and appoint my said wife Guardian to my said children, during their minority. Secondly, those of my children not named in this instrument, having been already provided for, it is my will and desire that for the maintenance and education of my said children before named, and for the support of my said wife, my said Estate be divided and shared equally among them; my said wife during her life time to have her dower and third; and I do here- by authorize my executors hereinafter named, if they shall deem it advisable, to sell and dispose of my estate or any part thereof. Lastly, I do nominate and appoint my said wife Elizabeth and my friends Richard Morrell and A. Worster, Executrix and executors of this my Last Will and Testament, hereby revoking all former and oth- er wills by me made. In witness whereof I hereby set my hand and seal the third day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifteen. (signed) Nehemiah Lyon. NOTE 20.— THE WEBB FAMILY. RICHARD 1 WEBB born Montcomb, Dorset Co., England May 5, 1580; d. Jan. 1, 1656; m. 1st, May 1610, Grace, daughter of John Wil- 310 THOMAS LYON OF RYE son; m. 2nd, Elizabeth Gregory, who d. Jan. 24, 1680. Children: 1 Joseph; d. 1685; m. Hanna Scofield; 2. Richard; b. 1623; d. March 15 1676; m. Moyer; 3. Caleb; d. May 24, 1704; 4. Mary; d. Sept 18, 1706; 5. John d. May 19, 1670; m. 1st Ann ; m. 2nd, Eliza beth Swift; 6. Sarah; m. John Marshall. Richard came from Dorset shire to Cambridge, Mass. 1626, to Hartford 1635, thence to Stratford Norwalk (1650) and finally to Stamford 1655; was Deputy to General Court that year. JOSEPH 2 WEBB [Richard 1 ] res. Stamford, Conn.; d. 1864; in- ventory March 8, 1684. He married, Jan. 8, 1672. Hannah Scofield. Children: 1. Joseph; b. Jan. 5, 1674; d. Nov. 15, 1743; m. Mary Hoyt; 2. Mary; b. April 14, 1677; m. Sept. 23, 1697, Daniel Weed: 3. Hannah; j. July 9, 1679; 4. Sarah; b. Oct. 16, 1681; d. Oct 19, 1706; 5. Mar- gery; b. Oct. 4, 1683; d. Jan. 2, 1736-7; m. Aug. 10, 1715, Joseph Lock- wood. JOSEPH 3 WEBB [Joseph 2 , Richard 1 ] of Stamford, Conn.; b. Jan. 5, 1674; d. Nov. 1743; adm. of estate Dec. 6, 1745. He married Feb. 23, 1698, Mary Hoyt; b. 1672; d. Feb. 24, 1749-50: dau. of Benjamin and Hannah (Weed) Hoyt. Children: 1. Joseph; b. Jan. 26, 1700-1; m. Aug. 23, 1726, Sarah Blachly; 2. Ebenezer; b. March 7, 1704; d. Aug. 16, 1704; 3. Benjamin; b. Aug. 24, 1705; m. Oct. 5, 1732, Mary Cross; 4. John; b. July 28, 1707; m. Mary Holmes; 5. Sarah; b. May 9, 1709; m. April 24, 1734, Hezekiah Reynolds; 6. Abigail; b. June 19, 1711; 7. Epinetus; b. July 16, 1713; m. 1st. June 28, 1739, Elizabeth Lockwood; m. 2nd. Dec. 31, 1741, Deborah Ferris; 8. Mary; b. July 28, 1715; d. May 28, 1741; m. April 5, 1734, Daniel Lockwood. JOHN 4 WEBB [Joseph 8 , Joseph 2 , Richard 1 ], of Stamford, Conn.; b. July 28, 1707; d. 1775; will dated Oct. 3, 1775; probated Dec. 5, 1775; exec, son John. He married Mary Holmes of Greenwich, who died Feb. 24, 1763. Children: 1. Mary; b. March 12, 1739-40; m. Jan. 12, 1758 Abraham Holley; 2. John; b. Dec. 4, 1741; 3. Stephen; b. Aug. 21, 1743; m. Elizabeth Hoyt; 4. Martha; b. Oct. 31, 1745; d. Jan. 6, 1745-6; 5. Jonas; b. Dec. 3, 1746; 6. Gilbert; b. March 23, 1749; m. Jan. 1, 1771, Ruth Wallace; 7. Martha; b. Dec. 15, 1750; 8. Chloe; b. Oct. 17, 1752; 9. Abigail; b. April 9, 1759; d. 1788; 10. Phebe; b. Dec. 28, 1760; d. Jan. 1, 1763. APPENDIX 311 STEPHEN 6 WEBB [John 4 , Joseph 8 , Joseph 3 , Richard 1 ], b. Stam- ford Aug. 21, 1743. He married March 2, 1769 Elizabeth dan, of Nehe- miah and Ruth (Peck) Hoyt. Children: 1. John; b. Dec. 11, 1769; 2. Nehemiah; (twin); 3. Stephen; b. June 28, 1772; d. April 22, 1820; in. Anna Lyon (No. 378); 4. Ezra; b. July 21, 1774; 5. Elizabeth; b. Aug. 27, 1776; d. .May S, 18:J;J ; m. Enon Lyon (No. :!77); 6. Hoyt; b. Dec. 12. 1783; d. July 27, 1838; m. Abia Lyon (No. 381). Note 21.— THE HUSTED FAMILY (SEE ALSO NOTE 18). DAVID* HUSTED [Joseph 8 , Angel 2 , Robert 1 ] was born about 1695; d. 1776. Will dated Oct. 30, 1765; probated Nov. 14, 1776. He married May 19, 1718, Johanna Brundage. Children: 1. David, b. Aug. 7, 1719; 2. Hannah, b. Aug. 11, 1721; m. William Palmer; 3. Joseph, b. March 3. 1723; 4. Sarah, b. March 31, 1725; m. Lewis Barton; 5. Elizabeth, b. Jan. 11, 1727; m. Peter Moo; 6. Ruth, b. Feb. 29, 1729; m. William White; 7. John, b. Nov. 25, 1731; 8. Caleb, b. May 14, 1733; 9. Judith, b. Aug. 30, 1735; m. Solomon Denton; 10. Lydia, b. Aug. 30, 1737; m. Abraham Todd, Jr.; 11. Abraham, b. May 29, 1739; d. 1819; m. Hannah Knapp (No. 99): 1-. Eunice, ni. Sylvanus Knapp. ABRAHAM HUSTED (Will dated May 16, 1819; probated June 18, 1819). Married Hannah, daughter of Israel and Mary (Lyon) Knapp. Children : 1. Drake; m. Nancy Marvin Lyon (No. 1611; :'. Wil- liam H., b. 17S3: d. 1838: m. Mary Lyon (No. 496); 3. David; '. Han- nah, m. Thomas Waterbury; 5. Sally, unm. Note 22.— THE COFFIN FAMILY. JOHN COFFIN, son of Capt. Uriel and Mary (Pinkham) Cofflja, was born June 29, 1807, in Chatham, N. Y., and died May 17, 1883, while visiting his daughter Julie in Kansas; buried in the Friends Cemetery, near Rayville. Children of John and Clarissa (Finch) Coffin (born on the Uriel Coffin homestead, near Chatham Four Corners): I. William B.; b. Jan. 21, 1829; m. 1st, Caroline Coleman. Jan. 31. 1854; children: 1. Charles C, b. Oct. 27, 1854 (res. Chatham, N. Y.); 2. John Jr., b. Sept. 18, 1856 (d. of fever brought on by exposure in rescuing victim of Johnstown flood); 3. Joseph R., b. April 2, 1858; 312 THOMAS LYON OF RYE William B. Coffin m. 2nd, Susan Robinson; one dau. (4) Susie, b. Aug. 29, 1860. II. Eliza; b. Dec. 26, 1830; m. 1st, Jobn Janney; m. 2nd, Edward Rawson; they res. Lincoln, Va.; children by first husband: 1. Samuel M., 1). Nov. 7, 1855; res. Lincoln. Va.; 2. Clarissa, b. Aug. 3, 1857; res. Lincoln, Va. III. Mary P.; b. Feb. 23, 1833; m. William Brook; no ch.; res. near Washington Garden, New York City. IV. Reuben Finch; b. Dec. 30, 1837; d. Feb. 17, 1842. V. Julie M.; b. March 8, 1840; m. Dec. 22, 1864, at the Uriel Coffin farm, Robert R. Coleman; res. Mound Valley, Kansas; children: 1. Edward R., b. Jan 16, 1866; d. young; 2. Kate, b. May 20, 1867; d. young; 3. Nellie, b. Dec. 4, 1868; d. young; 4. William B., b. May 21, 1870; 5. Frank, b. March 30, 1876; d. young; 6. Twins; d. young. Note 23.— THE NELSON FAMILY. JOHN 1 NELSON was an early settler in Westchester Co., N. Y., at Mamaroneck. He married at Canarsie, L. I., Hendrickje, daughter of Dirck Janse Van der Vliet, of Flat Lands. His name appears vari- ously in the Dutch Church records as Jan Nelse. Jan Elsen and Jan Elizen. His recorded children were: 1. Maria, bapt. June 11, 1671; 2. Catherine; 3. Mahitable, bapt. Oct. 23, 1678; 4. Polycarpus, b. July 21, 1680; d. Dec. 19, 1738; 5. Eli; 6. Francis, b. about 1691; died after Nov. 13, 1750. FRANCIS- NELSON lived in Mamaroneck until May, 1716. when he purchased of Caleb Heathcote land in the manor of Scarsdale. He was assessor in that place in 1723. Oct. 8, 1733, he conveyed these lands with consent of his wife Ann, to William Barker of Mamaro- neck, and removed to the Highlands of Dutchess County. He pur- chased of his brother Polycarpus an interest in the Lesser or Lower "Nine Partners" Tract. His name last appears in the county recoris In 1750. Family tradition says that he married Mary Skinner. If so, he was twice married, since, in 1833, as shown above, his wife's name was Ann. He had fourteen children: 1. Reuben, b. Nov. 15, 1713; 2. John, b. 1718-9; 3. Theophilus, b. 1723-4; 4. Mephibosbeth; 5. Joshua [Major], b. Sept. 18, 1726; 6. Caleb [Captain]; 7. Mary; 8. Ann; 9. APPENDIX 813 Frances; 10. Christina; 11. Catherine; 12. Charity; 13. Lucretia; 14. Justus, b. Feb. 21, 1737. REUBEN' NELSON was surveyor of Highways and Fence Viewer of Charlotte Precinct, Dutchess Co., in 1763. His wife's name was Elizabeth; born in 1726; died April 20. 1812. Reuben Nelson died Dec. 5, 1784. His children were: 1. Francis R., b. July 5, 1749; bapt. May. 6, 1750; m. Sarah Lyon (No. 270); 2. Reuben R., b. Feb. 23, 1756; 3. Zeba; m. Smith Rowland; 4. Susanna, b. Oct. 13. 1751, bapt. Aug. 30, 1752; 5. Mary Ann, bapt. June 16, 1754; 6. Elizabeth. Note 24.— DESCENDANTS OF FRANCIS R. 4 NELSON AND Sarah Lyon. See No. 270. Data communicated by Cortez Nelson (No. 47). 270. V. 90. SARAH 5 LYON (NELSON) [Elnathan 4 , Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Jan. 26. 1763 (Fam. Bible); died Oct. 28, 1821, while en route with her family to the far west; buried at Marietta, O. She married, Nov. 15, 1787, Francis R. Nelson who was born at Clinton Corners (now Hyde Park), Dutchess Co., N. Y., July 15, 1749, and died June 2, 1812. Francis enlisted very early in the cause of the Colonies, serving first as a private, later successively as Corporal, Sergeant, Second Lieutenant and finally as First Lieutenant. At the close of hostilities, Francis returned to the farm at Clinton, where he spent the remaining years of his life. In 1821 the surviving members of the family left Dutchess County and settled in Indiana. Children of Francis R. and Sarah (Lyon) Nelson (Fam. Bible): (1) I. Reuben Washington; b. July 27. 17S9. at Clinton Corners: attorney at law; settled at Corydon. Ind. (then State capitol); accidentally (?) killed while "rilling t lie circuit" In Clarke Co. In company with a fellow attorney, near Mt. Vernon. Ind., about 1825. (*2) II. Harvey; b. Aug. 16. 1790. (*3) III. Amos; b. March 20, 1893. (4) IV. Thomas; b. July 20, 1895. (*5) V. Franklin; b. Sept. 8, 1897. (6) VI. Anna; b. March jo. isnn. (1) VII. Sarah; b. Auk. 9. 1803. (8) vim Elizabeth; b. Aug. ::. L805, (2) VI. 270 HARVEY" NELSON [Sarah 5 (Lyon), Elnathan*. Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas'] l)orn Clinton (Hyde Park), N. Y. ; died 314 THOMAS LYON OF RYE Georgetown, Ind., Oct. 26, 1840. He married in 1811 Jane Rowe who is said to have been of Buffalo. N. Y. She died Oct. 21, 1821. They lived at first in Dutchess County, N. Y., but removed about 1821 to Georgetown, Ind., where Mr. Nelson bought a farm. Children of Harvey and Jane (Rowe) Nelson, born in Clinton, N. Y. : (9) I. Susan; b. March 3. 1812: m. Curtis of New York. (10) II. Catherine; b. Dec. 6, 1813. (11) III. Louisa Caroline; b. Nov. 26. 1S15. (*12) VI. Francis Reuben; b. Jan. 10, 1818. (3) VI. 270. AMOS 6 NELSON [Sarah 5 (Lyon), Elnathan 4 , Jona- than 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ] born Clinton, N. Y., March 20, 1793; died in 1840. He married Nancy Smith, born at Wyethville, Va., Aug. 23, 1805; died at New Albany, Ind., in 1870. Amos Nelson settled about 1821 two and a half miles east of Corydon, Ind., on the south bank of Little Indian creek, where in partnership with his brother Franklin he con- ducted a tannery and shoemaking business. Children of Amos and Nancy (Smith) Nelson: (13) I. Caroline; b. 1827; d. 1847; unm. (14) II. Mary; b. 1830; d. 1850; unm. (15) III. James Harvey; b. 1835; learned the printers' trade, and was drowned at Lockport, Ind., July 4, 1854; unm. (5) VI. 270. FRANKLIN" NELSON [Sarah' 1 (Lyon), Elnathan 4 , Jonathan 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ] born Clinton, Sept. 8, 1797; died May 2, 1882. He married in 1826, Rachel Smith, a sister of his brother Amos' wife. She was born in Wyethville, Va., July 16, 1807. and died at New Albany, Ind., July 24, 1897. When war was declared in 1812, Franklin joined a company of Artillery, commanded by a kinsman, Captain Samuel Nelson, belonging to a regiment commanded by an- other kinsman, Colonel Joseph Nelson. The regiment was stationed during the war on Staten Island. Franklin afterwards learned the tanner's and shoemaker's trades, went west and took up land four miles east of Corydon, Ind., where he conducted in partnership with his brother Amos a successful business, combining agriculture with the leather industry. Children of Franklin and Rachel (Smith) Lyon: (»16) I. Elizabeth Ambrosia; b. Feb. 11, 1827; m. Socrates Jackson Bence. (*17) II. Susan Nepentha; b. Dec. 1, 1826; d. Dec. 4, 1903; m. 1st. Jesse Bliss; m. 2nd, Jonathan Hlsley. (18) III. William; b. April 4, 1830; d. in infancy. APPENDIX 315 (*19) IV. Panlina; b. June 17, 1833; m. Luke Kiger. (*20) V. John Patterson; b. Dec. 11, 1834. (*21) VI. Isaac Newton; b. Dec. 9, 1837; d. April 11. 1900. at Cushing, Oklahoma. (*22) VII. Keuben Washington; b. March 20, 1840; d. March J). 1872. (*23) VIII. George Anderson; b. March 24. 1S42; res. (1907) Georgetown, Ind. (24) IX. Margaret; b. May 6, 1S45; m. 1st. Sept. 17. 1884. Dr. Frederick Goebel; he d. Aug. 3, 1896 and she m. 2nd, May 15. 1905, Harvey Crabb. (*25) X. Sarah Lyon; b. Oct. 4, 1847; m. Jacob Schwartz. (*26) XI. Lewis Swearings, b. March 17. 1S49. (27) XII. Charles Henry; b. March 1, 1S52. (12) VII. (2) FRANCIS REUBEN 7 NELSON [Harvey 6 , Sarah 5 (Lyon), Elnathan 4 , Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas'] born Clinton, N. Y., Jan. 10, 1818; living in 1906. He married first Mary Jane McClintock, who died Nov. 14, 1855. He married second Rachel Morgan, who died about 1859. For his third wife he married Mary Walker, born in Vir- ginia; died at Georgetown, Ind., in 1885. Six years later he married a fourth wife Engleman. Children of Francis R. and Mary Jane (McCintock) Nelson: (28) I. Sarah Jane; b. June 26. 1842. (29) II. Francis Reuben; b. June 26, 1845; d. four days later. (30) III. John Curtis; b. June 9, 1848. Children of Francis R. and Rachel (Morgan) Nelson: (31) IV. Harvey. (32) V. Mary. (33) VI. Charles. (34) VII. David. (16) VII. (5) ELIZABETH AMBROSIA 7 NELSON (BENCE) [Franklin", Sarah 5 (Lyon), Elnathan 4 , Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ], born Feb. 11, 1827 in the old homestead near Corydon, Ind. She mar- ried, May 16, 1853, Socrates Jackson Bence, born Nov. 8, 1825, on the Bence farm near Corydon. He was sheriff of Harrison county for two terms. Children of Socrates J. and Elizabeth A. (Nelson) Bence. born at Corydon. Ind.: (*35) I. Walter Anderson; b. Nov. 18, 1854. (36) II. Mary Elizabeth; b. Dec. 19, 1858. (37) III. Jennie Pauline; b. March 31. 1862; m. Feb. 28, 1883. in the 3rd Presbyterian Church, Louisville, Ky., Benjamin C. Checkering: no Issue. (38) IV. John Franklin; b. July 12, 1864; m. Nellie Miller. (39) V. Louannah; b. June 16, 1867; d. April 27, 1889, of typhoid fever, at Corydon, Ind. (40) VI. Charles Winchell; b. April 14. 1870; m. Nov. 26. 1895. Mary H. Denbo, at Corydon; a son, Robert, b. July 7, 1900. 316 THOMAS LYON OF RYE (17) VII. (5) SUSAN NEPENTHA 7 NELSON (BLISS) (HIS- LEY) [Franklin 8 , Sarah 5 (Lyon), Elnathan 4 , Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thom- as 1 ] born Dec. 1, 1828, on the old homestead near Corydon, Ind. She married first Jesse Bliss. He died about 1862 and she married second Jonathan Hisley of Valley City, Ind. Children of Jesse and Susan N. (Nelson) Bliss: (41) I. John Wesley; m. Mary Ellen Thomas; several children. (42) II. Eliza; m. Hisley, s. of Jonathan. (43) III. George; went West. (44) IV. Edward; m. Hottel. (45) V. Franklin Parley; m. and has a large family; res. Los Angeles, Calif. (19) VII. (5) PAULINA' NELSON (KIGER) [Franklin 9 , Sarah 5 (Lyon), Elnathan*, Jonathan 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ] born June 17, 1833; married, Dec. 25, 1868, Luke Kiger, who was born in Germany. Son of Luke and Paulina (Nelson) Kiger: (46) Thomas Franklin; b. July 28, 1870; m. ; several children; res. with parents near Corydon, Ind. (20) VII. (5) JOHN PATTERSON 7 NELSON [Franklin 5 , Sarah 5 (Lyon), Elnathan 4 , Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ] born Dec. 11, 1834, near Corydon Ind.; married first, May 1, 1863, Frances Adeline, daugh- ter of Alfred and Lucinda McCown, born April 27, 1842, near Lanes- ville, Ind.; d. Oct. 8, 1867. He married second, Oct. 6, 1871, Elizabeth, daughter of Andrew and Catherine Getz; she died April 7, 1900. John P. Nelson, although not a soldier in the Union army, rendered impor- tant services in the Civil war as a member of the Home Guard and in the Secret Service. It was he, with his "bosom chum," Jacob Keller, who put to flight Morgan's advance guard upon Corydon. Armed with repeating rifles, they emptied half a score of saddles, and sent the re- maining rebs back to report that they had been attacked by an over- whelming force in ambush. Children of John P. and Frances A. (McCown) Nelson: (47) I. Cortez; b. April 15, 1863, at Bence's Mills, near Corydon, Ind.; m. March 5, 1894, Eva Halstead, at Newark, N. J.; res. New York City. (*48) II. Maggie Helen; b. Dec. 28, 1864; m. David Miller. Children of John P. and Elizabeth (Getz) Nelson: (*49) III. Catherine; b. Sept. 8, 1872; m. Charles Irving Jones. (50) IV. Andrew; b. Aug. 17, 1873; d. Sept. 19, 1873. (*51) V. James Fowler; b. Dec. 4, 1874. THOMAS LYON OF RYE 317 (52) VI. William Otterbein; b. May 12, 1877. (53) VII. Rachel; b. Sept. 7, 1878; d. Oct. 2, 1879. (54) VIII. Levi; b. Oct. 29, 1881. (21) VII. (5) ISAAC NEWTON 7 NELSON [Franklin 8 , Sarah (Lyon), Elnathan 4 , Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas'] born Dec. 9, 1837; died in Cushing, Oklahoma, April 11, 1900. He married in 1866 Lydia Ann, daughter of George Shuck, Esq., born Feb. 22, 1845. At the breaking out of the Civil war, he enlisted in the 17th Indiana mounted infantry and served in that regiment with great valor and distinction until the close of the war. At Stony Point he was seriously wounded, yet a few days later joined his company in their gallant charge at Missionary Ridge, being one of the few who survived. Children of Isaac N. and Lydia Ann (Shuck) Nelson: (55 I. William Sherman; b. July 3, 1S67. (56) II. Mary Henrietta; b. near Corydon. Ind., Sept. 19, 1S69; m. Sept. 8, 1897. William Earnest, in Oklahoma. (57) III. Henry Wilson; b. May 2, 1873; m. in Oklahoma, Sept. 6, 1S96, Erie Palmer; children: 1. Edwin, b. Oct. 3, 1897; 2. George, b. April 17. 1900. (58) IV. Florence Elizabeth; b. July 3, 1875; m. Feb. 29, 1896, Charles Smith; children: 1. Everett, b. Jan. 29, 1897; 2. Claude, b. Feb. 5. 1899. (59) V. Abbie May; b. Aug. 11, 1878; m. Feb. 21, 1S97, Thomas Loftln, Oklahoma; a son Norville, b. Nov. 25, 1S97. (60) VI. George Franklin; b. March 1. 1882. (61) VII. Bonnie Alice; b. June 28, 1S86. (22) VII. (5) REUBEN WASHINGTON 7 NELSON [Franklin 8 , Sarah 5 (Lyon) Elnathan 4 , Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ] born at the old homestead near Corydon, Ind., and died March 24, 1872. He mar- ried in 1867 Susanna, daughter of Philip and Anna Zenor, born May 3, 1840. After Mr. Nelson's death, she married again and moved to Kansas, where she died Sept. 3, 1887. Reuben Washington Nelson enlisted early in the civil war in the Home Guards for the defense of the State against the Bushwhackers and Sons of the Golden Circle, but found this service too tame and accordingly joined the 144th In- diana Regiment in which he served until the close of the war. Children of Reuben W. and Susanna (Zenor) Nelson: (62) I. Minnie Alice; b. Nov. 3, 1868. (63) II. Rachel Jane; b. March 21, 1870; m. Dec. IB, 1892, K.rnard McCormick; children: 1. Bernard Earl, b. Sept. 27, 1893; L'. Reuben, b. Dec. 12, 1898. (64) III. Socrntet* Hence; b. March 17. 1S72. 318 THOMAS LYON OF RYE (23) VII. (5) GEORGE ANDERSON 7 NELSON [Franklin 6 , Sarah 6 (Lyon), Elnathan 4 , Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ] born at the old homestead near Corydon, Ind., March 24, 1842. He married, April 5, 1866, Anna, daughter of Thomas Lone, Esq., born Feb. 6, 1845. He enlisted, July 22, 1861 in Company E of the 3rd Indiana Cavalry, and served until the close of the war. His regiment was in all the hot campaigns in Virginia, and was one of the mainstays of Sherman's Flying Squadron. George Nelson was thrice wounded and once taken prisoner, but escaped his captors. Such was his dare-devil spirit that his captain, Benjamin Gresham, threatened to put a guard over him to keep him quiet. George A. Nelson and his wife are now residing at Georgetown, Ind. Children of George A. and Anna (Lone) Nelson: (65) I. Sally Lyon; b. Jan. 15, 1868; m. Nov. 16, 1886. Joseph Endries, of Lanesville, Ind. (*66) II. Nellie Grant; b. March 22, 1869; m. Clarence Crowe. (67) III. George Walter; b. Aug. 20, 1877. (68) IV. Thomas Franklin; b. Dec. 26, 1878. (25) VII. (5) SARAH LYON 7 NELSON (SCHWARTZ) [Frank- lin", Sarah 6 (Lyon), Elnathan 4 , Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 Thomas 1 ] born Oct. 4, 1847, at the old homestead near Corydon, Ind. She married, May 7, 1874, Jacob Schwartz, born in Germany, June 25. 1844; died in New Albany, Ind., Jan. 31, 1899. Children of Jacob and Sarah Lyon (Nelson) Schwartz: (69) I. John; b. Feb. 17, 1875; d. March 14, 1884. (70) II. Mayme; b. at New Albany, Ind.. Jan. 31, 1S77; m. Sept. 10. 1896. Joseph F. Sanders; children: 1. Greene A., b. Jan. 19, 1898; 2. Sarah Josephine, b. Oct. 24, 1900; 3. Eva Ruth, b. March 3, 1904. (71) III. Margaret; b. Aug. 25. 1882; m. Sept. 6, 1905. Charles M. Pea- cock, of New Albany, Ind. (26) VII. (5) LEWIS SWEARINGS 7 NELSON [Franklin 8 , Sarah 5 (Lyon), Elnathan 4 , Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ] born March 17, 1849, at the old homestead near Corydon, Ind. He married Ona E. Rhodes, of Warren County, Indiana. Children of Lewis S. and Ona E. (Rhodes) Nelson: (72) I. Franklin; b. Oct. 20, 1893; d. Nov. 6. 1895. (73) II. Alvah King; b. June 15, 1898. (74) III. A daughter; b. March 29. 1905; d. Dec. 21. 1905. APPENDIX 319 (35) VIII. (16) WALTER ANDERSON 8 BENCE [Elizabeth A. 7 (Nelson). Franklin ', Sarah' (Lyon), Elnathan 4 , Jonathan 3 , Thongs', Thomas 1 ] born Nov. 18, 1854, at Corydon, Ind.; married Oct. 5. 1879. Kate Walters. Children of Walter A. and Kate (Walters) Bence: (75) I. Olive May; b. 1881. (76) II. Adah; b. Jan. 12. 1887. (77) III. Socrates Jackson; b. Sept. IS. 1891. (78) IV. Henry; b. Jan. 1, 1899. (48) VIII. (20) MAGGIE HELEN 8 NELSON (MILLER) [John P. 1 , Franklin 8 , Sarah 5 (Lyon), Elnathan 4 , Jonathan 8 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ] born Dec. 28. 1864; married, Sept. 2, 1885 to David Miller, born March 27, 1861. Children of David and Maggie Helen (Nelson) Miller: (79) I. Nellie; b. July 19, 1S86; m. John F. Bence (No. 38); one child. (80) II. Charles; b. Oct. 9, 1892. (81) III. Franklin; b. July 3, 1895. (49) VIII. (20) CATHERINE 8 NELSON (JONES) [John P. 7 , Franklin", Sarah'' (Lyon), Elnathan 4 , Jonathan 3 . Thomas-, Thomas 1 ] born Sept. 8, 1872; married, July 24, 1895. Charles Irving Jones, at Birdseye, Ind. Children of Charles I. and Catherine (Nelson) Jones: (82) I. Lillie May; b. June 15, 1896. (83) II. Lila Fay; b. June 1. 1898. (84) III. Harry Cecil; b. Aug. 14. 1900. (85) IV. Roy Karl; b. March 7. 1905. (51) VIII. (20) JAMES FOWLER 8 NELSON [John P. T , Frank- lin 6 , Sarah 5 (Lyon), Elnathan', Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ] born Dec. 4, 1874; married, May 1899, Laura King. Children of James F. and Laura (King) Nelson: (86) I. John D.; b. April 24, 1900. (87) II. Walter M.; b. April 2, 1902. (66) VIII. (23) NELLIE GRANT 8 NELSON (CRONE) [George A. 7 , Franklin", Sarah 5 (Lyon), Elnathan*, Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Thomas 1 ] born March 22, 1869, near Corydon, Ind.; married, July 10, 1884. Clar- ence Crone, of Georgetown, Ind. 320 THOMAS LYON OF RYE Children of Clarence and Nellie Grant (Nelson) Crone: (86) I. Clemmie E.; b. Feb. 8, 1886. (87) II. George; b. Dec. 24, 1888. (88) III. Roy; b. Sept. 9, 1889. (89) IV. Orin; b. April 8, 1S92. (90) V. Walter; b. May 9, 1893. (91) VI. Anna; b. Dec. 18, 1894. (92) VII. A son; b. Jan. 8, 1902. NOTE 25.— MAJOR THOMAS LYON OF LYON BROOK, N. Y. In the Lyon Memorial, Connecticut and New Jersey Families, p. 249 it is stated that three brothers, Samuel, Alexander and "Major" Lyon, "from Connecticut or Rhode Island" settled in 1791 at Lyon Brook, Chenango Co., N. Y. The information came from a descendant of this Samuel Lyon and should be authentic. Reasons are given (loc. cit.) for the belief that these three brothers were from Rhode Island, and that they were descendants of Henry Lyon of Newark. The account stated that of the three brothers, two, Samuel and Alex- ander, had served in the Revolutionary war "in a Connecticut regi- ment." The name Alexander Lyon, however, does not occur in any list of Revolutionary soldiers from Connecticut, and the vague family tra- dition cannot be given much weight. The definite statement, however, that the third brother, "Major" Lyon, was killed at Little York in a fight with the British in 1812, is confirmed by the following passage found in the Annals of Oxford. Thomas Lyon, one of three brothers who came to Oxford, N. Y., from Dutchess County in 1792, "became a major and led a regiment of State Troops from the County of Chen- ango in the War of 1812. Towards the close of 1813 General Dearborn, under whom Major Lyon served, crossed Lake Erie with seventeen hundred men, with the intention of attacking York, now Toronto, and then the chief depot of the British Posts in the West. A landing was made before York on the 27th of the month [April] under hot fire, but the Americans pushed on and the enemy were driven from the works. The Americans were still pressing toward the main works when a magazine exploded, a plot of the British. Two hundred Americans were killed and wounded, among the mortally wounded being Majop Lyon, who was carried on board the Commodore's vessel and there died, the death of a hero." In fact the troops who were engaged in the at- tack upon York were under the command of Gen. Zebulon M. Pike, and that officer with two of his aides, one of them very possibly Major J L+~4f*lA~ t 7*— '•<,^<*> ? "V Or J APPENDIX 321 Thomas Lyon, were mortally injured in the explosion. General Pike lingered long enough to receive the British ensign torn down from the captured fort. It is clear that Major Thomas Lyon was not Thomas 5 No. 288 [David 4 , Jonathan 3 , Thomas-', Thomas'], whose history is given else- where in this volume in detail. The conjecture that the three brothers were sons of Thomas Lyon of Cranston, R. I., whose brother John re- moved from Rhode Island about 1794 (?) to Sherburne, Chenango Co., N. Y., is a very plausible one. If one further assumes that John Lyon born at Lyons Farms about 1698 accompanied or followed his brother, Lieutenant James, to Rhode Island, we have this possible lineage: Major Thomas 5 , Thomas 4 , John 3 , SamueP, Henry 1 , of Newark. Returning to the Annals of Oxford, we find the statement that Thomas, David and Samuel Lyon, brothers, went from Dutchess Coun- ty, N. Y..t to Oxford, N. Y.. in 1792. "They went up the river in a canoe from Great Bend, Pa., and settled at what is now known as Lyons Brook, then called Can-na-wa-go. They purchased seven square miles of land for one shilling per acre. After meeting with many vicissitudes they finally cleared the land and developed several fine farms and erected sjrist Mills and saw mills." Evidently this is another version of the story of the brothers, Alexander, Samuel and "Major", who "came to Lyon Brook in 1791, bought land of Benjamin Hovey, Gov. Clinton's land agent for one shilling an acre, and built a grist mill, a lumber mill and a woolen mill." The brothers could not have been Thomas, David and Samuel, Nos. 288, 292 and 294, but there is reason to believe that David No. 292 did go to Chenango county to live, for it is stated that in 1811 his sister Elizabeth Jacobs, No. 287 went to join him there. A daughter of David, Susanne or Susan mar- ried a son of Samuel Lyon of Lyons Brook, and it is stated by their grand daughter, Miss Anna Holcomb, that these Lyons were not re- lated ["were of entirely different dens"]. Miss Holcomb gives the following record. Children of Samuel and - - (— — ) Lyo I. Daniel: m. / II. Hiilduh; m. Charles Smith III. Sally; m. Rathbone. mith. tCircumstantial as this account is. it may be after all that the three brothers did not come from Dutchess County. It would be natural to assume that they came from there, because other Lyons In rhenango County were from that locality. (21) ^ 322 THOMAS LYON OF RYE IV. Betsey; m. Burlingame [note that Thomas Lyon of Cranston. R. I. married Huldah Burlingame — also that John Lyon ot Scituate. R. I. mar- ried Martha Burlingame, sister of Huldah. and that John Lyon settled in Sherburne not far from Oxford, N. Y.] V. Polly; m. Samuel Pollard. VI. Samuel; m. Eddy. VII. Lovina; m. John Pollard. VIII. Lucina; twin sister of Lovina; m. Baker. IX. Ira; m. . X. Lovica; m. William Smith. XL George Rowley; m. Susan Lyon No. 743. CV-i~4 t*-t£G . V '- ^^1 ^ O^t^ U^4<. J<~J*o \ LYON FAMILIES OF PENNSYLVANIA. About 1750-1763 there came from Enniskillen, eo. Ulster, Ireland, to Pennsylvania a Lyon family whose descendants are now widely spread and number some of the most prominent representatives of the Lyon family in America. The ancestry of the Irish family has not been traced, but there is every reason to believe that it sprang from the same stock as the English families. It is observable that in Ireland as in England the name appears both with and without the final "s." The immigrants were John Lyon with his family, and three sons of his younger brother, James. 3000. I. . JOHN 1 LYON, of Enniskillen, Ireland, was born early in the eighteenth century. He married in Ireland Margaret Armstrong whose brother Col. John Armstrong, was also an immigrant to America, and played a prominent part in Colonial and Revolutionary days in Pennsylvania history. John died in 1780, will dated Dec. 13, 1779; his widow died about 1793; both were buried in Tuscarora. They settled 1763 on a farm two miles west of Mifflintown, Pa. Children of John and Margaret (Armstrong) Lyon: *3001. I. William; b. March 17, 1729; m. Alice Armstrong. *300^. II. James; m. Martin. *3003. III. Samuel; m. Eleanor Blaine. •3004. IV. John; m. Mary Harris. 3005. V. Mary; b. 174S: m. Benjamin Lyon (No. 3103). 3006. VI. Frances; b. 1752; d. May 7, 1839; m. William Graham. 3007. VII. Margaret Alice; m. Thomas Anderson. 3008. VIII. Agnes; unm . 3001. II. 3000. WILLIAM 2 LYON [John 1 ], born in Ireland March 17, 1729, came to America in 1750 and settled at Carlisle, Pa., where he died Feb. 7, 1809. He married first, 1756, Alice, daughter of his uncle, Col. John Armstrong. He married second Ann Fleming. He was a lieutenant 1757 in the Colonial army, and in the following year was in the Du Quesne expedition. He was a member of the Committee of Safety in 1776 and held various court offices. Son of William and Alice (Armstrong) Lyon: ♦3000. I. James; b. Oct. 1757; d. Nov. 11, 1811; m. Sally Eyre. Children of William and Ann (Fleming) Lyon: 3010. II. Margaret; b. May 9. 1770; m. July 25. 17T3 Rev. Tavld Denny. 324 LYON FAMILIES OF PENNSYLVANIA 3011. III. John; b. Oct. 13, 1771; m. Priscilla Coulter; was a lawyer at Uniontown. 301'i. IV. William; b. June 17, 1773; d. early, at St. Francisville. La. *3013. V. Samuel; b. Jan. 20, 1775; m. Hetty Broome. 3014. VI. Mary; b. Aug. 20, 1776; d. 1S32; unm. 3015. VII. Alexander Parker; b. Aug. 4, 1778; d. 1808; unm.; a lawyer. 3016. VIII. Nancy; b. Aug. 16, 17S0; d. 1800; unm. 3017. IX. Alice Armstrong; b. Sept. 25, 1781; m. March 6, 1810. George Chambers of Chambersburg; d. 1848. *3018. X. George Armstrong; b. April 11, 1784; d. Jan. 6. 1S55; m. Anne M . Savage . 3002. II. 3000. JAMES 2 LYON [John 1 ], born in Ireland and mar- ried there to Martin. He came to America in 1763 and lo- cated in Mifflin Co., Pa. He was assessor in 1777. Children of James and (Martin) Lyon: 3019. I. John; b. in Ireland; settled in Butler Co., Pa., where he left descendants; was in the Revolutionary war. 3020. II. Margaret; b. Philadelphia, 1763, three days after arrival of her parents in America: m. 17S3. John Oliver; d. June 8, 1847 at McVeytown. *3021. III. William: b. Jan. 31. 1765; m. Rebecca Graham. 3022. IV. Elizabeth; b. ; m. John McVey. founder of McVeytown; rem. to Zanesville. O. ; d. ae. 88 y. 3023. V. IsabeUa; b. Aug. 14, 1770; m. June 20, 1793, John Patterson; d. June 28, 1858. 3024. VI. Nancy; twin sister of Isabella; m. about 1794 John Patterson, cousin of her sister's husband; d. April 16, 1855. 3025. VII. Mary; b. May 6. 1774; m. Robert Forsythe; d. Feb. 24, 1861. *3026. VIII. James; b. Feb. 11, 1786; d. March 20. 1872; m. Elizabeth Lyon (No. 3104). 3003. II. 3000. SAMUEL 2 LYON [John 1 ], born in Ireland; died April 9, 1795. He inherited one half of his father's farm. He held various offices; was a colonel and commissioner for the Revolutionary army. He married Eleanor Blaine. Children of Samuel and Eleanor (Blaine) Lyon: 3027. I. Margaret; b. March 26. 1772; m. Jan. 16, 1795, her cousin James Blaine, son of Col. Ephraim Blaine; they had a son Ephraim who mar- ried Maria Gillespie and was the father of the distinguished statesman. James Gillespie Blaine. 3028. II. Isabella; b. Feb. 14, 1774; m. March 12. 1798 ; m. 2nd. Alexander Reed. 3029. III. John; b. Feb. 1. 1776: d. 1814; unm.; was a lawyer in Bedford. 3030. IV. Nancy; b. April 27, 1778; d. June 22, 1867; unm. 3031. V. Rebecca; b. Nov. 2. 1785; m. Feb. 6, 1812 James M. Russell; d. Dec. 14, 1870 at Bedford. •3032. VI. Samnel; b. Jan. 19, 1791; m. Nancy Campbell. LYON FAMILIES OF PENNSYLVANIA 325 3004. II. 3000. JOHN* LYON [John*], born in Ireland; died about 1820. He inherited one half his father's farm. In 1797 he re- moved to Butler Co., Pa. He married Mary, daughter of John Harris of Mifflintown. Children of John and Mary (Harris) Lyon: 3033. I. Thomas Harris 3034. II. William. 3035. III. John. 3036. IV. James. 3037. V. Margaret. 3038. VI. Mary. 3039. VII. Catherine. 3040. VIII. Nancy. 3009. III. 3001. JAMES 8 LYON [William 2 , John 1 ], born Oct. 1757; died Nov. 21, 1811; married July 25, 1793, Sally Eyre of North- ampton Co., Va. He was a physician. Children of James and Sally (Eyre) Lyon: 3041. I. William; unm. 3042. II. Margaret; m. William Taylor, a lawyer; res. Norfolk, Va. 3013. III. 3001. SAMUEL 8 LYON [William 1 , John 1 ], born Jan. 20, 1775; married March 1800, Hetty Broome. He was a merchant in Baltimore, Md. Children of Samuel and Hetty (Broome) Lyon: *3043. I. William; m. 1st Reynolds; m. 2nd Mulholland. •3044. II. George Armstrong; m. Mary Sterrett. 3045. III. Jacob; res. Clarion Co., Pa. 3046. IV. John; res. Clarion Co., Pa. 3047. V. Rachel; m. Dr. Hugh Campbell of Uniontown, Pa. 3018. III. 3001. GEORGE ARMSTRONG* LYON [William*, John 1 ], born April 11, 1784 at Carlisle, Pa.; d. Jan. 6, 1855. He was an attorney and prominent citizen. He married, June 14, 1815, Anna M. Savage of Northampton Co., Va. Children of George A. and Anna M. (Savage) Lyon: 3048. I. Virginia T.; b. July 31, 1817; d. 1866; unm. •3049. II. William; b. Aug. 3, 1819: m. Augusta Baldwin. 3050. III. John [Rot.]; b. July 26. 1821; unm. 3051. IV. Susan Ellen; b. May 24, 1823; d. Oct. 27, 1862; m. J. W. Burbridge; res. New Orleans, La. 326 LYON FAMILIES OF PENNSYLVANIA 3052. V. Mary Elizabeth; b. March 25, 1825; d. May 25, 1838. 3053. VI. Anna Margaret; b. ; m. James B. Lyon (No. 3110). ♦3054. VII. Alexander Parker; b. June 29, 1829; m. Elizabeth T. Denniston. 3055. VIII. Thomas Eyttleton; b. April 29, 1832; d. March 29, 1883; m. 1st. Mrs. A. Marks; m. 2nd. Beulah Clark; res. New Orleans, La. 3056. IX. Alice Chambers; b. April 13, 1836; m. June 13, 1861 Thomas C. Lazear, a lawyer; res. Pittsburg, Pa. 3021. III. 3002. WILLIAM 3 LYON [James 2 , John 1 ], born Jan. 31, 1865; married Rebecca Graham. Children of William and Rebecca (Graham) Lyon: 3057. I. William Graham; b. March 7, 1799; d. April 11, 1816. 3058. II. Ann Eliza; b. Jan. 7, 1801; d. Nov. 10, 1801. *3059. III. George Armstrong; b. Dec. 12, 1803; m. Jessie Alexander. 3060. IV. Rebecca Armstrong; b. Aug. 21, 1806; d. June 11, 1831; m. Stuart Turbett. 3061. V. Amanda; b. Aug. 31, 1808; d. early. 3062. VI. John R.; b. Aug. 19, 1810; d. early. 3063. VII. James; m. Mary Holmes of Pittsburg, Pa.; ch. 1. Ann Eliza; 2. Sarah. 3026. III. 3002. JAMES 8 LYON [James 2 , John 1 ], born Feb. 11, 1786; died March 20, 1872; married his cousin Elizabeth Lyon (No. 3104), they lived in Huntington Co., later in Fulton Co., Pa. Children of James and Elizabeth (Lyon) Lyon: 3064. I. Margaret Oliver; b. June 7. 1810; d. March 1863; m. 1832, D. C. Ross. ♦3065. II. John William; b. Dec. 1811; m. Catherine V. Ross. 3066. III. Benjamin Alexander; b. May 25, 1818; unm. *3067. IV. James Graham; b. Oct. 3, 1820; m. Margaret Roberts. 3032. III. 3003. SAMUEL 8 LYON [Samuel 2 , John 1 ], born Jan. 19, 1791; married Nancy Campbell. Children of Samuel and Nancy (Campbell) Lyon: 3068. I. Parker Campbell; res. Richmond, Va. 3069. II. Ellen; m. Rev. Nichols of Mobile, Ala. 3043. IV. m. 1st, 3013. WILLIAM 4 LYON [Samuel 8 , William 2 , John 1 ]; Reynolds; m, 2nd, Mulholland. Children of William Lyon: 3070. I. WiUiam; d. young. 3071. II. Samuel; lawyer In Blairsville. 3072. III. May; m. George Duchat; res. Chicago, 111. 3073. IV. George McDonald; unm.; res. Chicago. There were other children. I. VOX FAMILIES OF PENNSYLVANIA ^L'7 3044. IV. 3013. REV. GEORGE ARMSTRONG 4 LYON [Samuel 8 , William 1 , John 1 ], married Mary Sterrett, Erie, Pa. Children of George A. and Mary (Sterrett) Lyon: 3073. I. Margaret; b. 1830; m. John W. Douglas, lawyer, Washington, D. C. 3074. II. Alexander Mcl>.; b. 1835; m. 1st. Ann Lowry; m. 2nd, Maria Crolby; 2 ch. 3075. III. George A.; b. 1837; m. Rose Vincent; 2 ch . 3076. IV. Wilbur; b. 1841; m. 1st, Hattie Cadwell; m. 2nd, Maria Derrick- son; 2 ch . 3049. IV. 3018. REV. WILLIAM 4 LYON [George A 8 ., William 2 , John 1 ], born Aug. 3, 1819; died June 1862; m. July 1846 Augusta Bald- win. Children of William and Augusta (Baldwin) Lyon: 3077. I. George A.; b. July 6, 1847. 3078. II. John Lyttleton; b. Aug. 13, 1849. 3079. III. Henry Webb; b. June 1852. 3080. IV. Lucy Baldwin; b. Aug. 1854. 3081. V. Anna Trace; b. June 1859. 3082. VI. William Lyttleton; b. Sept. 1860. 3054. IV. 3018. ALEXANDER PARKER 4 LYON [George A 8 ., William 2 , John 1 ], born June 29, 1829; died Dec. 17, 1861; m. May 10, 1855 Eliza T. Denniston. Children of Alexander P. and Eliza T. (Denniston) Lyon: 3083. I. Catherine Thaw; b. May 6. 1856; m. Albert Fell, of Philadelphia, Pa. 3084. II. Charles Lyttleton; b. Jan. 26, 1858; m. Annie Reed. 3085. III. Alexander Parker; b. Dec. 27. 1859; m. Mary Duydam; a dau. Emma. 3086. IV. John Denniston; b. Jan. 1861; res. Pittsburg, Pa. 3059. IV. 3021. GEORGE ARMSTRONG 4 LYON [William 8 . James 2 , John 1 ], born Dec. 12, 1803; died Oct. 23, 1873; m. 1st, Nov. 11, 1830, Jessie Alexander; she died May 12, 1835 and he married second, Oct. 31, 1836, Sidney J. Oliver. Children of George A. and Jessie (Alexander) Lyon: 3087. I. Rebecca Armstrong; b. Nov. 18, 1831; m. 1st, James McAllister; m. 2nd. Jan. 16, 1879, David Wilson, Ph. D. 3088. II. James Alexander; b. April 8, 1833; m. Orlie A. Mltchelson; ch. : 1. Albert Chase; 2. James Park, Wymore, Neb. Daughter of George A. and Sidney J. (Oliver) Lyon: 3089. III. Mary M.; b. March 23, 1840; res. Belleville, Pa. 328 LYOX FAMILIES OF PENNSYLVANIA 3065. IV. 3026. JOHN WILLIAM 4 LYON [James 8 , James 2 , John 1 ], born Dec. 1811; died Feb. 27, 1845; was a farmer in Fulton Co. He married, Dec. 1838, Catherine V. Ross. Children of John W. and Catherine V. (Ross) Lyon: 3090. I. Elizabeth; b. Oct. 10, 1S39; m. George Chestnut. 3091. II. Margaret; b. May 1841; m . J. W. Patterson. 3092. III. James Graham; b. Feb. 1843. 3093. IV. John; b. Jan. 1845. 3067. IV. 3026. JAMES GRAHAM 4 LYON [James 8 , James 2 , John 1 ], born Oct. 3, 1820; res. Fulton Co.; married June 27, 1857, Mar- garet Roberts. Children of James G. and Margaret (Roberts) Lyon: 3094. I. Mary Ida; b. May 10, 185S; d. Feb. 14, 1864. 3095. II. Ettie Elizabeth; b. Oct. 10, 1859. 3096. III. James Elmer; b. Feb. 2, 1869. 3100. JAMES LYON, brother of John Lyon, No. 3000, did not him- self come to America, but three of his sons did so. Among his children were: 3101. I. WUliam; a Tory; settled in Canada. 3102. II. Robert; a lieutenant in the 6th Pennsylvania, In the Revolution; d. Northumberland, Pa., Aug. 19, 1823, ae. 77. ♦3103. III. Benjamin; b. 1752; m. Mary Lyon (No. 3005). 3103. II. 3100. BENJAMIN 2 LYON [James 1 ], born in Ireland 1752; came to America 1763 with his uncle John Lyon (No. 3000). He was a lieutenant and captain in the Revolution; resigned 1779 on account of ill health. He removed to Northumberland but returned about 1800. He married his cousin Mary Lyon (No. 3005). She died 1811, and he went to live with his daughter Elizabeth in Hunting- don County. Children of Benjamin and Mary (Lyon) Lyon: 3104. I. Elizabeth; b. Dec. 15, 1780; d. Jan. 21, 1849; m. her cousin James Lyon (No. 3026). *3105. II. John; b. Aug. 11, 1782; d. Jan. 25, 1868. *3106. III. James; b. April 12, 1787; m. Ann Forman. 3107. IV. Margaret; d. about 1825. 3105. III. 3103. JOHN 8 LYON [Benjamin 2 , James 1 ], born Aug. 11, 1782; died Jan. 25, 1868. He married first, April 29, 1808, Jane LYON FAMILIES OF PENNSYLVANIA 329 Maclay. She died April 30, 1809 and he married second, Sept. 7, 1814, Ann Patton, daughter of Gen. John Patton; she died May 1817 and he married third, July 20, 1820, Margaret E. Stewart. She died May 26, 1835 and he married fourth Ann P. Hubley, who survived him and died Nov. 13, 1884. He was head of the firm of Lyon, Short & Co., engaged in the iron industry. He removed to Pittsburg where he carried on the manufacture of charcoal on a very extensive scale. Son of John and Jane (Maclay) Lyon: 3108. I. WiUiam Maclay; b. April 20, 1809; was a member of his father's firm . Son of John and Ann (Patton) Lyon: *3109. II. John Patton; b. June 5, 1815; m. Westanna S. Elliott. Children of John and Margaret E. (Stewart) Lyon: *3110. III. James Benjamin; b. April 21, 1821; m. Anna M. Lyon (No. 3053). ♦3111. IV. Samuel Stewart; b. Nov. 11, 1822; m. Anna Valentine. 3112. V. Mary A.; b. Dec. 24, 1824; d. March 7, 1863; m. Feb. 15, 1848 J . Robert Lowrie . *3113. VI. George W.J b. Nov. 7, 1826; m. Anna C. Potter. 3114. VII. Jane Alice; b. March 24, 1829; m. April 11, 1850 Bucher Ayres. 3115. VIII. 3Iargaret Elizabeth; twin sister of Jane; d. Oct. 12, 1867; m. Oct. 15. 1851, Rev. Robert Hamill. 3116. IX. Sarah Walker; b. April 28, 1831; d. May 15, 1860; m. Dec. 23, 1852, George Bucher Porter. •3117. X. Thomas Stewart; b. March 15, 1833; m. Nannie J. Wright. 3118. XI. Emma; b. April 4, 1835; d. young. 3106. III. 3103. JAMES 8 LYON [Benjamin 2 , James 1 ], born April 12, 1787; d. Aug. 28, 1851; a merchant in Oswego, N. Y.; m. April 25, 1811, Ann Forman. Children of James and Ann (Forman) Lyon: 3119. I. Joseph Benjamin; b. March 3, 1812; m. Ann ; d. Nov. 9, 1872. 31'30. II. John Edward; b. June 18, 1813; m. Catherine M. Tracy; res. Oswego, N. Y.; children: 1. Kate, m. i 2. James, of California; 3. Annie, unm.: 4. Gardiner. 3121. III. Mary Elizabeth; b. Dec. 24, 1814; m. 1st. Theodore Morgan; m. 2nd, Charles Whittlesey. 3122. IV. James H.; b. April 6. 1817; m. Ann Maloney; res. Chicago. 111.; children: 1. Mary, m. F. Richie; 2. Kate. 3123 V Margaret; b. Aug. 29. 1822; m. George W. Noxon. 3124. VI. Joshua Forman; b. June 6. 1830; d. April 12, 1856: unm. 3109. IV. 3105. JOHN PATTON 4 LYON [John*, Benjamin', James'], born June 5, 1815; was an iron manufacturer. Sllgo, Clarion Co. He married Westanna S. Elliott 330 LYON FAMILIES OF PENNSYLVANIA Children of John P. and Westanna S. (Elliott) Lyon: 3125. I. John Edward; d. young. •3126. II. David Elliot; b. Dec. 26, 1844; m. Ettie M. Smith. 3127. III. Anna Ellen; d. young. 3128. IV. Fanny Grant; m. Feb. 22, 1870, George B. Logan. 3129. V. Alice Patton. 3130. VI. John Patton; d. young. 3131. VII. Edward West; m. Aug. 24. 1882. Minnie M. Relnhart of Thomasville, N. C. ; ch. : 1. Margori; 2. Minon. 3132. VIII. Marian Bella. 3110. IV. 3105. JAMES BENJAMIN 4 LYON [John 3 , Benjamin 2 , James 1 ], born April 21, 1821; married, Oct. 3, 1850, Anna M. Lyon (No. 3053). Children of James B. and Anna M. (Lyon) Lyon: 3133. I. Ellen D.; b. April 5, 1852. 3134. II. John Glaniis; b. July 20, 1855; glass manufacturer, Pittsburg, Pa.; m. Adelina C. Langworthy; a son James B., b. Oct. 3, 1883. 3135. III. Margaret Stewart; b. May 19, 1858. 3136. IV. James Benjamin; b. Oct. 9, 1S60. 3137. V. George Alexander; b. March 22, 1863. 3138. VI. Mary Eowrie; b. March 15, 1866. 3139. VII. Thomas Lyttleton; b. Feb. 17, 1869; glass manufacturer, Pittsburg, Pa. 3111. IV. 3105. SAMUEL STEWART 4 LYON [John 8 , Benjamin 2 , James 1 ], born Nov. 11, 1822; res. Bellefonte, Pa.; m. Oct. 16, 1855, Anna Valentine. Children of Samuel S. and Anna (Valentine) Lyon: 3140. I. John Stewart; b. Jan. 4, 1857; m. April 2, 1885, Margaret McKnight. 3141. II. Abraham Valentine; d. young. 3142. III. Anna Valentine; b. April 1, 1858. 3143. IV. Clara Valentine; b. March 14, 1861; m. William J. Nichols. 8144. V. Mary Eowrie; b. Sept. 19, 1863; m. Dec. 25, 1884, Ellis Orvis. 3145. VI. Rebecca Pugji; b. Jan. 23, 1872. 3113. IV. 3105. GEORGE W. 4 LYON [John 8 , Benjamin 2 , James 1 ], born Nov. 7, 1826; res. Huntington Co.; iron manufacturer; married June 25, 1863, Anna C. Porter. Children of George W. and Anna C. (Porter) Lyon: 3146. I. Clara Charlton; d. 1865. 3147. II. George Porter; d. 1870. 3148. III. John Porter; b. July 29, 1872. L LYON FAMILIES OF PENNSYLVANIA 331 3117. IV. 3105. THOMAS STEWART 4 LYON [John 3 , Benjamin 2 , James 1 ], born March 15, 1833; res. Topeka, Kansas; m. Sept. 14, 1865, Nannie J. Wright. Children of Thomas S. and Nannie J. (Wright) Lyon: 3149. I. Miriam; b. Nov. 12, 1866. 3150. II. Margaret Hamill; b. Feb. 12, 1873; d. young. 3151. III. William Maclay; b. March 16, 1874. 3126. V. 3109. DAVID ELLIOTT 5 LYON [John P. 1 , John 3 , Ben- jamin 2 , James 1 ], born Dec. 26, 1844; was a Captain in the Civil war; married June 23, 1868, Ettie M. Smith. Children of David E. and Ettie M. (Smith) Lyon: 3152. I. Alice Patton West. 8153. II. Westanna Elliott. LYON FAMILY OF MARBLEHEAD, MASS. Of the origin of the Marblehead Lyon family nothing has been ascertained. A few years ago there was advertised for sale a Lyon coat of arms, said to have been for several generations in possession of this family; also a very complete manuscript record of the family history. These may sometime be rediscovered. The facts here given are all gathered from parish and town records of Marblehead. JAMES 1 LYON of Marblehead married, March 1, 1747-8, Elizabeth Merritt. Children of James and Elizabeth Merritt Lyon: I. James; bapt. July 2, 1749; d. in infancy. II. Jane; bapt. Nov. 3, 1761; m. Jan. 31, 1773, Thomas Lefavour. •III. James; bapt. Feb. 23, 1755. IV. Elizabeth; bapt. Nov. 21, 1756; d. in infancy. V. Elizabeth; bapt. July 8, 1759. JAMES 2 LYON [James 1 ], baptized at Marblehead Feb. 23, 1755; died Aug. 10, 1824, ae. 72 y. He was a sailmaker. He married in Mar- >, y l^-tyJ blehead, Oct. 21, 1781, Sarah Laskey. M Qui/y*~4 Children of James and Sarah (Laskey) Lyon, born at Marblehead. ' *I. James; bapt. March 24, 1782; m. May 10, 1808, Rebecca Selman. f»'V f *, II. Sarah; bapt. April 11, 1784. III. Elizabeth; bapt. Nov. 20, 1785. IV. Samuel Merritt; bapt. Feb. 24, 1788; m. (Int.) May 11, 1816, Sarah Beal. [A child of Samuel d. Oct. 1821; a dau. (of Samuel and Sally), Sarah E., b. 1822, m. June 26, 1845, Ebenezer Martin, ae. 23). V. John; bapt. March 21, 1790; d. May 13 (or 15), 1809. VI. William; bapt. Jan. 11, 1792; m. (?) July 1, 1816, Sarah Tutt; d. (?) Feb. 10, 1825, ae. 35 y. William and Sarah had five children, all d. In In- fancy, 1819 — 1824. VII. Charles; bapt. June 15, 1794; d. Oct. 15, 1824, ae. 29 y. VIII. Thomas; bapt. May 15, 1796; a seaman (mate); d. June 30, 1825. Possibly it was this Thomas who m. Mary and had a son James, b. 1821, who m. Feb. 23, 1845, Jane B. Freete, ae. 23. IX. Richard; bapt. Aug. 5, 1798; m. Hannah ; a dau. Mary bapt. March 21, 1845. X. Jane; bapt. July 1, 1800; d. Sept. 3, 1800. JAMES 8 LYON [James 2 James 1 ], baptized at Marblehead, March 24, 1782; died April 21, 1822. He was a seaman (mate); married, May 10, 1808, Rebecca Selman who survived him and died Jan. 27, 1832. Children of James and Rebecca (Selman) Lyon: I. Infant; d. Sept. 5, 1811. LYON FAMILY OF MARBLEHEAD, MASS. 333 II. Rebecca Jane; b. about Oct. 1812; bapt. June 6, 1819, ae. 6 y. 9 m. III. Sarah Dennis; b. about Jan. 1816; bapt. June 6, 1819, ae. 4 y. 6 m; m. (?) Oct. 31. 1830. John Green. IV. James; bapt. June 6, 1S19. V. Abigail; bapt. Feb. 28, 1821. Possibly to this family belongs also John Lyon who m. Mary E. and had a son Samuel, born Nov. 17, 1 s 4 7 . THOMAS LYONS, probably of the family of John, but possibly Thomas 3 [James 1 , James 1 ] (above), married, Feb. 18, 1830, Hannah Besom. Children of Thomas and Hannah (Besom) Lyons: I. Betsey Lewis; bapt. June 7, 1829. II. James; bapt. June 7, 1829. III. Thomas; bapt. June 7, 1829. IV. William: bapt. June 7, 1829. JOHN LYON, parentage not ascertained, married Mary E. . Children of John and Mary E. ( ) Lyon: I. Theodate; bapt. Dec. 21, 1845. II. Samuel Thomas; bapt. Nov. 17, 1847. JOHN LYONS, apparently of a family unrelated to the foregoing, married July 25, 1754, Lydia Lambert. A daughter Mary, bapt. June 15, 1755, married, Feb. 3, 1776, Joseph Hibbert. There is record of a John J. Lyons, who married Feb. 23, 1740, Mary Thompson; also a John Lyon or Lyons who, in 1782, was engaged to be married to Mrs. Sarah Port. There was also in Marblehead a Lynes family repre- sented by a Samuel Lynes who married, Sept. 24, 1741, Elizabeth Commins, and in the next generation (presumably) by a Samuel who married March 1, 1778, Deborah Marston. MISCELLANEOUS LYON ITEMS. The following additional notes on some of the Old World Lyons were communicated by Dr. G. W. A. Lyon, as supplemental to the Chapter on the Lyons of England, pp. 7 et. seq. In the archives of Calvados, Normandy, are preserved papers re- lating to the Abbey of Villers-Canivet. No. 12 is a deed wherein Raoul Buffart gives certain rights, etc., to the abbey on the occasion of his daughter's entering the community as religieuse. Pierre [Peter] de Lions is mentioned as witness to this deed. The document is with- out date; but the abbey has existed since 1127; chart No. 69 bears date 1150; chart No. 71, 1154; chart No. 72, 1186 etc. The abbey was near Falaise, and not far from the castle of Lions. It is quite possible, therefore, that Pierre was the father of Ingelram, the first of the name in England. Peter, then, has persisted as a family name for 700 years. No. 84 in the papers of the Abbey of St. Jean of Falaise — in the same diocese as the above — founded by consent of Henry I. of England, is a gift to the abbey by Geoffrey Louon of the lands which Richard, a priest, son of Hugh de Muires, held of him and Asceline his wife. The date is 1224, but the seal is broken. This Geoffrey may have been Geoffrey of Norfolk. In the archives of the Abbey of Fontaine-Guerard is a long and circumstantial account of the murder by William de Lion, Lord of Haqueville of hs wife, Marie de Ferrieres. The murder was an atrocious one, and William, to escape the royal justice, surrendered himself at the prison at Rouen, alleging that the crime, having been committed in a convent, belonged to ecclesiastic jurisdiction. But on complaint of the family of Ferrieres, the King ordered the prisoner sent to the castle of Guerard. He was forced to found a daily mass forever in the church of Fontaine-Guerard for the repose of the soul of his victim; to give a certain amount of land to the four sons which he had by his marriage; to remain two years outside the realm, and to make several pilgrimages. Dated June 1, 1401. He was killed 1415 at Agincourt. The sepulchral statue of Marie de Ferrieres, removed from the church to the Tower of King John of England, was subse- quently restored to the church, and is still existent. In the choir of this abbey was interred Herve de Lion, who had become Lord of Radepont by his marriage with Matilde de Poissy about 1280. Nearby is interred Herve de Lion, their son, Lord of MISCELLANEOUS LYON ITEMS 335 Noyon on the Andelle, of Radepont and of Pont St. Pierre, husband of Jeanne de Montmorenci. In the matter of the Lyon estate at Eccleston, Lancaster, Henry and Ellen, his wife, had a messuage and lands there in the early part of the 15th century; this descended through Robert, George, Henry, to William, claimant in 1570. George had it in 1609. The "Lyon dollar" was a Dutch (Brabant) coin, so called because it bore the figure of a lion (formerly often written lyon). In Feb., 1705, the merchants of New York complained that that city was drained of "heavy" money "so that we can expect nothing to tarry with us but the Lyon dollar, whereof none here can judge of their value." The coin was said to have been then commonly in circulation in New York, Pennsylvania and even in the Carolinas. Its value, the merchants at that time believed should be fixed at 5s. 6d. In 1720 an Act was passed to raise the value of the Lyon dollar. In 1768 they were mentioned as "rarely now seen." In a letter from Edward Howes to John Winthrop Jr., dated Feb. 25, 1629, occurs the following: "The Arabian Philos. I writt to you of he was styled among vs Dr Lyon, the best of all the Rosicrucians that ever I mett with all, farre beyond Dr Ever." An old indenture dated May 26, 1705, is recorded in New York city of Phillip Lyon, orphan ae. about fourteen as servant and appren- tice to Hendrick von Bael of the city of New York. Another early Lyon name in New York is that of Thomas Lyon, barber, May 27, 1702. Half a century later we find an Abraham Lyon, Jew, baker, in New York mentioned in will of Mordicai Gomez dated May 3, 1750. Rye was originally Poningoe. named from Ponus, one of the rul- ing sagamores of Rippowams (Stamford) 1640. The Byram river was called Armonck; Blind Brook was Mockquams; Stony Brook was Pockeotessen. In 1729 the proprietors of undivided lands in Rye granted to the Presbyterian Society half an acre of land on the plains for a building site, signed among others by John Lyon, Jr. (No. 24) and Joseph Lyon (No. 8). In the will of John Allison of Haverstraw, Jan. 6, 1751, mention is made of land of Banks and Lyon lying in Kakiat (Lib. xix, p. 141). The will of Elisha Budd of White Plains (see No. 42), dated Sept. 11. 1765. speaks of father in law Joseph Lyon and makes bequests to 336 MISSCELLANEOUS LYON ITEMS four daughters, Miriam Maynard, Sarah Purdy, Ann Brown and Phebe Theal, also son Jonathan and son in law Isaiah Maynard (executor) Lib. XXV. p. 8. The record of No. 156 on page 63 should therefore read: m. before 1765 Isaiah [not Jonah] Maynard; also to the record of No. 159 should be added: m. before 1765 Theall. In "Westchester Wills" it is stated that Coles Golding of Bedford, in will dated Jan. 6, 1760, makes bequest to Israel Lyons (No. 275), son of Israel, and appoints as executors wife Phebe and friends Jon- athan Lyons Sr. and Israel Lyons. , The statement differs in several particulars from that found on page 75. Reference is to Lib. XXII, p. 11. The will of Thomas Marsh (Lib. XXVII, p. 351) of Harrison's Purchase was dated April 14, 1770, probated Oct. 3, 1770. As stated on footnote on page 69, Thomas Marsh of Harrison's Purchase bequeathed land to his daughter Anne, wife of Thomas Lyon (No. 72), to go to her son Samuel Lyon at her death. He made bequests also to his grand-daughters Sarah Lyon (land) and Phebe Lyon (£100). The record on page 69 gives the birth of Sarah daughter of Thomas Lyon as July 15, 1771, whereas the will of Thomas Marsh was dated April 14, 1770. The inference is that Thomas Lyon had a daughter Sarah who may or may not have been older than Phebe, but who died after April 14, 1770 and before July 15, 1771. The will of Susannah Bishop of Phillips Manor (or Phillipsburgh) dated June 12, 1763 (Lib. XXIV, p. 190) makes bequests to daughter Sarah Lyons and granddaughter Jemima Lyons, also to sons John and Thomas and to daughters Rebecca Drake, Susannah Ryder, Je- mima Styvers and Ann Wildby. [In these old wills the name Lyon is not unfrequently written Lyons, if the printed copies are to be trusted.] An unidentified Samuel Lyon lived in New York City in the mid- dle of the eighteenth century. He was probably not of the family of Thomas Lyon of Rye. His will indicates the nature of his business, and seems to show that he had no immediate relatives or else that he was disowned by his family The will is as follows (Lib xxii p. 328, Surrogate's office, New York City) : In the name of God Amen. I Samuel Lyon of the City of New York, Marriner, being of Sound mind and memory and considering the uncertainty of this Frail and Transi- tory Life, do therefore make and ordain this my last Will and Testa- ment; that is to say, First, after all my just debts be paid and dis- MISCELLANEOUS LYON ITEMS 337 charged, I give and bequeath unto my trusty Friend Alexander Wylly and Mary his wife, of the said City of New York, Tavern Keepers, all my real and Personal Estate, and more particularly all my share or shares of Prize Money due or coming to me from all prizes taken by the Privateer, Sloop Goldfinch, Capt. Dobbs Commander, during her last Cruize, and likewise all share or shares of Prize Money that shall be or may become due to me from The Privateer, Brigg George, Peter Healy Commander, now bound on a Cruize against his Majesty's enemies. Likewise I make and ordain the said Alexander Wylly and Mary his wife to be Executors of this my last Will and Testament, hereby utterly disallowing any former wills by me made. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and Seal the thirtyyeth day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty eight, and in the thirty second year of his Majesty's reign. Witness- es: George Campbell, Stephen Fitz Patrick, Moses Cherry. MERRILL PALMER LYON was a descendant of some Canterbury Lyon. Note that Harriet 4 Lyon [Chester 3 , Ephrainr, Ebenezer 1 ] of Canterbury married Henry P. Palmer, as a suggestion for the origin of the given name Palmer. The family has a tradition of some re- mote connection with Gen. Nathaniel Lyon. Merrill Palmer Lyon married Mary Antress Lewis. They had a son Joseph Palmer Lyon, born at Hanover, Conn., Nov. 29, 1869; whether or not there were other children has not been ascertained. Joseph Palmer Lyon is a civil engineer, grad. Mass. Institute of Technology, where he was after- wards Instructor and Assistant Professor. Specialty, bridge construc- tion. Has been Bridge Inspector for New York Central R. R., and Estimator for American Car and Foundry Co., Passaic, N. J. Has resided in Rochester, N. Y., New York City, Detroit, Mich., at last ac- count (1905) in Hanover, Conn. He married in Hyde Park, Mass. Oct. 31, 1896 Frances Clara La Rhetta, born 1873, daughter of Samuel (dec. July 15, 1898) and Clara Ann (Lovell) La Rhetta. Daughter of Joseph P. and Frances C. (La Rhetta) Lyon: I. Louise Frances; b. Rochester, X. Y.. July 2. 1S99. MRS. TRUMAN HAWLEY LYON of Grand Rapids, Mich, (see Lyon Pioneers of Michigan, in Vol. II. of the Memorial) died sud- denly Dec. 23, 1907. The fatal attack of heart disease came just as her son-in-law, Prof. Greacon of the High School in Grand Rapids (22 1 538 MISCELLANEOUS LYON ITEMS was reading aloud a letter telling of the birth in Cleveland (to Mrs. Carl Adams) of her first great-grandchild. Mrs. Lyon was one of the oldest residents of the city and prominent in club and society circles. ERNEST NEAL LYON (see Vol. II. p. 379), widely known as a contributor of verse to various magazines, died at Pasadena, Cal., Nov. 26, 1907. An obituary notice appeared in the Newark Evening News of Nov. 30, giving a sketch of his life and commenting favorably on his literary achievements. Especial mention is made of his lines on President McKinley's last words and those on Roosevelt's Charge at San Juan. He is survived by his wife, Amelia Stanner Lyon. SUPPLEMENT TO VOLUME I. Addenda and Corrigenda. 1. FAMILY OF WILLIAM LYON OF ROXBURY. No. 35, p. 32.— Probably died intestate about 1718. Jan. 30, 1720-1 "Elizabeth Lyon, daughter of Edward Airs of Portsmouth, widow of Henry Lyon, who died two or three years ago," petitions for a settle- ment of the estate. There seems to be no other Henry Lyon to whom this could refer. No. 6, p. 33. — Joseph may have had a daughter Abigail, born about 1699. No other explanation suggests itself for the record: "Abigail Lyon of Woodstock married, July 18, 1718, William Chapman of Mans- field." / No. 12, p. 36. — It is likely that this flvas the "Lyon of Roxbury" of whom John Winthrop, Aug. 7, 1711, writes that he hired four horses. "Lyon himself," he adds, "comes with us with an axe, if there should be bows in the way." Other Lyons living in Roxbury at that time /> were Thomas (No. 3), ae. 63; William- (No. 5), ae. 59; Eliphalet (No. a^: 29), ae. 24, and possibly Joseph 2 (No. 6), ae. 57, although he was £<• * p_<^ probably living then in Woodstock. *-. ^•wJtc^U*. 4f- ° <^e S No. 105, p. 41. — Ebenezer Goodell inherited from his father the old home farm in Canterbury (set off from Pomfret 1749). Children of Ebenezer and Experience (Lyon) Goodell, born In Pomfret (Canterbury) : I. Ebenezer; b. Sept. 12, 17 29; was in the Revolutionary war; m. Phebe Holt. II. Judith; b. June 30. 1731; m. Ebenezer Ballard. III. Aaron; b. July 26, 1733; m. Amy Tyler. IV. Experienee; b. Aug. 19. 1735; d. young. V. Lois; b. Oct. 7. 1738; m. Ezra Ballard. VI. Moses; b. July 16, 1741; m. Thankful Forbes. VII. Experience; b. April 23. 1747; m. Thomas Grow. VIII. Cornelius; b. July 7, 1749: m. Nellie Dana. N. B. — By Volume I. is meant Lyon Memorial Massachusetts Families. Throughout this Supplement, page and serial numbers are those of this volume. 340 SUPPLEMENT TO VOLUME I No. 116, p. 42. — The Eleazer Lyon mentioned in footnote, p. 42, was probably a son of Eleazer (No. 116.), since one of his daughters was named Bethia Allen, his wife's maiden name. Sutton Vital Re- cords contain the following items: baptized Oct. 6, 1776, Betty Lyon, Joanna Lyon, Lucresia Lyon, Martha Lyon; baptized Aug. 22, 1779, Anna Lyon, Bethia Allen Lyon. Anna is said to have been daughter of Eleazer and Mary Lyon; the others no doubt were of the same family. No. 127, p. 43. — Philip Lyon settled south of Wigwam Hill after 1741. He was one of 22 men from Wilbraham 1755-60; was one of 8 men from that place in the army before Boston, after the Lexington alarm, he having rank of sergeant. Dr. Philip Lyon (perhaps son of the foregoing) died in Ludlow July 26, 1802, leaving no family; his "amiable consort" died the previous year at Randolph, Vt. (Hist. Conn. Valley). No. 64, p. 49. — It was possibly a daughter of Ebenezer (born about 1733-4, but not recorded) that was the Elizabeth Lyon of Woodstock who married, Jan. 26, 1753, John Ransom. No. 190, p. 49. — Possibly the "Abel Lyon" who married, June 4, 1767, Elizabeth Hosmer of Woodstock; if so, he married later in life than was usual in those days, or else was twice married. No. 69, p. 51. — Moses Lyon was chosen deacon of the Congrega- tional church in Holland Oct. 25, 1768. No. 210, p. 52. — Marsilva Lyon married Joseph Cheney, int. May 7, 1764 (Sturbridge T. R.). No. 227, ]i. 55.— Mary (Lyon) Bird died Feb. 28, 1782; buried Needham. No. 228, p. 55. — A Hannah Lyon died at Needham Nov. 19, 1811, ae. 76. No. 81, p. 56. — Seth may well have been father of the Sarah Lyon of Ashford, who married, Sept. 2, 1776, Daniel Lewis. No. 255, p. 57. — "Lois, son of Josiah Lyon, baptized March 9, 1745" (Sutton Vital Records). N. B. Page and serial numbers are those of Vol. I. WILLIAM LYON OF ROXBURY 341 No. 107, p. 58. — Jonathan Lyon sold to Lieut. John Fisk 35 acres of land in Pomfret in 1754 for £1700 and bought 54% acres in Pom- fret and Ashford at the same time for £1660, "old tennor." No. 304, p. 60. — This could not have been the Zerviah Lyon of Pomfret. who married April 25, 1764 Joseph Ashley (born Hampton, Conn., June 1, 1728; died Pomfret, Sept. 1787). She was a second wife, therefore not likely to have been very young when married. She was most probably a descendant (granddaughter) of Abiel Lyon of Pomfret (No. 34). She may possibly have been the missing member of the large family of Jonathan Lyon (No. 107). She died May 5, 1781. Children of Joseph and Zerviah (Lyon) Ashley: I. Thomas; h. Oct. 25, 1765. II. Chloe; b. Oct. 2, 1768; d. "past middle life" in Hampton, Conn., unm. III. Ebenezer; b. Feb. 17, 1775; res. 1793 Abington, Conn.; d. Batavia, N. Y. IV. Susannah; b. Dec. 31. 1776; m. Elisha Smith of Rodman, N. Y. No. 306, p. 62. — Daniel Moody was "of Worcester." No. 134, p. 64. — A Providence paper says that Dea. William Lyon died at Woodstock, ae. 67 years, March 30, 1811, "in a supposed fit, while lighting a fire." No. 334, p. 64. — Josiah Lyon was Justice of the Peace in Salem 1837; he had twelve children. S? /~7 / No. 146, p. 64. — Capt. John Lyon H. of Leicester may have been son of this John Lyon. He was twice married. His first wife died in Sept. 1791; notice of death in "Chronicle" of Sept. 8. He married second at Rehoboth, April 21, 1792, Lydia, daughter of Capt. Obadiah Read. She died Sept. 3, 1796 (Chronicle); he died at Haverhill Sept. 24, 1796. No. 166, p. 65.— Sept. 12, 1774, Nathaniel Child, Elisha Child, Jediah Morse, Charles C. Chandler, and Samuel McClellan, Committee on Correspondence for the town of Woodstock send by the hand of Capt. Lyon a letter accompanying a donation of sixty-five sheep for the revolutionary forces in Boston. No. 170, p. 66. — Hannah Dresser, wife of Lemuel Lyon, was born Oct. 9, 1742; daughter of John and Sarah (Scott) Dresser of Oxford. N. B. Page and serial numbers are those of Vol. I. 342 SUPPLEMENT TO VOLUME I Mass. Lemuel kept a tavern in Goshen, and was one of the selectmen there in 1781. Several generations later a Marcus Lyon of Goshen, Mass., no doubt a descendant of Caleb Lyon (No. 59), married Cordelia Shaw and settled in Wauseon, O. He had a son, Arthur William, born June 11, 1857, grad. Oberlin 1880, "Merchant Miller"; res. (1906) Ligonier, Ind.; married at Rockland, Me., Ellen M. Spear, daughter of E. R. Spear of Rockland; one son, Graham Spear Lyon, born Ligonier, June 9, 1887. No. 174, p. 63. — Levi Lyon went from Woodstock to Union, where he bought land Aug. 22, 1774. He was chosen deacon there March 15, 1782; later he removed to Stafford, Conn. Children of Levi and Ruth (Fitch) Lyon (list on p. 68 incomplete): I. Abner Fitch; d. Nov. 3, 1775. II. Charles; b. 1773; d. Sept. 8, 1778. III. Joseph; b. Aug. 1778; d. Sept. 8, 1778. IV. Lucinda; bapt. Aug. 25, 1779. V. John; bapt. May 7, 1780. VI. Daniel; bapt. Dec. 20, 1781. VII. Phebe; b. 1787. VIII. Boxana. IX. Willard. No. 177, p. 68. — Cyrus Lyon enlisted as private at Chesterfield, Mass., April 21, 1775. ^ ( % i*Js,dU^f ?/, t r * f J ^ No. 380, p. 68. — This was no doubt Luther Lyon of Harvard, who married, Feb. 7, 1802, Polly Turner. He died Nov. 11, 1833; she died Oct. 29, 1840, ae. 70, in Athol. These items from the Vital Records of Phillipston, which contain also the following, relating it may be as- sumed, to children of Luther: Mary Ann Lyon married, aNov. 5, 1829, t^S Abraham Oaks of Athol; Sophia Lyon married, May 12, 1831, Gilman ^ 7 ' D. Newton; Luther Lyon Jr. died Nov. 11, 1822, ae. 16. r\ No. 188, p. 69. — "Dec. 5, 1791, Daniel Lyon Jr. bid off Benjamin Bowen, a town charge, to keep for the ensuing year at four shillings per week." Woodstock T. R. No. 402, p. 70. — The statement tlhat Molly (or Polly) Lyon mar- ried first Marcy Whitney is an error. She married, Feb. 22, 1800, Free- N. B. Page and serial numbers are those of Vol. I. WILLIAM LYON OF ROXBURY 343 man Pratt, who was born in Southbridge Dec. 19, 1775, and died July 3, 1855. They had a daughter. Mary May Pratt, born in Southbridge, Oct. 3, 1809 (and probably other children); she married Aug. 25, 1834, Schuyler Carroll Phillips, who was born in Woodstock, Conn., April 26. 1809, and died in Brooklyn, X. Y.. Sept. 1. 1888; she died Jan. 17, 1856; both were buried at West Woodstock. He married a second time, but no children by this marriage are living. Emily Pratt Phil- lips, a daughter by the first marriage was born in Brooklyn, Oct. 4, 1844, and married, Nov. 6, 1867, Chester Davis Burrows Jr. (born in New York City Jan. 1, 1843, died in Brooklyn March 13, 1906). Their children were: 1. Ellen, born July 16, 1873 (M. Weldon Winans Free- man); 2. Mary May (d. infant); 3. Emily Zerviah, b. 1879; m. Wilson W. Jenkins; 4. Mary Hester, b. Sept. 29. 1880; 5. Stephen Bradford, b. April 11, 1882; 6. Chandler Briggs, b. March 16, 1885. , . . No. 196, p. 71. — Ebenezer Lyon died Dec. 1825, ae. SS^Sturbridge T. R.); private Fam. Rec. says, "died Dec. 28, ae. 81." His widow Prudence died June 21, 1834, ae. 82. No. 202, p. 72. — Mary (Polly) Wilkinson, second wife of Capt. Stephen Lyon, was daughter of Capt. Benjamin Wilkinson of Scituate. Xo. 479, p. 76. — Probably the Betsey Lyon who married Nov. 29, 1798, Seth Eastman. No. 214, p. 76. — Alfred C. Lyon was selectman in Holland 1783, '94 and '95. No. 246, p. 80. — Abner Lyon died Oct. 8, 1817; his widow died Dec. 15, 1823, ae. 77 (Sturbridge T. R.). Xo. 535, p. 80. — Achsa (Richardson) Lyon died Feb. 17, 1846 (Stur- No. 536, p. 80. — Nathan Fiske was born in Sturbridge April 4, 1762 and died Nov. 2, 1829. *. <--* - No. 538, p. 80. — Major Samuel Fiske was born in Sturbridge Dec. 30, 1773. No. 570, p. 83. — Judith Lyon of Reboboth, married Capt. Jenkins D. Jones (Providence, R. I. Gazette, Sept. 11, 1811). N. B. Page and serial numbers are those of Vol. I. 344 SUPPLEMENT TO VOLUME I No. 272, p. 83.— The following items relate probably to descend- ants of Jonathan Lyon of Pomfret: Polly Lyon of Pomfret married Dec. 16. 1784, Chester Grosvenor; Hannah Lyon of Pomfret married Sept. 28, 1782, Pelatiah Lyon of Plainfield" (see No. 289, p. 59; Re- becca Lyon of Pomfret married, Jan. 1, 1794, Josiah Morse of Canter- bury. No. 641, p. 87.— Mary W. Lyon died Feb. 14, 1882. Page 89. — The illustration opposite this page represents not the residence of Col. James Lyon, as stated, but the well preserved old dwelling built nearly a century ago by Jasper Lyon, No. 705. It stands on the main street of the village near the Congregational Church, em- bowered in the foliage of magnificent old shade trees. No. 671, p. 90.— William Howe [How] was born Nov. 20, 1792. No. 698, p. 93. — It must have been this Elijah Lyon who married , Laura Kingsbury, born Oxford, Mass., Feb. 21, 1807, daughter of Jere- miah and Betsey (Butler) Kingsbury. They removed to New Boston, thence to Worcester, Mass., and finally to Amenia, Dutchess Co., N. Y., where he died Dec. 1844. She died in Providence, R. I., Sept. 20, 1868. Children of Elijah and Laura (Kingsbury) Lyon: I. Charles H.; m. Nov. 24, 1864, Annette Jellson, dau. of Orson Jellson of Richmond, N. H. ; res. Richmond, where he was selectman 18 84; merchant and farmer; a s. Herbert R. ; born Nov. 15, 1875. II. Elijah J.; b. Worcester, Mass.; res. Providence, R. I. III. Elizabeth P.; b. Amenia, N. Y. ; m. Franklin Church; res. Providence, R. I., later in New York City. No. 702, p. 94. — Sarah Samantha (Lyon) Grover died Nov. 24, 1861. No. 735, p. 96.— Children of Otis T. and Mary C. (Bolles) Lyon: I. Hattie. II. Iiuls, m; m. Maud Eliza Lyon, granddaughter of Oliver W. Lyon (No. 772\ III. George M.; d. April 1, 1883 (G. R.). No. 426, p. 96. — Bbenezer Lyon died Feb. 8, 1849, ae. 72. Rebecca, /* # 1 7 I wife of Ebenezer Lyon, died Oct. 13, 1847, ae. 63. Children of Ebenezer N. B. Page and serial numbers are those of Vol. I. WILLIAM LYON OF ROXBURY 345 and Rebecca: Esther, b. July 23, 1818; Diantha, b. Dec. 21, 1821; fore- going items from Sturbridge T. R. One record of the children of Eben- ezer gives: 1. Leonard [afterwards of Methuen] ; 2. Willard; 3. Dian- tha; 4. Samantha and "other girls." No. 742,. p. 96. — Oril Lyon marrjed Sept. 7, 1823, Simeon Streeter.^-j- Lcrt-l No. 743, p. 97./-Amjah Smith Lyon of Ox£acd married, May 2, 1838, Caroline PhillipsXjHis sister Pr udence (No. 746) married, Nov. 21, 1834, Alfred H. Cook (Sturbridge T7lO>£fta^c , £&**>**.& y^T.**..*^.-*.* No. 429, p. 97. — Stephen Lyon came from Holland to Union with his sons and lived with them on the Samuel Crawford place. The His- tory of Union states that he married Olive Stevens (not Stearns), but his wife's name is afterwards given as Sally. She died Sept. 24, 1845; ae. 65. He died June 11, 1860, ae. 80. They were buried in East Cemetery. S«_££^ ■£ IJUa-^ £-«.*- j m ., « * i -«» (p, ', t S 1 i 7 * % - , tP c^X A/M< Children of Stephen and Sally (Stevens) Lyon: / ' 753. I. Salome; b. Aug. 18, ISO* m. Rev. Uriah Underwood; d. 1852. 751a. II. Orrin; b. 1808; d. V March 10, 1885; bur. JJast Cemetery ^(See . record below). \./^<5>3 'f?tl~. tr^-c , £X~- ^ /u tT* 751. III. Walter; b. April 13, 1810; (See record below). 751b. IV. Fanny; b. March 3, 1812; m. Sullivan Underwood. fl**A,i>i--^ <* Aj^ , 752. V. Cyprian Stevens; b. July 3, 1814; d. July 6, 1868; [Hist, r/njon] (See record below). \.-'t^_ &*-£< jlcT*- J * '-^'K^T'^ Y ~4?.J 751a. VII. 429. ORRIN' LYON [Stephen 6 , Ebenezer 6 , Ebenezer 4 , William 3 , John-, William 1 ] was born in 1808 and died in Union, Conn., March 10, 1885. He married Sept. 3, 1837, Matilda Snow. Children of Orrin and Matilda (Snow) Lyon: I. Emily Deliza; b Sept. 10, 1838; d. Sept. 29, 1842. II. Harriet Lucinda; b. Oct. 24, 1842; m. 1st. Myron Balcom; m. 2nd. Mason Balcom. III. Mary Ann Margaret; b. Jan. 20, 1842; d. March 10, 1844. IV. Nancy Hannah; b. March 8, 1846; m. Horace Tucker. V. George Melvin; b. Aug. 22. 1848. 751. VII. 429. WALTER 7 LYON [Stephen 8 , Ebenezer 5 , Eben- ezer 4 , William 3 , John 2 , William 1 ] was born April 13, 1810; he removed from Union to Ellington, Conn., about 1877. He married first Hannah Snow of Woodstock, who died Oct. 1, 1874. He married second . N. B. Page and serial numbers are those of Vol. I. /, - • D-*C# VI. Abner Martin; b. 1805; d. Jan. 31, 1828, ae. 23 (Sturbridge T. R.). No. 552, p. 109. — Asa Lyon married Olive Adams. No. 640, p. 117. — Nathaniel Lyon was selectman in Ludlow about 1805, Homer Lyon selectman about 1835, David Lyon selectman about 1830 and deacon in the Congregational church about 1825 (Hist. Con- necticut Valley). No. 1045, p. 120. — Lyman Howard Lyon died at Lyons Falls, N. Y., Sept. 9, 1906; buried at Tarboro, N. Car. (N. Y. Herald). No. 685, p. 122. — The following item from the Congregationalist and Christian World (April , 1907) will be of interest to every Lyon : "The most notable event in recent Rhode Island history occurred April 10, when the whole State Conference, association, and even neighbors across the line, gathered in the beautiful church at Central Falls to celebrate the fortieth anniversary of the pastorate of Rev. James H. Lyon. There have been long pastorates in this seaboard state, notable, historical even, but at present none beside this stretches up quite to its twentieth year. The celebration came almost entirely as a surprise to Mr. Lyon, who refers to it now as a "conspiracy," and the spontaneity of the church was only equaled by the hearty love and delight of every minister and layman throughout the conference. "On the preceding Sabbath Mr. Lyon — who has "never been Doc- tored" — summed up the years in a sermon saturated by the radiant wit, keen intelligence, and exquisite English of which he is master. But Wednesday was the day. Men arose in that packed audience one after the other to praise, to reverence, to congratulate until even the enormous bouquet of roses which towered from the platform proved unable to hide his blushes. Speeches, letters, poetry simply poured N. B. Page and serial numbers are those of Vol. I. WILLIAM LYON OF ROXBURY 349 over the pulpit top. One parson declared that of the three types, young, old and eternal men, Mr. Lyon is the last, ending his address with the loyal saluation, "O King, live forever I" Another prayed God to keep him long from Heaven that he might go on making Heaven here below. "But when he rose at last, tall, vibrant, with the fire of youth un- dimmed within his eyes, the audience murmured at his close, "Speak- ers have spoken excellently, but thou excellest them all." Seldom has a more brilliant and clever address delighted a critical crowd." No. 704, p. 124. — Danforth Lyon settled in Providence, R. I. A Providence newspaper of date July 9, 1825, contains a notice of the death of his son "William Rhoads," ae. 11 m. 19 d. No. 705, p. 125. — The Providence Gazette of June 5, 1823, an- nounces the marriage of Jasper Lyon to Phebe Smith Stafford of War- wick. No. 1103, p. 129. — Marvin Thomas Lyon died July 8, 1906, at his home in East Hampton, L. I. No. 1309, p. 150. — Jessie Adeline Tiffany married Dr. A. F. Piercy (not Percy). Their daughter Ethel died Jan. 22, 1906, ae. 22, of ty- phoid fever, at the family residence, 868 19th St., Oakland. She leaves two brothers, Osseo and Clare (obituary notice in San Francisco pa- per). No. 1353, p. 153. — Sarah Maria Lyon married Charles William Lyon, a descendant of Thomas Lyon of Rye (see ij. 235 of this volume). 1014. VIII. 664. JUDAH S LYON [Nehemiah M. 7 , Nehemiah 6 , Benjamin', Caleb 4 , John 3 , John-, William 1 ] was born in North Crafts- bury, Vt., Aug. 29, 1825. He was a blacksmith and lived successively iu Medina Co., O., Prophetstown. 111., Hixton, Wis., Dorchester. Wis , and Aniboy, Wash. He died about June 1, 1894. He married in Charleston, Vt., Aug. 8, 1852 (?) Laurinda Ketchum, daughter of and (Batchelder) Ketchum. Children of Judah and Laurinda (Ketchum) Lyon (all but the oldest born in Hixton, Wis I I. t'huiint-ey X.; res. (IihmIi. ||ixl..n. Wis. II. Frank A.; res. (1906) La Centre, Wash. III. Selinn; deceased; m. G. A. Pierce, who res. (1906) Amboy, Wash. N. B. Page and serial numbers are those of Vol. I. 350 SUPPLEMENT TO VOLUME I IV. C'elestia; twin sister of Selina. V. George G. VI. Royal May; b. Feb. 1, 1869. VII. Edd E.; b. Aug. 8, 1871. 1371g. IX. 1014. EDD E. u LYON [Judah 8 , Nehemiah M. 7 , Nehe- miah 6 , Benjamin 5 , Caleb 4 , John 3 , John 2 , William 1 ] was born at Hixton, Wis., Aug. 8, 1871. He is a logger by occupation; res. (1906) Westport, Ore. He married at Westport, Oct. 16, 1901, May, daughter of H. and Id^ M. (Diegnau) Greene, of Westport. He was in Company B. 2nd Oregon Infantry Vols, in the Philippines, where he won distinction for gallantry in action at San Miguel de Mayumo, May 13, 1899. and was awarded a medal of honor. Son of Edd E. and May (Greene) Lyon: I. Claude Herbert; b. Astoria, Ore., Sept. 6, 1903. No. 1022, p. 156.— Mrs. Electa Spafford Lyon died Oct. 26, 1905; buried at Charlotte, Vt., beside her husband. No. 1024, p. 156. — Charles Mason Lyon married a second wife in his eightieth year; she died about 1900. No. 1388, p. 177. — Mary Ann (Lyon) Gilmore was born in Aviston, not Avington; res. (1906) in New Rochelle, N. Y. No. 1389, p. 177.— For "children of Thomas G. T. and Jennie (Lyon) Patterson," read children of Charles Edward and Jennie (Lyon) Patterson." The address was changed May 1, 1906 to 108 Centre Ave., New Rochelle. No. 1719, p. 188. — Hannah Adaline (Lyon) Smith entered into rest Wednesday, July 31, 1907, ae. 94 y. 7 m. 12 d., at Traverse City, Mich. No. 1704, p. 191. — The old Chandler house, built 1791, is still in good repair and occupied. It is close to the site of the old Lyon Tav- ern, near the cemetery on the hill. No. 1849, p. 204. — In the third line of the record, for Makawao, Maui, read Hilo, Hawaii; in line 4, for Nov. 1, read Oct. 31. Mr. and Mrs. Hay live (1907) at Hauula, Oahu, where he is employed as station master. N. B. Page and serial numbers are those of Vol. I. WILLIAM LYON OF ROXBURY ">51 No. 1862, p. 206. — The son of Frederick B. Pomeroy also died in Jonesville. leaving a widow and one child, who married Ernest Saxton, one of Jonesville's best citizens; one or two children. No. 1896, p. 209. — Kellogg Haskins Jr. was born Nov. 4, 1839, the third son. not the first. No. 1776, p. 217. — Sabra Ann (Lyons) Westcott died in Minneapo- lis, Minn., Aug. 26, 1906, in her seventy-ninth year. No. 1777, p. 217. — Daniel Lyons died at his home, 183 Conklin Ave., April 1, 1907. The following excerpt is from an obituary notice in a local newspaper: "Mr. Lyons lived with nis parents in Great Bend until he was 15 years old, when he went to Schenectady and learned the cabinet mak- er's trade, after which he came to Binghamton. He at once entered the auctioneering business and after a time opened a general store in connection with his other business interests. As the result of injuries sustained in a railroad wreck Mr. Lyons was confined to his house for seven years and gradually gave up active business. Of late years he had attended to his real estate holdings up to the time he was con- fined to his bed, about two years ago. "He served as president of the Council for several terms and was also president of the School Board and was a trustee of the Bar- low school up to the time of his death. He was a prominent Mason and a member of Calumet Lodge of Odd Fellows and also an exempt fireman." No. 2050, p. 225. — Mrs. Celeste M. A. (Hall) Winslow is living (1908) at 10 May St., New Rochelle, N. Y. No. 1815, p. 226. — Thomas Shearer was born July 14, 1791 and died Jan. 31, 1841; Margaret Miller born April 14, 1793, died March 1. 1863. Charles Shearer died Dec. 9, 1894. ae. 76. Xo. 2065, p. 227. — Estella May (Lyons) Gallagher had a daughter, Frances Lyman, born at Slaterville Springs Jan. 1, 1906. No. 2190, p. 249.— Fred M. Lyons died Feb. 4, 1907. No. 2350, p. 269.— Aaron Lyon was selectman 1775, *76, '77 and '80. No. 2352. p. 271. — Nathan Lyon's name was on the roll of the Baptist Church in Claremont, Mass., 1805. N. B. Page and serial numbers are those of Vol. I. 3-52 SUPPLEMENT TO VOLUME I No. 2356, p. 272. — Among the qualified voters of Ashfield 1798 were Lieut. David Lyon and Aaron Lyon (No. 2353). No. 2700, p. 298. — John Lyon of Scituate was probably of the family of Henry Lyon of Newark. See Lyon Memorial, Connecticut and New Jersey Families, p. 249. See also note 25 in Appendix. Marvin Lyon of Providence, R. I., who married Asenath Ashley [Sam- uel, Abner, Samuel, Jonathan, Robert], born Dec. 1794 in Hampton, Conn., may have been of this family although it, may be noted that Marvin Thomas Lyon (b. 1865) who had uncles living in Providence, was of the family of William Lyon of Roxbury. / No. 2725, p. 301. — Martin Lyon of Genoa married Jan. 16, 1849, (Harriet Northway, born New Hartford, N. Y., Jan. 16, 1801, daughter of L '0 tttufus and Cynthia (Marsh) Northway. No. 486, pp. 76 and 398. — Aaron Lyon died at Warsaw, N. Y., leaving a family of children. He owned a large farm there. No. 489, pp. 76 and 398. — Ethelbert [Ethel] Lyon moved to Ohio, and finally joined the Mormons. No. 482, pp. 76 and 398. — The children of Moses Lyon were born in Orville, Vt. He himself is said to have settled at Lyonsburgh, Wyoming Co., N. Y. The following records have been obtained from anthentic sources of some of the descendants of Moses. 482. VI. 211. MOSES 6 LYON [EtheP, Moses 4 , William 3 , John 2 , William 1 ], born in Holland, probably about 1773. He settled in Orville, Vt., where all his children were born (one of his grandsons was named Edwin Orville). He afterwards removed to Wyoming Co., N. Y. (Eagle or Lyonsburgh). His wife's name has not been ascertained. Children of Moses Lyon (cf. p. 39S): 1030. I. Elijah. 1631. II. Mary [Polly]. 1632. III. Josephus; d. Pike, N. Y.. March 28. 1883. 1633. IV. Story: res. Arcade, N. Y. 1634. V. Samantha. 1635. VI. Jutitus [Justice]. 1636. VII. Sere.— . J 1637. VIII. Smith; res. Arcade, N. Y. 1637a. IX. Miriam. 16371). X. Eleanor. N. B. Page and serial numbers are those of Vol. I. fj^^cJC V & £x&<>'*>+*-<4 peter LYON OF DORCHESTER L. ** ~7 *^*~*^/jf& I >*_ / 1632. VII. 482. JOSEPHUS 7 LYON [Moses", Ethel', Moses 1 , ** <*"££*-« , William 8 , John-, William'] was born in Orville, Vt. He lived in Eagle, /J) t^c< ^^ Wyoming Co., N. Y., later in Hume, Allegany, N. Y. and finally in *. * Pike, Wyoming Co., N. Y. He died March 28, 1883. He married ' Elmyretta Gilchrist. ^ ^ ,**(,;*<. ^J^U *£,'T£- l t Children of Josephus and Elmyretta (Gilchrist) Lyon: /^ • I. Frank; b. Eagle, N. Y., Dec. 14. 1S40; m. Mary Van Slyke; children: 1. * *—** £*-e£ Grant W.; 2, Ellsworth F.J 3. Nellie; these res. Pike, N. Y. ; the sons in mer- JL.J cantile business. ^ •"*■• < II. Frances; m. Dr. W. Smith, at one time health officer of part of New Z'-fjtg TTT ™ • a >^3o<-0«-«LCtXe) A\ fa*-&..v*J$ III. Elmira; d. young. IV. Edwin Orville; no. ch. V. Fred; no. ch. VI. Eva; m. G. S. Van Gorder, a State Senator. 1633. VII. 482. STORY 7 LYON [Moses 6 , Ethel 5 , Hoses', William 3 , John 2 , William 1 ] was born at Orville, Vt. He marriel Mary Barnes. Res. Arcade, N. Y. Children of Story and Mary (Barnes) Lyon: I. Barnes; m. Emily Capron; both deceased; ch. 1. Anna, res. 29 W. 23d St., New York City, 2. David; 3. Lottie, and others. II. Ann; res. (1905) Arcade, N. Y., unm. III. Helen; m. James H. Gibson; a dau. Hattie; they res. (1905) Arcade, N. Y. IV. Jannette; m. L. W. Mason; res. Arcade, N. Y., children: 1. L. Arthur (res. Pike, N. Y.); m. ; ch. : (a) Marion, b. 1S91; (b) James Arthur, b. 1902; (c) Leonard Charles, b. 1905); 2. Frank; res. Arcade, N. Y., unm. V. Wallace; m. Satie Bean; both deceased; no ch. FAMILY OF PETER LYON OF DORCHESTER. Nos. 35 and 36, p. 331. — Peter and Lemuel were children of Wait- still (Wyatt), not of Abigail (Fales) Lyon. No. 46, p. 332. — Asaph Lyon was selectman 1787. town clerk 17S7 and Representative in the General Court from Shutesbury. No. 56, p. 333. — Elisha Mills, son of Zachariah and Margaret (Ken- drick) Mills, born Aug. 3, 1735. He was 1st Sgt. in Capt. Robert Smith's Company, Col. William Heath's Regiment. He left a widow and three children. Aaron Smith had already five children by ;i former N. B. Page and serial numbers are those of Vol. I. (23) <* 354 SUPPLEMENT TO VOLUME I wife Sarah. By his second wife, Deborah (Lyon) Mills, he had: 1. Calvin, b. Aug. 30, 1778; 2. Lucy, b. March 30, 1781; m. Nov. 26, 1798, Jonathan Newell of Needham. Aaron Smith married third, July 19, 1795, Grace Gay of Dedham; 2 children. No. 57, p. 339. — Barzillai Lyon died June 24, 1796; his widow died April 4, 1803; Martha Lyon (No. 119) married, Feb. 13, 1800, Joel Wheeler. Ruth (No. 120) [recorded as a son] had: 1. A son, b. June 9, 1811; 2. a daughter, b. April 18, 1815; 3. a son Gardner, b. May 28, 1824; d. Aug. 22, 1829, ae. 5 y. Lucy (No. 121) was born April 26, 1780. Lois (No. 122), twin sister of Lucy, married Jan. 21, 1802 [Aaron Wright]. Betsey (No. 123) was born Oct. 20, 1782; married Dec. 7, 1806, . A daughter [Anna, No. 124?] of Barzillai was born June 8, 1785. The foregoing items from Hubbardston T. R. No. 69, p. 340. — Mary Barney was daughter of Elisha and Silence 8 [not Polly] (Eddy) Barney [Joseph 4 , John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ]. No. 74, p. 343. — According to Dorchester T. R. Thomas Lyon died Nov. 12, 1845; he married his third wife June 8, 1841; his widow mar- ried Jan. 1, 1849, Josiah Davenport. No. 118, p. 346. — Attarah Grimes was born March 18, 1776 [her age at death 70 y. 1 m. 14 d.]. According to Hubbardston T. R. Dana (No. 198) was born Jan. [not June]; Pliny (No. 199) died 1803 [not 1813] ; another child of Asa is mentioned, who died Jan. 20, 1808, ae. 3y. No. 137 p. 349.— Sally (Brown) Lyon died June 6, 1807, ae. 23 y.; buried Needham. No. 235, p. 349. — Lucy S. Broad, daughter of Timothy and Lucy (Smith) Broad was baptized May 5, 1814; died Feb. 1833, ae. 19. No. 247, p. 350. — Elizabeth Lyon married, Oct. 20, 1836, Hiram, son of Luther and Betsey (Abercrombie) Bailey of Troy, Vt. He was a carpenter; res. Manchester, N. H. Children of Hiram and Elizabeth (Lyon) Bailey, born in Manchester, N. H. : I. Henrietta Thankful; b. 1837; m. Frederic Corning Thompson; res. New York City. II. Helen Arvesta; b. Nov. 10, 1S39. III. Mary Alma; b. Jan. 5, 1844; m. John A. Adams; one ch. N. B. Page and serial numbers are those of Vol. I. PETER LYON OF DORCHESTER 365 IV. Edward Lyon; b. Dec. 10. 1841; m. Frances E. Parker of Bedford, N. H. ; a son Lewis H., b. May 30, 1866. V. Emma; b. May 12, 1846; d. young. VI. Anna; d. young. VII. Margaret ; d. young. VIII. Jennie F. ; b. Sept. 8, 1856; m. Nathaniel J. L. Ryder; res. Man- chester, N. H. ; ch.: 1. Edward F.; 2. Harris B.; 3. Natalie; 4. Charles K. No. 272, p. 353.— Helen M. Lyon was born March 28, 1831 (Dor- chester T. R.). No. 274, p. 353. — Moses G. Lyon married Sept. 19, 1842, Eliza V. Howe; a child of Moses died Aug. 29, 1843, ae. six weeks (Dorchester T. R.). No. 145, p. 354. — Benjamin Glover Lyon married Eliza Babcock [not Glover]. Asa Payson Lyon (No. 279, without doubt) died Oct. 1828, ae. 35 y. Samuel S. Lyon (No. 280) married Rebecca ; a daughter, Sara Jane was born July 16, 1849 (Dorchester T. R.). No. 316 (?), p. 356. — Eunice Lyon married Jan. 14, 1834, Oliver Hall (Dorchester T. R.). No. 317 (?), p. 356. — Rebecca Lyon married April 21, 1834, Stephen S. C. Jones of Brookline (Dorchester T. R.). No. 326, p. 356. — Andrew J. Lyon was born June 27, 1849 (Hubbardston T. R.). No. 234, p. 358. — Ann Frances Whitney, daughter of Israel and Mary (Fuller) Whitney, was born April 13, 1806; died April 9, 1842, ae. 34. No. 312, p. 364. — A child of Jeremiah Lyon died Jan. 11, 1842, ae. 17 y. (Dorchester T. R.). No. 346, p. 364. — Israel Whitney Lyon died suddenly of pneumonia Feb. 22, 1897, at his home in Englewood, N. J. [N. B. On page 364 line 13, for N. Y. read N. J.]. N. B. Page and serial numbers are those of Vol. I. 356 SUPPLEMENT TO VOLUME I FAMILY OF GEORGE LYON OF DORCHESTER. No. 16, p. 373. — Elizabeth Marcy was daughter of John and Sarah (Hadlock) Marcy. No. 26, pp. 373 and 410. — Timothy Foster of Walpole, Mass. settled in Dudley, Mass. 1748. He married first Molly May, second Keziah Lyon (No. 26?), third Mary Payson. He had sixteen children. Thirteen sons enlisted in the Revolutionary army, serving in the aggregate more than sixty years. Many of his descendants lived in Windham, Pomfret and Union, Conn. No. 27, p. 374.— George Lyon was born March 10, 1732-3 [i. e. 1733, not 1732 in our reckoning]. Zerviah Marcy could hardly have been daughter of John and Sarah (Hadlock) Marcy, who were married in 1686. She was perhaps a grand daughter and so a cousin of her hus- band, whose mother was Elizabeth Marcy, dau. of John and Sarah. * No. 35, p. 375.— Uriah Lyon died July 24, 1849, ae. 79 y. His widow died Nov. 9, 1862, ae. 82 y. Elias Lyon (No. 48) was drowned 1878. Lyman Lyon married Olive H. W. Buck; removed to Geneseo, 111.; children: 1. Alvin Moore, b. July 3, 1843; 2. Mary Jerusha, b. April 24, 1845. These items from History of Union, Conn. No. 39, p. 376. — Date of marriage June 14, 1826, not 1822. No. 71 1 p. 377. — For Andrew L. Draper read Andrew S. Draper. No. 47, p. 378. — Elisha Lyon married Delotia Bosworth, they had: 1. Sarah; 2. George; 3. Frank; 4. Mary, m. John Jones. No. 101, p. 380 (also p. 384). — For Harris Fanning read Harris Manning. Page 381, 1. 6 from bottom. — For Harriet S. read Abbie Louise. To the unconnected records on p. 368, add: Charles, d. Dec. 22, 1843, ae. 21 (D). ffi*'*ft* Daniel, m. Ann Trainer, int. Jan. 10, 1846 (D). Diana, m. Aug. 13, 1784 Elijah Kilton at Foxboro(D). A Mrs. Susan J., d. Feb. 2, 1842, ae. 47 y. (D). //* «* \ Thaddeus M. Harris Lyon, d. June 1, 1843, ae. 27 (D). P/«M>fi N. B. Page and serial numbers are those of Vol. I. SUPPLEMENT TO VOLUME II. 1. FAMILY OF HENRY LYON OF NEWARK. Addenda, Errata and Notes. Furnished by John C. Cox, Dayton, Ohio.t Page 15, Footnote. — William Armstrong Crosier F. R. S. in his Armory and Registry of American Families gives the Coat of Arms of Henry Lyon of Perthshire and later of Milford, Conn., and also of William Bateman of Fairfield, Conn., as follows: Coat of Arms of Henry Lyon and other Lyons of Perthshire, Scotland. Argent, a lion rampant azure, armed and langued, within a double tressure flory, counter-flory gules. Crest: a demi-lady to the girdle habited and holding in her right hand the Royal Thistle and in the sinister (left hand) a chaplet laurel all ppr. Motto: "In te Domine Speravi." Coat of Arms of William Bateman. Or, on a chevron between three escalops gules, an ostrich feather argent. Crest: a pheasant ppr. Motto: "Nee pretio nee prece." Explanation of Coat of Arms. The meaning of some of the above heraldic words are as follows: Argent: silver or white. Azure: blue. Or: gold. A demi-lady hold- ing in her right hand a Royal Thistle etc., is an allusion to the alliance with the daughter of the King. Flory and Counterflory gules means flowered and counter-flowered red. Page 33, line 13. — The date of 1648 is incorrect after all, according to the modern method of reckoning time. King Charles was beheaded January 30, 1649, a date memorable in history. In those days, how- ever, the legal year began March 25 instead of January 1, so that the date was written January 30, 1648, or oftener January 30, 1648-9. N. B. — By Volume II. Is meant Lyon Memorial, Connecticut and New Jersey Families. Throughout this Supplement, page and serial numbers are those of this volume. tMr. Cox has rendered invaluable service to the descendants of Henry Lyon by his thorough and painstaking critical review of the history of this family as presented In Vol. II. of the Lyon Memorial. A few additional notes and com- ments have been supplied also by the Editor In chief of the Memorial, these nl- dicated by the Initials [A. B. L.]. 358 SUPPLEMENT TO VOLUME II Henry Lyon was admitted to the Milford church Feb. 24, 1649 (if we can accept this date) less than a month after the tragedy at Whitehall. Miss Sidney Lyon states that the three brothers came to America in 1648. At least one of them, Thomas, came certainly earlier than this. In August, 1647, Thomas was settled in Stamford and married to the granddaughter of Governor John Winthrop. This completely refutes the hypothesis that he was present at the execution of King Charles [A. B. L] . Page 44, line 16. — The statement made here that Henry Lyon was the youngest of the three brothers from Glen Lyon seems to be based on the fact that he was the last of the three to assume ria^Ifinionlal responsibilities. Thomas must have been married in lf46 or \Tm\ Richard is supposed to have been married as early as 1650, although this is by no means certain; Henry married in 1652. It is stated on page 252 that according to family tradition, Richard was the youngest of the three brothers, and this may have been true. He had only three children who were of age when his will was made, April 12, 1678. This would indicate that his marriage, assuming that he had but one wife, took place about 1652 [1651-3]. The comment of Mr. J. C. Cox is: "it is my opinion from all known data and information of these three Lyons, that they should come in the following order as to birth, Thomas, Richard and Henry, the latter being the youngest and born probably about 1625. The date of Henry's birth, given by some authorities at 1618, looks now to be erroneous." [A. B. L.] Page 62, line 11. — The date of Henry Lyon's will, given here and elsewhere as 1702, was actually Feb. 9, 1703, according to our modern method of reckoning time. Up to the year 1752 in England and her colonies the legal year began March 25, although in the popular reck- oning, it began as now on January first. This explains the date of the will in question, which is given as "this ninth day of February, 1702 alias 3," which is further fixed beyond question by the added state- ment "and in ye first year of ye Reign of our Sovereign Lady Anne &c Queen &c," since Anne became Queen of England April 23, 1702. Similar double dates occur frequently in the early history of the American colonies, and they should always be quoted in full; the usual form would be Feb. 9, 1702-3. [A. B. L.] N. B. Page and serial numbers are those of Vol. II. HENRY LYON OF NEWARK 359 Page 62, line 24. — Read: "John had died in 1694 and Thomas had shortly followed his younger brother; Nathaniel passed on in 1701." Note that the will of John was probated Nov. 2, 1694, while inventory of the estate of Thomas was made Nov. 21, 1694. Nathaniel was dead and his widow again married when Henry 1 made his will, for he speaks of his daughter "Mary Lyon, alias Potter, relict of my son Nathaniel Lyon." The death of Nathaniel could not therefore have taken place after 1702, and since his will is dated Dec. 20, 1700, it is practically certain that he died early in 1701. Page 80. — At the begnning of the paragraph, the probable date of the birth of Henry Lyon should be given. On page 44 it is stated that he was born perhaps about 1625, and that seems a reasonable con- jecture. Although nothing is known of his parentage one may surmise that their given names were Thomas and Mary. Page 80, line 8. — The date of Henry's marriage is given on p. 46 as May, 1652, here simply as 1652. The name of his bride is given here as well as on p. 46 and elsewhere as Elizabeth Bateman (daughter of William). Savage and other authorities say that she was "Mary Bateman, the only daughter of William Bateman." Elizabeth may be correct, if it can be shown by her father's will that Henry Lyon's wife was so named, or if the deed of May 1st, 1675 of Henry Lyon and wife of Elizabethtown to Honorable Philip Carteret calls her Elizabeth. The will of William Bateman, quoted on p. 47 (line 13) mentions a grandchild, "Joseph Middlebrooke," showing decisively that he had another daughter besides the one who married Henry Lyon, and that this daughter married a Middlebrooke. Elizabeth, if that was her name, was probably born about 1630-2. Page 80, line 10. — Henry Lyon is here said to have been dismissed from Fairfield to Milford Church May 28, 1654. The fact was, as stated p. 46, that he was dismissed on that date from Milford to Fairfield Church. Page 80, line 18. — For February 4, 1861 read February 4, 1681, or possibly 1680. The date of Henry's second marriage, given in line 23 as "about 1689-90" should be four or five years earlier. His second wife, Mary, was undoubtedly daughter of one of the early settlers in Newark, probably Matthew Campfield, Samuel Plum or Stephen Free- N. B. Page and serial numbers are those of Vol. II. 360 SUPPLEMENT TO VOLUME II man. At the close of the paragraph, it is stated that Henry returned to Newark in 1696. On p. 73 in Prof. Winan's sketch of Lyons Farms, it is implied that he was still in Elizabeth in 1700. Page 80, No. 2. — Thomas must have been born in 1653, since his parents were not married until May 1652. Page 80, No. 3. — Mary was probably born 1656. If Samuel was "a lad of fourteen" at the time of the land distribution in 1667 (see p. 54), he must have been older than Mary. Page 80, No. 4. — Samuel was born probably in the latter part of the year 1654. Page 81, No. 10, — Mary was born probably about 1686-7. Page 81, No. 11. — Dorcas was born probably about 1688-9. Page 81, No. 2. — Thomas Lyon married Elizabeth , who was undoubtedly Elizabeth Ward, born 1660, sister of John Ward who married Mary Lyon, No. 3. They were children of Sergeant John Ward, Sr. The children of Thomas and Elizabeth should probably be named in the following order: I. Penelope; m. Thomas Thompson. II. Elizabeth; unm. III. Annas; m. Mills. IV. Isaac; b. 1691. V. Thomas; b. 1692. VI. Mattaniah; b. 1694 (year of his father's death). Page 82, line 1— For 1669 read 1696. Page 82, line 16. — For "children" (of John and Mary), read "son." Page 82, line 21. — For Zopher read Thomas; Zopher was the brother, not the father, of Sarah Beach. Page 82, line 31.— For Aug. 20, 1703 read Jan. 20, 1707 as date of Samuel's will. The statement represented as based on this will that the children by first marriage were Samuel, Henry, Joseph, Mary and Sarah, those by second marriage, John, James and Hannah is certainly not in accordance with fact. The record should read: Children of Samuel and Sarah (Beach) Lyon: I. Samuel; b. 1676. He m. likely a dau. of Rev. Abraham Pierson Jr., N. B. Page and serial numbers are those of Vol. II. HENRY LYON OF NEWARK 361 and Abigail Clark, he the son of Rev. Abraham and Abigail (Wheelwright) Pierson. II. John; b. about 1678. probably, since he married Elizabeth Riggs, born 1679. She would not marry a man fifteen or twenty years younger than herself. III. Joseph : b. about 16S0; m. Mary Pierson. IV. Henry; b. 1682; m. Mary Roberts. V. Sarah. Children of Samuel and Hannah (Pierson) Lyon: VI. Mary. VII. Hannah. VIII. James; b. Oct. 5, 1700; d. Nov. 16, 1775, at Newport. R. I. Page 83, line 8.— For 1726 read February 1726-7; the date must have been between the 15th and the 27th of Feb. 1727. Mary Harrison (line 9) was daughter of Richard Harrison, Sr. of Branford, Conn, (from W. Kirby, Eng.) Sarah Brown (line 10) was born about 1685, daughter of Joseph and Hannah (Freeman) Brown. Hannah Freeman, born 1655, daughter of Stephen and Hannah (Astwood) Freeman. Hannah Astwood was daughter of Capt. John Astwood and his first wife. Joseph Brown was son of John and Mary (Burwell) Brown, John being one of the Newark pioneers from Milford. The last three lines of the paragraph refer to an unidentified Joseph Lyon, certainly not No. 5. Children of Joseph and Mary (Pierson) Lyon: I. Abigail; b. about 1685-6; m. 1704-5, Joseph 3 Crane, Esq. [Jasper 2 , Jasper 1 ]. *II. Mary; m. Nathan Poster. III. Hannah; b. about 1704; m. Samuel 4 Sayre, b. about 1700, d. 1760 [Samuel 3 . Daniel 2 , Thomas 1 ].; they had a son Samuel, and other children, names not known to the writer. IV. Elizabeth; b. about 1706; m. Daniel Sayre, second cousin of Samuel. Page 83, No. 32. — For Sarah (?) Cook, read Mary Cook. Page 83, No. 6. — Nathaniel Lyon married Mary, who was probably Mary Camp, born 1664. or possibly Mary Harrison. As a widow she married in 1702 Samuel Potter. Mary Harrison was daughter of Richard Harrison, Jr., of the colony from Branford. Page 83, No. 7.— John Lyon died Oct. 23-31, 1694. His wife was Hannah , probably Hannah Baldwin, daughter of John and Hannah (Bruen) Baldwin. Nothing is known of his descendants or whether indeed he had grandchildren. N. B. Page and serial numbers are those of Vol. II. 362 SUPPLEMENT TO VOLUME II Page 88, No. 8. — The record should read: Children of Benjamin and Bethia (Condit) Lyon: I. Anne; [not Abigail]; b. 1689; m. Canfield. II. Joanna; b. about 1691; m. Joseph Prudden. III. Benjamin; b. 1693 [not 1690 as stated]. Note. — A fourth daughter Mary, m. Nathan Foster, is erroneously added in the list of Errata, p. 390. The Mary who m. Nathan Foster was No. 29. Page 88, No. 9.— Capt. Ebenezer Lyon died March 31 [not 13], 1739. On p. 89, line 10, also line 13, for Darkis read Dorkis or Dorcas; in line 14, for Riderous read Ridemus. Page 89, No. 45. — For Darkis read Dorkis. Page 89, No. 47. — After Ebenezer insert "m. Abigail ." Page 89, No. 50. — Bethia m. 1st (as stated) John Winans; m. 2nd Joseph 4 Foster [Mary 3 (Lyon), Joseph 2 , Henry 1 ]; m. 3rd. Ichabod Grommon (Grumman). Page 89, line 7 from bottom. — The date of death of John Winans, 1674, is inconsistent with that of the birth of a second John given in the next line as 1673. Probably the latter date should be also 1674; in any case the dates are given only approximately. In line 2 from bottom of page, for his brother's father, read Susannah's mother's father. Page 90, No. 13. — Following the list of the children of Thomas Lyon there should be a statement that there were other children. Page 90, No. 20. — Samuel Lyon married probably a Pier son. They probably had other children, among them a son David. Prudence, No. 2160, Mary, No. 2161 and Rebecca, No. 2162, mentioned among unidentified Lyon names, page 238, may have been of this family, or these may have been children of Henry or Joseph, brothers of this Samuel. Page 90, No. 21. — Mary Roberts was probably a daughter of David Roberts. The children (sons) of Henry and Mary Roberts Lyon, in order of birth were: I. David; b. 1710; d. 1755; m. Phebe ; no children; will 1742. This is almost certainly the Capt. David Lyon who was buried at Whippany, Morris Co., N. J. There Is a stone there Indicating that he was born 1710 and died N. B. Page and serial numbers are those of Vol. II. HENRY LYON OF NEWARK 363 1755. Nevertheless, possibly the David buried at Whippany was son of Samuel, No. 20. II. Zopher; b. about 1712; m. Mary , 1732. III. Henry; b. about 1714; d. before 1771; m. Mary Wood. IV. Jo-iah: b. about 1716; m. about 1740 Mary . V. Jonathan; b. 1719; d. 1784; m. Mary Baldwin. VI. Nathaniel; b. about 1721; d. 1761; m. Rebecca Pierson. Page 91, No. 22. — Joseph Lyon was born about 1680, not 1676, Mary Pierson, his wife, was daughter of Rev. Abraham and Abigail (Clark) Pierson. Abraham Pierson, b. about 1641, d. 1708, was son of Rev. Abraham Pierson 16J8-1678 and Abigail Wheelwright, dau. of Rev. John Wheelwright. Abigail Clark was dau. of Deacon George Clark of Milford, Conn. '/ Page 91, No. 69.— For b. 1700 read b. about 1702-3: Page 91, No. 70. — Abraham, according to a reliable genealogist, was b. 1710 and d. 1732. Joseph and Mary (Pierson) Lyon certainly had several other sons and daughters. Besides Joseph and Abraham possibly they had also the following children: Samuel, John, James, Abigail, Sarah, Susannah and Mary. It is quite probable that Mary, No. 2161, p. 238, was their daughter. Page 91, No. 25.— John Lyon b. about 1678, m. Elizabeth Riggs b. about 1679. Page 91, No. 71. — Joseph Lyon, No. 71 (see p. 101) could not have been son of John, No. 25. Probably he was son of Joseph No. 194, p. 101. Page 92, No. 75. — The date of Samuel's baptism should read probably July 6, 1738; either this or the date of death must be wrong [A. B. L.]. Page 93, No. 28. — Joseph Crane died in 1726 after Aug. 2nd, or in 1727 before Feb. 13th. Jasper Crane was born 1650 not 1657 and died at Newark March 16, 1712 not March 6, 1712. Capt. Samuel Swaine was born 1651 not 1659. Joseph Crane's will was proved Feb. 13, 1727 instead of May 24, 1727, as stated. Children of Joseph and Abigail (Lyon) Cranet: I. Benjamin; b. Nov. 27, 1705-6; d. July 13-14, 1777; m. Sarah . tThe dates of this family as given in the Lyon Genealogy have been copied mainly from Crane's Genealogy, which has made a great many mistakes. N. B. Page and serial numbers are those of Vol. II. fc£l>; $#■*•«-»*- 364 SUPPLEMENT TO VOLUME II ^ ^ He was the eldest child, but was under age Aug. 2, 1726. ko descendants have been traced. ' \ II. Isaac; b. Oct. 8, 1709; m. not Kezia Baldwin. lK,^ Samuel 4 Crane [John 3 , Azariah 2 , Jasper 1 ]. ^ ^ III. Ezekiel; b. May 8, 1711; d. March or April, 1794; m. probably 1st, Phebe ; m. 2nd, Abigail Baldwin. IV. Israel; b. Jan. 2, 1713; d. Aug. 1, 1785; m. according to competent authority Sarah . He may have married also as stated on p. 103, Abigail . V. Abigail; b. about July 1714§; d. Oct. 20, 1768; m. Samuel Lyon (No.. 62). VI. Joseph; b. Jan. 2 (or 7), 1716; d. ; m. Elizabeth Johnson. VII. Josiah; b. Dec. 28, 1718; d. Dec. 15, 1785; m. 1st, Jerusha Cook; m. 2nd, Phebe . VIII. Joanna; b. Sept. 8, 1720 (not 1719 as stated); m. 1st, Samuel Congar; m. 2nd. Joseph Camp, Esq. Page 93, No. 87. — Joseph Crane, born 1716, married Elizabeth Johnson, born about 1722-5; she made her will 1785 and d. soon after; she m. 2nd. before 1785, Paul 4 Day, b. 1724, d. 1802 [Joseph 3 , Paul 2 , George 1 ]. Elizabeth was dau. of Capt. John 4 Johnson 1700-1752 [Eli- phalet 3 Esq. and Deborah, Thomas 2 , Robert 1 ] and Elizabeth 4 Ogden, b. about 1705 [Capt. David 8 1678-1734, David 2 and Elizabeth (Swain) Ward, John 1 ]. Elizabeth 3 (Swain) Ward [Capt. Samuel 2 , William 1 ], was widow of Josiah 2 Ward [George 1 ]. The children of Joseph and Elizabeth (Johnson) Crane were: I. John. II. Benjamin. III. David; d. before 1785; m. Hannah Wade, who was born at Connecticut Farms. They had: Phebe, b. 1778; Elizabeth, b. 1780; and five other children. IV. Joseph. V. Isaac. VI. Abigail. VII. Phebe. VIII. Elizabeth. Page 93, No. 89a. — Joseph Poster was born about 1710-15. There were other children, for Joseph Lyon speaks in his will of the "chil- dren" of his daughter Mary (Lyon) Foster. Page 93. No. 30. — Elizabeth Lyon, b. about 1706, married Daniel 4 Sayre [Daniel 3 , Joseph 2 , Thomas 1 ]. §Abigail Crane could not have been born in 1713 as stated on p. 99, unless she and Israel were twins. The Crane Genealogy says she was born 1727, but she is named in the will of her father dated Aug. 2, 1726. The 1727 may have been a misreading of 1721, and this may after all be the correct date, Abigail being the youngest child instead of Joanna. One of the two was born probably 1714, the other 1721. N. B. Page and serial numbers are those of Vol. II. HENRY LYON OF NEWARK 365 Children of Daniel and Elizabeth (Lyon) Sayre: I. Daniel. II. Mary; in. 1st Samuel Van ; m. 2nd Long. III. John; m. . IV. Ephraim; b. March 8. 1746; m. Hannah Meeker. Page 93, No. 32. — Obediah 3 Cook was son of John 2 and Elizabeth [Ellis 1 and Martha Cooper]. There seems to be no evidence that Capt. Joseph Lyon made a will, neither has there been found any account of the settlement of his estate. Abigail, No. 92, was born July 14, 1754. There were certainly other children, possibly among them Obediah, Sarah and Mary. Page 94, No. 34. — Nathaniel Lyon, father of Mary died 1701, not 1719. Page 94, No. 40. — Benjamin Lyon was born 1693, not 1691. His first wife was undoubtedly Mary Day, sister of his second wife. In line 1, p. 95 omit (Condit), for which (Day) should probably be sub- stituted. Hannah, No. 95, was b. about 1721; Sarah, No. 97, b. about 1725-6; Martha, No. 98, b. 1733; Daniel, No. 102, b. 1735-6. The name of Martha should therefore follow that of Moses, and Daniel should precede Matthias. Page 95, No. 41. — The paragraph relating to the children of Joseph Prudden's negro servant is out of place in a Lyon Genealogy. Page 96, No. 44. — Ephraim 3 Clark was son of Ephraim 2 [Richard 1 ]. For Darkis, No. 119, read Dorkis; for Riderous, No. 121, read Ridemus. Page 96, No. 45. — For Darkis read Dorkis. Page 96, No. 47. — Ebenezer Lyon married Abigail . Page 96, No. 50. — Bethia Lyon's mother was Elizabeth Winans, sister of Jacob, her husband's father (see footnote, p. 89). Her second husband, Joseph Foster, No. 89a., was son of her cousin Mary Lyon, No. 29. The Joseph Lyon named as executor of Joseph Foster's will was Capt. Joseph Lyon, No. 32. The older form of spelling the name Grumman was Grommon, originally Grumin. On page 97, line 5 for Ichbod, read Ichabod; line 9 for Icabod, read Ichabod. Ichabod Grum- man was son of Joseph 3 Grumman [ 2 ; John 1 ]. N. B. Page and serial numbers are those of Vol. II. 366 SUPPLEMENT TO VOLUME II Page 97, No. 129c. Jacob Foster had a daughter Mary who mar- ried Isaiah 5 Stites [Benjamin 4 , William 3 , Richard 2 , John 1 ]. Children of Isaiah and Mary (Foster) Stites: I. Jacob Foster; m. Sarah Frazee. II. Henry; m. Mary Clark. III. Benjamin; m. Eliza Anne Drake. JACOB FOSTER 7 STITES [Mary 6 (Foster), Jacob 5 , Joseph 4 , Mary 8 (Lyon), Joseph 2 , Henry 1 ] also [Mary 5 (Foster) Jacob 4 , Bethia 8 (Lyon), Ebenezer 2 , Henry 1 ], married Sarah Frazee, daughter of Henry. Children of Jacob F. and Sarah (Frazee) Stites: I. Isaiah; m. 1st Drake; m. 2nd Sarah ; no ch.. II. Mary; d. at the age of 15 years. III. Charlotte; m. Philemon Dunn and had a son Albert. IV. Henry. HENRY 7 STITES [Mary 8 (Foster), Jacob 5 , Joseph 4 , Mary 3 (Lyon), Joseph 2 , Henry 1 ], also [Mary 5 (Foster) Jacob 4 , Bethia 3 (Lyon); Ebene- zer 2 , Henry 1 ], married Mary Clark, daughter of Edward Clark of West- field. Children of Henry and Mary (Clark) Stites: I. Eliza; m. Talmage Ross, s. of John. II. John; m. ; res. New York City. III. Annie; m. Gershom Llttell, s. of Gershom. IV. Aaron; m. ; res. New York City. BENJAMIN 7 STITES [Mary 6 (Foster), Jacob 5 , Joseph 4 , Mary 5 (Lyon), Joseph 2 , Henry 1 ], also [Mary 5 (Foster), Jacob 4 , Bethia 8 (Lyon), Ebenezer 2 , Henry 1 ], married Eliza Anne Drake, daughter of Nathaniel. Children of Benjamin and Eliza Anne (Drake) Stites: I. Hulda; m. James Cleaver, s. of William H. II. Julia. III. Mary. IV. Caroline. V. Benjamin. Page 97, No. 50. — The children of Ichabod Grommon and Bethia (Lyon, Winans) Foster were: I. Bethia; b. 1750-3; m. Benjamin Coe, s. of Benjamin, 1712-1788. II. Daughter; b. about 1753; d. young; buried 1769. N. B. Page and serial numbers are those of Vol. II. HENRY LYON OF NEWARK 367 III. Ichabod, Jr.; b. 1755; d. Oct. 29, 1794; m. Hannah Bruen. IV. Aaron; b. 1757; d. Aug. 20, 1801; m. Abigail Lyon (No. 317). Page 97, No. 51. — Add to children named: III. Abigail; b. about 1755; m. Josiah 5 Crane [Josiah 4 , Joseph', Jasper 3 , Jasper 1 ], also [Josiah 4 , Abigail 3 (Lyon), Joseph 2 , Henry 1 ]. Page 98, No. 134. — It was probably this Henry who married at Hanover Jan. 1773, Martha Tompkins. Page 98, No. 150. — Instead of Betsey Harrison read: jul IS 150. VIII. Elizabeth [Betsey]; b. 1764 (?); d. 1855; m. Ablel Harrison. See No. 2167, p. 239. Page 98, No. 57. — The will of Thomas Lyon was dated Sept. 4, 1784; proved Sept. 19, 1785. He was twice married, only the last four of his children being by his second wife Temperance, as follows: V. Moses; b. 1762. VI. Elijah; b. 1763. cyyjfrM— VII. John; b. 1767; pejihaps John Lyon of Rockaway; see list of inldenti- fled Lyons. VIII. Levi; b. about 1765. Page 98, No. 151. — Read: Sarah; m. Nov. 15, 1753, Joseph Hatha- way at Morristown. Page 98, No. 60. — It seems probable that Eunice Stephens, who was almost certainly a second wife, was not the mother of all of Daniel's children; possibly not of any of themt. Congar in his Genealogical Notes gives in addition to the list on p. 99 the names David and Moses. He states also that Eunice had a son John Stephens, by her first husband. The date of Daniel Lyon's birth given in the text is certainly too early; it was probably about 1730-32. Children of Daniel Lyon: 159. I. Crecy. 160. II. Sarah; b. about 1756; m. 1774 Evetts 5 Townley [Effingham*. Col. Richard 1 ]; for descendants see No. 2166, p. 239. 161. III. Phebe. 162. IV. Joanna; b. about 1760-5; m. Enoch Ball, b. about 1760. 163. V. Anna. t Among marriages in Hanover occurs the following: Daniel Lyon married Jan. 16, 1753, Elizabeth Force. This could hardly have been any other Daniel. If Elizabeth was dau. of Abraham Force, Abraham Lyon, No. 164, was probably her son, and she was the mother nf at least six of Daniel's children. X. B. Page and serial numbers are those of Vol. II. 368 SUPPLEMENT TO VOLUME II 164. VI. Abraham; b. 1760; m. Hannah Ogden; see p. 119, bottom of page. 165. VII. Joseph. 166. VIII. Jacob. 167. IX. Daniel; probably the Daniel Lyon of Hanover 1800-19 (opinion J. C. C). 168. X. Aaron; m. Lettee ; she b. 1771, survived her husband many years and d. July 26, 1846; bur. Elizabethtown, First Presbyterian churchyard. 168a. XI. David; buried near his bro. Aaron; David Lyon, s. of Daniel of Springfield, m. July 10, 1798, Elizabeth Gillom (N. J. Archives). 168b. XII. Moses. Page 99, No. 61. — Abel Lyon married probably Sarah Baldwin. Page 99, No. 62. — Abigail Crane was born, not 1713 but either in 1714 or 1721; the latter date agrees best with the date of her marriage. Abigail and Samuel were second cousins. The son David, No. 174. was Capt. David Lyon of Elizabethtown; see page 247. Samuel Lyon and Abigail Crane had also a daughter Phebe, No. 2164, p. 238. Page 99, No. 64. — Nathaniel Lyon was born about 1721; died Jan. or Feb. 1761. Page 100, No. 65. — Josiah Lyon was born probably about 1716. His children should be arranged probably in about the following order: I. Phebe. II. Mary. III. L,ydia; b. 1745 (called Elizabeth by Congar). IV. David; eldest son; b. 1747. V. Abraham; b. 1749. VI. Josiah. VII. Ann. Page 100, No. 66. — In line 4, for daughter of Zopher read children of Zopher. Page 101, line 1. — For Tichnor, read Tiehenor. Page 101, No. 68. — Henry Lyon married Mary, not Hannah Wood. Capt. Christopher Wood died Feb. 8, 1759; his will was made Nov. 20, 1758. His widow, Phebe (Johnes) Wood died 1785; her will made April 14, 1772, mentions Mary, wife of Henry Lyon. The statement that only the first three children were born before 1759 is based merely on the fact that these were named in their grandfather Wood's will; N. B. Page and serial numbers are those of Vol. II. HENRY LYON OF NEWARK 369 it is probable that all were born before 1759. Henry married possibly a second wife Hannah . It is probable that his son James, No. 188, was Col. James, No. 2163a, (p. 238), and that Stephen; No. 192, was the unidentified Stephen, No. 2165, whose birth is given on p. 238 as 1751, on p. 239 as 1755. The record however on page 239 cer- tainly does not all relate to this Stephen, whose wife, however, was probably Mary. Page 101, No. 69. — David 3 Littell was son of John" and Mary [George 1 and Alice Poore]. Page 101, No. 194. — T his Joseph was almost certainly the father of Capt. Joseph Lyon, No. 71. Page 101, No. 197. — This Samuel Lyon was possibly the father of the unidentified Samuel, No. 2170a, born 1780 (p. 240). Page 101, No. 201. — Abigail m. . Page 101, No. 202. — For Strain read Straun. Page 101, No. 70. — The dates of birth and death of Abraham Lyon are identical with those of Mary, wife of Josiah Lyon, No. 65. The circumstance leads one to suspect that some error has been made by a transcriber; it does not prove that they are erroneous as referring to Abraham. An expert genealogist states that Abraham was born in 1710 and died 1732. It is mentioned that he had one son Abraham, a Captain in the Revolutionary Army. If this is true, Capt. Abraham was almost certainly an only child, and born the year of his father's death. Page 102. No. 210. — For Casey read Carey [A. B. L.]. Page 103, No. 83. — Kezia Baldwin married, not Isaac Crane but Samuel 1 Crane [John 3 , Azarialr, Jasper 1 ]. The children named as those of Isaac and Kezia were except the last, children of Samuel and Kezia. Isaac married and had a son Isaac, who married and in turn had a son Isaac, born 1767. No further trace of descendants. Page 103, No. 84. — Ezekiel Crane was born May 8, 1711 and died in March or April 1794. He was a leading founder of the Baptist Church at Lyons Farms April 17, 1769. He married first about 1738- N. B. Page and serial numbers are those of Vol. II. (24) 370 SUPPLEMENT TO VOLUME II 9| Phebe , undoubtedly Dalglish or Douglas. His second wife was Abigail Baldwin, born about 1724, died some where between 1773 and 1779. She was daughter of Nathaniel 4 Baldwin§, 1690-1750 [John 3 and Ruth Botsford, daughter of Henry, John 2 and Mary, Sylvester 1 and Sarah Bryant]. Record of dates of birth of the older children are wanting, except in the case of Phebe. The following record is prob- ably substantially correct, although the name of Joseph should stand first in the list. Children of Ezekiel and Phebe (Dalglish?) Crane: I. Phebe; b. 1740; bapt. at Lyons Farms Baptist Church, Oct. 15, 1769; m. Deacon John Ball [Timothy 3 , Thomas 2 , Edward 1 ]; d. 1781. II. Sarah; b. about 1742; m. a Crane, probably Matthias 4 , b. 1737-8; d. 1777; grad. Yale College [John 3 and Abigail , Azarlah 2 , Jasper 1 ]; they had children. III. Rachel; b. 1744-5; d. 1783-7; m. Joseph Lyon, A. B. (No. 91). IV. Joseph; b. 1738-9; d. 1779-80; bapt. with Phebe, Oct. 15, 1769; m. Eunice Dod, daughter of Thomas; it was his uncle Joseph, No. 87, who married Elizabeth Johnson, afterwards Mrs. Paul Day. Children of Ezekiel and Abigail (Baldwin) Crane: V. Jonathan; b. Dec. 22, 1749; d. Feb. 1753, not 1785 as stated. VI. Joanna; b. about 1751; m. 1st Joseph 5 Plum, b. 1745, d. 1787 [John 4 , John 3 , Samuel 2 , John 1 ], they had children, one of whom was Isaac, the first Plum to change the name to Plume. Joanna m. 2nd about 1788 Ellas E. Vree- land, b. Dec. 20, 1750; d. March 29, 1828; bur. in Canfield Graveyard, Cedar Grove, N. J. VII. Elias; b. Sept. 10 1753; d. March 13, 1809; m. about 1775 Phebe 9 Brown, b. Feb. 12, 1758, d. 1828, [Stephen 5 , Stephen 4 , Joseph 3 , John 2 , John 1 ]. Elias was a private in Capt. Josiah Pierson's Company, Second Regt. Essex Co., Revolutionary Army. Page 103, No. 237. — The children of Deacon John and Phebe (Crane) Ball were: I. Calvin. II : I. ii I lit- r. tThe grounds for believing that Ezekiel was twice married are these: 1. His daughter Phebe was born in 1740, when Abigail Baldwin was only sixteen years old, possibly seventeen or eighteen [Baldwin Genealogy says she was born 1724, the date was certainly not before 1722]; 2. An Ezekiel Crane "born about 1710" married Phebe Dalglish [Douglas], born 1715, daughter of John 2 and Sarah (Ward) Dalglish [Robert 1 and Mary Dennison]; no Ezekiel Crane is recorded in New Jersey earlier than 1727-8 except this Ezekiel of- -*©e«rph b. 171L; note also that Phebe Dalglish's mother was Sarah and that Phebe had a sister Rachel, who married a Canfield. §Nathanlel Baldwin married first Mary Congar, dau. of Samuel 2 [John 1 and Mary] — so says Baldwin Genealogy; others say that Nathaniel's wife was Mary 3 Crane [Azariah 2 and Mary Treat, Jasper 1 and Alice]. Mary Treat was the daughter of Capt. Robert Treat and Jane Tapp. dau. of Edmund Tapp. Capt. Robert Treat was son of Richard Treat and Alice . Nathaniel had seven children by wife Mary. In 1730 he married a second wife Esther, 1689-1763, and had five children by her. B. Page and serial numbers are those of Vol. II. 5^vv iH <*v HENRY LYON OF NEWARK 371 III. Phebe [Littell's Genealogy calls her Rachel.] Deacon John Ball married second Miss Fairchild and had: 1. John; 2. David; 3. Daniel; 4. I'zel. Page 103, No. 234.— The children of Elias and Phebe (Brown) Crane were: I. David; b. 1776; d. 1782. II. Stephen; b. 1778. III. Moses; b. 1779. IV. Eunice; b. 1781. V. Mary; b. 1783. VI. Jonathan; b. 1784. VII. David (2nd); b. 1786. VIII. Rachel; b. 1789. IX. Jabez; b. 1790. X. Cyrus; b. 1791; d. 1889. XI. Abigail; b. 1794; d. 1836. XII. William; b. 1799. Page 103, No. 85. — Israel Crane, according to competent authority married Sarah . Perhaps he was more than once married. Page 103, No. 240. — Israel Crane, Jr., born about 1735-40 had a son Israel, born about 1760-1765, of Cranetown, N. J. He married Fanny Pierson, daughter of Dr. Matthias Pierson of Orange, N. J. This Israel Crane was a well known road builder and public spirited Jersey- man, who for many years owned the Pompton Turnpike, and who was a commissioner appointed by the State to finance the Morris Canal. Page 103, No. 86. — Jerusha Cook, wife of Capt. Josiah Crane, was daughter of Obediah Cook of Long Island. Captain Josiah and his wife Jerusha were buried in the cemetery at Connecticut Farms, now called Union. Page 103, No. 245.— Sarah Crane died before 1785. Page 103, Footnote. — The statements of this footnote involve chronological impossibilities. It is true that there was an Isaac Crane who married Mary Muchmore, daughter of Samuel, but it could not have been the Isaac born 1767. [A. B. L.]. Page 104, No. 251. — Josiah Crane died after the close of the war in 1785, while on a journey to visit his brother Elias who had re- moved to Kentucky. He married Abigail Lyon, daughter of John. No. N. B. Page and serial numbers are those of Vol. II 372 sonuomn to volume n 51. His wife's family lived in Morris County and lie went from Esses County up into Morris County and enlisted in the army and is supposed to have been married sometime during the Revolutionary war. It is - ~ed that he was a soldier in the Jersey Blues and w - ith "Washing- ton and Lafayette in all the battles fought in New Jersey, including Trenton, Monmouth and Brandywine. Children of Josiah and Abigail (Lyon) Crane: I. .John -Josiah (?); late of birth in doubt; the Crane G-enealogy says b. March 8, 1757; Cri I. Am Maria; b. Jan. IS, 1805; d. July 13, 1 treat :' Benjamin and Jane fLowj Crane: H. Benjamin Franklin; b. Feb. 16, 1808; m. Sept. 13, 1834. Amanda F Chardavoyne; d. Feb. 13, 1839. III. Theodore; b. Oct. 8, IMS. TV. Elsey Schuyler; b. Aug. 14 1811 V. John Josiah: b Jan. 19. 1813; res New York City; from him the com- piler of the Crane Senealogy got his information relative to his grandfather, but some error has been made in the record of his uncle (?) John Josiah. VI. Madison; b. Aug. 15. 1815; d. Sept 1 1815. VEL Augustus; b. Jan. 13 1817 m Elizabeth BaUeo, Morristown. N. J. VHT. William Low; b Jar. SS 1811 1. May IS, 1819. LX. Edward; twin -..-. : WiUiam; b. and d. Jan. 25. 1819. Page 103, No. 246. — Lois Crane married Hinman. Paeg 104, No. 248. — Elizabeth Crane married Pool. Page 104, No. 249. — Mar;.- Crane m. Harrison. Page 104, No. 250. — Joanna Crane m. Heard. Page 104, No. 253. — Jabez Crane died when a young man. X. B. Page and serial numbers are those of Vol. IL HEXRY LYOX OF NEWARK Page 104, No. 254. — Elias Crane removed to 'the new country" now known as Kentucky probably about 1782-3. Nothing is known of his descendants. Page 104. Xo. 255. — Jerusha Crane m. Brown. Page 104, Xo. 90. — The data in this paragraph certainly do not relate to Ephraim Sayre. Xo. M. This Ephraim was popularly known as Deacon Ephraim Sayre. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary Army and a personal and intimate friend of Washington. Among the descendants of this Ephraim are Joseph Sayre. architect, of Xewark, X. J.. Sidney L. Thompson of Elizabeth, X. J., and Dr. Lewis Albert Sayre, the founder of Bellevue Hospital. New York City. John Sayre, a brother of Ephraim resided in Xew York City in 1TS5. He removed to Philadelphia. Among his descendants were Dr. Francis Bowes Sayre. also died during the yellow fever epidemic of 1799 and. in the present day. Robert Sayre of South Bethlehem. Pa., owner of the Sayre Observatory there; he is also a banker and railroad magnate. The record in the text of the children of Ephraim Sayre — also the footnote, should be canceled as irrelevant. Page 105. Xo. 91. — Rachel Crane, wife of Joseph Lyon. A. B.. was born 1744-5. not 1739. and was probably daughter of Ezekiel and Phebe. not of Ezekiel and Abigail, as already stated. In line 2. page 105. for 1892 read 1S02. In line 5. instead of "'cousin" read "second cousin." Joseph Lyon. A. B., made his will Feb. 5, 1S17. probated June 16. 182L Xames his wife Sarah and children Sarah Wilbur [ary Cook. also names Abraham Cook, husband of Mary Cook. Executor "my friend David Lyon" (No. 306 >. Witnesses: Isaiah Meeker. Sarah Meeker and Phebe Meeker. Xote that the descendants of Joseph Lyon. A. B.. trace by two lines to Joseph 1 Lyon and Henry 1 Lyon. Page 105. Xo. 92. — Abigail Lyon was born July 14. 1754. Dr. Caleb Halstead was son of Caleb Halstead. born 1725 and wife Rebecca, born 1730. The record of her children should read: I. Mary Cook: m. General Isaac Andrus: a great-grranddaughter. Miss Emma G. Lathrop. res. (l?A7i Xewnrk X. J. II. Joseph Lyon: b. April. 1779: d. Oct. 1779. III. Phebe Robert*: b. 17 51; married two husbands. IV. Joseph Lyon: b. 178S; d. 1J07: m. . V. Caleb Stockton: b Dec If ""-" not Dec. 11 a* statedV X B. Paee and serial numbers are those of Vol. II. 374 SUPPLEMENT TO VOLUME II Page 106, line 5 from top. — For Nathaniel read Matthias. Page 107, No. 98. — Martha Lyon was born about 1733, married about 1756-7. Page 107, No. 99.— Phebe Chandler was born Nov. 30 (not 21) 1730, and died May (not March) 14, 1781. Page 107, No. 304. — Tappan Lyon died Dec. 15, 1776. Page 107, No. 306.— David Lyon died May 21 (not 24), 1845. Page 107, No. 307. — Ann Lyon was born June (not Oct.) 27, 1763, and died Jan. 20, 1846 (not 1840). Page 107, No. 309. — Joanna Lyon was born Dec. 1 (not 2), 1769. Page 107, No. 310.— Caleb Lyon died April 17 (not Dec. 28), 1854. Page 109, No. 102. — In line 4, for Edgar 1 read Edward 1 . Page 111, line 1, also lines 4 and 6, for Ayrs read Ayres. Page 111, No. 108. — In the second, also the seventh line, for Latou read Laton [Layton]. Page 111, No. 361. — For Usnal read Uzel. Page 111, No. 362. — For Guernig read Guerin. Page 112, No. 384. — For Athens College read College at Athens. Page 113, No. 392e. — For William read William D. Page 114, No. 400. — Aaron was probably Aaron Lyon, No. 2171 (p. 240). Page 114, No. 132. — John Lyon certainly had other children, among them a son Samuel, undoubtedly Samuel, No. 415. Page 115, No. 415. — This Samuel belongs to John Lyon, No. 132. Page 115, No. 141. — Aaron Lyon certainly had a son Aaron who was possibly No. 2171 (p. 240). Another son William married Abigail Miller, daughter of Smith and Rachel (Miller) Miller. William and Abigail had: 1. William; 2. Baker; 3. Adelaide. Page 116, line 4. — For Auguish read Anguish. Page 116, No. 434. — It was probably this John who married, Sept. 26, 1827, Phebe Edwards; res: Livingston, N. J. N. B. Page and serial numbers are those of Vol. II. 3 HENRY LYON OF NEWARK :'.75 ^ ' i l < r 5 Page 117, No. 175.— In the fourth line for (No. 85) read (No. 89). Page 118, No. 178.— David Lyon was born Feb. 27, 1756; died July 24, 1797. He married, Nov. 10, 1777 Rachel McCoy, born Oct. 29, 1760, [or 1761], d. Aug. 26, 1839, daughter of Capt. Garvin McCoy, b. Jan. 1, 1738, d. April 20, 1800, and Susan Kinnan, b. May 7, 1740, d. May 14, 1807. This is undoubtedly the Rachel Lyon referred to on p. 240 as mother of John Lyon, No. 2169. David served in the militia company commanded by his father-in-law, and later in the Continental Army. His death resulted from injuries received while driving a load of hay into his barn on the old homestead at Lyons, Somerset Co., N. J: After his death Rachel married Toan. Children of David and Rachel (McCoy) Lyon: 464a. I. Nathaniel; b. May 30, 1779; d. Aug. 10, 1781. 464b. II. John; b. April 14, 1781; m. Mary Miller. See No. 2169 for further record. 464c. III. Jonathan P.; b. Feb. 22, 1783; d. Sept. 1801. 464d. IV. Mary; b. June 15. 1786; d. May 26, 1857. •464e. V. Stephen; b. Sept. 3. 1789; d. Sept. 10, 1873 (Authentic Bible Record); m. Nancy Hill. See No. 2165 for what seems to be a garbled record of this Stephen; also see end of this supplement for authentic record. •464f. VI. Nathaniel [Secundus] ; b. Jan. 25, 1792; d. Nov. 5, 1822. See end of this supplement for further record. 464g. VII. David; b. Oct. 9, 1794; d. April 15, 1815. •465. VIII. Rachel; b. ; m. Samuel Ogden. Page 118, No. 180. — David Lyon married Prudence . Children of David and Prudence ( ) Lyon: I. David; b. about 1785; m. Sept. 29, 1809, Mrs. Phebe Johnson. II. Moses; m. Phebe Townley. III. Henry; b. about 1785; m. Eunice Harrison. IV. Sarah; m. Jan. 6, 1801, Enos Egbert. V. Phebe; b. Aug. 2S, 1789; d. Aug. 11, 1790. Page 118, No. 181. — In place of this paragraph, substitute that on Abraham Lyon, No. 470, p. 143, who was really son and not grandson of Josiah* Lyon. Page 118, No. 189. — Henry Lyon's wife Hannah died probably 1782-3. Hannah was Henry's second wife; by the first he had no chil- dren. Henry and Hannah had daughters as well as sons. Page 119, No. 195. — Thomas' Clark was son of Richard 3 Clark [Richard-, Richard']. N. B. Page and serial numbers are those of Vol. II. 376 SUPPLEMENT TO VOLUME II Page 119, No. 496.— Elizabeth Clark m. Page 119, No. 204. — Capt. Abraham Lyon, if a son of Abraham 4 as stated must have been born 1732. If the date of his birth was later than this he could not have been son of Abraham. There is hardly any doubt that he was of the fifth generation from Henry 1 through Samuel" by one of his sons Joseph 3 or Samuel 3 . Page 119, No. . — (At bottom of page). This Abraham was with- out doubt No. 164, son of Daniel 4 Lyon [Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , Henry 1 ]. Page 121, No. 252.— Obediah Crane died, not in 1838, but April 11, 1833. His wife Martha Taylor was the daughter of David Taylor 1709- 1756. Children of Obediah and Martha (Taylor) Crane: I. Joanna; b. Nov. 1. 1779; d. Jan. IS, 1870. I. Susanna; b. Jan. 21, 1782; d. Dec. 7, 1783. III. Cornelia Walton; b. July 7, 1784; d. Feb. 8, 1813; m. Woodruff. IV. Mariah; b. Dec. 8, 1786. V. Elizabeth J.; b. Aug. 27, 1790; d. Sept. 26, 1862; m. Jan. 3, 1808, Job Meeker, who d. June 11. 1841, ae. 57 y. VI. Phebe S.; b. Dec. 14, 1793; d. Dec. 6, 1801. JOANNA 6 CRANE (SCUDDER) [Obediah 5 , Josiah 4 , Abigail 3 (Lyon), Joseph 2 , Henry 1 ] (above) married June 24, 1797 Abraham Clark Scudder, son of John Scudder and wife Zipporah Clark, daugh- ter of Capt. Abraham 8 Clark [Thomas 2 , Richard 1 ]. He was born Aug. 3, 1776 and died July 30, 1853. Children of Abraham C. and Joanna (Crane) Scudder: I. Obediah C.J b. July 30, 1798; d. young. II. Cornelia Walton; b. Feb. 21, 1800; m. Sanford: they had one child, Elizabeth, who m. Mortimer Smith, and they had one child, Joanna, who m. Burns of Ridgefleld Park. III. Tubal; b. Nov. 21. 1802; d. young. IV. Harriet; b. Jan. 1, 1S04; d. young. V. Harriet; b. Sept. 13, 1806: m. Williams; children: 1. John; 2. William; 3. Anna: 4. Abraham. VI. Clark; b. Jan. 12, 1809: m. ; children: 1. Kate; 2. Joanna; the latter m. Rev. Benjamin O. Parvin, and lived in Rahway. VII. Amanda; b. March 13, 1811. VIII. Israel; b. Aug. 25, 1813; m. Mary Shaw; children: 1. James; 2. Anna; 3. Elizabeth; 4. Frederic; 5. Harriet, who lived in Brooklyn, N. Y. IX. Martha C; b. Oct. 31, 1815; m. William Mills 9 Townley [William 8 , Matthias 1 , James 3 , Effingham 2 , Col. Richard 1 ]; children: 1. Alonzo Crane, N. B. Page and serial numbers are those of Vol. II. HENRY LYON OF NEWARK o77 b. Feb. 11, 1849; res. Newark, N. J.; 2. Alexander Newton, b. March 8, 1851; d. 1861; 3. Amanda Scudder; res. Rahway. X. Julia Ann; b. Sept. 8, 1817; m. Agar Lindsey Roft, son of Nathaniel; children: 1. Firman, killed in the Civil War; 2. Alfred, m. ; res. Springfield. N. J.; 3. Matilda, m. John Knapp and had one child Helen; i. Cornelia Walton, m. Wallace Kaylor and had three sons who all lived at Westfield; 5. Jane, d. young; 6. Charles, m. ; res at Mountain Side near Westfield; 3 children. Page 122, No. 545.— Backus Wilbur was born Nov. 9, 1788 in Massachusetts; grad. Princeton College 1813; Theological Seminary 1816; in line 2 read Dayton, O. Page 122, No. 546.— Elizabeth Wilbur married William (not Wil- bur) Price, born about 1789-90. He was son of Daniel 4 Price [Daniel 3 , Joseph-, Benjamin']. Page 122, No. 267. — In line 7, after Hanover read N. J. and add also at Fairfield and New Carlisle, O. In line 9, omit the words "where he died March 31, 1841." In the last line of the paragraph, for Hingley read Tingley, and add "daughter of Samuel"; this third marriage took place about 1825. Page 122, No. 552. — Eliza Lyon Cook died at Addison, O. Page 122, No. 553. — The lineage of Judge John 5 Cox should read [Isaac 4 , b. 1743, Philip 3 , b. 1709, Philip 2 , b. 1677-80, Isaac 1 ]. Page 122, No. 554. — For Forest City, Wis. read Forest City, Mo. Page 123, No. 556. — For Hill grove read Hillgrove. Page 123, No. 284. — Phebe Clark, born 1759, daughter of Abraham 4 Clark, born 1726-7 [Joseph 8 , Joshua 2 , Richard 1 ] and wife Sarah or Phebe Badgeley. She married first Crane, but was still in her 'teens when she became the wife of Benjamin Lyon about 1777-8. Instead of children of Benjamin and Phebe C. (Crane) Lyon, read children of Benjamin and Phebe (Clark, Crane) Lyon. Page 123, No. 559. — Benjamin was born Oct. 25, 1780 (not 1777) and died July 6, 1839. Page 123, No. 560. — If Benjamin and Phebe had a daughter Martha, it seems strange that in the many land transfers and quit claims made by Phebe wherein all their children are named N. B. Page and serial numbers are those of Vol. II. 378 SUPPLEMENT TO VOLUME II there is never a mention of Martha. If she was their daughter and born in 1778 she must have been the oldest child. Page 123, No. 287.— Mary (Plum) Lyon died after 1776-7. Page 124, No. 563.— After John insert Plum. Page 124, No. 564.— For Oct. 29, read Oct 30. After John insert: 564a. V. Montgomery; b. March 15, 1776 and change serial numbers of the children of Rufus and Charity accordingly. Page 124, No. 572.— For 1799, read 1797. Page 124, No. 295.-^Amos Day married also a second wife. Page 124, No. 585.— For b. Nov. 24, 1836, read d. Nov. 24, 1836. Page 124, No. 586.— For b. 1769, read b. 1796. Page 125, No. 595.— For b. Aug. 8, 1812, read b. Aug. 8, 1817. Page 125, No. 300.— At the end of the paragraph add: Another of the surveyors of the Symme's Purchase was Capt. Joseph 5 Cox, Topographical Engineer [John 4 , John 3 , Philip 2 , Isaac 1 ]. Page 125, No. 598.— Instead of "Son; m. Miss Dudley", read "Daughter; m. Col. Ambrose Dudley of Cincinnati, O." Page 125, No. 599.— Israel d. 184—. Page 125, No. 600.— Benjamin Ludlow Day m. Harriet Kipp of New York. Page 125, No. 302.— Besides the three children named, there were five or six others. Page 127, No. 606.— Samuel Lyon was born 1781-2. After No. 610, add a sixth child, David. Page 127, No. 310.— Caleb died, not Dec. 28, but April 17, 1854. In line 4, for Phebe Clark (Crane) Lyon, read Phebe (Clark, Crane) Lyon. Page 128, No. 625.— Phebe married 1st William Pennington and 2nd Asa Whitehead. Query: Is not this the Phebe Parsel referred to in the will of Abigail (Lyon) Grumman, No. 317? (See page 131, N. B. Page and serial numbers are those of Vol. II. HENRY LYON OF NEWARK 379 line o from bottom.) If so the record is wrong in making her daughter of Capt. James Wheeler. Page 130, No. 315. — In line 12 of the paragraph, for Joduthan read Jonathan. Page 131, No. 316. — The account here given belongs to Nathaniel Lyon No. 390. See note on a subsequent page. Page 131, No. 317. — In line 7 of the paragraph, for 1768 read April 16, 1769; in line 13, for Sammuel read Samuel. In line 4 of the paragraph, for Germmond read Grumin. Page 133, No. 658.— For b. March, 1792, read b. March, 1797. Page 134, line 1.— For 1789 read 1798. Page 136, No. 329. — 'Matthias Lyon married Mary Elizabeth Fitz- Randolph, daughter of Gilbert FitzRandolph of Stone House Village. They removed to the Lake country of New York State. Page 136, No. 681. — This is probably the Sarah Lyon who mar- ried, May 4, 1827, Israel Campfield of Chatham. Page 136, No. 682. — For Morrice read Morris. Page 136, No. 385.— Sarah Wilcox [Willcox] was daughter of John Wilcox, Esq. According to LittelFs Genealogy she died June 1, 1795, aged forty years. If this is correct, the ten children recorded were all hers, and so Littell gives them. Page 136, No. 692.— Elizabeth was born April 28, 1774; married April 27, 1791, Moses Tucker. Page 136, No. 693. — Mary was born May 6, 1776. Page 136, No. 694.— John was born Oct. 7, 1778; died Feb. 11, 1842; m. Tabitha Moore, daughter of Isaac. Page 136, No. 695.— Rachel was born Aug. 21, 1781, twin sister, not of John but of Sally. Page 136, No. 696.— Sally, twin to Rachel, married, not John Ross, but Jonathan Roff. Page 136, No. 697.— Peter was born Feb. 27, 1787; he married his cousin Anne Miller, daughter of Phebe Cory, No. 720. N. B. Page and serial numbers are those of Vol. II. S80 SUPPLEMENT TO VOLUME II Page 136, No. 699. — For Tenn., read Pa. Page 136, No. 700. — For Squire, read Squler, and for 1818 read 1815. Page 137, No. 386. — The Joanna Lyon, born 1751, died Oct. 12, 1783, is probably Joanna Wilcox, wife of Benjamin Lyon. Page 137, No. 707.— Peter m. . Page 137, No. 390. — This account and that of No. 316, page 131, evidently relate to the same Nathaniel. One may argue from the fact that Mercy Wilcox was a sister of Sarah, wife of Ebenezer Lyon, No. 385, that the Nathaniel who married Mercy was a brother of Ebenezer. The Revolutionary War record certainly belongs to the same Nathaniel, since his widow Mercy applied for a pension — unless both were in the Revolution or else each had married a wife Mercy. [It may be noted that Littell gives the name of Nathaniel's wife in different places as Mary, Mercy and Massey.] The question of the identity of Nathaniel, Revolutionary soldier, cannot be positively settled from evidence at present available. Page 137, No. 718. — Phebe Lyon married as second wife Joshua 4 [not Josiah] Miller [Jacob 3 , Enoch 2 , Samuel 1 ]. Children of Joshua and Phebe (Lyon) Miller: I. Eliza Anne; m. . II. Charlotte; twin sister of Eliza Anne; m. Rev. William Davis. III. Jotham; unm. ; d. ae. 24 years. IV. Jacob; m. ; lived in Indiana. V. John. VI. Martha. VII. Lucre tia; twin slater of Martha. Page 137, No. 391. — The date of Susan's marriage was April 15, not April 1. Page 137, No. 720. — Cornelius and Phebe (Cory) Miller had a daughter Anne who married her cousin Peter Lyon, No. 697, son of Ebenezer. Page 138, No. 723g. — For Charlos, read Charles. See further record in Errata, p. 390. Page 138, No. 723n. — Eliminate the parenthesis after Anna. N. B. Page and serial numbers are those of Vol. II. HENRY LYON OF NEWARK 381 Page 139, No. 415. — Samuel was certainly not the son of Aaron. He may have been son of John, No. 132, brother of Aaron. Page 141, No. 772. — The date of Ebenezer Cobb Lyon's birth is given here April 17, 1826; on p. 169 it is given April 17, 1836; Query, which is correct? Page 142, No. 801. — Esther and Caroline were uot the same person. Read: 801. V. Esther. 801a. VI. Caroline. Page 143, No. 468. — Henry Lyon was born about 1785; Eunice, his wife, was born about 1790. After Thomas in line 3, instead of (1776-1844), read (1766-1844). Page 143, No. 824. — Ann Lyon married Robert Steele, a prominent citizen of Dayton, O. Page 143, No. 470.— As already stated, this Abraham is really No. 181, belonging to the fifth, not the sixth, generation. Page 144, line 5. — For Squires, read Squier. Page 145, No. 491. — Hannah Smith was daughter of Jonathan Smith and Elizabeth Trembly, daughter of Peter Trembly and Susannah Backer. Page 145, No. 841.— Sarah Clark was born Oct. 1, (not 11), 1773. Page 145, No. 852. — After Broad well add, removed to Ohio. Page 147, No. 517.— See p. 390 for additional records of this family. Page 150, No. 536. — Margaret Congar was born March 24, 1782, and died March 28, 1851. Page 150, No. 917. — Joseph Lewis Riggs married Elizabeth Anna Roosa. Page 150, No. 918. — Elias Riggs married Martha Jane Dalzel. Page 150, No. 921.— Read: m. Rev. Joseph G. Monfort. Page 150. — Following paragraph on No. 536. insert: N. B. Page and serial numbers are those of Vol. II. 382 SUPPLEMENT TO VOLUME II 553. VI. 267. HARRIET HAVENS' COOK (COX) [Mary 8 (Lyon), Joseph*, Capt. Joseph 3 , Joseph 2 , Henry 1 ] was born May 29, 1804, in Hanover, N. J., and died Aug. 15, 1874, at Osborne, Ohio; married Dec. 21, 1821, John Cox, born Sept. 16, 1800, in Harrison Co., Va.; died April 9, 188^. at Osborne, Ohio. He was the founder of Osborne, Ohio. For thexehildren of John and Harriet Havens (Cook) Cox, see page 210. ^ 2? Page 150, No. 554. — Read: Mary (Cook) Mozier died in or near Forest City, Mo. [not Wis.] about 1895. Children of Jacob and Mary (Cook) Mozier: I. Indiana [not Juliana] ; m. Greenbury Louden, had several children. II. Jacob, Jr.,; m. , had several children. III. Harriet; m. George McNulty, had several children. IV. Charles; m. , had several children. All the foregoing res. (1907) near Forest City, Holt Co., Mo. V. Stephen Abraham; d. young. VI. Carrie; m. Edwin [not Edward] Phillips; has two children; res. Manitou Springs, Colorado. Page 150, No. 555. — The record should read: Children of Hugh and Phebe (Cook) Andrews: I. Angeline; b. about 1832; m. Levi Kirby; resided at Addison, O., where both of them died. II. Abraham; m. ; had several children; d. about 1903 at Addi- son, O. III. Samuel; married twice and had several children. IV. Jane; d. young. V. Isabell; d. young. VI. Wilbur; m. ; had several children; res. (1907) Eaton, Ind. VII. Eleanora; m. , and had one daughter. VIII. Eliza; b. 1851; m. Amos Cook (of another family, unrelated); res. Union City, Ind.; two children, one only living, named Harry, who is married and has one child. Page 151, No. 556. — Record should read: Children of Stephen and Sarah (Caldwell) Cook: I. Mary Jane; m. Jason Kester, New Carlisle, O. ; children: 1. Ida, m. Charles Ellis, Dayton, O. ; 2. Clara, m. Bratten; 3. George, m. and had one son, res. New Carlisle, O. ; 4. Frances, m. Taylor, Dayton, O. ; 5. Harry, m. ; removed West ; was formerly of Springfield, O., on the "Farmer and Fireside". II. John Wesley; d. ; m. ; one daughter, who res. near Dayton, O. III. Chalmers; wounded at the battle of Pittsburg Landing, !862, brought home and soon died. N. B. Page and serial numbers are those of Vol. II. HENRY LYON OF NEWARK 383 IV. Albert, m. ; res. Mt. Vernon, Ind., formerly lived near Hill- grove, O. V. Melissa; m. Repp; no children. VI. Lucy; m. as second wife Repp [not Rapp], widower of her sister Melissa; reside at Huntington, Ind., and have two sons in business there. VII. Martha; in. Parrett. VIII. Angeline; m. Stoner [not Staner] ; has one daughter; res. near Hillgrove. O. IX. Rosa; m. John Bickel; they have four sons. She and family live near Hillgrove, O. X. Levi Kirby; m. and has children. Page 151, No. 557. — Record should read: Children of George and Sarah (Cook) Rockey: I. John; m. Victoria Stepleton [not Singleton], Addison, O. ; children: 1. Angeline, unm.; 2. Ulysses Grant, married and has a son, Curleton. II. Jane; d. young. III. Daughter; d. young. IV. Ellen; m. Joseph Anderson; res. near Addison, O. ; had four or five children. V. Minerva; m. David Mound, St. Paris, O. ; children: 1. Wilbur, m. and has 3 children; res. St. Paris, O. ; 2. Albert; 3. Daughter, d. young; 4. Child, d. young; 5. Scott A.; all live at St. Paris, O. Page 151, No. 559. — Benjamin Lyon was born Oct. 25, 1780, and died July 6, 1839; buried at Newark. Page 151, No. 951. — For Techenor read Tichenor. Page 152, line 3 from top. — Read: They were the parents of Ex-governor Franklin Murphy of New Jersey. Page 152, No. 572.— Read: He married first, Nov. 1, 1820, Eliza- beth Gardner. Page 152, following No. 955g, insert: VIII. Catherine Matilda; b. Feb. 21, 1831; d. March 30, 1832. (Change succeeding serial numbers correspondingly). Page 152, No. 955g.— For d. March 13, 1835, read d. March 13, 1830. Page 152, No. 955i— For b. Feb 6, 1831, read b. Feb. 6, 1836. Page 152, No. 955k. — For Rodgers read Rogers. Page 153, No. 581. — In line three, for P. C. Court read Court of Common Pleas. N. B. Page and serial numbers are those of Vol. II. 384 SUPPLEMENT TO VOLUME II Page 153, No. 976.— Read: Ellen; m. Page 153, No. 979. — Read: Agnes; m. Dr. John D. Jackson; children: 1. Edward E., m. Miss Osborn; 2. Charlotte, m. Robison, s. of Collins Robison, Esq., of Morristown; 3. Mary, m: Lewis A. Chandler, Esq.; 4. Dr. John, Jr., of Rockaway, N. J.; 5. Agnes; 6. Laura, m. May 10, 1858, Lewis A. Chandler, Esq., widower of her sister Mary. Page 153, No. 980. — Read: Dau. of Col. Isaac Southard. The name of the fourth child was John Rolin. Page 154, No. 988.— There should be an asterisk before 988. Page 154, No. 989. — For Dunlap read Dunlop. Page 154, No. 597. — After Warren County insert Ohio. Page 155, No. 997. — For Jephtha read Jephtha D. Page 155, No. 598. — For Miss Dudley read Colonel Ambrose Dudley of Cincinnati, O. The following line should read: Daughter of Colonel Ambrose and (Ludlow) Dudley. Page 155, No. 599. — Omit Dudley after Louisa. Page 155, No. 606. — Samuel Lyon was born about 1781-2; Susan Ogden, born 1779, died Aug. 17, 1809. See also record on p. 238, where this same Samuel appears as No. 2170. Page 157, No. 611. — In line 1, p. 157, for Son read Children. Page 157, No. 625. — The maiden name of Phebe may have been Purcell instead of Wheeler; see will of her aunt Abigail (Lyon) Grumman, who mentions "my niece Phebe Parsel". Page 165, No. 652.— After New Hartford insert N. Y. Page 167, No. 692. — Elizabeth Lyon was born April 28, 1774; she married, April 27, 1791, Moses Tucker. Page 167, No. 1167. — For John read Jonathan M. Page 167, No. 1168. — For Apollos B. read simply Apollos. Page 167, No. 1169. — Instead of Mary M. Fisher, read Margaret M. Fisher; after Robert read married Martha . N. B. Page and serial numbers are those of Vol. II. HENRY LYON OF NEWARK 385 Page 167, No. 1173. — For Jonathan read Jonathan M.; after Eliza Jane read born 1832. Page 167, No. 1174. — Read: Aaron; m. in New York City and rem. to French Creek, Pa. Page 167, No. 1175. — Instead of George H. read George Henry. Page 167, No. 1176. — The children of William and Nancy (Brown) Koyer were: 1. James; 2. William; 3. Henry; 4. Maria; 5. Sarah Jane; 6. Peter. Page 167, No. 1178. — The name of Henry's first child was Mary not Henry; eliminate Brown in parenthesis. Page 167, No. 1179. — Also eliminate (Brown). Page 168, No. 694. — After Tabitha Moore read daughter of Isaac Moore . Page 168, No. 694. — Rachel was twin sister of Sally, not of John Lyon. Henry Moore was son of Joseph Moore of Mount Bethel and therefore not a brother of John's wife. Page 168, No. 1181.— Instead of Sally Ann read Sally Allen. Page 168, No. 696. — Instead of John (or Jonathan) Ross, read Jonathan Roff. Page 168, No. 1196. — Instead of Julia read Julia Anna. Page 168, No. 1197. — Instead of 4. Squire; 5. Milton, read: 4: Edwin; 5. Squier; 6. Milton. Page 168, No. 1198. — Instead of Squire Osborn read Squier Os- born. Add to the list of the children of Nathaniel and Rachel (Potter) Bond the following: 1198a. IV. Martha. 11981). V. Mary. Page 168, No. 713. — Mary Potter married James Morehouse Nov. 26, 1788; removed to Warren County, Ohio. Page 168, No. 1200. — After Joel Kennedy add: res. Hamilton, Ohio. Page 169, No. 1210. — Read Isaac Warren. Page 169, No. 1211. — Read Henriette Amanda. N. B. Page and serial numbers are those of Vol. II. (26) 386 SUPPLEMENT TO VOLUME II Page 169, No. 722.— The number 722 should be 772. The date of birth is given here April 17, 1836; on p. 141 it is given April 17, 1826. Query, which is correct? Page 169, No. 727. — The date of Isaac Lyon's marriage, June 12, 1885, is clearly wrong; probably the year was 1850. Page 170, No. 737.— In line 3 for Oct. 3 read Oct. 30. Page 174, No. 836.— The number 836 should be 833. Page 175, No. 840.— David Enyart was of Somerset Co., N. J He emigrated to Butler Co., Ohio about 1800 with his parents, brothers and sisters. Page 175, No. 1303. — Daniel Liebee is right; the correction on p. 391 to David Liebee is an error. Page 175, No. 1304.— For Daniel Clark read David Clark; for Mratha read Martha, but this record of marriage should be erased. David Clark Enyart died an old man unmarried; it was his cousin David Enyart who married Martha Ann Whittaker. Page 175, No. 841.— Sarah Clark was born Oct. 1 (not 11), 1773. The date of her marriage was Aug. 31, 1794. John Cox of Somerset Co., N. J., emigrated to Washington County, Pa., 1797; two years later to Harrison County, Va., and in 1801 removed to Ohio and was one of the original settlers and founders of Fairfield, Green Co., O. The date, 1907, should accompany the statement at top of p. 176, that the pioneer homestead is still standing. Page 175, Footnote:— For (1709-1787) after Philips read (1709- 1785); for Joanna in the same line read Johannah. In line 6 instead of "descended tfom Sir Richard Cox," read son of Sir Richard Cox (1499-1583). In the line of Sarah" Sutton, for DanieP read David 5 (1703-1775). In line 4 from the bottom of the page, for Hannah Winans read Susannah Backer [Baker]. Susannah Backer was a daughter of Henry Backer and Susannah Winans, daughter of John Winans and Susannah Melyen, daughter of Cornelius and Joanna. Add at the close of the note: [Isaac 6 Cox] served from 1776 until the close of the war. He was a Sergeant and participated in all the battles in New Jersey including Monmouth, Trenton and Paulus Hook. N. B. Page and serial numbers are those of Vol. II. HENRY LYON OF NEWARK 387 Page 176, line 3. — For children of John and Sarah (Lyon) Cox, read children of John and Sarah (Clark) Cox. Page 176, No. 1311.— For d. Fairfield. O., in 1870, read d. near Troy, Miami Co., O., about 1870. Add: m. 1st. about 1819, Anna S. Tingley; m. 2nd. about 1827, Mrs. Mary Ham, nee Light. Page 176, No. 1312.— Read: Elizabeth; b. in New Jersey. May 31, 1797; m. James Allen; d. in Osborne, O., 1855-6. Page 176, No. 1313.— Read: Sarah; b. Jan. 7, 1799; d. March 17, 1860 near Osborne. O.; m. in 1816 John Haddix. . /£-'£_ f Page 176, No. 1314. — Add: m. Dec. 21, TSf^Harriet Havens Cook, b. May 29, 1804 at Hanover, Morris Co., N. J., d. Aug 15, 1874. Page 176, No. 1317. — For Christina read Christian. Page 176, No. 1319. — For Price Wilkerson read Robert Wilkinson; for d. Dayton. O., read d. Piqua, O. Add: res. Fairfield, O. and Piqua. O. Page 176, No. 1320.— Martha died at Piqua, O., about 1860. Page 176, No. 1322. — After the word Amos add: also three daugh- ters. Page 176, No. 1323. — Read: Jonathan; m. . Page 176, No. 1325. — Read: Jeremiah M.; m. -. Page 176, No: 1326.— Read; Charles B.; m. . Add: Jona- than Clark and Elizabeth Prior had also four daughters. Page 180, No. 918. — Rev. Elias Riggs and his wife Martha Jane Dalzel went in Oct. 1832 as missionaries to Greece and from thence to Smyrna in Asia Minor. Page 180, No. 920. — James M. Ray was a native of Cauldwell, Essex Co., N. J., and afterwards resided in Indianapolis, Ind., and was cashier of the State Bank there. Page 181, No. 924.— Elizabeth (Riggs) Forsyth died Sept. 7, 1848. She married, Aug. 25, 1842, Antrim Robbins Forsyth, a merchant of Greensburg, Ind., son of John Forsyth of Trenton, N. J. Page 181, No. 1409. — For William read William Cougar. N. B. Page and serial numbers are those of Vol. II. 388 SUPPLEMENT TO VOLUME II Page 181, No. 948.— Lewis Lyon married Feb. 23, 1826, Mary B. Tucker of Livingston. Page 181, No. 1426.— For Techenor read Tichenor. The same correction should be made in line 3, also in line 2 from bottom of page. Page 183, No. 988. — In line 8, for Janette read Jeanette. Page 184, No. 1021.— In line 4 omit the Jr. after Samuel Much- more Crane and instead of son of Samuel M. Crane of Chatham, N. J., read son of Isaac Crane and Mary Muchmore, daughter of Samuel Muchmore. The statement of the footnote relating to Isaac Crane, No. 83, is without known foundation in fact, and the whole footnote should be eliminated. Page 205, No. 1167. — For John "Wilcox in the second and the fourth lines read Jonathan M. Wilcox. Page 205, No. 1698.— Read: George Tucker; b. Nov. 16, 1814; m. May 16, 1848, Harriet Little; a son George, b. May 24, 1849. Page 205, No. 1699. — Read: Silas; m. Sarah Ann Drake; children: 1. Sarah Ann; 2. Jonathan, m. . The following line should read instead of "3. Hetty," as follows: 1699a. III. Hetty. Page 208, No. 1741. — For Parthenia read Pathena. Page 208, No. 1745. — Read: Newton; m. ; had several children; res. Chicago, 111. Page 208, No. 1746. — Read: David; married and had three children; res. Cincinnati, O. Page 208, No. 1747. — Read: Emma; unm.; res. San Jose, Cali- fornia. Page 208, No. 1303. — Instead of David Liebee, read Daniel Liebee. Page 208, No. 1748. — Read: Mary; m. Col. Horace P. Clough, Middletown, Ohio. They had a son Charles, m. , lived in Dayton. O.. in 1887. was Union Depot ticket agent, afterward removed to New York City. Page 208, No. 1749. — Read: Susan; unm. N. B. Page and serial numbers are those of Vol. II. HENRY LYON OF NEWARK 389 Page 208, No. 1750. — For F. Stephens read M. F. Stephens. Page 208, No. 1753. — Read: Sarah; unm. Page 208, No. 1757. — The" name Domineck, corrected in the Errata on p. 391 to Dominick. should stand as in the text. Page 209, No. 1307. — Read as follows: 1761. I. Susan Margaret. .1761a. II. Rebecca. 1762. III. Jeremiah. 1763. IV. John; res. Chicago. 111. 1764. V. Esther; res. Lebanon, O. Page 209, No. 1308. — In lines 1, 3 and 4, for Dearth read Death. Page 209, No. 1766. — Add after Linton: resides in Kansas. Page 209, No. 1767. — Add: had two children. Page 209, No. 1312. — David Sutton Cox was born in Bridgewater Township. Somerset Co.. N. J. He resided for a time near Fairfield, Ohio, afterward removed to near Troy. Miami Co., O., where he died about 1870. He married first, about 1819, Anna S. Tingley, daughter of Samuel, who had emigrated from Somerset Co., N. J., to Fairfield, O. He married second, about 1827, Mrs. Mary (Light) Ham. Instead of children of David Sutton Cox, read: Children of David S. and Anna S. (Tingley) Cox, and after No. 1770 insert children of David S. and Mary (Light. Ham) Cox. Page 209, No. 1769. — For Catherine G-rissey read Ellen Catherine Griffey. Page 209, No. 1770. — For Samuel read Samuel Tingley; add: d. 1875 at Osborne, O. Page 209, No. 1771.— Read: Joseph W.; b. 1828 near Fairfield, O., res. in Miami County, Ohio and at Union City, Ind.; m. 1st. Julia A. Brown, m. 2nd: . Page 209, No. 1772.— Read: Sarah E.; b. 1832; m. William H. Heuston; resides at Rigdon, Grant Co., Ind.; has several children. Page 209, No. 1775. — For Harriet Thorne read Hannah Thorne. Page 209, No. 1312.— Elizabeth Cox was born May 31, 1797, In N. B. Page and serial numbers are those of Vol. II. t 390 SUPPLEMENT TO VOLUME II Somerset Co., N. J . ; she died at the residence of her brother John Cox at Osborne. O., in 1855 or 1856. She married in 1816 James [not Joseph] Allen, who was born Sept. 9, 1795 in New Jersey, died about May 1849 at Delphi, Ind., the family having removed there in the fall of 1848 from near the present site of Osborne. 1776. IX. 1312. ESTHER" ALLEN (JOHNSTON) [Elizabeth 8 (Cox), Sarah 7 (Clark), William 6 , Rebecca 6 (Lyon), Joseph 4 , Joseph 8 , Samuel 2 , Henry 1 ], born March 18, 1817; died about 1850-52. She mar- ried Dr. James L. Johnston, son of Zebulon and brother of William M^^JohiLspn who married her cousins Mary M. Cox, No. 1789 and Isabella G. Martin, No. 1798. Children of James L. and Esther (Allen) Johnston: I. ; d. young. II. James Henry; m. ; res. in Nebraska. III. Rachel; m. . 1777. IX. 1312. JOHN 9 ALLEN [ELIZABETH 8 (Cox), Sarah 7 (Clark), William , Rebecca 6 (Lyon), Joseph 4 , Joseph 3 , Samuel 2 , Henry 1 ], born Dec. 28, 1818, near Fairfield, Ohio; died Jan. 24, 1900, near Delphi, Ind: He married first near Fairfield 1841, Nancy Parson [Parsons] of Fairfield, born 1817 in Rockbridge Co., Va.; died Aug. 1874 near Delphi, Ind., daughter of George Parson. He married second in 1878, Mrs. Nancy (Ball) Clawson, who died in 1902. John Allen removed July 1849 after his father's death from near Fairfield, O., to Delphi, Ind. Children of John and Nancy (Parson) Allen (the first five res. near Pyrmont. Ind.) : I. George W.; b. 1842; m. Minerva Gillam ; had four children, one a son Alba, b. about 1877. II. James M.; b. March 27, 1844; m. Mary M. Lyons, born in London, Eng. ; no children; res. Pyrmont. Carroll Co., Ind. III. John W.; b. 1846; d. young about 1858. IV. Joseph J.; m. Ella Gillam, sister of Minerva above; had several chil- dren; six are living (1907), three sons and three daughters. V. Clark C.j m. Mary Smith; had one son. VI. Sarah A.; m. Lucas; she died in 1894; had ten children, eight of them now living (1907). The other four children of John and Nancy died young. Page 209, No. 1778.— Read: Henry; b. Feb. 12, 1821; d. young. N. B. Page and serial numbers are those of Vol. II. HENRY LYON OF NEWARK 3t»l Page 209, No. 1779.— Read: Mary J.; b. Sept. 11, 1822; d. between 1850 and 1860, near Delphi, Ind.; m: about 1845 Dr. Berzelius Barr of Clark Co., O., and removed to Tremont. After his death she went to Indiana in the fifties. They had one son Berzelius who res. at Tremont, O., and is a druggist. Page 209, No: 1780.— Read: Sarah Adalaide; b. July 15, 1825; d. about 1860; m. Thomas Givins [not Gibbons as stated in the text]; no children. Page 209, No. 1781.— Read: Rosetta B.; b. Oct. 23, 1827; d. 1880-5; m. James Adair, who died in 1863. Page 209, No. 1782.— Read: Martha; b. Dec. 8, 1829; d. about 1851-2; unm. Note: Besides the seven children given in the record on p. 209, James and Elizabeth (Cox) Allen had the following, these as well as the others all born near Fairfield or near the present site of Osborn, O: VIII Elizabeth Adaline; b. March 30, 1832; m. about 18C0, Rev. Samuel Cook, who a. about 1S88; they removed to Nebraska where she now lives (1907); they had three or four children, two now living, a son, Rev. Cook, and a daughter who has been twice married. IX. Phebe Ann; b. May 26, 1834; m. Aurand and res. Charles City, la.; several children, all married. X. Joseph; b. Jan. 16, 1837; d. young. XI. Harriet Frances; b. Jan. 10. 1840; m. about 1860, Robert Thompson, who d. about 1S94; five children, three living (1907); they lived 1860-1894 near Delphi, Ind.; she and her children now live In Pulaski Co., Ind. Page 209, No. 1313.— Sarah Cox was born Jan. 7, 1799 [not 1798] in Washington County, Pa., died March 17, 1860, near Osborne, Ohio. John Haddix, from Virginia, was born Dec. 29, 1791 ; died March, 1888. Osborne, Ohio. Page 210, No. 1783. — Melinda Haddix McCulley died in Texas. Page 210, Nos. 1784 and 1785. — The order of these two should be reversed: Nimrod was the second child, John Riley the third. Page 210, No. 1786.— William Clark Haddix died about 1870. Page 210, No. 1787.— For Sarah E. read Sarah Elizabeth. Page 210, No. 1788. — For Cosard read Cosad. Add to the list of children of John and Sarah (Cox) Haddix: 1788a. VII. Maria Ann; b. 1839; m. Harvey Phillips; they had one son. N. B. Page and serial numbers are those of Vol. II. 392 SUPPLEMENT TO VOLUME II Page 210, No. 1314. — Harriet Havens Cook was a descendant of Henry Lyon of Newark through Joseph- by two lines, viz. in the sixth generation thus [Mary 5 (Lyon), Joseph, A. B. 4 , Capt. Joseph 8 , and Mary Cook, Joseph 2 , Henry 1 ] and in the seventh generation thus [Mary" (Lyon), Rachel 5 (Crane) Ezekiel 4 , Abigail 3 (Lyon), Joseph 2 , Henry']. Her husband John Cox was in the eighth generation through Samuel' as shown in the text. Page 210, No. 1790. — Insert in the record: m. Emmeline Bressler. Page 210, No. 1791. — For Staat read Statts. Page 210, No. 1793. — Add: m. Mary Elizabeth Judson. Page 210, No. 1794.— Add: m. 1st, Aug. 26, 1863, Sarah Sylvia Reese; m. 2nd, Maria Markley. Page 210, No. 1795.— Add: m. Dec. 24, 1868, Margaret Ann Hoover. Page 210, No. 1315. — For Lydia Cosard read Lydia Cosad. Lydia Cosad was born 1799 in Sussex County, N. J., died about 1895, Seattle, Wash. She was daughter of Rev. Thomas Cosad, born 1763 in Som- erset County, N. J., died 1808 at Wantage, Sussex Co., N. J., and Abigail Tingley of Somerset Co., N. J. Rev. Thomas Cosad was a son of Anthony* Cosart [Jacob 3 , Anthony 3 , Jacques 1 ] and Catherine Coon. The last sentence of the paragraph should read: She married second about 1824 Moses Moore, married third about 1827 Joseph Sexton [Not Saxton], and became a U. B. preacher and preached for forty or fifty years throughout the West. She was known as Rev. Lydia Sexton or "Aunt Lydia Sexton" (her people were Baptists). Several years before her death she published her autobiography. In line 6 of the paragraph, for Lydia (Cosard) Cox, read Lydia (Cosad) Cox. Page 210, No. 1796. — Instead of res. Kansas, read res. Fort Scott, Burlington and Fredonia, Kansas. Page 210, No. 1316. — Mary (Cox) Martin died at Middletown, Ohio, June, 1833. Jonathan Martin of Middletown, Ohio, was born 1791 in Middlesex Co., N. J., son of Isaac Martin and Sarah Valen- tine, who came from New Jersey in 1803 and settled in Butler N. B. Page and serial numbers are those of Vol. II. HENRY LYON OF NEWARK 393 County, O. Jonathan married first Nancy Crooks and had two sons and two daughters. He died in December, 1831. Page 210, No. 1797. — For Harriet read Harriet N. Page 210, No. 1798. — Read: m. William M. Johnston, who m. 1st Mary M. Cox, No. 1789. Page 210, No. 1317. — For Christiana, in line 1, also for Christina, line 4, read Christian. She died near Danville, 111., Sept. 1887. Solomon Mozier, born 1798, died 1877. was brother of Jacob Mozier, who married Mary Cook, sister of Harriet Havens Cook, wife of John Cox, Christian's brother. Page 211, No. 1799. — Read: Adam H.; b. near Fairfield, O., about 1833; m. in 1887, Martha Cooper; no children. Page 211, No. 1800. — John Cox Mozier, twin brother of Adam, married about 1860 Margaret Endicott. They have five children living (1907), three daughters and two sons. One of the latter is married and one is unmarried. Residence Buford, Jefferson Co., 111. Page 211, No. 1801. — William R. Mozier, b. near Fairfield, O., 1837, married Nancy Bloomfield; had one daughter Harriet b. about 1860, who married Sweringer and had two children: 1. Garfield; 2. Lena, m. Waggaman. William R. Mozier re- sides at Independence, Kansas. Page 211, No. 1802. — Levi J. Mozier, b. near Fairfield, O., 1840, married first McGinnis (Macginnis) and had three daugh- ters: 1. Clara J.; 2. Ella B.; 3. Emma Florence, married, June 21, 1906, Herbert C. Hebard. Levi J. married second, Ann Butz and had two children: 1. Levi J. Jr., d. 1907, and 2. Elsey. All reside at Danville, 111. Page 211, No. 1803.— Read: Harriet Adaline; b. Oct. 28, 1845, at Williamsport, Ind.; d. Dec. 19, 1905, at Danville, 111.; m. Capt. Daniel C. Demude, Park Superintendent, Chickamauga, where they resided several years, but now (1907) of Danville. 111. They had no children. Page 211, No. 1318.— James M. Cox died in October, 1839, (accidentally killed by falling from a stage). He married about N. B. Page and serial numbers are those of Vol. II. 394 SUPPLEMENT TO VOLUME II 1833 Jane Woodward, born Nov., 1811, died April 6, 1858, in Cali- fornia. Page 211, No. 1804. — Adaline Woodward Cox removed to Cali- fornia in 1857 and she and her brother James have resided in San Francisco for nearly fifty years. She was married about 1862-4. Res. (1907) near Huntington, Ind. Page 211, No. 1805. — James Cox was unmarried. He died Dec. 15, 1907, at Huntington, Ind. Page 211, No. 1319.— In line 3, for Dayton, O., read Piqua, O.; in line 5, for Price Wilkerson read Robert Wilkinson. Page 211, No. 1806.— Add after d. Jan., 1889, the words at Dayton, O. Page 211, No. 1807.— Read: Lydia; b. 1835; d. , Piqua, O.; m. Isaac Patterson. After this line add: Son of Robert and Matilda (Cox) Wilkinson: 1807a. II. Price; d. when a young man, unmarried. Page 211, No. 1320.— Martha Cox died at Piqua, Ohio She married about 1838-40 in Fairfield, O., Othias McGowen of Fairfield, who died about 1900-1 at Covington, O. About 1858-60, removed from Fairfield, O., to Piqua, O. Page 211, No. 1809. — Charles Swayne McGowen was born about 1843. He married three wives and has only one living child, a son Harry, who was by the second wife. Has resided many years and still resides (1907) at Logansport. Baggage Master on the Pennsyl- vania Railroad for many years. His son Harry is married and is proprietor of a chrysanthemum farm in California. Page 211, No. 1321. — William Clark resided near Dayton, Ohio. Page 211, No. 1811. — Read: Sarah D.; m. Dennis Walsh; res. Austin, Texas. Page 211, No. 1812.— Add: res. (1907) Piqua, O. Page 211, No. 1813.— For Van Skark read Van Skaik. Page 211, No. 1815.— Add: res. (1907) Dayton, O. N. B. Page and serial numbers are those of Vol. II. HENRY LYON OF NEWARK 395 Page 212, No. 1818.— Read: Henry Van Tyle; b. 1836; d. 1895; resided in Dayton, O. Page 212, No. 1819. — Add: had ten children (names not ascer- tained) ; res. many years in Dayton. O., but since 1902 was living in Alleghany City, Pa. Page 212, No. 1820.— Add: m. . Page 212, No. 1821. — Add: unmarried. Page 212, No. 1823.— Pauline died before 1888; she married Charles A. Lewis, not Charles O. Lewis. Page 212, No. 1824. — Instead of there were other children, read: had also two sons res. in Boston in 1888. Page 212, No. 1825. — Read: Adaline; d. before 1887; m. James O. Davis, who d. about 1892; resided in Dayton, O.; a daughter Louella m. Charles C. Spalding, residence Dayton, O. Page 229, No. 1769.— Daniel Y. Cox died July 5, 1902. He married Ellen Catherine Griffey (not Grissey as in the text) Page 229, No. 1771.— Joseph W. Cox was born 1828, near Fair- field, O. He died about 1890-2, at Union City, Ind. He married first Julia A. Brown, and married second wife , by whom he had three children, names not ascertained. Page 229, No. 2049.— For William read William R. Page 229, No. 1773.— Add to record of children of Irvin and Mary E. (Cox) Wrigley: 2056a. IV. Jennie B.; d. about 1895. Page 229, No. 2057.— The correction in Errata, p. 391, of Roy to Ray is an error; Roy is correct. Page 229, No. 1782.— For 1782 read 1783. Melinda Haddix died about 1900 in Texas. The home of the family was near Osborne. O. The sons, George W., Thomas, James M., Andrew and Charles were all married; they removed to Texas some time after 1890. Page 230, No. 2066. — For James D. Moates read Joseph D. Moates. who died June, 1907, Dayton, O. His daughter, Josie May, married and resides Dayton, O. N. B. Page and serial numbers are those of Vol. II. 396 SUPPLEMENT TO VOLUME II Page 230, No. 2067.— Add: they also had a daughter who died a young girl. Page 230, No. 2068.— Read: John; m. . Page 230, No. 2069.— For Thomas read Charles. Charles Hart- man formerly lived in Osborne, O.; since 1888 he has been in Colorado. His daughter, Eva Pearl, was born 1883. Page 230, No. 2070.— For Benjamin read Benjamin F. Page 230, No. 2072.— For Fraina read Fraim. Page 230, No. 1788.— George Haddix was born about 1834-5, died about 1895. He married Harriet Cosad [not Cosard], daughter of Reuben 6 Cosad [Aaron 5 , Anthony 4 , Jacob 8 , Anthony 2 , Jacques'] and Mary Rockfield. Add to children of George and Harriet (Cosad) Haddix the following: 2074a. III. Frank; m. ., Osborne. O. 2074b. IV. Lillie; m. Naden. 2074c. V. Emma; m. . 2074d. VI. George; d. ; unm. Isabella. Martin. Frank. Lillie and Emma and their mother reside (1907) Page 231, No. 2077.— It was Nellie R. Johnston, not Lelah E., who died Aug. 23, 1901. The youngest daughter, Anna, married Sept. 17, 1906, Mark Harvey; they have one child. Leonidas E. Johnston resides (1907) at Rushville, 111. Page 231, No. 1790.— The last sentence in the paragraph should read: He married, Nov. 15. 1850, Emmeline Bressler, born April 7, 1830, in Pennsylvania; died Feb. 11, 1903, in Xenia. O.; daughter of Jacob and Catherine (Fisher) Bressler. Page 231, No. 2080.— For Nov. 29 read Nov. 25; for m. Mary Holtz, read m. Jan. 1, 1878, Mary E. Holtz, daughter of Lewis Holtz of Ottawa, O. Prof. Edwin B. Cox has been Superintendent of Schools at Xenia, Ohio, for over twenty-five years (1907). The children of Edwin B. and Mary E. (Holtz) Cox were: I. Mary Edna; b. ; d. young. II. Lewis Clark; b. Sept. 24, 1882. N. B. Page and serial numbers are those of Vol. II. V Q- HENRY LYON OF NEWARK 397 III. Miriam; b. Oct. 11. 1886; d. Jan. 2ti, 1887. IV. Zella; b. Feb. 1. 1889. V. Edwin Bruce; b. Jan. 7. 1897. Page 231, No. 1791.— In lines 1, 4 and G, for Staat read Statts. The last sentence of the paragraph should read: She married first, Dec. 3, 1850, Edward Statts, born Jan. 31, 1810, at Albany, N. Y.; died April 22, 1863, at Detroit Mich,, son and youngest child of Barent G. Statts and Catherine Cuyler of Albany, N. Y. She married second, March 12, 1884, John Wallace of Clark County, Ohio, born June 14, 1820, died March 3. 1904, at Osborne, O. She resides (1907) at Osborne, O. Page 231, No. 2081. — Read: John Cuylen; b. May 12, 1853; unm.; res. Victor, Colorado, [not California] ; assayer of the Portland Mining Company in that place. Page 231, No. 2082.— Read: Harriet Bleecker; b. Oct. 30. 1860; d. May 1, 183< ^at Os borne, p. ^* c ^> /■£ /€*6i" Page 231, No 1792.— Joseph B. Worley was born Sept. 12, 1816. died May 1. 1884, [not Oct. 1888]; m. Aug. 12, 1858 Julia Ann Cox. Page 231, No. 2083.— Read: Joseph Cox; b. July 19, 1859; m. 1883 Louisa M. Holtzapple; children: 1. Julia Ethel, b. Aug. 25, 1884; 2. Mary Elizabeth, b. Jan. 2, 1886; 3. Rachel Esther, b. Dec. 28, 1893. Joseph C. Worley is a conductor on the Erie R. R. ; res. Galion, 0. Page 231, No. 2084.— Read: John B.; b. Jan. 6, 1862; m. 1883 in Springfield. O., Frances Clark, dau. of Charles Clark; children: 1. Charles, d. young; 2. Robert; 3. John; 4. Helen; 5. Alice; 6. Henry; 7. Chloanna [not Chloarma] ; 8. Joseph Cuyler; 9. Frances; res. Springfield, O. Page 231, No. 2085.— Read: Harriet Elizabeth; b. April 16, 1863; m. Jan. 18. 1888, Jason Evans Keever [not Keiver] ; children: 1. Willard Havens, b. June 16. 1889; 2. Julianna, b. Feb. 13, 1895. Res. Osborn, O. Page 231, No. 1793.— William Henry Cox married, Jan. 9. 1862. Mary E. Judson. born July 21, 1844. at South Salem, Westchester Co., N. Y., daughter of Oliver Judson and Susan Raymond. X. B. Pap- an. i serial numbers are those of \'<>i n 398 SUPPLEMENT TO VOLUME II Children of William H. and Mary E. (Judson) Cox: 2085a. I. Charles; b. Nov. 9, 1862; d. Jan. 28, 1863. 2085b. II. William; b. May 10, 1864; d. July 12, 1864. 2086. III. Oliver Wendell; b. June 5, 1869; m. June 28. 1893 Mary Catherine Shellenbarger, b. Oct. 17, 1873; children: 1. William E., b. May 19, 1894; 2. Esther L,., b. Aug. 22, 1899; 3. Robert F., b. Feb. 28, 1902. The family res. Os- born. O. 2086a. IV. Harriet; b. Oct. 20, 1874; d. Feb. 13, 1875. Page 232, No. 1794.— In line 4, after Sarah add Sylvia. After daughter of John and Nancy (Herr) Markley, add: who res. near Fairfield, O. At the end of the paragraph add: John C. Cox was proprietor of a fancy stock farm at Osborne. O., 1865 to 1870, when he removed to Dayton, O., and was in the wholesale drug business from 1870 to 1873. From 1873 to 1902 he carried on a commercial brokerage business, after which he retired from active business. Resides (1907) at 1011 W. Second St., Dayton, O. -O^,,^ JZ $~ Page 232, No. 2087.— Read: Carrie Edith; /b. Aug. 6, 1871; m. June 8, 1907, Lewis Brailey Johnson, b. afr o ul 1856-V son of Tapley Taylor Johnson and Rachel Brailey; res. (1907) at Redlands, Cali- fornia. [Tapley Taylor Johnson was a cousin of William M. Johnston who married Mary M. Cox (No. 1789), sister of John C; also a cousin to Dr. James L. Johnston, who married Esther Allen (No. 1776), cousin of John C. Cox]. Page 232, No. 2088. — Instead of daughter of Mrs. Anna Cowen Sanders, read: daughter of Francis M. Sanders and Anna Cowan. Francis M. Sanders was the son of David Sanders (son of Cyrus of Mendham, N. J.) and Jane Caroline Bonnel, daughter of William Bonnel and Sarah Doty (daughter of James); William the son of Capt. Nathaniel Bonnel and Elizabeth Allen; Capt. Nathaniel the son of Nathaniel Bonnel, who came from Long Island to Elizabeth- town and married Hannah Miller of Westfield. Page 232, No. 1795. — For Hosver in line 3, also in line 4, read Hoover. The last sentence of the paragraph should read: He mar- ried, Dec. 24, 1868, Margaret Ann Hoover, daughter of Dr. Reuben C. Hoover and Catharine Smith of Osborne, O., who emigrated from Cumberland Co., Pa., to Fairfield, O., about 1850-2, and later removed to Osborne. Theodore F. Cox resides Dayton, O. X. B. Page and serial numbers are those of Vol. II. HENRY LYON OF NEWARK 399 Page 232, No. 2089. — Read: Harriet H. (not Margaret H.) b. Dec. 31, 1869; m. Aug. 27, 1895. Jonah A. Wollaston, who d. May 17. 1898, Dayton. O. Page 232, No. 2090.— For Aug., 1872 read Aug. 12, 1873; for Dayton read Osborne; add: unmarried. Page 232, No. 2091.— Instead of b. 1874; d. ; read: b. March 1. 1875; d. July 26, 1876. Page 232, No. 2092. — Read: Mary Emma; b. Jan. 9, 1878; d. Jan. 2, 1887 [not June 2]. Page 232, No. 1796.— John Thomas Cox resided many years at Burlington and Fredonia, Kansas. Record of children of John T. and Catherine R. (Allison) Cox should read: x Tb?7. !/• &Lc^&* Ms '2093. I. Ann Hemans. 2094. II Clara Alma; m. George McDlarmid; children: 1. I.illie. 2. tatie, 3. George. 2095. III. John T. Jr.; m. Elizabeth Fagan [not Fayan]; children: i. Fagan; 2. Irene. 2096. IV. Herbert Finley; m. Irene Fagan. *» 2098. T\ I,ydia Catherine [not Cosad]; m. James M. Johnston (not James W. Johnston*; one child. Porlia. Page 232, No. 1797/ — For Harriet Martin read Harriet N. Martin. Henry Conklin was born about 1825, Morris Co., N. J.; lived many years at Cambridge City, Ind., and later removed to Chicago, 111. Harriet N. Martin died Feb. 1894. at Chicago: her husband died some years previously. Page 232, 1st Footnote. — Capt. Caspar Schneider was a "Ranger on the frontier" in the Revolutionary War and a captain in the War of 1812. Page 232, 2nd Footnote. — Add after Ebenezer 3 , also Benjamin'. Page 233, line 1. — For Harriet read Harriet N. Page 233, No. 1798.— Isabella G. (Martin) Johnston died April 21, 1895, at Dayton, O. She married about 1862 William M. Johnston, born Oct. 23, 1815, died Nov. 18. 1865, widower of her cousin, Mary M. Cox, No. 1789. Page and serial numbers are those of Vol. II. 400 SUPPLEMENT TO VOLUME II Page 233, No. 2104. — For Bessie read Bessie A., and add: m. , 1905. ; has children. ; no children. Page 233, No. 2106. — Read: Charles; m. Page 233, No. 2107. — Read: John; m. Charles, John and Ivy Needham all reside (1907) in Dayton, O. Page 233, No. 2112.— Read: Charles; m. ; res. at Piqua, O. Page 233, No. 2113. — Read: Anna; m. Alonzo Glick, now de- ceased; res. formerly in Piqua, O., but now (1907) in Columbus, O. Page 233, No. 1818.— For Harry Van Tyle Clark, read Henry Van Tyle Clark. After Louisa Miller, add: he died 1895. Page 233, No. §115.— For Sarah E. read Sarah S.; add: res. Dayton, O. Page 233, No. 2116.— For William S. Sherer read William Sherer. Page 233, No. 2117.— For Stratten read Stratton; add: res. Day- ton, O. Page 234, No. 2119.— Add: res. Dayton, O. Page 234, No. 2120. — Add: res. Dayton, O. Page 238, No. 2161.— It is stated in line 2 that Mary was born about 1720; lower on the page the date is given as about 1722: the latter is perhaps a closer approximation. The first four names in this list, Nos. 2160, 2161, 2162 and 2163 undoubtedly belong to descendants of Samuel^ Lyon through Samuel 3 , Joseph 3 , Henry 3 or possibly John 3 . - ** l~ <*l S£+*c/c. C£-L«- V<*«lA ^Ue/CA ,6. 0e^. o+ i 'M^c^h , tA*j> ^,W*_ P^ /^f/^ S A Henry Lyon; private under Col. Josiah Smith in Suffolk Co. Mili- tia. [A "Henry Loines" had his estate confiscated for disloyalty to the American causef.] Hosea Lyons; private in 2nd. Regiment N. Y. Line. tGilbert Lyon, Henry Lyon (perhaps the same as above), Joseph Lyon and Shubal Lyon are also named in the list of those whose estates were confiscated. f*'*^/* .^* tA«-v ^>t"5«*-t c<-«^^«-< u. \. *u*-*v-t_ THOMAS LYON OF RYE 419 Israel Lyon (T. No. 91); member of the Westchester Co. Com- mittee of Safety; house burned in 1779 by the British under Tarleton. Israel Lyon [Esrael (T. No. 275); private in Westchester Co. Militia, Capt. Gilbert Lyon, Col. Thomas Thomas; also private Capt. Joseph Drake's Company, Col. James Hamman; also Corporal, Capt. Miller's Company, Col, Thomas; also Sergeant in same Regiment, under Capt. Sackett and under Capt. St. John. James Lyon; 1st Lieut. Capt. David Ostrander's Company, 4th. Reg. N. Y. Militia, Col. Johnson. James Lyon; private (with Alvin) in Pierre van Cortlandt's Regi- ment, Westchester Co. Militia. There was also a " Lyons" in the regiment. James Lyon; private Capt, Vail's Company, Col. Graham's Regi- ment; also Corporal Capt. Drake's Company, Col. Samuel Drake. This and the preceding may relate to the same James, possibly No. 184. James Lyons; private 4th. Company, 1st. Regiment, N. Y. Line, Col. Goose van Schaick; enlisted Oct. 22, 1776 for the war; discharged March 17, 1777. James Lyons; private Dutchess Co. Militia, Col. Jacob Swartwout. James Lyons (perhaps the same James); private in Capt. Yates' Company, Col. Yates; also private March 9, 1778 in Ensign Tarpen- ning's Company, 4th. Regiment N. Y., Militia (same Regiment with Lieut. James Lyon above). Job Lyon (T. No. 168); private in Connecticut Militia under Capt. Abraham Mead 1776; pensioner 1832. John Lyon (T. No. 190?); private in Capt. Gilbert Lyon's Com- pany, Col. Thomas Thomas, Westchester Co. Militia; also in Capt. Hobby's Company, same Regt.; also Col. Pierre van Cortlandt's Regiment Westchester Co. Militia; also in Col. Samuel Drake's Regi- ment, under Capt. Haight and again under Capt. Buckhout; also "in prison 1 m. 15 d." and "served April 21 to Sept. 6, 1781" (command not stated). These records most likely belong to more than one John. John Lyon; private 3rd. Regiment N. Y. Line. . TttC £l~ r > ^Vt^^' 420 LYON NAMES IN REVOLUTIONARY WAR Jonathan Lyon (T. No. 88); in civilian capacity an active revolu- tionist; house burned by the British. Joseph Lyon; private Capt. Gilbert Lyon's Company, Col. Thomas Thomas, Westchester Co. Militia. Joseph Lyon; private Capt. David Lyon's Company, Col. Goose van Schaick, 1st. Regiment N. Y. Line. Joseph Lyon; private 7th. Company, 3rd. Regiment N. Y. Line. Col. Gansevoort; enlisted May 12, 1779; transferred later to Capt. Savage's Company, Col. Lamb's Artillery; died in hospital at New Windsor at close of war. Joshua Lyon (T. No. 143?); "of Greenwich" 1840, pensioner. Justus Lyon ["Justas"]; private Capt. Gilbert Lyon's Company, Col. Thomas Thomas, Westchester Co. Militia; also in same Regi- ment, Capt. St. John's Company. Michael Lyon; private Capt. Pawling's Company, Col. Pawling. Michael Lyons; probably the same as the foregoing; private Capt. Livingston's Company, Col. Wessenfel's Regiment (wounded, Marble- town, Ulster Co.) . Michael Lyons, (perhaps also same as foregoing); 8th Company, 2nd. Regiment N. Y. Line, enlisted April 12, 1777 tor 3 years, dis- charged April 8, 1880**. ff2.yC Moses Lyon; private Capt. Gilbert Lyon's Company, Col. Thomas Thomas, Westchester Co. Militia; also Capt. Sackett's Company in the same Regiment. Nathaniel Lyon; private Capt. Harrison's Company, Col. Harper's Regiment. Nathaniel Lyons (perhaps the same as the foregoing); private Capt. Marshall's Militia Company, Col. Marinus Willett. Noah Lyon; (T. No. 167); private Capt. Lawrence's Company, Col. Thaddeus Crane, Westchester Co. Militia; also served in Con- necticut Militia under Capt. Abraham Mead and in Conn. Line under Capt. Thomas Hobby. Peter Lyon (T. No. 94); member of Westchester Co. Committee of Safety. THOMAS LYON OF RYE 421 Peter Lyon; private in Capt. Gilbert Lyon's Company, Col. Thom- as Thomas, Westchester Co. Militia; also in same regiment under Capt. Hobby. Roger Lyon (T. No. 60); in 1772 commissioned Captain of Militia, and as such is said to have served in the revolutionary war; once entertained General Washington and his staff at his home at North Castle. Roger Lyon (T. No. 185); private Capt. Gilbert Lyon's Com- pany, Col. Thomas Thomas, Westchester Co. Militia; also in same regiment under Capt. Hobby and under Capt. St. John. Samuel Lyon (T. No. 78); member of Westchester Co. Com- mittee of Safety; member of Westchester Co. Regiment of Associated Exempts, Lieut. Col. Joseph Benedict. Samuel Lyon (T. No. 188); promoted Major, Feb. 22, 1776, from 2nd Major, in a Regiment of Minute men; had been Major (1772) of Colonial Troops. Samuel Lyon (T. No. 245); private Westchester Co. Militia, Col. Pierre van Cortlandt. Samuel Lyon (T. No. 237); said to have died from injuries re- ceived during the Revolutionary war, an enigmatic statement; to him in part may belong some of the following records of service, which probably should be claimed in part by No. 245, and possibly may refer in part to still a different Samuel; private 2nd. Regiment Westchester Co. Militia, Col. Thomas Thomas, under Capt. Hobby April 16 — Aug. 15, 1777, under Capt. Gilbert Lyon Dec. 17, 1780— Nov. 4, 1781; also in same Regiment under Capt. Sackett, under Capt. St. John and again under Capt. Lawrence; also in Capt. Long's Company, Col. Webster's Regiment. A Samuel Lyon is mentioned also as hav- ing been a prisoner of war. TUZ« *»* fc«> ' S ¥• M * A< Samuel Lyons; private Capt. Long's Company, Col. Williams'' Regiment (probably the same as the Samuel Lyon above in Capt. Long's Company); also in Capt. Tourneur's Company, Col. Hays' ■Regiment. Thomas Lyon; private Capt. Hunt's Company. Col. Wesseufel's Regiment; also Capt. McNitt's Company, Col. Webster's Regiment. " 422 LYON NAMES IN REVOLUTIONARY WAR Thomas Lyons (probably the same as the foregoing); private Ulster Co. Militia, Col. Levi Pawling; also Capt. McNitt's Com- pany, Col. Webster's Regiment. Thomas Lyons; Beutenant in Col. Seth Warner's Additional Con- tinentals, N. Y. Line; also lieutenant Capt. Barrow's Company, left leg fractured at Ticonderoga July 2, 1777. I WILLIAM LYON OF UNIONVILLE. The ancestry of this William has not been ascertained, but it may be assumed, that he was of the family of Thomas Lyon of Rye, and probably in the fifth generation. He is said to have been born in Westchester County in 1774, and to have had a brother Samuel about two years younger than himself. He, probably with his pa- rents, went from Westchester County to Greenbush, near Albany, but returned to Westchester County and settled at Unionville. He took part in the war of 1812. He married Mary See, born 1780, died April 24, 1847; buried at Unionville, N. Y. William Lyon died March 18, 1849; buried in cemetery of Dutch Reformed Chh., Unionville, N. Y. Children of William and Mary (See) Lyon: 2701. I. Eliza; b. Oct. 1801; d. March 21, 1883; m. 1st. Drake Miller; m. 2nd William Todd. *2702. II. Andrew W.; b. Oct. 31, 1804; d. June 8, 18S9; m. Harriet De Revere. 2703. III. Peter; b. ; d. at sea; m. Louisa Marsh. 2704. IV. Susan. 2705. V. Nancy, b. 1810; d. Aug. 19, 1869; m. James De Revere. *2706. VI. Thomas; b. April 10, 1815; d. July 23, 1891; m. 1st Mary Rey- nolds; m. 2nd Matilda Lefurgy. 2707. VII. Mary; b. July 29, 1817; d. Feb. 8, 1888; m. Daniel Odell. 2708. VIII. Jane; b. June 13, 1820; d. Feb. 22, 1890; m. Abraham Yerks. 2709. IX. Charlotte. 2710. X. Daniel. 2702. VI. 2700a.§ ANDREW 6 W. LYON [William 5 ] born Oct. 31, 1804; ied June 8, 1889; buried at Sparta, N. Y. He married, about 1822, Harriet De Revere, born June 18, 1806, died June 8, 1890; buried at Sparta. Children of Andrew W. and Harriet (De Revere) Lyon: *2711. I. George W.; b. Sept. 25, 1823; d. 1904; m. Levantla White Hicks. 2712. II. James H.; b. Oct. 12, 1825. 2713. III. Nancy Maria; b. March 12, 1829; d. May 17, 1867; m. James L Wheeler. 2714. IV. Peter Edwin; b. Sept. 17, 1832. 2715. V. Stephen Marshall; b. July 29, 1837; d. May 25, 1838. 2716. VI. William; b. 1840; m. Powell. 2706. VI. 2700a. THOMAS' LYON [William 8 ], born April 10, 1815; died July 23, 1891; res. Unionville (now Hawthorne ). West- §The arbitrary number 2700a has been assigned to William Lyon "f Union - ville. 424 THOMAS LYON OF RYE Chester Co., N. Y. He married first Mary Reynolds, born Dec. 7, 1816, died Aug. 8, 1876, daughter of Enos and Mahala (Miller) Reynolds. He married second Matilda Lefurgy, born Aug. 20, 1826, died April 9, 1887. Children of Thomas and Mary (Reynolds) Lyon: ♦2717. I. Oscar; b. Sept. 15, 1836; d. Feb. 1, 1907; m. 1st Catherine Ryder; m. 2nd, Elizabeth Telford; m. 3rd, Anne Clark. , 2718 II. Emily; b. Nov. 1, 1888; d. Sept. 5, 1889; m. David Haight. *2719. III. Henry; b. Nov. 2, 1842; m. Arminda Haight. 2720. IV. Mary Elizabeth; b. Aug. 1, 1846; A. Nov. 25, 1860; unm. 2721. V. Miller Reynolds; b. May 28, 1849; d. March 14, 1852. *2722. VI. Elbert Miller; b. April 13, 1854. 2711. VII. 2702. GEORGE W. 7 LYON [Andrew W. 6 , William 5 ], born Sept. 26, 1823, at Hammonds Mills, Westchester Co., N. Y.; died , 1904, at Sing Sing, N. Y., where he had resided. He married, March 9, 1847, Levantia White Hicks, born March 25, 1825, living in 1908; daughter of Rufus and Jennette (Salisbury) Hicks ot Otsego Co., N. Y. Children of George W. and Levantia White (Hicks) Lyon: 2723. I. Hiram Sparks; b. Dec. 18, 1847; d. 1905; m. March 1», 1885, Charlotte Acker. 3724. II. Georgia Ann Salisbury; b. April 6, 1855; d. April 24, 1868. 2717. VII. 2706. OSCAR 7 LYON [Thomas 6 , William 5 ], iborn Sept. 15, 1826; died Feb. 1, 1907; buried at Unionville, N. Y., where he had lived. He married first Catherine Ryder, born Sept. 10, 1837, died April 10, 1880, buried at Unionville; daughter of David Ryder. He married second Elizabeth Telford, born April 9, 1864; d. May 6, 1891; buried at Unionville. He married third Ann Clark. Children of Oscar and Catherine (Ryder) Lyon: 2725. I. Ida. 2726. II. Miller. 2727. III. Julia; m. Robert Maynard. 2728. IV. Elizabeth; m. Purdy Orser. 2729. V. Bertha; b. Oct. 1, 1867; d. Nov.. 12, 1873. Children of Oscar and Elizabeth (Telford) Lyon: 2730. VI. Thomas; b. April 1, 1891; d. Oct. 6, 1891. 2731. VII. Clifford; b. April 1, 1891; d. April 28, 1894. 2719. VII. 2706. HENRY 7 LYON [Thomas 6 , William 5 ], born Nov. 2, 1842; res. (1908) Unionville, Westchester Co., N. Y. He WILLIAM LYON OF UNIONVILLE 425 married Arminda Haight, born May 17, 1843, daughter of Horace and Betsey (Brown) Haight. Children of Henry and Arminda (Haight) Lyon: 2782. I. Isadora; b. April 9, 1860; m. Addison Bird. 2733. II. Henry Hudson; b. 1862; ra. Lucinda Carpenter. 2734. III. Olin J.; b. 1865; m. Askin. 2735. IV. Eveline J.; b. June 28, 1879; m. James G. Taylor. 2736. V. Chester B.; b. Dec. 12. 1884; unm. 2722. VII. 2706. ELBERT MILLER 7 LYON [Thomas 6 , Wil- liam ], born at Unionville, Westchester Co., N. Y., April 13, 1854; res. Schagticooke, N. Y. He married first Emmerretta Hammond, daughter of Leander Hammond. She died Jan. 7, 1893, aged 34 y. 5 m. 27 d.; buried at Unionville, N. Y. He married second . Children of Elbert M. and Emmerretta (Hammond) Lyon: 2737. I. Dora; m. Albert Cox. 2738. II. Frank. 2739. III. Lonis. WILLIAM LYON OF GREENFI&Hd, MASS In Voltme I. of the Lyon Memorial, pp. 391, 392, theft e are mem- oranda of several Lyons who lived in Greenfield, Mass., 1790-1820.|ci € >^_{ / j It seems most likely that they were all related, perhaps all descend-U^f. !j/| ants of Caleb Lyon, No. 168. Caleb was married April 28, 1756. He J 3 L great grandfather. This would account for the John Lyon who died in Greenfield Oct., 1798— ^The John/ born 1781 might have been the ■oldest son of the foregoing, and was probably the same John who bought a saw-mill in 1803, who married Patience , and removed from Greenfield to Bernardston, and who died Sept. 19, 1839, leaving seven children. Another plausible hypothesis is that Caleb's brother John, born 1740, joined him in Greenfield, after his marriage, which took place in Goshen Aug. 8, 1771. (See Vol. I, p. 67). This would then probably be the John who died 1798, and the John born 1781 may have been his son. Betsey Lyon, who was mar- ried in Greenfield Jan. 28, 1795, was probably a daughter of Caleb, or else of his brother John.§ It will be remembered that Caleb's son Caleb, No-. 361, removed to New York, settling first in Walworth, Wayne Co. Now William Lyon of Wayne Co., N. Y. (see Vol. I, p. 312), whose son Daniel lived in Walworth, may very easily have been a brother or cousin of Caleb, Jr., and, since we have no other clew to his antecedents, we may accept this as a plausible hypothesis — the more so, since the immediate relatives of Caleb, Sr. were of an uncommonly enterpris- ing disposition. Records have recently been received of another Lyon of Green- field, who certainly belonged to the family of Caleb, and who also went to New York State to seek his fortune. His name also was §It will be remembered that several of the brothers of Caleb Lyon settled In Goshen, which is not very far from Greenfield; it is quite possible that some of their descendants came to Greenfield. We may note that one of them, Levi, had a son -Tpfrn, hqr n 178(Kt)uJ he seems not to have been long a resident of Goshen. Some of the Uohs** of Aaron Lyon of Sturbridge lived 1780-1825 in Ashfleld, quite near Greenfield and many of their descendants have never been traced. Jacob Lyon No. 132, from Woodstock, settled about 1770 in Gageboro, not far from Greenfield. There was a son Jacob and a daughter "Rockse" of whose history nothing has been ascertained, but the children were left fatherless while yet very young and might naturally have gone to join their kinsfolk in Greenfield. It will bo noted that the name Roxy appears among the children of William of Greenfield. There seems no reason for supposing that any of the Lyons of Lanesboro and New Ashford, descendants of Richard of Fairfield, found their way to Greenfield. ^, / * Ox^ £e^o*^c* life*-' f»^ ^uti^* Jr^-^ *> WILLIAM LYON OF GREENFIELD 427 William, born July 25, 1790. He could hardly have been a son of Caleb, Sr., or even of Caleb's brother John. It is almost certain that he was grandson of one or the other of these, probably of Caleb. His grandson, Alva B. Lyon, of Perry, la., says that he was one of a family of twelve or thirteen children, one of them named Horace. They were probably not all children of one mother, but the name of the father has passed out of the remembrance of the family. One of the brothers was probably the Rufus Lyon who had a daughter born in Greenfield Nov. 15, 1820 — probably the same Rufus who was . afterward (1827) Justice of the Peace and town clerk in Stock- bridge, Windsor Co., Vt. This is inferred from the fact that Wil- liam named one of his sons Rufus. William Lyon left home at the age of fourteen, "his mother having died and his father having married again," and went to Ver- mont, where he lived ten years. It seems likely that he spent those years in Craftsbury, where Nehemiah Lyon, probably his father's own cousin, had settled. About 1814 William Lyon removed from Vermont to Allegany County, N. Y., where he married Rhoda Millett March 22, 1815. He remained in that region twenty-eight years, then went west, locating in Jo Daviess County, 111., where he died April 25, 1881. The brothers of William became widely scattered, settling in New York, Vermont, Pennsylvania and even in Georgia. Family tradition says that one of the sons had a daughter Mary who was a fine musician in her time. Children of William? and Rhoda (Millett) Lyon: *4001. I. Isaac Perry; m. Mary R. Tyrrell. *4002. II. Betsey; m. Delson Tiffany. *4003. III. Roxy; m. Samuel Johnson. i •4004. IV. Horace; m. 1st Mary Edwards; m. 2nd — Grifens. •4005. V. Mary; m. Columbus Wright. 4006. VI. Rufus; m. Charlotte St. John. 4001. VIII. 4000. ISAAC PERRY 8 LYON [William'], was born in Allegany Co., N. Y., in June, 1821; died . He married Mary R. Tyrrell. Children of Isaac P. and Mary R. (Tyrrell) Lyon: •4007. I. William H.; m. May Edmonds; res. Jefferson. la. •4008. II. Rhoda; m. John F. Miller; res. Jefferson, la. §To William Lyon of Greenfield, the arbitrary number 4000 has been as- signed. He is assumed to have been of the family of William Lyon of Roxbury. In the seventh generation. His probable line is William 7 [John''. Caleb 6 . Caleb 4 . John 8 . John', William 1 ). 428 WILLIAM LYON OF GREENFIELD 4009. III. Harrison L. ; unm. ; res. Jefferson, la. *4010. IV. Lewis S.; m. Mary Secord; res. Jefferson, la. 4011. V. Maggie d. in infancy. »4012. VI. Casper P.; m. Martha Clopton; res. Jefferson, la. *4013. VII. Alva E.; m. Eva McKean; res. (1908) Perry, la. 4014. VIII. Grant; d. in infancy. 4002. VIII. 4000. BETSEY 8 LYON (TIFFANY) [William 7 ], born in Allegany Co., N. Y.; died . She married Delson Tiffany. Children of Delson and Betsey (Lyon) Tiffany (the families live in Stock- ton, 111.): 4015. I. Albinos; m. Anna O'Brien; 5 children. 4016. II. Fanny; m. Thomas Tyrrell; one child. 4017. III. Columbus. 4018. IV. Mary; unm. 4019. V. Charles; m. Mary Simons. 4080. VI. Palmer; unm. 4021. VII. Douglas; m. . 4022. VIII. Lena; unm. 4023. IX. Reuben; m. 4003. VIII. 4000. ROXY 8 LYON (JOHNSON) [William 7 ], born in Allegany Co., N. Y.; died . She married Samuel Johnson. Children of Samuel and Roxy (Lyon) Johnson (The families live at Stock- ton, 111.): 4024. I. AllenC m. Emma Hopkins; children: 1. Thurlow (m. Carrie Dow; 2 ch.); 2. Jessie; 3. Leland; 4. Orlena; 5. Colonel. 4025. II. Mill' d; m. Mary Heilman; children: 1. Chester; 2. Earl (m. Minnie Rindesbacke, I a son, Lyman); 3. Stella (m Fred. Coppernoll; one ch.); 6. Florence; 6. Lea/ 7. Porter. 4026. III. Melvin; m. ; wife and child deceased. 4027. IV. Liberty; m. Jonas Parker; children: 1. Alma; 2. Clyde; 3. Del- son; 4. Ada; 5. Fre man; 6. Glenn; 7. Laura. 4028. V. Vi^ ory; m. Jerome Griggs (?); a son Samuel. 4029. VI. E' nice; unm. 4030. VII. n Werday; unm. 4031. VII. Noble; m. 1st Florence Fitzsimmons; one child Mabel; m. 2nd Ada Machomber; children: 2. Ruth; 3. Arba; 4. Lola; 5. Harold; 6. Martha. 4032. IX. Emma; unm. 4033. X. Delma; unm. 4004. VIII. 4000. Co., N. Y.; died Grifens. HORACE 8 LYON [William 7 ], born in Allegany — ; married first Mary Edwards and second Children of Horace and Mary (Edwards) Lyon: 4034. I. Alexander; m. ; res. near Mt. Carroll, I1V 4035. II. Mitchell; m. ; res. DeKalb, 111. WILLIAM LYON OF GREENFIELD 429 Children of Horace and (Grlfens) Lyon: 4036. III. Martha. 4037. IV. Roxy. 4038. V. Mary. 4039. VI. Charles. 4005. VIII. 4000. MARY 8 LYON (WRIGHT) [William 7 ], was born in Allegany Co., N. Y. She married Columbus Wright and lives (1908) near Marengo, 111. She is the only one of the children of Wil- liam Lyon now living (1908). Children of Columbus and Mary (Lyon) Wright: 4040. I. Jerome; m. . 4041. II. Viva; m. . 4042. III. Elmer; m. . 4043. IV. Delos; m. . 4006. VIII. 4000. RUFUS 8 LYON [William 7 ], was born in Alle- gany Co., N. Y.; died . He married Charlotte St. John. Children of Rufus and Charlotte (St. John) Lyon (the families live near Stockton, 111.): 4044. I. John; m. Charlotte Tyrrell; res. Belvidere, 111. 4045. II. Laura; m. Cassius Tyrrell. 4046. III. Homer; m. Sarah O'Brien. 4047. IV. Mary [Mamie]; m. Dr. Smith. 4007. IX. 4001. WILLIAM H. e LYON [Isaac P. 8 , William 7 ], mar- ried May Edmonds. Children of William H. and May (Edmonds) Lyon: 4048. I. Ida; m. . 4049. II. Will; m. . 4050. III. Anna; m. . 4051. IV. Sue; m. . 4052. V. Cecil; m. . 4053. VI. Harry; unm. 4054 VII. Ruth; unm. 4008. IX. 4001. RHODA A." LYON (MILLER) [Isaac P.*, Wil- liam 7 ], married John F. Miller. Children of John F. and Rhoda A. (Lyon) Miller: 4055. I. Maggie; m. James Wlnkleman; children: 1. Myrtle; 8. (irare . Bennie. 4056. II. Inane; m. Nellie Davis; no ch. 4057. III. Fitz; unm. 4058. IV. Liberty; m. Henry Mattison; children: 1 May; I. "Baby." 4059. V. May; m. Judd. 430 WILLIAM LYON OF GREENFIELD 4010. IX. 4001. LEWIS S. 9 LYON [Isaac P. 8 , William 7 ], mar- ried Mary Secord. Children of Lewis S. and Mary (Secord) Lyon: 4060. I. James. 4061. II. Frank. 4012. IX. 4001. CASPER P. 9 LYON [Isaac P. 8 William'] mar- ried Martha Clopton. Children of Casper P. and Martha (Clopton) Lyon: 4062. I. Ernest. 4063. II. Percy. 4064. III. Vernon. 4065. IV. Casper. 4013. IX. 4001. ALVA E. 9 [Isaac P. 8 , William 7 ] married Eva McKean, whose father is author of the McKean Genealogy. Res. Perry, la. Children of Alva E. and Eva (McKean) Lyon: 4066. I. Cornelias. 4067. II. Homer. SAMUEL LYON OF HARTFORD. (See Vol. II. p. 371.) Nothing new has been learned of the antecedents of this Sam- uel, but he was certainly of the family of Richard Lyon of Fairfield, and quite likely may have been No. 198 (Vol. II. p. 271). The name of one of his grandsons, the oldest child of Ezra Lyon (Vol. I. p. 316), Caleb Meeker Slocum Lyon is very suggestive, pointing to a close relationship with the family of Caleb 4 Lyon [Samuel*, Richard 2 , Rich- ard 1 ] of Fairfield, since Caleb's daughter Rhoda married Caleb Meek- er. Ezra's brother, Levi C. Lyon, married a Slocum. Samuel Lyon with his family moved to Fulton, Co., N. Y., about 1795, settling in Edinburg and securing land, it is said, from Van Vechten, Patroon of Albany. According to H. M. Lyon of Minneapolis, his great grand- •f son, there were five of the sons who settled in New York State, in Saratoga and Fulton Counties. One of these was Levi C. Lyon (Vol II, p. 371), another was cer- tainly Abel Lyon (Vol. I, p. 316), still another was probably Ezra Lyon (Vol. I, p. 316), who was brother, not son, of Abel. Irene (Lyon) Bass was almost certainly a daughter of Samuel. The revised record of Samuel's family, as far as ascertained is as follows: Children of Samuel and Eunice ( > Lyon: - z UJ o z < L t£ «^t - ADDENDA. ' '*" October fifth, 1710, the French fort at Port Royal, Nova S::otia, was surrendered with 258 men to a force of Colonials under command of Col. Francis Nicholson, who was colonial governor of Maryland 1694-99. of Virginia 1699-1705. of Nova Scotia 1712-17 and of South Carolina 1721-25. Among the officers under Col. Nicholson there was a Captain Lyon, whose identity has not been ascertained. The fort was renamed by its captors Annapolis. One of the keys which were given up at the surrender is now in the cabinet of the Massachusetts Historical Society. a n q f" /*/i-t ■ /<<-, Dedham, Mass., Sept. 20, 1733 Benoni^Fairbanks. ^ May not this/ Joanna or Johanna have been a daughter of SamueF and Joanna (Weld) Lyon [William-, William 1 ], perhaps the "Hannah," No. 120, said to have been baptized July 24, 1714? It would have been natural for Samuel to name one of his daughters Joanna, and the nar Hannah and Johannah might be easily confused. Note thai BJteaaer and Jedediah, sons of Samuel, each named a daughter Joanna. To record of Daniel Brayton Lyon, p. 432, add the following items: Charles Br?.yton Lyon; grad. Ripon college. Res. 1908 425 Oak Grove St., Minneapolis; m. at Marquette, Wis., June 6, 1883 Martha MrCracken, dau. of Samuel M. and Margaret A. (Benson) McCracken (Mr. McC. d. at Berlin, Wis., Sept. 28, 1861). Ch.; 1. Bertha E., b. June 7. 1884; 2. Georgia West. 1). Oct. 20, 1888: 3. Barbara Elizabeth, b. Si 11, 1896. Harriet Moore Lyon, b. Battle Creek. Mich. Feb. 1!'. I860. Res. (1908) Chester Terrace. Duluth, Minn.; m. Minneapolis Oct. 22, 1884 Frank C. Berry, son of J. Collins Berry and Amanda Beclrwith (of Minneapolis). Ch.; 1. Marion Russell, b. Nov. 20, 1885. 2. Braytor Lyon, b. March 21, 1890. 3. Laurence Everest, b. Nov. 27, 1898; all b. Minneapolis. r , n A LYON FAMILY TRADITION. From a letter written Feb. 18, 1879, by Alvin Lyon, son of Elisha, No. 450 of family of William of Roxbury; Alvin was then 83 years old. The Tradditions of Our family are like this: Long time past Our ancestors lived in france Near the City of Lyons. At the Massacre of St. Bartholomew, Being French Hugenots a Remnant escaped the Massacre of that Terable Night, they went Over to England where we received a commingling of Anglo Saxon Blood took place, passing to Wales and not liking they returned to England and from theire Seven Brothers of the name of Lyon emi- grated to this Country, they came Direct to providence Bringing their families theire Ox Yokes their Hay poles plows chains and all the Impliments of husbandry. Havein procured Carts and Oxen they proceeded Inland when Night came on they divided themselves among the farmers the woman took from the cart her wheel and obtaining a Distiff of flax sat down to her wheel with a will the old man God Bless him, took his ax and mounted the wood pile in this way they came to Woodstock Windham Co. Conn, theire these seven brothers bot farms and settled. Theire names I don't know. From the Seven Brothers all the Lyons in the United States are said to have desended. I suppose it was as far back as the Indinan War that my great grand father Belonging to a Cavlry Company heard a Discharge of Mus- quetry and with Curage that New No fear went to Reconoitre. A sharp Report a horse without a Rider soon told his fate, his name I think was Aaron Lyon. A Blacksmiths shop in 1780 Covered the spot where the Ashes of the hero lay. The care of the family then fell to my grand father Jonathan Lyon. He married Rebecca Corbin and they raised a Large family. The youngest children, Hannah, Nancy, Moses and Corbin were schoolmates at Woodstock Academy with governor Marcey of this State. My father's name was Elisha. He and his Brother Abel came to Milford, N. Y., 1790. The town was then an unbroken wildernes. My uncle Jonathan (Vol. I, No. 451) was Colonel in the Windham Regiment and went down to Stonington in 1812. We claim as of our line General Lyon who was killed at Springfield Mossiri. The story of our foreign Birth I Learned from My Mother whose name previous to her marriage was Rebecca Clark, a woman of high culture, born in pomfret near Putnam's Wolf Den. My father came from Woodstock to Milford about 1789 with his ax and his Brother Abel, bot 200 acres and chopt til July then went back to Woodstock A LYON' FAMILY TRADITION 436 to work in haying the next March with 2 yoke of Oxen, a wood sled, mother, a baby boy, a few articles of goods they began life in Mil- ford. * * my great grand father was returning from providence with his cart and oxen heavily loaded when he met governor Trumbul in his coach, the governor thought the yeoman would turn out and the man with the Lyon Blood said No. the governor said whoa But man with the Lyon Blood In him said goalong Buck and the governor was in the Dirt. In the war of the Revolution my grandfather was old enough to have been a Soldier But was prevented By a Broken Limb making him a Cripple for life. [The foregoing in an interesting blending of heroic myth, legendary history and personal reminiscence. One can hear in it the ipsissima verba of that good mother of his, Rebecca Clark.] ERRATA. Page 11, line 19 — For Grancurt, read Grancourt. Page 12, line 11 from bottom. — For Co., Lincoln, read co. Lincoln. Page 21, line 10 — For Prestwick, read Prestwich. Page 24, line 10 from bottom, also page 26, line 21. — Capitalize the word "memorial." Page 45, line 19 — For m. John Willson, read: m. 1st. Joseph Sted- w'ell; m. 2nd. John Willson. Page 47, line 9 — For Hakaliah read Hachaliah. The spelling Hacaliah in lines 1, 8 and 29 is that of the original record. Page 48, No. 27 — For m. Close, read m. Thomas Close. Page 50, line 2 — For Hubby, read Hobby. Page 53, line 17— For No. 13, read No. 16. Page 54, line 9 from bottom — For 1870, read 1670. Page 56, footnote — Add after Samuel Lyon: also Mary, wife of John Lyon. Page 58, No. 99 — Add after David Husted: See Appendix, Note 21. Page 58, No. 102 — Query: what Israel Lyon could this have been? Surely not No. 91. Page 60, No. 105 — For Martha Miller, read Maria Miller. Page 63, No. 156 — For Jonah Maynard, read Isaiah Maynard. Page 63, No. 157 — For Hackaliah, read Hachaliah. Page 63, No. 159— Add: m. Theall. Page 65, No. 59 — Add: Mary Miller was sister of Hannah Miller who married Samuel Lyon, No. 31. The will of Abraham Miller mentions Mary, wife of John Lyon. The suggestion that Joshua Lyon of Greenwich 1840 was a son of John Lyon is gratuitous; it is alto- gether probable that this Joshua was No. 143. Page 69, line 3 from bottom — For Harrison's purchase, read Harri- son's Purchase. The will of Thomas Marsh was dated April 14, 1770. Page 70, No. 230— Add: See page 306. Page 70, No. 76 — In lines 7 and 8, read: He married second (bond Feb. 7, 1770) Phebe Green. ERRATA 437 Page 72 — Lines 10 and 11 have been transposed. Page 74, No. 261 — James Lyon married possibly Martha .Bunks, daughter of John and Deborah (Newman) Banks. Page 75, No. 91 — In line 10 of the paragraph, for Joshua, read Jonathan; see page 336. Page 75, No. 275 — For Coles Giddings, read Coles Golding. Page 75, No. 93 — The statement that this David Lyon served in the Revolution with rank of Captain in the First New York Regiment, is an error. Capt. David Lyon was of the family of Henry Lyon or Newark; he was son of Samuel 4 [Samuel 5 , Samuel 2 , Henry']. See Vol. II, page 99, where he is No. 174; also page 247, where he is No. 2173. Page 76, No. 287 — The 287 should have an asterisk; see page 106. Page 76, No. 288 — For m. Valentine, read m. Benjamina Valentine. Page 77, No. 305 — For m. Hannah Park, read m. Hannah Parks. Page 78, No. 321— For Sarah, read Ma^y. Page 80, No. 143 — It seems probable that it was this Joshua who was a Revolutionary war pensioner in 1840, residing, according to the record, in Greenwich. Page 82, No. 365 — For Sheerwood. read Sherwood. Page 83, No. 164— Daniel Lyon died May 11, 1824, ae. 78 y. 1 m. 22 d. (G. R.); this would make the date of his birth March 19, 1746. He was buried in the Lyon plot in Cemetery at North Coscob, south of the school house. Betsey, his second wife, died March 16, 1837, ae. 80 y. 1 m. 8 d. (G. R.). Page 83, No. 389— Jerusha was born March 24, 1786 [possibly there were two of the name, the first dying in infancy] ; died Oct. 30, 1858. Her husband, Moses Husted was her own cousin, No. 396. Page 83, No. 390— ^Rebecca was born 1795; died July 7. 1832. ae. 37 (G. R.); unm. Page 83, No. 391— Daniel was born Aug. 24, 1797, died April 5. I860, ae. 62 y. 7 m. 12 d. (G. R.). Page 83, No. 396— Moses Husted died June 20, 1842. ae. 64 y. 6 m. Id. (G. R.); he married second his cousin Jerusha Lyon. No. 389. Page 89, No. 482— Merritt Lyon married his cousin Elizabeth Merritt, No. 488. 438 ERRATA Page 92, No. 526 — For Tottem, read Totten. Page 93, No. 219 — Sarah Lyon received land by will of her ma- ternal grandfather Thomas Marsh of Harrison's Purchase; will dated April 14, 1770. Page 94, No. 548i — The number should have an asterisk. Page 95, No. 243 — Roger Park married first No. 239, cousin of Sarah, but she is said to have been living in 1905; either there is an error in the record, or "tandem" bigamy was not unknown a century ago. Page 96, No. 571 — Date of Rachel's birth is given, rather improb- ably, as July 25, 1814. Page 99, No. 260 — The name of Samuel's wife is alao given as Mapylit Miller. Page 99 — The two lines at the bottom of the page have been mis- placed; where they belong is not apparent. Page 100, line 5 — This line also is out of plaee, but the error is obvious. Page 101, line 4 — For Rhynbeck, read Rhinebeck. Page 105, No. 703 — Eliminate this record. Alvah was son of Israel, not Spardon; see No. 687. Page 105, No. 381 — In line 4 of the paragraph, for Enoch, read Ephraim. Page 105, No. 282— For ABGAIL, read ABIGAIL. Page 107, line 1 — On page 76 it is stated that Elizabeth Lyon mar- ried Israel Jacobs; the name here, Cornelius, may be a transcriber's error. Page 108, No. 728 — For Julia Lawson, read Julina Lawson. Page 112, No. 778 — Query: which is correct, Hannah Wood, as given here, or Harriet Wood as on page 167? Page 112, No. 779— For Van Kluck, read Van Kleek. Page 114, No. 812 — For Beckman, read Beekman. Page 123, No. 391— Daniel Lyon was born Aug. 24, 1797 and died April 5, 1860, ae. 62 y. 7 m. 12 d. (G. R.). His will was dated Jan. 1, 1859 (?). He was buried in the Lyon plot, in cemetery at North i-KKATA 4:w Coscob. Hannah Holly was born Dec. 22, 1792, died April 16, 1837, ae. 44 y. 3 m. 25 d. (G. R.). Page 123, No. 923— Lucius H. Lyon died Aug. 27, 1853 (G. R.). Page 123, No. 925— Hannah M. Lyon was born April 18, 1826, died March 13, 1905 (G. R.). Page 123, No, 927— Sarah F. Lyon (born 1827?) died Dec. 21, 1884 (G. R.); she married Henry M. Breese, born Nov. 7, 1829, died Sept. 10, 1870 (G. R., North Coscob); a son of Henry M., Harry L. died in in- fancy. Page 123, No. 929— Mary E. Lyon died Nov. 13, 1846, ae. 12 y. 10 m. 26 d. (G. R., North Coscob). Page 126, No. 423 — Insert before record of children the rubric: Children of Frederick P. and Hannah (Lyon) Stevenson: Page 127, No. 975 — For Daniel Sturges, read Daniel L. Sturges. Page 127, No. 984 — For Danied Haight, read Daniel Haight. Page 129, No. 1018 — For Amanda Miller, read Amanda A. Miller. Page 131, No. 1057 — For Christian Morgan, read Christian D. Morgan. Page 136, No. 1123 — For Carolina, read Caroline. Page 139, No. 531 — In line 4 of the paragraph, for Hog Pen Bridge, read Hog Pen Ridge. Page 141, No. 1170 — For Jennie C. Sutton, read Jemima C. Sutton. Page 142, No. 571 — Rachel Lyon was born July 25, 1814, and died Feb. 20, 1882; buried in Fairview cemetery, Chappaqua. She married James R. Conklin, born April 1, 1811, died April 15, 1859. Page 143, No. 1194— Mary H. Conklin was born July 23, 1835 and died March 16, 1888; she married Isaac L. Armstrong. Page 146, No. 1243 — The number should have an asterisk. Page 147, No. 1251 — The number should have an asterisk. Page 150, No. 1288 — For Slaatsburgh, read Staatsburgh. Page 158, line 6 from bottom — For children of Elihu and Freelove. read children of John and Freelove. Page 159, line 2 — For Greenville, read Granville. •440 ERRATA Page 159, No. 1400— William Gifford Kirby was born Jan. 26, 1829 (not 1828), and died April 21, 1907, in Kalamazoo, Mich., at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Henry U. Upjohn. In line 7 of the paragraph, for Henry D. Upjohn, read Henry U. Upjohn; in line 11 for Stodard, read Standard. Page 159, line 13 from bottom — Edward Kirby was born Jan. 13, 1888 and died Jan. 16, 1888. Page 160, line 3— Dr. Henry D. Jones res. (1906) Duluth, Minn.; his son Henry E. Jones is now (1907) in the Custom House, New York City. Page 160, No. 1409 — For Northrup, read Northrop. Page 167, No. 778 — For Glen Ridge at end of paragraph, read Glenridge, N. J. Page 168, line 9 (also line 3 from bottom) — For Ann Arbor, read Ann Arbor, Mich. Page 172, line 3 from bottom — For Tuckaboe, read Tuckahoe. Page 178, No. 902 — In line 3 of the paragraph, also under No. 1623, for King Ferry read Kings Ferry. Page 182, line 6 from bottom — For Walton, read Walter. Page 196, No. 1164— The number should read 1164b. Page 209, line 4 from bottom — Omit comma after N. Y. Page 217, No. 2110 — Hiram Lyon who married Hulda Ireland was widower of her sister Laura. The parentage of Hiram has not been ascertained. Page 217, No. 2115 — For Arthur Doolittle, read Arthur Miles Doo- little (No. 2085). Page 221, line 10 from bottom — For Stamfordville, read Stanford- ville. Page 227, No. 2205— For Gurley, real Greeley. Page 256, line 2 from bottom — For Wadena, read Wadena, Minn. Page 241, line 8 — For Mary , read Mary Brundage; after Nathaniel Lyon Husted, insert (No. 1596). Page 425, line 7 from bottom — For Schagticooke read Schaghti- coke. ADDENDA TO SUPPLEMENT TO VOL. II. Page 112, No. 376 — Isaac Miller, born 1743, was youngest son of Thomas Miller, who came to America from the north of Ireland about. 1723 and settled near Logansville, N. J., and his wife, Margaret Wal lace, (b. 1693; d. 1785). Isaac Miller was a fuller by trade. He served in the Revolutionary War. He died at Logansville, N. J., March 14, 1837. Children of Isaac and Joanna (Halsey) Miller: I. Benjamin Halsey; b. logansville. N. J., July 23. 1773; m. Hannah Qohje; d. Basking Ridge. N. J.„ Dec. 15. 1837. II. Joseph; m. Rachel Lane. III. Sarah; d. young. IV. Jerusha; b. 1777; m. Jacob Mann. d. Succasunna. July 12, : 1 86 3 V. Phebe; m. Kitchell Bridge. VI. Silas; b. 1784; m. 1st. Mary Hopkins; m. 2nd. Mary, widow of Rev. Ezra Day. VII. Mary; ra. John Lyon, No. 464i b. ; (see p. 375 of this volume). Page 215, No. 1466b.— Insert in list of children of Philip M. and Anna A. (Crane) Marshall: 1870c. III. Harry Alfred. On p. 390 read JOHN ALLEN [Elizabeth* (Cox). Just as this volume is going to press, there comes the unwelcome news that GEORGE HENDRICK LYON (No. 2046) died at his home at Mt. Jewett, Pa., Friday, April 10, 1908, after a brief illness, of pneu- monia. It is matter of sincere regret that he could not have lived to see the completion of the memorial, in the progress of which he had taken so keen and active an interest. GENERAL INDEX. I. LYON NAMES. (Ludlow) ), 254 S. (T 7 ), 127 (T 8 ), 103 (T 7 ), 154. 216 "), 345 Abraham Abraham Abraham Abraham Abraham Abraham Abraham Abraham Abraham Abraham Abraham 368, (H?). 412 (T 4 ), 57, 62, 81, 417 (T 5 ). 73, 98 (T 8 ). 88, 91. 95 (Capt.) (HP). 376 (New York. 1750) of Upholland, 20 U. (T 8 ), 98, 144 IT. (T'), 144 V. (Penn 5 ), Adaline (T 5 ), 82 Adalaide E. (Lattier) Adam (de Lennes), 1 Adam of Weston, 11, Addison (T 7 ), 131 Addison J. (T 8 ). 192 Adelaide (H 8 ), 374 Adelaide (Miles) (T*). 199 Adelaide S. (Day) (T"). 234 Ade-le C. (T 7 ), 146 Adella (Smith) (T 8 ), Adrian (H 8 ). 408, 409 Agnes (1322). 17 Agnes (Penn 2 ). 323 Alan (de Leuns), 15 Alanson F. (T 8 ), 109 Albert (T 7 ), 131, 166. Albert (T 8 ), 176, 184, Albert (T°). 190. 243 Albert A. (H?). 412 Albert C. (T 8 ). 190 Albert Chase (Penn 8 ). 327 Albert Davis (T 8 ). ISn Albert Edward (T 8 ), 190 Albert E. (W»», 346 Albert Jiulson (T 7 ). 123. 180 Albert Roe (T»), 201 Albert T. (T»), 236 Alec (T»), 2*9 Alethea M. (T»), 242 Alethea M. (Haiti («•), 183, 243 Alethea (Sands) (T 7 ), 145 Alexander (Or 8 ), 428 , 378, Alexander (H?), 320, 321 Alexander Mcl>. (Perm 5 ), 327 373 Alexander P. (Penn 3 ), 324 Alexander P. (Penn 4 ), 326, 327 Alexander P. (Penn 5 ), 327 Alfred (T 8 ), 100, 113, 169 Alfred . 417 Amos (B?). 237 330 (T 7 ). 148, 203 8 12, 14 207 190 238 444 GENERAL INDEX 252 213 62 Amos (T 5 ), 64, 75, 83, ,417 Amos (T 6 ). 84, 101, 124, 150 Amos (W 7 ). 346 Amos Mead (T'), 193, Amos Mead (T 9 ), 253 Amy (T 8 ), 84, 89 Amy (T 7 ), 170 Amy Abigail (T 7 ), 123 Amy E, (Davis) (tf s ). Amy (Haines) (T 3 ), 51, Amy K. (T 7 ), 146 Amy M. (Rawson) (T 7 ), 137 Amy May (T 9 ), 258 Amy (Smith) (Palmer) (T 7 ), 122. 179 Amy (Wilson) (»?). 237 Amy (Thornton) (T 9 ), 256, 271 Andrew (T 4 ), 55, 61, 70. 79 Andrew (T 5 ). 80 Andrew (T 8 ), 95 Andrew J. (P 8 ), 355 Andrew Jackson (T 8 ), 116 Andrew Simpson (T 8 ), 190, 251 Andrew W. (IX 8 ), 423 Angelina (T 7 ). 120 Ann (H=), 374 Ann (K 7 ), 381 Ann (T°). 78 Ann (T 6 ), 112 Ann (T 7 ), 122. 165 Ann (W), 353 Ann of Ormskirk, 21 Ann Augusta (T 7 ), 130 Ann E. (Whitney) (T 9 ). 246 Ann Eliza (Penn 4 ), 326 Ann Eliza (Penn 5 ), 326 Ann Eliza (Rawson) (T 1 ), 137, 195 Ann M. (Banks) (T 8 ), 183, 243 Ann O. (Anderson) (!»'), 198. 254 Ann (Park) (Sarles) (T 5 ). 75, 105 Ann (Sharpe) (T«). 60 Anna (P 8 ), 354 Anna (T 8 ), 92 Anna (T 7 ), 170 Anna (T 8 ). 220 Anna ("W 8 ), 340 Anna (VT>), 353 Anna ( ) (&r 10 ), 429 Anna ( -) (T 8 ), 236 Anna (Britt) (T 5 ), 77.. 113 Anna (Guion) (T 5 ). 72, 98 Anna (Mead) (T 8 ), 84, 124 Anna (Webb) (Adee) (T 9 ), 82. 120, 311 Anna E. (Penn 5 ), 330 Anna M. (K 9 ). 408 Anna M. (T 7 ). 129 Anna M. (Estile) (K?). 415 Anna M. (Lyon) (Penn 4 ), 326. 330 Anna S. (Bourquin) (T 9 ), 238 Anna V. (Penn 5 ). 330 Anna Webb (T 8 ), 178 Anne (T 5 ), 79 Anne (Budd) (T 3 ), 51, 63 Anne (Canfleld) (K»). 362 Anne E. (Babcoek) (T 7 ), 164 Anne E. (Hincken) (T 7 ). 141, 196 Annie (Penn 5 ), 329 Annie M. (T 7 ), 145 Anson Mead (T 7 ), 121, 177 Antoinette (Stockholm) (T 8 ). 186..245 Arad S. (T 8 ), 210, 257 Arch MacDonald (T 9 ), 261 Archibald (K?), .412 Archibald (T 7 ). 137 Archie (T 9 ). 263 Armenia (Kain) (T a ), 97 Armenia (Van Antwerp), (T 8 ), 115 Arna (Palmer) (T 7 ), 125 Arnold of Weston. 11, 12 Arthur (T 7 ), 137, 138 Arthur (T 8 ), 140. 180 Arthur Seth (T 7 ), 169, 236 Arthur Seth (.T 8 ), 236 Arthur W. (W 8 ?), 342 Asa (P 7 ), 354 Asa (T?), 417 Asa (W 8 ), 348 Asa Payson (P 7 ), 355 Asahel Anson (T 8 ). 204. 255 Asahel Denman (T 7 ), 148, 203 Asaph (P 4 ), 353 Asher (H?), 406, 412 Augusta M. (Parmele) (T s ), 205, 255 Augustus (T 8 ), 86. 88. 91, 98. i?4 Augustus (T 7 ), 130 Augustus (T 8 ), 187 Augustus S. (T 7 ), 170, 237 Avaline (Lyon) (T 8 ), 195 Baker (K 8 ), 374 Banks (T 7 ), 127, 153 Barbara E. (S). 433 Barnes (W 8 ), 353 Barney (T?), 417 Barsillai (P 5 ), 354 Bartlett Palmer (T 7 ). 170 Beatrice (de Lyons), 12 Belinda (T 7 ). 123 Benjamin (H 3 ), 362, 365 Benjamin (H 5 ), 377 Benjamin (H 8 ). 377. 383 Benjamin (H?). 412 Benjamin (Penn 2 ). 328 Benjamin (T 4 ), 57, 72. 307, 417 Benjamin (T 8 ), 8>2, 89. 96. 104. 113, 121, 142 Benjamin (Capt.) °), 430 Casper P. (Or 8 ). 428, 430 Catharine M. (Northrop) (T 7 ). 160, 224 Catharine Eunice (T*), 224 Catherine (H?), 413 Catherine (Penn 8 ), 325 Catherine (T«), 100 Catherine (T>), 128, 140 Catherine (T 8 ), 177 Catherine (Dayton) (T'), 141 Catherine (Finch) (T 1 ), 147 Catherine (Haight) (T 7 ). 129 Catherine (Wing) (T«), 102, 150 Catherine A. (Lyon) (H?). 416 Catherine C. (Conklin) (T»), 132, 193 Catherine E. (T 8 ), 185 Catherine E. (Haight) (T 7 ), 150 Catherine F. (T>). 132 Catherine Helen (T 7 ), 171 Catherine P. (Ransom) (T 1 ), 163, 230 Catherine Thaw (Fell) (Penn 6 ), 327 Catherine Ware (T*), 193 Cecil (Or 10 ), 429 Cecil (W). 437 Celes'tia (W»), 350 Charity (T°), 286 Charity (Banks) (T 6 ), 75, 104 Charity W. (T').165 Charles (Or 9 ), 429 Charles (H?), 413 Charles (Ja 3 ), 332 Charles (T«), 83, 103, 122, 15>3 Charles (T 7 ), 123, 137, 152, 164, 165 Charles (T 8 ), 186, 187 Charles (T 9 ). 190. 261, 266 Charles (W«), 342 Charles (?). 356 Charles of ITpholland, 20 Charles A. (T 7 ), 144 Charles A. (T 8 ), 200, 237 Charles B. (W 8 ), 344 Charles Benjamin (T 8 ), 190 Charles Brayton (S), 432, 433 Charles Emery (T"), 251 Charles F. (T«), 114, 115, 170. 171 Charles F. (I 8 ), 186 Charles C. (T 7 ). 167 Charles H. (T«), 112, 167 Charles H. (T 7 ), 165 Charles Henry (T 8 ). 175. 238 Charles Herbert (T 8 ), 188 Charles Jefferson (T*). 253 (diaries Knox (T*). 235 Charles L. (Penn 6 ). 327 Charles L. (T 8 ). 210. 216. 257, 265 Charles Mason (W 8 ). 350 Charles O. (T 8 ). 193 Charles Ralph (T 9 ). 269 Charles Samuel (T 7 >. 140 Charles Sherwood , i l 1 i Charlotte . 414 Cuyler W. (T 8 ). 217, 265 Cynthia M. (Cross) (T 7 ). 146, 202 Cyprian Stevens (W 7 ), 345, 346 Cyrus CW 5 ). 342 Daisy M. (T 9 ), 262 Danforth (W 1 ), 349 Daniel (H 4 ), 367 Daniel (H 5 ), 368 Daniel (H?), 321, 413 Daniel (B?), 237 Daniel (T 3 ), 48, 52, 287 Daniel (T 4 ), 60, 78 Daniel (T 3 ). 64, 66, 67, 83, 89, 91. 285. 418, 437 Daniel (T 8 ), 83, 91, 103. 123, 136. 137, 153, 437, 438 Daniel (T 7 ). 123, 137, 16S. 235 Daniel (U 6 ), 423 Daniel (W 8 ), 342 Daniel (W 7 ), 351 Daniel (?), 356 Daniel Brayton (S), 431 Daniel (Capt.) (W°). 342 Daniel of Billing, 20, 21 Daniel Parish (T 7 ). 186 Daniel W. (T 7 ), 123. 180 Darius (T 7 ), 131, 192 David (A 8 ), 352 David (H), 418 David (T 4 ), 418 David (H 4 ?), 362 David (H 5 ), 368, 374, 375, 407 David (H«), 375, 378 David (H 8 ), 408 David (H?), 413 David P. (H 7 ). 407 David (B?), 237 David (T 3 ), 50. 58 David (T 4 ), 58, 75 David (T 5 ), 67, 74, 76, 88. 89. 109, 321 David (T«), 88, 89. 98. 108, 160 David (T 7 ), 125, 165 David (T?). 418 David (W 8 ?), 348 David (W 9 ). 353 David C. (T 6 ), 96, 142 David (Capt.) (H 5 ), 362, 368, 403, 437 David (de Lyons), 14 David Elliot (Penn 5 ). 330. 331 David Huyler (T«), 200. 254 David Merritt (T 7 ). 136. 191 David of Billing, 21 David R. (T 7 ), 142. 190 David (Rev.) (H 7 ). 403. 407 David W. (T 8 ), 88, 131 David Wilson (T«), 109, 164 Deborah (T 3 ), 303 Deborah (T 3 ), 74 Deborah A. (T 7 ), 171 Deborah Ann (T 8 ), 87 Deborah Ann (Doolittle) (T T ), 133, 215 Deborah (Cone) (T 2 ), 45 Deborah (Hobby) (T s ), 50, 60 Deborah (Lyon) (T 8 ), 82, 116 Deborah (Mead) (T 7 ), 123 Deborah (Merritt) (T 4 ), 61, 78 Deborah (Moseman) (T 7 ). 127, 182 Deborah (Riggs) (T 8 ), 98. 144 Deborah (Winchell) (T 8 ). 104 Delia E. (McKeever) (T 8 ), 198 Delia (Smith) (T 8 ), 207 Delilah (T 8 ), 94 Delia (T 8 ), 202 Dewitt (T 8 ), 220 Diana (Crandall) (T 7 ), 161, 229 Diana (Kilton) (?), 356 Diantha (W 7 ), 345 Dora (T 8 ), 204 Dora (T 9 ). 256 Dora (Cox) (ID. 425 Dorcas (H-). 360 Doren (T 9 ), 239 Dorkis (Stebbens) (H s ), 362 Dorothy (T 9 ), 261 Dorothy Mabel (T 10 ). 271 Easter (T 6 ). 95 Ebenezer (H 2 ), 362 Ebenezer (H 5 ), 380 LYON NAMES 447 Bbenczer (T 8 ), 96 Ebenezer (T?), 418 Ebenezer (W*), 340 Ebenezer (W 3 ), 343 Ebenezer (W 8 ), 344 Ebenezer Cobb (H 7 ), 381 Edd E. (W 9 ), 350 Edgar H. (T T ), 141, 198 Edgar Marshall (T 9 ), 242 Edie B. (T'). 173 Edith (T T ). 170 Edith (T 8 ), 201 Edith (T»). 248, 263 Edith M. (T»), 268 Edmund (T 8 ). 100 Edmund (T 7 ), 148, 203 Edmund (T 9 ). 203 Edmund (de Lyons), 10, 14 Edmund Harrison (T s ). 203 Edna Josephine (T 9 ), 263 Edward (1336), 14 Edward (T 5 ). 77 Edward (T 8 ), 112, 113 Edward (T 8 ), 180 Edward (T 9 ). 261 Edward (T?), 418 Edward B. (T 8 ), 214, 263 Edward Birch (S). 403, 431 Edward Canfield (T 9 ). 174. 237 Edward Coolidge (W 9 ), 347 Edward Crane (T 9 ), 237 Edward E. (T"), 185 Edward E. (T 9 ), 254 Edward Franklin (T 9 ), 175 Edward H. (T 7 ), 169 Edward Haskell (T 9 ), 238 Ed-ward Ketch um (T 7 ), 141 Edward of Gansworth. 21 Edward of Halewood. 21 Edward of Ormskirk. 21 Edward of Wigan, 21 Edward Thomas (T 7 ), 119. 174 Edward West (Penn 3 ), 330 Edward Wiliam (T 8 ). 212. 261 Edwin (T 7 ), 125. 126, 181 Edwin (T 8 ), 187 Edwin Alvan (T 9 ), 200 Edwin Anderson (D, 191 Edwin C. (H?). 413 Edwin Franklin (T 10 ), 270 Edwin Howard (T 8 ), 236. 269 Edwin Howard (T 9 ), 269 Edwin O. (W 8 ), 353 Effle H. (Baldwin) (T 7 ). 167 Elbert fT e ), 216, 265 Elbert Miller (XT), 424. 425 Eldridge Schauffler (T»), 235 Eleanor (W 7 ). 352 Eleanor B. (Dalton) (T 7 ). 163, 232 Eleazer (W«). 340 Eleazer (W°?), 340 Electra (T 9 ), 108 Elias (G 8 ), 356 Elias (H?), 413 Elias (T»). S-2, 117 Elias Quereau (T 7 ). 129. 185 Elilui (H'.'t. 113 Elijah (W), 344. 3">2 Elijali B. (T 3 ). 72. 97 Elijah B. (T 8 ), 97 Elijah B. (T 8 ). 171 Elijah E. Duncombe (T'), 224 Elijah J. (W), 344 Eliphalet (H?). 413 Eliplialet (W), 339 Elisha (Q 8 ). 356 Elisha (H?), 413 ElLsha (T 8 ), 115, 170 Elislia (W 8 ). 434 Eliza (T a ), 108, 110 Eliza (T 7 ), 129 Eliza A. (Emmons) (T 7 ), 132. 192 Eliza A. (Howe) (T 7 ). 123. 179 Eliza A. (Lobdell). (T 8 ), 98. 143 Eliza C. (T 7 ), 160 Eliza (Griffin) (T 7 ). 161 Eliza Jane (Lord) Elizabeth (Banks) (T 8 ), 90. 135 Elizabeth (Bugby) (T 3 ). 72 Elizabeth (Chappell) (T 8 ). 91 Elizabeth (Chestnut) (Penn 3 ), :IJ< Elizabeth (Forman) (T 3 ), 75 Elizabeth (Fowler) (T v ). 50, 61 Elizabeth (Greene) (T 3 ). 74 Elizabeth (Grimshaw) iD. 1^7. :i< Elizabeth (Harrison) (H 3 ). 401 Elizabeth (Higgins) (T»). 86, L28 Elizabeth (Jacobs) (T 8 ). 76. 106 Elizabeth (Lyon) (Penn 3 ), 324. Elizabeth (Lyon) (T«), 62. 92 Elizabeith (McVey) (Penn 3 ). 324 Elizabeth (Marshall) (T=). 45. 51 Elizabeth (Merritt) (T">. 67. 90 Elizabeth (Monroe) (T 8 ). 100 Elizabeth (Mosher) (T 8 ). 80 11'. Elizabeth (Orser) (XT). 424 44* GENERAL INDEX Elizabeth (Palmer) (T«), 83 Elizabeth (Park) («<>), 71, 75, 94 Elizabeth (Sayre) (K 8 ), 36 r 4 Elizabeth (Sherwood) (T*), 57 Elizabeth (Stoddard) (T 7 ). 152 Elizabeth (Todd) (»?), 237 Elizabeth (Treadwell) (T*), 54, 66 Elizabeth (Tucker) (H*), 379, 384" Elizabeth (Wydville), H2 Ella A. (T 8 ), 192 Ella Augusta (T 8 ), 251 Ella B. (T 7 ), 171 Ella F. (Thurber) (T 8 ), 180 Ella Frances (I 8 ), 191 Ella H. (Mead) (T 8 ). 181 Ella M. (Muzzy) (**), 238 Ella Suydam (H 8 ), 408 Ellen (*'), 137 Ellen (T»), 238 Ellen Augusta (T 8 ), 177 Ellen D. (Penn 8 ), 330 Ellen of Ormskirk. 21 Ellen of Upholland, 21 Ellen Rosalie (T 8 ), 214 Ellen (Nichols) (Penn 4 ), 326 Ellis (T 8 ), 216 Ellsworth F. (W»). 353 EllBworth Smith (* 7 ), 172 Elma (T«), 113 Elma Josephine (Vandenburg) (T 7 ), 163, 233 Elmer Daniel (T 8 ), 235. 268 Elmer Wilson (T»), 240 Elmina (Skiff) (T 7 ), 160, 225 Elmira (Tfr 8 ), 353 Elmira (Rooke) (T'), 131, 191 Elnathan (T 4 ), 57, 74 Elnathan (1*0. 101 Eloise (T 8 ), 235 Elsie O. (Crawford) (Hincken) (T 7 ), 141. 197 Emaline (T*), 113 Emeline (T s ), 82 Emery Garrettson (T e ), 190, Emily A. (Ayre.s) Emily Augusta (T 7 ), 124 Emily Deliza (W*), 345 Emily F. (Ramsdell) ), 108, 158 G. Livingston (T). 66 Gardiner (Penn 5 ), 329 Garrettson (T°), S7. 131 Genevieve (T 8 ), 248 Geoffery (Louon), 334 George (G 4 ), 356 George (G 7 ), 356 George (T*), 99 George (T 7 ), 149, 165, 205 George (T 8 ), 180, 215 George Jr. (T 8 ), 205 George (T 8 ). 190, 257 George of Dorchester, 22, 25, 26, 42 George of Eccleston, 21 George of Ormskirk, 21 George of Rainforth. 21 George of Upholland, 20 George of Windle, 21 George A. (Penn 5 ). 327, 380 George A. (T 7 ), 119 (28) George A. B. (TM. 177 George Alfred (T 8 ), 188 George Armstrong (Penn 5 ), 324. 325 George Armstrong (Penn*), 325, 326, 327 George B. (T 8 ), 113 George C. (T 8 ). is? George Derby (T 7 ), 124. ISO George E. (W), 346 George F. (T 7 ). 165 George Fletcher (T 7 ), 164, 234 George G. (W), 350 George H. ), 270 Harriet (T«), 110, 116 Harriet (T 7 ). 161 Hariet A. (T 7 ), 131 Harriet A. (Barnes) (V). 145 Harriet A. (Miller) (T 8 ), 175 Harriet D. (Hasbrouck) (T 7 ), 141 Harriet Jarvis (T 7 ), 132 Harriet H. (Belden) (T 8 ), 94, 139 Harrison L (Or 3 ), 428 Harriet L. (Balcom) ("W*), 345 Harriet M. (Berry) (S), 432, 433 Harriet Rebecca (T 7 ), 173 Harriet (Conant) (W 7 ), 348 Harriet (Cooper) (H?). 414 Harriet (Fowler) (T 8 ), 187, 249 Harrison A. (T 8 ), 100, 147 Harry (Gr 10 ), 4 29 Harry Adelbert (T 9 ), 239 Harry Gedney (V), 191 Harry Glenn (T 9 ), 269 Harry Mackenzie (T 8 ), 200 Harvey d 8 ), 84. 100. 113 Harvey (T 7 ), 129. 153. 213 Harvey (T s ), 184, 244 Hattie (T 9 ). 248 Hattie (W 8 ), 344 Hattie Arad (T 9 ). 257 Hattie Crocker (T 8 ). 235 Hattie Frances (T 8 ), 191 Hawise (de Lyons), 12 Helen (T 9 ), 249 Helen Jane (T 7 ), 168 Helen Jay (T 9 ), 240 Helen L. (Ransom) (T s ). 231 Helen M. (Kimball) (P 7 ). 355 Heber Newton (S), 432 Helen Vaughan (T 8 ), 178 Helen (Gibson) (W 8 ). 353 Helen (Rumsey) (T 7 ). 119 Henrietta (T 7 ). 170 Henrietta C. (Todd) (T 1 ), 130, 189 Henrietta (Beekman) (T 8 ). 114, 169 Henrietta (Wilcox) (T 1 ), 173 Henry (1579), 13 Henry (H 4 ), 363, 367. 368, 406 Henry (K 5 ), 375 Henry (K 8 ), 375, 381 Henry (*?), 237 Henry (T 8 ), 100, 104 Henry (T 7 ), 129, 153 Henry (T 8 ), 177, 183, 202, 242 Henry (T 9 ), 242 Henry (T?), 418 Henry (IT), 424 Henry (W s ), 339 Henry of Bccleston, 335 Henry of Newark, 26, 28, 357, 358 35% Henry of Prestwich, 21 Henry of Rainforth, 21 Henry of Tulchuth, 21 Henry of Upholland. Eng., 20 Henry of Wigan, 21 Henry of Whiston, 21 Henry of Windle, 21 Henry A. (Dyer) (T 7 ). 164 Henry Clinton (T 8 ). 101, 148 Henry Franklin (T 8 ), 212 Henry H. (TT 8 ), 425 Henry Lawson (T 7 ), 163, 231 Henry N. (T 9 ), 183 Henry Roscoe (T 8 ), 235 Henry Sanford (T 7 ), 138 Henry T. (W»), 346 Henry Vaughan (T 8 ), 178 Henry Ware, Admiral, 25 Henry William (T r ), 148, 204 Hepsabeth (T 8 ), 188 Herbert (T 7 ), 145 Herbert (T 8 ), 199 Herbert (T 9 ). 248. 264. 266 Herbert Mead (T 9 ). 238 Herbert R. (W»), 344 Herman (T«), 194 Herve (de Lion), 334 Hervey C. (T 9 ), 245, 270 Hester C. (T 9 ), 113 Hezekiah (T 8 ), 86 Hiram (T 8 ), 98. 104 Hiram (T 7 ), 153 Hiram (T?). 217, 440 Hiram D. (T 8 ), 187, 248 Hiram M. (S), 432 Hiram Sparks (U 8 ), 424 Hollv (T 8 ), 91 Hollister William (T 8 ), 261 Homer (Or 9 ), 429 Homer (Or 10 ). 430 Homer (W 8 ?), 348 Homer Ernest (T 9 ), 263 Horace (Or 8 ), 427, 428 Horace (T 7 ), 154. 218 Horace (W 7 ?), 427 Horace Anson (T 9 ). 255 Horace D. (T»), 214, 262 Horatio (T 7 ), 148 LYON NAMES 451 Hosea (T?), 418 Howard (T»), 24S Howard K. (T 7 ), 146 Howard Milton (T 8 ), 26$ Howard S. (H»), 409 Hudson H. (T 8 ), 219 Hugo (de Lyons), 8. 9, 10 Huldah (Aylesworth) (Cole) (T 1 ). 154. 217 Huldah (Smith) (H?), 321 Hyatt (T 5 ),72 Hyatt (T«), 96 Hyatt (T 7 ), 141, 198 Ida , 75. 103. 336. 419 Israel (T 8 ), 84, 104. 12." Tsra«l (T 7 ). 127, 154. 182, 216 Israel Whitney (P 8 ), 355 Ithamer Osborn (T 7 ), 141. 197 Ithamer Osborn (T*), 197 Jabez (T«), 85 Jabez H. (T 7 ), 127 Jacob (Penn 4 ). 325 Jacob of Gageboro. 4 26 James (Or 10 ). 430 Jatnps (H 4 ?). 363 James (H"'). 369, 400 James (H?). 414 Jam&s (Ja 1 ). 332 James . :::\1 James (Ja 8 ). :::•..• James (Ja 4 ). 3:::: James (Ja?). 333 James (Penn 1 ). 323, 32S James (Penn=), 323, 324 James (Penn 3 ), 323, 324. 325, 326. $28. 329 James (Penn 4 ). 326 James (Penn 5 ). ".".» James (»?). 237 James (T 4 ), 54. 60. 67, 78 James (T 5 ), 65, 67. 74. 85. 88 4$7 James (T 8 ). 86. 88. 91, 110. 127. LSI, 136, 286 James (T 7 ). 127. 132, 137, 183 James (!•), 183. 187. 193. 198. 248. 253 James (T?). 419 James of Machiafs. 26 James of Ormskirk, 21 James of 'Rainforth, 21 James A. (H?). 414 James Alexander (Penn 5 ). $27 James B. (Penn 4 ). 329. 330 James B. (Penn*). 330 James C. (H?), 415 James T>. (T 7 ), 127 James E. (Penn 5 ), 328 James G. (Penn 4 ). 326, 328 James Graham (Penn 5 ), $28 James H. (Penn 4 ), 329 James H. (T 5 ). 77. 112 James H. (TT). 423 James H. (W 7 ). 348 James Harvey (T 8 ), 112 James Harvey (T 7 ), 167 James Henry (T 8 ), 184 James M. (T 6 ), 116. 172 James M. (T*). 183 James Madison (T 7 ), 137 James Newman (T 8 ), 191 James Park (Penn 8 ), 327 James S. (T 8 ), 210 James W. (TM, 110. 117, 165 James W. (T 7 ). 165 James Walter (T 8 ), 18S James William (T 8 ). 234 James Winfred (T 8 ). 2">n Jane (Ja 3 ). 332 Jane (T«). Hi' Jane (D. 142 Jane E. (T«). 92 Jane Freelove (Harper) (T 8 ). 112. 166 Jane Horton (T 7 ). 129 Jane A. (Ayres) (Penn 4 ). Jane A. (Merritt) (T 7 ). 132. 13$ Jane Ann (T*). 103 Jane Ann (T 8 ). isn Jane (Hubbs) . 237 Jane (Yerks) (IT). 423 .1 itinette (Mason) (W>. $5$ .Tared (T">. m:: Jared (T : >. ISS, 216 462 GENUAL Jarvis (T 6 ), 88 Jarvis (T 7 ), 132 Jasper (W 7 ), 349 Jay Edgar (T»), 180 Jay Edgar (I»), 239, 269 Jeannette C. (Cornell) (T*), 186 Jedediah (H?), 414 Jediah (H?). 414 Jeffrey (de Leonibus), 12 Jeffrey (de Lions), 11, 12 Jemima (Seaman) (T 4 ), 55 Jemima (Theall) (T 3 ), 50, 60 Jemima A. (Henry) (T*), 112 Jennie Alice (T 9 ), 254 Jennie C. (Carr) (T'), 169 Jennie Jones (T 8 ), 200 Jennie Tower (T 8 ), 235 Jere Miller (T 8 ). 185 Jeremiah (P 7 ), 355 Jeremiah (T 4 ), 60 Jeremiah Banks (T 9 ), 242 Jerusha (Husted) (T«), 83, 437 Jerusha (Peck) (T°). 64 Jerusha (Woolsey) (T 1 ), 75, 106 Jesse (T 5 ), 71, 94 Jesse (T«), 88, 94, 131, 140 Je.sse (T 8 ), 140 Jesse Gerow (T 7 ), 140 Jessie (T 9 ), 263 Jessie H. (T 9 ), 248 Jessie Viva (H 9 ), 410 Joanna (H 5 ), 374 Joanna (T 4 ), 58, 77 Joanna (W 4 ?), 433 Joanna (Ball) (K°), 367 Joanna (Hillis) (H?). 414 Joanna (Prudden) (H 3 ), 362 Job (T 4 ), 52 Job (T°). 64, 84, 419 Joel (T 7 ), 154 John (Or 9 ), 429 John (H 2 ), 359, 361 John (H 3 ), 361, 363 John (H 4 ?), 363 John (H 5 ), 374, 381 John (H e ), 374. 375, 379, 441 John (H?), 414, 415 John (Ja 3 ), 332 John (Ja?), 333 John (Penn 1 ), 323, 328 John (Penn 2 ), 323, 325 John (Penn 3 ), 324, 325, 328 John (Penn 4 ), 325 John (Penn 5 ). 328 John (T 2 ), 45, 47, 49, 284, 287, 288, 289 John (T 3 ), 48, 53, 28>5 John (T 4 ), 54, 65, 305, 436 John (D, 66, 67, 88, 91, 116, 419 John (T«), 86. 87. 91, 104, 128. 129 John (T 7 ), 153, 165 John (T 8 ), 188 John (T 9 ), 249 John (T?), 419 John (W«). 342 John (W«?), 341, 426, 427 John (W 8 )", 347 John (1370), 18 John [de Lions], 16, 17 John [Ireland 1362], 15 John [Lord Mayor], 13 John of Bury, Eng., 20 John of Eccleston, 21 John of Glamis, 19 John of Halewood, 21 John of Mifflington, Pa., 26 John of Preston, 21 John of Rainforth, 21 John of Rockaway (H 8 ?), 367 John of Salem, 24 John of iScituate, 322, 352 John of Taunton, 26 John of Tulchuth, 21 John of Upholland, 20, 21 John of Warkworth, 12, 17, 18, 20 John of Whiston, 21 John A. (T 8 ), 187 John Addison (T 7 ), 130, 188 John Addison (T 8 ), 188, 249 John Ahaz (T 8 ), 186 John B. (T 8 ), 192 John Cary (H 8 ). 408 John Corson (T 8 ), 198 John Denniston (Penn 6 ), 327 John E. (Penn 4 ), 329 John E. (Penn 5 ), 330 John Edward (T 8 ), 201 John Emery (T 8 ), 208 John Ferris (T 7 ), 129 John Glamis (Penn 8 ), 330 John H. (T 8 ), 185 John H. (T 9 ), 245 John H. H. (T 7 ), 146 John Heath (H 7 ), 401, 403, 407 John Heath (H 9 ), 410 John Henry (T 8 ), 204 John Huyler (T 7 ), 143, 200 John J. (Ja?), 333 John Jay (T 7 ), 122 John M. (T 6 ), 117 John M. (T 7 ), 173 John Merritt (T«), 96, 143, 173 John Miller (T 8 ), 185, 245 John Mott (T 10 ). 270 John Newton (T 7 ), 130. 190 John Patton (Penn 4 ), 329 John Patton (Penn ), 330 John Peshine (T e ). 99. 145 John Polhemus (T 7 ), 167 John Porter (Penn 6 ), 330 John R. (Penn 4 ). 326 John Rathburn (T«), 110, 165 John Robert (T 7 ). 148 John S. (Penn 5 ), 330 John V. D. (H 7 ), 407 John W. (Penn 4 ). 326, John W. (V-), 101, 108, John W. (T 7 ), 142, 19( John Walter (T 8 ). 200 John Woolsey (T 7 ), 140 Jonathan (T 3 ), 50, 57, 299, 304, 336 Jonathan (T 4 ), 57, 73, 420 2,C 163 LYON NAMES 453 Jonathan (T 6 ), 74, 77, 101, 111 Jonathan (T 8 ), 86, 93, 100. 127, 139 Jonathan (T 7 ), 128, 166 Jonathan (W 4 ), 341 Jonathan (W 5 ), 344, 434 Jonathan (W), 346 Jonathan P. (H 8 ), 37", Joseph (H-), 361 Joseph (H 3 ), 363, 365 Joseph (H 4 ), 370 Joseph (H 4 ?), 364 Joseph (H 5 ). 369 Joseph (H 7 ?), 406 Joseph (T=), 25, 50, 287, 292. 335 Joseph (T 8 ), 50, 59, 301 Joseph (T 4 ), 54, 59, 60, 78 Joseph (T 5 ), 66 Joseph (T 8 ), 83, 113. 116. 122 Joseph (T 7 ), 122, 166, 173 Joseph (T?), 4'20 Joseph (W=), 339 Joseph (W 3 ), 339 Joseph (W 8 ), 342 Joseph A. B. (K 4 ), 373 Joseph B. (Penn 4 ), 329 Joseph B. (T 7 ), 119, 137 Joseph Close (T 5 ). 78 Joseph Herbert (T 8 ), 253, 271 Joseph Palmer (E?), 337 Joseph T. (T'), 123, 180 Joseph Warren (T»). 244 Joseph Woodford (T 9 ), 205 Josephine (T 7 ), 134 Josephine C. (Holly) (T 8 ). Josephine (Vandenburg) 233 Josephus (W 7 ). 352, 3'53 Joshua (T 4 ), 62, 65, 80, 41 Joshua (T 4 ?). 436 Joshua F. (Penn 4 ), 329 Joshua J. (T 8 ). 97 Josiah (H 4 ), 368 Josiah (W 4 ), 340 Josiah (W 5 ), 341 Josiah of Rainforth, 21 Josiah E. (T s ), 213, 262 Judah (W 8 ), 349 Jude (T 3 ). 48 Judith (Jones) (W), 343 Judson (W 8 ), 344, 346 Judson West (T 9 ). 239, 270 Julia (Maynard) (IT), 424 220 (T T ). 163, Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul (Van Wagner) (T 7 ), 150, 206 a A. (T 8 ), 210 a A. (Davis) (T 7 ), 138. 19r, a A. (Phelps) (T 7 ). 160, 226 a Ann (T«>. 97. 101 a Ann (T 7 ). 14S a Ann (Field) (T 7 ). 149. 204 a Ann (Herrick) (T 8 ). 101 a Augusta (T 9 ), 244 a Frances (T 7 ). 173- etta (Denton) (K?). 237 na (Smith) (V), 163. 233 Justus (T 3 ), 66, 86 Justus (T 8 ). 86 Justus (I?), 420 Justus (W 7 ), 352 Kate (Penn 5 ), 329 Kate A. (Taylor) (T»). 246 Katharine Ware (I*), 233 Katherin (W»). 347 Katherine M. (Paulson) (T>). LIB, 170 Kenneth B. (T»), 263 Keziah (Foster) (O 4 ?), 356 Knapp (T 7 ), 127, 184 Kyle (T»), 265 L. Emmogene (Upham) (W), 346 Laura (Tyrrell) (Gr a ), 429 Laura (Williams) (T»), 178, 240 Laura A. (T 8 ), 219 I-aura Angeline (T 8 ), 240 Laura E. (Dada) (T 7 ), 122 Laura Louise (T'), 254 Laura Louise (T 10 ), 270 Laura Lucille (T 8 ), 235 Laurance Paul (T>°), 271 Lawrence Ludlow (T 7 ). 145 Lauretta (T 8 ). 201 Lavandcha (Green) (T"), 213 Laverne ( ) (T 9 ), 26 2 Lavina (T 7 ), 125 Lavinia (T 8 ), 110 Lavinia White (T 8 ). 187 Leah (T 8 ), 95 Lemuel (P 4 ), 353 Lemuel (W 5 ), 34 1 Lena M. (Shaplev) (T»). 2>L\' Leonard (T 8 ), 187, 24S Leonard (W 7 ), 345 Leonora (T s ), 191 Leroy (T 1 ), 168 Le Roy Faust (T 9 ). 255 Leroy M. (T»). 242 Levi (T»). 123 Levi (W), 342 Levi C. (S). 431 Levinia (Brooks) (T 3 ). 90. 135 Lewis (H 7 ), 388 Lewis (T 8 ), 88, 132 Lewis Edwin (T T ). L22 Lewis S. (Or»). 428. 4; , .'> Libbie ( ) (T 4 ). 216 LihbV (T 8 ). 202 Lillian E. (T 7 ). 146 Lillian Mae (Clock) (T»). 233 Lillie I. (T 8 ). 191 Lina (T 8 ). 108 Linda Gale (T 8 ). 203 Lizzie (Lockyer) (T 9 ). 244. 270 Lizzie Gale (Chapin) CF), 148, 20J Lizzie- S ( White) (T 4 ). 190 Llewellyn Frwin (T»), 239 Lois (T 1 ), L64 Lois («•), 208 Luis (W). 340 Lois (Morse) (T»). 257 Lola < Wright) . 354 Lonesa S. (T 8 ), 186 4M GENERAL INDEX Lorena Adelia (I s ), 239 Lorena E. (Auchampaugh) (T*), 234 Lorenzo E. (T T ), 167 Lorenzo Grenville (T 6 ), 235 Lorenzo M. (T*), 113, 168 Lorenzo M. (T 8 ), 236 Loretta (Horton) (T«), 90 Loretta (Sturtevant) (T 7 ), 130 Loretta (Peck) (T 7 ), 136, 194 Lottie (W 9 ), 353 Louie (T 10 ), 273 Louis (U 8 ), 425 Louisa (Flewellyn) (T 9 ). 246 Louisa (Haight) (T 6 ), 117, 173 Louisa Catherine (T 7 ), 132 Louisa F. (Deincke) (T 7 ), 130, 1S8 Louisa G. (Smith) (T 8 ), 231 Louisa M. (T 8 ), 185 Louisa P. (White) (T 8 ), 200 Louisa Sanford (T 8 ), 186 Louisa Smith (T 8 ), 186 Louisa (Whitaker) (T 7 ), 169 Louise (Champion) (T 9 ), 262 Louise Frances (E?), 337 Louise Merwin (T 8 ), 235 Lovica (Smith) (H?), 322 Lovina (Packard) (T 7 ), 161, 229 Lovina (Pollard) (H?), 322 Lucien H. (T 7 ), 163 Lucina (Baker) (H?), 322 Lucinda (W«), 342 Lucinda (Stringham) (T 7 ), 150, 207 Lucius of Michigan, 26 Lucius H. (T 7 ), 123, 439 Lucresia , 415 A. (Wardell) (*•), 96 Abigail (T'°), 270 Adflia ), 164 Ann (D. 150 (Fowler) (T 7 ). 137 (Oaks) (W 7 ?). 342 (Woolsey) (T 7 ), 140, 196 M. (W). 345 Ophelia (I s ), 185 Augusta iT»), 191 Augusta (T 7 ). 166 B. (Lockwood) . 424 F. (Acker) (T'). 134 Farnham (T 8 ). 261 G. (Taylor) (S). 432 Ida (Penn 5 ). 328 J. (Davidson) . 235 L. (Brundage) (T»). 141. 197 (Hooper) (T 8 ). 188. 219 (Lockwood) (TM. 19:: 261 (Orvisi (Penn' ». 330 (Taylor) 245 Louisa (T 8 ), 23." Louise (T"). 197 Lowrie (Penn r ). ?,M) M. (Penn 6 ). 327 M. (T 7 ). 131 (A bend roth) (T 7 ). 136 (Sarles) ), 177 Rachel (Campbell) (Penn 4 ), S2S Rachel (Conklin) (T 8 ), 96. 142. 4:-; 439 Rachel (Moore) (K»), 379, 385 Rachel (Ogden) (W>), 375 Rachel (Peck) (T«), 82 Rachel A. (Lindeman) (T 7 ). 137 Rachel P. (Husted) (T 7 ), 120. 17« Rachel V. (Sturges) (T 7 ). 127. 181 Ralph (T»), 257 Ralph (de Lions). 11. 12. 14 Ralph Waldo Emerson (T"). 261 Ransom (T 7 ), 121 Ranulph (de Lions), 9. 10 Ray (T»). 216. 265 Ray F. (T«). 262 Rebecca (T 4 ), 52 Rebecca (T»), 80 Rebecca (T«), 83, 117. 437 Rebecca (Bower) (T 7 ), 119. 17"> Rebecca (Close) (T»). 64 .85 Rebecca (Cory) (H?). 416 Rebecca (Fairchilds) (H'7). 362. 401 Rebecca (Jones) (P 7 ). :>:..", Rebecca (Morse) CWV). 344 Rebecca (Lvon) (T 8 ). !>7. 116. 171 Rebecca (Russell) rPenn'). 32 1 Rebecca (Yale) (TM. 154, 217 458 GENERAL INDEX Rebecca Rebecca Rebecca Rebecca Rebecca Rebecca Rena M. Reuben Rheba Rhoda (McAllister) A A. (Turbett) (Penn 4 ), A. (Wilson) (Penn*), Jane (Ja 4 ), 333 Pugh (Penn 6 ), 330 White (T 8 ), 187 (T 10 ), 273 (T 4 ), 60 Bruff (T 8 ), 235 (Miller) (Or 9 ), (Penn 6 ), 327 326 327 427, 120, 429 176 Rhuna (Conrad) (T 7 ), Richard (d. 1579), 13 Richard (Ja 3 ), 332 Richard (T 7 ), 152, 209 Richard (T 8 ), 214 Richard (de Lenne), 15 Richard (de Leuns), 16 Richard (de Lions), 17 Richard (de Lyons), 14 Richard (Lyons, Vintner), 13 Richard of Billing, 21 Richard of Cambridge, 25 Richard of Fairfield, 26, 28. 284, 358 Richard of Great Oakley, 17 Richard of Northampton, Eng., 19 Richard of Ormskirk, 21 Richard of Redding, 26 Richard of Tulchuth, 21 Richard of Warkworth, 17 Richard B. (K?), 416 Richard Bonham (T 10 ), 272 Richard Bruff (T 8 ), 235 Richard M. (T«), 116, 172 Richard Newell (T 9 ), 241 Robert (Penn 2 ), 328 Robert (T 6 ), 72 Robert (T«). 97 Robert (de Lenne), 15 Robert (de Lyons), 14 Robert of High Leigh, 21 Robert of Orral, 21 Robert of Walton, Eng., 20 Robert of Woolton, 21 Robert Barclay (T 7 ). 163, 230 Robert Dillon (T 8 ), 197 Robert Geddes (T 7 ), 169 Robert Geddes (T 8 ), 236 Robert Judson (T 7 ), 161 Robert P. (H™), 411 Robert P. (T 7 ). 119 Rockwell M. (T 9 ), 242 Roger (T 4 ), 54, 65, 421 (T°). 66, 86. 418 (de Lens), 20 (de Leonibus), 11 (de Leuns), 16 (de Linde), 15 (de Lyons), 10, 12, 14, 19 ("Old") of Tulchuth, 21 A. (Matthews) (T 8 ), 189 C.(Knapp) (T 7 ), 130, 189 Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger Rosalinda Rosalinda Rose (Oakland) (T 8 ), 205, 256 Rosetta (W 7 ), 348 Rosie (T"). 248 Rossmore Denman (T 9 ), 255 Roxana (W e ), 342 Roxy (Gr 9 ), 429 Roxy (Johnson) (Or 8 ), 427, 428 Roy (T 9 ), 265 Royal May (W 9 ), 350 Rozilla (Cornwell) (T 8 ), 211 Rufus (Op*), 427, 429 Rufus (W«), 426, 427 Ruth (Gr 10 ), 429 Ruth (P«), 354 Ruth (T 3 ), 48 Ruth (T 4 ), 304 Ruth (T 8 ), 188 Ruth (T 9 ), 254 Ruth (Bush) (T 4 ), 54, 68 Ruth (Curtis) (T*), 84 Ruth (Drake) (T B ), 71 Ruth (Hallock) (T 7 ), 161, 227 Ruth (John) (Rutters) (T«), 94 Ruth (Lyon) (T 4 ), 79 Ruth (Mead) (T 4 ), 52, 64 Ruth Newman (T 10 ), 270 Ruth Greenock (T 9 ), 253 Ruth M. (Johnson) (T 7 ), 121 Ruth Virginia (T 10 ), 272 Rutherford (T 8 ), 82 Sabra A. (Westcott) (W 7 ), 351 Sabrie A. (Truesdell) (T*), 217 Sally (T 8 ), 101 Sally (T'), 123 Sally (Cleveland) (T 7 ). 153 Sally (Merritt) (T»), 88 Sally (Rathbone) Simeon (T 4 ), 62 Smith (H?), 406, 416 Smith (T 8 ). 108 Smith (W 7 ), 352 Solomon (H?), 416 Solomon (T 8 ). 99, 100, 146 Solomon Jr. (T 7 ), 146, 202 Solomon Rundle (T 7 ). 155, 220 Solomon T. (T 8 ), 202, 254 Solomon T. (T 8 ), 254 Sophia (Collins) (»?). 237 Sophia (Newton) (W 7 ?). 342 Sophia C. (Lyon) iT'l. 120, 125, 17: Sophia Lorena ), 249 Walter (W 8 ), 346 Walter (W 7 ). 345 Walter D. (T 8 ), 195 Walter Haight (T 9 ), 246 Walter S. (T*), 181 Walter Sanford (T 8 ), 186 Walter Smith (T 7 ), 130, 186 Walter W. (T 8 ), 112, 168 LYON NAMES 461 Warren (T 7 ), 131, 170, 191 Warren ). 97 w lliam Davis (T 8 ). 200 w lliam Edward (T*), 142. 183 William Edwin (T'), 131, 191 William Edwin ), 108, 163 William Franklin . 391 Arery, George (T), 213 Lucy (T). 187 Mary, 286 Pearl (T 9 ), 187 Samuel (T). 187 Vestries (T'°), 215 William (T), 18? Aylsworth, Armenia (T), 216 Eleanor (T 8 ), 217 Wit lard (T), 154, 217 Ay res, Annie A. (T 8 ). 220 Bucher (Penn 4 ). 329 Esther (H 4 ). 374 Rufus W. (T), 154. 22» Babcock, Eliza (P 9 ). 355 Judson (T), 164 Backer [Baker], Susannah, 381, 386 Backus, Mary E. (W 7 ), 347 Sarah (T), 91, 137 Bacon, Prof. Lyman (T). 254 Badgeley, Nancy, 415 Phebe, 377 Sarah, 377 Bailey, Edward Lyon (P*). 335 Festus C (T). 1S8. 250 Halcyon G. (T>), 250 Henrietta T. (P«). 351 Hiram (P 7 ). 354 Jennie F. (P 8 ), 355 Mary A. (P 8 ), 354 Additional names (P 4 ). 334. 353; (T), 250 Baillle, Jennie M. (T), 185. 24S Samuel, 245 Baker, , (H?>. 3:'J . (T). 61 Rev. Daniel (T), 115 Hannah. 41S Nancy A. (Cleveland). 154 Balcom, Betsey (T). 103. 154 Mason (W 8 ), 34 5 Myron (W 8 ). 345 Baldwin, , 308 Abigail (H 4 ). 364. 370 Ann (T). 107 464 GENERAL INDEX Augusta (Penn 4 ), 325, 327 Esther, 415 Hannah (H 2 ?), 361 Heber (T), 167 Joshua (H 7 ), 401 Josiah (H»), 401 Kezia, 364, 369 Lewis (H«), 401 Mary (SP), 401 Nathaniel, 370 Rebecca (H«), 401 Sarah (IF), 401 Dr. William Pitt (T), 252 Zenas (H«), 401 Additional names (H), 401 Ball, (H«), 401 Mrs. Bertha H. (T), 198 Jane (H 7 ). 402 John (H?), 416 Dea. John (H B ), 370, 371 Nancy (H e ), 390 Additional names (H«), 370, 371 Balleo Elizabeth (H 7 ), 372 Ballard, Ebenezer (W), 339 Ezra (W°), 339 B a lien, John P. (H?) 415 Banks (Bancks), Pedigree, 281 Abigail, 285 Abigail (Treen), 83 Abraham (T), 90, 135 Abraham (T 1 ), 78, 90 Ann (T«), 89 Augustus, 144 Benjamin (R), 28 Catherine (T«), 89 Daniel, 285 Daniel (T), 67 Daniel (T 3 ), 47 Diadamia (T), 75, 103 Elizabeth (Banks), 117 Elizabeth (T), 183, 242 Elizabeth (T 6 ), 77, 89 Hannah (T 6 ), 89 James (T), 67, 89 Jeremiah, 242, 243 John, 40, 46, 104, 117, 127, 282, 283, 284, 286, 437 John (T), 28, 45. 46. 77, 284 Joseph, 77, 89, 284, 285 Joseph (T), 58, 77 Joseph (T 3 ), 47 Joseph (T*), 77 Martha (T), 86, 127 Martha (T°), 437 Martha (T«), 77 Martha A. (T), 82, 117 Mary (T), 98, 144 Mary (T«), 77, 104 Mary (T 7 ), 136 Nancy (T«), 89 Obadiah, 77, 286 Samuel, 285, 286, 303 Samuel (T), 75, 104 Samuel (T 3 ), 47 William (T 8 ), 104 William H. (T). 183, 243 William W. (T«), 77 Additional names, 284, 285, 286; (T), 47, 89, 104, 135 Banta, Seba, 166 Sarah Ann (T), 112, 166 Barker, Ann (T), 93 Sarah (T), 93 Barnes, Benjamin P. (T 7 ), 157 Clara (T 8 ), 157 Clarissa (T 7 ), 157 Clark (T 8 ), 157 David Lyon (T'), 157 Edward (T 8 ), 157 Elizabeth (T), 119, 175 Ellen M. (T 8 ), 157 Esther L. (T 7 ), 157 Harry H. (T), 145 Isaac W. (T 7 ), 157 Dr. James H. (T 7 ), 157 Jedediah (T), 108, 156 John M. (T 7 ). 157 Julia (T 7 ). 157 Mary (W 7 ), 353 Myra (T 7 ), 157 Additional names (T), 157 Barney, Mary (P 5 ), 354 Barr, Berzelius (H»), 391 Daniel, 284 Barrett, Samuel (H 8 ), 402 Barsntti, Virgili (T), 171 Bartholomew, Nancy (T), 77. 113 Sarah (T), 153, 215 Bartle, Rosanna (T), 109, 164 Bartlett, James F., 254 Marie (T), 208 Mary Anna (T), 200, 254 Sherman Fitch (T), 155 Barton, Brigham W. (T), 115 Lewis, 311 Clarinda (R), 403 NAMES OTHEB THAN LYON 465 Basset, Thomas, 42 Batchelder, , 349 Bateman, Elizabeth (H 1 ), 359 Lydia (T), 209 Mary, 359 William, 367 Bates, Edwin (T), 102, 151 Katherine (I 1 ), 151 Martha (T»), 151 Bayles, Elizabeth Gedney (T), 112, 167 Beach, Hannah B. (H 7 ), 408 Phebe, 416 Thomas, 360, 416 William. 408 Zopher, 360 BeaL Sarah (Ja 3 ), 332 Beals, Rosina (Packard), 230 Bean, Satie (W 8 ), 353 Beatty, Benjamin (T), 143, 201 Florence E., 201 Beckwith, Amande, 433 Bedford, Charlotte (H?), 412 Stephen, 412 Bedell Michael (T), 10-5 Bedlow, David (H?), 415 Bee be, Mrs. Catherine (T), 121, 178 Beekman [Eeckman], Cornelius T., 169 Emma (T 7 ), 169 Henrietta (T 7 ), 169 Julia (T 7 ), 169 Livingston (T'), 169 Samuel A. (T), 114, 169, 438 Beers, David (T), 217 Belcher, Dr. George E. (T), 111 Belden, Anne (Bush), 68 George Hubertus (T T ), 139 Hezekiah (T), 94, 139 Rev. Joshua, 139 Mary Honoria (V), 139 Richard, 139 W) Belknap, Jennie (T), 224 Bellows, Laura (T), 162 Belvllle, (T), 219 Bence, Charles W. (T»), 315 Jennie P. »7 Boyd, John, 59 Boyle, Lynche, 405 Solomon, 405 Bradford, Emily (Chynbweth). 267 Bradley, Major — , 122 Clarissa (Eaton), 122 John C, 241 Wallace H. (T). 181. 241 Additional names (T), 241 Bradshaw, Sabra (T), 101, 149 Brady, Elizabeth (Sands). 80 Brailey, Rachel, Brandish, Bertha, Bratteu, 398 302 (H 8 ). 382 Brayton, Eunice (?), 431 Breese, (T). 123 Charles M. (T 8 ), 123 Harry L, (T 8 ), 439 Henry M. (T 7 ), 439 Emmeline (H 9 >. 392. 396 Jacob. 396 Bridge, Kitchell (H 8 ), 441 Brigrg-s, Charlotte (T), 103, 152 Deborali (Hammond), 207 Joshua, 286 Theron J. (T), 207 William T. (T). 143 Additional names (T), 207 Brig- ham, Mary (T), 256 Britt, Elizabeth (T 8 ). 114 Sarah (T 6 ). 113 William (T). 77, 113 Additional names (T), 113. 114 Britten, Jessie E. (W 8 ). 346 Britton, Harvey (T), 229 Broad, Lucy S. (P 7 ), 354 Brockway, Albertine C. (T 7 ). 162 Allan T. (T 8 ). 162 Alvah (T 7 ), 162 Edwin I. (T 8 ). 162 Elias (T 7 ). 162 Eugene (T 8 ). 162 George E. (T 8 ), 162 Hiram (T), 108. 161 Jedediah. 161 Maggie (T 8 ). 162 Sarah C. (T 7 ), 162 William F. (T 7 ). 162 Additional names (T), 162 Brook, William, 312 Brooks, Ann Amelia (T 7 ). 135 Daniel H. (T 7 ), 135 Dr. David, 135 Edward Sands (T 7 ), 135 Elisha (T 7 ), 135 Henry (T 7 ). 13n Henry S. (T). 90, 135 John (D, 135 Lauretta (T 7 ). 13." Additional names (T), 135 Broome, Hetty (Penn 3 ). 324, 325 Brown, -, (H 5 ), 373: (T) 60, 6J. 179 Major (T), 64 Aaron (H 7 ). 385 Aimee L. (H»), 409 Amy Merritt (T), 81 Anne (Budd) Browne, Annf. 274 Henry. 274 Brnen. Hannah. 361 1! in I IP). 367 468 GEHERAL INDEX Brnff, Charles (T), 111 Richard P. (V), 111 Bmndage, Edwin Hincken (T*), 198 Estelle (T 8 ), 198 Estelle Holt (T»), 198 James, 69 James H. (T), 141, 198 James H. (T 8 ), 198 Johanna, 311 Jonah C-, 170 Joseph (T), 58, 77 Mary (T), 69 Percy H. (T 8 ), 198 Phebe (T), 115, 170 Rachel (T), 81 Additional names (T), 198 Brush, Asa Hobby (T), 85 Mary Elizabeth (T 7 ), 85 Wiliarn P. (T), US By rant, Ralph (T), 157 Buck, George (T), 156 Olive H. W. (G«), 356 Buckingham, Chester, 249 Horace S. (T), 188, 249 Ida (T 9 ), 249 Buckley, (T), 129 Henrietta A. (T), 170 Bndd, Anne (T 4 ), 63 Elisha, 335 Elisha (T), 51. 63 Jean, 63 John, 63, 70 Joseph, 50 Miriam (T*), 63 Sarah (T), 55, 70 Sarah (T 1 ), 63 Underbill. 70 Additional names (T), 63 Buell, Mary, 81 Bngbee [Bugby], Edward (T), 72 Prudence (W), 343 Burkcom, Cornelius, 303 Bull, James S. (T), 98 Ophelia (T), 158 Additional names (T), 158 Bullie, lone C. (T). 230 John W. (T), 230 Additional names (T), 230 Bun Ay, Nellie M. (T), 269 Burbridge, J. W. (Penn*), 325 Burdick, Lambert (T 8 ), 213 Lydia Mahala (T), 209 Milton J. (T 8 ), 213 Randolph (T), 153, 213 Sarah Jane (T 8 ), 213 Additional names (T). 213 Burgee, Mary (H«), 405 Burllngeme, , (H?), 321 Huldah (H?), 321 Martha (H?), 321 Burnell, Alice G. (T), 252 Burnett, Betsey (T), 192 Burns, (H»). 376 Mary (T), 156 Burr, Mary Perry (T), 143 Burrows, Chester D. (W»), 343 Kate (T), 162 Additional names . ir>8 Emma Louisa (T»), 200 Freelove, 113 Preelove (Marsh), 69 J. Theodore (T), 112. 200 Josiah (T), 158 Lizzie (T 8 ), 200 Lucinda (U 8 ), 425 Martha (Park). 95, 10r>, tr, r , Mary (Sniffen). 245 Morris, 154, 155 Roby J. (T'), 158 Ruth (T), 79 Sarah (T), 104. 105, ir.4 Setae (T), 78 Thomas E. (T 3 ). 158 Zophar, 200 Additional names (T), 65. 118 Carr, Ida (I s ), 169 Mary E. (T), 183, 242 William H. (T), 169 Carroll, Orpha Ann (Harrison). 202 Carter, (T). 170 Anne. 24 Elizabeth (Sterrett). 234 Cary, Addie (T), 183, 243 Elizabeth A. (H'). 408 Henrietta (T), 183 Henry M. (H»t, 410. 411 John, 183, 243 John Jr. (H?), 413 Caswell, Antoinette (I 9 ), 157 David (T), 157 Additional names (I), 157 Catchpole, Ellen (Watson), 151 Chad wick, Adelia (T 7 ). 124 Adelia (West). 239 Ann (T 7 ), 124 Archelus (T 7 ). 121 Harriet (T 7 ). 124 John (T). 84, 124 Sarah (T). 82. 120 Thursa (T 7 ). 124 Chaffee, Mariette (W), 346 Chamberlain, |)«'\ilo J. (T). 22". Dora (T). 228 Edith E. (T George. 228 Chambers, George (Penn*). 324 Champion, K.lwin S. (T). 26^ Lolita (i ,n ). 2«2 '470 GENERAL INDEX Chandler, Lewis A. (H«), 384 Phebe (H 4 ), 374 Chapin, William W. (T), 148, 203 Additional names (T). 203 Chapman, Sophia (T), 108 William (W 3 ), 339 Chappell, Thomas (T), 91 Chaxdavoyne, Amanda F. (H'), 372 Chase, Maria A. (T), 127, 183 Cheney, Joseph (W B ), 340 Cherry, Adelbert (T), 219 Additional names (T), 219 Chestnut, George (Penn 8 ), 328 Chetwood, Nicholas, 18 Chichester, Jessie (H s ), 410 William, 410 Checkering, Benjamin C. (T), 315 Childs, Harris Manning , 194 Marv Lyon . 194 Samuel (T), 154. 217 Additional names (T>, 194, 217 Coleman, Caroline, 311 Robert R., 312 Additional names, 312 Coles, Peter S. (T), 190, 250 Additional names (T), 250 Coley, Daniel (T), 89 Collins, Ed (T?), 237 Eliza (T), 134 Frederick B. (H 5 ), 409 James T. B. (H 8 ), 408 John Lyon (H s ), 409 Sarah (T), 126, 181 Additional names (H), 409 Collyer [Xollyer], Charlotte DeK. (T»), 86 Elizabeth, 111. 166 John Lyon (T : ). 86 Moses W. (T), 86 Collins, Cecilia M. (T), 192 Comstock, Edward (T), 244 Julia E. (T), 130, 190 Conant, Josiah (W), 348 Cone [Cove], (T), 45 Cora C. (T). 218 Deborah (T s ), 49 Zacharlah (T), 140 Additional names (T), 140 Concklln, Anna Marvin (T*), 193 Thomas Lyon (T 8 ). 193 Samuel Marvin (T 8 ), 193 Condit, Uzel (H 8 ), 374 Congrar, Margaret (HM, :;si Mary. 370 Samuel , 102 Henry (H»). 399 .lames (T). 96, 142 James R. , 414 Copeman, (T). 149 Coppernoll, Fred (H). 428 Corbln, Rebecca (W), 434 Corbit, John, 48 Cornell, (T). 186 Cornell ICroweU], Peter (T), 97 Cornwell, Leroy (T). 211 Corsen, Emma F. (T), 141, 198 Cory, Phebe (H«), 379. 380 Thomas (H?), 416 Coaad, Harriet (H 9 ), 396 Lydia (H 8 ), 392 Thomas, 392 Variants: Cozad. Casad, Cosart, Cosard, Cassat, 404 Coulter, Priscilla (Penn s ). 324 Counselman. Harriet, 176 Courtney, Mary (T s ). 167 Samuel (T). 167 Coverly, Luther E. (T), 140 Covert, William G. (T). 196 Cowan, ■ LAnna (Sanders), 398 /Adaline W. (H 9 ), 394 Albert (U 8 ), 425 ._ i_Chloanna (H n ), 391/ "■ Christian (H 8 ). 387, 393 Daniel Y. (H 9 ), 395 David S. (K 8 ), 389 Edwin B. (H 9 ), 396 -.Elizabeth (H 8 ), 387 _. {"Harriet E. (H 10 ), 391J Harriet H. (H 10 ), 399 James (H»). 394 James M. (H 8 ), 593 Judge John. 377 John (H 8 ). 382 John (H 7 ), 386 John (H 8 ). 392, 393 rjohn B. (H"), 397-3 "= *-John C. (H 9 ), 357, 398 John T. (H 9 ), 399 Capt. Joseph. 378 Joseph W. (K»), 395 Martha (H 8 ). 394 Mary (H 8 ). 392 Marv M. (K 9 ). 399 Sir Richard, 386 Sarah (H 8 ), 387. 391 Theodore F. fH 9 ). 398 William H. (K 8 ). 397 Additional names («), 387. 396. 397. 398, 399 Coytmore Martha (Rainsborough), 274 Crabb, Harvey (T), 315 Craig Elizabeth (Kerr), 240 Crandall, DeWitt (T), 161, 229 ^yv^^t ~z Ic^n-^KJU ^c^uU NAMKS OTHEK THAN LTON 478 Grace (*•), 229 Mary (Wijrhtman). 159 Ruth E. [Eva] (I»), 229 Additional names (I), 229 Crane , 377 Abigail (H 4 ). 364, 368 Ada (Fowler). 130 Aretas (H e ). 405 Benjamin (KM. 363 Benjamin (K*), 372 Caroline H. (T). 174, 237 Catherine (H 9 ). 405 Catherine M. (K T ), 385 Cooper (H?), 414 Cornelia W. (H"), 376 David (H 5 ), 364 Elias (H 3 ). 370, 373 Elizabeth . 202 L,ockwood (T). 14 7. 202 Mary. 310 Mary (T 8 ). 202 Sarah E. (1"*). 202 Crouch, Henry E. (T), 162 Crowe, Clarence (T), 318 Fannie M. (T). 144. 801 Crowell, John P. (H?), 414 Sally (T). 95 Crowner, Delbert A. (T). 284 Cummins. ElizaJbeth. 333 Cunningham, Sarah (T), 257 Curtis, . (T>. 314 Alfred (T). 100. 147 Alfred (T 7 ). 147 Thompson (T). 156 Cutter, Charles NT. (T). 268 Cuyler, Catherine. 397 Dada, Arthur A. (T*). 122 Percy A. (T?>. 122 Rev. William B. (T), 122 Baiter, ESlis&beth, 77 Dalg-lish [Douglas], Phebe (H 4 ). 370 Robert. 370 Dalton, Rento <\ (T). 234. .'«7 Dr. Blbritee O. (T). IS:. 2t2 Ehna F. (T*). 2J2 Fr.nk. 267 474 GENERAL INDEX Harold P. (T 8 ), 267 Henry Lyon (T 8 ), 232 Mary Lyon (T 8 ), 232 Nellis Norman (T»), 232 Raymond Lyon (T»), 267 Samuel, 232 Additional names (T), 232 Dalzel, Martha J. (H'), 381 Dana, Nellie (W 5 ), 339 Darby, Fannie, 123 Darran, Emily (T), 124 Dairance. Mrs. Martha L. (T), 107 Davenport, Eliza (T), 94 Josiah, 354 Newberry (T), 70, 94 Davids Hester, 306 Davidson, Charles R. M.. 182 Florence J. (Guy), 182 Harriet (Hooper), 249 John Calhoun (T), 214 Davis, Albert (T 8 ), 156 Ann Eliza (T), 91, 136 Ann Maria (T), 210 Anna (T), 167 Bertha (T 9 ), 213 Caroline M. (T 8 ), 118 Charles W. (T 8 ), 196 Cora (T 8 ), 156 Cora B. (T), 215 Edgar Ryker (T«), 118 Capt. Edward (T), 138, 195 Elijah M. (T), 93 Fidelia (T), 124 Frank B. (T), 213 George (T 8 ), 156 George M. (T), 270 Hannah M. (T 6 ), 118 Henry, 195 Henry (T), 82, 118 Lela (T), 265, 273 Lorenzo (T 8 ), 156 Maria M. (T 8 ), 196 Mary (T). 112, 167 Nellie (H 10 ), 429 Oliver (T), 156 Phebe Jane (T 8 ), 156 Sarah Jane (T 8 ), 196 Silas, 118 Thomas J. (T e ), 118 Thomas J. (T 8 ), 196 Walter, 136 Will (T), 214 Rev. William (H 7 ), 380 Additional names (T), 156 Davison, Mrs. Eliza Jane (T), 144 Dawson, , (T), 112 Rodman B. (T), 166 Day, Alfred W. (T), 234, 268 Amos (H 8 ), 378 Benjamin L. (H*), 378 Edwin B. (T), 234, 268 Grace Lyon (T°), 268 Kittie Cole (T»), 194 Mary (H 3 ), 365 Mrs. Mary (H«), 441 May Lyon (T»), 268 Paul, 364 Thomas, 194 Timothy, Jr., 406 Rev. William (T), 194 Additional names (T), 194, 268 Dayton, Eldorus (T), 141 Elias G. (H») 409 Dean, Jerusha (H). 406 Jerusha (H?), 416 Mary (Sands), 80 William L k (T), 196 Deas, Mrs. Helen Lyon, 400 Death, Absolom (H 8 ), 389 De Camp, Mary (H 7 ), 408 De Forest, Frances (T), 218 De Hays, . (T), 166 De Long, Joel (T), 217 De Revere, Harriett (U«), 423 James (U e ), 423 De Vore, Jane (T), 162 Deberer, Hettie (Morgan), 192 Decker, Edwin L. (T), 196 Deincke, Jacob (T), 130, 188 Demnde, Capt. Daniel C. (H»), 393 Denbo, Mary H. (T), 315 Denman, Isaac, 47 Jane (T), 101, 148 John, 148 NAMZS OTHKB THAN LYON 476 Beany, Rev. David (Penn 8 ), 323 Denton, -, 309 Ben Ange (T?), 237 Elizabeth. 304 Hannah (Tread well), 66 Solomon, 311 Dennison, John, 415 Denniston, Elizabeth T. (Penn 1 ), 326, 327 Depue, (T), 192 Derby, George (T), 83 George A. (T 7 ), 83 Derrickson, Maria (Penn 6 ), 327 Deterie, William (T), 145 Dibble, Elbert (T), 209 Dickinson, Hannah (T), 96, 141 James, 141 Millioent (T), 60 Minnie (T), 163 Dickson, Jane (Kirby), 139 Jane (T), 155 Maude (T), 197 Diegnan, Ida M., 350 Dillis ?, Aaron (H?), 414 Dillon, Charlotte M. (T 6 ), 197 Elsie E. (T 8 ), 197 Mary E. (T 8 ), 197 Robert (T), 141, 197 Dilts, Anna (H?), 416 Dimick, Mercy West, 176 Dingee, Anna M. (T), 183, 24 2 Jesse, 242 Peter M. (T), 184 Diossy, George S. (T). 197 George S. (T»). 197 Robert Dillon (T»). 197 Additional names (T), 197 Disbrow, Hannah (Sherwood), 90 John, 50, 302 Lydia, 59 Mary (T), 50, 59 Peter, 59 Doolittle, Abel S. (T), 153, 215 Alice A. (T«), 215 Andrews D. (T 8 ), 215 Arthur (T), 217 Arthur Miles (T»), 215, 440 Mary A. (T 8 ), 215 Mary M. (T), 154, 219 Myra J. (T), 265, 273 Myra Jane (T 8 ), 215 Olive Anna (T 8 ), 215 Sarah (Kelly), 262 Additional names (T), 215, 216, 217 Doty, 309 Agnes ). 390 Minerva (H 10 ), 390 Gillespie, Maria (Penn*). 324 Gillom, Elizabeth (H s ). 368 Gilmore, John, 205 Mary (T), 205 Girard, Henry P. (T), 194 Givins, Thomas (H 8 ), 391 Gladstone, Jennette C. (T). 219 Glass, Maggie (T), 243 Click, Alonzo (H'°). 400 Globe, (T), 158 Glover, J. Wheeler (T). 247 Goble. Hannah (H 8 ), 441 Goebel, Dr. Frederick (T), ."1". Golden, (H T ). 405 Golding, Coles, 336, 437 Goldsmith, Daniel (T). 60 Goodday, Virginia B. (T), 116. 17.' Goodell, Aaron (W). 339 Corneliue fW s ), 339 Ebenezer (W), 339 Ebenezer (W), 339 Experience (W 5 ). 339 Judith (W 5 ), 339 Rev. L. L. (W). 34 r, Lois (W 6 ). 339 Moses (W»), 339 Goodrich, Honoria (Belden). 139 Gorham, George. 48, 285 Gould, Asa (T). 152. 210 Charles Woolsey (T'(. 21 ) Ebenezer, 60 4K0 GXKEBAL INDEX Elizabeth (T), 60 Hattie (I*), 210 John Butler (T»), 210 Additional names (T), 210 Graham, Rebecca (Penn 3 ), 324, 326 William (Penn 2 ), 323 Grants, Allen E. (T), 215 Linn Belle (T»), 215 Orah Maude (T 8 ), 215 Graves, Almira (T), 153, 214 Herman (T), 188, 249 Gray, Edna E. (T), 196 Emma E. (T), 208 Marion L. (T), 196 Green, Annie F. (T). 207 Barney J., 207 Benjamin (T), 83 Eliza M. (T 8 ), 158 H. T. (T), 213 Harriet (T), 158 Gilbert (T), 158 James, 88 James (T), 136 John ), 354 Grimshaw, Henry (T), 187, 248 Additional names (I), 248 Grosvenor, Chester (W« ?), 344 Grove, Susie (T), 156 Groves, Elizabeth (Day), 194 Grow, Thomas (W 8 ). 339 Grumman [Grommon, Gramin], Aaron (H 4 ), 367 Bethia (H 4 ), 367 Bethia (H 8 ), 403 IchaJbod, 362, 365, 366 Ichabod (H*), 367, 4f?J Sarah (Jennings). 52 William D. (H 6 ), 374 Guernsey, Sarah (T), 100 Gnion, Ann M. (T), 99, 145 Harriet (T e ), 98 Hetty (T e ), 92 James, 145 James (T*), 92 John, 92, 98 Jonathan (T), 69, 92 Monmouth H. (T), 72, 9S Phebe (T«), 92 Rachel Ann (V s ), 98 Additional names (I), 98 Gnnn, Marcus (T), 109 Gny, Sydney Smith (T), 182 Walter Britton (T 8 ), 182, 440 Additional names (I), 182 Kaddiz, George (K 8 ), 396 John (H 8 ), 391 Maria Ann (H 9 ), 391 NAMES OTHER THAN LYON 481 Melinda . 166 Additional names (T). Ill Harriman, John (T). 142 Harrington, F I-:. (T), 204 Additional names iTI. 204 Harris, John. 825 Mary I Penn'), 828, 826 Harrison, (IP). 372 Abie] I H»), 867 Eunice ( H*), 876 Mary Elisabeth (T), 202 482 GENERAL INDEX George D. (H?), 413 Jesse T. (H?), 412 Julia (H?), 412 Mary (H=?), 361 Richard, Jr., 361 William H., 202 Hart, Anna (Guion), 92. 98 Anna (Purdy), 196 Cornelia (T), 175, 238 Daniel, 189 Jemima (Todd). 189 Mary Louisa (T), 189 Hart man, Charles (H 10 ). 396 Eva Pearl (H n ), 396 Harvey, Mark (H 11 ), 396 Hasbro nek, George P. (T), 233 Sherman (T), 141 Haskins, Kellogg (W 8 ). 351 Hastings, Elizabeth, 17 Hatcher, (T?), 237 Hatfield, Peter (T), 72 Phebe (T), 72 Sarah (T), 72 Hathaway, Jacob (H?), 412 Joseph (H B ), 367 Haviland, Esther (T). 306 John, 62 Mary (T), 62 Hayden, Jeannette (T), 103 William, 42 Hayes, Anson E., 266 Emma (T), 214, 263 Jay Orlo (T), 224, 266 Hazelton, Chauncey, 213 Henrietta (T 10 ), 213 William (T), 213 Hawxhurst, Daniel, 306 Phebe (T), 70, 306 Healey, Jennie H. (T), 189 Heard, (H 5 ), 372 Heath, Elizabeth (H 8 ). 407 John, 407 Joshua H. (T), 126 Hebard, Herbert C. (H">), 393 Heilman, Mary (H), 428 Helfert, (T), 158 Hendrick, Julia (T), 211 Leontes, 211 Hendrlckson, Ida [Iva] (T), 265, 273 Kenton, Laura (Robinson), 271 Henry, Hattie E. (T), 242 Juliet A. (T 7 ). 112 Maria (T), 242 Dr. Thomas (T), 112 HensBler, Fredrieka (T), 143, 200 John, 200 Herbert, David (H?), 415 Henry (T), 138 Herdman, Mary (Wright), 159 Herrick, (T), 101 Daniel, 233 Edwin (T 8 ), 103 Epherina (Campbell), 159 Josiah, 103 Laura (T 8 ), 103 Susan (T 8 ), 103 Stephen H. (T). 75. 103 William (T), 233 Additional names (T), 233 Hersch, Mary A. (T), 158 Hetfleld, (H), 405 Houston, William H. (H»), 389 Hewitt, Ann. 304 Hewson, Jane (Knox), 186 Hlbbard, Betsey (W 8 ). 348 Hibbert, Joseph (Ja?), 333 Hickok, Sarah (Buckingham), 249 Hicks Arthur D. (T 8 ). 205 John L. (T 8 ), 205 John S. (T). 247 Levantia W. (U T ). 423 NAMES OTHER THAN LYON 4S3 Margaret (Herrick). 103 William (T), 149, 205 Additional names (Tt, 205 HI? grim, Abner (T), 77. Ill Amasa (T 7 ), 128 Charles (T 7 ). 12S David (T), 86. 12S Eliza (T T ). 128 Ezra (T 7 ). 128 Harvey (T 1 ), 12S Joel (T 7 ) 128 Elisha B. fT"). Ill Jonathan M. fT). 95 Mary (H?). 41-1 Moses. 12S Samuel fT 7 ), 128 Sandy fT 7 ), 128 Tammison (T 6 ), 111 Additional names (T). 128 Higley, Henry I.. fT), 187 Hildretb, Eliza (Green), 207 Hill, Jame.s 1.. 407 Nancy (H«), 375, 402, 407 Nancy (T), 109. 165 Oliver fP 7 ?), 355 Samuel fH?). 416 Additional names, 407 Hillis, Aaron (H?), 414 Hincken, Cort Roadside fT 8 ), 197 Edward (T). 141. 196 Edward fT 4 ), 197 Edward Boyd fT s ), 196 Mabel fT"). 197 Additional names (Ti. 196. 197 Hlnes, Annie fT), 250 Hinman, (H 6 ), 372 Hltley, i teborah itm, 60 Elisabeth fT 4 ). 61 Erne [Amy] (T 4 ), 60 Husted, (T), .36 John. 303 Jonathan, 303 Jonathan (T), 50. 60 Jonathan fT 4 ), 60 Marv (T 4 ), 60 Mary B. fT">, 220 ■Rachel, 2S5 Rachel (Banks) 67 Rebecca, 285 Rebecca (T), 47. 48. 52 Rebecca (Lvon) 2S Sarah E. (T"). 220 Squire (T), 83 Tamar ( Mead >, si Thomas. 52. 2S5, 303 Additional names, 303 Hodges, Electa S. (I.yon) (W»). 350 Hoffman, Polly (T). 120 Holcomu, Anna fT). 321 Betsv (Dodd). 261 Burdette (T). 164 C. Judson (T">. 219 Clara (T»). 219 Edwin (T). 154. 218 Egbert W. fT 8 ). 218 Fort E. fT'). 219 Horace S. fT"). 219 Huldah fT 8 ). 219 Jane (T 8 ). 218 Olive fT 9 ), 219 Oti.s E. (T°). 219 Ralph R. (T s ). 219 Shirlev Grant (T 8 ). 219 Vlrgrfl T. (T»). 218 Additional names fT). 219 Holley, Abraham. 310 tolloway. (T). 316 (T), 214 Jonathan (T). 314, 316 Hoagr, Asa fT 8 ). 233 Curtis F. (T), 163. 233 James H. (T), 188, 250 John, 250 Pauline (T 8 ). 233 Hobby, Pedigree, 303 (T?), 237 Abigail fT 4 ), R0 Albert (T). 154, 220 Amy (T), 83 Amv fT 4 ), 60 Clara L. fT"). 220 David (T 4 ). 61 HoUy, Amelia Lvon fT 7 ). 1 26 Edward P. (T). 220 Hannah (T). S3, 123 Hannah fT"). 139 Isaac, 128, 126 Isaac, Jr.. iTi. K, 126 Lois (Miller), 242 Additional names . 126 Holmes. \M:;.iil ( Mills), 62. 81 Elizabeth | Biggins), 123 Hannah. 803 John, 285 Lucy Corda iT), 135 Mary, 810 484 GENERAL INDEX Mary (Perm 4 ), 326 Mary (T), 89 Stephen, 303 moist, Andrew C. (T), 227 Molt, Edmund Owen (T), 198 Phebe (W°), 339 Xoltz, Mary E. (H>°), 396 Holtzapple, Louisa M. (H 10 ), 397 Honeywell, Deborah (Merritt), 113, 183 Esther (Dingee), 242 Hood, Benjamin, 199 Elizabeth W. (T), 142, 199 mooper, Henrietta (T), 188, 249 Henry (T), 188, 250 Philander, 250 Ransom, 249 Hoover, Dr. Reuben C. 398 Margaret A. (H 9 ), 398 Hopkins, (T), 79 Emma (H), 428 Mary (H 6 ). 441 Roxanna (T), 157 Sarah (T), 187, 248 Morton, Anita (T), 206 Elias Q. (T), 127, 184 John, 47 John (T), 90 Joseph H. (T), 93 Lavinia (T), 93 Margaret (Wood), 185 Stephen, 98 William (T), 127 Wright, 184 Additional names, 184 Hosmer, Elizabeth (W 6 ?), 340 Hottel, . (T), 316 Honck, Electa (T), 239 Rough, (H), 429 Howard, Olanson (T), 219 Beatrice (T 9 ), 219 Howe, Abigail (Mead), 84 Allen (T), 123, 179 Eliza V. (P'), 355 Emma Jane (T), 185. 245 Margaret E. (T). 188, 249 William (W 7 ), 344 Howell, (T), 125. 181 Daniel, 245 Jonas, 179 Lewis Lyon (T 8 ). ISO William E. (T), 135 Howes, Edward, 335 Howland, Knowlton, 159 Mary (T). 159 Pamelia (Swetland), 159 Hoyt [Haight, Hyat, Haite, Hougrbt], Pedigree, 279 Catherine (T), 209 Elizabeth, 310 Elizabeth (Webb), 119. 120, 121 George (T), 243 John, 50 Mary, 42. 310 Mary (T). 279. 281, 282 Nehemiah, 311 Thomas, 302 Ruth (Lawrence), 121 Ruth (Peck), 121 Simon, 40. 42, 279 Svmon, 277, 279 Additional names, 279, 280 Hubbard, Abraham (T). 128 Agnes (T), 222 Jennie Budd (T). 197 Polly (T), 84, 125 Polly (Lyon), 175 Hnbbs, Monmouth (T), 79 Hubley, Ann P. (Penn 4 ). 329 Hugford, Elizabeth. 58, 302 Hume [Haines], Robert (T), 172 Humphrey, Alice E. (T), 209 Hunt, Ann Eliza (T). 97 Charlotte (Sutton), 142 Esther B., 63 Hattie (Morse), 257 Jane (T), 122 Joseph, 306 Martha, 305 Minnie (T), 213 Moses, 54 Thomas (T). 98 William A. (T), 232 Additional names (T). 174 NAMES OTHER THAN LYON 4 80 Hunter, James (T), John. 14 1 Millie. (T), 96. 141 Hrtrd, Abraham (T), 7S, 114 Eliza ITS, 114 Harriet C. (T 8 ). 114 Josephine (T 8 ), 114 Hurlbert, Lyman C. (T). 109 Hnsted, Pedigree. COS, 311 Aaron (T e ), 83 Abigail (T). 58. 75, 309 Abraham, 133, 135, 311 Abraham (T). 58 Amos (T 6 ). 83 Angel. 133. SOS Ann (Hardy), 54 Benjamin W. (T), 120. 176 Benjamin W. (T 7 ). 136 Caleb (T 6 ). 83 Cynthia (T 6 ), 83 David, 311 David (T T ), 136 Drake (T), 88, 133, 311 Elnathan (T), 133 Elnathan , 343 Jenks, Capt. Julius (T). 86 Martha (T). 101, 149 Jennings, Henry D. (T). 220 Samuel. 52 Sarah (T), 48 Jewel, James (H 8 ). 405 John, 404 Margaret ill"!. 101 Additional naim- . 106 John, Charles (T) I 486 GENERAL INDEX Johnson, (T). 105 (T?), 237 Aletta (T), 119 Allen (H 9 ), 428 Barna (T), 121 Klihu (H?), 414 Elizabeth (T), 226 Elizabeth (H 4 ), 364, 370 Henry (T), 155 Henry D. (H 7 ), 402 James (T), 132 Capt. John. 364 Lewis B. (H 10 ), 398 Mrs. Phebe (H 6 ), 375 Rolla Ambrose (T 8 ), 121 Samuel (Gr 8 ), 427, 428 Tabitha (T), 213, 262 Additional names (T), 155 Johnston, Anna (K 1! ), 396 Earl (H 10 ), 428 James L. (H 9 ). 390 James M. (H 10 ), 399 Joseph D. (T), 114 Leonidas E. (H 10 ), 396 Liberty (H 9 ), 428 Millard (H 9 ), 428 Nellie R. (K n ), 396 Noble (H 9 ), 428 Samuel (H 8 ), 428 Stella (H 10 ), 428 Thurlow (H 10 ), 428 Victory (H 10 ), 428 William H. (H 9 ), 393, 399 William M. (H 9 ), 398, 399 Zebulon, 390 Additional names (H), 390. 42 Jones, (T), 112, 157 Arthur Gould (T 9 ), 210 Charles I, (T), 316, 319 Cornelius, 413 Elizabeth M. (T?), 237 Esther (T), 156 Frances E. (T), 179 Grace H. (H 9 ), 411 Harry E. (T 8 ), 440 Henry D. (T 7 ). 440 Dr. Henry D. (T), 160 Hiram, 179 James, 237 James (T?). 237 Jenkins D. (W e ). 343 Robert G. (T), 1S9 S. M. (T), 210 Stephen S. C. (P 7 ), 355 William, 160 Prof. William G. 411 Additional names (T), 157, 160, 319 Jndd, (H'°), 429 Judeon, Mary E. (H 8 ), 397 Kain, Richmond [Richard] (T), 97 Xaylor, Wallace (H 8 ), 377 K€6V6r Jason E. (H 10 ), 397 Additional names (K), 397 Kelley, Ellen (T), 213. 261 Kelly, Ada (T), 214, 262 Andrew. 261 Mary (T), 261 W. H. (T), 214, 262 William, 262 Additional names (T), 262 Kelsey, James (T), 156 Kemp, Florence Tyle (T), 171 Kennedy, Joel (H 7 ). 385 Kerr, Caroline (T), 141, 198 Rev. A. Hervey, 240 Walter Craig (T), 178, 240 Kester, Jason (H 7 ), 3S2 Additional name* (H), 382 Ketchum, Jemima (T). 128 Laurinda (W 8 ), 349 Kiger, Luke (T). 315. 316 Thomas F. (T 8 ), 316 Killey, Egbert B. (T), 246 King, Laura (T), 319 Nan, 240 Kingsbnry, Jeremiah, 344 Laura (W 7 ), 344 Kingsley, Charles Waters (T), 268 Kinnan, Susan, 375 Kinney, Mrs. Julia (T), 107 Kipp, Harriet (H«), 378 Kirby, Adam Clark (T 7 ). 159 Alice M. (T 8 ), 159 Arzelia (T 8 ), 159 Catherine (T 7 ). 159 Edward (T 9 ), 440 NAMES OTHER THAN LYON 487 Elihu, 58 Elihu (T 7 ), 159 Henry Coit (T 8 ), 159 John (T), 108, 158 John Wesley, (T 7 ), 159 Levi (H 7 ), 382 Mary Ella fr), 159 Pamelia (T 8 ). 159 Patience (T 7 ), 159 Richard, 158 Samuel Howe (T 7 ), 159 William J. (T), 159 William Gifford (T J ), 159, 440 William S. (T 8 ), 159 Additional names (T), 158, 159 Xirk, Hannah Titus (T), 96. 146 Xlrkpatrick, Mary, 407 Xnapp, Pedigree, 302 Abbie (T), 176, 240 Amy, 303 Cora E. (T), 227 Edwin (T), 130, 189 Edwin A. (T 8 ), 189 Elizabeth (T 4 ), 58 Halsey W. (T), 190, 251 Hannah (T), 311 Hannah (T 4 ), 58 Hannah (Husted), 133, 135 Henrietta F. . 347 Inox, Leonard K. (T), 186 Peter H., 186 Xoyer, James CB*), 385 Jane (H 8 ), 385 Laird, Ada (T), 228 Lake, Stephen (T), 107 La key, Charlotte M. (T), 144 Lambert, Lydia (Ja?), 333 Lamoree, Phebe (Allen), 207 Landers, Klvira D. (T), 216, 265 Lane, David, 168 George, 50 Luman (T), 213 Luna (T), 113, 168 Phebe (Ruckman), 235, 236 Rachel (H«), 441 Shepherd, 213 Smith (T), 213 Lang-worthy, Adclina C. (Penn 6 ), 330 La Rhetta, Frances C. (E?), 337 Samuel, 337 Larkins, Mary (T), 156 Laskey, Sarah (Ja 2 ), 332 Lasky, Charles (T), 218 Lathrop, i:mma G. (H 8 ), 373 Latimer, Lora. 17 Lorenzo P. (T), :':■:, Lorenzo 1'ln-lps ). 202 Rexford H. (T 10 ). 202 Zachariah (T), 202 Lotiderback, William S. (T). 169 Lounsberry, Henry H. (T). 200 Nehemiah. 87 William H., 200 Lounebury, Caroline (T»). 221 Clarissa (T s ), 221 Deborah (T), 246 Jemima (Hart), 189 Mary (T). 66, 87 Phineas (T), 15",, 221 Sarah E. (T 8 ), 221 Dr. Seth S. (T 8 ). 221 Stephen, 221 William H. (T 8 >. 221 Xiouvain, Godfrey de, 8 Sir Nicholas, 8 Love, Anne (T). 31S Lovell, Clara Ann. 337, 433 Henry W. (T), 188 Ziovett, Nicholas. 18 Low, Jane (H 8 ), 372 Lowden, Capt. Amos M. (T), 118 Thomas (T*), 118 Lowe, Mrs. Ann (T), 157 Lowrle, J. Robert (Penn 4 ), 329 Lowry, Ann (Penn 5 ), 327 Luce, Anne E. (T), 204 Anson, 204 Ludlow, Israel (K 8 ), 378 Roger, 42 Lnqueor. Johannes, 54 Luttrel, Sir Geoffry, 16 Lyman, Lucinda (Kelly), 261 Lynch, Mary J. (T), 257 Lynes, Samuel, 333 Lyons, Baron. 876 Henry of Antigua, 275 John (Ja?>, 333 John J. (Ja?), 333 Lord, 275 Mary M. (H'°). 390 Thomas (Ja?), 333 Stable, Henry (T), 143. 200 Peter. 200 Additional names (I), 200 Machomber, Ada (H). 42* Mackey, Ada (T), 141 Adelbert G. (T). 227 George. 227 George A. (T»). 227 Nettie E. (T 9 ). .'27 Additional names . 392 Sarah S (H»), 398 Marks, Mr^ A ( 1'enn 4 ). 326 490 GENERAL INDEX Marsh, Anna (T), 55, 69 Cynthia, 352 Louisa (U e ), 423 Thomas, 69, 92, 336, 436 Marshall, Amy (T), 84, 125 Anna, 58, 302 Anna (T), 111 David (T 3 ), 52 Elias, 53 Elihu (T 3 ), 52 Elizabeth (T 3 ), 52, 53 Gilbert (T), 135 Hannah (T 3 ), 52 Harry A. (H 8 ), 441 John, 310 John (T), 45, 51 John (T 3 ), 52 Joseph, 58 Mary [Mercy] (T s ), 52 Phebe (Carpenter), 200 Additional names, 52 Marston, Deborah, 333 Martin, -, (Penn 2 ), 323, 324 Ebenezer (Ja 4 ), 332 Harriet N. (K B ), 399 Isaac, 92 Isabella G. (H 8 ), 390, 399 Jarvis (T), 92 Jonathan (H 8 ), 392 Mary (Wing), 150 Martine, Anthony (T), 97 Marvin, George (T), 209 Lewis, 88 Susanna (T), 67, 88 William (T), 134 Mason, (T), 114 Dr. Charles (T«), 114 Eliza Jane (T e ), 114 L. W. (W 8 ). 353 Additional names (T), 353 Masten, Abram (T), 103 Matthews [Mathews], (T) 189 William (T), 81 Mattison, Henry (H 10 ), 429 Additional names (H), 429 114; (W) May, Charle.s (H 7 ), 402 Eliza (W 7 ), 348 Mollv, 356 Maynard, Isaiah (T 4 ), 436 Jonah (T), 63, 436 Miriam (Budd) (T 4 ), 335 Robert (U 8 ), 424 Maxam, Alice (T), 269 McAllister, James (Penn B ), 327 McCarty, John, 162 Sarah (T), 162 McChesney, Robert (T), 192 McClintock, Mary Jane (T), 315 McClnre, John (T), 110 McCollnm, Alethea (T), 73, 99 Thomas, 99 McCormick, Bernard (T), 317 Additional names (T), 317 McCowb, Frances A. (T), 316 McCoy, Rachel (H B ), 375, 401 McCracken, Martha (S), 433 Samuel M., 433 McCnlty, Catherine (T), 209 McCune, Frank (T), 162 McDiarmid, George (H 10 ), 399 McDonald, Ann (T), 157 Catherine (Thomas), 62 Lodeska (T), 128 McTarquhar, Anna (T), 97 McOillivray, Duncan (T), 226 Murdoek J. (T 8 ), 226 McGinnis [McGinniss], (H 8 ), 393 Tda (T), 264 J. H, 264 McOowan, George S. (H 9 ), ^^4 Harry (H 10 ), 394 Othias (H 8 ), 394 McKean, Eva (Gr'"i, 428, 430 NAMES OTHER THAN LYON 49] McEee, Kulalie (T°). 210 Capt. John (T), 210 Additional names (I), 210 McKeever, (T), 198 McKecnet, Nellie (T), 226 McKenzie, Mary Jane (T), 123, 180 McXiel, Phebe (Horton), 184 McKnight, Margaret (Penn 6 ), 330 McMillan, Elizabeth (T 7 ), 115 James (T), 115 McHulty, George (H 7 ), 382 McToon, Ann (Lowe), (T), 157 McVenn, Elizabeth (T), 231 John, 231 McVey, John (Penn 3 ). 324 Mead, Pedigree. 303 Abigail P. (T), 82, 118 Abraham (T). 52. 64 Amelia (T), 85, 125 Amos, 193 Amy (T 7 ), 124 Amy (Knapp), 303 Anna (Howe), 179 Arthur D., 181 Augustus (T), 133 Benjamin, 82 Bradford Lyon (T 8 ), 85, 123 Caleb. 61 Caleb (T), 61 Catherine (T). 132, 193 Daniel (T 5 ), 64 Deliverance, 84 Edward (T), 133 Elnathan, 58, 64. 138, 304 Elnathan (T), 54. 68 Elnathan (T 5 ), 68 Elijah (T), 60 Eliza W. (T), 85. 125 Elizabeth (T). 50, 57, 64, 77, 84, 112 Elizabeth (Lyon), 86 Enos (T s ). 64 Eunice (T). 52, 64. 124 Eunice (T 8 ), 04. 68 Gideon, 118 Gilbert (T). 79 Hannah, 286. 303 Hannah (T), 60 Hannah (Banks). 242, 243 Hannah tMeiritt), 237 Isaac, 303 [srael . 14 Jennie B. (T), 181 Job. 12'. John, 303, 304 Jonathan (T), 64. 85 Joseph B. (T). 181 Lemuel (T 5 ), 64 Lois (Holly), 126 Mary (T). 64, 84 Mary A. (Seaman), 181 Mary E. (T 7 ). 123 Mary H. (T), 133 Mathias (T). 84, 124 Morris (T). 83, 123 Nathaniel, 85, 112 Nehemiah (T). 135 Rachel (T), 6*. 82 Rebecca D. (T), 176, 238 Robert, 133 Ruth (T 1 ), 64 Samuel. 57, 304 Sarah, 303 Sarah (T), 91. 13S Sarah (T 6 ), 68 Sarah (T?), 237 Sarah (Hobby). 60 Sarah A. (T). 135 Sarah Miller (T), 104 Seaman, 133 Solomon (T), 64 Solomon (T"), 68 Stephen, 123 Stephen (T). 58. 61 Susanna. 308 Susanna (Husted), 75, S3 Thaddeus, 84. 180 Thaddeus (T«), 84 Col. Thomas A.. 133 Tvler (T). 90 William. 64, 303 Zachariah. 237 Zachariah (T«), 85 Zophar. 125 Additional names. 123 303. 304; (T). 58, 64. 68. 84, 85, 124, 133 Mears, Clarence P. (T). 196 Meeker, Rethuol P. ( M«), 402 Caleb iR'l. 431 Hannah (H 4 ). ;<::. Harriet C. , Elizabeth A. (T 7 ). Additional names Moseman, Aaron IT"). 1S2 Albertson (T), 127, Ann Eliza (T), 135 Garrison (T), 128 Jane B. iri Jennet te (T), Lavlnte (T), 186, 194 Willet. 194 William E. IT"), is J Additional names 1 IV 149 IS J 4!)4 GENERAL INDEX Mosher, Abigail (T). 115 Joshua Lyon (T°) 115 Samuel Lyon (T°) '11^' William (T)> l 80f 115 Additional names (T), 115 Moaier, Charles Porter (T), 121 177 Lillian Verginie (T 8 ) 177 Mott, '• ln Alice (T), 245, 270 John, 270 Robert (T), 158 Hound, David (H 7 ), 383 Additional names (H) 383 Mount, Albert R. (T), 135 Moyer, , 310 Mozier, Adam (H 9 ) 393 Harriet A. '(H»), 393 Indiana (H 7 ), SS 9 John C. (H 9 ) 39^ Levi j. (H»),'393 Solom on (H 8 ), 393 William B. (H 9 ) 393 KuchmoLer al "^ ^ ***' 393 Mary, 388 Samuel, 388 Mulholland, -_ " — (Perm*). 325, 326 Mnrdoclc Sarah (T), 138 Murphy, Ann, 286 Murray, John A. (T), 199 Muzzy, — (T), 238 Additional names (T) 033 Myers, Isaac (T), 105 Waden, — ' (H'»), 396 Wapton Joan de, 16 Wash, David (T), 170 Weedham, Additional names (H) 400 Needles, Marjorie (T), 230 Nelson [Nelse. Elsen, E1 j ze n] Pedigree, 312 Abbie May (T 3 ), 317 Amos (T), 189 Amos (T 6 ), 102. 3H3 "ti Capt. Caleb, 312 Catherine (T 8 ), 316, 319 Cortez (T 8 ), 316 Elizabeth (T), 74, 100 Elizabeth (T«) 102 Elizabeth A. (T 7 ), 314 ?ic Esther (Hoag), 250 ' 315 Florence E. (T s ) 317 Francis, 102, 312' Francis R. (T), 74 101 *l-» Francis Reuben (T 7 ), 314 315 Franklin (T«), 102, '313 314 George A. (T 7 ), 315, 318 Harvey (T»), 102, 313 Henry W. (T 8 ), 317 Isaac Newton (T 7 ) 31^ 917 James F. (T 8 ), 316. 319 James H. (T 7 ), 314 John, 312 John P. (T 7 ), 315. 316 Major Joshua. 312 Lewis S. (T 7 ), 315 313 Maggie Helen '(T 8 )! 316 319 Margaret (T 7 ), 815 Mary H. (T s ) 317 Nellie Grant (T 8 ), 318, 319 Paulina (T 7 ), 315, 316 Rachel J. (T 8 ), 317 Reuben, 100, 102, 312, 313 Reuben W. (T«), 102, 315 317 Reuben W. ( V ). 315,317 Sally Lyon (T 8 ) 31S Sarah Lyon (T 7 ), 315, 318 feocrates Bence (T 8 ) ?17 Susan (T 7 ), 314 S^an N. (T 7 ), 314. 316 Additional names, 319 •jio. , _ 313. 314, 315. 316. 317? 318 ***' Nevens, Mary (Lord), 94 Newcomb, Sarah, 406 Newell, Jonathan (P°), 354 Ifewinan, Abigail (T), 90 Daniel, 69 Deborah, 285, 2S6 437 Deborah (Banks) ' 197 Oilman D. (W 7 ?) 349 Mahala (T) 154' Ruth (T). 86, 128 Sarah, SOS Sarah (T). 69 Stephen P. (T). 221 Noah, Lavinia (T). 60 Rebecca (T), 128 NoWe, Hezekiah. 22S John H. (T), 161. 22° 2 t> . 228 Noe, Betsey, 415 Noll, Kate (T), 264 Norder, Alfred M. (H»), 410, 411 Northrop, Adelia C. (T s ), 224 Arthur A. (T 8 ), 224 Eliza M. (T 8 ), 224 Enos, 224 Eugene H. (T 8 ). 224 Sperrv (T). 160, 224 Additional names (T), 224 Northrap, Lydia (Riggs), 144 Northway, Harriet (J»), 352 Harriet (T), 82, 121 Nott, Minnie (T). 162 Nowert, Elizabeth (T), 163, 231 Thomas, 231 Nozon, George W. (Penn 4 ), 329 Nutt, Dr. John Joseph (T), 171 Nye, Carrie L. (T), 15S Delia (T). 187, 248 Oakland, Henrv. 256 Godfrey Lvon (T»). 256 John A. (T), 205, 256 Additional name." (T), 256 Oakley, Margery de, 16, 17 Oaks Abraham (W 7 ?), 342 O'Brien, Anna fGr»), 428 Sarah (H B ), 429 O'Conner. Ruby (T), 264 Ocle [Oakley], Margery de, 17 Odell, Daniel (U«), 423 Rozilla (Callahan), 213 Ogden, Abigail (T), 45 John, 49 Daniel (T), 62 Elizabeth, 364 Hann i (H»), 368 Richard, 48 Samuel (H 8 ). 375 Susan (H«), 384 Susanna (Wlllson), 66 59 Additional names (T 4 ), 52 Oliver, Jolin (Penn 3 ). 324 Sidney J. (Penn 8 ), 327 Olmstead, (T). 67 David (T?>, 73 Jeremiah (T T ). 67 John S. (T 8 ). 67 Nehemiah, 42 Orm8by, George E. (T). 162 Orser, Purdy (TJ»), 424 Orton, Sarah (Haines), 248 Orvis, Ellis (Penn 8 ), 330 Osborn, (H 8 ). 384 Charlotte (T), 95. 141 Clark H. (T). 143 Martin (T), 202 Richard. 42 Squier (H 7 ), 385 Packard, Annie (T s ) 230 Charles H. (T). 161. 229 Chester W. fT 8 ), 230 Elsie C. iT'i. 230 Judson Lyon (*■), 230 Willard, 230 Additional names (T). 230 Paddock, Anna M. (T). 151 Lewis, 151 Paden, Hugh, 260 Sarah (T), 259 Paillon, Ida (T». n:: Palmer, Aaron Lvon (T">. 174 Ahiah (T), 160. 221 Amy (T). 64, 84 Ann Augusta in, 174 Deborah (T), S3. 123 Edward (T), 122, 179 Elliott (T). 83 Esther Bates . 174 Charter E. (T">, 219 Erie (T). 317 Hannah F. (T 8 ). ill Harrison (T), 77. Ill II irlson (T 8 ), 111 490 GENERAL INDEX Henry C. (T), 221 James E. (T), 154, 219 Jennie E. (T e ), 221 Jerusha (T), 58, 76 Kate Louise (H s ), 410 Levi, 122, 124, 179 Lucincy (T), 64 Maria (T), 90 Mary (Peck), 136 Nehemiah C, 410 Nicholas. 221 Peter, 76 Rachel Mead (T 8 ), 174 Richard (T 6 ), 111 Sally (T). 84, 124 Samuel, 123 Samuel (T), 125 William, 311 William C. (T 8 ), 221 Wines (T), 119, 174 Additional names, 124; (T), 222 Falmiter, Edna (T), 269 Parish, Ambrose, 165, 166 Marv Ann (T), 112, 165 Townsend, 166 Park, Dorcas (T), 81 Joseph (T), 75 Knapp, SI Knapp (T e ), 95 Marv. 73 Roger m, 71, 72, 94. 438 Sarah (McCollum), 99 Thomas, 95 Thomas (T), 75, 105 Additional names (T), 75, 95 Parker, Origin of the surname. 9 Edith Vaughn (T). 133 Frances E. (P 8 ), 355 Jonas (H). 428 Kenneth (T>°). 273 Ray W. (T), 265. 273 Additional names (H). 428 Fsrkcfi Adelaide J. (T). 141. 197 Parks [Park], Hannah (T), 77, 114, 437 Dr. Peter, 114 Parmele, John H. (T), 205. 255 Additional names (T), 255, 256 Parrett, , (H 7 ), 383 Nicholas (H?), 415 Parsons [Parson], Ebenezer (T), 84 Elizabeth (T 7 ). 140 George, 390 Harriet (T 7 ), 140 Henry M. (T 7 ), 140 Rev. Isaac (T), 94, 139 Jesse (T), 54 Mary (T 7 ), 140 Nancy (H B ), 390 Additional names (T), 140 Parvin, Rev. Benjamin O. (H 8 ), 376 Paton, , (T), 157 Patten, Alvin E. (T 9 ), 227 Elmer E. (T 9 ), 227 Flora A. (T 9 ), 227 Horace. 227 Simon R. (T), 227 Additional names (T), 227 Patterson, Caroline T. (T), 198 Charles E. (W 9 ), 350 J. W. (Penn 5 ), 328 John (Penn 3 ), 324 Additional names (H), 400 Pattin, Cerressa (T), 257 Fatton, Ann (Penn 3 ), 329 Patrick Capt. Daniel, 28, 29, 275, 21 Fauslon, Blandie Paige (T 8 ). 171 Florence P. (T 8 ), 171 George, 171 Leonard (T). 115, 171 Marjorie B. (T s ), 171 Payson, Mary, 356 Peacock, Charles M. (T), 318 Additional names (T), 318 Pease, Feck, (T), 133 (T), 135 Amy (T), 82, 119 Benjamin (T), 89 Curtis, 194 David, 119. 122 Eliphalet (T). 82 Emily (T 8 ), 194 Esther (T), 83, 122 Frederick, 13S Gideon, 247 Gideon (T). 64 Hannah (T), 77 Hannah (T 8 ), 194 Hannah M. (T 7 ), 138 James (T 7 ), 89 John F. (T), 136. 194 John W. (T), 186, 247 Joseph, 136 NAMES OTHEB THAN LYON 497 Julia (T°), 247 Mary (T), 91, 136 Mary (T 8 ), 194 Mary E. (T'). 138 Mehitable (T), 91 Ruth, 311 Ruth (T), S2 Sally (T), 83 Solomon (T), 82, 118 Theophilus, 64, 118, 119 William H. (T), 91, 138 Additional names (T), 118, 194, 247 Peet, Hester (T). S2, 122 Mary (T), 119, 174 Pell, Esther, 98 Dr. Thomas, 42 Pennel, Jessie A. (T), 226 Sybil P. (T 9 ), 226 Pennoyer, Thomas, 302 Pepper, Mary Jane (T), 138 Perkins, Carrie F. (T), 114, 170 Jacob, 170 Perry, Gov. Aaron T., 232 Alma (T), 218 Eli W. (T). 134 Ruth (T), 232 Peshine, Adele C. (T), 99, 146 John (T), 73, 99 Rev. John , 231 Paul D. (T 8 ), 231 Robert Lyon (T 8 ). 231, 232 Additional names (T), 231 Repp, (IT), 383 Rathbone, (H?), 321 Rawson, Agne.s (T), 265 Chauncev (T), 137, 195 Edward, 312 Kate G. (T 8 ). 195 Additional names (T), 195 Ray, Catharine (T s ). 156 David (T*). 156 Edward (T 8 ). 156 Frederick (T 8 ), 156 James M. (H 7 ), 387 Marv (T 8 ), 156 William (T), 156 Additional names (T), 156 Raymond, Abigail (T*"'). 106 Catherine (T 8 ), 106 Edward A. (T). 220 Elizaibeth (T 6 ), 105 "Enoch". 105 Enoch (T), 75, 105 Ephraim (T), 106 Eunice E. (T), 127, 182 Prances (T a ), 105 George W., 183 Maria (T 6 ). 106 Rebecca (T 9 ), 105 Sarah (Lounsbury). 221 Susan, 397 Thomas (T), 76, 106 Thomas H. (T*h 105 Ilea, Alec (T). 202 Read, Lydia (W«), 341 Capt. Obadiah. 341 Thomas (T), 92 Record, Caroline (T), 156 Reebler, Betsey (T), 121, 177 Reed, A.. 182 Alexander (Penn s ), 324 Annie (Penn 3 ), 327 Ellen (T), 128 Sarah S. (H B ), 392 Reeves, Robert C. (T), 168 Sarah C. (H 7 ), 402 Reinhart, Minnie M. (Penn 5 ), 330 Reither, Mary (T). 110, 165 Reqoa, Abram, 202 Abram (T). 112, 168 Alice (T 7 ). 168 Charles H. (T), 145. 201 Charles H. (T 7 ), 168 Ethel M. (T*>. 202 James, 16S Additional names (T). 163 Reynolds, . (Penn«), 325. 826 Alzina (T), 158 Catherine Ann (T>, 135 Charlotte S. (T). 158 Deborah (T), 91. 136 Edgar N. (T). 186 Eliza J. (T), 98. 14 4 Elizabeth, 286. 302 Enos. 424 Hezekiah. 310 James (T). 151 Joel (T), 60 John. SOS Laura J. (T). 91. 138 Lockwood (T). 89 Mary (1 T8 ). 423. 424 Nathaniel (T). 89 Oliver (T). 120 Rachel Lvon (T 8 ). 120 Sarah (Hollv). 123. 126 Capt. Shubael, 136 Silas, 113 William . 140 Ona E. (T), 3 is Rice, Olive (Pattern. 227 Viola Stella (T). 227 Rich, Frances (Rlaokett). 173 Justus (T). 134 Rlchey, K 1 i h ii (T>. 18S Richie, F. (Penn 5 ). 329 Richardson, Achsa i W"). 343 John, 303 Leonard R (T>. 171 Richmond, Electa (Nobl.). 22S Roana, 228 Rlckert. Henrv, 149 Henry (T). 101, 149 600 GENERAL INDEX Henry Lyon (T 7 ), 149 Jane Eliza (T), 128 John (T 7 ), 149 Biggs, Rev. Elias (M 7 ), 387 Elias (H 7 ), 381 Elizabeth (H s ), 363 Elizabeth (K 7 ). 387 Harvey (T), 98, 144 Josephine L. (M 7 ), 381 Laura (T), 82, 122 Miles, 122, 144 Bigot, Joseph N. (T), 197 Palmer N. (T»), 197 Biadesbackex, Minnie (H), 428 Bobbins, Charles (T), 249 Dr. Forrest L. (T), 162 William (T), 91, 138 Additional names (T), 138 Boberson, Thomas B. (T), 179 Boberta, (H«), 401 David. 362 Eli, 207 Lois (T), 208 Margaret (Penn 4 ), 326, 328 Mary (H 3 ), 362 Polly (T), 207 Ursula (T), 155 Robertson, Jabez, 129 Rachel (T). 86, 129 Rachel (Lyon), 188 Susan (T), 185 Bobison, (H«), 384 Bobineon, Ernest Lyon (T 10 ), 271 George S. (T), 245, 271 Capt. William (T), 91, 138 William J. (T 7 ), 138 James (T), 103 John M. (T»), 138 Lewis George, 271 Melaney W. (W 7 ), 346 Prudy Ann (T), 121 Susan, 311 Additional names (T), 138, 271 Bockey, George (H 9 ), 383 Additional names (H), 383 Boderman, (T). 89, 134 Maria (T 7 ). 134 Martha (T 7 ). 134 Sarah (I 7 ), 134 Sogers, Joanna, 415 Mary E. (T). 98. 144 William Lewis (T), 95 Boff, Agar L. (H 7 ), 377 Jonathan (H«), 385 Additional names (K), 377 Bollbaus, (T), 137 Bos&er, Susanna (Woolsey), 196 Bood, Nancy (T), 109, 165 Booke, Matthew T. (T), 131, 191 Boosa, Elizabeth A. (H»), 381 Boot, Russell C, 111 Boaebnck, Jerusha (Whitney), 257 Boas, Catherine V. (Penn 1 ), 326, 328 D. C. (Penn 4 ), 326 Talmage (H 7 ), 366 Bounds, Minnie M. (T), 214, 263 Bowe, Jane (T), 314 Nellie (T), 230 Rowland, Smith, 313 Boys, May Belle (T), 133 Buckman, John, 235, 236 Mary (T), 236 Sarah (T), 169, 235 Susan (T), 169 Bnxnaey, Luther (T). 169 Sarah E. (T), 254 Bundle, Allen (T), 143 Amv (Peck), 119, 122 Charles (T), 80. 115 Clarissa (T), 105, 155 Hannah (T). 155 Hannah (T 6 ), 115 Isaac, 54 Sarah (Palmer), 124 Bunyon, Anna (H 4 ). 405 Vincent, 405 Eleanor, 407 Grace, 405 Bnsb, Anna (Gale), 155 NAMES OTHER THAN LYON 601 -. 269 Bassell, Judge James M. (Penn 3 ). 324 Nellie (T), 239, 269 Satan, Mary (Requa), 168 Butters, Philip (T), 94 John (T), 94 Byder, Catherine (U 7 ), 424 David, 424 Nathaniel J. L. (P»), 355 Susannah, 336 Additional names (P), 355 Saint John, Charlotte (Gr 8 ). 427, 429 Egidius, 17 Margaret, 18 Saint Liz, Alice, 12. 17 Saffer, Rebecca (H 8 ), 372 Salisbury. Jennette, 424 Salmon, Laura Howe (T). 193, 253 Sanders, Francis M. 398 Joseph F. (T), 318 Additional names (T). "IS Sanford, (H 1 ), 376 Betsey B. (T), 130. 186 Elizabeth (K 8 ), 376 Hezekiah, 186 Samuel (H?). 416 Sands, Augustus H. (T). 135 Charles J. (T), 145 David, 80 David (T), 80 Elizabeth (T). 150 Elizabeth Ann (T), 80 Hannah (Brooks), 135 Jonathan, 80 Mary (T). 150 Samuel. 80 Sarah (T), 80 Thomas, 150 Additional names (T), 14". Sarles, Horace B. (T), 130 Lot (T), 75, 105 Richard, 105 Additional names (T), 105 130 Saunders, Eva (Bonham), 272 Savage, Anne (H?), 413 Anne M. (Penn';. 324. 12 ■ Savercool, Susan, 408 Bayers, James C. (T). 120 Additional names (T), 120 Sayre [Sayres], Daniel, 361 Daniel (H»), 364 Daniel (K*), 405 Dr. Ephralm (K*), 373 Frances L. (T), 123, 18" Mary (H«). 365 Samuel, 361 Samuel (H*). 405 Samuel (K 4 ), 405 Thomas, 364 Additional names (M), l«», J'J, 405 Sazton, Ernest (W»). 351 Schermerhorn, Frank Merritt . 201 Levi D. (T). 143, 200 Uriah, 200 Schneider, Capt. Caspar, 399 Schofleld, (T), 100 Schott, William E. (T), 99 Schryver, George (T), 150. 205 George (T'i. 150, 206 Margaret (T), 101, 150 Peter, 150 Peter, A.. 206 Additional names (T). 206 Schultz, Hannah (Pulver). 164 Schuyler, Elsie (H»). 372 Susan M. (T), 122, 178 Schwartz, Jacob (T). 315. 318 Mayme (T»). 318 Margaret (T 8 ), 318 Scoble, Susan (T). 167 William (T). 112, 167 Scofleld, Hannah. 310 John. 304 Phebe (T». 75. 10:, Scott, Sarah. 341 Scudder, Abraham C. HI 8 ). 275 Clark (X 7 ). 376 Cornelia (W>. Harriet (P*). IT6 Israel (IP), 176 502 GENERAL INDEX Julia Ann (JK 7 ), 376 Martha C. (H 7 ), 376 Additional names (JK), 376 Seacord, 1 (T), 61 Ee&ly, Elie (T), 75 Seaman, Adam, 55 Charles H., 181 Elizabeth, 302 Hannah (Mead), 133 Isaac (T), 67, 91 Israel, 91 James (T), 55 Mary (T 8 ). 92 Mary A. (T), 126, 181 Nancy (T), 81. 117 Rebecca (T 6 ), 92 Sarah, 306 Additional names, 55; (T). 92 Searler, Mary (Flewellyn). 142 8 ear les, Alethea (Honeywell), 113 Alvah Lyon (T 8 ), 220 G. C„ 271 Jonathan (T), 154, 219 Leonore (T). 253, 271 Lilla (T 8 ). 171 Theodore (T), 171 Walter, 171 Scoring, Cornelius, 408 Ursula (H 7 ), 407, 408 Secor, Chancey Tompkins (T ? ), 145 Francis (T), 65, 99, 145 S ©c o i* A Mary (Gr»), 428, 430 Sedgwick, Melvin (T), 156 See, Mary (IP), 423 Seeley, Josephus (T), 157 Meribah (T 8 ), 157 Selman, Rebecca (Ja 3 ), 332 Seymour, (T), 77 Elizabeth (Knapp), 58 Hannah (T), 61 L.. B. 204 Martha M. (T), 204 Sabrina (T), 68 Sexton, Joseph, 392 Rev. Lydia. 392 Shade, Margaret E.. 432 Shandley, Mary Forbes (T) S haply, Florence May (I 10 ), 273 Keeler E. (T), 265, 273 Mattie A. (T 10 ), 273 Sherwood (T), 216 Additional names (T), 216, 273 Sharpe, James (T), 60 John (T 5 ), 60 Sharpley, Earl (T), 262 Shaw, Cordelia (W 7 ?), 342 Mary (H 7 ). 376 Sarah C. (T), 204, 255 Shearer, Charles (W 8 ), 351 Shelden, Lydia Ann (T), 206 Sheldon, Isaac C. (T), 118 Shellenbarger, Mary C. (H 10 ), 398 Shepard, Charles (T), 162 Lydia A. (W 7 ), 346 Additional names (T), 162 Sheriger, Hoyt (T), 206 Additional names (T), 206 Sherman, Abraham L. (T), 159 Adelaide (T 8 ), 162 Alfred T. (T»). 162 Alice A. (T»), 159 Anson B., 162 Benoni, 159 Charles Anson (T), 162 Elvira (Raymond), 183 Harley H. (T 7 ), 162 Mark T. (T 7 ), 162 Smith (T). 150 Vivian (T 8 ), 162 Additional names (T), 162 Sherviugton, Thomas, 40, 276 Sherwood, Elizabeth (T), 67, 89, 91 Elizabeth (T«), 115 Frances H. (T), 234. 267 Hannah M. (T°), 117 Hester (T), 143 Jabez, 89, 91, 109 John R., 267 Jonathan, 139 Jotham (T), 82, 117 Judge Justus (T), 68 Lavinia (T 6 ), 117 Mary (Fitch), 284 NAMES OTHEK THAN LYON 503 Mary Jane (T*). 117 Nehemiah, 80, 117 Nehemiah (T), 57, 79, 115 Phebe E. (T), 116, 172 Samantha (T 8 ), 117 Sarah (T), 76, 109 Stephen, 57 Thomas, 57 Additional names, 90 Shot-well, Isaac (T), 162 Additional names . 823 Charles (T). 317 Charles (T«), 158 Charles N. (T 1 ), 21 8 Clarissa A. (T*), 162 Cynthia (T), 150 Dale Pillsbury (T»), 231 Daniel, 285, 302 Eddie C. (T 4 ), 162 Edward, 145 Edward (T), 114 Edward (T 8 ), 158 Ellen . 158 Leonard (T), 199 Levi Leroy ). 246 Walter Lyon (T»). 246 Stocking-, Louis (T). 217 Stoddard, Almira (T 8 ), 208 Calvin (T'), 208 Charles H. (T R ). 208 Chester (T 8 ), 209 Franklin (T 8 ). 208 George M. (T 8 ), 209 Harvev (T"). 209 Martin (T). 152. 208 Marv E. (D, 209 Marv E. (T'). 209 Theodore D. (T 8 ), 208 Additional names (T), 208, 209 Stone, Bertha H. (Ball). 198 Charles W. (T). 227 Hannah (T), 140 Monti 1 , - (H T ). 383 Stowe, --■ (T). 136 Stowers, Deborah, 279 Strang-, Penelope. 73 Strann, John (H 5 ), 369 Stratton, Lillv (H 10 ). 400 Phebe A. (T), 107 William (T). 107 Streeter, Simeon (W 7 >, 345 Strinjrham, Emma (T*), 207 Isaac (T), 150. 207 Mary E. (T 8 ). 207 Strltch, Elizabeth (H?). 413 Stndwell [Stedwell], James (T), 77 Stnrdevant, Elijah (T), 187, 247 Additional names (T), 247 Sturg-ee, Daniel L. (T). 127. 181. 139 Additional names (T), 182 Stnrg-ia, Jonathan, 284 Sturtevant, Hiram L. (T), 130 Styvera, Jemima. 336 Sutherland, Silas. 286 Battle, John (T), J 16 Sutton, (T). 86 Hannah B. (T), 96, 142 Jane (T). 142 Jemima C. (T), 141, 198, 439 Jennie C. (T), 141. 198, 439 Phebe A. (T), 242 Richard de, 16 Willet, 198 William. 142 ■una, Charles (T). 114 Additional names (T), 114 Suydam, Dr. C. C. (IT), 407 Swain [Swalne], Elizabeth, 364 Capt. Samuel, 363. 364 Swaney, Isabella (T), 128 Sweet, Clarissa (T). 213, 2SJ Swering-er, (H'O). 393 Swetland, David. 159 Rhoda (T). 159 Swift, Charles W. (T). 815 Elizabeth. 310 Dr. S. E. (T). 140 Additional names (T). 140 Tabor, Lydia A. (T). 170 Talntor, Charles, 284 Talcott, ''irolyn H. (T). 14S. 20J Tall man, Timothy (T). 1 2 I Tapp, Edmund. 370 Jane. 370 Taylor, (H), 3*2 ►— (T). 194 Addle it i. 196 Charles F. (T). 148 David in. 388 K Eat.- iTi. 174. 2H Edward i Hi. 432 Edward L . 432 500 GENERAL INDEX EJisha (T), 24o Emma (K»), 388 George (H 7 ), 405 Helen N. Lyon (»), 432 James G. (U), 425 John, 284 Martha (H), 376 Minnie (T), 246 Newton (H 8 ), 388 Simeon (H 8 ), 405 Susan M. (T), 217, 265 William (Penn 4 ), 325 William A., 432 Tator, Ann Maria (Rickert), 149 Teachont, Alice (T), 213, 262 Teed, (T), 209 Antoinette (T), 213, 262 Teft, Amy (T), 254 Telford, Elizabeth (U 7 ), 424 Tellmadfre, Samuel (T), 100 Terry, Stephen (T), 220 The all [The all, (T 4 ), 436 Capt. , 47 Abigail (Halstead), 93, 94 Abigail (T 4 ), 60 Anna (T 4 ), 60 Charles, 59 Charles (T), 49, 50, 60 Charles (T 4 ), 60 Ebenezer, 60 Ebenezer (T 4 ), 60 Jemima (T 5 ), 60 Phebe (Budd), (T 4 ), 335 Sarah (T 4 ). 60 Thomas (T), 68 Thomas (T 4 ). 60 Thomas, Abigail (T), 146, 202 Charles, 303 Alfred (T), 169 Alfred (T 7 ), 169 John, 62 Margaret (T), 62 Mary Ellen (T), 316 William A. (T). 224 Additional names (T), 224 Thompkins, Jonathan G., 145 Martha (H), 367 Silas G. (T), 184 Thompson, Frederic C. (P 8 ). 354 Mary (Ja?), 333 Robert (H»). 391 Thorn, Abby Jane (T), 143 Ann Chace (T), 149 James, 149 Mary (T), 149 Susan (T 7 ), 109 William K. (T), 109 Additional names (T), 109 Thome, Elizabeth (Smith), 150 Hannah (H 8 ), 389 Thornton, Cora D. (T), 256, 271 Thurber, (T), 180 Mrs. Lucy Ann (T), 163 Tibbets, Harriet (T), 157 Tilley, Ida (T), 245, 270 William, 270 Tillot, Thomas (T), 79 Tilson, (T?), 237 Timpson, Esther (T), 74, 102 Tiffany, Albinos (Or 8 ), 428 Charles (Gr 8 ), 428 Delson (Gr 8 ), 427. 428 Douglas (Or 8 ). 428 Fanny (Or 8 ), 42S Florence (T), 254 Jessie A. (W 8 ), 349 Reuben (Or 8 ). 428 Additional names (Or), 428 Tingley, Abigail, 392 Anna S. (H), 3S7. 389 Sarah (H), 377 Toan. , 375 Todd, (T?), 237 Abraham Jr., 311 Elizabeth (Beekman). 169 Elnathan (T), 130, 189 Harriet Adah (T 8 ). 190 Harriet (Hait), 243 John Everett (T 8 ), 190 Ruth (T 8 ). 190 William (U«), 423 Additional names, 1 R9 Tollotson, Harriet (T). 178 Tompkins, [see Thompkius] (T). !17 Frances A. (Davidson). 182 Jacob (T). 142 Jonathan Mien, 182 NAMES OTHER THAN LYON W)7 Jones (H?), 414 Phebe (Horton), 184 Rebecca, 54 Totten, [Tottem] Mary (T), 92, 139, 438 Towle, Jacob G. (T), 224 Jacob Jr. (T»), 224 Townley, Alexander N. (H s ), 377 Clark (H 7 ), 406 Elizabeth (H«). 402 Isaac (K e ). 402, 406 Mary J. (K 7 ), 402 Moses (W), 402 Phebe (H«), 375 Col. Richard, 376 William M. (H), 376 Additional names (H), 376, 377, 402, 406 Towneend, Coles. 237 Elizabeth (T?), 237 Mary (Bush) (T), 209, 258 Samuel (T), 81 Tracy, Julia (T), 243 Catherine M. (Penn), 329 Trjivis Martha (T), 50, 55 Walter (T), 90 Additional name.s. 55 Treadwell, James (T 5 ), 66 Thomas, 66 Thomas Starr (T), 54, 66 Treat, Mary, 370 Robert, 370 Treen, Benjamin, 83, 285 Elizabeth (T), 64, 83 Trembly, Elizabeth, 381 Tripp, Mary A. (T), 80 Daniel, 80 Truesdell, Henry (T), 266 Willard (T). 217 Truman, Dr. (T), 215 Elizabeth (Broekway), 161 Mabel (T»). 215 Priscilla (H?), 414 Frances CH 7 ). 402 Horace (W»). 345 John ). 264 Elizabeth (H). 360 George W. (T), 215, 264 NAMES OTHEH THAN LYON 509 Jennie (T), 246 Sergeant John, 360 Josiah, 364 Liovina Monroe iT"), 264 Mary (T"). 264 Mary E. (Ferous), 240 Willet Lyon (T»), 264 Additional names (T), 264 Warden, (T), 96 Ware, Catherine (T). 88, 132 Warner, Bertha R. (T"), 213 Dewitt C. (T), 213 Emma G. (T 8 ), 213 Ernestine (T 8 ), 213 Waehbnrn, Henrietta (T), 242 Marcia L. (T), 242 Water bury, Harvey C. (T), 220 Martha (Sherman), 159 Russel A. (T"), 220 - Sarah, 304 Thomas, 311 Watson, Benjamin (T). 76, 110 Edward (T), 198 Garhardus, 151 Lilian (T). 151 Mary B. (I 8 ), 110 Waynman, Sarah (Canfield), 174 Weary, Henry (T), 218 Webb, Pedigree. 309 Benjamin, 189 Calvin (T 7 ). 121 Ebenezer, 189 Elizabeth (T), 82, 119, 311 Epinetus, 189 Hoyt (T), 82, 121, 311 John, 310 Joseph, 310 Lydia (T 7 ), 120 Mary (T 7 ). 120 Ransom (T 7 ), 121 Richard, 309 Stephen, 119, 120, 121 Stephen (T), 82, 120, 311 Willis Hovt (T 8 ), 121 Zachariah L. (T 1 ). 120 Additional names (T), 120 Weed, Benjamin (T), 64 Daniel. 310 Hannah, 310 Jacob (T), 134 Weeks, Martha, 302 Martha (Wood), 247 Welch, Eddington R. (T), 233 Richard, 233 Additional names (T), 233 Weld, Clifford R. (T), 221 Wellman, Nettie (T), 196 Weeeelle, Paul (T), 188 West, Emily Jane (T), 176, 239 Harriet A. (T), 176, 239 Judson (T), 124 Lois Dexter, 432 Oliver Judson, 239 Weetcoat, Abigail, 302 Wertervelt, Eve (Huyler), 143 Margaretta (H»), 409 Sally (Banta), 166 Wetberbee, Mary H. (Stephens), 193 Wetxnore, Izrahiah (T), 68 James, 68 Juliette (Seymour), 204 Additional names (T), 68 Wbeat, Major Solomon (T), 67, 92 Wbeeler, Amy A. (T), 129, 185 Candace M. (Vaughan). 178 Deborah (Parish), 165. 166 Elijah, 166 Hezekiah, 218 James L. (U), 423 Joel (P). 354 Phebe (K«), 378 Samuel, 185 Susanna (Smith), 218 Wheelwright, Abigail, 363 Rev. John, 363 Wbelpley, Betsey Lockwood (T). 64. 83 Charlotte (T), 79 Wbitaker, (T), 169 Wbite, Albertus H. (T). 162 Elizabeth (T). Ill Ellsworth (T). 190 Frank (T). 200 John Huyler . 347 Capt. Thomas (T). 92 William (T). 66 Additional names (X). 4 29; (W). 347 Wycher, Jennie M. (T). 215 WydYlile, Elizabetli, 12 John. 12 Richard. 12. IS Wylly. Alexander, 336 512 GENERAL INDEX Tale, Hattie (T»), 217 Ira A. (T 8 ), 217 Levi E. (T 8 ), 217 Lucy (T e ), 217 Phebe Jane (T), 215, 217 Phebe J. (T 8 ), 217 Richard (T), 154, 217 Additional names (T), 217 Terka, Abraham (U), 423 Toulin, John, 194 Dr. John J. (T), 194 William 286 Tung Chow, Vol I. I wt 160, 1 1" Colorado, . Vol, Hi. (Hi 896 Buena Vlata, Vol. II, 807, 335 Colorado Spring*, Vol I. ><; • Denver. Vol 1. . !■< ::',:. ":,7: I W) 514 GENERAL INDEX 134, 147; Vol. II, (H) 172; (R) 307, 335, 356, 358, 392; Vol. Ill, (T) 157. 208, 209 Fort Collins, Vol. Ill, (T) 187 Greeley, Vol. Ill, (T) 227 La Salle, Vol. Ill, (T) 227 Leadvllle, Vol. I, (W) 172 North Park, Vol. II, (R) 331 Parachute, Vol. Ill, (T) 264 Redcliff. Vol. I. (W) 147, 172 Sidney, Vol. Ill, (T) 153, 216 265 Victor, Vol II, (H) 231; Vol III, (H) 397. 404 Manitou Springs. Vol. Ill, (H) 382 Connecticut, -, Vol. Ill, (T) 140, 141 Abington, Vol. Ill, (W) 341 Ashford, Vol. I, (A) 269; (E> 291, 295, 297; (W) 30, 38, 52, 53. 56. 57, 66, 75, 80, 103, 104. 135, 136. 396, 402; Vol. II, (W) 40; Vol. Ill, (W) 340, 341, 347 Baltic, Vol. I, (E) 294 Branford. Vol. Ill, (H) 361 Bridgeport. Vol. I. (G) 382; (W) 208; Vol. II, (R) 276. 286. 294, (N) 368; Vol. Ill, (T) 117, 126 Bridgewater, Vol. II, (R) 294, 311 Bristol, Vol. I, (W) 129 Brookhaven, Vol. Ill, 63 Brooklyn, Vol. I. (W) 136 Burlington. Vol. I, (W) 129 Byram, Vol. Ill, (T) 48. 65. 138 Byram Bridge, Vol. Ill, (T) 49, 61, 81. 91, 93. 117, 118, 136, 171, 172, 173 Byram Neck. Vol. III. (T) 28, 48. 50, 53, 55. 61, 62. 63. 73, 78, 79 80 81 Bryam Point. Vol. TIT, (T) 55, 56, 67. 85, 136, 195 Canterbury, Vol. I. (E) 289. 290, 291, 292, 293, 294. 295. 296. 297. 298; (G) 377; (W) 40. 41, 71, 88. 142, 166; Vol. Ill, (W) 337, 339 344 Chaplin, Vol. I, (P) 347. 34S, 358 Charleston, Vol. T. (W) 403 Colchester. Vol. I, (W) 57. 194; Vol. III. (T) 140 Coscob. Vol. Ill, (T) 220 Coventry, Vol. I, (W) OS Danbury, Vol. TT. (N) 308; (R) 258. 276, 294; Vol. TTT, (H) 431; (T) 150. 187. 188. 217. 250 Danielson. Vol. III. (W) 3 4 7 Eastford. Vol. I. (G) 377, 378; (W) 68, 76. 91, 103. 134. 135. 136, 139, 160. 162 Ea.st Haddain, Vol. T. HVi 57. 58; Vol. TTT. fTi 139. 140 East Meriden, Vol. T Easton. Vol. II. (R) 266, 267. 274, 275, 278, 286, 300 East Winsor. Vol. I, (W) 66, 90, 216 East Woodstock. Vol. I, (W) 77, 95, 106, 123, 140, 141, 150. 164; Vol. Ill, (W) 347 Ellington, Vol. Ill, (W) 345 Enfield, Vol. I, (W) 206 Fairfield, Vol. I, (A) 269; Vol. II. (H) 46, 97; (R) 38, 39, 40, 252, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268. 269. 270, 271, 272, 273, 275. 280, 292, 310; (T) 36, 37; Vol. Ill, (H) 359; (R) 26, 403; (S) 431; (T) 37, 38, 46, 73. 84, 276. 277 Fairfield County. Vol. III. (H) 28; (R) 26; (T) 25 Farmington, Vol. II. (H) 206; Vol. 111, (T) 168 Franklin, Vol. Ill, (T) 94 Glenville. Vol. Ill, (T) 109, 165, 173 Greenfield, Vol. II, (R) 257, 258, 259, 261. 263, 264, 265, 267, 271, 272. 273, 282. 291 Greenwich, Vol. II, (R) 258; (T) 37, 38; Vol. Ill, (T) 28. 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55. 57. 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63. 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 70, 72. 74, 75, 77. 78. 79. 82, 83, 84. 85, 88, 89, 90, 91, 113, 115, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123. 124, 125, 126, 132, 133, 134, 136, 138. 151. 170. 173. 176, 179, 180, 181, 192, 195. 237, 241, 251. 252, 253. 271, 277, 282, 283. 288. 289. 298 Guilford. Vol. I, (A) 269 Haddam, Vol. I. (W) 257 Haddam Neck. Vol. I. (W) 166 Hampden, Vol. I. (E) 294 Hampton. Vol. III. (W) 311. 3 4 6. 352 Hanover, Vol. III. (W?) 337 Hartford. Vol. I. (G) 377. 379; (W) 78, 127. 139, 178. 195, 394; Vol. II, (S) 371; Vol. TTT (S) 431; (T) 63, 211. 252, 258, 266 Hebron. Vol. I, (W) 212 Horseneck. Vol. Ill, (T) 5 4. 8$, 112. 134, 306 Indian Harbor. Vol. III. (T) 118 .Tewitt Citv, Vol. I, (E) 293 Killingly, (G) 374. 375; (W) 5:1. 69. 73. 217 Lebanon. Vol. I. fW) 399 Lisbon. Vol. I, (E) 291, 293. 294 296, 297: Vol. II, (R) 323 Long Ridge. Vol. III. (T) 220 Mansfield. Vol. T, (W) 87, 119; Vol. IIT. (W) 339 Mary's Hill, Vol. TIT. (T) 48 Meriden. Vol. I. (W) 157 Middletown, Vol. I. (Ab) 316 INDEX OF PLACES 5 IS Milford. Vol. II, dli 42, 50; Vol. Ill, (H) :>;, 357, 359, 361, 363 Monakewago. Vol. Ill, (T) 278 Montville, Vol. I, (W) ".7. 58, 81, 82, 109. 110 Natchaug River, Vol. I, (P) 348 New Britain, Vol. I, (G) 377, 379 381, 382 New Canaan, Vol. III. (T) 106, 244 New Haven. Vol. I, (W) 104, 213: II. (?) 35; (II) :24: (R) 287; (Wm) 373. 394; Vol. Ill, (T) 63. 139. 181. 241. 252 Newington, Vol. Ill, (T) 139 New Lebanon. Vol. I. (W) 52 New London. Vol. I, (E) 293; <\V) 47. 57, 98, 110. 191, L'i;7; Vol. III. (T) 137. 195 Newtown. Vol. II. (R) 340 North Haven, Vol. I. < W ) 162, 225 North Windham. Vol. I. (P) 349 North Woodstock. Vol. I. (W) 95, 101. 125. 131, 142, 164. 165. 180, 181 Norwalk, Vol. II. (R) 255. 272. 2S2. 291. 394. 310; Vol. III. (T) 171, 214 Norwich. Vol. I. (W) 30, 39. 52, 396; Vol. III. (R) ::j::. 353 ; Vol. IIT, (T) 94 Packerville. Vol. I. (W) l©6, 180 Poquonnock, Vol. II. (R) 39. 40, 257 Phenixville, Vol. I. L03, 104. 134 l.°~ l°^l Plainfield, ' Vol. I. (WI S3. 180; Vol. IIT. (W) 344 Plainville, Vol. I. (G) 377, 379. 3S1 Plymouth. Vol. I, (G) 381 Pomfret. Vol. I, (E) 289^ (G) 374, 376. 377. 378, 381. 384. (W) 32, 31, 41. 43, 50. 53. 58, 59, 60, 65, 68, 69, 70, 71, 74. 75. 83. 84. 85, 89, 118, 119, 123, 124. 156, Vol. Ill, (G) 356; (W) 341. 344 Powder Hill. Vol. III. iTi 90 Putnam. Vol. I. (G> 376, 380; (W) 141, 157, 180. 407; Vol. III. (W) 347 Red. ling. Vol. II, (R) 258. 1159. 261, 262. 265, 266. 267, 26s. 269. 274, 275, 276. 277, 278. 279. 280. 284, 286. 2S|i. l>92. 293, 311. 376 Redding Ridge, Vol II. (R) 251. 268. 269. 274. 277, 279, 285, 311 Ridgebury. Vol. III. (Tt 107 Rippowams. Vol. HI. 335 Riverside. Vol. III. ::n Somers. Vol. I. (W) 1 13. 401 Soutbbury, Vol. 1 1. (iR) 340 South Merlden, Vol. I. i ah) 316 South Windham, Vol. I. ( E2) 2 _'.'S South WoodBtock Vol. I. (Wi 102, 123. L33, 134 Stafford. Vol. I. ( U'i 5 1. 7s. in.; 107, 142. 141. 166, 399, I'M; Vol, in. ( w i ■:,{■: Stamford, Vol. I. (W) 57. 215; Vol. II, (Tt 36; Vol. III. (T) 31. 35. 36, 37. 4.'. 15. 46. 19 53. S3. 121, is:». ::.; Stanwich. Vol. III. (T) 61. 85. 105, 123, 126 Stonington, Vol. I. (J) 399; (W) 92, 193, 197 Straitsville. Vol. III. (Ti 181 Stratford. Vol. I. tW) 72: Vol. II. ( K> 275. 278, 287, 364; Vol. III. 57, 61 Suffield. Vol. I. (W) 211 Thompson. Vol. I, (Wi 53. 54, 77. 131. 144. 166 Tolland. Vol. I, . \V I 7s Trumbull. Vol. II. (R) 255 Tnion. Vol. I. (G> 375; I W) 78. 226; Vol. III. < ■ ' ■ ' , Vol. III, (W) 24, 25, 339, 340, 341, 342, 343 345. 347 Wood stock Hill, Vol. I, (W) 88, 91, 92, 93 , 94 100 , 101, 123, 124 Wood stock Va ley. Vol. I, (W) 165 180 Delaware, Wilmington, Vol. I, (A) 276 District of Columbia, Washington, Vol. I. (P) 349; (W) 170, 172, 209, 243; Vol. II, (H) 158, 225; (R) 315. 317; Vol. Ill, (T) 154, 164, 220, 246; (Penn) 327 England, Archbridge, Vol. Ill, 11 Ashton, Vol. I, 20 Ashton-Lyons, Vol. Ill, 14 Aylesbury Hundred, Vol. I, 17 Badby, Vol. II, 34, 35 Banbury, Vol. Ill, 17, 18 Beckbroke Manor, Vol. Ill, 17 Becontre Hundred, Vol. I, 17 Begbroke, Vol. III. 18 Berkenhead, Vol. Ill, (T) 202 - Berkshire, Vol. I, 14, 15; Vol. Ill, 21 Billing, Vol. Ill, 20, 21 Bishops Caudle, Vol. I, 19 Borle, Vol. Ill, 13 Braddon, Vol. I, 15 Braundeston, Vol. I, 15 Bromham, Vol. I. 435 Bucks (co.> Vol. Ill, 21 Burton, Vol. III. 14 Bury. Vol. Ill, 20 Cambridge (co. ), Vol. I, 11 Chacombe Priory, Vol. I, 15 Chelmsford. Vol. III. 12 Chesterfield, Vol. Ill, 15 Chigwell, Vol. Ill, 13 Clerkenwell. Vol. I. 18 Cornwall Co., Vol. I. (A) 284 Corsbam, Vol. Ill, 7 Croxton, Vol. Ill, 9 (Milington. Vol. Ill, 7 Derbv. Vol. III. 15. 2 2 Dorset (co.), Vol. I. 19 Duncastle. Vol. I. 16, 19 Fiunston, Vol. T, 15 Forleston. Vol. III. 21. 335 Enbnrne, Vol. I, 15 Essex (co.), Vol. T, 10, 11. 14, 15, 16. 17. 19; Vol. III. 12 24, 24; III, Eyom, Vol. Ill, 15 Pilton. Vol. I, 20; Vol III, 14 Finchley, Vol. I, 18 Flytcham, Vol. III. 11 Foxherd. Vol. Ill, 13 Gansworth, Vol. Ill, 21 Garlicklythe. Vol. Ill, 13 Gildesburg Manor, Vol. I, 15 Gosfield Manor. Vol. Ill, 13 Grimsburv, Vol. Ill, 17 Haddon Hall, Vol. I, (W) 234 Halewood. Vol. Ill, 21 Harpole, Vol. Ill, 17 Harrow, Vol. I. 12, 13, 14, 22, 25; Vol. II, 26, 27 Helminghaur. Vol. Ill, 11 Heptonstall. Vol. I, (W) 29 Hertford, (co.), Vol. III. 21 Heston. Vol. I, (W) 12. 20. Vol. II, 27, 28. 35; Vol. 22, 24 Helmingham, Vol. Ill, 11 High Leigh, Vol. Ill, 21 Hinchford Hundred, Vol. Ill, 12 Horsingham Manor, Vol. I, 13 Ipswich. Vol. I, 15; Vol. Ill, 57 Kencot. Vol. Ill, 14 Kinderton, Vol. I. (W) 234 Kettleston. Vol. II, 11 Keyncham, Vol. Ill, 14 Kingsbury, Vol I, 12, 18 Kingsland, Vol. I. 11 Lancaster (co.), Vol. III. 20, 22 Lincoln (co.). Vol. I. 14, 438; Vol. Ill, 20 Li.ston Hall. Vol. III. 13 Little Baddow. Vol. I, 21 Little Stanmer, Vol. T. 24; Vol. II, 27, 28 Little Swerford, Vol. I, 15, 437 London. Vol. T, 12, 14. 15, 16, 17, 18, 21. 24; (W) 159. 248, 257, Vol. II, 27; Vol, III. 13. 162. 390 Long Ashton. Vol. Ill, 14 Lyons Court Manor, Vol. Ill, 14 Maidstone, Vol. I. 438 Manchester. Vol. I, (W) 62 Melton, Vol. Ill, 14 Middlesex (co.), Vol. I. 10. 11. 12, 13, 18. 19, 22; Vol. Ill, 22 Middleton. Vol. I. 437 Milde Inn [Mile End], Vol. I, 15 Moreton, Vol. ITT. 12 Much Baddow. Vol. I. 15 Mulesey, Vol. III. 18 Nazing. Vol. I. 25 Nethershall Manor, Vol. III. 13 Newehurch, Vol. III. 21 Norfolk (co.). Vol. I. 11, 24; Vol. II. 11, 25; Vol. Ill, 11 Northampton (co. ), Vol. I. 15, 435, 438; Vol. II, 12; Vol. Ill, 15; 18. 21 Nottingham. Vol. I. 14; (W) 255; Vol. III. 15 INDEX OF PLACES 517 12, 13, 14, IT; I (\V) 186; Vol. 250 Vol. Oakley, Vol. ill, L3. 16, 17 Ormskirk, Vol. Ill, 21 Orral. Vol. III. 21 Overthbrpe, Vol. Ill, 17 Oxford, (co.). Vol. I. 11. 15 Penslowe, Vol. III. 13 Perifere, Vol. I Vol. II, L"7 Plymouth. Vol. III. 16, 17 Prestburg. Vol. T. (W) 250 Preston. Vol. I. 12. 13. 22 II. 26; Vol. III. 21 Prestwich. Vol. Ill, 2 1 Rainforth. Vol. III. 21 Reckbroke Manor, Vol. I, 438 Ringland, Vol. Ill, 11 Roxby. Vol. I. 14 Ruislip [Ryslippe, Rystlppe], Vol. I, 11, 12. 14, 22. 24; Vol. II, 26 Rushton. Vol. III. 18 Rye. Vol. ITT. 63 Saffron Walden. Vol. Til. 1:' Saint Albans. Vol. Ill, 13 Shardlowe. Vol. HI. 13 Shipbrook, Vol. I. iff) 234 Somerset (CO.), Vol. 1. 20; Vol III, 14 Spring Feld. Vol. I. 15 Staines. Vol. 1, (.1) SOI Stamford. Vol. HI. 1 :: Stockleigh. Vol ' ' ' ' Stoke Lyne, Vol. !. i " Sudbury Park. Vol. I. fW) 231 Sussex (co.). Vol. I. 1 ! Sutton. Vol. HI, 16 Swanington. Vol. III. 11 Swerford parva. Vol. I. 15, 437 Sykehouse. Vol. I. (W) 242 Twvford. Vol. I, 12. 13, 11. 15 I'pholland, Vol. Ill, 20 Wakefield, Vol. I, 14 Walden. Vol. I. 1.1, 15, 16 Walton, Vol. III. 20 Wanthorpe, Vol. I. 438 Wareworth. Vol. T. 416 Warkwortb. Vol. T. 415. 437; Vol. Ill, 12. 15. 17. 18 Warwick. Vol. III. 21 Weston. Vol. Ill, 11 West Kirbv, Vol. III. 36 1 West Twyford. Vol. I. 12. 11. 14. 19; Vol. II. 2T Whiston. Vol. TTI. 21 Wigan, Vol. III. 21 Windle, Vol. III. 21 Woodfall, Vol. III. 21 Woodford, Vol. I. 17; V<«1. IT, 13: Vol. III. 11 Woolton, Vol. III. 21 York (co.), Vol. I. 14. 22; Vol. III. 20 Florida, , Vol. II. (H) 17^. 212 Jacksonville, Vol. I. (W) 199. 231; Vo III. 324 194 I Vol ii iM> L49; Vo! Ill (T) 148 Satsuma I ieighl . Vol I, (P) 162 363 Waldo, Vol. 1. ( W France, Aglncourt, Vol. I. I Brittany, Vol. I, 17 I'.lois. Vol. I, ( \V I I'll Calvados. Vol. III. 33 I Espinasse, Vol, i. i \\ i Falaise, Vol. III. 334 Haqueville. Vol. III. .1 Lyons la For6t, Vol. I. in. Paris. Vol. I. < .1 > 808; ( W I Vol II. (M I 201 ; Vol III. 188 Rouen. Vol. II. 9; Vol. III. 884 Vernon. Vol. I. < W I 28 I Georgia, . Vol. III. (Or) 127 Atlanta. Vol. I, (Wi 17(); Vol. II. (H) 212. 236; (Hi 806 Augusta. Vol. I. (\V) L60 Dorchester, Vol. 1. 262 Griffin, Vol. II. (Iti 305 Johns Station. Vol. I. (W) 366; I Ti 238 Mcintosh Co. Vol. Riceboro. Vol. I. 262 Savannah, Vol. I. Waltronsville, Vol 206, I. (W) 288 i\V) 206, (VY> 12') I. ( W> Germany, Berlin, Vol. III. (in 11 1 Munich. Vol. III. (T) 166 Greece, , M I ::*; Hawaii, Hamakua. Vol. I. ( W i 288, I Hauula, Vol. in. (W) SS0 Hilo. vol I. (\\i 208, 2 • III. ( \v> :::." Honolulu. Vol. I. il'i 858, i W ) 208, '-'I !. 233, 284 Imiola. Vol I. i W i 208, 282 Kohala, Vol. I. i w i _:;:;. l'34 m ikawao, Vol I. < w > 21:.. ill. (W) 350 Maui, Vol. I. ( \V> 286 Oahu, Vol. 1. ( w 1 ■:.•;;. Punahou, Vol. I. I W) 28 Wail. 1. a. Vol I. (W) 188. I 201. 22 I Vol. 286 Vol 20: Idaho, Botes City, Vol 11 (Hi ■ ' ■ Vol III. 1T1 188, Coeur fl* Uene Vol HI, (' • ::i Halley, Vol l. (A) Harrison, Vol ill. I T I 71 M 1, Vol HI (T) 253, 271 618 GENERAL INDEX SlinoiB, , Vol. II. (H) 139; (N) 365; OR?) 376; Vol. Ill, (T) 124, 219 Alton, Vol. I, (W) 133, 178; Vol. II, (H) 218 Areola, Vol. II, (H) 221 Atkinson, Vol. Ill, (T) 163, 230, 231, 232 Avington, Vol. I, (W) 177 Beardstown, Vol. I. (W) 190 Belvidere. Vol. II, (R) 313; Vol. III, (Gr) 429 Bloomfleld, Vol. I, (W) 209, 243, 244 Bloomington, Vol. I, (W) 223; Vol. II, (N) 365, 367 Blue Grass Grove, Vol. I, (W) 210 Blue Island, Vol. I, (W) 177 Buford, Vol. Ill, (H) 393 Bunkerhill. Vol. Ill, (T) 233 Bushnell, Vol. I, (Ab) 316 Cambridge, Vol. I, (Ab) 318 Champaign, Vol. I, (W) 210. 243 Chicago. Vol. I, (A) 2S7; (G) 383; (P) 363; (Wa) 315; (W) 74, 90, 102. 126. 128. 130, 133, 148, 154, 156, 162, 167, 171. 172. 177, 179, 181, 190, 196. 20S. 212, 224. 225, 256. 264, 267; Vol. II, (H) 147, 162, 163, 169. 200, 202, 208. 215, 216, 217, 225, 226, 227, 228; (R) 312, 345. .°,.'.0, 392; Vol. Ill, (H) 388, 389. 399; (T) 157, 208, 232, 235. 248: (Penn) 326 Clifton, Vol. I, (W) 90 Clvde, Vol. I. (W) 155, 158 Cortland, Vol. III. (T) 198 Danville, Vol. I, (W) 212: Vol. Ill, (H) 393 De Kalb. Vol. I, (W) 150; Vol. Ill, (Gr) 42S Dennison. Vol. I, (W) ITU Dixon. Vol. Ill, (T) 231 Downers Grove, Vol. I. (W) 146 Durand. Vol. II. (R) 342. 34 4 Edwardsville, Vol. I, (W) 113 Elgin, Vol. I. (A) 283 Ellsworth, Vol. III. (T) 158 Elmore, Vol. Ill, (T) 156 Evanston. Vol. I, (W) 24, 170, 190, 207, 208 Faii-haven. Vol. I, (W) 155 Galesburg, Vol. IT, (IT) 223: Vol. Ill, (T) 156 Geneseo. Vol. T. (G) 37:. Georgetown. Vol. T. (W > 191, 211 Goshen, Vol. I, (Ab) 317 Griggsville. Vol. I, (W) S6, 113 Groveland, Vol. I, (P) 349 Henry Co.. Vol. ITT. Cn 230 Hopkins, Vol. T. (W> 176 Homer. Vol. T. (W) 210. 244 Homowood. Vol. T. 90 Hoopston, Vol. TT. ill) 14C Jacksonville, Vol. I, (W) 196 Jerseyville, Vol. I, (W) 188, 195. 196, 223, 224 Jo. Daviess Co., Vol. Ill, (Gr) 427 Kingston, Vol. I, (W) 149 Knoxville, Vol. Ill, (T) 129 Lacon, Vol. I, (W) 246 La Grange, Vol. I, (W) 125, 158 Lake Bluff, Vol. I, (W) 126 Lincoln, Vol. II, (H) 220; Vol. Ill, (T) 156 Lyndon, Vol. I, (W) 89, 117, 118. 152, 155, 176. 216, 248 Marengo. Vol. Ill, (Gr) 429; (T) 202 Mattoon. Vol. II, (R) 326 Moline, Vol. Ill, (T) 209 Morrison, Vol. I. (W) 118. 153, 155. 248 Mount Carroll, Vol. Ill, (Gr) 428 Mount Pleasant, Vol. I, (W) 154, 156, 175, 176 Neponset, Vol. I, (Ab) 319 Oak Park, Vol. I, (W) 125 Onarga, Vol. I, (W) 244 Osage. Vol. II, (H) 133 Peoria, Vol. I, (P) 349; (W) 154; (Wa) 315 Perry, Vol. I. (W) 149 Pittsfield, Vol. I, (W) 149 Polo, Vol. II, 352; Vol. TTT, (T) 158 Prophetstown. Vol. HI, (W) 34.9 River.sido, Vol. I, (W) 115, 150 Rochester, Vol. I. (Ab) 317 Rockford. Vol. T. (G) 3S0: (W) 102. 134, 178. 403 Rock Island. Vol. T, (W) 281: Vol III, (T) 208 Ru<=hville, Vol. TI. (H) 231; Vol III. (H) 396 Saint Paul. Vol. I, (W) 250, 266 Savannah, Vol. I, (W) 155 Shelbyville, Vol. Ill, (H) 402, 406 Springfield, Vol. TIT, (T) 157 Stirling. Vol. I, (W) 117 Tampico, Vol. I, (W) 154, 175 Tolono, Vol. I. (W) 210 Toulon. Vol. I, (Ab) 316, 317, 318, 319 Upper Alton, Vol. I, (W) 133 Urbana, Vol. I. (W) 209, 210, 244 Washington Heights, Vol. I, (W) 90 Waukegan, Vol. T, (W) 209. 210, 244; Vol. II. (R) 350 Western Springs. Vol. II, (H) 217. 236 West Jersey, Vol. I, (Ab) 317, ° 1 9 West Pullman, Vol. I. (W) 167 Wheaton. Vol. I. (W) 74; Vol. TTT. (T) 232 Wilmette, Vol. IT, (R) 319, 350 INDEX OF PLACES 519 Wood River Tp., Vol. 1. 210; Vol. II. (H) 229 Lanesville. Vol. Ill, CD 318 Ligonier, Vol. III. 342 Lockport. Vol. III. iTi :!14 Logansport. Vol. III. i in 394 Marion, Vol. I. (W) 241, 264 Marion Co.. Vol. IT. (II) 131 Mount Carmel, Vol. II, (H) 195 Mount Vernon. Vol. Ill, (H) 383; (T) 102 Muncie, Vol. II. (H) 195 New Albany. Vol. II. .in 144. 148, 178, 179. 213; Vol. III. (T) 314, 318 Peru. Vol. I, (W) 180 Porter. Vol. I, < Wi 156. 177 Pulaski Co., Vol. III. (in 391 Pyrmont, Vol. TIT, | in 390 Rigdon, Vol. III. fH) 389 Rookville, Vol. III. (T) 162 Saluda. Vol. IT. (II > 160 South Bend. Vol. II, (H) 392, Torre Haute. Vol. I. (W) 211, 245; Vol. ITI. (T) 234. 267 Union City, Vol. II. (ll I 229; Vol III, (H) 3R2. 389, 395 Valley Citv. Vol. ITT. (Ti 316 Williamsport, Vol. tIT, (H) 193 1 .". .'. , 263 Iowa, . Vol. 246 Akron. Vol. I. (W) -'.:!' Algona. Vol. II. (R) 329 Bismark, Vol. in. iTi 227 Cedar Falls. Vol, I. iG) 385 Cedar Rapids, Vol. II, (R) 329 Charles City, Vol. 111. (in ;;91 Cherokee. Vol. II, (R) 330 Clinton. Vol. I. < \y 1 223 Council Bluffs. Vol. l.""<\( >xi- (W) 172: Vol. II. vi --->. Dayton. Vol. I, (W) 149 Decorah, Vol. I, (G) 380, 383 Denmark. Vol. I, (A) 273 Des Moines, Vol. I. (O) 380 Vol. HI. (T) 229 Bsthervill.'. Vol. I, (G) 384 Fairbanks, Vol. I. 147 Germania. Vol. II. l 1 (W) 149. 150. 173; Vol. II. | R) 329 Iowa Falls, Vol. Ill, (T) 108 160 161. 222, 22S. 229. 230 Jefferson. Vol. III.'(Gr) cr Keokuk. Vol. I. (Wt 1M7 225 267 Lincoln. Vol. I, (Ah) 317 Lyons, Vol. I, (W) 224 Marshalltown. Vol. III. iT> Mason City, Vol. [.(G) 3S4 Milford. Vol. III. (T) 229 Module. Vol. I. (,n 307 Moojioketa, Vol. [, (A) 377 Mount Pleasant, Vol. 11. (H) Muscatine, Vol. III. (T) 230 Nevada, Vol. I. (J) 303; Vol , . ::i 7. Waterloo, Vol. in (T) W •. • • P. . Vol 11. ■ ,: 1 Wyoming, Vol. I, (W) 1 73 388; 300. 302, ll:,. 328. 428 256, 2° 2 383, 195 II. 430 380, 520 GENERAL INDEX Ireland, Cork, Vol. Ill, 26 Dublin, Vol. I, (W) 266 Enniskillen. Vol. III. 323 Italy, Naples, Vol. Ill, (T) 171 Japan, Yokohama. Vol. I, (P) 358 Kansas, . Vol. II, (H) 140, 196. 203, 210; (R) 336; Vol. Ill, (H) 339; (T) 219, 317 Burlington, Vol. Ill, (H) 392, 399 Cawker City, Vol. II, (R) 312. 342 Ellenwood, Vol. I. (A) 281 Emporia, Vol. I, (W) 252 Eureka, Vol. I, (Ab) 318, 319 Fort Scott, Vol. II, (H) 232; Vol. III. (H) 392 Fredonia, Vol. III. (H) 392. 399 Garden City, Vol. II. (H) 209 Hutchinson, Vol. I, (W) 244 Independence, Vol. Ill, 393 Kansas City, Vol. II. (R) 356; Vol. Ill, (T) 162, 163 Lawrence, Vol. II. (H) 212 Leavenworth, Vol. II, (R) 355 Louisville. Vol. II, (R) 313 Neville, Vol. III. (T) 210 Norton. Vol. Ill, (T) 209 Osborne, Vol. II, (R) 342 Parsons, Vol. 1, (W) 193 Preston. Vol. I, (Vm 117. 153 Seneca. Vol. Ill, (T) 162. 163 Severance, Vol. II. (R) 362 Simpson. Vol. III. (T) 216, 264 Smith Center. Vol. II. (R) 319 Stockton. Vol. II. (R) 342 Topeka. Vol. I, (W) 193. 218: Vol. Ill, (Penn) 331 Twin Mound. Vol. II. (R) 312 Wathena. Vol. II, (R) 362 White Rock. Vol. I, (J) 303. 308 Kentucky, Louisiana, Vol. III. (H) 373 Carroll Co.. Vol. II, (H) 222 Covington, Vol. I. (P) 362. 363, Eddyville. Vol. I, (M) 387 Enterprise. Vol. I. (W) 152 Flemingsburg, Vol. II. (H) 221 Henderson, Vol. I, (W) 249 Louisville. Vol. I, (W) 123, 153, 170, 216, 249; Vol. II. (H) 190. 191. 212. 213, 215, 216. 234, 235 Maysville. Vol. I, (W) 90 .119 Millersburg. Vol. I, (W) 152 New Castle, Vol. II. (H). 162. 220, 221. 222 Perrvville. Vol. TIT. (T) 179 Vanceburg. Vol. T. (P) 367 Vol. III. (T) 114 Francisville. Vol. Ill, (Penn), 324 Franklin, Vol. II. (H) 200 Hammond, Vol. II, (R) 328 New Orleans, Vol. I, (A) 2S5; (P) 342; (W) 20'8, 210; Vol. II, (H) 132, 154. 217; Vol. Ill, (T) 114, 132; (Penn) 325. 326 Red River. Vol. I. (W) 209 Springfield Landing. Vol. I, (W) 124 Maine, , Vol. Ill, (T) 221 Augusta. Vol. I, (P) 344. 355 Bangor, Vol. I, (P) 344. 354, 367; (W) 166; Vol. II, (R) Bethel, Vol. I. (W) 89, 117 Brewster, Vol. I. (W) 70 Calais, Vol. I. (P) 337; (W) Vol. II, (R) 325 Camden, Vol. I. (P) 343. 354; 1 fifi Cherryfield. Vol. I. (P) 348. 353 China Vol. I, (W) 257 Dexter, Vol. I, (P) 344 East Machias, Vol. I, (W) 2 Eastport, Vol. I. (W) 127 Gouldsboro, Vol. I, (P) 348 Hallowell, Vol. I. (P) 354 Indian River. Vol. I, (W) 25 Jonesboro, Vol. IT. (H) 243 Lewiston, Vol. I, (W) 166 Limerick. Vol. I, (Wa) 315 Limington, Vol. I, (W) 402 Lincoln. Vol. I, (P) 352 Machias. Vol. II, (H) 238. 243, 245; Vol. Ill, (H) 26. Oldtown, Vol. I, (P) 352 Paris, Vol. I. (P) 366 Parsonville, Vol. I, (W) 212 Pittstown, Vol. I. (P) 354 Poland. Vol. I, (W) 405 Portland, Vol. I. (A) 283; III, (T) 122 Readville, Vol. I. (P) 337. 355 Rockland, Vol. Ill, (W) 342 Rumford Falls. Vol. Ill, (T) Searsport, Vol. I, (W) 406 South Berwick. Vol. I, (Wi L' Steuben. Vol. I, (G) 382 Trenton, Vol. I, (P) 337 Turner, Vol. I. (W) 169 Union. Vol. I. (P) 333, 350 Waterville, Vol, I, (P) 35 4 Woolwich, Vol. I. (W) 90 Manitoba, Winnipeg, Vol. II, (R) 324 Maryland, Charles County. Vo 354, 363, 346 254; (W) 54 240. 415 Vol. 343. ^ 4 3 ::1 TIT. (H) 414 INI>K\ OF PI ) 521 Massachusetts, Abington. Vol. I, (W) 151, 406 Agawam, Vol. I, (W) 143. 144 Amherst, Vol. I. (A) 270. 274; (W) 1S4. 206. 221 Andover. Vol. I, 318. 382, (P) 321. 322. 337, 346, 351. 353. 356, 357. 358. 361. 364. 367. 368: (WI 30. 32, 37, 39, 43. 47. 57. 65, 67, 75. 90, 106, 142. 152. 167. 1S6. 189. 213. 214. 220. 222. 245. 254, 255, 256. 257. 260. 268. 400. 405; Vol. II, (H) 193. 225. 391: Vol. III. (H) 395; (T) 221 Boylston. Vol. I. (W) 81. 108. 109 Bradford. Vol. I. fW) 250 Braintree, Vol. I, (P) 338. 339; (W) 38. 39. 60. 112. 152. 173. 222. 223 Bridgeport. Vol. I, (W) 63. 440 Bridgwater. Vol. 1. ( P) 350. 359; (W) 60. 89. 115. 146. 174, 401, 405 Brimfield. Vol. T, (G) 377. 378: ; 2:'.'.: Vol. III. (\V> 351 Clinton. Vol. I. (W) 405 Colerain, Vol. I. (A) 279; 182. 195. 197. 200. 202, 208, 209. 2ln. S 214. 215. 216. 21 s. **fi 226 227. 240, 258. 264; Vol. ( w ■ 104. 206, 207. 2HS. 209, 2lo. 211. 21: 213, 214, 215, 216. 21 s, 218, 220 221. 225, 226, 227. 240. 24 1. 252 256, 257, 258, 264; Vol. III. ( W , 25 Concord. Vol. I, (P) 321 Conway. Vol. I. (A) 278, 190. 207. 257 Dal ton. Vol. I, ( \V i 195 Dedham, Vol. I. (A) 269; il'i 333. 334. 336. 338. 346. 368: (Wi 26, 33. 36. 40, 13 55. 57. 59. 60, 79. 108. 186. 233. 389; Vol. III. (P) (W?) 433 Deerfield. Vol. I. 114. 183. 221. 226. 256 Dennis. Vol. I. < A ) Dorchester. VoT. 1. 371, 372, 373, 374; 322. 343". 355. 182 3*9 284";' fW) 3 1 1 349. ■ 50, 189. 354. 320, 329, 341. 353. 26, 3 222, (G) 321. 330. 342, 254. 3. 35, 245. 253, 36; (P) 27 7 (G) (J 1 324, 336. 345. 364. 189, 254. 295 t5; Vol. 323. 335, 344. 858, is;; 369. 299; 3 25. 337. 351, 36 8; 194. 356: (P) 25. 42. 370. (P) 326. 338. . \V I 211. vol. n. III. (G) 126 . 7". 73. (G) 35C I. (W) 25, 4" 356 Douglas, Vol. l. 1 W) 9.1 Dudlev. Vol. I. (Wi 54 160, 178. 232; Vol. III. East Mridgewater. Vol. 161 Rrookfield. Vol. I. < W ) 97 Easthampton, Vol. I. <\v> 260 Easton, Vol I. (W) 10s Ewing, Vol T. (W) Fairhaven. Vol I I V. Fall River, Vol 1. (Wi < ' Vol II. (Hi 146. 177. Fitchburg. Vol. I. (P) S51 363: 1 W I 109, 1 I 4. I«S. 1 72 Forest Hills. Vol, I. I W I Poxboro, Vol 1. I P ; \ ■ 3S9; Vol. III. (?) *Ci- Pramingham, Vol. r. 1 '•■ I GaKcl.oro. Vol I 1 V . 1 i 83 896; Vol ill. fW) 125 126 Gill. Vol I (WI 188 199. 200. 2" I (OS, 520 221, 3?L 022 GENERAL INDEX 222, 232. 233. 236, 237, 252, 253 Globe Village, Vol. I, (W) 143 Gloucester. Vol. I, (W) 233 Goshen, Vol. I, (A) 272; (J) 298; (W) 47, 48, 67, 68, 69, 93; Vol. 111, (W) 342, 426 Grafton, Vol. I, (W) 57, 80, 81, 108 Granville, Vol. III. (T) 160 Great Barrington, Vol. I, (G) 379; Vol. II. (R) 277 Greenfield. Vol. I, (A) 273; (W) 66, 91, 186, 192, 194, 195, 197. 206, 207, 213, 221, 222, 225, 226, 227, 238, 239, 241, 253, 257, 258, 264. 267, 392, 410; Vol. II, (Ph) 379; Vol. Ill, (Gr) 426. 427 Greenwich, Vol. I, (W) 389 Hadley, Vol. I, (A) 271 Halifax, Vol. I, (W) 59, 85, 111. 112, 146, 169, 170, 401, 405, 406 Hanover, Vol. I, (P) 325, 353 Hanson, Vol. I, (W) 405 Hardwick. Vol. I, (G) 378 Harvard, Vol. I, (W) 81; Vol. Ill, (W) 342 Hatfield, Vol. I, (W) 207 Haverhill, Vol. Ill, (W) 341 Hawley, Vol. I. (W) 93 Heath, Vol. I, (W) 90, 190, 192 Hinsdale, Vol. I, (P) 346; (W) 144 Holland, Vol. I, (W) 52. 69. 76, 96. 97, 207. 270, 272, 398; Vol. Ill, (W) 340, 343, 345, 346 Holliston, Vol. I, (W) 38 Holyoke, Vol. I. (W) 104. 105, 107, 127, 167 Hoosick Tunnel. Vol. III. (T) 156 Hopkinton, Vol. I, (P) 338, 339 Hubbardston. Vol. I. (P) 334, 339, 340, 346. 356; Vol. II T, (P) 354 355 Huntington, Vol. I, (G) 381 Hyde Park, Vol. III. (W?) 337 Ipswich. Vol. I. (A) 274; (J) 301; (W) 62; Vol. II, (H) 148 Kingston. Vol. I. (W) 74, 405 Lancaster, Vol. I. (P) 334, 356, VGA Lanesboro, Vol. I. (W?) 395; Vol. IT. (R) 268, 271, 278. 280, 281, 282, 376; Vol. Ill, (T) 60; (R) 403, 426 Leicester, Vol. I, (W) 50, 69; Vol. Ill, (W) 341 Leominster. Vol. T. CG) 381, 382 Lexington. Vol. I. (A) 271 l.nvden, Vol. I. (W) 227 Lincoln. Vol. T, (P) 350 Louden, Vol. I. (W) 397 Lowell. Vol. I. (P) 351. 352; (W) 241, 254. 405 Ludlow. Vol. T, (W> 43. 44. 63, 87. 88. 117. 178, 430: Vol. TTT. (W) 340, 348 Lynn, Vol. I, (P) 353; (W) 223, 256 Maiden, Vol. I, (P) 340; (W) 258 Mansfield, Vol. I, (W) 94 Marblehead, Vol. II, (?) 36; Vol. Ill, (Ja) 24, 332, 333 Medfield, Vol. I, (G) 370; (P) 334, 340; (W) 166 Medford, Vol. I, (?) 340 Medway, Vol. I, (A) 410; (P) 332 Mendon, Vol. I, (W) 51, 69, 74 Methuen, Vol. Ill, (W) 345 Middleboro, Vol. I, (W) 32, 41, 42, 59, 60, 62, 63. 85, 86, 87, 111, 115, 116, 151, 211, 405, 406; Vol. Ill, (W) 25; (T) 178 Millburv. Vol. I, (W) 62 Millers Falls, Vol. I, (W) 104, 226 Milton, Vol. I, (G) 369, 370, 373; (P) 325, 329, 335. 339, 341, 353, 360; (W) 222, 223. 254. 255, 256; Vol. Ill, (G) 25; (P) 25 Monson, Vol. I, (W) 72, 87, 88, 98, 107. 143, 144, 166, 204 Montague, Vol. I, (W) 195, 221 Muddy River, Vol. I, (P) 321; (W) 33 Nantucket, Vol. III. (T) 160 Natick, Vol. I, (P) 357; (W) 245 Needham. Vol. I, (P) 329, 333, 336, 339, 340, 343, 347, 348, 349, 350. 351, 352 358. 359. 361, 364; (W) 33, 36, 42, 43. 55, 57, 59; Vol. Ill, (P) 25, 354; (W) 340 New Ashford, Vol. II. (Rl 271, 275, 2S0, 281, 2S8, 290. 295; Vol. Ill, (R) 426 New Bedford, Vol. I, (W) 211 New Boston, Vol. Ill, (W) 344 New Braintree, Vol. I, (W) 61 Newbury, Vol. I, (W) 200 New Milford, Vol. II, (R) 271, 281 New Salem. Vol. I. (G) 378 Newton. Vol. I, (A) 279, 286; (P) 347, 348, 349. 350. 351, 352, 353, 358, 361; (W) 31, 32, 42. 159, 184; Vol. Ill, (P) 25 Newton Lower Falls, Vol. T, (P) 348, 350, 351, 353. 358, 361, 363 Newtonville, Vol. I, (G) 378 North Abington. Vol. I, (W) 112. 151, 173, 401 North Adams, Vol. I, (W) 258: Vol. Ill, (T) 156 Northampton, Vol. T, (A) 273. 276; (W) 157. 188. 203. 206. 388, 399; Vol. II. (P) 379 North Attleboro, Vol. T, (\V) 4 01, 405 Northboro. Vol. T. < YV> 80 North Bridgewnter. Vol. T. (W) 152 259 North Brookfield, Vol. T. (W) 200, 220 INDI \ OF PL \OfcS 523 North Oxford. Vol. I. (W) 94 Norton. Vol. I, (W) 66 Oakham, Vol. I, (W) 42, 61, 62, Onset, Vol. II. (H) 391 Orange, Vol. I. (W) 222. 253 Oxford, Vol. Ill, (W) 341, 344, 345 Palmer. Vol. I, (G) 378, 379; (W) 226; Vol. II, (H) 247 Pelham, Vol. I. (P) 332 Petersham, Vol. I, (W) 57, 58, 191 Phillipston. Vol. III. (W) 342 Pittsfield. Vol. II, (H) 224; Vol. III. (T) 222 Plainfield, Vol. I. (W) 29, 112, 406 Plymouth. Vol. I, (J) 301; (P) 324; (W) 395 Plympton, Vol. I, (\V) 60. 62. 74, S5 Princeton, Vol. I, (PI 334. 340 Punkapoag, Vol. I. (G) 369; (P) 325 Quasset. Vol. I. (W) 7 4 Quincy. Vol. I, (P) 339; <\Y) 222, 223. 254; Vol. II. (H) 178 Randolph, Vol. I, (P) 335 Reading. Vol. I, (W) 50 Rehoboth. Vol. T. (J) 298: (W) 29, 31, 33. 34, 37. 41. 45. 46, 58. 67, 82. 110, 111; Vol. Ill, (T) 115; (W) 341. 343 Rookport. Vol. II. (Pa) 379 Ro.slindale, Vol. I. <\Y) 194. 223, 255 Ro*wlev, Vol. I, (W) 25, 31, 32, 40, 200 Roxburv. Vol. I, (E) 289; (G) 374; (P) 333, 339, 343. 358; (Wa) 312; (Wl 24. 25. 26. 27, 28, 29. 30, 31, 32, 33. 34. 35, 36, 37, 38. 39. 40, 41. 42. 43. 44, 51. 53. 54, 55, 56. 57. 58. 60. 61, 62. 65. 78. 79. 82, 107, 108, 159, 182, 183, 184. 185. 186, 1S9, 191. 192. 193. 194. 254, 255, 395; Vol. III. (W) 24. 339 Rovalston. Vol. T, (W) 61. 62. 85, 86, 112. 113. 114, 146; Vol. Ill, 25 Salem, Vol. I. (P) 348. 361. 368; Vol. II, C?) 36; 350, 353; Vol. Til. fW> 343 Seekonk. Vol. I. (J) 29s. 299: (W) 34. 37. 45. 46. 47. 64. 65, 66. 67. 82 111 397 Sheffield. 'Vol T. (W) 61, 109. 144. 145 Shirlev. Vol. T. ( P) 346: (W) 172 Sharon, Vol. I. fPi 334; (W) 55, ino. 1R2. 1X6. 187 Shelbume, Vol. I. (W) 94. 226 Shelburne Palls, vol i. (W) 210, 220. 257 Shrewsbury. Vol. I. (W) 38. 39. 57. 58. 80, 81. 90, 108 Shutesbury. Vol. I. (P) 882; (W) 221; Vol. III. (P) 353 Somervllle. Vol, I. (P) 353; 76, 398 South Brookfield, Vol. I. (W) 70, 89, 90 Southbridge. Vol. I. (W) 66, 100. 101, 131, 132. 142, 148, 160, 161, 165. ITS. 180, 407; Vol. III. (W) 343 South Framingham. Vol. I, (W) 24 5 South Hadley. Vol. I. (A) 274; (\V> 401 South Hadley Falls, Vol, I. (W) 200 South Wilbraham, Vol. I. 33 Stoughton. Vol. I. (G» 371. 572. 373; (Pi 323, 327, 329 330. 331, 332, 334, 335. 336. 387 388 339, 345, 346. 355. 36S; < W I 186; Vol. III. (P> 26 Stoughtonham, Vol. I. (P) 184, 340 Sturbridge, Vol r. (A) 269. 870, 271. 272: I Wi 52, R6, 7 1 B0, 89. 96. 97. 98, 101, lii7. ins 117. 118. U'6. 129. 180, 182, 141. 143. 404; Vol. III. I A | (26; ( \V> 340, "43. 346, 346. 3 is Sunderland. Vol I. 1W1 M Sutton, Vol 1. (W) 12 67, 61, 62, 86, 114. 188; Vol ni. (W) 340 T.ninton. Vol. 1. (J) 300; (P) 340. 84S 64, 868 (W) 211: Vol. Ill 1 Pi 25; I Rev John) 26 Templeton. Vol 1. I W Turner's Palls, Vol. I. < W I Oxbridge, Vol. I. 1 w 1 61, 61 Wales, Vol 1. (W) 43. 7s. 107. 142. 143. 144. 166, 166 404 OTalpole. \'«.l 1. (P) 331. 334 881 40. 343 << Vol III. (Q) 856 524 GENERAL INDEX Ware, Vol. I, (E) 290; (W» 76. 108 Warren. Vol. I, (W) 120. 165, 227 Watertown. Vol. I, (P) 362; (W) 40, 67; Vol. Ill, 42, 58 Webster. Vol. I, (W) 104. 400; Vol. Ill, (W) 346 Wellesley. Vol. I, (P) 341, 342. 359, 360 Westboro. Vol. I, (W) 86 West Boylston, Vol. I. (W) 126 West Bridgewater, Vol. I, (W) 170 West Brimfield, Vol. I, (G) 375 Westfield, Vol. I, (W) 80, 90, 119 Westminster, Vol. I. (P) 334; (W) 144 Westmoreland, (?), Vol. I, (P) 346 Westport. Vol. I, (A) 271 Weston, Vol. I, (P) 347, 358 West Springfield, Vol. I, (W) 162, 179, 227 Wevmouth. Vol. I. (P) 338, 353 Whateley. Vol. I. (W) 258 Whitinsville, Vol. I, (W) 133 Wigwam Hill, Vol. III. (W) 340 Wilbraham. Vol. I, (W) 43. 63, 75, 87; Vol. Ill, (W) 340 Williamsburg. Vol. I. (W) IT Williamstown. Vol. I, (W) 67. 402 Williman.sett, Vol. T. fW) 200, 232. 233 Winchendon, Vol. I, (Wj 57 Winchester. Vol. II, (H) 217 Winsor, Vol. I. (W) 44, 63 Woburn, Vol. I, (W) 77 Worcester, Vol. I, (G) 376; (P) 356; (W) 31, 42. 46, 56, 61, 65, 90, 96, 98, 108, 132. 142, 178, 191, 207, 212; Vol. Ill, (W) 341, 344 Wrentham, Vol. I, (P) 333, 343; (W) 31, 407 Michigan, . Vol. II. (H) 134. 145; (R) 291, 331; Vol. Ill, (T) 94. 158, 169 Adrian. Vol. I. (W) 119. 209. 241; Vol. III. (T) 163, 164, 234 Albion. Vol. I, (W) 158, 167 Algansee (?), Vol. I, (A) 272, 277 Allegan, Vol. I. (W) 196 Allen. Vol. I, (Wa) 315 Ann Arbor. Vol. I. (W) 261; Vol. II, (R) 307; (T) 375; Vol. Ill, (T) 77. 113, 168. 235. 236, 239 Azalea, Vol. II, (R) 326 Bainbridge, Vol. I, (W) 144. 145, 167 Battle Creek. Vol. II, (R) 302, 328. 356, 357; Vol. III. (S) 431. 432 Bengal. Vol. T, (W) 117. 153. 175; Vol. II. (R) 336, 337: (W) 375; Vol. III. (T) 169, 236; (VV) 236 Benton Harbor, Vol. I, (W) 144, 167 Boyne, Vol. III. (T) 213 Brighton, Vol. II. (R) 309 Buchanan, Vol. II, (R) 340 Burlington, Vol. I. (W) 242: 243 Butler. Vol. I. (Wa) 314 Byron, Vol. II, (R) 321, 352 Cambria, Vol. I, (Wa) 313, 315 Carson City, Vol. Ill, (T) 169 Charleston, Vol. Ill, (T) 159 Charlevoix, Vol. II, (R) 336, 337 Chesaning, Vol. II, (R) 325 Coldwater. Vol. I, (A) 277; (W) 242; (Wa) 313. 314 Colonia. Vol. I. (W) 167 Concord. Vol. I. (W) 243 Conway, Vol. I. (W) 153; Vol. III. (W) 236 Davison, Vol. II, (R) 30S, 315, 332. 334 335 Detroit, Vol. I, (A) 274. 277. 282; (E) 292; (W) 130. 158, 183. 226. 235. 236. 238, 242, 258. 261. 399; Vol. II, (H) 169, 205; (R) 307, 335; (R?) 374, 377; (S) 371, 372; Vol. Ill, (H) 397; (T) 89, 176, 235. 239. 269 Deerfield, Vol. I. (W) 237 Dewitt. Vol. I, (W) 175 Dexter, Vol. I. (W) 204, 236, 237; Vol. Ill, (T) 235 Dundee, Vol. I. (Ab) 317, 319; Vol. Ill, (Ab) 403 Eagle, Vol. II, (?) 375 East Saginaw, Vol. II, (R) 360 Elk Rapids. Vol. I. (W) 236 Elm Hall, Vol. I, (W) 158 Erie. Vol. I. (W) 242 Essex. Vol. II, (H) 175 Farmington, Vol. I. (W) 175 Fenton. Vol. I, (A) 280; Vol. II, OR) 309 Flint. Vol. II. (H) 164; (R) 305. 333, 334; (R?) 375 French town. Vol. I, (Ab) 317. 319 Galesburg. Vol. III. (T) 159 Girard, Vol. T. (Wn) 315 Grand Blanc, Vol. II, (H) 164; ( Ft) 333 Grand Haven. Vol. II. (R) 350 Grand Rapids, Vol. I. (P) 352; (W) 190. 205. 237. 261; Vol. IT. (R) 357; OR?) 376. 377; Vol. III. (R?) 337; (T) 177. 220 HarrLson. Vol. II. (R) 360 Hart, Vol. Ill, (T) 239. 269 Hillsdale. Vol. I. (W) 15S. 159; (Wa) 313. 314: Vol. IT, (R) 295. 314. 326. 345. 355 Holland, Vol. II, (H) 233 Howell, Vol. I. (A) 280: Vol. II. (R) 326. 356; Vol. TIT. (T) 147 Hudson. Vol. T. (W) 119; Vol. IT, (R) 315. 326 INDEX OF PLACES 525 Ionia. Vol I, 375; Til, (T) 169. 23>l. 269 Saint Joseph. Vol. I. (W) 145. 167: Vol. ITT. (Tl 122 Saline. Vol. 1. (A) 277 Scio. Vol. II. (T) 375; Vol. ITT, (T) 236. 269 Shelby, Vol. I. (A) 28 2 314, 208, 314. 166, (R?) 153; Vol. 144. 178 Vol. II. (H) 291, V..1. South Haven, 306, 319 Stanton. Vol. II. (R) 336 stony Creek, Vol. ll. < K> 315 Sturgls, Vol. I. i W> 242 Summit. Vol. I. (Ab) 319; II, (Ab) 375 Tecumseh. Vol. 1. I Al>> 317 Three Rivers, Vol. I, (W) 167 Traverse City. Vol 205. 206. 236. 237 II, (R) 378; I. < W i 288, 261, Vol. III. 18 8. 262; I wi Vol. 350 Union City, Vol. I. (WI 190, 209, 242 Union Home, Vol. 11. (R) 308 Vassal-, Vol. ill, 119 Tpsilanti, Vol. I. | W > 243 Minnesota, . Vol. II, (H) 141; III. (T) 156 Albert Lea. Vol. III. (T> 225 Alden. Vol. III. (T) 225 Beaver Falls. Vol. II. (Ri 3 Caledonia, Vol. HI. (T) 226 Chicopee. Vol. T, ( W > 8 7 Duluth. Vol. III. (T) 160 Kllsworth. Vol. I, (G) 884 Eveletn, Vol. IT. (R) 317 Excelsior, Vol. I. ( W I *7 Fairmount. Vol. II. (T) 239 Glenwood. Vol. I, i A I 878 Grand Mara is. Vol. III. 1 Hastings, Vol. I. (Pi 854 Vol. II. (Hi 143. 172 Heron Lake, Vol. III. (Ti 22 High Forest. Vol. III. (T) 176. 239. 269 Lac qui Parle Co., Vol. III. 227 Lake City, Vol. I, ("W I 128 Luverne, Vol. I. (A) 283 Mancato, Vol. ill. iTi Manaton, Vol in. 224 Minneapolis, Vol. [, (A) 383; | Wi 172, 198, 217, TT. (Hi 147, 164. 200, 816, 323. 825, 846, 354; iSi 431, 432; (Tl Money Creek, Vol in Redwing, Vol. I. I \Y I 207, 2 10 Rochester, Vol. Ill, (T) 229, saint Charles, Vol III, (T) Saint Paul, Vol, i. (P) Vol. 228 46 60 176, (T) 250; 226; Vol . w i (T) (G) Vol. (R) III. 351 2 -' 8 - 249 . U i 526 GENERAL INDEX 128, 173, 209, 244. 250; Vol. II, (R) 296, 315, 316 Sheldon, Vol. Ill, (T) 225. 226, 227 Th"ief River Falls. Vol. Ill, (T) 238 Ulen, Vol. Ill, (T) 160, 225 Wadena, Vol. III. (T) 208, 256 Wheaton. Vol. I, (W) 207 Yucatan. Vol. Ill, 113. 124. 126. 1 17 Kensington. Vol. I. <\V) 166 Lebanon, Vol. I, (Ah) :',17 Manchester, Vol. III. (W) 354. 355 Marlow. Vol. I, (W) 164 Orford, Vol. I. (W) 66 Peterboro, Vol. I, (G) 382 Portsmouth, Vol. I, (J) 301; (W) 154; Vol. III. (W) :J39 Richmond. Vol. Ill, (W) 344 Rindge, Vol. I, (W) 112, 147 Troy, Vol. I, (W) 86, 114, 147. 14? Walpole, Vol. I, (\V) 124 "Westmoreland (Mass.?) (P) 346 Winchester, Vol. I, (J) 304. 309 New Jersey. -. Vol. Ill (T) 170 Athenia, Vol. Ill, (H). 40!) Basking Ridge, Vol. II. (H) 184, 239. 240. 251; Vol. III. (H) 407, 408, 441; (T) 118 Bayonne, Vol. I, (A) 288: Vol. III. (H) 409 Belleville. Vol. Ill, (T) 23 4 Blairstown, Vol. I, (W) 258 Boonton, Vol. II. (H) 169, 378, 391 Bridgeton, Vol. Ill, (T) 235 Bridgewater. Vol. II, (Hi 176; Vol. Ill, (H) 389 Caldwell, Vol. Ill, (T) 237 Cedar Grove, Vol. III. (H) ::7<> Chatham. Vol. II, (II) 125; Vol. III. (H) 379, 3SS Burlington Co., Vol. III. (H) 415 Colesville. Vol. III. (T) 217. 265 Connecticut Farms. Vol. IT, (H) 105, 130. 152; Vol. III. (H I 364. 371 Deerfleld. Vol. II. <\Vm) 373 Dover, Vol. II. (H) 140. 170 East Orange. Vol. 1. (W) 305; Vol. II. (H) 117. 1 42. 191. 216, 217; Vol. III. iTi 253 Edgewater, Vol. III. (T) 160 Elizabeth. [Elizabethtown i Vol. I, (W) 23S; Vol. II, Cm 61. SO. 84, 88. 93. 104. 115. 117. 121. LSI, 163. 166, 204. 23s: Vol. III. 105; (H) 359, 360. 36S. 402. 404, 405. 412 Englewood, Vol. I. (P) 365. 368; Vol. Ill, (P) 35.". Essex Co., Vol. III. (Fl) 387, 114. 415 Glenridge. Vol. I, (W) 252. 2>;6: Vol. III. (T) 167 Franklin. Vol. II, (lit 205 Hackensack. Vol. I. ..I) 302. 306; Vol. III. (T) 254 Hanover. Vol. II. (Mi 122; Vol. Ill (H) 367. 368. 382, 2S7. 413, 414 Harrison, Vol. I 1 .1 I S10 Hunterdon Co . Vol. III. i M > 111 i rvlngton, Vol EI, iiii 1 2s Jeffersona Village, Vol in. 406 Jersey, Vol. II. ill) 135 Jersey City, Vol. I, i W > 90; Vol. III. (Mi 408, (09, 41 1). 411; (T) 194. 251. 256 Livingston. Vol. III. (Mi 37 t. 388 Logansville, Vol. III. 441 Long Branch, Vol. 111. (T) 171 Long Mill. Vol. II. (Mi 125, 15::. 1 .", 5 Lyons, Somerset Co., Vol. in. ( H) 375, 407. 408 Lyons Farms, Vol. II. 146 Millhrook. Vol. II. I M i 137, 170 Mine Brook. Vol. III. (Hi 4 7 Monmouth Co.. Vol. III. (Mi 415 Montana. Vol. III. (T) 216, 217 Montclair. Vol. III. (T) 169 Morristown. Vol. II, (Mi :«7. 112. 113, 114, 1 15. 1 16, 139, 1 '•.'V 238, 240; Vol. III. ( M i 367. 972, ::s< 412. 413. 114. 415. 416; (T> 63. US. 174. 23 4 Morris Co.. Vol. III. (Mi 372. 399. 402. 41 I Newark, Vol. I. (E) 292; (W) 208; Vol. II. (Mi 12. 52, mi. 81, s2. s::. 89, 90, 91, 93, 98 100, 101. 103. 104. 106. 117. 1 19. 1 14 143, 14S. 152, L56. 1 ".7. 171. ITS l'!::. 215, 251 : i Wm > ::?::; \'.>' III. (H) 26. 360. 361. 37::. ::77. 383. 402. 406. 409: (T) 1 is. HI. 142. 146. 157. ISo. 194, 289 New Brunswick. Vol. II. (Hi 154 New Milford [Newark], Vol. II. (Mi 53 Newton, Vol, CI, 'in B40, to* Northneld, v.ii n. • 1 1 » :.-!9 Orange. Vol. II. (Mi 116, 118, 140. 141. 145. 170. 171. 17.: Vol. III. i M l 371. 40" pis. |1J; (T) 99 Parslppany, Vol. II. (II I 115, 141. 251. ::7S P.I^NMi.-. Vol III III' 109; I WT) 337 Pater-. hi. Vol I i \ > 288; I 1'' Vol. Ill (H) 102 Perth Amboy. Vol. III. ill. 109 628 GENERAL INDEX Pine Brook, Vol. II. (H) 139 Piscataway. Vol. Ill, (H?) 412 Plainfield. Vol. II, (H) 124; Vol. Ill, (T) 253. 268, 271 Pluekemin. Vol. Ill, (H) 408, 409 Princeton, Vol. I, (W) 195; Vol. Ill, (T) 174 Rahway, Vol. III. (H) 376, 415; (T) 194 Reddestown, Vol. II, (H) 239 Ridgefield Park, Vol. Ill, (H) 376 Ridgewood. Vol. Ill, (T) 170 Rockaway, Vol. II, (H) 139, 169; Vol. Ill, (H) 367. 384, 415 Rutherford, Vol. Ill, (T) 194 Scotch Plains, Vol. Ill, (H) 404 Sewaren, Vol. I, (W) 157 Short Hill, Vol. II, (H) 116 Somerville. Vol. II, (H) 153 Somerset Co., Vol. II, (H) 119, 145; Vol. Ill, (H) 386, 390, 392 South Orange. Vol. I, (W) 214, 246; Vol. III. (H) 412; (T) 146 Springfield, Vol. II, (H) 114; Vol. Ill, (H) 368, 406, 416; (T) 73, 99, 145 Stockholm, Vol. II, (H) 139, 170 Stony Hill, Vol. II. (H) 112, 1.37; Vol. Ill, (H) 415 Succasunna, Vol. Til, 441 Sussex Co.. Vol. III. (H) 392 Trenton. Vol. III. (H) 387 Union, Vol. Ill, (H) 371 Vineland, Vol. I, (W) 193, 216, 249 Wantage. Vol. III. (H) 392 Warren Tp., Vol. Ill, (H) 415 Washington. Vol. Ill, (T) 194 Westfield. Vol. Ill, (H) 366. 377, 398; (T) 245 West Orange, Vol. II, (H) 171 Whippany, Vol. Ill, (H) 362 lew Mexico, Fruitland, Vol. IT. (R) 309 Raton. Vol. IT, (R) 392 MTew York, . Vol. II. (H) 140. 170; Vol. ITT. (H) 402; (Or) 427 Afton, Vol. HI, (T) 153, 209, 216, 262. 264. 265 Albany. Vol. T. CO) 377. 379. 381; 'W) 77. 155. 195, 222, 238, 246, 390; Vol. II, (H) 166, 225; Vol. Ill, (H) 397; (T) 59, 209 Albion, Vol. II. (R) 333 Allegany, Vol. I, (A) 285 Allegany Co., Vol. II, (R) 366; Vol. HI. (Gr) 427, 428. 429 Amawalk, Vol. HI, (T) 271 Armenia. Vol. I, (W) 93; Vol. Ill, (T) 69; (W) 344 Angelica, Vol. I. (J) 300, 303 Arcade, Vol. Ill, (W) 353 Arlington, Vol. Ill, (T) 151, 206, 207, 258 Attica, Vol. I, (W) 104, 139, 404 Atwater, Vol. III. (T) 63 Auburn, Vol. I, (Wa) 314; III, (T) 120, 122. 151, 158 Aurelius, Vol. Ill, (T) 149 Avon, Vol. II, (N) 369; (R) 280 Bainbridge, Vol. I, (W) 251; III, (T) 75, 103. 104, 151, 153, 154, 207, 208, 209, 210, 212, 213. 214, 215, 216, 217, 219, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260. 262. 263, 271 Ballston, Vol. II. (S) 371; III, (T) 100, 122, 147 Bankville, Vol. III. (T) 244 Barker. Vol. I, (W) 109, 144. 167, 168, 169 Batavia, Vol. II, (H) 132; III, (T) 156; (W) 341 Batchellorsville, Vol. I, (P) 3 Bath. Vol. II, (H) 166, 198, 224 Bedford, Vol. III. 196, 196; Vol. III. CD 166 Etna. Vol. I. CW) 208 Farming. Vol. I. (W) 169 Fayet/tevllle, Vol. in. (T) 179 Fenm-r. Vol. II. 868, 869 Five Corners, Vol. III. (T) 188, 175, 176 Flushing. V>>\. 11, (R) 27S; Vol. III. CD 194 Fordhara, Vol. ill. (T) 801 Forrestvllle, Vol. I. (A) 886 Franklin, Vol. I. (O) 384; (W) 266 Fredonia, Vol. i. (A) 271, 272. 273. 880, 281. 2S2. 287 Fremonl Center, Vol [I, (R) 346 Fulton <"" . 'S> 431 Galnen, V"i i. < \ » :■: i . Hill, Vol [II, Napoli. Vol. II. (Ph) 379 Nelson. Vol. II, (N) 365, 366. 367. 368. 370 New Berlin. Vol. II. (Ph) 379; Vol. Ill, (T) 209 New Brunswick, L,. I., Vol. Ill, (T) 247 Newburgh, Vol. I. (W) 162; Vol. II, (H) 170. 174; Vol. Ill, (T) 60, 101, 207 Newburn, Vol. Ill, (T) 174 Newfleld. Vol. I, (W) 220 New Hartford. Vol. II, (H) 132. 165, 240; Vol. Ill, (H) 384; (W) 352 New~Hempstead, Vol. Ill, (T) 52. 53 New Lebanon. Vol. Ill, (T) 156, 157, 158, 159 New Marlboro, Vol. III. (T) 78 Newport. Vol. III. (T) 158 New Rochelle, Vol. T. (W) 156. 177, 256, 257, 267; Vol. II, (H) 156, 184; Vol. III. (T) 191. 195; (W) 350, 351 Newtown, L. I., Vol. IT, (James) 242; Vol. Ill, (T) 166 New Windsor. Vol. II. (H) 121. 148 New York City, Vol. I, (A) 276, 288; (E) 295; (G) 376, 381; (J) 305, 307, 311; (P) 340, 347. 349. 364, 368; (W) 67, 74. 90, 93, 97. 118. 127. 139, 147. 156, 159, 177, 198, 201, 212, 213, 215. 220. 225, 230, 240, 241. 256. 257. 260, 267. 396, 402, 404; Vol. II. (H) 122. 134, 158, 166. 167, 183, 191, 204. 215. 235; Vol. Ill, (II) 366. 372. • 373, 378. 385. 388, 408. 409, 410. 411, 413: (P) 354; (T) 26. 55. 59, 75, 76. 77. 80. 86, 91. 95. 97. 98. 103. 104, 105. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113, 114. 118. 119. 125. 131. 132. 135, 137. 138. 143. 144. 1 «... 149, 151, 159. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169, 171. 174. 178. 181. 182. 186. 188. 190. 192. 193. 194. 197, 198. 201. 205, 206. 208, 2 40, 241, 244, 25:;. :;i i. 316; (?) :: !5, I ; ■;. < W) 343, 344. :: 17. 353 Niagara Kails. Vol. I. I W) 111 Nine Partners, Vol. [II, (T) 69. 108. 160 Nineveh, Vol. III. (T) 216 Niobe. Vol. I. < \V I 189 Northampton. Vol. I. (Ab) 316, 317, 318 North Bangor. Vol. I. (Ai -.'ST North Castle, Vol. II. (T) 38; Vol. III. (T) 57. 65. 66. 73. 7). 75, 76, 78, 86, 88. 100, 101, ]<•_•. 103. 106. 107. 108, 110, 111. 112. 113. 114. 130. 154. 170. 190, 220, 299 North Chatham. Vol. I, (W) 157: Vol. Ill, (T) l's North Hector. Vol. I. (\V> jo>; North Penfleld. Vol. I. < W ) 91 North Salem. Vol. III. 73. 98. 143. 144 Northville. Vol. I. (Ab) :: 1 8 Norwich. Vol. I. (J) 301. 303. .",01. 305. 306. 309; (W) 168, 217. 250; Vol. III. (T) 209 Nvack, Vol. III. (T) 86. 134 Ogdensburg. Vol. II. (Hi LIS, L64, 169. 173, 207 Old Chatham. Vol. III. (T) 109. 221 Oneida. Vol. T, (W) 263 Oneonta, Vol. T. (G) 385; Vol. III. (T) 156 Orange Co.. Vol. Til. (T) 103 Ossian. Vol. III. (T) 264 Os.sining. Vol. III. (T) 130 Oswego, Vol. I, (W) 16S. 390 Otlsco, Vol. IT. (S) 371 Otsego. Vol. I. (W) 53 Otsego Co., Vol. IT. (R) 283; Vol. III. (U) 424 Ovid, Vol. I, (W) lol. 206 Oxford. Vol. I. (W) 252; Vol. Ill 76. 106. 215. 216. 218, "-". 321. 322 OysTer Bay. Vol. HI. (T> 165 Panama. Vol. I. (A) 286 Pawling, Vol. II, (R) 265. 279 Peekskill. Vol. III. is?. is> Phelps, Vol. Ill, iTi 177 Perrvville. Vol. I. < W > 206 Phillipsbui-Kh. Vol, HI. (T) 3 '•'"• Pikn, Vol. III. I Wi 358 Plainneld. Vol. I. (Ab) 3 16; (J) 306 Plattsbursr, Vol. II. (H I 188, 168 164, 165, 24)8 Pleasant Valley. Vol III. (Tl 71. 149, 205. 256 Pleaaantville, Vol. Ill, fT) 199 Plymouth, Vol. i. (J I 808, 311 Poland, Vol. HI. 156 Ponlngoe, Vol. in. 835 (',...! .. }{\ 4J. 71. 632 GENERAL INDEX 76, 80, 109, 110, 116, 117, 118, 126, 137. 171, 172, 173, 190, 195 [See also Rye] Port Jervis, Vol. II, (H) 143 Pottersville, Vol. III. (T) 231 Poughkeepsie, Vol. I. (W) 181; Vol. Ill, (T) 140. 148, 149. 150. 151, 204, 206, 233, 245, 246, 256 Purchase, Vol. Ill, (T), 99 Purdys Station, Vol. Ill, (T) 196 Purling, Vol. I, (W), 205 Quaker Ridge. Vol. Ill, (T) 173 Randolph, Vol. I, (W) 139, 163 Rayville, Vol. Ill, (T) 156, 157, 160 Renssalaer, Vol. Ill, (T) 156 Renssalaerville, Vol. Ill, (T) 163 Rhinebeck [Rhynbeek], Vol. III. (T) 101, 205 Rhinecliff, Vol. III. (T) 150 Richmond, Vol. II, (R?) 376 Riders Mills, Vol. Ill, (T) 155 Rochester, Vol. I, (J) 309, 311; (W) 91, 177, 196. 212, 213. 224; Vol. II, (R) 333; Vol. Ill, (T) 87, 148, 156, 158, 166, 203, 214; (W?) 337 Rockdale, Vol. Ill, (T) 213 Rodman, Vol. I, (J) 310; Vol. Ill, (W) 341 Rome, Vol. I. (E) 294; Vol. Ill, (T) 231 Rose, Vol. I, (W) 72, 97, 98, 100, 129 Rosedale. Vol. Ill, (T) 115 Roslyn, Vol. Ill, (T) 247 Rossville. Vol. I. (W) 91, 121; Vol. Ill, (T) 180 Rush, Vol. III. (T) 74. 100 Rushford, Vol. II, (N) 365, 366, Rve, Vol.' II. (T) 37. 258; Vol. III. (T) 28, 40. 42. 46. 47. 48, 50, 55, 60, 62, 65. 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 80, 88, 91, 92. 93, 94. 95. 98. 99, 114, 115. 116. 127. 139, 141, 171, 196, 279, 287, 292, 295, 296, 335 Rye Neck, Vol. III. (T) 50 Sacket Harbor. Vol. I. (Ab) 316, 317; Vol. III. (Ab) 403 Salamanca, Vol. II. (R) 351 Salem. Vol. Ill, (T) 144. 249 ' Salina, Vol. I. (W) 91 Salt Point. Vol. Ill, (T) 255 Sandford, Vol. I. (W) 248. 249, 266 Sandy Hill. Vol. III. (T) 182 Saratoga. Vol. I, (A) 272. 287; Vol. Ill, (T) 155, 159; (W) 348 Saratoga Co.. Vol. II. (R) 264. 273; Vol. III. (S) 431 Sardinia, Vol. I, (W) 130 Saw Pits, TSaw Pit]. Vol. III. (T) 71, 109, 110, 116, 155 .Schaghticoke, Vol. Ill, (V) 425 Scarsdale, Vol. Ill, (T) 98, 102, 145 Schenectady, Vol. I, (W) 123, 156, 168, 177; Vol. II. (H) 124, 156; Vol. Ill, (T) 121, 177 Schuylersville, Vol. Ill, (T) 159 Scdpio, Vol. Ill, (T) 120 Sea Cliff, Vol. I, (W) 177 Seeley Creek, Vol. Ill, (T) 214 Seneca Palls, Vol. Ill, (T) 77, 111, 158 Setanket, L. I., Vol. Ill, (T) 201 Shady Side, Vol. Ill, (T) 171 Sharon Station, Vol. I, (E) 285, 288 Sherburne, Vol. I. (J) 300, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, 310; Vol. Ill, (J) 321, 322 Sherman, Vol. I, (A) 278, 279, Sherwood, Vol. Ill, (T) 24S Sherwoods Corners, Vol. Ill, (T) 186 Sidnev Center, Vol. Ill, (T) 209 Sing Sing, Vol. Ill, (T) 186. 242; (U) 424 Slaterv.ille Springs, Vol. I. (W) 227; Vol. Ill, (W) 351 Sloansville, Vol. II, (H) 251 Smithfleld, Vol. I, (W) 153 Smith town, Vol. HI, (T) 171 Smithville. Vol. HI, (T) 215 Smyrna, Vol. I, (J) 302, 305, 30«, 307, 308. 310. 311 Southampton. Vol. Ill, (T) 49 South Oxford, Vol. Ill, (T) 79, 107 Southold, L. I.. Vol. Ill, 63 South Point, Vol. III. (T) 214 South Salem. Vol. II. (R) 271; Vol. III. (H) 397; (T) 129. 186, 243 Spafford. Vol. I, (W) 119; Vol. II. (S) 371 Sparta, Vol. Ill, (U) 423 Spring Mills. Vol. III. (T) 264 Spuyten Duyvil, Vol. I, (W) 127 Staatsburgh, Vol. Ill, (T) 150. 206, 207 Stanford. Vol. HI. (T) 150. 161 Stanfordsville, Vol. III. (T) 205, 221 Staten Island, Vol. TIT. (T) 132, 240 Steamburg, Vol. I, (W) 104. 139. 162, 163, 164 Steuben Co., Vol. Ill, m 99 Stockbridge, Vol. II. (N) 369 Stockton. Vol. I, (A) 271, 276. 279, 285 Stormvilie, Vol. Ill, (T) 187 Syracuse. Vol. I, (J) 303; (W) 131, 206; Vol. III. (T) 121, 163, 177, 178, 233 I.\[«F.\ OF PLACES Mi Tap pan. Vol. III. (T) US Tarrytown. Vol. III. (T) 112, 167 Ticonderoga. Vol. I. (A) 271; (P) 343; (W) 67, 7ri. 209 Tompkins Co., Vol. Il, (R) 378 Towners, Vol. ITT. (T) 271 Troy, Vol. I. (W) 210; Vol. III. (T) 157 Truxton. Vol. I. (W) 203. 208. 209 Unadilla, Vol. III. (T) 209, 258 Union. Vol. II. (R) 320; Vol. III. (T) 216 T'nion City. Vol. T. (W) 215 T'nionville. Vol. III. (U) 423. ■424. 425 T'tica. Vol. II, (H) 240 Valatie, Vol. III. (T) 163 Vernon Center. Vol. I. (W) 147 Verona. Vol. I, (W) 147 Vestal. Vol. I. (A) 2 7s Victoria Mills, Vol. Ill, (T) 1S2 Victory, Vol. III. (T) 149 Villenova, Vol. I. (W) 104. 103, 140 Walton. Vol. III. m 258 Walworth, Vol. I, (W) 91. 120; (Wa) 312. 314: Vol. TT. (Wa) 375; Vol. III. (Wa) 426 Wapping- Falls. Vol. III. (T) 206 "U'arrensbnrg. Vol. I. (P) 346 Warsaw, Vol. TTI. CW) 352 Watkins. Vol. II. (H) 16fi Waverly. Vol. I. (W) 193, 220, 252; Vol. TIT, (T) 165 Wayne Co.. Vol. I. (Wa) 312. 313 Wellsbridsre. Vol. Ill, (T) 215. 216 Wellsville. Vol. III. (T) 153, 210, 214. 264 West Chemung. Vol. I. (A) 278 West Chenango. Vol. I. (A) 278 We.stchester. Vol. I, (G) 37."; Vol. Ill, (T) 49. 50 Westchester Co., Vol. TTI. (T) 25. 105; (U) 423 West Day. Vol. I. (Ab) 318 West Farms. Vol. TIT. (T) 131 Westfield. Vol. I. (W) 14 4; Vol III. (T> 198 Westford, Vol. T, (G» 381: (W) 205 West Frankfort. Vol. I. (W) 147 We.st Haverstraw, Vol. Ill, (T) 210 West Lebanon, Vol. III. (T) IBS, 156. 158 West Point. Vol. I. (W) 137 Whitehall. Vol. I, (P) 340, 357. White Plains. Vol. I. (W) LS2, 160; Vol. II, (T) 37: Vol. III. (T) 47. 59. 60. 61. 72. 73, 78. 85, 90, 96. 97. 98. 131. 171. 172, 188, 189, 191. 220, 244. 24"., 260, 501. 207; i\Vi 231. 267, 268, 347 Whitesboro. Vol. III. (T) 1 Whit.'stown, Vol. II. ill' Williamson, Vol. I. < w i 19 1 Winsor. VoL I. ( W i B6, 21 5 246 TbnkenB, Vol I, fP) 867; Vol 1 1 1 (T) 96, 142. 1 4::. 1 19, is ; 250 Yorktown. Vol. TTI. (T) 246 North Carolina, Lincolnton, VoL ill. 1T1 17; Goldsboro. Vol. I. (W) 157 Thomaaville, Vol. in. 1 Penn l Tarboro. Vol. III. 1 W> :;is North Dakota, , Vol. II. 331 Bnderlln, Vol. III. 1T1 226 Grand Fork, Vol. I. (W) 1*7 Oaks. Vol. III. (Ti 2 26 Mi not. Vol. III. (T) 229 Sanborn. Vol. 1. I W I 228 Upper Cannonball River. Vol. II. 363 Kova Scotia. See British America Ohio, . Vol. II. (R> ::31. Vol. III. 1II1 381, 412; (T) 84, -: 106. 124. 165. 177 A.ldison. Vol. III. (H) 377. ;; y •> Akron, Vol. I. (W) 398 Ashtabula. Vol. III. 886, 392, 404 Ohillicothe, Vol. j. < w) 209 Cincinnati. Vol. I. i .1 > 810; (P) 362, 363, 367; 1 W > 189, 241, 107, Vol. II. (H) 125, 160, 1.'. t. 155, 158. 160. 161. 162. is". 183 185. 191, 192, 193. 194, !!»•;. L97, 208. 21 2, 217. 218, 219, 220, 234 329; Vol. III. 1M1 26, 878 388. 40 1: iT) 282 Clark CO., Vol. II. (H) 231 : V"l III. 391. 397 Cleveland, VoL T. (r;> 881; CW) 206, 209 242, 81 400; Vol. II. (Hi 170, 217: Vol. III. (T) 159 Clvd.-, Vol. II. < Hi 312. 818, Columbus. Vol II. 1 II 1 208; Vol in, on 400; (T» 264 Conn. -ant. Vol I. 1 W 1 246; Vol II. (Hi 164, 200, 201 802 Covington, Vol in, iin 894 534 GENERAL INDEX Cygnet, Vol. I, (W) ISO Dayton. Vol. I, (P) 358, 364; Vol. II, (H) 125, 143. 176, 208. 210, 212, 229, 230, 232, 233, Vol. Ill, (H) 357, 377, 381, 382, 388, 394, 395, 398, 399. 400 Delaware, Vol. II, (Ph) 379 East Cleveland, Vol. I, (Ab) 318, 319 Euclid, Vol. I, (Ab) 318, 319 Fairfield, Vol. II, (H) 122, 150, 175, 176, 209, 210. 229; Vol. Ill, (H) 377, 386, 387, 389, 390, 391. 393, 394. 395, 398 Pitchville, Vol. III. (T) 123, 125 Port Washington, Vol. II, (H) 125 Postoria, Vol. II, (R) 392 Galion, Vol. Ill, (H) 397 Genoa, Vol. II, (R) 332 Glendale, Vol. II, (H) 192 Glenviille, Vol. I, (Aib) 318 Granville, Vol. I, (A) 286 Hamilton. Vol. Ill, (H) 385 Hamilton Co., Vol. II, (H) 153 Hanover Station. Vol. I. (W) 164 Harrison. Vol. II, (H) 195 Harrisonville, Vol. I. (W) 154 Hillgrove, Vol. II, 167; (T) 161, 162; Vol. Ill, (Penn) 327 Fleetville, Vol. II, (R) 348 Franklin, Vol. I. (W) 229 French Creek. Vol. n, (H) 136; Vol. Ill, (II) 3S0. 385 Fulton Co., Vol. Ill, (Penn) 326, 328 Germanto-wn, Vol. II. dl) 225; Vol. Ill, (T) 247 Gibson, Vol. I. (\V> 171 Girard, Vol. I, (A) 278, 284 Great Bend. Vol. I. (W) L86, 192, 193. 215. 216, 217. 24*. 251 Hallstead, Vol. I. (W) 216, 248 Hamilton, Vol. II, (R) 353 Harford, Vol. T. ( W I 86, 1 12, 118, 114. 115, 14 6, 14S. 14l». 150, 260 Harrisburg, Vol. I. <\Yi 280; vol. II, (R) 298 Herriek, Vol. II. (Hi 277, 2*7, 288. 297. 29K, -99. 300. ;;i7. ::22. 348 Huntington Co., Vol. III. (Penn) 326. 328. 33o Jackson, Vol. i, <\V) IM 21s 261, 252 Johnstown. Vol. II, (H) 222 Kizers. Vol. II. (Hi 299 UaceyviUe, Vol. ll, iRi 819 Lanesboro, Vol. 1. < \V ) 192 206 214, 215, 217. 818, 219, 22S. 246, 24*. 251, 252, 2C,.;; Vol. II. (R) 319, 347 Laceyville, Vol. II, iri 319 Lock Haven, Vol. III. iT> 2141 Mahanoy City, Vol. II, (R) r.i* MeKean. Vol. III. (Ti 162 McVeytOWn, Vol. Ill, (Penn) 324 Meadville, Vol. I. iWi 193 Miffln Co.. Vol. TIT. (Penn) 324 Mifflintown. Vol. III. (Penn) 26, 323, 325 Milford, Vol. T. (W) 198. 227 Montrose. Vol. 1. (W) 1**. 192 193, 197, 198. 199. 200. 201 202 203, 204. 20.".. 206. 207. 208 "09 210, 211, 214. 215, 227, 228', 229, 230, 231, 232, 238. 21". 246, :'."■*. 259, 260, 261 ; Vol. II. i Ri •.'!.*. 319. 322, 350 Morris, Vol. II. i H i ll:' Mount Jewitt. Vol. III. (T) 212 260, 2 72 Mount Jov. Vol. II. (in 282 Muncy, Vol. I. (W) 252, .:■>'. 266 New Milford, Vol. I. (W) 282 261 ; Vol. Ill, (T) 260, 272 North Bridgewater, Vol I. (W) 2 27 North East, Vol. III. iTi 260 272 North Jackson, Vol I. (W) 198, 2 1 * North Springfield, Vol. I. I \ > 284; Vol 111. 168 Northumberland, Vol. III. (Penn) 328 Oak urn. Vol. in, en 162 Petroleum Center, Vol. I. <\V> 261 Petrolia, Vol. I. i.\l jss Philadelphia, Vol. I. (P) 368; (W) 1 26, 189, L96, ! 243 246; Vol. II. (Hi ::::: ; Vol m. iiii ::7::. 413; en 94, 282; i Penn) 324. 327 Pittsburg, Vol, t, (W) 122, 128; Vol ii. . ii i 288; Vol in. (T) 266, 270; (Penn) 826, 227. 829, 330 • ... Vol, I. I \ i 278 I'!. ..v. nit Mount, Vol II. (R) 298. 316, 320, 321, 346, 361 636 GENERAL INDEX 183, 267; 320. (H) 162. 214 48 Pleasantville. Vol. I, (W) 105, 140, 398 Prompton, Vol. II. (R) 361 Providence, Vol. II. (R) 300 Ralston, Vol. II, (R) 351 Redstone, Vol. II, (H) 111 Roxborough, Vol. I, (W) 196. 223. 224 Sandford, Vol. I. (W) 216 Sayre. Vol. I, (W) 227, 259 Scranton, Vol. I, (W) 134. 205. 229, 238, 246, 266, Vol. II, (H) 170; (>R) 299, 348; Vol. Ill, (T) 213, 262 Sligo, Vol. Ill, (Penn) 329 South Bend, Vol. I, (W) 218 South Bethlehem, Vol. Ill, 373 Springfield. Vol. Ill, (T) 161, 163 Springville, Vol. I, (W) 192, Starlight, Vol. II, (R) 34S Susquehanna, Vol. I, (W) 246 Sweden. Vol. Ill, (T) 211. 214, 259, 261 Tamaqua, Vol. I. (W) 259 Thompson, Vol. I. (W) 251 Towanda, Vol. I, (W) 231, 232 Tunkhannock, Vol. I, (W) Tyler, Vol. Ill, (T) 261 Ulysses, Vol. Ill, (T) 218 Union City, Vol. I, (A) 27S, 288; (W) 193 Uniondale, Vol. I, (W) 266; II, (R) 316, 317. 353 Uniontown, Vol. III. (Penn) Valley Forge, Vol. I, (W) 2 Venango Co.. Vol. I. (W) 140 Warren, Vol. III. 164 Washington Co., Vol. I, (W) Vol. Ill, (H) 386. 391 Waterford. Vol. I, (A) 284; III, (T) 162 Wayne, Vol. I, (W) 215, 216, 248, 249 Wayne Tp.. Vol. I. CW) 215 Wilkesbarre, Vol. Ill, (T) 84 York Co., Vol. II. (H) 232 Zena. Vol. I, (A) 285 Persia, , Vol. I. (A) 275 Philippine Islands, San Miguel de Mayumo, (W) 350 Quebec. See British America Bhode Island, Barrington, Vol I, (W) 51, 66. 388 Bristol, Vol. I, (J) 299; (W) 34, 46, 47. 49. 64, 65, 67, 85, 245 Central Falls, Vol. I, (W) 92, 116, 122. 123 Columbia, Vol. Ill, (T) 165 Coventry, Vol. I. (J) 298, 304 Cumberland Hill, Vol. I. (W) 212 !l: >, 261 29 284, Vol. 324 204 ), 164 224: Vol. 247, Vol. III. (H) 91, 299; (J) (P) 176, 102, Cranston, Vol. I, (J) 298, (W) 67, 132, 439; Vol. III. 321 Foster, Vol. I* (J) 299, 300, 301, 302, 304 Little Compton. Vol. I (W) 91 Lonsdale, Vol. I, (W) 402 Newport. Vol. I, (J) 299; 365; (W) 45. 49, 155(?), 200, 233; Vol. II 120, 146, 147. 178 Pawtucket, Vol. I, 123, 396 Portsmouth, Vol. Vol. Ill, (T) 66 Vol. I. (G) 376; (J) (P) 341, 353, 358. 361; 69, 70, 88, 93, 94, 97, 123, 126, 127, 148, 164, 402; Vol. II, (H) 146. Ill, (W) 344, 349, 352 376; (J) 298. Vol. II, (H) (W) 71, 111, II, (H) 146; Providence, 298, 299; (W) 66, 118, 120, 204, 212, 177; Vol. Scituate, Vol. I, (G) 299. 300; (W) 73; 249; Vol. Ill, Smithfield, Vol. Warren, Vol. I, Warwick, Vol. Vol. Ill, (W) Westerley, Vol. (J) 352 II. (R) 287 (W) 407 I, (J) 299. 349 I, (G) 377 301; Woonsocket, Vol. I, (W) 212 Saint Thomas, Vol. I, (P) 362 Samoa, , Vol. I. (P) 366 Scotland, Aberdeen, Vol. Ill, 19 Auldbar. Vol. II. 24 Culwalogy, Vol. II, 20 Easter Ogill. Vol. II, 20 Forteviot. Vol. I, 11; Vol. II, 12 Glamis Castle, Vol. II, 14; Vol. III. 19 Glen Lyon, Vol. I, 11; Vol. II, 10, 12; Vol. III. 358 Haltown of Esse. Vol. II. 20 Jedburgh. Vol." I, (W) 223 Perthshire, Vol. I, 11; Vol. III. 19, 357 Portsmouth. Vol. III. 66 Roxburgh, Vol. Ill, 19 Stirling Castle. Vol. II. 22 Scrathmore, Vol. I, 11 South Africa, . Vol. I, (A) 276 South Carolina, . Vol. II, (H) 227; Vol. Ill, (T) 171 Beaufort, Vol. I, (G) 379; (W) 230 Greenville, Vol. II. (H) 192. 218, Homewood, Vol. I, (W) 118, 156 Maysville, Vol. II, (R) 327 INDEX OF PLACES :>J Potocaligo. Vol. I. Secessionville, Vol. (WI 230 I, i W> 23< 159. 40.I; Vol 11. >lli (T) (A) III III. (A) III. 227, 2 s ■_' (T) (T) (T) >8 228, 160, (W) 180, South Dakota, Anamoore. Vol. III. (T) 227 Brushie. Vol. Ill, (T) 256 Canton. Vol. II. (R) 351 Cheyenne Agency. Vol. Ill 256 Elk Point. Vol. I, (W) 26 Gary. Vol. III. Harrold. Vol. I, Hartford, Vol. Howard, Vol. 227 Hurley, Vol. I. Madison. Vol 226. 227 Menno. Vol. II (R) 351 Mitchell. Vol. II, (R) 350 Oldham, Vol. Ill, (T) 224 Scotland. Vol. II, (R) 344 Sioux Falls. Vol. II. (R) 328 Watertown, Vol. II. (R) 355. Wentworth. Vol. III. (T) 227 Yankton. Vol. III. 226 Spain, San Sebastian. Vol. I, (A) 276 Tennessee, . Vol. III. (T) 92. 219 Chattanooga. Vol. I, (W) 170. 216. 248. 249. 265 Hill City. Vol. I. (W) 216. 24 Lewis Co., Vol. Ill, (T) 234 Maryville College, Vol. Ill 235 Nashville. Texas, (T) 227 226, 262 224 363 193. is (T) Vol. I, (A) 279 Vol. Ill, (H) 391. 395, !1S 276: (W) (T) 114 Austin. Vol. ITT. (U) 394 El Paso, Vol. I. (W) 281 Galveston, Vol. I. fW) 154 San Antonio. Vol. IT. (R) Turkey, Beirut. Vol. I. (W) 231 Bitlis. Vol. I, (A) 276 Enpeh, Vol. I. (W) 231 Marsovan. Vol. I. (A) 147, 171. 172 Sidon, Vol. I <\V) Smyrna, Vol. Ill, Tripoli, Vol. I, (W Urag-nay, 1 , Vol. r. (P) 365 Vermont, . Vol. HI. (Or) 427 Albany, Vol. I, (W) 118 Barnard. Vol. I. (W) L56 Bennington. Vol. I, (A) 270; 347. 357. 410; (W» 207; Vol (H) 38' ') 260 (R) 340 Brandon. Vol. (P) n, IIM 280 (W) 346. 2 14. 221, st. 156; i W) 349 I. (W) 89, 118. ill. ( W) 850 ( \V) 74 I. (W) 65. 8S. 164, 155, 156, ( W) 25, 4i' 7 (W) 117 I. (M) 286; (H) 89. 175, I P) 115 99. 130. 120 Brattleboro, Vol. I. (W) 192, r."7, 198, 245, 258 Bristol, Vol. I. i A . Burlington, Vol. 1. Vol. II (R?) 874, Charleston, Vol. III. Charlotte, Vol. 156, 177; Vol. Chester, Vol. I, Craftsbury, Vol. 117, 118, 153, 176; Vol. III. Danville. Vol. I, Falrhaven, Vol. 410; (W) 245; Vol. II. Glover. Vol. I, (W) 117 Cr.uid Isle, Vol. 1. (W) M Groton, Vol. I. (W) 14 3. 14 4. Guilford, Vol. I, < W i 226 Halifax. Vol. I. (W) 226, 264 Hartford, Vol. I. (A 408 (\V) 53, 7 7 I, (W) 44, 71 I. iW) 118 III. (\V> 340 180 I. (W> 154 I. (J) 305 (P) 317. 357 I. (P.) 351, 35- 353 Pittsford. Vol. Pollet, Vol. I. Pomfret, Vol. Poultney, Vol. Randolph. Vol. . I. (Wi 130 (W) 221, 253 I. (W) 59. 84. I. (P) 357; (W) 72, Reading. Vol. I. (W) 49 Rutland. Vol. I. (P) 348, 357 St. Johnshury. Vol. I. (W> 84 Salem. Vol. I, (W) 64 Shelhurne, Vol. I (W) 84. 39S Vol. IT. (R?> 374. 876 Shoreham. Vol. I. (W) 400 Shrewsbury, Vol Somerset. Vol. I South Hero. Vol 89 Springfield. Vol. Stockbrddge, Vol Swanton. Vol. I. Tinmouth. Vol. I Troy, Vol in. | w> 354 Vergrennes, Vol. I. I \ I Vernon, Vol. I. I W. -jl-o WVUMngford, Vol II, I N West Perrlaburs;, Vol I (A) Whiting, Vol I. (W) 198 Whlttinrham, Vol I (W) 257, 287 I. (Wl 4 9 III. (Q?) i\Vi 86 i W) 99 12* 219 638 GKNEKAL INDEX Williston, Vol. I, (W) 156 Winsor, Vol. I. (W) 241 Woodford. Vol. I, (P) 340, J4 7, 357 Woodstock. Vol. I, (W) 44 Tir?iaia, , Vol. II, (H) 104, 112 Bull Run, Vol. I, (W) 228, 230 Chancellorsville, Vol. I, (P) 361; ( W ) 228 230 Cold Harbor, Vol. I, (W) 228 Fredericksburg, Vol. I, (W) 119, 198 228 230 Gaines "Mihr Vol. I, (W) 215 Harrison Co., Vol. II, (H) 176; Vol. in, (H) 386 Herndon. Vol. I, (W) 147 Lisbon, Vol. I, (W) 210 Libbv Prison. Vol. I. (P) 360; (W) 157 Norfolk, Vol. I, (W) 125; Vol. HI, (Penn) 325 Northampton Co., Vol. III. (Penn) 325 Petersburg, Vol. I. (G) 377; (WJ 123, 135, 19S, 228, 229, 230. 260; Vol. III. (T) 184 Richmond, Vol. I. (W) 198, 228. 229. 260; Vol. II. (H) 164. 200; Vol. Ill, (T) 139; (Penn) 326 Rockbridge Co., Vol. Ill, (H) 390 Somerset, Vol. I. (W) 267 Spottsylvania, Vol. I, (W) 230 Wood Co.. Vol. I, (W) 212 Winchester, Vol. I, (W) 126 Washing-ton, Amboy. Vol. III. (W) 349 Deep Creek, Vol. II. (R) 312 Everett, Vol. I. (W) 127 Hatton, Vol. I. (T) 226 La Center, Vol. I, (W) 193, 216; Vol. Ill, (W) 349 Lopez, Vol. I, (W) 208 Seattle. Vol. HI. (H) 392; (T) 169 Sedro-Woolev. Vol. I, (W) 155 Spokane, Vol. III. (T) 193, 253, 271 Tacoma. Vol. I, (W) 229, 259; Vol. II, (R) 322 "West "Virginia, Vol. II, (R) 2SS. 321 Big Isaac, Vol. IT. (R) 296. 346 Broad River, Vol. II, (R) 34 7 Clarksburg, Vol. I, (A) 2S0 M.organton. Vol. I. (A) 271. 273, 279, 286 Quiet Dell, Vol. II. (R) 353 Fniondale, Vol. II, (R) 296 Wolf Creek, Vol. I. (A) 287 Wisconsin, Appleton. Vol. I, (W) 105 Avoca, Vol. IT. (R) 319. 250 Beloit, Vol. I. (W) 151; Vol. Ill, (T) 164 Black River Falls, Vol. I, (A) 283 Brodhead, Vol. I, (A) 283 Burlington, Vol. Ill, (T) 160, 222. 223, 224, 225, 231 Cazenovia, Vol. Ill, (T) 227 Clintonville, Vol. II, (R) 369 Darien, Vol. I, (W) 14 8, 149, 150, 171, 173 Delevan, Vol. Ill, (T) 225 Dotyville, Vol. I. (W) 400 East Troy. Vol. I. (W) 239 Elkhorn, Vol. I. (W) 114,115,148, 149, 173; Vol. Ill, (T) 223 Evansville. Vol. I. (A) 2S3 Fond du Lac, Vol. I, (W) 400; Vol. II. (R) 323, 353. 354 Fond du Lac Co.. Vol. Ill, (S) 431 Forest, Vol. I, (W) 400 Geneva, Vol. Ill, (T) 223 Gravesville, Vol. I. (W) 207 Green Bay, Vol. I, (J) 304, 308 Greenfield, Vol. I, (W) 262 Hixton, Vol. Ill, (W) 349 Hurley. Vol. HI. (T) 266 Tola, Vol. I, (J) 307 Janesville. Vol. Ill, (T) 158 Kenosha, Vol. III. (T) 161. 164 La Crosse, Vol. Ill, (T) 225 Lancaster, Vol. II, (H) 160. 193 Little Prairie. Vol. I, (W) 240 Lodi. Vol. Ill, (T) 129 Lyons, Vol. Ill, (T) 76, 107, 108, 160. 161, 163, 164, 222. 223, 224, 225. 226. 227, 228, 229. 230, 234 Madison, Vol. I. (A) 283: (W) 229, 259; Vol. II. (R) 351; Vol. Ill, (T) 225 Marquette, Vol. Ill, (T) 161, 227, 228 Martell, Vol. I, 239 Merrillan, Vol. HI, (S) 432 Milwaukee, Vol. I, (G) 379; (W) 130, 159, 195. 239, 264; Vol. II. (R) 327; Vol. III. (T) 110, 232 Mineral Point. Vol. I. (W) 236 Monroe. Vol. I, (A) 283; Vol. ITT, (T) 162 Montfort, Vol. II, (R) 350 Mukwanago, Vol. I, (W) 239 Muscoda. Vol. II, (R) 319 New London. Vol. T, (J) 300, 303, 304. 307, 30S: Vol. II. (R) 366 Oconomowoc. Vol. II, (R) 357 Oshkosh, Vol. HI. (T) 227 Pulaski, Vol. II, (R) 298. 319, 350, 351 Racine. Vol. I, (W) 114, 115; Vol. Ill, (T) 223, 224. 266 Raymond twp.. Vol. T, (W) 204 Rhinelander. Vol. HI, (T) 157 Ripon. Vol. HI. (S) 431. 432: (T) 227 INDEX OF PLACh- J; ,,. Bout* Milwaukee. 'vS! gj **.., /,'„<,/,. ~.r.A~../ ? ^ 4. 6 ^