I ill WimiiUri THE T ASHLAND SANDWICH HOLDERNESS CAMPION 1 9 S Mommeaimsssii' diss F V¥ THE TOWN REGISTER ASHLAND PLYMOUTH SANDWICH CAMPION HOLDERNESS CENTER HARBOR MOULTONBORO 1 9 O 8 Augusta, Mainp:: Published by The Mitchell Cony Co., Inc. 1908 It. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH Primitive Ocrupants 9 Descriptive Information 10 Early Grants and Settlements 11 Early Settlement 13 The Town 15 Town Officers 16 Pointers Pertaining to Plymouth 17 Military Affairs 20 Churches 24 Professional Men 28 Industries 29 Educational 32 Societies 35 The County Buildings 36 HISTORY OF ASHLAND Descriptive 38 Town and Town Officers 40 Churches 43 Educational "^5 Ascertained at Ashland 46 Professional Men 47 Societies 47 Military Account 48 Industrial Account 49 HISTORY OF HOLDERNESS General Description 51 Early Grants and History 52 Pleasure Trips from Holderness . 57 Hints and Happenings at Holderness 58 Town Officers 59 Educational 61 Military Affairs 63 Societies 63 Church History 64 HISTORY OF CAMPTON Description 66 Early Settlement 67 Church History 69 Educational 70 Campton Town Officials 71 Military Affairs 72 Doctors of the Town 74 Facts of Interest 75 Industries 75 Centennial Celebration 76 HISTORY OF CENTER HARBOR Descriptive 81 Early History 82 Town Officers 86 Early Petitions and Documents 88 Military Account 90 HISTORY OF SANDWICH Description 91 The Town 92 Professional Men 94 Scraps Secured at Sandwich 95 Earlv Town Meetings 96 Early Church History 97 Town Officers 99 Military Account 101 HISTORY OF MOULTONBORO Description 102 General Account 103 Church History 105 Statistics 106 Educational lOG Town Officers 106 Military Account 107 PART II ASHLAND CENSUS 1 MOULTONBORO CENSUS 27 SANDWICH CENSUS 49 PLYMOUTH CENSUS 76 CAMPTON CENSUS , 115 UOLDERNESS CENSUS 134 CENTER HARBOR CENSUS 148 ESTABLISHED BY MOOR RUSSELL, 1798 WEBSTER, RUSSELL & CO. MERCHANTS PLYMOUTH NEW HAMPSHIRE M. A. BATCHELDER Clothing and Men's Furnishings Boots and Shoes. LaFrauce and Walk-Over Shoes for Women F'ox Block Plymouth, N, H, £. C. CHASE, M. D. OflBce Hours, 1 to 3 and 7 to 9 p. m. BOTH PHONES PLYMOUTH NEW HAMPSHIRE Histonv of Plymoutb PRIMITIVE OCCUPANTS The story of the aboriginal occupaocy of the territory embraced in this work is like all such accounts, anything but proved; yet the ancient stories handed down from genera- tion to generation and the finding of various Indian relics from time to time have given some accuracy to the ac- counts. It is said that the Indians living in this territory were very nomadic in their habits. The name Nipmuck was given to the tribes living in these regions, the name meaning "dwellers by fresh water." The individual tribes took names, as a rule, from the lake, river, or mountain, near which they happened to be camping. Thus we find the Pemigewassett for the river by that name. The Squamscotts for the river and lake Squara. It is ascertained by the finding of relics that the vicinity of Plymouth was a favorite camping ground for Indian tribes, as was the vicinity of Holderness, Ashland and prob- ably the other towns embraced in this book. It seems as though some of the tribes in this vicinity were somewhat friendly to the early settlers. Tradition says, but for an Indian and his strategem, Lieut. Thomas Baker and his party of explorers would have been entirely 10 PLYMOUTH obliterated and massacred at the junction of the Baker and Pemigewassett rivers in what is now Plymouth or in the near vicinity. This was probably in the year 1712 or 13. During the early settlement of this region it is said the families were kept in constant anxiety because of attacks from the French and their Indian allies coming down from Canada. DESCRIPTIVE INFORMATION Plymouth, one of the shire towns of Grafton County, in New Hampshire, is situated upon the west bank of the Pemigewassett River, which divides the town from Holder- ness and Ashland. On the north is Campton, on the south Bridgewater and Hebron, on the west Groton and Ilumney. Plymouth is accessible to the outside world by the Bos- ton and Maine R. R., the White Mountain division connect- ing points to the north andsouth, as far as Groveton north, and Boston and New York by the Montreal express, south. The Pemigewassett Valley Branch connects with Compton, Woodstock, etc., as far as Lincoln, a distance of twenty-two miles. Well may this be termed "The Gatewaj^ to the Moun- tains," as through here tourists approach Mt. Washington, and can also go direct to Montreal from Boston and New York in well equipped and rapid express trains. HISTORICAL 11 The village is seated on terraces rising from the valley of the Pemigewassett to beautiful plateaus above. The church spires, symbols of God's great goodness; the thrifty and well kept farms and their buildings, and the many resi- dences and business houses as seen from the neighboring hills, show the peace, contentment, and industry of a law abiding community. This beautiful picture has for its setting a pleasing va- riety of meadow and hill, river and pond. Its people are intelligent and well read. The educational facilities are ex- cellent, there being a fine High School and the State Nor- mal School located here. Three flourishing churches, a pub- lic library, and various societies, etc., for improving the in- dividual and the town. EARLY GRANTS AND SETTLEMENT Plymouth was originally granted by Governor Penning Wentworth July 15, 17G3, to the following grantees: *Stephen Ames, JTheodore Atkinson, ^Theodore Atkin- son, Jr., Moseph Blanchard, *Elnat.han Blood, *E]nathan Blood, Jr., *tJohn Brown, *tJosiah Brown, *James Cowan *Ebenezer Cummings, *tJotham Cummings, *Samuel Cum- miugs, Esq., *Samuel Cummings, *William Cummings, Thomas Davis, *David Emerson, Jr., Nathaniel Garfield, *Samuel Goodhue, Samuel Hale, *Ebenezer Hartshorne, John Harvell, Jacob Hildreth, *tDavid Hobart, *tGersham 12 PLYMOUTH Hobart, *tJame8 Hobart, *John Hobart, *Jonathaii Hobart, *Peter Hobart, *Jonathan Johnson, *Abner Kejes, Jonas Kejes, *01iver Lawrence, Phineas Lund, Thomas McCluer, William McCluer, Onisephorus Marsh, Moses Mer- rill, Thomas Merrill, James Nabor, * William Nevius, William Nuttin*?, JMatthew Patten, *Benjamin Parker, Oliver Parker, *tZachariah Parker, *Riehard Pierce, *John Phelps, Amos Phillips, *Francis Powers, *tNahum Powers, *Stephen Powers, *William Read, $Col. Joseph Smith, $William Tem- ple, Esq., Samuel Thompson, $James Underwood, Joseph Warner, *Meshech Weare, *tAbel Webster, JBenning Went- worth, *John Willoby, *tJohn Willoby, Jr., David Wright. Many changes have been made in the town's original area. As early as 1780, troubles had arisen in this and other towns relative to charter bounds, and on the 27th of October of that year, the Legislature appointed acommittee to settle the question. They reported as follows: "Beginning at a pine tree on the western bank of the Peraigewassett river, opposite Holderness Corner, where the line of Campton crosses the river, thence on Campton line south 86° west about five miles, to a hemlock tree, the northeast corner of Cockermouth; thence south 30° west five miles, one half mile and forty rods, to a beech tree; thence south 37° west five miles and two hundred and eighty five rods, to a beech tree on Grafton line; thence south 65° east two hundred and sixty rods to a beech tree standing on the curve line; thence following the curve line about twelve *Re8ident8 of Hollis. tBecame actual settlers. tMembera of the Gov- ernor's Council. HISTORICAL 13 miles and a half mile to a white oake tree standing on the bank of Pemigewassett river, and thence by said river to the bound began at." These bounds took from the northern part of the town a track of land which the inhabitants of the town considered belonged to them, and petitioned the Legislature to have it restored which was done by an act passed June 21, 1793. This act also annexed to Plymouth some lots of land belong- ing to Nathaniel Peabody known as "the Everett farm and the Withey lot." By an act passed June 15, 1792, the southwest portion of the town was set off to form, with a portion of Cochermouth (now Groton), the new town of Hebron. Finally June 26, 1845, some lots were servered from the northwest corner of Hebron and annexed to Ply- mouth, while its area was still further enlarged by the annexation of a portion of Campton, June 27, 1860, so that it now has an area of 16,256 acres, about 10,500 of which is improved land. EARLY SETTLEMENT In November 1762, a party of eight explorers came up from Hollis to cut a path and select a place for settlement. These men were: Elnathan Blood, Josiah Brown, Jotham Cummings, Col. David Hobart, Zachariah Parker, David Webster, John Willoughby and his son, afterwards "Elder" Willoughby. The natural facilities attracted them to this 14 PLYMOUTH place. Returning to Hollis, they procured the charter of Plymouth July 15, 1763. Eight men were employed here through the summer of 17G8, and others the last part of the year, in preparing to receive their families. A part of these men spent the winter in the town. During the spring of 1764, the first families arrived. The testimony is conflicting as to the order of their coming; but Abel Webster, John Willoughby, Jr., Silas Brown and others were certainly here in June; James Hobart and Zach- ariah Parker, probably, and perhaps David Webster and Josiah Brown. Before the year ended Jotham Cummings, Jan)e8 Blod- gett, Samuel Dearborn, Ephraim Weston and Stephen Webster with their families had arrived all from Hollis, except Weston, Dearborn and Stephen Webster who were from Chester. So many families were ready to go to the new colony in the spring of 1765, that the proprietors voted to hold their next meeting in Plymouth, this they did on July 17, 1766, at Stephen Webster's. In 1767, the census was taken, there were 227 inhabi- tants in the town. In 1774, the population was 345. The first English child born in town was Lydia Webster, daughter of Stephen and Lydia. Webster; the date of her birth was April, 1765. Josiah Hobart was the first male child. HISTORICAL 15 THE TOWN The proprietors or early grantees haviug built the first roads, settled a minister and got the town started, found in 1766 that the population was large enough to become a self-supporting town. On July 17 of that year the first town meeting was held at the home of Stephen Webster, and the affairs taken over by the town. The following town oflieers were elected: Moderator, Stephen Webster; town clerk, Stephen Web- ster; selectmen, Stephen Webster, Lieut. Winthrop Wells, John W^illoughby; counstable, David Webster; auditors, Ebenezer Hartshorn, Abel Webster; sealer of weights and measures, Gershom Hobart; surveyors of Highways, Eben- ezer Hartshorn, Cai)t. Ephraim Wesson; fence Viewers, Ger- shom Hobart, Zachariah Parker; deer reeves, Jotham Cum- mings, Silas Brown; tythingmen, Capt. David Hobart, James Hobart; hog reeves, Abner Keyes, Stephen Webster Jr. At this meeting no important business was transacted but a second meeting followed on Oct. 16, 1766, at the house of James Hobart. Capt. David Hobart chosen mod- erator. The town voted "to raise two pounds and ten shil- lings in money for the town's use for the present year." At this meeting the town formally agreed to assume the con- tract made by the proprietors for the support of Rev. Nathan Ward. 16 PLYMOUTH TOWN OFFICERS SELECTMEN 1885— Plumraer Fox, Araasa Avery, George P. Cook. 1886— Plummer Fox, Amasa W. Avery, Geo. P. Cook. 1887— Amasa W. Avery, Henry S. George, Charles W. Geo roe. 1888— Amasa W. Avery, Geo. P. Cook, James A. Penniman 1889— Andrew J. McClure, Charles W. George, Henry W. Rogers. 1890— Andrew J. McClure, Charles W. George, David W. Gibson. 1891— Charles W. George, Obediah G. Smith, Fred S. Rowe. 1892-3— Frank H. Rollins, Charles W. Nelson, William H. Adams. 1894-5 — James K. Pierce. Francis F. Blake, Jason Clark. 1896-7— John Mason, Charles VV. George, Dean S. Currier. 1898— Amasa W. Avery, Dean S. Currier, Charles J. Gould. 1899— Charles J. Gould, Henry H. Whittemore, Francis F. Blake. 1900— Charles J. Gould, Henry H. Whittemore, Henry C. Currier. 1901— Plummer Fox, Henry H. Whittemore, Fred A. At- wood. 1902— James N. McCoy, Heber W. Hull, Orrin W. Fletcher. 1903— Plummer Fox, Heber W. Hull, Charles W. George. 1904— Heber W. Hull, Charles W. George, William J. Ran- dolph, HISTORICAL 17 1905— Charles W. George, Edward A. Chase, Henry W. Rogers. 1906-7— Edward A. Chase, Henry W. Rogers, Francis F. Blake. 1908— Heory W. Rogers, Francis F. Blake, Edward H. San- born. TOWN CLERKS Note — The date preceeding their name is date of first election, 1885, Epes J. Calley; 1886, Libbeus E. Hay ward; 1889, Daniel P. Donovan; 1891, Perley S. Currier; 1892, David H. Halleubeck; 1891, Moses A. Batchelder; 1895, William F. Adams; 1897, Charles C. Wright; 1899, Isadore N. Lunder- ville; 1900, Moses A. Batchelder; 1908, Wm. A. Kimball. TOWN TREASURERS 1885, Joseph M. Howe; 1886, Charles J. Gould; 1887-94, Hiram Clark; 1895-7, Frank C. Calley; 1898, David H. Hallenbeck; 1899-1901, Edward A. Chase; 1902-5, William A. Kimball; 1806, Geo. B. Blood; 1907, Sam'l W. Slye (de- ceased, term finished from July by Frank C. Colley); 1908, Frank C. Callev. POINTERS PERTAINING TO PLYMOUTH Daniel Webster in 1806 made his first criminal plea in the old Court House, now Public Library. 18 PLYMOUTH NathaDiel Hawthorne died in 1864, in one of the rooms of the old Pemigewassett House. A post route was established through the town June 27, 1781, John Balch appointed post rider. First Post Office in Plymouth 1791, established by the state. Dr. John Rogers was first post master, and only one ever appointed by state for Plymouth. United States took control of Plymouth Post Office in 1795. Post Office was moved into Kidders' Block, its present location, in 1887. Post Office at West Plymouth in 1830, discontinued in 1900. Present post master Chas. C. Wright. Asst. Edson M. Barker, and two clerks. Gross receipts year ending Mar. 31, 1908, over |10,600. Average pieces handled 2,500 daily, first class about 8,000. Second class about 1,200. Remainder divided be- tween third and fourth. Number of mails, week days, eleven out and same num- ber in. Sundays, two out and two in. Between 4,000 and 4,500 people reached by this Post Office and its five rural free delivery routes, located as fol- lows: Route No 1, about 20j^ miles, takes in old West Ply- mouth. Route No 2, about 21 miles, takes in Bridgewater Hill. Route No. 3, about 22 miles, takes in Old Campton Post Office and Easton Corner. Route No. 4, between 22 and 23 miles, covers North Holderness. HISTORICAL 19 Route No. 5, 24 miles throuoh West Campton and Camp- ton Bog so called. Town has two Hospitals, both on Highland street. The Balch Cottage Hospital and Dr. Ernest Bell's Sanitarium. Town has good service in both local and long distance telephones. The Western Union also has station here. Streets are lighted by electricity furnished from the plant of The Plymouth Electric Light Company. Town has a well shaded park located in square formed by Highland street and Main street, in front of Court House. Town is supplied by excellent spring water from the hills by the Plymouth Aqueduct and Water Company, this with an excellent system of hose houses and^companies furnishs protection in time of fire. CHURCH MEMBERS Congregational, 143; Y. P. S.C.E., 40; Sunday School, 100; and home dept. 100. Methodist, 211; Epworth League, 35; Sunday School, 105. Universalist not given. Baptist, see Holderness. The real estate valuation of the town is: Resident, 1845,652; non resident, |14,908. Number of polls, GIG. Population in 1900, 1,972. Estimated present population, 2,300. 20 PLYMOUTH MILITARY AFFAIRS The town of Plymouth almost without exception was patriotic, perhaps to the extreme, durinp; those early days of conflict for independence and freedom of tlioiight. Later in the conflict to decide the unity of the nation, founded upon the sacrifice and bloodshed of those early pioneers, the descendants of many an earlier vetran did his part nobly. Af^ain in '98 the call of the Nation did not pass unheeded by the sons of Plymouth. Through all this account militant there appears no blemish; the records are such as should arouse the pride of any town. THE REVOLUTION 1775— This year in Plymouth, as in nearly all the early settlements, was a year of preparation. A committee of safety composed of Samuel Emerson, Thomas Lucas, James Harvel, Benjamin (Jould, David Ilobart, Jotham Cum- mings, David Webster, John Willoughby and Elisha Bean was chosen. Abel Webster represented Plymouth, Campton and Rumney at the provincial congress. Aug. 24, 1775, David Hobart was commissioned colonel and David W^ebster Lieut, Col. of the eleventh regiment com- prising Plymouth, Holderness, Campton, Thornton, Rum- ney, Cockermouth, Alexandria and New Chester. Natliiim Powers and William Nevius were the first men of Pl.vinoiith to enlist. Other men to enlist this year for varying periods were: Thomas McClure, Joseph Smith and Joseph Davis in Col. Stark's Reg't., Jotham Cummings, 2ud HISTORICAL 21 Lieut.; William Greenoup;h, drummer; Silas Brown, Samuel Drew, Hugh Rauisaj, Zebediah RichardHon, Samuel Wallace, James Whitinf;' in Capt. Thornton'H Company and Samuel Ambrose company of Capt. Noah Worcester. 1776— Many reenlistraents and new recruits were made this year, among them being: Amos Webster, Ensign; Paul Wellsand William Tarlton, Serg'ts.; Edward Evans, Nathan- iel Webster, Ebenezer Blodgett, Thomas Lucas, Ezekiel Keyes, Stephen Keyes, David Neviiis, David Nevins, Jr., Nehemiah Snow, Nahum Powers, James Barnes, Joseph Hobart and Jeremiah Blodgett in the company of Capt. Edward Everett of Rumuey. John Calef in Capt. Young's company. In the company of Capt. Jeremiah Earaes of Northum- berland: Zachariah Parker, Lieut.; Dr. Abijah Wright, Sam- uel Marsh, James Whiting, David Cunningham, John Wil- loughby and Edward Taylor. John Phillips in Capt. Thomas Simpson's company. Abel Webster, Amos Thompson, Nehennah Hardy, Daniel Wheeler and David Durkee in company of Capt. John House of Hanover. Henry Snow and Ebenezer Keyes in Reg't. of Col. David Gilman of Pembroke. During this year Ebenezer Blodgett and Jereujiah Blodgett died of camp fever. 1777 — A good many of the names following are reeulist- ments and some of them enlisted more than once during the year. At the battle of Bennington, Solomon Hobart was killed. Among those serving from Plymouth this year were 22 PLYMOUTH Paul Wells, James Barnes, Elijah Lucas, Samuel Hull, Nathaniel Hull, Silas Brown, Joseph Hobart, John Phillips, Abel Webster, Jr., Edward Evans, Benjamin Phillips, David Nevins, Sr., Henry Snow, Josiah Willoughby, Joseph Smith, Peter Stearns, Ser^'t.; Benjamin Wells, Corporal; Josiah Brown, Jr., Michael Dearborn, Solomon Hobart, Francis Worcester, Jr., Daniel Clough Webster, Samuel Marsh, Ezekiel Keyes, George Patterson, Nehemiah Snow, James Blodgett, John Willoughby, Jr., and Zebadiah Richardson. 1778-83— During this period very few if any new enlist- ments occured, aud the time wac mostly devoted by the cit- izens of Plymouth in over coming the effects of the preceed- ing years of conflict. V/AR OF 1812 Plymouth's quota of men was small, but she did her part by sending the quota desired. The names given from Plymouth were: Humphrey Web- ster, John L. Bobbins, Isaac Chamberlain, Corporal; Asa Bobbins, David Alls, Ira Morse, Jonathan Hall, Joseph Chamberlain, Jonas Keyes, Reuben Draper, Thomas Robie, Serg't.; Laban Keyes, John Fuller, Jonathan Dearborn, Peter Draper. There were others who had lived here or came here to live later; among these were: Walter Mel vin, James Pebbles, David Burleigh, Benjamin Glover, Daniel Sanborn and Deacon Simeon Sanborn. It is impossible to enter more fully upon this period without encroaching upon State or National history. HISTORICAL 23 CIVIL WAR The people of Plymouth took an active part in the years of bloodshed known as the War of Rebellion. This active part is by no means confined to the male population of the town, but was shared by the sturdy and patriotic mothers, wives, sweethearts and sisters of those at the front in response to their Nation's call. The appended list is a partial one of those men born in Plymouth who marched away for their country and in many cases perhaps never to return. We should like to publish a complete list of those who have lived here either before or since the war and are natives of other towns, but space forbids. Edgar A. Adams, Geo. H. Batchelder, Carlos E. Batch- elder, Timothy E. Bayley, Leonard P. Benton, Webster P. Blodgett, Alvin Burleigh, Arthur W. Butler, Leonard Camp- bell, Anthony Cilley, Danford Cook, Cyrus R. Corliss, George VV. Craig, Oliver T. Craig, George H. Cnmmings, William H. Cummings, Galen Eastman, Geo. W. Ellis, John B. Emerson, Geo. W. Farnum, Hiram B. Furnum, Alvah C. Ferrin, Edward P. Flanders, Asa P. French, Chas. Henry French, Daniel Eaton George, Frank H. George, Samuel W. George, David Glynn, Frank C. Green, Henry B. Green, William F. Hanuaford, Samuel T. Hanscom, Henry R. Harvey, Addison W. Heath, Leroy S, Heath, Oscar P. Heath, Warren Cyrus Heath, Gilmore Mcl-i. Houston, William L. Houston, Robert Huckins, Lorenzo B. Hull, Luther L. Libby, Chas. A. Love- joy, Henry H. McQuesteu, Levi W. Merrill, Oscar F. Merrill, 24 PLYMOUTH Rockwood G. Merrill, Geo. K. Mitchell, James C. Nelson, Joseph B. Nelson, Theodore V. Nutting, Justus B. PeoDi- man, Hiram C. Philbrick, Christopher C. Pike, William J. Robie, Nathaniel P. Rogers, James S. Ryan, Oliver M. Sawyer, Daniel J. Spinney, Chas. E. Stearns, Richard G. Stearns, Daniel D. Straw, Ralph W. Straw, John L. Thomp- son, Frank J. Thurston, James Otis Ward, Simon M. Web- ber, Eldridge E. Webster, Henry Webster, William B. Welch and William H. Wheeler, WAR WITH SPAIN Plymouth according to her custom responded to the call of the Country and sent some of her sons to do or die in the Country's cause. Among these were: Capt. Frank W. Russell, promoted to Major; Robert Burns, Rank Major, Surgeon of the Regiment. Geo. H. Colby, 1st Lieut., Captain and Paymaster in State service. William Wallace Russell, Trumpeter; John Z. Goodwin and Anthony K. Hanson in Company H. Alvah C. Cousins, Artificer; Alvin P. Burleigh, George A. Corliss, Harry F. Dearborn, Perley F. Morton, William A. Scales in Company K. Arthur Gault served in Company C. CHURCHES. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH The date of the beginning of this church upon its life of activity is incidental to that of the early history of the HISTORICAL 25 town. About April IG, 17G4, the town '-voted to bire Mr. Nathan Ward to preach four days in the township aforesaid this spring;," The article in the warrant for the meeting read:— "To see what meathod the Proprietors will Take about Settleiug a minister at Plymouth and Likewise to see if they will be at the Cost of Hiring sum Preaching there the year ineuing and also to Raise money if there is need to Defray the charge, and to actt and do away other things which may then be thought proper by the Proprietors." The subjects probably of the first two discourses Mr. Ward preached in Plymouth, and doubtless the earliest ser- mons ever given in this town were, Isaiah I, 19: "If ye bo willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land," and Luke XV, 24: "For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost and is found. And they began to be merry." The date on which these sermons were delivered is supposed to be about Sunda}^, May 19, 1764. This church is the oldest in Grafton County. For some time the Proprietors carried on the affairs of the church, then the town took up the duties and carried them out until 1780, when fifteen of the tax payers were exempted from paying to support a minister not of their faith. This division dfd not by any means sever the good feel- ings of the towns people and the friendships continued as they should, among the disagreeing parties. The first meeting house was built at the foot of Wai d Hill. This was probably about 17G8, and was used twenty years. 26 PLYMOUTH Work on the second house of worship began in 1787, and the last of this year the first was burned, and for a time services were held in a spacious barn of King George, on RumneyRoad. The second church was finished the last of the year 1788. Its location was on the lot west of the pres- ent school house on Ward Hill. In 1827 a belfry was added and a bell placed therein. This second edifice was used jointly by the church and town until 1836. At this time the church society decided they needed a larger and more pretentious house for Divine worship. During that year (1S3G), the present church home was constructed, and from time to time goodly sums of money have been expended in repairs and improvements, until today the society owns a finely equipped church home, suitable for any of the functions likely to be held by such an organization, and the pastor of the church, Rev. C. W. Wil- son, resides in a beautiful and homelike modern dwelling owned and used by the society as a parsonage. METHODIST CHURCH The beginning of the early preaching by Methodist preachers was probably about 1800. For some years there is no positive record of any actual work being done, al- though it can be ascertained that this town was undoubt- edly covered by some of the early circuit riders, so called. The following testimony to that effect is taken from Dow's Journal, dated during autumn of 1802: "I came over the river into New Hampshire where I njet Martin Ruter going to form a circuit. I saw Elijah R. Sabin HISTORICAL 27 who had been a zealous and useful preacher, but was now broken down * * * I had meetin<»8 in Haverhill, tluMi rode to Plymouth and Ilolderness and Meredith and Gil- nianton, and the melting power of God seemed to be pres- ent in many places." The first church, built of brick and located in West Ply- mouth, was erected in 1823, and was removed in 18G5. The first stated preaching in the village proper was by Rev. William Nelson, in 1831, and a hall owned by Nathan Harris was used for the assemblies. The first meeting house of this society in the village was built in ] 833. It stood on the site of Mason's Block. This was enlarged several times and occupied until the present substantial edifice was erected in 1872. A bell was pur- chased in 1888, the money coming irom a legacy of John H. Gill. The first parsonage was purchased in 1842, and was oc- cupied until 1872, The present parsonage was purchased in 187G. The pastors since 1884 inclusive, are: 1884-5, William E. Bennett; 188G-8, Thomas Tyrie; 1888-90, Roscoe Sanderson; 1891-2, David E. Miller; 1893-5 George N. Dorr; 189G-7, John A. Bowler; 1898, John H. Emerson; 1899-1901, Willis M. Cleveland; 1902-4, Robert T. Wolcott, and the present pastor, E. C. E. Dorian. UNIVERSALIST CHURCH The first preaching of this denomination was in 1850, by Rev. James H. Shepard but was discontinued until 185G, from this date until 187G onlv occasional services were held. 28 PLYiMOUTH In 187G steps were taken to procure permanent preaching of this faith by means of public subscription, this was gen- erously aided by members of the other denominations. lu 188i, Oct. 28bh, the present commodious brick edifice was dedicated. Rev. DeWitt Riley is the present pastor, suc- ceeding Rev. Bernard C. Ruggles who did a good deal in the upbuilding of the denomination in this town. BAPTISTS There is no recorded evidence of any actual transactions beiug made or business done under this denomination al- though it is known that in 1777 there were some of this be- lief, and at the present day there are a few families who have embraced their doctrines, they either attend the ser- vices of the other churches or of the Baptist churches in other towns. PROFESSIONAL MEN PHYSICIANS Dr. Abijah Wright, Dr. Peter Emerson, Dr. John Rogers, Dr. Jonathan Robbins, Dr. Thomas Burnside, Dr. Samuel Rogers, Dr. Benjamin F. Simpson, Dr. John Bailey, Dr. Sam- uel Long, Dr. Robert Burns, Dr. Norman Curtis Stevens, Dr. Horace P. Goodrich, Dr. Austin S. Durkee, Dr. Jeremiah Caverno Garland, Dr. Kingsbury Kelley, Dr. Joseph William Preston, Dr. Silas Wright Davis, Dr. Moses Currier Eaton, HISTORICAL 29 Dr. Jesse Appleton Sauborn, Dr. Kobprt Burns and Dr. Edos Huckins. The present resident i)li3sicianB are Dr. William Russell Garland (the dean of the resident physicians), Dr. Haven Palmer, Dr. Albert J. Marston, Dr. John Wheeler, Dr. Tris- tram Rogers, Dr. Ernest Bell and Dr. Ladd. (See Dentists). LAWYERS Jonathan Mitchell Sewell, Moses Dow, John Porter, Phineas Walker, Stephen Grant, Samuel Cumrainjrs Webster, Benjamin Darling, David Smiley, Nathaniel Peabody Ro- gers, William Coombs Thompson, Jonathan Bliss, James McQuesten, David Ha^'nes Collins, William Leverett, Ralph Metcalf, Ellery Albee Hibbard, Napoleon Bonaparte Bryant, Charles James Fux Stone, John Alvin Putney, Joseph Clark, Benjamin ('lark, Joseph Burrowes, Henry William Blair, John W. Ela, Joseph Manderville Burrows, Alvin Burleigh, Charles Adams Jewell, George Herbert Adams, Joseph Clem- ent Story, Alvin F. Wentworth. Alvin F. Wentworth and Burleigh & Adams are present lawyers. DENTISTS Dr. Harry Pierce and Dr. D. H. Hallenbeck. INDUSTRIES In accordance with the usual custom of early settlements in New Hampshire, the first mills to be located in a town were a saw mill and grist mill. Sept. 3, 1764, it was voted 30 PLYMOUTH by the early proprietors to p:ive to EInathan Blood and Benjamin Wriolit, lots 15 and 16 as mill lots and the nec- essary irons for constructing a saw mill and grist mill in Plymouth. During the winter of 1764, the irons were brought to Pl^^mouth on a hand sled from Concord. For reasons unknown these men failed to comply with the agreement, and in Hollis at the inn of Samuel Cum- mings, Feb. 12, 1765, the proprietors decided "to give Mr. Ephraim Lund the same encouragement towards building the mills at Plymouth that was formerly voted to EInathan Blood and Benjamin Wright." Lund combined the two mills under one roof, but owned them less than two years, when in consideration of £56 lis. 4d., he sold to James Gordon of Boston the mills and sixty acresof land. During years following many mills werebuilt, but the dates or circumstances of their building were seldom recorded. The Village Grist Mill was built in 1888, by James K. Pierce. lie died in the autumn of 1900, and a few months later the mill was purchased by William Patterson. The Park Hills owned by William R. Park and William R. Park, Jr., who conducted a general lumber business where Foster's Peg Mill now stands. They moved from this town in 1896. The Chase Mills wpre erected in 1897, firm name W. G. & J. H. Chase, motive power 250 horsepower steam engine; doing general lumber business. Plymouth Veneer Company, incorporated in 1892, Dec. 14th, business sus])ended 1901. They still own the plant, HISTORICAL 31 machinery etc., occupied by Beal MattreHB Company which moved to Plymouth in 1904, from Oxford, and are doing a thriving business. The Foster Peg Mill, erected in 1897-98, near junction of Baker'aand Pemigewaspett rivers, by Jacob R. Foster. To the manufacture of pegs has recently been added that of bobbin making. The ])re8ent management are Edwin J. and George R. Foster, sons of the proprietor. Motive power, steam engine; equipment consisting of every labor saving device known to the business. The Glove Industry was here for many years the princi- pal industry. The first glove stock known to the world was made by Alvah McQnesten, a tanner of this town. For gen- erations many of the town's business men were at one time or another connected with the manufacture of Plymouth Gloves, of these were: Alvah McQuesten, Jason C. Diaper, Oliver S. McQuesten, Arthur Ward, Chase W. Calley, Nathan- iel F. Draper, Samuel C. Heath, Daniel H. and Henry C. Cur- rier, Ezra W. Averj', Amnsa W. Avery, Thomas F. and David Glynn, Pelatiah Russell, Henry S. George, Horace W. Smith, George P. French, Blair & Burleigh, Smith &Marden, John T. Cutler & Sons, Ferrin & Wilkinson, Erastus B. and Gill F. Dearborn. The only persons at present engaged in this business are Frank C. Calley and J. Gill Fletcher. The Draper-riaynard Company, known the world over for their celebrated line of sporting goods, have a large and commodious factory located on North Main St. They were formerly engaged in business at Ashland, but removed their business here in 1900, and have gradually withdrawn from 32 PLYMOUTH the olove busiucss and are eugaj^ed almost entirely" in niak- iiis; spoitinf^ goods. The firm is composed of Jason F, Draper and John F. Maynard. Plymouth Creamery Company, a co-operative organiza- tion formed May 20, 1893. The farmers of Plymouth and Campton receive about |26,000 annuallj^ and deliver about 1,600,000 pounds of milk. EDUCATIONAL Education and religion went hand in hand in the minds of the earlier settlers. The training of mind and morals was regarded by them of the greatest importance, especially is this so of the early settlers in Plymouth. Tradition saj's Stephen Webster Sr. instructed the child- ren of the neighborhood in his home. We also learn that various of the early dwellers took a hand in the instruction of the early Plymouth schools. At the present time there is a very proficient corps of teachers for the lower grades, and the Plymouth High School, established in 1883, and twenty years a part of the Norn)al School, now has a beautiful home of its own, where the stu- dents receive instruction from a very brilliant and talented board of instructors. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL The early history of this excellent institution dates back to the early history of the town. At that time it was known HISTORICAL 33 as the Holmes Plymouth Academy, and was established by an act of leoislature approved Dec. 7, 1808, after many dis- couraj^emeiits, aud because of iiicreaKiiirook8, Sarah A (m Cheney Campton *George C Franklin Falls Mabel C (m Brown Fred J mill op Brooks, Fred Glove Flossie (Baker ho Ruby E Frederick E Brooks, L B real estagt Main Rosabelle (Boucher Marion R pi Bessie stu Corinne G pi ASHLAND *Brown, Lovell fl fruit farm Rodoudo, Cal *John C blk Canaan *Berton L mason Bridgeport, Conn *W S lab Canaan * Wilder C far Orford *Inez R (m Bitnam Orfordville *Liicretia (m Boulge Salt Ste Marie, Mich •Versa S (m Bixbj Fitchburg, Mass •Ethel M ho Canaan Brown, Annie P (Smith Depot Brown, Henry (Cool ho Thompson Brown, Mark S car River Nellie M ( Willoughby ho *R K lab No Woodstock Brown, Geo H sporting goods Mill Lydia F (Carr Rutus B glove shop Albert L paper mill Mabel H pi Brown, Mary A (Fletcher ho Main Burdett Ora A mer Brown, Burdett H Annie R (Cass ho •Lillian J (m Sargent Franklin Falls Grace B stu Brown, A mer & county Tr Highld S Addie (Cheney ho Ruth C stu Robert F stu Brown, Sarah E ( Wm mill op Brown, Geo J miller Grace T (Thompson Brown, J Irving far Martha J (Griffin George mill op *Emma (m Perkins Holderness Brown, W B mer Main Brown, Minnie E (Reed ho Winter Ethel M tr Mary L stu Wilfred A stu •Bruce, Geo A car & mach Randolph, Vt •Harry L Carapton livery stable & horse dlr Robert B mill op Bruce, Robert pap mill Daisy L (Harris ho Robert E Bryant, Lulu prin high school Winter Bryant, Geo W far & mill op Thompson Ella M (Carr CENSUS Oliver J Ethel M FredL Lucy C Mary B Winnie M Bryant, Oliver J Louise (Cote mill op mill op stu Thompson ho Cad well, Jennie (Torsey Galley, W H far Plymouth 4 Alden M far *Hattie A (m Eastman Dennis H poultry & far * Harris far Tilton Lester T lab Calley, Chas E Maud (Jewell ho *Calley, Frank L exp 46 Barkley, Worcester, Mass Chas E hos mill Carey, D W furn & carpets Hi^hld Mattie S (Smith ho Leslie R stu Carr, Leonard boss weaver School Grace M (Valier ho Hearn P pi Carr, Jennie (Huckins Highld Ella M (ra Bryant Cora B (m Jackson Fred A mill op *Grace B (ra Edwards Meredith, Conn Carr, F A mill op Thompson Ada E (Peasley ho Carr, Thos E blk Eldora M (Sherburn Roy A stu Carr, Carrie (Eastman Cottage Carr, Leonard mill op Chad wick, Lydia M (Hill Wash Noyer C tanner Chamberlain, Sarah E (Hodgdon cor High & Riv Chamberlain, Fred mill op Chandler, P J el Mary E (Ahern (Chaplin, Addie (Mouessett ho Depot Edward J Chartier, Lewis mill op School Emma (Roberts ho Irene E Chase, Mary J (Greenlief Plymouth Ora G far Gladys J pi *Chase, Leon R R ser Concord Chase, Henry far Main Mary L ( Alfred HA pi Eugene M 6 ASHLAND Jessie B Chenery, Lizzie (Ernlaw Minnie (m Taylor Cheney, Thos P Hi^bld rtd nifr & dlr in mdee J M phy & sur *Harry A phy Campton *Alice M (m Gilman 24 Hart Ave, Portland, Ore Addie S (m Brown Annie P Cheney, J M phy Highld Lucy A (Hughes Mary E stu Thomas P stu Chilcott, Abraham boss in mill cor Depot & Hill Alice C ( ho Bertram L stu Marion A A Frederick stu Constant S stu Clark, Edna M pi Clark, Georgia (Long Ernest W car Willis H team Sherm A eng Edna C (m Richard E Maud paper mill Flora B (m Valier Clark, JasO stone mason Hill Carrie M (Robinson ho Clark, Louise M (Blake Clayton, Cathleen servant Highld *Cleveland, A Boston, Mass Clifford, WB team Wash Elinor J (Swett Edna M stu Tressa J pi Marcia A pi Oral B 1)1 Clough, Edw W mill op IdaB (Maxfield Carlos E pi Alice M pi Alpha L Clough, Viola E (Cox Mill Chas E car Alliean M (m Page Addie B (m Russell Clough, Chas E car River * Winnie B Everett, Mass boss in suit case dept *Beatrice suit case mfg Everett, Mass *Roy L stu Everett, Mass Belle A (Bruce-Bruce ho Clough, H G hotel cl Main LeoaR (Colby mill op Cogswell, Warner B trav sales Pleas Cora M (Tucker ho Colby, Stephen B retd Colby, Edw P team Murry Lena M (Eleath ho Bertha J pi Grace Priscilla Cooley, AUie boss in mill CENSUS May A (Horner Leon A pi Cote, Albert fireman Mill Jessie (Lamond Addie L mill op Therese M stu Orillo H stu Harry L pi Edw E pi John H Catherine M Cotton, Seldon J team River Cora V (Andrews Cotton, Ellen A ( Main hotel cook *Frank W Providence, R 1 Eup:ene W Emily (ra Thompson Cotton, Jas M Main prop Squam Lake Ho Dora J (Campbell Dorothy Elizabeth pi John Melville pi Harold Parker County, Dennis retd Harry R lab Minnie C (m Moore Cox, Thos H car Highld Ida (Cummin<>;s ho Craig, Oliver retd Winter Olive J (Andrews- *Ora W Laconia Rector St James Church Vera L hosiery mill Crockett, Chas far Rose A (Gault Clarence E pi Ashley R pi EffieL Horace A Curamings, Ella M (Cass ho 27 Depot Delia M (m Piper Currier, Wm C far Nettie L (Rogers ho Edwin J pi Catherine L pi Jennie E pi Curtis, HarrietteL H (Hughes Wardon A far D Daniels, Winnie tr Main Davidson, Sarah (Loud *I Newell stu Plymouth •Baxter team Alton Addie L (m Kimball Davis, A L photog School Margaret A (Pickett ho Chas W stu John J stu France T pi Abraham L pi *Day, Henry lab Plymouth Dean, Susie Main millinery, fancy & dry goods Benj lumb & liv stable ASHLAND Dearboru, Lucy A (Kejes dr mkr & librarian Main Dearborn, H C far Hi^hld Frances M (Shepherd *Adelle A (m Pease Gilford Ave, Laconia *AliceM (m Campbell Wilder, Vt Demash, Theodore Main Mary ( Laura A Rosie Lydia J Eva Agnes John Burnette Derrick, Jas Dicey, Chas pl pl pl pl mill op Thorap R R ser Glove Dow, Mary E (Blanchard Thompson George E mill op Dow, Geo F Co K, 27th Reg Iowa Infantry Dow, Oren John mill op Alice H (Elliott Dow, G E mill op Thompson Hattie ( Vallier Tressie E Albert E SamE Richard E Dow, Chas H Drew, Asa W far law pl pl Winter Highld Jennie S (Smith Drouin, Ernest Angie (Gilbert Leon E Louraine C Dupuie, Edward mi Amie (Chen vert Patris S Mary M Ezra I Rilda M Richard Abbeno G Wilfred Rozelma Eastman, Fremont 1) IdaM (Pettengill Frank W ho mill op ho 11 Hill mill op mill op mill op stu stu pl pl pl tar car Eastman, C E jeweler Main Alice (Shepard ho Eastman, Susie ( Main Eastman, Simeon eng Ila B (Smith ho Merle C pl Phillip S pl Eastman, E stone mason Lilla B (Eastman *ClydeS mill op Plymouth Lena B Eastman, Jas A Leroy M CENSUS Eastman, E B glove fact Depot Mary J (Morisette Lorina A Estella M Eastman, Chas A mill op Laura E (Perkins lio Edoar W mill op Louis C car Mary A cl Chas H cl Laura F tel op Alvin R stu Forest I-. stu Robert II ^ stu Paul S pi Malcolm C Elliott, E E pro]) mill Main May E (White ho *Gertrude M (m Gordon Richford, Vt Elmer (} mill op Elliott, Maud C ho Elliott, John M hosiery mill Ellis, Sheldon E mill op cor Highld Sc River Hannah F (Snow-Colley Estes, Frank cl Depot Eva (Clark Evans, E B mill op Glove Jessie C (Currier ho •Elsie M (m Seeley 96 Adams, Keene Filch, Louis 11 ptr Hill Bessie J (Smith ho Mabel H Fellows, liert E car Nancy R(Rix Ferrin, Rachel A (Johnson Main Myrtie C (m Palmer ho Fifield, Frank car Highld Abbie (Cummin<2:s ho Lester mech & elec Arthur mer Louie bk kpr Fifield, Lester mech & elec Highld Eleanor (Wood ho Dorothy B Fifield, Arthur mer Hi<2,hld E Gertrude (Bullard ho Flanders, G TT mill op Thompson Christie H (Hodgdon Roy N pi Marion J pi ('harley M Flemin<»-, Martin paper mkr Church Mary (Sullivan ho Mary ho Julia F (m Nichols John M mill op Frank C paper mkr 10 ASHLAND James H cl Fogjr, Emily ( Plymouth Fulton, Emma G (Grant Winter Florence E (m Nichols Gamasche, Jos Main Dora (Guyette Freddie p] Annie pi Josie pi Helen pi Paul pi Antoinette pi Marion pi Selena Gammons, E G Main undertkr & mer Adele C (Ladd ho Philip E pi Marjorie L pi Samuel W pi Garland, D F mill op Main Martha E (Johnson Garfield, Mrs A M (Youn^ ho Depot AlmedaE box fact Gerry, Jennie F (Clement ho Winter Gignac, Gregory mill op Phebe (Canhue Leonora E ho Gingras, Geo N mech Schoo^ Mary (Gignac Clifford E Harry L Hiram F Leon ore A Gerald M LeoR Natalie F Goddard, L M mer Edna C (Swain ho pl pl pl pl pl Hill ho Gordon, ChasL mach Highld Sarah J (Andrew ho John H lab Harold A stu Chas H pl Mary L G pl Gordon, Margaret (Baker Main Allie L (m Willoughby Gordon, L F printer Winter Nellie M (Sargent ho (ioss, Sam'l R R ser Depot * George S R R ser Warren Summit Goss, Sarah ( Gotham, Jas F cl Winter Mary P (Bachelder ho Gould, Emily (Tobine Main *Laura E (m Robinson Sandwich *John C car Gilmanton *Henry L R R ser Winona Rose A ( m Crockett CENSUS 11 Ashley C lab Iva B (m Moss Gould, Ashley lab Maiu Flossie C (Kedion ho Gove, Chas pa]) mfr Greenwood, H E School ptr & pap h^r Lillian (Weeks dr mkr Edson H Guyette, Eugene lab Main Julia ( Jennie pi Agnes pi Lucia ■ pi Jeffre pi Adjutens pi Alcer Florida Guyette, Jos mill op Main Ellen (Depue Lura (ni Deniash Flora (m Hughes Rosie (m Poland Josie (m Barney Mary (m Bloddo Fred lab Theodore mill op Donor cl Ameline mill op Arthur pi H Hall, Leslie mill op School Lillian I (Hayes ho *Hammel, L C lab Plymouth Annie (Valier ho Sadie E pi Minnie pi Lei a V Dora E Nora E Hardy, W F Hill cashier Ashland bank Jennie E (Nelson Jessie M stu Harriman, A L barber Pleas Annie L (Landry dr mkr Harriman, R C mill op Pleas Addie M (Barnaby Carl E pi Donald R Harriman, A W milk farm Abbie E (Mardeu ho Gertrude (m Boynton *Cary B (m Lock Los Angeles, Cal * Henry B optician Tilton Mary A (m Varnum Florence M (m Crockett *Lettie B (m Palmer Lincoln Arthur L barber Harrington, Jennie (Baker ho Hill 12 ASHLAND Harris, R M lumber Spring: Elizabeth M (McKay ho •Laura M (m Miller 4 Kendriek, Nashua *I J (m Peaslee Nashua Frederick A mill op Lula A (ra Higgiiis Gladys L etu Vesta I stu Ruby L mill op Pauline G stu Harris, Electa T (Smith Nellie E (m Plummer *Linda B (m Huse 24 Pillsbury, Concord *G R Waterloo, Oreg Frank M tel op *Carl F con H & M R R 10 Pearl, Concord Hart, Robt H Highld Eleanor (Black Maria (m Merrow Harvey, C A coachman Main Laura (Connor ho Alfred L stu Armstrong B pi Heath, Chas ptr & brick mas Martha A (Cox ho Inez J (m Patterson ho Heath, Rollie X blk 1 Church Roxey J (Sanborn tr Heath, W C invalid Amy M (Morey ho Blanch C " pi Hill, Harry team Pleas Gertrude (Goodwin Hill, Howard H pi William stu Arthur pi Hill, Joseph blk Hill, Daniel C ins agt Hilliard, Geo H stone cut Alice E (Clark Agnes E stu Loraine M Hobbs, Amanda (Berry Winter E W eng Hodgdon, Geo M stone cut Thomp Pamelia (Plaisted ho Christie H (m Flanders Hodgdon, Elizabeth (Dow ho Hodsdon, Ella ( *Blanch (m Wentworth Pleas, Plymouth Holland, Mary G stu Catherine E stu Anna M pi Cornelius G pi MaryG stu Holmes, Sam'l far Main Mary E ( Foss ho Horrigan, Mar^' (Hawkins ho cor Pleas & Main Horrigan, Michael retd River Margaret (Sweeney James barber CENSUS 13 *John spinner Lebanon Mary J box shop Margaret cl Nellie Hoyt, Leon J ptr Adaline E (Tashro ho Huekins, J C M D Main Susan M (Bachelder JohnH Huekins, Edgar pi Huekins, Alva far River Ruby A (Plaisted Nellie M ho Ada L tel office Grace T stu Herman A stu Huekins, F S P M Cottage Bessie J (Canney ho Huekins, Nellie M ho Huekins, A N dlr in hay Depot Ida M (Tuttle ho Huekins, H S bk kpr Cottage Mina A (Worthing ho Reginal W Huekins, Jas F retd Highld Mary S (Smith ho Frank S P M Harry S bk kpr Hughes, Carrie H S (Sanborn cor Pleas & Hill Hughes, Francis M ins agt Mary M (Baker ho Hughes, Addie S (Shepherd River Elmer C Jackson, J M I ins agt Thompson Cora B (Carr Abner F cl Jacques, Theodore mill op Thompson Mary M (Guyette *Nora M (m Tibedeau Lawrence, Mass *Ida Z (m Lavertue Lakeport *Theodore S far Perrin, Cal Eugene mach *Marion Ada Perrin, Cal *Bert D far Perrin, Cal Emma L Mary M Leon C car Ora E P pi Laura G pi Homer C pi Frank A pi Jewell, Henry A School mach tender Caroline I pi Raymond E N ChasT Arabel H lab 14 ASHLAND Jewell, Chas D barber School IdaB (Ellsworth *Johnson, Harry teleo Laconia *George E mill op AVorcester, Mass *Roy C team Hubardston, Mass Johnson, S mill op School Anna A (Abraham ho Lillian M Edna I Gertine C K Ketchum, G H retd 2 Highld Jessie A (m Thompson Keys, Abbie K (Richards *Wm E mach Honolula *Jennie (m Holmes Ipswich, Mass Frank A mach Kimball, Frank A mach Addie L (Davidson Vera G etu Knowlton, C V hotel stable Mill Sarah P (Tilton ho Alice M pi Harold E pi Lackie, Amelia Highld Lafoe, Geo A mach Depot Flora R (Rogers ho Irene M pi Lamond, Saml fireman Hill Mary ( Fields ho Mabel Samuel pi Freddie pi Lamontague,Fred mill op Mill Mahrua ( Paul pi Wilfred pi Exelia pi Alfred Florida Quilda Maria Annabel Lamprej^, Lottie A (Smith Highld Lamprey, Alma C ho Highld Languay, Don police Mill Pearl E (Rice Clinton W Leavitt, Frank far & mill op Ellen (Rogers *Harry car Holderness *Mabel (m Sanborn Holderness Florence Lobdell, W J eng Gordon CENSUS Bertha M (m Smith Grace A ( rii Moore *Mabel M (m Avery Meredith Robert A eng Lobdell, Robt eng & mill op Highld Esther (Ward Lock, Arthur mill op Lord, W S mill op Pleas Lord, John mill op Mill Alice (Appleyard Grace E tr Vera stu Lougee, Chas F lab Mill *Mary (m Durant Plymouth Herman paper mkr Frank F paper mkr *Floreuce (m Lougee Plymouth Rose S (Deos-Brooks ho Lowd, J W team Winter Fannie J (Woodbury Wooster U mill op Lyford, H S life ins agt Depot Martha E (Peaslee M Mack, Geo W spinner Gordon Maun, Susan M dr mkr Main Marr, Delia (Belanger River Donald F stu C Howard pi P^lenore A pi Pauline M Martin, Bert A miller Depot Fannie L (Patten ho Martin, Joseph lumb McGraw, Joe Main Flora (Guyette Melvina pi McGraw, Ralph lab Annie ( Angle pi Archie Mclntire, Robt lab Collins Lettie M (Plant ho McSweeney, Edw McSweney, J mill op School Sophie E (Frame ho Edith E mill op Merrill, H J Highld sporting goods factory Lucy A (Chamberlain Miller, Lillian E mill op Mills, Byron car Main EmmaA(Kelley ho Floyd S stu Minnon, Victor lab Mary M ( ho Victor cl Lena mill op Mary mill op Willie mill op Emma pi Joe pi 16 ASHLAND Ida pi Mabel pi Howard Eva Arthur Mitchell, Elizabeth (Hill Mitchell, B M mill mir Wash Emma (Williams Eufiene B boss paper mill Eva C (m Shepard Mitchell, E mill op Wash Mary (Rock ho Glade's pi Mitchell, Ellen (Wright Main Moore, Filander L far Nancy M (Bancroft ho *Koyal A ptr 73 Depot, St Johnsbury, Vt *Jenuie D (m Bennett 6 Quaker, W Concord Nellie M ( ra Bryant Frank far Fred W team Ada R ho Moore, Fred W team Grace N (Lobdell Inez A pi Mattie I Fred W Moore, Frank O far Minnie C (County Maud M pi Dennie P pi Moore, Carlos E ptr Bernice M (Harris ho Ralph S Leon F Morey, M M janitor school Pleas Annie M (Hardy ho Susie W (m Morey Harry W mill op Bessie H at home Morrill, J H grist mill & feed Main Alice (Brock Olney S pi Morrisette, Joseph mill op Mary ( Oliver Marion Henry Morrison, J G glove mfr Mill *A E far Alliance, Neb *H G miller Laconia John E cl *Alice E (m Foster Contoocook Mary A (Cotton ho *ArthurC printer Laconia Morrison, J E cl Winter Winnie V (Cole Ruth E pi Clifton C pi Morrison, SSL Morse, H J mill op Main Iva B (Gould Robert L CENSUS 17 Stephen H Morton, Alessandro far Susan F (French ho Herbert A far *Edna L (m Johnson 8 Maple PI, Quincy, Mass Morton, H C poultry & far May D (French ho Elton H pi Alfred T Murray, John R R ser Main Hester C (Beard ho M Louise pi N Nichols, J N Julia F (Fleming Nichols, Elbridge G paper mill Evelyn C (Clark Winefred S Alice E Nichols, A F mill & lumb dlr Church ho Cottage ho tr etu livery stable Winter Alice B (Mitchell ho Ernest M Mabel A Nichols, E M livery Winter Florence E (Fulton Nichols, F P mech Hill Blanch (Warren Northend, Ellen H (Holt sum res Norris, Ella L (Bowen ho Ordway, Bert G far E Villa (Flanders ho Marten a F pi Beatrice V O'Shea, Margaret mill op Page, Wm R car Highld Alliean M (Clough Page, Leon R car Highld Mary A (Clough Paine, Caroline I stu Main Palmer, Chas H ptr Main Myrtle C (Ferrin ho Earl H pi Parray, Tom lab River Mary (Godbout ho Tommy lab *Parker, W H mgr st oil team Hillsbury Bridge Parker, Annie M dr mkr Hill Pattee, Chas H School supt hosiery mill Susie W (Morey Chas W stu Pease, Martha E ho Highld *Pea8e, B F retd Plymouth Mary E (Baclielder Madge tr 18 ASHLAND Earl R R ser Plymouth Marion P (m ThoinpBon Bret stu Howard stu Peaslee, J B retd River Peaslee, F B mill op Main Sarah (Paine Arthur L mill op Peaslee, John P spinner Mill 21G Main, Nashua *Henry L elec cond Jennie (Gujott Peaslee, Jacob retd River Eunice A (Clement ho Ada E (m Carr *Jotham C druggist Plymouth Peaslee, G (Benton ho River EduaT boarder Peavey, G B himb dlr Main Rebecca (Dean Beatrice music stu Grace F stu Peavey, James lab Mary A (Bonnei WJ barber George mill op Harry mill op *James blk Plymouth Peavey, Harry mi 11 op Mill Jennie ( ho Harry J Perkins, Frank pt :r Pleas Francella ((^ate ho Perkins, Paul retd Thompson Frances (Baker ho Ella F ho Pierce, Mary A (Fuller ho cor River & Highld Pierce, Myrtie mill op Piper, Mary J (Clark Herbert glove shop Myrtie (m Pierce Minnie (m Wallace *Bessie (m Clay Plymouth *Ella (m Adams Lakeport Piper, Herbert ma,eh Delia M (Gumming s Alberta M Plaisted, S retd far E Main PhebeE (Plaisted *Cella C (m Eastman 0,357 Jackson Ave, Chicago, III *Belle (m Bowen 68 Wilder, Lowell, Mass *Jennie S (m Leavitt 1 Sparhock Ex, Portsmouth Annie S (m Morse Carrie E finishing dept hos mill Plaisted, D watchman Depot Plant, Elgie H pi Plant, Dana lab Mill Edith M (Rom prey Piatt, Jas B mill op Highld Sarah E ( Chas G mach CENSUS 19 Maggie stu Edith A stu Piatt, Chas mecli Pleas Ashley W (Whipple ho Frances M Elizabeth M Plummer, G F sta agt Depot Nellie (Emmons Plummer, Geo W ptr Lillian (Cashing Arthur 11 pl Flora M pl Maud A pl Catherine A pl Porter, A E drug Highld Abbie (Merchant HM drug CS cl PO Porter, 11 M druggist Main Anna S (Shaw ho Alberta M ChasN Porter, B P dr uggist Blanch B (Eastman Harry P pl Poulin, Napoleon car Kosia (Goitte ho Annabela Pratt, Mary ho *PrefiCott, Charlie laundry Roxbury , Mass Preston, Salley ( Elm WC lab Frances ho Prince, Chas laundry Main Sarah A (Richards ho R Randall, Geo W lab Main Mary (Goodwin ho Mabel Raymond, Geo Hattie A pl Record, Lewis S law Highld Ethel (Robinson ho Agnes E Dorothy L Stephen W Hattie F Reed, Will N mer Lid a M (Roger ho Roberts, Jos N car Murr^- Pauline A (Davidson Mary J stu Henry J stu Frances P pl Robie, Gay mech River Jessie F (Chamberlain Clyde G pl Tracey L pl Louise A pl Robinson, M L (Roe Hill Carrie M (m Clark L G weaver woolen mill * Annie B (m Flatten Hill Robinson, A mill op ('ottage Mar}' (Smith ho 20 ASHLAND Helen Herman Lennie Rock, Geo lab Winter Jessie B (Small Harold R Lawrence Eleanor Rock, Geo stone mas Mill Laura (Thibedeau ho Mary (m Mitchell Lillian mill op George L mill op Rogers, James M B far *Clara E (m Osborn Plymouth *\Vm E R R ser California *Nellie S (m Woodman Meredith Nettie L (m Currier •Harry J R R ser 12 Raleigh Ct, Chicago, 111 Rogers, Geo L far Depot Hannah E (Lambert *EdwC Chas W exp *Nellie E bk kpr Court, Middletown, Conn *John W ex agent 46 Fountain, Middletown, Conn *Chester H brick mas Weymouth, Mass Alice I stu Rogers, Chas W team Nettie A (Avery ho Ralph L Carol A Nellie H Rollins, Rufus L retd Highld Romprey, P lab Mill Ida J (Young- Joseph lab Eugene pi Edwd pi Edith M (m Plant Roux, Moses meat mar Washtn Lumina (Morin ho Oziar car Asdros cl Josephine *Arthur s s op 609 Elm, Manchester Wilfred stu Antonia stu Henry Roy, J A Hill pastor St Agnes Church Ruell, Samuel lab Julia (Ruell Russell, (Jlarence D cl Mill Addie B (Clough Sanborn, Helen ( Pleas Sanborn, A J ptr Hill CENSUS 2i Carrie F (Forsaith ho Hazel F pi Dorothea J pi Mad aline E pi Sanborn, Chas far Julia R (Brown ho Edgar W plumber Melville C plumber&prntr Lewis E gas employ •Nettie M (m Davis Lebanon •William N far Torrington, Wyoming Sanborn, E W plumber Mill Sadie A (Ames ho Sanborn, Mary J (Garland ho Main Sanborn, Francis M trav sales AdaB (Aldridge Myrtle A stu Jacob B pi Francis M Sanborn, Jason E car Rosie G (Worthen Sargent, Chas M lab Alma A (Evans ho Nellie M (m Goddard Gertrude B Arthur C Lester B Sawyer, Wm H Josephine (- Alonzo H Rose A telep lab pl mill op Main pl pl Harry E pl Lorenzo H pl Phillip A Louis A pl Sawyer, J os far Elm Mary (Durant ho Ezra pl Millie pl Peter pl Ernest mill op Julia kitchen work *Ada (m Vontell Plymouth Schelzel, Adolph ptr Wash Clara R (Wilkie Bernice L Scribner, Geo E hosiery mfr Pleas Emma (Meade ho Scribner, Arsenath Miss Pleas Scriggins, Frank mill op Winter Carrie E (Blackley *Iona B (m Tibbetts Sandwich *Maud R (m Lougee Bristol Jessie F paper mill VeraS Semons, Frank cl Winter Jessie M (Babson ho WmF pl Clara M pl Shapleigh,Emeline P (Perkins ho Highld 22 ASHLAND Shaw, Chas H Alice (Withaiii Ethel M Laura E Ralph W Shepard,ThosT lab stu Pl pl mill boss Prospect Eva C (Mitchell ho Milton T pl Phylis R Shepherd, Florette (Eastman Shepherd, H H retd Highld Shepherd, E L lab Highld Martha L (Blair ho Sherburn, Louis lab Hattie M (Kelle ho Winnie I pl Sinclair, \Vm far Small, Geo L far River Frank F mill op Lillian L (Lambert Chas L far Small, Blanche (Fletcher Depot Jessie B (m Rock Harry A mill op Small, Chas L far Susie M (Drake Orville L pl Harley D pl Howard A Smith,' Wm mill op No Main Mary ( ho *Henry mill op Clinton, Mass *Cora (m Bolan»j;io Cambridge, Mass Smith, Gardner car Mary E (Smith ho Smith, Maria A ho Smith, Martha A ho Smith, Geo M meat mar Main *Sniith, W B far Plymouth Addie 1 (Worthing Everett B car *Osborn W M R ser Pentacook Earl E stu Gladys R ])1 Smith, I H bri(;k mas Gordon Emma E (Nudd ho *Lillian (m McFarland Exeter * Ernest H car Addie G (m Gunn Clarence M car Leon G lab Smith, Ernest car Gordon Bertha M(Lobdell ho Dorothy E pl Claud M Smith, Sarah E (Lee Pleas Smith, Edward pl Smith, Sarah S (Ames Hill Smith, Jos retd Hill *Annie (m Jewett ho Downers Grove, Chicago, III *Grace (m Tooth aker VA^ilmington, Mass CENSUS 23 *Loekhart en*^ Lyun, Muss *Loui8a dr mkr 14 Vine, Medford, Mass *x\ellie ho 14 Vine, Medford, Mass *Geortre mot elec 14 Vine, Medford, Mass *Xesbet far Guilford Bessie J (Felch ho Smith, Clarence car Nora A (Mudget Harry L pi Smith, H far & sp good fact Hill Minnie (Baker ho Smythe, B K retd Smythe, Abiah ho Smythe, Albert M lab Almeda M (Safo Spaulding, R H mill op Hill Hattie (Darling rhillip D pi Spaulding, M C M D Main Mary C (Lamb ho *Jo8ephine (m Goodhue Wilmont Harry R hos mill Roy H w mill op Spaulding, Harry R Main Lillian (Pollard ho Dorris pi Lawrence M pi Spiller, Isabel tr nurse Winter Judith stu Spiller, Ida T (Thompson ho Pleas *Aray M (m Parker Hillsbury Bridge Mas A team Bristol Herbert C lab Elsie L mill op Stevens, Harry mill op Stevens, O F ptr Main Catherine E (Phillips ho Gladys E Frances E Stevens, True O team Carrie D (Connor sum brds Stevens, Geo B retd River Jennie M (Durkee ho Stone, Frank ptr Main Stowell, E A lumb Straw, Etson A supt hos mill May H (Little ho Sullivan, Mary A ho Daniel F mer Swain, Henry sum bdrs Plymouth Hattie A (Paine Florence (m Wells Swain, Geo B car E Main Annie E (Ellis ho Chas N bk kpr Edna C (m Goddard 24 ASHLAND Talbie, Lewis E Edna M (Brown Mabel M pi MildredH pi Howard F Tan^uay, Adel (m Billedeau Fred lab Mary mill op Delia mill op Annie mill op John mill op Joseph A stu Alphone stu Tanguay, Nobert mill op Mill Leona (Sorell ho Leona M Laurant Tice, Geo W printer Main May F (Kedien ho Lillian M *Tilden, Berthena (m Berry 549 Ashmont, Dorchester, Mass *l8abelle plaster factory Rockport, Me Timlin, Wra F far Adele (Worcester ho Constance J pi Louise G Therrien, Eva M •Thompson, A mer Bristol Thompson, Saml lab Pleas Grace T (m Brown ho Fannie A mill op Elizabeth M mill op Minnie M stu Thompson, Emily (Cotton Gordon Towle, Henry W lab Winter Abbie I (Nason ho Bessie M stu Trumble, Harriet (Doten mealers Mill Tucker, Anna E (Glover Pleas Cora M (m Co,q;8well ho Tucker, Fred A job team Winter V Vachon, Henry lab Mill Jessie (Land rock ho Almon L pi Ernest T pi Minnie D Valier, John lab Phebe (Morris ho Hattie (m Dow Jennie hosiery mill Elvira (m Valier John mill op Grace mill op Varnum, John L plumb Mary A (Harriman Ruth H Verrill, Ethel (Lock ho CENSUS 25 Verrill, Cbas H mill op Wash Flora D (Dow ho Vend all, Charlie mill op Hill Delia (Dupiiie AVilfred A W Wadleij;!), Fred J far & team Plymouth 4 AVadleigh, W L far Plymonth 4 Lizzie A (Black mill op Edith M stu * Wall ace, Wm barber Lyno, Maes Minnie (Piper ho Cynthia L pi Walsh, Jas mill op School Hattie L (Smith ho May C (m Quinn Warner, E P stone mas Depot Mary A. (Blanchard Warren, Mary J (Moore Main *Daniel F jj^roceries Clairmont, R I Blanche E (m Nichols Roscoe S stu •Beatrice Plymouth cashier Tel Co W^eare, Ira D Depot agt Grand Union Tea Co *Enoch W en<>: & mill op Meredith Ctr Edith H (Mudgett ho Welch, Wra lab EttaM (Fogg Henry lab Harry lab Welch, Florence B (Easter PI3' mouth Leila A pi Wells, Chas H mill op Wesson, Susan E (Keyes *Flora A (m Palmer Antrim Whipple, Annie (Hoyt Pleas 7\shley W (m Piatt *George phy Mexico Whitcher, Emri car Plymouth Lydia A (Willoughby *Mina J (m Davis Sadie E (m Merrill *Eva J (m Good 18G Commonwealth Ave Boston, Mass *Inez (m Decado Bristol *Iva B (m Tibadore Plymouth Lester paper mill Irwin E lab Ray E pi On a M pi Whitehouse, Robert mill op Whitten, Hattie (Andrews Main Whitten, Elias V S Fannie (Benton 26 ASHLAND Wilkie, Ida E (Heath Pleas *Justin D en^- Los A^ej2:as, Nev *Geor|^e C hack driver St Johnsbury, Vt *Martha L (tn Koppka St Johnsbury, Vt Bill J hosiery mill Clarn R (rn Sdielzel John M niill o[) *A!bertC h.b St Johnsbui'v, Vt Austin B stu Mildred P AVilkins, Pauline E ]>) Wilkins, Marion E *Wilkin8, Alp:er G eU>c 121 Federal, Boston, Mass Willey, ChasB 1m b Main Nellie W (Crowley ho Willonghby, Otto far Lizzie A (Gordon ho Annie I> stu Wood, Rev H L Highld St Marks Church Elizabeth (Stewart Elizabeth G pi H Mary S ]>1 l-^leanor S B pi H Gifford S ])! Woodman, C S dentist Thompson Rose P (Hill Hallie L aest P M Joseph E Woodman, Earl Th Maud M (Caswell Forest E Wort hen, Lena Worthen, Eu<:;ene Mar Wrifiht, F E paper m Lillie M (Coe Blanche L Alma B Harold S Hazel M Russell E mill oj) mill op ompsou ho ho k phy Main ill Main Pl Pl Younp:, (' A mill op Collins Josie M (Plant ho Herbert A stu L'vin L pl Hazel I\I Young, Otis mill op Main Vernie (Durant ho Lena M Census of IDoultonboito p^OTE— Where do Post Office address is given Moulton- boro is understood. Other Post Offices are abbreviated thus: Moultonboro— Mltnboro; Long; Island— L I; Melvin Villao-e— M Vil; Neck Road— Nk Rd. Rural Free Delivery routes are expressed by the number of the route. A Abbott, L M (Lnnprey ho Josephine M (m Goodhue Abbott, Arthur F far No 1 Uertha A (Felch ho Fi-eeman H pi Harry A Aldrich, Victor K car & far Mabel M (Day ho Amarbeia, Tony barber Margaret A (Bclfoi-d ho James AV pi Raymond A pi Margaret A pi Mad aline A pi Amarbeia, James lab Madaline (Machio ho *Mary (m Carlo Now York *Lena (m Chiriallo N Y Coraalla pi Angelina dr mkr Ames, Harold B pi Ames, Martha J (Ellison *Frcd L R R ser Newbury, N Y Avery, R A stone mas Nk Rd Rosie J (Dow ho *Mabel L (m Hood Boston, Mass * Florence I (m B lackey Cambridgeport, Mass I *Amy A (m Harmon I York, Me } *Lillian 1 (m Belmore Laconia I Verba M (m Clemant Mary S (m Dearborn ; Roland J pi 28 MOULTONBORO B Bacon, Geo F com advt Mltnboro R F D Myra A (Oilman ho Bartlett, Bert J blk Mltnboro Gertrude G (Glidden bo Bartlett, G far Mltnboro Alice F (Leach ho Frank D pi Clarence P pi Bartlett, Onie ho Mltnboro Batchelder, Edw F far R F D Annie (Newman ho Beunie F pi Batchelder, Lizzie N (Goodwin Lilla (m Hudson ho Bean, John retd R F D Bean, John F car R F D Mary L (Manville ho Annie L pi Gladys L pi John F pi Naomi F pi Reason, Jos far Ameltersel (Gorden Napoleon far Daniel lab Newell lab Beason, Napoleon far Addie (Thompson ho Joseph pi John pi Levena pi Frank Beattie, Pressey Lola (Owen ho Pressey pl En a pl Harold pl Ro<;er pl Sherman Beckwith, RL sum res RED 1 Bailie (Newson ho Belmore, Chas S mason Mary (Greenwood ho *Geo J meat market Laconia Napoleon C ptr Frank J tr Clara L (m Ruiter Benson, Homer E far R F D Bennett, Abbie M Mltnboro Berry, Mary F (Paine ho Mltnboro RED *Nellie L (m Lee New Durham Elmer M far & car Berrj^ Elmer M far Mltnboro R F D Altie E (Berry ho Berry, L F butch Mltnboro RED Mary E (Smith ho Clarence F lab Arzilla C tr Altie E (m Berry CENSUS 29 *Ralph H mech Fitchburg, Mass Flossie E tr Ernest L lab Berrj', Clarence F butch Mltnboro R F D Elsie B (Younfi; ho Roy E pi Albert C pi Berry, F W far Mitonboro R F D Grace L (Dearborn ho Leonard W pi Louva M Berry, J H butch Mitonboro RED Ethel M (Bragg ho Brickford, Henry S iar R F D Mary E (Smart ho Bicklord, M B far No 1 Marguerite A (Sanborn Minot W ptr Bickford, M W ptr RED Chas M pi Sherley F pi Etta M (Dow ho Blanche H Maurice p] Myron A Clarence E Bickford, Geo far RED Marguerite B (Ilud.^on Carl H pi Lin wood V Billings, fore Kona farm Mary (Everett ho Blackey, Jas M car Abbie F (Berry ho ♦Albert D milk del 7 Salem, Cambridge, Mass Harry H cl *Bessie M (m Morrison Meredith John L livery stable Maud M ho Ina B ho Rose F pi Mark M pi Blackey, Harry H cl Minnie L (Bickford ho Edna C pi Eunice D Blackey, Albert B far Julia A (Smith ho Blake, Hattie D (Dearbon bk kpr Blake, Edwin E far Mary C (Stone ho Mamie D stu Blanchard, Geo A The Homestead Selectman, grain dlr & far Adele H ( Jaclard hostess Victorine J pi Paul F pi Bodge, Dan'l M far Mltnboro R F D Ellen M (Piper ho 30 MOULTONBOKO *narry E lab Sandwich *Fre(i A mill op Rochester Frank E lab Bertha G ho Brown, Fred A car & sawyer Battle M (Paine ho *ArnoldF hotel cl 141 W 45th, New York Brown, Sarah F (Dow ho L I Brown, Ira B marine en^ Mae E (Shafer ho Vera Brown, Ralph box mfg sum res, L I Georgia B (Davis ho Helen L pi Gertrude F pi Robert E pi Florence K pi Marion J Brown, Harr.y E far L I Isabelle (Hollis ho Bragg, Geo H far R F D Sarah J (Butterfield ho *rOva A (m Glidden Mltnboro *Ethel M (m Berry Mltnboro Bragg, A A car Mltnboro Mary E (Cook ho *Hattie E (m Hodge Sandwich Lizzie A (m (^ook Aimer R lab & car Bryant, Mary S (Smith RED Bryant, Mary C (Copp ho Mltnboro Bryant, N W car Etta A (Glines ho Henry E stu Perley R pi Frank E pi Burke, John lab Buxton, Bessie J (Martin ho Mltnboro Herbert A pi Caldwell, Levi M far Nk Rd *Laura (m Benson Windham, Me Harry E far * William watch rakr Waltham, Mass Campbell, Bernice E ho MltnboroRFD Chapman, Edw L retd Jj T Catherine E (Brown ho *Ethel A (ni Samsel Lynn, Mass *Alida A (m Prentiss Lynn, Mass Chase, William L ptr 1 Nellie C (Watson ho Clarrage, Hattie A (Parrott 1 Geo A lab Clark, Abbie F (Huntress ho Mltnboro R F D CENSUS 31 Clemant, Freeman P far Mltnboro R F D Clemant, Ralph W team Verba M (Avery ho Cloujih, Ira A lab Mltnboro Mary A (Delaney ho Mary M pi Harry O pi Helen pi Chester N pi Mabel pi Ra^^moud W Cook, Priscilla A ho Nk Rd Cook, Edward E boatman Cook, Hiram E far Nk Rd Cook, Chas C car Mltnboro Lizzie A (Bragg- ho Merle C pi Cook, Delbert far Lake View Susie E (Colby ho Maud C (m Goodwin Cotton, Lavina (Gihnan ho *C B phy & ser Wolfeboro *Etta (m Daniels Somoi'ville, Mass Coverly, Catherine (Kip ho Maria L ho cV: far Coverly, J as R iar M Vil Lydia F (Fernald ho *Roseoe leather dir Boston *Lillian M (m Knowles Belmont *WilIis blk Tilton Durbon F cl Meredith Arthur L mer Cram, Amanda M (Garland *Nellie A (m Calkin Morgan Ctr, N Y Fred P car Chas F car Abbie F (m Black e^^ *Cora H (m Leavitt 55 Buffam, Salem, Mass *Loris L (m Hodge Sandwich *Eva M (ra Hntchins Meredith Cram, Guy E far & ptr 1 Susan E (Whitney ho D Davis, L A far Mltnboro R F D Mary A (Roll ho Smith L far Sarah J (m Foss ho *Ht'len L New York master mathematics Davis, Smith L far Mltnboro R F D Lillian S (Spaulding ho Blanche S pi Davis, Elmer E lab Mltnboro R F D Davis, Ernest E far Mltnboro R F D Ellen M (Mcllester ho 32 MOULTONBOKO Davis, Ida S ho R F D Davis, Frank W far 1 *Eva (m Mudgett Sandwich Clara L (Cook ho Davis, F L Elm Brook Farm Mltnboro R F D Lena F (Gove ho Harold L pi Davis, F A far Lake View Kate F (MacDonald ho Dorothy pi Norman pi Donald pi Stuart pi Elsie Eric Davis, Chas W far M Vil Cora E (Morrison ho Leon A lab Dora E pi Helen L pi Davis, John C far Lake View Hannah E (Smith ho Chas W far *Frank A far L I Elmer E lab Lynde E far John R lab Thomas C lab •Ernest E far Mltnboro Harry L lab *Cora E nurse Lake Port *Nora E (m Cass Lake Port Davis, L E far Lake View Ada M (Smith ho Edward L lab Florence B ho Alice R pi Esther A pi Chester A pi Karle E pi Ruby E Day, Nancy D (Morrison ho Arthur W far *Chas E ptr Chelsea, Mass Mabel M (m Aldrich ho Day, AW far & junk RED *H J lab Mltnboro Neck Alice M (Whitten ho Grace H pi Evelyn L pi Amy A pi Day, Chas A lab Lake View Day, J W far Lake View Mary A (Brand ho *Clara (m Lamphrey ho & dr mkr Boston, Mass *Sarah L s s op Portland, Me *Edith V (m Stanley ho 11 Wakella, Boston, Mass *Estella M (m King Alton James C lab Day, A far Mltnboro R F D Sherman lab Andrew lab Dearborn, Ethel N ho CENSUS 33 Dearborn, Wilber C team Mary S (Avery ho Dorothy W Dodge, Leon Mltnboro R F D fore Ossipee Mt Park Farm Lila G (Gove ho Marion pi Carroll M Dodge, Allen far Mltnboro Lizzie L (Brow ho Dow, Benj W far Lake View Sarah E (Wentwortli ho *G K salesman Peoria, 111 Benj R far *Irving E millman Dover *Joseph AV s 8 op Dover Hattie A ho Dow, Benj R far Nk Rd Eva E (Huston ho Edith pi Ethel pi Lizzie K pi Evelyn H Dow, James B far M Vil EttaM (m Biekford Bern ice E ho Harry E tean] *L E mech Manchester Arlene L pi Frances P pi Ernest H pi Ellis M pi Dow, Abigail E (Goodwin ho R F D Benj W far Star Route Jeremiah K far & cook Dow, J K far & cook RED Henry E lab Drew, Jane E (Leavitt ho *Mary E cl Burlington, N Y Drew, Geo A lab Mltnboro R F D Durgin, B B far Mltnboro Ella F (Taylor ho Durgin, Barkley mill & lumb Mltnboro Ella (Taylor ho Edwards, John L livery stable Sophia (Myers ho Catherine J pi Lucy pi Arthur J pi Frederick R Emerson, J C retd soldier Luella F (Bean ho Emery, Julia B Mltnboro RED Flanders, Mary ( Mltnboro Lizzie (ni Batchelder ho Somerville, Mass Fogg, Abbie (Blackey ho 34 MOULTONBORO Anna M cook & dr mkr *HattieR(m Gould ho So Hirara, Me John W car & far *Luella (m Fogg ho New Hampton Fogg, John W car Josie (Raymond ho Folsom, Laura A (Wentwortb ho LI Ida M ho *Maud A (m Ames Lawrence, Mass *Eva D (m (roodhue Clifford, Mass Fobs, Albert M far Mltnboro R F D Elizabeth A (Beagin ho Foss, Fred M far Mituboro R F D *Walter C lab Stoughton, Mass N Marion stu Sarah J (Davis ho Millard R pi Clyde B Freezse, Alfred S mer Mltnboro Josie E F (Meader ho French, James E far & Justice of Peace Frye, John far *Herbert C lab *VVillard M E preacher W Thornton *Edith M ho Laconia *Maud ho Carver, Mass Alice (Leech ho Mary pi Sadie pi Ethel pi Eunice Garland, Jane E (Drew ho *Harold G lab Mltnboro Nk Henry E lab Maud E Mildred E pi Garland, Geo H lab Helen G (Russell ho Garland, Curtis C far Hattie F (Burnham ho Garland, N B mason No 1 Mary A (Ward ho Dexter B far *Seth D blk Sandwich Ctr Curtis C lab Lydia L (m Yate George, Vera M pi Gilman, Elizabeth J (Plummer Mltnboro R F D Myra A (m Bacon ho Gilman, Irviu S mill & lumb Mltnboro ArrettaL (Whitton ho Gilpatric, John E far RED CENSUS 35 Electa A (Smith ho Berniee E pi Glidden, Isaac B far Mltnboro R F D *Anuie M (m Batchelder Gilford •Etta J (m Batchelder Gilford Oscar I) far Glidden, Oscar D far Mltnboro RED Eva A (Brag:g ho Harold E pi Glidden, Tristam lab *Edward G salesman 40 Adams, Somerville, Mass Annie tr Glines, Fred ptr Jeanette (Neal ho Glines, Fred E ptr Mary J (Neal ho Glover, Frank E far & team RED *FrankH cl Sharon, Mass Elizabeth M ho Sarah E (Yate ho Goodhue, John yacht man Nk Rd Josephine M (Abbott ho Ellacoja pi Dorothy A pi Mary L pi John J C Irene Ruth Goodrich, C E lumb, mill op & sum hotel Amanda A (Blake ho Goodwin, E A far Lake View Helen A (Angell ho Alice M tr *Jame8 E s s op Wolfeboro Elmer C far Athol, Mass •Robert H mach Goodwin, E C far Lake View Maud E (Cook ho Goodwin, M Y B sales & ptr Goodwin, VVm G far Annie M (Calomy Goodwin, Ellen M (Bickford Mltonboro RED *Leon D bk kpr 30 Grant, Manchester *Chas M cl 30 Grant, Manchester *Martha M (ra Lee 10 Chestnut, Wakefield, Mass Ralph E far & mer Goodwin, Nathan G far Mltnboro R F D Emma (Snow ho Goss, Edoar S far & car Mltnboro R F D Annie L (Estes ho Gould, Frank G far R F I) Anna P (Moulton ho Helen M pi 36 MOULTONBOIU) Gould, Henry R ptr Nellie F (Dow ho *Alice C (m Sturtevant Holderness *Everett H police 59 Poorest Hill, Boston, Mass Greene, J A phy Lake View Liicretia B (Drew ho *Frank A phy & sur 244 West 109th, New York Greene, Fred far Nk Rd Greene, Nathan far Nk Rd Roxanna (Plummer ho Clarence E stu Greene, R D far New Chamberlain House Annie E (Ellison hostess Greene, C A car & far RFD Addie J (Leach ho Greene, F E phy Sunn res L I Mary ( Gardner retd Robert retd Frank E retd Marion ho Graves, L Jennie (Mason ho H Hackett, B lab Hanson, Ida I (Worcester ho RFD Hanson, A E far Lake View Eva M ho Nellie M pl Arthur L pl Hanson, Belle ho Hart, J G retd Mltuboro * Walters lab Conway *Wilber F lab *Cora (m Stevens Boston, Mass Emily S (Spencer-Cutting Hayes, J lab Mltnboro RFD Ida J (Stevens ho *Henry E chauffeur Boston, Mass Kassie A pl Alice M pl Haynes, Harry W far L I Florence ( Henry, Leavitt lab Hill, Emma C(Hurd ho Lewis H hostler *Harris E team Ashland Hill, Chas S far Grove Hill Farm 1 Alice (Canney hostess Herbert C pl Hildreth, E D far Hollingsworth, Z T sum res, Kanohasset Farm *Amo8 mill mfr Boston, Mass ^Valentine mill overseer Boston, Mass Holmes, Minnie G (Woodman Gladys E pl CENSUS 37 Home, F eT far R F D Ella A (Brown ho Harold G boatman Elmer D far Edgar B boatman Home, Deborah (Wallace Mltnboro RED Alviser A (ra Wakefield Home, Chas far 1 Martha J (Durgin ho Frank E team *Annie M cl 42 Concord Sq, Boston, Mass *Nellie J dr mkr 9 Spring, Nashua *Be88ie C s s op 9 Spring, Nashua •Georgia A ho Home, Frank E M Vil Grace (Hill ho Robert S pi Home, William H far Mltnboro RED *Etta L (ra Martin ho Laconia Annis (m Grant ho *Bertie E (m Welch ho Tuftonboro Hoyt, Moses E car Mltnboro Lydia A (Smith ho Alma G (ra Quimby ho Chas E car J Enos car Josie M (m Lovering ho Ruth J ho Hoyt, Jones E car Mltnboro Ruth (Moulton ho Hoyt, Chas E car Mltnboro Lena R (Webster ho Hoyt, H C lumb & far Mltnboro RED Harriet N (Prime ho Gertrude E (ra Lord ho *JMabel L (m Longley ho M Vil Chas N car *Jennie F (m Frye ho Sandwich Percy H pi Huntress, Ellen E (Lucas ho Mltnboro RED Abbie H (m Clark ho Ella J ho *Frank far & s s op Rochester *Hamlin mer Laconia Huntress, Ella J ho Mltnboro J Jacklard, V retd Mltnboro Jackson, Shirley lab RED Jackson, W C jeweler Geo H ptr Elizabeth (Benson ho Jennis, Kassie (Stevens ho Mltnboro R F D Jones, Arthur J car 1 38 MOULTONBOIU) Miuiiie K (Taffin ho Seneca J K Kelley, Frank G lab Annie L (Leavitt ho Kelley, Wra A mail cl 1 Ida M (Evans ho James F pi Alfred S Kelley, Cynthia C (Goodwin *Chas F car Lynn, Mass *Cora A (m Salter ho Meredith * Josephine E (m Jenness Meredith *Lizzie C (m H olden ho Wolfeboro *C E mech Lynn, Mass Lillie V (m Perkins ho Kelley, Abigail E (Dow R F D Kelley, Stephanus C far 1 Delia E (Sanborn ho Lewis P ptr Edith S(m Mayo ho *Percy Chauffeur Pasadena, Cal Kent, Elizabeth S (Grossman tr&ho RFD Knight, James P far Mltnboro R F D Juliette L (Clough ho •Georgia M (m Perkins No Sandwich *William 1) livery stable Tam worth Abbie M (m Tilton ho Knowles, S A far Lake View Alice C (Tappin ho Knowles, J A far Lake View Sarah E (Rogers ho Almon F lab Ina B ho Lilla A pi Knowles, Betsy B (Morrill Lake View A A far Livona A ho James A far Clara L (ra Hutchinson *Sadio L (m Varney ho Mltnboro Lamprey, L P far Mltnboro R F D Sarah E (Goodwin ho Lamprey, F E LI fore Wand mere Farm Hattie E (Cook ho Langdon, Aaron B far Mltnboro R F D *Cha8 cl Reading, Mass Lizzie I (Watson ho Leach, Sarah J (Tappin ho Mltnboro *Fred W eng Alton Bay CENSUS 39 *Artliiir A *Alice (m Fry Plymouth Frank B lab Leach, A A lab Mltnboro Bertha (Lindburs ho William A pl Chester A Leach, Ralph H lab Elizabeth T (Ketchum ho Pauline tr *Chas O cl Peabody, Mass Edith E pl Ralph H pl Geo K pl Hazel pl A L pl Helen T pl Lee, LucvECMoulton ho Mltnboro R F D *GeoH 10 Chestnut, Wakefield, Mass *H M fore Windsor, Vt Robert far Lee, Martha J (Lee ho Mltnboro RED Lizzie ho Lee, David G en^ Mltnboro Clara M (Messer ho Carroll G pl Henry E Louise M Lord, C S far Mltnboro R F D Gertrude E (Hoy t ho Herbert E Andrew C Chas L Lovering, F S phy & 8ur Mltnboro Josephine M (Hoy t ho Gladys E pl Madeline H pl Earle N pl M Mark, Frank P far Mltnboro Arthur runner Mallard, William B team Ellen A (McCormic ho William R pl John C sum brdg ho Mallard, Geo W far Mabel F (m Leigh ton ho W B team & brdg ho *Geo M mer New York *Susie B (m Evans ho Meredith Manville, Leon lab Mary ( Mary (m Beau Leon cl Emily ho Mason, Martha J (Ames ho RFD McDonald, Jas H far Mltnboro RFD Eva S (Bailey ho McDonald, WmK far Mltnboro RFD 40 MOULTONBOIU) Belle C (Prime ho *Willie T chauffeur 45 Ballerymarch, Boston, Mas8 •Harry E shipper 45 Ballerymarch, Boston, Mass Addle J (m Penniman Geo H lab & car Flora Belle ho MacDonald, Frank actor Mltnboro R F D Minnie B(Moulton actress McKeene, E retd Mltnboro Olive C (Webb ho *William E niillman * A lice W (m Allen ho Norway, Me * Katie L (m Messerve ho Meredith Sidney P mill man McKeene, Sidney P millmau Mltnboro Mattie A (Smith ho Donald S pi Louis J pi Cora L p] Maloon, Elizabeth C (Nash Mltnboro Joseph L ins Moulton, A li s mach repairer KFD Martha FI (Hersoy ho *Geo A H s o[) Elmwood, Mass *Fannie M (m Mosher ho Brockton, Mass *Annie II (m Osborn ho Brockton, Mass *Carrie A (m Dwyer ho Brockton, Mass *James A team Brockton, Mass Moulton, Isaac A lumb & far Mltnboro Carrie M (Tiltou ho F Harvey stu Moulton, Hattie ho Mltnboro R F D Moulton, Horace far Mltnboro RED Moulton, Edwin far Mltnboro RED Lizzie A ho Nellie F ho *x\Iartha B (m Lord Manchester Moulton, William lab Mltnboro R F D Moulton, Hannah A (York Mltnboro RED Daniel G lab Calvin C car Chas E ear Moulton, Chas E car Mltnboro R F D Katie ho C A (Dnrp,in ho Chas W pi CENSUS 41 Maud C Grace E OtisH Moultou, D G lab Mltnboro II F D Moultou, P A MltnboroR F D Eliiora F (Murry ho Minnie B (in MacDonald actress Moultou, Walter C far Moultou, E W far R F D Moultou, H L MItuboro R F D far & round mkr Moultou, Geo R far MItuboro R F D Hattie A (Campbell ho Chester A boat manager Olive A pi Russell E P pi Moulton, I F far R F D Viola G (Estes ho Howard F pi Moultou, Emma G (Keunersou ho *Hattie M (m Fletcher ho N Neil, William H car Minnie G (Holmes ho Ida M Nelson, Jacob car MItuboro R F D Lenora L (Wakefield ho Newson, Sallie (Moneypeuny sum res No 1 AVilliam stu Helen stu Nichols, Frank far RFD Hattie (m Peuniman Frank B far Edward E far Sarah J (Willey-Laundry Nichols, Frank B far Emma J (Vittum ho *Clarence E cl Meredith Nichols, E B far Luie M (Quimby ho Howard J lab Nichols, Henry far RFD Nichols, Harry C cook Nichols, William E Wife and children Nichols, E George lab Amy F (Benitez ho Estella J ho Elmer G pi E Douald pi Gertrude E Herbert E O Olison, Auna M MItuboro, RFD 2d prop Ossipee Park Farm Orne, Chas H far MItuboro R F D 42 MOULTONBORO Paine, Job u I) far RFD Annie E (Wliitehouse ho & seamstress Paine, Carl C team H Gertrude (Bafrley ho Parrott, Naomi T (I)anforth Sarah A (m Bragpj Daniel E lal> *C E tr Sandwich Patrick, Elizabeth ho R F D Penniman, Lewis H far llattieM (Nichols ho Walter F car Hermon C lab Penniman, Walter F car Addie J (McDonald ho Pettengill, Mrt^ E F MItnboro R F D y)rop Ossipee Mt Park Farm *Ernest elec New York Dano-hter (m Wilson ho Brookhm, New York Porter, W S car & ptr MItnboro Clara L (Warner ho Rosie A (m Chase ho *Frank VV car Lakeport ('lias M car Converse J far i'orter, Chas M car MItnboro R F D Mamie F (Shaw ho Leland E C Carlton Prime, Rebecca (Moulton MItnboro RFD Harriet N (m Hojt Chas far Edward E eu^- Rochester Curtis A far Belle C(m McDonald *Ada F (m O'Neal ho Dorchester, Mass Prime, Cbas A' far MItnboro RFD Ella M (Patrick ho Marion H pi Quimby, Arthur A blk & far MItnboro Alma (i (Hoyt ho Maud L pi Alice A pi Edwin A R Randall, Ceo A far «fe car MItnboro RFD Mary M (Thom[)8on ho *Ansel G car Holderness Isabelle M mill op Maurice J pi Raymond, Wm L boatman MItnboro CENSUS 43 Cora M (Brown ho Edwina F pi Kichardson, H L R F D boatman A: far EJnnioe E (Smith ho Horace L Richardson, HattieC (Colby ho Lake View Harry L boatman Eu^ijeno C mail carrier Merle D pi Richardson, Albion V retd Mltnboro Elsie A (York ho Herbert A mail car, rout 1 & stable Fred P fore Red Hill Farm Richardson, Geo H mer & P M Mltnboro Florence M (Libby ho Esther T pi Richardson, Fred P Mltnboro foreman Red Hill Farm Winnefred S (Tilton ho Pearle f^ pi Richardson, Eujjjeue C mail driver L I Robersou, \Vm O fai- Prospect Cottage Ml ton bo ro R FD Louisa A (Coburu ho Roberts, Lydia A ho Rogers, Daid Mltnboro R F D ca r Mltnboro R FD Rogers, Geo W far Mltnboro R F D Ellen B (Denny ho Ida E (m Sargent ho Edna B pi Rowe, Melissa G (Bruce ho Mltnboro Ruiter, Walter C ptr Clara L (Belmore ho Chas W pi Russell, Sally J ho Rust, Lucy M (Smith ho Mltnboro R F D *Lillian (ni Richardson Gonic *Geo D stone worker Conway Alice F (m Varney Sanborn, Mary E (Brown ho *Ellen M (ra Pease Meredith Alvin E far J^ake View *Joseph B expressman Medford, Mass Chas A far Dana R far Sanborn, Nancy D (Day ho Sanborn, Chas E car R F D C E (Miller ho Reuel E Sanborn, Mary A (Sherman Kanasatka inn No 1 44 MOULTONBORO Chas E Sargent, Granville Alice M (Paiue Sargent, Alice A (- car far ho ho Mltuboro R F D EvaM (Welch ho St Albans, Vt Sargent, Jess I far Mltuboro R F D Ida E (Rogers ho Pearl L pi Harold C Shaw, Daul far Mltonboro R F D Annie M ho *Edith (m Beardsley ho Meredith Shaw, Almina (Brown-Smith Mltnboro RED Mamie F (m Porter *Ida I (m Porter LI Howard C far Sheridan, Thos F lab Francis L (Ajer ho *Thomas H law 1702 Pease, Washington, D C Sibley, Lewis A mason RED Ella M (Sturtevant ho Hazel E tr Helen M tr Smart, Mary E (Goodwin ho RED *Daniel O lab Concord Smith, Geo W far Lake View Annie J (Sanborn ho *Jennie M (m Vittum Meredith Ada M (m Davis Walter S lab *Ploward R policeman Newton, Mass *LidaE (m Hall Holderness Smith, Andrew J lar Orchard Farm Christain (Bunker ho H Frank stu Emma B pi Smith, Edwin L far Lake View *Mattie M bk kpr Tilton John A blk GuyE pi Marion J pi Smith, Wm M far Lake View Smith, William retd police Smith, Horace A far Mltnboro RED Clara J (Goodwin ho Susan A ho Eurie E (m Richardson Ethel C stu Smith, Almina (Brown ho Mltnboro R F D *Ella J (m Osgood Belmont Smith, Mary S (Glines RED Edgar W ptr CENSUS 4ij *Alma M (m Blake Meredith *Etta E (ra Morrison Meredith *Harry VV ptr Lacoiiia Electa A (m Gilpatrie Spencer, F far Mltnboro An^^ie A (Flart ho Stevens, Kassie A (Pickerino; Mltnboro R F D •Sidney Ij lab Lakeport *Cha8 W car Meredith Ida J (ra Hayes ho Stevenson, Lewis C lab Mary B (Danforth ho *Carrie E (m Kelley Walter C ptr Willie H far Sturtevaut, J H far RFD Mary E (Smart ho Tappin, Smith far Mltnboro RFD Tate, J B far 1 Lydia L (Garland ho Stewart Pl Anna M pJ Chas I>1 Tate, Sarah E(Elkins RFD ^H C ins Taunton, Mass ^Eva M (m Prescott ho Brighton, Mass Thibadean, C H sawyer &mas Mltnboro Lucy C (Miclon ho Pl Pl pl pl Chas R Velma M Eva J Dorris G Thompson, Mary F (Berry Mltnboro RFD Tiltou, Henry A far Mltnboro Sarah J (Mndgett ho *Gorham H sales Revere *Lizzie J (m Webb Wolfeboro *Frank F far Carrie M (m Moulton Grace M ho Tilton, Chas O lab Mltnboro Bessie F (Haley ho Oriu H Varney, F far Mltnboro Sadie F (Knowles ho Varney, J as M far Mltnboro RFD Alice F (Rust ho Geo A W Wallace, Frank L Mary J (Porter lab ho 46 MOULTONBORO ♦Stephen K ol Tilton Walker, Benj F far & soldier Fannie A (Fog^ ho William lab Benj F Jr pi Walker, William ])1 Mltnboro R F D Wakefield, Albert B far Mltnboro R F D Clai-ence H lab Annie L (Tappin ho Lester E pi Elvira A Wakefield, Henry R far Mltnboro R F D Alvira A (Home ho Albert B far * William E far *Abbie E (ra Tappin ho *Walter E mech Laconia Ralph N far Lenora L (ra Nelson ho Wakefield, Ralph N far Mltnboro R F D Mary E (Webster ho Frank W Watson, Ellen G (Maloon ho *Lizzie I (m Langdon Mltnboro RED Nellie C (m Chase White, Wm P M E preacher Mltnboro Lizzie E (Chamberlain ho *William P Jr 142 W 83rd, New York *S F T mach 220 Bailey, Lawrence, Mass Alice M pi Howard M pi Whitehouse, Chas C far Mltnboro Cora B (Canny ho Chas E enj^ *Maud E (m Berry F tchburg, Mass Herbert P lab Sarah P pl Maurice F pl Henry E . Pl Hazel N I'l Webster, Nathaniel C far E M (Flood ho Went worth, Alfred G far L I Whitten, Jane (Roberts ho Mltnboro RED William J far Lakeville Whitten, William J far p]vie G (Sargent ho CKNSUS 47 Berton L Wort hen, Fred Daniel S John F Marv J -Laura II team lab eiift- ho Wlop;iii, Alice II (Woodside ho R F D *Frank P Bombay, India t^enl mor i\ew York import & export Co Worcester, Ida I (Worcester 1 *Chas O paper bus Boston, Mass 48 MOULTONBORO DELAYED DATA Dumaresq, Herbert Kona Farm Frederika S (Slade ho Kellongb, William invalid Lottie (Myers ho Helen A pi Alice I pi Ad aline A pi Mclleeter, Ellen M (Gove ho *Mabel C (m Blake ho Steep Falls, Me Ray E mill op Ralph A lab Beede, J E far Ctr Har RED Augusta A (Sullivan ho Anna E (m Fogg No *Geo E mach N Y James H far Cram, Fred P car RED Annie (Mclntire ho Evans, Otis M mas R F D Edith M (Garland ho Bertha M pi Clark G pi Tilton, Sarah (Hoyt ho Albert H far Frank H far & butcher Smith, C H far & fur dlr R F D Eva D (Tappan ho Chas H Jr Dorothy Census of SandiDicb Note — Where no Post Office address is expressed Sand- wich is understood. Other Post Offices are abbreviated thus: Centre Harbor— Ctr Har; Moultonboro— Mltnboro; Melvin Villao;e— M Vil; Centre Sandwich— Ctr; North Sandwich— No; Whittier— Whit. R. F. D. routes are designated by the num- ber of the route. Abbott, R F far Ctr Har Abbie A (Tappan ho Effie M (m Hodge Nellie B (ra Mack *Arthur S far Mltnboro *Cora A (m Fogg New Hampton *Minnie E (m Straw M Vil Herbert P^ far Grace A (m Martin Mltnboro Everett H far Abbott, H E far Ctr Har Alice M (Gilman ho Ralph H Gladys M Abbott, E H far Ctr Har Lizzie E (Gilinan ho Adams, D far Ctr Fannie (Murphy ho leulis (ni Beede *R G mer Boston, Mass Adams, Aquila retd sum res Louisa H (Emery ho *Jaraes T phy & sur 155 Mass Ave. Boston, Mass John R auto business *Alice (m Mulliu Weymouth, Mass Ambrose, L C far Whiteface Hattie E (Tilton ho Celia N stu Jesse L stu Angier, Addie A (French Ctr ^Joseph E needle mkr Franklin waitress nurse Ctr ho cl Mildreds Atkins, Rhoda E Adkins, Ariana ho Ctr Atwood, Danl I) cl ctr Annie (Hall ho Atwood, Walter G far Ctr Ethel (Corthorn ho Atwood, Chas H blk Ctr 50 SANDWICH Eliza B (Stevenson ho Walter G far Atwood, J (i blk No Edwin J far Frank J far & plumb *Cora M (m Remmick ho Rediuf^', Mass Martha J (Grant ho Atwood, F J far & plumb No Myra (Lothrop ho Atwood, F L Whiteface supt BuUard farm Florence B (Brown ho Dorothy B pi Gerald W Atwood, Albert C; Ctr RED far & sum brdg ho Harry A eno- Bertha L (m Carter Nellie G (Chandler ho Atwood, H A maeh & eno^ Ctr R F D Estella E (Burrows ho Alta J pi Avery, Walter H lab Ctr Nellie (Blanchard ho Hazel M pi Harry W B Bagley, Erastus team Ctr Alice M (Webster ho Beatrice pi Madaline Charles Infant Bartlett, W C M E cler^ Ctr Emma M (Downinj^ ho *Wiunifred C (m Couch Mountain View, Cal *Edith M (m Ripley ho Roxbury, Mass Batchelder, R S far & ptr Whiteface Lydia J (Roberts ho Batchelder, A W far No Lydia E (Rof^ers ho Batchelder, Jos B far CtrHar Fannie E (Smith ho Lewis H Aid a R Beach, Edith (Kelley Ctr RED Watson E pi Bean, Abbie F ho Ctr R F D Bean, Lorenzo D far No ClaraA(Vittum ho *Celinda B (m Page Meredith Beede, J H far Ctr Har RED I (Adams ho Nethela A pi Beede, J E far Ctr Har RED Augusta A (Sullivan ho Anna E (m Fogg No *Geo E mach N Y James H far Bennett, C E far Whiteface CENSUS 51 Bennett, E W far & car Whiteface Mamie E (Davis ho Berry, N J mer & P M Bickford, Ursula M (Bryer ho Whiteface *Silas H far & mill sawyer Whit James B far *Sarah A (m Bickford ho Taraworth Bickford, Jas B far Whiteface Eva E (Bickford ho Chester J pi Ella M pi Bickford, WyattT far No Vesta A (Hall ho Blauchard, Helen S(Creiohton *Cha8 E printer Brookline, Mass *G A mer & far Mltnboro *Albert C coachman Brockton, Mass •Alice M (m Moorshouse Boston, Mass Nellie (ra Avery Ctr Harry real est af^t Bessie (ra Smith Ctr Mildred T cl Blanchard, Sarah D (Webster Minnie S (m Quimby * Ariel E (m Knapp Dauvers, Mass *Walter E meat mrkt Amesbury, Mass Cora B ho Howard W far Flora L ho Blanchard, Chas mer Ctr Nancy M (Mason ho *Grace (m Harmon E Cleveland, Ohio Blanchard, C O far R F D Ctr Ella E (Smith ho Blackie, Ralph R pi Ctr Bodge, H E far Mltnboro RED Mabel M (Glidden ho Perley A pi Ethel M Boyington, Mary J (Fogg ho *Mary E (m Hall Lakeport Colburn B (Deceased) *Jolm E miner George L (Deceased) *MinnieB (m Tilton Fitchburg, Mass *Hattie D (m Sanborn Lakeport Boyle, P H Mltnboro RED draw bridge tender Mrs P H ( Daniel eng Henry lab Brown, Geo E far Whiteface Myrtle G (Grant ho Carroll G Brown, F W far Whiteface 52 SANDWICH Alice G (Elliott ho Clarence M Dorrit Brown, J P far Whiteface Angeline T (Palmer ho Frank W lab *Nellie E (ra Bickford Tamworth Florence B (m Atwood Brown, Dan'l P lab Whiteface Ellen J (Wallace ho Brown, Dan'l O car No Lizzie B (Fogg ho Lena M pi Clarence R pi Brown, Geo E far Whiteface Myrtle G (m Brown ho Carroll G Brown, Moses G ptr Ctr Christenia A (Robin ho *Addie F (m Glines Pittsfield Myrtie M (m Moulton Mary R (m Cook Edgar E pi Brown, Chas F far Whiteface Chas W far Nellie M (Snow ho Arthur L Browning, Dorothea J S (Richardson •Doris L (m Lindsey Clara J pi Brownlie, John eng No Caroline M (Dickinson ho Leonard far Caroline ho Roland printer Albert pi Bryant, Edw J lab Ctr Eva M (Smith ho & tel op Bryant, W C far Ctr RED Frank lab Lizzie M (Severence ho Severence B pi Asa W pi John W Helen E Bryant, Mary Ann (Brown ho Clarence E far Bryant, Clarence E far Ctr Mary H (Martin ho Edward J far HattieM (m White Bryer, F E phy & sur Whiteface Maud A (Qniraby ho Mary M pi Bryer, R J far Whiteface Roda E (Bennett ho *AbbieS (m White Sanborn ton Ella M (m Perkins So Tamworth EfRe M ho Bryer, Frank horse & carg del Annie A (Leary ho *Chas A Vice Pres Gas Co Derry CENSUS 53 Buud3^ Sarah E (Skinner Ctr Stella A Margaret J Burleioh,SH far CtrKFD Betsy S ( Palson ho *Eveline B (ni Tasker Camptou Burleijijh, Chas F far Ctr Olive L (Hutching ho Natt braes work 17 Baldwin, Laconia Ethel A (m Hart Burnham, E W far Ctr R F D Susan M (Smith ho *Lizzie J (m Crockett Plymouth *Mary E (m Crowell Compton *Hattie F (m Garland Ctr Har Georgia D (m Wishnon Chas S far Burnham, Chas S far Hotel Commonwealth Grace (Chase ho Samuel W Silvia B Burnham, J C retd Ctr Burrows, C Fl far Ctr R F D Amy M (Gilmau ho Beruice M pi Blanch G pi Nathaniel H Burrows, Jas W far Ctr R F D Sophia E (Wallace ho John G far Ella E m Greene Stella E (m Atwood Newell J far Harry L far *Delia M (m Quimby Meredith Burrows, J G far Ctr R F D Hattie M ( Foss ho Gladys G pi Helen Burrows, H L far Ctr R F D Adelaide S (m Hull ho Lester D Luther J Burrows, Newell J far Ctr Nellie F (Hodge ho Frank N pi Cauney, Geo L far Ctr R F D Emma B (Beach ho Carter, W W far Ctr Har R F D Ledge Hill Farm Ellen H (Hodge ho Andrew far Carter, Andrew far Ctr Har Grace (Underwood ho Madaline pi Warren W Carter, Almon E far Ctr RED Addie L (Webster ho 54 SANDWICH Webster L pi Fred P pi Frank W pi Emeline S pi Lucy H Josephine AE Jr Carter, Alonzo lab Ctr R F D Bertha (Atwood ho Chandler, Nellie G (Stackpole Ctr R F D Emeline E (m Vittum Mltnboro RED Ethel M (m Craig Chase, Jennie L ho No Chase, Bertrand lab AVhitelace Cbase, A F P M & mer Whiteface Bertha M (Stock ho Chase, Saml far Ctr RED Betsy (Carter ho Grace (m Burnham ho Chick, F H far & blkCtr RED Luella M (Ethridoe ho *Frank undertaker Maiden, Mass Clark, J R far Mltnboro RED Clark, Cleaveland far Mltnboro R F D Clark, Jos P far Ctr RED Ann M (Bartlett ho Hermou M far Clark, H M far Ctr R F D Nellie L (Smith ho Edith M (m Denny Clark, Chas S No Yarmouth far, surveyor & bldg mover Nellie L (Brown ho Florence A ho & dr mkr Sumner B stu Clay, H N undertaker Ctr Almena (Pettenjyill ho Stella E ho Cook, T far Ctr R F D Cook, Abbie S ho Ctr R F D Cook, Lucy E ho Ctr RED Cook, Geo iar Ctr Mary R (Brown ho Lena M pi John pi Mary E Cook, Jessie H far Ctr Emily J (Beede ho Curtis E far *Chas C car Mltnboro Els Corliss, Hiram S far No Sarah E (Goodwin ho *Chas E tr 1295 Park PI, Brooklyn, N Y Arthur E far EttaM (m Gray Whiteface Lucy E (m Bickford Lizzie ho Loulie A pi Cartland, Jos J far Whiteface Harriet E (MacLean ho Eunice E pi CENSUS 55 Currier, H H far Tam worth Elizabeth J (Bryer ho Leon H far Currier, L H far Tamworth Emily V (Hodgdon ho Lewis H Gushing, Dan'l civ eng sum res, Ctr D Damon, Laura S (Stiles No •Alexander M Evangelist 1,332 Arch, Phi la Danforth,R lab Ctr R F D Dauforth, Mary A (Courtney Ctr R F D *Albertha (m Vittum So Tamworth Denney, H A weaver Ctr R F D Edith M (Clark ho Howard C pi Helen L Dodge, Chas W far Tamworth R F D •Allen C far Mltnboro I^eon lab Ralph blk Ctr Har Myrtle M tr Eva M ho Lenora (Pitman ho Donovan, Chas W far Mary S (N orris ho Dovey, Geo H lab Mltnboro R F D Jennie P (Vittum ho Alice P pi Philip C pi Hazel A pi Doris A pi OtisE Lawrence E Dow, Etta A (Vittum ho Mltnboro RED Sadie M (m Tilton Duntley, A S far Whiteface Maud V (Gilman ho Roy A pi Earle H pi Bessie H E Eastman, CE far Ctr R F D Nettie F (Watson ho Eaton, Ellen (Abbott ho No Geo L far Eliott, Madaline pi ho Elliott, Cora M (Elliott Whiteface Doris M pi Elliott, Ida E (Rowe ho Whiteface Elmer far Lewis C iar Cora M ho Geo F far 56 SANDWICH Grace C ho Alice G (m Brown ho Silva R pi Elliott, L C far Whiteface Sarah A (Pierce ho Marion L Elliott, E far Whiteface Maud L (Mitchell ho Madaline D pi Susie M pi Harold Melvin Estes, William H far Mary E (Atkins ho *F G tinman Ashland Henry A far Ethredge, Sim lab Ctr RED Earus worth, A car & retd soldr Mt View House, No Lucinda S (Tracy ho *Frank E artist Somerville, Mass * Viola V (m Temple Hopkinton, Mass *Edvv S milk route mgr Boston, Mass *William A musician So Framingham, Mass *E L stu & M E preacher Ethel M (m Baird Felch, Leavitt C car Mltnboro RED *Levvis P phy & sur Boston, Mass Fellows, C R far Hillard Far No Orra A (Locke ho *Arthur P far & mach Franklin Fillmore, Millard cont & bldr Ctr R F D Margaret ( John cont & bldr Stella ho Margaret ho Jennie stu William stu Carlota pi Fisher, Elliott L brdg house Wonolancet Wife Fogg, Elias H far Ctr RED Anna E (Beede ho *Hattie A (m Bearce Lowell, Mass *Ada 1 (m Gatts Somerville, Mass *Melvin A real est Winchester, Mass *Nellie S (m Bagley Montpelia, Vt Elias E far Fogg, Julia A (Mason ho No Lizzie F (m Powers CENSUS 57 Fogj?, Stephen far Whiteface *Gu8tavus cook Oakland, Cal ♦Francis S lumb Friday Har, Wash *Maria E (m Glover Fenway Sta, Boston, Mass Clara H (Townsend-Jose Fogg, Mary E (Moulton Ctr Etta F (ra Rogers Whiteface Lizzie B (m Brown •Henry basket nikr New Hampton Emma (m Mudgett Ora A (m Mudgett *We8tley H mason New Hampton Eugene W lab John W far •Daisy E (m Mandville Ctr Har Furbush, C S mach retd Ctr Nancy J (Et bridge ho Isabelle C tr Forssius, C A Wayside Farm Sum Brdg House & fish del Sarah J (Downs ho Foss, Chas H far •Bernard W mach 94 E Chestnut, Waltham, Mass Foss, F N far Whiteface Julia (Flemming ho Foss, Chas L far Whiteface Mellie (Batchelder ho Beatrice pi P^rench, F E far Mltnboro RED Sallie F (Beede ho *Herbert F R R ser Lynn, Mass *Lizzie B (m Gilchrist Wakefield, Mass Edith L tr •Josephine G (m Tuck Wakefield, Mass Raymond L pi Frye, Lewis W far Jennie F (Hoyt ho Harold W Louise F Gale, Amos far Ctr RED Albert far Garland, SethD blk Ctr Estella H (Hanson ho Geo N lab Grace E ho Rufus E pi Lewis D pi Mary A pi Julia G pi Garland, Emma A (Grant ho •Esfa E pi Porter, Me Lawrence E pi 58 SANDWICH Garland, Mary E (Hammond ho Ctr Chas W stage driver Gault, Geo F far Ctr Eva M (Bagley ho Doris L George, John A patent mkr sum res No Annie P (Roach ho Clara E ho *narry T draughtsman Lynn, Mass George, Chas P far Ctr Eliza M (Gilman ho *Alice M (m Hunt No Sutton, Mass *Fred W car Holderness George, D W far Ctr R F D Lydia M (Goodwin ho Gilman, Eleanor (Prescott Ctr *Mary P (m Bryer ho Meredith Fred C team Gilman, Fred C team Ctr Mary J (Boyington ho Gilman, Chas stage line Ctr Chas L stage driver *Anna A (m Trasher Marblehead, Mass Gilman, C L stage driver Ctr Mildred A pi Gilman, John F far No Harriet J (Richardson John F Jr stone mas Herbert E foreman Canning Co James E far Maud V (m Duntley ho Gilman, J F Jr far Whiteface •Wilbur J mill op Wolfeboro Clifford J lab Harold B pi Mattie M pi Viola pi Gilman, Owen L far No Rinnie A (Cox ho Gilman, N F far Ctr R F D Hattie H (Gannett ho Gilman, ASA far Ctr Emma F (Tilton ho Gilman, John C far Ctr R F D Maria E (Beede ho Geo A far Amy M (m Burrows ♦Elsie M(m Blake Laconia Warren S lab Glover, Eldora F (Thompson ho CtrRFD David M far Goodwin, Lucinda B (Goodwin ho Ctr *Nellie J (m Nichol 53 Freemont, Winthrop, Mass Gordon, Belle L (Crawford Mltnboro R F D CENSUS 59 Gordon, Geo W retd soldier Mltnboro R F D Anna D (Sanboru ho *Lizzie J (m Moulton Lynn, Mass *GeoWJr prov dlr Los Anp;eles, Cal Lula B (m Palmer Grant, Geo A far & ear Whiteface Clara A (Hedble ho Berjl V (m Tappan Myrtle G (m Brown Aliston H lab Grant, A W far Whiteface E A (Bennett ho Nettie A stu Grant, F H far No R F D Hallie B (Abbott ho *Edna M (m Garland Tarn worth *Cha8 A ranchman Montanua *A F Loan Association Portland, Oreo;on *Ernest A lab Tamworth *Leland H mill op Meredith Harvey W lab Grant, D B far Mltnboro R F D •Henry A millman Mltnboro Fls *Anginette (m Lamprey Ctr Har Emma M (m Garland Gray, Geo L far & car No Jeannette (Tarbox ho Irving far Gray, Irving far No Mary E (Corliss ho Geo L pi Richard pi Grace M Greene, R E Ctr Har, RED far Upper Squam Farm Ella L (Burrows ho Wilber J lab Lizzie E stu Lillian E pi Groves, Isaac H F far Mltnboro RED Lizzie B (Hodgdon ho Groves, C E far Mltnboro RED Nellie E (Whiting ho Groves, Dan'l V far Mltnboro RED Groves, A M far Mltnboro RED Louise S (Sanborn ho Ross M far Mabel C ho Groves, R M far Mltnboro RED Annie M (Bemis ho Albert L 60 SANDWICH H Hackett, Susan A (Smith ho Ctr Har Burleigh B Mltnboro Haley, H O lab Mltnboro Flora B (Tilton ho Edith M ho Hall, Moses A far Ctr Hall, Vesta A (Lord ho No *Jesse M mas Everett, Mass *Mary A (m Hawkins Haverhill, Mass Geo F policeman Ham, Laura E ho Ctr Hammond, Hiram H lab Francis L pi Hanson, R W far Whiteface Essie I (m Spauldinjo; Hanson, Bertha M Whiteface Hanson, A T far Ctr R F D Hanson, Jas A far The Youni? Mt House, Whiteface Annie M (Perkins ho Frank W far Hanson, G far & livery Ctr Amelia R (Flanders ho Hannah S (m Garland *Mary E (m Leif^htou Ctr Har *Geo E liv & auctioneer Laconia Frank L ptr & pap h^r *W H team Rupert, Vt *C T cl Providence, R I *Addie F (m Stevens Haverhill, Mass *NellieG (niKellie Lawrence, Mass Hanson, Frank L ptr Ctr Ida M (Priest ho C Gaston lab Frank H pi Geo N pi Marie L pi Leonard M pi Paul A Hart, Elmer B cl & ins Ctr Ethel A (Burleigh ho Burleigh S Hatch, Harriet L (Smith ho *Grace H (m Smith New Hampton Hatch, Augusta A (Banfill ho Whiteface *E R mach Orange, Mass *Iva B (ra Day Berlin Ad die M (m Penuiman *AlbyH far Athol, Mass Nellie J (m Prescott No *E W mach Athol, Mass Effie M (m Wallace Hawes, Dora (Preston ho sum res, No Caspar S lab Evauder F pi CENSUS Gl Heard, Emily M (Marstoii ho Edwin M mer A M mer & Bank Pros William mer Heard, AVilliam mer Ctr William A pi Lillian P (Thompson ho Heard, Edwin M mer Ctr Nettie L (Barker ho Howard B far & liv Heard, H B liv & far Ctr R F D Georoje (Tasker ho Gordan G Heath, Chas E far Hill, William A maa Ctr Hill, Irene C (French ho No *A W elec con Avon, Mass Walter F far *Louisa A (ra Kemp Natic, Mass Hill, Walter F far No Florence E (Peck ho Irene E pi Hill, Samuel A far No Hilton, J Elizabeth ho Ctr Hilton, G lab No Hinds, Mjra A (Mudgett No Loveland E far •Alida M (m Williams Laconia *Clara W (m Mack ho West Center Harbor *Byron C A car & far Ashland Hoag:, Thos W far Whiteface Martha E (Cartland ho Alice N tr Ella C(m Weed *Ennice M (m Spanlding Tarn worth Hoag, Lewis retd Ctr Julia A (Estes ho *John B prin school Woburn, Mass ArtliurT far Albert B phy & sur Hoap:, J B prin school sum res, Ctr Elizabeth (Leslie ho Elnora pi John P pi Ruth pi Hoap-, A B phy & sur Ctr Abbie F (Peaslee ho Albert P. Jr pi Charlotte Hobbs, J P blk Whiteface Hobbs, Lydia E (Tibbitts ho Ctr R F D Walter C lab Hodge, John N far Ctr R F D Norman R far Nellow F (m Burrows Nellie F (Burrows ho Hodge, N F car & far Ctr R F D Effie M (Nutter ho Ruth M pi 62 SANDWICH Reuben N pi Hodge, ChasW far Ctr Har Elizabeth J (Garland ho Ellen H (m Carter Chas T far Hodoe, Chas T far Harriet (Bragg ho Walter car Hodge, Leon B lab Ctr Rose (Dudley ho Leon a pi Marie pi Hodge, Walter E car Lois L (Cram ho Home, Thos A. far No Emma J (Henderson ho Home, John F far Ctr R F D Marcia E (Wellman ho Hattie E (m Skinner Houghton, B R mer sum res, Ctr Mary (Hyde ho Hovvarth, Jas O far No Anna R (Abbey ho Hoyt, Caroline E (Quimby ho Ctr RED George S far Chas B Grange organizer Hoyt, C B Grange organizer Ctr R F D Florence W (Webster ho Hoyt, Geo S far Lydia C (Wentworth ho Mary VV stu Hull, L B watch mkr Ctr *Chas E wheelright Canaan Adelaide S (m Burroughs *Luther N cl 103 Broad, Boston, Mass Irving, Geo L far Ctr Lydia E [Hobbs ho Nettie E ho Agnes H pl Mary J K Kelley, Sarah J (Vittum ho Mltnboro R F D Kent, Esther L (Griffin Mltnboro RED Landon, Oscar lab Edith M (Roy ho Margaret pl Lee, Ansel E P M & mer No Lee, Delinda A (Wilson No *C E car Rock Island, P Q *S A (m Porter New Sharon, Me Clara E (m Quimby *Jennie M ho Barton Landing, N Y CENSUS 63 *Frank H eng Georgeville, Quebec Lee, Oliver far Ctr R F D Lewis, Elmira ( ho Ctr *Herman mill op Haverhill, Mass Lillie Eliza L (Prescott ho No M Mack, Nellie E( Abbott Ctr Har Geo F lab Ralph L fireman Ernest M pi Marston, Ruth ho Ctr R F D Marston, Geo E stu Ctr R F D Marston, John A Ctr far & basket mill op James L far & basket mill op Marston, J as L basket mfr Ctr Grace (Staton ho Annie S stu Ellen L John S Marston, W B Marston Farm Ctr R F D Addie J (Gilman ho Martin, Sarah B ho Ctr RED Martin, Jones F far Ctr RED Alice M (Tappan ho Mason, Fred far Mltuboro RED Etta A (Whiting ho Clinton C car Mason, Emily J (Mudgett Ctr McCauley, James violin mkr Ctr R F D *John A hatter 19 Park Ave, Somerville, Mass Charlotte A (ra Wallace *Niles E 8 8 op 8 Portland, Rochester McCloskey, Wm far Mltnboro R F D McCrillis, Alonzo Whiteface far & surveyor Lulie M (Clark ho Anna stu Margaret stu Neal stu Mary pi McDaniel, Uriah R far Whiteface Nellie S (Nichols ho McGoon, LL far Ctr R F D Mary A (Danforth ho McGregor, Chas W far Ctr 1 McKenney, F L ptr No Laura S (Damon ho Merrifield, Everett far Emma M (Nichols ho Clifford pi Bertha pi Harold pi Norman pi Merrill, Jennie P ho Ctr 64 SANDWICH Morse, Geo W far Whiteface Hannah J (Jewell ho Lizzie M ho Moulton, Herbert E Ctr R F D Moulton Farm Julia A (Tilton hostess Louisa stu Moulton, Danl car & far Anna E (Skinner ho •Elizabeth (m Scott Wlfboro *Ruth (m Hoyt Mltnboro *Isaac A far Mltnboro Moulton, A P cl Ctr Maud B (Smith ho Pauline Moulton, EC far Ctr Arthur P cl *Edith M (m Dorr Holderness Myrtie M (Brown Joseph B pi Mud^ett, E W far Ctr R F D Susan M (Tibbetts ho *Anna M (m Downs 50 Cottage, Laconia *Rosie B (m Wells Hilton Eugene M lar Mudgett, Eugene E far Ctr Eva M (Davis ho Sybil S pi Irving E Mudgett, Elisha W far Ctr Luella B (Adkins ho Jessie A lab Frank L lab Mudgett, Fred W far Ctr Ora A (Fogg ho Etta M pi Carrie E pi Freddie C pi Flora E Mudgett, Chas H lab Ctr Emma M (Fogg ho *Harry O bk kpr 77 Arlington, So Fraraington Richard E pi Mudgett, Jas E far Ctr M Olive (Cotton ho N Newell, Elijah F B clerg Ctr Rosanna A (Wilson ho Winnifred N ho & nurse *Paul E cloth examiner 109 Foster, Lawrence, Mass *MabelD(raCook 86 Osgood, Lawrence, Mass Marguerite E tr B Foye reader Nichols, Maud E pi Whiteface Nixon, J H far Ctr Har RED Edith M (Dorr ho Nutter, Effie M (Abbott ho Ctr R F D * Bessie A (m Fogg Springfield, Vt CENSUS 65 JohnB lab Sarah L (Glines ho *Robert C motorman P 187 Princeton, E Boston, Mass Palmer, Julia A ho *Cha8 G elec Mltnboro R F D 67 Lakevievv Ave, Lynn, Mass Palmer, Etta A (Dow ho Penniman, W S far Whiteface Mltnboro R F D Addie M (Hatch ho Beatrice M Pl *EthelA (mSilsby Archie A pl Luoenburg, Vt Palmer, W F far & mer Wiufield G far Mltnboro R F D *M L car Orange, Mass Lulu B (Gordon ho * Jennie L (m Reedj Gordon F Athol, Mass Peaslee, Dan'l far Whiteface Alice L pl Harriet W (Fogg ho Warren R pl Elsie A (m Weed Perkins, Alfred T far No *Ella M (m Knowlton Perkins, M E car No Tamworth Georgia A (Knight ho David J car Herbert L lab Abbie F (m Hoag Perkins, G E far & shoe mkr Peaslee, D J car Whiteface No Dora E (Trask ho Addie J (West ho Ruth M pl Harry E lab Roland pl Pettengill, S B chef Ctr Roscoe D pl Helen E (Delauey ho ChaeE pl Leauder D pl Infant Pickthall, RE far No R F D Peaslee, Samuel far No Mary N (Weed ho Mary E (Vittum ho Pierce, Martha J ho Ctr Peaslee, J M far No Pierce, Jas A lar & car Helen (Morrison ho Tamworth Agnes L tr Nettie G (Vittum ho Penniman, W H far Ctr Frances E 6G SANDWICH Plummpr, F P far & millman No Harriet M (Moultoii ho Wilfred Z far Plummer, Wilfred Z far Ctr James S H far Hattie M ho Clarence R pi Annie M (Leary ho Pophani, B lab Whiteface Powers, Herbert H retd No Lizzie F (Fog^' ho *Edith F (m Knowles Beverly, Mass Prescott, G H far & mill man Prescott, Mabel F ho No Prescott, John I) lab No Prescott, Oliver A car No Nellie J (Hatch ho Fred E far Prescott, Asa S lab Ctr R F D Mary M (Wallace ho Price, Fishel lab Ctr Har Quimby, Lizzie L (Cook No asst P M «fe c) WilberE far Ctr Quimby, Henry M car No Clara E (Lee ho *Maud li (m Morse Graniteville, P Q *Evelyn D (m Fitte 68 Richdale Ave, No Cambridge, Mass Nettie L (m Robinson 68 Richdale Ave, No Cambridge, Mass Quimby, Stanley F far No Etta S (Nickerson ho Mabel I tr Maud Q (m Bryer Robert S med stu Quimby, Wiufield S far No Edith M (Durgin ho :8on ho Avery, W B tel collector West Mary E (Emerson ho Ralph E pi Minnie L pi Avery, Frank A far Ply 5 Addie M (Batchelder ho & dr mkr *Herbert L far Ellsworth *Nettie A (m Rodgers Ashland *BlanchM (m Bailey Ply *Bes8ie M (m Welch ho Woodsville Harold W far Avery, Mark F far Ply RED Avery, S M far & car Ply 5 Martha J (Moody ho *E M R R inspector Ply Elno L blk Elvira M pi Hermon M pi Avery, Newell far Ply 5 Elizabeth A (Pease ho Smith M far & car *Ida J (m Berry Meredith *Georgia P (m Kitrell ho Bristol *Susie M cook Ply Avery, Mark F far Ply 5 Divorced wife Elver M stu Avery, Reuben L far Ply 5 A Ellen (Truell ho *Lilla M (m Nelson Plv 1 B Babbitt, Edw N far West Anna M ( ho Bacon, Chas L lab Ply 5 Baker, Asenath H (Scates ho William E drug- Baker, William E drug Sadie M (Dunn ho Stella L pl Clara B Barry, E H retd far Piyi CENSUS 117 Helen W (Tyler ho *Emma H (m Hooper Rumney *W E car Seabury, Me *Chas F ladder round mkr Warren •Caroline A (m Hopkins Cliftondale, Mass Francis C mill op Batchelder, Alice M (Tuttle ho Ply 3 Viola J pi Mabel E pi Yinlletta T pi Bell, Ed far & team Asa lab *Mamie (m Ormon ho Thornton Debie V ho Davie pi Benton, Martha E (Nichols Henry T far Berry, Wm H far Ply 5 Mary H (Sanborn ho Eldred V far Mildred R tr Berry, E V far Ply 5 Florence G (Savage ho Blaisdell, J C carg & sleigh bus *ElIen M (m Dearbon Winchester, Mass Martha A stenog Blaisdell, J M far Ply 3 Julia A (Hall ho Edith M tr Blaisdell, Geo F jeweler Ply R F D Bowlen, John lab Ply 5 Braley, C H lab Ply 3 Brown, Alex blk Jane (Littlefield ho Brown, Geo () far Ply R F D Alice J (Roberts ho Amy M(m Hill ho Irving H tr Brown, Henry H far Ply 4 Ella J (Colby ho * Walter S mill op Holyoke, Mass Mattie F (m Bump Ply 3 Carrie A (m Foss Brown, Walter H Ply 4 Brown, Sarah A ho Ply Buck, Edwin C far Ply 5 Bump, Geo H car Leonie N (Caldon ho Bump, Nancy J (Hutch ins ho & nurse Ply R F D Ada M (m Avery West Curtis G car West Waldo J far Bump, Waldo J car Ply Ethel M (Ames ho Bump, John F far Ply RED Burbank, James lab Ply RED Buzzell, A S Bapt Clerg Florence E (Poland ho 118 CAMPTON •Florence M (m Holton Fitohburff, Mass *Vinnie E (m Place North Troj, N Y Caldou, R F far & mill op Frances A (Downing ho Herbert F pi Blanche K pi Arthur N pi Caldon, Catherine M ho Cameron, Oscar A mill &lumb Florence A (Currier ho Claud H pi Perley C Carlton, Marv A ho Carroll, Geo lumb Mvrtie A (Ford ho Lela E pi Carter, Julia M (Webster ho Blanche A pi Chase, Mary ho West Chase, Wm E lab Ply R F D Eldora J (Corliss ho Willie J pi Chase, Goo W far Ply R F D Lizzie C (Palmer ho Chas G lab Clara L (m Avery Volney R lab Addie M pi Perley A pi Chase, F H house finish & wood wrk Mabel A (Batchelder ho Lewis T stu Bertha Mae stu Gladys P pi Arthur F pi Ruth F Cheney, Henry A team Susie M (Drake ho Marion pi Lyle pi Milo H pi Bert L pi Beula Cheeney, Harry A phy & eur Sarah A (Brooks ho S A pi Childs, FA Ply R F D real est agt, sum res Family Clark, Clara A (Howland ho Ply 3 *Wilber P quarryman Graniteville, Vt Walter M lineman *Nettie J (m Tenney Weare Bert H yardman Edward T stone wrk Clark, Bert H yardman Ply 3 Belle B (Perry ho Veranus Y pi Marion C pi CENSUS 119 Clark, Elmer E lab Ply 5 Antney E pi William B pi Clark, Auu M (Bartlett ho Willie B mill op Coffin, Geo W^ far Ply 3 Etnijy J (Clark ho Herbert W far Harry S mill man Coffin, Herbert M far Ply 3 Ida E (Downing ho Coffin, Edwd E far Ply 5 William H mill op Chas F far Nathan G far Coffin, Nathan G far Ply 5 MyrtieE (Wallace ho Coleman, Harriet M ho Ply 5 Cone, M B retd mer Constantine, Hattie I AVest Cook, Geo W far Ply RED Mnry E (Moulton ho *Theresa H (m Avery Ellsworth Del mar M ho Cook, Sarah M (Merrill Ply 5 •Herman B Uoxbury, Mass liv & sale stable * A If red M market Roxbnry Nellie R ho *JenuieL df inkr Roxbnry Edward H jar •Clarence K liv &. s stable Lucy E milliner Cook, Nelson B lab Eva M (Hackett ho Corliss, H H eng Ply R F D Lilla E (Stevens ho Hazel V Corliss, F K mill op Ply RF D Daisy (Pierce ho Harold S pi Corliss, Elizabeth A (Harvey Fred K mill op Hir.am H enpj Ooss, Harry E mill op Cross; Edith B stu Crowell, Marilla M (Brown Ply RED *Frank L millraan Ply •Nellie J (m Stevens Holderness Fred H far Crowell, Fred H far Ply R F D M Emma (Burnham ho Currier; Willard P far Ply 3 Annie A (Merrill ho D Davie, M N real est & ins Ply 5 Lucy (Greenwood ho Timothy decorator Dearbon, Harry F mill op Lela A ho Frank E Clarence S 120 CAMPTON Dearbon, C W retd Mary A (Rexford ho *Lewis E far Laconia *Clarence car Laconia Dearbon, Barron O far Etta M f Bump ho Warren J car •Leonard R car 487 West 135th, N Y Derosia, Hattie ho West Dole, Flora E (Hoyt ho Dole, Sarah E (Blair ho Dole, Moody C woolen mfr Lillian F (Merrill ho Erastus stu Florence E stu Roland J pi Olive L pi Sarah E pi Dorothy E pi Dolloff, John lab Orissa M (Lyford ho Myrtle A (m Drake Eva L pi Downing, John H far Ply 3 Christiana E (Palmer ho *Sidney F sta agt Lincoln Lottie M ho Alphonso F stu Downing, Agnes M pi Downing, Edith E ho Drake, William lab Myrtie A (Dolloff ho Moxine V Drew, Cyrus W car Lura L (Mitchell ho *Grace E (m Brock Ashland Dunklee, C E (Ferris West *Roxa I (ra Merrill Thornton Seth E pi Durgin, V G Ply 5 fish & meat dlr Ella M (Foss ho Harry A fish & meat dlr Paul's pi Dustin, Jos lab Ply 1 Mary (Plant ho *Mary (m Gilbert Lisbon *Chaslab Farmington, Me *Lena (m Putman Lisbon Frank lab *Almedia (m Dresden N B *Daisy (ra Como N B *Maud (ra Savage Somerville, Me *Ethel (m Shea ho Ply John lab Joseph pi Leon pi Dustin, Frank pi Ply R F D Dustin, Norman pi Elliott, Jerusha P (Boyington *Carrie H (ra Elliott Waterville CENSUS 121 Annie L (m Spaulding-Lee Elliott, Albert J pant cutter *Lela M (ra Everett Manchester Mary B (Stonecliffe ho Elliott, John far Martha (Nichols ho *AHce H (m Dow Ashland *John M weaver Ashland Grove C mill op Walter weaver Maud ho Elliott, Henry C far Elliott, John far *Alice H (m Dow Ashland *John weaver Ashland Grover C lab Walter W weaver Enfield *Maud C ho Ashland Martha (Benton ho Elliott, Flora A ho RED Evans, N far Ply RED Caroline M (Taylor ho *Elmer E far Rumney Chester L far •Nellie M (m Ames Holderness *Elnora (m Caldon Thornton •Gertrude M (m Campbell Alexandria Evans, A A (Scatee ho Ewins, Geo S lab Ply 3 Abbie K (Keniston ho Louise J Scott pl pl Ferris, Cora E (Langiey West Maud R (m Werden ho Plymouth RED *Hallie E (m Werden ho Wanconda, 111 R F D *John H lab The Dalles, Oregon Fisher, Ora F far West Mary G (Spokesfield ho Flanders, Mary E (Greene mer Fifield, H M mer Lucia M (Foss ho Lena pl Elizabeth pl Fifield, Maria D ho Fifield, Geo F stage driver West *Cha8 F R R agt Chelsea, Mass Fogs, Mary ( Frank W cl Fogg, Nellie R (Moses ho No Ply, RED Frank M lab Willie M lab Foss, Esther A (Hannaford Walter E O liv manager Foss, Walter E livery 122 CAMPTON Gertrude L (Fonda ho Leslie E pi Fobs, David P retd *Winifred J Phila IdaM (Merrill ho Foes, Laura E cl Fobs, Winfield lab Ply 4 Carrie A (Brown ho Fobs, Estella J ho Ply 5 Foster, Mary A (Avery West Fox, Ella (Keiidrick ho French, John N far Nettie S (Green ho Marcia J cl French, H A lumb »fe jobber Nellie E (Taylor ho Lee W pi Wayne H pi Eva M pi Galligher, Wm J lab Hazel B (Smith ho Irene I Garland, Louisa (Avery Ply 5 D Jennie (m Berry *Sarah L (m Spokesfield West Henry R far Garland, Henry R far Ply 5 Cora B (Rowe ho Lawrence H pi Gilman, Joseph H lab Gertie A (Simpson ho Harry M lab Harvey P lab Ernest W lab Gilman, Harvey P lab AddieE (Philbrick ho Goodwin, H W ptr & pap hgr Mary E (Avery ho Gosley, F J lab & team West Lillian M (Micleen ho Green, Geo bk kpr Grace (Bronson ho Isabel H Hadley, Chas M nij>ht watch Ply RED Emma F (Dow ho AE Hall, Albert far Ply 5 Eliza J (Blaisdell ho *Susie J (m McKeen 501 Cherry, Anaconda, Mon Perley A far Hall, P A far Ply 5 IdaM (Smith ho Hall, Geo W s s op Ply RED *Ida M boss in eating ho 36 Washington, Haverhill, Mass *G A car Lawrence, Mass Hall, Frank W millman CENSUS 123 Myrtie L (Pettengill ho Clarence A pi Gertrude E pi Hannaford, Johu S far Ply 1 Lydia (Clark ho Hanscomb, Geo W lab Ply 3 Nellie R (Fogg ho "Walter G mill op Edith M (m Willoughby Annie B ho *Eunice M (m Manchester Harrington, N W Bapt clerg West Martha C (Cook ho Gertrude L pi Edith Alberta pi E Viola pi Hart, F P car & far Esther E (Willey ho Harvey, Elizabeth A (Chapman Hawkins, W A far Beach Hill, Ply 5 Sarah J (Worthen ho Leon A stu Julia E stu Hildreth, Mary E far Ply 5 Pauline stu Beatrice stu C Dewey pi Merle W pi Gloyra pi Joyce pi Malcolm D pi Helen E John R Hill, Lucy G (Grant ho Ply 5 Fred G far Hill, Fred G far Ply 5 Amy M (Brown ho Maurice I Hodsdon, A J retd soldier Christina I (Avery ho Holmes, Willie B mill op Ella M (Steele ho Scott S mill op Homans, Sarah A retd nurse Huckins, Auuie D ho Ply 5 Huckins. F E lab Ply RED Hussey, John W far Ply 5 *Martha D ho Stoughton, Mass Oliver B far Myra E (Clement ho Norman C Hussey, Oliver B far Ply 5 Delia M ( Jesseman ho Ivan D pi Esther F Hutchins, Emma J (Elliott Ply R F D *Myrtie C (Sanborn WPly *N K mill op Rumney Lydia E (m Goodwin Cleora M (m Comstantire Chauncy R far 124 CAMPTON Archie E Bertha M Earle W VeraV Anneta P far table ^irl pl Pl pl J Jeseaman, Geo C far West Ardella M (ra Hussey Leon W medical stu Jesseraan, Harry W lab Arthur F pl Johnson, Frank mill op Ply 5 Mabel (m Richards Emily (Dearbon-Marvin Johnson, Chas W far Ply 5 Lucy L (Wheat ho *Ellen M (m Fiek Alexandria Johnson, C W nier & Far Johnson, Chas far West Family Jones, Daniel millwright Joselyn, Mary ho Ply R F D K Kelley, John A far Ply 5 Alice M (Faden ho Ralph W pl Hazel A pl Cedrie P Kelley, Henry far Ply 5 Garaphelia H (Hill ho ^Elizabeth A (m Colby Island Pond, Vt John A far *Ida H (m Faden No Woodstock Stella B (m W^ingood Kendrick, Lewis far Ella A (m Fox Minnie (m Smith ♦Frank R R ser Ply *Bertha (m Vaile Fra»iklin Falls *Lawrence cook Concord Marshall far Kendrick, M D far Ply R F D Lizzie (m Wallace ho Kendrick, N P lab Ply RED Family Keniston, E H far Ply RED Laura J (Hart ho Abbie K (m Ewins Knowles, John retd Olive A (Chadwick ho *Lilla V (m Wallace Lakeport *S A box mkr Franklin *Ella F (m Hersey Somerville, Mass *Emma M (m Pierce Ha8tinp:s, Mass *Geo E R R ser Concord CENSUS 125 Lee, Walter I tel mo:r Annie L (Spaulding; ho Leavett, H W far Ply R F D Libby, Frank V lumb Marg:aret (Diinigan ho Little, J C grain dlr Annie S (Shaw ho Webb 8tu George E stu Lovett, Andrew J lab Elizabeth (Downing Lovett, Simon retd Ply 5 Lencas, Mary J (Leavitt ho Ply R F D Lyford, Henry D lab Dorothy B pi Colby R pi M Maxwell, CW far Ply R F D El8ie M (Proctor ho Boyd R pi Lura J pi Marion V pi Warren E pi Clinton E pi Avis M Bernard A McCann, Jas far Ply 5 Mabel (m Palmer ho McCormack, L stone mas Ply 4 EIIh M (Ames ho Nellie M pi Albert L pi Edith K pi Chas P pi Scott A pi Clarence J pi Josephine R McCoy, Albert A Inmb Marcelia (Lawton ho *Anna M (m Beede Lowell, Mass Archibald D L lab Ella M uurtse Lee R pi Raymond R bk kpr McNeil, John lumb Mary T (Robie ho Sarah C Merrill, Moses W far Almira H (Southward ho Merrill, Ralph E saw mill op Maud A (Shepherd ho Ruby R pi Merrill, F E far Ply 3 Gertrude (Little ho Everett F pi Laura F pi Geo H pi Hattie L pi Leslie B Bertha G Merrill, Saml E lab Ply 3 Merrill, Annie A (Leavitt ho Ply 3 126 CAMPTON *Mary L (m McKensy Coucord Bert G lab Merrill, Ami M bo Ply 3 Merrill, Jas F far Ply 3 Harriet A (VVortheu ho Mary L (m Webster Merrill, H F far Ply 5 Lavina (Clark ho Maud F ho Merrill, Chas E far Ply 5 Ida A (Mitchell ho Meckliij, William far West Rose (Plaut ho Orrin R R ser Bert - lab Richard pi Lilla (m Gasely Mickleu, Bert W mill op EvaS (Ferrin ho Mickleu, Orriu R R ser West Baslou pi Joseph M pi Miua T pi Mitchell, Geo E el Ply 3 Morrill, Henry L far Mertie R (Duuklee ho Hazel E steuog Pearl E stenog Heury F asst mill op Morrill, Elizabeth P (Southmayd ho Harry W car Morrison, E L lab Ply RED Morrison, Lewis R sta agt L R (Clifford ho Gladys P pi Ellison K pi Morrison, Marcella M (Coldou Moses, David M far Ply 3 Albertena M (Uiggins ho Moulton, F M far Ply R F D Louisa M (Fellows ho *Henry A far Holderness *Nathauiel F lab Hanover *Luelwell S lab Hanover *Au»;ustus V car Ashland Beuj A lab Myrtle M ho Moulton, Wilson N car West AbbieC(Ward ho Myrtie A (m Webster Ply R F D Arthur W eng Moulton, Darius mer West Julia A (Ordway ho Alice M (m Young Moulton, F L blk W'est *Linnie M (m Miles ho Barton Landing, Vt *Geo I piano shop op Barton Landiug, Vt Clara E (Randall ho EllaB (m Bagley Campton Clarence L car Bessie L ho Moulton, Dustin mer CENSUS 127 Julia A (Johnson ho Llewellyn D mer & far MuiTV, Esther A (Foss ho Newton, Geo far Ply 3 Lilla V (Guild ho Belle G tr Ethel V 8tu N Norseworthy, Job J lab Ply 3 O Osgood, E tel asst Patre, Reuben D far Ply R F D *Fraak C needle shop op Franklin Falls Fred H car Chas H millwright Flora E (Ames ho Christie D stu Alice F pi Pao:e, M far Ply R F D Nettie S (Blaisdell ho & dr nikr Nettie M asst dr mkr Page, Willard C far Ply 1 Ada M (Roberta ho *Ethel R (m Bowles Albert W far Herbert E far Blanche M ho Harris L pi Elmore J pi Wesley C pi Page, S T far Ply 3 Asenath W (Young *Nel8on D team & far Cook, Cal Cora L ho •Theodore L switchman Somerville, Mass William F lab Palmer, Mabel (McCanu ho Richard L pi Ellen M pi James C pi Palmer, C P far Ply 5 Hannah H (Pease ho Eorin C lab Leslie W far *Lottie M (m Yeaton Saubornville Christina E (m Downing Daisy G (m Brown Pattee, Georgia A (Brown Ply R F D Geo D " far *Chas H cl Mexico Pattee, John W C ptr Charlotte G (Polley ho *Ralph J phy & sur Central Ave, Dover *Asa L phy & sur Falmouth, Mass 128 CAMPTON Fanny K (m Foss Peabod.v,Wm far Fly R F D Percy, Arthur S far Ply 5 Perkins, Anna P (Adams ho Ply 5 Gertrude P (m Littlefield Boston, Mass Perkins, Ranson blk Susan F (Cogswell ho Pettengill, Auo;usta J (Porter Clarence O hotel prop Myrtie L ( in Hall Pettengill, C O hotel prop Nellie M (Baldwin ho Chas H hotel cl Ramsey A pi Philbrick, Byron J mill op C Winifred (Russell ho Addie E (m Gilman Pierce, Caroline M (Foss ho Plaisted, Wm S far Ply 3 Emma B (Rodgers ho Ethel M ho Frederick K Plummer, J H far & liv sta Nellie R (Russell ho Carrie E (m Royce Prescott, Annie F (Fish ho Frank M barber Grover Cleveland lab Pulsifer, Thos S far Ply R F D John M far Pulsifer, J M far Ply R F D Laura S (Worthing ho Alice C stu Ruth E pi Roy S pi Bertram W Pulsifer, Isabelle W (Draper ho Plyl *Flora L (m Smith Holderness *Joseph W^ far Holderness Geo E far Pulsifer, Geo E far Ply RED Lizzie G (Pulsifer ho Blanche E pi Pulsifer, WC far Ply 5 Clara J (Wortheu ho Fred E far Maud L stu Pulsifer, Chas W far Ply 5 Willard C far LizzieG (m Pulsifer route 1 Quimby, Lenora B (Eaton ho James L car & stone wk *Geo M car Concord *Virna A (m Sanborn Ashland LoisM (m Nichols Ctr Har Quimby, Jas L car West Helen B (Constantine ho Robert S pi CENSUS 129 R Rompey, Jeff far Ply 5 Harriet (Bill ho Ida ho Jeff J lab Peter P lab Josie H pi John J pi Harriet H pi Albert J pi Hazel P Rompey, Prosper lab Ply 5 Ida J (Youup: ho Edith M (ra Plant Rte 1 Joseph lab Eugene G pi Edward pi Rice, V S far Ply R F D Mary D (Morrison ho Gwendolyn L Wilhelmina Rice, Jas B far Ply R F D Caroline (Shaw ho •H B team Boston, Mass Willard M lab Robie, Sam'l P excelsior mill Effie L (Cross ho Robie, Sarah J ho Robie, Anna ho Robie, Ella (Glamo Ply RED *John lab Woodsville Robilee, Edward lab Ronan, Harry A fore lumb Co Addie G (Varney ho Rowe, Joseph T far West Ellen C (Moulton ho Royce, E G prin high school Carrie E (Plummer ho Russell, Carlton J team Florence M (Woodbury Lillian A stu Sanborn, Isabel V (Gormley Ply 3 *Minnie (m Bigelow Weare Leander J lab Sanborn, F S team Ply 3 Anna M (Smith ho Sanborn, Asenath H (Baker Stella L (m Thurston Sanborn, Nettie D (Cone ho Sanborn, Clyde C Saunders, John M cook Henrietta (Parker ho JohnE lab Nina M mill op Clara M ho Sawyer, A H Hillside House Emma F (Marden ho Shaw, N L far Ply 5 Mary A (French ho •William A lab Shepherd, Walter fore R R sec Clara E (Elliott ho 130 CAMPTON Maud A (m Merrill Chas R lab Shute, Chas far *Lucy F (m Colby Thornton Simpson, A G undertkr, coal del & mail car Kate T (Emerson ho Adele G ho Margaret B etu Mildred E pi Lawrence A pi Smith, Herbert K far Ply 5 Lucy B (Blaisdell ho *Mary (m Crockett ho Los Angeles, Cal Smith, J Frank far West Fannie C (Smith ho *Carrie L (m Pearson ho Madison Smith, Morrill far Nettie (Willey ho Wellman I team Elsie M ho Stella M (m Avery Smith, Frank E far Cora E (Pickering ho Nora B (m Webster Smith, Lucian mill op & far Minnie J (Kendrick ho •Louise M (m Allen Waterville *Clara L (m Gordon N Woodstock Ola G el Hazel B (m Gallagher Thomas V pi Smith, Walter E mill op Jennie R (Smith ho Mary A pi Smith, Emma C (Priest ho Southmayd, Dan'l G car & pap hgr Frances J (Blaisdell ho Southmayd, John W far Ella H (Ferrin ho *F J supt excelsior mill Franklin Spokesfield, C E lumb West Josie E (Hooper ho Elizabeth D Spokesfield, Mark far West Delia A (Moulton ho *H W mach Littleton Chas E lumb Fred C far Spokesfield, Moses C far West Sarah L (Garland ho Mary G (m Fisher Stickney, HE far Ply R F D Daisy A (Morgan ho Stickney, B Frank far Ply 3 Laura A (Eaton ho Annie E nurse Henry E far Mary E ho Stickney, Sarah (Hodgdon Stone, Edwin E far Ply RED CENSUS 131 Ella L (Pendleton ho *Elmer cl 5 Spring, Dorchester, Mass Tafft, Will L stone mas Ply 3 Alice M (Batchelder ho Rosamond Henry A Tasker, Elmer H druggist Evelyn M (Burleigh ho Laura B pi Maurice B pi Taylor, Geo C far Ply 5 Amanda T (Harriman ho Thompson, Geo lab J ulia M (Carter ho Thompson, J W far Ply 3 Marietta (Pike ho •Jennie L bk kpr Boston, Mass *Etta F (m Marston Medford, Mass *Marcia A bk kpr Boston, Mass *L H (m Colson mach Arlington *M H far Quincy, Mass John W Jr far Thurstiu, H L ptr, pap hgr & car LillieM (m Getchell Boston, Mass Stella L (Baker ho Twitchell, Chas F far Ply 5 Ella J (Walton ho Van Auken, Ilyf far West Van Auken, Cora E (Dunklee West Varney, Addie G (Hodgman Ralph H pi W Wallace, Jas M far Ply R F D Moua L (Hart ho Lizzie M (m Kendrick Susie A ho Wallace, Geo W mill op Ply 3 Mattie (Rodgers ho & tr Sherley M tr Walker, Chas artist sum res Lizzie (Mitchell ho Gertrude (m Woods Leon cl Waters, John R I mwyer Ply RED Edith E (Nims ho Viola B pl Ernest E Watson, John R mer West Agues (Clark ho Grace ho Webster, Chas far Ply 3 132 CAMPTON Emma G (Avery ho Frank far Webster, Frank far Ply 3 Myrtie A (Moulton ho Gladys B Lillian G Webster, Chas A far Ply 3 Matilda A (Nutting ho Sarah S ho *Geo A far Webster, Geo A far Ply 3 Mary L (Merrill ho Webster, Jason A pi Webster, Alfred wool sorter Lydia M (Wallace ho Julia M (m Thompson Jason far *G W fireman Woodsville Pheba L tr Webster, Jason far Nora E (Smith ho Lottie pi Alfred Werden, L A dentist & far Ply 5 Maud (Ferris ho & tr Bernice A pi Rowena E pi J Alden pi Helen E pi Herbert C pi Wheelock, John K West Boston fire dept Clara I (Flyun ho * Walter K R R ser 217 Ashmont, Bosfon, Mass Willoughby, Alouzo D pi Ply 3 Willoughby, Saml far Ply 3 Sabrina J (Page ho *Hanuah R (m Ellsworth *Luey E (m Ellison Holderness *Luther F far No Woodstock GeoD Osias M Aionzo D VVilloughby, M far Edith (Hanscomb Willie W Florence M Frank M Wilson, Henry A far far far far Ply 3 ho Pl Ply 5 Wilson, Marshall E far Ply 3 Jerusha A (Moulton ho Edwin J lab Lyone E ho Wiugood, A A far Ply 5 Stella B (Kelly ho Woodward, E S far Ply 5 Alice L (Bennett ho Christina M pl Frank S pl Harold A pl Roberts U pl Helen A CENSUS 133 Wyatt, 11 D instructor sum res Ply 5 Alice ( ho Wrio-ht, Harry L pi Ply 5 York, C W retd Ply 5 Beach Hill WHEN IN WANT. VISIT MORRISON The Druggist Who keeps and sells everything pertaining to the business and more too MEREDITH N. H. N. E. Telephone Citizens Telephone ARTHUR S. FIFIELD Fancy Groceries, Fruit and Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacca Newspapers and Magazines. Latest Sheet Music. Printing of all kinds. Ashland's only five and ten cent store ALL ORDERS DELIVERED ASHLAND, N. H. M. S. ALDRICH Undertaker and Funeral Director Formerly with H. 0. Moulton Both Phones MEREDITH, N. H. Census of Holdettncss Note— Where no Post Office address is expressed Holder- ness is understood. Other Post Offices are abbreviated thus: Plymouth— Ply; Ashland— Ash; Center Harbor— Ctr Har A Adams, Ella E (Fox ho Ply Henry M lab Harry com lab Lilla A pi Allen, Rev F R sum res Alberta (Lewis ho Ames, Wm B gardner Lizzie (Campbell ho Herbert *Ethel M (m Bump Campton Sadie E stu Henry M pi Willie pi Mabel J pi Everett Ames, Warren far Ply 4 Nellie (Evans ho Robert C pi Annis, Pearly lab B Baker, Malora ( Ply 4 Baker, J S far Ash 1 Clara E (Oilman ho *Roxie M (m Thompson Leominster, Mass Gertrude (m Izart •Flossie M (ra Brooks Ashland Wm H far Herbert E pi Frances L pi Fern C T pi Baker, M P charge of camp Ashl CallieC(Burbank Herman L pi M Basil pi E Paul pi Eleanor A Rebecca C Barker, Frank E car Ash 1 Abbie I (Cummings ho Balch, Stephen retd Batchelder, Herbert sum res •Harriet (Webster ho Berwick, Me Batty, Leroy mill op Ash CENSUS 135 Bennett, Edward C far Horace J far •Herbert S far Milton *0 E private coachman 29 Elm, New Haven, Conn Elsie A (Glidden ho EduaM (m Sanborn-Haskell Bennett, H J far & sum bdrs Francella D (Willoughby Benton, Jas A lab Ply Hermon lab Esther M (m Sanborn Ida M (Randolph ho Berry, Flora M pi Ply Berry, Chas B car Meredith 1 *Leo J mach Concord Ralph H stii Clair O pi Alice J (Ferry-Butterfield Boynton, Noah far Ply Sarah A (Smith ho *Georgianna tr nurse 406 Mass Ave, Boston, Mass J Elmer car Boynton, F butch & sum bdrs Flora B ( Morrell-Homstead Wellington D pi Brown, J Irving far Martha J (GrifBu ho George I miller Emma E (m Brown Brown, Willard J pi Ash 4 Brown, Oliver far Meredith 1 Vianua (Greenleaf Javis A lab Millie M (m Downey Olive W (ra Downey Chas M lab Brown, Elizabeth (Innis Ash 1 Drusilah (m Thompson Burleigh, Curtis G far Ash 1 Evelyn J (Welch ho *Buttei field, C D Wells Beach, Me Bessie E Buzzel, H S far Ash 1 Carlton, Asa A far Ply 4 Estella A (Wyman ho Thelma G Carr, Florence ho Carr, Frances M cl Ply Carr, Geo B far Ellen (Moody ho Carr, A T "^lab Ply 4 Susie E (m Evans Myron P lab Mabel tel op Ply Nora tel op Ply Charlie lab Cawley, Elliott mech Ash 1 *John W broker 15 State, Boston, Mass *Albert B hardware dlr Keudleville, Ind 136 HOLDERNESS *Frank T far Kendleville, Ind Jennette M (Esden ho Eveljn J (m Burleigh Chamberlain, E J ptr Ethel M ( Vaniey Fred S mill op Lila G pi Raymond E pi Hazel M Bernice C Chase, Herbert E far Ply 4 NinaF (Wilkins ho Florence M stu Ethel I pi Clark, Reginald pi Ash 1 Clark, Jas W far Ash 1 Mabel L (Berr3^ ho Roydon N lab J Frank Gertrude G pi Maltheno C pi Grace M pi Connelly, Rev John M Ply 4 Rebecca M (Malebury ho Elsie M stu Conner, Eddie pi Ply Corthell, A W mech Ply Helen A pi Lilla M (Rollins-George Cox, Melvina (Clark ho *Sarah G (m Emery Woodside Cox, Jas W Hotel Stewart Cox, Chas R car Ida M (Buzzell ho Cox, Miss Sarah J ho Cox, Miss Harriet H ho Ash 1 Cox, Nathan B far Ash 1 Etta J (Worthing sum boarders *Florence F (m Carr 8 Common, Stoneham, Mass Cummings, Frank G far Ash 1 Abbie H (Pease ho Abbie I (m Barker Currier, Artemus E far Hester A (Davison ho Curry, J W far Ply Victoria A (Orell ho David W car Curry, Robert P PM Cora J (Huntress-Carr boarders D Dane, C W car Ply 4 Odessa M (Douglas ho George R Mary E Davison, Chas H far Martha (Dennett ho Davison, John S sum bdrs Central House Betsy L (Piper ho Jessie B (m Worthen Ruby W tr CENSUS 137 stu Piyi ho lab pl pl pl car Guy Deselle, Andrew far Maggie (Driscol Joseph Rosie Willie Louisa Fannie Albert Dinsmore, Chas Lizzie ( Dinsmore, F W mill op Ply 3 Jennie (Douglass ho •Frank A elec con Waltham, Mass Gladys J stu Marion V pl Dorey, J B blk Lizzie M (Boyce ho Gertrude A Dorr. HF prop Hotel Asquam Abbie (Berry ho Carl S hotel Edith M (m Nixon Dorr, Carl S Edith M (Morton Downing, Danl lab Ralph Proctor Blanche Drew, Oliver P retd Downing, F R far Millie M (Brown Evelyn C hotel Ply pl pl pl Ply 4 Ashl ho Downing, Warren S far Ash 1 Olive W (Brown ho Linuie V Downing, Emery B far Sarah G (Morse ho Drew, Chas F retd Ply 4 Harry H lab *RenaE (m Bartlett Marlboro, Mass *Eva M ho Farraington Drew, Clarence lab Drew, Ben] lab Ply 1 Button, Celia M Ply E Eastman, Danl W far Ash 1 Emma P (Potter ho Elliott, Willie W team Alton ♦Lizzie B (m Elliott Alton *Betsy J (m Malancy Gossville *Mary E (m Sargent W Dan bury *Luther F team Alton *George D far Alton *Eliza J (m Brown Quincy Elliott, Perley A far Ellis, Alfred F car & prop Hillside Cottage Eliza A (Durkee ho *Eulila J manicurest 14 Mechanic, Allston, Mass *Bowman C R R ser 138 HOLDERNESS 14 Mechanic, Allston, Mass Edith E (m Loug- Ellis, Geo W Jr car Ply Maud A (Small Carl A stu Flora M Pl Ellison, Frank W far Piyi Lucy E (Willoughby Emerson, Eleanor (Pendexter Ash 1 Etta ho RoseE Etheridge, Lewis far Ashland Fannie M (Piper Etheridge, Henry sum bdrs Susan ( Bert lab Ethridge, Lewis far Ashl Fannie (Piper ho Evans, Emma (Lee *Viola (m Merrill Ply *Mary (m Davis Ply Olive at home Larona ho Rodney state malitia Evans, Caleb far Isabel (Taylor ho *Ella E (m Sargent Keene *Leauder L mech 68 S Main, Laconia *Alma A (m Sargent Ash *MiIes (i mill op Meredith *Marshall C far W Ply Moses T far *John H elec car Lawrence, Mass Celma B (m Howe Samuel T far *Nicholas B R R ser Boston, Mass Bertie L car Evans, Sara T far Ply 4 Susie M (Carr ho Earl C pl Lila M pl Blanche N Evans, John H fj.r Ply 4 Elmira C (Cox ho F Farmar, Arthur far Ply 4 Jennie R (Richards Albert A cl Edith M stu Felch, ZeldaF (Mabury Maple Ridge Laundry Ferguson, Wm Ferry, S H Meredith 1 Fessenden, Susan S (Snowden sum res Ash 1 Elizabeth M tr Girls Camp Winona Fields Fitzpatric, Minnie E cook Element, Wm A Ply 4 private coachman Isabella (Smith ho Mary J stu CENSUS 139 Ella S Foes, Ethel L tr stu Asbl Gault, Lewis W lab Ply 4 •Arthur L US army *Geo W com lab Vermont *Cora M ho FarmingtoD *Clara A Boston, Mass Enos C stu Gault, Geo W com lab *Cora M (m Bordeau Farmington *Clara A (m Jenness 426 Tremont, Boston, Mass Carl E pi Gay, E F bowling alley George, Fred far Florence E (Low ho Bernice J George, Lovell tr Segred (Johnson ho Vera M pi George, Hattie ho Gilman, Sarah (Merrill Ply *Cora A (m Kenuett Med field, Mass Onslow B mill op Walter M 11 R ser *Mabel F (m Kingsbury 19 Astican Rd, Forest Hill, Mass Glover, Austin lab Ply 4 Greener, A far Meredith 1 Anna M (Jones ho *Emina L (m Coburn Ply Greeuleaf, Chas S far Ply 4 Laura J (Loveland ho Horace T butcher Rose M (m Sargent Walter L far Greeuleaf, Horace T lab Gertrude (Mudgett ho Howard R pi Bertha G pi H Hall,PerleyC car Ash 1 Lida E (Smith ho Chas G Hall, Henry far Ash 1 Susie (Piper ho Ham, A W far Meredith 1 Elizabeth S (Little ho Mildred S Haskell, Chas A car Fvdua M (Bennett ho Dorothy J pi Hawkins, Thom E far Ash 1 Hawkins, Wilmot far Heath, Frank P far Ply 3 RoHeG(Furd ho *Cotto L chief eng elec power Co 213-14, Washington, D C Lillian H (m Chase 140 HOLDERNESS Rosa F (m Hull Helms, Rev Wm H Ash Louise ( ho Nettie tr Aunie pl Mina pl Henry, Archie J lab Hill, Mary L (Langdon' ho Hibbard, Geo far Hilliard, F M lar Meredith 1 Amy M ( m Porter Fred W lab *Harry L raech Rumney *Roscoe E raech Rumney *Anna E (m George Ctr Har Hilliard, John H far Ply 1 Mabel (Smith ho Hodger, Rev Geo sum res Julia ( Houghton, Mrs M R sum res Howe, Abbie (Smith ho Howe, John P far Mary J (Plaisted ho *Cha8 A mailclB&MRR 34 Temple, Boston, Mass ♦S P bag mas B & M R R Dyer Ave, W Everett, Mass Chas Parker Mary A pl Howe, Allen far Ash Clementine (Evens Leon A car David P Thomas Doris I Howe, Abbie P (Smith ho •Stephen W supt St light 7 New Hampshire Ave, Haverhill, Mass *Orlando G ranch *Lucia C (m Sleeper Tilton Huckins, Martin far Ply Huckins, A A car Ply 4 Bertha M (Berry ho Huckins, Ransom Ply 4 Harry N druggist •Frank far Ply 3 Huntress, Horace far rt, Jos T lab Ashl Gertrude (Baker ho J Henry Beatrice M J Jewell, Annie ( sum bdrs Mt Livermore Ho Abbie (m Pease Jewell, Henry B far Sarah E (Sargent ho •Henry A mill op Ashland Frank E car Johnson, Harry P lab Ply Grace P ( Pillsbury CENSUS 141 Johnson, Perley blk Ply Mary A (Bailey Harry P lab Johnson, Melvin H blk Ply Maria H (Elliott Perley M blk Frank M eng Johnson, Arthur H car Jones, Susan (Piper Ash 1 Clara (Woodman K Kendall, Chas S far Ply Georgiana B (Malsbury Ladd, John S far Ash 1 Addie M (Smith ho Florence M pi Edith pi Robert S liakeman, Mary R M D sum res, Girls Camp, Winona Fields Langdon, Woodbury F Leavitt, Harry E car Ash Jennie S (Sargent ho Ethel pi Guy L Leavitt, Chas P far Ash 1 Albina L (Howe ho Long, A C con & bid Edith E (Ellis ho Lom, Wm B far & car Addie ( Elmer Lewis F Lowd, E B far Ply 4 Abbie A (Higgins Myra E s s op 2ii^ Winter, Newburyport, Mass M Mabury, Abigail (Bulmer *Sarah D (in Bulmer Saranakee, New Zealand Zelda F(m Felch Marden, Geo W far Adelaide (Greenleaf ho *Anueta(m Ford Meredith *Hanuah J (m Meredith *Bertha M (m Allan Mass *Mark K elec car ser Maiden, Mass *Anna Bell (m Perkins Meredith Josie Marsh, F O far Ash 1 Lizzie M (Blackle}- ho Marston, Sam E far Mary (Corliss ho *Ausel E mer Sandwich Alice (m Mitchell 142 HOLDERNESS Susie dr mkr OraG Pl Sadie tr nurse Frances E Pl Maxwell, G H fireman Myron S Lottie (George ho Clair R EvaL Mooney, Loren W car McCormic, Nellie J Ply Bell D (Pickering ho McGiunis, Lizzie sum res Etta M (m Shaw Meakin, John coachman Morrill, Chas H far Ply Merrill, Eugene far Ply Hannah E (Cooley Merrill, Ellen (Brown bo Ply Lois C ho Clarence lab GeoH lab Lina (m Wells Morrison, Bessie (Butterfield Eugene lab Morse, Sarah A (James mer Merrill, Geo far Ply Ply George far Morse, L E cl Ply Chas far Morse, Moses E far Ply 4 •Gertrude (m— — Concord Flavilla M (Stygler ho Maud (m Woodard •Frank E Merrill, Ella J I lo Ply 1 advance agt Minstrel Show Merrill, J L bricl : mas & far * Willie D jeweler Ash 1 Plyl *George P horse dlr Mabel (Ritchie 99 Bartlett, Charleston, Mass Bertha L stu Sarah G (m Downing r Persis S pi Morse, Smith team & far James B pi Morton, A S poultry farm Merrill, Yelma (Follensbee Meredith 1 Forest lab Morton, Flora B pl Gladys stu Moss, John U blk Ply Harvey VinaE Merrill, F G Myrtle E (Fox Perley S pi far Ply stu *Alma E (m Benton Tilton Herbert F far Effie M (m Archibald Louis J mill op *Chas L mill op Leon J stu Woodstock CENSUS 143 Florence B (m Day Leon E mer Ada L (m Messer Moulton, Carrie P (Page ho Ashl Moulton, H A far Ply 4 Florence D (Greeuleaf Moulton, J G far Ply 1 Mary J (Martin ho •Amelia B (ra Goss Canada Ernest F lab Muchmore, Alonzo D M D Nellie J Ames •James C R R ser Woodstock Mudgett, Elizabeth (Hutchius Plyl Annie F (m White Mudgett, Miss Rhoda C Ply 1 Mudgett, Flora A (Connell Plyl Mudgett, Miss Abbie A Ply 1 N Nickles, Edw E Nieolay, Helen lab Ply sum res Odette, Clement H Ash 1 ptr & paper hgr Mabel S (Moulton Althea E ho Patch, Rev Don J Pease, F J Abbie (Jewell ho Richard pi Benj F pi Perkins, John S retd •Clara C glove store Ply •Laura E (m Eastman Ash Sarah J John H blk Clarence S car & far Perkins, John H Eloise L (Shaw ho Lloyd D pi Perkins, Fred L boat bldr Emma E (Brown ho Harold F Perkins, Clara C Ply Perkins, J mill op Meredith Perkins, C S lab Pickering, Moses far Ply Alinira J (Taylor ho Bell D (m Mooney •Cora E (m Smith Campton Piper, Chas G car Ash 1 Jennie (Sinclair ho Florence M etu far 144 Lewis E Piper, F L stone mas May B (Durham R Preston R Telford Piper, Rob't B far Piper, Chas M far Susan M (Baker Mathew C Fannie M (m Ethridge Lillian B (m Gould Piper, Matthew far Ash Ethel (Merrill ho Norman W Chas L Piper, Smith genl mdse Cora B (Pendexter ho Maud A (m Welch EarlS Pratt, O M lumb Harriet ( Catherine Marshall C Pulsifer, Jos far Etta (Merrill Mildred HOLDERNESS Pl Rogers, W S far Ashl CoraE(Dore ho ho Agnes M Leon S Rogers, Susetta D Ashl (Willoughby Ashl *Affa E (ra Leavitt Ash WS far sum res stu stu Piyi ho pl Ransom, Gertrude F ho Rendall, Ansel ear Roberts, D com lab Ash 1 Roberts, Chas H Emily A (Connoly-Fitzpatric Sanborn, Ross P far Sanborn, Ross P car & far L Mabel (Leavitt ho Sanborn, Edw team Ply Ethel M (Benton-Dutton Sargent, J M trav sales Ash Amelia E (Dunton ho Emily E (m Baker *Eva M (m Chick 9 Irving, Maiden, Mass ♦Ethel F (m Hoyt 14 Pearl, St Johusbury, Vt Shirley W mill op Edith M stu Sargent, Marcus M far Ash •Granville far & sum bdrs Ctr Har Jennie S (m Leavitt Ben P ptr Sargent, A L far Rose M (Greenleaf Agnes L pl Geo A pl CENSUS 145 *Scruton, Anna A (Tate ho Meredith Lydia A (ra Davis *Jo8 elec Ply Severance, Helen E ho Ash 1 Shaw, Pearly far Ply 4 Emily W (Smith ho Shaw, Nahau B far Ash Laura J (Doe ho Eloise L (m Perkins Lionel B far Shaw, Lionel B Etta M (Mooney ho Reginal L pi Lester M Shaw, Fred L lab Ash 1 Lela A (Cox ho Ida E pi Shepard, Carlton C far Ply Harriet (Davies Shepard, Edna W Shorey, C B far Ply 4 Margaret A (Fawcett Sumner B pi Isabelle A Herbert Sinclair, John far Ash 1 *Emma B (m Dow ho 10 Circuit Ave, Lynn, Mass * Alice A (m Tanner 29 Franklin, Exeter Jennie (m Piper Small, Jas R far Ply *Mamie (m Wiggin Franklin •Lillian R (ra Robinson Franklin Maud A (Ellis *Hattie A ho Franklin Frances (m McDuffey Carrie (m Coleman •Joseph L mill op Franklin Falls *Melvin eng Littlefield Harold pi Grace pi Smith, Walter W far Ply 1 Elvira J (Hucidns ho Almou W mill op Mabel (m Hillard Smith, A VV mill op Ply Jennie ( Smith, Henry C far Ply 1 Flora S (Folsom ho Ralph W stu New Hampton Ins Isabel E stu Norman P pi Smith, Greeno far Ply Smith, Kate (Bickford Ash 1 Rosella (m Young Smith, Franks far Ply Stanley, Bert F stable Margaret C (Cornell ho Samuel B Stanley, Claude A pi Stanley, Ira L pi Stevens, Frank P mill op PI3' Nettie J (Croweli ho 146 HOLDERNESS *Lilla E (m Corliss Campton Ernest H mill op Myrtie E stu Alice M stu Everett F pi Sturtevant, Eugene far Ash 1 Alice F (Gould ho George R pi Ethel M pi Ralph E pi Ada F pi Jessie E pi Florence M Sturtevant, Lydia (Young Ply Talbot, Wiuthrop T M D Ash Edith A (Armstrong Frances W pi Emily pi Samuel A pi Agnes Edith Tatham, Arthur D team Taylor, F W M D Sum res Thompson, A G livery stable Henry W lab Thompson, J H car Ash 1 Drusie M (Brown-Perkins Thompson, Jas far Ash 1 Drusilla (Brown ho Frank *Iva (m Hutchine Ply Joe Annie Thompson, Henry far Ash 1 Joseph Annie *Iva (m Hutchins Ply Drusia (Brown ho Towle, Louisa (Mudgett Meredith 2 Minnie bk kpr sum res Tucker, Frank A pi Van Horn, Isaac banker Clara (Callanan ho Veile, Mary sum res W Wallace, Geo B car Lucia A (Dearborn ho Harold Wallace, Wm M far Daniel E car Wallace, Mary (Kimball ho Wallace, Daniel far Martha (Ethridge ho Ward, Maria A sum rea Wareham, Amelia Ply Webster, L J elec Alice M (Rogers ho CENSUS 147 Frank G Pl Winnie (Wallace ho Webster, Rev Lorin Mary C Jennie (Pa^e ho Woods, J brick & stone mas Harold stu Plyl Bertha stu Cyrena S (Godfrey Jerome Ashley E stu Wheeler, Wm far Plyl Susie D pl Emma L (Greenwooc ho Russell B pl Harry R stu Jacob Jr pl Lola M pl Woods, Henry team Ply 4 Hattie L pl Mabel L (Stevens White, H trav sales Plyl Frank G lab Annie F (Mudgett Woodman, Harley car Ashl Mabel M pl Clara J (Jones ho James N pl Harry J White, W L con <& bldr Ashl Woodruff, C H far Ply 4 Emma A ( Jenness ho Mabel (Sturtevant Wilber W car George S pl Whitten, N B Herbert B pl real est & genl mdse Ralph Sadie S (Huekins ho Worthen, Smith C far Ply Whitney, Edw B law sum res Maud F (Merrill ho Josephine (Nevvco-mb Vera M pl Roger S Laura G pl WmD Charlie S pl Caroline Worthen, Jessie B (Davison Willoughby, E E Thelma E provision store Helen (Jewell ho Florence I stu Earl B pl Doris H pl Willoughby, Allen B 8upt Webster farm Census of Ccnteit Hanbon Note — Where no Post Office address is expressed Center Harbor is understood. Other Post Offices are abbreviated thus: Ashland— Ash; Ashland R F D 1— Ash 1; Plymouth— Ply; Meredith R F D 1— Meredith 1. Allen, Chas A far Meredith Anna J (Lynn ho JohnH Chas L Alves, Miss A ho Anes, Nancy E (Boynton Meredith 1 Gertie J (m Miller ho Authon, A fancy poultry dlr Nol Lucy I (Ives ho Atwood, E F car Nettie A (Smith ho Armstrong, Geo sum res B Bartlett, J R far Meredith 1 Ada J (Marshall coat mkr Ella M pi Bartlett, F A far Meredith 1 Ellen A (Whitcher ho P Norris far Barton, Naman pi Meredith 1 Bennett, A A postmaster Garnet Inn Ethel F (Fern aid Hazel E pi Berry, Wm H far & mill Emma E (Beaty ho Cora M tr Bickford, Shirley pi Blackey, John stable wk Blake, G O car & ptr Ash 1 Albert P pi Josie M Mildred R (Dexter Blake, Mary W (Plaisted ho Ashl Geo car & ptr Blake, Wm J car Meredith 1 Hilda A (Sworoski ho Alberta W A Catherine Boynton, M W far & mail car Meredith 1 Nellie J (Smith ho *Grace M (m Salkins ho New Hampton CENSUS 149 *Albert C fireman Providence, R I Ralpli W pi Boynton, Lucy H (Tiiompson Meredith 1 •Elbrido;e G far Ash Nancy E (m Ames ho ChMsM iar Pluraa (ra Huntress ho *E W R R ser Meredith Breed, Ada M ho Meredith 1 Bremer, Susan A (Shaddock sum res, Meredith Burrill, W B lab Meredith 1 Butterfield, Elizabeth sum res Gertrude (m Newman ho Cauney, C H far Meredith 1 Mary E (Cox ho Emma E (m Berry Hosea far Alice L (m Hill Caverley, Emma (Hilton *Heleu nurse Laconia Witmie pi Clark, Elon iar Sarah A (Dow ho Clark, M C far Meredith 1 Saiah L (Bartlett ho *A F barber Woodsville *James W far Holderness *Alleu C law Concord Chas A far Cloutman, F K hotel Ash 1 Adelaide M (Buzzell ho Coe, Martha J (Canney ho John far *Frederick S com trav 329 West 51st, N Y Coe, Fannie L (Ladd John Coe Mansion Cook, Chas far Abbie A (Paine ho Lillie M (m Goff James N iar Cox, W S far Meredith Sarah L (Perkins ho Cram, D W far Gramfian Ho Meredith 1 Cora (Cox ho Mary E (m Lovett ho Cram, Francis H far Ash 1 Mary C (Woodman Eleanor B (m Smith ho Crowney, J P far & teams Mary F (Greenfield ho sum res, Ash 1 Cumming, Albert V far Ash 1 AddieF (Hadley ho D Dalton, Maria L PinelaudsCamp Dam, Chas E eng Myrtie L (Bickford ho 150 CENTER HARBOR Davis, H B far Meredith 1 Mabel M (Maloou ho Hazel G pi Edfjar C pi Davis, W H far Meredith 1 Almira J (Thompson ho Clarence B far Davis, John C far Meredith 1 Nancy S (Mudgett ho Herbert B far * Elmer M team Ply Abbie M ho Darling:, O B far Meredith 1 Perley O far Orrin E far Dearborn, C D lab Ply R F D Ella (Garland ho John lab Geo pi Walter pi Bertie pi Fred pi Clark Clara Dodge, Ralph Mary L (McDonald ho Doloff, Almira R (Webster ho Meredith 1 *Nellie ho Laoonia *Ida M (m McMurchy ho Meredith Roy R pi Downing, Jennie G (Avery ho Ashl *Annie L (m Dow Runiney *Mabel G (m Moses ho Rumney Fred G lab *I A R R ser Rumney Downing, J R far No 1 Abbie E (Tatham ho Lewis N porter Frank R far W A hotel night watch Warren S far Josephus T hotel Alice S (ra Garland Celia M pi Emery, Smith Susan (Moulton Caroline (m Hill hotel Farrar, Mary J (French ho Meredith 1 Frank P far Fifield, Maurice H pi Ash Fletcher, Myron H cl Hattie M (Moulton ho Fox, J far Meredith 1 Emily J (Bartlett ho *Abbie J (m Emerson ho Pasadena, Cal •Angelia (m ho Pasadena, Cal CENSUS 151 *Lida L A Boston *\Vi]li<'D eiig Boston *Liicy M cl W Lynn, Mass Freeman, Lillian N (Hackett Meredith 1 *Geo E lab Winona Frye, Elizabeth ho Garland, H Leroy far Alice iS (Downing ho George, Chas E capt boat Anna H (Hilliard ho Russell E Florence E Grace M George, Walter J eng Mary J (Mooney ho Ben] F pi Walter J pi Gibson, L lar Lakeside 1 Cora M (Eastman ho Hugh L mach Claudine tr Priscilla V ho Ethel F stu Mary O stu Jasper E pi Alfred pi Cora L pi Jessie B pi Gilbert, Lena A (Russell ho Meredith 1 Alfred T lab Gordon, M Abbie (Moulton *Emraa M (m Arling Tam worth Graves, Joseph retd Eliza S (m Towle ho Greene, Geo W car Mary F (Carter ho Frank C stu Persis D stu Laura E pi Ruth M pi Greenfield, Mary F (Parsley Ashl *Henry lab Rochester *Edward coal & wood Rochester *Emma (ra Otis Rochester * Herbert lab Rochester *Mary (mWard Rochester H Hanson, Mabel E tr & nurse Hanson, Edna L stu Hardie, Geo H far & sum bdrs Sunny Farm 1 Lucy E (Paine Hawkins, Geo H far Ash 1 Mary N (Blake ho Cora M (m Marston ho Roscoe H lab Blanch G pi 152 CENTER HARBOR Hawkins, E far & mill Ash 1 Lottie E (Barker ho Nelson S lab Reginald C pi Merton E pi Hawkins, Leon lab Meredith Hawkins, F far Meredith 1 •Willie A Campton Martha D (m Hawkins Abbie L (m Mayo ho *VinaB (m York Ash *Eben S mail car Laeonia Hill, Walter F hotel Caroline (Emery Hill, John V " retd Annie W (McFarland Chas S far Walter F hotel •John E inventor 11 Union, Boston, Mass Hilliard, O B C far *Geo T stone mason Ash *John H far Holderness •Martha S (m Felch ho Meredith Hill, J A far & sum bdrs Blanch M (Truworthy Horn, Frank E team Jennie A (George ho Grace M stu Alice E stu Clarence F pi Newell E pi Hubbard, R N far Meredith 1 Minnie L (Cox ho Herbert N mill op Lillian G Pl Everett L pl Roger S pl Marion L pl Huckins, Arthur E far Ash 1 Mary E (Perkins ho Huckins, Willis E far Ash 1 Mary (Terrell-Chase (divorced Arthur E far •Winnie L mill op Ash Guy B lab Edgar pl Hudson, Lilla (Batchelder Nol Huntress, W B far & Mason Meredith 1 Pluma (Boyington *W E sec hd R R Meredith Hutchins, A E far No 1 Julia W (Sturtevant ho •Susan M (m Miles Meredith Wm E Alpheus F stu I Ingraham, Wm B Henrietta (Shelley Cicely stu CENSUS 153 J Jackson, Chas N far Jackson, Geo H ptr Edna T (Knox ho Freda E Jackson, Chas N far Jackson, Lida E (Marston tel op Shirley pi James, Geo E lab Meredith 1 Jaques, Adelaide A (Moone}^ Jenness, F P Meredith 1 Jenness, Pamelia A Meredith 1 Jenness, A Q far Meredith 1 Ella E (Jenness ho K Kellej, Helen pi Kelley, L P ptr & paper h^r Carrie E (Ruiter ho Raymond E pi Mildred L pi Alfred S Kelsea, Evelyn V (Sturtevant M Lillian (m Hanson Keyser, A J far R F D Ardella M (Rankin ho Esther W Kimball, Elsena M (Whitcher Meredith 1 *Oscar far New Boston *Clara (m Waldren ho Lakeport ^Elvin team New Boston Lamprpy, Geo R mer Aiioinette (Giant Landry, Wm R barber Marion (Gaslin ho Irene E Larny, JasS mfg 17G Federal, Boston Allison S (Maines ho Alexander S chauffeur Alice C pi Donald pi Leighton, Wm E car Mabel F (Mallard ho *Maud J training for nurse City Hospital, Laconia Berne H lab Pearle J stu Leighton, Jas P cont & bldr Harriet E (Smith Henry J mill op Leighton, Alonzo retd eng Jas P car & bldr Wm E car Geo W supt The Briars Leighton, Geo W Elizabeth (Hanson ho Chas A lab Lovejoy, Geo far Lovett, Jas R far Meredith 1 Mary E (Cram ho 154 CENTER HARBOR Lavinia E pi Leorey, Geo W bk kpr sum res, Meredith 1 Emma (Blackley ho *Louise B (m Hopkins Jamaica Plains A Harold cl Marguerite M stu Luick, Elsia p:overne88 Meredith Lunt, A Russell cl Ethel A (Burnell R Oilman Lunt, J Oilman far Frances L (Lewis A Russell cl Helen L stu M Mac Lean, W A prop The Colonial Catherine (McLellan Mack, H far Meredith 1 Clara W (Hinds ho Raymond C stu Harvey E Pl Earle H :k8ey, John ( Noel Vj rvell, W H cook Campton Joa F (Grant ho Maxwell, Bert O jBreraan Mabel A (Andrews Jessie M Arline S E Mayo, Jerry M far Meredith 1 Abbie L (Hawkins ho McCrillis, C A lab Meredith 1 Lena A (Gilbert ho McCrillis, F far Meredith 1 Kate A (Bryden ho Harry I lab Willard B lab Mclntire, E F far Ash 1 *Chas P car & bldr Laconia Julia A (m Smith ho Jonathan P far & car Mclntire, Mary A (Mathews Jas E lab *Annie (Cram Moultonboro Merrill, Edw retd Meredith sum res Emma J (Perkins Morrill, Leonard B phy Ada V (Berry ho Morse, WE Ash jeweler & optician M A (Mudo;ett ho *Harry E jeweler Danvers, Mass Evelyn pl Morse, F E theater mgr Ash *Harry T bank cl NY CENSUS 155 •Flossie E (m Cunirnings Dan vers, Mass Morse, Frank H mer Henrietta (Fellows ho •Howard F phy 37 Ashland, Lynn, Mass MoultoD, J S lab Meredith Aseuath G (Edjijerley ho Munoz, Adela R Pinelaud Camp Munoz, Ines E Pineland Carap Mnnoz, Adolfo Pineland Carap Marcedes (Poey N Neal, Geo E blk Mattie D (Moore ho Nicholson, G W fish & ptr Meredith 1 Alice M (Mars ton ho Thelma M pi Dorothy A Pa^e, W A phy & sur Paine, Jas M rtd Theresa A (Paine ho Palmer, Myron L lab Ash 1 Jennie G (Downing ho Paul, Andrew G civ eng sum res No 1 Louisa (Williams ho Andrew G Jr stu Penniraan, Charley E pi Penniman, John S far Emma J (Cook ho Fred J stable Perkins, J H far Meredith 1 Mary E (Nutting ho Paul H pi Perkins, H C far & car Meredith 1 Mary E (Hawkins ho *Ina D (m Collins Ash Perkins, Ezra liv stable Alice M (Berry ho Lloyd Perkins, Aaron far Meredith Lulu Q (Pitman ho Perkins, E A retd Meredith Pierce, Frank L far Piper, Sarah E ho Meredith 1 Piper, S far Meredith Annie (Thurston ho Piper, Chas C far Annette B (Piper Ethel J POcl Pride, Varena ho Ashl Putnam, A J far Meredith 1 Mary L (Piper ho Quinn, Marie table girl Meredith 156 CENTER HARBOR Reynolds, Charlotte B (Tucker Reynolds, Charlotte (Frost Ruiter, W C ptr Moultonboro Win H far Robinson, Bernice P pi Meredith 1 Scruton, G W far Meredith 1 Laura (m Huffe Sarah F (Gove ho Chloe F (m Purch 85 L, S Boston, Mass Simonds, E sales Simonds, Irving musician Annie E (Brown music tr Simpson, Geo A exp a.gt & sum bdrs Mabel L(Wyatt Percy G cl Leon W at home Earl T stu Gladys M pi Dorothy Beatrice Smith, Lydia A ho Smith, Chas G lab Meredith 1 Smith, Julia A (Mclntire Ash Hermon P far Howard A car Smith, Hermon P far Ash 1 Ida B (Willey ho Harold H pi Smith, Melinda C Ash 1 Smith, Orville P far Ash 1 Eleanor B (Cram ho Smith, Grace E W (Mudgett Ashl Orville P far Smith, Martha A (Lovejoy Smith, E W ptr Hattie E (Magoon ho Smith, Sam L lab Bertha M (Jaques ho Smith, Miss Lydia Stevenson, L C boat exp Mary B (Danforth ho Carrie E (m Kelley Sturtevant, Araminta (^Davis Tatham, Merton H far Charlotte B (Smith ho Richard M pi Leonard M pi Tatham, Susanna (Spinney Nol Theall, Chas A pi Ash 1 Theall, Ralph W pi Ash 1 Thompson, Moses C far Meredith 1 Mary J (Farrar ho GeoE Almira J (m Davis ho CENSUS 157 J acob T far Tilton, Frank F team Abbie M (Kuight Mabelle Clough pi Towle, Eliza S (Graves ho Ruth G pi Mina E pi Doris pi Joseph I pi True, M Estelle Meredith Tufts, L sum res, Meredith 1 V P Am Fountain Co Gertrude W (Sise ho Richard pi Esther pi Albert pi James pi Tufts, Leonard sum res Tuttle, H J far Meredith 1 Veazie, G W team Meredith 1 Lillian N (Freeman ho Clara B pi Wesley B pi W Webster, Chas far Meredith 1 Alice M (m Bagley ho Sandwich Delia (Clark-Davis ho Webster, F E far Meredith 1 Ida M (Gibbs ho Edward E pi Mary E pi Webster, A D far Meredith 1 Julia A (Merrill ho *Fred E far Webster, Nettie M (Jackson Wentworth, Louisa (Boardman ho Sarah A (m Clark Whitcher, David far Meredith 1 E A (m Bartlett ho White, Thos No 1 fore Lakewood Farm Annie (Butters Annie M pi Dorothy M pi Ethel M pi Regina M pi Inez M Thomas V Whiting, Katherine ho Wilkinson, 1 G lab Meredith 1 Woodman, Marion stu Ash 1 Worstin, Philip M pi Ash York, Perley ear Ash 1 Vina B (Hawkins ho Marion stu Elgie B pi Katherine L pi Beatrice B Donald P J. a WADLEIGH MERCHANT TAILOR Dealer in Gents' Furnishings 91 Main Street Meredith, N. H. NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE 312 THE GOODYEAR GLOVE RUBBER GOODS MISHAWAKA RUBBER and WOOLEN GOODS MANSFIELD'S Dry and Fancy Goods, Wrappers and Shirt Waists, Clothing Boots and Shoes, Men's Furnishings, Trunks, Carpets, Hats and Caps, Furniture, Etc. International Tailoring Co. Ladies' Home Journal Patterns E. C. iVIANSFIELD MEREDITH N. H.