CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION OF THE TOWN OF ORFORD, N. H. CONTAINING THE ORATION, POEMS AND SPEECHES, DELIVERED ON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1865, WITH SOME ADDITIONAL MATTERS RELATING TO THE HISTORY OF THE PLACE. HENRY A. GAGE, PRINTER. Manchester. N. H. 6457 PRELIMINARY ARRANGEMENTS. At the annual meeting of the legal voters of Orford, holden at the Town House, on Tuesday, the 8th day of March, 1864, the subject of celebrating the One Hundreth Anniversary of the settlement of the town was considered at length, and it was Toted, That a committee of three be chosen, with full authority to make such arrangements, and adopt such measures in behalf of the citizens of the town, as in their opinion would be most appropriate to the occasion. Henry H. Howard, Henry S. Perrin, and Arthur Mars- ton, were appointed that committee. At a subsequent, adjourned meeting, March 14, 1865, it was Voted, That a sum of money, not exceeding five hun- dred dollars, be placed at the disposal of the committee to be expended in defraying the expenses of the proposed celebration. At subsequent meetings of the Committee of Arrange- ments, the following appointments were made : President of the day — Gen. Gilman Marston, of Exeter, N. H. Chief Marshal — Maj. Frederic M. Edgell, of Orford, who selected for his assistants, the following gentlemen, viz : Col. John Haselton, Capt. Henry Dayton, Capt. Asel B. Griggs, Ira M. Clark, Esq., and Messrs. D. E Willard and William Caverly. Eev. Joel Mann, of New Haven, Conn., was invited to deliver the oration, and accepted the invitation. Rev. William S. Palmer, of Wells River, Vt., was appointed chaplain. E. B. Hale, Esq., was appointed to read the charter of the town. William Howard, Esq., was appointed Toast Master. The following Committees were appointed : COMMITTEE FOR ARRANGING TABLES, &c. D. P. Wheeler and Lady, Wm. Howard " Ira M. Clark D. T. Hale Henry A. Dame " Albert Newcomb ' ' Arthur Marston ' ■ Miss Martha J. Perrin, Miss Clara Haselton, Albert Page and Lady, Parker Wright " D. E. Willard A. B. Palmer " Miss Susan E Wheeler, Mrs. S. A. Bugbee, John Richardson and Lady, D. G. Marston " A. Soule " Mrs. Mary Wilcox, Edward Ford and Lady, Miss Annette Edgell, Miss Cornelia Demick, F. L. Demick and Lady, John Rogers ' ' Chas. H. Riley and Sister, Miss Martha A. Howard, Miss Amelia Chandler, Miss Francena Mann, Miss Sarah A. Richardson, Nathaniel Russell and Lady, Misses Dame, Royal R§al and Lady, Miss Maria Davis, Miss Elvira Williams, Samuel Stone and Lady, Frank Niles Eben Woodbury P. C. Kenyon Nath'l Sargent Stevens Chandler Miss Emma Mann, Miss Julia Mann, Miss Celista Page, Miss Julia Lock, Miss Maria Lock, A. B. Ball and Lady, Hezekiah Fuller and Lady, Miss Edna Fuller, Gilbert Jeffers and Lady, Henry Loomis " Willis Bugbee H. M. Smith Alexander Pierce " COMMITTEE FOR PROCURING LUMBER AND BUILDING SEATS, TABLES, &c. John Haselton, J. K. Avery, Levi D. Corliss, A. Brock, Parker Wright, John H. Phelps, Carlos Mann, George Lamprey, Charles Riley, Daniel T. Hale, John Rogers, Thomas K. Hale, Frank Trussell, Ira Gordon. COMMITTEE ON DECORATIONS. Leonard Wilcox, Albert Demick, Henry I. Cnshman, Scheller Hosford, Peleg Cushman, John Howard, Augustus Conant. John Haselton, Jr.., Atherton Wales, Edward Dayton, Thomas J. Fifield, S. W. Hale, A. B. Palmer, COMMITTEE FOR FURNISHING WATER, ICE, &c Levi D. Corliss, Willis Bugbee, COMMITTEE FOR DISTRIBUTING TICKETS. Charles W. Pierce, Nathaniel R. Sargent. COMMITTEE FOR TAKING TICKETS AT ENTRANCE OF PAVILLION. Isaac Willard, Edward Whitford. COMMITTEE FOR ARRANGING SINGING. Charles W. Pierce, B. F. Trussell, Nathaniel R. Sargent. COMMITTEE FOR PROCURING POWDER AND MANAGING GUN. Geor.o-e W. Fifield. The following gentlemen were appointed Vice Presidents of the day : Hon. D. E. Wheeler, New James Learned, Esq., Orford. York. Mr. Asa B. Palmer, A. S. Wheeler, Esq., Boston. " John J. Cushman, " A. A. Dame, Esq., " Henry A. Dame, Esq., Hon. Chas. B. Hall, « Mr. Elliott Johnson, S. Marston, Esq., Hartford, Ct. Dr. D. Dayton, South Bend, Ind Rev. B. M. Tillotson, Manch'r. S. M. Wilcox, Washington. Mr. A. Hale, Jr., Cambridge- port, Mass. T. M. Dewey, Esq., Westfield, Mass. Theo. S. Dame, Esq., Boston. J. T. Dame, Esq., Clinton, Ms. Capt. Jerem'k Marston, Orford. Dea. Stephen Cushman, " Capt. E.N. Strong, Maj. D. P. Wheeler, Stedman Willard, Esq., " Dr. Willard Hosford, Capt. James Dayton, " Col. Philip Turner, John Rogers , Esq. , ' ' Mr. Carlos Mann, ' ' A. S. Riley, Esq., Orford. Mr. John Richardson, " " William Tallman, Dr. D. G. Marston, Ira M. Clark, Esq., Mr. J. M". Sawyer, " Abijah Stone, " Aaron Hale, " John Bickford, " " Aid en Ford, " " Daniel T. Hale, " Hazen Carr, " " Jesse Carr, " " Stevens Chandler, " 11 Parker Wright, " EbenGage, " " Clark Lovejoy, *' " Nathan Grimes, " "" Benjamin Truss ell, " " Benjamin H. Mies, ,, The preparations were completed, and all things were ready on the morning of the 7th of September. The day was ushered in by the ringing of bells and dis- charge of artillery, and was all that could be desired. The sky was unclouded, the atmosphere bland and invigorating, a gentle shower the day before laid the dust which for weeks had been intolerable, giving a brighter hue of green to the grand old Elms and Maples which adorn the Streets, and all nature seemed attired as if for a gala day. From an early hour in the morning crowds came pour- ing in from every direction, and by the time the procession was ready to move, the streets were thronged with joyous and smiling countenances. The route of the procession was ornamented by Flags and Streamers. The great National Flag spanned the street, bearing for a motto the words clear to every return- ing son and daughter, " Welcome Home." The procession was formed at nine o'clock in the follow- ing order : Chief Marshal, Bradford Brass Band, President of the Day and Orator, Chaplain, Reader of the Charter and Toast Master, Vice Presidents, Rev. Clergy, Specially Invited Guests, Committee of Arrangements, Selectmen of Orford, Singers, Citizens of Orford, Children, Citizens of Other Towns. The children, numbering some four hundred, each bear- ing a miniature National Flag, under the particular direc- tion of Mr. D. E. Willard, was a very pleasant feature of the procession. Next came a division under the especial direction of Col. John Haselton, preceeded by a company admirably disguised as Indians, followed by a Pioneer in the costume of olden times, with knapsack, gun and axe. Next came a neat log cabin, its busy inmates engaged in the various household duties in vogue a century ago. Next came a vehicle with farming and various other imple- ments of ancient date, with those of the present most approved patterns ; then a fine representation of the various trades and professions, followed by horseback riders, male and female, contrasting the old with the new. This part of the procession was both very attractive and suggestive, and added much to the interest of the occasion. The procession moved though the principal street to the Academy grounds, where a spacious stand for the officers, speakers,