68 5766 opy 1 THE FIRST RECORD -BOOK OF THE SOCIETY OF MAYFLOWER DESCEND- ANTS IN THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND AND PROVIDENCE PLANTATIONS 19 4 5i r THE FIRST RECORD-BOOK OF THE SOCIETY OF MAYFLOWER DESCENDANTS IN THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND AND PROVIDENCE PLANTATIONS CJD Chartered February 8, 1901 Organized February 15, 1901 (3D PROVIDENCE STANDARD PRINTING COMPANY 1904 -■')^G Gift The SocipV\ 19Je'06 ^./(^^ Contents An Historical Note Preamble Constitution Instructions to Applicants Officers committ£es Members and Pilgrim Ancestry Mayflower Passengers and their Descendants Hn Ibistorical Bote The Society of Mayflower Descendants came into exist- ence in the month of December, 1894, when an organiza- tion was formed in New York. Societies were formed in Connecticut and Massachusetts in March, 1896, and in Pennsylvania the following July. The General Society was organized at Plymouth, Mass., January 12, 1897, at a meeting of delegates representing the four state societies. The general Board of Assistants chartered the Society in Illinois. June. 1897 ; those of the District of Columbia and Ohio, March, 1898 ; and New Jersey in August, 1900. On February 8, 1901, the Board took favorable action upon a petition for a charter for Rhode Island, members of five of the eight state societies joining in this petition. Of the twenty-one signatures, thirteen were members of the Massa- chusetts Society, four of the Ohio, two of the Connecticut, Society of ^ai^tlower DescenDants and one each of those of New York and Pennsylvania. The state societies of Wisconsin and Michigan were chartered at the same time. The organization of this Society was effected at a meet- ing of the " charter members" held at the cabinet of the Rhode Island Historical Society, February 15, 1901, April 2d being selected for the annual meeting, upon which date John Carver was elected Governor of Plymouth Colony. The Committee on By-Laws appointed at this meeting re- ported May 9th, when a Constitution was adopted. state of IRboDe ITslanO {preamble Whereas, Our Ancestors, passengers on the " Mayflower," landed in December, 1620, on Plymouth Rock, Massachu- setts, Therefore, This Society is formed by us, their descend- ants, to honor their memory and to preserve their records and their history for ourselves and for posterity. Constitution Article I Name The name of this Society shall be the "Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of Rhode Island AND Providence Plantations." Article II Membership Section 1. — Every direct descendant, over eighteen years of age, of any passenger on the " IVIayf lower" on the voyage which ended at Plymouth, on December 26. 1620, shall be eligible to membership in this Society. Sec. 2, — Every candidate for membership shall be nom- inated and seconded by members of the Society. All nom- inations shall be favorably reported upon by the Membership 12 Society ot /Iftaistlower ©escenDants Committee and approved by the Board of Assistants before pedigree blanks shall be issued by the Secretary. Sec. 3. — Every application shall give in detail the proofs of eligibility with complete references to authorities quoted, and shall be accompanied by the entrance fee and dues for the current year. All the pedigree papers shall be examined by the Historian, and on his report to the Board of Assist- ants that he has found the pedigree papers of any applicant to be correct and that the Historian-General has approved the same, the Board of Assistants shall declare such appli- cant elected a member of the Society. If the pedigree papers of an applicant are not filed with the Secretary with- in six months from the date of the approval of the prelimi- nary application such approval shall be void. Sec. 4. — The name of any member whose annual dues shall remain unpaid for one year, may after due notice be dropped from the roll of membership at the discretion of the Board of Assistants. Sec. 5. — Any member for cause or conduct prejudicial to the interests of the Society may be suspended or expelled by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Assistants. Sec. 6. — The Board of Assistants shall have power to make rules governing the admission of members by trans- fer from an affiliated Society of Mayflower Descendants in another State, and may in their discretion remit the entrance fees of such applicants for membership. state ot IRboDe "ffslanD i3 Article III Entrance Fee and Dues The entrance fee shall be ten dollars. The annual dues shall be three dollars, payable on or before the second day of April in each year. The payment of dues by a member elected during the three months preceding the annual meet- ing shall continue his membership until the end of the next succeeding fiscal year. Article IV Officers Section 1. — The Officers of this Society shall be a Governor, a Deputy Governor, an Elder, a Captain, a Secre- tary, a Treasurer, an Historian and a Surgeon. These with seven other members elected for that purpose shall consti- tute the Board of Assistants. Sec. 2. — This Board shall be elected by ballot at the annual meeting, a plurality of votes determining the choice. Their term of office shall be for one year, or until their suc- cessors have been elected and have accepted office. Sec. 3. — The Governor, or in his absence, the Deputy Governor, or a Chairman pro tempore shall preside at all meetings of the Society and the Board of Assistants. Sec. 4. — It shall be the duty of the Elder to officiate 14 Society of /Iftai^tlower BescenOants when called upon at any meeting of the Society. He shall have been ordained as an elder, bishop, minister or deacon of a Christian Church. Sec. 5. — The Captain shall carry out all orders of the Governor and act as Marshal at parades and on occasions of ceremony. Sec. 6. — The Secretary shall keep the minutes and have charge of the seal and such records as are not herein given specially in charge to other officers ; shall with the presiding officer certify all acts and orders of the Society ; shall give notice of all meetings of the Society and of the Board of Assistants ; shall conduct the personal correspondence of the Society, notify candidates of their election, receive all payments from members to be paid over to the Treasurer, and have the custody of all application blanks. Sec. 7. — The Treasurer shall have charge of the funds and moneys of the Society and shall pay out only such sums as the Society or Board of Assistants shall direct ; shall keep a true account of his receipts and disbursements and at each annual meeting make a full report to the Society. His books shall be open at all times to the inspection of the Governor and Board of Assistants. Sec. 8. — The Historian shall examine and report upon all pedigree papers of applicants. He shall keep a detailed record of all celebrations of the Society, and file all docu- ments, papers and speeches. He shall keep a record of all state of IRboDc ITsIanO i5 certificates signed by him, and make a report in writing at each annual meeting. Sec. 9. — The Surgeon shall have been duly admitted to the practice of medicine. He shall be under the orders of the Board of Assistants. Article V Board of Assistants^ and Standing Committees The Board of Assistants shall have general charge and direction of the affairs of the Society. Five members shall constitute a quorum. They shall fill vacancies among the officers for the balance of the term. They shall appoint Standing Committees as follows : Membership, Publication, Finance, Entertainment, and such others as may be from time to time established. They shall fill all vacancies occurring in committees. Each Standing Committee shall consist of three or five members, with one of the Assistants as Chairman. Each committee shall report through its Chairman at each regular meeting of the Board of Assistants. Article VI Meetings Section 1 . — The Annual Meeting shall be held in the city of Providence, on the 2d of April, the anniversary of the 16 Society of /iBastlower Descendants election of the first Governor of the Plymouth Colony. When this date falls on a Sunday, the meeting shall be held on the following day. At all meetings of the Society, ten members shall constitute a quorum. Sec. 2.— Special meetings of the Society shall be held at the request of ten members, or by vote of the Board of Assistants. Sec. 3. — The Board of Assistants shall meet in each month in the year, except July and August, at a time and place designated by the Chairman. Special meetings of the Board shall be held at the written request of three of its members, or at the call of the Governor. Sec. 4. — Notices of all meetings of the Society shall be mailed to each member at least seven days before the meeting. Notices of all meetings of the Board of Assistants shall be mailed at least three days before the meeting. Sec. 5. — The following shall be the order of business at all meetings of the Society : — 1st — Reading of the records. 2d — Communications and action thereon. 3d — Reports of officers. 4th — Reports of committees. 5th — Unfinished business. 6th — New business. state of IRboDe HslanO i7 Article VII Seal The seal of the Society shall contain a representation of a sailing vessel of the seventeenth century, and around it the name of the Society and the words " Plymouth, 1620," and " Rhode Island, 1901." Article VIII Alterations and Amendments This Constitution may be altered or amended at any annual or special meeting by a vote of two -thirds of those present and voting, a quorum being present, but no alteration or amendment shall be adopted unless such alteration or amendment shall have been read at a previous annual or special meeting, and shall have been stated in full in the call for the meeting. 18 Society of /IRa^flowec Descendants llnetructione to Hpplicanta Every step in the pedigree must be proved by the com- plete references to published genealogies, town histories or other published works recognized by the Society as authori- tative, giving in each instance the volume and page quoted ; or by filing certified copies of town or church records, or other satisfactory evidence. No descent will be accepted based, in any detail, upon mere family or local tradition. iS)fficer8 anb Committees 1903-1904 ©fficere WILFRED HAROLD MUNRO ASA CLINTON CROWELL REV. DANIEL GOODWIN. Ph. D. HUNTER CARSON WHITE. Jr. HARRY AUSTIN SLOCOMB . GEORGE CORLIS NIGHTINGALE GEORGE THOMAS HART WALTER LEE MUNRO, M. D. Governor Deputy Governor Elder Captain Secretary Treasurer Historian Surgeon Boart) ot Hsststants Miss Grace Woods Slocum Mrs. John A. Cross Mrs. Anne Reed Wilkinson Mrs. Walter H. Manchester Charles Henry Warren Fletcher Stone Mason 20 Society ot ^a^flower 2)cscenC)ant6 Committeee Membcfship Miss Grace W. Slocum Mrs. F. E. Richmond, 2d Mrs. W. S. Granger Rev. Daniel Goodwin Charles H. Warren Publication Miss Annie C. Gushing Mrs. E. I. Wilcox Geo. C. Nightingale Finance Mrs. W. H. Manchester Mrs. Harriet M. Buffum John F. Adams Entertainment Fletcher S. Mason Miss Louise S. Kendall Miss Elizabeth Warren Genealogfical Research George Thomas Hart Miss Georgiana Guild Mrs. Anne R. Wilkinson fIDembers an& ipusrim Hncestr? State General No. No. 50. ADAMS, JOHN FRANCIS 2127 Elected 11 March, 1903 9th from John and Elizabeth (Tilley) Howland 10th from John Tilley and wife 63. AMES, ABBY GREENE (HARRIS) . . . 2146 Elected 25 March, 1903 9th from James Chilton and wife 8th from Mary (Chilton) Winslow 11. BRAYTON, ANTOINETTE PERCIVAL (BELDEN) 1088 Mrs. Charles Ray Brayton Charter Member, Massachusetts, No. 369 7th from George Soule 8th from Richard Warren 8th from John and Priscilla (Mullins) Alden 9th from William Mulhns and wife Alice 32. BUFFUM, HARRIET (MITCHELL) . . . 1979 Elected 10 September, 1902 9th from William Brewster and wife Mary 22 Society of /iRa^tlower Descendants State No. 2. BULLOCK, EMMA (WESTCOTT) Charter Member, Massachusetts, No. 92 8th from Edward Fuller and wife 8th from Peter Brown General No. 391 4L BULLOCK, MARY WILD (CUSHING) Mrs. George Saunders Bullock Elected 10 September, 1902 8th from Richard Warren 1988 51. CROSS, GRACE LILLIAN (REED) Mrs. John Alexander Cross Elected 11 March, 1903 10th from William Brewster and wife Mary 2128 15. CROWELL, ASA CLINTON, Ph. D. . . . Charter Member, Massachusetts. No. 461 10th from John Tilley and wife 9th from John and Elizabeth (Tilley) Howland 1318 7. CUSHING, ANNIE COOKE . . . . . Charter Member, Massachusetts, No. 252 8th from Richard Warren 813 61. DAVIS, GRACE BELLE Elected 25 March, 1903 10th from Francis Cooke 9th from John Cooke 2144 6. DOANE. FRANCES MARY (TREAT) . Mrs. William Howard Doane 717 State of IRboDe IfslanD 23 State General No. Charter Member, Ohio. No. 28 9th from John and Elizabeth (Tilley) Howland 10th from John Tilley and wife No. 5. DOANE. IDA FRANCES .... Charter Member, Ohio, No. 29 10th from Stephen Hopkins 9th from Constance (Hopkins) Snow 10th from William Brewster and wife Mary 10th from John and Elizabeth (Tilley) Howland 11th from John Tilley and wife 648 3. DOANE. MARGUERITE TREAT . Charter Member, New York. No. 318 Ohio, No. 30 10th from Stephen Hopkins 9th from Constance (Hopkins) Snow 10th from William Brewster and wife Mary 10th from John and Elizabeth (Tilley) Howland 11th from John Tilley and wife 635 4. DOANE, WILLIAM HOWARD Charter Member. Ohio, No. 27 9th from Stephen Hopkins 8th from Constance (Hopkins) Snow 9th from William Brewster and wife Mary 647 53. EARLE, COURTLAND COOK Elected 11 March. 1903 10th from Francis Cooke 2130 24 Socfctv ot /iRai^flower DeecenDanta State General No. No. 9th from John Cooke 10th from Richard Warren 49. GOODING, GERTRUDE. M. D 2087 Elected 10 December, 1902 8th from William Bradford 9th from Richard Warren 8th from Richard Warren 7th from John and Elizabeth (Tilley) Howland 8th from John and Elizabeth (Tilley) Howland 8th from John Tilley and wife 9th from John Tilley and wife 8th from Thomas Rogers 48. GOODING, MARY ELEANOR (HOWLAND) . 2086 Mrs. Josephus Gooding Elected 10 December. 1902 Deceased 11 March, 1903 7th from William Bradford 8th from Richard Warren 7th from Richard Warren 7th from John and Elizabeth (Tilley) Howland 8th from John Tilley and wife 37. GRANGER, CAROLINE RICHMOND (PITMAN) 1984 Mrs. William Smith Granger Elected 10 September, 1902 8th from John and Priscilla (Mullins) Alden 9th from William Mullins and wife Alice state of IRboDe HslanO 25 state General No. No. 23. GOODWIN, REV. DANIEL. D. D. ... 1798 Elected 24 April. 1901 8th from Richard Warren 38. GUILD, GEORGIANA 1985 Elected 10 September, 1902 9th from Myles Standish 10th from William Mullins and wife Alice 9th from John and Priscilla (Mullins) Alden 9th from Stephen Hopkins 8th from Constance (Hopkins) Snow 20. HART. GEORGE THOMAS 1704 Charter Member. Massachusetts, No. 631 8th from Richard Warren 8th from Francis Cooke 7th from John Cooke 24. HART, HIRAM 1808 Elected 9 May. 1901 Deceased 24 September. 1901 7th from Richard Warren 13. JOHNSON. ALICE MEDORA (ADAMS) . . 1284 Mrs. Edward Lewis Johnson Charter Member. Massachusetts, No. 441 10th from John and Elizabeth (Tilley) Howland 1 1th from John Tilley and wife 45. KENDALL. LOUISE SOUTHWICK . . . 2049 Elected 12 November. 1902 26 Society of /IRa^flowec S)escen&ant6 State General No. 9th from John and Priscilla (Mullins) Alden 10th from William Mullins and wife Alice No. 1. LAWTON, IDA MAY (FROST) ROBINSON Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton Charter Member, New York, No. 68 8th from John and Priscilla (Mullins) Alden 9th from William Mullins and wife Alice 68 69. LILLIBRIDGE, GERTRUDE VINAL Mrs. Byron Jesse Lillibridge Elected 2 April, 1904 8th from William Bradford 12. LIPPITT, MARGARET BARBARA (FARNUM) Mrs. Charles Warren Lippitt Charter Member, Pennsylvania, No. 87 9th from Richard Warren 1132 47. MANCHESTER. BERTHA SIMMONS . Elected 12 November, 1902 11th from Francis Cooke 10th from John Cooke 2051 62. MANCHESTER, EDITH HOWLAND . Elected 25 March. 1903 11th from Francis Cooke 10th from John Cooke 2145 64. MANCHESTER, WALTER HOWLAND Elected 25 March. 1903 7th from Francis Cooke 2147 State ot IRboDc irslanD 27 State General No. No. 29. MANCHESTER, IDA AMANDA (DAVIS) . Mrs. Walter Howland Manchester Elected 8 January, 1902 10th from Francis Cooke 9th from John Cooke 1889 28. MASON, FLETCHER STONE .... Elected 10 August, 1901 9th from Richard Warren 1833 39. MATHEWSON. RACHEL GRAHAM (JACKSON) Mrs. Frank Mason Mathewson Elected 10 September, 1902 8th from John and Priscilla (Mullins) Alden 9th from William Mullins and wife Alice 1986 67. MUNRO. DANA CARLETON Elected 2 April, 1904 10th from James Chilton and wife 9th from Mary (Chilton) Winslow 22. MUNRO, SUSAN WILKINSON (GOODWIN) Mrs. Wilfred Harold Munro Elected 24 April, 1901 8th from Richard Warren 1797 21. MUNRO, WALTER LEE, M. D Charter Member, Massachusetts, No. 634 10th from James Chilton and wife Alice 9th from Mary (Chilton) Winslow 9th from Richard Warren 1709 28 Socletis ot /iRa^tlower 2)C6cenDant6 State General No. No. 16. MUNRO. WILFRED HAROLD .... Charter Member. Massachusetts, No. 520 lOth from James Chilton and wife Alice 9th from Mary (Chilton) Winslow 9th from Richard Warren 1450 55. MUNROE, ADDISON PIERCE .... Elected 11 March. 1903 8th from Richard Warren 2132 19. NIGHTINGALE, GEORGE CORLIS Charter Member, Massachusetts, No. 587 9th from John Tilley and wife 8th from John and Elizabeth (Tilley) Howland 8th from John and Priscilla (Mullins) Alden 9th from William Mullins and wife Alice 10th from William Brewster and wife Mary 1602 26. PEARCE, MARY GREENE (NIGHTINGALE) Mrs. Henry Pearce, Jr. Elected 9 May, 1901 9th from John and Priscilla (Mullins) Alden 10th from William Mullins and wife Alice 1810 43. PITMAN. JOHN, LIEUT.-COL. U. S. A. . Elected 8 October, 1902 8th from John and Priscilla (Mullins) Alden 9th from William Mullins and wife Alice 2013 25. RICHMOND. JEANNETTE DAVIS (NIGHTINGALE) Mrs. Frank Eddy Richmond, 2d Elected 9 May, 1901 1809 state of IRboDc ITslanD 29 State General No. No- 9th from John and Priscilla (Mullins) Alden 10th from William Mullins and wife Alice 42. RATHBUN. ANNA REED (WILKINSON) . 2012 Mrs. Edward Harris Rathbun Elected 8 October. 1902 9th from William Bradford 33. ROCKWELL. MARTHA BRIGGS (SKERRY) 1980 Mrs. Charles Bristed Rockwell Elected 10 September, 1902 9th from Myles Standish 59. ROSE. FLORENCE (SLADE) .... 2142 Mrs. Henry Brayton Rose Elected 25 March, 1903 8th from Richard Warren 58. SLADE, WILLIAM LLOYD 2141 Elected 25 March, 1903 8th from Richard Warren 46. SLOCOMB, HARRY AUSTIN .... 2050 Elected 12 November, 1902 9th from John and Priscilla (Mullins) Alden 10th from William Mullins and wife Alice 14. SLOCUM. GRACE WOODS 1289 Charter Member, Massachusetts. No. 442 9th from Francis Cooke 8th from John Cooke 9th from Richard Warren 30 Society of /Hbai^flower BescenDants State General No. No. 31. SMITH, ELMA ELIZABETH . . . Elected 10 September, 1902 9th from John and Priscilla (Mullins) Alden 10th from William Mullins and wife Alice 1978 57. TAYLOR, ANNIE WILLIAMS Elected 11 March, 1903 9th from Richard Warren 2134 56. TAYLOR. CHARLES FREDERIC Elected 11 March, 1903 8th from Richard Warren 2133 66. TAYLOR, GEORGE ALLEN, LIEUT. U. S. A. Elected 13 May, 1903 9th from Richard Warren 2176 9. THOMAS. ANN ELIZA (PORTER) Charter Member, Massachusetts, No. 355 8th from Richard Warren 1068 60. THOMAS, HARRIET ELIZABETH (PERRY) Elected 25 March, 1903 9th from John and Elizabeth (Tilley) Howland 10th from John Tilley and wife 2143 17. TILLEY, EDITH MAY Charter Member, Massachusetts, No. 521 10th from John and Priscilla (MulUns) Alden 11th from WilHam Mullins and wife Alice 1451 68. WARDWELL, SOPHIA LINDSAY Elected 2 April, 1904 9th from Richard Warren State of TRboDe tTslanO 31 State General No. No. 36. WARREN, ANNA NIGHTINGALE Elected 10 September, 1902 8th from Richard Warren 1983 27. WARREN, CHARLES HENRY .... Elected 10 August, 1901 7th from Richard Warren 9th from Richard Warren 1832 7th from Edward and Susanna (Fuller) Winslow (two lines) 8th from William and Susanna (Fuller) White 7th from John and Elizabeth (Tilley) Howland 8th from John Tilley and wife 7th from Edward Doty (two lines) 8th from William Bradford 9th from William Brewster and wife Mary 7th from Peregrine White 8th from Love Brewster 35. WARREN. ELIZABETH Elected 10 September. 1902 8th from Richard Warren 1982 52. WASHBURN, MARY FESSENDEN (SAYLES) . Mrs. Roscoe Stetson Washburn Elected 1 1 March, 1903 8th from John and Elizabeth (Tilley) Howland 9th from John Tilley and wife 2129 40. WATERMAN, CAROLINE FRANCES . Elected 10 September. 1902 7th from John and Elizabeth (Tilley) Howland 8th from John Tilley and wife 1987 32 Society of /lBai5fIower DescenDants State General No. No. 8. WHITE, CARRIE HICKS (KELTON) . Mrs. Hunter Carson White Charter Mennber, Connecticut, No. 158 9th from Richard Warren 8th from John and Elizabeth (Tilley) Howland 9th from John Tilley and wife 919 18. WHITE, HUNTER CARSON, JR. Charter Member, Connecticut. No. 210 10th from Richard Warren 1542 54. WILCOX, LEONORA FRANCES (WEST) . Mrs. Ellery Irving Wilcox Elected 11 March, 1903 10th from Richard Warren 2131 10. WILKINSON, ANNA (REED) Charter Member. Massachusetts. No. 363 8th from William Bradford 1076 30. WILLIAMS, MILDRED (WILLIAMS) . Mrs. William Frederick Williams Elected 10 September, 1902 10th from James Chilton and wife 9th from Mary (Chilton) Winslow 1977 44. WOODWARD. SARAH ABIGAIL (RODMAN) Elected 12 November, 1902 8th from Richard Warren 2048 ^a^flower Ipassenoers an& tbeir Deecenbante John Alden and wife Priscilla (Mullins) Mrs. Charles Ray Bray ton Georgiana Guild Mrs. William Smith Granger Louise Southwick Kendall Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton Mrs. Frank Mason Mathewson George Gorlis Nightingale Mrs. Henry Pearce, Jr. John Pitman, Lieut. -Col. U. S. Mrs. Frank E. Richmond, 2d Harry Austin Slocomb . Elma Elizabeth Smith . Edith May Tilley State No. 11 38 37 45 1 39 19 26 43 25 46 31 17 William Bradford Gertrude Gooding, M. D. Mrs. Josephus Gooding, deceased . Mrs. Byron Jesse Lillibridge Mrs. Edward Harris Rathbun Charles Henry Warren Mrs. Anne Reed Wilkinson 49 48 69 42 27 10 34 Society of /IRai^flower descendants Love Brewster state No. Charles Henry Warren , . 27 William Brewster and wife Mary Mrs. Harriet Mitciiell Buffum 32 Mrs. John Alexander Cross 51 Ida Frances Doane 5 Marguerite Treat Doane 3 William Howard Doane 4 George Corlis Nightingale . 19 Charles Henry Warren 27 Peter Brown Mrs. Emma Westcott Bullock 2 Francis Cooke Grace Belle Davis 61 Courtland Cooke Earle 53 George Thomas Hart 20 Bertha Simmons Manchester 47 Edith Howland Manchester .62 Waher Howland Manchester 64 Mrs. Walter Howland Manchester ..... 29 Grace Woods Slocum 14 John Cooke Grace Belle Davis . . . . . 61 Courtland Cooke Earle - . 53 state ot IRboDe tfelant) 35 State No. George Thomas Hart 20 Bertha Simmons Manchester 47 Edith Howland Manchester 62 Mrs. Walter Howland Manchester 29 Grace Woods Slocum 14 James Chilton and wife Mrs. Abby Greene Ames 63 Dana Garleton Munro 67 Walter Lee Munro, M. D 21 Wilfred Harold Munro 16 Mrs. William Frederick Williams 30 Edward Doty Gharles Henry Warren (two lines) 27 Edward Fuller and wife Mrs. Emma Westcott Bullock 2 • Stephen Hopkins Ida Frances Doane 5 Marguerite Treat Doane 3 William Howard Doane 4 Georgiana Guild 38 John Howland and wife Elizabeth (Tilley) John Francis Adams 50 Asa Clinton Crowell, Ph. D. 15 36 Society ot ^agflower 2)e0cenDant0 State No. Ida Frances Doane ........ 5 Marguerite Treat Doane 3 Mrs. William Howard Doane 6 Gertrude Gooding, M. D. (two lines) 49 Mrs. Josephus Gooding, deceased 48 Mrs. Edward Lewis Johnson 13 George Corlis Nightingale 19 Mrs. Harriet Elizabeth Thomas 60 Charles Henry Warren 27 Mrs. Roscoe Stetson Washburn 52 Caroline Frances Waterman 40 Mrs. Hunter Carson White 8 William Mullins and wife Alice Mrs. Charles Ray Brayton 11 Georgiana Guild 38 Mrs. William Smith Granger 37 Louise Southwick Kendall 45 Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton 1 Mrs. Frank Mason Mathewson 39 George Corlis Nightingale 19 Mrs. Henry Pearce, Jr. 26 John Pitman, Lieut. -Col. U. S. A. 43 Mrs. Frank Eddy Richmond, 2d 25 Harry Austin Slocomb 46 Elma Elizabeth Smith . . . ... . . 31 Edith May Tilley 17 Thomas Rogers Gertrude Gooding, M. D 49 state of IRboDc ITslanD 37 Constance (Hopkins) Snow state No. Ida Frances Doane 5 Marguerite Treat Doane 3 William Howard Doane 4 Georgiana Guild 38 George Soule Mrs. Charles Ray Brayton 11 Myles Standish Georgiana Guild 38 Mrs. Charles Bristed Rockwell 33 John Tilley and wife John Francis Adams 50 Asa Clinton Crowell, Ph. D. 15 Ida Frances Doane 5 Marguerite Treat Doane 3 Mrs. William Howard Doane 6 Gertrude Gooding, M. D. (two lines) 49 Mrs. Josephus Gooding, deceased 48 Mrs. Edward Lewis Johnson 13 George Corlis Nightingale 19 Mrs. Harriet Elizabeth Thomas 60 Charles Henry Warren 27 Mrs. Roscoe Stetson Washburn .... .52 Caroline Frances Waterman 40 Mrs. Hunter Carson White 8 38 Society ot jflRai^tlower BescenDants Richard Warren ^tate No. Mrs. Charles Ray Brayton 11 Mrs. George Saunders Bullock 41 Annie Cooke Cushing 7 Courtland Cook Earle 53 Gertrude Gooding, M. D. (two lines) 49 Mrs. Josephus Gooding, deceased (two lines) ... 48 Rev. Daniel Goodwin, D. D. 23 George Thomas Hart 20 Hiram Hart, deceased 24 Mrs. Charles Warren Lippitt 12 Fletcher Stone Mason 28 Walter Lee Munro, M. D 21 Wilfred Harold Munro 16 Mrs. Wilfred Harold Munro 22 Addison Pierce Munroe 55 Mrs. Henry Brayton Rose 59 William Lloyd Slade 58 Grace Woods Slocum 14 Annie Williams Taylor 57 Charles Frederic Taylor 56 George Allen Taylor, Lieut. U. S. A 66 Mrs. Ann Eliza Thomas 9 Sophia Lindsay Wardwell 68 Anna Nightingale Warren 36 Charles Henry Warren (two lines) 27 Elizabeth Warren 35 Mrs. Hunter Carson White 8 Hunter Carson White, Jr 18 Mrs. Ellery Irving Wilcox 54 Mrs. Sarah Abigail Woodward 44 state of IRboOe ITslanD William White and wife Susanna (Fuller) Charles Henry Warren 39 State No. 27 Peregrine White Charles Henry Warren 27 Edward Winslow and wife Susanna (Fuller) White Charles Henry Warren (two lines) ..... 27 Mary (Chilton) Winslow Mrs. Abby Greene Annas Dana Carleton Munro Walter Lee Munro, M. D. Wilfred Harold Munro Mrs. William Frederick Williams 63 67 21 16 30 JUN 15 1906 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 996 311 8