LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Hi nil nil mil III HoUinger Corp. pH 8.5 ■^j^p^^^cizlfc" (^J ''l^<-r;/Cr t4>C»w C^a ex'-'vv Calkins, Hugh (10) 152. 104/ Gary, James (10) 153. 105. Chandler, Edmund (1) 154. 106. Chandler, Joseph (27) 155. 107. Chesebrough, Samuel(l) 156. 108. Christophers, Christo- 157. pher (5) 158. 109. Churchill, John (52) 159. 110. Cobb, John (18) 160. 111. Cobb, Jonathan (32) 161. 112. Coe, John (52) 162. 113. Cole, Daniel (12) 163. 114. Cole, John (62) 164. 115. Cooke, Josiah (13) 165. 116. Copeland. William (26) 166. 117. Crocker, Eleazer (32) 167. 118. Crocker. Jonathan (14) 168. 119. Crocker, Joseph (14) 169. 120. Crow, (11) 170. 121. Curtis, Ebenezer (9) 171. [4] Cushman, Elkanah* (8) Davis, (8) Delano, Jonathan (20) Delano, Jonathan' (9) Delano, Samuel (19) Denison, George (42) Devol, Joseph (18) Dimmock, Shubael (32) Doty, John'^ (S) Drew, John (40) Drew, Samuel (40) Drinkwater.Thomas (44) Eaton, SamueP (3) Eaton, Samuel' (12) Eyres, Simon (2) Finney, Josiah (20) Fitch, James (4) Fobes, William (52) Ford, Michael (61) Foster, Richard (25) Freeman, Edmund (55) Freeman, John (55) Fuller, Samuel' (10) Gibbs, Thomas (20) Grafton, Nathaniel (50) Gray, Edward (71) Green, William (20) Grinnell, Daniel (52) Hallett, Joseph (42) Hamblin, Joseph (14) Hammond, Samuel (17) Harlow, William (25) Harlow, William* (38) Hathaway, Arthur (8) Hawes, John (42) Hawks, John (38 & 50) Hayward, John (51) Hayward, Joseph (51) Heaward, John (21) Higgins, Jonathan (16) Hill, Charles (5) Hillman Benjamin (17) Hobart, Caleb (33) Howes, Joseph (63) Huckens, John (32) Huckens, Thomas (32) Hunt, William (4) Hutchinson, (38) Irish, John (33) Ivey, John (25) 172. Jencks, Nathaniel (28) 231. 173. Jenkins, Joseph (14) 232. 174. Johnson, Uriah (21) 233. 175. Jones, Joseph (49) 234. 176. Joyce, Hosea (32) 235. 177. Keen, Ephraim (64) 236. 178. Keen, Josiah (49) 237. 179. Kent, Joseph, Jr. (30) 238. 180. Landers, Joseph (9) 239. 181. Latham, Robert (71) 240. 182. Lee, Hancock (2) 241. 183. Lewis, Eleazer (12) 242. 184. Lewis, John (9) 243. 185. Lombard, Benjamin (20) 244. 186. LoveU, Joseph (45) 245. 187. Lucas, Samuel (20) 246. 188. Lyde, Edward (37) 247. 189. Martin, David (9) 248. 190. Mayo, Nathaniel (55) 249. 191. Mayo, William (57) 250. 192. Merrick, William (13) 251. 193. Middlecott, Richard (71) 194. Morey, Jonathan (25) 252. 195. Morse, Joshua (9) 253. 196. Morton, John (57) 254. 197. Morton, Thomas (9) 255. 198. Nelson, John (25) 256. 199. Newton, (2) 257. 200. Oakman, Tobias (9) 258. 201. Oldham, Thomas (64) 259. 202. Paddock, Judah (1) 260. 203. Paine, Thomas (62) 261. 204. Paine, Tobias (71) 262. 205. Paty, Thomas (3) 263. 206. Perry, (54) 264. 207. Phinney, John (16) 265. 208. Pickett, John (5) 266. 209. Plumly. John (17) 267. 210. Pratt, Daniel (9) • 268. 211. Price, (72) 269. ■ 212. Read, William (67) 270. 213. Richmond, Ebenezer(64) 271. 214. Richmond, John (16) 272. 215. Rickard, Giles (63) 273. 216. Rickard, John (8) 274. 217. Rickard, John (63) 275. 218. Rickard, Josiah (10) 276. 219. Rickard, Samuel (63) 277. 220. Rider, Samuel (25) 278. 221. Ring, William^ (59) 279. 222. Ripley, Joshua (4) 280. 223. Rogers, John^ (52) 281. 224. Rogers, Thomas^ (62) 282. 225. Sabine, Samuel (3) 283. 226. Sampson, Abraham (19) 284. 227. Sampson, Abraham* (17) 285. 228. Samson, Caleb^ (19) 286. 229. Sampson, Isaac (19) 287. 230. Sargent, John (32) 288. [5] Sawyer, John (49) Seabury, John (1) Seabury, Samuel (52> Shaw, James (9) Shaw, James (51) Sherman, William^ (21) Simmons, Benjamin (17> Simmons, John (52) Simmons, Moses (17) Skiff, Nathan (32) Skinner, Thomas (50) Smith, Samuel (13) Smith, Shubael (17) Snell. Josiah (1) Snow, Benjamin^ (1) (1) Benjamin^ (19) Snow Soule, Soule Soule James3 (67) Joseph^ (53) South worth, Edward (52> Southworth, Nathan- iel (14) Southworth, Thomas (1) Southworth, William (52) Sparrow, Jonathan (55) Sprague, Anthony (25) Sprague, Samuel (1) Standish, Miles^ (71) Standish, Miles^ (59) Starr, Benjamin (2) Starr, Samuel ((5) Steel, John (4) Steel, Samuel (4) Sturgis, Edward (42) Swan, John (54) Swift, William (67) Taber, Philip (8) Taber, Thomas (8 & 67) Taylor, (11) Terry, Thomas (16) Thacher, John (42) Thaxter, Samuel (33) Thayer, Ephraim (26) Thayer, Jonathan (17) Thayer, Samuel (17) Thomas Jeremiah (14) ' Thomson, John (68) Tilden, Stephen (49) Tinkhara, Ebenezer (45) Tinkham, Ephraim^ (72) Tinkham, John* (14) Tisdale, John (16) Townsend. Nathan (14) Travers, Samuel (2) Tupper, Ichabod (45) Turner, Japhet (45) Turner, John (5) Tyler, Robert (17) Walcot, Josiah (37) 2S9. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 29cS. 299. 300. 301. 302. Walker, William (62) Waller. John (1) Ward. Samuel (50) Warren. James' (9) Washburn. -John (51) Wateinian. Joseph (61) Wattrman. Samuel (9) Webb. Christopher (26) Webb. Peter (26) West. Stephen (S) Weston. Edmund (IS) Weston. John (53) Weston. Nathan^ (19) Wetherell. Daniel (5) 303. 304. 305. 306. 307. 308. 309. 310. 311. 312. 313. 314. 315. Whilldin. Joseph (42) Wilcox. Daniel (S) Willard, Simon (1) Williams. Joseph (11) Williams. Nathaniel (16> Williams Samuel (16) Wiswall. Ichabod (52) Wood. I<"phraim (14) Wood, James (12) Woodman. Edward (50) Wormall. Josiah (59) Wright. Adam^ (IS) Young, Thomas (21) Fourth Generation Names of persons who married great-granddaughters of Mayflower passengers. The numbers in parentheses indicate the family names of the wives, corresponding with the numbers "preeeding names in the first, second and third generations. Compiled by the California Society. 316. Adams. Thomas (4) 352. 317. Adgate, Thomas (5) 353. 318. Ager, Ebenezer (241) 354. 319. Alden. Benjamin^ (5) 355. 320. Alden. Seth^ (1) 356. 321. Alden. Wrestling^ (17) 357. 322. Alger, Israel (159) 35S. 323. Allen, (21S) 359. 324. Allen. Henry (297) 360. 325. Allen, John (14) 361. 326. Allen. John (297) 362. 327. Allen, Seth (218) 363. 328. Ames, John (293) 364. 329. Ames. Thomas (159) 365. 330. Ames. William (158) 366. 331. Angel. (30) 367. 332. Annable, John (275) 36S. 333. Arnold. Edward (5) 369. 334. Arnold, Samuel (296) 335. Arnold, Seth (147) 370. 336. Ashlev, Abraham (21) 371. 337. Atkins. Robert (59) 372. 338. Atwood. Eldad (62) 373. 339. Averv. Rev. John (49) 374. 340. Bacon. John (156) 375. 341. Bacon. Samuel (167) 376. 342. Bailey. John (112) 343. Baker. Samuel (61) 377. 344. Baker. Samuel (173) 378. 345. Barker. Samuel(14) 379. 346. Barker. Thomas (49) 3S0. 347. Barlow. Ebenezer (72) 381. 348. Barnes. John (25) 382. 349. Barnes. Jonothan (4) 383. 350. Barnes. Jonothan' (137) 384. 351. Barnes, William (4) [6] Barney, Joseph (179) Barren, Wiliam (286) Barrows. Samuel (36) Bartlett. Benjamin"(197> Bartlett. Joseph^ (197) Bartlett. LemueP (9) Bartlett, Robert^ (25) Bassett, Nathan (166) Bate, Caleb (255) Bates, Job (8) Bates, Joseph (78) Batterlv, Thomas (1) Baxter. Shubael* (42) Beal. Joseph (271) Bearce, Joseph (48) Belcher, Edward (14) Belcher, Bennett, (42) Bennett Bennett Bennett Nathaniel (26> Dr. Cornelius'' Ebenezer (67) Isaac (131) James (16) Bennett. Joseph. Jr.(64> Bennett, Nehemiah (67) Billings. Ebenezer (107> Billings, Rev. Richard (49) Bingham, Samuel (222) Bisbee. Aaron (18) Bisbee. Elisha (19) Bi.sbee, John (201) Bissell. Daniel (138) Blackman, Joseph (33> Blackwell. Caleb (267) Blanchard, Nathaniel (272) 385. 3S6. 387. 388. 389. 390. 391. 392. 393. 394. 395. 396. 397. 398. 399. 400. 401. 402. 403. 404. 405. 406. 407. 408. 409. 410. 411. 412. 413. 414. 415. 416. 417. 418. 419. 420. 421. 422. 423. 424. 425. 426. 427. 428. 429. 430. 431. 432. 433. 434. 435. 436. 437. 438. 439. 440. Blush, Reuben (275) Bodfish, Benjamin (118) Bodfisli, Natiianiel (101) Bonney, (3) Boomer, Matthew (33) Borden. Abraham (1) Bosworth, Bosworth, Nehemiah* James (179) Joseph (179) Bosworth, Nathaniel(17) Bosworth, Nehemiah* (67) Bosworth, (57) Boucher, Louis (193) Bourne, — (48) Bourne, Josiah* Jr. (48) Bourne, Sylvanus* (42) Bowditch. William (26) Bowen, Peter (179) Bradford. Ephraim^ (5) Bradford, Gamaliel^ (1) Bradford, Gershon* (309) Bradford, James (38) Bradford, Joshua^ (4) Bradford, SamueF (16) Bradford, William^ (25) Bradford, Wiliam^ (137) Bragg, Nicholas (14) Bramhall, Sylvanus (20) Brett. Nathaniel (158) Brett, Seths (1) Brewster, William^ (17) Bridgham, Joseph (305) Briggs, Edward (304) Briggs, Jedediah (8) Briggs, William (139) Brightman, Joseph (1) Britton, Peter (1) Brooks, (149) Brooks, Isaac (8) Brown, James (62) Bryant, Benjamin (10) Bryant, James (38) Bullock, John (28) Bullock, Samuel, Jr. (28) Bunker, Zechariah (42) Burgess, Edward (112) Burgess, Thomas (9) Bursley, Joseph (117) Bumpas. (25) Bumpas, Samuel (194) Byram, Ebenezer (159) Byxbee, Moses (13) Cadman, George (155) Campbell, (63) Capron, Banfield (172) Capen. John (272) Carl, William (8) 441. 442. 443. 444. 445. 446. 447. 448. 449. 450. 451. 452. 453. 454. 455. 456. 457. 458. 459. 460. 461. 462. 463. 464. 465. 466. 467. 468. 469. 470. 471. 472. 473. 474. 475. 476. 477. 478. 479. 480. 481. 482. 483. 484. 485. 486. 487. 488. 489. 490. 491. 492. 493. 494. 495. Carpenter, (30) Cartwright, Sampson (54) Cary, Recompense (1) Cary, Nathaniel (14) Carver, (59) Carver, Joseph (63) Chalker, Abraham (149) Chamberlain, Freedom (18) Champlin, Christopher (16) Chandler, Joseph, 3d (126) Chapin, Seth (73) Chauncey, Isaac (74) Cheseibroug'h,Jal)ez(107)- Childs, Joseph (33) Chipman, Jacob* (275) Chipman, Seth* (4) Christophers, Richard (96 and 286) Church, Israel' (14) Churchill, Eleazer (86) Clapp, (78) Clapp, Job (45) Clap, Stephen (42) Clarke, Joseph (149) Clark, Samuel (210) Clark, William (9) Cleveland, Henry (13S) Cobb, Henrv (150) Cobb, James (275) Cobb, James (150) Coe, (112) Coffin, Francis (42) Coffin, Nathaniel (240) Coffin, Prince (240) Coggeshall, Joshua (18) Cole, Israel (203) Cole, William (62) Coleman, Jeremiah (54)' Collamore, Anthony (200) Collins, Nathaniel (74) Colston, Charles (283) Coney, Nathaniel (241) Cook, Caleb (14) Cooke, Elisha (193) Cooke, Francis"* (181) Cook, John (253) Cook, Samuel (222) Cornell, Thomas (33) Cowing, Caleb (213) Cowing, John (156) Coy, Matthew (5) Crapo, Peter (21) Crippen, Jabez (11) Crocker, Cornelius (173)' Crocker, Eleazer (207) Crocker, Jonathan* (101) [7] 496. Crocker. Josiah (270) 555. 497. Crocker, Nathan* (101) 556. 49S. Curtis. Ebenezer (68) 557. 499. Curtis. Sylvanus (40) 558. 500. Cushing, (216) 559. 501. Cushman. Allerton" (18) o60. 502. Cushman, Benjamin«(10) 561. 503. Cushman, Elkanah» (4) 562. 504. Cushman, Isaac, Jr.*(4) 563, 505. Cushman, Joshua" (18) 564. 506. Cushman. Solomon''(48) 565. 507. Daggett, Eben (216) 566. 508. Daggett. Samuel (294) 567. 509. Daggett, Thomas (12) 568. 510. Daggett, Thomas (156) 569. 511. Damon, John (201) 570. 512. Darling, (90) 571. 513. Darling, Thomas (299) 5<2. 514. Davis, Samuel(14) 573. 515. Delano, David* (48) 574. 516. Delano, Ebenezer (238) 517. Delano, Ichabod" (17) 575. 518. Delano, Joshua" (53) 576. 519. Delano, Judah (239) 577. 520. Dell, (21) 578. 521. Denison, George (302) 579. 522. Dennison, James (9) 580. 523. Denison, John" (107) 581. 524. Dimmock. Thomas (263) 582. 525. Dimmock. Timothy (4) 583. 526. Dolliver, Peter (291) 584. 527. Dorman, Seth f272) 585. 528. Doty, John2 (175) 586. 529. Doty, Samuel* (9) 587. 530. Downes, William (42) 588. 531. Doude, (149) 589. 532. Drake, John (21) 590. .^33. Drew, John* (90) 591. .-.34. Drew, Lemuel (20) 592. .-,35. Drew, Perez (18) 593. 536. Dunbar, Mordecai (16) 594. 537. Dunbar, Peter (271) 595. 538. Dunham. Edmund (92) 596. 539. Dyer, John (13S) 597. 540. Dyer. William (14) 598. 541. Dvmond, Thomas (96) 599. 542. Eames, Anthony (201) ^00. 543. Eames, Anthony (231) 601. 544. Eames, Nathaniel (201) 602. 545. Earle, (266) 603. 546. Earle, John (304) 604. 547. Earl. Jonathan (8) 605. 548. Eastland. John (207) 606. 549. Eaton, Barnabas* (1) 607. 550. Eaton, Francis* (1) 608. 551. Eaton. Francis* (12) 609. 552. Eaton, John* (12) 610. 553. Eddy, Samuel (1) 611. 554. Edson, Timothy (1) 612. [8] Edgerton, Samuel (222) Everson, Seth (4) Farnum, Joseph (17) Faunce, Eleazer (20) Faunce, John (8) Faunce, Joseph (18) Faxon, Thomas (297) Finney, John (9) Finney, John (86) Fisher, Daniel (79) Fiske, Daniel (287) Fitch, Beriah (42) Fitch, Samuel (5) Fitzrandolph, John (92) Ford, Abner (17) Ford, Elisha (200) Ford, Joseph (272) Ford, Peleg (20) Fosdick, Samuel (208) Foster, Chillingworth (192) Foster, Nathan (19) Foster, Thomas (200) Frasier, (218) Frazier, Thomas (1) Freeman, Jonathan" (4) Freeman, Joseph" (270) Freeman, Stephen (173) French, Moses (272) Fuller, Jabez* (18) Fuller, Jabez (150) Fuller, Jabez* (229) Fuller, John* (1) Fuller, John (42) Fuller, John* (57) Fuller, Samuel" (117) Fuller, Seth* (72) Fuller, Shubael* (118) Gale, (129) Gardner, Reuben (42) Gay, Ebenezer (4) Geer, James (107) Gibbs, Henry (193) Gibbs, John (8) Gifford. Jeremiah (72) Gilbert. Nathaniel (4) Godfrey, (115) Godfrey, (176) Godfrey, Richard (214) Gorham, James* (176) Gorham, John* (119) Gorham. Shubael (270) Goss, Philip, (160) Gray, Samuel (33) Gray, Thomas (49) Griswx)ld. Francis (232) Hacket, George (275) Hagget, Othniel (193) Hall, Robert (59) 613. Hall, Robert (236) 672. 814. Hamblen, Benjamin (167) 615. Hamilton, Daniel (42) 673. 616. Hammond, Samuel (155) 674, 617. Harding-, Stephen (17) 675. 618. Harlow, Amaziah« (9) 676. 619. Harlow, Eleazer» (40) 677. 620. Harlow, Nathaniel (187) 678. 621. Harlow, Nathaniel (33) 679. 622. Harris, Arthur^ (219) 623. Harris, Isaac (181) 680. 624. Harris, Isaac'' (8) 681. 625. Harris, James (270) 682. 626. Harris, Thomas (302) 683. 627. Hart, William (267) 684. 628. Hastings, Samuel (33) 685. 629. Hatch, David (19) 686. 630. Hatch, Israel, Jr. (45) 687. 631. Hatch, Joseph, 2d (124) 688. 632. Hatch, Josiah^ (156) 689. 633. Hathaway, Richard' (8) 690. 634. Hayden, Elisha (272) 691. 635. Hayward, Nathaniel (1) 692. 636. Hayward, Thomas (158) 693. 637. Head, Jonathan (304) 694. 638. Henshaw, Daniel (26) 695. 639. Hersey, Joshua (4) 696. 640. Hersey, Joshua (51) 697. 641. Hersey, Noah (51) 698. 642. Hewitt, Joseph (107) 699. 643. Hill, (30) 700. 644. Hinckley, Benjamin 701. (173) 702. 645. Hinckley, Joseph (42) 703. 646. Hinds, William (291) 704. 647. Hobart, Nehemiah (54) 705. 648. Hodges, John (196) 706. 649. Holmes, Elisha (25) 707. 650. Holmes, Ephraim (48) 708. 651. Holmes, George (311) 709. 652. Holmes, John (33) 710. 653. Holmes, Joseph (5) 711. 654. Holmes, Joshua (9) 712. 655. Holmes, Joshua (263) 713. 656. Holmes, Nathaniel (38) 714. 657. Holmes, Peleg (4) 715. 658. Holmes, Thomas (64) 716. 659. Hood, Rufus (19) 717. 660. Hornby, Daniel (283) 718. 661. Hovey, Amos (54) 719. 662. Howard, (19) 720. 663. Howard, James (293) 721. 664. Howard, James (20) 722. 665. Howard, John (121) 723. 666. Howard, John, Jr. (181) 724. 667. Howes, Ebenezer (176) 725. 668. Howes, Ebenezer (42) 726. 669. Howland, Isaac^ (275) 727. 670. Howland, John, Jr.*(151) 728. 671. Howland, Nathan^ (36) [9] Howland, Nathaniel* (14) Howland, Prince (80) Howland, Samuel (18) Hughes, William (146) Hunt, Ebenezer (73) Hunt, John (18) Hunt, Joseph (8) Hutchinson, Timothy (17) Hyde, Daniel (4) Hyde, Samuel (4) IngersoU, Thomas (33) Inglee, Johnathan (196) Jackson, Nathaniel (32) Jackson, Ransom (8) Jackson, Thomas (146) James, John (286) Jenkins, Joseph (14) Jenney, Caleb (19) Jenney, Lettice (91) Jennings, Jonathan (209) Johnson, James (8) Johnson, John (8) Jones, Ephraim, Jr. (73) Jones, Ephraim (116) Jones, John (1) Jones, John (45) Jones, Jonathan (4) Jones, Ralph (36) Joyce, John (21) Joyce, Seth (59) Keene, Jonathan (8) Kilbourne, Hezekiah(76) King, John (62) Kingman, Samuel (51) Kingsley, John (225) Kinney, John (267) Kingsley, Samuel (293) Kirtland, Philip (210) Kirtland, Nathaniel (9) Kneeland, Benjamin(ll) Knowles, (168) Knowles, Samuel (143) Lambert, Bernard (21) Lane, Peter (4) Latham, Joseph (232) Lathrop, Mark (1) Lawton, Isaac (14) Lay, Robert (149) Lazelle, Simon (8) Leaming, Thomas (303) LeBaron, Lazarus (4) LeBlond, James (147) Leonard, Daniel (8) Leonard, George (281) Leonard, Simeon (195) Lewis, Ephraim (151) Lewis, James (14) 729. Lewis. John (166) 787. 730. Lewis. Thomas (166) 788. 731. Lincoln. Ebenezer (54) 789. 732. Lincoln. James (62) 790. 733. Lippington. Daniel (92) 791. 734. Little, Charles* (20) 792. 735. Little, DavicP (253) 793. 736. Little. Ephraim'- (79) 794. 737. Litti.-. John* (139) 795. 73}S. Little. John (17) 796. 739. Little. Otis (14) 797. 740. Little. Samuel-' (147) 798. 741. Little. Thomas^* (79) 799. 742. LolKlell. Ebenezer (19) 800. 743. Loring. Benjamin (1) 801. 744. Loring. Thomas (252) 802. 745. Loringr. William (1) 803. 746. Lothrop, Barnabas (32) 804. 747. Lothrop, Benjamin (14) 805. 748. Lothrop. John (270) 806. 749. Lothrop. Joseph (173) 807. 750. Lothrop. Thomas (42) 808. 751. Lovell, Jame.s. Jr. (42) 809. 752. Lucas. John (9) 810. 753. Lucas. William (9) 811. 754. Ludlow. Jeremy (Ji) 812. 755. Macomber,Benjamin(97) 813. 756. Macomber. John (266) 814. 757. Macomber. John (307) 815. 75S. Macomber. Thomas (68) 816. 759. Maddox, John (33) 817. 760. Magoun. David (18) 818. 761. Makepeace. AVilliam 819. (281) 820. 762. Maker. John (13) 821. 763. Manning. Samuel (222) 822. 764. Manning, Wililam (42) 823. 765. Marshall, Samuel (137) 824. 766. Marston. Benjamin (22) 825. 767. Martindale. Isaac (14) 826. 768. May. John (20) 827. 769. :Mavo. John (143) 828. 770. McFarland. Elijah (4) 829. 771. Medberv. Nathaniel (30) S30. 772. Meeks. Daniel (5) 831. 773. Merritt. Nehemiah (54) 832. 774. Merrv. William (313) 833. 775. Metcalf, Joseph (74) 834. 776. Miller. Francis (156) 835. 777. Miller. John (26) 836. 778. Miller. John (90) 837. 779. Miller. John (36) 838. 780. Mitchell. Edward^ (4) 839. 781. Mitchell, Jacob* (38) 840. 782. Mitchell, John (45) 841. 783. Moor. (32) 842. 784. Morton. John (207) 843. 785. Morton. Manasseh (267) 844. "786. Murdock. Thomas (20) 845. Xeal. Rev. Jonathan(54) Nelson. Francis (287) Nelson. John (197) Nelson, Thomas (166) Newcomb, Andrew (201) Newcomb, Hezekiah (4) Newcomb. Thomas (115) Newcomb. William (94) Newland. Jabez (19) Nickerson, William (62) Niles, Samuel (74) Noyes. Moses (208) Noyes. William (272) Oldham. John (42) Orcutt, Samuel (54) Orcutt. William. Jr. (293) Otis, James (76) Otis, Job (49) Otis. John (176) Otis. Nathaniel (270) Owen. Benjamin (73) Packard. John (67) Packard. Jonathan (159) Packard. Jonathan (67) Packard. Zaccheus (1) Paine. John* (143) Paine. Joseph* (254) Paine. Samuel* (143) Palmer. Isaac (14) Palmer. John (9) Palmer. Thomas (107) Palmer. William (155) Pearce. George (14) Peckham. John (14) Perkins. (19) Perkins. Thomas (312) Perrv, Barnabas (18) Perrv, Ezra (142) Perrv, John (264) Perry. Samuel (267) Peterson. John (40) Peterson. Joseph^ (175) Phillips. Benjamin (78) Phillips. David (45) Pickett. Adam (302) Pinneo, T'eter (17) Poland. John (236) / Porter, Nicholas (212) Potter, Thomas (304) Pratt, Daniel (72) Pratt. Elkanah (9) Pratt, Nathaniel (63) Pratt. John'^ (285) Prince. (57) Prince. Isaac (286) Prince. Thomas (286) Randall. Benjamin (200) Rawson. Edmund (158) Raymond. Ebenezer (12) [ 10 ] Read. (131) 903. Redfield,Theopliilus(140) 904. Reed, Ebenezer (67) 905. Reed. James (214) Renuff. John (54) 906. Richards, Benjamin (1) 9(i7. Richards. Benjamin (272> 90S. Richmond. Sylvester(16) 909. Rickard. James (14) 910. Rider, Joseph (20) 911. Ring. Andrew (19) 912. Robbins, Jeduthan (117) 913. Robinson, James (85) 914. Robinson, John (309) 915. Robinson. Samuel (8) 916. Rogers, James'' (203) 917. Rood, (19) 918. Rosbotham. Joseph (33) 919. Rouse, John (226) 920. Rowlev, John (11) 921. Rowley, Jonathan (11) 922. Rowley, Samuel (11) 923. Ruggles, Timothy (94) 924. Russell, Barnabas (14) Russell, James (21) 925. Russell, Joseph (14) Samson, Benjamin-'' (S) 926. Samson, Ebenezer"* (18) Sampson, George (18) 927. Sampson, Gideon (4) 928. Sampson, John (73) 929. Sampson, Jonathan, Jr' 930. (4) 931. Sampson, Joseph^ (226) 932. Sampson, Nathaniel*(48) 933. Sampson, Obadiah (IS) 934. Sampson, Peleg* (57) 935. Sawyer, Josiah (233) 936. Scollay, (78) 937. Seabury, Benjamin (222) 93S. Seabury, Oliver (1) 939. Seabury, Samuel (309) 940. Sealey, Edward (293) 941. Searle, Nathaniel (16) "942. Sears, John (202) 943. Sears, Judah (202) 944. Sears, Samuel (192) 945. Sears, Thomas (86) 946. Seaver, Nicholas (20) Shaplev, Benjamin (208) 947. Shaw, Richard (107) 948. Shepherd, Samuel (261) 949. Sherman, Abraham (124) Sherman, John (78) 950. Sherman, Thomas (304) 951. Shipman, Samuel (9) 952. Simmons, Aaron (47) 953. Simmons, Benjamin* 954. (126) 955. Simmons, Ichabod* (IS)- Simmons, Joshua^ (126> Simmons, Nathaniel"' (239) Simmons, William' (33)- Sisson, James (155) Smalley, Benjamin (G2) Smith, (262) Smith, Benjamin (9) Smith, Benjamin (14) Smith, John* (62) Smith, Joseph (101) Smith, Joseph (118) Smith, Samuel (32) Smith, Shubael (32) Snell, Zechariah (159) Snow, John (192) Snow, Jonathan-* (IS) Snow, Mark=' (115) Soule, Aaron-* (53) Soule, John3 (68) Soule, Moses^ (250) Southworth, Benjamin* (126) Southworth, Constant* (238) Southworth, Nathaniel (147) Sparrow. Jonathan'(192). Spear, William (2r2) Spooner, Thomas (202) Spooner, William (91) Springer, Edward (42) Sprout, Ebenezer^ (156)- Stacy, Joseph (20) Standish, Ichabod^ (57) Standish, Moses* (110) Stanford, Robert (4) Stanton, John (107) Stanton, Thomas (16) Staples, Seth (19) Star, Benjamin (232) Stetson, Caleb (5) Stetson, Elisha (5) Stevens, (149) Stillman, Benjamin (9) Stillman, Nathaniel (76) Stockbridge, Benjamin (277) Stubbs, William (42) Studley, John (9) Sturtevant, Cornelius (10) Sturtevant, James (8) Sturtevant, William (38) Swift, Jireh (145) Swift, Zephaniah (32) Sylvester, Israel (244) Sylvester, Israel (286) [11] 956. Sylvester, Joseph (25) 957. Taber, Constant (14) 958. Taber, Ebenezer (267) 959. Taber, William (18) 960. Tarpley. John (283) 961. Taylor. John (11) 962. Taylor, John (13) 963. Tavlor. Zachary (182) 964. Thacher, John (263) 965. Thacher, Peter (263) 966. Thayer, Naphtali (26) 967. Thomas, Anthony (1) 968. Thomas, Ephraim (33) 969. Thomas, Gideon (78) 970. Thomas, James (277) 971. Thomas, John (28) 972. Thomas, Nathan (1) 973. Thomas, Nathan (78) 974. Thomas, Nathaniel (20) 975. Thomas, Noah (1) 976. Thomas, Richard (28) 977. Thomas, William (285) 978. Thompson. (20) 979. Tomson. John (275) 980. Thomson, Reuben^(67) 981. Tomson, Thomas^ (196) 982. Tomson, Thomas (18) 983. Throop, Dan (33) 984. Thurber, John (30) 985. Thurston, David (104) 9S6. Tilden, (48) 987. Tilden. Nathaniel, Jr. (277) 988. Tilden, Samuel (201) 989. Tinkham, Ephraim, Jr. (110) 990. Tompkins, Samuel (112) 991. Torrev, David (20) 992. Tracv, Winslow (222) 993. Trott, Samuel (26) 994. Tucker. Samuel (191) 995. Tully, Elias (210) 996. Turner, Amasa (40) 997. Turner, Nathaniel (79) 998. Tuttle, John (291) 999. Twining. William (114) 1000. Veazie, Rev. Samuel(17) 1001. Vickery, Benjamin (203) 1002. Vaughan, Ebenezer (18) 1003. Wads worth, Christo- pher (313) 1004. Wadsworth, Rev. John (64) 1005. Wadsworth, John' (1) 1006. Wadsworth, John (309) 1007. AVadsworth, Peleg' (17) lOOS. Waite. Joseph (230) 1009. Walker, (59) 1010. Walker, James (214) 1011. Walker, Nathan (214) 1012. 1013. 1014. 1015. 1016. 1017. 1018. 1019. 1020. 1021. 1022. 1023. 1024. 1025. 1026. 1027. 1028. 1029. 1030. 1031. 1032. 1033. 1034. 1035. 1036. 1037. 1038. 1039. 1040. 1041. 1042. 1043. 1044. 1045. 1046. 1047. 104S. 1049. 1050. 1051. 1052. 1053. 1054. 1055. 1056. 1057. 1.158. 1059. 1060. 1061. 1062. 1063. 1064. 1065. 1066. 1067. 1068. 1069. 013 996 331 3 Ward, Edward (271) Wardwell, John (14) Wardwell, Stephen (14) Wardwell, William (14) Warren, Benjamin* (9) Warren, James* (22) Warren, Joshua (33) Warren, Samuel* (3) Washburn, Edward'*(213) Washburn, John (3) Washburn, Joseph, Jr.* (181) Washburn, Thomas (14) Waterman, (12) Waterman, John (38) Waterman, Joseph (61) Waterman, Robert (38) Waterman, Samuel (67) Waters, (4) Waters, William (291) Watson, Thomas (14) Webb, (54) Webb, John* (1) Webb, Nathan (73) Webb, Samuel (222) Webster, John (262) West, Samuel (238) Weston, Abner (19) Weston, Benjamin (19) Weston, Eliphazs (53) Weston, Jacob (239) Weston, John (40) Weston, Samuel (250) White, Benjamin* (200) White, Gideon' (14) Whiting, Azariah (4) Whiting, Charles (4) Whiting, Samuel (74) Whiton, John (117) Whitman, Thomas (1) Whitmarsh, (212) WMlde, John (26) Williams. John (16) Wilson, William (291) Winslow, Edward* (14) Winslow, Nathaniel (61) Winter, Francis (1) Witherell, (59) Wood, Elnathan (3) Wood, Henry (68) Wood, Jabez (12) Wood, John (33) Wood, Josiah (64) Wood, Samuel (275) Wood, Thomas (1) Woodbury. Samuel (33) Worth, Joseph (42) Young, Benjamin (62) Young, Joseph (201) [12] LIBRARY > LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 996 331 3 m HoUinger Corp. 1 f O f»