LIBRARY OF CONGRESS D001373bTflM Class CDFKRIGlrr DEPOSIT. The Discovery and Conquest ot the New World Containing the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus By WASHINGTON IRVING, creator o* American Classics A SEPARATE ACCOUNT OF THE Conquest of Mexico and Peru By W. W. ROBERTSON. D. D., F. R. S., The Eminent English Historian of the University oi Edinburg. A Perfect History of tlie United States From the works of BANCROFT, FISKE, BLAINE, GRANT, SHERMAN, JOHNSTON and others By BENJAHIN RUSH DAVENPORT, Master of the Art of Critical Condensation Introduction by The HON. MURAT HALSTEAD, Most Renowned Journalist and Columbian Student of both Americas Nearly Six Hundred Illustrations from the Greatest Artists, Portraying Every Scene of the World's Grandest Dnima W, H. FERGUSON COMPANY, PUBLISHERS, 230, 232 EAST FIFTH STREET, CINCINNATI, O. . ^' Cf HE publishers, having invested $25,000 alone in the procuHny of drawings and engravings contained 'J- within this book, hereby give due notice to everybody whom it mxy concern that, having complied with all the re