Tl Qass Ei^l_ Book__J3lRi^ i I VOTE FOR :60^.. NEXT TIME f ROCHESTER, N. Y., extends to you a cordial invitation to be its guest at the time of your next convention. ^ The Rochester Chamber of Commerce presents herewith a glimpse of the city's largest hotels, its Convention Hall — free to visiting organizations— and some of its nooks and corners of beauty and recreation. ^ Rochesterians will w^el- come you, and would give you the keys to the city, except for the fact the gates are never closed. q Rochester is a city of business, flowers and good fellowship. w w N the first place, when you go to a convention you want to do more than mere- ly *' convene.*' ^ That is, you want to go to a city that has ample hotel accommodations at a reasonable price ; excellent railroad facilities, so you may go and come with the maximum of comfort and convenience. ^ And, more important than all— you want to go to a city that has play- grounds for the **grown-ups,** — something to do between sessions. ^ Another thing ; most conventions are held in the warmer months — the dull business period. ^ Naturally you, as a delegate, would prefer to go w^here cool breezes abound ; w^here your coat will not have to be discarded during the ses- sions iof your convention ; where the citizens will give you a good hearty handshake, and where, in the leisure hours, you may choose from among half-a-hundred delightful pastimes. ^ All of this is possible in Rochester. PERHAPS you do not know that the waves of Lake On- tario wash the sands in the front yards of Rochester's subur- ban residences. Twenty-five minutes by trolley from the Chamber of Commerce Building to the Lake, where there is the best of bathing and fishing. Commodious pleasure boats are there to whisk you across the Lake for half-a-day's sojourn in Canada. More trolley lines — 165 miles of them — will carry you to numerous smaller lakes to the southward; to Ontario Beach Park, the Coney Island of Western New York; to a dozen spacious public parks where bands play in the evening and where children romp all day with roses in their cheeks and music in their laughter. GENESEE — RIVER OF .ROCHESTER I CHAMBER { 'COMMERCE^ PUBIICITY .COMMITTEE. WASHINGTON PARK- SHOWING CONVENTION HALL PERHAPS yoii tin not know that Ihc wavfs of Ljke On- tario \s'ash the sands in the front yards of Rothcstfr's subur- ban reaidctici's. Twenty-five minutes by trolley from the Chamber of CoinrnL-rtf Huilding to (tic I.;)k<-. wUiir lli< rr is the best nt \. niui,- i,,.! i, i,,,.- CommiMh..., ,.: I ,■ ,,, Island of Wi-^tcrn Niw \oik, Im ,, dozen spacious public parks whrti bands play in the evening ;itMl where children romp all day wiiii " ■■■ tluir chi-.-ks and mi.M. Till'. L'l- r iMi'' ...:_ ■-_■_.■'■■.))■ — New Vork i\nnW'' : rales are on the other side of this page. REMEMBER ROCHESTER To-day this same r Genesee, furnishes ^ vcr, now th 3,ooo horse power for a tants, built city of 3 10.000 inhab where stood the wig warns of the Senecas i 1 those day gone by. Annually ter hold a the citizen s of Roches val grande llian those of which ven Venic dreamed. In July, gathered on 11)09, 60, the banks 300 person of llieGene and illumin sa myriad ited craft. of decoralL'd In July, have 300.0C 1910, it is planned t< 5 to Roclu^ WANTS YOtIK NKX T CONVENTION ROCHESTER'S proximity to Lake Ontario makes the City an ideal sum- Trolley fares are low and ser- in addition to Convention ILill, the Chamber of Commerce Atiditorium, seating 400, is at yinir disposal, free of cost. OOClIKSri.R con tr Ids tell „„nion d. liars' ^ w,.rth of liu tor cs and homes every year. ^j Postoriicc recc pts c ctecd a million d ollars every year. ll'I- easoll — f - -We are a ways "im thejol. $100,000,000 Value Annual Factory Output SIX OF ROCHESTER'S FORTY-FIVE HOTELS zn P' I i ^^_ K J ! 1 ! r ' i;:i::::;::i ^^ ^ POWERS HOTEL 1 Pluii Only 5.SU Gui-^t Kooms WHITCOMB HOUSE Europtfiin Plan 175 Guest Rooms HOTEL ROCHESTER European Plan Only 2S0 Guest HOTEL SENECA European riuri Only 240 Ou- OSBURN HOUSE :'lii(i ISO Guvst Kuoms HOTEL EGGLESTON,.tnn I'l^.n llc.r men onlyl '« Guc.l Koo, Rochester Has 210.000 Satisfied Inhabitants Ten Steam Railroads- From Everywhere The Rochester Spirit Means a Royal Welcome Spacious Convention Hall at Your Command Ten Miles of Resorts on Lake Ontario Center of the Country's Nursery Trade -L GLIMPSE OF MAIN STREET, ROCHESTER TJ OCHESTER constructs ten million dollars' worth of factories and homes every year. ^ Postoffice receipts exceed a million dollars every year. ^[ The reason — ? — We are always **on the job.'* $100,000,000 Value Annual Factory Output LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 205 332 9