PS 3089 .T78 fl65 Copy 1 9 . «1 i -'I "v ♦ 'HYP* ide |)is fime 4 V . "v \ \ •fo^l, \ I % COPYRIGHT 188 BY M. T. B. THE FOLLOWING VERSES WERE FOUND AMONG THE PAPERS OF THE LATE eo;f ~A «4 nemaine. BY REQUEST OF MANY OF HIS FRIENDS, THEY ARE NOW PUBLISHED. New Haven, Connecticut, Caster, 1838. a it on \\)Q CLord ; be of aood couraae, and pe sball strengthen tljine be art ; wait, I say, on tbe Qord. Psalms xxvii: 14. Et^eri all your life looks dark and drear, Wf)en \\)ere seems nauabt your pal \) to cbeer, ^ptill bold to fa it I? and never fear : felbide your time. boucjb shadows fall botb tl;icl^ and fast, bougb blacl? tbe clouds and fierce the blast, \^\)Q sunshine must breal^ tbrouab at last: Olbide vour time. ib< are too blind to comprehend (fbe arief and trials Gfod dotb send We cannot understand the end : bide HIS time. n t^od s own time Me ll ojve you rest ; Witb t bis tbouabt let your life be blest ; Me knows-— not we— what s for toe best 8bide His t; ime, or none of us liveib to himself, and no man dietb to himself. Pop whether we live, we live uni"o the fciord ; and whether we die, we die unlo the Qord ; whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Qord s. Romans xiv: 7, 8. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ■HI 018 604 112 4 |