'^ ' fa». -M. /f\ -CZ Book. 7> '^ CDpyriglit N^- COFmiGHT DEPOSCn Ill 'LIEUTENANT GENERAL I/ICE ADMIRAL ffi SENIOR fifSR ADMIRAL JUNIOR REAR ADMIRAL, SENIOR COMMODORE JUNIOR COMMODORE SENIOR omCER PRESENT COAST euARO SURVEY MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK A Handbook on the Organization, Insignia of Rank, and Customs of the Service of the World's Important Armies and Navies Lieut. J: W. BUNKLEY U. S. Navy 51 FULL-PAGE FLATES 18 IN COLORS NEW YORK D. VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY 25 Park Place 1917 NAVY 3^f> EISTT WASHJ^srcj'y^^r V •• October 6, 1917. To: Lieutenant J. W. Bunkley, U. S. Navy, SUBJECT: Publication of Article. 1. You are authorized to publish the manuscript sub- mitted this day for scrutiny in accordance with Article 1534 (3) Navy Regulations, 1913. :.;.: JAN -3 1918 Copyright, 1917 BT D. VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY ©ClA48lJiUU n^o \ PREFACE The following pages were prepared, not only for those in the Military and Naval Service, but also for the Laymen who, since the beginning of the war, have shown such a keen interest in the uniforms, insignia, and customs of our fighting forces. The information was all obtained from official sources and every effort has been put forth to make it as cor- rect and as complete as possible. Special stress has been laid on the insignia of rank, which has been shown in the most minute detail. It is hoped that every man, both old and new in the service, will find this volume useful in recognizing the various insignia and uniforms of his own and sister services and of the foreign Armies and Navies, which he meets from day to day. The chapters on the organization of our Army and Navy, the duties of the officers and men, as well as the composition of the various units, should prove particularly interesting at this time. Those on the customs of the service were written especially for men who have lately entered, or who contemplate entering, the military or naval life and who wish to become familiar with the etiquette and customs peculiar to such a life. Joel William Bunkley. Navy Yard, Washington, December, 1917. • • • ui CONTENTS CHAP. PAGE I. Organization of the Army Bureaus and Corps 1 II. Composition of the Army 7 III. Organization of the Army in the Field. ... 13 IV. Departments and Divisions 15 V. Various Ranks Held in Army 17 VI. Army Etiquette and Customs 21 Salutes — Courtesies in Conversation. VII. Calls 30 VIII. Composition of the Navy 33 The Fleet Naval Reserve — The Naval Reserve ... — The Naval Auxiliary Reserve — The Naval Coast Defense Reserve — The Naval Reserve Flying Corps — The Volunteer Naval Reserve — United States Junior Naval Reserve. IX. Organization of the Navy Ashore 38 X. Naval Districts 44 XL The Organization of the Navy Afloat 46 XII. Types of Ships 49 XIII. Duties of Naval Officers and Men Aboard Ship 52 Duties of Naval Officers according to Rank — Titles and Relative Rank of Staff Officers, U. S. Navy. XIV. Naval Etiquette and Customs — Salutes .... 62 XV. United States Marine Corps 70 XVI. Coast Guard 72 XVII. Light IIou§e Service 73 XVIII. Coast and Geodetic Survey 75 V vi CONTENTS CHAP. PAGE XIX. Strength and Organization of .Foreign Armies 77 France — Germany ■ — Austria-Hungary — Russia — Great Britain — Italy. XX. United States — Army Uniforms 82 XXI. United States — Navy Uniforms 101 XXII. Great Britain — Army and Navy Uniforms. . 125 XXIII. France — Army and Navy Uniforms 136 XXIV Germany — Army and Navy Uniforms 145 XXV. Italy — Army and Navy Uniforms 153 XXVI. Austria-Hungary — Army and Navy Uniforms 161 XXVII. Japan — Army and Navy Uniforms. 170 XXVIII. Russia — Army and Navy Uniforms 177 XXIX. Belgium — Army Uniforms 182 XXX. Turkey — Army and Navy Uniforms 188 XXXI. Serbia, Montenegro, Rumania, Portugal and Bulgaria 190 XXXII. United States War Medals 193 XXXIII. Ribbons of Medals and Badges 210 XXXIV. Definition of Guns 215 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS United States Flags Frontisjdece United States Army PLATE ^^«^ I. Insignia of Rank on Shoulder Loops 83 II. Insignia of Rank on Overcoat Cuffs, Cap and Collar Devices 86 III. Officers' Collar Ornaments 88 IV. Officers' Collar Ornaments 89 V. Enlisted Men's Chevrons and Specialty Marks. 92 VI. Enlisted Men's Chevrons and Specialty Marks. . 93 VII. Enlisted Men's Specialty Marks and Chevrons. . 94 VIII. Insignia for Service Caps Worn by EnUsted Men 95 IX. Enlisted Men's Collar Devices 97 X. Colors of the Branches of the Service, Army Flags and Signals, Company Flags, Dress Trou- ser Stripes 99 United States Na\t XI. Shoulder Marks Worn on White Uniforms and Overcoats, Line Officers 102 XII. Shoulder Marks Worn on White Uniforms and Overcoats, Medical Corps, Naval Construc- tors' Corps, Civil Engineers' Corps 103 XIII. Shoulder Marks Worn on White Uniforms and Overcoats, Professor of Mathematics, Chap- lains, Chief Warrant Officers, Warrant Officers 104 vii Vlll PLATE XIV. XV. XVI. XVII. XVIII. XIX. XX. XXI. XXII. XXIII. XXIV. XXV. XXVI. XXVII. XXVIII. XXIX. XXX. XXXI. XXXII. XXXIII. XXXIV. XXXV. XXXVI. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE Insignia of Rank on Cuffs, Line Officers, Staff Officers 107 Insignia of Rank on Cuffs, Paymaster Corps, Medical Corps, Constructors' Corps 108 Insignia of Rank on Cuffs, Civil Engin- eers, Corps, Professor of Mathematics, Chaplain 109 Rank and Corps Devices 110 Specialty Marks Ill Petty Officers' Chevrons, Naval Reserve Button and Collar Device 112 Hats and Caps Worn by Officers 113 United States Naval Militia, Insignia of Rank on Cuffs, Shoulder Straps 115 United States Marine Corps, Insignia of Rank on Shoulder Loops 117 United States Coast Guard, Lighthouse Service and Marine Corps 119 United States Coast Guard, Shoulder Marks and Insignia of Rank on Cuffs for Line Officers and Engineer Officers 120 United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, Shoulder Loops, Insignia on Cuffs, and CollaT Devices 123 British Army — Insignia 126 British Army — Insignia 127 British Navy — Insignia 130 British Navy — Insignia 131 British Navy — Isnignia 133 British Navy — Insignia 134 French Army, Insignia of Rank on Cuffs 139 French Army, Service Insignia 140 French Navy, Insignia of Rank on Cuff 143 German Army, Grade Insignia 148 German Navy, Insignia of Rank on Cuff 151 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS ix PLATE ^^«^ XXXVII. Italian Army, Collar Devices, Hats and Shoulder Marks 155 XXXVIII. Italian Navy, Insignia of Rank on Cuff 157 XXXIX. Austro-Hungarian Army, Insignia of Rank on Collar 162 XL. Austro-Hungarian Navy 167 XLI. Japanese Army, Shoulder Marks 171 XLII. Japanese Navy, Insignia of Rank on Cuff 175 XLIII. Russian Army, Shoulder Marks 178 XLIV. Russian Navy, Insignia of Rank on Cuff 179 XLV. Belgian Army, Insignia of Rank on Collar 185 XLVI. Serbian Army, Shoulder Marks 191 XLVII. United States Navy War Medals and Deco- rations 199 XLVIII. United States Army War Medals and Eecora- tions 203 XLIX. United States War Medal Ribbons 212 L. United States War Medal Ribbons 213 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION ROOK CHAPTER I ORGANIZATION OF THE ARMY BUREAUS AND CORPS The President of the United States is Commander- in-Chief of the Army and Navy. The Secretary of War is a civiHan appointed by the President, and as head of the War Department, has the care and control of the Army. The Assistant Secretary of War is a civihan, ap- pointed by the President, who performs the duties assigned to him by the Secretary and by law. An Act of Congress approved February 14, 1903, established the General Staff Corps and created a Chief of Staff. The Chief of Staff is detailed by the President from the Officers of the Army at large not below the grade of Brigadier General. The Chief of Staff, under the direction of the President and the Secretary of War, has supervision 2 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK of all troops of the Line, of the Adjutant General's, Inspector General's, Judge Advocate General's, Quar- termaster's) Subsistence, Medical, and Ordnance De- partments, of the Corps of Engineers, and of the Signal Corps. He performs such other military duties as may be assigned to him by the President. The affairs of the Army are administered through the various Bureaus or Departments mentioned above and the General Staff Corps. The Staff consists of the following: General Staff Corps. Adjutant General's Department. Inspector General's Department. Judge Advocate General's Department. Quartermaster's Department. Subsistence Department. Medical Department. Ordnance Department. Corps of Engineers (except a limited number of battahons attached to the line). Signal Corps. Staff Officers shall not assume command of troops unless put on duty under orders which specially so direct, by authority of the President. Officers of the Medical Departments cannot exercise conmiand except in their own departments. The duties of the departments and corps enumerated above are as follows: General Staff Corps. To prepare plans for the National defense. ORGANIZATION OF THE ARMY BUREAUS 3 To prepare plans for the mobilization of all military forces in time of war. To investigate all questions affecting the efficiency of the Army and its state of preparedness. To render professional aid and assistance to the Secretary of War and to general and other superior officers. Adjutant GeneraPs Department. To have charge of orders, correspondence and records of the Army. All orders and instructions emanating from the President, the Secretary of War, the Chief of Staff, or any officer with a command equal to or greater than a brigade, are communicated to troops and individuals in the military service through this department. All records of the War Department relating to the his- tory of every officer and soldier of the Army and to the movements and operations of troops, the records of all appointments, promotions, resignations, deaths, and other casualties are kept in this office. To prepare and distribute Commissions. To have charge of the recruiting of the Army. To have supervision of the pension of the War Department. Inspector General's Department. To exercise a general observation over all matters pertaining to the efficiency of the Army, the condition and state of supplies of all kinds, of the expenditure of public property and moneys, and the condition of accounts of all disbursing officers, of the conduct, discipline, and efficiency of officers and troops. 4 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK Judge Advocate General's Department. To see that justice is administered. The Judge Advocate General is the custodian of the records of all general courts-martial, courts of inquiry and military com- missions. Quartermaster's Department. To furnish all the necessary supplies in the Army with the exception of the subsistence stores, ordnance stores, medical supplies, and signal and engineer supplies. To provide the army with transportation animals, forage, fuel, clothing, camp and garrison equipage, barracks, storehouses, and other buildings. To attend to all matters pertaining to mihtary oper- ations which are not assigned to some other bureau. To have charge of the supply, distribution of, and accounting for the payment of the Army. Subsistence Department. To subsist the Army. To expend the funds appropriated for subsisting the enlisted men and for purchasing articles kept for sale 'to officers and enlisted men. Medical Department. To supervise the sanitary condition of the Army. To care for the sick and wounded. To examine physically all officers and enlisted men. To manage all mihtary hospitals, etc. Ordnance Department. To supply the army, by purchase or manufacture, with arms, equipments, ammunition, and, in fact, everything pertaining to fighting material. To establish and maintain arsenals and depots for ORGANIZATION OF THE ARMY BUREAUS 5 the manufacture, repairing, and safe-keeping of ord- nance stores. To provide equipment for hqrses and field outfits {pr soldiers. Engineer Department. To reconnoiter, survey and make maps for military purposes, including the plan- ning and superintendence of defensive or offensive works in the field, the construction and repair of for- tifications, and the construction -and repair of mihtary roads and bridges. To take charge of river and harbor improvements and to superintend the erection of important pubhc buildings. Signal Corps. To supervise the instruction in mihtary signaHng and telegraphy prescribed by the War Department. To procure, preserve, and distribute the necessary supplies for the Signal Corps and for the lake and seacoast defense. To construct, repair, and operate all military tele- graph and telephone lines and cables, field telegraph trains, balloon trains, etc. To have charge of the construction and operations of all airships. Embarkation Service. To coordinate all ship- ments of munitions and supplies of every kind and all troop movements whose ultimate destination is Europe, and to advise and assist the Chief of Staff in reference thereto. To have direct supervision, under the Chief of Staff, of all movements of sup- 6 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK plies from points of origin to ports of embarkation. To supervise the operations of the latter, and to con- trol the employment of all Army transports engaged in the trans-Atlantic service and such commercial shipping as may be used to supplement that service. To arrange with the Navy for convoy service. The Army War College is located at Washington, D. C, and its purpose is to study Army warfare, strategy and tactics, and to formulate methods and plans to conduct warfare under all conditions and circumstances. CHAPTER II COMPOSITION OF ARMY The Army of the United States is divided into three parts, designated as follows: The Regular Army, the National Guard, and the National Army. The regular Army consists, mainly, of the follow- ing: Infantry. Cavalry. Quartermaster's Corps. Ordnance Department. Signal Corps. Adjutant General's Department. Inspector General's Department. Judge Advocate General's Department. Additional Sergeants. Indian Scouts. Porto Rico Regiments. Field Artillery. Coast Artillery. Medical Department. Corps of Engineers. General Staff Corps. Detached Officer's List. 7 8 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK Chaplains. Regular Army Reserve. Retired Officers. Retired enlisted men. The National Guard is organized by States for in- terior State protection in times of peace. It is subject to call for special service, or to draft by the Federal authorities, under the National Defense Act, of June 3, 1916. The guard is armed, uniformed, and equipped by the Federal Government from funds appropriated by Congress for that purpose, and allotted each year to the different States on the basis of the number of men in the National Guard organized in the States on the 30th day of June. When drafted into Federal service the guard be- comes part of the armed forces of the United States, and while in service is outside the control of States and receives the same pay and allowances as that of the officers and enlisted men of similar grade in the Regular Army, and is subject to the same laws, reg- ulations, and discipline as the Regular Army. The guard is organized on the model of the Regular Army and maintains all branches of the service save aviation. The National Army is composed of young men, strong, alert, competent. It is representative of our entire citizenship, and in its selection and training gives to all equal opportunity to' serve and to com- mand. The men who compose it are within the ages designated by Congress. COMPOSITION OF ARMY 9 The regiments, brigades, and divisions of each arm of the above three groups are numbered in separate series, the first number to be as indicated in the fol- lowing table : Regiment. Brigade. Division. Inf. 1 101 301 F.A. Cav. E grs. Inf. F.A. Cav. Inf. F.A. Cav. Regular Army National Guard National Army 1 101 301 1 101 301 1 101 301 1 51 151 1 51 151 1 51 151 1 26 76 15* * Cavalry divisions of the Regular Army will start at No. 15 in order to provide for the organization of other divisions, either mounted or dismounted. Engineer regiiients (except Pioneers) will be num- bered in the manner already approved and in effect. The Officers' Reserve Corps is authorized by National Defense Act, approved June 3, 1916. Applicants commissioned in the Officers' Reserve Corps rank in the various sections according to grades and to length of service in their grades. Commis- sions are issued for five years. In time of peace, officers of the Reserve are liable to service in the field for fifteen days every year, during which service they will receive the pay and allowances of their respective grades in the Regular Army. In tiiiie of actual or threatened hostilities the President may order members of the Officers' Reserve Corps, subject to physical examination, to temporary duty with the Regular Army, or as officers 10 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK in volunteer or other organizations that may be au- thorized by law, or as officers at recruit rendezvous and depots or on other duty. They may be pro- moted to vacancies in volunteer organizations or in the Regular Army. While Reserve officers are on such service they shall be entitled to the pay and allowances of the corresponding grades in the Regular Army. Commissions in the Officers' Reserve Corps are open to " such citizens as shall be found physically, mentally, and morally qualified." Enlisted men of the Regular Army and of the National Guard, are eligible, but not officers. The Enlisted Reserve Corps is also authorized by the National Defense Act, approved June 3, 1916, the purpose or object being to secure an additional reserve of enlisted men in the following special branches: Medical Department, Quartermaster Corps, Engineer Corps, Ordnance Department, and Signal Corps, who can be brought to the aid of the Government in time of national crisis. Applicants must be citizens between 18 and 45 years of age, physically and morally fit. Previous military training is not required. In time of peace enlistment is for four years. Re- servists must keep themselves physically fit and are liable to two weeks' military training a year. In time of war reservists may be assigned to duty with units of the Regular Army or formed into separate units. COMPOSITION OF ARMY 11 The department known as the Bureau of the Em- barkation Service is created for the period of the war. The officers and enhsted men of the Army are divided into two major divisions: The Staff and The Line. The Staff has charge of the food, clothing, trans- portation, payment, armament, medical attendance, in- spection, administration of justice, communication, etc. A large portion of the duties in connection with the above, however, devolve, at times, upon officers of the Line. The Lme does the work in the field such as march- ing, fighting, campaigning, etc., and furnishes gar- risons for fortified and unfortified posts. The Line is divided into what is known as the Arms of the Service, as follows: Cavalry (Cav.) Field Artillery (F. A.) Coast Artillery (C. A.) Infantry (Inf.) Engineers (Eng.) By Act of Congress a limited number of Battalions of Engineers constitute a part of the regular fine of the Army. Their primary duties, however, are to construct mines, pontoons, military bridges, mil- itary roads, and fortifications, etc., etc. The Field Artillery accompanies an Army in the field and includes light artillery, horse artillery, siege artillery and mountain artillery. 12 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK The Coast Artillery is organized upon a geographical basis and has charge of the fixed and movable ele- ments of land and coast fortifications, including submarine mine defenses. The Coast Artillery is divided into Artillery Dis- tricts under the command of an Artillery District Commander, an officer of rank of Colonel or a General Officer. Each district incorporates a fortified harbor. Each district has one or more Battle Commands, under the command of a Battle Commander, usually an officer of the rank of Colonel. He commands all of the artillery defenses bearing upon a single channel of approach. Each Battle Command is divided into two or more Fire Commands and Mine Conmiands. Each Fire Commander, usually a Major, commands a group of batteries. Each battery is commanded by a battery commander (a captain or lieutenant). The Mine Commander commands the mine fields and the rapid fire batteries and is coordinate with the fire commander. Battery Commanders have other ofl&cers under their command, usually lieutenants, who perform the duties of Range Officers, and Emplacement Officers. Battle Commanders have also Communication and Searchlight Officers. Fire Commanders have Com- munication Officers. The Coast Artillery Corps is divided into com- panies, each company comprising a single battery. CHAPTER III ORGANIZATION OF THE ARMY IN THE FIELD An Army Corps consists of two or more divisions organized under one command. A General, Lieutenant General, or a Major General commands a Corps. A Division consists of two or more brigades, usually including several arms of the service. A Mai or General commands a Division. Although the strength of a unit is subject to change, 19,000 men, at present, constitutes a division. ' A typical infantry division (subject to changes to suit varying conditions) at present includes : 1 division headquarters, • 1 machine-gun battalion of four companies, 2 Infantry brigades of two regiments and 1 machine- gun battalion (three companies) each, 1 Field Artillery brigade of three regiments and 1 trench mortar battery, 1 Engineer regiment, 1 Field signal battalion, 1 train headquarters and military police, 1 ammunition train, 1 supply train, 1 engineer train (less pontoon and searchlight sec- tions), 1 sanitary train of four ambulance companies. 13 14 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK A Brigade consists of two or three regiments of the same or different arms, organized under one com- mand. A Brigadier General commands a brigade. A Regiment consists of three battaHons. A Colonel commands a regiment and it is the administrative unit in the Cavalry and Infantry. The strength of a regiment is about 3600 men. A Battalion (called Squadron in the Cavalry) con- sists of four companies. A Major commands a battalion. A Company is the smallest constant fundamental unit. A Captain commands a Company. A Squad consists of a Corporal and seven privates. The Corporal is the squad leader. A Company is divided into Squads, two or three squads forming a Section, two sections forming a Platoon, and four Platoons a Company. Company is the term used for Infantry, Coast Artillery and Engineers. Battery is the relative unit in the Field xA.rtillery and Troop is the relative unit in the Cavalry. The strength of a Company is as follows: Infantry Company. Approximate strength: 2 Cap- tains, 1 1st Lieutenant, 3 2d Lieutenants, 1st Sergeants, Mess Sergeants, Supply Sergeants, Sergeants, Cor- porals, Cooks, Buglers, Mechanics, Privates, 1st class. Privates. — Total 250 men, 6 officers. CHAPTER IV DEPARTMENTS AND DIVISIONS All territory occupied by the Army of the United States in time of peace is divided into geographical divisions called Divisions and Departments, and com- manded by general officers, generally a Major General, assigned by direction of the President. The geographical division of territory for military purposes includes Divisions, Departments, Districts, and Sub-districts. Departments are generally commanded by major gen- erals or brigadier generals. Districts by brigadier generals, and sub-districts by colonels or lieutenant colonels. COAST ARTILLERY DLSTRICTS Name. Limits. Head- quarters. North Atlantic Coast from northern boundary of Boston, Maine to southern boundary of Mass. Connecticut. Middle Atlantic Coast from southern boundary of New York, Connecticut to northern bound- N. Y. ary of North Carolina. South Atlantic Coast from northern boundary of Charles- North Carolina to southern bound- ton, S. C. ary of Texas. North Pacific Coast from northern boundary of Seattle, Washington to southern boundary Wash. of Oregon. South Pacific Coast from northern boundary of San Fran- California to southern boundary c i s c o. of California. ^ Cal. 15 16 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK DEPARTMENTS Name. Composition. Head- quarters. Northeastern Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Boston, Department Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. Mass. Eastern Depart- New York, Pennsylvania, New Jer- New York, ment sey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Canal Zone, and Porto Rico. N. Y. Southeastern North Carolina, South Carolina, Charleston Department Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Florida. S. C. Central Depart- North Dakota, South Dakota, Min- Chicago, ment nesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ne- braska, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia, Kentucky, Missouri, and Kansas. 111. Southern D e - Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, San Anto- partment and Texas. nio, Tex. Western D e - Washington, Montana, Oregon, Ida- San Fran- partment ho, Wyoming, California, Nevada, cisco, Utah, and Alaska. Cal. Hawaiian D e - Hawaiian Islands. Honolulu, partment Hawaii. Phihppine De- Philippine Islands. Manila, partment P.I. CHAPTER V VARIOUS RANKS HELD IN ARMY There are two general classes of men in. the Army: Commissioned officers, who exercise a certain author- ity over others by virtue of a commission issued to them by the President of the United States, and Enlisted Men, who constitute the Rank and File of the Army. Enlisted Men are divided into two general classes: Privates and Non-Commissioned Officers. Privates exercise no authority except that given to them temporarily by an immediate superior. Non Commissioned Officers, called Sergeants and Corporals, are given warrants by virtue of which they exercise a limited authority. Chaplains are clergymen with military commissions, by virtue of which they have charge of the spiritual welfare of soldiers. Retired Officers are those who have been retired from active service but who are part of the Regular Army, being subject to the rules and articles of war. The following are the grades in order of rank of Officers and non-commissioned officers. 1. General. 2. Lieutenant General. 17 18 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK 3. Major General. 4. Brigadier General. 5. Colonel. 6. Lieutenant Colonel. 7. Major. 8. Captain. 9. First Lieutenant. 10. Second Lieutenant. 11. Veterinarian, Cavalry and Field Artillery. 12. Cadet. 13. (a) Sergeant-Major, regimental; Sergeant-Ma j or, senior grade, Coast Artillery Corps; (6) master electrician. Coast Artillery Corps; master sig- nal electrician; (c) engineer. Coast Artillery Corps; (d) electrician sergeant, first class, Coast Artillery Corps. 14. Ordnance sergeant; post commissary-sergeant, post quartermaster-sergeant; sergeant, first class. Hospital Corps; first class signal ser- geant; electrician sergeant, second class. Coast Artillery Corps; master gunner. Coast Artil- lery Corps. 15. Quartermaster-sergeant and commissary-sergeant, regimental ; chief musician. 16. Sergeant-major, squadron and battalion; ser- geant-major, junior grade. Coast Artillery Corps; color sergeant; chief trumpeter; principal musician; battalion quartermaster- sergeant, engineers and field artillery. 17. First sergeant; drum major. VARIOUS RANKS HELD IN ARMY 19 18. Sergeant; quartermaster-sergeant, Company stable sergeant. 19. (a) Corporal; (b) fireman, Coast Artillery Corps. In each grade and sub-grade, date of commission, appointment, or warrant determines the order of precedence. All officers from Major to Colonel, inclusive, whether of the line or staff corps, are regarded as Field Officers. The Field and Staff of a regiment consists of the Colonel and the regimental staff, the lieutenant colonel and the three majors. The Regimental Staff consists of the Adjutant, Quartermaster, and Commissary. The Chaplain and the medical officers on duty with a regiment are in practice considered staff officers of the Colonel. The Adjutant has charge of all official correspondence. He keeps a complete journal of events, including a record of all orders given and all reports received. The Quartermaster supervises all details of trans- portation, animals, forage, fuel, clothing, quarters, camp equipage, etc. The Commissary is the purchasing and disbursing officer and has charge of the details of subsistence. The Battalion Staff consists of a Battalion Adjutant, Battalion Quartermaster and Commissary whose duties are similar to those enumerated above. The Regimental Non- Commissioned Staff consists of the Regimental Sergeant-Ma j or, the Regimental Quartermaster-Sergeant, the Regimental Commissary- 20 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK Sergeant, and two Color-Sergeants, appointed by the Regimental Commander. The Battalion Non- Commissioned Staff consists of the Battalion Sergeant-Major, appointed by the Regimental Commander upon the recommendation of the Battalion Commander. CHAPTER VI ARMY ETIQUETTE AND CUSTOMS *' Courtesy among military men is indispensable to discipline; respect to seniors will not be confined to obedience to duty, but will be extended on all occasions." (Army Regulations.) Salutes As in the daily civil life we see courtesy extended by the tipping of the hat, so, in military life, this courtesy is shown in the form of a salute. From the beginning of time, the custom of saluting has been found wherever there was a military organization. Thirty paces or less is saluting distance; that is, salutes are not as a rule given at a greater distance than about thirty paces. Six paces is the distance at which the salute should be given if you are coming that near or nearer. If not coming within six paces salute when you are at the nearest distance. To salute with the hand, first assume the position of a soldier or march at attention. Look the person you are to salute straight in the eye when at the proper distance, raise the right hand smartly till the tip of the forefinger touches the lower part of the headdress or forehead above the right eye, 21 22 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK thumb and fingers extended and joined, palm to the left, forearm inclined about 45°, hand and wrist straight. Maintain the position of salute, looking the person you are saluting straight in the eye until he acknowledges the salute or until he has passed, then drop the hand smartly to the side. The salute is given with the right hand only. The rifle and saber salute may be found in the drill regulations. Be careful about returning the salute of those under 'you. Do not do so with a cigar or pipe in your mouth. It is both unmilitary and impolite. The National or regimental color or standard un- cased passing a guard or other armed body will be saluted, the field music sounding 'Ho the color" or ''to the standard." Officers or enlisted men passing the uncased color will render the prescribed salute; with no arms in hand, the salute will be the hand salute, using the right hand. Use the saber or rifle salute if armed with the saber or rifle. The National flag and the regimental flag belonging to dismounted organizations of the army, are called colors. Those belonging to mounted organizations are called standards. These are the only flags a soldier salutes, except the salute to the flag at retreat and the salute to the flag aboard ship. Whenever the National Anthem is played at any place when persons belonging to the military service are present, all officers and enlisted men not in for- mation will stand at attention facing toward the music ARMY ETIQUETTE AND CUSTOMS 23 (except at retreat when they shall face toward the flag). If in uniform, and covered, they shall salute at the first note of the anthem, retaining the position of salute until the last note of the anthem. If not in uniform and covered, they shall uncover at the first note of the anthem, holding the headdress opposite the left shoulder, and so remain until its close except that in inclement weather the headdress may be slightly raised. The same rules apply when to the color or to the standard is sounded as when the National Anthem is played. At parade, and other ceremonies under arms, the command shall render the prescribed salute and shall remain in the position of salute while the National Anthem is being played; also at retreat and during ceremonies when to the color is played, if no band is present. If not under arms, the organizations shall be brought to attention at the first note of the National Anthem, to the color or to the standard, and the salute rendered by the officer or non-commissioned officer in command. If the command is in line at a halt (not in the field) and armed with the rifle, or with sabers drawn, it shah be brought to present arms or present sabers before its commander salutes in the following cases: When the National Anthem is played or when ''to the color" or 'Ho the standard" is sounded during cere- monies, or when a person is saluted who is its immediate or higher commander or a general officer, or when the National or regimental color is saluted. 24 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK Salutes and honors, as a rule, are not paid by troops actually engaged in drill, on -the march, or in the field under campaign or simulated campaign conditions. Troops on the service of security pay no compliment whatever. If two detachments or other commands meet, their commanders will exchange salutes, both commands being at attention. No salute is rendered when marching in double time or at a trot or gallop. A non-commissioned officer or private in command of a detachment without arms salutes all officers with the hand, but if the detachment be on foot and armed with the rifle or carbine, he makes the rifle or carbine salute, and if armed with a saber he salutes with it. Salutes shall be exchanged between officers and enUsted men at all times of the day and night when meeting, passing near or being addressed, the junior in rank or the enlisted man saluting first, except when at drill, work, games, or mess or in a military forma- tion. When an officer enters a room where there are several enhsted men the word ''attention" is given by some one who perceives him, when all rise, uncover, and remain standing at attention until the officer leaves the room or directs otherwise. Soldiers at meals do not rise but stop eating and remain seated at attention. Soldiers actually at work or engaged in athletic exercises do not salute unless spoken to. ► An enhsted man, if seated, rises on the approach ARMY ETIQUETTE AND CUSTOMS 25 of an officer, faces toward him and salutes. If standing he faces the officer for the same purpose. If the par- ties remain in the same place or on the same ground, such compliments need not be repeated. An enlisted man makes the prescribed salute with the weapon he is armed with, or if unarmed, whether covered or uncovered, with the hand, before addressing an officer. He also makes the same salute after re- ceiving a reply. If armed with a saber and out of ranks, salutes should be made with saber if drawn, otherwise, with the hand. If on foot and armed with the rifle or carbine, he makes the rifle or carbine salute. When talking with an officer, an enhsted man always stands at attention. He salutes any officer who passes, who is senior to the officer with whom he is talking, but does not salute any officer junior to him unless ordered to do so. An officer addressing a senior should salute and stand at attention. If a senior remains in your vicin- ity, salute him but once. Prisoners are not allowed to salute, they merely come to attention if not actually at work. Sentinels on post salute as prescribed in the Manual of Guard Duty. Enhsted men do not salute non-commissioned officers. In uniform, covered, but not in formation, officers and enhsted men salute military persons as follows: With arms in hand, the salute prescribed for that 26 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK arm (sentinels on interior guard duty excepted); without arms, the right-hand salute. In civilian dress, covered, officers and enlisted men salute military persons with the right-hand salute. Officers and enlisted men will render the prescribed salutes in a miUtary manner, the officer junior in rank or the enlisted man saluting first. When several officers in company are saluted, all entitled to the salute shall return it. Except in the field under campaign or simulated campaign conditions, a mounted officer (or soldier) dismounts before addressing a superior officer not mounted. A man in formation shall not salute when directly addressed, but shall come to attention if at rest or at ease. When an officer entitled to the salute passes in rear of a body of troops, it is brought to attention while he is opposite the post of the commander. In public conveyances, such as railway trains, street cars, etc., and in pubUc places, such as theaters, honors and personal salutes may be omitted when inappropriate or apt to annoy civilians present. In entering an office, knock on the door; when told to come in, enter, taking off the hat (if unarmed), close the door and remain just inside the door until asked what is wanted; then go within a short dis- tance of the officer and if he is a senior, stand at attention, salute and make known your request in as few words as possible. On completion, salute, ARMY ETIQUETTE AND CUSTOMS 27 face towards the door, and go out, being careful to close the door. At all times and in all situations, the same com- pliments are paid to officers of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Volunteers, and to officers of the National Guard as to officers of your own regiment, corps or arm. of service. It is customary for officers and soldiers whether with or without sidearms, to remove the cap when greeting ladies. If the lady be accompanied by an officer, the soldier would render the military salute. Courtesies in Conversation An enlisted man in speaking to an officer, always stands at attention, uses the word '^Sir" and addresses him in the third person. ''Sir, the corporal directed me to report to the Captain." "Did the Lieutenant wish me to, etc." One officer addressing another officer uses the second person. In addressing a non-commissioned officer always prefix his title. Thus, ''Sergeant Jones," etc. "No, sir," "Yes, sir," "I don't know, sir," etc., should always be used in answer to direct questions. When an enlisted man or junior is told to do a thing by an officer, he should acknowledge by saying "Yes, sir," or by saluting, depending upon circumstances. When not ©n duty a lieutenant is addressed as "Mister," but when on duty, the title Lieutenant is 28 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK usually used. Enlisted men always address Lieu- tenants as '' Lieutenant." The military title is gen- erally used in introducing a Lieutenant, as it tends to fix the official identity of the officer. After the introduction, however, he is addressed as ''Mister." Officers with the grade of Captain, or above, are addressed at all times by their titles, as ''Captain," "Major," etc. In conversation and in non-official correspondence, brigadier generals, major generals, and lieutenant gen- erals, are referred to and addressed as "General" and are known as general officers. Lieutenant Colo- nels, under the same conditions, are referred to and addressed as "Colonel." When off duty, older officers sometimes address juniors as "Jones," "Brown," etc., but this does not give the junior the privilege of addressing his senior in any other way than by his proper title. Whenever there is a difference in title, except in the case of officers that are very intimate and of about the same age and length of service, the junior addresses the senior by his title. Officers of the same grade, except where there is considerable difference in age, or in date of com- n^ission, generally address one another by their sur- name. Chaplains are addressed as Chaplain. Officially, officers of the Medical Corps are ad- dressed by their military titles. Socially, surgeons with the rank of Major, Lieutenant Colonel, and ARMY ETIQUETTE AND CUSTOMS 29 Colonel, are addressed as ''Major'' or "Colonel." Captains of the Medical Corps socially are sometimes addressed as '^ Captain" and sometimes as ''Doctor/' and Lieutenants as "Doctor." Non-commissioned officers are addressed as "Ser- geant" and "Corporal." It is customary to address chief musicians as "Mister." Enlisted men are addressed by their surname. There is no uniform custom regarding the use of titles in the MiUtia, but officers of the rank of Captain or above are generally addressed by their titles by other military men. Officers take precedence according to rank as laid down in the Regulations, and this precedence extends to the social life, to the mess, and to the club. When a senior enters a club, it is just as much an act of official courtesy as it is a social one to offer him a chair, etc. If you are out drilling your company, never pass across the front of a company commanded by a senior so as to cause him to halt or to mark time until you are out of the way. When in command of your company, and marching, it is customary to salute any field officers whom you meet. CHAPTER VII CALLS Officers arriving at the headquarters of a territorial department, mihtary command, or military post will call on the Commanding Officer as soon as practicable. (''Army Regs.") Officers visiting a post should not only call on the Commanding Officer but should register at the Ad- jutant's office. If the visiting officer is senior to the commanding officer, he may send a card, in which case it becomes the duty of the commanding officer to make the first call. If the visiting officer be the junior, he should call without delay. If the commanding officer is not at his office, the prevailing custom is to call on him at his quarters, thus making a semi-social call. It is customary for a civilian visiting an Army post to pay his respects, accompanied by the officer whose guest he is, to the commanding officer at his office before the latter has called on him. Calls are generally made in the evenings. The dress uniform is usually worn in making social calls. An officer returning from leave or detached service 30 CALLS 31 calls without delay on the commanding officer and on his Company commander. The uniform of the day, without sidearms, is worn. If for any reason it be impracticable to get into uniform without delay, the calls are made in civilian dress, explaining why it was impracticable to report in uniform. Uniform in time of war is worn at all times. The officer also officially reports his return to the Adjutant at once. Officers who are away on leave or detached service should upon their return to the Post call promptly on any new officers who may have joined during their absence. Officers leaving for any length of time, call on everyone, in small Posts, to say good-bye; in large posts on their intimate friends only. Officers on going aboard ship, use the starboard or right side and gangway. They should salute the ' colors, if they are up, upon reaching the top of the gangway. The Officer of the Deck will be there to receive them. They should then salute the Officer of the Deck and say ''I come aboard with your per- mission, sir." Ask the officer who receives you for the person you wish to see and your card will be sent or you will be shown down below. If your call is made as a welcome to the port, either from your post, or personally, it would be poHte and proper to call on the Captain as well as on the Officers' Mess. 32 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK In Washington it is customary to call on the Sec- retary of War and other high officials on New Year's Day. Full Dress Uniform is worn. At Army Posts it is generally customary to call on New Year's Day. A junior walks, rides, or drives on the left of a senior and always keeps step with him. One knock before entering a room is considered the official knock and is a signal for everyone within to come to attention. It is considered unmilitary for an officer or a soldier in uniform to use an umbrella. The uniform is prescribed by the commanding officer, under the uniform order, to be worn on all occasions. In the case of receptions at which officers wear side- arms, upon reaching the room in which the officers are to be presented, the cap should be removed and held in the left hand, top uppermost and visor pointing left oblique, the forearm being held horizontal and against the left side of the body until the reception line has been passed. At military weddings the bridegroom, best man and ushers wear sidearms and the bride cuts the wedding cake with her husband's sword. Social etiquette regarding visiting cards is the same as in civil life. CHAPTER VIII COMPOSITION OF THE NAVY The Navy of the United States comprises the following units: Regular Navy, National Naval Volunteers (Naval Militia), Naval Reserve, Marine Corps, Marine Corps Reserve, and Coast Guard. The Naval Mihtia has the same relation to the Navy as the National Guard to the Army. Naval mihtiamen in time of war are known as the National Naval Volunteers and become active members of the Navy and serve as bluejackets and officers in the main or reserve fleets, or wherever else they may be assigned. All matters relating to the Naval Militia come under the cognizance of the Bureau of Naviga- tion. The State of Massachusetts was the first to estab- lish a Naval Militia, doing so on March 29, 1890. The next was the First Battahon Naval Militia, New York. It was founded in 1891, using the U. S. S. Granite State, a " dreadnaught " of 100 years ago, as armory. The Naval Reserve Force was authorized by the Act of August 29, 1916. It is divided into six classes. A brief description of each is given below. 33 34 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK Class 1. The Fleet Naval Reserve A reserve composed entirely of ex-service officers and men whose last service with the Navy terminated honorably. The personnel of this reserve will be ordered to active duty at sea. Officers and men are enrolled in the rank or rating last held in the Navy. Class 2. The Naval Reserve A reserve composed of ex-merchant marine officers and men. The personnel of this reserve will be ordered to duty on naval and auxiliary vessels. In order to be eligible for enrollment as an officer the applicant must have had not less than two years' experience as a watch officer (deck or engineer) on a lake or ocean-going vessel. In order to be eligible for enrollment in an enlisted rating in this class the applicant must present cre- dentials to show the rating in which he has served in the merchant service. Class 3. The Naval Auxiliary Reserve This class of the reserve is composed of officers and men serving on board vessels of the United States Merchant marine listed by the Navy Department as COMPOSITION OF THE NAVY 35 desirable auxiliaries and to be taken over as such in time of war. The personnel of this reserve will serve on vessels on which they are serving when called into active ser- vice. As a rule they will not be transferred to any other vessel except in case of emergency. Class 4. The Naval Coast Defense Reserve This class of reserve force is composed of citizens of the United States who might be of special useful service in the Navy or in connection with the Navy in the defense of the coast. Ordinarily these members will perform duty only in the district in which enrolled. However, mem- bers may be transferred from one district to another in the discretion of the Bureau of Navigation. Enrollment in the Naval Coast Defense Reserve is in no way assurance that the members will not perform duty outside of the district in which enrolled. Class 5. The Naval Reserve Flying Corps Qualified aviators or persons skilled in the design or building of air craft. In order to be eligible for enrollment in this class of the Naval Reserve Force the applicant must be capable of handling air craft alone and must be able to navigate the air. The personnel of this reserve will be ordered to duty at sea or on shore where aviators are necessary. 36 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK Class 6. The Volunteer Naval Reserve The members of this class of the Naval Reserve Force must necessarily be eligible for one of the other classes, the only difference in their status being that they serve without retainer pay and without uniform gratuity in time of peace. All members of the Naval Reserve Force, except the Naval Auxiliary Reserve, must be citizens of the United States. Members of the Naval Auxiliary Reserve must be citizens of the United States or its insular possessions. All persons applying for enroll- ment in the Naval Reserve Force must furnish satis- factory evidence as to character and ability. Members of the Naval Reserve Force are not re- quired to perform any active service in time of peace. However, they are obligated to serve through a war or national emergency, and no members of the Naval Reserve Force will be eligible for confirmation in rank or rating until the completion of not less than three months active service. All members of the Naval Reserve Force, except the Fleet Naval Reserve, enroll in a provisional rank or rating. The maximum active service in time of peace al- lowed any member of the Naval Reserve Force is three months per year. This active service may be taken at the election of the member, but must be in periods of not less than three weeks at any one time. COMPOSITION OF THE NAVY 37 For members of the Fleet Naval Reserve the mini- mum amount of active service allowed at any one time is one month. Members of the Naval Auxiliary Reserve perform no active service except in time of war. Owners and operators of power boats suitable for Government purposes may be enrolled in the Naval Coast Defense Reserve, and the Secretary of the Navy is authorized to enter into contract with owners to take over their boats in time of war upon payment of a reasonable indemnity. United States Junior Naval Reserve This is an organization for the training of Ameri- can boys for the American Navy and Merchant Marine. CHAPTER IX ORGANIZATION OF THE NAVY ASHORE The Secretary of the Navy is a civilian appointed by the President, and as head of the Navy Depart- ment, has the care and control of the Navy. The Assistant Secretary of the Navy is a civilian, appointed by the President, who performs such duties as assigned to him by the Secretary and by law. All orders issued by the Assistant Secretary in con- ducting the duties assigned to him, are considered as emanating from the Secretary. All departmental estimates for submission to Congress are under the supervision of the Assistant Secretary. An act of Congress approved March 4, 1915, es- tablished the office of Chief of Naval Operations, corresponding to that of Chief of Staff of the Army. The Chief of Naval Operations is appointed by the President and holds the rank, while so serving, of Admiral. The Chief of Naval Operations, under the direc- tion of the President and the Secretary of the Navy, has supervision of the operations of the Fleet, and of the preparation and readiness of plans for its use in war; of the Naval War College, the office of Naval 38 ORGANIZATION OF THE NAVY ASHORE 39 Intelligence, the Office of Gunnery Exercises and Engineering Performances, the operation of the Com- munication Service, the operations of the aeronautic service, of mines and mining, of the Naval Districts, Naval Militia, and of the Coast Guard when operated with the Navy; the direction of all strategic and tactical matters, organization, manoeuvres, gunnery exercises, drills, and of the training of the Fleet for war; the preparation and enforcement of all drill books, signal and cipher codes. Regulations, and General Orders. The affairs of the Navy are administered by the following Bureaus, each having its Chief of Bureau with the rank of Rear Admiral: Bureau of Navigation, Bureau of Ordnance, Bureau of Steam Engineering, Bureau of Construction and Repair, Bureau of Yards and Docks, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery. In addition to the heads of the Bureaus men- tioned above, the Secretary's Advisory Council in- cludes : The Major General Commandant of the Marine Corps, ^ The Judge Advocate General of the Navy. Duties of the Bureau of Navigation. To issue, record, and enforce all orders of the Secretary to Officers of the Navy. 40 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK To have charge of the training and education of line officers and of enlisted men and of the upkeep and operation of all schools therefor. To have under its direction the affairs of the Naval Militia, National Naval Volunteers, and the Naval Reserve Force, and to provide for their mobilization. To keep the records of service of all Officers and men and to provide their transporattion. To establish the complements of all ships in com- mission. To have charge of all matters pertaining to appoint- ments and commissions in the Navy. To have charge of the preparation, revision, and enforcement of all regulations governing uniform and the distribution of all orders and regulations of a general and circular character. To have charge of the upkeep and operation of the Hydrographic Office, the Naval Observatory, Nautical Almanac and Compass Offices. To have charge of all that relates to the supply of ships with navigational outfits. The Chief of Bureau is a line officer holding the rank of Rear Admiral. Duties of the Bureau of Ordnance. To have charge of all that relates to tiie upkeep, repair and operation of the torpedo stations, naval-proving grounds, and magazines on shore, and of the design, manufacture and upkeep of the ordnance equipment of the Navy. This includes guns, armor, ammunition, torpedoes and mines. ORGANIZATION OF THE NAVY ASHORE 41 The Chief of Bureau is a line officer holding the rank of Rear Admiral. Duties of the Bureau of Steam Engineering. To have charge of all that relates to the design, instal- lation, operation, and upkeep (1) of the motive power of the ships of the Navy, (2) of the interior commu- nication system of the ships of the Navy, and (3) of the radio outfits of the ships of the Navy and on shore. The Chief of Bureau is a line officer holding the rank of Rear Admiral. Duties of the Bureau of Construction and Repair. To have charge of the design, construction of and repair of all ships of the Navy; of the operation of dry docks, and of the docking of ships. The Chief of Bureau is a Naval Constructor holding the rank of Rear Admiral, with the title of Chief Constructor. Duties of the Bureau of Yards and Docks. To have charge of the design, construction and maintenance of the shore stations of the Navy. The Chief of Bureau is a member of the Civil En- gineers Corps holding the rank of Rear Admiral. Duties of the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts. To have charge of the pajaiient of all officers and men; the keeping of the money accounts of the naval estabhshment, the purchasing, storage, care, custody, and issue of all supplies for the Naval estabhshment and the food and clothing for the enlisted men. 42 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK The Chief of Bureau is an officer of the Paymaster's Corps holding the rank of Rear Admiral with the title of Paymaster General. Bureau of Medicine and Surgery. To have charge of the upkeep and operation of all hospitals and hos- pital ships and to be responsible for the health of the officers and enlisted men of the Navy. To examine physically all officers and men. The Chief of Bureau is a medical officer with the rank of Rear Admiral and title of Surgeon General. Duties of the Judge Advocate GeneraFs Office. To revise and report upon the legal features of and to have recorded the proceedings of all courts-martial, courts of inquiry, boards of investigation, and inquest, and board for the examination of officers for retire- ment and promotion in the Naval service; to prepare orders convening the. above mentioned courts and boards where such courts are ordered by the Secre- tary of the Navy; to report upon questions of inter- national law. The Judge Advocate General is a line officer and holds the rank of Captain. The General Board. The General Board was established by law to devise measures and plans for the effective preparation and maintenance of the fleet for war and to advise the Secretary as to the distribution and disposition of the fleet. It is composed of the Admiral of the Navy, the Chief of Naval Operations, the Major General Com- mandant of the Marine Corps, the Director of Naval ORGANIZATION OF THE NAVY ASHORE 43 Intelligence, the President of the Naval War College, and such additional officers as the Secretary may designate. The rank of Admiral of the Navy ceased to exist with the death of Admiral Dewey. CHAPTER X NAVAL DISTRICTS For purposes of administration and for military reasons the country is divided into Naval Districts, each presided over by the commandant. There are fourteen of these districts. Districts. No. Limits. Headquarters. 1 East port, Me., to include Chatham, Mass. Boston. 2 Chatham, to include New London, Naval station, Narra- Conn. gansett Bay. 3 New London, to include Barnegat, N. J., and Porto Rico. New York. 4 Barnegat, to include Assateague, Va. Philadelphia. 5 Assateague, to include New River Inlet, N. C. Norfolk. 6 New River Inlet, to include St. Johns River, Fla. Charleston. 7 St. Johns River to include Tampa, Fla. Key West. 8 Tampa to include Rio Grande. New Orleans. 9 Lake Michigan. Naval training station 10 Lakes Erie and Ontario. Great Lakes. 11 Lakes Huron and Superior. 4 12 Southern boundary to latitude 42° N. San Francisco. 13 Latitude 42° N. to northern bound- ary. Bremerton. 14 Hawaii and islands of Pacific station. Pearl Harbor. 44 NAVAL DISTRICTS 45 The Naval Gun Factory is located at Washington, D. C. Naval Proving Grounds at Indian Head, Md. Naval Observatory at Washington, D. C. Naval Academy at Annapohs, Maryland. The Naval War College is located at Newport, R. I., and was founded by the late Admiral I. B. Luce, U. S. Navy. Its purpose is to study Naval warfare, strategy and tactics, and to formulate methods and plans for our ships and fleets to conduct warfare under all conditions and circumstances. High ranking officers are sent to the college for a course of instructions. CHAPTER XI THE ORGANIZATION OF THE NAVY AFLOAT The principal Naval forces of the United States afloat are divided into three active fleets, as follows: (a) United States Atlantic Fleet, (6) United States Pacific Fleet, (c) United States Asiatic Fleet. Each of the above Fleets is commanded by a com- mander-in-chief; and, in addition, a commander-in- chief may be ordered to command a special-service squadron or other force afloat at the discretion of the Navy Department, Special-service squadrons may be organized at any time at the discretion of the Navy Department. The word ''Fleet" denotes the aggregation of forces of various classes of vessels in one organization under one command. A ''Force" is the major subdivision of a fleet. It is composed of all the vessels of the fleet that are of the same type or class or that are assigned to the same duty. Forces are named as follows: Battleship Force, Scout Force (including battle cruisers, armored cruisers, and scouts), 46 ORGANIZATION OF THE NAVY AFLOAT 47 Cruiser Force (including gunboats), Destroyer Force, Submarine Force, Mine Force. Train. A Train consists of all necessary auxiliaries such as coal ships, ammunition ships, provision ships, repair ships, etc. A fleet may consist of the following vessels : (a) One ship as flagship of commander-in-chief. (h) Battleship divisions consisting normally of two sections of two battleships each. Two divisions normally compose a squadron. (c) Battle and armored cruiser divisions consist- ing normally of two sections of two' vessels each. Two divisions normally compose a squadron. {d) Scout divisions consisting normally of two sec- tions of three vessels each. (e) Cruiser divisions, including gunboats, consisting normally of two sections of three vessels each. Three divisions normally compose a squadron. (/) Destroyer and submarine divisions consisting of two sections of three vessels each. Two or three divisions of these vessels compose a flotilla. (g) Mine force and train. Vessels of the Navy are classed as follows : Battleships, First line, 48 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK Battleships, Second line, Battle cruisers, Armored cruisers, Cruisers, First class, Cruisers, Second class, Cruisers, Third class, Gunboats, Monitors, Torpedo-boat destroyers, Torpedo-boats, Submarines, Auxiliaries. CHAPTER XII TYPES OF SHIPS Battleships are vessels supposed to be able to fight any vessel anywhere. The older type of battleship varies from 11,000 to 16,000 tons in displacement and carries four 12- or 13-inch guns mounted in turrets forward and aft, from twelve to sixteen guns of intermediate caliber and from twenty to thirty small secondary guns. Dreadnaughts are battleships varying from 20,000 to 32,000 tons in displacement. The '^ all-big-gun" feature is the important consideration in this type of battleship. The vessels carry from eight to twelve 12-inch, 14-inch, or 16-inch guns mounted in turrets on the centerline, and sixteen or more secondary guns of 5- or 6-inch caliber for the purpose of torpedo defense. Battleships are heavily armored, have mod- erate speed (about 21 knots) and considerable coal capacity or steaming radius. Battle cruisers are built along the sam.e general lines as battleships, but armor and armament are reduced in weight to allow for greater speed. Armored cruisers are vessels not so powerful as battleships. They have greater speed but lighter armor and armament. 49 50 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK Cruisers are vessels of from 2000 to 10,000 tons,, divided into three classes according to their dis- placement. They have good speed, no armor except on turrets and barbettes, which are rarely carried on that class, a complete protective deck, varying coal capacity, and numerous intermediate and sec- ondary guns. Gunboats are light unarmored and unprotected vessels of less than 2000 tons. They are so variable in size and type that they are difficult to describe. They generally have a fairly good speed, good coal capacity, moderate battery, and carry sail either for steady or for auxiliary propulsion. Torpedo-boats and Destroyers vary in tonnage; torpedo-boats from 50 to 300 tons; destroyers from 400 to 1200 tons. They are entirely unarmored or unprotected. They have very high speed and poor fuel capacity. They carry several torpedo tubes and a number of secondary guns (usually about 4-inch guns) . Monitors are obsolete vessels of moderate displace- ment — 3000 to 6000 tons — with very low freeboard, waterline heavily armored, armored deck, poor coal capacity, and low speed. The battery generally con- sists of one or two pairs of large caliber guns mounted in turrets, a few intermediate battery guns and a few secondary guns. They are desgned for harbor defense. Submarines are vessels so constructed as to run on top of the water, partly under the water, or entirely submerged. They vary in tonnage from 500 to 1200 TYPES OF SHIPS 51 tons. They have a surface speed from ten to sixteen knots, a submerged speed from six to twelve knots. Submarines are not armored and carry disappearing guns of about 4 inches in caliber and one or more torpedo tubes. They are caused to submerge by changing their specific gravity by means of water ballast and by change of angularity of horizontal rudders. Submarine Chasers are light unarmored vessels capable of maintaining a very high speed for a short time and carrying a gun of about 4 inches in caliber. CHAPTER XIII DUTIES OF NAVAL OFFICERS AND MEN ABOARD SHIP The number of men aboard ship, known as the complement of the ship, varies with the size and class of ship and for administrative and fighting purposes are divided into divisions corresponding to companies of the Army. The personnel is first divided into two general forces: (1) the Engineer Force, and (2) the Deck Force. (1) The Engineer Force has charge of the motive power of the ship, including the main engines and all of its auxiliary machinery, and its maintenance and upkeep. (2) The Deck Force has charge of the upkeep of the ship and the upkeep and firing of the guns. The Captain of the ship is in general command of the ship and of all officers and men on board. He is responsible for the safety and state of efficiency of the ship and for the lives of the men. An officer with the rank of Captain is generally in command of first-rate ships. Officers of lower rank may command smaller vessels. The executive officer, or aid to the Captain, is the 52 DUTIES OF NAVAL OFFICERS AND MEN 53 next, ranking line officer aboard ship. His duties correspond more or less to the business manager of a concern. He is the direct representative of the Captain and as such all officers and men aboard ship are under his orders. The responsibility of the per- sonnel and of the ship's routine, efficiency and dis- cipline is largely in his hands. The First Lieutenant is responsible for the clean- liness, good order, efficiency and neat and trim appear- ance of the ship and is the construction officer of the ship. The Navigating Officer is responsible for the safe piloting and navigation of the ship. The Gunnery Officer is responsible for and has super- vision over the entire ordnance equipment. He is the head of the ordnance department of the ship and has charge of the training of the gun's crew. The Engineer Officer is responsible for the preser- vation and efficient working of the motive power of the ship and of its auxiliary machinery. He is the head of the engineering department of the ship and has command of the engineer's division. The Division Officers are responsible for the con- trol and fighting efficiency of their divisions, for the care and preservation of the material and of the part of the ship allotted to their divisions, and for the instruction and the drilling of their men. The Officer of the Deck is the division officer on watch in charge of the ship. He represents the. Captain, while on watch, and has authority, in the 54 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK performance of his duty, over every person on board, except the Captain and the executive officer. Junior Officers are officers below the rank of lieu- tenant, junior grade, who are junior division and deck officers. They correspond to the first and second lieutenants of an infantry company. Chief Warrant Officers, Warrant Officers, and Chief Petty Officers perform various duties aboard ship. They are experts in their particular department on board ship. Chief Boatswains and Boatswains are thorough practical seamen. They are charged with the care and preservation of boats, anchors, cables, rigging, etc. Chief Gunners and Gunners, if Ordnance Gunners, are charged with the care and preservation of the ordnance material aboard ship under the supervision of the Ordnance Officer; if electrical gunners, the care and preservation of electrical material under the supervision of the electrical officer. Chief Machinists and Machinists are assigned duties in connection with the maintenance and repair of the machinery. They may also be assigned to duty as Assistant Engineer Officers. Chief Carpenters and Carpenters are charged with the care, preservation and repair of the ship. Duties of Naval Officers According to Rank Officers of the Navy are known as (1) Officers of the Line ; (2) Officers of the Staff. The Officers of the Line are as follows: DUTIES OF NAVAL OFFICERS AND MEN 55 (1) The Admiral of the Navy. This rank does not exist at present. (2) Admiral. Commands a fleet. Chief of Naval Operations. Vice Admiral. Commands a squadron, or a larger force or detachment on important, independent duty, or may be second in command of a fleet. Rear Admiral. Has charge of a squadron, division, or a force or detachment on independent duty, or a naval station. Captain. Commands a division, squadron, destroyer or submarine flotilla, naval station, battleship, ar- mored cruiser, or first-rate ship. He may also be chief of a flag officer's staff. Commander. Commands a division, squadron, naval station, battleship, armored cruiser, or a first, second, or third-rate ship. Furthermore, he may be placed in charge of a destroyer or submarine flotilla, or be as- signed to serve as chief of staff for some flag officer, as fleet engineer, or as executive officer of an armored cruiser or battleship. Lieutenant Commander. Commands a destroyer or submarine flotilla or group, or conmiands a third- or fourth=rate ship, or a destroyer. On battleships or cruisers in charge of captains, he may act as navi- gator, or executive, gunnery, or engineer officer. Lieutenant commanders also act as flag secretaries on a commander-in-chief's staff, or as gunnery officers of fleets. 56 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK Lieutenant. May command a fourth-rate ship. This rank also permits an officer to take charge of a torpedo boat, a submarine, or a division of them; to command a destroyer, unrated ship, tender, or tug; to be navigator, or executive, gunnery, engineer, or watch officer on a vessel commanded by a superior, and to act as a flag officer's aide, or be a flag lieutenant. Lieutenant (J. G.). May command a torpedo boat, submarine, unrated ship, a tug, or a tender. He may also be assigned to a ship commanded by a superior and given such posts as fall to a lieutenant under like circumstances. , . Ensign. A commissioned officer of the lowest rank may command the same list of vessels, or serve aboard a superior officer's vessel in about the same capacities as a lieutenant, or as a junior officer under a lieu- tenant. Midshipmen are by law officers in a qualified sense. When on duty afloat they outrank aU officers who are not commissioned and may be given watches, or assigned to division or other duties. Officers of the Line Exercise Military Command* Line officers on the retired list have the titles of the rank with which retired. The Officers of the Staff are as follows: Medical Officers, Dental Officers, Pay Officers, Chaplains, Professors of Mathematics, DUTIES OF NAVAL OFFICERS AND MEN 57 Naval Constructors, Civil Engineers. Commissioned Warrant Officers. These are officers who have nsen from the ranks, having specialized in some particular branch. They are appointed by the Secretary of the Navy from among those who successfully pass certain examinations. Commissions raismg them next to the ensign in rank and prefixing chief to their titles, are given by the President after they have spent six years in the service and qual- ffied themselves for promotion. By passing examina- tions and receiving appointments it is possible for them to obtain commissions as ensigns, which place them on a, footing with graduates of the naval academy and in line for promotion to higher ranks. -^Commissioned warrant officers include: Chief Boatswains, Chief Gunners, Chief Machinists, Chief Carpenters, Pay Clerks, Sailmakers, Pharmacists. Warrant Officers. These are officers who have risen from the ranks, but who have not been commissioned. Iney include: Boatswains, Gunners, 58 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK Machinists, Carpenters, Pay Clerks, Sailmakers, Pharmacists, Marine Gunners, Quartermaster Clerks. Warrant officers rank next after Midshipmen and ahead of Mates. Mates are rated, by authority of the Secretary of the Navy, from seamen and ordinary seamen who have been enlisted in the Naval service for not less than two years. Commissioned warrant officers, warrant officers, mates, and petty officers have, under their superiors, all necessary authority for the due performance of their duties. Petty Officers are classed as follows: Chief Petty Officers, Petty Officers, 1st class, Petty Officers, 2d class, Petty Officers, 3d class. They are analogous to the non-commissioned officers of the Army. Petty Officers include the following: Masters-at-arms (who are responsible for the main- tenance of order) Boatswains' Mates Yeomen DUTIES OF NAVAL OFFICERS AND MEN 59 Turret Captains Gun Captains Quartermasters Machinists' Mates Electricians Carpenters' Mates Water Tenders Coppersmiths Blacksmiths Plumbers and Fitters Painters Ship-fitters Pharmacists' Mates Bandmasters Musicians Commissary Stewards Cooks Bakers Sergeants Major Quartermaster Sergeants First Sergeants Gunnery Sergeants Drum Majors 'iTLES AND Relative Rank of Staff Officers, U. S. Navy Title Pay Director Pay Inspector Paymaster Pay Officers Rank Rear Admiral Captain Commander Passed Assistant Pajnnaster Assistant Paymaster Lieutenant Commander Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant (junior grade) Lieutenant (junior grade) Ensign 60 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK Title Medical Director Medical Inspector Surgeon Passed Assistant Surgeon Assistant Surgeon Chaplain Medical Officers Rank j Rear Admiral [ Captain Commander Lieutenant Commander Lieutenant Lieutenant (junior grade) Chaplain ' Captain Commander Lieutenant Commander Lieutenant . Lieutenant (junior grade) Professor of Mathematics Captain Commander Lieutenant Commander Lieutenant This Corps is to be abolished upon the death, resig- nation, or dismissal of the officers now commissioned in that Corps. Naval Constructors Rear Admiral Captain Naval Constructor - Commander Lieutenant Commander . Lieutenant Assistant Naval Constructor Lieutenant (junior grade) Professor of Mathematics DUTIES OF NAVAL OFFICERS AND MEN 61 Title Civil Engineer Assistant Civil Engineer Civil Engineers Rank Rear Admiral Captain Commander Lieutenant Commander Lieutenant Lieutenant (junior grade) Ensign The duties of the staff officers vary according to the branch to which they belong. Chief boatswains, chief gunners, chief machinists, ^oatswains, gunners, and machinists are classed as Line Officers of the Navy. Chief Carpenters, chief pay clerks, chief sailmakers, chief pharmacists, carpenters, pay clerks, sailmakers, and pharmacists are classed as Staff Officers. CHAPTER XIV NAVAL ETIQUETTE AND CUSTOMS Salutes From time immemorial the salute has been a form of military courtesy that has been strictly and con- scientiously observed by men of every nationality who followed the profession of arms. The saluting distance, manner of saluting, etc., with or without arms, as set forth under the heading of "Salutes in the Army," is the same for the Navy (see page 21). The National flag is flown from the main truck or peak of a ship when under way and from the flagstaff aft when at anchor. The Union Jack is flown from the jackstaff forward when a ship is at anchor. The salute in the Navy of the National Anthem is the same as that in the Army (see page 22). The same marks of respect shall be shown toward the National Anthem of any other country when played upon official occasions. In falling in with ships of foreign nations, or in entering foreign ports, the National Salute of Twenty- one Guns is fired, and, in turn, answered by the foreign ships or batteries. 62 NAVAL ETIQUETTE AND CUSTOMS 63 In regard to personal salutes, a junior always salutes a senior. An enlisted man salutes an officer, and the very officer saluted is called to account if he fails to salute another officer, his senior. If uncertainty exists in regard to the necessity for saluting, the only rule to follow is to render the salute. Men who are actually at work salute only when addressed by an officer or called to attention. Men who are in Military or Division Formation do not salute when they are directly addressed but if at ''rest" they come to attention. Men who are seated at work, at games or at rest are not required to rise when an officer other than the Captain or the Admiral passes except when they are called to attention or when it is necessary for them to rise in order to clear a gangway. When an officer enters a boat, juniors are required to rise and salute, unless awnings are spread, in which case salute without rising. All officers and enhsted men salute the captain and all officers senior to him on every occasion of meeting, passing near, or being addressed by them. On board ship enlisted men salute all officers junior to the captain on their first daily meeting or passing near, and whenever addressed by them or addressing them. At other times they clear the gangway and stand at attention facing the officer until he has passed. All men salute the executive officer, or other officer, when he is making an inspection. 64 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK Juniors always get into a boat ahead of, and leave it after, their senior, unless the senior officer in the boat gives orders to the contrary. As a general rule, the seniors take the seats furthest aft; juniors will leave such seats for their seniors. Ashore all salutes in passing or approaching are begun first by the junior at six paces distance, or at six paces from the nearest point of passing; no salutes, except as otherwise prescribed, are made at a greater distance than thirty paces. Officers in civilian dress are saluted in the same manner as when in uniform. Officers will at all times acknowledge the salutes of enlisted men. When an officer enters a room where there are enlisted men, ''attention" is called by someone who perceivjgs him; then all rise, remain standing at attention, uncovered, and preserve silence until the officer leaves the room; if at meals, they will not rise. An enlisted man, being seated and without particu- lar occupation, rises on the approach of an officer, faces toward him and salutes; if standing, he faces toward the officer for the same purpose. If the parties remain in the same place or on the same ground, such compliments need not be repeated. Men at all times, and in all situations, pay the same compliments to officers of the Army, Navy, and Marine Corps, to officers of the Volunteers and Militia in the service of the United States, and to NAVAL ETIQUETTE AND CUSTOMS 65 officers of foreign service, as they do to the officers of the ship or command to which they belong. The bugle call '' Attention" is a signal for every man on board ship to stand at attention and face the person for whom '' Attention" is sounded, if he can be seen; otherwise, stand at attention facing outboard. However, men inside the ship on covered decks, if not in sight through gun ports or other openings, are not required to obey the bugle call, but they must keep silence until ''Carry On" is sounded. The following ceremonies are observed at ''Colors" on board ships in commission: The field music, guard of the day, and the band, if there be one, are present. At morning "Colors" the band plays "The Star Spangled Banner," and, at the first note of the na- tional air, the ensign is started up and hoisted smartly to the peak or truck. All officers and men stand at attention, facing the ensign, and if in uniform and covered, salute at the first note of the anthem and retain the position of salute until the last note of the anthem. The guard of the day and the sentries under arms come to the position of "Present" while the national air is being played. If there is no band available, the field music sounds the "Colors" call in place of the national air and the same honors are rendered as noted above. The same ceremonies are observed at sunset "Colors," the ensign being started from the truck or peak at the beginning of the national air or "Colors." 66 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK The same ceremonies are observed at naval sta- tions. When the ensign is hoisted at sunrise, the usual honors and ceremonies are paid, and they are not repeated at 8 a.m. The same honors are rendered at "Colors" to for- eign ensigns, when circumstances warrant, except that where such honors are rendered simultaneously to our own and to foreign ensigns, the precedence is given to our own. ''All officers and men, whenever reaching the quar- terdeck, either from a boat, from a gangway, from the shore, or from another part of the ship, salute the national ensign. In making this salute, which is entirely distinct from the salute to the officer of the deck, the person making it stops at the top of the gangway or upon arriving at the quarterdeck, faces the colors, and renders the salute, after which the officer of the deck is saluted. In leaving the quar- terdeck, the same salutes are rendered in inverse order. The officer of the deck returns both salutes in either case, and requires that they be properly made." The starboard gangway is used by all commissioned officers and their visitors; the port gangway by all other persons. If the construction of the ship, or other circumstances, make a change in this rule expe- dient, the change may be made at the discretion of the commanding officer. In heavy weather the lee gangway shall be used by alL NAVAL ETIQUETTE AND CUSTOMS 67 In going on board a ship after saluting the colors and then the officer of the deck, report: ''I request your permission to come aboard, sir"; in leaving the ship, "I request your permission to leave the ship, sir." Always salute when addressing or being addressed by the officer of the deck. At parade and other ceremonies, under arms, the salutes are the same as those rendered in the Army (see page 23). The rendering of salutes in public conveyances are the same in the Navy as in the Army (see page 26). Always remove the hat when entering an officers' state-room or mess-room. It is customary for officers and soldiers, whether with or without sidearms, to remove the cap when greeting ladies. If the lady is accompanied by an officer, the sailor would render the mihtary salute. It is considered unmiUtary for officers in uniform to carry an umbrella or packages. When an order from a senior is received the proper reply is ''Aye, aye, sir," meaning the order is under- stood and will be obeyed. A senior rephes or acknowledges a message from a junior with ''Very good, sir." Officers are addressed officially by the titles pre- scribed: Officers of the line from Admiral to Ensign; officers of the staff by the title in the corps to which they belong. (See table, page 59.) In non-ofiicial conversation or correspondence, all 68 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK officers of the line of or above the rank of Commander are addressed by their titles. An officer of the rank of Commander is addressed either as Commander or as Captain. Other officers are addressed as Mr. The military title is generally used in introducing officers of all ranks. Officers of the Medical Corps are generally addressed socially as Surgeon or Doctor. When off duty, older officers sometimes address juniors by their surnames, as "Smith," but this does not give the junior the privilege of addressing his senior in any other way than by his proper title or as Mr. Officers of the same grade generally address one another by their surnames. Chaplains are addressed as "Chaplain." Commanding officers of ships are addressed as "Captain." All petty officers and men are addressed by their surnames. Officers take procedure according to rank as laid down in the Regulations, and this precedence extends to the social life, to the mess, and to the club. The executive officer sits at the head of the table at mess, and, according to rank, from the head to the foot, the junior nearest the foot. The mess treasurer generally sits at the foot of the table. With the exception of breakfast, it is customary to wait until the senior officer comes to the table before being seated. NAVAL ETIQUETTE AND CUSTOMS 69 Official calls are made in accordance with Navy Regulations. An officer when reporting for duty presents his orders to the Commanding officer. He should be in the uniform prescribed in the Navy Regulations. An officer should call ''socially" upon the com- manding officer, and all officers' messes aboard ship within a few days after he reports for duty aboard ship. It is customary for representatives of the various messes aboard ship to call upon correspondent messes of all foreign ships who anchor in the same port. It is customary for a committee of officers to make the round of calls on New Year's Day on all ships in the same port. In Washington it is customary to call on the Sec- retary of the Navy and other high officials on New Year's Day, full dress uniform being worn. CHAPTER XV UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS The Marine Corps was first called into existence by the act of the Continental Congress of November 10, 1775, and served throughout the Revolutionary War. It was disbanded at the close of the war, but was reorganized and permanently established July 11, 1798. It has participated in every expe- dition and action in which the Navy has engaged, and has cooperated in campaigns with the Army. The Marines are "Soldiers and Sailors too" and are generally known as the "soldiers of the sea." They are an independent branch of the miUtary service of the United States, serving generally under the direction of the Secretary of the Na\y. They protect Government property at naval stations at home, and furnish the first fine of the mobile defense at naval bases and naval stations beyond the limits of the United States. They guard American lives and interests abroad and are used as expeditionary forces and for advance base duty. The marines go with the warships, do guard duty on board, man part of the secondary battery, and act as landing parties ashore. The JMarine Corps is at all times subject to the 70 UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS 71 laws and regulations established for the Government of the Navy, except when detached for service with the Army by order of the President; when so de- tached they are subject to the rules and articles of war prescribed for the Government of the Army. They are liable to do duty in the forts and garrisons of the United States on the seacoast or any other duty on shore, as the President, at his discretion, may direct. The commandant of the Marine Corps, with the rank of Major General, is stationed at the head- quarters of the Marine Corps, Washington, D. C, and is responsible to the Secretary of the Navy for the general efficiency and discipline of the Corps. Officers of the Marine Corps are, in relation to rank, on the same footing as officers of similar grades in the Army. Quartermaster's Clerks and Marine Gunners are Warrant Officers, corresponding to that rank in the 'Navy. The Marine Corps Reserve was authorized by Con- gress as a reserve force to be trained in time of peace, and called into active service only when the country is at war, or when there exists a national emergency as declared by the President. CHAPTER XVI COAST GUARD The United States Coast Guard was created by the act of January 28, 1915, which provides that ''There is hereby estabhshed in heu of the existing Revenue Cutter Service and the Life-saving Service, to be composed of those two existing organizations, the Coast Guard, which shall constitute a part of the military forces of the United States and which shall operate under the Treasury Department in time of peace, and operate as a part of the Navy, subject to the orders of the Secretary of the Navy, in time of war or when the President shall sO direct." The orig- inal Revenue Cutter Service was organized by act of Congress approved August 4, 1790, The Life-saving Service was originally operated under the Revenue Cutter Service, but on June 20, 1874, Congress created it a separate service to operate under the Treasury Department. The Officers of the Coast Guard are on the same footing in rank and pay as officers of the Army and Na^^y. Whenever, in time of war, the Coast Guard oper- ates as a part of the Navy in accordance with law, the personnel of that service shall be subject to the laws prescribed for the government of the Navy. There are 281 stations, divided into 13 districts. 72 CHAPTER XVII LIGHT HOUSE SERVICE The Light House Service is under the Bureau of Commerce and is charged with the estabUshment and maintenance of lighthouses, hght-vessels, buoys, and other aids to navigation on coasts and rivers of the United States, as authorized by Congress, and with the direction of the offices, depots and tenders required in this work. The President is authorized whenever a sufficient national emergency exists to transfer to the service and jurisdiction of the Na\^ Department, or of the War Department, such vessels, equipment, stations and personnel of the Light House Service as he may deem to the best interest of the country; the per- sonnel so transferred while under the jurisdiction of the Navy Department or War Department, is sub- ject to the laws and regulations of the Army or Navy as the case may be. When the national emergency ceases to exist the vessels, equipment, stations and personnel transferred to the Army or Navy shall be returned to the Light House Service. The Secretary of the Navy, the Secretary of War and the Secretary of Commerce jointly prescribe regulations governing the duties to 73 74 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK be performed by the Light House Service in time of war, and for the cooperation of that service with the Navy and War Departments in time of peace in prep- aration for its duties in war. CHAPTER XVIII COAST AND. GEODETIC SURVEY The coast and geodetic survey is under the Depart- ment of Commerce. It has no mihtary duties, but is charged with the survey of the coasts of the United States and coasts under the jurisdiction thereof, and the pubHcation of charts covering said coasts; the survey of rivers to the head of tide water or ship navigation; deep sea soundings; temperature and cur- rent observations along said coasts and throughout the Gulf and Japan streams; magnetic observations and researches and the publication of maps showing the variations of terrestrial magnetism; gravity re- search; the determination of heights; of geographic positions by astronomic observations for latitude, longitude, and azimuth, 75 76 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK > o o tf Eh O Q . O O o §5 CO O a: ■^ :^ o l-H < OQ tJ CO O s H s CO o < o O U f^ o OT (ii CO « w o z o < K o 01 o CI 03 m > u >5 a] OJ *^ 03 O 73 ^ -g 73 kl 03 3 o SI 03 O o o 03 a o 01 o ca v a> O) d T3 '-' rS •a d 03 13 d 03 B U 03 dO d a! d 03 .t: O m O fa ^ o d 03 d O) d 01 d o3 d a> +i 3 2 --I -d 03 03 d d O O « _: « ^ il O 03 g d _o "o o d 03 d a; -(J d d 03 d 01 d d -2 ■4J ^ pq O h^J S O fa d oi d d O) 73 d o u I 2 -a d 03 03 ~ JJ O n 03 2 g S c3 a £ c3 O 'a a as a a o O d d 03 o3 d d o) m +j -»-> 3 3 O) 13 o3 p^ooo3^;j d d 03 d O 03 (-> Oi d 01 o c 03 d d 0> o a; d 03 bU OJ d o d o3 d ■4J 3 _, «^ d -r" •a ^ -tf *^ 03 .ti O fa d 03 d o> 3 4) 13 d o V CQ 0) a o "d o o> jd o 13 a 03 13 lU 00 "o 03 a (U 01 X3 09 OS (1 o 13 O a a o O d c3 ^^ 9) -d CHAPTER XIX STRENGTH AND ORGANIZATION OF FOREIGN ARMIES The basis of the infantry organization of all foreign armies is the battalion. The typical battalion is composed of four companies and has a war strength of some 25 officers and 1100 men. The basis of all foreign cavalry organization is the squadron. The foreign squadron numbers from 120 to 150 sabers. Regiments contain from three to six squadrons. The battery is usually taken as the unit of field artillery organization. Leaving aside Russia, there are two great systems of field artillery organization. These may be called after their exponents, the French and the German systems. The French system takes four guns as the firing imit, the battery, and assigns all of the ammunition which should be available upon entry into action to the battery; batteries count four or five officers and 170 men. Under the German system the firing unit, battery, counts six guns and only so much ammunition as is needed for the immediate service of the piece is as- signed to the batteries; the remainder of the am- 77 78 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK munition being assembled in an ammunition battery which forms an integral part of the battalion. In both systems, the number of firing batteries in the battalion is three (3), the German system having an additional battery for ammunition gives that system four battery organizations to the battalion. - Under the German system the strength of firing batteries is about 5 officers and 150 men and that of ammunition batteries is 4 officers and 188 men. Therefore, leaving aside battalion staffs, the strength of which are not dependent upon the particular sys- tem, under the French system the battalion counts about 15 officers, 510 men, and 12 guns, whereas under- the German system, it counts 19 officers, 638 men, and 18 guns. . France The French Army proper is known as the Metro- politan Army, which is divided between France and Algiers. The peace strength of the French Army comprises 21 army corps, each army corps having two divisions. There are 47 divisions, 92 infantry brigades, and 21 field artillery brigades which are distributed among the 21 corps. There are also 10 cavalry divisions, each division containing 20 to 24 squadrons and 2 horse batteries. The war strength is unknown, but in 1914 about 5,500,000 had had mihtary training and the war strength was estimated at about 4,000,000. STRENGTH OF FOREIGN ARMIES 79 Germany The German Army as organized in peace consisted of 25 army corps and 1 cavalry division, besides cer- tain special troops. Normally, the Army corps is composed of 2 infantry divisions and certain train troops and other auxiliaries. The typical infantry formation is as follows: Four companies to a battalion, 3 battalions to a regiment, 2 regiments to the brigade, 2 brigades to a division, with one of the divisions in a corps having an extra battalion of sharpshooters known as Jagers. The strength of the battalion in war is about 1,000 rifles. The total peace strength amounted to about 800,000 officers and men. To these should be added from 10,000 to 12,000 ''Einjarhrigfreiwilligus" or men who serve for one year, defraying their own expenses. The sum total of trained men which Germany had available for war was about 4,610,000. / Austria-Hungary The dual monarchy of Austria-Hungary in time of peace maintains three separate armies supported by the empire, by Austria and by Hungary, respectively. These armies are known as the common army, the Austrian Landwehr, and the Hungarian Land- wehr, respectively. The two Landwehr armies differ, however, from the Landwehr of other countries in that they are maintained with the colors in time of 80 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK peace. The common army* is known as the first hne, and the two Landwehr armies as the second Hne. The peace strength of the combined armies was about 473,000, whereas the war strength, 1914, was approximately 4,320,000. Russia Russia maintained in time of peace three separate armies, namely, the Army of Europe and the Cau- casus, the Army of Central Asia, the Army of Siberia and Eastern Asia. The total peace strength amounted to about 1,284,000. The total number of trained men subject to call amounted to about 6,000,000. Great Britain The military forces of Great Britain in time of peace are divided into the regular forces and the territorial forces. The regular forces are again divided into British forces, Indian forces, and colonial forces, and in addition certain colonial militia. The peace strength amounted to about 700,000. Italy The Italian forces are composed of the regular army, the mobile militia, and the territorial militia. The two latter categories are not constantly under STRENGTH OF FOREIGN ARMIES 81 arms and in reality form a kind of reserve (Landwerir) into which men pass after service with the colors. Both the mobile and the territorial militia are com- posed of all arms of the service. The total peace strength of the regular army is 305,000. TABLE SHOWING HIGHER ORGANIZATION EXISTING IN TIME OF PEACE (No militia, reserve, or territorial troops are included) Country. Army Corps. Divi- sions. Cavalry Divisions Infantry Brigades. Cavalry Brigades. Field Artillery Brigades. France .... Germany. . Austria. . . . Russia. . . . England. . . Italy Japan 21 25 16 37 12 47 50 33 76 6 25 21 10 1 8 27 1 3 92 112 58 160 18 51 43 38 69 19 61 4 8 4 21 50 19 61 26 20 3 CHAPTER XX UNITED STATES Army Uniforms Soldiers' dress has become more somber through- out the world. Anything which would catch and reflect the light or distinguish at a distance officers from men, is dispensed with under war conditions. The question of visibility has transformed the uniform of not only the British Army, but also that of the Belgians and of the French, and the enemy's troops use the well-known "field gray." The field uniform of the United States Army is khaki or '' olive drab." Puttees, leggins, or boots are worn. « The undress cap of the Army Officer is the same for all ranks (see Plate 2). General Officers in field hats are distinguished by their gold hat cords, while other officers wear the gold and black striped hat cord. Enlisted men wear hat cords of different colors, depending upon the corps to which they belong. Stripes of the same colors on trousers denote the various corps in the blue uniform except in the in- fantry, the stripes of which are white (see Plate 10.) Quartermaster's Corps Buff Corps of Engineers Scarlet and white 82 PLATE I UNITED STATES ARMY Shoulder Marks MAvJOR CAPTAIN FIRST LIEUTENANT SECOND UEUTEINANT 83 84 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK Ordnance Department Black and scarlet. Signal Corps Orange and white Infantry Light blue Cavalry Yellow Artillery Scarlet Hospital Corps Medical Corps. Maroon and white Enlisted men wear the corps device on the cap. These devices are shown in Plate 8. The insignia of corps, department, or arm of service, or aid, are not worn on the sleeve of the overcoat. The insignia of rank is indicated on the sleeve of the overcoat as follows (see Plate 2). GeneraL Four silver stars, or 2 silver stars and coat-of-arms, in horizontal row, 1 broad stripe of black braid, 1 narrow stripe of black braid. Lieutenant General. Three silver stars in horizontal row, 1 broad stripe of black braid, 1 narrow stripe of black braid. Major General. Two silver stars in horizontal row, 1 broad stripe of black braid, 1 narrow stripe of black braid. Colonel. An ornamentation of 5 narrow strands of black braid forming 3 knots. Lieutenant Colonel. An ornamentation of four nar- row strands of black braid forming three knots. Major. An ornamentation of three narrow strands of black braid forming three knots. Captain. An ornamentation of two narrow strands of black braid forming three knots. UNITED STATES ARMY UNIFORMS 85 First Lieutenant. An ornamentation of one narrow strand of black braid forming three knots. Officers of the General Staff Corps wear under the black braid ornamentation a broad stripe consisting of four strands of black braid. The insignia of rank of officers, in service uniforms, is worn on shoulder loops made of the same material as the coat. (See Plate 1.) General * The coat-of-arms between two silver stars .4 silver stars Lieutenant General 3 silver stars Major General . 2 silver stars Brigadier General 1 silver star Colonel silver eagle Lieutenant Colonel silver oak leaf Major gold oak leaf Captain 2 silver bars First Lieutenant 1 silver bar Second Lieutenant No insignia All officers wear a brown stripe around the cuff of the coat. Officers' collar ornaments (Plates 3 and 4) are made of bronze. Two ornaments are worn on each side * The insignia of rank of a general is left to the discretion of the wearer, and may be either four stars or the national coat of arms, head of eagle up, midway between two stars. PLATE II UNITED STATES ARMY Genera! Officers tvearnarmf black sfnpe above brood blacH sfripe nith stars hehrten (in honzorttol ra»)indicof- ing rank. GENERAL STAFF • BELOW BRIGADIER GENER^L COLONEL UEUTEN/kNT COLONEL MAJOR COLLAR DEVICE NATIONAL ARMY CAPTAIN Insignia of Rank on Cuff of Overcoat FIRST LlEUTENAtlT SECOND LIEUTENANT Wears BROWN 5roidina CAP WORN BY OFFICERS OF U S ARMV SHOWING DEVI':' BUTTONS COLLAR DEVICE NATIONAL GUARD NATIONAL ARMV NATIONAL GUARD 86 UNITED STATES ARMY UNIFORMS 87 of the collar. The one nearest the front designates the Army. For the regular army a U. S. is worn (Plate 3); for the National Army, a U. S. with a N. A. superimposed on it (Plate 2); for the National Guard, drafted into the Federal Service, a U. S. with a N. G. superimposed on it (Plate 2); for the volunteer army the letters U. S. V.; and for the Officers' Reserve Corps and the Enlisted Reserve Corps the letters U. S. R. The other ornament sig- nifies the arm of the service, department or corps, or the insignia of aids, chiefs of staff and chaplains. Chaplains wear the silver latin cross on all uniforms. Officers serving by appointment or under commis- sion in another subdivision of the Army than that in which they hold permanent commissions wear the monogramic letters of that subdivision of the Army in which they hold permanent commissions, and the insignia of the new rank and the insignia of the corps, department, or arm of service in which commissioned at the time. When the shirt is worn without the coat, the in- signia of rank worn on the collar of the shirt is as follows : Regular Service Major General of the Line, On both sides, in the middle of the collar, the letters '' U. S." and two stars, points up. Brigadier General of the Line. Same as for major general, but with only one star on each side. PLATE III UNITED STATES ARMY Officers' Collar Ornaments USL Quartermaster Medical Corps Corps Ordnance Department ^fx tw Signal Corps ^ All Officers of General Staff Adjutant Inspector Judge Regular Corps General's General's Advocate Army Department Department General's Department Corps of Engineers ^ Corps of Engineers, , Adjutant Corps of Engineers, Quartermaster Aids to Lieutenant General Aids to Major General Aids to Brigadier General Cavalry Cavalry, Adjutant Cavalry, Quartermaster Field Artillery Field Artillery, Adjutant 88 Field Artillery, Quartermaster PLATE IV UNITED STATES ARMY Officers' Collar Ornaments Coast Artillery, Quartermaster Coast Artillery Coast Artillery, Adjutant Infantry, Porto Rico Regiment Infantry, Philippine Scouts Infantry Infantry, Adjutant Infantry, Quartermaster Chaplain Sanitary Corps Machine Gun Battalion Corps of Interpreters Dental Surgeon Dental Corps if Senior Military Aviator Junior Military Aviator 89 Aviator Observer 90 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK For General Officers of Staff Corps or Departments. Substitute for the letters ''U. S." on the left side the proper device. Colonel. On the right side in the middle of the collar, the letters '^U. S." and an eagle, beak to the front. On the left side, the insignia of corps, depart- ment, or arm of service. Lieutenant Colonel. On the right side, the letters "U. S." and a silver oak leaf, point up. On the left side, the insignia of corps, department, or arm of service. Major. Same as lieutenant colonel (substituting ^'a gold oak leaf"). Captain. Same as lieutenant colonel (substituting 'Hwo silver bars"). First Lieutenant. Same as lieutenant colonel (sub- stituting ''one silver bar"). Second Lieutenant. On the right side, the letters *'U. S." On the left side, the insignia of corps, de- partment, or arm of service. General Staff Officers, Chiefs of Staff, Aids, and Chaplains. Substitute on the left side of the collar the proper device in place of the insignia of corps, de- partment, or arm of the service. Drafted National Guard Service Same as for officers of the regular service, except that the letters "N. G." superimposed on letters '^U. S." are substituted for the letters ''U. S." UNITED STATES ARMY UNIFORMS 91 Volunteers of Officers' Reserve Corps Same as for officers of the regular service, except that the letters ''U. S. V." or "U. S. R." are substi- tuted for the letters ''U. S." National Army Service Same as for officers of the regular service, except that the letters ''N. A." superimposed on letters ''U. S." are substituted for the letters ''U. S. '' Note. For insignia of officers serving by appoint- ment or under commission in another subdivision of the Army than that in which they hold permanent commissions, see above. Enlisted Men Enlisted men wear the button insignia on the ser- vice coat, the button with the letters "U. S.," ''U. S. V./' "U. S. R.," ''U. S." with "N. G." superimposed, and *'U. S." with ''N. A." superimposed, being worn on the right side of the collar, and the button with the corps, department, or regiment and company on the left side. (Plate 9.) . The letters ''U. S.,'' ''U. S. V.," "U. S. R., '^U. S.'^ with ^'N. G." superimposed and ^'U. S." with ^'N. A." superimposed, and the insignia of corps, department, or arm of service are worn on the dress and the white coats and are placed as in the case of officers. When the shirt is worn without the coat the button insignia is worn on the collar. The rank of non-commissioned officers ("non-coms") PLATE V UNITED STATES ARMY Enlisted Men's Chevrons and Specialty Marks BAND LEADER OF CAV- ALRt FIELD A,«DCO<^ST ARTILLERY, ENGINEERS AHOINFAHTRY SQUADRON 5ARGEANT MAJOR OF CAVALRY. SATTAUON SER- GEANT MAJOR OF ENGINEERS FIELD ARTILLERY & INFANTRY AMD 5ER6EANT MAJOR- JUNIOR GRADE OF COAST ARTILLERY COLOR SERGEANT OF CAVALRV FIELD ARTILLERY AND IMFANTRY SERGEAMT BUGLER OF CAV- ALRY. Fl ELD AND COAST ARTILLER-Y AS ST. BAND LEADER OF ENGINEERS. CAVALRY, FIELD AND COAST ARTILLERY ANDOFmFAWTRY BATTALION SUPPL-Y SERGEANT OF ENGINEERS AND FIELD ARTILLERY FIRST SERGEANT OF ENG- INEERS.FIELD AND COAST ARTILLERY. INFANTRY, ARMY SERVICE DETACHMENT OF THE US.MA. WEST POINT, N.Y. AND WEST POINT BAND DRUM MAJOR OF ENGINEERS. CAVALRY. FIELD AND COAST ARTILLERY. INFANTRY AND WEST POINT BAND SAR6EANT OF ENGINEERS. CAVALRY. FIELD ANDCOAST ARTILLERY. INFANTRY. ARMY SERVICE DETACHMENT OF THE U.S.M.A. WEST POINT NY AND WEST POINT BAND TROOP SUPPLY SERGEANT OF CAVALRY. COMPANY QUARTERMASTER 5ER- GEANTOF ENGINEERS. FIELD AND COAST ART- ILLERY AND INFANTRY CORPORAL OF EtSGlNEERS. FIELD AND COAST ARTILLERY, INFANTRY, ARMY SERVICE DETACHMENT OF THE U.S.MA.,WEST POINT, N.f. AND WEST POINT BAND COOK OF ENGINEERS SIGNAL CORPS.CAVALRY. COAST AND FIELD ART- ILLERV.INFANTRY.AND ARMY SERVICE DETACH- MENT OF THE U.S.M.A. V S O •a • ^^ a sg d ^ !» oa 4^ £0 Ell , +j -^ .^ c a ri -/I Oj MS GENERAL OFFICERS ARMY FLAGS AND SIGNALS CAVALRY INFANTRY 'field army ''infantrv div. "cavalrv div: HEAO(iUARTERS HEADQUARTERS HEADQUARTERS MlNFANTRV RRIfiAfl ENGINEERS ''infantry brisaoeIi cavalry brigade QUARTERMASTER 'co«PS*suwr«AiN trains^«^distrib. 3 MEDICALCORPS (ENLISTED MEN) CORPS CHAPLAINS _ GUIDON " CAVALRr I artillerV ^ GUIDON GUIDON 'hOSPITAL.HOSP. TRAIN, SIGNAL FIELD AMB. DRESSING STATN CORPS "SIGNAL CORPS —OCT GUIDON '^''tl DEPARTMENT P FIELD TELEGRAPH " FIELD GUIDON AND TELEPHONE POSTOFFlCE ORDNANCE SERVICE SCHOOL DEPARTMENT COMPANY FLAGS DETACHMENT COMPANY A, ''COMPANY C. ' COMPANY E "COMpInY G. ■ ^... R lirnMPAWY ._ I. MCOMPANY L MCOMPANY H. IIcOMPAWY K I ICOMPANY h COMPANY B. "COMPANY D. COMPANY F. MCOMPANY H. McOMPANY K. I ICOMPANY M DRESS TROUSERS STRIPES FOR OFFICERS Bni FOR NONCOMMISSIONED OFFICERS, TRUMPETERS, ETC. 100 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK and Plate 10 shows a number that are in common use. On the flag designating Infantry Brigade Headquarters, the division number is given above and brigade number below. The same is true of the Cavalry Brigade Head- quarters flag. The flag used to designate a field hos- pital is similar in design although somewhat larger than that used by field ambulances, hospital trains, regi- mental hospitals and dressing stations. On the cavalry guidon the regimental number is shown above and the troop letter below. The regimental number is also shown above, and battery letter below, on the artillery guidon; and the signal corps guidon carries a desig- nation of the corps with the company letter above. When Infantry regiments are in camp the company flag is usually flown at the head of each street. Com- panies in the first battahon have a flag which carries a red field, while for the second battalion the field is white, and a blue field is used to designate companies in the third battahon. CHAPTER XXI UNITED STATES Navy Uniforms The necessity for ''protective coloration" does not apply to the Navy. Here the ship, and not the man, is the target. The personnel of the world's navies still wear blue, or white, depending upon the climatic conditions. Aviators wear " khaki " or " olive-drab " uniforms with brass button and shoulder marks, khaki-covered caps, and puttees or leggins. A gold insignia is worn on left breast, consisting of a winged foul anchor with a shield on the shank of the anchor. (Plate 17.) Gold '4ace," as it is called, is the principal distinguish- ing mark of rank for commissioned officers, worn upon the sleeves of the blue uniforms and on shoulder-straps of the white uniform or overcoat. An arrangement of stripes, varying in width and number, with either a ''star" or colored cloth to distinguish the various branches, signifies the rank of an officer. This system is closely followed in nearly all foreign navies, a "curl" instead of the star being used in most navies. The star above the stripes signifies a line officer. 101 PLATE XI UNITED STATES NAVY Shoulder Marks worn on White Uniforms and Overcoats LINE OFFICERS ADMIRAL OF THE NAVY ADMIRAL VICE ADMIRAL REAR ADMIRAL CAPTAIN COMMANDER LIEUT COMMANDER LIEUTENANT LIEUTENANT 102 ENSIGN PLATE XII UNITED STATES NAVY Shoulder Marks worn on White Uniforms and Overcoats PAYMASTERS CORPS PAY DIRECTOR RAMKCF PAY DIRECTOR RA^^KO^ PATiNSPECToTTAmr^F Pi,MA'jTLP PPMK OF PAST PATMASTEPOR Aj^TVA'f- PAbT PAYMASTER OR5S5T A*j".T PAVMi^TEO Rftfir ot MASTER RANKOF . PAYMASTER RANK OF rN^If-itl LIEUTENMST LIEUTENANT (J.G) <^"^'^'' REAR ADMIRAL CAPTAIN COMMANDER LIEUT, COMMANDER MEDICAL CORPS DENTAL CORPS MEOIUL DIRECTOR RANK OF MEDICAL DIRECTOR RAMKOF MEDICAL mSPECTOfi.RANK SORGEON. RANk OF PASSED ASST SURGEON ASST SUPCE^M RANK OF REAR ADMIRAL CAPTAIN cOMMa"nDER LIEUT COMMANDER Ll^y^^^^^^y LIEUTENANT U.G.) surgeon ramk or LIEUTENANT 109 PLATE XVII UNITED STATES NAVY Rank and Corps Devices Admiral of the Navy Admiral Vice Admiral J5^^i) fC ^^ Rear Admiral Captain Commander Qb^D Lieutenant Commander Lieutenant Lieutenant (Junior Grade) Ensign Midshipman U.S.Navy Button Medical Corps Civil Engineers Medical Reserve Dental Corps Pay Corps Professors of Naval Constructors Mathematics Chaplains Naval Ofticer-Aviator Insignia worn on Left Breast Chief Pay Clerk & Pay Clerk Chief Boatswain Chief Gunner Chief Machinist Boatsit'ain. Gunner, and Mtichinisl wear corresponding insig>uu as. Chiefs but the devices are in gold the surcharged stars in silver Chief Carpenter Chief Sailmaker Mate Chief Pharmacist' Carpenter. Suilmaher. and Pharmacist wear Insignia correspvnding to Chiefs but in Gold instead of Silver 110 PLATE XVIII UNITED STATES NAVY Specialty Marks Master-atArms Boatswains' Mate Coxswain Signalman Blacksmith, Shipfittsr, Turret Captain Molder Shipwright. Painter, , Carpenter's Mate, Plumber Gunner S Mate & Fitter. Pattern IVIaker Storekeeper Yeoman Sailmaker's Mate MA "'"I'BWIHHW Printer Electrician Machin,sfsMate,0,ler, Bo.ler HOSpital CorpS maker. Water Tender, Coppersmith, '^ Special Mechanic. Engineman Musician Commissary. Seaman Gunner Radio Operator Steward Gun Captain Gun Pointer U. S. Marine Corps Torpedoman Cook Baker „ . Over Gun Pofnter tx-apprentice Mark, equals Navy E Gun Pointer First Class Gun Pointer Bugler Expert Rifleman Enlisted Men Naval Militia Quartermaster, Aviation Corps Carpenter, Aviation Corps Drummer U. S. Mari"i? Corps Machinist, Aviation Corps 111 PLATE XIX UNITED STATES NAVY Cap Device Chief Petty Officer Chief Master-at-Arms Boatswain's Mate First Class The number of Chevrons Indicates the class of Petty Officer. The distinguishing marh aboue the Chevrons in- dicates the particular branch to which the Petty Officer be- longs. Gunner's Mate Second Class Quartermaster Third Class 112 1 z: o o o t/) u. (/)0 s ::C 2 z: O ^/l _l UJ R] 1 -i X jl III J u 1/5 ^ Hi UJ <-> X u. $o PLATE XX UNITED STATES NAVY Hats and Caps Worn by Officers oo X z:<-"^ :Qoa5^ou <<:xljj2 2:si-q:i- CDO 114 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK that has made exceptionally high scores on record target practice. United States — Naval MilItia The uniforms for officers and enlisted men of the Naval Militia is the same as for the corresponding grades, ranks and rates of officers and enlisted men of the regular Navy, with the following exceptions: The insignia of rank of line officers, has around the gold star a circle embroidered in gold. (Plate 21.) The insignia of rank of staff officers has the colored cloth which designates the corps broken for a distance of IJ inches either between the gold stripes, where there are two or more, or on each side where there is but one gold stripe. The insignia of rank of Chief Warrant and Warrant Officers has around the gold star or corps device a circle embroidered in gold. Enlisted men wear below the opening in the center of the front of the blouse a white-embroidered foul anchor inside of a white-embroidered diamond shape. Cap ribbons of the enlisted men bear the name of the ship assigned the Naval Militia with the Naval Militia distinguishing mark (foul anchor in diamond shape) on either side. United States — Naval Reserve The uniform for officers and enlisted men of the Naval Reserve is the same as for the correspond- ing grades, ranks and rates of officers and enlisted PLATE XXI UNITED STATES NAVAL MILITIA ENSIGN CAPTAIN Shoulder Straps CAPTAIN COMMANDER LIEUT. LIEUTENANT LIEUTENANT COMMANDER (J.O.) ASST. SUROEON ASST PAYMASTER RANK OF RANK OF UEUTENANT(J.G.) LIEUTENANTO 0) CHIEF CARPENTER MACHINIST Insignio of Rank on Cuffs COMMANDER illliiliiiillii!iiillllillil''llil LIEUT. COMMANDER LIEUTENANT UEUTENANT(J.G.) ENSIGN ASST SURGEON RANK OF LIEUTEH^NT CHIEF GUNNER 115 116 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK men of the regular Navy, with the following excep- tions: ^ With the white uniforms, officers wear the Naval Reserve brass buttons (Plate 19). With the blue uniforms, the Naval Reserve device, made of metal (Plate 19), is worn on the collar in lieu of the corps device. The cap ribbon of the enlisted men bears the words "U. S. Naval Reserve Force." Officers of the Naval Auxiliary Reserve, in time of war, wear the uniform of the steamship company or line on which serving, with the Naval Reserve device on the collar of a military coat or on the lapels of a box coat. Enlisted men of the Naval Auxiliary Reserve wear the same uniform as that of the Navy with the cap ribbon as described above. United States — Marine Corps The insignia of rank of the officers of the Marine Corps corresponds with the relative rank of the offi- cers of the army (Plate 22) with the exception of that of Colonel, and is worn in the same manner on the shoulder loops. The corps device (Plate 23) is worn on the front on the cap and on either side of the collar of the coat. The field hats are similar to those of the Army. The hat cord worn by officers is of gold and scarlet with ends finished with gold and scarlet acorns. En- PLATE XXII UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS Insignia of Rank on Shoulder Loops LIEUT. GENERAL COLONEL MAJOR GENERKL BRIGADIER GENERAL LIEUT. COLONEL ^ MKRINE CORPS BUTTON MAJOR CAPTAIN FIRST LIEUTENANT SECOND LIEUTENANT 118 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK listed men wear no hat cord, but only a band of ribbed silk ribbon of the same color as the hat. The corps device of dull finished bronze is worn by officers and men on the front of the hat. Enlisted men also wear under the corps device the company numerals. The departmental devices (Plate 23) if worn, is placed on the collar of the coat to the rear of the corps device. The insignia of rank and departmental and aid- de-camp devices in dull bronze finish, are worn on the shoulder straps of the overcoat, the departmental or aid-de-camp devices, if worn, being nearest the collar. The insignia of rank of Quartermaster Clerks is the same as the Quartermaster departmental device with the exception of having a silver wheel in lieu of a gold wheel. The device of the marine gunner consists of a burst- ing spherical shell made of silver. The rank of the non-commissioned officers is shown by the chevron worn on both arms (corresponding to the Army) (Plate 23). Service stripes corresponding to those in the Navy are also worn on both arms. United States — Coast Guard The insignia of rank of the Coast Guard is similar to that of the Navy. Shoulder marks are worn with white uniforms and sleeve stripes on all other uni- PLATE XXIII UNITED STATES COAST GUARD, LIGHTHOUSE SERVICE AND MARINE CORPS Insignia of Rank on Cuffs LIGHTHOUSE SERVICE CAPTAIN ruie-c- trwriMiriro ki scTcn r^c -rc-KirM-n f I RST OFFICER. ENG- SECOND OFFICER FIRST CHIEF ENGINEER MASTER OF TENDER INEER OF TEMDER ASSTENon OF TENDER MASTER OFLIGHTVESSa FIRST MATE OF LIGHTVESSg CAP ORNAMENT THIRD OFFICER. SECOND ASSTENG'R. OF TENDER SECOND MATE OF LIGHT- VESSEL. ASSTENGR. OF LIGHTVES5EL COLLAR DEVICES DECK OFFICERS ENGIMEER OFFICERS C^P DEVICE FOR (•» COMMISSIONED OFFICERS OF THE U5. COAST GUARD US COAST GUARD WARRANT OFFICER CHIEF PETTY CAP DEVICE OFFICER CAP DEVICE CAP DEVICE CORPS DEVICE ON COLLAR AIDS DECAMP ^Ea^oIfs^DEVx." ^^^^^^TER QUARTERMASTERS DEPARTMENTAL DEVICE WORN ON COLLAR US. MARINE OFFICERS CAP SERGEANT MAJOR Z^'LEADEROFTHEBAND QUARTERMASTERS SERGEANT Quartermasters SERGEANT DRUM MAJOR PAVMASTERS DEPT FIRST 5ER6EANT GUNNERY SERGEANT SERGEANT CORPORAL Chevrons worn by Non-Commissioned Officers 119 PLATE XXIV UNITED STATES COAST GUARD Shoulder Mor-ks ■LINE OFFICERS- CAPTAIN COMMANDANT SENIOR CAPTAIN CAPTAIN -ENGINEER FIRST LIEUTENANT OFFICERS SECOND LIEUTENANT THIRD LIEUTENANT ENGINEER- CAPTAIN OF FIRST LltUT. THIRD LIEUT. IJH- CHIEF ENGINEERS OF ENGINEERS OF ENGINEERS Ins'igmo of RonK on Cuffs LINE OFFICERS SECUND LIEUT OF ENGINEERS CONSTRUCTOR CAPTAIN COMMANDANT SENIOR CAPTAIN CAPTAIN FIRST LIEUTENANT SECOND LIEUTENANT ENGINEER OFFICERS THIRD LIEUTENANT ENGINEER-IN- CHIEF Coptoin of Engineers has 2j Stripes FIRST LIEUT OF ENGINEERS THIRD LIEUTENANT. SECOND LIEUTENA.NT hos ij Stnpes OS obove CONSTRUCTOR C 120 UNITED STATES NAVY UNIFORMS 121 forms. Line officers wear a gold shield in lieu of the star worn by officers of the Regular Navy. Plate 24. Engineer officers are not included in the line officers in this branch of the service and do not wear the shield above the stripes, nor colored cloth between the stripes. The cap device is shown in Plate 23. The collar devices, like the Navy, include the rank device and the corps device. For Captain Commandant. A silver embroidered spread eagle, having in the right talon an olive branch and in the left a bundle of arrows; an escutcheon on the breast as represented in the ^'Arms of the United States"; and the corps device which is a gold-em- broidered foul anchor, with a shield embroidered in silver on the shank and perpendicular to the crown of the anchor. For Senior Captains. A silver oak leaf ; corps device same as for Captain Commandant. For Captains. A gold oak leaf; corps device same as for Captain Commandant. For First Lieutenants. Two gold bars; corps device same as for Captain Commandant. For Second Lieutenants. One gold bar; corps device same as for Captain Commandant. For Third Lieutenants. Corps device only, same as for Captain Commandant. For Engineer Officers. Same rank devices as are prescribed for line officers with whom they rank, with a corps device consisting of a gold-embroidered foul 122 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK anchor, with four oak leaves embroidered in silver on the shank. For Constructors. Same rank device as prescribed for first heutenants ; corps device, a branch of oak leaves in silver crossing a gold-embroidered foul anchor at an angle of forty-five degrees, stem toward the stock of the anchor, in proportion. Rating badges similar to those in the Navy are worn by all petty officers on the sleeve midway be- tween the shoulder and elbow. The specialty marks are the same as those used in the Navy with the exception of that for a master- at-arms, which in the Coast Guard is a shield. United States — Light House Service In the light house service, the insignia of rank is designated by black, mohair braid stripes on the blue coat and white braid stripes on the white coat. A gold- embroidered anchor is worn on each side of the collar of the blue coat by deck officers, and a gold-embroid- ered propeller by engineer officers. Plate 23. The petty officers consist of quartermasters, with a steering wheel of white thread as a sleeve ornament; machinists, with a propeller of red thread as a sleeve ornament; clerk, with a quill of gold as a sleeve ornament, and radio operator, with a represen- tation of forked lightning, of gold, as a sleeve orna- ment. PLATE XXV UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY Shoulder LOOps GRADE 1 suRGEONr <[Af!kmarow> CHIEF EtSGINEERS, SURGEONS. WATCH OFFICERS, MATES and DECK ''*'^'^u»?7 •■••"•v'v.-/; o a> ■".•.*•'.'•• • e? -QC to ;:V'.':\"."".- 126 PLATE XXVn BRITISH ARMY CO o CO I 127 128 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK Major General. Crossed sword and baton and star. Brigadier General. Crossed swords. Colonel. Four stripes or rings and a crown and 2 stars. Lieiitenant Colonel. Three stripes or rings, a crown, and a star. Major. Three stripes or rings and a crown. Captain. Two stripes or rings and 3 stars. Lieutenant. One stripe or ring and two stars. Second Lieutenant. One stripe or ring and one star. Non-Commissioned officers wear chevrons (point downwards) on the upper right arm. A lance corporal or acting bombardier 1; Corporal 2; Sergeant 3; Color Sergeant 3 chevrons and crossed colors; Staff Sergeant, 4 chevrons. On the lower part of the left arm chevrons are worn as '^good conduct" badge. A sergeant major is dressed as an officer except that he has a crown on the lower part of the right elbow. There are also badges of proficiency, such as crossed rifles for marksmen, a spur for rough- riders, etc. Corps, departmental, and regimental badges are worn on the lapels of the coat. Spurs are worn by all field officers including captains w^ho are double-company commanders, except undress when '^ Slacks" (trousers) are worn instead of breeches and boots or puttees. The Sam Browne belt is habitually worn except in quarter or at mess. GREAT BRITAIN 129 Etiquette in British Army The regulations require junior officers to salute their seniors; when a party of two or more officers receive a salute, only the senior returns it. However, all officers acknowledge the salute of officers of an allied army. A British officer salutes a foreign allied officer of equivalent or senior rank; w^hen there is doubt about the rank of the latter he is given the benefit of it. British officers are required to be even more punctilious about paying compliments to the officers of allied armies than they are to their own confreres. There are no regulations as to the position of senior and junior officers when walking together in public. An officer newly joining the regiment is not required or expected to call sociall}^ on his colonel but merely reports officially at the orderly room. Navy Uniforms The uniform of the British Navy is very similar to ours, the ''curl" for the line or Executive Branch being used instead of the ''star." Until 1915 Engineer Officers came under the Civil Branch of the Navy. It now forms part of the Military Arm and is reckoned as equal in importance to the Executive Branch. The insignia of rank includes the "curl" above the stripes, but has also a color band of purple between the gold stripes. PLATE XXVIII BRITISH NAVY 130 PLATE XXIX BRITISH NAVY (D ' ' iTr ^ CD :'"^ 'iv. o 5/5 131 132 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK The Staff or Civil Branch of the service has in lieu of the curl, colors to distinguish the officers of the various corps. The British officers wear a tunic or sack coat instead of a blouse as worn by our officers. No collar device is worn to denote the rank and corps. Red is the distinguishing color of the Medical Branch, and in addition to the missing curl, the stars, etc., worn by the highest ranks are in gold and silver (another detail which as in the case of the anchor of the cap badge distinguishes the Non-Military from the Military Branch) . Paymasters who form what is known as the Ac- countants' Branch, are to be recognized by the white cloth worn with the gold lace, while Naval Instructors wear pale blue. Since April 1916, Chief and Head Navy Schoolmasters are entitled to wear a narrow stripe of blue cloth on the cuff. Carpenter-Lieutenants (with 2 and 2| stripes) have the dark blue cloth of the shoulder-strap itself show- ing between the lace, but there is no curl as in the case of Lieutenant Commander and Lieutenant. The foregoing shoulder-straps are also worn on the white uniform which forms the customary dress in tropical climates. When a British Naval officer is wearing the uniform Great Coat, the distinction lace upon the cuffs of the frock coat or jacket worn beneath is naturally hidden, and it is the shoulder-straps which are utilized for displaying the device indicative of his PLATE XXX BRITISH NAVY 3 CO » o v. y;'4+T--;'"1 PLATE XXXI BRITISH NAVY CO ■ iD 134 GREAT BRITAIN 135 rank and the branch of the service to which he belongs. If he is an Executive Officer whose rank is between that of a Commodore, 2d Class, and that of a Gunner or Boatswain this distinction lace is a rephca of the device worn on the cuff of the jacket beneath, but in the case of Flag Officers (that is, Admirals of the Fleet, Admirals, Vice Admirals and Rear Admirals), and also Commodores, 1st Class, the device is similar to that worn on their epaulettes, and quite distinct from that worn on the cuffs of the jacket or frock coat. The same exception applies to Engineer Vice Ad- mirals, Engineer Rear Admirals, Medical Director Generals and Surgeon Generals, and an edging of purple cloth in the case of the first three distinguishes them from the corresponding ranks in the Executive Branch. CHAPTER XXIII FRANCE Army Uniforms With the exception of the African troops, who wear khaki, the French Army is dressed in a uniform of gray blue, helmet or kepi, trousers or pants, puttees, and, in cold weather, a tunic or great coat. The number of regiment is shown on the collar patch (of the same color as the chevron for the active army and white for the territorial army). The chev- ron on the collar patch as a rule represents the color of the collar in the uniform previously worn. Staff Officers. The arm band is of dark blue for brigade staff officers, red for division staff officers, red, blue and white with thunderbolt for corps staff officers, and red and white for army staff officers. Infantry. The infantry wears the grenade on the helmet, yellow trousers piping and dark blue chevron on a gray blue patch. Chasseurs (Rifles). The uniform for chasseurs is the same as that for infantry with the exception that they wear a bugle on the helmet and are dressed in iron gray instead of blue gray. Cavalry. In the cavalry, the piping on the trousers is dark blue. Yellow leather gaiters are w^orn and the collar patch is of dark blue. The patch for the 136 FRANCE 137 chevrons varies — Cuirassiers have red; Dragoons, white; Chasseurs a cheval, green; Hussars, hght blue; Chasseurs d'Afrique, yellow shako; Spahis, yellow sheshia. Artillery. In the artillery the piping is scarlet, gaiters are worn. On the helmet is a grenade and crossed guns. The chevron in the field artillery is of light blue mounted on a scarlet patch; in the colonial artillery, it is violet; mountain artillery, white; heavy artillery, gray; horse artillery, dark blue; and fort artillery, green. Engineers. The engineers wear a piping of scarlet chevron mounted on a black velvet patch and gaiters. Train. The train v/ears a green piping, a red chevron mounted on a green patch, and gaiters. Medical. Red piping is worn by the Medical Corps. The collar patch is of red velvet with a snake and red badge. The rank bars are of silver. Veterinary. The veterinary service also uses a red piping, a red velvet collar patch and rank bars of silver. Interpreters, Attached to the British Army. The uniform for the service is of khaki kepi with tunic and trousers. Officers wear an olive branch badge on a dark blue velvet, and the men a sphinx's head on a gray blue collar patch. Flying Corps. Orange piping is worn in the flying corps with an orange chevron on a black collar patch. Gendarmerie and Military Police. White piping is worn by the Gendarmerie and Military Police with a narrow white band to kepi or helmet and white 138 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK grenade on a black collar patch. They generally wear dark blue. Zouaves. The Zouaves wear khaki and khaki- covered sheshia. The chevrons are of dull red. Tirailleurs. The uniform for the Tirailleurs is the same as that for the Zouaves with the exception of the chevron which is light blue. Colonial Infantry. This branch wears the gray blue with a chevron of scarlet and an anchor on the kepi. Foreign Legion. The Foreign Legion also wears gray blue, but the chevrons are of green. The insignia of rank is on lower part of sleeve. (Plate 32.) Marechal of France 6 small gold stars General de Division (General Lieu- tenant) 3 small gold stars * General de Brigade (General Major) 2 small gold stars Colonel o gold bars f Lieutenant Colonel 3 gold and 2 silver bars Major 4 gold bars f Captain 3 gold bars f Lieutenant 2 gold bars f Sous Lieutenant 1 gold bar Adjutant (W. O.) 1 silver bar, red striped Sergeant Major 2 broad gold bars J Sergeant 1 broad gold bar J Corporal 2 dark blue woolen bars J Soldat 1 CI 1 dark blue woolen bar J Bugler red, white and blue bar { * Generals also wear the stars in front of kepi throughout the Army and a double dark piping to breeches. t Silver for cavalry and chasseurs. ■ t Bars are set at an angle of 30° from the horizontal. PLATE XXXII FRENCH ARMY Insignia of Rank of Cuff GENERAL OF DIVISION m m^m BRIGADIER GENERAL sc I^Sm % COLONEL c tiiliiiuiinlll .uiiDiiiiimiii LIEUT COLONEL MAJOR ,-J "0 '^7 1 , 1 ^f] -^ ■:■-.■■ ' "1 1 ► ^ / -V ' ' ' J 1 1 J . y f CAPTAIN *;v.-:' ■-, - - " , ' ■ " - '-"''I i-.-r^'. ■ * f iS'-:'y - ;■<>■;->; ■ ^~ - / ^^■'j - / V-^-r. l' ■■ ■ ' 1 -i!!-'.- ' ' 1 ,'j K 7 ,'7 ■^f ' ■ V ^^■> ■■■.•-■ ,-.■ '-■-/ S'--"-^--'-. .■ - r^ FIRST LIEUTENANT SECOND LIEUTENANT ASPIRANT rnusza^ti ADJUTANT SERGEANT MAJOR SEROEANT MAJOR CAVAlRV INFANTRV SERGEANT CAVALRV SERGEANT INFANTRY CORPORAL CAVALRY m^ CORPORAL INFANTRV SOLDIER is^CLASS SOLDIER ?^°CLASS CAVALRV INFANTRY , PLATE XXXin FRENCH ARMY Service Insignia INTERPRETER (C) AVIATION OFFICER. PILOT(C) T QUARTERMASTER OFFICER, PILOT OF DIRIGIBLE t GRENADIERS SHOOTING PRIZE (S) RAILWAYS < 5™ ENG'R.CORPS) CUSTOMS (C> RAILWAY OFFICER GENERAL STAFF SIGNAL CORPS < S) SEARCHLIGHT (S) MOUNTAIN ARTILLERy RADIOTELEGRAPHS HEAVY ARTILLERY ( Z RE6T.) CC) AUTOMOBILE GUNNER OBSERVER (S) NON-COmmiSSIONEO OFFICER BALLOON SECTIOM <5) TREASURY (C) ^^^ - Mf7j^ ^ QUARTERMASTER ADMINISTRATION ^/T^"^ OFFICER ^ MILITARY POLICE, LINES OF COMMUNICATlONDEPI AVIATOR, NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICER CS) MEDICAL SE:RVICE ADMINISTRATION OFFICER MOROCCAN SPAHIS SCOUT (S> C insignia worn on Collar. S. insignia worn on sleeve. FRANCE 141 Chevrons are worn on right sleeve to indicate wounds — one for each wound. On the left sleeve the chevrons indicate the num- ber of years at the front. The first chevron indicates the first year and each additional chevron indicate each additional six months. These chevrons are of the same material and color as the insignia of the grade; for privates it is of cloth. A Fourragere or Honor Cord is worn by all mem- bers of units '^ mentioned" three times. It is an interlaced cord of green and red if mentioned three times and of yellow and green if mentioned four times or more. One end is attached to blouse or tunic over shoulder, the other end extending to middle of chest. The service insignia of the French army indicated are in Plate 33. Navy Uniforms From the pomt of view of official hierarchy, naval and military officers in France are divided into three broad classes: Firstly, Flag and General Officers; secondly, Superior Officers; and thirdly, Subaltern Officers. In the first class are included Vice Admirals and Generals of Divisions, Rear Admirals and Brigadier Generals (in other words, all officers whose distinctive marks in uniform consist of two or more stars). In this category are also included officers of the auxiliary branches of the navy and army whose rank is equal to that of Flag and General officers; the latter being designated High Functionaries (Hauts Fonctionnaires). 142 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK To the lists of Flag and General Officers must be added ''Admirals and Marshals of France," but these are not ranks properly so called, and officers invested with such titles are usually spoken of as ''Dignitaries" as no special employment is provided for officers holding them. The "Dignity" of Admiral or Marshal is conferred on officers as a reward of service in war time. In the second class (superior officers) are included all officers of the rank of Captain, Commander and Lieut. Commander in the Navy and of Colonel, Lieut. Colonel, and Chef de Battalion or Chef d'Es- cadron in the Army. Superior officers of the Navy may always be known from the fact of their wearing four or five stripes of distinguishing lace on their sleeve. In the third class (subaltern officers) are included Acting Sub-Lieutenants, Sub-Lieutenants, and Lieu- tenants in the Navy (with officials of corresponding rank in the non-executive and civilian branches) and similar ranks in the Army. Naval Cadets are not classified as officers; they rank below Warrant Officers, but above Chief Petty Officers. The uniform of officers of all grades and corps in the French Navy is similar in design and cut, and the method by which the rank of the officer and the corps to which he belongs is distinguished as follows: Officers of the Executive Branch wear gold or silver lace stripes sewn direct on the sleeve of the coat. The rank of Admiral is distinguished by two or three stars. Engineer Officers wear violet velvet facings PLATE XXXIV FRENCH NAVY Insignia of Rank on Cuff VICE A^DMIR^L RE^R ^DM1RAL 'i!""iii"i";''' :.i::.!iuM:.;iii TTTTT- ',"!!i;!:!i|l!'!i ■i!iiniiiiiiiH,iiM miiiiihiiiiiiiiiii!' llll''l'"l!ll!NlinilMMi!MII!!limf CAPTMN n'niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiilllllilllHllillll in:iniM!|i!i,!|i!l: MI!^.iliil!l! nii,|illU',lil.iiiiiiil.lilluiiiillimTiTTT| COMMANDER iiiii'iiiiiiiii'iiimiiiiiiiiii) imiiiinii;iiiiiiiiii,'iiiiiiiii!i!i'i:7r iiiiiiiHiiDiimiihiiiiiiiiiiiiiM ii.nimiiiiiiii.iiMniiiiiiun LIEUT. COMMANDER HiiiiiiiniiiiniMii'i nfiiiiMiiiiiiii! ii[iiiiiiiiiiii|iiinili iiiiinniMNiiii ..:ii,iii!ii[inMiiiiini/;iiiiiinnn)i/ / l lllliimii''llilllliniiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiim 'llimiiUllllllillillMillHllllllilfrTTT] LIEUTENANT SUB LIEUTENANT 'iniiiiiiihiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. ACTING SUB LIEUTENANT 143 144 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK on the sleeve, while Medical Officers wear red velvet facings; Paymasters, brown velvet facings. Officials of the Constructive and Hydrographic Branches wear black velvet facings, and officers of the Corps de Sante (Physicians) wear green velvet facings on the sleeves of their uniform coats. The following are the distinguishing marks (Plate 34) : Admiral of the Fleet. Crossed Admiral's batons. Vice Admiral. Three silver stars. Rear Admiral. Two silver stars. Captain. Five gold stripes. Commander. Three gold and two silver stripes. Lieutenant Commander. Four gold stripes. Lieutenant. Three gold stripes. Sub-Lieutenant. Two gold stripes. Acting Sub-Lieutenant. One gold stripe. Flag officers of the Engineer, Accountant, Medical, Construction, Ordnance, Inspection, and Adminis- tration Branches or Corps wear distinguishing marks of embroidery, instead of that of stars and velvet cuffs on sleeves, of the distinctive color of the Branch or Corps. In other grades of these Branches, the same insignia as that of officers of the executive branch are worn with the addition of the colored velvet facings. In the Engineer, Accountant, Medical, Construc- tion, Ordnance, and Inspection Branches, the highest ranking officer ranks with that of Vice Admiral of the Executive Branch; in the Hydrographic and Administrative Branches with that of Rear Admiral and in the Physician Branch with that of Captain. CHAPTER XXIV GERMANY Army Uniforms With a few exceptions stated below all armies are dressed in gray (feldgrau), a cap or covered helmet, a tunic, a great coat, trousers or pants, long boots (worn over or under trousers) and shoulder straps with regimental number or monogram edged with various colors or state colors (one year volunteers). The great coats are sometimes of dark blue. The new German field uniform has a preeminently German appearance and is very popular. The pocket is set diagonally in the skirt of the blouse or tunic and is placed inside, so that even if bulging full the appearance is good. The collar is a falHng collar which can be turned up for warmth. The color is of field gray and field green, so as to promote invisibility. The American system of insignia is unknown to the Germans, who secure the differentiation by the color of the buttons, style of caps, color of the facings and the pipings, etc. The colored pipings and facings do not destroy the invisibility, as might be surmised. On the contrary, the colors retained adapt themselves to the terrain 145 146 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK where the vegetation is never of an entirely uniform color. Cap-bands are often gray colored. Staff officers wear a carmine band to cap and broad carmine trouser stripe. Infantry. The uniform of the infantry is as given above with an edging according to corps, the cap- band is red or gray colored. Jager and Schiitzen (Rifles). These troops are dressed in gray green, with a green strap edging and wear a shako instead of a helmet. The cap-band is red or gray covered. Cavalry. Stand up collars are worn. Lancers (Uhlans) and Hussars wear special cut tunics and special headdress. The edging of shoulder strap varies in color, but the dragoons have a single and the cuiras- siers a double edging. The cap-bands are of various colors. Field Artillery. The field artillery wears a black piping to the collar; red grenade on shoulder strap, brass buttons (white metal in guard corps) and a black cap-band. Engineers. The engineers wear a black piping to the collar, no grenade; white metal buttons and a cap-band of black. Train. For the train the edging to the collar and tunic is of blue. In the supply department it is crimson. The cap-band is of blue. Medical. The medical corps wears a red edging to a blue collar patch and a cap-band of black. GERMANY .147 Veterinary. The veterinary wears a red edge to a black collar patch. Guard regiments wear two 4-inch tabs of braid on either side of the collar and white buttons. The shank of sidearm tassel shows the number of bat- talion. On the top and bottom the number of the Company: 1, white; 2, red; 3, yellow; 4, blue; 5, green. Thus, red shank, and yellow remainder sig- nifies the 2d battalion, 3rd company. Landwehr. The Landwehr wear a cross on the headdress, caps are now mostly all gray. The cockade on the soft front of cap is of red, white, and black, while the cockade on the cap-band shows the state. Thus, Prussia is black and white; Ba- varia, blue and white; Saxony, green and white; Wiirttemberg, red and black, Hesse, red and white; Mecklenburg, red, yellow, and blue, etc. Grade Insignia Insignia of rank of commissioned officers is on the shoulder strap. Field Marshal General. Large cord shoulder strap with two crossed batons. Lieut. General in Command of an Army. Large cord shoulder strap with two stars. Major General. Large cord shoulder strap with one star. Brigadier General. Large cord shoulder strap. Colonel. Cord shoulder strap with two stars. PLATE XXXV GERMAN ARMY Grade Insignia SHOULDER STRAPS OFFICERS GRADE ITSSIGNIA SUBALTERN OFFICERS SUPERIOR OFFICERS GENERALS Captain 2-5i-ars Colonel Z-Sfars General ?-Stars P"^ Lieut I-StaK Lieut Colonel l-Star Lieut Gen. I- Star 2^° Lieut No Star Major ISoStar Major Gen. No Star ;:;^,;: /■, n .v"---'-"-"-v:-_>7C^ te ,;Ts - - - - --i^^K (' '. COAT COLLAR IMSIONIA SOLDIER 1ST CLASS CORPORAL SERGEANT MAJOR COAT INSIGNIA NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS ^ SLEEVE INSIGNIA SAR6EANT MAJOR 148 GERMANY 149 Lieut. Colonel. Cord shoulder strap with one star. Major. Cord shoulder strap. Captain. Flat shoulder strap with two stars. Lieutenant. Flat shoulder strap with one star. Second Lieutenant. Flat shoulder strap. Sergeant Major, Gold or silver stripe on collar, double stripes on sleeves, officers' sword cord. Sergeant. Gold or silver stripe on collar, two stripes on sleeves, large button on collar. Non-Commissioned Officer. Gold or silver stripe on collar, and sleeve. First Soldier. Small button on collar. Navy The insignia of rank on the sleeves is similar to that of ours. A crown instead of a star is placed above the stripes to designate executive ranks. Engineer Officers, like the British, although be- longing to a separate corps hold executive ranks, and therefore wear the crown above the stripes. Torpedo officers and officers of the civihan branches are without the crown on the sleeve, but wear between the gold stripes a color designating the corps. Thus, engineers, black; torpedo officers, brown; doctors, blue; paymasters, light blue, and constructors, black. The color of the branch is also worn on the epaulettes, full dress and worked into the shoulder straps. Paymasters and constructors have silver instead of gold epaulette fringes and cloth instead of velvet between the stripes. 150 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK The ranks of the commissioned officers of the Ger- man Navy, with their insignias, are as follows: Grand Admiral. One wide gold stripe below four narrow gold stripes, with a gold crown above. Admiral. One wide gold stripe below three narrow gold stripes with a gold crown above. Vice Admiral. One wide gold stripe below two nar- row gold stripes with a gold crown above. Rear Admiral. One wide gold stripe below one narrow gold stripe with a gold crown above. Captain, Four narrow gold stripes below a gold crown. Commander. Three narrow gold stripes below a gold crown. Senior Lieutenant. Two narrow gold stripes below a gold crown. Junior Lieutenant. One narrow gold stripe below a gold crown. Sub-Lieutenant. One very narrow gold stripe below a gold crown. The insignia of rank on the shoulder knots is as follows : Grand Admiral. An interlacing of cords with gold trimming on which is mounted two crossed gold cannon. Admiral. An interlacing of cords with gold trimming on which is mounted three small gold rosettes. Vice Admiral. An interlacing of cords with gold trimming on which is mounted two small gold rosettes. j Rear Admiral. An interlacing of cords with gold 6R^ND ADMIRAL PLATE XXXVI GERMAN NAVY Insignia of Rank on Cuff ADMIRAL VICE ADMIRAL REAR ADMIRAL ni'.iiiiiniMiiiiii iiiiiiiimi iiimniiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiif SENIOR LIEUTENANT iiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimTm] li;iinilllM-,IIIMIIimTT77iT: inHriiiiiiinMiiii iiiiiiiiii.ii iiui,iiiiiiiiiii,iiiiiiim)i), CAPTAIN niiiimiiiiiniiiiiiii;iiiiiiil JUNIOR LIEUTENANT ""i"i!iii'iii!iiiiiiii"iniiiiif »^'llllllllllllllll!M!IMII.l|P iiUiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiL'iiuiiifrni COMMANDER "III I'"" "^ SUB LIEUTENANT 151 152 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK trimming on which is mounted one small gold rosette. Captain. Broad interlacing of cords without gold trimming on which is mounted two small gold rosettes. Commander. Broad interlacing of cords without gold trimming on which is mounted one small gold rosette. Senior Lieutenant. Broad interlacing of cords without gold trimming. Junior Lieutenant. Narrow parallel cords on which is mounted two gold rosettes. Sub Lieutenant. Narrow parallel cords on which is mounted one gold rosette. CHAPTER XXV ITALY Army Uniforms The rank of the officers of the Army is designated by the cap device and by the insignia on the shoulder straps. All officers have a silver star on either side of collar and the color and design of the collar patch shows to which branch of the service and to which regiment they belong. Thus a green collar patch signifies the 51 U. 52 Infantry — Regulars; a white collar patch with black horizontal stripe, the 15 U. 16 Infantry — Regulars; a white collar with a black scallop, Regular Cavalleg-geri di Lucca. The insignia on the shoulders is as follows: General. Three gold stars on a shoulder mark of broad silver braid. Lieutenant GeneraL Two gold stars on a shoulder mark of broad silver braid. Major General. One gold star on a shoulder mark of broad silver braid. Colonel. Three silver stars on a shoulder strap with silver braid trimming. Lieutenant Colonel. Two silver stars on a shoulder strap with silver braid trimming. 153 154 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK Major. One silver star on a shoulder strap with gold braid trimming. Captain. Three silver stars on shoulder strap without gold or silver braid trimming. First Lieutenant. Two silver stars on shoulder strap without gold or silver braid trimming. Second Lieutenant. One silver star on shoulder strap without gold or silver braid trimming. Non-commissioned officers wear chevrons on the cuffs of sleeves; 1, 2, 3, or 4, according to the rank. Navy Uniforms The general system of indicating the branch of the service and the relative ranks of officers of the Italian Navy is the same as in the British Navy, i.e., for branch of service by colors on the cuffs between the stripes, or by the curl in the case of executive officers; for seniority by broad and narrow stripes. The undress coat is a tunic edged with black braid, the distinction marks being worn on shoulder straps instead of on the sleeves. Plain clothes may be worn on shore except on public festivals between 8 a.m. and sunset, on gala nights at the theater, or at public dinners or recep- tions. Midshipmen and officers of corresponding rank are only allowed to wear plain clothes when on long leave. Distinguishing marks of Branches and Ranks. The distinctive colors on cuffs between stripes of the various branches are: PLATE XXXVn ITALIAN ARMY Collar Device Designating the Regiment KEY MA.ROON RED BLACK VELLOW WHITE SALMON RED ORANGE BLUE V"y>4>i lyivn ^ t M^/.mM//my^^M ,.: o REG.NIZZ L_^^1A REG.PlEMOf>(T£REALCCAVALLERl\ REG.5M01A UVALLERIA ■?> d REG.GENOVAGAVALLERIA REOIANCIERI Dl NOVAR^■ REG.LAMCILRl Dl AOSTA REG.CAVALLEGGERI Dl FOGGIA REG.GAVAI I fGGFoi ni salUZZO REG.CAVALL&OGERI DI MONFERRATO REG.CAVALLEGGERI Dl ALESSANDRIA REG.CAVALLEGbERl Dl LODl REG.CAYALLEGGERl Dl LUCCA REGCAVALLEGGERI Dl PADOVA REG.CAVALLEGGERI Dl CATANIA REGCAVALLEGGERl UMBERTO I. '1^ REGCAVALLEOGERl Dl VICENIA REG.LANCIERl Dl MANTOVA REG, LANCIERI Dl YERCELU The Hats and Insignia of Rank on Shoulder Marks of Commissioned Officers [ a'-oLlEUTEMAMT |ST LIEUTENANT MAJOR ; 1^ : t >'l LIEUT COLONEL COLONEL GENERAL MAJOR LIEUT GENERAL GENERAL 156 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK Constructors. Crimson velvet. Engineer Officers. Black velvet. Medical Officers. Light blue cloth. Paymasters. Red cloth. Pharmacists. Green cloth. All officers on the active list wear a 5-pointed star (stellette) on each side of the coat collar as a token that they are on the active list, and thus subject to naval discipline, with the exception of the following, who wear an 8-pointed star: Pharmacists, Officials of the Harbor Master's Office, Motor Boat, Volunteer Corps which may be created. For Flag Officers and equivalent ranks the star is gold, for other ranks, silver. The distinction lace on the cuffs is as follows: Flag Officers. Four, three, or two narrow stripes for an Admiral, Vice Admiral, or Rear Admiral, and other officers of correspondmg rank. The lower stripe is entwined with a waved stripe. Captains and Equivalent Ranks. One broad and three narrow stripes. Commander. One broad and two narrow stripes. Lieutenant Commander. One broad and one nar- row stripe. Lieutenant. Three narrow stripes. Senior Lieutenants have a gold band on shoulder strap for twelve years seniority. Sub-Lieutenant. Two narrow stripes. Midshipman. One narrow stripe. The cap worn by all commissioned officers is similar to the British in shape. The badge of the executive PLATE XXXVIII ITALIAN NAVY Insignia of Rank on Cuff ADMIRAL "-■■ 1/r^il ' /%'<^i:^' liSis:^^ VICE ADMIRAL REAR ADMIRAL CAPTAIH ^^"^•'^^^ COMMANDER _s^ 1 < U MMIIMJKII ' ii|iiii>iiiiiMiniiiiiiii>iinuiiiiiiMi|) |iiiiiiiiiiiiiii|ii\iiiiini|iiiiimii} inMiiiniiiiiniilinj|ii|llliii|i LIEUT. COMMANDER <, I ■■ LIEUTEMANT SUB LIEUTENANT MIDSHIPMAN iiiiiMiiiiin.'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiii)ii/ ■ ■ ',' ' ."/ / >/ >^//^^/////i % ^ y v-vsA^ - ysAAX. v vvkXAir g" A. Ay. -/./ ./. '/'/./././'/'/'/ ' /-'/A i^. ' """ ' " f ^ ■■■' " '■■' . ■' ■ "" ' ^-^ ^ f^yf^rs (lilliiiniilliilliinillillllllllMHy '.)>.>.>.>.>>.)■>>>>>.>■>.> ".>1 ENGINEER CONSTRUCTOR SURGEON PAYMASTER LIEUTCOMMANDER LIEUT. MAJOR GEtlERAL LIEUT COLON EL GENERAL 158 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK officer is a foul anchor on a blue ground, surrounded by gold leaves surmounted by the royal crown. Civilian branches wear the following devices in place of the foul anchor: Engineer Officers. A screw propeller on a black ground. Constructors. A helmet over a crossed hammer and hatchet on a crimson ground. Medical Officers. A red cross on a white ground. Paymasters. A gold star on a red ground. The peak of the cap is plain in all cases, distinctive rank and class being indicated by gold stripes sewn on a band of similar color to that worn with dis- tinction lace on the cuff, and which takes the place of the mohair band on the British cap. The following devices are worn on epaulettes : Executive Officers. Monogram of the King — V.E. — entwined with rope and two foul anchors. Constructors and Engineers. A hemlet over a crossed hatchet and hammer, enclosed in a bay leaf wreath. Surgeons. A serpent entwined about a staff. Paymasters. An oak leaf wreath. Shoulder straps: Flag Officers. Gold royal crown over gold anchor and three gold stars. Ufficiali Superiore. Black with a gold edge, royal crown and two gold stars. Ufficiali Inferiore. Black with a gold royal crown and one star. ITALY 159 Officers of other branches wear similar shoulder straps edged with the color of the branch, and car- rying a device similar to that worn on the epaulettes. A transverse shoulder strap is worn on full dress and frock coat as follows: Flag Officers of the Executive Branch. Black edged with gold, with a large foul anchor and crown. Flag Officers of Other Branches. Black edged with gold and an outer edge of the color of the branch, with device similar to that w^orn on the epaulettes. Ufficiali Superiore (all branches). Black with gold edge, a gold rope running through the center. Ufficiali Inferiore (all branches). A plain gold stripe. The following badges of rank and class are worn by Warrant Officers: Chief Warrant Officer. One gold stripe with diag- onal blue lines on each cuff. The specialty device is worn on each sleeve just above the elbow. Warrant Officer. The specialty device, worn on each sleeve just above the elbow. Chief Petty Officers. Chief petty officers dress similarly to warrant officers. The distinctive marks of rank and branch are two gold chevrons, one narrow and one broad, worn on the sleeve just above the elbow, and surmounted by the device of the branch. Those of three years seniority add a narrow chevron. Petty Officers. Two red chevrons, one narrow and one broad, surmounted by the device of the branch also in red. 160 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK Leading and Able Seamen, Leading seamen wear one narrow red chevron on sleeve just above elbow, with device of branch also in red. Able seamen wear the device of branch only. Ordinary seamen have no distinguishing mark for branch. CHAPTER XXVI AUSTRIA-HUNGARY Army Uniforms The principal insignia distinctive of the miHtary rank of the personnel of the army are placed on the stand-up collars of the tunics, the Hussar jackets, the Lancer jackets, the blouses, etc., and are as fol- lows: For officers of the military profession, auditors, army doctors, military accountants, and other officials: In the rank of General, embroidery in gold consisting of golden borders and silver embroidered stars; be- sides on the cuffs gold embroidery consisting of golden borders. In the rank of Staff Officer, gold or silver borders (according to the buttons) and silver or gold embroidered stars (contrary to the buttons); besides on the cuffs gold or silver borders. In the rank of superior officer, gold or silver embroidered stars (according to the buttons). Those without order of rank, small silver border and stars. Sergeant-major, small yellow silk border and white celluloid stars. Other non-commissioned officers and lance-corporals, white celluloid stars. 161 PLATE XXXIX AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN ARMY Insignia of Rank on Collar GENERAL GENERALofDIVISION BRIGADIER GENERAL COLONEL LIEUT. COLONEL MAJOR CARTA I N FIRST LIEUTENANT SECOND LIEUTENANT 162 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY 163 For officials attached to the army: Like the corre- sponding rank of the officers; however, instead of stars, gold or silver embroidered rosettes. The gold or silver borders of the Generals and Staff Officers are of different design from those of the corresponding ranks of the officials. DISTINCTIVE MARKS OF EACH RANK Fieldmarshal. General's buttons and a gold acorn worn on the collar and on the sleeve. General Officers General Infantry- Cavalry Master of Ordnance General of Division or Fieldmarshal Lieutenant Major General General Auditor Doctor of General Staff, etc. } Gold braid with general's buttons Three silver stars worn on collar Two silver stars worn on collar One silver star worn on collar Colonel Doctor of Staff Lieut. Colonel Major Staff Officers Gold or silver braid and buttons with numerals on them Three silver stars Two silver stars One silver star 1G4 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK Subaltern Officers Captain Cavalry Captain Chief Auditor Regimental Doctor Chief Accountant First Lieutenant Second Lieutenant Asst. Surgeon Color Sergeant Cadet ' Three gold or silver stars Two gold or silver stars One gold or silver star One gold or silver star One gold border and one silver plated star Narrow gold border and celluloid star Sergeants Accountant (non-com. 1st class) Chief of Guard Master Gunner, 1st class Regimental Drummer Regimental Bugler Battahon Bugler Regimental Trimipeter Master of Technical Art. 1st cl. Artillery Master. 1st class Accoimtant vuon-com. 2d class) Master Gimsmith. 2d class Artillery Master. 2d class Battalion Bugler. 2d class Di^-ision and Battahon Tnmipeter Regimental Saddler Blacksmith Locksmith Master of Technical Art, 2d cl. Narrow yellow silk braid and three celluloid stars on collar Three white celluloid stars on collar Corporal Privates { Two white celluloid stars on collar Without distinction AUSTRIA-HUNGARY 165 Navy Uniforms The general system of indicating the branch of the service and the relative ranks of officers of the Austro-Hungarian Navy is the same as in the British Nav>", i.e., for branch of service by colors on the cuffs and between the stripes, and the curl in the case of executive officers; for seniority, broad and narrow stripes of gold lace. Officers of the military branch are always to wear uniform ashore except when attending a class of instruction at a high school, hunting, shooting, or plajdng games. Other officers may wear plain clothes. Abroad, plain clothes are always to be worn. Officers on half-pay and those not on the active list wear plain clothes; uniform may be worn on cere- monial occasions. The distinctive colors of the various branches are as follows: Military Branch. Same as the cloth. Medical Branch. Black. Technical Officers. Crimson. Engineering Branch. Gray. Accountant Branch. Light blue. Teaching Staff and Hydrcgraphic Officials. Dark blue. Clerical Staff (Kanzleibeamten). Brown. Officers in full dress may be distinguished by the color of the velvet on the cuffs and by silver stars or rosettes on both sides of the collar; in all other 166 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK uniforms, by stripes on the sleeve or shoulder straps and colored silk between the stripes. The distinguishing ranks on the uniform are stripes on the sleeves. The Admiral's broad stripe is two inches, the medium stripe of the Captains and Com- mander, IJ inches, and the ordinary stripe, yq inch wide. Stripes are I inch apart, and the upper stripe of executive officers is fitted with a curl. AdmiraL Qne broad stripe and three ordinary stripes. Vice Admiral. One broad stripe and two ordinary stripes. Rear Admiral. One broad stripe and one ordinary stripe. Flag Officers of the military branch wear a gold crown above the upper stripe; of the medical branch, a gold star; other branches, a gold rosette. Captain. One medium and three ordinary stripes. Captain of a Cruiser. One medium and two ordi- nary stripes. Commander. One medium and one ordinary stripe. Lieutenant Commander. Three ordinary stripes. Lieutenant. Two ordinary stripes. Sub-Lieutenant. One ordinary stripe. Midshipman. One ordinary stripe half round the sleeves. The Monkey Jacket is similar to that in use in the British Navy. Officers of the military and medical branches wear a small gold stripe on each shoulder. Shoulder Straps on Full Di-ess Coats 6MtoV.'i i 'iS\a REAR ADMIRfvL COMMANDER LIEUTENANT SUR6E0N PLATE XL AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN NAVY insign.a of Rank on Cuffs of Frock Coafsond Monkey Jackets ADMIRAL CAPTAIN COMMANDER SENIOR LIEUTENANT LIEUTENANT ^ SUBLIEUTENANT MI05H1PMAN CADET SURGEON GENERAL OFFH:,.»L. ^jV SEAR ADMIRALS RANK ^■A-?*?^toI?^^ insignia of Rank ^'-■'^'--■■^:=="-] Collars of Full Dr DEPUTY SURGEON GENERAL ^m^^m OFFICIAL OF COM- MANDERS' RANK STAFF SURGEON SURfeEON ASST.PAV MASTER Coats on Dress CAPTWN OR SURGEON OF EOUIVALEUT RANK OFFICIAL OF LIEUTENANTS RANK SUB LIEUTENANT OR SUROEON OF EOUIVALENTRANK 167 168 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK Epaulette Devices For the Military Branch. Silver stars according to rank, and a gold crown for flag officers. Gold crown and anchor for other officers. For the Medical Branch. A silver vEsculapius' staff. In addition, for officers of flag rank, silver stars ac- cording to rank. For the Official Branches. A gold rosette for offi- cers of the equivalent rank of Rear Admiral. No device for other officers. BuUions. For officers of rank of Commander and above, a double row of bright gold bullions J inch thick. For officers of rank of Lieutenant Commander and Lieutenant, a double row of gold bullions | inch thick. Sub-lieutenants and Midshipmen wear no bullions. Shoulder Straps Stripes and colored silk similar to those worn on the sleeve of the coat. The crown, star or rosette of ffag oflricers is worn in the center of the broad stripe. Medical officers have a gold Jj]sculapius' staff in ad- dition to the stripes. Warrant Officers of the Austro-Hungarian Navy wear no full dress or cocked hat. On occasions when these are ordered for officers, shoulder straps are worn with the frock coat. The Chief Petty Officer wears a frock coat and sword similar to the Warrant Officer and his uniform AUSTRIA-HUNGARY 169 differs only in the distinguishing marks of rank and branch. For Rank. Gold lace stripes worn half round on the outside part of the sleeve of the monkey jacket or frock coat with a button in the center of the stripe. For Chief Warrant Officers. Three stripes i inch broad and | inch apart. For Warrant Officers. Two stripes i inch broad, i inch apart. For Chief Petty Officers. One stripe ^ inch broad. For Branch. The distinguishing marks are worn on the left arm halfway between shoulder and elbow. Petty Officers and Men. The distinguishing marks for rank are stars on the corners of the collar; for branch, badges on the upper half of the left sleeve. CHAPTER XXVII JAPAN Army Uniforms The insignia of rank of the officers are shown, (1) by the broad trimmings on the kepi, (2) by the inter- lacings on the sleeves, (3) by the style of the collars, and (4) by the shoulder straps. On the kepi the subalterns and the officers of the rank of captain have four single cords which run from the rim to the top. The staff officers have four double cords. The Generals four triple cords. A closer distinction of the ranks is furnished by the number of cords forming a band around the kepi, which is bound at the top by one cord for all grades. This cord is not included in the following enumera- tion : Sergeant Major. No cord. Lieutenant. One cord. First Lieutenant. Two cords. Captain, Cavalry Captain. Three cords. Major. Four cords. Lieutenant Colonel. Five cords. Colonel. Six cords. Major General. Seven cords. 170 PLATE XLI JAPANESE ARMY Shoulder Marks FIELD MAR5HM OR GEnER^L <;,^,>^>i>^,^^,;>^,^-^>^^>>>^>>^^ ^ fc;i>::^;>:>^S.vvvS^^=>Si^^ L?EUTENA.NT GENERAL ^?»>>>>>>>»->»v>y^-^^^>^^^-^> >^^>»^^»^^ MAJOR GENERAL COLONEL t--- ■-■■■•-- ..■■■■■■.■■■.. ■.■ .......■■■.■■..-T- MM: I J.J ■ i-L, ■^^■^ii^M^^rr:fi>J/^k!!!^^;!^^S-l^^i^^ i^^»^>%^SV>^VV>^>^^>>^^^ CAPTAm VN S sv;.-/.'>v^>^>^>>^)»:>^>;??^:; v; :.. ■ - ' ..' ;..,y-.X:>i> '/ ^ HEUT COLONEL y^mik^s:^i^^i^i^^^ii^^^^imm;:SSm i;>;ia>vb5>>>ws»^^>i^^ FIRST LIEUTEN^N^ ' ""i '> ' ft *' ?^^?:^s::->»>»» 53 MAJOR i ^' « c^^^V <' ■ <■ %^^^1».¥>ie->---k:.^^ 171 172 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK Lieutenant General. Eight cords. Field Marshal. Nine cords. Interlacing on Sleeves Sergeant Major. Wears no interlacing or braid. Lieutenant. Wears interlacing of one cord. First Lieutenant. Wears interlacing of two cords. Captain, Cavalry Captain. Wears interlacing of three cords. Major. Wears interlacing of four cords. Lieutenant Colonel. Wears interlacing of five cords. Colonel. Wears interlacing of six cords. Major General. Wears interlacing of five cords, with a bottom edging. Lieutenant General. Wears interlacing of six cords, with a bottom edging. Field Marshal. Wears interlacing of seven cords, with a bottom edging. The pattern of the collar is of four different kinds, namely, (1) for color-sergeant, (2) for subaltern officers and captains, (3) for staff officers and (4) for generals. Shoulder straps are divided into three different groups, namely, (1) color sergeants, lieutenants and captains, (2) for staff officers, (3) for generals. The shoulder knots for dress uniforms of general officers are broad and of interlaced gold cord. A field marshal or general has on the shoulder strap three silver stars; lieutenant general two, silver stars; and major general, one silver star. The shoulder knots of the staff officers is of interlaced gold cord, JAPAN 173 but of a narrower design. A colonel has on the shoulder strap three silver stars; lieutenant colonel, two silver stars; major, one silver star. The shoulder knots of subaltern officers are of a longer and narrower design than that of higher ranking officers. A captain has on his shoulder knot three silver stars; a first lieutenant, two silver stars; a second lieutenant, one silver star; and a sergeant major, no star. The insignia of rank shown on the shoulder straps is as follows: General. Three gold stars moimted on a gold shoulder strap with red edging. Lieut. General. Two gold stars mounted on a gold shoulder strap with red edging. Major General. One gold star mounted on a gold shoulder strap with red edging. Colonel. Three gold stars mounted on a shoulder strap with three red and four gold stripes. Lieut. Colonel. Two gold stars mounted on a shoulder strap with three red and four gold stripes. Major. One gold star mounted on a shoulder strap with three red and four gold stripes. Captain. Three gold stars mounted on a shoulder strap with two wide red and three gold stripes. First Lieutenant. Two gold stars mounted on a shoulder strap with two wide red and three gold stripes. Second Lieutenant. One gold star mounted on a shoulder strap with two wide red and three gold stripes. 174 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK Color Distinction Pioneer. Maroon. Transportation. Light blue. Veterinary. Dark green. Commissary. Gray. Artillery. Light red. Cavalry. Green (olive). Infantry. Yellow. Navy Uniforms Japanese Naval Uniforms are very similar to British, and are worn on similar occasions. The undress coat, corresponding to the British Monkey Jacket, is a tunic edged with black braid, the distinguishing lace being also of black braid. Generally speaking, where in British devices a crown occurs, a cherry blossom occurs in the corre- sponding Japanese device. Engineer Officers wear the executive curl and purple cloth between the stripes. Civil Officers wear no curl, and are distinguished by cloth of the following colors: Medical Branch. Red. Accountant Branch. White. Constructor Branch. Ship, Engine : Brown. Constructor Branch. Ordnance : Maroon. Hydr ©graphic Branch. Light blue. *Musicians. Indigo blue. *Carpenters. Green. * Chief Warrant and Warrant Officers. ENOIhLLR UEUTCIS^^tlT ^^^^^^^^^^ f 1, , / ^^^^^^^^M ENGmEER MIDSHIPMAN $!^^^s^mrM \WARRA.HT OFFICER OF ENGltHEERS PLATE XLn JAPANESE NAVY Shoulder- Strops. S'jmmef Dress CHIEF WARRWHT OFFICER Insignia of Rank on Cuffs 'Ml ' ■"ilMl -I'lll' 'III. 111. ■nil" '.''I'll' ■ i||i' ''III' ADMIRAL •CVJ^ o VICE ADM1RA,L COMMANDER n. ADMIRAL VICE ADMIRAL REAR ADMIRAL CAPTAIN COMMANDER II- 'ill III' III -niii I' 'ii" "'U' ■ '"•'■ '•!»■ I" ~ "" '^ IlFirrrOMMANDER LIEUTENANT SUBLIEUTENANT SUB LlEUTENAnT MlDSHfRMAN UltUT.COMMANDLR ISXCLASS 2'*° CLASS 175 176 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK The distinguishing colors for the Engineering and Civil Branches are also worn round the cap-band. Lower deck ratings are distinguished by a badge on the left arm of which the pecuhar feature is: Seamen. Anchor. Musicians. Lyre. Carpenters. Axe. Engineroom Ratings. Double Spanner. Sick Berth Ratings. Forceps. Writers. Writing brush. Cooks. Key. Naval Reserve (Mercantile Marine) Executive Officers wear stripes of half the width of those of the Imperial Navy, with no curl. Engineer Officers wear the same with purple cloth. CHAPTER XXVIII RUSSIA Army Uniforms The color of the Russian uniform is a greenish yellow, of a much lighter shade than that worn by most armies using the khaki uniform. Field overcoats are made of a grayish brown material extremely thick and heavy. Coats and trousers are tight-fitting and high black boots are worn by officers and men of all branches of the service. Unlike the Navy, the insignia of rank has not been changed since the revolution, the old shoulder marks being worn. All medals and decorations are worn on the service uniforms on all occasions. Navy Uniforms The insignia of rank of the Russian uniform has been changed since the Revolution to correspond with that of all republican countries. Shoulder straps which were formerly worn to designate rank have been abohshed and ranks are now shown by distinctive braid worn on both arms. On all coats the braid encircles the sleeve, except the great coat (overcoat), 177 MARSHAL I A h / / / / COLONEL FIRST LIEUTENANT mr SARGEANT MAJOR PLATE XLIII RUSSIAN ARMY Shoulder Marks GENERALOF ARMY CORPS SECOND LIEUTENANT H n SARGEANT GENERALOF A DIVISION LIEUT COLONEL MAJOR ^ R CHIEF ADJUTANT CORPORAL GENERALOF ABRIGADE ^ ADJUTANT SOLDIER PLATE XLIV RUSSIAN NAVY Insignia of Rank on Cuff Stripe IS White ^ SHTAB-CAPTAIN LIEUT COLONEL (CONSTRUCTOR) 179 SURGEON (JUNIOR) 180 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK when the braid is only sewn on the outside half of the sleeve. The following stripes are worn by Executive Offi- cers and corresponding non-combatant ranks : Admiral. One |-inch stripe with curl, two 1-inch stripes below, and above the curl three 5-pointed stars. Vice Admiral. The same with two stars instead of three stars. Rear Admiral. The same with one star instead of three stars. Captain. Three f-inch stripes, the upper one with curl. Commander. Two f-inch stripes, the upper one with curl. Lieutenant Commander. One f-inch stripe with curl and three |-inch stripes. Lieutenant. One f-inch stripe with curl and two J-inch stripes. Michman (Lieut., junior grade). One f-inch stripe with curl, with one J-inch stripe. Gold stripes and stars (for flag rank) are worn by executive officers, engineer officers, ''Admiralty" offi- cers, and hydrographers. There is no distinction between executive and engineer officers. Silver stripes and stars (for flag rank) are worn by surgeons, law branch officers, and constructors. Further distinction is made as follows, by cloth sewn beneath the lowest stripe: Constructors. Red. Law Branch. Mauve. RUSSIA 181 Hydrographers. Blue. Surgeons. White. The caps worn are of the same pattern as those of the British Navy. The cap badge consists of embroid- dery laurel leaves in gold with foul anchor in silver. Above the anchor is a 5-pointed gold-embroidered star. Officers wearing gold stripes have gold em- broidery and a silver anchor; other, silver embroidery and a gold anchor. CHAPTER XXIX BELGIUM Army Uniforms At the beginning of the war the Belgian Army was clothed in very gaudy and conspicuous uniforms. This great fault was soon removed, however, after the German invasion. The Belgian winter field uniform is made out of woolen cloth. The mounted troops and those who are on bicycle wear breeches with fawn colored leggins, while the infantry wear trousers with smaller leggins. The cut of the uniform is practically the same as the one of the English uniform, but with a stiff collar. Privates and N.C.O. wear a leather belt with six cartridge-boxes, each containing 3 loaders, i.e., 90 cartridges. The cap has the same shape as the English Army cap and bears a round enameled escutcheon repre- senting the Belgian colors. In summer time they wear the light khaki cotton uniform. The winter blouse bears shoulder straps on which numbers and special insignia are embroidered. Collar and shoulder straps bear collar facings and pipings of various colors as well as numbers and 182 BELGIUM 183 other insignia by which one can distinguish corps and regiments. The metalUc insignia are: gold for the commis- sioned officers, silver for the non-commissioned officers, bronze for privates. The different insignia of the various corps is as follows : (1) Infantry. Red vermiUon collar facing; Arabic number in metal on the cap and embroidered in red on the shoulder straps. Blue pipmg. (2) Cavalry. Guides. Amaranth collar facing; Ara- bic number in metal with a royal crown on the cap and embroidered in amaranth on the shoulder straps. Green piping. Lancers. White collar facing; Arabic number in metal on the cap and embroidered on the shoulder straps. Blue piping. Chasseurs. Yellow collar facing; Arabic nmnber in metal on the cap and embroidered on the shoulder straps. Blue piping. (3) Artillery. Blue-black collar facing; Roman number in metal (showing the corps) on the cap and embroidered in red on the shoulder straps. Red piping. (4) Engineers (pontonniers, aerostation, etc.). Black collar facing; Roman helmet in metal on the cap and on the collar. Red piping. (5) Army Service Corps. Blue collar facing; Roman number in metal (showing the corps) on the cap. Blue piping. 184 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK (6) Medical Corps. Physicians, surgeons. Red Amaranth velvet collar facing; caduceus in metal on the cap and on the collar facing. Blue piping. Veterinary Surgeons. Blue velvet collar facings; caduceus in metal on the cap and on the collar facing. Chemists. Green velvet collar facing; caduceus in metal on the cap and on the collar facing. (7) Administrative Corps. Commissariats, tresi-riers etc. Blue collar facing; two letters S. and A, inter- laced on the collar and on the cap. Roman num- ber (showing the corps) on the shoulder straps. Blue piping. (8) Gendarmerie. Still wear the old uniform, i.e., blouse and trousers or breeches in black cloth. Red collar facing bearing a grenade (officers) and a silver button (troops). Stiff cap in black cloth with grenade and an escutcheon representing the Belgian colors. PLATE XLV BELGIAN ARMY Insignia of Rank on Collar I i> ^ m^^^ LIEUT. GENERAL ^ MAJOR GEMERAL 1 COLONEL »> ^ L1EUT..COL0NEL «: MAJOR CAPTAIN COMMANDANT CAPTAIN 2^° CLASS ^si^PPPlfs jy-'-- ■-^^^■^.\T:i'ii-^^:.t^.^--U^^ FIRST LIEUTENANT >^?5«p^?f?^^?^ S»^- SECOND LIEUTENANT 185 ^^^■•""^"■^--^''-'•i^'^^^^v!^ *■;« M ■f<-^^:^^'^m ADJUTANT 186 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK BADGES OF RANK Officers On Each Side of Collar of Rank. Service Jacket.* On Cap. Lieutenant 2 vertical gold lace 2 vertical gold lace General stripes, 3 gold stars, stripes on each side of gold thunderbolt. gold thunderbolt. Major Gen- 2 vertical gold lace 2 vertical gold lace eral stripes, 2 gold stars, stripes on each side of gold thunderbolt. gold thunderbolt. Colonel 1 vertical gold lace stripe, 1 vertical gold lace stripe 3 gold stars. on each side of gold regimental number or general staff badge. Lieutenant 1 vertical gold lace stripe, 1 vertical gold lace stripe Colonel 2 gold stars. on each side of gold regimental number or general staff badge. Major 1 vertical gold lace stripe, 1 vertical gold lace stripe 1 gold star. on each side of gold regimental number or general staff badge. Captain 3 gold stars. 1 vertical gold lace stripe Com- on each side of gold mandant regimental number or general staff badge. Captain 2 gold stars and 1 silver star. None. Lieutenant 2 gold stars. None. 2d Lieuten- 1 gold star. None. ant. * The same badges of rank are worn on the great coat. ■j" The thunderbolt, not shown in figures, is on the right of the stars. BELGIUM 187 NON-COMMISSIQNED OfFICEJIS Warrant Officer. One silver star on collar. Color Sergeant Major. Three rings or stripes of narrow dark brown braiding around cuff. Sergeant Major. Two rings or stripes of narrow dark brown braid around cuff and 2 stripes of same material above elbow. First Sergeant. Two rings or stripes of narrow dark brcwTi braid around cuff. Quartermaster Sergeant. One ring or stripe of narrow dark brown braiding around cuff and 1 stripe of same material above elbow. Sergeant. One ring or stripe of narrow dark brown braiding on arm below elbow. Corporal. One ring or stripe of broad dark brown or white braid on arm below elbow. There are also other insignia in metal for special corps like aviators, cycUsts, bomb throwers, postal service, naval pon- tonniers, etc. The winter cloak is very ample for the cavalry and artillery and shorter for the infantry. Navy Belgium has no Navy. CHAPTER XXX TURKEY Army Uniforms With the exception of the red or black fez as a head-gear, which in the field is protected by covering of material of the same color as the uniform, the uniform of the Turkish Army is practically the same in cut, color, trimmings, etc., as that of the German field service uniform. Medals and decorations are worn at all times. Navy Uniforms The Turkish Navy is manned partly by German officers and men. The insignia of rank is similar to that of the British Navy. Admiral of the Fleet. Four small stripes above 1 broad stripe, the top stripe forming a curl. Admiral. Three small stripes above 1 broad stripe, the top stripe forming a curl. Vice Admiral. Two small stripes above 1 broad stripe, the top stripe forming a curl. Rear-Admiral. One small stripe above 1 broad stripe, the top stripe forming a curl. Commodore. Broad stripe with circle denoting curl, above. 188 TURKEY 189 Captain. Four narrow stripes, the top stripe form- ing a curl. Lieut. Captain. Same as Captain with the excep- tion of the stripe next to the top stripe, which is one- half the width of the other 3 stripes. Commander. Three narrow stripes, top stripe forming a curl. Lieut. Commander. Same as Commander with the exception of the middle stripe, which is one-half the width of the other stripes. Lieutenant. Two narrow stripes, the top stripe forming a curl. Sub-Lieutenant. One narrow stripe with curl. Other branches of the service wear no curl, but are distinguished by colors between the stripes as follows: Doctors, crimson; Engineers, scarlet; Con- structors, blue; Paymasters, white. CHAPTER XXXI SERBIA Army Uniforms In the reorganization of the Serbian Army, under the French and Italian direction, at the beginning of the war, a grayish-brown colored uniform of a cut similar to that of the French Army was adopted, with shrapnel-helmets as a head-gear. Navy Serbia has no Navy. MONTENEGRO Army Uniforms The Montenegro Army wears the field service uni- form following the Italian uniform in cut, but the Russian uniform in color, trimmings, and equipment. The native, little round cap of the corresponding color to the rest of the uniform is worn. Navy Montenegro has no Navy. 190 GENERAL MAJOR 1ST LIEUTENKUT «' 1 ^h' PLATE XLVI SERBIAN ARMY Shoulder Marks COLONEL CAPTMN 1ST CLASS OND L1EUTEN^^\T 'k LIEUT. COLONEL GAPTMN 2^°CLASS •^ a ■i^ J SERGEANT MAJOR ¥ SERGEANT CORPORAL SOLDIER 192 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK RUMANIA Army Uniforms The Rumanian Army wears a field service uni- form of a light shade of khaki, similar to that of Russia. The- colors of the trimmings, insignia of rank, etc., are retained from the old distinctive uni- forms. PORTUGAL Army Uniforms The Portuguese Army wears a field uniform light gray in color, of a pattern similar to that of the French Army. The cap is of a distinctly British type. BULGARIA Army Uniforms The Bulgarian field service uniform is similar to that of the Russian in material, cut, and equipment. This similarity was so pronounced previous to the present war that unless one was familiar with minor details, it was almost impossible to distinguish them. Navy Bulgaria has no Navy. CHAPTER XXXII UNITED STATES WAR MEDALS The custom of decorating those who have dis- tinguished themselves by deeds of valor, with badges or medals designed for that purpose, goes back a number of centuries, but, until comparatively recent times, these decorations were usually bestowed upon those of high rank, the common soldier receiving but little recognition. In our own country medals were awarded by the government for victories on land and sea, from the Revolution to the Civil War. These were not intended to be worn. They were usually of large size, the commanding officers received them in gold, and they were given to subordinate officers in silver. By an act of Congress, approved December 21, 1861, the United States Government established its first decoration : The Navy Medal of Honor This medal was formerly given to non-commissioned officers and enlisted men only, for deeds of extraor- dinary bravery. The award of the Navy Medal of Honor to com- missioned officers of the Navy, Marine Corps and 193 194 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK Coast Guard was authorized by an act of Congress, March 3, 1915. It consists of a five-pointed star of bronze, 54 mm. in diameter, each point containing a branch of oak and laurel, and terminating in a trefoil. In the center, encircled by thirty-four stars, America, personified as Minerva, her helmet bearing an eagle, stands with her left hand supporting fasces, and her right holding the United States shield, with which she repulses Discord, who holds two serpents in each hand; below, in very small letters, Paquet F. On the reverse is engraved the name, rank, and ship of the recipient and the place and date of the deed for which the medal is given, preceded by the words, '^ Personal Valor." The star is attached by an anchor to an open clasp of fasces, bearing a five-pointed star in the center, suspended by a ribbon one inch wide, which is a variation of the American flag, consisting of a plain blue field of the entire width of the ribbon, and thir- teen red and white stripes, from a clasp pin, similar to the lower clasp but without the star. On August 12, 1913, an order was issued by the Secretary of Navy, making changes in the ribbons of a number of medals, so that they would be the same as those worn by the army for similar service. This order changed the ribbon to a light blue silk, bearing thirteen white stars, the ribbon worn around the neck being of the same color, but without white stars. The Medal of Honor is worn pendant from the neck. UNITED STATES WAR MEDALS 195 The Army Medal of Honor This medal, the new design of which was author- ized by Act of Congress approved April 23, 1904, is made of silver, heavily electroplated in gold, this departure from the use of the gun metal being neces- sary, as the base metals would not carry enameling. The chief feature of the old medal, the five-pointed star, has been retained, and in its center appears the head of the heroic Minerva, the highest symbol of wisdom and righteous war. Surrounding this central feature in circular form are the words United States of America representing nationality. An open laurel wreath, enameled in green, encircles the star, and the oak leaves at the bases of the prongs of the star are likewise enameled in green to give them prom- inence. The medal is suspended from a blue silk ribbon, spangled with thirteen white stars, representing the original states, and this ribbon is attached to an eagle supported upon a horizontal bar. Upon the bar, which is attached to two points of the star, ap- pears the word Valor, indicative of the distinguished service represented by the medal. The reverse of this bar is engraved with the words the Congress to The reverse side of the medal is engraved with the name of the person honored and the place and date of the distinguished service for which awarded. The medal may be suspended from the neck or attached by pin upon the left breast. The rosette is hexagonal 196 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK in form and spangled with thirteen white stars, and is identical in color with the ribbon. Formerly it was a five-pointed star of bronze, struck from the same die as the Navy medal, attached to a clasp consisting of an eagle with wings spread resting on two crossed cannons, below which are eight cannon balls, and suspended, by a ribbon similar to the ribbon on the Navy medal, from a clasp pin bearing the United States shield in the center, a laurel branch and a cornucopia filled with fruit on each side. The reverse of the star is engraved with the name and rank of the recipient, the company and regiment to which he belonged, and the place and date of the act for which the medal is given. When the medal is given on other grounds than an act of gallantry at some particular time and place, this last is left off, but in all cases the words The Congress to precede the name of the recipient. The medal is therefore known as the Congressional Medal of Honor. Navy Good Conduct Medal The medal is of bronze, size 32 mm. In the center, encircled by a rope, a full rigged ship, saihng to the right, below the word Constitution, the whole resting upon an anchor, the stock of which appears above and the flukes below, the chain forms a circle around the edge, between the rope and the chain are the words United States and on the lower part of the anchor the word Navy. UNITED STATES WAR MEDALS 197 Reverse, a plain field encircled by the legend Fidelity — ^Zeal — Obedience. In the center are en- graved the letters c. s. c. for Continous Service Certificate, the number of the certificate, the name of the recipient, ship on which he last served and the date of the expiration of the enlistment. The medal is attached to a plain open clasp, and suspended by a red ribbon. The additional clasps are plain with round ends, and rope around the edge, engraved with the name of the vessel. On the reverse the number, which corresponds with the number on the medal, and the date of the expiration of the enhstment for which the bar is given. Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal Authorized in 1896. Obverse. In the center encircled by a rope, a gunner standing behind a gun, below, a scroll bearing the inscription Semper Fidelis. The whole resting upon an anchor, the stock of which appears above, slightly to the left, and the flukes below, slightly to the right, the chain forming a circle around the edge, between the rope and the chain, the inscription United States Marine Corps. Reverse. Legend Fidelity Zeal Obedience encircling a plain field on which is engraved the number, name of the recipient, the words First Enlistment, the year in which the enlistment began, and the year in which it ended. 198 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK Bronze, size 33 mm., attached to a clasp in the shape of a musket, and suspended by a red ribbon with a narrow blue stripe in the center, from a pin edged with rope and inscribed U. S. Marine Corps. The additional bars are similar to the pin, engraved 2nd Enlistment, 3rd Enlistment, etc., with the num- ber corresponding to the number on the medal, and the years of the beginning and end of the enhstment. Medal for the Battle of Manila Bay Bust of Commodore Dewey in uniform, facing right. On truncation of bust, in very small letters, D. C. French, ji898o In field, to right, an anchor resting on a laurel wreath with star below. Inscription in field in ten hnes, nine of which are separated by the bust. The Gift — of the — people of the — United States — to the officers — ^and men of the — Asiatic Squadron — under the command — of Commodore — George Dewey. Reverse. A half-nude gunner seated upon a gun, holding a flag horizontally across his lap, below a tablet on which is stamped the name of one of the following ships: U. S. S. Olympia, U. S. S. Boston, U. S. S. Baltimore, U. S. S. Concord, U. S. S. Petrel, U. S. S. Raleigh, U. S. R. C. McCuUough. Legend, In . Memory . of . the . Victory . of . Manila . Bay . May 1, 1898. Name and rank of recipient stamped on the edge. Bronze, size 46 mm. Attached by two rings and one link, to a clasp pin, bearing in the center an eagle with wings spread, resting on conventionalized waves; PLATE XLVII UNITED STATES NAVY Medals and Decorations MEDAL OF HONOR / MARINE CORPS GOOD CONDUCT MEDAL / NAVY 'GOOD CONDUCT MEDAL CIVIL WAR CAMPAIGN BADGE WEST INDIES NAVAL CAMPAIGN MEDAL FOR SPECIALLY WERITOUOUS SERVICE WEST INDIES NAVAL CAMPAIGN BADGE BATTLE OF MANILA BAY MEDAL CHINA NICAURAGUAN SPANISH RELIEF EXPEDITION CAMPAIGN CAMPAIGN CAMPAIGN BADGE BADGE CUBAN PACIFICATION PHILIPPINE CAMPAIGN 200 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK to right, the hilt of a cross-handled sword, and to the left an olive branch; at each end half of a wheel; the ribbon which is attached to the pin is IJ inches wide, of three stripes, blue, yellow, and blue, the center stripe twice the width of the others. West Indies Naval Campaign Medal Bust of Admiral Sampson in uniform, facing left. Legend, U. S. Naval Campaign . West Indies 1898. In field to left, in three lines, William T. Sampson, to right, in three lines, Commander in Chief. Reverse. Officer, gunner, and marine on deck of battleship, in action; below, tablet bearing the name of engagement for which the medal is given, and below that, the month and day. The medal is of bronze, size 38 mm., suspended by a watered silk ribbon of three equal stripes, red, blue, and red, from an oblong clasp pin, edged with rope, inscribed with the name of the vessel. West Indies Naval Campaign Medal for Specially Meritorious Service Cross patte, in the center a medallion bearing an anchor encircled by a wreath of oak and laurel. Le- gend, U. S. Naval . Campaign . West . Indies . The four arms inscribed Specially Meritorious Service . 1898. On the plain reverse is engraved the name of the recipient, service for which given and date. Bronze, diameter of cross, 32 mm. Ribbon, watered silk, red. UNITED STATES WAR MEDALS 201 The issue of this medal is authorized in the Reso- lution of Congress (Pu])lic Resolution, No. 17) pro- viding for the West Indies Campaign Medal, to be given to the "officers and men of the Navy and Marine Corps who rendered specially meritorious service other- wise than in battle," such as the rescue of the crews from the burning Spanish ships that were destroyed on July 3 off Santiago, Cuba; the sinking of the Merrimac in the channel of Santiago Harbor by Naval Constructor Hobson and the men with him; skirting Santiago Harbor and locating the exact position of the Spanish fleet by Lieutenant Victor Blue, and other deeds of Uke character. Philippine Congressional Medal Obverse. Three soldiers marching to left, the one in the center bearing an American flag. Legend, Philippine Insurrection 1899. Reverse. Inscription in five fines for Patriotism Fortitude and Loyalty encircled by a wreath composed of a branch of palm and a branch of pine. Bronze, size, 33 nmi. Numbered on edge. Ribbon IJ inches wide, stripe of blue f inch in center, flanked on each side by four narrow stripes, white, red, white, and blue. Certificate of Merit Badge Obverse. A Roman war eagle facing with head turned to left and wings partially extended. Legend, Virtutis et Audacae Monumentum et Praemium. 202 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK Reverse. An oak wreath enclosing the words for merit, above, United States Army, below, thirteen stars. Bronze, 33 mm. Numbered on edge. Ribbon, 1^ inches wide, very narrow white stripe in center flanked on each side by three stripes, red, white, and blue. These badges were issued by order of the President to be given to each officer and enlisted man in the service who has received a Certificate of Merit. The authorization was published in General Orders No. 4, of the War Department, dated January 11, 1905. Campaign Badges — Army Civil War Draped bust of Lincoln facing three-quarters to the right. Legend, with malice toward none with charity for all. Reverse. Inscription in three hues. The Civil War 1861-1865. Encircled by a wreath of oak and laurel. Bronze, size 33 mm. These, and all other campaign badges, are numbered on the edge. First ribbon. Narrow white stripe in center, flanked by three stripes, blue, white, and red. Second ribbon. Two equal stripes, blue and gray. Indian Wars Indian in war bonnet, on horseback, facing right, spear in right hand, above, Indian Wars, below, wreath PLATE XLVIII UNITED STATES ARMY Medals and Decorations MEDAL OF CIVIL WAR CAMPAIGN BADGE CERTIFICATE OF MERIT BADGE PHILIPPINE CONGRESSIONAL MEDAL HONOR PHILIPPINE INSURRECTION ARMY CAMPAIGN BADGE ARMY OF CUBAN OCCUPATION ARMY OF CUBAN PACIFICATION WAR WITH SPAIN ARMY CAMPAIGN BADGE INDIAN WAR CAMPAIGN BADGE CHINA RELIEF EXPEDITION CAMPAIGN BAD.GE 204 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK composed of spearheads about two-thirds around the edge, united in the center by the skull of a bull. Reverse. An eagle with wings spread, perched on a mihtary trophy consisting of a cannon, six rifles, and four standards, an Indian shield, quiver of arrows and three spears, a Cuban machete, and a Sulu kris. Above, United States Army, below, in two lines, for Service, and below that, thirteen stars. Bronze, size 33 mm. Ribbon. Red with narrow borders of slightly darker red. War with Spain Castle with two small round towers at corners, said to be a modification of the castle that appears on the Royal Arms of Spain, the round towers pos- sibly referring to the two Morro Castles, at Havana and Santiago de Cuba; above. War with Spain below, 1898, to right and left, separating the legend and date, a branch of the tobacco plant and a stalk of sugar cane. Reverse as last. Bronze, size 33 mm. First ribbon. Wide stripe of yellow in center, on each side a stripe of red bordered by a narrow stripe of blue. Second ribbon. In center, three equal stripes, blue, yellow, and blue, bordered by narrow stripe of yellow. UNITED STATES WAR MEDALS 205 Philippine Insurrection Cocoanut palm tree bearing fruit. In field to right, scales; to left, Roman lamp. Legend, Philippine Insurrection 1899. Reverse as last. Bronze, size 33 mm. Ribbon. Broad stripe of blue in center, stripe of red on each side and narrow border of blue. China Relief Expedition Imperial, five-toed dragon, facing. Legend, China Relief Expedition— 1900-1901. Reverse as last. Bronze, size 33 mm. Ribbon. Yellow, with narrow blue borders. Army of Cuban Pacification Shield bearing the arms of Cuba, resting on fasces, surmounted by a liberty cap bearing a single star, branch of oak and laurel below, on each side a soldier in the service uniform of the United States Army, rifle at parade rest; above, in two hnes, Cuban Paci- fication, below, 1906-1909. Reverse as last. Bronze, size 33 mm. Ribbon. Wide olive stripe in center, flanked by narrow stripes of blue, white, and red. Army of Cuban Occupation Shield bearing the arms of Cuba resting on a fasces surmounted by a liberty cap on which is a single star, to right and left, branches of oak and laurel; 206 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK above, the dates 1898-1902, below, ornament con- sisting of a dot and two spearheads. Legend, Army of Occupation Military Government of Cuba. Reverse as last. Bronze, size 33 mm. Ribbon, three equal stripes, red, blue and red, separated by narrow stripes of yellow, and a narrow stripe of blue on each edge. Campaign Badges — Navy and Marine Corps Civil War — Navy Representation of the conflict between the Monitor and Merrimac. Legend, The Civil War, 1861-1865. Reverse. Eagle with wings spread resting on an anchor, below, in two lines, For Service, and below that, branches of oak and laurel joined by a ribbon. Legend, United States Navy. Bronze, size 33 mm. First ribbon. Watered silk, equal stripes of blue and gray. Second ribbon. Plain silk, same colors. Civil War — Marine Corps The same as for the Navy, except the legend on the reverse, United States Marine Corps. All of the following were issued for the two branches of the service, the respective obverses being from the same dies, and the reverses differing only in legend — United States Navy or United States Marine Corps. UNITED STATES WAR MEDALS 207 West Indies Campaign View of Morro Castle, Harbor of Havana. Legend, West Indies Campaign 1898. Reverse as last. Bronze, size 33 mm. First ribbon. Watered silk, yellow with red stripe with one-eighth of an inch from each edge. Second ribbon. Plain silk, in center three equal stripes, blue, yellow and blue, bordered by narrow stripe of yellow. Spanish Campaign The same as the West Indies Campaign, except the legend on the obverse, which reads Spanish Cam- paign 1898. Navy, obverse, first ribbon. Marine Corps, obverse, second ribbon. Philippine Campaign View of the gate to the old walled city of Manila. Legend, Philippine Campaign, 1899-1903. The dates and inscription being separated by palm branches. Reverse as last. Bronze, size 33 mm. First ribbon. Watered silk, three equal stripes, red, yellow, and red. Second ribbon. Plain silk, broad stripe of blue in center, stripe of red on each side and narrow border of blue. Marine Corps obverse. 208 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK China Relief Expedition Gate to the Forbidden City, Peking, dragon in the foreground. Legend, China Relief Expedition, 1900. Reverse as last. First ribbon. Watered silk, yellow with narrow black stripe, one-eighth of an inch from edge. Navy, obverse. Second ribbon. Plain silk, yellow with narrow blue borders. Marine Corps, obverse. As in the case of the Army campaign badges, those of the Navy and Marine Corps were authorized by order of the President. Cuban Pacification Figure representing America, with sword suspended from girdle, in her left hand an American flag, her right arm extended, offering an ohve branch to a Cuban, tropical scene in background, dove of peace above. Legend, Cuban Pacification, 1908. Reverse as last. Bronze, size 33 mm. Ribbon. Plain silk, wide ohve stripe in center, flanked by narrow stripes of blue, white, and red. Navy, obverse. Marine Corps, obverse. UNITED STATES WAR MEDALS 209 NiCARAGUAN CAMPAIGN Tropical scene with Mount Momotombo in the middle distance. Legend, Nicaraguan Campaign, 1912. Branch of laurel to right and branch of oak to left of date. Reverse as last. Bronze, size 33 mm. Ribbon. Plain silk, broad stripe of red in center, stripe of blue on each side and narrow red borders. Navy, obverse. Marine Corps, obverse. CHAPTER XXXIII RIBBONS OF MEDALS AND BADGES Nothing is more puzzling to the average citizen than these Uttle ribbons. The fact is that each Uttle ribbon and each vertical stripe of color therein has a deep and honorable signifi- cance. Every If inches of the stripe denotes that the bearer is the possessor of a medal awarded for valor, or the possessor of a badge for service in some campaign. As the various medals are too cumbersome to wear at all times, the ribbons of the medals and badges are author- ized to be worn in their stead with prescribed uniform. Medals and badges are worn by the Officers only on the full dress uniform and by the enlisted men only on the dress uniform on occasions of ceremony. The ribbons of medals and badges are worn on various other uniforms on occasions of ceremonies prescribed by the regulations and on all uniforms in time of war. Plates 49 and 50 show the colors and arrangement of these various ribbons.* 1. Medal of Honor. Navy and Army, first ribbon. This ribbon was changed in 1913 to that shown in No. 3. * Courtesy of the American Numismatic Society, from whose monograph " United States War Medals," by B. L. Belden, these are reproduced. 210 RIBBOxNS OF MEDALS AND BADGES 211 2. Medal of Honor. Army, second ribbon. 3. Medal of Honor. Navy, second ribbon. Army, third ribbon. 4. Navy Good Conduct Medal. First medal. 5. Navy Good Conduct Medal. Second medal. 6. Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal. 7. Medal for the Battle of Manila Bay. 8. West Indies Naval Campaign Medal, 1898. 9. Medal for Specially Meritorious Service, West Indies Naval Campaign, 1898. 10. Philippine Congressional Medal. 11. Certificate of Merit Badge. 12. Campaign Badge. Civil War, Army, first ribbon. 13. Campaign Badge, Civil War, Army, second rib- bon; Navy and Marine Corps, second ribbon. 14. Campaign Badge. Indian Wars, Army. 15. Campaign Badge. War with Spain, Army, first ribbon. 16. Campaign Badge. War with Spain, Army, sec- ond ribbon; West Indies Campaign, Navy and Marine Corps, second ribbon; Spanish Campaign, Navy and Marine Corps, second ribbon. 17= Campaign Badge. PhiHppine Insurrection, Army; PhiHppine Campaign, Navy and Marine Corps, second ribbon. 18. Campaign Badge. China Rehef Expedition, Army; China Rehef Expedition, Navy and Marine Corps, second ribbon. 19. Campaign Badge. Cuban Pacification, Army, Navy and Marine Corps. PLATE XLIX UNITED STATES WAR MEDAL RIBBONS ■ u— ^ J^^Ki c M a e > ll o 1 - " § aoiO O j...iiiiii..^ '"'tlWIlW e3 C as • <-« >^ •^ 03 . >> 0) > 03'^ bC c3 a c ti C cS O o o a; o ■MMM^aafl c a ^^^^^^^^^^^^B 'aa t-i ^^^^^^^^^^H _aa c3 ^^^^^^^1 ^ 'T^ < ^^^^^^^^^^H '^^ _ fl ^^^^^^^^^^H PUPh y. <=> ^^^^^^^^^H dj2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 03^ ■■■1 ^^^^^H 03 . ■^ O ^^^^^^^^^^^1 PQg HHHI^ a d J c'l MK! jj^BHBHHH M j- ■3 1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^B o3 fc- acQ ^^^^^^^^H O-S s t: ^^^^^^^^^H 03 HH c3 ^^^^^^^^I^H 00 ^^^^^^^^K o HWHH a OS '^ 5 03 2 c a •s " 1° o3 O 213 214 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK 20. Campaign Badge. Cuban Occupation, Army. 21. Campaign Badge. Civil War, Navy and Marine Corps, first ribbon. 22. Campaign Badge. West Indies Campaign, Navy and Marine Corps, first ribbon. Spanish Campaign, Navy and Marine Corps, first ribbon. 23. Campaign Badge. Philippine Campaign, Navy and Marine Corps, first ribbon. 24. Campaign Badge. China Relief Expedition, Navy and Marine Corps, first ribbon. 25. Campaign Badge, Nicaraguan Campaign, Navy and Marine Corps. CHAPTER XXXIV DEFINITIONS OF GUNS A gun is a metallic tube from which projectiles are thrown by the explosive force of a given charge of gunpowder with a given muzzle velocity, or by the expansion of some highly compressed gas. A mortar is a short, heavy metallic tube using a high angle of fire. A rifle is a gun whose bore has cut on its surface a number of spiral ''grooves," into which the soft metal of the rotating band on the projectile is forced, thus imparting to the projectile a motion of rotation. The raised portions between the grooves are called ''lands." The object in rifling a gun is to impart to the shell a rapid rotation about its axis, and thus give it the powers of a gyroscope. These powers resist any deflection of the shell's longitudinal axis, and prevent the shell from "tumbling." If it were not thus given gyroscopic properties, with great power to resist deflecting influences, inaccuracies would result. A built-up gun is a term applied to all guns made up of different parts, the idea being to get an assem- blage of parts best able to resist the pressures of the powder gas. The gun may be built up of different 215 216 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK metals. The most usual forms are: (a) the built-up gun with initial pressure obtained by shrinkage, the exterior parts being heated to go over the interior parts (used in our Navy); and (6) the ''wire-wound" gun (used to some extent in our Army). The bore of a gun is the hole in the gun extending from the breech face to the muzzle face of the tube. It forms a path for the projectile, and also serves to contain the powder charge before firing, as well as to confine the powder gases after firing. The caliber of a gun is the diameter of a cylinder which touches the highest points of all the lands. The word cahber is also used in connection with the length of the gun, meaning the length of the tube or bore divided by the diameter of the bore. A 50-caliber 12-inch B. L. R. is 50 cahbers in length from the breech face to the muzzle face of the tube or bore, i.e., 50X12" = 600''. Designation of Guns. Guns are usually named or designated either by (1) caHber in inches, followed by the length of bore in cahbers and the mark of the gun, or (2) weight of projectile expressed in pounds for small caliber guns (1 to 6 pounders), followed by the mark of the guns; thus, 14-inch 45 cal., Mark I, mod. 1. Guns Classed Aboard Ship. The following is the classification for battleships and armored cruisers: (1) main battery; (2) secondary battery; (3) minor- caliber guns; (4) landing guns; (5) field guns; and (6) small arms. DEFINITIONS OF GUNS 217 Main-battery Guns. All guns of and above 8 inches in caliber constitute the ''main battery." Secondary-battery Guns. All guns of and above 4 inches in caliber up to and including 7 inches in caliber constitute the secondary-battery guns. Torpedo-defense battery constitutes all guns desig- nated to repel torpedo attacks. It generally consists of all secondary-battery guns, but may include main- battery guns. On small vessels, such as destroyers, the guns car- ried constitute the ''battery," without any prefixed designation. Minor caliber guns include all guns of a caliber greater than small arms and less than 4 inches in caliber. Field guns are of 3-inch caliber and are supplied with field carriages for use on shore. They are lighter in weight and shorter than torpedo-defense guns of the same caliber. Boat guns are supplied with mounts for use in small boats, such as launches and cutters. Semi-automatic guns are those in which the force of explosion ejects the fired cartridge case and leaves the breech so that it clears automatically when another cartridge is properly inserted. Automatic guns are those in which the force of explosion is used to eject the fired cartridge case and load another cartridge. When ammunition is properly supplied no force but pressure on the trigger is required for continuous fire. 218 MILITARY AND NAVAL RECOGNITION BOOK Machine guns are those which, with proper ammuni- tion supply, fire continuously when a crank or lever is turned. Unlike an automatic gun, the machine gun must have its mechanism operated by outside power. Small arms are rifles fired from the shoulder, and pistols. Subcaliber Guns. A gun is called a subcaliber gun when it is used, mounted inside or outside a larger gun, for short-range gunnery practice. One- pounders and small-arm rifles are used for this purpose. A breech mechanism, or fermeture, is a mechanical device for closing the rear end of the chamber or bore of a breech-loading gun. The term includes the breechblock or plug, all mechanism contained in or with it, and the necessary operating gear. The muzzle velocity of a gun is the speed at which the projectile leaves the gun and is measured in feet per second. The higher the muzzle velocity of a gun of given size the more powerful the gun, the longer the range and the straighter the trajectory. The trajectory is the path of the projectile through the air. A torpedo is a weapon carrying a head filled with gun cotton and so fitted with motive gear that after firing it runs by its own machinery beneath the water and explodes when it comes in contact with some sohd object. INDEX PAGE Armored cruiser, definition of 49 Army, United States: Battalion 14 Chief of Staff. . . .- 1 Classes of men 17 Company 14 Composition of the 7 Corps 13 Customs of the 17 Division 13 Etiquette of 21 General Staff of 2 Grades in order of rank of officers and enlisted men 17 Insignia of rank 83 Non-Commissioned Officers 17 Officers 17 Organization of the 13 Regiment 14 Relative rank of officers of the 76 Secretary of the 1 Staff Officers of the 2 Uniform of the 82 War Medals of the 193 Armies, Foreign 77 Assistant Secretary, United States Army 1 Assistant Secretary, United States Navy 38 219 220 INDEX PAGE Battle cruiser, definition of 49 Battleship, definition of 49 Bureaus of U. S. Navy Department, duties of 38 Bureaus of U. S. War Department, duties of 2 Chief of Naval Operations, U. S. Navy 38 Chief Petty Officers, U. S. Navy 58 Chief of Staff, U. S. Army 1 Coast Artillery, U. S. Army 12 Coast and Geodetic Survey, United States ....'..... 75 (1) duties of 75 (2) insignia of rank of officers of 123 (3) relative rank of officers of 76 Coast Guard, United States: (1) Organization 72 (2) Insignia of rank 120 (3) Relative rank 76 Customs, United States Army 21 United States Navy 62 Destroyer, definition of 50 Dreadnaught, definition of 49 Duties of officers aboard ship, U. S. Navy 52 Etiquette, United States Army 21 United States Navy 62 British Army 129 Field Artillery, United States Army 11 Fleet, United States, Composition of 46 Foreign Armies, Peace strength and Organization of 77 General Board of the U. S. Navy, The 42 General Staff of the U. S. Army, The 2 Geographical Division of the U. S. Army, The 15 Guns, definition of 215 INDEX 221 PAGE Insignia of rank of officers of: Foreign Armies and Navies: Austria-Hungary 161 Belgium 182 Bulgaria 192 France 136 Germany 145 Great Britain 125 Italy 153 Japan 170 Montenegro 190 Portugal 192 Rumania 192 Russia 177 Serbia 190 Turkey 188 United States Army 83 Coast and Geodetic Survey 123 Coast Guard 120 Light House Service 119 Marine Corps 117 Naval Militia 115 Naval Reserve 112 Navy 102 Junior Naval Reserve, United States, The 37 Light House Service: Duties of 73 Insignia of rank , . 119 Line Officers, United States Army 11 United States Navy • 54 Marine Corps, United States: 70 Commandant 71 222 INDEX PAGE Marine Corps, United States: Insignia of rank 117 Organization 70 Relative rank 76 Reserve 71 Monitor, definition of 50 Naval Districts, United States 44 Naval Militia, United States: Composition 33 Insignia of rank 115 Relative rank 114 Naval Reserve, United States: Composition 35 Insignia of rank 112 Relative rank 114 Junior 37 Naval War College 45 Navy, United States: Bureaus 39 Chief of Operations 58 Chief Petty Officers 58 Classes of men 58 Composition 33 Customs 62 Districts 44 Duties of Officers of 52 Etiquette 62 Grades in order of rank 76 Line officers ......; 56 Officers 55 Organization of: (1) Afloat 46 (2) Ashore 38 Personnel of ships of 52 INDEX 223 PAGE Navy, United States: Petty Officers ^^ Secretary of the ^^ Ships of the, definition of 49 Staff Officers of the 59 War Medals of the 193 Warrant Officers of the 57 Officers, United States Army, Duties of .' 14 United States Navy, Duties of 52 Personnel of Army, United States 17 Personnel of Navy, United States 52 Ships, United States 49 Ribbons of Medals and Badges 210 Secretary of United States Army 1 Secretary of United States Navy 38 Staff Officers, United States Navy: (1) Composition of 56 (2) Relative rank of 59 Staff, United States Army: (1) Organization of 2 (2) Duties of officers of 2 Submarine, definition of 50 Submarine chaser, definition of 50 Table of relative ranks, United States Mihtary Forces 76 Uniforms : Foreign Armies and Navies: Austria-Hungary 161 Belgium 1^2 Bulgaria 1^^ France 13^ 224 - INDEX PAGE Uniforms : Germany 145 Great Britain 125 Italy 153 Japan 170 Montenegro 190 Portugal 192 Rumania •. 192 Russia 177 Serbia 199 Turkey 188 United States Army 82 Coast and Geodetic Survey 124 Coast Guard 118 Light House Service 122 Marine Corps 116 Naval Militia 114 Naval Reserve 114 Navy 101 War Medals, United States Army and Navy 193 Warrant Officers, United States Navy 57 ' W/////////y 'y>y>y>/^//^/>/y'y////////////////////////////// /, f V^/^y>/>^/^y>y>^ ^//y>///////X MILITARY BOOKS A Short Title List of Standard Books on Military Science of All Publishers D. VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY Headquarters for MILITARY BOOKS SINCE 1848 25 PARK PLACE NEW YORK I Ss^ ^ ^ STANDARD MILITARY BOOKS Detailed descriptions on request. AERONAUTICS BURLS, G. A. Aero Engines $3.50 DIXIE, A. E. Air Navigation for Flight Officers 4 . 00 DOMMETT, W. E. Aeroplanes and Airships 80 DUCHENE, COMMANDANT Flight Without Formulae 2 . 50 DUCHENE, COMMANDANT The Mechanics of the Aeroplane 2 . 50 EIFFEL, G. {translated by J. C. HUNSACKER) Resistance of Air and Aviation 10 00 FACE, A. The Aeroplane 2 . 50 GRAHAM-WHITE, C, and HARPER, H. Learning to Fly • • ; 75 GREENHILL, G. Dynamics of Mechanical Flight 2 . 50 HAYWARD, CHAS. B. Building and Flying an Aeroplane 1 00 JUDGE, A. W. Design cf Aeroplanes 4 50 KENNEDY, R. Flying Machines * Practice and Design . , . $2 . 00 KENNEDY, R. Aeroplane Construction 1 . 50 LANCHESTER, F. W. Flying Machines from an Engineering Standpoint 3 00 LANCHESTER, F. W. Aerial Flight, 2 vols. Vol. I — Aerodynamics 6.00 Vol. II — Aerodonetics 6 00 LANCHESTER, F. W. Aircraft in War 4 . 00 LOENING, G. C. Military Aeroplanes 4.76 MATTHEWS, R. B. Aviation Pocket Book for 1917 1 . 50 PAGE, VICTOR W. Aviation Chart ; Power Plant Troubles Made Easy . 50 Aviation Engines ; Design, Construction, Repair . 3.00 Glossary of Aviation Terms; English-French. Francais- Anglais 1 00 PIERCE, R. M . Dictionary of Aviation 1 . 50 ROBSON, WILLIAM A. Aircraft in War and Peace .... . . 1 . 00 SPAIGHT, J. M. Aircraft in War '. . 2.00 TALBOT, F. A. Aeroplanes and Dirigibles of War . . . . . 1.25 WIDMER, E. J. Military Observation Balloons 3 . 00 WOODHOUSE, H. Textbook of Military Aeronautics 6 . 00 ARTILLERY, COAST AND FIELD Gunnery and Explosives for Field Artillery Officers 40 HAMMOND, J. S. and OLM STEAD D. Gunner's Handbook for Field Artillery . .60 Manufacture of Artillery Ammunition . . . 6 . 00 Shrapnel and Other War Material $1 50 Coast Artillery Drill Regulations 1.00 Provisional Drill and Service Regulations for Field Artillery (Horse and Light) 1.25 Provisional Drill and Service Regulations for Field Artillery (6 Inch Howitzer;, 1917 .... 1.25 BETHELL, H. A. Modern Guns and Gunnery 6 . 00 BISHOP, H. G. Elements of Modern Field Artillery 1 . 50 BISHOP, H. G. Operation Orders, Field Artillery 1.00 CLOKE, H. E. Gunner's Examiner 1 . 50 DYER, A. B. Handbook of Light Artillery 3 . 00 EISSLER, M. Modern High Explosives 4 . 00 GRUBER, E. L. Notes on 3-inch Gun Material .50 GUT T MAN, OSCAR The Manufacture of Explosives. 2 vols. . 11 00 INGALLS, J. M. Interior Ballistics 3 00 LISSAK, O. M. Ordnance and Gunnery 6 00 MacALISTER, D. A. Field Gunnery 1 . 00 MARSHALL, A. Explosives. 2 vols 16.00 MORETTI, O. and DAN FORD, R. M. Notes on Training Field Artillery Details . . . 2.00 OMMUNDSEN, H., and ROBINSON, E. H, Rifles and Ammunition ........ 6 . 00 RUGGLES, C. L. Stresses in Wire Wrapped Guns and in Gun Carriages . 3.00 SANFORD, P. G. Nitro-Explosives 4.00 SPAULDING, CAPT. OLIVER L. Notes on Field Artillery . » o » , . . . 1.25 WEAVER, E. M. Notes on Military Explosives ....... $3 . 00 WISE, T. C. Gunnery ; an Elementary Treatise ..... 3 . 00 WORDEN, E. C. Nitro-cellulose Industry. 2 vols 10.00 FIELD ENGINEERING Engineer's Field Manual 1.25 ARMY SERVICE SCHOOLS Notes on Field Fortifications 60 BEACH, CAPT. WM. D. Manual of Military Field Engineering. 9th Ed. Revised. Cloth 1.75 BOND, P. S. Engineer in War -. 1.60 FIEBEGER, G. J. Textbook of Field Fortifications 2.00 KENYON, R. E. ' Land and Coast Fortification 2.00 ROBINSON, ERNEST F. Military Preparedness and the Engineer . . . 1.50 SOLANO, E. J. Field Entrenchments ; Spadework for Riflemen . 1 . 00 VICKERS, L. Training for the Trenches 1.00 WALDRON, W. H. Elements of Trench Warfare 75 HYGIENE AND SANITATION Drill Regulations and Service Manual for Sanitary Troops 75 Manual for the Medical Department, U. S. Army 1.10 ASH BURN, P. M. Elements of Military Hygiene . o . <> . . 1 . 50 HASTINGS, S. First Aid for the Trenches . o » c , . . 1.00 HAVARD, V. Military Hygiene $5 . 00 KEEPER, F. R. Military Hygiene 1 . 50 LELEAN, P. S. Sanitation in War 2 00 MUNSON, LIEUT, COL. EDW. L. The Principles of Sanitary Tactics . . . ^ . 2 00 MUNSON, E. L. Soldier's Foot and Military Shoe 1.35 STRAUB, PAUL F., Medical Service in Campaign . . . . 1 . 50 WOOD, R. C. The Soldier's First Aid .50 WOODHULL, A. A. Military Hygiene for officers of the Line 1 . 60 LANGUAGES Rapid-fire English- French- German for Soldiers . .26 COLEMAN and LA MESLEE Le Soldat Americain en France 60 CROSS, H. Soldier's Spoken French CO GULLICHAN, W. M. Soldiers' English- French Conversation Book .30 MORTON, MAJOR C. G. English- Spanish Pocket Manual. Cloth . . 1 00 MOSS, MAJOR JAS. A. Spanish for Soldiers 1.00 Oxford English and French Conversation Book for Army and Navy Men 25 PICARD, J. Cortina French-English Military Manual . . . 2.00 PLUM ON, E, Vade Mecum for the Use of Officers and Inter- preters in the Present Campaign (French and English Technical and Military Terms; ... .75 WILKINS, COLEMAN and HUSE First Lessons in Spoken French for Men in Mil- itary Service $ . 50 WILKINS, COLEMAN and PRESTON First Lessons in Spoken French for Doctors and Nurses .50 MACHINE GUNS AINSLIE, G. M. Handbook on Rifle and Hand Grenades 1 . 25 Combined Infantry and Cavalry Drill Regulations for Machine Gun Companies for Automatic Ma- chine Rifle, Caliber .30 (Model 1909) 30 HATCHER, J. S., and others. Machine Guns 2 . 50 Operation and Tactical Use of the Lev^ris Automatic Machine Rifle 60 LONGSTAFF AND ATTERIDGE The Book of the Machine Gun 3 . 50 McKEDLAR, K. B. Machine Gun Practice and Tactics .... .90 MERKATZ, F. v. New Methods of Machine Gun Fire .25 SOLANO, E. J. Machine Gun Training 1 . 00 MANUALS UNITED STATES ARMY Cavalry Drill Regulations 75 Field Service Regulations 75 Infantry Drill Regulations 50 Manual for Non-Commissioned OflEicers and Privates 50 Manual of Military Courts Martial 1 . 10 Manual of Interior Guard Duty .50 Small Arms Firing Manual 7g Rules of Land Warfare 75 Complete U. S. Infantry Guide (25 Government Manuals) 6.00 ANDREWS, L. C, and others Fundamentals of Military Service $1 . 50 Bayonet Training Manual, Used by the British Forces 30 BOLLES, F. C. and others What a Soldier Should Know 1 00 FITSCHEN, H. Spade (Trench) Warfare. Trans, from German. .60 KILMER, W. G. and MACELROY, A. J. The Cantonment Manual 1 . GO DONOVAN, T. F. Home Guard Manual .50 GUILD AND TEST Militia Field Manual 1 . 00 HOLBROOK, L. R. Mess Officers' Assistant 1.00 HOLBROOK, L. R. Mess Sergeant's Handbook ....... 1.00 LAWTON, MAJOR F. H. Extracts from U. S. Army Regulations . . . 1.00 Mc ARTHUR, J. 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