GB \Z1J_ DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY GEORGE OTIS SMITH, Director Water-supply Paper 349 PROFILE SURVEYS IN WILLAMETTE RIVER BASIN OREGON PREPAEED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF R. B. ^lARSKALL, Chief Geographer Prepared in cooperation wiih THE STATE OF OREGON John H. Lewis, State Engineer WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1914 Glass Book_/J {ZZJ ^ DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY GEORGE OTIS SMITH, Director Water-supply Paper 349 PROFILE SURVEYS IN WILLAMETTE RIVER BASIN OREGON PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF R. B. MARSHALL, Chief Geographer WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1914 fi^ ^<\ MAR 28 1915 V CONTENTS. Page. General features of Willamette River basin 5 Gaging stations 7 Publications 8 ILLUSTRATIONS. Plate I. A-G, Plan and profile of Middle Fork of Willamette River and tributaries in the vicinity of Oak Ridge, Oreg At end of volume. II. A-D, Plan and profile of Clackamas and Collawash rivers above Cazadero, Oreg At end of volume. III. A-E, Plan and profile of North Fork of Santiam River and tributaries above Lyons, Oreg At end of volume. 49067° — W.SP 349 — 14 3 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from The Library of Congress PROFILE SURVEYS IN WILLAMETTE RIVER BASIN, OREGON. Prepared under the direction of R. B. Marshall, Chief Geographer. GENERAL. FEATURES OF WILLAMETTE RIVER BASIN. Willamette River drains a trough-shaped area extending north and south between the Coast and Cascade ranges in Oregon. The area is roughly rectangular, approximately 140 miles in length and about 85 miles in width. The Willamette proper is formed by the junction of three main tributaries which unite in the vicinity of Eugene; these are the Middle Fork (considered the continuation of the main stream), the Coast Fork, and McKenzie River. The river is navigable for ocean-going vessels from the mouth to Portland, and for ordinary river steamboats from Portland to Corvallis, except during a few months of each year. From Corvallis to Eugene the river is navigable for light- draft boats during medium stages of the river. The falls of Willamette River at Oregon City are passed by a series of five locks, which are at present in private ownership. The other principal tributaries of Willamette River are Santiam, Molalla, and Clackamas rivers. From the Coast Range flow Long Tom, Marys, Luckiamute, Yamhill, and Tualatin rivers. The drain- age areas of this river and its principal tributaries are given below. Square miles. McKenzie River 1,040 Santiam River 1,890 Yamhill River 763 Clackamas River 927 Tualatin River 690 Drainage areas in Willamette River hasin. Square miles. Willamette at mouth 11,150 Willamette at Oregon City 10, 200 Willamette at Salem 7,520 Willamette at Albany 4, 860 Coast Fork of Willamette 705 Middle Fork of "Willamette 1, 450 From the summit of the mountain ranges the slopes are steep, but they merge gradually into a wide alluvial valley or gently rolling agricultural lands. The entire drainage area may still be considered densely forested. The portions of the basin that contribute most to the flow of the streams are almost entirely within the boundaries of national for- ests, and privately owned timber lands extend from the boundaries 5 6 PROFILE SURVEYS IN WILLAMETTE RIVER BASIN, of the national forests to the main stream in the valley, except where lands have been cleared. Although records of precipitation at the summit of the Coast Range are meager, it is likely that the total annual rainfall is as much as 150 jnches. On the eastern slope of the Coast Range the annual precipitation decreases very rapidly to about 40 inches, but it gradu- ally increases again until at the summit of the Cascade Range it is approximately 100 inches. From north to south the same general variation is observed, although the differences are not so striking. At the mouth of the river the precipitation is approximately 50 inches, in the vicinity of Corvallis about 40 inches, and at the summit of the Callapooya Mountains, which form the southern boundary of the drainage area, 55 or 60 inches. Except on the summits of the mountain ranges this precipitation is almost entirely rain, 95 per cent falling during nine months, from September to May. On the moun- tain ranges part of the precipitation is snow, and the country is sub- ject during the spring and fall to warm chinook winds, accompanied by rather sudden melting of these snows, which frequently cause con- siderable damage from floods. During the growing season, when the precipitation rarely exceeds 2 inches, the valley is practically arid. Although irrigation has not long been practiced in the valley, it is likely that before many years a large part of the agricultural bottom lands will be placed under irrigation. Small ditches and pumping plants have been constructed, and the returns from irrigated agri- cultural lands show an increase of 50 to 500 per cent in production over the nonirrigated lands. Lying almost wholly within a narrow strip adjacent to the main divide of the Cascades, where the soil and underlying rock is porous, similar to that in the basin of Deschutes River, on the east side of the range, are a number of lakes and marshes which afford favorable sites for storage reservoirs. As a result the streams flowing through the lakes and marshes experience no pronounced floods and are characterized by a large low-water flow. The effect of reservoirs on the Willamette would not be so marked as on more flashy streams, but their operation would greatly enhance the value of the river for irrigation, power, and navigation. The highest known flood in the Willamette Valley occurred Decem- ber, 1861, when the discharge at Albany was 220,000 cubic feet per second. The highest gage reading at Portland since that date was in 1894 but was due to backwater from Columbia River. The years 1899 and 1907 were " wet years." The year 1905 was a comparatively dry year. The longest record of stream flow in this basin has been obtained by applying recent measurements made at Albany to records obtained by the United States Weather Bureau since 1895. The results of profile surveys in the Willamette River basin are set forth in Plates I to III (at end of volume). PKOPILE SURVEYS IN WILLAMETTE EIVEE BASIN. 7 GAGING STATIONS. The Survey has maintained in the basin of the Willamette the gaging stations shown by the following list. The stations are arranged in downstream order, the main stem of the river being de- termined by measuring or estimating its drainage area — that is, the headwater stream draining the largest area is considered the con- tinuation of the main stream, and all stations from source to mouth are presented first ; stations on the tributaries, in regular order from source to mouth, follow. Relations of the tributaries are indicated by indention. A dash following a date indicates that the station was being maintained June 30, 1913. A period after a date indicates dis- continuance. Willamette River, Middle Fork (head of Willamette River), near Hazeldell, Oreg., 1911- Willamette River, Middle Fork, at Jasper, Oreg., 1905- Willamette River near Springfield, Oreg., 1911- Willamette River at Eugene, Oreg., 1911. Willamette River at Albany, Oreg., 1S95- Willamette River at Salem, Oreg., 1910- Willamette River at Oregon City, Oreg., 1909- Kelsey River near Hazeldell, Oreg., 1909. Willamette River, Kortli Fork of Middle Fork, near Hazeldell, Oreg., 1909- Fall Creek near Fall Creek, Oreg., 1912- Willamette River, Coast Fork, near Goshen, Oreg., 1905- Willamette River, East Fork of Coast Fork : Row River near Disston, Oreg., 1910- McKenzie River at outlet of Clear Lake, Oreg., 1911. McKeuzie River at McKenzie Bridge, Oreg., 1910- McKenzie River near Springfield, Oreg., 1905- Lost Creek near McKenzie Bridge, Oreg., 1911- Horse Creek near McKenzie Bridge, Oreg., 1911- Eugene power canal near Eugene, Oreg., 1911- Santiam River, North Fork (head of Santiam River), at Detroit, Oreg., 1907-1910. Santiam River, North Fork, at Mehama, Oreg., 1905- Santiam River, North Fork, near Hoover, Oreg., 1911- Santiam River, North Fork, at Niagara, Oreg., 1911- Santiam River at Jefferson, Oreg., 1905- Santiam River, Marion Fork, at Marion Lake, near Hoover, Oreg., 1907- Puzzle Creek, North Fork, near Hoover, Oreg., 1910- Puzzle Creek, South Fork, near Hoover, Oreg., 1910- Permelia Creek near Detroit, Oreg., 1907-1910. Whitewater Creek near Detroit, Oreg., 1907. Breitenbush Creek near Detroit, Oreg., 1910- Santiam River, South Fork, at Cascadia, Oreg., 1910- Santiam River, South Fork, at Waterloo, Oreg., 1905- Santiam River, South Fork, near Foster, Oreg., 1912- Santiam River, Middle Fork, near Foster, Oreg., 1912- Luckiamute River near Suver, Oreg., 1905-1910. Yamhill River, South Fork, at Sheridan, Oreg., 1906-1910, 8 PKOFILE SUKVEYS IN WILLAMETTE EIVEE BASIN. Willamette River at Oregon City, Oreg. — Continued. Yamhill River at La Fayette, Oreg., 190S- Molalla River near Molalla, Oreg., 1905-1909. Clackamas River near Cazadero, Oreg., 1909-10. Evaporation station near Cazadero, Oreg., 1911- Clackamas River at Estacada, Oreg., 190S-1910. Clackamas River at Park Place, Oreg., 1912- Clackamas River near Barton, Oreg., 1905-1908. PUBLICATIONS. Information concerning stream flow at the stations listed in the preceding table has been published by the Survey in Water-Supply Papers 178, 214, 262, 272, 292, 312, 332,i and 362.^ Water-supply papers and other publications of the United States Geological Survey containing data in regard to the water resources of the United States may be obtained or consulted as indicated below. 1. Copies may be obtained free of charge by applying to the Director of the Geological Survey, Washington, D. C, but the edition printed for free distribution is small and is soon exhausted. 2. Copies may be purchased at nominal cost from the Superin- tendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C, who will on application furnish lists giving prices. 3. Sets of the reports may be consulted in the libraries of the prin- cipal cities in the United States. 4. Complete sets are available for consultation in the local offices of the water-resources branch of the Geological Survey, as follows : Albany, N. Y., Room 18, Federal Building. Atlanta, Ga., Post OfHce Building. St. Paul, Minn., Old Capitol Building. Madison, Wis., Capitol Building. Helena, Mont., Montana National Bank Building. Denver, Colo., 302 Chamber of Commerce Building. Salt Lake City, Utah, Federal Building. Boise, Idaho, 615 Idaho Building. Portland, Oreg., 416 Couch Building. Tacoma, Wash., Federal Building. San Francisco, Cal., 328 Customhouse. Lo^ Angeles, Cal., Federal Building. Santa Fe, N. Mex., Capitol Building. Honolulu, Hawaii, Kapiolani Building. A list of the Geological Survey's publications will be sent on appli- cation to the Director of the United States Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. 1 In preparation, o U S, SEOLOGICAL SURVEY GEORGE OTIS SMITH, DIRECTOR STATE OF OREGON JOHN H LEWIS, STATE ENGINEER PLAN AND PROFIL F OF MIDDLE FORK OF WILLAMETTE RIVeR ^ND TRIBUTARIES. IN THE VICINITY OF OAKRIDgE> OREGON "'TER.SUPPLY PAPER S49 PLATE ""»«■ 'F^ . /( c « s / A ORE G O N J!?, NATIONAL KfHEI-'ATCHERY r O REST STRAITS CABIN ^ r^ __r^ %^ 28 k ® (£>: \^^11! -i"" M w 77 S— («> ^^V-S"' 34 CABTp^ w "■^Wx/ .i^° R. B. Marshall, Chiel Geographer T. G. Gerdire, Geographer in charge Topography by R. L. Harrison Surveyed in 1913 SURVEYED IN COOPERATION WITH THE STATE Scale Si^ '"Jwt lo adjuslrren 4 SHEETS (2 plans, 2 profiles) 4 nnn 2.000 o Contoui' interval on land 25 feet Contour interval on river surface 5 feet Datum is mtan sen Uott 1914 DECLINfcltON I U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY GEORGE OTIS SMITH, DIRECTOR STATE OF OREGON JOHN H. LEWIS. STATE ENGINEER PLAN AND PROFILE OF CLACKAMAS AND COLLAWASH RIVERS. ABOVE CAZADERO. OREGON WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 349 PLATE 4 SHEETS (2 plans, 2 profiles) B. Marshall, Chief Geographer T. G. Gerdirie, Geographer in charge Topography by R. L. Harrison Surveyed m 1913 SURVEYED 1 Contour interval on land 25 feet Contour interval on river surface 5 feet Dolum 18 m«n Bea Uvel 1914 U. S, GEOLOGICAL SURVEY GEORGE OTIS SMITH, DIRECTOR STATE OF OREGON JOHN H. LEWIS, STATE ENGINEER PLAN AND PROFllF OF CLACKAMAS AND COLLAWASH RIVERS. ABOVE CAZADERO, OREGON WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 349 PLATE II C R. 8. Marshall, Chiel Geopapher T. G. Gerdine, Geographer in charge Topography by R. L H Surveyed in 19B aUHVEYEO IN COOPERATI 4 SHEETS (2 plans, 2 profiles) Vertical scale 1 inch = Daium t8 m«m aea U 1914 U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY GEORGE OTIS SMITH, DIRECTOR STATE OF OREGON JOHN H LEWIS. STATE ENGINEER PLAN AND PROFILE OF :lackamas and collawash rivers, above cazadero, oregon WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 349 PLATE II D R. B, Marshi T G. Gerdim Topography Surveyed 11, Chief Geographer Geographer in charge by R L, Harrrson n 1913 I COOPERATION WITH TH 4 SHEETS (2 plans. 2 profiles) Vertical scale 1 inch = 40 feet Uaium ig mean mi tmet 1914 U. S GEOLOGICAL SURVEY GEORGE OTIS SMITH. DIRECTOR STATE OF OREGON JOHN H. LEWIS, STATE ENGINEER PLAN AND PROFILE OF NORTH FORK OF SANTIAM RIVER AND TRIBUTARIES ABOVE LYONS, OREGON WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 349 PLATE III A FORK 5 SHEETS (2 plans, 3 profiles) Contour interval on land 25 feet Contour interval on river surface 6 feet Datum is nuon j«a irotl 1914 APPROXIMATS MEAN U S^ GEOLOGICAL SURVEY GEORGE OTIS SMITH. DIRECTOR STATE OF OREGON JOHN H. LEWIS, STATE, ENGINEER PLAN AND PROFILE OF NORTH FORK OF SANTIAM RIVER AND TRIBUTARIES ABOVE LYONS, OREGON WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 349 PLATE III R. B Marshall, Cliiel Geog'aphei T. G, Gerdme, Geographer in charge Topography by R. L. Harrison Surveyed m 1913 SURVEYEr WITH THE STATE Of OREGON Contour interval on land 25 feet Contour interval on river surface 5 feet Datum in mean wo leivt 1914 OECLtNATrON 19IJ HHfm U S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY GEORGE OTIS SMITH. DIRECTOR STATE OF OREGON JOHN H LEWIS. STATE ENGINEER PLAN AND PROFILE OF NORTH FORK OF SANTIAM RIVER AND TRIBUTARIES ABOVE LYONS, OREGON WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 349 PLATE III C f B. Marshall, Chiel Geographer T. G. Gerdine, Geographer in charge Topography by R. L. Harrison Surveyed in 1913 SURVEYEO IN COOPERATION WITH TH Vertical scale I inch = 40 feet Datum is mean sea kivl 1914 U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY GEORGE OTIS SMITH. DIRECTOR • STATE OF OREGON JOHN H LEWIS. STATE ENGINEER PLAN AND PROFILE OF NORTH FORK OF SANTIAM RIVER AND TRIBUTARIES ABOVE LYONS, OREGON W-ATER-SUPPLY PAPER 349 PLATE 5 SHEETS (2 plans, 3 piolilesi R B. Marshall, Cli.el Geogfaph T. G Gerdine, Gcogiaph. Topography by R. L. Hai Surveyed iri 1913 4,000 2,000 8,000 Feet Kilometers Vertical scule 1 inch = 40 feet Onlum i» iirnin mi leril 1SI14 U S GEOLOGICAL SURVEY GEORGE OTIS SMITH, DIRECTOR STATE OF OREGON JOHN H LEWIS. STATE ENGINEER PLAN AND PROFILE OF NORTH FORK OF SANTIAM RIVER AND TRIBUTARIES ABOVE LYONS, OREGON WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 349 PLATE III E ^ 2S30 ^ 2520 A^ SS/0 /-^ 2S00 f° .y^ / 2