/■•■ CS 71 .V972 1907 Copy 2 THE VOUGHT FAMILY By William Gordon Ver Planck t«ll»ction ff^Uectir THE VOUGHT FAMILY Being An Account of the Descendants of Simon and Christina Vought By William Gordon Ver Planck < t Edition of One Hundred Copi pie! New York Press of Tobias A. Wright 1907 y CS7I '2J OONGHES: £ivea Copyright, 1907, by WILLIAM GORDON VER PLANCK ) Descendants of Simon and Christina Vought On the 28th day of April, 1708, a small band of Lutherans with the Rev. Joshua Kockerthal at their head, having left the lower Palatinate in Germany, journeyed to England and pre- sented to Queen Anne a petition showing that they had lost all their property at the time of the ravages committed by the French, and that they were in absolute want, and requesting that they might be transferred to her Majesty's colonies in America. They presented to the Queen testimonials which they brought, duly authenticated by the magistrates of the several towns in which they resided, showing that they were of good character; and they made such a favorable impression that Queen Anne granted their request and they were accord- ingly sent to America in the year 1708. On June 13, 17 10, a second immigration of Palatines arrived at New York in the ship Lyon, which brought also General Robert Hunter, the new governor of New York and New Jersey. A large number of the immigrants died on the way over, and many were sick and disabled when they arrived here, owing to the poor food furnished them and the crowded condition of the ships. The authorities of the City of New York, fearing danger from infection if they were landed in the city, ordered that the immigrants should be landed on Governors Island, and directed that three doctors from the city should visit them, and that huts should be built for their accommodation. Among these German immigrants were Simon Vought and Christina, his wife, from whom the members of the Vought family in America are descended. In the official list of the Palatines who came in this second immigration, appears the name "Simon Vogdt," and it was stated that he was then thirty years of age, and his wife twenty-six. In 1 7 10, a large tract of land on the Hudson River, near Newburgh, was bought by Governor Hunter from Robert Livingston and there in October of that year most of the Palatines were settled. A few of them remained behind at New York City, and afterwards settled in New Jersey and elsewhere. Simon Vought and his wife were among those that re- mained behind in New York. It is probable that he stayed in New York City until the spring of 171 1, when most of the remaining Palatines left the city. Simon Vought settled in Western New Jersey in either Middlesex or Hunterdon County. I. Simon' Vought was b. in Germany in the year 1680; he m. there previous to 17 10 his wife Christina, who was b. in 4 Descendants of Simon and Christina Vought 1684. When he and his wife arrived in this country in 17 10 they were unaccompanied by any children; probably their only children were those whose baptisms are recorded below. Simon Vought was alive as late as 1749. In that year he joined with seventy-seven other members of the Lutheran Church in Western New Jersey in a call to the Rev. John Albert Weygand. The names signed to the call are mostly German, and the signatures are written as a rule in German, though some are written partly in German and partly in English, while a few are entirely in English. Among the latter is Simon Vought's who wrote his name "Simon Vogt." In the baptismal record of his children, made by the Rev. Justus Falkner, Lutheran minister at New York, his name always appears as " Vocht." Children of Simon' and Christina Vought: 2 i. Johannes Christoffle,' b. Feb. 24, 17 14; bap. by Rev. Justus Falkner, Aug. i, 17 14, "at the house of Ari de Guinee on the Raritans, at our Christian Luth- eran gathering." Sponsor: Johannes Wimmer. ii. Margareta, b. Feb. 3, 1716; bap. "at Raritans," June 17, 1 7 16, by Rev. Justus Falkner. Sponsors: "Johannes Wimmer, but in his place stood Ulrich Simthinger and Margareta Langmansen." iii. Johannes, b. at Middlebush, Feb. 17, 17 18; bap. "On the Raritans Middlebosch," Aug. 17, 17 18, by Rev. Justus Falkner. Sponsors: Johannes Wimmer and Catharina Messnerin. iv. Abraham, b. Jan. 22, 1720; bap. Aug. 7, 1720, "On the Raritans," by Rev. Justus Falkner. Sponsors: Hannes Wimmer and Catharina Messnerin. SECOND GENERATION 2. John Christopher" Vought (Simon'), was b. in New Jer- sey, Feb. 24, 1 7 14. He m. Cornelia Putnam (the widow of Ralph Traphagen and daughter of David Putnam or Pootman.) John Christopher Vought resided in 1735 on the West Jersey Society's land in Hunterdon County. Among his neighbors at that time was Roeliff Traphagen, whose widow John Chris- topher Vought afterwards married. Cornelia Putnam was b. March 23, 1 7 1 1, and bap. in the Dutch Church at Freehold, April 29, 171 1. After the death of her first husband and before 1750, Cornelia m. John Christopher Vought. Although bap. "John Christopher" he was known as "Christopher," and the name John does not appear to have been generally used by him. It seems to have been a custom with these German families to give to several of their children the same first Christian name, the middle name only being different, and the child was then known by the middle name only. This is no doubt the ex- planation of the fact why John Christopher Vought was called sometimes "John Christopher" and sometimes "Christopher." Descendants of Simon and Christina Vought 5 In 1759 Christopher Vought bought from the executor of James Alexander a farm of 285 acres in Lebanon Township, Hunterdon Co., N. J., for;^7i2, io.f. Here he built a large stone house, barn and other buildings. His son bought a farm adjoining this in 1773. At the breaking out of the Revolution, he with his son John took the side of the British, becoming staunch loyalists. He and his son John were at one time put in gaol and fined for their loyalist activities, and in December, 1776, they joined the British troops as the army under Sir William Howe marched to Trenton. Christopher lived on Staten Island during the war. After the surrender of Cornwallis he and his family were forced to go to Nova Scotia, where in 1783, they settled at a place called Parrsborough. He lived there with his son John until the year 1792, when they all returned to New York and settled at Duanesburgh, N. Y., on a part of a large tract of land containing 2,000 acres, which he bought of John Leake, May 19, 1770. Family tradition says that he received a grant of a large tract of land in Canada, the present site of the City of Toronto, and his son a pension of 365 crowns a year from the British government. Family tradition does not always agree with the facts as reference to the record in regard to this matter discloses. A Commission of Enquiry into the Losses and Services of the American Loyalists, held under the Acts of Parliament of 23, 25, 26, 28 & 29, of George III., preserved amongst the Audit Office Records in the Public Record Office of England, shows that Christopher Vought and his son John made a claim for their losses and services during the American Revolution which was passed upon and partially allowed. In a volume entitled American Loyalists, Audit Office Transcripts, Volume 28, Determinations in Nova Scotia, etc. On Claims for Various Provinces, at page 203, is to be found the following: "Jst Report Chris'. & John Vought, late of New Jersey. Claim Amount of Property, ^337i, 10, '• Determination, ist April 1786. Loyalty Christopher Vought is a Loyalist. Losses Real Estate 285 Acres with house and improvements ) jQ in Lebanon Township, N. Jersey, \ 850 2000 Acres in Albany County, New York, 375 1225. Confiscation & sale of property in N. Jersey proved. Proof of Confiscation & sale of property in New York required. 6 Descendants of Simon and Christina Vought JOHN VOUGHT °^f ^ The claimant is a Loyalist & Bore Arms, services •' Real Estate 203 Acres in Lebanon Township, ^£^1° Persl. Estate Various Articles of Persl. Property, 226 Claims Disallowed ^496 The claim for crop in the ground under the General Resolution. Observation The claimant enjoys half pay as Captain. Confiscation proved. The claimants reside at Parsborough. The claim of Christopher and John Vought appears in Volume 15, Examinations in Nova Scotia etc. and New Jersey, Book /., Claimants, at page 283, and is as follows: To THE Honorable the Commissioners appointed by Act of Parliament for enquiring into the Losses and Services of the American Loyalists. The Memorial of Christopher Vought, late of Hunter- don County, New Jersey, and of John Vought, his son, Captain in the 2d Battalion of New Jersey Volunteers, also late of the same County, but both now of the Province of Nova Scotia, by their attorney Daniel Cox, being there- to specially authorized, Sheweth: That your Memorialists in the Fall of 1776, as faithful sub- jects, joined his Majesty's Army, under the command of Sir William Howe on his advance in the Jersies to Trenton, and by every active service in their power, endeavored to assist in crushing the Rebellion then existing in that province. That your Memorialist John Vought took up arms, raised a Company, and was appointed a Captain in the 2nd Battalion of the New Jersey Volunteers, and in that capacity has acted and done Military Duty in various and severe services to the Northward and Southward during the whole course of the War in America. That in consequence of the active loyalty, services and attachment of your Memoralists to the British Government, their Estate, Real and Personal, both in the late Provinces of New Jersey and New York, have been confiscated, and sold by the authority of the said States to the amount as in the vSchedule thereto annexed and to which they beg leave to refer for the amount of their joint losses. Your Memoralists therefore pray that you will take this case into your consideration in order that your Memor- ialists may be enabled under your report to receive such Descendants of Simon and Christina Vought aid or relief as their losses and services may be found to deserve. (signed) Christopher Vought, John Vought, by their attorney, Daniel Cox. Schedule and Valuation of the Real and Personal Estate of Christopher Vought, Esqr., late of Hunterdon, New Jersey and his son John Vought, Captain in the Second Battalion of New Jersey Volunteers, late of the same place, but now both of the Province of Nova Scotia, as confiscated and sold in the States of New Jersey and New York on account of their loyalty, services and attachment to the British Government, viz. : Voucher A ' To a Plantation or Farm consisting of 2 Tracts, one of 285 acres of land, the other of 203 acres of land, laying in the County of Hunterdon, in the Township of Ringwood near the Union Iron Works, on the North Branch of Rarity River, containing in the whole and forming one plan- tation of 485 acres of land valued at ;£s.io p. acre Proclamation money or Dollars at 7/6 amounts to Voucher B To the amount of the Personal Effects and Property of John Vought as sold by the Commis- sioners of Forfeited Estates in Jersey agreeable to the Inven- tory thereof No. i in the above voucher. To ditto of No. 2 in the same Voucher, Voucher C To a plantation in the County of Albany and Province of New York, containing 2,000 acres of land with three houses and im- provements thereon belonging to the said Christopher Vought and purchased by him of Cap- tain John Leake of New York, valued at ;^2,ooo. New York money at 8/- the dollar is in New Jersey currency, / £ Currency £ Sterling 2,684 1,610. 8 838.17. 6 503. 6. 6 223.16. 4 134- 5- 7 1,872.10 1,123.10. ;^4,6i9. 3.10 ;^3,37iio- I 8 Descendants of Simon and Christina Vought Halifax, 31st March, 1786. Evidence on the claim of Christopher and John Vought, late of Hunterdon County in the Province of New Jersey. Christopher Vought, the father, sworn: Memorial read. Says he is a native of America and at the commencement of the troubles he lived in Lebanon Township, Hunterdon County, on his own property. He never took part with the Americans, but was imprisoned by them for opposing them, and three more of his family were likewise put in gaol and kept there for five days. They gave _^2oo security to appear. They were afterwards tried for and fined £100 for which they gave bond. Soon after they joined the British Troops, and he has resided on Staten Island all the War, and came here at the Evacuation. He now resides at Parsborough. His son John joined the army with him and was soon after appointed a captain in Colonel Lawrence's Battalion, New Jersey Volunteers. Property 285 Acres with a large stone house, barn and No. J outhouses in Hunterdon County. Deed produced dated in 1759 from Mary Alexander, Executrix to the will of James Alexander to claimant, conveys 285 acres as above in consideration of ;^7i2.io currency. After he bought it he improved it and built the house, thinks the house was worth ^500. The land and house he thinks were worth ^2,000 currency. He had paid for it and there was no incumbrance on it. No. 2 203 Acres adjoining the last, both No. i and 2 in possession of his son. The claimant was old and unable to cultivate them. Deed produced ist August, 1775, from John Stevens and James Parker, conveys 203 acres Society Lands in consideration of ^^407, Proclamation money, which sum he paid. His son was in possession of it some time before the War. He was offered ^100 for his bargain. He had made considerable improvements on it. Thinks it was worth ;£,!, p. acre. Property 2,000 Acres in Albany County, New York No, 3 Province. Deed produced from John Leake to Claimant dated 19th May, 1770, in consideration of ^600, New York currency. Conveys 2,000 acres as above and a receipt for ^55.8.4, New York currency Quit Rent. This wild uncultivated land he bought as a pro- vision for his children and grandchildren. He Descendants of Simon and Christina Vought 9 settled two tenants on it, 20 years free. They had cleared some little. He values it at ^^2,000 New York Currency. All the stock, furniture, &c. were lost when they joined the army. John Vought, sworn: He is son to Christopher Vought. He is the only son and the only child; he had a sister who died in child bed leaving one son George Young. The father George Young resides in the States. His father and he joined the British Troops in 1776 at New Brunswick. Before that he had signed an Association and attended the training of the Militia, and says he durst not declare his senti- ments. The Company he belonged to were turned out to be drafted to serve in the Militia, when to a man, they refused to turn out. After this he was ill used, as they blamed him and Captain Lee for the Company not serving. He resisted and raised men, and returned the ill usage. He was obliged to fly, but in consequence of the oppression his father met with, he delivered himself up when he was ptit in gaol for some days, was tried and fined ^100 currency. In December following he joined the British Army with 85 inhabitants of Hunterdon County. He soon after had a Company given to him in the New Jersey Brigade and was En Second in 1778. He now enjoys half pay and resides at Pars- borough. Produces Commission of Lieutenant from Sir William Howe, December, 1776, and of Captain from Sir Henry Clinton, July, 1778. No. J There was a good house on it, the land was under good cultivation, 165 acres were in tillage, 25 acres of meadow, and the rest timber. He thinks that the 285 acres with the houses and buildings would have sold for ^7 currency p. acre. No. 2 203 Acres adjoining was his property. He pur- chased in the fall of 1773, he did not get his title until the ist August 1775. Says he had paid the whole price many months before he got his title. He had cleared about ten acres, thinks it was worth ;^4 p. acre in 1776. There were several acres cleared besides the ten improved. No. 3 He was on it with his father in 1770. He settled three tenants on it. They were to sit free 10 years and to pay ^10 p. annum afterwards. Produced a lease to that purpose. He values this at ;^2,ooo currency. Thinks he could have sold it for _;^2,ooo. lo Descendants of Simon and Christina Vought Christopher Vought, the father, in consequence of his old age, made over all his personal property to the witness John Vought, his only son, which he now claims: Stock as p. , account, i^47o- Furniture, 96. Farming utensils. 10. Grain and Hay, 165. Wheat gro wing, Curren so- icy;^79i. His wife came to him on Staten Island in 1777 and told him that the rebels carried off everything they had. Produces a valuation of No. i and 2. On oath sworn 14th October 1784, at New York City, by William Rutherford and Philip Gradin (Grandin?), at ;2^s, losh., proclamation money p. acre. And an Inventory of Effects the Property of John Vought with a certificate to this being sold for ^1,062, Signed by John Forster who signs himself Clerk to the Commissioners for the sale of Confiscated Money. Produces certificate of sale sworn to before Henry Trap- hagen made by Peter Brunner, one of the Commissioners to dispose of the Real and Personal Estate of Refugees. By this certificate it appears that he sold No. i and No. 2 and made three sales of goods and chattels. William Dr.a.ke, witness sworn: Says in the course of last year he rode past the property late Christopher and John Vought and understood that it was sold under confiscation and in possession of the purchaser." There were several lawsuits as to the land at Duanesburgh. This land was part of what was known as " Braines Patent." It was part of a larger tract of land bought of the Indians in the year 1733, by Walter Butler. It was patented by the Province of New York to Thomas Braine, of Queens County, N. Y., Feb. 24, 1752, and sold by his executor, Jacob Banks, to John Leake, Sept. i, 1768, and by him sold May 19, 1770, to John Christopher Vought. After Christopher Vought bought this land he went in the year 1770 with his son John and settled two or three tenants upon it, who were to have the use of the land for ten years free and after that at the rent of ^10 per annum. A dispute arose as to the boundary line between the Vought tract and land which had been granted to James Duane. An ejectment suit was brought by Christopher and John Vought against a man named Wood. This case was decided in May, 1805, in the Voughts' favor, and the Court held that the boundary of the Voughts' land on the West ran to the Van Rensselaer Manor line. The case is reported in 3 Caines Cases, page n8. Descendants of Simon and Christina Vought 1 1 John Christopher Vought d. at Duanesburgh, N. Y., June 21, 1809, in his ninety-sixth year; and his wife Cornelia d. at the same place in Sept., 1801, aged ninety years. They are both buried in a private graveyard at Duanesburgh. Children of John Christopher Vought and Cornelia Putnam: 3 i. John,' b. Aug. 6, 1750. 4 ii. Christiana, b. , 17^2, in Hunterdon Co.; m. Rev. John Young. THIRD GENERATION 3. John ' Vought (John Christopher,' Simon ' ), was b. Aug. 6, 1750, in Essex Co., N. J. He m. Nov. 22, 1772 (M. L. Sec'y of State, N. J., Nov. 21, 1772), Mary Grandin, b. March 10, 1755, of Hunterdon Co., N. J., dau. of Philip Grandin and Eleanor Foreman. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Mr. Frasier, an Episcopal clergyman. John Vought was a farmer, lived at Clinton, Hunterdon Co., N. J., in the stone house built about 1760 by his father, and occupied in 1895 by James Painter. In the fall of 1773, he bought a farm of 203 acres adjoining his father's farm, for which he paid ^407, and received a deed Aug. i, 1775, and which he had partly cleared at the commencement of the Revolution. When the Revolution broke out he sided with the English, and raised a company of volunteers. He belonged to Capt. Lee's Company of Militia which refused to turn out when they were ordered to be drafted. It was supposed to be largely owing to his influence that the company refused to obey orders, and he became unpopular with the Americans. He was imprisoned and fined. He joined the British Armj' at New Brunswick in December, 1776, and received a commission as lieutenant from Sir William Howe, and in July, 1778, he received his commission from Sir Henry Clinton as captain in the Second Battalion of New Jersey Volunteers, commanded by Col. Lawrence. He served throughout the whole war. He was at one time during the war living on Staten Island, where his wife joined him in 1777, and where his son Christophor, b. May 2, 1783, was baptised in St. Andrews Episcopal Church on June 2, 1783, as appears by the Church records where the name is misspelled as follows: "C/tristopker Vokc, son John Voke, Capt., and Mary his wife!' He was a man of the greatest up- rightness and honor. An interesting story about him is told in Clute's History of Staten Island, to the effect that he was billeted upon a farm in the vicinity of Richmond for some two or three months, and unlike many of the other officers he reg- ularly paid for his board and lodging. The farmer came to him one day and said his house had been entered and he had been robbed; that he suspected some of the British soldiers from a button he had found. The captain took the button which indicated the company and regiment of the soldier. During the parade that day he noticed a soldier with a button missing 12 Descendants of Simon and Christina Vought from the front of his coat. He told the colonel and the soldier being sent for was after various questions accused of taking the money. Taken by surprise, the soldier admitted the theft and gave up the ten guineas, and Capt. Vought had the satis- faction of returning the money to the farmer within twenty- four hours after it was stolen. After the war John Vought took his father, mother and his family to Parrsborough, Nova Scotia, where he remained until 1792. On May 8, 1797, they all embarked in a schooner for the United States, reaching New York May 31, and Duanesburgh June 13. A diary of the trip was kept by Christiana, Capt. Vought's eldest daughter, then nineteen years old. The diary, which is interesting enough to be given in full, is still pre- served in the family of John Bogert of Albany, N. Y., the son of Christiana Vought. It has the following endorsement: "iT/y Mother's Joiirjial on her Voyage from Nova Scotia to Duanesbiirgh." John Vought d. at Duanesburgh, Sept. 7, 1803, in his fifty- fourth year, leaving his wife and eight children surviving him. His will is dated Sept. 4, 1802, and a codicil thereto is dated Sept. 5, 1803. It was proved Nov. 10, 1803, and is to be found in Liber 3 of Wills, p. 76, Albany County Surrogate's Office. He leaves to his son Philip lot No. 3 of his farm, containing 250 acres; to his son Christopher, lot No. i, 250 acres; to his son John, lot No. 4, and 10 acres out of lot No. 2; to his son Abraham, lot No. 2. He directs his executors to sell his lands in Nova Scotia. Mary Grandin Vought, his wife, d. March 29, 1831, in her seventy-sixth year, and is buried at Duanesburgh, N. Y. Children (See Vought Family Bible, printed by T. & J. Swords, 1818): 5 i. Christiana,' b. Sept. 13, 1773; d. June 17, 1836; m. Capt. John Bogart. 6 ii. Eleanor, b. Dec. 17, 1775; ^- Feb. 13, 1849; m. May 27, 1799, Myndert Van der Volgen; he d. Sept. 2, 1850. iii. Cornelia, b. June 18, 1779; d. Sept. 15, 1779. 7 iv. Philip Grandin, b. Jan. 11, 1781; d. Feb. 27, 1858; m. Leah Manning. 8 V. Christopher, b. May 2, 1783; d. June 16, 1826; m. Mary J. Throckmorton, vi. A daughter, unnamed, b. May 26, 1785; d. same day. vii. Mary Grandin, b. June 19, 1788; d. Nov. 17, 1879; m. Rev. Cyrus Stebbins; no issue. 9 viii. John Graff, b. May 22, 1791; d. July 23, 1832; m. Helen Frances Mumford. Was a physician; no issue. ix. Abigail, b. Oct. 24, 1794; d. Feb. 16, 1883, at Schenectady, N. Y., unm. 10 X. Abraham, b. Dec. 19, 1795; d. Jan. 25, 1873; m. May 9, 1820, Ruth Voorhees. Descendants of Simon and Christina Vought 13 Christiana' Vought (John Christopher,' Simon"), was b. -, 1752; m. 1772, Rev. John Young, a Lutheran Clergyman of Hunterdon Co., N. J. In the testimony given by Capt. John Vought for compensation for losses in the Revolution he says his brother-in-law's name was George Young. This must have been the mistake of the clerk who transcribed the testi- mony. Christiana Young d. at Hagerstown, Md., two weeks after the birth of her son George in May, 1773. In an old Dutch Bible, printed at Amsterdam in 1736, by Peter and Jacob Keur, the entry of her death and of the birth of her son are given as follows: "Christiana Young dep (the page is torn) day of May in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and seventy-three." " George Young was born the twenty-third day of April in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and seventy- three." This bible belonged to Mrs. C. H. Porter who bequeathed it to her nephew William Grandin Vought, of Buffalo, N. Y., in whose possession it now is. After the death of Christiana Young her husband m. again and had a family, one son of his afterwards becoming a Judge in Ohio. The Rev. John Young was in 1783 settled in Wash- ington Co., Md., at a place called Conecoheague. In a letter from the Rev. H. M. Machlenberg to the Rev. Dr. Freyling- hausen of the University of Halle, Germany, dated Dec. 6, 1782, it is stated that " Rev. Young in Maryland is a man who labors with industry and fidelity and faithfully discharges his duties both in life and doctrine." Christiana Vought and John Young had but one child: 11 i. George,' b. in Hagerstown, Md., April 23, 1773; m. Nancy Waldron; d. Aug., 1844. FOURTH GENERATION 5. Christiana* Vought (John,' John Christopher,' Simon' ), b. Sept. 13, 1773; m. at Duanesburgh, N. Y., April 11, 1796, as his second wife, Capt. John Bogart of Albany, N. Y. (b. Sept. 5, 1761), son of Henry Isaac Bogart and Barbara Marselis; he d. at Albany, N. Y., Aug. 22, 1853. His wife d. at Albany, June 17, 1836. Her children were: i. Henrietta," b. Nov. 28, 1797; m. Abraham S. Brincker- hoff, Jan. 12, 1825; who d. in 1852; she d. Nov. 28, 1882, without issue, ii. John Vought, b. July 16, 1799; d. Aug. 20, 1800. iii. Mary Grandin, b. Aug. 13, 1801; d. Jan. 26, 1886. 12 iv. Stephen Van Rensselaer, b. March 14, 1804. v. Evelina C, b. March 27, 1807; d. Sept., i, 1865. 13 vi. John Henry, b. Aug. 31, 1809. vii. Isaac, b. Dec. 31, 181 1; m. Jeanette Mott; d. Oct. 15, i860; no issue, viii. Philip Grandin Augustus, b. Aug. 31, 1814; d. Sept. 13, 1837; no issue. 14 Descendants of Simon and Christina Vought 6. Eleanor* Vought (John,' John Christopher," Simon"), b. Dec. 17, 1775, at Clinton, N. J.; m. May 27, 1799, Myndert Van der Volgen, who was b. Oct. 17, 1772, and d. Oct. 14, 1843. Eleanor Van der Volgen d. Keb. 14, 1849. Children: i. Gertrude,' b. March 31, 1800; d. April 25, 1827. ii. Mary, b. April 25, 1803; d. Oct. 28, 1848; m. Rev. Bunnell; no issue, iii. Susannah, b. Jan. 20, 1806; d. Sept. 7, 1826. iv. Peter, b. Jan. 9, 1809; d. Sept. 29, 1876. V. John, b. Feb. 20, 1812; d. March 18, 1812. 14 vi. John Vought, b. Jan. 27, 1814; d. Sept. 4, 1851; m. Margaret A. Schuyler. 15 vii. William Boardman, b. Sept. 29, i8i6; d. July 13, 1892; m. Jane C. Carnahan. 16 viii. Cornelius, b. Oct. 29, 1819; d. ; m. Eliza Mary Graham, Feb. 22, 1849. Children: i. William Vought,' b. April 5, 1850. ii. Charles Graham, b. June 17, 1851; d. May 31, 1853. iii. Harry Matthews, b. Oct. 16, 1856. 7. Philip Grandin* Vought (John," John Christopher,' Simon"), b. Jan. 11, 1781; d. Feb. 27, 1858; m. Leah Man- nmg. Leah Vought d. Aug. — , 1847. Children: i. Christiana,' lived in Schenectady, and d. there unm ii. Elinor. iii. Samuel, lived in Ypsilanti, Mich, iv. Edward. 8. Christopher * Vought (John,* John Christopher,' Simon ' ) was b. at Staten Island, N. Y., May 2, 1783; m. June 11, 1812,' Mary Johnson Throckmorton, dau. of James Throckmorton and Frances Barbaric. She d. June 17, 1849, at Freehold, N. J aged 62 years. Christopher Vought d. at Duanesburgh. He took part in the War of 1812. He received a commission as 1st Lieut, m the 3d squadron of a cavalry regiment in New York County in 1807. In 1810 he was made a Captain in Col Rensselaer Westerloo's Regiment, and in 1820 was promoted to Major. He d. in New York City, June 16, 1826, and is buried in Trinity Churchyard. Children: 17 i. James Throckmorton,' b. June 8, 1814. ii. John, b. Nov. 11, i8i6; he was a physician and lived at Freehold, N. J.; never m., and d. there May 21, 1882. iii. Philip Grandin, b. Nov. 16, 1819; he lived at Free- hold, N. J.; m. Louise R3^al, and d. July 28, 1882; his wife died . No issue. Descendants of Simon and Christina Vought 1 5 iv. Frances Eliza, b. April 22, 1821; never m., and d. at Freehold, N. J., May 14, 1849. V. Mary Anna, b. Oct. 13, 1823; never m., and d. at Duanesburgh, N. Y., June 3, 1846. 10. Abraham* Vought (John,' John Christopher," Simon'), b. at Duanesburgh, Dec. 19, 1795; d. Jan. 25, 1873; m. May 9, 1820, Ruth Voorhees (b. at Florida, N. Y., Sept. 24, 1798, and d. April 8, 1891), daughter of John Henry Voorhees and Beulah Sheldon. He was a farmer and lived at Duanesburgh, N. Y., till 1831, and then moved to Mendon, Monroe Co., N. Y. He was cornet in 1816 in 3d Regiment of Cavalry, Albany Co., and promoted to 2d Lieut, in 1820. From 185 1 until his death he lived at Pittsford, New York. His children (all b. at Duanesburgh, N. Y.) were: i. William Grandin,' b. Feb. 16, 182 1; he was a civil engineer, and d. March 4, 1846, without issue, ii. Jane Leslie, b. July 15, 1822; m. Jan. 27, 1849, Chauncey Henry Porter (who d. June 9, 1897); she d. at Buffalo, N. Y., Nov. 20, 1902, without issue. i8 iii. John Henry, b. Feb. 13, 1825; d. Nov. 4, 1882; m. June 9, 1858, Anne Webster, dau. of Hosea Web- ster of Brooklyn. 19 iv. Mary Grandin, b. April 14, 1828; m. Sept. 20, 1854, Samuel Hopkins Ver Planck. 11, George* Young (Christiana,' John Christopher,' Simon"), was b. in Hagerstown, Md., April 23, 1773. His mother dying when he was two weeks old, he was taken by his mother's brother, Capt. John Vought, of Hunterdon Co., N. J., and brought up to manhood. Capt. John Vought conveyed one-half of the tract of 2,000 acres of land at Duanesburgh to his nephew Capt. George Young, as shown by the records in New York Secretary of State's office, Liber 36 of Deeds, p. 164. Here Capt. Young lived for many years. He commenced business as a merchant at Schenectady, subsequently removed to his farm where he built a large hotel which he kept for over thirty years, and then moved to Elk Horn, Walworth Co., Wis., where he settled in June, 1843. He d. there in August, 1844, from the results of an injury. He served many years as captain of an independent company of cavalry which was called into the service of the United States in the War of 1812. He m. in 1800 Nancy (or Anna), daughter of Capt. Hendrick Waldron, who was alive in 1866. Capt. George Young had the following children: i. Christina Vought,' b. Sept. 9, 1801; d. 1850, unm. ii. Margaret, b. Nov. 30, 1802. iii. Mary G., b. Jan. 9, 1805; m. Lewis Freeman, iv. Jean C, b. Nov. 13, i8o6; m. John Pike. V. Christopher Vought, b. Oct. 26, 1808; d. young. 1 6 Descendants of Simon and Christina Vought 20 vi. Gertrude, b. at Duanesburg, March lo, 1810; m. Hon. George Gale (b. Burlington, Vt., Nov. 30, 181 6), Dec. 5, 1844. vii. John Vought, b. March 17, 1813; d. young, viii. Anne, b. March 16, 1815; m. William Vanderpool. ix. George Henry, b. March 8, 1817; m. March 21, 1838, Hester Hilton. X. John, b. July 28, 1819; m. Eliza Tygert. xi. Catherine, b. Oct. 31, 1822; m. Thomas Liddle. xii. Jacob Hollenbeck, b. Oct. 20, 1824. xiii. Elizabeth, b. Aug. 15, 1826; d. Oct. 15, 1828. xiv. William McKowan, b. March 31, 1829. FIFTH GENERATION 12. Stephen Van Rensselaer" Bogert (Christiana,' John,* John Christopher,' Simon'), b. March 14, 1804; m. March 7, 1826, Amanda Strong (b. Jan. 12, 1804, daughter of Rev. Joseph Strong and Sophia Woodbridge). He was a physician and practised at Geneva, N. Y., for eighteen years. In 1844 he was appointed resident physician of the Sailor's Snug Harbour, and continued to be associated with that institution until his death, Jan. 10, 1896, at West New Brighton, Staten Island, N. Y. His wife d. Feb. 27, 1885. Children of Stephen V. R. Bogert and Amanda Strong: i. John Shankland,' b. Dec. 7, 1826; d. Aug. 24, 1828. ii. Mary Christiana, b. ; m. Dr. Samuel Day Flagg, of St. Paul, Minn., and d. without issue. May 27, 1898. iii. Harriet Sophia, b. Sept. 21, 183 1; m. William M. Whittemore, Aug. 3, 1859, who d. May 15, 1893. iv. Stephen Maltby, b. Oct. 30, 1833; d. Dec. 18, 1833. 21 V. Edward Strong, b. May 7, 1836. vi. Grandin Augustus, b. Nov. 4, 1838; d. Feb. 20, 1839. vii. Henrietta Evelina, b. March 25, 1840. viii. Catherine Eliza, b. April 24, 1842; m. (i) Capt. Thomas Melville, June 4, 1868, who d. March 5, 1884; m. {2) Kenneth G. White, Nov. 20, 1894. 22 ix. Isabella Lee, b. Nov. 8, 1844. 23 X. Amanda Strong, b. June 6, 1847. 13. John Henry' Bogart (Christiana,* John," John Christo- pher," Simon'), b. Aug. 31, 1809; m. April 8, 1835, Eliza Her- mans, a dau. of Hermans and Elizabeth Halsted. He d. Dec. 27, 1901, at Albany, N. Y., and his wife d. March 17, 1889, at New York City. Children of John Bogart and Eliza Hermans: 24 i. John," b. Feb. 8, 1836; m. Emma Clara Jefferis, Nov. 2, 1870. Children: i. Eliza Hermans,' b. Oct. 2, 1871; d. July 19, 1872. Descendants of Simon and Christina Vought 17 ii. John, b. April 5, 1875; d. July 16, 1875. ii. James H., b. March 24, 1839; Major in U. S. Vol., killed in Battle at Port Hudson, La., June 14, 1863. 25 iii. Augusta, b. Jan. 17, 1841; m. Rev. William R. Harris, April, 25, 1867. iv. Elizabeth Hermans, b. Nov. 4, 1843. 26 V. Henrietta, b. Aug. 21, 1849; m. Dec. 19, 1876, Charles E. Spencer. 14. John Vought' Vander Volgen (Eleanor,* John," John Christopher,' Simon ' ), was b. Jan. 29, 1814; he m. Margaret A. Schuyler, dau of , on Dec. 28, 1840. She was b. Feb. 20, 1824, and d. Feb. 12, 1843. John Vought Vander Volgen was a Dutch Reformed clergyman. He d. Sept. 4, 1851. He had but one child: 27 i. Margaret A.,' b. Oct. 9, 1842; m. Jan. 29, 1885, Cor- nelius F. Conde (son of Abraham F. Conde and Margaret Kinsella), who was b. Dec. 4, 1837. 15. William Boardman' Vander Volgen (Eleanor,* John,' John Christopher," Simon'), was b. Sept. 29, 1816; m. Sept. 25, 1849, Jane C. Carnahan, of Rob Roy, Ind.; he d. July 13, 1892. His children were: 28 i. Albert,' b. May 8, 185 1; m. Sept. 24, 1874, Sarah Louise Campbell. Children: i. Blanche.' ii. Edgar, iii. Bertha. 29 ii. William Myndert, b. June 27, 1856; m. Kate Mc- Williamson, , 1894. 30 iii. Mary Eleanor, b. March, 1868; m. William D. Geb- hardt. May 24, 1888. Child: i. Ethel, b. March 29, 1889. 16. Cornelius' Vander Volgen (Eleanor,* John,' John Chris- topher,' Simon' ), was b. Oct. 29, 1819; m. Feb. 22, 1849, Eliza Mary Graham (b. Dec. 4, 1827); lived at Pittsburgh, Carroll Co., Ind. Children: i. William Vought,' b. April 5, 1850; m. Nov. 12, 1879, to Rachal Davis, ii. Charles Graham, b. June 17, 185 1; d. May 31, 1853. 31 iii. Harry Mathews, b. Oct. 16, 1856; m. Dec. 9, 1880, to Amanda Swatts, and has following children: i. Lawrence Freeman,' b. Oct. 14, 1881. ii. Charles Myndert, b. Sept. 22, 1885. iii. George Webber, b. Aug. 27, 1892. 17. James Throckmorton' Vought (Christopher,* John,' John Christopher,' Simon ' ), was b. at Duanesburgh, N. Y., June 8, 1814; m. (i) Louise Sherwood, in July, 1850, who d. at Mendon, N. Y., in June, 1852; m. (2) Mary Jane Tracy of Milwaukee, Wis., June 6, 1856, dau. of Luther Martin Tracy, M.D., and 1 8 Descendants of Simon and Christina Vought Content Baldwin, and who was b. , and d. July 22, 1868. James Throckmorton Vought d. April 7, 1894, at Pittsford, N. Y., and was buried at Freehold, N. J. He had no children by his first wife. His children were: 32 i. Grandin Tracy," b. Oct. 31, 1858, at Milwaukee, Wis.; m. (i) July 13, 1886, Mary E. Loud, who was b. Dec. 19, i860, at Easton Md., and d. at Pittsford, N. Y., Oct. 9, 1895; m. (2) Mary Wells May, June 25, 1901. His children by his first wife ai^e: i. James Throckmorton,' b. May 9, 1887. ii. Grandin Tracy, b. July 20, 1889. iii. Mary Lookerman, b. Nov. 15, 1891, and d. Dec. 9, 1894. iv. Ida Barrington, b. Sept. 24, 1893. 33 ii. Marianna, b. March i, i860, at Milwaukee, Wis.; m. William A. Hover, of Denver, Col., Sept. i, 1886, (b. March 9, 1856, son of William N. Hover and Harriet Harbaugh). Children: i. William Tracy,' b. June 17, 1887. ii. Mary Throckmorton, b. Nov. 19, "1888. iii. Ruth Grandin, b. April 15, 1891. iv. Dorothy Adgate, b. Aug. 11, 1893. V. Harriet Harbaugh, b. Jan. 6, 1895. vi. Anna Vought, b. March 9, 1897. vii. James Throckmorton Vought, b. April 15, 1898. viii. Charles Stedman, b. June 14, 1900. ix. Barbara, b. March 27, 1902. 18. John Henry' Vought (Abraham,* John,' John Chris- topher,' Simon'), was b. at Mendon, N. Y., Feb. 13, 1825; m. June 9, 1858, Anne Webster, dau. of Hosea Webster of Brook- lyn, N. Y.. and d. at Buffalo, N. Y., Nov. 4, 1882. He was a grain merchant. His widow now resides in Buffalo, N. Y. Children: 34 i. William Grandin,' b. at Buffalo, N. Y., May 14, i860, graduateof Yale University 1882; m. June 19, 1888, to Natalie Sternberg, dau. of Charles F. Sternberg, and Mary Blackmarr. He lives at East Aurora, N. Y. He has the following children: i. Grandin Sternberg,' b. June 20, 1889. ii. John Henry, b. July 3, 1892. iii. Schuyler Ver Planck, b. March 16, 1894. ii. Walter Joy, b. at Buffalo, N. Y., Jan. 8, 1862, graduate Yale Scientific, 1882; M.D., College Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, 1884; practiced to time of his death in New York City; d. Sept. 24, 1893, at New York City. 35 iii. Anne Webster, b. at Buffalo, N. Y., Nov. 7, 1863; m. Edward Webster Dann, Sept. 14, 1895, and has the following children: Descendants of Simon and Christina Vought 19 i. Dorothea,' b. Aug. 27, 1896. ii. RadclifFe, b. Nov. 5, 1897. 36 iv. Mary Ver Planck, b. Nov. 8, 1866, at Buffalo, N. Y.; m. Williams Lansing, June 4. 1890. Children: i. Ruth Voorhees,' b. Jan. 17, 1896; d. ii. Helen Webster, b. Aug. 3, 1898. 37 V. John Henry, b. April 29, 1870, at Buffalo, N. Y.; m. Mary Warren, Oct. 8, i'895, and has following chil- dren: i. Katharine Warren,' b. June i, 1897, at Auburn, N. Y. ii. Anne Webster, b. Jan. 5, 1902, at Hazelton, Pa. 19. Mary Grandin' Vought (Abraham,* John,' John Chris- topher,' Simon'), was b. at Duanesburgh, N. Y., April 14, 1828, and bap. by the Rev. William Thomas; m. at Pittsford, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1854, Samuel Hopkins Ver Planck (b. Jan. 31, 1827); lives at Geneva, N. Y. Children: i. Mary Elizabeth,' b. Aug. 11, 1855; d. Sept. 29, 1890. ii. Ruth Leslie, b. Dec. 8, 1857; d. Nov. i, 1885. iii. Susan Sill, b. Nov. 22, 1859; d. Oct. 27, 1868. 38 iv. William Gordon, b. April 15, 1861; m. Harriet An- derson Clark, June 16, 1891, at New York City; lives in New York City, and has had the following children: i. Margarita Schuyler,' b. Oct. 17, 1892. ii. Ruth Leslie, b. March 25, 1896; d. Feb. 27, 1897. v. Jane Leslie, b. Sept. 18, 1863. 21. Edward Strong' Bogert (Stephen Van Rensselaer,' Christiana,* John Christopher,' John," Simon' ), b. May 7, 1836; m. June 6, 1866, Helen M. Hart, dau. of Joseph R. Hart and Elizabeth Cook. She d. at New York City, Aug. 27, 1902. Edward Bogert graduated at University City of New York, receiving the degree of M.D. He entered the U. S. Navy in 1861, and served through the War of the Rebellion. He re- ceived his promotions as follows: Surgeon, April 6, 1866; Medi- cal Inspector, 1880; Medical Director, 1889; and is now stationed at New York City. His children are: 39 i. Edward Strong, Jr.,' b. April 30, 1867. After being graduated at the College of Physicians and Sur- geons, and receiving his degree of M.D. at Colum- bia College, he followed his father's example and entered the U. S. Navy as Assistant Surgeon. He served through the Spanish War on the Hospital ship Solace. He m. Eva Wade, dau. of K. H. Wade and . He was in 1905 stationed at Annapolis, Md., as instructor in the U. S. Naval Academy. 20 Descendants of Simon and Christina Vought 40 ii. Rosalie Bates, b. Jan. 10, 1870, at Brooklyn; m. Nov. 15, 1894, Arthur Sherwood, son of C. K. Sherwood and Sarah Miller; they live in New York City, and have the following children: 1. Gordon Bogert," b. July 29, 1895. ii. Newton Bates, b. March 23, 1897. 22. Isabella Lee' Bogert, b. Nov. 8, 1844; m. June 5, 1873. Francis H. Bagley, b. Jan. 16, 1840, son of Wm. Chandler Bagley of Boston, Mass., and Roche; he volunteered for the defense of the Union and served four and a half years. After the war he entered the Presbyterian ministry and was settled at Elmsport, N. Y. He d. July 12, 1878, at New Brighton. His widow lives at West New Brighton, Staten Island, N. Y. Child of Francis H. Bagley and Isabella L. Bogert: 41 i. Harriette Woodbridge,' b. Jan. 9, 1875; m. John Craik of Scotland, son of John Craik and Isabel Elliot; they live in London, Eng., and have two children: i. Douglas Elliot," b. March 19, 1897. ii. Marjorie, b. Sept. 14, 1904. 23. Amanda Strong' Bogert, b. June 6, 1847; in. Feb. 16, 1884, Jacob Le Roy Brown, son of Francis Gordon Brown and Charlotte Downs Le Roy. He was in business in New York City, and afterwards removed to Redlands, Cal.; he d. at Staten Island, N. Y., Aug. 13, 1892. His widow is now living at Staten Island. Her only child is; 42 i. Isabel Le Roy,' b. Jan. 3, 1887. 25. Augusta' Bogart (John Henry," Christiana,' John,' John Christopher," Simon'), b. Jan. 17. 1841; m. April 25, 1867, Rev. William R. Harris, now rector of the Episcopal Church at Palenville, N. Y.; she d. Sept. 6, 1899. She had one child: 43 i. Henrietta Laura,' b. March 26, 1868; m. May 5, 1892, Edwin Vander Veer Bartine, and has issue: i. John Harris,* b. Nov. 7, 1897; d. Dec. 17, 1897. ii. Edwin Bogart, b. Nov. 19, 1901. 26. Henrietta' Bogart (John Henry,' Christiana,* John,^ John Christopher,' Simon'), b. Aug. 21, 1849; m. Dec. 19, 1876, Charles E. Spencer, and is now living in Brooklyn, N. Y. She has issue: 44 i. William Bogart,' b. Oct 9, 1877. ii. Herbert, b. Jan. 15, 1879; m. Fanny Turner Ran- dolph of New Orleans, La., June i, 1905. 45 iii. Ernest Edgell, b. Dec. 5, 1881. 46 iv. John Henry, b. May 20, 1891. Diary of Christiana Vought From On Tuesday Evening. The 8th of May 1792. My Nova Scotia father with his family Embarked on board of the Scooner Alice, Comanded by John Osburn. Wednesday 3 o'clock in the Morning Saild from Patridge Island 9th May with wind N. E., in the afternoon very Calm. Thursday tOth May Friday nth May Saturday J2th May Sunday I3th May Monday J4th May Tuesday I5th May Wednesday J6th May Thursday I7th May , Friday f J 8th May Saturday I9th May Wind S. W., went in at Aple River ; the afternoon went a Shore to Capt. Doves and had tea ; in the evening Came on board again. Sail.d out in the Night with a fair Breeze. Anchor.d 5 hours in Cumberland Bay. Went in at Quawes harbour, went a Shore to Capt. Howards, where we spent the afternoon in Chear- fulness, was used with a great Deal of Politeness, Mrs. Howard a lively Agreeable Woman, had tea and Came on board at 6 o'clock. Now the Breeze from N. E. weigh, d anchor to sail but diretly the wind dyed away and tide took us very near Quawes Rocks so that the Captain Gave orders to Pull away on the owers to keep the vesel from being stove; again we are favoured with a Breeze wc'h set us off the Rocks at 10 o'clock. Got out of the harbour and Sail,d very fast all Night. Foggy went in an harbour at one of the Pasmaquady Islands. Wind S. W. went in little River, in the evening wind haul,d round to N., left the harbour at 7 o'clock. Wind W. S. W. Made a harbour at Moosepecka Beach. Wind N. E. sail.d Past Mount Desert. Came across Boston Bay with big wind N. E. Anchor,d off Chatham at Night Came across Nan- Tucket Shoals with high wind W. N. W. a double reef in the Sails. Went in at NanTucket was ashore 15 minutes. Now a Messenger Comes and says we must be on board that the wind was Come round accordingly we was and sail,d from this at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Struck on a Shoal. 22 Diary of Christiana Vought Sunday 20th May Monday 2Jst May Tuesday 22nd May Wednesday 23rd May Thursday 24th May Friday 25th May Saturday 26th May Sunday 27th May Monday 28th May Tuesday 29th May Wednesday 30th May Thursday 3Ist May Wind W. S. W. Made an harbour at Matthews Vineyard. Mr. Dwolf & My Father went ashore re- turn, d in the Evening and deverted us with the de- tail of what they had heard and seen, they told us in Particular they had seen at A small distance a Woman lead 4 Children in a Grave Yard and going to a grave she fell Prostrate over it. A very affect- ing scene indeed. Wind still W. S. W. My Father took us ashore to Capt. Deagetts where we were to dine on a Turky but the wind shifting to N. E. frustrated our inten- tion and Blew so high made Such a sea was obliged to hire a Whale Boat to Put us on board. We then Got Under way and sail.d very Pleasing 4 hours, the remainder of the day Calm. Past Block Island, a Cloudy Morning and every thing apeard very Dull. Anchor,d off Fishers Island, sail,d in the Evening with a Breeze N. E. Wind S. W. went in at Say brook. Wind S. W. in Saybrook, we went a Shore and Saw a very Pretty Country Place every thing looks very Promising for the season. The fore Part of this Day the wind S. W. the after- noon N. weigh, d anchor and Sail,d out of the har- bour, at 6 o'clock beCalm,d anchor,d in the Sound, at 7 run back to Saybrook, in the evening had a Shower. Wind S. W. Showers the fore Part of the day. the Evening wind N. W. Hoised Sail and bid adieu to Saybrook. Anchor,d off Old Mans Harbour. Anchor,d off Smith's harbour. Anchor,d in Oyster Bay Early in the morning, 10 o'clock went ashore; Met with an old Lady that took us to her house and used us very kindly indeed, in the afternoon the wind sprang up N. E. and we left this, with joy. At Break of day was alarm, d out of our beds by Striking on the Rocks Called the Executioners, was fast 15 Minutes, Breeze very light and the Scooner went on easy; Received no damage — but we were in Diary of Christiana Vought 23 afternoon Friday 1st June Saturday 2nd June Sunday 3rd June Monday 4th June Tuesday 5th June Wednesday 6th June Thursday 7th June Friday 8th June . Saturday •th June inday th June Monday nth June a disagreeable situation for a little while, at 3 o'clock Came a Pilot on board from Hart Island at lo Anchor,d at 4 Hoised Sail at 5 a very heavy thunder Gust accompanied with rain, at 6 Came through Hell Gate, at 10 Arrived in New York — My Pappa took Mamah, My sisters and I to Charles McLeans who lives at White Hall. Pappa introduced us to A Mr. Covenhoven from Jersey who gave us some account of our friends there, also to A Mr. Bell from Halifax, also to Capt. Bogart with whom we are to go to Albany. He introduced us to A Mr. Younglove from Albany Who told Mamah he had Come to Welcome her to his Part of the World. Papa, Sister & I dined on board of Capt. Bogarts Sloop. Wrote to my aunt in Jersey and to my friend Miss Crane in Novascotia sent her the Particulars of my Pasage from Novascotia to New York; Nothing in Particular. Embarked for Albany at 9 o'clock in the Morning with a fine Breeze S. A good wind and every thing agreeable, our Capt. is very Polite and obliging. Wind very high N. at anchor before Mr. Timbrooks house; here Capt. Bogart leaves us as he is obliged to be in Albany at an appointed time. In the after- noon we were invited ashore to tea by Capt. B's. Sisterinlaw, A young Lady where we were treated with Politeness — they are Dutch People and apear to be very Neat and Clean. Wind N. Hudson. Beat up the River as far as the City of Wind N. our Captain is Come down from Albany in a scooner, you are Welcome Sir on Board, again is Echo,d through the Ship. This is about 2 o'clock in the afternoon. We find him more agreeable as we are more acquainted with him. In the Morning My father left us and took the land in order to Provide Wagons by the time we ariv,d 10 o'clock in the Evening we arived in Albany. ( 24 Diary of Christiana Vought Tuesday Early in the Morning Capt. Bogart Went to his J2th June Father's (Who lives in the City) and Brought his Brother Garet on board to introduce him to our family. After Compliments were Past and we sat Down, " Mrs. Vought ", said he, " shall we have you & Family to dine with us to Day". "I thank you sir", said Mamah, " our Family is very large." " No Matter for that we shall be hapy to wait on them ". — Just as we were finishing breakfast Came in Mr. Gurst and with A Mr. Wright, Who after they were set down and welcom,d us to Albany said he \yas Come to invite Mamah and Family to dine with him. " I am much obliged to you sir, I am engaged to Mr. Bogarts." "Well Madam to Tea then". "No", said Garet Bogart, "where they dine they must Drink Tea"; accordingly we went with Capt. B. to his Fathers; we met the old lady (his Mother) on the Porch Who Conducted us in a well furnished room then turn.d about "your welcom here" said she — Now Comes in Miss Bogart (Sister to Capt. B.) " Miss Vought you are welcome here I hope you will make this as your home". "I thank you Madam", said I; "you have had a long Passage"; "Yes, but A very agreeable one, Miss Bogart ". So the Conver- sation turn,d Now in Comes Garet B. "I am hapy to see you here Ladys I wish you not to Make Strange ". Mamah returned the Compliment; When diner was ready we were bid in, Garet and Miss B. did the honours of the table; their Parents is old People wich I expect is the reason they take this on themselves— After Tea Miss Bogart Took My sister & I thro the Most Capital Streets of the City. When we returned Mr. Garet asked us if we would not walk up to the Springs (this is a Spring about 3 quarters of Mile out of Town where many walks about Sun set and after). "I have no objection" was the General answere; accordingly we went and saw A Number of People there Drinking of this Very Cold Water— We all sup.d at Mr. Bogarts and then returned to the Sloop where we Lodged. Wednesday At Eleven o'clock we left Albany, at 2 o'clock din,d J3th June 7 mile from Albany, at 9 in the evening we arrived on Voughts Patton our Place of residence. C. V. INDEX PAGE Alexander, James 5,8 Mary 8 Bagley, Francis H 20 Harriette Woodbridge 20 Isabella Lee 20 William Chandler 20 Baldwin, Content 18 Banks, Jacob 10 Barbaric, Frances 14 Bartine, Edward V. V 20 Edwin Bogert 20 John Harris 20 Henrietta L 20 Bell, Mr 23 Blackmarr, Mary 18 Bogart, Augusta 17, 20 Barbara 13 Capt 23, 24 Christiana 12, 13 Eliza 16 Elizabeth Hermans 16, 17 Emma Clara 16 Evelina C 13 Caret 24 Henrietta 13, 17, 20 Henry Isaac 13 Isaac 13 James H 17 Jeannette M 13 John 12, 13, 16 John Henry 13, 16 John Vought 13 Mary Grandin 13 Philip Grandin A 13 Stephen Van Rensselaer 13 Bogert, Amanda Strong 16, 20 Catherine Eliza 16 Edward Strong 16, 19 Eva Wade ig Grandin Augustus 16 Harriet Sophia 16 Helen M 19 Henrietta Evelina 16 Isabella Lee 16,20 John Shankland 16 Mary Christiana 16 Rosalie Bates 20 Stephen Maltby 16 Stephen Van Rensselaer 13, 16 Braine, Thomas 10 Brinckerhoff, Abraham S 13 Henrietta 13 Brown, Amanda S 20 PAGE Brown, Charlotte D 20 Francis Gordon 20 Jacob Le Roy 20 Isabella Le Roy 20 Brunner, Peter 10 Bunnell, Mary 14 Rev 14 Butler, Walter 10 Campbell, Sarah L 17 Carnahan, Jane C 14 Clark, Hannah M ig Harriet A 19 William N 19 Clinton, Sir Henry 9, 11 Conde, Abraham F 17 Cornelius F 17 Margaret A 17 Covenhoven, Mr 23 Cox, Daniel 6, 7 Craik, Douglas Elliot 20 Harriette W 20 Isabella E 20 John 20 Marjorie 20 Crane, Miss 23 Dann, Anne W 18 Dorothea 19 Edward W 18 Radcliffe ig Davis, Rachel 19 Deaggetts, Capt 22 De Guinee, Ari 4 Dove, Capt 21 Downs, Charlotte 20 Drake, William 10 Duane, James lo Dwolf, Mr 22 Elliot, Isabel 20 Falkner, Rev. Justus 4 Flagg, Mary C 16 Samuel D 16 Frazier, Rev 11 Freeman, Lewis 15 Frelinghuysen, Rev 13 Foreman, Eleanor n Philip II Forster, John 10 Gale, George 16 Gertrude 16 ( 26 Index PAGE Gebhardt, Ethel 17 Mary Eleanor 17 WilliamD 17 Gradin, Philip 10, 11 Graham, Mary Eliza 14 Grandin, Eleanor II Philip II Gurst, Mr 24 Halstead, Elizabeth i5 Harbaugh, Harriet 18 Harris, William R 17,20 Augusta 1 7. 20 Henrietta L 20 Hart, Elizabeth 19 Helen M ig Joseph R ig Hermans, Eliza 16 John 16 Hilton, Hester 16 Hover, Anna V 18 Barbara 18 Charles Stedman 18 Dorothy Adgate 18 Harriet H 18 James T.V 18 Marianna. 18 Mary Throckmorton 18 Ruth Grandin 18 William A 18 William N 18 William Tracy 18 Howard, Mrs 21 Howe, Sir William 5, 6, 9, 11 Jefieris, EmmaC 16 Kinsella, Margaret 17 Kockerthal, Rev. Joshua 3 Langmansen, Margareta 4 Lansing, Helen Webster 19 Mary V. P 19 Ruth Voorhees 19 Williams I9 Lawrence, Capt 8 Col 8, II Leake, John 5, 7, 8, 10 Lee, Capt 9, 11 Liddle, Thomas 16 Loud, Mary E 18 Machlenberg, Rev. H. M 13 Manning, Leah 12 Marselis, Barbara 13 May, Mary Wells 18 McWilliamson, Kate 17 Melville, Catherine Eliza 16 Thomas 16 McLean, Charles 23 Messnerin, Catherina 4 Miller, Sarah 20 Mott, Jeannette 13 PAGE Mumford, Helen Frances 12 Osburn, John 21 Painter, James II Parker, James 8 Pike, John 15 Pootman, Cornelia 4 David 4 Porter, Chauncey H i3> '5 JaneL 15 Putnam, Cornelia 4 David 4 Roche, 20 Rutherford, William 10 Ryal, Louise 14 Schuyler, Margaret A 14 Sheldon, Beulah IJ Sherwood, Arthur 20 C.K 20 Gordon Bogert 20 Louise 17 Newton Bates 20 Rosalie B 20 Sarah M 20 Simthinger, Margarita 4 Spencer, Charles E 17, 20 Henrietta 17, 20 William B 20 Herbert 20 Fanny T 20 Ernest E 20 John Henry 20 Stebbins, Rev. Cyrus 12 Mary G 12 Sternberg, Charles F 18 Mary B 18 Natalie 18 Stevens, John 8 Strong, Amanda 16 Joseph 16 Sophia 16 Swatts, Amanda 17 Throckmorton, James 14 Mary J 12, 14 Timbrook, Mr 23 Tracy, Content 18 Luther Martin 17 Mary Jane 17 Traphagen, Cornelia 4 Henry 10 Ralph 4 Tygert, Eliza 16 Vanderpool, Anna 16 William 16 Vander Volgen, Albert 17 Amanda S 17 Bertha 17 Blanch 17 Index 27 ■\^ PAGE Van der Volgen, Charles Gra- ham 14, 17 Charles Myndert 17 Cornelius 14. 17 Edgar 17 Eleanor 12,14 Eliza Mary '4. 17 George Webber 17 Gertrude 14 Harry Mathews 14, i7 Jane C 14. 17 John 14 John Vought 14, 17 Lawrence Freeman 17 Margaret A 14. '7 Mary 14 Mary Eleanor 17 Myndert 12, 14 Peter 14 Rachel 17 Sarah Louise 17 Susannah 14 William Boardman 14, I7 William Myndert 17 William Vought 14, 17 Ver Planck, Harriet A 19 Jane Leslie 19 Mary Elizabeth IQ Mary Grandin 'S. '9 Margarita Schuyler I9 Ruth Leslie ig Samuel Hopkins 15. '9 Susan Sill 19 William Gonion ig Voke, Christopher 11 Voorhees, beulah 15 John Henry 15 Ruth 12, 15 Vought, Abigail 12 Abraham 4, 12, 15 Anne Webster 15, 18, ig Christiana 11-14, 21 Christina 3 Christopher 1 1, 12, 14 Cornelia 4, 12 Edward 14 Eleanor 12. 14 Elinor 14 Frances Eliza 15 Grandin Sternberg 18 Grandin Tracy 18 Helen F 12 Ida Harrington 18 James Throckmorton. . . .14, 17, 18 Jane Leslie 15 Johannes 4 Johannes Christopher 4 Johannes Christoffle 4 John 5,6, II, 14 John Graff 12 John Henry 15, 18, ig Katharine Warren 19 PAGE Vought, Leah 14 Louise R 14 Louise Sherwood 17 Margareta 4 Marianna 18 Mary II Mary Anna 15 • Mary E 18 Mary Grandin 1 1, 12, 15, 19 Mary Jane 17 Mary Johnson 14 Mary Loockerman 18 Mary Ver Planck 19 Mary Warren 19 Mary Wells 18 Natalie S 18 Philip Grandin 12, 14 Ruth 12, 15 Samuel 14 Schuyler Ver Planck 18 Simon 3 Walter Joy 18 William Grandin 13, 15, 18 Wade, Eva 19 K. H ig Waldron, Capt. Hendrick 15 Nancy I3, 15 Warren, Mary 19 Webster, Anne 15 Hosea 15 Weygand, Rev. John A 4 White, Catherine E 16 Kenneth 16 Whittemore, Harriet S 16 William M 16 Wimmer, Hannes 4 Johannes 4 Woodbridge, Sophia 16 Wright, Mr 24 Young, Anne 15, 16 Catherine 16 Christiana 13 Christiana Vought 15 Christopher Vought 15 Eliza 16 Elizabeth 16 George 9. 13. '5 George Henry 16 Gertrude 16 Hester 16 Jacob Hollenbeck 16 Jean C 15 John II, 13, 16 John Vought 16 Margaret 15 Mary G 15 Nancy 15 William McKowan 16 Younglove, Mr 23 l\ A /\ m? •COPT DEL. TOCAT.ofVJ ^Af^ 81 1907 iK^ 24 ^^Q'^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS