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ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS OF Daniel Lothrop Sr. 1545 TO I9OI " So let us print in colors clear and fast, The well-known present with the half-known past; And leave for children's children jet to come, The brave traditions of the ancient home." Mi's. Geo. L. Chancy. COMriLED AND PUBLISHED BY GEORGE DAVID READ HUBBARD, ' 1 73 Grove Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. ^ :y .•h^ i^ v^ \ Z4^3s sy ("iij iR(.i: 1 Ii i,smi:k. Sarah (LAiiikor) Husmer. (RcB})cctfuf% bebicatcb to f^c fatBcr anb mother w^o ^wc mc a goob wife, w^oec fot^mo; bcyotion ^ae ken unccaetnc^, wfictBcr eune^inc or cfoubo Burrounbcb ue. INTRODUCTION. In commencing the genealogy of the ancestors and descendants of Daniel Lotlirop Sr.. 1 know of nothing more appropriate than a quotation from the pen of Daniel Wehstcr : "There is a moral and philosophical respect for our ancestors which elevates the character and improves the heart." Also the following from Lord Lindsay: "An affectionate regard for the memory of our forefathers is natural to the heart; it is an emotion totally distinct from pride. If the virtues of strangers be so attractive to us, how infinitely more so should be those of our own kindred." The family name undoubtedly came from Lowthorpe. a small parish in the Wapentake of Dickering, East Riding of Yorkshire, England. In and near this small parish lived the earliest known Lothrops, who seem to have spelled the name as pleased their individual fancy. The direct line of ancestry here given dates back to John Lowthroppe, 1545, as given on page 6, and his style of spelling seems to have been used by his son Robert and grandson Thomas, while his great- grandson. Rev. John, the emigrant, changed it to Lothropp, and the next generation, (Samuel), brought it down to the simplest form — Lothrop. This latter spelling was used by four succeeding generations, including Daniel Sr.. while five of his sons changed it again to what we may term the American form — Lathrop — the balance retaining the old style. In this connection it will be noted that these records only include the direct line of ancestors from John' to Daniel," making no attempt to cover the ancestral branches, being quite extensive and confusing. While the earliest known ancestor of Daniel Lothrop Sr. came before the public somewhat prominently early in the sixteenth century, as noted above, there are occasional records concerning persons of the name as having lived in that section of England at much earlier dates, indicating a very ancient origin of the family name. In 1216 Walter de Lowthorpe was elected sheriff of Yorkshire. In 1292 another Walter de Lowthorpe was summoned to answer to King Edward I for a minor alleged offence. August 3, 1474, Robert Lowthorp, of Bridlington, made his will, giving his landed estate to his relatives in Lowthorpe and Cherry Burton. It is noteworthy as being the earliest will now preserved in the registry at York, of any person of the name of Lowthorp. It is written in the abbreviated Latin peculiar to that period, and names his wife, Catherine, as executrix. As shown in the engraving, we have one substantial monument to connect us with the ancestors of long ago — the Collegiate Church of Saint Martin, in Lowthorpe, dating from the time of Edward III, who reigned from 1327 to 1377. Its tower, which is in good repair and covered with ivy, com- mands a view of the little hamlet of one hundred and fifty persons, which is included in a perpetual curacy of the archdeaconry of York. The eastern portion of the nave is now in ruins and also covered with ivy ; the present nave is shortened and there is no east window ; the chancel, of which no remains are left, doubtless fell into ruins and disappeared in the sixtgenth century, soon after the dissolution of the collegiate body at Lowthorpe, The church had for one of its chaplains in the reign of Richard II, Robert de Louthorp. Rev. John Lothropp, the twelfth of twenty-two children of Thomas Lowthroppe, (by three wives), was the pioneer of the Lothrop and Lathrop families in America. He was educated in Queen's College, Cambridge, where he was admitted to membership in 1601, graduated B.A. in 1605, and M.A. in 1609, and became curate of Egerton, County Kent, forty-eight miles south-east of London, in 161 1, proving, no doubt, a very acceptable minister of the English Church. But in 1623 his judgment could no longer approve the ritual and government of the church of his youth, to which he bade adieu, and with no misgivings subscribed to the cause of the Independents. During the next year he was called to the First Independent Church in London. They had no place of worship, their meetings being illegal, yet in such places as they could stealthily occupy, they held together and were comforted and instructed by Rev. John. They succeeded in their desire to worship after their own manner for about eight years, but the persistent eflforts of their perse- 4 INTRODUCTION. cutors finally located their retreat, and on April 22, 1632, Rev. John and forty-two others were cast into prison, In the spring of 1634 all but Mr. Lothropp were released on bail, but he was considered too dangerous to be set at liberty, and he was given no hope of release. During his confinement his wife was taken sick, and he was granted permission to visit her before her death. He returned to prison, but the bishop finally took pity on the miserable condition of his children, and he was released and reached America September 18, 1634. A portion of his London flock had preceded him, and located in Scituate, Mass., where he repaired in nine days after his arrival, welcomed to a new home where they could all worship their Creator according to their own ways, unfettered by the harsh laws of the old country. A kindly reception was extended to him, and the cordial greetings were most gratifying. His fol- lowers quickly built a crude house for his temporary home, a shelter from the storm, a place that he could call his own. He married his second wife. Anna, some time previous to June 14, 1635. It is probable her maiden name was Hammond, possibly a daughter of William Hammond, of Watertown. She was undoubtedly the mother of all his si.x children born in America, eight having been born in England. He removed to Barnstable. Mass.. in October, 1639, with a large company from Scituate, where four acres for a house-lot were assigned him. His first house proved to be too small and a more substantial building was made ready for occupancy in 1644, and being built of solid and enduring material its frame still stands, but it has undergone many out- ward transformations. The house stands on a level plot of ground, but a few feet east of the house is a hill fifteen to twenty feet high, against which a bank wall was erected, leaving a driveway from the road to rear of house. After more than two hundred and fifty years the style and interior finish of the rooms below and above are still retained. The large cased beam across the front room, (the modern parlor), from east to west, and the corner posts of the framing projecting into the room, as in the chamber over it, but unlike the room below, the beam' runs north and south, both giving solidity to the structure. The front rooms measure about six- teen and one-half feet square, but other rooms arc of varying sizes to adapt them to domestic needs and convenience. The ground floor plan covers an area of over eight hundred square feet, the height of ceiling being seven feet for first story and six and one-half feet above. About the year iSoo the house was remodeled and enlarged by moving the west end fourteen feet and lengthening the rafters six feet, giving a steeper pitch to and making both roofs alike, by removing a corresponding portion of the rear part of the house, a change that took away the interesting and characteristic feature of this and other like houses of the period, viz. : the long back roof reaching to within a few feet of the ground. Buildings of this ancient style of the Pilgrim age, with few exceptions, have disappeared. This historic house is now occupied as a parsonage and public library, a worthy monument of those stout-hearted and truth-loving pioneers. The illustration shows the house as originally constructed. The Bible which Rev. John brought with him from England, (also illustrated), was taken to Norwich, Conn., in 1668 by his son Samuel,^ and passed successively to Samuel Jr.," (brother of John 3rd"), Nathaniel,' Azariah," Charles," (third cousin to Daniel Sr.°), and Daniel W.,'" grandfather of the present owner. Miss Helen Bliss Dunham,'" of New York City. It was printed in London in 1605. in type of same style as used on dedication page of this volume. During the voyage to America Mr. Lothropp dropped a spark of fire on one of its pages, while reading at evening devotion. He fell asleep with the book par- tially closed, but awakened by the heat, he found that a hole had been burned through several pages. Before the voyage was completed he had repaired the burned places and supplied the missing words on most pages, from memory, with pen and ink in the old English text. It was undoubtedly his companion during his imprisonment in London. The engraving shows the Bible open at one of the burned pages. Amos Otis Jr., a remarkably prolific writer and diligent student, contributed a large number of valuable and interesting articles to the "Barnstable Patriot" concerning the early families of that historic town. In Nos. 230 and 245 he wrote : "Rev. John Lothropp and his followers were held by the people to be martyrs in the cause of Independency. No persecutions, no severity that their enemies could inflict, caused him, or one of his followers, to waver. They submitted without a murnnir to loss of property, to imprisonment in loathsome jails, and to be separated for two years from their families and friends, rather than subscribe to the forms of worship that INTRODUCTION. 5 King Charles and his bigoted prelates endeavored to force on their consciences. * * * Mr. Lothropp was as distinguished for his worldly wisdom as for his piety. It is the men that make a place, and to Mr. Lothropp's in early times, Barnstable was more indebted tlian to any other family. He was a good and true man, an independent thinker, and a man who held opinions in advance of his times. He fearlessly proclaimed in Old and New England the great truth that man is not responsible to his fellow man in matters of faith and conscience. Differences of opinion he tolerated. During the fourteen years that he was pastor of the Barnstable church, such was his influence over the people that the power of the civil magistrate was not needed to restrain crime. No pastor was ever more beloved by his people, none ever had a greater influ- ence for good. * * * To become a member of his church, no applicant was compelled to sign a creed or confession of faith. He retained his freedom, and simply professed his faith in God and promised that it should be his constant endeavor to keep His commandments, live a pure life and walk in love with his brethren." Samuel Lothrop. son of Rev. John Lothropp, came to Scituate with his father, and also removed to Barnstable, where he married Elizabeth Scudder, of Boston, in his father's house above mentioned. They moved to New London, Conn,, in 1648. He was judge of a local court in Pequot, Conn., in 1649. They moved to Norwich, Conn., in 1668, and built a house there on the main street some time previous to 1670. Their great-grandson. Dr. Daniel Lothrop, (second-cousin of John Lothrop 5th, mentioned on page 7), also built one there in 1745, probably on the same site. The latter is now standing, (1901), and owned by Misses Maria Perit Gilman, Emily Serena Oilman and Mrs, Louisa (Gilman) Lane, great-granddaughters of Lydia (Lothrop) Coit, a sister of Dr. Daniel Lothrop. The additions and improvements and the immaculate care and taste of the present occupants take away most every thought of the house being so very old. Samuel Lothrop was constable there in 1673 and 1682, and townsman in 1685. In 1734 his descendants are said to have numbered three hundred and sixty-five people. Daughters of the following families have married descendants of Daniel Lothrop Sr., of vari- ous names: Allen, Andrews, Arey. Blain. Bowers, Brown (4), Casey, Chandler (2), Clark (3), Cleaves, Couch, Crumrine, Dennen, Dorcey, Douglass, Facemyer, Field, French. Gifford, Gilman, Grove, Harwood, Hauser, Hendrick, Hepler. Hill, Hinckley, Hobbs, House, Hutchinson, John- son, Judson, Keyser, Kinkead, Kloppenburg. Langdon, Lee, Leininger, Long, Mansell, Mansur, Martin, Mayo, Merry, Mitchell. Morrison, Newell. Osborn, Page, Porter (3), Potter, Pratt, Richardson, Robinson (2), Rood. Sampson. Schoonover. Seymour. Shively. Shove, Simmons, Snell, Spalding. Stanley, Sterling, Stewart, Stone, Wagner, Ward (2), Warren, Wheelock, Wilkins, Wil- lard and Woodman — eighty-four in all, sixty-two having been blessed with children. Descendant daughters of Daniel Lothrop Sr. have married into the following families : Albert, Allen, Atwood, Bartlett, Baum, Bent, Blin, Blower, Bradley, Brittingham, Burgher, Camm, Camp, Chapin, Clough, Coburn, Cortis, Cowan, Daggett, Darnold, Day, Doane, Dresser, Eager, Ellis, Ewin, French, Hatch, Hawkes, Holcomb, Holmes, Horning, Hosmer, Howe (3), Hubbard, Hutchinson, Inman. Johnson, Judd, Judkins, Kane, Kendall, Kroessen, Lambert, Lanphear, Lary, Lewis, Lillibridge (2), Lincoln, McDonald, Merrill, Nichols. Obermire, Peterson, Porter, Pratt, Pringle, Rackett. Ramsdell, Record, Reynolds, Richardson, Riley, Roberts, Sharp. Shaw, Skeen, Smith, Squares, Steadman, Stephens. Sterling, Stone, Taylor, LUech, Ward, Weber, Whitman, Wilson, Witt and Wood — eighty-four in all, si-xty-nine having been blessed witli children. The result of these numerous marriages has been sixty grandchildren, one hundred and fifty-six great-grandchildren, one hundred and seventy-one great-great-grandchildren and eleven great-great-great-grandchildren, a total of four hundred and seven descendants, of whom two hun- dred and ninety are now living, in various parts of our glorious country, from Maine to Cali- fornia. While intended primarily as a complete record of the births, marriages and deaths of the descendants of Erastus Lathrop, oldest child of Daniel Lothrop Sr. and Lucy Smith, the desire to include at least the names of the descendants of other branches led me to broaden the plan and compile it as here presented, and I trust it will be pleasing to all. With kind wishes to all the relatives herein mentioned. I remain. Cordially, „ ,, ,, „ ,, GEORGE DAVID READ HUBBARD. Brooklyn, N. Y., May i, 1901. DIRECT LINE OF LOTHROP ANCESTORS, From John LowTHRori'E, 1545, to Daniel Lothrop, 1768, with complete records of all the descendants of his oldest son, Erastus Latiikop, 1793. Followed by records of all the brothers and sisters of Erastus, and the names, without dates, of all their descendants, to January i, 1901. JOHN LOWTHROPPE,' of Lowthorpe. Early in the sixteenth century he lived in Cherry Burton, four miles from Lowthorpe. In the thirty-seventh year of the reign of Henry VHI. (1545), he appeared on the Yorkshire Suhsidy Roll, assessed twice as much as any other inhabitant of the parish. No records of the birth, marriage or death of himself or wife can be found. His son, ROBERT LOWTHROPPE.^ Succeeded to the estates of his father in Cherry Burton and made considerable additions to them. He made his will July 16, 1558, which was proved October 20, 1558. His wife, Ellen, died about 1572. Their son, the oldest of four children, THOMAS LOWTHROPPE," Born in Cherry Burton. Married Mrs. Elizabeth Clark, by whom he had eight children ; she was buried in Etton, July 29, 1574. His second wife, Mary, was buried in Etton January 6, 1588. He married, (third), Jane , by whom he had nine children. He moved to Etton, Harthill Wapentake. East Riding, about 1576, and made his will October 5. 1606, which was proved in January, 1607. His son, the fourth of five children by the second wife, REV. JOHN LOTHROPP 2nd,' Baptized December 20, 1584, in Etton, Yorkshire, Eng. Died November 8, 1653, in Barnstable, Mass. Married Hannah Howse, in Eastwell, County Kent, England. Marriage license issued October 10, i6io, in Canterbury, County Kent, England. He was the pioneer of the Lothrop and Lathrop families in America. See page 3. He married a second wife in America about 1635, by whom lie had six children. His son, by the first wife, the sixth of fourteen children, SAMUEL LOTHROP." Born between 1621 and 1624, in England, probably in London. Died February 29, 1700. in Norwich. Conn. Married November 28. 1644, in Barnstable. Mass., to Elizabeth Scudder, probably daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Scudder. of Salem, Mass. He came with his father to Scituate. Mass.. in 1634. See page 5. Their son. the first of nine children, JOHN LOTHROP 3rd,° Baptized December 7, 1645, in Boston, Mass. Died August 25, 1688, in Wallingford, Conn. Married December 15. 1669, probably in Norwich, Conn., to Ruth Royce, daughter of Robert Royce, of New London, Conn. Their son, the fourth of seven children. JOHN LOTHROP 4th.' Born May 19, 1680, in Wallingford, Conn. Date and place of death unknown. His will was dated August 4, 1753. Married, (second), February 14, 1721, in Norwich, Conn., to LOTIIKOP AND LATIIROP ANCESTORS. Lydia Palmeter. Their son. the last of four children. JOHN LOTHROP 5th.' Born February 17, 1728-9, in Norwich, Conn. Date and place of death unknown. Married July 15, 1752, to Sarah Peck, daughter of Simon Peck, of Oxbridge, Mass. She was born October 24, 1735. Date and place of death unknown. Their son, the sixth of ten children. DANIEL LOTHROP,' Born March 3, 1768, in Bethel, Vt. Died March 3, 1841, in Dover, Me. Married Lucy Smith, in Bethel, Vt. She was born February 2, 1773, probably in Windsor, Vt. Died November 14, 1859, in Watertown, Conn. Nine children : Er.'\stus Lathrop," Born September 2, 1793, in Granby, Mass. See page 9. J.^MES Smith Lathrop,'" Born May 20, 1796, in Granby, Mass. See page 17. Lucy Lothrop," Born August 24, 1798, in Granby, Mass. See page 17. Pamelia Lothrop,'" Born August 25. 1800, in Granby, Mass. See page 19. Daniel Lathrop Jr.,'° Born August 16, 1802. in Bethel, Vt. See page 20. Sabra Lothrop," Born May 24, 1806, in Bethel, Vt. See page 23. {Albert Lathrop/" Born March 18, 1810, in Windsor, Vt. See page 25. Alfred Lothrop/" Born March i8, 1810, in Windsor, Vt. See page 27. John Lothrop 6th,'" Born July 24, 1814, in Granby, Mass. See page 29. CONTEMPORANEOUS HISTORY. The type used on the dedication page and cover was designed by William Caxton, the first English printer, and first used by him in 1477, or about the time when John Lowthroppe' was a boy ! This was during the reign of King Edward IV, and he lived successively under Edward V, Richard III, Henry VII and Henry VIII. His son Robert" died about the time that Queen Elizabeth began to reign. The next generation, Thomas,' died while James I was on the throne of England. His son. Rev. John,' the emigrant, was born during the reign of Queen Elizabeth, and was about six years old when the telescope was invented, 1590. While the hard-hearted, creed- bound King Charles I was reigning, Rev. John' emigrated to America, and died in Barnstable. Mass.. but a few years before New York was taken from the Dutch. The first newspaper printed in America appeared in Boston in 1690, only ten years before the death of Samuel Lothrop," in Barn- stable. His son, John Lothrop 3rd," and Ruth Royce were married while King Charles II held sway over the American colonies. Their son, John Lothrop 4th,' was married to Lydia Palmeter during the reign of George I. Their son, John Lothrop 5th,' was born when George II was King of England, and married to Sarah Peck while King George III was dictator to the colonies who soon threw ofT the yoke, and the next generation, Daniel Lothrop Sr.." lived under eight American presidents from Washington to Van Buren. The steam engine was a new invention when Daniel" was five years old. The cotton gin was invented the same year that Erastus Lathrop Sr." was born, and the modern printing press came into existence when John Lothrop 6th'" was an infant. EXPLANATION. Tliesf family records cover fourteen generations from John Lowtliroppe' to the yonngest descendants of the present day, the latter being great-great-great-grandchildren of Daniel Lothrop Sr." I have arranged the names in an entirely new form, so that the younger generations are shown in close proximity to their near ancestors. The generation to which a descendant belongs is indicated by small figures at the end of each name, and each generation is further dis- tinguished by appearing in a distinctive style of type, as follows : Those of the tenth generation appear in BOLDFACE CAPITALS. Those of the eleventh generation appear in Boldface Capitals and Small Letters. Those of the twelfth generation appear in PLAIN CAPITALS. Those of the thirteenth generation appear in Cafitals and Small Capitals. Those of the fourteenth generation appear in Italic. The children of each family which are of the eleventh generation are numbered at the left of each name in boldface figures, i, 2, 3, 4, etc.. and are first-cousins to those of the same genera- tion in any other branch. The children of each family which are of the twelfth generation are numbered at the left of each name in Italic roman numerals, 1', ii, Hi. iv. etc., and are second-cousins to those of the satne generation in any other branch. The children of each family which are of the thirteenth generation are marked at the left of each name in Italic a. b, c, d, etc., and are second-cousins to those of the same generation, whose parents are of different families in the same branch — but are third-consim to those of the same generation in any other branch. The children of each family which are of the fourteenth generation are marked at the left of each name in Italic ai, 03, etc., or bl, bi, etc., and are third-cousins to those of the same genera- tion, whose grandparents, (marked '^), are of different families in the same branch — but fourth- cousins to those of the same generation in any otiicr branch. By different "branches" I mean the descendants of Erastus, James, Lucy. Pamelia, Daniel Jr., Sabra, Albert. Alfred or John 6th, as the case may be. Lothrop and Lathrop are treated as one name, so that we find Daniel Lothrop Sr. as father of Daniel Lathrop Jr., etc. Independent of the small figures after each name, indicating the generation, the various Johns arc numbered as John Lowthroppe,' Rev. John 2nd, and John 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th. The addresses of those living are given, as far as known, at the extreme right of each page. Unless otherwise specified all unmarried descendants reside with their parents. Those not marked with an asterisk, (*), as deceased, (see foot-notes at bottom of each page from 17 to 29 inclusive), and not designated as "unmarried." may be understood to be under age. The asterisk is only used to indicate decease after marriage, all other deaths being specified as in infancy, young, or unmarried. In the above guide as to the various degrees of cousinhood contained in these records I have used the definitions given by the Webster and Funk & Wagnalls Dictionaries, both being standard authorities. From the latter I quote: "Cousin. One collaterally related by descent from a common ancestor, but not a brother or sister. The children of brothers and sisters are first- cousins ; the children of first-cousins are second-cousins, etc. A first-cousin once removed is the child of one's first-cousin. A first-cousin twice removed is the grandchild of one's first-cousin, etc. A second-cousin once removed is the child of one's second-cousin, etc." By an act of the English Parliament in 1751. the Gregorian amendment of the Julian calen- dar went into effect September 3, 1752, which day, by its provisions, reckoned as the 14th, to cancel the eleven days difference between Old Style and New Style dates. This act applied to Great Britain and her colonies, and of course changed our American chronology. It has been a conmion but not uniform practice to make a correction once for all the century in which a date occurs, so that during the nineteenth century the difference was twelve days, but during the present century we must add thirteen days to all dates previous to September 14, 1752, in order to know the exact anniversary of any event of interest. Eras IT'S Lai in Rf.uijkaii (W \i;ii) I. aiiiki n'. DESCENDANTS OF ERASTUS LATIIROP. 9 ERASTUS LATHROP,'" Born September 2, 1793, in Granby, Mass. Died November 26, 1884, in Woodbury, Conn. Married June 18. 1817, in Suffield, Mass., to iRcbcckab Ward, daughter of Nehemiab Ward and Harriet Packard. She was born March 22. 1793, in Wilbraham, Mass. Died November I. 1884, in Woodbury, Conn. Ten children : I.Charles Lathrop," Born September 18, 1818. in Granby, Mass. Died September 22, 1888, in Dresden. Iowa. *Married August 29, 1844. in West Springfield, Mass., to Susan Hutchinson, Daughter of Toledo, Iowa, Samuel Hutchinson and Lovey Snow. She was born September 16, 1822, in Ware, Mass. Three children : i. LUCINDA ANN LATHROP,'= Corona, Cali. Born July 20, 1846, in Ware, Mass. Married February 20, 1868, in Williamstown, Iowa, to Bradley Maxon Lillibridge, son of Sheffield Lillibridge and Lydia Walker. He was born November 8, 1843, in Rochester, N. Y. Three children: a. Warren Herbert Lillibridge," Dysart, la. Born January I, 1869, in New Hampton, Iowa. Married May 24, 1893, in Gillipsie, Iowa, to Vienna Maria Shove, daughter of Charles Wesley Shove and Elizabeth Vandervort. She was born July 16, 1869, in Dysart, Iowa. Two children : ((/. Lydia Belli Lillibridge." Born September 28, 1894, in Traer, Iowa. (12. Mildred Elouise Lillibridge." Born September 15, 1896, in Traer, Iowa. b. Charles Eben Lillibridge," Corona, Cali. Born October 31, 1870, in Horton, Iowa. Married October 16, 1895, in New Hampton, Iowa, to Ida Albertia Wilkins, daughter of Charles Wilkins and Eliza Sarah Stubbins. She was born October 6, 1871, in Williamstown, Iowa. Two children : bi. Waldo Clair Lillibridge." Born August 2. 1896, in Corona, Cali. Died March 15, 1897, in Corona, Cali. bj. Clyde Wilkins Lillibridge" Born January 2, 1898, in Corona, Cali. c. Albert Edward Lillibridge,'" Born October 9, 1872, in Horton, Iowa, Died March 7, 1875, in Plainfield, Iowa. a. CHARLES MONROE LATHROP,'= Toledo, Iowa. Born August 14, 1848, in Ware, Mass. Married September 19, 1871, in Fredericksburg, Iowa, to Lucy Jane Shively, daughter of iRcbcckah Ward was a sister of Sally Ward, wife of James Smith Lathrop.'" For their ancestors sec page 30. *In the section which was incorporated as the town of Holyokc. March 14, 1S50. lO DESCENDANTS OF ERASTUS LATHROP. Samuel Shively and Jane Stickle. She was born February 8, 185 1, in Lyndon, 111. One child : a. Lela May LATHRor," Anamosa, Iowa. Born November ,30. 1879. in Traer, Iowa. Married May 23. 1900, in Toledo, Iowa, to Lewis Willard Taylor, son of Alfred Marion Taylor and Barbara Anna Miller. He was born August 15, 1878, in Olin, Iowa. Hi. HENRY LATHROP,'- Born July 20, 1850, in Ware. Mass. Died May g. 1892. in Williamstown, Iowa. Married September 27, 1874, in Fredericksburg, Iowa, to Edith Henrietta Langdon, daughter of Elma, Iowa. Edward Langdon and ]\Iary Alderman. She was born February 6. 1855, in Boone Co., III. Four children: U. Burton Jay LatHROP," New Hampton, Iowa. Born July 27, 1875. in Dresden, Iowa. Married November 16, 1898, in New Hampton, Iowa, to Ellnora Bettie Grove, daughter of Albert T. Grove and Betsey Ottesen. She was born July 19, 1875. in Webster Co., Iowa. No children. b. Allen Ray LatHROP," Williamstown, Iowa. Bom August 28, 1877, in Dresden. Iowa. Married October 18, 1899, in New Hampton, Iowa, to Lena Charlotte Potter, daughter of Lester Potter and Clarissa Clista Clark. She was born November 3, 1877, in Chickasaw, Iowa. No children. c. Millie Fay Lathrop," Born January 3, 1884, in Citrus Co., Fla. d. William Pitts L.mhrop," Born September 6, 1890, in Williamstown, Iowa. Died July 12, 189s, in Elma, Iowa. S.Nancy Lathrop," North Woodbury. Conn. Born March 11, 1820, in Granby, Mass. Married April 3, 1859, in Springfield, Mass., to John Ashley Atwood, son of Oliver Atwood and Mary Handy. He was born April 14, 1810, in Woodbury, Conn. Died April 2, 1898, in Woodbury, Conn. One child: I. LYDIA ANN ATWOOD,'- North Woodbury, Conn. Born May 21, i860, in Woodbury. Conn. Married October 5. 1876, in Woodbury, Conn., to Birdsey Dennison Howe, son of Birdsey Tuttle Howe and Parthena Allyn. He was born June 11, 1848, in Goshen. Conn. Died January i. 1894, in Woodbury, Conn. Two children : a. Fona Stone Howe," Born May 7, 1886, in Woodbury, Conn. l>. Roy Allen Howe." Born July 27, 1890, in Woodbury, Conn. /. MRS. LYDIA ANN (ATWOOD) HOWE," Married, (second), Oscar Jacob Lathrop. See page 16. DESCENDANTS OF ERASTUS EATHROr. II 3. Erastus Lathrop Jr.," Born January 3. 1822, in Granby, Mass. Died October 16. 1899. in Westfield. Mass. Married November 20, 1845, in Suffield. Conn., to Samantha Clark, daughter of Oliver Clark and Phcebe Moore. She was born December 14. 1823, in Montgomery, Mass, Died February 3, 1899, in Westfield, Mass, No children, 4-. Oliver Ward Lathrop," Born October 17, 1823, in Granby, Mass. Died March 3, 1879, in Springfield, Mass, Married January i, 1846, in West Springfield, Mass,, to Esther Huldah Hendrick, daughter of Springfield, Mass, Jabez Hendrick and Eliza Remington, She was born February 5, 1828, in Suflield, Conn, Two children : i. WELLS LATHROP," Holyokc, Mass, Born February 2, 1847, in West Springfield, Mass, Married February 22, 1875. in South Hadley Falls, Mass,, to Nellie Nancy Field, daughter of George Field and Jane Munroe, She was born January 2. 1851, in Irving, Mass, Died May 7, 1876, in Springfield, Mass, No children. Married, (second), November 18, 18S0, in Springfield, Mass., to Mary Josephine Casey, daughter of Albert Palmer Casey and Pauline Cleveland, She was born August 10, 1856, in Springfield, Mass. Two children : a. Nellie Deett Lathrop," Born June 19, 1882, in Springfield, Mass, b. Millie Christine L.\THROr," Born December 12, 1883, in Springfield, Mass, Died July i, 1891, in Springfield, Mass, ii. ELIZA DEETT LATHROP,'= Springfidd, Mass. Born August 4, 1849. in Chicopee Falls, Mass. Unmarried. 5. Clarissa Adaline Lathrop," Born September 29, 1825, in Granby, Mass, Died August 17. 1899, in Niantic, Conn, *Married October 8, 1846, in West Springfield. Mass,, to tjohn Davis Eager, son of Niantic, Conn, William Eager and Harriet Whittemore. He was born May i, 1826. in Northboro, Mass, Four children : (. FREDERICK CUTTING EAGER,'- New London, Conn. Born December II. 1847, in Worcester, Mass, Married March 14, 1900. in Norwich, Conn., to Eleanor Kloppenburg, daughter of Henry Cato Kloppenburg and Eleanor Sophia Fox, She was born April 4. 1874. in Preston, Conn, No children, 'In the section now known as Holyoke. tJohn Davis Eager married, (second), June 9, 1900, in Niantic, Conn., to IMrs. Annie Wealthy (Davis) Denison. 12 DESCENDANTS OF ERASTUS LATHROP. ij. EDWIN LOUIS EAGER,'= Alaska. Born October 12, 1853, in Springfield, Mass. Married August 10, 1876, in Port Chester, N. Y., to Fannie Ketcham. One child : 11. Laura May Eager," New Haven, Conn. Born May 23, 1879, in New Haven, Conn. Married April 21, 1897, in New Haven, Conn., to John Edward Bauni, son of William Baum and Charlesina Gordon. He was born September 18, 1876, in Bridgeport, Conn. Two children : ai. Dorotliy Gordon Baum" Born January 21, i8g8, in New Haven. Conn. Died August 26, i8g8, in New Haven, Conn. 172. Gordon Eager Baum," Born July 31, 1900, in New Haven, Conn. Hi. WILLIAM EAGER,'' Born September 12, 1856, in Springfield, Mass. Died March 7, 1858, in Enfield, Mass. h. GEORGE EUGENE EAGER,'= Chicago, 111. Born March 15, 1859, in Enfield, Mass. Married June 11, 1900, in Norwich, Conn., to Ruth Fides Spalding, daughter of Charles Waldo Spalding and Frances Hannah Tracy. She was born September 13, 1879, in Preston, Conn. 6. William Lathrop," Lowell. 111. Born May 4, 1827, in Granby, Mass. Married May 15, 1849, in Windsor Locks, Conn., to Lucy Jane Ward," daughter of tSumner Ward and Sabra Lothrop.'" See page 23. She was born May 12, 1833, in Dover, Me. Died June 26, 1853, in Palmer, Mass. No children. Married, (second), January 2, 1854, in South Hadley, Mass., to Rozella Ward," daughter of JSnnmer Ward and Sabra Lothrop.'" See page 23. She was born May 9, 1835, in Dover, Me. Five children : I. LUCY EMMA LATHROP,'^ Born June 15, 1858, in Vermillion, 111. Died June 8, 1892, in Vermillion, 111. Married March l, 1882, in Tonica, 111., to John Andrew Albert, son of Leonore, HI. Charles Albert and Martha Hainan. He was born April 30, 1854, in Lewisburg, Ohio. One child: a. Nettie Maria Albert," Born February 14, 1885, in Vermillion, 111. a. JUDSON SEWALL lathrop,'- Born July 23, i860, in Vermillion, 111. Died March 21. 1879, in Vermillion, 111. Hi. NELLIE ELIZA LATHROP," Farm Ridge, III. Born October 15, 1863, in Vermillion. 111. Married February 25, 1885, in Vermillion, 111., to tFor the ancestors of Sumner Ward see page 31. DESCENDANTS OF ERASTUS I.ATHROP. 13 John Richmond Porter, son of Harrison Porter and Mary Jane Richmond. He was born March 12, 1863. in Deer Park, 111. Died December 12, 1892, in Deer Park, 111. Two children : a. Lilly May Porter," Born February 12, 1887, in Deer Park, 111. b. Bertha Lorena Porter." Born November 27. 1889, in Deer Park, 111. Hi. MRS NELLIE ELIZA (LATHROP) PORTER,'^ Married, (second), November 5, 1895, in Ottawa, 111., to George Adolph Horning, son of John Horning and Maydela Lntz. He was born September 6, 1871, in La Salle, 111. No children. iv. ALMA ALMIRA LATHROP," Lowell. 111. Born February 20, 1868, in Vermillinn, 111. Married July 5. 1891. in Vermillion, 111., to Byron Adolphus Brittingham, son of Enoch Brittingham and May Ann Fitz Henry. He was born June ,^, 1853. in Amity, Ohio. Four children : a. WiLLL\M Enoch Brittingham," Born September 27, 1892. in Vermillion. 111. Died February 16, 1893. in Vermillion, 111. b. Flora Rozella Brittingham," Born March 9, 1894, in Vermillion, 111. c. Ada Josephine Brittingham," Born September 22, 1895, in Vermillion, 111. (/. Ethel Jeanette Brittingham," Born September 13, 1899, in Lowell, 111. V. LOTTIE REBECCA LATHROP," Born June 2, 1876, in Vermillion, 111. Died July 31, 1876, in Vermillion, 111. 7. Sarah Lathrop," Springfield, Mass. Born October 27, 1829, in Granby, Mass. Married September 11, 1849, in Warehouse Point. Conn., to tGeorge Hosmer, son of Luther Hosmer and Abiah Bliss. He was born February 8. 1826, in Springfield. Mass. Eight children : I. MARY ELLA HOSMER." Oakville, Conn. Born June 21, 1850, in Springfield, Mass. Married, (second), September 11, 1874, in Springfield, Mass., to Albert Alphonso Stone, son of James Albert Stone and Caroline Matilda Cartwright. He was born September 27, 1847, in Sharon, Conn. One child, (by her former marriage, December 25, 1866, in Springfield, Mass.), sur-name adopted: a. Henry Fuller Stone." Naugatuck, Conn. Born December 23. 1868, in Northampton, Mass. tCeorgc Hosmer is seventh in descent from James Hosmer, the emigrant, who came from Hawkhurst, Kent, Eng., in April, 1635, and settled in Concord. Mass. ^4 DESCENDANTS OF ERASTUS LATHROP. a. CHARLES HENRY HOSMER," Springfield, Mass. Born August 28, 1853, in Springfield, Mass. Married October 16, 1873, in Springfield, Mass., to Ella Amelia Couch, daughter of Stephen Charles Couch and Martha Ann Hubbard. She was born January 2, 1851, in Holyoke, Mass, Died January 27, 1892, in Springfield, Mass. Four children : (1. Cii.'\RLES Albert Hosmer,'" Born March 31, 1875, in Springfield, Mass. Died March 31, 1875, in Springfield, Mass. li. Bertha Atwood Hosmer," Born May 26, 1879, in Springfield, Mass. c. EriN.\ Ethel Hosmer," Born November 18, 1887, in Waterbury, Conn. Died April 23, 1888, in Waterbury, Conn. (/. Sar.\h Martha Hosmer,'"' Born March 29, 1889, in Waterbury, Conn. i7. CHARLES HENRY HOSMER,'^' Married, (second), January 24, 1894, in Springfield, Mass., to Laura Almira Mansur, daughter of Charles Dexter Mansur and Almira Matilda Beckwith, She was born April 26, 1856, in South Royallon, Vt, Two children : (I. Laura Milfred Hosmer," Born February 11, 1897, in Springfield, Mass. b. Gladys Ell.\ Hosmer," Born March 30, 1900, in Springfield, Mass. )/;-. SARA MARL\ HOSMER,'^ Hrooklyn, N. Y. Born June 30. 1855, in Springfield, Mass. Married January 29, 1879, in Springfield, Mass., to Herbert Frederick Hawkes, son of Levi Hawkes and Ann Fuller. He was born January 22. 1854, in Charlcninnt, N. H. Died July 26, 1879, in Ware, Mass. No children. Married, (second). May i, 1882, in Springfield, Mass.. 10 tGeorge David Read Hubbard, son of Colman Smith Hubbard and Mary Platts Read. He was born February 20, 1857, in Painted Post, N. Y. Two children : (/. Carleton Spencer Hltbbard," Born January 4, 1884, in New Haven, Conn. b. Nelson Eugene Hosmer Hubbard," Born November 18, 1885. in New Haven, Conn. iv. GEORGE HERBERT HOSMER," Springfield, Mass. Born September 4, 1857, in Springfield, Mass. Married January 24, 1883, in Manchester, N. H., to Stella Marilla Woodman, daughter of Peter Ordway Woodman and Susan Marilla Taylor. She was born October 22, 1857, in Deerfield, N. H. Two children : (/. Annie Louise Hosmer,''' Born December 30, 1884, in Springfield, Mass. tGeorge David Read IlubbarU is eighth in descent Irom Cieorgc Iliihbard, of England, who settled in Hartford, Conn., about 1635. descb;ndants of erastus lathrop. 15 b. Hattie Lucille Hosmer." Born December 5, 1891, in Springfield, Mass. V. FRANCIS LATHROP HOSMER,'^ Springfield, Mass. Born May 2, 1861, in Springfield, Mass. Married June i, 1883, in Naugatuck, Conn., to Flavilla Adaline Dennen, daughter of William Clark Dennen and Julia Adaline Porter, She was born June 21. 1862, in Winsted, Conn. Two children : (7. George Willi,\m Hosmer," Born March 27, 1884, in Oakville, Conn. b. Ella Myrtie Hosmer," Born September 7, 1885, in Springfield, Mass. vi. HATTIE ALLETTE HOSMER,'= Springfield, Mass, Born January i, 1863, in Springfield, Mass. Married December 26, 1892, in Springfield, Mass., to Fred Sharp, son of John Sharp and Margaret Roberts. He was born November IJ, 1864, in Canasaraga, N. Y. One child: a. Mildred Hosmer Sharp," Born January 19, i8g6, in Springfield, Mass. vii. WILLIAM EUGENE HOSMER,'= Springfield. Mass. Born June 16, 1865, in Springfield, Mass. Married July 7, 1885, in Springfield, Mass., to Martha Frances Chandler, daughter of Austin Cook Chandler and Laura Ami Hedges. She was born March i, 1867, in Windsor Locks, Conn. Six children : a. Eugene Chandler Hcsmer," Born February 21, 1887, in Springfield, Mass. b. Edward Everett Hosmer," Born June 10, 1889, in Springfield, Mass. c. Earl Lathrop Hosmer," Born August 3. 1891, in Springfield, Mass, d. Austin Hawley Hosmer," Born April 10, 1894. in Springfield, Mass. f. MiLFORD Bliss Hosmer," Born March 5, 1897, in Springfield, Mass. /. Paul Hedges Hosmer," Born September 26, 1898, in Springfield, Mass. via. WELLS ROGERS HOSMER.'-' Salem. Mass. Born October 25, 1871, in Springfield, Mass, Married January 19, 1897, in Springfield, Mass., to Ethel Mae Newell, daughter of George Boyden Newell and Carrie Forrest Bales. She was born August 26, 1874, in Springfield, Mass. , One child : a. Malcolm Douglass Hosmer," Born June 28, 1898, in Brooklyn, N. Y. 8. Lucinda Ann Lathrop," Born September s. 1831, in Granby, Mass. Died July 15, 1833, in Belchcrtown, Mass. 9. Francis Lathrop," Villisca, Iow.i. Born October 26. 1833. in Bclchertown, Mass. Married July 16, 1865. m Ottawa, 111., to i6 DESCENDANTS OF ERASTUS LATHROP. Mary Rosabelle Lothrop," daughter of Rev. Alfred Lothrop'" and Deborah Ann Robinson. See page 28. She was born December 8, 1841, in St. George, Me. Six children : i. ELMER ALFRED LATHROP.'"' Born February 18, 1866, in Vermillion. 111. Died February 27, 1871, in Rutland, 111. li. EVA MAE LATHROP,'-' Williamstown, Iowa. Born January 18. 1869. in Tonica, III. Married August 26. 1889, in New Hampton, Iowa, to George Winiield Allen, son of Andrew V. Allen and Mary Bessie McGee. He was born October 8, 1853, in Kenosha, Wis. Two children : (!. Gkacie May Allen," Born June 25, 1890, in Williamstown, Iowa. b. Nellie Makie Allen," Born October 17, 1896. in Williamstown, Iowa. Hi. ADELBERT LATHROP,'= Born April 9, 1871, in Rutland, 111. Died Marcli II. 1872. in Rutland, 111. iv. LUNA DELLE LATHROP,'' Villisca. Iowa. Born September i, 1873. in Rutland, 111. Married August 22, 1894, in Red Oak, Iowa, to William Quin Darnold, son of John Henry Darnold and Mary Louella Hedges. He was born March 26, 1873, in Wapello, Iowa. Two children : a. Raymond Clifforh Darnold," Born July 31, 1895, in Villisca, Iowa. /'. Elsie Marie Darnold," Born November 15. 1897, in Villisca, Iowa. V. IRVIN HERBERT LATHROP," Sloan, Iowa. Born November 20, 1875, in Rmland, 111. Married December 30, 1897, in Sloan, Iowa, to Nina Christena Johnson, daughter of Jonas Johnson and Caroline Christena Olson. She was born August 7, 1880, in Monona County, Iowa. No children. vi. AMOS DISCO LATHROP," Born November 14, 1884, in Rutland, 111. 10. Daniel Lathrop 3rd," Born January 26, 1836, in Granby, Mass. Died November 17, 1877, in Westfield, Mass. Married May 10, 1856, in Enfield, Mass., to tMartha Sophia Morrison, daughter of Torrington, Conn. Jonathan Morrison and Melinda Edwards. She was born February 17, 1829, in Vernon, Vt. One child : /. OSCAR JAC^B LATHROP," Born j^^L,.'!r'^"r 27, 1856, in Bernardston. Mass. Marr,. ' er 17, 1896, in Waterbtiry, Conn., to Mrs. (At wood) Howe." daughter of John As.. ._, .'ood and Nancy Lathrop." See page 10 She was born May 21, i860, in Woodbury, Conn. No children. North Woodbury, Conn. jMrs. Martha Sophia (Morrison) Lathrop married, (second), Oetober HJ, 18S2, in Waterbury, Conn., to Albert Luman Tuttle. DESCENDANTS OF JAMES SMITH LATHROP AND I,UCY (LOTHROP) BARTI^ETT. ly JAMES SMITH LATHROP,"' Born May 20, 1796, in Granby, Mass. Died August 22, 1876, in Rutland, 111. Married April 8, 1817. in Springfield, Mass., to tSally Ward, daughter of Nehemiah Ward and Hannah Packard. She was born March 23. 1795, in Wilbraham, Mass. Died April lO, 1868, in Windsor Locks, Conn. Three children : 1. Rebeckah Lathrop," ' Married Wilbur Day. No children. 2. Cynthia Steadman Lathrop," * Married Stillman Ford Whitman.* One child ; i. IDA MAY WHITMAN," Hadley, Mass. Married William Osgood Bent. No children. 3. Betsey Lathrop," * Married Alpheus Daniel Lathrop."* Two children. See page 25. LUCY LOTHROP,"' Born August 24, 1798, in Granby, Mass. Died March 3, 1880, in Atkinson. Me. Married December 31, 1817, in Granby, Mass., to Alva Bartlett, son of Bartlett and Annis ( ?) Lothrop." He was born September 27, 1794, in Granby, Mass. Died September 8, 1878, in Foxcroft, Me. Ten children : 1. Eliza Pamelia Bartlett," * Married Rosewell Pratt.* No children. 2. Henry Denison Bartlett," unmarried. California. 3. Daniel Bartlett," * Married Mary Angove Brown. J Dover, Me. Two children : I. IVAN ALVA BARTLETT.'= died young. 1/. REUBEN ELDORUS BARTLETT,'^ unmarried. 4. Aaron Bartlett," Dover Somh Mills, Me. Married Sarah Ursula Warren. Four children : i. CHARLOTTE VIOLA BARTLETT.'= East Bradford, Me. Married Benjamin Franklin Halch. Si.x children : (I. Allie May Hatch." b. Lillian Eva Hatch." c. Benjamin Aaron Hatch." d. Ernest Delmont Hatch." (•. Anne Florence Hatch. ''^ /. Maurice Cleveland Hatch." U. ALLIE FRANCES BARTLETT," Dover South Mills, Me. Married James Ira Innian. One child : (7. Ernest Ira Inman." ^Deceased. tSally Ward was a sister of Rebeckah Ward, wife of Erastus Lathrop."' For their ancestors see page 30. tMrs. Mary Angove (Brown) Bartlett married, (second), Humphrey Kiieeland.* 1 8 DESCENDANTS OE LUCY (lOTHROp) BARTLBTT. Hi. UNNAMED DAUGHTER,'- died at birth. iv. MERTON ERVING BARTLETT.'= unmarried. Bradford. Me. 5. Erastus Bartlett," * Married Sarali Brown. Dover, Me. Seven children : I. FLORIN ADOLPHUS BARTLETT,'^* Married Jennie Miranda Pratt.f Foxcrolt, Me. Three children : 11. Elsie May Barti.ett,'" died in infancy. /). Lewis Adelbert Bartlett," died in infancy. c. Eva Helen B.'iRtlett," unmarried. Fo.xcroft, Me. II. laurin ai bartlett."* Married Lucy Francena Chandler. Foxcrolt, Me. One child: a. Charlie Orman Bartlett," died young. Hi ALONZO ELDEN BARTLETT,'= died young. IV. ALPHONSO ELWIN bartlett,'^ Monson. Me. Married Hattie Myra Mansell. Four children : (I. Herbert Sumner Bartlett." h. George Austin Bartlett." c. Sarah Annie Bartlett." d. Victor Roy Bartlett." V. ROSE MARY BARTLETT," Foxcroft, Me. Married George VVilliam Lary. Five children : a. Edgar Ernest Lary." b. Arthur Raymond Lary," died young, f. Albert Clarence Lary." (/. Annie Irma Lary." i\ Waldo Chandler Lary." 7'i. ALBERT HENRY BARTLETT," unmarried. rii. WILLIAM HERBERT BARTLETT," Dover, Me. Married Jennie Frances Lee. Three children : (1. Mabel Laura Bartlett." b. Carl Erastus Bartlett." c. Omar Lee Bartlett." 6. Sabra Ann Bartlett," died unmarried. 7. Alphonso Bartlett," died unmarried. 8. Jane Lurinda Bartlett," Fo.xcroft, Me. Married Andrew Smith Ramsdell. Four children : i. HARRY LEWIS RAMSDELL,"' died young. a. EDWIN ALVA RAMSDELL," unmarried. /;/. ERVIN CLARENCE RAMSDELL." unmarried. iv. ELIZA LUCY RAMSDELL."' unmarried. 9. Alfred Lothrop Bartlett," died in infancy. 10. Albert Adolphus Bartlett," died young. *Deceased. tMrs. Jennie Miranda (Pratt) Bartlett married, (second), Frecland Kcnney. nESCENDANTS OF' PAMELIA (lOTHROP) LAMBERT. ig PAMELIA LOTHROP,'" Born August 25, 1800. in Granby, Mass. Died September 13, 1882, in Dover, Me. Married June 13, 1830, in Dover, Me., to Samuel Lambert, son of Paul Lambert and Mercy Dexter. He was born February 3. 1795, in Winthrop, Me. Died February 16, 1873, in Dover, Me. Four cbildrcn : 1. Samuel Lambert Jr.," South Dover, Me. Married Franssena Wagner.* Three children : i. W.\LL.-\CE HERBERT L.-^MBERT,"' South Dover, Me. Married Blanche Louise Cleaves. One child : a. Hazel Mabel L.\mbert.'^ a. ALBERT ELLSWORTH LAMBERT,'^ Gilman, Me. Married Flossie May Gilman. One child: a. Merl McKinley Lambert." (;■/. EFFIE MABEL LAMBERT,'= died young. 1. Samuel Lambert Jr.," i\Lirried, (second), Cynthia Ann Douglass. 2. Charles Lambert," West H.impdcn, Me. Married Sarah Victoria Stanley. Nine children : J. ELWIN FREMONT LAMBERT,'-^ unmarried. //. CHARLES ALFRED LAMBERT,'- Ilemiond Pond, Me. Married Abbie Eliza Mayo. Two children : (I. Flossie May Lambert." b. L.\UR.\ Sarah Lambert." Hi. JOHN WILSON LAMBERT," died young. w. EUNICE PAMELIA LAMBERT,"^* Married Rufus Doane. Two unnamed sons." died at birih. V. MARTHA AMANDA LAMBERT," Saco, Me. Married Joseph Eugene Chapin, Two children : a. Edwin Fremont Chapin." b. Ch.\rles Eugene Chapin." Vi. SADIE DARLING LAMBERT," West Hampden, Me. Married Gilbert Wakefield Cowan. rii. JOHN WILSON LAMBERT 2nd," West Hampden, Me. Married Flora May Arey. No children. viii. SAMUEL VICTOR LAMBERT," Charlcstown, Mass. Married .'\nnie Elizabeth Gifford. One child: a. Sadie Davis L.ambert." ix. EFFIE EMILY LAMBERT," unmarried. 3. Albert Lambert," died young. *Deceased. 20 DKSCUNnANTS OF PAMELIA (LOTHROr) LAMBERT AND DANIEL LATHROP JR. 4-. Aurilla Malethe Lambert," Dover South Mills, Me. Married Alonzo John Jtidkins.* Five children : i. EVA ALDORA JUDKINS," died in infancy. a. WILDER LLEWELLYN JUDKINS,'= Dover, Me. Married May \^\i7.\c Brown. No children. ///. WALTER ALONZO JUDKINS,"'* Married Nellie E. Porter. t Bolton Glen, P. Q., Can. One child : 11. Winnie Aurill.\ Judkins." w. FLORENCE BLANCHE JUDKINS,"* Married George Richmond French. No children. V. CORRYDON ARDELL JUDKINS," Dover South Mills. Me. Married Eva Julia Stewart.* One child : a. Vernon Judkins." Married, (second). Lilla Evadna French. One child : (7. Clyde Harold Judkins." DANIEL LATHROP Jr.,"' Born August i6, 1802, in Bethel, Vt. Died September ig, 1887, in Cedarville. N. J. Married April 2. 1826, in Dover, Maine, to Elizabeth Hinckley, daughter of Moses Hinckley and Mary Wallace. She was born July 28, 1804. in Cherryfield, Maine. Died January 17, 1885. in Vineland, N. J. Ten children : 1. Alethea Bradbury Lathrop," * Married Lyman Lillibridge. Westford, Conn. Si.x children : i. AMASA DWIGHT LILLIBRIDGE,'^ died in infancy. //. WILLIE MYRO LILLIBRIDGE,'^ died in infancy. 111. MARY ETTA LILLIBRIDGE,'=* Westford, Conn. Married Maro Edwin Lewis. Three children : a. Edith Alethea Lewis.'^ b. Ina Almira Lewis." c. Susie May Lewis." ,v. EMERY LEVERETT LILLIBRIDGE,"" Roselle, N. J. Married Rhoda Ella Dorcey. No children. V. EMILY MYRTELLA LILLIBRIDGE,'^ Westford, Conn. Married Irving Vernette Reynolds. Four children : (J. Louis Irving Reynolds." (i. Nina Louise Reynolds,'" c. Ernest Lyman Reynolds." d. Mary Evelyn Reynolds." vi. GUSTELLA ELIZABETH LILLIBRIDGE,'^ died young. '•' Deceased. tMrs. Nellie E. (Porter) Judkins married, (second). E. J. Paige. DESCENDANTS OF DANIEL LATHROP JR. 21 2. Amasa Davis Lathrop," * Married Eliza Snell.* No children. 3. Mary Jane Lathrop," died in infancy. 4. Susan Jane Hinckley Lathrop," Married James Huzzy Merrill, M.D.* Seven children : I. GEORGE COLFAX MERRILL,'^ died at birth. a. IDA ELIZABETH MERRILL," Married Henry FranUlin Cannn. Three children: a. Herbert Banford Camm." b. John Camm." c. Oscar Bernard Camm." Hi. JAMES FREDERICK MERRILL," Married Annie Burns Facemyer. One child : a. Ada Anna Merrill." Married Aaron Peterson. One child : ai. Edith Hinckley Peterson." IV. HATTIE MARIA MERRILL," Married Edgar Franklin Riley. Two children: a. Ada Elmer Riley." b. Carl Merrill Riley." V. ALBERT EDMOND MERRILL," Married Jennie Edith Clark. Two children: a. Basil Edmund Merrill." b. Gladys Edith Merrill." vi. FANNIE JENNIE MERRILL," Married Augustus Harrington Daggett. Two children : a. Leola Jennie Daggett." b. Ethel May Daggett," died young. vii. GEORGE COLFAX MERRILL 2nd." died in infancy. 4. Mrs. Susan Jane Hinckley (Lathrop) Merrill," Married, (second), James Munroe Coburn. 5. Abbie Maria Lathrop," Married Henry Johnson Bradley.* Six children : i. NETTIE MATILDA BRADLEY," Married Ward Philo Cortis.* Two children : a. Ernest Raymond Cortis," died in infancy. b. Jennie May Cortis." a. MARY ELIZABETH BRADLEY," Married George Henry Kane. One child : a. Harold Henry Kane." Blue Anchor, N. J. Batsto, N. J. Ccdarville, N. J. Newport, N. J. Bridgeton, N. J. Stratford, Conn. Camden, N. J. Manchester, Conn. Willimantic, Conn. VVillimantic, Conn. ♦Deceased. 22 UKSCENDANTS OF DANIBL LATHROP JR. ;V/. CHARLES HENRY BRADLEY,'= Married Grace Prean Brown. One child : a. Glady.s May Bradley." iv. WILLIAM EMERY BRADLEY.'= Married Alice Elizabeth Whcelock. Three children : a. Henry Otis Bradley." b. Abbie Maria Bradley." c. Hazel May Bradley." V. ALBERT ERNEST BRADLEY,"' Married Gertrude Seymour. Two children : a. Florence Ethel Bradley." ;>. Della May Bradley." vi. EMILY ELFRETTA BRADLEY,'= died young. 6. Daniel Andress Lathrop," died in infancy. 7. Naucy Elizabeth Lathrop," Married Edmund Augustus Kendall* Four children : /. JAMES .AUGUSTUS KENDALL,'^ died unmarried. a. MARY SOPHIA KENDALL," Married Edward Sumner Lincoln. Three children : a. Sumner Augustus Lincoln," died in infancy. b. Florence Sumner Lincoln." c. Ruth Kendall Lincoln." iii. EDMUND EVERETT KENDALL," Married Alma Luella Rood. No children. iv. EZRA DANIEL KENDALL,'= unmarried. 7. Mrs. Naucy Elizabeth (Lathrop) Kendall," Married, (second), Jedediah Lanphear.* Three children : i. REV. WALTER EUGENE LANPHEAR," Married Hannah Alida Martin. No children. ;7. MABEL ALETHEA LANPHEAR," unmarned. /;/. CORA EMILIE LANPHE.AR." unmarried. 8. John Emory Lathrop," died unmarried. 9. Lucy Emily Lathrop," * Married George Squares. One child : i. LILLIAN MAY SQUARES," died young. Willimantic, Conn. Coventry, Conn. Newburgh, N. Y. Chaplin, Conn. Willimantic, Conn. West Warren, Mass. Soutli Manchester, Conn. Oberlin, Ohio. Willimantic, Conn. Willimantic, Conn. Holyoke, Mass. lO. Albert Henry Lathrop," * Married Josephine Clark. Four children : (. LEONARD HINCKLEY LATHROP." unmarried. a. ABBIE MARIA LATHROP," unmarried. ///. WALLACE DANIEL LATHROP." unmarried. iv. FRANKLIN CLARK LATHROP," unmarried. riiiladelpliia. Penn. *Deceased. DESCENDANTS OF SABRA (LOTHROp) WARD. 23 SABRA LOTHROP,"' Born May 24, 1806, in Bethel, Vt. Died February 19, 1890, in Lowell, III. Married March 6, 1827, in Dover, Me., to Sumner Ward, son of tjeremiah Ward and Hannah Ward. He was born January 2$. 1800, in Buckland, Mass. Died August 8, 1876, in Farm Ridge, 111. Eight children : 1. Sarah Maria Ward," died unmarried. 2. Josiah Ward," died unmarried. 3. Martin Luther Ward," Married Eleanor Jane Hobbs.* Three children : I. SARAH ROZELLA WARD,'= Married Frank Fred William Utcch. Ten children : a. Elnor.\ Utech," Married Jacob John Weber. Two children : (!/. Frank irUliam IVcbcr." a2. Ida Mary Weber}'' b. Mary Sophi,«i Utech,'" unmarried. c. Ida Utech," Married Ellis George Howe. No children, (i. Louis Martin Utech." c. Herman Bernharu Utech." /. Annie Eamelia Utech." g. Frank George Utech." /;. Walter Albert Utech." I. Fritz Arthur Utech." j. Julius Albert Utech," died in infancy. II. MARY JANE WARD," Married Edward Hutchinson. Seven children : a. Warren Hutchinson," unmarried. b. Laura Hutchinson," Married Walter Clyde Steadman. No children. c. Austin Hutchinson," unmarried. d. Elsie May Hutchinson." c. Amos Hutchinson." ( /. Jennie Hutchinson." 1 g. Jessie Hutchinson," died in infancy. iii. GEORGE ELLIS WARD.'= died young. 4. Lucy Jane Ward," * Married William Lathrop." No children. 5. Rozella Ward," Married William Lathrop." Five children. See page 12. Fredericksburg, Iowa. Leonore, III. Liberty. Nob. Tonica, 111. Fredericksburg, Iowa. Appleton, Wis. Fredericksburg, Iowa. Lowell, 111. "Deceased. tFor the ancestors of Jeremiah Ward and Hannah Ward see page 31. 24 DESCENDANTS OF SABRA (lOTHROP) WARD. 6. Suinner Perkins Ward," Married Flora Helen Schoonover. Seven children : i. ROZINIA SABRA WARD,"* Married Charles Herman Henry Burgher.* One child : a. EuLALiA Emeraldine Burgher,"* Married Charles Blin. Two children : ai. Clarence Blin." iU. One other." name imknown. i. MRS. ROZINIA SABRA (WARD) BURGHER,' Married, (second), Alexander McDonald.* Four children : a. Catherine Helen Mars McDonald," Married Adolph Johnson. Two children : ai. Allan Joseph Johnson." 02. Estlier Helena Jolinson." b. Donald Sumner McDonald," died young. c. Ernest McDonald," unmarried. d. Rozinia McDonald," unmarried. li. ROSALIE RACHEL WARD." Married Richard John Blower. Two children : a. Sumner John Blower," Married Carrie Leininger. No children. b. Marion Richard Blower," unmarried. Hi. ROZETTA ANGELETTE WARD,"* Married John Elie Wilson. One child : a. Flora Anna Wilson," died in infancy. n: HELEN ALVIRA WARD," unmarried. V. WILFRED PERCY WARD," Married Wilhelmina Long. One child : a. Flor/\ Martina Ward." vi. MERRITT ALONZO WARD," died in infancy. zni. WALTER REMUS WARD," Married Ella May Hill. Three children : a. Cora May Ward." b. Flora Helen Ward." c. Rosalie Ray Ward." 7. Alfred Ward," died young. 8. Edward Smith W^ard," Married Malinda Simmons.* Three children : i. CHARLES WARD." unmarried. a. FRANK WARD," unmarried. Hi. ROSE WARD," Married Maurice Franklin Pringle. 8. Edward Smith Ward," Married, (second), Mrs. Jennie (Porter) Snell. Eureka, Cali. Baysidc, Call. Eureka, Cali. Eureka, Cali. St. Helena, Cali. St. Helena, Cali. Eureka, Cali. St. Helena, Cali. Eureka, Cali. Falk, Cali. Lowell. 111. Leonore, 111. Ionia, Iowa. Tonica, 111. DESCENDANTS OF ALBERT LATHROP. 25 ALBERT LATHROP,'" (twin to Alfred), Born March 18, 1810, in Windsor, Vt. Died March 27, 1900, in Stratford, Conn. Married November 6. 1831, in Dover, Me., to Sarah Joselyn Sanip.son, daughter of WilHani Sampson and Sarah Clark. She was born December 26, 1808, in Bridgewater, Mass. Died March 18, 1887, in Stratford, Conn. Six children : 1. George Richmond Lathrop," * Married Pauline Bowers.* One child : ;. PAULINE BOWERS LATHROP,"-* Married Alton Holcomb. Two children : (I. Alene Clara Holcomb," died unmarried. b. Maud Ethlyn Holcomb," unmarried. 1. George Richmond Lathrop," * Married, (second), Annie Rebecca Sterling. Two children : i. EMMA AUGUSTA LATHROP,'= Married John Hathaway Shaw. No children. a. GEORGE SHERMAN LATHROP,'^ Married Lulu May Andrews.* One child: o. Earle Sterling Lathrop." 2. Alpheus Daniel Lathrop," * Married Betsey Lathrop." See page 17. Two children: i. EDITH ELDORAH LATHROP,"' Married Charles Burdctte Dresser. Two children : a. Myrtle May Dresser." b. Frank Bukdette Dresser," li. MARY ELIZABETH LATHROP," Married Adrian Watson Judd,* One child: a. LiLLiE Mable Judd." Married, (second), Nathan Wood. One child : a. Anna Lathrop Wood." 3. Calvin Judson Lathrop," * Married Mary Selona Richardson. t Two children : ,-. ALBERT RICHARDSON LATHROP," Married Emma Jane Osborn. One child, (adopted) : 0. Mabel Viola Lathrop. li. MARY IRENE LATHROP," Married Seymour Judson Camp.-^ One child : 0. Henry Judson Camp," died in infancy. Married, (second), Harry Lee Roberts. No children. Rivington, Conn. Bridgeport, Conn. New Haven, Conn. New Haven, Conn. Freeport, lU. Amboy, 111. Watertown, Conn. Waterti.wn, Conn. Waterbury, Conn. *Deceased. tMrs. Mary Selona (Richardson) Lathrop married, (second), Lucius Loomis Hart. 26 DESCENDANTS OF ALBERT LATIIROP. 4: Sarah Eiiphetnia Lathrop," * Married George William Holmes. Stratford, Conn. Two children : /. WILLIAM FRANK HOLMES,'^ Stratford, Conn. Married Addie May Porter. Two children : a. Ethel May Holmes.'" b. Mildred Edith Holmes.'" (7. GEORGE LEGRAND HOLMES,'"* Married Amy Lincoln Jiidson. Stratford, Conn. Three children : a. D.wiD Holmes/' died at birth. b. Leon Judson Holmes," died in infancy. c. Amy Lathrop Holmes." 5. Patnelia Minnie Lathrop," Stratford, Conn. Married Odell Bouton Sterling. No children. 6. Cleora Alice Lathrop," Bridgeport, Conn. Married Charles Monroe Richardson, M.D.-r- Three children : i. ARTHUR VALENTINE RICHARDSON,'= Bridgeport, Conn. Married Flora Elizabeth Allen. No children. n. MINNIE JULIA RICHARDSON,'= Stratford, Conn. Married Frank Norman Nichols. No children. lii. LULU MAY RICHARDSON.'^ Maplewood, Mass. Married Burt George Clongh. One child: a. Bertram Sherman Clough." 6. Mrs. Cleora Alice (Lathrop) Richardson," Married, (second), William Henry Rackett. One child : i. LEROY HAMILTON RACKETT.'= PERTINENT QUOTATIONS. "To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die." — Thomas Caiiipbclt. "Let your ancestors be ever remembered with respect." — H'an Chang. "Those who do not treasure the memory of their ancestors do not deserve to be remembered by posterity." — Edmund Burke. "He who is not proud of his ancestors shows, either that he had no ancestors to be proud uf, or else that he is a degenerate son." — Grosvenor. "Pride of ancestry is a natural and ennobling sentiment ; and the man who does not feel it will contribute nothing of which posterity will be able to boast." — Thomas Kinsclla. "This is the true pride of ancestry: It is founded in the tenderness with which the child regards the father, and in the romance that time sheds upon history." — George William Curtis. "I think every man would like to come from an ancient and honorable race ; as you like your father to be an honorable man, why not your grandfather and his ancestors before him?" — W. M. Thackeray. "Let us now praise famous men, and our fathers who begat us. The Lord hath wrought great glory by them, through His great power from the beginning. Leaders of the people by their counsels, and by their knowledge of learning meet for the people, wise and eloquent in their instructions. All these were honored in their generations, and were the glory of their times. There be of them that have left a name behind them, that their praises might be reported. And some there be which have no memorial ; * * * but these were merciful men whose righteousness hath not been forgotten. Their bodies are buried in peace, but their name liveth forevermore." — Ecclesiasticns, XLIW i. 3. 4. 7, 8. p, 10 and 14. ♦Deceased. DESCENDANTS OF REV. ALFRED LOTHROP. REV. ALFRED LOTHROP,'" (twin to Albert), Born March i8, 1810, in Windsor. Vt. Married August 15. 1831, in Dover. Me., to iDel:)orah Ann Robinson, daughter of Rev. Nathaniel Robinson and Mary Ward. She was born December 13. 1813, in Cherryfield, Me. Died August 4, 1883. in Rutland, III. Seven children : 1. Lewis Cass Lothrop," died unmarried. 2. John Stillmau Lothrop," Married Marcia Ann Page.* No children. Married, (second), Marcia Maria Mitchell. Eight children : ;. GERTRUDE RENA LOTHROP,'= Married Milton Howe. Two children : a. Harry Milton Howe.'^ b. Alice Rena Howe." ii UNNAMED SON,'" died soon after birth. iii MERTON LEE LOTHROP,'= Married IMildred Sarah Kinkead. One child : o. Melford Merton Lothrop." iv. UNNAMED SON," died soon after birth. V. RALPH WALDO LOTHROP," Married Clara Dora House. No children. vi. GEORGE LEWIS LOTHROP," Married Adelia Wilhehnina Hauser. No children. vii. KATE MABLE LOTHROP," died young. viil HARRIET MITCHELL LOTHROP," unmarried. 3. Augusta Angelia Lothrop," Married Maurice Record. Seven children : i. WALTER HOWARD RECORD," Married Martha Jane Merry. No children. n. MARY MALISSIA RECORD," unmarried. Hi. CLARA HORTENSE RECORD,'^ Married John Thomas Kroessen. Two children : u. Mabel Augusta Kroessen." 6. Franklin Wilfred Kroessen." iv. JULIA MORG.A-N RECORD," died in infancy. V. CORA TRUE RECORD," died in infancy. vi. LEWIS ALFRED RECORD," Married Jennie May Crumrine. No children. vii. ORAH JANE RECORD,"* Married Isaiah Newton Skeen. Two children : 27 V'ilUsca, Iowa. Sioux City. Iowa. Dubuque, Iowa. So. St. Joseph, Mo. Ottumwa, Iowa. Sioux City, Iowa. Rutland, ill. Palestine, III. Peoria, III. Rutland. 111. Wenona, 111. *Deceased. tDeborah Ann Robinson was a sister of Sarah Dexter Robinson, first wife uf John Lothrop Gth.i" See page 29. 28 DESCENDANTS OE REV. ALERED LOTHROP. a. Victor Floyd Skeen," died in infancy. b. M..\URicE Le.\nuer Skeen." 4. Mary Kosabelle Lothrop," Villisca, Iowa. Married Francis Lathrop." Six children. See page 15. 5. Frances Adrianna Lothrop," Pasadena, Cali. Married Joseph Doten Stephens. , Six children : i. ARTHUR JOSEPH STEPHENS,'^ Pasadena, Cali. Married Ida Ruth Keyser. Three children : a. Grant Leslie Stephens." b. Oscar Keyser Stephens." c. Muriel Uilla Stephens." /;. EUGENE SAMUEL STEPHENS,'^ Fullerton, Cali. Married Ada Myrtle Willard. Two children : a. Nellie Frances Stephens." b. IvAH May Stephens." lii. ELLEN ADRA STEPHENS," died young. W. LILLIE MAY STEPHENS," Fullerton, Cali. Married William Henry Ellis. Three children : a. Amy May Ellis." b. RoscoE William Ellis," died in infancy. c. Augusta Anna Ellis." V. ROSCOE WILLLAM STEPHENS," unmarried. vi. LEWIS ELY STEPHENS." 0. Ella Howard Lothrop," Seney, Iowa. Married Matthew Ewin. Nine children: i. FRANCES ELLEN EWIN," Seney, Iowa. Married August Witt. One child : (1. Minnie Mae Witt." //. WILLIAM ALFRED EWIN," unmarried. Kuiland. 111. iii. MARY EFFIE EWIN," Le Mars, Iowa. Married Ralph Obermire. One child: a. Joseph Harvey Obermire." w. ARTHUR HOWARD EWIN." V. CHARLES EMERSON EWIN." vi. lONA MAE EWIN." vii. ROBERT LEROY EWIN," died in infancy. via. ALBERT VERNON EWIN." Lv. ANNA EWIN," died at birth. 7. Howard Alfred Lothrop," died young. REV. ALFRED LOTHROP,'" Married, (.second), April 13, 1892, in Lewis, Iowa, to Mrs. Martha (Stone) Andrews, daughter of Harvey Stone and Laura Bowers. She was born November 25, 1825, in Perry, N. Y. •Deceased. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN LOTHROP 6th. 29 JOHN LOTHROP 6th,'" Born July 24, 1814, in Granby, Mass. Died May 24, 1900, in Fort Dodge. Iowa. Married May i, 1836. in Dover, Me., to tSarah Dexter Robinson, daugbter of Rev, Nathaniel Robinson and Mary Ward. She was born December 28, 1816, in Dover, Me. Died May 22, 1864, in Richland, 111, Two children : 1. Eliza Ellen Lothrop," * Married William Philley Smith. Four children : ;■, ALICE SMITH,'' died young. a. COYDON SMITH,'= died young, in. CHARLES WINFIELD SMITH,'= Married Carrie Curcelia Blain. Two children : a. Elmo Clarence Smith," b. Gl.\dys Helen Smith." iv. CLARENCE HARWOOD SMITH," Married Grace Wright Hepler. One child : a. Marg.m(et Mary Smith." 3. Corydon Lothrop," died in infancy. JOHN LATHROP 6th,'" t Married, (second), January 2, 1865, in Dover, 111., to Melissa Ide Harwood, daughter of Eben Harwood and Sarah Cook Sherman. She was born October 17, 1818, in Corinth, N. Y, Fort Dodge, Iowa. Fort Dodge, low.i. Fort Dodge, Iowa, CAPT. THOMAS LOTHROP. While not an ancestor of Daniel Lothrop Sr., a slight mention of this colonial patriot will be of interest. His parentage can not be established, but he was probably a near kinsman of Rev. John Lothropp, and preceded him to America by some months, being admitted as freeman in Salem, Mass., May 14, 1634, while Rev. John did not arrive until September. For many years he was deputy from that historic town to the General Court. He returned to England about 1650 and brought back with him his sister Ellen, who married Ezekiel Cheever, the great schoolmaster, who taught for over seventy years in New Haven, Ipswich, Charlestown and Bos- ton. Capt. Lothrop was more or less engaged in military service, in arduous, difficult and dan- gerous operations, occasionally being sent to distant places, commanding expeditions to the east- ward as far as Port Royal, Nova Scotia. When the last struggle with King Philip was approaching, and aid was needed from the eastern part of the colony to rescue the settlement on the Connecticut River from destruction, the "flower of Essex county" was summoned, a choice body of about one hundred men, with Thomas Lothrop as their captain, September 18, 1675, he started with his company from Deer- field for Hadley. While on the march, near the foot of Sugar Loaf Mountain, not apprehending any immediate danger, they were suddenly assailed, the contest lasting several hours, A monu- ment marks the location of that terrible battle, inscribed as follows : "On this ground Capt. Thomas Lothrop and eighty-four men under his command, including eighteen teamsters from Deerfield, conveying stores from that town to Hadley, were ambuscaded by about seven hundred Indians, and the Captain and seventy-six men were slain September 18, 1675, (old style)." Not far away, level with the ground and partially covered with grass, is a coarse brown stone, about three by' seven feet, rudely inscribed: "Grave of Capt. Lothrop and men slain by the Indians, 1675." A small stream near-by has been known as "Bloody Brook" since that day. Capt. Lothrop is spoken of by historians as brave, gentle, generous and just, of large estate for that time. Always ready for every good word or work, he had a rare and remarkable hold on the confidence and affection of the community in which he lived. He left no children. ♦Deceased. tChange of spelling adopted at time of his second marriage. tSarah Dexter Robinson was a sister of Deborah Ann Robinson, first wife of Rev. Alfred Lothrop.'" bee page 27. Their mother Mary (Ward) Robinson, was related to Rcbeckah and Sally Ward, wives of Erastiis'" and James Smith Lathrop'"-see pages 9 and H-bnt the exact cousinhood can not be definitely ascertained. PROBABLE ANCESTORS OF LEMUEL WARD, Grandfather of Rebeckaii and Sally Ward. SAMUEL WARD,' Married in England. Admitted as freeman March 9, 1636-7, in Hingliani, Mass. His wife died November 28, 1638, in Hingliani, Mass. Their son, HENRY WARD,= Born about 1635. probably in England. Died April 4, 1715, in Hingliani, Mass. Married February 3. 1659-60, in Hingliani, Mass., to Remember Farrow, daughter of John and Frances Farrow. She was baptized in August, 1642, in Hingham, Mass. Died September 11, 1715, in Hingham, Mass. Their son, EDWARD WARD,' Baptized July 24, 1672, in Hingham, Mass. Married February 24, 1702-3, in Hingham, Mass., to Deborah Lane, daughter of Josiah Lane and Deborah Gill. She was born November 21, 1679, in Hingham. Mass. Died July 3, 1716, in Hingham, Mass. Their son, NEHEMIAH WARD,' Born November 26, 1708. in Hingham, Mass. Married Deborah Bryant. Marriage intentions published June 22, 1728. They moved to North Yarmouth, Me, Their son, LEMUEL WARD.' Born September 7, 1729, in Hingham, Mass. The Records of North Yarmouth. Me., do not show that Lemuel went with his father, and from circumstantial evidence it is my belief that he was the same Lemuel who is bno'icu to be the grandfather of Rebeckah (Ward) Lathrop and Sally (Ward) Lathrop, mentioned below. ANCESTORS OF REBECKAH AND SALLY WARD, Wives of Ekastus and James Smith Latiikop. LEMUEL WARD, (probably son of Nehemiah,''), Married August 29, 1754, in Weymouth, Mass., to IVIary Bates. Their son, the fourth of six children. NEHEMIAH WARD, Born June 20, 1761, in Weymouth. Mass. Died November 24, 1831. in Granby, Mass. Married Hannah Packard. Their daughters. Rebeckah Ward, married Erastus Lathrop Sr. See page 9. Sally Ward, married James Smith Lathrop. See page 17. There is no known relationship between the above Ward ancestry and the families given on opposite page. ANCESTORS OF JEREMIAH WARD AND HANNAH WARD, Parents of Sumner W^vrd, hushand of Sabra Ldthrdi'. WILLIAM WARD' Came to America about 1639 and settled in Sudbury. Mass., re- moving to Marlboro. Mass.. in 1660. as one of tbe first settlers, wbere he was a deacon of the first church in ihat town. He died there August 10, 1687. aged about 85 or 90 years. His second wife. Elizabeth, died December 9. 1700. in her 87th year. He had fourteen children. His son. by the first wife. JOHN WARD,= Born in 1626. in England. Died July 8, 1708. in Newton, Mass. Married about 1650 to Hannah Jackson, daughter of Edward Jackson. She was born in 1631. in England. Died April 24, 1704, in Newton. Mass. Their son, the seventh of thirteen children, WILLIAM WARD." Born November ig. 1664, in Newton, Mass. Married Dec. 31. 1689. in Newton. Mass.. to Abigail . Date and place of their death unknown. Their son, JOHN WARD,' Born February 23, 1690-1, in Newton. Mass. Died May 24. 1747, in Grafton, Mass. Married Deborah . They lived in Newton, Grafton and Sulton. Dates of deaths are unknown. Their son. the sixth of nine children. JOHN WARD. JR.,' Born August 12. 1720. in Newton. Mass. Died in 1805. in Buckland. Mass. Married January 16. 1745. in Mendon. Mass. Mary Torrey. She died after 1768. Their son. JEREMIAH WARD." Born September 14. 1765. in LTpton, Mass. Died May 10. 1847. in Buckland. Mass. Married Dec. 12, 1793, in Buckland, Mass., to Hannah Ward,' daughter of Kerley Ward" and Catharine Graham. She was born Sept. 30, 1774, in Buckland, Mass. Died February 24, 1833, in Buckland, Mass. Their son, the third of seven children, SUMNER WARD,' HANNAH WARD,' Married Sabra Lothrop. See page 23. Married Jeremiah Ward." See opposite column. The two sons of William Ward," (John' and William, Jr.'). were half4)rothers. Their children. William' and Col. William.' were half-cousins, and the next generation half-second-cousin-;. Following down the two lines of descent we find that Sumner' and his mother, Hannah.' were half-fifth-cousins! His son. by the second wife. WILLIAM WARD, JR.,' Born January 22, 1640. in Sudbury. Mass. Died November 25. 1697, in Marlboro, Mass. Married Sept. 4. 1679. in Marlboro. Mass., to Mrs. Hannah (Johnson) Eames. dangliter of Solomon and Hannah Johnson. She was born April 27, 1656, in Sudbury, Mass. Died December 8. 1720, in Marlboro. Mass. Their son. the fir^t of six children. COL. WILLIAM WARD,' Born March 27. 1680, in Marlboro, Mass. Died January 8, 1767. in Southboro, Mass. Married Jane (Cleveland?), of Boston. She died April 12, 1745, in Southboro. Mass. Their son. the first of eleven children. UEZEKIAII WARD." Born June 28. 1703. in Southboro. Mass. Died March 6, 1777. in Grafton, Mass. Married Nov. 26. 1724, in Marlboro. Mass., to Abigail Perry. She died March 30. 1735. in Southboro. Mass. His son, the first of 14 children, (two wives), HEZEKIAH WARD, JR..'' Born October 6. 1725, in Southboro. Mass. Died May 11. 1802. in Paxton. Mass. Married June 7. I74g. i" Southboro. Mass.. tn Hannah Bellows. She died July 18. 1765, in Graflon, Mass. Their son. the second of ten children, KERLEY WARD,' Born February 17. I/S^. in Grafton. Mass, Died May 19, 1835. in Buckland, Mass. Married Sept. 28, 1773. i" Spencer, Mass.. to Catharine Graham. Names of her parents unknown. Date and place of her birth and death unknown. Their daughter. ANNIVERSARIES WORTH REMEMBERING. J M Hilary February March April May June July 6. i6. 17- 19- 24. 25- 29. 2. 3- 14- 16. 17- ig. 20. 22. 24. 25- 29. I. 3- 18. 22. 23- 27. 2. 3- 8. 10. 13- 21. 22. 15- 19- 20. 23- 24. 9- II. 13- 18. 20. 5. 7- Oliver Ward Lathrop" and Esther Huldah Hendrick married 1846 — page n. William Lathrop" and Rozella Ward" married 1854 — page 12. John Lathrop 6tli"' and Melissa Ide Harwood married 1865 — page 29. Mary, mother of Rev. John Lothropp,* buried 1558 — page 6. John Ward Jr. and Mary Torrey. paternal grandparents of Sumner, married 1745. Elizabeth Hinckley, wife of Daniel Lathrop Jr.," died 1885, aged 80 y, 5 m, 20 d. Wells Rogers Hosmer'- and Ethel Mae Newell married 1897 — page 15. George Herbert Hosmer" and Stella Marilla Woodman married 1883 — page 14. Charles Henry Hosmer'" and Laura Almira Mansur married 1894 — page 14. Sumner Ward, husband of Sabra Lothrop,'" born 1800 — page 23. Sara Maria Hosmer'" and Herbert Frederick Hawkes married 1879 — page 14. Lucy Smith, wife of Daniel Lothrop Sr.,° born 1773 — page 7. Samuel Lambert Sr., husband of Panielia Lothrop,'" born 1795 — page 19. John Lothrop 4th' and Lydia Palmeter married 1721 — page 6. Samuel Lambert Sr., husband of Pamelia Lothrop,'" died 1873, aged 78 y, 13 d. John Lothrop 5th" born 1728-9 — page 7. Sabra Lothrop,'" wife of Sumner Ward, died 1890, aged 83 y, 8 m. 26 d — page 23. Lncinda Ann Lathrop'- and Bradley Maxon Lillibridge married 1868 — page 9. Wells Lathrop'" and Nellie Nancy Field married 1875 — page 11. Hannah Ward, mother of Sumner, died 1833, aged 58 y, 4 m, 25 d — page 31. Nellie Eliza Lathrop'" and John Richmond Porter married 1885 — page 12. Samuel Lothrop' died 1700. aged about y] or 78 years — page 6. Lucy Emma Lathrop" and John Andrew Albert married 1882 — page 12. Daniel Lothrop Sr." born 1768 and died 1841, aged Ti y — page 7. Lucy Lothrop,'" wife of Alva Bartlett, died 1880, aged 81 y, 6 m, 8 d — page 17. Sabra Lothrop'" and Sumner Ward married 1827 — page 23. Frederick Cutting Eager'' and Eleanor Kloppenburg married 1900 — page 11. Albert Lathrop'" and Alfred Lothrop'" born 1810 — pages 25 and 27. Sarah Joselyn Sampson, wife of Albert Lathrop,'" died 1887, aged 78 y, 2 m. 20 d. Reliockah Ward, wife of Erastus Lathrop Sr.,'° born 1793 — page 9. Sally Ward, wife of James Smith Lathrop,'" born 1795 — page 17. Albert Lathrop'" died 1900, aged 90 y, 9 d — page 25. Daniel Lathrop Jr.'" and Elizabeth Hinckley married 1826 — page 20. Nancy Lathrop" and John Ashley Atwood married 1859 — page 10. James Smith Lathrop'" and Sally Ward married 1817 — page 17. Sally Ward, wife of James Smith Lathrop,'" died 1868. aged T}, y, 18 d — page 17. Rev. Alfred Lothrop'" and Martha (Stone) Andrews married 1892 — page 28. Laura May Eager'" and John Edward Baum married 1897 — page 12. Rev, John Lothropp* put in prison 1632 — page 4. John Lothrop 6th'° and Sarah Dexter Robinson married 1836 — page 29. Sara Maria (Hosmer) Hawkes'" and George David Read Hubbard married 1882. Jeremiah Ward, father of Sumner, died 1847, aged 81 y, 7 m, 26 d — page 31. Daniel Lathrop 3rd" and Martha Sophia Morrison married 1856 — page 16. William Lathrop" and Lucy Jane Ward" married 1849 — page 12. John Lothrop 4th' born 1680 — page 6. James Smith Lathrop'" born 1796 — page 17. Sarah Dexter Robinson, first wife of John Lothrop 6th.'" died 1864. aged 47 y. 4 m, 24 d — page 29. Lela May Lathrop" and Lewis Willard Taylor married 1900 — page 10. Sabra Lothrop,'" wife of Sumner Ward, born 1806 — page 23. Warren Herbert I^illibridge" and Vienna Maria Shove married 1893 — page 9. John Lathrop 6th'" died 1900, aged 85 y, 10 m — page 29. John Davis Eager and Annie Wealthy (Davis) Denison married 1900 — page 11. George Eugene Eager'' and Ruth Fides Spalding married 1900 — page 12. Pamelia Lothrop'" and Samuel Lambert married 1830 — page 19. Erastus Lathrop Sr.'° and Reheckah Ward married 1817 — page 9. Nehemiah Ward, father of Reheckah and Sally, born 1761 — page 30. Alma Almira Lathrop'" and Byron Adolphus Brittingham married 1891 — page 13. William Eugene Hosmer'' and Martha Frances Chandler married 1885 — page 15. ANNIVERSARIES WORTH REMEMBERING. 23 15- i6. 28. 4- 8. 12. 15- 16. 22. 24. 25- 26. 29. John Lothrop sth" and Sarah Peck married 1752— page 7. Francis Lathrop" and Mary Rosahelle Lothrop" married 1865— page 15. Elizabeth Hinckley, wife of Daniel Lathrop Jr." born 1804— page 20. Angust 4. Deborah Ann Robinson, first wife of Rev. .Alfred Lothrop."' died 188,?, aged 60 y. 7 ni. 22 d — page 27. Sumner Ward Sr.. husband of Sabra Lothrop.'" died 1876, aged 76 y. 6 tn, 14 d. John Ward Jr., paternal grandfather of Sumner, born 1720 — page 31. Rev. Alfred Lothrop'" and Deborah Ann Robinson married 1831 — page 27. Daniel Lathrop Jr.'" born 1802 — page 20. James Smitli Lathrop'" died 1876. aged 80 y. 3 m, 2 d— page 17. Luna Delle Lathrop'"' and William Quin Darnold married 1894— page 16. Lucy Lothrop,"' wife of Alva Bartlett, born 1798 — page 17. John Lothrop 3rd" died 1688, aged about 43 y — page 6. Pamelia Lothrop," wife of Samuel Lambert Sr., born 1800 — page 19. Eva Mae Lathrop'- and George Winfield .Allen married 1889 — page 16. Lemuel Ward and Mary Bates, grandparents of Rebeckah and Sally, married 1754. Charles Lathrop" and Susan Hutchinson married 1844 — page 9. September 2. Erastus Lathrop Sr.'" born 1793 — page 9. 8. Alva Bartlett, husband of Lucy Lothrop,'" died 1878, aged 83 y, 11 m, 12 d — page 17. II. Sarah Lathrop" and George Hosmer married 1849 — page 13. Mary Ella Hosmer'" and Albert Alphonso Stone married 1874 — page 13. Pamelia Lothrop.'" wife of Samuel Lambert Sr., died 1882, aged 82 y, 19 d. Jeremiah Ward, father of Sumner, born 1765 — page 31. Oscar Jacob Lathrop'" and Lydia .'\nn (.At wood) Howe'" married 1896 — page 16, Rev. John Lothropp' and several children landed in America 1634 — page 4. Capt. Thomas Lothrop and seventy-six men slain by Indians 1675 — page 29. Charles Monroe Lathrop'" and Lucy Jane Shively married 187: — page 9. Daniel Lathrop Jr.'" died 1887, aged 8$ y, I m, 3 d — page 20. Alva Bartlett, husband of Lucy Lothrop,'" born 1794 — page 17. Kerley Ward and Catharine Graliam, maternal grandparents of Sumner Ward, married 1773 — page 31. Henry Lathrop'" and Edith Henrietta Langdon married 1874 — page 10. Hannah Ward, mother of Sumner, born 1774 — page 31. October 5. Lydia Ann Atwood'" and Birdsey Dennison Howe married 1876 — page 10. Clarissa Adaline Lathrop" and John Davis Eager married 1846 — page ii. Marriage license issued to Rev. John Lothropp' and Hannah Howse 1610 — page 6. Charles Henry Hosiuer" and Ella .Amelia Couch married 1873 — page 14. Charles Eben Lillibridge'' and Ida Albertia Wilkins married 189S — page 9. Melissa Ide Harwood, second wife of John Lathrop 6th,'" bom 1818 — page 29, Sarah Peck, wife of John Lothrop Sth,* born 1735 — page 7. Rebeckah Ward, wife of Erastus Lathrop Sr.,'" died 1884. aged 91 y, 7 m. 10 d. Nellie Eliza (Lathrop) Porter" and George Adolph Horning married 1895. Albert Lathrop'" and Sarah Joselyn Sampson married 1831 — page 25. Rev. John Lothropp' died 1653, aged about 6g y — page 6. Lucy Smith, wife of Daniel Lothrop Sr.,° died 1859, aged 86 y. 9 m, 12 d — page 7. Burton Jay Lathrop" and EUnora Bettie Grove married 1898 — page 10. Wells Lathrop'" and Mary Josephine Casey married 1880 — page n. Erastus Lathrop Jr." and Samantha Clark married 1845 — page 11. Nehemiah Ward, father of Rebeckah and Sally, died 1831, aged 71 y, 5 m, 4 d. Martha (Stone) Andrews, second wife of Rev. Alfred Lothrop.'" born 1825. Erastus Lathrop Sr.'" died 1884, aged 91 y, 2 m, 24 d — page 9. Samuel Lothrop" and Elizabeth Scudder married 1644 — page 6. December 7. John Lothrop 3rd" baptized 1645 — page 6. Jeremiah Ward and Hannah Ward, parents of Sumner, married 1793— page 31. Deborah .Ann Robinson, first wife of Rev. Alfred Lothrop,'" born 1813— page 27. 15. John Lothrop 3rd" and Ruth Royce married 1669 — page 6. 20. Rev. John Lothropp' baptized 1584 — page 6. Sarah Joselyn Sampson, wife of Albert Lathrop,'" born 1808 — page 25. Hattie AUette Hosmer" and Fred Sharp married 1892 — page 15. Sarah Dexter Robinson, first wife of John Lothrop 6th. '" born 1816 — page 29. Irvin Herbert Lathrop'" and Nina Christena Johnson married 1897 — page 16. Lucy Lothrop'" and Alva Bartlett married 1S17 — page 17. The small figures after names of descendants indicate the generation dating from John Low- throppe.' of 1545. The descendant name appears first, in each marriage, whether son or daughter. November 13- 14- 17- 18, 19. 27. 28. 30. 5. 8. 10. 16. 17- 24. I. 5- 6. 8. 14- 16. 18. 20. 24. 25- 26. 28. 7- 12. 13- 26. 28. 30. 31- INDEX. ALBERT, Ji.hn Andrew. 12 Lucy Emma (Lathrop), 12 Nettie Maria, 12 ALLEN, Eva Mae (Lathrup), W George Wiiifield, 16 Gracie May, 16 Nellie Marie, 16 ATWOOD, John Ashley, 10 Lydia Ann, 10. 16 Nancy (Lathrop), lU BAKTLETT, Aaron, 17 Albert Adolphus, 18 Albert Henry, 18. Alfred Lothrop, IS AUie Frances, 17 Alonzo Elden, IS Alphonso, IS Alphonso Elvvin, 18 Alva, 17 Carl Erastus, IS Charlie Ornian, IS Charlotte Viola. 17 Daniel, 17 Eliza Pamelia, 17 Elsie May, IS Erastus, 18 Eva Helen, 18 Florin Adolphus, IS George Austin, IS Hattie Myra (Mansell), IS Henry Denison, 17 Herbert Sumner, IS Ivan Alva, 17 Jane Lurinda. 18 Jennie Frances (Lee), 18 Jennie Miranda (Pratt), IS Laurin Ai, IS Lewis Adelbert, IS Lucy Francena (Chandler), IS Lucy (Lothrop), 17 Mabel Laura, 18 Mary Angove (Brown), 17 Merton Erving, 18 Omar Lee, IS Reuben Eldorus, 17 Rose Mary, IS Sabra Ann, 18 Sarah Annie, 18 Sarah (Brown). IS Sarah Ursula (Warren). 17 Victor Roy, 18 William Herbert, IS BAUM, Dorothy Gordon. 12 Gordon Eager, 12 John Edward, 12 Laura May (Eager), 12 BENT, Ida May (Whitman), 17 William Osgood, 17 BLIN, Charles, 24 Clarence, 24 Eulalia Emeraldine (Burgher), 21 BLOWER, Carrie (Leininger). 24 Marion Richard, 24 Richard John, 24 Rosalie Rachel (Ward). 24 Sumner John, 24 BRADLEY, Abbie Maria, 22 Abbie Maria (Lathrop), 21 Albert Ernest, 22 Alice Elizabeth (Wheelock), 22 BRADLEY, Charles Henry. 22 Delia May, 22 Emily Elfretta, 22 Florence Ethel, 22 Gertrude (Seymour). 22 Gladys May, 22 Grace Prean (Brown), 22 Hazel May, 22 Henry Johnson, 21 Henry Otis, 22 Mary Elizabeth, 21 Nettie Matilda, 21 William Emery, 22 BKITTINGHAM. Ada Josephine, 13 Alma Almira (Lathrop), 13 Byron Adolphus, 13 Ethel Jeanette, 13 Flora Rozella, 13 William Enoch, 13 BURGHER, Charles Herman Henry, 24 Eulalia Emeraldine, 24 Rozinia Sabra (Ward), 24 CAMM, Henry Franklin, 21 Herbert Banford, 21 Ida Elizabeth (Merrill), 21 John, 21 Oscar Bernard, 21 CAMP, Henry Judson. 25 Mary Irene (Lathrop), 25 Seymour Judson, 25 CHAPIN, Charles Eugene, la Edwin Fremont, 19 Joseph Eugene, 19 Martha Amanda (Lambert), 19 CLOUGH, Bertram Sherman, 26 Burt George, 26 Lulu May (Richardson), 26 COBURN, James Munroe, 21 Susan Jane Hinckley (Lathrop) (Merrill), 21 CORTIS, Ernest Raymond, 21 Jennie May, 21 Nettie Matilda (Bradley), 21 Ward Philo, 21 COWAN, Gilbert Wakefield, 19 Sadie Darling (Lambert), 19 DAGGETT, Augustus Harrington, 21 Ethel May, 21 Fannie Jennie (Merrill), 21 Leola Jennie, 21 DARNOLD, Elsie Marie. 16 Luna Delle (Lathrop), 16 Raymond Clifford. 16 William Quin, 16 DAY. Rebcckah (Lathrop), 17 Wilbur, 17 DOANE, Eunice Pamelia (Lambert), 19 Rufus, 19 DRESSER. Charles Burdctte. 25 Edith Eldorah (Lathrop), 25 Frank Burdette, 25 Myrtle May, 25 EAGER, Clarissa Adalinc (Lathrop), 11 Edwin Louis, 12 Eleanor (Kloppenburg), 11 Frederick Cutting, 11 George Eugene, 12 EAGER, John Davis, 11 Laura May, 12 Ruth Fides (Spalding), 12 William, 12 ELLIS, Amy May, 2S Augusta Anna, 28 Lillie May (Stephens), 28 Roscoe William, 28 William Henry, 28 EWIN, Albert Vernon, 28 Anna. 2S Arthur Howard, 28 Charles Emerson, 28 Ella Howard (Lothrop), 28 Frances Ellen, 28 lona Mae, 2S Mary Effie, 28 Matthew, 28 Robert Leroy. 2S William Alfred, 2S FRENCH, Florence Blanche (Judkins), 20 George Richmond, 20 HATCH, Allie May, 17 Anne Florence, 17 Benjamin Aaron. 17 Benjamin Franklin. 17 Charlotte Viola (Bartlctt), 17 Ernest Delmont, 17 Lillian Eva, 17 Maurice Cleveland, 17 HAWKES, Herbert Frederick, 14 Sara Maria (Hosmer), 14 HOLCOMB, Alene Clara, 25 Alton, 25 Maud Ethlyn, 25 Pauline Bowers (Lathrop), 25 HOLMES, Addie May (I'orter), 26 Amy Lathrop. 26 Amy Lincoln (Judson), 26 David, 26 Ethel May, 26 George Legrand, 26 George William, 26 Leon Judson, 26 Mildred Edith, 26 Sarah Euphemia (Lathrop). 26 William Frank, 26 HORNING, George Adolph, 13 Nellie Eliza (Lathrop) (Porter), 13 HOSMER, Annie Louise, 14 Austin Hawley, 15 Bertha Atwood, 14 Charles Albert, 14 Charles Henry, 14 Earl Lathrop, 15 Edna Ethel, 14 Edward Everett, 15 Ella Amelia (Couch); 14 Ella Myrtie, 15 Ethel Mae (Newell), 15 Eugene Chandler, 15 Flavilla Adaline (Dennen), 15 Francis Lathrop, 15 George. 13 George Herbert. 14 George W^illiam, 15 Gladys Ella, 14 Hattie Allette, 15 Hattie Lucille, 15 36 INDEX. HOSMEK, Laura Almira (Mansur), 11 Laura Milfrcd, 14 Malcolm Douglass, 15 Martha Frances (Chandler). 15 Mary Ella, 13 Milford Bliss, 15 Paul Hedges, 15 Sarah (Lathrop), 13 Sara Maria, 14 Sarah Martha, 14 Stella Marilla (Woodman). 14 Wells Rogers. 15 William Eugene, 15 HOWE. Alice Rena. 27 Ellis George. 23 Fona Stone. 10 Gertrude Rena (Lothrop). 27 Harry Milton, 27 Ida (Utech), 23 Lydia Ann (Atwood), 10, 16 Milton, 27 Roy Allen, 10 HUBBARD, Carleton Spencer, 14 George David Read, 14 Nelson Eugene Hosmer, 14 Sara Maria (Hosmer) (Hawkes). 14 HUTCHINSON. Amos. 23 Austin. 23 Edward. 23 Elsie May, 23 Jennie. 23 Jessie, 23 Laura, 23 Mary Jane (Ward). 23 Warren. 23 INMAN, Allie Frances (Bartlett). 17 Ernest Ira, 17 James Ira, 17 JOHNSON, Adolph, 24 Allan Joseph, 24 Catherine Helen Mars (McDonald), 24 Esther Helena, 24 JUDD. Adrian Watson. 25 Lillie Mable. 25 Mary Elizabeth (Lathrop), 25 JUDKINS, Alonzo John, 20 Aurilla Malethe (Lambert), 20 Clyde Harold, 20 Corrydon Ardell, 20 Eva Aldora, 20 Eva Julia (Stewart), 20 Florence Blanche, 20 Lilla Evadna (French), 20 May Lizzie (Brown), 20 Nellie E. (Porter), 20 Vernon, 20 Walter Alonzo, 20 Wilber Llewellyn. 20 Winnie Aurilla, 20 KANE, George Henry. 21 Harold Henry, 21 Mary Elizabeth (Bradley), 21 KENDALL, Alma Luella (Rood), 22 Edmund .Xugustus. 22 Edmund Everett, 22 Ezra Daniel. 22 James Augustus. 22 Mary Sophia, 22 Nancy Elizabeth (Lathrop). 22 KROESSEN, Clara Hortense (Record). 27 Franklin Wilfred, 27 John Thomas. 27 Mabel Augusta, 27 LAMBERT, Abbie Eliza (Mayo). 19 Albert, 19 Albert Ellsworth. 19 LAMBERT, .\nnie Ellizabeth (GilTord), 19 Aurilla Malethe. 20 Blanche Louise (Cleaves). 19 Charles 19 Charles Alfred 19 Cynthia Ann (Douglass). 19 EfSe Emily. 19 Effie Mabel. 19 Elwin Fremont. 19 Eunice I'amelia. 19 Flora May (Arey). 19 Flossie May, 19 Flossie May (Gilman), 19 Franssena (Wagner), 19 Hazel Mabel, 19 John Wilson 2d, 19 John Wilson, 19 Laura Sarah, 19 Martha Amanda, 19 Merl McKinley, 19 Pamelia (Lothrop). 19 Sadie Darling. 19 Sadie Davis. 19 Samuel Jr., 19 Samuel Sr., 19 Samuel V^ictor. 19 Sarah \^ictoria (Stanley). 19 Wallace Herbert, 19 LANPHEAR, Cora Emilie, 22 Hannah Alida (Martin). 22 Mabel Alethea. 22 Nancy Elizabeth (Lathrop) (Kendall), 22 Jedediah. 22 Rev. Walter Eugene. 22 LARY. Albert Clarence. 18 Annie Irma. IS Arthur Raymond, IS Edgar Ernest. IS George William, IS Rose Mary (Bartlett), 18 Waldo Chandler, 18 LATHRIIP, Abbie Maria, 21. 22 Adelbert. IG Albert, 7, 25 Albert Henry, 22 Albert Richardson, 25 Aletha Bradbury. 20 Allen Ray, 10, Alma Almira, 13 Alpheus Daniel, 17, 25 Amasa Davis, 21 Amos Disco, 16 Annie Rebecca (Sterling). 25 Betsey (Lathrop), 17. 25 Burton Jay. 10 Calvin Judson. 25 Charles. 9 Charles Monroe, 9 Clarissa Adaline, 11 Cleora Alice, 26 Cynthia Steadman, 17 Daniel Andress, 22 Daniel Jr., 7, 20 Daniel 3rd, 16 Earl Sterling. 25 Edith Eldorah, 25 Edith Henrietta (Langdon), 10 Eliza Deett, 11 Eliza (Snell). 21 Elizabeth (Hinckley). 20 EUnora Bettie (Grove). 10 Elmer Alfred. 16 Emma Augusta. 25 Emma Jane ((Jsborn), 25 Erastus Jr.. 11 Erastus Sr., 7, 9, 30 LATHR(JP, Esther lluldah (Hendrick), 11. Eva Mae, 16 Francis, 15, 2S Franklin Clark, 22 George Richmond, 25 George Sherman, 25 Henry. 10 Irvin Herbert. 16 James Smith. 7. 17, 30 John 6th. 29 John Emory, 22 Josephine (Clark), 22 Judson Sewall, J2 Leia May, 10 Lena Charlotte (Potter), 10 Leonard Hinckley, 22 Lottie Rebecca, 13 Lucinda Ann, 9, 15 Lucy Emily, 22 Lucy Emma, 12 Lucy Jane (Shively), 9 Lucy Jane (Ward), 12. 23 Lulu May (.\ndrews), 25 Luna Delle. 16 Lydia Ann (Atwood) (Howe). 10, 16 Mabel Viola, 25 Martha Sophia (Morrison), 16 Mary Elizabeth, 25 Mary Irene, 25, Mary Jane, 21 Mary Josephine (Casey). 11 Mary Rosabelle (Lothrop), 16, 28 Mary Selona (Richardson), 25 Melissa Ide (Harwood), 29 Millie Christine, 11 Millie Fay, 10 Nancy. 10 Nancy Elizabeth, 22 Nellie Deett, 11 Nellie Eliza, 12 Nellie Nancy (Field), 11 Nina Christena (Johnson). 16 Oliver Ward 11 Oscar Jacob. 10, 16 Pamelia Minnie. 26 Pauline Bowers. 25 Pauline (Bowers). 25 Rebeckah, 17 Rebeekah (Ward), 9, 30 Rozella (Ward), 12, 23 Sally (Ward), 17, 30 Samantha (Clark), 11 Sarah, 13 Sarah Euphemia, 26 Sarah Joselyn (Sampson), 25 Susan (Hutchinson), 9 Susan Jane Hinckley, 21 Wallace Daniel, 22 Wells, 11 William, 12, 23 William Pitts, 10 LEWIS, Edith Alethea, 20 Ina Almira, 20 Maro Edwin, 20 Mary Etta (Lillibridge), 20 Susie May, 20 LILLIBRIDGE, Albert Edward. 9 Alethea Bradbury (Lathrop). 20 Amasa Dwight. 20 Bradley Maxon, 9 Charles Eben. 9 Clyde Wilkins, 9 Emery Leverett, 20 Emily Myrtella. 20 Gustella Elizabeth. 20 Ida Albertia (Wilkins), 9 Lucinda Ann (Lathrop), 9 INDEX. 37 LILLIBRIDGE, Lyjia lieth, 9 Lyman. 20 Mary Etta, 20 Mildred Elouise. 9 Rhoda Ella (Dorccy). 20 Vienna Maria (Shove). D Waldo Clair, 9 Warren Herbert, 9 Willie Myro, 20 LINCOLN, Edward Sumner, 22 Florence Sumner. 22 Mary Sophia (Kendall). 22 Ruth Kendall, 22 Sumner ,\ugustus, 22 LOTHROP. Adelia Wilhelmina (Hauser), 27 Alfred, 7, 27, 2S Augusta Angelia. 27 Clara Dora (House). 27 Corydon, 29 Daniel Sr., 7 Deborah Ann (Robinson). 27 Eliza Ellen, 29 Elizabeth (Scuddcr). j, (» Ella Howard. 2.S Frances Adrianna. 2S George Lewis, 27 Gertrude Rena, 27 Harriet Mitchell, 27 Howard Alfred 28 John 3rd and 4th, C John 5th, 7 John 6th, 7. 29 John Stillman, 27 Kate iNIable, 27 Lewis Cass, 27 Lucy, 7, 17 Lucy (Smith), 7 Lydia (Palmeter), 7 Marcia Ann (Page), 27 Marcia Maria (Mitchell), 27 Martha (Stone), (Andrews), 2S Mary Rosabelle, Ki, 2S Melford Merton, 27 Merton Lee, 27 Mildred Sarah (Kinkead), 27 Pamelia. 7, 19 Ralph Waldo, 27 Ruth (Royce), 6 Sabra, 7, 23 Samuel, 5, 6 Sarah Dexter (Robinson), 29 Sarah (Peck), 7 LOTHROPP, Hannah (Howse), 6 Rev. John 2d, 3, 6 LOWTHROPPE, John 1st, 6 Mary ( ), 6 Robert, 6 Thomas, 6 McDonald, Alexander, 24 Catherine Helen Mars, 24 Donald Sumner, 24 Ernest, 24 Rozinia, 24 Rozinia Sabra (Ward) (Burgher), 24 MERRILL, Ada Anna, 21 Albert Edmond, 21 Annie Burns (Facemycr), 21 Basil Edmund, 21 Fannie Jennie, 21 George Colfax, 21 Gladys Edith, 21 Hattie Maria. 21 Ida Elizabeth, 21 James Frederick, 21 James Huzzy, 22 Jennie Edith (Clark). 21 Susan Jane Hinckley (Lathrop). 21 NICIKJLS, Frank Norman, 26. Minnie Tulia (Richardson), 26 OBERMIRE, Joseph Harvey, 2S JIary Effie (Ewin), 28 Ralph, 28 PETERSON, Aaron, 21 Ada Anna (Merrill), 21 Edith Hinckley, 21 PORTER. Bertha Lorena, 13 John Richmond, 13 Lilly May, 13 Nellie Eliza (Lathrop), 12 PRATT, Eliza Pamelia (liartletl). 17 Rosewell, 17 PRINGLE, Maurice Franklin, 24 Rose (Ward), 24 RACKETT, Cleora Alice (Lathrop) (Richardson), 26 Leroy Hamilton, 26 William Henry, 26 RAMSDELL, Andrew Smith, 18 Edwin Alva, 18 Eliza Lucy, 18 Ervin Clarence, IS Harry Lewis. 18 Jane Lurinda (Bartlctt). IS RECORD. Augusta Angelia (Lothrop). 27 Clara Hortense, 27 Cora True, 27 Jennie May (Crumrine), 27 Julia Morgan, 27 Lewis Alfred, 27 Martha Jane (Merry), 27 Mary Malissia, 27 IMaurice, 27 Orah Jane. 27 Walter Howard, 27 REYN(JLDS, Emily Myrtella (Lillibridge), 20 Ernest Lyman, 20 Irving Vernette, 20 Louis Irving, 20 Mary Evelyn, 20 Nina Louise. 20 RICHARDS(JN, Arthur Valentine, 26 Charles Monroe, 26 Cleora Alice (Lathrop), 26 Flora Elizabeth (Allen), 26 Lulu May, 26 Minnie Julia, 26 RILEY, Ada Elmer, 21 Carl Merrill, 21 Edgar Franklin, 21 Hattie Maria (Merrill), 21 ROBERTS, Harry Lee, 25 Mary Irene (Lathrop) (Camp), 25 SHARP, Fred, 15 Hattie Allette (Hosmer), IB Mildred Hosmer. 15 SHAW. Emma Augusta (Lathrop), 25 John Hathaway, 25 SKEEN, Isaiah Newton, 27 Maurice Leander, 28 Orah Jane (Record). 27 Victor Floyd. 28 SMITH. Alice, 29 Carrie Curcelia (Blain), 29 Charles Winfield, 29 Clarence Harwood, 29 Coydon, 29 Eliza Ellen (Lothrop), 29 Elmo Clarence, 29 Gladys Helen. 29 Grace Wright (Hepler), 29 Margaret Mary, 29 William Philley, 29 SQUARES, George, 22 Lillian May, 22 Lucy Emily (Lathrop), 22 STEADMAN, Laura (Hutchinson), 23 Walter Clyde, 23 STEPHEN'S, Ada Myrtle (Willard), 28 Arthur Joseph, 28 Ellen Adra, 28 Eugene Samuel, 28 Frances Adrianna (Lotlir<_>p), 28 STEPHENS. Grant Leslie, 28 Ida Ruth (Keyser), 28 Ivah May, 28 Joseph Doten, 28 Lewis Ely, 28 Lillie May, 28 Muriel Uilla, 28 Nellie Frances, 28 (Jscar Keyser, 28 Roscoe William, 28 STERLING, Odell Bouton, 26 Pamelia Minnie (Lathrop), 26 ST(.>NE, Albert Alphonso, 13 Henry Fuller, 13 Mary Ella (Hosmer), 13 TAYLOR, Leia May (Lathrop), 10 Lewis Willard, 10 UTECII, Annie Eamelia, 23 EInora, 23 Frank Fred William, 23 Frank George, 23 Fritz Arthur, 23 Herman Bernhard, 23 Ida, 23 Julius Albert, 23 Louis Martin, 23 Mary Sophia, 23 Sarah Rozella (Ward), 23 Walter Albert, 23 WARD, Alfred, 24 Ancestors, 30, 31 Charles, 24 Cora May, 24 Edward Smith, 24 Eleanor Jane (Ilobbs), 23 Ella May (Hill), 24 Flora Helen. 24 Flora Helen (Schoonover), 24 Flora Martina, 24 Frank. 24 George Ellis. 23 Helen Alvira. 24 Jennie (Porter) (Snell), 24 Josiah, 23 Lucy Jane, 12, 23 Malinda (Simmons), 24 Martin Luther, 23 Mary Jane, 23 Merritt Alonzo, 24 Rebeckah, 9, 30 Rosalie Rachel, 24 Rosalie Kay, 24 Rose, 24 Rozella, 12, 23 Rozetta Angelette, 24 Rozina Sabra, 24 Sabra (Lothrop), 23, 31 Sally, 30 Sarah Maria. 23 Sarah Rozella, 23 Sumner, 23, 31 Sumner Perkins, 24 Walter Remus, 24 Wilfred Percy, 21 \Vilhelmina (Long). 24 WEBER, EInora (Utech). 23 Frank William, 23 Ida Mary, 23 Jacob John, 23 WHITMAN, Cynthia Steadman (Lathrop), 17 Ida May, 17 Stillman Ford, 17 WILSON, Flora Anna, 24 John Elie, 24 Rozetta Angelette (Ward), 24 WITT, August, 28 Frances Ellen (Ewin), 28 Minnie Mae. 28 WOOD, Anna Lathrop, 25 Mary Elizabeth (Lathrop), (Judd), 25 Nathan, 25 ' - o ."^^ - ^ V o'^' • ' ■ ° - o .V , o " '^ , -;> .( o. o. •- ,^^^. 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