Class ELf Book_ >x t_4-'S r/v 39m Congress, ) HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. (Ex. Doc, 1st Session. ] \ No. 86. AWARDS FOR THE CAPTURE OF BOOTH. LETTER THE SECRETARY OF WAR, J IN ANSWER TO A resolution of the House of Representatives of the 10th instant, relative to the findings of the commission in the awards for the capture of Booth and Herold, April J3, 1866. — Laid cm the tabic and ordered to be printed. War Department, Washington City, April 13, 1S6G. Sir : Referring to the resolution of the House of Representatives of April 10, 1866, directing the Secretary of War to furnish the findings of the com- mission in the case of the awards for the capture of J. W. Booth and D. E. Herold, I have the honor to state that a final report on this subject has not yet been made, for reasons set forth in the report from this department on the sub- ject, dated March 1, 1866, made in compliance with a resolution of the House of Representatives of February 27, 1866, to which reference is made. Very respectfully, sir, your obedient servant, EDWIN M. STANTON, Secretary of War. Hon. Schuyler Colfax, Speaher of the House of Representatives. X