^ U4>*< Class. Book. THE EARLY RECORDS OP^ THE Town of Portsmouth I EDITED IN ACCORDANCE WITH A RESOLUTION OF THE GENERAL ASSEMIiLV THE LIBRARIAN RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY PROVIDENCE, R. I. E. L. FREEMAK .< bUNS, Si A J E TKlNTERS I9OI ■■'#*#i^' O.otO, '•iyy ■ ■ -^^■'^'^"-•^'^fjf^f^ C^^^'i-"" ^ <:? £ > ■ ^; CS ^•^<:^^ ''7 *" -1 4 '"^' •^ fa IHH i U PREFACE. This volume of Portsmouth Records is issued in accordance with a vote of the General Assembly of the State of Rhode Island, passed May 26, 1899, as follows: '■'■Resolved, That the sum of one thousand dollars or so much thereof as may be necessary be and the same is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the purpose of indexing, printing, and binding five hundred copies of the early records of the town of Portsmouth, to be done under the direction of the librarian of the Rhode Island Historical Society; and the state auditor is hereby directed to draw his orders on the general treasurer for said sum or so much thereof as may be necessary, upon the presentation of vouchers approved by the secretary of state." The movement to preserve in permanent form the earliest records of Portsmouth was started long before the passage of the General Assembly act. Nearly two years before, a request was made of the Portsmouth town council that the oldest book of records should be temporarily surrendered to the Rhode Island Historical Society, in order that an exact copy of the same might be made. On September 13, 1897, upon petition of Amos Perry, this request was granted. Within a few months a copy was made, and on May 26, 1899, the General Assembly recognized the value of the undertaking by authorizing the printing of five hundred copies of the volume. [ iv] This old book of records, in spite of its long period of useful- ness, is yet fairly well preserved. Its evident lack of covers during a part of its existence has permitted perhaps two dozen pages at each end of the book to become frayed and torn, some almost to the inner edge. The present substantial binding was put on during the term of Richard Sherman as town clerk. Since that time the volume has been carefully kept, although the age and brittleness of the paper have rendered it liable to con- stant danger. That a few of the leaves have become torn and lost, even since then, may be seen by comparing the present transcript with that made by John R. Bartlett in editing the Rhode Island Colonial Records. Mr. Bartlett, in transcribing a portion of the records from 1639 to 1646, evidently had access in 1856 to a somewhat less mutilated volume than the existing one. A careful comparison, however, will show that the tran- script in the Colonial Records is not at all to be relied upon for accuracy. The volume, as it exists to-day, is one of great interest and local historical importance. Although the larger part of the book is taken up with the proceedings of the town council, there are also included hundreds of miscellaneous records — deeds, wills, inventories, powers of attorney, indentures, and ear-marks — all of additional value to the student of history and genealogy. The book was evidently used at the same time for different purposes. The council records begin with the year 1639 at one end of the volume and run until the year 1695, when they are met by mis- cellaneous records that had in the meantime been begun at the opposite end of the volume. The council's proceedings from 1695 to 1697 are scattered throughout the remainder of the book, wherever a blank space would permit. In one case an [ v] entry for the " 13th of the first month, 1697," '^^as made directly after an entry for the year 1642. (See page 19 of this volume.) But the word "1697" having become torn off, the record reads as if it had been entered under 1642. For convenience, therefore, in finding the proceedings of a certain town council, a chrono- logical table of town-meetings is annexed to this preface. In transcribing the volume, the spelling, capitalization, and punctuation of the original have been rigidly adhered to. When the volume was first transmitted to the Historical Society, it was carefully repaged in red ink; and this pagination, which may now be deemed the original pagination, is indicated in the pres- ent text by heavy type within brackets. The dates at the upper corners of the pages are inserted merely for convenience in refer- ence. The signs and abbreviations used mostly explain them- selves. Brackets enclosing a blank space are used whenever the text is torn or illegible. The "marks" of persons unable to write, are reproduced as far as practicable in fac-simile. The reproduction of a circle, with the word "seal" inside, does not mean that the seal itself is in the text, but that the town clerk thus indicated what he himself had seen upon the original docu- ment that he copied. Certain signs, like |p for the syllable con- taining the letters pr with a vowel, and m for mm, have been preserved. The reader should constantly remember the facts about double-dating and the change in the calendar. According to the Julian calendar, the year began on March 25. March was the first month and February the last month of the year. But since January was historically, if not legally, the first month of the year, all dates falling between January i and March 24, in- clusive, were double-dated. February 14, 1675, was written February 14, 1674/75. Upon the introduction of the Gregorian [vi] calendar in 1752, January became legally the first month of the year, and double-dating ceased. As I write the closing words of this preface, I realize that it has merely fallen to my lot to complete a task so well begun by others. To Hon. Amos Perry, my predecessor in the position of librarian of the Rhode Island Historical Society, is due a large portion of the credit of preserving this volume in its printed form. Through his own energy and enthusiasm he raised a sum sufficient to meet the expenses of the first transcript, and under his able supervision the book was planned and begun. But scarcely had the printing commenced when death intervened and he was called away. During the interval preceding the choice of his successor, the volume was edited under the direction of the members of the library committee — William D. Ely and Henry R. Chace. Soon after my entrance upon the duties of librarian, a great calamity occurred, and the volume, which was confidently expected to appear in the spring of 1900, was delayed for nearly a year. All the signatures as far as page 257, which were stored at the state bindery, were consumed in the Snow & Farnham fire of January, 1900. Fortunately a duplicate set of signatures had been preserved, and after the state had made an appropriation to reprint the thousands of burned documents and reports, the work was begun all over again in May, 1 900. Several changes, made possible by the complete reprinting of the volume, were introduced, but the original plan has been generally ad- hered to. The labor of transcribing the volume has been entrusted to Katharine H. Austin. Her skill in deciphering ancient records, and her natural carefulness and discernment, have rendered her [ vii ] exceptionally well qualified for the task. The state is fortunate, indeed, in having been able to obtain the services of one so pains- taking and accurate. Thanks are due to William D. Ely and to Henry R. Chace, for the efficient manner in which they directed the printing of the book just after Mr. Perry's death, and especially to the latter gentleman for his kind offices in originally procuring for us the ancient volume. Acknowledgment should also be made to Edward Field, for many helpful suggestions; to William F. Brayton, the present town clerk of Portsmouth, for his forbear- ance in allowing the volume out of his custody during the process of reading the proof ; to the Portsmouth town council, for their courtesy and interest in the matter; and to E. L. Free- man & Sons, the state printers, for the typographical excellence of the book. In conclusion, I would call attention to the almost imperative duty of preserving in permanent form the oldest records of our towns. The fading of the ink, the crumbling of the paper, and the ever present danger of fire are inevitable barriers to the extreme longevity of any manuscript volume. Indeed, the loss of public records from this last cause alone, considered in the aggregate throughout the whole country, is little short of appal- ling. If but one copy of a volume exists, then its life hangs upon a single thread. The only way in which effectually to preserve the volume for present and future generations is to multiply the number of copies, and this the many improvements in the art of printing have enabled us to do at a comparatively low cost. In this state of Rhode Island, the matter is of especial importance. The peculiar structure of government of our colony, in its earliest days, has made the records of the towns the chief, and often the [ viii ] only source for a study of the history of the colony. Of our four earliest towns, the records of Providence have been published, those of Portsmouth are now in print, and those of Newport are irrevocably lost. The records of Warwick alone remain. The oldest manuscript volume in the possession of that town is less known to the historical student than any other of our earliest town records. While certain portions of it have never as yet been deciphered, the historical importance of the volume is un- questioned. It is certainly the duty of the people of this state to see to it that the contents of this valuable Warwick volume should be preserved in permanent form before it is too late. CLARENCE S. BRIGHAM, Librarian R. I. Historical Society. Providence, March 25, 1901. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE OF TOWN MEETINGS. 1639, 1639 1639 1639 1639, 1639 1639 1639 1639 1639 1639 1640 1640; 1640: 1640 1640 1640 1640 1640 1640 1640 1640, 1641 1641 1642 1642 1643 1643 1643 1643 1644 1644 April 30 page July. October. . . November. December. January February 10 . March May 26 June , July September 7 . September 23, October November 1 . December 3.. January February 4. . , November 1 . February 25 . 29.... October 15. . November 28. March April 10 ige 3 1644, 4 1644, 4 1644, 4 1644, 6 1646, 5 1647, " 5 1647, 5 1647, 5 1647, 5 1647, 7 1647, 6 1647, 8 1648, 13 1648, 14 1648, 14 1648, 15 1648, 15 1649, 16 1649, 16 1649, 18 1649, 18 1649, 18 1649, 19 1649, 10 1650, 11 1650, 19 1650, 20 1650, 21 1650, 22 1651, 24 1651, 27 1651, May 27 page 27 August 29 " 29 November 14 " 30 December 23 " 31 November 28 " 32 February 4 " 32 June " 34 June 21 " 34 July 6 " 35 August 26 " 35 September 28 " 36 November 25 " 36 January 27 " 36 May 9 " 37 July 10 " 37 September 4 " 38 December 28 " 39 January 25 " 39 February 22 " 40 May 15 " 40 June " 40 July 16 " 41 October 16 " 43 November 21 " 43 April 29 " 44 June ** 45 July 8 " 46 July 16 " 46 November 12 " 47 February 19 " 47 March 4 " 48 May 10 " 49 [x] 1651 1651 1651 1651 1652 1652 1652 1652 1653 1653 1653 1654 1654 1654 1654 1654 1654 1654, 1655 1655 1655 1655 1655 1656 1656 1656 1656 1656 1656 1656 1656 1656 1656 1656 1657 1657 1657 1657 1657 1657 1657 June 3. . . . June 13.. . June 16... August 25. January 19. January 26. February 2 June 9. . . . April 1 June June 20.. . May 10 June 5 June 17 August 21 ... , September 11, November 13, January 23. . , March 3 May 5 June 4 June 30 January 3 . . February 14 April 8 May 14 June June 3 July 3 August 11. . . October 4 . . . December 8 . December 13. March 3 April 16 May 29 June 1 June 8 July 31 August 31. , . age 50 1657, 51 1657, 52 1657, 53 1658, 57 1658, 57 1658, 57 1658, 58 1658, 59 1658, 59 1658, 60 1658, 61 1659, 61 1659, 62 1659, 63 1659, 64 1659, 64 1659, 65 1660, 66 1660, 66 1660, 66 1660, 67 1660, 68 1660, 69 1661, 69 1661, 70 1661, 70 1661, 71 1661, 71 1661, 72 1661, 72 1662, 73 1662, 74 1662, 74 1662, 74 1662, 75 1662, 75 1662, 75 1662, 76 1663, 76 1663, 77 1663, November 19 page November 20 November 30 January 6 March 2 May 11 June 7 June 8 October 6 October 27 , November 22 February 16 May 12 June 6 August 6 September 15 December 21 , March 7 May 9 June 4 July 9 September 29 December 27 January 5 January 12 March 2 May 11 June 3 August 24 ... . October 1 . . . , February 24 . , May 12 June 2 July 7 August 25. . . , September 29, December 3 . . December 19 , February March 16 May 5 78 79 80 81 83 84 85 85 86 87 88 88 89 89 90 90 91 91 92 92 94 96 97 98 100 102 103 105 107 108 108 109 111 111 112 113 113 114 116 116 117 [xi ] lf)63, June 1 page 1003, June 24 1G63, November 7 1GG3, November 17 1(J63, December 23 1664, February 17 1GG4, April 27 1GG4, August 25 1GG4, October 12 1GG5, February 21 16G5, May 1 1665, June 5 1GG5, October 13 16GG, February 22 16GG, March 21 16GG, April 25 1G6G, June 4 166G, August 27 1G66, October 10 1GG7, January 5 1GG7, April 23 1667, June 3 1667, June 26 1667, October 17 16G8, April 28 1668, June 1 1668, October 16 1669, February 27 1669, March 8 16G9, March 29 1669, April 28 1669, June 7 16G9, October IG 1670, March 17 1670, April 27 1670, April 28 1G70, June 6 1670, June 27 1670, October 5 1670, November 23 1670, December 3 ige 118 1671, " 120 1671, " 120 1671, •' 121 1671, " 122 1671, " 123 1672, " 124 1672, •' 125 1672, " 126 1672, " 126 1672, " 127 1672, " 129 1673, ' 130 1673, •' 131 1673, " 132 1673, " 132 1674, " 133 1674, " 134 1674, " 135 1675, " 136 1675, " 136 1675, '• 137 1675, " 138 1675, " 139 1676, " 139 1676, " 141 1676, " 143 1676, " 144 1676, " 144 1677, " 145 1677, •' 146 1677, " 148 1677, " 150 1678, " 151 1678, ' 151 1678, " 152 1678, " 152 1678, " 154 1679, " 155 1679, " 156 1679, " 157 1G79, April 26 June 5 , July 6 September 22, October 14. . . March 2 March 14 April 25 June 3 October 14. . , December 6.. . April 29 June 2 October 10. .. November 28. April 21 June 1 October 10. . . April 9 June 7. ..... . July 16 October 12. . . December 8., , January 14. , March 8 April 21 June 5 October 7. . . . April 14 June 4 October 2 December 27. April 23 June 3 August 5 October 11. . . December 31 . May 3 page June 2. . . , June 23... August 18. 158 161 163 166 166 174 167 168 169 171 173 175 175 177 178 179 180 ISl 182 183 185 186 187 187 188 189 190 191 192 192 193 195 195 196 197 197 197 198 199 200 286 [ xii ] 1679, October 15 page 201 1680, February 14 '' 202 1680, April 19 " 202 1680, June 7 " 204 1680, August 30 " 206 1680, November 12 " 207 1680, December 27 " 207 1681, January 21 " 208 1681, March 14 " 209 1681, June 6 " 210 1681, July 9 " 212 1681, August 29 " 212 1682, March 6 " 213 1682, June 5 " 214 1682, August 28 " 216 1683, February 19 " 216 1683, June 4 " 218 1683, August 14 " 219 1684, January 4 " 220 1684, January 18 " 221 1684, March 10 '* 221 1684, June 2 " 223 1684, August 15 " 224 1684, December 12 " 225 1685, March 16 " 226 1685, June 1 " 227 1685, August 14 " 229 1685, November 30 " 230 1686, March 19 " 230 1686, April 9 " 231 1686, April 20 " 232 1686, June 7 " 232 1686, August 20 " 234 1687, January 14 " 234 1687, April 7 " 235 1687, July 29 •' 235 1687, August 12 " 236 1687, September 24 " 237 1688, January 10 " 237 1688, March 2 " 238 1688 1688 1689 1690^ 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1691 1691 1692 1692 1692 1692 1693 1693 1693 1693 1694, 1694 1694 1694 1695 1695 1695 1695 1695 1695 1695 1696 1696 1696 1696, 1696, 1697, 1697, 1697, 1697, 1697, March 26 page May 21 " August 9 " February 13 " March 31 " June 2 " July 2 " August 22 " October 14 " March 30 " June 1 " February 8 " March 28 " June 6 " August 22 " March 10 " April 12 " June 20 " November 10 " January 12 " February 22 " June 4 " August 17 " January 17 " March 8 " May 24 " June 3 " August 13 " November 25 " December 2 " a u June 1 " August 19 " January 14 " March 13 " April 16 " May 21 " June 7 " 238 239 240 240 241 241 243 243 244 245 245 246 247 247 249 249 250 250 251 252 253 255 256 256 250 248 287 292 363 363 260 260 260 292 363 193 19 309 308 306 [ I ] 1639. Here is written in later] style of figures, 1639 ] [Y] Aprill. 30. i6 We whose names are vnderw our selues the Loyall subie King Charles, and in his na into a Civill body Politicke : a selues^vvnto his lawes according matters of Justice: Willm Hutchinson. Samuell Gorton Samuell Hutchinson John Wickes Richarde Maggson. Thomas Spiser, '^ ■ William Acpinwall •^WiUm Haulc. John Roome, p^ t John Sloffe +■ ■"' mark Thomas Beddar \v. mark Erasmus Bullocke Sampson Shotten * See Arnold's History of R. I., Vol. I. p. 133, foot-note. f See R. I. Historical Society's Quarterly, Vol. VI, p. 85. i639- [ 2 ] Ralph Earle Robert Potter Nathanyell Potter |^« mark George Potter f mark *w'" Heauens. \Jt^ /-/- "'^'^ * George Cleare. ^y ") George Lawton Anthony Paine i^^^ his mark Jobe Haukins f^ Richarde Awards *John More A/ Nichol as Brownes (^y^ William Richardson | John Trippe Thomas Layton I Robert Stainton his ^ mark John BriggeS his f marke James Davice fif his mark mark his mark his mark mark his mark * See R. I. Historical Society's Quarterly, Vol. VI, p. [ 3 ] 1639. [9] Aprill. 3&]' i_ According to the true intent of whose names ar aboue perticularly joyntly or by the maior Voice, to Ruler or Judge amongst vs in for the space & tearme of one behauing himself according to the t We have freely made Choice of to be ruler or Judg Among We have also for the helpe & ease publique businesse & affaires for for one yeare also, Chosen Vnto him William Balston, John Porter, Jo William Freeborne, John Wal Phillipe Shermon, as also w'll lay out landes as they sh We haue also made Choice of amongst Vs for this yeare en It is appoynted y' theire shalbe yeare, evry quarter one for to doe right betwixt man & Jury of. 12 men, as also it is the Eight men chosen v meeting amongst themsel as also to put an end to any controver if it amount not to the Valine of fo the Judge w'h the rest of the eight it brought to y" pubike court i639- [ 4 ] The quarter courts ar to bee the next, the second, the first thursd the first thursday in decembe day of Election of new officer in March. And for the Monthly courts to in the month. [11] ^t a Monthly meeting y^ 1639 Job Haukins was granted one House y"" west side of the swampe to buld on be forfitt at y^ yeares end It It is ordered y' the meddowes a laid out according to ech mans |^p * At a Monthly meeting the last th It is ordered that no man shall sell his lott or offer it to y"' boddy heare in Portsmouth It is ordered y' John Porter & Tho: Spiser inhabitants of y" laitly purchased meddo theire monyes for this yeare & bring it It is agreed vpon y^ theire shalbe tend Joyning w'h him to putt our matters o 2 among themselues, & we tow amo ende it, to referr it to 4 men of [rjigh tow, they other tow, It is ordered that w™. ffreeborne & R about the corne ffeilds of both sid * Undoubtedly an abbreviation for "proportion." [ 5 ] 1639. man to maintaine his owne ffeii to be maintained by y'' whole feilde, the owners theirof are to pay the d At a Monthly meet pealed >■= Jt is ordered v' no man shall g- i of 1 2 mo. -' _ *^ 139 shall loase his lott heare, ti At a Mont To John Alborah wa Condition of bulding To John Vane one [12] ting y*" last thursday in y^ 8^'' m°. 3? one House lott next John Vane vpon y*^ said tear y' w'h was George Gardiners grownd in the ow more next it, vpon y*-' vew of | S'^\ Balston & in the said North feild to plow/ land at y" Comon seller on y" neck from w'" tchinsons lott eeting y*" last thursday in 9 M°. ted 6 ac of planting ground at his Meddow where next John Motts vpon y' former condition of bulding meeting y'" 10 m". 1639 house lotte next beyond m'' Cowland on y^ y" former condition of bulding w'hin tow house lotts of y'" east side of the swampe next y'' Coupers vpon Condition of & selling the 3^^ lott bought of Anthony good behauiour/ i639- [ 6 ] ng y*" Ii m". 1639 baue bene divers times trobled w'h Claimes ing an equall right w'h y'' purchasers to tion, w'^h is contrary to what is declared at our entrance into this combination tuall peace, y' all such Claimes should haue his lands layed out to him as vppon y' receite of theire monyes [13] At a quarter meeting the y' 5'*' m°. 1639. these th That evry man that hath a house shall bulde vpon the same w'hin on he loaseth it m' Thomas Spicer & Robert Potter ar chosen Surveyers for y" hie wayes, &: come in, tow, foure, or sixe dales a this & y*" 29 of 7 m°. next, & if the nece as he cannot come or pcure a man, he day to y' surveyers & the surveyers y'^ Court at y^ yea res end It is agreed vpon to Call this towne To Richard Haukins is granted one ho one yeare or to be forfitt, To Thomas Slaid is granted one house lo upon y" said tearmes To Tho: Waite one house lott next m"" To Edward ffisher one house lott next [ 7 ] 1639. At a quarter Meeting y" first Thursd 1639 Nicholas Browne doth dismisse himself of [hi] the govourment heare/ [14] [^] Meddowes formerly granted ie way adioyninng to m' Coddingtons garden him w'h y° littl marsh w^hout y*" Comon fenc nex y* xt vnto him next vnto him next vnto him next him & one at y"" end of his lott on y'^ neck t m' wilbore en y'' salt Crick & his lotte Cricke ge (4 Rood left for a hie way to y'' spring) Tow acre him i Ac. halfe next vnto him xt vnto him tow Ac next to him next to them, vnto him halfe next vnto him, beyond y^ hieway. t to him halfe next to him eorg Layton & Tho Laiton to ech halfe an ac next him e of y" ponde ne Ac next next his house tton i Ac next to him i Acr next to him i Ac next to him next to him [ 8 ] & [a] halfe next to him at y^ ponds mouth next y*" North sea eddow of y"" Norwest side of y'' Hand Towne end of y^ meddow 2 Ac of vpland nto h[im] 3 Ac of meddow, ac of Meddow, t to him xt to them xt to them xt to him meddow, w'h an addition of vpland to o y^ Meddowe estward beyond y*" long Meddow, from y*" sea eddow ; [1.&] -^t ^ meeting the 10''' of y^ 12 m"*. 163 & further confirmed y'^ 1 8 of y'^ said It is Mutually agreed by the p that these quanteties of grow in these places following. William Hutchinson ffour Hundreth North side of y*" salt Crick at Sachua East, & bo on y" west & soe to ronne Northward, John Sanforde Tow hundreth & ffourtie Acre William Aspinwall Tow hundreth Acres ab Sandy poynte of the same side to pay Philip Shermon Tow Hundreth Acres ab from the Towne of y' same side Of the west side William ffreeborne One hundreth & ffortie Acr at his little Meddow & soe sowth west, r 9 1 John Walker one hundreth Acres ne 40 William Balston Tow hundreth Acr brooke on y" North East end of his Mcddow 40 John Porter Tow Hundreth Acres Edwarde Hutchinson Tow Hundret & if theire be noe Meddowes wiMiin hi of Tow Acres he is to haue Tow Porters Meddow, 30 Richard Carder Thirtie Ac next It is also ordered y' the afforsaid the one halfe of theire lande re2:arde of theire first advento Also it is ordered y' Robt Potter sha som losses he had by y*" heard Adam Mote fower scoere and Brooke next m' William B ward [Page 16 is blank] [17] The 22 of decem[ber] It was ordered att a publikc mee that where as there was an ord pence the acker: should be payd layd out the land: it is now ord former order is disanulld: and foreward to be layd out freely: o laye out the land shalbe payd in to there laboure and paines: it is granted at a publike mettinge of Portsmouth that there is H for men to gett a shipp lood of & pipe stauffes & clabboard boults Juridicktions of the twone of por that thouse men wch doe proc shall bringe in the comodities vnt and that they shall part with wch the exchange for the stuff shuch pay as men are able to or goats or hogges or other ca they sayd men shall gett noe t of the sayd towne of portsmout to goe to gett plankes & crookes i day of of november 1642 first it is ordered that whosover s of land wherevppon Tho: Gorton hath house shall keepe the ferric alsoe it is ordered that the t necke of land where vppon his vnto him by the towne the first of December i It is ordered att a publike mee m"" Willm Brenton Dept with the towne of nuport of that debtt which the & to prop[o]use land for th [ II J 1642. r-i tt] [D]arHnge & Lamboth woodered en lyinge beyound good k| Jrells fell it the after the falle of England hath 2 ackers graunted nto him wch was orraunted & man bourden that hee hath liber ght aboue his hedge 1642 e it was ordered that there of land orranted to the vnder at is to saye what can be about the mill with 40 other syde of the great n Randall Houldinge great ds att the forther end more or lesse lyinge be me and to m' Huchinsons Vnto george Parker & ther of them a lott if it iam England one dwell to william Chatbourne that tweene m' Parker and and alsoe he hath him to make vse of 1642. [ 12 ] er which was aunted vnto er to be satisfied d morris nY Samuell or an}^ 3 of them & present them [19] Foi" ye corne hadd of m"" malborne att a towne meetinge the 26 of Aprill The deptie governor he will lend [in] one yearelinge steere m' Portter hee will lend one yearelin m"" Baulston one caulfe Raphe keared one yearelinge g Adam mott one yearlinge goat Richard Borden one yearlinge go Raphe *Cowland one yearlinge John Briges one shote Thomas Gorton one bushell of William ffreeborne one bushell m' Cornell one ijoat It is ordered & agreed that the fe feilds ar to be mad vpp by the io It is ordered that all the hogges awaye out of the corne lotts by & for every hogge that is found in ♦Apparently "k" was first written instead of "C." [ -3 J after the i of marcl"! to paye hogge It is ordered that the land that the mill it Is agreed of that betweene Rand[le] Hoiddinge great lott[s| is graunted vnto and m' Samuell welboure: lesse is graunted vnto the paying vnto m"^ John Portter of it lyinge beyound the m*^ Hutchinsons land and height that m' Hutch [20] he first Month 1640 Aqueidneck Hand day to send euery man that hath man to make a hedoe &'"* grate fro s corner to mr Samford's hedge bee ouerseer of the worke M'' Samford men or some three of them adioyned seauerall men in the North feild for their planting or plowinge o have two pence an acre fo' their oube/ en is assigned ioo Acres on y'' North Side ned 050 acres on y"" North Side is assigned — 060 acres on the North Side ned 060 acres on the North Side assigned — 020 acres on the North Side is graunted oio acres of timber ayers thinke fo' these./ 1640. [ 14 ] n that if m' Hollyman doe not pay the Mill that he shall bee satisfied by y" bodye nted./ Shermon & Richarde Burden are the Meddow grounds to each man yond the water. the 26th of the third Month 1640 is graunted to Ralphe Earle as the ponde side 3. acres of land his makeing & maintayninge the next fence adioyning to the Lotte in & to bee layed oute as the/ / this day admitted an Inhabitaunt raunted vnto him three hundred egyn at the brooke next beyonde the towards Sachueast./ the greene ouer against Leftenant o his close. f the 4th Month 1640 unted to him one hundrede or 200 hundrede acres if it ers./ & Henry Town son are s./ Spicer shall see that the oute the Comon charge of the r 15 ] 1640. h day of this 4th Month south syde the Hand/ de 5th Month 1640 e lott on the hillside yde ill syde 11 syde [21] To Phillip Sherman one house lott on Sargean Hutchinsonnes/ To m' Wilboare 4 acres at the discretion The 7th of the 7th Month i640 It is ordered that theise 4 men with Leftena Samfoard, Samuell Wilboare & Adam Mott needfuU for the setting forward of the worke & ment euery man shall send in a man 2 :or. 3 to carrye an end of the worke & what materialls a supplye of, w'h what conuenient speede may b It is ordered that euery man shall make a con before his lot betwixt this & the 12"" of the next M Month Suruayers of the hyewaies Liftenant M-" Wildeboare & Adam Mott Thomas Gorton is Chosen fferriman & is t irises of at the discretion of m' Porter Leitenant ereydge his rates bcc 6d a man, & 3'' if aboue three at once goates & Kine 4"* & he is to builde w'h what conve the meaentime to hyer when neede is. / 1640. [ I6 ] Itt is ordered that vrhen the ferrie boate be built to the Maine land w'h anie Canooe, in paine of Theise \2 men following weare appoynted to f — i — J Concerninge the death of George Potter. Thomas Spicer Willia ffreeborn Adam Mott Thomas Hazard[e j Randall Houlden Ric: Awards Richard Burden Ric: Carder The 23th of the 7th Month i640 nV Hailes & hath a lott graunted hym to be next Rufus Itt is ordered that he y' stayeth one owe the drum shall forfeit to the Treasure he goe away w'houte leaue *ii s vi d w'hou Itt is left to the discretion of the lotters to oiue of his Medowe adioyninge. / Willia Woodwarde is graunted a howse Lott Att A publick meeting the 23th of the 7th Mon m' Willia Collins was admitted I graunted him next on the south side at the discretion of the Att a Publique meeting the first of the 8 Capt. Richard Morris was Admitted In graunted him next to John Briggs on the at the discretion of the Richard Smythe Admitted Inhabitant o lott graunted to be laied forth at the d Att a Monthly Meeting the 4th Thomas Attkinson late of Plymoth Marke Mendloue late of the same Itt is ordered that the lotters that of landes abroade shall haue haue the lands soe laied out * Doubtless intended for 2s. 6d. [ 17 ] 1640. Itt is ordered that the Deputye m' Sa fifty Acres of land at a place 6th 1657 -^ _ _ _ V ordered to vppoii vicw thiiikc it iio | way | -lased by the that jnsent of the j . , , rT-xr'M rties & order It IS Ordered rr/ A\ ilboare '^'^'='"""^- jQ AcroG noKt on thic cid o [22] yonde Phillip Shermons house lott next beyonde good. Greenill 50 acres next beyonde m' vSpicer acres next beyonde Richard Awards side 20 Acres next on this m"^ Wilboare 'ns 20 acres next on this side Thomas Emings Nicholas Browne io acres next on this side Hawkin ores on this side Nicholas Browne on this side John More Layton to each of them 20 Acres apeece oodall io Acres of lande / m' Brenton Deputy shall in Hew of his ground hueast have the Meddowes & land on the North side e to run fro the Rayles at the Cartway by a great watring place to cut through the midest by a straite lyne to the Coue at Samfords Hand des to the Treasurye the waterside being free rding to former order/ Smythe is graunted one howse lott an is graunted one howse lott Willson is granted one howse lott all is granted one howse lott 12 ■??■ & the charges about the Mill shall be borne the Treasurie Plantiue in an action of the Case against John Phillips 11 Holman declares against John Phillips that he 1640. [ i8 ] ■ ilde hym a mill according as he hath declared to the Jury Thomas Emings / John Brig-gs / J n° Walker Phillip Sherman Willia ffreeborne / Richard Borden Ralphe Cowland Ric : Awards / fo^ the Plan tiff e lowe to nV Holliman v ss a weake fo' his dyett m"^ Holliman since he came to the Mill further he 12 ss for his man George this is to be paid by 8 ss es as he hath wrought wth him according to the & both theise somes of i2 ss p weake & 8 ss ^f] weake oUiman by the aforenamed John weake. , fist of the 9th Month 1640 Phillips shall have i4 workeing dales alowed he doe not perfectly expect it to grynde sufBcient o Referr hym selfe to the Townes pleasure, the third of the ioth Month 1640 n Inhabitant & hath a lott graunted hym/ habitant & hath a lott graunted hym/ bitant & hath a lott graunted hym/ Inhabitant & hath a lott graunted hym/ abitant & hath a lott graunted hym/ bitant & hath a lott graunted hym the 1 1 th Month i640 Towne of Portsmouth / George Pa'ker th side of John Briggs his Lott, & it is bee any more howse lotts beyond ytt nes was Admitted an Inhabitant south side all haue some planting land him I 19 ] [23] ^^t A meeting the 4th day of the i2th It is ordered that m' Porter & m'' to la)^ oute for m' Samuell Hutch in the South East neck in the Comon vnto them both Ruphus Barton to haue m' Sanuiell Hutchinson to lye next of seauen Acres in Poe Chasset fei It is further ordered that m"" Samuell W Hand in consideration of six acres he should ha Leiftenant Balstons. / Itt is ordered that m' Balston m"" Cornell & a peece of Meddow in the Cornon fence on the s they fence it in at their owne cost. / Itt is further ordered that oulde m"" Barton sh on the I I |land a peece of Meadowe fo' the takei &: fensing yt from the sea. Itt is further ordered that Henry Bull sha North feild & that Goodman Burden shall h plant on where m"" Porter & Leiftenant Ba Itt is ordered that Leiftenant Baulston a millwright to builde a Mill whose Charge Treasury. The 25"' of ffebrvary 1642 At a towne meettinge William Chatbourn admitted inhabitant of the the towne of p And James Badcocke is admitted inhabi At A meeting of the free inhabitants Portsmouth the 13''' of the first month at the house of William Ccry [ 2o] voted Joseph Sheffield chosen moderator voted Daniel Wilcocke ) , , , , „ , V are chosen to and John borden j Inquest at newport' voted Thomas manchester ) „ , . ^ J ^I'e chos Tobias Brown and ,- ^ . T^ 1 TT 1 i^ext Jury Robert Hodgson j voted This meeting: is Dissolved '241 eetinge of the towne 29'^' of cy 1643: rt & perpetuated r-' agreed & votted f^ all land that ^ what soever that the line laid out B CJ and man is equally to bee bourne by -^ ay the one partie the one halfe •:=, partie the other, and if any shall ^ againe the Comon then when W es to bee laid out to any man "§ then that man to bear halfe that -^ hat lyes in the line betweene them .c to this order: that provided that ?:: petchment to that coustome in oj fenced in with a generall fence o id fences bee maintained by the o dinge vnto proportion agreed vntill perticuler: / o o ^ at william ffreebourne is to haue meddow 13'inge betweene his and the hio;h wav that 2;oes downe provied that '^goodman holy [ 21 ] i643- any holdinge or intrest vnto n holyman is to satisfie what charges hee hath inge and maintainge thereof Judge provided that when or a high way vnto the springe [25] ^5^^^ ^^ October 1643 It is ordered at a towne Richard Morise & James Badcok vp all the Armes in the Towne the month aboue writ & that & John Brigs shal goe to euery what armes ar defectiue & that th the men whose the armes is, to in to be mended by the time abou if the armes be not brout in timly to forfit 5^ [ I Inhabitant* It is further ordered that euery man 4' of shote lying by them & two poun & to haue it in a redines by the 24 of It is further ordered tliat vpon the 24 ther be a genrall trayning of the & that euery man be in a redines beat of the drum. It is ordered further that the lot lai to Robert Bellow at the first brook shal inioy it: he vsing his trade for the the towne It is orderd further that 5 acres laied out to John Porter next round the swamp downe to the sea on th *This line is written eitlier with pencil or with very pale ink. highway 1643. [ 22 ] in satisfaction for 10 acers of land in the land ^ranted to william \Vi Itt is orderd that 10 Acers of land out to jams Badcoke at the first bro foot path estward leuing ten rod next for a hie v.' ay It is orderd that Thomas fish shal Acers of land at the first brook lai Jams i^adcokes toward the head It is orderd that ther shalle noe laide out next the first brook It is orderd that Jams Sands j^ {mainder of the land not gra Round midowe & the end 'ij'uided ther be a hie way lef John Porter: to the sea It is further orderd th euery night & those th t the watch [26] ^o leuie the goods of the ptie satisfaction if they refuse to t Richard Burding shal at the fense next John Anthony into the coj m jon to straiten 28 day of november 1643 20 ackes of land that was dman Emins is granted vnto liaue J. that Thomas Emings shall 6 ackes morris fence & that good man land 4 ackers added vnto his great 2 ackers goodman Emins had [ 23 ] 1643. ered that wilHam freeborne shall added vnto his great lott in lew oodman Emins had of him: t all theye that want plantinge be acomodated in the Comon fence hey make vpp that fence sufficiently ene m' Eastons Coue & to the the north sid and what land vnto men they shall inioye ne propriitie ackers John fford 8 ackers ackers m' Almy 8 ackers ackers m' Cornell io ackers ackers John greene| man | 5 ackers ackers Thomas [J]enings 8 ackers ckers John Cranson 8 acker ckers will England 8 ackers s Richard Haulkins 8 ackers George Parker | 6j ackers [^T 1 Thomas Cooke is receiued inhabitant & hath ingagmcnt vnto the goverment ffrancis Braitton is receiued inhabitant giuen ingagment vnto the goverment Thomas Jeninge is received inhabitan giuen ingagment vnto the goverment Thomas Cooke hath propownded for a lott ffrancis Braitton hath propownded for a lott It is ordered that the lott that was o-ranted 1643- [ 24 ] goodman holyman is forfetted vnto the towne by reson there was an order that men sh build vppon their lotts by such a tynie which he hath not done & therefore the towne dispouse of it as the see good provided that there bee anything about it that vse full hee is to be satisfied for it: It is ordered that m' Baulston & m' welbo Chousen by the towne to veiw the fenc it shall rune and that the see it do ciently It is ordered that m' Portter is Chousen to nuport men that the would be pleased to c noe intrest nor tytle in that ioo ackers that they vnto the dept: for the towne to accomodat him with as much conveniency f[ ]rme as maye bee It is ordered that noe cattle sh Common fence after the be ber [] i [ ]f march i643 a generall towne meetinge way that was to rune betweene ston & m' welboure is to bee m"" welboure & his heires from the new banke as it is bounded ided that m'^ welboure alow the watter side for the [ 25 ] i643- landinge of goods: on the his Hous th e now bankc new mad vnto lay out! and after there be a thenn the towne dwellers shall pay a load: [ ] t load ordered and the towne hath chousen er m' welboure & m' Hutchinson e accounts of the treasurie: ordered that the high waye that went Brenttons & Richard maxsons is vnto m' will'" Brentton & his heires dered and the towne hath choussen Samuell Brentton Dept: and m' Porttor Gorton hath disired goodman Samuell welboure to Judge etweene man and man for my d fencinge Cleeringe and of o-rownd: to be valewed ood and what pay the said haue and when it shalbe payd found by them betweene this march next: and theire arbi vnder theire hands: & the vvillinge to give their tyme untill the rovided the put an issue betweene their* ton acknoledgeth that the land that I bought of 20 of Richard Carder vnto them by the towne said m' will"" Brenton * These lines, writtten in paler ink, are crowded between the neighboring paragraphs. 4 i643- [ 26 ] igne the full intrest m' Thomas Bourton [29] for him to inioye & his heires for It is further ordered that wh The ther was land granted to °^to Browne aboute the towne Brown othcrwise dissposed of, it is to hime to haue twenty ac at the head of goodman motts lotte or there aboute. It is forder Orderred that Gorton haue 10 Akers of la ted vnto hime on the other the brouck Right agaynst J badcocks to be layd out the dec of the lotters in Case goodma Emines be still vnwilling that the sayd thomas gorton shaull injo the 20 Akers that was ffo his and if Goodman Emings w haue the ten Akers then thomas gorton is to haue the 20 A It is forder Orderred that John granted T[rip] have thr[e] Akers of 1 Joyning vnto Thomas Gorto Ether syd of him as shaull Judged mett by the lotters that is to say of th which is granted vnto thomas gorton or to goodman Emanes wh of them injoys it. [ 27 ] It is forder Ordered that those la orders about traynings and for man to haue so much pouder so manny bulletts and so the same for waching is to stand still in and also that Euuery man do Co med vnto the mettings vpon first day The io of Aprill i64 It is ordered & the towne ha Dept: m^ will™Brenton & to order the dayes of tranings Judge to be the convenient t [30] 1643. t m' will'" Baulston & Captaine abroad to every inhabitant in ee whether every one of them a powder & what bullets ca[n] ith in io dayes of the date here m"" will'" Baulston & Captaine abroad to every one of them notis to be provided every one defectiue is to forfeit 5^ r ordered that the Constable wach i5 of this month & that every man armes with them vnto the meetinge daye : her ordered that if there be any Indians Sculkinge about in any part of the Hand thought to be suspicious the magistrats er to send forth a man & ryde with them before them:/ s metting this 27 of may i644 1644- [ 28 ] s Gortten ha[ ] giue liberty Adbetraters that is to Judg Howse and lands vntil the 27 next dered by the towne that there shall [waye] rune downe one the south sid n Emins hedge downe vnto Captaine 3 rode wide & vnto John Briges dered and graunted vnto George ckers of land lyinge next vnto that the towne hath dered 2 ackers of nto George Parker land [31] ^t is forther ordered and the towne hath vnto John Briges 3 ackers of land lyinge vpper end of his House lotte John sand hath 3 or 4 ackers graunted vnto hi[ ] lyinge att ye head of John Briges lott or att ye disckretion of the lotters ^his the tovv^ne desires ooodman mott Leeiftenant Samfford and order *=* isrepeid goodmau Bourdeu or any tow of them* to accomodate Adam mott at the vpper end of his fathers lott and Samuell wilson at ye vpper end of his owne The towne hath granted Vnto Edward ffisher and Thomas peJd Weight & Thomas Brookes and good man Haukins an adition of land att the vpper end of theire lotts what the lotters seeth Convenient And John Roome *Oii the right margin, in different ink, is written Lo . . — part of the word torn off [" Lotts" probably.] [ 29 ] i644- The tovvne hath graunted Vnto WilHam Hall & Th[ | Jenings that persell land that lyes betvveene m' [Bour ] lott & that vvch was Ruff us Bartton to be equall devi[ ] betwene them:/ corner it is ordered that Pienry •knowles shall cut his lott^shortter att ye discretion of Leeiftenant Samfford & goodman Bourden & goodman mott lighwa) Xhe tovvne hath orraunted vnto william England f 1 william Havens 4 acckers apeece lyuige [ J next vnto Henery Knowles provided it doth [ ] ye high way vnto ye mill [Page 32 is blank.] [33] Affter publike nottis to all the free men at A towns meetting this 29th: of August 1644 It was ordered that the Deputie Governor and on of the Assistans shall apoint the Towns ^^' meettings./ * It is firther ordered that at which meettings that the free men Cp' ^ . John P there Asembled shall haue full power to transact all such busi- ihomas nes as shall be presantd to them and the sam to stand as fermly as if all wer presante they all hauing lawfull warning and |-'"ans whoom so ever shall not mak his Apeerans w'hin halfe an Hie hower after the time Apointed shall forfitt 2 shillings/. t It is firther ordered that Osemakin with 10 men shall haue leav to kill 10 deare vpon the Hand within the libertie of portch- mothe and the fore named dear that they shall bring them to the Town to mr Breentton and m' Baulston and they to vew them and neither Osemakine nor any of his men shall Carry any dear or skine of from the Hand but at the town of portchmoth and to departt from of the Hand with in 5 days *0n the torn margin are several fragments of words less legible than these. 1644. [ 30 ] It is firther ordered that 01' Baiilston haue 9 pound A year for John moatt and Diet and what beding and C shall wante shall by the Tow ^h?fiS It is firther ordered that ond day \^ ^\^q town shall deoar in June _ _ ' , 1649 to Hue in the woods witho vpon pain of forfiting o It is firther ordered th shall hav 35 shillings expenses in[toJ the B pownde./ Richard Reedman is Re and gaue ingagme [34] [ ] sam Towns meeting firther ordered that M' Brenton Mfpomer [ ]: Baulston M!" Cornell./ is to vew A persell of land buting M?wmbo"e" vpon mr porters round medow and if the aforenamed three men R^chard^Born do Aproue of it then jams sans is to have 10 Acers of land for- Adam moatt( 1 1 1 • i 1 1 11-, , . Ralph Cowlal merly granted to hmi by the towne. there to be laid out to hmie- John Roome John Athony Thomas Gor At A generall Towns meetting of the free men this 14th of i°n"am1rcJb november 1644 It is ordered that M' Brenton and M' porter is Richard Awa • ' ^ ■ _ ' ^ George rarkt to Apoint the Towns meettings from tim to tim it is ordered John briggs that m' Balston is [ ] tresuerer./ i t is firther ordered that william Alimy *The names on the margin are written with the same ink used for the record of pro- ceedings for "14th of November." [ 31 ] 1644- John [Roome] John Anthony is to haue land at wading Riuer propounded that m] portter to haue ment at the round medow/ pounded by m' Cornell to haue 12 Ac: place if it be there to be found ther ordered that John Anthony shall from Richard Borden's fence straite line so fare as his land ordered that Richard Reeman ranted vnto him 10 Acres of fence beyound the medow ndeth prounded for beyound william to be found. the town meeting being the 21th B[ ]ks [ ]eth it can be found [35] ^^ ^ publike Towne metting off freemen 23 December 1644 wil Samue Tho Richa wheirat the maior pt of fremen was psent at which metting it }^^^^^ was muttually Agreed that the Right and privilledges of the land John vndisspossed of Remaines in the bodye of freemen as it was john muttually agreed at a publike metting {4 November last past his -i m that the freemen which are the porchassers have onlye power to ,riii«- 1644. [ 32 ] am Raph dissposs of the land that is to be disspossed off And vvhoe euer ^^ shall Allter this Agreement we shall pffesse Ao^ainst them win [is] It is ffurther ordered by A mutuall Consent that noe more lands shall be layd out w^hin the bounds of the C[ ] as namely the Common fenc soe called and ffrom John Briggs to the first broke one the south-east side soe from the broke to the great swampe. that is to say the mille swamp foot path soe to Robert ballars broke from thenc to the Round- medowe and soe to John Tripps and from Robert ballars to John Halls and all the Common About the towne vndispossed at this [day] soe to Remaineing to the towne fo' euer It is ordered that the Armes beloung[ ] to the body of fremen shal Remai[ ] in the hands of m' boston and m' willbore Vntill further order be [ ] [36] [ ]t is agreed at a meetinge Nouember the 28"" 1646 That the towne shall haue lawfuU warninge to towns metings, & then if thay Come not aboue nine, those nine shall haue power to transacte & doe such busines as then is to be done It is further ordered that the businesse of such metinge dayes shalbe specified in the warant of warninge to the metinge It is further agreed that noe Person or persons shall be aCounted & inhabitant unlesse hee bee lawfully receiued by the towne aCCordinge to former order: At a metinge febrewary the fouerth 1646 it is agreed to Con- Curr with newport in an order that ther shalbe noe shootinge of deere for the space of two months and if any shall shoote he shall forfitt 5 pounds halfe to him that sueth & the other halfe to the tresserie: the [ ]sen of this order is that the wolues the more Radely Come to bayte that thay may be Catcht for the generall good of the Hand 20 Acres granted to [ 33 ] 1646. At the same meting it is granted to M' Thomas Cornell a tho- Cornells hundered acres of lande to beginne at the further side of wadinge 100 Acres Riuer and so runne from the Riuer towards that lande that was layed out to Edward Hutchesun. At the same meting it is granted that Nicolas Browne shall haue twentie acrs added to his other twentie aioyning to it Nic",' Brown further ordered that ther shalbe way layed out at the hedd of will- nes lott from the sea to Nuport further ordered that that the line 1 runn straight from the Corner of G[ Jrtens lotte to the Corener of m Englands lot at the hed of thos betwene [37] Febrewary the 4"^ i6[46] * Memorandum that whearas Nicolas Wyle the father inlaw of Abell Potter hath Placed the saide Abell Potter with M"" William Boston for the terme of Eightene yeares with the Concent of the the saied Abell for the better seCuritie of M' Boston the towne Conseenteth here in and aproueth thereof It is ordered at the same metinge that Samuell Wilbore Junior: his shall runn his fence streight at the uper end of lots: It is ordered that the wolfe Catcher shall be payed out of the tresuery & that he that Cilleth a wolfe shall Come to m' Boston & m' Sandford for ther pay ^^^^^ It is further ordered that Nuport shall pay thro pounds for the Cillinge of a woulfe and Portsmouth twenty shillings it is ordered that m' Sandford and Richard bordin shall Con- tinue to lay out such lands as are giuen by the towne It is ordered that Gorge Parker shalbe quitted of the tresury *As page 3S of the original record is clearly a continuation of this entry, the date at the head of that page must be a repetition of this which is torn. es 1646. [ 34 ] pay for his land for his servise in his ofifice to this day (being for 30 acres of land) It is further ordered that there shalbe noe shootinge of deere from the first of May tell the first of Nouember & if any shall shoot a deere with in that tyme he shall forfit 5 pounds one half to him that sueth and the other to the tresury i 38] febrewary the 4th 1646 Mr. Porter & m' Sandford are Chosen to propound to the Generall Cort that the line may be viwed & layed out betwene Nuport and this towne It is granted that Thomas weio^ht & Edward fisher shall haue of land 30 acres a pece twixt the hether hed of wadinge riuer & & Nuport path June the first: 1647 At a towne metinge it is ordered that the towne Councell shall Capittulate with Thomas Gorton aboute the ferrie & order the rates and all things aboute it either with hime or some other man if he refuse. The 2i of June i647 It is ordered and agreed by the towne Counsell accordinge vnto ye order of ye towne m' Samfford haueinge taken ye ferrie fereyg ye [ | Ordered as thus followeth that is to say if one man 4d if more 3d apeece for ever horse & great beast 8d apeece for every sheepe goate & hogge & Caulfe 2d apeece and alsoe it is ordered that a boat nV Sannfford shall provide for ye ferrie with in 15 dayes after ye date hereof & alsoe in convenient tyme to provide aboat suflfitient boat for Cattell & •alsoe it is ordered that if any man carry any cattell over ye watter to ye mattatu[uth]es bay over ye ferry they shall pay a peny a head every head soe carryed oor to any [39] place that waye: forfit for cominge o town a metings [ 35 ] 1647. July the 6th 1647 At a towne metinge it is ordered y' thear shall be a moonthly towne metinge which shalbe upon the last thursday of euery month of which every townsman is to take notice, with out any further warninge it is further ordered that such as Come not to such metinees shall send worde by ther neighbour that thay will stand to what those that meete Conclude of, which if thay doe not thay shall forfeite = 2^-6"^ It was Concluded by voate that the president sayed at our town metinge that their sixe men were not then Chosen & M' Porter is Chosen to write to the President to informe hime of this voate in the name of the towne It is further voated & Concluded that m' Sandford m"" Boston & m' Porter shall giue this answer to Nuport Messingers that if thay will Joyn with us to act acording to the General 1 Corte Order for this yeare we are redie thear to, if not we must helpe our selfs by the Cort order m' luker retorned to vs 24 Votes of ther toune that was to Act Alone James Rogger retorned to vs 41 Votes from ther toune to act Joyntly August the 26 1647 at a town metinge it was Voated that the grounds presented were not suffissient for a Generall Asembly to be Called & therfore voated to haue none if it be agreed by the Collynie that ther shall be generall Asembly then it is voated by our towne that it may be at ports- mouth [40] August the 26 1647 It is ordered that thear shalbe two InCepers Chosen for this towne Chatbourn; 1647. [ 36 ] ^° Ralph Erie is Chosen to Ceepe an Inne to sell beer & wine & ings n to intertayn strangers m M' Boston is Chosen to Ceepe an Inne to sell beer & wine & ^H to intertayne strangers [] "'"s September the 28'^= 1647 ke At a towne metinge it was Concluded that wheareas theare was a parcell of land Conditionly granted to goodman Chat- Porter borne it beinge granted to m"" Porter before & he not Consent- inge it is Concluded that Thomas Hassarde° Whome m' Porter hath resignede it, shall [ ]oye it : It is further Ordered That the layers out shall lay out the hun- ! dered acres granted to m"" Thomas Cornell begininge at the the tho^ Corni wadinge Riuer and goinge on to Nuporte warde November the 25''' = 1647 At a towne metinge it was voated and Concluded that the measuer that Came from prouedence shalbe the standart f[or] the present untill further order be taken aboute it It is further ordered that the penie loafe shall way 8 ounces and the two penie loafe shall way 16 ounces Janiwari the 27"' — 1647 It was Voated and Concluded that our towne shall pay thirty shillings of the charges of greffen about Tue [4:1] Thomas Stafford being apoynted by th to sell bred and beare and acording to a Court order thomas Stafford do aknowledg h to be indebted to king and parllement the som ten pound that he shaul kepp good orders house and Capting Richard morris and John br do aknowledg them sellus indetted the som of five pound a peace to king and parll to for the tru parformenc of the same ther to se [ ?>7 ] 1647. good orders kept wittnes our hand this 27 of Jenuary 1647 the marcke of Q thomas Saford Richard Morris/ John bridgs [_ marck Janiwarie the 27''' = 1647 It was Voated and by the Voate concluded unanimusly by the townse men of Portsmouth that thay would act apart by them- selfs & not Joyntly with Nuport and be as fre in ther transactions as anie of the other townse in the Colinie At a metinge May the 9''' It was voated an^by the voate Con- cluded that the town Clarke should informe the towne Clarke of Nuport what was concluded by the towne concerninge actinge aparte with out nuporte 1648 July the lo"" At a towne meetinge of the Inhabitants of Ports- mouth it was Concluded that George Parker shall haue thre pounds giuen him out of the tresury by M' Boston in full dis- charge of all demandes from the towne It is Concluded by this present metinge that theare shall shalbe a demurr of an answer to the letter sent from Newport to voate the opinion of the legallitie of the Corte & orders therof held at Pro[ ] [42] July the lo'" 1648 Samuell Jenne M' Tho Cornell Cornelius Joanes Captin morris Mathu Grenell Richard Bordin John Parker Jeames Badcock Thomas Bordin Thomas Brookes John Cooke John Roome 1648. [ 38 ] Icabod Sheffell william Hall ffrancis Bordin John Brigs lohn Woode chosen for the Committe for the tryall of the generall officers theas whose names are aboue written are received fremen of the town of Portsmouth in the Choyce of theare oiHcers and in the government and haue giuen theare ingagement: M' Boston is Chosen treasurer for this yeare M' Boston is Chosen Collector for the pore Thomas Brownell is Chosen water baylyefe It is ordered that Richard Haukens and Phillip Shearman are Chosen to viwe the Cattell that are sould uppon the Hand before thay be transported of the Hand []648 September the 4'^ at a towne metinge it is granted unto thomas Cooke senior to haue thirtie acrs of lande at the heade of his howse lott and to Run towards m' Burtuns ferrie it is granted unto thomas Cooke Junior to haue thirtie acres by that and Geyles Slocum and John cranston thirtye acrs a peice by that m"^ Boston John Roome and william Hall are apoynted to viw and apoynt ffrancis Brayten twelve acrs of land in th swompe at the hed of m' Bostons farme so that it may not hinder the town Cattell from water [43] 1648 September the 4th it is further ordered that nV Boston and John Briggs shall viw that parcell of land that Phillip Shearman desiers at his farme Thomas Cooke Senior is apoynted to fetch away such timber trees as are fallen in our bounds on that side of the Hand by Newport men r 39 1 1648. It is granted to John briggs to Runn his fence straight at the hed of his land next the towne swompe December the 28'^ 1648 At a tounse metinge it is granted to Jeames Badcocke to haue 4 acrs added to his hovvse lott out of Tho fish his lott and it is granted to Tho fish to haue 4 acrs out of the Common south- ward insteade theareof It is granted to m' Cornell to haue the grass of the Hand Dyers i Called diers Hand J an i wary the 25 th 1648 It is Voated and Concluded that ould John Mott shall be pro- vided for of meate drinke & lodging & washing by George Parker at his howse and Georg Parker shall haue 5" a weeke payd him monthly out of the tresurie by m' Boston so farr as the tresurie will goe Thomas flfish hath 4 acrs granted to him at the side of his lott [441 ^t is granted to William Woadell to haue 30 acres of lande at the south East end of Thomas Lawtons far lott by the huntinge swampe It is granted that george lawton shall haue 40 acrs of lande nere his brother Thomas at the huntinge swampe when he haue bult a sufifissient Mill at m' Bostons farme It is granted to wnlliam havens and william Hall to haue that land that was hassards leaveinge that to goodman Rome from the marked beech tree which was granted to gooman Rome out out of the sayed parcell provided that the hy way in to y" woods and farmes be nott hindered It is granted to thomas brookes and thomas Gorton to haue 30 1648. [40] acrs of land apeice aboue the wading River by the round swompe It is granted to Thomas Jeninges to haue 20 acrs of land wheare m' Almies [ ] penn was beyond George parkers greate lott It is granted to John Briggs to haue a Rod Broad out of the Common at his house end that he had of John hall as farr as his orchard [4:5] ffebrewarie the 22'''= 1648 At a towns metinge that land that lyeth at the hedd of Phillip Shermans farme betwene Newport path and his farme is giuen to Phillip Shearman to goe as the line goe betwene m' Almie and Phillip Shearman till he Come to Newport Path lea[v]inge twoo Rodd betwene the sayd path ad the sayd parcell of land now giuen It is Concluded by Voat that the towne shall pay the Constabl John Brigs for the yrons for the stockes May the 1$'^ 1649 At a towne meetinge m' Balstone gave in his aCo[m]pt of tresurership from the 12''' of march 1643 to this. 4th of may 1649 which acompt was accepted and theare rest due to m' Balstone ; 1 s d 12 : 13 — 1 1 [46] ^t a towne metinge of the Inhabitants of Portsmouth the first second day in June (1649) Adam mott haveinge offered a Cowe for ever and 5 bushels of Corne by the yeare so longe as the ould man shall live, towards his mayntenance that so he might be dischardged from any further Chardge : the towne every man that was free therto; settinge downe what Corne thay would give for this present yeare made up that 5 bushels 40 bushels and so it was Concluded that m' William Balston should have the 40 bushels of Corne, and the use of the aforenamed [ 41 ] 1649. Cowe this present yeare for which m"^ Balstone undertake to keep ould father mott this present yeare and alowe him house rome dyate lodging and washinge M"" Balston received the Cowe above named the 13''' of June At a meetinge of the Councell of the towne of Portsmou'^ the 16'^ of July (1649) It is ordered that the Plantife shall file his declaration in the town Clarkes oiHce within two dayes after the deffendants bond be returnd into the saide office It is ordered that the deffend: shall put in his ansswer in to the said office: 5 dayes before the Court to which it belonge Towne Clerkes ffees o d writ & action . — i — 6 filing the bond | for aperance j filing the anser — o — 6 filing the declar — o — 6 for a Copie of a dec : i — o Copie of the ans: — i — o entering the 1 Verdict j Judgment | [and isshu] j the jury alowed — o — 12 — for every action thay bring in a verdict upon Sargiants ffees for Serving a writt j. 02 Serving a writt off execution o atending the Jury — i — o [47] At a towns metinge of the Inhabitants of Portsmouth the first second day in June Anno=:i649) acordinge to the particler Charter granted unto them for Choosinge theare towne ofiicers flSrst it was Voated and Concluded that he that is Chosen to the office of a towne magistrate and shall refuse the place shall pay a fine of five pounds and he that is Chosen to an inferiour office 1 649- [ 42 ] and refuse shall pay a fine of fiftie shillings and he that hath next unto him that refuseth most voats shall supply the place of him that refuseth m' William Balstone is Chosen towne magistrate for this next yeare insewinge= Elected and Ingaged m' John Porter is Chosen towne magistrate for this next yeare insewinge= Elected and Ingaged The forme of the ingagement agreed uppon for the towne ofBcers viz you A: B: beinge Called and Chosen by the fre voate of the inhabitants of Portsmouth unto the oflfice of a towne in his magesties mame and magistrate ^ doe in this present assemblie ingage youer selfe faithfully to execute the oi^[ ] of a Justice of the peace in the due execution of Justice in this towne accordinge to the Lawes estableshed unto us by our: Picler: Charter accordinge to the best of youer unders[ Jdinge in his magesties name The towne reciprocally ingage themselfes to maintain[ ] you youer thom in the Just execution of thoiy ofifice accordinge to the best of theire understandinge Phillip Shearman is Chosen Towne Clerke for this next yeare insewinge Raph Erie is Chosen Treasurer for this next yeare insewinge & also over seer for the Poore Raph Cowland is Chosen Constable for this next yeare in- sewinge Elected & ingaged Thomas Gorton is Chosen towne Sargiant Elected & in( ] gef 1 It is Voated and Concluded that Thomas Gorton shall also supply the office of a Water Bayly Elected & ingaged FASI m' Thomas Cornell ) ^, . "- -^ T^. , 1 T^ T are Chosen to make Richard Dordm }■ ^ /- n T^, .„. c^i \ up the towne Counsell Phillip Shearman ) ^ [ 43 ] 1649. It is ordered that the towne Counsell shall apoynt the towne Courts wheither monthly or quarterly John Briggs is authorized to keepe and ordinary to sell beere and wine and to intertaine strangers It is ordered that the Towne Clark shall grant such writts as Concerne actions to be tr3'^ed at towne Courts It is ordered that the towne Counsell shall order all the feese that Concerne officers for the towne Court John Albro and Thomas Brookes are Chosen to Veiw the Cattell that are Carried of the Hand John Albro is Chosen to be Clerke of the Waights & measuers At a towne meetinge of Portsmouth Octo the: 16 i649 m John Sanford is Chosen to lay out a small screed of land unto Phillip Shearman on the south side of his farme at the nyer Corner so as may be least preiudiciall unto m Almie Grande Jurie men for the Generall Court next in suinge M Richard Smith ) Pettii ( John Rome Richard Bordin > Jurii ) William Havens William ffreborne ) men i John Tripe At A Townes metinge November the 2i''' (1649) Jury men Chosen for present Cort apoynted to be to morrow the same Jury is apoynted for next tuesday Court Richard Morris ^ Thomas Layton \ John Brigs I Thomas Stafford 1 John Albro is John Albro ( John Anthonie I Chosen Sarjant ffrancis Brayton ( Richard Haukens ) in Thomas Gortons Jeames BadCock \ Samuell Wilbore I Place John Roome / ffrancis Matingly ] Thomas ffish / 1 649- [ 44 ] [49] It is ordered that those that ocation a me[ ] to be Caled for Choosinge of Jurymen for a Co[ ] of tryals shall pay the Charges for warninge of the Towne meetinge & allso for warning of the Jury six shillings is alowed for Boath: John Roome WiUiam Hall and William Havens are apoynted to Veiw the prisson & remove it if thay thinke it fitt to be done and place it sum wheare upon the greene wheare thay thinke fitt and and build a Chimny in it At a towne Meetinge Aprill the 29: 1650 Richard Smith Senior Thomas Cornell Senior William Almy are Chosen for Jurymen for the Generall Courte at Newport in May next ffor the Committe for the Generall Assemblie at Newport in may next Richard Smith Senior . William ffreborne Thomas Cornell Senior . John Roome william Almy . Ralph Earle Richard Bulgar is received an inhabitant in to this towne It is ordered that the Scale for the waights and measuers of this towne shalbe P and M: John Lightfoote is released of his Recognesance none Come- ing in against him John Albro being Clarke of the waights and measuers is authorizid to Call in the townes men betwene this and the last of June next to bringe in theare waights and measuers to be Sealed & Cut. if not. fit with the Standart and he shall haue 6'^ for Cutting & Sealinge a measuer and 2'^ for Sealing if not Cut and he that shall sell by a measuer or waight on Sealed after the Sarjant warns theL ] to bringe them in shall forfeit io^ to the [ ] the Sarjant shall destrai[ ] [ 45 ] i^50- [50] Aprill the 29"' 1650 Will It is granted unto m' Almy to haue that land that lyeth at the hed of his farme to Come to the Same height that Phillip Shearman his land now runeth viz to leaue too Rod betweene Newport path and the Sayed land Gregorie Coale hath 2 acrs of land granted to him next the land he liveth upon henery Eues hath an acr of land granted to him next Gregorie Coale At a towne meetinge of the Inhabitants of the towne of Ports- mouth the first Second day of June Anno (1650 according to ther particular Charter for thear Choosing of thear towne officers IVr Will Baulston is Chosen towne Magistrate for this yeare insuinge M John Sanford is Chosen towne Magistrate for this yeare insuinge & ingaged Philip Shearman is Chosen Towne Clarke for this year ensew- inge & Ingaged M"^ William Baulston is Chosen treasurer for the towne for this yeare insuinge & Ingaged and also over Seer for the poore John Briggs is Chosen Constable for this yeare insuinge Ingag*^ Georg Parker is Chosen Towne Sarjant for this year insuing & Inoraoed John Briggs is authorized to repaier the Stocks Sufficiently that thay may bee an Ensigne of Justice amongst us it is ordered that this day fortnight shalbe the Coise of the militari officers Richard Bulgar is admitted a freeman of this towne John Albro is Chosen Clarke of the waights and measuers and Ingaged John albro and ffrancis mattingly are Chosen to Veiwe the Cattell that are to be transported of the Ilande according to the order 1650. [ 46 ] George Parker is Chosen Water Bayleife The Waights that John trippe presented to the towne are by the towne apoynted to be the Standart for the waights for the Towne [51] The filirst Second day of June (i65o) m' Will Baulston . Chosen for the m"^ John Sanford . Towne Councel m' John Porter Tho Cornell Seni . John Roome Philip Shearman . It is ordered that ould John mott shalbee Provided for by the overseer of the poore It is ordered that such monyes as are due to the tresurie shalbe demaunded by the treasurer of our towne and upon refusall to pay the tresurer shall send out his warant to destraine it At a towne meeting July the 8^^ (1650 It is ordered that he that is Chosen for a Jury man to any Town Cort of this Towne and haue lawfull warning therto and performe not that servise he shall forfeit 5 shillings for every default which shalbe taken by destraint by the hed officer of the towne & if the hed oifi[ ] of the towne neglect to take it he shall forfeit the same sum to the towne Jurymen Chosen for to attend the towne Corte to be houlden upon the 16 day of July being of this present month will Almy . Rich'' Haukens . John Albro. Edward ffisher John Tripe . Tho Lawton Samuell wilbur Sam, Jene . Tho Stafford John Antony Tho waight . Henry knowles [52] ^^ ^^^ towne Court houlden at Portsmouth the 16''' of July (i650 in the action of slander depending between m' John [ 47 ] 1650. Sanford PI & Captin Richard moris deffendant, Captaine Richard moris Came in to the Court aboue sayed and acknovvleded that he had not nor Could not Charge m' John Sanford to bee a theif in any Pticuler, and further sayd that if any words passed from him, at Which Jeames Badcock tooke offence the Said Captaine professed he knew not that he did speake any such words nether would he deny that he did but said if he did speake any such words it was in a passion and desiered m' Sanford to passe it by, upon which profession and acknowledgment m' John Sanford declared him selfe in the Court publikly, that he was satisfied: wittness Philip Shearman Town Clerke At a towne meeting November the i2''' (1650. It was agreed by Voate that too men shalbe Chosen out of this present meeting to speake with the rest of the Inhabitants of this towne of Portsmouth who are not present and receive there Voates concerning the lawes presented to the towne in case thay dislike any and the sayed too that are Chosen shall return the sayed Voates in to the office forth with It is Voated & granted that Ralph Erls house wherein he now dwelleth bee Recorded & Inn in the Roome of the former Voat that he was made Innkeeper William hall and William Woadell are Chosen to gather up the Voates of the Inhabitants Concerning the lawes and that thay shalbee payed for ther payenes ffebrewary the ig^^ (1650) it is ordered that all generall fences about the towne shalbe sufficiently made up by the 20''' day of march next and he that shall haue any fence that is not sufficiently made up by the tyme afore named shall forfeit 5 shillings a Rode John brigs survayer for his side feild Jeames sandes for his feild and Edward ffisher survayer for the Comon feild in which hes land lieth i6[5o]. [ 48 ] [53] ^t ^ Towne meetinge Febrewary the 19'^ [ ] a Rate jt ^^s agreed that a rate of fiftie pounds shall forth[ ] ^°' be made for the payment of m' Williams and the [ ] fraying the Charge of m' Chapman & other things th[ ] the towne are in debted, This Rate is ordered to be levied upon Catell Richard Bulgar is Chosen and also Jeames badcocke to take the number of the Catell that are in this towne and then to giue notice to m' Sanford m' Balston John briggs & John Rome who are Chosen with them to make and proportion the aforesayed rate and Richard Bulgar & Jeames badcock are apoynted to gather up the aforesayed rate and bringe it in to the tresury of the towne It is ordered that the first tuesday in march next thear shalbe a Court houlden for the towne of portsm[ J It is ordered that those that haue licence to sell victuals beere wine or liquors shall returne the[ ] lisence into the courte thay It is ordered that the courte shall authorize them that sh[ ] lisence to sell wine victuals and beere and that none els shall sell but those that the court shall lisen[ ] At a towne Court march the 4"' It is ordered that the Clarke shall Rite the lisences of selling beere victuals and wine and that the ffee for writing such a lisence shalbe i2'^ for Taking bond 12^ m' William Balston bein lisensed to sell Wine here & victuals, doe acknowled him selfe acording to the tenor of the law to be for every defect bound in the some of tenn shillings, to keepe good orders in his howse, and m' John Porter and Richard Bordin according to the tenor of the law stand bound for m' bostons keeping good orders, in his howse: in the sum of 10 shillings apeece for every defect: taken in Court P me Philip Shearman Towne Cler[ ] [ 49 ] 1650. [54] March the 4"^ (1650) John Anthony being hcensed to sell breade & beere doe acknowledg him selfe acording to the Courte order to be bound in the summ of 10' (for every defect) to keepe good orders in his howse, Samuell Wilbore and John Briggs doe acknowledg them selfs according to the tenor of the Court order to bee bound in the some of 10' a peice (for everie defect) that John anthony shall keepe good order in his house Taken in Courte p me Philip Shearman Towne Clarke Thomas Stafford being licensed to sell breade & beare doe acknowledg him selfe according to the Courte order to be bound in the sum of 10' (for every defect) to keepe good orders in his howse, Samuel willson & Thomas ffish doe acknowledg them selfs accordino^ to the tenor of the Law to be bounde in the some of 10' a peice (for every defect) that Tho: Stafford shall keepe good orders in his howse Taken in Courte P me Phillip Shearman Towne Clerke At a towne meetinge the 16'"' of May i65i m' John Porter m' William Balston m' John Sanford Captaine Richard moris Thomas Layton Jeames weeden are Chosen for a Commite for the Generall Corte next in suinge William frebor| nje Thomas Brookes John Anthony are Chosen for Jury men It is ordered that Phillip Shearman Shall haue 5' pounds for his 5 years Service of Clarke ship it is ordered that the is' that is due to Philp Shearma from the Towne for writing out the Gen: Corte orders for the towne viz: warick Cort orders and nuport Corte orders: is set of for the screede of land layed oute to philip Shearman at the heade of His farme It is ordered that a distress shall be sent out upon there goods (that refuse to pay that which thay are Rated 1651. [ 50 ] [55] ^t a towne meetinge June the 3"^ (165!) M' John Sanford is Chosen Hed magistr[ ] for this towne of Portsmouth for this yeare insuinge : M' WilHam Balstone is Chosen towne magistrate for this yeare insuinge: Ralph Earle is Chosen towne tresurer for this yeare insuinge: Philip Shearman is Chosen towne Clerke for this yeare insuinge John Briggs is Chosen Constable for this yeare insuinge: George Parker is Chosen towne Sarjant for this yeare insuinge It is Voated that the towne tresurer shalbe overseer for the Poore for this yeare George Parker is Chosen water Bayleife for this yeare insuinge: John Tripe is Chosen Clerke of the wayghts and measuers white It is ordered that the two peny loafe shall way i6 ounces and that those that sell beere shall not sell less than a quarte for two pence William ffreeborne is Chosen to veiwe the Cattell that are trans- ported of the Hand Neere the Mell and John Trippe is Chosen to veiwe the Cattel that are transported of the Hand neere his howse M' John Sanford and ffrancis Brayten are Chosen to veiwe the Cattell that are transported of the Hand at the fferry [56] -^t ^ towne meetinge June the 3'' (i65i) It is ordered that the Clarke of the measuers shall goe once a month to those places in this towne wher breade and beere are soulde, to see that the to peny white loafe way i6 ownces and beere bee sould for two pence a quarte and those that transgress the lawe in those Cases by selling bread that is not wayt and beere Contrary to order shal forfeit 10' for every defect which shall bee taken by destraynt by the Sarjant by a warrant from the heade officer of the towne It is ordered that the G Recorder Shall giue the ingagement [ 51 ] '651. to the towne officers at this time in the absence of the Generall officer in the towne It is ordered that the foote way through John brigs yardc is dissanuld and ordered to be at the end of John Brigs his Barne where the sayd John is to make a Convenient Style At a Towne meetinge June the 13'^ (i^si) It is voated and Concluded that m' Williams shalbe payed out of this rate that is gathered It is ordered that the towne shall Choose one man (With nV W^illiams man) to set the prise of the goodes taken upon the rate at which pise m"" Williams agree to take them, m' Williams hath made Choyse of m' Will Almy for his man to prise the goodes aforesayed The Towne hath made Choyse of m' Samuel Hutchinson to be their man to prise the goodes aforesayed It is voated that the Sarjant shall demande one peny of every man he warne to a towne meetinge which peny shalbe his satisfactio[ ] for w^arning that meetinge . [5T] ^'^^ ^ towne meetinge June the {3''' (1651) the towne by houlding up their hands in the meeting did acknowledg them selfes indebted unto these men undernamed the sum undernamed to be payed forthwith by the towne to the undernamed m' John Sanford 2 — o — o m' Samuel 2 — o — o Thomas Layton 2 — o — o Philip Shearman i — o — o William Woadell 2 — 4 — 8 It is ordered that next Secbd day by 8 of the Clock in the morn- ing there shalbe a towne meeting And that then all those to whome the towne are indebted shall bringe in theire bills in to the meeting that the towne may Concider of them and take order for the payment of such debts as are due debts i65i- [ 52 I At a towne meetinge June the i6 (165!) it was Voated that Thomas vvaight and Edward fisher shalbe satisfied for the 5 fox heads thay brou[ ] in before the order was NuHfied the order now to be of no longer force: m"" Bostons bils of acount presented this day were accepted and there rest due to the tresurer 1 ^ ^ m"^ Balstone from the towne of Portsmoth — 16 — 12 — i. it is ordered that m' Chapmans Bond shalbe keept by m' Balstone untill the towne take further order about it: Bills of the townes debts j j Georg Parkers bill acsepted — i — i8 — 6 — John Albro his bill acsepted — 00 — 08 — 00 The towne acsept m"" Parkers bill of 3' he undertaking to — 03 — 00 — co — aquitt the towne of any further demaunds from earle Goncearning the charge of that Gomitte It is Voated that m' Porter's further demands of monyes put in to the tresurie is demurred untill a Gonvenient tyme then to be atended unto Richard Peirs his bill accepted — 00 — i5 — 00 — Jeames badcock his bill accepted — 00 — io — 04 — Ralph Earls bill is not accepted 0000: ^ Philip Shearman's bill is acsepted — 02 — 15 — i[ ] adam mots senior his bill for his 00 — 16 — [ j Jorney to providence accepted 09 — o[ ] [58] June the i6 (i65i) At a townes meetinge of the Inhabitants of Portsmouth. Rate It is ordered that a Rate of 30' shall be levied of the inhabitants of this towne to pay the debts of this towne this rate is ordered to be levied upon all Gattell from the greatest to least sucking pigs exsepted w'^'' Gattell are to be estimated by the raters according to the worth of them as thay passe amongst [ 53 ] '651. us and such as haue litl Catl and great estates the raters shall rate them according to their estates this Rate is to bee made within foreteme dayes and it is ordered that the Constable shalbe the Colecter of this rate and if any refuse to pay the Constabl is hereby authorized by Vertu of a warrant from the Hed officer of the towne to destrayne the sayed rate of those that refuse and the sayd Constabl is here by ordered to pay such debts as the towne hath acknowledged in this meting) upon demand when it is come in to his hands) Robert Denis is received inhabitant amongst us and hath giuen his ingagement Richard Sissun is received inhabitant amongst us and hath giuen his ingagement m"" Thomas Cornell John Albro Will Hall and Philip Shear- man are Chosen to make the Rate aboue named, or the major parte of those 4 the Sarjant is ordered to warne all the Inhabitants of this towne to giue in the number of all there Cattell exsept sucking pigs to the raters within a weeke and such as giue not in their number of Cattell to the sarjant nor send it not in to the raters within a week after the date here of the raters are authorizid to rate them according to what their estate or cattell is estemed to bee by the raters : it is ordered that the tresurer shall demand such monyes as are due to the tresury and in Cace any refuse to pay upon the tresurers Complaint the towne magistrates shall giue out ther warant to destraine it it is ordered that m' Balston shall first be payed out of those monyes that Come in [59] Portsmouth, this 25. of August: (i65i) It is agreed and confirmed by this present writing betwixt Ralph [ J Senior &: John trip: both of this towne: that ffirst Con- 1651. [ 54 ] cerning a ff [ ] of Sixty Rod long on the north side of John trips house Lott bet\vix| | it & the sayd Earls lots the aforesayed Earl shall make fforty Rod of stone wall, and the sayd Trip shall make Twenty rod. of wall, all of the sixty rod to be as good & answerabl to such as the sayed. Jo. Tri[ ] hath allredy made. & to be sett in y^ line betwixt the sayd lotts afores[ ] and the said Jo. trip to doe his part of the sayed wall at the East end together, and the sayed ffence thay both engage to fiftnish by the fifteenth day of march next ensuing & if either of them haue ocasion for stones out of the others Ground he shall alow the other as many (for the sayd wall meaning) out of his gro[ ] as convenient if they be so to be had. Secondly it is agreed that wher as the sayd Earl hath Land on the south Sid (also) of the sayd Trip [ ] said Lot adjoyneing, they agree & hereby Engage, that from yeare to yeare so longe as those sayd lots ly open together Earls to Tripps aforenamed, that they will not on either of those sd lotts damnify each other by Cattell there put by their order &c: & therfore agree that, thay will neither of them haue any one or more Catl on the said land, from the ffirst of march untill the is"" of October, and also at the sayd is''' of October, to put in catl Pportionabl to each Pties quantitie of land. & the Pportion to bee one cow or ox. &c: to an acre of land, or of other beasts as swine Horses &c: Equiuolent according as thay ar[ ] Ppor- tioned for feeding, acordinge to the Custome of the towne. & further s[ ] longe as the said land lyeth open as aforesayed together, the sayed Earl shall Pmitt and giue the sayd Tripp ffree leaue for his own ocations on the sayd lande, to come & goe, or driue in or out Catl or Cart at the sayd Earls gate or way that he sayd Earl shall make on the sayd Earls land: & further the sayd Earl hereby giues the sayd Trip leaue to take of the loose stones on the sayd Earls sayed land of the nearest to trips house to make about eight Rod of such aforesayed wall, on the south side of the sayd trips house or yard next the sayed Earls lande, further thay agree that the sayed Trip shall haue noe Pvilidg in [ 55 ] 1651. the forsayed gate or way longer then untill the sayd Earl makes a fence in the line betwixt his & y^ sayed Trips lott aforesayed on the south side of the sayed lott, which fence beinge made by the sayed Earle in the whole sayed lyne y's yet to doe. will secuer the sayed Trip & make their sayed landes severall to each of their Pvate uses. & the sayed fence to bee sett up when the sayd Earl see Cause, & not els but haueing sett it up, he y' sayd Earle is to maintaine it sufficient &c: to the true Pformance of all the foresayed Pticulers the Ptics. namely the sayd Earl & Trip doe each of them for themselves, heiersl i: enq;aci^e each Ptie to Pforme their forsayed Engagement, in the some & on the forfeit of twenty pound sterling payed by the Ptie defectiue, unto the other Ptie ingaged herein, and in wittnes of this their agreement, the Pties aforesayd haue hereto sett their hands & Scales the day and yeare first aboue written memorandum: before the Sealing of this writing the sayd Earl giues or alows the said Trip twenty shillings, and the sayd Trip therfore releassets the loose stones aboue sayd. which he was to haue had for eight Rod of wall Signed & Sealed ( Thomas newton Ralph Earle in the Psents of ( Benedict Arnold John Trip A true Copii of the originall P me Philip Shearman ReCorder 160] ^ ^^'^ic Copy of the Original Deed* of the purchase of Rhode Island &c The 24"^ of the first month called March in the year so com- monly called 1637-'- Memorandum That WE Cononicus & Miantonomy the Chief Sachems of the Naragansetts, By virtue of YE Gentlemen Com"^ and of this ♦See R. I. Colonial Records, Vol. I., page 45, for better reading of this deed. '637- [ 56] Bay, as also the particulars subjecting of the dead Sachems of Aquidnic and Kittackquamuckquiet themselves and lands unto us, have sold unto M.' William Coddington and his friends united unto him. The Great Island of Aquidneck lying from hence Eastward in this Bay as also the marsh and grass upon Quononogut and the rest of the Islands in the Bay, Excepting Chibachuesta formerly sold unto M' Winthrop now Governor of the Massachusetts and M- Williams of Providence as also the grass upon the Rivers & coves about Kittackquamuckopette and from thence to Pumposquatick for the full payment of forty fathom of white beads to be equally divided by us, In witness whereof WE have subscribed. Item, That giving by Miantinomys hands ten Coats and twenty Hoes to the Inhabitants, they shall remove themselves off the Island before next Winter In the presence of us The mark (iCl) of Yotach Rogger Williams Randall H olden • The mark y^—^ of Assotomuit Witness Our hands the I ^ mark of Cononicus the I mark of Miantinomy The mark of Neshanmah Connoicuses son A true Copy of a Copy of the Original deed of the purchase of Rhode Island from the Narragansetts Sachems and recorded by me this 20"^ day of April, i8^[] Richn Sherman Town Clerk I 57 ] 1651. [61] ^t a townes meetinge the ig'"' of Januwary (165!) It is ordered that Henery eves shall haue two acres of lande adjoyninge to thomas ffish his land in lue of that lande that was given to the saide Henery: by the towne formerly: At this present meetinge the Towne hath giuen 6 acres of land to John Albro in the swampe belowe William Bakars fence in lue of what the Towne oweth the saide John It is ordered that William Redfin shall Haue io' alowed him from the towne for to looke to John mott & glueing him meat & drinke 8c lodging and washing and for Cloathes for this present yeare untill the first munday in June next Insuing Lake is received an Inhabitant Ralph Earle Senior William ffreborne Philip Shearma and John Briggs are Chosen to Proportion everie mans Some (in the towne) what thay Shall Paye to make up the Some aboue sayed for the use abouesayed At a Towne Meetinge January the 26"' (165!) It is agreed that Philip Shearman shalbe Continued Recorder It is agreed that Edward Andros shall runn 4 Rodd wider at the uper end of his lott next Clement weaver At a Towne meetinge Febreuary the 2'' (i65i) It is Consented unto by the Inhabitants of Portsmouth that those men that are the desposers of lande in the sayd Towne viz: m' Will: Balston m' John Porter m' John Sanford Will: freborne: Philip shearman: Adam mott. Tho: Hazard: John Roome: George Parker: Richard Burden: Thomas Waite: John Briggs Ralph Cowland: John Anthonie: Captin moris: shall acomidate the inhabitants of the sayd towne (with land) which want or haue had a legall grant of land formerly, and that 200 acrs of land shalbe set aPt by thee sayd desposers for the acomidating any desierabl Ptie or Pties that may be inhabitants i65i. [ 58 ] amongst us heer after, and that then all the remainder of lande unaPPated shalbe bounded Common to the Inhabitants of this towne and their heiers for ever,: and not to bee dissposed of wthout the consent of all the Inhabitants of the sayd towne It is also agreed by the aforesayed desposers and by this writinge Confirmed that all the Peels of lande formerly layed out to PticLiler Psons shall stand good to the Psons to whom thay are lavd out and to their heiers for ever It is further ordered that the Psent inhabitants of this towne of Portsmoth that want land or haue hadd a legall grant of land and haue not hadd it, shalbe acomidated by the first of may next Insuinge m'-^°'Porter and m' John Sanford are Chosen to treate with Nuport and to Psent the busines about the Line between Nuport & ower towne of Portsmoth and to doe it by the first of March next Insuinge. William Shearman is admitted an Inhabitant amongst us with this Pviso Consented unto by him, not to expect any lande to be giuen him by the desposers of land. At a Towne meetinge of the Inhabitants of Portsmouth in June 9'' 52: Richard Burdin & ralph Couland are Chosen overseers & colectors for the pore it is agreed to giue william Redfin, 11' and the 5 bushels of corne & the use of the Cowe this yeare for to keepe ould -^^'mott this yeare insuing it is further agreed that there shalbe a stone house built for the more Comfortabl beinge of ould John mott in the winter for the effectinge there of the townes men doe here promise that upon the Call of the overseers aforesayed, thay will Come in and helpe forward the worke [ 59 J 1653. [63] ^^ ^ Towne meetinge of the Inhabitants of Portsmoth in Road Hand Aprill the first (i653) It is ordered that the present overseers for the poore are authorizid to gather that which is behinde of the last rate and to destraine the goods of any that doe refuse to pay the ffree Inhabitants of this towne in this Psent metinge did dechire by the usuall signe of houlding up their hands that thay owne m' Sanford m' Balstone and m' John porter Conservators of the peace imthis towne untill nue be chosen It is agreed that the generall Court of election at the usuall time bee heeld at Nuport the first tuesday after thee fifteen of may next It is ordered that the military officers that were last Chosen shall stand till nue be chosen It is ordered that m' Sanford m' Boston m' porter Captin moris lieftenant albro Ensigne wilbur and Philip Shearman or any fower of them Consenting shall Consult and determine all matters for defence or offence. | Goodman Sissun] | ] Edward ffiahor is Chosen Constabl for this towne and John Roome also is Chosen Constabl for this towne untill nue be Chosen and ingaged It is ordered that Richard Bordin and m' Cowl and are Chosen to gather up what is behind e^ unpayde of ''^'former rates exsept the last and are authorizid to destraine upon the goods of those that refuse -44-- is ordered - that the order Cons ^yfii-a g G wat G h i -R-gs4 s to bee C o ntinuQd - and obocr ve d til l further-Q r-der-be-t-a kcii abou t it:- [64] ^^t a Towne meetinge the first seconde day in June(i653 m' Balston is Chosen magistrate for the Towne of Portsmoth for this yeare insuinge John Roome is Chosen magistrate for the Towne of Portsmouth for this yeare insuinge & ingaged 1653. [ 6o ] Philip Shearman is Chosen Towne Clarke for this yeare insuinge Samuel Willson is Chosen Constall for this yeare insuinge & In gaged William Wodell is Chosen Constabl for the South side of the Hand within the boundes of this towne of Portsmouth for this yeare & Ingaged William ffreeborne is Chosen Constabl for mill end for this yeare and ingaged George Parker is Chosen Towne Sargiant for this yeare Ingaged Jeames Weeden Chosen Jurymen for the next Edward ffisher Generall Court Jeames Badcock Thomas Brownell: Jeames Sands John Tripp: John Antonij; Thomas layton John briggs are Chosen Jurymen for the next quarter Court by the distinct places of the thre Constabl is not intended to restraine ay of the thre in any P^ of the bounds of the towne from executing there office if need requier or Called therto a Rate of j^ jg ordered that a rate of twelve pounds be made for the satisfiing georg parker six pound upon his takeing ould mot to keepe this year for the first payment and to Cloath ould mott fower men are Chosen to make this rate viz: Thomas Layton will: Wodell Philip Shearman ffrancis Braiten It is ordered that the thre Constabls shall gather this Rate and also that which is behinde of the other rates. [65] -^^ ^ Towne meetinge of the Inhabitants of Portsmo[ ] June the 20"' (i653) John Briggs is Chosen towne magistrate for this year and (by the voate of the Inhabitants) presently ingaged It is ordered that the Towne magistrates shall giue forth a generall warrant to the thre Constables Samuel Wilson to 12 [ 6i J i6 :)o- destrayne of the goods of such as shall refuse to pay what thay are rated either to the former rates or that rate which is to bee made for ould mott: and the rate to be satisfied and the over- plusse to bee returned: Thomas Layton and William Wodell are Chosen over seers for the Poore for this yeare insuing it is ordered that the over seers aboue sayed are authorizide to bargin with any man whom thay thinke htt for thee keeping ould John mott this yeare upon the Tovvnes Charge John Koome : m' John Sanford Richard Bordin: John Brigs Philip Shear- man and william wodell are Chosen for a Councell for the Towne It is ordered that the order Concerning watchinge is Con- tinued and to bee observed till further order be taken At a Towne meetinge of the Inhabitants of Portsmoth 1654 Henery Persi receiued an Inhabitant Will: Charles demured till the next meetinge Tho: Stud well demurred &c. John Brent and Jerimie Nueland voated not to abide in this Towne any longer then 6 weekes and to forfeit 5 pound for euery month that he or either of them shall stay longer then the 6 weeks alowed. with out the aprobation of the Towne John Gorum hath libcrtie to take his Cropp It is ordered that no Inhabitant shall intertaine any sojorner aboue one month with out the aprobation of the Towne upon the penaltie of the forfituer of fine poundes for every month so offending and the magistrat of the towne to giue licence until! a towne meetinge bee [66] may the io'" (1654) At a Towne meetinsfe of the ffree Inhabitants of Portsmoth it is agreed by Voate to sende a Committe of six men for this Towne 1654. [ 62 ] unto the General! Court to bee held at Warwick this present month of may ,,5^,^,.^ M"" Rich: Bordin & nY Bordin those fine under rrJ John R.oome writt are Chosen m"^ John Briggs for a Committe Tho: Lawton for the Generall Edward Andros Courte John Anthony Samuel Wilson Thomas Lawton Edward Andros John Anthony Chosen for Jury men for the Generall Court of tryals It is ordered that the Committe aboue named are autorized to act in in All such matters as shalbe presented as thay shall Judg to bee for the good of the Collonie with as full power as if the towne were present Will: hall is Chosen to be Joynde with m' Bordin to lay out such land as haue been legally granted in the Towne [6*7] ^t -^ meetinge of the Inhabitants of Portsmouth in Roade Hand June the fifth (165 William Cadman is receiued an inhabitant in the towne This present day beinge the first second day of June (1654) the day of Election for towne officers M' William Balston is Chosen hed officer for the towne for this yeare or till a nue be Chosen: Ingaged M' John Roome is Chosen towne magistrate for this yeare or till a nue be Chosen: Ino^ao-ed Philip Shearman is Chosen towne Clarke: Ingaged Samuel wilson Chosen Constabl for this yeare or till a nu bee Chosen: Ingaged Thomas Lawton Chosen Constabl for this yeare or till a nue be Chosen: Ingasfed [ 63 ] 1654. Jeames Sands Chosen Constabl for this yeare or till a nuc bee Chosen: Ingaged George Parker towne Sarjant & water bayleif for this yeare or till a nue bee Chosen InQ:a2:ed m"^ John Porter, John Briggs Philip Shearman are added to the generall officer and to the two towne magistrats for to bee the towne Councell the Commission granted to Captin moris by the Councell of warr is Voated to be nuld & of no longer force It is Granted unto Richard Bulgar to haue license to sell beere vituals and licquors to Strangers that passe the fferrie or to any persons that shall bee [ |mployed about the transportation of Cattell or trauelers that are passing to or from the Hand [68] ^t ^ meetinge of the Inhabitants of the towne of Ports- moth on Roade Hand June the 17"' (i654 It is ordered that the Copiis of the Generall orders sent to this towne by the Generall Recorder shalbe payd out of of that stock which is in the overseers handes: It is ordered that William ffreeborne shall haue tenn pounds for this yeare insuinge to keepc ould mott to bee payde at the Rate of silver pay besides the Cowe and the fiue bushels of Corne, for which he is to Diet wash lodge and looke to the sayd old mott It is ordered that a Rate be made for the raysinge of this Rate of rnony for the payment of william freeborn and Cloathing ould mott by the discetio of such men as shalbe Chosen therto: according to mens estates, the some to bee thirty poundes for the discharge of the former busines for ould mott and some other debts the towne owe: the men Chosen Jeames Weeden William freeborne William Woddell Edward ffisher Philip Shearman to make this Rate: 1654. [ 64 ] William ffreeborne and Thomas Cornell Junior are chosen overseers & colectors for the poore for this yeare insuinge Thomas Lawton is Chosen to geether with the two overseers to gather this rate aboue named Bartholomew West is propounded for an Inhabitant amongst us. It is ordered that the militia shalbe ordered by the towne Councell [69] August the 2i'^ (1654) At a meetin2:e of the Inhabitants of Portsmoth it is Voated that Ossamequin shall haue his Coate payd him forthwith for his rent of the medows on the maine land on the North side of Roade Hand: It is Voated & Concluded that all the affayers of Generall Court shalbe transacted b)^ a Committe of six men Choocn of ech towne Chosen to that end: exsept elextion M' William Baulston John Roome Richard Bordin Thomas Cornell Senior John Briggs William Hall It is ordered that that this Committe aboue named are auth- orized to meete at W^arwick with the rest of ^'townes Committies at the day nuport neighbors shall apoint: with as full power to act as if the towne were present It is ordered that the former order Concerning takeing what men are rated of such as refuse is orderd to be of force It is ordered that a doppinge stoole shalbe made in this toowne and sett at the water side by the po[ ]de Thomas Jenings acknowledg himselfe bound to the state of England the some of tenn pounds the Condition is to be of a peaceable behauiour to wars his wife and all the leage people of the state of England in this Hand At a Towne meetinge the 11^^ of September Anno (1654 [ 65 ] i654- It is ordered that prison shalbee built in this towne upon some Convenient place nere the Stockes It is ordered that a Rate shalbe made of threscore pounds for the buildinge of of a prison in this towne It is ordered that the thre Constabls and thomas Cornell Junior shall make this Rate and to gather it John Tripp is Chosen Committe man for the Generall Court in the Roume of william Hall It is ordered that those that are imployed as Commissioners for the generall shall haue there Charges borne from this day forward [70] ^t ^s ordered that Ralph Erie Senior and Thomas Cornell Junior are Chosen to overse the worke of the prison and Sett men a worke and pay them there wages it is ordered that Ralph Earle and John Anthonij shall keepe a howse of Intertainment for strangers It is ordered that m' Bastone shall keepe a house of intertain- ment to intertaine Strangers Nouember the 13"' (i654 At a Towne meetinsfe of the Inhabitants of Portsmouth o (1654) Nouember the 13"' John Sandford ffrancis Brayton and Lott Strange are Chosen for Commissioners to Joyne with m' Bordin & John Roome and John Briggs to meet the rest of the Commissiners of the Colonie at Nuport the i4 of this instant month It is ordered that m' Bordin and William Hall who are Chosen to be the layers out of land in this towne, shall with in this eight dayes or with all Convenient speede; lay out a hie way to y" springe by the line that m'^^'Sandford layd out to Philip Shear- man, on the south side of the sayd line according to former agreement of the towne and also to lay out the adition of land granted to m"" Almy at the Hedd of his farme. Jeames Sands 1654. [ 66 ] and George Parker are Chosen by the towne to goe alonge with the layers out when thay lay out the aforesayd hie way and land January the 23"' (i654) At a townes meeting it is Voated for this towne to Joyne with Nuport in the purchase of Cunnuniquut Hand and william Almy and Thomas Lawton are Chosn to goe to Nuport to treate with them aboute the Joyninge with them in the purchase of the aforesayd Hand and Dutch Hand with it John Tyler is receiued an Tnhabitante this day Jerit Borne is receiued an Inhabitant this day It is agreed that the towne wilbee at the Charge to pay ould John motts passage to the Barbades Hand and back againe if he Cannot be receiued there, if he Hue to it, if the Shipp owners will carrie him [71] ^t ^ towne meetinge of the Inhabitants of Portsmouth march the third (1654) In respect of severall inconueniences that haue hapined in this towne It is ordered that no man signe any writinge as a bill of diuorce unlesse the seperation be alowed by the Collonie he that shall offend in this cace shall forfeit tenn pounds Sterling; and any that shall sett to there hand as wittness to any writinge of this natuer not alowed by the Colonic shall forfeit tenn pounds Sterlinge It is further ordered that no man shall detaine or harbor another mans wife after warninge forbiding he that shall offend in this respect shall forfeit fine pound Sterlinge for euery night of offendinge: euery forfetuer in these respects aforesayed shalbe taken by the Sargiant of the towne May the 5''^ (i655) At a Towne Meeting of the Inhabitants of Portsmouth Bartholomew West Receiued Inhabitant Thomas Studwell Receiued Inhabitant [ 6; ] 1655. M' Balston m'' Jo: Porter m' Tho: Cornell Sen: are Chosen to treate with Nuport about that debt thay demanded formerly of our towne: and about the land thay haue taken from us and to perfect the laying out of the lyne for the boundes betwixt the Townse of Portsmouth and Nuport and to forewarn Nuport inhabitants for falling any timber in ower towne boundes Commissioners Chosen for to meet with the rest of the Com- missioners of the Colony to transact the busines of the Generall Court to be held at Prouidence at the usuall tyme With as full Power as if the town were present viz: m' will: Balston: m' John 'Ii'ipp John Roome m' Pi.ichard Burden : John Briggs: Thomas Lawton m' Thomas Brownell Jurymen Chosen for the Generall Court of tryals to be held at Prouidence m' John Sanford Ralph Earl Sen: ffrances Brayden [72] "^ay the 5th [iGss it is ordered that a rate shalbe made for the defraying the Charge of those men that the town shall send forth upon the towne seruis it is ordered that a Rate of tenn pounds shalbe forthwith made and gathered by Samuel wilson and Sarjant Parker between this and the Courte for the discharging of the towne debts of those thay haue sent forth upon the towne seruis At a meeting of thee Toune Councell of Portsmouth June the 4''' (1655) William Hall hath libertie Granted him to try his Cace presented betwixt Richard Bordin and him selfe at the next Generall Court of tryalls to bee held at Portsmouth for the Collonie of Prouidence Plantations [73] June the 4''' (1655) being the day for Election of toune officers: the inhabitants of the toune of Portsmouth being mett this present day aboue writt have Chosen m' Will Balston 1655. [ 68 ] magistrate for this toune for this present yeare and ingaged toun m' John Sandford Chosen magistrat and Ingaged for this year PhiHp Shearman Chosen Toune Clarke Ingaged George Parker Chosen toune Sergant and and water Bayleife for this year Jngaged John Briggs and William ffreeborne and Philip Shearman ar Chosen to make up the toune Councell m' John Sanford is Chosen tresurer for thee towne Edward ffisher is Chosen Constable for this yeare insuing and Ingaged Thomas Brownell is Chosen Constabl for this toune for this year insuinge and Ingaged Richard Sisson is Chosen Constabl for this yeare insuing and Ingaged Jeames Weeden is Chosen Jury man for the Generall Court of tryals to bee houlden at Portsmouth the last tuesday of this present month of June Jeritt Borne is Chosen Jury man: for the Court Joshewaye Coxall Chosen Jury man: abouesayd The bill presented by George parker to the toune for seruis done for the toune of Portsmouth amounting to 2' — 13 shillings it is ordered that it shall bee putt in to thee rate to bee made for A generall use by the Generall Court order and payd to George parker after the rate is gathered upon demand bringing in his bill: M' John Sanford William Woodell & Philip Shearman are Chosen to take the accompts of such men as haue formerly been Chosen to gather rates and there acompts haue not bene receiued by the towne ["74:] ^^ ^ meeting of thee towne of Portsmouth June the 30''' (1655) 1 s d The accompts of thee Rate of 52 — 6 — 6 given in by m' Brlston [ 69 ] i655- are accepted and there rest due to the towne out of the rate — s d 9 — lo: ungathered January the 3'' (1655 A Towne meeting of the Inhabitants of Portsmouth goodman Parent propounded himself for inhabitant as also John Lewis [ and Philip Tabor At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Portsmouth ffebrewary the i4"'(i655) m' William Balstone is Chosen moderator for this meeting Philip Tabor is receiued an inhabitant and taken his ingage- ment to the state of England and gouernment of this place : and hath equall right of Comonage with the rest of the inhabitants of this towne m"" William Balston m"^ John Porter m*" Thomas Cornell Senior are Chosen by the towne to meete with the three men that the towne of Nuport haue Chosen: about a debt and the lyne between the tw^o townes It is ordered that the thre men Chosen by our towne are authorized by the towne w'ith full power to end the aforenamed difference with the aforenamed men of Nuport Concering a debt and the lyne betwen the two tounes : either in a peaceabl frindly way by agetation : or otherwise legally if thay Cannot end it by agetation. it is ordered that thee expenses of the aforenamed thre men about the aforenamed busines shalbe borne by the toune Will m' Almy John Briggs and Samuell Wilbur are Chosen for Jury men for the next generall Court to be held at Warwick [75] John Lewis is admitted and inhabita[ ] and hath giuen his ingagement to the state of England and to the gouernment of this Collonie 1656. [ 7o ] The 7"" of Aprill (1656 (a letter beinge sent from Nuport to the maeistrats of Portsmouth to desier ConCurrence of our towne with theres for the preseruation of the Hand our towne Chose m"" WilHam balston Captin Richard Morris and leif[]tenant Albro to meete with Nuports thre men as aforesayd At a meetinge of the towne Portsmouth Aprill the 8'*' (i656) the Choyce of the thre men aboue named is owned by the towne and what thay agreed upon and presented to the towne is acsepted by the towne of portsmouth and hereby Confermed M'' Will Balston Captin Richard Morris Captin Thomas Cooke leiftenant Wilbur Jeames BadCock William Woodell ffrancis Brayton are Chosen to goe ouer to the mayne to treate with the Indian Sachems to informe them of the mynd of the towne that thay Come not upon the Hand but accordinge to order giuen It is agreed that a publicke watch shall be ordered by the Comissioners for the towne and the towne Councell in ti.e pre- cincts of the towne It is ordered that the Constable and the Clarke of the band shall oroe from howse to howse and take thee number of the armes extent and to Case them to be repayerd that are not fixt, and to giue in the number of armes fixt and it is also ordered that where thay find armes to spare thay shall haue power to presse them for the use of the towne ingageing the returne of such armes in as good order as taken or Just and Sutabl Satisfaction [Y6] May the 14"' (1656 At a meetinge of the Inhabitants of Portsmouth m' John Roome Chosen moderator for this present meetinge Comissioners Chosen for the next Generall Court to bee held at Portsmouth: ^'^ m' William Balston m' Jo: Sanford Philip Shearman: William Woodell m"" John Roome m*^ Richard Bordin [ 71 ] 1656. to meete with the Commissioners of the rest of the townes of the Collonie to act with as full power as if the towne were present At a meeting of the free Inhabitants of Portsmouth the first second day in June (i656) Philip Shearman Chosen Towne magistrate for this yeare and Ingaged m' John Briggs Chosen Towne magistrate for this year and Ingaged Philip Shearman Chosen Towne Clarke and Ingaged william woddell Chosen one of the towne Councell John Albro Chosen one of the towne Councell m' John Porter Chosen one of the towne Councell m' william Balston tresurer for the towne Richard Sisson Chosen Constable Ingaged Ralph Cowland Chosen Constable Ingaged Thomas Lawton Chosen Constable Ingaged George Parker Chosen toune Sargiant and Ingaged [TT] ^t a toune meetinge of the Inhabitants of Portsmo| ] June the third (i656) It is ordered that no Pson or persons in this toune of Portsmouth nor any that shall Come amongst us shall sell any liquors stronge beer or any wines to any Indian directly nor indirectly with in the bounds of this toune and any Pson or Psons that shall offend in this Cace shall forfeit three ^ poundes for euery default one thirde shalbe to him that finde it out, and a third to the Constable and his aide and a third to the tounetresury It is also ordered that it shalbe lawfull for any Pson or Psons of thee Inhabitants of this toune if thay meete any Indian within the bounds of this toune with any of the aforesayed prohibited liquors stronge beer or wines to take it from them and to Call ayde if neede bee, and thay that take from the Indians any such 1656. [ 72 ] liquors beer or Wines with in the bounds of this toune shall haue it for ther paynes M"" Richard Burdin & Jeames Sands & Captin Cooke are Chosen Jury men for the next gen' Court of Tryals held at Prouidence M"" Wilham Baulston Philip Shearman & m' Richard Bulgar are Chosen to audit & take the accompts of the tresurer for the last year John Sanford as also to perfitt the accompts of the ould rates upon Saterday next voated that the tresurer for the last year shall deliuer the monies belonging to the towne unto the tresurer nY William Baulston [T8] ^^ ^ meeting of the Inhabitants of the towne of Ports- mouth July the third (i656) Lott Strange and good man John Antony haue libertie granted them to digg a ditch seuen or nyne foote wide from the pond to thee dry land before goodman stranges house for the bringing up any goods the more Conveniently j it is ordered that John Teft shall haue 13 — 6 — 8 — peage 6 P white penny or black 3 P penny to keepe ould John mott this yeare for dyat lodging washing and looking to besyde the Cowe and the Corne that the ould mans son adam is ingaged to giue m' Balston is ordered to pay John Teft fower pounds nyne shillings out of the tresury mony when it Come in to his hand which is due to John Teft for part of the last years pay for keepinge ould John mott m"" Balston is ordered to by ould John mott Cloathing out of the tresury mony that Come in to his hand according as m*" Balston seeth fitt it is voated by the towne that John Albro shall haue his gunn agayne and be aquitted of his rate for service done for the towne August the ii'*' (1656 At a toune meeting m' Richard Bulgar Thomas Cornell Junior John Trip and wilHam hall are Chosen [ 7Z ] 1656. to SLirvaie and view all Cattcll that shalbe hence forth transported to of the Hand and take the names of all such as transport Cattell the day of the month when, the number of the Generall Cattell with there seuerall car marks and if any haue Cattel that haue not ther oun ear niarke or that haue other marke or markes then ther owen the suruayers ar hereby required to make stopp of them unless thay giue satisfaction to the suruayers howe thay Cam by those Cattell so differently marked and the survayers shall haue for ther payns according to former order and [TO] and the suruayers ar to se the Cattell boated and if any Cary Cattell of the Hand in the night though suruayed before shall haue a suruayer to see them at ther going of shore or shall forfeit tenn pounds and stand to further sensuer of the toune m' Brentons letter was redd in the toune meeting and m' Ballston and m' Thomas Cornell were Chosen to meet with two of Nuport to answer the letter and the toune promise to stand to what our two men agree unto therin: At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Portsmouth October the 4''' (i656) Comitioners Chosen for to meet with the Comitioners of the other townes the next thursday before the next Generall Court of tryals to bee houlden at Portsmouth to Consult and determin of such things as shalbe presented for the Justis and peace of the Collonie viz: m"" william Balston: will: woddell Jeames Badcock: John Briggs will: Hall: m' Richard Bordin: Jury men Chosen for the Generall Court of tryals to be houlden at Portsmouth this instant month of October: Jeames Weeden William ffreeborne Jeames Badcock Richard Bulgar is Chosen toune Sargiant for this yeare and Ingaged Thomas Wood propounded to be receiued an Inhabitant 1656. [ 74 ] [80] ^t a meeting of the tonne of Portsmouth december the 8"' 0656) It is ordered that m' John Sanford, m' John Briggs and Thomas Lawton are authorized to procuer the pouder & shott that is ordered by the generall Court for this toune, by makeing suteabl pay to m' Roger WilHams and it is to bee for the tounes use prouided the town doe make the same pay to the aforenamed men as the generall Court expresse within one month after the aforenamed men haue procured the sayed pouder & shott and in Case it Come to any Causealtie after the sayd proCuering before the month bee expiered then the toune to bare the losse as also the Charge of procuering it is to bee borne by the toune and if the toune doe not make pay as aforesayed to the aforesayed men within the time afore sayed then the sayed pouder and shott to bee at the disposing of the afore sayed men as their proper goods the toune Clarke is ordered to wright to m' Roger williams to signifie the tounes minde to him Concerning the pouder and shott It is ordered to haue a toune meeting upon Saturday next without any further warning only those that are present doe promise to giue notice to those that are absent: [81] ^^ ^ meeting of the Inhabitants of Portsmouth decem- ber the if' (1656) It is ordered that the tresurer m' William Balston shall redeeme the pouder and shott belonging to the toune out of the tresury if sutabl pay Come in to his hand within the time prefixed 20' for It is further ordered that the tresurer shall pay the 20 poundes y' P"s^°" for the prison to nuport out of the tresury if sutabl pay Come in to his handes At a m.eeting of the Inhabitants of Portsmouth March the third (1656) Jury men Chosen for the Generall Court of tryals to bee held at Nuport the tenth day of this instant month [viz] — [ 75 ] 1656. Senior IMiilip Tabor: Thomas Cooke: Thomas Cornell Junior John mose is lisenced to soiornc in this tounc *'Sam"''' Sanford is receiued an Inhabitant of this toune Steuen Wilcockes is receiued an Inhabitant of this toune At a toune meeting April! the i6 (1657) it is Consented unto by Voate that Thomas sshreiff hath Hbertie to sitt doune for the present upon that house plott that John Porter hath giuen him libert| ] to sitt doune upon for present: upon his wifes peacabl and good behauiour towards hir neigh- bours: untill he Can more Conuenicntly prouide for himself or the toune take further order Concerning them : m' William Balston Philip Shearman and m"" John Hriggs are apoynted to speake With shreifs wife and William Charles and George Lawtons Wife and to giue them the best advise and Warning for ther own peace and the peace of the place W'illiam Core is receiued a Tounesman amongst us: Richard Bordin william Almy John Porter william ff reborn John San- ford Jeames Sands are Chosen Commitioners for this toune to meet with th[ J Commitioners of the rest of tounes of the Collonie [821 -^t a meeting of the towne of Portsmouth on Road Hand may the 29"' (i657) it was ageed to meet with out any further warning the first day of June which wilbe next munday by six of the Clock in the morning to Choose toune officers for this year insuing: At a meeting of the towne of Portsmouth the first day of June (1657) being munday m"" John Briggs is chosen head Warden and ingadged m"" William ffreborne deputy Warden and ingadged * Evidently _/■'//;; was written iirst instead of Samuel, and was changed with the pale inlc used at the next nioctini''. 1657- [ 76 ] John Sanford is chosen Town Clarke & ingadged m"" Richard Bulgar is chosen Towne Serjant & ingadged John Tripp Thomas Layton and Samuell Wilson are chosen Cunstables m' William Baulston chosen Towne Treasurer m' phillip Sheareman John Albro and William Woadell ar chosen, three of the Towne Councell : It is agreed that there shall be a towne meeteinge one miinday next at the house of m"" John Briggs Att A meetinge of the townes men of portsmouth on Rhoad Island the 8"' of June 1657 ordered that this meeting shall voat for A moderator m"" phillip Sheareman is chosen Moderator for this dale Voated that the towne shall choose new Comitioners for the next gen' Court of Comitioneres to be held at warwicke the fourth day of July next m"" Richard Burdin John Sanford: m"^ John porter m"" John Briggs James Sands and Richard Sison are chosen Comitioners for this towne to meet with the Comitioners of the other townes the 4"' day of July next at warwicke nV John porter Richard Sison and James Sands are chosen juriemen for the next generall Court of Tryals held at warwicke the last Tuseday in this instant month, Thomas Wood is Received an inhabitant of this towne Daniell Grenell is Rec'' an inhabitant of this towne John Sanford and Richard pearce are chosen Survaiers to uew the markes of all Cattell that G:oe from this towne Ordered that m*" Baulston shall agree with goodman Teift for the keepeinge of ould mott for this yeare insueinge and to pay him out of The Treasury I S3 J ^^tt A Towne Meetinge of the fremen of Portsm" held the 31 : of July: 1657 [ n ] 1657. John Sanford chosen Moderator for this day m"" Richard Hulgar Towne serjant haveinge presented his acco"^ for servis Done for the towne, The Towne have Axcepted the acco'^ and owne them selves indebted to the serjant tlie sum": of one pownd thirteene shills six pence to be payd out of The Towne Treasury It is ordered that there shall be A Towne Meetinge upon the last day of August next it beinge Munday at the house of w\' Brigs, Which shall concerne the Deliveringe the Records papers or writtings which belonge to the towne and Towne clarks ofKce (from m' Shearman unto the Towne clarke) and to putt an Issue to the Difference concerninge the layinge out of land, with what other Nessesary occations may present and that Each man may give Notice hereof to his Neighbour without ffurther warneinge Att : A : Towne Meetinge held ^ the freemen of portsmouth the 31 :of August 1657 beinge munday m' William Baulston is chosen Modderator for this day ordered that the agreement betwene William ffreeborne and James Weeden shall be Recorded in the towne booke : which is as followith: William ffreborne and James Weeden Sen'. Did in the publique towne metinge Declare that it is theire ffree and mutuall agree- men that the Trees which Mathew Greenell i^arked & soe to the markt tree in or by the swampc shall l^c the line betweene William ffreebornes land and the Comon & shall be the utmost bounds of the sayd William ffrecborns land William ffoster is admitted & Received A ffreeman Whereas there hath beine orrcat Differencis Concerninfje land about the layinge out of lands in this towne of portsmouth in Rhoad Island and there beinge Certaine men upon Record in the Towne booke to be Desposers of land in the towne and thay 1657. [ 78 ] haveinge taken paynes to satisfy the towne in this Respect and therefore have Declared theire minds in that Respect what quantities of lande shall be layd out and to whome, And this not giveinge satisfaction. It is therefore agreed for peace & vnion that this abatement be made and some New supply (that is to say) that those that should have had by the aforesayd Dis- posers agreement thirty acres are Contented to take twenty acres, and those that should upon that accompt have had above thirty acres shall abate one halfe of theire quantity, and the quantities under thirty to Stand good And two hundered acres more is Consented unto to be Desposed of by the towne unto those that have most neede and the remainder of land then undesposed of to be a perpetuall Comon to the towne fforEver Never to be layd out and upon this agreement we doe unani- mously Consent to asuer Each man in theire lawfull Rights to our power It is ordered that m"" John porter nf John Brigs James Bad- cocke and John Sanford are chosen and Authorized to meet with the townesmen of Newport or Whome thay shall apoynt & Authorize: Concerninge Differencis in accompts and the line betwene the two townes, and to put an End or Issue to the Sayd Differencis Either in a peaceable ffreindly waie, (or other-waies Leagaly) if thay Cannot End it by adjetation It is ordered that there shall be A Towne Meetinfje on the 29''' of I Se ] next at the house of m' Brigs there to choose jurry-men and Comissio| | if need be, and to Consider of other nessesary bussinis that may pre[ ] and Each man to give notice to his neighbour without ffurther [ ] I 841 ^ Towne Meetinge of the ffree Inhabitants of ports- mouth NovemI the 19':'' 1657 It is ordered that m' Baulston and m' Brios are Desired and Requested to treat with Captt Morris, that he would take Some [ 79 ] 1657. Cource to Discharge the towne, accordinge to his promis, from all charge that may Arise by A Dutch Woman whome the S'^ Captt Morris hath intcrtained in his house this last Sumer/ Voated that this Meettinge is adjourned till tomorrow Morne- inge at Eight of the Clocke Novemer the 20''' M' John Brigs chosen Moderator for this Day It is ordered that whereas there is due from the towne to m"" Roger Williams the Sum? of fforty shills : it shall be payd to the Sd m' Williams out of the Towne Treasury — ^^ i^^^^j It is ordered that William Woodell hath tenn Acres, £j:raun ted him in lewe of an old graunt, to be laied out at the land of Georfje layton or about that Swampe to be laied out at the discrestion of the lotters It is ordered that Leivt" John Albro shall have his graunt of and old [ hard] land layd out at the head of m' porters ffarme ^ it beinge thirty two acres It is ordered that Thomas Cooke Sen' hath Ei<'ht Acres of land graunted in lewe of 8 acres formerly graunted in the Comon ffence to be layd out on the south Side of the swamp called Brigis swampe, below Newport path fformer It is ordered that m' Richard Bulgar shall have his ^graunt of six acres layd out to him in the Coiiion ffence adjoyneinge to his land there — Jt i^ ordere 4-tJ^at-J-ebfi-Sa ^.ford shall h a ve twenty f.vj . Acr es of land to b e gin at the Brooke in — t he Swam p e calcd Brigc s •Swa^. p Q , and to lie on th e South Side of th o S '' Broo l ic above ■ Nev.'port path -o ^ly the head of the Springe is to bo l eft- out fo - r A walt -Qtmg-place- It is ordered, that whereas the abov-Sayd graunt of land to John Sanford at Briges Swampe, was A pcell of land formerly graunted to m' phillip Shearman, It is there-for ordered that in i657. [ 80 ] lewe thereof John Sanford [851 Shall have twenty five Acres of land laied out unto him next adjoyneinge to the Side of the land of ni"" Brigs at the Mill Swampe and the afore-Sayd order is herby Null, & is ordered to be Rased Whereas Daniell Wilcocke had 15 Acres of land graunted by the Disposers of land: It is now ordered that he hath 15 acres of land more graunted to him to make it up thirty Acres, to be laid out at the Discrestion of the lotters It is ordered that there shall be A towne Meettinge on the last day of this instant month: beinge munday at the house of m' Brigs at 8 a clocke in the morneinge, Concerninge the Dis- poseinge of the 200 acres of land to those that want, & to take iSafd Cource to maintaine theire Rights in hoge Island: Att A Meettinge of the Inhabitants of portsm° November the 30^!^ 1657 m"" William Baulston is chosen Moderator for this day. It is ordered that A Comittee of fiive: men shall be chosen And Authorized to Dispose of the 200 acres of land to those inhabitants of the towne that want land, Whoe are viz" m' William Baulston m' John porter m' John Brigs m"" John Roome and James Badcocke It is ordered that tenn men shall be Suplied with plantin land on hoge Island & to injoy it for seven yeares viz" Edward ffisher Richard Sison John Tripp John Anthony ffrancis Brayton Thomas Ginings Ralph Earll: jun'; John Archar Samuell Wilson & John Baslie It is ordered that William Corrie and John Teifft shall be suppled with plantinge land on hoge Hand & to injoy it the tearme afore-s"* It is ordered that m' William Baulston m"" John porter and m' John Briges are chosen and Authorized to Dispute with any aposers to maintaine the townes Right in hoge Hand [ 8i ] 1657. It is ordered that Leivtt" John Albro is added to Richard Burdin and WilHam Hall in the layinge out of land in this towne of portsm" It is ordered that Henry Lake is graunted to make use of three acres of land at the head of his lot and the Widdow parkers and to make use of it Seven yeares and at the End of the time to Sow the S'^ land with English hay-seed & to lay it downe to the Comon againe It is vnanimosly agreed that there shall be one hundred acres of land more aded to the two hundred acres to inlarge, the Suply of those that want which in Respect of the largeness of their ffamelies and the Smalnes of what will Com to their parts in the 200 acres will not Suffitiantly Supply their nesesities to be dis- posed of by the afore-sd Comitte It is ordered that the two Coates payd to Osameakin for the Cuttinge of the Grase this yeare at the maine shall be payd out of the Treasury It is ordered that there shall be A towne meettinge at the house of m"" Brigs on the Six' day of January beinge Wcdensday & Each man to give Notice to his Neighbour without ffurther Warneinge [86] Att: A Meettinge of the Inhabitants of portsm" the 6"^ of January 1657 M' WilHam Baulston is chosen Moderator for this day It is ordered that thcr shall be A Towne MettinQ-e held on the first Tuseday in march next it beinge the Second day of that m[ I then to choose jurry:men for the next gen' Court, as also to choose Comitioners if occation be, with other Nessesary matters that may present It is ordered that those that were fformerly chosen to meett &: Teat with Newport men viz'' m' John porter nV John Brigs 1657. [ 82 ] James Badcocke & John Sanford are againe Authorised to me with Newpt men according to former order It is ordered that wheras ther is one pownds five shills & Eight pence due to Will Lytherland for Coppies of Court orders Delivered to the towne in the time of his beinge Gen"" Recorder, the Sayd Sum Shall be payd out of the Towne Treasury It is ordered that wheras ther is due to m' Brigs for Service done by himselfe and his boate for Carieinge Comitioners & other Service for the towne the Suni: of One pownd five Shills the Sayd Suni Shall be payd out of the towne Treasury^ It is ordered that the Treaserer shall pay m' Brigs for the use of his boate to Providence at the last Gen' Court of Tryalls held there — It is ordered that m' Brigs shall have the Cow belonging to the Towne in the Custody of John Teifft, in Lew whereof the Sayd m' Brigs doth ingadge to deliver to the Towne Treserer A heiffer of two this Next Springe, to be delivered on the last of Aprill next — It is ordered that wheras m' Richard Bulgar did present his accompts for warneinge two meettings & thre jurry-men, twelve shilP & Six pence shall be payd by the towne Treasury: It is ordered that the Treasurer m' Will Baulston shall pay goodman Teift what is due to him for keepinge ould mott, with what other just demaunds is due to the sayd Teift about old mott: It is ordered that the Treasurer m' Will Baulston Shall pay m' Room the Sum of thirty Shills for the Stocks and whiping post: It is ordered, with the Consent of Samuell Wilbore and phillip Shearman that the order made the 7"' of the 7 m° 1640 viz" that m'^ Wilbore shall have 40 Acres out of phillip shearmans lott, shall be Rased It is ordered that the towne Clarke Shall write to Newport to inform them, that we haue information of A woolfe beinge on [ «3 ] 1657. the Island, and to desire their helps to drive the Island, one munday Next if it be fayre wether, & if not then on the Next fay re day [8T] ^tt A Meettinge of the Inhabitants of portsmouth March the 2: 1657 M' William : Baulston chossen Moderator for this Day Ordered that m' John Brigs haveinge pettitioned to the towne to Borrow Sorri mony.: it is agreed that he shall have what mony ther:can be Sparred out of the towne Treasury, he giveinge in bond for the payment ther-of to the Treasury againe on the 29"' of Sept[ in the yeare (1658) or Sooner if the towne have occation to macke use of it It is ordered that the Widdow haukins shall have her graunt of Eight Acres of land, ffree, without payinge the Treasury It is ordered that m' William Baulston m"" John Brigs m"" phillip Shearman William W^oadell and John Sanford are chossen and Authorized to Examain and Audit Ralph Earlls accompts of what the towne is indebted unto him and what thay shall fifind the towne to be in his debt shall be payd to the Sayd Earll : by the towne Treasurer, That w^her-as ther is due to Goodman Trip twelve Shill' for goinge in to the Bay it is ordered that the Sayd Sum: shall be payd by the Towne Treasurer John Almy is Admitted an Inhabitant amongst us m' William Baulston nV John porter, m' Thomas Layton John Sanford James Badcocke And m' Samuell W^ilbore are chosen Comissioners to meet with the Comissioners of the other townes on the Second Wedens-day in this instant month march : at this towne Portsmouth: M' Thomas Layton James Badcocke and Capt" Thomas Cooke 1658. [ 84 ] are chossen jurymen to atend the Gen' Court of Tryalls the Second Tuse-day in this instant month at portsmouth It is ordered that m' WiUiam Baulston is chossen and aded to the former men formerly chossen to treate and adjetate with Newport men Concerninge the differences Betwene ouer towne and Newport, and is Authorized to act with the Sayd fower:men formerly chosen, It is graunted to Thomas Ginings to have liberty to sell beere [88] ^tt A Meettinge of the Inhabitants of portsm° the 1 1"^ of may 1658 beinge Tuseday M"" William Baulston is chossen Moderator for this day Christopher Almy is Reed A free-man of this towne John Reed is Reed a free-man of this towne William Earll is Reed A free-man of this towne William Wood is Reed A free-man of this towne Ralph Earll : jun' is Reed A free-man of this towne Thomas Kent is Reed A free-man of this Towne m' William Baulston, m*^ John porter, m' John Brigs, m' John Roome, m' Thomas Layton, and John Sanford are Chossen Comissioners to meett & Act with the Comissioners of the other townes at the next Gen'' Court of Election held at warwicke in this instant may on the Nintenth day thereof ffrancis Brayton and m' Henry percy are chosen to search & take Care & acompt of what liq's & wines are brought in & landed within the precincts or bownds of this towne Ordered that Ralph Earll jun' shall be payd Eleven shillings after the the Rate of Eight white peages '^ peny, by the Treasurer Ordered that there shall be A towne meettinge on the Second Tuseday June next at the howse of m' Will Baulston Concern- inge Sten tinge the Coiiions & other nesisary bussines that may present [ 85 ] 1658. Att A Meetting of the free Inhabitants of the Towne of ports- mouth June the 7"' 1658 beinge moonday m' John Brigs chossen hed Warden of this Towne m"^ John porter next m'' John porter chossen deputy Warden m' John Roome next John Sanford Towne Clarke Tho Cornell next m' Richard Bulgar chossen Tow Sergant James Badcocke next m' William Baulston chossen Treasurer Leivt" John Alsbro chosen one of The Towne Councell & m' Samuell Wilbore & John Sanford are chossen to make up the Towne Councell Edward fifisher Samuell Wilson & Thomas Wayte are chosen Cunstables John Sanford and Richard pearce are chossen Survayers for this yeare Thomas Cornell Towne Clarke Ingaged: Att A meetting of the free Inhabitants of the Towne of Ports- mouth June the 8"' 1658 being Tewsday m' william Balston is Chosen moderator for this day order'' that the acountes being recaiued and Excibeded of the Treshur by the Towne Ordered that Richard knijt shall be payd ffive poundes fHve shilnes by the Treasurer Lott Straing William Earle william woodel are chosen Jeuery men to atenend the Generel court of Tryeles at newport vpon The last Tesewday of this instant mounth Ordered that Ralph Earll Junor shall be payd two shillenes for muny that he payd for his fferigg gooing to plimoth: [89] Orederd that m' william Boston and m' John Briges are to end the acountes betvvne the Towne and Philip Sharman and the said Philip is to be satisfijed by the Treshauer 1658. [ 86 ] Orederd that hee that is chosen to the place of the a Towne Shargen[] shall be wattur baijle allsoo for y' yeare: Orederd that Thomas Jenines shall be payd fine shilenes by y^ Trushu[ ] oredred that from henece forth noe Pearson shall Presume to Cattiii Trance Port any Cattell from off this Hand from any Partes orted within the liberties or Precincth of this Towne Except he or thay breinge A noote subsuribed by the Party of whome he boueht such Cattell of the sortes of the Cattell and the number and how marked of or otherwise giue A note vnde| ] his hand accordingly that such Cattell are his oune by breed or otherwise bought which noate shall be delivered vpon the veiw of the said Cattel vnto those who are by the Towne apoynted suruayeres and if any shall act Contrary to this order thay shall forfite and loose the sayd Cattell or the worth of them : It is orderd that wheras Captn John Cranston had A grant of Eight acres of land in the Coiiion ffence the sayd Eight acres is now ordered to be layd out to the said Captain at the discreshon of the overseers m' william Baulston and m"^ John Porter by the lotters : John Hauenes recaiued a free-man of this Towne Ebner Sharman recaiued a free man of this Towne Thomas Flendely recaiued a free man of this Towne: Richard Hart reciaiued a free man of this Towne Oredered that the sekond Tuseday of Junly is to be a Towne metin[ J for to agatateing shuch thinges as may fall in Orderd that m' Baston shall recaiue thre gunnes of william Earle at feftey shilenes in case thay be scaruiscabel for the Towne: Samuel Willson Chosen Cunstable and Ingaged for this yeare Thomas Wait Chosen Cunstable and ingaged Edward fifisher Chosen Cunstable and Ingaged [I'age QO is blank] [91] ^t a metting of the free Inhabitants of Portsmouth this 6"> of Octobar 1658 [ S7 ] 1658. m' William Balston is Chosen modratar for this clay: it is ordred that Roger vvilliames shall haue librety of the Towne for to liue in william vvoodel house till the 5"' of nouem- bar in-seuen the date heare of: and no longer by the Towne order Nathel Brouing Thomas Hasard Joshawa Coggeshall Chosen Jurey men to atend the saruis of the Genrel Cort of Triels held at vvorwick being the 12"' of this instant munth of Octtobar Ordred that a boot shall be hijerd for to Carey the magstrate and Jurey men to the Court at worwick and shall be paiid out of the Trcshey ordred that goodman Trip shall be payd by the Tresey for Careying the Cummishenors to y'' Court in may last Orderd that those fiue men Chosen before to Trete with New- Autorethy port men are now made Choyse of againe and the former order is Confermed vpon them againe and is aThorised to met with Them vpon the 20"' of this instant mounth of Octobar At a metting of the free Inhabitants of Forth mouth this 2f^ of Octobar 1658 m' William Baulston is Chosen modrator for this day orderd that those men which wheare formerly Chosen haue librctey for to apoijnt the Time and the day for to Trette with newport men about the difrance and the line and to write to them Concaring the Time ordred that wheare as newport men haue scent to this Towne Concaring keping Co[ ]ts by Themscelues and with considra- sho| I Think it not Conueniant sooe for to dooe m' william Baulston m' John Sanford m' Adam Moot Scenor John Trip Hendrey Percy John Almy are Chosen Commishonors to mett at worick to actt with the other Commishonors one the Second of nouembar Giden ffreborne recaiued a freeman of this Towne 1658. [ 88 ] Orderd that goodman Trip shall Caray the Coummishoners and be payed out of the Treshey [Page g2 is blank.] [93] ^t ^ meting of the ffre habtitants of Portsmouth this 22 of Nouembar 1658: M' William Baulston is Chosen modratur for this day: Orderd that m' Richard Bulgar shall be paiid by the Treshuer for five billes thre of them for woring Towne metings and one of them for worine Commishonors and one of them for worins: Jurimen: At a meting of the ffre habtitants of Portsmouth this 16: of ffebruary 1658 M"" John Porter is Chosen Modratur for this day: William Cadman Hugh Parsons Richard Sisi[ ]n Chosen Jury men for to Tend the Generell Corurt of Triels helld at Proui- denc the Sekond Tewseday in march insewing: wheras there is presented to this pressent meeting A lickelyhood of Charge that my fall on the Towne, by A child which is said by the mother of it beinge mathew Greenell wife to be Jacob Mots Chyld, vpon which occassion this meeteinge wass Called and is mett togather: vppon the afore=said bussnis the Towne doe juge that the officers haue not acted according to ther Com- ision and Authority, to keepe the towne from charge Therfore the town doe order and declare their Result, which is that thay are noe way ingadged, to be at any charge on the account of that chyld which is to say mathew Greenells wife chyld afore- sayd : Orderd that m' william Baulston shall pay to John Sanford out of the Treshery feftey shelnes and tenn pence [Page 94 is blank.] [ 89 ] 1659 [95] ^t ^ meting of the free inhabtaints of the Towne of Portsmouth this 12 of may 1659 m' John Briges Chosen moderator for this day: m' Baulston m' Sanford m"^ Thomas Layton m"" wilbore Goerg Layton m' Almy Chosen Commishniors for to Tend the Court at Prouidenc Voted Robrt west Recaiued an Inhabetant anongest vs Voted If Samuel wilbour Can not gooe to the Court m' Baulston is to heyer his boat or Soum other wheare he can to be paid out of the Tresury Voted m"" Briges hath the tresury Cow with all hir increase for thre years with all hir profits to the thirds and at the three yeres End he is to deliuer vp the Said Cow with two parts of hir increace to the Tresurer and the Remaineur to be for John Briges more ouer he is to let a Calfe belong to the Towne to run in his pastur at the maine this Sumer At A meting of the free inhabtants of the Towne of Portsmouth this 6 of June 1649 1659* m' William Baulston Chosen moderator for this day m"" John Brigges Chosen head warden and Ingaged m' John Roome Chosen deptey warden and Ingaged Thomas Cornell Chosen Towne Clarke and Ingaged m' Hendery Percey and John Tiler Chosen Cunstables and Ingaged Samuel Wilison Chosen Cunstable Richard Bulger Chosen Town Seargent and Ingaged m' Sanford and John Albro and Thomas Lawton are Chosen to make vp the Towne Councell with the thre magistras for this ye are m' percey and ffrancis Brayton are Chosen to tacke vp acompt of what Lickres Coum in to this Towne *The date 1659 is written in dilTerent ink. 1659. [ 90 ] m' william Baulston Chosen Treshuer for this yeare Voted that m' Richard Bulger shall be payd Twentey and five shilens for Six biles out of the Treshrey: Voted and recaiued the Treshuer accomptes of the Treshuer by the Tovvne in the meeting [Page 96 is blank ] [9*7] At A metting of the ffree inhabitaints of Potsmouth this 8 of August 1659 m"" william Baulston Chousen Modrator for this day m"" Baulston m'' Pourtor m' Roome m*" Briges Jeames Badcocke m"" Sanford Chosen Commishniors to atend the Court held at Portsmouth the three and twenty day of this instant mounth August Ordred that Jeames Badcooke shall be paid nine shilenes and six penc out of the Treshrey for Charges in the Case of Nicholas Browne Ordred that the Towne Councel and nV Porter m'' Sharman m'' Barden m' moot William woodel are requested for to meet the ffirst mundey in Scptembar next for to Trete about the ripeng and the best Course for the recording and conferming Euery mans land vpon him At A towne metinge of y'' free Inhabtants of Portsmoth this 15"' of Septembar 1659 1 M' william Boulston is Chozen modrator for this day 2 Richard Bulgar Chosen by Vote to suply y"' absents of the towne Clarke for this day 3 the Genorall Court order made y*" 23 of August 1659 publeshed and Reed 4 it is Ordred & Votted that A Rate is to be made of 50' in [ 91 ] i659- wompom at 6 ''(^ peny or othar pay Equiuelent there Vnto: to be gathred in betwen the day of y*" date here of and y'' 29"' of this Instant month Septenibar 5 it is Ordred that this Rate is to be gathred in Equaly accordinge to Eury mans Estate 6 it is Ordred that m' John Briggs m' John Sanford m' wilHani Ahiiy and m' Thomas Laiton is Chozen to make the afore said Rate 7 it is ordred that the Genorall Recordar is to be paid out of y* tresury for the two Last Genorall Court Copies in wompom 8 '^ 1 - sh - d peny 01 10 o| | 8 m"". Thomas Brownill Thomas Kent frances Braiton Chosen Jury men to same Vpon the Next Court in Octobar [08] ^I'd that Thomas Ginings is to be paid out of the tresury seuen shilings for searuis don Att A Townes meting of y' ffree Ihabtaints of Portsmouth this 21"' of Decembar 1659 M' John Porter Chosen Modderator for this day It is ordred that the ratte shall be readd in the mettino: It is Ordered that Prudecenc shall pay according as thay be Ratted in this Towne ratte itt is orderd that m' John Briges and m' John Sanford ffrancies Brayton and Thomas Cornell is to gather vp the ratte: itt is orderd that the Towne Sargent shall gooe to preudence and gather vp the rate At A Townes meting of the ffree Ihabtants of Portsmouth tliis 7"' of march 1659 or 60: m"" william Almy Chosen modderator for this day nV John Porter Roubart Hazard Jarrad Borne are Chosen i66o. [ 92 ] Jeurey men for to Tend the next Court held at Newport the 13*'' of this instant month march: It is Orderd that m'' Richard Bulgar shall be bayd thirtey shilens out of the Treshery by the Tresher for Seuen beiles for woring of Towne mettings and Juery men and Commishonors Orderd A Letter scent from m' Brinton is to be reed in the Towne Orderd that m' will Baulston hath liberty to provid a horse and to Satiesfiy for him out of the treshery and his Charges vpon his Jorny to Tanton to meett with plimoth Commishonors It is orderd that m' william Almy william Hall Thomas Cornell is to vew the reck[ ]rds to see wether thay Can find any forther right to the land then wee can find at this prescent and to draw vp a letter to scend vp to m' william Brenton and prescent it to the Towne [99] ^tt A meettinge of the Townes men of Portsmouth held the 9"' of may: 1660. m' william Baulston Chosen moderator for this day m' John Porter william Hall John Sanford m' Samuell willbore Edward fisher John Albro are Chosen Commishioners for the next Gen'' Court of Election to be held the 22''' of this instant month in this Towne of Portsmouth then and theare to mett and act with the Commisioners of the other Townes, as A Law mackinge Asemebly, william williams is admitted A f^reeman of this Towne Thomas Butts is admitted A ffreeman of this Towne Att A meettinge of the Townes men of Portsmouth held the 4''' of June 1660 m' William Baulston Chosen moderator for this day [ 93 ] i66o. nV John Roome Chosen hed warden m"' Ahiiy next m' William Almy deptey warden m' Porter next m' Ricard Bulgar Towne Clarke: Thomas Cornell next m'' John Sanford Chosen one Towne Coiincell j m' John Tripe Chosen one Towne Councell j m'' John Albro Chosen one Towne Councell m'' William I^aulston Chosen Tresher for this Towne Thomas Kent Chosen Towne Sar^-ent Henderey Pearcy Chosen Constables Richard Sision Chosen Cunstables James Badcocke Chosen Cunstables Voted that a Chalinge from m' william Dyar of Newport to m' John Portar of portsmoth about y"" proporiety of our lands and libarties of y'' people with in the Juriousdiction of prouidenc plantations be publickly Red in this x^ssembly to be Answred in writinge May 28 1660 Subscribed William Dyar m' John portar Accapts of it and is Resolued to Answer it in writinge, /otcd and Ordred that the ordar made the 8 of August 1659 that the men there in Nominated with the towne Counsill for the Ripninge and treatinge of a way and Course for the Recordinge and Con- firminge Eury mans Land vpon him is Reuiued and the same men Nominated in that ordar are apointed to mette Vpon the I 25''" day of this Instant month Jun to Effect the same [100] rdred that 4 men be Jojned with y" towne Councell and the Rest to treat and Assist them in the manedginge of the former ordar Namly m' John Brigs william Hall James Badcock and Thomas Cornille rdred that Richard Bulgar shall be paid 20 shillings out of the towne tresurey for searus don for the towne fine bills 01-00-00 i66o. [ 94 ] At a Metinge of y*" free Inhabetants of portsmoth, July y" 9^'' 1660 1 Votted M' John porter Chosen modarator for this day 2 a papar of the towne Councills Result for the Evedencinge of lands presented & Reed, which is as followeth Viztt first wee haueinge perused the booke Called the State booke doe there finde absolute order that Each towne shall procure a towne booke to Record and Evidence Each mans land in, there- fore wee agree that the New booke lately bought, shall be Kept for that Vse only Also we findinge Seuerall Records in the Said State booke, Concearninge the Tenure of Lands and Euidenceinge there of, we Conceiue it Necesary and doe desire John Sanford to Copie out all the said orders, and Record them in the New booke wee also Agree that A Clarke be Chosen by the towne to haue the Keepinge of this booke, who Shall Record, and Eui- dence the lands there in, and that the said Clarke shall be the Recorder of the towne Courts if occation bee, wee Agree that all high waies and drift waies be laid out and bounded and that thay be Recorded with there bownds in the New booke The Ressult of the free inhabetents of portsmoth vpon the town Councills ordars aboue writen Votted ffirst where as wee the Inhabitants of the towne of portsmoth haue had many and Searious debates, and adietations, about the particular Euidenceinge of Each mans land, Either graunted him by the towne, or purchased from others to whom the towne did graunt them, in our said towne, and findinge that we haue absolut authority granted by the Authority of the Island when thay Acted Joyntly, as by there order Recorded in the booke Called the state booke apeares, therefore we Resolue to act by [ 95 ] i66o. Authority of the said order which was made at a Genorall Court of Election held at this towne of portsmoth the i6"' of march 1 64 1 a Copie where of is viztt It is ordered that Each towne shall prouide a towne booke, where in thay shall Record the Eui- dences of the lands by them Impropriated, and shall also haue power to give forth a Copie there of, which shall be A Cleere Euidence for them and theris to whom it is so granted, Secondly it is further ordered that Each towne shall provide A jlvotted Towne booke wherein thay shall Record the Euidences, of the lands by them Imjoropriatcd and shall also haue power to giue forth a Copie there of, which shall be a Cleere Evidence for them and theirs to whome it is so graunted [101] thirdly It is further Ordred that where as there is a booke alredy Votted procured which we Now Caule by the Name of the booke of land Evidences, the said booke shall be Kept only for that Vse, for Euidenceinge of lands there in, and that those ordars in the state book, Concerninge the Tenuer and Evidcncinge of lands shall be also Recorded there in, "ourthiy And for as much as there may be an aperance of daingar of Votted hauinge the said booke lost by hauinge it kept in a Remote place, and for the preuention of which daingar it is also Ordred that the saide booke Caled the booke of land Euidences is left to be Kept at the howse of m' william Baulston Vntell the towne take further order about it fifthly Richard Bulgar is Chosen Recordar to Entare and Votted Record mens lands in the booke of land Euidences for this yere, and is to haue a peny an Acre for Recordinge mens lands and giuinge forth Copies of grants out of the said booke or may Compound if he pleaseth for halfe a crown a deede i66o. [ 96 ] sixthly and for as much as wee the free Inhabitants of y*" Towne of portsmoth hauinge dewly waied and well Considred that there may be sum grants or Copies of land brought to the Recorder not dewly deriued or not legaly purchesed which in time may Occation troubles and Needles or Vnnesacary suts in law betwen man and man, for the preuention of such disorders, it is further ordred that there shall be a Comitee of 4 men who are Chosen to vew all such Copies or deeds of land as are to be Entred in to the booke of land Euidences, and if thay be found to stand good accordinge to law and order, then thay are to be Recorded, if not then such Copies or deeds to be suspended vntell further order, or tell there title be bettar Clered The Comite Chosen m'' william Baulston m" philep Sherman william Hall and Richard Bulgar who are to meet at the howse of m' william Baulston vpon monday Next beinge the 16^'' day of this Instant month July 1660 and so sucksesiuly as occation shall present the Comite Assembled at time & place Accordinge to order At A Metinge of y" free Inhabitants of portsmoth Septembar y"" 29''' 1660 IVr william Baulston Chosen Modrator for this day M' william Baulston M' John portar m'' philip tabor M' John Sanford M' Thomas Laiton m' James Sands are Chosen Comi- tionars for y'' Next Court at worwick James Sands Thomas Laiton & philip Tabor are Chosen Jury at men to same -v-p-9-i?-^ y*" Court of tryalls Anthony Emery william Stanyard & John Brigs Junyor are Receued free Inhabitants of this towne [102] Charles the second by y' Grace of god Kinge of Eng- land Scotland France & lorland and the Dominyons there of: [ 97 ] i66o. wos in a most sollem maner proclaimed in the towne of ports- mouth: vpon the 24"' clay of Octobar and in the 12"' yere of his Magesties Raine God Saue the Kinge At A towne Metinge of the free inhabetants of portsmoth hilld the 27"' of Decembar 1660 M"" William Baulston is chosen Moderator for that day Votted that a Lettar shall be Reed sent from william Hall about the Comons Voted It is further ordered that the highway betwen portsmoth and rhway Newport shall be of the same bredth that it is so fare as our towne Limets Extendeth only a Narrow place betwen the land of Heaber Sherman and philep Tabor is to be inlearged if the Inhabitants Can preuaile with the said Hebar, he beinge in Learged anothere way for the same Voted Ordred that the highway goinge downe by Captin Morris his ?hway Land shall be Remoued, and Laid betwen the land which petar taulmond bought of Danill Willcock and Lott Strainge his land three poul broud and the said petar Taulmond is to maintaine for Euer halfe Lott Strainge his side fence against the highway So that the towns men may haue free Egres and Regres vpon all occations Voted Ordred that James Rogares Genorall Seargant shall be paid twenty fower shillings out of the towne tresury by the Tresurar snorall argant Voted Ordred that M"" John Roome M' John Brigs Leftenant John ghway Albrow Franccs Braiton and James badcock are Chosen to Meet vpon the third day of Janeuary Next v/ho are to Order all the high way es and to see them Recorded i66o. [ 98 ] Voted Ordred that the presedent Shall haue two thousand of Railes Raiies wliich are Cleft out for him with in this township as a gratuety from our towne At a Meetinge of the free inhabetants of portsmoth Janeuary the s'^ 1660 Votted M' william Baulston is Chosen Modrator for that day, M' John Orderinge BHgs Next in Voat highwayes for as much as there wos fiue men Chosen at a Meetinge y"" 27^^ of Decembar who were to order all y*" highwayes belonginge to y'^ towne of portsmoth and to see them all Recorded, it is furthar Ordred at this meetinge that all or so many of the afore said fiue men which shall performe that searuice shall be paid three shillinge a day apece for Eury day thay are vpon that searuice to be paid by the tresurar out of the towne tresury when the worke is don Ordered that the Genorall Court orderes Made at worwicke 1660 shall not be publeshed in this Assembly becaus thay were not Legaly presented to the townes men Votted Ordered that there shall be An assembly of the free inhabe- []eeting tauts of this towue vpon y^ 12'^ day of this instant Month of Janeuary to take an accoumpt of whot our suruayors haue don about our highways and our line betwen Newport towne & portsmoth, who are to bringe there Result vndar there hands y' it may be Recorded Votted foi* as Much as there hath bin of Late sum Inthrution vpon part of our towneship by sum of Newport men who have altred our line and laid out an othere Contrary to whot is spesefied vpon Records betwen both townes and our free inhabetants of our towne of portsmoth hauinge taken Speshall Notes there of, [ 99 ] i66o. I ' for the presaruation of peace and the Romouall of disorder haue Chosen and ordred M' william Baulston M'" John portar Captin Thomas Cooke Lefftenant John Albrow M' John Sanford M' Line phlUp Sherman william wodall and william Hall who are to Meet vpon the lo"' day of this Instant month Janeuary by Eight of the Clock in the mornini^e at the howse of Bartholmew west and then to Reuiue the ould Line and to Run it as it is Recorded bcUven both y' townes and to bringe to the Next towne meetinge j whot thay haue don which metinge is to be vpon the Satarday followinge that so it may be Recorded lotted Ordred that the towne Clarke shall write a lettar and send it to the head warden of the towne of Newport to intreat him to signiiie vnto there towne the Intention of the towne of ports- uttar moth that thay arc Resolued to Renew there owld line betwen both townes vpon thirsday Next beinge the tenth day of Janeuary and if they pleas som of them may giue vs a Meetinge vpon that day at the place apointed i dotted £for as much as there wos sum diffrence betwen Hugh parsons and sum otheres about a highway it beinge brought to the free inhabetants for them to determin it is by them ordred that there ghway shall bc a highway fower Rood wide on the south Laid out to Captin John Cranston Joyninge vpon John wods his land, and all so a highway of fower Rood wide betwen the land of Thomas Layton and the said Land and Hugh parsons is to haue that land lyinge betwen the land of Thomas Kent and the said Land laid out to Captin John Cranston in full Satisfaction for the highway and this is to be dun by the ouar seeares with Hugh parsons and to Returne it to the towne vndar there hands to be Recorded Voted ffor as much as there hath bin seurall Complaints by diners of the free inhabetants of the towne of portsmoth for that there i66o. [ lOO ] timbar hath bill veiTy great distruction of timbar vpon the Comon and that diuars haue sould and Conuayed the same to othere parts out of this towneship to the great Ruens of the Comons the free inhabetants of this towne hauinge taken it in to there Serious Considration and findinge it to be Repugnant to the freedoms and Comon Right of the inhabetants of this towne of portsmoth haue by voat Ordred that no parson or parsons whot so Euer inhabitant or fariner shall Directly or indirectly fell or Cans to be felled or Cut downe any timbar for buldinge fencinge or firinge vpon the Comon to transport to any othere place out of this towneship of portsmoth and he that shall Cut or transport or Caus the same to be don shall forfit to the towne tresuerej ] for Eury tree or part of a tree fine pounds it is ordered that y"" highway goinge downe by Captine morris his land shall be Remoued and laid out betwen the land which m"" Talman bought of Daniell wilcocks and Lott Strainge his land three poll wide and the said peter Talman is to mainetaine for Euer halfe lot Strainge his side fence against the high way that y" towns men may haue free Egres and Regres to the water side vpon all occations [1041 -^t ^ Meetinge of y*" free inhabitants of y'' towne of portsmoth Janauery y*" 12"' 1660 M' John Room is Chosen Moderator for that day Vottcd fo^" ^s much as that there wos graunted to m' Thomas Cornell Dyers Scuyor the grass of that Island Comonly Cauled by the Name Island of Dycrs Island the said Thomas Cornill beinge desseased the said graunt is made voyde and that the grass of the said Hand is graunted vnto John Albrow and william Corry for y'' yeare inshuinge [ loi ] 1660. Joseph Martin & George Tvvte are Admited inhabitants amongst vs Votted ffor as Much as that there wos Conditionly graunted to m"" land is Thomas Cornell senyor a small parcill of land next to m'' william - , or land Baulstons Garden^ on the Northwest End tell he or som othere showld sett up a brew howse or backe howse vpon the same, the said thomas Cornell Senyor not parforminge the said Conditions, but beino;e desseaced the said orraunt is forfitted and the said land is to be Rezincd vp to the townes vse by the 25"' day of march Next inshuinge the date here of Votted ffor as much as that there is a highway in Closed betwen m' ghway william Baulstons medow and william freeborns medow so that Cattill are depriued of the benifit of that springe the towne hath ordred the said highw^ay to be laid open fower Rood wide downe to the Ditch 'Votted It is Ordred that Captin Thomas Cooke Lef tenant John Line Albrow william vvodall & william Hall are apointed to survay all our land about our line which Newport men posseses and to straighten y*" line, and to bringe in there accoumpt to the towne whot thay have don for which searuice thay are to be paid 3 shillings aday apece out of the towne Tresury 1105 I William Baker did Exhibit a pettion to the free in- habitants that thay would be pleased to take his sheep in to there owne hands as there owne, and that thay w^ould be pleased to Contrebute to his Nesesaty for that his owne abillety failes him Janeuary y'^ William Baker 12"' 1660 '^ wTi ^^^^ towne haue Axcapted the pettion of william Baker, and I Baker hauc agreed with Hinory Pearcey to keep the said william for on i66o. [ I02 ] yeare and the said Hinory percey is to be paid Eight pounds after the Rats of wompom 8 'p peny for vviUiam Bakers diat & lodgin for the said yeare Votted Vpon y*" afore said Accoumpt the free inhabitants thought good to Constetute william wodall to Receue those sheep which sheep ^Qs wilHam Bakers and allso the free Contrebution of the towns- men and to dispose of y^ same for the painge of Hinory perceye or othere wayes as he shall see Cous for y"' good of the said william baker It is Ordred that y*" towne Clarke shall write a lettar to signifie to Newport men that it is our intention to straighten our line and to dessire them to send some of there men to giue vs a meetinge vpon monday Come fortnight folloinge At a Meetinge of y^ free inhabatants of portsmoth y'' second day of march 1660 M"" william Baulston Chosen Moderator for y' day M' william Almy M' philip Sherman m' Richard Burden are Chosen Graun Jury men to sarue at the Genorall Court of tryalls at providence m*" Thomas Layton Edward fishar & John Tilar are Chosen to searue vpon y*" petty Jury at the same Court | [ ]dward ffishar M' Johu portar and william Hall are ordred to signifie to Edward ffishar that the Inhabitants of this towne are offended for that he hath taken in som land belonoino;e to the Common Voted . . . . ^ ^ to lay and to Require him to lay it downe againe to the Common, thay downe ^rc to spcakc with him with in 14 dayes after the date here of and to Returne his Answer at the Next assembly of the free Inhabittants of this towne [ I03 ] i66o. 'homas ffor as much as that there is an Ordar bearinge date Janeuary zorneii c j 2"^, 1660 that a Condishoiiall sjraunt of a small pece of land land is ■' ^ -nti r-n- ii-i orfited beinge west or North west of m' william baulstons land in the towne beinge graunted to m"" Thomas Cornell deceased should be surrendred to the towns vse by the 25^'' day of march inshuinge which ordar wos not performed by his sonne Thomas Cornell in whous possesion the said land wos, there fore it is ordred by this asembly that m"" Richard burden Leftenant John Albro & william Hall shall with in 14 dayes afare the date of this ordar speake with Thomas Cornell Junyor and Requiar him to lay open the said land to the Comon, and to Retorne his answer at the Next assembly of the free inhabitants of this towne which land is laid open as Comon to y*" towns vse More ouar at the same Assembly it is ordred that the afore said m'" Burden Leftenant Albro & william Hall are apointed to signifie with in 14 dayes to philep Tabor Thomas Cooke senyor Votted Thomas Cooke Junyor and Thomas Cornell that thay shall not injoy that parcill of land that is betwen m' Brentons land and there land with out thay will lay downe so much of there owne land at the vpar End of there lotts and the afore said m' Burden with Leftenant Albro and william hall are ordred to lay it out if the said Thomas Cooke philip tabor and the Rest be willin othere wise thay are to Returne there answer at the next assem- bly of the free inhabitants of this towne ghway and that it is the minde of the ffree inhabitants of this towne aimy that there shall be a way betwene william Almy his land & philip Shermans to the springe: and the said lotters are ordred ; to speake with m' Almy about it and to bringe his Answer to the townsmen [10*7] At a towne meetinge of y*" free Inhabitants of y*" towne of portsmoth May y'' ii"\ 1661 1 66 1. [ 104 ] M*" william baulston is Chosen Moderator for this day M"" John Portar M'' John Albro nV Edward ffisher M"" Samwell wildbore M' wilHam Hall m' John Sanford are Chosen Condi- tioners for this towne of portsmoth to searue vpon y^ Next Comi- tion Court Votted that vpon y"" Complaint of m'' Thomas Brownell at the towne meetinge afore said against m' John Portar about a small parcell of land which wos in diffrance betwen them it is Ordred that M' John Roome M' John Sanford M' John Brigs James badcocke ffrances Braiton all fine or any three of them are by veartew of a towne ordar bearinge date y*" 11''' of may 1661 to meet and to make an End of y*" diffrance which is betwen m' John portar and m"" Thomas Brownell about there line which is in Controvercy or othere bounds of land which is in Question betwen them, accord- inge to y'' Records, and not only for them, but for all othere diffrences of the like Nature betwen man & man amongst vs, and that these fine or any three of them shall Ishew y" Cause and bringe there Result to y'^ towne The Result [1.0 S.l Wee whose Names are here vnder subscribed beinge Chosen and Authorized by y"' Townsmen of portsmoth, at there Lawfull meetinge, to Straighten the line, and Sett the trew bownds betwene the land of m'' John Porter, & the land of m"" Thomas Brownell, Latly Richard Carders, & to straighten the Rest of the said line aboue m' porters land at Round meddow There fore wee hauinge well veiwed the Line & seriously Con- sidred y" Records there abouts, haue Accordinge to the best of Porters Qur Judgments & Vndarstandings impartialy Run the said Line as followeth Viz Next y'^ sea it is bownded by A stake Standinge on the East side of m'' Brownells now Standinge fence, the second marke is anothere stake standinge allso on the Eastward or meddow side of the now standinge fence, the third is about farm [ I05 ] i66i. three foout on the Eastward or meddow side of A dead Snag- wood tree, the forth is A maple tree standinge on the Eastward side of the fence, the fifth marke is a beach tree standinge on the Eastward side of the fence and Neere m' porters head line, the Sixt Marke is an ould dead stump standing with in y" land which william wilbor Clames, the seuenth is a white Oake Standinge on the Comon side of william wilbors head line, the Eight and last is a winde falen birch tree which is the vpermost Corner, And to this aboue writen thay subscribe there Names the first of Octobar 1661 John Brigs John Sanford James Badcock frances Brayton The same day Thomas Kent towne sargant presented seuen bills to the assembly who aproued of them and ordred the towne tresurer to pay him forty two shilings and six pence for warn- inge towne meetings and Comitioners and Jury men [J 09] At a meetinge of the free inhabitants of portsmoth June the third 1661 M' william Baulston wos Chosen moderator that day The Genorall Court orders Reed and publeshed A lettar presented about sendinge an Agent to England IVr John Room Chosen Towne warden for that ycare m' John Briggs deputy warden for that yeare Richard Bulgar Towne Clarke for that yeare m"" william Baulston Towne tresurar for that yeare Thomas Genengs towne Sargent for that yeare Richard Sisan James Badcocke and Hinory percey are Chosen Cunstables for that yeare and ingaged m' william Baulston m' John Room m' John Briggs m' John i66i. [ io6 ] Sanford Leftenant John Albro m' John tripp are Chosen to be the towne Counsill for that yeare ffor as much as that m'' John Sanford did Exhibet a bill of fine pound thirten shillings to this Assembly which wos dew to him for searuis don for this towne this Assembly hath ordred that he shall be paid by the towne tresurar out of the tresury mony ffor as much as there wos a Rate made by order of the free inhabittants of this towne for the deffrainge of publick and Comon Charges and that sum haue paid in there mony and otheres haue not there fore it is ordred that Eury on that haue paid in there money shall haue it Returned to them againe and that anothere Rate is to be made Vpon that day Richard Bulgar the towne Clarke did present to the free inhabitants of this towne then asembled a bill of twenty shillings for searuis don for the towne which bill wos aproued and there fore ordred that it should be paid by the towne tresurer out of the tresury [110] ^^^^ same day m*" william Baulston Tresurar did Ex- hibet his Accounts to the Assembly thay Refer the Accounts to m"" John portar leftenant John albrow and william hall to be Audiated the Auditars doe finde the tresurs Accoumpt to be Just and trew accoumpts there fore the Assembly Acapts of them and the towne Remains debtor to the tresurer forty shillings ffor as much as that all or most of the Records which are belonginge to this towne are at this presant time in the Custedy of m' Thomas Cornill late towne Clarke who is Remouinge out of this Colony with his family there fore we the free inhabitants now assembled doe order and by these presents Authorise Richard Bulgar towne Clarke to demaund and Receue all the I [ 107 ] 1 66 1. afore said writings and Records that are in the possetion of the said Thomas Cornill and to giue him a discharge for the same M" Hinory Perccy and f ranees Braiton are Chosen Serchers for prohibcted wine and strong watars Vpon the vntimly death of Richard Elles Richard Elles beinge drounded and Cast vpon the shore on prudenc Hand Information beinge giuen to the magestrat the Crounars inquest beinge paneled thay made inquirey hou he Came by his death vpon the Eight day of August 1661 and the inquest found that he the said Richard Elles wos drounded by stres of wethar Axedentually The Names of the Crouner and Inquest M' William Baulston Crouner M'' John Room foreman Anthony Emory PvT John Briggs william Bellinge IVT pettar Talmon Richard Bulgar M' Lott Strainge Jariard Borden M"' John Albrow Henory Lake M' Samwell Sanford James Badcock [1X1] ^^ ^ Metinge of the free inhabitants of the Towne of portsmoth vpon the twenty fourth day of August i66t Vot'' ffor that day m' John Roome wos Chosen Moderator Vol'' The Sargents vvorent Reed in the Assembly and aproued of Comitioners Chosen that day M"' william Baulston, nY Peter Talman Voted nV John Roome, m' John Brigs m' Thomas Lawton, m' John Tripp, all six Chozen to searue vpon a Court of Comitioners hilld at portsmoth i66i. [ io8 ] At a mettinge of the ffree inhabitants of the Towne of ports- moth Octobar the first 1661 Votted M"" WilHam Baulston wos Chozen moderator for that day Voted The Sargents worent Reed and aproued of by the Assembly Graun Jury men Chosen to searue vpon the Genorall Court of trialls to be hilld at portsmoth Votted M' John Porter, m' SamuU Wilbor ff ranees Braiton pettey Jury men vpon the same Court Votted M' WiUiam Almy, m' Thomas Lawton James Badcock That y' lotters are to Run the Hne at the vper End of that land Votted which wos m' Aspenalls, but Now in the possesion of Edward Hutchinsonn from Corner tree to Corner tree, to see if he hath not intrenched or in Croched, vpon that land that wos laid out to Ralph Couland for the vse of Sarah Grenman The Towne did Order y" lotters that thay should see whot land Votted wos wontinge to Sarah Greenman and to make it vp in sum Conveinant place the highwaies only are to be Researued [H2] ^t a Mettinge of y" ffree inhabitants of the towne of portsmoth ffeburary the 24'^' 1661 Votted M' william Baulston was Chosen moderator for y' day Vetted The Sargents worrent Reed in the Assembly y' day Votted Graune Jury men Chosen, Leff tenant John Albro m'' Thomas Brownell Edward ffisher Votted pettey Jury men Chosen. m' John Porter ffrances Braiton John Tripp [ I09 ] i66i. ^^otted it is Ordred by this Assembly of the free inhabitants of ports- moth that a debt of sixten pounds ten shilHngs shall be paid to m"" Ben[ Jdick Arnall ^'otted it is Ordered that a debt of three pounds ten sliillings shall be paid to James Rogers Genarall Sargent v'otted it is Ordered that m' Jolin Sanford is to be paid fiue pounds thirten shillings ^'otted it is Ordered that Richard Bulgar is to be paid twenty shillings it is Ordered that Henery perceye is to be paid twelue pounds ^'otted for the keepinge of william Baker this Next yeare insueinge to be paid Quarterly in wompom at Eight ^p peney Ordered that A Rate is to be made of forty fiue pounds, and m' dotted william Baulston m"' Phillep Sherman m" John Sanford Lefftenant late of John Albro, arc the men apointed to make the said Rate, vpon "^5* land and Estats in the Equallest and Impartialles( way thay Can, at the Rats of wompom Eight f? peney, phillip Tabar and Thomas Ginengs is to gathar it in by the last of march Next affter the date here of aboue writen At A Meetinge of the ffree inhabitants of the Towne of Ports- moth may the twcluth 1662 Votted M'' William Baulston wos Chozen Moderator for that day Votted The Towne sargents worrent Reed and aproved of by the Assembly Votted the Genrall Sargants worent Reed that day and aproved of by y'" Assembly Votted the Rate which wos Ordered to be made ffeburary the 24"' 1661 * The words "of 45" are in different iniv. i662. [ I'o] is this clay ordered to be Reed to this Assembly, and by them it is Confirmed, and is to be gathred in by Thomas Ginienges Kate tovvne Sargent, and hugh Parsons, and to deliuer the said Rate in to the hands of m' vvilliam Baulston towne Tresurer betwen the day of the date aboue writen and the Next Towne meetinge, for which searues thay are to be paid thirty shillings by the towne Tresurer Votted This day Thomas Durfey wos Admitted An Inhabitant of this towne [113] ^t ^^'os Ordered by this Assembly that Henery Pearceye 1 sh Votted is to be paid a bill of 04-11-00 out of the Rate, which mony is to be paid by the tresurer of this towne when the Rate mony Coms in to his hands, which bill is for Charges about william Baker Votted It is ordered that for wotchinge with william Baker in the time of his sicknes John Tifft and John Basly is to be satisfied, with part of william Bakers Clothes, Accordinge to there owne Request Votted Captin John Sanford W Better Talman M'' John Porter M^ William Baulston M' Thomas Lawton M' Robart Hazard are Chosen Comitioners to searue at the Court of Comi- tioners to be hilld at wor- wicke vpon the 20^'' day of this Instant month of may It is Ordered that y'" Tresurer Shall hier a boat to Carie the , Comitioners to the Court to be hilld at worwicke, and to brino-e Votted , . ^ them home againe and to pay for the boats hier out of the tresury mony [ III ] 1662. At a Meetlnge of the free inhabitants of the towne of Portsmoth Jun the second 1662 for Electinge of Towne Ofificers M'' wilHam liaulston wos Chosen moderator for that day The Sargcnts warent Reed and aproved of by the Assembly ]\r John Room wos Chosen head warden for that yeare ]Vr John Sanford wos Chosen Deputy warden for that yeare Richard Bulgar wos Chosen towne Clarke for that yeare M' william Baulston Chosen Tresurer for that yeare Thomas Ginenges wos Chosen Towne Sargent for that yeare IVr John Tripp ) M"' Lott Strainge • Added to the towne Counsell for that yeare Leff^ John Albro Henery Pearceye Phillip Tabar - ware Chosen Constables for that yeare and Hugh parsons ) Ingaged vpon the same day m' Petter Talman and Edward Blunt were Admitted free inhabitants of this towne of portsmoth M' John Sanford and ffrances Braton wos Chosen for that yeare to suruay all the Cattill that are to be transi)orted out of the presinques of this towne of portsmoth, Accordingc to a pre- cedent order ordered that the towne Clarke is to be paid out of y'' Rate for 1 s d searuis 01 — 00 — 00 that y'' Sargant is to be paid out of the Rate for 10 bills presented by him and aproved of by the 1 — s — el Assembly 02 — 00 — 00 [114:] '^^ ^ meetinge-of the free inhabitants of the Towne of portsmoth July the y^^ 1662 l662. [ 112 ] Votted M' John Sanford wos Chosen Moderator for that day The Sargents warent publeshed The Genrall Court Orders publeshed and aproued of by the Assembly It wos Ordered by voate of the free inhabitants of the towne Votted of portsmoth that the Remainder of the last Rate which is vnpaid Rate if it be denied by those that are to pay it, vpon the demaund of the Constable, then the Constable is by veartew of a warent vnder the magestrats hand to leuie it by distraint Votted It wos Ordered by votte of the free inhabitants of the Towne Rate Qf portsmoth that 55 pound ten shillings, shall be gathred by the way of a Rate, Accordinge to the last Genrall Court order, for the suply of nV John Clarke our Agent in England, more ovar it wos ordered and votted by the free inhabitants of y'' towne of portsmoth, that fine men should be Chosen to make to make the aforesaid Rate, and that thay or the mayger part of Votted them, shall make the said Rate Accordinge to the best of there Rate Judgments, vpon lands and Estats, and the said Rate is to be made with in one month after the date of this uresent meetin2;e, the men that are Chosen to make the afore said Rate are m' Phillip Sherman, m' John Sanford, Robart Hazard, Edward fisher and Phillip Tabar, and that these fine men or the maygor part of them shall take in to there Custedie the towne stock. Either Cattill or sheep and make saile of them, and deduct so much as thay amount vnto out of the Rate and make the Rate so much the less At a meetinge of the free inhabitants of the towne of Portsmoth August the 25"" 1662 Votted ivp- John Sanford wos Chosen moderator for that day [ 113 ] i662. btted The Sargents warant Reed in the meetinge and aproued by the Assembly 'otted The Towne Counsells lettar from Newport publickly Reed that day in the Assembly At a meetinge of the free inhabitants of the towne of Portsmoth Septembr the 29"' 1662 M' william Baulston wos Chosen Moderator for that day The towne Sargents worant publickly Reed in the Assembly that day M' william Baulston \ were Chosen Conditioners ]\T John Brigs / to searue vpon the Next [otted M' John Tripp ( Genorall Court of Comi- M' Samuell wilbor ( tioners to be hilld at the M' John Sanford j towne of worwicke M' Thomas Brownell / Graun Jury men 1 ware that day Chosen Graun otted ]\r Samuell wilbor ( j^^'^y i^icn to searue vpon the ]\T Thomas Brownell [ Court of trialls at worwicke AT John Tripp J Pettey Jury men ) John Almy, frances Braiton [• Votted and m' Thomas Lawton I XI 51 ^t a Meetinge of the free inhabitants of the Towne of Portsmoth Decembar y'^ third 1662 M' william Baulston wos Chosen Moderator for that day The Sargents worant Reed in the Assembly that day That day Peter folger late of martins Vinyard presented to the free inhabitants of this towne of portsmoth a lease of house and oiger land from william Corry, the Assembly doth graunt that the said peter folger shall haue a beinge amongst vs during the terme of the saide lease peter i662. [114] votted The free inhabitants of this tovvne hath lent vnto Henory Eiiies henery & his wife One Acre of land Aclioynenge to that land thay Now Eiues Hue vpon, duringe both there Hues, and when thay are both of them dead, the said Acre of land is to returne to the towne againe the said Acre of land is to be laid out by william Hall and Thomas fish Votted The Orders made by the Court of Comitioners at the Generall Court Court hilld at worwicke were publeshed and Aproued by vs the orders free inhabitants of the towne of portsmoth Votted The Same day Assembly of the free inhabitants of the towne of Rate portsmoth did Order by Votte that a Rate of 76 pounds and two 76 pound shillings shall be made, and that m' william Baulston Captin John Sanford and william wodall were Chosen by Voate to make the said Rate with in twenty dayes after the date of this present meetinge Votted it is ordered by the free inhabitants of this towne that the Tres- james urcr shall pay vnto James Sands, all that the said James Can Sands prouc dcw to him, for lodginge and diatt for william Baker, which the towne Vndertooke for to pay At a Mettinge of the free inhabitants of the towne of Portsmoth, Decembar the 19''' 1662 M' william Baulston wos Chosen Moderator for that day The Towne Sargents worant publeshed and Reed in the meet- inge Votted Kate ffor as much as there is an order bearinge date Decembar the is 1 sh 76—02—00 third 1662 that a Rate of 76 — 02 — 00 should be made, for nY John Clarkes suply in England, and that there wos three men Chosen to make the aforesaid Rate, the Assembly hath ordered [ 115 ] i662. e that two men more be added to the former three Namly Leften- ant John Albro and Robart Hazard All fiue or the mayior parte of them are to make the said Rate with in 14 dayes after the date of this meetinge [11.6] It was that day Ordered by Votte that three men be dotted , , I Chosen and apointed to Rcceue the afore said Rate of 76-02-00 ers ^ _ ' which is to be brought in to them by the inhabitants the men that are Chosen are m'' william Balston m' John Sanford and m"" George Lawton, who are apointed to be the towns Receuars vpon that Accounpt It wos further ordered that day by the free inhabitants of the ^tted Towne of portsmoth that Richard Bulgar Towne Clarke, shall goe to all the Inhabitants of this towne, whoe are Concerned in this Rate, and to giue them Notis whot Each man is Ratted, and to apointe them to bringe in pay within 20 dayes after Notis giuen to the afore said three men whoe are apointed to Receue it, and if any Shall Refuse to bringe in there pay, a warent is to goe forth to distraine for it, and sutch Refusers is to pay the Charges for that troble It wos further Ordered by vs the free inhabitants of the Votted Towne of of the Towne of Portsmoth, that m' william Baulston m' John Portar, m' Phillip Sherman, m' John Sanford, and william wodall or the mayior parte of them, are Authorized to goe to Newport and there to treate with Newport men, about our line and accoumpts and haue full power to Ishew that diffr- ence, betwene them and vs Leftenant John Albro is put in nY Shermans place It wos ordered that clay that william wilbor is to haue an Adition of land laide out to his land he now posseseth, which is Votied in Considration of sume land tlie towne tooke from him, which is by Estemation three Quarters of an Acre, to be laid out by i662. [ 1 16 ] the same men that tooke it from him, Namly m' John Roome m"" John Sanford John Briggs frances Brayton and James Badcocke Senyor or by the mayior part of them At a Meetinge of the free inhabitants of the towne of portsmoth the last day of feburerey 1662 Votted M' John Roome wos Chosen moderator for that day Votteci The Sargants worant Reed in the meetinge that day nV wilHam Almy Votted fence Votted Edward Lay y were that day Chosen Graun Christopher Ahny ) Jury men Votted Lott Strainge ) Adam mott ■ were that day Chosen pettey Jeosheua Coggshall ) Jury men Votted that all out fences that are fower foout and a halfe high shall be Judged sufitient fences, provided that there be not aboue fower Inshes distance betwen Each Raile, from the lower Raile to the fourth Raile, beinge sufishently Staked and pould Concerning ffences* [11 "7] It wos Ordered that day that m' John Sanford shall Votted pay to the Towne Sargant 30 shillings, if he haue so much of the Towns money in his hands, and that m' Baulston is to dem.aund it in the behalfe of the Saro-ent o At a meetinge of the free inhabitants of the towne of portsmoth march the 16^'' 1662 or 63 Votted ^^' Jo^'iu Roome wos Chosen moderator for that day Votted '^ '^^ Towne Sargants worant Reed that day The Towne for sume months past hauinge made diuers orders *" Concerning- ffences" is in different ink and liandwritine. ottcd [ 117 ] 1663. ottcd for the makinge of a Rate, and findinge that which is brought forth for a Rate to be dissagreable to the minds and intents of the towne, doe forbid it to pass any further, and doe here by giue order, that whot hath bin paied in vpon the accoumpt there of, shall be Returned to tliem that haue paid it Ordered and voted that for as much as wee the free inhabitants of Portsmoth doe finde that there is a deffect in the Rate, ordered the last meetinge about m' Clarkes suply to the Barbados, wee doe Repele the afore said order, and Votte and agree, that there 1 s shall be another Rate made of 76 — 02 — 03 for the suply of m' John Clarke in England, which Rate is to be Equally Leuied vpon all the inhabitants of Portsmoth or the presinqus of the said Towne and vpon the townes Stock, to make vp the said Rate, and this Rate is to be made within fower months after the I date here of Lott Straingc, William Wodall William Hall, Robart Hazard 'otted and Phillip Tabar, ware Chosen to make the aboue said Rate thay or the mayior part of them *yee are to take the towne Stock in to your hands to make vp the said Rate At a meetinge of the free inhabitants of the towne of portsmoth may tlie fifth 1663 •otted M' John Roome wos Chosen moderator for that day ■'otted The Sargents worant publeshed and aproued of that day lettar A Icttar from our Neighbors of patuxet that day Reed in the Assembly It wos ordered that day that m' John Sanford, william Hall and Christopher Almy Shall take the Accoumpts of the last Rates 'otted which wos gathered for the prison of all the gathrers, and of * These two lines are written in the same ink usetl for the next entry. 1663. [ ii8 ] whot is Come in to the tresury, and whot is paid out, and that m'' Baulston Shall pay to m"" Arnall in wompom at 12 ^p peny so fare as that mony will goe m'' william Baulston Tresurer hath power to sell the townes vottcd Cow that is in his hands for wompom or other pay which mony is to be towards the paiment of m'' Arnall _ At A meetinge of y*" free inhabitants of the towne of portsmoth for y*" Ellectinge of towne officers June y" first 1663 M' william Baulston wos Chosen moderater for that day The Sargants worent that day wos Reed and aproued of ChoTen M' John Roomc Chosen head worden that yeare and Ingaged M' John Sanford Chosen Deputy warden for that yeare and Ingaged Richard Bulgar Chosen Towne Clarke for that yeare and Ingaged M' william Baulston Chosen Tresurer for that yeare Thomas Geninges Chosen Towne Sargent for that yeare and In eased '&"ib^ Leftenant John Albro ] Chosen to be of y'" Towne M' John Briges [• Councill for y' yeare and william wodall Edward ffisher Thomas wai Adam Mott ,,Tr T 1 c r ^ ^] Choscu Survaiors of all such Cattell as are Rurvaioi-s M J ohu hantord and / of Cattell r n •. fto bc trausDortcd from this towne to o'oe Chosen frances Braiton t .1 t 1 w ^ 1 or irom the Island to any other place Cunstabls . , , /-^ i i r i Chosen I homas waitc - were Chosen Lunstables tor that yeare [ 119 ] 1663. etresu' Tlic samc day M"' William P>aulston Trcsurer did Exhibit his ccounts ^^ccoumpts to thc Assembly thay Excapt of them and there Rests dew to him from y'' towne fower pence , , , Where as there wos an order of this Towne at a meetino^e hilld ■■anforcl _ '-' thomas the 28''' of ffeburcry 1662 where in John Sanford wos ordered to 777^ pay to Thomas Gininges 30 shillings, it is further ordered at this present mectinge that the said John Sanford shall pay the said 30 shillings, and shall also pay 22 shillings Six pence more which is in all 52 shillings and 6 pence out of that in his hands of the townes Stocke which Sum is in full for his Searuice as as towne Sargent this last yeare beinge the yeare 1662 [119] Order Concerninge Rams* It was Ordered the same day that In Consideration of the greate losses Sustained by the inhabitants of this towne, by Reson of the greate Negligence in many persons, for not takinge there Sheepe Rames from the Ewes in Seasonable time, It is there fore to kill Ordered, that if any person or persons doe after the 10^'' day of August next and betwene that and the 10"' of Nouembur Anually finde any sheepe Rames one the Comon belonginge to this towne or any part of it It Shall be lawfull for such person or persons, at any time here after, with in the afore said times, to take such Rame or Rames and kill them, and shall haue the one halfe there of to them selues and Shall Returne the othere halfe to the owner or owners of such Rame or Rames, and if the owner or Owners of the said Rame or Rames be not at that present knowne, the person or persons so killinge such Rame or Rames may make vse of the whole, all waies provided that when the owner or owners are knowne, then Restetution is to be made to him or them for the one halfe. It is also provided and ordered * These three words are in a handwriting different from the rest of the page. 1663. [ I20 ] that any such person or persons findinge and kilHnge any such Rame or Rames shall deuly and faithfuly make due and true pubHcation of y'' Naturall and arttificiall markes of Eury such Rame or Rames so taken and killed Either at a towne meetinge, or by a writinge vpon the publicke post, or at the mill, that there by the owner of the said Rame or Rames may be Knowne At a Meetinge of y"" free inhabitants of y'' Towne of portsmoth June y"" 24^'' 1663 M' John Sanford wos Chosen Moderator for y' day the towne Sargants worent Reed the Orders of y"' Court hilld at Providence may y" 12''' 1663 publeshed in y*" towne assembly 1 g,^ ^ the Genorall Recorders lettar Reed for a debt of 3 — 08 — 04 dew for Copies the meeting disalued by Voat At a meetinge of y" free inhabitants of y'' towne of portsmoth Nouember y'^ 7"' 1663 M' william Baulston Chosen Moderator for y' day The Towne sargants worant Reed it is Ordred that John Sanford william Hall & Lott Strainge shall Audiate all y'' Accoumpts of y*" last Rate for y'' prison of all y" gatherars, and of whot is Com in to y'' tresury and whot is paid out, and that y"' tresurer shall pay to m'' Arnald in wompom at 12 ^ peney so fare as y"^ wompom will goe, & that thay are for this end to meet vpon tusday Com seuen Night followinge It is Ordered that y" Agreement between Newport Agreem ^ud portsmotli about y'' line between the two townes is to be ^"•^ Recorded in y" booke of land Euidences and y'' origenall Copie to be with y' said booke [ 121 ] 1663. oketo ^^ ^^ Ordered y^ y*" towne Clarke Richard Bulgar is to figure figure Eury leafe in order of y'' booke of land Euidences and is to be paid for doinge of it The meetinge is Reiurned tell tusday morninge Eight of the Clocke Tusday y*" 10"' of Nouembr The Genorall Court Orders Reed in y*" Assembly ^^^ Ordered y' nV Baulston & m"' Sanford are Chosen to goe to New- ,ewpo port to see if thay Can procure any man that will pay 17' — 10 sh for y'^ towne and to treatc vpon y" best tearms thay Can and to bringe y' Result to the towne by them to be aproued of for as much as that there is very greate distruction of sheep by wolues or other vearmin for v'' preuention of which it is Ordred dnue •^'^ Hand that vpon Satharday Next if it be faire wether, if not then vpon y' monday followinge and if y*^ be foule wether then vpon y*" wensday Next the Hand shall be driuen At a Meetinge of y^ ffree inhabitants of y'' Towne of Portsmoth Novembar the 17"" 1663 Ordered that y" towne Clarke shall putt it to Vott whether there shall be a moderator Chosen this day or not Votted there shall be a moderator Chosen this day ]\r william Balston is Chosen moderator for this day The Genorall Sargents worrant Reed for y'' Caulinge of a Court of Comitioners to be hilld at Newport the towne Searsrents worrant Reed It is Ordred that three men be Chosen who are here by Auther- Kate ized to make a Rate, for so much to be paid by this towne that Shall make vp y'^ sum of Seuenten pounds ten shillings in Currant monies in England for m' John Clarks suply, and this Rate to be forthwith made, and y" pearsons y' make y*" Rate 1663. [ 122 ] knowinge who y'' pearsons are that doe Effect the Suddin pai- ment of y*" said mony, shall Signifie in y' said Rate to whom Each man shall bringe in his Rate and this Rate to be brought in by Each man [1^1.] with in one months time after this meetinge the men Chosen to make the said Rate is m'' william Baulston John Sanford & Robart hazard all or any two of them agreeinge shall be Authenticke It is allso ordered that the said Rate is to be made as Equaly as may be one mens whole Estats with in this Towneship and when y" Rate is made Thomas Ginnings is to Aquainte Each party vvhot he is Rated and to whom he shall pay it proc Ordered that m"" william Baulston John Sanford John Almy w*: such others as thay Can procure to lay downe present pay for y" towns vse for painge the fore said sume, shall treate with m' Joseph wise or others for Effectinge the afore said sum in Eng- land and the towne are to beare y" hazard and Charge of Trans- portinge Cattle in Efectinge y"" premises Ordred y'^ Thomas Gininges is to be paid out of y'' towne tresury 20 shillings for worninge towne meetings ordred y' John Anthony shall be paid 30 shilHngs out of y*" towne tresury for firinge & Candle and other troble in y"' time of y' Courts At a meetinge of y'* free inhabitants of y' towne of Portsmoth Decembar the 23, 1663 20^ Votted that y*' 20' deliured by m'' Sanford & John Almy to bar- tholmew west to be paid in England to m' John Clarke or to his order for y"" vse of y*" towne of portsmoth is this day aproued of [ 123 ] i66 J- ordered that y*" Recaite of y'' aboue said 20' vnder y" hand of y*" iccait aboue said Barthohiiew west, is this day dehurcd in to y*" hands of y'' towne Clarke by him to be kept with y'' Rest of y*" towne Records ordred that m' John Sanford is to be paid 4' for his goinge to boston upon y'' towns searuice for his time & Expences vpon y" aboue said accoumpt Almy [122] Ordred that m'' John Sanford is to be paid 35 shillings more for driuinge Cattle to boston & 5 shillings paid by him to Bartholmew west ordred that y*" towne Clarke shall be paid out of y*" towne 1 — s — d tresury for seruice don for y'' towne — 01 — 10 — 00 ■ Graund Jury Jacob Mott ) men Chosen Pettey Jury men Capt Thomas Cooke ] M' Barthlomew west ;- pettey Jury william wilbure ) men Vpon a motion & Request of Thomas Butts to this towne to Exchainge a pearcell of vpland for a pearcell of marsh lyinge in the Comon ffence, the towne doe agree and order that the said Thomas Butts hauinge in this meetinge Surrendred the said marsh land vnto y'* Towne he is to haue in leiw there of so much [ 131 ] 1665. vpland acre for Acre laid ont vnto him in y" Comon ffence, to be laid out Next vnto Richard Bulgars Land, Leauinge a ssuficent highway of fovver Rods wide, betwen the greate Rockc and that land and the said land is to be laid out to him by william hall and Lefftenant John Albro ffines [128] ^t a Meetinge of y*" free inhabitants of Portsmoth the 22"' of ffeburery 1665) or 66 M' william Baulston wos Chosen Moderator for y' day Votted the same day that a Comittee be Chosen to make a Rate of one hundred pounds to pay m' John Clarke Votted that y'' Nomber of y'' Comittee agreed vpon is Eleuen Votted that Lefft John Albro John Tripp Sen' and John Brigs are three of y^' Comittee william wodell Samwell wilbure Thomas Cornell John Almy John Cooke william Hall Lott Strainge nV william Baulston Votted that wensday Next beinge y" Last day of ffeburery this Comitte is to meete and that thay haue power or the mayior parte of them to make a Rate of one hundred pounds Not for- bidinge any towns men to Come in Vpon that day to speake Either for them selues or giue there Advice Votted that a pettione be drawen vp and 'presented to y'' Gouer- nor for y'' Caulinge & Conuentinge of a Genrall assembly in Conueniant time for y- sctlinge the affaires of the Collony before the Next Court of Election and that y'' said pettion is to be ssigned by y'^ Clearke of this towne and m"" william Baulston and Capt John Sanford are to draw vp the said pettion Votted that william wodell Lott Strainge John Brigs John San- ford are Chosen to peruse and draw vp an aCoumpt of tlie i666. [ 132 ] seurall Rates and towns stock and to glue an aCoumpt whot Still is Remainenge by Each man vnpaid fines At a Meetins^e of the free inhabitants of Portsmoth the 21"' of march 1665 or 66 M"" Samwell Wilbor wos Chosen moderator for that day the towne that day declared by Voate that thay were well satis- fied with the Rate made the 21''' of march 1665 or 66 to pay m' John Clarke w' Rate amounts to one hundred pounds Votted that day that M' william Baulston M' Samwell wilbore IVr John Brigs shall Repaire to m' John Clarke and treate with him aboute the paiment of the affore said 100' Rate and bringe his answer to y*" towne Deputies Chosen m"" william hall m' Lott Strainge m' John Brigs m*" william wodell fifines At a Meetinge of the ffree inhabitants of portsmoth Aprill the 25th 1666 M"" william Baulston wos Chosen moderator for that day Deputies y' day Chosen m' John Sanford 1 m"" Thomas Lawton ^^ r -n- J 11 ( Deputies m William wodell m' John Albro J [ 133 ] i666. [129] Graun Jurey men y" clay Chozen Joshua Coggshall j Hugh Parsons - Graun Jury men John Tripp Seny"" ) Pettey Jury men M' william Ahny j Robert Hazerd r Petty Jurynicn Acabod Shefeld ) Votted and Ordered tliat Lefftenant John Albro and wiUiam hall shall Run the line of any man in this towne that hath taken in any of the Comon, and shall be paid for there Labors out of the towne tresury and thay are to forbidd any further buldinge vpon the towns land Ordered that vpon the Request of nV John Almy to y'' Towne, for the Exchainginge of Land, that he may haue on Ackre of land it is agreed that he the said John Almy Shall haue one ackre of land Nere adioyninge to the Birch Swamp buttinge one the salt water leuinge out the springe head, in Leiw where of he is to lay downe and leue to y' towne, So much land as may in Equality be Judged Equall in quantety or Quality, and the pearsons to lay out the said Ackre of land are william Hall and Leff John Albro who likewise are to Judge the Equality of y" land ffines Vpon A day of Election of Officers for y*" Towne of Portsmoth June the l^orth 1666 ]\r William Baulston wos Chosen Moderator for that day M' william Baulston wos Chosen Tresurer for that yeare Richard Bulgar wos Chosen Towne Clarke for that yeare Thomas Jeninges wos Chosen Tow^ne Seargent for that yeare i666. [ 134 ] The Towne Counsell Chosen for y^ yeare M"" wiUiam Baulston Gen''" assistant M"" Samwell Wilbure Gen' assistant M' william wodell first Cap^ John Sanford second Leff' John Albro third W wiUiam Hall forth Cunstables m'' Anthony Emory ) Chosen Cunstables ^ m' Henory Pearcey [- for that yeare S nV Thomas Cornell Seruayors of Cattell M' John Trip Senyor ^ Chosen Seruaiors } Capt John Sanford S for that yeare S Ordered that where as by the providence of god there are seuerall of our Contrymen are Arriued one our Island, and Exposed to destresed sume hardships for y'^ present, There fore it is allowable for any straingers inhabitant with in this towne to Entertaine the affore mentioned pearsons in his family, as he shall See good. Any order to the Contrary not withstandinge Relatinge to this present Cace and present occation only Ordred that Leff' John Albro William Hall Leff' ffranccs Braiton "/■ *" "' and M' John Briers Senv' are Authorized to take a viwe of all the ite wayes -' o j high wayes & Drifft wayes that are not yett Returned and to make the Returne of them to y'' Towne with whot Sped thay Can The Meetino^e is desalued ffiines Augvst y^ 27*'' 1666 M' william Baulston wos Chosen moderator for that day [ 135 ] i666. Deputies Chosen m' John Trip Senyor 1 m' John Sanford 2 m"" John Anthony Senyor 3 Lefft John Albro Voted that two of y*' Neighbors are to goe to william Cadman and Signifie vnto him that there is a towne law made in y*" yeare 1654 which doth forbid any inhabitant to Receue or Entertaine any Suggenor or straingcr aboue one month, with out the aprobation or Consent of the inhabitants of this towne, Vpon the penualty of y'' forfiture of 5 pound for Eury month so offendinge and that the said Neighbors are here by Authorized to forewarne william Cadman that he Entertaine no longer in his howse one william maze then the said month william Hall and william wodell are y" men Chosen who are to haue there order vnder the towne Clarks hand, and to bringc his Answer to y" maiestrats of this towne forth with Lewis Mattex stands propounded for to be Admitted an inhabi- tant of this towne M' frances Gizborn is this day Admitted a free inhabitant of this towne [131] At a Meetinge of the free inhabitants of portsmoth October y' 19"' 1666 M' william Baulston wos that day Chozen modderator M' John Card wos that day admitted a free inhabitant of this towne of portsmoth Lewes Mattex wos that day Admited a free inhabitant of this towne of portsmoth Deputeies Chosen for y*" Genrall Court 1 m' John Card 2 Cap' John Sanford 3 m' Joshua Coggshall 4 m' John Albro i666. [ ^36 ] Graund Jury men 1 m'^ Jarrerd Borne 2 m' John Brigs 3 m' Edward Lay Petty Jury men 1 m"" Robart Hazard 2 Capt Thomas Cooke 3 nV John Almy Ordered that y'' Rate of one hundred pounds made and ordred by the towne march 21"' 1665 or 66 shall be deliured vnto Capt John Sanford and Leftenant John Albro, and shall by them be sent to all the towns men there in Ratted to Signifie vnto them how much thay are Rated and all so that thay doe forthwith make preparation for the paiment there of, and that the said Rate is to be brought in vnto them At a meetinge of y^ free inhabitants Janauery y" 5''' 1666 M' william Baulston wos Chosen Moderator for that day the Genrall Courts orders publeshed that day John Pearce admited that day a free inhabitant of this towne m' Smiten wos that day Receued as a Suggener in to this towne vntell further order Lefftenant John Albro presented a bill of debt about worke done at y^ fort Richard Bulgar presented a bill of 30 shill w' wos aproved and past by the voat of y" towne [13^] -^t a Meetinge of y*" free inhabitants of the Towne of portsmoth Aprill y^ 23^^ 1667 M' william Baulston Chosen moderator for y' day the Genrall Sargants worrant Reed in that Assembly [ ^Z7 ] 1667. Deputies Chosen for searues in y*" Genorall assembly 1 M"- John Card 2 M' william wodell 3 M' wilHam Hall 4 M"^ Robert Hazard Deputies Graund Jury men 1 Adam Mott 2 Giddion frceborn 3 William Corry pettey Jury men 1 William Cadman 2 Danille Greenell 3 Thomas ffish Graund Jury men pettey Jury men J jotted that m' John Sanford william wodell Lefftenant John Albro Thomas Cooke Senyor John tripp Senyor m' william Almy william Hall which seuen men and some others that these 7 men may advise with all to Consider of a way to preuent the distruc- tion of wood and timbar in the Comons of this towneship and to Ripl 1 a way of Redres and to present there thoughts to y^ Next towne meetinge ffines l:ction [133] ^tt a Meetinge of y'^ ffree inhabittants of y'' Towne of portsmoth Jun y'' 3"^ 1667 M' william Baulston wos Chosen moderator for that day Richard Bulgar wos that day Chosen towne Clarke for the yeare inshuinge and ingaged The Towne Counsell Chosen for y" yeare inshuinge i667. [ 138 ] M' william Baulston Cap' John Sanford Leff' John Albro r -ir 1 n Ingjao-ed all m William wodell ; ^ ^ m"" Robart Hazard \ m'' Samwell wilbor I Constables Chosen John Brigs Senyor Chozen for y' yeare & ingaged frances Braiton Chosen for y' year and ingaged Thomas Cornell Chosen for y' yeare and ingaged Thomas Ginings wos that day Chosen towne Sargant for the yeare inshuinge and ingaged m'' John Sanford ) are Chosen suruayors m"^ John Tripp Senyor ^ of Chattell for y' yeare inshuinge m'' william Baulston Chosen Tresurer for y' yere & ingaged The Recepricall Ingagement Adminestred to y" officers ffines [134] ^^ ^ Meetinge of y"" ffree inhabitants of y"" towne of portsmoth June 26'!' 1667 M' william Baulston Chosen moderator for y' day Deputies Chosen 1 m' PhiTlep Sherman 1 2 m'' John Card I Deputies for y" 3 m' Edward Lay | Next genorall Court 4 m'' John Tripp Senyor J Hugh Dickman is this day Admitted an Inhabitant amongst vs A bill presented by Lefftenant John Albro ) r ^ 47 — iQ — 00 01 47 — 19 — 00 ) ^' ^ A remonstrance from Providence towne Reed in y' assenbly Fines [ 139 ] 1667. At a Meetinge of y' ffree inhabittants of y" Towne of portsmoth October 17'^ 1667 M'' william Baulston Chosen moderator for y' day 1 Richard Borden 1 2 Joshua Coggshall 3 william wodell 4 Jariard Borne Chosen Deputies for October Courte Edward ffisher Captine Cooke John Cooke Lott Strainge Thomas Lawton Robert Denes Chosen Graund Jury men for y' Courte of Tryalls I Chosen petty Jury men for y'^ Courte j of Tryalls the Sargents worrent Reed to y*" Assembly the Genorall laws Reed to the Assembly M"" william Smitan wos that day Admitted a free-inhabitant of the towne of portsmoth Fines [135] ^t a Meetinge of the free inhabitants of the Towne of Portsmoth aprill y^ 28^'' 1668 M' william Baulston Chosen Moderator for y' day the Sargants worant Reed for warninge y'' said meetinge Deputies Chozen M^F kilip Shcri Ttfeft 1 M"" William Hall 2 Lefft John Albro 3 M"" Josheuah Coggshall 4 Cap*^ John Sanford Deputies for the Next Genrall Court Voted 1668. [ 140 ] Graund Jury men Chosen 1 Hugh pearsons 2 Richard Borden 3 Edward Lay Gran Jury men for y^ Court of tryalls Petty Jury men M' william Almy Jacob Mott Anthony Emory petty Jury men for y Court of tryalls Voted Where as William Earle and William Corry haue sett vp a wind mill in this towne on the hill Caled Brigs his hill, and thay pro- posinge to haue two Ackres of land, by way of Exchainge for there accomodation, the towne doe agree and order that thay layinge dovvne two Ackres of land to the Comon of this towne thay shall haue two Ackres laid out to them on the said hill, Nere to y'' wind mill leuinge out the place the mill now stands on and Conveniant way to y" said mill Comon, and the said two ackres of land shall be to y*" said william Earle and william Corry and there heires and assignes for Euer and the former Order of the graunte of an ackre and a quarter of land by the towne at a meetinge hild y^ first of may 1665 by there Consents is made null and Repealed Leftenant Albro and william Hall are here by authorized to lay out the said two ackres of land, and to Receue in the towns behalfe two ackres of theres land to be laid to the Comon, []_36 1 where as there hath bine Ceartaine bills of debt pre- sented to the inhabitants at this meetinge, and Ceartine Rates formerly made to pay the towns debts and the said Rates not as yet pearfected nor an aCoumpt giuen in of them, and for the more spedy payment of the said debts the inhabetants of this towne of portsmoth hath drawne vp this followinge order Viz where as there haue bine seurall Rates made in this towne for the paimente of the towns debts, and there beinge no Exact [ 141 ] i668. accoumpt yet taken, how and which way the said Rates haue bine gathred and improued by Reson where of the towne are much in the Darke, how to procede to make further Rates not knowinge but there may be all Redey suf^tient Rates made to pay the towns Debts therefore and for the Cleeringe so fare as may be the seurall Rates formerly made in this Towne and to whot End and vse thay were made The towne doe order that a Comittee be Chosen to make a supputation in to all the seurall Rates all Redey on the Records of the towne to be leuied and take an accoumpt whot the Seurall Soms are, and to whot End thay were so made and all so: so fare as thay Can to inquier how fare thay haue bine im proved to y" End thay were made, that there by the Towne may haue a more Cleere vnderstandinge of there accoumpts, and the said Comittee are to make Returne of there proceeds here in to y"" Next towne meetinge. The Comittee Chosen and Authorized are M*" Philip Sherman M"" william wodell m' Thomas Cornell m"" william Hall and Cap' John Sanford thay or the mayior part of them are Authorized to acte in the premises the same day m' frances Gisborn presented a pettion to the in- liabitants which pettion wos graunted and order taken about him there wos the same day a Remonstrance presented subscribed william Harris from providence all so there wos seurall bills of debt that day presented one from Leff' Albro, on from y" towne Clarke one from y*" towne Sargant which y*" inhabitants tooke in to there Consideration and drew vp the foregoinge order about it the meetinge for that day wos dissalued f^nes [13TJ June y'^ fifirst 1668 beinge the day of Election for ofificers in the Tow^ne of Portsmoth 1 668. [ H2 ] Votted M' wilHam Baulston Chozen moderator y' day 4 men Chosen to y*" two magestrats for a towne Councell 1 Capt John Sanford 2 Leuft John Albro 3 m"^ John Tripp Senyor 4 m'' Eward ffisher y" Towne Councell Chosen y' day Votted Constables Chosen for the yeare inshuinge ] 1 M' John Briggs I 3 Constables Chosen 2 M'' william wdlbor that day T, M"" Hueh Pearsons Voted Richard Bulgar Chosen Towne Clarke for y" yeare inshuinge Votted M' william Baulston Chosen Tresurer for the yeare inshuinge Votted Richard Bulgar Chosen Towne Seargant and watter baly for this yeare inshwinge Survaiers of Cattell Voted [138] IVP John Tripp Senyor ) Captin John Sanford C Ouerseers for the poore M' william Baulston M' Samuell wilbore Suruaiers of Cattle Ouerseers for y"" poore The Sargants worent Red in y"^ assembly The Genrall Laws publeshed in the assembly 40' Rate: Ordcrd that a Rate of forty pounds be forth with made in this Votted Towne for y"" suply and Relefe of Henry Eues and his wife for this insuinge yeare, and that the said Rate shall after notes giuen to Each person how much he is Rated be forth with brought in, and deliured in to y^ hands of the overseers of y^ poore or to whome thay shall apointe for y'' End and Vse afore said, and that if any person doe neglect to bringe in his proportion as he is Rated and that there by he shall Caus distraint to fetch it, then [ 143 ] i668. that person or persons so neglectinge shall besids y'' sume he is Rated beare and pay all y*^^ Charge of gathringe it, and the per- sons Chosen to make y'' afore said Rate are m' philip Sherman m' Joshua Coggshall m' John Tripp m' william wodell and m'' william Hall thay or the mai'"" part shall make the said Rate, and the Towne Seargant shall giue notice to Each person how much he is Rated and as afore said to bringe it in where as Seuerall persons were dessiered and impoured at a meetingc hilkl y'' 20"' of April last to make inspection in to y'' the next meet 5tted accoumpts of ould Rats, and to make Returne to this meetinge, and thay in this intrem not hauinge done any thinge in it, the power then Comitted to them is Continewed, and Left John Albro added to them, and thay are to make there Returne to y*" Next Towne meetinge The Meetinge is dissalued fiRnes ri39 I ^t a Meetinge of y'' ffree inhabitants of y" Towne of Portsmoth y^" 16''' of Octobar 1668 M' william Baulston Chozen moderator for y' day The Sarjants worrant Reed for warninge y*" meetingc 1 m' John Sanford 2 m' John Briggs 3 m' John Tripp 4 m' John Albro 1 Capt Thomas Cooke 2 m' Thomas ffish ' Chosen Graund Jury men 3 m' Thomas Lawton 1 m"" Thomas Cornell 2 m' william Corry (. Chosen petty Jury men 3 nV ff ranees Bray ton Chozen Debuties for Octobar Court i668. [ 144 ] Thomas Butts hauinge pettioned to y*" Towne of portsmoth for y" Exchainginge of a parcell of land which he before Exchainged with y'" towne and this presante meetinge beinge but small in numbar thinke not fitt to Act in it: but Reffere it to the Next towne meetinge: as a part of y' busnies of that day or meetinge: Entred as a towne order Joseph Tripp Receued a freeman of this towne of portsmoth vpon that day Dauid Lake Receued a freeman of this towne of portsmoth vpon that day The assembly desalued for y' day ffines [140] "^^ ^ Meetinge of y"" ffree inhabitants of the Towne of Portsmoth ffebreuery y"' 27"' 1668 M' William Baulston Chozen Moderator for y' day the Sargiants worrant that day Reed Voted Ordered that y'^ power Committed vnto m' Sherman william Hall L' John albro will wodell Thomas Cornell and John San- ford at y'' last towne meetinge hilld June the fifth for the Audi- atinge of y" towns Accoumpts in Rates is Continewd vnto them and thay are dessired or y" Majo'^ part of them forthwith to proceed to y" ffinishinge of that worke and thay are dessired to meet to that End on Tusday Next beeinge the Second of march next at y*" howse of m' william Baulston and for there informa- tion thay may Caule in such of there Neighborhood as may Clere vp those mattars vnto them and make there Retturne to y^ tow^ie at this next meetinge the meetinge is adjurned tell the 8 day of march march the 8^'' M' william Dyer presented writinge about an Island Commonly Cauled by the name of Dyers Island [ 145 ] 1669. The senrall Rates Audiated presented and Reed to y*" inhabitants that day wos Lathrum Clarke Admitted a free inhabitant of this towne of Portsmoth the same day wos Joseph Houlderbee and Thomas Hauens Ad- mited free inhabitants of this towne of portsmoth [14:1] William Ikirrington wos y' day Receued an Inhabitant of this towne of portsmoth Whereas at y'' last towne mcetinge there wos an Audiate im- powered and Continewed to draw vp an aCount of y*" towns Rates, and thay hauinge taken pains in that Respect haue pre- sented there Result there on, vpon which it is found that seurall pearsons are behinde and haue not paid to y^ Rates by them Audted, yett some pearsons in this meetinge Eledginge thay haue paid and as yett not Cleered to whome, Therefore the Towne orders that y' then Auditters viz philip Sherman william Hall John Albro william wodell Thomas Cornell and John San- ford are dessired and Authorized thay or the maio' part of them to meet on the 22''' day of this instant month march at y'" howse of m"" william Baulston to make a trew Examination of the per- ticuler pearsons Concearned and all other who are in other Audits found indebted how and w' way thay haue paid and dis- charge the Sums thay or any of them are Charged for and to that End the towne Sariant is Authorized to giue notis to the pearsons who are to y" towne indebted to Come to the place afore nominated at the time afore said there to giue an aCoumpt to the said Auditt[ ] how and to whom thay haue paid whot thay are Charged and if any shall Neglect at that time to apeare and giue an aCoumpt there of forth with distrainte shall be Isued forth and whot thay or any of them are behinde shall be taken and Returned to y" towne tresury The meetinge is Adjurned tell y*" 29''' of march next March y'' 29"' thay meet aeaine 1669. [ 146 ] march y*" 29 ^}^gj.g ^^ |-|^jg townc at there meetinge hilld the 8'^ day of this instante month march vpon serious Considerations of sume matters which Could not then be Isued adiorned to this instant day and through neglect the voat of there adiornme[ ] not beinge Recorded there fore the towne doe | 142] ^"^^^^ Votte and order that y^ said adjornment be now putt on Record and so the towne proceeds to act accordingly Voated that 7 men are Chossen to meete on thursday next it beinge y"" first of aprill to draw vp sume propositions about the fferey to be presented to y'' next towne meetinge at y" howse of m"" william Baulston on monday next beinge the fifth of aprill the men Chossen were philip Sherman william wodell william Hall m' SamuU wilbor Cap' John Sanford m'' John Tripp and Thomas Cornell y"" 7th man this meetinge is adjorned vntell monday which is the 5th day of aparill Aprill y*" 5''' thay meet againe and dissalued the meetinge not Concludinge on any thinge that day At a Meetinge hilld by the ffree inhabitants of y" Towne of portsmoth Aparill the 28"' 1669 M' william Baulston Chozen moderator for that day the towne seargants worrant Reed that where as it wos Ordred by the towne of portsmoth Novem- ber the 13th 1654 that there should be a high way to the Springe one the south of phillip Shermans land which wos accordingly done yett notwithstandinge the high way beinge laid out four Rod wide the said high way beinge now by william Almy fenced from the Common, the towne doth there fore order y'^ the said high way shall be laid open the Common againe forth with with [ H7 ] 1669. out delay by the said william, and in Cace he the said william Shall Neglect to lay the [X4:3] said Springe open then the towne shall Chouse men to lay it open at this presant meetinge as allso all othere land taken in Contrary to graunt Ordered that y" two Survayers Richard Borden and William Hall with two Constables to assiste them Namly John Brigs Senyor and Hugh parsons shall forthwith Repaire vnto william Almys and lay open a highway which wos laid out for the towns vse Lyinge between the land of william Almy and the land of phillip Sherman downe to the springe, and allso all othere lands taken out of y*" Common or not beinge legaly granted 1 Cap' John: Sanford 2 M"" John: Brigs Seny' 3 ]\r John: Tripp Seny' 4 M' Lott Strainge J W Edward Lay M^ Ralph Earle Sen^ W John Ant hony Sen*" ] W Adam: Mott Danill Greenell Gersham wodell Chosen Deputyes Chosen Gran Jury men Chosen petty Jury men [144] ffreemen Admitted that day Vnud Richard Pearce Jun": william Browne John Perce: william Brigs Thomas Jnings Jun"' william Maess votted that y'' preposalls about the ferrey be Reed dotted that m' John Sanfords Answers about the ferey be Reed ^■oacd t^'^^t nV John Sanford is to haue the preposalls about y" ferey to Consider of them and to Returne them to the towne the Next Towne meetino-e 1669. [ 148 ] [145] ^tt A meettinge of the ffree inhabitants of the Towne of Portsmouth on their Election Day the 7"" of June Ann° 1669 m' WilHam Baulston chosen Moderator for that day WilHam Hall chossen Towne clerk who Refussinge to Serve John Sanford chosen & Ingaged m'' John Tripp Sen*^ 1 L' John Albro Chossen to be of the Towne Counsell m^ William Hall m' William Wodall m"" William Baulston chossen Treasurer Thomas Ginings Sen"" chossen Towne Serjant m"^ John Brigs ] m' John Strainge - chossen Cunstables m' Latham Clarke ) John Sanford ) r r- ^1 T 1 ^ . c r chossen burvavers tor Catie. John 1 ripp ben ) -' m' John paine and William Alin of prudance Island are admitted ffree Inhabitants of this Towne. Voated. Whereas John Strainge was chossen Cunstable, and he pleadinge to the Towne to be Releassed from Serveinge in that office Eleaginge that he Conceives him Selfe other-wise Ex- cussed by Reason of the loss of one of his members in the warrs in England Thereupon the Towne doe Release him And have made choyce of Gersham Wodell Cunstable in his Roome who accordingly is ingaged. Voated Whereas there w^as an order, made by this Towne at their meetfinge held march the 8''' 1668 wherin it was Ordered that the Sum or Sums of any person or persons who have not payd theire proportion in Rate or Rates That what any person was then (by the Awditt apoynted to Examine of the Accounts of the Sayd Rates) behinde in payment It should be taken by dis- [ 149 ] 1669. traynt if not other-wise payd, and returnd into the Towne Treasury The Towne doe now againe Revise the Sayd order, and doe Referr the prossicution thereof unto the Majestrats To them forth-with by distraynt to Cause the Sufiis Menciond in the accounts given in by the then apoynted Auditors to be accordingly gathered and brought in, And for their more full in- formation the Towne clerke is to deliver a Copie of the Account vnto the Majestrates, And That the Treasurer Eiiieadiatly vpon the Receipt of the monies due or any part thereof is to Satisfy nV Richard Bulgar what the Towne is indebted unto him. m' William Baulston ] chossen over-seers for m"" Joshua Coggeshall - the poore in this Towne m' Sam" Wilbur ) for this yeare Voated That the Care in provoidinge for the Suteable Supply of Henry Eves this yeare is Referred to the over-seers of the poore to Order £for the most Ease to the Towne and Comfort of the Sayd Eves according to the best of their jugments Voated That the Towne Serjant for this insueinge yeare as his wagis from the Towne for warneinge Towne Meetings Deputies and jurry-men untill this time twelve-months the Sum of Six pence payd him by Every ffreeman of this Towne whome he Shall Soe warne, And that if the Sayd Serjant Shall neglect to warne any ffree-man to the Towne meetings who are in the Towne or may have Notice thereof he shall forfitt and pay to that person he Neglects to warne the Sum of twelve pence Voated That whereas it is informed to this meetinge that phillip Sachim of mount hope hath putt Severall Swine on hog-Island therein intrudeincje on the Rights of this Towne It is Ordered that a letter shall be drawne up by the Towne clerke to fore- warne the Sayd phillip from any further proceeds in that nature, and ako forth-with to remove Such Swine or other Catle he hath putt on the Sayd Island, or other-wise the Towne doe Conceive he deales unjustly with them, and he will Constraine them to 1669. [ 15^"^ ] further proceeds to defend their Legall Rights against him: And the Sviyd Letter is to be Signed by the niajestrats with the Towne clerke. and a Copie thereof left on Record for the low -.I OS use [146] -^^ ^ ^Teettinge of the ffree-Inhabitants of portsniouth the: 10 of October. 1000 nV W'ilaani Raulston chossen Moderator for this meettinge: Anthony Sliaw. Hugh Moissier, and John pinner are admitted ffreemen John Sanford 1 are Chossen Debuties for the m'^ Sanuiell Wilbur [ Next Gen'3 Asembly to be held L' fifran. Brayton j the last Wedensday in this M William Wodell J instant October Anthony Emn." ) chosen Grand-jurry-men, to Serve at Thomas Cornell - tlie Gem' Court of Tn.-alls to be held John Cooke ; this instant Octob' at Xex^'port. John Almy 1 chosen pettitt-jurry-men to Serve at William Cadman - the Gen' Court of Tryalls to be held Gidion ffreeborne ^ this instant October at New-port. Voated Whereas It is Complained by Divers to this meettinge. that nr William Almy hath fenced in a high-way, betweene his now dwelling house and the Dwelling house of m' phillip Shear- man in this Towne of portsmoth, which high-way doth lead to one of the most principle watteringe-places for Catle in this Towne; whereby Sevendl of the Inhabittants are much wronged, and have Complained, and Desired the Sayd nv Almy to throw the Sayd way open: And he Refuseinge See to doe: The Towne Therefore doe Order that a Legall Course Shall be taken by the Towne against m^ Almy for the Defence of their Right in the Sayd high-way: And to that End Trie a title in Law with the [ -SI ] 1669. Sayd m' Almy And Therefore doe agree to apoynt a person to prossicute against the Sayd m' Almy this next Court of Tryalls and Soe to follow it in the Townes behalfe and with their Authorety till a judgment in Law be procured M' phillip Shear- man afore- Named is Chosen and Authorized to be the person to prossicute on the Townes behalfe the afore-Named premises against m' Almy, And to that End to use his vtmost Indeavo? in all lawful! waies to Carry on the Same: and for his Charge therein he is to be borne harmeless by the Towne. At a Meetinge of the ffree Inhabitants of the Towne of ports- mouth, held the if"^ of March, 1669 70 m' William Baulston chossen Moderator for this meetinge: John Sanford m^ William Wodell L' John Albro Ens7 Lott Straing J Chossen Deputies for the next Gen'.' Asembly to be Held at Newport the 22''' of this instant Month March. At a Meetinge of the ffree-Inhabitants of the Towne of ports- mouth the 27"' of Aprill 1670 m' William Baulston chossen Moderator for this ^Meetinge. 1 Chossen Deputies for the next Gen'^.' } Asembly to be held at Newport the j first Wedensday in May next beinge J the 4''' Day of that month. r T ,, p, 1, ! Chossen to Serve on the Grand jurry at the ^^^ ^ ^'^^^^ v^larlce | . ^^ T \\T•^^• \\T-\\. next Gen Court of Iryalls to be held at m' William Wilbur V^ , . ^t i r ^^ ■ r TT 1 Newport the first Mundav next followin2:e m' Hugh persons ' , / ,,. , , • >t r 1 j the first vV edensday in May afore -sayd m' John Tripp Sen' John Sanford L' John Albro m' Thomas Cornell 1670. [ 152 ] Jarad Bourne ] Chossen to Serve on the pettitt Hugh Moisser - jurry at the Court of Tryalls Samuell Sanford ) afore-sd. Voated that John Sanford is chossen an Atturney for the Towne to make Defence in the Townes Behalfe to that action Comenced by m'' Wilham Ahny against the Towne. Voated that this meetinge is adjourned till to-morrow Eight of the clock At the meetinge of the Towne on the Sayd adjournment it being Aprill 28^'' Voated that m"' William Hall is chossen an Aturny for the Towne to plead and mannage the Townes Defence in an action Coinenced by m' William Almy against m' Willia. Baulston Treasurer on the Townes behalfe Att a Meetinge of the ffree-Inhabitants of the towne of ports- mouth Held on their Election Day beinge the 6- of June. 1670 m' William Baulston chossen Moderator of this Meetinge: John Sanford Chossen Towne Clerke and Ingaged. John Sanford m' Joshua Coggeshall ^ Chosen to of the Towne Counsell m"" W^illiam Hall I & Ingaged m*" phillip Shearman J m"" John Brigs ) m"" Gersh~ Wodall > chossen Cunstables and Ingaged. m'' Tho. ffish ) m' V/illia Allin chossen Cunstable and Ingaged m' William Baulston chossen Treasurer, Ingaged. Thomas Jenings chossen Towne Serj' and Ingaged T 1^^ o ^ r ( Chossen to Survaie Catle. John Sanford ) [ >53 ] 1670. m' William Baulston nV Joshua Coggeshall m' Sam" Wilbur m' Joshua Coggshall m' Sam" Wilbur m' Robert Hazard m' Lott Strainse Chossen Overseers for the poore in this Towne Chossen Debuties to Sitt at the next Gen'.' Asembly to be held at Newport the 7''' of this instant June. Voated to be the forme of the In2;ao;ment to all the Towne officers Yow A: B: beinge Called and chossen by the free Voate of the Inhabitants of this Towne of portsmouth in his Ma"^ Name to the of^ce off Doe in this pressent Asembly ingage yo"" Selfe faithfully to Exicute the Sayd office of in the due Exicution of Justice in this Towne according to the lawes Established unto us by our Charter "a' according to the best of yo'' Vnderstanding m' Caleb Arnold ^ Admitted ffree-men Henry Brightman \ of this Towne. Voated that m"' John Tripp m' phillip Shearman m' Joshua Coeseshall m"" William Hall and m' William Wodall or the majo'. part of them are Authorized to make a Rate for the pay- ment of the Townes Debts and the Supply of the poore in this Towne : It is agreed that the afore-Named persons are to Levie and make a Rate of Thirty pownds on the Inhabittants in this Towne which being by them drawne up, they Shall deliver it to the Overseers of the poore in this Towne who Shall Cause on the Townes Charge timely Notice to be given vnto all persons Rated to bring the Sums they are Rated unto whome the Sayd Overseers [X48] Shall apoint to Receive it and in Such time they Shall See Cause to apoint it to be done in, and if any per- son Shall neglect to performe his part accordingly, then distraynt forth-with to goe forth from the Majestrate Majestrates to Levie 1670. [ 154 ] and distrayne the Same on the person Soe Neglectinge who also Shall beare all the Charge of the Sayd Distraynt Voated That Wheras Ens. Thomas Brooke an Antient Inhabitant in this Towne hath Requested this meetinge to give him leave to have the use of a peece of Land for his accomodation in the mannagment of his Trade beinge a Lether dresser, and to build and improve the Same. The Towne doe agree and Consent that the Sayd Thomas Brooke shall have Soe much Land Layd out unto him at the Brooke joyneinge unto the Land of William James as may there be Layd out without prejudice to the Neighbours: And it is left to the discression of m' William Hall and L' John Albro to lay out the Same which Sayd Land the Sayd Brooke Shall injoy dureinge his Naturall life And at his decease the Sayd Land with the fencinge and Such building as shall be theron Shall Returne againe and be the true and proper intrest of the Towne Benjamin Congden Stands propownded to be admitted a free- man of this Towne. Att a Meetinge Held by the ffree Inhabitants of the Towne of Portsmouth the 27''' of June 1670.. m' William Baulston Chossen Moderator of this Meetinge. Capt Samuell Wilbur 1 Chossen Deputies to Sitt at the next Serj' Robert Hazard | Gen"".' Asembly on Speciall occassion L' John Albro I Called and to Sitt at W^arwick the m'' Joshua Coggeshall j 29"' of this instant month June. Voated that John Sanford William Hall and Thomas Cornell are chossen to awditt m*" Bulsfars accounts and Returne their Result unto the next Towne meetinge. and they to awditt the Sayd accounts betweene this and Satterday next come Sennitt. Voated that wheras the Majestrates and deputies in this Towne are to goe to Warwick to the Gen'.' Asembly there to Sitt and be: II [ '55] i670. It is ordered that for the Conveniency of their goeing theither they hyre a Boate and the Charge thereof to be borne by the Towne. Voated that the Towne Serjant Shall for this yeare have nine pence from Every ffree-man in this Towne for warninge Towne Meetings Deputies and jury-men William Clarke is admitted a free-man in this Towne. David V^ahan Stands propounded to be admitted a freeman in this Towne. Att a Meetinge of the free Inhabittants of the Towne of ports- mouth Held Octob' 5''' 1670 m' Joshua Coggeshall m' Robert Hazard m' William Cadman m'' John Cooke 1 Chossen Deputies for the Gen""' Asembly to be held at Newport the 13 of this instant Octob' ] Chossen Grand jurry-men for the Court ' of Tryalls to be Held at Newpt the 19''' of this instant Octob- Chossen pettit jurry men for the Court of Tryalls afore-sayd ffrancis Brayton Caleb Arnold Lott Strainge Thomas Cornell William S my ton John Almy [149] 1''"'' Joshua Coggeshall m' William Wodall m' Richard Bordin John Sanford m' John Greens Letter beinge Red in the Townes mcetinge- It was Voated that the Towne See noe Cause to accept the motion therein made to the Towne in puttinge the Sute depend- inge betwixt m' Almy and the Towne to Refferance. Not one man decentinge. y Chossen Deputis ffor the Gen'.' Asembly to be held at Newport the 26"' of this instant October./ 1670. [ 156 ] It was Voated that m' John Sanford was aded to those men that were ordered to Asist m'' WilHam Baulston to implead m' WiUiam Ahiiy in the Case depending betwixt the Sayd WilHam Almy and m' Willf Baulston in the behalf of the Towne. At a meetinge of the ffree Inhabittants of the Towne of ports- mouth Held the 23 Novem"" 1670 m' william Baulston Chossen Moderator of this Meetinge. Voated that men be Chossen to make a Rate in this Towne of 51! according to the Orders of the Gen'.' Asembly Held at Warwick June the 29''' 1670 and the Asembly Held at Newport October the 26' 1670 Voated that m'^ John Tripp m*^ phillip Shearman m"^ Joshua Cogge- shall m' Willia Hall nV William Wodell and John Sanford are chossen and Authoreized they or the Majo' part of them to Levie and Make the afore -sayd Rate of iififty one pownds on the Inhabi- tants of this Towne: And the Sayd Rate by them or the Majo' part of them to be proportioned and made within Six dales after this meetinge. It is further Ordered that as Soone as the afore-sayd Rate is made It shall be brouo^ht in and delivered vnto m"^ William Baulston who is herby Authorized to Send forth the Towne Serjant with the Sayd R-ate to Each person Rated to acquaint them what they are Rated and also to Order Each person to Carry in the Suhi he is Rated vnto the Gen'.' Treasurer m"" John Coggeshall accord- inge to the Gen'.' Assemblys Orders and the Charge of the Serjant to be payd by the Towne Vv^hereas there apeeres in an antient Awditt to Remaine in the hands of ffrancis Brayton the Sum of two pownds Seventeene Shill'' & Six pence peage Six '^^ penny and he afirminge he hath payd it yett is nott Certaine to whome : The Towaie doe agree that if the Sayd Brayton pay halfe the Sayd Sum. in peage Eight 'iji* peny he shall be acquitted/ [ 157 ] 1670. At a Meetinge of the ffree Inhabittants of the Towne of ports- mouth, Held the : 3 : of Decemb': 1670 m' William Baulston Chossen Moderator of this Meetinge. Voated that a Rate of Ninteene pownds Eleven Shill* & Seven pence Shall be made in this Towne beinge the Remaininge part of the 100! Levid on this Towne by the Collony in the yeare (1664) and the Sayd Rate accordinge to the last Asemblys Order to be Carried in and payd to the Gen'.' Treasurer of this Collony. Voated that those persons that made the last Rate of 51' Shall betweene this and Wedensday Next make the afore-sayd Rate of Ninteene pownds. 1 1""- 7''"- Voated that whereas It is Complayned by Severall to this meetinge that Severall persons are Suffered to Inhabitt and abide in the towne Whereby the Towne are and may be putt to great Charge: The Towne doe Order that Some persons be chossen and im- powred to forwarne all persons who are in this Towne & not Orderly Received or that Shall come into this Towne for abide- inge in this Towne without Consent of the Towne. The persons Chossen and impowred are the Overseers of the poore in this Towne and William Wodell is aded to them. David Vahan and ffrancis Brayton jun' are admitted Inhabittants Thomas ffish jun"" and Georg Brownell are admitted Inhabittants [150] W'hereas Nathanill potter hath Requested the Towne to It'tt him have the use of a peece of Land Lyinge betweene the Land of William Wodell & Edw' ffisher at the Mill Swamp: The Towne Doe Consent and agree, that the Sayd Nathanill potter, Shall have the use of Soe much Land at the place afore- sayd ffor the time of ffowerteene yeares as there may be Con- veniently Layd out. And then the Sayd Land to Returne to the Towne againe, And the Sayd Land is to be Layd out at the discression of William Hall, L' John Albro, William Wodall and Edward fhsher. i67o. [ 158 ] Voated That Wheras John Straing hath IJesired of the Towne to Exchainge three or ffower Acres of Land for his Necessary accomodation in Building at his Land. The Towne doe Order and Consent that Soe much Land Shall be Layd out unto the Sayd John Strainge by the Lotters and at their discression Soe as it Extend Not to the Eastward of the Comon Rhod-way be- tweene this Towne and Newport and for Soe much as Shall be Layd out to him the Sayd Strainge: Soe much of his Land Shall be Layd out and left to the Towne as Cohion. At A Meettinge of the ffree Lihabitants of the Towne of ports- mouth, Held the 26! of Aprill 1671 m' William Baulston Chossen Moderator of this Meetinge. nV Thomas Cornell 1 Chossen Deputies to Serve at m"" William Smyton | the next Gen'.' Asemblies to be m"" Josh Coggeshall j held at Newport on the 2. & 3 John Sanford J dales of May next Georg Lawton ] Chossen Grand-Jurry-men to Serve at Thomas Lawton - the next Gen'.' Court of Tryalls to be held Jacob Mott ) at Newp^ on the 8^'' day of May next Anthony Emry ] Chossen pettit Jurry-men to Serve at the Ralph Earll: -next Gen'.' Court of Tryalls to be held Thomas Manchester) at Newp^ on the 8''' day of may next. owners & Voated Whcrcas it doth apeere that the a Lihabitants of prudance & patience Islands by their intertaininge of Straingers may therby occassion this Towne great charge & trouble It is Therfore Ordered that from hence forward the owners or Inhabitants of the Sayd Islands prudance & patience shall not Receive nor intertaine any Strainger or Straingers without the Consent and aprobation of the Towne, which if they doe, whatever, charge or [ 159 ] 1671. damage Shall acrue thereby Shall be borne and the Towne kept indemnifyed by the Owners & Inhabitants of the Sayd prudance & patience Islands. oatcd Whereas James Parker late Inhabitant at prudance is in Such a distempered Condition that he is now licke to become a Towne Charoe: The Towne doe therefore Order that the Treas- urer m'' William Baulston Shall take into his Custody what-ever Estate can be found belonginge unto the Sayd parker and to dispose thereof for the Supply of the Sayd James parker Soe farr as it will accomodate him: And if the said James parker, have a desire to go from hence to Barbadoz as is informed he hath declard: It is ordered that the Treasurer Shall take Care for his passage by the first oportunety and Supply him with Such things Necessary and the charge therof to be borne by the Towne Not Exceedinge the Sum of tenn pownds. i Voated that whereas Ensigne Lott Strainge hath declared in this present Meetinee that he is much wrons^ed by m' Talman in not h h way ^ . , o ^ , fenceinge against him as by the order of the Towne January the 5'^' i66o. he tlie Sayd Talman was ordered to doe whereby the Sayd Lott Strainge hath been deprived of the Benefitt and use of his Land and that he may not loose the Benefitt thereof this yeare alsoe. the Sayd Ensigne Lott Strainge hath desired the Towne to graunt him leave for one yeares time to fence in the Sayd high-way lyinge betweene his Land and the Sayd m' Talmans: The Towne doe Consent and give leave vnto the Sayd Lott Strainge to fence in the Sayd high-way for Twelve Months time; he Setting up a paire of Draw barrs at Each End the Sayd Lane that those that have Occassion may freely pass and repass puttinge up the Barrs againe The Sayd Ensigne Strainge haveinge promissed the Towne to take a progress in law or other wise to cause the Sayd Talman to maintaine his part of fence against him, and alsoe promissed that the Sayd high-way Shall be layd open againe to the Towne at or afore twelve months be Expired from this meetinge. i6yi. [ i6o ] Voated That wheras William Newman gave in a Bond of 50! vnto the Treasurer in the Townes behalfe to depart this Towne with his wife by the first day of this instant Aprill which Sum he hath forfitted by not performinge his obligation in Removeinge from the Towne accordinge [151] to the Contents of his Sayd Bond. And he haveinge peticond this meeting to Remitt the pennalty of fforfittinge his Sayd Bond. The Towne upon his peticon doc graunt his Request and doe cleere him from the fforfiture of his Bond: And wheras the Sayd Newman hath peticoned the Towne to permitt him to Inhabitt a time longer in this Towne the Towne doe give him Liberty to abide in this Towne-Shipp Vntill the begininge of June next, Soe that he remove him Selfe and wife Cleerly out of this Townes Liberties before the first munday in the Sayd next June, which if he doe not he the Sayd Newman Shall forfitt the Sum of five pownds to the Towne Treasury Voated ffor as much, as there is many Damages done in Corne and Grass, and many Catle hurt and many harte burneings amongst Neighbours: It is Ordered for the time to come that he or they :^ within the Bounds of this Towne of portsmouth that will make ■"^ Suffitient ffences Shall Recover Satisfaction of the owners of the ^ Catle that doth him damage or of the owners of the Catle that J^ doth him damage : or of the owners of the ffences by which he § hath his damage the fence beinge not found according to Order g- ffor a fence Called a Virginia ffence It is ordered that it Shall '^^ be fower ffoot and a halfe hi^h Stakt with Stakes halfe a foot *^ above the fence plumb up and that not any of the Rayles be c above fower inches from his ffellow till it come to the Rayle next o under the Stakes and that next under the Stakes be but tenn 2 inches from that above the Stakes, And for post and rayles it ;r^ Shall be of the Same hioht of the Virginia ffence ffower ffoot o and Six inches high and the distance betweene Every rayle accordinge to that of the Virginia ffence af ore-say d And for Stone wall they Shall be fower foot and Six inchis high, And [ i6i ] 1671. for a hedg or a hedg and ditch or a Ditch only the Suffitiencie of any of them Shall be juged according to the Veivvers Jugments: And for that purpose fower men Shall be Chossen they or any two of them to See and Veiw the ffencis when men Shall have occassion to looke for Satisfaction for damage done by other mens Catle or other mens ffencis joyneinge upon them and these fower or any two of them Veiwers to be well payd of those that the damage Shall light upon The men Chossen to Veiw and Surveigh ffences are Edward ffisher Edward Lay L' John Albro and Georg Lawton. Voated It is ordered that a Suffitient pownd be Sett up in this Towne and in the place where the old pownd was and that the Treasurer m' William Baulston is to take Care and Cause it to be done and Sett up if it can be by the last of June next, and to that End the Treasurer is to imploy William Hall or Some others to Efect the worke the charge wherof is to be borne and by the Towne. And John Sanford and L' ffran. Brayton are to Asist m' Baulston in the Efectinge the worke Voated that Thomas Jenings Sen' is chosen pownd keeper and is to have for his paines two pence %1 head for all Catle that are pownded for Trespas, which is to be payd by the owners of the Catle, and the Sayd Jenings in his abscence is to apoynt one in his Roome: [152] ^^ ^ Meetinge of the ffree Inhabitants of the Towne of Portsmouth on their Election Day being the 5^^ of June 1671 m*" William Baulston Chossen Moderator of this meetinge. John Sanford Chossen Towne Clerke: Engaged. m'' Georg Lawton John Sanford m' phillip Shearman ^ r-i r i.i -r r- n L, ^ ^ Chossen 01 the 1 owne Counsel!, m' I homas Cornell L' ffrancis Brayton m' William Hall 1671. [ i62 ] m' William Baulston chossen Towne Treasurer Engaged Thomas Jenings chossen Towne Serjant Engaged John Cooke Danill Greenell Ens^aored ^, ^ , , , , , rr . ,. , ^ ° - Chossen Cunstables L^ trrancis brayton William Allin : Engaged . m' William Baulston j Capt" Sam^' Wilbur - Chossen Overseers of the poore m"" Joshua Coggeshall ) ] Chossen Survayers for Catle as Shall be -' . [ Tranceported off the Island within this m' John Tripp \ -r 1 • -' ^^ j 1 owne-shipp. Ordered that the Order made June the 8"' 1658 Concerninge the Survayinge of Catle is Continew^d Only it is Excepted that such who on their Necessary occassion doe Ride their Comon Rideinge horse they need not goe to the Surveiyers. Voated and Ordered that a Rate of ffifty pownds be forth-^with made and Levied in this Towne for the Supply of the poore and pay- inge of Towne Debts: And it is ordered that five men Shall be chossen and Authorized they or the major part of them to Levie and assess the Sayd Rate of 50' the men chossen and apoynted to make the Sayd rate are John Sanford m*" Georg Lawton, m'' Thomas Cornell m'' phil. Shearman and m' Robert Hazard. And that the Sayd Rate Shall be made by the persons Chossen or the Major part of them before or on the 13*'' of this instant June. Voated that the persons afore-Named to make the rate of 50! are alsoe ordered to Awditt the rate of 2>o^- Levied the 17^'' of June 1670 and make returne to the Towne It is also Ordered that when the Sayd Rate of 50' is made and Signed by the afore named persons appointed therto or the Major part of them the Towne Serjant Shall informe each person, what [ i63 ] 1671. he is rated and the Sayd Rate is to be brought in and payd vnto the Towne Treasurer m' WilHam Baulston, on the 26' day of this instant June and if any person Shall Refuse or Neglect to pay his part of the Sayd Rate assessed, then by a warrant from the Majestrates in this Towne the Sayd Sum or Suins assessed in the Sayd Rate Shall be Seaissed and taken from the person Soe Refuseinge or Neglectinge to pay together with the Charge of Such Distraint. The rest of the overseers of the poore are joyned with the Treasurer m'' William Baulston in the Receipt of the Sayd Rate. Voated That John Sanford Towne Gierke Shall be allowed and payd by the Towne out of this next Rate of 50' the Sum of Three pownds for his Ordinary and Extraordinary imployment as Towne Gierke this last yeare Voated that whereas William Newman with his wife was Ordered at the last Towne Meeteinge to depart this Towne before this instant Meetinge vpon the pennalty of fforfittinge of ffive pownds the Towne doe order that his Sayd fforfiture of 5' Shall Not be Remitted vntill he give in Sufhtient Securety for his Departure. John Goggeshall jun"" and Thomas Wayte are admitted ffreemen of this Towne. Thomas Brigs of prudance Stands propounded to be admitted a freeman. At a Meetinge of the ffree Inhabitants of the Towne of Portsmouth, at their Meetinge Held the 6' of July 1671 m' William Baulston Ghossen Moderator of this Meetinge. Voated That wheras the Rate of 50' ordered to be Levied at the last Towne Meetinge June 5^'' 167 1 was according to the Sayd Order made, yett was detained Soe long that the time of paiment was Elapsed, And the Sayd Rate beinge to this Meet- ing presented is now ordered to goe forth, and Each person 1671. [ i64 ] therin Assessed is to bringe in his Sum Mentioned in the Sayd Rate which is Dated June the 13'^ 167 1 according to the Tenure of the Sayd Order in June last and is now to be payd and brought in by Each person on Wedensday next which will be the 12''' day of this instant July And those that Neglect to bring in their proportions Asessed in the Sayd Rate Shall be dis- trained on as Exprest in the former Order of June the 5''' which Said Order, in that Respect is hereby Continewed. It is Ordered That m"" phillip Shearman is Continewed the Townes Agent and Aturney and m'' William Hall is Now joyned unto him to proscicute and finnish the layinge open the high-way and Spring ffenced in by m' Almy (for which he was the last Court of Tryalls fownd Guilty) vntill it be layd open accordinge to the true bounds therof John Sanford is added unto them to Asist in the Matter. Voated It is Ordered that William Hall Shall be payd and allowed him out of this 50^ Rate the Sum of fforty Shill^ in Consideration of his trouble and Charge, on the Townes behalfe in the differ- ence betweene the Towne and m' William Almy. Voated Wheras the Inhabitants of the Island prudance have Com- plained that they Know not how to pay the last Levies on them in the 50' Rate and the 19' Rate to be payd to the Gen"' Treas- urer, ffor as Much as the Sayd Levies are Not devided and per- Compiaint tickularly assessed on the Inhabitants: And they desireinge that prudence f^^. ^^ much as they Cannot amongst them selves agree to devide ^^^ it on the pertickulars Have desired the Towne to Send over Some persons to devide and Levie it for them, The Towne ther- fore have chossen John Sanford and m'' John Tripp to goe to prudance and have alsoe impowred them there to Levie assess and devide the Sayd Rates on the pertickular Inhabitants of the Sayd prudance that Each may Know the proportion he is to pay And alsoe the Said two persons are impowred when they come there if theere appeere any wrong to any the Inhabitants of pru- dance in this last 50' Levie they have power to rectefy it to the [ i65 ] 1671 best of their informations and Judgments Soe the whole Sum Levied be made up amongst the Inhabitants of prudance And for their charge and trouble herein the Inhabitants of prudance Shall beare and Satisfy it: Voated That wheras there is a motion made in the late Gen'.' Asembly vnto the Severall Townes for the lessninge the Num- ber of Deputies in Each Towne. and for the takeinge due Course for the payinge those that attend, and for an act of Oblivion for remitinge of what hath been formerly due. This Towne have- inge Considered the Motions Doe very well approve the act of Oblivion for what hath been formerly due. But doe not See Cause to lessen the Number of their Deputies, And doe order for the ffuture incourragment of their Deputies to Atend Gen'.' Asemblys That those that atend that Service. Shall by the Towne from time to time be truly payd for their Service accord- ing to fformer Lawes of this Collony; And a Copie of this Order is to be Delivered to this Townes Deputies, when chossen for the next Gen'.' Asembly. Voated That Wheras m' Thomas Lawton hath taken in and built vpon Some Land at his farme against Icobod potters house. Neere the huntinge Swamp which proves to be on part of the Cornon, and he haveinge Motiond. the Towne. That for as much as he hath been at great charge theron Desires the Towne to grant him the Sayd Land promissinge to Lay downe as much Land to the Comon, and Such Land that if it doe not by the Judgment of two men (by the Towne appointed to Judge it) apeere to them to be as good that then he will make up the quallity by Leaveinge out the more in quantety as the Said two men Shall Judge Equall. Vpon which Motion & Conditions the Towne have granted the Said Land he hath now fenced in from the Comon vnto him he performeinge his afore-said promis, And leavinge the well vnfenced to the Comon, And the Said Well to be Secured, by Thomas Martin and Icobod potter. It is ordered that John Sanford Shall have Twenty ffive ShilP I67I. [ i66 ] allowed and payd him out of this 50' Rate for See much Ordered him by the Gen'' Asembly for Copies of the last Asemblys Orders. The persons appointed to judge and Lay out the afore-sayd Land granted to be Exhanged with m' Thomas Lawton are : L^ John Albro and m' William Hall. [15^] ^^ ^ Meetinge of the ffree Inhabitants of the Towne of Portsmouth Held the 22'!' of Septem' 1671 nV William Baulston chossen Moderator for this Meetinge \ Chossen to Serve Deputies at the two next / Gen"".' Asemblys the one to be held on the / 25''' day of this Instant Month the other to \ be holden the last W^edensday in October John Sanford m"" Rob' Hazard m' Caleb Arnold L^ ffraT Brayton m' Hugh parsons m"" Edward fiisher m' Icobod potter / Next at Newport Chossen to Serve on the Gran-Jurry at the next Gen'.' Court of Tryalls to be holden at Newport the last Wedensday Save one beinge the 18'^' day of October next. Chossen pettit Jurry-men for the Ensio;ne Lott Strain2:e nV John Almy -a r , f -r u r A ^1 CI \ atore-said Court ot 1 ryalls m Antho. bhaw j ■' phillip phetaplace haveinge propownded him selfe to be admitted a freeman amongst us, the Towne doe grant him leave to hyre and Inhabitt in the Towne and in the meane time he Stands propounded to be admitted a freeman the next meetinge. At a Meeting Held October the 14''' 1671 Voated that phillip phitaplace is admitted an Inhabitant amongst us. [ 167 ] I67I. It is voated and ordered that a rate be made in this Towne to raise the Sum asessed on them by the last Gen'^ Asemb~ & to return y' Sd rate to the Gen'.' Treasu' according as y' S'? Asem~ have ordered. It is alsoe ordered that Seven men be chossen to make the Sd rate, they or any fower or more of them to make and asess y"" S'' rate on the j/tickular Inhabitants in this Towne, And the persons chossen are, phil. Shearman, John Tripp Sen' Jn" Sanford Tho; Cornell, Latha Clarke. Caleb Arnold and William Alin of prudance ; And the Tow. Serj': Shall give Notice to W'" Alin of the To' choice & y' he meet the rest chossen to make the rate at m'' Baulstons house At a Meetinge of the ffree Inhabitants of the Towne of ports- mouth Held the 14"' of March i6y'i M"' William Baulston Chossen Moderator of this Meetinge. Voated upon the Consideration of the want of more Survayers for Catle in Respect that persons Inhabitinge remote from the Towne are Straitned in Cominge Soe ffarr, to the former Sur- vayers, and alsoe their trouble to goe Soe ffarr The Towne doe Agree to choose two more Survayers, who are m' phillip Shear- man and Mathew Bordin. John Sanford m' John Tripp m' Georg Lawton m' Thorn Cornell Chossen Deputies for the next Gen'.' Asembly to be held and sitt at Newport on the first Tuseday in Aprill next. Voated that wheras John Sanford hath made appeere to this Meetinge that he hath purchassed Eight Acres of Land of Job Haukins which was granted by the Towne to Rich'' Haukins in 1643 ^^'^^ by him given unto his Said Sonn Job Haukins: The Towne doe aeree and order that the Said Sanford Shall have the Said grant performed and layd out to him Voated that m' Baulston Shall have his former grant of tenn acrs made grood to him in the Comon ffence. 1672. [ i68 ] Voated Wheras Complaint is made to this meetinge of great abusis and Mollestations to the Inhabitants of this Towne by the Indians Drunkenness which is much occassioned by the freaquent prac- tices of Severall persons who are not Lycenced to Sell Strong drinke to the Indians whereby the peace and quiett of many is much disturbed, And for the preventinge the Said abusis within this Towne-shipp: It is ordered that ffor the ffuture noe person within this Towne Shall Sell Directly nor indirectly, any Strong drinke as Liquors, Syder, wine, or Strong beere, unto any Indian or English by retaile but only Such who are or Shall be Lycen- ced therto by the Towne; And if any Shall be found Trance- gressinge this order. Vpon Complaint made and probation theron, by any person or persons vnto the Majestrates or a Majestrate in this Towne the ofending person Shall forfitt and pay the Sum of Twenty Shillings to the Towne Treasury for each defect herein and if any person as afore-said doe not forthwith pay the Said pennalty it Shall be taken by distraint out of the Estate of the Ofending person by a warrant to the Cunstable vnder the hand of the Majestrates or a Majestrate . [155] -^^ ^ Meetinge of the ffree-Inhabitants of the Towne of Portsmouth Held the 25*^' of Aprill 1672 m' William Baulston Chossen Moderator of this Meetinge Voated that the last Asemblys Orders be red iii this meetinge: which was done. m"' William Hall 1 Chossen Deputies to Atend the Gen'.' nV William Wodell | Asemblyes to be held the 30''' of Aprill, m"" Edward fhsher I instant, and the Election and Asembly m'' Anthony Emry J to be held the first of May next Joseph Martin ) Chossen Gran-Jurry men for the next William Wilbur [ Gen'' Court of Tryalls to be held at Gidion ffreeborne j Newport the Sixt day of may next. [ i69 ] 1672. ] Chossen pettitt-Jurry men to atcnd the ,- afore -said Court of Tryalls the 6- of may next. John Bordin Ralph Earll. Dan ill Lawton At A Meetinge of the ffree-Inhabitants of the Towne of portsm" on their Election Day beinge munday June the 3'' 1672 m' Joshua Coggeshall Chossen Moderator of the meeting. John Sanford Chossen Towne Clerke. Enoraofed Engaged Engaged Engaged Engaged Engaged m'' John l^ripp Sen' m' William Hall Sen John Sanford m' phi Hip Shearman m' Wmiani Wodell m' Edward ffisher / Engaged m' William Wodell chossen Towne Treasurer Thomas Jenings Sen' chossen Towne Serjant Engaged William I3rigs Icobod Sheiffeild Latham Clarke Wilham Allin nV William Baulston nV Joshua Coggeshall m' William W^odell Engaged Engaged Chossen to be of the Towne Councill of this Towne. En staged Chossen Cunstables Chossen overseers for the poore in the towne m' John Tripp Sen' John Sanford m' phillip Shearman nV iviathew Bordin Chosen Survayers for Catle. Voated that the late Asembly acts Should be Red which was accordingly done ^led That whereas the Towne according to law and Custom have made choyce of their Towne officers for the Insueinge Yeare, 1672. [ lyo ] And whereas m'' William Baulston the Elclist Asistant in this Towne is abscent from this Meetins^e, and m' loshuah CoQfs:^-- shall Scruolinor to Administer the En2:a2;ement to the officers now chossen whereby they may be inabled to Act: for the preservation of the peace of the place: The Towne doe Order that Messingers be Sent unto m'' Baulston to desire him to come to this Meetinge, that according to law and Custom, the officers May be Engaged to the Severall places they are Elected unto, and make Speedy Returne hereof unto this Meetinge, The Messingers Sent from this Meetinge are L^ William Correy and Serj^ Jacob Mott. Benjamin Congden, Thomas Brigs of prudance, Thomas Hicks and John Manchester are admitted ffreemen of this Towne. [l.^@] Voted That ffor the future noe Towne meetinge shall have power to act in any Towne Meetinge in affaires Relatinge to the Towne Except there be at least the number of ffifteene e num er pj-gg^gj-j^ ^^ |-]-,g Said meetino'e, And ffurther ordered That for the that make ^ -^ A Town future Noe Moderator of the Towne Meeting. Shall presume to meeting (jgsolve Such Said Meeting without the Major Vote of the Said Meetinge, And if any Moderator Shall from the Meeting with- draw him selfe without the leave of the Major part of the meetinge It Shall be in the power of that Meetinge to Elect an other to the place of Moderator and Soe proceed on in the affaires of the Towne, for which they were Called and Conveaned Edward ffisher, Edward Lay, L^ John Albro, and Georg Lawlon are chossen Survayers for ffencis in this Towne. That John Sanford Shall have Therty Shillings from the Towne Voted Treasury for his Service this last yeare as Towne Clerke. Whereas This Towne stands Indicted in the Gen'.' Court of Voted Tryalls for the deficency of the Bridg on the Comon Neere Georg Lawtons house : The Towne Conceive that Bridg is Occassioned by the Said Georg Lawtons raakeinge a damm there, and therefore doe Conceive he Ought to Maintaine the said Bridge: Therefore the Towne doe Order that twii men be icinsr A [ 171 ] 1672. chossen by the Towne to goe to the Said Georg Lavvton and in the Townes behalfe desire him to make the Said Bridg Suffitient, or otherwise leave the high-way in the like Condition it was be- fore he made that damn, The persons chossen are Robert Dennis iiGcfrJe ''^"^ Serjant Jacob Mott, and they are to make Returne of his jjawton Answer to the next Towne Meetinge. I That the Eight acres of Land ordered to be layd out to John i. Voted (-, Towne Sanford at the ^ Meeting held the 14''' of March last is now ordered to be layd out by the Lotters leaveing a hig-way Twenty Rod ■ wide betweene the Land of Joseph Anthony and that dowiie at the Sea John Tripp Senr doth protest against the afore-said act and grant of the Said Land. That nV phillip Shearman nV Caleb Arnold and John Sanford Voted or any two of them are appointed to Awditt the late Treasurers accounts Relatinge to the Towne: And It is ordered that what is found of the Townes Remaineinge in the late Treasurers hands Shall be Returned unto the pressent Treasurer, and the Awditt are to make Returne thereof to the next Towne Meetinge This meetinge is Desolved voted John Simmons Stands propounded to be Admitted a freeman afore the desolveing At A Meetinge of the. ffree. Inhabitants of the Towne of ports- mouth, the 14''' of OctO: 1672 m' John Tripp Chossen Moderator of this meetino-e. John Sanford. ] Chossen Deputys to Serve at the m^ John Tripp i next Gen'-' Asembly to be held at nV John Anthony Sen"- j Newport the last Wedensday in L' Willia Cadman J this instant Octob'': L! William Correyi Chossen Gran Jurry men for the Court of S' Jacob Mott -Tryalls to be held at Newport the last Wed- m^ John Brigs. ) ensday Save one in this instant October. 1672. [ 172 ] Robert Hazard. ) ^1 . t r- r> 11 ' Chossen pettit Turrv men to Serve at Georg Brownell r . ^ ^ , ^-^ ./ . \JT•^1• r-1 1 \ the Court 01 1 rvall arore-said. William Clarke. j -^ Voted Whereas the last Towne Meetinge held the therd of June last Rob' Dennis and Serjant Jacob Mott were desired by the Towne and Authorized to goe to m"" Georg Lawton and Treat with him about the Brid^: Neere to the doore of his dwellino- house for the o o deficency of which said Bridg the Towne Stands Indicted, and they Returning to this Meetinge that accordingly they aplyed them selves to the Said m' Lawton and Received, his Answer, which doth not give the Towne Satisfaction : The Towne doe Now Order that men be againe Sent to him to Signefy they are Not Satisfyed that a Bridg Should Continew in the Towne Soe dangerous, and that if he doe not take Some Speedy Course to mend it, and make it in a Safe Condition for people to pase and Repase, the Towne will be forced to take Some other Course therein which they Rather desire may be prevented : And It is ordered that the said Robert Dennis and Serj' Jacob Mott are chossen to be the persons to goe to Geo. [3. ST] Dawton againe and Carry a Copy of this Order with them. And alsoe the Towne Gierke is Ordered to draw out Coppys of this and the late Towne meeings Orders herein, and present it to the next. Court of Tryalls thereby to acquaint them with the Townes Care in this Matter Voted That a Rate of Twenty pownds be made in this Towne for the Supply of the poore in the Towne to be dispossed off at the dis- cression of the Overseers of the poore The persons chossen and appointed are S' Robert Hazard L'ffrancis Braylon John Sanford, m' Caleb. Arnold, and m' John Bordin, they or the Major part of them are impowred and Authorized to make the Said Rate, and the Said Rate is to be made betweene this and the, 19''', day this instant October, and when the Said Rate is made, the Rate makers shall Returne the Rate unto the Treasurer who there- [ ^7o ] 1672. upon is impowred to Send it forth with the Towne Serjant to Signefy unto each person what they are Rated, and the Said Rate is to be brought in and payd by each person unto the Treasurer by the last day of Novemb- Next, and to be payd, pease at three ShilHngs \) BushT Indian Corne at three ShilP p Bushall porke at three pence "{} pound, Beife at two pence p pound. Butter at Six pence \^ pound, wool! at twelve pence p pound, peage after the Rate of Sixteene p peny white, and for cheese and other pay as men can agree with the Treasurer And if any person or persons Rated doe Refuse or Neglect to pay and deliver in the Sums, they are Rated unto the Treasurer on or before the Said last of November then Shall warrant be given forth from the Majes- trates or Majestrate one or both in this Towne to distraine and brinoe in the Same with charge bv law due for the distraint. Voted That the persons at the last Meetinge chossen to Awditt the late Treasurers accounts are Still Continewed, and they are Ordered to finish that worke and Make their Returne to the Next Towne Meetinge. Voted This Meetinge is Desolved. At a Meetinge off the.ffree. Inhabitants of the Towne of ports- mouth at their Meetinge held the 6' Day of Decern" 1672 m' Joshua Coggeshall Chossen Moderator of the meetinge That for as-much as there was a Rate of 20' ordered the last Towne Meetinge to be made for the Supply of the poore in this Towne and those then appointed to be the Rate-Makers haveing Neglected to make the Said Rate, This Towne doe now againe Revise that Order and doe appoint and Authorize the persons then chossen to proceed in that worke. and Make the Said Rate, and whereas there doth apeere Severall other Debts, due from the Towne, Viz'.' to m' Brenton two Barrills of porke, and to 1672. [ 1/4 1 John Sanford 5- 10^ The Towne doe Now see Cause to augment the Rate and add Twenty pounds therto. Soe that Now the Rate Shall be fforty pounds, which Shall be brought in to the Treas- urer in Specia and at prices, and in the Same Manner and vnder the Same pennalty. as is Exprest in the Said last Towne Meet- ings Order, And it is Ordered that the Treasurer take Speciall Care, out of the Said Rate to Satisfy and pay those persons that have Engaged to m'' Brenton for the Said two Barrills of porke. And It is ordered that the Said Rate, is to be made and ffinished and Returned to the Treasurer at or before the 14*'' of this instant December, and to be brought in and paid to the Treasurer by each person upon the 23 and 24''' dales of this instant December. And It is Ordered that m'' Latham Clarke and m'' John Cogge- shall are added to the fformer Raters to the Makeinge of this Rate. [158] Whereas m' phillip Shearman nV Caleb. Arnold and m"" John Sanford w^ere impowred to Awditt. and Receive, the late Treasurers m' Baulstons accounts Concerninge the Towne and that worke being Not yett i^inished this Meetinge doe Con- tinew their power in that work and Order them with all Con- venient Speed to finnish their power in that worke. and Order them with all Convenient Speed to finnish it and Make Returne thereof to the Next Towne Meetinge Voted: That the afore-said 5! 10' due from the Towne to John Sanford Shall be paid to him out of this 40! Rate by the Treasurer Thomas Eaton, Lawrance Springhast, are propounded to be admitted ffreemen of this Towne. Voted. This Meetinge is dissolved. At a Meetinge of the ffree Inhabitants of the Towne of ports- mouth Held the 2 of March 1671 2 [ -75 ] 1672. m' William Baulston chosscn Moderator of this Mectinge John Sanford m"" Joshua Coggeshall m"" George Lawton m' Thomas Cornell Chossen Deputies to Serve at the next Gen'.' Asembly Espetially Called to Sitt and be houlden at Newport the 5"' day of this Instant month March Voted this Meetinge is Desolved At a Meetinge of the ffree Inhabitants of the Towne of ports- mouth Held the 29''' of Aprill 1673 m' Joshua Coggeshall Chossen Moderator of this Meetinge William Hall William Wodell William Cadman Robert Dennis Gidion ffrecborne John Cooke ffrancis Brayton Mathevv Bordin Samuell Sanford William Hall jun' j Voted, that a Letter from the Towne of Warwick Subscribed by their Gierke be Red which was accordingly done, oted Thomas Eaton, Robert Hodgson, Gyles pearce, Adam Mott Jun', Will Lany John Heath, Robert Brownell, Thomas Manchester jun' are admitted ffree-men of this Tow^ne. Voted this Meetinge is Desolved, Chossen Deputies to Sitt and act at the two next Gen'.' Asemblys, on the 6^ and 7''' of May next at Newp' Chossen Gran-Jurry-men Chossen Pettitt Jurry-men [159] At a Meetinge of the ffree Inhabitants of the Towne of Portsmouth held on their Election Day beinge the 2 of June 1673 m' John Tripp chossen Moderator of this Meetinge. i673- [ 176 ] by the Election John Sanford, chossen Towne Gierke Engaged Chossen to be of the Towne Council] m' Phillip Shearman John Sanford L^ William Cadman mr Edward ffisher m'' John Brigs m' Robert Dennis m' William Wodell Chossen Towne Treasurer Eno-ao^ed Thomas Jenings chossen Towne Serjant Engaged Robert Hodgson Joseph Martin . „ , . ,, , r, I- I chossen Lunstables Mathew Dordm William Allin J m"" Joshua Coggeshall m'^ John Tripp and m' William Wodell chossen Overseers of the poore John Sanford m' John Tripp m"" phillip Shearman m' Mathew Bordin Chossen Survayers of Catle. Voted That whereas m"^ William Baulston hath in his Custody Severall Coppies of Gen*^' Court and Asemblys acts which the Towne doe conceive belonge to them The Towne doe Order that Some persons be chossen to treat with m' Baulston and desire of him that what belongs to the Towne may be delivered and if to them it doth apeare that the Said Copies have been paid for by m' Baulston out of his owne Estate That then the Towne are willinge to allow him his disburcements and charges for the Said Copies. The persons chossen are m' phillip Shearman m' WilHam Hall and John Sanford who are impowred to treat with [ ^11 ] 1673- m' BauLston and Receive the pertickulars and Returne their actings herein to the next Towne Meetinge. Mcii That John Sanford Shall have Therty Shillings for his Service this last Yeare as Towne Gierke to be paid him by the Treasury. Med That the power of the Letters in layinge out of Land for the future is by this meetinge made Null and Voyd. Untill the Towne See cause to Empower it againe '^tt^d this meetinge is Desolved. At a Meetinge of the free-men of the Towne of portsmouth Held the lo"' day of October 1673 m' John Tripp chosscn Moderator of this Meetinge John Sanford m' Edward ffisher m' Adam Mott nV John Bordin Chossen Deputies to Sitt and act in the Next Gen'.' Asembly to be held at Newport L' William Gorrey ) Ghossen Gran-Jurry-men for the Ensigne Lott Strainge - next Gen"'.' Gourt of Tryalls to be m' Thomas ffish ) held at Newport. Daniell Greenell ] Ghossen to atend the next Gen'.' Gourt John Goggeshall r of Tryalls to be held at Newport on Thomas Eaton ) the Jurrey of Tryalls. John Simmons stands propounded to be admitted a free-man. [160] George Sisson Stands propounded to be admitted a freeman John Smith and John Snooke are propounded to be admitted ffreemen ^td. Upon the Request of William Lawton who was a Souldier in the foart at New-Yorke and by the Dutch takeinge New-Yorke, was forced from his habitation there, and now thereupon beinge in distress doth desire liberty to Sojourne in this Towne and follow 1673- [ lys ] his trade for a livelyhood beinge a taylor: The Towne haveinge Considered his Request, doe grant the Said WilHam Lawton Libert}^ to abide in this Towne-shipp, imtill the meetinge, before the Gen'.' Asembly and Election in may Next Voted Vpon the Complaint of m""^ Sarah Smyton to this meetinge Con- cerninge a differrence that is betweene her selfe and Thomas Jenings Concerninge the devission line of their land joyneinge together, and She Eleaginge that She hath ussed all Neigh- bourly meanes she can* to Issue the Said Differrence, which notwithstandinge proves Inefectuall, and therefore desires the Townes assistance in ussinge their Endeavors for Setlinge the line and if possible to Isue the differrence. And The Towne findeinge that formerly Viz' in the yeare 1661 May the 11''' in the licke differrence between m"" John Porter and m' Thomas Brownell the Towne have acted and Chose five-men as apears by that Order for the Issueinge of that differrence, and not Only that but all other differrences of that Nature, and there beinge but three men of the Said five Now liveinge in this Towne, the in Stead f Towne doe See Cause to Continew. their power, and 4€4-vv^ of those two wantinge, the Towne add two more to those Survive- inge three, the persons added are m' William Hall and Capt" John Albro, who with the Said three Surviveors Viz'- nV John Brigs Ll ffrancis Erayton and John Sanford, or the Major part of them the Towne doe impower to use their Endeavors to Issue the Said differrence and all other of that Nature in this Towne, and make returne of what they doe in the premisses from time to time to the Towne. Voted This meetinge is Desolved. At a Meetinge of the freeTnhabitants of the Towne of Ports- mouth Held the. 28' day of Novcmb' 1673 *In paler ink "can" is changed to "could, t This correction is in paler ink. If [ 179 ] ^^^IZ- M' John Tripp Chossen Moderator of this Meetinge Med That the account of those whoe are Indebted and bchinde in Rates be openly Read Jol-in Kease, Samuell Bordin, Markc Athy and Jolin Hoomery and Benja~ Chase are propounded to be ffree men of this Towne. George Sisson and John Simmons are admitted ffreemen of this Towne Med That whereas m' Peter Tahiian is behinde in Rates the Sum of ffowerteene or Seventeene Shillings, and he haveinge been at charge in the Cure of Leonard pearcy and beinge willinge and haveinge acquitted the Towne from any further claime concern- inge the Said Leonard the Towne doe thereupon offsctt the Said Sums and doe allow it him 'ted this meetinge is desolved. At a Meetinge of the free-Inhabitants of the Towne of ports- mouth Held the 21' day of Aprill 1674 Capt" Samuell Wilbore chossen Moderator of this meetinge. John Sanford 1 r-i i^ ^- ^ cv^ i . . - ^,..,1- r^ ^ Chossen Deputies to Sitt and act at L' VV illia~ Cadman . 1 r- r\ x ^^ . ^ „ ^ f- . -the two-next Gen Asemblys to be Lns~ Lott btramge iu^xt i. • tvt 1TT-11- 1-iT 1 11 held at JNewport m May next, m' William Wodell J Thomas Lawton ] chossen to Serve on the Gran-jurry at Hugh Parsons [- the next Court of Tryalls in may next Thomas Manchester ) at Newport. Henry Brightman ] chossen to Serve on the jurry of Thomas Wayte - Tryalls at the next Gen"".' Court of Icobod potter ) Tryalls in May next at Newport. [161] Voted That a Letter Directed to the moderator and free-men of this Meetinge be opened and Read, which was accordingly done, and was Subscribed John Clarke. i674- [ iSo ] Marke Athy. John Kease, Samuell Bordinge, and Bcnj7 Chase are admitted free-men of this Towne. Voted That William Lawton Taylor, hath Liberty granted him to So- journe and Inhabitt in this Towne-shipp twelve-months from the time of this meetino-e. John Wilbore. Sonn of William Wilbore Stands propounded to be admitted a freeman of this Towne. Voted that this Meetinge is Desolved Att a Meetinge of the free-Inhabitants of the Towne of Ports- mouth on their Election Day beinge the first day of June 1674 ^ Chossen to be of the Towne Councill and Enoas^ed m' John Tripp Chossen Moderator of this Meetinge John Sanford Chossen Towne Clerke. John Sanford L' William Cadman Ens~ Lott Strainge m' John Brigs Sen"" m' Thomas fifish m' Rob' Dennis nV William Wodell Chossen Tresurer Thomas Jenings Chossen Towne Serjant Engaged John Bordin 1 William Wilbore Danill Greenell Thomas Brigs of prudance m'' Joshua Coggeshall m'' John Tripp m'^ William Wodell Eno-asred chossen Cunstables and Engaged Chossen Overseers of the poore. m"^ John Tripp m' William Wodell m"^ John Heath John Anthony jun' Chossen Survayers of Cattell. [ ISI I 1674. Voted Vpon Searious Consideration of the inconveniencys that may insue to the Towne by bcinge too forward in adniittingc freemen, and for the future to prevent the Same, and that if ffreemen hereafter be admitted that are persons that are not free-borne it may be Knowne and detirmined what freedome and previledges they are admitted unto. The Towne See Cause to Referr the further Consideration of the Matter unto a Comittee, desireinge and impowringc them to draw up Some absolute detirmination in the. premisses, and present what they agree on and draw up to the next Towne Meetinge for their Consideration and Confirma- tion if then by the Towne aproved of, as alsoe to Consider Some way to prevent the great Imbezlinge of the wood and timber in our Townes Comons, and to Consider of Some way to prevent the driveinge of Sheep on the Comon and therby removeinge them from their wonted walke; The Names of those appointed to be of this Comittee are m"" philHp Shearman, John Sanford ffrancis Brayton Sen' William Wodell, William Hall, John Albro, Gidion ffreeborne. Voted That the Towne Clerke John Sanford Shall have fforty Shillings for his Service done for the Towne as Towne Clerke this last yeare and the Said Suiri to be paid him out of the Treasury by the Towne Treasurer. Voted the meetinge is desolved [10^] At a Meeting of the free-Inhabitants of the Towne of Portsmouth, held at m'' Brigs his house the lo'*" of Octob' 1674 m' John Tri|)p Chossen Moderator of this meetinge. nV Jacob Mott 1 r^ r c ^} ^ n r\ , ^. rr , I Chossen Deputies tor the next Gen'. m' 1 homas itish . , , , , 1 , , m ^ , T^ . „ T t Asembly to be held at JNewport the m' Uaniell Lavvton , ttt , • , • • A 1 , , , . , . last VVensdav m this nistant October. m' John Anthony jun' J ^ 1674. [ i82 ] T , . - , Chossen to Serve on the Grand Jurry m' John Almy ^ . ^ r- r\ r- ^ r -r u ^ ^ ,„r l\/T^^-^ ^ 13 . r I ^^ ^"^ ^^^'"^^ Cjen. Court 01 1 ryalls to be held at Newport the last Wensday Save one in this instant October. m"" Mathew Bordin m"" John Strainge Georg Sisson ) ^1 r- i t r T • 1 ATtr .. Chossen to berve on the urry or Jeremiah Wayte C ^ u ^ ^u n ^ ( ^ u f d T^ . , ,^ 1 \ 1 ryalls at the Court 01 1 ryall aiores David Vahan j -^ -^ The Generall Asembly acts made in May last publickly Read Voted That whereas Thomas Jenings Towne Serjant is removed and the Towne Know not where nor whether he is gon, The Towne have Chossen Thomas Manchester Sen' to be Towne Serjant untill the next Towne-Election. Voted that the Towne Serjant for his Service this part of the yeare insueinge for warning Towne Meetings Deputys and Jurry-men Shall have Six pence from each freeman for his Service therein Voted That John Wood a weaver is permitted to Sojourne in this Towne untill the next Towne Meeting Voted Whereas at the last Towne-meeting there was a Comittee ap- pointed to draw up their Result in Severall matters Relatinge to Sundry greivences in the Towne, and they not haveinge done any thing in that Matter, the Towne doe See Cause to Continew the power to them then Coinitted, and doe order that they make their Returne thereon unto the next Towne Meetinge, and it is Referred unto William Wodell and John Sanford to Indeavor a Meetinge of the Said Comittee to Consider of the premisses in Some Convenient time between this and the next Meetinge. Voted this Meetinge is desolved. At a Meetinge. of the ffreeT nhabilants of the Towne of Ports mouth at John Sanfords house the 9"' of Aprill 1675 m' Joshua Coggeshall chossen Moderator of this Meetinge. [ iS3 ] 1675. Capt" John Albro m"" Georg Lavvton m' Gidion ffreeborne m' William Wodell ffrancis Brayton Sen"" ] Thomas Wood r Anthony Shaw- Joseph Anthony Abraham Anthony Thomas Eaton ) Chossen Deputys for the two next Gen'.' Asemblys to be held at New- port in May next. Chossen Grand-J urry-men chossen to Serve on the Jurry of Try alls |/otcd That phillip Cuming is admitted to Soujourne at William Wodells until] the next Towne meetinge /oted that William Manchester, William Brownell, and John Wilbore are admitted ffreemen of this Towne: looted this Meetinge is Desolved. At a Meetinge of the ffree-Inhabitants of the Towne of ports- mouth on their Election day the 7"' of June 1675 m' John Tripp chossen Moderator of the meetinge. John Sanford chossen Towne Gierke Engaged John Sanford Lott Strainge William Cadman Thomas fifish Sen' Robert Denis Gidion ffreeborne Chossen to be of the Towne Councell and Engaged [163] William W^odell Chossen Towne Treasurer Engaged Thomas Manchester Chossen Towne Serjant Engaged Voted that there be four Cunstables chosen in this Towne-shipp besids one at prudance. i675- [ ^84 ] Joseph Anthony Georg Sisson Georg Brownell WilHam Wodell William Allin m' Joshua Coggeshall m'' John Tripp nV Willia- Wodell m' John Tripp John Sanford John Anthony jun' Robert Hazard Abra- Anthony Chossen Cunstables and all Engaged Chossen overseers of the poore, and alsoe to take Care that Strainijers be Not Entertained in this Towne but according- to Order. Chossen Surveiers of Cattell for this yeare. m' John Tripp is appointed to prove all Measures and weights as are brought to him in this Towne-shipp and Seale them accordinge as the law of this Collony hath provided. Voted that the Charge of procureinge true Measures Viz" a Gallon and a halfe Bushall accordinge to the Standards appointed by the Collony Shall be borne and paid by the Townes Treasury. Voted that the Councill of this Towne are Empowred to Awditt the Townes accounts with the Treasurer for these two yeares last past and Make returne thereof to the next Towne Meetinge. Voted The Towne doe grant Liberty to Phillip Cumminge to Soujourne in this Towne till the Towne See further Cause to remove him : Voted: Upon the Engagement of Nicholas Browne and William Browne in this meetinge unto the Towne. that John Wood, a weavor nor his ffamely Shall not be any Charge to the Towne for the time of twelve-months and a day from this meetinge. The Towne doe grant the Said John Vv^ood Liberty to Soujourne in this Towne the Said Time of twelve months and a day. [ i85 ] 1675. /otecl That John Sanfords accounts as Recorder and Towne Gierke is Referred to the Towne Councill to Awditt and what they finde due to him Shall be paid him by the Towne Treasurer. Whereas m' William Baulston hath Eng^ac^ed under his hand that Cornelus Hiirman dureino^e the time he is with Richard Bulbar Shall not be charcfeable to the Towne, The Towne doe grant that the said Cornelus Higman hath Liberty to Sojourne in this Towne dureinge the time of that Engagement: V^oted that the Complaint of Severall Concerninge m' Talmans inclossinge a hie-way is Referred to Consideration at the next Sitlinore of this meetino^e. V^oted that this Meetinge is adjourned untill the first munday in July next which will be the fifth day of the Said month : At a Meetinge of the ffrce Inhabitants of the Towne of Ports- mouth held the 16'^ of July 1675. m' John Tripp chossen Moderator of this Meetinge. Voted Whereas by an Order of the Governor Dep' Governo' and Councells of the Towne of Newport and this Towne held the 12"' of July 1675. a Rate of four hundred pound was ordered to be levied in this Island and this Towne to pay one hundred and twenty pounds of the Said 400! The Towne doe order that nine men be chossen to make the Said Rate. The persons chossen are m' phillip Shearman, John Sanford, Capt" John Albro, m' Joshua Coggeshall m' John Tripp, Thomas i^sh Sen', Latham Clarke, Gidion ffreeborne & John Brigs Senr they or the IVIajor part of them are Empowred to make the Said Rate and with all Convenient speed Returne it under their hands unto the Treasurer of this Towne : V^oted that whereas there is a debt due to John Sanford as Recorder and Towne Gierke for Coppys of Asembly acts and Towne Ser- vice; Therefore there Shall be adcd tenn pounds in the Said Rate Soe that the rate Shall be made one hundred and thirty 1675. [ iS6] pounds out of which the Said John Sanford Shall have his debt from the Towne beinge five pounds Eighteen Shillings paid him by the Treasurer. And it is ordered that what each person paies in to the Treasurer Shall be paid in at Such rates or prices as Newport men agree to pay their rates, which is to be informed and mentioned in the warrant from the Majestrates for Callinge in the rates, And it is ordered that the daies for each person to bringe in their Rates when the Rate is finished Shall be appointed by the Rate- makers and mentioned in the warrant : Voted this Meetinge is desolved. [i©^] At a Meetinge of the free Inhabitants of the Towne of Portsmouth Held the 12"' day of October 1675 at the house of John Brigs Capt" John Albro chossen Moderator John Coggeshall chosen clerke for that Robert Hazard chossen first deputy Capt" John Albro chossen second deputy Samuell Wilbore chosen third deputy Caleb Arnold chossen fourth deputy Adam Mott chossen first gran Juryman Jacob Mott chosen Second gran Juryman Mathevv Borden chosen third gran juryman John Anthony chosen first of the Jury of Tryalls William Correy chosen the Second of the jury of tryalls Isaac Lawton chosen the third for the jury of tryalls Win Mill land: Granted by the Towne that a wind-mill may have soe much ground out of the Comon as the Sweep Carries round Liberty to Granted by the Towne that Hugh Cole may have liberty to Hugh Cole j-j^^|.g ygg Qf some of the win falls that is downe for to build a [ iS7 ] 1675. small frame, and to make some wheeles for the use of the Townesmen for their mony: tneysfor It is Ordered that Lott Strainge, ffrancis Brayton and Anthony 1; owne j7j^^j.y ^j.^ choscn by the Towne for Aturneys to plead the Townes right for a hie-way which Peter Talman is Indicted for and have power to choose an Aturney at the Townes charge :ceminge Ordered by the Towne that not one green tree or trees Shall be •(;&woo |:^|j^ 1^^^^ ^1^^^ shall bc Carried away top and body all that is fitt for Timber or fire -wood Except such timber as Williaiii Correy doth use about the Mill for the tearme of two yeares, that is to say the wood that growes upon the Comon upon the pennaUy of five pound a tree. After any tree is fain it must not lye above a month before it be all cutt out into fire-wood: A : True Coppy Entred \} me. John Sanford Towne Gierke. At a Meetinge of the free-Inhabitants of the Towne of ports- moutli. held at L^ Will. Correys house the 8'"' of December: 1675 m' Joshua Coggeshall chossen Moderator of this Meetinge. Voted. Whereas the Councill of warr in this Island at their Meetinge iteofi2o' held the 6' of this instant month, have Ordered a rate of one hundred and Twenty pounds to be levied in this Towne. The: Towne doe Order that those persons who were chossen at the meetinge held the iG'*" of July last to make and asess the rate then Ordered: Shall be the persons to make and levie this rate, they or the Majo" part of them, which is to be made and signed will all Conveniant speed Voted this meetinge is desolved. At a Meetinge held 14"' of January 1675 m' John Albro chossen Moderator: John Keese chosen Gierke for the day It is Voted and detirmined that all those persons which have 1675. [ i^^S ] Concerninge IncHaiis which was bi'ought on this Island have liberty for Six Indians ^^^^j^g ^.-j^^ ^^ g^H ^^^ ggj^^| them off froiTi this Towne. It is further Ordered that noe Inhabitant in this Towne for the future shall buy or keep an Indian or Indians in his house or Else where, upon the forfiture of five pounds SterllT for every Indian bought: Coppt Entred '^ me. John Sanford Towne Gierke. At a Meetinge of the ffree Inhabitants of the Towne of ports- mouth held at the house of John Brigs Sen' the 8"^ of March 1675 m' Joshua Coggeshall chosen Moderator of this Meetinge. Whereas Severall persons in this Towne-shipp have made pur- chass of Indians which were latly taken and brought to the. ° Indians Island, which apeares troublsome to most of the Inhabitants, and the Sufferinge Such Indians to abide amongs us may prove very prejuditiall, It is therefore ordered that all those persons whoe have any Indian man or woman in this Towne have one months time liberty from this Meetinge to Sell and Send them off from this Towne, and that noe Inhabitant in this Towne-shipp after that time Shall for the future buy or keep any Indian or Indians soe bought or to be bought upon the pennalty and forfiture of five pounds Sterll for every Month they shall keep any Such Indian, and the Same pennalty to be duly [165] taken by distraint by Vertue of a warrant under a Majestrats hand to any Cunstable and Returned to the Towne. Treasury : Robert Hazard ] Chosen Deputys for the Gen'.' Asembly Mathew Bordin [ to be held by Especiall Order from the. L^ Willi. Gorrey [ Governo' at Newport the 13''' of this John Sanford J instant. Voted, whereas severall persons by Reason of the troublsom times with the Indians are necessitated (by their beinge forced from [ i89 ] 1675. „ii lent for their habitations, and thereby Some of our Neighbours) for a pantin-c. t^j^jppjy q£ Land to plant on, and this Townc bcingc wilhnc-e to afoard Neighbourly Charety to men in want and distress, doe agree and Order that one hundred acres if there be Occassion for Soe much Shall be Sett or laid out in Such Convenient places in this Townes Comons as may be most Convenient for those that want releife, and Soe as it may not be prejudiciall to tliey any free Inhabitant, and what shall be Soe lent to men . shall improve by Sowinge or plantinge for the time of two yeares from the date of this Meetinge, and noe longer, and then the Said Land to be freely left \vith the fences to the Towne, and not built upon, and for the proportions to each man and the places where they shall be accomodated is by this meetinge Referred to a Comittce of Six men or Majo' part of them: The persons chosen are m' Joshua Coggeshall Capt" John Albro, m' William Wodell, John Sanford, m' phillip Shearman and Robert Hazard Voted That noe person within this Towneshipp Shall have liberty Dncerninge of abovc ouc horsc kinde above a yeare old to pasture on the heCoH"ior Comon from the first of Aprill till the last of October yearly for the future; and that, one horse kinde soe beinge on the Comon to be kept well fettred or Shackld, and if any horse kinde above one Yeare old be found on the Comon in this Towne-shipp Con- trary to this Order, if the owner thereof after warneinge given take not Speedy Course to ffetter or shackle the said horse kinde, It shall be Lawfull for any person to kill the Said horse kinde un soe unfettered or ^ shackled Samuell Albro, and Joseph Nicolson Stand })ropounded to be admitted freemen Voted this meetinge is desolved : 'o^ At a Meetinge of the free Inhabitants of the Towne of ports- mouth held at John l)rigses house the 21' of Aprill 1676 i676. [ 190 ] Capt" John Albro chosen Moderator of this Meetinge. Voted that the four Deputies to be chossen shall be the Deputys for this Towne for both the Asemblys, to be held at Henry Palmers house at Newport on the Second and third days of may next: m' Georg. Lawton m' Sam" Wilbore m' Gidion ffreeborne L* ffrancis Brayton Huo^h Mosher Latham Clarke Henry Brightman William Cadman Adam Mott jun' John Albro jun' Chossen Deputies for the Asemblys afore-said chossen Gran-jurrio'"' for the Court of Tryall in May Next. chossen for the jurry of Tryalls at the Court of Tryalls to be held at New- port in May Next. The last Asemblys acts were in this meetinge publickly read Voted this Asembly is desolved. At a Meetinge. of the ffree-Inhabitants of the Towne of ports- mouth, on their Election day the. 5"" of June. 1676. m"" loshua Cooo-cshall Chossen Moderator of this Meetinge. John Sanford chossen Towne. Gierke. Enoaoed. John Sanford. John Albro Sen'' Samuell Wilbore. John Heath ffrancis Brayton Sen*" William Wodell Chosen of the Towne Councell and all Engaged only William Wodell [10@] William Wodell. Chossen Towne. Treasurer Engaged. Thomas Manchester Sen' Chosen Towne Serj' Engaged. [ igi ] 1676. William Wilbore Sen! Hugh Parsons Mathew Greencll William Allin John Tripp Sen' John Sanford John Anthony m' Joshua Coggeshall m' Williani Cadman William Wodell Chosscn Cunstablcs Chosscn Survaycrs for Cattcll are chosen overseers for the poore in this Towne and alsoe to take Care that noe persons come to Inhabitt in this Towne but accordinge to order. Voted That the Towne Gierke John Sanford Shall be paid the Sum of four pounds Currant pay on this Island, and the Same to be paid by the Towne Treasurer for his Service as Towne Clerke and his labour and trouble for other writeings for the Towne Councell, and alsoe Shall have Sixteen Shillings in like pay for Soe much due to him for Coppys of Asembly acts which in the whole is four pound Sixteen shillings to be paid by the Treasurer at price currant to the merchants At a Meetinge of the ffree Inhabitants of the Towne of ports- mouth Held at m'' Brigses house the 7"' of October 1676 m' Joshua Coggeshall chosen IModerator m' William Wodell uV Mathew Bordin m' John Bordin m' Daniell Lawton John Strainge Daniell Grcenell Daniell Wilcocks are chosen Deputyes for the Next Gen'.' Asembly are chosen to be on the Gran-Jurry the next Court of Tryalls 1676. [ 192 ] ffrancis Bray ton ju' Benja. Shearman Tho Manchester jun'^ This meetinge by Vote desolved : are chosen to be on the petti t-jurry the Next Court of Tryalls. At a Meetinge of the free Inhabitants of the Towne of ports- mouth held at m' Brigses house the 14"' of Aprill 1677 m"" Joshua Coggeshall chosen Moderator John Sanford 1 j chosen Deputys for the two Next 1" Gen'.' Asemblys L' ffrancis Brayton m' Edward Lay Si Thomas Wood Robert Hassard Samuell Sanford Gidion ffreeborne Joseph Anthony Thomas Havens Thomas Dorfie are chosen to be on the Gran-Jurry the next Court of Tryalls are chosen to be on the pettit jurry the next Court of Tryalls. The last Asemblys acts published. Voted this meetinge is desolved. [1.©T] -At a meetinge of the free Inhabitants of the Towne of Portsmouth on their Election day heald at William Bolston's the 4':'' of June 1677 Samuell Wilbore Chosen moderator of this meeting John Anthony Chosen Towne Gierke and Engaged William Cadman Joshua Coggeshall Robert Hazard ■ Chosen to be of the Towne Councell William Wodell 1 and all Enscafjed Peleg Tripp John Borden [ 193 ] i677- William Wodell Chosen Teasurer Enoac^ed Thomas manchester Senior chosen Towne Serjant Engaged Thomas Eaton John Coggeshall Abraham Anthony William Allin I chosen Counstables Engaged ^ , ^ 1 1, 1 ai'G chosen overseers for the poore in Joshua Coggeshall I .i • ^^ i i ^ 4. i r ., TTT-iT ^1 this lowne and alsoe to take care oc the William Cadman - . . ^ . ^, • t- .1 .. --,.,,. ,,- , ,, I commode in 01 persons to this lowne that William Wodell .,,^ . ^ , 1 r-i 11 J are btraingers and may bee Chargeable John Tripp Sen'' ) John Sanford - Chosen Surveyers of Cattell John Anthony uoted William Coggeshall Joseph Nicolson sen' Joshua Coggeshall jun' Benjamin Hall and Thomas Cornell are all admitted free- men of this Towne uoted Robert Hauens and William Wilbore Junior admitted freemen of this Towne uoted that William Earl hath Liberty to Trancport three or foure Thousand of BoVd or plank A uoted this meetinore is desolved & At A meetinor of the free inhabitants of the Town of Portsmouth the 14"^ of the 11"' month 1696 at the house of William Cory voted Joseph Sheffield Chosen moderator voted this meeting is dissolved [168] at a meeting of the free Inhabitants of the Towne of Portsmouth held at John Brigses Senior hous on the : 2"^ : of October: 1677 : 1677. [ i94 ] Samuell Wilbore Choosen moderator for this clay John Sanford 1 George Lawton [ are choosen deputyes for the next Caleb Arnold I genarall Assembly Latham Clarke J raatthcw Borden ) • , . ^ , ^ , ^ . f are choosen granjury men tor the IvoDcrt Uenniss r r '-n n ^JT^^^• r- \ HCxt Lourt ot i ryails William Cory j ■' Hugh mosyer Joseph Tripp / ^ ^ ^ „ \_j ., ' \, Court of Tryalls Henry JJrightman j •' are chosen to bee of the jury for the uoated that John Sanford Shall have forty waight of good mar- chantable Sheeps wool for his last years searuis in being Towne Clerke uoated that John Cooke Junior Sonn to Thomas Cooke is admitted a free man of This Towne uoated that the land lent unto perticler men out of the Common in this A A Commity Townesliip for their present supply to plant on it being now to impowere j^gt^j-j-, y^to tlic Townc afjaine the Towne do ao-ree and order Conserning '^ --^ Land that it Shall bee in the powre of A Committy which the Towne Shall Choose to let out or set the Same or any part thereof for one yeare to whome and on what terms they or the major part of them Shall See good only for Sowing and the Rent for the use of the Same to bee paid into the treasury for the use of the Towne uoated that thc Commyty Chosen for the Abouesaid Service are George Lawton John Albro senior William Wodell Robert Hodgson and Peleg Tripp uoated that George Lawton is aded to John Albro and the Rest of the Commity for the Straightening of Lines of mens Lands accordig to former order uoated \\^^; Lathum Clarke and George Brounell William Wodell Chosen Towne Treasurer and Engaged Thomas manchester Chosen Towne Serjeant and Engaged Joseph Anthony Gideon ffreeborne Thomas Eaton Thomas Waite are all chosen Counstables and all Engaged Excepting Thomas Waite J 1T2] William Allin of Prudance Chosen Counstable i6yg. [ 200 ] William Wodell ^ William Cadman , j are Chosen overseers of the poore and also to take Care that Straingers be not Entertained in the Towne but accordino: to order voted John Anthony John Borden are all Chosen Surveyers of Cattel and noe boat man Shall veiw any Cattel ^ '^^ '"1 y Sheep or Swine which is Caryed of in Joseph Anthony Thomas Buts and William Hall his boat Except a nother vewer helps to vew them Which is not A boat man James House Standeth propounded to be a freeman in this Towne voated that Joliu Authouy Shall have forty Shillings in monney or pay according to money for his Service done in being Towne Clerke the Last two years and it Shall be paid by the Towne Treasurer voated This mectinsf is desolved "CD At A meeting of the free Inhabitants of the Town of Ports- mouth at the house of John Brigs the 23''' of the 4"' month: 1679: voated John Albro Chosen moderator. and acts of the Generall assemblies in may Last Read voated that Thomas Jenings Shall have Six pounds of wool paid him by the Treasurer which is for warning of A Town meeting in October 1674. voated it is granted to ffrancis Brayton to have A License to Keep an ordinary or victualling house for one year in the place where he now dweleth he first oriveing: bond according to Law for the Keeping of good orders, and do also pay for his License ten money ShillinQ-s into the Treasury voted it is granted to William Correy to have A License to Keep an ordinary or victualling house for one year in the place where he now dweleth, he first givcing bond according to Law for the [ 20I ] 1679. Keeping of good orders, and do also pay for his License tenn Shillings money into the Treasury. [ITS] voted it is granted to John Borden, Thomas Durfee, and the Widow mary Tripp, to have Each of them A License for one year to Sell victuals and drink to Travelers and to afford them Entertainment as may bee needfull and Convenient they first giveing bond according to Law for the Keeping of good orders and do also pay into the Treasury ten Shillings for Each License voted it is ordered that none of the five persons shall be allowed to Sell that Sort of drink commonly Called Rum at any higher price then after the Rate of two pence the gill voted that the Town Clerke with the Treasurer William Wodell are Impowered to draw up the Licenses and deliver them to the persons Concerned they first giveing bond as abovesaid, and paying into the Treasury the money due as afore appointed voted that there Shall be A Rate of Thirty five pounds according to wool twelve pence the pound made on the Rateable Estate of the Inhabitants in this Town. voted Phillip Shearman, William Correy, Gideon ffreeborn, Caleb Arnold, John Brigs, and William Wodell, are Chosen they or the major part of them to make the Said Rate within ten daies of this meetino", and haveins: made it Shall take Care forthwith to deliver it or cause to be delivered unto the Town Sarjeant who by vertue of this order is also forthwith to give notice to all persons Concerned of what they are Rated and to warn them to pay into the Treasuery within ten days next after the makeing of the Said Rate what they are Rated. voted This meeting is desolved At A meeting of the free Inhabitants of the Towne of Ports- mouth At the house of John Brigs sen"" the 15'^'' day of the 8''' moneth 1679 voted William Cadman Chosen moderator 26 1679. [ 202 ] Lathum Clarke William Wodell Pelleg Tripp John Borden Robert Hodgson matthew Borden Hugh Parsons Joseph Tripp John manchester r , _ ^ ^ ,, T , r- 1 n T r \ the next Court or 1 ryall Joshua Coggeshall Jun"^ j -' uoted This meeting is desolued are Chosen deputies for the next Generall assembly are Chosen to be on the Grand Jury ( the next Court of tryal[ ] f are Chosen to be on the petty Jury L] At A meeting of the free Inhabitants of the Town of Portsmouth At the house of william Corry the 14^'' day of the 12"" moneth 1679 : John Albro Chosen moderator George Lavvton William Cadman William Wodell Peleg Tripp This meeting is desoved are Chosen deputies for the next Gen'' assembly At A meeting of the free Inhabitant of the Towne of Ports- mouth at the house of William Corry the 19"' day of the 2*^ moneth 1680 voated John Albro chosen moderator George Lawton William Wodell William Cory and John Borden 1 are chvosen depiilics Gen'l asscmblys for the next [ 203 ] i6So. Robert Dennis ) Joshua Coggesliall ^7, .tr''' ^"^ '''''' ""'' ^^'' ^'''""^ and Daniel Lawton ) ' 1 - Giles Slocum Jun"" ) Tliomas Cornel and '"^'^ ^^''""' '° '""'' °" "^<^ i"^- of Henry Brightman tryals John Corry is admited a freeman in this Towne George manchcster is admited a freeman in this Towne voated Where as the Gen'l assembly Sitting in march last hath Repre- sented to this Towne as to others in this Colony the Searious consideration of Some way for the Raising of moneys for sending an Agent for England and also ordering from Each Towne and place in this Colony a Returne unto the Gen'l Assembly in may next In answer to the order and desire of the said assembly in march last Wee of the Towne of Portsmouth on Road Island at our meeting held the 19"' day of aprill : 1680: doe by our Towne deputies make this Returne unto the Gen""! assembly to be Sitting in Newport in may next that this Towne are W^illing and doe hope shall be able to pay and contribute according to their Just propotion with the Rest of their neighbours in this Colony to the value of three hundred pounds in or as money in A pub- lick Assesment on the whole for the Supply of an Agent for England if the Genl assembly see Cause for the publick good and weale of this Colony to Send and imploy one provided that Each Towne and place in this colony be justly accrding to true propotion assesed with us, and that all former assesments and publick Rates by this colonys assemblys on Each Towne and place may be duely inspected and those whoe are backward or Refrectory in paying what hath been assesed on them may be Efectually gathered and Emproved for the use it was assesed or Such other use as the Assembly of this Colony Shall order for the good of the publick i68o. [ 204 ] And it is ordered that the Towne Gierke doe Transcribe this act and Signe the Same on the behalfe of this Towne and de- Hver the Same unto all or any one of the deputies by this Towne chosen for the aforesaid Gen'l Assembly in may next voated that Thomas Hix Surrendering and leaving his Eight acres of h land wich was oranted to william Eno-land unto this Towns Common for w^hich and in lue thereof after a Straight line Run side on the South East ^^ of that land which he the Said Thomas Hix bought of John Coggeshall from the Southermost Corner unto the flag pond where the fence now stands then he the Said Thomas Hix is to have Eight acres laid out there the whole length not takeing any more of the flag pond voated This meeting is desolved [I.T0] ^t A meeting of the free Inhabitants of the Towne of Portsmouth on their Election day at the house of William Corry the 7"' of the 4'^ moneth : 1680: John Albro chosen moderator John Anthony Chosen Towne clerke and Ingaged William Cad man Lathum Clarke William Wodell , are all chosen to be on the Towne Peleg Tripp ' Councell and Ingaged William Corry John Borden William Wodell Chosen Towne Treasurer and Ineaeed Thomas manchester Chosen Towne Serjeant and Ingaged Robert Hodg^son 1 Ingaged John Keese Benjamin Shearman Joseph Anthony J Ingaged arc Chosen Counstables [ 205 ] i68o. Voated John Anthony John Borden Abiel Tripp Joseph Anthony Thomas Buts and WilHam Hall William Allin of Prudence Chosen Counstable William Wodell | are Chosen overseers of the poore, and also Joshua Coq;freshall : to take Care that Strano-ers be not Enter- William Cadman j tained in this Towne but according to order are all chosen Surveyers of Cattle and noe boat man Shall veivv any Cattle Sheep or Swine which is Carried of in his boat Except a nother veiwer helps to veiw them which is not a boat man, and if any Boat man doe [ Transport or carry from of this Island with- in the liberties of this Township any Sort Sheep of Catle^or Swine without being veiwed ac- cording to order he or they so doeing Shall forfit and pay the just Sum of twenty Shill- j ings to this Towne for Every Such default A bill of 24 Shillings being presented to this Towne by mary ordered Tripp Widow voated it is owned and ^ to be paid by the Towne Treasurer voated Richard Knight a weaver is permitted to sojurne in this Towne upon his good behavour untill the last day of October next Ensueing the date here of and then the Towne Councell hath power to move him or continue him untill the next Towns meeting as they see Cause voated that no Indian Shall have liberty to cut any wood upon this Towns Commons on the first day of the weeke nor in the night time in Case they so doe it is Lawfull for Any free man in this Towne to take it for his owne vse voated John Anthony Shall have twenty shillings in or as money for done his last years Service ^^ in being Towne Clerke and it shall be paid by the Towne Treasurer voted whereas the way formerly appointed for paying the Town Sar- jeant his wages for his service to the Town in that his Said office doth not prove So Satisfactory as desired; for that it i68o. [ 206 ] faileth in divers perliculars It is Therefore agreed and ordered that the Town Sargeant Shall have the Sum of three pounds in money or money pay paid him by the Town Treasurer for his Labour and service for this year now Ensuing in warning Tow^i meetings Town Councels and all Such other Services which he as Town Sargeant ought to do for the Town he performing Said Services voted This meeting is desolved [XT©] ^^t a meeting of the free Inhabitnts of the Town of Portsmouth at the house of William Cory the 30''' of the 6"' moneth 16S0: voted John Albro Chosen moderator voted William Cadman Latham Clarke Peleg Tripp and John Brigs sen"" voted Gideon ffreeborne ^ are Chosen to Serve on the Grand and W^illiam Wilbore ^ Inquest voted Isaac Lawton ) 1 <- , t T-1 A17 -4. ( are chosen to Serve on the next Jury Ihomas Waite ( 4: t u and John Albro Jun*" ) ^' voted that Joseph Anthony Surrendering and leaving out a quarter of an Acre of his land lying on the Southwesttermost End of the Rockey hill which is nere his house unto this Towns Commons: for which and in lue thereof he Shall have a quarter of an Acre laid out unto him adjoyning unto his land on the northEastter- most End of the Said Rockey hill nere pocassit River and the Said land is to be laid out by the men who are Chosen by this Town to Straighten lines between man and man or by the major part of them voted this meeting is desolved are Chosen deputies for the nex Gen'' assembly [ 207 ] i68o. At a meeting of the free Inhabitants of the Town of Portsmoiuh at the house of John Brigs the 12"' of the 9"' moneth 1680: voted George Lawton Chosen moderator n voted Robert Hodgson, Caleb Arnold, George Browell, Benjamin ^ are clioseii Shearman, Daniel Lawton, John Cooke, and William Wilbore,^, they or the major part of them to make A Rate of twenty-two pounds according to money on the Rateable Estate of the In- h habitants in this Town wich is assesed on this Town by order of A the Gen"' Assembly in may last past and the Said Rate is to be made within :6: days after the date of this meeting and forthwith to be delivered to the Town Gierke who Shall forthwith Transe- scribe the Same and Returne the original with the Copy to any one of the assistants in this Town to be furtlier dissposed of as Law Requiereth voted John Brigs is appointed to Spake to Thomas fish that he lay out that acre of land to this Towns Commons which was lent to Henry Eves voted William Wodell Chosen to sel and dispose of the house and fenceing which is on the land lent to Thomas Brooks v-« n 1 are Chosen overseers of the [181] voted Joshua Coggeshall | poore and to take Care that WilHam Wodell J^ Strangers be not Entertained and William Cadman | in this Town but according J to order I voted John Sanford 1 T , Tr r are Chosen Survayers of Cattel John Keese •' and Robert Lawton J voted whereas there hath of Late been a Small difference between this Town and David Lake about fifty Shillings money pay which he in the year 1676 Received for Indians the Town accounting that of Right it Should have been by him I^eturned to them, and which by their Treasurer in the name and in the behalf of the Town of him was Demanded ; but he accounting it his own Refused to make Return thereof yet now being present at this meeting, and for Lssue of the difference offering that he having now in the hand of William Wodell the Sum of five and twenty Shillings and nine pence Like pay, the Town shall have that if they will accept of it in Lieu and in full of their Said Demand to which Said offer of his the Town do yield accepting of the said one pound five Shillings and nine pence in full of their Said demand to Say of the Said fifty Shillings hereby acquitting the said David in all Respects from further trouble or Charge Con- cerning the Same. voted Thomas manchester Shall have three pounds and ten Shillings in or as money for his last years Service done in being Town Serjeant paid him by the Town Treasurer voted John Sanford 1 ■; , __ ^ [- are chosen Survaiers of Cattell John Keese and Robert Lawto voted John Anthony Shall have twenty Shillings in or as money i682. [ 216 ] fo his Last years Service done in being Town Gierke paid him by the Town Treasurer voted this meeting is dissolved At A meeting of the free inhabitants of the Town of Ports- mouth at the house of the widow mary Cory the 28"' of the 6'^ moneth 1682 voted William Cadman Chosen moderator voted Gideon ffreeborne 1 Caleb Arnold I are Chosen deputies for the next Joseph Nicolson Gen'l assembly and Robert Hodgson voted mathew Borden ) are Chosen to serve on the next and Adam mott ) Grand Inquest Robert Brownell ) , , ^, Tir -^ are chosen to serve on the next Ihomas Waite r t r -t- 1 J /-•! CI T r \ Jury ot Iryals and Giles blocum Jun j voted matthew Grinell Chosen Constable and Ingaged voted This meetino- is dissolved [182] ^^ ^ meeting of the free Inhabitants of the Town of Portsmouth at the house of the Widow mary Cory the 19"" of the 12''' moneth 1682 voted William Cadman Chosen moderator voted the deputies This day chosen Shall Serve at both the next Courts voted William Wodell major John Albro are Chosen deputies for the next Latham Clarke and f Gen'l Assemblies Thomas Cornell I [ 217 ] i682 noted ffrancis Brayton Sen' ^ are chosen to serve on the next and William Wilbur Sen' \ Grand Inquest John Co^geshall ] . , . X 1 /I 1 are chosen to serve on the next mrv Jacob mott and f f t- i Peleg Shearman ) ^' voted whereas William Ricketson hath petitioned this meeting for liberty to Erect and Set up a water mill for publick use, between the place where John Tylers mill Stood or near there unto be- tween that and Gideon ffreeborns Land: And to that End to have Liberty to make a damm or dams and also to make such trench, or trenches as may be suitable in that Respect and also to erant him one acre of Land near there unto for his accomoda- tion So long as he Shall Keepe and maintaine or Cause to be Kept and maintained a mill there This Town doe so farr Con- descend to his Request that they are willing he Shall be accomo- dated if Conveniently it may be, And doe Referr the matter to meeting the Judgment and determination of A Committee by this ^to be chosen to view the place and seariously Consider the matter and the Town doe Empower the Said Committee or major part of them to act in the premises, and doe allow of Ratefy and Con- firm what the Said Committee or major part of them Shall see Cause to doe there in to be as Authentick as if done by the whole Town , voted major John Albro, John Sanford, William Wodell, Caleb Arnold, George Brownell, John Tiler, and Benjamin Hall, are Chosen to be the Said Committee and are Impowered they or the major part of them to act as abovesaid and are desired to finnish if Conveniently they Can the abovesaid business by the Last of this moneth voted William Earl hath liberty to build a wharf four Rod northwardly of from Abiel Tripps wharff voted John Borden hath liberty to finnish his wharff voted Abiel Tripp hath liberty to finnish his wharff i682. [ 218 ] voted Joseph Anthony hath liberty to build a wharff Against the house which he now dwelleth in voted that if any swine be found on this Towns Common which are next above a quarter of a year old between the midle of march ^ and the Midel of June next after the owner hath Sufifitient warning and doth not Take Some Spedy Cours with them any free [183] ""'^^"i ^"'^th libertie to Kill them Swine, Phillip Commig standeth propounded to be made a freeman in this towne voted this meeting is dissolved At A meeting of the free Inhabitants of the Town of Ports- mouth at the house of the Widow mary Cory on their Election day the 4''' of the 4''' moneth 1683 voted major John Albro chosen moderator voted John Anthony chosen Town Clerke Engaged uoted John Sanford \ Engaged Latham Clarke | Engaged William Wodell who / Refusing in his Room was chosen Robert I Hoda^son and Ens^aored Chosen to be on the Town Concill Pel eg Tripp \ Engaged John Borden I Engaged and John Anthony / Engaged Caleb Arnold Chosen Town Treasurer who Refuseing in his Roome was Chosen John Anthony and Engaged Thomas manchester Sen' chosen Town Serjeant and Engaged Jacob mott Sen' \ matthew Borden / Enc^aoed / chosen Coun stables John Keese \ Engaged and Gideon ffreeborne / Ensfa2:ed I [ 219 ] 1683. William Allin of Prudance Chosen Constable - , ^ , „ 1 are chosen overseers of the poor and Joshua CoQ:2feshall - - i ^i .. <-. 1 Uj.,,. „V^^, ,, to take care that Stransrers be not William Wodell r 17 , ^ • 1 • ^1 • ^^ 1 , , ,,,.„. ^ , lintertained in this lown but accord- and William Cadman ing to order John Sanford John Anthony John Keese Robert Lavvton and Robert Hodsfson are Chosen Survayers of Cattel hi voted Thomas Jenings for his last years Service in being Town Serjeant Shall have three pounds ten Shillings in or as money paid to him by the Town Treasurer voted John Anthony for his last years Service in being Town Clerke Shall have Twenty Shillings in or as money paid unto him by the Town Treasurer voted major John Albro, John Sanford, and Caleb Arnold are Chosen they or the major part of them to Audit the accounts of William Wodell the Late Town Treasurer and make Return thereof to the next Town meeting voted Philip Shearman, John Sanford, Latham Clarke, ffrancis Brayton Sen^ and John Brigs Sen'', are Chosen and Impowred by the Town they or the major part of them to Lay out the high ghway way tvvo Rod wide begining at the Sea Side on the norwest Side of this Island at the head of William ffreeborns Lot and So to Run that bredth to the Common at the head of the Land Layd out to Ralph Earl deceased and to be accomplished as speedily as Conveniently may be voted this meetino- is dissolved •t> [184] ^t A meeting of the free inhabitants of the Town of Portsmouth the 14"' of the 6''' moneth 16S3 at the house of the W^idow mary Cory 1683- [ 220 ] uoted major John Albro Chosen moderator William Wodel Caleb Arnold Arthur Cooke Latham Clarke Chosen deputies for the next Gen'l assembly at Warwick John Sanford Henry Brightman Peleg Tripp I and John Coggeshall J Robert Hodgson } and Hugh Parsons ) Joshua Coggeshall William Wilbur Jun' and Thomas Eaton Chosen deputies for the next Gen'l assembly at Providence Chosen to serve on the next Grand Inquest at newport Chosen to serve on the next Jury of Tryals at newport voted Robert Lawton Thomas Hassard Joseph Sheffeild and William Cory are all Taken in freemen of this Town Job Almy Standeth propounded to be a freeman in this Town voted This meeting taking into Consideration the many services the Town Council have these severall years done for which they yet have had nothing Allowed in Compensation thereof where- fore it is hereby agreed and ordered that that money which is now already Come into the Treasury for Licences this present year Granted to ordinary-Keepers Shall be Equally divided Amongst them that are of the present Councill if they will accept thereof voted this meeting is Dissolved At a meeting of the free inhabitants of the Town of Ports- mouth the 4'^ of the 11"' moneth 1683 at the house of the Widow mary Cory voted major John Albro Chosen moderator [ 221 ] i68 o- voted Richard Cadman Jacob mott Jun' and William Brouning are all Taken in freemen of this Town voted Stephen manchester is taken in a freeman in this Town voted it is agreed and ordered that a Rate of Thirty pounds in or as money Shall be Levied and assessed on the Estates of the freemen and Inhabitants &c belonging unto this Township voted William Wodell, Latham Clarke, Robert Hodgson, John Coggeshall and Thomas Wait, are Chosen and Impowered, they or the major part of them to make the Said Rate and to propor- tion it according to their discretion on the Estate in this Town- ship as abovesaid and that the Said Rate is within one moneth next after this meeting to be made and Signed by the Said five men, or major part of them voted that the abovesaid Rate is to be paid into the Town Treasury on or before the Last of June next William Ricketson and Daniell Eaton Standeth propounded to be made freemen in this Town voted this meeting is Adjourned untill the i8"' day of this instant January and then to meet again at the house of the Widow mary Cory of the Town of Portsmouth the -free Inhabitants^met according to Ajournment at the house [1.85] of the widow mary Cory the i8"' of the 1 1"' moneth 16S3: voted it is Agreed and ordered that there shall be a book bought for the use of this Town to Record marriages births and Deceases in and the said book to be paid for by the Town Treasurer and that the Town Clerke Shall have six pence Apiece paid him for Recording Each marriage and three pence apiece paid him for Recording Each birth and Deceas in this Town voted this meeting is Dissolved At A meeting: of the free inhabitants of the Town of Ports- mouth the 10"' of the first moneth 1684 at the house of the Widow mary Cory 1684. [ 222 ] voted major John Albro Chosen moderator voted the deputies this day Chosen Shall Serve at both the next Gen'l assemblies William Wodell ffrancis Brayton are chosen deputies to attend the Caleb Arnold 1 next Gen' assemblies and Robert Dennis J William Wilbur ) are chosen to serve on the next and John Borden S Grand Inquest at newport Samuell Shearman ) , i ^ t -, . , ™ . , are chosen to serve on the next Jury Abiel 1 ripp and c r ^ ^ ^ - . o, \ 01 irvals at newport Anthony bhaw j ■' ^ voted that whereas in the year 1668 there was by this Town two acres of Land on the windmill hill Exchanged with William Earl and William Cory for two acres of Land in two other places; and the Said William Earl and mary Cory being the present owners of the Said two acres on the windmill hill and having now for their more Conveniencie desired of this Town a Reexchanging of the Said Lands that So the Said William Earl may have again that acre which was by the Said Exchange Laid out to the Town at the upper End or Corner of his Land, and mary Cory have the other acre which the Town had in Said Exchange ; and that the Said two acres of Land on the windmill hill may be Returned to the Town again: This meeting being willing to grant the Reason- able Request and desires of the Said William Earl and mary Cory Concerning the premises and to the End it may be Efected William Wodell, and John Borden, both of this Town are desired appointed and fully Impowered in the name and in the behalf of this Town with the Said William Earl and mary Cory to make and perfectly to Execute the Exchange of the Said Lands in Such way and manner and by such writing or writings as to them Shall seem needfull in the Case; voted that if any Swine be seen a Killing of a lamb or Lambs [ 223 ] 1684. on this Towns Commons at any ^hereafter; after the owner of Said swine hath Sufficient warning and doth not Take some Spedy and Efectual Cours with them to prevent the Same; any ffreeman hath Liberty to Kill them swine voted that if any Dog or Dogs bitch or bitches be found Ram- bling from home without his master or Some of his masters ffamily with her him or them; any freeman hath Libertie to Kill Such Dogs or bitches voted this meeting is Dissolved [186] -^t a meeting of the free inhabitants of the Town of Portsmouth on their Election day the 2'' of the 4"' moneth 1684 at the house of the widow mary Cory voted major John Albro Chosen moderator voted John Anthony Chosen Town Clerke Engaged voted William Wodell John Sanford Latham Clarke Engaged Engaged EnQ-aored are chosen to be on the Town Councill Robert Hodgson John Anthony and Peleg Tripp voted John Anthony Chosen Town Treasurer Engaged voted Thomas manchester Sen' chosen Town Serjeant and Engaged Ens^aged Engaged Engaged voted matthew Borden George Brownell Jacob mott and Joseph Anthony Engaged w^ho Refusing in his Roome was chosen William coggeshall Engaged are Chosen Constables Eno-a^ed voted Thomas Brigs of Prudence chosen constable and Engaged 1684. [ 224 ] voted John Anthony Peleg Tripp and John Borden voted John Sanford John Anthony John Keese Robert Lawton and Robert Hodgson voted William Allin and Thomas Brio-s are chosen overseers of the poore in this Town are chosen surveyers of Cattle ) are chosen Surveyers of Cattle at *) Prudence Island At A meeting of the ffree inhabitants of the Town of Ports- mouth the 15'" of the 6'" moneth: 1684: at the house of the Widow mary Cory voted major John Albro Chosen moderator 1 J Daniel Lawton Gideon ffreeborne Georo-e Sisson and Peleg Tripp Peles: Shearman and John Borden Abraham Anthony Isaac Lawton and John Keese voted Thomas manchester for his Last years Service in being Town Serjeant Shall have three pounds ten Shillings in or as money paid to him by the Town Treasurer voted John Anthony for his Last years Service in being Town Gierke Shall have Twenty Shillings in or as money paid to him by the Town Treasurer voted this meeting: is Dissolved are Chosen Deputies for the next Gen'' assembly at Warwick are chosen to serve on the next Grand Inquest at newport are chosen to serve on the next Jury of Tryals at newport [ 225 1 1684. At A meeting of the free inhabitants of the Town of Ports- mouth at the house of the Widow mary Cory the 12''' of the 10"' month 1684 voted major John Albro Chosen moderator voted Wilham Wodell, Peleg Tripp, Robert Hodgson, John Cogge- shall, and Benjamin Shearman, are Chosen and Jmpowered they or the major part of them to make a Rate of Twenty Six pounds Seventeen ShiUings and four pence according to money on the Rateable Estate of the inhabitants in this Township [187] which is assessed on this Town by order of the Generall assem- bly in October Last past and the Said Rate is to be made within 13 dayes after the Date of this meeting and forthwith to be Deliverd to the Town Clerk who Shall forthwith Transcribe the Same and Returne the originall with the copy to any one of the Assistants in this Town to be further Disposed of as Law Requireth voted that nicolas Bown, and the Widow Hall are Excused, and not to be Rated in this present Rate voted it being now Signified to this Tow'n that major Peleg Sanford and others having procured something in writing as A confirma- tion or Enlargement of the Estate or Right of this Jsland with Jntention of good to both Towns on the Jsland and all the free- holders therein, And it being proposed to this Town that they will be pleased to appoint Some men as A Committee in the behalf of this Town to Jnspect the Said writing and to Consult and Advise with the procurers thereof, how the Estate therein and thereby procured may best be Conveyed to the Town in Generall, and to all perticular persons therein according to their Just Rights &c. This meeting Do Acrree to the Said motion and to the End abovesaid major John Albro, Philip Shearman, Peleg Tripp, Jchabod Sheffield, Robert Hodgson, John Sanford, and Latham clarke, are chosen A Committee and Desired in the behalf of 1684. [ 226 ] This Town (at Some Convenient time) to give A meeting unto Said major Sanford and the Rest with him Concerned as above- said, with them to Consult and Advise Concerning the premises, and to make Return to the Town at the next Town meeting, of their proceedings therein : voted This meeting is Dissolved At A meeting of the free inhabitants of the Town of Ports- mouth the 16^'' of the first month: 1685: at the house of the Widow mary Cory voted major John Albro Chosen moderator Latham Clarke 1 Henry Brightman | are chosen deputies for the next Gen'' John Coggeshall assemblys at newport and Joseph nicholson Giles Slocum 1 are chosen to serve on the next Grand and William Wilbur j Jnquest at newport John Pears mason ) John Pears y are chosen to serve on the next Jury and John Cory ) of Tryals at newport voted the Deputies this Day chosen are to serve at the two next Gen'l assemblie[ ] voted major John Albro, Cap' John Sanford, m' Latham clarke, and m' John coggeshall they or the majo' part of them are by this Town of Portsmouth and on Said Towns behalf Chosen and Empowered a coiriittee, to meet with those Seven Gen'" the Late purchasers of the Remainders and Revertions of Rhode Jsland and if newport Towns-men be pleased to make choise of men to joyn with them ; for the Drawing up and mak[ ] firm and Efectuall Deed or Deeds from the Said purchasers for the Con- firmatio[ ] of Said purchass, unto all persons it Doth properly [ 227 ] i685 belong unto; And if newport people Shall not see Cause to join in the premises the aforesaid coiTimitte[ ] proceed with the purchasers, on behalf of this Town and make Retu[ | thereof to this Town and the Town to Except or Reject as they Shall see [ ] ^ [188] voted whereas at A meeting held the lo'" of march 1684- the on the desire of William Earll and Widow mary Cory, for Re- Exchainging of two acres of Land, which in A meeting held in Aprill 1668. was Exchainged between this Town and William Earll, and the Deceased William Cory, and the Town on the searious Consideration of their motion at the aforesaid meeting n the 10"' of march Cosented to the desires of Said William Earll A and mary Cory and appointed persons for the Efecting thereof. And it appearing that since there hath not been anything done therein by those appointed, and the Said partyes Still Desiring the performance thereof And on searious Consideration of the Aforesaid meetings conclusion therein. And preventing future trouble This meeting Do consent and it is ordered that the two acres of Land granted to Said Earll and cory is again accepted to be again properly the Towns And the two acres of Land that was to be by Said Earll and cory in leiw thereof to be Layd down to the Town ; is Released and to be and Remain to the true proprietors thereof, without any trouble or mollestation from this Town voted this meetino" is Dissolved : o of the Town of Portsmoutli At A meeting of the free inhabitants on their Election Day the first of the 4"' month : 1685: at the house of the widow mary Cory voted major John Albro chosen moderator voted JqI-,,1 Anthony chosen Town clerke Engaged 1685. [ 228 ] voted William Wodell Latham Clarke Peleg Tripp Robert Hodgson John Anthony and John coggeshall Engaged who Refusing was chosen in his Room John Borden Engaged Engaged are chosen to be on the Town Councill Engaged Eno-aored voted voted Engaged John Anthony Chosen Town Treasurer Engaged Thomas manchester Chosen Town Serjeant Engaged Samuell Shearman Engaged John Pearce in the Comfenc Benjamin Hall Engageed and Daniell Lawton are Chosen Counstables voted Thomas Brigs of Prudence Chosen Counstable Engaged voted John Anthony Peleg Tripp |>- are chosen overseers of the poor and John Borden ^'°^^^ John Sanford John Anthony John Keese Robert Lawton and Robert Hodgson voted William Allin and Thomas Brioo-s are Chosen Surveyers of Cattel are Chosen Surveyers of cattel at Prudence Jsland voted major John Albro, Philip Shearman, John Sanford, Latham Clarke, Robert Hodgson, Giles Slocum, Gideon ffreeborn, and Benjamin Hall, they or the major part of them are by this Town of Portsmouth and on Said Towns behalf Chosen and ffully Empowred A committee, to meet with those Seven Gen[men the Late purchasers of the Remainders and Revertions of Rhode Jsland and if newport [189] Townsmen be pleased to make [ 229 ] 1685. oi Chse of men to Joyn with them ; for the Drawing up and making A firm and Efectuall Deed or Deeds from the Said purchasers for the Confirmation of Said purchase, unto all persons it Doth properly belong unto ; And if newport people Shall not see Cause to joyn in the premises the abovesaid Committee or major said part of them to proceed with the ^purchasers on behalf of this Town fully to Jssue the Same and to make Return thereof to this Town : voted this meeting is Dissolved At A meeting of the free inhabitants of the Town of Portsmouth the 14"" of the 6''' month 1685 at the house of the Widow mary cory voted major John Albro chosen moderator voted matthew Borden 1 John Sanford [ are chosen deputies for the next Thomas Cornell I Gen' Assembly at providence and Giles Slocum J voted Joseph martain ) are chosen to serve on the next grand and Johua coggeshall i Jnquest at newport voted John Cook son of Cap' Cook ] , , 4.1 ^ ^ f :; , '^ I are chosen to serve on the next William Cory - , y r -r • i i. ^^^i. ^ \ next Jury of 1 rials at newport and Stephen Brayton j voted Thomas manchester for his Last years Service in being Town Serjeant Shall have three pounds ten Shillings in or as money paid to him by the Town Treasurer voted John Anthony for his Last years Service In being Town Gierke Shall have twenty Shillings in or as money paid to him by the Town Treasurer voted that the Town Councill Shall have one half of the Licence 1685. [ 230 ] money this present year and the other half to the Treasurer for the use of the Town voted |-j^jg meeting is Dissolved At A meeting of the ffree inhabitants of the Town of Ports- mouth the 30'" of the 9"' month 1685 at the house of the Widow mary Cory major John Albro cosen moderator voted it is agreed and ordered that A Rate of Thirty pounds in or as money Shall be Leavied and Assessed on the Estates of the freeinhabitants &c belonging unto this Township voted William Wodell, Latham Clark, Robert Hodgson, John Cogge- shall and Thomas Brigs of Prudence Jsland, are chosen and Jmpowred they or the major part of them to make the Said Rate and to proportion it according to their discression on the Estate in this Township as Abovesaid and that the Said Rate is within one month next afte[ ] this meeting to be made and signed by live the Said ^ men or major part of them and to be paid into the Town Treasury o[ ] or before the Last of June next voted Daniel flfish and John f^sh are Taken in freemen in this t[ ] voted Xhomas Townsend standeth propounded to be Taken in a free[ ] in this Town voted this meetins is Dissolved '& [190] ^^ ^ meeting of the free inhabitants of the Town of 1 686 Portsmouth the iq'^ of the first month . at the house of the widow mary Cory voted major John Albro chosen moderator voted William Wodell 1 John Coggeshall | are chosen Deputies for the next Peleg Tripp | Generall Assemblys at newport and Robert Hodgson J [ 231 ] i686. voted Gideon ffreeborne ] are choses to serve on the next and William Coggeshall j Grand inquest at nevvport Daniel Lawton ] matthew Borden ^'^ ^^°^^'^ ^° ^^'^^ «" ^^^ "^-^^ and Thomas Hassard Jun^ ) J^^^*>' °^ ^^^^als at newport voted whereas at a meeting of this Town the 30'*' of november Last there were certain men chosen to make a Rate of Thirty pounds in or as money and the Said men Appointed to make the Said Rate ; not haveing yet done any Thing in the case ; now is chosen and Jmpowred John Sanford, Latham Clarke, Robert Hodgson, John Coggeshall, and Thomas Brigs of Prudence Jsland they or the major part of them to make the Said Rate and to proportion it according to their discression on all the Rateable Estate in this Township and that the Said Rate is within one month next after this meetins: to be made and Sicrned by the Said five men or major part of them and to be paid into the Town Treasury on or before the Last day of June next: voted Thomas Townsend is admited A freeman in this Town voted this meeting: is Dissolved 't) At A Town meeting of free inhabitants of Portsmouth the ninth Day of the second month (Aprill) 16S6 at the house of the Widow mary Cory voted major John Albro chosen moderator voted John Anthony Town clerk being Absent by Reason of Lame- ness William Wodell is appointed as Deputy clerk to Supply his place in his Absence this meeting : voted it is by this meeting Agreed that A Committee of Eleven men Shall be now presently chosen to Consider of, and to Endevour what they Can to find out Some good and Convenient way how And to whom to devide the commons or vndevided Lands in this Township; And to make Return in writing to the Town at their i686. [ 232 ] next meeting or Coming together, of what [X91] they do in the case, for the Town then Either to accept thereof or other wise as they Shall see Cause. voted the persons chosen to be of Said Committee are philip Shear- man, major John Albro, Peleg Tripp, William Wodell, Jchabod Sheffield, George Brownel, John Sanford, Giles Slocum, Caleb Arnold, George Lawton, and Robert Dennis, who are desired, they or the major part of them to meet together and to take the premises into their serious Considerations, and to do what they can therein, and to Draw up their thoughts thereon, in writing, most as to what they Judge^Sutable to be done in the Case, and the Same to present to the Town at their next coming together, in order to farther proceedings as abovesaid voted William Wodell Junior, Thomas Potter, Stephen Cornell, nath- aniel Potter Junior, and Robert ffish are all of them Admitted freemen of this Town, voted This meeting is Adjourned untill the twentieth Day of this Jnstant month and then to meet together again in this place, at or near, nine a clock in the morning. According to adjourn- ment At the Reemeeting of the ffree inhabitants of the Town of Portsmouth At the house of the Widow mary cory the 20''' of the 2'^ month 1686: voted this meeting is Dissolved At A meeting of the free inhabitants of the Town of Ports- mouth on their Election Day the 7^^ of the 4^'' month 1686 at the house of the Widow mary Corey voted George Lawton chosen moderator voted John Anthony Chosen Town Gierke Engaged r 233 1 16S6. voted William Wodell \ who possitively Refuseing in his Room was chosen John Borden Ens^aoed Robert Hod^^son / Enofacrcd John Anthony [ Engaged ) are chosen to be on the Town council 1 Latham Clarke [ who possitively Refuseing in his Room \ was chosen Gideon ffreeborn Engaged Peleg Tripp 1 Engaged and Jchabod Sheffield Engaged voted John Anthony chosen Town Treasurer Engaged voted Thomas manchester chosen Town Serjeant Engaged ^'o'^'^i Jacob mott \ matthew Borden / who possitively Refuseing in his Room was chosen Benjamin Hall Engaged William Wodell Jun' ; Engaged and Joseph Anthony / are chosen constables voted Thomas Brigs of Prudenc Jsland chosen constable voted John Anthony ) Peleg Tripp - arc chosen overseers of the poor and John Borden ) voted joi-in Sanford \ John Anthony / John Keese ) are chosen Surveyers of cattell Robert Lawton \ and Robert Hodgson / voted Thomas Bries and Jeremiah Smith are chosen Surveyers of cattell at Prudence Jsland 1.192] voted Thomas manchester for his Last years service in being Town Serjeant Shall have 4 pounds in or as money paid^Jiim by the Town Treasurer voted John Anthony for his Last years service in being Town Gierke 1686. [ 234 ] Shall have Twenty Shillings in or as mone}^ paid to him by the Town Treasurer voted |;i-iis meeting is Dissolved At A meeting of the free inhabitants of the Town of Ports- mouth the 20"' of the 6^'' month 1686 at the house of the Widow mary Cory voted George Lawton chosen moderator voted Xhomas Townsend ] Jsaac Lawton | are chosen deputies for the next Captain Robert Lawton j Gen'l assembly at Warwick and Latham Clarke ] voted Joshua Coggeshall ) are chosen to serve on the next and William Wilbur j Grand Jnquest at newport voted George Sisson j Peleg Shearman - are chosen to serve on the next and William Burrington ) Jury of Tryals at newport voted |-]-,jg jjieeting is Dissolved At A meeting of the ffree inhabitants of the Town of Ports- mouth the 14"" of the 11''' month 16S6 at the house of the Widow mary Corey ' voted major John Albro Chosen moderator """^^^ Latham Clarke ] are chosen to Serve on the next Grand and Daniel Lawton j Jnquest at newport voted Thomas Townsend ) 1 . 1 ™, 1 T f 3-re chosen to serve on the next Ihomas manchester Jun' - , r ^ • ■, . , ^, ,, , ^ I ury or 1 rials at newport and ihomas Hassard jun' j voted this meeting: is Dissolved [ 235 1 1687. At A meeting of the free inhabitants of the Town of Portsmouth the 7^'' of the second month 1687 at the house of the Widow mary coreys are chosen Select-men votLci major Jolm Albro chosen moderator voted George Sisson ) WilHam corey ,- are chosen Counstables and John Keese ) voted Georw h^-ownell Benjamin Shearman Latham Clarke John Borden John Anthony I Thomas Cornell | and Peleg Tripp j [1931 voud ordered that Every man of this Town give in to the Select men Appointed A List of all there Jnclosed Lands Cattell hors Kind Sheep and Swine all above a year old at or before munday next being the 11''' Jnstant by 9 of the clok in the morning at the house of mary corey in order to be Rated according tovvarrant from the Treasurer and Such that Shall neglect or Refuse to bring in Such List as Abovesaid, it Shall and may be in the power of Said Selectmen to Asses annd Lay such valewation upon them as they or the major part of them Shall see Cause and all former constables to Remaine according to former order till the now chosen are Jngaged voted this meeting is Dissolved At A meeting of the free Jnhabitants of the Town of Ports- mouth the 29"' of the 5'" month 1687 at the house of the Widow mary corey voted John Coggeshall Justice Chosen moderator 1687. [ 236 ] voted John Anthony, Peleg Tripp and John Borden are Jm- powered to Sell that Land which was old Bulg[ ]s and the Jncomes to be for this Towns use voted Thomas manchester for his Last years Service in being in or as money Town Serjeant Shall have Three pounds and ten Shillings^paid to him by the Town Treasurer voted John Anthony for his Last years Service in being Town Gierke Shall have Twenty Shilhngs in or as money paid to him by the Town Treasurer voted Cap' Caleb Arnold, Thomas Townsend Shreif, John cogge- shall Justice, and John Anthony are chosen to Draw A Letter to Jnforme concerning hog Jsland and Jmploy a man to carey it to his Excelency and speack Concerning the premises for this Towns bennifitt and the Charge to be paid by this Town voted This meetino- is Dissolued At A meeting of the ffree inhabitants of the Town of Ports- mouth the 12"' of the 6'" month 1687 at the house of the Widow mary Corey voted John Coggeshall Justice chosen moderator voted Peleg Tripp chosen Commissioner voted Thomas Cornell, ■ John Anthony John Borden Giles Slocum Jsaac Lawton Latham Clarke and Jerimiah Smith are chosen Select men [194] voted John Anthony John Borden and George Brounell voted tiiJs meeting is Dissolved are chosen Surveyers of Cattell Sheep and Swine [ 237 ] i687. At A meeting of the ffree Jnhabitants of the Town of Ports- mouth the 24"' of the 7"' month 1687 at the house of the Widow mary Corys voted major John Albro and John Borden are Chosen and Appointed to go to boston and Rightly Jnform his Exelency Concerning the affairs of hog Jsland for which now John Borden is Arrested At A meeting of the free inhabitants of the Town of Portsmouth held the 10"' of the 1 1"' month 168^ at the house of William Corey vottd and it is agreed and ordered that a Rate of fifty pounds in or as money Shall be Levied and assessed on the Estats of the free inhabitants &c : belonging unto this Township voted the Commissioner and Select men are Chosen and Jmpored they ^ or the major part of them to make the Said Rate and proportion 50 Rate it according to their discressions on the Rateable Estate in this Township as abovsaid and that the Said Rate is within Eight daies next after this meeting to be made and Signed by the Said commissioner and select men or major part of them and to be paid in to the Town Treasury on or before the 30''' of march next voted that every freehoulder belonging to this Township who desir it Shall have four acres of Land to plant sow or mow Staked out to them for the time of four years out of our undivided Land according to the discression of Peleg Tripp Latham Clarke and Giles Slocum or the major part of them who are Chosen and Appointed by vote to Stake out the Same as conveniently as may be and no mowing Land is to be Staked out Except any Small part happen to fall out in their Lot And the aforesaid Staked out Land to be Surrendered up and the possession Left to the ffreeholders of this Township of portsniouth at the Expn-a- tion of the Said time of four years and it is agreed that Every one to whom such a Lot is Staked i688. [ 238 ] out he or they Shall make and maintain his or their Equall part or proportion of the fencing there unto belnging: [195] Publique notice by his Exelencies command was given unto the Jnhabitants of the Town of Portsmouth, they being Required to make there Rights Appeare before his Exelencie at boston by the 14'" of this Jnstant month march of A certaine percell of Land peticioned for by Cap' Thomas Townsend Therefore, the Jnhabitants of the Said Town, being mett To- gether at the house of Richard Cadman in said Portsmouth on 7 the second day of march 168^ And there with an unanimus Consent Did make Choise of Eight persons, to Draw up an Answer for to make our Claimes and Rights Appear before his Exelency at Boston, unto the aforesaid Lands and all other our undivided Lands or commos the persons chosen are major John Albro, John Coggeshall, Christopher Almy, William Wodell Peleg Tripp, Robert Hodgson Latham clarke and Thomas Cornell, And also Christopher Almy and John Borden are nominated and Appointed to goe to Boston, to make our Claimes and Rights Appear unto the Aforesaid Lands before his Excelencie the Goven' in boston aforesaid, money being gathered for the use as abovesaid whereof Christopher Almy had four pounds and John Borden Twenty Shillings, and Six Shillings was Spent at newport by the Committee that was chosen march the 26''' day 1688 A Town meeting of the Jnhabitants of Portsmouth being mett together at the house of Richard Cadman in Said T[ ] by order form the Justices at theire court of sessions [ ]d at new- port the 13''' day of December 1687 for to chuse men to make A County Rate of 41 pounds 6 shillings and Eight pence which is proporsioned and Assesed on the Said Town voted Robert Hodgson, George Brownell, Robert Lavvton, matthew [ 239 ] i688. Borden, and Jsaac Lawton, are chosen they or the major part of them to make the Said Rate Also it is Agreed at the same Town meetint^ and voted that A Rate of 25 in & as money shall be made and Assessed on the Jnhabitants of this Township of Portsmouth for the Releif of the poore and to pay this Towns debts money being due unto John Brigs Sen' which he paid in the behalf of the Town and the Said Rate to be brought in and paid unto this Town Treasrer on or before the first day of July next; notice to be given unto the Jn- habitants by the Constables of Portsmouth who are to gather the same ■'ot^^' that the above named persons who was Chosen before shall Also make this Rate by the Last day of Aprill next, if the Said Rate be paid in grane or wooll Jndian corne at 2 ^ bushel barley at 2: 6'' (^ bushel oats at 12'' 1^ bushel wooll at 7^ |-? pound all to be good and merchantable according unto the price befor[ ] Sett [196] -^t A meeting of the free Jnhabitants of the Town of Portsmouth the 21^' of the Third month 1688 at the house of Richard Cadman by order from the Governour and Council in Boston bearing Date the 17^'' of march: 1687: voted Peleg Tripp Chosen Commissinor voted John Borden \ John Anthony / Thomas Cornel ^-1 c 1 *. are Chosen Selectmen Robert Hodgson 1 Giles Slocome ] and matthew Borden / voted Daniel Lawton j 3,.^ Abraham Anthony ■ .^chosen Constables and John Keese - - ) 1 688. [ 240 ] and Jeremiah Smith of Prudence Jsland Chosen constable voted John Anthony chosen Town Gierke and Engaged At A meeting of the ffreeinhabitance of the Town of Portsmouth the 9"' of the 6"' month 1689 at the house of William Corey voted Christopher Almy chosen moderator voted Christopher Almy 1 Jsaac Lawton | are Chosen Deputies for the next Henry Brightman j Gen' Assembly at newport and Samson Shearman J voted Latham Clarke — - — | are chosen to serve on the next a[ ]d Thomas manchester Jun"" j grand Jnquest at newport voted Robert Lawton ) T , ^1, T , f are chosen to serve on the Jury of John Albro Jun' >• -^ ^ IT, /-I T r \ 1 rials next at newport and John Cooke Jun' j ^ voted George Brownel ) .... T 1 ^ ,, ( are chosen veiwers of cattel and John Anthony - j- , r 1 1 Axr-iT 1 n \ oheep accordmo- to former order and William cooQreshall ^ ^ voted John Anthony Chosen Town Treasurer voted Thomas manchester Sen"" is to have four pounds in or as money paid to him by the Town Treasurer for this present years Ser- vice in being Town Serjeant voted ffrancis Brayton Jun' Thomas Hassard and Peleg Shearman are chosen overseers of the poore voted This meeting: is Dissolved '& [197] -'^t A meeting of the ffree Jnhabitants of the Town of Portsmouth the 13"' Day of the 12"' month ffebruary i689\ At the house of William Cory in Said Portsmouth : 90/ voted John Coggeshall Chosen Gierke for that Day voted George Lawton chosen moderator [ ^41 ] 1690. Christopher Ahny Jchabod Sheffield Henry Brightman and Latham Clarke Jsaac Lawton and Giles Slocum George Sisson William Cory and Zuriel Hall are chosen Deputies for the next Gen- erall Assembly to be held at newport are Chosen to Serve on the next Grand Jnquest at newport are chosen to serve on the next Jury of Tryals at newport voted this meetino- is Dissolved At A meeting of the free inhabitants of the Town of Ports- mouth held at the house of William corey the 31" of the first month 1690 voted Christopher Almy chosen moderator the Court order Read voted George Sisson Gidion ffreeborn Henry Brightman and Robert Lawton 1 are Chosen Deputies for the next Generall Assemblys to be held at newport voted Christopher Almy George Sisson Henry Brightman and Gideon ffreeborn are chosen and Jmpowred they or the major part of them to Agree with James Talman or Some other Skilfull man to Cure Ellin Broomer and the charge to be paid by the Town provided it Doth not Exceed ten pounds and also to warn Any Strangers out of this Township or Take Sufficient Security to bear the Town harmless or Keep the Jnhabitants thereof from Charge voted this meeting is Dissolved [198] At A meeting of the free Jnhabitants of the Town of 1690. [ 242 ] Portsmouth on their Election Day the Second of the 4^'' month : 1690: at the house of WilHam Corey voted John Coggeshall Chosen moderator voted John Anthony Chosen Town Clerke Engaged voted Christopher Almy Georo-e Sisson Jchabod Sheffield [ are chosen to be on the Town Peleg Tripp ( Councill Giles Slocum and John Borden voted John Anthony chosen Town Treasurer Engaged voted Thomas manchester chosen Town Serjeant o vted Thomas Durfee ] Egaged Samuell Shearman - are chosen constables and Jacob mott Jun': ) Engaged voted Jeremiah Smith of Prudence Jsland Chosen Constable Engaged voted Gideon ffreeborn ) Jacob mott ^ are chosen overseers of the poor and matthew Borden ) voted John Anthony ) . ^ -D n ( are chosen veiwers of Sheep and Georse Brownell - „ . ,. „ ^ , and William coofreshall Cattle accordinor to fformer order whereas theire is A Complaint to this meeting that their is Severall persons in this Township that hath Taken in Comon Therefore in consideration whereof it is voted and wee do hereby nominate Choose appoint and Jmpower major John Albro, John coggeshall cap'" Christopher Almy, Peleg Tripp, and John Keese A committee they or the major part of them to Enquire and Search into the matter and Rectifie the Same and cause the Said Commons to be Laid open according to the Discression of the Said comittee or the major part of them And the Said Com- [ 243 1 1690. mittee having Given Every perticular Defective person Sufficient warning within convenient time they and Every of them Shall Lay the Said commons open on or before the first Day of march next upon the penalty of the fforfiture of one Shilling for Every Rod of Land So detained or not Layd open to be paid into the Town Treasure and their fences Standing on the Said Land Shall be Thrown Dowen and the Said committee to have Rea- sonable Satisfaction by the Town Treasurer according as the Town Shall See Cause voie.i John Anthony for his Last years Service in being Town Gierke Shall have Twenty ShilHngs in or as money paid unto him by the Town Treasurer voted this meeting is Dissolved [IS^] '^^ ^ meeting of the ffree Jnhabitants of the Town of Portsmouth the 2'' of the 5''' month 1690: at the house of William Gorey voted John Goggeshall Ghosen moderator voted this meeting is Ajorned untill the first Day of August next and then to Appear at the house abovesaid At A meeting of the ffree Jnhabitants of the Town of Ports- mouth the 22'' of the 6"' month 1690: at the house of William Gorey voted John Goggeshall chosen moderator voted George Sisson ! are Ghosen Deputies for the next Gen- Peleg Tripp I erall Assembly to be held at Ports- Giles Slocum and j mouth and also for the next Generall Jchabod Sheffield ' Assembly to be held at Providence voted matthew Borden | are chosen to serve on the next and Samson Shearman ) Grand Jnquest at newport 1690. [ 244 ] voted Thomas manchester Jun' ] are chosen to Serve on the John Cooke JuD'and - next Jury of Tryals at new- William Burrington j port voted it is agreed and ordered that A Rate of Twenty pounds or there about in or as money Shall be Leavied and Assessed on on the Estats of the free inhabitants &c belonging unto this Township voted Christopher Almy, Robert Lawton, Thomas Cornell, Giles Slocum and Zuriell Hall, are Chosen and Jmpowred they or the major part of them to make the Said Rate and to proportion it according to their Disscression on the Estate in this Township as abovesaid and that the Said Rate is within Three weaks next after this meeting to be made and Signed by the Said five men or major part of them and to be paid in-to the Town Treasury on or before the 29"' of September next and what is paid in grain Js to be Jndian Corn at 2' ^p bushel barley at 2^-3'' ^ bushel oats at one Shilling p bushel and Sheeps wool at S'^ ^ all to be good and merchantable voted This meeting is Dissolved [200] ^^ ^ meeting of the ffre inhabitants of the Town of Portsmouth at the house of William Corey the 14''' of the 8^'' month 1690: voted John Coggeshall Chosen moderator voted George Lawton Jun'' Taken in a freeman in this Town voted Robert Lawton, Giles Slocum, Gideon ffreeborn, George Lawton Jun"", and William Corey, are Chosen they or the major part of them to make a Rate of Sixty pounds according to A Generall Assemblies order in may Last past the Said Rate is to be made and proportioned on or before the 20''' of this Jnstant and Signed by the Said five men or major part of them and Return thereof to be made to the Generall Treasurer of this Colony and also to make A Town Rate of About Twenty pounds according [ 245 ] 1690. to the Town order the 22'' of August Last past the Said Town Rate is to be made and proportioned on or before the first Dav of December next and Signed by the Said five men or major ])art of them and to be paid into the Town Treasury on or be- fore the 12''' Day of December next voted this meeting is Dissolved At A meeting of the ffree inhabitants of the Town of Ports- mouth At the house of WilHam Corey the 30"* of the ffirst month : 1691 : voted John Coggeshall Chosen moderator voted Henry Briohtman 1 ,,, t^ .- r ^ , . -^ „f , are Chosen Deputies for the next Latham Clarke /- ri a 11 1 t-i • „,.„. ^ 1 ,, , Cren" Assembly and Llection to be \\ ilham Coofffeshall 1,1,, , T 1 T7- held at newport and John Keese - J voted William Wilbur ) are chosen to Serve on the next and William Burington ] Grand Jnquest ^'"t«' lohn Wilbur ) ^, o , t r V 1 /- 1 f are Chosen to Serve on the next Jury or Joseph Cooke ("7-1 and John Shreve ) •^^ voted this meeting is Dissolved [201] ^t ^ meeting of the free inhabitants of the Town of Portsmouth the first Day of the 4"' month 1691 : at the house of William corey voted Robert Lawton chosen moderator voted John Anthony chosen Town Gierke Engaged voted Giles Slocum Engaged \ George Sisson Engaged I George Lawton Jun"" Engaged \ are chosen to be on John Ward Engaged / the Town Councill Jsaac Lawton 1 and Gideon ffreeborn Engaged I69I. [ 246 ] voted John Anthony Chosen Town Treasurer Engaged voted Wilham Burington chosen Town Serjeant Engaged voted Robert ffish ) John Wilbur [■ are Chosen Constables and Joseph Cooke ) voted William Allin of Prudance Jsland Chosen Constable voted Jacob mott ) are chosen overseers of the poore and Thomas Durfee j- to Take care that Strangers is not and Thomas Cornell ) chargable to the Town voted John Anthony ) . r ^ 1 i ^ T3 n f ^re chosen veiwers of Cattle and George hJrownell " oi 1 xTT-iT /- 1 n \ Sheep accordino- to former order and William Coggeshali ) ^ "^ voted Thomas manchester for his Last years Service in being Town Serjeant Shall have Three pounds in or as money paid to him by the Town Treasurer voted John Anthony for his Last years Service in being Town Clerke Shall have Twenty Shillings in or as money paid to him by the Town Treasurer voted this meeting is Dissolved At A meeting of the ffree inhabitants of the Town of Ports- moth the 8"' Day of the 12"' month 169- at the house of William Corey voted Henry Brightman Chosen moderator voted that Benjamin Hall Shall have four pounds according to for money paid unto him^^Kecping Loding and Looking to of Ellin Bromer Three month from the d voted this meetingf is Dissolved Bromer Three month from the date of this meeting by this Town '& At A meetino: of the free inhabitants of the Town of Portsmouth at the house of William Corey the 29''' of the 12"' month 1691 [ 247 ] 1692. voted Robert Lawton Chosen moderator voted Christopher Almy 1 Giles Slocum { Jsaac Lawton [ and Thomas Durfee J voted Samson Shearman | and Daniel Lawton j voted Pel eg Shearman William Corey and nathaniel Potter Jun' voted this meeting^ is Dissolved are chosen deputies for the next Gen""' Assembly and Election to be held at newport are Chosen to Serve on the Grand Jnquest at newport next are Chosen to Serve on the next i Jury of Trials at newport At A meeting- of the free inhabitants of the Town of Portsmouth the 28"' of the first month 1692 at the hous of William Corey voted Henry Brightman Chosen moderator voted that John Hix hath A quarter of An Acre of Land or Less Lent unto him to make A garden for the time of ffive years from the Date hereof in the common fence near Joseph Anthonys old house and tb.en to Resigne it unto the Town Again And Thomas Hix Joseph Anthony and Thomas Durfee Jun"" is to Lay it out So that it may not Damnifie any highway voted this meeting is Dissolved At at a meeting of the ffree inhabitan of the Town of Ports- mouth on ther Election Day the 6"' of the 4"' month 1692 at the house of W^illiam Corey voted Giles Slocum Chosen moderator voted joiin Anthony chosen Town clerke Engaged 1692. [ 248 ] voted George Sison George Lawton Jun' Jsaac Lawton - - John Ward Gideon ffreeborne and Thomas Durfee Engaged Engaged are chosen to be on the Town Councill Engaged Engaged Engaged Enpaofed voted voted voted voted voted John Anthony chosen Town Treasurer Engaged Thomas Rimins^ton of Prudence '„^ Admitted a freeman in this Town John Tripp chosen Town Serjeant Engaged William Allin of Prudance is Admitted a ffreeman Daniel Pearse of prudence is Admitted a ffreeman Joseph Cooke John Corey who Engaged are chosen constables wholy Refuseth to serve who upon better consideration Engageth voted voted Thomas Hassard j Jeremiah Smith Chosen a constable for prudence Engaged John Anthony ) are chosen veiwers voted voted voted and John Tripp Jeremiah Smith Chosen a veiwer for Prudence John Anthony for his Last years Service in being Town Gierke Shall have Twenty Shillings in or as money paid him by the Town Treasurer William Burrington for his Last years Service in being Town Serjeant Shall have Thirty Shillings in or as money paid him by the Town Treasurer voted this meeting is Dissolved At A meeting of the ffree inhabitants of the Town of Ports- mouth at the house of William Corey the 24"' of the 3'' month 1695 I [ 249 1 1695 oted Giles Slocum Chosen moderator oted this meeting is Dissolved [203] ^t -^ meeting of the ffree inhabitants of the Town of Portsmouth the 22'' of the 6"" month 1692 at the hous of William corey voted Henry Brightman Chosen moderator voted John vaughan and Peleg Shearman are Admited free- men in this Town voted William Wilbur 1 are Chosen to serve on the next and William Earl j Grand Inquest at newport voted John vaughan ) T^i r,- ■ i. are chosen to serve on the next 1 homas Kmiington - ^ ^. , and Josepl, Sheffield ) ^^-^^ °^ ^'y^^' ^* "^"'P"""' voted this meeting is Dissolved At A meetino; of the free inhabitants of the Town of Ports- mouth the 10"' of the first month 169^ at the house of Williani Corey voted Giles Slocum chosen moderator voted matthew Borden ) are chosen to Serve on the next and Daniel Lawton j Grand Inquest at newport voted John Wilbur ) , ^ .1 ^ c c^, are chosen to Serve on the next bamson Shearman - , r ^t^ 1 1 T 1 ci \ jury of I ryals at newport and John Shreve i voted and ordered that if any Ram be found on the common from the 10''' of August to the 10"^ of november it Shall be Lawfull for any Towns man to geld Such Ram or Rams voted This meeting is Dissolved i693- [ 250 ] At A meeting of the ffree inhabitants of the Town of Ports- mouth the 12"' of the Second month 1693 ^t the house of WilHam corey voted Giles Slocum Chosen moderator voted George Lavvton Jun"" WilUam Earll , are chosen Deputies for the next Peleg Shearman f Generall Assemblies at newport and Thomas Cornell J voted this meeting is Dissolved At A meeting of the ffree inhabitants of the Town of Ports- mouth the 8''' of the first month 169. at the house of William Corey voted Henry Brightman chosen moderator voted Isaac Lawton 1 Latham Clarke j are chosen Deputies for the next George Lawton Generall Assemblies at newport and William corey voted Daniell Lawton ] are chosen to serve on the next and Joseph cooke ] Grand Liquest at newport are chosen to serve on the next voted matthew Borden Thomas manchester ,- . _ , 1 T 1 ^ \ Jury of Trvals at newport and John Corey J voted This meeting is Dissolved At A meeting of the free inhabitants of the Town of Portsmouth on their Election Day the 20"' of the 4''' month at the house of William corey voted major John Albro chosen moderator voted John Anthony chosen Town clerke Engaged [ 251 I I 1693] voted George Sisson \ Engaged George Lawton Juii' i Isaac Lawton \ Engaged John Coggeshall / are chosen to serve on the Town John Ward Engaged * counsell and Thomas Durfee / Engaged voted John Anthony chosen Town Treasurer Engaged voted John Tripp chosen Town serjeant Engaged voted John Manchester \ Engaged Joseph Sheffield y Engaged and John Strainge Jun' ) are chosen constables voted William Allin of Prudence Island Chosen Constable voted John Anthony r^ T-, n I are chosen veiwers of Cattle ac- George lirownell r , ^ ^ . \ cordniQT to former order and George 1 ripp j ^ voted John Anthony Shall have Twenty Shillings in or as money for his Last years Service in being Town Gierke paid unto him by the Town Treasurer voted John Tripp Shall have Thirty Shillings in or as money for his Last years Service in being Town Serjeant })aid unto him by the Town Treasurer voted this meeting is Dissolved At A meetino- of the ffree inhabitants of the Town of Ports- mouth the 10"' of the 9"' month 1693 at the house of William Corey voted Henry Brightman chosen moderator voted there is A Rate of 20 in or as money to be made and Levied on all the Rateable Estate in this Township Giles Slocum Latham Clarke, William Corey Thomas Durfee and John Anthony are chosen they or the major part of them 1693. [ 252 ] to make the Said Rate and proportion it on all the Inhabitants in this Township on or before the 20"' of this Instant month according to their Discression So that it Shall be by Every perticular person brought or paid in unto the Town Treasurer on or before the 20''' of December next after the Date hereof voted this meeting is dissolved [205] -^^ ^^ meeting of the free inhabitants of the Town of Portsmouth at the house of William corey the 12'^ of the 11"' •2 month i6q^ 4 voted Henry Brightman chosen moderator voted John Sanford son of Samuel Sanford is Admited A freeman in this Town voted William Arnold and Thomas Cooke are Admited freemen in this Town voted John Anthony is Admited A freeman in this Town vottd Jeremiah mott is Admited A freeman in this Town voted John Tripp is Admited a ffreeman in this Town voted there Shall be A commitee chosen they or the major part of them are hereby ffully Impowered to Audit This Towns accounts with John Borden concerning hog Island So that it may be ffree to be disposed for the Towns bennifitt voted major John Albro, Caleb Arnold, Henry Brightman George Brownel John Anthony Benjamin Hall William corey William Wodell and John coggeshall are chosen the abovesaid Com- mittee And the Said commitee or major part of them Shall and have full power to Lay out the Lands on the South Side be- tween the Widow Lays and the Land in Nicholas Browns possession ; into Small Lots for the Inlargement of the Town to be disposed of according to the discression of the Said Com- mitee or major'^'^'^of them for the accomodating of the free inhabitants [ J Straingers. Especially the Inhabitants before [ 253 ] i694- strangers And those persons that Shall have Lots granted or Setled there Shall have no Right or priviledge in any of the undivided Land in this Township by vertue of Said Lots And also the Said Commitee is to draw up A method ho[ ] to dis- pose of the undivided Land in this Township and niake Returne thereof unto the next Town meeting voted the abovesaid Commitee or major part of them are to act and performe the abovesaid premises voted that the Town Treasurer shall deliver unto William Potter A Sufficient quantyty of money or moneys worth for the Supjjly and maintainance of Ellin Bromer voted this meeting is dissolved At A meeting of the free inhabitants of the Town of ports- mouth at the house of William Corey the 22""* of the 12"' month 169I voted Henry Brightman chosen moderator voted Thomas Durfee George Sisson William Wilbur and John Ward are chosen deputies for the next General Assemblies at newport voted Benjamin Shearman 1 are chosen to Serve on the next and Latham Clarke j Grand Inquest at newport [206] voted William Arnold ] are chosen to serve on John Sanford Samuel Sanfords Son - the next Jury of Tryals and Thomas Durfee Jun"" ) at newport voted John Borden Shall have Seven pounds Sixteene Shillings and Six pence paid unto him by This Towns Treasurer in or as money which we find is his due concerning hog ■ Island according to his account * Either 22 ' or 23' . First entry changed. 1694. [ 254 ] Wee of the Conietee Chosen at A meeting of the free inhabi- tants of the Town of Portsmouth on Rhode Island at the house of William Cory the 12"' of January 169! to Lay out the South- side Into Small Lots and also to consider and draw up in wrigfhtinQ- some fare honest & Lesiall method and conveniant way for deviding all or part of y" Rest of our undevided Lands in this Township in such maner And proportions as wee in our understandings Shall Think most Conveniant, In persuance of Said order wee have Severall times met And having considered the premises, wee cannot Satisfie our Selves that any fare and Legall corse can be for deviding y*" whole by Reason of Some watring places for Cattell and other generall Conveniances to y" Inhabitants of Said Town, but having Sarched the booke of Records doe finde that the fformer way & method hath been to grant to pertickuler persons in Said Town and Therefore wee Think it the most convenient way, first to grant to Every free inhabitant that is A present freeholder y*" quantety of Twelve Acres of Land at the Least, and more According to quallity and to be Aded Adjoyning to Each freehold where it may be done without prejudece to their nighbours, and where it cannot be Joyned to the freehold, then to be Layd out to such in y* neerest Conveniant place that may bee: And as for Such persons as have Land in this Township and are not present freeinhabitants and y" proper owners of s'' Land comes to make demand for their Rights in y*" undivided Land they Shall be considered and have their part according to y*" discression and Judgment of the comettee or disposers of Land or the major part of them that Shall be chosen & appointed to act and doe in the premises herein declared : wee Think it Convenient that the Town choose A survaior with two or three able men to Assist him in Lay ing out Said Land Equally and Justly accord- ing to quallity that noe free holder may be wronged. And that Every person or persons that hath his Land Layd out pay two Shillings pr Acre According to the former custom in Said r 255 ] 1694. Town, for to defray the Charge of Survaing and Laying out. And the Said money to be paid into this Town Treasury for to defray any other Charges that may Arise in this Town: The above written is voted voted major John Albro chosen surveyer to Survey the above mentioned Land and Lay it out according to voat voted George Brownel, William Wodell, and George Sisson, are Chosen to be helpfull to the abovesaid surveyer in Laying out the above written proportions of Land according as it is their Directed voted this meeting is dissolved: Latham Clarke, Gidion ffree- born, and Giles Slocum doe utterly protest Against the proceed- ing of this meeting concerning Laying out of any of our undivided Land in this Township [20T] -^t A meeting of the ffreeinhabitants of the Town of Portsmouth on their Election day the 4''' of the 4''' month 1694 at the house of William corey voted Giles Slocum chosen moderator voted John Anthony chosen Towne clerke Engaged voted George Sisson \ Engaged George Lawton J Engaged Latham Clarke / Engaged )are Chosen to Serve on the Town Councell John Ward I Engaged Isaac Lawton | and William Earll / Engaged chosen voted John Anthony rt Town Treasurer Engaged voted John Tripp chosen Town Serjeant Engaged i694- [ 256 ] are Chosen Surveyers voted John Sanford Son of Samuel Sanford John Keese and John Shreve are chosen Constables voted Daniel Pears of Prudance Island chosen A constable voted William Earll John Tripp John Anthony and James Akin voted John Tripp Shall have fifty Shillings for his Last years service in being Town serjeant in or as money paid unto him by the Town Treasurer voted John Anthony Shall have Twenty Shillings in or as money for his Last years Service in being Town clerke paid unto him by the Town Treasurer voted this meeting is Dissolved At A meeting of the freeinhabitants of the Town of Ports- mouth the 17''' of the 6"' month 1694 at the house of William Corey : voted Henry Brightman Chosen moderator voted Isaac Lawton 1 Latham Clarke I George Lawton j and William corey J voted John Ward | and John vaughon j voted Robert ffish - - - - Benjamin Shearman and Thomas Townsend voted this meeting is dissolved are chosen deputies for the next Generall Assembly at newport are chosen to Serve on the next grand Inquest at newport are chosen to serve on the next Jury of Tryals at newport At A meeting of the ffreeinhabitants of the Town of Ports- mouth the 17"' of the 11"' month i6q^ at the house of William Corey [ 257 ] i694- voted Henry Bnghtman Chosen moderator voted HoQ- Island Shall be Divided voted this meeting is Dissolved -^e cease the records of town meetings, with the exception of . ^ew chiefly of later^date that are scattered through the remainder of the book, amon, deeds. ..lis. buths, marnages, ear-marks, etc. . . ^i.,^„ i For the dates of such meetings, see the table at the beginning of th.s volume.) 33 [ ^58 ] [In the original volume the following entries begin at the end opposite to that used for town meetings. Thus the page now numbered 208 becomes the first page of the book when reversed. It is preceded b)' the stubs of at least five pages, on some of which can be perceived entries so fragmentary as to be unintelligible.] T 1 t f Januar Then S w':'' a ba Eyes a Coullor or recording itten are me Philip tsmouth in nd better nott : 6 : , Sack-3-Anck [ 259 ] [210] Junc:2o:i June : 22 : I June 15'!^ 1659 June 22 : 1659 A Junely 23: 1659 — Junely 23: 1659 Lickar 12''' Jun 1660 John 16 of May 1 66 1 Lo 16 of May 166 1 Ri and 3 gal on 4"' of August I hogg 1662 John Sanford 11'^ of August 2 An[]k baley Entred by — 4"' of August 62 2 o o o k o Liquors Stronge Walters — 2 o 6: I I [ 26o ] of Rum 1663 June En 1664 S 1665 or 66 f L E E Entred t ffebure Cack [211] o^ ^^^^ Town of th i6q- at the house ^6 puties for the next to be held at newport itants of the Town month at the house of en moderator hn Coggeshall, and George the major part of them on the inhabitants of pound according to ober Last at Warwick eeman in this Town ffreeman in this Town this Town of the Town Ports- at the house of [ 261 ] ies for the next Gen"' t[ ] be held at newport e next grand rve on the als at newport [212] The Ear marke of | ]attell of J hindgad on Each Ear And A half Right Ear Entred [ ]nd Recorded month 170% "|j^ me John A The Ear mark of the Cattell of -gad on Each Ear And A ha and Recorded the 31'' of th John Anthony T The Ear marke of the Catt -gad Each Ear Entred month : 1710 : p me John The Earmarke of the Cattell of Ad Left Ear with two nicks under under the Right Ear Entred a John Anthony Town Cleerke t The Earmark of the Cattel of T in the Left Ear and A Slit Entred and Recorded the ^ me John Antho being fformerly old [Page 213 is blank.] [ 262 ] [214] Marke John Sanford The marke o on Each Ear fif tenth of m Henry percc) ' The marke of A Crope and Sli out of the fore side Entred vpon Record By me Richard B Tho Diirfe The marke of the left Eare & t The marke of E Ed La}^ the lower side close to the head or this 1 6^'' of me Richard M"- William The Eare mark Baulston william Entred this feburary i66i The John Almy John one Ent f by Bu [215] [ 263 1 s Senyor f X^ / \ ight Eare \/ ] veare 1 64.0 I , , . , . \ yeare 1640 this booke | 65 or 66 5 rd Bulger ^ larke [ lliam Corry his 5 e Cropt and one! gadd ^ Gershom mott n with A halfpeney Slit Right Down the__ t Ear Entred and e 4^'' month 1697 y Town Cleerke Itels Eare marke p and a hapeny e Eare e month of Bui gar h his Catteil e the Right y' third of chard Bulger towne Clarke admans Catteil pon the Right June 1666 ulger ke y Right Eare / Left Eare \ [ 264 ] I] hugh Parson a Crope one y' the left Eare [ Jilliam Willfa [ jilbore three Nic Lefft Ea [ Jifl WilHa [ ]ly two slit E R The Marke Thomas Butts a Croop Ent By n The Marke of a Croop one Ralph Couland one y'^ hinder p in to y' office in to this Booke By m Town The Eare marke of Ralpli Earle and transcribed in his Cattel ne the left Eare hard Bulgar arke Croop one y'^ Right Entred by [ 265 1 william Lany Lott Strainge The Eare mar one the Right E office of the T y'- booke the i The Eare Ma one y'" fore pa or there abou June 1666 by 217] o\v wayte gadd one ge and ne 1666 Clarke Cattle is e of 24 6"' of ne Clarke e and Slet art of y^ ed vpon ard Cattle, a gadd one te of the Right of 24 yeares 6th of June 1666 larke his Cattle is a howle Either Side of one s, Entred vpon Record me Richard Bulger Towne Clarke [ 266] Bordens Cattle is a hinde and a halfpeny from the Route one y" hinder side of y*" Eare ne vpon y" Right Eare of ere abouts and Entred vpon e 1666 By me Bulgar towne Clarke ers Cattle is a Crop one re a slipe Cut of behinde wards to the bottom of y*" ge and Entred vpon By me Richard Bulgar Towne Clarke attle is a holle through Each ut downe one the hinder , eares standinge or thereabo[ ] of July 1666 Richard Bulger ne Clarke ■] mathew Greenell The Eare marke o both Eares, and t Eare, and one ha the Eares of 12 y vpon Record the Bulgar Towne Anthony The Eare marke of Anth Emarey left Eare, and a hapen Eare of 30 y eares St Entred vpon Record th Ric I [ 267 ] The Eare marke of Jo Joseph Ladd the left Eare, and a hoi vnder the hole one the standinge and is Entr By me Ri willi freeborne The Eare marke of willi y*" Right Eare & a pece side of the same Eare Entred vpon Record this By me Ri The Eare marke of Nathf |ell h Nathanell a Crop one y'^ Left Earj |y vnder the Browninge Eare one y"" hinder side o| |f 25 yeares and is Entred vpon Record| | July 1666 By me Richard | |r towne CI The Eare marke of Henr Henery Lake the left Eare and a fork Eare of 10 yeares Stan the 5^*^ of July 1666 B [ ]dward fifisher The Eare Marke of E Lefft Eare and a hi standinge and Entre The Eare marke of [ ]obart Hazard one both /' Earcs m Standinge and is B [ 268] [/JXOJ iliiam James his Cattle der side of y" Right Eare e Side of y*" lefte Eare and Entred vpon Record By me Richard Bulgar Towne Clarke Jacob Motts Cattle is a Crop Cutt Slitt doune Right in y*" Crop ge and Entred vpon Record this List 1666 me Richard Bulgar Towne Clarke f M' Peter Talman his tts downe Each Eare Nere nge and Entred vpon Record this 66 By me Richard Bulgar Towne Clarke The Ear | ] of Anthony Shaw his Cattell is a hinde [ ]ne the Nere or left Eare ye[ ]andinge vpon y"" Island of Janauery : 1666 Richard Bulgar wne Clarke ed Borne is two Croops ht Eare 18''^ day of October 1667 chard Bulgar Clarke [ 269 ] 1220] William Hauens his Ea William is a fore gadd one the R Hauens one the left Eare Entred this i8 By me Richa Towne Clar Latham Clarke his Eare a flower deluce one y' Left Right of two yeares Standin Entred vpon Rec Nouember 1667 Bulgar Towne M'' portars Eare marke a halfpeney out of y^ R y^' Eare Entred vpon November 1667 b Town The Eare marke is two hinder gads of 27 yeares standing Entred vpon R November 16 Richard Bu The Eare marke of tho Cattell is a hinder gadd vp of fiue yeares standinge Entred vpo Nouember Richard B [ 270 ] The Ear marke of the Cattell of A nick or halfpenney under fformerly the Widow Port and Recorded the lo"" of the ^^ me John Anthon of George Lautons his Cattell Right Eare and a hapeny de of y*" same Eare of 26 years red vpon Record nouember e Richard Bulgar towne Clarke arke of Nathainll Potters his Cattell one both Eares and a hapeny one the f Either Eare of 7 yeares standinge ed vpon Record this 29''' of november 1667 e Richard Buls'ar towne Clarke e marke of y" Cattell of Ackabut potter in y'' Right Eare & a slitt downe in y^ itt in the left Eare & a hapeny vnder yeares standinge and Entred is 29''' of November 1667 ard Bulgar towne Clarke ke of philip Longs his op one the Right Eare and wne in y" Crope and two nicks the tope of y" same Right Eare y vnder the same one the vnder the same Right Eare and a hapeny er side of y^ left Eare pon Record this 29"' of november by me Richard Bulgar towne this marke is of 2 yeares standinge [ 271 ] ke of Joseph martins his Cattell both Eares two Nicks vnder e two slets in y'' top of y" 15 years standinge and Record the 29"" of november Richard Bul^rar towne '&' The Eare marke of da is a Crop one Eatch one the hinder side of y stanch nge and Entred of November 1667 by towne Clarke The Eare marke of Lefftenant Albr is a Crope one y' Right Eare about the midle of y*" Eare «& a sHtt downe from y'= Crope to y" Rout of y*" same Eare, and a hapeny one the fore side of y'' Left Eare of Nere vpon 30 yeares Standinge and Entred vpon Record the 30"' of novemba 1667 by me Richard Bulgar towne Clarke The Eare marke of Samwell Albro ^ is a Crop one y'' Right Eare about f of y'' same Eare and a slitt downe the ^ the Rout of y*" Eare, and two hapcn _^ fore side of y' left Eare of 4 ye '^ and Entred vpon Record the 30''' of ^ 1667 by me Richard Bulgar t < Clarke [ 272 ] The Eare marke of Gersham wodell Cattell is a Crope one the left E a Nick behinde vnder the Crop hapene one the fore side of Eare Close to the head of 5 standi nge and Entred vpon R 30''' of novembar 1667 by Richard Bulgar tovvne C to distinguish betwen the Eare his Cattell, and the aboue writen wodell his Cattle the said Ger former Eare marke a whole i Eare markes formerly beinge Entred this 16th of by me Richard town Clarke [223] ^^^^e of Icabod Shefelds op one the Right Eare & vnder side of the same t of y" Eare & a hinder left Eare of 16 yeares Entred vpon Record the november 1667 by me Richard Igar towne Clarke The Eare marke of m'' Calleb Arnold his Cattel is a holl in Each Eare of 3 yeres standinge and Entred vpon Record the 30''' of Novembar 1667 by me Richard Bulgar towne Clarke the Eare marke of Richard Hart his Cattell is two Crops a little hollow doune ward of 12 yeres Standinge and Entred vpon Record the second of december 1667 by me Richard Bulgar towne Clarke [ 273 ] The Eare marke of John Tripp Scnyor is a Crop on y' Left Eare & a holow utt in at y' Crop & a hapeny one the e side of y" same F^are vnder Cropc of Nere vpon 30 res standinge and red vpon Record the nd day of december by me Richard towne Clarke e Cattel of Thomas Brayton is A Crop on tlie Slopt of from the hinder part of the Said Crop own the midle of the Left Ear with A Same Entred and Recorded the 26''' th 1705 p me John Anthony Town Clc 1 2241 The Eare marke of John Antho Catteii is a hole in y*" left Eare and a Crop Right of 30 yeares Standinge and and Entred vpon Record this second december 1667 by me Richard Bu towne Clarke The Eare marke of william Earls Cattell is a hapeny vnder the side of y" further Eare a a slitt one the Nere Eare of 12 yeares stand and Entred vpon Record by me Richard Bulg towne Clarke December y*" ^'^ 1667 The Earemarke of John Tyler his Cattell is two holes through the Right Eare one aboue an other, and a Nicke one the Nether side o the same Eare nere the Rooute of the Eare the left Eare no marke at all this is the [ 274 ] Eare marke of all his Cattell and Ent Record the 6^^ of December 1667 and standinge by me Richard Bulgar town The Eare marke of Lewes Matex his C a Crop one the left Eare and a SHtt in th midle of y*" Crope with a bitt taken out fore side of the same Eare against y"" sHtt Entred vpon Record this 1 2"" of december i this was henry percey his marke By me Richard Bulgar towne Clarke The Eare marke of william halls his C a Crop one the Right Eare and the flower deluce one the left Eare of 3 yeares standinge and Entred vpo Record the 12th of december 16 me Richard Bulgar towne [225] ^ marke of the Cattell of frances ton is a Crop vpon the Right Eare no other marke of 26 yeares standinge d Entred vpon Record the 1 3'^ of december 667 by me Richard Bulgar towne Clarke The Eare Marke of the Cattell of daniell Lawtons Cattle is two Nicks behinde the left Eare and one Nick one the fore side of y*" Right Eare of 4 yeares standinge and is Entred vpon Record this 1 6"" of Janauery 1667 by me Richard Bulgar towne Clarke the abovesaid Daniel Lawton hath assigned the abovesaid Ear marke unto his Son Thomas Lawton to be his proper Earmark Entered by me John Anthony Town Clerke the 3'' of the i'' moneth 1684 [ 275 ] The Eare marke of Samuell Sanfords Cattle is a ffore gad one the Right Eare and one tlie left Eare two hapenes one before and the r behinde y'' Eare of 12 yeares standinge is Entred vpon Record this 16"' of Janaueiy 67 by me Richard Bulgar towne Clarke Eare marke of Hugh Mosher his Cattell is o hapenis before vpon the Right Eare and one hapeny ne the left Eare before of seuen yeares Standinge and is Entred vpon Record this 19''' of feburery 1667 or 68 By me Richard Bulgar Towne Clarke The Eare marke of Joshuah Coggshall his Cattell is a Crope one both Eares it beinge his fTathers marke and is Entred vpon Record this 9"' of march 1667 or 68 By me Richard Bulgar Towne Clarke [220] The Eare Marke of Thomas Cooke Sen' his Cattle is a Crop one the left Eare, and a hapeny vnder the lower side of the same Eare, and a Slitt one y" Right Eare of 26 yeares Standinge or there abouts and is Entred vpon Record this 9"' of march 1667 or 68 By me Richard Bulgar Towne Clarke The Eare Marke of Joseph Houldersbe his Cattel is two halfe dimonds Cutt in to y'' Right Eare of one weke Standinge and is Entred vpon Record this 9"' day of march 1667 or 68 By me Richard Bulgar Towne Clarke [ 276 ] The Eare Marke of Thomas Cooke Jun'' his Cattell is a Croop one y*" left Eare and a Slitt in y"" Crop and a hole in y^ Right Eare of 20 yeares Standinge and is Entred vpon Record this 9th day of march 1667 or 68 By me Richard Bulgar towne Clarke The Eare Marke of Dauid Ackan his Cattle is a Crop one the Right Eare and a slitt in the same Eare, and a hapeny vnder the left Eare of three yeares standinge and is Entred vpon Record this 25''' day of aprill 1668 by me Richard Bulgar towne Clarke The Eare marke of mi^ Rebecka Cornell is a Crop one the left Eare, and a slante pece Cutt of behinde the Right Eare of 28 years standinge and is Entred vpon Record this 25th day of aprill 1668 by me Richard Bulgar Towne Clarke [2ST] The Eare Marke of Thomas Cornell his Cattell is a Crop on the left Eare and a hapeny behind it two hapenes one the Right Eare on behinde and the othere before of 15 yeares standinge and is Entred vpon Record this 25 day of aprill 1668 by me Richard Bulgar Towne Clarke The Eare marke of Gyles Slocom is a Crope in the Right Eare, and a hapeny vnder the same one the same Eare, with a Slitt in the left Eare and a hapeny vnder of thirty years standinge and is Entred vpon Record this 25th day of aprill 1668 by me Richard Bulgar towne Clarke [ ^-11 ] The Eare Marke of the Cattell of Wilham Woods is a Croop on the Right Eare and a fore gad on the left Eare and two Nicks vnder one the hinder side of y'' left Eare of 1 2 yeares standinge or there abouts and is Entred vpon Record this 25th of aprill 1668 by me Richard Bulgar towne Clarke The Eare marke of John Cooke his Cattell is a Crope one the left Eare and a hapene vnder the Crop one the vnder side of y'^ Eare and a slitt one the Right Eare and a hapeny before or one the fore side of the same Eare of 14 yeares standinge and is Entred vpon Record this 28 day of aprill 1668 By me Richard Bulgar towne Clarke « The Earemarke of Thomas woods his Cattell is the left Eare a Croop and a flower deluce one the Right Eare of 14 yeares stand- inge and is Entred vpon Record this 28 of aprill 1668 by me Richard Bulgar Towne Clarke [228 I rhe Eare Marke of Joseph Tripp his Cattell is a Croope one y"" Left Eare and a hapeny one y'' fore part of y" left Eare and a Slitt downe y'' midle of y"^ Right Eare of halfe a yeares stand- inge and Entred vpon Record the 12"' of Octobar 1668 by me Richard Bulgar towne Clarke The Eare marke of Nicklas Browne Senyor his Cattell is a slitt downe one both Eares and no more of twenty Nine yeares stand- inge and is Entred vpon Record this 13'^ day of November 1668 by me Richard Bulgar Towne Clarke [ ^78 ] The Eare marke of Thomas manchestar his Cattel is a Crope one the Left Eare and two Nicks one y[ ] hinder side of y*" Right Eare of 20 ye[ ] standinge and Entred vpon Record this 29 of march 1669 By me Richard bulgar Towne Clarke The Ear marke of the cattel of Daniel Lavvton Jun' is A nick or peice cut°"\mder the Left Ear with A Crop on the Same Ear it being fformerly belonging unto William Wodel Sen"" Deceased Entred and Recorded '^ me John Anthoy Town Cleerke the 12''' of the 3'' month 1701 [^^^J The Eare marke of Dauid lake his Cattell is a Crope on the Nere Eare with a small Slit one the fore side of y" same Eare of 3 yeres standinge and Entred vpon Record this 29''' of march 1669 by me Richard Bulgar towne Clarke The Eare marke of John Lightfoots Cattell is a Crop one the Right Eare and a hapene taken of from the hindermust side the whole langth of y' left Eare of on yeares Standinge and Entred vpon Record y" 13"' of aprill 1669 by me Richard Bulgar towne Clarke The Ear mark of Thomas Hixes Cattel is A Slit in the Right Ear and A halfpenney under the Left Ear of one year and Seven months Standing Entred and Recorded the 30''' of the 10'^ month 1703 ^ me John Anthony Towne Cleerke The Ear marke of the Cattel of Benjamin Chase is A Crop on the Left Ear and A Slitt in the Right Ear with a halfpenney under the Same Entred and Recorded the 3'' of the fifirst month 170I f^ me John Anthony Town Cleerke [ 279 ] The Ear marke of the Cattel of Thomas Jeffcrrey is Three Sh'ts in the Right Ear Entred and Recorded the 13''' of the first month lyof ^ me John Anthony Towne Cleerke The Ear marke of the Cattell of Isaac Lawton Son of Dni 11 Lawton is two nicks under the Left Ear and a hindead °" the Right Ear Entred and Recorded the 14"' of the 2'^ month 1704 fj^ me John Anthony Town Cleerke The Ear marke of the Cattel of Isaac Lawton son of Daniel Lawton is two nicks under the Left Ear and A hindgad on the Right Ear Entred and Recorded the 25''' of the 3'' month 1705 '^ me John Anthony Town Cleerke The Ear mark of the Cattel of Richard Sisson is a hindgad on Each Ear and A halfpeney under the Left Ear it being fformerly his Grand ffather Richard Sisson^ Ear mark Entred and Recorded the 17 of the 8"' month 1705 "{? me John Anthony Town Cleerke [230] ^^^^ Eare marke of Thomas fHsh Junyor his Cattell is a Crope on both y*" Eares and two Nicks one the inside of y"" Right Eare and one Nicke one the fore side of the left Eare of halfe a yeares standinge and Entred vpon Record this 22"' of may 1669 By me Richard Bulgar Towne Clarke David The Eare-marke of David Vahan of the Vahan. Towne of portsmouth for his Catle: on the Right Eare a hole and a hapeny vnder the eare Close to the head, and a forke on the kft eare and a hapeny close to the head vnder the Same Eare. Entred on Record the 14"' day of October 1669 '^^ me John Sanford Towne Clerke. John pinner, [ 280 ] The Eare-marke John pinner, for his Catle. vnder the Right Eare a hafe-peny. and a hind-gad. on the left Eare. Entred on Record the, 16"' Day of march. 1669 70: ^9 me John Sanford Tow. Gierke. John Simmons The Eare-marke of John Simmons for nis Catle is a forke or Swallows Tayle on Each Ear Entred on Record the 16"' Day of may 1670. ^ me John Sanford Tow. Gierke Willia' Burrington The Eare-marke of William Burrington for his Gatle. is a hole in Each Eare. Entred on Record, the. 22^'' of Aprill 1671 ^ me John Sanford T. Gierke. Robt. Hodgson The Eare marke of Robert Hodgson for his Gattell. is a Grop on Each Eare and a hapeny vnder Each Grop and a hapeny above on the Right Eare. Entred on Record the. 4'^ of January: 1671 ^} me . John Sanford Tow Gierke. Hen. Straight. The Eare marke: of Henry Straight for his Gattell is a fforke or Swallows tayle on the Right eare, with a hapeny on the fore part of the Said Richt Eare and a hingad on the left Eare. Entred on Record the ii"' of March 1671 ^ me John Sanford 72 TowT Gierke. f [ 2S. ] Tho Jenings The Eare marke of Thomas Jenings of JLin' Portsmouth jun'' for his Catle. is a Slaunt- inge Crope to the fore part of the Eare and a hapeny vnder Entred and Recorded the 24"' July 1672. ^jp John Sanford To. Gierke 1231] The Eare marke of the Catle of Thomas Hicks is a slitt in the Right eare about the Midle part of the eare from the top this same marke beinge fformerly belonging to his ffather. Entred and Recorded the 21'. of Novem' 1672 y me John Sanford T Gierke. [ ] Anthony The Eare-marke of the Catle of Thomas Anthony is a Crop of each Eare and a hole in each Eare and a hapeny before on the left Eare: Entred and Recorded the 21' of ffebruary 1672 ~ 3 ^ me John Sanford Towne Gierke. Georg Sisson The Eare marke of the Catle of Georg Sisson is a forke or Swallows tayle on the Right Eare, and a hingad on the left Eare. Entered and Recorded the: 30"' Day of May 1673 ^ me John Sanford Towne Gierke. Gyles pearce. The. Eare marke of the Catle of Gyles pearce is ^ Crop on each eare and slitt in Each Crop and a hapeny under on the Ricrht Eare. Entered and Recorded the. o 5'" of July 1673. y^. me John Sanford Towne Gierke. 36 [ 282 ] [ ] Coggeshall The Eare marke of the Catle of m' John Coggeshall is two hapenys before one the neere or left Eare, Entered and Recorded the 8"' Day of August 1673 ^. John Sanford Towne Gierke [ ]iam Maize The Eare marke of the Catle of William Maize is a Crop on each Eare and a hole in the Right Eare and a slitt in the left eare. Entred and Recorded the 8'^" of August 1673- "^ me John Sanford Towne Clerke [ J Bray ton ju' The Eare-marke of the Catle of ffrancis Brayton jun'. is a slitt in the left Eare and a hapeny vnder the same eare || and A hind- gad on the Right Ear aded '^ me John Anthony Towne Clerke || Entred and Recorded the 23. of March 1673. 74 '^. me John Sanford Tow Clerke. Benja. Chase The Eare marke of Catle of Benjamin Chase is a slitt in the left Eare and two hapenys above and two hapenys below on the Said Left Eare, Entred and Recorded the 21! of Aprill 1674 '^j me. John Sanford Towne Clerke. The Eare-Marke of the Catle of Stephen Stephen Brayton Brayton is a Crop on the Right eare and a [ ] held by his Son hapeny vnder the Cropp on fore-part of the [ Jephen Brayton said right eare. Entred and Recorded the i^ of June 1674 ^ me. John Sanford. Towne Clerke. [ =S3 ] The Eare-marke of the Cattle of Benjamin Shearman is a duble V on the left Eare thus described Entred and Recorded the i' of June i6 4 "^ me. John Sanford Towne Gierke. The Ear marke of the cattle of John Tripp Jun' is A crop on the Left Ear and A halfpeney on Each Side the Same it fformcrly belonging to his uncle James Tripp, and the Said John Tripp hath marked his Sheep of the same marke Ever sence he had Sheep Entred and Recorded the 28''' of the 3'' month 1705 "jj^ me John Anthony Town Cleerke [232] James Case James Case the Earemarke of his Catle is a Crop on the ne[ ] Eare and a hapeny above and below the farr or right Eare Entred and Recorded the 16' Decem"^ 1674 John Sanford | ] Jerem Wayte John Anthony The Eare-marke of the Cattell of Jeremiah Wayte is a Cropp on the Right Eare | J a hapeny behinde the Said Right Eare, a hindgad on the left Eare and a hapeny behinde on the said left Eare. Entred and Recorded the 16''' of January 1674 ^. me John Sanford Towne Clerke. a The Ere mark of the Cattle of John Anthony is a Crop of the Right Eare and a hole in Each Eare Entred and Recorded moneth the: 8" of the :4'!\ 1677 : "1^. me John Anthony Towne Clerke [ 284 ] put to David Anthony in 1808 The Eare mark of the Cattle of Abraham Abraham Anthony Anthony is a Crop of the Right Eare and a hole in the left Eare Entred and Recorded the : 8 :"" of the : 4 :''' moneth 1677 ■^ me John Anthony Towne Clerke Joseph Anthony The Eare mark of the Cattle of Joseph Anthony is a Crop of the Right Ear[ ] and 2 holes in^Jj^Left Eare Entred and Recorded the : 3 : of the : 5 :'^ moneth : 1677 : ^. me John Anthony Towne Clerke Pel eg Tripp The Eare mark of the Cattle of Peleg Tripp is a Crop of the Le[ ] Eare and A half- penny cutt out before Each Eare Entred and Record[ ] the : 18''' of July: 1677 : ^j me John Anthony Towne C[ ] Abiell Tripp The Eare mark of the Cattle of Abiell Tripp is a crop of the [ ] Eare and a halfpeney before the Same and a halfpene beh[ ] the Right Eare Entered and Recorded the 27 of the 3'' mo[ J 1678 1^ mee John Anthony Town Clerke James Tripp The Eare mark of the Cattle of James Tripp is a Crop of the Left Eare and A halfpeny on Each Sid the same Eare Entered and Recorded the 3'^ of the fourth month 1678 %^. mee John Anthony Town Clerke [285 ] Arthur Cooke The Eare marke of the Cattell of Anluir Cooke is A crop on the Right Eare and A halfpenney on Each Sid the Same Eare Entered and Recorded the 9"' of the 8''' moneth 1678 ^- mee John Anthony Town Clarke Isaac Law ton The Eare marke of the Cattle of Isaac Lawton is a crop on the Right Eare and 2 slits in the under side the Left Eare En- tered and Recorded the 3 1 of the : i i '}' moneth 1678 ^, me John Anthony Town Clerke Peleg Shearman The Eare marke of the Cattle of Peleg Shearman is A fore gad on the Left Eare and A nick or pece cut out behind the said left Eare Entered and Recorded the i of the 1 2"' moneth 1678 ~^ mee John Anthony Towne Clerke 12331 The Eare marke of the Cattel of Robert Durfee is A f[ ]ke on the left Eare and A halfpenney under the | |ight Eare [ ]fee Entered and Recorded the 2'' of the 3'' moneth 1079 Y "it^e John Anthony Towne Clerke C3 o ON 00 p O a: The Eare marke of the Cattell of William Shearman is A foregad on the Left Eare and A halfpenney on Each Side the Right Eare Entered and Recorded the 31"' of the 3*^ moneth 1679 Y "''<^^ John Anthony Towne Clerke [ 286 ] The Eare marke of the Cattell of William Wodell Jun' is A Crop on the Lefte Eare and a nicke Cut out under the Crop be- hind the Said Eare and A Slit in the Right Eare. Entered and Recorded the : 9^'' of the : 4':'' moneth : 1679: ^. mee John Anthony Towne Clerke The Eare marke of the Cattell of Philip Shearman is A foregad on the Left Eare Entered and Recorded the: lo'?" of the : 4'!" moneth 1679 ^ me John Anthony Towne Clerke marke The Eare ^ of the Cattell of Samuell Shearman is A foregad on the left Eare and A hole in the Right Eare Entered and Recorded the : lo'?" of the : 4'.'' moneth 1679 ^^ mee John Anthony Towne Clerke The Eare marke of the Cattle of Giels Slocum Jun' is A Crop on the Right Eare and A halfpeney on Each Side the Same and A Slit in the left Eare with A halfpeney under the Same Entered and Recorded the 12^'' of: 5'!' moneth 1679 '^> mee John Anthony Towne Clerke [2341 ^t ^ meeting of the free Inhabitants of the Town of Portsm[ ] held At the house of William Correys the 18''' day of the : 6^'' mon[ J 1679 voted Philip Shearman Chosen moderator A Copy of A Letter Sent by his maj''^^''^ to this his Colony Read the act of the Generall Assembly the: 9'!' of July 1679 Read voted that A Rate of Eleven pounds be made in this Town for the payment of our part of Sixty pounds according to the Late Generall Assemblies order voted that William Wodel Town Treasurer shall pay fifteene shillings unto John Coggeshall Sen' which was alowed him by A Generall Assembly held at newport October the: 25'!' 1676: John Sanford, John Brigs sen^ ffrancis Brayton sen', Edward [ 287 ] they or the major part of them Lay, and William Clarke are all Chosen^ to make the abouesaid Rate of Eleven pounds with Twenty Shillings more aded to the said Rate to defray Charges according t| | Court order and the said Sums are to be levied on Each person Rateable in T| | Town on or before the last day of This Instant moneth and car[ I in and be delivered to the Gen'l Treasurer on or before the last day of [ ] Seventh moneth next voated This meeting in desolued At A meeting of the ffreeinhabitants of the Town of Ports- mouth at the house of William corey on their Election Day t| | 3'' of the 4'^ month 1695 voted John Albro chosen moderator voted John Anthony chosen Towne clerke Engaged voted George sisson \ Engaged John Ward ] Engaged George Lawton [ Engaged are chosen to serve on the Town counsell Latham clarke ( Engaged Benjamin Hall 1 Engaged and Abraham Anthony /who possitively Refusing in his Room wa| I chosen Jacob mott Engaged voted John Anthony chosen Town Treasurer Engaged voted John Tripp chosen Town serjeant Engaged voted John Keese Engaged ] Benjamin Shearman r are chosen constables Daniel Lawton ) voted Daniel Pearse of Prudence Island chosen constable voted William Earll John Tripp , •; Y ^^'^ chosen surveyers John Anthony and James Akin [ 288 ] voted John Tripp shall have five and ffifty shillings in or as money paid unto him by the Town Treasurer for his Last years servis in being Town Serjeant voted John Anthony shall have Twenty shillings in or as money paid unto him by the Town Treasurer for his Last years service in being Town Gierke voted John Anthony Town Treasurer is ordered to buy A Book for this Towns use and the charge to be boren by this Town voted this meeting is Dissolved [235] The Eare marke of the Cattell of John Keese is a Kipfht down Siit^in the fore part of the Left Eare Entered and Recorded the 4"' of the 7"' moneth 1682 : put to Lewis Greenhiu ^^ ^le Johu Authony Town Gierke in 1820 The Eare marke of the Gattel of Joseph Nicholson is a Grop on the near Eare: Entered and Recorded the 19''' of the 1 1'"' moneth 1682: '^j me John Anthony Town Gierke The Eare marke of the Gattel of Stephen West is A hindgad on the Left Eare and a halfpenney before the Right Entered and Recorded the 10"' of the 3'' moneth 1683 ^ me John Anthony Town Gierke The Eare marke of the Gattell of Philip Guming is a halpenney on Each Side Each Eare Entered and Recorded the 8"' of the 4"" moneth 1683 '^ me John Anthony Town Gierke the Ear marke of the Gattel of Richard Durfee is a fork on the Left Ear and A hole in the Right Ear Entered and Recorded the 2'' of the 12"" moneth 1683 ^, me John Anthony Town Gierke [ 289 ] The Ear marke of the Cattel of Daniell Lawton is 2 nicks be- hind the Left Ear Entered and Recorded the 3'' of the r' moncth 1684 |^ me John Antliony Town Gierke Jun'' The Ear mark of the Cattel of Thomas Durfee^is a fork on the Left Ear and a halfpenncy under the Same Entered and Re- corded the first of the 3' moneth 1684 ^, me John Anthony Town Gierke The Ear marke of the Gattel of Thomas Gatchell is A Gro]) on the Right Ear and two halfpenneys under the Same Ear Entered and Recorded the 5"' Day of the 4"' moneth 1684 ^ ^^^^ John Anthony Town Gierke The Ear marke of the Gattel of Gershom Wodell is a Crop on the Left Ear and a nick or cut out under the Same Ear and a hindgad on the Right Ear Entered and Recorded the 5"' Day of the 4"" moneth: 1684: "'j^, me John Anthony Town Gierke The Ear mark of the Gattel of Robert Brownel is a crop on the Left Ear and a hole in the Same and a foregad on the Right Ear: Entered and Recorded the 17''' day of the 4"' moneth 1684 ^, me John Anthony Town Gierke The Eare marke of y" Gattel of Joseph Lawton is 2 nicks behind the left ear being the Ear mark of the abovenamed Daniel Law- ton (his deceased father) Recorded the 8''' of y' 6'" m" 1721 p^ W'" Sanford Town Glerk [236] The Ear mark of the Gnttell of Benjamin Angell is [; J Grop on the Left Ear and a halfpenny before the Sa| | and a Slit in the Rio-ht Ear Entered and Recorded the : | | of the 10''' month 16S4 x^ me John Anthony Town Gierke [ 290 ] ^i^ The Ear mark of the Cattell of John Shreve is A foregad o| ] ; J -^ the Left Ear and two hindgads on the Right Ear Entered and L'.- " Recorded the 29"' of the 3'' month : 1685 : "ip me John Anthony H_^ Town clerke The Ear mark of the Cattell of Henry Brightman is two half- penneys or nicks under the Right Ear and one halfpenny or nick before the Left Ear it being formerly his ffather in Law William Jamesis Ear mark Entered and Recorded the first of the 7^'' month 1685 ^ me John Anthony Town clerke The Ear mark of the Cattel of Lott Strainge is a hole in the Right Ear and a halfpeney on Each Side the Left near the middle of the Ear Entred and Recorded the 5''' of the 11"' month 1686 >[p. me John Anthony Town Clerke 1^ The Ear mark of the Cattel of Stephen Cornell is a crop on the g-g Left Ear and a halfpeney before the Same and a halfpeney on o'^ Each Side the Right Ear Entered and Recorded the 5"' of the 11*^'' month 1686 I? me John Anthony Town Cle^ 1 The Ear marke of the Cattel of John Strainge is A crop on the Left Ear and A hole in the Right Ear with A halfpeney on Each Side the Same Right Ear it is of one and Twenty years Standing Entred and Recorded the 15"' of the 11^'' month: 1686: ^-> me John Anthony Town Clerke The Ear marke of the Cattel of Robert Colwell is A forke on the Right Ear and A halfpeney under the Same and A halfpeney before the Left Ear Entred and Recorded the 25*^'' of the first month 1687 ^ me John Anthony Town clerke [ 291 ] The Ear mark of the cattel of Gcrshom mott JuiV is A Crop on the Left Ear and A peice slopt of from the hinder part of the Said Crop and a halfpeney under the Right Ear Entred and Recorded the 26''' of 2'' month 1687: "p me John Anthony Town clerke [23*7] T^^ht} Ear marke of the cattle of Robert fish is A crop on the Right Ear and a half peney Afore the Same and A flower deluce on the Left Ear Entred and Recorded the 10"' of the 7"' month 1687: '\-^ me John Anthony Town Clerke The Ear marke of the Cattle of Job Lawton is a fork on the Right Ear and two nicks under the Same Entred and Recorded the 7^'' of the 12"' month 1685 "^ me John Anthony Towne Clerke The Ear marke of the cattle of Thomas Potter is a Crop on the Right Ear and a slit in the Same and a slit in the Left Ear and a half penney under the Same it being formerly his ffathers Ear- marke Entred and Recorded the 4"' of the 5'" month : 1689: '^r). me John Anthony Town Clerke The Earmarke of The Cattle of James Talman is a Crop on the Right Ear and two half pennyes befor the Same and one half- penny before the Left Ear Entred and Recorded the i T'' of 12"' month 1690 y, me John Anthony Town Clerke The Ear marke of the Cattle of othoniel Tripp is A crop on the Left Ear and A half peney before the same with A Slit Right Down the midle of the same Left Ear Entred and Recorded the 25'" of the 3'' month 1693: "j_-> me John Anthony Town Clerke the catle of The Ear marke ^ of Jeremiah Lawton is two niks under the Left Ear and one nik befor the Right Ear Entred and Recorded the 26"' of the 3'' month 1693 1^ me John Anthony Town Clerke [ 292 ] The Ear marke of the Cattle of Adam Lavvton is one nick under the Right Ear and Two nicks under the Left Ear Entred and Recorded the 12"' of the 2'' month 1694 "c'j^: me John Anthony Towne Gierke •\ Town -^t A meeting of the freeinhabitants of the Town of Portsmouth meetins at the housc of William cor)^ the 13"' of the 6"' month 1695 voted Giles Slocum chosen moderator voted this meeting is dissolved the cattle of The Ear marke of ^William Anthony son of Abraham Anthony is a crop on Each Ear and halfpeney under the Left Ear Entred and Recorded the 30"' of the 10''' month 1695 r' ^'^^ John Anthony Town clerke The Ear marke of the Gattel of Lott Tripp is A Grop on the Left Ear and A halfpeney before the Same and A Slit in the fore part of the Right Ear Entred and Recorded the 8"' of the 5"' month 1705 %^ me John Anthony Town cleerke [g38] At A meeting of the free inhabitants of the Town of PortsF I on their Election day the first of the 4"^ month at the house [ | William Gory voted Giles Slocum Ghosen moderator voted John Anthony Ghosen Town Gierke Engaged voted Georo;e Sisson & John Ward George Lawton . ^^.^ ^j^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^.^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^ Gouncell Benjamin Hall i Jacob mott | and Daniel Lawton / I 293 J voted John Anthony chosen Town Treasurer Enoracred voted John Tripp chosen Town Serjeant Engaged voted Samuel Shearman 1 Thomas Durfee Jun' and matthew Borden are chosen constables iMigaged in his Room was chosen Thomas Cornell Jun' Engaged Prudance Island chosen constable are chosen veiwers voted Thomas Scranton of Engaged voted William Earll 1 John Tripp John Anthony and James Akin J voted John Tripp shall have fifty Shillings in or as money paid unto him by the Town Treasurer for his Last years service in being Town serjeant voted John Anthony shall have Twenty shillings in or as money paid unto him by the Town Treasurer for his Last years Service in being Town Cleerke voted this meetine is dissolved The Ear marke of the Cattel of John Sanford Son of Samuel Sanford is A halfpenney under Each Ear The Ear marke of the Cattel of Preserved ffish is A Crop on Each Eare and A halfpenny under Each Eare it being fformerly Ralph Cowlands Eare marke Entred and Recorded the 4"' of the first month 1699 "j9; me John Anthony Town cleerke 700 The Eare marke of the Cattel of Joseph morey is A ffork on the Left Ear and two halfpenneys before the Right Entred the first day of the 4'" month : 1700: ~^ me John Anthony Town cleerke [ 294 ] the Eare marke of the Cattel of Wilharn Durfee is A Crop on the Right Ear and A Slit in the Same And two halfpeneys before the Left Ear and one halfpeney behind the Same The r.ar marke of the Caltel of Samson shearman is A foregad on the Left Ear and A halfpenny before the Same Entred and Recorded the 19^'' of the ii'*" month 170^ r- me John Anthony Town Cleerke [23^] The 5 day of march i6| wee Twelve men whose names are hereunto Subscribed being Chosen and Ingaged on the Coroners Inquest to make Inquiry how one Edward Thornes came by his Death who Dyed sud- denly at the house of James sweet Junior of Prudence Island the 5^'"' day of this Instant march And so x^ccording to our Ingage- ment wee have made Search And find that some^JJ'^^before he was not well and Drinking ouer much R.um vv^as the Cause of his Death Robert Hodgson fore man Gidion ffreeborne Stephen manchester John Recks matthew Grinnell Henry f^nch Elisabeth hall* Jacob mott Thomas Briges John Pearce sen' John Slade John manchester John Coggeshall "Elisabeth hall" is written in later style of handwriting. [ 295 ] The Ear marke of the cattel of Joseph Sheffield is A Crop on the Right Ear and A halfpeney under the same with A hingad on the Left Ear it being fformerly his ffather Ichabod Sheffields Ear marke The Ear marke of tlie cattel of John Dexter is A hindsad 011 the Right Ear Entred and Recorded the 11"' of the 2'' month 1702 "[} me John Anthony Town Cleerke The Ear marke of the Cattel of Samuel mott is A Crop on the Left Ear and A Slit in the Same with a halfpeney under the deceased same it being formerly his uncle Gershom mott /^Earmark Entred and Recorded the i[o]^'' day of the 3'' month 1703 p me John Anthony Town cleerke The Ear marke of the cattel of William Sanford is A fforcgad on y'" left Ear and A halfpenny under the Right Ear Entred and Recorded the ffirst day of the 7''' month: 1703: ^-^ me John Anthony Town Cleerke Renounced p' W'" Sanford* [24:0] Wee whose names are under written being by vertue of I I warrant under the hand of major John Albro Assistant a| ] Corroner Required and Engaged to view the body of an Indij I who on the 13''' of this instant month January was found Dead in or near the clay pitt field lands in the Town of Portsmouth on Rhode Island in his maj'"'" Collony of Rhode Island and providence Plantations, Said Indian as wee are in- formed was called by the Indians Pawkanawcutt by the English symon and wee haveing viwed the Corps of the Said Indian, and being informed that on the 12''' day of this instant neer the Eveninge the Said Indian was much distempered with drinke "This line is in a later style of handwriting. [ 296 ] Wee to the best of our understanding have Returned this for our verdict in the premises. That the Said Indian being much distempered with Drink was bewildred, and by the Extreamity of the Cold Lost his Life the Said twelfth of day this Instant in the night: witness our hands the fourteenth of January 1684 5 John Sanford foreman John Anthony Stephen Brayton John I ^W north way John Tripp John Keese Philip Gumming Benjamin Ingell morris — i™ ffreelove his niarkf Thomas Durfee William\ Y /Shearman his y Y marke Daniel Eaton [S43.] I k^ whose names are here unto subscribed being- warned I |y Joseph cooke cunstable of Portsmouth this 25''' of August 1692: by vartue of A warrant derived from Athority to Judge of A corps Chast upon Dieres Island soe called and having made dilligent inquiry into the matter doe find that it is that Woman that was nicholas Evines Wife of ffree Towne who coming from prudance in A Coonow with nicholas Howland. by misfortune was Drowned by Stress of wether the : 1 1 : day of August in the year of our Lord God : 1692 [ 297 ] Christopher Ahiiy William Duncan laac Lawton Ichabod Sheffield Jun' samson shearman Daniel ffish Joseph Sheffield nathaniel Potter Lazarus Tilar Jacob mott Wee hose names whoe are under written being Ingaged accord- ing to Law to Inquire into the death of A man found in Ports- mouth We Think he may be Drouned Portsmouth July the 6^'.' 1696 Gedion ffreborne Jacob mott Benjamin hall James Tallman William Cory William Arnold John manchester Richard Heart Edward Brigg Roger I B rally his w mark Thomas manchester William Wodell may the ninth day 1697 wee whose names are here under written being called upon the coroners Inquest for to inquire into the death of An Indian Squaw which being found upon the Shore neare the house of William [DJurfie we do find by the best of our intilligence and according to the best of our understandings we find that She was drownded and that water was the cause of her death Peleg Shearman Benjamin Potter William Cory John Earll Robert Bennet Zuriel Vhall Benjamin Shearman his marke [ 298 ] John Keese George Thomas Ichabod Sheffield Jun' Joseph Anthony othniel Tripp [242] Be it knowen to all men by these presents that I Th[ ] Slow of Roade Hand in the Nannigansets Bay in n[ ]land for and upon good consideration mouing me here un[ ] sould unto Thomas Laiton of Roade Hand in the aforesaid [ ] my house at Road Hand (in the aforesayed Bay together w[ ] all my land there unto adjoyning with the apurtenances, [ ] land beinge about threscore ackers some fenced and other som[ ] unfenced all of it next ajoyning to the land of the aforesayde Thomas Laiton all which land together with the house I doe acknowledg to be the lawfull right and true posession of the aforesayed thomas Laiton to haue and to hould the aforesayed house and land, and peaceably to posesse and enjoy the same for him his heiers and Assignes for euer as his and their true and lawfull right and Inheritance and that tlie sayed Thomas Laiton his heiers and Assignes shall freely and peaceably haue hould use and posesse and Inioy all the afore sayed House and lands without the lawfull lett troubl suit expulsion molestation or Con- tradiction of me the sayed Thomas Slow my heiers or Assignes. Hi wi[ ]nes of the true and lawfuuU acting and sale therof I ha[ ] sett my hand and Scale hereunto this 4"' of September in the yeare (1649) Sealed and deliuered The mavke of in the presence of Thomas T" Slow Peter Greene John Greene: Ju: T A true Copii per me Philip Shearman Tonne Clarke [ 299 ] ^ The Ear mark of the Cattel of Jonahan Lawton is A Crop on Each Ear and A lialfpeney under the Left Ear it being fformerly t the Ear marke of William Anthony' Cattell son of Abraham Anthony Entred and Recorded the 17"' of the 2'' mrnUh 1706 -' '<^ me John Anthony Town Cleerke ^ The Ear mark of the Cattel of Giles Slocum is A hind_i;ad of 2 1'o the Right Ear and A halfpenney under the Left Ear Entred and ^ Recorded the 15 of the 3'' month 1706 "{^ me John Anthony Towne cleerke The Ear mark of the Cattel of John Slocum is A Crop on the Right Ear with A halfpenney on Each Side the Same And a hindgad on the Left Ear Entred and Recorded the 22^^ of the 5"' month 1706 "P me John Anthony Town Cleerke [S43] I Jortsmouth on Rhode Is the iS"' of September 1683 I lee whose names are under Subscribed boinge by major John I jbro Assistant and Corroner appointed and Engaged the I jrroners hiquest on the Body of a man who was found Dead in I |he Land belonginge to John Potter in Said Portsmouth, and hanging by the head by a linin lact neckcloth, fastened to the bough or branch of A Cherry tree and he is said to be Called by name John Crage, a Scotsman and a Tayler by Trade, Wee according to our Engagement haveinge Seariously viewed the Corps, and the manner of its hanginge with the Lower part of his body and his hands on the ground accordinge to the best of our understandings of the premisses and what information wee haue had: Wee Returne our verdict thereon, unto the said Corroner major John Albro, viz. That Wee doe not finde, but that the Said man Said to be named John Crage, was absolully the only actor of his owne Death, Witness our hands the day and yea re above written [ 300 ] I John Sanford foreman] Thomas ffish ] Thomas — j- manchester jun liis 5 marke William Wodell William Coo-oreshall I '"^ Peter Talman I John Anthony I Thomas Gatchell ffrancis.Q Bray ton | Stephen Bray ton | Jo^"i^^ O y^tes his I marke J J his luarke John northaway his The above written is a True Copy of the originail Entered and Reorded the 3'' of the 4''' moneth 1684 '^ me John Anthony Town Gierke you being of this Corroners Inquest for our Soverreyne Lord the Kinge you Shall well and truly make deillegent Inquire how and in what manner A Indian hoo is found deead in the Towne of Portsmouth on Rodeh Island Came to his death and make A trve Retiurn of your vardit theron unto the Corrone[ ] and this ingagement you make and give upon the penalty of perjury August y*" 16^'' 1684. upon Andian Lad of widow fish he being found dead in y*" woods in portsmouth y*" Juries verdict is wee find according to the best of our Judgments that he murdred him Selfe being found upon the ground with a walnut pealling hang- ing over him upon A lim of A tree John Coggeshall fore man Samson sharman Richard Cadman Anthony Shawe Samuell shearman Stephen manchester Georg Sison Joseph Sheffield John Cook Benjamin Shearman gyles Slocum Stephen Cornell the above written is a true copy of the originail Entered and Recorded the i^^^ of the 11"' month 1684 ^ me John Anthony Town Clerk [244:] This present deede bareinge date this first day of the [ J of march in the yeare of our lorde sixtene hundreth fortie [ 30I ] n| ] witnesseth that I Nicholas Browne of the townc of Ports[ I in Roade Hand for a valuabl Consideration in liand receiued haue bargained and sould unto John Woode Senior of the same towne and place, a parcell of land granted to me by the towne, being fortiefiue ackers more or lesse lyinge within the bound[ I of Portsmouth neer Nuport line bounded on the East with a, parcell of Thomas Lawtons lande, togeether with my house there on, and all other priuiledges thereunto belonging I the aforesayd Nicholas doe for my selfe my heiers exsequetors or administrators resigne up all my rite title and Interest in every parte and parcell of the forenamed bargained premises unto the aforenamed John Woode his he[ | administrators or assigncs for euer, so that neither I myse[ ] nor any other by or from mee. shall Claime any rite title or interest in any parte or parcell of the bargained premises in witness here of I haue hereto sett my hand and sealc the day and date aboue written. Nicholas Brown his mark v-^;^/"^ Signed Sealed and deliuered: ■ — ' in the presence of Philip Shearman Heber shearman Sara Sharman A True Copii ^

are chosen to serve on the Town Counsel! Ben jam. in Hall I Eno;aored Latham Clark ] Eno-ao-ed Daniel Lawton / voted John Anthony Chosen Town Treasurer Engaged voted John Tripp Chosen Town Serjeant Engaged voted Thomas Durfee Sen' ] Enoaoed I are chosen constables I. William Burrins^ton j Enoao^ed and John Sanford Son] of John Sanford Deceased Engaged [ 307 ] voted Daniell Pears of Prudence Island chosen constable voted Thomas Durfee Sen"" ]are chosen veiwers to veiw John Borden and James Akin I Cattle according to former order voted John Tripp Shall have Three pounds paid unto him in or as money for his Last years Service in being Town Serjeant by the Town Treasurer voted John Anthony Shall have Twenty Shillings paid unto him in or as money for his Last years Service in being Town Cleerke by the Town Treasurer voted their Shall be An Audit Chosen to Audit the Town Treas- urers account (.]^j.]^g voted Giles Slocum Latham Geors^e Brownel and Georcje Lawton they or the major part of them are Chosen to Audit the Said account and make Returne thereof to the Town voted This meeting is Dissolved The Ear marke of the Cattell of Benjamin Lawton is two nicks under the Left Ear and A hindgad on the Right Ear: it being fformerly his Brother Isaac Lawtons Ear marke Entrcd and Recorded the 4''' of the 3^^ month: 17 10: "^^ me John Anthony Town Cleerke The Ear marke of the Cattell of Daniel Coggeshall is A hole in the Left Ear And A Slit in the Right Ear Entred and Recorded the 9''' of the 3'' month 1710 %^'' me John Anthony Town Cleerke The Ear marke of the Cattell of Job Lawton Son of Isaac is A halfpeny under Each Ear Entred and Recorded the first of the 2^ month 17 14 ^' me John Anthony Town Clecrk the Ear mark of the abovesaid Job Lawtons Cattle is altered by Reason he marked of the same Ear mark of John Sanford Son of Sam'.' Sanford [ 3o8 ] [24S] ^^^ it knowne to all men that I Adam mott Senior of the Towne of Portsmouth or within the liberties there of haue bargained & sould vnto m' John Sanford of the same towne of Portsmouth in Roade Hand : both ffree men of the place : in this present yeare 1652 beinge the third day of September: I say that I Adam mott doe sell & deliuer and giue for euer full pos- session as his owne: to him his heiers excect Asignes or adminis- trators ffull power to possesse & inioy : a peice of meddow layd out for thre Accors more or less Butted of the fore sid to the lane or hye way goinge from the towne on the south side towards Captayn Richard morris & the other end it Butts against the Crick between m' Sanfords meddow Called that meddow beneth y' place of ground Called Mackpela : also the one side towardes the towne Joynes to m' Balstons medow sumtimes m' Spicers: and the other side lyes against that meddow y' was Called m'' Samuell Hutchinsons w'^^ the Same m"" John Sanford now useth: I say that in Consideration of ten pounds of Current pay y' is to say fiue pound of Current silver Current money wth the March- ant : & fifiue pound in Current wampoiii well strunge & good such as is Current w"' the marchant and the peage to bee payd at 8 peags pr peny : or els my wiffe to receaue a ewe lambe : that she shall better acsept or as well as peage 8 pr peny : which if shee doe I am Content to receaue the fifiue pound of wampom at six peages pr peny and fully Concluded a full and free bargain to him and his for ever as is aboue written in wittness I haue putt and sett my hand and scale dated as aboue written Adam mott A true Copii ^ me Philip Shearman towne Clarke At A meeting of the ffree inhabitants of the Town of Portsmouth the 21''' of the 3^^ month 1697 at the house of William cory voted Joseph Sheffield cosen moderator voted Robert ffish is Chosen pound Keeper and to have the ffee thereunto belonging voted this meeting is dissolved [ 309 ] The Ear mark of the Cattcl of John Keese is A Crop on the Left Ear And A SHtt in the Same Entred And Recorded the 2'^ of the 7"' month 1714 |;)jr me John Anthony Town Cleerke [250] ^^^ ^ meeting of the ffree inhabitants of the Town of Portsmouth At the hou| |e of WilHam Cory the 16"' of the 2'' month 1697 voted Joseph Sheffield Chosen moderator voted Georo-e Lawton 1 r-i t-^ • T 1 xj 1 ^I'e Chosen Deputies to attend John Dorden , ^ \. . o . . TT n r the next Uenerall Assembly and benjamm Hall t-i • 1111 , ^, T^ f T r Election to be held at ncwport and 1 homas Duriee Jun J ^ voted Caleb Arnold Jun' is Admitted A freeman in this Town voted John Coggeshall Jun' is Admitted A ffreeman in this Town voted Christopher Almy Jun' is Admitted A ffreeman in this Town voted William Wanton is Admitted A ffreeman in this Town voted Benjamin Potter is Admitted A ffreeman in this Town voted Thomas Shearman is Admitted A ffreeman in this Town voted major John Albro Shall have Twenty Shillings in money paid unto him by the Town Treasurer for his going to Boston with John Borden voted and it is ordered that Every housholder in this Town of Ports- mouth Shall Kill Twelve blackburds between this and the Tenth of may next after this meeting and bring in their beds to Some men hereafter Appointed upon the forfiture of the Sum of two Shillings for the neglect and not Killing as aforesaid to be paid into this Towns Treasuree and that Every housholder that doth Kill more then Twelve and Carry them in as aforesaid Shall A penny a head paid him by the Treasurer And if any person or persons Shall neglect or Refuse to perform as abovesaid then upon Complant of any of the persons hereafter named unto any of the Assistant he Shall forthwith grant A warrant to A Con- stable to disstrain upon the Estates of the person or persons So [ 3IO ] Refuseing or neglecting And make Returne therof to the Town Treasurer voted Thomas Cornell Jun'' Cap' Christopher Almy m/ Isaac Lawton Lift William Cory and John coggeshall Jun' are Appointed to Receive the Severall numbers as abovesaid and make Returne thereof and of the Severall neglects unto the Assistants of this Town at the time abovesaid voted This meeting is Dissolved The Ear mark of the Cattel of Joshua Coggeshall Son of Joshua Coggeshall fformerly of Portsmouth Deceased is A Crop on Each Ear it being fformerly his Grandffather' and his ffather^ Ear mark of their Catell Entred and Recorded the 21^*^ of the 8'^ month 17 10 i-^' me John Anthony Town Cleerke [251] October the 6 . i642 . knowe all men by these p'sents that I John Porter of Portsmouth haue sould & past ouer vnto John Sandford of the same towne, all my +^' of the land in the Calues Paster in Consideration of land at long Midow: being fully satisfied, In witnes wherof I haue setto my hand the day & year aboue writt : John Porter a true Copii "jj^. me Philip Shearman towne Clarke Know all men by this presence that I Adam Mott Senior of the towne of Portsmoth haue sould to nV John Sanford of the same towne my part in the Calues paster lying between his howse and the Claypitt ffeild for the som of twenty shillings and all the Right intrust & Clayme or Power I had in it I haue ffully and freely Resigned to him his heiers Assignes to injoy for ever, written vnder my hand this present day beinge the io of Aprill, i65i I say by me Adam mott a true Copii '^^, me Philip Shearman towne Clarke These may tistifi to al whome it may concerne that I George Parker of Portsmouth on Road Hand doe by these presents for [ 311 ] ffull satisfaction alrcdy receiued in hand make over sell & deliuer vnto m's Bridgitt Sanford of Portsmouth aforesaid all my land that lie in the Calfes paster, w"'^ Calfes paster lies Betwixt hir orchard & the Clay pitt feild : & doe by these ^-^sents disclaime any or all my Right & titl in the aboue sd land & do rattifie &: confirme the aboii sd Bridgett Sanford in full & quiatt Joymcnt of the saied land to hir selfe hir heiers excequ[ jtors & administrators for euer In testimonie of this my act & deed I doe heere unto Settoo my hand & Scale in Portsmouth on Roade Hand this 25"' of ffebrewary i653 George Parke .^r Signed Sealed & deliuered In the f^sents of John Sanford Samuel Sanford This Indenture Witnesseth that I Samuell Wilbore of Taunton have Barguaned & sould unto John Sandford of Road Hand his heiers or assigns one peice of Meddo land Containinge by Esti- mation six Acrs more or lesse sittuated in the towne of Ports- moth in the aforesayed Hand adioyninge upon the land of the sayed John Sanford upon the Northwest & Samuel HuChinsons land upon the southeast & also one Neck of land abutting upon the Cove against the sayed John Sanfords house & Samuel huchinsons with all my right & preveledg of Common theare unto belonginge for & in Consideration of six ewe sheep all redy received and more to be paid by a bill under the sayed John Sandfords hand payable at St Michaell next Ensuinge the date here of have Given & granted for & from my selfe & heiers under my hand & scale this Eight day of November (1648) Sealed & delivered and Possesion Samuel Given in the presents of Wilbore Richard smith ffrancis Mattingley A True Copii of the originall |;^ me Phillip Shearman Towne Clarke [ 312 ] \V"Sanford Thc Earmark of the Cattell of William Sanford is a fore-gad Renounced Oil the left Ear, & a halfpenny under the Right Ear, Recorded p'W^San- y' first day of y" 7''' month 1703 . by John Anthony Town Clerk ford and Transcribed "^^/ W™ Sanford Clerk Job Lawton The Earmark of the Cattel of Job Lawton is a half penny and a half penny before the Right added the 31'' of august 1722 p"" W" Sanford under the near or left Ear^ Recorded p*" W"" Sanford Clerk y'' t6 of may 171 7 Rob^ Lawton The Ear mark of the Cattel of Robert Lawton is a halfpenny under Each ear and a fork in the Right Ear, Recorded the 7"' of June 1 71 7 ^^J W'" Sanford Clerk )3] Aprill the 2'^ day 1705 A man being ffound Dead in Portsmouth on Rhode Island up on the shore Against the Land of George Brownells upon which Tidings Benjamin Hall Crowner Did forthwith Issue forth his warrant to the constable And Impanneled A Jury of 12 men whose Judgment is as foUoweth that he was An Indian man Accidentialy Drowned, of Short Stature with A whitish Jacket on his body the Lower part naked A blackish Stocking on one Leo- And A whitish Stockin on the other : In Witness whereof w^e of the Jury or Inquest have here unto Subscribed our names John Borden foreman George Brownell William Potter William Anthony William Burrington Jun' William Hall Gidion ffreeborne Jun' Thomas ffish John Earll Edward Addams Thomas Brayton Oliver Arnold [ 3^3 ] The above written Return of the above named Jury of Inquest was Taken according to Law on the day and year above written before mee Benjamin Hall Coroner scri Wee the Subers being of tlie Coroners Inquest or Jury Required to view the body of Richard Tripp of the Townd of Portsmouth to see how he Came by his End: And wee having Diligently viewed and searched the Said body do find as it Evidently Ap- pears that he was Accidently Drownded on Sonday the 28"" of December: 1712 : William Potter Robert fifish Jun"^ Benjamin Hall Jun' William manchester Oliver Arnold Rosfer Burincjton John Earll John Hefferlon Ephraim Andass nathaniel Hall William Bradway Thomas Bordin The Ear mark of the Cattel of Benjamin Tallman is a fork on v,en]t the Near or left ear, a Slit in the Right Ear and a halfpenny raiiman. bcforc the Right Recorded the 14"' of April 17 18 Y W'" j Sanford Clerk. The Ear mark of the Cattel of William Fish is a Crop on the vn'Fish. near Ear and a half penny before the Same, and a flower deluce on the Right ear. Recorded the 22^^ of May 17 18 "^7 W" Sanford Clerk. [2541 J-^e it knowne unto all men by thease ^psents that I Thomas Lawton of Portsmouth in Roade Hand, for a valuabl Consideration by me received, haue soulde unto William Wodell of Portsmouth aforesayd, a Certaine pcell of lande Cittuate and lyinge in Portsmouth in Roade Hand, Containinge fiftie Ackers [ 314] more or lesse lyinge on the North syde of George Lawton his lande, and on the South syde of the lande of Richard Haukins, I the aforesayed Thomas haue sould unto the afore sayed WilHam his heiers Eeecutors administrators or assignes all my Right title and interest in the afore sayed land, to haue and to hould with out any molestation, from me the aforesayd Thomas lawton my heiers or assignes, in wittnes whereof I the aforesayed Thomas Lawton haue sett to my hand and seale this 4'^ of August (i653) Signed Sealed and Thomas »«• Lawton deliuered in the ^^sence of his ■ marke Philip Shearman Samuell wilbur A true Copii of the originall deede ^ me Philip Shearman Towne Clarke The Ear mark of the Cattel of James Strainge is a Slit on the fore part of the Right ear, Recorded the 22'^ of April 1719 p' W™ Sanford Town Clerk it being the Mark formerly given by old Lott Strainge. Now renounced The Ear mark of the Cattel of John Manchester is a Crop on the left ear and a Nick under the Same, and three Nicks under the Right Ear Recorded the 27 of August 1722. p' W™ Sanford Town Clerk. put to [255] The Ear mark of the Cattle of Joseph Ward is a Crop onwind ^^ ^'^*^ right ear and a half-penney under the left ear being the 1816 ear"^^''''of his father's Cattel of 33 years Standing and now ]eph Ward Recordcd the 5"^ day of June 1721 ^^ W"^ Sanford Town Clerk up held by his Grandson Joseph Ward. And it is the Ear mark of his Creatures. Recorded the 25"" day of June 1787 p' A. Anthony The Ear mark of the Cattel of Job Lawton is a halfpenney under Job Lawton .^ i r i i ir ^ r i • i the lett ear and a halipenny before the right [ 315 - ^ 5 M ?- Recorded the 31'' of August 1722. ]/ W"' Sanford Town Clerk "-^§ This being the 3'' Ear mark given by s'' Lavvton the other ^z>o% marks being by him renounced. ^ ^", Attest W Sanford Town Clerk Ines Sisson 10' I.awton la.'l Howlaiit The Ear mark of the Cattle of James Sisson is a fork on the Right Ear and a hine gad on the left It being the Ear mark given by his father (the late deceased) George Sisson in the year 1673, May y^ 30"" and Transcribed for the aboves'' James Sisson the 17"' of September Anno Domini 1722 f W" Sanford Town Clerk The Ear mark of the Cattel of Thomas Lawton (Son of Adam) is a halfpenny before the left ear Recorded the 24"' of December 1722 "p-" W" Sanford Clerk The Ear mark of the Cattel of Daniel Howland is a Slit down the right Ear and a hingad on the left, of about Six years Stand- ing & Entred on Record the 10'-*' of December 1722 p^ W"^ Sanford Town Clerk. The Ear mark of the Cattel of John Coggeshall is a half penny coggeshaii ^^^^^^^^ ^^^ j^jgj^^ g^^ Entred on Record the 2'- of May 1723 p^ W" Sanford T': Clerk The Ear mark of the Cattle of Joseph Lawton is two nicks on eph Lawton ^j^^ j^f^ g^j. ^^^ ^ f^j.]^ q^ the Right Ear )n of Joseph , r -nt i Recorded the 27"' of November 1726. f; W" Sanford Town Clerk [256] I^e it knowne unto all men by thease t^sents that I William Wodell of Portsmouth in Roade Ilande, for a ualuable Consideration by mee receiued, haue soulde unto Thomas lawton of Portsmouth aforesayed, a certaine ^cell of lande Cittuate and lyinge in Portsmouth in Roade Ilande adjoyninge to the lande B;B W liiown [ 316 ] of the aforesayd Thomas lawton by a swampe Called the hunt- tinge swampe, Conteininge thirtie ackers more or lesse, I the aforesayed William haue sould unto the aforesayed Thomas, his heiers Executors administrators or assignes all my right title and Interest in the aforesayed land, togeether with all my right and Interest in that land and orchyarde formerly Possest by me the sayd William, lyinge betweene the land of George Lawton and the lande of the aforesayed Thomas Lawton, to haue and to hould without any molestation, from me the aforesayed William my heiers or Assignes. in Wittnesse whereof I the aforesayed William haue sett to my hand and seale this 4"' of August (1653) Signed Sealed and william Woddell deliuered in the ^sence of Philip Shearman Samuell wilbur A true Copii of the originall deede ^ me Philip Shearman Towne Clarke The Ear mark of the Cattel of George Cornell Son of Thomas Dec- is a half penny under the Right ear & a half penny before the left ear Recorded the 9"' of May 1729 %i^ W"^ Sanford Town Clerk. The above mark is put to Benj- Brown 1 789 [25 T] The Ear mark of the Cattle of William Brown and partners is a crop on the right ear Recorded y" 13^'' 3^^ m*' 1728 pi W"' Sanford Town Clerk Whereas the Ear mark of the Cattle of William Sanford was so near like the Ear mark of the Cattle of Job Shearman, therefore the Said Sanford hath Renounced his said former Ear mark and gives only a halfpenny under the near or left Ear which is the proper Ear mark of the Cattle of the Said William Sanford Recorded the 10^ of y*" 3^ m- called May 1728 %^' W"' Sanford Town Clerk. [ 3>7 ] The are mark of the Cattle of Nathaniel Hall is a Crop on the :thL' Hall right ear and a flower-del uce on the left or near ear. Recorded p- order the 9"" day of the 12-'' month called February 1729 by W" Sanford Town Clerk ,v">Cook jhe Ear mark of the Cattle of William Cook is a fork or put to I.Anthony Swallows tail OH each Ear Recorded y" 3' of April 1730 p' W" Sanford Town Clerk The Ear mark of the Cattle of Gideon Cornell is a helfpenny under the Near or left Ear Recorded the Sixteenth of April 1730 %^/ W'" Sanford Town Clerk The Ear mark of the Cattle of James Strange is a hinegad on range ^^^y^ g^^. Recordcd y*" 15"' of May 1730. p^ W"' Sanford Town Clerk . aniel Fish The Ear mark of the Cattle of Daniel Fish is a Crop on the Right Ear & a halfpenny before the Same & a flowerdeluce on the left Recorded y" 7'-*^ of June 1731. p^ W Sanford T. C'^ It being the Ear mark given by his father ) Robert Fish of Portsmouth late Deceased. ) and now the Same Ear mark is taken up by David F'ish Son of the abovenamed Robert Fish & Recorded April 1740 ^ ^^"^ Sanford Town Clerk [258] These may testifie to all to whom it may Concerne that I William Baulston of Portsmouth in Roade Hand doe by these presents for full satisfaction all reddy receiued in hand make ouer sell and deliuer vnto mistris Bridgitt Sanford of Portsmouth aforesayed my one sheare of land lying in the Calfes paster and also fower shears more that was formerly in the possession by a towne grant unto m' Thomas Cornell m' Thomas spiser william ffreeborne & Richard Magson w*^^' I the sayd william bought of [ 3'8 ] the parties aboue named and nowe doe by these presents dis- claime any or all my Right and titl in thee aboue named land, and doe Rattifie and Confirme the aboue sayd Bridgett Sanford in full and quiet Inioyment of all & euery of these seuerall sheares to hir selfe her heiers exsequitors & administrators for euer from my selfe my heiers or any of the abouenamed parties the w"^ Calfes paster lyes betwixt the Oorchard of Bridgit Sanford and the Claypitt feild in testimony hereof I doe sett unto my hand in Portsmouth on Road Hand this third day of June (1654) William Baulston Signed in the presents of us Thomas Cornell Richard Smith a true Copii ^ me Philip Shearman towne Clarke Eben: Shear- The Ear mark of the Cattle of Ebenezer Shearman is a hinegad ""^^ on the near or left ear Recorded the 14'- of June A. D. 1734 f W"^ Sanford Town Clerk. ^ ._, The Ear mark of the Cattle of David Fish is a foreijad on the David _ "^ Fish near Ear & a halfpenny under the Right Ear Entred on Record the 2^ day of November A. D. 1736 %^ W" Sanford Town Clerk The Ear mark of the Cattle of Daniel Lawton Son of Jeremiah is two nicks under the left ear and two nicks before the Right ear Entred on Record y' 17"" day of May A. D. 1737 ^ W" Sanford Town Clerk. [259] The Earmark of the Cattle of Adam Hunt is a Crop on the near or left ear and a Slit in the Same and also a Slit in the Right Ear Recorded y' 2'^ day of March A. D, 1736/7 fk W" Sanford Town Clerk. V I ^ The Ear mark of the Cattle of Nathan Chase is a foregad on the ^'5 Right ear Recorded y' 20-^ of July A. D. 1737 i ^ W-" Sanford Town Clerk The Ear mark of the Cattle of Benjamin Shearman is a Crop on the near Ear and a halfpenney under each Ear Recorded y' 10"^ of April A. D. 1738 ^ W" Sanford Town Cl.-rk The Ear mark of the Cattle of Abraham Redwood is a Crop on fiedwood y« Right Ear and a fork on the left ear Recorded y' 22'' day of (May A. D. 1740 f W" Sanford Town Clerk. The Ear mark of the Cattle of Barnet Sisson is a fork on the Right . sfsTo^n Ear & a hole in the left Eare Recorded the 7"' of May 1742 f W-" Sanford Town Clerk. The Ear mark of the Cattle of Benjamin Lawton jun' is a hine Lawton gad ou cach Ear (it being the Ear mark given by James Strange and Submitted by s- Strange to said Lawton) &: Recorded June y-^ i55 A. D. 1743 f W" Sanford Town Clerk. The Ear mark of the Cattle of Joshua Sanford is a Crop on the Right Ear Entred on Record May the 22- - - - !■ 1751 '^^ \V" Sanford 12601 ^^ee it knowne to all men, to whom these presents shall Co| ] that I Ralph Earll of Portsmouth on Roadc-Iland in N[ I England Senior, haue, and by these presents doe ffreely and fully giue, and make ouer unto my sonne william Earll all and euery P' & f^cell of a peice of land w^'' is Being| | bounded in the Toune of Portsmouth aforesayd as ffolloweth viz / by the lande or house lott of John Trippc on the Northside & by the [ 320 ] common or street on the East ^ty, and by the Land or house-lott of Ralph Cowland on the South ^ty, and by the Common on the west ^ty : all w""^ sayd Land as afore bounded is or conteineth the ffull Quantity of Eighten ackers, be it more or lesse, and I the aforsayd Ralph Earll, doe by these presents giue and make ouer unto my foresayd sonne william, all y'^ aforesayd Land to- geether with all the houseing, fences, trees and other Comodities, priuiledges, benefits, apurtenances, & Conveniences there upon being or there unto belonging for the use & lawfull possession & benefit of him the fore sayd Willi[ ] his heiers excecutors, ad- ministrators or Assignes even for euer: and for and to the confirmation of this my free, & Considerate Lawfull act and deed, I the afore named Ralph Earll doe here-unto put my hand & seale this 5'^ day of Aprill. Anno: (i655) Signed Sealed and Ralph Earll deliuered in the presens of Benedict Arnold w™ Lytherland : A true Copii ^ me Philip Shearman : Toune Clarke The Ear mark of the Cattle of Thomas Manchester is a Crop on s^ the Right Ear, and a piece Sloapt of from the hinder part of said ."f « Crop, and a Slit right down the middle of the left Ear with a ^s halfpenny under the Same ^l Recorded October the 30- A D 1747 i^ ^^ W" Sanford Town Clerk 2 I It beins: the Ear mark hereto fore *j -a "^ o-"5 given by Thomas Brayton [26]_J The Ear-mark of the Cattle of William Anthony is a Crop on the Right ear and a hole in each ear Recorded the 10'^ of May 1748 p"^ W"" Sanford Town Clerk It being the Ear mark given by his father John Anthony & by him Recorded the S'^ of the 4"' month 1677. [ 321 ] The Ear mark of the Cattle of Benjamin Tallman Jun^ is a fork p on the left ear Recorded the lo^-^ of May 1748 § ^ ly W"' Sanford Town Clerk -I It beincT the Same Ear mark given ^'' by his Grand-father Thomas Uurfie the year not entred h The Ear-mark of the Cattle of Peleg Shearman Jun^ is a hinegad iil on the left or near Ear Recorded May /' 13-" 1748 ^^■^ V^ W" Sanford Town Clerk o c The Ear mark of the Cattle of John Shearman is a foregad on 1 il the left or near ear, Recorded May y" 14- 1748 .'■«| " p-- W" Sanford Town Clerk The Ear mark of the Cattle of Benjamin Fish is a Crop on each f ear and a halfpenny under each ear. Recorded May the 14'^^ sl A D 1748 P^ ^^"" Sanford Town Clerk It being the Ear mark given by ) his father Preserved Fish. S 2*0 3 C CT3 C The Earmark of tlie Cattle of Amie Shearman widow of t1,e late deceased Job Shearman is a foregad on the left ear and a half- penny under each Ear (it being the Same mark given by the Said Job Shearman in his life time) , ^ , ,^ ri„.i- Recorded May f .8"^ .748 P' W" Sanford Town Cleik The Ear mark of the Cattle of Elizabeth Wyatt is a hole in the ihS near or left Ear Recorded May y' 28'J' 1 748 Duriee f W" Sanford Town Clerk 4 The Ear mark of the Cattle of Robert Lawton is a fork on the !l|| Right Ear and a halfpeny under the Same, Recorded June y ^r.'S.E S'" A. D. 1748, ^ ^, 1 y Robi Dennis T. Clerk [2B8] i 'lis deed Baring date the fift day of march Ano dom: (i65i witnesseth that I Joshua Coggeshall of Portsmouth on Road Hand, haue for a valuabl Consideration in hand payd before the Sealinge hereof: hau| | sould unto Clemant vveavor Juneor of Nuport on Road Hand a parsell of land lying in a Tryangle forme Butted & Bounded as followeth : on the South- east by the Comon sixty Pols from thence on a straight line to a great white oake marked on boath sides & from that white oake along the line betweene this Parsell of land & land formerly &: still is in the Possession of Clemant Weaver aforesayd : which parsell of land I the sd Joshua Coggeshall haue sould unto Clemant weaver afor sd with all the priviliges thereunto belong- ing to haue and to hould to him and his heiers for euer: and further I the sayd Joshua Coggeshall doe make warant unto and with the sayd Clemant that at the time of the sale here of I was the sole & true owner therof : and further I and my heiers doe also Covenant to and with the sayd Clemant and his heiers for his quiat and peasable Injoying of it from any Just molestation of mee or mine from by or under any Right title or Interest that I haue or ever had there in and in wittnes hereof I haue on the day & yeare first aboue written set to my hand and scale Signed Sealed Joshua Coggeshall & deliuered in the presence of A True Copii f me Marke Lucar Philip Shearman Daniel Gould toune Clarke 1^1 The Ear mark of the Cattle and Sheep &' of Clark Cornell is a o § " fork on y" Left ear and a halfpeny behind the same ear Entered ^i^ on Rec'^ y*^ i3''- AD 1752 Rob- Dennis T. Clerk [ 330 ] The Ear mark of the Creatures belonging to Joseph Sisson is a Crop off of the near or Left Ear and two SHtts in the Crop of said Ear Entred on Rec':* y^ 17"' Day of May A: D: 1753 Rob' Dennis T Clerk. The above Ear mark of the Creatures of Jo^ Sisson is put to Andrew M'Corrie Ju' [269] The Ear mark of the Creatures of Isaac Anthony is A Isaac gij^ Down Each ear beQ:inninQr; at the uttermost end of said Ears Anthony o o Rec'^'^ June the 14'^' Day Annoqz Dom' 1753 Rob' Dennis T. Clerk_ ^-■h The Ear mark of the Creatures of Ebenezer Slocum is a Crop of o ag^ the Riofht Ear and a half penny taken out off before and behind ^ 2 g CO ^ g.| ^ " the same Ear Rec-' September the 24'^ A D 1753 By Rob-' Dennis T. Clerk c !i me Philip Shearman Toune Clarke The Ear Mark of the Creatures of Joseph Soule is a Crop of the Left Ear and a half-penny before yt Same Ear Entered on Rec- May y^ i6^'^ A D 1755 By Rob^ Dennis T" C]k_ C CO 1^ The Ear Mark of the Creatures of Christopher Shearman is a ^"^ Crop of the Left Ear and a helfpenny before the Same Ear "si Entered on Record Aug^ the 3"^ A D: 1762 2 By RoM Dennis T" Clerk_ a ^"^^° l^7»»1 The Ear mark of the Creatures of Gideon Durfee is a Martin ' "^ * *^J Dedrick fork ou the left Ear and a Slit under the Same ear Entered on ^^833 Record May y^ 16'" A D: 1755 By Rob' Dennis T'^ Clk._ Puf JO The Ear mark of the Creatures of John Willcocks is a Crop of the David Aimy ye j^jaht Ear and a Half penny before the Same Ear Entered May 30'i' 1829 J ^ I J on Record May y" 22"^' A D 1755 By Rob^ Dennis T" Clk. The Ear mark of the Creatures of Joseph Cundall Jun^ is a Slit in the Rio-ht Ear and a hind Gad on the Left ear Entered on O Record May y^ 29-'' A D: 1755 By Rob' Dennis Town Clerk The Ear Mark of the Creatures of Joseph Brownell Is a Crop of the Right Ear and a fore Gad on the Left Entered on Record July y^ 28^^ A D 1755 By Rob^ Dennis T" Clk_ [ Vol ] The Ear Mark of the Creatures of Isaac P^arker is a Slit in the Left Ear and a hind Gad on tlie Right Ear Entered on Record May y^ 17th A D I756_ ^ Rob'. Dennis T" Cler, The Ear Mark of the Creatures of Benj" Hicks is a Slit Down the Right Year near about the Middle of s'.' Ear Recorded Sep- tember y^' 3"' A D : I 756 RoU Dennis T" C" put to The Ear mark of the Creatures of James Sisson J".'' is a Slit in y' "^1818 ^sft Ear and a hind gad on the Right ear Entered May y" 9!'' 1 774 Robi Dennis Ti' Clerk [2T6] This present deede baring Date this twentifift of Januar[ J in the yeare of our lorde Sixteen hundreth fiftie fower witnesse[ ] that I Henery Knowles of Portsmouth in Roade Ilande for a ualuable consideration in hand rcceiued haue bar- gained and sould unto Thomas Lawton of the same towne and place my nowe dwelling house with three house lotts adioyning together with the apurtenances and priuileges therto belonging the fruit trees and all the fences belonging to the sayed land and fencing stuffe thereupon with the loose hordes in the sayd house, sittuate in portsmouth, the sayed land being by estimation nyne ackers more or lesse bounded on the North syde with the land of John Albro and on the South with another parcell of land of the sayed John Albro and bounded at either end with the Com- mon, together with two lotts of land lying in the same toune being bounded on the North with the land of Philip Shearman and at boath endes with the Common together with the apurten- ances and priuileges therto belonging, I the aforesayed Henery doe for my selfe my heiers exsequetors or administrators resigne up all my rite title and interest in euery parte and parcell of the forenamed bargained premises, unto the aforenamed Thoma| | Lawton his heiers Administrators or Assignes for euer so that neither I my selfe nor any other by or from me, shall Claime any [ 338] title or interest in any parte or parcell of the bargained premises, in wittnes hereof I haue hereto sett my hand and seale the day and date aboue written Signed Sealed and Henery Knowles deliuered in the hismarke L- 1/ presence of SIN Philip Shearman Sarah Shearman A tru Copii >[r^ me Philip Shearman toune Clarke The Ear Mark of the Creatures of Charles Bowler is a hind Gad on Each Ear Entered on Record the 3- Day of March A D 1759 Rob^ Dennis T~ Clerk These may Certify that Robert Dennis doth Renounce his for- mer Ear Mark and now marks wh a Fork in y? Right Eare and a Slit in the Left which was his Farthers Ear Mark Witness Robr Denni[ ] [277] The Ear Mark of the Creatures of Samuell Pearce of ^ll Prudence Island is a hole in Each Ear Entered and Recorded 5-e-:s December the 8'^'- A D iys7- By Rob^ Dennis T^ Clerk Ph n ^ U5 <-> The Ear Mark of the Creatures of Parker Shearman is a hind §5^^ Gad on the Left or Near Ear Entered on Record June y? 19- (U o o ^ c3= A D 1760 By Rob:' Dennis T^ Clerk I >■ The Ear Mark of the Creatures of Phillip Anthony is a fork on ^1 the Right ear and a hole in the Left Ear Enter'd on Record August y^ 4'^ A D. 1760 By Rob.' Dennis T" Cler < < [ 339 ] The Ear Mark of the Creatures of David Fish Jmv is a liincl Gad on the Right ^^^ and a Crop of the Left Ear and a hole in the Crept Ear Entered on Record March y? 4'-^ A D 1762 By Rob? Dennis T" Cler- The Ear Mark of the Creatures of Samuell Marryott is a fork or Swallows tail on the Right Ear Entered May the 29- A D 1764 By Rob:' Dennis T" Clerk 1^ The Ear Mark of the Creatures of Stephen Brayton is a fork or oE Swallows tail on the right Ear Entered May y^ 27- A D 1765 i By Rob' Dennis T" Clerk [278] ^^e it knowne unto all men by these presents that I Tho[ ] Jenin of Road Hand planter in portsmouth haue for diu[ |rs good causes and considerations me therunto moued haue bargained and sould and doe by these presents bargaine and sell unto Thomas Lawton of Portsmouth on Road Hand planter one lott containing by estimation twenty ackers be it more or lesse sittuated in portsmouth in the aforesayed Hand butting upon the south side of browns lott and bounded upon the mill swamp and parte of the mill swamp and moste of it on the west side of the mill swampe with all the other profits and comodities therunto belonging or any ways apertaineing and and by these presents granted unto the sayed Thomas Lawton heiers or executors ad- ministrators all my former right title claime intrust or demande of in or to the aforesayd right and land with all the apurten- ances and euery parte and parccll therof confirming the same upon the sayed Thomas Lawton his heiers executers and admin- istrators as their proper right title or estate to haue and to hould and peaceably to inioy for euer from me the sayed Thomas Jenin my heiers exeCuters administrators to him the sayed Thomas Lawton his heiers executors administrators and assignes all other barorains Couenants morgages or other agreement[ J made or to be [ 340 ] made by me the sayd Thomas Jenin through my meanes to the Contrary to this deede of saile to be voyd and of no efect in wittnes where of the sayd Thomas doth for him selfe and for his heiers executors administrators and asignes subscribe his hand and set to his scale the eightent day of July (1654) Sealed Signed and Thomas Jenin deliuered and posession hie'T'marke giuen in the presents ■ of us Matthew Bridgman Thomas Henly his marke A tru Copii ^ me Philip Shearman toune Clarke The Ear Mark of the Creatures of John Thurston is a Slit in the Left Ear and a half penny under the Same ear and a hind Gad on the Right ear Being the Ear Mark of Francis Brayton En- tered May 21"' 1772 By Rob- Dennis T" CP John Thurston Renounce'' the Above Mark [279] Know all men by these presents that I William Hall of Portsmouth in Roade Hand : haue sould unto Thomas Man- chester of the same towne and Hand: all my right and intrust in that parcell of land granted unto me by the abouesaide towne : lying and adjoyning next unto the high way on the North side butting upon the mill swamp on the East end : and the other end butting upon the Common and the other side Joyning to William Hauenses land; I the aboue sayed William doe acknow- ledg to haue receiued full satisfaction for the premises and doe hereby disclaime all my right and title there unto, and doe freely pass ouer and Confirme unto the abouesayed Thomas his heiers executers administrators or assignes to haue and to hould with- out molestation from me my heiers execeters administrators or [ 341 ] assignes in wittnes where of I haue hereunto sett my hand this T,"^ of december (i654) Wilhani Hall Signed Sealed and deliuered in the presents of us William Wodell George Lawton William Almy A true Copii ^^ me Philip Shearman towne Clarke The Ear Mark of Samuell Shearman's Cattle is a hind Gad on the Right Ear and a of the Left Ear with a hole in the Cropt on Record Ear entered^ May the 26^' A D 1759 By Rob" Dennis T" Clerk The Ear Mark of Isaac Anthony's Creatures is a hind Gad on the Right Ear A Crop of the Left Ear and a hole in the Cropt Ear Entered on Record Aug' y^ 2'"' 1762 By Rob.' Dennis T^^ Clerk The ear mark of the Creatures of James Headley & Company is a Slit Down the Right Ear Entered on Record April y^ 29"'- 1765 By Rob' Dennis T'! Clerk [280 i ^^ ^t knowne unto all men by these presents that 1 Tho[ ] fhsh of Portsmouth in Road Hand planter haue for good Consideration and due satisfaction in hand paid, sould unto Thomas Lawton of the same toune and place aforenamed yea- man, a parcell of land of fower ackers more or lesse with all the housing and fencing wood and timber and all other apertinances thereunto belonj^incr the land beinq; bounded in this maner buttine on the North end with the Comon bounded on the East side with the land of the aforesayed Thomas Lawton butting upon the high way and the swamp in the towne bounded on the south side with the land of John Albro, this fower ackers of land more or lesse aforenamed I the sayed Thomas ffish doe and haue [ 342 ] made suer and giuen possession unto the aforesaid Thomas Lawton his heiers executors or assignes for euer to posses and inioy neuer to be molested by me the sayd Thomas ffish my heiers executors or assignes to claime any intrust or title ther- unto and for the true performance of the same I the said Thomas fish haue for my selfe my heiers executors and assignes sett to my hand this 20''' of ffebrewary (i655) Signed and deliuered in Thomas fBsh the presents of us George Parker ffrancis Parker A true Copii %^, me Philip Shearman Towne Clarke The Ear Mark of the Creatures of Jacob Mott is a Crop of the Left Ear and a Slit in the Crop and a Half penny before the Right Ear being the Antiant Ear Mark of the Farm & family of the Mott's Enter'd July y^ 12"^ A D 1764 By Rob! Dennis T" Clerk The Ear mark of the Creatures of Henry Headley is a Half penny under the right Ear Entered on Record April y? 29^'' A D 1765- By Rob^ Dennis T^ Clerk- N. B the Eare Mark of Henery Headley John Thurston has taken for his Mark & Renounces his former Mark [281] To the twelve men that are the Desposers of land in Portsmouth or to whome this may Concerne Know yee that I William Almy of the aforsayd Towne of ports- mouth have given and doe by thess presents give and graunt unto Richard Bulgar of the afore-sayd Towne all my Right Title and Intrest into A o-raunt of Eio-ht acres of land o-raunted to me the Sayd William Almy within the Comon ffence for the Sayd Richard to have and to hould and peaceably to injoy from me [ 343 ] the Sayd William Almy my heyres Excccutors or asigncs to him his heyrs Excecutors or asignes for Ever in Testimony hereof the Sayd William doth Sett to his hand this fift day of January in the yeare of our lord god 1656 William Almy Witnes hereunto Q Themarkeof Danlll Grenlll A True Coppy "j-^ me John Sanford Townc Clarke Thess presents Witnes that I Lambert Woodward of fflushin for divers good causis and considerations me Moveinge have asigned and made over, and by thess presents doe asigne &: make over unto Ralph Earll the Elder of portsm'; on Road Hand, as well five acres of vpland more or less adjoyninge to the land of the Sayd Ralph Earll which was given to me the Sayd Lambert and david Dollin (Seaman) my partner, by the towne of portsm", as alsoe all the Right Title interest to and in the Same to him the Sayd Earll his heyres and asignes for Ever Witnes my hand this 4'!' of June 1652 the markc / <-^ of the Sayd leg Sisson Put to |].ac S Casy Shearman o,H Witnes J on"' Coventry Scl" Lambert Woodward: A True Coppy 'jj^. me John Sanford: Towne Clarke The Ear mark of Peleg Sisson[ ] Creatures is a Slit in the Right Ear Enter'd May y": 21- A D 1772 By Rob' Dennis T'- Clerk Being the Eare Mark of James Headly- of the Creatures Dec* The Ear Mark ^^ of Peleg Shearman Son of Thomases a fore gad on the Left Eare and a Half-penny under the Same Ear Entered June y' 24'- 1772 being the Ear Mark his father Used:- Rob:' Dennis T" Clerk The Eare Mark of the Creatures of Claver Taylor is a hind Gad on Each Ear beinc^ the Farm's antiant Mark Eentered August y'^ 18"' 1774 By Rob' Dennis T" CIek [ 344 ] [282] This Deed or Writtinge Bareinge Date the fifteenth day of January in th[ ]re of our lord christ one thowsand Six hundred fifty Seven Witn[ ] that Richard Morris of ports- mouth on Rhoad Island for and in Co[ ]ation of A vallew able Satisfaction in hand given and Received hath [ ] unto Thomas Brownell of portsmouth afor-sayd, A percell of land Con- taininge thirty one acres more or less lyinge within the precincts or bownds of the towne of portsmouth afor-sayd, which said percell of land was graunted by the towns-men of portsmouth afor sd: unto Richard Alaxson deceast, & by the widdow of the Sayd Maxson Sould unto the Sayd Richard Morris, which Sayd percell of land is butted and bownded by the land of John Walker on the West, by the land, lately belonginge unto William Wither- ington on the East by the Sea on the North, by the Cornon on the South, ffurther the Sayd Richard Morris doth Covinant and agree & promise for him selfe his heyres Excequetors & Adminis- trators &cf with the Sayd Thomas Brownell his heyres Exceque- tors & Administrators &c: that this is A fiirme A good and an un- deseazable deed and Estate, unto the sayd Thomas Brownell his heyres &c- peaceably & quiatly to posess and injoy with all apur- tainances & previlidges therto belonginge, for Ever, to injoy and peaceably to posess from any lawfull claime of the afor-sayd Richard Maxson his heyres &c: or from any other which Shall lay claime therto from by or under any Right or Title of any person or persons In Testimony herof the Sayd Richard Morris hath herunto sett to his hand and Scale the day & yeare abov- sayd Richard Morris Signed Sealled and Delivered in presents of us John Sanford Sc"" Samuell Sanford A True Coppy ~> me John Sanford Tow Clarke [ 345 ] "a E :a^ The Ear Mark of the Creatures of George Hall is a Crop of the c ^ Right Ear and Two forks in the Cropt Ear Entered May y: £"• 27'" A D 1773 By Rob' Dennis T" Clerk- G. .12 I 1 1 The Ear Mark of the Creatures of David Lawton son of Isaac is r, i^ a Crop in the Right Ear & a Squar pese under the Left being a 3- Mark of his owne Chooing Enterd & Record this 13 Day of 2 June A D 1780 by John Thurston Town Clerk [283] This Deed or Writtinge bareinge date the Ninteenth day of January in the yeare of our | |rd christ one thowsand Six hundred ffifty Seven, Witneseth that ffrancis Brayton of Portsmouth on Rhoad Island, planter, for and in Consideration of A valluable Satisfaction in hand given and Received, hath therfore Sould and doe herby Convay unto Willian-i ffoster of Portsmouth afor-sayd, planter, A parcell of land Containinge twenty two Acres more or less lyinge within the precincts or bownds of the towne of portsmouth afor-sayd, which sayd percell of land was graunted by the townsemen of portsmouth unto the Sayd ffrancis Brayton, beinge butted and bownded by the land lately layd out to William Hall on the South Side, by the land of Thomas Layton on the North Side, by the Comon on the East and west Ends, to have and to hould and peaceably to posess and injoy the Sayd percell of land, with all previlidges and Apurtain- ances therto belonginge to the Sayd William ffoster his heyres Excecutor Administrators &c- for-Ever, And the Sayd ffrancis Brayton doth Covinant agree and promiss for him selfe his heyres Excecutors Administrators &c: with the sayd William ffoster his heyres Excecutors Administratorss ] Riinn up all the Icnth of the sayd Thomas Cookes land bcinge Sixty Rod in length more or less as alsoe all that percell of land lyinge between the afor-sayd three Rod and the ffence now Stand- inge about the land of the sayd Thomas Cf)oke on the south side therof, and to Runn from the East End of the sayd Thomas Cooks land twenty Rod, all which percell of land with all p'rcvi- lidges and apurtainances thcrto belonginge the sayd Thf>mas Cooke hath sould unto the sayd Gyles Slocum, to use posess and injoy, from him the sayd Thomas Cooke his heyres Excecutors administrators and asignes for-Ever ffully and absolutly Confirm- inge the sayd percell of land unto the sayd Gyles Slocum his heyres Excecutors Administrators and asignes, peaceably and quiatly to use & posess from any just claime of any person or persons — in Testimony her-of the sayd Thomas Cooke (jun') hath herto sett his hand and scale, the day and yeare abov-sayd : Signed Sealled and delivered Thomas Cooke jun' in pressents of John Sanford Sc' Richard pearce A True Coppy \^.. me John Sanford Tow: Cla [28 T] These prescents may I'estify that whereas there is an agreement and Exchainge of two percells of land made by Samuel Hutchinson with william Baulston the one beinge in the north ffeild Comonly Called the Clapit ffeild the other Lyinge in the Tract of land Called the twenty acres and wheras in the Exchainge of the sayd land william Baulston hath taken in part of the high way which was by the towne of portsmouth ordered and la| | out betweene the land of the sayd william Baulston, and the aforesayd Twe[ ] acres Therfore and in Iciw thereof Samuell Hutchinson aforsayd doth bin| | him selfc his heyres Excecutors administrators that if Ever the afore sayd twenty acres shall be intirely ffenced or taken in from the Comon as now it lyith then there shall be A suf^ant high way left vn- 5 S o ^ 1-1 o p-5 [ 35^ ] fenced which shall be betweene the ffence of the sayd william Banlston as now it runith and the now remainge part of the sayd Twenty acres ffor Ever which Savd hiijh wav is to be of the same Bredth as the hio-h wav now is that Ivith betwne the land of m' Smith and John Sanford goeinge downe to the land Called the Comon ffence in Testimony hereof the aforesa3-d Samuell Hutchinson hath heareunto seitt to his hand and sealle this 17''' day of June 1658 Samuel Hutchinson signed sealled and dliuerd in prescents of Thomas Cornell John Sanford A Trew Coppv bv me Thomas Cornell Towne Clark The Eear Mark of the Creatures of Thomas Shearman is a Crop in the Left Eear being the Mark of Caleb Lake formerly Re- corded this 15 Day of June A i) 17S1 By John Thurston Toun Clerk The Eear Mark of the Creatures of Jonathan Albro is a hole in the Right Eear and a Crop of the Left Eear being form[ Jly the Mark of Benjaman Hambly Recorded this iS Day of June A D 1 78 1 By John Thurston Town Clerk The Ear Mark of the Creatures of Oliver Earl is a Crop of the Right Ear and a Slit in the Left Ear Enterd on Record the 25 Day of May A D 17S2 By John Thurston Town Clerk [288] B^^ it Knowne vnto all men by thess pressents that Thomas Broo[ ] Portsmouth on Rhoad-Iland. doth ingadge him selfe his heyres Excequetors Ad| ]istrators to deliver or to Cause to be delivered vnto Thomas Hawkins of Boston or vnto his heyres Excecutors Administrators or asignes the full an[ J Just number of ffowerteene good and sownd Ewe shepe none of them to be vnder the age of two yeares nor to Exceed the age [ 353 ] of fower yeares \vhic[ ] sayd number of shupe arc to be duly and Truly delivered in porthmouth aforsaid . on Rhoad Hand at or beffore the twenty ninth day of October next insueinge the date hereof vnto the afore -sayd Thomas Hawkins or to his asignes ffurther to the True and ffaithfull preformance of the abov-sayd premises the afore-sayd Thomas Brookes Doth by these present morgidge and ingadge A percell of land lyinge within the Bownds or precincts of the Towne of portsmouth afore-sayd in the place Comonly Called the Surkitt and buttinge on the wade- inge River to the north, on the land of m' John Brigs to the Eastt, on the south to the Comon, on the west by the land of the widdow Hawkins containinge thirty acres more or less which sayd parcell of land afor-sayd the sayd Thomas Brooks doth by thes pressents disclaime all right Title claime and intrest thereto from him selfe his heyres Excecutors and administrators, absolutly and really Confirminge the same with all previlidges and apur- tainances and fenceings thereunto belongeinge, vnto the afore- sayd Thomas Hawkins his heyres Excecutors administrators or asignes peaceably and quiatly to vse poses and injoy for Ever, without lett or mollistation from the aforesayd Thomas Bookes his heyres Excecutors or from any others which shall lay Claime therto from by or vnder any Right or Title of any person or persons notwithstandinge any act or acts of sale morgadge or any other ingadgments of the premises made by the sayd Thomas brookes &c- And it is agreed and Couinanted by the sayd Thomas Brookes for him selfe his heyres Excecutors Ad- ministrators &c- that if the sayd Thomas Brookes or his asignes doe not ffaithfuly and Treuly make delivery of the abou-sayd sheepe in manner and at the time abou-sayd vnto the afor-sayd Thomas Hawkins or to his asignes, then abousayd Contract morfradsre or sale of land shall be and stand of full force and Efect as the True and lawful! Estate of the afore-sayd Thomas Hawkins, for him selfe his heyres Excecutors administrators or asignes peaceably and quiatly to use pos[ ]es and injoy for Euer [ 354 ] and otherwise vpon the performance of the abou-mentioned premises then this writtinge is to be invalled and of noe force : and in Testimony of the Truth of the abou-written premises the abousayd Thomas hath hereto sett his hand and seale in ports- mouth on Rhoad Island the ninteenth day of June in the yeare one thowsand six hundred fifty eight Sio^ned sealed and deHuered in Thomas Brookes: prescants of Jams Hawkins John Sanford Abraham Hawkins A Trew Copey by me Thomas Cornell Towne Clarke The above written Record is void and of none Efect ^^ John Anthony Town Cleerke [289] This pressent Deed or wrightinge Bareinge Date the lo^'' day of Jul)' in the yeare of our lord christ one thowsand Six hundred fifty Eight witneseth that John Roome of portsmouth on Rhoad Island in the Collony of providence plantacons in New England in Consideration of full Satisfction in hand given and Received, hath therfore Sould vnto william Corry of portsmouth aforsayd, A Certaine percell of Land Containeing thirty Acres more or less, lyinge within the bownds or precincts of the Towne of Portsmouth afore-sayd: Beinge Butted and bownded by the land of John wood Deceast on the north by the land of Thomas Brownell on the East by the land of John Anthony on the south, by the highway and Comon on the west, And the Sayd John Roome doth by thess pressents absolutly and Really Give grant sell and Confirme the sayd parcell of land with all the previlidges and Apurtainances thearvnto belongeinge, vnto and vpon the afore-sayd William Corry to him selfe his heyres Excecutors Ad- ministrators or asignes ffrely and quiatly to vese poses and injoy for Euer without let or molestation of any person or persons, [ 355 ] what soeu[ ] whicli shall lay Claimc thcrto, from by or vndcr any Right or Title of the sayd John Roome his heyres Excccu- tors & administrators for Euer And in Testimony to the Truth hereof the afor-sayd, John Roome hath herevnto sett his hand and sealle the day and yeare aboue-sayd : Signed Sealled and Deliverd <;p in pressents of ^''^''' i\ ^^°°"^^ John Sanford hismarke Ralph Earll Robert Weskoot A True Coppy by me Thomas Cornell Tow Clark : 00 ^f^ The Ear Mark of the Creatures of John Earl is a Crop on the o^ Right Eare, Enterd on Record this 25. Day of May A D 1782, By John Thurston Town Clerk n The Ear Mark of the Creatures of David GiffordT is a Croj) in the Right Ear & a fore Gad in the Left & a Nick in the same Enterd on Record this 2" Day of June A D 1783, by me John Thurston Town Clerk Be it Knowen vnto all men vnto whom this presant In- strume[ | of writinge shall Com or may anywayes Consearne that I George Parkar of the towne of Portsmouth with in the prouence of prouedenj | plantations in New England haue for a good and valeuable Considration by me Received in hand sould and doe by these presents bargin and sell vnto Henry Pearcy of the aforesaid Towne one parcill of land being by Estemation sixten Acres of land be it more or less sitteuated and beinge within the Towne of portsmouth and buttinge vpon the grea| | swampe Norwest and one the south East End with the high way which lieth betwen Captin morrises howse lott and John Brigs his howse lott which high way leds to the winde mill and one the south side boundd with the Dwelinge howse and [ 356 ] land of Tliomas Gincnges and one the North side with the howse and land one which william James dweleeth at the day of the date here of with all other the profits as fencinge medow timbar Commonidg with all othar the Commodeties or Aperten- ances there vnto belonginge or any wayes apprtaineinge glueing and by these presents granting from me the said George parker my heires Executors Adminestrators and assines vnto the said henry pearcey his heires Executors Adminestrators or asines all my former Right Titel Claime intrest or demand of in or to the afore said land with Eury part and parcill there of with all the appertenances and Conferminge the same vpon the said henry pearcey his heires Exectutors Adminestrators or asines to be his or there propar Right titel or Estate to haue and to hould and peacabl}^ to in Joy for euer all other bargins Contractes morgages asinments lesses or other Couenants or agrements formerly made or here aftar to be made by me the said Gorge or any othar through my meanes to be voyd and of non Efect and This to stand in full force power and veartew in testmony heare of the said George doth for him selfe his heires Executors Admins- trators and asines subscribe his Name and set to his seale this twenty Ninth day of Jeneuery in the yeare of ouer lord god one Thowsand six hundred fifty and three: Sealed sined and deliuered George Parker in the presents of william Charles his marke ^^ Richard Bullgar A Trew Coppy by me Tho : Cornell TowT Clarke : ° [291.] ^^^ -^^^ Mark of the Creatures of Samuel Bailey is a half penny under the Near or Left Eear which was formerly the Eare Mark of Gideon Cornell, Enterd on Record this 14 Day of I.S June A D 1783. "^ By John Thurston Town Clerk o- [ 357 ] The Ear Mark of the Creatures of Pardon Tabcr is a hind Gad in Each Ear & a halfpenny under the Right Earc, Recorded this 1 6 Day of May A D 1784- By me John Thurston Town Clerk The Ear Mark of the Creatures of Richard Shearman is two Slits in each Ear Enterd on Record this 21" Day of May A I) 1784 By me John Thurston Town Clerk ^ The Ear Mark of the Creatures of Christopher Durfee is a hole Em in the Near or left Ear- S I it being the mark of the ^ Entered on Record the 10"' ij Creatures of Elizabeth Wyatt \ Day of April A D 1787- ^c^/ Abra'" Anthony Ju^ Town Clerk The Ear Mark of the Creatures of Abraham Anthony Ju' is a 1^^ fork on the Right Ear & a hole in the left Ear= Entered on Record the 24^'^ Day of May. A D 1787^ N B it being the Ear Mark | By Abra™ Anthony Ju: To" Clk of y? Creatures of his father Philip Anthony Dec'' | now of Providence The Ear Mark of the Creatures of David Anthony^ is a Crop of the Right Ear and a hole in the left Ear- it being the ancient mark of the farm & family of Abraham Anthony for four if not more generations Entered on Record October i^.' 1807 By Abra'" Anthony Town Clerk [29S] ^^^ itt Knowen vnto all men vnto whom this prescent Instrimen| | of wrighting shall com or may any wayes Consearne that I William James of the towne of portsmouth within the prouence of provedin[ ] planttaions in New England haue for a good and valaualbe Considtrasho[ ] by me Recaiued in hand haue sould and doe by these presentes bargine and sell vnto Hendrey Pearcey of the aforesaid towne one house and parcill oil: [358] of land beinge by Estemation Twelfe Accres be itt more or less sitteuated and beinge within the Tovvne of portsmouth and butting vppon the great swampe norwest and one the southeast End with the hight way which lieth betwne John Archars house lott and John Briges house lott which high way leadeth to the weind mill and one the south side bounded with the dwellinge house and land of John Briges and one north side with the dwelling house and land one which John Aarcher dwelleth att the day of the date heare of with all other the profites as fincing tim- bar Commonidg with with all other Commodeties or Aperteances thear vnto belonginge or any wayes appertaing and by these prescents granting from me the said william James my heiers Excutors Adminstrators and asignes vnto the said Hendry percey his heirs excutors Adminstrato[ ]s or asignes all my former riffht Tittell Claime Intrust or demand of mor to the afore said land with eurey pate and parsell theare of wit[ ] all the appertenances and Confeaming the same vppon the said Hendr[ ] Pearcey his hieris Exeutors adminstrators or asinges to be his or there proper Right titell or Estate to haue and to hould and peaceably to injoy for euer all other bargines contracts morgeages asignements leses or other Couentantes by me the said william or any other Throught my menes or agrementes formerly mad or heare aftur to be made by me the said william or any other through my meanes to be voyd and of none effectt and this to stand in full force pouer and vertew in testtimony heare of the said william doth for him scelfe his heires executors Ad- minstrators and asignes subsribe his name and sett to his hand and scale the fifiue and Twentey day of febberey 1654 Signed Sealed and deliuered I • ,1 . r William /^ ""'I — ^ Tames in the prescents 01 vs '^ I Richard Pearce "'" '"=*'''^ William Shearman Nathell -|- Browing hismarke A Trew Coppey by me Tho: Cornell Towne Clarke: [ 359 ] [293] This Deccle or wrigteinge Bareinge Date the Eleaucnth clay of January in the yeare of ouer lord christ one thowsand sixe hundred fifty Eight; witnesseth, That william Baker of Portsmouth on Rhoad-Island, in Consideration of ffull Satisfuctoion in hand given and Received hath therfore by thess presents sould vnto Joseph Ladd: of portsmout[ ] on Rhoad Island afore-sayd : A certaine percell of land Containeinge tenn acres more or less to- guther with A small dwellinge house one the sayd Land: which sayd percell of land is Sittuate within the precincts of the Towne of Portsmouth afore-sayd which sayd land was given and granted by the Townse men of Portsmouth afore-sayd vnto Robert Bellow, and by the Sayd Bellow sould vnto the afore-sayd william Backer, beinge Butted and bounded by the highway on the south by the Comon and brooke one the west and on the north and East by the Comon: And the afore-sayd william Backe| | Doth by these presents sell macke ouer and conuay the afore sayd percell of land togather with all the howseinge ffenceinge apertainancies and previlidges whatsoeuer theareunto Belongeinge absolutly and Realy Confi[ Jmeinge the same vpon and vnto the afore- sayd Joseph Ladd his heyres Executors administrators or asignes peaceably and quiatly to vse poses and injoy as his or their pro- per Right Title and Estate for Euer, with out Lett or molista- tion from any other person or persons which shall Lay clayme there to from by or vnder any Right or Tytelle of the afore sayd Robrt Bellow his heyres Executors or administrators: and to the True and faythfuU Ratifycation and Confirmation of the aboue written premesis the afore-sayd william Backer hath hereunto sett his hand and Scale the day and yeare above-written Sioned Sealled and delivered Wihiam Backer in pressents of: John Sanford Richard Pearce Samuel Sanford A Treue Copey by me Thomas Cornell Towne CI- [ 36o ] Know All men by these presents that I Richard Morris Inh[ ]itant portsmouth vpon Rod Hand haue sould vnto Peter Toulma[ ] his heires Exequitors Administrators or Asigns A parcell off ground Containing Nine Akers at thirty ffiue shillines y Aker which ground Butting as ffoloueth, one side vpon Shar- man his meddow Estward another side vpon Samuel wilbore westward one end is northward and the other end butting vpon the said Richard Morris his oune land southward The which I Richard Morris doe giue grant and surrender up my full Right and title vnto Peter Toulman his heirs exequitors Administrators or Assignes to haue and to hould ffor euer without Any trouble or molistation from me my heires exequitors administrators or Assignes or ffrom Any persson or perssons that may Challenge Any Right or propriety In or about the premises aboue specified ffurther I Richard moris doe Ackowledge to haue Receiued ffuU satisfuctoion for the orround abouesaid To the true performance of the premises I binde me my heires Exequitors Administrators or Assignes As witnes my hand and scale this : i8"' Decembar 1658: Tistis Richard Moris Clementt Salmon The I — I marke of Henry Timberlake Gors^e Hamonde Thomas Campbell A Treue Copey by me Tho Cornell Towne Clarke These presents wittnesseth that I mary Morris nowe wiffe of Capt Richard morris now Resident in portsmouth vpon Rode Island doe in the presns of god declare my free willingnes to part with that nine Acres of ground whicli my said husband hath sould vnto Peter Toulman and doe hereby giue grant surrender my ffuU Right and title for him to haue and to hould for euer without any molistation or trouble and further that this is my [ 36i ] fre act and cicd I doe in the presens of all whom this may con- cerne, sett my hand this i8"' of Decembar 165S Mary Morris Tistis Richard Morris Clementt Salmon Gorge Hamonde The marke j-j of A Truc Copcy By me Tho. Cornell Tow Cla Henry Temberlake Thomas Campbell [295] This witneseth that I william willbore of Portsmouth in Roade Island haue sold vnto Peter Tallman of Newporte a pearsell of Land containinge Sixe acres Lijnge within the boundes of portsmouth Towne and is boundd as followeth that is to say: on y' east side by a parscell of Land which the said Peter Taullmam Lately bought of Captaine Morris on the south by a pearsell of land which Captaine morris bought of Goodman Emines: on the west by the high way and on the north by the high way that goeth to the watter side which Land with the priuiledges and apurtenances thirto belonginge I doe acknowl- edge to haue sold to the said Peter Taullman for him his heires and assignes peaceably to posses and inioy for euer and doe acknowledg to haue reseiued full satisfaction for the same before the Signing to this w'ritinge and therfore doe for my selfe my heires executors administrators and asignes surender vp the same vnto the said Peter Taullman his heires executors adminis- trators and asignes for him and them peaceably to posese and inioy for euer witness my hand and seale this present Twentyeth of December 1658 Allso I the said william willbore doe binde my selfe my heires and asignes to make good the salle heareof and to defend the said Peter Taullman his heires and asignes from any person or 46 [ 362 ] persons that shall mollest him or them in laying any claime title or interest vnto the same or any parte theareof witnesse my hand the day and yeare aboue written Witnesse William W / willbore George Hamonde hisWmarke John Cowdel Thomas Campbell A True Coppey ^ me Thomas Cornell Towne Cla The Ear Mark of the Creatures of Isaac Anthony is a Crop off the Right Ear & a Slit in the Left Ear- Entered on Record this 25'*^ Day of May A D 1786. By Abra"" Anthony Ju"^ Town Clk [296] Know all men by these that I william Baulston of portsm[ ] in the Coulony of prouidence plantations in New England haue Sould vnto Dainell Willcook of the Same Towne and Coulony: four Acres of Land more or Less Sitiated within the bounds of portsmo[ ] Aboue Said, and bounded one the one Side with the land of Anthony paine late decesed: and the other Side with the land of Richard moris and the two Endes butting vpon the Common thus giuing and by these presents grantting from me Said william my heires Exetorus adminstra- tors or Asignes all my right Titel Claime or Intrust in or to any part or parcell of the abouesaid ffouer Acres of land and conferm- ing the Same vpon the abouesaid Dainell his heires Executors adminstrators or Asignes for Euer to haue and hould and peecably to inioy without molestato[ ] or disstrubance from me the Said william my heires Executors or Asign[Js administrators or any other by my meanes, witnes my hand and Scale this Seuenth of march one Thowsand Six hundred fifty and Eaight Signed Saeled and deliuerd in the william Baulston presence of, John Albro william Hall A Trew Copey %^ me Thomas Cornell Towne Clarke « 1 ■-' §•1 •5-« ■ [ 363 ] The Ear Mark of the Creatures of Christopher Shearman Ju^ is a Crop of the Right Ear and a happenney taken out before and behind the same Ear- Reed'' May 5"^ A L) 1788 By Abra'" Anthony Ju^ To" Clk The Ear mark of the Creatures of John TaHman is a Cr^p of i or, each Ear and a hole in the Rifjht Ear- o S ; Entered and Recorded t,"^ of June A D 17S8 ill. By Abra'" Anthony Ju' To" Clk The Ear mark of the Creatures of William Tallman is a Crop of Each Ear and a halfpenney under the left Ear- Entered on Record 3''' of June A D 1788 By Abra"^ Anthony Ju^ Town Clerk [29 7 J ^^ "^ meeting of the ffree inhabitants of the Town of Portsmouth the 25''' of the 9"" month 1695 at the house of William Corey voted Henry Brightman chosen moderator the court orders Read • voted this meeting is Adjourned untill the 2;' day of December next and then to meet Again at the house of William Corey At A Remeeting by Adjournment of the free inhabitants of the Town of Portsmouth at the house of William Corey the 2'^ of the 10''' month: 1695 : At A meeting of the ffree inhabitants of the Town of Ports- mouth the 19"" of the 6'^ month: 1696: at the house of William Corey voted Giles slocum Chosen moderator voted Thomas Cornel Jun^ Jeremiah Lawton Adman Lawton George Cornel Rober Hodgson and Benjamin Potter are all Taken in ffreemen in this Town [ 364 ] voted Thomas Cornel Jun' ) and John Wilbur ) Engaged are chosen Constables voted Gideon ffreeborne ) and Sampson shearman \ voted francis Brayton John Albro Jun' and William Allin of Prudence voted George sesson Josep cook Latham clarke and Jeremiah smith of Prudence are chosen to serve on the nex grand inquest at newport are chosen to serve on the next Jury of Tryals at newport are chosen deputies to attend the nex Generall assembly to be held at Providence A Rate are chosen to make^of 2'^ upon voted John Anthony | the pound according to A gen- George Brownel J- erall Assembly act held at new- and Daniel Pearce of Prudence I port the 7"^ of may and by Ad- J journment the first of July 1696 voted and it is further Agreed that there shall be A pound built near unto Robert fishis shop of two Rod square to be built with good posts^"^^a oake planck six foot high and the Town Treas- urer to Take Care for the buildg of the said pound and pay the Charge out of the Town Treasury and to be built with all Expdicion voted this meeting is Dissolved I c^ The Ear Mark of the Cattle of Job Sisson is two halfpenneys I I ^ before the Near or left Ear Record June 7'^ A D 1788 5"! By Abrai" Anthony Ju" Town Clk writing [298] This prcscnt writing thestifieth that wheare as thear ^•^'"f was An Agf Iment betwne william Brenton and Samuel wilbore apeald ^'- _ . and of both of portsm[ ] concaring A parcel of Land lying next to efect the Sayd Samuel and in consi[ ] ration of this parcel of land the consd Sayd Samuel did ingage for to maint[ Jine A Suffishent fence [ 365 ] ntot betwne them for Euer and now the sayd Richar 1 Smith Sen' both I . -I parus Sucseding and injoying the sayd land doth ingage himselfe and 5'of thay whom shall injoy the Sayd land that was the sayd Samuel ;^^^y for to maintaine Suffishant fence for Euer which fence is now by me standing betwne ffraincis Braiton and Richard Smith • and for I ho : ' :orneii the trew parformance of the Aboue written premises the sayd cb^ke Richard doth consce[ |t it shall be entred vpon record this 5'*' of Aprel 1659 Tested by me Thomas Cornell Towne Clarke S"^ The Ear mark of Creatures of Samuel Pearce Jun^ of Prudence s^l Island is a hole in Each Ear - it being y' Ear mark of the Crea- M o tures of his father Samuel Pearce. Recored'^ 4"' of June 1788 ''''^' By Abra'" Anthony Ju^ Town Clerk (/I i The Ear Mark of the Creatures of Henry Lawton is a half h| penny under the left Ear and a half penny before the Right- Z^ Entered on Record y^ 8"^ of y*:' 6"' M" called June 1788 ^ By Abra'" Anthony Ju^ Town Clk I The Ear Mark of the Creatures of Reuben Taylor is a Crop off the Right Ear and a Slit in the Crop of the same Ear, Entered & Recorded the 2"^ day of y^ 6"' M" called June A : U 1789 By A Anthony Ju' Town Clerk The Ear Mark of the Creatures of James Cook (son of John) is a"^ foregad on the Left Ear, And a halfpenny on Each side the right Ear. Entered and recorded the 4''' Day of y' Month called June 1789— By Abra"' Anthony Ju^ Town Clk The Ear Mark of the Creatures of Giles Anthony is a Crop off the Left Ear and a hole in the same Ear- Entered and Recorded the 13''^ day of y": 6"> M" A D 1789 By Abra'" Anthony Ju' Town Clerk - '.J < P 00 [ 366 ] [299] The Ear Mark of the Creatures of Stephen Slocum is a hind-gad of the Right Ear, and a halfpenny under the left Ear. Entered and Recored the 6''' day of y? month called May A D 1790, p' Abra™ Anthony ju^ To" Clk The Ear mark of the Creatures of Joseph Sisson, carpent- is a half penny under the Near or left Ear, which was formerly the Earmark of the Creatures of Gideon Cornell I i "^ Entered on Record the 6'*^ Day of y" month called May A D 1 790 By Abra™ Anthony Ju' Town Clerk The Ear Mark of the Creatures of Benjamin Brown is a half penny under the Right Ear and a half penny before the left Ear (it being the farm mark or George Cornell mark Recorded the 14^^ of y*" month called June 1790 By Abra™ Anthony ju"^ Town Clerk The Ear mark of the Creatures of Sarah Almy wid"' of John Almy dec^ is a Crop of the Right Ear and a halfpenny taken out of the same Ear before, and a slit behind Entered on Record 21*.' of y"" m? called March A D 1791 By A bra"" Anthony j"" Town Clerk The Ear mark of the Creatures of Preserved Shearman is a Slit I c Down the left or near Ear- Recorded the 8'^ Day of y" 9"^ m" S g^ called September 1791 By Abraham Anthony j' To" Clk c."^ N B it being the Ear mark of y^ Creatures of his father Preserved Shearman Dece^ — The Ear mark of the Creatures of Thomas Shrieve is a fore gad on the left Ear and two hind gads on the right Ear (it being the Ear mark of the cattle of his father & grandfather) Recorded the 28'*^ of May AD 1794 By Abra'" Anthony ju' Town Clk [ 3^7 ] [300] ^^ i^ Knowen vnto all men by these presents that I John Albr[ ] of Portsmouth of Rhoad Hand in the Collonney of prouidenc plant[ ] in New England haue for good Causes and Considration mee thei[ | vn[ ] mouinge: Sould and doe by these presents bargaine and sell vnto Danell Willcoke of the Same Toune Hand and Collony, Nine Acres of land more or less to- gether with what bowsing is now standinge thearon as Allsoe what Tres is planted in the Orchard together with all the bene- fitss preiueledges or profits theirto belonginge or any waies Aper- tainge, thus giuing and by these presents granting; all my right titel Claime or Intrus| J in or to any part or parcell of the said housanig or land from me my heirs Excetors Administrators or Asignes for Euer and Confearming the Same vpon the aboue Said Dainell his Eaiers Excetutors administrators or Asignes for Euer to haue and hould and peaceably to Inoy all former Coue- nants Contracts morguges leeses or deds of Saile or any other Asignetion what Soever as allso all after Claimes made by me the Said John my heirs Executors administrators or Asignes to be voide and of none Efect and this writing is to Stand in full force power and vertue vnto the aboue Said Dainell his heirs Excutors administrators or Asignes for Euer the which land and housing being Sittuated in the Towne of porthmouth aboue Said and that whear on the Said John now liueth at the day of the date hearof witnes my hand Seall this Seauinth day of march in the yeare of ouer lord one Thousand Six hundred fifty and Eaight Signed and Sealled and deliuered John Albro: in the prescents of william Baulston william Hall A Trew Coppey ^. me Tho: Cornell Towne Clarke The Ear mark of the Creatures of Gideon Dennis is a Crop in the Right Ear, and a squar piece under the le| \t Ear Entered on Recorde the 30'" of y' m^ called May A D 1796 By Abra"' Anthony j' Town Clerk [ 368 ] 11^ The Ear mark of the Creatures of Andrew M^Corrie ju' is a S^l" Crop of the Left Ear and two Slits in the Crop of said Ear, 5 |i Entered on Record y' is"" of may A D 1797- By A. Anthony jr Town Clerk The Ear mark of the Creatures of Peleg Hedly is a half penny under the Right Ear- Entered on Record ye 17"' of y' m? called August A D 1799, By Abra™ Anthony jr Town Clerk y^ above being the Ear mark of y^ Cattle of John Coggeshall & from him to Jo' Sowle & to Henry hedly & then to John Thur- ston - but ye s? John Coggeshall Claiming y? same, gave it & request that ye above s^ Peleg might have it. WO 2 c [301] The Ear mark of the Creatures of Rowland Allen is a Crop Cut of the Right Ear - Entered & Recorded July y' S'^ °-^ 1799 By Abra'" Anthony jr, Town Clerk •= aj ° i- The Ear mark of the Creatures of Henry Hedly is a fork or Swallows tail on the Right Ear. Entered on Record May 24'^ Sf S jgQ2 By Abra"^ Anthony J": Tow" Clk The Ear mark of the Creatures of Peleg Hambly is a Crop of the left Ear and a happenny before the same Ear and a hole in the Right Ear. Entered on Record the 23'^May of May A D 1806 - By Abra"' Anthony Town Clerk- The Ear mark of the Creatures of Artemas Fish is a Crop of the Right Ear and a hap penny taken out before and behind the same Ear - Entered on Record June 16"' A D 1806. By Abra'" Anthony Town Clerk [ 369 ] The Ear mark of the Creatures of Thomas Potter is two Slopes one on each Ear taken out behind or the hinder part of s'.' Ears it being the Ear mark of the Creatures of his Father Rowse Potter Dec':' of 55 years standing. And Entered on Record as the Ear mark of the Creatures of the s'.' Tlromas Potter This 1 7"' of June A D 1806 By Abra!" Anthony Town Clerk The Ear mark of the Creatures of Thomas Shearman (son of Christopher) js a Crop of each Ear, and a hole in the Right Ear- Entered and Recorded June 12'!' [807 By A : Anthony Town Clerk The ear mark of the creatures of Edmund S, Sisson is a Crop cut of the right ear- Entered October 20- 1840 By Samuel Clarke Town Clerk [302] This presentt Deed or writteinge Bareinge Datte, the t\venty first day of may in the yeare of ouer lord Christ one Thowsend Sixe hundred fifty nine witnessith, that John Cran- ston of Newport on Rhoad Island for and in Consideration of A valleable Satisfaction in hand given and Receiued, haue There fore Sould vnto Hugh perssons of portsmouth on Rhoad Island afore-said A Certaine percell of land giuen and granted by the ffree men of the afore-sayd Towne of portsmouth vnto the Sayd John Cranston beinge Sittuate and lyinge within the bounds of the afore sayd Towne of ports mouth Containeinge Eight acres more or less Butted and bownded by the land of the late decased John wood on the South, by the brooke and Comon on the west by the Comon on the north, parte by the Comon and part by the land of Thomas Lawton on the East, and the afore sayd John z ^ [ 370 ] Cranston doth by these presents from him selfe his heyres Ex- cecutors and administrators disclaime all right title and intrest in and to the afore-sayd tract of land, absolutly and realy Con- firminge the same together with all the preuilidges and apurtain- antes thear vnto belonging vnto the afore-sayd Hugh persons to him his heyres Excecutors administrators and Asignes : to haue and to hould and peaceably to use poses and injoy for Euer, without Lett or mollistation of the sayd John Cranston his heyres Excecutors administrators or an)^ other which Shall lay claime therto from by or under any Right or Title of the afore-sayd John Cranston his heyres &cf for Euer, and in Ratifycat[ ] and Confirmation of the truth of the aboue-written premises the afore- sayd John Cranston hath herevnto Sett to his hand and Scale the day and yeare aboue sayd Sealled Signed and Delivered Jol"in Cranston in presents of vss witnesse hearevnto will: Jefferay Caleb Carr A Trew Coppey ^. me Thomas Cornell Towne Clarke The Ear mark of the Creatures of Job Anthony is a fork or swallows tail on each Ear — Entered on Record May 12"' A D 1808 By Abra'" Anthony Town Clerk < The Ear mark of the Creatures of George Sisson 2""^ is a hind gad on the Left or near Ear. Entered on Record May 12'!' 1808 By Abra'" Anthony Town Clerk The Ear mark of the Creatures of Borden Brownell is three holes in the Right Ear — Recorded June 6'!' 1808 By Abra'" Anthony Town Clerk [ 371 ] [303] The Ear mark of the Creatures of Ehzabeth Brightman Widow (of WilHam) is a Crop on the right Ear, and a piece Slopt of from the hinder part of said Crop, and a Slit right down the Middle of the left Ear with a half penny under the same - Recorded May 15*'' A D 1809. By Abra'" Anthony Town Clerk The above being late the Ear mark of the Creatures of ) Thomas Manchester, and heretofore the Ear mark of Thomas Brayton & is the ancient farm mark ) o The Ear mark of the Creatures of Gardner Fish is a Crop of ^ Each Ear and a half penny under each Ear c Recorded May 19"^ 1809 By Abra'" Anthony To" Clk *^ it being the Ear mark of the Creature of his father Benj'l i 3 Fish & his Grandfather Preserved Fish — S a, The Ear mark of the Creatures of Jonathan Anthony is a fork on the left Ear. Recorded June 3'.'' 18 10 By Abra'" Anthony Town Clerk The Ear mark of the Creatures of William Lawton is a fork on the Right Ear and a halfpeny under the same — Recorded Aug' 20'.'' 1810. By Abra'" Anthony Town Clerk it beins: the Ear mark of the Creatures of his father Robert Lawton and his said fathers great Grandfathers mark & for 5 generations successively b. The Ear mark of the Creatures of John Peterson is a Crop of S S Each Ear and a half penney under each Ear. Entered on < Record June 29'.'' 181 2 By Abra'" Anthony Town Clerk it being the Ear mark of Gardner Fish and his father The Ear mark of the Creatures of George Dennis is a fork on the Right Ear and a Slit in the left Ear— Entered on Record the 5"' of June 18 13 it being the mark of the Creatures of his Father Robert Dennis Dec*? A : Anthony Town Clk o ^ [ 372 ] [304] Know all men by these presents that I william Almy Inhabit[ ] of the Towne of portsmouth in the Colloney of prouidence plant[ ] in New England doe freely giue vnto my Sonne John Almy dwelling[ ] with me ; A part of my farme wheron I now dwell, on the South Side therofe the Sayd parcell of land layinge next vnto the farme belonginge to Richard Barden, the bredth therofe beinge on the front of my farme thirty eight rodds wide as also thirty eight rodds wide at the Seeaside from the Sayd Richard Bardens farm[] North ward, and So to run vpon A straight line on the north Side from the front downe to the Sea, the sayd land beinge about fifty acres more or less^ I say I william Almy haue giuen my Sayd sonn John Almy the aforesayd parcell of land with all the priueledges therin containg to him and his heires for euer vpo Such tenare as followeth, videlicet that the Sayd land shall sucssively belonge vnto my sayd Sonne John his heire male, but in case hee hath no heire male at his death then it shall be to my sonne Christopher or his heire male if he hath any or other way to the next brother but case there be no heire male then it shall returne to the first heire female I say I haue giuen the Sayd land vnto my Sayd Sonne John Almy vpon the termes afore sayd to gether with this I niu notion that in case wee canot aoree to eether to make use of the whole farme in Comon the[ ] my Sayd Sonne is to maintaine the whole fence betwxt vs I Say I william Almy aforesayd haue freely giuen vnto my Sayd sonne John Almy the aforesayd par- cell of land and to the heires successiuely accordinge to the tenner exprest in the premises, and in witnesse of this my act and deede I haue herunto sett my hand and Scale this seventeeth of Octobar Anno Domini 1659 Sighned Sealed and deliuerd William Almy in prescencs of vs John Greene bur marke Adrey Almy A True Coppey %^. me Tho: Cornell Towne Clarke [ 2>7Z ] The Ear mark of the Creatures of Seth Anthony is a Crop off the left Ear, and a hole in the same Ear. Entered on Record June 5"" 1813 By Abra':' Anthony Town Clerk C CO ■S"^ The Ear mark of the Creatures of Jonathan Gibbs is a hole Z'^ in the Right Ear- Entered on Record June 5''' 1S13. ! 11 By Abra'" Anthony Town Clerk [305] i J"^e Ear Mark of the Creatures of Levi Sherman is a hole in the (Near or) left Ear- Entered on Record Aug' 18'!' 18 14. By Abra'" Anthony Town Clerk The Ear Mark of the Creatures of Samuel Shearman (of John) given to jg ^ foreo^ad on the left (or near) Ear. Entered on Record Av\ ^ 3 O The Ear mark of the Creatures of Asa Sherman is a Slit down the left Ear, It being the Ear Mark of the Creatures of Preserved Sherman late of this Town Dec- Entered on record May 31 A D 1823 by Rich'' Sherman J' Town Clerk [308] Wee whose names are vnder wrriten doe v[ ]imusly agree to make a suffishant fence betwne eshe other that is to say m"" Ricard Smith is to make vp that part of fence from the vp- land the brdth of the masch to the Poond. and the sayd ffranci[] ••ti o r 377 ] Brayton is to make the other parte from the masch to the hey- way ; which part[ ]ss of fencing is to be mainetaned for ciier by cache other or''^,"'heires or asignes; vppon considration of a pace land containg halfe an acre more or less alowed to fraincis Bayton by nV Ricard Smith for to maintane that part of fence for euer, witnes ouer handes this f^ of may 1660: This being doun in presents of vs Richard Smith Thomas Cornell Townc Clarke: rr ■ • X P) ,. •1T T3 1 - nramcis / PS P) ray ton William Baulston / *--' ^ The Ear Mark of the Creatures of Joseph F'ish is a Crop off the =2 Right Ear & a slit in the left Ear, It being the Ear Mark of ui£ the Creatures of Isaac Anthony formerly of this Town Dec'' S| Entered on Record May 31"^ A D 1823 By Rich'" Sherman JiV Town Clerk The Ear Mark of the Creatures of Richmon Carr is a Crop off the Right Ear and a slit in the Crop of the same Ear Entered and Recorded this fifth day of June A D 1825 By me Rich"* Sherman Ju Town Clerk c I The Ear mark of the Creaturs of Roland Gelston is a half a penny before the left Ear ►^ Entered on record this i^~ day of July 1826 Z by me Rich*^ Sherman Ju Town Clerk Oh [309] This Indentur made this third day of Nouembar in the yere of our lord god one thousand Six fifty and Nine bctwnc James Sands of the Towne of Portsmouth one Road Island in New England one the one partey and Josej^h Martin of the afore said towne one the other partey witneseth that the said James Sands for a full and valluable Considration recaiued in hand haue sould and doe by these presents bargin and sell vnto the afore said Joseph marting fortie fower acres of land be it more or Less Sitteuated within the towneship of portsmouth and bounded as folle[ ]th viz north ward towards the mill with a littel black 48 [ 378 ] Oake : East with Newport path : and the South East Corner with a Crotched whit Oake : South west with a Sassafrax tree by a brooke side : and I the said James Sands doe by these presents giue grant resine vp bargin and sell to the Joseph martin his heirs Executors adminiestrators or Asignes all my right and title Claime intrest or demand in or to the afore said land with Eury part or prcell there of with all the profits priue- leges and apurlenances there vnto belonginge or any wayes aper- taing and Confearming the same vpon the said Joseph martin his heires Executors adminnistrators or asis:nes to be his or there proper right tittel and Estate to haue and to hould and peaseably to poses and injoy for euer and to the trew parformance heare of the said James doth bind himselfe his heirs Executors adminnis- trators and asignes fearmely and sukksesiuly by Subscribing his marke and setting to his scale the daye and yeare aboue riten Sealed Sined and deliuerd in the The marke of jeams sands presence of -I- C Richard Bulgar Roubart Hazard we whose names are here vnder writen beinge partly intrestred in the lands mentioned in in y'^ aboue writen ded of sale doe by these prescent alow raitefie and Conferme this deed of Sale made by James Sands to Joseph martin wittnes our hands the day and yeare aboue writen witness here vnto william Earle Richard Bulgar Sarah Sands Roubart Hazard A True Copey ^ me Thomas Cornell Towne Clarke The Ear Mark of the Creatures of Peleg Albro is a Crop of Each Ear, and a half penny under each Ear It being the Ear Mark of John Peterson Deceased Entered on Record the 7- day of May 1834 By me Richard Sherman J' Town Clerk [ 379 ] 1310] Be it Knowen vnto all men by these prescents y" I Nickolas Browne of portsmouth in Roade Hand in y' Colloney of prouidence plantation in New Eingland haue for good Caueses and Concidration mee their vnto mouinge as allsoe for A full and vallewable Satisfaction recaiued in hand by me y" Nickolas: doe by these presents bargaine and sell vnto Ellexander Enos one Acre of land sittiated within the boundes of portsmouth aboue said : and bounded as follueth videl y" one Side with y" bound of Tho. Lawton Nine Rodes broode and y" other End with y*" land of y" said Nickolas being Tenn Roodes and one halfe broode y' one side allsoe bounded with y'^ said Nickolas his land being fiftene roodes longe and y*" other side lUitting vpon the Comon Nienetene rods longe Together with all y'' benefites priueledges or prouits their to belonging or any waics appertaing: these giueinge and by these prescents granting from me the said Nickolas in heairs Exetutors administrators or asignes all my right Titel Claime or intrest in or to y"" abouesaid Acre of land and Conferming the same vpon the abouesaid Ellexander his heirs Excutors Adminnistrators or Asignes for Euer to haue and hould and peaceably to injoy all former Couenants Contracts morgages leases or deads of sale or any asignation what soe euer. as all after Claimes made by me y'' said Nickolas my heirs Execu- tors administrators or asignes to be void and of none Efect and this writing is to stand in full force pouer and vertew unto the aboue Said Ellexander his heirs Excutors adminnistrators or asignes for Euer wittness my hand and Scale this fourtene day of may in the yeare of Grace one Thowsand Sixe hundred fiftey and Nine Signed Sealed and deliuered ^^ in the preasetes of Nickolas^- — § P)ro\vne Thomas a wood i"* ""-T-ke William Hall A True Copey per me Thomas Cornell Towne Clarke 2 o [ 380] ^ The Ear Mark of the Creatures of Soloman Lavvton is two half *^-| penney before the Near or left ear Entered & recorded the 24'-^!? 5 day of May 1827 By me Richard Sherman J' Town Clerk £*_. The Ear Mark of the Creatures of Susan Albro is a Crop on the Right Ear, Entered on record the twenty fourth day of May 1827 By me Richard Sherman Jr Town Clerk 1311] '^^"'^ Ear Mark of the Creatures of Walter Cornell is a half penny under the Near or left Ear, which was formerly the Ear mark of the creatures of Joseph Sisson. Entered on Record the 2^ day of June AD 1827 By Rich'^ Sherman Ju^ Town Clerk The Ear mark of the Creatures of Sylvester Hathaway is a slit down the left or near Ear, It being the Ear mark formerly of Preserved Sherman Recorded June 2?^ 1829 By me Richard Sherman J Town Clerk The Ear mark of the Creatures of Jonathan E Hazzard is a Crop off the left Ear and two slits in the Crop of said Ear Entered on record June 5^:^ 1827 By me Richard Sherman J Town Clerk The Ear mark of the creatures of Moses Sisson is a hole in each Ear it being the Ear mark formerly of Samuel Pearce of Pru- dence Island Entered on reco[ ] this sixteenth day of June 1828 By me Richard Sherman Ju' Town Clerk o The Ear mark of the Creatures of John Stanton is a half penny befor the left Ear. Entered on record the twenty eight day of April 1830. It being the ear mark of Roland Gelston o'^ & recorded by me Richard Sherman Jr Town Clerk Ck [ 38i ] [312] The Ear mark of the Cattle of Stephen B Cornell is a crop off the left Ear and a halfpenny before the Same and a half- penny on each side the right Eare It being formerly the Ear mark of Stephen Cornell Dec- Entered and recorded the iS[- day of May 1830 Witness Rich' Sherman Ju' Town Clerk The Ear mark of James Albro is a Crop off the right Ear and a slit in the same Ear & two halfpenys before the left Ear It being formerly the Ear mark of the late Samuel Albro Dec- Entered on record the 18':!' day of May 1830 By me Richard Sherman Jur Town Clerk The Ear Mark of the Creatures of Samuel Anthony is a Hole in the Right Ear It being the Ear mark formerly of Jonathan Gibbs Eentered on record this 16*:^ day of March 1S33 by me Richard Sherman J' Town Clerk The Ear Mark of the Creatures of Martin Dedrick is a fork on the left Ear and a Slit under the same Ear, entered on record this 2f-' day of June 1833 By me Richard Sherman Jr Town Clerk The Ear Mark of the Creatures of Job Sisson is a half penny under each ear It being the ear mark of his Eathcr Richard Sisson Dec- entered on record the 28'^' day of June 1S33 By me Richard Sherman J Town Town Clerk The Ear Mark of the Creatures of Benjamin Peckham is a Crop off the Left Ear, bein the Mark of Thomas Sherman De d & entered on record this 28"' day of Sep.' 1833 by me Richard Sherman J' Town Clerk [ 382 ] [3i3] The Ear Mark of the Creatures of Joseph Cornell is a Crop off the Right Ear, and a hole in the same Ear Entered on record April i'^ 1834 by me Richard Sherman J' Town Clerk The Ear Mark of the Creatures of Thales Tallman is a hind Gad on each Ear, It being the Ear Mark of Claver Taylor and put to said Thales Tallman this 30'^ day of SeptT. 1833 & recorded by Rich"^ Sherman J Town Clerk The Ear Mark of the Creatures of Thomas Gould is a halfpenny under the left Ear and a half penny before the Right It being the Ear mark of the late Henry Lawton Esq' Dec^ and put to said Thomas Gould this first day of April 1834 & recorded by me Richard Sherman J- Town Clerk The Ear Mark of the Creatures of John L Harvey is a fore gad on the left Ear, and a halfpenny on each side the right Ear It being the Ear Mark formerly of James Cook son of John entered on record this 22"-- day of April 1834 by me Richard Sherman J' Town Clerk The Ear Mark of the Cattle of Humphrey Chase is a fore gad on the Right Ear, It being the ear mark of the Creatures of Nathan Chase & put to said Humphrey this 7^7!' day of June 1834 Witness Richard Sherman J'' Town Clerk The Ear Mark of the Creatures of Pardon White is a hole in the left Ear and a slit from the same recorded this 7^' day of June 1834 Witness Rich'' Sherman J' Town Clerk [ 383 ] [314:1 This present writteinge Bareinge the Tliiitilh day of January in the y| '[ of our lord Christ one thowsand Six hun- dred fifty eight vvitnescth that Thomas Hazard of portsnioulli on Rhoad Island: hath by these presents given and bequeathed in dowrie with his daughter Hannah Hazard, vnto Stphen wil- coke of Portsmouth Thirty fower acres of land more or less Situate within the bounds or limits of y' Towne of portsmouth afore-said and lyinge in the farme of the aforesaid Thomas Hazard and adjoyneinge vnto the wadeing or mill river, Eight acres wherof being butted and bownded by the land of Samuel Gine one the south and north and on the East End by the Comoii and High way to the mill, the other twenty Sixe acres being butted and bownded by the fence as now it stands one the south and Southwest and on the west and northwest by the land of the Afore said Thomas JFIazard and on the north b\- the land of m' porter and on the East and South-East by the aboue sayd eight acres and the land of Samuel Geinne afore said Twenty acres of which land afore Said beinge alredy fenced in in seuerall percels is now heareby deliuerd into the present use and posesion of the afore-sayd Stephen wilcocke, but the other fowertene being tenn acres vnfenced and joyneing to the land of m' porter and fower acres fenced in and and adjoyneinge to the afore-sayd Hazars land by the afore-sayd wadeing riuer is to remaine in the posesion and vse of the afore-sayd Thomas Hazard vntcll the day or time of his death at which time it is to returne and be in the proper vse and posesion of the afore-sayd Sthepen wilcocke, and the afore sayd Thomas Hazard doth by these presents Give and bequeath as is abouesaid the aforesayd thirtey fouer acres of land together with all the fenceinges and priueldegs there vnto belonge- ino-e vnto the aforesayd Stephen willcoke for himscelfe his heires Excutors and admiiiistrators to haue and to hould and peacebly to vse poses and injoy as his or there proper right or Estate for euer without lett or molestation of the aforesayd Thomas Hazard his heires Executors and administrators or any others which [ 384 ] shall lay clayme therto from or by vnder any right or Title whotso Euer, absolutly and realy ratifyinge and Conferming these presents to be his whole only and sole acte and dede touching the aboue writen premises for Euer only it is prouided that the aforesayd Thomas Hassard his heires Excuetors or ad- minnistrators is to haue free and quiet librety of A highway for the pasedg of thm scelues ther Catell or Cartes therough the aforesayd Stephen from his house to the Com on and highway, and the Aforesayd Stephen wilcoke or his hiers Excutors or ad- ministrators are to haue the like prelidge and vse of A high way through the afore-sayd Hazards land vnto the Sea and water side, as also that the aforesayd Stphen wilcocke his heires Excutors or administrators are to haue free and quiet librety for them scelues or Catell to the Spring of water that lyes and is neare adjoyinge vnto the house of the aforesayd Stephen and in the afore sayd Thomas Hazard land and to the ferme and reall rati- fycation of the [315] aboue riten premises the afore sayd Thomas Hazard hath herevnto Sett his hand and Seale the day yeare aboue written Sioned Sealled and delivered ^, ~~\ | I tt j ^ 1 horn as __l |— I Hazard in presents of JJ" | | Richard mories hismarke John Sanford Thomas Cornell Samuel Sanford A True Copey '^ me Tho: Cornell Towne Clarke I Anthony Paine in my perfect memory doe manifest my minde and Last will is to giue & bequeath vnto my daughter Alee one Anthony Cow shcc or hur husband painge vnto my daughter Mary tripp so Paine his much as y" Cow is Judged to be more worth, then the heffer, and to be made vp Equall out of y"" Cow, And further my minde and will is, to make my wife Rose Paine whoU & Soull Executrex to see my y'^ former Couinant, and my last will performed, and my [ 385 ] debts paide, and m' Porter and william Raulston to see my Estate Equaly deuided witnes my hand this 5"' of may 1649 william freeborn thc- Marker Anthony K^-* Paine the marke f^"^ of Thomas wait William Haulston This is a trew Copie of y' last will of Anthony paine deceassed '^ me philep Sherman Genorall Recorder Taken out of y' Genorall Recorders office and Entred in to y' Records of y*" towne of portsmoth By me Richard Hulgar Towne Clarke [316] where as by y'^ Last will, and first Couinant of Anthony Paine Deceassed there wos a legacye dew vnto mary the wife of John Tripp this writinge witneseth that I the said John Tripp and Mary my wife, haue Receued of Rose weeden Executrex to Anthony Paine Deceaste full Satisfaction for whot so Euer wos dew to vs, Either by last will or first Couinante, wee say Receued full Satisfaction in witnes here of we haue here vnto sett our hands this 18"' day of march 1650 John Tripp James weden . _^^^^^^ n , A trew Copie by ic m r c y me Richard Bulgar Mary Tripj) towne Clarke Richard Hart where as there wos a legasie dew vnto Alee Paine now wife vnto Lot Strainge from Anthony Paine hur father Deceaste, This present writinge witneseth that I Lot Strainge and Alee my wife, doe acknowledge, to haue Receued of Rose Paine, the said An- thony Paine his Executrex y'' full some of fiften pounds, which is in full Satisfaction of that Legacie giuen by the said Anthony 49 [ 386] paine, And I doe here by Quitte the aboue said Executrex of it from y*" begininge of y*" vvorlde to this day, wherevnto I sett my hand this 27th of October 1649 witnes wilHam Baulston . , Lott Strainge Alse ^ A trew Copie by me Strainge hur ,narke Q Richard Bulgar towne Clarke [317] Portsmoth August y" 31"" 1 66 1 ffor as much as Sarah Mott widow to the late deceased adam mott of y^ towne of portsmoth hath brought hir late husbands will in to y*" ofifice of to be proued and hath Exhibeted the same to the towne Counsill thay findinge the said will som thinge dewbeious in not declaringe the said Sarah his wife to be his Excektrix yet the scope of the same makinge hir one in powar there fore we the Counsill of the towne of portsmoth doe vnani- musly apoint the said Sarah mott & widow to the late deseaced Adam mott to be soil Execetrix duringe the terme of hir life accordinge to whot we vndarstand the meaninge of y^ will to be, beinge the magior part of the Counsill Richard Bulgar Towne Clarke The ear mark of the Creatures of Giles Lawton is a Crop of the right ear entered on record May 22*^ 1841 By Samuel Clarke Town Clerk The ear mark of the Creatures of Stephen D. Sherman is a fore gad on the left (or near ear) entered on record Janry 1 1 1842 By Samuel Clarke Town Clerk taken from Samuel Sherman dec'' [ 38; ] The Ear Mark of the Creatures of David Baker is two half penneys before the Near or left Ear and entered on record June 7'i^ 1845 By me Rich'' Sherman Town Clerk The Ear Mark of the Creatures of Soloman Hedly is a fork or Swallows tail on the Right Ear, It being the Ear marke of his Father Henry Hedly entered on record June f- 1845 by me Rich'* Sherman Town Clerk [318] The Last will & Testament of Adam mott Senyor of y^ towne of portsmoth is as followeth In y' yere of y' lord i66i on the 2 month on y' 2 day of the month I Adam Mott of portsmoth of Road Hand beinge in pearfit & good memory haue made & writen this as my last will with my owne hand Impimes I haue Chosen Constetuted & made my faithfull freinds Edward Thurston and Richard Tew both of Newport on Rhoad Hand to haue full power togeather after my decease to see my will performed and fulfiled in Every part of it as I were my selffe aliue in perfit beinge fifirst I will & giue to Sarah mott my wife beinge all my howsage & land at matapurcetti lyinge in y^ bounds of portsmoth. less or more with all the apirtenances there vnto w*" are knowne to be mine vpon y^ grownd or abroud vpon y' Common, all goods or Chattells whot so Euer houssage and all moueables whot so Euer, to vse possese & inioy for hir terme of life as shee shall Neede, say out of y' stock and at y^ End of hir life after hir decease, I will that the afore said Executors Edward Thurston & Richard tew shall see y" land Named and howse & houssage Equaly deuided in to three shares, to Jacob mott my owne sonne if he be Contented to Cast in whot I gaue him at the vpar Cornar of my farme & share it into three parts, if not he may take that out as his part and no more, vnto Adam mott my sonne I gaue his share all redey & part longe since which he hath liucd on whos sum wos twelue Acres [ 388 ] {further I will y' if any of y'' Brothars shall dye before my wife of y* three Jacob mott Gearsham mott & Eleasser mott as to saye that then the three parts by y^ Executors be deuided vnto y"" othere two as Equaly as thay Can, allso I will that these three or two of them that injoye the land after there mothars decease shall pay vnto John mott my Sonne twenty shillings if he demaund it in such pay as in y*" place passeth for pay here amonge vs ffurther I will them to pay to Adam mott there Brother an Ewe lamb w'in twelue months after there mothers decease, allso I will to Elisabeth thurston y*^ wife of Edward Thurston to be paid to hir or by whom shee shall assigne it vnto one Ewe lamb a yere after there mothers departure ffurther whot she doth not vse of howshould goods or stock on y* grownd for hir owne suplyes in time of hir life, I doe desier my beloued f rinds intrusted & Named Edward & Richard to perswade my wife at hir death in y' disposinge of mouables with in howse or abraod to giue it to them accordinge to discrecion whom beest deseaues it in there Care & Respect to hir while she Hues, vpon which my dessier is you will haue your Eyes as my ffrinds, and harts Redey Lastly I leaue my body to be Commited to y* Earth accordinge as thay and my wife sees good Leuinge beuriall it to be paid by whot she hath in hir hands, and after hir death I will y' the said Edward Thurston and Richard Tew Receue Each of them an Ewe sheep of y*" stock deliured them w^in a month after there mothars departure in y*" presents VVriten & sealled and signed of Adam Mott before y'^ Executars deliured to Edward Thurston to be kepe in y'^ behaulfe of both of them, Sealed the yere 1661) i of may allso I giue power to my Executors, full power to giue to all and Every of my Children then livinge som gift of y*" moueables Either of whot is in y^ howse or abroud as thay Can moue or parswad hir [319 J Accordinge to there & hir discretion, if she be not willinge to giue it w' discretion as thay desarue, I then [ 389 ] giue full power to my afore said Executors Edward Thurston & Richard Tew to deuide so much and as thay see meet amonge them all, ffurther if my Children should be Crosse to there mother so y' it should force hir to marey againe, I giue full power to my Executers to take good & full securitie for the makinge good of y' Estate so longe as she liues that my will may be performed as is declared aforehand in my will that is to take bond of him, this on the backside wos writen before sealinge A trew Copie of y' Origenall will of Adam mott Copied By me Richard iUilgar Towne Clarke The Inventary of y' Estate & goods of Adam mott Senyor deseaced taken y*^ 12 of August 1661 !t - SS - (1 the howse & land - - - - - - 1 50 ~ 00 - 00 fower Oxen ------- 028 - 00 - 00 fine Cows & a bull _____ 030 - 00 - 00 on mare on horse & mare Coult _ _ _ 036 - 00 - 00 two Calues at ______ 002 - 00 - 00 thirty Ewe sheepe two Rams - - - - 032-00-00 six swine at- - - - - - - 004 - 00 - 00 wompom pege ______ 003 - 00 - 00 wearinge Clothes bookes two Coats two suts two j dublets & bretches one gowne of gray Clath &: - Eury days Clothes - - - - - ) 01 1 -00-00 fower yards of Course cearsey at - - -001-00-00 Eight peaire of stockines at - - - -001-12-00 on fethar bed & furniture w' a Rwge - - 008 - 00 - 00 a fethar bead & furniture _ _ _ _ 006-00-00 two ould flock beds & two blank its - - - 003 - 00 - 00 twenty pound of woll - - - - -001-00-00 one brase kittle at - - - - - 001-00-00 six peutter dishes 14 one Quart two pint pots - 001 -06-00 one wine pott great sault & basen at - - 000 - 10-00 OO I - oo - oo [ 390 ] one great loren ketle at - - - -001-04-00 one Irone pot a ketle & skillet at - - - 001 - 10 - 00 one worminge pan a fryinge pan | a paire of Cob lorens & spitt at j seuen paire of sheets two table Cloths six Nap- kins pillowbers at - - - - - - 004 - 00 - 00 two tables one Joine stoole & chaire - - 001-04-00 one Acre and halfe of wheat two Acres of oats I two Acres of pease three acres of Indian at - ) Cart &; plow & two Chaines at _ _ _ 003 - 10-00 one how and Axe two sithes - - - - 000- 10-00 three Chists barrells hogsheads Churne & othere lumbar at------- 005 - 00 - 00 Prised by vs william Baulston The whol sum is 371 -06-00 John Portar A trew Copie By me Richard Bulgar Towne Clarke The Ear mark of the Creatures of Edward Anthony is a hind Gad on the left ear, entered on record Sep' i^' 1845 by me Rich- Sherman Town Clerk [320] To all people to whome these presents Shall come Rebecca Cornell of | | towne of portsmoth on Rhoad Island w'in the Jurisdiction of y*" Collony of providence plantations in New England in America widdow and Executor to Thomas Cornill of the afore said Towne of portsmoth Deceassed Sendeth Greetine '& Know yea that I the said Rebecca Cornell for & in Considra- tion of the full & Just Sum of thirty pounds to me in hand payed by Richard harte of the afore said towne of portsmoth Lether dresser, where with I the said Rebecca Cornell doe acknowledg [ 391 ] my selfe suffitiantly Satisfied Contented and fully paid and there of & for Evry part & parcel! there of, doe Exonorate aquit and discharge the said Richard Harte hee his heyres Executors Ad- minestrators and Assignes for Ever, and by these presents haue fuly and absulatly barganied alianated & sould enfeofed & Con- firmed, and by these presents doe Bargaine Sell Enfeof & Con- firme from me the said Rebacca Cornell and my heires to him the said Richard harte and his heires for Ever, two percells of Land Containenge Eight Acres be it more or less, beinge and lying in the afore said towne of portsmoth and are bounded as ffolloweth viz ffower Acres is bounded Northward by the land of m"^ Nicholas Harte, Southward by the land of Richard Sissan, and Eastward and westward by y^ Comon, the othere fower Acres is Bounded on the North by the land of Thomas Cornell on y' East by hie way or Comon on the south by y' land of Lott Strainge & on the west by the hie way, to gather with all & singuler the aper- tenances priviledges Howses fruits Trees ffencinge & all othere prerogatiues & Emunities there vnto belonginge or any way Apertainenge to the said land or any part or parcell there of to him the said Richard Harte hee his heires or Asignes for Ever To be houlden of his magestie of England his heires and suck- sesors, as of his manner of East Grenwich in the County of kent, in free &: Comon Soccage and not in Capite nor by Knights searuice by y" Rent & Seruice there of and there by dew «S»: of Right accostomed and warranting the sale there of against all people whot so Euer, that in by through or vnder me the said Rebecca Cornell, or by any Right or title of my deceassed hus- band Thomas Cornell, Clamienge any Right title or intrest of and in to the premises or any part or parcill there of and I the said Rebecca Cornell doe by these presents Couenant prom is and graunt, that it shall and may be lawfull to and for the afore- said Richard Hart Either by him selfe or his aturney to Record these presents or to Cans them to be Recorded or inRouled in the Records of the afore said towne of portsmoth, or in any othere [ 392 ] place of publique Records accordinge to the vssiall manner of Recordinge or Enrowlinge Evidences in such Case provided in witnes where of I the said Rebecca Cornell haue here vnto sett my hand and Scale the thirtith day of aprill 1661 one thousand six hundred Sixty one) Signed Sealed and deliured Rebecca R C^ Cornell in the preSSentS of hermarke John Sanford James J j^ Badcocke A trew Copie By me Richard Bulgar ^^^^-'^^ Towne Clarke This Witnesseth that I Thomas Cornell Eldist sonn unto the aforenamed Thomas Cornell Deceased doe hereby Ratify and Confirme the aforementioned Deed in Every particle thereof And doe hereby from my selfe heires Executors and Adminis- trators surrender up and firmly Confirme all my Right Title and intrest in and to the aforementioned Land and Every parte and percell thereof, unto the aforesaid Richard Harte his heires or Asignes forever Witness my hand the Twenty fourth of August one Thowsand six hundred sixty Three Testis William Baulston The above written is a True Copie of the John Sanfford original Entred and Recorded the 20''' of the 2"* month: 1696: Thomas Cornel[] ■p me John Anthony Town Cleerke. [321] This deed bearinge date the thrttenth day of August in the yeer of our lord god one thousand six hundred and sixty one meade betwixt Thomas Latton of portsmoth in Rhoad Island on the one party, and william Bailey of Newport in Rhoad Island, one the othere party, allso the same Thomas Laiton haue Couenanted and Agreed that the afforesaid william Bally Shall haue three score Acres of land at at his farme at huntinge Swampe Lyinge [ 393 ] one that side the fcarme which huglie parsons Hues one, bcinge to be to be laid out Eight score roode in langth and three score Roode wide, & the said WilHam Bally is to haue the same land for his owne life time, and if his wife Grace Bally keepe hir selfe a widdowe after hir husbands death then shee is allso to in Joye it the full terme of Thomas Laitons life time & three years after- wards to haue and to hould for the same time to Imploy for his best Aduantage, And it is all so agreed that the said william Bally shall not lett nor sell the same land for his time to any othere, but if the said william shall be minded to leue it, he shall Returne it ''^^to the afore said thomas laiton againe, the said Thomas Laiton painge for it accordinge as two or three in- diffrent men shall Judge, and it is also agreed that at the End of the afore said time, that whot bulding or fcncinge there shall be, it shall not be defaced nor demineshed, but Returned vp in so good a posture as it then shall be in, with out demineshinge any thinge from it, it is also agreed that the afore said Thomas Laiton Shall for present sett vp the one halfe of the fence which is to be made betwixt there lands, and here after the afore said william Bally Shall maintaine it in witnes here of I the said Thomas Laiton haue set to my hand and scale Sealed Sic^ned and Thomas Laitons hi. deliured in the Hand "I"" and Sealc presants of vs ' william f) Charles his markc ^j^ A trew Copie I>y me Thomas <^^ Nichols his mark. Richard Bulgar ' william Garrard Towne Clarke [3221 This Agreement made this third day of Novembar in y' yeare on thousand Six hundred sixty and two betwen william Correy and william wood both of Portsmoth on Roade Hand witneseth that the said william wood, is to haue all that peece of land that is william Corres that lieth with out the fence [ 394 ] Adioynenge vnto the Common for fiue years to Improue to his best advantage duringe the said fiue yeares, And the said William Wood is to fence in the said land, and to leue the said land with a sufficent fence at the End of the said fiue yeares and allso the said william wood doth here by giue vnto the said william Correy the halfe of the fence that is Next vnto his howse that is the fence betwen the said william wood & william Correy Eight Ackres In witnes where of we haue here vnto set to our hands the day & yeare aboue writen The Marke of Witnes here vnto . — yii — Hugh Parsons Will Vv ^^od Peter foulger William Corry A trew Copie by me Richard Bulgar towne Clarke This Witneseth that william wood haue Exchainged with William Correy a litle peice of land by the said william Correys howse from y*" marked tree vpon a straight line to the fence at the brooke about twenty seuen pole of land for so much land allowed by William Correy of his Eight Ackres that Joynes to the said William Wood witnes my hand this third day of No- uembar 1662 Witnes here vnto William wood his Hugh Parsons '"^■^'^^ W Peter foulger A trew Copie by me Richard Bulgar towne Clark[J [323] The Ear mark of the Creatures of Isaac S. Cory is a Slit in the Right Ear, It being formerly the Ear mark of James Hedly & afterward put to Peleg Sisson, and now put to said Isaac S Cory, this 4^7!' day of April A D 1846 & recorde By me Rich'' Sherman Town Clerk [ 395 ] The Ear mark of the Creatures of Samuel Cory is a SHt Down the left Ear, It being the Ear mark of Asa Sherman now removed out of this town, and entered on record to said Samuel Cory this II'" day of May 1850 By me Rich'' Sherman Town Clerk [324] Be it knowne vnto all men by these presents that I William Hauens of Portsmoth one Rhoad Island in New Eng- land haue lett and Least out vnto my sonne John Hauens one dwelinge howse with all the land there vnto belongin<;e, only the Orchard Reserued to the vse of me the said william, that is to say the howse in which I the said william lined in before I tooke a leese of James Sands his land, for the full and Compleat terme of Seauen yeares from the day of the date here of, for him the said John to posses improue and make vse of duringe the terme afore said, with all the profits priveledges and apertinaiices there vnto belonginge or any wayes apertainenge duringe the said terme, only the Orchard and fruts there of Excepted, And in Consideration I the said John hauens doe binde my sselfe my heires or Assignes to pay to my ffather william hauens or his Assignes fine pounds a yeare to be paid the fine & twenty day of march yearly in wheat peass Indian Corne or oats in all or seurall the said Graine, And at the End of the aforesaid terme of seuen yeares the said John is to Surrender the said howse and land to the said william Hauens or his Assignes, In witnes of all the aboue writen premises I the said william doc put to my hand and Seale this second day of Decembr and in the yeare of our lord god on thousand Six hundred Sixty and two Sealed Signed and li.c marke \^ J-j .1 william deliured in the presents Hauens of vs James Sands J C A trew Copie by me Richard Hulgar Richard Bulgar Towne Clarke [325] This Agreement made the Twenty Eight day of Octo- ber in y'^ yeere one thousand Six hundred Sixty two Betvven [ 396 ] William Correy of Portsmoth on Road Island one the one parte & peter foulger of Newport on the other pt witneseth, that the said William Correy Lett or hiered out, his Now dweling house and all the Land that is now fenced in on both sides of the house, with all the priueledges and apurtinances there vnto belonginge, for fiue yeares beginenge at the day of the date here of, And the said peter ffoulger for the Rent of the said howse and land is yerely to Clere two Ackres of swamp, in manner as followeth, that is Cut down Eury yeere duringe the said fiue yeeres, two Ackres of the said Swamp and to Cut it out and lay it on heaps, And also to Sow three pound of Clear hay-seed, vpon Eury two Ackres of Swamp so Cleared, And the said peeter ffoulger is also to Riue out two hundred and a halfe Rayles, by the next springe vn the other side of y'' Swamp, for to pay to those that haue pt in y" Lower fence to whom the said william Corry is ingaged, also the peeter hath free liberty to improue all y'' afore- said land to his beste Advantage, duringe the said hue yeres, only he is to presarue all the Rayle timbar vpon the vpland vnbroken vp, Exceptinge so much as is Needfull for the Repairinge of the fences, or the makinge of any New fence. Either for the partinge of the aforesaid land from goodman Anthonys land, or any other fence to part out any of the aforesaid land, that then the said william Corry is to pay vnto the said peeter foulger at the End of the said Terme of fiue yeres, so much as the said fence or fencinge shall be Judged to be worth, prouided that it be no hedge fence It is also agreed that all the trees in the aforesaid swamp ground y' will beare fourten Inches ouer and vp wards a foote aboue ground may be only gurdled and not fald. In witnes here vnto the partyes afore said haue InterChaingably Set to there hands the and yeare aboue writen Signed and deliured in the presents of vs William Corry 3':^ of nouember 1662 A trew Copie by me Hugh Parson n Richard Bulgar John Anthony Towne Clarke [ 397 ] [3261 To all whome these present Shall Concerne be it known| ] that where as nV John Roome of portsmoth Late deceased did Emeaditly before his death, make a verball will before Suflfitiant Testimony, which thay haue before me vpon there Sollemn Ingadgments declared, by which will he the said John Roome did make and apoynt his wife Annis Roome whole and Sole Excequetrix vnto his whole Estate, And Now the Sayd will of the said John Roome Deceassed beinge Accordinge to law before me proued and an Inuentory of the Estate taken, and allso bond taken of the said Exequetrix to pay the debts of the Deceassed and in all poynts to performe the said will, these are there fore Accordinge to the lawes of this Collony to Aiithoriz and impower the afforesaid Annis Roome wife to the deceassed John Roome Accordinge to the will of the Deceassed to ad- minister and Excecute one the afforesaid deceassed John Roomes Estate in all ample Respects accordinge to law: And in wittnes to this lettar of Administration I haue here vnto putt to my hand with the Scale of my ofHce the second day of ffebruary in the yeare one thousand Six hundred Sixty three 1663 A trow Copie and Entred vpon Record Accordinge to Order By me Richard Bulgar Clarke for the towne of portsmoth William Hall of portsmoth Aged fififty yeares or there abouts beinge Accordinge to law Ingaged Testifieth that beinge at the howse of m' John Roome now deceassed Some few dayes before his death, this deponnant asked him how he had dispossed of his Estate, the said m' Roome, affter some other adietation, said to this Deponnant take this Answer for all, my will is that all the Estate I haue after my debts are payd, I doe giue and freely bequeth vnto my wife, and further this deponnant sayth that the [ 398 ] sayd m'' Roome wos at the time he thus Sayd in perfect Sence and memory Taken Before me the second of ffebruary 1663 wilHam Balston Asistant I william Baulston doe vpon my Ingagement Testifie that m' Roome a £few dayes before his death declared the same words to me as affore wilHam Hall hath testifyed witnes my hand the second of ffebruary 1663 william Baulston Asistant A trew Copie by me Richard Bulgar Clarke for the towne of portsmoth [327] This present writinge made this 24"' of July in one thousand Six hundred Sixty and fiue, Bettwene Fetter Talman of Portsmoth in Rhoad Island, and Joan Brigges of Tanton in Juridiction of New Plimoth, Wittneseth that I the aboue said Fetter Talman, doe freely giue and make ouer to the aboue said Joan Briggs my howse and land where in I the said petter Talman Now dwelleth which said howse and land I the said petter Talman Bought of Capt: Richard morris, with all the priuiledges and apertinances there vnto belonginge or that Euer shall, as all so a ceartaine percell of land which I the said Fetter Talman Bought of Danill Woolcocks adioyninge to the aboue said land, the which howse and land aboue said and all so Cear- tine a pearcell of land which I the said Talman bought of william wilbor all so a ioyninge to the aboue said, the which howse and land aboue said with all the priueledges and apertenances aboue said I the aboue said Petter talman doe freely giue and make ouer, vnto the aboue said Joan Brigs and hir heires Lawfuly begotten of hir owne body by the said Petter Talman, To haue and to hould the aboue said howse and land with all the aperten- ances aboue said for Euer Quiatly and peacably to inioye the aboue said howse and land with out any trouble incomburance [ 399 ] or disquiatnes from me the said petter Talman or from any by or vnder me or my procurement, as allso I the aboue said Petter Talman doe freely giue and make ouer vnto the abouc said Joan Briggs, these things as followeth that is to say my best bced and the apertenances belonginge to it, And allso the one halfc of my housall goods, but in Case the aboue said Joan brigs doe die without heires lawfuly begotten of hir owne body as aboue said that then at the deseace of the aboue said Joan Briggs, the aboue said howse and land and the other things aboue said, shall Retturne to the Eldest sonne of the aboue said Petter Talman whose name is Petter, to him and to his heires Lawfully begotten of his owne body, and in Case the said Petter Talman Junyor dieeth with out heires lawfuly begotten of his owne body, then the said howse and land and other things aboue Named is to Retturne to the Eldest daughter of the aboue said Petter Talman whose Name is Marey and hir heires Lawfuly begotten of hir owne body and allso I the said Petter Talman doe giue and make ouer to the aboue said Joan Briggs three good Cowes and a good breeding maer to the said Joan Briggs for Euer, to dispose and giue to whom she the said Joan Briggs will: and this is the free gifte and donation of me the said Petter Talman to the said Joan Briggs, in wittnesse here of I the said Petter Talman haue sett to my hand and Seale the day and yeare aboue written Signed Sealed & deliured Petter Talman © in the presents of vs Entred vpon Record By me Richard wittneses Samwell Hall Bulgar Clarke of y' towne of portsmoth Shadrach wilbor Recorded vpon the Records of New Petter Pitts PHmoth By Nathaniell Morton Sec- retary for the Jurisdiction of New Plmoth Desember y*" ii''' 65 Shadrack wilbor and Samwell Hall teste- fied upon Oath that the Origenall here of is the acte and deed of m' Petter talman of Rhoad Island before me James Walker [ 400 ] [328] Where as it pleased the allmighty god that Joseph waite Secon[ ] Sonn to Thomas vvayt of portsmoth on Rhoad Island in y^ Collony of Rhoad Island and providence plantations in New England in America wos drownded on the 25"" day August last past, and Deceassed intestate with out makinge a will, how and to whome his Estate should be deuided and dis- posed of, Therefore for the setlment of the Estate of the Said Deceassed Joseph wayte Accordinge to whot by the law of this Collony we are Authorised, we the Counsell of y^ towne of ports- moth doe here by agree and Detirmine and doe here by a poynte and Authorize Sarrah wayte widow to the afore said Deceassed Joseph wayte to be whole and Sole Excequetrix vnto the whole Estate to pay all the Debts of the Deceassed afore said and to Receue whot is from any man or person dew to him and to per- forme and duly to Excecute whot the Counsell here in Shall order And wee doe agree Order and Dettermine, that where as it is Conceued that the said Sarrah is with Childe by the aforesaid Joseph wayte, if so it Shall please god that it be a sonne, and Hue tell it Come to y*" age of one and twenty yeares, then the Sonn shall Receue and haue the sum of fforty pounds payde vnto him. And if be a daughter then it Shall haue the said Sum payde at marridg Estate one the day of marridge and if the Child Hue not to the said age or time, the said Sum of fforty pounds Shall Returne to the afore Named Excecutrix, Intestimony of this our act and mutuall agreement we haue here vnto Sett our hands this 16"" of September 1665 William Baulston Asistant Samwell wilbure Asistant John Sanford John Albro John Brigs l^s marke L Where as Joseph Wayte of y"" Towne of Portsmoth Deceassed one the 25''' of August last past, and died intestate with out [ 40I ] makinge a will, and the Counscll of the towne hauinge Settled the Estate of the Desseaced haue Constituted apoyntcd and Authorized Sarrah Wayte widow to the afore said Joseph wayte whole and Sole Exceqtrix to y^' Estate of y'' Deceassed and hauinge taken Bond from the father of the said Exxeqtrix accord- inge to law, to pay the debts of y" Deceassed, and ffaithfuly & truly to performe the order of the Counsell, wee william Baulston and Samwell Wilbure Assistants, doe by these presents impower and Authorize the said Sarrah Wayte as Exceqetrixe with full Power to Adminester one the whole Estate of the afore Named Deceassed Joseph wayte In Wittnes here of we haue here vnto Sett our hands and Seales the i6^'' of September An" Dom 1665 William Baulston Assistant © Samwell Wilbure Assistant O Copie vera transcribed out of the Origenall and Entred vpon Record Accordinge to order By me Richard Bulgar Clarke of the Towne of portsmoth [329] A trew Inuentary of y*" Estate of Joseph wayte who wos Drounded the 25'*" day of August 1665 and Deceassed Intestate 11 : ss : (] Imp"- a Bassen a platter and other small peuter - - 01 : 10 : 00 a tin pann and a tin pott - - - - - 00 : 04 : 00 // Brass Ketles and Skellitts - - - - 00:18:00 // Tramills and Slyce - - - - - 00:10:00 // a smoothinge Iron - - - - - 00 : 07 : 00 It an Iron pott and an Iron Ketle - - - 00 : 1 5 : 00 // Seuerall wooden ware as churne trays and Tubs &c' 01 : 00 : co // a spininge wheele - - - - - 06 : oS : 00 // a ffether bed Boulstcr pillows and Shcctcs a Rugg & blanketts - - - - - 16:00:00 [ 402 ] // a mare a yearelinge mare and a horce Coult - i6 : 07 : oo 37: 19:00 11 ss d // Woolin Cloathes lininge Cloathes and hatts - 10 : 00 : 00 // one Iron pott - - - - - - 00: 10:00 // a Cup and Six Spoones - - - - 00 : 04 : 00 // a glass botle - - - - - -00:01:06 It workeinge Tooles - - - - - 02: 10:00 // two Cowes - - - - - - - 08 : 00 : 00 // ^two yeare and vantidge steeres - - - 08 : 00 : 00 It 7 Swine - - - - - - - 03 : 10 : 00 // I Chest - - - - - - -00:10:00 It 2 guns - - - - - - -01:15:00 35 : 00 : 06 // 4 Shoates and Six pigs - - - - - 02 : 08 : 00 // I Calf e - - - - - - -01:10: 00 // 4'r of Cotten yarne - - - - - 00: 10:00 It 10 -rof Butter - - - - - -00:05:00 // 100 -/"of Cheese at 4"^ p -^ - - - - 01 : 13 : 04 // 3 Bushills of Indian Corne, and about 3 acres of | Indian Corne one y*" ground with Turneps - ( 07 : 10 : 00 It pease in Straw - - - - - - 01 : 10:00 It Gates in Straw - - - - - - 01 : 04 : 00 16 : 10 : 04 in all Ji I ^ of Bandaleers - - - - - 00 : 05 : 00 89-15-1 It I lamb - - - - - - - 00 : 05 : 00 besidsdebtsto ^^ 2 Sythcs - - - - - - - OO : o6 : OO pay & Receue ^^ in Boards - - - - - - -oo:io:oo oi : 06 : OO [ 403 ] Debts dew to be paid - - - _ - 07 : oo : oo Debts to Receue - - - _ _ - 04 : 1 1 : 00 // one Cow in the hands of Sam" wayte Taken By Cap' John Sanford and M' John) Sum too 89 : 15 : 10 Brigs the Second of September 1665 Signed by John Brigs i.i»marke John Sanford ^^^^ A Trew Copie Taken out of y'' Origenall and is Entred vpon Record accordinge to order By me Richard Bulgar Clarke of the Townc of Portsmoth [Page 330 is blank.] [331] The Ninth month 1664 Know all men whom these may Concearne, my husband Shottin dyinge, and makinge no will, but left all to me, there fore, I Alice Couland with the aprobation of my husband Ralph Couland doe giue and dispose as ffollovveth fjfirst I doe take to my sselfe the land where one the Stone howse Standeth with one Rod in bredth, from the vper End of the stone howse, one both sids the howse and so all the way downe to the Street, the which Stone howse and land aboue said, is giuen and apointed for frinds in the minestrey Cauled Quakers by the world, I say for there vse that thay may be Entertained there in, in all times to Come Euen for Euer Allso I doe apointe Rachell Shottin and hur husband if shce marey to Hue in the said howse the time of there life if thay be free so to doe not Elce Like wise to the said Stone howse I doc giue and apointe for frinds vse in the minestrey Cauled Quakers that is to say one fether bead and two pillows, three blankets one Couerled two paire of sheits two pillowbers two towels one bason one Candl- stick one Chamberpott More over I doe giue vnto Rachell the land that wos hur ffalher [ 404 ] Samson Shottins Namly the fearme which is Sixty ackres more or less and the two Ackres of meddow one the othere side the pond all so the ould howse Next the stone howse and the Rest of the three Ackres lott, from the ould howse to the Common Northwest, all so all hur ffather Right at worwicke who wos a twelfe purcher of the lands there, And if the said RacheJl marey and haue a Child or Childeren then thay to inioy it after hur, and so hur husband for his life to inioy it, like wise and if Sarah green- man doe out Hue Rachell Shottin hur husband and Children, then my will is that she in ioy the said land for hur life and after hur my will is that the said land Returne to the stone howse, for the vse of frinds aboue said and if the afore said Sarah Green- man dye before Rachell and hur Children and hur husband then my will is that the said land and howses Returne to the stone howse after them for the vse of frinds aboue said all so my will is that my husband Ralph Couland shall Equaly Share with my daughter Rachell Shottin in the affore said lands and Rights for the tearme of his life in Consideration of the paines and Cost and Charge he hath bine at vpon the said land and howses, my will all so is, that John Horndon Joseph Nicholson Christopher Howlder, my husband Ralph Couland Danill Gould Edward perrey shall see this my will performed, and in the absents of these or any of them by death or other wayes thay to Chouse others in there Romes sucksessiuely from time to time for Euer. This is to aQuainte the overseers of my will, that since it wos writ I alice Couland haue vpon sume Consideration giuen freely vp all hur fathers Right [332] ^t worwick that is to say Rachell Shotten to do with it whot she will Witneses herevnto William Baulston The Marke of Alice Richard Bulgar Couland \f^ Sam well Wilbor philip Sherman John Albro [ 405 ] August y"" 12"' 1667 The Last will and testement of Restcom Samford of Portsmoth one Rhoad Island in the Collony of Rhoad Island and provi- denc plantations in New England beinge in perfit memory is as ffolloweth : fifirst I apointe my wellbeloved Brother Samwell Sanford to be my whole Executor : to see my debts paid and my will performed, As allso my will is : that my said Brother Samuell shall haue my mare and my siluer Cup and my bed & Boulster^ Secondly I doe bequeth to my Brother Esbon fower E\v sheep, allso I doe apointe my Sister Eliphel Straton and hur three Children Each of them an Ew sheep and one siluer Spoone to my said Sister Eliphel, ffurther my will is that my Sister Sara wife to my fore said Brother Samwell Sanford shall haue my mare Coult & a fiue shillinge peece of gould, and Each of hur Children one Ew lamb, And as Concearninge my Brother Esbon in Cace he is not heard of in the space of one yeare after my decease then these fower sheep assigned to him shall be Equaly deuided betwen my brother Samuell and sister Eliphel, prouided that if at any time afterward he the said Esbon shall Com againe then my Brother Samuel and Sister EHphel shall both of them Relume to him the said Esbon those sheep thus deuided to them or to the vallew there of and as for the Remainder of my Estate now [333] i" ""'y iT^nds, my will is that my brother Samuell shall there out pay all my debts whether dew to him selfe or any other. And in Cace any thinge shall Remaine after all Needfull Ex- pences are deffraed then the Remainder to be Equaly deuided be- twixt the said Samuell and my Sister Eliphel, And ffurther where as I am informed, that there is a legacy dew to me, by the gift of my vnckle Samwell Hutchinson my will is that if so it be, that then that Estate be Equaly deuided betwixt my fine brothers and my Sister Namely Samuel Pelcg, william Esbon and Elisha Sanford, and my Sistar Eliphel Stratton to be as the Rest of hur legacy at hur dispoinge for the vse and benefit of hur Children, [ 4o6 ] And that this aboue writen is my minde and will, to be performed as Soone as may Conveniantly be after my death witnes my hand and Seale the day and yeare first aboue writen Sealed & Signed in y'' Restcom Sanford presents of William Hall william wodell A trew Copie of y^ Origenall by me Richard Bulger towne Clarke A trew Inventary of y"^ Estate of Restcom Sanford of portsmoth one Rhoad Island Latly deceaced Imp*" a parcell of Indian Corne vpon y*" ground - 02-00-00 // a parcell of Railes vpon his land - - -02-05-00 // 10 Ew sheep & 4 lambs - - - -05-16-00 It his woollen aparill - - - - - 05 - 00 - 00 // one ould bead & Boulster at - - - 03 - 00 - 00 2 It one Ruij and one blanket at - - - 02 - 00 - 00 Z It T. hatts at- - - - - - -00 -16- 00 I // 4 Neckcloths and one Cap - - - - 00 - 07 - 00 // 3 Bookes at - - - - - - 00 - 06 - 08 // one bridle and Sadie at - - - -00-16-00 It one paire of shews ould stockins gloues - ] and a paire of mittens - - - - | // 3 galle pots I knife Sissers & bodkin - // 3 small sheets & two shirts at - - - 01 - 04 - 00 // 2 Chests and a box at - - - - - 00 - i 7 - 00 // one orlas bottle at - - - - - 00-01-06 // one small Sow at - - - - - co- 13-06 Septembar It one siluer Cup & one siluer spoone at - - 01-15-09 24th 1667 ji oj^e ^^are and Coult at - - - - 07 - 00 - 00 // one pece of gould at - - - - - 00 - 05 - 00 o I 00 - 1 6 - 08 [ 407 ] the Sum tootall is 35 pounds 3 shillings and a pency as it as it is Estemed by the Judgment of Edward fisher and williani hall witnes there hands here vnder writen, this is a trew Copie Edward fisher p" >'.:.rke by me Richard Bulgar william hall [334] Know all men whom these may Concerne that I Robert hodgson, doe giue full power, to Ralph Couland to posses and injoy the percel of land at the farme, from the goinge in at the barrs which now is downe to the howse the bredth to hould downe to the Sea, and allso vpward to the Comon, with the howsinge and Barnes there standinge the said land and howsinge to injoy for the tearme of his Hfe, in Consideration of the Expence and Charges the said Ralph Couland hath bine at, one the said lands and howses which wos Samson Shottons, both here and Elce where, And I the said Robert Hodgson am to haue Liberty to buld a howse on the said fearme land if I see Cause, and to haue Egress and Regress to the said howse with out mollestation from the said Ralph Couland, or any for him, In witnes here of we haue here vnto Sett our hands the 8"' of October 1667 Signed in y"" presents off Robert Hodgson John Sanford Ralph Couland WilHam Wodell John Albro A trew Copie Entred vpon Record Robart Hazard by me Richard Bulgar hnvne Clarke Nouember y'' 10''' 1667 Know all whom this Concerns where as Robert Hodgson hath giuen liberty to Ralph Couland to posses and injoy for the time of his life, that land at the farme, from y'^ barrs Now goinge in downe to the howse, the bredth to hould downe to the Sea, and allso to hould vpwards to the End of the said fearme to the Comon, And this the said Robert Hodgson hath giuen vnder his [ 4o8 ] hand before the towne Councell, in Consideration of Coste and Charges the said Ralph Couland hath bine at, Now wee two of the afore said towne Councell which are witneses to the saide agreement beinge dessired haue mesured the bredth of y*" said land, from the said barrs to y'' lane of Adam mott and wee finde it to be three and thirty Rods witnes our hands Samwell wilbure A trew Copie Entred vpon Record Robert Hazard by me Richard Bulgar Towne Clarke [335] "^^ ^ meetinge of y" Towne Counsell of y" Towne of Portsmoth hilld in y'^ said Towne y" 7''' day of October 1667 Vpon y*" motion & Request of Robert Hodgson husband to Rachill y" only Child & daughter to Samson Shotton late in- habittant of y*" said portsmoth and some yeares since Deceassed ffor there assistance in y^ dew Setlement of y^ said Rachill in y*" trew possesion of whot lands hur said ffather was posessed off or other wise had Just Right vnto Wee the Said Counsell hauinge Deuly Examined y*" matter and made Dillegent Search, in to y*" grounds of y*" mottion Can not iinde that y*" said Samson Shotton made any will but deceassed intestates as wee finde declared vnder the hand of Alice y*" late widdow to y*" said Samson Shotton and Mother to y"" said Rachill, And allso that there is no Child of his now Suruiuinge Saue only y"' said Rachill Therefore wee Doe Declare the said Rachill whole and Sole heire vnto y^'''^^^'''^said Deceassed Samson Shotton, and y*" afore said Robart Hodgson and Rachill his wife, haue here by power to Adminester on posses and in joy whot Euer to the said Rachill is apertaininge as beinge heire to hir afore said Deceased ftather Samson Shotton, and this wee as by law are impowered haue mutuly agreed vnto wittnes our hands r 409 1 William liaulstnn John Sanford Saniull W'ilbor John Albro Robert Hazard William Wodcll A trcvv Copie and Entrcd vpon Record by me Richard I)ulgar Recorder to y*" Towne of portsmoth [336] Be it Knowne vnto all men by these presents that I Mary hobson of Newport on Rhoad Island, daughter of y' late Desesed Henry Hobson do vallentaryly with the Consente of my mother Mary Hobson and nV% Elizabeth Conagraue, at whose disposinge I am, Indenture Covinant and binde my selfe vnto Latham Clarke Seny' of Rhoad Island for the space of fiue yeares, duringe which time I doe promis and ingage vnto my said master to searue him trewly and faithfully, in any Seruis or imployment as my said master or his assignes shall See good to imploy me about which is lawful 1 duringe the said time of my Searuis and I do ingage and promis to obsearue all and Eury of my said master or his Assignes lawfull Commaunds I do promis to fallow my said masters Imployment and not to Neglect my Selfe from my said masters implyments with out his Consent, or to Keep Company with deboyst or vnCivell Company in all and Eury and all of these promeses, I do Ingage to keepe and performe to y"" best of my Abillety and the instructions of my, said master or his assignes, In Consideration of the said ap- prentis trew and lawfull performance I doe ingage to finde hur meate drinke and aparill sutable for such a seruant, for the space of fiue yeares as is aboue mentioned froni the date here of, and I doe ingage to giue the said Searuant at y" performinge of y'' said time or yeares one New Sutte of aparrille suttable to weare one hollidayes or other dayes, and to the trew performance here of [ 4IO ] wee doe heare Enterchangably Sett to our hands and Sealls this 26"" of aprill in twenty one yeare of the Raigne of Chads the second one thousand Six hundred Sixty and Eight the marke |'\ R of marV WltneS the marke |fg of I 4 1 I -^ wiUiam vohan Hobson Jeremiah Clarke Entred vpon Record this 16''' of may 1668 by me Richard Bulgar Clarke for the towne of ports moth/ [33 T] This writinge made the three and twenty day of aprill in the yeare of our lord god one thousand and Six hundred Sixty Eight, Testefieth that I Hugh Mosher Neare the towne of Portsmoth in the Collony of Rhoad Island and providence plantations, witneseth that I the said Hugh Mosher doe binde my sselfe and my Successors that Shall injoy the howse and land which I latly bought of Thomas Lawton of the said Island Tho Lawton ^^d Collouy for to make and maintaine Continually a Sufficient to Hugh fence accordinge to the towne Order betwene my land and the said Thomas Lawton his ffearme that is to say the whole bredth this is of my land from Dauid Vaughans Corner of his land and so all Canceled g^jonae to y"" land of Lott Straino^e, and doth acknowledo: to haue August . . . . 2fY 1668 Receued full Sattisfaction for the same, and whot is Expresed in this ingagement is to Remaine for Euer, and to the same haue sett my hand the clay and yeare aboue writen Hugh mosher witnes the Marke of Eutrcd vpon Record this Rebekah |^ mosher 30"' of may 1668 by me f ranees Gisborn Richard Bulgar towne Clarke This is Null and made voyde and another of y"" same Tenure Entred in to y'' Booke of land Euidences See page the 81 by a muttall Consent by Richard Bulgar Towne of both partyes Clarke [411] [338] Know all men by these presents that I william Corry of portsmoth in Rhoad Island in y*^^ Collony of Rhoad Island and j^ro- vidence plantations in New England Carpenter haue lett vnto John pearce of y'^ same Towne Island & Collony mason one dwcllinge howse with thirty Eight ackres of land more or less Cittuate and with in the Bounds of portsmoth aboiie said, the one End buttinge vpon y^^ land of Thomas Lawton and the other vpon y-^ Common, the one side bounded by the land of John vaine, and the othcre side bounded partly by y'^ land of William wood, and partly by land in y" possestion of Hugh pearsons the which pearcell of land bounded as aboue said to gather with y'' dwellinge howse stand- inge there one with all y" ffencinge there to belonginge I the said william doe by these presents lett vnto the aboue said John for and duringe the full tearme of Seauen yeares to bcgine the twenty and Ninth day of September in y'" ycare of our lord one thousand Six hundred Sixty and Eight and from that day forward for the full terme of Seauen yeares Next Ensuinge duringe the which tearme the said william doe by these presents glue full power and athoritie vnto y'' said John to vse and imploy the aboue said howse and land with Eury part and pearcell there to belonginge in any way or mannere as may be most for his best benifitt and advantage, only Resaruinge all such Timber grow- inge there one Sauinge that growinge vpon such land that y" said John shall Cleare for his owne vse and Searuice, ffor and in Consideration where of the said John doth Ingage him sselfe to pay or Caus to be paide to the said william or his assignes as ffolloweth ffor the first yeare the said John is to vnderpine the said dwell- inge howse with Stone and morter, and allso to make and Repairc all Such ffences as shall be needful! about the said land, and as for y'" ffower Next yeares the said John must pay or Cause to be payde fine pounds a yeare yearely in mearchan table pay and for the Sixt yeare Six pounds in mearchantable pay, and for y" seuenth yeare y*" said John is to pay or Caus to be payed seuen pounds in mearchantable pay, and at the End of the said Terme [ 412 ] to deliuer the said howse and land with all y^'ffences in sufficient Repaire [33S] i^"^ ^o Y" hands and possesion of y"" said wilHam or his assignes that this aboue written is our muttuall agreement wee the aboue bounden doe Joyntly Confirme by settinge to our hands and Seals this fowrtenth day of aprill in y^ yeare of our lord one thousand Six hundred Sixty and Eight Signed Sealed and William Corry Joyntly deliured in presents of vs Mathew Greenell John Pearce his 7P Marke '^ O ^'^'^' William Hall Entred vpon Record by me Richard Bulgar Recorder for y'^ Towne of portsmoth [340] This Indenture made y*" ffirst day of y^ month Cauled August in y" yeare one thousand Six hundre[ ] Sixty three: betwen william wodell of Portsmoth on Rhoad Island in New England Husbandman, one the one party, And Thomas Ginings and his Sonne Gabriell of y*" afforesaid towne one the other parte witneseth that Thomas Ginings affore said, hath by these presents putt his said Sonne Gabrill as an aprentice vnto y^ af¥ore said william wodell: for the full and Just Tearme and time of ffowertene yeares and two months from y" day of y" date here of to be Compleatly Ended Duringe which tearme of time the said Gabriell is faithfuly and trewly as an aprentice to Searue the said william wodell, his wife, heire or whome so Euer of his Children he the said^^'°^'^^'shall apoynte the said Gabriell to Searue, And he the said Gabriell Ginings is to be obedient vnto all the Just Comaunds of y'' said wodell, his wife heires or whome as affore said he shall apoynte him to Searue, And in all things he the said Gabrill is Dewly and trewly to behaue him selfe as such an aprentice ought to do, Duringe the said Tearme and time: [413 ] Duringe all which Tearme and time the affore said william vvodell his wife heircs or whom he shall dispose of the said Gabriel 1 vnto as affore premised, is faithful}' and truly to provide the Said Gabriell Suffitiente foode and Raiment Suteable for such an aprentice, and at the End of y' tearme when the said Gabriell hath searued the full time affore said, then the said william wodell, his wife hcires or whom as affore said he shall apointc the said Gabriell to Searue is to deliuer vnto y"' said Gabriell in y*" afforesaid towne of portsmoth, two sutes of aparrille one Cow and one mare foole weaneable And if the said Gabriell should be taken a way by death with in two yeares of y" Knd of y'' affore said Tearme, then y'' said william wodell, his wife heires or whom he shall as affore said apoynte the said Gabriell to searue, is to deliuer a Cow or a mare foole to whom so Euer the said Gabriell shall giue it, or to be othere wise dissposed of by those in '" p"''*^"" such Cases, And ffurther this may testifie that this indenture wos made with the free and vollentary Consent of Ann Ginings the wife of y'' said Thomas Ginings and mother of y'" said Gabriell, as all so with the said Gabriells ffree Consente and in Testemony to y' truth of this Indenture the affore said parties haue Enter- chaingably sett to there hands and Scales [341] J'"* Portsmoth afforesaid the day and yeare abowe writen which is the ffirst day of August in y'' yeare affore said Thomas | Ginings /Vj Signed Sealed and dcliured . '"^ I "'-^i^'^ Kty .^ rr Gabriell \ Gininu;es in presents oil ) ^ I John |\^ Roome his mar'ke Aui jcniugS l X John Sanford ^ j,.^^^ Q^^y^^ ^^„j j7,,tj.^.,l vpon Record the one and twenty day of December i668 by me Richard Bulear Towne Clarke t 414 ] [342] This Indenture witneseth that I Henry Straight of of Rhoad Island in New England of my owne free and voluntary will put my Selfe an apprentice to and with Gershom Woddell of the said Island, to Searue him or his Assignes from y" Day of the Date here of, vntell the full End and tearme of Six yeares from thence Next followinge to be Compleate and Ended, Duringe which time the said apprentice his said Master faithfully shall Serue, his Secrets keepe, his lawfull Comaunds verey gladly doe, he Shall doe no Dammage to his Said master, nor See to be done of others, but that he to his power shall lett or forthwith giue notice to his said master, he shall not waste the goods of his said master, nor lend them vnlawfuly to any, he shall not Commit fornication nor Contract matrimony with in y'' Said Tearme, he shall not play at Cardes Dice Tables or any othere vn lawfull games where by his said master may haue any losse with his owne o-oods or others durino;e the said Tearme with out his masters Licence, he shall neither Buy nor Sell, he shall not haunt Tauerns Alehouses nor absent him sselfe from his said masters searuice day nor nighte vnlawfuUy, but in all things as a faithfull apprentice he shall be haue him selfe towards his said master and all his Duringe y*" said Tearme, And the said Ger- shom woddell doth binde him sselfe vnto his said apprentice to finde and allow him Meat Drinke apparille Lodging and all othere nessacaries Conveniant duringe y" said Tearme, and at y"" Next Springe of y*" yeare to giue vnto the said apprentice one Ewe Lamb and the Keepinge of it with y"" increace Duringe the time aboue Spessefied only all y" woll shall Redowne to y*" said Ger- shom woddell or his assignes, and at y" Expiration of the said Six yeares to giue vnto y*" said apprentice one New Coote, and one new paire of Bretches with all othere his wearinge Clothes in witnes where of y*" parties aboue Named to this prcsant indenture interchaingably haue put there hands and Scales the fower and twentie''' day of December in y" yeare of our lord 1667 [415 ] Sealed and Delia red '^'^^ """■''' "f in y^ presents of Henry -L Straight (5^ Tli*» mnrk**' t\f ' Thomas I Henley the markc of Eliza: ^ Lavvton A Trew Copie and Entred vpon Record this 21"' of Dccembar 1 668 by me Richard Biilgar fran: Gisborn Towne Clarke [343] To all people to whome These presents Shall come William Earll of Portsmouth In the Collony of providence plan- tacons in New-England in Amerrica ^'"^"J^"'*" Sendcth Grcetinge Know Yea that I the Sayd William Earll for arid in Considera- tion of full and just Satisfaction by me in hand Received Whereby I doe acknowlidge my my Selfe Satisfyed Contented and fully payd by William Correy of the afore-sa\'d Towne of Portsmouth house Carpenter, and thereof and of Every part and percell thereof doe fully Exonerate acquitt and Discharge him the Sayd William Correy his heires Executors Administrators and Asienes for-evcr Have Bars^ained alianated Sold Enfeoffed and Confirmed and by these presents doe Bargaine Sell alianate Enfeoff and Confirme vnto the Sayd William Correy his heires and asignes forever, one Therd part of a whole Share Lott or ])urchassers proportion of Land in and belonginge to the Lands formerly Called by the Names of Acushnett ponagansett Acock- sett &c Since Comonly Called by the Name of the Towne of Dartmoth Lyinge Cittuate and beinge within the jurisdiction of the Collony of New-plymoth, in New-England in Amcrrica aforc- sayd : The first Devission of the Sayd Lands to the Day of the date hereof beinge lyinge and Cittuate on the Westermost part of my Lands at the place Comonly Called the Westermost Arme. within the Sayd Towne-shipp of Dartmouth together with all and [ 4i6] Singular the medowes belonginge to the Sayd therd part of a Share and all whatso ever the apurtanances previleges prerog- atives Emuneties and benifitts to the afore-sayd therd part of a Share in Lands Devided and vndevided throughout the whole bounds and Limitts of the Sayd Towne-shipp of Dartmoth To be to him the Sayd William Correy his heires Executors Ad- ministrators and asignes forever To have and to hould and peaceably and quietly to injoy and poses £free from any Lett hindrance or Mollestation from or by me or any person or per- sons Deriveinge any power from me: To be houlden of his Maj'.'' of England his heires and Successors as of his Manner of East Greenwich in his County of Kent in free and Comon Soccage and not in Capett nor by Knights Service by the Rents and Services thereof and thereby due and of Right accustomed Warranting the Sale of the premises against all people : whatso- ever That in by through or vnder mee the Sayd William Earll or by my Right or Title claimeinge any Right Title or intrest to the premises or any part thereof: And the Sayd William Earll Doe Covinnant promiss and graunt That it Shall and may be Lawfull for the Sayd William Correy Either by him selfe or his Aturney to Record these pressents or Cause them to be Re- corded or inrowled in the Records of the Court for the Jurisdic- tion of New-plymoth or in any other place of publick Record, accordinge to the ussuall manner of Recordinge or inrowlinge Evidences in Such Case provided In Wittnes whereof I the Sayd William Earll have hereunto Sett my hand and Scale this fourth day of Decembr in the yeare of our Lord one Thowsand Six hundred Sixty Nine 1669 Signed Sealed and Delivered Wiliam Earll. f^j in the pressence of us Thomas fifish Sen!" Joseph. Houlderbee. A True Copie '^ me John Sanford Towne clerke. [417 ] [344] ^^ It Knowne vnto all men by these presents that I Henry peran of pruclance Island planter within the Collony of providence plantacorTs in Amerrica have for divers good Causes and Considerations me thereunto moveinge: Have Bargained and Sold And Doe by these pressents Bargaine and Sell vnto Ralph Earll of Portsmouth on Rhod-Island within the aforc-sayd Collony in Amerrica planter, one great Lott Containinge by Esteemation Eighty Acres be it more or less Cittuate in portsmouth in the afore-Island Butting upon the South side of the head of the Mill Swamp and bounded upon Newport path East and Sollitary hole South-west v/ith all other the proffits and Comodities or apurtanances to the Sayd Land belonging or any waise apertan- inge And by these presents Grauntinge unto the Sayd Ralph. Earll his heires Executors and administrators all my former Right and Title claime intrest or demaund for in or to the afore- sayd Land with all the apurtanances and Every part and percell thereof and Confering the Same vpon the Sayd Ralph. Earll. his heires Executors and administrators'°/"'liis or their proper Right Title or Estate to have and to hould and peaceably to injoy for- ever from me the afore-sayd Henry peran my heires Executors administrators and asignes To him the Sayd Ralph Earll. his heires Executors administrators and asignes, all other Bargains Covinants Mortgages or other agreements made or to be made by the Sayd Henry or through my meanes to the Contrary of this Deed of Sale to be voyd and of Noe Efect In Testimony wherof the Sayd Henry peran doth for him selfe his heires Executors ad- ministrators and asignes Subscribe his hand and Sett to his Scale- The niarkc of ialed Signed and Delivered and posession given Henry peran "^ (2) the pressence of us this Seventh day of March ^ le Thowsand Six hundred and fifty, Richard Harte Joseph Ladd Richard Bulgar A True Copie As A tests John Sanford Towne Clerke. [4i8 ] Know all men by this pressent Writtinge that I Ralph Earll. of Portsmouth doe hereby Resigne and Deliver all my Right Title and intrest of this writeinge and of all the Land which is herin Specified vnto Thomas Lawton of portsmouth Exceptinge Twenty Acres which William. Cadman have In Witnes where- of I have hereunto Sett mine hand ffebruary the Nineteene one Thowsand Six hundred and fifty three. Delivered in the pressence of us Ralph. Earll. Mathew Bridgman William Cadman Be it Knowne vnto all men by this pressents That I Thomas Lawton Doe hereby Resigne Deliver Sell and pass away all my Right Title and intrest of this writeing and Deed and all the Land herein Exprest Except twenty Acres which William Cad- man have vnto William ffreeborne of portsmouth in Rhod- Island Witness my hand the Sixteenth day of November one Thowsand Six hundred fifty fower. Witnes. Katcriu Almy C marke The marke of TlioRias Lawton T Elizabeth Lawton v^ her marke Mathew Bridgman Delivered in the '^sence of us. The two above-written are Copies of asigments in- dorssed on the backside of the afore-written Deed As Atests John Sanford Towne clerke. [345] Know all men whome These pressents Shall Concerne That I Richard Hawkins of portsmouth in the Isle of Rhods Tanner, Doe for divers good Causis and Considerations me ther- unto moveinge Give Ratify and Establish all that my now dwelling house with Thirty Acres of grownd thereunto Belong- inge vnto and vpon my Sonn Job Hawkins That is to Say three [ 419 ] acres Joyninge to the house Eight acres in the Comon ffence and Twenty acres upon the South side of this Said Island the Said house and Ground he the Said Job Shall have and hould to him and his heires Executors. Administrators or assicncs ffor- ever, after the Decease of me the Said Richard and Jane my wife, that is to Say owne ffather and Mother to the Said Job. And that the truth of this my Deed of Gift be firmc and Stable. I the Said Richard Hawkins have hereunto Sett my hand and Scale, this fowerteenth day of Decem'' Ann" DomT 1644 ^-^ Signed Sealled and Delivered Richard Hawkins Q^y in the pressence off. William Brenton Samuel! Wilbore. Henry Walton A True Copie of the Origonall Entred and Thomas Brooke. Recorded ~^. me John Sanford Towne Gierke [346] To whome these Shall Concerne I Testify that the Litle Island lying in the Bay on the North side of the W'adeinge River was given m' W'" Dyre by the purchassers Wittnes my hand 3[] Octob' 1650 John Sanford I doe Atest that the above-written premises were by my ffathers order and Gomaund ; by me Written my ffather then beinge Sick and ill — Wittnes my hand the 4"' of October 1669 John Sanford I Doe afifirme alsoe that as We past along by the afore-sayd Island the purchassers gave the Sayd Island to nV Willi"' Dyre. John porter, I doe afifirme that Wee the purchassers of Rhod-Island (my Selfe being the cheife) William Dyre Desireinge a Spott of Land of us as We passed by it, after Wee had purchassed the Sayd- Island ; did grant him our Right in the Sayd Island and Named it Dyres. Island Wittnes my hand Octo^ 18"' 1669 William Goddington [ 420 ] I Richard Carder beinge a purchasser doe owne the above-sayd Writtinge — November: 2 : 1669 by me Richard Carder. Capt": Randall Houldon of Warwick in the province of Rhod- Island and providence plantacoiis. aged 57 yeares or thereabouts beinge Ingaged according to Law Testifyeth as ffolloweth : That the purchassers gave that litle Island Called Dyres Island to m' William Dyre Senio! that was then one of us and ffurther Sayth Not. Taken the 24''' of June . 1669 "p me Jn° Cranston Asistan' Newport on Rhod- Island 10*^^ Novemb' 1669 (v^ vulg) This is to Testify that I Roger Williams being acquainted (by the good providence of god) with the first Conception Birth and Growth of Rhod-Island (alias Aquednick) doe Asert and affirme as in the holy pressence of god that by the Consent of the first purchassers of Rhod-Island (dead and Liveinge) the litle Island Comonly Called Dyres Island was from the first and alwais (sometimes in merriment) but alwaies in Earnist, granted to be not only in Name but alsoe in truth and Reality the proper Right and inheri- tance of m' William Dyre of Newport on Rhod-Island. Roger Williams Asistant. William Cooly aged 66 yeares on thereabouts being Ingaged Testifyeth that in the first yeare of the Setlinge of this plantacoii. of Newport he being master of a boate and Jeffery Champlin and Richard Searlls beinge of his Company and Stopinge at the Island Called Dyres Island m"" William Dyre in pressence of them tooke posession of the Sayd Dyres Island and further Sayth Not Taken before me this 6' of Decemb' 1669 John Greene Asistant. To all people. Know yee : That I William Dyre. of Newport on Rhod-Island in the Collony of Rhod-Island and providence [ 421 ] plantacoiis. in New England Gent; Have and by these pressents doe fully freely absolutly Give grant Enfeof and Establish to my Well beloved Sonn William Dyre all that my Island Comonly Called Dyres Island lyinge and being Sittiiated in the Narro- gansett Bay vpon the Northern Side of Rhod- Island over against prudence. Island for him the Sayd William Dyre and his heires forever to poses hould and injoy together with all the iimunctit-s previleges or prerogatives of Land as well v})land as Marsh or meddowes upon the Sayd Island with the Waters thcrin or therto apertaininge. In Confirmation of this free Gift grant and indefeassable title I the Sayd William ffirst above-Sayd have Sett to my hand and Seale. this pressent fifth day of August in the yeare of our Lord god one Thowsand Six hun- dred and Seventy and in the Two and Twentith yeare of his Maj'" Raigne Charles the Second Signed Sealed and Delivered in the William Dyre 7 (^ pressence off. Daniell King John perteus [347] Iri the Name of god Amen I John Walker of ports- mouth on Rhod Island in the province of providence plantacons beinge of whole and perfitt memmory have made and ordained this my Last Will and Testament in forme and manner follow- inge Imprimus I Will & bequeath, my Soull into the hands of my m.ost Mighty Creator, and Mercifull Redeemer alsoe I will my Body to be comly buried in Some Convenient, place at the discretion of my Executor Item I will that my wife Katlirine Walker be my whole & Sole Executor, Item I Will vnto my Daughter Mary Walker, Twenty Acres of Land at the vper End of my Lott to ht Meassured from the Comon Downwards Item I Will vnto my Daughter Sands. Twenty Acres of Land begin- inge next to nV Brownings at the Sea Side and from thence up to the Mill path, and there to Butt against my Daughter Marys twenty Acres, Item I W^ill that if my Daughter Sands dyes [ 422 ] Childless then that this Twenty Acres shall fall vnto her Hus- band James Sands & his heires forever, Alsoe I Will that the worke that my Sonn in Law James Sands is now a doeinge he shall have the benefitt of it as wee have formerly agreed I Will alsoe that my house with the Land that is left shall be my wives for her lifs time and after her decease to fall to my tw^o daughters to be Equally devided betweene them I Will that my Daughter marys Land shall fall vnto her at her Marriage or at Twenty yeares of age if she marrie not before. I Will that all these be faithfuly fulfiled according to my Will In Wittnes hereunto I have Sett my hand Scale this pressent day beinge in the Yeare of our Lord 1647 upon the 18"' day of March The inarke of i^ Johu Walkcr '. '. ($■) In the pressence of. John porter: Adam Mott A True Copie of the Origonall William ffreeborne. Entred & Recorded. Decem'. Thomas {- Brownells Marke the. 18'^' 1671 f^, me John Thomas o Staffords Marke Sanford T° Gierke. In the Name of God Amen I Kathrin Walker of Portsmouth on Rhod- Island beinge in health and memory have made this my last Will and Testamant in forme and manner followinge first I bequeath my Soule to God and my Body to be hurried in some Convenient place at the Discression of my Executor, Item I Will to my daughter Sarah Sands My fether bed a coverlid and vnder blankitt and a pillow and sheets the warning pan a Brass morter one Brass ''^'^ Ketle alsoe I will the table to Sarah, Item I give to Sarah the Red Cow and a browne heifer, I give to Sarahs owne proper use this Sumers Calfe. I give Sarah two Pillowbeares a fine & a Course Item I will halfe the Corne this yeare growinge to Sarah and the other to my daughter mary & a load of hay to Sarah, I give to Sarah the halfe part of the new out house, Mary to give her thirty shills. for her part or take [ 423 ] Soe much as shee sees good. I give three Wedges to James Sands and a paire of tongues I give to mary tlie rest of the Bedinge and three Sheets two pillowbeares a fine & a Course one a chest all the pewter, in the house that is mine, a great Brass Ketle a Scellitt a Iron Ketle & a Scoomer a chafing dish Tramills a Spade a frying pann one hogshead one lUitter firkin to mary three milke vessells I give a Sow and barrow to mary and a Sow and barrow to Sarah, I give the Saw to Mary and the Smoth Iron James the hobing Iron, Mary the pincers James the Spitt a green Jackitt to Goodm ffreeborne to Mary my Wareing clothes Two allce one Jackitt to Sarah my new Red wastcoate Item I give mary the Knedinge trough alsoe the blacke Cow Starr, a Red heiffer alsoe I will that within three daies or a weeke these things that I have willed be devided alsoe I Will that William ffreeborne and Adam Mott Sen' See as feoffees in trust that that this my Will fulfillid I Will my two daughters Sarah and Mary be my Executors: Wittnesses William ffreeborne (^^ Adam Mott, Richard pearce Ralph I Earll John Ol^ « Archar The two Wills of John Walker, and Kathrin his wife Writ- ten & Specified in this Sheete of paper; have been presented to my Veiw and I doe Conceive them to be their Wills and doe aprove the Recording of them Wittnes my hand the i6"' of Decem' 1671- William Baulston Asistant [348] To all Christian people to whome these pressents Shall come and may Concene Bee it Knowne That I James Sands of Block Island in the Collony of Rhod Island and providence plantacons in New England Have and by these pressents Doe Name Constitute impower and appoint my trusty and well be- [ 424 ] loved ffreind Nathanill Niles of the aforesd Block-Island my true and Lawful! Aturney for me and in my name and to my proper use and behoofe to make purchass of all or any part of the Lands and Estate of Samuell Dering now Liveinge in Brantree which be- longeth and apertaineth vnto him the Said Deringe in on or vpon the afore -said Block Island: And alsoe I doe by these pressents fully Authorize and impower ni)^ Said Aturney NathaT Niles to make Sale of Lands housis and other Estate to me Belonginge on Rhod-Island in as full and as ample a manner as if my Selfe were personally pressent and Did the Same : Giveinge and by these pressents grantinge my full power and Authorety to my said Aturney for me and in my Name to doe and act in the premisses to my proper use and behoofe in all Respects as if my selfe were personally pressent and did and acted the Same : And alsoe I doe hereby Mannifest and declare to all w^iome it may Concerne that whatever my Said Aturney to my proper use and behoofe Shall Lawfully doe or Cause to be done in and Concerninge the premisses above-Mentioned Shall be as good firme and Stable in the Law to all intents and purposis whatso- ever Relateinge to me my heires Executors'"^Administrators as if my Selfe were personally pressent and Did and acted the Same : And I doe hereby ingage my Selfe my heires Executors and Administrators to stand to make good and fully performe what- soever my Said Aturney shall in my name and to my proper use and behoofe Lawfully doe or Cause to be done in an Concern- inge the abovementioned purchass or Sale, and shall at all times be Redy and willinge further to Ratify and Confirme the Same to all intents and purposses as in Law is Needfull & Requissitt and ought to be done And in Confirmation of this my act and Instrument I have hereunto Sett my hand and Scale the Thir- teenth day of Octo'^ in the Three & Twentith yeare of the Raigne of our Soverraigne Charles the Second King of England Scot- land ffraunce and Ireland &c And Ann? Dom one Thowsand Six hundred Seventy one. 1671 [425 ] Signed Sealled and Delivered James Sands (^ in the pressence of us Thomas Suiners The marke of J^ Robei"t Vcnningc A True Copie of the Origonall Kiitred and Recorded the 19"' Decern': 1671 ■^ me John Sanford T" Gierke. Bee It Knowne vnto all whome this pressent Writtinge Shall or may Concerne That I Joseph Devell of the Towne of Newport on Rhod-Island Doe Covinnant promiss and Ingage my Selfe my Heires Executors Administrators vnto my ffather in Law L^ ffrancis Brayton of the Towne of portsmouth on the afore- said. Rhod-Island his heires or assignes for and on the Behalfe of my Daughter Mary Devell That I will pay or truly Cause to be payd vnto my Said Daughter when She coms to the age of fififteene yeares the full and Just Sum of ffive pownds Sturll* to be paid in good '^^^"^'^"^ Merchantable pay at the Currant price on the Said Rhod-Island at the time when the Said Sum. is to be paid and the Said Sum to be paid vnto my Said ffather in Law if he be then Liveinge or Else to whome he Shall assigne to Receive it for and on the behalfe and for the use of my Said Childe mary. And if my Said Child mary Shall Dye before she come to the age of flfifteene yeares then the Said ffive pownds Shall be paid and Sett apart for the use and behoofe of my Sonn Joseph, And ffurther I doe hereby Ingage to deliver vnto my Said ffather in Law for the vse of my said Child mary all the apparrill of her Mother my Late deceassed wife as well of woolin as Linin Silkes and all other apparrill to my Said wife belong- inge at her Deceasse. Only It is provided that if my Sd Childe mary Shall Dye before the clothinge or apparrill be worne out or she of age to Receive them, what is Remaininge shall Returne to my aforesd. Sonn Joseph. And I doe hereby ffreely give and Comend my Said Daughter to the Care and ordering of my [ 426 ] Said ffather in Law Dureinge the life of her Gran Mother Now liveinge or vntill my Childe Chainge her Condicon by Marriage : And the Said ffrancis Brayton doth hereby Ingage that at the time of his Deceasse he will truly pay or Cause to be paid to [349] To his Said Gran Childe Mary the Sum of ffive pownds in Currant pay and to be paid vnto her at ffifteene yeares of age. if the Said Brayton Dye before In Wittnes Where of Wee have hereunto sett our hands the Sixt Day of January 1671 Red Signed Sg ^lled and Delivered ffrancis r- Brayton in pressence off. '''^ """"'^^ James Barker Joseph Devell. Obadiah Hulme John Sanford: Vera. Cop'f As | John Sanford Towne Gierke. Atests January the 12'!' 1671 ( Know all men by these pressents that wee whose Names are vnder written Doe appoint our Loveinge Brother Richard Cor- nell to be our Lawfull Aturney for the Recovering all Such Legusies as is Specified by the will of our Deceassed mother or any vvaie Else whatsoever, and Wee doe give our Aturney power to give discharge to any that it may Concerne Giveinge and grantinge as full for the Recoveringe of the Same to our Aturney as if Wee our Selves were pressent in Wittnes hereof Wee have here unto Sett our hands ffloshing this 10"' of Aprill 1673 Testa. Sarah Bridge Robert Coe. Rebecca Woolsey Know all men by these pressents that I Richard Cornell whose name is here incerted doe Constitute and appoint my trusty and well beloved ffreinds Namely my Brother in Law William Earll. and my Brother John Cornell for to Receive all Such Legusis as shall any waies belong to me by the Will of my late Deceassed Mother or any waies apertaininge thereonto alsoe I give vnto my said Aturney or Aturneys full power to act for my two Sisters as [ 427 ] is Specified on the other Side for me and in my Name in all the premisses as if I my Selfe were personaly pressent In W'ittnes whereof I have hereunto Sett to my hand — Newport on Rhod- Island this 20'' of Aprill ANo 1673 Richard Cornell. Test. Georg Lawton Thomas Hickes. These may Mannifest unto all whome it may Concernc that whereas upon the Complaint of of William Brownell of this Towne of portsmouth, made unto the Majestrats, against Mary the wife of John Hoomeyhoo, dwelHnge in the Same Towne: Raissed and Reported by the Said Mary against the Said William Brownell, much tending to the disgrace disparagement and great Reproach of the Said William Brownell in Sayinge, that if the mare of John Tripp jun' were dead, William Brownell liad buggerd her to death, Whereupon the Said Mary Hoomeryhoo, being by warrant brought, before the Majestrates for Examina- tion of the truth thereof, it beinge a Charge of a high Nature if true, and accordingly being Examined, She at firsf^^^^'^'^^'^'with Confidence denyed that ever she had Spoken any Such words of the Said William Brownell, but at length it beinge by two Evi- dences (Viz' John Tripp jun"^ and Thomas page) atested that She had Soe Reported, She then owned it and Confessed she had Soe Said, and whereas She had Said to one of the Testamonys that her husband told her what she had Reported She owned She had Soe done but in that alsoe She had Spoken that was fake, for Neither her husband nor any one Else had soe told her but it was a Matter made by her selfe, and declared she Knew noe Such Evill by the Said William Brownell, whereby she Should Raise any Such falce Reports of him and therefore Con- fessed she had done the Said William Brownell great wrong, and desired that She beinge a poor woman the matter might upon her Confession be past by without further trouble. And this [ 428 ] was done and Confessed at the dwelling house of John Tripp Sen' on the 28' day of December 1674 Wittness our hands Joshua Coggeshall Asistant John Tripp Asistant. A True Coppy Entred and Recorded ^j me John Sanford Towne Gierke. [350] Whereas by the Order of the Councill of the Towne of Portsmouth ffrancis Brayton Senr beinge lycenced to keep a house of publick Intertainment for Straingers and others accordinge to Law, he the Said Brayton Doth acknowlidge him Selfe to be bound in the Sum of tenn Shillings for every defect to keepe good orders in his house accordinge as the law hath provided And. John Brigs Sen' and John Sanford doe acknowlidge them Selves bound for the Said Braytons performance of the Lawes injunction in this Case provided and he hath paid downe the Sum of tenn Shillings in mony for this Liberty or Lycence which is to Continew an be in force the full time of twelve-months from the first day of this instant Augs\ and then to be Voyd and Null, Therefore these are to impower lycence and give ffull liberty unto the Said Brayton Sen' to keep a house of publick Intertainment for all people, and other Suteable accomodation for people on all just Occassions dureinge the Said twelve months time, Given & Signed by order of the Councill of the Towne of Portsmouth the Second day of August 1675: Wittnes . our . hands John Sanford T? Gierke ffrancis Brayton John Brigs Sen' U John Sanford [ 429 ] Whereas by order of the Councill of the Towne of portsmouth Edward Lay beinge lycenced to keep a house of pubHck Inter- tainment for Straingers and others accordinge to law, he the Said Lay Doth acknowHdge him Selff to be bound in the Sum. of tenn ShilHngs for every defect to keepe good orders accordinge as the Law hath provided : And John Brigs Sen' and John San- ford, doe acknowhdge them-selves bound for the Said Lays per- formance for the lawes injunctions in this Case provided; and he hath paid downe the Sum of tenn ShilHngs in mony for this Liberty or lycence which is to Contineue and be in force the full time of twelve months from the Ninth day of Aprill last past, and then this Comition and Obligation to be Voyd and Null. Therefore these are to Empower, Lycence and give full Liberty vnto the Said Lay to keep a house of publick Litertainment, for all people, and other Suteable accornodations for people upon all just occassions dureinge the Said twelve-months time. Given and Signed by Order of the Councell of the Towne of ports- mouth In Witnes whereof by order of the Councell afore-said, Wee Subscribe: Edward |p*^ Lay John Sanford To: clerke his H maike John.j Brigs his I marke John Sanford [351] ^ee whose Names are hereunder Subscribed beinge chossen and Empowred by the Towne of portsmouth at their meetinge held the lo"' day of October 1673 to Isuc differences between Neighbour and Neighbour in Refferance to devission lines of Lands adjoyneinge, Wee upon the Complaint of David Vahan that Ensign Hugh Moisser doth intrench on, and lay claime to Lands more than justly due: Have this day mett, and heard the Aligations on both parts, and have Requested of each i 430 ] to Make their due title Mannifest, to which the Said Moisser Refussed, Sayinge the Law only Should, decide it; And Wee by due information, and Knowlidge findeinge that the Said Hugh Moisser hath Extended his bounds, and layd his fence within the bounds of the lands belonginge to the Said David Vahan, by him purchassed of the deceassed John Anthony, beinge layd out and by the then letters bounded/^ by Such remarkeable marked trees as they Saw cause. And wee upon the Veiwinge of the Same, doe See just Cause to owne three trees to be the true and proper Marke trees of the Southermost line of the Said David Vahans land, the Westerly Corner tree is a white Oake, the Easterly Corner tree a black Oake, between which there is a^'"'^falne redd Oake from which Said fain red Oake on both lines East and west wee have Staked out a Straight line ; which accordinge to the best of our judg- ments, and by the power above-said wee declare to be the due and proper line of the Said David Vahans Land on the Southerly Side thereof. And In W^itnes hereof wee have hereunto Sett our hands the 14"" day of ffebruary 1676 John Albro ffrancis /' Brayton his marke John Sanford A True Coppy of the Origonall Entred and Recorded the 21' of April 1 1677 ^y me John Sanford Towne Clerke This Indenture made the Twenty Seventh day of the month called Aprill in the 3/ear one Thousand Six hundred Seventy Eight witneseth that William Cadman, Samuell Wilbur, and Robert Hodgson, all of the Town of Portsmouth in the Colony of Road Island and Providence plantations in New England being By publick authority appointed and Impowered to dispose of Indians and place them out as apprentices in the Said Town of Portsmouth : have by these presents put, placed, and bound, a certain Indian boy Called peter who is the Son of one meequapew [431] an Indian Woman late of pocasett, as an Apprentice unto William Wodell of Portsmouth aforesaide as an apprentice with the Said William Wodell his Executors administrators and assigns to dwell for the full term and time of ten years from the day of the date hereof to bee Compleat: by and dureing all which Said time of ten years the Said peter Shall well and faith- fully Serve his Said master William Wodell his Executors ad- ministrators or assigns in all Such Lawfull as by him them or any of them he the said peter Shall bee put to or commanded to doe according to the best of his skill power and abillity: and the Said William Wodell dureing all the Said term Shall provide and alow or Cause to bee provided and alowed to his Said apren- tice Sufificient food and Rayment and other nessesaries meet ft)r Such an apprentice, and at the End of the Said term Shall yield unto his Said appentice his freedom from this his said Servitude which will bee when the Said peter Shall bee twenty foure years of age witnes our hands and Scales Wm Cad man (■^^•'' The above written is A true Copie of e n aa'-h \ Samuel! W ilbure the origionall Entred and Recorded the : 15^'^ of the : f: month 1678 Robert Hod.^son ^ mee John Anthony Town Clerke '&' [352] This Indenture made the twenty Seventh-day of the month called Aprill in the year one Thousand Six hundred seventy Eight witneseth that William Cadman, Samuell Wil- bore, and Robert Hodgson all of the Town of Portsmouth in the Colony of Road Island and providence Plantations in New h^ng- land being by publicke Authority appointed and Impowered to dispose of and place out Indians as apprentices in the Said Town of Portsmouth, have by these presents put, placed, and bound, A certaine Indian Woman Called meequapew as an apprentice to William Wodell of Portsmouth aforesaid, and as an apprentice [ 432 ] with the Said WilHam Wodell his Executors, administrators or assigns to dwell from the date of these presents untill the twenty- fourth day of the month Called June which Shall bee in the yeare one Thousand Six hundred Eightty and one by and dureing al which time and term the Said meequapew Shall well and faith fully Serve her Said master William Wodell his Executors ad- ministrators or assigns in all Such Lawfull business as by him them or any of them She Shall bee Commanded to do. according to her power Skill and, abillity: and the said William Wodell dureing all the said term Shall provide and allow his said appren- tice Sufficient food and Rayment and other nessesaries meet for Such an apprentice and at the End of the Said term Shall yield unto his Said apprentice her ffreedom from her Said Servitude Witnes our hands and Seals A i. r- • r i.1 • • 11 Wm Cadman f^^ A true Coppie oi the origionall (Seai Entered and Recorded the : is':*" of Samuell Wilbur the . 3 . month 1678 Seal mee John Anthony Town Clerke Robert Hodgson This Indenture made the twenty Seventh day of the month Called Aprill in the year one Thousand Six hundred Seventy Eight Witneseth that William Cadman Samuell Wilbur and Robert Hodgson, all of the Town of Portsmouth in the Colony of Road Island and Providence plantations in New England, being by publick Authority appointed and Impowered to dispose of and place out Indians as apprentices in the Said Town of Portsmouth : have by these presents put, placed, and bound a certaine Indian girl now of the age of Six years or near Soe much who is Daughter of one meecquapew an Indian woman late of pocaset as an apprentice^"/" William Wodell of Portsmouth aforesaid and as an apprentice With the Said William Wodell his Executors, administrators and assigns to dwell for the full [ 433 ] term and time of ffifteene years frofn the da)- of the date of these presents to bee Compleat and Ended by and dureing all which Said time of fifteene years the Said Indian Girl whose name is hannah Shall well and faithfully Serve her Said master William Wodell, his Executors, administrators, and assigns, in all Such LawfuU busines as by him, them, or any of them Shee the Said hannah Shall bee put to or Commanded to doe according to the best of her power Skill, and abillity and the Said William Wodell dureing all the Said terme Shall provide and allow, or cause to bee provided and allowed unto his Said appentice Sufficient food and Rayment and other nessessaries meet for Such an apprentice and at the End of the Said fifteene years Shall yield unto his Said apprentice her freedome from this her Said Servitude witnes our hands and seals Wm Cadman A True Coppie of the orio^ionall 1 <-. „ ^tt-,, ,-^ _ , /v. 1 1 1 . r Samuell Wilbur /^ Entered and Recorded the 15 ' of rvan the ■2,'^. month 1678 | Robert Hodgson '^ mee John Anthony Town Gierke J [353] Know all men by these presents that I Adam Right of Duxbury in the Gollony of New plimoth in New england for and in Consideration of the full and Just Sum of four pounds and ten shillino^s in Lawfull monv of New Eno'land to me in hand before the Ensealling and delivery of these presents by William Wodell of Portsmouth in The Gollony of Road Island and Providence plantations in New england aforesaid well and truly paid: with which Sd Sum I the Sd Adam Right doe acknowledge my Selfe fully Satisfid Contented and paid and thereof doe acquitt and discharge the Sd William Wodell his heires Executors'''"''adminis- trators for Ever by these presents have granted bargained Sould and assigned and by these presents doe frely fully and absolutly grant bargaine Sell and assigne unto the Sd William Wodell one Indian woman Named Hanah which sd Indian Woman was [ 434 ] Taken and Captivated by the Arms of his maj'" Subjects and Condemned by the Authorytie Estabhshed in his maj^'^ Sd Collony of New PHmoth to perpetuall Servitude and Slavery as may appere by one Instrument or Bill of Salle given under the hand and seale of Cap' Benjamin Church bearing date the thirteenth day of march 1676-77 To have and to hold the sd Indian woman to him the Sd William Wodell his Executors Administrators and assignes forever To the only proper use and behoufe of him the sd William Wodell his Executors adminis- trators and assignes for Ever In Witness whereof, I the sd Adam Right have hereunto set my hand and seall the ninth day of January 1677 Signed Sealled and delivered t^c Marke ^^of in the presence off us Adam Right ( Seai j the marke jn, of Danlll Wlllcokes sen' Nathaniel Thomas The above named Indian Woman doth hereby declare that She is willing to be Servant to the aboue named William Wodell his Executors admnistrator and assignes in maner and form above Exspresed In Witness wherof She hath hereunto Set her hand The day and yeare above Writen the markes ^ O ^ "^ Hanah In the presence of us i.u u m j t j- il the above Named Indian 9 Woman the marke /y^ °^ Danlell Willcoks The marke A of Alderman Nathaniel Thomas The above written is A True Copie Entered and Recorded the 27'' of The 3^^ month 1678 As atest John Anthony Town Clerke [ 435 ] [354] To all Christian people to Whome these p'sents Shall come I mary Williams of the Tovvne of Portsmouth in the Colony of Road Iseland and Providence Plantations Send Greeting in our Lord God Everlastinge. Know y| | that 1 the Said mary Williams for the Love and affection to my ffathcr Thomas Ginins and to my mother Ann Ginins Liveingc in the Tovvne of Portsmouth aforesaid have given granted and Con- firmed And by this my pres| ]nt Writinge doe fully freely and absolutely give grant and Confirme unto the said Thomas Ginins and Ann Ginins my Son Samuel Hoomery my Daugther mary Hoomery and my Daugther Deliverance to tlicm the Said Thomas and Ann or to their assignes withcjut any manner of Claime or demand of Any person or persons Whatsoever to Keep or. dispose of all or any of them as they Shall See meet or Con- venient And I the Said mary Williams doth by these presents Clearely and Absoelutely Confirme the above mentioned prem- isses to the abovesaid Thomas Ginins And Ann Ginins or to their assignes in WitneL J whereof I the Said mary Williams have here unto set my hand and scale the 13 day of ffebruary 1678 and seal • ^A mark >s-.*'^ mary WillianiN Signed Sealed and ^j^^ ^^^^^ ^^,^.^^^^^ -^ ^ ^^ delivered m the j^^^ ^^^-^ ^^^^^^^ ^„j presents of us Recorded the 3" of the first Samuell Rowland ^j^^^^^j^ ^^^jj^^ ^^^^ ^^ j^,^,^ Elias Williams Anthony Towne Gierke ffebruary 13 : 16 78 Know all men by these presents that I Elias Williams of the Towne of Portsmouth and Colony of Road Iseland and Provi- dence Plantations doth by these p'sents oblidge and bind my Selfe in the just Sum of Twenty pounds Lawfull money never [ 436 ] to Trouble the within mentioned Thomas Ginings and Ann Ginins .Concerning the gift and delivery of the Children within Specifyed as Witnes my hand the the day and yeare abouesaid Witnes hereof ^ Elias Williams Samuell Rowland The above Written is a True Copie Entered and Recorded The 3'' of the first moneth Called march 1679 "^ John Anthony Towne Gierke INDEX OF PERSONS AM) PLACES. Ackan, David, 276. Acocksett, 415. Acushnett, 415. Addams, Edward, 312. Akin, James, 256, 287, 293, 307. Albro (Alborah, Albrow). Freeborn, 376. James, 271, 381. John, 0, 36, 43, 44, 45, 46, 52, 53, 57, 59, 70, 71, 72, 76, 79, 80, 81, 85, 89, 92, 93, 97, 99, 100, 101, 103, 104, 106,107, 108, 109, 111, 115, 118, 124, 128, 129, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 148, 151, 154, 157, 161, 166,170,178, 181, 183, 185, 186, 187, 189, 190, 194, 197, 198, 199, 200, 202, 204, 206, 207,208,209, 210, 211, 212, 214, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 234, 235, 237, 238, 240, 242, 250, 252, 255, 271, 287, 295, 299, 301, 302, 303, 309, 331, 337, 341, 362, 364, 367, 400, 404, 407, 409, 430. Jonathan, 352, 375. Peleg, 371, 378. Robert, 352, 375. Albro — Continued. Samuel, 189, 271, 381. Susan, 355, 380. Allen (.\l!in). , John, 373. Rowland, 368, 373. William, 148, 152, 162, 169, 176, 184, 191, 193, 199, 205, 210, 213, 214, 224, 228, 246, 248, 251, Almy (.Mirny, .Mmie). A drey, 372. Christopher, 84, 116, 117, 240, 241, 242, 244, 247, 309, 310, 372. David, 336, 375. Job, 220. John, 83, 87, 113, 122, 131, 133, 136, 150, 155, 182, 262. 331, 366, 372. Katerin, 418. Sarah, 331, 366. William, 23, 30, 40, 43, 44 46, 51, <)h, 66, 69. 75, 91 93, 102, 103, 108, 116, 133. 137, 140, 146, 147, 151, 152. 155, 156. 164, 342, 343, 372. America, 390, 400,415, 417. Andass, ICphraim, 313. Andrews (.\ndros). Edward, 57, 62. 167, 196, 219, 364. 238, 297, 123, 166, . 45, , 92, 130, 150, 341. [ 438 ] Angell (Engell, Ingell). Benjamin, 289, 296, 303. Anthony, Abraham, 183, 184, 193, 196, 224, 239, 284, 287, 292, 299, 338, 346, 357, 362, 363, 364, 365, 366, 367, 368, 369, 370, 371, 373, 374, 375, 376. David, 284, 333, 357. Edward, 370, 390. Giles, 365. Isaac, 330, 341, 352, 362, 377. Job, 370. John, 22, 30, 31, 43, 46, 49, 57, 62, 65, 72, 80, 122, 126, 135, 147, 171, 180, 181, 184, 186, 191, 192, 193, 196, 197, 199,200,204, 205, 210, 211, 212,214,215, 218, 219, 223, 224, 227, 228, 229, 231, 232, 233, 235, 236, 239, 240, 242, 243, 245, 246, 247, 248, 250, 251, 252, 255, 256, 261, 270, 273, 274, 278, 279, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296,299,300, 301, 302, 303, 304,306,307, 309, 310, 312, 317, 320, 354, 364, 392, 396, 430,431,432, 433, 434, 435, 436. Jonathan, 321, 371. Joseph, 171, 183, 184, 192, 199,200,204, 205, 206, 211, 214, 218, 223, 233, 247, 284, 298, 304. Mary, 304, 346. Philip, 338, 346, 357, 376. Samuel, 373, 381. Sarah, 304. Seth, 365, 373. Susanna, 304. Anthony — Continued. Thomas, 281. William, 292, 299, 304, 312, 320. Aquednick (Aqueidneck, Aquid- nic, Aquidneck), 13, 56, 420. Archer (Aarcher, Archar). John, 80, 358, 423. Arnold (Arnall). Benedict, 55, 109, 118, 320. Caleb, 153, 155, 166, 167, 171, 172, 174, 186, 194, 201, 207, 211, 213, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 222, 232, 236, 252, 272, 309. Oliver, 312, 313. William, 252, 253, 297. Aspinwall (Aspenall). William, 1, 8, 108. Assotomuit, 56. Athy, Mark, 179, 180. Attkinson, Thomas, 16. Awards, Richard, 2, 16, 17, 18, 30. Babcock (Badcock, Badcocke, Bad- cok, Badcoke, Badcooke). James, 19, 21, 22, 23, 26, 37, 39, 43, 47, 48, 52, 60, 70, 73, 80, 82, 83, 85, 90, 93, 97, 104, 105, 107, 108, 116, Baker (Backer, Bakar). David, 380, 387. William, 57, 101, 102, 109, 110, 114, 359. Bailey (Bailey, Bally). Grace, 393. Samuel, 356. William, 392, 393. Ballou (Ballar, Bellow). [ 439 ] Ballou — Continued. Robert, 21, 32, 359. Barbadoes, 66, 117, 159. Barker, Isaac, 337. James, 426. Robert, 334-. Barton, Mr., 19. Rufus, 19, 29. Basly (Baslie). John, 80, no. Baulston (Ballston, Balston, Bal- stone, Baston, Bolston, Boston, Boulston). William, 3, 5, 9, 12, 19, 24, 27, 29, 30, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53, 57, 59, 62, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, 75, 76, 77, 78, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 92, 93, 96, 97, 98, 99, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105,106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 113,114, 115, 116, 118, 119, 121, 122, 123, 125, 126, 128, 129, 130,131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 156, 157, 158, 159, 161, 162, 163, 166,167, 168, 169, 170, 174, 176, 177, 185, 192, 262, 308, 317, 318, 322, 324, 327, 347, 351, 352, 362, 367, 377, 385, 386, 390, 392, 398, 400, 401, 404, 409, 423. Beddar, Thomas, 1. Bellinge, William, 107. Bennet, Robert, 297. Birch Swamp, 133. Black Point, 325. Block Island, 423, 424. Blunt, Edward, 111. Borden (Barden, Bordin, Bordinge, Bourden, Burden, Burdin Burding. See also Burton). 266. Francis, 83. Jared, 107. John, 20, 169, 172, 177, 180, 191, 192, 197, 199, 200, 201, 202,204,211, 214, 217, 218, 222, 224, 228, 233, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 242, 252, 2.'-)3. 307,309,312. Matthew, 167, 169, 175, 176, 182, 186, 188, 191, 194, 197, 202,211,216, 218, 223, 229, 231,233,238, 242, 243, 249, 250, 293. Richard, 11, 12, 14, 18, 19, 22, 28,29,30,31,33. 37, 42, 43, 48,57,58,59,61, 62, 64, 65, 67,70, 72, 73,75, 76, 81, 90, 102, 103,124, 139, 140, 147, 155, 322, 323, 324, 325, 372. Samuel, 179, 180. Thomas, 37, 313. Boston, 123, 128, 237, 238. 239, 309, 325, 326, 352. Bourne (Borne). Jared, 66, 68, 91. 136, 139, 152, 268. Bowler, Charles, 338. Bradway, William, 313. Braiman, James, 337, 373. Braintree, 424. Brally, Roger, 297. Brayton ( Braiten, Braiton, Braitton, liraton, Brayden, Brayten). Francis. 23, 38, 43, 50, 60, 65, 67, 70, 80, 84, 89, 91. 97. 104, 105, 107, 108, 111, 113, [ 440 ] Brayton — Continued. 116,118, 129, 134, 138, 143. 150,155, 156, 157, 161, 162, 166,172, 175, 178, 181, 183, 187,190, 192, 197, 199, 200, 208,213,217, 219, 222, 240, 282, 286, 300, 340, 345, 346, 364, 365, 377, 425, 426, 428, 430. Preserved, 304. Stephen, 195, 229, 282, 296, 300, 304, 339. Thomas, 273, 306, 312, 320, 371. Brent, John, 61. Brenton (Breentton, Brentton, Brinton). William, 10, 17, 25, 27, 29, 30, 73, 92, 103, 125, 173, 327, 346, 347, 348, 350, 364, 419. Bridge, Sarah, 426. Bridgman, Matthew, 340, 418. Briggs (Bridgs, Briges, Brigg, Brigges, Brigs). Edward, 297. John, 2, 12, 18, 21, 28, 30, 32, 37, 38, 39, 40, 43, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 57, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69, 71, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 89, 90, 91, 93, 96, 97, 98, 104, 105, 107, 113, 116, 118, 124, 125, 129, 130, 131, 132, 134, 136, 138, 142, 143, 147, 148, 152, 171, 176, 178, 180, 185, 188, 189, 191, 192,193, 195, 196, 197, 198,201, 206, 207, 208, 219, 239, 286, 322, 324, 335, 336, 353, 355, 358, 398, 399, 400, 403, 428, 429. Briggs — Coittinued. Thomas, 163, 170, 180, 196, 223, 224, 228, 230, 231, 233, 294. William, 147, 169. Briggs Hill, 128, 140. Briggs Swamp, 79. Brightman, Elizabeth, 320, 371. Henry, 153, 179, 190, 194, 203, 213, 220, 226, 240, 241, 245, 246, 247, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 256, 257, 290, 363. William, 304, 320, 371. Brooks (Brook, Brooke, Brookes.) Thomas, 37, 39, 43, 49, 154, 207, 352, 353, 354, 375, 419. Broomer (Bromer). Ellin, 241, 246, 253. Brown (Browne). Benjamin, 316, 366. Nicholas, 2, 7, 17, 26, 33, 90, 184, 225, 252, 277, 301, 331, 379. William, 147, 184, 316. Tobias, 20. Brown's lot, 339. Brownell (Brounell, Brownel, Brownill). Borden, 370. George, 157, 172, 184, 195, 199, 207," 217, 223, 232, 235, 236, 238, 240, 242, 246,' 251, 252, 255, 307, 312, 364. Joseph, 336. Mr., 331. Robert, 175, 216, 289. Stephen, 328. Thomas, 38, 60, 67, 68, 91, 104, 108, 113, 125, 178, 344, 350, 354, 422. William, 183, 427. [ 441 ] Browning (Brouning, Browing, Browninge). Nathaniel, 87, 207, 358, 42]. William, 221. Bulgar (Bulger, BuUgar). Richard, 44, 45, 48, (33, 72, 73, 76, 77, 82, 85, 88, 89, 90, 91, 93, 95, 96, 105, 106, 107, 109, 110, 115, 118, 121, 126, 128,129,131, 133, 136, 137, 142, 149,154, 185, 236, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 342, 356, 374, 375, 378, 385, 386, 389, 390, 392, 393, 394, 395, 396, 397, 398, 399, 401, 403, 404, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 412, 413, 415, 417. Bull, Henry, 19. Bullocke, Erasmus, 1. Burrington, John, 332, 333. Robert, 329, 347. Roger, 313, 331. William, 145, 234, 244, 245, 246, 248, 280, 306, 312. Burton (Bourton, Burtun). Mr., 38. Thomas, 26. Butts, Thomas, 92, 130, 144, 200, 205, 264. Cadman, 233. Richard, 221, 238, 239, 300. William, 62, 88, 126, 135, 137, 150,155, 171, 175, 176, 179, 180, 183, 190, 191, 192, 193, 196,198,199, 200, 201, 202, 204,205,206, 211, 213, 214, 215, 216, 219, 303, 418, 431, 432, 433. 56 Calves Pasture, 310,311, 317, 318. Campbell, Thomas, 360, 361, 362. Card, see Gard. Carder, Richard, 9, 25, 104, 420. Carr, Caleb, 370. Richmond, 365, 377. Case, James, 283. Casy, Isaac S., 343. Champlin, Jeffery, 420. Chapman, Mr., 48, 52. Charles I, 1. Charles II, 96, 410, 421, 424. Charles, William, 61, 75, 356, 393. Chase, Benjamin, 179, 180, 278, 282. Humphrey, 319, 382. Nathan, 319, 382." Chatbourn (Chatbome, C'hai- bourne). William, n, 19, 36. Chibachuesta, 56. Childs (Child, Chiles). Jonathan, 335, 348. Church, Benjamin, 434. Clarke (Clark). Jeremiah, 410. John, 112, 114, 117, 121, 122, 123, 131, 132, 179, 207. Latham, 145, 148, 151, 167, 169, 174,185,190, 194, 196, 197, 1«)8, 199, 202, 204, 206, 210, 211,213,214, 216, 218, 219, 220, 221, 223, 225, 226, 228, 230,231,233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 240, 241, 245, 250, 251,253,255, 256, 269, 287, 306, 307, 364, 409. Samuel, 369, 376, 380. William, 155, 172, 287. Circuit, (SCO Surkitt). Claypit Field, 295, 310, 311, 318, 351. [ 442 ] Cleare, George, 2. Coddington, William, 7, 56, 419. Coe, Robert, 426. Coggeshall (Coggshall, Coxall). Daniel, 307. John, 156, 163, 174, 177, 186, 193, 196, 198, 204, 210, 212, 217, 220, 221, 225, 226, 228, 230, 231, 235, 236, 238, 240, 242, 243, 244, 245, 251, 252, 260, 282, 286, 294, 300, 309, 310, 315. 322, 368. Joshua, 68, 87, 116, 124, 126, 127, 128, 133, 135, 139, 143, 149, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 158, 162,169, 170, 173, 175, 176, 180, 182, 184, 185, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 202, 203, 205, 211, 215, 219, 220, 229, 234, 275, 310, 329, 428. William, 193, 212, 231, 240, 242, 245, 246, 300. Cole (Coale). Gregory, 45. ' Hugh, 186. Collins, William, 16. Colwell, Robert, 290. Common Fence, 7, 19, 23, 24, 32, 79, 86, 126, 130, 131, 167, 228, 247, 342, 352, 374, 419. Conagrave, Elizabeth, 409. Conanicut, 56, 66. Congdon (Congden). Benjamin, 154, 170. Cononicus, 55, 56. Cook (Cooke). Arthur, 195, 196, 210, 213, 220, 285. James, 285, 365, 382. John, 37, 131, 139, 150, 155, C ook — Continued. 162,175, 194, 207, 214, 229, 244, 277, 285, 300, 365, 382. Joseph, 245, 246, 248, 250, 296, 364. Thomas, 23, 38, 70, 72, 75, 79, 83, 99, 101, 103, 125, 130, 136,137,139, 143, 252, 275, 276, 306, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350, 351. William, 317. Cooley (Cooly). Ezekiel, 306. William, 420. Coorse, John, 124. Cornell (Cornel, Cornill, Cornille). Clark, 329. George, 316, 363, 366. Gideon, 317, 356, 366. John, 426. Joseph, 380, 382. Rebecca, 276, 390, 391, 392. Richard, 426, 427. Stephen, 232, 290, 300, 381. Stephen B., 329, 381. Stephen N., 290. Thomas, 12, 19, 23, 30, 31, 33, 36, 37, 39, 42, 44, 46, 53, 64, ^b, 67, 69, 72, 73, 75, 85, 89, 91, 92, 93, 100, 101, 103, 106, 107,126, 131, 134, 138, 141, 143, 144, 145, 146, 150, 151, 154,155,158, 161, 162, 167, 175, 193, 203, 216, 229, 235, 236, 238, 239, 244, 246, 250, 276, 310, 316, 317, 318, 322, 349, 352, 354, 355, 356, 358, 359, 360, 361, 362, 363, 364, 365, 367, 370, 372, 375, 377, 379, 384, 390, 391, 292. Walter, 366, 380. [ 443 ] Cory (Core, Corey, Corre, Correy, Corrie, Corry). Isaac S., 394. John, 2'2G, 248, 250, 332. Mary, 213, 214, 216, 218,219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 22G, 227, 229, 230, 231, 232, 234, 235, 236, 237. Samuel, 376, 395. William, 19, 75, 80, 100, 113, 128, 137, 140, 143, 170, 171, 177,186,187, 188, 193, 194, 199,200,201, 202, 204, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 212, 213, 220, 222, 227, 229, 235, 237, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 263, 286, 287, 292, 297, 306, 308, 309, 310, 354, 363, 393, 394, 396,411,412,415,416. Coventry, Jonathan, 343. Cowdel, John, 362. Cowland (Couland). Alice, 403, 404. Ralph, 5, 12, 18, 30, 42, 57, 58, 59, 71, 108, 264, 293, 403, 404, 407, 408. Crage, John, 299. Cranston (Cranson). John, 23, 38, 86, 99, 349, 369, 370, 420. Cumming (Commig, Cuming, Cum- minge). Philip, 183, 184, 218, 288, 296. Cundall, Joseph, 336. Darling (Darlinge, Dollin). David, 11, 343. Dartmouth, 415, 416. Davis (Davice). Davis — Continued. James, 2. Davol (Devell). Joseph, 425, 426. Mary, 425, 426. Dedrick, Martin, 336, 381. Dennis (Denes, Denis, Denniss). George, 330, 371. Gideon, 345, 367. Joseph, 330. Robert, 53, 139, 171, 172, 175, 176,180,183, 194, 203, 207, 222, 232, 326, 327, 328, 329^ 330, 331, 333, 334, 335, 336* 337,338,339, 340, 311, 342, 343,345,371. Dering, Samuel, 424. Dexter, John, 295. Dickman, Mugh, 138. Duncan, William, 2!>7. Durfee (Dorfie, Durfc, Durfey, Durfiej. Christopher, 321, 357, Gideon, 336. Richard, 288. Robert, 285. Thomas, 110, 1!)2, 2oi, 212, 246, 247, 248, 251, 253, 262, 289, 293, 296, :50(;, 307, 309, 321. William, 294, 2'.i7. Dutch, 7'.i, 177. Dutch Island, ^'^k Duxbury, 433. Dyer (Dyar, Dyre), William, 93, 144, lilt, 420, 421. Dyers Island, 39, 100, 144, 296, 419, 420, 421. Earle (Earl, Karll, Erl, Erie). John, 297, 312. 313, 355. [ 444 ] Rarle — Continued. Joseph, 335. Oliver, 352. Ralph, 2, 36, 42, 44, 47, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 65, 67, 80, 83, 84, 147, 158, 169, 219, 264, 319, 320, 331, 332, 343, 355, 375, 417, 418, 423, William, 84, 86, 124, 128, 140, 193, 198, 217, 222, 227, 249, 250, 255, 256, 273, 287, 293, 319, 378, 415, 416, 426. East Greenwich, 391, 416. Eastons Cove, 23. Eaton, Daniel, 221, 296. Thomas, 174, 175, 177, 183, 193, 196, 199, 213, 220. Ellis (Elles). Richard, 107. Emmons (Emanes, Emines, Em- ings, Emins). Thomas, 17, 18, 22, 23, 26, 28, 361. Emory (Emarey, Emery, Emry). Anthony, 96, 107, 134, 140, 150, 158, 168, 187, 266. England, 64, 69, 96, 105, 112, 114, 117, 121, 122, 123, 148, 391, 416, 424. William, 11, 23, 29, 33, 204. Enos, Alexander, 379. Eves (Eiues, Eues). Henry, 45, 57, 114, 142, 149, 207. Evans (Evines). Nicholas, 296. Finch, Henry, 294. Fish, Artemas, 363, 368. Benjamin, 321, 371. Daniel, 230, 297, 317. "^i^ii— Continued. David, 317, 318, 339. Gardner, 321, 371. John, 230. Joseph, 362, 377. Preserved, 293, 321, 371. Robert, 232, 246, 256, 291, 308, 313, 317, 339, 346, 364. Thomas, 22, 39, 43, 49, 57, 114, 124, 129, 137, 143, 152, 157, 177, 180, 181, 183, 185, 199, 207, 279, 300, 312, 335, 341, 342, 416. Widow, 300. William, 313. Fisher (Fishar). Edward, 6, 28, 34, 46, 47, 52, 60, 63, 68, 80, 85, 86, 92, 102, 104, 108, 112, 118, 124, 139, 142, 157, 161, 166, 168, 169, 170, 176, 177, 267, 407. Flag Pond, 204. Freeborn (Freborn, Freborne, Free- boorn, Freeborne, Free- bourne). Gideon, 87, 126, 137, 150, 168, 175, 183, 185, 190, 192, 197, 199, 201, 206, 213, 214, 216, 217, 218, 224, 228, 231, 233, 241, 242, 244, 245, 248, 255, 294, 297, 312, 364. William, 3, 4, 8, 12, 18, 20, 23, 30, 43, 44, 49, 50, 57, 60, 63, 64, 68, 73, 75, 77, 101, 219, 207, 317, 385, 418, 422, 423. Flushing, 343, 426. Folger (Foulger). Peter, 113, 394, 396. Ford, John, 23. [ 445 ] Foster, William, 77, 345. France, 96, 424. Freelove, Morris, 296, 301. Free Town, 296. Gard, John, 135, 137, 138. Gardiner, George, 5. Garrard, William, 393. Gatcheil, Jonathan, 303. Thomas, 289, 300. Gelston, Roland, 377, 380. Gibbs, Enos, 377. Jonathan, 373, 381. Gifford, David, 355. Gisborn (Gizborn). Francis, 135, 141, 410. 415. Gorton (Gortten). Samuel, 1, 304, 305. Thomas, 10, 12, 15, 26, 27, 30, 34, 39, 42, 43. Gorum, John, 61. Gould, Daniel, 329, 404. John, 322. Thomas, 365, 382. Gould Island, 195. Great Cove, 374. Great Rock, 121. Great Swamp, 32, 355, 358. Greene (Green). John, 155, 372, 420. Peter, 298. Greenman (Greeneman, Grenman). John, 23. Sarah, 108, 404. Grinnell (Greenell, Greenhill, Gree- nill, Grenell, Grenill, Grin- ell). Daniel, 76, 137, 147, 162, 177, 180, 191, 332, 343. Lewis, 376. Grinnell — Continued. Matthew, 17, 37, 77, 88, 191, 213, 216, 266, 2'.>4, 412. Hall (Haile, Haule). Abigail, 30(i. Benjamin, 193, 199, 217, 228, 238, 246, 252, 287, 292, 297, 306,309,312, 313. David, 345, 376. Deliverance, 306. George, 345, 376. John, 32, 40, 306. Mary, 306. Mr., 16. Nathaniel, 313, 317. Samuel, 399. Widow, 225. William, 1, 29, 38, 39, 44, 47, 53, 64, 65, 67, 72, 73, 81, 92, 93,96,97,99, 101, 102, 103, 104, 106, 114, 117, 125, 127, 128,129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134,135, 137, 139, 140, 141, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148. 152, 153, 156, 157, 161, 164, 166, 168, 169, 175, 176, 178, 181,200,205, 274, 306, 312, 322,323,330, 340, 341, 345, 362, 367, 379, 397, 398, 406, 407,412. Zuriel, 241, 244. 2H7. Hambly, Benjamin, 328, 352. Peleg, 368. Hamonde, Gorge, 360, 361, 362. Hannah (Indian Girl), 433. 434. Harris, William, 141. Hart (Harte, Heart). Nicholas, 391. Richard, 86, 272, 297, 374, 375,385,390, 391, 392, 417. [ 446 ] Harvey, John, 3G5, 382. Hathaway, Sylvester, 328, 380. Havens (Hauenes, Hauens, Hea- uens). John, 86, 395. Robert, 193. Thomas, 145, 192, 190. William, 2, 29, 39, 43, 44, 269, 340, 395. Hawkins (Haukens, Haukines, Haukins, Haulkins, Haw- kin). ,17. Abraham, 354. Goodman, 28. James, 354. Jane, 327, 419. Job, 2, 4, 167, 195, 214, 32G, 327, 418, 419. Richard, 6, 23, 38, 43, 46, 167, 314, 327, 418, 419. Thomas, 352, 353. Widow, 83, 353. Hayward, see Awards. Hazard (Hasard, Hassard, Haz- zard). Hannah, 383. Jonathan E., 368, 380. Robert, 91, 110, 112, 115, 117, 122, 125,133, 136, 137, 138, 153, 155, 162, 166, 172, 184, 186, 188, 189, 192, 196, 267, 378, 407, 408, 409. Thomas, 39, 57, 87, 220, 231, 234, 240, 248, 383, 384. Thomas R., 380. Headley (Headly, Hedly). Henry, 342, 346, 368, 387. James, 341, 343, 394. Peleg, 368. Solomon, 368, 387. Heath, John, 175, 180, 190, 195. Hefferlon, John, 313. Hendely, Thomas, 86. Henley (Henly). Thomas, 340, 415. Hicks (Hickes, Hix). Benjamin, 337. John, 247. Thomas, 170, 204, 247, 278, 281, 426. Weston, 335. Higman, Cornelius, 185. Hobson, Henry, 409. Mary, 409, 410. Hodgson, Rachel, 408. Robert, 20, 175, 176, 194, 197, 198,202,204, 207, 216, 219, 220, 221, 223, 224, 225, 228, 230, 231, 233, 238, 239, 280, 294, 363, 407, 408. Hoglsland, 80,81, 149,208,211,212, 236, 237, 252, 253, 257, 305. Holden (Houlden,Houldinge,HouI- don). Randall, 11, 13, 56, 305, 420. Holder (Howlder). Christopher, 404. Holderbee (Houlderbee, Hould- ersbe). Joseph, 145, 275, 416. Holliman (Hollyman, Holman, Holyman). , 14, 17, 18, 21, 24. Holme (Hulme). Obadiah, 322, 426. Holt (Hoult). Nathaniel, 304. Hoomery, Deliverance, 435. John, 179. Mary, 435. Samuel, 435. [ 447 ] Hoomeryhoo (Hoomeyhoo). John, 427. Mary, 427. Horndon, John, 404. House, James, 200. Rowland, Daniel, 315. Nicholas, 296. Hunt, Adam, 306, 318. Bartholomew, 30G. Hunting Swamp, 39, 165, 316, 333, 392. Hutchinson (Huchinson, Hutche- son, Hutchinsson). Edward, 9, 33, 108, 324, 325. Mr., 11, 13, 25. Samuel, 1, 19, 51, 308, 311, 351, 352, 405. Sergeant, 15. William, 1, 5, 8. Ireland, 96, 424. Isle of Rhodes, 418. Ives, see Eves. James, Wm., 154, 268, 290, 356, 358. Jefferay (Jefferrey). Thomas, 279. William, 370. Jennings (Genengs, Geninges, Gin- enges, Ginengs, Ginienges, Gininengs, Gininges, Gin- ings, Ginins, Ginnings, Jenin, Jenines, Jcninges, Jenings ; see also Jenny). Ann, 413, 435, 436. Gabriel, 412, 413. Thomas, 23, 29, 40, 64, 80, 84, 86, 91, 105, 109, 110, 111,118,119, 122, 128, 129, 130, 133,138,147,148, 152, 161, 162, 169, 176, 178, 180, Jennings — Continued. 'i'homas, 182, 200, 214, 219, 281, 339,310, 356, 412, 413, 435, 436. Jenny (Ginc, Geintie, Jene, Jcnne). Samuel, 37, 46, 383. Joanes, Cornelius, 37. Keared, Ralph, 12. Keese (Kease, Kees). John, 179, 180, 187, 204, 215, 218, 219, 224, 228, 235, 239, 242, 245, 256, 288, 296, 298, 309, 376. Kent, County of, 391, 416. Thomas, 84, 91, 93, 99, King, Daniel, 421. Kittackquamuckopette, "x;. Kittackquamuckquiet, 56. Knight (Knijt). Richard, 85, 205. Knowles, Henry, 29, 46, 335, 338. Ladd, Joseph, 267, 359, 417. Lake, , 57. Caleb, 335, 352. David, 144, 215, 278, .333 Henry, 81, 107, 267. Lawrance, Isaac, 328. Lawton, Adam, 292, 315, 333. Benjamin, 306, 307, 319. Daniel, 169, 181, 191, 196, 203,207,214, 224, 228, 234, 239, 247, 249, 250, 278, 279, 287, 289, 292, 318. David, 345. Elizabeth, 415, 418. George.2. 39, 75, 115. 1.30. 161,162, 167, 170, 172, 211, 233, 287, 105. 337, 363. 199, 231, 274, 306. 158, 175, [ 448 ] Lawton — Continued. George, 183, 190, 194, 198, 199, 202,207,213, 232, 234, 240, 244,245.248, 250, 251, 255, 256, 270, 287, 292, 302, 303, 306,307,309, 314, 316, 322, 333, 341, 426. Giles, 333, 386. Henry, 315, 365, 382. Isaac, 186, 199, 206, 224, 234, 236, 239, 240, 241, 245, 247, 248, 250, 251, 255, 256, 279, 285, 297,304, 307, 310, 334, 345. Jeremiah, 291, 318, 363. Job, 291, 307, 312, 314. Jonathan, 299. Joseph, 289, 315. Mercy, 303. Robert, 211, 215, 219, 220, 224, 228, 233, 234, 238, 240, 241, 244, 245, 247, 302, 312, 321,322, 37]. Solomon, 364, 380. ,^ Thomas, 39, 46, 62, 64, 66, 67, 71, 74, 89, 107, 108, 110, 113,124, 126, 132, 139, 143, 158, 165, 166, 179, 274, 301, 313, 314, 315, 316, 333, 334, 335, 337, 339, 341, 342, 346, 369, 379, 410, 411, 418. William, 177, 178, 180, 321, 371. Lay, Edward, 116, 129, 136, 138, 140, 147, 161, 170, 192, 262, 286, 287, 429. Widow, 252. Layton (Laiton, Latton). ,17. George, 7, 89. Thomas, 2, 7, 43, 49, 51, 60, ' Layton — Continued. Thomas, 61, 76, 83, 84, 89, 91, 96, 99, 102, 298, 345, 392, 393. Lewis, John, 69. Lightfoot (Lightfoote). John, 44, 278. Long, Philip, 270. Long Meadow, 310. Lucar (Luker). Mark, 35, 329. Lytherland, William, 82, 320. Mace (Maess, Maize, Maze). William, 135, 147, 282. Mackpela, 308. Malborne, Mr., 12. Manchester, George, 203. John, 170, 202, 213, 251, 294, 297, 314. [Margaret], 322. Stephen, 221, 294, 300. Thomas, 20, 158, 175, 179, 182, 183, 190, 192, 193, 199, 204,211,212, 213, 215, 218, 223, 224, 228, 229, 233, 234, 236, 240, 242, 244, 246, 250, 278, 297, 300, 320, 340, 371. William, 183, 313, 334, 374. Marblehead, 303. Marryott, Samuel, 339. Martin (Martain, Marting). Joseph, 101, 168, 176, 229, 271, 306, 377, 378. Thomas, 165. Martins Vineyard, 113. Massachusetts, 34, 56, 303. Mattapoisett, 387 Mattex (Matex). Lewis, 135, 274. Mattingly (Matingly, Mattingley). Francis, 43, 45, 311. [ 449 ] Maxson (Maggson, Magson). Richard, 1, 25, 317, 344. McCorrie, Andrew, 330, 3G8. Meequapew, 430, 431, 432. Mendlove, Mark, 16. Miantonomy, 55, 56. Mill Common, 140. Mill End, 00. Mill River, ••583. Mill Swamp, 32, 80, 157, 339, 340, 417. More, John, 2, 17. Morris (Mories, Moris, Morise). , 1^'. Mary, 360, 361. Richard, 16,21,36, 37, 43, 47, 4t», 57, 59, 63, 70, 79, 97, 305, 308, 344, 355, 360, 361, 362, 384, 398. Morton, Nathaniel, 399. Mose, John, 75. Mosher (Moisser, Moissier, Mos- yer). Hugh, 150, 152, 190, 194, 275. 410, 429, 430. Rebekah, 410. Mott (Moatt. Moatte, Moot, Mot, Mote). Adam, 9, 15, 16, 26, 28, 29, 30, 40, 52, 57, 60, 63, 72, 87, 90, 116, 118, 137, 147, 175,177,186,190,199,216, 308, 310, 386, 387, 388, 389, 408, 422, 423. Eleazar, 388. Gershom, 263, 291, 295, 388. Jacob, 88, 130, 140, 158, 170, 171, 172, 181, 186, 196, 214, 217, 218, 221, 223, 233, 242, 246, 268, 287, 292, 294, 297, 342, 387, 388. 57 yiott—Co/ifi/iutu/. Jeremiah, 252. John, 5, 30, 39, 46, 57, 58, 60, 61, 63, 66, 72, 388. Samuel, 295. Sarah, 386, 387. Mount Hope, 149. Mowry (Morey). Joseph, 2:f3. Narragansett Bay, 29s, i-jl. Narragansetts, 5."), 56. Neshanmah, 56. New England, 298, 301, 302, 303, ;)i:», .!:.':., 354, 355, 357, 362, 367, 372, 377, 379, 390, 395, 400,405,412, 414, 415. 421. 423. 430, 431, 432, 433. New Plymouth, 398, 399, 415, New York, 177. Newland (Nueland). Jeremy, 61. Newman, William, 160, 163. Newport, 20, 24, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36. 37, 38, 40, 44, 45, 49, 58, 59, 64, 65, (SG, 67, 69, 70, 73, 74, 78, 79, 81, 82, 84, 85, 87, 92, 93, 97, 98, 99, 101, 102, 113, 115, 120, 121, 124, 125, 150, 151, 155, 158, 166, 167, 171, 175, 177, 178, 181, 182, 183, 185, 186, 188, 190, 196, 198, onrt ctcyn ooo OOJ OOfi 007 M\''ft Arf^l/f ^Md*-) AriAB^f *ri*«V/| ■■Aaif 228, 229, 230, 231, 234, 238, 240, 241, 243, 244, 245, 247, 249, 250, 253, 256, 260, 261, 286,301,309, 323, 329, 361, 364, 369, 378, 387, 392, 396, 409,417,420,425, 427. Newton, Thomas, hb. [ 450 ] Nichols, Thomas, 393. Nicholson (Nicolson). Joseph, 189, 193, 210, 21G, 226, 288, 404. Niles, Nathaniel, 424. Northway (Northaway). John, 296, 300. Osameakin (Osemakin, Osemakine, Ossamequin), 29, 64, 81. Page, Thomas, 427. Paine, Alee, 385. Anthony, 2, 362, 384, 385, 386. John, 148. Rose, 384, 385. Palmer, Henry, 190. Parent, Goodman, 69. Parker (Parkar). Francis, 342. George,- 11, 18, 23, 28, 30, 33, 37, 39, 40, 45, 46, 50, 52, 57, 60, 63, 66, 67, 68, 71, 310, 311, 342, 355, 356. James, 159. John, 37. Widow, 81. Parsons (Parson, Parsonn, Pear- sons, Persons, Perssons). Hugh, 88, 99, 110, 111, 133, 140, 142, 147, 151, 166, 179, 191,195,202, 210, 220, 264, 369,370,393, 394, 396, 411. Patience Island, 158, 159. Pawkanawcutt, 295. Pawtuxet, 117. Pearce (Pears, Pearse, Peirs, Perce). Daniel, 248, 256, 287, 307, 364. Gyles, 175, 281. John, 136, 147, 210, 213, 226, 228,291,411,412. Pearce — Continued. Richard, 52, 76, 85, 147, 210, 346, 349, 350, 351, 358, 359, 423. Samuel, 338, 365, 380. Peckham, Benj., 352, 381. Jos. S., 375. Peran, Henry, 417. Percy (Pearcey, Pearceye, Pearcy, Percey, Perceye, Persi). Henry, 61, 84, 87, 89, 101, 102, 105, 107, 109, 110, 111, 126, 129, 134, 262, 355, 356, 357, 358. Leonard, 179. Perrey, Edward, 404. Perteus, John, 421. Peter (Indian boy), 430. Peterson, John, 371, 378. Phetteplace (Phetaplace, Phita- place). Philip, 166. Philip, sachem of Mount Hope, 149. Phillips (Philips). ,18. Bridget, 325, 326. John, 17. William, 306, 325, 326. Pinner, John, 150, 280, 328. Pitts, Peter, 399. Plymouth, 16, 85, 92, 128, 398, 399, 415, 433, 434. Pocasset, 19, 431, 432. River, 206, 374. Ponagansett, 415. Porter (Portar, Portter, Pounor). John, 3,4,9,12, 13, 15, 19,21, 22,24,30,31, 34, 35, 36, 42, '46,48,49,52,57, 58, 59, 63, 67, 69, 71, 75, 76, 80, 83, 84, 85,86,88,90,91, 92, 93, 94, [ 451 ] Porter — Continued. 96, 99, 102, 104, 105. 108, 110, 115, 178, 310, 331, 385, 390, 419, 422. Mistress, 209. Widow, 270. Potter, Abel, 33. Benjamin, 297, 309, 303. George, 2, 10. Ichabod, 105, lOti, ITU, 270. John, 299. Nathaniel, 2, 157, 232, 217, 270, 297, 331. Robert, 2, 0, 9. Rowse, 328, 309. Thomas, 232, 291, 309. William, 253, 312, 313. Providence, 30, 50, 07, 88, 89, 91, 102,120,138, 141, 213, 220, 229, 243, 304. Providence Plantations, lu, 93, 295, 301, 302, 303, 304, 354, 355, 357, 302, 307, 372, 379, 390,400,405, 410,415, 417, 420,421,423, 430, 431, -132, 433, 435. Prudence Island, 91, lo7, 148, 158, 159, 103, 104, 105, 107, 170, 180, 183, 190, 199, 205, 210, 213, 214, 223, 224, 228, 230, 231, 233, 239, 240, 242, 240, 248, 251, 250, 287, 293, 294, 296, 307, 338, 304, 305, 380, 417. Pumposquatick, 50. Randall, John, 348, 349, 350. Rawlins (Railings). Joshua, 195. Redfin, William, 57, 58. Redwood, Abraham, 319. Reed, John, 84. Reedman, Richard, .30. Reeman, Richard, 31. Remington ( Renimington, Riming- ton). Joseph, 334. Thomas, 248, 249. Rex (Recks). John, 2!)l. Rhode Island, 55. oj, Oj, 2(»3, 22f., 228, 254, 295, 29S, l>!>«). 3«ni, 301. :;()2, 30."., 3(>.'i, 308, 31(», :;ii,;;i2, 3i:!, 315, 317, 3ih, 31, 214, 215, 224, , 231, , 259, 262, , 283, 286, Sanford — Continued. 293, 296, 300, 306, 307, 308, 310, 311, 324, 325, 326, 327, 332, 343, 344, 346, 347, 349, 350, 351, 352, 354, 355, 359, 384, 392, 400, 403, 407, 409, 413,416,417, 418, 419, 422, 425, 426, 428, 429, 430. Joshua, 319. Peleg, 225, 226, 325, 326, 405. Restcome, 325, 334, 374, 405, 406. Samuel, 75, 107, 152, 175, 192, 275, 293, 307, 311, 324, 325, 326, 344, 359, 384, 405. William, 289, 295, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 326, 328, 405. Sanfords Island, 17. Scotland, 96, 424. Scranton, Thomas, 293. Searlls, Richard, 420. Shaw (Shawe). Anthony, 150, 166, 183, 195, 222, 268, 300. Sheffield (Shefeld, Sheffell, Sheif- field). Ichabod, 38, 133, 169, 225, 232, 233, 241, 242, 243, 272, 295, 297, 298. Joseph, 20, 193, 220, 249, 251, 295, 297, 300, 306, 308, 309. Sheriff, see Shreve. Sherman (Sharman, Shearman, Shermon). Amie, 321. Asa, 366, 376, 395. Benjamin, 192, 197, 204, 207, 214, 225, 235, 253, 256, 283, 287,297,300, 319. Caleb, 336, 373. [ 453 ] Sherman — Coniinucd. Christopher, 336, 3G3, 369. Ebenezer, 318. Ebner, 86. George, 328. Heber, 97, 301. Isaac, 347, 374. Job, 316, 321. John, 321, 347, 373, 374. Levi, 357, 373. Mary, 334, 376. Parker, 338. -^Peleg, 126, 217, 224, 234, 240, 247, 249, 250, 285, 297, 302, 321, 334, 343. ^ Philip, 3, 8, 14, 15, 17, 18, 38, 40, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 55, 57, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 65, 68, 70, 71, 72, 75, 76, 77, 79, 82, 83, 85, 90, 96, 99, 102, 103, 109, 112, 115, 129, 130, 138, 141, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 150, 151, 152,153,156, 161, 162, 164, 167,169,171, 174, 176, 181, 185, 189, 198, 201, 219, 225, 228, 232, 286, 298, 301, 302, 305, 306, 308, 310, 311, 314, 316, 318, 320, 322, 324, 327, 329, 332, 334, 336, 337, 338, 340, 341, 342, 347, 349, 360, 385, 404. Preserved, 328, 366, 376, 380. Richard, 56, 357, 375, 376, 377,378,380,381, 382, 387, 390, 394, 395. Samson, 195, 210, 214, 249, 294, 297, 300, 364. Samuel, 222, 228, 242, 243, 247, 286, 293, 300, 302, 321, 341, 347, 373, 374, 386. Sherman — Continue J. Sarah, 301, 336, 338. Stephen D., 373, 386. 'riiomas, 309, 334, 343, 352, 363, 369, 376, 381. William, 58, 285, 296, 302, 331, 358. Shotten (Shottin, Shotton). Alice, 408. Rachel, 403, 404. Samson, 1, 403, 404, 407, 408. Shreve (Shreeve, Shreif, Shreiff, Shrieve). John, 245, 249, 256, 290, 30f;. Thomas, 75, 290, 366. Simmons, John, 171, 177, 179, 280. Sisson (Sesson, Sisan, Sisen, Sisin, Sision, Sison, Sissan, Sissun). Barnet, 319. Edmund S., 368, 369. George, 177, 179, 182, 184, 224, 234, 235, 241, 242, 243, 245,248.251, 253, 255, 281. 287,292,300, 306, 315, 321. 328, 338, 364, 370. James, 315, 337. Job, 328, 348, 364, 381. Joseph, 330, 356. 366, 380. Moses, 365, 380. Peleg, 343, 394. Rhoda. 335. Richard, 53, 59, <, 71, 7t;, 80. 88, 93, 105, 279, 348, 3S1, 391. Thomas, 328. Slade (Slaiil). John. 2'.»4, Thomas, 6. Slocum (Slocom, Slocome). Ebenezer, 330. Giles, 38. 195, 196, 203, 216, [ 454 ] Slocum — Conti)iued. 226, 228, 229, 232, 236, 237, 239, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 247, 249, 250, 251, 255, 276, 286, 292, 299, 300, 305, 307, 347, 349, 350, 351, 363. John, 299. Stephen, 299, 366. Sloffe, John, 1. Slow, Thomas, 298. Smith (Smythe). ' Jeremiah, 233, 236, 239, 242, 248, 364. John, 177. Richard, 16, 17, 43, 44, 311, 318, 352, 365, 376, 377. Smiton (Smitan, Smiten, Smyton). Sarah, 178. WiUiam, 136, 139, 155, 158. Snooke, John, 177. Solitary Hole, 417. Soule (Sole, Sowle). Jonathan, 335. Joseph, 336, 368. South East Neck, 19, 374. Southwick, Mar3% 305. Spicer (Spiser). Thomas, 1, 4, 6, 14, 16, 17, 308, 317. Springhast, Lawrance, 174. Stafford (Saford). Thomas, 36, 37, 43, 46, 49, 422. Stanton (Stainton). John, 377, 380. Robert, 2. Stanyard, VVilham, 96. Straight, Henry, 280, 414, 415. Strange (Slraing, Strainge). Alee, 384, 385, 386. James, 314, 317, 319. Strange — Continued. John, 148, 158, 182, 191, 195, 251, 290, 304. Lott, 65, 72, 100, 107, 111, 116, 117,123, 124, 127, 131, 132, 139,147,15], 153, 155, 159, 166, 177, 179, 180, 183, 187, 199,265,290, 314, 375, 385, 386, 391, 410. Stratton (Straton, Stretton). Bartholomew, 325, 326. Eliphel, 325, 405. Studwell, Thomas, 61, '6^. Summers, Thomas, 425. Surkitt, 353. Sweet, James, 294. Symon (Indian), 295. Taber (Tabar, Tabor). Pardon, 357. Philip, 69, 75, 96, 97, 103, 109, 111, 112, 117. Tallman (Talman, Talmon, Taull- man, Taulmond, Toulman). Benjamin, 313, 321. James, 241, 291, 297. John, 363. Mary, 399. Peter, 97, 100, 107, 110, 111, 127, 159, 179, 185, 187, 268, 300, 360, 361, 398, 399. Thales, 343, 382. William, 299, 363. Taunton, 92, 311, 398. Taylor (Tayler). Claver, 343, 382. Reuben, 365. Tefft (Teft, Teifft, Teift, Tifft). John, 72, 76, 80, 82, 109. Tew, Richard, 387, 388, 389. Thomas, George, 298. [ 455 ] Thomas — Continued. Joseph, 330. Nathaniel, 43-1. Richard, 300. Thornes, Edward, 2'J4. Thurston, Edward, 322, 387, 388, 389. Elisabeth, 388. John, 340, 342, 345, 340, 347, 348, 352, 355, 350, 357, 308. Timberlake (Temberlake). Henry, 360, 361. Torry, Joseph, 120. Toute (Twte). George, 101. Town Swamp, 39. Townsend (Townson). Henry, 14. Thomas, 230, 231, 234, 230, 238, 250. Tripp (Trip, Tripe, Trippe). Abiel, 197, 200, 205, 217, 222, 284. George, 251. James, 283, 284, 303. John, 2, 26, 32, 43, 46, 50, 53, 54, 60, 65, 67, 72, 76, 80, 83, 87,88,93,106,107,108,111, 113,124,130, 131, 133, 134, 135, 137, 138, 142, 143, 146, 147, 148, 151, 152, 153, 156, 162, 164, 166, 167, 169, 171, 175, 170, 177, 179, 180, 181, 183, 184, 185, 191, 193, 197, 248, 251, 252, 255, 256, 273, 283, 287, 288, 293, 290, 302, 303,306,307, 319, 330, 385, 427, 428. Joseph, 144, 191, l:«s, l'(i2, 211, 277. Lot, 292. r.'^, l:-:.. 211. 212, 225, 228, 236, 237. 284. Tripp — Continued. Martha, 302. Mary, 201, 205. 30.3, 3S}. 38.';. Othniel, 291, 298. Peleg, 192, 194, 196, 202,204,200, 210. 218, 220, 223, 224, 230, 232, 233. 235, 238, 239, 242, 243, Richard, 313. Twenty Acres, 351, 352. Tyler (Tilar, Tiler). John, 00, H'.i, 102. 217, 273. Lazarus, 207. Vane (Vainc). John. 5. 411. Vaughn (Wihan, \'ohan), David, 155, 157, 182. 279, 410, 429. John. 249, 306. William, 410. Venninge, Robert, 425. Wading River, 31, 3.;, .34, 30, 40, .353. 383, 4r.t. Waite ( Wai-iht, Wait, Wayt, Waytc, Weight). Jeremiah, 182, 283. Joseph, 400, till. Samuel, 403. Sarah, 400, 401. Thomas, 6. 28, 34, 10. ."j2, 57, ^5, ^i\, 118, 163, 179, 199. 200, 216, 22 L 385, 400. Walker, James, 399. John, 3, 9, 18, 30, 311, 421. 422, 423. Katharine, 421. 422. 423. Mary, 421, 422, 423. Walton, Henry, 419. [ 456 ] Wanton, William, 300. Ward, John, 245, 248, 251, 253, 255, 256, 287, 292, 306. Joseph, 314. Warwick, 49, 62, 64, 69, 76, 84, 87, 96, 98, 110, 113, 114, 154, 175,220,224, 234, 260, 304, 404, 420. Weaver (Weauer, Weavor). Clement, 57, 323, 329. Weeden, James, 49, 60, 63, 68, 73, 77. Rose, 385. William, 323. West, Bartholomew, 64, 66, 99, 122, 123, 130. Robert, 89. Stephen, 288. Westcott (Weskoot). Robert, 355. Westermost Arm, 415. White, Pardon, 382. Wickes, John, 1. Wilbur (Wellboure, Wilboare, Wil- bor, Wilbore, Wilbour, Wil- bure, Wildbore, Wildeboare, Willbore). Elizabeth, 301. John, 180, 183, 245, 246, 249, 364. Martha, 302. Samuel, 13, 15, 17, 24, 25, 30, 33, 43, 46, 59, 69, 70, 82, 83, 85,89,92,104,108,113,126, 131, 132, 134, 138, 142, 146, 149, 150, 153, 154, 162, 179, 186, 190, 192, 194, 195, 196, 301, 311, 314, 316, 334, 360,' 364, 365, 400, 401, 404; 408,' 409,419,431, 432, 433. Shadrach, 399. W^ilbur — Continued. William, 105, 130, 142, 151, 168, 180, 191, 193, 195, 206, 207, 217, 220, 222, 226, 234, 245,249,253, 264, 302, 361, 362, 398. Wilcox (Wilcocke, Wilcockes, Wil- cocks, Wilcoke, Willcock, Willcocks, Willcoke, Will- cokes, Willcoks, Willcook, Woolcocks). Daniel, 20, 80, 97, 100, 191, 362, 367, 398, 434. John, 336. Stephen, 75, 383, 384. Williams, Elias, 435, 436. Mary, 435. Roger, 48, 51, 56, 74, 79, 87, 420. William, 92. Wilson (Wilison, Willson). Samuel, 17, 28, 49, 60, 62, 67, 76, 80, 85, 86, 89, 327, 331. Windmill Hill, 222. Winthrop, John, 56. Wise, Joseph, 122. Witherington, William, 344. Wodell (Woadel, Woadell, Wodall, Woddell, Wodel, Woodel, Woodell). Francis, 303. Gershom, 147, 148, 152, 272, 289, 302, 303, 414. Mary, 302, 303. William,^&, 47, 51, 60, 61, 63, 68, 70, 71, 73, 76, 83, 87, 90, 99, 101, 102, 104, 115, 117, 118,123,124, 126, 127, 129, 131, 132, 134, 135, 137, 138, 139,141, 143, 144, 145, 146, 148,150, 151, 153, 155, 156, [ 457 ] Wodell — Continued. 157, 108,109, 175, 170, 179, 180,181,182, 183, 184, 189, 190,191,192, 193, 194, 190, 197,198,199, 200, 201, 202, 204,205,207, 210, 211, 212, 213,214,215, 210, 217, 218, 219,220,221, 222, 223, 225, 228, 230, 231, 232, 233, 238, 252, 255, 278, 280, 297, 300, 313, 315, 310, 320, 333, 334, 341,400,407, 409, 412,413, 431, 432, 433. Wood (Woode). Elizabeth, 323. George, 323. John, 38, 99, 182, 184, 301, 322, 323, 354, 309. Susanna, 323. W^OOd — Continued. Thomas, 73, 70, 183, 192, 277, 322, 323, 379. William, 84, 277, 323, 393, ;;:ii, iii. Woodward (^^'oodc^ed, Wuod- warde). Lambert, 11, 343. William, 10. Woolsey, Rebecca, 42t!. Wright (RiKht). Adam, 433, 434. Wyatt, Elizabeth, 321, 357. Wyle, Nicolas, 33. Yates, John, 300. Yotach, 50. 58 MISCELLANEOUS INDEX. [Note. — This index does not include reference to positions held by town officers, or to the various kinds of animals named in the records of ear-marks. For convenience in indexing the spelling has been modernized.] Alehouse, 414. Apprentice, 412, 413, 414, 430, 431, 432, 433. Apprenticeship — Hannah (Indian), 433. Mary Hobson, 409. Gabriel Jennings, 412. Meequapew (Indian), 431. Peter (Indian), 430. Henry Straight, 414. Arms, 21, 27, 32, 70. Axe, 390. Bakehouse, 101. Bandaleers, 402. Barley, 239, 244, 259. Barrels, 390. Barrow, 423. Bars, 159, 407. Basin, 389, 401, 403. Bed, 389, 401, 403, 405, 406, 422. Bedding, 423. Beef, 124, 173. Beer, 3G, 43, 48, 49, 50, 63, 71, 84, 168. Blackbirds, 309. Blanket, 389, 403, 406, 409, 422. Boards, 193, 337, 402. Boat, 16, 82, 87, 89, 110, 155, 200. Boatman, 200, 205. Bodkin, 406. Bolster, 401, 405, 406. Bolts, 10. Books, 389,406. See Record Books. Bottle, 402, 406. Box, 406. Brass kettle, 389, 401, 422, 423. mortar, 422. Bread, 36, 49, 50. Breeches, 389, 414. Brewhouse, 101. Bridge, 170, 171, 172. Bridle, 406. Bullets, 27. Butter, 173, 402. firkin, 423. Cage, 129. Candle, 122. stick, 403. Canoe, 296. Cap, 406. Cards, 414. Carpenter, 326, 411, 415. Cart, 390. Chafing-dish, 423. [ 459 ] Chains, 390. Chair, 390. Chamber-pot, 403. Charter, 41, 153. Cheese, 173, 402. Chest, 390, 402, 40(), 423. Churn, 390, 401. Cider, 1(5S. Clapboard, 10. Close, 14. Clothes, 389, 402. Clothing, 425. Coat, 389. Cob-irons, 390. Cooper (Couper), 5. Corn, 4, 12, 40, 58, 72, IGO, 173, 239, 244, 323, 395, 402, 400, 422. Coroner, 107, 294, 295, 297, 299, 300, 312, 313. Cotton yarn, 402. Council of war, 03, 187. Coverlet, 403, 422. Crookes, 10. Cup, 402, 405, 406. Dam, 170, 171, 217. Deeds — John Albro, 367. William Almy, 342, 372. William Baker, 359. William Baulston, 317, 362. Francis Brayton, 345. William Brenton, 347. John Briggs, 335. Nicholas Browne, 301, 379. Richard Bulgar, 374. Joshua Coggeshall, 329. Cononicus and Miantonomy, 55. Thomas Cook, 348, 350. Rebecca Cornell, 390. Deeds — Covtinucd. John Cranston, 349, 369. William Dyer, 421. Ralph Earle, 319, 331. William Earle, 415. Thomas Fish, 341. William Hall, 340. William Havens, :}95. Job Hawkins, ;}26. Richard Hawkins, 419. Thomas Hazard, 383. Samuel Hutchinson, 351. William James, ;^58. Thomas Jennings, 339. Henry Knowles, 337. Thomas Lawton, 313. Thomas Layton, H*.>2. Richard Morris, 344, 300. Hugh Mosher, 410. Adam Mott, 310. George Parker, 310, 355. Henry Pcran, 417. John Randall, 349. John Roome, 354. James Sands, 877. Peter Tallman, 398. Samuel Wilbur, 311. William Wilbur, 361. William Wodell, 315, 333. Lambert Woodward, 343. Deer, 29, 32, 34. Dice, 414. Divorce, 66. Dopping-stool, <; I. Doublet, 389. Draw-bars, 159. Drum, !<;, 21. Feather-bed, 389. 4(»1, 403, 422. Fencing .stuiT, 337. wood, 341. [ 46o ] Ferry, 10, 15, 34, 50, 63, 85, 147. boat, 16. man, 15. Flock beds, 389. Fort, 136, 177. Fox, 52. Frame, 187. Friends, 403, 404. Frying-pan, 390, 423. Gallepot, 406. Gentleman, 421. Glass bottle, 402, 406. Gloves, 406. Gold-piece, 405, 406. Grain, 239, 244, 395. Guns, 402. Hat, 402, 406. Hayseed, 81, 390. Hobbing-iron, 423. Hoe, 390. Hogshead, 390, 423. HouseofEntertainment,64,428,429. Husbandman, 412. Indian corn, 173, 239, 244, 390, 395, 402, 406. Inn, 35, 36, 47. keeper, 35, 47. Inquests — John Crage, 299. Richard Ellis, 107. Nicholas Evans' wife, 296. Indian lad, 300. Indian man, 312. Indian squaw, 297. Man, 297. Pawkanawcutt, 295. George Potter, 16. Mary Southwick, 305. Inquests — Continued. Edward Thornes, 294. Richard Tripp, 313. Inventories- Adam Mott, 389. John Roome, 397. Restcome Sanford, 406. Joseph Waite, 401. Iron kettle, 390, 423. pot, 390, 401, 402. Irons, 40, 390, 423. Jacket, 312, 423. Join stool, 390. Kersey (Cearsey), 389. Kettle, 390, 401, 422, 423. Kneading-trough, 423. Knife, 406. Leather dresser, 154, 390. Linen, 299, 402, 425. Liquors, 48, 63, 84, 89, 168, 259. Loaf, 30, 50. Mariner, 325. Mason, 226, 411. Measures, 36, 44, 184. Milk vessels, 423. Mill, 11, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 29, 39, 120, 187, 217, 377, 383. (water), 217. (wind), 128, 140, 186, 222, 355. Mittens, 406. Mortar, 411, 422. Napkins, 390. Neck-cloth, 299, 406. Oats, 239, 244, 390, 395, 402. Ordinary, 43, 200. keeper, 220. [ 46i ] Pan, 401. Paper, 423. Pease, 173, 390, 395, 402. Pewter, 389, 401, 423. Pillow, 401, 403, 422. Pillowbers, 390, 403, 422, 423. Pincers, 423. Pipe staves, 10. Plank, 10, 193, 364. Planter, 826, 339, 345, 349, 417. Platter, 401. Plow, 390. Pork, 173, 174. Pot, 389, 401, 402, 403, 406. Pound, 130, 161, 260, 264. keeper, 130, 161, 308. Powder, 27, 74. Prison, 44, 65, 74, 117, 120, 129. Public post, 120. Quakers, 403. Rails, 17, 98, 116, 160, 347, 396, 406. Record books, 106, 107, 213. Book of land evidences, 94, 95, 96, 120, 121, 410. Book to record marriages, etc., 221. New book, 94. State book, 94. Town book, 94, 95, 288. Rug, 389, 401, 406. Rum, 201, 260, 294. Saddle, 406. Salt, 389. Saw, 423. Scissors, 406. Scoomer, 423. Scythe, 390, 402. Seaman, 343. Servant, 409, 434. Sheets, 390, 401, 403, 40G, 422, 423. Shirt, 406. Shoes, 406. Shop, 364. Shot, 74. Silks, 425. Silver cup, 405. pay, 63, 322, 323. spoon, 405, 406. Skillet, 3!»0, 401, 423. Slavery, 434. Slyce, 401. Smoothing-iron, 401, 423. Spinning-wheel, 401. Spit, 390, 423. Spoon, 402, 405, 406. Stockings, 312, 389, 406. Stocks, 40, 45, 65, 82, 129. Stone, 54, 411. house, 58, 403, 404. wall, 54, 160. Stool, 390. Strong waters, 107, 259. Suits, 389. Table, 414, 420. cloth, 390. Tailor, 178, 2!»9. Tanner, lis. Taverns, 414. See also alehouse, inn, house of entertainment, ordinary, victualing-house. Tin pan, 401. pot, 401. Tongs, 423. Tools, 402. Towels, 403. Town cow, 118. Trammels, 4oi, 423. Trays, lol. a- [ 462 ] Tree- Beech, 39, 105. Birch, 105, 133. Black oak, 377, 430. Cherry, 299. Fruit, 337, 391. Maple, 105. Red oak, 347, 430. Sassafras, 378. Snagwood, 105. Walnut, 300. White oak, 105, 329, 347, 378, 430. Tubs, 401. Turnips, 402. Victualing-house, 200. Victuals, 48, 63, 201. Virginia fence, IGO. Waistcoat, 423. Wampum peage, 72, 84, 91, 92, 102, 109, 118, 120, 15G, 173, 308, 389. V/arming--pan, 390, 422. Watch, 22, 01, 70. Water-mill, 217. Weaver, 182, 184, 205. Wedges, 423. Weights, 44, 4G, 184. Well, 1G5. Wharf, 217, 218. Wheat, 390, 395. V^/heels, 187. Whipping-post, 82. Wills- Alice Cowland, 403. Adam Mott, 387. Anthony Paine, 384. John Roome, 397. Restcome Sanford, 405. Samson Shotten, 408. Joseph Waite, 400. John Walker, 421. Kathrin Walker, 422. John Wood, 322. Windmill, 128, 140, 186, 222, 355. Wine, 36, 43, 48, 71, 84, 107, 168. pot, 389. Wolf, 32, 33, 82, 121. Wooden ware, 401. Wool, 173, 194, 200, 201, 239, 244, 389, 406, 425. Yeoman, 415. i