Class E_iia_ Bonk »G-r5 - Copyright ]^° COPYRrCHT DEPOSIT. Glimpses of new Jersey Coast Resorts. A COLLECTTOX OF CHOICE PHOTOGRAPH TO VIEWS OF ASBURY PARK. OCEAX GROVE, AVON. BELMAR, SPRING LAKE. SEA GIRT, ALLENHURST, INTERLAKEN, DEAL. ELBERON, HOLLYWOOD, MONMOUTH BEACH, SANDA' HOOK. ET( '. (EDTTTON DE I.TTXK., ASBX'KY PARK. X. .1.: ^[.. W. \' ('. l^KXXVPACKi PT-BLISHERS. THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, Two Copies Received JUL. IS 1902 ^Copyright entry W^ J h>-/cfo 1. CLASS «^XXc. No. COPY B. COPYRIGHTED, 1894, BY M., W. & C. PENNYPACKER. COPVRIGHTKD, 1900, 1902, BY M-. W. & C. PENNYPACKER. { All rights reserved. ^ Unfathomable Sea. Whose Waves are Years ! Asbury Park's Noted Promenade as it is To-day. KisliiiiLi' I'iiT. the Viu-lil •■KiiiiiKi V,.' and Aslmry Avciiiic I'avi I ion. ' , n "*■->■ • -4 The BeuL'li, Luokin"- Xdrth from the Pier. ■*\ Jfegp"^ " ■The Heaving Sea. Whose (Ireat Heart Swells with Kestaej-, The Bathiiiy- Hour. The Fishing Pier from Asbury Avenue. North Arm of Ijeal Lake. Separating- Intei'laken. Edgemere and Allenhurst. St. John's Island. Sunset Lake. I\iujj:sley Sti'fet, Looking- Nortli from Asbury Avenue. Asbury Avenue Pavilion and Bathing U rounds. Interioi- of the Sun Parlor on the Pier. The TJeaeli Pn niiciuule in March. Tlie Athletic Grounds. Ocean Avenue. Lookiuy North from Second Avenue. Boat House on Deal Lake. H^-'^^^^^i^l^B 1^^^^^^^ ^\,. ' ' -yp^rM^gf^lS i»W?f '■ —-i-^ -■ ^^^■w^MB^^^Hj 1^^^^ ;t -v-> '^^'F^^ «'- ,, -■ ■- ■ - •■r ^- - '.-5 N,-aj..;" ii^ ''''■'^ H|^Pl;^, ' vi rM^»'^^lyB|^- ' ^ |P.-^ m ■ *" ^ ' ■■ '"^ ■ ' " '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^1 -^ -^^rj ' . ■ -^M^ii^^ P •■ r5^;^.. ' ^^^^^^mI^^^H^^^^^^^^^^^^^I b- •' . V r'-' H SEASIDE Torch. A Quiet Nook, Deal Lake. .Asbury Park Raili'oad Station. Tn the 15usiness Centre-Main Street Opposite IJepot. Postoflfice and Department Store, Cooknian and Mattisun Avenues. Asbury Avenue from the Ainei'iuau Meohanics" Parade on ocean Avenue. Asbury Aveiiut- Pavilion From tlie roleiiiaii. View West From the Piei'. '?' till iiiiir First Avenue, Looking; Nortli-West From the Beach. Library Square. Episcopal Church and Library in the L)i.>Ji"n' ■■,<'',>■ .■''■■'' ' •: ''•'■■ ■- -- ^^ ^,. Sunset fjake. A Fa.sciiiating .Shept <>f Water Fed by Crystal Siii-iii«> Fifth Avenue, Looking West. St. John's Island, Sunset Lake, Looking Xovth-Bast Fi-om "Fifth Aveni;e. Siiuset Lake, Looking: To\var(l Siiusti Avenue. Noi'th Asbury at Sundown. Koiuth Avenue from the Bcacli. 4*— y^ m \ II \,m i''Ii!B:iii iiiin I iii|fi;i w\ I niiiiiiLiiiJiiiiiiiiiifi II Sixth Avenue from the Beach. Sixth Avenue, East of Grand. Sunset Avenue, Looking North-East. The Bathing' ^^u. '^ Ross" Pavilion mid Batliing' (irouuds. Ross" Pavilion, Ocean Gfrove. Wesley Lake, separating Asbury Park from ocean Grove. Ocean Pathway from the Sea. Ocean Grove Beach Front, luterioi" of the Auditorium. The Great Auditorium, Ocean Grove. Wesley Lake from Emoi'y Street Bridge, Main .A venue. Ocean Grove. A Corner of the Ross Pavilion. Yachting. The Ocean Front, Avon-by-tlie-Sea. All ,\Vfnue in Belmar. A (xlinipse of S])rinK Liake. P.ii'd's Eye "\'ic\v of Spi-iiii;- Lake. ^XA-SiOiC YoJRCM. The Sea Girt Encampment. A Pietui-esqvie View of Interlaken, iuid Deal I^ake. Deal Lake and Lake Drive, Allenhurst. Corlies Avenue Cottay^es, Alleiihurst. ResideiiL'es at Allenburst. Norwood Avenue. "t^w^lBllCi. Rustic Bridge in the Park, Allenliurst. The Drive throi;gli Benson Park, Allenhnrst. Illljll li llJI The Deal (Jolf Club House. The Deal Golf Links. The Deal Golf Links. Stretching Westward as Far as the Eye can see. A Long Drive. The Oc-eau Drive tlii-ouKli Klbcroii. Cedar Avenue, Hc^Uywood. A Hcsidcncc on Die Runisoii Koad. C'(-)tttiKfs at Moiiiiimitli P.fai-li. The I'icTui'fsque Shi'f wsbiiry Kiver tVoiii tlic Kaili'oad. Bird's Eye View of Sandy Hook from Hig'hliUid LiRht. ^\3V 5 1902