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Row to Reach Longport Longport is connected with Atlantic City Jjy an electric railroad, open observation cars running every five minutes during the suntmer season : also by the Longport driveway, on which niav be seen dailv fine equiiiages and automobiles in great number speeding between Longport and Atlantic City. Both tn>lle\- line and driveway have the uni(|ue characteristic of extending nearly all the way beside, and in sight of the ocean. They also give to Longport the facilities of the best markets in the huul. The Pennsylvania Railmad Company, which controls the trolley line, maintains a serv- ice of fast steamers between Longport and Ocean Cit\-; and boats, owned by the Sea Bay Trans- jxirtation Company, ply between Longport and Somer's Point. CClatcr Supply and Drainage Longport is supplied with an abunilancc of pure artesian water, and the drainage sys- tem is perfect. Great attention has been given to the maintenance of gooil sanitary conditions. With pure water, natural drainage, absence of meadow land and being nearly sur- rounded by water, it will be difficult for any other resort to offer ecjual inducements for healthful exercise, pleasure and comfort. While nature has done so much, those who are deeply inter- ested intend to do their part in making the place one of the most attractive and charming of its kind. Thk Aberdeen. Improvements Materials for building and other purposes are brought to the place bv water or rail. The avenues are wide and well constructed. Lots are large, and, in some sections, are restricted to private residences, and to one house on a lot. Many residences have been built, some of them costly and elegant. The hotels are first-class in all their appointments. Residences of i;. ^r. ei.liott. M. s. m'cullough. A. II. nilLLIPS. S. G. WILKINS. Resklenre ol \V. R. RRICE. BAY \1E\V C-LUE H(_)USE. Residence of J. r. REMINGTOX. Residence uf \V. D. JACKSCIN. Residence of ]. O. NICOLLS. Residence of J. R. I,I\'EZEY. BOROl'GH HAI.I.. Residence of H. WOOTTEN. OC S5 Oc 1:3 ATLANTIC OCEAN Bathing, Boating and fishing Here the ocean beach, for surf bathing, is equal to any on the coast, and the bay fur- nishes unexcelled opportunities for still-water bathing. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company has advertised Longport as having the finest sail- ing and fishing in America. Beach Thoroughfare and Great Egg Harbor Bay furnish the best harbor between Sandy Hook and the Delaware Breakwater. Miles of sailing in almost every di- rection from Longport pier can be enjoyed in perfect safety; and, as Great Egg Harbor Inlet opens out into the broad ocean, no time is lost in going out for sea-sailing and fishing. Many residents of Longport have their private boat-houses and pleasure craft, and the bay, dotted over with the various launches, yachts and sail-boats, presents a beautiful picture. I^atural Httractions The pure air and cool breezes; the smooth, hard beach extending along the ocean. Great Egg Harbor Inlet and the Thoroughfare; the long port for harbor), the grand outlook over the ocean, as well as over the bay, with the beautiful landscape beyond; and the sun rising above the ocean and going down in gorgeous splendor across the bay, casting a radiance on the cjuiet waters, are among the natural and unsurpassed attractions of Longport. Here, too, the lover of natural history will find much of interest, for the sea is lavish with her treasures, and casts them up, that all who will may study and enjoy them. Among the most interesting of these are the algae, or sea-weeds. Few places afford such facilities for collecting these specimens, which, when mounted on paper or cardboard, make beautiful sotivenirs. ™^ AN AFTERNOON VIEW ON THE EAY. SAND DUiNES AT LONGl'ORT. SACHTME.NS \V1{AKF. STEAMER AT THE PIER. SUNSET 0\ HIE BAY. .*i2-. v''^.-'?.^ r'.£~ ^-» jwwwsnit . LONGPORT BEACH VIEWS. Longport Hssociation 'J'he Lono-port Association, Ijy which tliis Jidoklet is pulilishcd. was organized to promote the social and general welfare of tlie borough. I'nder its ausjjices entertainments are given in the Borough Hall. ( )fficers of the Association arc: j. ( ). .Vicolls, President; J. P. Remington, iMrst \'ice-President ; M. S. Alcl'ullougli. .Second \ ice-Presi