Chicago Beautiful F 548 .65 .fil P83 Copy 1 Parks and Boulevards /''T'^- E Lz! f3 hicago is justly proud o£ her 1^ # system of parks and boule- V>< 1 k yards. The park system of over 5,000 acres, embraces 60 parks, 90 playgrounds, and 3 public bathing beaches. It would take several days to visit all these parks and playgrounds, but the trip herein described (which can be made by auto- mobile in a few hours) takes one through the most important parks and boulevards. It gives an idea of what Chicago is doing to provide places of rest and recreation for its cosmopolitan population — the interest taken in the welfare of the children and of a higher citizenship. Copyrighted 1915 By Charles H. Porter 223 W. Jackson Blvd. Chicago ^'^'^401654 Jt/;V 2t Automobile Trip Through Chicago's Parks and Boulevard System This little book describes a trip around the city via our boulevard and park system, startinj^; from the Auditorium Hotel on Michigan Boulevard. Annex Congress Auditorium Michigan Boulevard — originally an Indian trail — is considered one of the finest boulevards in the world. It is about 6 miles long. On the left is Grant Park which is in process of construction. Chicago has long needed a breath- ing space in the downtown district and Grant Park has been reserved for this purpose. 3 We pass a number of large structures facing the lake and for this reason very desirable for hotel and office buildings. The tall red building with white trimmings at 7th St. is the Blackstone — one of our most luxu- rious hotels. This was the first building in Chi- cago on the roof of which a landing place for aeroplanes was provided. At Number 816 is the home offices of the Ameri- can Radiator Company. At Number 830 is the Building of the Young IVomens Christian Association which provides tem- porary quarters for young women seeking employ- ment in the city. The equestrian statue on the left was erected to commemorate the memory of a favorite son of Illinois, General John A. Logan. It was designed by August St. Gaudens. At the end of the Park is the Illinois Central R. R. station for through trains. The s 'burban trains pass through Grant Park but are below the surface and hardly noticeable. To the left of the Illinois Central Station the park is being extended to provide for the new building of the Field Museum, for which $8,000.- 000 was left in the will of the late Marshall Field. A new park is being constructed of made ground which will extend between Grant Park and Jack- son Park — a distance of several miles along the shore of the lake. Michigan Boulevard below 12th St., out as far south as 33rd St., is known as Automobile Row. 4 This WAS formerly a residence district but has been supplanted within the last ten or fifteen years by dealers in automobiles and accessories. The large red building on the left in the form of a U. is St. Luke's — one of our finest hospitals. Just beyond the viaduct on the right is the First Regiment Armory. One block West on Wabash Av. is the Coli- seum, seating 14,000 people. Many Presidential candidates have been nominated in this building. Beyond 16th St. and two blocks to the left is Prairie Av. This at one time was considered the choicest residence district of Chicago and contained the homes of many of our most wealthy citizens. At 18th St. and Prairie Av. is the residence of Mrs. Geo. M. Pullman, whose husband w^as the inventor of the sleeping car bearing his name. Just east of the Pullman residence is a monu- ment erected by the Chicago Historic Society com- memorating the Fort Dearborn Massacre. The garrison of the Fort started south along the lake and at this spot was practically annihilated by In- dians. At 22nd St. is the Lexington and at 23 St. the Metropole, both apartment hotels. On the wTst corner of 24th St. is the Standard Club, erected by wealthy Jewish manufacturers and merchants. The stone building at the left w^as formerly the headquarters of Dr. Doivie, founder of Zion City. 5 Residence H. N. Higginbothara On the corner of 29th St., — No. 2838 — is the residence erected by H. N. Higginbothain, partner of Marshall Field and President of the World's Fair. At 30th St. is the Lakota Hotel on the left and the Bradford Hotel on the right. At 3254 is the home of John Cudahy, the meat packer. We turn east at 33rd St., passing by a large Jewish Synagogue at 33rd and Indiana Av. Then south on South Park Av. to the fountain guarding the entrance to Grand Boulevard, one of the widest in Chicago, w^ith a parkway on both sides of the main drive. It is 198 feet from curb to curb. Many of the apartments along this boulevard have been built within the last few years and are 6 typical of thousands of such buildings throughout Chicago. At No. 3612 — the house with the cone shap(?d tower — is the residerxe of the well-known Rabbi Hirsch. We turn east on Oakivood Boulevard at 40th St. As an illustration of the rapid growth of Chicago, just prior to the civil war, a magnificent stone resi- dence was built at the corner of Grand Blvd. and 43rd St. — 3 blocks south of us. It was at that time called "Story's Folly" because it was built so far from the residence part of the city. The citi- zens at that time could not imagine that the city would ever extend out to this point. Abraham Lincoln Centre 7 On the north side of this street several blocks beyond the turn the large red brick six-story build- ing is the Abraham Lincoln Centre, founded by Jenkin Lloyd Jones. This is one of twenty-five similar institutions that seek to provide a higher civic and social life for the people. Drexel Boulevard Passing Cottage Grove Av., we enter Drexel Boulevard, which extends a mile and a half south to the northeast corner of Washington Park. This boulevard is noted for its beautiful flowers and shrubbery. The white stone building on the left is the First Christian Science Church. Some of our wealthiest men have their residences along Drexel Blvd. 8 At 4750 is the residence of John McCormick. The red brick house with the iron fence, at 4800, is the home of the Morris family, meat packers. The large white stone house with iron fence and gardens at 4830 is the home of Mrs. Chauncey J. Blair. Oppcsite this is the home of Martin A. Ryerson. At Drexel Square we turn east at the fountain onto Hyde Park Blvd., passing the Hyde Park Ho- tel and beyond the viaduct the Chicago Beach Hotel. At the end of this street w^e turn on East End Avenue and enter Jackson Park. The large building rapidly falling into decay was the Fine Arts Building at the World's Co- lumbian Exposition and has since been occupied by the Field Museum of Natural History. At the time of the Fair this was considered one of the most beautiful structures of the w^hole exposition group. The building covers nine acres and is of brick and steel covered with stucco. The exhibits in this building attract students from all parts of the world. When moved to the new building at the foot of Grant Park, this museum will prove of great educational value to many who are not now able to avail themselves of its advantages. The low one stor}' stone building at the left was the Iowa Building at the World's Fair and is now used as a rest room. Directly ahead, the tall building with the tower is the German Building erected by the German Government during the World's Fair and now used as a refectory. 9 •"^•■^jLL-^-i ^'^'iw^ Iowa Building On hot summer days the beach here has been described as a second Atlantic City, with thousands of bathers playing in the water and along the shore. Just beyond the motor boat entrance to the la- goon is a 9 hole golf course on the right. You will also notice a bridle path at the right which is for the exclusive use of equestrians. Many residents of the South side take their morning exer- cise under the trees along this path. The drive here affords a magnificent view of Lake Michigan and at night the sky to the South is lit up from the glare of the rolling mills at South Chicago. The building ahead of us and across the small harbor entrance is a reproduction of the LaRabida Convent in Spain. It was at this convent that Columbus stopped over night when he was return- ing, a discouraged and defeated enthusiast, from the court of Queen Isabella. It was here that 10 La Rabida Convent — Jackson Park Queen Isabella's messenger overtook him and called him back to the Court. It is now used during the summer months as a fresh air sanitarium for sick babies. The long pier running out into the lake was a moving sidewalk at the time of the World's Fair. Another reminder of Columbus are the small caravels: Pinta and Nina, reproductions of the boats Columbus used in discovering the new world. A third caravel, the Santa Maria, was to have been exhibited at the Exposition in San Francisco but succeeded in getting only as far as Erie, Pa. The Government maintains a life saving station on the lagoon. After parsing over the bridge we approach the 11 largest of Chicago's public golf courses. Often times as many as 1,000 people play over this course in one day. There are also 40 tennis .courts main- tained for public use. Over to the South are located the buildings of the South Shore Country Club. The tall flag pole before the golf club house on the left, as we follow the lagoon, is a relic of the Exposition. Down through this section ran the famous Court of Honor. Beyond the golf course, and reached by a bridge over the lagoon, is the Wooded Island. Upon this island are many things of interest. Here will be seen the beautiful Japanese Buildings, erected by na- tive artisans from Japan at the time of the World's Fair. On this island is also the famous rose garden that, when in full bloom during the summer months, is a sight worth going far to see. Cahokia Court House 12 There is a'so on this island Cahokia Court House that Wcis built in 1716 at Cahokia, 111, and moved to Chicao;o in 1905. As a young lawyer, Abraham Lincoln argued cases in this court house. The building is worth examining as an example of pioneer architecture. It is constructed of square walnut logs held together w^'th wooden pins. With- in are original documents pertaining to its inter- esting history. This quaint old structure is alive w^ith interest to any one concerned with historic subjects. Through the trees as wx go north you wn'll see in the distance the beautiful bridges built by the Japanese. Japanese Bridge — Jackson Park 13 In the distance as we turn you get another view of the Field Museum. Passing out of Jackson Park we get into the Midway Plaisance, which will be remembered by those who attended the World's Fair as the place where the amusement concessions wTre located. In winter the sunken gardens are flooded with water and furnish sport for skaters. Practically all of the land on both sides of the Midway is owmed by the Univosity of Chicago whose buildings appear on the right. This institu- tion is one of America's largest universities. It has been endowed by John D. Rockefeller and other prominent men with many millions of dollars. The buildings are all of the Gothic style of architecture, built of blue Bedford limestone. .,.-,-.s''ift>-s'4 Womans Dormitories — University of Chicago Kelly — Beecher and Foster Halls 14 As we come to the last of the University Build- ings you will notice a low building on the left side of driveway with a number of statues around it. This is the residence and studio of Lorado Taft, the sculptor. Midway Gardens is at the end of the Midway and at the entrance to Washington Park. Entering Washington Park, we see on the right the place where the Archery Club holds its annual contests and on the left the lagoon where fishermen practice at fly casting. Administration Building — Washington Park Near the smokestack are the Park stables and just beyond, where the Pergola faces the road, is the Administration building of the South Park Com- missioners. 15 To the right is the conservatory filled with flow- ers and plants from all over the world. Both Jackson and Washington Parks were orig- inally barren, sandy, level land. All the hills and lagoons were artificially made and the present beau- tiful appearance of these parks is a tribute to the skill of the landscape gardener. Just beyond the Refectory we go west into Gar- field Boulevard, which we follow for several miles. The large red brick building on the right is the James C. King home for aged men. Mr. King, who died in 1905, left by will a large amount of money as an endowment fund for this unique insti- tution. By paying $500.00 any man of good char- acter over 68 years of age, and who has resided in Cook County the previous ten years, may be admit- ted and is taken care of for the rest of his life. The place is luxuriously furnished, the meals are equal to those served in a first-class hotel, and makes an ideal home for lawyers, judges, teachers, business men and others who are tired of the city's strenuous life. We then enter and circle through Sherman Park, a breathing space of 60 acres that has outdoor gym- nasiums and playgrounds, swimming and wading pools — assembly halls and club rooms, all designed to improve the health, morals and mental culture of the children living nearby. Chicago has scores of parks similar to this and nearly a hundred smaller parks which are of inestimable benefit to the popu- lation living in the congested portions of our city. Gage Park is at the intersection of Garfield 16 Boulevard and Western Avenue Boulevard where we turn North. About a mile north of Gage Park and two miles east of the boulevard are located the Sfock Yards, 500 acres and Packing Toivtij 200 acres. Chi- cago is the greatest live stock market in the world. The Yards have accommodations for 75,000 cattle, 300,000 hogs and 125,000 sheep. Over one mil- lion dollars is paid b}^ the packers for live stock in this market every day. In addition to the im- mense packing houses, the scientific utilization of every part of an animal has developed hundreds of industries using the by-products and locnted near this section. Over 60,000 people are employed in this district and the manufactured products amount to half a billion dollars per year. Visitors from all parts of the world have gone through the Stock Yards and the leading packing houses employ guides to conduct parties through their plants. Just after passing under the second railroad via- duct we come to McKinley Park. This park con- tains swimming pool, children's play grounds, out- door gymnasiums for men and women, tennis courts, ball field, sand courts, wading pools, etc. These small parks are very much appreciated by Chicago people. Our present Mayor, Wm. Hale Thompson was very active w^hile alderman in se- curing play grounds for the children. He believes that unless the children of the poor are provided with means for healthy exercise we will see a ph}^- ical deterioration in the race, such as has been ex- perienced in the industrial cities of Europe. 17 Going up a little rise we pass over the old Illi- nois and Michigan Canal, now fallen into disuse. After passing under the viaduct of the Santa Fe Railroad we cross the Drainage Canal. This was built at an expense of over $66,000,000 and is con- sidered one of the most wonderful engineering feats ever accomplished. The current of the Chicago River was reversed. Instead of the water of the river flowing into Lake Michigan and thence via the chain of great lakes into the Atlantic Ocean, it now flows into the Drainage Canal thence via the Desplaines, Illinois and Mississippi Rivers to the Gulf of Mexico. The canal extends 36 miles to Lockport where is located the power plant that furnishes current for nearly 20,0C0 arc lights for the city parks and boulevards. The Drainage Caral is part of the Lakes to the Gulf Water Way and has a depth of 24 feet, and even wdien cut through solid rock the width is at least 164 feet, affording easy passageway for vessels in each direction. The works of the International Harvester Co. are passed at the turn west and just beyond is one of the Public Gardens. Here poor people are allot- ted ground on which they can raise potatoes, vege- tables and all kinds of garden truck. Many are able in this way to reduce the high cost of living and it is surprising the amount of produce some of these gardeners are able to raise on these small tracts of land. Chicago has done a great deal of this kind of work and her example might well be followed by other cities. 18 Children's Garden — Eckart Park At a number of the small parks Children's Gardens have been provided ; there each child is given a small plot of ground, and furnished with seeds, from which they can raise all kinds of flowers. The little florists give most careful at- tention to these tiny gardens — keeping them watered and free from weeds. This teaches the children the wonders of nature, besides developing their sense of the beautiful and artistic. Unfortu- nately, on this trip we do not pa.^s any of the Chil- 19 dren's Gardens, but the picture taken In Eckhart Park gives an idea of their appearance. At the turn north, is the House of Correction known as the Bridewell, a city prison for idle or disorderly persons over 16 years of age. Adjoining is the John Worthy School for unruly boys under 16. To the right are the great works of the Kimball Piano Co. The large, low yellow brick building at one of the turns along this boulevard, is the Carter Har- rison Technical High School, one of the most mod- ern of Chicago's schools. Karel Havlicek — Douglas Park Just beyond the viaduct of the elevated railway we enter Douglas Park, 182 acres. Near the cen- ter of the park is the monument dedicated by the Bohemians to the State of Illinois, in honor of their 20 martyred statesman, Karel Ha-vUcek. The natatorl- um in this park is unusually large and provides a swimming place for thousands of men, women and children. Garden Hall connects the Rose Garden with the Perennial Garden beyond. Douglas Boulevard extends west from the park to Independence Square, where is located the beau- tiful bronze and granite fountain dedicated to American Youth and Independence Day. Turning north we follow Independence Boulevard past rows of comfortable homes. Garden Hall — Douglas Park Off to the right along this bouelvard is seen the plant of Sears Roebuck Co., the large Mail Order House. 21 At the end of the boulevard we enter Garfield Park, one hundred and eighty-eight acres. Passing by the golf grounds, and just north of the large ba-^d-stand are the Foj-mal Gardens. Here are em- blems, designs, names, etc., formed by thousands of varicolored growing plants. North of Madison Street are the beautiful ivater courts — a very unique feature in park ornamentation. Beyond the bronze statute of Robert Burns is Assembly Hall. This is used for social gatherings, dances, lectures, celebra- tions, etc. Like all buildings in the Chicago Park System no charge of -any kind is permitted for its use. Winding around the lagoon and passing un- Show House — Conservatory — ^Garfield Park 22 der the tracks of the elevr.ted we come to Garfield Park Conservatory, ore of the largest of its kind in the world. Now^here else has an attempt been m.ade to build green houses for the exhibition of exotic plants in a public park on such a large scale. The exhibits of palm.s and rare varieties of trees and tropical plants are intensely interesting. In the Fsll when the show houses are filled with every Idyl and Pastoral — Garfield Park Conservatory By Lorado Taft variety of chrysanthemums, people flock to the con- servatory from all parts of the cit\'. Over 30,000 visitors have viewed the exhibit in a single day. In- side the conservatory are two charming little mar- 23 ble groups by Lorado Taft representing Idyl and P^istoral. There are a number of fine statutes in Garfield Park, including a bronze of Lincoln, the Rail-Splitter, erected in 1911. Garfield Park con- nects with the downtown loop district by West Washington and West Jackson Boulevards. Humboldt Park Rose Garden Leaving the park v'a Franklin Boulevard and Sacramento Boulevard we approach Humbolt Park. To the left just at the entrance is one of the city playgrounds. There are many similar to this scattered over the city, generally located in the most congested residence districts. Humboldt Park is the largest of West Side Parks and considered by many the most beautiful. Notice particularly the Rose Gardens on the left w^hich have a foreign atmosphere. These are laid out in a very attractive manner and at certain seasons of the 3^ear are beau- 24 tiful beyond description. In the Rose Garden are four bronze statutes by Leonard Crunelle. A statue of Alexander Von Humboldt, from which the park takes its name, is in the center of the driveway; and to the risjjht is the band stand, with seats in the amphitheatre for thousands of people. On the left are the famous lily ponds. In this park are the hatcheries that furnish fish to all of the parks. Just beyond the rustic stone bridge over the lagoon, observe the deep woods on both sides of the road. You will imagine you are miles away from civili- zation until you approach the open square where is located the equestrian statue of Kosciuszkoj the Polish patriot. Leaving the park by Humboldt Boulevard, we ^.-;aEec?^-»'* ■ «iftti!*-aj ■iiri* ■■■• " Statue of Koscioszko — Humboldt Park 25 pass under the tracks of the Metropolitan Elevated and go north to Palmer Place, then on to Logan Square where we turn east on Logan Boulevard. This joirs Diversey Boulevard which continues east to Lincoln Park. After passing the north branch of the Chicago River and going several blocks we come to the works of the Steivart-lVarner Speedom- eter Co., on the left. We are now passing through a distinctively for- eign section of the city on our way to Lincoln Park. On the right at the entrance to Lincoln Park is the home of Mrs. Lehman, owner of the "Fair" de- partment store. Turning to the left and north, via Sheridan Road, we will visit the new portion of Lincoln Park, recently reclaimed from the lake. In the apartment buildmg to the left of the entrance of the park, resides present Mayor William Hale Thofnpson and former Mayor Carter H. Harrison. In the Park, the sandy beach beyond the lagoon is a landing place for aeroplanes. The sand of which all of this section of the Park was made, has been taken from the lake by means of huge sand suckers. On the right we pass the homes of Arthur Meeker and /. Ogden Armour. On the left in the lagoon is the three masted schooner serving as the club house for the owners of motor boats. Ahead is the free bathing beach w^here thousands of people in the summer months enjoy a dip in Lake Michigan. There are accommodations for 12,000 bathers. We are entering the old portion of the Park. We pass the children's bath houses and beach and the Daily News Fresh Air Sanitarium for sick babies. 26 Schooner Club House Past the viaduct is the landing where steamers dock for the loop. On the right, the lagoon where the oarsmen hold their regettas, and the motor boat lagoon, with accommodations for 300 laimches. Looking ahead across the water from here you can see the ISleic Municipal Pier, being built by the city to take care of the growing lake traffic. Turning north again, we pass on the left, the Grant Monument. Other monuments to be seen along this drive are those of Franklin, Linne, Goethe, Schiller and Beethoven. As we turn south again, we pass, on the right. Grandmother s Floiver Garden, in which nothing but old fashioned flowers are planted. 27 ilto'iSlfflllWutr^^'Jiaiirsriit^TiJ^ltfninHlHHIfflnffiiftrtlU^ High Bridge— Lincoln Park with Viaduct over Drive Through the trees to the left are the Zoological Buildings, housing more than two thousand speci- mens. The animals are fed at 4 P. M., every day, affording school children a convenient time for visit- A Municipal Pier 28 Grant Monument — Lincoln Park ing the Zoo. Nearly every variety of animal (in- cluding, by the way, cows, goats, sheep and other domestic animals which city bred children do not often see) is found in the Zoo. At the turn, w^e pass St. Gauden's statue of Lincoln, which is generally considered the sculptor's masterpiece and the best likeness in existence of our martyred President. Leaving the park we go south on the Lake Shore Drive where many of our most prominent and wealthy citizens reside. The names and numbers of the houses they occupy will give some idea of the character of this neighborhood : 1550, Richard T. Crane, of the great Crane Co. 1515, Edward T. Blair, a street car magnate. 29 Lake Shore Drive 1500, Victor F. Lawson, publisher of The Chi- cago Daily News. -The rough grey stone building at 1450 is the home of LaVerne W. Noyes, a noted philanthropist. 1434, Lawrence Heyworth, a banker. The house covered with vines at 1430 is the home of James Deering. 1420, Archibald E. Freer, a capitalist. 1400, Franklin MacVeagh, former Secretary of the Treasury. 1334, built after the style of an English Castle, is the home of Mrs. Potter Palmer. 1258, Hugh J. McBirney, a wealthy lawyer. 1250, Geo. B. Haris, President Burlington R. R. 1240, Moses J. Wentworth, a telephone magnate. 1234, Chas. A. Munroe, a capitalist. 30 1138, Chas. H. Hurlbut, President of the Elgin Watch Co. The light stone building, with lawn, at 1000, is the home of Harold McCormick, of the Harvester Company. Mrs. McCormick is the daughter of John D. Rockefeller. The apartment houses you see here are among the most elaborate in Chicago and rent for a thousand dollars a month or more. Some of them have ac- commodations for their guests' autos on the top floor. The property to the left was originally known as Streeter-ville, Captain Streeter's boat having been wrecked and tossed up on this beach. The lake washed in sand, making a large area of valuable ground and Captain Streeter claimed ''squatters' is^^0jg0l!V*" :;<£&XiwAiMA^afe- Residence Mrs. Potter Palmer 31 rights" to the property. The title is still in litiga- tion. It will interest you to note that a Chicago Archi- tect has built hin^self a house on top of one of the large apartment buildings to the left, on the shore o-f the lake. The large white stone building on the right is the Fourth Presbyterian Church. The Chicago Water Works was the north limit to the great Chicago Fire in 1871 when one-third of the people in the city were rendered homeless, and over two hundred million dollars worth of prop- erty destroyed. Passing sonth on Lincoln Parkway we pass within one block of Medinah Temple, the building ahead Water Works 32 Medinah Temple with the Moorish dome. This is one of the finest huildings of the kind in the United States. After passing the Firginw and Alexandria hotels we approach Rush Street Bridge which spans the main hranch of the Chicago River. Experts declare this the busiest bridge in the world, the traffic even exceeding that of London Bridge. Boats leaving for Milwaukee, Duluth, Macki-^ac, Det^rit, Cleve- land, Buffalo and all points on the Great Lakes, dock near this bridge. Just bc3'ond the bridge notice the store tablet in the wall of the building. This is the site of Fort Dearborn, established in 1803, and consisting of a stockade and block-houses as protection against the Indians, The street to the right here leads into the famous 33 South Water Street South Water Street, through which passes the food- stuffs of the entire city. This is said to be the busiest street in the world. An average of a million and a half of eggs are alwaj^s on storage here. Nearly three million cases of eggs are handled yearly, together with twenty million dollars worth of butter, one million barrels of apples, seven mil- lion boxes of oranges, seven million bushels of po- tatoes and one hundred and fifty-one million ban- anas. One of the things of interest to visitors is the freight tunnel that runs beneath the ground here, and connects the big w^holesale houses with the rail- road and boat terminals. Tunnels extend all over the business district about 45 feet below the surface. The Chicago 34 Tunnel Company operate the system electrically and require 60 miles of track and 3,000 cars to handle the underpjround traffic. Most of the hotels and large commercial houses have sub-basements connecting with the tunnel and use it to transport coal, ashes, freight, merchandise, etc. Thousands of trucks and wagons are thus dispensed w^ith on the busy streets, and traffic con- gestion reduced in the Loop district. Passing through the wholesale Tea, CofiFee and Spice sections, w^here the street will soon be widened and boulevarded, we approach the Public Library. At the North end of Grant Park, opposite the present library, in 1860 was located the Republican w^igw^am, in which Lincoln was nominated for the Presidency. The building was afterwards used for Exposition purposes, but was torn down many years ago. The buildings on the right are some of the finest structures in Chicago. Among them are: The New^ Michigan Boulevard Building. The TowTr Building, formerly the home of Montgomery, Ward & Co. The Chicago Athletic Association. The University Club. The Monroe Building. The Illinois Athletic Club. The Peoples Gas Building, with the massive col- umns. The Art Institute on the left. The Pullman Building. 35 Art Institute — Grant Park Orchestra Hall, made famous by Theodore Thomas. The Railway Exchange. The Stratford Hotel. The McCorniick Building. This brings us back to where we started and we are sure you will agree that Chicago has a most wonderful system of parks and boulevards. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 495 789 1 4jp