LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Chap.U^-^Copyriglit No ShelLS.vr8^ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A Year Book of Colonial Times Compiled by the ig,** Rev. Frederick Sc^Sill, D.D. Member of the Society of Colonial Wars « NEW YORK E. P. BUTTON & COMPANY 31 West Twenty-third Street 1S99 V^^^ January 3 1749 Date of the Charter of Bennington, Ver- mont. He who first met the Highlands sweUing blue, Will love each peak that shows a kindred hue ; Hail in each crag a friend's familiar face, And clasp the mountain in his mind's embrace. Byron. January 4 1689 Henry Slough ter was commissioned Royal Governor of New York on the eve of the I^eisler troubles, but did not arrive until March, 1691. Though usurpers sway the rule a while, Yet heavens are just and time suppresseth wrong. Shakespeare. January 5 1770 The New York Council passed an Act for issuing Bills of Credit. 'T is necessity To which the gods must yield ; and I obey Till I redeem it by some glorious way. BEAUMONT and F1.ETCHER. January 6 1759 Washington was married to Mistress Martha Custis. Honest company, I thank you all, That have beheld me give away myself To this most patient, sweet, and virtuous wife. Shakespkare:. January 7 1699 Treaty of Peace ratified between Massa chusetts Indians chusetts and the Sagamores of the Maine Peace hath her victories. No less renowned than war. M11.TON. January 8 1755 The Town Meeting of Sharon, Mass., as the custom long had been, took action on the salary of their minister. There goes the parson, oh, illustrious spark ! And there, scarce less illustrious, goes the clerk. CowPER. January 9 1 62 1 A meeting at Plymouth was held which determined the manner and division of labour in building the town : " The germ and bud of the N. K. Town Meeting." Great results are oft the issue of small occasions. • A. Phe;i,ps. January 10 1676 Relief troops arrived at Narragansett to succour the survivors of the ' ' Great Swamp Fight." When the blast of war blows in our ears, Then imitate the action of the tiger : Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood. Shakespkar^. January 1 1 1676 The Council ordered that the Night Watch be set at 8 p.m. in New York City. When night Darkens the streets, then wander forth the sons Of Belial, flown with insolence and wine. MlI^TON. January 12 1676 The Indian Sachems in New England proposed a month's truce, which the Col- onists refused. And be these juggling fiends no more believed That palter with us in a double sense : That keep the word of promise to our ear, And break it to our hope. Shakespeare. January 13 1768 An Act was passed in New York to re- lieve the city of expense by the speedy trial of offenders. The hungry judges soon the sentence sign, And wretches hang, that jurymen may dine. Pope. January 14 1639 Connecticut adopted a Constitution of its own, the first Colonial Constitution framed by Americans. Law is the embodiment of the moral sentiment of the people. B1.ACKST0NE. January 15 1674 Provisional Charter granted to New Orange by Gov. Colve, after New York was recommitted to the Dutch in 1673. The magistrates shall take care that the Re- formed Christian Religion, conformable to the Synod of Dordrecht, shall be maintained. Charter. January 16 1771 The sexton of the South Church in Bos- ton was ordered to remove the foot-stoves after service, to prevent fire. Fire that 's closest kept burns most of all. Shakespeare. January 17 1706 Benjamin Franklin was born in Boston. Statesman, yet friend to truth ; of soul sincere, In action faithful, and in honour clear. Pope. January i8 1770 Battle of Golden Hill, Mass. First blood shed in defence of American Colonial rights. We must be free or die, who speak the tongue that Shakespeare spake ; the faith and morals hold which MiUon held. Wordsworth. January 19 162 1 John Goodman of Plymouth encountered two great wolves, which he withstood " with a stick and a pale-board." True courage is calm and cool. Shaftesbury. January 20 1661 Solomon La Chair was appointed the first Public Notary of New Amsterdam. Go with me to the notary ; seal me there Your single bond. Shakespeare. January 21 1621 The Pilgrims held tlieir first full Sunday meeting on shore, most of the town of Plymouth being built. Without a Sabbath, no worship ; without wor- ship, no rehgion ; and without religion, no per- manent freedom. MONTAI^EMBERT. January 22 1689 The Grand Council of Indians at Onon- daga formed an alliance with the English against Canada. Give him all kindness : I had rather have Such men my friends, than enemies. Shakespeare. January 23 1707 Petition presented to New York Council for a second Ferry to Long Island. A boat, a boat ! haste to the ferry, And we '11 go over, and make merry. Old English Glee, January 24 1764 Harvard College Library was destroyed by fire. My library was dukedom large enough. Shakespeare. January 25 1659 The West India Company was allowed to traffic in slaves, by a commission given to the ship Oak Tree. Disguise thyself as thou wilt, still, Slavery, thou art a bitter draught. STERNE. January 26 1679 La Salle laid the keel of the first vessel built in western waters, six miles above Niagara. The world owes all its onward impulses to men ill at ease. Hawthorne. January 27 1676 The Connecticut troops under Major Treat arrived at _ Narragansett for the second campaign against King Philip. War is a terrible trade ; but in the cause that is righteous Sweet is the smell of powder. lyONGFELLOW. January 28 1676 Gov. Winslow marched against the Nar- ragansetts after the " Great Swamp Fight," in the second campaign. A thousand glorious actions that might claim Triumphant laurels and immortal fame, Confus'd in crowds of glorious actions lie, And troops of heroes undistinguished die. Addison. January 29 1621 Death of Rose Standish, wife of the Cap- tain of Plymouth. Yonder there on the hill by the sea, lies buried Rose Standish, Beautiful rose of love, that bloomed for me by the wayside. She was the first to die of all who came in the Mayflower. IvONCFELI.OW, January 30 1649 Charles the First was beheaded . Everything that happens in the world is part of a great plan of God running through all time. 1747 BEECHER. January 31 Battle of Minas, Grand Pre, Nova Scotia. Those that fly may fight again, Which he can never do that 's slain. BUTI.ER. February i 1775 A Provincial Congress met at Phila- delphia. Let us have a Government, by which our lives, liberties, and properties will be secured. Washington. February 2 1653 New York City was incorporated as New Amsterdam. Our hearts, our hopes, are all with thee, Our hearts, our hopes, our prayers, our tears. Our faith triumphant o'er our fears. Are all with thee— are all with thee. LONGFEI^IyOW. February 3 1676 The Connecticut forces returned home after the " Great Swamp Fight." Rest is sweet after strife. Owen Meredith. February 4 1714 The Justices and Vestr3'men of New York refused to pay the Rev. Mr. Vesey's sal- ary, because he had left the city tempor- arily without their permission. Justice, while she winks at crimes Stumbles ou innocence sometimes. BuTi^ER. February 5 1631 The ship Lyon from Bristol, Eng., arrived at Boston, with Roger Williams, and sup- plies for the Colony. Heaven hath a hand in these events, To whose high Will be bound our calm contents. Shakespeare. February 6 1697 First Service was held in the first Trinity Church, New York. I love the Church, the holy Church That o'er our life presides, The birth, the bridal, and the grave And many an hour besides. CoxK. February 7 1775 Parliament declared Massachusetts to be in Rebellion. Now let it work : Mischief, thou art afoot. Take thou what course thou wilt. Shakespeare. February 8 1690 Indian Massacre of the town of Sche- nectady. Murder may pass unpunished for a time, But tardy justice will o'ertake the crime. DrydEN. February 9 1674 New York was surrendered by treaty to the English, for the second time. England, our Mother's MotTier ! Come and see A greater England here ! O come and be At home with us, your children, for there runs The same blood in our veins as in your sons'. Stoddard. February 10 1763 Canada, the West Indies, Florida, Louis- iana, Acadia, Cape Breton, etc., were confirmed to England by the Treaty of Paris. Who seeks, and will not take when once 'tis offered, Shall never find it more. Shakespeare. February 1 1 1732 The Birthday of George Washington, as observed during his life. Until time shall be no more, will a test of the progress which our race has made in wisdom and in virtue be derived from the veneration paid to the immortal name of Washington. Lord Brougham. February 12 1704 The first Quaker Meeting House was allowed to be built in New York. The Quaker of the olden time, How calm and firm and true ! Unspotted by its wrong and crime He walked the dark earth through. WhiTTier. February 13 1652 The Amsterdam Directors favour a league of the New Netherlands with New Eng- land against the Indians. It is a maxim, founded on the universal experi- ence of mankind, that no nation is to be trusted further than it is bound by its interests. Washington. February 14 1682 A party of French and Indians under La Salle embarked on the Mississippi River. A brave soul is a thing which all things serve. Ai,Ex. Smith. February 15 1694 The first book was printed in New York. A book ! O rare one ! Be not, as in our fangled world, a garment Nobler than that it covers. ShakespKare. February 16 1683 The first Court of Chancer}^ was held in New York. Justice is the great standing policy of civil society. BURKli. February 17 1621 Myles Standish was chosen as Captain of the Plymouth forces. Stern as a soldier might be, but hearty and placable always. Great of heart, magnanimous, courtly, cour- ageous. L0NGFBI.1.OW. February i8 1676 Major Walderne held a parley with the Indians at Maquoit, Maine. Trust none ; For oaths are straws, men's faiths are wafer- cakes And hold-fast is the only dog. Shakespeare:. February 19 169 1 A pillory, cage, and ducking-stool were ordered built in New York City. For each particular crime a strict account will be exacted. Massinger. February 20 1633 David De Vries arrived at Fort Nassau, and became Patroon of Staten Island. Higher than the perfect song For which love longeth, Is the tender fear of wrong That never wrongeth. Bayard Tayi,or. February 21 1682 A Virginia Printer was forbidden to print anything until his majesty's pleasure in Kngland should be known. I knew him. tyrannous ; and tyrants' fears Decrease not, but grow faster than the years. Shakespejare. February 22 1677 Major Walderne started on an expedition up the Kennebec River against the East- ern Indians. And tho' I hope not hence unscath'd to go, Who conquers me shall find a stubborn foe. Byron. February 23 1716 A public clock was ordered for New York. The clock upbraids me with the waste of time. Shakespeare. February 24 1704 Indian Massacre at Deerfield, Mass. Cruelty, like every other vice, requires only opportunity. George Ewot. February 25 1643 The Council of New Amsterdam declared war with the Indians. Cry '' Havoc " and let slip the dogs of war. Shakespeare. February 26 1656 The first Fire Wardens were appointed by the Dutch for New Amsterdam. A little fire is quickly trodden out ; Which, being suffered, rivers cannot quench. Shakespeare. February 27 1677 Major Walderne had an encounter with hostile Indians at Penobscot, Me. If we are marked to die, we are enow To do our country loss ; and if to live. The fewer men, the greater share of honour. Shakespeare. February 28 1665 A Convention was called to meet in New York to ratify a code of laws for the Colony. Laws are not invented ; they grow out of cir- cumstances. AZARIAS. March i 1670 The "Constitutions" for the Carolinas were signed by the king, but were not acceptable to the people. The great thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving. HoiyMES. March 2 1764 Date of the Charter of Brown University. Learning by study must be won ; 'T was ne'er entailed from sire to son. Gay. March 3 1636 The Massachusetts Council granted tem- porary commissions to four companies about to settle Connecticut. But Heaven hath a hand in these events, To whose high Will be bound our calm contents. Shakkspkare. March 4 1629 First Charter of the Massachusetts Bay Colony granted. The Providence that watches over the affairs of men works out of their mistakes at times a healthier issue than could have been accom- plished by their wisest forethought. Froudk. March 5 1750 The first Theatrical Performance in New York City. The stage I chose — a subject fair and free, 'T is yours — 't is mine — 't is public property. All common exhibitions open lie, For praise or censure, to the common eye. ChURCHIIvI.. March 6 1769 Vermont was separated from New York as a distinct Colony. Thy spirit, Independence, let me share ; Ivord of the lion heart and eagle eye. Thy steps I follow with my bosom bare Nor heed the storm that howls along the sky. Smoi^i^ett. March 7 1763 The Ministers and Elders of the French Church in New York applied for a Charter. His faith, perhaps, in some nice tenets might Be wrong ; his life, I 'm sure, was in the right. C0WI.EY. March 8 1638 Captain John Mason was appointed Ma- jor-General of the Connecticut forces. In joys, in grief, in triumph, in retreat, Great always, without aiming to be great. Roscommon. March 9 1723 The French settlement of Old Town, Maine, was attacked and burned by Massachusetts troops. One thing is forever good : That one thing is Success. Kmkrson. March 10 1643 The English House of Commons released Colonists from King: Charles I. Colonists from the oath of allegiance to When liberty is gone Life grows insipid and has lost its relish, Addison. March 1 1 1736 All beggars in New York were ordered by the Council to be put to hard labor. Well, whiles I am a beggar, I will rail, And say there is no sin, but to be rich ; And being rich, my virtue then shall be To say — there is no vice but beggary. Shakespeare. March 12 1664 I^ong Island and New York were granted by Charles II. to the Duke of York. If you were born to honor, show it now ; If put upon you, make the judgment good That thought you worthy of it. Shakkspkare:. March 13 1639 The name of "Harvard" was given to the college at Cambridge, Mass. Binding herself by statute to secure For all the children whom her soil maintains The rudiments of letters, and inform The mind with moral and religious truth. Wordsworth. March 14 1644 A charter was granted to Rhode Island, at the request of Roger Williams. I must have liberty Withal, as large a charter as the wind To blow on whom I please. ShakespKare. March 15 1653 First Public Debt of New Amsterdam created. You say you nothing owe ; and so I say : He only owes who something hath to pay. Martiai,. March 16 1648 Taverns were first licensed in New Am- sterdam by the Dutch. Shall I not take mine ease in mine Inn ? Shakespeare. March i 7 1757 French attack on Fort William Henry at Lake George. Then more fierce The conflict grew : the din of arms, the yell Of savage rage, the shriek of agony. The groan of death, commingled in one sound Of undistinguish'd horrors. SOUTHEY. March 1 8 1766 The Stamp Act was repealed by Par- liament. I rejoice that America has resisted. Wm. Pitt. March 19 1767 The third lyibert}^ Pole was erected in New York City. Liberty, like day, Breaks on the soul, and by a flash from heaven Fires all the faculties with glorious joy. COWPER. March 20 1687 Death of L,a Salle, the French discoverer of the Mississippi. The boast of heraldry, the pomp of power, And all that beauty, all that wealth e'er gave. Await alike the inevitable hour. The paths of glory lead but to the grave. Gray. March 21 1733 Bowling Green in New York City was set apart as a Public Park. Here on this grass plot, iu this very place To come and sport. Shakespeare. March 22 1622 Massacre of Virginia Colonists by In- dians at Jamestown and eighty other plantations. One woe doth tread upon another's heel, So fast they follow. Shakespeare. March 23 1 62 1 First regular Town Meeting held at Ply- mouth, when Gov. Carver was re-elected. Oh, he sits high in all the people's hearts. Shakespeare. March 24 1 62 1 The first offender in New England was tried and convicted for insubordination and profanity. Right lives by law, and law subsists by power ; Disarm the shepherd, wolves the flock devour. Dryden. March 25 1609 The Hudson River was discovered by Hendrick Hudson. Death makes no conquest of the conqueror, For now he lives in fame. Shakespeare. March 26 1676 Battle with Narragansett Indians at Re- hobotli in which Capt. Michael Peirce and a company of Plymouth troops were killed. Enough of merit has each honored name To shine untarnished on the rolls of fame, And add new lustre to the historic page. David Humphreys. March 27 1676 Capture of the Indian Chief Canonchet by Connecticut and Indian troops. There is no nobler figure in all the annals of the American Indians. He was the real head and life of the Indians at war, aud his capture was the death-blow to their hopes. Bodge. March 28 1676 Roger Williams attempted to restrain the Narragansett Indians from an attack on Providence. Whate'er betides, by destiny 't is done ; And better bear like men, than vainly seem to shun. Dryden. March 29 1665 Gov. NicoUs attempted to quarter soldiers on the Dutch. An unpopular measure. I do oppose My patience to his fury ; and am armed To suffer, with a quietness of spirit, The very tyranny and rage of his. Shakespeare. March 30 1752 Isabella Morris, widow of Gov. Morris of New York, died in her eightieth year. A woman's rank Lies in the fulness of her womanhood ; Therein alone she is royal. George Bi