SYNOPSIS OF THE RECORDS STATE SOCIETY OF THE CINCINNATI OF PENNSYLVANIA. INCLUDING A LIST OF ITS ORIGINAL MEMBERS AND THEIR SUCCESSORS BROUGHT DOWN TO JULY i, 1891. PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE SOCIETY FOR THE USE OF ITS MEMBERS. •/ W JI . J . D K N.A N , PRINTER, PHILADELPHIA. A CONTENTS. PAGE Proceedings of the General Society of the Cincinnati (1783) 5 Institution of the Society of the Cincinnati .... 6 Order of the Society, description of 10 Letter of Major L'Enfant (suggesting designs. for Order) . 15 The organization of the State Society of the Cincinnati of Pennsylvania ......... 20 Principles governing the State Society of the Cincinnati of Pennsylvania in the admission of members . . .22 By-laws 24 Parchment Roll, with names of the successors of original members 33 Additional names from the report of a subcommittee . . 52 Additional names on copy of Roll in the archives of the Gen- eral Society 54 Additional names on the Paymaster General's return . . 54 Additional names of original members in their own right by resolution of the Society 54 Members by transfer to or from the State Society of the Cin- cinnati of Pennsylvania 55 Notes 57 Officers of the State Society of the Cincinnati of Pennsylvania (July 4, 1891) 73 Members by inheritance (July 4, 1891) 74 Members by transfer (July 4, 1891) 75 Honorary members (July 4, 1891) 75 Presidents Vice-Presidents Secretaries Assistant Secretaries Treasurers Assistant Treasurers 76 76 76 77 77 77 IV CONTENTS. PAOE Surgeon 78 Members who have served on the Standing Committee . . 78 Honorary members (1783-1891) .81 Monuments of the State Society of the Cincinnati of Pennsyl- vania ........... 84 Members who have served on the Committee of the Washing- ton Monument 87 Benevolent and patriotic appropriations . . . .89 Officers of the General Society of the Cincinnati (May, 1890) 93 State Societies of tlie Cincinnati, active 94 State Societies of the Cincinnati, extinct . . . .95 General List of Members, with an Index to the Parchment Eoll, etc 97 PROCEEDINGS GENERAL SOCIETY OF THE CINCINNATI. Cantonment of the American Army On Hudson's River, .... 10th May, 1783. Proposals for establishing a Society, upon Principles therein mentioned, whose Members shall be Officers of the American Army, having been communicated to the several Regiments of 'the respective Lines, they appointed an Officer from each, who, in conjunction with the General Officers, should take the same into Consideration, at their Meeting this Day, at which the Honorable Major-General Baron de Steuben, the senior Officer present, was pleased to preside. The Proposals being read, fully considered, Paragrajjh by Paragraph, and the Amendments agreed to, Major- General Knox, Brigadier-General Hand, Brigadier-General Huntington, and Captain Sliaw were chosen to revise the same, and prepare a Copy to be laid before this Assembly, at their next Meeting, to be holden at Major-General Baron de Steuben's Quarters, on Tuesday the 13th instant. Tuesday, 13th May. 1783. The Representatives of the American Army being assem- bled, agreeably to Adjournment, the Plan for establishing a Society, whereof the Officers of the American Array are to be Members, is accepted, and is as follows, vizt. : 6 SOCIETY OF THE CINCINNATI. THE INSTITUTION OF THE SOCIETY OF THE CINCINXATI. It having pleased the Supreme Governor of the Uni- verse, in the Disposition of Human Aifairs, to cause the Separation of the Colonies of North America from the Domination of Great Britain, and after a bloody Conflict of Eight Years to establish them free and independent sovereign States, connected by Alliances founded on recip- rocal Advantage with some of the Great Princes and Powers of the Earth. To perpetuate, therefore, as well the Remembrance of this '^ Vast Event as the mutual Friendships which have been formed under the Pressure of common Danger, and in many Instances cemented by the Blood of the Parties, the Officers of the American Army do hereby in the most Solemn Manner associate, constitute, and combine them- selves into one Society of Friends, to endure as long as they shall endure or any of their Eldest Male Posterity, and in failure thereof the Collateral Branches, who may l)e judged worthy of becoming its Supporters and M(!mbcrs. The Officers of the American Army, having generally been taken from the Citizens of America, possess high Veneration for the Character of that illustrious Roman, Lucius Quintius Cincinxatus, and being resolved to follow his Example by returning to their Citizenship, they think they may with Propriety denominate themselves The Society of the Cincinnati. The following Principles shall be immutable, and form the Basis of The Society of the Cincinnati. An Incessant Attention to preserve inviolate those INSTITUTION. 7 exalted Rights and Liberties of Human Nature for whieli they have fought and bled, and witliout which the high Rank of a Rational Being is a Curse Instead of a Blessing. An unalterable Determination to promote and cherish between the respective States that Union and national Honour so essentially necessary to their happiness, and the future Dignity of the American Empire. To render permanent the cordial Affection subsisting among the officers ; this Spirit will dictate Brotherly Kind- ness in all things, and particularly extend to the most sub- stantial Acts of Beneficence, according to the Ability of the Society, towards those Officers and their Families who unfortunately may be under the Necessity of receiving it. The General Society will, for the Sake of frequent Com- munications, be divided into State Societies, and these again into such Districts as shall be directed by the State Society. The Societies of the Districts to meet as often as shall be agreed upon by the State Society, those of the State on the fourth day of July annually, or oftener if they shall find it expedient ; and the General Society on the first Monday in May annually, so long as they shall deem it necessary ; and afterwards at least once in every three years At each Meeting the Principles of the Institution Mall be fully considered, and the best Measures to promote them adopted. The State Societies will consist of all the Members resident in each State respectively ; and any Member removing from one State to another is to be considered, in all Respects, as belonging to the Society of the State in .which he shall actually reside. The State Societies to have a President, a Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Assistant Treasurer, to be chosen annually, by a Majority of Votes, at the State Meeting. Each State Meeting shall write annually, or oftener if necessary, a circular Letter to the other State Societies, » SOCIETY OF THE CINCLNNATI. noting- whatever they may think worthy of Observation respecting the good of the Society or the general Union of the States, and giving Information of the Officers chosen for the current year ; Copies of these Letters shall be regu- larly transmitted to the Secretary-General of the Society, who will Record them in a Book to be assigned for that purpose. The State Society will regulate everything respecting itself, and the Societies of its Districts, consistent with the general Maxims of the CiMfiNis^ATi ; judge of the Qualifi- cations of the Members wlio may be proposed, and expel any jNIember who, by a Conduct inconsistent M'ith a Gen- tleman and a Man of Honor, or by an Opposition to the Interests of the Conmuinity in general, or the Society in particular, may render himself unworthy to continue a Member. In order to form Funds which ma}' be respectable and assist the unfortunate, each Officer shall deliver to the Treasurer of the State Society one Month's Pay, which shall remain forever to the use of the State Society, the Interest only of which, if necessary, to be appropriated to the Relief of the Unfortunate. Donations may be made by Persons not of the Society, and by Members of the Society, for the express purpose of forming permanent Funds for the use of the State Society, and the Interest of these Donations appropriated in the same manner as that of the IVIonth's Pay. Monies, at the Pleasure of each Member, may be sub- scribed in the Societies of the Districts, or the State Societies, for the Relief of the unfortunate Members, or their Widows and Orphans, to be appropriated by the State Society only. The jNIeeting of the General Society shall consist of its Officers, and a Representation from each State Society in INSTITUTION. 9 number not exceeding five, whose Expenses shall be borne by their respective State Societies. In the General Meeting, the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, and Assistant Treasurer-Generals, shall be chosen to serve until the next Meeting. The circular Letters which have been written by the respective State Societies to each other, and their particular Laws, shall be read and considered, and all Measures con- certed which may conduce to the general Intendment of the Society. It is probable that some Persons may make Donatious to the General Society, for the Purpose of establishing Funds for the further Comfort of the Unfortunate ; in wliich Case such Douations must be placed in the hands of the Treasurer-General, the Interest only of Avhich to be disposed of, if necessary, by tlie General Meeting. All the Officers of the American Army, as well those who have resigned with Honor after three Years' Service in the Capacity of Officers, or who have been deranged by the Resolutions of Congress upon the several Reforms of the Army, as those who shall have continued to the End of the War, have the Right to become Parties to this Institu- tion ; provided that they subscribe one Month's Pay, and sign their Names to the general Rules in their respective State Societies ; those who are present with the Army immediately ; and others within Six Months after the Army shall be disbanded, extraordinary Cases excepted ; The Rank, time of Service, Resolution of Congress by which any have l)een deranged, and place of Residence must be added to each Name ; and as a Testimony of Affection to the Memory and the Offs^jring of such Officers as have died in the Service, their eldest Male branches shall 10 SOCIETY OF THE CINCINNATI. have the same Riji'ht of becoming Members as the Children of the actual Members of the Society. Those Officers who are Foreigners, not resident in any of the States, will have their Names enrolled by the Secretary-General, and are to be considered as INIembers in the Societies of any of the States in which they may happen to be. And as there are and will at all times be Men in the respective States, eminent for their Abilities and Patriotism, whose Views may be directed to the same laudable Objects with those of the Cincinnati, it shall be a Rule to admit such Characters as honorary Members of the Society for their own Lives only : Provided always, that the number of honorary Members in each State does not exceed a Ratio of one to four of the Officers or their Descendants. Each State Society shall obtain a List of its Members, and at the first annual meeting the State Secretary shall have engrossed on Parchment two Copies of the Insti- tution of the Society, which every Member present shall sign ; and the Secretary shall endeavor to procure the Signature of every absent Member ; one of these Lists to be transmitted to the Secretary-General, to be kept in the Archives of the Society, and the other to remain in the hands of the State Secretary. From the State Lists the Secretary-General must make out at the first general Meeting a complete List of the Avhole Society, witli a copy of wliich he will furnish each State Secretary. The Society shall have an Order by A^-hich its Members shall be known and distinguished, which shall be a Medal of Gold, of a proper Size to receive the Emblems, and suspended by a deep blue Ribbon, two Inches wide, edged with White, descriptive of the Union of America and France, viz. : The Principal Figure to be Cincinnatus, INSTITUTION. 11 three Senators presenting him with a Sword and other military Ensigus ; on a field in the background, his Wife standing at the Door of their Cottage, near it a Plough and Instruments of Husbandry ; round the whole, Omnia RELIQUIT SERVARE Rempubfjcam. On the reverse : Sun rising, a City with open Gates, and Vessels entering the Port ; Fame crowning Cincinnatus with a Wreath inscribed YiRTUTis Pr.emium. Below : Hands joined, supporting a heart with the Motto,- EsTO perpetua. Round the whole, Societas Cincinnatorum instituta A. D. 1783. The Society, deeply impressed with a sense of the generous Assistance this Country has received from France, and desirous of perpetuating the Friendships which have been formed and so happily subsisted between the Officers of the allied Forces in the prosecution of the War, direct that the President-General transmit as soon as may be, to each of the Characters hereafter named, a Medal containing the Order of the Society, viz. : His Excellency the Chevalier de la Luzerne, Minister Plenipotentiary ; His Excellency the Sieur Gerard, late Minister Plenipotentiary ; their Excellencies the Count D'Estaing, the Count de Grasse, the Count de Barras, the Chevalier de Touches, Admirals and Commanders in the Navy ; His Excellency the Count de Roehambeau, Commander-in-Chief; and the Generals and Colonels of his Army, and acquaint them that the Society does itself the honor to consider them Members. Resolved, That a Copy of the aforegoing Institution be given to the Senior Officer of each State Line, and that the Officers of the respective State Lines sign their Names to the same in manner and form following, vizt. : We the Subscribers, Officers of the American Army, do hereby voluntarily become Parties to the aforegoing Institu- tion, and do bind ourselves to observe and be governed by 12 SOCIETY OF THE CINCINNATI. the Principles therein contained ; for the Performance whereof we do solemnly pledge to each other onr sacred Honor. Done in the Cantonment on Hndson's River in the Year 1783. That the Members of the Society, at the Time of sub- scribing their Xames to the Institution, do also sign a drall on the Paymaster-General in the following Terms : the regiments to do it regimentally, and the Generals and other Officers not belonging to Regiments each for himself indi- vidually ; vizt. : To JouN Pierce, Esquire, Paymaster-General to the Army of the United States. Sir : Please pay to , Treasurer for the State Association of the Cincinnati, or his Order, One Month's Pay of our several Grades respectively, and deduct the Same from the Balance which shall be found due to us on the final Liquida- tion of our Accounts, for which this shall be your Warrant. That the Members of the several State Societies assemble as soon as may be, for the Choice of their President and other Officers, and that the Presidents correspond together, and appoint a Meeting of the Officers who may be chosen for each State, in order to pursue such further Measures as may be judged necessary. That the General Officers and the Officers delegated to represent the several Corps of the Army subscribe to the Institution of the General Society, for themselves and their Constituents, in the Manner and Form prescribed. That General Heath, General Baron de Steuben, and General Knox be a Committee to wait on His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief, with a Copy of the Institution, and request him to honor the Society by placing his Name at the liead of it. PROCEEDINGS. 13 That Major-General Heath, second in command in this Army, be and he hereby is desired to transmit Copies of the Institution with the Proceedings thereon to the Com- manding Officer of tlie Southern Army, the Senior Officer in each State from Pennsylvania to Georgia inclusive, and to the Commanding Officer of the Rhode Island Line, requesting them to communicate the same to the Officers under their several Commands, and to take such Measures as may appear to them necessary for expediting the Estab- lishment of their State Societies, and sending a delegation to represent them in the first General Meeting, to be holden on the First Monday in May, 1784. The Meeting then adjourned without day. Cantonment of the American Arjiv, 19th June, 1783. At a Meeting of the General Officers, and the Gentlemen delegated by the respective Regiments, as a Convention for establishing the Society of the Cincinnati, held by the request of the President, at which were present : Major- General Baron de Steuben, President ; Major-General Howe, Ma,jor-General Knox, Brigadier-General Patterson, Brigadier-General Hand, Brigadier-General Huntington, Brigadier-General Putnam, Colonel Webb, Lieutenant- Colonel Huntington, Major Pettengill, Lieutenant Wliiting, Colonel H. Jackson, Captain Shaw, Lieutenant Hull, Lieutenant-Colonel Maxwell and Colonel Cortlandt, Gen- eral Baron de Steuljen acquainted the Convention tliat he had, agreeably to their Request at the last Meeting, traus- mitted to His Excellency the Chevalier de la Luzerne, Minister Plenipotentiary from the Court of France, a Copy of the Institution of the Society of the Cincinnati, with their Vote respecting His Excellency and the other Charac- ters therein mentioned, and that His Excellency had returned an Answer, declaring his Acceptance of tlie same. 14 SOCIETY OF THE CINCINNATI. and expressing the grateful Sense he entertains of the Honor conferred on himself and the other Gentlemen of the French Nation by this Act of the Convention. Resolved, That the Letter of the Chevalier de la Luzerne be Recorded in the proceedings of this day, and deposited in tlio Archives of the Society, as a Testimony of the high Sense this Convention entertains of the Honor done to the Society l>y his becoming a Member thereof. The letter is as follows : [Translation.] "Philadelphia, 3d June, 17.S3. "Sir: I have received, with much Gratitude, the Institution of the respectable Order that the Officers of the American Army have founded ; if Courage, Patience, and all the Virtues that this brave Army have so often displayed in the Course of this War, could ever be forgotten, this Monument alone should recall them. " I dare assure you, 8ir, that all the Officers of my Nation that you have been pleased to admit in your Society will be infinitely honored by it. I pray you to be fully persuaded I feel for my part in the most lively Manner the Honor the Officers of the Army have done me in deigning to think of me upon this Occasion. " I expect to pay my Eespects to His Excellency General Wash- ington as soon as the Definitive Treaty shall be signed, and I shall have the Honor of assuring them personally of my respectful Acknowledgment. "I seize with great Eagerness this Occasion of expressing to you the Sentiments'of the most perfect and most respectful Attach- ment with which I have the honor to be, Sir, " Your very humble and very obedient Servant, "Le Chevalier de la Luzerne. "To Baron de Steuben, " Major-General, In the service of the United States, Headquarters." The Baron having also communit;ated a Letter from Major L'Enfant, enclosing a Design for the Medal and Order, containing the Emblems of the Institution. Resolved, That the bald Eagle, carrying the Emblems on its Breast, be established as the Order of the Society, and ORDEK, 15 that the Ideas of Major L'Sufimt respecting it aud the Manner of its being worn by the Members be adopted. That the Order be of the same size aud in every other Respect conformable to the said design, which for that purpose is certified by the Baron de Steuben, President of this Convention, and to be deposited in the Archives of the Society, as the Original from which all Copies are to be "lade Also, that Silver Medals, not exceeding the Size of a Spanish milled Dollar, with the Emblems as designed by Major L'Enfint and certified by the President, be given to each and every Member of the Society, together with a Diploma on Parchment, whereon shall be impressed the exact Figures of the Order and Medal, as above men- tioned, anything in the Original Institution respecting Gold Medals to the Contrary notwithstanding-. Major L'Enfant's letter is as follows : [Translation.] "Philadelphia, 10th June, 1783. " My General : Immediately on receiving your Letter of the 20th May, which I met by Accident at the post-office on the 7th Instant, I set myself about the Plan of the Medal. I send you both faces of the Design, which I have made large so that you may better judge of them. In the Execution they can be reduced to "a convenient Size, which, on Account of the precision required in the Design, ought not to be less than a Dollar, the Subject being too complex to admit of its being properly detailed in a smaller Compass. "I have not made it oval, agreeably to your Desire, as such a form is not proper for a Medal ; besides it can be done in the Exe- cution, if the Idea should be persisted in of having the Order in that form, to which, however, I think any other preferable ; I also believe and hope that you will be persuaded of this, and endeavor to convince the Gentlemen of it who compose the Committee for forming the Institution, and to whom I beg you to communicate the following Observations. "A Medal, whether round or oval, is considered in the different States of Europe only as a Reward to the Laborer and the Artist, 16 SOCIETY OF THE CINCINNATI. or as a Sign of a manufacturing Community or a Religious Society. Besides the abusive Custom prevailing particularly in Germany and Italy, of sending to France Mountebanks, Dancers, and Musicians ornamented in this Manner, renders it necessary to distinguish this Order by a P"'orm M'hich shall be peculiar to itself, and which will answer the two-fold purpose of honoring those in- vested with it, and making itself respected for its Simplicity by such as may be in a Situation minutely to examine its different parts. "Not that I suppose one form or another will change the Opinion of a Republican people accustomed to think, I only say that in an Institution of this Sort the Main Design should be to render it respectable to every Body, and that it is only by appeal- ing to the Senses that you can engage the Attention of the common People, who have certain habitual prejudices which cannot be destroyed. A Gentleman already invested with any European Order would be unwilling to carry a Medal, but if flattered by receiving a Mark of Distinction from a respectable Society he should do it, the manner of it would by no Means increase the Value of the Order. On the contrary, giving it a new and par- ticular Form will be adding a Recommendation to its real Value, and engage those invested with it to wear it in the same Manner as their other military Orders, which is the surest means of putting it at once upon a footing with them. "The bald Eagle, which is peculiar to this Continent, and is distinguished from those of other Climates by its white Head and Tail, appears to me to deserve Attention. " I send you two Essays which I have made, and desire one of them may be adopted instead of the Medal. In one I make the Eagle supporting a Star with thirteen points, in the Centre of which is the Figure of the Medal, with its Inscription as well in front as on the reverse. A Legend might be added in the Claws, and go round the Neck of the Eagle, with a particular Inscription, or the Contour of the Medal transferred there. In the other I have made simply the Eagle supporting on its Breast the Figure of the Medal, with a Legend in his Claws and about the Neck which passes behind and sustains the Reverse. I would prefer the latter, as it does not resemble any other Order and bears a distinct Character; nor will it be expensive in its execution. The first device, although more complex, would not be so dear as People might imagine, especially if the Execution of it should be committed to skillful persons, which would not be the Case any ORDER. 17 more than with the Medal ; but by sending it to Europe, where it would not take up a great deal of Time, nor be so expensive, as to trust the Execution of it here to Workmen not well acquainted Avith the business. "A Medal is a Monument to be transmitted to Posterity, and consequently it is necessary that it be executed to the highest degree of perfection possible in the Age in which it is struck. Now to strike a Medal well is a Matter that requires practice and a good Die, and as there is not here either a Press proper for this Work nor People who can make a good die, I would willingly undertake to recommend the Execution of the Medal, the Eagle, or the Order, to such Persons in Paris as are capable of executing it to Perfection. " So far from proposing to change the oval Medal into an Eagle, on Avhich should be impressed the Medal, I do not pretend to say Medals cannot be made. On the contrary, my Idea of the Subject is that Silver Medals should be struck at the Common Expense of the Society, and distributed one to each Member, as an Append- age to a Diploma of Parchment, whereon it would be proper to stamp the Figure of the Medal, the Eagle, or the Star in its full Dimensions, and properly colored ; enjoining on the Members to conform to it, though leaving them the Liberty, provided it be at their own Expense, of having it made of such Metal and as small as they please, without altering any of the Euiblems. It seems to me by no means proper that the honorary Members should wear the Order in the same Manner as the original Members ; it would be necessary that they should wear the Medal, the Star or the Eagle round their Necks, and the Original Members at the third Buttonhole. " These Remarks, I beg you, my General, to have translated and submitted to the Gentlemen concerned. I shall be obliged to you to let me know the Issue of this Letter and their Decision upon it. " I have, etc., L'Exfaxt. " N. B. The Head and Tail of the Eagle should be Silver, or enamelled in white, the Body and Wings Gold, the Medal on its Breast and Back enamelled in the same Color as the Legend — Sprigs of Laurel and Oak might be added in the Wings and enamelled in green — the Star should be pointed in Gold or enamelled in blue and white ; those who would be at the Expense 2 18 SOCIETY OF THE CINCINNATI. might, instead of white, have Diamonds. The Ribbon, as is customary in all Orders, should be watered." Resolved, That the thanks of this Convention be trans- mitted bv the President to Major L'Enfant for his Care and Ingennitv in preparing- the aforementioned designs, and that he be acquainted that they cheerfullj embrace his Offer of Assistance, and request a Continuance of his Attention in carrying the Designs into Execution, for which purpose the President is desired to correspond with liim. Resolved, That His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief be requested to officiate as President-General until tlic first Greneral Meeting to be held in May next. That a Treasurer-General and a Secretary-General be balloted for, to officiate in like manner. The Ballots l)eing taken, Major-General ^McDougall was elected Treasurer-General, and Major-General Knox Secre- tary-General, who are hereby requested to accept said Appointments. Resolved, Tiiat all the Proceedings of this Convention, including the Institution of the Society, be Recorded from the Original papers in his possession, by Captain Shaw, who at the first Meeting was requested to act as Secretary, and that the same signed by the President and Secretary, together with the Original papers, be given into the Hands of Major-General Knox, Secretary-General to the Society, and that Captain Xorth, Aide-de-Camp to the Baron de Steuben and acting Secretary to him as President, sign the said Records. The Dissolution of a very consideraljle part of the Army, since the Last Meeting of the Convention, having; rendered the Attendance of some of its Members impracticable, and the Necessity for some temjjorarv Arrangements previous to the first Meeting of the General Society being so strikingly obvious, the C^onvention found itself constrained to make PROCEEDINGS. I9 tliose before mentioued, which they have done with the utmost diffidence of themselves, and relying entirely on the Candor of their constituents to make Allowance for the Measure. The principal Objects of its Appointment being thus accomplished, the Members of this Convention think fit to dissolve the same, and it is hereby dissolved accord- ingly. ORGANIZATION OF THE STATE SOCIETY OF THE CINCINNATI OF PENNSYLVANIA. On the fourth day of October, 1783, tlie State Society OF the Cincinnati of Pennsylvania met at the City Tavern, in Phikitlelphia, pursuant to Notice, M'hen the fol- lowing officers were chosen for the ensuing year, agreeably to the Institution, viz. : The Honorable Major-General St. Clair, President. The Honorable Brigadier-General Wayne, Vice-Presi- dent. The Honorable Brigadier-General Irvine, Treasurer. Colonel Johnston, Assistant Treasurer. Lieutenant-Colonel Harmar, Secretary. The Society deeming it necessary to have another meet- ing as early as jjossible, directed I^ieutenant-Colonel Robin- son to give the Vice-President notice thereof (the President being at too great a distance to be notified). The Society then adjourned to meet at the City Tavern the 10th instant. July 9, 1784. The Society met agreeably to adjournment. On motion resolved: That the Society proceed imme- diately to the ai^pointment of Assistant Treasurer and ORGANIZATION. 21 Assistant Secretary. The ballots being taken, Mr. F. Johnston was elected Assistant Treasnrer, and Mr. Richard Fullerton, Assistant Secretary. The Society then proceeded to the election of members to form a Standing Committee with the Officers of the Society, and on the ballots being taken Mr. Dickinson, Mr. Humpton, Mr. Nichola, Mr. Bowen, Mr. Macpherson, Mr. T. L, Moore and Mr. McConnell were duly elected. The Society then adjourned to meet on the 4tli day of July, 1785. The State Society of the Cixctnxati of Penn- sylvania was incorporated July 11, 1792 [Laio Book No, 4, p«5)'e 485, dc), the instrument in writing or Charter being the Institution of the Society, accepted by the Rep- resentatives of the American Army, Tuesday, 13th May, 1783, Avith the Resolve of the 19th June, 1783, embodying the design of the Order. Authorized by Legislature of Pennsylvania to enjoy an income of $3000. Approved March 18, 1833, P. L. 1832, '33, p. 79. PRINCIPLES GOVERNING THE STATE SOCIETY OF THE CINCINNATI OF PEXNSYLVANIA In the admission of Members, as shown by the Minutes of the Society. Only persons representing (as set forth in the Institu- tion) Original Members of the Society, or officers of the Continental Line who died in the Service, are eligible. Each Original Member can have but one representative. Each Original Member should be represented ; therefore, where the right to represent several Original Members would otherwise merge in one person, the Society prefers to keep these rights separate, and to admit a distinct repre- sentative in each right, where it can be done in accordance with the Institution. Where an Original Memljer tailed to contril^ute to the Treasury of the Society as directed by the Institution, his representative, when admitted to membership, must make good the amount due by the Original Member, together with interest at the rate of six per centum per annum from the time the original contribution was due to the date of the representative's admission to the Society, or pay a sum of money to be named by the Society. GOVERNING PRINCIPLES. 23 Members of other State Societies of the Cincinnati seek- ing to associate themselves, l\v transfer, with the State Society of Pennsylvania, are required to bring themselves within the interpretation of the Institution as set forth in these principles. When a resident of Pennsylvania desires to be admitted to the State Society of Pennsylvania to represent an Original Member of another State Society, he must be first admitted to such State Soeietv and then transferred. BY-LAWS OF THE STATE SOCIETY OF THE CINCINNATI OF PEXXSYLVAXIA. JVLY 4, 1S91. Officers. I. The officers of the Society shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasnrer, Assistant Treasurer, and Surgeon, all of whom shall be elected by ballot at the Annual Stated Meetino-, on the Fourth day of July. Annual JleeUng. II. The Society shall hold an Annual Meeting on the Fourth day of July, unless that day shall fall on Sunday, in which case the meeting shall be held on the following day. Quorum. III. Ten members of the Society shall be necessary to constitute a quorum. Standing Committee. IV. Sectiox 1. At each Annual Meeting there shall be chosen seven members, who, with the officers, shall form a Standing Committee for the ensuing year, five of whom shall be a quorum. Its business sliJlU be to call extra meetings of the Society whenever it is deemed necessary (of BY-LAWS. 25 which ten days' notice shall be given by the Secretary) ; to afford temporary relief to snch applicants as may be con- sidered entitled to it ; to judge of the qualifications of those who may claim admission into the Society ; to invest the funds of the Society, and to change the investments when- ever in its judgment it shall be to the interest of the Society to do so ; to examine the books and accounts of the Treasurer;- to grant warrants for all incidental expenses that may accrue; to make such communications as may appear essential to promote the design of the Institution ; to appoint proper persons to fill any vacant offices, which may happen by death or otherwise, until the next Stated Meeting of the Society ; to transact such other business as cannot be deferred without manifest injury to the interests of the Society ; and to report its proceedings to the Society at its Stated Meeting. Sec. 2. Stated meetings of the Standing Committee shall be held on the fourth Wednesday in the months of January, April, and October, and on the third Wednesday in June, at which latter meeting the accounts of the Treasurer shall be audited, and the same reported to the Society at its next Annual INIeeting, to be entered upon the minutes of the Society. Sec. 3. Special meetings of the Standing Committee shall be called at the request of three members of the same, of which five days' notice shall be given by the Secretary. Stated Meetings. V. Public notice of all Stated Meetings of the Society may be given in at least two daily newspapers published in the city of Philadelphia, for six days preceding the day of meeting ; and personal notice of all Special ]\Ieetings of the Society sliall be sent by the Secretary to all members. 26 SOCIETY OF THE CINCINNATI. President. VI. The President, or in his absence the Vice-President, shall preside at all meetings of the Society and of the Standing Committee, and shall preserve order in the conrse of the proceedings, according to parliamentary rnles. Chairman Pro Tempore. VII. In tlie absence of both the President and Vice- President, a chairman ^/-o tempore shall be chosen to jjreside. Secretary. VIII. The Secretary shall have custody of all the books and papers of the Society, and shall record the minutes of all meetings. He shall also note the date of the decease of members and the names of new members, with the date of their admission, and keep generally the records of the Society. Treasurer. IX. Section 1. The Treasurer shall receive all moneys belonging to the Society arising from the interest or income of the Society's funds or other sources of revenue. He shall keep an account with some bank or monied institution in the city of Philadelphia, in which he shall deposit all moneys so received by him on account of the Society, in the name and to tlie credit of " The State Society of the Cincinnati of Pennsylvania," sul)ject to draft, upon checks signed by the Treasurer of the Society, for the time being. He shall keep regular accounts and submit them to the inspection of the Standing Committee whenever required by it to do so. He shall present an annual report and account of all moneys received and paid out l)y him during the year, and shall submit the same, together with the vouchers for his payments, to the Auditing Connnittee to BY-LAWS. 27 be appointed by the Standing Committee, in time that the same may be examined bv them and presented to the Society at its Annnal Meeting-. He shall not pay out an^' money belonging to the Society, unless upon the warrant or order of the Standing Connnittee, or upon the order of the Society at its Annual Meeting. He shall also give security in a sum equal to the annual income of the Society. Sec. 2. That the Treasurer be directed to set apart and invest annually out of the surplus income of the Society, whenever such surplus shall remain after the appropria- tions of the Standing Committee for beneficiaries and for the current expenses shall have been paid, a sum not to exceed $400, said sum to be invested in Philadelphia City Loan, unless otherwise ordered by a two-thirds vote of the Standing Committee, to be known as the ^' Contingent Fund " of the Society, and to stand at the disposal of the Standing Connnittee as well as of the Society on a resolu- tion passed by either body. Sec. 3. That any resolution previously passed relative to a contingent fund be and is hereby rescinded. Delegates to the General Society. X. Delegates to the General Society (the number of of whom shall not exceed five) shall be elected for three years, by ballot, at the Stated Meeting next preceding the Stated Triennial Meeting of the General Society, and the expenses to all meetings of the General Society shall l)e borne by this Society, except when a delegate sliall be an officer of the General Society. Term of Office. XI. All officers, delegates, and members of the Standing Committee shall continue in their respective autliorities until other appointments are made in their stead. 28 aOCIETY OF THE CINCINNATI. Jlotions. XII. Motions made at meetings of the Society, or of the Standing t'omniittee, shall not l>e entertained nnless the same shall be seconded ; but it shall not be necessary for the Secretary to enter upon the minutes the names of mem- bers who second motions. All motions shall be submitted in Avriting. Application for Memhersliip. XIII. All applications for admission to membership in the Society shall be addressed to the Standing Committee, but every application shall lie over, to be examined at a future meeting of the Committee, which meeting shall have been prior to the day on which the applicant may be voted for as a member. The Committee shall report the result of said examination to the Society at its next Stated Meet- ing, and two-thirds of the members present shall be neces- sary to an election. Admission of Members. XIA-^. Section 1. No person shall be admitted as a member unless he shall be twenty-one years of age. Sec. 2. No person shall be admitted a member of the Society (whatever may l>e his relation to an original or other memlier of the Society), unless he be of good moral character and reputation, and be (in the language of the original Institution) by the Society "judged worthy of becoming its supporter and member." Sec. 3. Xo application for membership in any right, whether as a successor upon the death of a present member, or upon a new application, shall be brought before or con- sidered by the Standing Committee, unless accompanied by the sworn statement of the person seeking membership of BY-LAWS. 29 the triitli of such application aud of all the facts therein contained. Members by Transfer. XY. Section 1. This Society will not receive into memlxn^ship by transfer any niemlier of any State Society unless his application is accompanied by an affidavit that he is a member of right within the stipulations of the original Institution of the Order. Sec. 2. He nuist submit to the Standing Committee the rules under which members are admitted into the State Society of which he is a member, stating under which rule he has been admitted, and a certificate from the Secretary of said State Society that he is a member in good standing. Honorary Members. XVI. Section 1. Every candidate for honorary mem- bership shall he proposed by two members, and, in the election of honorary members, the votes of four-fifths of the members present shall he necessary to an election ; provided always, that the number in this State "does not exceed a ratio of one to four of the officers or their descendants." And provided, all such proposals for mem- bership shall be considered and approved at any previous meeting; of the Standino; Committee. Sec. 2. No person is now or shall hereafter l)e con- sidered an honorary member of this Society, unless he shall within two years after notification of his election have sig- nified to the Society his acceptance of membership. And that a copy of this section be transmitted with the notifica- tion of election of any honorary member. Sec. 3. No person shall be elected an honorary member without having been openly proposed as such, at the pre- ceding Annual Meeting, and a note of the fact being made upon the minutes. 30 SOCIETY OF THE CIXCIXXATI. Expulsion. XYII. Whenever a ineinlxn* of tlie Society shall be impeached for conduct inconsistent with that of a gentleman and man of lionor, tlie accusing member shall always pro- duce his charge in writing at a Stated Meeting, which meeting shall, if a majority of the members present think proper, appoint a committee of three or more of their members to inquire into and substantiate the facts, with every additional information respecting the conduct of the accused memlier or members as may turn up in the course of their investigation, and at the next meeting of the Society, the expulsion or acquittal of the person or persons so accused shall be decided upon by the majority of the members j)resent ; and on the expulsion of any member, his name or appellation, together with liis profession or vocation, and place of residence, shall I>e transmitted to the several State Societies. Transactions, Matter of Confidence. XYIII. The members of this Society shall be con- sidered as bound in honor to keep secret any matter offered in del)ate, or any individual opinion expressed, respecting the admission, election, or expulsion of members. Death of Members. XIX. On the death of any member of the Society, which may occur in Philadelphia, the Secretary shall an- nounce the same, inviting the members to attend the funeral, notifying them of the place and hour at which they are to assemble. Order of the Society. XX. The Order of the Society shall he worn l:)y the members at all its meetinos. BY-LAWS. 31 Washington's BirtMay. XXI. The members of tlie Society shall dine together on Washington's Birthday. Original Institution to be read. XXII. The Original Institution of the Society shall be read at the Annual Meeting of the Society. Beneficiaries. XXIII. Only one beneficiary claiming in right of an Original Member shall be entitled to relief, and the officers of this Society are constituted a committee to recommend to the Standing Connnittee every future beneficiary. Order of Business. XXIV. 1. Reading of minutes of meetings of the Society and of the Standing Committee, since the last An- nual Meeting of the Society. 2. Reading of the Original Institution of the Order. 3. Comnumications. 4. Report of officers and committees. 5. Report of the Trustees of the Washington Monu- ment Fund. 6. Applications for membership. 7. Unfinished business. 8. New business. 9. Applications for relief and appropriations therefor. 10. Appropriations for other purposes. 11. Election of members. 12. Xominations and elections of officers and of the Standing Committee. 13. Reading of the rough minutes. 14. Adjournment. 32 SOCIETY OF THE CIXCIXNATI. XX Y. Any suspensions of these Knles or By-laws of the Society shall be by the unanimous consent of all the members present. XXYI. No Rule or By-law shall l)e altered, nor any new By-law made, unless proposed at one Stated iNIeetinuj and agreed to at another, l)y two-thirds of the members present. THE "PARCHMENT ROLL" OF THE STATE SOCIETY OF THE CINCINNATI OF PENNSYLVAXIA, To which have been added the names of the successors of the Original Members, with the date of their admission. The letters " R. C. p. — " refer to the report of a sub- eommittee made to tlie Standing' Committee under date of June 20, 1789, to which is subjoined a complete Return of the Society, " The Subcommittee appointed to apply to such Members of the Society as have not paid tiieir subscriptions, for tlie immediate payment thereof, report that, from the liest information they have been able to obtain from Sundry papers in possession of the Treasurer and Secretary and otherwise, it appears that there are and have been 291 Members considered as composing; the State Society ; that of this Number 242 have paid their subscriptions in Cer- tificates on which the interest is payable at the State Treasury until the 1st of April last, the principal amoimt- ing to £4194 2s. 2d. ; 10 Members have paid in Certificates on which interest is payable by the United States in Indents or facilities, the principal £176 10s. ; 7 have given their obligations in Bonds or Notes to the Amount of £161 17s., 2 Members (John Nevill, Col. ; Christian Febiger, Col.) have paid in Virginia, and 30 have neither paid nor given assurances." 3 34 SOCIETY OF THE CINCINNATI. An asterisk indicates that there is no evidence that the member whose name it precedes comj)lied Avitli tlie condition ]3rescribed by the Institution of giving one month's pay to the Treasury of the Society, up to the time of the report of the subcommittee. Where such payment has afterwards been made, either by the Original Member or by a descendant desiring to complete the right, proper credit therefor will be found in the Notes, reference being made thereto in each case. Rank and spelling of names is given as signed upon parchment roll. Amount of One Month's Pay of their several grades contributed by Original Members, in conformity with the Institution : Army : Major-Generals, $180 and $166, respectively. Brigadier- Generals, $125. Colonels and Lieutenant-Colonels commanding Artillery, $100 ; Cavalry, $93.67 ; Infantry, $75. Lieutenant- Colonels, $60. Majors, Artillery and Cavalry, $62.45 ; Infantry, $50. Captains, Artillery and Cavalry, $50 ; Infantry, $40. Cap- tain-Lieutenants and Lieutenants, Artillery, $33.30 ; Infantry, $26.60. Chaplains, $75, Surgeons, $59. Surgeon's Mates, $46. With some variations. Navy: Captains, 60. Lieutenants, $30. Roll of Members. Samuel Nicholas, Major of Mars, [marines] Ed. '75 der. 81 Phil. (R. C. p. 1). Sou, Samuel Nicholas, 1802. Grt. grd. son, Thomas Mitchell, 1891. *Joshua Barney, Lt. in Navy (R. C. p. 1). Isaac Craig, Major, Penna. Artillery (R. C. p. 1). Note 18. Grd. son, Isaac Craig, 1891. Anthony Felix Wulbert, Lieut. Colo, of Engineers (R. C. p. 1). Note 34. PARCHMENT ROLL. 35 Stephen Bayard,, I.. Colo. 3d P. Regt. (R. C. p. 1). W. Finney, Captn. 1st Regt. Pennsya. (R. C. p. 1). S. Montgomery, C^apt. late 3d Regt. Penna. (R. C. p. 1). John R. B. Rodgers, Surgn. 3rd Penna. Regt. (R. C. p. 1). Transferred to the N. Y. Soc. Cin., 1801. Son and grandson admitted therein. *Thoma.s Read, C^apt. in the Navy (" Dead " R. C. p. 1). J. Gibbon, C'apt. end. Jany. oth, '76 ; rd. May, "81 {" Dead " R. C. p. 1). Transferred to Ya. State Soc. Cin., Dee. 11, 1810 (?). Wm. M'Cnrdy, Capt. Late 1st P. R. (R. C. p. 1). Jno. AYeidman, Lieut. End. Augt. 1776 Derd. 1 Jany. '81 (R. C. p. 1). Only son, Jaeob B. "Weidman, 1830. Grd. son, John Weidman, 1857. Grt. grd. son. Grant Weidman, 1864. Jno. Reily, Capt. Invd : 1st Oct. 1776. Chas. Turnbull, Capt. Artillery (R. C. p. 1). James Lloyd, Capt. Lt. Artily. (R. C. p. 1). Ph. Lieber, Capt. Invalid, Dd. 1st Jr. 1781 (R.C. p. 10). * Jean Augt. DeFlorat, Caj^t. assistant Engineer (R. C. p. 9). J. Wigton, Lieut, entered June 1st 1776, retired Jany. 1st 1783 (R. C. p. 1). L. Davis, Lt. 3rd P. Regt. (R. C. p. 1). Son, Thomas Davis, 1811. John B. Webster, Capt. L. P. Artily. (R. C. p. 1). James Armstrong, Capt. 2d P. Legion (R. C. p. 1). Jno. Bush, Capt. late 3d P. Regt. Grt. grt. grd. son, Lewis Bush Jackson, 1888. 36 SOCIETY OF THE CINCINNATI. J. McFarlano, Lieut. 1st P. Regt. (R. (\ p. 1). R. Allison, S. M. 2(1 P. Regt. (R. i\ p. 1). Andw. Porter, Lt. Col. Coiuint. P. Arty. (R. C. p. 2). Grt. grtl. son, William Wagcner Porter, 1.S88. James M'Lean, Lt. Invd. IJegiiut. (R. C. p. 2). Henry 1). Pursell, Lt. 2d Regt. Penna. (li. C. p. 2). Ja. Chrystio, Capt. 2nd Regt. (R. C. p. 2). Thomas Dungan, Lt. 2d R. P. (K. ('. p. 2). Daniel Brodliead, Col. 1st P. Regt. (R. C. p. 2). J. Moore, Major 1st Pena. Regt. (R. C. p. 2). Lewis Nichola, Col. Inv. (R. C. p. 2). Note 34. James Hamilton, Major late 2nd P. R. (R. C. p. 2). Note 30. Thorns. Barthw. l^owen, Captn. 1st P. R. (R. C. p. 2). Note 37. J. Stake, Capt. 3d P. Regiment (R. C. p. 2). W. Van Lear, Capt. late otli Penna. Regt. (R. V. p. 2). Jesse Crosley, C^apt. Lt. Penna. Artillery (R. C. p. 2). W. Maepherson, Major (R. C. p. 2). Grt. grd. sou, William Maepherson Hornor, 1887. Stephen Moylan, Col. 4th L. D. (R. C. p. 2). John Davis, Capt. 1 P. R. (R. C. p. 2). Son, John Morton Davis, 1828. Grd. son, Albert K. Davis, 1852. Grt. grd. son, John Morton Davis, 1890. Ths. Proeter, Col. Artillery. Entered Octr. 27th 1775 Resigd. Apl. 18th 1781 Philad. (R. C. p. 2). PAKCH.MEXT ROLL. 37 Fras, Johnston, Colo. Entd. Serv. 3(1 Jany. 1770. De- ranged 1st Janv. 1781 (R. C. p. 2)." Son, Alexander W. Johnston, 1816, Note 26. Grd. son, William Poyntell Johnston, 1855. Grt. grd. son, Poyntell Johnston, 1867. Grt. grd. son, Tilgliman Joiinston, 1874. Jas. Chambers, Col. Elntd. Jnne 24, 1775. Derd. 1 Jany. 1781 C^unhorl. (R. C. p. 2). David S. Franks, Major. Entd. 1775, derang'd 1 Jan. 1783, Philada. (R. C. p. 2). Miehael Ryan, C\ipt. entrd. Jany. 1776. Resigned June 1779 Alexa. (R. C. p. 2). Robert Caldwell, Captn. Entd. 1776. Derang'd 1781 Philada. (R. C. p. 2). Wm. McMurray, Capt. ent'd 24th Jnne 1775 resign 'd Mareh 1781 Carlisle (''Dead" R. C. p. 2). Frnd. Pasehke, Capt. C^avalry 14h Mareli 1777. Deranged 18 May 1780 (R.'C. p. 2). Willm. Adams, Surgn. Artilly. Enter'd Deer. 1775. De- rangd. 1st Jany. 1781 Philad. (R. C. p. 2). Ths. Melntire, Capt. Enter'd 5th Jany. 1776. Deranged 1st Jany. 1782 Phila. (R. C. p. 2). P. Peres, Snrgeon, etd. 1st Sept. '78. Deranged 1st Jan- nary '81 rd. Phila. (R. C. p. 3). H. Martin, Snrgn. 8th Regt. entrd. April 19th 1778. De- ranged Angt. 16tli 1781 Philada. (" Dead " R. C. p. 3). *Wm. Tilton, Capt. Entered 5th Jany. 1776. Resignd. Jany. 1779 Philada. (R. C. p.* 3). 38 SOCIETY OF THE CINCINNATI. Jacob Banner, Captn. Stli July 1770. Der. Jany. 1781 Philada. (R. C. p. 3)." Son, Jacob Bnnner, ISOl. Grd. son, Pelcg Hall, 1854. Francis Xicliols, Lieut. Colo. Entrtl. 25th June '75. Resigd. J. '79 in Philada. (R. C. p. 3). Note 20. NephcAv, William F. Nichols, 1814. Grd. son, William A. Xichols, 1860. Grt. grd. son, P^dward De Russye Nichols, 1869. Grt. grd. nepluny, William A. Nichols, 1883. Robt. McMordie, Chapln. 1st P. Brigde. Entd. 1776. Dergd. 1st Jany. 1783. Y. C. Pen. (R. C. p. 3). John Stoy, Capt. Lt. E. 1775. D. ( )cr. 1 781 (icr. (R. C. p. 3). Jer. Freeman, Capt. Entd. 1776, dcraniid. 1781 Philada. (R. C. p. 3). *H. W. Archer, Capt. 177,S. 17sl, Philada. ("Dead" R. C. p. 3). Mathew McGuire, Capt. Et. entered 18th Decenn-. 1778 retired 1st Jany. 1783 Philada. (" Dead " R. C. p. 3). A. M. Dunn, Lt. 1st R. P. (R. C. p. 3). Erkuries Beatty, Lieut. 3d P. Rt. (R. C. p. 3). Trans- ferred to N. J. Soc. Cin. July 3, 1794. Son, Charles Clinton Beatty, admitted therein July 4, 1823. Wilder Beyins, Lt. P. Regt. (R. C. p. 3). Jno. Markland, Lt. 1st Penna. Regt. (R. C. p. 3). Note 27. Son, John H. Markland, 1837. Grd. son, George L. Markland, 1862. Jno. Tilden, Lieut. 2d P. Regt. (R. C. p. 3). Son, John B. Tilden, LS46. PARCHMENT ROLL, 39 Stephen Stevenson, Captn. 4th P. Regt. (R. C. p. 3). Grd. son, John Bavly Livingston, 1852. Blackall Wm. Ball, Lient. 3rd P. Regt. (R. C. p. 3). Joseph Ashton, Cap. Lt. P. Regt. Arty. (R. C. p. 3). Andrew Lvtle, Lt. 1st P. Regt. (R. C. p. 3). Jno. McDowell, Snrgn. 1st P. R. (R. C. p. 3). Grd. son, J. Henry Reed, 1849. Grt, grd. son, Sanderson Reed, 1890. Jams. Gamble, Lt. Atty. (R. C. p. 3). Mathew Maus, Sr. Invd. Regt. {" Dead " R. C. p. 3). William Magaw, Surg. 1st Pa. Regt. (R. C. p. 3). Grd. son, W. A. V. Magaw, 1852. Grt grd. son, W. P. Magaw, 1885. Robt. McConnel, Capt. Lt. Pa. Arty. (" Dead " R. C. p 3). Thomas L. Moore, Major 3d P. Regt. (R. C. p. 3). Grd. son, Thomas Moore Willing, 1824. Grt. grd. son, Bingham Willing, 1858. Wm. Martin, Lt. Ca]3tn. Pensy. Artly. (R. C. p. 3). C. De Marcellin, Lt. 2d P. Regt. (R. C. p. 3). [Claude Antoine Villet de Marcellin.] Son, Edward Preble Marcellin, M.D., admitted by N. Y. Soc. Cin. 1827. Le chevalier [Joseph E.] de Lamljcrt, Pen. Arty(R. C. p. 3). John Armstrong, Lieut. 3d Regt. (R. C. p. 3). Jas. F. Macpherson, Lt. 1st P. Regt. (R. C. p. 3). Francis White, Lient 1 Regt. Pensa (R. C. p. 4). Ex- pelled July 4, 1789. Note 1. James Glentworth, Lt. 2d P. Regt. (R. C. p. 4). Son, James Glentworth, 1 839. Grd. son, James Glentworth, 1860. 40 SOCIETY OF THE CINCINNATI. Richd. Fullerton, Lt. 1st P. Regt. (R. C. p. 4). Son, Elihu Spencer Fullerton, 1811. -J. Grier, Major 8(1 R. P. (R. C. p. 4). Affiliated with N. Y. Sof. Cin. in 1787. Roll of members of that Society as returned to the General Society, May, 1788, " Lieut. Colonel James Grier of the Penn. Society." Son, James Grier, 1857. Thos. Doyle, Lt. 1st P. Regt. (R. C. p. 4). StCAvart Herbert, Lt. ;',rd Regt. (R. C. p. 4). Benj. Lodge, Lt. 1st P. Regt. (R. C. p. 4). Jno. Strieker, Captn. Lt. 4th Regt. Arty. (R. C. p. 4). Note 18. H. Henly, Lieut. 1st P. Regt. Penna. (R. C. p. 4). Enos Reeves, Lieut. 1st Regt. Penua. (R. C. p. 4). George Le Roy, Lieut. 2d Regt. (R. C. p. 4). William Murren, Lieut. 2d Regt. {" Dead " R. C. p. 4). John Strieker, Lt. 2d Regt. (R. C. p. 4). Francis Thornbury, Lt. 3d Regt. Pena. (R. C. p. 4). Edward Speer, Lieut. 1st Regt. Penna. (R. C. p. 4). Andrew Henderson, Lt. 2d Pen. Regt. (R. C. p. 4). Wm. McElhatton, Capt. Lt. Invd. (R. C. p. 4). Zebulon Pike, Capt. 4tli Regt. Dragoons (R. C. p. 4). James Gilchrist, Lt. 5th PcDua. Regt. (" Dead " R. C. p. 4). Jab. Weitzel, Lt. 1st P. Regt. (R. C. p. 4). Isaac B. Dunn, Major Brt. (R. C. p. 4). Son, William Richards Dunn, 1811. James Carnahan, Capt. 2d P. Regt. (R. C. p. 4). PARCHMENT ROLL. 41 J. Simonds, Capt. Pennl. Artillery (R. C. p. 4). Grt. grd. son, William BcDJamiu Fraukliu, 1861. I. Seely, Capt. 2(1 P. Regt. (R. C. p. 4). A. G. Claypoole, late Capt. 3(1 P. R. (R. C. p. 4). Trans- ferred to K J. Soc. Cin. July 4, 1789. David Ziegler, Capt. and Ass. Isp. So. Army, (R. C. p. 4). W. Ferguson, Capt. Peunsla. Artly. (R. C. p. 4). Grt. grd. sou, Charles B. Alexander, 1875. Henry Bicker, Capt. 1 P. Regt. (R. C. p. 4). Sam. Brady, Captn. .3d P. Regt. (R. C. p. 4). Francis Procter, Major Pen. Arty. (" Dead " R. C. p. 5). Thomas Douglass, Cap. Pen. Artillery (" Dead " R. C. p. 5). Saml. Kennedy, Capt. late 2d P. R. (R. C; p. o). Saml. Doty, Capt. Penna. Arty. (R. C. p. 5). Mat McConnell, CVipt. Invd. (R. C. p. 5). Sou, Benjamin Rush McConnell, 1848. James Morris Jones, Lieut. 1 P. R. (R. C. p. 5). Grd. sou, Robert Adams, 1854. Henry Piercy, Lieut. 2d Penna. Regt. (R. C. p. 5). Grt. nephew, William P. Piercy, 1846. John Mackinney, Lt. 3d P. R. (R. C. p. 5). *Thos. Wylie, Capt. P. Arty. Artificers (R. C. p. 5). Wm. Moore, Lt. 1st R. P. (R. C. p. 5). John Pratt, Lt. 3d Pennsy. Regt. (R. C. p. 5). Anty. Wayne, Brigr. General (R. C. p. 5). Transferred to Ga. State Soc. Cin. July 4, 1789. Retrans- ferred to State Soc. Cin. Pa. July 4, 1792. Son, Isaac Wayne, 1797. Grt. grd. son, William Wayne, 1855. 42 SOCIETY OF THE CIXCINNATI. Richd. Hunipton, Col. 2d Pen. %. (K. C. p. 5). Wm. Irvine, Brig. Genl. (R. C. p. 5). Son, Callender Irvine, 1802. :N'ote 13. Grd. son, M^illiani Armstrong Irvine, 1855. "Walter Stewart, Colo. Inspr. Northn. Arniv (R. C. p. 5). Note 34. Son, William Stewart, 1802. Grd. son, Walter Stewart, 1815. Jos. Harmar, Lt. Col. 1st P. R. and Secv. to the Societv, (R.C.p. 5). Son, Josiah Harmar, 1825. Grd. son, Josiah W. Harmar, 185(3. Grd. son, James L. Harmar, 1867. T. Robinson, Lt. Col 2nd Peny. Reg. (R. C. p. 5). Son, Thomas Robinson, 1821. Grd. son, Thomas Robinsou, 18(30. Grd. son, William S. Roliinson, 18(37. F. Mentges, Lt. Col. Inspr. S. Army (R. C. p. 5). *James Nicholson, Cap. in the Navy (R. C. p. 5). Note 33. Grt. grd. son, Charles Nicholson, 1884. John Barry, Capt. in the Navy (R. C. p. 5). Nephew, Patrick Hayes, 181(3. Grt. grd. son, R. Somers Hayes, 1867. Fredk. Vernon, Major 1st Penna. Regt. (R. C. p. 5). E. Edwards, Major, D. A. G. Sontliern Army (R. C. p. 5). John Doyle, Capt. 1st P. Regt. (" Dead " R. C. p. 5). Jn. Banksou, C^apt. 1st Pen. Regt. (R. C. p. 5). Lawrence Keene, Capt. 2nd Penna. Regt. (R. C. p. 5). Son, Lawrence Keene, 1808. P A K C H M E N T E O L L . 43 William Wilson, Capt. 1 Kegt. Penna. (R.C\p. 5). Son, Samuel H. Wilson^ 1825. Grd. son, Philip Bunner Wilson, 1849. George Bush, Captn. 3d Penna. Regt. (R. C. p. o). Grt. grt. grd. nephew, William Benjamin Jackson, 1890. Jacob Humphrey, Capt. 1 Peny. Ret. (R. C. p. 5). Grd. son, Tiiomas C. Humphrey, 1859. Alexr. Parker, Capt. 2d Penna. Regt. (R. C. p. 5). Andr. AValker, Capt. 3d Penna. Regt. (R. C. p. 5). Worsley Ernes, Captn. Pennsyla. Artillery. Entrd. Octbr. 5th, 1776. Derangd. Jany. 1st, 1788 (R. C. p. 0). *Nathaniel Irish, Capt. Pennsa. Artillery Arts. Enter'd the Service Feby. 7, 1777, and still in Service (R. C. p. 6). Ezekiel Howell, Lieut. Penna. Art. Entered July 25th, 1776. Deranged Novb. 1st, 1783 (R. C. p. 6). William Sproat, Captn. 3d Pennsa. Regiment (R. C. p. 6). Son, James William Sproat, 1810. Grd. son, Harris Lindsay Sproat, 1847. Grt. grd. son, Harris E. Sproat, 1879. John Lawrence, Captn. 5th Penna. Regiment, entered Jan- uary 8th, 1776, was deranged May 22d, 1779 (R. C. p. 6). Richd. Butler, Col. 3d P. R. B. G. (R. C. p.' 6). Son, Richard J. Butler, 1811. William Power, Captn. Artillery, enterd. 'Tany. 1st, 1777 and deranged January, 1783. Ar. St. Clair, Majr. General (R. C. p. 1). *de Nechtritz, Barn. Capt. (R. C. p. 9). Xote 32. 44 SOCIETY OF THE CINCINNATI. Job Vernon, Captn. Late otli P. Regt. Entered Service Jany. 5th, 1776, was Deranged Jany. 1st, 1783 (R. C. p. (3). Robert Patton, Captn. Entered Service 30th Septr. 1776. Deranged 1st Jany. 1781 (R. C. p. 6). Son, John C. Patton, 1814. Robert Martin, Lieut. Penna. line, entered service July 1779 continued to the end of the War (R. C. p. 6). John Craig, Capt. L. D. Entered Service 1st Jany. 1776 and contd. till the End of the War (R. C. p. 6). Wm. Gray, Late Captn. 4th Regt. Entered service 16th March 1776, was Deranged 1st Jany 1781 (R. C. p. 6). Grd. son, Charles J. Bruner, 1880. Grt. grd. son, William W. Bruner, 1886. George Hunter. Entered service July 1777 and resigned Septr. 1780 (R. C. p. 9). *Stephen Chambers, late Captn. 12 Penn. Regt. (" Dead " R. C. p. 6). Wm. Henderson, Captn. Entered the Service March 20th 1776 Was deranged Jan 1st, 1783 (R. C. p. 6). Son, Andrew Henderson, 1814. Robert Wilkin, Captn. 2d P. Rt. Entered the service ye otli Jany. '76 and continued to the end of the War (R.Cp. 6). Adm. Hubley, Jr. Lieut. Colo. Comt. entered the Service 28thO('tbr. 1775 was derang'd 1st January 1781 (R. C. p. 6). John Patterson, Capt. entered the Service Jany. 1, 1776 was deranged 1st Jany. 1783 (R. C. p. 6). PARCHMENT ROLL. 45 Robt. Coltniau, Capt. Artillerv. Entered Sept. 1776 De- ranged Jany. 1783 (R. C. p. G). Grd. son, Charles L. Coltman, 184(3. Grt. grd. son, Robert Coltman, 1802. James M'Clure, Capt. Arty. entd. Serviee June 1776 De- ranged Jany 1783 (R. C. p. 6). James Smith, Capt. Lt. Artily. Enterd. 14th March 1777 (R. C. p. 6). Capt. Jereli Jackson, Jany 11, 1777 entered Service. De- ranged Jany. 1st, 1783 (R. C. p. 6). Capt. Philippe Strul^ing entered service in 1771) and re- mains till the End of the War (R. C. p. 6). John Irwin, Caj^t. 2nd P. R. deranged in '80 (R. C. p. 6). Grd. son, Henry Irwin, 1877. Grt. grd. son, William H. Irwin, 1887. Sam. Smith, Capt 5th P. R. (R. C. p. 9). Son, George Washington Smith, 1855. Grd. son, David R. Smitii, 1879. Andw. Ledlie, Surgn. 12th P. R. and Hospital (K. C. p. 6). Jno. Ward, Lient. 2d Penna. Regt. (R. C. p. 6). John Paul Schott, Captn, Commander of Indej)endent Corps (R. C. p. 6). Note 17. Grd. son, John Paul Schott, 1830. Son, James Schott, 1853. Grt. grd. son C. Ridgley Schott, 1871. James Duncan, Captn. (R. C. p. 6). O^ohn Xevill, Colo. 4th V. R. Enterd. the Service Augt. 1775. Cont'd to the end of the War. ("pd. i^i Virginia " R. C. p 6). Transferred from Va. State Soc. Cin. 1784. Note 23. 46 SOCIETY OF THE UIXCINNATI. John Boyd, Captn. Lieut. '3d P. R. Eiiterd. Octbr. 1776 "Derad. 1781 (R. C. p. 6). Jacob Mytiuger, Lieut. L. D. (R. C. p. 6). Jno. Mahon, Lieut. 2nd P. Regt. Entd. 1777 Deranged Novr. 1783 (R. C. p. 7). Robt. Sample, Capt. 10th P. Regt. entd. 1776 Der. 1st Jany. 1781 (R. C. p. 7). Alexd. Bensted, Lieut. June 1778. Deranged Jan, 1781 (R. C. p. 7). Note 5. *Thos. Hartley, Colonel of one of the 16 addl. Regiments and of the 11th Pennsylvania Regt. entered the Service the 10th of January 1776 and resigned the 12th of Feby. 1779 with Leave of Congress (R. C. p. 7). Henrv Bedken, Captain of Light Dragoons entered the American Service in May 1776 and continued to the end of the War {" Dead " R. C. p. 7). Note 34. Jeremiah Talbot, Major 6th P. R. entred. the service in January 1776, Deranged by the first of Jany. 1781 (R. C. p. 7). *George Hofner, cnterd. Serv. Jany. 10, '76 and Resigned Feby. 14, 1780 (R. C. p. 7). Jas. Campbell, Lt. (R. C. p. 7). Son, Henry M. Campbell, 1815. Jno. Steele, Capt. (R. C. p. 7). Son, John Steele, Jr., 1827. Grd. son, William Porter Steele, 1854. *Andrew Pepin, Lieutenant in Colonel James Livingston (R. C. p. 7). PARCHMENT ROLL. 47 J. Paul Jones embarked in the Continental Navy in 1775, was unanimously elected Captain of the Line by Congress in 1781, and served through the whole of the Revolution (R. C. p. 7). Isaac Meleher, Colonel and late Barrack Master General entered June 1775 deranged 20 Janv. 17, 55 McEuen, Thomas (1823), 55 McFarlane, J., Lieut. 1st P. Regt , 36 McGuire, Mathew, Capt. Lieut., 38 Mclntire, Ths., Capt., 37 McKean, Thomas, Honorary, 52, 81 McKnight, David, Lieut., 53 McKnight, John. 53 McLane, Allen, Major, 55 McLane, Louis, 55 M'Clure, James, Capt. Art., 45 McMichael, Jas., Lieut. 1st P. Regt., 49 McMordie,Robt.,Chapln, 1st P. Brig., 38 McMurray, Wm., Capt., 37 M'Curdy, Wm., Capt. 1st P. Regt., 35 Meade, Maj. Gen. George G., Honor- ary, 83 IMelcher, Isaac, Col., 47 MentgeSjF., Lieut. Col. Inspector, 42 Mifflin, Thomas, Maj. Gen., 51 Mifflin, William, 51 Miles, Samuel, Honorary, 81 Miller, Hy., Lieut. Col. 2d P. Regt., 48 Mitchell, Thomas, 34 M'Lean, James, Lieut. Invd., 36 Montgomery, James, Capt. State Navy and Army, 51 Montgomery, S., Capt. 3d P. Regt., 36 Moore, J., Major 1st P. Regt., 36 Moore, Thomas L., Major 3d P.Regt., 39 Moore, Wm., Lieut. 1st P. Regt., 41 Moore, Wm., Honorary, 52, 81 Morris, Charles Augustus, 55 Morris, John, Surgn., Armand's Corps, 55 Morris, Robert, Honorary, 48, 81 IVIoylan, John, Clothing Dept., 51 Moylan, Stephen, Col. 4th L. Drag., 36 Muhlenberg, Frank P., 52 Muhlenberg, Peter, Brig. Gen., 52 Murray, Alexander, Lieut. Navy, 47 Murray, Francis, Lieut. Col., 48 Murray, Jno., Lieut. Col. 2d P.Regt., 51 Murray, Magnus M., 47 Murren, William, Lieut. 2d Regt ,40 Mytinger, Jacob, Lieut. Lgt. Drag., 46 NEfiHTRiTz, Baron de, Capt , 43 Nevill. John, Col. 4th V. Regt., 45 Nice, James, 49 Nice, Jno., Capt. 6th P. Regt., 49 Nice, Levi, 49 Nichola, Lewis, Col. Invd , 36 Nicholas, Saml., Major Marines, 34 Nicholas, Samuel, 34 Nichols, Edward de Russye, 38 Nichols, Francis, Lieut. Col., 38 Nichols, Col. William. Honorary, 82 Nichols, William A. (1860), 38 Nichols, William A. (1883), 38 Nichols, William F.. 38 Nicholson, Charles, 42 Nicholson, James. Capt. Navy, 42 North, C, Lieut. Col. 2d P. Regt., 50 North, Geo., Lieut., 47 Padker, Alexr., Capt. 2d P. Regt., 43 Parker, Robert, Capt. Lieut. P. Regt. Art., 51 Parr, James, Major, 50 Faschke, Fred., Capt. Cav., 37 Patterson, John, Capt., 44 Patterson, Maj Gen. Robert, Honor- ary, 83 Patton, John, llonorarv, 81 Patton, John C, 44 Patton, Robert, Capt., 44 Peale, James G., 56 Pearson, Jno., Capt. 2d P. Regt., 49 Peaslee, Charles S., 55 Peaslee, Zaccheus, Lieut., Hazen's Regt., 55 Pennypacker, Maj. Gen. Galusha, Honorary, 83 Peoples, Robert, Lieut., 63 Pepin, Andrew, Lieut., 46 Peres, P., Surgn., 37 Peters, Richard, Honorary, 81 MEMBERS, 101 Peterson, Gabriel, 8th Regt., 52 Pettigrew, James, Lieut. 2d P. Regt., t 48 Pettigrew, John, 48 Pickering, Col., Quatr. Gen., 48 Pickering, John ( 1843), 48 Pickering, John (1867), 48 Piercy, Henry, Lieut. 2d P. Regt., 41 Piercy, William P., 41 Pike, Zebulon, Capt. 4th Regt. Drag., 40 Porter, Andrew, Lieut. Col. Comdt. P. Regt. Art., .36 Porter, John Biddle, 51 Porter, John Ewiug, 51 Porter, Robert, Lieut. Art., 50 Porter, William Wagener, 36 Power, William, Capt. Art., 43 Pugh, Charles J. (1845), 53 Pugh, Charles J. (1889J, 53 Pugh, John, Lieut., 53 Pursell, Henrv D., Lieut. 2d. P. Regt., 36 Pratt, John, Lieut. 3d P. Regt., 41 Procter, Francis, Major P. Art., 41 Procter, Ths., Col. Art., 36 Pry, Thos., Capt., Hazen's Regt , 54 Read, Thomas, Capt. Navy, 35 Read, Samuel. Lieut., 54 Reed, J. Henry, 39 Reed, Sanderson, 39 Reeves, Enos, Lieut. 1st P. Regt., 40 Raid, James R., Major, Hazen's Regt., 60 Reily, Jno., Capt. Invd., 35 Rice, Wm., Capt., 63 Robinson, T., Lieut. Col. 2d P. Regt., 42 Robinson, Thomas (1821 ), 42 Robinson, Thomas (1860), 42 Robinson, "William S., 42 Rodgers, John R. B., Surgn. 3d P. Regt., 35 Rogers, William, Chapln. 3d P. Brig., 48 Rose, John, Lieut. 3d Regt., 50 Ryan, Michael, Capt., 37 Sample, Robt., Capt. 10th P. Regt., 46 Sargent, George W., 65 Schott, C. Ridgley, 45 Schott, James, 45 tchott, John Paul, Capt. Comdt. lud. Corps, 45 Schott, John Paul, 45 Schrauder, Philip, Lieut., 53 Scott, Maj. Gfen. Winfield, Honorary, 82 Seely, I., Capt. 2d P. Regt., 41 Selin, Anthony, Capt., Hazen's Regt., 49 Sergeant, John, Honorary, 82 Shaffner, Cas , Jr. Cornet 1st Leg. Horse, 52 Sharp, John, Capt .Armand's Legion, 51 Sharp, John, 51 Sielez, Pk., Capt., 54 Simonds, J., Capt. P. Art., 41 Smith, David R.. 45 Smith, George Washington, 45 Smith, James, Capt. Lieut. Art., 45 Smith, Nathl., Lieut. 3d P. Regt., 61 Smith, P., Lieut. P. Line, 49 Smith, Sara., Capt. 5th P. Regt , 45 Speer, Edward, Lieut. 1st P. Regt., 40 Sproat, Harris E., 43 Sproat, Harris Lindsa3\ 43 Sproat, James William, 43 Sproat, William, Capt. 3d P. Regt., 43 Stake, J., Capt. 3d P. Regt., 36 Stanton, Samuel McCoskry, 51 St. Clair, Ar., Maj. Gen., 43 St. Clair, Danl., Lieut., 53 Steele, Jno., Capt., 46 Steele, .John, Jr., 46 Steele, William Porter, 46 Stevens, Rt. Rev. William Bacon, Honorary, 83 Stevenson, George, Hosptl. Mate, 49 Stevenson, Henry, 49 Stevenson, Raymond M., 49 Stevenson, Stephen, Capt. 4th P. Regt., 39 Stevenson, Thomas Collins, 49 Stewart, Capt. Charles, U. S. N., Hon- orary, 82 Stewart. Walter, Col. Inspector, 42 Stewart'. Walter, 42 Stewart, William, 42 Stewart, Wra., Lieut., Hazen's Regt., 60 Stotesbury, Jno., Capt., 53 Stoy, Jolin, Capt. Lieut.. 38 Strieker, John, Lieut. 2d Regt., 40 Strieker, Jno., Capt., Lieut. 4th Regt. Art., 40 Strubing, Philippe, Capt., 45 Swartz, Godfried, Armand's Legion, 52 Talbot, Jeremiah, Major 6th P. Regt., 46 102 GENERAL LIST OF MEMBERS. Thornbury, Francis, Lieut. 3d P. Regt., 40 Tilden, Jno., Lieut. 2d P. Regt., 38 Tildeu, John B.. 38 Tilton, Wm.. Capt., 37 Tolbert. John, 54 Tolbert, Saml.. Capt., 54 Townes, .John, 17th V. Regt , 52 Tudor, George, Major 5th P. Regt., 48 Tudor, George, 48 Turnbull, «;has, Capt. Art., 35 Turner, Charles Peaslee, 55 Van Court, Jno., Lieut. P. Art ,48 Van Home, Isaac, Capt. 2d P. Regt., 51 Van Lear, W., Capt. 5th P. Regt., 36 Verdier, Baptiste, Lieut., 64 Vernon, Fredk.. Major 1st P. Regt., 42 Vernon, Job, Capt. 5th P. Regt., 44 Von Heer, Bartholomaw, Capt., 52 Walker, Ane)r., Capt. 3d P. Regt., 43 Ward, Jno., Lieut. 2d P. Regt., 45 Wayne, Anty., Brig. Gen., 41 Wayne, Isaac, 41 Wavne, William, 41 Webster, John B., Capt. Lieut. P. Art. 35 Weidman, Grant, 35 Weidman, Jacob B., 35 Weidman, John, 35 Weidman, Jno., Lieut.. 35 Weitzel, Jab., Lieut. 1st P. Regt., 40 White, Francis, Lieut. 1st P. Regt., 39 Whyte, W. HoUiugsworth, 56 Wigton, J.. Lieut., 35 Wilkin. Robert, Capt. 2d P. Regt., 44 Willing, Bingham, 39 Willing, Thomas Moore, 39 Wilson, James, Honorary, 81 Wilson, Philip Bunner, 43 Wilson, Samuel H., 43 Wilson, William, Capt. 1st P. Regt., 43 Wood, Henry Baeder, 53 Wulbert, Anthony Felix, Lt. Col. Eng., 34 Wylie, Thos., Capt. P. Art. Artif., 41 ZiEGLER, David, Capt. A. Insjiector, 41 '-'^Rary