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Relativity 9 Childhood^s Mystery - J9 ^m um A Gladsome Spirit - n Solitude - - - 20 miwMM Wayside Gleanings n To a Caged Canary - 20 mfMUi The Sky Weavers - n Pity - - - - 20 ^M wm The World Secret - - 12 The Crucible of Grief - 21 mVM H Love - - - - 12 Contentment 21 WmuM^^ Stars of the Soul - J2 The Eternal - - - 2t lililjjM^^^ Limitations - J3 A Portrait - - - 22 li"%^^il The Anthem of the Sea n Spring Flowers 22 I^^^^Sj The Joy of Nature - J3 In the Springtime - 22 ^^ffl Transmutations - J4 The Chant of Love 23 The Master Man J4 Harpocrates 23 i^^HDIII The Songf and the Echo 14 The Thrush's Song - 23 fS^^m'/M Heredity \5 The Dying Year 24 IPj^^^p The Will to Do - - 15 Infinite Yearnings - 24 ^^w^ Conscience - 15 A Story 24 ^fei The Atoms \6 Fame 25 Supremacy - \6 Imperfection 25 HH The Making of Man - 16 The Robe of Life - 25 Light and Love - 17 Illusions ... 26 imilvvi The Sphinx Life - J7 To a Moth 26 //J|M nw il To the Nineteenth Cen- The Crab Type 26 \lKvlW tury - - - . 17 The Greed for Gold - 27 ( ^ Hlllu The PeopIe^s Triumph 18 A Passing Train 27 Kl ^^Ml Progress - - - - 18 The World Out of Tunc 27 v\MMw Stranded Hopes - J8 Change 28 \l M^Jii Love Eternal - J9 The Eternal - 28 WiM^ll" Baby and Mother - J9 Deo Juvante 28 f/K zm t^ LIST OF TITLES— Continued. Beauty - - - - 29 The Heart a Reed - 30 Life Reckoning: - - 30 Truth - - - - 30 Experience - - - 31 Moth and Candle - 3t Land Sharks - - - 3J Weep for the Living - 32 Lifers Round - - - 32 Hope and Despair - 32 The Songf of Freedom - 33 The Major Chord - 33 The Mission of Songf - 33 Doubt and Faith - 34 Pain 34 Service - - - - 34 Shadow and Light - 35 Thrice Crowed the Cock 35 The Soul of Man - - 35 Conceit - - - - 36 Hypocrisy - - - 36 Time's Lottery - - 36 Limits of Vision - - 37 Oil and Toil - - 37 Character - - - - 37 Seed Sowing - - 38 Courage - - - - 38 The Present - - 38 Man's Talisman - - 39 Freedom - - - 39 Mastery - - - - 39 The Oversoul - - 40 Hate 40 Look to the Stars - 40 The Martyr - - - 4J The Hero - - - 4J The Prophet - - - 4J Aspire - - - - 42 The City - - - - 42 Push the Button - 42 One Point of View - 43 Patience and Anger - 43 Comradeship - - - 43 h^'. [iJ^^^^^^^5^^^^^p|^^P^^ nthRTimtY r|CO<\}(l oj mopninQ,n\|mbl3 o| niqbt, Cjhdi'TwiThouTTbe da^rk vo€r»£ d^y, COheJ v/itbouT December, rOe»v\j m rr»T3; (2)G7IP crr> (BS***L Gladsome Spirit Che light of peace was in her etnile, Rer laughter thrilled like music^s power; She passed adown life's stony way Hnd from each footprint sprang a flower. ayside Gleanings X gather flowers on moss -paved woodland ways, I roam with poets dead in tranced amaze ; Soon must my wild-wood sheaf be cast away, But in my heart the poet's song shall stay. \ be Sky ^Cleavers Che cloud-sheep's wool is sheared for spinning, Hnd the good earth mother has spun it in rain; Che golden strands of the sun she's winning Co weave in a fabric of golden grain. A. ^^^ ^v Jy( be ^orld Secret H secret is guarded by each rose cell. Seek it and study its meaning well; It lies at the heart of the great world plan Hnd tells of the making of earth and man. ove H sibyl of unnumbered years is she; f^^ H sphinx who calmly looks at des- tiny; forever young, —prophet of all things true : )Men, monarchies and worlds can she subdue. tars of the Soul I looked into a lens while stars rolled by; I looked into your eyes so like the sky: Hnd in your eyes methought I saw revealed JMore worlds than swam in heav'n's unending field. imitations Re who can ehapc of cosmic mist the spheres Hnd round a world in all its won- der dight, Can fashion out of thought the dizzy years, HyCf even he is slave to truth and right. s^i ^be Hntbcm of the Sea O breezes blow me some soft melody Upon the reed pipe by the western shore, Hnd let thy anthem low steal plead- ingly In great sea throbs of love forever- more. be jfoy of feature Che pine trees wave their tops and shout for joy, Che great sea claps its snow white hands in glee, Hnd from the thunder cloud's dark lips roll free Olild strains that glorify while flames destroy. ^1.^ ransmutations 6ach quiver of gnat wing goce trembling afar Xmpalpably winging from star unto star; Gacb tbougbt once created for good or for ill Lives on its own part in tbe world to fulfill. be JMaster jMaii Cbe clock's tbe slave of f atber time, Cbe sun controls tbe season. But man is master in bis prime Hnd rules tbem all witb reason. jjbe Song and tbe Gcbo X dreamed tbat in my band X beld a bird QClarbling in careless joy its wood- land strain; X wakened and tbe ecbo still X beard, But O metbougbt its murmur breatbed of pain. 'im mH ?_-I«^^ m ercdity Blind power that chains mc to the wheel of fate, Ruge stone that crushes with its cruel weight. One weapon have X that can curb thee still, J^y own untrammelled, self con- trolled will. be aiill to Do Xwas might of will that made the reptile fly; Xwas love that changed it to a bird of song; O man, faint hearted, if thou wouldst but try, Chou, too, couldst mount and sing on pinions strong. .V onscience In heaven there sits a judge in awful state . vm be Htoms Che atoms— blocks wherewith the soul Builds temples wrought of flesh and flower, ^J Hnd make life's robe your own. ^"^ "^ ^B; Uusions V\i sing you a eong of a tabby cat:— HU day long by tbc stove ebc sat ; Cbc fire was out but it kept ber warm, Cbus oft are men contented by form. a jMotb ^ben tby sleep is over, wben tby wings are grown, Cbou silent rover in tbe still nigbt, lone, Cben is tbe world of darkness all tbine own, Co wind tbee unto deatb, ere nigbt bas flown. be Crab Tlype Cbere are some men wbo, wben ap- proacbed by friend, Xnstead of band-clasp, crab's strong claws extend; Cdbo face you, but to walk away in fear Until in slimy pools tbey disap- pear. be Greed for Gold H man on tbc desert was mining for gold, Ris tongue was swollen with bitter thirst, ^hen his shaft was filled by a streamlet cold Hnd he drank with a will while his luck he cursed passing TTrain H monster of metal, a quiver of steel, H thunder onrushing, a shrieking of steam ! Che power, the fury of wheel after wheel I Che madness of science!— a smoke- cloud, a dream I be Cdorld Out of 'Cune H fly at a concert sang buzz in B flat, >?v jv bangc Beauty to-day, Duet to-morrow,-- CUill nothing stay Save sorrow? be eternal Cdho 9a3?9 sorrow?— Raste then, and borrow f'roni heaven's pure hue Ch' eternal blue! ^^^^m. ^^eo jfuvante fight for right! Coil! be true! God in might ^Hatches you! 2S ^smh, >^«e5^j| Ibe Reart a Reed Che heart \q but a reed till love and hope expand it to an organ's might and scope* life Reckoning m Count not th>> life in length of trav- //^^ ersed years Uijp But in the fulness of thy jo}?s and .Vi) tears* i^^ 30 X would that all mischief were packed |v in thy frame Little moth as thou wingest to death in the flame. land Sharks fish bite at bait of their own kind. Hlas that men 90 base we find! cep for the Living ^eep for the living, not for the dead. *Z\q we who hunger while they are fed. »fe ifc^s Round Sunlight and shadow and night with its peace— Laughter and weeping till death bid us cease. 32 AK^IM^^ • be Song of freedom H bird at dawn sings as a silver flute; Ulc capture it, entranced, when lo, 'tis ^^^^ mute ! yMyiVv /a\ Iced Sowing ]^ot for the sake of fathers dead alone But for the race to come must seed be sown. Lv f ourage Courage— the will to do aright that trifling thing, Cdhich little thanhs and much reproach may bring ! 38 an^s 'Calisman Birds sing for love, for meat are lions bold, ,^^ Xis man alone who sings and fights for gold. Cried the steam as it burst from an j^ engine in glee, **I move the world when X strive to be free I ^' astcry Che ship on the sea or the gull in the air, ^hich one is the master, vain man ? de- clare I 36 a and roil Laugh )k>u may and work you must iv Or the wheels of the brain will be clogged with ruet* ?^ Jk baracter Character seeme like a stocking of wool^ Knitted so closely, undone by a pull. m ^^^g '^^^S^ ^v ^^oubt and faitb Doubt kills the spirit when pursued too long. But faith is deadly when its trust is wrong. ain LiS>. crvice Re cannot quite remove the earthy stain, ^hose life has not been purified by pain. T>c who would rightly serve his fellow men JMust with right service to himself begin. badow and Light Sin, the soul's shadow and love the Lord's light, Hs the man stands unveiled in his )VIas- ter's full sight. tM. bricc Crowed the Cock Chrice crowed the cock and thrice was Christ denied, But truth cannot be hid tho' men deride. ^\)' Ibe Soul of jVIan Che soul of man is like Xhi boisterous sea, CClith deeps as calm as is eternity. be Ovcrsoul JMan 9CC8 whatever he wishes to find for all lies hid in his boundless mind. m 7/^ .„- m JMy cloah may serve to stay keen win ter^s tooth, vuj But not the bitter fangs of hate, for- ^ sooth. [^ 40 41 ^^M^^^ ^^j^^ ^.^ Hgc of steam and the wizard fire, Che spirit calls; ascend I aspire I I hear the hum and throb of city streets. Is this a living heart or vast machine W| that beats? "^ ' HE ^^ scAnuEv tayvcR co. 5Af? FRADCISCO • CAX.. i^wa^^^m^i -^ ^ ~ o. ^y-^O^ K^ •^o. v-^^ iV o V -n.^o^ ^ ^t<. ^Mm>'^ ^^ <^^ .0 ^'^ -.':'''\'^^:.- ^y o„ '/^^^,*' ^0 ^^ V V .) 1 s^^:-o. -f \^' <^, .^ <^- '- ^^-n.. -r' V , ,_,^,:,< .^-^ -C:. , , „.. ^<:> \ ^0 '^^ ^\' ^, ^0 - -^v. ^^ .vXW'IA^. .0" ^-'-O^ 4 o ^^ -^o .^ **■. ^ '-^ ^F.%vV /^^" <", .^ ■°^. ^r^ ^^-n^ -c^ ^p. -f ^^0^ C K^ Ho^ 4 o A'- „j^/h;o^ %_c>^ ?^" V, "^ ^°. ^.>', o '^t- V . . ^^ \^ 't' V- . . ■'^->. V ^ %.^ '^t "^Z "^^'^ ^^^' '^^^^^ "^^ • ll o V -^ ., N 4^^^ '^^>, X-