LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Shelf Q.^;t G UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Philip the Second, of Spain. See page 95. Kings, Queens and Barbarians y. OR, TALKS ABOUT SEVEN HISTORIC AGES. BY ARTHUR OILMAN, M. A., AUTHOR OF •' FIRST STEPS IN ENGLISH LITER ATURB.' I doubt rot through the Ages one increasing purpose runs, And the thoughts of men are widened with the process of the suns. LccKSLEY Hall. NEW EDITION, ENLAEGSp.^fW^^^^ D. LOTHROP AND COMPANY' 30 AND 32 Franklin Street, /^^■)) BY THE SAME AUTHOR. FIRST STEPS IN ENGLISH LITERATURE. A concise history of English Literature for the use of schools, i vol., i6mo, pp. 235, with charts. ^!.oo. " It is all that can be desired." — Joseph G. Coggswell, LL. D " It is the best thing out." — Prof. S. H. Carpenter. FIRST STEPS IN GENERAL HISTORY. A Suggestive Outline. I vol., i6ino, with Maps and Charts. Pp. 400. $1.50. " We have been delighted wiih the simplicity of the plan and the care with which it lias been executed The number of facts which the author has compressed into these outline sketches is really surpris- ing ; tlie chajDters on the Middle Ages and Feu.dalism afford striking ex- amples of his power of succinct but comprehensive statement. In his cl-.oice of representative periods and events in the histories of Nations he shows very sound jud.i^ment, and his characterization of conspicuous historical figures is accurate and impartial." — Literary World, THE LIBRARY or CONGRESS WASHINGTON Copyright, iSSi, By Arthur Gilman. ;>f),b PREFACE. HEN the celebrated Doctor Johnson was asked by a friend if he would ad- vise one to read a voluminous work on China, the philosopher replied, " Why yes, as one reads such books — that is to say, con- sult it." Of many large books with which our library shelves are burdened, we may say the same. Large books are to be consulted — small ones read. The opinion appears to be growing, that the worth of our volumes increases in proportion as their size decreases. Specially is this true of works of history for the young. If the author can fix the mind upon certain salient points, important char- acters, or great eras, he may expect to make a vivid impression upon the young imagination. iv PREFACh. In this volume an attempt is made to pre- sent a series of grand events in the history of the world from the Golden Age of Greece to the palmy days of France. The sketches are merely suggestive, but it is hoped they will in some degree fulfill the three offices of history, in giving healthful pleasure, educational stimulus, and moral les- sons. The episodes delineated must be familiar to all who aspire to be considered well-educated. If the imagination be stirred enough to lead the young reader to further and more careful studies, he will not regret the time spent on the little vokime now open before him. ** Books that yoii may cany to tJie fire, and hold readily in yonr Jiand, are the most tisef?il, after all,'' said Doctor Johnson, in another place. CONTENTS. ♦ Chapter I *^*^ The Golden Age of Greece. Pericles, the brilliant young Democrat. Cimon, the ambitious Aristocrat. Chapter II j* The Golden Age of Rome. \ The Punic Wars. Chapter III. . . » • • • aa The Golden Age of Rome. The Three-man Power. The Emperor Augustus. Chapter IV *l The Dark Ages. Three Barbarians. Chapter V. ., The Dark Ages. Three Kings. Chapter VI -, The Dark Ages. Two more Kings. Chapter VII , , .60 The Dark Ages. A Hermit and a Pilgrimage. The Crusades. I 2 CONTENTS. Chapter VIII • ^9 The Dark Ages. Just before Dawn. The Morning Star. Chapter IX. 77 The Age of Leo X. Sunrise. A Great Church. A Great Reformation. Chapter X 87 The Age of Charles V. Hernando Cortcz and Mexico. Philip II. Chapter XI , • . • 96 The Golden Age cf England, Three Queens. Queen Mary. Good Queen Bess. Mary the beautiful Queen of Scots. Chapter XTI 109 The Golden Age of England, The Puritans. Chapter XIII II9 The Golden Age of France. Louis XIV. Chapter XIV 12^ A General Talk. What to do next. List of the Characters mentioned. CONTENTS. 3 Chapter XV. 142 A Shut Up People. The Chinese. Marco Polo. The Opium War. Chapter XVI 154 The Gorgeous East. India. Jugglers. The Black Hole of Calcutta. A Good Mother and a Diligent Boy. Chapter XVII 165 The Farther East. Chinese and Japanese. Myths and how they are made. Commodore Perry. Chapter XVIII . 173 The Land of the Pharaohs. Dark Africa. Three Women. One Hundred Dates 181 ILLUSTRATIONS. Philip the Second of Spain . . . Frontispiea Athens as seen from Mars' Hill . . . . ix The Forum at Rome 25 Mohammed 64 John Wiclif 75 St. Peter's Church at Rome 82 Leyden Street, Plymouth, Mass. . . . no The Palace at Versailles . . , • . 125 CHAPTER I. THE GOLDEN AGE OF GREECE. Athens, the eye of Greece, mother of arts And eloquence. MiLTON. i HEN I get to New York," said little Gerty Gladwyn, ,"I shall ask Aunt Twinie how old Pericles was. I'm sure she doesn't know ! " " What do you mean, Gerty ? " I asked. "Don't you remember our talk in the li- brary ?" she replied. " Oh, yes ! Well, how old was he ? " " Five hundred years." " No, no, no ! I told you that Pericles lived in the fifth century before Christ was born, not that he was five hundred years old." " Now I remember. And you said he lived in Greece, and that Greece is a country beyond Rome, where you went when Lily was a baby, and before Pearl was born." 6 SEVEN HISTORIC AGES. " Very well, my dear, would you like to know more of Pericles, and of his country ? " I in- quired. " Oh, yes ! " Gerty replied. " When we go back to the Mount, you will take us into the library, and tell us, will you not, papa } " It was a month after this chat in the cars, when the Thanksgiving turkey had been sacri- ficed, and all their little aunts and uncles had kissed and bidden good-by to Gerty and Pearl and Lily, that we found ourselves in the library at the Mount, looking out of its cheerful win- dows, over the frozen lake and snowy hills. True to her tastes, Gerty wanted papa to read to her. Lily wished him to talk and show her pictures, and Pearl preferred to amuse herself by pulling the postage stamps from the envel- opes in the waste-paper basket. So little Pearl was transferred to the nursery, and papa talked with her older sisters about the Golden Age of Athens, and Pericles, the Greek Democrat. " Pericles lived at Athens between four and five centuries before Christ," I began. " What is a century .? " interrupted Lily. " A century is a hundred years." " Oh, how long a time ! " exclaimed Gerty. " Pericles lived more than four hundred years before Christ, and he was so remarkable a THE COLDEN ACE OF GREECE. 7 young man, and accomplished so much for Ath- ens that the period is called the Age of Pericles, as if he were the man above all others who had benefited the city. " Let us look for a moment at the m^p. Here is a very great sea, between Africa and Europe. It is called the Mediterranean Sea, because it lies between these two great bodies of land. You see two promontories that thrust them- selves out into the sea." " I see one," said Gerty. " It looks just like a boot, and is called Italy." " Here is the other. Its shape is very irreg- ular, and it is called Greece. This is the coun- try we are talking about. You notice that it is nearly divided by the long gulf of Corinth. In the southern end you see the country of Laco- nia, and its capital, Sparta. Athens is in the southeast corner of the northern half, and was a very remarkable city. " Sparta was ruled by a sort of aristocracy. That is, a comparatively small number of the inhabitants, who considered themselves better than the others, made slaves of them, and then governed the land just as they pleased. " At Athens the case was different. All the people united to make the laws there, and to elect the rulers, although a few were found even 8 SEVEN HISTORIC AGES. there who wished to have matters all their own way. " The chief man of this aristocratic party in Athens, at the time of which I am speaking, was a distinguished general named Cimon, and he does not appear to have been a very bad man, either. " Among the democrats the leader was Peri- cles, and there was a constant strife between him and his party, on the one side, and Cimon and his party on the other. Pericles was of an old and noble family, and must have had some inducements to join the aristocrats, but he showed his good sense by taking the part of the people, and making himself one with them. "Four hundred and sixty-four years before Christ, the people of Sparta found themselves in trouble, because the inhabitants of Messenia, which you see on the map just west of Laco- nia, made war against them. In their trouble they sent to Athens for help, which was a strange thing for them to do, because they had just before that been making arrangements to light against the Athenians." " Did the Spartans get the help they asked for } " Gerty inquired. *' Yes, the aristocratic party happened to be in power, and Cimon was permitted to go to THE GOLDEN AGE OF GREECE, g help subdue the Messenians. The Spartans had twice before had wars with these people, and had succeeded in making slaves of the whole of them. This time the war was carried on for ten years, until at last the poor Messe- nians were defeated again. But Cimon had not done himself credit in the eyes of the Spartan aristocrats, and had been sent home before the war ended. " During the absence of Cimon, young Pericles had been very prominent at all the public meet- ings in Athens. He was fine looking, very wise and prudent, and very eloquent. The cit- izens of Athens had become exceedingly fond of fine speakers, and as they prided themselves upon their good taste, they were very ready to receive such a young man as Pericles. These reasons made it impossible for Cimon to gain popularity when he came back from the south. He had no success to boast of, and though he spent large sums of money to win the favor of the people, and labored hard, he failed." " Did Pericles spend as much money to make himself popular ? " asked Gerty. " No," said I, " Pericles was too honorable to resort to such means, and though he wished to have the good opinion of all, he preferred to earn it by giving them means of enjoyment 10 SEVEN HISTORIC AGES. that they could call their own, rather than tha*. they should be dependent upon rich men, even if they were as liberal as Cimon. By not de- scending to any low tricks he retained the re- spect of the citizens, even when they did not agree with him in opinion." " What became of Cimon ? " said Lily. " In the year 459," said I, " Cimon was ban- ished from Athens, which humbled the aristo- crats very much. Whenever there was a public meeting, this class was present in as large num- bers as possible, always managing to sit in a compact body, and not mix with the mass of the people. By this means they were able to act in concert, and to oppose more effectively popular measures. It was not long before they brought themselves into contempt, and lost all the influence they ever had. Pericles gained as the aristocrats lost ground, and henceforward as long as he lived he remained at the head of public affairs in Athens." *' I'm glad of that ! " exclaimed Gerty. "What did he do when he had gained so much power .? "asked Lily. " I will tell you. He had spent his earlier years in such studies as he thought would be useful in public life, had been trained by Damon, Zeno, Anaxagoras, and other distinguished THE GOLDEN AGE OF GREECE. IZ teachers, and when he came to exercise an in- fluence almost unlimited, he was able to use it rightly." "How did he exercise it?" Gerty asked again. " He thought," said I, " that Athens ought to be the seat of great pohtical power, the home of the fine arts, and the centre of taste and re- finement. He wished, also, that the people should be proud of their city, and interested in the doings of state. All these ends he labored hard to accomplish." " How long did he govern the city ? " Gerty inquired. "Pericles controlled affairs in Athens," I replied, "for forty years, during which time he erected many wonderful buildings, and caused the production of works of art, that are now scattered throughout the great cities of Europe, where for hundreds of years they have been the admiration of all who have studied them. They are now accepted as models of beauty and grace, and are as yet unsurpassed. " At this period, literature, architecture, paint- ing, and sculpture rose to the highest perfec- tion they have yet reached, so that even in ruins, the monuments now found in Athens call forth unqualified praise. What must they 12 SEVEN HISTORIC AGES. have been when fresh from the studio of the artist ! *' I cannot mention all the great men of this golden age, but among them, none stand higher than Phidias, the greatest sculptor of all an- tiquity. Under his direction the Parthenon, or temple of Minerva, and 'numerous other unrivaled buildings were erected on the Acrop- olis. Some of his works are now carefully preserved at the British Museum, in London, where they were deposited in 1803 by Lord Elgin." " Athens must have been a busy city in those days ! " exclaimed Gerty, with interest. "Yes," said I, " it was. The construction of so many buildings caused the whole city to be full of business and animation. All classes of workmen were employed, and Plutarch, the historian, tells us that plenty was diffused aniong persons of every rank and condition. Another distinguished man of this age was Socrates. He was what is called a philoso- pher, or lover of wisdom, and is thought by many to have been the most just, the most exalted, the completest type of humanity to which classical antiquity, v/ith its wonderful creations, ever gave birth." " How long was Pericles so popular ?" Lily asked. THE GOLDEN AGE OF GREECE. 13 " The popularity of Pericles continued until his death, which occurred four hundred and twenty-nine years before Christ, although some were at times jealous of him, and he was unsuc- cessfully assailed by his enemies. Two years before his death Athens became involved in a war, brought about by the envy of the neigh- bor states, who did not like to see so great prosperity there. This gave much trouble and was effectual in putting an end to advance. So the city never prospered again as it had done during the forty years of which we have been speaking. " Now, my children, if you have been inter- ested in this short history of one Golden Age, I will tell you a:t another time of the Augustan Age of Rome, and, in the mean time, you will do well to read any good book that will tell you more about Pericles and his age." CHAPTER II. THE GOLDEN AGE OF ROME. THE PUNIC WARS. In the most high and palrny state of Rome, A little ere the mightiest Julius (ell — Hamlet, OU said you would tell us about the Golden Age of Rome, papa," said h Gerty, as she opened the library door on Christmas morning. " I love to hear about golden things," chimed in Lily, and little Pearl trotted after to ask if she could look at papa's watch, for she loved golden things too. " Do you remember," I began, " what I told you about the Golden Age of Athens ? " " Yes," said Gerty, " but I had rather hear you talk about Rome, because you have been there, and because I loved to hear mamma read the letters you sent us from there." "What were the people of RomxC doing, when Pericles was ruling in Athens .''" inquired Lily. ** That was a long time before the Age of THE GOLDEN AGE OF ROME. 15 Augustus, of which I promised to tell you," said I, " but, since you wish it, I will answer your question. The city of Rome was founded three hundred years before Pericles was born, or seven hundred and fifty-three years before Christ. It was just at the time that Isaiah lived in the land of Judea, and when he wrote his sublime prophecies of the coming of our Saviour. At that time Sennacherib was king of Assyria, and Hezekiah v/as king of Judah." " I have read about this in the Bible," said Gerty. " The early history of Rome is not trust- worthy," I continued, "and no one can be quite sure of what was really done there. The people were divided into two classes, called patricians and plebeians, at a very early period. The patricians were members of the original families of the city, and formed an aristocracy of blood, while the plebeians were the common people, and were of far greater numbers." " I don't know what an ' aristocracy ' is," said Lily. " A true aristocracy would be a government in which the best people should rule, but as it is difficult to find out who are the best people, it has become a government in which a few rule over a great many. I told you about the 1 6 SEVEN HISTORIC AGES. aristocrats of Athens. They pretended to be descendants of heroes that no one knew any- thing about. The aristocrats of Rome pre- tended to have descended from those who first settled the country. After they had once ob- tained power and riches, they had advantages to teach their children, and to make them wise and wealthy, that the plebeians did not pos- sess." " I should think the poor people never could have got any power at all," Gerty said, inter- rupting me. '' Not long after the time of Pericles," said I, " the plebeians of Rome in some way got the idea that they ought to have something to say about the government, and they troubled the patricians more or less until, in the year 452, a few of their representatives were sent over to Greece to study the laws there. When they returned the Roman laws were changed, the old officers gave up their places, and ten men called decemvirs, were appointed to rule. They pleased the people very much at first, but after a while they became so haughty and ar- bitrary that their tyranny could not be allowed, and they were put out of office." " I am glad for the poor people ! " exclaimed Lily. THE GOLDEN AGE OF ROME, 1 7 " It was not far from this time," said I, " that the barbarians who Hved in the mountains north of Rome came down in great numbers and overthrew the city, leaving it in ruins. The inhabitants who remained were dispirited, and were with difficulty kept from going some- where else to live. If they had done so, there would have been no Golden Age of Rome, for there would have been no Rome, — only a heap of ruins." " The city was built again, however, but very carelessly, for the streets were narrow and crooked, and the houses low and mean." "What a shame that the horrid barbarians spoiled so fine a city, and gave the Romans so much trouble ! " interrupted Gerty. " I should not like to have them come here and burn up our house with all our clothes and books and beautiful wax dolls." " Nor our paper dolls and new muffs," added Lily. " There is no fear of such a thing nowa- days, but tJicn people were rude and loved to burn and destroy. " I see that I cannot tell you about the times of Augustus to-day, because you have asked so many questions about what occurred before his day. He did not begin to rule until thirty 1 8 SEVEN HISTORIC ACES, years before Christ, and the city passed through two periods before that. The first is caljod the Heroic period, and the second the period of Degeneracy." "I don't know what 'heroic' means," — "I don't know what 'degeneracy' means," ex- claimed Gerty and Lily at once. " You know that a hero is one who is brave and does great deeds. A nation is called he- roic when it is valorous, large-hearted, and does great deeds. If the man should afterwards grow mean or cowardly, he would be said to degenerate or go backward. So it was with the Romans, as we shall see." " Tell us about it, please," said Gerty. "About three hundred and forty years before Christ," I continued, " they became involved in wars with the people who lived north and south of them, and in less than a hundred years these people had all been conquered by Rome. Then a new set of wars came on. If you look over the Mediterranean Sea you will find in Africa a city called Tunis. Not far from that place there was in ancient times a city of importance called Carthage. It had been settled by the people from Tyre, — of which we read in the Bible, and its name meant New City. The inhabitants were called Phoe- THE GOLDEN AGE OF ROME. IQ nicians by the Romans, and were great mer- chants and business men, sending their ships into every part of the world. Their language was called Punic. The people became wealthy and powerful, and could hardly fail of getting into war in those days, for nations were even more jealous of each other than they are now." " Did war actually break out .? " said Lily. " Yes," said I, " a war broke out between the people of Rome and Carthage in the year 265 and lasted twenty-two years. At first the Ro- mans were defeated, but in the end they con- quered, though at the cost of an immense sum of money and a great many lives. After a peace of twenty-two years a new war broke out, and, after seventeen years of fighting, Carthage was again defeated. Then there was another peace, and it lasted fifty-two years. At the end of that time a Roman general named Scipio, invaded Africa, attacked Carthage, took it by storm, burned it to the ground, and sold the people for slaves. Then he passed a plough over the place, and sowed salt in the furrows." " Oh, how terrible ! What did he plough up Ihe city and sow it with salt for } " asked Gerty. " He did so as an indication that it should never be built again, but should remain barren niins forever." 20 SEVEN HISTORIC AGES " I think Scipio was a cruel, mean man," said Lily, " and I don't want to hear any more about him." " I will not tell you any more about him. While these wars, which were called the first, second, and third Punic wars were going on, the people of Rome became more rich, learned, and civilized than they had ever been before. They never equaled the Greeks in intellectual cul- ture, though they imitated them, because they found greater pleasure in the theatre and in fights of men and animals, than in the produc- tions of the mind." . " What occurred next ? " asked Gerty. "After the Punic wars were over," said I, "the Romans indulged in luxury of all kinds. The rich ruled over the poor, and the land was tilled by slaves captured in war. The free, honest, substantial farmers of old times disap- peared, and there was great distress and misery. A war occurred called the Social war, because it was between the different classes of society. Two wars called Civil wars also occurred, and finally Julius Caesar, who had gained great victories in Gaul and Britain, became chief ruler of the Empire for life, and was called the Father of his Country. In the spring of the year 54 before Christ, Julius Caesar was killed by THE GOLDEN AGE OF ROME. 21 one of his friends, Brutus. This brings us to the time when Augustus began to reign." " Please go on, papa." " Not to-day. The nation was now in a state of degeneracy. The city was full of crime and luxury, and there is nothing ' golden ' about the picture. So we will leave it until another time." CHAPTER III. THE GOLDEN AGE OF ROME. THE AUGUSTAN ERA. But yesterday, the word of Caesar might Have stcod against the world. — Antony and Cleopatra. OU told US, papa, that Julius Caesar was killed by one of his friends named Brutus. I have been reading of a great marble statue that has been regarded for three thousand years as one at the foot of which this was done." " Are you quite sure you read that } " I asked Gerty, when she made the above declaration. " Yes, here is the book. It is one of your old Guides," she replied. " I see you are correct, my dear ; but the guide-book is wrong. I told you Caesar was assassinated forty-four years before Christ, and you know it is eighteen hundred and sixty-nine years after his birth now. How long ago does that make Caesar's death t " " Oh ! I see ; it is nineteen hundred and thir- Tim GOLDEN- AGE OF ROME. 23 teen years!" exclaimed Lily, who had been quietly listening. " You learn from this that there are errors in some books. Here is one that would have told you better than the guide-book. It is called a " Brief Biographical Dictionary," and contains twenty-three thousand names and the dates at which the characters lived.^ Whenever you hear of any one of whom you know very little, this book will tell you when he lived, and if you gain the habit of consulting it, you will acquire a great deal of knowledge." " I suppose," said Gerty, " there was a great deal of trouble in Rome when the father of his country was killed. Were any others put to death t " " We shall come to that in a few moments. When Caesar was buried, one of his kinsmen Mark Antony, made a very eloquent and artful speech to the people in praise of their dead ruler. He distributed a great many presents to the people and thus gained their favor." "Did all the citizens favor Antony, papa ? " asked Gerty. " The Senate opposed him, and conferred re- wards upon the conspirators." " What are * conspirators ' t " asked Gerty. 1 Published by Hurd and Houghton, New York. 24 SEVEN HISTORIC AGES. "They are any who conspire, or unite to- gether to do wrong acts, my dear. "Among those who were opposed to Antony was the great orator Cicero, who wrote fourteen violent declamations, or Philippics, against him. The Senate offended a nephew of Caesar, whose name was Augustus, and he united with An- tony. These two then gained the aid of an offi- cer of the army, named Lepidus, who brought his troops to the opposition of the Senate. By this union the three men overcame all resist- ance, and forming a Triinnvirate, divided the empire to suit themselves." " What is a Triumvirate ? " Gerty inquired. " It is a government by three men," I an- swered. " Did they divide the empire equally } " asked Lily. *' It happened," said I, " that Lepidus was a very weak man, and the two others gave him a small portion ; Antony took the eastern part, and Augustus was best suited to remain ruler of Rome itself, and of the central part of the empire. It was a part of this agreement that each of the three rulers should make a list of the citizens whom he wished to put to death. This was done, and a very large number of the best men of the city were soon after destroyed. THE GOLDEN AGE OF ROME. 25 Among them was Cicero, whose head and right hand were placed on the rostrum in the Forum." "Please tell us what the rostrum was," Gerty asked. " You saw it, did you not, when you were in Rome 1 " " I went to the spot where the rostrum was," I replied, " but it has changed so much that one can gather little idea of its former splendor. It was the stage from which the orators ad- dressed the people, and was situated in the place of public meetings called the Forum. Some of the pavement and columns are there now, and they are of the most beautiful marble I ever saw." "Aunt Giulia had some ornaments of mar- ble, when she came home: were the columns like that .? " Lily inquired. "Some of those ornaments," I answered, "were made of pieces found in the Forum, for the buildings are so ruined that pieces are con- stantly breaking oif. " I told you that Antony was a bad man. He was very reckless and dissipated. Augus- tus, on the other hand, was a cool calculator, and it was not long before he managed to over- come both his companions, and to make him- self sole ruler of the Roman world." "I am very anxious to know how he ruled the city," Gerty remarked. 26 SEVEN HISTORIC AGES. " When he found himself the only ruler," I continued, " he had no one to fear very much, for, as we have seen, the able men had all been destroyed. He was crafty enough to make the people think him a republican ruler, and did not call himself king. The world has been unable to decide what his true character was. Some think he was a hypocrite all through life, while others contend that he only used bad means to gain power, and then began to be good. This is not the way men generally act. If a tyrant gains power by improper means, he usually exercises it in improper ways. When you see any book that has any account of Au- gustus, you will do well to read it, and see whether you can decide the question." " Did you ever see any of the fine build- ings that were made when Augustus was Em- peror } " inquired Gerty. " I rode," said I, " over some of the solid bridges and roads, and saw some of the won- derful aqueducts and temples that were made then. The water I drank came through one of those aqueducts, and there are many long rows of arches that formerly supported others which are now in ruins. Some of them are forty miles long, and reach far away into the mountains." " Oh, how I wish I could go to Rome ! " ex- claimed both the children together. THE GOLDEN ACE OF ROME. 2J "Did you see any of the heathen temples, papa ? " Gerty asked. " I saw a number of them in ruins," I said, " but there is one which is used for Christian worship now, of wliich I will tell you. It was built by a nephew of Augustus, and called the Pantheon, which meant the temple of all the ^ods. The best judges say it is one of the noblest triumphs of mind over matter in the world. It has stood firm through wars, fires, and earthquakes ; and though it has been stripped of most of its decorations, it charms the beholder by its grandeur and beauty. " " Does it look like our church t " inquired Lily. " Not at all. It is circular in shape, with walls twenty feet thick, and is surmounted by a dome. The top of the dome has an opening in it, forty feet wide, which is twice the width of many houses in New York. This is one hundred and fifty feet from the floor, and lets in the light and air, and rain also, when that falls." " I should think that would spoil the carpet," exclaimed Gerty. "And the cushions in the pews," added Lily. "There is no danger of that," said I, "for 28 SEVEN HISTORIC AGES. there are no pews nor carpets nor cushions, nor are there in any of the churches in Rome, old or new. The walls and floor and high dome are all of solid stone." Lily thought it must be very cold there in winter. "And do all the people stand up?" Gerty wished to know. " Generally they stand," I replied, " but there are sometimes chairs that may be hired to sit on. There are two obelisks in Rome," I con- tinued, '' that came from Egypt. One of them is said to be as old as the time of Joseph and Moses. Augustus brought them there at a great expense. He built a great many fine buildings that we cannot even mention, and boasted that he found the city brick and left it marble." " I can see," exclaimed Gerty, " why this was called a Golden Age, if the city was so greatly improved. Please tell us a little about the writers of the time of Augustus." " First there was Virgil, who wrote a poem on farming, and another which is called the *' iEneid," after the style of the greatest of the Greek poets. Homer. They are both studied in schools and colleges now. Horace was an- other writer, and his humorous poems and THE GOLDEN AGE OF ROME. 29 letters are also studied now. Then there was Ovid, who was educated at Athens, and who wrote first love poems, and stories about the gods, and some short pieces. Titus Livius, Sallust, and Cornelius Nepos were historians. The first composed a complete history of Rome in many volumes. Sallust wrote accounts of the wars of Jugurtha and Catiline, and Corne- lius Nepos wrote biographies of great men, be- sides some history." ** Did Rome ever become greater than it was at the time we have been speaking of?" asked Gerty. " It was not long," said I, " before it began to lose its high position, and in a hundred or two years it had become much inferior. The Golden Age did not last. But it was in one respect the brightest period in the history of the world, for the plains of Judea were then pressed by those ' blessed feet which were nailed for our advantage on the bitter cross.' A brighter light shone from the mountains of Galilee, than proud Rome could boast — a light which has enlightened all the ages, and will Bhine until " The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, The solemn temples, the great globe itself, Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve ; 30 SEVEN- mSTORTC AGES. And, like an insubstantial pageant faded, Leave not a rack behind ! " " One question more, papa : when did Au- gustus die ? " said Gerty. " He lived until he was seventy-six years old, and died fourteen years after Christ's birth." CHAPTER IV. THE DARK AGES. THREE BARBARIANS. His rude hut by the Danube lay, There were his young barbarians all at play, There was their Dacian mother. — Childe Harold. N the day that President Grant was inaugurated, the snow fell so fast, and the wind blew so hard, that Gerty and Lily and Pearl could not go out, and asked papa to talk to them again about the times long ago. " Will you tell us more about Rome, papa.? " asked Gerty. " No," I replied ; *' if you wish to know more about that city I will give you books to read. To-day I shall tell you of three men of whom you will hear more when you are older. You remember finding Italy on the map once, let me see if you can do it again." " Here it is ! " exclaimed Lily, rather proudly. "In the southern part," 1 continued, "you 32 SEVEN HISTORIC AGES. see the city of Cosenza. It lies on the little river Crate that runs northward, and empties into the gulf of Taranto. Just where you see the city another river enters the Crate, called the Busento. The city is very strongly forti- fied, and contains about nine thousand inhab- itants." " What kind of a country is it, there papa ? " asked Lily. " You know, my dears, that Italy is a very beautiful country, and this part is no exception. Cosenza lies in a picturesque valley ; the hills are covered with (graceful vines, from which wine is made, and the climate is delightful. It is more than a hundred miles south of Naples. Fourteen hundred years ago a very singular occurrence took place there." " Do tell us what it was, papa ! Now, Pearl, be quiet ! " exclaimed Gerty, impatient to hear the story. "At the time of which I spoke, there came one day to the banks of the river Busento a great many rough men with uncombed hair and shaggy beards. They began to dig, and kept busy, I don't know how long, until they had made what we should have called a great canal, and when it was done they turned the river into it." THE DARK AGES. 33 "That must have left the old stream dry, did it not ? " inquired Lily. " Yes, the old bed of the Busento was dry, and that leads me to speak of the strange things which were done then. Some of the men walked out into the middle of the old bed, and dug a great hole, almost big enough for a small cellar. When this was finished, a huge box was brought there, lowered into the pit, and buried up. When the hole was filled the canal was also filled up, and the river turned back into its place again. Then the men who dug the canal and buried the box were all killed." " Do tell us what was in the box ! " ex- claimed the three little girls at once. " If we could have lifted the cover," said I, " of that mysterious chest, we should have been surprised to find the body of a great, coarse barbarian, covered with ornaments and with jewels, and gems and works of art about it. The men might not have been willing to tell us where the gems came from, but they came from Rome, and the great, coarse barba- rian, when he was alive, took them from that city. The name of the man who was buried was Alaric, a strange name you think, perhaps. He and his rough followers were called Goths, 3 34 SEVEN HISTORIC AGES, and their home was hundreds of miles north of Cosenza, away off on the banks of the river Danube. They had all been governed by the Romans, but you remember that empire lost much of its power after the Golden Age. Alaric and his people found this out, and in the year 405 they came down and attacked the city. Finally they conquered it, but on being paid a sum of money, they did not destroy it. Five years after this, Alaric felt that the Ro- mans had deceived him, and he became so angry that he entered the city with his sol- diers, and they burned and tore down many of the fine buildings, and killed a large number of the inhabitants. He then marched south- ward to Cosenza, which he attacked and cap- tured. But there he was suddenly attacked himself, by disease, and died. I have told you how he was buried." " But you have not told us why the people who buried him were killed," said Lily. " The men who buried him were prisoners that he had taken in war," said I, "and they were killed in order that they could not tell anybody where Alaric and his riches were buried." " Here are some verses which describe what we have just been talking about. I will let THE DARK AGES. 35 Gerty read them. They were written by Ed- ward Everett." Gerty read as follows : — . "DIRGE OF ALARIC THE VI SI-GOTH. " When I am dead, no pageant train Shall waste their sorrows at my bier, Nor -worthless foiiip of homage vain Stain it with hypocrllic tear ; For I will die as I did live, Nor take the boon I cannot give. * Ye shall not raise a marble bust. Upon the spot where I repose ; Ye shall not fawn before my dust. In hollow cii'cnmstance of woes ; Nor sadptured clay, with lying breath, Insidt the clay that moulds beneath. " Ye shall not pile with se)~vile toil Your monuments upon my breast, Nor yet within the common soil Lay down the wreck of power to rest / Where man can boast that he has trod On him that was the Scourge of God. ** But ye the mountain stream shall turn. And lay its secret channel bare. And holloxv for your sovereign'' s urn A resting-place forever there: Then bid its everlasting springs Flonxt back upon the king of kings : And nex :r be the secret said, Until the deep give Jip his dead. 36 SEVEN HISTORIC AGES, " 3Iy gold and silver' ye shall fling Back to the* clods that gave them birth The captured croivns of viany a hing. The ransom of a conquered earth i For c'cji thojigh dead, 1 ivill conti'ol 7'he trophies of the Capitol. " But when beneath the mountain tide Ye''ve laid your monarch do7vn to rot, Ye shall not rear upon its side Pillar or mound to mark the spot ; For long enough the 7vorld has shook Beneath the terrors of my look ; ^ And, no-iO that I hare run my race, The astonished realms shall rest a spaced"* *' It was, however, not Alaric who called him- self the 'Scourge of God,' as we shall soon see," said I ; " but let us look at the map of Europe again. Can either of you find Austria ? " " Here it is, papa," Gerty promptly an- swered, " almost in the middle of the map." " Do you see a great river, and two towns named Buda and Pesth on it } " I continued. " I can see them," exclaimed Lily ; " the river is the Danube, and the towns are exactly oppo- site each other." " Buda," I continued, " is a very ancient city, and was for a long time the capital of Hungary. It has a population of about forty thousand, and is connected with the larger and handsomer THE DARK AGES. 37 city of Pesth by a fine suspension bridge. Buda is built on the slopes of a range of hills, and is overlooked by a stern old feudal castle. It has been besieged more than twenty times by hostile armies." " What is a feudal castle, papa t " inquired Lily. " Some other day I shall tell you all about that word, but let me go on with my story now. A little more than four hundred years after Christ, there was a great wooden fortress on the site of this ancient city, called Etzelburg, which meant the castle of Etzel. In it there lived a fierce barbarian of small stature, with a broad chest, a huge misshapen head, small, deep set, piercing eyes, a flat nose, and a tan- colored face. He once lived away off to the northeast in China, or some other part of Asia, and when he came among the Huns, — as the people about Etzelburg were called, — he told them that he owned the sword of their god of war, which gave him power to subdue the whole world." " He was a terrible man ! What was his name, papa ? " Gerty asked. "He was named Etzel," I said, " but he gave himself the title of the Scourge of God. He is now called Attila, and he ruled all the barba- 38 SEVEN HISTORIC AGES. rians who lived between the borders of France and China." " That was a broad country," said Gerty ; " he must have had a great many people under him." " He had, indeed," I continued, " a great many subjects, and was able to raise an army of over half a million men, so that he came to be called also the Terror of the IVoridy "It seems to me I never heard of such ter- rible men before. It almost frightens me to think of them," Gerty exclaimed. " Let me tell you what Attila did. Forty years after Alaric had sacked the city of Rome this Terror of the World marched against it with his immense army. He was met by an- other army, and a battle followed, in which one hundred and sixty thousand, or, as some state, three hundred thousand men were slain ! It was one of the greatest battles of all time." " Was Attila conquered .^ " asked Lily. ** He was not conquered ; but he retired, and the next year came down with another great army and devastated northern Italy." " He did not destroy Rome again, did he ? " *'No, he did not. A large sum of money was given hun, and he went back again : but it was considered a miracle that he did not destroy THE DARK AGES, ^q more than he did. In a few years he died, and the great and terrible nation of lluns was broken up. It had only been held together by fear of Atilla." " Who was the other man you promised to tell us of, papa } " Gerty asked. " The third man belonged to another people, called Vandals. They first Hved on the north- ern coasts of Germany, but they moved south- east, and settled in Pannonia, as a part of Austria was then called. They afterwards went west, and established a powerful kingdom in Spain. You will see Andalusia on the map of Spain, and_ its name was formed from the word Vandal. They built a great fleet and sailed over into Africa, where they raised another strong nation on the ruins of the Roman do- minions at Carthage. Here the Vandals be- came the terror of all surrounding nations. Their greatest king was Genseric, and he it was who directed them, and gained power for them. You remember that I told you that the Roman general Scipio destroyed Carthage two hundred years before Christ." " Oh ! I remember that," exclaimed Gerty. *' And Scipio ploughed up the place and sowed salt over it." " That was six hundred years before Gen- 40 SEVEN HISTORIC AGES. seric lived. When he was established at Car- thage, he came over to Rome, attacked the city, took it, and allowed his soldiers to pillage it fourteen days, just as the Romans had done to Carthage." " Can you now tell me," said I, " the names of the three men we have talked about, and their nations } " " Oh ! yes," exclaimed Gerty. " Alaric, the Goth ; Attila, the Hun ; and Genseric, the Vandal." " Right. Can you tell me where they came from .? " " Let me think," said Lily ; " they all came from the north, did they not } " *• They all came from the north, but exactly where they came from we cannot tell. Perhaps the Goths once lived in Sweden, or near it. The Huns came from northern Asia, or what was known as Scythia, an undefined region lying between Europe and Asia." " I thought there was no territory between Europe and Asia," said Gerty. " They do join together now," I replied ; "but in ancient times their boundaries were indefi- nite. But to continue. The Vandals came from the northern coasts of Germany, travelled to Spain, and afterwards to Africa. These peoples THE DARK AGES. 4I were alike in one respect. They were all barbarians." " You have spoken of barbarians before, papa," said Lily. " Please tell us exactly what a barbarian was." " The Greeks and Romans called all whose language they did not understand, barbarians. The name was formed by imitating the sound of confused voices." " Bar-bar-bar-bar," exclaimed Gerty deliber- ately. " I see how that was. It does sound like confusion." " The name was afterwards made to mean rude and uncivilized people, because the Greeks and Romans considered themselves the only polished people. We mean rude and savage people, when we say barbarians now." " I un- derstand," said Gerty. " The Goths, Huns, and Vandals," I said, "by turns, ravaged the great Roman empire, as we have seen, and almost entirely destroyed its civilization. Literature and the refining arts languished. The world became involved in moral and intellectual darkness, from which it ook nearly a thousand years to recover. There was, in the words of Milton, * No light, but rather darkness visible, and it is very properly called the Dark Age" 42 SEVlLiY HISTORIC AGES. "Was it dark all the thousand years ?" in- quired Lily. " There was very little light and progress," I answered, " but I cannot tell you more about it now. We have seen how the barbarians put out the light of civilization ; at another time we can learn more about it." CHAPTER V. THE DARK AGES. THREE KINGS. Brief as the liglitninp; in tlie cnllied nipilit, That, in a spleen imfolds both Iieaven and earth, And, ere a man liath jiower to say, — lieholdl The jaws of darkness do devour it up: So quick bright things come to confusion. Midsummer NighCs Dream, AS it dark all through the thousand years of the Age we are talking about ? " asked Gerty again, as we all gathered around the library table, to continue our conversation. " Do you remember that dark night when we came from New York, so late, last autumn .? " I replied. " Yes," said Gerty. " Was it all dark then .? " " Yes, it was very dark. The sun went down long before we reached home, and it was so cloudy that we could not sec a single star/' said she. 44 SEVEN HISTORIC AGES. "But," interrupted Lily, "don't you remem- ber when we reached the top of the hill, how brightly the lamp shone from our dining-room window, long before we reached it. And the light away off at Mr. Ingersoll's house on the other hill, and the little Hght that we saw over on the other side of the lake, — don't you re- member them, Gerty } " " Oh, yes ! though it was very, very dark, there were some very bright little hghts on the hills about us," she replied. " Just so it was in the Dark Age," I said. "There were some bright lights. They did not make the Age light, no more than the little lights we saw that dark night, made the town light. I will now tell you about three of the lights of the Dark Age." " Do, do ! papa," said Gerty ; " you fright- ened us with the horrid, great, rough barbarians, and I do wish to hear of something light again." "We found France on the map, the other day, did we not .? " " Yes, and here it is again, between Spain and the German empire," laid Lily. " If you look over the history of France you will find that about three hundred years after the times we last spoke of, a man came there whose name is celebrated und always will be." THE DARK AGES. 45 " What was his name, papa, and how did he iOok ? " inquired Lily. " F'irst I will tell you how he looked. He was more than six feet high. His head was round, his eyes large "and animated, his nose was quite prominent, and his countenance was ioyous and cheerful. He had beautiful gray hair, and a long venerable beard. His dress was simple, and habits of exercise tended to develop his physical frame." " He was a noble man and worthy to be a king," said Gert3\ " He was a king," said I, " and the greatest of his time. His name was Charlemagne, and he lived at Aix-la-Chapelle." " His name is harder to pronounce than either Alaric or Etzel," said Lily. " And," Gerty added, " the name of the place is harder still." " His name means Charles magnus," I con- tinued, ^' and magnus is a Latin word meaning great. Aix-la-Chapelle is also formed from Latin words, and means the chapel or church of the springs. Aix is pronounced just like our word aches. The place received its name from the medicinal springs for which it is cele- brated." " I don't care to hear about the city, papa," 46 SEVEN HISTORIC AGES, interrupted Lily, " what did this great man with the hard name do ? " " You are right my child. It is not of so much importance where we live, as what we are, and what we do." '* If Charlemagne was a great light in the Dark Age," said Gerty, " how did he show it?" " You would be too much wearied," I replied, " if I were to tell you one half what he did to prove his greatness. I will answer your ques- tion in as few words as possible. Shakespeare says there is no darkness but ignorance. Now learning will disperse this darkness ; Charle- magne thought so, and determined to estab- lish schools in his kingdom. He needed a teacher himself, and sent to Italy, and invited a man named Peter to come to Aix-la-Chapelle to teach him grammar. He sent to England, and urged Alcuin, who was one of the most learned men of the time, to come and instruct him in the sciences. Besides these, he invited other wise men around him and formed a school. By these means the spark of learning was kept alive, and Charlemagne became more learned than any other king. He could read Greek and Latin, and could speak and write in the latter tongue, which is saying a great deal I do not THE DARK AGES. 47 intend to tell you how great his kingdom was, nor what wars he carried on, for if you look into any history of France or Germany, you can readily learn all you wish to know about those things." " When did Charlemagne die ? " asked Lily. " He was born in 742, and died at Aix-la- Chapelle in 814, saying, as he folded his arms over his bosom, 'Lord, into tJiy hands do I com- iiiit my soul!' Another saying of his I wish to have you remember, as exhibiting his views. ^ If yoiL would be distingiushedl said he, 'let it be by your merits, not by yojtr garments! "About a dozen years before Charlemagne died, there was an English exile in his court, whose name was Egbert. He had resided there for some years, and had received instruc- tion in the wisdom of the school of Alcuin. He returned to his native land, became king, used his power wisely, and consolidated the small governments into one which was called Eng- lish. That he was a man of ability we know from what he did, but we have another reason for thinking so. When he left the court of Charlemagne, that monarch made him a pres- ent of his own sword, as a token of respect, which he would not have done, if he had not known Egbert to be a worthy man." 48 SEVEN HISTORIC AGES. " Why do you mention king Egbert ? " in- quired Lily. " Merely," said I, " because he was one of the smaller lights of the Dark Age, and because I wish you to remember him as the first king of England." " Who was the third light that illuminated this Age .'' " said Gerty. " It is said, that if we had looked into a small hut in the southwestern part of England, about a hundred years after the birth of Charlemagne, we might have seen him sitting before a fire on the hearth." " What kind of a man was he ? " asked little Pearl. " I cannot tell you exactly how he looked, but I know, that if the story is true, he was not very well dressed. There were some cakes on the hearth, and as there was no one else in the hut, it appeared as though the man was cooking them. Still he gazed into the fire, and though the cakes began to smoke and sizzle and burn, he did not offer to touch them." " What a careless man ! " exclaimed Gerty. "His face was careworn," said I, not noticing the interruption, " and he looked tired. When the woman who lived in the hut came in and chided him for allowing the cakes to burn, he THE DARK AGES. 49 said he had been thinking about something else." " Do you know what he was thinking of ? ** asked Lily. " He was troubled about the condition of England, and was probably thinking how he could improve it. His name was Alfred." "That is the first sensible name you have nientioned since we began to talk about the Ages, papa," said Gerty. " You like it, my dear, because it is English, and you have heard it before. Alfred was called the Great, and is said to have been the best and greatest king England has ever had. He loved his people, and made good laws for them. He taught them to work in the useful arts, and what is better, he set them a good ex- ample, working hard himself It is now a thou- sand years since he was born, but though he lived so long ago, the people of England still love his memory. He died in 901, and left on record these words, * / have striven to live worthily ' — which was true." " I love to hear about such men !" said Lily. " I have now," said I, " answered your ques- tion whether it was all dark at this time. We see that there were some lights in the Dark Age. They appear very great when we get 4 50 SEVEN- HISTORIC AGES, close to them, but there was so much ignorance, that the influence of the best of them was not so great as it ought to have been. They worked well, and were like light-houses, for they dis- persed the darkness just about them, and illu- mined the long night somewhat, cheering men's hearts until the sun rose, and daylight rendered them unnecessary. When they died they left, like Washington, 'Their memory, A light for after times I ' " CHAPTER VI. THE DARK AGES. TWO MORE KINGS. One may smile, and smile, and be a villain ; At least, I am sure it may be so in Denmark. — Hamlet* Here was a gentleman of Normandy — Hamlet, H, we had the nicest journey ! The cars went so fast, and the day was so pleas- ant ! And now we are having a de- lightful time with our aunts and cousins." So Gerty writes me from the city, whither she and Lily went one fine spring morning, not long ago. I thought surely the city sights and spring fashions would crowd the Ages out of her mind ; but no, she writes me an ac- count of " a good long talk with Aunt Rhoda, about the Dark Age." " We thought it would be so pleasant here," she writes, " that we could go out to walk, and see the beautiful shops, or to drive in the park, and see the fine horses and carriages, every day, but it has not proved so. When Lily and 52 SEVEN HISTORIC AGES. I awoke on Tuesday morning it was quite dark. We pushed away the curtains and drew up the shade, but even that did not help us much. Big rain-drops pattered fast against the window-panes, and threatening black clouds rolled over our heads. We had to light the gas to dress, and even in the dining-room, we found it burning when we went down-stairs. After breakfast, Aunt Rhoda said she could not go out, even to school. " * Come up into the nursery, and tell us a story then,' said Lily. " ' Yes,' said I, ' our papa tells us stories that are^true, do you know any true stories, Auntie "i ' " Then Auntie wanted to know what kind of stories you tell us, and aftef I had explained all about the Seven Ages, she promised to tell us a story or two about the same times. "The nursery here is a large room with two great book-cases in it, besides the furniture usually found in nurseries, and fine large pho- tographs of scenes in Europe are hung on the walls. One of these is a view of the Pantheon, and when I saw it, I remembered what you told us about its great dome with the hole in the top. Now I am sure that there is such a building, and I know just how it looks. I wish you would get us photographs of the buildings and men you tell us of ! THE DARK AGES. 53 "We sat around one of the book-cases, and Auntie said, * has your papa told you of Canute of England ? ' " ' No,' said I, ' he has not.' " * Well, then,' said she, ' I will tell you about him to-day. He was not an English- man. We will look on the map and find the place he came from. It is a little country jutting out toward Norway, from Prussia, and almost surrounded by water.' " Lily was quick, and asked whether it was Denmark. " ' Yes,' said Auntie, ' it is Denmark, the country of the Danes. Several of the kings of England came from that little peninsula.' " * How did it happen,' I asked, * that the Danes ruled England ? ' " ' They never could have conquered the English,' said Auntie, ' if it had not been for the dissensions among the inhabitants them- selves. They had been trying to accomplish this for two hundred years, and as you become better acquainted with the history of the earlier British kings, you will learn they all had a good deal of trouble with the Danes. In the year 1002 the king who reigned in England thought that the shortest way to be rid of this people was to kill all who were in his dominions. He 54 SEVEN HISTORIC AGES. therefore gave his subjects orders to put every Dane to death on the thirteenth day of Novem- ber of that year, which day was the feast of St. Brice.' " ' Did the people do this terrible deed, Auntie ? ' I asked. " ' Yes, my dear. The massacre began in a little town twenty-four miles from London, called Wei Wynne. You may remember it bet- ter when I tell you that it vv^as the village in which the poet Dr. Young lived, many years 'later, and where he wrote his " Night Thoughts." It was one of the most bloody massacres the world ever saw.' " * Was there ever such another massacre } ' inquired Lily. " ' Yes,' said Auntie, ' there have been two in later times, which are celebrated. One is known as the " Sicilian Vespers," and occurred on the thirtieth of March, 1282, when about eight thousand French were slaughtered in Palermo on the island of Sicily. The other was in France in 1572, when from seventy to one hundred thousand people were slaughtered on ** St. Bartholomew's Day " only because they were Protestants. But we must not forget our subject. The massacre of St. Brice enraged the Danes very much, and they determined to THE DARK AGES. 55 conquer the English. To do this they sent an army into the country, and, so difficult was the undertaking, it was not until after ten years of hard fighting that the king of Den- mark made himself also king of the EngUsh. The second of the Danish kings is the one of which I wished to tell you something. His name was Canute, and when he came to the throne he overturned most of the institutions of the country, but being desirous of popular- ity, he erected churches for the conquered in- habitants, elevated the clergy to a higher con- dition in the realm, made a new and good code of laws, and in other ways proved himself a wise prince. He conquered Norway, and laid claim also to the crown of Sweden. " ' You spoke of Alfred the Great. Canute was like him in that he made merciful laws. He said that punishment should be merciful before God, and tolerable in the sight of man. He would not permit any to be put to death for slight causes.' " ' Canute was more merciful than I should have expected a Dane could be, after what happened on St. Bricc's Day,' said I. '* ' He had dedicated his life to Gocl, he said, and perhaps that accounts for his mercy. He said also, "let him who givcth judgment con- 56 SEVEN HISTORIC AGES. sider what he himself desireth when he pray- eth thus : Forgive 7 is our trespasses as ive for- give them that trespass against lis." It would be well if we all could remember this.' "'I will,' said I. " ' So will i; added Lily. "This was all Auntie told us that day, but we have had another conversation about an- other king of England who was not English. *'*His name was WilHam,' said she, 'and he came from Normandy, as a part of France was then called. He made a claim to the throne of England which had very little foundation in right, but by pretending that his war for the crown was a holy one, he prevailed upon thou- sands of adventurers to put themselves under his leadership. So many valiant military vaga- bonds joined his army, that in the year 1066 he was able to sail from France with a large fleet of vessels and to land sixty thousand men on English soil' " * What part of France did he sail from } ' I asked. " ' From the mouth of the river Somrae, which, you see, empties into the English Chan- nel. The army landed in the county of Sussex, near the town of Hastings. The day that Wil- liam landed, King Harold fought a great battle THE DARK AGES. 57 with an invading army from Norway, and when the news of the trouble at Hastings reached him, he was sitting at a banquet in the old city of York, far away in the northeast of the island. Without losing any time he marched directly to London and gathered a large army to re- pel the new invaders. While Harold was thus marching down upon them, the Normans were feasting on the English farmers' harvests and cattle, and had also entrenched themselves on an elevated position about nine miles from Hastings.' " ' What was the name of the place, Auntie ? ' " ' It was then called Senlac, but William changed it to Battle.' " ' Please go on, Auntie ! ' said Lily. " ' The English under Harold pitched their camp directly opposite that of the Normans, and on the thirteenth of October, as night closed in, each army could plainly see the watch-fires of the other. The English were confident they could drive away the Normans as they had just done the Norwegians, and spent the night in revelry. The Normans silently engaged in devout prayer for success. In the morning William advanced with his in- vading army, across a narrow valley, having a Uttle consecrated banner carried before him. 58 SEVEN HISTORIC AGES, The English placed themselves in a solid body, ivith the men of Kent in front, and received the Norman bowmen and horsemen with their murderous battle-axes. Thus the two armies contended for six hours, when the invaders pre- tended to fall back. The Enghshmen thought the hour of triumph had come. They broke their solid ranks, left their fine position, and followed their enemy down to the -plain. Then the Normans wheeled about, and after hard fighting, came off victorious, though fifteen thousand of them were left on the field. Great numbers of the EngHsh were also slain, and among them was Harold.' *' ' Was William the king of England, then ? ' I asked. " ' Before assuming the title, he was wise enough to ask the consent of the people. The clergy and nobihty sanctioned his claims, and he was crowned as William the First.' " ' Did he make a good king 1 ' Lily wished to know. " * That is a difficult question to answer. He is generally described as a merciless tyrant, but before he died he repented so far as to forbid that any man should be punished with death.' ** ' Not even for murder ? ' I inquired. THE DARK ACES. .59 " ' I suppose not. But he was wrong if he did not put murderers to death, for the Bible commands that.' '* ' Did all of William's French followers re- main in England } ' "'I suppose most of them did. A great many others also came over. The customs of France were introduced as well as a great many of the French words. Did you ever hear of the " Curfew Bell ? " ' " ' Oh yes ! papa says he heard it in Eng- land. It rings every evening, and was in- tended to warn people to put out their fires and lights at a certain hour.' " ' I am glad to see you remember what your father tells you. William brought over this custom.' "' Is this the king who is called the " Con- queror" .? ' I asked. "* Yes, he is,' Auntie replied. " ' How long did he reign ? ' Lily inquired. "'He reigned twenty-one years in England, and died in 1007, ^S'cd sixty. He was buried in France.' *' So ended our talk v/ith Auntie." CHAPTER VII. THE DARK AGES. A HERMIT, AND THE CRUSADES. Therefore, friends, As far as to tne sepulchre of Christ, Forthwith a power of English we shall levy, To chase these Pagans, in those holy fields, Over whose acres walked those blessed feet. Which, foin-teen hundred years ago, were nailed For our advantage, on the bitter cross. — Ki7ig HeJiry IV, HE season of sunshine and leaves has come, and we at the Mount are enjoy- ing the smiHng New England land- scape, the refreshing shade, and the swelling flowers which " Blow like sweet roses in this summer air." We have our talks under the hickories, where we have carried a few chairs and a plain table. I said to-day that we had almost finished the Dark Age, and Gerty reminded me that I promised to explain what I meant once when I spoke of 2i feudal castle. " Just read," said I, " what the dictionary says on the subject." THE DARK AGES. 6l So Gerty read, " Feud, a stipendiary estate in land, held of a superior by services!' '' Look a little further," said I. She continued, " Feudalism, the Feudal Sys- tem.. That is, estates in land held of a superior on condition of military servicer " Pretty hard reading," sighed Lily. " Well," said I, " that may help us some, but you see we cannot learn what we wish from the dictionary alone. Let me see if I can make it plain to you. It was the strong- hold of Attila which I told you was called a feudal castle, was it not } " "Oh, yes, it was called Etzelburg," said Lily. "Very true," said I, "and Attila was a feudal chief. You remember how very igno- rant the people were then. A vast number of these were followers of Attila. He made them follow him by promising them gifts of various kinds. Other chiefs did the same, and these ignorant men owned nothing, but received all they had as gifts from their superiors, on con- dition that they would serve the chiefs in war. The poor men were bound to obey, or lose their bread and butter. Thus a multitude of nations and sovereigns were formed, and these petty rulers constantly disputed. Their dis- 62 SEVEN HISTORIC AGES. piites were only settled by the shedding of blood. They were often not settled for a long time, but continued from one generation to an- other, until the children who fought had no reason for doing so, except that their fathers had quarrelled. These quarrels were called fends, from an old Latin word, and the system was called the Feudal System." " I think the ' system ' was very bad. But I don't exactly understand what a system is," Gerty interposed, apparently a little mystified. "A system," said I, "is any set of things put together, and the feudal system was that set of circumstances, habits, and customs which is found connected with the feuds of which we have been talking. This system was bad in many respects, but it had some good points. You may have heard of the institution of cJiiv- airy which was an outgrowth of the feudal at- tachment of the warriors to their chieftains." " Please explain what chivalry means," Lily urged. " 1 cannot do so fully to-day," said I, '' but it was a romantic system that encouraged valor, bravery, devotion to religion, and it exalted and protected woman. I shall show you some books, when you are a little older, that will give you charming pictures of the knights and ladies of the age of chivalry." THE DARK AGES. ,63 " Do go on ! " exclaimed Gerty, as she no- ticed mc hesitate and turn over the leaves of a black-covered book on the table. " Should you like to hear about Peter the Hermit, and his pilgrimage ? " I asked. " Yes, yes," they all exclaimed, and I be- gan : — " In the Dark Age there lived in the north of France an ignorant and restless man named Peter " — " Peter who } " interrupted Lily. "Peter the Hermit, of course," exclaimed Gerty, rather provoked. " This man served in the army and became an officer. He was married and had a family, but his wife died and he became a hermit. A hermit is one who goes into a quiet place and lives alone in order that he may meditate or engage in devotions. It was fashionable in those days to take trips to Jerusalem on foot, to see the places where our Saviour had been, and where He was buried. Peter did not want to be out of the fashion, even if he v\^as a her- mit, and so he went to the Holy Land. When he saw that the city of Jerusalem was in the hands of infidels, as the followers of the false prophet Mohammed were called, he was quite indignant. 64 SEVEN HISTORIC ACES. " Who was Mohammed ? " Gerty inquired. " You may ask your teacher at school who Mohammed was," said I. " To be sure Chris- tians would visit the place, but it was only al- lowed because the infidels made money out of them. Peter was a very excitable man, and when he returned home he talked a great deal, and pretty loudly too I imagine, about how badly the Christians were treated at Jerusalem. The ignorant people to whom he talked thought the eastern countries were very delightful places, almost like paradise, and soon their imagina- tions began to picture the charms of life among the palms and olives in the most brilliant colors. The sun rose in the east, and it was to them a place of ease and luxury. * The gorgeous East, with richest hand, Showers on her Kings barbaric pearl and gold.* So they thought, at least, and each was sure that a little of the shower would drop on him, if he could only get to the enchanted land." " The kings are very rich there now, are they not } " inquired Gerty. " We speak even now of ' oriental magnifi- cence,' because the people who live toward the sun-rising are delighted with display and glitter- ing gems. But to go on. From talking, Peter went to preaching, and at last he set out to Mohammed. See page 64. THE DARK AGES. 6$ travel over all Central Europe, exciting the people to rise up and march against the in- fidels." " How did Peter look ? " Gerty asked. " He was a small man, but with a peculiar intelligence and fire in his eyes, and of a pow- erful eloquence. He rode on a mule, and wore usually a brown mantle that fell down to his heels and he had his arms and feet bare. He ate little or no bread, and lived on fish and wine. He was one of the most extraordinary men, that Europe ever produced. His voice acted like magic. Everywhere the people who crowded about him were charmed by his glow- ing words, and readily consented to follow him to Palestine." '' Then they really started, did they ? " said Lily, with interest." " Yes, they did. Peter was made com- mander, and he gave them for a watchword, ' God wills it ! ' He ordered all his followers to wear on their breasts a cross made of red stuff, from which they were cal'ed crusaders. " How is that, papa t " said Gerty thought- fully, "'crusaders because they wore crosses/ I don't exactly understand that." " Ah ! I forgot to say that these people did not speak English. Peter was more familiar 66 SEVEN HISTORIC AGES. with Latin, in which ci'iix means cross, or with French, in which croix means cross, and it was from these words that the word cjvisade was derived which we have changed to crusade. About a milUon people were infatuated enough to engage in the crusade under Peter and his followers." " Did these people expect they should all become rich ? " inquired Lily. " I do not think they did. They had various motives for joining the great crowd. I suppose some were only romantic, and wanted a new excitement ; others were very religious and were really horrified to think how the infidels desecrated the Holy Land ; many more were deluded with the idea that if they died in so holy a war they should go directly to heaven ; while many may have joined just because it was a big crowd. Then, again, anybody who was in trouble, or was discontented, might have had a prospect held out by Peter, of a pleasant change of condition, if he would only put on the cross." " I can very easily see," said Lily, " that such reasons would excite men \-ery much, and, as you say, make a great many follow a leader who had the ad\"^ntage of a sort of religious character. I have never read of the Crusades, THE DARK AGES. 6/ and in truth never knew anything about them before, and a great question in my mind is, Did Peter and his people conquer Palestine ? " "Bravo!" said I. "I see you are learning. Your remark shows more thought than I had expected." "Oh, papa !" exclaimed Gerty, with an of- fended air, " do answer the question." " They made themselves masters of Jerusa- lem," I replied, " and of the greater part of Ihc country, but it was not by Peter's management. There was another leader, Godfrey, who came from France, who deserves more credit than Peter." " Were they ever able to conquer the whole country ? " Gerty inquired, for she was very much interested now. "Unsuccessful as the first was, none of the other Crusades accomplished so much. Eu- rope was excited five times more, and thou- sands upon thousands perished in the wars and pilgrimages, but all the efforts failed." " How dreadful to think of such things ! " Lily interposed. " And dreadful as they really were, the Cru- sades v/ere of great benefit to all Europe. Men's ideas were enlarged, and trade was vastly increased by the constant travelling of so many thousands of people. Those, too, who 68 SEVEN HISTORIC AGES. returned home were more enlightened, polished, and better informed. Thus for one hundred and ninety-six years Europe was undergoing the process of civilization and education." " Did you say there were only six Crusades, papa } " " There were two or three other minor ex- peditions," I answered, " which are sometimes called by the name, and among them was the * Children's Crusade.' It is said that in the year 12 12 ninety thousand children set out for Pal- estine under command of a child. They ought to have remained at home and studied geogra- phy, for they knew nothing about the Mediter- ranean Sea, and so expected to go all the way by land. They marched from various parts of Germany right down to Genoa, and were very much surprised to come to water. Not know- ing what to do they scattered, and some were murdered, others starved to death, while a great number were sold for slaves." **' Oh, dear ! I'm so sorry for the little chil- dren ! " exclaimed Pearl, in mournful tones. " What did their mothers say } " " I do not know. Do you think you can re- member all I have told you in this long talk } " " You are not done, are you t " asked Gerty, apparently surprised. " Is not this enough for to-day } " I asked. CHAPTER VIII. THE DARK AGES. JUST BEFORE DAWN, Lool:, the morn, in russet mantle cla.1, Walks o'er tlie dew of yon h\y,h eastern hill. — Hamlet. HE warm July snn had risen bright, and now shone out of a cloudless sky over the hills and valleys of Berkshire. As it descended toward the west, the Httle girls, tired of play, called at the library door to have another historical talk. I found that Gerty had been reading in some book about the close of the Dark Age. She said she supposed the next would be called the Light Age, as she had read about a man called the Morning-star of the Reformation. " Ah ! " said I, ''you are in advance of me, for it is of Wiclif that you have read, and he is the man I had intended to speak of to-day." *' No matter, papa," said Lily, " / have not read anything, and I am sure Gerty cannot un- derstand what she reads half so well as what you tell us." 70 SEVEN HISTORIC AGES. " or course I can't ! " Gerty exclaimed, "and we both wish you would tell us just what you intended to." " Listen then,", said I. " About a hundred years after the Crusades, there reigned in England a very powerful king who kept the nation at war with one people or another, for no other reason than that he was ambitious and loved to fight. His name was Edward, and among his expeditions were sev- eral against France, which is not very far from England." " I know," said Lily, " that there is only a narrow channel between France and England." " Of all the great battles king Edward fought, I shall only tell you about one. It was Satur- day the twenty-sixth day of this month, in the year 1346" — "Just five hundred and twenty-three years ago," interrupted Gerty, with an appearance of pride at her skill in arithmetic. " Yes," I continued, " on that morning Ed- ward's army of ten thousand brave English- men was quietly lying on the ground near Cressy, waiting for an attack from a French army of very many more men. The English had been for seven weeks in France, marching, fighting, drinking, and carousing by turns." THE DARK AGES. 71 " W^iere is Cressy ? " Gerty asked. " Here it is, Gerty/' said Lily, " not very far from the place where papa said that William the Conqueror set sail for England. It is just north of the river Somme." " That is ' Ci6cy/ " said Gerty still not satis- fied. " Very true. That is the French way of spelling the name. We call it Cressy," I ex- plained. " This little English army contained a large number of yeomen" — " What is a 'yeoman }■ ' " inquired Gerty. " The institutions of chivalry," I continued, " were now declining, but they had left their mark upon society. By degrees there had been formed three classes among the people. These were warriors, teachers, and producers. The first and second classes held the titles and priv- ileges. The third was composed of those who worked at \-arious trades, and comprised the farmers, who are very important producers. Many of the farmers did not own the land on which they worked. Those who owned small pieces of land were called yeomen. The knights pretended to be the only soldiers, but on the field of Cressy, victory was won by the spirit and bravery of the yeomen, and the power and prestige of the mailed knights be- 72 SEVEN HISTORIC AGES. gan to wane. It was not long after this that the yeomen began to ask the question, When Adam delved and Eve span, Where was then the gentleman ? ' They thought that God never created any with greater rights than others ; and very great events were the consequence of their think- ing." " How about the battle of Cressy, papa ? " asked Lily. " The Englishmen were quiet, as I said, and the French advanced, crying, * Let us slay them all ! ' But all of a sudden the sky became dark. There was a partial eclipse of the sun, and afterwards a storm of rain accompanied with loud peals of thunder. When this ceased the autumnal sun shone out bright, and showed that the armies were close together. The splendid rays of the sun shone directly in the eyes of the Frenchmen, and confused them. The English yeomen stirred not until the right moment, and then each strong arm drew the bow-string and the arrows of death flew with terrible accuracy toward the enemy's ranks. Like a great hedge the archers of England held their position, and their steady courage, arising from their spirit of independence, gained the day. For the first time the strong arm THE DARK ACES. 73 of the British yeoman and the firm spirit of British freedom were asserted on a grand scale." " Please go on ! " exclaimed the girls, as I hesitated. " Edward had a son who was with him in this great battle," I continued. " His name was Edward, too, but he is usually called the Black Prince, on account of the color of his armor. He was pretty young for war, but his father gave him a prominent position, and he did well." " How old was the Black Prince } " Gerty asked. "At the time of the battle of Cressy he was only sixteen years old. Ten years later he fought another battle with the French, at Poitiers, a town which you will find over two hundred miles south of Cressy. On this oc- casion the French had a much larger army than the English, but the pluck and spirit of the little army, and the good management of the Black Prince, won the victory again." ''That is wonderful!" Gerty exclaimed, "I should not expect a small army to conquer a large one." " No great commander ever had more won- derful and unexpected success," said I, " but this 74 SEVEN HISTORIC AGES. was not more surprising than the kind and chivalric way in which Prince Edward behaved to the French king whom he had defeated. Instead of exulting over him, he came out and met King John with all the marks of regard and sympathy. He tried to comfort him and make him his friend, telling the captive that his' valor was worthy of high praise, and that the victory was due to the chances of war or to that su- perior providence which controls all the efforts of the human heart and prudence." Lily wished to know how the French king felt and acted. "The captive," I. continued, ** was very sad, but Edward's poHte words and acts made his pain less." " Papa," said Lily, " you told us that the Dark Age was now about at an end. Did these wars of Edward and the I^lack Prince have anything to do with tlic close .'' " " I do not mean," said I, "that the Dark Age closed at any particular time. Intelligence had been constantly spreading during a long period, and we are told that the high-roads of Europe were crowded with young persons going to the great schools which had been established in many of the great cities. The Crusades had created a religious enthusiasm, and the brilliant John Wiclif. Sec page 75. THE DARK ACES. 75 wars of Edward the Third, and the Black Prince, aroused a spirit of patriotism and national pride in the English yeomen. The yeomanry of Eng- land now began to claim rights and privileges, which their children have constantly enlarged." " Now," Gerty said, " I suppose that as we are so near the dawn of a brighter era, you can tell us about the Morning Star, for it rises be- fore day, auntie told me." " We have had so long a talk already," I said, " that I shall only say a few words about Wiclif. An old writer said of him that he 'stepped forth like a valiant champion, even as the morning star being in the midst of a cloud, so doth he shine and glisten in the temple of God.' He was an unfailing foe to popish tyranny, and it is in this respect that he is generally called the Morning Star." " He was a clergyman, I believe," added Gerty. " Yes, and like most clergymen of his day, he was not only a great writer but a great student. He translated the whole Bible into English for the. first time, which is a great deed. He is looked upon by many as the first of the reformers of whom Martin Luther, who lived nearly two hundred years afterwards, was the greatest." 76 SEVEN HISTORIC AGES. "In what year did Wicliflive ? " asked Lily. "He was born about 1324," I answered, "and died in 1384. During his life bad men treated him badly, and after his death their hate led them to dig up his bones and burn them." " Oh, how horrible ! " exclaimed the girls. " It was horrible, indeed. His ashes were thrown into a small stream that flows by his old home at Lutterworth, and from that little stream an old writer says they were carried to the river Avon, then into the Severn, and finally into the ocean. Wiclif's teachings were good, and spread far and wide, until like his dust they are now scattered over all parts of the world. The following lines will help you remember this : — " * The Avon to the Severn runs, The Severn to the sea ; And Wiclifs dust shall spread abroad, Wide as the waters be.' " CHAPTER IX. AGE OF LEO X. A CHURCH AND A REFORMATION. Thou:;h you, and all the kings of Cliristendom, Are led so grossly by this meddliiig priest, Dreading thj curse that money nny buy out ; And, by the merit of vile gold, dross, dust, Purch.^se conupted pardon of a man, Wiio, in that sale, sells pardon from himself ; Tliough you and all the rest so grossly led, This jugg'ing w tchcr.ift wiih rever.ue cherish; Yet, I alone, alone do me oppose Agahist the Pope, and count his friends my fees. Kifig John. WAS musing alone under the hick- ories. A rustle in the bushes behind me, and I heard " Brown eyes, Straight nose j Dirt i)ies, Rumpled clothes ! " Little Pearl danced out from her hiding- place with a hug and a kiss for papa, and another voice gayly sounded in the same direc- tion. It said, — yS SEVEN lUSTORIC ACES. *• If the butterfly courted the bee, And the owl the porcupine ; If churches were liuilt on the sea, And three times one was nine ; If a gentleman, sir, was a lady — The world would be upside down." And that was all I heard, for it was Lily, and just as she had said " upside down," her sister Gerty appeared, saying, in a sharp voice and with the disdainful air that elder sisters can put on, — " Hush, children ! Do you think papa wishes to hear such nonsense ? I have come out with this great atlas to hear some history. Let us sit down and behave ourselves." " I'm going to the sand-rock to make sand- pies," said Pearl. " I don't want to hear sto- ries to-day." " I will sit with you, sister Gerty," said Lily, " if papa will give us an interesting story." " I will tell you," said I, " of a great church that I saw once, which took a hundred and seventy-six years to build, and of some of the consequences of its building. Can either of you tell me who discovered America, and when he did it.?" After a little thought Gerty replied, — " Christopher Columbus, about 1492." ** Exactly right," said I; "can you tell me where he was born ? " AGE OF LEO X. 79 "I know," exclaimed Lily, "for you went there once, and told us about it. He was born in Italy." " At the time of his birth," I continued, " a remarkable man ruled in Italy. He was of a distinguished family called the Medici, though he is oftener called Leo, for he was the Pope of Rome, and the tenth who had been called Leo. For one hundred and fifty or two hun- dred years before he became Pope, Leo's fam- ily had been growing rich and powerful." I noticed Gerty turning over the leaves of the atlas, and now she looked up and asked in what part of Italy Columbus was born, and whether it was near Rome. We looked over the map together. " Here is the city of Genoa, on the gulf of the same name," said I, " and it was there that the discoverer of America was born. A little farther south you see Livorno, which we call Leghorn, and back in the country is Pisa, where the leaning tower is. Still farther down is Civita Vecchia, and east of it is Rome. You see we have gone a good many miles from Genoa. There is another city for us to find. Do you see a little river that runs into the sea just north of Leghorn ? " " Yes, it is the Arno," answered Gerty. 80 SEVEN HISTORIC AGES. *' If you follow that river up," said I, " you come to Pisa, of which we just spoke, and then to Firenze, which we call Florence." " I see that, too," Lily said. '* We must find one more place," I contin- ued. " Where is Constantinople ? " After a short look Gerty told us that Con- stantinople is on the Sea of Marmora, and is the capital of the Turkish empire. I explained that many years ago the city was Greek, and was the home of many learned men of that nation, and that afterwards it fell into the hands of the Romans. " About fifty years before Columbus dis- covered America," so I went on, " the heathen Turks drove out many learned men from Con- stantinople, and compelled them to look for a home somewhere else. The Medici family en- couraged them to go and live in Florence, which the learned men were very glad to do, and that city thus got a great name." " Did these men go to live in any other cities in Italy .?" asked Gerty. "Yes," I replied, "they went to Pisa and other cities, and established schools that be- came very much celebrated. But none of the schools are so well known as was one of the professors at Pisa. His name was Galileo. He AGE OF LEO X. 8 1 invented the pendulum which you may hear ticking in the old clock in the corner of the library. You see there a long rod with a weight at the end, and it swings and swings all the time. In the cathedral at Pisa, GaUleo saw a long iron rod hanging from the high ceiling, with a chandelier on the lower end." " You saw it too, did you not t " Lily inter- posed. " Yes, I did. Well, this rod and chandelier swung too, a little, so it is said, and suggested the pendulum to Galileo." " Do let papa go on, Lily ! I wish to hear about the great church that took so long to build," Gerty exclaimed, a little pettishly. '' I was about to say," I continued, " that the Medici family not only encouraged learned men to make Italy their home, but they employed artists, sculptors, and architects, to erect fine buildings and to ornament them with statues and paintings." "That was just what Augustus did in the Golden Age of Rome," exclaimed Lily. " And what Pericles did at Athens in the Golden Age of Greece," said Gerty. " About the time that the learned men were driven by the Turks from Constantinople," I went on to say,^ " which was some fifty years 6 82 SEVEN HISTORIC AGES. before Columbus discovered America, one of the Popes designed the great church we are speaking of, which was to be erected in Rome, and to be dedicated to St. Peter. After John de' Medici, for that was his name, became Leo X., he enlarged the first plan, for you know the Medicis liked to make their buildings very grand. He employed Raphael the greatest artist of the time, to work on it, but neither Leo, nor Raphael, nor Michael Angelo, another great artist who devised the immense dome af- terwards, lived to see the church completed." " How many years did you say it took to complete it," asked Lily. " Let us see how we can remember how long the church was buikling. You said Columbus discovered America in 1492. Do either of you know in what year the Pilgrims landed at Ply- mouth V '•I do," said Gerty ; "in 1620." " How many years were there between these events } " I asked. ** One hundred and twenty-eight years," said Lily, who knew more of arithmetic than of history. " If you can remember these two dates," said I, " you can easily remember, also, when St. Peter's Church was built, how many years it AGE OF LEO X. Z^ took to do it, and some other things of which we shall soon speak." " But you said St. Peter s Church was begun nearly fifty years before America was discov- ered, did you not } " Gerty inquired. " I did say so," I answered, " and the church was not completed until six years after the Pilgrims had landed at Plymouth." " I think I can remember that," said Lily. " You know that I promised to tell you some- thing of the consequences of building this ex- travagant church, and we must devote a few minutes to that," said I. " The Pope of Rome has nowadays pretty hard work to get enough money to pay his expenses, and, in fact, runs in debt every year." " I thought he was just as rich as he could be," exclaimed Lily. " He makes a great show," I replied, "but it is so costly to live as he does, that he has to borrow a great deal of money, besides taking a great many presents which the Romanists send him from all over the world. In the days of Leo X. it was somewhat different, but when he wished to build this great church, and to ornament it so extravagantly, he found he had not money enough. He therefore offered to sell indulgences^ to raise money." 54 SEVEN HISTORIC AGES. "What are 'indulgences ? '" asked Gerty. " They are papers sold by the Pope, with his great seal on them, by which he pretends to take away the penalty due to men for sins," said I. " Does not the Bible teach that no one but God can pardon sin ? " Gerty continued. " We cannot stop now to discuss that ques- tion," I said. " However we should decide it, makes no difference with our story. Leo sent out agents to offer indulgences to the people. One of these named Tetzel, went to Germany and promised, to those who would pay for it, absolution from all excesses, sins, and crimes, however enormous they might be, and told the people that when any one cast money into his box for the soul of a dead person, it would fly up to heaven so soon as the coin tinkled in the bottom. By such means he created a great excitement, and obtained large amounts of money. But while the people bought the in- dulgences in so great numbers, there were some who looked into the Bible, as Gerty suggested, to see what was said on the subject there." " Who were these ? Do tell us, papa ! " said Gerty. " One of them was a poor monk, named Mar- tin Luther, a brave man. He opposed Tetzel's AGE OF LEO X. 85 trade, and though he was in great danger he was ' armed so strong in honesty/ as Shakes- peare says of another, that he cared not for threats and risks. Luther's preaching was so forcible that the people began to refuse to buy indulgences to sin, and the trade finally stopped." " Did the sale of indulgences and the excite- ment both stop together .? " asked Gerty. " It was the year 15 16," said I, ''when Tetzel began to preach. Luther began to oppose him the next year. In 15 18 Tetzel's influence was gone, and in 15 19 he died. The excitement did not die, however, but became much greater. We know that the Dark Age had now passed, that the printing-press had been invented, and that learned men were spreading their thoughts over Europe by means of books, and intelligence was increasing. These facts made the people more anxious to hear what Luther had to say, and better able, alsc, to judge of the truth of his words. Luther was a member of the Romish Church, and continued to be such, though he opposed what he thought was wrong in its teachings. But at last he and those who agreed with him, solemnly protested against these errors, and in the year 1530 separated from the Roman Catholic Church. Ever since 86 SEVEN' HISTORIC AGES. that time those who have agreed with Luther have been called Protestants!' " Then the building of the great Romish cathedral led to the Reformation that I have heard of? " said Gerty. " Yes," said I, '• it did indirectly, though, as we have seen, the world had been prepared by other events, for advances in freedom of thought, as well as for reform in religious matters." imn:^ CHAPTER X. THE AGE OF CHARLES THE FIFTH. Bell, book, and candle shall not drive me back, When gold and silver becks me to come on ! — A'///^ yoAft. EAR papa ! " Gerty exclaimed one day, " I was much interested in what you told us about Luther and his times in Germany, and have been wondering whether all people were at that time involved in disputes about religion, as he and those about him were." " I am glad you have enough curiosity and thought to ask this question. It is a very nat- ural one, and I shall try to-day to show you that in Germany and elsewhere some other matters engaged a great deal of attention. Have you forgotten when Columbus discov- ered America ? " " We have not forgotten that, and never shall," both Gerty and Lily answered, " because America is our home, and we love it. It was discovered in the year 1492." " Just at that time/' I went on, " there was a S8 SEVEN HISTORIC AGES, sickly little boy playing about one of the small towns in the old province of Estremandura, in the western part of Spain. His parents were of a high family but poor, and the little fellow was often quite ill, and on several occasions came very near losing his life by disease. His parents, poor as they were, sent him to school, and, when he was fourteen years old, to college ; but he did not like study, and after spending two years at college, he ran away and went home. This was nine years after the discovery of this continent, and as he was no better con- tented at home, little Hernando, for that was his name, made up his mind to go to the new world to seek his fortune." ** What did his father and mother say to that t " asked Lily. ** I do not know what they said, but I can tell you what they did. They probably thought they could not manage Hernando at home, or, perhaps, they concluded the sea air and the new climate would do his health good, or for some other reason, they not only allowed him to go, but gave him their blessing, and some money when he started." '' I don't believe Lily knows where Spain is," said Gerty, as she spread the map of the world before her younger sisters. THE AGE OF CHARLES THE FIFTH. 89 " Yes, I do," Lily rejoined. '' We looked it out when we were talking about the Vandals. Here is the New World, too, on the Western Hemisphere, and here is Germany, northeast of Spain. We have talked of all these countries before." *' Look at the Western Hemisphere and see whether you can find Mexico," said I. Quick as thought Lily replied, ** Here it is, between the Gulfs of Mexico and California." " And here, in the middle of Mexico, is a city of the same name," added Gerty. " Very good ! " said I. " Young Hernando sailed first for the West India islands, where he not only work«ed to get gold, which he loved very much, but also distinguished himself in the conquest by the Spanish army of one of the islands, which you see is called Cuba. This army was commanded by a general named Ve- lasquez, who had come out with Columbus on h-is second voyage." " You have only told us Hernando's first name," Lily suggested. " His family name was Cortez," said I, " and, as he is known by that name in history, we had better call him by it in our talk. He was a graceful young man when he left home, and was now able to perform the exercises of a soldier 90 SEVEN- msTORIC AGES. wonderfully well. He had also grown mature, and was cool and experienced. His character and accomplishments led to his appointment as commander of an expedition to Mexico, for the Spaniards always coveted gold, and having heard of the riches of that country, determined to conquer it. After making preparation Cor- tez sailed and landed on the coast of Mexico in the year 15 19. The natives were surprised at his horses, and frightened by his cannon. Cortez found that the king's name was Mon- tezuma. " * Has your king silver and gold ? ' asked Cortez. *' ' He has,' the people replied. " ' Then let him send it me/ said the Span- iard, * for I and my companions have a disease of the heart that is cured by gold.' " " He forgot the Bible when he said that," Gerty exclaimed. " Do you remember the verse auntie taught me } — 'He that loveth sil- ver shall not be satisfied with silver ; nor he that loveth abundance ivith increase! " "Yes, he forgot that," said I, " but he learned afterwards that it is true. Cortez marched up to the city of Mexico, which Lily uist now pointed out, and Montezuma received him with great pomp, giving him a beautiful THE AGE OF CHARLES THE FIFTIL 9 1 palace to live in. I wish I could stop and tell you all about this splendid city, but we have not time. Cortez said it was the most beauti- ful thing in the world, and he envied Monte- zuma for owning it. Notwithstanding the kindness with which he was treated, Cortez suddenly made the Mexican king a prisoner in his own magnificent palace, and threatened to kill him, if he called for help." •' What a wicked man Cortez was ! " ex- claimed Gerty, indignantly. " He placed Montezuma in irons," I contin- ued, " and finally forced an immense amount of gold from him, and caused him to swear to be a subject of the king of Spain, Charles the Fifth. But he had much trouble before he conquered the Mexicans, and in the course of the wars Montezuma and Guatimozin, who was king after him, both lost their lives." " It shocks me," said Lily, " to know that all the great soldiers we hear of were so very cruel." " Too often they are cruel," said I, " and es- pecially when fighting to get gold, for then they appear to think nothing too bad for them to do. Like Faulconbridge in Shakespeare's play they are ready to be cursed by the priest's terrible ' bell, book, and candle ' curse, or to 92 SEVEN HISTORIC AGES. suffer any distress to gain their ends. Cortez was no exception. He gained much gold for himself and his king at the expense of cruelty and murder ; but he was treated cruelly him- self and never was rewarded as he expected to have been. But I cannot tell you more about him now." " Please tell us about King Charles, then," Gerty urged. " When Columbus wished ships to sail west- ward he received aid, as you have learned, from Ferdinand and Isabella, who reigned in Spain, and Charles was a grandson of this Ferdinand. He was much younger than Cortez, and was only sixteen years old when he became king." " That was pretty young," Gerty interposed. " But no younger than the Black Prince was at the battle of Cressy," added Lily. " He was quite young, though," said I, " and especially for so great a kingdom as he was called to rule. He became king of Spain and all its scattered colonies on the death of his mother's father, and in two or three, years his father's father died, and that made him em- peror of Germany also. He was not born in Spain, but in Belgium, and had been educated there, and as his father was not a Spaniard, Charles did not possess the sympathy of his THE AGE OF CHARLES THE FIFTH. 93 subjects in Spain. Besides this, he was stern and grave, while his subjects were lively, spirited, and gay. He was the first king of Spain called Charles, and the fifth emperor of Germany of the name. He is therefore called Charles I. of Spain, and Charles V. of Germany. Charles was very ambitious, and boasted of the extent of his dominions, saying that the sun never set on them, which indeed it never did, for he ruled countries on both sides of the globe, so that when it was night in one part it was bright day in some other part." " Do you understand that, Lily } " asked Gerty, with her patronzing air. " Of course I do ! " Lily rejoined, a little of- fended at the insinuation of her elder sister. " One of the first acts of Charles's reign in Germany," I continued, " was the trial of Martin Luther for heresy, or for his opposition to the Romish Church. This occurred at the city of Worms, in 1521, and of it you will read in his- tory." " What a queer name for a city ! " said Lily. " It may sound oddly to you, but it does not to the Germans, who do not pronounce it as you do. We cannot consider all the events of this age to-day, but you may remember that it was a very important era in Germany and 94 SEVEN HISTORIC AGES. Spain, as we have already seen it was in Italy, and as you will also find it was in England." "Who was kins; of Ensfland at the time?'' inquired Gerty. " Henry the Eighth was king of England," I answered, *' and Erancis the Eirst of Erance. You will remember Henry and Erancis from a celebrated meeting they had in Erance, which was so magnificent as to be always known as the " Eield of the Cloth of Gold." Perhaps I may tell you about that one day. But let us go back to King Charles. Besides working hard to make his dominions greater and greater, which caused him to engage in bloody wars, he also tried to make all his subjects Romanists. This was the reason he tried to keep Luther from preaching Protestantism, and this, too, was one of the aims of Cortez in Mexico. But neither of them was immediately successful, for though Mexico is now a Roman Catholic country, the natives under Montezuma and Guatimozin strongly resisted the efforts of Cortez to introduce that belief, and Germany is now a Protestant country." " How long did Charles the Eifth reign } " Lily inquired. "Your question," said T, "brings us to one of the most remarkable acts of this great kinof. THE AGE OF CHARLES THE FIFTH. 95 Some years before his death he conchided that he could not continue to direct and lead in matters of state so successfully as he had long done, and so, gathering a splendid assembly in the city of Brussels, he resigned a portion of his power to his son, who became Philip the Second of Spain. At another time he gave up the empire of Germany to his brother Ferdi- nand. When he had transferre\ all cf his dominions to other hands, he retired to a convent. The place which he selected for his home was the convent of St. Yuste, among the romantic mountains in the north of Estreman- dura, in Spain. There he had prepared a very elegant suite of apartments, and they were furnished with every luxury that taste and art could supply. There, surrounded by the peaceful beauties of nature without, and with gold and paintings, statuary and books within, he spent his last days feasting his body, and employing his mind with the movements of those public affairs that he had tried in vain to control. He died in 1558, an exemphfication of the lines — " * Kings are like stars — they rise and set — they have The worship of the world, but no repose. ' " CHAPTER XI. THE GOLDEN AGE OF ENGLAND. THREE QUEENS. In lier diys every man shall eat in safety Under his own vine, wiiat he ]3lants ; and sing The merry songs of peace to all his neighbors ; God shall be truly known. Shakespeare. OU told ns that the king of England who reigned at the time of Charles V. was named Henry, and I have been wishing to know more about him." So Gerty opened our conversation one warm autumn day. " There would be a great deal to interest us in the history of King Henry," I replied, " but now that your curiosity is exxited, I shall let you read about it. Our talk to-day will be about three queens, two of whom were his daughters. Two of these were named Mary, and the other Elizabeth. The first Mary was born about the time Charles was crowned king of Spain, and became queen of England in 1553. ^vhich was two 3^ears before Charles gave up the authority to his son." THE GOLDEN AGE OF ENGLAND, 97 " When was Queen Elizabeth born ? " asked Lily. " When her sister Mary was crowned, Eliz- abeth was twenty years old," I replied, "and having been very carefully educated, was a young lady of many accomplishments," " Was not Mary well educated too ? " Gerty inquired. " Certainly," said I, " Mary was highly edu- cated, but she grew up to be a very different woman from her sister." "Did they not have the same teachers?" asked Lily. " They did not, and for more than one reason. You may be surprised when I tell you that little Mary was engaged to be married to one of her cousins, almost before her school-days began." " How old was she 1 To whom was she engaged t My school-days have already begun, may I be engaged, papa .? " Gerty exclaimed al- most out of breath. " Mary was about seven years old," I con- tinued without answering Gerty's questions, "and the young gentleman was fourteen years older than she. You have heard of him. His name was Charles " — " Oh ! Charles the Fifth ! " exclaimed Gerty. " Was Mary engaged to Charles the Fifth ? " 7 ^S SEVEN HISTORIC AGES. " Right," said I. " Little Mary was engaged to be married to Charles V., and to please him, she was educated after the Spanish fashion. Her father did not like the Pope, nor the Romanists, but was willing to do anything to please so powerful a ruler as Charles, and for this poor reason he made a little Romanist of his daughter, whom he said he loved very much." *• Did King Henry really love Mary ? " Lily asked. " I suppose he really did," said L " When was Mary married 1 " asked all the girls at once. " Of course you do not suppose she was married very soon after her engagement, and her long engagement proved not the best thing in the world. Before little Mary was old enough to be a wife, her lover changed his mind, and afterwards married another lady named Isabella." " Did Mary ever marry any one } " asked Lily. *' Yes," I replied, " a number of years later she married Philip, king of Spain, who was a son of her cousin Charles. Philip did not love Mary, and lived in Spain the most of his time, while she was deeply in love with him, and THE GOLDEN AGE OF ENGLAND. 99 allowed his views to exert a great influence over her actions." " Was this the queen whom I have heard called Bloody Mary ? " asked Lily. " The same," I answered, " and well she deserves the title. She was a very strong Romanist, and thought every one who differed from her in religious faith ought to be pun- ished. She caused nearly three hundred per- sons to be burned to death in three years, only because they were Protestants.'' " How terrible ! " exclaimed little Pearl. "When I only burned my hand the other day, it made me cry for pain, and I think it must be dreadful to be burned to death ! " " It is dreadful," I said, " to sit here in our comfortable library and talk about it, but to be tied up to a stake surrounded with faggots, and there to be burned by cruel men, must be indeed fearful ; and yet Mary was so barbarous as to have two babies burned in this way, and more than fifty women " — " It makes me shudder to think of it," said Gerty. " Let us hear now about the other queens." *' Well," said I, "first there is Elizabeth. She is called. Good Queen Bess, which shows that her reputation is very different from her sister's. ICO SEVEN- HISTORIC AGES. This affectionate title is given her because she is loved." " Please papa, tell us about her life when she was young," Gerty urged. " Oh do ! " exclaimed Lily. " I love to think of the great people as once children, and feel better acquainted with them for it." " Little Elizabeth was born in her father's palace at Greenwich," said I "on the seventh of September, 1533, and, a few days after, was christened at the same place, the cele- brated Archbishop Cranmer being her god- father. Shakespeare gives a poetical account of this ceremony at the end of the last act of his play of Henry VI I L" " What was her mother's name ! " Lily asked. "Elizabeth's mother was named Anne Bullen .? " I replied, " and she was younger than Catherine, the mother of her sister Mary. After a few years Anne's husband caused her to be put to death, and then he married another woman named Jane Seymour." "What was poor Queen Anne put to death for 1 " Lily inquired with much interest. " The story of Anne Bullen's sad death, and the causes of it, form a very interesting chapter of history, but we can hardly stop to con.sider it to-day. Her daughter Elizabeth was very THE GOLDEN AGE OF ENGLAND. lOI carefully educated, and, like Mary, was much courted by persons who wished to marry her. However, she never was married. She became quite learned, understanding Latin, French, Italian, Spanish, and other languages, and be- ing able to write pretty good poetry. Her most distinguished teacher, Roger Ascham, was the first writer on education in our lan- guage." " Do ladies learn so many things nowadays, papa?" asked Gerty. " Very few do, my dear," I answered, " but I think it would be a good plan for some of them to study more than they do. Don't you } " Both the older girls agreed with me, and I continued : " Elizabeth differed from her sister in that she was a Protestant, and when Mary died in 1558, the people were almost wild with joy, for they hated her, and were glad Eliz- abeth was to be queen. They had reason to be glad, as we shall see. Among her first acts, the new queen, on the first Christmas Day, put herself at the head of the Protestant world, and sent friendly messages to the Prot- estant sovereigns. Not long after she restored the Church of England service in the churches, gave people the right to use the Bible in their 102 SEVEN HISTORIC AGES. own language, and thus forever constituted Protestantism the religion of England. Were these not acts proper to rejoice over ? " "Indeed they were ! " Gerty exclaimed, and then suddenly changing the subject, she said, " I have found a very old paper which has in it a picture of Queen Elizabeth looking at a Christmas play. Here it is." "A very fine picture,'' I said, examining it, "but not so old as you suppose. I took it myself from the * London, Illustrated News' for Christmas, 1858." " That was before I was born, though," said Gerty. " Let us look at the picture," said I. " Here is the proud queen on her canopied throne, with her royal arms behind her, and the ele- gant train of her robe spreads in graceful folds over the steps. See those rings on her fingers, .and the pearls and precious stones in her hair end about her great ruffled collar ! Around her, too, are her courtiers. Gentle Will Shakes- peare, as he is called, is bowing to the queen, for it is his play of * Love's Labor's Lost,' which is in progress. Just in front of the royal party is the stage, on which Don Armado and Moth are discoursing about love. We can only imag- ine who, besides the queen and the poet, con- THE GOLDEN' AGE OF ENGLAND. 103 stitute the audience, and perhaps we will do as well to go on with our history." " Oh ! how I do wish I had lived then ! " ex- claimed Lily, " I should like to have sat at the foot of the throne with that little page ! " •' What else did Queen Elizabeth do ? " asked Gerty. " The picture you have just showed me," I said, " reminds me that her reign, which was very long, is remarkable for the great writers who lived at the time. " First among them was Shakespeare, who wrote poems and plays so full of wisdom and beauty, that no one has ever equaled him in any country. I shall only mention three others, Edmund Spenser, who was a graceful poet. Lord Bacon, who was a deep philosopher, and Walter Raleigh, of whom Sir Walter Scott has given an attractive picture in his novel of * Kenil worth.' Besides these writers there were noble and scientific men who went out in ships to discover and conquer new countries. The people were active and enterprising, and the queen encouraged them so much and so com- pletely gained their good- will that for very many years the day she became queen was called Queen Elizabeth's Day, and was cele- brated with enthusiastic love." 104 SEVEN HISTORIC AGES. " You have forgotten, papa, that I asked what the queen did, not what the people did," sug- gested Gerty. " What the people do," said I, " is often of much greater importance than what the sov- ereign does." " Then please tell us about the other Mary, and you may do it in your own way," said Gerty. "The year 1542," said I, as the girls ar- ranged their seats anew about the table, — "the year 1542, was a very exciting one in Scotland. At the end of that year, and just one week before her father died, a little girl was born, who was afterwards known as Queen of Scots, and who was destined to have as stormy and excited days all through life, as her father had seen the few months before she was born. Her mother was Mary of Lorraine, a daughter of the Duke of Guise, who founded in France a celebrated family which became very prominent in upholding the Romish religion, and had a good deal to do with the Massacre of St. Bar- tholomew, of which we spoke once, you re- member." Gerty was always glad to have me speak of anything of which I had told them before, and low she exclaimed : " I remember that 1 " THE GOLDEN AGE OF EiVGLAA'D. 105 "This little girl was courted by a number of persons, and when she was six years old, was engaged to be married, to a young prince named Francis, whose father was king of France." " What was his father's name ? " Lily asked. " King Henry the Second," I repUed. *' He was very active in persecuting Protestants, and had a large number of them burned, just as Queen Mary did. Because the little six-year- old princess was engaged to a French prince, she was sent over to France to be educated, with four companions, each of whom was also named Mary." " That was funny ! " exclaimed Pearl. " Five Marys all together ! " "If you had gone with the Marys you would have found the people about the king were all Romanists. Henry's wife was Catherine de Medici, of the same family to which Leo X. belonged. She became the mother of three kings of France, one of whom, Charles the Ninth, she incited to give orders for the Mas- sacre of St. Bartholomew. The court of flenry n. was devoted to love and literature, and in these things little Mary was educated. She became a brilliant scholar, and was a beautiful and gay young woman." I06 SEVEN HISTORIC AGES. " Was she ever really queen ? " Lily asked. "Yes," said I, "she became queen of both France and Scotland, but her husband soon died, and then she was only queen of Scot- land. She returned to Edinljurgh and lived in the famous Holyrood Palace. Mary's Romish friends were now desirous of making her queen of England, and made some moves to that end." " What did Elizabeth say to that t " asked Gerty. " Of course she did not like such pretensions at all," said I, " and so she made a prisoner of beautiful Mary, having her conveyed from one pleasant castle to another, where she could exert no power, for nineteen years. The story of her confinement is as interesting as a novel, and I hope you will read it when you are older. Walter Scott has woven some of the romantic incidents of her life into his novel entitled * The Abbott,' and gives a faithful picture of the poor, but charming queen. At the end of the nineteen years beautiful Mary's head was cut off, and she was released from her earthly troubles." " Did Queen Elizabeth do this 1 " Lily asked with interest. " A good many think she ordered the execu- THE GOLDEN- AGE OF ENGLAND. 10/ tion, but she said it was done contrary to her wishes, and pretended to be sorry for it. Elizabeth lived and reigned sixteen years after this, and when she died in 1603, Mary's son, who was born at Holyrood, became king of England and Scotland. He is called James the First of England, and James the Sixth of Scotland." "Was he a Romanist like his mother? " asked Gerty. " No. He was educated in Scotland, and was not much under his mother's influence. One great event of his reign was the transla- tion of the Bible in the year 161 1." Gerty now looked on the library shelves, and said she wondered whether the great Bible there was King James's. " Read the title," said I. " The Holy Bible. An exact Reprint of the Edition of \6\\',' she read. "Yes," said I, "that is the Bible, just as it was printed then. If you examine it, you will find very little difference between it and the copies in common use. Some of the words are not spelled as we spell them now, and it seems as though the letters ?/ and v, and 2 and/, had changed places, but though, as you say, it looks funny, the sense is the same." I08 SEVEN- HISTORIC ACES. "We must hear a little more about Eliza- beth, papa," said Gerty. " I have only to add," said I, " that her reign was very long and is considered the Golden Age of England. She was a very plain woman in appearance, and somewhat vain, but she was a great sovereign. It is, however, rather the large number of distinguished statesmen, sol- diers, and scholars who were about her, which gives the period its exalted place in the world's history. Can you now give me the names of the three queens of whom we have been talk- ing?" " I can ! " exclaimed Gerty. " Bloody Mary, Good Queen Bess, and Mary Queen of Scots." " Right," said I. ^' And now that we have done let me say, that when you wish an interest- ing book to read you will find some more about Queen Elizabeth and her times, in Sir Walter Scott's story of ' Kenilworth.' If you should ever visit London, go to the beautiful West- minster Abbey, and then you will be interested,, as your papa was once, in examining the mon- uments and reclining statues of all the Three Queens." CHAPTER XII. THE GOLDEN AGE OF ENGLAND. THE PURITANS. The Puretan would be judged by the Word of God. John Seldox, a. d. 1650. HY have we had no talks about our own country ? one Gerty asked her papa " Surely it would be very interesting to learn all about it. We have spoken several times of its discovery in 1492 by Christopher Columbus, but to what has oc- curred during the three centuries since that time we have hardly referred." ** This is a very good time for us to take up our own history," I replied, " for more reasons than one. Perhaps you saw something in the book on the library table the other day, about ' Forefather's Day.' Can either of you tell me what day that is ? " "I saw the book," Gerty replied, "and I remember that it spoke of the twenty-first of December as ' Forefather's Day.' " no SEVEN HISTORIC AGES. "It is SO called," I continued, "because on that day in the year 1620 the Puritan fathers of New England landed at Plymouth, on Cape Cod, in what is now the State of Massachusetts. It was, as you notice, during the reign of King James the First, of whom we just spoke. We shall talk to-day about the Puritans in England, and shall naturally refer to the history of Amer- ica ; but as it was a hundred and fifty years after the landing of the Pilgrims that our government was formed, its history is hardly old enough to take its place among the Ages." "Please tell us about the Puritans, then, papa," said Lily. " But who were the * Pilgrims ' .'* I notice you spoke just now of them," said Gerty. " Were they Puritans } " " You have asked a very good question, and I am glad to answer it, for many who are much older than you, and even some who think they know enough to write books, appear not to know that the two words do not describe the same people. We know that our forefathers who lived as long ago as the days of good Queen Bess, belonged to the Church of Eng- land, and in their worship used a book of prayer almost the same that is now used in the Epis- copal Church in America." -, short wde trnnss-s. silken slioes, Some with the peaked cars of Mandarins ; H.-hold the ruby biittoi biiriiing; thr-rs, And yonder severed head that chastly grins; Old hill-side tombs, where mourners still repair: lunutuerous bustle, immortal calm — And this is China I " Richard H. Sicddard, T was just as I bad expected. The ^\x\ were interested in the history that I had given them, and were not at all satisfied to stop with the knowledge of "Seven Ages." They read their lists of char- acters over time and again, and learned the *'One Hundred Dates" by heart. Several times they came to me and asked me to tell them something of other periods. When I found that they were really in earnest in desiring to learn, and did not want to be amused merely, I determined to please them, 142 Cliiiu SL' Girl a Home. See p.age H-^. A SHUT UP PEOPLE. 143 in spite of my first plan to limit my stones to the Seven Ages. Times changed with us, however, before I came to this conclusion, for we left our plea- sant home at the Mount, and are now living in a rural city, where we all have much more to interest us, and to stimulate us in our desire for knowledge. The first of my " Hundred Dates " happened to be the one that gave me my first text ; for a family from China came to our town to live, and we all became accustomed to seeing the children at play on the Common before our windows, for they attended a school just over the open space opposite our house. At first the sight of the little fellows was very strange to the girls. They did not know that they were both boys, for the boys and girls in China do not have the same sort of clothes as we are used to seeing. It is a good thing for children, and, in fact, for all of us, to see things that are different from those that we are accustomed to, for if we see but one way of living or dressing we are apt to think that our own way is the only good one. It is cne of the advantages of travel that it shows us how other people live and act. The study of history is profitable in the 144 ^^ ^^^ HISTORIC A GBS. same way, for it tells us of the great deeds of others, and of past ages. Some children think that our country is very old, because they have heard of the landing of the Pilgrims, and of the great revolutionary war, which happened long, long ago. I remember that when I was travelling, I thought that many of the buildings which I saw in England were very old, but when I was in Rome, I found others that were much older. The Pilgrims landed at Plymouth about two hundred and fifty years ago, but there are buildings in England that are nearly a thou- sand years old. Think of that. There is a great deal of difference between two hundred and ten hundred years. Ten hundred years seems to carry us back to ** antiquity," as the old folks say ; but when I was in Rome, I thought I had found anti- quity itself, for the buildings there were many of them built long before the time of Christ, — that is more than twenty hundred years ago. Our nation is not three hundred years old. The English people are nearly one thou- sand years old, and there were cities in Italy that date back to a much earlier period, — in fact, Rome was founded more than twenty-five hundred years ago. A SHUT UP PEOPLE. 145 " Rome must be the oldest city in the world," exclaimed Gerty. " That is a very natural thought," I replied, "but you will find that you are mistaken." " Gerty has forgotten Bible times, I guess," said Lily. " I think that Adam lived before Rome was founded." '' Of course he did," put in little Pearl, who was fresh from a talk with her aunt on the subject, but understood little that we had been saying. "If you were to ask the father of the Chinese boys, whom you can see now from the library window, how old China is, he would tell you that it was established six thousand or eight thousand years ago. I do not think that he could prove it, but it is certain that China is a very old country." " I think that the people in a country that is so old, ought to know more than the Chinese seem to know," said Lily. " How much do you thiftk they know.?" I asked. '* I think they know very little," Gerty replied. " For I remember that you had a great deal of difficulty in getting any infor- mation from the father of the boys, when he called on us." 10 146 S£ VEN HIS TORIC A GES, ** Of course it was difficult for me to get any information from him, because he does not understand our language. He speaks Chinese, and I suppose that his children think that it is strange that we do not understand that." " That never occurred to me," said Gerty, "but I suppose they must think we are as strange as we think them." *' That is just what I wanted to say myself, but I wished to have you say it for me, if I could get you to do so. These Chinese, by coming to us, have taught us some of the facts that we should have learned by going to their country. You see that they must have much knowledge, for they are able to make elegant cloths, and to dress finely. Their taste is not the same as ours, but that does not prove that it is not good. It is not good English taste, but it is good Chinese taste." " How strange we should look if we were to be set down in a Chinese city, among a popu- lation of persons all dressed like the few that we see here," said Gerty. " I wonder if the boys would run after us, as the American boys ran after these little Chinese, when they first came "i " asked Lily. The thought of causing such a commotion in the streets of a Chinese city made all the A SHUT UP PEOPLE. 147 girls lauo^h. I told them that I had never been in China, but that travellers say that the Chinese are too polite to act as the American boys did. " Then they have one good trait," said Gerty, *' that is good both in China and America." " Yes," I replied, " they are very polite, but not all of their ways of politeness are such as we should like at first." " Have they any books ? " asked Lily. *' Yes, they have many books ; and they tell us that they made paper long before we or our ancestors knew how to do it. They are very proud of their learning. They say that when the people of England and the other portions of Europe were barbarians, the people of China were highly civilized. It seems as though this boast might be founded on fact, for we know that most of our late inventions, excepting the steam-engine and the telegraph, were in use in China centuries ago." "I did not know this," said Gerty, ''and I should not have thought it possible, if I had seen those Chinese only who work in the shoe- factories and have laundries in the city. The family in this town is different from those. The boys learn as well as other boys in the 148 SE VEN HIS TORIC A GES. school, and the father seems to be learned. He can write English as well as anybody." " But the girls seem to know nothing," ex- claimed Lily, " and the mother does not even now speak English." " I have heard somewhere," said Gerty, "That the Chinese do not teach girls and women anything. Is that true?" ** I fear it is too true," I replied. " That is the case in all Eastern countries. But it is not long since women were not taught as much as they are now, in our own country. We seem to be just learning that women have the same mind that men have, and that it should be developed, just as that of men is." " How old is the Chinese nation, really, since you say that it would be difficult to prove that it is so old as the Chinese say that it is," asked Gerty. " I think that it can be traced back about twenty-five hundred years before Christ, which is about the time of Abraham. That is long before there were any civilized people in Eu- rope. It was nearly four thousand years be- fore America was even discovered, and still longer before there were any civilized people living on this continent." A SHUT UP PEOPLE. 149 " I cannot imagine such long periods of time," said Lily. " Very true, my dear, and it is difficult for any of us to do it." "I cannot understand," said Gerty, "Why the Chinese have not been changed in their habits, and why they have not become more like other people in all these long years," said Lily. " There are several reasons for it. One is, that Eastern nations do not change their manners for ages. If you v^^ere to go to Palestine, you would find that the inhabitants live just as they did in the time of Abraham. The Chinese do not appear to be so slow and loth to make progress as the people of Pales- tine are, but they have shut themselves up in their own land for ages, so that they never found out how other nations lived." " I know one man who went to China ever so long ago," said Lily, " for I have read an interesting book about him and his travels." " What was his name t " said I. "His name was Marco Polo. He went from Venice and visited many countries." " O, I have read about him," exclaimed Gerty. There is a beautiful red book in the library, by your friend Mr. Towle, that tells I50 SEVEN HISTORIC AGES, all about his travels. He called China * Ca- thay/ which reminded me of a line in ' Locks- ley Hall,' which I learned by heart, you remember. It is * Better fifty years of Europe than a cycle of Cathay.' " ** I should alter it to * Better fifty years in our land tlian a cycle of Cathay.' I don't thmk that I should like fifty years of Europe." " I should like it better than ' a cycle of Cathay,'" said Lily. " Marco Polo went to China more than nve hundred years ago ; but it was three hundred years after that before many more people from other nations were permitted to enter the kingdom. In the year 1807, ^ missionary named Morrison went to the city of Canton, and translated the Bible into the Chinese lan- guage. Since that tin^e there have been many English and Americans in China." " We have always got our tea from China, have we not .'' " asked Lily. *' We have not 'always* had tea to drink," I replied. '* Do you know when tea was first used in Europe .''" '*Tea was first used in Holland at about l6oo, In 1767, a duty was levied on it in A SHUT UP PEOPLE. 151 America by the government of England. You remember that this tax led to the 'Bos- ton Tea-Party,' in 1773." '• Yes, and the ' Boston tea-party' led to the Revolutionary War, and that to the establish- ment of our nation," said Gerty. "Speaking of war reminds me of a time when the people of China had a war with Eng- land, and seem to me to have been in the right, when the English were in the wrong." '* Do tell us about it," exclaimed Gerty and Lily together. " It was in the latter part of the last century that the English tried to send to China large quantities of a drug called opium. It is smoked by the Chinese, and makes them stupid. The Chinese government did not like to have the people use opium, and tried to keep the English from sending it into China from India." '' I think that it was very mean in a Chris- tian nation, like England, to try to force the people of China to use a drug that did them so much harm." *• It seems to me worse than *mean.' It was wrong. The Chinese were so much in earnest that, in 1838, they made the use of opium a cap- ital crimC; and sent a great army to Canton, in 152 SB VEN HIS TORIC A GES. 1839, which took opium that would have sold for twenty million dollars, and destroyed it. That was a good loss. It was better that the opium should be burned in the air, than in the pipes of the poor Chinese. The * Chris- tian ' English determined to force the Chinese to allow the trade in opium ; a war was de- clared by England, and in 1842, the Chinese were forced to sign a treaty allowing the Eng- lish to keep up the trade." " I am ashamed of the English," exclaimed Gerty, with indignation. " Good came of the wickedness," I replied, " for the Chinese were obliged, after this war, to permit other nations to trade with them, and that was the beginning of progress ; for, as I told you, we all need to know something of what others are doing, and how they are doing it. The Chinese nation has been much en- lightened since that time, and, one of these days, may have an influence among the nations of the world." " If the Chinese were shut up, in the way you describe, they could not have known much about the history of other nations," said Gerty. •• No," I replied ; " strange as it appears to us, Chinese schoolboys could have known nothing of the great men of whom_, you know A SHUT UP PEOPLE. 153 SO much. They had never heard of Caesar nor Alexander, of Cicero nor Demosthenes, of Na- poleon nor Washington, of Columbus nor Ves- puccius." " They could not have heard of Christ," said Lily. ** No, they never heard of Christ until the missionaries went to them. You know that missionaries are so anxious to do good that they go to the most out-of-the-way parts of the world, and they often are ahead of all other discoverers. They have done a great deal of good besides preaching to the heathen." " I am glad of that," said Pearl. CHAPTER XVI. THE GORGEOUS EAST. *' Ere the blabbing enstern scout, The nice mcrn on ihs Indian steep, From her cabined loop hole peep, And to the telltale si'.n descry Our concealed solemnity." Camus. NE morning Gerty came into the library, sa3'in<2:, " Papa, I saw in the paper something about the ' Empress of India,' and it seems as if the person re- ferred to was the queen of England. I do not see how the queen of England can be also empress of India." " Do you know anything about the history of India ?" I asked. " Not much. I know very little of the coun- try, except that it is away off in Asia, not quite so far away as China, of which you talked to us last." "India," I continued, "is a vast country. If you will take the atlas, I can explain it to you 154 THE GORGEOUS EAST. 155 better. You see that it is bounded on the north by a range of mountains called the Himalayas. These mountains run entirely across the continent of Asia, a distance of seventy-five hundred miles." " That is twice as far as across the Atlantic ocean, and it takes a steamship ten days or more to go that distance. How very long the Himalaya range of mountains must be," said Gerty, who had been studying her geograpliy lesson that morning. *' India is the countr}^ Vv^here those wonder- ful jugglers live, of whom uncle Henderson told us, is it not .? " asked Pearl. "Yes," I replied, "it is. If you will look at the map, I will show you where your uncle saw the wonderful tricks performed. You see the name of the City of Bombay, on the western coast of the country. The city is on an island, and on the side looking towards the mainland, instead of that looking to the sea. It has a fine harbor. On the mainland you will see mountains. On the summits of these highlands there are places where there is cool air, when the people of Bombay are parched with -drouth and are sweltering with heat. On the highlands you will find the town of Matheran." 1 56 SE VEN HISTORIC A GES. " Here it is," exclaimed Lily. " I see it. It is not on the line of the railway that goes to Calcutta, but a little to the south of it." "Yes," I said, "■ the railway cannot go to so high a place as Matheran. The station is called Narel. Your uncle said that he stopped at that station, and was taken up the ascent on the back of a 'tattoo,' which is a small pony. The town of Matheran is so high, and the ascent so steep, that it took your uncle four hours to get to it from the station. But when he arrived, he found that he was well paid for the trouble. The scene from the town heights stretches far away to sea, the air is cool, and the roads that go around the table-land are on the edge of the preci- pice, so that as one drives he is charmed at every turn." " Do tell us about the jugglers," exclaimed little Pearl, who began to be impatient, the description of the country being something which she cared little for. "The jugglers," I continued, "are a set of people like the gypsies. They come from the country, at the times when there are most visitors at Matheran, and perform their tricks." " Do you remember any of them ? " asked Gerty. ■^■^■^ L. GLtKb. ( S,. /,/^r, [^(, j THE GORGEOUS EAST. 157 " I will tell you some. They seem very wonderful, even to me. One trick was that of * the basket and the child.' The child was but about eight years old. He stood in the basket, which was but little larger than he, and gradually disappeared. As soon as he was fairly inside the jugglers pierced the basket in every direction with knives. It seems as if the child would be surely cut to pieces. They went further. They pounded the basket until it was almost flat, and it seemed as if nothing could be in it. Then they formed a circle around the basket and began to sing. Soon a voice was heard from the woods. It was not long before it seemed to come from the basket. Then the basket seemed to swell, when the lid was taken off, and the child jumped out, alive and well." "I can scarcely believe that," exclaimed Lily. " It is almost past belief; but you remember the tricks that we saw last winter at Selden Hall. They were wonderful. We saw a woman disappear from a chest, in a remarkable way, that we could not understand. Another of the tricks of these men is done with a top. It is made to spin on a stick, as we saw a Japanese juggler do it. This man balances 158 5^ VEN HIS TORIC AGES. the stick on his nose and makes the top still spin, but he makes it stop, also, whenever his audience says, 'stop.' It is not so wonderful that he can balance it on the stick, for you remember we saw a top spinning on the edge of a sword, but how he can make it stop and sta"rt again, is more than I can tell." '* Can you tell us what is meant by ' the Black Hole of Calcutta?' " asked Gerty. " I have read of it a number of times." " Calcutta, you will see by the map, is on the other side of the great peninsula, from Bombay. It is an elegant city, and there are many English people there. You know that the Queen of England is called also the ' Em- press of India.' The English have conquered India. It took them a great while to do it ; the struggle occupied about two hundred years." *' You don't mean to say that the English and the Indians were fighting for two hundred years, do you }" said Lily. " No. I mean that it was about two hun-, dred years from the time that English people first began to try to get possession of India, until the great victory of the battle of Plassey, in 1757, when the supremacy of the British government was established. The 'Black Hole ' THE GORGEOUS EAST. 159 is connected with an event that occurred in 1756. The city of Calcutta was captured by the Hindus on the 20th of June, of that year, and the Enghsh, who were not able to get away to the ships, were shut up in a little room that had but one very small window There were one hundred and forty-six persons. The weather was very hot, and in the mornino- It was found that only twenty-six of the prison° ers were left alive. A monument fifty feet high was afterwards erected on the spot to the memory of the persons who died in that terri- ble night." " I never heard anything so horrible," ex- claimed Gerty. " You will hear of many frightful deeds as you read history," said I. « History deals a great deal with wars, and war is a terrible thing. It grows out of the evil passions of men, and it gives them the best opportunity to develop themselves. It is this that made the poet Southey exclaim : " ' These chronicles of crimes f I'll read no more ; For I am cue who wiilingly would love His fellow-kind. O, gentle poesy ! Receive me from the world's polluted scenes, From dungeon horrors, from the field of war, — Receive me to your haunts, that I may nurse' My nature's better feelings ; for my soul Sickens at man's misdeeds 1 ' 1 60 SE VEN HIS TORIC A GES. ^*The history of the conquest of India by the English will interest you all one of these clays, but I will tell you but one thing more about the country. It is connected with our lan- guage." " Then I do not care to hear it," exclaimed Pearl, as she started quickly towards the library door. "Very well," said I, ''you may go, but I want Lily and Gerty to wait a moment." *' I will wait as long as you will talk about language," said Gerty. " Once upon a time," I began. " Is it a true story ^ " Lily asked, interrupt- ing me. " Yes," I replied. I suppose you thought that it might be a fairy tale that I am about to give, because they sometimes begin as I began. No, all that I shall say is true. Once upon a time there lived in England a lady whose hus- band died leaving to her care a little boy about three years old." " How long ago was it really } "asked Lily. "Really, it was about one hundred and thirty years ago. The widow was a good housekeeper, but she was a good student, also, and she determined to make a scholar of her little boy. She studied with him every THE GORGEOUS EAST. i6l day. She was very wise, and tried to make the little fellow want to know many things. She did this by exciting his curiosity. When he asked her a question, she was very apt to say, ' read and you will know.* " "Why, that is just what j/ou say to us so often," said Lily. " Yes, that is true. I know that you will remember twice as long anything that you find out for yourself than what I tell you. That is the reason that I get so many encyclo- pedias and dictionaries. I want you to have the habit of looking for facts yourselves. But we must not forget our little boy. He studied hard, because he loved to do it, and after a while he went to school. His teachers found him a remarkable boy. He went to the uni- versity and became wonderful for the ease and love with which he learned languages. He studied the languages of Rome, Greece, Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Palestine, Arabia, Persia, Turkey, Bengal, India, China, Russia, Africa, Sweden, Holland, Wales, Germany and other countries." " I do not see how any man could have learned so many different languages," said Gerty, " the mere list of them is too much for me to remember." 11 l62 SE VEN HISTORIC A GES. "I said that he was a remarkable man," said I. " After he had shown a great deal of interest in the languages of the East, he was sent to India to be a judge, for he was a wise student of law, also. In India he could not help studying the languages of the country, for his curiosity had been so much cultivated by his mother that it did not stop working. He learned that "there was a very old language in the country, that had been spoken ages before, and he studied it. It was called 'San- scrit.' As he studied, he put the words of different languages side by side, and found that words having the same meaning in dif- ferent countries often had forms very much alike." " O, I've seen that," exclaimed Gerty. "I have seen that the words for mother are very much alike in French, German, and English. They all have ' m ' in them, at least." " Sir William Jones, for the little boy bore that name, when he went to India, was able to compare many more languages than three, and he found that the old language of India was the mother of all, or almost all that he v/as acquainted with in Europe. He formed a society to study this subject, and though he THE GORGEOUS EAST. 163 died a young man, he was followed by scholars who proved what he thought was true, and now we look upon India as the home of our language. It is a much more interest- ing country to us now than it was before the son of good Mrs. Jones went there. When you grow older, I hope that you will be in- terested to put words from different languages side by side, and see how m.uch alike they are. You must remember that perhaps we should not now know so much about the study of languages in this way, if William Jones had not had so good and wise a mother. You will be interested to read the life of Sir William Jones, and to read this short history of India, by Mrs. Feudge, who lived there many years. It is. full of pictures." "I never sav/ such houses and churches," said Lily, as she turned the leaves of Mrs. Feudge's book. " They are very great, and must have cost a vast sum of money." "Yes," I replied, "the buildings of India are remarkably grand. They are very old, and that would be a reason for finding them different from any that we see at home, but the country is very warm, and that is a good reason why the houses should be different 1 64 SE VEN HIS TORIC A GBS. from ours. It is now time for me to go to my afternoon work, and I must leave you with this book. Read it slowly, and whenever you do not understand anything, I will explain it to you, if I can." CHAPTER XVII. THE FURTHER EAST. THE LAND OF THE RISING SUN. " She stretches forth her hands, Plucks cocoas and bananas in woods of oak and pine. Grapes on every vine, And walks on gold and silver, and knows her power increasodt Nor fears her nobles longer — the Lady of the East ! " Richard H. Stoddard. \H PAPA," said Gerty, one morning, "I have noticed that the Chinese whom I see in the streets, and those who have called on us, all dress in the clothes that they wear in their own homes, but the Japa- nese here dress just as we do. That is, the men from Japan dress as you do. I have not seen any ladies from Japan." "There is a great difference between the Chinese and Japanese, though their homes are not far distant from each other, as it seems to us ; but you must remember that we see few of the higher orders of the Chinese, and the Japanese whom you see are generally those 165 I ^ SE VEN HIS TORIC A GES. who have come here to get a western educa- tion. Those who leave their own country to get an education must be of a higher order than those who go away to get money." " I have noticed that there is a more intelli- gent look to the Japanese than to the Chinese and I suppose this is the reason. What sort of a country is Japan } " " If you mean, what sort of a climate has it } I should reply that there is no very great dif- ference between it and our own. In some portions of the land the summers are very hot, and in the north the winters are as cold or even colder than our own. The empire of Japan is composed of a number of islands. There are four large islands and a number of small ones. The people are able to manufac- ture many things with great skill." "O, I remember," exclaimed Gerty, " when I went with aunty to the centennial exhibition, in Philadelphia, that I saw many things from Japan that were very elegant. They did not look like the things that we are accustomed to, but they were rich and convenient." "The country is very ancient, but we can- not yet find out the particulars of its history, for we cannot decide what events are mythical, and what belong to real history." THE FURTHER EAST. 167 " What do you mean by * mythical ?'" asked Lily. " Most eastern nations, and some in Europe, begin their history with stories of heroes. The early history has been forgotten, and in- stead of it, stories have been invented about wonderful heroes. The Greeks had many such stories. They mixed the stories of the men of the ancient time with those of the gods of their mythology." " I remember," said Gerty, " that I have studied about the gods of Greece and Rome, and the study v.'as called * mythology.* Miss Thaxter told me about the myths, and I knew what they were, but I have forgotten." " Let us look into the dictionary." "The dictionary says that a myth is *a fan- ciful narrative, in some respects founded upon real events.' I see how it is. The story of our own lives might become mythical in time. In the course of time you might be put down in the books as a great hero, who had three daughters, named Gerty, Lily, and Pearl, who were taught many good things by you, and became so wise that all the people of the world came to see them and they told every one who came the answers to all their ques- tions. At last you might become a god, like 1 6S SE VEN HIS TORIC A GES, Jove, and we three graces, like the real three graces. No, I forgot, the three graces were not ' real,' were they ? They were * myths/ After the passage of ages we might be for- gotten as men and women, and be only in- distinctly remembered as remarkable for some- thing, exactly what, no one could say." "You forget, Gerty," said I, 'Uhat in the old times when myths were begun, there were no newspapers, and books. Now, if there were any danger of our becoming myths, all that our descendants would have to do would be to look into some book or paper, and they would find the truth." "Yes, but could not a myth be made of some one who has not got his name into the papers ? " asked Lily. *' I think that any one who was not well enough known to be mentioned in print now- adays, could not be of importance enough to be made into a myth. But I must go on with what I have to say about Japan. If we leave out the mythological portion of its history, we still find it a pretty old country, for its history goes back to about the time of Isaiah. Still, there is little to interest us in the doings of the people until about the time when Henry VIII. was ruling England. Some sailors from Europe THE FURTHER EAST. 169 were wrecked on one of the islands, and that was the first time that any one from our western world had seen the Japanese. Some time later, the great Roman Catholic mission- ary, Xavier, went to the country, but did not remain long, as he made little progress in his work. Twenty years before the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth the first Englishman ar- rived in Japan, and at about the time that Jamestown was settled, the Dutch were ad- mitted to the country to trade. A {qw years later, all foreigners were expelled, and it was not until 1854 that they were again admitted." " How did it happen that they were admitted again .^ " asked Gerty. "The story is pretty familiar to me," I replied, "for I was a boy at the time, and remember that it caused a great deal of in- terest. The United States government sent a naval officer to Japan, to see if he could not make some arrangement for trade with the country." " Who was the officer .'' " said Lily. " It was Commodore Matthew C. Perry, a son of the Commodore Perry who fought the •battle of Lake Erie,' in the war with Eng- land, in 181 3. I remember the matter better for two reasons. One was that Commodore 1 70 SE VEN HISTORIC A GES. Perry lived in the same street that I did, in New York, and the other is that the govern- ment published a book giving an account of his doings, which had a great number of bril- liantly colored pictures showing how the Japa- nese people looked, and how the Commodore had his interviews with their rulers. I used to look over these pictures with great interest. I fear that I did not read what the Commo- dore wrote about his doings. I cared very little for the opening of a new country to the commerce of the world, but I have learned since to appreciate it, and am glad that I looked at the pictures at the time. This shows that we are impressed in our younger days with things that we do not understand. It did me good, I am sure, to look at these pictures. That is one reason why I tell you many things about past times though I do not believe that you are always interested in all of them, nor that you will remember all that I tell you. The day will come when you will look back, and say to yourselves, *I remember that papa used to tell me about this thing and that in his library, but I did not understand it all then. I am glad that he told me.' " "That day has already come," said Gerty. "' have already found that I know some THE FURTHER EAST. 171 things that the other girls at school do not know, and it is all because I have heard you talk about them, and because you have made me look into the dictionary and the encyclope- dia about them." "A historian says that the changes which have occurred in Japan during the past few years, are almost as wonderful as the stories of romance. He says that the nation had a 'new birth ' at the time that Commodore Perry went there. They began to learn from others, which I have told you \t is always well for us to do. I want you to be on the lookout to learn all that you can from others. The Japanese were shut up, and did not know how other nations lived. They went on in the way that their forefathers had gone. But now they are introducing the inventions and im- provements, and it will not be many years before Japan is one of the most enlightened nations of the world." " I shall always watch the news from Japan," said Gerty, " and remember that its ' new birth ' occurred when you were a boy." " But it was a long time ago, for you are so old," exclaimed Lily. CHAPTER XVIII. THE LAND OF THE PHARAOHS. " The sun bids His evening farewell to the Pyramids, As he hath done, age after age, till they Alone on earth seem ancient as his ray." ^ Moo re's A Iciphron^ T seems to me," said Gerty, one day, as we sat in the library, " that you must have told us something about almost all of the countries of the world, in our talks." "O, no," exclaimed Lily, "we have not heard anything about Palestine, of which the Bible tells." " Yes," said Gerty, " papa told us something about Palestine when he was talking about the crusades." "O, that was so little that I did not count it," said Lily. " It is true," said I, " that I have not told you anything about the history of Palestine, 172 LAND OF THE PHARAOHS. 1 73 but I think you know something of that coun- try already, and you will find no trouble in learning all that you want to about it. We have had some talks about it which we did not call real talks about history, but they were, just the same. If you will look back you will remember that I have taken you over the history of Europe from the time of Pericles to the coming of the Pilgrims to Plymouth, but in a very general way. You will have much to learn when you get older." " You have told us little about our own land," said Lily. " That is true. I know that you have books in the library and in your own room that tell about this country, and that as soon as you go to school you will be taught about it." " I wish that you would tell us about it to- day," said Lily. *' I want to know more about it now." " No," said I. " I shall tell you about a more ancient people, to-day. I have told you little about Asia, and nothing about Africa. And yet there is one of the most ancient countries of the world in Africa." *' I thought that there was nobody in Africa but black people, and that we had to send missionaries to them," said Lily. 1 74 SE VEN HIS TORIC A GES. "The people of Africa are dark," said I, " but the people of Egypt, which is in the northern part of the continent, were very civilized and learned ages before there was any civilization in Europe. Do you not re- member that Moses was educated in the learn- ing of the Egyptians?" "Yes," I remember that," said Lily, "but I did not think much about it." "Besides all this," I continued, "there were great nations in Asia which we have not even mentioned. You have read of the empires of Persia and Babylon, and Assyria." " Yes," said Gerty, " I remember these names, and I once learned a poem by Byron, called 'The Destruction of Sennacherib?' It is about the Assyrians." " All of these countries we shall pass over. I shall tell you of Egypt to-day. Its history runs back twelve hundred years before the time of Moses. That was long, long before the days of Abraham. We can scarcely imagine such a great length of time. The history of Egypt is full of myths, such as we spoke of the other day, and I shall not tell you much about it ; but there are three women, of whom vou will like to know somethinof. " The first was called Cleopatra. Her name LAND OF THE PHARAOHS. 175 meant 'glory of her country.' You will find her mentioned in Tennyson's *A Dream of Fair Women,' where she is described as One sitting en a crimson scarf uniolled ; A queen, with swartliy cheeks and bold black eyes, Brow-bound wiih burning gold.' She was queen of Egypt, and was born about seventy years before Christ. You can read all about her life in a book by Jacob Abbott. She was very learned, but very bad. She lived in great luxury, and the history of her deeds is very interesting. She died, or rather killed herself, thirty years before Christ. " Zenobia, Queen of Palmyra, was for a short time queen of Egypt. She was quite a different character from Cleopatra. Her hus- band had been king of Palmyra, and after his death, she carried on the government. She was a good ruler. It was not long after she became queen of Egypt that she was taken prisoner by the Roman Emperor, and carried in triumph to Rome. There she was taken through the great city in the procession which celebrated the Emperor's victory, in order that every one might see her. She was decked in her fine clothing and wore her jewels, but was shackled with chains of gold. She was kept in Rome as prisoner the rest of her life. 1 76 SE VBN HIS TORIC A GES. "Hypatia is the third woman of whom I spoke. She was more worthy than the other two, for she is famous for her knowledge. Her father taught her philosophy and mathe- matics, and she became a remarkable teacher herself. Few women have been so famous for learning as Hypatia was. She was cruelly murdered one day when she was passing through the streets of Alexandria, by some persons who were jealous of her influence. Hypatia died about three hundred and seventy years after Christ." " I do wish men would not be so cruel," exclaimed Lily. " You remember what I told you about history. It is a record of many bad deeds of men and of some good ones. Here is a short history of Egypt. You will find the pictures very interesting, and I think they will lead you to read the book. See what wonderful buildings and monuments there are in these cuts." " Is there a picture of the ' obelisk ' that we heard has been set up in the Central Park, in New York ? " asked Gerty. *' Yes. Here it is, lying in the sand. There were two of the same sort. They were called * Cleopatra's Needles.' I suppose that some lillll ]iii i i i I !i' LAND OF THE PHARAOHS. 177 one thought that a needle was a proper thing for a woman to have, and so gave that name to these monuments." " I do not beheve that Cleopatra used her needle much, judging from what you have told us about her," said Lily. "No, probably she did not. There is a wonderful canal in Egypt. It is called the Suez canal, and was built only a few years ago, in order that vessels might sail from the Mediterranean sea to India and the East with- out having to go all the way around Africa." " What a long distance it saves," exclaimed Gerty. " I never before thought that ships have to go a great way around to get to* places that are not really far apart. Think how far a vessel would have to sail to get from Boston to San Francisco, and how long a time it would take. We can go on the cars in a few days. I think that cousin Mary said, when she lived in California, that it took her about a week to go from New York to her home. It would take her many weeks to go by sea, would it not ? " " Yes. It would take many weeks. A steamer can go in a definite time, but no one can tell how long a sailing vessel will take. When gold was discovered, it took a long 12 1 78 5^ VEN HIS TORIC A GES. time to get to California, for there was no railway, and those who went were obliged to go in wagons, or by ship. The railway was finished but a few years ago. But we are getting too far from Egypt." " I have been looking at these pictures of the wonderful buildings of Egypt. Some of them are very mysterious to me. I cannot see what the sphyn.K was built for, nor even the pyramids." " No," said I, " there are many mysteries about the land of the Pharaohs. You cannot understand them, but it is entertaining to read about them, The study of history always entertains the fancy. We try to see how the people of other times actually lived. The words of the writer are not enough. We pic- ture the scenes that he writes of. This leads us to study more, and that enlarges our in- formation. The study of history ought to make us better, we should try to get good from all that we read. As we look at the pictures in this history of Egypt, we learn how the people of old made bricks, how they watered their dry fields, and did many other acts. That shows how history teaches, but it teaches in many other ways. One thing it tells us all the time. It shows how one gene- LAND OF THE PHARAOHS. 179 ration passes away, and another, and another, and shows us that we are not to remain here forever. This is a serious lesson. We should be led by it to do our work well. To make our lives what they should be. We should try to take the good and the truly great as our examples, and to avoid all that history shows us of the deeds of the wicked." 1 ^^^^^ p ^^^^B ONE HUNDRED DATES. IN GENERAL HISTORY. Chinese Empire said to have been founded . . b. c. 2650 Babylon founded by Nimrod 2100 Abraham flourished 2000 Moses flourished 1500 Trojan War ended 11 84 Sparta a kingdom 1102 David flourished 1050 Carthage founded 880 Olympian era began 776 Rome founded 753 Sennacherib's army destroyed 720 Nebuchadnezzar began to reign in Babylon . . 600 Solon, archon of Athens 594 Fall of Tyre 572 Persian Empire founded by Cyrus .... 559 Rome a republic 510 Pericles born at Athens about 500 Ezra and Nehemiah rebuilt Jerusalem . . . 460 Herodotus born 450 Socrates died by poison 399 Alexander the Great born 356 Demosthenes died by his own hand .... 322 Septuagint version of the Bible, in Greek . . . 284 Punic wars began 265 Hannibal crossed the Alps 218 Scipio invaded Africa 204 Fall and ruin of Carthage X46 1 82 ONE HUNDRED DATES. fugurtha taken prisoner lo6 Catiline defeated and slain 62 Julius Cxsar made governor of Gaul ... 58 Second Triumvirate formed by Octavius, Antony, and Lepidus 43 Cxsar Augustus, emperor 30 Death of Augustus A. D. 14 The crucifixion of our Saviour 33 Nero, emperor of Rome 54-68 Jerusalem destroyed by Titus 70 Herculaneum and Pompeii destroyed ... 79 Christians persecuted by Uomitian .... 95 Christians persecuted by Decius .... 250 Christians persecuted by Diocletian .... 303 Constantine the Great, emperor .... 306 First Council of Nice 325 Huns in Europe 375 Rome besieged, taken, and plundered by Alaric . .410 Gcnseric in Africa 429 Saxons in Britain 449 Attila retreated to Hungary 452 Rome plundered by the Vandals 455 Mohammed flourished 571-632 Saracens took Jerusalem 637 Mohammedans landed in Spain . . . . 710 Charlemagne became sole monarch .... 771 Egbert began to rule England 827 Alfred the Great 871-901 America discovered by Icelanders .... looi Massacre of Danes in England 1002 Canute the Great 1017-1035 William the Conquerer became king of England . . 1066 First Crusade 1095-1099 Second Crusade Ii49 Third Crusade Ii95 Fourth Crusade 1203, 1204 Children's Crusade 1212 SE VEM HISTORIC A CES. I T 3 Magna Charta granted 1215 Fifth Crusade 1228 *' Sicilian Vespers " I283 Popes removed to Avignon 1309 Chaucer born . . 1328 Battle of Cressy 1346 Wiclif translated the Bible 1380 Heretics first burned in England .... 1401 Siege of Orleans 1428 Printing invented 1440 Cape of Good Hope discovered i486 America discovered by Columbus .... 1492 Luther denied the Pojje's supremacy . . . .1519 Pizarro in Peru 1533 \Villiam Shakespeare born 1564 Massacre of St. Bartholomew 1572 Elizabeth, queen of England 1558-1603 The Invincible Armada destroyed .... 1588 Edict of Nantes 1598 New York settled by the Dutch .... 1612 Pilgrims landed at Plymouth 1620 Boston settled 1630 Maryland settled . . 1633 Rhode Island colonized 1636 New Haven settled . . . . . . . 1638 Charles the First executed 1649 Oliver Cromwell died 1658 New Jersey settled 1665 Pennsylvania granted to William Penn . . . 1681 Witches hanged at Salem, Massachusetts . . 1692 Louisiana settled 1699 Anne, queen of England 1702 Peter the Great, czar of Russia from . . . 1689-1725 Georgia colonized 1732 The " Stamp Act " passed 1765 Declaration of the Independence of the United States 1776 Independence of the United States acknowledged . J 782 BOOKS FOR CLERGYMEN. The Teachers' Ilelper, by "Pansy" — Mrs. George L. Alden, — is a volume which no teacher of Sunday-school children can afford to do Avithout. It is exactly what its name signifies, a helper. No writer of books in this country is better qualified to give advice to teachers than Pansy, and could the volume now before us be put into the hands of every one entrusted with the Scriptural teaching of children, and further, could its suggestions be carried into practice, the results would be surprising even to the most experienced of Sunday-school workers. The Helper is intended as a manual for the instruction of younger scholars, chiefly series of class exercises to be pursued, based on the lessons of the author's long experience as a teacher; explains how lliey should be conducted; attacks certain popular notions respecting the capacity of little children to learn and under- stand, and shows their absurdity; urges patience, earnest- ness and the exercise of judgment on the part of the teach- ers: and proffers an amount of good, sound advice on the whole vast subject, that cannot help being an aid and en- couragement to any faithful or interested teacher. Poetry is a hardly less powerful agency in arousing and Interesting the mind in religious matters tlian prose. Hymns and spiritual songs play airiniportant prirt in devotional ex- ercises and many hearts ai-e impressed by the part which the preacher fails to reach. The publishers have not been un- mindful of this fact, and llicii- list includes several impor- tant volumes designed to fill this need. Prominent among them are Roundell Palmer's Book of Praise, containing the choicest hymns wiiich have been written, gathered from all sources; lie Leadeth Me, a collection of poems by English authors of a purely devotional character; Songs of the Spirit, edited by Bisiiop Odenheimer, and The Bock of Arjes. a volume of religious poeti-y compiled by the Rev. S. F. Smith- D.D. All these are published in two editions — one for holiday presentation purposes and one in popular and cheaper form. For religions gift books adapted to any sea, son of the year are the small qwdvioB, Jesus Lover of my Soul, The Ninety and Nine, and Miss Lathbui7's Out of Darkness into Light. NEW PUBLICATIONS. Some Cuiuous Schools; or, Climbing the Ladder. Bos- ton: D. Lothrop & Co. Price $1.00, This is a new and enlarged edition of one of tLe most popular volumes in last season's list. It is not merely a book of entertaining sketches, but a series of descriptions of institutions devoted to peculiar or technical purposes, -which hold place in pur- pose and method outside the usual educational establish- ments. They include " The Children's Hour (Xew York Art School)"; ''Boston Whittling School"; "Reform School at Mettray"; "The Training School Ship Minne- sota"; "English and American Sewing Schools"; "The Boston School for Deaf Mutes"; "The Flower School at Corlear's Hook"; "Philadelphia School of Reform"; " Cadet Life at West Point " ; " The Perkins Institution for the Blind"; "The Chinese Mission School"; "Lady Bet- ty's Cooking School" ; " A Day Nursery," and "Some Indian Schools." The descriptions are all by popular writers, and the illustrations were drawn expressly for them by such artists as Mi5=s L. B. Humphrey, Jessie Curtis, Mary A. 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Dr. Thompson's theory of what a prayer-meeting should be is based upon tlie fact that it is, in the main, a g.ithci'ing of professing Chris- tians for conference and edification, and not a revival ser- vice for the conversion of tiie impenitent. The inquiry meeting lias taken the i>\acQ of the former revival prayer- meetings to a great extent, and lias been found far more efllcacious in producing results. A brief introduction is furnished by the Rev. J. IT. Vincent, D. D., in wliich the work is warmly commended to the notice of all Christian workers, for its sound, practical sense, and deep religious puipose- Nor will Dr. Vincent be alone in his estimate of its worth. It should be read by every pastor, by every class leader, by every church member. It will serve to elear away many false impi-essions, inspire fresh ardor and en- thusiasm among luke-warm church goers, and will be an efficient aid in the promotion of Christian feeling and Christian work. 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