V* Gift Author 9for BAND OF BOTSFORD Headquarters, 101 Rodney Avenue, Buffalo, Erie Co., New York, October 27, 1905. At a meeting held at above place and time, the following rules or by-laws were added to Act of Organization : Non-payment of annual dues by head of any family shall disqualify him or her from being an active member, and though receiving a loving wel- come to Reunion, shall be silent members — that is, disqualified to hold any position and debarred from participation in discussion of any subject that may come up for action. Senior Patriarch may have a Private Secretary, irrespective of age or sex, and until it be determined who is the oldest living female descendant, the Private Secretary to Senior Patriarch shall act as Treasurer. Any act or writing of that officer, attested by Senior Patriarch, shall be binding on Band of Botsford. There shall be a Counselor, irrespective of age or sex, who shall be appointed and named by Senior Patriarch, to hold position during life. When the receipts of annual dues shall be more than sufficient to pay incidental expenses, the surplus shall be a fund for relief of indigent, needy and sick descendants. And there shall he a board on relief, which shall be constituted and be: Senior Patriarch, Junior Patriarch, Counselor, Secretary and Treas- urer, who shall control expenditure of such surplus. The Cabinet, or official family of Senior Patriarch, shall consist of Junior Patriarch, Ass't Historian, Counselor, Private Secretary and Treas- urer. Subject for raising fund for relief of aged, indigent and needy descendants was proposed by gifts of money and legacies. After a discussion, it was judged premature and was deferred to An- nual Reunion, October 18, 1906. Treasurer reported receipts from annual dues, $8.00; expenditures, $11.68; dispersion, 8.30 P. M. Le Baron Botsford, M. D., of Brooklyn, N. Y., was appointed Surgeon-General and Physician- in-Chief of Band of Botsford during his life. Harry Gordon Botsford, C. E., of Boston, Mass., was appointed Counselor during his life. Charles Brainerd Botsford, Boston, Mass., was appointed Poet Laureate of Band of Botsford during his life. Sue Dana Woolley, Buffalo, N. Y., was ap- pointed Private Secretary. On receipt of appointment as Poet Laureate, Charles Brainerd Botsford, Boston, Mass., wrote the following Salutation : SALUTATION. Hail to our noble chief ! An honor to our Band, A virile leader brave and true, Well fitted to command. Lead on your marshalled corps In conflict for the right, That every man by deed may prove Himself a child of light. Hail" worthy " Potentate," Of youthful spirit bold, To Church and State your life devote In service manifold. No Poet Laureate Is needed to rehearse Your long, useful, honored life, In bold heroic verse. Long live ! our worthy chief, And when your work is done, Be you with lasting honor crowned, Life's battle fought and won. Charles Brainerd Botsford, Boston, Nov. 6, 190^" EULOGIUM. Loud and long your voices raise, Clear and high in triumph sing, Great gifted master of Poetry, Charles Brainerd Botsford is king. C. W. W. Sr. Buffalo, Erie Co., New York, Wednesday, Nov. 8, 1905. SALUTATION. Greetings to ye Band of Botsford, Noble race, to thee I sing. And may all your voices mingle With a glad triumphant ring. May we each and every member Of this glad triumphant band Through Elizabeth and Henry, Be an honor to our land. Every pulse and every heart beat Vibrates with a love for you. Oh ! my kindred, Band of Botsford, With your noble blood of blue, May God's blessing now descending Rest upon you like a dove, Emblem of the Band of Botsford ! Emblem of eternal love. These verses came to me as I was lying sick in bed. hope they will be acceptable. Mary Botsford De Grate. Southport, N. Y., Dec. 18, 1905. BAND OF BOTSFORD Headquarters, 101 Rodney Ave., Buffalo, Erie Co., N. Y., Thursday, Oct. 18, 1906. SECOND ANNUAL REUNION At io A. M. Invocation to God for his blessing upon our work. During the day, descendants enjoyed social intercourse. At 8 P. M. Assistant Historian, Samuel Booth Botsford, read the Salutation, by Poet Laureate, Charles Brainerd Botsford, Boston, Mass. SALUTATION. Again we greet the Botsford Band, The choicest of our happy land, At least the most unique. Gather once more in friendship's name, Untarnished is our modest fame, We social joys bespeak. Let music wake her sweetest strain, We will repeat the glad refrain With joyousness and zest, We still will keep our armor bright, In righteousness and peace delight, And be of Heaven blest. God of our Fathers, we bespeak Thy blessing now, Thy guidance seek, For all the way before. Should we be turned aside from right, Or err in Thy omniscient sight, In Father love restore. Gird up our loins for all the strife Thou hast appointed us in life, The shield of faith provide. The helmet place upon each brow, And be in us a holy vow, Give armor true and tried. And when our mortal race is run, And we thro' grace have victory won, Admit us through the gate, Where prophets, martyrs, all the true, With songs of triumph ever new, A gathering throng await. Charles Brainerd Botsford. Boston, Mass. Senior Patriarch reported that 500 pamphlets of 1st Reunion had been mailed to descendants, and to leading genealogical and historical societies and libraries. BIRTHS MARRIAGES DEATHS BIRTHS. Twins — to Mabel Virginia Daniels, dates and names not given. Margaret Helen — born Monday, March 12, 1906, daughter of Harry Gordon Botsford, C. E., Boston, Mass. Henry Botsford — born April 3, 1906, son of Irene Botsford Hoffman, Scarsdale, N. Y., grand- son of Henry Botsford, Chicago, 111. MARRIAGES. George Arbuthnot Botsford to Hannah Marion, daughter of Judge Skinner, Dorchester, Mass. NECROLOGY. Wm. Botsford, M. D., Monday, Oct. 22, 1905, San Francisco, California. Denman W. Rich, Minneapolis, Minn., no date given. Fidelia Smith, no date nor place given. William Woodruff Woolley, Monday, March 5, 1906, Providence, Rhode Island. Denman Theodore Frelinghuisen, no date given, St. Louis, Mo. George Edward Botsford, killed in automobile accident, Bridgeport, Conn. Daniel J. Botsford, date not given, Chicago, Cook County, 111. Mary Knapp, no date given, Anacortes, Ska- git Co., Washington. FINANCIAL REPORT. Total receipts from annual dues . . . $41.00 Total expenditures 40.54 Letters of greeting from absent descendants were read. Register was signed by those present, and signatures of absent descendants taken from their letters were appended. Marshal Eugene Botsfotd, Keuka, N. Y. Simeon Botsford, Hudson, Mich. Minnie E. Rorick, Buffalo, N. Y. Irah Bell Rorick, (aged 13), Buffalo, N. Y. Alma Botsford Rorick, (aged 10), Buffalo, N. Y. Willis H. Robinson, Flint, N. Y. Stewart Allen Robinson, Flint, N. Y. Effie May Botsford Hull, Cuylersville, N. Y. Erwin W. Botsford, Wiscoy, N. Y. Leon Eugene Botsford, Emporium, Pa. Samuel Booth Botsford, Buffalo, N. Y. Rosalie Bassett Caldwell, Buffalo, N. Y. Oscar S. Botsford, Buffalo, N. Y. Chas. Woodruff Woolley, Sr., (aged 83), Buffalo, N. Y. Chas. Woodruff Woolley, Jr., Buffalo, N. Y. Sue Dana Woolley, Buffalo, N. Y. Chas. E. Botsford, Springville, N. Y. Edith Mary Botsford, Springville, N. Y. Ethel Grace Botsford, Springville, N. Y. Mina Botsford Sheley, Ann Arbor, Mich. Polly Pond Botsford Sheley, Ann Arbor, Mich. Anna Botsford Bach, Ann Arbor, Mich. Celia Botsford Gillette, Ann Arbor, Mich. Harry Gordon Botsford, Boston, Mass. Harry Gordon Botsford, Jr., Boston, Mass. Eleanor Bradford Botsford, Boston, Mass. Margaret Helen Botsford, Boston, Mass. Le Baron Botsford, M.D., Brooklyn, N. Y. Chipman Botsford, Bluefield, W. Va. Robert Leonard Botsford, M. D., Moncton, N. B., Canada. Charles Brainerd Botsford, Boston, Mass. Heman L. Botsford, Houghton, Mich. Frederick G. Botsford, Ashtabula, Ohio. William F. Botsford, Syracuse, N. Y. Geo. Theophilus Botsford, Little Valley, N. Y. Anna Botsford Comstock, Ithaca, N. Y. Dana Sandford Woolley, Noroton Heights, Conn. Sandford Battey Woolley, Noroton Heights, Conn. Laurence Denman Woolley, Noroton Heights, Conn. Kate Sandford Woolley Bemus, Los Angeles, Cal. Denman Woolley Bemus, Los Angeles, Cal. Marion Barnes Bemus, Los Angeles, Cal. Marcia Medbery Dwyer, Anacortes, Wash. Caroline Medbery Knapp, Anacortes, Wash. Lizzie Benedict Pierson, Meriden, Conn. Mary Julia Hatch, New Milford, Conn. Mary B. Gardner, Brooklyn, N. Y. N. H. Botsford, Brooklyn, N. Y. D. H. Botsford, Brooklyn, N. Y. Mary Denman Clark Dennis, Berwyn, 111. Henry Botsford, Chicago, 111. Lemyra Clark Poe, Ravenna, Ohio. Frances Botsford Edwards, Hillsdale, Mich. Clara Edwards Porter, Hillsdale, Mich. Georgia Edwards Du Bois, Hillsdale, Mich. Bertha Edwards, Hillsdale, Mich. Erma Edwards, Hillsdale, Mich. Mabel Porter, Hillsdale, Mich. Troy Welper, Hillsdale, Mich. Floyd Welper, Hillsdale, Mich. Thelma Du Bois, Hillsdale, Mich. Frances Du Bois, Hillsdale, Mich. James R. Davis, Berkeley, California. Joseph E. Taulman, Hubbard City, Texas. Wilhemina Dorothy Taulman, (aged 3), Hubbard City, Texas. Katrina Mildred Taulman, (aged 2), Hubbard City, Texas. Minnie Lee Taulman, Hubbard City, Texas. Ottie Lloyd Taulman, Hubbard City, Texas. Francis Alyene Taulman, Hubbard City, Texas. Juanita Taulman, Hubbard City, Texas. Frank Myrl Taulman, Hubbard City, Texas. Julia Laura P. Taulman Sweetman, Hubbard City, Texas. Sidney Elizabeth Lyon, Jeffersonville, Ind. Lyndon Peck Smith, Piermont, N. Y. City. Ida Lafferty Stroh, Buffalo, N. Y. Pearl V. Stroh, Buffalo, N. Y. Edna M. Stroh, Buffalo, N. Y. Irving G. Botsford, Warsaw, N. Y. Sarah Frances Botsford Nickerson, Nelson, B. C. Francis Gordon Nickerson, Nelson, B. C. Sarah A. Cogswell Nickerson, Nelson, B. C. Jessie Drury Nickerson, Nelson, B. C. Mary Sybrant Nickerson, Nelson, B. C. David Blair Nickerson, Nelson, B. C. George Hazen Nickerson, Nelson, B. C. Henry Whipple Woolley, Buffalo, N. Y. Charles Ward Botsford, Guanajuato, Mexico. The six (6) oldest living descendants known to date are : Mrs. Lucinda Botsford Knight, Waterloo, N. Y., aged 86. Orvill Botsford, Farmington, Michigan, aged 86. Frederick Botsford, New Haven, Conn., aged 85. Charles Woodruff Woolley, Sr., Buffalo, N. Y., aged 83. Mrs. Mary Botsford Reed, Racine, Wisconsin, aged 82, and her brother Ahira Franklin Botsford, Racine, Wisconsin, aged 80. At 10 o'clock P. M., Band of Botsford dis- persed to meet in Third Annual Reunion, October 18, 1907. BAND OF BOTSFORD. It is intended ultimately to publish a Botsford family record, entitled Botsford and Allied Families, and all Botsford descendants, irrespective of ances- try, are earnestly requested to send us his or her family history, with full names, dates of births, marriages and deaths, and as much of the history of allied families as possible. Intention is to publish in pamphlet as soon as possible a list of names in full, and addresses of every living Botsford descendant to be found any- where, therefore all Botsford descendants are en- treated to mail us full names and addresses of every living descendant they know of. Band of Botsford should have financial aid, therefore descendants send in your annual dues, $i.OO, that Band of Botsford can pay liabilities. Every descendant must do her or his best to crown Band of Botsford with prosperity and success. So mote it be ! LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 021 549 362 3