LB 2861 .S7 Copy 1 Vol. i No. 4 Possible Consolidations of Rural Schools in Delaware BASED ON A Survey of the Public Schools of Delaware BY GEORGE D. STRAYER Professor of Educational Administration Teachers College, Columbia University ; N. L. ENGELHARDT Associate Professor of Educational Administration Teachers College, Columbia University ; F. W. HART Sometime Associate in Department of Educational Administration Teachers College, Columbia University. July to September, 1919. Published by SERVICE CITIZENS OF DELAWARE PUBLIC LIBRARY BUILDING WILMINGTON, DELAWARE Application made for entrance at the post office of Newark, Delaware, as second class matter, under act of Congress of July 16, 1894. Monograph Possible Consolidations of Rural Schools in Delaware BASED ON A Survey of the Public Schools of Delaware BY • ^ GEORGE D-TsTRAYER Professor oi Educational Administration Teachers College, Columbia University ; N. L. ENGELHARD! Associate Professor of Educational Administration Teachers College, Columbia University ; F. W. HART Sometime Associate in Department of Educational Administration Teachers College, Columbia University. July to September, 1919. Published by SERVICE CITIZENS OF DELAWARE PURLIC LIRRART BUILDING WILMINGTON, DELAWARE 3l FOREWORD. The following suggestion of possible consolidations of public schools is the conclusion and recommendation of the authors of "A Survey of the Public Schools of Delaware". The report has two points of distinct value : — 1. It is a theoretical and practical plan made by experts after a careful study of every school building in Dela- ware. 2. It shows the people of Delaware how the cause of education may be promoted through rebuilding of schools in consolidated form. The State Board of Education has received this plan but the recommendations have not been adopted, nor should it be assumed that any part of the plan will be adopted before making a careful study in which local interests and opinions will be given due consider- ation - T>. off i>. JAN 28 1920 The Consolidation of Schools Any considerable advance in the educational opportunity to be provided for the children of Delaware is dependent upon a consolidation of the one teacher rural schools. It is obvious to any one who knows the school situation in Delaware or elsewhere that a teacher who is required to teach children from the first to the eighth grade can give relatively little time or attention to any one group or to any individual. It is customary to find from eighteen to thirty recitation periods per day in these schools. The usual length of recitation is from five to ten minutes. The teacher has literally no time to teach the children, and not enough time even to hear them recite what supposedly they have been studying during the greater part of the day, without attention or guidance from the teacher. Children work to best advantage when approximately the same age groups and those of the same intellectual attainment are put in classes together. The one room rural school, because of the range of work to be covered, often places children varying widely in age or in attainment in the same class. In the larger school, with the better grading of pupils, every pupil has a better chance to advance as rapidly as his intellectual equipment and his industry permit. The consolidation of two or more of these schools in a center with the provision of two or more teachers responsible for their instruction, increases the possibility of developing an adequate course of study and of giving a modern education to the children. Throughout the United States, the consolidation of schools has been undertaken until to-day, in states no more densely populated than Delaware there are areas as large or larger than the State of Delaware, in which all schools have been consolidated. The present condition of the one room school buildings in Delaware, practically none of which are suitable for the purpose for which they are now used, makes it obvious that the program of consoli- dation should go hand in hand with the building program which is to be developed over the period of the next five years. If those responsible for the welfare of the children of Delaware attack the problem without prejudice, it will be possible for Delaware within the next five years to develop one of the best systems of public education in the United States. It must be remarked in passing that as children are brought to the larger school centers the problem of securing well trained teachers is in large measure solved. It is well known to all school board members that capable young women with high school education and two years of professional training, which should be required of any one teaching in an elementary school, cannot commonly be hired to teach in the remote rural school. Where two or more groups of children are brought together in a village or town or where the large consolidated school is fur- nished with a teacher's cottage, the better trained teachers will be found available. This problem of securing and retaining teachers is the most important single educational issue before the people of the United States today. There is a shortage of teachers throughout the Union, and this shortage is felt most in the rural districts. The shortage of teachers is being felt in the State of Delaware at the present time even to the point of compelling the school authorities to grant provisional certificates to those who are not well qualified for the work which they are to undertake. The consolidation of schools involves the transportation of pupils. The program already undertaken in the State of Dela- ware for the development of highways makes this problem rela- tively easy of solution. If Delaware follows the plan already adopted in other states, she will put on these roads well equipped school wagons or motor busses. Wherever the highways are of the permanent, improved character, the motor bus will be found more advantageous. Where it will still be found neces- sary to haul children over unimproved roads, the school wagon has been found satisfactory. These conveyances are commonly heated during the winter months so that the children actually travel the longer distance to school with greater comfort, greater security and less danger to their health than is the case where they have gone to the neighborhood one room rural school. The proposal to consolidate the schools of Delaware cannot be thought of as an experiment. The plan proposed has been tried hundreds of times, and there is yet to be found any community in the United States willing to go back to the old type of inefficient one room school, which has sincerely tried out the experience of providing more adequate education to its children. The problem 4 of consolidation should be thought of as a state wide program and should be in very large measure supported by the state. The proposal that one sometimes finds among those who are for the first time considering the problem of consolidation that parents be made responsible for the transportation of their own children and that they be paid a small sum of money in lieu of the cost involved, should be dismissed immediately. Nothing could be more uneconomical than that a group of thirty or forty children be transported in the ten to twenty vehicles which might be sup- plied by their individual families. Such a plan always suggests, as well, that the parent has the option of taking his child to school on any particular day. In very few cases would the vehicle provided by the parent be as comfortable as is the ordinary school wagon or motor bus. The problem of attend- ance in rural communities will be almost entirely solved when the motor bus or school wagon collects the children and carries them to school every school day of the year. The men placed in charge of the school conveyance should be carefully selected and might be of the type who could be called upon to assist the county attendance officer in his work. It may be objected that the transportation of children will make education more expensive. This fact should be conceded from the outset. Education will be more expensive wherever children are given better education. Instead of the dreary day during which the pupil has had only thirty or forty minutes with the teacher, there is substituted in the consolidated school an opportunity for instruction multiplied by anywhere from two to eight times. Instead of a very restricted course of study con- sisting almost entirely of the three R's, with a very minimum of geography and history, the pupil in the consolidated school should have opportunity for music and drawing, for work in the manual and household arts, and should, above all, learn, because of the instruction which he receives from a superior teacher, to be a student. Surely the difference between a partial literacy, gained in a miserable one room school, and the signifi- cant education which is now commonly provided in the consoli- dated school, is enough to convince any one of the desirability of making a somewhat larger investment. In the recommendations which follow for the consolidation of the schools of Delaware, we have had available the maps of the State Highway Commission showing improved roads, roads under construction, and those proposed for construction during the next five years. The program of consolidation which we propose is in some measure dependent upon the carrying forward 5 of this good roads movement, but even were this development to be somewhat delayed, money that is spent for school build- ings should in every case take into consideration the maximum of road development rather than spent in terms of the present isolation due to poor highways. The number of children now enrolled in each of the schools of the state has also been used as a factor in determining con- solidation. It will ordinarily be found better to develop the large consolidated school in or near the locality already having the greater number of children. It is not likely that the more sparsely settled regions will increase greatly in population, while the village or small city communities will in all probability show a slight increase during each decade. There is further, of course, the fact that the consolidated school must be located at the junction of highways, and these cross roads are the places where the larger population groups are now found. The recommendations given for consolidation in no case seek to locate exactly the place which the school is to occupy. In our opinion, it will ordinarily be better to place the consolidated school outside of the village or city, rather than in the center of such a community. Schools for rural children should be developed in terms of the rural life which they are leading and which they may nor- mally be expected to continue to lead. Their education should look in the direction of making them more efficient farmers and housekeepers rather than to converting them into clerks, stenographers or trade workers. In proposing the erection of two year and four year high schools in the program of consolidation, we have had in mind the fact that a high school of less than one hundred and fifty pupils cannot hope to develop an adequate four year high school course of study. The range of work to be offered by a four year high school will ordinarily require a staff larger than that which can be provided for a high school with less than one hundred and fifty pupils. Four year high schools with two hundred or more pupils will reasonably be expected to have a staff and to offer opportunities for high school work which will prepare their pupils for their later entrance upon college or professional schools. It will be much better for the State of Delaware to provide adequate high school education by reducing the number of four year high schools and by transporting pupils who have completed the two year high school to these larger institutions, than to fail to provide adequate education for any of its children of secondary school grade by continuing the large number of very small four year high schools. The distribution of high schools proposed in the plan of con- solidation submitted has taken into account lines of transportation and geographical distribution throughout the State. It will, of course, be found that in some cases children will have to be away from home while attending high school. This is the only way in which the families living in the rural regions of the United States have ever been able to secure high school educa- tion for their children. Nothing could be worse than to continue the most inefficient little schools with the exception that they would develop into creditable and adequate secondary schools. The best way to increase the number of those to profit by high school education is to make the schools to which they are sent so good in building, equipment, course of study and teachers employed that the pupils themselves and their parents will recog- nize the great advantage that comes from an adequate high school education. In the smaller high schools of the state at the time of the survey, there was almost a complete lack of high school equip- ment. In one school, for example, which proposed to continue the four year high school course, the only equipment that might be thought of as related to a high school course of study was a very small chemical laboratory in which, if one may judge from the furniture in it, the teacher demonstrated the experi- ments while the class observed. In any modern high school, the study of chemistry is carried on not primarily by demon- strations and reciting of theory, but by the actual carrying out of experiments of every child in the class, for periods of from two to four hours a week. In many other high schools visited, there was a similar lack of equipment, whether of laboratories, library facilities, opportunity for physical education, provision for the household or industrial arts, or, indeed, of any other feature characteristic of the better type of modern high school. The organization of high schools proposed in the plan for consolidation which follows will make possible a thoroughly adequate modern high school education for the children who are assembled in these institutions. The program of consolidation cannot be effected within one year's time. It is a program which has been developed with the idea that its completion will be attained at the end of a period of five years or more. The program should be a continuing one and should be begun as soon as possible. As the better roads are completed and people become accustomed to their use, it will be found that consolida- tion involving greater areas will become more acceptable to all. The construction of new school buildings to house the consoli- dated schools will in every instance lend incentive to those who might otherwise object. In the list of consolidations given counties below, the num- ber of pupils which would have been assembled in the con- solidated school during the year 1918-19 is indicated upon the basis of the number of children actually enrolled during that year in the several schools consolidated. This estimate of enroll- ment in the consolidated school is probably low rather than high, since with adequate transportation facilities it has com- monly been found that enrollment increases. The numbers to the left in these proposed consolidations are the present school district numbers. The enrollment figures are at the right, distributed by grades. Where no enrollment figure appears for any grade group in a district, it does not necessarily mean that no pupil of that grade resides in that district, but merely that the proposed consolidation has already been partially effected. The enrollment figures for the high school grades, 9 to' 12, do not include all children of Delaware (exclusive of Wilmington) attending high schools. It is recognized that a number of chil- dren from the Wilmington suburbs are attending the Wilmington High School and that others attend private high schools. The high school enrollment for Delaware should, however, increase very rapidly as better buildings and superior equipment are provided. The number of children of the high school ages, 13 and above, is far too small for the state. The elimination at the end of 14 years is very great, as shown by the following table : TABLE XXVIII Enrolment by Ages, 1917-18. White Children Only Age 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 and over Number of Children. . . 257 1749 1846 1973 2027 2013 1874 1958 1712 1568 1114 669 383 198 * Page 107, Public Education in Delaware, 1919. 8 One of the immediate effects of the consolidations proposed by the Survey Commission will be the gradual reduction of the number of children dropping out of school before having an opportunity to secure a high school education. The consolidations proposed will greatly reduce the number of schools in Delaware (exclusive of Wilmington). The figures before and after consolidation for schools for white children, as well as schools for colored children, are presented in the follow- ing table : TABLE XXIX. Schools for White Children New Castle Co. Old Plan Consoli- dation Kent Co. Old Plan Consoli- dation Sussex Co. Old Plan Consoli- dation State Old Plan Consoli- dation Six-year Schools Eight-year Schools. . . Ten-year Schools .... Twelve-year Schools.. 5 11 6 7 18 6 38 2 7 20 67 2 19 85 22 98 31 154 55 337 108 Schools for Colored Children New Castle Co. Kent Co. Sussex Co. State Old Plan Consoli- dation Old Plan Consoli- dation Old Plan Consoli- dation Old Plan Consoli- dation Eight-year Schools. . . 24 9 30 15 34 21 88 45 In no instance has the Survey Commission, in its proposed consolidations, selected any site upon which a building is to be erected. In a number of instances, however, the general location of the proposed consolidated school has been indicted. Where old attendance districts have been divided, estimates of the num- ber of children falling into each division have been made. The accuracy of such estimates can only be determined by a well- taken school census of the entire state. The success of consoli- dation and of the proper attendance of children depends upon a permanent continuing census being maintained in the office of each county superintendent. In the consolidation program, four types of schools are listed, six year, eight year, ten year and twelve year. Where the present enrollment of a six year or eight year consolidated school is between 30-40 pupils, a one teacher school building may suf- fice. Where, however, the figures for such schools exceed 40, buildings providing for more than one teacher are recommended. It has been the effort of the Survey Commission, in its recommen- dations, to reduce the number of one teacher buildings to the lowest possible minimum. 10 THE FIVE-YEAR PROGRAM OF CONSOLIDATIONS PROPOSED FOR NEW CASTLE COUNTY Present District Number 1 2 4 5 98 2 73 93 22 23 24 87 22 24 25 26 27 28 84 Twelve-year School at Claymont Grades 1 to 12, inclusive, from Claymont Mt. Pleasant (North Section) . Hanby Forwood (East Section) Point Breeze Grades 7 to 12, inclusive, from Mt. Pleasant Shellpot Edge Moor Grades 9 to 12, inclusive, from Eight Square Totals Grand Total 553 Twelve-year School at A. I. du Pont Grades 1 to 12, inclusive, from Rockland (Southwest Section) . Oak Hill (East Section) du Pont Montchanin (South Section). . . Augustine (Abandoned) Grades 9 to 12, inclusive, from Sharpley Rockland Oak Hill (North Section) . Montchanin Walnut Green Center Grove Mt. Airy Clinton Diamond (Closed) Totals. Grand Total 345 Enrolment as of 1918-19 1-6 242 68 46 30* 16 402f 29* 3 11* 3 130 63 25* 2 195 Grades 7-8 33 4* 10 36 16 115 71 9-10 4 4 22 1 36 56 60 11-12 19 19 * Estimate. t The enrolment for 1918-19 is a deceptive figure for this section because of the rapidly developing industries located here. 11 Twelve-year School at Middletown Enrolment as of 1918-19 District Number Grades 1-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 57 Grades 1 to 12, inclusive, from Eight Square 7 15 140* 17 11 12 15 16 1 4 54* 5 2 20* 1 1 4 3 1 5* 59 Jamison's Corners 60 Middletown 13* 74 Summit Bridge 82 Mill Lane 85 Brown Cottage 96 Woodland 99 Mt. Pleasant 53 Grades 9 to 12, inclusive, from St. Georges (West Section) 61 Odessa 4 62 McDonough 64 Hickory Grove 65 Fieldsboro 66 Taylor's Bridge 67 69 Deakyneville (North Section) Blackbird ' ny 2 Patterson's 72 Levels 79 Matthew's Corners 80 Vandyke 81 Townsend 3* 86 Dale's Corner 88 Kirkwood 89 Stump Corner 53 Grades 11 and 12, from St. Georges (East Section) Totals 233 66 35 20 Grand Total 354 314 105 28 59 7 5 47 2 2 11* 2 Twelve-year School at New Castle 45 Grades 1 to 12, inclusive, from New Castle 21 47 Rose Hill (South Section) 48 Hare's Corner 44 Grades 9 to 12, inclusive, from Christiana 49 State Road 50 Red Lion 51 Franklin 52 Delaware City 5* 63 Fort Penn 101 Eden Totals 447 71 64 26 Grand Total 608 Estimate. 12 Present District Number Twelve-year School at Newark Enrolment as of 1918-19 Grades 1-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 31 36 37 40 42 54 90 100 30 31 43 55 56 58 83 92 103 20 21 32 33 35 38 77 95 130 Grades 1 to 12, inclusive, from Newark White Clay Milford Cross Roads .... McClellandsville Ogleton Welsh Tract Fairview Hillside 340 110 18 2 25 12 20 4 27 6 37 12 13 7 26 6 Grades 9 to 12, inclusive, from North Star Union Salem (East and West Sections) Harmony Glasgow Howell Magnolia Grove Pleasant Valley Columbia Totals . 506 Grand Total 779 Twelve-year School at Richardson Park Grades 1 to 12, inclusive, from Richardson Park 160 Grades 7 to 12, inclusive, from Newport Harmony Brandywine Springs Forest Oak Stanton Marshallton Sunnyside Oak Grove (Elsmere). . . . Totals . Grand Total 354 160 159 27 157 91 18 96 18 18 30* 3 21 1 5 2 2 28 10 6 35 6 37 * Estimate. 13 Eight-year School at Townsend Enrolment as of 1918-19 Present District Number Grades 1-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 65 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from 28 38 35 16 90* 7 8 5 26* 69 Blackbird 71M 72 80 81 89 Totals 207 46 Grand Total 253 41 23 3 8 Eight-year School Centrally Located for Tay- lor's Bridge and Deakyneville 66 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from 67 Totals 64 11 Grand Total 75 33 13 13 8 4 5 6 3 Eight-year School at Odessa 61 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from- 62 79 86 Totals 67 18 85 11 58 21 27 3 2 5 3 Eight-year School Between Kirkwood and St. Georges 51 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from 53 64 88 Totals 117 13 Grand Total 130 * Estimate. 14 Present District Number 43 55 56 58 83 92 103 71 43 44 49 50 101 29 34 91 30 31 Eight-year School Approximately One Mile East of Glasgow Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Salem (West Section) Harmony Glasgow Howell Magnolia Grove Pleasant Valley Columbia Totals Grand Total 122 Eight-year School at Oak Hill Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Oak Hill Totals Grand Total 60 Eight-year School at Eden (Bear) Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Salem (East Section) Christiana State Road Red Lion Eden Totals Grand Total 115 Eight-year School Between Hockessin and Yorklyn Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from __ , . (High School connections Hockessin can be made with Ken- Mt Pleasant nett g p for Yorklyn | this group. North Star Union Totals Grand Total 209 * Estimate. Enrolment as of 1918-19 1-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 14 22 18 20 5 20 15 114 52 52 is' 20 21 13 33 102 52 18 59 20 21 170 Grades 11 1 1 13 10 6 16 2 5 39 15 Present District Number Eight-year School Near Talleyville Enrolment as of 1918-19 Grades 1-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 5 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Forwood (West Section) 20 33 61 29 4 7 13 3 6 Eight Square 7 Sharpley 8 Rockland (North Section) Totals 143 27 Grand Total 170 22 51 40* 31 22 18 5 4 2 2 8 Eight-year School Located Immediately South of Centerville 22 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Oak Hill (West Section) 24 Montchanin (North Section) 25 Walnut Green 26 Center Grove 27 Mt. Airy 28 Clinton 84 Diamond (Closed) Totals 184 21 Grand Total 205 170 30 6 Eight-year School at Delaware City 52 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Delaware City 63 Port Penn Totals 200 6 Grand Total 206 22 43 186 22 Six-year School at Marshallton 35 Grades 1 to 6, inclusive, from Forest Oak 38 Stanton 37 Marshallton 95 Sunnyside Total 273 * Estimate. 16 Six-years School at Brandy wine Springs Enrolment as of 1918-19 Present District Grades 1-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 32 Grades 1 to 6, inclusive, from 25 77 33 Brandywine Springs Total 102 130* Six-year School at Newport 21 Grades 1 to 6, inclusive, from Total 130 80 Six-year School at Elsmere (Oak Grove) 130 Grades 1 to 6, inclusive, from Oak Grove (Elsmere) Total 80 69 51 45 Six-year School on Highway Between Shellpot District and Mt. Pleasant No. 2 2 Grades 1 to 6, inclusive, from Mt Pleasant (South Section) 73 93 Total 165 *Estimate. 17 TABULATION SHOWING WHERE THE PUPILS OF EACH ATTENDANCE DISTRICT AS NOW ORGANIZED WILL ATTEND UNDER THE PROPOSED CONSOLLDATION NEW CASTLE COUNTY Proposed Consolidations Present Schools Grades Grades Grades Grades 1-6 inclusive 7 and 8 9 and 10 11 and 12 21, etc. Newport Newport Richardson Park Richardson Park Richardson Park 23, etc. A. I. duPont A. I. duPont A. I. duPont A. I. duPont A. I. duPont 31, etc. Newark Newark Newark Newark Newark 45, etc. New Castle New Castle New Castle New Castle New Castle 52, etc. Delaware City Delaware City Delaware City New Castle New Castle 60, etc. Middletown Middletown Middletown Middletown Middletown 81, etc. Townsend Townsend Townsend Middletown Middletown 1 Claymont Claymont Claymont Claymont Claymont 2 Mt. Pleasant — North Sec. Claymont South Sec. Mt. Pleasant Claymont Claymont Claymont 4 Hanby Claymont Claymont Claymont Claymont 5 Forwood — East Sec. West Sec. Claymont Talleyville Claymont Talleyville Claymont Claymont 6 Eight Square Talleyville Talleyville Claymont Claymont 7 Sharpley Talleyville Talleyville A. I. duPont A, I. duPont 8 Rockland — North Sec. Southwest Sec. Talleyville A. I. duPont Talleyville A. I. duPont A. I. duPont A. I. duPont 20 Richardson Park Richardson Park Richardson Park Richardson Park Richardson].Park 22 Oak Hill- West Sec. Walnut Green Walnut Green A. I. duPont A. I. duPont East Sec. A. I. duPont A. I. duPont 24 Montchanin — North Sec. Walnut Green Walnut Green South Sec. A. I. duPont A. I. duPont A. I. duPont A. I. duPont 25 Walnut Green Walnut Green Walnut Green A. I. duPont A. I. duPont 26 Center Grove Walnut Green Walnut Green A. I. duPont A. I. duPont 27 Mt. Airy Walnut Green Walnut Green A. I. duPont A. I. duPont 28 Clinton Walnut Green Walnut Green A I. duPont A I. duPont 29 Hockessin Hockessin — Yorklyn Hockessin — Yorklyn Kennett Sq., Pa. Kennett Sq., Pa. 30 North Star Hockessin — Yorklyn Hockessin — Yorklyn Newark Newark 31 Union Hockessin — Yorklyn Hockessin — Yorklyn Newark Newark 32 Harmony Brandywine Springs Brandywine Richardson Park Richardson Park RichardsoniPark 33 Brandywine Springs Richardson Park Richardson Park Richardson Park Springs 34 Mt. Pleasant Hockessin — Yorklyn Hockessin — Yorklyn Kennett Sq., Pa. Kennett Sq., Pa. 35 Forest Oak Marshallton Richardson Park Richardson Park Richardson Park 36 White Clay Newark Newark Newark Newark 37 Hilford Cross Roads Newark Newark Newark Newark 38 Stanton Marshallton Richardson Paik Richardson Park Richardson Park 40 McClellandsville Newark Newark Newark Newark 42 Ogleton Newark Newark Newark Newark 43 Salem — West Sec. East Sec. Glasgow Bear Glasgow Bear Newark Newark 44 Christiana Bear Bear New Castle New Castle 47 Rose Hill New Castle New Castle New Castle New Castle 48 Hare's Corner New Castle New Castle New Castle New Castle 49 State Road Bear Bear New Castle New Castle 50 Red Lion Bear Bear New Castle New Castle 51 Franklin Bear Bear New Castle East Sec. New Castle 53, etc. St. Georges Kirkwood Kirkwood Delaware City West Sec. Middletown Middletown 54 Welsh Tract Newark Newark Newark Newark 18 Proposed Consolidations Present Schools Grades Grades Grades Grades 1-6 inclusive 7 and 8 9 and 10 11 and 12 55 Harmony Glasgow Glasgow Newark Newark 56 Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Newark Newark 57 Eight Square Middletown Middletown Middletown Middletown 58 Howell Glasgow Glasgow Newark Newark 59 Jamison's Corner Middletown Middletown Middletown Middletown 61, etc. Odessa Odessa Odessa Middletown Middletown 62 McDonough Odessa Odessa Middletown Middletown 63, etc. Port Penn Delaware City Delaware City New Castle New Castle 64 Hickory Grove Kirkwood Kirkwood Middletown Middletown 65 Fieldsboro Townsend Townsend Middletown Middletown 66 Taylor's Bridge Taylor's Bridge Taylor's Bridge Middletown Middletown 67 Deakyneville Taylor's Bridge Taylor's Bridge Middletown Middletown 68 Walker's Smyrna-Clayton Smyrna-Clayton Smyrna-Clayton Smyrna-Clayton 69 Blackbird Townsend Townsend Middletown Middletown 70 Green Spring Smyrna-Clayton Smyran-Clayton Smyrna-Clayton Smyrna-Clayton 71 Oak Hill Oak Hill Oak Hill Smyrna-Clayton Smyrna-Clayton 71}^ Patterson's Townsend Townsend Middletown Middletown 72 Levels Townsend Townsend Middletown Middletown 73 Shellpot Mt. Pleasant Claymont Claymont Claymont 74 Summit Bridge Middletown Middletown Middletown Middletown 77, etc. Marshallton Richardson Park Richardson Park Richardson Park Richardson Park 79 Matthew's Corner Odessa Odessa Middletown Middletown 80 Vandyke Townsend Townsend Middletown Middletown 82 Mill Lane Middletown Middletown Middletown Middletown 83 Magnolia Grove Glasgow Glasgow Newark Newark 84 Diamond Walnut Green Walnut Green A. I. duPont A. I. duPont 85 Brown Cottage Middletown Middletown Middletown Middletown 86 Dale's Corner Odessa Odessa Middletown Middletown 87 Augustine A. I. duPont A. I. duPont A. I. duPont A. I. duPont 88 Kirkwood Kirkwood Kirkwood Middletown Middletown 89 Stump Corner Townsend Townsend Middletown Middletown 90 Fairview Newark _ Newark Newark Newark 91 Yorklyn Hockessin — Yorklyn Hockessin- Yorklyn Kennett Sq., Pa. Kennett Sq., Pa. 92 Pleasant Valley Glasgow Glasgow Newark Newark 93 Edge Moor Mt. Pleasant Claymont Claymont Claymont 95 Sunnyside Marshallton Richardson Park Richardson Park Richardson Park 96 Woodland Middletown Middletown Middletown Middletown 97 Point Breeze Claymont Claymont Claymont Claymont 99 Mt. Pleasant Middletown Middletown Middletown Middletown lOOJHillside Newark Newark Newark Newark 101 > Eden (Bear) Bear Bear New Castle New Castle 103iColumbia Glasgow Glasgow Newark Newark 130.iOak Grove Oak Grove Richardson Park Richardson Park Richardson Park 19 THE FIVE-YEAR PROGRAM OF CONSOLIDATIONS PROPOSED FOR KENT COUNTY Twelve-year School at Caesar Rodney Enrolment as of 1918-19 District Number Grades 1-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 1 Grades 1 to 12, inclusive, from Caesar Rodney 212 79 51 12 1 4 3 23 21 25 27 72 132 28 Oak Shade ] duPonts Rising Sun > Included in above. Franklin Moores J Grades 9 to 12, inclusive, from Warrens 50, etc. Magnolia 52 Willow Grove 53 Fraziers 71 Woodside Totals 212 79 71 23 Grand Total 385 39 28 357 20 24 40 2 9 130 5 3 7 4 6 5 15 1 74 3 2 1 8* Twelve-year School at Dover 13 Grades 1 to 12, inclusive, from Oak Grove 17 Chestnut Grove 18, etc. Dover 28 51 Dennys 59 Pratts (East Section) 79 Rose Valley 12 Grades 7 to 12, inclusive, from Cowgills 14 Comegys 85 Little Creek • 86 Logans 93 Wileys 10 Grades 9 to 12, inclusive, from Moores 11 Leipsic 20 Oak Point 59 Pratts (West Section) 69 Westville 83 Cheswood (South Section) 1* 111 Disch 117 Saxon my 2 Bowers Totals 508 186 89 29 Grand Total 812 * Estimate. 20 Present District Number 31 54, etc. 104 120 23 24 26 29 30 57 61 62 74 87 110 112 129 Twelve-year School at Felton Grades 1 to 12, inclusive, from Pratts Branch Felton Forest Lane Rices Grades 9 to 12, inclusive, from Sandtown Petersburg Canterbury Jumps Black Swamp Magees Warrens Cedar Grove Cedar Grove Hollandsville Laws Viola . Pleasant Hill Enrolment as of 1918-19 1-6 35 38 48 55 63 94, etc. 56 58 100 33 34 37 39 41 47 56 89 118 123 125 21 86 17 33 Totals . Grand Total 270 Twelve-year School at Harrington Grades 1 to 12, inclusive, from Mastens Browns Neck Powells Andersons Marvels Harrington Grades 7 to 12, inclusive, from Prospect Maetens Corner Potash Grades 9 to 12, inclusive, from Thomas Smiths Tomahawk Farmington Williamsville Maple Grove Pine Grove Raughleys Adamsville Roeys Houston 157 26 30 14 38 45 168 Totals . Grand Total 516 Grades 7-8 16 30 3 1 9-10 11-12 50 10 3 3 6 3 72 1 4 6 321 31 14 49 14 56 17 108 70 17 21 Present District Number 40^ 42, etc, 44 73 85 117 1 3, etc. 32 40 40^ 44 45 64 66 67 77^ 92 98 2 3, etc. 6 4 68 70 84 119 15 16 46 49 Twelve-year School at Milford Grades 1 to 12, inclusive, from Church Hill (East Section) Milford Pine Grove (South Section) Millwood Jamison's (Sussex) (North Section). Cedar Grove (Sussex) Grades 9 to 12, inclusive, from Cedar Neck (Sussex) Lincoln (Sussex) Frederica Cedarville Church Hill (West Section) Pine Grove Bennett's Gate Postles Union (Sussex) Kirbys Redman (Sussex) (North Section). Webb's (Sussex) Oak Grove Totals Grand Total 505 Twelve-year School at Smyrna-Clayton Grades 1 to 12, inclusive, from AUey Smyrna Seversons (West Section) Big Oak Walkers (New Castle Co.) Green Springs (New Castle Co. Brenford Clayton Grades 7 to 12, inclusive, from Kenton Grades 9 to 12, inclusive, from Blackistons Raymonds Downs Chapel Fairview Mt. Willow Bothesda Nelsons Totals. Enrolment as of 1918-19 1-6 18 H 256 13" 28 13 H 15" 343 14 233 16 22 31 23 12 137 488 Estimate. Grades 2* 95 3* 4 4* 116 5 60 4 7 3 2 4 32 11 128 9-10 68 4 17 98 2 44 2 24 82 11-12 35 13 48 30 39 22 Twelve-year School at Smyrna-Clayton (Continued) Enrolment as of 1918-19 Present District Number Grades 1-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 Grades 9 to 12, inclusive, from Totals Brought Forward 488 128 82 8* 6 1 6* 1 39 83 Cheswood (North Section) 1* 88 White Hall 96 Hartley 97 Shorts 114 Hazels 115 Marydel , 116 Woodland Beach 130 Bay View 71 Oak Hill (New Castle) Totals 488 128 104 40 Grand Total 760 20 54 7* 13* 23 9 15 8 22 12 32 2* 3* 12 2 1 1 3 Eight-year School at Frederica 28 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Warrens 32 Frederica 40 Cedarville (North Section) 44 Pine Grove (North Section) 64 Postles 110 129 Pleasant Hill 117 my 2 Bowers Totals 171 68 Grand Total 239 15* 19* 28 54 29 6* 4* 8 15 2 4 Eight-year School at Hartley 8 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Downe Chapel (South Section) 15 Fairview (North Section) 46 96 Hartley 97 16 Shorts Grades 7 and 8, from Mt. Willow Totals 145 39 Grand Total 184 * Estimate. 23 Eight-year School Centrally Located with Respect to — Enrolment as of 1918-19 Present District Number Grades 1-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 20 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Oak Point 48 12* 30 6 2* 9 59 Pratts (West Section) 69 Westville Totals . . 90 17 Grand Total 107 32 34 22 13 5 7 Eight-year School Centrally Located with Respect to — 24 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Petersburg 52 53 Totals 88 25 Grand Total 113 32 32 24 10 8 8 Eight-year School at a Point West of Jumps 23 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from 29 Jumps j 62 Cedar Grove Totals 88 26 Grand Total 114 7* 16* 33 53 2* 2* 7 13 Eight-year School at Houston 40 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Cedarville (South Section) 40^ 41 Church Hill (West Section) Williamsville 125 Houston Totals Grand Total 133 109 24 * Estimate. 24 Eight-year School at Farmington Enrolment as of 1918-19 Present District Number Grades 1-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 39 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Farmington 28 20 20 7 3 1 8 56 Pine Grove 123 Hoeys 37 Grades 7 and 8, from Tomahawk Totals 68 19 Grand Total 87 36 38 15 10 5 5 Eight-year School Between Adamsville Smiths and Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from 34 Smiths 118 Adamsville Hickman Children Totals 89 20 Grand Total 109 18 60* 3 13* Eight-year School at Mary del 15 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Fairview (South Section) 115 Marydel Totals r - 78 16 Grand Total 94 32 25 37 13* 26 7 3 10 2* 10 Eight-year School at Viola 26 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Canterbury 57 Magoes 71, etc. Woodside 74 Cedar Grove (West Section) 112 Viola Totals 133 32 Grand Total 165 * Estimate. 25 Present District Number Eight-year School at Magnolia Enrolment as of 1918-19 Grades 1-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 50, etc. Grades 1 to 6, inclusive, from Magnolia 49 13 16 2 74 Cedar Grove (East Section) Totals 62 18 Grand Total 80 31 18 16 8 13 6 Eight-year School near Raughleye 33 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Thomas 47 Maple Grove 89 Raughleys Totals 65 27 Grand Total 92 35 35 34 2 5 10 Eight-year School Near Cross Roads of Black Swamp West 30 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Black Swamp 61 Warrens 87 Hollandsville Totals 104 17 Grand Total 171 35 5* 25 3* Eight-year School at Leipsic 11, etc. Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Leipsic Ill Disch (East Section) Totals 40 28 Grand Total 68 20 16 21 7 6 Eight-year School Centrally Located for— 45 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Bennett's Gate 67 Kirbys 98 Oak Grove Totals 57 13 i Grand Total 70 1 * Estimate. 26 Eight-year School Near Cross Roads Between Raymonds and Whitehall Enrolment as of 1918-19 Present District Number Grades 1-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 6 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Seversons (East Section) 5* 16 28 21 2* 2 2 7 88 Raymonds Whitehall 116 130 Woodland Bay View Totals 70 6 Grand Total 76 31 23 9 Eight-year School Between Blackistons and Hazels 1 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Blackistons 114 Hazels Totals 54 9 Grand Total 63 21 11 56 5* 6 24 2* Eight-year School at Cheswold 10 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Moores 49 Nelson 83 Cheswold 111 Disch (West Section) Totals 93 32 ,i *-*; , Grand Total 125 15* 35 Six-year School at Kenton 8 Gi-ades 1 to 6, inclusive, from Downs Chapel (North Section) 9 Kenton Total 50 32 37 Six-year School Near Pearson's Corner 16 Grades 1 to 6, inclusive, from Mt. Willow 93 Wileys Total 69 * Estimate. 27 Six-year School at Tomahawk Enrolment as of 1918-19 Present District Number Grades 1-6 7-3 9-10 11-12 37 Grades 1 to 6, inclusive, from Tomahawk 37 Total 37 33 Six-year School at Prospect 36 Grades 1 to 6, inclusive, from. Prospect Total 33 36 22 Six-year School at Mastens Corner 58 Grades 1 to 6, inclusive, from Mastens Corner 100 Potash Total 58 28 31 Six-year School at Point Between Cowgills and Little Creek 12 Grades 1 to 6, inclusive, from Cowgills 85 Little Creek Total 59 23 21 Six-year School Between Comegys and Logans 14 Grades 1 to 6, inclusive, from Comegys 86 Logans Total 44 28 TABULATION SHOWING WHERE THE PUPILS OF EACH ATTENDANCE DISTRICT AS NOW ORGANIZED WILL ATTEND UNDER THE PROPOSED CONSOLIDATION KENT COUNTY Proposed Consolidations Present Schools Grades Grades Grades Grades 1-6 inclusive 7 and 8 9 and 10 11 and 12 1 Caesar Rodney Caesar Rodney Caesar Rodney Caesar Rodney Caesar Rodney 3, etc. Smyrna Smyrna-Clayton Smyrna-Clayton Smyrna-Clayton Smyrna-Clayton 9 Kenton Kenton Smyrna- Clayton Smyrna-Clayton Smyrna-Clayton 11, etc. Leipsic Leipsic Leipsic Dover Dover 18, etc. Dover Dover Dover Dover Dover 27 Rising Sun Caesar Rodney Caesar Rodney Caesar Rodney Caesar Rodney 32, etc. Frederica Frederica Frederica Milford Milford 42, etc. Milford Milford Milford Milford Milford 50, etc. Magnolia Magnolia Magnolia Caesar Rodney Caesar Rodney 54, etc. Felton Felton Felton Felton Felton 71, etc. Woodside Viola Viola Caesar Rodney Caesar Rodney 94, etc. Harrington Harrington Harrington Hanington Harrington 95, etc. Hartly Hartly Hartly Smyrna-Clayton Smyrna-Clayton 119 Clayton Smyrna-Clayton Smyrna-Clayton Smyrna-Clayton Smyrna- Clayton 125, etc. Houston Houston Houston Harrington Harrington 1 Blackistons Blackistons Blackistons Smyrna-Clayton Smyrna-Clayton 2 Alley Smyrna-Clayton Smyrna-Clayton Smyrna-Clayton Smyrna- Clayton 4 Big Oak Smyrna-Clayton Smyrna-Clayton Smyrna-Clayton Smyrna-Ciayton 6 Seversons — East Sec. Whitehall Whitehall West Sec. Smyrna-Clayton Smvrna-Clayton Smyrna-Clayton Smyrna-Clayton 7 Raymonds Whitehall Whitehall Smyrna-Clayton Smyrna-Clayton 8 Downs Chapel — North Sec. Kenton South Sec. Hartly Cheswold Hartly Smyrna-Clayton Smyrna-Clayton 10 Mooies Cheswold Dover Dover 12 Cowgills Cowgills Dover Dover Dover 13 Oak Grove Dover Dover Dover Dover 14 Comegys Comegys Dover Dover Dover 15 Fair View — North Sec. Hartly Hartly Marydel Smyrna-Clayton Smyrna-Clayton South Sec. Marydel 16 Mt. Willow Pearson's Ccr. Hartly Smyrna-Clayton Smyrna-Clayton 17 Chestnut Grove Dover Dover Dover Dover 20 Oak Point Westville Westwille Dover Dover 21 Oak Shade Caesar Rodney Cassar Rodney Cassar Rodney Caesar Rodney 23 Sandtown Jumps Jumps Felton Felton 24 Petersburg Willow Grove Willow Grove Felton Felton 25 duPonts Caesar Rodney Caesar Rodney Cassar Rodney Cassar Rodney 26 Canterbury Viola Viola Felton Felton 28 Warrens Frederica Frederica Caesar Rodney Cassar Rodney 29 Jumps Jumps Jumps Feiton Felton 30 Black Swamp Black Swamp Black Swamp Felton Felton 31 Pratt's Branch Felton Felton Felton Felton 33 Thomas Raughleys Raughleys Harrington Harrington 34 Smith's Adamsville Adamsville Harrington Harrington 35|Masten's Harrington Harrington Harrington Harrington 36 Prospect Prospect Harrington Harrington Harrington 37 Tomahawk Tomahawk Farmington Harrington Harrington 38 Brown's Neck Harrington Harrington Harrington Harrington 39, etc. Farmington Farmington Farmington Harrington Harrington 40 Cedarville— North Sec. Frederica Frederica Milford Milford South Sec. Houston Houston 40H Church Hill— East Sec. Milford Milford Milford Milford West Sec. Houston Houston 41 Williams ville Houston Houston Harrington Harrington 44 Pine Grove — North Sec. Frederica Frederica Milford Milford South Sec. Milford Milford 45 Bennett's Gate Bennett's Gate Bennett's Gate Milford Milford 46 Bethesda Hartly Hartly Smyrna-Clayton Smyrna-Clayton 29 Proposed Consolidations Present Schools Grades Grades Grades Grades 1-6 inclusive 7 and 8 9 and 10 11 and 12 47 Maple Grove Raughleys Raughleys Harrington Harrington 48 Powells Harrington Harrington Harrington Harrington 49 Nelson Cheswold Cheswold Smyrna-Clayton Smyrna-Clayton 51 Dennys Dover Dover Dover Dover 52 Willow Grove Willow Grove Willow Grove Caesar Rodney Caesar Rodney 53 Frazier's Willow Grove Willow Grove Caesar Rodney Caesar Rodney 55 Anderson's Harrington Harrington Harrington Harrington 56 Piney Grove Farmington Farmington Harrington Harrington 57 Magee's Viola Viola Felton Felton 58 Masten's Corner Masten's Corner Harrington Harrington Harrington 59 Pratts— East Sec. Dover Dover West Sec. Westville Westville Dover Dover 61 Warren's Black Swamp Black Swamo Felton Felton 62 Cedar Grove Jumps Jumps Felton Felton 63 Marvel's Harrington Harrington Harrington Harrington 64 Postles Frederica Frederica Frederica Milford 67 Kirbys Bennett's Gate Bennett's Gate Milford Milford 69 Westville Westville Westville Dover Dover 72 Franklin fCaesar Rodney Caesar Rodney Caesar Rodney Csaear Rodney 73 Millwood Milford Milford Milford Milford 74 Cedar Grove- East Sec. West Sec. Magnolia Viola Magnolia Viola Felton Felton 79 Rose Valley Dover Dover Dover Dover 83 Cheswold Cheswold Cheswold North Sec. Smyrna-Clayton South Sec. Dover Smyrna-Clayton Dover 84 Brenford Smyrna-Clayton Smyrna-Clayton Smyrna-Clayton Smyrna-Clayton 85, etc. Little Creek Cowgills Dover Dover Dover 86 Logan's Comegy's Dover Dover Dover 87 Hollandsville Black Swamp Black Swamp Felton Felton 88 White Hall White Hall White Hall Smyrna-Clayton Smyrna-Clayton 89 Raughley's Raughley's Raughley's Harrington Hairington 93 Wiley's Pearson's Corner Dover Dover Dover 97 Shorts Hartly Hartly Smyrna-Clayton Smyrna-Clayton 98 Oak dove Bennett's Gate Bennett's Gate Milfoid Milfoid 100 Potash Masten's Corner Harrington Harrington Harrington 104 Forest Lane Felton Felton Felton Felton 110 Laws Frederica Frederica Felton i elton 111 Diech— West Sec. Cheswold Cheswold Dover Dover East Sec. Leipsic Leipsic 112 Viola Viola Viola Felton Felton- 114 Hazels Blackiston's Blackiston's Smyrna-Clayton Smyrna-Clayton 115 Mary del Marydel Marydel Smyrna-Clayton Smyrna-Clayton 116 Woodland White Hall White Hall Smyrna-Clayton Smyrna-Clayton 117 Saxon Frederica Frederica Dover Dover 117H Bowers Frederica Frederica Dover Dover 118 Adamsville Adamsville Adamsville Harrington Harrington 120 Rice's Felton Felton Felton Felton 123 Hoey's Farmington Farmington Harrington Harrington 129 Pleasant Hill Frederica Frederica Felton Felton 130 Bay View White Hall White Hall Smyrna-Clayton Smyrna- Clayton 132 Moore's Caesar Rodney Caesar Rodney Caesar Rodney Caesar Rodney 30 THE FIVE-YEAR PROGRAM OF CONSOLIDATIONS PROPOSED FOR SUSSEX COUNTY Present District Number Twelve-year School at Bridgeville Enrolment as of 1918-19 Grades 1-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 61 72 90 143 166 179 228 71 73 139 138^ 230 61 65 65y 2 ny 2 74 75 76 77 77 77^ 91 179 45 46 47 51 60 148 165 168 176 Grades 1 to 12, inclusive, from Messick's (West Section). North Bridgeville Bridgeville Jacob's Excelsior Forest Park Progress Grades 7 to 12, inclusive, from Brown's (North Section) . Atlanta Union Cannon Sunnyside Grades 9 to 12, inclusive, from Messick's (East Section). . . . Shingles Smith's Trinity Woodenhawk Fisher's Carlisle Tatman (Southwest Section) . Tatman (Northeast Section). Redman (Southwest Section) Greenwood Forest Park (East Section) . . Totals. Grand Total 499 Twelve-year School at Laurel Grades 1 to 12, inclusive, from Vaughn's Laurel Sharp's Salem Union Bacon O'Neal's (South Section) Portsville (Southeast Section) Independent Totals Estimate 17* 17 97 33 15 23 32 234 58 288 34 38 36 19 16* 6* 31 526 3* 1 51 3 4 2 4 3 16 11 4 70 25 29 2" 16 110 114 41 5 71 4 12 8 11 6* 59 30 125 59 30 31 Twelve-year School at Laurel (Continued) Enrolment as of 1918-19 District Grades Number 1-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 Grades 9 to 12, inclusive, from Totals Brought Forward 526 125 59 3 1 2 3* 30 36 Jones' 37 Gumboro 38 Elliott's 39 Morris's 40 Bethesda 43 Dorothy 44 Sycamore 49^ Columbia 50 Ellis Grove 59 Quinton 80 83 Lowes Cross Roads (West Section) Records 95 Whitesville 99 Bethel 101 Hosea 113 Pepperbox 137 Tussoky Branch 151 Pepper's 168 Portsville (West Section) Grades 11 and 12, from 37 Gumboro 48 Beach's 49 Providence 87 Callaway's 163 Delmar 9 Totals 526 125 68 39 Grand Total 758 211 29 59 12 8* 5* 67 2* 1 1 25 2 Twelve-year School at Lewes 14 Grades 1 to 12, inclusive, from Lewes 24 16 Yellow Hill 17 Grades 7 to 12, inclusive, from Cedar Grove (North Section) 178 Midway (North Section) 10 Grades 9 to 12, inclusive, from Whites Chapel 17 18 Cedar Grove (East Section) Mary Martin 19 Eldorado 89 Rabbit's Ferry 111 Rehoboth 14 124 178 Sunshine Midway (East Section) 155 West Hill Totals 240 84 98 38 Grand Total 460 * Estimate. 32 Present District Number Twelve-year School at Milton Enrolment as of 1918-19 Grades 1-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 8, etc. 9 11 13 105 136 4 5 6 9 63 79 136 57 58 69 70 , 71 109 169 172 69 138 56 68 109 177 229 Grades 1 to 12, inclusive, from Milton Donovan's (East Section) . Cave Neck Ingram's (North Section) . Williams Reynold's (South Section) . Grades 7 to 12, inclusive, from Broadkiln Grades 9 to 12, inclusive, from Slaughter Neck Prime Hook Neck Lynch's (East Section) Donovan's (West Section). Dutton's (North Section) . Calhoun's Reynold's (North Section) Totals Grand Total 329 Twelve-year School at Seaford Grades 1 to 12, inclusive, from Washington Concord Neals (South Section) Seaford Brown's (South Section) Wainwright's (North Section) . Flowers Blades Grades 7 to 12, inclusive, from. Neals (North Section) . . . Wesley Grades 9 to 12, inclusive, from Morgan's Ellis Wainwright's (South Section). Tull's Woodland Totals . * Estimate. Grand Total 658 33 114 8 s1 37 15* 29 18* 221 33 33 18" 235 25* 8" 22 40 414 38 2 13 1 19 66 22 11 6* 84 8* V 7 25 6* 13 45 3* 161 55 20 20 28 28 Present District Number 97 140 156 26 23 24 24^ 27 28 28^ 29 30 31 32 35 41 80 114 118 120 121^ 123 131 141 142 144 145 128 167 180^ 181 189 Twelve-year School at Frankford 21 33 34 52 54 Grades 1 to 12, inclusive, from Frankford Holly McNeaPs Grades 7 to 12, inclusive, from Blackwater Grades 9 to 12, inclusive, from Millsboro Dagsboro Houston's White's Neck Ocean View Bethany Beach Hall's. Williamsville Roxana Selbyville Philip's Hill Phillip's Lowes' Cross Roads (East Section). Good Hope Newfoundland Lynch's Muddy Neck Piney Grove Lizard Hill Ivy College Centenary Mission Hill Sugar Hill White Oak Good Will Cedar Grove Millville Mitchell's (East Section) Totals. Grand Total 266 Enrolment as of 1918-19 Grades 1-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 19 20 127 17 4 4 10 23 14 14 35 Twelve-year School at Georgetown Grades 1 to 12, inclusive, from Hill's (West Section) Springfield Stockley Anderson King (East Section) Totals 8* 21 40 18 14* 101 19 73 14 31 * Estimate. 34 Present District Number 63 67 81 84 86 94 154 13 20 21 22 42 42^ 53 54 55 62 64 65 82 88 98 122 129 130 132 154 180 190 125 Twelve-year School at Georgetown (Continued) 28 28^ 180^ 27 123 161 Grades 1 to 12, inclusive, from Totals Brought Forward. Dutton's (South Section) Georgetown Lingo's Pepper's Reynold's Hill Marvel's Tyndal's (East Section) Grades 9 to 12, inclusive, from Ingram's (South Section) Long Neck Hill's (South Section) Belmouth Rogers Shortley Conaway's King (West Section) Rawlins Isaac's Robbins Shingles Fairmont Beaver Dam Pine Grove Short's Central Pine Hill Hollyville Tyndal's (West Section) .... Redden Godwin's Grades 11 to 12, inclusive, from Ellendale (South Section) . . . Enrolment as of 1918-19 1-6 101 2* 288 40 22 47 8 12* Totals. Grand Total 704 Ten-year School at Ocean View Grades 1 to 10, inclusive, from Ocean View Bethany Beach Muddy Neck Cedar Grove Grades 7 to 10, inclusive, from White's Neck Piney Grove Millville 520 52 15 27 29 Totals. * Estimate. Grand Total 217 35 123 Grades 7-S 19 4* 57 3 5 2 6 3' -10 11-12 49 21 99 21 6 6 6 4 17 60 64 16 18 34 21 Ten-year School at Delmar f* Enrolment as of 1918-19 Present District Number Grades 1-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 48 Grades 1 to 10, inclusive, from Beach's 31 47 112 10 14 28 22 1 87 Callaway's 163 Delmar 49 Grades 9 to 10, inclusive, from Providence Totals 190 52 23 Grand Total 265 32 19 14* 16* 97 14 4 3* 3* 47 Eight-year School at Greenwood 75 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, front Fisher's 76 Carlisle 77 Tatman (Southwest Section) 77J4 Redman (Southwest Section) 91 Greenwood Totals. 178 71 Grand Total 249 68 34 23 24 36 7 2 Eight-year School at Selbyville 32 Grades 1 to 9, inclusive, from Selbyville , 128 White Oak 141 Ivy College 167 Good Will Totals 149 45 Grand Total 194 62 24 8* 5* Eight-year School at Rehoboth 111 Grades 1 to 8, inclusvie, from Rehoboth 17 Grades 7 to 8, inclusive, from Cedar Grove (East Section) 178 Midway (East Section) Totals 62 37 Grand Total 99 * Estimate. t This school should combine with Delmar, Maryland. If this consolidation is not effected, it is recommended that Delmar maintain but an eight-year school and con- solidate its high school with Laurel. 36 Eight-year School at Gumboro Enrolment as of 1918-19 Present District Number Grades 1-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 36 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Jones' 12 40 46 26 4 7 2 5 37 Gumboro 114 Good Hope 118 Newfoundland Totals 124 18 Grand Total 142 114 29 45 22 25 3 11 5 Eight-year School at Millsboro 23, etc. Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Millsboro 35 Philip's Hill 98 Pine Grove 190 Godwin's Totals 210 44 Grand Total 254 32 16* 10 4* Eight-year School Between White's Chapel and West Hill 10 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from White's Chapel 155 West Hill (North Section) Totals 48 14 Grand Total 62 23 18* 24 3 g* 3 Eight-year School Centrally Located to Mis- sion Hill, Phillip's, Lowes Cross Roads (Eastern Section) 41 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Phillip's 80 144 Lowes Cross Roads (East Section) Mission Hill Totals 65 15 Grand Total 80 Estimate. 37 Eight-year School Centrally Located to Hosea, Pepperbox, Lowes Cross Roads (West Section), and Pepper's. Enrolment as of 1918-19 Present District Number Grades 1-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 40 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Bethesda 15 18* 26 22 22 4 9* 7 5 80 101 Lowes Cross Roads (West Section) Hosea 113 151 Totals 103 25 Grand Total 128 38 11* 11* 11 4 6 Eight-year School at Eldorado (Northwest of present site) 19 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Eldorado 82 Fairmount (East Section) &9 Rabbit's Ferry (South Section) Totals 60 21 Grand Total 81 8* 10* 22* 17 4* 6* 8 Eight-year School Between Hollyville and Five Cross Roads 21 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Hill's (South Section) 82 Fairmount (West Section) 98 Pine Grove (North Section) 132 Hollyville Totals 57 18 Grand Total 75 33 23 33 10 7 4 Eight-year School Near Shortley 42^ 122 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Totals 89 21 Grand Total 110 "Estimate. 38 Eight-year School at Lincoln Enrolment as of 1918-19 Present District Number Grades 1-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from 57 13* 31 4* 3, etc. Lincoln 85 Johnson's (South Section) Totals 70 35 Grand Total 105 15* 14* 15* 31* 9* 5* 3* 3* 1 3* Eight-year School Located South of Cedarfield 66 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Union (West Section) 77 Tatman (North Section) 77^ 78 Rodman (East Section) Cedarfield 92 Webb's (Northwest Section) Totals 84 15 Grand Total 99 33 12 Eight-year School at Cedar Neck 1 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Cedar Neck Total 33 12 Grand Total 45 19* 28 9* 5* 4 5* Eight-year School Located Near Jefferson Cross Roads 6 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Lynch's (East Section) 79 Calhoun's 136 Reynold's (North Section) Totals 56 14 Grand Total 70 49 10 Eight-year School Centrally Located at Slaughter Neck 4 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Slaughter Neck Total 49 10 Grand Total 59 * Estimate. 39 Eight-year School at Prime Hook Neck Enrolment as of 1918-19 District Grades Number 1-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 5 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Prime Hook Neck 46 17 Total 46 17 Grand Total 63 74 7 15* g* 19 3 5* 3* Eight-year School at Ellendale 125 65 66 92 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Ellendale Shingles (Northeast Section) Union (South Section) Webb's (East Section) Totals 105 30 Grand Total 135 17* 7* 26 12* 3* 3* 7 1* Eight-year School Centrally Located West of Smith's 51 65 65V 2 179 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Messick's (East Section) Shingles (Southwest Section) Smith's Forest Park (East Section) Totals 62 14 Grand Total 76 19 14* 26 15 4 3* 6 1 Eight-year School Centrally Located at Raw- lins, Pine Hill, Conaway's and King 53 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Conaway's 54 King (West Section) 55 Rawlins 130 Pine Hill Totals 74 14 Grand Total 88 43 19 12 2 Eight-year School Centrally Located Between Sugar Hill and Wilhamsville 30 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Williamsville 145 Sugar Hill Totals 62 14 Grand Total 76 Estimate. 40 Present District Eight-year School at Belmouth Enrolment as of 1918-19 Grades Number 1-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 22 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from 27 5 Totals 27 5 Grand Total 32 16 10* 13 7 5 Eight-year School at a Point West of Long Neck School 20 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from 82 129 Totals 39 16 Grand Total 55 5* 11* 4 16* 3* 6* 6 Eight-year School at a Point West of Sunshine 18 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Mary Martin (East Section) 89 Rabbit's Ferry (North Section) 124 155 West Hill (South Section) 4* Totals 36 19 Grand Total 55 15* 5* 37 2* 3* 15 Eight-year School at Beaver Dam 13 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from 18 Mary Martin (West Section) 88 Totals 57 20 77 8* 18 2* 31 12 2* 12 3 3 9 Eight-year School Centrally Located at Red- den, Isaac's, Robbins, and Dutton's 9 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Donovan's (West Section) 62 63 Dutton's (Northwest Section) 64 180 Totals 71 29 Grand Total 100 *Est imate. 41 Present District Number Eight-year School Centrally Located Between Houston's and Centenary Enrolment as of 1918-19 Grades 1-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 24^ 142 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from 28 32 9 2 Totals 60 11 Grand Total 71 135 24 Eight-year School at Dagsboro 24 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Dagsboro Totals 135 24 Grand Total 159 41 16 15 4 Eight-year School at Roxana 31 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from 120 29 Grades 7 and 8 from Halls' 131 Totals 57 19 Grand Total 76 20 38 9 11 Eight-year School Centrally Located Between Elliott's and Morris's 38 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Elliott's 39 Morris's Totals 58 20 Grand Total 78 27 12 Eight-year School at Whitesville 95 Whitesville Totals 27 12 Grand Total 39 42 Present District Eight-year School at Point Half-way Between Trinity and Woodenhawk Enrolment as of 1918-19 Grades Number 1-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 73 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Atlanta (North Section) 15* 60 39 2* 5 19 ny 2 74 Trinity Totals 114 26 Grand Total 140 32 31 7 5 Eight-year School at a Point Centrally Located Between Columbia and Ellis Grove 49J^ Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from 50 Totals 63 12 Grand Total 75 27 27 8 8 Eight-year School Centrally Located Between Tussoky Branch and Providence 49 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from 137 Totals 54 16 Grand Total 70 53 37 12* 16* 16 7 3* 6* Eight-year School Near Laurel-Georgetown Highway 44 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from 56 154 TyndaFs (West Section) 165 O'Neal's (South Section) Totals 118 32 Grand Total 150 9 8* 31 10 6 1* 3 Eight-year School Between Tull's and Wood- land 68 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Ellis 109 Wainwright (South Section) 177 Tull's 229 Woodland Totals 58 10 Grand Total 68 * Estimate. 43 Eight-year School at Bethel, Quinton and Portsville Enrolment as of 1918-19 Present District Number Grades 1-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 59 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Quinton 21 45 7* 3 19 99 Bethel 168 Portsville (North Section) Totals 73 22 Grand Total 95 25 23 12 5 Eight-year School at Dorothy and Records 43 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Dorothy 83 Records Totals 48 17 Grand Total 65 25 15* 46 Six-year School Located Near Cannon Station 71 Grades 1 to 6, inclusive, from Brown's (West Section) 73 Atlanta (South Section) 138^ Total 86 18* 31 , Six-year School Between Wesley and Neal's 69 Grades 1 to 6, inclusive, from Neal's (North Section) 138 Wesley Total 49 27 Six-year School at Broadkiln Grades 1 to 6, inclusive, from 7 Broadkiln Total 27 Estimate. 44 Six-year School at Blackwater Enrolment as of 1918-19 Present District Number Grades 1-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 26-277 Grades 1 to 6, inclusive, from Blackwater 30 17* 27 White's Neck (West Side) Total 47 42 32 Six-year School at a Centrally Located Point Between Lizard Hill and Hall's 29 Grades 1 to 6, inclusive, from Hall's 131 Lizard Hill Total 74 18* 29 53 Six-year School at Millville 27 Grades 1 to 6, inclusive, from White's Neck (East Section) 123 Piney Grove 181 Millville Total 100 24 33 Six-year School Centrally Located Between Cedar Grove and Midway 17 Grades 1 to 6, inclusive, from Cedar Grove 178 Midway Total 57 36 Six-year School at Union 60 Grades 1 to 6, inclusive, from Union * Estimate. 45 TABULATION SHOWING WHERE THE PUPILS OF EACH ATTENDANCE DISTRICT AS NOW ORGANIZED WILL ATTEND SCHOOL UNDER THE PROPOSED CONSOLIDATION SUSSEX COUNTY Proposed Consolidations Present Schools Grades_ Grades Grades Grades 1-6 inclusive 7 and 8 9 and 10 11 and 12 67, etc. Georgetown Georgetown Georgetown Georgetown Georgetown 46, etc. Laurel Laurel Laurel Laurel Laurel 14, etc. Lewes Lewes Lewes Lewes Lewes 70, etc. Seaford Seaford Seaford Seaford Seaford 90, etc. Bridgeville Bridgeville Bridgeville Bridgeville Bridgeville 8, etc. Milton Milton Milton Milton Milton 163, etc. Delmar Delmar Delmar Delmar Laurel 23, etc. Millsboro Millsboro Millsboro Millsboro Frankford 32, etc. Selbyville Selbyville Selbyville Frankford Frankford 91, etc. Greenwood Greenwood Greenwood Greenwood Bridgeville 97, etc. Frankford Frankford Frankford Frankford Frankford 28, etc. Ocean View Ocean View Ocean View Ocean View Frankford 111, etc. Rehoboth Rehoboth Rehoboth Lewes Lewes 24, etc. Dagsboro Dagsboro Dagsboro Frankford Frankford 3, etc. Lincoln Lincoln Milford Milford Milford 99, etc. Bethel Bethel Bethel Laurel Laurel 125, etc. Ellendale Ellendale Ellendale Georgetown Milford or Milton 1, etc. Cedar Neck Cedar Neck Cedar Neck Milford Milford 44, etc. Slaughter Neck Slaughter Neck Slaughter Neck Milton Milton 5, etc. Prime Hook Prime Hook Neck Prime Hook Neck Milton Milton Neck 6 Lynch's — East Sec. Calhoun's Calhoun's Milton Milton West Sec. Ellendale Ellendale 7 Broadkiln Broadkiln Milton Milton Milton 9 Donovan's — East Sec. Milton Milton Milton Milton West Sec. Redden Redden 10 White's Chapel White's Chapel White's Chapel Lewes Lewes 11 Cave Neck Milton Milton Milton Milton 13 Ingram's — North Sec. Milton Beaver Dam Milton Beaver Dam Milton Milton South Sec. Georgetown Georgetown 16 Yellow Hill Lewes Lewes Lewes Lewes 17 Cedar Grove — East Sec. Midway Rehoboth Lewes Lewes West Sec. Midway Lewes 18 Mary Martin — East Sec. Sunshine Lewes Lewes Lewes West Sec. Beaver Dam Beaver Dam 19 Eldorado Eldorado Eldorado Lewes Lewes 20 Long Neck Long Neck Long Neck Georgetown Georgetown 21 Hill's— South Sec. Hollyville Holly ville Georgetown Georgetown West Sec. Georgetown Georgetown 22 Belmouth Belmouth Belmouth Georgetown Georgetown 24J^ Houston's Houston's Houston's Frankford Frankford 26, etc. Blackwater Blackwater Frankford Frankford Frankford 27 White's Neck- East Sec. Millville West Sec. Blackwater Ocean View Ocean View Frankford 28^ Bethany Beach Ocean View Ocean View Ocean View Frankford 29 Hall's Hall's Roxana Frankford Frankford 30 Williamsville Sugar Hill Sugar Hill Frankford Frankford 31, etc. Roxana Roxana Roxana Frankford Frankford 33 Springfield Georgetown Georgetown Georgetown Georgetown 34 Stockley Georgetown Georgetown Georgetown Georgetown 35 Philip's Hill Millsboro Millsboro Millsboro Frankford 36 Jones' Gumboro Gumboro Laurel Laurel 37, etc. Gumboro Gumboro Gumboro Laurel Laurel 46 Proposed Consolidations Present Schools Grades_ Grades Grades Grades 1-6 inclusive 7 and 8 9 and 10 11 and 12 38 Elliott's (Combined with Morris) Laurel Laurel 39 Morris's (Combined with Elliott's) Laurel Laurel 40 Bethesda Bethesda Bethesda Laurel Laurel 41 Phillip's Mission Hill Mission Hill Frankford Frankford 42 Rogers Shortley Shortley Georgetown Georgetown 42^ Shortley Shortley Shortley Georgetown Georgetown 43 Dorothy (Combined with Records) Laurel Laurel 44 Sycamore Sycamore Sycamore Laurel Laurel 45 Vaughn's Laurel Laurel Laurel Laurel 47 Sharp's Laurel Laurel Laurel Laurel 48 Beach's Delmar Delmar Delmar Laurel 49 Providence Providence Providence Delmar Laurel 49J^ Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Laurel 50 Ellis Grove Columbia Columbia Laurel Luarel 51 Salem Laurel Laurel Laurel Laurel 52 Anderson Georgetown Georgetown Georgetown Georgetown 53 Conaway's Rawlins Rawlins Georgetown Georgetown 54 King- East Sec. Georgetown Georgetown Georgetown Georgetown West Sec. Rawlins Rawlins 55 Rawlins Rawlins Rawlins Georgetown Georgetown 56 Morgan's Sycamore Sycamore Seaford Seaford 57 Washington Seaford Seaford Seaford Seaford 58 Concord Seaford Seaford Seaford Seaford 59 Quinton Bethel Bethel Laurel Laurel 60 Union Laurel Laurel Laurel Laurel 61 Messick's — East Sec. West Sec. Smith's Bridgeville Smith's Bridgeville Bridgeville Bridgeville 62 Isaac's Redden Redden Georgetown Georgetown 63 Dutton's— North Sec. Redden Redden Milton Milton South Sec. Georgetown Georgetown Georgetown Georgetown 64 Robbins Redden Redden Georgetown Georgetown 65 Singles South West Sec. Smith's Smith's Georgetown Georgetown North East Sec. Ellendale Ellendale 653^ Smith's Smith's Smith's Bridgeville Bridgeville 66 Union — West Sec. Cedarfield Cedarfield Milford Milford South Sec. Ellendale Ellendale 68 Ellis Tull's Tull's Seaford Seaford 69 Neals— South Sec. Seaford Seaford Seaford Seaford North Sec. Wesley 71 Brown's — West Sec. Cannon Bridgeville Bridgeville Bridgeville South Sec. Seaford Seaford Seaford Seaford 72 North Bridgeville Bridgeville Bridgeville Biidgeville Bridgeville 73 Atlanta- North Sec. South Sec. Trinity Cannon Bridgeville Bridgeville Bridgeville 73J^ Trinity Trinity Trinity Bridgeville Bridgeville 74 Woodenhawk Trinity Trinity Bridgeville Bridgeville 75 Fisher's Greenwood Greenwood Greenwood Bridgeville 76 Carlisle Greenwood Greenwood Greenwood Bridgeville 77Tatman— No. East Sec. Cedar Field Cedar Field Greenwood Bridgeville So. West Sec. Greenwood Greenwood 71}4 Redman- North Sec. Cedar Field Cedar Field Milford Milford So. West Sec. Greenwood Greenwood Greenwood Bridgeville 78 Cedar Field Cedar Field Cedar Field Milford Milford 79 Calhoun's Calhoun's Calhoun's Milton Milton 80, etc. Lowes Cross Roads — East Sec. Mission Hill Mission Hill Frankford Frankford West Sec. Bethesda Bethesda Laurel Laurel 47 Proposed Consolidations Present Schools Grades Grades Grades Grades 1-6 inclusive 7 and 8 9 and 10 11 and 12 81 Lingo's 82 Fairmount — Georgetown Georgetown Georgetown Georgetown East Sec. Eldorado Eldorado So. East Sec. Long Neck Long Neck Georgetown Georgetown 83 Records (Combined with Dorothy) Laurel Laurel 84 Peppers 85 Johnson's — Georgetown Georgetown Georgetown Georgetown North Sec. Miliord Milford South Sec. Lincoln Lincoln Milford Milford 86 Reynold's Hill Georgetown Georgetown Georgetown Georgetown 87 Callaway's Delmar Delmar Delmar Laurel 88 Beaver Dam 89 Rabbit's Ferry- Beaver Dam Beaver Dam Georgetown Georgetown South Sec. Eldorado Eldorado North Sec. Sunshine Sunshine Lewes Lewes 92 Webb's— No. West Sec. Cedar Field Cedar Field Milford Milford East Sec. Ellendale Ellendale 94 Marvel's Georgetown Georgetown Georgetown Georgetown 95, etc. Whitesville Whitesville Whitesville Laurel Laurel 98 Pine Grove- South Sec. Millsboro Millsboro North Sec. Hollyville Hollyville Georgetown Georgetown 101 Hosea Bethesda Bethesda Laurel Laurel 105 Williams Milton Milton Milton Milton 109 Wainwright's — North Sec. Seaford South Sec. Tull's Seaford Seaford Seaford 113 Pepperbox Bethesda Bethesda Laurel Laurel 114, etc. Good Hope Gumboro Gumboro Frankford Frankford 117 Cedar Grove Milford Milford Milford Milford 118 Newfoundland Gumboro Gumboro Frankford Frankford 120 Lvnch's Roxana Roxana Frankford Frankford 121^ Muddy Neck Ocean View Ocean View Ocean View Frankford 122 Short's Shortley Shortley Georgetown Georgetown 123 Piney Grove Millville Ocean View Ocean View Frankford 124 Sunshine Sunshine Sunshine Lewes Lewes 128 White Oak Selbyville Selbyville Frankford Frankford 129 Central Long Neck Long Neck Georgetown Georgetown 130 Pine Hill Rawlins Rawlins Georgetown Georgetown 131 Lizard Hill Hall's Roxana Frankford Frankford 132 Hollvville 136 Reynold's— Hollyville Hollyville Georgetown Georgetown South Sec. Milton Milton North Sec. Calhoun's Calhoun's Milton Milton 137 Tussoky Branch Providence Providence Laurel Laurel 138 Wesley Wesley Seaford Seaford Seaford 138J^ Cannon Cannon Bridgeville Bridgeville Bridgeville 139 Union Union Bridgeville Bridgeville Bridgeville 140 Holly Frankford Frankford Frankford Franktord 141 Ivy College Selbyville Selbyville Frankford Frankford 142 Centenary Houston's Houston's Frankford Frankford 143 Jacob's Bridgeville Bridgeville 1 Bridgeville Bridgeville 144 Mission Hill Mission Hill Mission Hill Frankford Frankford 145 Sugar Hill Sugar Hill Sugar Hill Frankford Frankford 148 Bacon Laurel Laurel Laurel Laurel 151 Pepper's Bethesda Bethesda Laurel Laurel 154 Tyndal's— East Sec. Georgetown Georgetown West Sec. Sycamore Sycamore Georgetown Georgetown 155 West Hill- South Sec. Sunshine Sunshine Lewes Lewes North Sec. White's Chapel White's Chapel 156 McNeal's Frankford Frankford Frankford Frankford 165 O'Neal's— North Sec. Sycamore Sycamore Laurel Laurel South Sec. Laurel Laurel 166 Excelsior Bridgeville Bridgeville Bridgeville Bridgeville 167 Good Will Selbyville Selbyville Frankford Frankford 48 Proposed Consolidations Present Schools Grades Grades Grades Grades 1-6 inclusive 7 and 8 9 and 10 11 and 12 168 Ports ville— North Sec. Bethel Bethel Laurel Laurel So. East Seci Laurel Laurel 169 Flowers Seaford Seaford Seaford Seaford 172, etc. Blades Seaford Seaford Seaford Seaford 176 Independent Laurel Laurel Laurel Laurel 177 lull's Tull's Tull's Seaford Seaford 178 Midway- South Sec. West Sec. Midway Rehoboth Lewes Lewes Lewes 179 Forest Park- West Sec. Bridgeville Bridgeville Bridgeville Bridgeville East Sec. Smith's Smith's 180 Redden Redden Redden Georgetown Georgetown 180^ Cedar Grove Ocean View Ocean View Ocean View Frankford 181 Millville Millville Ocean View Ocean View Frankford 189 Mitchell's Millsboro Millsboro Millsboro Frankford 190 Godwin's Millsboro Millsboro Georgetown Georgetown 228 Progress Bridgeville Bridgeville Bridgeville Bridgeville 229 Woodland Tull's Tull's Seaford Seaford 230 Sunnyside Bridgeville Bridgeville Bridgeville Bridgeville Consolidation of Schools for Colored Children The wide distribution and comparatively low proportion of the colored population make it impossible, except in a few instances, to bring together in consolidated centers a sufficiently large number of pupils to insure well graded schools. Only where practicable has consolidation been proposed. In all isolated sections it is suggested that a modern type of one or two teacher schools be provided for the children of the first eight grades. From the following tables, based upon the enrollment figures for 1 9 1 8- 1 9, it will be noted that the number of high school pupils among the colored group is almost a negligible quantity. It will be further observed that the number of colored pupils in the seventh and eighth grades is extremely low. These facts make it impossible to propose at this time a system of high schools for colored pupils extending over the entire state. Until such time, therefore, as the colored schools below the high school grade have been developed with sufficient holding power to insure colored high school students in increas- ing numbers, it is proposed to have one colored high school for the entire state, the same being located in Dover. As interest grows and the educational aspirations of the colored people enlarge, it will be possible to establish in each of the other coun- ties a county high school for colored children. The following tables present the consolidations now possible : 49 $QQ TABULATION SHOWING WHERE THE PUPILS OF EACH ATTENDANCE DISTRICT AS NOW ORGANIZED WELL ATTEND SCHOOL UNDER THE PROPOSED CONSOLIDATION (Schools for Colored Children) NEW CASTLE COUNTY ' , V JP V Proposed Consolidations Present Schools Grades Grades Grades Grades 1-6 inclusive 7 and 8 9 and 10 11 and 12 104 Penny Hill Penny Hill Penny Hill _„. 106 Newport 107 Hockessin Marshallton Marshallton Hockessin Hockessin 108 Marshallton Marshallton Marshallton 109 New Castle New Castle New Castle 110 Newark Newark Newark J. 11 Christiana Christiana Christiana 112 Iron Hill Newark Newark 113 Williamsville Glasgow- Summit Bridge Glasgow- Summit Bridge 114 Bethesda Glasgow- Summit Bridge Glasgow- Summit Bridge 115 Kirkwood Glasgow- Glasgow- (High School facilities for colored 116 Summit Bridge Summit Bridge Glasgow- Summit Bridge Glasgow- students to be provided by a State Summit Bridge Summit Bridge High School at Dover.) 117 St. George's New Castle New Castle New Castle New Castle 118 Delaware City 119 Mt. Pleasant Middletown Middletown 120 Middletown Middletown Middletown 121 Odessa Middletown Middletown • 122 PortPenn New Castle New Castle 123 Congotown New Castle New Castle 124 Lee's Chapel Townsend Townsend " 125 Townsend Townsend Townsend 126 Ebenezer Townsend Townsend 127 Taylor's Bridge Taylor's Bridge Taylor's Bridge 128 Green Springs Smyrna Smyrna &*«.**WV*M i^M KENT COUNTY i Proposed Consolidations Present Schools Grades Grades Grades Grades 1-6 inclusive 7 and 8 9 and 10 11 and 12 134 Peterson's Smyrna Smyrna 135 Smyrna Smyrna Smyrna 136 Clayton Smyrna Smyrna 137 Blackiston's Smyrna Smyrna 138 Blanco Down's Chapel Down's Chapel 139 Down's Chapel Down's Chapel Down's Chapel 140 Mt. Friendship Smyrna Near Hartly Smyrna Near Hartlv 141 Sandfield 142 Lockwood Near Hartly Near Hartly (High School facilities for colored 143 Cheswold Cheswold 145 Fork Branch, Dover Dover students to be provided by a State 146 White Oak Dover Dover High School at Dover.) 147 Carlisle \-\ Dover Dover Dover Dover 148 Dover 149 St. Jones St. Jones St. Jones 150 Star Hill Wyoming Wyoming 151 Wyoming Wyoming Wyoming 152 Willow Grove Viola Viola 153 Marydel Marydel Marydel 154 Woodside Viola Viola 155 Mt. Olive Mt. Olive Mt. Olive 50 KENT COUNTY (Continued) y f& r> Proposed Consolidations Present Schools i : ,'- ' Grades_ Grades Grades Grades 1-6 inclusive 7 and 8 9 and 10 11 and 12 156 Viola Viola Viola 157 Berrytown ;^v<> Viola Viola 158 Union ^~.J Vicinity of Frederica Vicinity of Fre l.rica 159 Reeve's Crossing , Viola Viola (High School facilities for colored 160 John Wesley .. Vicinity of Frederica Vicinity of Frederica students to be provided by a State 162 Harrington *■ Harrington Harrington High School at Dover.) 163 Milford Milford Harrington Milford Harrington 164 Williamsville 165 Harmondtown.. Harrington Harrington 165 Brownsville Brownsville Brownsville SUSS SEX COUNTY Prop osed Consolidations Present Schools Grades Grades Grades Grades 1-6 inclusive 7 and 8 9 and 10 11 and|12 193 Slaughter Neck Slaughter Neck Slaughter Neck 194 Lincoln - Lincoln Lincoln 195 Ellendale .*,_*. Lincoln Lincoln 196 Milton **^ Milton •Milton 197 Drawbridge • Milton Milton 198 Nassau Nassau Nassau 199 Lewes Lewes Lewes 200 Rehoboth - "^ Rehoboth Rehoboth 201 Rabbit's Ferry Nassau Nassau 202 Friendship V ^J<* Friendship Friendship 203 Warwick Warwick Warwick 204 Millsboro Millsboro Millsboro 205 Wharton's Branch Millsboro Millsboro 206 Dagsboro Dagsboro Blackwater Dagsboro 207 Blackwater Blackwater 208 Roxana - Blackwater Blackwater (High School facilities for colored 209 Omar 210 Selbyville . Dagsboro Dagsboro Dagsboro Dagsboro students to bt provided by a State 211 Lowe's Cross Roads Lowe's Cross Lowe's Cross High School at Dover.) 6 A Roads Laurel Roads Laurel 212 Laurel 212^ Delmar - Delmar Delmar 213 Owen's Corner. -. Owen's Corner Owen's Corner 214 Portsville Portsville Portsville 215 Ross' Point— —S Lowe's Cross Roads Lowe's Cross Roads 216 Concord Seaford Seaford 218 Blocksom's Seaford Seaford 219 Middleford Seaford Seaford _ 220 Bridgeville fr-^jj Bridgeville Bridgeville 221 Trinity Bridgeville Bridgeville 222 Greenwood t«**l Greenwood Greenwood 224 Hollyville _ Hollyville Hollyville 225 Warwick Warwick Warwick 4? s s \ v ^f.V> 51 THE FIVE-YEAR PROGRAM OF CONSOLIDATIONS PROPOSED FOR NEW CASTLE COUNTY (Schools for Colored Children) J Eight-year School Centrally Located for Penny Hill and Hockessin Enrolment as of 1918-19 Present District Number Grades 1-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 104 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Penny Hill 19 44 2 107 Hockessin Totals 63 2 Grand Total 65 54 34 1 1 Eight-year School Centrally Located for Marshallton and Newport 106 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Newport 108 Marshallton Totals 88 2 Grand Total 90 17 14 23 42 2 2 3 2 Eight-year School at Newark 110 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Newark 112 Iron Hill (Newport) Eight-year School Between Glasgow and Summit Bridge 113 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Williamsville 114 Bethesda 115 Kirkwood 116 Summit Bridge Totals 96 9 Grand Total 105 Eight-year School at Christiana 111 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Christiana (no report) 52 Eight-year School at New Castle Enrolment as of 1918-19 Present District Number Grades 1-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 109 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from New Castle 32 53 39 9 117 • St. Georges 118 Delaware City 122 Port Penn 123 Congotown (Closed) Totals 124 9 Grand Total 133 22 95 52 8 4 Eight-year School at Middletown 119 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Mt. Pleasant 120 Middletown 121 Odessa Totals 169 12 Grand Total 181 53 28 Eight-year School at Townsend 124 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Lee's Chapel 125 Townsend 126 Ebenezer Total 81 Grand Total 81 14 Eight-year School at Taylor's Bridge 127 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Taylor's Bridge Total 14 Grand Total 14 53 THE FIVE-YEAR PROGRAM OF CONSOLIDATIONS PROPOSED FOR KENT COUNTY (Schools for Colored Children) Eight-year School at Smyrna-Clayton Enrolment as of 1918-19 Present District Number Grades 1-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from 20 124 16 24 3 8 128 Green Springs (New Castle) 134 Peterson's (No report) 135 Smyrna 136 Clayton (No report) 137 Blackiston's 140 Mt. Friendship (Negro) Totals 184 11 Grand Total 195 34 3 Ten-year School for Moors in Vicinity of Ches- wold 140 Grades 1 to 10, inclusive, from Mt. Friendship (Moors) Totals 34 3 Grand Total 37 31 46 3 Eight-year School in Vicinity of Hartly 141 142 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Sandfield Lockwood Totals 77 3 Grand Total 80 33 17 Eight-year School Centrally Located for Blanco and Down's Chapel 138 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Blanco 139 Down's Chapel Total 50 Grand Total 50 51 Eight-year School at Cheswold 143 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Cheswold Total 51 54 Eight-year School at Milford Enrolment as of 1918-19 Present District Number Grades 1-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 163 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Milford 119 25 Totals 119 25 Grand Total 144 67 29 19 2 5 Eight-year School in the Vicinity of Harrington 162 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Harrington 164 Williamsville 165 Hammondtown Totals 115 7 Grand Total 122 32 2 Eight-year School, at Brownsville 165 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Brownsville Totals 32 2 Grand Total 34 27 37 25 4 1 4 Eight-year School at Dover 145 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Fort Branch 146 White Oak 147 Carlisle Totals 89 9 Grand Total 98 34 Eight-year School at St. Jones' Corner Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Total 34 55 Eight-year School at Wyoming-Camden Enrolment as of 1918-19 Present District Number Grades 1-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 ISO Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Star Hill 63 37 1 151 Wyoming Totals 100 1 Grand Total 101 30 36 55 41 42 3 6 2 Eight-year School in the Vicinity of Viola 152 Grades from 1 to 8, inclusive, from Willow Grove 154 Woodside 156 Viola 157 Berry Town 159 Reeves' Crossing Totals 204 11 Grand Total 215 31 Eight-year School at Marydel 153 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Marydel Total 31 53 7 Eight-year School at Mt. Olive 155 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Mt. Olive Totals 53 7 Grand Total 60 47 37 8 2 Eight-year School in Vicinity of Frederica 158 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Union 160 John Wesley Totals 84 10 Grand Total 94 56 THE FIVE-YEAR PROGRAM OF CONSOLIDATIONS PROPOSED FOR SUSSEX COUNTY (Schools for Colored Children) Eight-year School at Slaughter Neck Enrolment as of 1918-19 Present District Number Grades 1-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 193 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from 54 11 54 11 59 44 4 Eight-year School at Lincoln 194 195 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from 103 4 Grand Total ...107 50 26 8 2 Eight-year School at Milton 196 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from 197 76 10 Grand Total 86 78 3 Eight-year School at Lewes 199 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from 78 3 Grand Total 81 53 Eight-year School at Rehohoth 200 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from . 57 Eight-year School at Nassau Enrolment as of 1918-19 Present District Number Grades 1-6 ■ 7-8 9-10 11-12 198 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Nassau 47 22 4 201 Rabbit's Ferry Totals 69 4 Grand Total 73 16 Eight-year School at Hollyville 224 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Holly ville Total 16 34 4 Eight-year School at Warwick 203 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Warwick Totals 34 4 Grand Total 38 38 Eight-year School at Owen' s Corner 213 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Owen's Corner Total 38 38 46 1 9 Eight-year School at Seaford 216 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Concord 217 Seaford (No Report) 218 Blocksom's (No Report) 219 Middleford Totals 84 10 Grand Total 94 58 Eight-year School at Bridgeville Enrolment as of 1918-19 Present District Number Grades 1-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 220 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Bridgeville 83 47 23 221 Trinity Totals 130 23 Grand Total 153 47 12 Eight-year School at Greenwood 222 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Greenwood Totals 47 12 Grand Total 59 59 3 Eight-year School at Georgetown 223 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Georgetown Totals 59 3 Grand Total 62 39 3 Eight-year School at Warwick 225 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Warwick (Moors) Totals 39 3 Grand Total 42 30 22 1 1 Eight-year School at Millsboro 204 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Millsboro * . . . 205 Wharton's Branch Totals 52 2 54 59 Eight-year School in the Vicinity of Frankford Enrolment as of 1918-19 Present District Number Grades 1-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 206 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Dagsboro 45 38 39 5 5 3 209 210 Omar Selbyville Totals 122 13, Grand Total 135 29 11 1 3 Eight-year School Centrally Located for 207 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Blackwater 208 Roxana Totals 40 4 Grand Total 44 18 26 3 Eight-year School Centrally Located for 211 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Lowes' Cross Roads 215 Ross Point Totals 44 3 Grand Total 47 91 12 Eight-year School at Laurel 212 Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Laurel Totals 91 12 Grand Total 103 38 Eight-year School at Delmar 212K Grades 1 to 8, inclusive, from Delmar Total 38 32 Eight-year School at Portsville 214 Grades i to 8, inclusive, from Portsville Total 32 60 GRAGOR-CONNERY CO., PHILADELPHIA LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 029 485 043