d .u5-y Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from The Library of Congress http://www.archive.org/details/listofclaimsrefeOOunit E 480 .U537 Copy 1 A LIST OF CLAIMS REFERRED TO THE COURT OF CLAIMS UNDER THE PROVISIOiNS OF THE BOWMAiN ACT BY THE COMMITTEE ON WAR CLAIMS. "^i^^tJ ^, ^ A LIST OF CLAIMS REFERRED TO THE COURT OF THE PROVISIONS OF THE BOWMAN ACT BY THE 'S WAR CLAIMS. CLAIMS UNDER COMMITTEE ON [Sixty-first Congress.] Alford, Cora R. Allen, B. W. C, estate of. Aiitchinson, Arthur. Aycock, R. R. Baker, John A. Balch, George Thatcher, deceased. Ball, Thomas K.. estate of. Ballou, T.^W. Barefoot, Handy, heir of. Barker, Thomas H. Barker, W. D. Barrett, Laura. Barry, William H. Beall, Levin C.. heirs of. Berks County, Agricultural Society of, Pennsylvania. Beyans, A. Rosa. Billings, Levi J. Bodkin, William H. Bookout. Sarah D. Borden. Joseph, heirs of. Bradford. James C, estate of. Breeding. R. P. Brereton. Thomas J., estate of. Brogan, Joseph. Brown. Sophia, heirs of . Butler, Branch, estate of. Caldwell. E. B. Callahan, William A. Calwell, William. Campbell, John A. Carleton, John, estate of. Carpenter, Gilbert, estate of. Carter, Daniel C, estate of. Carter, R. H., estate of. Chewning, Ambrose. Clark, J. F. Clarke, Michael Marye. Cold well, E.B. Coleman, James, estate of. Coh-in, Robert, estate of. Comstock, Cyrus B., estate of. Conner, James C, estate of. Corbett, William C. Coward, Thomas J. Crenshaw, Anderson, estate of. Crider, John A., estate of. Critchlow, Benjamin Dwight. Crute, J. Wyatt. Curtis, Monroe, estate of. Custis, William Samuel, estate of. 79411—11 Dandy, George B. Davis, Edwin M. Davis, James, estate of. Davis, William, estate of. Dean, John, estate of. Decker, W. R., estate of. Dishman, Logan M., estate of. Donnelly, Fanny. Dorris, George P., estate of. Duckwell, D. F. Eastin, \^'illiam A. Engleman, John, sr., estate of. Pastes, Ann, estate of. Fickett, Susan, estate of. Flint, Franklin F., estate of . Frick, John H. Frith, J. IL, estate of . Fulford, Julia F. Furnace, James, estate of. Gann, Preston, estate of. Gardner, Henry G. Gatewood, Williamson. Gattrill, William A. . Gibson, Horatio G. Gilmore, Joseph, estate of. Goodwin, Lawson H. Goodwin, R. E. Goff, John W., estate of. Gordon, George A., estate of. Graves, Simeon, estate of. Gray, George W. Greene, Charles E., heir of. Greene, Joseph B., estate of. Greene, Oliver Duff, estate of. Grier, James \'., estate of. Haafi, Mazer B. Hagler, P. H. Hardin, Benjamin J., estate of. Hartle, Jesse, estate of. Uartman, Mai-tin. Hartsuff, George Lucas. Hassell, Isaac, heirs of. Hawkins, Reuben W., estate of. Hayes, Samuel, estate of. Hays, R. Luther. Haj's, William H., estate of. Heard, John A. Henderson, James, estate of. Henderson, Mary A., estate of. (1) Heiidrit'ks, O. F., csUto of. Hij^^ins, John M., estate of. Hildreth, Williaii) \V., estate of. Hiller, Adam. Hitc-hcook, Ethan Allen, estate of. ilod^evS, l.ov(>nia. llorton, John L)., estate of. Uudgens, Hampton, estate of. Huggins, W. S., estate of. Hyman, James K., estate of. Inskeep, Joel. Inskeep, Mary Ann. Jackson, John II. Jones, Martha A., estate of. Jones, \\'illiam Alhert. Johns, William Brooke, estate of. Johnson, Armistead M., estate of. Johnson, John J., estate of. Kelly, James R., estate of. Kendall, William, estate of. Kennedy, William, estate of. Kerchner, Gal his, estate of. Kinneo and Chocura, gunboats, crews of. Kirchner, John A. Lackey, George W., surviving partner of William Lackey & Sons. Lamon, Geoi'ge M. Lane, J. D. Langdon, Ijoomis Lyman, estate of. Langford, Robert, estate of. Lawrence, George W. Leamy, \\'illiam Hale, estate of. Letcher, Thomas K., estate of. Lydecker, Abraham, estate of. Lynch, Peter. McAlexander, S. R. McAllister, Harvey, estate of. McAlpin, Haniel, estate of. McAuley, W. M., estate of. McCalla, J. M., estate of. McCardell, Elizabeth Dean, estate of. McClure, Elizabc^th. McClure, Margaret, estate of. McCurley, Susan, estate of. McCutcheon, John H. Mclntyre, George W. McKenzie, Jack. McKenzie, James. Madden, Daniel, estate of. Madden, Frank K., estate of. Magowan, John T. Mason, Samuel G., estate of. Mayberry, Americus ('., estate of. Mayo, Alexander M., heirs of. Meriwether, M. D. Miller, (Catharine S. A. Minton, J. T., estate of. Moody, Mary J. Morton, Thomas, estate of. Mosby, Abel J. Mosby, Samuel, estate of. Moss, Joseph M., estate of. Murphy, Lemuel M. Murray, Nathaniel, estate of. Newell, D. H., estate of. Newman, B. F. Newman, Howard, heirs of. Noble, Henry B., widow of. Nort, Margaret, estate of. Odle, Richard, estate of. Orr. Maragaret A. Owens, John, estate of. Oxley, Emily J., estate of . Park, Simpson, estate of. Peters, Mary A. F. Pfeiffer. William. Pollingue, Jean B.. estate of. Ponder, Prince. Powell, Erban, estate of. Powell, Hulda, widow, etc. Prijeaii, Ursin, administrator of Simon Mathien, deceased. Price, James C. Price, J. J. Price, William, estate of. Proctor, Benjamin F., heir, etc. Proctor, T. S. L., estate of. Reed, James S., estate of. Reed, J. P., estate of. Remington. Philip Holsey. Rice, J. M. Richards. John, estate of. Ridley, Mary W. Riley, Elizabeth, estate of. Rol)erts, Felix D. Robinson. Daniel. Rogers, John. Rose, E. (". Rose, Jane, estate of. Rowzee, George A. Russell, John L. Ryan, Wilson, estate of. Sanguinetti, Nicholas, estate of. Scobey, John B., estate of. Scott, Mary, estate of. Scott, Thomas B., administrator, etc. Senter, Nancy, heirs of. Shearon, Zachariah, estate of. Shefler, J. Howard, estate of. Silvey, William. Simpson, John W., estate of. Sims, W. B., estate of. Sims, W. J., administrator, etc. Sinclair, Alexander P. Slaght, James C. Slaven, Sallie A. Sleamons, A. W., estate of. Smith, Alexander O. Smith, Casandra, estate of. Smith, Jack, estate of. Smith, John, estate of. Smith, John, of Tennessee. Smith, Levi C. Smith, Robert W. Smith, William M., estate of. Snodgrass, Benjamin. Sparkman, William S., estate of. Spinks, John C, estate of. Stephens, John A., estate of, 2 cases. Stewart, Jesse, estate of. Stokien, Dedrick, estate of. Stone, O. P. Stribling, J. C, estate of. Strickland, John M., estate of. Strickland, W. T., administrator, etc. Swango, Harrison, estate, of. Swango, Stej^hen, estate of. Swink, Malinda, estate of. Talbott, Ross, estate of. Tassin, Augustus G., estate of. Thatcher, William. Thomas, John. Thomas, Zachariah. Thompson, Joseph. Thorns, John, estate of. Tindall, John Lewis, estate of. Tolman, Thomas Murray. Torl^erl, Alfred T. A. Tounoir, Heluter, estate of. Tower, Zealous Boles, widow of. Traynor, Maria, estate of. Turner, George Lemuel. Tynes, A. J., estate of. Van Home, Jefferson, estate of. Vaughn, W. B. Vernon, Thomas, estate of. Wade, Joseph M., estate of. Walker, J. M., estate of. Walker, Stirling, estate of. Walker, Winstead. Ward, John. Ward, Thomas. Warfield, Thomas, estate of. Watkins, Philip A., estate of. Webster, George. Weeks, Harrison S., widow of. Welch, Jannet C, estate of. Welch, Mary S., estate of. Wells, Kathrine. Wenger, Noah C, estate of. West, J. J., estate of. Whitney, Herman, estate of. Williams, J. R., estate of. Williams, Samuel Y. B., estate of. Williams, William, estate of. Wilson, Joseph W. Wilson, R. M. Witten, George H. Witten, George H., et al. Wright, George, estate of. Yager, S. C, estate of. Yarbrough, F. M. Young, John L. Yount, John S., estate of. o 013 701 616 3