Class Boole L GqpigM . CGEffilGHT DEPOSffi BOOK OF REVELATIONS BOOK OF REVELATIONS By CAROLYN SPENCER HALSTED Author of 'Know Your Destiny" and "Your Unseen Guide' NEW YORK March, 1922 7? .*** Copyright, 1922 Carolyn Spencer Halsted NEW YORK J. F. TAPLEY CO. MAY -3 1922 HCI.A661709 V PREFACE In perusing the three books of the series consecutively the reader will notice the prog- ress made in the last volumes. Certain ques- tions about which there was doubt have been elucidated and somewhat altered; such as our destinies, who makes them, if any one, or how they happen to be as they are. The manner in which our guides lead us, is another. The code of signals between us and our guides has developed into a science of prophecy. All of which points to the increasing advance in the psychic as well as in the altogether material things of life. CONTENTS CHAPTEE PAGE I. Our Departure from This Life . . 9 II. The Next Step 17 III. Introduction to Heaven .... 25 IV. The Real Immortal ..... 31 V. The Psychological Science of Prophecy 41 VI. Miracles 57 VII. God and Christ ....... 67 VIII. Some Pertinent Questions ... 69 IX. A Final Summary 73 BOOK OF REVELATIONS CHAPTER I OUR DEPARTURE FROM THIS LIFE In learning the truth concerning the law of immortalization we must first study that of our departure from this life. We have always thought human life departed as did the lower animal life. We are now to know the truth. It would do so if left to its own devices, but it is never allowed to approach too near its ex- tinction for the reason that each mortal born into this existence has a living savior in another one to immortalize him or her according to law. A lif e allowed to go out could never live again as there is no law to produce a life ex- 9 BOOK OF REVELATIONS cept the law of procreation. There is a law, however, to save mankind, to develop the in- dividual into an immortal. This process re- quires time, and is accomplished by applying laws of electricity known to your guide but of which we as yet have no knowledge, and which I could not be intrusted to explain because I have only the novice's understanding of elec- tricity. When in the natural course of events advanced experts come, their guides will reveal to them the laws necessary to first take them from this world, then develop them into im- mortals so similar yet so different from their former selves. I cannot give the scientific de- tails, but I can write the plain facts as Richard tells them to me. He says that your guide returns to this earth just once, and that is be- fore you lose your hold on life. He has the power to make himself invisible. The fact that everyone returns once explains the statement in the Bible that Christ would come again. He has been here a second time more than nineteen hundred and fifty years 10 DEPARTURE FROM THIS LIFE ago to save His soul mate and He will never come again. The many people who have thought they saw Christ beheld only a vision or a materialization. The purposes of the lat- ter are several. The person seen is only a creation due to a guide using a law of elec- tricity as yet unknown to science here, never a real human being. The most important use of materialization is probably to make the on- lookers believe their relatives or friends are lying here lifeless, whereas in reality they have been taken up by their guides. In due time all this deception or illusion will disappear and the guide will show himself and his modus operandi. Then all mourning will be replaced by rejoicing; only, naturally, we shall miss our friends and their companionship. The world is gradually being educated up to such a state of enlightenment that it can be intrusted with secrets. Why we have not always known these we do not quite understand, only the Bible says God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to reveal. Some people who have 11 BOOK OF REVELATIONS seen their lost friends materialize, believe the spirit of the latter returns in this form. But this phenomenon, like so many of the others, is simply a step in progress leading up to a knowledge of the guide. They are all to illus- trate what he can do, that is, what miraculous power he has at his command and how he uses it for a purpose. The world must become fa- miliar with the idea of the guide; who he is, where he is, and what is his real reason for being. It may be that our guides have the power to come back to this world and take us up bodily. That would be the simplest and most straightforward method of preserving us intact. We are sure to have some proof, for one discovery will lead to another as in the case of telegraphy which we first made prac- tical; then came the telephone, a step in ad- vance, to be followed by wireless telegraphy which might seem almost supernatural if we did not know it was done by law and required the co-operation of man and some wireless stations to operate it. 12 DEPARTURE FROM THIS LIFE I am impressed with the increasing number of both men and women who hear the voice of their guides. Some tell me that the voice speaks to them out loud, while others hear it only mentally, as is my own experience. If I were the only person hearing a voice my case might appear more unusual, but the voice has been with us since the earliest records. Moses heard it. Socrates says in his writings: "I have heard this since a child, a kind of voice coming to me." Joan of Arc was led by it. It has always been the voice of their guides only they did not know the fact. Today we are ready to comprehend the source of that voice which is coming to the world at large. It will soon be no longer a mystery to anyone who hears it or does not. From present pros- pects it is only a matter of time when the whole world will hear it intelligently and unmoved. The guidance in itself whether conscious or otherwise, is not the most important part of your owning a guide. The point is that he must never lose track of you for an instant in 13 BOOK OF REVELATIONS order that when the moment of your depar- ture from this world is approaching, he will be on hand and alert to care for you and preserve that immortal spark of life. Richard says, as is the truth, that it is nat- urally somewhat impossible for me to believe what he tells of our going from this world. It savors too much of the Arabian Nights, fairy tales or magic. He does not try to force me to believe, declaring' that if it is the truth in time it will be confirmed. But he refers me to our faith in the Scriptures. We are asked to contemplate the immaculate conception of Christ, and to note His many miracles as well as those of His numerous followers. If we are prepared to accept all these wonders why not that of our guides taking us from this life by laws of which we are as yet in ignorance? He makes me go deeply into the subject and reason it out little by little, using my knowl- edge of the material man here with his many complications, and not permitting my imag- ination to lead me astray. I know that the 14 DEPARTURE FROM THIS LIFE mind, soul and spirit depend absolutely for their existence upon the brain which is part of the body. They have no substance whatso- ever, are neither gas nor vapors, therefore can not be reached except through the material human body. The up-to-date scientist no longer puts any faith in Darwin's theory of the origin of man. He repudiates the idea of our evolution from the lower animal life. He does not attempt to explain our beginning, as there is no proof and he rejects theories. In this world evolution ceases with the hu- man race; the various stages of development have been leading up to that achievement. If this earth and its inhabitants should continue indefinitely, it is not probable that there would ever be another stage in evolution here differ- ing from man as he does from the lower ani- mal. Man can not be surpassed but evolution can not stop until he is perfected, and that is not possible in a negative world such as this. His mechanism is so delicate that it cannot 15 BOOK OF REVELATIONS withstand the hard conditions and was not in- tended to. He begins to fail in middle life, his changing eyesight being one of the first symptoms of decay. This is followed by a steady decline. Therefore the great force, whether God, as we like to believe, or the nat- ural laws step in and fill the breach by taking man out of this universe and into some environ- ment where it is possible for other laws which do not exist here to be brought to bear and act upon him, developing him into the immortal. 16 CHAPTER II THE NEXT STEP After taking you beyond the environs of this sphere, a long and perilous journey to anyone but an immortal, your guide begins the process of development. You must be brought up to his standards. He knows just how to go about his task and how to apply the laws at his command, which are natural ones, chemistry and electricity coming into play. If you are an infant or a child, you must be advanced to girlhood ; if aged, your youth must be renewed. If beautiful it is not difficult to perfect and refine your face and form ; if plain or seemingly hopelessly ugly, little by little you are altered until no trace of your home- liness remains, and yet you retain your orig- inal personality, an idealized self, body and 17 BOOK OF REVELATIONS mind. The latter has been growing in force and capacity as the former increased its strength. When the old brain cells have grad- ually been transformed into living dynamos of limitless resources, you have burst the earthly chrysalis and emerged an immortal with the miraculous power and possibilities foreshad- owed in the Bible. Your guide does not need to explain or set you straight, your mind, the outcome of your transformed brain, now knows every fact and detail as clearly as he does. You are an immortal and ready to assume your new responsibilities of guiding and immortal- izing your charge. Your guide now leaves you, as you have set him free to enter heaven and forget that there ever existed such a nega- tive planet as this one we inhabit. How do you know where to find the new little boy who is your charge? You must be ready to watch and direct his mind from the moment of his birth. By the same means that your guide knew how to locate you, that is, by your newly developed brain, a perfected organ 18 THE NEXT STEP that no one can ever possess here. How does the clairvoyant often tell exactly where some lost or hidden article can be found? Through her guide's controlling her mind and communi- cating with her. He knows everything, past, present and future, if there is any reason to do so. That power which enables him to pen- etrate the future, enables him to discover you at birth, an embryo girl who is perfection for him. There may be innumerable ones, but there is just one he chooses. He knows how to measure your possibilities, and to find they will meet his requirements in every way. In the same manner because of your limitless mental power, you pick out the infant at birth who is dependent upon you for a future eter- nal existence. He will be like yourself in col- oring and personal traits, temperament and general makeup, only he will be strong and masculine. These rules hold good in the case of a person whose mind was never normal here. As soon as such an individual becomes an im- mortal he grasps what his life had been on 19 BOOK OF REVELATIONS earth, but it does not affect him in any way, he has progressed beyond it now. Hour by hour and day by day you watch every thought and action of your charge and note how the system of prophecy is indicating what is to be his destiny, which is a perfectly natural one, the result of the innumerable forces at work on all sides, such as birth, beauty, breeding, education, health, wealth and disposition; outside influences and incidents over which no one has any control, earthquakes, cloudbursts, volcanoes and other natural hap- penings not to mention the numerous lesser and more trivial daily occurrences that come into everybody's life. In looking the destiny of the world and each individual born into it squarely in the face, you must perforce become a fatalist because you see clearly that there are so many and varied forces bearing down upon you from all directions that you could not possibly cope with them all. As your guide knows your whole life before it unfolds it could not change 20 THE NEXT STEP one iota. This makes you realize that you are not really a free will agent, and yet to a cer- tain extent you are, because you always do pre- cisely what you would have done were you free. For instance,, no one is above tempta- tion if it chances to come in the right form, even Christ yielded when it came fo Him. Satan tried to tempt when he pointed out what should be Christ's if He would become his votary. The Evil One was not so clever as he is painted or he would have known how fu- tile were any such attempts to beguile Jesus. What did He care for earthly possessions? But when He came upon the money changers desecrating His Father's Temple, there was the way to reach His vulnerable spot. He took a scourge of thongs and whipped the mis- creants, forgetting that they were His fellow- men, sinful and deluded, to be sure, and also that He was preaching, "Peace on earth, good will toward men," and that He could have reached and reformed by kindness, that would have been the Christ-like way. 21 BOOK OF REVELATIONS Your destiny is largely shaped by your char- acter. If you are of the strong type you over- come the obstacles in your path; if weak, you get around them the easiest way possible and take all the inevitable consequences. When your charge has fulfilled his destiny here you are ready to save him by means of the same laws used by your guide in saving you, and to thus free yourself . You are then ready to enter heaven and join your waiting guide who is your soul mate for eternity. Your charge is now an immortal and proceeds to find his charge who is to develop into his own soul mate. This fulfilling of the law of immortaliza- tion goes on ceaselessly, like the system of prophecy, whether we here below know it or not. It is something of an endless chain, and illustrates the law of the exception to the excep- tion, it has no exception. Every child born into this life is born to eternity. The law of procreation is imperfect, that is, cannot al- 22 THE NEXT STEP ways be depended upon, it has its exceptions. Not all married people produce a family of children, or even one, though they may greatly desire that end as should all normal men and women. This is due to the fact of our uni- verse being an imperfect one, subject to both negative and positive laws. The law of im- mortalization, on the contrary, is a perfect law, and is fulfilled after the human being has left this world and its negative laws. When be- yond these earthly confines, presto! the great system of prophecy has become one of positive indicators only and the results are what one would imagine; everything in the composition of the individual just arrived which is negative, begins to yield to the touch of the immortal and the new woman is begun. Gradually she is developed into the perfect being. The height of evolution is reached. No stage be- yond the immortal is possible, he might expand along certain lines if desired, that is, if of les- ser intellectual attainments than his associates, 23 BOOK OF REVELATIONS he might reach greater heights, which would be a personal matter. There is no distinct race apart and differing from the immortals, mentally or physically. 24 CHAPTER III INTRODUCTION TO HEAVEN Life on the new planet shapes itself in uni- son with the different conditions existing there. Changeless brilliant light, perfect cli- mate and weather, eternal springtime, are some of the assets, as are no need for sleep, rest or food, elaborate household belongings or apparel. Simplicity is the keynote. What is the sum total of it all? Unalloyed happi- ness. There being laws which abolish food requirements, no tilling of the soil would fol- low, especially as there could be found no soil to till, what answers to it is a firm, soft, solid composition always remaining the same, like a carpet. The immortal has the power to create won- ders of all kinds from chemicals. We recall 25 BOOK OF REVELATIONS that God is supposed to have made man from the earth. We know he is originated and de- veloped by chemical processes from germs of protoplasm. There is no limit to the possibil- ities of chemistry here, therefore what might we look for in a far more wonderful world? All sorts of articles and devices are the work of the superman, the result of processes un- known and somewhat incomprehensible to us mortals because of the various laws we cannot learn arising from the different natural en- vironment. Man can be as busy or as idle as he chooses. He usually prefers a little of both. Music is one of the noticeable features of the new life, and is far away from our accepted art. The volume of sound is so much greater and clearer owing to the different atmospheric conditions. All audiences for the music fes- tivals and similar entertainments convene in the open, there being no necessity for audito- riums. Music has become a great science, and its devotees are enabled to make it a more 26 INTRODUCTION TO HEAVEN melodious medium while not interfering with its harmony. Through the construction, of a variety of wind instruments suggested by our Aeolian harps, enchanting strains of music fill the air. The human voice, too, soars beyond our conception. As the temperature never varies only light clothing is required ; and as the human form is not looked at askance, the feet, arms and neck are always bare. Complete freedom from any desire for display prevails. The immortal is so beautiful naturally, that any attempt at artificial adornment would detract from the perfection of face and figure. Simplicity reigns supreme in the home also. Symmetry and gorgeous coloring mark both exterior and interior. Life is mostly out of doors. Each group of associates come together in public centers, on the order of parks, resembling a community with tastes and interests in com- mon. They are clans brought together through soul mates, former charges and rela- tives, all being especially congenial and drawn 27 BOOK OF REVELATIONS closely together because of past and present associations. These clans spread out almost indefinitely. One man, his soul mate and her former charge with his soul mate, together with the girl who acted as the man's guide, with her soul mate, form a nucleus which ex- tends in all directions. While caste is a part of life there, it is so natural that it is not noticeable and would hardly come under that heading. As we choose our companions here to a certain extent because we are thrown with them and on ac- count of their congeniality, so we should in the other world, only there it is all settled for us primarily through the medium of the soul mate. We are entirely satisfied with our lot and have no ambitions. Former royalty and money magnates live in no very different fash- ion from the humble peasant or laborer of this world, who finds there the conditions are per- fection for him. But the soul mate of the leader in this world would have belonged to the same status of society while here as he him- 28 INTRODUCTION TO HEAVEN self, whether king, poet or scientist. You are still yourself and would therefore be capable of recognizing that your partner for eternity is just what she should be to satisfy you. The immortal does not hanker after the fleshpots of Egypt, which would be the outcome of a negative law. Only positive laws can ever exist there. When we have become immortals we nat- urally should like to search out the heroes and heroines of our former life. If we have been music lovers or perhaps composers we want to know the great men whose works here we studied and loved. If we were of a literary trend or perhaps an artist, we wonder how Shakespeare or Raphael would seem when an immortal. We journey through the new world more easily than we can here, as we have within us the power of aerial locomotion and no need for an automobile. If we delighted in the works of Beethoven, Wagner or perhaps Mendelssohn, what would be our sensations if we had access to their immortal composi- 29 BOOK OF REVELATIONS tions? Some of us may be close neighbors to a community of the notables of this universe. We have occasionally wondered who would be the foremost among the heavenly host, and if we have chanced to be numbered among the distinguished minority in this sphere we may find ourselves to the fore in the next. As we all know where we belong when we reach that other planet, it is an easy matter to locate our special community center, and we are pretty sure to find a number of persons near and dear to us awaiting our arrival, ready to extend a joyous welcome which we are pre- pared to most thoroughly appreciate. 30 CHAPTER IV THE REAL IMMORTAL The immortal is an American or as nearly- one as the new stage in evolution permits. The reason for this is that the Americans are the most progressive of all the peoples of our globe. The language of the new world is English and always has been. It is to be the only one here. The other nations will grad- ually drop their distinctive tongues as they come into closer relations with America. This universe is to become Americanized because our republic is setting the pace toward a finer and more highly developed race of men and women, largely through educational and hygienic systems and reforms. The more ad- vanced citizens who study and perceive the truth of laws affecting their fellow men, and who are always in the minority, are constantly 31 BOOK OF REVELATIONS teaching in one way or another these truths to the ignorant majority. When the evils pro- duced by bad habits become too harmful, the far-sighted government takes matters into its own hands. Prohibition is one of the big steps in the right direction which will grad- ually show results as the opposing faction dis- appears from the face of the earth. The ban on smoking will arrive one of these days to be followed by a cessation in tobacco production, the soil being put to better uses. As soon as a sufficient number of people have learned the dangers of salt, that too, will be tabooed. Few people know that inorganic, or table salt, is a mineral poison and that its consumers are daily shortening their lives. They are ignorant of the difference between organic and inorganic salt, that we need the former for our well-being and can get it in nearly all natural foods. The salt habit, which is carried by most people to excess, is acquired through ignorant parents, but in time that fault will be rectified as they discover the truth. 32 THE REAL IMMORTAL Numerous other vices and blunders due to ignorance and selfishness will disappear as mankind continues to improve mentally, mor- ally and physically, studying life from the big point of view instead of laying so much stress on the personal. The demand today is for liberty for the individual; but as the latter broadens he will become more willing to sink his own personal desires when he realizes that what is liberty for him is injury for others. He may be strong enough to withstand the temptation which engulfs the weak, but in time he will grasp that what is hurting the other man is retarding the progress and interfering with the welfare of civilization which includes his own self. The nearer man comes to the sensible ideal the closer he resembles the immortal. We find the ape species the nearest approach of lower animal life to man, but the greatest difference between man and the immortal lies in the cells of the brain, though some of the other func- tions show decided variations. If the Ameri- 33 BOOK OF REVELATIONS can continues to progress as rapidly as he has since the founding of his nation, in the near future he will compare favorably in many ways with the standards of the immortals, but no matter how greatly he improves he can never become one here. It is difficult to grasp the idea that your guide is coming to the spot where you are to take you bodily with him, but we must recall that this is not a new truth. The disciples on the third day sought Christ and rolled aside the stone where He had been laid to find Him gone, thus illustrating the law that each one of us is borne away at once by our guide, also that Christ foreshadows that each one of us has a material savior, He being our Savior mentally. We have been steadily advancing toward this truth. His appearance afterward to His dis- ciples was not Himself in reality but material- ization. He was risen. The Spiritualists today believe we shall have material proof of our guides in this world. We have to regard the whole subject of the 34 THE REAL IMMORTAL psychic as a movement beginning in the Old Testament and leading up to a knowledge of the guide and his purpose. There was the handwriting on the wall, the interpretation of dreams, the soothsayers, the girl with the spirit of divination whom Christ healed of some mal- ady. She was a clairvoyant of Biblical days and the medium of the present is she modern- ized and brought up to date, probably more enlightened. We must view the whole matter from the vantage ground of progress, paying no atten- tion to some seeming incongruities. The many psychic phenomena serve to show us that we are influenced by and in communication with not spirits but living men and women each with a mind, soul and spirit due to a brain more wonderful than we can imagine. Your guide is the conveyance who alone has the knowledge and power to waft you into eternity. If the time shall come when he will appear in person, our doubts will cease. But suppose he did not materialize to our sight, only bore his 35 BOOK OF REVELATIONS soul mate away, we should feel that he was near or had the power to take her. So long as there is no definite proof of a living guide, it is not easy for us to change our ideas on the subject, but we must be on the alert for inno- vations and keep our minds open to conviction. The Spiritualists have had what would seem like so many mental revelations, and are likely to continue doing so because they are the re- ligious denomination which progresses. Of all the hundred and ninety-seven and more sects founded on the teachings of the Bible, they are the only one to bring new ideas to the world. A few of the others, the Episco- palians, Presbyterians and Methodists among them, have in some instances broadened. The Baptists no longer believe that only their ad- herents are saved through immersion, now holding that any professing Christian is re- deemed. The Presbyterians once advocated the Calvinistic dogma that everyone to enter the kingdom of heaven must be christened, even the new born infant. They no longer do 36 THE REAL IMMORTAL so. But not one has put forth a totally new fundamental truth. There is nothing mate- rial about any of their doctrines, it is all spirit- ual. Progress within the last fifty or seventy- five years has been steadily pointing toward a flesh and blood force behind the spiritual, and today we are introducing the guide as that force, old as creation. The doctors, scientists and research workers in all their wonderful investigations have never come upon a soul or a spirit other than the usual mental attributes although they have found that we are composed of millions of minute cells each striving for the highest pos- sible development, also that there are numerous and important chemical processes going on within us about which the average person knows nothing although his life depends on them. He is in reality something of a living chemical laboratory. To study the human organism and the ills to which it is heir, the one hundred million foundation has been do- nated, but if half of it had been designed to 37 BOOK OF REVELATIONS erect suitable housing accommodations in New York City the other half would suffice for in- vestigating the abnormal human being as the basic cause of disease and a large proportion of the resultant abnormalities are due to the present unsanitary living conditions prevail- ing everywhere, unheeded to a certain extent, though the health authorities are always trying to cope with them. Among the crying needs of the city are suit- able hotels for women, young and old, and for men too ; what we term the working classes, in- cluding students, teachers, authors, artists, musicians and other intellectuals, every one of whom needs a comfortable room with bath and good food. This innovation would revolu- tionize New York's health statistics. The old couplet runs: "Joy and comfort and repose Slam the door on the doctor's nose." All the menacing tenement house districts should be wiped out and rebuilt, conforming to the latest hygienic and humanitarian ideas. 38 THE REAL IMMORTAL Cleanliness is the first safeguard against dis- ease, and the next is a knowledge of food science along with the other aids, fresh air, sunshine and recreation. Fifty millions would regenerate the masses if scientifically applied, to live correctly should be made easier for them by the experts who know how, and by the phil- anthropists who are glad to share their riches with their less fortunate brethren whose talents cannot expand under the adverse influences of pinching poverty. The real immortal develops the power and general makeup in which we have been lack- ing. He is reconstructed to last intact for- ever. This could happen only when the laws controlling him and his environment were posi- tive and perfect. That he performs so-called miracles there is no doubt, but it is through his command of laws. Some of them may be mental, that is, he knows the limitless power of mind over matter when you possess a dynamic brain. We, with our fragile brains so easily disturbed can hardly credit this. But we do 39 BOOK OF REVELATIONS not have to, all that is required of us is to make the most of life as we find it here. Some psychologists try to explain away all psychic phenomena, averring that such are caused by the workings of the mind and the nervous system; all of which is interesting but falls short of the truth because they assume too much, building on what they do not know. They conclude the mind has unlimited possibil- ities, where they err. It is not probable that they have had any notable psychic experiences, but to one who has their line of reasoning is very inadequate. 40 CHAPTER V THE PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE OF PROPHECY This system was called the language of psychology in the first book of this series be- cause it is so largely mental and symbolical, but it is more, a great science working cease- lessly, always foretelling the destiny of each one of us whether we are conscious of it or not. It can be studied somewhat as if it were a real language. You cannot prevent it from acting any more than you can other natural laws. It has probably been in existence from the crea- tion of man, as it is in relation to him that it is interpreted by the guides, though it is con- stantly prophesying the world's fate as well as that of its peoples. We recall that in the Bible the prophets wrote of Christ's coming 41 BOOK OF REVELATIONS and that He came, though so long afterwards ; and that He foretold of His second advent to this earth, which prophecy has also been ful- filled though unknown to His fellowmen. Many other prophecies have come to pass be- cause the prophets were inspired by their guides who knew the future. They wrote the records of the approaching events, of which we read today, and of their fulfillment. In Joel it says : "And your sons and your daugh- ters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions." Daniel read the writing on the wall which none but he could interpret. The prophet Isaiah had visions. All of these manifestations are going on today the same as in those ancient of days, only we understand them now or are beginning to. The guide and the science of prophecy together with natural laws make them clear. It is probable that the guides are able to perceive and to interpret certain signs and symbols of this great system as we here with 42 SCIENCE OF PROPHECY our imperfect and undeveloped brains never can, and that this is the secret of their being able to make the clairvoyants so often tell of future events. The science of prophecy is greater and more far reaching than we at pres- ent have any conception of. A smattering has always been known to us under the name of superstition. My guide is straightening out our ideas on the subject, as they are often erroneous. We have regarded anything on the order of superstition as weak and beneath our consideration, but Richard has taught me that it is the basis of a psychological and mirac- ulous system that governs the material in this world and probably in the intermediate state where the guides must remain for a while, and where their developed and seemingly mirac- ulous brains give them the faculty of compre- hending and using the system. When you have learned the science and how to apply it here you grasp that it is very or- derly in its construction, depending upon its being classified as negative and positive, and 43 BOOK OF REVELATIONS upon its correct psychological application. You observe as you study its intricacies that some of the current superstitions are wrong because they are the result of ignorance of the principles of the science. But you are sur- prised to find that as a rule the superstitions are right and must have been taught by the guides to their charges here, all the time lead- ing up to the present revelation and its future expansion. How the science originated we shall un- doubtedly know some day. We see how it might spread out through some one associating certain objects with a noticeable event and watching whether they brought failure or suc- cess, as for instance a star, a horseshoe, a rose, certain numbers and colors. I went to an of- fice the other day on a matter of business, the lady in charge wore a red dress; as I had known her for some time I felt at liberty to comment on her appearance so I remarked: "I like you in that gown, it is a good omen." "I wonder if that is why I enjoyed myself 44 SCIENCE OF PROPHECY so much on my vacation this summer? I wore it every morning." "It was not the reason," I answered, "but an indication that something you liked was coming to you. Sometimes the omen is quickly fulfilled, and this seems to have been a plain case." It is not always such easily recognized in- dicators as symbols, numbers and colors that compose the system, but things more intangible which you learn to interpret as you get a broader and deeper insight into the subject. You commence to sense then how you can use its subtle intricacies if you wish to foresee for your own edification or to prophesy in order to assist other people. Such a good illustration and not at all com- plicated came to me recently. A group of five ladies asked me to tell their fortune by cards. I explained to them that I was not a fortune teller and had no psychic powers, but that I had learned the system of prophecy, which anyone can do, and that I would spread 45 BOOK OF REVELATIONS out the cards and interpret what they indicated to me. This I did separately for each one laying down nine cards every time. Each dis- play differed from the others. I read the vari- ous meanings and as the days went by I watched to see if they fulfilled themselves. One young lady who was engaged to be mar- ried was eager to know of her possible mar- riage. Her cards numbered so many hearts and such auspicious ones including the nine spot, but not a single diamond. I told her there was unlimited love but no money, which she confirmed. Her fiance is poor and his business prospects do not warrant marriage. This is still the case so far as I know, a new fortune may disclose a happier fate. Another girl's cards told a better story. She too, was engaged. As I dealt for her along came the queen of hearts and some good diamonds, indications of both love and money. She left New York, going home to be married. An odd incident was a queen of clubs in her layout. I told her that indicated some wom- 46 SCIENCE OF PROPHECY an would cause her trouble or annoyance, but there were other good clubs foretelling that it would all come out right. She confided to me that the threatening lady was her mother who strongly objected to the man of her choice be- cause he was a Catholic, but as he was a fine man and a doctor, she felt sure her mother would yield in time for the wedding if not before. The third lady wanted money, she was sure of her husband's devotion. The king of hearts appeared, her devoted husband, but next to turn up was the king of clubs, a negative omen. The only diamond was an unlucky number. I learned a few days ago that the husband, the king of hearts, had been dismissed by his employer, the king of clubs, and that money was running low, the unlucky diamond. The fourth lady was a business woman, her fortune did not give much promise, her cards were mostly dark, and the hearts and diamonds not good. It is apparently fulfilling itself, as she soon after lost her position and has had 47 BOOK OF REVELATIONS difficulty in securing a new one which is poor with a small salary and almost no prospects at present. The fifth one was having financial difficul- ties and was anxious. Her cards were most reassuring, among them three diamonds in- cluding the seven spot, so good. I prophesied gold for her. As time passed and it did not drop into her purse she appealed to me for that money I had promised her. I warned her to possess her soul in patience and it would come. And it did. Quite unexpectedly she received an offer to sell out her business ad- vantageously which she accepted with conse- quent gold in her purse. Undoubtedly the science of prophecy is to take an important place in the affairs of the world as it becomes known, studied and ap- plied by scientists who will develop it as they have other great sciences, such as mathematics, physics and chemistry. Great oaks from lit- tle acorns grow, and to be equipped with a knowledge of a system that tells in advance 48 SCIENCE OF PROPHECY what the future holds in store, or at least gives some idea, will be of inestimable value, just as the daily reports from the weather bureau are today, often saving and preventing financial loss, to say nothing of warning people in mak- ing and carrying out their usual plans. So much has been written concerning the psychology of numbers and colors. The Scriptures often mention seven as a signifi- cant numeral: the seven seals, the seven- branched candlesticks of the Children of Israel, the seven days that constitute the week, and other examples; but rarely can you find any singling out of nine, the foremost of all. And no writer, ancient or modern, makes the sys- tematic division of colors into negative and positive, and whether their use leads to failure or success. Pink has been called the emotional color, it is warm and capable of strong affec- tions. Red is spoken of as passionate and in- tense, the color of blood. Blue is spiritual. One author declares the highest color is cream white, the Christ color. This might be so re- 49 BOOK OF REVELATIONS garded from the spiritual point of view, but red is the most successful. Pink derives some of its especially auspicious character from be- ing a combination of red and white. The many books written on the subject of the psychic, both for and against, are all more or less valuable in their way, being steps in progress leading up to the truth. They have served as food for the ignorant masses who are longing for enlightenment on the subject of life hereafter. They all base their writings, to some extent, upon an imaginary living spirit with a power to rush into some one else's body, or to clothe itself in some sort of an ethereal body, taking their ideas, no doubt, from what they gather from the Bible and other ancient literature. But that wonderful book was writ- ten by people and for people who lived in the dark ages, and we are now emerging into the light and must interpret it from an up to date standpoint. We have studied the human body so minute- ly in these modern times that we know there 50 SCIENCE OF PROPHECY does not exist any such thing as a spirit that is separable from the body, it is entirely de- pendent on the brain for expression. There are no such things as thought vibra- tions about which so much is written, as thoughts have no substance and therefore can not vibrate. There are atmospheric vibra- tions and electric vibrations. Thoughts are things from a psychological or symbolical view- point because they form an important link in the system of prophecy, but that is not due to any vibrations, it is simply that they are part of the science just as fractions are in the study of arithmetic. Mental telepathy is not caused by thought vibrations, as alleged by some writers, but by the guides of the persons involved in communicating. You now and again hear the statement that a thought sent out lives always and bears fruit. This is true if you speak the thought to others who repeat it, or if you write it down that it may be read by those interested in its message. But if you keep it locked in your mind, not BOOK OF REVELATIONS mentioning it to anyone, it never goes any farther to affect the world or any living per- son present or future. There is no possible way of its continuing unless you, the force be- hind it, give it reality by making it known. Occasionally several people have the same thought, which is nothing remarkable as we are all working out our lives on somewhat sim- ilar mental and physical lines. It happens quite frequently that a patent is submitted to the Patent Office by more than one inventor at the same date. It seems to be accidental. The various writings are all teaching the world to be good, and that is greatly to be ex- tolled; but their authors do not base their les- sons on the human body and the conditions of every day life as gathered from the latest re- sults of scientific research, experiment and practical observation. Therefore their imag- inings are hit or miss and not founded on the system of life here, so are without weight but always so praiseworthy in their efforts to bring something of value to us as yet so much in the 52 SCIENCE OF PROPHECY dark. The possibility of the soul mate is touched upon, but it is subservient to your be- ing worthy of your affinity. So little is ac- cording to law, so much is left to your own self and your power or chance to secure or achieve what you want. Had our entering this life been left to ourselves, a good many of us would not have arrived ; but we had nothing to do with it any more than we have to enter- ing into the next one. A great law protects us. We are now getting away from these vain imaginings, rising, as it were, from the flotsam and jetsam obscuring the real state of affairs. We are starting in with the human body here, from the law which produced it, studying it in accordance with the best scien- tific knowledge on the subject, pinning our faith to the known facts and drawing our con- clusions from these when we are forced to con- tinue our investigations into the realm of un- certainty that surrounds that human body after it has ceased to perform its natural functions here. As we know that the instant the breath 53 BOOK OF REVELATIONS of life leaves the body all the mental attributes such as mind, soul, spirit, love, conscience, memory, intuition stop; we see that if we are to preserve these qualities we must preserve the body. We know that this is beyond our power for any indefinite period, consequently we must trust it to some force as yet unknown to us in material shape. We believe that great laws exist because we are discovering and ap- plying them continually, but we also know that these laws do not produce results unaided, they require man with his intellect, ingenuity and physical resources to apply them to useful ends. This makes us prone to conclude that there must be a living impetus which takes the body still alive from this world to some other. We build our faith in its immortality on the teachings of the Bible mostly. We are told that chemists in their labora- tories can produce the life germ of protoplasm. Let us accept that statement. Suppose they could go farther and develop it into a human being, it would be a new man or woman and 54 SCIENCE OF PROPHECY not you or I or any one else who has ever lived. Therefore if some supernatural power could create life chemically in some other sphere, that would not help us, each of whom wants to live always and keep his or her own personality, which is the meaning of the Bible as we in- terpret it. We have no proof at present of any living force beyond this earth which can take us, still alive, to some other existence; but we have a mass of psychic phenomena, increasing in vol- ume and clearness and this is what is opening our eyes today. New experiences differ in character. One of the most convincing fea- tures of them all are their prophecies. No matter what any skeptical psychologists may declare as to the supermind's ability to foresee and to foretell, we feel sure that it is the living force outside this world and not an unusual mind which is foretelling to so many of us the events of the future that come to pass affecting us personally and sometimes the whole world. It is only imagination and not any fact that 55 BOOK OF REVELATIONS can be proved to explain psychic phenomena by asserting that our minds have the facility to look forward anywhere from five minutes to five thousand years and discern the events of greater or less import which are on the way. That it was prophesied Christ was to come cen- turies before He appeared is in line with the prophecies of less weight being made daily by people who have some form of psychic power, many of whom are not professionals. 56 CHAPTER VI MIRACLES We cannot perform miracles when left to ourselves, but we can be made the instruments of our living guides and accomplish the same ends. A well known man of science states that the psychic phenomena of today are "modern miracles." I had read of a theosophist being able to create a rose by her occult power but nothing on the miraculous order had ever come to my personal notice. This I had been thinking re- cently, conscious of the mental reservation that I was open to conviction. Soon afterwards I met a lady who related how a miracle had come to her. She had been paying a visit to a clairvoyant to obtain news in regard to an important matter. The result had been quite 57 BOOK OF REVELATIONS remarkable because of so many truths the me- dium was able to tell her both of her past af- fairs and what was to come. When the lady- rose to leave the clairvoyant said to her, "I want to give you a souvenir to take with you." She placed a glass on the table and in it a spray of syringa began to materialize and was soon perfected. An added emphasis to the strangeness of this occurrence was the fact that the season was late autumn, while syringas blossom in the spring. The lady accepted the flower, carried it home and placed it in a glass of water where it re- mained for some time, gradually fading. Another lady whose word I would trust im- plicitly related that a friend who had passed away returned at times in a materialized form, looking unchanged. She could put out her hand and feel his apparently solid flesh, also converse with him. That the apparition was due to one or more laws of electricity she had proof through the fact that one evening a mem- ber of her family chanced to descend the stair- 58 MIRACLES way adjoining the room in which she sat, the door open. As he came within the radius of the electric force at work, he was struck in the head as if by a bolt and thrown down so that he cried out from the pain and the shock. A dark spot marked his forehead, caused by the contact of the electric current. This phenomenon might be considered a miracle. It was undoubtedly the work of the lady's guide, showing the way in which mate- rialization is produced. Similar cases are com- mon and are steps in progress to teach us the meaning of materialization and to draw our own conclusions as to what use such phenom- ena might be put. Happenings of this nature strike us as peculiar because we are still so much in the dark as to their real significance, but as we grow more enlightened and begin to get substantial proofs, the clouds obscuring our vision will pass and big truths appear on the horizon. Christ knew the laws that we as yet do not. It is generally supposed that He performed 59 BOOK OF REVELATIONS miracles through His divinity, but it is more likely that He employed the same methods as do our guides who come into a knowledge of these through their immortality. There are numerous instances of miracles in the Old Testament, but they have been brought more forcibly to our notice by Christ as if they were to attract our attention by their frequency and significance, and were a common and natural as well as possible means of producing desired ends we had in mind. Today we find them when and where least expected. It would be a humorous reflection on the sagacity of the class of individuals who tell us that the age of miracles is past if we waked up some day to the proofs that the greatest conceivable mir- acle, the passing from this life to immortality, has been going on in our midst without ceasing unknown to us. Whether in the course of time and progress miracles will become every day occurrences we cannot tell, but we do feel convinced that they would be for some special purpose only, 60 MIRACLES as they were always used in the Bible. In studying the natural laws we find they serve some aim or can be made to do so, and no doubt we shall find the same true in the case of modern miracles as we become more familiar with the' idea of their existence and begin to search for such things. They will have to as- sume a more definite reality than at present be- fore we can vouch for their presence. Richard says the law that starts us from this world on our journey toward immortality is a so-called miracle, but from the standpoint of the guides who perform it only the application of a law. If we consulted the records of the various societies for psychical research we should meet with a supply of miracles. The greatest one ever coming to my notice is that going on in- side my head practically without cessation. I cannot fathom it, neither can anyone else. I can only believe the manly voice talking to me must belong to a masculine reality some- where, and if so it is the key to the age-old truths we have always wanted to know. It 61 BOOK OF REVELATIONS may take time to have the mystery cleared up, not only of the voice talking to me but of those similar voices heard by so many other men and women. Richard says I call it a psychic phe- nomenon but he calls it the natural laws coming into their own, that they are coming faster and faster and we cannot stop their progress. What is the greatest and the most practical truth gleaned from the Bible? The promise of eternal life. That is what we all want, to keep our own life intact and to have the lives of those dear to us continue always after leav- ing this world, which we know we must do. If what my mental voice tells me is true, then my guide is bringing to us the next greatest truth ever known since that of the Bible, namely, how we go from this life into eternal life. We have progressed so far in a knowledge, both scientific and practical, of the human body that we can no longer be satisfied with the vague idea that there is something we term a spirit within us which has no power while we are living to free itself from our body and go 62 MIRACLES sailing away to some spiritual realm, but which can do so when the body has ceased to be a liv- ing force. The Bible was written by people and for people who lived in the dark ages and we are now emerging into the light, therefore it must be interpreted in accordance with the expansion and the accumulated knowledge of all these centuries. That we should possess such a thing as a spirit and not know it we find hard to believe since we have now a clear comprehension of the real meaning of what the word spirit, or spiritual, is, it being a sim- ple mental fact and we cannot expand, turn or twist it into anything else unless we bring our imagination into play. I can think of nothing except the mind, the soul and the spirit which have no substance, but they have a pow- erful living force behind them, the body, and to continue they must keep that force behind them else they perish. Now the idea is being brought to us that they are not allowed to per- ish because the body is not, and we are asked to have patience when we cannot accept the ex- 63 BOOK OF REVELATIONS planation. We must know about a step in progress before it can become a material fact. We note this in telegraphy, the telephone and wireless telegraphy, each one a step in advance of the other, and each one seemingly a little more miraculous than the other, but all due to electricity. The science of prophecy is psychological fundamentally, but it affects the material. It is a science miraculous in character as it cease- lessly indicates and foretells our individual destiny and that of the world, depending on our attitude as we scan and study its prophe- cies. In any big national or international event, such as the Peace Conference, we can read in the happenings and the omens arising from the various surrounding conditions and influences what the outcome will be and the effect on the countries convening, each one represented by delegates. We can also make the prophecies a personal matter. If all goes well, every daily meeting cheerful and friendly, with the results aimed at gradually shaping 64 MIRACLES themselves toward the desired end, that state of affairs is a good omen auguring well for the peace and prosperity of all nations concerned. Each one of us may apply the good omen to ourself , knowing that the world at peace means better conditions for us. The miraculous part of it all is emphasized as we observe different details indicated by the specific omens, namely, numbers, colors and symbols, which are the commonest indicators to enter the equation. How they chance to arrive and to come true is a puzzle, but they do, and the better you understand the science the more you see their prophetic spirit asserting itself. It seems al- most as if they were a supernatural agency at work somewhere, but it is probably all due to psychological law or laws of which we yet know very little, especially their source. We have only a couple of sources to choose from, a Di- vine Being or the laws of nature. If we be- lieve God created the latter, then He would be the source, but the only explanation of His origin is nature, laws of chemistry. 65 BOOK OF REVELATIONS The psychic phenomena are with us always. They are being studied and classified as well as clarified whenever possible by scientists who cannot explain them but who place them in a very different category from the ignorant lay- man, and who sometimes find a scientific value which an untrained observer could not per- ceive even if desirous of so doing. 66 CHAPTER VII GOD AND CHRIST The Father and Son are almost inseparable in our thoughts, but when you have learned to interpret the Bible from a psychic as well as a religious point of view, They have become very human. Christ we have always looked upon as both human and divine in His nature. God is the leader of the other world, heaven as we call it, which is another planet similar to our own, but operated by such perfect laws that it is not easy for us to understand what a complete transformation that means. All the mystery, the majesty, the aloofness have dis- appeared from the real God. We no longer stand in awe of Him. In the new life He is one of us. Christ says: "My Father is in me and I am in you." This we find verified, 67 BOOK OF REVELATIONS as it is only a figure of speech, by our all being alike. It is a matter of brotherhood, God, Christ and ourselves ; the exalted beings are as simple and as real as we are, and They always have been only we have not known it before. Our attitude toward Them is the same as to- ward our rulers or leaders here, one of respect and admiration. Each one has His strong personality, resembling each other but They vary in individuality or characteristics, as does everyone else, only They stand out more markedly through Their always having been more perfect than we mortals here. 68 CHAPTER VIII SOME PERTINENT QUESTIONS Richard has put to me a list of queries con- cerning the typical guide which are of interest but which he does not answer definitely for the reason that we are not yet sufficiently advanced to need to be conversant with the real state of affairs. He tells me that in due time other guides will teach their charges all about their relations with each other. Some of these in- terrogations are as follows: Where is your guide while he is leading you still living in this world? What is his life wherever he may be ? What is the exact process by which he con- trols you? Does he devote his whole time and attention to you and to your guidance? When a guide reveals himself to his charge, 69 BOOK OF REVELATIONS as in my case, does it affect him or his methods of guidance in any way? Is his task easy, or does it require mental or physical exertion? Has he any sort of an apparatus of which he makes use, or is the process entirely mental? Is his present existence agreeable? Is his life a solitary one, or does he have com- munication or companionship with his fellow guides? What will happen to you when you leave this world? How does he immortalize you? In what way does your coming affect his life? Does he leave you as soon as he transforms you into an immortal being? How does he enter the final world? Do you begin at once to guide the infant boy who is your charge? How do you know who he is? When you have guided him through his life here and immortalized him will you leave him 70 SOME PERTINENT QUESTIONS to perform his duty of guiding his soul mate and go to join yours in the heaven of our faith? How will you find him on your arrival ? Richard says these questions bring the whole subject of transition before us in a real and matter of fact light. Hitherto we have closed our eyes to what happens to us on our exit from this universe, and yet there must be a next step if we are to continue the existence known to us. He adds that we are no longer to be al- lowed to remain in ignorance of the future, and that the truth of the body's going on is to be made so emphatic that we shall lose all doubts as to such a possibility and accept it as a matter of course always remembering that the mind, soul and spirit are inseparable from the body and go with it wherever it may travel. We are to become so accustomed to the idea of our staying right on in the flesh, that the change from this life when it comes is almost like starting on a journey to some unexplored destination. If our guide takes us bodily that 71 BOOK OF REVELATIONS is the easiest way of solving the problem of our migration to a new country and the verifica- tion will come to us sometime, sooner or later ; but if there is some other method that we are not yet prepared to know, it will be revealed to us when the world has advanced far enough to warrant the revelation which may come by some sudden act on the part of a guide, or slowly working up to it, the culmination of the partial revelations of accumulated ages. We are bound down by the ignorance and traditions of the past which must be overcome by the modern proofs of education, science and investigation. There is in reality no mystery about anything, past or present, we envelop facts in mystery because we do not know the truth concerning them, and we never can know the profound mysteries of the Bible unless they are revealed by a supernatural agency know- ing all secrets. This force is beginning to ap- pear in the shape of the guide, and we are on the alert to absorb his revelations and to fol- low the trend of his new philosophy. 72 CHAPTER IX A FINAL SUMMARY I wish to call attention to the most notice- able ideas that I have been made to embody in my three books. They are: the purpose of the guide, the science of prophecy, and the non-existence of any form of mind, soul or spirit distinct or apart from the living flesh and blood body. So far as I know I am the first person who has been led to bring to the world the truth that you have a guide, a specially constituted human being in another existence, who by a known law takes you from this life to immor- tality. I of myself, know nothing and have no psychic powers, but I have grown, after all these years, to feel sure that there is a brain, 73 BOOK OF REVELATIONS a very powerful one, behind the voice speaking to me almost ceaselessly. People ask me if the owner of the voice in- structs me in the art of making money, the ability to get rich quickly seeming to be the sure test of a person's powers. If Richard directed me to some big money making scheme, or if he put unlimited sums of gold coin in my purse or top drawer, they would be quite satis- fied he was a reality. But, he says, that would be more on the order of magic than a sensible miracle, and calls my attention to the fact that Christ laid no stress on riches, only advising those who possessed wealth to give to the poor ; also that He said: "The Son of Man hath not where to lay His head." These curious people become skeptical. They belong to the class of doubters who tell you to pray for rain or something else you chance to want and when it fails to come, scoff at you. Richard says it is of no importance whether people believe or not in his existence ; he is not revealing himself to me to convince anyone, it 74 A FINAL SUMMARY is simply a matter of progress, a perfectly nat- ural sequence to the facts other guides have already brought to the world. It will be re- called that the woman in the Bible said of Christ: "He told me all that ever I did." This faculty of knowing everything past or future, has always been regarded as a proof of Christ's miraculous power, but it is this same power that so many clairvoyants use today, and is due to their guides. Christ was fore- shadowing what we are learning today, that your guide has unlimited power and can use you as a medium here on earth to transmit knowledge from the stage of existence to which we are all passing on. The reason for this is to educate us up to the point where we shall be in a sufficiently enlightened condition of mind to be entrusted with further and more miraculous developments without alarming us or unbalancing our mentality. As soon as we have reached the proper stage we shall be showed by our guides what an entirely natural sequel to our lives here is our going on to the 75 BOOK OF REVELATIONS next state. And when we have been altered to meet the requirements of heaven, and have done our share in fulfilling the law of immor- talization for someone else who has fallen to our lot, we go naturally to that other planet to mingle with our fellow beings, perfected men and women, for eternity. There love rules su- preme. Love was the psychological force which influenced our creation, love is the same force that helps us through our lives here by the unseen influence of our guides' and plays so big a role in the transforming of us into immortals. We may look forward with a feeling of re- lief to the day when the doubts and fears of the present as yet unproved belief in a future life shall have vanished and material evidence is a certainty. This will completely change our outlook on life and in many ways our mode of living, also our relations with others. The fact I would emphasize is that next to our own selves our guides are the supreme fac- tors in our existence. That we have the abil- 76 A FINAL SUMMARY ity to lead our lives entirely free from any ad- ditional guidance is undoubtedly so as we are animals of a higher order and we see those of the lower order unguided, so far as we know. It is possible that our controllers do not inter- fere with us to any great extent, only watching our thoughts and actions in case of any need to direct us. The main reason for their supervi- sion is that they must fulfill the great law of immortalization and see to it that we are safely conveyed from this world into the next stage of existence. When we are developed into beings quite able to take care of ourselves and someone else besides, then we no longer need any protector but become the bona fide free will agent. Henceforth and forever we act on our own iniative. Richard tells me that I am the first human being who has ever lived whose guide has re- vealed himself in his true colors and explained who and what he is and what his purpose. Others will follow sooner or later and teach us much more regarding the many points 77 BOOK OF REVELATIONS which are as yet obscure. The science of prophecy will be unfolded for our daily use. It is far reaching and opens up a new mental survey of life as a whole, as well as of the daily routine of each one of us individuals. My introduction to this science has opened my eyes to the probability of other remarkable natural laws or sciences existing all around us and affecting our lives without our cognizance. Many of them are possibly psychological, some may relate to the psychic, as that is the fore- most movement thrusting itself upon us today. We have penetrated its mysteries so deeply now that we could not turn back even if we desired, and every new revelation opens wider the door of future investigation. We who understand the science of prophecy grasp its possibilities for helpfulness and for teaching alertness in business or in the more commonplace daily schedule through our abil- ity to know to a greater or less degree, what to count upon in advance. We start in at once each morning to secure information of the 78 A FINAL SUMMARY day's coming events in order to adjust our plans. The dreams of the night are one of the earliest indications. We learn to inter- pret them and estimate their value. Our men- tal attitude is another hint by which to reg- ulate our calculations, a happy frame of mind is decidedly auspicious. The insignificant as well as the important incidents of the day as it wears on suggest to us what is about to hap- pen ; and the colors, numbers and symbols that come our way tell the results of these happen- ings. It gradually becomes a sort of second nature to construe with the vision of a seer the ever changing panorama of life surrounding us. We become keen-witted as we develop our faculties by constant observation and ap- plication of our growing understanding of the new science which is undoubtedly as old as creation whether man existed or not to know and interpret it. The Bible is responsible for our firm belief in some description of spiritual existence, but when we pin ourselves down to an explanation 79 BOOK OF REVELATIONS of what that spirit is which emanates from us, we are at a loss to describe its character. The whole matter resolves itself into a faith that there is something, though we are not sure just what. We feel like asking, "What is this so- called 'spirit' which has the power to jump at will from one living body at the moment of its dissolution here, into another one either here or somewhere else ? Where does it keep itself, and from what source does it derive its energy?" This doctrine is embodied in the teachings of one of the new cults, but is it any- thing other than a flight of fancy, and just a little absurd at that? We shall be taught how to interpret the Bible anew from the modern standpoint. Its problems will then be easily solved. It would seem that I am the only person who has ever been trained to view this world from the hitherto unknown vantage ground of the science of prophecy ; from the true knowledge of and intercourse with the guide; and with the idea of our going from this world to an- 80 A FINAL SUMMARY other bodily instead of spiritually which we have always been taught must be the only pos- sible manner of transition. My new attitude toward life and the hereafter is something of a revelation. I sometimes wonder how it is possible for people to continue in the old beaten path with this totally different angle of perception and action open to them. But how can they help it ? No one has taught them that there could be a new manner of beholding life and its sequel. Suppose you could not read or write, that as you traveled or walked the streets you could not tell what the directions for your aid were or what the signs on the shops and stores told you; that you could not peruse the news- papers, periodicals or books, to say nothing of study; and most vital of all, were unable to read or write your own name. There are thousands of illiterates everywhere who cannot do any of these things, yet they are passing through life seemingly perfectly well. Some- what on this order people seem to me, densely 81 BOOK OF REVELATIONS ignorant of something which affects their lives materially, a knowledge of which would alter them and the whole world, to a great extent. They also know nothing of their living guides or of what happens to them after they shuffle off this mortal coil. But just as most people are not willing or are not allowed to be illit- erates, as soon as they learn and can realize that there exists an unexplored field of learn- ing of much import along undreamed of lines, they will start a new educational movement and reap the benefits thereof. I feel that in conclusion I must say a few words more in respect to my own experience. In discussing the subject with other persons who have had and are having communication with their guides I do not find anyone with a parallel case to mine, nor can I discover one in searching literature on the subject. In- numerable people are hearing the guide's voice and are being informed of coming events as well as directed what steps to take in their concerns whether the usual details or matters 82 A FINAL SUMMARY of vital importance; but rarely does the guide assume any personality that might be an in- dividual of makeup and station in life similar to the one hearing the voice, in short, a real and responsible companion. A lady calls her dictator "Little Sunflower" and thinks a young girl's spirit is communing with her. Another one says her controller seems to be an Indian as he uses only Choctaw dialect. The Red Man is apparently a favorite disguise, as so many persons tell of being guided by one. But all such intercourse is primitive and is plainly a ruse to hide the real identity of the voice's owner. Only one lady have I found who is impressed with the reality of her leader. She has felt at times that he is a human being. He is helpful in a practical way — if she goes to the telephone in haste and appeals to him for a new number of which she is ignorant he gives it to her and it is invariably correct. Richard long ago disabused my mind of any suspicion I might have of his being anything but a young man keen witted and full of vigor. 83 BOOK OF REVELATIONS The most notable impressions I have received from his constant intercourse with me mentally are his uplifting influence, his common sense and his bigness; while noting every slightest circumstance and incident and weighing its true value, he lays the marked stress on the paramount, the far reaching significance of the confronting problems of life and their solution. He is my mentor only, he is not interfering in any way with the destiny of others; he is watching how I meet the events of my exist- ence, and showing me how a guide in some other has the power to make me do just as he wishes. Therefore I conclude that as I am no different from the average individual, other people have a controller who is acting in a like capacity to them. I am the type. In coming in contact with other people my actions often influence theirs, but Richard is not in any way directing such persons, only me, they are being directed by their own guides. It is confusing sometimes keeping (this distinction clear, to realize that you are never in direct communica- 84 A FINAL SUMMARY tion with anyone but your own guide, and that other people's guides never communicate with or influence you. Yours may assume different personalities for some reason, as a Red Indian or a "Little Sunflower" ; one day he may come to you as the former, the next, as the latter, but in reality he is neither, always himself. Guides are good at deception and can make you believe almost anything ; but if so, it is to teach you or the world some law or truth. I find this ex- emplified in Richard's attitude myself, he uses a circuitous route occasionally, but I have grown to infer what he means. As a rule he is straightforward in his methods. He has impressed upon me precept by pre- cept, that righteousness is the only way of life for which we must never cease striving. He points out how hard is the straight and narrow path, but that any other is out of the question ; at least we must do our utmost and then if failures, great or small, are inevitable we can feel that we have done all in our power and need not be cast down by the negative results. 85 BOOK OF REVELATIONS The veriest criminal has some good in him, and usually reaps the harvest of his evil deeds sooner or later. The points to be kept in mind are that we are just passing through this life as a stepping stone to another, that we had nothing to do with our entrance into it or its surrounding conditions, and that as soon as we are out of it we are made perfect by a force with which we have no more to do than we had with that which created us. The best of us are never quite perfect here and must be made so, while the evildoer's former self is shed like a coat of mail and his sins forgotten as an ele- ment that does not enter into the new life. We must remember that the righteous man is the normal type, the corrupt belongs to the abnor- mal and that there are always reasons for his being a derelict; we may not and perhaps can not know them, but they exist all the same. We must primarily watch and i control our own behavior, and see that it at least ap- proaches standard requirements, then we are equipped the better to deal with the delinquent 86 A FINAL SUMMARY as he or she comes into our jurisdiction, and to be helpful in such cases as we can reach. Richard makes me observe things exactly as they are and not as they ought to be which in many instances would be more desirable. He will not let me gloss them over or declare as some of the new cults do, "There is no evil! there is no wrong!" with the idea of overcom- ing iniquity through ignoring it. You can never free this world from sins either great or small, you can better matters by dealing with transgressions sensibly and wisely, but saying there is no evil does not do away with it. Rec- ognize it and overcome where possible, if not, avoid it. He makes me choose the latter course whenever I can. "Do not run risks," he counsels so often, and "Lead us not into temp- tation," we are none of us proof against it. Always put your best foot foremost and be on the alert for advantages and opportunities, never losing sight of the fact that you are in a world where "every man for himself" holds good, and yet try to be just and unselfish and 87 BOOK OF REVELATIONS true to yourself. Do not "go along with the crowd" when that means casting your lot in with law-breakers and degenerates. Be strong and a law unto yourself, a leader of the upright and you will find a multitude of followers will flock to your standards. So many are like yourself, heartily sick and tired of drinking, smoking, gambling, deception and vice; but they have not sufficient backbone and self re- spect to take a stand by themselves. It is the old flock-of-sheep affair, the average individual is devoid of ideas, without someone to copy he is at a loss what to do. He is usually good at heart and would almost as willingly follow virtue as vice, but he is too weak and lacking in moral stamina to originate any movement, it must be started by another. A young man recently appealed to the head- master of a noted school to turn the tide of the social degeneracy so prevalent today. His family connection takes him among the best people, but though eager to lead an ideal life he has not the courage to do so because his as- 88 A FINAL SUMMARY sociates prefer riotous living. He wants the status all changed and righteousness made popular, but he tries to accomplish this end by taking no initiative steps himself, only getting someone else to manage it, then when it is in running order he will be glad to follow the new trend. How puerile and mawkish is the sense of such a procedure. If he cannot take a firm stand and raise the level of social inter- course, how does he expect his companions will do so ? Are they any better than he ? Does he thrust his hand into the fire because some scat- terbrain does? Why should he not start the uplift himself and ask some of the best of his friends to help? There are plenty of fine young people in the United States already (and this is the country now setting the pace) who find it is not impossible to take their pleasures as well as their sterner pursuits in a sane and law-abiding fashion. Moderation and not reckless self indulgence is their way, and it is this strong and sensible element, both young and old, that makes our country safe 89 BOOK OF REVELATIONS for democracy. This applies to womankind equally with men. Some of the ways of the loose contingent are almost inconceivable. If we were not on the spot taking in the situation we should think history was belying itself, but there is no denying it. Yet always the up- right, the level-headed members of society are holding up their end of the line, keeping things straight and the degenerating element in its proper place. No one has ever had my experience and therefore its weighty significance is hard to measure. I feel that it is opening up a new era for the world, and that other people will have experiences enough like mine to confirm what I have been taught. All the old beliefs in disembodied spirits of any kind, sort or de- scription will be out of date in the near future, and the sooner the psychologists make up their minds to this state of affairs, the sooner can they arrive at the truth concerning our life after leaving this sphere, and also what is go- ing on all the time to cause the innumerable 90 A FINAL SUMMARY psychic demonstrations without regard for lo- cality. New York comes in for its share the same as Canada or some foreign country. The guide, a living flesh and blood human being of miraculous make-up is the key to the riddle, of this I feel quite positive. That the voice I have grown to identify with a delight- ful young man both sage and sagacious, is that of a teacher. I am equally sure he is using me to enlighten the world because the times are now ripe for the truth concerning the whole subject of our exit from this universe and the "life everlasting." He has revolutionized the old beliefs and brought new ideas that no one would ever have dreamed of. These are the advance guard of what is now coming and we had to learn the facts about the future in order to be sufficiently intelligent to hear the details of which there are an abundance yet to come. So long as we are clinging to the old dogmas we are not in line for revelations that must reach us if we are to continue our progress which we are desirous of doing if great realities 91 BOOK OF REVELATIONS are waiting to be brought to our knowledge. If we have come into an inkling of these won- derful facts, they are not so surprising when proofs begin to arrive that we need no longer harbor any doubts in regard to the reality of such unheard of actualities as immortal young men and women near at hand, at least men- tally, to lift us into another existence and an- other self, though not at the cost of the disinte- gration of the old one. I have found out that the guide has a sense of humor, and if he sees the funny side of slappings and rappings and crystal gazing and dragging bedclothes off on a wintry night and a hundred other manifestations in order to let the inhabitants of this globe know of his exist- ence, we are obliged to take his antics in good part until he is ready to divulge the truth, whatever it may be. I have had explained to me that all the mysterious psychic incidents which have ever come to our notice, no matter when or where, are entirely the work of our guides and are to teach us of the existence of 92 A FINAL SUMMARY such people, also to prepare us for the full statement of facts with the details carefully laid bare that will clear up the mystery sur- rounding psychic phenomena and the future life of the human race. I can only estimate guides from my inter- course with my own, but I have found him about the most rational and clear headed young person who has ever come under my observa- tion, and I have had years in which to study his words, his orders and his influence on my daily life both in its minutest details and its entirety. The strangeness of it all strikes me afresh whenever I stop to contemplate him and his never ending association with me, which is only through his voice, but which is all the more astonishing because of that fact; how by talk- ing to me only mentally he can influence my every action through his having gained my con- fidence by showing me that he knows the fu- ture and what is coming into my own life which I have no way of discovering; also by his con- genial companionship and his constant in- 93 BOOK OF REVELATIONS structions. He has been my educator ever since his advent into my head. Not only has he taught me facts that I could not learn in any other way, but he has helped me to apply what I had already studied at school and col- lege, and see how much more there was in every branch than I had realized, and how helpful it all could be made in dealing with the people and the problems of daily contact. He proves that all clairvoyant revelations are due to the guide by calling my attention to the fact that I have no psychic ability to dis- cern future events, and yet through his reveal- ing such to me I know what is coming when he chooses to tell me. Such occurrences as going into a trance or a dreamy half-conscious state, are not necessary to induce a person to divulge the future or to perform some covert act. They are only a subterfuge and probably have been employed by our guides because we have not yet penetrated far enough into the real conditions of the occult to permit of straight- forward methods in handling us. The whole M A FINAL SUMMARY subject of the psychic can be focused under the heading of "Guide." He it is who is caus- ing the unaccountable occurrences seemingly supernatural but only so because we are just beginning to discover the real reason. Our determination to unravel the mystery is teach- ing us more and more about the technical as- pect of psychic matters. They have been re- solved into a science and are therefore raised to a higher level and given greater consider- ation than formerly when they were not comprehended as they are today by the scientists. That love is the saving ordinance acting through the agency of a living man or woman who has gone on into the higher life, which smooths out the mysterious path leading each one of us to life eternal, is the most beautiful idea ever brought to our knowledge. That we, struggling with the adverse conditions of our daily lives often leading to failure in spite of our efforts, are tenderly cared for even in the face of our shortcomings and guided "safe 95 BOOK OF REVELATIONS into the haven" where "the wicked cease from troubling and the weary are at rest," is a "blessed assurance" and fills us "with the peace that passeth all understanding." We are now to know of a surety that our going on is just a natural journey bereft of all mystery and misgivings, and the reassur- ance, "Fear not, little flock," we may take home to ourselves. Hereafter all is joy and gladness, and our faith clung to through so many vicissitudes reaps its reward. "Well done, good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joys of thy lord." THE END 96 Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process. Neutralizing agent: Magnesium Oxide Treatment Date: Nov. 2004 PreservationTechnologies A WORLD LEADER IN PAPER PRESERVATION 1 1 1 Thomson Park Drive Cranberry Township, PA 16066 (724)779-2111