TH 6255 ^^^H .M66 ^^H^^HH 1881 ^H K o H rSwqrksiII 1 f^ gi25H5H5H5H5ffiffiH5H5 K]:l o. m CAsr. !SE5ffl'jtidii25H5i Class _JntAl_Al Book ^tAik INDEX TO PRICE LIST. PAGES. Square, Half Circle and Corner Sinks, . . . 3 to 5 Slop or Deep Sinks, ..... 5 and 6 Sink Backs, Legs and Brackets, .... 6 and 7 " Demarest " Sinks, ..... . 7 to 9 ^^Eastlake" Sinks, . . 9 Corner Sinks, with Backs, .... 9 and 10 Sink Fixtures, ...... 10 and II Slop Hopper Sinks and Slop Hoppers, 12 and 13 Cesspools and Cesspool Plates, .... 13 to 16 Boiler Stands, ....... 16 Street Washer and Stop Cock Boxes, &c. . 17 Solder Moulds, Solder Pots, Charcoal Furnaces and Plumbers J Furnace, ...... 17 to 19 Cast Iron Tanks, ...... 19 and 20 Wash Stands, ....... 20 to 28 W^ash Basins, ...... 28 Folding Wash Stand, . . . ... 29 Black Walnut Wash Stands, .... 30 and 31 Bath Tubs and Bath Tub Fixtures, . . . . 31 to :^^ Wash Tubs, 34 ''Demarest" Water Closets and Fixtures; 34 to 36 *' Climax" Water Closets, *' " . 36 and ^7 " Whirlpool " Water Closets, " - 37 Slop Safes. ...... 37 and 38 Hopper Valve Closets, ..... . 38 and 39 Demarest's Patent W. C. Cistern. .... 39 to 42 Flushing Rim Hoppers (Iron and Earthenware), 42 to 48 McFarland's Automatic Flushing Tanks, 49 Hoppers, Hopper Traps and Closet Bowls, 49 to 52 Privy Sinks, ...... 53 and 54 Latrines, ...... 55 Folding Urinal, ...... 55 Urinals, Sectional, Half Circle and Corner, 56 to 59 Street and Park Urinals, ..... 59 Short Hopper Stand on Trap, .... 60 Prison Hopper Closet and Wash Bowl, 60 Ash Chutes, ...... 60 Soil Pipe and Fittings, . . . . . 61 to 80 Ornamental Pipe Ears, .... 81 Leader Pipes, .... 81 Green House Boilers, Pipe, Fittings, &c. 82 to 88 Steam Kettles, . .... 88 Sanitary Earthenware, . . . . . 89 to 92 McFarland's Patent Basin Waste, ... 93 Lamp Pillars and Brackets, . . . . . 93 and 94 Lamps and Globes, ..... 95 Drinking Fountains, . . . . 96 Stable Fixtures, . . ... 96 to 115 Vault and Manhole Covers, Road Boxes, &c. . 115 and 116 -^1881> PRICE* LIST OF THE Plumbing snd Sunithry department INCLUDING Limp Pillirs, Drinking Fountiins md Stible Fittings, OF THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS. OFFICE MD WIREROOMS, Nos. 88 AND 90 BEEKMAN STREET, NEW YORK BRSNCH STORE, 1283 BROIDWIY, NEW YORK FOUNDRY ST MOTT HMEN, NEW YORK. E. D. SLHTER, STEAM BOOK HND JOBBING PRINTER, 153 AND 155 FULTON STREET. TH^Y. \^ TO OUR CUSTOMERS. As questions constantly arise as to the responsibility of shipper, carrier and con- signee, for loss of and damage to goods, &c. in transit, and in order to obviate lengthy correspondence regarding the same, we beg to call the special attention of our customers to the following : Our responsibility ceases as soon as goods are delivered in good order and CONDITION at Railroad Depot or Wharf in this city, and a receipt taken for the same. If the carriers insist on our signing a release or other document having reference to their liability, before they receive the goods, of course we must comply; that will not, however, in any way affect the right of the party to whom they are consigned, (who is the real owner) to recover damages for any carelessness or negli- ence on the part of the carrier; but it should be distinctly understood that we, as senders, have no legal claim after the goods are delivered to the carriers properly consigned, as the ownership has passed from us to the consignee. We will, however, use our best endeavors to assist customers in getting claims adjusted. Definite instructions as to Route, Insurance, &c. should be given with each order, otherwise we cannot be responsible. W^hen no instructions are given, goods will be consigned in the manner we think most suitable. Customers wishing their goods shipped or packed m any particular way, must send instructions with each order; also, of any specialty in the getting up of the goods. When no instructions are received, they will be sent in the way they are usually supplied, and shipped in the manner w^e consider best adapted for safety. When alterations in patterns are required, an equivalent charge will be made. In asking quotations of special articles requiring new or altered patterns, it is neces- sary to state the quantity wanted and the time for delivery. No goods returned, will be received by us unless we have been corresponded with, and have given our permission that same can be returned, and unless arrange- ment is made otherwise, party returning must in all cases pay freight and expenses, and be responsible for any damage to the goods until same are received by us. All claims for corrections or deductions must be made within ten days after receipt of goods. Boxing, when same is required, charged at cost. Cartage charged at lowest rates. No goods insured unless so ordered. All freights secured at very lowest rates. Orders promptly and carefully filled. j Respectfully yours, THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS. By Transfer NOV 21 ^9^6 /'y^y^Q./.j H1881>- The J. L. MoTT Iron ¥orks NEW YORK SQUARE, CORNER AND HALF CIRCLE SINKS. SQUARE SINKS Plate I. SIZES. PLAIN. GAL VAN 'D. ENAMELED. 161^ X 121^ ''2 18 16 22 23 251^ 20 20 24 24 251^ 27 24 28 28 30 30 30 321^ 32K 36 36 38 42 48 48 50 50 76 24 30 62 56 60 78 94 120 X 12 X 16 X 14 X 15 X 15i.< X 12i| X 14 X 14 X 16 X 18 xl7i^ X 15 X 20 X 17 X 20 16 18 20 18 21 18 X 211/2 X 20 X 22 X 20 X 23 X 24 X 26 X 22 X 14 X 24 X 22 X 32 X 28 X 28 X 24 X 22 5 in. 6 6 6 6 6 •6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 O 6 6 6 6 6 6 61^ 7 deep , 9 10 10 10 6 $1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 10 25 60 60 70 75 50 50 70 80 10 10 00 40 20 70 2 25 2 50 00 00 40 00 70 80 25 30 75 50 00 15 00 2 50 5 00 10 75 16 00 18 00 25 00 30 00 32 00 $2 30 2 60 25 30 40 60 3 10 3 20 75 00 30 30 25 00 50 5 50 4 75 5 10 6 25 6 25 7 20 6 50 7 75 8 00 9 00 11 50 12 25 16 00 17 00 32 00 5 25 10 50 22 00 35 00 40 00 50 00 60 00 $4 50 4 75 5 25 5 75 6 25 6 50 5 25 6 00 6 25 6 50 7 00 00 25 50 50 8 00 7 75 8 50 9 00 9 50 9 75 9 50 10 50 11 00 12 00 13 25 15 00 18 00 20 00 32 00 8 00 13 00 26 00 32 00 35 00 45 00 4 THE J. L. MOTT IROlSr' WORKS, NEW YORK. MOTT'S PATENT OVERFLOW SINKS. Plate 2. Sizes same as Plate 1. To prices of Plate 1, add $1 00 MOTT'S PATENT OVERFLOW SINKS. WITH PLUG STRAINERS. Plate 3. PLAIN. gal\^an'd. ENAM. AVITH RUB. STOP. Sizes same as Plate 1. To prices of Plate 1, add. $1 20 $1 25 $1 50 SHALLOW SINKS. Plate 4. 1 SIZES. PLAIN. galvan'd. ENAMELED. 24 X 153^ X 4 $1 40 2 10 $3 00 4 25 $5 75 7 50 30 X IIU x4 36 X 19 x4 2 60 5 50 9 25 42 X 203^x4 3 40 7 00 11 00 48 X 22 X 4 . 4 10 8 75 13 00 HALF CIRCLE SINKS. Plate 5. BACK. WIDTH. 1 DEPTH. i PLAIN. i galvan'd. ENAMELED. No. 1, 24 inches. 14 inches. 6 inches. $1 50 $3 25 $6 00 2, 21 " 14 " 6 " 1 80 3 90 7 00 3, 28 " 16 " 8 " 2 50 5 00 8 00 4, 311^ " IT " 6 " 2 25 4 75 9 00 THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS, NEW YORK. CORNER SINKS. Plate 6. SIDE. FRONT. DEPTH. PLAIN. galyan'd. ENAMELED. No. 1, 17 inches. 25 inches. 43^ inches. $1 25 $2 75 $6 00 2, 20 28 " 6 1 75 3 50 7 00 3, 22 " 31 Q% " 2 10 4 20 8 00 SLOP OR DEEP SINKS, CORNER SLOP SINK. Plate 7- SIDE. FRONT. DEPTH. PLAIN. qalyan'd. ENAMELED. 183^ inches. 25 inches. 12 inches. $4 00 $7 50 $11 00 SQUARE SLOP SINKS. Plate 8. SIZES. PLAIN. galyan'd. ENAMELED. 16 X 16 X 10 in. deejj 20 X 14 X 12 " ., 20 X 16 X 12 " 24 X 20 X 12 " 23 X 15 X 15 " 30 X 20 X 12 " 36 X 21 X 12 " 36 X 21 X 16 " 48 X 20 X 12 " 48 X 20 X 17 Add, if with Patent Overflow "and Phig Strainer. u a u u (t u with Rnbber Stopper $2 70 3 50 4 00 5 00 4 25 8 00 10 00 14 00 16 00 20 00 1 00 1 20 $5 25 6 50 8 25 9 50 8 00 15 00 19 00 27 00 30 00 36 00 1 00 1 25 $7 50 8 50 10 00 11 50 11 00 16 00 20 00 28 00 32 00 38 00 1 00 1 50 THE J. L. ^lOTT lEOX WORKS. XEW YORK. SQUARE SLOP SINK WITH ROUNDED CORNERS. T^'ITH 4: IXCH OUTLET IX CEXTER. Plate 9. SIZE. PLAIX. GAL VAX D. EXAMELED. 22 X 20 X 12 ! $5 00 $10 00 I $12 00 SINK BACKS. Plate 10. SIZES. PLAIX. G-ALV D. EXAM D. SIZES. PLAIX. GALV D. EXAM D. 20 in . $1 25 $2 25 $3 25 i i 30 in . $2 00 $4 00 $5 00 22 " j 1 35 j 2 50 3 40 I 321^ u 1 2 25 4 25 1 5 25 23 " J 1 40 1 2 70 3 50 i 36 i: . 2 75 5 00 6 00 24 '' . 1 50 2 80 3 70 38 u . 3 00 5 50 6 50 251^" . 1 60 j 3 00 4 25 1 42 a . 3 50 6 00 7 00 27 " . 1 70 1 3 25 4 50 48 u . 4 25 7 00 8 00 28 " . 1 80 3 50 4 75 Larger sizes in Sections made to order. SQUARE SINKS. FITTED WITH LEGS AXD BACKS. Plate I 1 . To prices of Square Sinks add prices of Legs and Backs. DEMAREST SINK BACKS. WITH AIR CHAMBERS. PIPES AXD COUPLIXGS C0:N[PLETE. Plate 12. PLAIX. GALVAXD. EXAMELED. To prices of Plain Backs (Plate 10), add for| each Chamber with Pipe and Coupling $2 00 $2 50 $3 00 If Pipe and Couplings are not required, deduct 50 cents. THP] J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS, NEW YORK. SQUARE SINKS. FITTED WITH LEGS AND DEMAREST BACKS, AIR CHAMBERS, PIPES AND COUPLINGS COMPLETE. Plate 13. To prices of Square Sinks add prices of Legs, Demarest Backs, Air Chambers, Pipes and Couplings complete; also 50 cents each for cutting Sinks to fit Pipe. SINK LEGS. Plate 14. PLAIN. GALYAN'D. Each $ 50 $1 00 PATENT SINK BRACKETS Plate 15. PLAIN. galvan'd. No. 1 $ 60 75 1 00 $1 00 1 25 No. 2 No. 3 1 50 SQUARE SINK ON BRACKETS AND WITH BACK Plate 16. Add to price of Sink prices of Brackets and Back. DEMAREST'S IMPROVED KITCHEN SINKS. WITH BACKS AND AIR CHAMBERS COMPLETE AND LEGS. Plate 17. SIZES. PLAIN. GALYAN'D. ENAMELED. 30 X 22, 36 X 22, 42 x22 48 X 22. $13 50 15 25 17 00 18 75 $23 00 26 00 29 00 32 00 $27 50 31 50 35 50 39 50 8 THE J. L. MOTT IEO^t WOEKS, NEW YOEK. DEMAREST'S IMPROVED KITCHEN SINKS. WITH PLAIN BACKS AND LEGS. Plate 18. SIZES. i PLAIN. GALVAN'd. ENAMELED. i 30 X 22 1 $9 50 1^1 « ^^ $21 50 25 50 29 50 33 50 16 50 19 50 22 50 25 50 36 X 22 11 25 21 00 42 X 22 13 00 14 75 7 50 8 50 9 50 10 50 1 50 24 00 27 00 14 00 16 00 18 00 20 00 2 75 48 X 22 30 X 22, without Back and with Legs 36x22, " " ^^ 42 X 22, " " " 48x22, " " " Legs, each BRACKET FOR DEMAREST SINK. Plate 19. PLAIX. I GALVAN'd. 1 i Each , $ 75 $1 25 DEMAREST'S IMPROVED KITCHEN SINKS. WITH BACKS AND AIR CHAMBERS COMPLETE AND BRACKETS. Plate 20, SIZES. PLAIN. galyan'd. ENAMELED. 30 X 22 $12 00 13 75 15 50 17 25 1 $20 00 -*fi9lfi on 36 X 22 23 00 26 00 29 00 30 00 34 00 38 00 42 X 22 48 X 22 BRACKETS FOR DEMAREST SINK. Plate 21. PLAIN. GALVAN'd. Each $1 00 ^'^ -'^n 1 " THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS, NEW YORK. DEMAREST'S IMPROVED KITCHEN SINKS. WITH PLAIN BACKS AND BRACKETS. Plate 22. SIZES. PLAIN. aALVAN'D. ENAMELED. 30 X 22 36 X 22 42 X 22 48 X 22 30 X 22, without Back and with Brackets 36 X 22, 42 X 22, 48 X 22, Brackets, (Plate 19), each $8 00 9 75 11 50 13 25 6 00 7 00 8 00 9 00 75 $15 00 18 00 21 00 24 00 11 00 13 00 15 00 17 00 1 25 $20 00 24 00 28 00 32 00 15 00 18 00 21 00 24 00 MOTT'S ''EASTLAKE" KITCHEN SINKS. Plate 23, SIZES. PLAIN. galyan'd. ENAMELED. 30 X 23 X 9 36 X 23 X 9 42 X 23 X 9 48 X 23 X 9 Side Pieces, each, $16 50 18 50 21 00 24 00 2 00 $27 00 31 00 35 00 39 00 3 50 $33 00 38 00 43 00 48 00 4 50 CORNER SINKS. WITH PLAIN BACKS AND PATENT OVERFLOWS. Plate 24. SIDE. FRONT. DEPTH. PLAIN. GALVAN D. ENAMELED No. 1, 17 inches. 2, 20 " 3, 22 " 25 inches. 28 " 31 A.}/^ inches. 6 6K " $5 00 6 00 7 00 $8 00 10 00 11 50 $13 50 15 00 17 00 If without Patent Overflow, deduct $1.00. 10 THE J. L. :\IOTT IR(3X WORKS. XET\^ YORK. DEMAREST'S CORNER SINKS. TVITH BACKS AXD AIR CHAMBERS COMPLETE. Plate 25. SIDE. FROXT. DEPTH. PLAIX. galvax'd. EXAMELED. Xo. 1, IT inches. 2, 20 3, 22 25 inches. 28 '^ 31 4>^ inches. $9 00 6 ' " 10 00 Q}4 " 11 00 $13 00 15 00 16 50 $19 50 21 00 23 00 SOAP CUPS. Plate 26. PLAIN. galtan'd. EXAMELED. Per dozen ' $2 50 $4 00 $6 00 SINK BOLTS. Plate 27. Per dozen $ 40 2 00 75 " packao-e (100) * " dozen. Xickel Plated SINK COUPLING. EXTRA HEAVY TAPPED FOR IROX PIPE. Plate 28- PLAIX. galvax'd. Each $ 75 $ 90 OPEN SINK STRAINERS. Plate 29r PLAIX. galvax'd. EXAMELED. Per dozen $1 50 $2 60 $3 00 Brass Strainers with Brass Bolts, each 80 XICKEL $1 PLATED. 00 THE J. L. MOTT IRO^T WORKS, NEW YORK. 11 PLUG SINK STRAINERS. Plate 30. PLAIN. qalv'd. ^enam'd. enam'd. with Rub- ber Stop. Per dozen $3 25 1 50 1 80 $5 00 $6 00 $10 00 Brass Plug with Brass Stopper and Brass Bolts, each. . NICKEL PLATED. $1 75 2 00 Brass Plug with Rubber Stopper and Brass Bolts, each SINK COUPLINGS. Plate 31. PLAIN. galy'd. Per dozen $1 50 $2 00 IRON SINK TRAPS. FOR LEAD OR IRON PIPE CONNECTION. WITH DETACHABLE RINGS. Plates 32, 33, 34 and 35. Half S Trap $1 25 1 25 1 25 Three-quarter S Trap Full S Trap STRAIGHT CONNECTION FOR SINKS. Plate 36. Each $1 00 12 THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS, NEW YORK. SLOP HOPPER SINKS AND SLOP HOPPERS. SLOP HOPPER SINKS. (merry's pattern.) Plate 37. SIZES. PLAIN. galv'd. enam'd. 22 X 17 X 9 $7 00 9 00 $12 00 15 00 $14 00 18 00 28 X 20 X 9 SLOP HOPPER SINKS Plate 38. SIZES. PLAIN. galv'd. enam'd. 24 X 20 12 inches deep 30 X 20 12 36 X 21 12 $8 00 11 00 14 00 $13 50 20 00 24 00 $16 00 23 00 27 00 SLOP HOPPER SINKS, Plate 39. SIZES. PLAIN. galy'd. enam'd. 24 X 20 X 12 , $7 50 10 50 13 50 $13 00 19 50 23 50 $15 50 22 50 30 X 20 X 12 36 X 21 X 12 26 50 SLOP HOPPER SINKS. WITH SHORT ENGLISH HOPPER AND S TRAP. Plate 40. SIZES. PLAIN. galy'd. enam'd. 24 X 20 X 12 30 X 20 X 12 36 X 21 X 12 $10 00 13 00 16 00 $16 75 23 25 27 25 $19 75 26 25 30 25 THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS, ISTEW YORK. 13 HALF CIRCLE SLOP HOPPER Plate 4(. PLAIN. galyan'd. ENAMELED. Each $3 00 $5 50 $6 50 If with Wooden Cover, add $1 25. SLOP HOPPER. WITH FLUSHING EIM. Plate 42, PLAIN, galvan'd. ENAMELED. Each I $5 00 $8 00 $8 50 CESSPOOLS, CESSPOOL PLATES, &c. HYDRANT CESSPOOLS. Plate 43. SIZES. 12 X 12 X 6 in. deep 14 X 14 X 6 " 16 X 16 X 6 " 18 X 18 X 6 " $1 00 1 15 1 30 1 60 SIZES. HYDRANT CESSPOOLS. WITH BELL TRAPS. Plate 44. 12 X 12 X 6 in. deep 14 X 14 X 6 " 16x16x6 " 18 X 18 X 6 " $1 50 1 65 1 80 2 10 14 THE J. L. MOTT IROX WORKS, XEW YORK. HEAVY HYDRANT CESSPOOL. Plate 45. Each $5 00 LARGE HEAVY CESSPOOL. WITH BELL TRAP. Plate 46. Each $12 00 LARGE HEAVY CESSPOOL. WITH PORTABLE BELL TRAP. Plate 47. Each $14 00 LARGE OPEN TOP CESSPOOL. WITH BELL TRAP. Plates 48 and 49. Each $4 00 1 STENCH TRAP. Plate 50, Each. . . . • $ 75! PLAIN CESSPOOL. Plate 5 1- Each. . . . $2 00 THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS, NEW YORK. 15 CESSPOOLS. WITH AND WITHOUT BELL TRAPS. Plates 52 and 53. SIZES. WITH BELL TRAP. WITHOUT BELL TRAP. Light, a Medium, Heavy, 9 X 9. . . $1 00 1 50 2 50 3 00 $ 80 1 25 2 00 2 50 13 X 13. . . 13 X 13. . . 13 X 13. . . CESSPOOL. WITH BELL TRAP AND GRATING. Plates 54 and 55- Each $4 50 SIZES. CESSPOOL PLATES. Plate 56. SIZES. 4 x4 5 X 5... 6 X 6 $ 20 25 30 40 45 8x8 $ 60 70 80 1 20 5 00 9 X 9 10 X 10 7 x1 12 X 12 71^x71^.. 18 X 18, extra heavy CESSPOOL PLATE. Plate 57. 6x8 $ 50 CESSPOOL PLATE. Plate 58. 6x8 $ 50 16 THE J. L. MOTT IROis^ -WORKS, NEW YORK. CESSPOOL PLATES. Plate 59- SIZES. 5 inch, diameter 6 12 $ 25 30 1 00 LOCKWOOD'S BOILER STANDS. (mott's improved.) Height, 21 inches. Plate 60. SIZES. PLAIN. OALV'D. BRONZED. 12 inch Ring. 13 14 15 16 11 18 20 22 24 Extension piece to raise Standard above 21 inches and not over 30 inches $1 25 1 30 40 50 75 85 2 00 2 25 2 75 3 50 50 $2 50 2 60 2 70 3 00 3 25 3 60 3 80 4 50 5 00 6 50 75 $1 60 1 65 1 75 1 90 2 20 2 40 2 60 2 75 3 25 4 00 60 SIZES. BOILER STANDS. ON LEGS. Plate 61. Length of Legs— 16, 18, 20, 22, 24 and 30 inches. SIZES. 123^ inch Ring 14 " 15 16 $1 10 18 inch Ring $1 80 2 00 1 20 20 '• 1 30 22 '• . . 2 25 1 50 THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS, NEW YORK. 17 STREET WASHER KEY. Plate 62. Each $ 30 STREET WASHER ROD, Plate 63. Each $ 50 1 Hydrant Rod, each $ 75 STOP COCK BOX, Plate 64. Each - $ 75 2 00 Pattern for Phimber's Address, each. net. STREET WASHER BOX. Plate 65. Each " extra heavy {. Pattern for Phimber's Address, each, net $1 25 3 50 2 00 LONG STOP COCK BOX Plate 66, Each. $2 00 BAR SOLDER MOULDS. Plate 67. 2 Bars. $1 00 I 4 Bars, $1 50 IS THE J. L. ^.lOTT IROX T\'0EE:S. XEW YORK. PIG LEAD MOULD. Plate 68. Each $4 00 SOLDER POTS Plate 69. Xo. 1. 5 in. diameter on top. $ 50 Xo. 5. 9 in. diameter on top. $1 30 Xo. 2. 6 65 Xo. 6. 101^ 1 75 Xo. 3. 6i< 70 Xo. 7; 131^^ 3 50 Xo. 4, S 1 10 CHARCOAL FURNACES, Plate 70. Xo. 2. 12 in. diameter on Top. Xo. 3, 13 " •• $1 50 1 75 Xo. -1. 14 in. diameter on top. Xo. 5. 15 " " $2 25 2 50 STRAP SOLDER MOULD. SQUARE BAR. Plate 7 1. Each. $3 00 STRAP SOLDER MOULD, HALF ROUXD BAR. Plate 72. Each $3 00 THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS, NEW YORK. 19 HALF S TRAP MOULDS. Plate 73. iVo inch $3 00 3 00 ■^yz ^^^^^ 2 " 4 " 8 00 S TRAP MOULDS. Plate 74. 1^ inch $3 00 2 " 3 00 4 " 8 00 MOTT'S PATENT PLUMBERS' FURNACE FOR MELTING- LEAD. Plate 75. Price Caldron (only) " " extra heavy $14 00 3 50 5 00 SQUARE CAST IRON TANKS, Plate 76. PAINTED. galvan'd. Each Plate, 18 x 18 " 18x9 Top Railing, per foot Wrought Iron Braces, each $2 50 1 25 40 2 00 $4 50 2 25 60 2 50 The above prices include Bolts, Nuts and Cement. Estimates given for aU Sizes of Painted and Galvanized Tanks. These Tanks are fitted and put together at our Works, then taken apart and each Plate and Piece marked as per Plan, which we send with Tank. 20 THE J. L. MOTT IROX WOETCR XEW YORK. CIRCULAR CAST IRON Plate 77, TANKS. PAIXTED. (iALA'AND. 6 ft. 9 in. diam. 2 ft. deep, holding about 500 Galls.. 6 '• 9 " 4 " " " 1000 •• . 6 " 9 " 6 " " " 1500 '' . 6 '' 9 " 8 " " " 2000 '• . $90 00 135 00 180 00 225 00 $150 00 225 00 300 00 375 00 Estimates for Tanks of other sizes, given on application. MOTT'S WASH STAI WITH PATENT OVERFLOWS, BRASS PLUGS, RUBBER STC ^JDS. )PPERS, AND BRASS COUPLINGS. STAND. HALF CIRCLE WASH \ Plate 78. Plain Slab and Frame . . $12 00 13 00 15 00 19 00 20 00 25 00 7 00 7 50 8 00 13 00 Painted '* " Galvanized Slab and Plain Erame Enameled " " " " ^'' and Bronzed "' '' " and Marbleized Frame Erame — Plain " Painted " Bronzed , . . " Marbleized CORNER WASH STAND. Plate 79. Plain Slab and Frame $10 00 11 00 13 00 17 00 18 00 21 00 5 00 5 50 6 00 9 00 Painted '• " Galvanized Slab and Plain Erame Enameled " '• " " " and Bronzed Erame " " and Marbleized Erame Frame — Plain " Painted '' Bronzed " Marbleized THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS, NEW YORK. 21 HALF CIRCLE WASH STAND. ON STANDARD. Plate 80. Enameled Slab and Bowl with Xickel and Tile Ornament, Standard Bronzed and Inlaid with Tile $18 50 HALF CIRCLE WASH STAND. STANDARD INLAID WITH TILE. Plate 81, PLAIN. PAINTED. GALVANIZED. ENAMELED SLAB AND BOWL WITH BRONZED STANDARD. $10 00 $11 00 $15 00 $17 00 CORNER WASH STAND. STANDARD INLAID WITH TILE. Plate 82. PLAIN. PAINTED. GALVANIZED. ENAMELED SLAB AND BOWL WITH BRONZED STANDARD. $10 00 $11 00 $15 00 $17 00 HALF CIRCLE WASH STAND. ON STANDARD. Plate 83. Enameled Slab and Bronzed and In Bowl with Nickel and Tile Ornament, Standard laid with Tile $17 50 22 THE J. L. MOTT lEOX WORKS, XEl^ YORK. HALF CIRCLE WASH STAND. STAXDARD IXLAID TVITH TILE. Plate 84- PLAIX. 1 PAINTED. 1 aALTANIZED. ' ENAMELED SLAB AND BOWL WITH BRONZED STANDARD. $9 00 $10 00 $14 00 $16 00 CORNER WASH STAND. STANDARD IXLAID WITH TILE. Plate 85. PLAIN. PAINTED. G-ALVANIZED, ENAMELED SLAB AND BOWL WITH BRONZED STANDARD. $9 00 $10 00 $14 00 $16 00 WASH STAND. DRAPED. ON STANT)ARD. Plate 86. PLAIN. PAINTED. GALVANIZED. ENAMELED SLAB AND BOWL WITH BRONZED STANDARD. $12 00 $13 00 $19 00 $19 00 WASH STAND. ON STANDARD. Plate 87. PLAIN. PAINTED. GALVANIZED. ENAMELED SLAB AND BOWL WITH BRONZED STANDARD. $9 00 $10 00 $14 50 $16 00 THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS, NEW YORK. 23 HALF CIRCLE WASH STAND. ON STANDAKD. Plate 88. PLAIN. PAINTED. GALVANIZED. ENAMELED SLAB AND BOWL WITH BRONZED STANDARD. $6 50 $7 00 $11 00 $11 50 CORNER WASH STAND. ON STANDARD. Plate 89. PLAIN. PAINTED. GALYANIZED. ENAMELED SLAB AND BOWL WITH BRONZED STANDARD. $6 50 $7 00 $11 00 $11 50 HALF CIRCLE WASH STAND. ON STANDARD. Plate 90. PLAIN. PAINTED. GALVANIZED. ENAMELED SLAB AND BOWL WITH BRONZED STANDARD. $5 50 $6 00 $9 00 $9 50 CORNER WASH STAND, ON STANDARD. Plate 91. PLAIN. $5 50 PAINTED. GALVANIZED. ENAMELED SLAB AND BOWL WITH BRONZED STANDARD. $6 00 $9 00 $9 50 24 THE J. L. MOTT IROX-T\^ORKS, XEW YORK WASH STAND. ox FRAME. Plate 92. PLAIX. PAINTED. GALTAXIZED. ENAMELED SLAB AND BOWL WITH BRONZED FRAME. FRAME. $6 00 $7 00 $10 00 $11 00 $2 00 WASH STAND. ON STANDARD. Plate 93. PLAIN. PAINTED. GALVANIZED. ENAMELED SLAB AND BOWL WITH BRONZED STANDARD. STANDARD. $6 00 $7 00 $10 00 $11 00 $2 00 DOUBLE WASH STAND. ON STANDARDS. Plate 94, PLAIN PAINTED 1 GALVANIZED. ENAMELED SLAB AND BOWLS WITH BRONZED STANDARDS. STANDARDS, EACH. $12 00 i $14 00 $20 00 $23 00 $2 00 DOUBLE WASH STAND. ON FRAME. Plate 95. PLAIN. PAINTED. (ENAMELED SLAB AND GALVANIZED. I BOWLS WITH I BRONZED FRAME. FRAME. $11 00 I $13 00 i $19 00 $22 00 $3 00 THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS. NEW YORK. SECTIONAL SLABS AND BOWLS Plate 96. PLAIN. PAINTED. GALVAND. ENAMELED. Per section $6 00 1 00 1 25 $6 50 $10 00 1 50 1 75 $13 00 Brackets, each, (Plate 98) " '« ( '■ 99) SECTIONAL SLABS AND BOWLS. DRAPED. Plate 97. PLAIN. PAINTED. GALVAN D. ENAMELED. Per section ^ Brackets, each, (Plate 98) " ( " 99) When Slabs finish with Round Cor- ners as in cut, add for each Drapery End Piece $7 00 1 00 1 25 1 00 $7 50 $11 50 1 50 1 75 1 50 $14 00 SECTIONAL SLABS AND BOWLS. Plate ICO. PLAIN. PAINTED. GALVAN I). ENAMELED. Add to prices of Plate 96, for Sidej Piece I $.1 50 $1 75 $2 50 $3 00 SECTIONAL SLABS AND BOWLS DRAPED. Plate 10 1. PLAIN. PAINTED. GALVAND.! ENAMELED. Add to prices of Plate 97, for Side Piece. When Slabs finish with Round Cor- ners, add for each Drapery End Piece $1 50 1 00 $1 75 $2 50 1 50 $3 00 26 THE J. L. MOTT IROX WOEKS, XEW YORK. SECTIONAL SLABS AND SINKS Plate 102. Slabs and Bowls same price as Plate 96. 1 PLAIN. 1 PAINTED. galvan'd. ENAMELED. Sink T^'itli Back $7 00 1 50 $7 50 1 75 $11 00 2 50 $14 00 If with Side Piece as shown in cut, add 3 00 SECTIONAL SLABS AND SINKS. DRAPED. Plate 103. Slabs and Bowls same price as Plate 9t. PLAIN. PAINTED. GALVAND. ENAMELED. Sink with Back $8 00 1 50 1 00 $8 50 1 75 $12 50 2 50 1 50 $15 00 If with Side Piece as shown, add. . . When Slabs finish with Round Corners add for each Drapery End Piece . . 3 00 SECTIONAL SLABS AND BOWLS ON STANDARDS. Plate 104. PLAIN. PAINTED. GALVAND. ENAMELED. Per Section, including Standard Side Piece as shown in Plate 100. . . $8 00 1 50 $8 50 1 75 $13 50 2 50 $15 00 3 00 SECTIONAL SLABS AND BOWLS. DRAPED. ON" STANDARDS. Plate 105. PLAIN. PAINTED. galvan'd. ENAMELED. Per Section, including Standard $ 9 00 Side Piece, as shown in Plate 101.. . 1 50 When Slabs finish with Round Cor- ners, as shown in cut, add for each Drapery End Piece 1 00 $9 50 $15 00 1 75 I 2 50 1 50 i$16 00 3 00 THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS, NEW YORK 27 HALF CIRCLE SLAB AND BOWL. Plate (06. i i PLAIN. i PAINTED. j GALYANIZED. 1 i ENAMELED. $5 00 $5 50 $8 00 $12 00 HALF CIRCLE SLAB AND BOWL. Plate 107. PLAIN. PAINTED. GALVANIZED. ENAMELED. $4 50 $5 00 $7 50 $9 50 CORNER SLAB AND BOWL. Plate I08. PLAIN. PAINTED. GALVANIZED. 1 ENAMELED. $4 50 $5 00 $7 50 $9 50 CORNER SLAB AND BOWL. Plate 109- PLAIN. PAINTED. GALVANIZED. ENAMELED. $5 00 $5 50 $8 00 j $12 00 HALF CIRCLE SLAB AND BOWL. Plate 1 (O. PLAIN. 1 PAINTED. GALVANIZED. ENAMELED. $3 50 $4 00 $5 50 $7 50 28 THE J. L. MOTT IROX WORKS. XEAY YORK. CORNER SLAB AND BOWL. Plate Ml. PLAIN. 1 PAINTED. GALVANIZED. ENAMELED. $3 50 $4 00 $5 50 $7 50 PORTABLE WASH STAND. AVITH NICKEL PLATED CHAIX, CHAIX STAY AND RUBBER PLUG. Plate 1 12. PLAIN. GALVANIZED. 1 ENAMELED. $3 00 $4 50 $4 50 - COMBINED SLAB AND BOWL Plates 113, 114 and 1 15. PLAIN. PAINTED. GALVANIZED. | 1 ENAMELED. $3 00 $3 25 $4 00 1 $4 50 WASH BASINS. PATENT OVERFLOW AND RUBBER PLUG. Plate 1 16. % SIZES. PLAIN. PAINTED.: ENAMD. , SIZES. | PLAIN. PAINTED. ENAMD. 12 in 14 in $1 60 1 90 $1 85 2 15 $3 00 3 50 1 15 in. . . $2 25 16 in... 2 50 $2 50 2 75 $4 00 4 50 WASH BASINS. COMMON OVERFLOWS. Plate 1 17. SIZES. ! PLAIN. PAINTED.; ENAMD. \ SIZES. PLAI>i. ' 1 i 1 PAINTED. ENAM'd. 12 in 14 in .. $1 25 .. 1 50 $1 50 $2 75 j 1 75 3 00 15 in. . . ^ 16 in... $1 75 2 00 $2 00 2 25 $3 50 3 75 THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS, NEW YORK. 29 FOLDING WASH STAND. (SCHWEIKERT S PATENT.) Plate I 18. Enameled Inside and Painted Outside, with Nickel Plated Faucets and Couplings complete do do do Bronzed Outside do do do Marbleized Outside . . . If with One Faucet, Pipe and Coupling, deduct If without Faucets, Pipes and Couplings, deduct $24 00 25 00 28 00 2 00 4 00 FOLDING WASH STAND, WITH BLACK WALNUT CASE. Plate I 19. Add to price of AVash Stand, Plate 118, for B. W. Case $28 00 FOLDING WASH STAND WITH BLACK WALNUT CASE, COPPER RESERVOIR AND NICKEL PLATED FAUCET. Plate I20. Add to Price of Wash Stand, less Faucets, Plate 118, for B. W. Case. . . '•for Cop. Pes. with N. P. Faucet ,-, '' • " . '• " Cxalvan'd Iron Slop Pail $28 00 7 00 2 00 Cases made in other Woods to order. 30 THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS, NEW YORK. MOTTS WASH STANDS. IN BLACK WALNUT AND OTHER WOODS. CORNER WASH STAND, IN BLACK WALNUT. Plate 124. PLAIN. VENEERED. No. 1, Wood Work only |$14 50 $17 50 No. 2, " " - 15 00 I 18 00 Marble Slabs, Faucets, &c., furnished to order. WASH STAND, IN CLACK WALNUT. Plate I 25. PLAIN. VENEERED. No. 1, Woodwork only $20 00 $23 00 No. 2, " " ' 23 00 26 00 Marble Slabs, Faucets, &c., furnished to order. WASH STAND. IN BLACK WALNUT. Plate I 26. I PLAIN. i VENEERED . No. 1, Wood Work only. No. 2, " " " . $25 00 29 00 $29 00 35 00 Marble Slabs, Faucets, &c., furnished to order. THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS, NEW YORK. 81 WASH STAND. IN EBONIZED WOOD ENGRAVED JN GOLD. Plate 127. No. 1, Wood Work only No. 2, U (( $42 00 45 00 Marble Slabs, Faucets, &c., furnished to order. Boxing Wash Stands, Wood Work only, $1.00 each, net. Boxing for export, $1.40 net. MOTT'S FRENCH BATH TUBS. NICKEL PLATED OVERFLOW STRAINERS, BRASS PLUGS AND COUPLINGS, WITH RUBBER STOPPERS. Plate 128. SIZES. PAINTED. galvan'd. ENAMELED. 4 feet long. ^y^ " 5 6 $18 00 20 00 22 00 24 00 26 00 $30 00 34 00^ 37 00 40 00 44 00 $34 00 38 00 42 00 46 00 50 00 Boxing 4 ft., 43^ ft. and 5 ft. Tubs, $1.00 each, net. Boxing 53^ ft. and 6 ft. Tubs, $1.25 each, net. Boxing for export, 50c. extra, net. SIZES. IVIOTT'S FRENCH BATH TUBS. WITH SUPPLY AND WASTE FIXTURES COMPLETE. Plates 1 29 and 1 30. 4 feet ^y^ " 5 5K " 6 " If with McFarland's Patent Waste as per section, Plate 131, add, ENAMELED. $55 00 59 00 63 00 67 00 71 00 7 00 Boxing same as Plate 128. 32 THE J. L. MOTT IROX AVORKS. XEW YORK, MOTT'S FRENCH BATH TUBS. FOR ASYLUMS AND HOSPITALS. WITH SUPPLY AND WASTE FIXTURES AND HARD\VOOD RIM. Plates 132 and 133. SIZES. i PAINTED. &ALVAN"D. ENAMELED. ^M ^72 6 feet $41 00 $53 00 $57 00 43 50 57 50 61 50 46 00 6100 66 00 49 00 65 00 7100 52 00 70 00 76 00 If without Black AValnut Rim. deduct from above prices, for 4 feet, S9.00: 4)^ feet. S9.50: 5 feet, SIO.OO: 5^^ feet. SH.OO. and 6 feet, S12.00. The above can also be fitted with the ^NIcFarland Patent T\^aste. as per Plate 131. If with same add to above prices, ST. 00. T\^e also furnish above Tubs without Rim or Fixtures, prices same as Plate 128- If with Inlets tapped for Iron Pipe, as shown by Plate 138. add to said prices, Sl.oO- Boxing same as Plate 128. McFARLAND'S PATENT BATH WASTE. FOR IRON OR COPPER BATH Tt'BS. Plates 134 and 135. NICKEL PL. SILVER PL. CUP AND CUP AND STRAINER. STRAINER. Price !$15 00 |$16 00 \ \ , When ordering, be particular to state whether for Iron or Copper Bath Tubs. BLACK WALNUT CASES FOR MOTT'S FRENCH BATHS. Plate 136. PLAIN. 4 ft. 41<^FT. 5 ft. 5 1;.^ FT. 6 FT. Black Walnut Case, with both; I I | Ends and Back (as shown) $48 00$54 00$60 00$66 00$72 00 Black Walnut Case, with both Ends, no Back 30 00 32 00 34 00 36 00 38 00 Black Walnut Case, with one End, | | no Back 28 00 30 00 32 00 34 00 36 00 Black Walnut Case, without Ends. orBack 26 00 28 00 30 00 32 00 34 00 TITK J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS, NEW YORK. 33 BLACK WALNUT CASES FOR MOTT'S FRENCH BATHS. VENEERED. 4 ft. 41^ FT FT. 53^ FT. 6 FT. Black Walnut Case, with both Ends and Back (as shown) . . Black Walnut Case, with both Ends, no Back Black Walnut Case, with one End, no Back Black Walnut Case, without Ends, or Back $60 00 $66 00 $72 00 $78 00 34 00 36 00 38 00 40 00 31 00 33 00 35 00 37 00 28 00 30 00 32 00 34 00 $84 00 42 00 39 00 36 00 Boxing Case with Back, complete, $2.00 net. Boxing Case without Back, $1.25 net- If Boxed for Export, add $1.00 net. Estimates given for Cases in other Woods. MOTT'S BATH TUBS. WITH PATENT OVERFLOWS AND RUBBER PLUGS. Plate 137- PAINTED. No. 1, 51^ feet long No. 2, 6 " With Coupling for Iron Pipe, (Plate 139), extra, $20 00 22 00 75 The above style of Bath can be packed two in a Box, so that boxing one is same price as boxing two, namely, $1.25 net. MOTT'S BATH TUBS. WITH PATENT OVERFLOWS AND RUBBER PLUGS. FOR ASYLUMS AND HOSPITALS. BOSSES TAPPED FOR IRON PIPES. Plate 138- PAINTED. JSTo. 1, 53^ feet long No. 2, 6 " With Coupling for Iron Pipe, (Plate 139), extra. $21 50 23 50 75 Boxing same as Plate 137. 34 THE J. L. MOTT IROX WORKS, NEW YORK. MOTT'S WASH TUBS Plate I 40. G ALT AND. ENAMELED. Price complete, without AVooden Covers, each Tub $18 00 $18 00 Black AYalnut Covers, each Brass Waste Plug with Rubber Stopper, each Brass. Xickel Plated Waste Plug with Rubber Stopper, each. Furnished with Brass Screws for fastening together. $3 00 2 00 2 25 DEMAREST'S PATENT WATER CLOSETS. THE ''DEMAREST." WITH TRAP. Plate I 42. No. 1 $18 00 Xo. IB No. 1-A 20 00 $24 00 Extra if Trap is Enameled, $1.50. Decorated Bowls from 82.50 to S6.00 extra. Boxing, 50 cents net. THE **DEMAREST." WITH OFFSET. Plate 143. No. 2 $18 00 No. 2-A : 20 00 No. 2-B $24 00 Extra if Offset is Enameled, $1.50. Decorated Bowls from $2.50 to $6.00 extra. Boxing, 50 cents net. THE **DEMAREST." WITH STRAIGHTWAY OUTLET. Plate I 44. No. 3... No. 3- A, $18 00 20 00 No. 3-B, Decorated Bowls from $2.50 to $6.00 extra. Boxing, 50 cents net. $24 00 THE J. L. MOTT IROX WORKS, NEW YORK. 35 PORCELAIN VENTED BOWLS, FOR DEMAREST CLOSET. Plates i 45 and I 46. Add to prices of Regular Closets, 50 cents. Note. — ^Be particular when ordering Closets with Yented Bowls to say which style is wanted, giving Plate number. THE " DEMAREST." FOR CISTERN OR TANK USE. WITH TRAP, OFFSET OR STRAIGHTWAY. Plate 147. CLOSKT OXLY. WITH CIST'E-X PAINTED. WITH CIST'RN aALVANIZED WITH CIST'rN ENAMELED. No. 1-A u 1-B. u 2-A u 2-B u 3-A :i 3-B $24 00 28 00 24 00 28 00 24 00 28 00 $33 00 37 00 33 00 37 00 33 00 37 00 $36 00 40 00 36 00 40 00 36 00 40 00 $37 00 41 00 37 00 41 00 37 00 41 00 Extra if Trap or Offset is Enameled, $1.50. Decorated Bowls from $2.50 to $6.00 extra. Boxing Closet only, 50 cents net. THE *• DEMAREST" WITH PATENT BIDET ATTACHMENT. IMPROVED. Plate 148. I Add to price of Closets , $8 00 DEMAREST'S PATENT URINAL SAFE. FOR THE "DEMAREST." Plate 149. ENAMELED. Each. $2 50 36 THE J. L. MOTT IROX "WORKS. XEW YORK. BLACK WALNUT FRONT AND TOP, THE "DEMAPvI Plate 150- PLAIN. VENEERED. Price ... $14 00 $18 00 Boxing. 60 cents net. BLACK WALNUT CASE FOR THE •• DEMAREST."' Plate 15 1. PLALX. VENEERED. Each ... $17 00 $24 00 Boxing, 60 cents net. DEMAREST'S PATENT WATER CLOSET THE ''CLIMAX." Plates 152 and 153. Each $15 00 Add if Receiver is Enameled. $1.00. Decorated Bowls from 82.50 to S6.00 extra. DEMAREST'S PATENT ''CLIMAX." CISTERN CLOSET. ^VITH DEMAREST'S PATENT FLUSHING RIM BOWL AND ES'LET COUPLING. AND BRASS BOLTS SAME AS HOPPER. PLAIE 191. Plate 154. With Cranks. Ball Lever and Valve $16 00 ' •' No. 2 Demarest's Painted Cistern and Service Box (as shown) ' 26 00 Galvanized " " " 1 29 50 Enameled " " " 31 50 Add if Receiver of Water Closet is Enameled. 81.00. Decorated Bowls from $2.50 to $6.00 extra. Boxing Closets only. 50 cents net. THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS, NEW YORK. 3^ DEMAREST'S PATENT SLOP SAFE. FOR "climax." Plate 155. ENAMELED. Each. $2 50 DEMAREST'S PATENT WATER CLOSET THE *' WHIRLPOOL." Plate 156- Price, not including Bowl $8 00 1 50 If with Bowl, add DEMAREST'S PATENT WATER CLOSET THE "WHIRLPOOL.' CISTERN CLOSET. Plate 157. With Cranks, Ball Lever and Yalve, not including Bowl " Demarest's No. 1, Painted Cistern and Service Box (as shown) . . . . Galvanized " " " Enameled " " " If with Bowl, add $8 00 17 00 20 00 22 00 1 60 DEMAREST'S PATENT SLOP SAFE, FOR ROUND BOWL. Plate 158. Each. ENAMELED. $2 50 » THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS, NEW YORK. DEMAREST'S PATENT SLOP SAFE. FOR OVAL BOWL. Plate 159. ENAMELED. Each. $2 75 HOPPER VALVE CLOSETS. FLUSHING RIM, HOSPITAL HOPPER CLOSET. Plates 160 and 161, Each. $12 00 HOPPER CLOSET. WITH S, f S OR -J S TRAP, AND ROUND SEAT. Plate 162. PAINTED. ENAMELED WITH PLAIN TRAP. ENAMELED WITH ENAMELED TRAP. $9 00 $10 00 $11 25 HOPPER CLOSET. WITH ROUND SEAT. Plate 163. PAINTED. ENAMELED. $8 00 $9 00 HOPPER CLOSET. WITH S, f OR i S TRAP, AND SQUARE SEAT. Plate 164. PAINTED. ENAMELED WITH PLAIN TRAP. ENAMELED WITH ENAMELED TRAP. $10 00 $11 00 $12 25 THE J. L. MOTT IRO^^ WORKS, NEW YORK. 39 HOPPER CLOSET. WITH SQUARE SEAT. Plate 165. PAINTED. ENAMELED. $9 00 $10 00 DEMAREST'S PATENT WATER CLOSET CISTERNS. DEMAREST'S PATENT CISTERNS AND SERVICE BOXES. Plate 166. SIZES. CISTERN. SERVICE BOX. PAINTED. aALVAN'D. enameled. No. 1. 24x14x10. 10x6x3 $10 00 11 00 12 00 2 75 $13 00 14 50 16 00 5 00 $15 00 16 50 18 00 5 00 " 2. 24x14x10. 10x9x3 " 3. 24x14x10. 19x10x3 If with extra large Cistern 30x12x14 deep, add DEMAREST'S PATENT CISTERN AND DOUBLE S. BOX. Plate 167. PAINTED. galvan'd. ENAMELED. Price $16 00 $21 00 $24 00 Note. — By mistake in Catalogue, Cuts 167 and 170 are transposed. 40 THE J. L. :M0TT IROX WORKS, XETT YORK. DEMAREST'S PATENT WATER-WASTE-PREVENTING CISTERNS. Plates 168 and 169. ^^^'^^^- GALVAND. ENAMELED. Xo. 1. 24x14x10. 10x9x3 $13 00 $16 50 " 2. 24x14x10. 19x10x3 14 00 18 00 If with extra large Cistern 30 X 12 X 14 deep, add 2 75 ' 5 00 $18 50 20 00 5 00 DEMAREST'S PATENT WATER-WASTE- PREVENTING CISTERN AND DOUBLE SERVICE BOX. Plate I70. PAINTED. GALVAND. ENAMELED. i i Price $20 00 $24 00 ^ $26 00 XoTE. — By mistake in Catalogue, Cuts 167 and 170 are transposed. DEMAREST'S PATENT WASTE-PREVENTING SERVICE BOX FOR WOODEN CISTERNS. Plate 171. PAINTED, j aALVAN D. ENAMELED. Service Box with ^'aste-Preventing Yalve and Ball Lever SIO 00 Jfil.^ OO ifil4 OO 3^ in. Supply Talve with Galvanized Pipe, Brass Coupling and Float 3 00 6 50 1 in. Supply Yalve with Galvanized Pipe, Brass Couphng and Float (as shown in Supply Cistern Plate 172) THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS, NEW YORK. 41 DEMAREST'S PATENT SERVICE CISTERN. Plate I 72. PAINTED. galvan'd. ENAMELED. Each $13 00 $16 00 $17 00 DEMAREST'S PATENT DETACHED SERVICE BOXES. Plates I 73 and I 74, PAINTED. GALVAND. ENAMELED. Each , $8 50 $10 50 $11 50 Note. — Be particular to say, when ordering, whether "After Wash" or "Ready Supply " is required. DEMAREST'S PATENT SERVICE CISTERN AND DETACHED SERVICE BOXES. Plate I 75. See price of Service Cistern, Plate 172, Service Boxes, Plates 173 and 174, adding price of whatever style of Hopper is used. DEMAREST'S PATENT WASTE-PREVENTING CISTERN AND DETACHED SERVICE BOXES. Plate 176. See price of No. 2 Waste-Preventing Cistern, Plate 169, adding for each Coup- ling on end 75 cents, Detached Sarvice Boxes, Plates 173 and 174, adding price of whatever style of Hopper is used. 42 THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS, NEW YORK. SECTION OF PRISON CELLS. SHOWING DEM AREST's "READY SUPPLY " DETACHED SERVICE BOXES, SHORT ENGLISH FLUSHING RIM HOPPER AND TRAP WITH WOODEN RIM. ENAMELED WASH BOWL WTTH SELF-CLOSING FAUCET. Plate \77, For prices of Service Cistern, see Plate 172, Detached Service Boxes, Plates 173 and 174, Short English Hopper and Trap with Wooden Rim, (Trap Tapped for Iron Pipe), Plate 178, Wash Basin, Plate 114, (Faucets furnished to order). MOTT'SIRON AND EARTHENWARE FLUSHING RIM HOPPERS, SHORT FLUSHING RIM ENGLISH HOPPER. WITH S, % S AND 1^ S TRAP. Plate 178. PAINTED. EN AM. WITH enam. with enl'dtrap. Each, $5 00 I $6 75 $8 00 Add if with Yent on Trap as Plate 181, 50c. Add for Tapping Trap for Iron Pipe, as shown in Plate 177, 50c. Add if furnished with Wooden Rim as Plate 180, $1.50. LONG FLUSHING RIM ENGLISH HOPPER. Plate I 79. painted. ENAMELED. Each $3 50 $5 00 LONG FLUSHING RIM ENGLISH HOPPER. with wooden pjm. Plate 1 80. painted. enameled. Each $5 00 $6 50 THE J. L. MOTT IROX WORKS, NEW YORK. 43 SHORT OVAL FLUSHING RIM HOPPER. WITH S, % S OR )^ S TRAP. Piate 181. PAINTED. en am. with p'ted trap. enam.with enl'd trap Each $6 00 $7 75 $9 00 1 Deduct if Trap is furnished without Yent as Plate 178, 50c. Add if furnished with Y^ooden Rim as Plate 180, $1.50. LONG OVAL FLUSHING RIM HOPPER. Plate 182. PAINTED. ENAMELED. Each $4 00 $5 50 Add if with Wooden Rim as Plate 180, $1.50. STRAIGHT BAGK FLUSHING RIM HOPPER. FOR ASYLUMS. Plate 183. PAINTED. ENAMELED. Each $4 00 $5 50 Add if with Wooden Rim as Plate 180, $1.50. DEMAREST'S PATENT COMBINED IRON SEAT AND FLUSHING RIM HOPPER. Plates 184 and 185. PAINTED. ENAMELED. Each ,. .. $4 00 $5 50 44 THE J. L. MOTT IROX WORKS, ^EW YORK. TUCKER'S HOPPER. WITH FLUSHING RIM. Plate 186. I PAINTED. ENAMELED. Each I $4 00 $6 00 TUCKER'S SHORT HOPPER. AYITH FLUSHING RBL AND ^^ S, ^^ S OR S TRAP. Plate 187. PAINTED. ENAMELED WITH PLAIN TRAP. ENAMELED WITH ENAMELED TRAP. $6 00 $7 75 $9 00 Deduct if Trap is furnished without Yent as Plate 178, 50c. ENGLISH FLUSHING RIM EARTHENWARE BOWL ON HOPPER STAND. WITH OR WITHOUT YENT. Plate 188. For i^rices of Hopper Stands see Plates 189 and 190, for Flushing Rim Earthenware Bowl, Plate 418. HOPPER STAND Plate 189. PLAIN. PAINTED. ENAMELED. $1 15 $1 25 $1 75 THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS, NEW YORK. 45 PLAIN, $1 40 HOPPER STAND. WITH YENTILATING PIPE. Plate 190. PAINTED. $1 50 ENAMELED. $2 25 DEMAREST'S PATENT FLUSHING RIM, LONG OVAL EARTHENWARE HOPPER. WITH GALVANIZED IRON COUPLING AND BRASS BOLTS. Plate 191. Each. $10 00 DEMAREST'S PATENT FLUSHING RIM, SHORT OVAL EARTHENWARE HOPPER. WITH EARTHENWARE TRAP, GALVANIZED IRON FITTINGS AND BRASS BOLTS. Plate 192. Price with Earthenware S Trap and Fittings, as shown " Enameled Iron S, ^ S or ^ S Traps as per Plate 181 $12 00 11 50 DEMAREST'S PATENT FLUSHING RIM, LONG ROUND EARTHENWARE HOPPER. WITH GALVANIZED IRON COUPLING AND BRASS BOLTS. Plate 193, Each, $9 00 46 THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS, NEW YORK. DEMAREST'S PATENT FLUSHING RIM, SHORT ROUND EARTHENWARE HOPPER. WITH EARTHENWARE TRAP, GALVANIZED IRON FITTINGS AND BRASS BOLTS. Plate 194. Price with Eartlienware S Trap and Fittings, as shown $11 00 10 50 Enameled Iron S, ^^ S or i^ S Traps as Plate 181 DEMAREST'S PATENT SLOP SAFES. WITH HOLE FOR LEVER PIN. ENAMELED. Plate 195 $2 75 2 50 2 50 " 196 " 19V BLACK WALNUT SEATS AND FIXTURES FOR HOPPER CLOSETS. Plates 198, 199, 200 and 201. Lever only with Brass Pin and Hinge as Plate 198 $ 60^ 4 50 Seats with Levers as Plates 199, 200 and 201 If with Slop Safes as shown, add prices of same as per Plates 195, 196 and 19V. TUCKER FLUSHING RIM HOPPER. WITH WASTE-PREVENTING CISTERN. Plate 202. Enameled Tucker Hopper with Enameled Vented Trap, (Plate 18V), and Painted No. 2 Waste-Preventing Cistern, (Plate 169), with Wood Seat as shown, and Chain and Bracket for Cistern $30 50 4 00 6 00 1 50 If with Galvanized Cistern, add " Enameled " " " Seat with Iron Legs as Plates 204 and 205, deduct THE J. L. MOTT IROISr WORKS, XEAY YORK. 47 ENGLISH EARTHENWARE FLUSHING RIM BOWL. ON ENAMELED IRON VENT HOPPER STAND WITH NO. 2 WASTE-PR EVEN TING CISTERN &C. Plate 203. English Flushing Rim BoavI, (Plate 418), Enameled Hopper Stand with Yent (Plate 190), and Painted No. 2 Yi^aste-Pr eventing Cistern, (Plate 169), Enameled Slop Safe, (Plate 195), with Wood Seat as shown, and Chain and Bracket for Cistern If with Galvanized Cistern, add " Enameled " " Seat with Iron Leo-s as Plates 204 and 205, deduct. $29 00 4 00 6 00 1 50 If Slop Safe is not used, deduct $2.75, DEMAREST'S PATENT FLUSHING RIM, EARTHENWARE OVAL HOPPERS AND WASTE - PREVENTING CISTERNS. Plate 204, Short Hopper and Trap, all Earthenware, with Galvanized Iron Fittings, (Plate 192), No. 2 Waste-Preventing Cistern, (Plate 169), Slop Safe, (Plate 196), on Seat and Iron Legs as shown, and Chain and Bracket for Cistern ._ If with Galvanized Cistern, add " Enameled " " " " Iron Trap, deduct If without " Slop Safe, " If with " Iron Hopper and Trap, Plate 181, deduct $34 50 4 00 6 00 50 2 50 3 00 Plate 205. Long Hopper, Plate 191, with Cistern, &c., as Plate 204, If with Galvanized Cistern, add " Enameled " " If without " Slop Safe, deduct If with " Hopper, Plate 182, deduct $32 50 4 00 6 00 2 50 4 50 4S THE J. L. ^lOTT IROX WORKS. XEW YORK. DEMAREST'S PATENT FLUSHING RIM, ENAMELED ROUND HOPPERS AND WASTE -PREVENTING CISTERNS, Plate 206. Short Enameled Hopper with Enameled Tented Trap. (Plate 178), Xo. 2' TTaste-Pre venting Cistern. (Plate 169). 'Wood Seat as shown, and Chain and Bracket for Cistern $32 50 If with Galvanized Cistern, add 4 00 Enameled - " 6 00 If without '• Slop Safe, deduct 2 50 If with Seat and Iron Legs as Plates 204 and 205. deduct 1 50 " Earthenware Hopper and Trap. Plate 194. add 2 50 Plate 207. Long Hopper, (Plate 1T9), with Cistern, ire. as Plate 206 $29 00 If with Galvanized Cistern, add 4 00 " Enameled •• •• 6 00 If without •' Slop Safe, deduct 2 50 H with TTood Seat and Iron Legs as Plates 204 and 205. deduct 150 Earthenware Hopper. Plate 193. add 4 00 DEMAREST'S FLUSHING RIM, EARTHENWARE HOPPER, WITH CISTERN AND SERVICE BOX. Plate 208. Short Hopper and Trap. (Plate 192). Xo. 2 Cistern and Service Box. (Plate 166), with Chain. Bracket and Xickel Plated Talve Slide, or CupandPuU $25 00 H with Galvanized Cistern, add 3 50 " Enameled " " 5 50 " Hopper, Plates 191, 193 or 194, deduct difference in price XoTE. — 'When ordering be careful to say whether wanted with Shde, or Cup and Pull. THE J. L. MOTT IROX WORKS, NEW YORK. 49 McFARLAND'S PATENT AUTOMATIC FLUSHING TANKS. Plates 209 to 2^18 inclusive. No. 1 No. 1, with Double Coupling No. 3 No. 5 $12 00 13 50 16 00 20 00 Note. — Prices of Hoppers and Urinals, shown under these Tanks, will be found in their proper places in this List. HOPPERS AND HOPPER TRAPS. HOPPER VALVE, SEAT, <&c. Plate 2 19. All Wood Seat, as shown " Wood Seat with Iron Legs, as Plates 204 and 205 Demarest Double or Single Acting Hopper Yalve on Stand. Enameled Slop Safe, Pound $6 50 5 00 3 00 2 50 For price of Hoppers, add as per folio wmg prices. PHILADELPHIA HOPPER. SIDE ARM. Plate 220. PLAiy. PAINTED. ENAMELED. $1 25 $1 50 $2 00 PHILADELPHIA HOPPER. SIDE ARM. WITH LUGS FOR SEAT AND VALVE ATTACHMENT. Plate 221. PLAIN. PAINTED. ENAMELED. 1 $1 75 1 $2 00 $2 75 Also furnished Avith Lugs for Seat Attachment only. 50 THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS, NEW YORK. MOTT'S PATTERN HOPPER WITH SIDE OR STRAIGHT ARM. Plate 222. PLAIN. PAINTKD. EI^AMELED. $1 75 $2 00 $3 00 ENGLISH HOPPER STRAIGHT ARM. Plate 223. PLAIN. PAINTED. ENAMELED. $1 75 $2 00 $3 00 OLD PATTERN HOPPER, STRAIGHT ARM. Plate 224. PLAIN. PAINTED. ENAMELED. $1 75 $2 00 $3 00 SPRINGFIELD CAR HOPPER FOR RAILROAD CARS. Plate 225. PLAIN. PAINTED. ENAMELED. $2 00 $2 50 $4 00 THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS, NEW YORK. 51 SHORT HOPPER. SIDE ARM. Plate 226. PLAIN. PAINTED, ENAMELED. $1 25 $1 50 $2 00 SHORT HOPPER. SIDE ARM. WITH LUGS FOR VALVE AND SEAT ATTACHMENT. Plate 227. PLAIN. PAINTED. ENAMELED. $1 75 $2 00 $2 75 ROUND FRENCH CLOSET BOWL. Plate 228. PLAIN. PAINTED. ENAMELED. $1 50 $1 75 $2 75 OVAL CLOSET BOWL. Plate 229. PLAIN. PAINTED. ENAMELED. $1 50 $1 75 $2 75 COMBINED HOPPER AND WASH BOWL, WITH RUBBER PLUG. Plates 230 and 231. PLAIN. PAINTED. ENAMELED. $3 50 $4 00 $7 00 52 THE J. L. MOTT lEOX ^YORKS. NEW YORK. SHORT HOPPERS. WITH S, % S OR 1^ S IROX TRAP ATTACHED. Plates 232, 233 and 234, Plain I $3 25 Painted 3 60 Enameled Hopper and Plain Trap '' " Enameled Trap, 4 00 5 25 OVAL CLOSET BOWL. WITH IROX TRAP ATTACHED. FOR LEAD OR IROX PIPE COXNEOTION. Plate 235. Plain Painted Enameled Bowl and Plain Trap . . . . " " Enameled Trap. $3 50 3 85 4 75 6 00 HOPPER TRAPS. FOR LEAD OR IROX PIPE COXXECTIOX. Plates 236 and 237. PLAIX. PAIXTED. EXAMELED. 1 $1 75 $1 85 $3 00 HOPPER TRAPS. FOR IROX PIPE COXXECTIOX. Plates 238 and 239. PLAIX. PAIXTED. EXAMELED. $1 75 $1 85 $3 00 HOPPER TRAPS. WITH OUTLETS OX SIDE OR UEEL. Plates 240 and 241. PLAIN. enam'd. Add to prices of Traps for Outlets $ 50 $ 75 THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS, NEW YORK. 53 PRIVY SINKS. No, 1. PRIVY SINKS. WITH demarest's improved oyerflow plug. Plate 243. PLAIN. enam'd. 4 feet long, 16 5 6 u 1 u 8 u 9 u 10 u 11 u 12 u 13 ii 14 u 15 u 16 u 11 - 18 u 19 u 20 ;( 21 '• 22 a 23 a 231^ 24 u 25 u 26 u 21 '' 28 ii, 29 u 30 a 31 ;i 32 •' 33 •• 34 u 35 u 35% '^ in. wide, 12 in. deep in two Sections. in three $16 00 17 00 18 00 20 00 1 25 00 28 00 34 00 37 00 40 00 43 00 50 00 53 00 56 00 59 00 62 00 70 00 1 73 00 80 00 83 00 86 00 89 00 92 00 103 00 106 00 109 00 112 00 115 00 122 00 125 00 128 00 135 00 138 00 i 141 00 144 00 147 00 $26 00 28 00 31 00 40 00 50 00 54 THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS, l^EW YORK. No. I. PRIVY SINKS. WITH LEVER ATTACH:\rENTS. Plate 244, Sizes same as Plate 243. To prices of Plate 243, add $4.00. No. 2. PRIVY SINKS. WITH DEMAREST'S IMPROVED OVERFLOW PLUG. Plate 245. 6 feet long, 31 in. wide, 11 in 1 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 n deep I$30 00 I 38 00 I 42 00 46 00 50 00 54 00 I 58 00 in two Sections i 75 00 I 79 00 I 83 00 i 87 00 91 00 95 00 PRIVY SINKS WITH LEVER ATTACHMENTS. Plate 246. Sizes same as Plate 245. To prices of Plate 245, add $5.00. THE J. L. MOTT IROX WORKS, NEW YORK. 55 MOTT'S LATRINES. WITH DEMAREST'S PATENT VALYE SECTION, &C. Plates 247, 248, 249, 250, 25 1, 252, 253 and 254. PAINTED. ENAMELED. Latrines, each, (Plate 248) with Black Walnut Seat, (Plate 249). . . " " Iron Seat and Cover, (Plate 250).. Add if Iron Seat and Cover are Enameled inside . Valve Section, (as shown in Plate 24*7) Extension Piece, (Plate 251), 6 inch u n u u u a ii. a 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 Quarter Bend, (Plate 252). . . Blank End, (Plate 253) H Branch, (Plate 254), 6x6, 8x6. $10 00 11 50 12 00 20 00 00 25 50 00 25 50 00 25 75 2 50 50 3 50 7 00 $15 00 16 50 17 00 1 00 75 25 75 50 00 50 50 6 00 6 50 4 25 75 Extension Pieces any length to order. MOTT'S URINALS. PATENT FOLDING LIPPED URINAL, Plates 255 and 256. Enameled Inside, and Painted One Coat Outside, with Silver Plated Self -Acting Faucet, and Couplings complete do do do Bronzed Outside do do do Marbleized Outside $21 00 22 00 25 00 56 |THE J. L. MOTT IROX WORKS, NEW YORK. URINALS FOR PUBLIC PLACES. Plate 257. PLAIN. PAINTED. galvan'd. ENAMELED. 36 in. long 42 " $7 00 8 00 9 00 $8 00 9 00 10 00 $12 00 15 00 18 00 $17 00 21 00 48 " . . . 25 00 MOTT'S SECTIONAL URINALS FOR PUBLIC PLACES. Plate 258. PLAIN. PAINTED. I GALVAND. ENAMELED. 5 ft. long, 1 section, 10 " 2 '• , 15 " 3 " $14 00 28 00 I 42 00 $15 50 $28 00 $28 00 31 00 56 00 56 00 46 50 I 84 00 84 00 Any length made to order FLAT BACK LIPPED URINAL. WITH BRASS FAN, SUPPLY AND WASTE COUPLINGS COMPLETE. Plate 259. PLAIN. PAINTED. GALVANIZED. ENAMELED. $6 00 $6 50 $9 00 $10 00 CORNER LIPPED URINAL. WITH BRASS FAN, SUPPLY AND WASTE COUPLINGS COMPLETE. Plate 260. PLAIN. PAINTED. GALVANIZED. ENAMELED. $5 00 $5 50 $7 50 $9 00 THE J. L. MOTT IR0:N' WORKS, NEW YORK. 51 FLAT BACK LIPPED URINAL. WITH VENTILATING HOOD, BRASS FAN, SUPPLY AND WASTE COUPLINGS COMPLETE. Plate 261. PLAIN. PAINTED. GALVANIZED. ENAMELED. $7 00 $7 50 $10 50 $11 00 CORNER LIPPED URINAL. WITH VENTILATING HOOD, BRASS FAN, SUPPLY AND WASTE COUPLINGS COMPLETE. Plate 262. PLAIN. PAINTED. GALVANIZED. ENAMELED. $6 00 $6 50 $9 00 $10 00 CORNER URINALS. ENGLISH PATTERN. Plate 263. i SIZES. PLAIN. PAINTED. galvan'd. ENAMELED. No 1 7 inches on Side $ 75 1 00 1 25 $ 90 1 $1 20 1 15 1 70 $1 75 2 25 2 75 No. 2. 9 " u No. 3. 12 " u 1 45 2 25 CORNER URINALS. OPENING FOR LEAD PIPE. ENGLISH PATTERN. Plate 264. SIZES. PLAIN. PAINTED. aALVAN'D. ENAMELED. No 1 1 inches on Side. $ 75 1 00 1 25 $ 90 1 15 1 45 $1 20 1 70 2 25 $1 75 2 25 2 75 No 2 9 " u No 3 12 " u 58 THE J. L. MOTT IRON WOUKS, NEW YORK. CORNER URINALS. OPENING BEHIND FOR LEAD PIPE. W^TH VENTILATING HOODS. Plate 265. SIZES. , PLAIN. PAINTED. GALVAND. ENAMELED. No. No. No. 1. 2. 3. 7 inches on 9 12 Side. $1 05 1 40 $1 25 1 65 2 05 $1 60 2 20 2 85 ' $2 05 2 65 3 25 1 75 CORNER URINAL. OPENING FOR LEAD PIPE. Plate 266. PLAIN. PAINTED. GALVANIZED. ENAMELED. $1 30 $1 50 $2 30 $3 00 HALF CIRCLE URINALS. Plate 267. SIZES. 1 PLAIN. PAINTED. GALVAND. ENAMELED. No. No. 1, 2, 12 inches on Back. 15 " $1 00 1 30 $1 15 1 50 $2 00 2 50 $2 50 3 00 HALF CIRCLE URINALS. WITH VENTILATING HOODS. Plate 268. >s SIZES. PLAIN. PAINTED. galvan'd. ENAMELED. No. No. 1, 2 12 inches on ] 15 " Back. 1 ! $1 35 1 80 $1 60 2 10 $2 45 3 10 $2 85 3 50 THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS, NEW YORK. 59 URINAL BOLTS, Per dozen $ 40 Per dozen, Nickel Plated. . . $ 75 SIX PERSON ROUND URINAL, Plates 269 and 270. WITH LAMP. WITHOUT LAMP. Price with Slate Partitions, " Iron " $225 00 200 00 $200 00 175 00 STREET OR PARK CIRCULAR URINALS Plate 27 1. ' WITH LAMP. WITHOUT LAMP. Two Person $275 00 175 00 $250 00 One " 150 00 STREET OR PARK SECTIONAL URINALS, Plates 272 and 273. See G-ronnd Plans, Page 135 of Catalogue. WITH LAMP. WITHOUT LAMP. One Person, SinHe Entrance. Two " u " Three " a Four " u u a Double Five " u Six '' u 200 00 275 00 350 00 426 00 500 00 575 00 650 00 $175 00 250 00 325 00 400 00 475 00 550 00 625 00 •Can be extended to any length desired. 60 THE J. L. MOTT IROX WORKS, XEW YORK. SHORT HOPPER STAND, WITH S. % S OR 3^ S TRAP. Plate 274- 1 PLAIN. ENAM.WITH PLATX TRAP. ENAM.WITn enl'd trap Price ... $3 00 $3 50 $4 75 i Add if with Yent on Hopper, 25 c. Add if with Yent on Trap, 50c. MOTT'S PRISON WASH BOWL AND HOPPER CLOSET, WITH S, ^^ S OR 3^ S TRAP, AND IRON OR WOOD SEAT. Plate 275. Hopper Enameled with Plain Trap ... " " Enameled Trap. Bowl " " Rubber Plug. . . If Trap is Tapped for Iron Pipe, add . $10 00 11 25 4 25 50 ASH CHUTES. (schweikert's patent.) inlaid wtth english tile. Plates 276 and 277. PLAIN. BRONZED. No. 1 $7 50 6 00 $8 00 6 50 No 2 . . THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS, NEW YORK. 61 CAST IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS. CAST IRON SOIL AND SMOKE PIPE. Plate 278. SIZES. EX. HEAVY. 2 in. 5 ft. long. Perf 3 " 4 ^' 5 " 6 " •7 " 8 " ^• 10 " u 12 " 6 ft. long. 15 " 5 ft. lonp^. foot. $ 24 30 36 50 60 1 00 1 25 2 00 3 00 4 50 35 55 75 00 20 75 25 00 00 DOUBLE HUB PIPE Plate 279. SIZES. EX. HEAVY. 2 in. Per length of u 5 feet $1 50 1 80 2 10 2 80 3 30 $2 05 3 05 8 " a ■ 4 " u 4 05 5 '' u 5 30 fi " u 6 30 ENAMELING PIPE AND FITTINGS. 2 in. Pipe, $1 40. 3 in., $1 50. 4 in., $1 60. 5 in., $1 70. 6 in., 1 80 Per length NET. 2 in. Fittings, 50 cts. 3 in., 60 cts. 4 in., 75 cts. 5 in., 85 cts. 6 in., $1 00 Each NET. 62 THE J. L. :M0TT IEOX WORKS. XEW YORK. COATING PIPE AND FITTINGS WITH TAR PRESERVATIVE SOLUTIOX. 2 in. Pipe. 3 cts. 3 in.. 4 cts. -4 in,. 5 cts. 5 in.. 6 cts. 6 in., 7 CTS. 7 in., 8 in., 12 cts. 10 in., 15 cts. 12 in., 20 cts. per length NET. cts. 2 in. Fittings, 2 cts. 3 in., 3 cts. 4 in., 4 cts, 5 in.. 5 cts. 6 in., 6 cts. 7 in., 9 cts 8 in., 12 cts. 10 in., 15 cts. 12 in., 20 cts. Each NET. QUARTER BENDS. Plate 280. SIZES. EXTRA HEAYY. SIZES. EXTRA HEAVY. 2 inch $ 40 55 65 1 00 1 20 $ 50 70 1 10 1 35 1 75 7 inch $2 25 3 00 4 00 6 00 10 00 $3 00 4 00 3 - 8 '' 4 " 10 - 5 00 5 " 12 '• 8 00 6 '• 15 - QUARTER BENDS. WITH OUTLETS FOR COXXECTIOX. Plates 281 and 282. Sl.'iES. EX. HEAVY ► 70 $ 80 85 1 00 95 1 40 1 05 1 50 1 30 1 65 1 40 1 75 1 50 2 05 1 60 2 15 1 70 2 25 3 50 4 50 4 50 5 50 2 in. with 2 in. Ontlet, 3 2 4 •• 2 4 3 5 a 2 5 •• 3 6 •• 2 6 u 3 6 (( 4 8 " 4 4 $ THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS, NEW YORK. 63 DOUBLE HUB QUARTER BENDS. Plate 283. SIZES. EXTRA HEAVY. SIZES. # EXTRA HEAVY. 2 inch $ 70 85 95 $ 80 1 00 1 40 5 inch. . . . $1 30 1 50 $1 65 3 " i 6 •' 2 05 4 * SIXTH BENDS. Plate 284. SIZES. EXTRA HEAVY. SIZES. EXTRA HEAVY. 2 inch $ 40 55 65 $ 50 70 i 1 10 5 inch $1 00 1 20 3 00 $1 35 1 75 3 " 6 " . 4 " 8 " 4 00 EIGHTH BENDS. Plate 285. SIZES. EXTRA HEAVY. SIZES. EXTRA HEAVY. 2 inch 3 " 4 " 5 " 6 " $ 35 $ 45 inch , 45 65 60 1 00 10 90 I 1 20 12 1 05 I 1 40 15 $2 00 2 75 3 75 5 50 9 00 $2 75 3 75 5 00 DOUBLE HUB EIGHTH BEND. Plate 286. SIZE. EX. HEAVY. 4 inch $ 90 $1 30 64 THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS, NEW YORK. RETURN BENDS. Plate 287- SIZES. '\. EXTRA HEAVY. 2 inch $ 1 65 85 25 $ 75 1 10 1 75 3 " 4 '' SIZES. EXTRA HEAVY. 5 inch 6 " $2 00 3 00 $2 50 3 50 LONG BENDS. 18 INCHES IN THE CLEAR. Plate 288. SIZES. EX. HEAVY. 4 inch 5 " 6 '^ $1 50 2 25 2 50 5 50 $2 25 2 75 3 25 T BRANCHES Plate 289. SIZES. EX. HEAVY. 2 X 2 3x3 3x2 4x4 4x3 4x2 5x5 5x4 5x3 5 x-2 6x6 6x5 6x4 6x3 6x2 inches , $ 40 56 65 1 20 1 40 $ 60 80 1 20 1 50 1 90 THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS, NEW YORK. 65 T BRANCHES -Continued, SIZES. EX. HEAVY, 1 X 1 inc] 1 X 6 " 1 X 5 " 1 X 4 " 1 X 3 '' 1 X 2 " 8 X 8 " 8 X 1 " 8 X 6 " 8 X 5 " 8 X 4 " 8 X 3 " 8 X 2 " 10 X 10 " 10 X 8 " 10 X 7 " 10 X 6 " 10 X 5 " 10 X 4 " 10 X 3 " 10 X 2 " 12 X 12 " 12 X 10 " 12 X 8 " 12 X 6 " 12 X 5 " 12 X 4 " 12 X 3 " 12 X 2 '^ 15 X 15 $2 75 3 25 6 50 10 00 20 00 $4 25 5 50 9 00 14 00 CROSS HEAD BRANCHES. Plate 290. SIZES. EX. HEAVY. 2 in. with 2 in. Branches. 3 u 3 u 3 a 2 u 4 u 4 u 4 u 3 u 4 u 2 u $ 80 1 10 1 25 $1 00 1 40 1 75 66 THE J. L. MOTT IROX TTORKS. XETT TORE:. CROSS HEAD BRANCHES.-Continued SIZES. 1 EX. HEAVY. 5 in. "^ 5 itli 5 in. 4 3 2 6 5 4 3 7 6 5 o 2 8 < 6 5 4 3 2 10 12 8 Branches ^ SI 60 2 50 ► 4 00 5 00 1 8 00 14 00 5 " 5 " ;( S2 00 6 "' J " ^ 6 '• 6 1 ) 3 25 6 .: 6 '• J 7 " 7 ** 7 *' 1 I 6 00 7 '* 7 *' u 8 " 8 " 8 " it 8 *• 11 7 GO 8 " it 8 "" It S •' 10 '• M 11 00 12 " 12 " } ) 18 00 LONG T BRANCHES, 24 -^-D INCHES Es THE CLEAR. Plate 29 1 SIZES. EX. HEAVY 4 X 4. 24 in. 5 X 4. 24 in Clear $2 00 2 75 3 50 2 50 3 50 4 50 $3 00 4 00 6 X 4. 24 5 00 4 X 4. 30 u 3 75 5 X 4, 30 6 X 4. 30 5 00 6 50 THE J. L. MOTT IRON" WORKS, NEW YORK. 67 HALF Y BRANCHES, Plate 292. SIZES. EX. HEAVY. 2x2 inclies , 3x3 3x2 4x4 4x3 4x2 5x5 5x4 5x3 5x2 QxQ 6x5 6x4 6x3 6x2 8x8 8x6 8x5 8x4 8x2 $ 60 80 1 20 1 60 2 00 5 00 $ 80 1 25 1 60 2 25 3 25 7 50 DOUBLE HALF Y BRANCHES Plate 293. SIZES. EX. HEAVY. 2x2 inches , 3x3 3x2 4x4 4x3 4x2 5x5 5x4 5x3 5x2 $1 00 1 25 1 65 2 25 $1 25 1 60 1 90 3 00 68 THE J. L. MOTT IRO^^ WORKS, :N'EW YORK. DOUBLE HALF Y BRANCHES.-Continued. SIZES. EX. HEAVY. 6x6 inches "] 6x5 '' I 6x4 ^' ; }■ 6x3 " I 6x2 " J 8x8 " '] 8x6 " I 8x5 " S- 8x4 " I 8x2 " J $3 00 6 00 $4 00 9 00 Y BRANCHES. Plate 294. SIZES. EX. HEAVY. 2x2 inches 3 X 3 u 3 X 2 u 4x 4 (( 4x 3 u 4 X 2 u 5 X 5 u 5 X 4 u 5 X 3 u 5 X 2 (. 6x 6 Li 6 X 5 ii 6 X 4 il 6 X 3 U 6x 2 U 1 X 1 u 1 X 6 u 1 X 5 u 1 X 4 u 1 X 3 (( 1 X 2 li $ 60 80 1 20 1 60 2 00 4 00 $ 80 1 25 1 60 2 25 3 25 6 00 THE J. L. MOTT IRON WOUKS, NEW YORK. 69 Y BRANCHES.-Continued- SIZES. EX. HEAVY. 8 X 8 inches. 8x1 6 5 4 3 2 8 X 8 X 8 X 8 X 8 X 10 X 10 X 10 X 10 X 10 X 10 X 10 X 12 X 12 X 12 X 12 X 10 8 6 5 4 3 2 12 8 6 4 15 X 15 $5 00 7 00 12 00 22 00 $7 50 11 00 16 00 DOUBLE Y BRANCHES. Plate 295. SIZES. EX. HEAVY. 2x2 inches 3 X 3 X 4x 4x 4x 5 X 5 X 5 X 5 X 6x 6x 6x 6 X 6 X $1 00 1 25 1 65 2 25 3 00 $1 25 1 60 1 90 3 00 4 00 70 THE J. L. MOTT IRON WOEKS, NEW YORK. DOUBLE Y BRANCHES.-Continued. SIZES. EX. HEAVY. 7 X 7 inches 7x4 '• 8x8 " 8x6 ^' 8x5 " 8x4 '' 8x3 " 8x2 " 10 X 10 " 10 X 8 - 10 X 6 ■' 10 X 5 " 10 X 4 " 10 X 3 " 10 X 2 " } f $5 50 6 00 9 00 i $7 00 9 00 14 00 L 1 1 y SIZE. MONITOR BRANCH. Plate 296. 6x4 inches $5 00 ANTI-SYPHONINC Y BRANCH. Plate 297. SIZES. EX. HEAVY. 2x2 inches. . 3x2 -^ 4x4 " 4x2 '^ 5x4 " 6x5 '• 6x4 '^ $1 00 1 50 2 75 4 00 5 00 $1 40 2 00 3 50 5 50 7 00 ) f THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS, NEW YORK. 71 OFFSETS. Plate 298. SIZES. EX. HEAVY. 2 inch to Offset 2 inches. 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 .4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 ■ " 5 6 6 6 6 4 6 8 12 4 6 8 12 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 20 4 6 8 12 16 4 6 8 12 $ 40 50 60 70 85 75 80 90 1 00 85 1 00 1 15 1 25 1 40 1 65 1 80 2 25 1 40 1 60 1 80 2 00 2 40 2 00 2 25 2 40 2 75 $ 60 90 1 00 1 10 1 25 1 10 1 20 1 35 1 40 1 25 1 40 1 50 1 60 1 80 2 00 2 25 3 00 1 80 2 00 2 25 2 50 3 00 2 50 3 00 3 25 3 50 OFFSETS, WITH 2 INCH OUTLETS. . FOR CONNECTING- IRON PIPE. Plate 299. SIZES. EX. HEAVY. 4 inch to Offset 4 inches 4 " -' 6 " 4 " " 8 '^ 4 " " 10 " 4 " . " 12 " 4 " " 14 " 4 " " 16 " 4 " " 20 " $1 15 30 45 55 70 95 10 55 $1 55 70 80 90 10 30 2 55 3 30 "12 7. L. MOTT IRON WORKS. XE^ DOUBLE Plate HUBS, 300. HEAVY 2 mch. . . S 30 45 65 - 75 80 1 40 1 50 2 50 5 00 S 40 3 " 55 4 " 75 5 " 90 6 " 7 • 1 15 2 00 8 • 3 25 10 " 4 00 12 " 7 00 SINGLE Plate HUBS, 30 1. SIZES. liEX. HEATT. 2 inch. 3 a 4 ii 5 it 6 Ci 7 Ii 8 ii 10 li 12 a 25 35 40 60 75 25 40 50 00 35 40 50 75 00 00 00 00 00 STRAIGHT Plate SLEEVES. 302. SIZES. EX. HEAV\-. 2 inch. 3 " S 1 1 2 5 30 45 65 75 80 40 50 50 00 S 40 55 4 " 75 5 '• 90 6 '' 1 15 7 " 2 00 8 " 3 25 10 '' 12 '' 4 00 7 00 THE J. L. MOTT lEON WORKS, NEW YORK. 13 REDUCERS, Plate 303. EX. HEAVY. To Reduce from 4 inch to 2 inch 10 10 ]0 12 12 12 • 2 ' 3 ' 4 ' 2 ' 3 ' 4 ' 3 ' 4 ' 5 ' 3 ' 4 ' 5 ' 6 ' 6 ' 7 ' 8 ' 6 ' 8 ' 10 $ 50 70 80 1 30 1 60 2 50 5 00 $ 60 80 90 2 00 2 20 4 00 7 00 To Reduce one inch only, use a DOUBLE HUB of a smaller size. INCREASERS, Plate 304. SIZES. EXTRA HEAVY. SIZES. • EXTRA HEAVY. 4 to 6 inch 5 to 1 inch $1 25 1 60 $1 75 2 25 6 to 8 inch $2 00 $2 75 PIPE STOPPERS. Plate 305. SIZES. EXTRA HEAVY. SIZES. EXTRA HEAVY, 2 inch 3 " 4 " 5 " 6 " $ 15 25 30 35 50 $ 25 35 40 50 65 1 inch 8 " 10 " 12 " $ 90 1 20 2 00 3 00 $1 25 1 50 3 00 4 00 74 THE J. L. :M0TT IROX ^ORKS, XEW YORK. T SADDLE HUBS. Plate 306. SIZES. EX. HEAVY. 2 X 2 inches 3 X 3 (. 3 X 2 •• 4x 4 (( 4 X 3 u 4x 2 '• 5 X 5 u 5 X 4 (. 5 X 3 5 X 2 " 6 X 6 u 6 X 5 •' 6 X 4 6 X 3 u 6 X 2 •• 7 X 7 .. 7 X 6 'i 7 X 4 " 7 X 2 " 8x 8 u 8 X 6 '• 8 X 5 «• 8 X 4 '■ 8 X 3 i: 8 X 2 i: 10 X 10 a 10 X 8 u 10 X 6 •• * 10 X 5 u 10 X 4 '' 12 X 12 a 12 X 10 ii. 12 X 8 c 12 X 6 u 12 X 5 a 12 X 4 u 1 30 50 60 75 jv 1 10 1 40 1 50 2 25 4 00 $ 40 65 80 1 00 1 40 2 00 2 25 3 25 6 00 THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS, NEW YORK. 75 HALF Y SADDLE HUBS. Plate 307. SIZES. EX. HEAVY. 2x2 inches 3 X ,3 3x2 4x4 4x3 4x2 5x5 5x4 5x3 5x2 6x6 6x5 6x4 6x3 6x2 $ 35 55 70 90 1 25 $ 45 70 90 1 15 1 55 Y SADDLE HUBS Plate 308. SIZES. EX. HEAVY. 2x2 inches 3x3 3x2 6x6 6x5 6x4 6x3 6x2 $ 35 55 70 90 1 25 $ 45 70 90 1 15 1 55 V6 THE J. L. MOTT IROX TTORKS, i^EW YORK. SIZES. BANDS. WITH OUTLETS. Plate 309. SIZES. 2x2 inches 3x3 " ) $ 75 90 1 10 5x5 inches '5x4 " •^ J $1 45 i 1 90 5x3 " 5x9 '- 3x2 " f 6x6 " ...... 6x5 " J J i 4x4 " ) ' 4x3 " [ 6x4 " 6x3 " 4x2 " ) 6x2 " J SIZES. BANDS. Plate 310. SIZES. 2 inch $ 45 55 70 5 inch 1 6 " . $1 00 1 40 2 25 3 ' 4 " 1 ^ i 8 " SIZES. THIMBLES WITH COVERS. TO MAKE HAND OPEXIXG IN T BRANCH. Plate 311. SIZES. 4 inch $ 60 70 6 inch . $ 90 2 25 5 " 8 •• THIMBLES. Plate 312. SIZES. 1 : galv'd. SIZES. ! galv'd. 2 inch 3 " $ 15 25 30 $ 25 40 50 5 inch 6 " $ 3 4 5 $ 60 5 75 4 '* THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS, NEW YORK. 11 SIZES. VENTILATING CAPS. Plate 313. SIZES. 2 incli $ 40 60 80 5 inch $1 10 1 50 3 " 6 " 4 " SIZES. ROOF IRONS. Plate 314. SIZES. 2 inch $ 90 1 15 1 30 5 inch $1 50 1 80 3 " 6 " . . 4 " PIPE RESTS. Plate 315. SIZES. EX. HEAVY. 2 inch $ 30 40 50 60 70 1 00 1 10 1 75 $ 40 55 65 80 1 00 1 50 1 75 2 50 3 " 4 " : 5 " 6 " 7 " 8 " 10 " SIZES. HOOKS FOR IRON SOIL PIPE. Plate 316. SIZES. 2 inch $ 08 10 12 5 inch $ 15 20 40 3 " 6 " 4 " 8 " 78 THE J. L. MOTT lEOX ^ORKS. XETT YOEK. SIZE. BATH TUB CONNECTION Plate 317. ■ 2 inch $ 75 S TRAPS. Plate 318. ' SIZES. EX. HEAVY. 2 inch $ 1 1 3 3 80 25 50 00 75 $1 25 1 75 2 50 4 00 5 00 3 " 4 '-'' 5 •• 6 " THREE-QUARTER S TRAP Plate 319. S. SIZES. EX. HEAVY. 2 inch $ 1 1 3 80 25 50 00 $1 25 1 75 2 50 4 00 3 ' 4 '• 5 •• HALF S TRAPS Plate 320. ■ SIZES. EX. HEAVY. 2 inch $ 1 1 3 3 80 25 50 00 75 i 1 $1 25 1 75 2 50 4 00 5 00 3 '• 4 •' •• 6 •' THE J. L. MOTT lEON WORKS, NEW YORK. 79 TRAPS- WITHOUT HAND OPENINGS. Plate 32 1. > SIZE. EX. HEAVY. 4 inch Half S Trap $1 50 1 50 1 50 $2 50 2 50 2 50 4 " Three-quarter S Trap 4 " S Trap TRAPS. WITH OUTLETS IN HEEL OR SIDE. Plates 322 and 323. SIZE. EX. HEAVY. 4 inch S Trap $2 00 2 00 2 00 $3 00 3 00 3 00 4 " Half S Trap 4 " Three-quarter S Trap RUNNING TRAPS. Plate 324. SIZES. EX. HEAVY. 2 inch 3 " $ 80 1 25 1 50 3 00 3 75 7 00 9 00 $1 25 1 75 2 50 4 00 5 00 9 00 12 00 20 00 30 00 i 4 " ... 5 " 6 " 7 " . 8 " 10 " 12 " 80 THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS, NEW YORK. RUNNING TRAPS. WITH HUB FOR VENT. Plate 325. SIZES. ! EX. HEAVY. 4x4 $2 00 3 50 4 25 10 00 $3 00 4 50 5 50 13 00 21 00 31 00 5x4 6x4 8x6 10x6 12x6 RUNNING TRAPS. WITH HUBS FOR DOUBLE 7ENT. Plate 326. SIZES. EX. HEAVY. 4x4 $2 50 4 00 4 75 11 00 $3 50 5 00 6 00 14 00 22 00 32 00 5x4 6x4 8x6 10 X 6 1:2 X 6 HORIZONTAL SEWER GAS AND BACK WATER VALVES. BRANDEIS' PATENT. Plates 327 and 328. SIZES. ENAMELED. 4 inch. $9 00 11 00 13 00 5 " 6 " THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS, NEW YORK. ORNAMENTAL PIPE EARS- Plates 329, 330, 331, 332 and 333. SIZES. 2 INCH. 3 INCH. 4 INCH. 5 INCH. 6 INCH. No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 $ 40 $ 45 $ 50 $ 55 45 50 55 60 50 55 60 65 55 60 65 70 60 65 70 75 $ 60 65 70 75 80 SIZES. LEADER PIPES, WITH LUGS. Plate 334. 3 inch diameter, 4 feet 6 inches long 4 " " 4 " 6 " 4 U U Q u 5 u u 4 " 6 " 6 " " 4 " 6 " $3 00 4 00 6 00 5 00 6 00 SIZES. LEADER PIPES WITHOUT LUGS. Plate 335. 3 inch diameter, 4 feet 6 inches long 4 <' " 4 " I' 5 " " 6 " 4 u 6 u 6 u u 4 u 6 u 4 u 6 u $3 00 4 00 6 00 5 00 6 00 LEADER PIPES. BOSTON PATTERN. Plate 336. SIZES. WITHOUT BEND. 3 inch diameter, t feet long. $4 50 5 50 6 50 $3 75 4 50 5 25 82 THE J. L. MOTT IRO^ WORKS, NEW YORK. GREEN HOUSE BOILERS, FITTINGS, &c. DEMAREST'S CONICAL-TUBE HOT WATER BOILERS. Plates 337 and 338, No. 6 $50 00 70 00 ]S[o 9 No 12 90 00 No. 15 100 00 No. 20 120 00 No. 24 140 00 GREEN HOUSE PIPE. Plate 339. 4 inch inside diameter, in 10 feet lengths. Per foot $ 55 EXPANSION TANKS. Plates 340, 341, 342, 343, 344, 345 and 346, No. 1. Height, 32 inches, Diameter, 10 inches, 2 outlets No. 1-A 32 No. 1-B 32 No. 1-C 32 No. 1-D 32 No. 1-E 32 No. 1-F 32 No. 2. 48 No. 2-A 48 No. 2-B 48 No. 2-C 48 No. 2-D 48 No. 2-E 48 No. 2-F 48 10 ' ' 2 ' 10 ' 2 ' 10 ' 3 ' 10 ' 4 ' 10 ' 4 ' 10 ' 2 ' 10 ' 2 ' 10 ' 2 ' 10 ' 2 ' 10 ' 3 ' 10 ' 4 ' 10 ' 4 ' 10 ' 2 ' $10 00 10 00 10 00 11 00 12 00 12 00 10 00 13 00 13 00 13 00 14 00 15 00 15 00 13 00 THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS, NEW YORK. 83 EVAPORATING PAN. Plate 347. Length, 48 inches. Width, 1 inches. Depth, 6 inches $6 00 STOP VALVE. WITH HUBS. Plate 348. 4 inch (3 inch Yalve Passage) , $11 00 STOP VALVE. NO HUBS. Plate 349- 4 inch (3 inch Yalve Passage) $11 00 DEMAREST'S PATENT STOP VALVE. Plate 350. 4 inch (Full 4 inch Yalve Passage) $7 00 DEMAREST'S PATENT RETURN VALVE. Plate 35 1. 4 inch * $9 00 SHORT QUARTER BEND. SINGLE HUB. Plate 352. 4 inch $ 65 84 THE J. L. MOTT IROX WORKS, XEAV YORK. LONG ELBOW. SINGLE HUB. Plate 353. 4 inch $1 75 , LARGE QUARTER BEND. SINGLE HUB. Plate 354. 4 inch . $1 75 PLAIN LONG ELBOW. Plate 355. 4 inch . $1 50 QUARTER BEND. DOUBLE HUB. Plate 356. 4 inch . $ 95 EIGHTH BEND. SINOLE HUB. Plate 357. 4 inch . $ 60 EIGHTH BEND. DOUBLE HUB. Plate 358. 4 inch . $ 90 THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS, NEW YORK. 85 THREE WAY BRANCH. HUB BACK OUTLET. Plate 359. 4 inch $2 50 TRIPLE ELBOW. Plate 360, 4 inch $2 50 DOUBLE ELBOW, Plate 361. 4 inch $1 75 OFFSET. Plate 362. 4 inch $1 00 RETURN BEND. DOUBLE HUB. Plate 363. 4 inch $1 25 RETURN BEND. HUB BACK OUTLET. Plate 364. 4 inch $1 50 86 THE J. L. :M0TT IROX ^ORKS, XETT YORK. RETURN BEND. SPIGOT BACK OUTLET. Plate 365, 4 inch. J $1 50 H BRANCH. THREE HUBS. Plate 366. 4 incli. . . . . $1 50 T BRANCH. THREE HUES. Plate 367. 4 inch. . . . $1 GO CROSSHEAD BRANCH. FOUR HUBS. Plate 368. 4 inch. . . . . $1 25 1 SLEEVE. Plate 369. 4 inch. . . . .| $ 65 BAND. Plate 370, 4 inch. . . . . $ 70 THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS, NEW YORK. SI PLUG. Plate 37 1. 4 inch $ 30 PIPE CHAIRS. TWO PIPES. Plate 372. Per Set $ 25 PIPE CHAIRS, THREE PIPES. Plate 373. Per Set $ 50 PIPE CHAIRS. FOUR PIPES. Plate 374. Per Set $ 75 HEAVY FURNACE DOOR AND FRAME. Plate 375. Door, 10 X 12 , Frame, 20 x 14 $3 50 SIZES. FURNACE DOORS AND FRAMES. Plate 376. 10 X 12 Door, 12 X 12 " 12x16 " 20 X 14 " 22 X 16 '' 13 X 153^ Frame $2 00 2 25 3 25 4 50 5 50 15 X 15 " 16 X 183^ " 23 X IV " 25 X 19 '' 88 THE J. L. MOTT IROX WORKS, NEW YORK. HEAVY DOUBLE FURNACE DOOR AND FRAME Plate 377. Door? 10 X 12, Frame, 26 X ^ >0 $8 00 SIZES. GRATE BARS. Plate 378. SIZES. 18 inch $ 30 50 60 80 36 inch 1 $1 00 22 " 42 " 48 " . . 1 75 24 " 2 75 30 " ! SIZES. SLIDING DAMPERS AND Plate 379. FRAMES. 8x8 opening ! $1 50 8x12 " ' 175 12 X 12 " I 2 75 I DOUBLE OR JACKET STEAM KETTLES. WITH MOVABLE LEGS. Plate 380. ACTUAL DIAMETER DEPTH PRICE EXTRA WHEN INSIDE CAPACITY. IXSIDE. INSIDE. INCLUDING LEGS. CALDRON IS ENAM. 5 Galls. 13^^ inches. 93^ inclies. $15 00 $5 00 8 " 11% " 1034 " 20 00 9 00 11 191^ - 123^ " 25 00 11 00 15 " 21% " 1434 30 00 13 00 21 233^ " 16^ " 38 00 15 00 31 273^ " 171^ " 45 00 43 30 183^ " 60 00 54 " 32^ " 19!.2 " 70 00 69 " 353^ " 20^ " 80 00 83 " . 38 2214 '^ 100 00 105 " 42M " 23M " 120 00 135 " 451^ - 24 160 00 158 " 481^ - 26 " 175 00 190 " 511^ " 271^ " 230 00 222 " 54 2914 " 260 00 300 " 55 40 400 00 Also furnished with Inside Kettle of Copper, prices furnished on application. THE J. L. MOTT IRON WOKKS, NEW YORK. 89 SANITARY EARTHENWARE. S, DECORATED WASH BASIN 14 in. 15 in. Plate 381. " 382. " 383. " 383. " 384. " 384. " 385. " 386. " 387. " 387. " 388. " 389. " 390. " 390. " 391. " 392. " 393. " 394. " 394. " 395. " 395. '' 396. " 396. " 396. " 397. " 398. " 399. " 399. " 399. " 399. " 400. " 401. " 401. (E. No u (( (( u u (i (C u (( Li U U li (( U u (. u u (( u u u u u u 11 u u u 102) 117 $5 00 11 00 3 00 8 00 5 00 4 75 5 50 3 50 4 00 4 50 5 00 10 00 4 50 3 50 5 50 9 00 10 00 4 00 2 00 6 50 7 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 7 00 11 00 3 50 3 00 7 00 6 00 9 00 3 50 3 50 $5 50 12 00 3 50 9 00 5 50 5 25 6 00 4 00 4 50 5 00 5 50 11 00 5 00 4 00 6 00 10 00 12 00 4 50 2 50 7 00 7 50 4 50 4 50 4 50 7 75 12 00 4 00 3 50 8 00 7 00 10 00 4 00 4 00 75 . . 113 90 89 148 79 77 40 41 116 42 101 121 103 115 120 25 112 110 180 181 185 37 59 54 57 49 34 65 100 81 90 THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS, NEW YORK. DECORATED WASH BASINS.-Continued 14 in. 15 in. Plate402. (E. No. 14) $3 50 " 403. " 114 1100 " 404. " 99 ' 4 50 " 404. " 20 : 4 00 " 405. " 50 i 3 50 " 405. '^ 51 ' 3 50 " 405. " 70 4 00 " 406. " 123 : 6 00 " 407. " 146 7 50 " 408. " 213 ; 5 50 " 409. " 32 4 00 " 410. " 205 3 50 " 410. " 188 ! 3 50 " 411. " 53 4 00 " 411. " 52 4 00 " 412. " 167 5 00 " 412. " 160 4 75 $4 00 12 00 5 00 50 00 00 50 00 8 50 6 00 4 50 4 00 4 00 4 50 4 50 6 00 5 75 WASH BASINS. COMMON OVERFLOW. Plate 413. 1 12 in. 13 in. 14 in. 15 in. 16 in. Marbled, each .... $1 10 $1 20 $1 30 $1 90 $2 60 If without Overflow, deduct 10 cents. WASH BASINS, PATENT OVERFLOW. Plate 4 14. 12 in. 13 in. 14 in. 15 in. 16 in. Marbled, each $1 20 $1 35 $1 50 $2 25 $3 00 THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS, NEW YORK. 91 WASH BASINS. PATENT OVERFLOW. FOR RUBBER PLUa. Plate 415. 12 in. 13 in. 14 in. 15 in. $1 55 1 40 $1 75 ' 1 60 $1 85 1 70 $2 65 2 50 16 in. Marbled, each, including Plug. " " less " . $3 40 3 25 CLOSET BASIN ROUND FRENCH. Plate 416. White, each, $1 50 CLOSET BASIN OVAL. Plate 417- White, each, Blue "Warwick," each, $1 60 2 50 FLUSHING RIM CLOSET BASIN. OVAL. Plate 418. White, each, $2 50 BEDFORDSHIRE URINALS FLAT BACK. Plate 419. Large . Small. $6 00 5 00 92 THE J. L. MOTT IKON WOKKS, NEW YORK. BEDFORDSHIRE URINALS. CORNER. Plate 420. Large . Small. $6 00 5 00 BEDFORDSHIRE LIPPED URINALS. FLAT BACK. Plate 42 1. Larsfe $8 75 7 50 Small ; . . . BEDFORDSHIRE LIPPED URINALS. CORNER. Plate 422. Larffe $8 75 7 50 Small SLOP HOPPERS- Plate 423. Large $6 50 5 25 Small SINKS. Plate 424. 20x12 . --- --- -.- $9 00 9 50 10 50 12 50 13 50 20 X 14. . 23 X 16 24x 17 25x17 THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS, NEW YORK. 93 McFARLAND'S PATENT BASIN WASTE Plates 425 and 426. With Nickel Plated Cup and Strainer. u gii^gj. u u u _ $10 00 11 00 LAMP PILLARS AND BRACKETS PRICES NOT mCLUDIKa LAMPS OR GLOBES. PAINTED. BRONZED. Plate 427, for 5 Lamps . . " 427, '^3 " ... " 428, "5 " . . . " 428, '^3 " ... " 429, ''3 " ... " 429, "4 " ... " 429, "5 " ... " 430, "3 " . . . " 430, -'4 '' " 430, "5 " ... '' 431, "3 " ... " 431, "5 " ... " 432, "3 " . . . '' 432, "5 " ... " 433, "3 " ... " 433, "5 " ... " 434, "5 "... " 435, "3 " ... " 435, "5 '' . . . '' 436, •• 3 "... " 436, "5 " 437, "1 " ... " 438, "5 " ... " 439, "1 " ... •• 440, " 3 '• .. '• 440, "5 •• . . . " 441, " 1 " $270 00 240 00 220 00 200 00 220 00 245 00 270 00 200 00 225 00 250 00 125 00 175 00 125 00 155 00 90 00 120 00 140 00 100 00 130 00 100 00 120 00 75 00 125 00 80 00 70 00 90 00 50 00 $290 00 258 00 236 00 218 00 237 50 262 50 287 50 215 00 240 00 265 00 135 00 190 00 135 00 170 00 100 00 135 00 155 00 112 00 145 00 110 00 130 00 85 00 135 00 90 00 80 00 102 00 55 00 94 THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS, NEW YORK. LAMP PILLARS AND BRACKETS-Continued. PRICES NOT INCLUDING LAMPS OR GLOBES. PAINTED. BRONZED. Plate 442, 442, 443. for 3 Lamps with Corona as Plate 438, 444, 444, 445, 446, 44Y, 448, 449, 450, 451, 452, 453, 454, 455, 456, 451, 458, 459, 460, 461, 462, 463, 464, 465, 466, 467, 467, 467, 468, 469, 470, 471, 472, 473, 474, 475, for 3 Lights . with Corona as Plate 438 for 1 Lamp 1 " No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 $50 00 70 00 65 00 45 00 71 00 25 00 20 00 21 00 16 00 15 00 12 00 17 00 13 00 18 50 11 00 36 00 40 00 125 00 80 00 26 00 8 00 15 00 9 00 12 00 18 00 11 00 36 00 7 00 8 00 9 00 8 00 13 50 13 00 32 50 5 50 14 00 6 00 12 00 $56 00 80 00 72 00 49 50 78 00 28 00 22 00 23 00 17 50 16 50 14 00 19 50 15 00 20 00 13 00 40 00 45 00 137 00 90 00 29 00 9 50 17 00 10 75 14 00 20 00 13 00 40 00 8 00 9 00 10 00 9 00 36 50 6 00 16 00 6 50 14 00 THE J. L. MOTT IROX WORKS, NEW YORK. 95 LAMPS AND GLOBES. Lamp as shown on Pillar, Plate 42 Y. G-rand Size, 4 feet 4 inches a c; u u 42t. " .c 4 u 4 u ^-^j^ Plain Crown ; . " " " *' 42 Y. 3 feet 3 inches high " " " " 42Y, Plain Crown, 3 feet 3 inches high. " 429. Height, 4 feet " " " " 431. 143^ inches diameter " " " " 431. 16% " " " " " " 431. 18 " '' " " " " 432. Boulevard Size, aiobe 13 X 20.. . " " " " 432. Grand Size, Globe 18 x 30 " " " " 43^7. 3 feet 6 inches high " " " " 437. 4 feet 2 inches high " " " " 439. 3 feet 9 inches high " " " " 439. 4 feet 3 inches high " " " " 440. 2 feet 6 inches high, with Beveled Edge Glass " " " " 440. 2 feet 6 inches high, with Plain Glass " " " '' 440. 2 feet high, with Beveled Edge Glass " " " " 440. 2 feet high, with Plain Glass " " " " 443. 4 feet high " " " '' 448. Street Size " " " " 453 " " " " 457. Heavy Beveled Plate Glass, Brass Mountings and Gilded Doves, 4 feet 2 inches high " " " " 457. French Plate, ordinary finish with Gilded Eagles, 4 feet 2 inches high " " " " 459. 1 foot 10 inches high Globe " " " 461. 16 inches diameter " u " " 4g4^ 12 " " u " " " 464. 14 " " Lamp " " " 469. Including Frame Lamps or Globes from Special Designs, made to order. $36 00 30 00 15 00 10 00 36 00 10 00 12 00 18 00 10 50 32 00 20 00 26 00 34 00 45 00 35 00 20 00 25 00 12 00 34 00 7 00 30 00 90 00 45 00 10 00 25 00 9 00 11 00 5 50 96 THE J. L. MOTT IEOIST WORKS, NEW YORK. DRINKING FOUNTAINS. PRICES NOT INCLUDING LAMPS OR GLOBES. PAINTED BRONZED. Plate 476, ■" 477. 478 479. ., 480, Into G-round. 480, for Stone 481 482, Into Ground. 482, for Stone... . 483, Into Grround. 483, for Stone 484, for Stone . . . 484, Into G-round. 485, for Stone . . 485, Into Ground, 486, Into Grround 486, for Stone 487, Into G-round, 487, for Stone..., 488 489 490 491 $350 00 125 00 125 00 220 00 1 65 00 58 00 130 00 100 00 90 00 140 00 120 00 1 22 00 25 00 25 00 28 00 43 00 36 00 48 00 41 00 150 00 1 20 00 100 00 1 35 00 1 1 $375 00 130 00 140 00 235 00 70 00 63 00 137 50 105 00 95 00 147 50 127 50 24 00 27 00 27 50 30 50 46 00 39 00 52 00 45 00 155 00 22 00 107 50 40 00 STABLE FITTINGS MOTT'S PATTERN MANGERS. WITH HAY AND OAT BOX AND NIBBLING ROLLER COMBINED. Plate 493. No. 1. — 4 feet 6 in. long. Oat Box Plain No. 1.— " " " Galvanized. No. 1.— " " " Enameled. No. 1.— " " All Galvanized No. 2. — 5 feet 1 in. long. Oat Box Plain No. 2.— " " '' Galvanized No. 2.— " " " Enameled.. No. 2.— " " All Galvanized $20 00 23 50 25 00 30 00 21 00 24 50 26 00 32 00 THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS, NEW YORK. 9^7 CAST IRON HAY RACK AND MANGER. Plate 494. 4 feet 6 inclies long $15 00 CAST IRON MANGER WITH WROUGHT IRON Plate 495. HAY RACK. 4 feet 6 inches long $26 00 CAST IRON MANGER WITH WROUGHT IRON AND GRUEL POT. Plate 496. HAY RACK 5 feet 1 inch long $40 00 CAST IRON MANGER WITH WROUGHT IRON Plate 497. HAY RACK. No 1, 4 feet 6 inches long $21 00 23 00 No. 2,5 "1 inch long CAST IRON MANGER WITH WROUGHT IRON AND SEED TRAY. Plate 498. HAY RACK 4 feet long $22 00 CAST IRON MANGER AND GRUEL POT WITH IRON HAY RACK. Plate 499. WROUGHT 4 feet X 3 feet $26 00 98 • THE J. L. MOTT IROX AVORKS, XEAV YORK. HORSE OR CATTLE MANGER. Plate 500, 4 feet 6 inches long $17 00 CORNER MANGER, Plate 501. PLAIX. . GALVAXI2ED. ENAMELED. $2 50 $5 00 $6 00 CORNER MANGER. Plate 502. PLAIX. , GALVAXIZED. EXAMELED. i $3 25 $6 50 $7 00 CORNER MANGER. Plate 503. PLAIN. GALVAXIZED. EXAMELED. $4 50 $8 25 $8 50 HALF CIRCLE MANGER. Plate 504. PLAIX. GALVAXIZED. EXAMELED. $4 25 $8 00 $9 00 THE J. L. MOTT IROX WORKS, NEW YORK. 99 SQUARE MANGERS. Plate 505. SIZES. PLAIN. galvan'd. ENAMELED. 16 X 16 X 10 inch deep. 20 X 14 X 12 $2 70 3 50 $5 25 6 50 $7 50 8 50 DETACHABLE MANGER, Plate 506. ' PLAIN. GALVANIZED. ENAMELED. $3 00 $5 50 $6 50 SECTIONAL MANGER. Plate 507- 4 feet 1 incL. long $9 00 ROUND MANGER. Plate 508. PLAIN. GALVANIZED. ENAMELED. $2 25 $4 50 $5 75 SQUARE MANGER. WITH ROUND BOTTOM. Plate 509. PLAIN. $2 25 GALVANIZED. $4 50 ENAMELED. $5 75 100 THE J. L. MOTT IROX WORKS, NEW YORK. SQUARE MANGER. WITH ROUXDED CORNERS. Plate 5IO. PLAIN. GALVANIZED. enameled. $2 50 $5 00 $6 50 CORNER HAY RACK. (cast irox.) Plate 5M. Plain $2 75 G-alvanized. $5 00 HALF C:RCLE hay RACK. (cast iron.) Plate 512. Plain $5 00 G-alvanized. $9 00 CORNER HAY RACK, (wrought iron, cast ornaments.) Plate 5 13. Price $6 00 HALF CIRCLE HAY RACK, (wrought iron, cast ornaments.) Plate 5 14. Price. . $13 00 HALF CIRCLE HAY RACK. (wrought iron.) Plate 5 15. Plain $10 00 Galvanized - $15 00 THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS, NEW YORK. 101 CORNER HAY RACKS. (wrought iron.) Plates 516 and 517. Plain $6 50 Galvanized $10 00 SQUARE HAY RACK, (wrought IRON".) Plate 5 18. Price . $8 00 SIZES. CAST IRON STALL GUARDS, Plate 5 19. 7 feet long, 2 feet 8 inches wide . 10 00 11 50 13 00 Box Stall Guard, same pattern, per lineal foot, $2 75. CAST IRON STALL GUARD. Plate 520. SIZES. 5 feet long - 2 feet 3 inches wide 5 " 6 inches long " " " 6 " 6 inches " " " " Box Stall Guard, same pattern, per lineal foot, $1 50 $4 00 4 50 5 00 5 50 6 00 102 THE J. L. MOTT lEOX WORKS, N^EW YORK. CAST IRON STALL GUARDS. Plate 52 1. SIZES. 6 feet long, 2 feet 6 inches wide 6 " 6 inches long, u u 7 " u u 7 " 6 inches " u ;c 8 " u u 8 " 6 inches " u u Q U li u u $7 00 7 50 8 00 8 50 9 50 10 50 11 50 Box Stall Gruards same pattern, per lineal foot, $2 00. CAST IRON STALL CUARD. Plate 522. SIZE. 6 feet 6 inches long, 2 feet 4 inches wide , $7 00 CAST IRON STALL CUARD. Plate 523. SIZE. 1 feet 2 inches long, 2 feet 8 inches wide $9 00 WIRE STALL CUARDS. Plate 524, Crimp Wire, per square foot $ 75 " 525, Fancy Crimp "Wire, per square foot 90 Any size made to order. CAST IRON STALL CUARDS. Plate 526. SIZES. 1 feet 6 inches long, 2 feet 10 inches wide. o (( a u u 8 '' 6 inches " 9 " 6 inches " " " $14 00 15 00 16 00 17 00 18 00 Box Stall G-uard, same pattern, per lineal foot, $3 50. THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS, NEW YORK. 103 CAST IRON STALL GUARDS. Plate 527. SIZES. 6 feet 6 inches long, 2 feet 7 inches wide ^7 " 6 inches " $7 00 7 50 8 00 9 00 Box Stall Guard, same pattern, per lineal foot, $2 25. SIZES. CAST IRON STALL GUARDS. Plate 528. 6 feet 6 inches long, 2 feet 43^ inches wide, Y u u ■ u u u 'T " 6 inches " " " " , $10 00 11 00 12 00 13 00 Box Stall Gruard, same pattern, per lineal foot, $3 00. SIZES. WROUGHT IRON STALL GUARDS Plate 529. 4 feet 6 inches long, 2 feet 4 inches wide, u a .i a a a 5 ' 6 ' 6 ' ' 6 inches 1 ' 1 ' ' 6 inches 8 ' $5 50 6 50 8 00 9 00 9 50 10 50 11 50 Box Stall Guard, same pattern, per lineal foot, $1 75. SIZES. WROUGHT IRON STALL GUARDS. (cast orxaments.) Plate 530. 5 feet long 2 feet 4 inches wide 6 " " a a 7 '' '' a (( 7 " 6 inches long a a 8 u . a a 8 '' 6 inches " (( a $9 00 9 50 11 00 12 00 13 00 14 00 Box Stall Guard, same pattern, per lineal foot, $2 75. 104 THE J. L. MOTT IKON WORKS, NEW YORK. WROUGHT IRON STALL GUARDS. WITH CAST ORNAMENTS. Plate 531. SIZES. T feet long, 2 feet 6 inches wide $13 00 14 00 15 00 16 00 17 00 18 00 7 "■ 6 inches " " " " o u u u u u 8 " 6 inches " " '' " Q u u a (( (( 9 " 6 inches " " " '^ Box Stall G-uard, same Pattern, per Hneal foot, $3 50. RAMP RAIL. Plate 532. 27 or 30 in. Rise, per hneal foot $ 75 CAP RAIL. Plate 533. Per hneal foot ' $ 65 BOTTOM OR SIDE RAIL. Plate 534. Per hneal foot $ 65 HEAD STALL GUARD, WITH FEEDING DOOR. Plate 535. Can be made of any pattern of Box Stall Guard at same price per li adding for Feeding Door extra, $2 75 NET. Lieal foot, THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS, NEW YORK. 105 BOX STALL GUARDS. Plates 536 and 537. Per lineal foot $3 50 STALL POSTS. Plate 538. 5 FEET HIGH. 6 FEET HIGH. Y FEET HIGH. 8 FEET HIGH. 9 FEET HIGH. $12 00 $13 00 $14 00 $16 00 $18 00 STALL POST, HORSE HEAD. Plate 539. Price $16 00 STALL Plate POSTS. 540. 5 FEET 9 INCHES. 6 FEKT. 1 FEET. 8 FEET. $15 00 $16 00 $17 00 $18 00 STALL POSTS. Plate 541. ' 5 feet ' $9 00 11 00 fi " fi inches 106 THE J. L. MOTT IRON" WORKS, XEW YORK. BOX STALL HINGES. (wrought iron with cast iron ornaments:) Plate 542 per pair , " 543 " $8 00 7 00 Furnished Bronzed, jSTickel Plated or in Brass, to order. BOX STALL LOCK. Plate 544. In Brass . $6 00 CAST IRON CAPS. FOR WOOD POSTS. ' PAINTED. BRONZED. Plate 545 $3 00 1 50 1 75 $3 75 2 00 " 546, 4 inch " 546, 5 " 2 25 STABLE CUTTER AND COVER, Plate 547- Per foot " Gutter only. " Cover " $1 10 50 60 Angle Pieces and Blank Knds to order. CESSPOOL. Plate 548- To fit Gutter, Plate 54t. Price $5 50 THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS, NEW YORK. 107 STABLE GUTTER AND COVER. Plate 549. Per foot . .' $1 40 65 75 " Gutter only " Cover " Angle Pieces and Blank Ends to order. CESSPOOL. Plate 550. To fit Gutter, Plate 549. Price $7 00 STABLE CUTTER. (open top.) Plate 551 . Per foot $ 90 : CESSPOOL. Plate 552. Price $6 00 CESSPOOL. Plate 553. Price $4 50 CESSPOOL. Plate 554. Price $3 00 108 THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS, NEW YORK. HARNESS BRACKETS. jap'd or BRONZED. $5 00 2 50 8 00 2 25 2 50 1 50 2 25 1 25 2 50 1 75 75 80 90 30 1 50 1 50 50 3 00 2 50 1 50 75 80 2 00 1 50 3 00 1 25 2 50 40 Plate 555, 556, 557, 558, 559, 560, 561, 562, 563, 564, 565, 566, 567, 567, 567, 568, 569, 570, 570, 570, 570, 571, 572, 573, 574, 575, 576, each, " Large. . . " Medium, per doz. Small each (4 Hooks). (3 " ). (2 " ). (1 " ). ii per pair " (less Wood Roller). a u u Hard Wood Rollers, 2 in. diameter, per foot, We can furnish any of the above Harness Brackets, Galvanized, Nickel Plated or cast in Solid Brass, to order. SPONGE OR BRUSH RACK. WITH SOAP BOX. . Plate 577. Price . jap'd or BRONZED. $3 50 GALVAN'D. $5 00 THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS, NEW YORK. 109 SPONGE BOXES. Plate 578. Jap'd or BRONZED. galvan'd. 14 inches $1 50 3 00 $2 00 4 25 22 " SOAP BOX- Plate 579. ' jap'd or BRONZED. galvan'd . Price $ 35 $ 50 MATCH BOX, Plate 580. jap'd or BRONZED. Price $1 00 CORNER SALT DISH. Plate 581. ^B^o'^D^. — '- Price $ 90 $1 40 SALT DISH OR DRY BRUSH BOX, Plate 582. jap'd or BRONZED. galvan'd. Price $1 00 $1 50 110 THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS, NEW YORK. NIBBLING ROLLER. Plate 583. 4 ft. 6 in.. including Sockets, each. $4 00 INTERCHANGEABLE NAME PLATE. Plate 584. jap'd or BRONZED. Each, not including paintino* of Name $1 50 HITCHING RINGS, Jap'd or BRONZED. galvan'd. Plate 585, " 586, " 581, " 588, Spaniel Head, each $1 00 75 40 40 $1 25 1 00 60 60 Lion " " Diamond " Clover Leaf " HITCHING ATTACHMENT. Plate 589. Price $5 00 IMPLEMENT HOOK. Plate 590. jap'd or BRONZED. Each . $ 35 THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS, NEW YORK. 111 WHIP RACKS. Plate 59 1. jap'd or BRONZED. Per pair $4 00 WHIP RACK. Plate 592. jap'd or BRONZED. To hold 10 Whips $1 00 50 '' 5 " SHELF BRACKETS. Plate 593. PLAIN. galyan'd. 12 inches, each 17 " " $ 50 80 $ 80 1 40 STABLE WITH SINKS OR HORSE TROUGHS, OVERFLOWS AND PLUG STRAINERS. Plate 594. SIZES. PLAIN. galyan'd. 20 X 14 X 12 inches deep. 24 X 20 X 12 30 X 20 X 12 36 X 21 X 12 " 36 X 21 X 16 '• 48 X 20 X 12 48 x_20 X 17 " $4 70 6 20 9 20 11 20 15 20 17 20 21 20 $7 75 10 75 16 25 20 25 28 25 31 25 37 25 112 THE J. L. MOTT IROX T70RKS, NEW YORK. HALF CIRCLE STABLE SINK Plate 595. PLAIN. : GALTAX D. 41 X 18 X 10 inches deep $22 00 $35 00 STABLE SINKS. Plate 596. PLAIX. I GALTAN'd. 30 X 19 X 12 inches deep 36 X 19 X 12 " 42 X 19 X 12 '' 48 X 19 X 12 " $18 00 I $29 00 20 00 32 00 22 00 35 00 24 00 38 00 HOC TROUCHS Plate 597. 3 feet, long 5 '* " $3 50 4 50 6 00 HALTER WEICHT. Plate 598. Each ...| $2 00 I VENTILATOR. FOR WALL. Plate 599. ICach $5 00 THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS, NEW YORK. 113 HITCHING POST. GOTHIC. Plate 600. PAINTED. BRONZED Each. $12 GO $13 GO HITCHING POST EAGLE HEAD. Plate 60 1, PAINTED. BRONZED. Each . $8 GG $9 00 POULTRY TROUGH Plate 602. Each, $5 GG HITCHING POST. PLAIN HEAD. Plate 603. PAINTED. BRONZED. Each 9 GG $1G GG HITCHING POST, RUSTIC. Plate 604, PAINTED. BRONZED. Each $1G GG $11 GG 114 THE J. L. :mott irox tvorks. xeav YORK. HITCHING POST. HORSE HEAD. Plate 605. PAINTED. BRONZED. Each $9 GO $10 00 HITCHING POST. ''SAMBO."" Plate 606. PAINTED. PT. NAT. OR BRONZED. Each... . S30 00 $35 00 HITCHING POST. "JOCKEY."" Plate 607. PAINTED. PT. NAT. OR BRONZED. Each $35 00 $40 00 HITCHING POST. " CHIXAMAX.'" Plate 608. - PAINTED. IT. NAT. OR BRONZED. Each. . . . $35 00 $40 00 GROUND MANGER. FOR CATTLE. Plate 609, Each $9 00 THE J. L. MOTT IROX WORKS, NEW YORK. 115 SIZES. CAST IRON STAIR PLATES. Plate 6IO. SIZES. 19^x31^. 191^x4 . $ 40 50 241^x81^, 35 X 9 , $1 30 2 50 VENTILATORS OR DOOR PANELS. Plates 611, 612 and 613. PAINTED. BRONZED. Price, per square foot. $ 90 $1 10 WINDOW GUARDS. Plate 614, per square foot " 615, " " " 616, " '^ ys inch Iron. '• 616, " '• % $1 25 1 25 1 00 1 50 1 75 VAULT COVERS. Plate 618. 18 inches, $1 50 20 inches, $1 75 MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER, Plate 619. Price.... I $8 00 116 THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS, NEW YORK. SILT VAULT OR MANHOLE COVER- Plate 620. Each . $6 00 WALK BOX. Plate 62 1. Each $4 00 ROAD BOX, Plate 622. Each $10 00 SILT VAULT OR MANHOLE FRAMES AND COVERS- Plate 623, 18 inches 24 " 36 " . $6 00 10 00 20 00 1