New York and WestingliQiisc^ AIR BR^kis Ey CBAS. KcSHANE Book__^.t4A:L_. Copyright !J° COPYRIGIIT DEPOSIT. New York and Westinghouse Air Brakes By CHAS. McSHANE, CAuthor of "One Thousand Pointers for Machinists and Kng-ineers," "The Locomotive Up to Date," etc J EXAMINED AND APPROVED BY J. B. ROACH, D. H. BREES, Air Brake Instructor, G. B. &Q. Ry. Co. Gen. Air Brake Instructor, U. P. Ry. Co. JOHN DICKSON, FRANK P. WILLSON, Ex-Air Brake Instructor, G. N. Ry. Co. Air Brake Instructor, D. & R. G. Ry. Co. W. T. HAMER, ^ B. C. GESNER, Air Brake Instructor, So. Ry. Co. Ex-M. M., Intercolonial Ry* Co, JOHN T. DAVIS S. S. El. R. R. EDITED BY JOHN T. HOAR, Pennsylvania Ry. Co. PRICE. - - - S1.50 1905. GRIFFIN & WINTERS, New York Life Bldg-., Chicago, IlL Copyright, i905, BY John R. McShane. Chicago, III. .--V LIBRARY of CONGRESS Two Copjea rtec«v«ju MAK 3 1906 OUiSS ^ XXc Not COPY a. ^\ <\ T^rtfnct. This is a new book on the subject of air brakes. The publishers' aim has been to give a clear exposition of both the New York and Westinghouse systems, without prejudice to either brake, in a concise and compact form for use at home and on the road. The work has been thoroughly examined and approved by a number of prac- tical men as shown by the title page and, we believe, a careful study of the same will enable the reader to suc- cessfully handle either brake. The publication of this book was delayed by the death of the author, Mr. Chas. McShane, and it is now edited by Mr. John T. Hoar of the Pennsylvania Railway Company. A carefully pre- pared index will be found at the end of the book. THE PUBLISHERS. Chicago, 111., January 25, 1906, TABLE OF CONTENTS. Automatic Quick Action Compressed Air Brakes Essential Parts of Air Brakes Names of Different Pressures . Arrangement of Apparatus Air Pumps The Engineer's Brake Valve . Plain Triple Valves Eight Inch Pump Nine and One-Half Inch Pump New York Duplex Pump Air Pumps in General . The Engineer's Brake Valve Description of the Passage of Air through D-8 Valve in Different Positions Nev\^ York Engineer's Brake Valve Old Style Feed Valve . Slide Valve Feed Valve Pump Governors Triple Valves Defects of the Westinghouse Triple Defects of the New York Triple The Combined Freight Car Cylinder Reservoir and Triple Valve Pressure Retaining Valve The High Speed Brake The High Speed Brake Automatic Reducing Valve . . . Safety Valve High Pressure Control . The Automatic Slack Adjuster Foundation Brakes and Table Handling Trains The Train Air Signal System Air Signal System Detail Page 5 6-8 9 9-10 10-13 13-15 15-26 29-33 34-39 40-42 43-48 48-59 62-74 74-79 79-85 83-98 104-121 121-124 125-135 133-135 136-140 140-141 141-144 145-146 146-148 148-156 156-164 164-181 181-185 185-196 NEW YORK AND WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKES AUTOMATIC QUICK ACTION" COMPRESSED AIR BRAKES. So general has become the use of automatic air brakes on both passenger and freight trains for the purpose of bringing them from high speeds to a state of rest, or while on descending grades, to control their speed, that there is no railway employee whose duties require him to assist in the movement of trains but mens a steam port leading to the outer face of the large differential piston yj. The pressure admitted to the outer face of this piston combined with the pressure acting upon the inside face of the small- er piston moves the differential piston and along with it, the main slide valve 76 in the opposite direction or to the left, and in doing so the steam port leading to the upper end of the steam cylin- der is uncovered so as to admit steam to this end, while the lower steam port is connected with the exhaust passage leading to the atmosphere, through main slide valve cavity. Q. When the downward stroke is made how is the action of the piston reversed? 36 A. When the main piston approaches close to the lower end of its stroke, the reversing valve plate engages the button head, formed on the lower end of the reversing valve rod, and moves it, together with the reversing slide valve, downward until the latter (^h. Dickson says:) ^'covers steam port leading to outer face of differential piston and opens a port from same to the atmosphere." The steam act- ing on the inside face moves differential piston and main slide valve to the right which uncov- ers the steam port leading to the lower end of the steam cylinder, and at the same time connects the steam port to the upper end of the cylinder v^ith the atmosphere. O. How is the reversing slide valve supplied with steam ? A. It is supplied through a suitable port, lo- cated between the ends of the differential piston, which leads to the reversing slide valve chamber. O. Describe the operation of the air end of the pump? A. It is the same as that of the eight-inch pump. When the air piston is descending in the air cylinder, the air underneath it is being com- pressed and driven out through the lower dis- charge valve to the main reservoir, while at the same time the upper receiving valve is open, and air from the atmosphere is entering the air cylin- der filling the space behind the piston. On the upward stroke, as the air piston is ascending, the YORK DUPLEX PUMP. 37 air in front of it is compressed and driven out through the upper discharge valve, while at the same time the lower receiving valve is open and air is entering the cylinder filling the space be- hind the air piston. In the operation of all air compressors the air pistons are double acting. Q. What is meant by double acting air pumps ? A. It is meant that they have two sets of air valves — two receiving and two discharge valves — and that at each stroke of the air piston air is both taken into and discharged from the cylinder. Q. How many cylinders has the New York Duplex pump ? A. It has two combined steam and two com- bined air cylinders, making four in all. Q. How do the cyUnders compare in size? A. Both steam cylinders and one air cylin- der are the same in diameter, and the other air cylinder is of such a diameter as to give double the cubical capacity of any one of the other cyl- inders. Q. How is steam admitted to the steam cyl- inder ? A. Steam is admitted to the steam cylinders through ports controlled by ordinary D slide valves. O. How m-any slide valves and reversing valve rods are required? A. Two of each. One slide valve and one tappet rod for each cylinder. Mr. Dickson says 38 DUPLEX AIR PUMP. -2 Steam cylinders. -4 Air cylinders. -6 Slide valves. -8 Valve stems. -10 Receiving air valves. -12 Intermediate receiving and discharge air valves. 14 Discharging air valves. Steam chest caps. 17 Steam chest bushings. Piston rods. Upper steam head. Tappet plates. 22 Steam pistons. Low pressure air piston. High pressure air piston rings. Low pressure air piston rings. Center piece (forms up- per steam cylinder head and lower air cylinder heads). Stuffing boxes. Stuffing box nuts. Stuffing box glands. Lower receiving valve chamber. Lower intermediate valve seat. Upper receiving valve seat. 42 Upper intermediate valve seat. 43 Upper intermediate valve chamber. 44 Upper discharging valve cap. 45 Upper discharging valve seat. 46 Lower discharging valve seat. 47 Top air cylinder head. 48 Upper air cylinder gas- ket. 49 Lower air cylinder gas- ket. tSO Upper steam cylinder gasket. 51 Lower steam cylinder gasket. 52 Cylinder head bolts. 53 Air cylinder oil cups. 54 Drain cock. 55 Tappet plate bolt. 56 Governor union stud. 57 Governor union nut. 58 Exhaust union stud. 59 Exhaust union nut. 60 Exhaust union swivel. 63 Air union stud. 64 Air union nut. 65 74 Air union swivel. Piston rod nut. 87 Jacket screws. 39 they should be called tappet rods instead of re- versing valve rods. Q. How are reversing slide valves operated? A. They are moved by means of the tappet rods, and tappet plates and the main pistons. Q. Does each steam piston operate the slide valve that controls the admission to and the ex- haust of steam from its own cylinder? A. No; each steam piston moves the slide valve that controls the steam distribution in the other steam' cylinder. Q. How is it that the slide valve under one steam cylinder can control the admission and the exhaust of steam to and from the other steam cylinder ? A. It is because the steam ports are crossed — that is, the steam ports controlled by one of the slide valves cross over and lead to the other cylinder. O. Describe the reversing sHde valves and their seats. A. They are ordinary D slide valves, very much like those used in locomotives, and in their seats there are three ports, two steam and one — the middle one — an exhaust port. Q. What moves the reversing slide valves ? A. The tappet rods which are fitted into holes drilled into the steam ends of the piston rod, and in turn these rods are moved by tappet rod plates bolted to the piston head. 40 Q. How are the steam ports arranged in the steam chest of the duplex pump ? A. The upper port in the left chest leads to the lower end of the right steam cylinder, and the upper port of the right steam chest leads to the upper end of the left steam cylinder. The lower port in the right steam chest leads to the lower end of the left steam cylinder and the lower left steam port leads to the upper end of the right steam cylinder. O. Do both pistons of the duplex pump move in the same or opposite directions at the same time? A. Both pistons of the duplex pump do not move in any direction at the same time. But one piston moves at a time, and after it has com- pleted its stroke it waits until the other piston makes a stroke before commencing its return stroke. Q. In starting the pump, which piston makes the first stroke? A. The right hand piston, or the one below the larger air cylinder, commonly called the low- pressure piston. O. How do the pistons move, upon starting the pump? A. Both pistons and both slide valves being at their lower extremities, upon turning on steam to the pump, the right hand piston moves to the upper end of its stroke, moving its slide valve to the upper extremity of its travel, just before 41 reaching the end of its stroke ; it then waits until the other piston makes its upstroke and changes its sHde valve, so as to admit steam to the upper end of the right piston and to exhaust steam from the lov^^er side of the right piston, thus providing for the latter's dow^n stroke. As it approaches the end of its down stroke, it again moves its slide valve in the downward direction, and so provides for the down stroke of the left piston. Q. How many air valves has the New York duplex pump? A. Six. Q. What are they called? A. TwO' are called the air inlet valves; two, the intermediate airlet and discharge valves; and two, the final discharge valves. Q. How is air taken into the air end of the pump, compressed and discharged to the main reservoir ? A. The large or low pressure piston moves up first, creating a vacuum in its cylinder behind it, which is filled with air from the atmosphere, drawn into the cylinder through the lower air inlet valve lo; when the small or high pressure air piston moves up, creating a vacuum in its cylinder behind it, which is filled with air from the atmosphere, drawn into the air cylinder through the lower air-inlet and the lower inter- mediate air-inlet and discharge valves lo and 12. After the high pressure piston has completed its up-stroke, both air cylinders are filled with free 42 air at atmospheric pressure, and the low-pressure piston commences to move downward and to compress the air in front of it previously received on the up stroke, and to discharge it into the high pressure air cylinder through the lower in- termediate air-let and discharge valve 12. After the low pressure piston has completed its down stroke and has forced the contents of the large air cylinder into the small air cylinder, the high pressure -air piston makes its down stroke and forces air the air in the high pressure air cylinder in front of it into the main reservoir through the lower final discharge valve 14. On the down stroke of both pistons air from the atmosphere is taken into the air cylinders in precisely the same manner as that explained for the up stroke and the operation of compression and final dis- charge of air to the main reservoir is the same for the up stroke as for the down stroke. Q. At about what pressure does the low pressure piston work against? A. About forty pounds, after the pressure has been accumulated in the main reservoir. Q. How much pressure does the high pres- sure piston work against? A. A trifle higher than main reservoir pres- sure, which is generally ninety pounds. 43 AIR PUMPS IN GENERAL. Q. How should an air pump be started ? A. The air pump, no matter of what make, should be started slowly at first and should not be speeded up until a pressure of forty pounds has accumulated in the main reservoir. Q. Why should an air pump be run slowly until considerable pressure has accumulated in the main reservoir? A. Because all air compressors, used to fur- nish air pressure for the automatic air brake, de- pend, to a considerable extent, upon the pressure in the main reservoir for a cushion for the air pistons, so as to prevent them from striking the cylinder head. Q. How fast should an air pump be run? A. Just fast enough to keep up the required train-pipe pressure and no faster. Q. What will be the result if the rod packing blows out? A. It will blow the oil from the swab on the piston rods and if the blow comes from the air end of the pump it will greatly reduce its effi- ciency. Q. What are the most common causes of knocks or pounds in air pumps? A. The lack of air cushions to stop the pis- tons at the completion of their stroke, loose nuts on the ends of the air pistons, leaky air valves or loose pistons, due tO' pounding on cylinder 44 heads. Mr. Gesner adds: 'Too much Hft in discharge valves or pump being loose on its brackets.'' Mr. Dickson gives the following an- swer to the above question: ''On Westinghouse pumps, wear of reversing plate or between shoul- ders of reversing rod, stuck air valves or air valves with too much lift, loose nuts on pistons. On the New York pump, loss of cushion by leaky oil cups, receiving valves, packing rings of air pistons, piston rod packing of air end or cylinder head gaskets. On either kind of pump, loose on brackets or running fast against too low a pres- sure." Q. What should be done at about the same time that the steam throttle to the air pump is opened ? A. The lubricator should be started and it should be allowed to feed freely at first, and afterward, w4ien the pump is free from all water or condensation and thoroughly warmed up, the feed should be adjusted to meet the work the pump has to do. Q. When should the air cylinders of air pumps be oiled? A. The air cylinder of any air pump, required to do heavy duty, should receive a small quantity of good oil that will stand a high degree of heat, before it is started, and should be oiled as often during the trip as circumstances and the work it is doing indicate it should be oiled. The air cylinders of air pumps require oil more often 45 nowadays than they did formerly when air brake trains w^ere shorter. Q. What kind of oil is good for the air cylin- ders? A. Valve oil gives best results. Q. How should oil be introduced to the air cylinders ? A. Through the oil cups provided for that purpose. Q. Should oil ever be introduced through the air-inlet valve? A. No; oil, if introduced through the air- inlet valve, will gum up the air valves and air passages, and thus tend to make the pump run hot. Q. How tight should the piston rods be packed ? A. Just tight enough to prevent leakage of steam or of air. O. How should the air pump be run while descending grades? A. With the pump throttle well open, and fast enough to provide an ample supply of air. Q. While ascending grades or going over level road, how should the air pump be run? A. Fast enough to maintain the required pressure in the train pipe and auxiliaries — that is, fast enough to do the work required. O. With the New York pump, if the ex- hausts are not spaced properly, what could be the trouble ? 46 A. Leakage of air from the main reservoir back into the high pressure air cyHnder, unequal Hft of air valve, back leakage between high and low pressure cylinders, or some one of the air valves stuck open or held fast to its seat. Q. If an intermediate valve or a cylinder head gasket is leaking between the air cylinders, how could it be detected? A. Two of the steam exhausts will sound well apart, and two will sound close together. Q. How is it that leaks of the above descrip- tion cause the exhausts to sound irregular? A. Because air leaking from the high pres- sure cylinder back into the low pressure cyHn- der creates an air pressure in the latter that tends to force the low pressure piston in the same di- rection that the steam pressure is, and therefore, it makes a very quick stroke. O. ' When three strokes of the duplex pump are irregular, but the fourth is made very slowly, what is the trouble? A. An intermediate discharge valve possibly may be broken, but the trouble is more likely to be air cylinder gasket leaking betvveen the final discharge valve cavity and the high pressure cylinder, or the lower intermediate valve seat is loose, and has unscrewed, raising the intermedi- ate valve against its stop post. Q. What will be the effect if the upper inter- mediate valve seat works loose? A. The upper intermediate valve seat forms 47 the lift stop for the upper receiving valve, and if it gets loose it will work clown and prevent the opening of the receiving valve. Q. Which air cylinder of the duplex pump requires more oil than the other? A. The high-pressure air cylinder will re- quire more oil than the low pressure, owing to the compression in the cylinder being higher. Q. What should be done when an air pump stops of its own accord? A. About the first place to look is at the small escape port in the neck of the governor or in the top of governor piston cylinder. If there is a constant flow of pressure at this small hole (Mr. Gesner says:) ''while the brakes are ap- plied with the New York and releasing with the Westinghouse equipment," it indicates that the diaphragm valve, or pin valve, as the case may be, is leaking. If there is not a flow of air at this port, push a pin into it and make sure it is not blocked up, after which, if the pump does not start, close the pump throttle, open the waste cock to the steam head of pump, allowing all pressure to escape, then close the waste cock and open the throttle quickly. Q. If, after the throttle test is made, the low pressure piston moves up to and stops at the upper end of its stroke, and the high pressure piston refuses to move, where should one look for the trouble? A. In the steam head of the pump under the 48 low pressure piston. Either the low pressure tappet rod is broken or its reversing valve plate is worn through. O. After the throttle test, suppose the low pressure piston makes the up stroke, then the high pressure piston makes its up stroke, but the low pressure piston refuses to make its down stroke, where would the trouble be? A. In the steam cylinder or head of the high pressure cylinder. Probably the tappet rod is broken or its tappet plate is worn through. Mr. Dickson asks and answers the following ques- tion : O. What is the cause of the air pump run- ning hot? A. Air piston packing rings leaking; dis- charge valves leaking; too small an amount of lift of discharge valve, discharge valves stuck, or discharge pipe or ports plugged; racing the pump, or continual compression against too high main reservoir pressure. THE ENGINEER'S BRAKE VALVE. DESCRIPTION OF THE PASSAGE OF AIR THROUGH D 8 VALVE IN DIFFERENT POSITIONS. Full Release Position. \Mth the handle of the valve in full release position (Fig. 9) air coming from the main reservoir enters the brake valve at X passes to 49 WESTINGHOUSE D-8 ENGINEER'S BRAKE VALVE. 24 -—To Smau. ReacnvoM Fig. 8. .so D-8 BRAKE VALVE. C noi MM-'' 51 top of the rotary, through port a of the rotary 13, port b of the rotary seat and into cavity c of the rotary, thence through port / into the train line at Y. Port g in the rotary seat (Fig. 8) leads to chamber D and is exposed tO' cavity c of the rotary with the valve in this position so that air passing from the main " reservoir into train line through cavity c is also free to go to the little drum through port g. In this position port y in the rotary is open to port e in the rotary seat and main reservoir pressure passes directly to the little drum through these ports. RUNNING POSITION. In this position port / in the rotary is moved around so that it communicates with port / in the rotary seat. Main reservoir pressure coming from the top of the rotary feeds through ports y and / and strikes the excess pressure valve which is held to its seat by the excess pressure spring. This spring has a tension of 20 pounds so that when main reservoir pressure is 20 pounds greater than that back of the valve, or train line pressure, the valve is forced from its seat and main reservoir air passes through port / (Fig, 8) into port / and into the train line at Y (Fig. 9). While the air feeds into the train line through port / it feeds up under the rotary into cavity c which is exposed to port / as in full release, port g in rotary seat (Fig. 8) is still exposed to cavity c and the air passing into the 52 train line also passes up into cavity c and through port g into cavity D or the Httle drum (Figs. 8 and 9). In lap position all ports are blanked. In service position the slot p on the under side of the rotary connects port e which leads through the rotary seat to the little drum with port h in the rotary seat leading to the atmos- phere. The emergency position of this valve is tlie same as the D5, F6 or G6 valves. Q. What is the engineer's brake valve? A. It is the valve with which the engineer controls the operation of the brakes on the train. Q. How many positions are there for the handle of this valve? A. Five. O. What are they called? A. Full release, running, lap, service and emergency, and commencing with full release po- sition they are arranged in the order named. O. Is the old Westinghouse D 8 valve still in use ? A. Yes ; quite extensively. O. How does this valve compare with the G 6 and other brake valves of the Westinghouse type? A. Though the valves are constructed differ- ently, the results obtained are the same. O. In full release position how many ports lead to little drum? A. Two ; the same as with the F 6 or G 6. 53 Q. What gives us the excess pressure in the main reservoir? A. The excess pressure spring which has a tension of 20 pounds. Q. Is air drawn from cavity D, or little drum in service position? A. Yes. Q. How does the reduction of Httle drum pressure afifect the equahzing piston 17? A. Same as with F 6 or G 6 valves. O. Is there any noticeable difference between the service positions of the Westinghouse and of the New York brake valves? A. Yes ; the service position on the New York brake valve is subdivided into five service- graduating notches, while the service position on the Westinghouse valve is not. Q. Why is the service position on the New York brake valve subdivided? A. Because in this position the valve auto- matically measures the amount of train pipe re- duction, and laps itself. Q. In what position of the brake valve is there a direct opening from the main reservoir to the train pipe? A. In full release position. Q. Are the train pipe and the main reservoir pressures equal in this position? A. They are. O. Why are they equal in full release posi- tion? 54 A. Because there is a large, direct communi- cation between the main reservoir and the tram pipe through the brake valve, when the handle is in this position. Q. When the handle is in the running posi- tion, how does the air pass from the main reser- voir into the train pipe? A. In the Westinghouse brake valve D 5, F6 and G 6 it passes through the feed valve attach- ment, and in the New York brake valve it passes through the excess pressure valve, into the train pipe. O. With the D 8 valve how does air pass from' main reservoir into train pipe? A. Through the excess pressure valve. O. What are the duties of the feed valve at- tachment ? A. To feed air into the train pipe as fast as it may be needed to keep up the pressure therein, and to close the communication between the main reservoir, and the train pipe when the pressure in the latter has reached the limit for which the feed valve is adjusted. Q. What are the duties of the excess pres- sure valve? A. To permit air to feed into the train pipe from the main reservoir, and to maintain an ex- cess pressure in the latter of about twenty pounds. ' 0. How does the Westinghouse G6 brake valve obtain its excess pressure? 55 A. By means of the pump governor which is adjusted to stop the pump when the desired main reservoir pressure has been obtained, which is usually twenty pounds in excess of what is carried in the train pipe. Q. When the handle is placed in lap position, how does it govern the air passages and ports in the brake valve? A. It prevents the passage of air through the brake valve in any direction, and closes all ports. Q. When is the lap position used? A. When coupling onto- a train that is to be charged with air; when the train has parted or the conductor has opened the conductor's valve, when, with the Westinghouse valve, it is desired to hold the brakes applied after a service appli- cation has been made. Mr. Roach adds: ''Also when backing a train to permit conductor to make stops.'' O. What is the service stop position used for? A. The handle of the brake valve is operated in the service stop position when making all or- dinary stops. O. In order to apply the brakes, what is necessary to do? A. It is necessary to reduce the train pipe pressure below that contained in the auxiliary reservoir. Q. In making an ordinary or service appli- 56 G-6 ENGINEER'S BRAKE VALVE. is \to Cauoe >e4 — BLACK HAND — Train Pipe Pressure Fig. lo. 57 G-6 ENGINEER'S BRAKE VALVE. (. B smfc' ; -E'^'g)' m Fig. II. 58 cation, does the engineer reduce the pressure di- rectly from the train pipe? A. With the Westinghouse brake valve, no; he reduces it from the small equalizing reservoir ; with the New York brake valve, yes ; he takes it out of the train pipe direct. O. With the Westinghouse brake valve, how is it that reducing the pressure from the small equalizing reservoir wall cause the train pipe pressure to reduce? A. In either the full release or the running position, the equalizing reservoir is charged with pressure equal to that in the train pipe, and the equalizing discharge piston forms the line of separation between the two pressures. When the handle of the brake valve is placed in the service stop position, the pressure in the equal- izing reservoir begins to reduce, leaving the train pipe pressure greater, which on this account will raise the equalizing discharge piston and valve, and so permit train pipe pressure to escape to the atmosphere. O. Why is train pipe pressure reduced in this manner in making service applications? A. In order that all brakes may be applied gently throughout the whole train, and so that on long trains the reduction of train-pipe pressure being closed ofif gradually, there will be no trouble experienced from the front brakes releas- ing Q. Why would the front brakes on long 59 trains release if the train-pipe exhaust or air be suddenly closed off? A. The friction of the air in the pipe causes the pressure in the front end to fall much more rapidly than it does in the rear end, of the train pipe, so that if the exhaust were closed off abruptly there would be a surge of air from the rear to the front end of the train which would raise the pressure in the front end sufficiently to release some of the brakes. O. If six pounds of pressure be reduced from the equalizing reservoir, how much will be re- duced from the train pipe? A. The same amount, practically, six pounds. Q. How does the New York brake valve pro- vide for the gradual closing up of the train pipe reduction in service applications? A. By means of the automatic cut-off valve and cut-in piston. Q. Where is the pressure stored that operates the automatic cut-off valve? A. It is stored in the small supplementary reservoir. Q. When the handle of the New York brake valve is in the running position, how does the pressure compare on either side of the equaliz- ing discharge piston? A. The train pipe pressure on one side and the supplementary reservoir pressure on the other side are equal. 6o NEW YORK ENGINEER'S BRAKE VALVE. il / / Fig. 12. 6i NEW YORK ENGINEER'S BRAKE VALVE. Fig. 13. NEW YORK ENGINEER'S BRAKE VALVE. 3 Piston ring. 60 Small union nut. 61 Union swivel. 62 Gauge and governor union stud. 69 Handle spring. 77 Handle set screw. 90 Feed valve spring. 95 Lever shaft spring. 96 Oil plugs. 97 Feed valve. 98 Feed valve cap. 101 Valve body. 102 Back cup. 103 End plug. 104 Piston. 105 Follower. 106 Piston nut. 107 Packing leather. 108 Expander. no Graduating valve. 111 Graduating valve spring. 112 Graduating valve lever. 113 Fulcrum pin. 114 Main slide valve. 115 Valve cover. 116 Links. 117 Link pins. 118 Slide valve lever. 120 Lever shaft. 121 Lever shaft packing. 123 Handle. 124 Quadrant. 125 One inch union nut. 126 One inch union swivel. 127 One inch union gasket, 128 Small union stud. 129 Cover and head screws. 130 Quadrant screws. 155 Supplementary reservoir. 156 Reservoir plug. 158 Union swivel. 167 Cap gasket. 172 Quadrant latch. 173 Latch pin. 62 Q. How does the automatic cnt-ofif feature of the New York brake valve operate? A. As train pipe pressure reduces in front of the piston, supplementary reservoir pressure be- hind it is stronger and moves the piston together with the cut-ofif valve until the latter covers the r.ervice exhaust port in the main slide valve. Q. Then the principle of the operation of this automatic cut-off feature must be the same as that of the plain triple valve? A. It is just the same. Q. In making a service application, does the IdIow or exhaust of air from the train pipe vary with the number of air-braked cars in the train for any given number of pounds' reduction? A. Yes ; to make a reduction in train pipe pressure of a specified number of pounds will require a longer time if the train be long than if the train be short. This is on account of the greater volume of air contained in the longer train pipe, and because it had nearly the same sized opening to escape through in both cases. O. What is the last position of the brake called ? A. The emergency ; it should be used when- ever there is danger of accident. Q. In case there is danger of accident and the handle of the brake valve is placed in the emergency position, should it be allowed to re- main there until the train stops? A. Yes, always ; unless the danger is parsed 63 before the train stops and the train is short. After an emergency appHcation on a freight train the brakes should never be released until after the train has stopped. Q. Does the equalizing feature of the brake valve operate in the emergency position? A. No; in the emergency the port opening through the brake valve to the atmosphere is large and direct. Q. What is the operative difference between the feed valve attachment on the Westinghouse brake valve and the excess pressure valve in the New York brake valve? A. With the feed valve attachment there is always communication between the main reser- voir and the train pipe with the handle of the valve in the running position, until standard train pipe pressure is obtained; with the excess pressure valve when the handle is in running position the communication between the main reservoir and the train pipe is closed until the main reservoir pressure is twenty pounds greater than it is in the train pipe. Q. Do^ the feed-valve attachment and excess- pressure valves operate in the full release posi- tion? A. No ; in this position the opening through the brake valve for the passage of air from the main reservoir into the train pipe is large and direct. Q. Why is the opening between the main 64 reservoir and the train pipe made large when the handle is in the full release position? A. So that the main reservoir pressure can flow into the train pipe in large volume, and thus insure the prompt release of all brakes. Q. Why is the warning port necessary in the Westinghouse brake valve? A. Because, if the handle of the Westing- house brake valve is left in the full release posi- tion for any length of time it will charge the train pipe above standard pressure. Q. What is likely to happen if the train pipe pressure be allowed to get too high? A. In emergency applications there would be danger of sliding the wheels. Q. Of what form is the principal valve in the New York engineer's brake valve? A. It is the slide-valve form. Q. What is the form of the principal valve in the Westinghouse brake valve? A. It is a rotary valve. Q. Where is the main-reservoir pressure usually found in the engineer's brake valve? A. On top of the principal valve, that is, the main slide valve and the rotary valve. Q. Where is the train pipe pressure found in the New York brake valve? A. Underneath the main slide valve in front of the equalizing discharge piston and in the train pipe air gauge air pipe. 65 PACE OF SLIDE VALVE. :::; j^Eui ; M}}} .;>F M N M Fig. 14. SLIDE VALVE SEAT. TO GOVERNOR @ @ \ r© . \ 1 y^vii v:-^ © © © * *0 ©. © © © jr ■ ' B © © © fl IT Fig. 15. 66 NEW YORK ENGINEER'S BRAKE VALVE. TO GAUGE -BLACK HAND TRAIN PIPE Pi^ESSURE to TO TRAIN MAIN I PIPE BESERVOIR JO GAUGE RED HAND- MAIN" RESERVOIR PRESSURE Fig. i6. End Section. 67 ENGINEER'S BRAKE VALVE. Fig. 17. End Section. 68 Q. Is not train pipe pressure also present in the governor pipe? A. Yes; regardless of the position of the brake valve handle; and it always operates the pump governor. Mr. Dickson says: '*Yes in full pressure and in running position, but when the train pipe pressure is reduced to apply brakes gov- ernor pipe pressure does not reduce with it." Q. Where is the supplementary reservoir pressure found in the New York brake valve? A. It is found immediately behind the equal- izing piston and in the supplementary reservoir. Q. With the New York brake valve what occurs when the handle is placed in full release position? A. In addition to admitting main-reservoir pressure to the train pipe for the purpose of releasing the brakes, it permits the air in the supplementary reservoir to escape to the at- mosphere. Q. Why is it necessary to discharge the air from the supplementary reservoir when releas- ing brakes? A. So that the equalizing discharge piston may return to its normal position, where it should be when a service application of the brake is begun. Q. In what position must the handle of the brake valve be, in order to charge up the supple- mentarv reservoir ? 69 A. In the running position. Q. If all the service graduating notches are used how much will the train pipe pressure re- duce? A. About twenty-three pounds when the in- itial train pipe pressure is greater or less than seventy pounds, then the amount reduced after using all the service notches, will be greater for the greater pressure and less for the lesser pres- sure. Q. What is the slide valve feed valve at- tachment? A. It is an attachment used in connection with th^ Westinghouse brake valve. Q. What are its duties? A. When the handle of the brake valve is in the running position it automatically supplies the leakage in the train pipe and also acts as a governor limiting the pressure carried in the train pipe. Q. How is the slide valve feed valve adjust- ed to regulate the amount of pressure carried in the train pipe. A. By means of the heavy spring and nut, compressing the spring when it is desired to increase the pressure to be carried by screwing up the nut behind it. Q. With the New York valve how is the amount of excess pressure carried, regulated with the excess pressure valve? 70 G-6 ENGINEER'S BRAKE VALVE. Fig. i8. 71 ENGINEER'S BRAKE VALVE. 2 Valve body. 25 Holding nut. 3 Rotary-valve seat. 26 Gauge-pipe fitting. 4 Bottom case. 27 Feed-valve-case gasket. 5 Bottom cap. 28 Half-inch nut. 6 Jam nut. Top nut. 29 Half-inch bolt. 7 30 Feed-valve stud. 8 Handle. 31 Upper gasket. 9 Handle bolt. 32 Lower gasket. 10 Handle bolt spring. 51 Feed-valve body. II Handle bolt screw. 52 Flush nut. 12 Rotary-valve key. 53 Cap nut. 13 Washer. 54 Supply valve piston. 14 Rotary valve. 55 Supply valve. 15 Gauge-pipe tee. 56 Supply valve spring. i6 One-fourth inch union 57 Diaphragm. nut. 58 Supply valve piston 17 One-fourth inch union spring. swivel. 59 Reeulating valve. i8 Piston valve. 60 Regulating valve spring. 19 Piston ring. 61 Regulating valve cap nut. 20 Three-eighths inch union 62 Spring box. ^ nut. 63 Diaphragm ring. 21 Three-eighths inch union 64 Diaphragm spindle. swivel. 65 Regulating nut. 22 Exhaust-pipe fitting. 66 Check nut. 23 One inch union -nut 67 Regulating spring. 24 One inch union swivel. 72 A. By increasing the tension of the excess pressure valve spring. Q. How is the tension of the spring in- creased? A. By placing washers in the cap nut above it. Generally, however, a spring having suf- ficient tension to maintain the desired excess pressure is used, and when this shows signs of weakening a new spring is substituted. Q. A leak m the equalizing reservoir or any of its connections, with the Westinghouse brake valve, will produce what effect? A. It will cause the train pipe exhaust to remain open after the handle of the brake valve has been returned to lap, in all service applica- tions, and will cause the brakes to apply with full force. Q. What would be the efifect of a leak in the supplementary reservoir or any of its con- nections on the New York brake valve? A. It would cause a failure of the valve to close off train pipe exhaust automatically in all service applications. Q. Should the rotary valve leak badly what would be the efifect? A. When the rotary valve leaks main res- ervoir pressure is feeding into the train pipe at all times regardless of the position of the handle, and this will cause the brakes if appHed to release while the handle is on lap; or while the handle is in the running position it will 73 prevent the accumulation of excess pressure in the main reservoir. Q. If the main shde valve in the New York engineer's brake valve should leak what w^ould be the efifect? A. A leak through the main slide valve generally results in preventing the brake valve from maintaining excess pressure in the main reservoir while the handle is in the running po- sition, and w^hen the service application is being made it generally prevents the cut ofif valve from entirely closing the service exhaust port in the face of the main slide valve. Q. How should the feed valves and excess pressure valves be cleaned of dirt and gum? A. These valves should first be warmed up in order to soften the gum, and then should be wiped clean with a cloth or some waste saturat- ed with kerosene. When replacing use a little Hght oil to lubricate the slide valve and piston of the slide valve feed valve. No oil is ever re- quired on the excess pressure valve; it should be replaced clean and dry. Mr. Dickson asks and answers the following question: Q. What is the cause of a continuous blow from exhaust port of the New York brake valve while the handle is in full release posi- tion? A. Usually a leak from train pipe into sup- plementary reservoir caused by equalizing 74 piston not making a tight joint against cylinder head gasket. OLD-STYLE FEED VALVE. Q. What is the feed valve used for? A. To maintain a predetermined train pipe pressure while the brake valve handle is in run- ning position. Q. Is it known by any other name? A. Yes, it is frequently called the train line governor. Q. What brake valves is this style of feed valve used with? A. The D 5, E 6 and F 6 brake valves. Q. Where is the feed valve located? A. It is attached to the engineer's brake valve. O. What parts are thereby placed in com- munication? A. When attached to the brake valve, pas- sage f^ (Fig. 2o) registers with passage / of the brake valve (Fig. 19) and passage i registers with passage i of the brake valve, which passage is connected with the train pipe. O. Does the feed valve operate when the handle of the engineer's brake valve is in any other than running position? A. No. Q. Explain how it operates when the brake valve handle is in running position. A. The spring 39 (Fig. 20) supports piston 45 which in turn holds supply valve 34 from its 73 To Pump Governor a Caucc 55 -RED HANO- Main Reservoir Pressure *4 U PI > M > Caucc -BLACK hand- Train Pipe Pressure en I i 76 OLD-STYLE FEED VALVE, Fisr. 20. 77 seat. So long as the air pressure above piston 45 is less than the tension of spring 39, valve 34 will be held from its seat and main reservoir pressure coming in through port f^ feeds into port i as indicated by the arrow and on into the train line. When the pressure above the piston overcomes the tension of spring 39 the piston is forced down, permitting supply valve 34 to seat, thereby cutting of¥ main reservoir pressure. When the train line pressure has been reduced, by leakage or otherwise, below seventy pounds the tension of spring 39 will again raise piston 45 and at the same time un- seat supply valve 34 permitting main reservoir air to again flow into the train pipe. Q. Is the train pipe pressure always regulat- ed to seventy pounds? A. No; on mountainous roads a greater train line pressure is carried. Q. How can the feed valve be regulated to carry different pressures? A. By adjusting nut 41 which increases or diminishes the tension of spring 39. Q. Of what use is the packing ring 38 and the rubber gasket 43? A. They prevent train line pressure leak- ing by piston 45 and escaping to the atmos- phere. Q. Full main reservoir pressure sometimes gets into the train pipe. How does it get through the feed valve? 78 A. There may be dirt or scale on the seat of supply valve 34 or spring 39 may be screwed up too tight, or there may be a leak between the holes of the gasket used between the feed valve and the engineer's valve. Q. How should valve 34 be cleaned? A. With oil. The seat should not be scraped to remove any gum as the seat is lead and a scratch would ruin it. Q. How can this valve be removed when the engine is coupled to a train? A. By turning the cut out cock in the train pipe beneath the engineer's valve, then place the brake valve handle in service position; to remove the train line pressure between the brake valve and the cut out cock remove cap nut 36 and the valve 34. Q. What precaution should be taken before replacing valve 34? A. The brake valve handle should be moved to running position in order to blow out any loose dirt or scale. O. Providing piston 45 stuck, how could you remove it? A. First remove valve 34 as previously ex- plained, then replace the cap nut 36; then re- move the lower body 40; hold stem 37 with one hand and with the other hand move the brake valve handle to running position. The main reservoir pressure coming in will blow out the piston, then lap the valve. Do not drive the 79 piston out with a punch unless the punch is at least as large as the stem. Q. How should the piston be replaced? A. Very carefully, or you may break some- thing. Enter the packing ring of the piston into the brass bushing, prCvSS it upwards, but do not pound it. Q. Can the feed valve be entirely removed without losing main reservoir pressure? A. Yes; by placing the engineer's brake valve handle on lap, which blanks all ports. SLIDE-VALVE FEED VALVK Figs. 21 and 22 illustrate the device known as the Slide- Valve Feed Valve, which may be used with either the "D-5," "F-6" or "G-6" Brake Valve, to maintain a predetermined train pipe pressure while the brake-valve handle is in Running Position. Fig. 21 is a central section through the sup- ply-valve case and governing device, and Fig. 22 is a central section through the regulating valve and spring box and a transverse section through the supply-valve case. Ports / and i register with ports in the Brake Valve, designated by similar letters on Fig. 10, and, in Running Position, main-reservoir pres- sure constantly has free access, through pas- sages / and /, to chamber F. Chamber E, which is separated from chamber F by supply-valve piston 54, is connected with passage i, and thus 8o SLIDE VALVE FEED VALVE. 5S o4 Fig. 21. 8i SLroE VALVE FEED VALVE. Fig. 22. 82 with the train pipe, through passage c, c, port a (controlled by regulating valve 59) and cham- ber G, under diaphragm 57. Regulating valve 59 is nomally held open by diaphragm 57 and regulating spring 67, the tension of which is adjusted by regulating nut 65. When so open, chamber E is in communication with the train pipe and is subject to train pipe pressure. When the handle of the Engineer's Brake Valve is placed in Running Position, air pres- sure from the main reservoir in chamber F forces supply-valve piston 54 forward, com- pressing its spring 58, carrying supply valve 55 with it and uncovering port h^ and thereby gains entrance directly into the train pipe through passages /, /. The resulting increase of pressure in the train pipe (and so in chamber G under diaphragm 57) continues until it be- comes sufficient to overcome the tension of reg- ulating spring 67, previously adjusted to yield at 70 pounds. Diaphragm 57 then yields and allows regulating valve 59 to be seated by spring 60, closing port a and cutting off all communication between chamber E and the train pipe. The pressures in chambers F and E then become equalized, through leakage past supply-valve piston 54, and supply-valve-piston spring 58, previously compressed by the rela- tively high pressure in chamber F, now reacts and forces supply valve 55 to its normal posi- tion, closing port h and cutting off communi- 83 cation between the main reservoir and the train pipe. A subsequent reduction of train pipe pressure reduces the pressure in chamber G and permits regulating spring 67 to force reg- ulating valve 59 from its seat thereby causing the accumulated pressure in chamber E to dis- charge into the train pipe. The equilibrium of pressure upon the opposite faces of supply- valve piston 54 being thus destroyed the higher main-reservoir pressure in chamber F again forces it with supply valve 55, forward and re- charges the train pipe through port b, as be- fore. PUMP GOVERNORS. Q. What are the duties of the pump gover- nor? A. To automatically shut off the steam from the air pump when the desired air-pressure has been accumulated in the main reservoir or train line pipe, stopping it and again admitting steam to the pump to start it when the air pressure falls a trifle below the amount which should be carried. Q. How does the pump governor shut off the steam from the air pump? A. By means of a steam valve operated by the governor piston, which is located in the steam passage leading to the pump. Q. When the proper amount of pressure has been obtained, how does the governor operate to stop the pump? 84 NEW YORK PUMP GOVERNOR. Fig. 23. 85 PUMP GOVERNOR. 1 Steam valve body. 2 Air^ valve chamber. 3 Spring casing. 4 Piston. 5 Steam valve. 6 Steam valve guide. 7 Cap. 8 Adjusting screw. 9 Jam nut. 10 Regulating spring. 11 Upper spring washer. 12 Diaphragm button. 13 Diaphragm. 14 Air valve seat. 16 Air union stud. 17 Air union nut. 18 Air union swivel. 19 Steam union nut. 20 Steam union swivel. 21 Screw. 22 Drain plug. 2Z Steam union gasket. 24 Piston ring. 25 Steam union swivel. 26 Key. 86 WESTINGHOUSE ONE-INCH PUMP GOVERNOR. ^PtPBTAP 34r To BOILER MPETAP TO PUMP Fig. 24. 87 ONE-INCH PUMP GOVERNOR. 25 Steam valve body. 36 Waste pipe union nut. 26 Steam valve. 37 Diaphragm body. 27 Cylinder cap. 38 Spring box. 28 Governor piston. 39 Check nut. 29 Piston packing ring. 40 Regulating nut. 30 Governor piston nut. 41 Regulating spring. 31 Governor piston spring. 42 Diaphragm. 32 Steam valve cylinder. 43 Diaphragm ring. 33 One inch union nut. 44 Union nut. 34 One inch union swivel. 45 Union swivel. 35 Waste pipe stud. 88 A. Air pressure is admitted to the chamber above the governor piston forcing the latter, together with the steam valve, downward un- til the steam valve closes the steam port lead- ing to the air pump. Q. How is the amount of air pressure, car- ried in the air brake system, regulated? A. By the regulating screw in the top of the governor by means of which the tension of the spring above the diaphragm and air valve is increased or decreased. Q. How does this regulating spring regu- late the amount of air pressure carried? A. Air pressure must be admitted to the chamber above the governor piston in order that the latter may operate upon the steam valve and close it. Before any air can enter the gov- ernor air-chamber the diaphragm and air valve must be forced upward, and this can be done only when the air pressure in the valve cham- ber of the governor is sufficient to overcome the resistance of the regulating spring bearing downward against the diaphragm. Q. When the air pressure falls below that at which the governor is set, how does the lat- ter permit the pump to start again? A. As soon as the air pressure falls a little below that at which the regulating spring in the governor is adjusted, the diaphragm and air valves are forced to their normal position clos- ing the air passage between the diaphragm 89 chamber and the air chamber above the gover- nor piston; after the supply of air is cut off by the air valve from the governor piston the air that remains in this chamber is allowed to es- cape to the atmosphere through a small vent in the governor body thus relieving the pres- sure on top of the governor piston, and the steam pressure bearing upward against the valve raises the latter, and opens the steam pas- sage to the pump. Q. To which air pressure should the pump governor be connected? A. With the New York engineer's brake valve and Westinghouse D 8 valve it should be connected to train pipe pressure. With Westing- house D 5, E 6, F 6 and G 6 brake valves to main reservoir pressure. Mr. Dickson answers the above question as follows: ''With the New York engineer's brake valve to the chamber which receives pressure from the main reservou' through the excess pressure valve except in full release when it is then in direct connection with the main reservoir." Q. When connected to the train pipe pres- sure or to New York valve how should it be adjusted? A. When connected to the train pipe pres- sure it should be adjusted to stop the pump when the correct pressure has been obtained in the train pipe, generally at seventy pounds. 90 Mr. Dickson adds: ''The same when coimect- ed to the New York valve." Q. When connected to the main reservoir pressure how should it be adjusted? A. It should then be adjusted to stop the pump when full maiu reservotir pressure has been obtained which is generally twenty pounds greater than the train pipe pressure. Q. What regulates the train pipe pressure with the D 5 and G 6, or latest Westinghouse, brake valve? A. With the D 5 valve, the feed valve or train line governor; with the G6, the slide feed valve attachment. Q. Why should the governor be adjusted ordinarily to permit no more than seventy pounds pressure to accumulate in the train pipe? A. Because the foundation brake gear of all cars and engines is adjusted to develop the proper braking force from a pressure of seventy pounds in the train pipe and auxiliaries; if more than this were carried there would be a strong likelihood of sliding wheels, and if less the full braking force could not be obtained. Q. What would be the effect on the opera- tion of the New York governor if gum were to accumulate on the air valve seat? A. It would have a tendency to decrease the lift of the air valve, and less air could go through to the governor piston, and on this 91 account the governor would permit the pump to accumulate more pressure than it was in- tended to carry in the train pipe. Q. What is usually defective about pump governors when they stop the pump and then do not permit it to go to work until after the air pressure has considerably reduced? A. The air valves leak, and permit pressure to flov/ continuously into the governor piston chamber and prevent it from rising, or the vent is stopped up. Q. If a good working pump having a New York governor decreases in speed daily at a gradual rate where would you look for the trouble? A. This peculiar trouble could be caused by an accumulation of sediment around the stem of the steam valve. Q. What is generally the cause of pump governors failing to stop the pump when standard pressure has been accumulated in the main reservoir and the train pipe? A. Most likely the waste port in the gov- ernor body, intended to relieve all pressure that might accumulate under the governor piston, is stopped up. This is not likely to happen except in cold weather. Mr. Gesner adds : 'Tf a pipe is attached to the nipple.'' Or it may be that the air pipe connected to the gov- ernor is stopped up so that air cannot get to the governor. Very often small passage below the 92 WESTINGHOUSE DUPLEX PUMP GOVERNOR. 34 -h TOB0ILER,^_ ' TAP TO PUMP Fig. 25. 93 DUPLEX PUMP GOVERNOR. 25 Steam valve body. 36 26 Steam valve. ^i^y 27 Cylinder cap. 38 28 Governor piston. 39 29 Piston packing ring. 40 30 Governor piston nut. 41 31 Governor piston spring. 42 Z2 Stearn valve cylinder. 43 ZZ One inch union nut. 44 34 One inch union swivel. 45 35 Waste pipe stud. 46 Waste pipe union nut. Diaphragm body. Spring box. Cap nut. Regulating nut. Regulating spring. Diaphragm. Diaphragm ring. Union nut. Union swivel. Siamese fitting. 94 NEW YORK DUPLEX GOVERNOR. Fig. 26. 95 DUPLEX PUMP GOVERNOR. 7 8 9 lO II 12 13 14 Steam valve body. Spring casing. Piston. Steam valve. Steam valve guide. Cap. Adjusting screw. Jam nut. Regulating spring. Upper spring washer. Diaphragm button. Diaphragm. Air valve seat. 17 Air union nut. 18 Air union swivel. 19 Steam union nut. 20 Steam union swivel. 21 Screw. 22 Drain plug. 23 Steam union gasket. 24 Piston ring. 25 Steam union swivel. 26 Key. 27 Diaphragm body. 28 Siamese fitting. 29 Cylinder cap. 96 V air valve gums up and air cannot get to the pis- ton. Q. What causes gum to accumulate around the air valve seats of pump governors? A. Whenever there is leakage past these seats there is considerable expansion of the air, v^hich causes it to cool rapidly, and this rapid cooling of the air causes the moisture and oil vapor that it contains to precipitate and lodge on the air valve seat and in the air passage to the governor piston. Q. What is the duplex pump governor? A. It is the form of governor used with high pressure-control and with high-speed brakes, and is now the standard form of gov- ernor used with the New York engineer's brake valve, whether for the ordinary standard pres- sure brake, or high pressure control. 0. Why is it called the duplex governor? A. Because it has two pressure tops that are connected to a single governor piston body by what is usually termed a siamese coupling or fitting. Q. How are these pressure tops adjusted? A. In the same manner as the single top governor; that is, by simply increasing or de- creasing the tension of the regulating springs by screwing down or screwing up the adjusting screw. Q. What pressures do the duplex pump governor control? 97 A. When only standard pressure is used to operate the brakes, one governor top is piped to the train pipe pressure and controls it; the other governor top is piped to the main reser- voir pressure and controls it. Q. When the duplex governor is used in this way at what pressures are the tops ad- justed to act? A. The top piped to the train pipe pressure is adjusted to seventy pounds and the top piped to the main reservoir pressure is adjusted to one hundred or one hundred and ten pounds, depending something on the size of the main reservoir. Q. Is the excess pressure valve operative in the brake valve that is supplied with the duplex governor? A. Yes, when the brake is appHed the pump is allowed to pump up pressure in the main reservoir until the main reservoir governor top acts to shut off steam from the pump and stop it, when the brake is released the excess pres- sure valve operates in the usual way, when the handle of the brake valve is in the running position, then the train pipe governor top acts when seventy pounds pressure has been ob- tained in the train pipe, and stops the pump. Q. How are the governor tops adjusted for the high pressure control system? A. Usually, with the Westinghouse equip- 98 ment, one governor top is adjusted to stop the pump when one hundred and ten pounds pres- sure has been obtained in the main reservoir and one top is adjusted to stop it when ninety pounds pressure has accumulated in the main reservoir. With the New York equipment one governor top is adjusted to operate when ninety pounds pressure have been obtained in the train pipe, and one is adjusted to operate when sev- enty pounds are obtained in the train pipe. Q. Then both governor tops of the duplex governor are piped to the same pressure, when used with the high pressure control system? A. Yes; and the high pressure or standard pressure may be had at will by simply closing or opening a stop cock in the pipe leading to the standard pressure governor top. Q. Are duplex governors likely to render better service when used with the standard pres- sure than the single top governor? A. Yes; on account of the ability to obtain any pressure desired in the main reservoir while the brakes are applied, while only the ordinary ninety pounds pressure is carried, when the brakes are released and the handle of the brake valve is in the running position. Mr. Dickson says: ''No matter what position the handle of the brake valve is in." 99 WESTINGHOUSE QUICK ACTION PASSEN- GER TRIPLE VALVE. LbiQ. lOO WESTINGHOUSE QUICK ACTION PASSEN- GER TRIPLE VALVE. BRAKE A TO THAJN PIPE Service Application, Fig. 28. lOI WESTINGHOUSE QUICK ACTION PASSEN- GER TRIPLE VALVE. ro Aijpa rcsr! Lap Position. Fig. 29. I02 WESTINGHOUSE QUICK ACTION PASSEN- GER TRIPLE VALVE. TO AUX RfSR 'Emergency Application. Fig. 30. I03 QUICK ACTION PASSENGER TRIPLE VAIVE. Union nut. Union swivel. Cylinder cap. Graduating stem nut. Graduating stem. Graduating spring. Cylinder cap gasket. Bolt and nut. Half inch cap screw. Half inch plug. Union gasket. Emergency valve nut. Cotter pin. Emergency valve piston packing ring. 2 Triple valve body. 17 3 Slide valve. i8 4 Piston. 19 5 Packing ring. 20 6 Slid^ valve spring. 21 7 Graduating valve. 22 8 Emergency valve piston. 23 9 Emergency valve seat. 24 10 Emergency valve. -5 II Rubber seat. 2t) 12 Check valve spring. 27 13 Check valve case. 28 14 Check valve case gasket. 29 15 Check valve. 30 i6 Strainer. I04 TRIPLE VALVES. Q. To what is the train pipe connected under each car? A. To the triple valve. Q. What else besides the train pipe is con- nected to the triple valve? A. The auxiliary reservoir and the brake cylinder. . Q. How many forms of triple valves are there in use? A. Two; the plain and the quick action. Q. Which is the simpler form of the triple valve? A. The plain triple. Q. What are the working- parts of the plain triple valve? A. A piston valve, a slide or exhaust valve and a graduating valve. Q. What are the duties of the triple-piston? A. To cover and to uncover the feed groove of the triple cylinder, which affords the means of charging the auxiliary reservoir with air from the train pipe, and to move the slide and the graduating valves. Q. How does the air from the train pipe get into the auxiliary reservoir? A. It passes through the charging groove, cut on the upper extreme forward portion of the triple cylinder, w^hen the triple piston valve is in the release position. I05 Q. What are the duties of the sHde or ex- haust valve? A. To open and close the service port lead- ing from the auxiliary reservoir to the brake cylinder. Q. How is the triple-piston operated? i A. It is operated by means of the difference between the train-pipe and auxiliary reservoir pressure, acting upon the other side, and it al- ways moves in the direction of, or toward, the weaker pressure. Q. When the train pipe and the auxiliary reservoir are charged up to normal pressure, how do the pressures compare on either side of the triple piston valve? A. They are equal. Q. In which direction must the triple piston valve move in order to apply the brakes? A. It must move in the direction toward the train pipe pressure. Q. How is it made to move in this direc- tion? A. By reducing the train pipe pressure be- low the pressure in the auxiliary reservoir. As soon as the train pipe pressure falls below the auxiliary reservoir pressure, the latter being stronger will force the triple piston in the direc- tion of the reduced train pipe pressure, and in moving in this direction the triple-piston valve first closes the feed-groove in the triple cylinder cutting off communication between the train io6 pipe and the auxiliary, and then moves the ex- haust sHde valve to the position which closes the exhaust port leading from the brake cylinder to the atmosphere, and the graduating valve to the position which opens the service port, allow- ing the auxiliary reservoir pressure to expand into the brake cylinder and so, by means of the piston in the latter and the foundation brake gear, apply the brake. O. If the train-pipe pressure should be re- duced five pounds below auxiliary reservoir pressure, how much w^ould the latter pressure reduce by expansion into the brake cylinder ? A. About the same amount — five pounds. Q. Why would not the auxiliary reservoir pressure continue to reduce? A. Because as soon as the auxiliary pressure falls a trifle below the train pipe pressure, the latter then being a trifle stronger will force the triple-piston valve in the other direction, that is, toward the auxiliary reservoir pressure, un- til the graduating valve closes the service port, thus lapping the valve and leaving the pressures bearing against the triple piston valve about equal. Q. When the triple piston moves toward the release position far enough to move the gradu- ating valve to lap position, does it also move the exhaust slide valve? A. No; after the first movement to applica- tion position, the exhaust slide valve does not I07 move again until the triple valve goes to release position. O. If more pressure is required in the brake cylinder than was obtained from the first train pipe reduction of four pounds what must be done? A. The train pipe pressure must be further reduced. Q. When a second reduction is made what parts of the triple valve operate? A. The triple piston valve and the graduat- ing valve; they move to the application return- ing to lap position again as soon as the aux- iliary pressure has reduced an amount practi- cally equal to the reduction made in the train pipe pressure. Q. When the brake is applied with full force how does the pressure in the brake cylinder and that in the auxiliary reservoir compare? A. They are equal. Q. How much must the train-pipe pressure be reduced to apply the brake with full force? A. About twenty-three pounds. Mr. Ges- ner says: 'With standard piston travel." Mr. Roach says: ''According to piston travel.'' Q. Why will not a greater reduction than this apply the brake with increased force? A. Because the size of the auxiUary reser- voir and the size of the brake cylinder are so proportioned to each other that when a wide open communication exists between them, the io8 auxiliary reservoir pressure can only reduce about twenty pounds by expanding into the brake cylinder; that is, the pressure in each will equalize at about fifty pounds from an initial pressure of seventy pounds and a piston travel of eight inches. Mr. Roach adds: ''depending on the travel of the piston." Q. How is the brake released? A. By making the train pipe pressure greater than the auxiliary reservoir pressure. This is done either by moving the handle of the brake valve to the full release position, and admitting main reservoir pressure to the train pipe, or by opening the release valve on the auxiliary reservoir, and allowing the pressure in the latter to escape to the atmosphere. Q. How is it that increasing the train pipe pressure over the auxiliary pressure will cause the brake to release? A. When the train pipe pressure is greater than the auxiliary reservoir pressure the triple piston will be forced over to the release posi- tion carrying with it the slide and the graduat- ing valves. In the release position, the slide valve uncovers the exhaust port, and permits the bl*ake-cylinder pressure to escape to the atmosphere, thus releasing the brakes. Q. How is the auxiUary reservoir pressure re-charged? A. When the triple-piston valve is in the release position, the charging groove is uncov- I09 ered, and air from the train pipe can pass into the auxiUary reservoir until the pressure in the latter is equal to that in the train pipe. Q. Is it possible to operate the plain and the quick-action triple valves together in the same train and have them work satisfactorily? A. Yes. Q. How must the brakes be applied to have them do this? A. They must be applied gradually. Mr. Davis says : This w^ould hardly do on ele- vated roads where stops are frequent as it would consume too much time. Q. Will these two types of triples do the same work in gradual applications? A. Yes; for the same parts in each operate in an ordinary application of the brake. Q. What are these parts? A. They are the triple piston valve, the slide or exhaust valve, and the graduating valve. It is the combination of these three valves that constitute the triple valve. Q. In what way is the quick-action triple valve different from the plain triple? A. In that it has an additional, or supple- mentary set of valves which are used for the purpose of venting the train pipe air and ad- mitting air quickly to the brake cylinder in emergency applications. Q. Why is it desirable to have the triple no valve vent the train-pipe air locally in emer- gency applications? A. In order to hasten the operation of all the triple valves throughout the whole train, and make a quicker application of all the brakes. Q. How are the quick-action valves put in operation? A. By a quick reduction in train pipe pres- sure. O. Does it require a heavy reduction in train-pipe pressure to cause the quick-action parts of the triple to go into action? A. No; not exactly; the essential thing to cause quick-action is a quick reduction in train- pipe pressure. Q. Aside from the fact that quick-action triple valves apply the brakes quicker in emer- gencies, what other reason is there for their use? A. In making emergency applications quick- action of the triple cause the brakes on the rear cars to apply so soon after the head brakes apply that they prevent the rear of the train from running up hard against the front, on which the brakes apply first, and so prevent serious shock to the rear end. ]\Ir. Gesner adds: "And with the Westinghouse apparatus the brakes are applied with greater force." Q. If several triples in succession were lo- cated close to the front end of the train, and Ill NEW YORK QUICK ACTION TRIPLE VALVE. Train Pipe Belease Position. Fig. 31- 112 NEW YORK QUICK ACTION TRIPLE VALVE. Train Pipe Lap Position. Fig. 32. 113 NEW YORK QUICK ACTION TRIPLE VALVE. Trainij Pipe Service Position. Fig. 33. 114 NEW YORK QUICK ACTION TRIPLE VALVE. 'Emergency Position. Fig. 34- IIS QUICK ACTION TRIPLE VALVE. 3 Main piston ring. 126 Front cap. 9 Slide valve spring. 127 Side cap. 20 Rubber valve seat. 128 Main piston. 28 Strainer. 129 Vent valve piston. 29 Union nut. 130 Vent valve seat. 30 Union swivel. 132 Vent valve spring. 31 Union gasket. 133 Main cylinder gasket. 32 Drain plug. 134 Front cap gasket. 38 Slide valve. 135 Front cap bolt. 45 Vent valve piston ring. 136 Side cap bolt. 48 Graduating valve. 137 Quick-action valve piston. 49 Graduating valve spring. 138, 139, 20 Quick-action 53 Exhaust hole plug. valve. 71, 131, 20 Vent valve. 140 Quick-action valve spring. 117 Check valve. 141 Quick-action valve cap. 118 Check valve spring. 142 Piston stop. 119 Check valve cap. 143 Piston stop screw. 125 Triple valve body. ii6 were cut out, could the quick-action mech- anism of those triples behind them be made to operate in an emergency application? A. It is doubtful; on account of each suc- ceeding triple depending upon the one in front of it for the quick-reduction in train-pipe pres- sure to throw its quick-action into operation, it is likely that the reduction, by the time it reached the first active triple valve behind the four inactive, or cut out triples, would be so weakened as to fail to start the quick action in this triple, and so quick-action would fail on all cars behind those with the cut out triples. Q. What other causes besides a number of triple valves in succession cut out can cause failure of quick-action to result in emergency applications? A. Very crooked piping, especially if it con- tains numerous short elbows, or several plain triple valves placed in succession near the front of the train would cause quick action to fail. Mr. Gesner adds: "If the brakes were applied from the head end of the train." Q. Should a partial service application of the brakes be made and then the handle of the brake valve were placed in the emergency posi- tion could quick-action be obtained? A. It is very doubtful. After the service application has begun the New York triples do not usually go into quick-action, and the West- inghouse triples go into quick-action or not, 117 depending on the amount of pressure already in the brake cyHnder, and the length of the train pipe. Q. It has been claimed, that to recharge the auxiliary reservoir it is necessary for the triple valve to be in the release position. Is there any way that the auxiliary can be recharged and not release the brake? Q, Yes; with the assistance of the pres- sure-retaining valve, an auxiliary may be re- charged without entirely releasing the brakes. Mr. Roach adds: "but the triple must be in release position, unless the piston packing ring leaks very badly." Q. What is the principal difference between the Westinghouse and the New York plain triple valves? A. The Westinghouse plain triple has a graduating valve of the poppet type, while the New York plain triple has a graduating valve of the slide valve type. The Westinghouse triple has a longer stroke in the emergency application than in the service, and has a gradu- ating spring to assist the piston in making the proper stroke in the service application. The New York triple has the same stroke in the emergency application as in the service, and does not require a graduating spring. Q. What additional parts are necessary in the Westinghouse type to produce quick- action? ii8 A. A non-return brake cylinder check valve; an emergency valve, an emergency piston, and a suitable casing to contain them. Q. What additional parts are necessary in the New York triples to produce quick-action? A. A vent piston, a vent valve, an emergency valve, an emergency piston and a brake cylin- der check valve. Q. How does a sudden rcductio-n in train- pipe pressure cause the New York triple to operate in quick-action? A. Between the triple piston and the vent valve piston there is a chamber formed which is filled with air at the same pressure as that in the train pipe. The air in this chamber can escape only through the small port F in the vent-piston, and in the service appHcation the pressure in this chamber can reduce along with the train pipe pressure at about the same rate, so that no part of the quick-action portion of the triple is put in operation. When a sudden reduction is made in train pipe-pressure, the pressure in the chamber between the triple piston and the vent-valve piston can not reduce through the small port so rapidly as train pipe pressure reduces, and so the triple piston cush- ions on the air in the vent piston chamber with the result that the vent piston is forced out in the same direction as the triple piston. When the vent piston is forced forward in the manner described above its stem strikes against the 119 vent-valve lever arm, forcing the vent valve from its seat, and thus allows train pipe air to escape to the atmosphere. Q. What effect does the venting of train pipe air in this way have on the other quick- action triples that are next to the venting triple in the train? A. It produces a quick reduction in train pipe pressure near those triples that causes them to operate in quick-action. Each quick- action triple in the train is dependent upon those in front of it for the sudden reduction in train-pipe pressure to throw its quick-action valves into operation. Q. After the vent-valve has been thrown open by the action of the vent-valve piston, what duty does the escaping air have to per- form while on its way to the atmosphere? A. It must strike against the emergency piston, and force it over until its stem bears against the emergency valve and forces the lat- ter from its seat. Q. When the emergency valve is forced away from its seat what occurs? A. The auxiliary pressure, which is always behind the emergency valve, is admitted through a large passage in the triple body to the brake cylmder, and equalizes with the brake cylinder pressure almost constantly. Q. What is required to throw the quick- I20 action valves in the Westinghouse triple into operation? A. A quick reduction in train pipe pressure. Q. How does a quick reduction in train pipe pressure accomplish this? A. A quick reduction in train pipe pressure causes the triple piston to move its full stroke, bringing the slide valve into a position where it uncovers the emergency port in its seat. When the emergency port is uncovered the auxiliary reservoir pressure rushes through it mto the top of the emergency piston, forcing the latter down, which in turn, by means of its stem, forces the emergency valve away from its seat, after which the train pipe pressure raises the non-return check valve and vents directly into the brake cyHnder. O. Then in emergency applications there is some gain in pressure in the brake cylinder, when a Westinghouse triple operates in quick- action? A. Yes. Q. About how much pressure is gained from the air that is vented from the train pipe into the brake cylinder? A. The amount of gain in pressure depends on the size of the brake cyhnder and the travel of the brake cylinder piston. The larger the brake cylinder and the longer the piston travel the less the gain. Q. Then the larger the brake cylinder, the 121 less gained in pressure in emergencies from the train pipe air? A. Yes; the volume of the train pipe being always about the same, it follows that the pres- sure obtained in the brake cylinder must be less as the brake cylinder gets larger. Mr. Gesner says : ''but it can be largely increased by short- ening the piston travel." Mr. Roach says that a good answer would be: ''About twenty per cent in emergency.'' DEFECTS OF THE WESTINGHOUSE TRIPLE. Q. Should the graduating valve leak how could it be determined? A. When the triple valve is on lap position, after a partial service application has been made, it is likely to manifest its leaky condition by releasing the brakes. Mr. Dickson adds: "The slide valve is leaking also." Q. Will a leaky graduating valve in either the Westinghouse or the New York triple al- ways cause the brakes to release after a partial service application has been made? A. Not always; if the triple piston packing rings leak at the same time it is likely that the brake will remain applied. Q. If the slide valve leaks, how can it be known? A. If the slide or exhaust valve leaks it will be known by a blow at the exhaust port in the 122 body of the triple, both when the brake is ap- pHed and when it is released. Q. What effect does a leaky slide valve have on the brake? A. It will allow the brake to let off gradu- ally and the triple valve to move to the release position, after which if the brakes be applied partially in service it will cause the other brakes in the train to apply with increased force. Q. What is the effect of a leaky triple piston packing ring? A. A leaky triple piston packing ring is likely to cause the brake to fail to release, especially if the engineer fails to make the re- lease with the handle of the brake valve in the full release position, and the train consists of many cars. ]\lr. Gesner says: ''And the defec- tive ring should be near the rear end." Q. What is the effect of a triple piston ring that is too tight? A. It makes the triple valve slow to respond to Hght reductions in train pipe pressure, and sometimes to go to emergency position after a sufficient reduction has been made to move it, and immediately of its own accord, return to release position. Q. What effect does a dirty charging groove have on charging the auxiliary reservoir? A. It retards the recharging of the auxiliary, and sometimes prevents the brake from apply- 123 ing along with the others when the test appHca- tion is made. Q. Will dirty strainers in the union of the triple body and the train pipe cause this same trouble? A. They will, and in addition will cause the application of the brakes to be very sluggish and sometimes prevents its application entirely. Q. What is the effect of a dirty, gummy triple valve? A. It will often work in quick-action when it is intended to have it operate in service. Q. Suppose the rubber seated emergency valve is leaking, how can it be known ? A. If the rubber seat of the emergency valve is leaking it will cause a blow at the exhaust port or through the retaining' valve while the triple is in the release position, that will cease the moment the brake is applied. Q. Would not a leak in the check valve case gasket between the train pipe chamber and emergency valve chamber produce the same kind of blow^? A. Yes; it would have the same efifect. Mr. Roach says : "The check valve would not, as the rubber seated valve would be on its seat, but it would release the brake after emergency application." Q. What are the serious efifects of leaky emergency valves and check valve case gaskets? 124 A. They allow train pipe pressure to flow into the brake cylinder and raise the pressure so high in the latter, in all light service applica- tions, as to cause the wheels to shde in many instances. Q. What other bad effects do these leaks have? A. They have a tendency to cause the brakes- to fail to release, especially on light service applications. Q. What effect do leaky non-return brake cylinder check valves have on the operation of the brakes? A. When the piston travel is irregular on the different cars in the train; varying between the extreme long and the extreme short travel, there is a likelihood of back leakage from the brake cylinder of the short piston raising the pressure in the train pipe sufficiently to release the brakes having long piston travel. In emergency applications leaky non-return check valves will allow the brakes to weaken and to leak off. * Q. What effect does a weak or broken graduating spring have on the operation of the triple? A. It will, on short trains, cause the triple to work in quick-action, when a service applica- tion is being made. 125 DEFECTS OF THE NEW YORK TRIPLE. Q. How can a leaky graduating valve in the triple valve be detected? A. If a graduating valve in the triple valve is leaking, there will be a constant blow at the exhaust port while the brake is released which will cease as soon as the brake is applied. O. How does a leaky slide valve manifest itself? A. By a constant blow at the exhaust port, both when the brake is applied and when it is released. Q. What effect does a leaky graduating valve have upon the operation of the triple? A. It is likely, if the brake is applied in a partial service application, to release it, although whether it will release the brake or not depends on the general condition of the triple, as a whole, and the amount of leakage in the train pipe. Q. What effect will a leaky exhaust have on the operation of the triple? A. It will cause the brake to leak off. O. If a blow v/as heard issuing from the two square vent ports in the triple valve body under the emergency cap, could you determine which valve in the triple was leaking? A. Yes. Q. How could you do this? A. First, I would know that all leaks of the 126 exhaust and the graduating valves as well as some of those of the gaskets between the auxil- iary and the triple body, or the brake cylinder head and triple body as the case might be, go into the passage leading to the brake cylinder, and make their escape to the atmosphere through the exhaust port to the triple valve body; second, that all leaks of the valves com- prising the quick-action feature are manifested at the vent ports at the side of the triple body under the emergency cap ; third, that if the brake were applied a leak from the brake cylinder past the brake cylinder check valve would also be manifested at the two square holes under the emergency cap. Therefore, I would know that if a blow was coming from the tw^o square holes under the emergency cap while the brake was released, it was the emer- gency valve which was leaking, while if a blow was beard from these same holes while the brake was applied, that ceased as soon as the brake was released, I would know that it was the brake cylinder check valve that was leak- ing. O. Suppose it is the vent valve that is leaking, how would you distinguish this leak from that of the emergency valve or the brake cylinder check valve? A. If the vent valve is leaking it can always be readily and quickly ascertained by placing the finger over the small port just back of the 127 two exhaust ports, at the side of the triple valve body. Q. What effect w^ill a leaky emergency valve have on the operation of the brakes? A. A leaky emergency valve will permit the auxiliary reservoir pressure to escape to the atmosphere, and this^ while the brake is re- leased, will have the same effect as any other leak in any other part of the air brake system; namely, it will be a waste of air, and it will make the pump work harder to supply the re- quired pressure; and while the brake is applied it. will produce the same effect as a leaky re- lease valve, namely, it is likely to release the brake on the particular car on which it is lo- cated, and to cause the brakes on all the other cars, if not already fully applied, to apply with full force. Q. What effect will a leaky brake cylinder check valve have on the operation of the brake? A. It will cause the brake to leak off slowly. Q. What effect does a leaky vent valve have on the operation of the triple? A. As the vent valve has train pipe pressure behind it, any leak past this valve, will, while the brakes are applied, cause a reduction in train- pipe pressure, and will, unless they are already fully applied, cause them to set with full force; while brakes are released, it will be a simple leak from the train pipe which will make it neces- 128 sary for the pump to work a little harder to keep up the standard pressure. Q. What is the object of having a large spring behind the vent valve? A. The vent spring is placed behind the vent valve to assist the train pipe pressure to force it to its seat, and also, by means of the lever arm of the vent valve, to move the vent valve piston back to its normal position, after quick- action has taken place. Q. Suppose the vent valve spring should break, what would be the probable effect? A. It is probable that after the emergency action of the triple had taken place, as in an emergency application, the vent valve would not close so promptly as it otherwise would if the vent valve spring were all right, and pos- sibly in a service application quick-action might result w^hen only a service application was de- sired. Q. What kind of facings are used on the emergency and the vent valves? A. They are made of rubber. Q. In case an emergency valve becomes de- fective, how can it be removed for cleaning and repairs? A. By unscrewing the upper cap nut at the side of the triple body. Q. What precaution should be taken before this cap nut is removed? A. The defective triple should be cut out 129 from the rest of the train by closing the cut-out cock hi the cross-over pipe and all the air should be "bled" from the auxiliary reservoir. Q. Should this same precaution be taken before attempting to remove any of the other parts of the triple valve for cleaning or for re- pairs? A. Yes; for all except the brake cylinder check valve. Q. If the brake cylinder check valve should require attention, how could it be removed? A. If the brake cylinder check valve leaks, it can do so only while the brake is applied; therefore, when the brake is released, there is no air pressure against it, and the lower cap nut can be unscrewed, without the necessity for cutting out the brake, and the check valve may be removed for inspection and for repairs. Q. If it is necessary to remove the vent valve for cleaning, or for any purpose, how can this be done? A. First, cut the brake out as directed above for the emergency valve and relieve the auxil- iary of all pressure; then unscrew the three cap nuts and remove the triple cap, in which will be found the vent valve and the vent-valve spring. Q. When removing the triple cap for the purpose of cleaning the triple valve or examin- ing the vent valve care should be taken to avoid what? A. Care should be taken in removing the I30 triple cap not to bend or spring the vent valve piston stem and not to hammer the middle flange, called the vent valve seat, in separating it from the triple cap. Q. How should the quick-action triple valve be cleaned and oiled? A. The cross-over pipe should be discon- nected from the triple valve, and the conical strainer, which is placed in the union, should be thoroughly cleaned of all accumulation of dirt and foreign matter; then the triple cap being carefully removed, the triple piston, the exhaust valve and the graduating valve should be placed in a vat of kerosene or some other light oil that will cut away the dirt and gum. Care should be taken to work this in around the packing rings and to work the packing rings in their grooves in order that all gum and dirt may be thoroughly worked out, after which all parts should be wiped perfectly dry and a little vaseline rubbed on the wearing surfaces of the slide and graduating valves and around the triple piston and vent valve piston cyHnders. Q. Should the valves having rubber facings ever be oiled? A. No, never; all they need is cleaning, but never oil. Q. What is the objection to putting oil on valves which have rubber facings, or on any kind of rubber for that matter? A. Because oil, if put on any kind of rub- 131 ber, will rot it out, and, therefore, oil if placed on the emergency or the vent valve would have the same effect, namely, it would rot them and cause them to leak. O. Should the packing rings ever be re- moved from the triple piston or from the vent- valve piston for the purpose of cleaning? A. They should never be removed from their grooves for this purpose, as there is every likelihood of bending, distorting or breaking them in the operation of removing and replac- ing. Besides, it is not necessary for the pur- pose of cleaning, to remove the packing rings^ as all the cleaning they require can be accom- plished with the packing ring in its groove. Q. Should all parts of the triple valve be carefully inspected after cleaning and before replacing in the valve body? A. . They should, in order to be certain that all parts are in perfect condition. Q. What parts should receive particular at- tention during the replacing in the valve body? A. It should be observed that the exhaust valve is replaced properly on the piston stem and that it has not been turned wrong end to; that the packing rings work freely in their grooves and that the ends come closely to- gether making a good fit ; that the pistons work freely in their cyHnders and that none of the parts a^e sprung or twisted out of shape; and that all gaskets are in good condition. 132 (J. How should the feed-groove be cleaned? A. It should be cleaned out with a sharp pointed tool, preferably of wood, and care should be taken never to enlarge this groove or in any way alter its shape or size. Q. Is it necessary to disconnect any of the pipe unions in order to get to any particular valve of the triple for the purpose of making repairs to it? A. No; all valves in the triple valve body may be removed for inspection and for repairs without disturbing any part of the piping. Q. Can the strainer in the New York drain cup be removed for cleaning without discon- necting any of the piping? A. Yes. By simply unscrewing the remov- able spider, on w^hich the strainer is mounted, from the top of the drain cup, it may be reached without the necessity of disturbing any part of the piping. Q. Why is the strainer in the New York drain cup placed above the line of the main train pipe? A. So that all dirt, missiles and foreign mat- ter that may be rushing to and fro in the pipe along with the currents of air may pass the strainer without striking or injuring it, and to lessen the amount of dirt that will find its way to the triple valve. Q. Has the combined pipe strainer and car drain cup of the standard New York type 133 proved efficient in preventing dirt from reach- ing the triple valve? A. Yes; it has proved very efficient; and also proved superior to any other similar device used for the same purpose. THE COMBINED FREIGHT-CAR CYLINDER, RESERVOIR AND TRIPLE VALVE. The Combined Freight-Car Cylinder and Reservoir (Fig. 35) is the usual form of equip- ment applied to a freight car. Upon some cars the cyUnder and auxiliary reservoir are sepa- rated, but the triple valve, auxiliary reservoir, and brake cylinder are the same in both cases. Auxiliary reservoir 10 is simply a hollov^ shell for the purpose of storing air for use in the brake cylinder upon the same car. Pipe b provides communication between the triple valve and the brake cylinder. Upon pas- senger cars, this pipe does not pass through the auxiliary reservoir, but the operation of the brake is the same; it is simply a different arrangement of the same parts. 2 is the brake cyHnder; 3 is the sleeve in which the push rod, connected with the system of brake levers, is inserted; 4 is the non-pres- sure cylinder head; 9 is a release spring which forces piston 3 to the release position when the air pressure is released from the pressure end of the cylinder; 7 is a packing leather which is pressed against the cylinder wall to prevent air from escaping past the piston; 8 is a round $ n o n !2! o I H w i P o in CO bi) 135 spring packing expander which serves to hold the flange of the packing leather against the walls of the cylinder; 6 is the follower plate, which, by means of studs and nuts 5, clamps the packing leather to the piston ; and a is a small groove (indicated by dotted lines) in the wall of the cylinder, called the leakage groove. If the exhaust port of the slide valve of the triple valve should, in any manner, become ob- structed when it is not desired to have the brakes applied, a slight flow of air into the cylinder from any cause will, instead of forcing the piston out, escape through leakage groove a to the atmosphere at the non-pressure end of the cylinder. Valve 17, usually placed above the auxiliary reservoir, is known as the release valve. A rod extends from the arms of this valve to each side of the car, and pulling either rod unseats the valve and discharges air from the reservoir for the purpose of releasing the brake. RELEASE VALVE. ■^ .TAP Fig. 36. 23 Release valve cylinder. 24 Release valve stud. 25 Vent valve. 26 Release valve spring. 27 Release valve handle. 28 Release valve pin. 136 ' PEESSURE SETAINING VALVE. Q. What is the pressure retaining valve used for? A. It is used to retain a certain portion of the brake cyhnder pressure in the cyUnders to retard the acceleration of the train while de- scending grades while the auxiliary reservoirs are recharging, and they should always be used on heavy grades. Q. Are there many of these valves in use? A. Yes, they are used extensively on freight cars where heavy grades are encountered and some are in use upon passenger trains in moun- tainous parts of the country. O. How much pressure does this valve re- tain in the cylinder? A. That is determined by the weight of valve 4 shown in Fig. ;^y. Usually fifteen pounds per square inch. O. Explain the operation of this valve. A. A pipe is screwed into the triple valve exhaust port which connects with the pressure retaining valve at X in Fig. 37. If the handle 5 be turned down the valve will be inoperative, the air passing through ports B, A and C to the atmosphere, but when the handle is turned horizontally, as shown, then the air will pass from the brake cylinder through tlie triple valve, retaining valve pipe and ports B, A, b and D, and it must therefore raise valve 4 from m PRESSURE RETAINING VALVE. Fig- 37- 138 its seat to pass to the atmosphere through the small port D, where it will continue to escape until the pressure has been reduced to fifteen pounds, then the weighted valve will close and no more air can escape to port D, the remain- ing fifteen pounds pressure will be retained in the brake cylinder until the handle 5 is turned down. Q. What is the size of port D? A. One-sixteenth of an inch in diameter. The old style retaining valve had two one- quarter inch ports, but it would let the air escape too rapidly. With a one-sixteenth inch port it will take about twenty seconds for the cylinder pressure to reduce to fifteen pounds, which is about the length of time required to recharge the auxiliaries. Q. Has the pressure retaining valve any- thing to do with applying the brake or admit- ting air into the cylinder? A. No. It simply locks in the brake cyHnder fifteen pounds of pressure. Q. What difference is there between the improved pressure retaining valve shown by Fig. 37 and the old style retaining valve? A. The old style pressure retaining valve had a slot extending through the key which frequently became inoperative. The new valve has a peripheral cavity extending more than half way around the key. 139 Q. What should be the position of the re- taining valve? A. It should always stand perpendicular as shown by Fig. 37. Both the valve and the pipe should be well secured and a good rubber placed on the union. A little flexibility should be provided in the pipe connecting this valve with the triple valve. Q. Where should it be located? A. It should be free of access while the train is in motion and with no obstruction to the removal of the cap. It is usually placed at the end of the car. On passenger coaches about level with the edge of the hood and on freight cars close to the brake standard. Q. Why is it sometimes placed beneath the car? A. To prevent the train crew from tamper- ing w^ith it if they think the engineer is descend- ing a grade too slowly. O. Is a retainer used for other purposes than to steady a train while recharging? A. Yes, a few are sometimes used when brakes have been applied too hard to keep the slack bunched after releasing wdien drifting along preparatory to making a stop. Q. Should the retaining valve be oiled? A. No, but it should be cleaned every time the other parts are cleaned. Q. What will cause the retaining valve to be inoperative when it is cut in for service? I40 A. A leak in its pipe connections — frequently the union — ports plugged up, or a leak in the brake cylinder or in the retaining valve, but seldom the latter. Air. Brees says: "If brakes stick frequently trouble will be found in the port holes; dirt will collect or sometimes in- sects will make nests in them, which w^e have found to be the case.'' Q. Is it important that the train crew should be familiar with the operation of this device? A. Yes, it is very important, especially on mountain roads. It is a very simple device and easily kept in good working order. The train crew should examine the union in the pipe leading to it, frequently, for a very small leak will render it worthless. THE HIGH-SPEED BRAKE. Q. What is the high speed brake? A. It is the ordinary air brake w^ith the addi- tion of a duplex governor, duplex feed valve attachments for the brake valve, the automatic pressure reducing valve for the brake cylinder, and it is operated by a much higher pressure than is ordinarily carried. Q. On what class of trains is it used? A. On fast passenger trains that are sched- uled at about sixty miles per hour. Q. When is the high pressure used in apply- ing the brake? A. In all emergencies. DIAGRAMMATIC OF THEiWESTINQHOUSE STANDARD HIGH-SPEED BRAKE. 141 Q. Is there no danger of sliding wheels when using this type of brake in emergencies? A. Not at high speeds. O. Why can this brake be used in emer- gencies, at. high speeds, without sliding wheels? A. Because the pressure developed in the air brake cylinder is automatically reduced as the speed of the train reduces. And at high speeds the friction is not so great between the brake shoe and wheel as at low speed. O. How is the automatic reduction of pres- sure in the brake cylinder accomplished? A. By means of the automatic pressure re- ducing valve. HIGH-SPEED BRAKE AUTOMATIC REDUCING VALVE. Q. Describe the hig-Ji pressure automatic reducing valve? A. It is a slide valve having a triangular port in its face (the seat having a slot shaped port) and has a piston and adjusting spring, generally adjusted to resist a pressure of sixty pounds per square inch, and a body casting to enclose these parts. Q. How does the pressure reducing valve operate? A. When the brakes are applied with an emergency application, the pressure obtained in the brake cylinder being much higher than sixty pounds, forces the piston downward com- 142 HIGH-SPEED BRAKE AUTOMATIC REDUCING VALVE. iPIP£ TAP TOBRAKECrUMmBi, Fig. 38. 143 HIGH-SPEED BRAXE AUTOMATIC REDUCING VALVE. 2 Valve body. 3 Spring box. 4 Valve piston. 5 Packing ring. 6 Piston stem. 7 Piston stem nut. 8 Slide valve. 9 Slide valve spring. 10 Cap nut. 11 Regulating spring. 12 Regulating nut. 13 Check nut. 14 Union stud. 15 Union swivel. i6 Union nut. 17 Union strainer. i8 Union gasket. 19 Bolt and nut. 20 Leather washer. 21 Piston disc. 22 Spring abutment. 23 Cotter pin. 144 pressing the spring under it and moving the slide valve to a position where it will just un- cover the apex or small port of the triangular port in its seat. As the pressure in the brake cylinder reduces, the compressed spring forces the piston and slide valve upward opening the triangular port wider and wider until the pres- sure reduces to sixty pounds, when the slide valve will have returned to its normal position and have closed the port, thus holding the pressure in the brake cylinder at sixty pounds. Q. When the automatic pressure reducing valve opens where does the air escape to from the brake cylinder? A. To the atmosphere. Q. How is the high-pressure obtained in the brake system? A. By simply turning a stop cock in the air pipe leading to the low pressure top of the pump governor. And by cutting out the low pressure feed valve, and cutting in the high pressure feed valve, on the brake valve. Q. In the event of a car, not equipped with an automatic pressure reducing valve, being taken into a train that had the high speed ap- paratus in operation, what provision should be made to prevent the danger of sliding wheels? A. It should have an ordinary pressure re- ducing valve, to retain sixty pounds pressure adjusted, screwed into its brake cylinder. Mr. Brees says the above answers should read as 145 SAFETY VALVE. .^"PlPt 'i- TAP Fig- 39- 146 follows: ''A safety valve screwed into brake cylinder adjusted to retain a pressure of fifty pounds." HIGH PRESSURE CONTROL. O. What is meant by high pressure control? A. It is meant that a higher pressure is used than that ordinarily employed in operating air brakes. Q. What change is necessary in the ordi- nary air brake apparatus in order to operate the brakes with high pressure? A. There should be employed a duplex gov- ernor for the air pump and safety valves such as shown in Fig. 39 for the driver and the tender brake cylinders should be provided. Q. What are the conditions in train service that make the use of the high pressure control necessary? A. High pressure control is necessary on all freight trains where the cars are loaded to their full capacity, especially when the loaded weight of the cars is much greater than the empty weight, and on heavy down grades w^here a sufficient and reliable controlling force is ab- solutely necessary. Q. In what kind of service is the high pres- sure control used? A. For coal, iron and mineral carrying roads, when the cars are all loaded going one way and are empty going the opposite way, and 147 on roads having steep inclines where the de- cending trains are loaded. Q. Of what does the high-pressure consist? A. As used with the VVestinghouse equip- ment it consists of a duplex governor, a duplex feed valve attachment same as is used by the high speed equipment and safety valves shown in Fig. 39 for the driver and the tender brakes ; as used with the New York air brake equipment it consists of a duplex governor, and the safety valves for the engine and tender brake cyl- inders. Q. When it is desired to use the high-pres- sure control how is it cut in? A. By simply turning a stop cock in the air pipe leading to the low pressure governor top. Turning the governor top cock back again cuts out the high-pressure control, and cuts in the ordinary pressure brakes. Q. What pressures are used with the high pressure control brake? A. Usually one hundred and ten pounds in the main reservoir and ninety pounds in the train pipe. Q. What should the main reservoir capacity be for passenger engines? For freight? A. Not less than forty thousand cubic inch- es for passenger and not less than fifty thousand cubic inches for freight engines. Q. What are the proper sizes of auxiliary 148 reservoirs for use with the various brake cyl- inders? A. A i6 X 33-inch reservoir should go with a 14-inch brake cylinder; a 14 x 33-inch res- ervoir should go with a 12-inch brake cylinder; a 12 X 33-inch reservoir should go with a 10- inch brake cylinder, and a 10 x 25-inch reser- voir should go with an 8-inch brake cylinder. Mr. Gesner says: "A 10 x 24-inch reservoir should go with an 8-inch brake cylinder." Q. Give the weights of the cars for which the different sizes of brake cylinders are suit- able? A. A 14-inch brake cylinder should be used on a passenger car weighing 70,000 pounds or more; a 12-inch brake cylinder should be used on a car weighing from 50,000 pounds up to 70,000 pounds, a lo-inch brake cylinder should be used on cars weighing 30,000 pounds up to 50,000 pounds. Mr. Gesner says: ''The above should read from 35,000 pounds up to 50,000 pounds and that tenders up to 35,000 pounds in weight require 8-inch brake cylinders and over 35,000 pounds weight require lo-inch cylinders." THE AUTOMATIC SLACK ADJUSTER. Q. What is the automatic slack adjuster used for? A. It is used to take up the slack in the brake rigging while the train is running. 149 H •-» n ui o . ^■ I ^ ^ t § * 156 good working order it is more than probable that the slack has been taken up by an applica- tion and only partial release of the hand brake and subsequent full release after the brake shoes had worn more or less. Q. What is shown by Fig. 43. A. It shows how port A should be drilled. Q. What kind of pipe should be used be- tween the brake cylinder and the slack adjust- er? A. Copper pipe will give the best results as it is flexible and does not corrode. Q. Should the slack adjuster be oiled, if so, how often? A. Yes, it should be cleaned and oiled every time the brake cylinder is cleaned and oiled and after it has been cleaned it should be tested along with the brakes. FOUNDATION BRAKES. Q. What is meant by the term ^'Founda- tion Brake Gear"? A. The brake rigging under the car, which comprises the brake beam, the brake levers, the pull and connecting rods, and the brake beam and shoes. Q. How should a satisfactory foundation brake gear be designed? A. It should be designed with a view to de- veloping the correct braking force, and should 157 be made sufficiently strong to resist all strains and shocks of service. Q. How should the brake levers stand when the brake is applied? A. They should stand at right angles to the line of force. Q. How is the size of the brake cylinder suitable to use on a car determined? A. By the per cent of the weight of the car which it is determined to use as braking force. Mr. Gesner says: "By the weight of the car when it is empty." O. About where is the best location for the brake cyHnder? A. The brake cylinder should be attached to the car body where it is accessible for re- pairs. O. How is it that such low pressure in the brake cylinder delivers so much higher pres- sure to the w^heels of the car? A. Because it is multiplied by the brake levers, which are mechanical devices for the ad- vantageous application of the air. Q. When we have a lever of which the pro- portions of the arms are known, how can the power that can be delivered at one end from a given force, applied at the other end, be deter- mined? A. By multiplying the given force by its dis- tance from the fulcrum point, the length of the arm, and dividing the product by the distance 158 of the power end from the fulcrum point — the other arm. Q. What is the fulcrum point of a lever? A. It is the fixed point about which the leve»* turns. O. About how much braking force should be used on a car? A. The braking force on passenger cars should be about ninety per cent of the weight, and on freight cars, about seventy per cent of their light weight. Q. From what brake-cylinder pressure as a base is the braking force for cars calculated? A. From a brake-cylinder pressure of sixty pounds per square inch. O. It is stated that in emergency applica- tions, the Westinghouse triples vent train-pipe air into the brake cylinders. How much will the vented tram-pipe air augment the brake cylinder pressure ? A. The following table shows what can be gained in the brake cylinder, in emergency ap- plications, from the vented train-pipe air, with the various sized brake cylinders. TABLE. Service Emergency Per Cent. 14-inch Cylinder, 6-inch stroke, 53 lbs. 56 lbs.. 6 8-inch stroke. 51 lbs. ■ 53 lbs. 5 i2-inch Cylinder, 6-inch stroke. 53 lbs. 58 lbs. 9 8-inch stroke. 52 lbs. 57 lbs. 10 159 Service Emergency Pee Cent. lo-inch Cylinder, 6-inch stroke, 53 lbs. 58 lbs. 9 8-inch stroke, 52 lbs. 57 lbs. 10 8-inch Cyhnder, 6-inch stroke, 53 lbs. 60 lbs. 15 8-inch stroke, 50 lbs. 58 lbs. 17 Q. Why is it that there is a falling off in the percentage of increase in the brake cylin- ders, as the cylinder becomes larger in size, in emergency applications? A. Because the volume of train pipe air re- mains substantially the same regardless of the size or weight of the car, and as a brake cylinder increases in size, of course it can not fill it to the same pressure that it would if the brake cyl- inder was small. Mr. Gesner adds : "All de- pends on the train pipe volume, it being greater in long than on short trains." Q. What would be the effect on the wheels of a car if more braking force than that stated above was applied? A. It would cause the wheels to slide. Q. What would the effect be if less braking force than that stated above was used? A. The brakes w^ould not be applied with all the pressure they could stand, and then the stop could not be made in so short a distance as if the proper braking force was used. O. Does a wheel that is sliding w^hile the brakes are applied have as great a retaining ef- fect upon the train as one that is revolving? i6o A. No; a wheel that sHdes while the brake is applied does not retard or hold so well as one that revolves while the brake is applied. Q. In making a road test of brakes when taking on cars or changing engines what should be done? A. Before coupling to the train the engineer should have full main-reservoir and train-pipe pressure pumped up on the engine, so as to be able to charge the train without unnecessary loss of time. It is well when coupling the en- gine to the train, if it is necessary to release the brakes, to return the handle of the brake valve to lap immediately after making the first release just before coupling. (Mr. Dickson says: ''With New York triple I advise you to re- apply brakes to prevent any danger of emerg- ency from carelessness of trainmen opening angle cock, as New York triples will not go into emergency if applied light." In addition to this when the engine is coupled to the train ''blow water out from tender train pipe and dirt from the hose".) When the engine is coupled to the train, the angle cock on the rear end of the tender should be opened first so that the hose connections may be charged up before the angle cock on the car is opened. To charge the train the engineer should leave the handle of the New York brake valve in full release position, and the handle of the Westinghouse brake valve in the running position. i6i Q. What is meant by charging the train? A. When we speak of charging the train we mean fiUing the train pipe and auxihary reser- voir with air pressure. Q. With the train-pipe pressure at seventy pounds, how long should it take to charge an aux- iliary reservoir? A. About one minute; on account of the size of the charging groove it cannot be done in less time. Q. About how long should it take to charge a train from zero to seventy pounds? A. The time required to charge a train de- pends on the number of cars composing it, capa- city of m.ain reservoir, size and efficiency of air pump. O. About hovv^ much pressure should be ob- tained before testing the brakes? A, About sixty pounds in order to ascertain the piston travel, but maximum pressure is bet- ter, and should be obtained before testing, if time will permit. O. How should brakes be applied for the test? A. They should be applied with a service ap- plication of about twenty .pounds reduction. O. By whom should the test application be made? A. By the engineer, if possible; whenever he is unavoidably absent, as when called to the telegraph office to sign orders, it may be made l62 by the fireman, who should be competent to perform this service. Mr. Davis says: ''Al- ways by the engineer who is held responsible." Q. After the brakes are applied for the test what should be done? A. They should be carefully inspected to see that all brake shoes are against the wheels and that all brake pistons have the proper travel. Q. After inspecting the brakes what should be done? A. They should be released and again care- fully inspected to see that all have released prop- erly. After the second application, a report of the number of air brakes working and their general condition should be made to the engi- neer. Q. How should the slack in brake rigging be adjusted? A. By closing the cut out cock in the branch pipe, bleeding the auxiliary reservoir, and then adjusting the slack by means of the truck dead lever. After the slack has been properly ad- justed, the brake should be cut in. Q. Why should the brake be cut out before commencing to adjust slack or make any repairs to it? A. Because if it is not cut out, there is dan- ger of it applying automatically, and the person making the adjustment might, in consequence, be injured. i63 Q. How should the brakes be released after making a test application? A. By placing the handle of the brake valve in the full release position until all brakes have had sufficient time to release, then returning it to running position. Q. How often should the brakes be tested? A. The brakes should be tested every time any change has been made in the make-up of the train, and if the train has been required to take the siding for any considerable length of time it should be tested before again taking the main track. Q. When should a running test be made? A. A running test of the brakes should be made when approaching railroad crossings, and meeting points on single track, a sufficient dis- tance back from these points to insure that all brakes are holding properly. Mr. Dickson adds: ''Also for all drawbridges, deraiHng switches, steep grades, etc." Q. What is the proper adjustment for piston travel? A. On freight cars the piston travel should never be less than five inches or more than sev- en inches, and on passenger equipment it should not be less than five and one-half inches or more than .eight inches. On engines the driver brake pistons should travel not more than four inches, (Mr. Gesner says five inches) and the tender brake piston -not more than seven inches. With i64 the exception of the driver brake piston, all should be adjusted to as near six inches as it is possible to get them. Mr. Dickson adds: "Our standard is four to eight inches on freight cars and tenders and seven to nine inches on passenger. Most passenger brake piston travel cannot be made less than six inches. Driver brake pistons should travel not more than two- thirds the diameter of the brake cylinder or less than one-third its diameter.'' Mr. Brees says: "It seems to me something should be said re- garding piston travel on compound engines. With these engines owing to the retarding force of the large cylinders (low pressure) w^e never shorten the travel here less than seven inches. If less at low speeds you are very liable to slide driving wheels. Shorter travel will do on sim- ple engines." Q. What effect does excessive piston travel have on the pressure developed in the brake cylinder? A. It weakens it, and consequently makes the brake less powerful. HANDLING TRAINS. Q. In making an ordinary stop, how much pressure should be reduced from the train pipe at the first reduction? A. P>om four to eight pounds. Mr. Ges- ner says: "Six to eight pounds, or five pounds i65 < > l-H (A Q l-H 14 190 diaphragm and its stem upward, whicli uncovers the port e, thereby permitting air to escape at X, which sounds the whistle in the cab, but it will blow for an instant only until the pressure again equalizes in chambers A and B and the end of stem 10 closes port e. Q. How long does it take for chambers A and B to equalize? A. Ordinarily about two seconds, but it is safer for the conductor to wait three seconds before making a second reduction and even more if a long train. Q. What would occur if a second reduction were made before chambers A and B had equal- ized? A. It would cause one continuous blast of the air whistle. Q. J\Iust the reduction in whistle train line be sudden in order to operate the signal valve? A. Yes; otherwise it w^ould leak between bushing 9 and piston 10 so rapidly as to make the signal valve inoperative. It is the sudden- ness of the reduction that operates the signal valve. Q. How does a reduction in the signal valve operate the reducing valve? A. They are both connected with the signal line by independent piping, so it is impossible to cause a reduction m one without also causing a reduction in the other. Q. How does the car discharge valve oper- ate? 191 CAR DISCHARGE VALVE. ToSignalPip* Fig. 48. 192 A. This valve is shown by Fig. 48. The signal cord is attached to the end of lever 5 and each pull upon the cord forces valve 3 off its seat and permits air to escape at port a, which reduction, as has been previously ex- plained, will cause a blast of the air whistle in the cab. Q. Where is the car discharge valve lo- cated? A. At one end of the car on line with the bell cord. It should be outside the car, al- though many are located in the saloon inside of the car. O. Why should it be placed outside of the car? A. So that the noise caused by the discharge of air will not affect sick or nervous passengers. Q. Where are the signal air strainers lo- cated? A. They should always be located upon the car as shown by Plate 4, and sometimes be- tween the main reservoir and the reducing valve. O. If there is a constant leak at the dis- charge valve what is the trouble? A. There is dirt on the seat of valve 3. Q. If no air escapes from the discharge valve after the cord has been pulled what is the cause? A. It is probable the cut-out cock in the saloon is shut off. 193 Q. After coupling an engine to a train it is found that the signal line is not charged, where would you look for the trouble? A. First examine the angle cock between engine and train and be sure it is open. Next examine the plug cock between the main reser- voir and reducing valve, and if the reducing valve is outside and the weather is cold it may be frozen, or it may be that the small taper port in the reducer, Fig. 45, where main reservoir pressure enters, may be closed with dirt or oil. Q. Name the other defects that would make the signal system inoperative. A. In the signal valve too loose a fit be- tween stem 10 and bushing 9 (Fig. 47), or a baggy diaphragm or one with a hole in it or the small port d being plugged up, dirty strain- ers or an improperly adjusted whistle bell, and too slow a reduction made in the signal line. O. Why w^ould too loose a fit between bush- ing 9 and stem 10 prevent the whistle sound- ing? A. Chambers A and B might equalize with- out raising the diaphragm, especially if the re- duction were made slowly. Q. Why would the signal whistle not sound with a baggy or worn-out diaphragm? A. Because when a reduction was made in chamber A the pressure in chamber B would cause the diaphragm to bulge upward, but would not raise stem 10 from its seat. 194 Q. How would a hole in the diaphragm 12, Fig. 47, prevent the whistle from souncUn.g.^ A. Because air would flow^ from chamber B directly into chamber A until the pressure equalized and would not raise stem 10. Q. If the small port d, Fig. 47, is plugged up, how will it prevent the whistle from sound- ing? A. Because when a reduction is made in the signal line no air can escape from chamber A. O. What is the effect of dirty or plugged up strainers? A. When the conductor pulls the signal cord no air will escape at the car discharge valve. Q. What will cause the whistle to sing con- tinuously? A. Dirt on the seat at the bottom of stem 10, Fig. 47. O. What may cause the whistle to blow intermittingly? A. Jars. The diaphragm in the signal valve sometimes becomes baked with oil and may jar stem 10 from its seat. Q. What effect has an improperly adjusted signal whistle bell? A. Whistle bells are usually adjusted to such a height from the bowl as will furnish the clearest and most distinct sound with a given pressure. If improperly adjusted the whistle mav shriek or not sound at all. 195 AIR WHISTLE. s Fig. 49. 196 Q. What effect has too slow a reduction? A. The friction of the air passing through the pipes tends to decrease the suddenness of the reduction, especially if the train be a long one, which allows too much time for the air to pass by bushing 9 and piston 10, Fig. 47, thereby permitting chambers A and B to equalize with- out raising stem 10. Q. If spring 13 of the reducing valve, Fig. 45, be properly adjusted to forty pounds pressure, how can full main reservoir pressure enter the whistle signal line? A. If there is dirt on the seat of valve 4, Fig. 45, which prevents the valve from seating, full main reser\^oir pressure will leak past valve 4 and back into the signal line. Q. What effect will ninety pounds pressure have upon the signal whistle in the event of a reduction? A. It will cause the whistle to screech. Q. What other effect may this main reser- voir pressure in the signal line have? A. The signal whistle will blow when the brakes are released, especially if the train is short. Q. What causes the whistle to blow in this case? A. In order to release the brakes main reservoir pressure must be thrown into the train line and as the main reservoir pressure is re- duced the ninety pounds pressure in the signal 197 line will flow under valve 4, Fig. 45, toward the main reservoir and the reduction in signal line pressure will cause the whistle to blow. Q. Why is the whistle more likely to sound on a light engine when the brakes are released? A. Because if coupled to a train there would be a greater volume in the signal line and the reduction would not be so great. Q. Sometimes the whistle will blow two or three times with one reduction. What is the cause? A. The fit between bushing 9 and stem 10, Fig. 47, is too loose and there is main reservoir pressure on the signal Hne. When a reduction is made it starts the signal valve tO' operate and the reducer cannot feed air into the signal line properly to cause the signal valve to close until the pressure in the signal line is forfey pounds or less. Meanwhile the pressure in chambers A and B fluctuate, which causes the diaphragm to raise and lower several times which uncovers port e of the signal valve permitting air to escape to the whistle. Q. What may cause one long blast of the whistle? A. Reduction made too rapidly or too tight a fit between bushing 9 and stem 10 in the sig- nal valve. Q. How may an engineer ascertain what pressure he has in the signal line? A. Have the fireman bleed the main reser- 198 voir until the whistle blows and watch the red hand which will register slightly less than signal line pressure when the whistle blows. The reason of this is that when main reservoir pres- sure falls below signal line pressure the air will flow toward the main reservoir and cause a re- duction of pressure in the signal line which will cause the whistle to blow. 199 INDEX. Air Brakes, Application of 19, 20, 55, 68, 105, 107, 109, 117, 157, 166, 169, 177 Applied 122, 161, 162, 171, 173 apparatus, Arrangement of 9, 10 Automatic 5 Bleeding 174, 179 Cut out 162, 180, 181 Essential parts of the 6, 7, 6 Inspection of 162 Leaky 180 Making tests of the 160, 161, 163 Pressure used in 8 Releasing 58, 59, 67, 108, 162, 163, 169, 170, 171, 179 used with hand brakes 171, 178, 179 Air Cylinders, 32, 36 Air Gauges, 7, 26 Air Pumps, Westinghouse Eight-inch 27 Parts of, 10,11,12,13 Description of the operation of the air end of 36, 37 Difference between 8 and 9^ inch.... 34 Duties and functions of 29 of main valve 29 entrance of steam 34 movements of the pistons, 11, 12, 13, 29, 30, 31, 35 Names of the different parts of the 9H inch 33 New York 37 Arrangement of steam ports in steam chests 12, 13, 40 in general, starting, speed, causes of pounds, etc. 43, 44, 45 movements of pistons 40, 41 Parts of 12 running hot 45, 48 Steam used by 13 stopping 47, 48 swab 43 Air Signal System 193 Defects of ' 193 Essential parts of 183 200 Air Whistle, 195 blowing 197, 198 intermittingly ^ 194 American Equalizing Brake, 165 Angle Cocks, 7 Automatic Slack Adjuster, 149, 150 Operation of the.. 152, 154 Auxiliary, Charging 13, 108, 109, 122, 173 reservoir. .19, 2;^, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 119 Size of the *. 148 B. Brake Cylinders, Best location for 157 Construction of 24 Determining size of 157 Method of drilling 155 Table of 159 Weight of cars for various sizes of 148 Brakes, Application of 55, 68, 105, 107, 109, 117, 166, 167, 169, 177 Applied 20, 161, 162, 171, 173 with conductor's valve. .. .175, 176, 177 Bleeding 174, 179 Cut out 162, 180, 181 High-Speed 140 when used 140 Inspection of 162 Leaky ' 180 Making tests of 160, 161, 163 Releasing 13, 58, 67, 108, 162, 163, 169, 170, 171, 179 Braking Power, Percentage used. . 158 Breaking in Two, 170, 173, 174, 178, 179 C. Car Discharge Valve 191 Location of 192 Operation of 190, 192 Charging Train 161 Combined Freight Car, Cylinder, Reservoir and Triple Valve, 133, 134, 135 Conductor's Valve, 7, 55, 175, 176, 177 Cut Out Cocks, 7 Cylinder, Construction of brake 24 piston 24 Large and small air 10, 11 of Duplex Pump 13, S7 Steam 10, il 20I D. Defective Triple Valves, 121 New York 125 Westinghouse 121 Diaphragm 25, 26 Difference Between Quick Action and Plain Triples, 20 Double Heading, i74 Drain Cups 132 E. Emergency Piston 22, 23 position, New York 114 Westinghouse 102 Equalizing Discharge Piston 14, 59 reservoir 58, 59 Excess Pressure Spring 5i» 53, 7^ Tension of 53 F. Feed Groove 16, 132 Cleaning the 132 Foundation Brakes 156 Meaning of 156 G. Graduating Spring, Broken, 124 H. Handling Trains 164, 181 High Pressure Control 146 Meaning of 146 Necessity of 146 Service used in 1^6, 147 Hose Bursting 175, 176, 177 L. Leaks in Air Pumps 46 Brake Cylinder 126 Car Discharge Valve 192 check valve case 123 emergency valve 127 equalizing reservoir 72 .xhaust valve 125 graduating valve 121, 125 main slide valve 73 non-return brake cylinder check valve 124, 126, 127 rotary valve 72 rubber seated valve 123 202 Leaks— (Continued) slide valve 121 supplementary reservoir ^^2 train pipe -j-^. 74 triple piston packing ring 122 vent valve 126, 127 Locomotive Truck Brake 153 Lubrication of automatic slack adjuster 156 pressure retaining valve 139 pumps 44, 45, 4(3 M. Main Reservoir capacity 147 Location of 6 pressure 7, 9, 13, 25, 26, • 53, 54, 89, 147, 160 on signal line 194, 197 The use of 13 N. New York Duplex Pump Governor 94 Adjustment of. 97,98 Nine and One-Half Inch Pump, Westinghouse. . . .32 O. Oil used in pumps 45 Operating Plain and Quick Action Triples. .. .108 Overcharging the Train Line 168 P. Pipes, Branch 8 Discharge 8 Return 8 Piston 45, 78 Removing 79 Replacing 79 travel 151, 152, I54, 163, 164, 172 Irregular 124 Plain Triple Valve, Difference between New York and Westinghouse, ...20, 117 Essential parts of 16 Operation of 16, 19 New York 18 New Style 21 Westinghouse 17 203 Ports, Emergency 22 Exhaust 19, 39 Service 19 Steam 40 Vent 23 Pressure, Atmospheric 9, 16, 25, 39 Auxiliary reservoir .9, 15, 23, 105, ...106, 107, 108, 119 Excess 9 Low 157 retained in brake cylinders 136 Signal line 183, 186 tops 96, 98 Pressures, Brake cylinder 9, 158 Names of different 8, 9 used with high pressure control 147 Pump Governors, Defects of 91, 96 New York 84 Operation and duties of 83, 88 Parts and functions of 24 Westinghouse 83, 86 Q. Quick Action Triples 20, 99, 103 Forms in use 104 Mechanism of 22 New York ....22, iii, 113, 114, 115, 116 Parts necessary to produce quick action 117, 118 Westinghouse passenger. .99, 103 R. Recharging on Grades 173, 174 Regulating nut 24 screw 24 spring 24, 25 Reversing cylinder 31 valve gear 11, 12 Parts of 12 S. Strainers 31^ 123, 132, 194 Supplementary Reservoir 14, 58, 59, 68 204 T. Train Pipe Pressure,. . . .9, 14, 15, 19, 26, 53, 54, 64, . .68, 69, ']'], 89, 105, 108, 118, 120, 124, 147, 160 operating with New York governor 25 Reduction of.. 14, 19, 22, 2}^, 55, 58, 59, 164, 166, 169 Venting of 20, 23 V. Valve, Automatic cut off 59 Operation of 62 Brake 13, 49 cylinder check 23 Check 23 Cleaning feed 'JZ excess pressure 12^ D-8 ; •. • -^5, 48, 49, St'', 52, 54, 55 in different positions 48, 51, 55 Difference between New York and West- house 53 Driver brake triple 20 Duties of excess pressure 54 main valve of 8-inch pump 29 Emergency. .22, 23, 52, 62, 63, no, 119, 174, 175 Excess pressure 54, 59 Cleaning TZ Face of slide .65 Feed 69 cleaning -JZ F-6 brake 75 G-6 brake 58 Graduating 14, 16, 19, 106 High Speed automatic reducing. .141,142,143,144 Improved reducing 184, 185 New Y'ork and Westinghouse 14, 15 brake 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 66, 67 plain triple . 18 of 8-in pump 11 New Y'ork duplex 37, 39, 40, 41 Operation of automatic cut off 62 face of slide 65 New York brake 66, 67 safety 145 signal 188, 190 205 Valve — (Continued) slide valve seat 65 feed 69, 80, 81 Old Style Feed 74, 76, 11 Cleaning . .78 reducing 187 Operation of 186 Plain triple 15 New York 18, 21 New Style 21 Westinghouse 17 Pressure i37 Quick Action triple 99, 103 Forms in use 104 New York . .111, 113, 114, 115, 116 Westinghouse 99, 103 Reducing 186, 187 Improved 1S4 Old Style 186, 187 Release 7, I35 Retaining 7, 136, 138, i39, 140 Reversing slide Zl^ 39 Rotary 14 Seat of slide 65 Duties of 105 Slide valve feed 69 Adjustment of 12. Description of 78, 81, 82, 83 Duties of 69 seat 65 Safety, Duties of 29, 145 Signal 189 Operation of 188, 190 Steam 24, 83, 88 Duties of 83 Supply 78 Cleaning and removal of 78 replacing of 78 Vent 128, 139 Westinghouse 17 duplex pump governor 92 plain triple 17 quick action triple 99, 103 emergency 22, 2^ Water Tanks, Stops at 167, 168 Wheels, Sliding 64, 124, 141, 159, 160, 171, 172 2o6 ILLUSTRATIONS Fig: Page: 1 Westinghouse' Plain Triple Valve 17 2 New York Plain Triple Valve 18 3 New York Plain Triple Valve, New Style 21 4 Westinghouse Eight-inch Air Pump , 27 5 Westinghouse Nine and One-half Inch Pump a34 6 Westinghouse Nine and One-half Inch Pump b34 7 New York Duplex Pump a37 8 Westinghouse D-8 Engineer's Brake Valve 49 9 Westinghouse D-8 Edgineer's Brake Valve 50 1 Westinghouse G-6 Engineer's Brake Valve 56 11 Westinghouse G-6 Engineer's Brake Valve 57 1 2 New York Engineer's Brake Valve 60 1 3 New York Engineer's Brake Valve 61 14 Face of Slide Valve 65 15 Slide Valve Seat 65 1 6 New York Engineer's Brake Valve, End Section 66 1 7 New York Engineer's Brake Valve, End Section 67 18 G-6 Engineer's Brake Valve 70 19 F- 6 Brake Valve 75 20 Old-Style Feed Valve 76 21 Slide Valve Feed Valve 80 22 Slide Valve Feed Valve 81 23 New York Pump Governor 84 24 Westinghouse One-inch Pump Governor 86 25 Westinghouse Duplex Pump Governor -. 92 26 New York Duplex Governor 94 27 Westinghouse Quick Action Passenger Triple Valve 99 28 •• " " ** '^ 100 29 '^ '• " " • 101 30 '• " " " •• 102 3 1 New York Quick Action Triple Valve, Release Position — Ill 32 " " " " " Lap Position 112 33 " " " " " Service Position 113 34 " " '' " '* Emergency Position 114- 35 Combined Freight Gar Cylinder, Reservoir and Triple Valve 1 34 36 Release Valve 135 37 Pressure Retaining Valve .. 137 38 High-Speed Brake Automatic Reducing Valve 142 39 Safety Valve 145 40 The Automatic Slack Adjuster 1 49 4 1 Automatic Slack Adjuster 150 42 Locomotive-Truck Brake 153 43 Method of Drilling Brake Cylinders 155 44 American Equalizing Driver Brake . 165 45 Improved Reducing Valve 184 46 Old- Style Reducing Valve 187 47 Signal Valve 189 48 Car Discharge Valve 191 49 Air Whistle 195 Plates: Following Page: 1 Westinghouse, Passenger Car, Tender and Engine Equipment 7 2 New York, " ' " " 7 3 Westinghouse Standard High-Speed Brake 1 40 4 Air Signal Equipment 185 ...Just Published... • • • • 1 ri Cr« • • • Locomotive Up to Date The greatest accummulation of new and practical matter ever pub- lished treating upon the construction and manage- ment of modern locomotives, both . 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It embraces the most modern and approved practice in the construction, care and economical management of the locomo- tive. It is written in plain language and condensed form, no mathematical demonstrations being given or required. Each and every subject is fully illustrated by woodcuts, half tones and pen drawings. It is equally valuable to Master Mechanics, Foremen, Draughtsmen, Firemen or Apprentices, and no man who desires to keep up with the times can do without a copy of this book. Every Division or Lodge should secure one for the benefit of its members. Bound in Fine Cloth $L50 The Only Book Ever indorsed by the International Association of Machinists. AGENTS WANTED everywhere; write for terms, commissions and club rates. Will be sent prepaid to any address upon receipt of price. GRIFFIN & WINTERS, Publishers, IS^JETW YORK LIFE BLDG., CHiCAeo, - - - Illinois. 3 1905