Class J/, A ^7 J^n^ra/^ed^ "by Meyer. ILABT FAWSMAWlgc MEMOIRS LADY FANSHAWE, WIFE OF SIR RICHARD FANSHAWE, BART. AMBASSADOR FROM CHARLES THE SECOND TO THE COURTS OF PORTUGAL AND MADRID. WRITTEN BY HERSELF. EXTRACTS FROM THE CORRESPONDENCE OF SIR RICHARD FANSHAWE. NEW EDITION. LONDON: HENRY COLBURN AND RICHARD BENTLEY, NEW BURLINGTON STREET. MDCCCXXX. ■ 1 S 3 ' LONDON : PRINTED BY SAMUEL BENTLEY Dorset Street, Fleet Street. I PREFACE. The following Memoir has been copiously quoted in various popular works, accompanied by expressions of admiration and regret that the Manuscript was allowed to remain inedited. To what cause the delay in its appearance is to be attributed, it is not requisite to in- quire ; and the remarks which are necessary to introduce it, will be confined to a notice of the principal cl^pas which it possesses to attention. The life of that person whose autobiography, if written with simplicity and truth, would not be both instructive and amusing, must have been unusually monotonous, or he must be destitute of ability to describe it. The writer who merely records what he saw and heard, the various feel- IV PREFACE. ings by which he was influenced, the conduct of those with whom he came in contact, together with such anecdotes as occurred or were related to him, may rest assured of the approbation and gratitude of his readers. If this be true of autobiography in general, much may be expected from the Memoirs of an accomplished and clever woman, the wife of one of the most faithful servants of Charles the First and Charles the Second, who, after severe suffer- ings in the royal cause, in England, Scotland, Ire- land, Holland, France, and Spain, became a mem- ber of the Privy Council, and Ambassador from the last-mentioned monarch to two foreign Courts; because she was his constant companion, excepting when it was requisite that she should separate from him to raise money for the s^port of her family, or to enable her husband to fulfil the important duties which were confided to him. From the day of her marriage until she be- came a widow, more than twenty years, her life was one scene of activity, privation, or danger. The fortitude with which she endured, and the PREFACE. V heroism with which she surmounted difficulties that would have overwhelmed an ordinary mind, the firmness she displayed on many trying occa- sions, and her ardent loyalty to her sovereign, give to the early part of her narrative the air of a romance ; but the unquestionable vera- city of her statements, her moral courage, and above all, her practical, but unassuming piety, excite a degree of interest which no romance can impart. The Memoir was written in the year 1676, for the instruction of her only surviving son. Sir Richard Fanshawe, then a youth, to whom it is addressed. Her style is remarkable for its sim- plicity, her advice to her son is sound and excel- lent, and whether the Narrative be read for the historical inforijpation which it contains, or with no higher motive than amusement, it would be difficult to name a volume more calculated to af- ford gratification. Celebrated as this country is for female talent and virtue, there are few with whom Lady Fanshawe may not be compared and gain by the comparison ; for, besides her literary VI PREFACE. merits, her conduct presents instances of conjugal devotion, of maternal excellence, and of enduring fortitude under calamities, which render her a bright example to posterity. Perhaps in no case could it be more desirable that a narrative should be printed precisely as it came from the mind of the writer, than in the present. The Editor has therefore refrained from making any other alteration in the text than to modernize the spelling. There is cause to be- lieve that the MS. is not so perfect as might be wished, as- there are a few evident mistakes in dates, the names of persons are sometimes mis-spelt, and one or two trifling discrepancies occur: of its authenticity, however, no doubt can be entertained. The MS., from which this volume is printed, was copied, in 1786, from one written in 1776, by Lady Fanshawe's great- grand-daughter, Charlotte Colman, from the ori- ginal, which was written under her Ladyship's inspection about four years before her death, and to which she refers in her Will. It was difficult to correct the errors in the PREFACE. Vll dates, because the Authoress sometimes uses the old, and sometimes the new style, and now and then speaks of things out of the order in which they happened ; but the most material of those mistakes are pointed out in the Notes, which also contain the few illustrations the text requires. At the end of the volume, extracts will be found from Sir Richard Fanshawe^s official Cor- respondence, which contain every statement of general interest. Some of these are printed for the first time ; and a brief Memoir, presenting the principal facts in the life of himself and of his wife, is prefixed, with the hope of rendering her narrative better understood. In this edition the proper names of persons and places have been carefully corrected, and some additional notes are inserted. N.. H^N.; 3rd August 1830. '^ 'KX.^--. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. It may, possibly, be thought unnecessary to prefix to this work a biographical sketch of the persons whose careers are faithfully related in it ; and it may be considered an act of imprudence to place the cold and measured statements of an Editor, in juxta-position with the nervous and glowing narrative of the amiable historian of the lives of her husband and herself. The latter objection, however true, ought not to prevent such remarks being made as may cause her labours to be better understood, and more highly appreciated ; especially, as information can be supplied, and in a few instances, comments submitted, which may render that justice to the writer, it was impossible for her to do to herself. These pages will, however, contain a statement of the chief events of the lives of Sir Richard and Lady Fanshawe ; and although most of them are mentioned in her Memoir, they are so frequently interrupted by 2 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. anecdotes and reflections, as well as by accounts of places and ceremonies, that it is often difficult to fol- low her. This article may then be considered as the outline of a picture, which is filled up by a far abler and more pleasing artist; or, perhaps, it bears a nearer resemblance to the graphic references which generally accompany the descriptions of paintings, for the pur- pose of illustrating them. The genealogy of the P'anshawe family is so fuliy stated in the Memoir, that it is not requisite to allude to the subject, farther than to observe, that Sir Richard was descended from an ancient and respectable house ; that many of its members filled official situations under the Crown, and were honoured with Knighthood; that he was the fifth and youngest son of Sir Henry Fan- shawe, of Ware Park, in Hertfordshire, Knight, by Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Smythe, Esq. Farmer of the Customs to Queen Elizabeth, the younger son of an ancient Wiltshire family, and ancestor of the Viscounts Strangford ; and that his eldest brother was raised jto the peerage by the title of Viscount Fanshawe, of Dromore, in Ireland. Sir Richard Fanshawe was born at Ware Park, in June 1608, and was baptized on the 12th of that month. His father having died in 1616, when he was little more than seven years old, the care of his educa- tion devolved upon his mother, who placed him under the celebrated schoolmaster, Thomas Farnaby ; and in November 1623 he was admitted a Fellow-corn- INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 3 moner of Jesus College, Cambridge, where he is said to have prosecuted his studies with success, and to have evinced a taste for classical literature. Being intended for the Bar, he was entered of the Inner Temple on the 22nd of January 1626 ; but that pro- fession ill-accorded with his genius, and he appears to have selected it in obedience to the wishes of his mo- ther, rather than from his own choice. It has been supposed that he continued his legal pursuits until her death left him free to follow his inclination to tra- vel ; but this is not the fact, as he had returned to England before her decease. At what period he abandoned the law is not known ; but about 1627 he went abroad, with the viev/ of acquiring foreign lan- guages. Lady Fanshawe says, that the whole stock of money with which he commenced his travels did not exceed eighty-five pounds ; that he proceeded first to Paris, where he remained for twelve months, and thence went to Madrid ; and that he did not return to England for some years. In 1630 he was appointed Secretary to Lord Aston's embassy to the Court of Spain, in consequence of the information which he pos- sessed of the country ; but in attaining that knowledge he spent great part of his patrimony, which amounted only to 501 per annum, and 15001, in money. When Lord Aston was recalled, Mr. Fanshawe re- mained as the Charge d'Affaires until Sir Arthur Hop- ton was nominated Ambassador to Madrid; and he arrived in England in 1637 or 1638. For two years B 2 4 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. after bis return, he seems to have been in constant expectation of some appointment, but his views were frustrated by Secretary Windebank. At the expira- tion of that time, his eldest brother resigned to him the situation of Remembrancer of the Court of Exche- quer, but upon terms which prevented its being of any immediate pecuniary advantage. The Civil War, however, then broke out, and being one of the King's sworn servants, he attended his Majesty to Oxford, where he met the fair author of these Memoirs. Anne, the eldest daughter of Sir John Harrison, of Balls, in the county of Hertford, by Margaret, daugh- ter of Robert Fanshawe, of Fanshawe Gate, Esq. great uncle of Sir Richard Fanshawe, was born in St. Olave's Hart Street, London, on the 25th of March' 1625. Of her education and early life she has given a pleasing description, and, until the Civil War, her family lived in uninterrupted happiness. Her father having warmly espoused the Royal cause, he attended the Court to Oxford, and desired his daughters to come to him in that city, where they endured many privations, *' living in a baker's house in an obscure street, and sleeping in a bad bed in a garret, with bad provisions, no money, and little clothes." The picture of Oxford at that moment is truly deplorable, and the sufferings of the royalists appear to have been very se- vere, but which she describes as having been borne *' with a martyr-like cheerfulness." The offer of a Baronetcy to her father, — the only return which it was then in INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 5 the power of the Crown to bestow, for the heavy losses he had sustained, — was gratefully declined on the ground of poverty. In 1 644 important changes took place in her family, or, as she poetically expresses it, alluding to the state of public affairs, '' as the turbu- lence of the waves disperses the splinters of the rock," so were they separated. Her brother William died in consequence of a fall from his horse, which was shot under him in a skirmish against a party of the Earl of Essex the year before ; and on the 18th of May she became the wife of Mr. Fanshawe, in Wolvercot Church, two miles from Oxford, being then in her twentieth year, and her husband about thirty-six. He was at that time Secretary at War, and was pro- mised promotion the first opportunity. The fortune of each was in expectation : they were, she says, "truly merchant adventurers/' their whole capital being only twenty pounds ; and, to preserve the simile, that capital was laid out in the articles of his trade — in pens, ink, and paper. What was wanting in money was amply supplied by prudence and affection ; and there is no difficulty in believing her assurance, that they lived better than those whose prospects were much brighter. Whilst at Oxford, in 1 644, the University conferred upon Mr. Fanshawe the degree of Doctor of Laws. In the beginning of March 1 645 he attended the Prince to Bristol, but in consequence of his wife's confine- ment, she did not accompany him ; and the circum- b INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. stances of their separation are affecting. She joined him in that city in May, at which time he was ap- pointed Secretary to the Prince of Wales, but in con- sequence of the plague, they quitted Bristol, in July 1645, and proceeded with his Royal Highness to Barnstaple, and thence to Launceston and Truro, in Cornwall. From Truro the Court removed to Penden- nis Castle; and early in April 1646 the Prince and his suite embarked for tlie Scilly Islands. Great as their privations were at Oxford, they were much ex- ceeded by their sufferings at Scilly ; and no one can peruse the description of their voyage to and lodgings in that island with indifference. To illness were add- ed cold and hunger : they were plundered by their friends in flying from their enemies ; and to add to the misery of their situation, Mrs. Fanshawe was very near her confinement. After passing three weeks in that desolate place, the Prince and his suite went to Jersey, where they were hospitably received ; and where Mrs. Fanshawe gave birth to her second child. On the Prince's quit- ting Jersey in July, for Paris, Mr. Fanshawe's employ- ment ceased ; and he remained in that island with Lord Capell, Lord Hopton, and the Chancellor, for a fortnight after his Royal Highness's departure, when he and his wife went to Caen, to his brother Lord Fan- shawe, who was ill, leaving their infant at Jersey, under the care of Lady Carteret, the. wife of the Governor. From Caen, Mrs. Fanshawe was sent to England, by INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR T her husband, to raise money ; she arrived in London early in September 1646, where she succeeded in ob- taining permission for him to compound for his estates for the sum of 300i'., and to return. They continued in England until October 1647, liv- ing in great seclusion ; and in July in that year, whilst the unfortunate Charles was at Hampton Court, Mr. Fanshawe waited upon him, and received his in- structions to proceed to Madrid. Mrs. Fanshawe states that she had three audiences of his Majesty at Hampton Court, and her description of the last inter- view with which she and her husband were honoured, exhibits the injured Monarch as a husband, a father, a master, a sovereign, and a Christian, in the most pleasing light, and is ample evidence of the natural goodness of his heart. " The last time I ever saw him," she says, '' was on taking my leave. I could not refrain from weeping, and when he saluted me^ I prayed to God to preserve his Majesty with long life and happy years. He stroked me on the cheek, and said, * Child, if God pleaseth it shall be so ; but both you and I must submit to God's will, and you know in what hands I am.' Turning to Mr. Fanshawe, he said, ' Be sure, Dick,* to tell my son all that I have * That tlie Royal family were accustomed to address Mr. Fan- shawe in so familiar a manner, appears from a letter from the Duke of York, afterwards James the Second, dated at Paris, 18th Novem- ber 1651, to Sir Edward Nicholas : "I have received yours of the 8th of November from the Hague, and with it that from Dick Fan- shaiv." — Evelyn's Correspondence ^ vol. v. p. 188. 8 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. said, and deliver those letters to my wife. Pray God bless her ! I hope I shall do well ;' and taking him in his arms, observed, ' Thou hast ever been an honest man, and I hope God will bless thee, and make thee a happy servant to my son, whom I have charged in my letter to continue his love and trust to you ;' adding, * I do promise you, that if ever I am restored to my dignity, I will bountifully reward you both for your services and sufferings.' '* In the few days they passed at Portsmouth, previous to their quitting England in October 1647, they nar- rowly escaped being killed by a shot fired into the town by the Dutch fleet. From that place they em- barked for France, but returned to England, in April 1648, by Jersey, whence they brought with them their daughter, whom they had left under the care of Lady Carteret. In September Mr. Fanshawe attended the Prince of Wales on board the fleet in the Downs, in which a division existed, part being for the King and part for the Parliament. The Prince resolved to reduce the latter to obedience by force, but a storm separated the ships, and prevented an engagement. Three months afterwards, Mr. Fanshawe went to Paris on the Prince's affairs, whither he was followed by his wife ; and they passed six weeks there in the society of the Queen-Mother and the Princess Royal and their suite, amongst whom was the poet Waller and his wife. From Paris they went to Calais, where they met Sir Kenelm Digby, who related some of his INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 9 extraordinary stories : from that town she again went to England with the hope of raising money for her hus- band's subsistence abroad and her own at home. Mr. Fan sh awe was sent to Flanders ; and thence, in the February following, into Ireland, to receive whatever money Prince Rupert could raise by the fleet under his command, but that effort proved unsuccessful. At her husband's desire, Mrs. Fanshawe proceeded with her family to join him, and landed at Youghal after a hazardous voyage. They took up their residence at Red Abbey, a house belonging to Dean Boyle, near Cork, and passed six months in comparative tranquil- lity, receiving great kindness from the nobility and gentry of the neighbourhood. Their happiness, however, was but transitory. The death of their second son plunged them into affliction ; and the landing of Cromwell obliged Prince Rupert's fleet, the presence of which had contributed to their security, to quit Ireland ; and very shortly afterwards, in November 1649, Cork declared for the Usurper. At that moment Mr. Fanshawe was at Kinsale ; and her account of the danger to which that event exposed her, and of her perilous escape, together with her fa- mily and servants, from Red Abbey to Kinsale, is full of interest. A few days after this affair, Mr. Fanshawe received the King's commands to go to Madrid with a letter to his Catholic Majesty : on their journey they passed through Limerick, where he was present when Lord b5 10 INTRODUCTORY MEJNIOIR. Roscommon met his singular fate, of being killed by a fall down the stairs, whilst holding a candle to Mr. Fanshawe on his going out of the room where they had held a consultation. His Lordship lived only a few days after the accident, and, just before his death, placed the Great Seal of Ireland into Mr. Fanshawe's hands. This accident retarded their departure until they heard from the King, during which time they were most courteously treated by Lord Inchiquin; and an extraordinary circumstance is related by Mrs. Fanshawe, of a vision having appeared to her whilst on a visit to a daughter of the Earl of Thomond. On receiving orders from his Majesty to deliver the Seals to Lord Inchiquin, Mr. Fanshawe proceeded on his mission, and embarked with his wife at Galway, in February 1650, on board a Dutch ship for Malaga. Their entry into Galway, which had been devastated by the plague, is deserving of attention ; and an anec- dote, which is related of the conduct of the Marquis of Worcester to the merchants of that town, if true, reflects equal disgrace on the cause which he espoused and on his own memory. As if their every movement was to be attended with peril, the ship in which they embarked v/as menaced by a Turkish galley soon after it passed the Straits of Gibraltar ; on which occasion Mrs. Fanshawe displayed great heroism, by assuming the dress of the cabin-boy, and placing herself on the deck by the side of her hus- band. Fortunately, however, her courage was not INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 11 subjected to a severer test; for the Turk sheered off without attacking their vessel. They arrived safely at Malaga, and set out for Madrid, passing through Gra- nada ; and several pages are filled with a description of the Alhamba near that city. Being unsuccessful in his effort to obtain a supply of money from the Spanish Court, his wife and himself embarked at St. Sebastian for France, and arrived at Nantz, after a dangerous passage, about the end of October 1650, and reached Paris in the middle of November. On the 2nd of September in that year Mr. Fan- shawe was created a Baronet ; and it is singular that no other allusion should occur to the circumstance in the Memoir than a notice of his having left the patent in Scotland before the battle of Worcester. The Queen received them at Paris with great atten- tion ; and, after many acts of favour, she dispatched Sir Richard to the King, who was then on his way to Scotland. Lady Fanshawe and her husband proceed- ed to Calais, it being necessary that she should go to England to procure money for his journey, and in the mean time he intended to reside in Holland ; but cir- cumstances caused him to be immediately sent into Scotland, where he was received with marked kindness by the King and by the York party, who gave him the custody of the Great Seal and Privy Signet. No per- suasions could induce him to take the covenant ; but he performed the duties of his office with a zeal and 12 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. temper which, we are told, obtained for him the es- teem of all parties. Lady Fanshawe continued in London, in a state of great uneasiness about Sir Richard, having two young children to maintain, with very limited resources ; and to add to her discomfort, she was again very near her confinement. She observes, that she seldom went out of her lodgings, and spent her time chiefly in prayer for the deliverance of the King and her husband. A daughter, Elizabeth, was born on the 24th of June, and on her recovery she went to her brother-in-law's, at Ware Park, where the news reached her of the bat- tle of Worcester, on the 3rd of September ; and after some days' suspense, she learned that Sir Richard was taken prisoner. She then hastened to town, intending to seek him wherever he might be ; but on her arrival she learned from him that he would shortly be brought to London, and he appointed a place near Charing Cross where she should meet him. Their interview lasted only a few hours ; after which he was conveyed to White- hall, and was closely confined there for ten weeks, ex- pecting daily to be put to death. The manner in which she went secretly to his prison at four o'clock every morning, and her unwearied zeal to alleviate his sufferings, afford a beautiful example of female devo- tion ; and it was owing to her exertions alone that he was ultimately released on bail. Illness induced Sir Richard to go to Bath, in Au- INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 13 gust 1652, the greater part of the winter of which year they passed at Benford, in Hertfordshire ; but having occasion to wait on the Earl of StraflPord, in Yorkshire, his Lordship offered him a house in Tankersley Park, which he accepted. His family removed thither in March 1652, and during his residence there, he amused himself in literary pursuits, and translated Luis de Ca- moens. The death of their favourite daughter Anne, on the 23rd July 1654, at the age of between nine and ten, made them quit Tankersley, and they proceeded to Homerton, in Huntingdonshire, the seat of Sir Richard Fanshawe's sister, Lady Bedell, where they resided six months ; when he being sent for to London, and for- bidden to go beyond five miles of it, his wife and chil- dren removed to the metropolis. Excepting a visit to Frog Pool, in Kent, the residence of Sir Philip War- wick, they remained in London until July 1656, during which time Lady Fanshawe had two children, and her husband suffered severely from illness. Tired of living in town, Sir Richard obtained per- mission to go to Bengy, in Hertfordshire, where he and his wife were attacked with an ague, which con- fined her to her bed for many months, and did not finally leave her for nearly two years, when a visit to Bath perfectly restored them both. The news of Crom- well's death, in September 1658, which reached them whilst in that city, caused them to go to London, with the hope of Sir Richard's getting released from his bail ; and under the pretence of becoming tutor to the son 14 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. of the Earl of Pembroke, whilst on his travels, he was permitted to leave England. On his arrival at Paris, he wrote to Lord Clarendon, acquainting him with his escape, and desiring him to inform his Majesty of the circumstance. About April 1659, his Lordship re- plied that the King was then going into Spain, but that on his return, which would be in the beginning of the winter, he should come to his Majesty, who in the mean time gave him the situations of one of the Mas- ters of Requests, and Latin Secretary. Sir Richard Fanshawe then requested his wife to come to Paris with part of his children, but her appli- cation for a passport was refused ; and she relates the ingenious manner in which she imposed upon the Go- vernment, by obtaining a pass in the name of Anne Harrison, the pretended wife of a young merchant, and altering the word to Fanshawe, by which means she escaped to Calais, and joined her husband at Paris. Charles the Second came to Combes, near Paris, on a visit to his mother, in November 1659, where Sir Richard and Lady Fanshawe had an interview with him, and were received most graciously, with promises of future protection. Sir Richard being desired to follow his Majesty to Flanders, he went thither, in December, having previously sent his wife to London for money, where she arrived with her children in January 1660. Soon afterwards she followed him to Newport, Bruges, Ghent, and Brussels, where the Royal family of Eng- INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 15 land v/ere residing, by all of whom they were treated with kindness. After staying three weeks at Brussels, Sir Richard and Lady Fanshawe went to Breda, where they heard otthe Restoration, at which place, in April, his Majesty is said to have conferred on him the honour of Knighthood,* though the fact is not mentioned in the Memoir. On joining the King at the Hague, he promised to reward Sir Richard's fidelity and sufferings, by appointing him Secretary of State ; but through the machinations of " that false man," as Lady Fanshawe calls Lord Clarendon, the royal word was not fulfilled. When his Majesty embarked for Eng- land, Sir Richard was ordered to attend him in his own ship ; and a frigate was appointed to convey his family. The morning after Charles's arrival at Whitehall, Lady Fanshawe, with some other ladies, waited upon him to offer their congratulations, on which occasion, he assured her of his favour, and pre- sented Sir Richard with his portrait set in diamonds. To the Parliament summoned immediately after the restoration he was returned for the University of Cam- bridge ; and' '' had the good fortune," his affectionate biographer says, " to be the first chosen, and the first returned member of the Commons House in Parlia- ment, after the King came home ; and this cost him no more than a letter of thanks, and two brace of bucks, and twenty broad pieces of gold to buy them wine." * Biographia Britannica. 16 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. To the jealousy of Lord Clarendon, who was anxious to remove Sir Richard from about the King's person, Lady Fanshawe imputes the circumstance of his being sent to Portugal to negotiate the marriage with the Princess Katharine, to whom he was charged to pre- sent his Majesty's picture ; but this appointment is strong proof of the confidence which was reposed in his discretion and abilities. He returned to England in December, and during his absence Lady Fanshawe remained in London, where she 'gave birth to a daugh- ter in January 1662. On the arrival of the Queen at Portsmouth, Sir Richard Fanshawe was sent to receive her, and was present at her marriage, the description of which ceremony is historically valuable. Early in 1662, he was nominated a Privy Counsellor of Ireland : in August he was again sent on an em- bassy to Lisbon, and was accompanied by his wife and children. Their journey to Plymouth, their voyage, their arrival at Lisbon, their reception at Court, and the city, are minutely described. After a year's resi- dence in Portugal, Sir Richard was recalled : he re- turned to London in September 1663, and proceeded to wait on the King at Bath, who was pleased to raise him to the rank of a Privy Counsellor. In January 1664, he was appointed Ambassador to the Court of Madrid, and having embarked at Portsmouth, with a numerous retinue, on board a squadron on the 31st of that month, they arrived at Cadiz on the 23rd of February. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 17 Nearly the whole of the remainder of the Memoir is filled with an account of their journey to Madrid, of their splendid reception, of the manners of the Spaniards, of various places, and of public events and ceremonies. These descriptions display consi- derable judgment and quickness of observation, and contain some valuable information. Many of the anecdotes which occur are interesting, and like every other part of the narrative, they are told with a simplicity which renders it impossible to doubt therr accuracy. At Madrid, Lady Fan sh awe gave birth to her son Richard ; and the prayer which she breathes for Tiis prosperity, exhibits her piety and affection in lively colours. Sir Richard Fanshawe went on a mission to Lisbon in January 1665, and returned to Madrid early in March following. On the 17th of December 1665, he signed a treaty with the Spanish minister, but the King refused to ratify it, and he was recalled, when the Earl of Sandwich was sent to replace him, who arrived at Corunna in March following. Previous to this circumstance. Lady Fanshawe intended to return to England to see her father, who was on the verge of the grave ; but she then resolved to wait for Sir Richard's departure. She was now, however, destined to experience the severest of all her trials, in the death of her husband, who, after introducing Lord Sandwich at Court on the 18 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 15th of June, was seized with an ague, and expired on the 26th of the same month.* No other language could convey an adequate idea of Lady Fanshawe's feelings under her loss, than that in which she has expressed them ; and her address to the Almighty on her sufferings, merits every possible praise. Some of Sir Richard Fanshawe's biographers have imputed his death to a broken heart, in consequence of his being recalled ; but this is a gratuitous asserr, tion, for nothing of the kind is hinted in the Memoir, though the conduct of Lord Clarendon and others towards him is severely commented upon. His letter to the King on the occasion is preserved, from which it is evident, that he felt his recall deeply, but the gracious communication by which it was accompanied, lessened the severity of the act, and he seems anxiously to have looked forward to his arrival in England to defend his conduct. Lady Fanshawe resolved on accompanying her hus- band's corpse to England ; but, previous to her quit- ting Madrid, the Queen-Regent of Spain offered her a pension, and promised to provide for her children, if she and they would embrace the Roman Catholic faith ; an offer, which it would be an insult to her memory to attribute any merit to her for refusing. * According to the inscription on his monument, he died on the sixteenth of June ; the discrepancy arose from the difference in the style. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 19 Having disposed of her plate, furniture, and horses, she left the Siete Chimeneas, in a private manner, on the 8th of July, and observes, " Never did any ambassador's'^ family come into Spain so gloriously, or went out so sad." She reached Bilboa on the 21st of July, where Sir Richard's corpse awaited her arrival, and remained there until the 3rd of October. The mournful train then proceeded towards England, by Bayonne and Paris, where they arrived on the 30th of October. After an audience of the Queen-Mother, Lady Fanshawe set out for Calais ; and on the 2nd of November was conveyed to the Tower Wharf in a French vessel-of-war. On the 26th, the body of Sir Richard, attended by seven of the gentlemen of his suite, was interred in AUhallows Church, in Hertford, whence it was removed, in May 1671, to a vault in St. Mary's Chapel in Ware Church, where his widow erected a handsome monument, with the following inscription, to his memory : — P. M. S. In Hypogeo, juxta hoc monumentum, jacet corpus nobilissimi viri RICARDI FANSHAWE, Equitis Aurati et Baronetti, ex antiqua ilia familia de Ware Parke, in comitatu Hertfordiae, Henrici Fanshawe, Equitis Aurati, prolis decimas. Uxorem duxit Annam filiara natu maximam Johannis Harrison, Equitis Aurati, de Balls, in com. Hertfordiae ; et ex ea suscepit sex filios et octo filias; e quibus 20 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. supeisunt Ilicardus, Catherina, Margarita, Anna, et Elizabetha. Mr comitate morum, luce fidei, constantitl, prasstantissimus, qui olim (laetus exul) serenissimi regis Caroli Secundi calamitates fortiter amplexus est, in Rebus bellicis, ab eodem constitutus Secretarius, posteaque (Regno ei feliciter restaurato) libellomm supplicum Magister, a Latinis epistolis, a sanctioribus Regis consiliis turn Angliae, turn Hiberniae factus ; pro Academia Cantabrigiensi Burgensis ; Necnon ejusdem serenissimi Regis ad utrasque Aulas Portugal, et Hispan. Legatus, in quarum proxima, cum pulcherrime officio suo functus esset, splendidissimam quamdiu egerat Vitam cum luctuosa morte commutavit. JNIonumentum hoc, cum Hypogeo, moestissima conjux pie posuit, quae etiam corpus Mariti sui ab urbe Madrid hue per terras transtulit. ^,.., ,^:,i T • rDom. M.DCLXVI. Obut 16'' de Junii, anno J L aetatis suae LIX.* Sir Richard Fanshawe was buried with much pomp ; * Clutterbuck's History of Hertfordshire, vol. iii. page 311. The following arms occur on the monument : Quarterly, 1st and 4th, Or, a chevron betw^een three fleurs-de-lis Sable, Fanshawe ancient ; 2nd and 3rd, cheeky Argent and Azure, a cross Gules, Fanshawe modern, being an honourable augmentation granted in 1650 : on an escutcheon in the centre, the arms of Ulster. Im- paling, Cheeky, a cross, thereon five pheons' heads, pointing up- wards. Harrison. Crest, on a wTeath, Or and Azure, a dragon's head erased Or, vomiting fire. On a label under the arms these mottos : " Dux vitae ratio." " In Christo victoria." INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 21 and a full account of the ceremony occurs in his funeral certificate in the College of Arms. From the King, the Queen, the Court, and some of the ministers, Lady Fanshawe received much sym- pathy and kindness ; but, in common with every other person who had pecuniary claims on the Government, she experienced great difficulty in procuring the ar- rears due to her husband, and it was not until nearly three years that the whole was paid ; by which delay, she says, she sustained a loss of above two thousand pounds. At the instigation of Lord Shaftesbury, of whom she speaks with the utmost bitterness, she was obliged to pay the same amount for the plate fur- nished to the embassy. Of the tardy manner in which Sir Richard Fan-r shavve's allowance was paid, and the embarrassment into which he was consequently thrown, he has left ample proof in his letter to his brother-in-law Sir Philip Warwick, dated a few weeks before his death ; in which he tells him that he had been obliged to pawn his plate for his subsistence. Lady Fanshawe states in a very feeling manner the situation in which she found herself after her hus- band's death ; and it is scarcely possible to read her allusions to his long and faithful services, and the heavy sacrifices which he made, without admitting the justice of the charge so often brought against Charles, of being neglectful of his servants. It is, 22 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. however, more than possible that the fault was not the monarch's alone. He was surrounded by greedy and selfish courtiers, each eager to advance his own inte- rest, and possessed of similar claims on the ground of services ; and as the spoils out of which they sought to enrich themselves were limited, it was an obvious point of policy to oppose the demands of others. The few years which succeeded the Restoration are among the most disgraceful in the annals of this country ; and to the evidence which exists of the want of prin- ciple which characterized the Court of Charles the Second, these Memoirs are no slight addition. The Monarch was heartless and profligate; his ministers, with very few exceptions, were intent alone on the promotion of their own interests ; and services and sufferings were nothing in the balance against the in- fluence of the royal mistresses. In such a state of things, merit availed but little ; and with a host of other zealous adherents of the royal family, at a time when fidelity was attended with the fearful penalties attached to high treason. Sir Richard Fanshawe, after thirty years' devotion to his master, and spending a fortune in his cause, was sacrificed to the intrigues of his enemies, and probably was only spared by death from greater mortifications. To this outline of the lives of Sir Richard and Lady Fanshawe little remains to be added. The Memoir, though continued to the year 1670, contains very few facts after her return to England which are deserving INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 23 of notice. It is manifest that her hopes were destroy- ed, and that her only happiness consisted in reflecting on the past. Her first object was to reduce her esta- blishment according to her altered fortune, and the second to educate her family. In 1670, she lost her excellent father, whose death added heavily to her misfortunes ; but she possessed that resource against human woes which can only be inspired by a reliance upon Him who never deserts the widow and the father- less. Her life had been marked by extreme vicissi- tudes ; and at its conclusion — dark and cheerless as it was — she wisely looked for consolation where she had so frequently found it, and where, it may be con- fidently said, it is never sought in vain. Of the conduct of Sir Richard Fanshawe, as a ser- vant of the Crown, and as a husband and a father, sufficient is said in the Memoir ; but it is desirable to notice his literary labours, which are stated in the Biographia Britannica to consist of — 1. An English translation, in rhyme, of the cele- brated Italian pastoral, called, " II Pastor Fido, or, the Faithful Shepherd," written originally by Battista Guarini. Printed at London, 1646, 4to., and in 1664 8vo. 2. Select parts of Horace translated into English, 1652, 8vo. 3. A translation from English into Latin verse, of " The Faithful Shepherdess," a pastoral, written origi- nally by John Fletcher. London, 1658. 24 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 4. In the octavo edition of *' The Faithful Shep- herdess," anno 1664, are inserted the following poems by Sir Richard: viz. 1. An Ode upon occasion of his Majesty's Proclamation in 1630, commanding the gentry to reside upon their estates in the country. 2. A summary Discourse on the Civil Wars of Rome, extracted from the best Latin writers in verse and prose. 3. An English translation of the fourth book of the ^neid of Virgil or the Loves of Dido and ^neas. 4. Two Odes out of Horace, relating to the civil wars of Rome, against covetous rich men. 5. He translated, from Portuguese, into English, •' The Luciad, or Portugal's Historical Poem ;" writ- ten originally by Luis de Camoens. London 1655, fol. From the many corrections in the Translator's copy, in the possession of the late Edm. Turner, Esq. it ap- pears to have been very negligently printed, which may in some degree account for the remarks of Mr. Mickle on Sir Richard's translation. After his decease, name- ly in 1671, two of his posthumous pieces in 4to. were published Querer per solo querer : " To love only for love's sake," a dramatic piece, represented before the King and Queen of Spain ; and Fiestas de Aran- juez: *' Festivals at Aranjuez;" both written originally in Spanish, by Antonio de Mendoza ; upon occasion of celebrating the birthday of King Philip IV. in 1621, at Aranjuez. They were translated by Sir Richard in 1654, during his confinement at Tankersley-park, in INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 25 Yorkshire ; which situation induced him to write the following stanzas : — " Time was, when I, a pilgrim of the seas, When I, 'midst noise of camps and court's disease, Purloin'd some hours, to charm rude cares with verse, Which flame of faithful shepherd did rehearse. " But now, restrain'd from sea, from camp, from court. And by a tempest blown into a port, I raise my thoughts to muse of higher things, And echo arms and loves of queens and kings. ** Which queens (despising crowns and Hymen's band) Would neither man obey, nor man command ; Great pleasure from rough seas to see the shore ; Or, from firm land, to see the billows roar." Sir Richard, to whom Mr. Campbell assigns the merit of having given " to our language some of its earliest and most important translations from modern literature,"* wrote several other articles, which he had not leisure to complete ; and it is said that " some of the before mentioned printed pieces have not all the perfection which our ingenious author could have given them, but that is not the case with his excellent trans- lation of Pastor Fido."t That translation is highly complimented by Den- ham^ who observes, ' ' Such is our pride, or folly, or our fate, That few but such as cannot write translate ;" * Specimens of the Poets. t Biographia Britannica. C 26 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. and after censuring servile translators, he says — *' Secure of fame, thou justly dost esteem Less honour to create than to redeem ; That servile path thou nohly dost decline, Of tracing word by word, and line by line." And, " That master's hand, which to the life can trace The air, the line, the features, of the face, IMay with a free and bolder stroke express A varied posture, or a flatt'ring dress ; He could have made those like, who made the rest. But that he knew his own design was best." Part of Sir Richard Fanshawe's official correspond- ence, during his embassies in Spain and Portugal, was published in 1701, from which many extracts have been printed at the end of this volume ; but the latest letter therein is dated 26th January, 1665. The rough copies of his correspondence from that time until his death, are preserved in the Harleian MS. 7010, in the British Museum, the most interest- ing parts of which are added to the other extracts. Lady Fanshawe wrote her Memoir in the year 1676, and died on the 20th January, 1679-80, in her fifty- fifth year. Her will is dated on the 30th October, 31st Car. Tl. 1679, in which she desired that her body might be privately buried in the Chapel of St. Mary in Ware Church, close to her husband, in the vault which she had purchased of the Bishop of Lon- INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 27 don. She ordered her house in Little Grove, in East Barnet, with all the jewels, plate, and pictures therein, to be sold. To her son, Sir Richard Fanshawe, she bequeathed the lease of the manor of Faunton Hall, in Essex, which she held of the Bishop of London, on condition that when he possessed his office in the Custom-House, or any other employment of the value o/ 500/. a year, he should pay to his eldest sister Katherine 1200/., or deliver up the said lease to her. She also left him her own and her husband's picture set in gold, his father's picture by Lilly, and her own by Toniars, with all her seals, particularly a gold ring, with an onyx-stone, engraved, her purse of medals, all the gold she had by her at the time of her death, a Spanish towel, and comeing- cloth, together with all the books, MSS., writings, &c., sticks, guns, swords, and turning instruments, which belonged to her late husband. To her daughter, Katherine Fan- shawe, she left 600/. of which sum 500/. were given her by her grandfather, Sir John Harrison, at his decease, a warrant for a Baronet, probably her hus- band's, and all her jewels. To her daughters Anne Fanshawe and Elizabeth Fanshawe 600/. each, of which sums 500/. were given to each of them by their said grandfather. To her daughter Katherine she bequeathed the fFork written by herself, hy her said daughter Katherine, or by her sisters. She requested that her son Sir Richard and her three daughters would wear mourning for three years after her de- c 2 28 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. cease, namely, mourning with plain linen, excepting eitlierof them married in the mean time ; and she ap- pointed her eldest daughter, Katherine, her sole exe- cutrix, who proved her Will on the 6th February 1679-80. Of her numerous children, the following particu- lars have been gleaned from her memoir and other sources. 1. Hauuisotc, born in the parish of St. John's Ox- ford, 22nd February 1644-5, and was there buried in the same year. 2. Henry, born in Portugal Row, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, 30th July 1647, died on the 20th October 1650, and was buried in the Protestant bury- ing-ground at Paris. 3. RiCHAiiD, born 8th June 1648, died before Oc- tober 1650. 4. Henry, born in November 1657, and dying in the same year, was buried in Bengy Church, in Hert- fordshire. 5. Richard, born at Lisbon, 26th June 1663 ; he lived a few hours only, and was there buried in the Esperanza. 6. Richard, born at Madrid, 6th August 1665, to whom the Memoir was addressed. He succeeded his father in 1666, and became the second Baronet. He is said to have been deprived of his hearing, and at length of his speech, in consequence of a fever, and to INTRODUCTORY MEJVIOIR. 29 have died unmarried about 1695,* when the Baronetcy became extinct. The daughters were 1. Anne, born at Jersey, 7th June 1G46 ; died at Tankersley Park, in Yorkshire, 20th July 1654, and was buried in the Parish Church of Tankersley, 2. Elizabeth, born at Madrid, 13th July 1649 ; died a few days afterwards, and was buried in the Chapel of the French Hospital at Madrid. 3. Elizabeth, born 24th June 1650; died at Foot's Cray, in Kent, in July 1656, and was there buried. 4. Katherine, born 30th July 1652, and was living, and unmarried, in May 1705. 5. Margaret, born at Tankersley Park, in York- shire, 8th October 1653, married, before 1676, Vin- cent Grantham, of Goltho, in Lincolnshire, Esq. It is remarkable that she is not mentioned in her mother's will. She was living, and the wife or widow of Mr. Grantham, in May 1705. 6. Ann, born at Frog Pool, in Kent, 22nd February 1654-5, unmarried October 1679 ; but afterwards mar- ried Ryder, by whom she had a daughter, Ann Lawrence,who,with her mother, were living in May 1705. 7. Mary, born in London, 12th July 1656; died in August 1660, and was buried in All Saints' Church, Hertford. 8. Elizabeth, born 22nd February 1662, to whom her mother bequeathed 600/. in her will in * Le Neve's MSS. in the College of Arms. 30 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 1679, after which year nothing more of her has been found. Although some trouble has been taken to trace the descendants of Sir Richard and Lady Fanshawe, all which has been discovered is, that their daughters be- came their co-heirs about 1695 ; that Sir Edmund Turnor, the husband of Lady Fanshawe's sister, in his will, dated 15th May 1705, and proved in 1708, mentions his nieces Fanshawe, Grantham, and niece Anne Fanshawe^ alias Ryder, and Anne Lawrence, daughter of his niece Ryder ; and that the MS. from which this volume is printed, is said to have been tran- scribed in 1766, by Lady Fanshawe's " great grand- daughter, Charlotte Colman." MEMOIR OF LADY FANSHAWE. I HAVE thought it good to discourse to you, my most dear and only son, the most remarkable actions and accidents of your family, as well as those more eminent ones of your father ; and my life and necessity, not delight or revenge, hath made me insert some passages which will reflect on their owners, as the praises of others will be but just, which is my intent in this narrative. I would not have you be a stranger to it ; because, by the example, you may imitate what is appli- cable to your condition in the world, and endea- vour to avoid those misfortunes we have passed through, if God pleases. 32 MEMOIR OF Endeavour to be innocent as a dove, but as Avise as a serpent ; and let this lesson direct you most in the greatest extremes of fortune. Hate idleness, and curb all passions ; be true in all words and actions ; unnecessarily deliver not your opinion ; but when you do, let it be just, well-con- sidered, and plain. Be charitable in all thought, word, and deed, and ever ready to forgive injuries done to yourself, and be more pleased to do good than to receive good. Be civil and obliging to all, dutiful where God and nature command you ; but friend to one, and that friendship keep sacred, as the greatest tie up- on earth, and be sure to ground it upon virtue ; for no other is either happy or lasting. Endeavour always to be content in that estate of life which it hath pleased God to call you to, and think it a great fault not to employ your time, either for the good of your soul, or improvement of your understanding, health, or estate ; and as these are the most pleasant pastimes, so it will make you a cheerful old age, which is as neces- sary for you to design, as to make provision to support the infirmities which decay of strength brings : and it was never seen that a vicious youth terminated in a contented, cheerful old age, but LADY FANSHAWE. 33 perished out of countenance. Ever keep the best quahfied persons company, out of whom you will find advantage, and reserve some hours daily to examine yourself and fortune ; for if you embark yourself in perpetual conversation or recreation, you will certainly shipwreck your mind and for- tnne. Remember the proverb — such as his com- pany is, such is the man, and have glorious actions before your eyes, and think what shall be your portion in Heaven, as well as what you desire on earth. Manage your fortune prudently, and forget not that you must give God an account hereafter, and upon all occasions. Remember your father, whose true image, though I can never draw to the life, unless God will grant me that blessing in you ; yet, because you were but ten months and ten days old when God took him out of this world, I will, for your advantage, show you him with all truth, and without partiality. He was of the highest size of men, strong, and of the best proportion ; his complexion sanguine, his skin exceedingly fair, his hair dark brown and very curling, but not very long ; his eyes grey and penetrating, his nose high, his countenance c 5 34 MEMOIR OF gracious and wise, his motion good, his speech clear and distinct. He never used exercise but walking, and that generally with some book in his hand, which oftenthiies was poetry, in which he spent his idle hours ; sometimes he would ride out to take the air, but his most delight was, to go only with me in a coach some miles, and there discourse of those things which then most pleased him, of what nature soever. He was very obliging to all, and forward to serve his master, his country, and friend ; cheer- ful in his conversation ; his discourse ever plea- sant, mixed with the sayings of wise men, and their histories repeated as occasion offered, yet so reserved that he never showed the thought of his heart, in its greatest sense, but to myself only ; and this I thank God with all my soul for, that he never discovered his trouble to me, but went from me with perfect cheerfulness and content ; nor revealed he his joys and hopes but would say, that they were doubled by putting them in my breast. I never heard him hold a disputation in my life, but often he would speak against it, say- ing, it was an uncharitable custom, which never turned to the advantage of either party. He would never be drawn to the fashion of any party, LADY PANSHAWE. 35 saying, he found it sufficient honestly to perform that employment he was in : he loved and used cheerfulness in all his actions, and professed his religion in his life and conversation. He was a true Protestant of the Church of England, so born, so brought up, and so died ; his conversation was so honest that I never heard him speak a word in my life that tended to God's dishonour, or en- couragement of any kind of debauchery or sin. He was ever much esteemed by his two masters, Charles the First and Charles the Second, both for great parts and honesty, as for his conversa- tion, in which they took great delight, he being so free from passion, that made him beloved of all that knew him, nor did I ever see him moved but with his master's concerns, in which he would hotly pursue his interest through the greatest difficulties. He was the tenderest father imaginable, the carefulest and most generous master I ever knew ; he loved hospitality, and would often say, it was wholly essential for the constitution of England : he loved and kept order with the greatest decency possible; and though he would say 1 managed his domestics wholly, yet I ever governed them and myself by his commands ; in the managing of 36 MEMOIR OP which, I thank God, I found his approbation and content. Now you will expect that I should say some- thing that may remain of us jointly, which I will do though it makes my eyes gush out with tears, and cuts me to the soul to remember, and in part express the joys I was blessed with in him. Glory be to God, we never had but one mind throughout our lives. Our souls were wrapped up in each other^s ; our aims and designs one, our loves one, and our resentments one. We so studied one the other, that we knew each other's mind by our looks. Whatever was real happiness, God gave it me in him ; but to commend my better half, which I want sufficient expression for, methinks is to commend myself, and so may bear a censure ; but, might it be permitted, I could dwell eternally on his praise most justly; but thus without of- fence I do, and so you may imitate him in his patience, his prudence, his chastity, his charity, his generosity, his perfect resignation to God's will, and praise God for him as long as you live here, and with him hereafter in the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen. Your father was born in Ware Park, in the month of June, in the year of our Lord 1608, and LADY FANSHAWE. 37 was the tenth child of Sir Henry Fanshawe, whose father bought Ten, in Essex, and Ware Park, in Hertfordshire. This, your great-grand- father, came out of Derbyshire from a small estate, Fanshawe-Gate, being the principal part that then this family had, which exceeded not above two hundred pounds a year, and about so much more they had in the town and parish of Dronfield, within two miles of Fanshawe-Gate, where the family had been some hundreds of years, as ap- pears by the church of Dronfield, in the chancel of which church I have seen several grave-stones with the names of that family, many of them very ancient ; and the chancel, which is very old, was and is kept wholly for a burying-place for that family. There is in the town a free school, with a very good house and noble endowment founded by your great-grandfather, who was sent for to Lon- don in Henry the Eighth's time, by an uncle of his, and of his own name, to be brought up a clerk under his uncle Thomas Fanshawe, who pro- cured your great-grandfather's life to be put with his in the patent of Remembrancers of his Majesty's Exchequer, which place he enjoyed after the death of his uncle, he having left no male issue, only 38 MEMOIR OF two daughters, who had both great fortunes in land and money, and married into the best families in Essex in that time. This was the rise of your great-grandfather, who, with his office and his Derbyshire estate, raised the family to what it hath been and now is. He had one only brother, Robert Fanshawe, who had a good estate in Der- byshire, and lived in Fanshawe-Gate, which he hired of his eldest brother, your great-grand- father. In this house my mother was born, Margaret, the eldest daughter of Robert, your great-great uncle : he married one of the daughters of Row- land Eyes, of Bradway, in the same county of Derby, by whom he had twelve sons and two daughters : that family remains in Dronfield to this dav. Your great-grandfather, married Alice Bour- chier, of the last Earl of Bath's family,* by whom he had only one son that lived, Henry, which was your grandfather ; afterwards when he had been two years a widower, he married one of the daugh- ters of Customer Smythe, who had six sons and * This was not the fact. She was the daughter of Anthony Bourchier, Esq. of the County of Gloucester, a family in no way connected with the noble house of Bath. LADY FANSHAWE. 39 six daughters : his sons were Sir John S my the, Sir Thomas Smythe, Sir Richard Smythe, Sir Robert Smythe, Mr. William Smythe, and Mr. Edward Smythe, who died young : two were knighted by Queen Elizabeth, and two by King James ; the eldest was grandfather of the now Lord Strangford ; the second had been several times ambassador, and all married into good fami- lies, and left great estates to their posterity, which remain to this day. The daughters were Mrs. Fanshawe, your great-grandmother-in-law ; the second married Sir John Scott, of Kent ; the third married Sir John Davies, of the same county ; the fourth married Sir Robert Poynz, of Leices- tershire ; the fifth married Thomas Butler, of Herald, Esq., and the sixth married Sir Henry Fanshawe, your grandfather : these all left a numerous posterity but Davies, and this day they are matched into very considerable families.* * Lady Fanshawe is not quite correct in her account of the Smythe family, and the statements in Peerages are equally erro- neous. Thomas Smythe, Esq. of Ostenhanger, in Kent, Farme of the Customs to Philip and Mary, and to Queen Elizabeth, was the second son of John Smythe, Esq. (whose ancestors were seated at Corsham, in Wiltshire, as early as tlielSth century,) by Joan, daughter of Robert Brounker, ancestor of the cele- brated Viscount Brounker. Customer Smythe died in 1591, 40 MEMOIR OF Your great-grandfather had by his second wife. Sir Thomas Fanshawe, Clerk of the Crown, and Surveyor-General of King James ; to him he gave his manor of Jenkins, in Essex, valued at near two thousand a year. and had by Alice, daughter and heiress of Sir Andrew Judde, Lord Mayor of London, and one of the representatives of Archbishop Chicheley, seven sons and six daughters. 1. Andrew, who died young. 2. Sir John, of Ostenhanger, father of Sir Thomas Smythe, K. B. who married Lady Barbara Sydney, daughter of Robert first Earl of Leicester, K.G. was created \'iscount Strangford, in Ireland, in 1628, and was the ancestor of Percy Clinton Sydney Smythe, sixth and present \'iscount Strangford and first Baron Penshurst, G.C.B. 3. Henry Smythe, of Corsham. 4. Sir Thomas Smythe, of Bidborough, in the county of Kent, ambassador to Russia in 1604, whose male descendants became extinct on the death of Sir Stafford Sydney Smythe, Chief Baron of the Exchequer, in 1778. 5. Sir Richard Smythe, of Leeds Castle, in Kent, whose son, Sir John, dying issueless in 1632, his sisters became his co-heiresses. 6. Robert Smythe, of Highgate, who left issue. 7. Symon Smythe, killed at the siege of Cadiz m 1597. Of the daughters of Customer Smythe, Mary married Robert Davye, of London, Esq. ; Ursula married, first, Simon Harding, of London, Esq., and secondly William Butler, of Bidenham, in Bedfordshire, Esq.; Johanna was the wife of Thomas Fan- shawe, of Ware Park, Herts, Esq. ; Katherine was first the wife of Sir Rowland Hayward. Lord Mayor of London, and secondly of Sir John Scott, of Scott's Hall, in Kent; Alice mar- ried Edward Harris, of Woodham, in Essex, Esq. ; and Eliza- beth, the sixth and youngest daughter, was the wife of Sir LADY FAN SHAW E. 41 His second son by the same wife, William, he procured to be Auditor of the Duchy, whose pos- terity hath in Essex, at Parslowes, about seven or eight hundred pounds a year. His eldest daugh- ter married Sir Christopher Hatton, heir to the Lord Chancellor Hatton ; his second married Sir Benjamin Ayloffe, of Brackstead, in Essex ; the third married Mr. Bullock Harding, in Derby- shire ; all men of very great estates. As your grandfather inherited Ware Park and his office, the flower of his father's estate, so did he of his wisdom and parts ; and both were happy in the favour of the princes of that time, for Queen Eliza- beth said that your grandfather was the best officer of accounts she had, and a person of great integrity ; and your grandfather was the favourite of Prince Henry, and had the Prince lived to be King, had been Secretary of State, as he would often tell him. Mr. Camden speaks much in praise, as you may see, of Sir Henry Fanshawe's Henry Faushawe, Remembrancer of the Exchequer, father of Sir Richard Fanshawe, the Ambassador. Sir Robert Poyntz, of Leicestershire, is a mistake of Lady Fanshawe's for Sir James Poyntz, of North Oxenden, in Essex, who married Mary, the sister and co-heiress of Sir John Smythe, son of Sir Richard, of Bidborough, before mentioned, and grand-daugh- ter of the Customer. 42 MEMOIR OF garden of Ware Park, none excelling it in flowers, physic herbs, and fruit, in which things he did greatly delight ; also he was a great lover of mu- sic, and kept many gentlemen that were perfectly well qualified both in that and the Italian tongue, in which he spent some time. He likewise kept several horses of manege, and rid them himself, which he delighted in, and the Prince would say none did it better ; he had great honour and ge- nerosity in his nature, and to show you a little part of which I will tell you this of him. He had a horse that the then Earl of Exeter was much pleased with, and Sir Henry esteemed, because he deserved it. INIy Lord, after some apology, de- sired Sir Henry to let him have his horse and he would give him what he would ; he replied, ' My Lord, I have no thoughts of selling him but to serve you ; I bought him of such a person, and gave so much for him, and that shall be my price to you as I paid, being sixty pieces' ; my Lord Exeter said, ' That 's too much, but I will give you. Sir Henry, fifty ,' to which he made no answer; next day my Lord sent a gentleman with sixty pieces, Sir Henry made answer, ' That was the price he paid and once had offered him, my Lord, at, but not being accepted, his price now was eighty ;' LADY FANSHAWE. 43 at the receiving of this answer my Lord Exeter stormed, and sent his servant back with seventy pieces. Sir Henry said, that ' since my Lord would not Hke him at eighty pieces, he would not sell him under a hundred pieces, and if he returned with less he would not sell him at all"* ; upon which my Lord Exeter sent one hundred pieces and had the horse. His retinue was great, and that made him stretch his estate, which was near if not full four thousand pounds a year ; yet when he died, he left no debt upon his estate. He departed this life at the age of forty-eight years, and lies buried in the chancel, in a vault with his father in the parish church of Ware : he was as handsome and as fine a gentleman as England then had, a most excellent husband, father, friend, and servant to his Prince. He left in the care of my lady his widow, five sons and five daughters. His eldest son succeeded him in his lands and office, and after the restoration of the King, he was made Lord Viscount of Dromore in Ireland ; he did en- gage his person and estate for the crown, and fought in the battle of Edgehill, and this ruined his estate, and was the cause of his sons selling Ware Park; afterwards he tried, by the King's assistance, to be reimbursed, but could not pre- 44 MEiMOIR OF vail. He was a very worthy, valiant, honest, good- natured gentleman, charitable, and generous, and had excellent natural parts, yet choleric and rash, which was only incommode to his own famil}^ : he was a very pretty man, for he was but low, of a sanguine complexion, much a gentleman in his mien and language ; he was sixty-nine years of age when he died, and is buried with his ancestors in Ware Church. He married first the daughter of Sir Giles AUington, by whom he hath a daughter called Anne, who remains a maid to this day ; his second wife was Elizabeth, daughter to Sir William Cockain, Lord Mayor of London. She was a very good wife, but not else qualified extraordi- nary in any thing. She brought him many chil- dren, whereof now remain three sons and five daughters. Thomas, Lord Viscount Fanshawe, his eldest son, died in May 1674; he was a handsome gen- tleman, of an excellent understanding, and great honour and honesty. He married the daughter and sole heir of Knitton Ferrers, of Bedford- bury, in the county of Hertford, Esq., by whom he had no child. After his father's death he married the daughter of Sir John Evelyn, widow to Sir John LADY FANSHAWE. 45 Wrey, of Lincolnshire ; by this wife he had seve- ral children, of which only two survived him, Thomas, now Lord Viscount Fanshawe, and Ka- therine. His widow is lately married unto my Lord Castleton, of Senbeck, in Yorkshire. He lies buried with his ancestors in the Parish Church of Ware. Your uncle Henry, that was the se- cond, was killed in fighting gallantly in the Low Countries with the English colours in his hand. He was very handsome and a very brave man, beloved and lamented by all who knew him. The third died a bachelor ; I knew him not. The fourth is Sir Simon Fanshawe, a gallant gentle- man, but more a libertine than any of his family ; he married a very fine and good woman, and of a great estate ; she was daughter and coheir to Sir William Walter, and widow to Knitton Ferrers, son to Sir John Ferrers, of Hertfordshire. Your father, Sir Richard Fanshawe, Knight and Baronet, one of the Masters of the Requests, Secretary of the Latin Tongue, Burgess for the University of Cambridge, and one of his Majesty's most honourable Privy Council of England and Ireland, and his Majesty's Ambassador to Portu- gal and Spain, was the fifth and youngest son. He married me, the eldest daughter of Sir John 46 MEMOIR OF Harrison, Knight, of Balls, in the county of Hert- ford ; he. was married at thirty-five years of age, and lived with me twenty-three years and twenty- nine days ; he lies buried in a new vault I pur- chased of Humphry, Lord Bishop of London, in St. Mary's Chapel in the Church of Ware, near his ancestors, over which I built him a monument. My dear husband had six sons and eight daugh- ters, born and christened, and I miscarried of six more, three at several times, and once of three sons when I was about half gone my time. Har- rison, my eldest son, and Henry, my second son ; Richard, my third ; Henry, my fourth ; and Richard, my fifth, are all dead; my second lies buried in the Protestant Church-yard in Paris, by the father of the Earl of Bristol ; my eldest daughter Anne lies buried in the Parish Church of Tankersley, in Yorkshire, where she died ; Eli- zabeth lies in the Chapel of the French Hospital at Madrid, where she died of a fever at ten days old ; my next daughter of her name lies buried in the Parish of Foot's Cray, in Kent, near Frog- Pool, my brother Warwick's house, where she died ; and my daughter Marj lies in my father's vault in Hertford, with my first son Henry ; my eldest lies buried in the Parish Church of St. LADY FANSHAWE. 47 John's College in Oxford, where he was born ; my second Henry lies in Bengy Church, in Hert- fordshire ; and my second Richard in the Espe- ranza in Lisbon in Portugal, he being born ten weeks before my time when I was in that Court. I praise God I have living yourself and four sis- ters, Katherine unmarried, Margaret married to Vincent Grantham, Esq. of Goltho, in the county of Lincoln, Anne, and Elizabeth. Now I have shown you the most part of your family by the male line, except Sir Thomas Fan- shawe, of Jenkins, who has but one child, and that a daughter, and two brothers, both unmar- ried. Their father as well as themselves was a worthy honest gentleman and a great sufferer for the crown, wholly engaging his estate for the maintenance thereof; and so is my cousin John Fanshawe, of Parslowes, in Essex, who hath but two sons, one unmarried by his first wife, who was the daughter of Sir William Kingsmill ; and the other is a child whom he had by his last wife, the daughter of my cousin, Thomas Fanshawe, of Jenkins. I confess I owe Sir Thomas Fanshawe as good a character as I can express, for he fully deserves it, both for his true honours, and most excellent 48 MEMOIR OF acquired and natural parts ; and that which is of me most esteemed, he was your father'*s intimate friend as well as near kinsman ; and during the time of the war he was very kind to us, by assist- ing us in our wants, which were as great as his supports ; which, though, I thank God, I have fully repaid, yet must ever remain obliged for his kindness and the esteem he hath for us. He married the daughter and heir of Sir Ed^ ward Heath, a pretty lady and a good woman ; but I must here with thankfulness acknowledge God's bounty to your family, who hath bestowed most excellent wives on most of them, both in person and fortune ; but with respect to the rest, I must give with all reverence justly your grand- mother the first and best place, who being left a widow at thirty-nine years of age, handsome, with a full fortune, all her children provided for, kept herself a widow, and out of her jointure and revenue purchased six hundred pounds a year for the younger children of her eldest son ; be- sides, she added five hundred pounds a piece to the portions of her younger children, having nine, whereof but one daughter was married be- fore the death of Sir Henry Fanshawe, and she was the second, her name was Mary, married to LADY FAT^SHAWE. 49 William Neuce, Esq., of Hadham, in Hertford- shire ; the eldest daughter married Sir Capell Bedells, of Hammerton, in Huntingdonshire ; the third never married ; the fourth married Sir Wil- liam Boteler, of Teston, in Kent ; the fifth died young. Thus you have been made acquainted with most of your nearest relations by your father, except your cousins german, which are the three sons of your uncle, Lord Fanshawe, and William Neuce, Esq., and his two brothers, and Sir Oliver Boteler, and my Lady Campbell, three maiden sis- ters of hers, and my Lady Levingthorpe, of Black- ware, in Hertfordshire. There was more, but they are dead ; and so are the most part of them I have named, but their memories will remain as long as their names, for honest, worthy, virtuous men and women, who served God in their genera- tions in their several capacities, and without va- nity none exceeded them in their loyalty, v/hich cost them dear, for there were as many fathers, sons, uncles, nephews, and cousins german, and those that matched to them, engaged and seques- tered for the crown in the time of the late rebel- lion as their revenue made nearly eighty thousand pounds a year, and this I have often seen a list of and know it to be true. D 50 MEMOIR OF The use of which to you is, that you should not omit your duty to your king and country, nor be less in your industry to exceed at least, not shame, the excellent memory of your ancestors. They were all eminent officers ; and that, I be- lieve, keeping them ever employed, made them so good men. I hope in God the like parallel will be in you, which I heartily and daily pray for. I was born in St. Olaves, Hart-street, London, in a house that my father took of the Lord Ding- wall, father to the now Duchess of Ormond, in the year 1625, on our Lady Day, 25th of March. Mr. Hyde, Lady Alston, and Lady Wolsten- holme, were my godfather and godmothers. In that house I lived the winter times till I was fif- teen years old and three months, with my ever honoured and most dear mother, who departed this life on the 20th day of July, 1640, and now lies buried in Allhallow's Church, in Hertford. Her funeral cost my father above a thousand pounds; and Dr. Howlsworth preached her fu- neral sermon, in which, upon his own knowledge, he told before many hundreds of people this acci- dent following : that my mother, being sick to death of a fever three months after I was born, which was the occasion she gave me suck no LADY FANSHAWE. 51 longer, her friends and servants thought to ail outward appearance that she was dead, and so lay almost two days and a night, but Dr. Winston coming to comfort my father, went into my mo- ther's room, and looking earnestly on her face, said ' she was so handsome, and now looks so love- ly, I cannot think she is dead** ; and suddenly took a lancet out of his pocket and with it cut the sole of her foot, which bled. Upon this, he immedi- ately caused her to be laid upon the bed again and to be rubbed, and such means as she came to life, and opening her eyes, saw two of her kinswomen stand by her, my Lady KnoUys and my Lady Russel], both with great wide sleeves, as the fashion then was, and said, Did not you promise me fif- teen years, and are you come again ? which they not understanding, persuaded her to keep her spi- rits quiet in that great weakness wherein she then was ; but some hours after she desired my father and Dr. Howlsworth might be left alone with her, to whom she said, ' I will acquaint you, that during the time of my trance I was in great quiet, but in a place I could neither distinguish nor describe ; but the sense of leaving my girl, who is dearer to me than all my children, remained a trouble upon my spirits. Suddenly I saw two by me, clothed in D 2 52 MEMOIR OF long white garments, and me thought I fell down with my face in the dust ; and they asked why I was troubled in so great happiness. I replied, O let me have the same grant given to Hezekiah, that I may live fifteen years, to see my daughter a woman : to which they answered. It is done' ; and then, at that instant, I awoke out of my trance; and Dr. Howlsworth did there affirm, that that day she died made just fifteen years from that time. My dear mother was of excellent beauty and good understanding, a loving wife, and most tender mother ; very pious, and charitable to that degree, that she relieved, besides the offals of the table, which she constantly gave to the poor, many with her own hand daily out of her purse, and dressed many wounds of miserable people, when she had health, and when that failed, as it did of- ten, she caused her servants to supply that place. She left behind her three sons, all much older than myself. The eldest, John, married three wives : by his last, who was the daughter of Mr. Ludlow, a very ancient and noble family, he left two daughters, who are both unmarried. My second brother, William, died at Oxford with a bruise on his side, caused by the fall of his horse, which was shot under him, as he went out with a LADY FANSHAWE. 53 party of horse against a party of the Earl of Es- sex, in 1643. He was a very good and gallant young man ; and they are the very words the king said of him, when he was told of his death : he was much lamented by all who knew him. The third, Abraham, hath left no issue ; I was the fourth, and my sister Margaret, the fifth, who married Sir Edmund Turner, of South Stock, in Lincolnshire, a worthy pious man. My father, in his old age, married again, the daughter of Mr. Shatbolt, of Hertfordshire, and had by her a son, Richard, and a daughter, Mary. The son married the eldest daughter of the now Lord Grandison, and the daughter married the eldest son of Sir Rowland Lytton, of Knebworth, in Hertfordshire. My father lived to see them both married ; and enjoyed a firm health until above eighty years of age. He was a handsome gentleman of great natural parts, a great ac- comptant, vast memory, an incomparable penman, of great integrity and service to his prince ; had been a member of several Parliaments ; a good husband and father, especially to me, who never can sufficiently praise God for him, nor acknow- ledge his most tender affection and bounty to me and mine ; but as in duty bound, I will for ever 54 MEMOIR OF say, none had ever a kinder and better father than myself. He died on the 28th day of September, 1 670 ; and lies buried by my mother in his own vault in Allhallows Church, in Hertford. My father was born at Bemond, in Lancashire ; the twelfth son of his father, whose mother was the daughter of Mr. Hippom, cousin german to the old Countess of Rivers. I have little know- ledge of my father's relations more than the fami- lies of Aston, Irland, Sandis, Bemond, and Curwen, who brought him to London and placed him with my Lord Treasurer Salisbury, then Secretary of State, who sent him into Sir John Wolstenliolm's family, and gave him a small place in the Custom- house, to enable him for the employment. He being of good parts and capacity in some time raised himself, by God's help, to get a very great estate, for I have often heard him say that, besides his education, he never had but twenty marks, which his father gave him when he came to London, and that was all he ever had for a portion. He made it appear with great truth that, during the time of the war, he lost by the rebels above one hundred and thirty thousand pounds, and yet he left his son sixteen hundred pounds a year in land, and gave his daughter above twenty thousand pounds. LADY FANSHAWE. 55 Now it is necessary to say something of my mother's education of me, which was with all the advantages that time afforded, both for working all sorts of fine works with my needle, and learn- ing French, singing, lute, the virginals and danc- ing, and notwithstanding I learned as well as most did, yet was I wild to that degree, that the hours of my beloved recreation took up too much of my time, for I loved riding in the first place, running, and all active pastimes ; in short, I was that which we graver people call a hoyting girl ; but to be just to myself, I never did mischief to myself or people, nor one immodest word or action in my life, though skipping and activity was my delight, but upon' my mother's death, I then began to re- flect, and, as an offering to her memory, I flung away those little childnesses that had formerly possessed me, and, by my father's command, took upon me charge of his house and family, which I so ordered by my excellent mother's example as found acceptance in his sight. I was very well beloved by all our relations and my mother's friends, whom I paid a great respect to, and I ever was ambitious to keep the best company, which I have done, I thank God, all the days of my life. My father and mother were both great 56 MEMOIR OF lovers and honourers of clergymen, but all of Cambridge, and chiefly Doctor Bamberge, Doctor Howlsworth, Broanbricke, Walley, and Mickel- thite, and Sanderson, with many others. We lived in great plenty and hospitality, but no lavish- ness in the least, nor prodigality, and, I believe, my father never drank six glasses of wine in his life in one day. About 1641, my brother, William Harrison, was chosen Burgess of , and sat in the Com- mons"* House of Parliament, but not long, for when the King set up his standard he went with him to Nottingham ; yet he, during his sitting, undertook that my father should lend one hun- dred and fifty thousand pounds to pay the Scots who had then entered England, and, as it seems, were to be both paid and prayed to go home, but afterwards their plague infected the whole nation, as to all our sorrows we know, and that debt of my father'*s remained to him until the restoration of the King. In 1642 my father was taken pri- soner at his house, called Montague House, in Bishopgate Street, and threatened to be sent on board a ship with many more of his quality, and then they plundered his house, but he getting loose, under pretence to fetch some writings they LADY FANSHAWE. 57 demanded in his hands concerning the public re- venue, he went to Oxford in 1643, and thereupon the Long Parliament, of which he was a member for the town of Lancaster, plundered him out of what remained, and sequestered his whole estate, which continued out of his possession until the happy restoration of the King. My father commanded my sister and myself to come to him to Oxford where the Court then was, but we, that had till that hour lived in great plenty and great order, found ourselves like fishes out of the water, and the scene so changed, that we knew not at all how to act any part but obedi- ence, for, from as good a house as any gentleman of England had, we came to a baker^s house in an obscure street, and from rooms well furnished, to lie in a very bad bed in a garret, to one dish of meat, and that not the best ordered, no money, for we were as poor as Job, nor clothes more than a man or two brought in their cloak bags : we had the perpetual discourse of losing and gaining towns and men ; at the windows the sad spectacle of war, sometimes plague, sometimes sicknesses of other kind, by reason of so many people being pack- ed together, as, I believe, there never was before of that quality ; always in want, yet I must needs D 5 . 58 MEMOIR OF say that mosf, bore it with a martyr-like cheerful- ness. For my own part, I began to think we should all, like Abraham, live in tents all the days of our lives. The King sent my father a warrant for a baronet, but he returned it with thanks, saying he had too much honovir of his knighthood which his Majesty had honoured him with some years before, for the fortune he now possessed : but as in a rock the turbulence of the waves disperses the splinters of the rock, so it was my lot, for having buried my dear brother, Wil- liam Harrison, in Exeter College Chapel, I then married your dear father in 1644 in Wolvercot Church, two miles from Oxford, upon the 18th day of May. None was at our wedding but my dear father, who, at my mother's desire, gave me her wedding-ring, with which I was married, and my sister Margaret, and my brother and sister Bo- teler. Sir Edward Hyde, afterwards Lord Chan- cellor, and Sir Geoffry Palmer, the King's Attor- ney. Before 1 was married, my husband was sworn Secretary of War to the Prince, now our King, with a promise from Charles I. to be pre- ferred as soon as occasion offered it, but both his fortune and my promised portion, which was made 10,000/., were both at that time in expectation, LADY FANSHAWE. 59 and we might truly be called merchant adven- turers, for the stock we set up our trading with did not amount to twenty pounds betwixt us ; but, however, it was to us as a little piece of ar- mour is against a bullet, which if it be right placed, though no bigger than a shilling, serves as well as a whole suit of armour ; so our stock bought pen, ink, and paper, which was your fa- ther's trade, and by it, I assure you, we lived bet- ter than those that were born to 2000/. a year as long as he had his liberty. Here stay till I have told you your father's life until I married him. He was but seven years old when his father died, and his mother, my Lady, designed him for the law, having bred him first with that famous schoolmaster Mr. Farnaby, and then under the tuition of Dr. Beale, in Jesus College in Cam- bridge, from whence, being a most excellent La- tinist, he was admitted into the Inner Temple ; but it seemed so crabbed a study, and disagree- able to his inclinations, that he rather studied to obey his mother than to make any progress in the law. Upon the death of his mother, whom he dearly loved and honoured, he went into France to Paris, where he had three cousins german, Lord Strangford, Sir John Baker of Kent, and 60 MEMOIR OF my cousin Thornhill. The whole stock he carried with him was eighty pieces of gold, and French silver to the value of live pounds in his pocket ; his gold was quilted in his doublet; he went by post to lodgings in the Fauxbourg St. Germain, with an intent to rest that night, and the next day to find out his kindred ; but the devil, that never sleeps, so ordered it, that two friars entered the chamber wherein he was, and welcoming him, being his countrymen, invited him to play, he innocently only intending diversion, till his sup- per was ready ; but that was not their design, for having engaged him, they left him not as long as he was worth a groat, which when they discover- ed, they gave him five pieces of his money until he could recruit himself by his friends, which he did the next day : and from that time forward never played for a piece. It came to pass, that seven years after, my husband being in Hun- tingdonshire, at a bowling-green, with Sir Capel Bedells, and many other persons of quality, one in the company was called Captain Taller. My hus- band, who had a very quick and piercing eye, marked him much, as knowing his face, and found, through his peruke wig, and scarlet cloak and buif suit, that his name was neither Captain LADY FANSHAWE. 61 nor Taller, but the honest Jesuit called Friar Sherwood, that had cheated him of the greatest part of his money, and after had lent him the five pieces ; so your father went to him, and gave him his five pieces, and said, ' Father Sherwood, I know you, and you know this:' at which he was extremely surprised, and begged of your father not to discover him, for his life was in danger. After a year's stay in Paris, he travelled to Mad- rid in Spain, there to learn that language ; at the same time, for that purpose, went the late Earl of Caernarvon, and my Lord of Bedford, and Sir John Berkeley, and several other gentlemen. Af- terwards, having spent some years abroad, he re- turned to London, and gave so good an account of his travels, that he was about the year 1630 made Secretary of the Embassy, when my Lord Aston went Ambassador. During your father's travels, he had spent a considerable part of his stock, which his father and mother left him : in those days, where there were so many younger children, it was considerable, being 50/. a year, and 1,500/. in money. Upon the return of the ambassador, your father was left resident until Sir Arthur Hopton went Ambassador, and then he came home about the year 1637 or 1638; and 62 MEMOIR OF I must tell you here of an accident your father had coming out of Spain in this journey post : he going into a bed for some few hours to refresh himself, in a village five leagues from Madrid, he slept so soundly, that notwithstanding the house was on fire, and all the people of the village there, he never waked ; but the honesty of the owners was such, that they carried him, and set him asleep upon a piece of timber on the highway ; and there he awaked, and found his portmanteau and clothes by him, without the least loss, which i& extraor- dinary, considering the profession of his land- lord, who had at that time his house burnt to the ground. After being here a year or two, and no prefer- ment coming, Secretary Windebank calling him Puritan, being his enemy, because himself was a Papist, he was, by his elder brother, put into the place of the King^s Remembrancer, absolutely, with this proviso, that he should be accountable for the use of the income; but if in seven years he would pay 8,000/. for it to his brother, then it should be his, with the whole revenue of it ; but the war breaking out presently after, put an end to this design ; for, being the King'*s sworn ser- vant, he went to the King at Oxford, as well as LADY FANSHAWE. 63 his fellows, to avoid the fury of this madness of the people, where, having been almost a year, we mar- ried, as I said before; and I will continue my dis- course where we left. Now we appear on the stage, to act what part God designed us ; and as faith is the evidence of things not seen, so we, upon so righteous a cause, cheerfully resolved to suffer what that would drive us to, which afflictions were neither few nor small, as you will find. This year the Prince had an established Council, which were the Earl of Berkshire. Earl of Bradford, Lord Capel, Lord Colepeper, Lord Hopton, and Sir Edward Hyde, Chancellor of the Exchequer. My husband was then, as I said, newly entered into his office of secretary of the Council of War, and the King- would have had him then to have been sworn his Highnesses Secretary ; but the Queen, who was then no friend to my husband, because he had formerly made Secretary Windebank appear in his colours, who was one of her Majesty's fa- vourites, wholly obstructed that then, and placed with the Prince Sir Robert Long, for whom she bad a great kindness ; but the consequence will show the man. The beginning of March 1645, your father 64 MEMOIR OP went to Bristol with his new master, and this was his first journey : I then lying-in of my first son, Harrison Fanshawe, who was born on the 22nd of February, he left me behind him. As for that, it was the first time we had parted a day since we married ; he was extremely afflicted, even to tears, though passion was against his nature ; but the sense of leaving me with a dying child, which did die two days after, in a garrison town, extremely weak, and very poor, were such circumstances as he could not bear with, only the argument of necessity ; and, for my own part, it cost me so dear, that I was ten weeks before I could go alone ; but he, by all opportunities, wrote to me to for- tify myself, and to comfort me in the company of my father and sister, who were both with me, and that as soon as the Lords of the Council had their wives come to them I should come to him, and that I should receive the first money he got, and hoped it would be suddenly. By the help of God, with these cordials I recovered my former strength by little and little, nor did I in my dis- tressed condition lack the conversation of many of my relations then in Oxford, and kindnesses of very many of the nobility and gentry, both for goodness sake, and because your father being LADY FANSHAWE. 65 there in good employment, they found him ser- viceable to themselves or friends, which friend- ships none better distinguished between his place and person than your father. It was in May 1645, the first time I went out of my chamber and to church, where, after ser- vice, Sir William Parkhurst, a very honest gen- tleman, came to me, and said he had a letter for me from your father and fifty pieces of gold, and was coming to bring them me. I opened first my letter, and read those inexpressible joys that almost overcame me, for he told me I should the Thursday following come to him, and to that purpose he had sent me that money, and would send two of his men with horses, and all accom- modation both for myself, my father, and sister, and that Lady Capell and Lady Bradford would meet me on the way ; but that gold your father sent me v^^hen I was ready to perish, did not so much revive me as his summons. I went imme- diately to walk, or at least to sit in the air, being very weak, in the garden of St. John's College, and there, with my good father, communicated my joy, who took great pleasure to hear of my husband's good success and likewise of his journey to him. We, all of my household being present, 66 MEMOIR OF heard drums beat in the highway, under the gar- den wall. My father asked me if I would go up upon the mount to see the soldiers march, for it was Sir Charles Lee's company of foot, an ac- quaintance of ours ; I said yes, and went up, leaning my back to a tree that grew on the mount. The commander seeing us there, in compliment gave us a volley of shot, and one of their muskets being loaded, shot a brace of bullets not two inches above my head as I leaned to the tree, for which mercy and deliverance I praise God. And next week we were all on our journey for Bristol very merry, and thought that now all things would mend, and the worst of my misfortunes past, but little thought I to leap into the sea that would toss me until it had racked me ; but we were to ride all night by agreement, for fear of the enemy surprising us as we passed, they quar- tering in the way. About nightfall having tra- velled about twenty miles, we discovered a troop of horse coming towards us, which proved to be Sir Marmaduke Rawdon, a worthy commander, and my countryman : he told me, that hearing I was to pass by his garrison, he was come out to conduct me, he hoped as far as was danger, which was about twelve miles : with many thanks we LADY FANSHAWE. 67 parted, and having refreshed ourselves and horses, we set forth for Bristol, where we arrived on the 20th of May. My husband had provided very good lodgings for us, and as soon as he could come home from the Council, where he was at my arri- val, he with all expressions of joy received me in his arms, and gave me a hundred pieces of gold, saying, " I know thou that keeps my heart so well, will keep my fortune, which from this time I will ever put into thy hands as God shall bless me with increase." And now I thought myself a perfect qi:^^en, and my husband so glo- rious a crown, that I more valued myself to be called by his name than born a princess, for I knew him very wise and very good, and his soul doted on me; upon which confidence I will tell you what happened. My Lady Rivers, a brave woman, and one that had suffered many thousand pounds loss for the King, and whom I had a great reverence for, and she a kindness for me as a kinswoman, — in discourse she tacitly com- mended the knowledge of state affairs, and that some women were very happy in a good under- standing thereof, as my Lady Aubigny, Lady Isabel Thynne, and divers others, and yet none 68 MEMOIR OF was at first more capable than I ; that in the night she knew there came a post from Paris from the Queen, and that she would be extremely glad to hear what the Queen commanded the King in or- der to his affairs ; saying, if I would ask my hus- band privately, he would tell me what he found in the packet, and I might tell her. I that was young and innocent, and to that day had never in my mouth what news, began to think there was more in inquiring into public affairs than I thought of, and that it being a fashionable thing would make me more beloved of my husband, if that had been possible, than I was. When my husband returned home from Council, after welcoming him, as his custom ever was he went with his handful of papers into his study for an hour or more ; I followed him ; he turned hastily, and said, ' What wouldst thou have, my life ?"" I told him, I heard the Prince had received a packet from the Queen, and I guessed it was that in his hand, and I desired to know what was in it ; he smilingly replied, ' My love, I will immediately come to thee, pray thee go, for I am very busy." When he came out of his closet I revived my suit ; he kiss- ed me, and talked of other things. At supper I would eat nothing; he as usual sat by me, and LADY TANSHAWE. 69 drank often to me, which was his custom, and was full of discourse to company that was at table. Going to bed I asked again, and said I could not believe he loved me if he refused to tell me all he knew; but he answered nothing, but stopped my mouth with kisses. So we went to bed, I cried, and he went to sleep. Next morning early, as his custom was, he called to rise, but began to dis- course with me first, to which I made no reply ; he rose, came on the other side of the bed and kissed me, and drew the curtains softly and went to Court. When he came home to dinner, he pre- sently came to me as was usual, and when I had him by the hand, I said, ' Thou dost not care to see me troubled ;' to which he taking me in his arms, answered, ' My dearest soul, nothing upon earth can afflict me like that, and when you asked me of my business, it was wholly out of my power to satisfy thee, for my life and fortune shall be thine, and every thought of my heart in which the trust I am in may not be revealed, but my honour is my own, which I cannot preserve if I communicate the Prince's affairs ; and pray thee with this answer rest satisfied.' So great was his reason and goodness, that upon consideration it made my folly appear to me so vile, that from 70 MEMOIR OF , that day until the day of his death I never thought fit to ask him any business but what he commu- nicated freely to me in order to his estate or fa- mily. My husband grew much in the Princess favour ; and Mr. Long not being suffered to ex- ecute the business of his place, as the Council suspected that he held private intelligence with the Earl of Essex, which when he perceived he went into the enemy's quarters, and so to London, and then into France, full of complaints of the Prince''s Council to the Queen-Mother, and when he was gone your father supplied his place. About July this year, [1645,] the plague in- creased so fast in Bristol, that the Prince and all his retinue went to Barnstaple, which is one of the finest towns in England ; and your father and I went two days after the Prince ; for during all the time I was in the Court I never journeyed but either before him, or when he was gone, nor ever saw him but at church, for it was not in those days the fashion for honest women, except they had business, to visit a man's Court. I saw there at Mr. Palmer's, where we lay, who was a merchant, a parrot above a hundred years old. They have, near this town, a fruit called a mas sard, like a cherry, but different in taste, and LADY FANSHAWE. 71 makes the best pies with their sort of cream I ever eat. My Lady Capell here left us, and with a pass from the Earl of Essex, went to London with her eldest daughter, now Marquesse of Worcester. Sir Allan Apsley was governor of the town, and we had all sorts of good provision and accommo- dation ; but the Prince's affairs calling him from that place, we went to Launceston, in Cornwall, and thither came very many gentlemen of that county to do their duties to his Highness : they were generally loyal to the crown and hospitable to their neighbours, but they are of a crafty and censorious nature, as most are so far from London. That country hath great plenty, especially of fish and fowl, but nothing near so fat and sweet as within forty miles of London. We were quarter- ed at Truro, twenty miles beyond Launceston, in which place I had like to have been robbed. One night having with me but seven or eight persons, my husband being then at Launceston with his master, somebody had discovered that my husband had a little trunk of the Prince's in keeping, in which were some jewels that tempted, them us to assay ; but, praised be God, I defended, with the few servants I had, the house so long that help came from the town to my rescue, which was not 72 MEMOIR OF above a flight shot from the place where I dwelt ; and the next day upon my notice my husband sent me a guard by his Highness's command. From thence the Court removed to Pendennis Castle, some time commanded by Sir Nicholas Slanning, who lost, his life bravely in the King's service,* and left an excellent name behind him. In this place came Sir John Granville into his Highness's service, and was made a gentleman of his bedchamber. His father was a very honest gentleman, and lost his life in the King's ser- vice ; and his uncle. Sir Richard, was a good commander but a little too severe. 1 was at Pen- zance with my father, and in the same town was my brother Fanshawe and his lady and children. My father and that family embarked for Morlaix, in Brittanny, with my father's new wife, which he had then married out of that family. My cousin, Fanshawe, of Jenkins, and his eldest son, being with them, went also over, but being in a small vessel of that port and surprised with a great storm, they had all like to have been cast away, which forced them to land in a little creek, two leagues from Morlaix, upon the 28th of March, * He was killed at the siege of Bristol. LADY FANSHAWE. 73 1646; and five days after the Prince and all his council embarked themselves in a ship called the Phoenix, for the Isles of Scilly. They went from the Land's-end, and so did we; being ac- companied with many gentlemen of that country, among whom was Sir Francis Basset, Governor of the Mount, an honest gentleman, and so were all his family ; and in particular we received great civility from them. But w^e left our house and furniture with Captain Bluet, who promised to keep them until such a time as we could dispose of them ; but when we sent, he said he had been plundered of them, notwithstanding it was well known he lost nothing of his own. At that time this loss went deep with us, for we lost to the va- lue of 200/. and more. But, as the proverb saith, an evil chance seldom comes alone : we having put all our present estate into two trunks, and carried them aboard with us in a ship commanded by Sir Nicholas Crispe, whose skill and honesty the master and seamen had no opinion of, my hus- band was forced to appease their mutiny which his miscarriage caused ; and taking out money to pay the seamen, that night following they broke open one of our trunks, and took out a bag of 60/. and a quantity of gold lace, with our best clothes E 74 MEMOIR OF and linen, with all my combs, gloves, and ribbons, which amounted to near 300/. more. The next day, after having been pillaged, and extremely sick and big with child, I was set on shore almost dead in the Island of Scilly. When we had got to our quarters near the Castle, where the Prince lay, I went immediately to bed, which was so vile, that my footman ever lay in a better, and we had but three in the whole house, which consisted of four rooms, or rather partitions, two low rooms and two little lofts, with a ladder to go up : in one of these they kept dried fish, which was his trade, and in this my husband's two clerks lay, one there was for my sister, and one for myself, and one amongst the rest of the servants. But, when I waked in the morning, I was so cold I knew not what to do, but the daylight discovered that my bed was near swimming with the sea, which the owner told us afterwards it never did so but at spring tide. With this, we were destitute of clothes, — and meat, and fuel, for half the Court to serve them a month was not to be had in the whole island ; and truly we begged our daily bread of God, for we thought every meal our last. The Council sent for provisions to France, which served us, but they were bad, and LADY FANSHAWE. 75 a little of them. Then, after three weeks and odd days, we set sail for the Isle of Jersey, where we safely arrived, praised be God, beyond the belief of all the beholders from that island ; for the pilot not knowing the way into the harbour, sailed over the rocks, but being spring tide, and by chance high water, God be praised, his Highness and all of us came safe ashore through so great a danger. Sir George Carteret was Lieutenant-Governor of the island, under my Lord St. Albans : a man for- merly bred a sea-boy, and born in that island, the brother's son of Sir Philip Carteret, whose younger daughter he afterwards married. He endeavour- ed, with all his power, to entertain his Highness and Court with all plenty and kindness possible, both which the island afforded, and what was wanting, he sent for out of France. There are in this island two castles, both good, but St. Mary's is best, and hath the largest recep- tion. There are many gentlemen's houses, at which we were entertained : they have fine walks along to their doors, double elms or oaks, which is ex- tremely pleasant, and their ordinary highways are good walks, by reason of the shadow. The whole place is grass, except some small parcels where corn is grown. The chiefest employment is knit- E 2 76 MEMOIR OF ting ; they neither speak English nor good French ; they are a cheerful, good-natured people, and tru- ly subject to the present government. We quar- tered at a widow's house in the market-place, Ma- dame De Pommes, a stocking merchant : here I was upon the 7th of March,* 1646, delivered of my second child, a daughter, christened Anne. And now there began great disputes about the Prince, for the Queen would have him to Paris, to which end she sent many letters and messengers to his Highness and Council, who were for the most part against his going, both to the Queen his mother, and his going to France, for reasons of state, but the Queen having an excellent soli- citor in the Lord Colepeper, it was resolved by his Highness to go : upon which Lord Capell, Lord Hopton, and the Chancellor staid at Jersey, and with them my husband, whose employment ceased when his master went out of his father's kingdom ; — not that your father sided with either party of the Council, but having no inclination at that time to go to the Court, and because his bro- ther, Lord Fan sh awe, was desperately sick at Caen, he intended to stay some time with him. * Query, May or June. She did not arrive in Jersey until April. LADY FANSHAWE. 77 About the beginning of July, the Prince, ac- companied with the Earl of Bradford, a soldier of fortune, and Lord Colepeper, and the Earl of Berkshire, and most of his servants, went to Cot- anville, and from thence to Paris, where he re- mained some little time by his mother the Queen's council, and afterwards went into Holland. Your father and I remained fifteen days in Jersey, and resolved that he would remain with his brother in Caen, whilst he sent me into England, whither my father was gone a month before, to see if I could procure a sum of money. The beginning of August we took our leave of the governor's family, and left our child with a nurse under the care of the Lady Carteret;* and in four days we came to Caen, and myself, sister, and maid, went from Mr. Fanborne's house, where my brother and all his family lodged, aboard a small merchantman that lay in the river ; and upon the 30th of Au- gust, I arrived in the Cowes, near Southampton, to which place I went that night, and came to Lon- * It was apparently this Lady, of whom Pepys observes, 30th June, 1662. "Told my Lady Carteret, how my Lady Fanshawe is fallen out with her only for speaking in behalf of the French : which my Lady wonders at, they having been formerly like sisters." — Diary, vol. i. p. 284. 78 MEMOIR OP don two days after. This was the first time I had taken a journey without your father, and the first manage of business he ever put into my hands, in which I thank God I had good success ; for, lodg- ing in Fleet Street, at Mr. Eates, the Watch- maker, with my sister Boteler, I procured by the means of Colonel Copley, a great Parliament-man, whose wife had formerly been obliged to our fa- mily, a pass for your father to come and compound for 300/. which was a part of my fortune, but it was only a pretence, for your grandfather was obliged to compound for it, and deliver it us free. And when your father was come, he was very pri- vate in London ; for he was in daily fears to be imprisoned before he could raise money to go back again to his master, who was not then in a condition to maintain him. Thus upon thorns he stayed the October 1647. In the October before, 1646, my brother Richard Harrison was born ; and this year my sister Boteler married Sir Philip Warwick, her second husband; for her first, Sir William Boteler, was killed at Cropley- bridge, commanding a part of the King's army : he was a most gallant, worthy, honest gentleman. The 30th of July I was delivered of a son, call- ed Henry, in lodgings in Portugal-row, Lincoln's- LADY FANSHAWE. 79 inn-fields. This was a very sad time for us all of the King's party, for by the folly, to give it no worse name, of Sir John Berkeley, since Lord Berkeley, and Mr. John Ashburnham, of the King's bed-chamber, who were drawn in by the cursed crew of the then standing army for the Parliament to persuade the King to leave Hamp- ton Court, to which they had then carried him, and to make his escape, which design failing, as the plot was laid, he was tormented and after- wards barbarously and shamefully murdered, as all the world knows. During his stay at Hampton Court, my husband was with him, to whom he was pleased to talk much of his concerns, and give him there creden- tials for Spain, with private instructions, and let- ters for his service ; but God for our sins disposed his Majesty *s affairs otherwise. I went three times to pay my duty to him, both as I was the daughter of his servant, and wife of his servant. The last time I ever saw him, when I took my leave, I could not refrain weeping : when he had saluted me, 1 prayed to God to preserve his Ma- jesty with long life and happy years ; he stroked me on the cheek, and said, ' Child, if God pleas- eth, it shall be so, but both you and I must sub- 80 MEMOIR OF mit to God''s will, and you know in what hands I am :' then turning to your father, he said, ' Be sure, Dick, to tell my son all that I have said, and deliver those letters to my wife ; pray God bless her ! I hope I shall do well :' and taking him in his arms, said, ' Thou hast ever been an honest man, and I hope God will bless thee, and make thee a happy servant to my son, whom I have charged in my letter to continue his love, and trust to you f adding, ' I do promise you that if ever I am restored to my dignity I will bounti- fully reward you both for your service and suffer- ings.' Thus did we part from that glorious sun, that within a few months after was murdered, to the grief of all Christians that were not forsaken by God. The October, as I told you, my husband and I went into France, by the way of Portsmouth, where, walking by the sea side about a mile from our lodgings, two ships of the Dutch, then in war with England, shot bullets at us so near that we heard them whiz by us ; at which I called to my husband to make haste back, and began to run, but he altered not his pace, saying, ' If we must be killed, it were as good to be killed walking as running." But, escaping, we embarked the next LADY FANSHAWE. 81 day ; and that journey fetched home our girl we had left in Jersey ; and my husband was forced to come out of France to Hamerton, in Hunting- donshire, to my sister BedelFs, to the wedding of his nephew, the last Lord Thomas Fanshawe, who then married the daughter of Ferrers : as I have said before, she was a very great fortune, and a most excellent woman, and brought up some time after her mother''s death with my sister Bedell. About two months after this, in June, I was delivered of a son on the 8th day, 1648. The latter end of July I went to London, leaving my little boy Richard at nurse with his brother at Hartingfordbury. It happened to be the very day after that the Lord Holland was taken prisoner at St. Neot, and Lord Francis Villiers was killed ; and as we passed through the town, we saw Colonel Montague, afterwards Earl of Sandwich, spoiling the town for the Parliament and himself. Coming to London, I went to welcome the Marchioness of Ormond to town, that then was come out of France, who received me with great kindness, as she ever had done before, and told me she must love me for many reasons, and one was, that we were both born in one chamber : when I left her, she presented me with a ruby ring set with two E 5 82 MEMOIR OF diamonds, which she prayed me to wear for her sake, and I have it to this day. In the month of September, my husband was commanded by the Prince to wait on him in the Downs, where he was with a very considerable fleet ; but the fleet was divided, part being for the King, and part for the Parliament. They were resolved to fight that day, which if they had, would have been the most cruel fight that ever England knew ; but God by his will parted them by a storm, and afterwards it was said. Lord Colepeper, and one Low, a surgeon, that was a reputed knave, so ordered the business, that for money the fleet was betrayed to the enemy. Du- ring this time my husband wrote me a letter, from onboard the Prince's ship, full of concern for me, believing they should engage on great odds ; but, if he should lose his life, advised me to patience, and this with so much love and reason, that my heart melts to this day when I think of it ; but, God be praised, he was reserved for better things. In December* my husband went to Paris on * This must be a mistake for Novemher ; for in September he was on board the fleet in the Downs, and after passing six weeks in Paris, he went to Calais with Lady Fanshawe on the LADY FANSHAWE. 83 « his master's business, and sent for me from Lon- don : I carried him 300/. of his money. During our stay at Paris, I was highly obliged to the Queen-Mother of England. We passed away six weeks with great delight in good company ; my Lady Norton, that was governess to the Lady Henrietta, Charles the First's youngest daughter, was very kind. I had the honour of her com- pany, both in my own lodging and in the Palace Royal, where she attended her charge ; likewise my Lady Danby, and her daughter, my Lady Guilford, with many others of our nation, both in the Court and out of it ; amongst whom was Mr. Waller, the poet, and his wife : they went with us to Calais, upon the 25th of December, 1649. I, with my husband, kissed the Queen-Mother's hand, who promised her favour, with much grace, to us both, and sent letters to the King, then in Holland, by my husband. From her Majesty we waited on the Princes, and afterwards took our leave of all that Court. When we came to Calais, we met the Earl of Strafford and Sir Kenelm Digby, with some others 2.5th of Decemher, 1649. The date of the year is also erro- neous, as it is evident from the context that it was 1648. 84 MEMOIR OF of our countrymen. We were all feasted at the Governor's of the castle, and much excellent dis- course passed ; but, as was reason, most share was Sir Kenelm Digby''s, who had enlarged somewhat more in extraordinary stories than might be averred, and all of them passed with great ap- plause and wonder of the French then at table ; but the concluding one was, that barnacles, a bird in Jersey, was first a shell-fish to appearance, and from that, sticking upon old wood, became in time a bird. After some consideration, they unani- mously burst out into laughter, believing it alto- gether false ; and, to say the truth, it was the only thing true he had discoursed with them : that was his infirmity, though otherwise a person of most excellent parts, and a very fine-bred gen- tleman. My husband thought it convenient to send me into England again, there to try what sums I could raise, both for his subsistence abroad and mine at home ; and though nothing was so griev- ous to us both as parting, yet the necessity both of the public and your father's private affairs, obliged us often to yield to the trouble of absence, as at this time. 1 took my leave with sad heart, and embarked myself in a hoy for Dover, with Mrs. LADY FANSHAWE. 85 Waller and my sister Margaret Harrison, and my little girl Nan ; but a great storm arising, we had like to be cast away, the vessel being half full of water, and we forced to land at Deal, every one carried upon men's backs, and we up to the middle in water, and very glad to escape so. About this time the Prince of Orange was born.* My husband went from thence by Flanders into Holland to his master ; and, in February follow- ing, your father was sent into Ireland by the King, there to receive such monies as Prince Rupert could raise by the fleet he commanded of the King's ; but a few months put an end to that design, though it had a very good aspect in the beginning, which made my husband send for me and the little family I had thither. We went by Bristol very cheerfully towards my north star, that only had the power to fix me ; and because I had had the good fortune, as I then thought it, to sell 300/. a year to him that is now Judge Archer, in Essex, for which he gave me 4000/., which at that time I thought a vast sum ; but be it more or less, I am sure it was spent in seven years"* time in the King's service, and to this hour I repent it * This is an error, as he was born on the 4th of November 1650. 86 MEMOIR OF not, I thank God. Five hundred pounds I carried my husband, the rest I left in my father's agent's hands to be returned as we needed it. I landed at Youghall, in Munster, as my hus- band directed me, in hopes to meet me there ; but I had the discomfort of a very hazardous voy- age, and the absence of your father, he then being upon business at Cork. So soon as he heard I was landed, he came to me, and with mutual joy we discoursed those things that were proper to en- tertain us both ; and thus, for six months, we lived so much to our satisfaction, that we began to think of making our abode there during the war, for the country was fertile, and all provisions cheap, and the houses good, and we were placed in Red Abbey, a house of Dean Boyle'*&, in Cork, and my Lord of Ormond had a very good army, and the country seemingly quiet ; and, to com- plete our content, all persons were very civil to us, especially Dean Boyle, Lord Chancellor of Ire- land, and Archbishop of Dublin and his family, and the Lord Inchiquin, whose daughter Elkenna I christened in 1650. But what earthly comfort is exempt from change ? for here I heard of the death of my second son, Henry, and, within a few weeks, of LADY FANSHAWE. 87 the landing of Cromwell, who so hotly marched over Ireland, that the fleet with Prince Rupert was forced to set sail, and within a small time after he lost all his riches, which was thought to be worth hundreds of thousands of pounds, in one of his best ships, commanded by his brother Maurice, who with many a brave man sunk Were all lost in a storm at sea. We remained some time behind in Ireland, until my husband could receive his Majesty's commands how to dispose of himself. During this time I had, by the fall of a stumbling horse, being with child, broke my left wrist, which, be- cause it was ill-set, put me to great and long pain, and I was in my bed when Cork revolted. By chance that day my husband was gone on business to Kinsale : it was in the beginning of November 1650.* At midnight I heard the great guns go off, and thereupon I called up my family to rise, v^^hich I did as well as I could in that condition. Hearing lamentable shrieks of men, women, and children, I asked at a window the cause ; they told me they were all Irish, stripped and wounded, and turned out of the town, and that Colonel Jeffries, with some others, had possessed themselves of the * These events happened in November 1649. 88 MEMOIR OF town for Cromwell. Upon this, 1 immediately wrote a letter to my husband, blessing God's pro- vidence that he was not there with me, persuading him to patience and hope that I should get safely out of the town, by God's assistance, and desired him to shift for himself, for fear of a surprise, with promise that I would secure his papers. So soon as I had finished my letter, I sent it by a faithful servant, who was let down the garden- wall of Red Abbey, and, sheltered by the dark- ness of the night, he made his escape. I immedi- ately packed up my husband's cabinet, with all his Avri tings, and near 1000/. in gold and silver, and all other things both of clothes, linen, and house- hold stuff that were portable, of value ; and then, about three o'clock in the morning, by the light of a taper, and in that pain I was in, I went into the market-place, with only a man and maid, and pass- ing through an unruly tumult with their swords in their hands, searched for their chief commander Jeffries, who, whilst he was loyal, had received many civilities from your father. I told him it was necessary that upon that change I should re- move, and I desired his pass that would be obey- ed, or else I must remain there : I hoped he would not deny me that kindness. He instantly LADY FANSHAWE. 89 wrote me a pass, both for myself, family, and goods, and said he would never forget the respect he owed your father. With this, I came through thousands of naked swords to Red Abbey, and hired the next neighbour's cart, which carried all that I could remove ; and myself, sister, and little girl Nan, with three maids and two men, set forth at five o'clock in November, having but two horses amongst us all, which we rid on by turns. In this sad condition I left Red Abbey, with as many goods as were worth 100/. which could not be removed, and so were plundered. We went ten miles to Kinsale, in perpetual fear of being fetched back again; but, by little and little, I thank God, we got safe to the garrison, where I found your father the most disconsolate man in the world, for fear of his family, which he had no possibility to assist ; but his joys exceeded to see me and his darling daughter, and to hear the wonderful escape we, through the assistance of God, had made. But when the rebels went to give an account to Cromwell of their meritorious act, he immediately asked them where Mr. Fanshawe v^^as ? They re- plied, he was that day gone to Kinsale. Then he demanded where his papers and his family were ? 90 MEMOIR OF At which they all stared one at another, but made no reply. Their General said, ' It was as much worth to have seized his papers as the toAvn ; for I did make account to have known by them what these parts of the country are worth.' But within a few days we received the King's order, which was, that my husband should, upon sight thereof, go into Spain to Philip IV. and de- liver him his Majesty's letters ; and by my hus- band also his Majesty sent letters to my Lord Cot- tington and Sir Edward Hyde, his Ambassadors Extraordinary in that Court. Upon this order we went to Macrome to the Lord Clancarty, who married a sister of the Lord Ormond ; we stayed there two nights, and at my coming away, after very noble entertainment, my Lady gave me a great Irish greyhound, and I presented her with a fine besel-stone. From thence we went to Limerick, where we were entertained by the Mayor and Aldermen very nobly ; and the Recorder of the Town was very kind, and in respect they made my husband a freeman of Limerick. There we met the Bishop of Londonderry and the Earl of Roscommon, who was Lord Chancellor of that Kingdom at that time. These two persons with my husband being LADY FANSHAWE. 91 together writing letters to the King, to give an account of the kingdom, when they were going down stairs from my Lord Roscommon's chamber, striving to hold the candle at the stairs' head, be- cause the privacy of their despatch admitted not a servant to be near, my Lord Roscommon fell down the stairs, and his head fell upon the corner of a stone and broke his skull in three pieces, of which he died five days after, leaving the broad seal of Ireland in your father's hands, until such time as he could acquaint his Majesty with this sad account, and receive orders how to dispose of the seals. This caused our longer stay, but your father and I being invited to my Lord Inchi- quin's, there to stay till we heard out of Holland from the King, which was a month before the messenger returned, we had very kind entertain- ment, and vast plenty of fish and fowl. By this time my Lord Lieutenant the now Duke of Or- mond's army was quite, dispersed, and himself gone for Holland, and every person concerned in that interest shifting for their lives ; and Crom- well went through as bloodily as victoriously, many worthy persons being murdered in cold blood, and their families quite ruined. From hence we went to the Lady Honor 92 MEMOIR OF O'Brien's, a lady that went for a maid, but few believed it : she was the youngest daughter of the Earl of Thomond. There we stayed three nights. The first of which I was surprised by being laid in a chamber, when, about one o'clock, I heard a voice that wakened me. I drew the curtain, and, in the casement of the window, I saw, by the light of the moon, a woman leaning into the window, through the casement, in white, with red hair and pale and ghastly complexion : she spoke loud, and in a tone I had never heard, thrice, ' A horse ;' and then, with a sigh more like the wind than breath she vanished, and to me her body looked more like a thick cloud than substance. I was so much frightened, that my hair stood on end, and my night clothes fell off. I pulled and pinched your father, who never woke during the disorder I was in ; but at last was much surprised to see me in this fright, and more so when I related the story and showed him the window opened. Nei- ther of us slept any more that night, but he enter- tained me with telling me how much more these apparitions were usual in this country than in England ; and we concluded the cause to be the great superstition of the Irish, and the want of that knowing faith, which should defend them LADY FANSHAWE. 93 from the power of the Devil, which he exercises among them very much. About five o'clock the lady of the house came to see us, saying she had not been in bed all night, because a cousin O'Brien of her's, whose ancestors had owned that house, had desired her to stay with him in his chamber, and that he died at two o'clock, and she said, ' I wish you to have had no disturbance, for 'tis the custom of the place, that, when any of the family are dying, the shape of a woman appears in the window every night till they be dead. This woman was many ages ago got with child by the owner of this place, who murdered her in his gar- den, and flung her into the river under the win- dow, but truly I thought not of it when I lodged you here, it being the best room in the house.' We made little reply to her speech, but disposed ourselves to be gone suddenly. By this time my husband had received orders from the King to give the Lord Inchiquin the seals to keep until farther orders from his Majesty. When that business was settled, we went, accom- panied by my Lord Inchiquin and his family, four or five miles towards Galway, which he did not by choice, but the plague had been so hot in that city the summer before, that it was almost depo- 94 MEMOIR OF pulated, and the haven as much as the town. But your father hearing that, by accident, there was a great ship of Amsterdam bound for Malaga, in Spain, and Cromwell pursuing his conquests at our backs, resolved to fall into the hands of God rather than into the hands of men ; and with his family of about ten persons came to the town at the latter end of February,* where we found guards placed that none should enter without cer- tificates from whence they came ; but understand- ing that your father came to embark himself for Spain, and that there was a merchant's house taken for us, that was near the sea-side, and one of their best, they told us, if we pleased to alight, they would wait on us to the place ; but it was long from thence, and no horses were admitted into the town. An Irish footman that served us, said, ' I lived here some years and know every street, and like- wise know a much nearer way than these men can show you, Sir ; therefore come with me, if you please.^ We resolved to follow him, and sent our horses to stables in the suburbs : he led us all on * Probably January, as in a subsequent page Lady Fan- shawe says, she embarked for Galway in the beginning of February. LADY FANSHAWE. 95 the back side of the town, under the walls over which the people during the plague, which was not yet quite stopped, flung out all their dung, dirt, and rags, and we walked up to the middle of our legs in them, for, being engaged, we could not get back. At last we found the house, by the master standing at the door expecting us, who said, ' You are welcome to this disconsolate city, where you now see the streets grown over with grass, once the finest little city in the world/ And indeed it was easy to think so, the buildings being uniformly built, and a very fine market- place, and walks arched and paved by the sea-side for their merchants to walk on, and a most noble harbour. Our house was very clean, only one maid in it besides the master ; we had a very good supper provided, and being very weary went early to bed. The owner of this house entertained Us with the story of the late Marquis of Worcester, who had been there some time the year before : he had of his own and other friends' jewels to the value of 8000/., which some merchants had lent upon them. My Lord appointed a day for receiving the money upon them and delivering the jewels ; being met, he shows them all to these persons. 96 MEMOIR OF then seals them up in a box, and delivered them to one of these merchants, by consent of the rest, to be kept for one year, and upon the payment of the 8000/. by my Lord Marquis to be de- livered him. After my Lord had received the money, he was entertained at all these persons'* houses, and nobly feasted with them near a month : he went from thence into France. When the year was ex- pired, they, by letters into France, pressed the payment of this borrowed money several times, alleging they had great necessity of their money to drive their trade with ; to which my Lord Mar- quis made no answer; which did at last so exas- perate these men, that they broke open the seals, and opening the box found nothing but rags and stones for their 8000/. at which they were highly enraged, and in this case I left them. At the beginning of February we took ship, and our kind host, with much satisfaction in our company, prayed God to bless us and give us a good voyage, for, said he, ' I thank God you are all gone safe aboard from my house, notwithstand- ing I have buried nine persons out of my house within these six months ;' which saying much LADY FANSHAWE. 97 Startled usj but, God's name be praised, we were all well, and so continued. Here now our scene was shifted from land to sea, and we left that brave kingdom, fallen, in six or eight months, into a most miserable sad condi- tion, as it hath been many times in most kings' reigns, God knows why ! for I presume not to say ; but the natives seem to me a very loving people to each other, and constantly false to all strangers, the Spaniards only excepted. The country exceeds in timber and sea-ports, and great plenty of fish, fowl, flesh, and, by shipping, wants no foreign commodities. We pursued our voyage with prosperous winds, but vi^ith a most tempes- tuous master, a Dutchman, which is enough to say, but truly, I think, the greatest beast I ever saw of his kind. When we had just passed the Straits, we saw coming towards us, with full sails, a Turkish galley well manned, and we believed we should be all carried away slaves, for this man had so laden his ship with goods for Spain, that his guns were useless, though the ship carried sixty guns. He called for brandy ; and after he had well drunken, and all his men, which were near two hundred, he called for arms and cleared the deck as well as he F 98 MEMOIR OF could, resolving to fight rather than lose his ship, which was worth thirty thousand pounds. This was sad for us passengers ; but my husband bade us be sure to keep in the cabin, and the women not to appear, which would make the Turks think that we were a man-of-war, but if they saw women they would take us for merchants and board us. He went upon the deck, and took a gun and ban- doliers, and sword, and, with the rest of the ship's company, stood upon deck expecting the arrival of the Turkish man-of-war. This beast, the Cap- tain, had locked me up in the cabin ; I knocked and called long to no purpose, until, at length, the cabin boy came and opened the door ; I, all in tears, desired him to be so good as to give me his blue thrum cap he wore, and his tarred coat, v^^hich he did, and I gave him half-a-crown, and putting them on and flinging away my night clothes, I crept up softly and stood upon the deck by my husband's side, as free from sickness and fear as, I confess, from discretion ; but it was the effect of that passion, which I could never master. By this time the two vessels were engaged in parley, and so well satisfied with speech and sight of each other's forces, that the Turks' man-of-war tacked about, and we continued our course. But LADY FANSHAWE. 99 when your father saw it convenient to retreat, looking upon me, he blessed himself, and snatched me up in his arms, saying, ' Good God, that love can make this change !' and though he seemingly chid me, he would laugh at it as often as he re- membered that voyage. And in the beginning of March we all landed, praised be God, in IMalaga, very well, and full of content to see ourselves deli- vered from the sword and plague, and living in hope that we should one day return happily to our native country ; notwithstanding, we thought it great odds, considering how the affairs of the King's three kingdoms stood ; but we trusted in the providence of Almighty God, and proceeded. We were very kindly entertained by the mer- chants, and by them lodged in a merchant's house, where we had not been with our goods three days, when the vessel that brought us thither, by the negligence of a cabin-boy, was blown up in the harbour, with the loss of above a hundred men and all our lading. After we had refreshed ourselves some days, we went on our journey towards Madrid, and lodged the first night at Velez Malaga, to which we were accompanied by most of the merchants. The next day we went to Grenada, having passed F 2 100 MEMOIR OF the highest mountains I ever saw in my life, but under this lieth the finest valley that can be pos- sibly described, adorned with high trees and rich grass, and beautified with a large deep clear river. Over the town and this standeth the goodly vast palace of the King's, called the Alhambra, whose buildings are, after the fashion of the Moors, adorned with vast quantities of jasper-stone ; many courts, many fountains, and by reason it is situated on the side of a hill, and not built uniform, many gardens with ponds in them, and many baths made of jasper, and many principal rooms roofed with the mosaic work, which exceeds the finest enamel I ever saw. Here I was showed in the midst of a very large piece of rich embroidery made by the Moors of Grenada, in the middle as long as half a yard of the trueTyrian dye, which is so glorious a colour that it cannot be expressed : it hath the glory of scarlet, the beauty of purple, and is so bright, that when the eye is removed upon any other object it seems as white as snow. The entry into this great Palace is of stone, for a Porter's-lodge, but very magnificent, through the gate below, which is adorned with figures of forest-work, in which the Moors did transcend. High above this gate was a bunch of keys cut LADY FANSHAWE. 101 in stone likewise, with this motto : ' Until that hand holds those keys, the Christians shall never possess this Alhambra.' This was a prophecy they had, in which they animated themselves, by reason of the impossibility that ever they should meet. But see, how true there is a time for all things ! It happened that when the Moors were besieged in that place by Don Fernando and his Queen Isabella, the King with an arrow out of a bow, which they then used in war, shooting the first arrow as their custom is, cut that part of the stone that holds the keys, which was in fashion of a chain, and the keys falling, remained in the hand underneath. This strange accident preceded but a few days the conquest of the town of Grenada and kingdom. They have in this place an iron grate, fixed into the side of the hill, that is a rock : I laid my head to the key-hole and heard a noise like the clashing of arms, but could not distinguish other shrill noises I heard with that, but tradition says it could never be opened since the Moors left it, notwithstanding several persons had endeavoured to wrench it open, but that they perished in the attempt. The truth of this I can say no more to ; but that there is such a gate, and I have seen it. 102 MEMOIR OF After two days we went on our journey ; and on the 13th of April 1650, we came to the Court of Madrid, where we were the next day visited by the two English ambassadors, and afterwards by all the English merchants. Here I was delivered of my first daughter, that was called Elizabeth, upon the 13th of July. She lived but fifteen days, and lies buried in the Chapel of the French Hospital. Your father had great difficulty to carry on his business, without encroaching upon the Extraordinary Ambassador's negotiation, and the performance of his Majesty's commands to show his present necessities, which he was sent to Philip IV. for, in hopes of a present supply of money, which our King then lacked ; but finding no good to be done on that errand, he and I, accompanied by Dr. Bell, of Jesus Col- lege in Cambridge, who had been his tutor, v^^ent a day*'s journey together towards St. Sebastian, there to embark for France. While we stayed in this Court we were kindly treated by all the English ; and it was no small trouble to your father's tutor to quit his com- pany, but, having undertaken the charge of that family of the ambassador's as their chaplain, he said, he held himself obliged in conscience to LADY FANSHAWE. 103 stay, and so he did. In a few months after he died there, and lies buried in the garden-house, where they then lived. Whilst we were in Madrid, there was sent one Askew, as resident from the then Governor of England ; he lay in a common eating-house where some travellers used to lie, and being one day at dinner, some young men meeting in the street with Mr. Prodgers, a gentleman belonging to the Lord Ambassador Cottington, and Mr. Sparks, an English merchant, discoursing of news, began to speak of the impudence of that Askew, to come a public minister from rebels to a Court where there were two Ambassadors from his King. This subject being handled with heat, they all resolved to go without more consideration into his lodgings immediately and kill him : they came up to his chamber door, and finding it open, and he sat at dinner, seized him, and so killed him, and went their several ways. Afterwards they found Mr. Sparks in a church for rescue, notwithstanding it was contrary to their religion and laws, and they forced him out from thence, and executed him publicly, their fears of the English power were then so great. There was at that time the Lord Goring, son 104 MEMOIR OF to the Earl of Norwich : he had a command under Philip the Fourth of Spain, against the Portuguese : he was generally esteemed a good and great commander, and had been brought up in Holland in his youth, of vast natural parts ; for I have heard your father say, he hath dic- tated to several persons at once that were upon despatches, and all so admirably well, that none of them could be mended. He was exceeding fa- cetious and pleasant company, and in conversa- tion, where good manners were due, the civilest person imaginable, so that he would blush like a girl. He was very tall, and very handsome : he had been married to a daughter of the Earl of Cork, but never had a child by her. His expenses were what he could get, and his debauchery be- yond all precedents, which at last lost him that love the Spaniards had for him ; and that country not admitting his coiistant drinking, he fell sick of a hectic fever, in which he turned his reli- gion, and with that artifice could scarce get to keep him whilst he lived in that sickness, or to bury him when he was dead. We came to St. Sebastian's about the begin- ning of September, and there hired a small French vessel to carry us to Nantz : we embarked LADY FANSHAWE. 105 within two days after our coming to this town. I never saw so wild a place, nor were the inha- bitants unsuitable, but like to like, which made us hasten away, and I am sure to our cost we found the proverb true, for our haste brought us woe. We had not been a day at sea before we had a storm begun, that continued two days and two nights in a most violent manner ; and being in the Bay of Biscay, we had a hurricane that drew the vessel up from the water, which had neither sail nor mast left, and but six men and a boy. Whilst they had hopes of life they ran swearing about like devils, but when that failed them, they ran into holes, and let the ship drive as it would. In this great hazard of our lives we were the beginning of the third night, when God in mercy ceased the storm of a sudden, and there was a great calm, which made us ex- ceeding joyful ; but when those beasts, for they were scarce men, that manned the vessel, began to rummage the bark, they could not find their compass anywhere, for the loss of which they began again such horrible lamentations as were as dismal to us as the storm past. Thus between hope and fear we passed the night, they protesting to us they knew not where F 5 106 MEMOIR OF they were, and truly we believed them ; for with fear and drink I think they were bereaved of their senses. So soon, as it was day, about six o'clock, the master cried out, * The land ! the land !' but we did not receive the news with the joy be- longing to it, but sighing said, God's will be done ! Thus the tide drove us until about five oVlock in the afternoon, and drawing near the side of a small rock that had a creek by it, we ran aground, but the sea was so calm that we all got out without the loss of any man or goods, but the vessel was so shattered that it was not afterwards serviceable : thus, God be praised ! we escaped this great danger, and found ourselves near a little village about two leagues from Nantz. We hired there six asses, upon which we rode as many as could by turns, and the rest carried our goods. This journey took us up all the next day, for I should have told you that we stirred not that night, because we sat up and made good cheer ; for beds they had none, and we were so trans- ported that we thought we had no need of any, but we had very good fires, and Nantz white wine, and butter, and milk, and walnuts and eggs, and some very bad cheese ; and was not this enough, with the escape of shipwreck, to be thought better than a feast ? I am sure until that hour I never LADY FANSHAWE. 107 knew such pleasure in eating, between which we a thousand times repeated what we had spoken when every word seemed to be our last. As soon as it was day, we began our journey towards Nantz, and by the way we passed by a little poor chapel, at the door of which a friar begged an alms, saying, that he would show us there the greatest wonder "in the world. We re- solved to go with him. He went before us to the altar, and out of a cupboard, with great devotion, he took a box, and crossing himself he opened it. in that was another of crystal that contained a little silver box ; he lifting this crystal box up, cried, ' Behold in this the hem* of St. Joseph, which was taken as he hewed his timber V To which my husband replied, ' Indeed, Father, it is the lightest, considering the greatness, that I ever handled in my life.' The ridiculousness of this, with the simplicity of the man, entertained us till we came to Nantz. We met by the way good grapes and walnuts growing, of which we culled out the best. Nantz is a passable good town, but decayed : some monasteries in it, but none good nor rich. There was in a nunnery, when I was there, a * Thus in the MS. ; but query if a mistake of the tran- scriber. 108 MEMOIR OF daughter of Secretary Windebank. There is Eng- lish provisions, and of all sorts, cheap and good. We hired a boat to carry us up to Orleans, and we were towed up all the river of Loire so far. Every night we vi^ent on shore to bed, and every morning carried into the boat wine and fruit, and bread, with some flesh, w^hich we dressed in the boat, for it had a hearth, on which we burnt char- coal : we likewise caught carps, which were the fattest and the best I ever eat in my life. And of all ray travels none were, for travel sake as I may call it, so pleasant as this ; for we saw the finest cities, seats, woods, meadows, pastures, and champaign that I ever saw in my life, adorned with the most pleasant river of Loire ; of which, at Orleans, we took our leaves. Arriving, about the middle of November 1650, at Paris, we went, so soon as we could get clothes, to wait on the Queen-Mother and the Princess Henrietta. The Queen entertained us very respectfully, and after many favours done us, and discoursing in private with your father about affairs of state, he received her Majesty's letters to send to the King, who was then on his way to Scotland. We kissed her hand and went to Calais, with resolution that I should go to England, to send my husband more LADY FANSHAWE. 109 money, for this long journey cost us all we could procure : yet this I will tell you, praised be God for his peculiar grace herein, that your father nor I ever borrowed money nor owed for clothes, nor diet, nor lodging beyond sea in our lives, which was very much, considering the straits we were in many times, and the bad custom our countrymen had that way, which did redound much to the King's dishonour and their own discredit. When we came to Calais, my husband sent me to England, and staying himself there, intending, as soon as he had received money, to go and live in Holland until such time as it should please Almighty God to enable him again to wait on his jSIajesty, now in Scotland, both to give him an account of his journey into Spain, as of the rest of his employments since he kissed his hand. But God ordered it otherwise ; for the case being that the two parties in Scotland being both unsatisfied with each other's ministers, and Sir E. Hyde and Secretary Nicholas being excepted against, and left in Holland, it was proposed, the state wanting a Secretary for the King, that your father should be immediately sent for, which was done accord- ingly, and he went with letters and presents from the Princess of Orange, and the Princess Royal. 110 MEMOIR OF Here I will show you something of Sir Edward Hyde's nature : he being surprised with this news, and suspecting that my husband might come to a greater power than himself, both because of his parts and integrity, and because himself had been sometimes absent in the Spanish Embassy, he with all the humility possible, and earnest passion, beg- ged my husband to remember the King often of him to his advantage as occasion should serve, and to procure leave that he might wait on the King, promising, with all the oaths that he could express to cause belief, that he would make it his business all the days of his life to serve your father's in- terest in what condition soever he should be in : thus they parted, with your father's promise to serve him in what he was capable of, upon which account many letters passed between them. When your father arrived in Scotland, he was received by the King with great expressions of great content ; and after he had given an account of his past employment, he was by the King re- commended to the York party, who received him very kindly, and gave him both the broad seal and signet to keep. They several times pressed him to take the Co- venant, but he never did, but followed his busi- LADY FANSHAWE. Ill ness so close, with such diligence and temper, that he was well beloved on all sides, and they reposed great trust in him. When he went out of Hol- land, he wrote to me to arm myself with patience in his absence, and likewise that I would not ex- pect many letters as was his custom, for that was now impossible ; but he hoped, that when we did meet again, it would be happy and of long conti- nuance, and bade me trust God with him, as he did me, in whose mercy he hoped, being upon that duty he was obliged to, with a thousand kind ex- pressions. But God knows how great a surprise this was to me, being great with child, and two children with me, not in the best condition to maintain them, and in daily fears of your father upon the private account of animosities amongst themselves in Scotland ; but I did what I could to arm myself, and was kindly visited both by my relations and friends. About this time my cousin Evelyn's wife* came * Evelyn frequently mentions his " cousin Richard Fan- shawe," in his Diary. On the 6th of February, 1651-2, he says, " I went to visit my cousin Richard Fanshawe, and di- vers other friends ;" and on the 6th of March, in that year, he observes, " My cousin Richard Fanshawe came to visit me, 112 MEMOIR OF to London, and had newly buried her mother, my Lady Brown, wife to Sir Richard Brown, that then was resident for the King at Paris. A little before she and I and Doctor Steward, a Clerk of the closet to King Charles the First, christened a daughter of Mr. Waters, near a year old. About this time, Lord Chief Justice Heath died at Calais, and several of the King^s servants at Paris, amongst others Mr. Henry Murray, of his bed- chamber, a very good man. I now settled myself in a handsome lodging in London. With a heavy heart I stayed in this lodging almost seven months, and in that time I did not go abroad seven times, but spent my time in prayer to God for the deliverance of the King and my husband, whose danger was ever before my eyes. I was seldom without the best company, and sometimes my father would stay a week, for all had compassion on my condition. I removed to Queen-street, and there in a very good lodging I was upon the 24th of June delivered of a daugh- and inform me of many considerable affairs." On the 23rd of November, 1654, he went to London to visit his "cousin Fan- shawe." — Diaryj vol. ii. pp. 48, 49. 98. Lady Brown, Mr. Evelyn's mother-in-law, died at Woodcot, in Kent, towards the end of October 1652.— Ibid. p. 61. LADY FANSHAWE. 113 ter : in ail this time I had but four letters from your father, which made the pain I was in more difficult to bear. I went with my brother Fanshawe to Ware Park, and my sister went to Balls, to my father, both intending to meet in the winter ; and so indeed we did with tears ; for the 3rd of September fol- lowing was fought the battle of Worcester, when the King being missed, and nothing heard of your father being dead or alive, for three days it was inexpressible what affliction I was in. I neither eat nor slept, but trembled at every motion I heard, expecting the fatal news, which at last came in their news -book, which mentioned your father a prisoner. Then with some hopes I went to London, in- tending to leave my little girl Nan, the companion of my troubles, there, and so find out my husband wheresoever he was carried. But upon my coming to London, I met a messenger from him with a letter, which advised me of his condition, and told me he was very civilly used, and said little more, but that I should be in some room at Charing, cross, where he had promise from his keeper that he should rest there in my company at dinner- time : this was meant to him as a great favour. I 114 MEMOIR OF expected him with impatience, and on the day ap- pointed provided a dinner and room, as ordered, in which I was with my father and some of our friends, where, about eleven of the clock, we saw hundreds of poor soldiers, both English and Scotch, march all naked on foot, and many with your father, who was very cheerful in appearance, who after he had spoken and saluted me and his friends there, said, ' Pray let us not lose time, for I know not how little I have to spare. This is the chance of war ; nothing venture, nothing have; so let us sit down and be merry whilst we may.' Then taking my hand in his and kissing me, ' Cease w^eeping, no other thing upon earth can move me : remember we are all at God's disposal.' Then he began to tell how kind his Captain was to him, and the people as he passed offered him money, and brought him good things, and particu- larly Lady Denham, at Borstal-house, who w^ould have given him all the money she had in her house, but he returned her thanks, and told her he had so ill kept his own, that he would not tempt his governor with more, but if she would give him a shirt or two, and some handkerchiefs, he would keep them as long as he could for her sake. She fetched him two smocks of her own, and some LADY FANSHAWE. 115 handkerchiefs, saying she was ashamed to give him them, but, having none of her sons at home, she desired him to wear them. Thus we passed the time until order came to carry him to Whitehall, where, in a little room yet standing in the bowling-green, he was kept pri- soner, without the speech of any, so far as they knew, ten weeks, and in expectation of death. They often examined him, and at last he grew so ill in health by the cold and hard marches he had undergone, and being pent up in a room close and small, that the scurvy brought him almost to death's door. During the time of his imprisonment, I failed not constantly to go, when the clock struck four in the morning, with a dark lantern in my hand, all alone and on foot, from my lodging in Chancery Lane, at my cousin Young's, to Whitehall, in at the entry that went out of King Street into the bowhng-green. There I would go under his win- dow and softly call him : he, after the first time excepted, never failed to put out his head at the first call: thus we talked together, and sometimes I was so wet with the rain, that it went in at my neck and out at my heels. He directed me how I should make my addresses, which I did ever to 116 MEMOIR OF their general, Cromwell, who had a great respect for your father, and would have bought him off to his service upon any terms. Being one day to solicit for my husband's liberty for a time, he bade me bring the next day a certificate from a physician, that he was really ill. Immediately I went to Dr. Bathurst, that was by chance both physician to Cromwell and to our family, who gave me one very favourable in my husband's behalf. I delivered it at the Council Chamber, at three of the clock that afternoon, as he commanded me, and he himself moved, that seeing they could make no use of his imprison- ment, whereby to lighten them in their business, he might have his liberty upon four thousand pounds bail, to take a course of physic, he being dangerously ill. Many spake against it, but most Sir Henry Yane, who said he would be as instru- mental, for aught he knew, to hang them all that sat there, if ever he had opportunity, but if he had liberty for a time, that he might take the en- gagement before he went out : upon which Crom- well said, ' I never knew that the engagement^ was a medicine for the scorbutic' They, hearing their * Cromwell probably meant to pmi upon this word. — In Ireland, " engagement" means an issue ; " an engagement in the neck/' arm, &c. i. e. an issue in those places. LADY FANSHAWE. 117 General say so, thought it obliged him, and so ordered him his liberty upon bail. His eldest brother, and sister Bedell, and self, were bound in four thousand pounds ; and the latter end of No- vember he came to my lodgings, at my cousin Young'^s. He there met many of his good friends and kindred ; and my joy was inexpressible, and so was poor Nan's, of whom your poor father was very fond. I forgot to tell you, that when your father was taken prisoner of war, he, before they entered the house where he was, burned all his papers, which saved the lives and estates of many a brave gentleman. When he came out of Scotland, he left behind him a box of writings, in which his patent of Ba- ronet was, and his patent of additional arms,* which was safely sent after him, after the happy restoration of the King. You may read your father's demeanour of himself in this affair, wrote * A coat of augmentation was granted to Richard Fanshawe, Esq. Remembrancer of the Exchequer, and to his family, by patent, dated at Jersey, 8th of February, 2 Car. II. 1650, being " Cheeky Argent and Azure, a Cross Gules." Grants of that kind to persons who distinguished themselves in the service of the King were very common, and consisted, in most cases, either of the lion of England, a fleur-de-lis, or, as in the instance of Mr. Fanshawe, of the Cross of St. George. Sir Richard was created a Baronet on the 2nd of September 1650. 118 MEMOIR OF by his own hand, in a book by itself amongst your books, and it is a great masterpiece, as you will find. Within ten days he fell very sick, and the fever settled in his throat and face so violently, that, for many days and nights, he slept no more but as he leaned on my shoulder as I walked : at last, after all the Doctor and Surgeon could do, it broke, and with that he had ease, and so recovered, God be praised ! In 1652, he was advised to go to Bath for his scorbutic that still hung on him, but he deferred his journey until August, because I was delivered on the 30th of July of a daughter. At his return, we went to live that winter fol- lowing at Beniield, in Hertfordshire, a house of my niece Fanshawe's. In this winter my husband went to wait on his good friend the Earl of Straf- ford, in Yorkshire ; and there my Lord offered him a house of his in Tankersly Park, which he took, and paid 120/. a year for. When my hus- band returned, we prepared to go in the spring to this place, but were so confined, that my husband could not stir five miles from home without leave. About February following, my brother Neuce died, at his house at Much Hadham, in Hertford- shire. My sister, Margaret Harrison, desired to go to London, and there we left her ; she soon after LADY FAMSHAWE. 119 married Mr. Edmund Turner, afterwards Sir Ed- mund. In March we with our three children, Anne, Richard, and Betty, went into Yorkshire, where we Hved a harmless country life, minding only the country sports and country affairs. Here my husband translated Luis de Camoens ; and on October 8th, 1653, I was delivered of my daugh- ter Margaret. I found all the neighbourhood very civil and kind upon all occasions ; the place plentiful and healthful, and very pleasant, but there was no fruit : we planted some, and my Lord Strafford says now, that what we planted is the best fruit in the North. The house of Tankersly and Park are both very pleasant and good, and we lived there with great content ; but God had ordered it should not last, for upon the 20th of July 1654, at three o'clock in the afternoon, died our most dearly beloved daughter Ann, whose beauty and wit exceeded all that ever I saw of her age. She was between nine and ten years old, very tall, and the dear companion of my travels and sorrows. She lay sick but five days of the small-pox, in which time she expressed so many wise and devout say- ings, as is a miracle for her years. We both 120 MEMOIR OF wished to have gone into the same grave with her. She lies buried in Tankersly church; and her death made us both desirous to quit that fatal place to us ; and so the week after her death we did, and came to Hamerton, and were half a year with my sister Bedell. Then my husband was sent for to London, there to stay, by command of the High Court of Justice, and not to go five miles from that town, but to appear once a month before them. We then went again to my cousin Young's, in Chancery Lane : and about Christmas my husband got leave to go to Frog-Pool, in Kent, to my brother Warwick's ; where, upon the 22nd of February 1655, I was delivered of a daughter, whom we named Ann, to keep in re- membrance her dear sister, whom we had newly lost. We returned to our lodgings in Chancery Lane, where my husband was forced to attend till Christmas 1655 ; and then we went down to Jenkins, to Sir Thomas Fanshawe's ; but upon New Year's day my husband fell very sick, and the scorbutic again prevailed, so much that it drew his upper lip awry, upon which we that day came to London, into Chancery Lane, but not to my cousin Young's, but to a house we took of Sir George Carey, for a year. There by the LADY FANSHAWE. 121 advice of Doctor Bathurst and Doctor Ridgley, my husband took physic for two months together, and at last, God be praised ! he perfectly recovered his sickness, and his lip was as well as ever. In this house, upon the 12th day of July in 1656, 1 was delivered of a daughter, named Mary ; and in this month died my second daughter, Elizabeth, that I had left with my sister Boteler, at Frog-Pool, to see if that air would recover her ; but she died of a hectic fever, and lies buried in the church of Foots Cray. My husband, weary of the town, and being advised to go into the country for his health, procured leave to go in September to Bengy, in Hertford, to a little house lent us by my brother Fanshawe. It happened at that time there was a very ill kind of fever, of which many died, and it ran generally through all families : this we and all our family fell sick of, and my husband's and mine after some months turned to quartan agues; but I being with child, none thought I could live, for I was brought to bed of a son in November,* ten weeks before my time ; and thence forward until April 1658, 1 had two fits every day, that brought me so low that I was like an anatomy. I never * " This son, Henry, lies buried in Bengy church." G 122 MEMOIR OF Stirred out of my bed seven months, nor during that time eat flesh, nor fish, nor bread, but sage posset drink, and pancake or eggs, or now and then a turnip or carrot. Your father was likewise very ill, but he rose out of his bed some hours daily, and had such a greediness upon him, that he would eat and drink more than ordinary per- sons that eat most, though he could not stand up- right without being held, and in perpetual sweats, and that so violent that it ran down day and night like water. This I have told you that you may see how near dying we were ; for which recovery I humbly praise God. He got leave in August to go to Bath, v/hich, God be praised ! perfectly re- covered us, and so we returned into Hertfordshire, to the Friary of Ware, which we hired of Mrs. Heydon for a year. This place we accounted happy to us, because in October we heard the news of Cromwell's death, upon which my hus- band began to hope that he should get loose of his fetters, in which he had been seven years ; and going to London, in company with my Lord Philip, Earl of Pembroke, he lamented his case of his bonds to him that was his old and con- stant friend. He told him that if he would dine with him the next day, he would give him some LADY FANSHAWE. 123 account of that business. The next day he said to him, ' Mr. Fanshawe, I must send my eldest son into France; if you will not take it ill that I desire your company with him and care of him for one year, I will procure you your bonds within this week." My husband was overjoyed to get loose upon any terms that were innocent, so, having seen his bonds cancelled, he went into France to Paris, from whence he by letter gave an account to Lord Chancellor Clarendon of his being got loose, and desired him to acquaint his Majesty of it, and to send him his commands, which was about April 1659. He did to this effect, that his Majesty was then going a journey, which after- wards proved to Spain ; but upon his return, which would be about the beginning of winter, my husband should come to him, and that he should have, in present, the place of one of the Masters of Request, and the Secretary of -the Latin Tongue. Then my husband sent me word of this, and bade me bring my son Richard, and my eldest daughters with me to Paris, for that he intended to put them to a very good school that he had found at Paris. We went as soon as I could possibly accommodate myself with money and other necessaries, with my three children, one G 2 124 MEMOIR OF maid, and one man. I could not go without a pass, and to that purpose I went to my cousin Henry Nevill,* one of the High Court of Justice, where he was then sitting at Whitehall. I told him my husband had sent for me and his son, to place him there, and that he desired his kindness to help me to a pass : he went in to the then mas- ters, and returned to me, saying, ' that by a trick my husband had got his liberty, but for me and his children, upon no conditions we should not stir.' I made no reply, but thanked my cousin Henry Nevill, and took my leave. I sat me down in the next room, full sadly to consider what I should do, desiring God to help m.e in so just a cause as I then was in. I began and thought if I were denied a passage then, they would ever after be more severe on all occasions, and it might be very ill for us both. T was ready to go, if I had a pass, the next tide, and might be there before they could suspect I was gone : these thoughts put this invention in my head. At Wallingford House, the Office was kept * He was her cousin, being the second son of Sir Harry Neville the younger, of Billingbere, in Essex, by Elizabeth, daughter of Sir John Smythe, of Ostenhanger, sister to the first Viscount Strangford. LADY FANSHAWE. 125 where they gave passes : thither I went in as plain a way and speech as I could devise, leaving my maid at the gate, who was much a finer gen- tlewoman than myself. With as ill mien and tone as I could express, I told a fellow I found in the Office that I desired a pass for Paris, to go to my husband. ' Woman, what is your husband, and your name ?' ' Sir,' said I, with many courtesies, * he is a young merchant, and my name is Ann Harrison.' ' Well," said he, ' it will cost you a crown :' — said I, ' That is a great sum for me, but pray put in a man, my maid, and three children.' All which he immediately did, telling me a malig- nant would give him five pounds for such a pass. I thanked him kindly, and so went immediately to my lodgings ; and with my pen I made the great H of Harrison, two ff, and the rrs, an n, and the i, an 5, and the s, an h, and the o, an a, and the n, a w, so completely, that none could find out the change. With all speed I hired a barge, and that night at six o'clock I went to Gravesend, and from thence by coach to Dover, where, upon my arrival, the searchers came and demanded my pass, which they were to keep for their discharge. When they had read it, they said, ' Madam, you may go when you please ;' but 126 MEMOIR OF says one, ' I little thought they would give a pass to so great a malignant, especially in so trou- blesome a time as this.' About nine o'clock at night I went on board the packet-boat, and about eight o'clock in the morn- ing landed safe, God be praised ! at Calais. I went to Mr. Booth's, an English merchant, and a very honest man. There I rested two days ; but upon the next day he had advice from Dover, that a post was sent to stay me from London, because they had sent for me to my lodgings by a mes- senger of the Court, to know why, and upon what business, I went to France. Then I discovered to him my invention of the changing my name, at which as at their disappointment we all laughed, and so did your father, and as many as knew the deceit. We hired a waggon-coach, for there is no other at Calais, and began our journey about the beginning of June 1659. Coming one night to Abbeville, the Governor sent his Lieutenant to me, to let me know my husband was well the week before, that he had seen him at Paris, and had promised him to take care of me in my going through his government, there being much robbery daily committing ; that he would advise me take care of the gar- LADY FANSHAWE. 127 rison soldiers, and giving them a pistole a piece, they would convey me very safely. This, he said, the Governor would have told me himself, but that he v^as in bed with the gout : I thanked him, and accepted his proffer. The next morning- he sent me ten troopers well armed, and when I had gone about four leagues, as we ascended a hill, says some of these, ' Madam, look out, but fear nothing.' They rid all up to a well-mounted troop of horse, about fifty or more, which, after some parley, wheeled about into the woods again. When we came upon the hill, I asked how it Avas possible so many men so well armed should turn, having so few to oppose them ; at which they laughed, and said, ' Madam, we are all of a com- pany, and quarter in this town. The truth, is, our pay is short, and we are forced to keep our- selves this way ; but we have this rule, that if we in a party guard any compan}^, the rest never mo- lest them, but let them pass free.' I having passed all danger, as they said, gave them a pistole each man, and so left them and v\rent on my journey, and met my husband at St. Dennis, God be praised ! The 20th day of Octo- ber, my then only son died of the small-pox ; he lies buried in the Protestant Church, near Paris, 128 ' MEMOIR OF between the Earl of Bristol and Doctor Steward. Both my eldest daughters had the small-pox at the same time, and though I neglected them, and day and night attended my dear son, yet it pleased God they recovered and he died, the grief of which made me miscarry, and caused a sickness of three weeks. After this, in the beginning of November, the King came to visit his mother, who was at her own house at Combes, two leagues from Paris, and thither went my husband and myself. I had not seen him in almost twelve years : he told me that if it pleased God to restore him to his kingdoms, my husband should partake of his happiness in as great a share as any servants he had. Then he asked me many questions of England, and fell into discourse with my husband privately two hours, and then commanded him to follow him to Flan- ders. His Majesty went the next day, my hus- band that day month, which was the beginning of December. I went with our family to Calais, and my husband sent me privately to London for money in January. I returned him one hundred and fifty pounds, with which he went to the King, and I followed to Newport, Bruges, and Ghent, and to Brussels, where the King received us very LADY FANSHAWE. 129 graciously, with the Princess Royal and the Dukes of York and Gloucester. After staying three weeks at Brussels, we went to Breda, where we heard the happy news of the King's return to England. In the beginning of May we went with all the Court to the Hague, where I first saw the Queen of Bohemia, who was exceeding kind to all of us. Here the King and all the Royal Family were entertained at a very great supper by the States; and now business of state took up much time. The King promised my husband he should be one of the Secretaries of State, and both the now Duke of Orraond, and the Lord Chancellor Cla- rendon, were witnesses of it, yet that false man made the King break his word for his own accom- modation, and placed Mr. Norris, a poor country gentleman of about two hundred pounds a-year, a fierce Presbyterian, and one that never saw the King's face : but still promises were made of the reversion to your father. Upon the King's restoration, the Duke of York, then made Admiral, appointed ships to carry over the company and servants of the King, who were very great. His Highness appointed for my hus- band and his family a third-rate frigate, called the G 5 130 MEMOIR OF Speedwell ; but his Majesty commanded my hus- band to wait on him in his own ship. We had by the States' order sent on board to the King's most eminent servants, great store of provisions : for our family we had sent on board the Speedwell a tierce of claret, a hogshead of Rhenish wine, six dozen of fowls, a dozen of gammons of bacon, a great basket of bread, and six sheep, two dozen of neat's tongues, and a great box of sweetmeats. Thus taking our leaves of those obliging persons we had conversed with in the Hague, we went on board upon the 23rd of May, about two o'clock in the afternoon. The King embarked at four of the clock, upon which we set sail, the shore being covered with people, and shouts from all places of a good voyage, which was seconded with many volleys of shot interchanged : so favourable was the wind, that the ships' wherries went from ship to ship to visit their friends all night long. But who can sufficiently express the joy and gallan- try of that voyage, to see so many great ships, the best in the world, to hear the trumpets and all other music, to see near a hundred brave ships sail before the wind with vast cloths and streamers, the neatness and cleanness of the ships, the strength and jollity of the mariners, the gal- lantry of the commanders, the vast plenty of all LADY FANSHAWE. 131 sorts of provisions; but above all, the glorious majesties of the King and his two brothers, were so beyond man's expectation and expression ! The sea was calm, the moon shone at full, and the sun suffered not a cloud to hinder his prospect of the best sight, by whose light, and the merciful bounty of God, he was set safely on shore at Dover in Kent, upon the 25th* of May, 1660. So great were the acclamations and numbers of people, that it reached like one street from Dover to Whitehall : we lay that night at Dover, and the next day we went in Sir Arnold Braem's-|* coach towards London, where on Sunday night we came to a house in the Savoy. My niece, Fan- shawe, then lay in the Strand, where I stood to see the King's entry with his brothers ; surely the most pompous show that ever was, for the hearts of all men in this kingdom moved at his will. The next day I went with other ladies of the family to congratulate his Majesty's happy arrival, who received me with great grace, and promised me future favours to my husband and self. His * Probably a mistake for the 26th. f Of a Dutch family settled at Bridge in Kent. The house at Dover, in which Lady Fanshawe lay, was built by Jacob Braem, and is, or was in Hasted's time, the Custom-house. The family is now extinct. 132 MEMOIR OF Majesty gave my husband his picture, set with small diamonds, when he was a child : it is a great rarity, because there never was but one. We took a house in Portugal Row, Lincoln's- inn Fields. My husband had not long entered upon his office, but he found an oppression from Secretary Nicholas, to his great vexation, for he, as much as in him lay, engrossed all the petitions, which really, by the foundation, belonged to the Master of the Requests ; and in this he was coun- tenanced by Lord Chancellor Clarendon, his great patron, notwithstanding he had married Sir Tho- mas Aylesbury's daughter, that was one of the Masters of the Requests. This year I sent for my daughter Nan from my sister Boteler's, in Kent, where I had left her; and my daughter Mary died in Hertfordshire in August, and lies buried in Hertford church, in my father's vault. In the latter end of the summer I miscarried, when I was near half gone with child, of three sons, two hours one after the other. I think it was with the hurry of business I then was in, and perpetual company that resorted to us of all qua- lities, some for kindness and some for their own advantage. LADY FANSHAWE. 133 As that was a time of advantage, so it was of great expense, for on April the 23rd, 1661, the King was crowned, when my husband, being in waiting, rode upon his Majesty's left hand* with very rich foot-cloths, and four men in very rich liveries ; and this year we furnished our house and paid all our debts which we had contracted during the war. The 8th day of May following, the King rode to the Parliament, and then my husband rode in the same manner. His Majesty had commanded my husband to execute the place of the Chancel- lor of the Garter, both because he understood it better than any, and was to have the reversion of it. The first feast of St. George, my husband was proxy for the Earl of Bristol, and was in- stalled for him Knight of the Garter. The Duke of Buckingham put on his robes, and the Duke of Ormond his spurs, in the stall of the Earl of Bristol. Now it was the business of the Chancellor to put your father as far from the King as he could, * Evelyn says, that at the coronation of Charles the Second were "Two persons, representing the Dukes of Normandy and Aquitaine, viz. Sir Richard Fanshawe and Sir Herbert Price, in fantastic habits." — Diary, vol. ii. p. 168. 134 MEMOIR OF because his ignorance in state affairs was daily dis- covered by your father, who showed it to the King ; but at that time the King was so content that he should almost and alone manage his af- fairs, that he might have more time for his plea- sure, that his faults were not so visible as other- wise they would have been, and afterwards proved. But now he sends to your father and tells him that he was, by the King's particular choice, re- solved on to be sent to Lisbon with the King's letter and picture to the Princess, now our Queen, which then, indeed, was an employment any noble- man would be glad of; but the design from that time forth was to fix him here. When your father was gone on this errand, I stayed in our house in Portugal Row, and at Christmas I received the New Year's gifts belong- ing to his places, which is the custom, of two tuns of wine at the Custom-house, for Master of Re quests, and fifteen ounces of gilt plate at the Jewel-house, as Secretary of the Latin Tongue. At the latter end of Christmas my husband re- turned from Lisbon, and was very well received by the King ; and upon the 22nd of February fol- lowing I was delivered of my daughter Elizabeth. Upon the 8th of June,* 1662, my husband was * Query, 8th o^ January. LADY FANSHAWE. 135 made a Privy Councillor of Ireland; and some time after my Lord and Lady Ormond went into Ireland, and upon my taking leave of her Grace, she gave me a turquoise and diamond bracelet, and my husband a fasset* diamond ring. I never parted from her upon a journey but she ever gave me some present. When her daughter, the Lady Mary Cavendish, was married, none were present but his grandmother and father, and my husband and self; they were married in my Lord Duke's lodging in Whitehall, and given by the King, who came privately without any train.-f* As soon as the King had notice of the Queen's landing, he immediately sent my husband that night to welcome her Majesty on shore, and fol- lowed himself the next day ; and upon the 21st of May the King married the Queen at Portsmouth, in the presence-chamber of his Majesty's house- There was a rail across the upper part of the room, in which entered only the King and Queen, the Bishop of London, the Marquis De Sande, the Portuguese Ambassador, and my husband : in * A diamond cut into facets ; a brilliant. t According to Collins' Peerage, Mary, second daughter of James Duke of Ormond, married William Cavendish, ninth Duke of Devonshire, at Kilkenny in Ireland, on the 27th of October, 1662. Lady Fanshawe's statement proves that he was mistaken. 136 MEMOIR OF the other part of the room there were many of the nobility and servants to their Majesties. The Bishop of London declared them married in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost; and then they caused the ribbons her Majesty wore to be cut in little pieces, and, as far as they would go, every one had some.* Upon the 29th of May their Majesties came to Hampton Court, where was all that pretended to her Majesty's service, and all the King's servants, ladies and other persons of quality, who received her Majesty in several rooms, according to their several qualifications. The next morning, about eleven o'clock, the Duchess of Ormond and her daughter, the now Lady Cavendish, and myself, went to wait on her Majesty as soon as her Majesty was dressed; where I had the honour from the King, who was then present, to tell the Queen who I was, say- ing many kind things of me to ingratiate me with her Majesty, whereupon her Majesty gave her hand to me to kiss, with promises of her fu- * As it must be inferred that Lady Fanshawe derived her information from her husband, who, she says, was present, her account of the ceremony is deserving of attention, because some doubts have been entertained as to the manner in which it was solemnized. — See Bishop Kenneii's Hisiorical Register, p. 693. LADY FANSHAWE. 137 ture favour. After this we remained in Hampton Court, in the Requests' lodgings, my husband being then in waiting until the 10th day of Au- gust, upon which day he received his despatches for Ambassador to Portugal. His Majesty was graciously pleased to promise my husband his picture, which afterwards we re- ceived, set with diamonds, to the value of three or four hundred pounds, his Majesty having been pleased to give my husbaod, at his first going to Portugal, his picture at length, in his garter- robes: my husband had also by his Majesty's order, out of the wardrobe, a crimson velvet cloth of state, fringed and laced with gold, with a chair, a footstool, and cushions, and two other stools of the same, with a Persian carpet to lay under them, and a suit of fine tapestry hanging for that room, with two velvet altar cloths for the chapel, and fringed with gold, with surplices, altar cloths, and napkins, of fine linen, with a Bible, in Ogle- by's print and cuts, two Common Prayer-books, in folio and quarto, with eight hundred ounces of gilt plate, and four thousand ounces of white plate; but there wanted a velvet bed, which he should have had by custom. Thus having perfected the ceremonies of taking 138 MEMOIR OF leave of their Majesties, and receiving their com- mands, and likewise taking our leaves of our friends, as I said, upon Sunday the 10th of Au- gust we took our journey to Portugal,* carrying our three daughters with us, Katherine, Margaret, and Ann. This night we lay at Windsor, where, on Monday the 11th, in the morning, we went to prayers to the King's Chapel with Doctor Hea- vers, my husband's Chaplain. On our return we were visited by the Provost of Eton, and divers others of the clergy of that place, and Sir Thomas Woodcock, the chief commander of that place, in the absence of Lord Mordaunt, Lord Constable of Windsor Castle. Upon the desire of some there, my husband left some of his coats-of-arms, which he carried with him for that purpose, as the custom of ambassa- dors is, to dispose of 'vhere they lodge.-j- That night we lay at Bagshot; Tuesday the 12th, we dined at Basingstoke, and lay at Ando- ver ; Wednesday the 13th, we dined at Salisbury, and there lay that night, and borrowed in the * Evelyn says, " 5th of August 1662, to London, and next day to Hampton Court, and took leave of Sir R. Fanshawe, now going Ambassador to Portugal." — Diary y vol. ii. p. 195. f This custom is still retained in the instances of the Lords Lieutenant of Ireland. LADY FANSHAWE. 139 afternoon the Dean of Westminster's coach, being wiUing to ease all our own horses for half a day? having a long journey to go. We went in the Dean's coach to see Wilton, being but two miles from Salisbury. We found Lord Herbert at home; he entertained us with great civility and kindness, and gave my husband a very fine greyhound bitch : his father, the Earl of Pembroke, being then at London. We visited the famous church, and at our return to our lodg- ings, were visited by the Right Reverend Father in God, Doctor Henchman, the Bishop of that place, and Doctor Holies, the Dean of that place, and Doctor Earle, Dean of Westminster, since, by the former Bishop's remove to the See of London, now Bishop of Salisbury. On Thursday the 14th, my husband and I, with our children, having bagged of the Bishop his blessing at his own house, dined at Blandford, in Dorsetshire. Sir William Portman hath a very fine seat within a mile of it. We lodged that night at Dorchester : on Friday the 15th we lay at Axminster, and Saturday the 16th at Exeter, and went to prayers at the Cathedral church, ac- companied by the principal divines of that place. On Sunday the 17th, we stayed all that day, and 140 MEMOIR OP on Monday the 18th, we lay at a very ill lodging, of which I have forgotten the name ; and on Tuesday the 19th, we went to Plymouth, where, within six miles of the town, we were met by some of the chief merchants of that place, and of the chief officers of that garrison, who all accompanied us to the house of one Mr. Tyler, a merchant. Upon our arrival, the Governor of that garrison^ one Sir John Skelton, visited us, and did us the fa- vour to keep us company, with many of his officers, during our stay in that town. Sir John Hele, as soon as he heard of our being there, sent my hus- band a fat buck ; and my cousin Edgcombe, of Mount Edgcombe, a mile from Plymouth, sent him another buck, and came, as soon as he heard we were there, from a house of his twelve miles from Mount Edgcombe, to which he came only to keep us company. From whence, the next day after his arrival, he with his Lady, and Sir Rich- ard Edgcombe, his eld-est son, and others of his children, came to visit us at Plymouth ; and the day after we dined at Mount Edgcombe, where we were very nobly treated. At our coming home, they would need accompany us over the river to our lodgings. The next day the Mayor and Alder- men came to visit my husband ; and the next day LADY FANSHAWE. ]41 we had a great feast at Mr. Scale's house, the father of our landlord. Our being so well lodged and treated by the inhabitants of this town was upon my father's score, whose deputies some of them were, he being one of the Farmers of the Custom-house to receive the King's customs of that port. On Sunday the 30th , the wind coming fair, we embarked, accompanied by my cousin Edgcombe and all his family, and with much company of the town, that would show their kindness until the last. Taking our leave of our landlord and land- lady, we gave her twenty pieces of gold to buy her a ring, and they presented my children with many pretty toys. Thus, on Monday at nine o'clock in the morning, we were received on board the Ruby frigate, commanded by Captain Robin- son. We had very many presents sent us on board by divers gentlemen, among which my cousin Edgcombe sent us a brace of fat bucks, three milk goats, wine, ale and beer, with fruit of several sorts, biscuit and sweetmeats. On Monday the 31st of August 1662, we set sail for Lisbon, and landed the 14th of September, our style, between the Conde de St. Laurence's house and Belem, God be praised ! all in good 142 MEMOIR OF health. As soon as we had anchored, the English Consul, with the merchants, came on board us ; but we went presently to a house of the Duke of Aveiros, where my husband was placed by his Majesty when he was therQ before, in which he had then left his chief Secretary and one other, with some others of his family. The first that visited incognito there, for he was not to own any till he had made his entry, was the King of Por- tugal's Secretary, Antonio de Sousa : there came about that time also the Earl of Inchiquin, and Count Schomberg, to visit us. The jgth day, my husband went privately on board the frigate, in which he came with all his family ; to whom the King sent a nobleman to receive him on shore, with his own and Queen-mother^s, and very many coaches of the nobility. As soon as they met, there passed great salutations of cannons from^ the ships to the frigate in which my husband came, and from our ships to the King's forts, and from all the forts innumerable shots returned again. So soon as my husband landed, he entered the King's coach, and the nobleman that fetched him, whose name I have forgot. Before him went the English Consul, with all the merchants ; on his right hand went four pages ; on the left side the LADY FANSHAWE. 14)3 coach, by the horses' heads, eight footmen all clothed in rich livery ; in the coach that followed went my husband's own gentlemen, after the coach of state empty, and those that did him the favour to accompany him : thus they went to the house where my husband lodged. The King entertained him with great plenty of provisions in all kinds, three suppers and three dinners, and all manner of utensils belonging thereunto, as the custom of that country is. Their Majesties did for some time furnish the house, till my husband could otherwise provide himself in town. The Abadessa of the Alcantara, niece to the Queen-mother, natural daughter of the Duke de Medina Sidonia, sent to welcome me into the country a very noble present of perfumes, waters, and sweetmeats ; and during my abode at Lisbon we often made visits and interchanged messages, to my great content, for she was a very fine lady. On the ^th, one Mr. Bridgewood, a mer- chant, sent me a silver basin and ewers for a present? On the 10th of October, stilo novo, my hus- band had his audience of his Majesty in his pa- lace, at Lisbon ; going in the King's coach with the same nobleman and in the same form as he made his entry. The King received him with 144 MEMOIR OF great kindness and respect, much to his satis- faction. On the 11th, Don Joam de Sousa, the Queen's Vidor, came from her Majesty to us both to welcome us into the country. On the 13th, her Majesty sent her chief coach, accompa- nied by other coaches, to fetch my husband to the audience of her Majesty, where she received him very graciously ; and the same day he had audi- ence of Don Pedro, the King's brother, at his own palace. Saturday, the 14th, her Majesty sent her best coach for me and my children. When we came there, the Captain of the Guard received me at the foot of the stairs ; all my people going before me, as the custom is. On each side were the guards placed, with halberds in their hands, as far as the presence-chamber door. There I was received by the Queen's Lord Chamberlain, who carried me to the door of the next room, vrhere the Queen was. Then the Queen's prin- cipal lady, as our groom of the stole, received me, telling me she had command from the Queen to bid me welcome to that Court, and to accompany me to her Majesty's presence. She sat in the next room, which was very large, in a black velvet chair, with arms, upon a black velvet carpet, with a state of the same. She had caused a low chair, LADY FANSHAWE. 145 without arms, to be set at some distance from her, about two yards on her left hand, on which side stood all the noblemen ; on her right, all the ladies of the Court. After making my reverences due to her Ma- jesty, according to custom, and said those respects which became me to her Majesty, she sat down ; and when I presented my daughters to her, she, having expressed much grace and favour to me and mine, bade me sit down, which at first I refused, desiring to wait on her Majesty, as my Queen's mother ; but she pressing me again, I sat down ; and then she made her discourse of Eng- land, and asked questions of the Queen's health and liking of our country, with some little hints of her own and her family''s condition, which hav- ing continued better than half an hour, I took my leave. During my stay at Court I several times waited on the Queen-Mother ; truly she was a very honourable, wise woman, and I believe had been very handsome. She was magnificent in her dis- course and nature, but in the prudentest manner ; she was ambitious, but not vain ; she loved go- vernment, and I do believe the quitting of it did shorten her life. After saluting the ladies and noblemen of the H 146 MEMOIR OF Court, I went home as I came. The next day the Secretary of State and his Lady came to visit me : she had, at mjr arrival, sent me a present of sweetmeats. My husband had left in this person''s family one of his pages to improve himself in writing and reading the Spanish tongue, until his return again to that Court, when he went the last year to England, in consideration of which we presented his Lady with a piece of India plate, of about two hundred pounds sterling. They were both very civil, worthy persons, and had formerly been in England, where the King, Charles the First, had made his son an English Baron.* She told me in discourse one day this of a French Ambassador, that had lately been in that Court, and lodged next to her : — There was a numerous sort of people about the Ambassador's door, as is usual amongst them. A poor little boy, that his mother had animated daily to cry for relief so troublesomely, that at last the Ambassador would say, ' What noise is that at * No record is known to exist of any foreigner liavingbeen created a Peer by Charles the First : nor does it appear likely from the names of persons created Baronets by Charles the First, that Lady Fanshawe could mean Baronet. The splendid and elaborate work entitled the " Memorias Genealogicas da Casa de Sousa," does not advert to the circumstance. LADY FANSHAWE. 147 the gate of perpetual screaming ? I will have it so no more :"* upon which they carried the child to his mother, and bade her keep him at home, for it screamed like a devil, and if it returned, the porter swore he would punish him severely. Not many days after, according to his former custom, the child returned, louder than before, if possible ; the porter keeping his word, took the boy and pulled oiF his rags, and anointed him all over with honey, leaving no part undone, and very thick, and then threw him into a tub of fine feathers, which as soon as he had done, he set him on his legs and frightened him home to his mother, who seeing this thing, for none living could guess him a boy, ran out into the city, the child squeaking after her, and all the people in the streets after them, thinking it was a devil or some strange creature. But to return to the business : we were visited by many persons of the Court, some upon busi- ness, and others upon compliment, which is more formal than pleasant, for they are not generally a cheerful people. About February the King in- tended to go into the field and lead his army him- self : during this resolution my husband prepared himself to wait on his Majesty, which cost him much, these kind of expenses in that place being H 2 148 MEMOIR OF scarce and very dear ; but the Council would not suffer him to go, and so that ended. The King loved hunting much, and ever when he went would send my husband some of what he killed, which was stag and wild boar, both excellent meat. We kept the Queen^s birthday with great feasting : we had all the English merchants. There was, during my stay in this town, a Portugal merchant jealous of his mistress favour- ing an Englishman, whom he entertained with much kindness, hiding his suspicion. One evening he invited him to see a country-house and eat a collation, which he did; after which the merchant, with three or four more of his friends, for a rarity showed him a cave hard by the house, which went in at a very narrow hole, but within was very capacious, in the side of a high mountain. It was so dark that they carried a torch. Says one to the Englishman, ' Did you ever know where bats dwell ?' he replied no; ' Then here. Sir,' say they, ' you shall see them ;■* then, holding up the light to the roof, they saw millions hanging by their legs. So soon as they had done, they, frightening the birds, made them all fly about him, and put- ting out the light ran away, and left the Eng- lishman there to get out as well as he could, which was not until the next morning. LADY FANSHAWE. 149 This winter I fell sick of an aguish distemper, being then with child ; but I believe it was with eating more grapes than I am accustomed to, being tempted by their goodness, especially the Frontiniac, which exceed all I ever eat in Spain and France. The beginning of May 1663, there happened in Lisbon an insurrection of the people of the town, about a suspicion, as they pretended, of some persons disaffected to the public; upon which they plundered the Archbishop^s house, and the Marquis of Marialva's house, and broke into the treasury ; but after about ten thousand of these ordinary people had run for six or seven hours about the town, crying 'Kill all that is for the Castile,' they were appeased by their Priests, who carried the Sacrament amongst them, threatening excommunication, which, with the night, made them depart with their plunder. Some few persons were lost, but not many. Upon the 10th of June came news to this Court of the total rout of Don John of Austria at the battle of Evora;* after which our house and * Pepys speaking of this battle, in which the Portuguese completely defeated the Spaniards, says — "4th July, 1663. Sir Allen Apsley showed the Duke the Lisbon Gazette, in Spanish, where the late victory is set down particularly, and 150 MEMOIR OF tables were full of distressed, honest, brave Eng^ lish soldiers, who by their own and their fellows'* valour had got one of the greatest victories that ever was. These poor but brave men were almost lost between the Portuguese poverty and the Lord Chancellor Hyde's neglect, not to give it a worse name.* While my husband stayed there, he did what he could, but not proportionably either to their merits or wants. About this time my husband sent great assist- ance to the Governor of Tangiers, the Earl of Peterborough then being Governor, whose letters of supplication and thanks for kindness and care, my husband and I have yet to show. to the great honour of the English beyond measure. They have since taken back Evora, which was lost to the Spaniards, the English making the assault, and lost not more than three men." — Diary ^ vol. ii. p. 68. * It appears however, from Sir Robert Southwell's Account (f Portugal, (p. 138.) that Charles II. was so pleased with the gallantry of his troops at the battle of Evora, (or, as it is mdre commonly called by historians, of Ameixal,) that he caused a gratuity of 40,000 crowns to be distributed among them. It would seem that the " neglect" of which Lady Fanshawe complains, was entirely on the side of the Portuguese. Sir Robert Southwell mentions some curious anecdotes on this subject, particularly with reference to the statement in the Lisbon Gazette, alluded to in the preceding note. LADY FANSHAWE. 151 June the 26th5 I was delivered of a son ten weeks before my time ; he lived some hours, and was christened Richard by our Chaplain, Mr. Marsden, who performed the ceremony of the Church of England at his burial, and then laid him in the Parish Church in which we lived, in the principal part of the chancel. The Queen sent to condole with me for the loss of my son, and the Marquis de Castel Melhor, the Marquis de Ni9a, the Condessa de Villa Franca, (Donna Maria e Antonia,) with many other ladies, and several good gentlewomen that were English merchants' wives. Several times we saw the Feasts of Bulls, and at them had great voiders of dried sweetmeats brought us upon the King's account, with rich drinks. Once we had some dispute about some English Commanders that thought themselves not well enough placed at the show, according to their merit, by the King's officers, which did so ill re- present it to my husband that he was extremely concerned at it. Upon notice being given to the Chief Minister, the Conde de Castel Melhor came from the King to my husband, after having ex- amined the business, and desired that there might be no misunderstanding between the King and 152 MEMOIR OF him, that the business was only the impertinence of a servant, and that it might so pass. My hus- band was well satisfied, and presented his most humble acknowledgments to the King for his care and favour to him, as well as the honour he had received. The Conde de Castel Melhor, when he had finished his visit to my husband, came to my apartment, and told me he hoped I took no offence at what had passed at the feast, because the King had heard I was sad to see my husband troubled ; assuring me that his Ma- jesty and the whole Court desired nothing more than that we should receive all content imaginable. I gave him many thanks for the honour of his visit, and desired him to present my humble ser- vice to the King, assuring him, that my husband and I had all the respect imaginable for his Ma- jesty ; true it was, according to the English fashion, I did make a little whine when I saw my husband disordered, but I should ever remain his Majesty's humble servant, with my most humble thanks to his Excellency. And so he returned well satisfied. The 14th, the Chief Ministers met my husband in order to his return home for England, and ex- pressed a great trouble to part from him ; they LADY FANSHAWE. 153 from the King presented my husband with twelve thousand crowns in gold plate, with many com- pliments and favours from the King, whom my husband waited on the next day to receive his Majesty's commands for his Master in England. After giving his Majesty many thanks for the many honours he had received from his Majesty's kind acceptance of his service, he thanked his Majesty for his present, saying that he wished his Majesty's bounteous kindness to him might not prejudice his Majesty, in this example, by the next coming ambassador ; to which his Majesty replied, ' I am sure it cannot, for I shall never have such another ambassador/ Then my hus- band took his leave, performing all those ceremo- nies with the same persons and coaches as he m.ade at his entry. Upon the 19th of August my husband and 1 took our leaves of the Queen-Mother, at her house, who had commanded all her ladies to give attend- ance, though her Majesty was then in a retired condition. Her Majesty expressed much resent- ment at our leaving the Court ; and after our respects paid to her Majesty, and I receiving her Majesty's commands to our Queen, with a present, I took my leave with the same ceremony of coaches H 5 i54 MEMOIR OF and persons as I had waited on her Majesty twice before. Upon the 20 th, my husband took his leave of Don Pedro, his Majesty^s brother. The 21st of August, the Secretary of State came to visit me from the King and Queen, wishing me a pros- perous voyage, and presented me with a very noble present. The same day I took my leave of my good neighbour the Condessa de Palma, as I had done of all the ladies of my acquaintance be- fore, who all presented me with fine presents, as did my good neighbour the Countess Santa Graca, who had with her, when I went to take my leave, many persons of quality, that came on pur- pose there to take their leaves of me, and from whom I received great civility, and the Countess gave me a very great banquet. On the 23rd of August 1663, we, accompanied by many persons of all sorts, vvrent on board the King of England's frigate, called the Reserve, commanded by Captain Holmes, where, as soon as I was on board, the Conde de Castel Melhor sent me a very great and noble present, a part of which was the finest case of waters that ever I saw, being made of Brazil wood, garnished with silver, the bottles of crystal, garnished with the same, and filled with rich amber- water. LADY FANSHAWE. 155 Lisbon with the river is the goodliest situation that ever I saw ; the city old and decayed ; but they are making new walls of stone, which will contain six times their city. Their churches and chapels are the best built, the finest adorned, and the cleanliest kept, of any churches in the world. The people delight much in quintas, which are a sort of country houses, of which there are abun- dance within a few leagues of the city, and those that belong to the nobility are very fine, both houses and gardens. The nation is generally very civil and obliging. In religion divided, between Papists and Jews. The people generally not handsome. They have many religious houses, and bishopricks of great revenue ; and the religious of both sexes are for the most part very strict. Their fruits of all kinds are extraordinary good and fair ; their wine rough for the most part, but very wholesome ; their corn dark and gritty ; wrater bad, except some few springs far from the city. Their flesh of all kinds indifferent ; their mules and asses extraordinary good and large, but their horses few and naught. They have little wood and less grass. At my coming away I visited several nunneries, in one whereof I was told, that the last year there was a girl of fourteen years of age burnt for a 156 MEMOIR OF Jew. She was taken from her mother as soon as she was born, in prison, her mother being con- demned, and brought up in the Esperan^a : al- though she never heard, as they did to me affirm, what a Jew was, she did daily scratch and whip the crucifixes, and run pins into them in private ; and when discovered confessed it, and said she would never adore that God. On Thursday, August 25th* 1663, we set sail for England. On the 4th of September, our style, being Friday, we landed at Deal, all in good health, God be praised ! Saturday 5th, we went to Canterbury, and there tarried Sunday, where we went to church, and very many of the gentlemen of Kent came to wel- come us into England. And here I cannot omit relating the ensuing story, confirmed by Sir Thomas Barton, Sir Ar- nold Braeme, the Dean of Canterbury, with many more gentlemen and persons of this town. There lives not far from Canterbury a gen- tleman, called Colonel Colepeper,t whose mother * The 25th of August, 1663, fell on a Tuesday. f Lady Barbara, daughter of Robert Sydney, Earl of Leices- ter, and widow of Thomas first Viscount Strangford, married secondly Sir Thomas Colepeper, by whom she had Colonel LADY FANSHAWE. 157 was widow unto the Lord Strangford : this gen- tleman had a sister, who lived with him, as the world said, in too much love. She married Mr. Porter. This brother and sister being both athe- ists, and living a life according to their profession, went in a frolic into a vault of their ancestors, where, before they returned, they pulled some of their father's and mother''s hairs. Within a very few days after, Mrs. Porter fell sick and died. Colepeper, and a daughter, Roberta Anna, who married Major Thomas Porter, and died issueless, June 16th, 1661 , more than two years before Lady Fanshawe was told this story, the cir- cumstances of which she states to have happened only three months previously. The Colonel was a most extraordinary character, and though a man of genius and erudition, was very nearly a madman. A voluminous collection of his MSS. is preserved in the British Museum, whence it appears that he was in the habit of committing his most private thoughts to paper; that there was scarcely a subject to which his attention was not directed ; and that the Government and eminent persons were continually tormented with his projects and discoveries, embracing among others the Longitude. His quarrel with the Earl of Devonshire, which led to the imposition upon that nobleman of the exorbitant fine of 30,000/., is well known. But he was always involved in disputes and law-suits, and not unfrequently he was a prisoner for debt. lie filed affidavits in Chancery, denying his sister's marriage, with the view of justifying his refusal to pay her portion to her hus- band; but the only thing which in any way bears on the anecdote of the vault, is the fact that one of the Colonel's 158 MEMOIR OF Her brother kept her body in a coffin set up in his buttery, saying it would not be long before he died, and then they would be both buried to- gether ; but from the night after her death, until the time that we were told the story, which was three months, they say that a head, as cold as death, with curled hair like his sister's, did ever lie by him wherever he slept, notwithstanding he removed to several places and countries to avoid conceits was a plan for embalming dead bodies. The hor- rible suspicion alluded to by Lady Fanshawe is unsupported by any other statement, and it may be hoped that she was as misinformed on the subject as she was about the time of Mrs. Porters decease. Part of Colonel Colepeper's papers relate to the particulars of a secret marriage, which he says, in a petition to the Court of Chancery, had taken place between him and the daughter and heiress of Alexander Davies, of Ebury, the widow of Sir Thomas Grosvenor; the unusual engagement into which they entered on the wedding- night ; the pretended capture of the lady by the Algerines ; his correspondence with the French Government to procure her release ; the various attempts to violate her person by one Fordwich; her refusal after her return to England to acknowledge the Colonel as her husband, and his efforts to effect tliat recognition. His wife's letters to him during his imprisonment, which are preserved in the Harleian MS. 7005, and the account of her efforts to procure his release, exhibit proofs of the most touching and devoted affection, and cannot be read without the highest esteem for her character. She was one of the coheiresses of the last Lord Frecheville. LADY FANSHAWE. 159 it ; and several persons told us they had felt this apparition. On Monday, the 7th of September, we went to Gravesend, and from thence by water to Dorset House, in Salisbury Court, where we stayed fif- teen days. The 8th of September 1663, within two hours after our arrival, we were visited by very many kindred and friends, amongst whom his Grace of Canterbury, who came the next day and dined with us. The same day came the Bishop of Winchester, as did many others of the greatest clergy in England. Upon the 10th of September, my husband went to Bath, to wait upon his Majesty, who was then there : his Majesty graciously received him, and for a confirmation that he approved his service in his negotiation in Portugal, he was pleased to make him a Privy Counsellor. He was also very graciously received by her Majesty the Queen. Being indisposed with a long journey, my husband fell sick, but it continued but two days, thanks be to God ! On the 17th he went by Cornbury, where the Lord Chancellor then was, and so to London, and, in his absence, I, on the 16th, took a house in Boswell Court, near Temple Bar, for two years. 160 MEMOIR OF immediately moving all my goods thereto, as well those, which were many, that I had left with my sister Turner in her house in my absence, as those that I brought with me out of Portugal, which were seventeen cart-loads. Upon Saturday, the 19th, my husband returned from his Majesty, and met me at our new house in Boswell Court. On Monday, the 21st, being at a great feast at my sister Turner's, where there met us very many of our friends upon the same invitation, whereof Sir John Cutler was one, who after dinner brought me a box, saying, ' Madam, this was to go to Portugal, but that I heard your Ladyship wras landed.' In it there was a piece of cloth of tissue for me, and ribbons and gloves for my children. Whilst we were at dinner, there came an express from Court, with a warrant to swear my husband a Privy Counsellor, from Sir Henry Bennet. The 22nd we went down to Hertfordshire, to my brother Fanshawe's ; 24th we dined at Sir John Wats's, where we were nobly feasted with great kindness, and to add to my content, I there met with my little girl Betty, whom I had left at nurse within two miles of that place, at my going to Portugal, After being entertained at Sir Francis Boteler's, LADY FANSHAWE. 161 our very good friend, we went to St. Albans to bed, where, the next day, we bought some coach- horses, and on the 26th we returned to London. On Tuesday, the 29th, we went again to St. Albans, where my husband bought eight more coach-horses ; the same night we returned to London. On the 1st of October, my husband was sworn a Privy Counsellor, in the presence of his Majesty, his Royal Highness, and the greatest part of his Majesty's honourable Privy Council. On the 3rd, my husband waited on her Majesty the Queen-Mother, who received him with great kind- ness : the 4th I waited on her Majesty at White- hall, and there delivered the presents which the Queen-Mother of Portugal had sent her Majesty, who received both them and me in her bed-cham- ber, with great expressions of kindness. I stayed with her Majesty about an hour and a half, which she spent in asking questions of her mother, bro- thers, and country ; after which I waited on her Majesty in the drawing-room, whereinto the King entered presently after, and I seeing the King, re- tired to the side of the room, where his Majesty came to me presently, saluting me, and bade me welcome home, with great grace and kindness. 162 MEMOIR OF asking me many questions of Lisbon and the country. On Sunday the 4th of October, my husband took his place as Privy Counsellor in the Lords^ seat ; likewise this day his Grace of Canterbury took his seat, and the Bishop of Winchester, both in the same place: his Grace of Canterbury did his homage to the King. The same day that my husband was sworn a Privy Counsellor, I waited on the Queen-Mother at Somerset House, and the Duke and Duchess of York at St. James's, who all received me with great cheerfulness and grace. On the 7th, the Lord Mayor invited all the Lords of the Privy Council to dinner, among whom was my husband. The 1st of January ^664<, New Year's-day, my husband, as Privy Counsellor, presented his Majesty with ten pieces of gold in a purse ; and the person that carries it hath a ticket given him of the receipt thereof, from the cupboard of Privy Chamber, where it is delivered to the Master of the Jewel-house, who is thereupon to give him twenty shillings for his pains, out of which he is to give to the servant of the Master of the Jewel- house eighteen-pence. We received, as the custom is, fifteen ounces LADY FANSHAWE. 163 of gilt plate for a Privy Counsellor, and fifteen ounces for Secretary of the Latin Tongue ; like- wise we had the impost of four tuns of wine, two for a Privy Counsellor, and two for a Master of Requests. January 15th, I took my leave of the King and Queen, who, with great kindness, wished me a good voyage to Spain. Then I waited on the Queen-Mother at Somerset House : her Majesty sent for me into her bed-chamber, and after some discourse I took my leave of her Majesty. After- wards I waited on their Royal Highnesses, who received me with more than ordinary kindness, and after an hour and a half ""s discourse with me, saluted me and gave me leave to depart. On Tuesday, January 19th, my husband car- ried the Speaker, Sir Edward Turner's eldest son^ and my brother Turner, to the King, at White- hall, who conferred the honour of knighthood on them both, my husband particularly recommend- ing my brother Turner to his Majesty's grace and honour. On the 20th of January my husband took his leave of his Majesty and all the Royal Family, re- ceiving their dispatches and their commands for Spain, from which hour to our going out of town, 164 MEMOIR OF day and night, our house was full of kindred and friends taking leave of us ; and on Tuesday the 21st5 1664, in the morning, at eight ^o'clock, did rendezvous at Dorset House, in Salisbury Court, in that half of the house which Sir Thomas Fan- shawe then lived in, who entertained us with a » very good breakfast and banquet. The company that came thither was very great, as was likewise that which accompanied us out of town. Thus, with many coaches of our family and friends, we took our journey at ten of the clock towards Portsmouth. The company of our family was my husband, myself, and four daughters ; Mr. Bertie, son to - the Earl of Lindsey, Lord Great Chamberlain of England ; Mr. Newport, second son to the Lord Baron Newport ; Sir Benjamin Wright, Baronet ; Sir Andrew King ; Sir Edward Turner, Knight, son to the Speaker of the Commons' House of Par- liament ; and Mr. Francis Godolphin, son to Sir Francis Godolphin, Knight of the Bath. The most part of them went by water. We lay the first night at Guildford, the second at Petersfield, the third at Portsmouth, where we stayed till the 31st of the same month, being very civilly used there by the Mayor and his brethren. LADY FANSHAWE. 165 who made my husband a freeman of the town, as their custom is to persons of quality that pass that way ; and likewise we received many favours from the Lieutenant-Governor, Sir Philip Hony- woodj with the rest of the commanders of that garrison. As I said before, we went on board the 31st, being Sunday, the Admiral of the Fleet then setting out, Sir John Lawson, Chief Commander, in his Majesty's ship called the Resolution ; there was Captain Berkeley, Commander of the Bristol frigate. Captain Utber, Commander of the Phoe- nix, Captain Feme, Commander of the Ports- mouth, Captain Moon, Commander of the York, and Sir John Lawson's ketch, commanded by Captain King. Thus, at ten o'^clock, we set sail with a good wind, which carried us as far as Torbay, and then failed us ; there we lay till Monday the 15th of February, at nine o'clock at night, at which, it pleasing God to give us a prosperous wind, we set sail, and on the 23rd of February, our style, we cast anchor in Cadiz road, in Spain. So soon as it was known that we were there, the English Consul with the English merchants all came on board to welcome us to Spain ; and pre- sently after came the Lieutenant-Governor from 166 MEMOIR OF the Governor for the time being, Don Diego de Ibara, to give us joy of our arrival, and to ask leave of my husband to visit him, which Don Diego did within two hours after the Lieutenant''s return. The next morning, stilo novo, came in a Levant wind, which blew the fleet so forcibly, that we could not possibly land until Monday, the 7th of March, at 10 o'clock in the morning. Then came the Governor, Don Diego de Ibara, aboard, accompanied by most of the persons of quality of that town, with many boats for the conveyance of our family, and a very rich barge, covered with crimson damask fringed with gold, and Persia carpets under foot. So soon as it was day, we set sail to go nearer the shore. We were first saluted by all the ships in the road, and then by all the King of Spain^s forts, v^^hich salutation we return- ed again with our guns. My husband received the Governor upon deck, and carried him into the round-house, who, as soon as he was there, told my husband, that contrary to the usage of the King of Spain, his Majesty had commanded that his ships and forts should first salute the King of England's Ambassador, and that his Majesty had commanded that both in that place of Cadiz and in all others to the Court LADY FANSHAWE. 167 of Madrid, my husband and all his retinue should be entertained upon the King's account, in as full and ample manner, both as to persons and convey- ance of our goods and persons, as if his Majesty were there in person. My husband and self and children went in the barge, the rest in other barges provided for that purpose. At our setting off. Sir John Lawson saluted us with very many guns, and as we went near the shore the cannon saluted us in great numbers. When we landed we were carried on shore in a rich chair supported by eight men : we were wel- comed by many volleys of shot, and all the per- sons of quality of that town by the sea-side, among whom was the Governor, did conduct my husband with all his train. There were infinite numbers of people, who with the soldiery did show us all the respect and welcome imaginable. I was re- ceived by his Excellency Don Melchor de la Cueva, the Duke of Albuquerque's brother, and the Governor of the garrison, who both led me four or five paces to a rich sedan, which carried me to the coach where the Governor's lady was, who came out immediately to salute me, and whom, after some compliments, I took into the coach with me and my children. 168 MEMOIR OF When we came to the house where we were to lodge, we were nobly treated, and the Governor's wife did me the honour to sup with me. That afternoon the Duke of Albuquerque came to visit my husband, and afterwards me, with his brother Don Melchor de la Cueva. As soon as the Duke was seated and covered, he said, ' Madam, I am Don Juan de la Cueva, Duke of Albuquerque, Viceroy of Milan, of his Majesty's privy council. General of the galleys, twice Grandee, the first Gentleman of his Majesty's bed-chamber, and a near kinsman to his Catholic Majesty, whom God long preserve !' and then rising up and making me a low reverence with his hat off, said, ' These, with my family and life, I lay at your Excellency's feet; They were accompanied by a very great train of gentlemen. At his going away, he told me his Lady would suddenly visit me. We had a guard constantly waited on us, and sentries at the gate below and at the stairs' head above. We were visited by all the persons of quality in that town. Our house was richly furnished, both my hus- band's quarter and mine ; the worst chamber and bed in my apartment being furnished with da- mask, in which my chambermaid lay ; and LADY FANSHAWE. 169 throughout all the chambers the floors were co- vered with Persia carpets. The richness of the gilt and silver plate, which we had in great abun- dance, as we had likewise of all sorts of very fine household linen, was fit only for the entertainment of so great a Prince as his Majesty, our Master, in the representation of whose person my husband received this great entertainment ; yet, I assure you, notwithstanding this temptation, that your father and myself both wished ourselves in a re- tired country life in England, as more agreeable to both our inclinations. I must not forget here the ceremony the Go- vernor used to my husband. After supper, the Governor brought the keys of the town to my husband, saying, ' Whilst your Excellency is here, I am no Governor of this town, and therefore de- sire your Excellency, from me your servant, to receive these keys, and to begin and give the word to the garrison.' This night my husband, with all the demonstrations of his sense of so great an honour, returned his Catholic Majesty, by him, his humble thanks, refusing the keys, and wishing the Governor much prosperity with them, who so well deserved that honour the King had given him. Then the Governor pressed my husband 1 ITO MEMOIR OF again for the word, which my husband gave, and was this : ' Long live his Catholic Majesty !' Then the Governor took his leave, and his Lady of me, whom I accompanied to the stairs' head. The next day we were visited by the Mayor and all the Burgesses of the town. On the same day, Saturday the 8th, the Governor's Lady sent me a very noble present of India plate and other commodities thereof. In the afternoon the Duchess of Albuquerque sent a gentleman to me, to know if with convenieocy her Excellency might visit me the next day, as the custom of the Court is. On Sunday the 9th, her Excellency with her daughter, who was newly married to her uncle Don Melchor de la Cueva, visited me. I met them at the stairs' head, and at her Excellency's going, there parted with her. Her Excellency had on, besides other very rich jewels, as I guess, about two thousand pearls, the roundest, the whitest, and the biggest that ever I saw in my life. On Thursday the 13th, the English Consul with all the merchants brought us a present of two silver basins and ewers, with a hundred weight of chocolate, with crimson taffeta clothes, LADY FANSHAWE. 171 laced with silver laces, and voiders, which were made in the Indies, as were also the basins and ewers. This afternoon I went to pay my visit to the Duchess of Albuquerque. When I came to take coach, the soldiers stood to their arms, and the Lieutenant that held the colours displaying them, which is never done to any one but to Kings, or such as represent their persons, I stood still all the while, then at the lowering of the colours to the ground, they received for them a low courtesy from me, and for himself a bow; then taking coach, with very many persons both in coaches and on foot, I went to the Duke's palace, v/here I was again received by a guard of his Excellency's, with the same ceremony of the King's colours as before. Then I was received by the Duke's bro- ther and near a hundred persons of quality. I laid my hand upon the wrist of his Excellency's right hand ; he putting his cloak thereupon, as the Spanish fashion is, went up the stairs, upon the top of which stood the Duchess and her daugh- ter, who received me with great civility, putting me, into every door, and all my children, till we came to sit down in her Excellency's chamber, where she placed me on her right hand, upon I 2 172 MEMOIR OF cushions, as the fashion of this Court is, being very rich and laid upon Persia carpets. At my return, the Duchess and her daughter went out before me, and at the door of her Ex- cellency's chamber, I met the Duke, who with his brother and the rest of the gentlemen that did ac- company our gentleman during our stay there, went down together before me. When I took my leave of the Duchess, in the same place where his Excellency received me, the Duke led me down to the coach in the same manner as his brother led me up the stairs ; and having received the cere- mony of the soldiers, I returned home to my lodgings ; where after I had been an hour, Don Antonio de Pimentel, the Governor of Cadiz, who that day was newly come to town, after having been to visit my husband, came to visit me with great company, on the part of his Catholic Ma- jesty, and afterwards upon his own score. He sent me a very rich present of perfumes, skins, gloves, and purses embroidered, with other nacks of the same kind. Sir John Lawson being now ready to depart from Cadiz, we presented him with a pair of fla- ^aris, uu attribu- ting to this very cause the seeming disproportion, if not con- tradiction, between my reception in, and conduction from, Cadiz, hitherto, and now my long demurrage so near the Court, for want of a house in it, and prophesying already that this * In 1664 Ascension-day fell on the nineteenth of May. N 5 274 CORRESPONDENCE OF animosity and emulation will gangrene into tlie substance, as well as accidents, of my embassy. I do not here pretend to paint unto his Majesty the state of Spain, but the populace of it; asking more time, by a great number of years, to understand the former, though but in, a competent measure, than I hope his Majesty will give me ; and if his Majesty would, God will not. I have learned by the yet invincible ignorance of some Foreign Ambassadors to England, (an open-breasted country ! — how apt they are to mistake,) who, (begging the question, in the first place, of their own personal abilities,) can never be convinced that Mas vce el loco en su casa, que el cuerdo en la agena. — Whilst I am writing, I am called to entertain the Count de Marcin,* who is upon the way from Madrid to find me out in this obscurity, contrary to the style of Spain, but~ suitable to the freedom of a soldier, and of a subject of his Majesty, as to his most noble Sovereignty of the Gar- ierr^lbid. p. 90. * Jolin Caspar Ferdinand de Marcin, Count de Gravillo, Marquis de Clare- mont d'Antrague, &c. Captain-General of the Spanish Service, was Lieute- nant-General of Charles the Second's forces by sea and land, and was elected a Knight of the Garter in 1658. SIR RICHARD FANSHAWE. 275 TO HIS EXCELLENCY DENZILL LORD HOLLES, AMBASSADOR EXTRAORDINARY IN THE COURT OF FRANCE. FOR HIS majesty's SPECIAL SERVICE. [See Mkmoirs, pp. 187, 188.] Madrid, Jnne^^' 1G64. 20 " My Lord, " After a long progress from Cadiz to Ballecas, a village one league distant from this Court, and almost as long a paren- thesis there — which the French Court will say was no elegant piece of oratory, nor the middle at all proportionable to the beginning with me, whatever the end may prove — upon the 8th instant I arrived happily at my journey's end howso- ever ; where, as speedily then as myself could possibly in any measure be ready for it, namely, upon the 18th, both stilo loci, I received my public audience of entrada at the King's palace, in the same form, neither more or less, as my predecessors have ever done ; and only two days having since intervened, as by the account doth appear, within two or three more from the date of this, the King removing to-day unto the Buen Re- tiro, I do expect my first private audience. Being thus fixed, after long running, in the centre of my negotiation, I do presume to beg from your Excellency, and hereby to begin on my part, a mutual correspondence ; first in order to the service of our Hoyal master, whereunto we are both obliged in common ; secondly, to that of your Excellency, whereunto myself in particular. To begin with what concerns my embassy, being so much a fresh man as your Excellency sees I am in this Court, visible it is by what proceeds, I can as yet have nothing to descant or 276 CORRESPONDENCE OF touch upon, but matter of ceremony only from and towards me, divisible into two considerations ; the first, in reference to the past, of which I have already said the same hath been, as from, and to, other Ambassadors, in all this and all other ages ; the second, in reference to the present concurring Am- bassadors, and other public ministers of this Court ; and now upon this branch I shall, with your Excellency's patience, if I may presume so much, dilate myself so far as to the heads only of what hath past, in fact, as followeth. I need not tell your Excellency, because it differs not from the custom of all or most Courts, until abuses thereof enforced an alteration in some, that in this, always heretofore. Ambas- sadors and other Foreign Ministers upon the place, did send their families to accompany new comers to their first public audience, and this went round. Therefore, accordingly, I was now, in my turn, to expect this function towards me, as I did. The Master of the Ceremonies thereupon, who is a man new in his place, advertised me in writing, that this, since Henry the Eighth's time, was never practised to, nor by. Ambassadors of England. Finding this matter of fact utterly mistaken, I replied. Soon after he brought me a message from the King, that I should not expect this ceremony ; but still upon the same misgrounded supposition, therefore unto this likewise I replied. Finally, his Majesty, having weighed my last reply, by the Secretary of State for the North, Don Blasco de Loyola, coming to my house the evening before my audience, signified to me, that for certain reasons, what- soever was heretofore in practice of that kind, it must thence- forward be no more, from or towards English, or any Ambas- sador whatsoever in this Court, the which being his Majesty's own order, in his own kingdom, and equally indifferent to all, my answer to the Secretary was, — That for the present SIR RICHARD FANSHAWE. 277 I saw no further cause of reply, but would and did submit thereunto. The like signification was at the same time sent to all other Ambassadors and Foreign Ministers here that they would not send, the which, in compliance therewith, they forbear, all but the French, who upon the very morning, the hour of my audi- ence approaching, sent four of his gentlemen, with one of his coaches, to accompany me. The Marquis de Malpica, mayor- domo of the week, and Captain of the German guard, in behalf of the Marquis of Salinas, proprietor thereof, happening to be my conductor, with his guard, did a little expostulate with those gentlemen, why they came contrary to his Majesty's order ; who replied, their Lord did receive no orders but from his own master, who had sent him very strict ones to perform, I think he said this office in particular, at least, in general, all offices of amity to the Ambassador of the King of England, his Christian Majesty's most dear brother and ally. In fine, accompany me they did, and very civilly comported them- selves, both unto the palace, which was customary, but now forbid, and home again, which was never done before, by the family of any Ambassador, to any other whatsoever in this Court. They did insist that their Ambassador's coach should precede my second coach, which was not denied them, being a civil expedient practised in all or most other courts ; the ordi- nary style of this, and practised, by these individual French themselves towards public ministers of the lowest rank, as they avowed to me the same morning, in the presence both of the Marquis and the Master of Ceremonies, and expressly a majori, that whenever I should send in the like case to accompany a new comer from France, the same measure would never be scrupled towards me. For this obliging piece of gallantry to the King of England's 278 CORRESPONDENCE OF Ambassador, endeared by the singularity, by the opposition of the Spanish Court, and by the supererogation of his followers ex- tending it in part beyond the example of others, when the same was in custom, I wrote my thanks yesterday unto his Excel- lency, who answered, that if he had not had the orders of the King his master to pay me the respects he did, it would have sufficed for obliging him thereunto, to know that the King of England's Mother is his Master's Aunt. My Lord, there are in this Court, who seem of opinion, that this excess of cour- tesy from the French Ambassador, is not sound within, looking one way and rowing another ; which, say they, will shortly appear. For my own part, I am quite of another mind ; and hitherto I am sure, in farther demonstrations of kindness and civility, he foUoweth suit with the forwardest, if in that he was the single unfollowed precedent. I am, my Lord, your Ex- cellency's most faithful, and ever most obedient Servant. Richard Fanshawe."— ii-ir/, p. 106. TO MR. SECRETARY BENNET. [See Memoirs, p. 188 and~p. 191.] Madrid, Wednesday, the 15th June, 1664, English Style. " I write this, being just now returned from my first pri- vate audience of his Catholic Majesty, which was given me in the Buen Re tiro, and therein did deliver myself in the sense of my instructions and directions ; not in many words, because the King's weak state of body will not allow it; but with much plainness and humble freedom, concerning the languishing and desperate condition in which the peace and commerce between SIR RICHARD FANSHA.WE. 279 the Crowns and nations have long lain gasping, and expecting an utter dissolution, by frequent violations of articles in several manners." — Ibid. p. 113. Madrid, Wednesday, 25th June, 1664. " In the first place, having procured his Catholic Majesty to be prepared to expect it, I delivered myself in English, and in the express words of my instructions, only changing the person, as foUoweth, viz. *■ The most Serene King of Great Britain, my Master, hath charged me, after kissing your Majesty's feet with due reve- rence, to represent unto your Catholic Majesty, that some un- happy accidents intervening, have occasioned his not perform- ing this part towards your Majesty sooner, in return of those congratulatory embassies which your most Serene Majesty sent unto him immediately upon his late happy restoration to his kingdoms. His most Serene Majesty commanded me to add farther, that neither those accidents, nor any other, of what nature soever, have been, or can be able, to lessen his esteem of your royal person and friendship, or the obligations he had to your most Serene Majesty in the time of his adversity ; and that therefore your Majesty may assure yourself, that his Majesty will be ready in all times to make proportionable returns.' With this, and the delivering to his Catholic Majesty, first my Latin credential, then the respects of the whole Royal Family of England, in general words, and particularly a letter from his Royal Highness ; also, his Majesty's leave first asked, presenting my comrades one after another to do their obeis- ance, I made my retreat in the accustomed manner. The like respectively, immediately after, in the Queen's 280 CORRESPONDENCE OF side, to her Majesty, unto whom I presented his Majesty's letter, and afterwards two others from their Royal Highnesses ; then a comphment to the Empress, so treated as to title, but ranked as to place, because not yet espoused, beneath the Queen her mother, and would have been also, (had his High- ness been there present, as was intended, but that it proved either his sleeping or eating hour,) beneath her brother the Prince ; all which seemed very graciously accepted ; and here no English at all was spoken. Lastly, a dumb show of salute, as you know the custom to be, after the Queen and Empress, to every particular dame ; and in the close of this ceremony, as well towards their Majesties as the ladies, my comrades had all of them leave to follow me. The evening, and near that time it was before we had gotten home and eaten our breakfast, was wholly spent by me in ex- pected visits to the Duke of Medina de las Torres, and the rest of the Council, the President of Castile (quatenus such) only excepted by me, as likewise by all other Ambassadors of the first class used to be. This is the reason why, for haste, having only a piece of the night for my own before the post departs, I write to you bare matter of fact in this misshapen way hidierto ; and in another point, perhaps of more import in the consequence than all the rest, I must be forced, for the same reason, to go yet less, only touching thereupon very briefly for the present. You well know a custom of this Court, and I believe of most others likewise, till abuses thereof enforced an alteration in some, that Ambassadors and other Foreign Ministers upon the place, send their families to accompany any new comers to their first public audience ; and this went round. Accord- ingly, I was now to expect this function towards me, as I did." SIR RICHARD FANSHAWE. 281 [Sir Richard then repeats precisely what he stated in his Letter to Lord Holies. — See pages 276, 277.] So that hitherto, as to this action, they can have nothing to boast of, but an excess of civility towards the crown of England, or the person of our Royal Master. In return whereunto, his Majesty, in my humble opinion, will think fit to command me, or whosoever shall succeed me, to perform the same office towards the successor of this French Ambas- sador. As to both points, which make it worthy of peculiar estimation, that is to say, with an exception in this one parti- cular only, though his Catholic Majesty should continue his present general rule to the contrary ; and although also, even whilst his compliment was generally practised, it was not by any extended so far as to accompany any Ambassador back to his house ; and this the rather, if it shall be found that the French Ambassador, conforming hereafter to the general rule, as to all others, shall have made the English Ambassador his single exception in the case. The experiment will now soon be made, a new Venetian Ambassador being daily expected here ; though possibly he may not have his audience so very soon after, but that, in the interim, I may, upon this clear, though brief, stating of all actions and circumstances to me, as yet appear above ground in this matter, receive his Majes- ty's particular directions and cautions how to carry myself in all events, the which I am exceedingly desirous of; and, in default thereof, will, with all fidelity, proceed and work accord- ing to the best of my understanding. If it be not already clear enough from the premises, you may be pleased to take notice, that no one stranger went with me but those French in the Ambassador's coach, which, with- out any least dispute whatsoever, did give place to my princi- pal coach, as mine did to that which brought the Marquis, 282 CORRESPONDENCE OP being the King's proper coach, a thing not formerly usual upon these occasions." — Ibid. p. 117. SIR RICHARD FANSHAWE TO THE FRENCH AMBASSADOR. " I humbly thank your Excellency for the civility you showed to the King my Master, and tlie honour you did me, in sending your coach and domestics to accompany my entry ; and whereof I retain so lively a sense, that I am just going to acquaint my Master with it, not doubting in the least but it will meet with that esteem from him which your Excellency so highly deserves. My instructions, indeed, were to observe a more than ordinary intimacy and amity with your Excellency at this Court, which I shall always continue to do, and where- by I imagine we may not a little contribute towards the good and welfare of both kingdoms. I kiss your Excellency's hands, and wish you a long and prosperous life, being, My Lord, Your Excellency's most obliged and most humble Servant, Richard Fanshawe." — Ibid. p. 123. SIR RICHARD FANSHAWE. 283 TO Mlt. SECRETARY BENNET. Madrid, 2 July, 1664, Siilo Loci. " The herewith enclosed papers do contain ray complaint of a studied neglect put by a Venetian Ambassador, whom I found in this Court ready to depart the same within a short time, upon the Ambassador of the King of England, in not giving me a visit either of welcome or farewell, as the custom of this and all other Courts do require in the like case ; the which I have thought it my precise duty to represent to the King our Master, as knowing how highly the like neglect in the Court of England, by a Venetian Ambassador also, with others, towards an Ambassador, but of a Duke of Savoy, was resented; his then Majesty himself, in his Princely judgment? condemning the omission, as will here appear in the first place. And lest this Venetian Ambassador should justify himself in this towards me, as pretending to be aggrieved by me, be- cause I am entitled by his Catholic Majesty to the house of the Seven Chimeneas, which he was possessed of, and endea- voured to entail the same upon his successor, both against the decree of his Majesty and the consent of the owner, I having both, I do likewise herewith, in the following papers, make it clearly appear, that I did neither think of that individual house, till it was already embargoed for me, nor pursue it afterwards, as most men but myself would have done, being so destitute of conveniences of dwelling as I then was, and yet am, merely out of a respect I bear to the character of an Ambassador. So that, even in this particular, which is all the colour he can have for excuse of not visiting, I have just cause of a second complaint, but this second I totally let pass. 284 CORRESPONDENCE OF The other being much taken notice of by this Court as a matter of a more public nature, I humbly submit it to his Majesty's consideration, whether, in his Royal wisdom, he may not think fit to expostulate it with the Senate of Venice; in the mean time, his successor being arrived, I intend to send just such a message to him as his predecessor did to me; but have already declared, with the seeming approbation of all, that I will never give to, nor receive a visit from, this, or any Venetian Ambassador whatsoever, that shall be in this Court while I remain here, unless the King my Master, being ap- plied to by the Republic, shall command it." — Ibid. p. 129. TO MR. SECRETARY BENNET. Madrid, Thursday, 28th July, 1664, English Style. " You proceed expressing your gladness to hear I was housed in Madrid, upon which, after my humble thanks for the favour, I must needs observe the expression was very happy, if you rightly understand my case, and happier if you understand it not. Housed I have been here, that is, under a roof, these two months, making a shift with an upper quarter ; such a one, indeed, as the Duke of St. German contained him- self and family in ; but a house I never had till this morning, then I had delivered into my possession the Casa de las siete Chimeneas. This house was defended, for the space of time I have mentioned, against the King of Spain, and all his Aposenta- SIR RICHARD FANSHAWE. 285 dores,* by two Venetian Ambassadors successively ; the first was really leaving it without any thought, as I am assured, of asking it for his successor ; then the Duke of Medina de las Torres, when I never dreamed of it, and was in pursuit of another, procured it to be embargoed for me in reversion ; this the Venetian apprehends an affront to him and his Re- public ; and whiles off the time of his stay here, to his great inconvenience, in respect of the advancing heats and other- wise, till he had got his successor up to him, marching fu- riously, who, contrary to the King and Council's expectation and express decree, doth amanecer in the Seven Chimeneas, fortifying himself there with his privilege of Ambassador, and makes it point of reputation so to do (patriaeq. suseq. ); in this security his predecessor leaves him about six weeks since, not to be removed with all the King and the Duke have been able to do, without imposition of hands, till the last night. I dare confidently say nothing hath troubled both the Am- bassadors so much in this whole business, as that they could never draw me in to make myself a party in the dispute ; for as, at the first, I never asked that individual house ; so when promised and decreed to me, I never insisted upon it, pro- vided some other convenient one were found out for me, or that I myself could find out such a one for my money, and, effectually, about a fortnight since, did contract, under hand and seal, with the owner, for the entire house where I am, upon condition the Court did approve thereof; but the Duke told me, that must not be now, how well soever it might serve • Jposentadores are persons belonging to the Household, whose duties resemble those of the Harbingers in that of the Kings of England, namely, to provide lodgings on his journies or progresses. The office of Aposentddor- Mayor is one of great honour and dignity. 286 CORRESPONDENCE OF my turn, for the King would be obeyed in his own kingdom, and the Venetian should out. Upon the whole, all circum- stances which I have seen, considered, it is to me apparent enough, that these Ambassadors of Venice, in this contest, did nourish double ambition, either to carry the house against an English Ambassador, or that an English Ambassador should carry it against them ; but my business throughout hath been never to come in any competition or comparison with them. This story I have been the longer in, because the matter thereof hath filled this Court, and may do some others, with as much noise, expectation, and, I do believe, secret sidings too, as it had been some very weighty interest of princes or states. The heats of this summer have risen here proportionable to what you express of those in England." " From a Letter to my Lord Holies, sent by mistake to my Lord Ambassador Fanshawe." Whitehall, May 26, 1664. " It is truly observed by you, that Monsieur de Lionne doth you wrong in not treating you with ' Excellency,' but then it is truly observed, that that style is quite out of use in that Court, and so much, that Frenchmen of any tolerable quality do not use it to their own Ambassador here, or in any other Court." — Ihid.^. 141. SIR RICHARD I ANSHAWE. 287 TO 3IR. SECRETARY RENNET. Madrid, Wednesday, . .th July, 16C4. " Upon Sunday the 3d, siilo novo, of July, 1 664, being the day of celebrating the Empress's birth, I attended his Ma- jesty with the parabien; also, in the Queen's apartment, her Majesty, the Prince, and Empress : it was the first time I had seen the Prince." — Ibid. p. 142. TO MR. SECRETARY RENNET. Madrid, Friday the 12th of August, 1654, N.S. " The design of the French courtesy in my public audience, even then perceivable and perceived, is now full blown : that the King hath in person expostulated with the Spanish Am- bassador at Paris, why the King his Master would offer, by an innovation in the Spanish Court at that time, to bereave him, the said French King, of an opportunity of vindicating his just precedence of the King of England, and in pursuance thereof hath since sent letters to this Court to the same effect, and to demand restitution of the former custom in first en- trances of Ambassadors from such others as they found here, which demand this French Ambassador hath done and doth manage to that degree of heat, with and in this Court, as, amongst other expressions, to have plainly threatened, that if he were not satisfied in this point, he would himself dispute the precedency with the Ambassador of the Emperor, I can- not say with the Pope's Nuncio too, because that hath not 288 CORRESPONDENCE OF been told me, but the sequence is as if it had been so ; for of certain, both the Emperor's Ambassador and Pope's Nuncio, and more, if not all, have addressed themselves to his Ca- tholic Majesty, either by word of mouth or memorial, or both, (the which I do rather believe,) that since the French Ambas- sador did assume that liberty and privilege to himself, as to send his coach and family to the English Ambassador, con- trary to the new order, it might be free for them to do the like to all other hereafter. All these particulars I have had from the Duke de Medina de las Torres; with this farther, that the French King enforced his said demand with many presents ; the Duke told me the matter is suhjudice, and not determined ; therefore, yesterday, having obtained audience, I presented to his Catholic Majesty, according to my late inti- mation to your Honour, the herewith enclosed protest, or not protest, as this or any other Court shall understand it, or ra- ther as the King our Master, in his princely wisdom, shall in- terpret or command me to interpret the same, whose royal directions in the case, long since to be foreseen, I shall now by every post expect, for my better light, in case of revival of the former custom, which, by the packing of the cards, I conceive to be most probable ; keeping myself in the interim that they come not upon my guard, the best I may. The Venetian Ambassador's entry, which is next expected, can put me to no diflficulty at all, in respect his predecessor never thought fit to give me a visit, either of welcome when I arrived, or farewell when he departed, whereof I formerly ad- vertised you at large, and how such neglect hath been resented in another age. The Holland Ambassador, now resident mu- tato nomine, will have his entrada soon after ; there will be some scruple, yet no very great one ; on the contrary, 1 think there is a rational query whether I, or any other of the Am- SIR RICHARD FANSHAWE. 289 bassadors de Capilla,* should visit him at all. The case is, in his quality of Resident he hath totally declined the visiting either the Emperor's, or me, or the French Ambassador ; be- cause the other two first, and then I, by their example, did not assent to treat him with ' Senoria lUustrissima,' and in our own houses with the hand and upper chair, this latter, of giving him precedence in our own houses, being, I conceive, the only point he absolutely insists upon. Now if we do him wrong in this, why should we not right him whilst he is yet under the notion of Resident ? And if we do him none, why should we visit the Holland Ambassador in our turn, when the Holland Resident, especially, being the same person, will not visit us in this ? Here is a Danish Resident, and an Enviado of Genoa, who stand off upon the very same terms both with those Ambassa- dors and with me. The latter having obliged me, by message, to solicit for the King our master's orders to guide me on be- half of his pretence, because I had sent him word, that without such I could not in discretion and civility, being a new comer, vary from the judgment and practice of my seniors in this Court. Your Honour, by your long and late experience here, will understand the pinch of this business better than yet I do ; who, by what I can learn, am of opinion, that according to the style of this Court, perhaps of all others likewise, a King's Ambassador, in his own house, doth not give the hand to an- other King's Residetit, much less * ilhistrissima/ twenty years ago ; but then again, I am informed, that now these very Am- bassadors of Germany and France, who may with justice enough make scruple of that, may at the same time give ' illus- * Ambassadors of the first class, who have the right to he covered at their audience of the Sovereign to whom they are accredited. O 290 CORRESPONDENCE OF hissima,^ and, within their own doors the hand, to a Ducal Ambassador, thereby preferring them to their own Residents : an old controversy not easily decided, and yet in a fair way to be so, when by strong inference we shall be found judges against ourselves. I have farther to avow, in justification of my not sending to accompany the Hollander in his entrada, or any other but a new French Ambassador, that having been myself accompanied from none of them who show themselves now so zealous to perform that function to others, I have no reason to perform it towards them, until I shall have received tlie King my master's particular direction therein, after know- ledge of what hath passed. This, by way of discussion, not of decision of the question; for although, by my seventeenth instruction, it is very clear I must give not the hand to any King's Ambassador, on which behalf his Majesty shall not need to doubt my zeal, neither, I hope, the success, how roughly soever the precedence may be jostled for, whether by them or theirs ; yet, whether by re- ceiving by such arts as are now on foot, and for such ends as are now declared, the forementioned custom of Ambassadors sending their coaches and families to each others entradas, be such a point of advantage above me, as in the same instruction I am commanded to be wary of; and whether, in that case, I am not to thrust in for a share, in as good a room as I can get by scratching for, since others by their unquietness, or by their inconstancy, impose the necessity, there will be the question ; whereof I do now hope for resolution from his Majesty by every post, of what I formerly writ concerning this matter, then in prospect, and find, by your honour's last, that those despatches were at the writing thereof come newly to hand."'— Ibid. p. 199. SIR RICHARD FANSHAWE. 291 TO MR. SECRETARY BENNET. [See Memoirs, p. 196.] Madrid, Wednesday, 12th of October, 1664, English style. " Since my last to you of yesterday, the President of Cas- tile haying by the King's special and angry command, gone forth to the neighbouring villages, attended with the hangman, and whatsoever else of terror incident to his place and dero- gatory to his person, the markets in this town begin to be furnished again plentifully enough, yet so as that the bullion remaining fallen to the half value, bread, wine, and other pro- visions, are held up much higher than they were before in the numerical money ; the reason is, whether upon intelligence or jealousy, the people that sell, do expect a second speedy fall^ in which regard they rather choose to part with their wares upon trust, as many do and will, to receive for the same at the rate money shall go awhile hence, than for present money, though to persons whom before they would have been very scrupulous to have trusted." — Ibid. p. 265. TO MR, SECRETARY BENNET. [See Memoirs, p. 195.] Madrid, Wednesday, 19th of October, 1664, English style. " Upon the 10th instant, stilo novo, invited by the delicacy of the weather, and not knowing whether I should have an- other opportunity for it during my residence in this Court, o 2 292 CORRESPONDENCE OF together with my family, man, woman, and cliild, I took a small journey by stealth, of three days going and coming, to Aranjuez. As soon as it was known that I was gone, the Duke of Me- dina de las Torres sent a post after me, with a letter to myself, of courtly chiding, that I had given the Spanish civility the slip in that manner, with another to the officers of the palace, to perform their part towards me, which was not wanting in any needful degree, although the Propio,* tracing me all the way, could not reach me till I got home again. Tor the same reasons, we began another journey, upon Monday last, to the Escurial.f This was not, nor could be kept secret ; therefore the Duke, prompting his Catholic Ma- jesty, se-nt his orders before, by virtue whereof I was lodged in the quarter there of the Duke of Montaldo, Mayor-domo Mayor to the Queen, and of like special order, by the Prior of that most famous monastery, showed, with all demonstrations of courtesy, the much that is there to be seen, besides an extraor- dinary present of provisions, of all which Don Juan Combos, whose company I was favoured with in this excursion, is able, if he pleases, to give you a better account than I. Before I was returned half-way to this Court, we met some French, who told us the French Ambassador was following them to the Escurial. Advanced as far as a very small village, about a league from Madrid, the highway lying by a single house, at the outskirts thereof, at the door of the same, w'ere two that wear his livery, of whom one of my people, asking whether the French Ambassador was coming towards the Escurial ? they replied ' No ;' but that his Excellency was * The Duke's courier. t Lady Fanshawe, p. 196, says they wtnt to the Ej^curial on the 27th of Cctoher. Her Ladyship calculated by the new, and Sir Eichard by tlie eld style. SIR RICHARD FANSHAWE. 293 in that village, and thence immediately to return to Madrid. That is all I yet know pertaining to that matter ; unless this be, that it hath rained plentifully from morning to night, being, as the year hath fallen out, very extraordinary, the first day here of winter. Thus much may be built upon as a cer- tainty, that neither the palace here upon Monday morning when I went, nor the Escurial this morning when I left it, had the least notice or inkling of any intention of the French Ambassador to go thither at this time. A report there hath been for some days whispered, that the said Ambassador is revoken. To notify which the more, it is possible he might design this visit to the Escurial, which is commonly left to the last by all public persons from abroad." — Ibid. p. 267. TO MR. SECRETARY BENNET. Madrid, Wednesday, 12th of November, 1664, N. S. " On Monday last, in the afternoon, I should by appoint- ment have had a conference with the Duke of Medina de las Torres, but in the morning his Excellency sent to excuse it for that time, upon notice then arrived of the death of his kinsman, the Duke of Medina Sidonia, which obliged him to the offices which those cases require. The manner of this Duke's death, like his quality, was ex- traordinary. His Excellency was, for his diversion and recrea- tion, being as then in good health to all outward appearance, and not much stricken in years, at a town of his own, not far from Valladolid, where you know his constant appointed abode 294 CORRESPONDENCE OF was ; in that place of recreation, his Excellency had some num- ber of dogs, newly given him, the which, looking out of his windows, he happened to see worrying a poor woman. They neither killed nor maimed her, but the Duke's apprehension was so great they would do the one or the other, that violently crying out from the place where he was unto his people to pre- vent it, he fell into a sudden ecstacy ; from that into a deep melancholy, and from that into a fever, which dispatched him before his physicians could come from Valladolid ; so thereby verifying in his particular the surname of his family, de puro hueno mtirio.^' Upon the 7th of November, N.S.I gave the King, Queen, Prince, and Empress, the paraUen of the Prince's birth- day. The day itself was the precedent, and then it was that I desired audience to that end, by the Master of the Ceremo- nies ; but it was appointed me, as I have said, to avoid con- currence with others, as I do believe, according either to the old or new style of this Court, the which I have formerly men- tioned. However, for the English Ambassador alone, as might be supposed, all the royal persons put themselves de gala, both as to apparel and humour. True it is, to make up the jollity enough for two days at least, there met in one, and the parabien was accordingly both from the other Ambassa- dors the day before, and from me then, the Peace of Germany, and the Prince's birth-day, and both were very well taken."— Hid. p. 290. SIR RICHARD FANSHAWE, 295 TO MR. SECRETARY BENNET. Madrid, Monday, 14th of November, 1664, English style. " Inclosed with this, I send you a print of that new inven- tion here for ploughing, which you did lately command me to enquire out."* — lUd. p. 321. TO MR. SECRETARY BENNET. [See Memoirs, p. 203.] Madrid, Wednesday, 14th of December, 1664, 0. S. " These five or six nights last past here hath appeared a very strange blazing star, so high and so clear that I presume it must needs have been seen in England likewise, and therefore forbear to give any description or judgment thereof, the people of this country not being so curious in such matters as ours are there. Yesterday I went to give the King and Queen the nova I'uena of her Majesty's birth-day, which was the day before. jfVs soon as I came from the King, the Dutch Ambassador was called in ; and at his coming out, it being a very dry day, and we having an hour to spend before the Queen would be * Mr. Bennet, in a letter to Sir Richard Fanshawe, dated 29th of Septem- t?er, 1664, observed, " Sir George Downing tells me of a new invention of a plough in Spain. I beseech your Excellency to enquire after it. He saith an Italian hath made it, and thaj it is not only received in Spain, but sent into the Indies also, for the good of their land." — Ibid. p. 279. 296 CORRESPONDENCE OF ready to receive us, I invited him into my coach, and we took a turn in the town, which caused almost as much wonder in this people as the blazing star ; and indeed I did it to that end partly, there being no offence in it that I know, so long as his Majesty hath an Envoy in Holland, and the States an Ambassador in England. The truth is, many of this people begin to apprehend, that our disputes with them will have a quite other issue, and a very different operation, as other interests, and Spain amongst the rest, than Spain imagined. Last night was before the palace a masquerade on horse- back. I had a balcony appointed me in the armouiy over the stables of his Majesty : the Dutch Ambassador, another for him next below mine, the rest of the Ambassadors in an en- tresuelo of the palace. Mine I left to my gentlemen, and sat myself with the Duke of Medina de las Torres, at his quarters in the palace ; my wife in another room thereby with the Duchess." — Rid. p. 376. TO THE LORD CHANCELLOR. Madrid, the 24th of January, 1664, N. S. " My Lord, ■ " I send your Lordship herewith enclosed, two transcripts, he one of a project, at making of which I was never good ; but this is of a peace, and therefore I wish I were ; a peace between Castile and Portugal, hardly practicable upon any terms, as I do humbly conceive, much less upon these, pro- SIR RICHARD FANSHAWE. 297 posed by an unknown author, with regard to either side; yet I have thought them not unworthy your Lordship's notice, as possibly more practicable elsewhere, as to form, and in a great measure as to matter likewise, than in the altitude for which they were designed. The other transcript is of a fresh libel, in and upon this Court and palace ; a commodity I have in my nature no incli- nation at all to vent, either by wholesale or retail ; yet is this fit also, in my humble judgment, for persons of great near- ness to his Majesty not to be unacquainted with, representing sores which are in foreign kingdoms, whereby to praise God the more for the modesty of ours at home, as ours for the great goodness of his Majesty that stops our mouths, or rather fills them with prayers to God and him ; not censuring other princes, neither for the liberties of their subjects in their dis- paragement, much less these of Spain, than whom, from all times, none talk more against, or (our own nation only except- ed) act more for, their kings. This damnable libel doth not spare one Councillor of State here present, but the Inquisidor General; and to crown the damnation of it, the King himself bears the burden, besides the smaller game it picks up by the way. So more than ordinary black is the Spanish ink at this day, and the mouths of two too many, loud ones too, much of the same dye. This King, by what I can collect, as crazy as he is, may rub out many years : his Majesty eats and drinks ordinarily with a very good stomach, I am told, three comfortable meals a day ; and fall of merry discourse, when and where his lined robe of Spanish royal gravity is laid aside. Some discourse begins to be of swearing the Prince. The sending the Infanta this spring to her Imperial Crown is abso- lutely concluded, say the most, and some say no. Certain it is, o 5 298 CORRESPONDENCE OF (the ceremony of this kingdom requiring it,) that a Cardinal iu the spiritual, and some very great lay-person in the temporal, should be joint conductors of her Imperial Majesty ; for the first, Cardinal Colonna, a vassal born of this Crown, cliosen by the Pope, is now actually entered in this Court to the same ^nd; and for the second, the Duke of Cardona, invited there- unto by his Catholic Majesty, after many great ones, namely, the Duke of Alva and Montaldo, had refused or excused it, hath publicly accepted the charge. By this latter hangs a story. Your Lordship well knows, that in these more civilized countries, no man will go upon his master's errand without a reward beforehand (so the Marquis of Sande, the Conde de Molina, and others - innumerable,) therefore his Catholic Majesty, even after acceptance as a thing of course, was graciously pleased to bid the said Duke of Cardona propose for himself, referring him for that pur- pose to the Duke's friend, the Conde de Castrillo, President of Castile. The Duke tells the Conde he must have three things granted him in hand, else would he not budge a foot. * What are those V said the Conde, in some disorder. ' First,' said the Duke, ' I will be made a grandee of Spain,' and his Excellency is so, I take it three or four times over : ' Secondly, I will have the Toison/ he has it long since : ' Thirdly, the Conde de Chinchon shall treat me with Excellency.' The riddle of this is, that the said Conde de Chinchon, being no Grandee, and nominated for Ambassador Ordinary to the Emperor, though since excused of going, for want of health, or other allegations, doth, upon that account alone, during life, according to the style of this Court, remain with the title of Excellency. This action of the Duke of Cardona is here very much celebrated, and the saying little less." — Ibid p. 420. SIR RICHARD FANSHA.WE. 299 TO THE KING. [See Memoirs, p. 214.] Madrid, Monday, 6th of February, 1664-5, O. S. " May it please your Majesty, " The bearer hereof, Mr. Charles Bertie, son to the Earl of Lmdsey, having done me the honour, together with other gen- tlemen of rank and personal worth, to afford me his company out of England hitherto, and now with them homewards bound by the way of France ; I find myself encouraged by the op- portunity of so noble a hand for conveyance, to give your Ma- jesty this first immediate troulDle of any lines of mine, since I had last the happiness to kiss that of your Majesty, as well to throw myself, in all humility, at your royal feet, as to render very briefly a faithful character of this young : gentleman, in a more particular manner, whose virtues and extraordinary qualities, the former not lost, the latter acquired with much travels at few years, do no whit degenerate from the rfobility of his blood, and active loyalty of his progenitors ; my duty to your Majesty, as well as my aff'ection to his per- son, obliging me ex officio to this short testimony of his merits unrequested, to the end so hopeful a branch of that house may not want even this means among others, of being early known to his Sovereign, I could humbly wish I could add, his master too, and that in some near degree of service to your sacred person, for the present, in order to public employment for the future ; towards which, as years shall increase, and occasions be ministered, he is already furnished, in a very good measure, with two principal and proper gifts, that of tongues, and that 300 CORRESPONDENCE OF of observation. But I forget to whom I speak, for which most humbly begging your royal pardon, I crave leave to subscribe myself," he— Ibid. p. 437. TO MR. SECRETARY BENNET. Madrid, Tuesday, If April, 1665. " This King, with the Queen and Empress, have now been Hlmost a fortnight at Aranjuez, to their great content, and also of this Court, to hear his Majesty is so vigorous there, as at one time to have set on horseback a matter of three hours, and in that posture to have killed a wolf from his own hands ; whereas, before his going hence, it was doubted by many whe- ther he had sufficient health and strength to perform the jour- ney, though but seven leagues, in a coach or litter, and that in two days. The little Prince remains here in the palace, as far as I can learn, ;iothing so lively as his father ; pray God he prove so lasting ! In this interim, Don John de Austria hath had leave to re- side at a house within two leagues of Aranjuez, and from thence stepping over to get a sight of his Majesty, which he did. The ceremony between them was very short, and yet all that passed was ceremony ; Como venis P Como estays ? Dios OS guarde, S^c. with which his Highness departed to the Queen and Empress, and from thence to whence he came, after the same brief ceremony ; only the Queen and Empress sent him each of them a jewel for a present." — Harkian MSS. 7010, f. 239. SIR RICHARD FANSHAWE. 301 TO LORD ARLINGTON. [See Memoirs, p. 219.] Madrid, Wednesday, August 1665. " My last to your Lordship of this day was a sennight, made mention of a conference I was to have the Friday fol- lowing with the Duke of Medina de las Torres, but it hap- pened the same Wednesday night I fell so extremely sick as forced me on Thursday to send my excuse to his Excellency, continuing my bed all that day, and since my house, though, I thank God, with some amendment daily, and now to such a competent degree of health and strength, that upon Friday next I hope our meeting will hold. In the mean time, upon occasion of my wife's being brought to bed, on Sunday, the Duke hath been with me to give me the joy of my son, yet so as not to mingle therewith one word of business, making that expressly a piece of the compliment; the rest consisting of great riches of jewels upon his person, and extraordinary splendour of equipage." — Ihid. f. 346. TO LORD ARLINGTON. [See Memoirs, p. 220.] Madrid, Thursday,^ September, 1665. " My letter to your Lordship, delivered his Catholic Ma- jesty, King Philip the Fourth, in a condition utterly deplored by most, though with a little spark of hope in some, even phy- 302 CORRESPONDENCE OF sicians, upon a lightening that showed itself before death as it proved, his Majesty giving up the ghost this morning between four and five of the clock, witnessed immediately by all the bells in the town; this being somewhat observable in my opinion, that neither his Majesty's sickness, nor his death, was con- cealed one moment from the people. Some care is taken that the news thereof shall not be sent out of these kingdoms till it hath first gone by their own Correos, stopping all others. In observation of the custom which ought to be observed in like cases, the Council of the Chamber of Castile met to open his ]\Iajesty's testament, which he left closed ; the which ac- cordingly was opened and read before the President and said Council, by Don Blasco de Loyola, Secretary of the Universal Dispatch : this was done at eleven of the clock this forenoon. His Majesty left the Queen declared Governess of his king- doms, assisted by four counsellors ex-qfficio, viz. the Arch- bishop of Toledo, that is or shall be ; the President of Castile, that is or shall be ; the Vice-Chancellor of Arragon, that is or shall be ; the management of the kingdom, in like cases, be- longing, by ancient laws of the kingdom, to these three dig- nities, though his Majesty should omit to name them; and the Inquisitor-General, that is or shall be : he is introduced by a new law. His Majesty added to this number of four, two more, one for a Grandee of Spain, which is the Marquis of Aytona ; and the other, who is the Conde de Penaranda, for Counsellor of State. His Majesty left for executors of this his will, the Duke of Medina de las Torres, Fray Juan Mar- tinez, who was his Majesty's confessor, and the Marquis de Velada. Don John of Austria came post from Consuegra, soliciting to see his Majesty by the means of the President of Castile, who, telling his Majesty that Don John desired his blessing, SIR RICHARD FANSHAWE. 303 His Majesty answered, ' He had not called him, and that he should return presently ;' which he did, as soon the King ex- pired. This as to the seeing him at the King's hour of death ; but for all that, it is said, his Majesty had already so far re- membered him in his will as to recommend therein to the Queen and her assistants, his son Don John of Austria, to re- gard him and employ him, and if the means he hath be not found sufficient for his support, to augment the same some other way.* It is said it will not be necessary to make more ceremony for the giving of obedience to the new King Charles the Se- cond, than with a banner upon the tower of St. Salvador, to proclaim, " Castilla, Castilla por el Rey Don Carlos Segondo nuestro Serior /" and this ought to be done by the Conde de Chinchon, unto whom, being Regidor of Madrid, it belongs to execute the said ceremony. They have embalmed his Majesty, and found in one of his kidneys a stone of the bigness of a chesnut, in the other kind of thin web. They put his dead body, open-faced, with the state accustomed, in the great gilded hall of the Palace ; and upon Saturday, at night, will carry it to the Escurial to be interred in the incomparable Pantheon there, begun by his grandfather, carried on by his father, and finished by himself in his life-time, to a ninth wonder, if the Escurial be the eighth, as the Spaniards term it." — Ibid. f. 387. * In the margin, Sir Richard has written, " Sic transit gloria mnndi." 304 CORRESPONDRNCE OF TO LORD ARLINGTON. Madrid, Wednesday, % October, 1665. •"28 " This evening I have had audience of the young King ; giving him, in our Master's name, first the pesame, and then the parabien of the time. On Friday, begin the honras of the King, his father ; after which, and, as I do believe, on the 5th of the next month, because it is the King's birth-day, the Queen %vill give her first audience to Ambassadors ; none having yet seen her Majesty but the German, and he in his private capacity." — Ibid. f. 415. FROM LORD SANDWICH TO SIR RICHARD PANSHAWE. [See Memoirs, p. 232.] La Coruna, March ?^ 1666. ' 30, " My Lord, " Being arrived at this place through necessity of the wea- ther, which put us off from Santander, whither we were de- signed, I find it requisite to give speedy notice thereof to Madrid, and in the first place to your Excellency; hoping this letter will have the good fortune to meet you there, and if it do, I then beseech you, either from yourself to give no- tice to the Court of my arrival, or direct this gentleman, Mr. Weeden, of whom I have great esteem, to deliver the letter he hath from me to the Secretary of State, a copy whereof is SIR RICHARD FANSHAWE. 305 here enclosed, if your Excellency doth not think fit that the same be signified to the Court both ways. I also farther en- treat your favour in sending me such advice for my journey, and procuring me such helps and furtherances therein, as may enable me to accomplish it with most expedition. Mr. Wee- den is fully instructed in the condition of my retinue and car- riage ; and as the affairs of both Crowns, the time of the year, and other circumstances considered, require much haste to be made in this negotiation, so the particular interest of the King our Master, needs as speedy a meeting as can be between your Excellency and me, which I pray to have in your mind, and contrive in the best manner you can. In the meantime, as soon as anything is concluded by you fit for my notice, I pray you to despatch Mr. Weeden back to me, whether I re- main in this place, or shall be on my way to Madrid. I have not more to say unto you fit for a letter, but to desire you to present my most humble service to my noble Lady, and that you would believe that I come with that respect and resolu- tion of doing you a service, and of expressing myself upon all occasions, My Lord, Your Excellency's most humble servant, Sandwich." — Ibid. TO LORD SANDWICH. Madrid, April i 1( il) " My wife returns many humble services to your Excellency, hoping my good Lady's health ; and likewise to be sooner happy in waiting upon her than your Excellency, as, taking 306 CORRESPONDENCE OF her leave this very day hereof of the Queen and Empress, bound for England, at her good old father's long importunities, to have his dear daughter and all her children rest with him before he dies." — Ibid. FROM LORD SANDWICH TO SIR RICHARD FANSHAWE. (original.) " It is my great misfortune that I am like to miss of the happiness of kissing my good lady's hand at Madrid, to whom my wife and I are so infinitely obliged. The best satisfaction I can have next, is to hear that her ladyship hath good health and prosperity on her journey; which I most heartily wish, as 1 do all sorts of occasions, whereby to express unto her ladyship and yourself with what fidelity, I am, My Lord, Your Excellency's most humble and most obedient Servant, Sandwich." — Ibid. TO THE LORD CHANCELLOR. Madrid, Thursday, ij April, 1666. 29 " The Empress, married by proxy, which was the Duke de Medina de las Torres, upon Sunday last, did yesterday begin her journey from this Court towards Vienna. Her Imperial SIR RICHARD FANSHAWE. 307 Majesty carried along with her a vast treasure in money, plate, and jewels ; so, in that respect, will much enfeeble this sum- mer's preparation against Portugal : in another regard the despatch of that great affair out of the way, which hath wholly taken up these Councils in pro\ and corHs for many months past, hath left them at liberty to prosecute with the more vigour this war." — Ih'id. TO SIR PHILIP WARWICK. Madrid, 3rd of May, 1666, s. n. DEAR BROTHER, " There was due to me on 6th of March last past, upon my ordinary entertainment, the sum of two thousand pounds, of which I have not yet received one shilling, notwithstanding that I was forced to run myself in debt for my late journey to Portu- gal ; as I have written long since to my Lord Arlington, re- questing I might, by his Lordship's means, obtain a particular Privy Seal for the reimbursement of my laying-out therein, as was promised when that case should arrive. Moreover, I have both pawned and sold plate for my pre- sent subsistence, and if immediately I do not receive a sup- ply of all that is due to me upon amount of ordinaries, the which I do hopefully expect upon former addresses to that purpose, I cannot subsist longer in this Court, nor yet know how to remove out of it, if such should be his Majesty's or- ders of revocation, by my Lord of Sandwich : a thing intimated to me here by more than common persons, whether with or without ground I cannot say, having not heard one word from 308 CORRESPONDENCE OF any Minister of our Court for the space of above seven weeks last past, or concerning myself anything out of England, save what I read in a London diurnal, that letters from me out of Portugal, by sea, signifying my then immediate return for Madrid, were come to hand. The like whereof having never happened to me before, so much as for a fortnight's time, I am utterly to seek what to impute it to, unless it be inter- ceptings in France since the war hath been declared. In the meantime, it puts me to a great confusion in many respects, particularly for the want of monies ; and thus farther I crave leave to inform you upon the same point, which is, that if my brother Tumor's kindness had not advanced out of his own purse, to comply with my bills, above a thousand pounds, be- fore he received the last tallies on my behalf, whereof I have not had any notice, I had been reduced to yet greater extremities than these I am contending with. Having thus delivered the truth of my condition in matter of fact, I presume there will need nothing farther of argument, with so good a friend and brother, to quicken and keep alive your constant endeavours for me, or indeed with such others whose concurrence is necessary to render your brotherly offices effectual, to afford the same accordingly, upon the mere account of our Master's honour and service, without other relation to the person that bears his image in this particular. I pray you, as you have done hitherto, permit my brother Tumor to remind you of these things as often as occasion shall require. My Lord Sandwich, according to our computation here, will begin his journey towards us to-morrow from the Comnna, and if his Excellency makes no stop by the way will arrive in SIR RICHARD FANSHAWE. 309 this Court about twenty days hence, hardly sooner. I rest, dear brother, your most affectionate brother and faithful servant, Richard Fanshawe." — Ibid. TO HIS MAJESTY. Madrid, Thursday, 3rd of June, 1666, stilo loci. " May it please your Most Excellent Majesty, " By the hands of my Lord of Sandwich, who arrived in this Court, upon Friday last, was delivered to me a letter of Revocation from your Majesty, directed to the Queen Regent; and at the same time another, with which your Majesty ho- noured me for myself, implying the principal, if not the only, motive of the former to have been, some exceptions that had been made to the papers which I signed with the Duke of Medina de las Torres, upon the 17th of December last past ;* a consideration sufficient to have utterly cast down a soul less sensible than hath ever been mine of your Majesty's least show of displeasure, though not accompanied with other pu- nishments, if your Majesty, according to the accustomed ten- derness of your royal disposition, in which you excel all monarchs living, to comfort an old servant to your Majesty, had not yourself broken the blow in the descent, by this gra- cious expression in the same letter : That I may assure myself, * Sir Richard Fanshawe wrote in the margin of the rough transcript, " Relating to the Commerce of this Crown, and the establishing a Truce be- tween these and Portugal." 310 CORRESPONDENCE OF your Majesty believes I proceeded in the articles signed by me, as aforesaid, with integrity and regard to your royal ser- vice, and that I may be farther assured the same will justify me towards your Majesty, whatever exceptions may have been made to my papers. In obedience to your Majesty's letter above-mentioned, I make account, God willing, to be upon my way towards Eng- land some time next month ; having in the interim performed to my Lord Sandwich, as I hope I shall to full satisfaction, those offices which your Majesty commands me in the same ; whose royal person, council, and undertakings, God Al- mighty preserve and prosper many years ; the daily fervent prayer of Your Majesty's ever loyal subject, ever faithful and most obedient servant, Richard Fanshawe." FROM LYONEL FANSHAWE, ESQ, TO JOSEPH WILLIAMSON, ESQ. [See Memoirs, p. 239.] Madrid, Thursday, - June, 1666. " My Lord having been taken with a very sharp fit of sick- ness two days since, and not yet being well able either to write or dictate a letter himself, hath commanded me to en- treat you, that you will please to present his most humble ser- vice to my Lord Arlington, and beseech his Lordship to excuse his not writing by this post. SIR RICHARD FANSHAWE. 311 The Empress is said not to be yet embarked, though there are thirty galleys ready to attend her in her voyage. My Lord of Sandwich hath not, as yet, had his first public audience. Sir Robert Southwell intends, within a day or two, to begin his journey for Portugal." — Ihid. THE FORM OF A PRAYER USED BY MY LORD'S CHAPLAIN, IN THE DAILY SERVICE IN HIS EXCELLENCY'S CHAPEL IN PORTUGAL AND SPAIN. Blessed God, we beseech thee to be propitious in a singular manner to my good Lord, his Excellency, His Majesty's Am- bassador in this kingdom ; preserve him unto us in health and strength, and grant that he may so manage those weighty affairs he is employed in, that the issue of his negotiation may be to thy glory, the satisfaction of our Sovereign, and the mutual good and benefit of all his subjects and allies. Bless his most virtuous Lady ; indue her with the blessings of this life, and that to come ; make his children thy children, his servants thy servants, that this family may be a Bethel, a house of God ; that we, all serving thee with one accord here on earth, may for ever glorify thee in Heaven. Amen. A PRAYER used IN THE DAILY SERVICE OF THE CHAPEL, AFTER THE DEATH OF HIS EXCELLENCY THE LORD AM- BASSADOR. Blessed God, which suppliest the wants and relieves! the troubles of thy servants, be particularly gracious to this family, and here, in a special manner, bless my most virtuous Lady, 312 FORM OF PRAYER. and give her patience under thy hand, submitting to thy will, and contentedness under every change ; and we beseech thee so continually to assist her in the course of her life, that she may experimentally find thee a God all-sufficient, though the helps of this world fail : make her children thy children ; be- stow upon them thy choicest blessings, who hath promised to be a father to the children's children of those that trust in thee; make her servants thy servants, that this family may be a Be- thel, a house of God ; that we, all serving thee with one accord here on earth, may for ever hereafter glorify thee in Heaven. — Amen, INDEX. Albersan, Marquess of, 273. Albuquerque, Duke of, 167, 168. 171, 172. 231. 234. 237, 23H. 262. 264, 265, 266. , Duchess of, 170, 171, 172. 231. 234» Alcala, Duchess of, 174, 175, 176. 277. , Duke of, 174, 175, 176. 178. Alcantara, Abadessa of, 143. Alguazil, an, 230. Alhambra, near Grenada, description of, 100. Allington, Sir Giles, 44. Alonzo, Don, 202. Alston, Lady, 50. Alva, Duke of, 205. 235. 298. ' , Princess, 219. Ambassador of France, 188, 189, 190. 277, 278, et seq. of Venice, 194. 281. 283. 285, 286. Ambassadors of various nations, 286, 287, et seq, Anecdotes, various, 92. 146. 148. 157. 294. 298. Aposentadores, 270. 285. Apsley, Sir Alan, 71. Araiia, Juan, a celebrated Spanish Comedian, 204. Aranjuez, description of, 195, Archer, Judge, 85. Arlington, Lord, 244. 246, 247. 301. Arms, custom of escutcheons of those of Ambassadors' being ieft where they lodged vs^hilst on their journeys, 138. , grant of additional, to Sir Richard Fansha^e, 117. 314 INDEX. Anagon, Vice Chancellor, of, 221. 302. Ashburnham, Mr. John, 79. 229. Ashton, James, 233. Aston, , 54. • -Lord, 3. 61. Askew, , murdered at Madrid, 103. 207. Attenchip, , 233. Aveiros, Duchess of, 230. 233. , Duke of, 142. 230. 242. 272. Aubigny, Lady, 67. Austria, Don John of, 149. 236. 300. 302, 303. , Donna Anna of, 220. Aya, the King's, 226. 232. • , the Empress's, 238. Ayala, Don Francisco de, 205. 208. Aylesbury, Sir Thomas, 132. Ayloffe, Sir Richard, 252. , Sir Benjamin, 41. Aytona, Marquess of, 219. 221- 228. 302. Bagshaw, Mr. a Chaplain, 219. 229. 243. 246. Baker, Sir John, 59. Balfoure, , 236. Ballecas, near Madrid, residence at, 180. 186. 275. Bamberge, Dr. 56. Baron, notice of a, being made by Charles I. 146. Barton, Sir Thomas, 156. Basset, Sir Francis, 73. Bath, Earl of, 38. Batha, Richard, 241. Bathurst, Dr. 116. 121. ^ Battevil, Baron, 271. Bayona, Marquess of, 175. 177. 266. , Marquesa de, 175, 176. 266. Beaufort, Duke of, 244 Beale, Dr. 59 Eeir^ond, family of, 54. INDEX. 315 Bedell, 252. , Lady, 13. 81. 117. 252. , Sir Capell, 49. 60, 117. , Mr. 232. Bedford, Earl of, 61. Bell, Dr. 102. Benevente, Countess of, 237 et seq. Bennet, Mr. Secretary, Letters to, 261. et sei^. , Sir Henry, 160. , Nathaniel, 233. , Nicholas, 233. Berkeley, John Lord, 61. 79. , Captain, 165. 173. Berkshire, Earl of, 63. 77. Bertie, Mr. Charles, 164. 188. 214, 299. Beverley, John, 233. Blazing Stars, seen at Madrid, 203. 217. 295, 296. Bluet, Captain, 73. Boddie, Mr. 232. Bohemia, Queen of, 129. Booth, Mr. 126. Boreman, Mr. 233. Boteler, Sir William, 49. 58. 78. , Sir Oliver, 49. , Lady, 58. 78. 121. , Sir Francis, 161. Bourchier, Alice, 38. Boyle, Dean, 9, 86. Bradford, Lady, 65. , Earl of, 63. 77. Braem, Sir Arnold, 131. 156. , Jacob, 131. Bridgewood, Mr. 143. Bridges, Mr. 232. Briggs, 233. Bristol, Earl of, 46. 128. 133. , plague at, 70. P 2 316 INDEX. Broanbricke, Dr. 56. Brounker, Robert, 39. •, Viscount, 39. Brown, Lady, 112. , Sir Richard, 112. ■ , Josias, 233. Buckingham, Duke of, 133. Buckwell, Alderman, 252. Buen Retiro, near jNIadrid, description of, 196. Bull Feasts, 151. 183. 185. 218.270,271. Bumstead, Mr. 229. Burton, John, 243. Butler, Thomas, 39, 40. Byde, Sir Thomas, 253. Caballero de el Habito, 262. Cadiz, reception of Sir Richard Fanshawe at, 166, el sej. 262, e/ sej. , Cabildoof, 262. , Governor of, 166. Caernarvon, Earl of, 61. Camarera, Mayor, 193, 194. 219. 226. 232. 237. Cambridge, Duke of, 247. Camden, the Historian, cited, 41. Camoens translated by Sir Richard Fanshawe, 13. 119. Campbell, Lady, 49. CaiTas, Juego de, 183. 270. Canterbury, Archbishop of, 159. 162. -, Dean of, 156. Capell, Lady, 65. 71. , Lord, 6, 63, 76. Caracena, Marquess of, 218. Cardona, Duke of, 298. Carew, Mr. 241. Carey, Sir George, 120. Carteret, Sir Philip, 75. , Sir George, 75. — , Lady, 75. INDEX. 317 Carniona, description of the city of, 269. Castel Mellor, Roderigo, Conde de, 151, 152. 154. 227. 273. , Marquess of, 151. Castleton, Lord, 45. Castile, Conde de, 220. , President of, 205. 208. 22a. 280. 291. 298.302. , Almirante of, 234. Castrillo, Conde de, 273. 298. Cavendish, Lady Mary, 135, 136. Ceremony, disputes about, 276, et seq. Chancellor, The, 6. Charles I. King, 35. 83. Charles II. King, passim. Pictures of, 132. 137. Chaumond, Mr. Joseph, 233. Chinchon, Conde de, 298. 303. Church, Mr. 245. Churchill, Mr. 233. Clancarty, Lord, 90. Clarendon, Lord, 14, 15, 16. 18. 123. 129. 132. 150. 159. 226. Clarke, Mr. 232. Cockaine, Sir William, 44. Cole, Mr. 251. Colepeper, Colonel, 156, 157. , Lord, 63. 76, 77. 82. Colman, Charlotte, 30. Colonna, Cardinal, 298. Combos, Don Juan, 292. Comet. See Blazing Star. Compton, Sir Francis, 253. Congro, Don Juan de, 215. Consul, English, at Cadiz, 165. 170. , at Seville, 179. 181. Cooke, Mr. 233. : Cooper, Richard, 233. , Mr. 219. 229. 241. 246. Copley, Colonel, 78. 318 INDEX. Cordova, reception at, 183. 269. , Corregidor of, 183. 269. Cork, Earl of, 104. Cornwall, description of, 71. Coronation of Charles II. 133. Corps, Sumiller de, 223, 224. Cotterel, Mr. 232. Cottington, Lord, 90. 103. Court, not the custom for women to attend a king's or prince's court, 70. Coventry, Sir William, 248. Creighton, Mr. 229. 243. 246. Crispe, Sir Nicholas, 73. Cromwell, Oliver, 13. 87, 88, 89. 91. 94. 116. 122. 207. Cropley Bridge, Skirmish at, 78. Crown, Mr. 233. Cueva, Don Melchor de la, 167, 168. 170, 171. , Donna Maria de la, 234. Curwen, family of, 54. Cutler, Sir John, 160. Danby, Lady, 83. Daniel, Andrew, 233. Davies, Sir John, 39. , Alexander, 158. Denham, Lady, 114. Dennis, , 233. Digby, Sir Kenelm, 8. 83, 84. Dingwall, Lord, 50. Dongan, Lord and Lady, 177, 178. 182. Downing, Sir George, 295. Dublin, Archbishop of, 86. Dutch fleet, defeat of the, 219. Earle, Dr. 139. Eates, Mr. 78. Edgcombe, Sir Richard, 140, 141. , Lady, 140. INDEX. 319 Edgehill, battle of, 43. Emperor, the, 220. Empress, the, 192. 194. 203, 204. 220. 225. 227. 235 to 238. 280. 287.306,307.311. Emperor's Ambassador, 287. , wife of the, 202. 214, 215. Escurial, description of the, 196, et seq. 292. , Prior of the, 223, 224. Essex, Earl of, 53. 70. Etiquette, disputes about, between the various Ambassadors at Ma- drid, 276, et seq. Eton, Provost of, 138. Evelyn, Sir John, 44. Evora, battle of, 149, 150. " Excellency," the title of, not used by well-bred Frenchmen, 286, claimed by the Duke of Cardona, 298. Exeter, Earl of, 42, 43. Eyes, Rowland, 38. Eyres, Mr. 229. Ezija, town of, called the * frying pan ' of Andaluzia, 269. Fanshawe, pedigree of, and biographical particulars of the family of, 36, 37. 40. 49. ; the motto of the family alluded to, 253. Fanshawe, Sir Richard, description of his person, 33 ; early life, 59 ; various anecdotes of, 60. 62 ; attends the King to Oxford, 62 ; appointed Secretary of the Council of War, 63 ; attends Prince Charles to Bristol, 64; goes to Launceston, 71; to Scilly, 73 ; to Jersey, 75 ; to Caen, 77 ; to London, 78 ; to France, 80 ; returns to England, ih. ; attends the Prince in the Downs, 82 ; goes to Paris, 83 ; accompanies Lady Fanshawe to Calais, ih. ; goes to the Prince in Holland, and thence to Ire- land, 85 ; sent to Spain upon an embassy, 90 ; went to Lime- rick, 90 ; made a freeman of lamerick, ih. ; entrusted with the custody of the Seals of Ireland, 91 ; gives the Seals to Lord In- ch iquin, 93 ; arrives at Madrid, 102 ; goes to St. Sebastian, and thence to France, 102 ; arrives in Scotland, and graciously re- ceived by the King, 110; made Keeper of the Seals, ib, ; re- fuses to take the Covenant, ih. ; taken prisoner at the battle of 320 INDEX. Worcester, 113; his destination afterwards, 114; imprisoned at Whitehall, 115; becoming dangerously ill, is released on bail, 117; notice of a grant of additional arms to him, «^.; again taken ill, 118 ; goes to Bath, and thence to Benford, in Hertfordshire, and afterwards takes a house in TankerslyPark, belonging to Lord Strafford, 118; translated Lues de Camoens, 119; went to France, 123 ; has an interview with the King at Paris, and is sent to Flanders, 128 ; commanded to wait on the King in his own ship at the Restoration, 130 ; arrives at Dover, 131 ; re- ceives from the hands of his Majesty a picture of the King set with diamonds, 132 ; attends the coronation of Charles II. 133 ; commanded to act as Chancellor of the Garter, ib. ; Proxy for the Earl of Bristol, at an installation of the Order, ib. ; receives the New Years' gifts belonging to his places as Master of Re- quests, and Secretary of the Latin tongue, 134 ; sent on a mission to Portugal, ib. ; returns, ib. ; made Privy Counsellor of Ireland, 135 ; sent to welcome the Queen on her arrival in England, and present at her marriage, 135, 136 ; receives from the King his 3Iajesty's picture, 137 ; embarks on an embassy for Portugal, 141 ; returns from his Portuguese embassy, 155; made a Privy Counsellor, 159: goes to Spain on an embassy, 164 ; his audience of Philip IV. 278; his public reception at Madrid, 189 ; insists on the privilege of Ambassadors, 205 ; signs the treaty of peace between England and Spain, 227 ; goes to Portugal, 228 ; re- turns to Madrid, 231 ; dies, 239 ; his body embalmed, and sent to England, 241 ; buried, 246 ; extracts from his correspondence, 261 ; his extreme poverty, 308 ; his letter to the King on his re- call, 309. . ,. , Lady, birth of, 50 ; her mother's death and funeral. with an extraordinary anecdote of her, 50, 51 ; education of, 55 ; early life, 56, 57 ; marriage, 58 ; her first son born, 64 ; goes to Bristol, 66; anecdotes of, 66. 68. 71. 73, 74. 87. 89. 98. 124; goes to Launceston, 71 ; to Penzance, 72 ; to Scilly, 74 ; to Jersey, 75 ; her second child born, 76 ; goes to Caen, 77 ; re- turns to England, 78 ; her son Henry born, ib. ; interview witli King Charles I. 79 ; goes to France, 80 ; another son born, 81 ; returns to London, ib. ; goes to Paris 82 ; returns to England, INDEX. Si^l 84 ; goes to her husband in Ireland, 85 ; loses her son Henry, 87 ; meets with an accident, ib. ; her escape from Red Abbey, near Cork, 89 ; accompanies her husband to Spain, 90 ; her cou- rageous conduct at sea, when threatened by a Turkish man of war, 98 ; lands at Malaga, 99 ; arrives at Madrid, 13th April, 1650, 102 : her eldest daughter Elizabeth born, ih.; embarks at St. Sebastian for Nantz, 104 ; in great danger at sea, 105 ; arrives at Nantz, and thence goes by the Loire to Paris, 107 ; visits the Queen-mother and the Princess Henrietta, 108 ; settles in London, 112 ; her daughter born, ib.; her devotion to her husband whilst he was a prisoner at Whitehall, 115 ; obtains his release, 116 j her daughter Katherine born, 118; her daughter Margaret born, 119 ; loses her daughter Anne, ib. ; another daughter born, 120 ; her daughter Mary born, 121 ; loses her daughter Elizabeth, ib. ; goes to Bath, 122 ; escapes to her husband in France, 124 ; a son born, 125 ; loses her only surviving son, 127 ; interview with the King near Paris, 128 ; returns privately to London for money^ ib. ; follows her husband to Newport, Bruges, Ghent, and Brus- sels, ib. ; very graciously received by the King and royal family at Brussels, 129 ; at the Restoration, the King orders a fiigate to con- vey her family to England, 130 ; congratulates the King on his arrival, 131 ; loses her daughter Mary, 132 ; her daughter Eliza- beth born, 134 ; waits on the Queen, 136 ; embarks with her hus- band and children for Portugal, 141 ; reception at the Court of Lisbon, 145 ; her son Richard born and dies, 151 ; returns to England, 155; audience of the Queen, 161 ; takes leave of the Queen, 163 ; accompanies her husband in his embassy to Madrid, 164 ; obtains an audience of the Queen of Spain, &c. 193 ; visits the Escurial, 196 ; her son Richard born, 219 ; goes to see the body of Philip IV. lie in state, 221 ; went to the Placa Mayor to see King Charles proclaimed, 225 ; takes leave of the Court, intending to return to England, 233, 306 ; loses her husband, 239 ; invited to become a Catholic, with a promise of a pension, 242 ; interview with the Queen-mother at Paris, 245 ; arrives in London, 246 ; waits on the King, Queen, &c. 247 j settles her affairs, 251 ; loses her father, 255; her will, 26, 27. Fanshawe, Lionel, 310. i 322 INDEX. Fanborne, Mr. 77. Farnaby, Mr. 59. Ferrer, 233. , Mr. William, 233. Ferrers, , 81. Ferrers, Knitton, 44, 45. Feme. See Terne. Fernando, Don, 101. Fleet, the royal, betrayed to the enemy, 82. France, King of, 244. , Queeen of, 220. , Ambassador of, insists on sending his coach, &c. at the reception of the English embassy at Madrid, 189. 277. Frecheville, Lord, 158. Freyer, Mr. 246. Frog Pool, now Frognall, in Kent,theseatof Sir Philip Warwick, 252. Fuentes, description of the town of, 182. , Marquis of, 182. 217. 269. Funeral of the King of Spain, description of, 220 to 224. Galway, plague at, 93. Garter, Chancellorship of the, 133. , an Installation of the, 133. Caspar el Negro, 233 Gateley, Mr. 233. German Ambassador, 234, 235. 238. 242. Ghost story, a, 92. Gibbs, Mr. 232. \, ' Gibson, Thomas, 233. Glazed, a house ordered to be, for the reception of Sir Richard Fan- shawe, at St. Mary's, near Cadiz, 175. Gloucester, Duke of, 129. Goddard, Mr. 194. Godolphin, Mr. Francis, 188. 214. 232. , Sir Francis, K. B. 164. Goods, John, 233. Goring, Lord, 103. INDEX. 323 Grandison, Viscount, 53. 254. Grantham, , 30. , Vincent, 29. 47. Granville, Sir John, 72. Grosvenor, Sir Thomas, 158. Guilford, Lady, 83. 244, 245. Guzman, Don Domingo, 273. Harding, Symon, 40. Harding, Bullock, 41. Haro, Don Louis de, 207. 273. Harris, Edward, 40. Harrison, , 305, 306. , account of the family of, 52 to 54. , Richard, 78. -, William, 56. 58. , Margaret, 85. 118. , Sir John, 4. 27. 46. 57, 58. Hatton, Sir Christopher, 41 . , Mr. 249. Hayward, Sir Rowland, 40. Heath, Lord Chief Justice, 112. , Sir Edward, 48. Heavers, Dr. 138. Hele, Sir John, 140. Hellow, Mr. 270. 290. Henchman, Dr. Bishop of Salisbury, 139. Henrietta, the Princess, daughter of Charles I. 83. 108. Herbert, Sir Charles, 275. , Lord, 139. Heydon, Mrs. 122. Hicks, Dean, 304. HUliard, Mrs. 305. Hippom, Mr. 54. Holland, Lord, 81. Holies, Lord, 275. 286. , Dr. 139. 324 INDEX. Holmes, Captain, 154. Honywood, Sir Philip, 165. Hooton, Edward, 276. Hopton, Lord, 6. 63. 76. , Sir Arthur, 3. 61. Howlsworth, Dr. 50. 52. 56. Hyde, Mr. 50. , Sir Edward, 58. 63. 90. 109. 150. See Clarendon and Chancellor. Ibara, Don Diego de, 166. Inchiquin, Earl of, 10. 86. 93. 142. Infanta, Donna jMaria, the, 234. 297. See Empress. Inquisitor General, the, 221.297. Ireland, description of, 97. Ireland, family of, 54. Irvias, Count of, 186, 202. Isincessa, [Query Inojosa,] the Marchioness of, 193. Jarald, Mr. Richard, 233. Jeffreys, Mr. 233. Jeffries, Colonel, 87, 88. Jemett, Mr. 229. 241. Jersey, description of, 76. Jewel House, IVIaster of the, 162- Jewess, anecdote of, who was burnt, 156. Kerke, Mr. 233. Kestian, Mrs. 174. 219. Killegrew, William, 233. King, the. See Charles I. & II. , Captain, 165. , Sir Andrew, 164. 188. 214. Kingsmill, Sir William, 47. Knollys, Lady, 51. Lawrence, Anne, 30. Lavvson, Admiral Sir John, 165. 167. 172. INDEX. 325 Lee, Sir Charles, 66. Lepanto, picture of the battle of, by Titian, 200, Lesley, Baron de, 235. Levingthorpe, Lady, 49. Libel on the Spanish Court, notice of a, 297. Liche, Marquess de, 217. 230. , Marchioness de, 214. 217. 233. Lilly the painter, 27. Limerick, Sir Richard Fanshawe made a freeman of, 90. , Mayor and Recorder of, 90. Linch, Mr. 233. Lindsey, Earl of, 164. 299. Lionne, Monsieur de, 286. Lisbon, public reception of Sir Richard Fanshawe at, 143 ; an in- surrection in, 149 ; description of, 155. , Archbishop of, 149. L'Isola, Baroness de, 230. 234. Lond, Mr. 233. London, news of the burning of, 245. , Bishop of, 46. 135. 255. Londonderry, Bishop of, 90. Long, Sir Robert, 63. , Mr. 70. Lorimer, Mr. 188. Low, , a surgeon, 81. Loyola, Don Blasco de, 302. Ludlow, Mr. 52. Lytton, Sir Rowland, 53. IVIadrid, reception of Sir Richard Fanshawe at, 188, — , Regidor of, 303. Mallard, Mr. 233. Malpica, Marquess of, 187. 189. 192. 277. Mar9in, Conde de, 187. 274. Marialva, Marquess of, 149. Marriage of Charles II. description of the ceremony of, 135. of the Infanta Donna Maria to the Emperor, by proxy. ceremony of the, 237. 326 INDEX. Marsden, Rev. — — , 151. Martinez, Juan, 302. Masquerade on horseback, a, 296. Maurice, Prince, 87. Mayor, Lord, 162. Medina de las Torres, Duke de, 186, et seq. 267. 271. 280. 285. 292. 293. 296. 301. 306. 309. , Duchess de, 187, el seq. 296. Cell, Duke of, 173, 174. 178. 262. 264, 265. Sidonia, Duke of, 143. 269. 293. Melham, Mr. 232. Mendoca, Don Lope de, 178. 183. 267. Blichelthite, Dr. 56. Middlesex, Countess of, 246. Mitchell, Henry, 233. Molina, Conde de, 178, 179. 182. 298. Montague, jNIr. Sidney, 233. , Colonel, 81. Montaldo, Duke of, 197. 292. 298. Monterey, Count de, 242. Moon, Captain, 165. Moore, Mr. 233. Mordaunt, Lord, 138. Murray, Mr. Henry, 112. Nantz, description of, 107. Navas, Don Nicolas, 231. Needham, Doctor Jasper, 255. Neito, Mr. Nicholas, 233. Nevill, Henry, 124. New Years' Gifts, and fees thereon, 162. Newport, Mr. Francis, 164. 188. 214. , Lord, 164. Neuce, William, Esq. 49. Nica, Marquess of, 151. Nicholas, Sir Edward, 109, 132. .Norris, ]Mr. 129. INDEX. 327 Norton, Lady, 83. Norwich, Earl of, 104. O'Brien, Lady Elkenna, 86. — ■ , Lady Honor, 92. Orange, Prince of, 85. , Princess of, 109. Ormond, Duke of, 86. 90, 91. 129. 133. 135. , Duchess of, 50. 135,136. , Marchioness of, 81. Oropesa, Conde de, 272. Oxford, description of, wMlsl the King was there, 57. Paima, Countess de, 154. Palmer, Sir Gefferey, 56. , Mr. 70. Pantheon, where the Kings of Spain are interred, description of, 198. 303. Pardo, the, near Madrid, description of, 195. Paris, improper conduct of the English at, 109. Parker, Mr. 233. Parkhurst, Sir William, 65. Parry, Mr. 229. Paston, Francis, 233. Pastrana, Duke of, 235. Patricio, Father, 231. Peacock, , 233. Pedro, Don, 144. 154. Pembroke, Earl of, 122. 139. Penaranda, Conde de, 221. 235. 302. Peterborough, Earl of, 150. Philip II. of Spain, husband of Queen Mary of England, 195. Philip IV. See Spain. Picture of Charles II. as a child, noticed, which is considered to have been unique, 132 ; another in his robes of the Garter, 137. Pictures. See Titian. Pimentel, Don Antonio de, Governor of Cadiz, 172, 173, 174. 265, 266. 328 INDEX. Place, Mr. 233. Plague, notices of the, at Bristol, 70 ; at Gal way, 93. Plough, a new one alluded to, 295. Plymouth, Sir Richard Fanshawe's reception at, 140. , JVIayor and Aldermen of, 140. Pommes, Madame de, 76. Pope's Nuncio, the, 196. 218. 287. Porter, Mrs. 157. , Major, 157. Portman, Sir William, 139. Portsmouth, Sir Richard Fanshawe's reception at, and made a Freeman of, 165. , Mayor of, 165. , Lieutenant-Govornor of, 165. , the town of, fired into by two Dutch men-of-war, 80. Portugal, King of, 143, 144. 152, 153. , Queen of, 142 to 145. 154. 163. 230. Poyntz, Sir Robert [James], 39. 41. Prayers written by Lady Fanshawe, 219. 240 ; those used in the Chapel of Sir Richard when Ambassador in Spain, 311. Price, Mr. John, 214, 215. 227. 229. 243. , Sir Herbert, 133. Princess Royal of England, 109. 129. Proclamation of Charles II. King 'of Spain, ceremony of the, 225. 303. Prodgers, Mr. 103. Pyman, Henry, 233. Queen of England, the, 134 to 137. 159. 161. 163. 244. 247, 248. 250. Queen-mother of England, the, 63. 68. 70. 76. 83. 108, 161, 163, 244, 245. 247. 254. Rawdon, Sir Marmaduke, QQ. Red Abbey, near Cork, 86. Requests, Master of, 132. 162. Restoration, description of the King's Return to England, at the, 130. INDEX. Ribbons worn by the Queen on her marriage, cut into pieces, and distributed as favours, 136. Rich, Wilham, 233. Ridgley, Dr. 121. Righton, Mr. 233. Rivers, Countess of, 54. 67. Robinson, Captain, 141. Rocca, Don Pedro, 194. Rooks, Mr. 241, 246. Roscommon, Earl of, 90 ; account of his extraordinary death, 91. Rue, Thomas, 233. Rupert, Prince, 85. 87. Russell, Richard, 233. , Lady, 51. Ryder, , 29, 30. Santa Cruz, Marquisate of, 266. Santa Graca, Countess of, 154. Saint Albans, Lord, 75. St. Estevan, Conde de, 184. St. Germain, Duke of, 186. 284. St. Lawrence, Conde de, 141. St. Lucar, Duke of, 273. St. Sebastian, description of, 105. Salinas, Marquess of, 277. . Salisbury, Earl of, 54. , Bishop of, 139. Sande, Marquess de, 135. 298. Sanderson, Dr. 56. Sandwich, Earl of, 81. 226. 228. 232, 233. 238, 239. 243, 244. 304, et seq. Sandys, family of, 54.^ Savoy, Duke of, 220. 283. Schomberg, Count, 142. Scilly, description of, 74. Scott, Sir John, 39, 40. Seale, Mr. 141. 330 INDKX. Seville, Sir Richard Fanshawe's reception at, and description o(, 179.267. Shaftesbuiy, Earl of, 248. Shatbolt, Mr. 53. Sheldon, Ur. Bishop of London, 255. Shere, IVJr. 233. Sherwood, Friar, 61. Siete Chimeneas, appointed for Sir Richard Fanshawe's residence, and dispute about it, 194, el se(]. 293, 294. Skelton, Sir .lohn, 140. Sjanning, Sir Nicholas, 72. Sniythe, Customer, 2. 38. , his Sons, 39. , Note relative to his family, 39. , Mr. 214. Sousa, Antonio de, 142. , Don Joam de, 144. Southampton, Earl of, 248. Southwell, Sir Robert, 150. 232. 311. Spain, general description of, 208 to 214. , Philip IV. Kmg of, 90. 102. 104. 186. 191, 192. 203. 217. 279.297.300, 301. , death and funeral of, 220 to 224. 302. , Prince of, 203. 297. 300. , Charles II. King of, 221. 225. 227. 238. 303, 304. , Queen of, 192 to 249. 280. 302. ——-, ceremony of proclaiming the Kings of, 225. 303. Spanish Army defeated by the Portuguese, 218. Sparks, Mr. executed at Madrid for the murder of Askew, 103. 207. StraflFord, Earl of, 83. 118. Strangford, Lord, 2. 39, 40. 59. 156, 157. Steward, Dr. 112. 128, Stuard, Mr. 232. Sumiller de Corps, 223, 224. Tarret, Mr. 246. Terne, [misprinted Fnne,] Captain, 165, INDEX. 331 Thomond, Earl of, 92. Thompson, Allion, 233. Thornhill, , 60. Thynne, Lady Isabel, 67. Tinoco, Don Diego, wife of, 234. Titian, pictures by, 199, 200. 248. Toison d'Or, The, 298. Toledo, Governor of, 184, 185, 186. , his wife, 185, 186. . , Cardinal of, 221. , Archbishop of, 207. 302. , reception at, 184. Toniars, a painter, 27. Torres Vedras, Countess of, 233. Trucifal, Marchioness of, 233. , Marquess of, 230. 242. Turner, Sir Edward, 163, 164. 188. 308. , Lady, 160. . Sir Edmund, 53. 119. 163. 214. 255, , Edmund, Esq. 24. Tyler, Mr. 139. Utber, Captain, 165. 173. Utrera, Corregidor of, 179. — ' , reception at, 179. 267. Vane, Sir Henry, 116. Van Tromp, 266. Velada, Marquess of, 3D2. Veleam, Mr. 233. Vellon money reduced in value, 196. 291. Veloz, Marquess de lez, 227. Venetian Ambassador, 194. 281 to 286. Villa Franca, Countess of, 151. Villiers, Lord Francis, 81. Waller, Mr. the Poet, 83. . Mrs. 85. 332 INDEX. Walley, Dr. 56. Walter, Sir William, 45. Warrington, Francis, 233. Warwick, Sir Philip, 46. 78. 120. 244. 252. 307. Waters, Mr. 112. Wats, Sir John, 161. Weeden, Mr. 229. 232. 241 . 304, 305- Weir, Jonathan, 255. Westminster, Dean of, 139. White, Mr. 243. Williams. Thomas, 233. Williamson, Joseph, 310. Wilton, the seat of the Earl of Pembroke, 139. Winchester, Bishop of, 159. 162. , Windebank, Secretary, 2. 62, 63, 108. Windsor Castle, Constable of, 138. Winston, Dr. 51. Winter, Sir John, 245. Wolstenholme, Sir John, 54. , Lady, 50. Woodcock, Sir Thomas, 138. Worcester, Marquess of, 71. 95, 96. , Marchioness of, 71. , battle of, 113. Worden, Mr. 232. Wray, Sir John, 45.218. Wright, Sir Benjamin, Bart. 164. 188. 193. Wycherley, Mr. 188. 214. Xeres, Corregidor of, 177. , reception at, 177. York, Duke of, 129. 162, 163. 245. 247, 248. , Duchess of, 163. 245. 247. Youne, ', 115, 116. 120. LONDON: PRIiNTED BY SAMUEL BENTLEY, DORSET STREE'I / / z--r c f i