G668 1904 ^,.- . ^r^->, %WC^.- .^- ci <• I) 4 o IV- o_ '■ -r*. > '--Opv' ,0^ ^o *. 'Cv- .l'« ^o^ ,,^; o_ V .A ^^- ■^^ ^ ■..%. '<».»' m:; qU ^ ■ ^1 f; >„.^ .«». / - - = v^ --^ • 3 *■'.-' • A ^^ 4 O oV -!> -v'. x^ -n.. -Nf^K^ • ' fir "i^ " ■* ;> ^^ V ^ V 4^ /-."/r^^. ^ V '^e^ "°^. A K> V; v^^ V ■:?: ,V^. ;> c (A' -:> ^■'*f, %/ .Jfev %/■ .'^", \/ .<;^\ %,,^ o V . f - .0* c • " ' ♦ 'o • k , » ' » B ^^. .^'^ '^..-y <■ ■<:» * c N ' ^- A^ /// Gift AuuiiQr (Pa-sonj JABEZ GORHAM OF PLYMOUTH, MASS., AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 1. Captain JOHN^ GoRHAM, maraed Desire Howland, in 1643. (See Register, ante, vol. 52, page 358.) 2. .James'- Gouham (JoJiu^), born iu Marshfield, Apr. 28, 1650, married Hannah Huckius, Feb. 24, 1673-4. He died in 1707. She died Feb. 13, 1727. (See Register, ante, vol. 52, page 358.) 3. .Jabez" Goriiam (James,- John^) was born in Barnstable, Mar. 6, 1690-1. The Gorham notes in Otis's " Barnstable Families " state that he married, Nov. 15, 1749, Mary Burbank of Plymouth ; but the Fairfield, Conn., records show that he was dead previous to Mar. 5, 1739, ten years before he was said to have married Mary Burbank. " He owned land in Fairfield in 1721 " (Miss Louise Tracy's Gorham notes). In 1727, he sold land to Shubael Gorham of Barnstable, and in 1728, sold land to liis brother Sylvanus (Fairlield and Stamford, Conn., Records). " Jabez Gorham renewed the covenant with his wife Molly, Feb. 8, 1733." (Green's Farms, Fairfield, Records.) Sylvanus'^ Gorham, brother of .Tabez,^ died in Stamford, Conn., before Sept. 1, 1747, leaving no wife or cliildren. In the settlement of his estate is the following item : " To the legal representatives of -Jabez Gorham, deceased, £132/19/9." " David Gorham, son of Jabez (:^orham late of Fairfield, chose .Joseph Gorham, of Fairfield, Conn., to be his guardian, INIarch 5, 1739." (Book 6, Fairfield Records.) The foregoing record shows that Jabez" Gorham was dead in 1739. The marriage records of his uncle Jabez"^ (John^) and of his cousin .Jabez" (Jabez-), as well as that of .Jabez* (Joseph," Jabez-) who was born Mar. 22, 1718, have previously appeared in the Register. Having eliminated all of the early Gorhams bearing the name Jabez, excepting this Jabez" who was son of James,"^ the writer will show that it was his son .Jabez* who married Mary Burbank. The writer is indebted to Mr. Henry S. Gorham* of Brooklyn, N. Y., and to Miss Louise Tracy of New Haven, Conn., for their assistance in gathering notes of the family in Connecticut and Nova Scotia. Their notes with his own collection do not find place for the following three brothers unless they w-ere the sons of Jabez" (James"^). Children : James,* m. Miriam Hull, Apr., 1714. Jabez, b. 1726; m. Mary Burbank, Nov. 15, 1750. David, m. Abigail Jackson, July 11. 1751. * The writer is under obligation to Mr. Gorham for the use of tlie Liverpool " Diary," subsequently mentioued. 4. 1, 5. 11. 6. Ill 4. James^ Gorham {Jabez,^ James,'^ John}) married Miriam Hull, in Fair- field, Conn., Apr., 1744, and died in Fairfield, Oct. 6, 1749. The will of his widow, Miriam, dated June 13, 1770, mentions only son Jabez^ and daughter Mary. Children, from Green's P'arms baptismal records : i. Mary.* ii. Jabez. ill. Mary. 5. Jabez^ Gorham {Jabez,^ James,^ John^), according to the inscription upon his monument, was born in 1726, and died in 1806, aged 80. There is in the original book of records of Barnstable, Mass?, " the intention of marriage of Jabez Gorham, of Barnstable, and Mary Burbank, of Plymouth, September, 1750." The Plymouth records show that they were married Nov. 15, 1750. " Old Times in Liver- pool, Nova Scotia," by Robert R. McLeod, published in Acadiensis, Vol. IV, No. 2, gives on page 122 the following inscription from the Congregational cemetery in Liverpool : " Sacred to the memory of Jabez Gorham, who departed this life Dec. the 13th, 1806, in the 80th year of his age." " Mr. Gorham was one of the first settlers, coming from Plymouth, Mass., with his wife and four children, to whom seven more were added in Liverpool, where the family was among the best." He went from Plymouth to Liverpool in 1760-1. It is stated in Acadiensis that the township of Liverpool was granted in 1759 to settlers from Plymouth, Chatham, Eastham, Kingston, Sandwich, and adjacent localities, and all of the names of the*gran- teesare printed, among them the name of Jabez* Gorham. "On one of his town lots he built a home, a quaint low-roofed structure with a tiny porch over the front door and a room on either side, a very small house for so large a family, but considered quite pretentious in those days. It has been recently taken down, and now a few old apple trees and some shrubbery are all that remain of the Gorham homestead in Liver]iool." A diary written by the great-granddaugh- ter* of Jabez-* and Mary (Burbank) Gorham contains important °e- cords of his children. She says : " From the Town Records and from the recollections of my mother, the only living grandchild of Jabez* Gorham, I have gathered the few facts that I send to you." This diary contains the following interesting item : "In 1771, nu- merous entries in the Town Records are of lands bought and sold by Jabez Gorham, Avhich became the business centre of the town of Liverpool. On the various deeds recorded is the signature of his wife Mary." Among important records recently sent to the writer by Robert R. McLeod, Esq., of Brookfield, Queen's Co., Nova Scotia, is the following inscription from the Congregational Church ceme- tery in Liverpool, N. S. : " In memory of Mrs. Mary, wife of Jabez Gorham, who departed this life September 11 th 1811, aged 81 years." According to Davis's " Landmarks of Plymouth," page 48, " she was the daugliter of Timothy Burbank and his wife Mercy Kempton. She was born in 1730." Mr. McLeod's list of the children of Jabez* and Mary (Burbank), copied from the Liverpool records, agrees exactly with the list copied from the " diary " previously mentioned. _*Mrs. Letitia (Baxter) Williams, daugliter of Mrs. ElizaS (Gorham) Baxter of Liverpool, Is. S., now living ased about 92 years, the widow of James Baxter and daughter of John^ Gorham (10). Mrs. Williams got her information from her mother and the Liverpool, X. S., records. IX. X. 9. xi. 10. xii Children : i. James,* b. in Plymouth (Plymouth records), July 23, 1751; d. in infancy, ii. Jabez, b. in Plymouth (Plymouth records), Sept. 13, 1753; d. in infancy, iii. Mary, b. in Plymouth (" Diary"), July 23, 1755 ; m. Dunlap, and had nine children, four sous and Ave daughters, mauy of whose descendants live at Sable River and other parts of Shelburne Co., Nova Scotia. 7. iv. Jabez, b. May 14, 1756-7. V. Haxxah, b. Feb. 14, 1758-9 ; m. Coops ; lived in Milton, Nova Scotia ; had a large family. 8. vi. James, b. Sept. 7, 1761. vii. Lucy, b. in Liverpool, N. S., Sept. 2, 1762; m. in 1782, James Mor- ton ; lived at Milton, Queen's Co., N. S. ; had five children : James, Jabez, Sylvanus, Lucy, and Melinda. The family of Sylvanus are numbered among the prominent business men of Milton. viii. Mekcy, b. Oct. 4, 1764 ; m. Dennis Freeman ; lived at Milton, N. S., where their numerous descendants may be found. Lydia (twin), b. July 5, 1767. Prince (twin), b. July 5, 1767; m. Jan. 7, 1796, Rebecca, dau. of John and Hannah Mullins; a son Thomas Freeman'' was b. at Liverpool, Oct. 29, 1796; tliey moved to the United States, where other sons were born. Isaac, b. July 13, 1769. JoHX, b. Sept. 29, 1771. David^ Goriiam (Jabez,^ James,'- John^), of Fairfield, Conn., chose • Jose2)h Gorham, of Fairfield, to be his guardian, Mar, .'), 1789. He bought land in Rochester, Mass., of Jonathan Lewis, Mar. 18, 1744. He married in Plymouth, July 11, 1751, Abigail, daughter of Na- thaniel and Rebecca (Poor) Jackson of Pl^'mouth. His name is on the public records of Liverpool, Nova Scotia, in 1761-2. Children, from the Old County Records of Liverpool* : Mary,^ b. at Plymouth, Jan. 20, 1752. i. Pexelope, b. at Plymouth, July 10, 1757. ii. Abigail, b. at Liverpool, July 11, 1760. 11. iv. David, b. at Liverpool, Aug. 17, 1763. The Hist, of Norway, Me., is in error in stating that he was born in Halifax, N. S., on the same date that his birth is recorded in Liverpool.* 7. Jabez^ Gorham (Jabez,* Jabez,^ James," Johii^) was born in Plymouth Co., Mass., May 14, 175G or 7. The family note in the "diary " says 1757, but the inscription upon his monument in the South Middleboro' Cemetery, near the Methodist meeting-house, is as fol- lows : "Jabez Gorham, died Dec. 2, 1830, age 74." He went to Liverpool, Nova Scotia, with his parents, in 1760-1, but returned and was a Revolutionary soldier from Plymouth. He bought land of Elisha Ruggles, in Rochester, Mass., Aug. 28, 1798. He married first, in Rochester, Nov. 2G, 1788, Abigail Tobey, who died Nov. 28, 1808; married second, published July 27, 1811, Thankful Vaughn of Middleboro', who died June 7, 1817; and married third, Mrs. Desire Hewitt. His widow is mentioned in the settlement of his es- tate, Nov. 13, 1832. * Copied by Robert R. McLeod, Esq., who is a member of the N. E. Historic Genea- logical Societv. Children : i. Jabez,« b. iu Rochester, Mass., Dec. 31, 1797; d. Feb. G, 18G2; m. Ansf. 27, 1820, at New Bedford, Rebecca Standish, who was b. Aug. 30,1801, and d. Jan. 18, 1843. ii. James, removed to Vergeunes, Vt. iii. Mercy, m. Bryant. iv. Sarah, m. Shurtleff. V. Mary, m. James Cole. 8. James^ Gorham {Jahez,'^ Jabez,^ James,^ Johti^) was born iu Plj^mouth Co., Sept. 7, 1760-1 (family " Diary"). According to the inscrip- tion upon his monument in Liverpool, Nova Scotia, he died Aug. 5, 1841, aged 80. He married, Aug. 15, 1787, Jedidah, daughter of Nehemiah Tracy of East Haddam, Conn., who was born Oct. 16, 1762, and died May 19, 1849, They had no children. On the corner of Main and Gorham Street, in Liverpool, his house is still standing. On Gorham Street are the Congregational Church, the Temperance Hall, and the Grammar School, all endowed by him. Within Temper- ance Hall are hung fine oil portraits of him and his wife, and in front of the Hall they are buried. A College built on his property, and to which he was the largest douator. was called Gorham College. It was built in 1848, but was destroyed by fire five years later. Miss Ida S. Gorham of Englevvood, N. J., has a copy of his will. The writer is indebted to Dr. Dwight Tracy, of New York, for P^ast Haddam, Conn., notes on the family. 9. IsAAC^ Gorham {Jahez,'^ Jabez,^ James,'^ Jo/m^) was born in Liverpool, Nova Scotia, July 13, 1769, and married Sept. 7, 1794, iu Liverpool, by Rev. John Payzant, Elizabeth, daughter of John and Mary Tonge. Children : i. Robert,*^ b. July 31, 1795; lost at sea. ii. Freeman, b. 1799; lost at sea. iii. Richard, b. 1800 ; d. 1863 ; went to Arichat when he was quite young, intending to live there, but his plans Avere changed and lie removed to Halifax, Nova Scotia, and became a prominent merchant, and his sons are well Ivuown business men of that city. His son John W.,^ h. iu 1844, is proprietor of tlie Jerusalem Warehouse in Halifax. iv. Edward, b. 1802 ; went away, and supposed to have been lost at sea. V. Hepsibah. m. (1) Henry Gardner, by whom she had one daughter; m. (2) Benjamin Davis. 10. JoHN^ Gorham (Jabez,'^ Jahez,^ James," John^), born in Liverpool, Nova Scotia, Sept. 29, 1771, married, Sept. 29, 1795, Ilaunuh, daughter of Nathaniel and Hannah Freeman. He was a captain in the em- ploy of his brother James. ^ He died in 1826. Children : i. Nathaxiel,^ b. Sept. IG, 179G ; lost at sea, one of the crow of the ill- fated privateer liullo. ii. JoHX. iii. Matilda. iv. Frederick. v. Lewis. vi. Eliza, ** m. in 1846, James Baxter of Aberdeen, Scotland ; now living, aged about 92 yrs. jS ^D-9 4 11. David^ Gorham [David,^ Jahez^ James j' John^), born in Liverpool, iVova Scotia, Aug. 17, 1763, married in Turner, Me., .June 16, 1791, Hannah Pratt of Middleboro', Mass. He died in Norway, Me., May 29, 1834; and she died there Mar. 27, 1848, aged SO." He was a Revolutionary soldier from Plymouth Co. Children : i. David, 8 b. Mar. 3, 1792 ; m. Mary Gorham of Turner, Me. ii. Abigail, b. Mar. 3, 1792; m. Daniel Waterhouse. iii. Bexjamix, b. Dec. 3, 1794 ; d. Dec. 3, 1838. iv. Timothy, b. Nov. 10, 1800; d. Aug. 5, 1818. V. Lavixa, b. Apr. 19, 1803; m. Joseph Waterhouse of Poland, Me. vi. Levi B., b. June 21, 1805 ; m. Mary Hall. vii. Hannah, b. June 16, 1807; d. Jan. IG, 1829. viii. Solomon, b. Mar. 27, 1811; m. Rachel Reed. ix. Isaac, b. Nov. 9, 1812. SlAlie> iKKort^Atn* Lb. Mr '09 r\ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS lllilliillliiliiilL ^ 018 458 964 3 %^