F <74 •D3 D31 Copy 1 A N ALPHABETICAL ABSTRACT OF THK / i RECORD OF BIRTHS. IN THK TOWN OF DEDHAM, MASSACHUSETTS, 1844— 189O. COMPILKn>*Y DON GLEASON'HILL, Town Clerk. DEDHAM, MASS. Office of the Dedham Transcript, 1 8 9 4 . Published Under the Vote of ihk Town, Passed April 8, 1893. INTRODUCTION. AT the last Annual Town Meeting the town voted to print in the next annual town report an alphabetical abstract of the Births recorded in Dedham from the time the first volume of printed records (published 1886) ends, to 1890, in form similar to the methods adopted in Providence, R. I., and in YVoburn, Mass., where they were published in the annual town reports. Prior to 1844 the Town Clerk was simply required to keep a record of births of all persons within his town coming to his knowledge, and to specify in such record the date of each birth and the names of the parents. Parents were required to give notice to the clerks of all births of their children, and the same was required of every householder, but no other provision was made for collecting the facts. The first law passed which provided for anything approaching a complete system of registration was Chap. 159, of the Acts of 1844. This Act provided that the Record of Births should state in separate columns the date and place of birth, the name of the child (if it have any), the sex, name and surname of the parents, occupation of the father, residence of the parents, and date of record, and the School Committee were required to collect all these facts and make return to the Town Clerk, and the Secretary of the Commonwealth was required to furnish blank books of suitable quality and size to be used as Books of Record, and also suitable blank forms for returns. Under Chapter 202 of the Acts of 1849, Town Clerks were authorized and required to obtain, record, and index the information concerning births, etc., now required by law. The Ceneral Statutes I860 re-enacted these laws and also required that the Record of Births should contain the color of the child and parents' birthplace, and provided that parents and householders who neglected to give the Clerk such notice for the space of six months after the birth "shall forfeit a sum not exceeding five dollars," and this law is in IV INTRODUCTIOX. force to-day. By a Statute passed in 1880, physicians and midwives were required annually on or before the fifth day of each month to report to the Clerk a correct list of all children born in town during the month next pre- ceding, at the birth of which they were present, stating place and date of birth and parents' names, and for neglecting to report such lists, a penalty was provided by the Act. This Statute was amended in 1883, requiring the physician's list to state all the facts required for a complete registration, and a fee of twenty -five cents for each birth so reported was provided for by the Act. The first record book provided under the law of 1844 by the State was in three parts, blanks for births at the beginning or first section, marriages in the second, and deaths in the third. Since 18.32, the Records of Births, Marriages and Deaths, have been kept in separate books. This first book was commenced by Richard Ellis at the close of his term of office as Town Clerk, and only the first ten births recorded therein appear in his hand. Jonathan Holmes Cobb was elected Town Clerk in March, 1845, and held the office for thirty years, declining a re-election in 1875. During this period the Records appear in the hand of Mr. Cobb or in that of one of his sons. Mr. Cobb was born in Sharon, July 8, 1799, was graduated at Harvard 1817, a lawyer by profession, was editor for a time of the "Village Register," was one of the founders of the Dedham Institution for Savings, of which he was the first Secretary and Treasurer. He held the office of Register of Probate for Norfolk County from 1833 to 1879, and also acted for many years as a magistrate of the County. He died March 12,1882. About 1850. March, 1875, Charles H. Farrington was elected Town Clerk, and held the office until 1880, when he declined a re-election, and the Record of Births beginning with January, 1875, through 1879, is in his handwriting, a clear record hand. Mr. Farrington was born in Dedham, Sept. 21, 1831. He was employed for a short time in the Registry of Probate, and for about twenty years in the Registry of Deeds, where he made the classified index of grantees from 1793 to 1855, and also prepared indexes of the County Commissioners' Records, and while he held the office of Town Clerk INTRODUCTION. V he made an elaborate index in two folio volumes of the General Records .of the town, and another of the Town Grants. He also held the office of Selectman. About 1878. In 1880 the present incumbent was elected Town Clerk, and again in 1881, but declined a re-election in 1882, and Mr. Farrington was again, at the March meeting, elected Town Clerk, but held the office only a few weeks, having died very suddenly, April 27, 1882, and I was appointed at first Clerk pro tern, and then re-elected by the Town, and have held the office from that time to the present. Mr. Farrington recorded no births during 1882, so that the entire record of births from 1880 to the present time has been made by the present Clerk. All the Records during my term have been made by careful copyists, and only the round record hand so easily read has been used upon the Records. Many errors appear upon the Records, especially in the matter of names. A considerable number were brought to my notice by discrepancies which appeared in the record of different members of the same family. Parents and others giving the information do not seem to realize the impor- tance of accuracy, and give only a portion of their name, giving it in different forms at different times. The name of one mother was found to have been entered in eight different ways. The spelling of foreign names has been a source of great trouble. As a general rule the different spellings, as they appear upon the Record, have been printed, except that the names and birth- places of the same parents have sometimes been printed uniform, but no • changes have been made upon the original Records, except under the pro- visions of Chap. 305 of the Acts of 1892, which provided that — '• Whenever the records of any city or town do not contain the facts re- lating to a birth, death or marriage which occurred therein, or whenever such facts are not fully or correctly stated on such records, the clerk or registrar of such city or town may receive a deposition, under oath, contain- ing such facts as are desired for record, and shall then file said deposition .and record said facts in a book to be kept for that purpose, stating in addi- tion thereto the name and residence of the deponent and the date of such record." VI INTRODUCTION. When this work was begun it was found that there were about four hundred children who did not have any christian name upon the record. I took special pains to obtain as many of these names as possible, and have obtained the christian name in about one hundred and sixty cases. Under the provisions of the above statute, I prepared a deposition blank in the following form : — COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS. ss. PURSi ant to the provisions of Chap. 305, of the Acts of 1892, 1 of in the County of in said Commonwealth on oath depose and say that the christian name of the child of who was born in Detlham .... 18 , is Said christian name not having been entered in the record of the birth of said child on the Town Clerk's Kegister; .... And I further testify that I am* of said child. Filed 189 f>. *State relationship to child. 189 . Subscribed and sworn to: Before me, Justice of the Peace. This was used also to correct any other errors, either in dates or names, and 365 depositions have been procured, filed and recorded, and this has been done without any expense to the parties making the depositions. These have been obtained by personal application and by correspondence, and I caused a notice to be published three weeks in the Dedham Transcript, as follows: — IMTORTANT NOTICE. An Alphabetical Abstract of the Records of Births in Dedham, from 1844, when the printed volume ends, to and including 1890, has been made under the vole of the Town, and is now in the hands of the printer, to be published in the next Town Report. It is very desirable that all errors which appear in these Records should be properly corrected. Chapter 3u5 of the Acts of 1892 pro- vides for the making and recording of depositions to correct errors, and the Clerk is prohibited from correcting the original Records except through these depositions. Several hundred such de- positions have already been obtained by the Town Clerk. No fees will be charged for the making, filing or recording of these depositions. The Records can be seen at the Historical Building, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons, and all persons who are interested in any Birth Records from L844 to 1890 are earnestly requested to call there at once and examine these Records- before they are printed, that correct ions may be properly made. DON GLEASON HILL. Town Clerk. Dedham, Nov. 24. 1893. INI 'IWD L/C TV ON. V 1 1 It was my desire so far as possible, that the errors which existed should be carefully corrected before this report was printed. I have taken pains to have all depositions made by those who would be best authorities in the mat- ter. Appended to this introduction will be found a list of the names of those children the record of whose birth has been corrected by depositions, and the tile number of these depositions (which number also shows the page of the record thereof). Other errors will be found printed, which might have been corrected if parties interested had responded to the invitation to ex- amine the Records before they were printed. Some errors might have been corrected by me, but for the fact that the law of L892 above mentioned prohibits me from amending or correcting the records. All errors which have not been corrected should be corrected in the manner prescribed by law. I can make no promises for my successors, but so long as I hold the office I shall be very glad to prepare and record all such depositions for the sake of accuracy in our Records, and without expense to the parties interested. A word as to the matter of names. The whole community should be educated in this matter of accuracy in writing names. Let it begin in the schools. Children should be impressed throughout their whole school course with the importance of always writing their names correctly, and if they have more than one christian name they should write in full the name by which they are called, with the initial of the other christian name; that is, if the child's name is John G. Brown, it should be so written always, and never (even in the Kindergarten) Johnnie Brown. School Rules and Regulations should provide that all teachers should write the children's names in full upon all registers and reports, and require the children to sign their names in the same manner to all examination or other papers written by them. During my term of office I have caused each year an Abstract of the Record of Births, Marriages and Deaths to be printed in the Town Report, and I have repeatedly called attention to these abstracts and requested that errors should be corrected. It will be noticed that in a number of instances a child's birth is re- corded in two successive years. When we were able to determine that both records were intended for the same child, and could ascertain which date was correct, we have printed only the correct record and omitted the other, but when the correct date was uncertain both records have been printed. Children who appeared to be illigitimate or stillborn have been omitted from the printed record. As the result of the laws passed since 184 1, more pains than before that date has been taken in the collection of births. I have VU1 INTRODUCTION. obtained and recorded returns of the births of forty-seven children whose names did not appear upon our records, a list of which is appended to this Introduction, and I am confident that others still have never been recorded. If parents and physicians would make the returns which the law requires, (which returns I am sorry to say are seldom made), there would be fewer omissions and a less number of mistakes in our records. A few statistics have been compiled which will be found interesting, and I hope not out of place in this report. It will be remembered that the record, the abstract of which is here printed, covers a period of nearly half a century, beginning in the middle of 1844 and ending with the close of 1890. From the valuation of Dedliam, 1844. Number of poll tax payers born in United States (estimated), 913 "out of " " 25 Whole number of poll tax payers in this valuation, 938 From the voting list, November election, 1844. Number of voters born in United States, (estimated), 705 " out of " " 12 Whole number of voters on this list, 717 From the voting Register, November election, 1890. Number of voters born in United States, (not in Dedham), 570 " Dedham, 420 " out of United States, 3G9 Whole number of voters on this list 1359 From the Record of Births here printed, the following table is construct- ed, relating to the birthplace of parents : — Number. Per Cent. Both parents born out of United States, 3309 45— " " " in United States,(neither in Dedham), 1049 22+ " " U. S. (one in Dedham) 1061 15— One parent born in U. S.(not in Dedham). the other out of U. S. GOO 8+ Both parents burn in Dedham 324 4+ One parent burn in Dedliam, the other out of U. S 234 3+ Birthplace of one or both parents unknown 191 3— 7368 100 The estimates from the Valuation and Voting lists of 1844 may not be strictly accurate, but they are the best estimates that I could get from those familiar with the names, and I think they cannot be far out of the way. In my report to the town last year, I recommended that the births only be printed IN TROD UC TJON. l X this year, and the marriages and deaths be printed in subsequent years. I recommend that an abstract of the Record of Deaths for the same period be prepared and published in the Report next year, with extra copies for sale, and that additions and corrections which may be made to the Record of Births here printed be appended thereto. The original records of births appear in table form, each entry reaching across two pages. This abstract has been made so as to condense as much as possible and give the most matter in the least space, and, if possible, to make each entry occupy only one line. The figure at the left indicates the number of that birth in the record of the year in which it appears ; the words son of, or daughter of, did not seem necessary and were omitted ; after the parents' names appear, if recorded, the maiden name of the mother in parenthesis, then the birth-place of the father and mother and the date, first the month expressed in figures, and as all are in this century, the 18 is omitted in the year. The copy for the printer has been made by Miss Martha A. Smith, who has also assisted the Town Clerk in reading proof. Respectfully submitted, Jtfat 2j2LCt^H /&^CS Town Clerk. Dedham, Feb. I, 1894. DEPOSITIOXS. A LIST OF THE PERSONS IN THE RECORD OF WHOSE BIRTH CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE BY DEPOSITIONS. The asterisk (*) before a number refers to Corrections on page 207. The dagger (f ) indicates that the parents' names have been corrected in the record of other children of the same family. The figures after each name indicate the file number, and also the record page of the deposition. us, Ada F., .John (i., S. Eliz.. Alden, J. aura Ik, Aldrich, Geo. E., Ames. Edith I!., Bacon, John M., Samuel C. Baker, Edwin, Henrj S., Sarah I;., William Ik, Ball, George M., Bean, .Mary E., Becker, ( lharles, Frank J., Louisa, Philippine, Bestwick, Flor. I)., Fred'k L., [sabel M.. Bixby, Ada 1'.. Joseph P., emort, Edgar 1- Bonney, Delia, John, Mary Ik, Boyd, Charles M., Ella I-k, Ered \\\. Henry W., Brannen. Bridget, John, Broad, A.nne1 te E., Jenny, 1 Brooks, Charles s., 10!) Collard, CeciliaE. 222 :: ;120 George L., 250 Corbett, Herbert A., 139 363 Wm. Ik. 240 .Mary F., t221 26 Browne, Helen A.. 30 Cormerais, Edw. Y.. 337 228 Bullard, Jennie E., 361 Cox, Charles M., 230 146 John R., tlOl Daniell, Jennie P., 21:', S9 Burgess, Sarah K., 257 Banner, Adam F.. 138 40 Theodore P. . 53 Davis, Wm. Asa, :: ;]4^ 189 Burr, Helen L., 111 Dean, _Vli(*(^ E., 248 L45 Carberry, Clifton (i. , 8(3 Charles, 200 251 ( !assell, Jennie K., io; \ John W., :'.2 81 Chamberlain, Deneef, Eliza, A., 303 *286 Clara E., 263 Elbe V., 302 127 1 >aniel, *35o Margaret E. , 001 225 Harriet E., 262 Sadie F., 300 224 Mary Ik, Dolan, Annie M., 299 226 Chaplin, Duncan D., , 1") Elizabeth J. , 207 223 chase, Albert S., S Margaret, 1:57 215 Henry A., Paul Ik, 200 214 Lizzie J.. 217 Doole, Agnes, 185 214 Marion E., 20 Annie ]•;., LS4 44 Clapp, Fred'k E., 141 Dowd, Edward Ik, 136 43 John L., 1 i:; Draper, Fred Ik, 288 "-. 5 Clay. Matthew D., 63 George I... 217 1ST Clifton, Amy C, 1 12 Jennie < .., 267 188 ( lose, Elizabeth, 141 Eis, Anna M.. 284 98 Cobbett, Clar. VVk, 328 Bertha, 281 mi Helen Ik. *327 Charles A.. 280 lo:, Colburn, Creigh. S„ 2:;:. Hermann, 270 -! Barry S., 140 Julius, 283 •i 1 lelen S., 210 Loins. 278 Marv D., 200 Ellis, Alvan L., 02 1-359 Mary Ik. 274 Charles Ik. 28 ;;i 1 Xaney E., 201 Eva M., 01 258 Perrin !'>.. 268 Frederic D. , 20 DEPOSITIONS. XI [Ellis] Granville, 207 Julia 11., -''in Oliver, 19S Ely, Amelia M., 212 Estey, Ethel K., 157 Everett, I. aura C, ( ''l Ewer, Alfred, 151 l.illia, 229 .Mary I., 229 Fairbanks, Bessie H., 48 WillardM., 80 Fales, Frank A.. 256 Fred'k A., 255 Susan E., 254 Walter, 253 Farrington, Sarah A., 325 Field, Eleanor L., 259 MaryE., 259 Finn. Edward \V., 134 Wm. T., 135 Fisher, Caroline L., 77 Eliz. ( !., 74 Frank, 240 Grace 1'... 85 Harriet E., 76 Hat tic S., 7'.) Joseph L., 7s Laura I., 245 LillianE., 197 Nancy A., 75 Walter J,., 330 :. Arthur G., 36 Ernest T., 3S Helen M., 37 Irving S., 35 Fowler, Edgar R., 182 Foye, George, 60 French, Charles W., t5 I salad M., 24 Gallagher, Thomas, 203 Galucia, M. Adams, 266 M. Ambrose, 265 Gay, Charles W., 59 Elmer I., 7:'. Gould, Carrie L., 243 Charles W., 242 ( rreelj , Aimer I)., L93 Carries., 102 nlaw, J [en'a A., 277 Ralph W., 276 Guild, Alice 1)., n < rustavus T., 17 Laura T., 12 Theodore W., 72 Hale, Thomas M., 295 Haskins, Harriel \., 58 Hawes, < reorge II., 71 1 [aynes, Harriet, 57 Henchman, Nath. II., 88 I Ieuihau, John C, 313 [Henihan] Kath. A., 312 1 [erring, Emma, 181 Hewins, Carrie F., 110 Hill, Mary S., 220 Hitchings, Edw. T., 91 Fred'cW., 90 Ilorgan, John J., 326 Holmes, Mary E., 317 Sara, L., 217 Houghton, Edw. C, 334 Francis J., 336 Nelson A., 335 Humphreys, Eliz. If., 233 Hutchins, Janet G. 180 Ingraham, Henry M., 56 Shirley C., 55 I vers, Charles F., 27 Jarvis, Lucy C, 54 Jensen, Carlton A.. 210 EldredG., 211 EllaG., 209 Elwin C, 208 Henry, 209 Kcclaii, Edward J., 311 George A., 310 Sarah. 309 Kennedy, Ida J., 340 MaryT., 341 Kiessling, Emma, 17!) Kimball, Carrie L., 205 Edward W., 204 King, Grace A., 287 Kingsbury, Elbert C, 273 Fred. B., 272 ( Gertrude V., 272 Ida M., 69 Maria F., 271 Knobel, Dorot'a A.. f320 Edward. 109 Louise F., 323 Marie, 321 Zara, 322 Legallee, Fred'k If., 333 Leonard, Chas. F., 130 William 1L, 131 Lips, Charles, 177 Loring, (diaries S., 31 Lowden, Wm. IT., 170 Lowey, dames !•'... 293 John C, 294 Robert H., 293 Lyons, Evelina, L60 Thomas (.., 161 McAllister, Ceo. W., 308 Mary E., 307 Wm. C, 306 Mc< alluni, Chas. E., 305 Mc< 'learn, Sophia C, si McEntee, Marg't A., 17"> McKenzie, Alice M., 97 McManus, Dorothy, 332 McQuillen,Robert C, 1 19 May, Alice i>.. mi Ernests.. mi Meighan, John M., 241) Mary, 211 Morhoff, Mary E., 17 1 Morrell, George A., 362 Gertrude L., 362 Grace L., 108 Hannah A., 107 Ralph I'.. 362 Morrison, Francis L., 340 Irene M., 346 Morse, Bertha s.. Charles H., 27:. II. Josephine. 82 John L., 83 Kate L., 252 Mulkern, James A., 316 MaryE., 315 Mulverhill, Annie M., 195 Catherine, 196 Mary, 104 Murray, Marg't, 347 Timothy, 347 Muzzy, Harrv S.', 16 Mylod, Carrie L., 239 Nolan, Andrew J., 171 Charles If., 173 Francis, 170 James F., 172 Norris, Eliz. E., 13 Parsons, Herbert 15., 42 Paul, Ebenezer T.. 22 Isaac F., 22. Perry. Annie I).. no Pettengill, Fred'k A., 285 Pipping, Lena ■)., 169 Place, Hannah 1)., 270 Poch, Edith M., 2.24 Pond, (diaries P., 304 Emma M., 204 Mabelle L., 264 Pratt, Henry W., no Sarah -I., 117 Prince, Jennie, 042, Putnam, Fred'k IL, 50 Quincy, Arthur, 2! Radcliffe, Frank E., 168 Rafferty, Thomas, 2,4s Rand, Henry I.., 22s Percy A., 20 Raymond, Alice s., 219 Richards, Walter I-:.. 2,10 Wm. I!.. 319 Richardson, Bertha, 2,1s Rimmele, Annie. 1102 Robinson, Deb. M., 127 Fred'k L., 12s DEPOSITIONS. [Robinson] Helen E., Roby, Isabel, Rodman, Edw. M., Rolland, Anna P., Edw. A., Ross, Annie A., Charles, Charles A., James A., Joseph, Russell, C. Elmer, John I., Shattuck, Emma J., Harrie E., Shedd, George, Shepard, Sarah C. Shumway, Mary E., Small, Edward L., Smith, Addie L, Alfred C, Asahel II., Carrie M., Fred'k E., Harry T., Lewis I)., Southgate, Helen L,, Spaulding, Alice, Frances G., 126 Stimson. Elsie H., 150 166 Tat't, Adelaide S., 218 47 Arthur G., 218 237 Bertha L., 92 238 EllaL., 123 163 Frederic A., 93 165 Talbot. Eugene, 87 163 Frank W., 122 162 Garaf elia A. ,231 164 Tapley, Alice I., 07 156 Thayer, Clara, 350 155 Jennie A., 41 201 Thomas, Edmund S., 339 202 Towle, Herbert A., 154 125 Eliz. P. C, 331 2:12 Trefrey, Nellie F., 349 124 Win. F.. 353 15!) Tucker, Isabel H., 49 351 Marion F., 292 352 Vautrinot, Frances, 365 236 Ward, Ella E., 290 65 Frank II. R. , 2S9 95 Weatherbee, Fred'c, 4 14 Weathers, Emma F, , 15:; '.15 George A., 152 0!) Weeks, Albert L., 7 !)4 Carrie H., 6 94 Fred'k C, 6 Weld, IdaF., 158 Wentworth, Clinton, 116 Frances A., 115 Jere N., 114 Katherine, 113 Susan I., 112 Wheelock, Susie I)., 46 White, Charlotte P., 342 Warren W., 354 Whiting, Edwin, 106 Henry O., 148 James C, 121 Martha E., 120 Wight, Abby L., 89 Fred'k II., 190 Williams, Henrietta L, 18 Henry L., 19 Wilson. William H., 291 Winslow, George E., 364 Walter S., 35S Withington, AlbertM., 34 Medora I., 33 Waldo P., 119 Wolcott, Paul, 25 Woods. Fred'k C, 147 Woodbury, Mary M., 234 Worthington, Ellis, 200 A LIST OF BIRTHS printed ix this volume The Original Returns of which have Recently Been Made. Becker, Josephine P. Bestwick, George Henry. Isabel Augusta. Brooks, Caroline. Frederic Warren. Chamberlain, George Morton. Deneef, Alice Genevieve. Dolan, Daniel J. Draper, < 'liarles M. Ellis, Florence A. Fales, Allied. Henry Xewman. Finn, Matthew James. Fisher, Adaline Swan. < .alucia, Milton A. Gould, Gertrude May. Henihan, Mary Ellen. Horgan, Catharine (.. Ellen J. Honora. Jeremiah. Joanna M. Mary E. King. Elmer Curtis. Kingsbury, Flora Matilda. Francis M. Lowey, Charles Francis. Mand'eville, Ellen. Thomas. Nolan, Mary. Page, Alfred Baylies. J 'aid, Susan Florence. Prince, James II. Jessie Newell. Smith, Benjamin F. Tail. Walter Edward. Tucker, Charles Herman. Wakefield, .lane Maria. Julius boss. Ward, Emily Isabella. Frank Cheever. Frederic P. Whiting, Cora Lizzie. < reorge I [enry. Sarah Prances. Wilson, George Edward. Woods. Francis William. PLACE INDEX. Xlll PLACE INDEX. [Cities and Towns in the United States] Abbott, 122. Abington, 67, 162, 163. Acworth, 120. Addison, 57, 58, 170. Albany, 49, 104. Albion, 13, 18, 04, 197. Alfred, 9. Alleghany City, 192. Alna, 140, 14:». Alstead, 41, 158. Alton, 02. Amesbury, 72, 140, 170. Amherst, 35, 55, 75. Andover, 0, 15, 19, 21, 30, 35, GS, 130, 148, 102, 10:;, 186, 102, 104, 100, 201. Argyle, 23, 20:]. Ashburnham, 5, 104, 204. Ashf'ord, 104. Ashland, 40, 202. Assonet, 80. Athens, 47, 50. Athol, 14, 14, 103. Athon, 122. Attleboro, 20, 54. 82, 83, 113. Augusta, 0, 45, 170. Bainbridge, 8. Baltimore, 174. Bangor, 177. Barnard, 44. Barnstable, 43, 106, 179. Barre, 102, 189. Harrington, 84, 140, 165. Bath, 40, 141, 1GG, 102. Belchertown, 205. Belfast, 100, 112, 17::. Bellingham, 111. 137. Berkley, Hi:;. Berkshire, 102. Berwick, 131, 186. Beverly, 0, 4:3, 154, 155, ion. Biddeford, 03, 180. Black Rock, 105. Blackstone, 2, 104. 124, 127, 172. Bloomfield, 21. Bolton, 0, 70, 02. Bordingham, 0:;. Boscawen, 73, 1S7. Boston, on nearly every page. Bow, 04. Boxboro, 12, 57, 185. Boxford, 34. Boylston, 0. Bradford, 10S, 170. Braintree, 1, 14, 35, 41, 42, 78, 102, 106, 100, 187. Brewer, 203. Brewster, 141, 184. Bridgewater, 2, 50; 63, 05, 121, 141, 155, 150, 157, 170, 184, 203. Brighton, 28, 103, 170. Brimfield, 71, 112. Bristol, 22, 77. Brom field, 1S4. Brookrield, 02, 75, 157. Brookline, 40, 65, 71, 84, 10'.), 122, L28, LSI. Brooklyn, 0. 21, 73, 103, 180, 181. Brookville, 25. Brunswick, 15, 10, 100, 117. Buckfleld, 8, 20, 135, 145. Buckland, 83. Buffalo, 1, 100. Burrellville, 7. Buxton, 5. Cabot v die, 181. Calais, 20, 135, 105. Cambridge, -'. 3, 1 1, 20, 21, 28, 36, 10, 48, XIV D ED HAM RECORDS. 55, 75, 78, 7!>, 91, 98, 106, 155, 158, 176, 177, 193, 199, 202. Camden, 91. Canaan, 6;;. Canton, 0,12, 20, 21, 34, 37, 43, 4!), 59, 03,64, • 17, 74, 79, 101, 103. 120, 121. 122, 140, 111. 151, 152, 155, 156, 172, 17;:. L76, 17s, 179, 190, 191, 197, 198, 199, 203, 204, 205. Carlisle, 168. Carrael, SO. Castine, 98, 163. Catskill, 26. Chaplin, 129. ( harlemont, 196. Charlestown, 4, 5, 10, 12, 20, 21, 31, 46, 48, 68, 77, si, 97, 103, 113, 127. 143, L54, 165, 171, 176, 181, 193, 19S. Charlotte, 57, 70, ITS. Charlton, 131, 147. Chatham, 5, 11, 61, 74, 77, 88, 1.32, 133, 14C, 100, 101, 178, 184, 1S7, 192, 203. 205. Chelmsford, 163. Chelsea, 28,46, 71, 121, 136, L78, 193. Cherry field, 70. Chester, 5, 62, 172. Chesterfield, 139. Chicopee, 64. Chillicothe, 1. China, 2, 58. Chittenden, 98. Cincinnati, 70, 171. Clapville, SO. Clan 'in out, 88, 165. Cleveland, 5. ( lohasset, 48, 70, 153, 189, 202. Cohoes, 1 1 1. Colchester, 5. Colerain, 188, 199, 200. Columbia, 196. Comstock, 40. Concord, 1. 7::, 88, 17'.', L86. Conville, 165. Conway, 9, 145. Cooks Corner, 70. Corinna, '•'. Corinth, 75. Cornish, 176. Coventry, 16S, ISO. Craftsboro, 59. Craftsbury, 174. Cranston, 22, 78. Cumberland, 105, 175, 181. Dalton, 170. Danbury, 166. Danvers, 0, 14, 29, 43, 77, 82, 146, 159, 196, 201. Danville, 45, 196. Dayton, 59, 89. Deer Island, 74, S3. Deerfield, 31, 32, 86, 195. Denmark, 11. Dennis, 87. Depere, 10:'.. Detroit, 57. Dexter, 161, 1S4. Dighton, 34. Dixfield, 163. Dorchester, 1, 3, 6,7, 9, 13, 14, 16, IS, 19,20, 23, 27, 40, 42, 45. 40, 48, 51, 60, 62, 65, 81, 84, 85, 89, 97, 98, 99, 101, 102, 110, 113, 120, 122, 128, 131, 134, 139, 141, 147, 152, 150, 103, 165, 100, 108, 192, 203. Douglass, 102, 157, 181. Dover, 3, 6, 16, 17, 30, 35, 57, 71, 81, 85, 95, 131, 133, 130, 146, L58, 165, 167, 174, 176, 177, 178, 188, 189, 191, 202, 203, 205. Dracut, 143, 144, 193, 204. Durham, 59. Duxbury, 67, 89, 91, 104, 121, 155, 169, 172. East Haddam, 168. East Middleboro, 30. East Templeton, 136. Easton, 24, 40, 49, 58, 64, 84, 87, 154, 188. Eastport, 14, 91, 104, 141. Edgartown, 137, 168. Egremont, 48. Ellington, 133. Elliot. 172. Ellsworth, 21, :;7, in. Epping, 29, 47. Epsom, 34, 1S9, 196. Exeter, 39, 73. Fairfield, 35, 58. Pairhaven, 35, 171. Fairlee, 31, PLACE INDEX. XV Fall River, 40, 62, 88. Falmouth, 78, 178, 184. Fitchburg, 28, 52, 150, 204. Foxboro, 12, 22, 29, :'.T. 59, 74, 90, 156, 180. Framingham, 29,.75, 154, 199, 201. Francestown, 78. Franklin, 57, 71, 75, 84, 88, 97, 105, L36, 139, 197, 205. Freeport, 27, 29. Freetown, 12. Friendship, 44, 15S, 174, 202. Frostburg, 159. Gardiner, 21, 63, 105, 129, 154, 178, 204. Gardner, 82, 204. Georgetown, 66, 1S5. Gill, 127. Gilmanton, 39, SO, 82, 100, 148. Gilson. SS. Glenham, 96. Gloucester, 13, 49, 103, 170, 170, 186, 104. Goldboro, 86. < rorham, 55, 89. Goshen, 105. Grafton, 98, 181. Granville, 0:5. Greenland, 82. Greenport, 50, 91. Greensboro, 59. Greenwich, 157. Greenwood, 11. Groton, 21, 115, 122, 175, 200. ( Jroveland, 5. (J nil lord, 84, 100. Halifax, 11, 15, 34, 54. 82, 178, 186, 190. Hallowell, 5/30, 33. Hamilton, 103. Hampden, 158. Hampton, 0. Hancock. 19, 176. Hanover, 12, 1 06,1187. Hanson, 41, 83, 100, 106, L90. Harford, 118. Harmony, 201. Harpswell, 2. Harrington, 196, 20:5. Hartford, 168. Hartland, S4. Harts Falls, 193. Harvard, 66, 163. Harwich, 169, 176. Haverhill, 180. Hebron, 29. Henniker, 146. Herkimer, 17:!. Hill, 103. Hingham, 12, 18, 68, 74, 04, 96, 120, 144, ISO. Holden, 72. Holliston, 44, 07, 7s. Hopkinton, 107, 153, 199. Houlton, 47, 107. Howard, 181. Hudson, 27, 134. Hyannis, 10. Hvde Hark, 10, 25, 40, 04, 117, 139, 172. 187. Ipswich, 21, 30, 110, 133. Jamaica, 174. Jamesford, 161. Jefferson, 10, 62, 205. Johnson, 17, 162. Keene, 41, 102, 103, 173, 189. Kennebec, 190. Kennebunk, 82, 203. Kent, 80. Kingston, 6, 14, 20, 33, 04. Lancaster, 8, 99. Lawrence, 126, 143, 107. Led yard, 138. Lee, 84. Leicester, 179. Lenox, 203. Leominster, 106. Lewiston, 13, 15, 150. Lexington, 159, 170. Limerick, 15, 7::. 118, 152, 1S6. Limington, 18. Lincoln, 177. Lisbon, 5, 6, 13, 57. Litchfield, 6, 47, L63, 165. Littleton, 46, 52, 191. 193, 201, 203. XVI DEDHAM RECORDS. Livermore, 184. Lodi, 23. Londonderry, 193. Lonsdale, 23, 36. Loray, 103. Lowell, 3, 10, 34, 49, 53, 61, 80, 89, 140, 14:), L62, 172, 102, 105, 205. Lubec, 00, 154. Lunenburg, 3, 64, 153. Lynboro, 100. Lynn, 50, 77, 15:!, 105. Ma. 'Idas, 198. Madison, 89. Maiden, 48. Manchester, 64, 80, 00, 170, 177, ISO. Mansfield, 2, 3, 20, 43, 00, 78, 117, 144, 152, 155, 170, 177, 180. Maples, 178. Marblehead, 5, 44. 140, 152, 167, 190. Marion, 0. Marlboro, 75, 100, 102, 103, 107. Marshville, 186. Martha's Vineyard, 137. Mattapoisett, 3. Max held, 52. Maynard, 76, 186. Med held, 3, 5, 6, 10, 23, 37, 85, 104, 10S, 134, 141, 162, 163, 176, 179, 186, 188. Medford, 91, 98, 112, 136, 179. Medwav, 5, 11, 34, 02, 77, 07, 137, 158, 163, 177, 101, 201, 203. Melrose, 102. Melville, 32. Mendon, 07, 98, 133, 173, 184, 185, 186. Meredith, 5, 73, OS. 180. Merrimack, 164. Methuen, 2, o. Mexico, 57, 70, 78. Middleboro, 29, 104, 198. Mil ford, 54, 78, 98, 138, 163. Mill bury, 30. Miilville, 180. Milton, 1, 7, 0, 18, 19, 20, 21,40, 64, 66, 67, 72, 78, 80, 104, 111, 114, 131, 133, 136, 137, L38, 1 17, 155, 103, 166, 183, 184, 194, 195, IMS. 200, 205. Minot, 29. Monmouth, 163, 185. Monson, 6. Montpelier, 58, 153. Montville, 7, 3.1. Morgan, 173. Morristown, 102. Moscow, 52. Moultonboro, 33, 45. Mt. Vernon, 52. Mukwonago, 40. Munroe, 63. Mystic, 105. Nantucket, 40, 42, 89, 203. Nashua, 49, 84, 157, 164, 204. Nashville, 34, 181. Natick, 29, 66, 69, 103, 140, 141, 147, 154, 185, 201, 202. Naugatuck, S2. Needham, 1, 2, 16, 66, 68, 70, 75, 79, 114, 12::. 128, 131, 137, 154, 155, 174, 185, 186, 187, 190. Neponset, 39. New Bedford, 46, 61, 81, 82, 97, 102, 122, 171. New Castle, 71, 138. New Haven, 164. New Ipswich, 19. New Lisbon, si. New London, 66, 73. New Orleans, 3, 4, 14. New Portland, 138. New Sharon, 61, 100, 107, 162. New York, 5, 40, 44, 50, 67, 134. 152. Newburg, 7S. Newbury, 119. Newbury port, 74, 82, 86, 96, 202. Newfane, 193. Newport, 5, '.1, 82, 177. Newry, 6. Newton, 5, 12, 15. 59, 01, 75, 78, 01, 106, 12::, 134, 104, 108, 170. Norfolk, 34, 90, 124. North Adams, 165. North Bay, 202. North Bridgewater, 00, 185. North Easton, 40. North Oxford, 133. Northampton, 101. PLACE INDEX. XV11 Northboro, 30. Northhridge, 2, 100, 159, L96. Northfield. 74. Northwood, 155. Norton, 49, 177. Norway, 86, 137. 140, 157, 187. Norwich, 2, 66, 103, 105, lis, 148. Norwood, 6, 45, 74, 77, 98, 140, 155. Oldtown, 157. 191. Orland, 35, 70. Orleans, 77. 191. Orrington, 25. Oxford, lis, V.):). Paris, 19, 31, 34, 177, 185, 204, 205. Paterson, L54. Pawtucket, 15, 77, 97, 165. Peabody, 74. Peacedale, 134. Peacham, 157. Pel ham, 200. Pembroke, 14, 15, 22, 70, 180, 185. Peru. 97. Petersham, 102, 179. Philadelphia, 10, 24, 54, 68, 83, 94, 95, 105, 139, 145, Kit 1 ., 169, 17:',, LSI. Philipston, 105. Pioche, 107. Pittsrield, 27. Pittston, 105. Plaintield, 0. Plattsburg, 11. Plymouth, 3, 45, 1:57, 178, 186,191, 105, Plympton, 75. Pomfret, 13. Porter, 105. Portland, 20. 88, 01, 131, 137, 138, 14:;, 187. Portsmouth, 1, 87, 100, 110, 170, 100, Princeton, 102, 14:5. Providence, 4, 7, 21, 22. 20, 30, 35, 36 77. so. 82, 83, 110, 130, 135, 153, 165, L79, lso, 203. Provincetown, 37, 4::. Putney, 102, 147, 100. Quincy, 1, 83, 87, 110, 137, 140, 158, 193, 202, 204. Randolph, 1, 6, st, 152, 154, 166, 193. Raynham, 163. Reading, 20, 35, 79, 146, 156. Readville, lis, 175. Rehoboth, 156, 201. Richford, :). Richmond, :;:), 59, 102, 200, 20:5. Rindge, 104. Rochester, 3, 81, 12:;, 140, 202. Rockingham, 0;;. Rockland, 11s, 15:;, 2011. Rockport, 10, 100. Howe, lso. Rowley, 78, 196. Roxbu'ry, 1, 15, 10, 20, 21, 25, 30, 31, :!4, 37, 39, 41, 48, 49, 5:;, 01, 64, 67, 09 71. 80, si, 01. 02. 9o, 07, OS, 100, 101, 103, 105, 100, llli, lis, 125, 126, 127, 139, 142, 145, 140, 140, 150, 151, 154, 100, 102, 105, 170, 171, 172, 174, 180, 183, 1SS, ISO, 193, 104, 105, 10S, 202, Rutherford. 144. Rutland, 83. ,70, 102, 134, 15S, 182, 204. Saco, 2, 75, 170. St. Andrews, 13. St. Johns, 1. 5, :;:;, 34, 44, 54, 00. 128, 138, 157. St. Johnsburv, 20, 83. Salem. 17, 40, 68, 70. 04, 136, 139, 145, 155, 101. 175, 189, 104, 201). 204. Salisbury, 113, 156. Sanbornton, :52. Sand Lake, 1S4. Sandusky, 10. 00 Sandwich, 3, 7, 15, 20, 74. ' Sandy Hook, 100. Sanford, 01, 70, 114, 136, 159, 198. Saratoga, 20. Saugus, 156. Savannah, '31. Saxonville. 151. Schaghticoke, 99. 203 Schoharie, 136. Scituate, 14, 15, 31, 42, 88, 15:;. 155, 100, 170. Searsport, 3, 52, oo. 102. 17-, Seekonk, 2:;, 4:;, 54, 83, 137, 156, 157. ' ' Sharon, 9, 13, 24, 31, 57, 58, 04. 69, 82, o 4 121, 123, 129, 130, 154, 102, ISO, 183, 184, is:,, 1SS, 100, 200. -,9, Sherhorn. 40, 50, 64, 02, 133. 173' Shirlev. 155. ' Shrewsbury, 75, 108, 200. Sidney, 2. Smithtield. 51, 07. Solon, 75. 166, Somers, 147. Somersworth, 10s. Somerville, 47, 90, 156. South Hadley, 205. South Reading, 146. Southboro, 69. Spencer, 12. Springfield, 50, 139, 1 18, 154, 192, 199. Stafford, 205. Standish, 11. Stark. 84. Sterling, 57, 104. Stockbridge, 186. XV111 DEDIIAM RECORDS. Stoneham, 20, 165. Stoughton, II, 72, 78, 80, 99, 152, 176, 178, 190. Stratford, 67. Strong, 92, 114. Strongville, 92. Sturbridge, 37. Sudbury^ 20, 31, L62, 184. Sullivan, 60. Sumner, 07. Sunapee, 4. Suncook, 22, 17."). Surry, L85. Silt ton, 9, 18, 74, 181. Swampscott, 16. Swansea, 22, 78. Swanton, 13. Syracuse, 48. Tamouth, 19. Taunton, 4, 10, 29, 34, 41, 48, 51, 59, 70, 106, 119, 120, 121, 122, 170, 201. Temple, 07, 113. Templeton, 136. Tewksbury, 202. Thetford, 175. Thomaston, 110. Thompson. 13. Tisbury, 71. Tiverton, 6. Topsfleld, 78. Townsend, 86. Troy, 5, 103, 109, L63, 177. Truro, 20. Tul'tonboro, 57. Unity, 79, 83, 87. Upton, 162. Valley Falls, 52. Vassalboro, 80, 98, 124. Vernon, 10. Wakefield, 101, 1 16. Waldoboro, 85, L33, 202. Wallingl'ord, 191. Walpole, 1, 4, il, 7. L0, 12, L6, 20, 21, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 35, 49, 58, 02, (1:5, 69, 72, 75, 77. 78, S3, 84, 87, 91, 92, 98, 100, 100, 100, 111. ll.\ 110, 122, 12.-). 137, 141, 145, 157, 158, 102, 165, mo. 170, 170, ISO, 188, 100, L95, 196, 211:;, 201. Waltbam, 17. 10s. Ware. 72, L96. Wareham, 100, 200. Warner, 27. Warn 11. 122. Warwick, mi. Warwick Neck, 1. Washington, 1, 7, 31, 10:}, 103, 201. Waterbury, 82, L90. Waterford, 8, 01, so, 99, 121, 102, 104/177. Watertown, 04, 179. Waukegan, 12:5. Wayland, 21, 57. Wayne, 11. 92. Webster, 5. 58, 66, 84, 93, 181, 183, 101. Welltleet, 149, 184. Wendall, 174, 181. Wentworth, 9, 03, 00, 87, 165. West Bridgewater, 2, 3, 121. West Cambridge, 98, 168. West Newbury, 0. West Roxbury, 14, 18, 28, 30, 31, 32, 39, 51, 07. SO, 90, 92, 99, 102, 104, 100, 121. 122., 120. 127, 128, 129, 134, 142, 143, 146, 10:'., 185, 197, 200. West Springfield, 192. West Stock lirid ge, 186. Westboro, 94, 156, 190. Westbrook, 5, 104. Westerly, 76, 124. Western, 30, 106. Westfield, 165, 186. Westford, 84, 100. Weston, 01, 105, 160. Westport, 1 18. Westville, 67. Wethersfield, 101. Weymouth, 4, 20, 31, 100, 146, 172, 180, 202. Whitfield, 111, 163. Whitingham, 190. Whitneyville, 49. Williamstown, 100, 193. Willimantic, 18, 190. Wilmont, 98. Winchester, 150, 200. Windsor. 98, 100, 150. Winooski, 60. Winslow, 100. Winsted, 111. Winthrop, 45, 100, 158. Wiscasset, 11, 75, 154. 170. 202. Woburn, 13, 20. 11:;, 12,0, 151, 180. Woodbury, 02,. 195. Woodstock, 15, 29, 42, 70, 135, 165, 200. Woolwich. 100. Woonsocket, 8, 12,, 22, 50, 58, 59, 82, 99, 123, 132, 1 17. 152, 107, 174. Worcester, is, 96, 115. 139, 150. 107. 179. W rent ham, 5, 1 1, 2,:;, 52, 62, 63, 05, 00. 07, 77, 85, 02, 115, 12,:., 12.7, 143, 157, 162, 170, iso, L83, 190, 200. Yarmouth, 12,:,, 139, 101, 204. lork, 82, 185. ABSTRACT OF RECORD OF BIRTHS IN DEDHAM 1844 — 1890. ABBOTT. 27 Edward, of Geo. S. & Katie V. (Hogan), Washington X. Y., Ded., 3: 2: 83. 51 Fred'k Elmer, of Geo. S. & Katie V.. < tc. ut sup., 4 : 24 : 85. ABEL. 225 Amelia, of John A. & Annie M. (Halm), Germ., do., 0: 14: 60. 142 Lillian Henrietta, of John & Lizzie i Boessler), Germ., do., 3: 25 : 89. 06 Louisa, of Chas. & Martha (Hahn), Germ., do., io: 14: 63. 70 Rosa Eliz., of John and Lizzie, etc. ut sup., 7 : 2~> : 00. ACHORX. 88 Bessie Marian, of Francis Henry & Mary Frances (Glover), Walpole, Chilli- cothe O., 8: 21 : 82. ADAMS. 20 Ada Frances, of Benj. II & Elizabeth, , Ded., 2: 22: 45. si Albert, of Samuel & Eliza M., Portsmouth, Boston, 6: 24: 53. 76 Alden Hale, of Chas. A. & Emily (Trainor), Boston, do., 7: 20: 78. 18 Edward C, of John F. & Emma A. i Debbins). Quincy, P. E. I., 2: 22: 70. 20 John Q., of Benj. II. & Elizabeth, etc. ut sup. 11 : 10: 48. 87 Frank H. of Chas. E. & Ella (Fuller), R L, Xeed., 7: 20: 7:>. 20 Joseph F., of John F. & Emily A. (Debbins), Quincy, P. E. I., 2: IS: 80. Laura Ann, of Elias W. & Isabella \V. I Banks), Milton. P. E. I., 8: 00 : 63. 65 (B. at Dorch.) Linus Washman, of Linus W. & Isabella M. (Banks), Ran- dolph, P. E. I„ l: 27: 00. :; Sophronia Eliz., of Hiram A. & Sophronia B. (Kimball), Ded., do., 10: 2D: <;t. 5 Willie, of William (!. & Lillian C. (Bolt), Boston, Concord X. II., 1:11: 72. AECIITLER. 34 Barbery C, of Jacob Win. & Catherine C. (Jacobs), ;; >x., Buffalo X. Y., :l: 01 : 80. 45 Lillian Adelaide, ut' Joseph Win. & Catherine C. etc. ut sup. 4: 15: 82. AHLBORN. 22 Eliz., of Henry & Rebecca, > Fleming), Germ., St. Johns, 9: 15: 01. 54 Sarah Jane, of Henry & Rebecca, etc. ut sup. 4:1: 60. AIILBORT, ALBERT, A BERT. '.»:; Edwin E., of Jacob & Mary i Flint), Germ., Braintree Vt., 0: 10: 68. •".2 Emily Mary, of Jacob & Mary, ., of David & Hannah, etc. ut sup., 1: 17: 57. ALLEN. 118 , d. of Malcomb & Emma (Lewis), Ind., Cambridge, 1 : 25: 65. 156 Addie, of Augustus & Lydia ( Dooley), Mansfield Me., 3:8: 07. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 6 w> Annie, of Augustus & Lydia, etc. ut sup., :;: 8: <>7. 54 Ardelia, of Judson & Caroline (Snell), R. I., do., 8: 6: 66. 85 Arthur Q., of Macon & Emma (Levy), Ind., Cambridge, 10: 12: 67. 102 ('has., of Mason B. & Emma L. (Levy), Ind., Mass., 7: 11): 60. 81 Edith Irene, of Philander & Helena (Loomis), Richford Vt.. R. I., 7: 26: 89. 52 Emma L., of Macon B. & Emma L., Ind., E. Cambridge, 11 : 15: r>7. 308 Jennie G., of Samuel F. & Hannah (Ellis), Dover, Ded., :'. : 1 : 66. 159 Lizzie. . 175 Mary C, of John X. & Sophia, etc. ut sup., 11 : 21 : 75. 57 Thos. Joseph, of John X. & Sophia, etc. ut suj>., ."> : 2'.): 82. ALLISON. 104 John W., of James & Jeannette, Scotland, do., 4: 21 : 51. 10 Margaret James, of James & James (?), Scotland, do., 11 : S: 52. ALL WRIGHT. 28 Edward M., of Alfred & Sarah, Eng., do., 2: 22: 41). 7 Samuel A., of Alfred & Sarah, etc. ut sup., 12: 17: 44. 186 Sarah L., of Alfred & Sarah, etc. utsup., 3: 1:): 55. AMBORX. in Amelia, of George A: Barbary (Blakenus), Germ., do., 7: 20: •;•">. AMES. 7 Ahhie D., of Fisher & Virginia! Lee), Lowell, Xew Orleans, 9: 15: 71. 70 Edith Bulkley, of Theron Bigelow & Mary Loring (Meigs), Dorch., Matta- poisett, 5: 21 : 86. 7 Edith Eliz., of Frank F. and Minnie F. (Lorey), Searsport Me., Boston, 1: 10: !)(). 87 Emily Loring, of Theron B. & Mary L., etc. ut sup., 8: 23: 79. 2:5 ( B. at Mansfield) Fenno B., of Jason F. & Nancy ('., VV. Bridgewater, Mansfield, 9: 27: 54. 17 Fisher, of Fisher & Virginia, etc. ut sup., 4: 17: (it). 124 Geo. Bertram, of Theron B. & Mary L., etc. utsup., 11: 15: 87. 70 Lewis Prescott, of Theron B. & Mary L., etc. utsup., 7: l'.»: 83. 137 Theron Win., of Theron B. & Mary L., etc. ut suj>. 12: 17: 89. AMOS. 21 ('has. Gerrish, of Chas. B. & Nancy E., , , 12: 22: 45. AN DEUEL. 11 Clarissa, of Remigi & Clarissa, Germany, do., I 1 ): 17: 59. AXDERSOX. 12 (B. at Plymouth) Edward, of Henry & Sarah (Manuel), Boston, Sandwich, 2: 11 : sit. 1:; Ellen Augusta, of Elijah E. & Nancy, Maine, Lunenburg, 9: 20: 48. :;7 Margaret, of Timothy & Hannah A. (Fitzpatrick), Rochester X. Y., Ire., 4:2(1: 89. 4 D ED II AM RECORDS. ANDREW. 123 John, of Joseph & Ann (Lehan), Walpole, Ire., 7: 22: 71. ANDREWS. 7 , ,i. of Ichabod & . , , 8:7: 48. 10 i; , «i. of Ichabod & Lydia, Me., Taunton, 12: 3: 51. 1 Geo. Edward, of John 1). & .Mary I. (Wilson), Ded., do., 11 : 28:65. 2'.t Georgianna T., of Stanwood & Permelia, Me., do., 5: 12: 49. 22 Win. H., of John & Mary (Wilson), Ded., do., 10: 1 : 67. 27 Win. Henry, of Wm. G. & Ellen, , , 3: 2(5: 40. ANDROS. no Geo. Frederick, of Geo. & Mary E. L., Charlestown, France, 10: 4 :">'.). ANNIS, ANNISS. 54 Harry Gardner, of Elisha G. & Gertrude H. (Leonard), N. S., Ded., 6: 10: 90. ill May Louise, of Elisha G. & Gertrude Helen, etc. ut sup. (i: 18: 88. 70 Rosa, of Antoine& Catherine (Esek), Germ., do., 7: 20: 70. APPLETON. 27 Emma I., of Roswell & Sophronia (Flanders), Boston, Sunapee N. H. T 1 : (i: 70. 14. r » Samuel R., of Roswell & Sophronia (Flanders), Ded.. Boston N. H., 4:8: 08. ARDINI. 13 Frank Edw., of Stephen & Annie (Murray), Italy, Charlestown, 2:2: 80. ARMINGTOX. 174 Everett Fearing, of Joseph W. & Charinda (Fearing), Vt., Weymouth, :,: 25: 07. 124 Helen F., of Joseph W. & Charinda, etc. ut sup. 4: 12: 01). ARMSTRONG. '.is James Henry, of James W. & Julia E. (Draper), Canada, Ded., 7: 10: 75. It;.") Margaret, of Rohert & Catharine, Ireland, do., 0: f>: 48. is Richard S., of James W. & Edna J. (Draper), St. John N. B., Ded,, 2: 7: 77. ARNIIEITER. OS Louise Amelia-, of Joseph & Minnie (Lindig), Germ., do., : 30: 80. ARNOLD. 138 , d. of Charles & Adelaide, Switz., Germ., !»: is: .v.. 17.". Alfred Henry, of C has. & Adelaide, etc. ut sup. 6: 9:59. 17 Arthur Henry, of Arthur II. . ARTHURS. !>_' John S., of James & Margaret (Kilpatrick), Ire., do., 12: ."> : 69. 31 Win. II.. of James & Margaret l Kilpatrick), Germ., do., '•>: 5 : 65. ASSEL. 99 Wm. Adam, of John A. & Anna M. I Ilahan). Germ., do., [2: 4: 71. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. O ASSMUS. 51 Clara, of Joseph & Katherine(Kunkel), Germ., do., 6: 12: 90. ATEN. S4 Helen Morgan, of Henry F. & Helen F., Groveland X. Y., Meredith X. H. 4:2: 59. 16 Marion Balwin, of Henry F. & Helen F., etc. ut sup. 4 : 22 :,58. ATIIERTOX. :; , s. of Patrick & , Ireland, — -, 7 : 14 : 48. ATKIXSOX. 126 Margaret P., of Kinsman & Dorothy W.. Buxton, Me., Ashburnham Me. 2: 22: 51. AUSTIX. 103 Adabert M., of James & Caroline. Newport R. I., Chatham, 2: IS: 51. 210 Charles H., of John S. & Harriet, Hallowell Me., Ded., 4: — : 55. 27 Floretta C, of James & Caroline, R. I., Chester. 1 : 14 : 4!). AVERY. 118 (B. at Barre) Mary A. C, of John C. & Maria II., Marblehead, Colchester Vt.. 3:10: 51. AVIS. 117 , s. of John & Eliza, Lisbon Me., Charlestown, 12: 21: 57. AYER. 125 Albert Edw., of Jacob & Julia (Hodges), Eng., do., 4: 15: 74. BABCOCK. 42 Millie Francis, of Francis L. & Frances J. (Daniels), Medfield, Medway, 4: 17: 81. BACH. 131 George, of Geo. & Susanna, Germany, do., 11: 1: 54. 129 George, of George & Susanna, etc. ut sup., 11: 1: 55. BACK. 202 Mary Louisa, of Theodore & Miriam, Germany, England, 6: 27: 5S. BACKUP. 117 Emily J., of Robert & Sarah (Nickerson) Wren., Chatham, 7: 17: 60. BACKUS. 87 Jean Wallace, of Arthur Mann & Lizzie Jennings (Burton), Troy X. Y., Cleveland O., 8: H : 82. 51 Marjory Leslie, of Arthur Mann & Lizzie Jennings, etc. ut sup., 4: 30: 85. BACON. 13 , s. of Charles & , Westbrook, .Me., St. Johns, 1 : 17: 56. 30 Arthur W., of George M. & LydiaJ., X. Y. City, Ded., 7: 12: 57. 63 Chas. Henry, of George M. & Lydia Jane, etc. ut sup., 10: 25: 59. 203 Eugene Smith, of George X. & Lilly J. (Smith), X. Y., Ded., 7: 15: 70. 121 GeorgeH., of George & Lydia, X. Y.. Ded., 7: 3: 54. 5 Grace Little, of Silas E. & Sarah L. (Adams), Newton, Boston, I: 11: 82. 96 Jennie Frances, of Arthur Williston & Alma Ellaetta (Chadwick), Ded., Webster, 9: 20: 81. 6 DEDHAM RECORDS. 00 John Morse, of Silas D. & Maria E., Danvers, Ded., 11 : 2: 50. 29 Samuel Curry, of Silas I). & Maria E., etc. ut sup., 9: 16: 58. llii Silas Coleman, of Silas E. & Sarah L., etc. utsup., 10: 26: 70. 12 Williston C, of Arthur W. & Alma E., etc. ut sup., 2:1: 80. BAGLEY, BEG LET. 168 , d. of Martin ^ Bridget (Hare or Haiver), Ire., do., 0: 20: 71. 30 Fannie M., of Sumner & Ella (Polleys) Dorch., Walpole, 5 : 31 : 68.. 213 Frank J., of Clinton & Mary, Dorch., Methuen, 12: 10: 58. 26 Margaret, of Martin & Bridget etc. ut sup., 11 : 11 : 58. 100 Mary, of Martin & Bridget, etc ut sup., 4: 10: 70. 120 Mary Ann, of Martin & Bridget, etc. ut sup., 11:11: 56. 76 Susan, of James & Mary (Anderson), Ire, do., 10: 20: m. 122 Willie, of .Martin & Bridget etc. ut sup. 5:1: 68. BAILEY. 12:; , s. of Chris'r T, & Henrietta A. (Sawin) Kingston, Randolph, 11 : 10: 70s 151 Albert, of Albert & Martha (Higgs), Me., N. II., 2: 14: 70. 83 Edward, of Albert & Caroline A. (Draper), Me., Ded., 3: 10: 70. 17 Frank Eugene, of Charles & Julia A., Litchfield Me., Lisbon Me., 7: 27: 53. 11 Frank S., of Christopher T. & Henrietta A. (Sawin), Kingston, Boston,. 2: 26: 72. 162 Franklin ()., of Frank E. & Lizzie F. (Nask), Ded., Beverley, 10: — : 75. 105 Henry Holloway.of Benjamin H.& Emily (Sampson), Bolton, Ded., 10: 2: 67. m [rving, of Oscar S. & Mary N. (Currie), Norwood N. Y., 7: 4: 86. 49 .lames T.. of Augustus and Melindti, W. Newbury, do., 8:8: 57. 28 Oscar, of Charles »S: Julia, etc. ut sup., 4: 17: 55. :u Oscar lien wick, of Oscar X. & Mary (Currier), Norwood, Brooklyn N. Y., 3: 24: 84. 107 Selina, of i3enj. II. & Emily S. (Sampson) etc. ut sup. 11: 24: 65. BAKER. 72 , d. of Robert E. & Mary E. (Snow), Ded., Danvers, 12: 14: 63. 88 Allston, of Fred'k A. & Mary E. (Shaw), Kingston, Canton, 8: 27: 85. 11 Anna, Smith, of Lusher G. & JEliz. P., Ded., Tiverton Ii. I., 9: IS: 52. 8!) Arthur Clifton, of Willie W. & Viola L. (White), Ded., Monson, 8: 24: 80. 152 Carrie M., of Geo. & Ellen (Smith), Ded., Medtield, 3 : 4 : 6!). 107 Chas. G, of James 15. & Martha (Baker), Ded., do., 3: 10: m. 77 Charles Dexter, of Dexter & Harriet, , , 7:4: 45. l.M Chas. Herbert, of Alfred E. & Mary C, Ded., do., '•>: 7: 58. 87 Clifton Prentice, of Francis W. & Lucinda (Stowe), Ded., Newry Me., 5: 4: 50. 126 Edith Josephine, of Eustice & Laurinda A.. Ded., Plainfield N. 11.. G: 17: 58. n;s Edna S., of Timothy & Hannah (Baker), Ded., do., 1 : 22: 54. 30 Edward S., of Lusher G., dr. cv Adeline S. (Fisher), Ded., do., 3: 16: 80. 10J Edwin, of Dexter & Mary M., Ded., Dover, 1 1 : 8: 53. 109 Ella Eustatia, of Eustice and Laurinda A., etc. ut sup. 1 : _:'»: 53- 86 Ellen T., of Alfred & Maria, -, , 7: 20:46. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 7 39 Emeline h\. of Eustis & Laurinda A., etc. ut sup. l : 28: 52. 63 Emma Jane, of David A. &Jane, , , 12: 20:45. 15 Ernest Jesse, of Dexter A: Isabel (Edwards), Ded., London Eng., 1 : 30 : 79. 1ST Fanny Eliz., of Francis M. & Sarah E. Morse), Ded., do., 12: 28: 58. 92 Florence Adeline, of Willie W. & Viola L., etc. ut sup. 8: 29: 82. 62 Frank Irving, of Fred'k A. A: Mary E., etc. ut sup.. 7: 15: 87. 100 Fred. A., of Chas. R. & Sarah E. (Smith), Prow, R. I., Walpole, 10: 6: 66: 53 Fred Eugene, of Robert E. & Mary E., etc. ut sup. 6: 28: •">•">. 177 Fred'k R., of James 1?. & Martha, etc. ut sup. 7: 12: 07. 79 Gertrude May, of Fred R. A: Grace E. (Metcalf), Ded., do., 8:16:87. 2 Granville \V.. of Willie W. & Viola L., etc. ut sup. 1:6: 87. 128 Harold Nelson, of Dexter & Isabella E., etc. ut sup. 11 : 28: 87. 80 Helen E., of Joel & Elizabeth, , , 1 : l(i: 48. 119 Henry Stowe, of Francis W. & Lucinda, etc. ut sup. 12: S: 57. 21 Jacob C, of Christopher and Dorothy, Germany, do., 12: 2: 55. 52 Jennie Brown, of Win. & Jennie G. (Brown), Ded., Montville Ct., 5: 10: 81. CO Joseph Ward, of Chas. Dexter & Rachel (Robinson), Ded., Dorch., (i: 2S: S8. 02 Laura Adelaide, of Timothy & Hannah, etc. ut sup. 1 : 10: 50. 00 Lusher Gay, of Lusher (i. & Eliz. P., etc. ut sup. 9: 15: 50. 82 Mabel Frances Annie, of W. II. s. & Mary Charlotte Bertha (Schuster), Sandwich, Washington D. G, 7: 25: 88. 32 Martha May, of Lusher Gay, dr. & Adeline Swan, etc. ut sup. 3:2: 82. ::7 Mary M., of Dexter & Mary M., etc. ut sup. 0: ID: 51. 174 Obed, of Dexter & Mary M., etc. utsup. 12: Hi: 4'). 70 Olive M., of Eleni & Olive II., Harwich, do., 1:7: 4'.). 32 Ross Wakefield, of Clifton P. & Jane M. (Wakefield), Ded., do., 4: 10: 76. 185 Sarah Lizzie, of Timothy & Hannah, etc. ut sup. ~: 0: 60. 114 Victoria Isabelle, of Dexter & Isabella, etc. ut sup. 10: '.»: 82. 1 Walter, of Chas. I). & Rachel R. (Mclntire), Ded., Dorch., 1:1: 86. 102 Walter Granville, of James B. & Martha G., etc. ut sup. 0:4: 72. 176 Wm. F., of Francis M. & Sarah E.. etc. ut sup.. 12: 16: 62. 105 Willie W., of Eustis & L. Adeline, etc. ut sup., 4: 30: 50. BALL. BALD. 20 , s. of James & Lydia (Johnson), Ire., Boston, 12: 28: 02. 88 George W-fof John B. & Sarah D., Vt., Milton, 0: 15: 45. _ 1:5 Mary Emma, of James & Lydia, etc. ut sup., 12: 2:!: GO. '.»4 Theodore T., of John 15. & Sarah I)., etc. utsup., 11: 17: 48. II ALLOC 10 Daniel, of Sylvanus A Tryphena, , -, 2: 15: 48. 4«> Mary E., of Sylvanus A Tryphena, , , 10: 28: 46. 113 Sylvanus, of Sylvanus & Tryphena, Burrellville R. I., Ded., 7:11: 55. 114 Tryphena, of Sylvanus A Tryphena, <:!<■■ ut sup., 7:11: 55. BANER. 27 Paul, of Frank & Maria (Melhorn), Germ., do., 7: io: 7:'.. BANWELL. 119 Patrick A , of Michael A Bridget (Foran) Ire., do., :'. : 17: ''.7. o D ED HAM RECORDS. BARNES. 103 , s. of 0. C. & Caroline, Vt., Ded., 11: 10: 59. 154 Bertha E., of O. O. & Caroline (Ellis), Vt., Bed., 8: 11: 63. 35 Ellen L., of Edward & Catharine, , , 12: 2: 46. BARR. 69 Frances Ann, of Henry & Frances A., Ky., Buckriekl Me., 4: 28: 57. 88 Frederick S., of Henry II. & Frances A., etc. ut sup., 8:9: 58. BARRATT. 117 Mary, of Patrick & Sarah (Smith), Ire., do., 4: 5: G7. BARRETT. 32 Alice J., of Michael J., & Bridget (Barcy), Bed., Woonsocket R. I. 3: 14: 77. 6 Caty, of Thomas & Margaret, Ireland, do., 1 : 24: 56. 10 Edward, of Thomas & Margaret (O'Keil), Ire., do., 8: 3: 66. J04 Edw. Barcy, of Michael J. cSi Bridget L. (Barcy), Bed., Waterford, 10: 9: 83. 11 James, of Thomas & Margaret, etc. ut sup., 8: 3: 66. 110 John, of Thomas & Margaret, etc. ut sup., 12: 5: 58. 70 Katie, of John & Mary A. (Templey), Bed., do., 7:6: 85. 90 Margaret, of John F. & Mary A. (Temperly), Bed., do., 8: 12: 88. 82 Martin, of Thomas & Margaret, etc. ut sup., 1 : 15: 62. 127 Michael, of Thomas & Margaret, etc. ut sup., 12: 10: 52. 59 Sarah, of Thomas & Margaret, etc. ut sup., 8: 22: 71. 115 Thos., of Thos. & Margaret, etc. utsup., 12: 23: 60. 182 William, of Thomas & Margaret, etc. ut sup., 7: 18: 68. 99 Wm. Joseph, of Michael J. & Bridget L., etc. ut sup., 9: 16: 85. BARROWS. 91 Thos., of Edw. & Jeannette (Bishop), Bed., Bainbridge N. Y., 9: 15: 60. BARRY. 114 Ann Maria, of John & Bridget, Ireland, do., 3: 27: 53. 131 John Wm., of Paul & Mary J. (Bawson), Ire., do., 12: 17: 80. 110 Paul, of Paul & Mary Josephine, etc. ut sup., 10: 30: 83. BARTHOLOMY. 181 Christine, of Lewis & Elizabeth, Germany, do., 6: 19: 58. 15 ART LETT. 31 , d. of Ephriam C. & , , , 3: 20: 49. 110 Fanny Eliza, of Henry & Mary, Bed., do., 5: 4: 54. 147 Ruth L., of Henry N. & Sarah J., (Craigin), N. H, Boston, 1 : 26: 71. BARTON. 19 Anson T., of Harford & Harriet, , , 9: 8: 40. BASCOMBE. 153 Frank Herbert, of Timothy J. & Julia R. (Hyde), Vt., Lancaster, 4: IS: 60. BASSING. 70 Catherine, of Adam A: Catherine (Sisler), Germ., do., 4: 2: 01. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 9 BATCHELDER, BATCHELOR. 230 Frank Herbert, of James L. & Mary J., Hampton X. It., Corinna Me., 9: 4: 60. 128 Lizzie Florence, of George L. & Josephine S. (Clifford), Conway, Went- wortli Me., '■'>: •'!: 71. BATEMAN. 174 , d. of Robert & Rosella (Meyer), , Germ., 7: 8: 69. 157 Edna, of Roselle & Esther (Richards), N. Y., Sharon, 11 : 13: 70. 2 Frank W., of Wm. & Harriet N., Newport N. Y., do., 2: 10: 55. BATTLES. :]7 Henry, of John & Mary (Bathouse), Germ., do., 2: 2C>: 05. BAUER— BAUR. 155 , s. of Frank & Mary, Germ., do., 7: 16: 73. 117 Paid, of Augustus & Amalie, Germany, do., 3: 4: 53. 85 Paul, of Frank & Mary, etc. ut sup., 7: 18: 74. 151 Rosa, of Henry & Margaret, Germany, do., 9: 22: 59. 54 Willy, of Edward & Welhelmene (Bagman), Germ., do., 0: 25: 87. BAUMGARTEN. 91 Gertrude Hildegarde, of Lothar Oswald & Thusnelda (Schulz), Germ., Boston, 8: 18: 89. BAXTER. 48 (B. at Chicago), Mary E., of Win. & Mary (Fahy), Ire., do., 6: 29: <'»4. BAYER. 12:! Annie, of Jacob & Katie (Mara), Germ., Ire., 7: 25: 70. BAYON. 11 , s. of Charles & Annie E. (Drayton), Andover, Ded., 12: 28: 70. BEACH. sit Reuel Williams, of Seth Curtis & Frances II., (Judd), Marion X. Y., Augusta Me., 10: '.): 84. :;ti Sylvester Judd, of Seth C. & Frances II., etc. ut sup., 4:7: 70. REAL. 175 Edward W., of Alden B. & Eliza A. (Tucker), Ded., Doreh., 5:4: 62. 156 Lizzie, of Alden B. & Eliz., etc. ut sup., 1 : 23: 71. 2 Walter S., of Henry & Mary, , , 9 : 20 : 40. 28 Walter S., of Henry & Nancy, , , 5: 24: 44. BEALS. in Laurie Bessie, of Walter S. & Eliza M. (Fairbanks), Ded., do., 4: 21: 70. BEAN. 105 Ada Maria, of Albion & Mary ]•:., . Mired Me., Milton, 9: 12: 52. 00 Charley, of Lucas & Caroline, Sutton X. II., Boylston, JO: 30: 54 7:; Geo. E., of Albion & Mary E., etc ut sup,, 10: 26: 48. tin Man Ella, of Albion & Mary E. etc. ut sup. L0: 12: 55. 102 Sarah S.. of James and Ellen E. (Hardy) X. IE, do., 8: 21 : 07. 10 D ED HAM RECORDS. BEARSE. 97 Chas. Francis, of Artetnas «fc Mary A., Hyannis, Ded., 12: 10: 52. 8(3 Geo. Henry, of Artemas & Mary Ann, etc. ut sup. 9: 24: 50. 28 Mary E., of Artemas & Mary A. etc. ut sup. 12: 15: 47. BECKER. 72 Albert Florian, of John & Margaret (Schillp), Boston, Phila. Pa., 6: — : 79.. 40 Ame, of Ludwig & Caroline (Young), Germ., do., 5:4: SO. 50 Amelia, of Ludwig & Caroline, etc. ut sup., 5: 5: 81. 193 Augusta, of Florian & Barbara (Zeikmer), Germ., do., 0: 10: 07. 178 (B. at Walpole) Charles, of Andrew cS: Eliz., Germ., do., 10: 2: 61. 124 Edith Barberry, of John & Margaret, etc. ut sup., 11 : fi: 82. 114 Edith Margaret, of John & Margaret, etc. ut sup., 11:7: 83. 40 Emma B., of John & Margaret, etc. ut sup., 4 : 17 : 80. 137 Frank Joseph, of Andrew & Eliz., ete. ut sup., 1 : 6: 50. 120 Fred, of John T. & Annie M. (Tully), Boston, Ded., 11 : 4: 87. 45 Joseph Andrew, of Frank J. & Theresa, 'Keehn), Ded., Boston, 5:4: 90. 140 Josephine E., of John & Margaret, etc. ut suj>., 4: S: 70. 103 Louisa, of Andrew & Eliz., etc. utsup., 4: 7: 57. 20 Ludwig Jose, of Ludwig & Caroline, etc. ut sup., 10: 13: 73. 190 Philippine, of Andrew & Eliz., etc. ut sup., 7: 5: 58. 9 Theresa, of John & Margaret, etc ut sup., 10: 7: 73. BECKETT. 80 Paul, of Bartlett G. & Ella M. (Dunn), Jefferson Tex., Me., 7: 28: 78. 11 Vincent B., of Bartlett (J. & Ella M., etc. ut sup., i : 23: 75. BECKFORD. 22 Daniel Rust, of Daniel R. Jr. & Jessie L. (Keltie), Charlestown, Scot.,. 2: 26: 88. •">:; Madaline Mary, of Daniel Rust, Jr. & Jessie L., etc ut s't/i. 5: 22: 80. BEESK. 90 (B. at II. Park) Daniel, of Christian & Ellen (Sullivan), Germ., Ire., 2: 22: 07. BEHR. 199 Maria Louisa, of Lewis & Maria, Germany, do., 8: 14: 59. BELANGER. 09 Jean Q., of Jean and Jeannette (La Souche), Canada,, do., II : in: 70. BELCHER. 121 Frank, of John E. & Sarah E. (Uorbett), Taunton, X. S., 11 : 23- 66. 1 13 Julia C, of John E. & Sarah E.. etc. ut sup., 2: 7: 72. 109 Selina M., of John E. & Sarah E., etc. ut sn/>. 2 : 28: 70. BELL. 120 Andrew, of John & Susan (Ilogan or Iloye), Ire., do., 11:1: 78. 185 John Patrick, of John & Susan, etc. ut sup, 12: 7: 7">. M Joseph, of John & Susan, etc. ut sup. 8: 14: 77. 72 Mary Ann, of John & Susan, etc. vt sup. 7: 12: si. :;i Tilton S., of Win. I). & Ida F. (Clark), Sandusky O., Lowell, 7: 20: 74. AH SIR ACT OF BIRTHS. 11 BELLON. 158 Eleanor Maria E., of John A: Mary, Germany, do., n : 23: 57. BENJAMIN. 96 Mary A. E., of John & Elizabeth, England, do., 4: 22: 52. 63 Robert J., of John & Elizabeth, etc. ut sup. 8: 9: 54. BENKART— BANKERT. 48 Albert Fred, of Peter & Emma J. (Weber), Germ., Ded., 5: 16: 89. 133 Francis Chas., of Peter and Emma J., etc. ut sup., 12: 17:86. BENKE. 47 Arthur Emil, of Henry & Emma I Bonaua), Germ , do., 5: 10: 88. 119 Emma, of Henry & Emma (Bourne), Germ., do., 11 : 8: 90. BENNETT. 70 Alfred, of John H. & Sarah A. (VVardle), R. I., Eng., 6: 28: 80. 10 Eleanor Matilda, of Wm. & Eliz. (Ross), Eng., N. S., 1:9: 88. 178 Frank A., of Aaron & Ellen M. (Draper), Wren.; Medway, 10: 14: 69. 44 Wm. W., of Wm. W. & Mary, N. H„ Standish Me., 12: 22: 56. BENWAY. 3 Geo. Arthur, of John W. & Catherine C. F. (Breney), Plattsburgh N. Y., Ire., 1:9: 81. BERNY. 134 Margaret, of Patrick & Sarah (Smith), Ire., do., 6: 22: 65. BERRY. 4 Katherine, of Gilson & Margaret (O'Brien), Denmark, Me., Cain!)., l : 6: 90. 07 Mary S., of Clark T. & Eli/a J., N. II., Halifax, 12: 30: 48. BESNAP. 46 Ido, of Benwar A: Sophia (Derulion), La Prairie, Ca., L'Acadie, Ca., 9: 27: 70. BESSE. 10 Albion Currier, of Wm. Henry & Laura Augusta (Prince). Wayne Me., Greenwood Me., 2:7: 81. BEST WICK. 5'.i Albert G., of Frederick L. & Mary, Medway. Wiscasset Me., 5: 15: 55. 14 Alfred Augustus, of Alfred A. & Mary A. (Johnson), Ded., Wiscasset Me.,. 11: 25: (10. is Chas. H., of Fred'k L. & Sarah Frances (Hubbard), Medway, Wiscasset, Me., 3:2: (57. 61 Estella, of Frederick L. & Mary, etc. ut sup. 4: 25: 50. 5:1 Florence Digby, of Edw. II. & Lena (Corbett), Me.. N. B., (J: 1:5: 90. 54 Frederick L., of Fred'k L. & Mary, etc. ut sup. 9:1: 52. 171 Ceo. Henry, of Alfred A. A: Mary A., etc. ut su/>. 11: 14: 65. 212 Isabel Augusta, of Alfred A. A Mary A., etc. ut sup. 5: 7: 59. Gl Isabel Marie, of Fred'k L. & Mary, etc. ut sup. 0: :; : 46. 2 Mabel, of Alfred A. & Mary A., etc. ut sup. 10: 30: oo. 8 Mary Prances, of Fred'k P. & Sarah P., etc. ut sup. 10: 30: 00. 12 1 NTellie M., of John & Cordelia, Medway, Chatham, 6: 19: 52. 12 DEDIIAM RECORDS. BEYER, BYER, BUYER. 126 Elizabeth, of Michael & Mary (Mead), Germ., Ire., 9: 27: 75. 65 John, of Michael & Mary, etc. ut sup. 7: 9: 77. 7 Julia, of Michael & Mary etc. ut sup. 1 : 4: 84. 110 Katie, of Michael & Mary, etc. ut sup. 4 : 17 : 71. 180 Leo, of John & Margaret, Germany, do., S: 19: 59. 62 Louisa, of Michael & Mary, etc. ut sup., 2:7: 7:!. 20 Mary Ann, of Michael & Mary, etc. ut sup., 11 : 10: G!>. 97 Mary Ann, of Michael & Mary, etc. ut sup., 9 : 15 : 85. BIBLE. 43 Frank, of Frank & Barbary, Germany, do., 8: 15: 55. BICKNER. 0:] Florence C, of Samuel It. & L. P., Boston, X. II., 10: 8: 48. BIDDLE. 114 Marian Ethel, of Thos. W. & Sarah E. (Eastwood), Eng„ do., 9: 18: 79. BIER. 190 Lewis, of Christian & Margaret, Germany, do., 9: 29: 57. BIERSTED. 4 George II., of Charles & Lucy, Germany, Freetown, 3: IS: 52. BIGELOW. 94 Alfred M., of Waldo & Cath. B. (Howard), Boxboro, Hing., 4: 1(5: 63. 11 Bernard L., of Lyman & Catherine, (Howard), , Hing., 7: 6: 68. 8 (B. at Boxboro) Caroline A., of L. Waldo & Cath. B., etc. ut sup., 3: 14: 53. 144 Lyman J., of L. W. & Carrie C. (Harwood), Foxboro, Hing., 7: 11 : 05. 116 Waldo II., of L. Waldo & Catharine B., etc. ut sup., (>: 19: .",. 70 Willie Arthur, of L. AValdo & Catharine B., etc. ut sup., 4: 10: GO. BILLINGS. 136 CoraE., of Albert & Jane (Draper), Xewton, Ded., 11: 20: 08. 139 Lester C, of Herbert W. & Sarah O. (Clark), Foxboro, Walp., 8: 31 : 71. 133 Mabel F., of Alfred E. & Frances E. (Pollard), Canton, N. Y, 12: 7: 85. 204 Marian E., of Elbridge & Martha A., Walpole, do., 11 : 29 : 59. BILLON. 149 John, of John & Mary, Germany, do., 9: 4: 56, BILLS. 129 , s. of Lewis A. & Fanny L. (Hutchins), Ded.. Hanover X. II., 12: 24: 57. 113 Fanny E., of Lewis A. & Fanny, etc. ut sup., 3: 27: 56. 27 Geo. L., of Lewis & Fanny L., etc. ut sup., 10: 17: 51. 180 Willis A., of Lewis A. & Fanny L., etc. ut sup., 9: 4: 03. BINGHAM. 47 Bertha L., of Thomas A. IL & Louise M. (Wright), Spencer, Ded., 5 : 1 : 7(». OS Edith Maud, of Thos. A. II. & Louise.M., etc. ut sup., 6: 27: 7'.». IS Eva M., of Thos, A. II. & Louisa M., etc. ut sup., l: 28: 78. 96 Ladora Stetson, of Oscar X. & Ann M. (Plaisted), Boston, Charleston, 9: 14: 85. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. IS 101 Lillian Marguerite, of Oscar X. & Annie M., etc. ut sup. 9: 9: S9. 127 Mary Olivia, of Oscar N"aylor & Annie Margaret, etc. ut sup., 12: 14: S3. 106 Sarah L.. of Frank J. ..v Nellie M. (Varrell), Boston, Me., : 30: SO. 100 Susie Winn, of Oscar Nailer A: Annie Margaret, etc. ut sup., 10: •">: 81. 151 HI). 7 Carrie Louisa, of Francis II. & Emily, Dorch., do.. ■): 7: 58. 80 Francis Henry, of Geo. M. & Sarah F. (Curtis), Ded., Me.,:): 6: 64. 1 Lyman E., of Francis II. & Emily, etc. ut sup., ."> : i<>: 54. 101 Walter F., of Francis & Emily, < /'•. ut sup., :> : :: : 52. MIX BY. •_':; Ada Ferry, of Joseph P. & Abigail Jane (Feck), Thompson Ct., Pomfret r Ct., 11 : : 50. BLANCHAKD. 8 Ellen, of Benj. «.v Jane C. (Morse), Sharon, Woonsocket, 8: ( .»: 65. BLANK. 168 Benjamin, of Joseph & Eliz., Germany, Switzerland, 7: 1">: 58. BLAXY. 167 Henry, of Henry & Mary, Boston, do., 1 : 2'.): :>:>. BLENUS. 8 Addie Maria, of Chas. W. & Vesta (Gates), Cornwallis X. S., Dorch. r 6: 2: 58. 131 Albert II., of Chas. W. & Vesta, etc. ut sap. 4: 29: 64. 177 Caroline, of Isaac W. & Olivia, X. S., Albion Me., .! : 4 : 55. 153 Chas. A., of ('has. W. & Vesta, etc. ut sup. 4:7: <>!>. 55 Eva Thurston, of ('has. W. & Vesta, < t<-. ut sup. 4: 30: 60. 77 Frederick, of Isaac W. A' Olive, St. Andrews, Albion. Me.. :; : -4: 51. 64 Frederick W. of Chas. W. & Vesta, etc. at su/j. 6: 16: .">7. 122 George, of Isaac \\ . & Olizia, X. S., Me., 7: 5: .">S. 133 Lillie M.. of Chas. A Vesta, etc. ut sup. <>: 17: <>7. ")7 Maria, of David & Caroline, X. 8., Dorch., 11 : 1 : ">4. 162 Marian Estelle, of ('has. W. & Vesta, etc. ut sup. 11 : 19: 70. I Mary Louise, of ('has. W. t v Esther G. (Gates), X. S.. Dorch., 4: 1H: 62. 4:.' Stanlej C, of David & Mary i Lawrenson), X. S., Eng., 11 : 11 : 70. 29 Willard Dixon, of David D. & Mary A. (Lawr iisoip. Cornwallis X. S.,. Lane. Eng., 10: 8:60. 14 DEDHAM RECORDS. BLODGETT. 59 Ellen Martha, of Edw. S. ct Martha A. E. (McDonnel), Athol, C. Breton, 6 : 14 : 89. 8 (B. at W. Rox.) Mary Jane, of Edw. S. & Martha A., etc. »/ sup. 1 : 20: 87. BLOOD. 70 Joseph, of John & Mary A. (Gargan), Canib., Braintree, G: 30: 78. BOEK. 54 Alfred Theodore, of Theodore & Miriam (Armstrong), Germ., Eng.. 8: 5:61. BOKELMAN. •~>>s Agnes A., of Ceo. R. & Mary C. (Hollingsworth), N. S., do.' 0: 27: 90, 8S Myrtle, of Geo. Itacie & Mary Catherine, etc. iit sup. 10: 21 : 81. 5 Inez A., of Elijah W, & Cora E.. etc. ut sup. 1:1: ss. BONNER. IS Edmond, of Dennis & Sarah, Ireland, England, 5: 9:55. 129 Ellen Gilbert, of Geo. G. & Catharine (Hersch), Bed., Scitnate, 4: 23:7:'.. BONNEY. 122 Charles, of Win. E. & Emeline, Bembroke, Bed., 9: 24: 57. 87 Daniel W., of Daniel & Cordelia C. E., Kingston, Eastport Me.. 1:4: 53. 4:; Daniel W., of Daniel W. & Eva M. (Wetmore), Ded., Clifton N. B., 5:7: S9. 14 Delia, of Daniel & Cordelia C. E., etc. ut sup., 3: 22: 45. 1()5 Eva Maria, of Win. E. & Emeline M., Danvers, Ded., 11 : 2: 53. 66 Florence Arabella, of Ceo. E. & H. Lizzie (Cheney), Ded., do., 7: 17: 90. 41 Florence C, of Henry C. & Florence B., (Bridge), Bed., New Orleans La., 8: 10: 69. 202 Fred. C. of Win. & Emmeline M., Danvers, Ded., 3 : 12: 55. 156 Geo. E., of Geo. E. & Catherine (Vinal), Pembroke, Scitnate, 7: 26: •'>•">. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 15 78 dract', of Henry ('. & Florence, etc. ut sup., 8: 8: 76. 22 Jennie Isadora, of Henry C. & Florence, etc. ut sup., 1:4: 7:;. '.•7 John, of Daniel & Cordelia C, < tc. ut sup., s: 29: 51. 38 John Henry, of Henry C. & Florence, etc. ut sup.,!: 30: 74. 115 Mary 15., of Henry C. & Florence, etc ut sii)>., <>: 20: 71. 98 Robert 1)., of Henry C. & Florence, < t<\ ut sn/i., 9: 25: 77. 71 Samuel Coney, of Daniel W. &Eva M., etc. ut sup., 7: 27: '.)(). 133 Willis Ellis, of Geo. <;. & Cath. M. (Hersch), Pembroke, Scit., 1: 28: 71. BON WELL. 59 Geo. A., of John & Mary Ann (Sullivan), Ire., do., 12: 22: (J(i. BOOTH. 42 , d. of John & Susan (Dawson), Eng., Ire., 8: 3: 61. BORER. SO Edwin T., of Charles II. & Anna, Andover, Dec!., 11 : 27: 57. BOS WORTH. 35 , s. of Francis & Betsy G. (Lewis), Ded., Brunswick Me., 12: 13: 57. 7S Albert W., of Isaac C. & Susan (Hasty), Halifax, Limerick Me., 9: 29: 49. '.is Chas. E., of Francis & Betsey, etc. ut sup., 9: 4: 07. 118 Edward II., of Francis & Betsey, etc. ut sup., 10: 0: 55. ii2 Geo. Edward, of Francis & Betsey G., etc. ut sup., 1:4: 60. 36 Herbert W., of Isaac C. & Susan, etc. ut sup., 2: 12: 57. 89 Jennie Bell, of Isaac C. & Susan, < h\ ui sup., ll : 2: 00. 122 Martha Ann, of Ambrose & Maria, Ded., Brunswick Me., 8: 9: 54. BO CLE. 47 Mary Matilda, of Henri & Margaret M., (Whiston), Canada, Ire., 6: 10: 87 BOLKKEK. 86 Anthony, of Anthony B. & Bertha, (Passick), Germ., do., 7: 8: 74. 1!< MIIXE.' 7 , s. of James & Lydia, Pawtucket, Sandwich, 8: 9: 50, BOUTELLE. 25 George F., of Geo. & Jennie (Miller), Vt.. X. V., 5: 24: 64. :)4 Thomas, of James & Eliza (Beal), Box., Mass., <;: :; : 65. BO WEB, BO WEBS. 56 Albert, of Francis & Mary (Mellhorne), Germ., do., 5: 22: 71. 4ii Annie, of Fred. Edw. & VVilhelmena(Bachman), Germ., do., 5: 2:;: 84. 170 Henry, of Henry iV. Margaret (Vanbronur), Germ., do., 10: 7: 02. 85 Oscar, of John E. & Catharine .Martin), Germ., Ire., 5: 6: 66. BOWKEB. 133 Ella F., of James & Harriet, Woodstock Me., Lewiston Me., 0: 13: 52. 35 Geo. II., of. lames & Harriet, etc. ut sup.,1: 25: 50. BOWMAN. 75 Jennie Charlotte, of Win. II. «fc Martha A. (Morse), Rox., Newton, 6: 29: 82. 79 Mary Ada, of Wm. II. & Martha A., etc. utsup.,8: 12: 90. BOYCE. 12 James s., of Thomas A: Margaret, Ire., do., s: 14: 51. 1G DEDHAM RECORDS. BOYD. Gl Charles Marshall, of Moses & Olive, Ded., do., 7: 21 : 55. 30 Ella Eudora, of Moses and Olive, etc. ut sup., 5: 27: 49. 19 Frank R.. of Moses & Olive, etc. ut sup., 8: (!: 47. 42 Fred Webster, of Moses & Olive, etc. ut sup., 10: 6: 53. 84 Gardner, of Moses G. & Harriet T. (Wolcott), Ded., Rox., 8: 3: 88. 10 Henry Willard, of Moses and Olive G., etc. ut sup. 11 : 16: 4."). 1G8 John Walter, of David & Elizabeth, Ded., Boston, 2: 12: 55. 56 Moses G., of Moses & Olive, etc. ut sup. 1:5: 52. 112 Robert St. Barbe, of Moses G. & Harriet T., etc. ut sup. 10: 20: 90. 41 Wesley Wolcott, of Moses G. & Harriet T., etc. ut sup. 4: 23: 86. BOYDEX. 100 , d. of James L. & Milly (Morse), Walpole, Ded., 12 : 4 : GO. 144 , d. of Ellis & Eliza M., Walpole, Medfield, 12: 29: 57. 1">1 ■, s. of Ellis & Maria (Smith), Walpole, Medfield, 12: 8: G9. 207 , s. of Ellis & Maria etc. ut sup. 1 : 8: 70. 133 Alman Eugene, of Ellis B. & Maria, etc. ut sup. 8: S: 70. 185 Arthur Eevvis, of James L. & Milly E., etc ut sup. 7: 24: 58- 128 Benj. L., of Hartshorn & Ursula Ann, Ded., Dover, 12: 10: 57. 73 Edward Francis, of Hartshorn & Ursula Ann, etc. ut sup. 5: 17: 44, 204 Ella, of Hartshorn & Ursula, etc. ut sup. n : 20 : 55. 203 Emma, of Hartshorn & Ursula, etc. ut sup. 11 : 20 : 55. 2 Emma Frances, of James L. & Milla, etc. ut sup. l : 15 : 50. 163 Frank E., of Ellis & Maria, etc. ut sup. 2 : 25 : 63. 72 Frank E., of Francis W. & Caroline E., Medfield, Me., 2: 15: 59. 37 James F, of James L. & Mille, etc. ut sup. 7: 24: 54. 41 Josephine A., of James Lewis & Milley, . etc. ut sup. 8: 21 : 46. 178 Loring II., of Hartshorn & Ursula Ann, etc. ut sup. 9:1: 48. 100 Susan Ursula, of Hartshorn & Ursula A., etc. ut sup. 9: 19: 53. BOYXTOX. 125 Annie M., of Franklin & Jennie (Winship), Need., Bruns. Me., 9: 5:66. BRACKETT. 43 Edgar Wilson, of Gilbert O. & Mary A. (Richardson), Swampscott, Dorch.,. 2: 14: 70. 112 Fannie J., of Gilbert O. & Mary, .etc. ut sup. 11 : 17: 70. l:::: Frances M., of Gilbert O. & Mary, etc. ut sup. 9: 11 : 73. 104 Geo. T., of Gilbert O. & Mary A. etc. ut sup. 11 : IS: 75. 84 Herbert Austin, of Gilbert O. & Man A. < !<■. ut sup. 8: 12: 71. BRADLEY. 134 , d. of Fred'k & Rosa L. (Hieland), Eng., X. Y., 12: 29: 78. 47 Frederic Henry, of Frederic & Rosa L. etc. ut sup. 4: 5: 75. BRADY. on Wm. John, of James & Margaret (Arnold), , Scot., 7:4: 81. BRAGE. 79 Susanna, of Michael A: Susan (Gaynor), Ire, do., 11 : 21 : 74. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 17 LKAMAN. 36 Albert Richmond, Of Daniel & Eliza, , , 7: 3: 4.j. 193 Edward, of Dennis A: Harriet, Ireland, Johnston R. L, 9:1: 57. 14:*, Lewis E., of Samuel L. & Josephine, Ded., Waltham, 12: 21 : 56. 186 Mabel Walcott. of Samuel L. & Josephine, etc. ut sup. 12: 24: 58. BRAMLEY. 155 Lorenzo G., of G-eo. & Christina ( Eilser), Germ., do., 3:4: 72. BRANDLI. 108 Emma, of Abraham & Adele (Studer), Switz., do., 11 : 6: 85. BR AXIGAN. 139 William, of Tims. J. & Ann (Crowley), Dover, Ire., 10: 20: 85. DRANNEN, BPENNAN. 37 Bridget, of Patrick & Mary (Carney), Ire., do.. 10: 19: 53. 40 Catherine Eliz., of John J. & Bridget M. (Kennedy), Ded., Ire., 5: 19: 87. 102 Edward, of James & Mary (Beaty), Ire., do., 9: 9: 62. 17 Eliza Jane, of Patrick & Mary, < tc. ut sup. 8: 6: 58. 17S Harriet Amanda, of Dennis & Harriet, Ireland, R. I., 8: 27: 59. 94 Ira J., of Timothy & Mary J. (McGloughlin), Ire., do., 8:8: 69. 141 .lames, of Dennis & Harriet, < tc. ut sup. 8 : 27 : 56. 7:: .lames, of Peter & Ann (Walker), Ire., do., 9: 21 : 67. 19 Jeremiah, of Patrick & Sarah, Ireland, do., 10: 8: 53. 56 John P., of Wm. & Catherine (Colgin), Ire., do.. 6: 13: 77. 23 John Wm., of John Joseph & Bridget M., ete. ut sup. 2: 23: 84. 52 Jonathan, of Patrick & Mary, etc. ut sup. 3: — : 51. 36 Mary A., of John J. & Bridget M., etc. ut sup. 3: 4 : 78. 58 .Mary Ellen, of Wm. & Catharine (O'Hare), Ire., do., 6: 12: 7 ( .». 57 Nelly, of Patrick & Mary, < tc. ut sup. 2: — : 56. 115 Nellie J., of John J. & Bridget M., etc. ut sup. 10:4: 7!). 171 Patrick, of Denis & Bridget (Connel), Ire., do., 3:1: 62. 62 Thomas, of Timothy & Mary J., etc. ut sup. 12: 19: 67. 124 Thomas, of Wm. B. & Catharine (O'Hare), Ire., do., 6: 18: 73. 84 Walter, of John Joseph & Bridget Mary, etc. ut sup. 8: 30: 81. 35 William, of Patrick & Mary, etc. ut sup. 8: 22: 61. 178 William, of Wm. & Catharine, etc. ut sup. 7 : 27 : 74. 04 Wm. Walter, of John Joseph & Bridget M., etc. ut sup. 0: 25: 89. BRASMAN, BRESNAHAN, BROSNAN. See also Breslin. 105 Nellie, of Daniel & Anna (McKennie), Ire., do., 5:3: 74. 117 Hugh, of Daniel & Johanna (McKenna), Ire., do., 10: 25: 7'.). 54 Mary A., of Daniel & Hannah (McKenna), France, Ire., ~>: 30: 77. BREED. L84 Dalton L., of Joseph B. & Frances A. C, Salem, Va., 2: 22: 59. BREEN, BREME. 62 Alice, of David & Mary (Crowley), Ire., do., 6: 3: 82. 45 Catherine Lliz., of David iV Mary, < tc. ut sup. ^7. 170 Charles, of David A: Mary, etc. ut sup. 5: 6: 73. 18 D ED HAM RECORDS. 103 Henry, of Daniel & Mary (Crowley), Eng., do., 2 : 4: 72. 139 .lames, of David & Mary (Crowley), Ire., do., 9: 11 : 7.">. 71 Joseph, of David & Mary, etc. ut sup. 6:7: 70. 81 Mary, of David & Mary, etc. ut sup. 8: 7: 80. 77 Walter Francis, of David & Mary, etc. ut sup. 8: 13: 87. 12 William, of David & Mary, etc. ut sup. 1 : — : 77. 122 Willie Clarence, of David & Mary, etc. ut sup. 11 : 18: 76. BRENT. 38 (B. at Boston) Anna Irene, of Hugh & Nelly L. (Cox), Eng., Ded., 4: S: 88. BRESLIN. See also Brasman. 84 Nellie, of Daniel & Hannah (McKennie), Ire., do., 5: 2: 73. BRETJER. 88 Ernst, of Anton & Amelia (Klenger), Germ., do., 0: G: 81. BREWSTER. 189 Fisk, of B. F. & Emily (Fisk), Me., do., 11:8: 61. BRICKER. 38 , s. of Fred & , , , — : — : 73. BRICKS. 27 Margaret, of John & Ann (Goff), Ire., do., 12: 30: 65. BRIEGEL, BRIEGEN. 107 Emma C. E., of Fred'c & Eliz. (Lorio), Germ., do., 7: 18: 75. 153 Wilhelmina, of Fred_& Eliz. (Lorio), Germ., W. Rox., 12: 8: 72. BRIEN. 58 Mary A., of John & Bridget, Ireland, do., S: — : 59. BRIGGS. 127 Maria M. A., of Wm. & Maria, Ded., England, 9: 12: 49. BRIGHAM. 03 Geo. E., of Wm. V. & Lilliore E. (Lillie), Wore, Willimantic, Ct, 5:1: 75. BRINDLEY. 140 Charles, of Lorenz & Christian (Ecker), Germ., do., 10: 20 : 74. 57 George, of Joseph & Bridget (Fagan), Hingham, Ire., 0: 11 : 88. 17 Joseph, of Joseph & Bridget, etc. ut sup. 2 : 7 : S4. 28 Lawrence, of Joseph F. & Bridget, etc. ut sup. 3:3: SO. 11G William, of Joseph & Bridget, etc. ut sup. 11 : 1 : 90. BROAD. 143 , s. of Horace & Maria, Albion Me., do., 9 : 14 : 52. 108 , s. of Salisbury & Mary J. (Kelly), Albion Me., Limington Me., 11:21: 54. 05 , s. of Salisbury & Mary J., etc. ut sup. 11 : 9: 58. 42 Ada A., of Salisbury & Mary Jane, etc. ut sup. 3 : 8 : 56. 191 Alice E., of Nath'l W. & Alice E. (Luce), Dorch., Me., 7: 31 : 04. 120 Amy Wellington, of Wm. E. A: Arabella A. (Faunce), Milton, Boston, 12: 14 : s:;. 45 Gustavus, of Salisbury & Mary J., etc ut sup. 2: 8: 01. 69 Eerbert Wilbur, of Wilder & Mary E., Milton, , 7: 11: 58. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 19 95 Herbert W\, of Xath'l W. & Mary E. (Poole), Porch., Rockport Me., 7: 11 : 60. 216 -Fenny, of Horace & .lane (Chandler), Milton, Ded., 8: 15: 60. BROADBACK, BROADBECK. 13 , s. of F re man & Bertha (Mayn), Germ., do., 12: 31: <»0. 166 Ferdinand, of Ferdinand & Bertha (Meyer) Germ., do., 12: 14: 65. 182 Frederick, of Earl F. & Bertha (Meyer), Germ., do., 12: 23: 70. 20 Frederick, of Earl F. & Bertha, etc. ut sup. 1 : 1 : 70. BROADBEXT. 113 Win. A., of .John & Mary, England, do., 5: 10: 52. BROCK. 18 , d. of J. M. & , , , 11 : 7 : 4S. BROMLEY. 78 Margaret, of Edward & Julia (Downig), Eng., Ire., 6: 3: 70. BROXSOX. 15 , s. of Alfred & Sarah A., Vernon Ct., Boston, 12: 3: 52. 106 Albert A., of Alfred R. & Sarah A., etc. ut sup. 11 : 23: 48. 23 Laura Elizabeth, of Alfred & Sarah Ann, etc. ut sup. 12: 10: 45. BROOK, BROOKE. 4 Martha .lane, of Mark & Jane, England, Scotland, 8: 18: 57. 2 Phebe, of Henry & Hannah, England, do., 2: 8: 52. BROOKS. 4!) Arthur B., of Edwin A. & Frances E. (Deering), Ded., Paris Me., 5: 16: 86. ill ('. Webster, of ('has. & Catharine M. (Webster), Ilorton X\ S., Cornwallis, X. S., 1: 10:72. 93 Caroline, of Lemuel A. & Eliza (Bickford), Boston, Tamouth N.H., 12:26:46. 22 Carrie Frances, of Geo. L. & Julia M. (Heffernan), Led., Boston, 2: 8: 82. ill Chas. Arch., of Chas. & Catharine M., etc. ut sup. 3: 23: 70. 71 Chas. Edw., of Edw. ('. & Hannah M., Hancock XT. II., New Ips. XT. II., 6: 29: 56. 68 Chas. S., of Lemuel A. & Eliza, etc. ut sup. 3: 12: 51. .".2 Edwin A., of Lemuel A. & Eliza, etc. ut sup. 10: 14: 44. 114 Edwin Deering, of Edwin A. & Frances E., < t<\ ut sup. ii: 16: 77. 41 Frank, of Geo. L. & Julia M., etc. ut sup. 5: 23: 87. 170 Fred'k Warren, of Lemuel A. & Eliza, etc. ut sup. 4: 22: 54. 52 Oeorge Lemuel, of Lemuel A. & Eliza, etc. ut sup. 7: 4: 56. 89 Gertrude E., of Henry II. & Etta M. (Crocker) Ded., Andover Me., S: 29: 87. 4 Henry Humphrey, of John II. & Ellen (Urry), Eng., do., 1:1: 61. 4 James Win., of John II. & Helen (Urry), Eng., do., 6: 29: 63. 108 Jennie Rosetta, of .John II. & Ellen, etc. ut sup. 9. 28: 65. 105 Joseph W., of Geo. & Julia, < tc. ut sup. 9: 13,: SS. 32 Michael, of Win. & Catherine (Caton), Ire., do., 12: 21 : 64. 67 Nellie, of Geo. L. & Julia, etc. ut sup. 6: 24: 80. 38 Susan P., of Edward C. & Hannah M., < tc. ut sup. ~ : 2] : 58. 121 Tlieo. Herbert, of Chas. A. & Madora ('. (Webster). Brown X. S., X. S., 6: 10: 71. 20 DEDHAM RECORDS. 154 Violet Leonora, of Marshall E. & Amelia S. (Angus), Cumberland, X. S., 4: 29: 71. 14-") William, ol'Wm. & Catherine (Conley), Ire., do., 12: 8: 61. 112 Win. Folger, of Lemuel A. & Eliza, etc. ut sup. 2 : 14: 40. BROUGHT03ST. 50 Daniel, of John & Ann (Fahy), Ire., do., 2: 10: 04. 48 Geo., of John & Ann, etc. ut sup. 10: 10: 00. 112 John, of John & Ann, etc. ut sup. 5: 11 : 57. 8 Josephine, of John & Ann, etc. ut sup. 11 : 2 : 09. 01 Mary, of John & Ann, etc. ut sup. 3: 10: 00. 171 Peter, of John & Ann, etc. ut sup. 1 : 25 : 08. 173 Sarah, of John & Ann, etc. ut sup. 9: 30: 55. BROWX, BROWNE. 79 Adella V., of Henry G. & Olive A. (Waldron), Canton Me., Buckfield, Me., 4:4: 58. 83 Alice, of Horace E. & Martha E., Portland Me., Ded., 11: 18: 55. 70 Amelia F., of Isaac & Jennett, Calais Me., Truro Me., 1 : 15: 57. 49 ("has. Henry, of Henry G. & Olive, etc. ut sup. 7: 13: 50. 120 Chester AVard, of James E. & Ella E. (Ward), X.B., Led., 11: 20: 90. 97 Edw. Otis, of Henderson (). & Mabel G. (Sweetser), Camb., Reading, 9 : 25 : 83. 101 Effie V., of Henry G & Olive A., etc. ut sup. 9: 10: 00. 55 Ella Eudora, of James E. & Ella E., etc. ut sup. 5:3: 85. 102 Erwin Elener, of Erastus & Eliza A. (Guild), Mansfield, Walpole, 4: 24: 03. 71 Harry Royce, of James E. & Ella E., etc. ut sup. 7: 2 : SS. 49 Helen Alden. of Horace E. & Martini E., Charlestown, Ded., 10: 11: 58. 81 James Ensley, of James E. & Ella E., etc. ut suj>. 8:5: 86. 1 Mabel P., of Geo. E. & Emma F. (Chatfield), Sudbury, Walpole, 1:2: 72. 100 Mildred Leslie, of Prank F. & Mary A. (Morrell), Boston, Rox., 10: 18: 84. 7 Morrell Ilines, of Frank F. & Mary A., etc. ut sup. 1 : 4: 8S. 77 X T ina, of Xath'i P. & Frances E., Calais Me., Saratoga X'. Y.. 9:4: 57. 41 Theo. Francis, of John C. & MaryL. (Vautrinot), Milton, Dorch., 4: 19: 83. 105 Thos. Blanchard, of (Jeo. E. & Ida (Thomas), Sudbury, Weymouth, 12: 1 : 84. BRYANT. 1 Edw. P., of Oliver P. & Mirena R. (Richardson), Stoneham, Wob. 4: 30: 01. 89 Oliver Converse, of Oliver F, & Minerva R., etc. ut sup. 0: 27: 03. BUCK. 159 Dorenda, of Anthony & Jane (McCue), Ire., do., 0:1: 68. BUCKIXGHAM. 117 , d. of S. II. & , Boston, do., 7: 12: 73. BUCKLEY. 32 , s. of Michael & , , , 3: 23: -49. 12 Daniel, of Patrick & Johanna (Buckley), Ire., do., 8: 10: 07. :;:; Gertrude, of Timothy & Winifred (Mooney), Ire., do.. 3: 3: 82. 21 Jennie, of Timothy & Winifred, etc. ut su//. 2: 17: 80. 130 Mary Ann, of Timothy & Winifred, < tc. ut sup. 12: 17: 78. 30 Mary Ellen, of Patrick & Ellen, Ireland, do., 0: 12: . ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 21 76 .Michael, of Patrick A: Joanna, < tc. ut sup. 2: 3: 71. 91 Timothy, of Patrick & Joanna, < tc. ut sup. 9: 30: us. I4ii Winnifred, of Timothy & Winnifred, etc. ut sup. 12: 11 : 7;'.. BUCKMAK 39 Arthur II., of John B. & Mary E. (Evans), Ipswich \. II., Groton, 9: 5: 68. 130 Frank A., of John B. & Mary E., < tc. ut sup. 11 : 9: 66. 32 Grace, of Jedson & Lizzie (Winslow), Me., Rox., 4: 27: 74. BUDLOXG. 125 Helen Louisa, of Albert & Sarah, Andover, Led., 12: 17: 59. 178 Sarah L., of Albert & Sarah, etc. ut sup. 5: 9: 58. BULLARD. 98 Augustus R. of John R. A: Mary A. (Richards), Brooklyn X. Y., do., 10: 6: 76. 84 Constance, of John 1!. & Mary A., etc. ut sup. 8: 16: 86. 28 Edward, of Win. I). & Adeliza, Ded., Wayland, 6: 12: 52. 104 Geo. II., of Benj. (). A. & Lucy A., Ded., X. Y., 9: 17:48. 55 Harold, of John R. & Mary A., < tc. ut sup. 5: 15: 7'.». 11 Jennie Edith, of John R. & Mary A., etc. ut sup. 3: 4: 74. 29 John Richards, of John R. cv; Mary A., t tc. ut sup. 7:5: 72. 31 Lillian, of Benj. < >. A. & Lucy, < tc. ut sup. 12:4: 56. 114 Sarah Frances, of Geo. p. & Clarissa, Walpole, do., 2: 21:59. 117 Win. Ellery, of Isaac & Frances E. (Davis), Ded., Canton, 9: 24: 71. BUMSTEAD. 18 Chas. Emerson, of John & Julia A. (Cadwell), Bloomfield Ct.,do., 2: L9: 60. BURDAKIN. 19 Edw. Chester, of Edw. L. & Alice L. (Barry), Camb., Charlestown, 2:4: 83. 43 John Austin, of Edw. L. & Alice L., etc. ut sup. 3:16: 78. 82 Leslie Richards, of John II. & Ella L. (Smith), Camb., Ded., 9: 16: 84. 70 Lillian, of John II. & Ella L., etc. ut sup. 8: 5: 87. BURGESS. If. Ann Gertrude, of James II. tc. ut sup. :,: 1:;: 57. BURGIIMAN. 23 Charlie, of Barney & Caroline Beaver), Germ., do., 7: •">: 63. BURKE. it:; Alice, of James & Anna, Ireland, do., 12: 9: 57. 109 Anastasia, of Patrick J. & Mary (Hearne), Ire., do., 11:8: 85. •Middle name changed Feb. 15, 1871. 22 DEDIIAM RECORDS. 108 Bridget F., of Tlios. & Mary (Canaan), Ire., do., 12: 1 : 62. 207 Ellen, of Richard & Hannah (Lehen), Ire., do., 3:1: 60. 4S John, of Thos. & Mary (Kern), Ire., do., 7: 25: 61. 56 John Edward, of Patrick J. & Mary (A'Hearn). Ire., do., 0:27: 83. 33 Mary, of Thos. & Mary (Curren), Ire., do., 8: 19: 64. 38 Mary Frances, of Patrick & Mary Ellen, Ireland, Canada, 5:9: 53. 49 Thomas, of Thomas & Mary (Ourran), Ire., do., 8: 6: 66. BURKETT. 6 Susan M., of Edward It. & Susan, , , 12: 27: 46. BURNS, BYRNS. 44 Alice Mary, of Patrick & Mary (McNulty), Ire., do., 4: 17:85. Ill Annie, of John & Kate (Clark), Ire., N. Y., 7: 13: 67. 56 Bridget, of Michael & Mary, Ireland, do., 3: IS: 55. 80 Chas., of Michael & Mary, etc. ut sup. 4: — : 52. SI Chas. James, of Joseph F. & Catharine (Costello), Ire., do., 7: 24: 82. HI Daniel, of David & Ellen, Ireland, do., 5: 23: 56. Ill Ellen, of Timothy & Bridget (Berry), Ire., do., 4: 12: 61. 57 Frank, of Thos. J. & Maria (Rainey), Ire., do., 8: 27: 85. 101 John J., of Joseph & Catheiine (Cortele), Ire., do., 0:4: 77. 118 John Joseph, of Michael & Mary Ann (Mullen), Ire., Ded., 9:1: 86. ■ 23 John Lawrence, of Patrick & Mary, etc. ut sup. 3: 20: 81. 138 Joseph Alson. of Joseph F. & Catherine, Ire., do., 3: 13: 87. 142 Julia, of Michael l>y, < tc. ut sup. 12: 17: 70. 78 Herman B., of Sanford S. & Jennie (Osgood 1 , Foxboro, Pembroke, 8: lit: 66. BURRELL. ."J2 James, of James & Hannah, Cranston P. I.. Swansea. 11 : 12: 53. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 23 BUSH. 07 Jessie L., of David A. A: Marg't (White), Lodi X. J., Argyle X. Y., 7: IS: 00. BUSSEY. 14 , d. of Forest G. & Henrietta L., Medfield, Dorch., 1: 26: 88. BUTLER. 130 Catharine, of Richard & Catharine, Ireland, do., 11: IS: 48. 132 Edward, of Edward & Rosanna, Ireland, do., 4: 20: 54. ill 1 13. at Boston), Hugh, of Hugh & Eliza (Smith), Eng., Scot., 1 : 12 : 65. 20 Mary, of Edward & Rose, Ireland, do., 2: 5: 56. 48 Mary Ann, of James & Ellen (Murphy), Ire., do., 5: 8: 65. 103 Mary L., of Francis & Mary A. (Smith ), Ire., R. I., 10: 29: 70. 128 Richard, of Edward & Rose, ttr. ut sup. 9: 1 : 52. 00 Richard, of James & Ellen (Murphy), Eng., Ire., — : — : 00. 12 Richard, of Richard & Catharine, < /<■. ut sup. 1 : 27 : 50. 114 Thomas, of Frank & Mary A., etc. ut sup.. 10:3: 78. 27 Walter, of Edward & Rose, etc. ut sup. 9: 5: 57. BUTTER WORTH. 145 , s. of George H. & Mary A., R. I., Me., 7 : 30 : 59. 194 Lillie Mabel, of Win. II. & Mary J., Lonsdale R. I., Seekonk, 9:4: 57. BYTHER. 164 Cora E., of Hudson & Eliza (Martin), Me., Mass., 1:7: 07. C ABLER. 101 Frank, of Maynard & Mary, Germany, do., 8:5: 55. CAHILL. 18:; Bridget, of John & Honora (Flanigan), Ire., do., n : l : 63. 81 Dennis, of John & Honora, etc. ut sup. 11 : 26: 66. 65 John, of John & Honora, < tc. ut sup. 4: 15: 59. 25 Mary, of John & Honora, etc. ut sup. 9: 15: (50. 70 Mary Eliz., of John & Eliza V. (Tully), Ire., Ded., 8: 12: 87. :)7 Michael, of John & Honora (Lanigan), Ire., do., 8: 25: 07. CALDWELL. :)4 Susan B., of Charles & Judith E., , , 10: 21 : 40. CALLAHAX. 4 , s. of Daniel & Catharine (Lehrie), Ire., do., 1:8: 72. 55 Alice Margaret, of Daniel &Mary (Buckley), Ire., do., 0: 10: 88. 131 Annie, of Daniel A Mary, etc. ut sup. 12: 31 : 81. 54 Cornelius, of Martin & Catharine (Leary), Ire., do., 8: 24: 05. 105 Daniel, of Murty & Catherine (Leary), Ire., do., 8: 11: 69. 79 Dennis, of Morty & Kate (Deary), Ire., do., 10: 21 : 61. 9 Elizabeth, of Daniel & Mary, etc. ut sup. 1:5: 78. 144 Jeremiah, of Murty A Catharine, < tc. ut sup. 12: 27: 07. 15 John, of Cornelius & Hannah, Ireland, do., 11:1: 56. 28 John Barnard, of ( lornelius A: Hannah, etc. ut sup. 9: 24 : 59. 142 Kate, of Daniel & Mary, etc. ut sup. 12: 26: 79. Ill Margaret, of Daniel A Mary, etc. ut sup. 12:20:79. 24 DEDHAM RECORDS. 21 Mary, of Daniel & Mary. * tc. ut sup. 3: 17: 70. 118 Morton, of Daniel & Catharine, etc. ut sup. 8: 11 : 70. 27 Sarah Agnes, of Daniel & Mary, etc. ut sup. 3: 3: 8(5. 71 William, of Daniel & Mary, etc. ut sup. 8: 21 : 84. CAI.LAN. 28 (B. at Sharon) Susan, of Edw. & Joanna (Mullen), Ire., do., 1: 1 : OS. CAMERON. 21 Carry Isabel, of James B. & Eliz. A. (Simpson), X. S., do., 9: 7: 70. o Chas. W., of James B. & Eliz. A., etc. ut suj>. 8: 10: 73. 18 Chester Hugh, of James B. & Eliz. A., < /-•. ut sup. 2: 10: 80. 72 Nellie E., of James B. & Eliz. A., etc. ut sup. 8:2: 77. 09 Walter James, of James B. & Eliz. A., etc. ut sup. 9: 17: SO. CAMPBELL. 200 Adeline B., of Robert & Mary A. (Nicholson), Scot., N. S., 9: 2:.: 63. 42 John Francis, of John & Charlotte, Ireland, do., 4:1: 57. 92 Laura, of Robert & Mary A., etc. ut sup. 3 : 25 : <;:>. 50 Lizzie, of Michael & Margaret (Joyce), N. S., Boston, 12: 24: 7:!. CAMPION. 74 Ellen, of Thomas & Ellen, Ireland, do., 11 : 25 : 59. 55 Mary Ann, of Thomas & Ellen, etc ut sujj. 8: 17: 57. CANES A. 40 Frank Louis, of James & Mary (Barber), Italy, do., 4: 12: SI. 32 Peter, of James & Mary, * /'•. ut sup. -'5: 14: 83. CANNON, CANAN, KAN AN, KENNON. S4 Bridget, of Michael & Bridget (Gillory), Ire., do., 12: 5: 04. 1S1 Helen M., of Francis & Mary (Monahan), Ire., do., 9: 21 : 68. 92 Hugh J., of John & Margaret (Fagan), Ire., do., 5: 28: 08. 136 iB. at Phila., Pa.) James, of John & Ellen (Higgins), Ded., La., 12: IS: 90. 59 John, of John & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 7: 1:5: 02. 00 John, of Michael & Bridget (Hilldroy), Ire., do., 8: 21 : 00. 28 Patrick, of John & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 7: 19: 04. 100 Peter, of Michael & Bridget (Gilroy), Ire., do., 1 : 2:5: 01. 10 Rosanna, of Michael & Bridget (Leroy), Ire., do., 10: 21 : 02. 95 Rosanna, of Tlios. & Alice (Madole), Ire., do., 10: 15: 04. 4:5 Thomas A., of Frank & Mary (Monahan), Mass., Ire., 5: 12: 71. CAPEN. 204 Carrie A., of Silas & Hannah, Sharon, Ded., 10: 1 : 58. 50 Chas. Lemuel, of Chas. J. & Lucy R., Boston, Easton. 2: 9: 50. 143 Clara Louise, of Geo. (). & Amelia G. (Savels), Ded., Boston, 7: 27: 71. 58 Edward, of Charles J. & Lucy R., etc. ut sup. 7 : 1:5: 54. 18 Ella A., of Silas & Hannah, etc. ut sup. 4: 25: 54. 86 Emily J., of Silas P. & Hannah, , , 11 : 12 : 44. 159 George O., of Silas & Hannah, etc, tit sup. 1: 8: 49. S Horatius Pettis, of Silas & Hannah, etc. ut sup. 7:7: 51. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 25 ■CAPLISA. 101 John, of Denis & Hannah (Mulkern), Ire., do., 7: 18: 62. CARBERRY. L5 Andrew < lias., of Andrew & Ann M. (Ritchie), Ire., Boston, 2 : 12 : 77. 106 Ann Maria, of Andrew & Ann M., etc. ut sup. 9:4: 78. L03 Ann Maria, of Andrew & Ann M., etc. ut sup. 9: II : 79. is Clifton I?., of AYm. & KHz. A. (Healey), Scot., Eng., 5: 13: 76. 1!) Clifton (iovan, of Wm. & Eliz. A., etc. ut sup. 12: 9: 71. 62 Edw. Herbert, of Andrew & Anne M., etc. ut sup. 7:22: S4. 70 Eliz. Agnes, of Andrew & Ann Maria, etc. ut sup. 7: 27:80. 35 Isabella (iovan, of Wm. & Eliz. Ann, etc. ut sup. 4:5: 81. 17 .lane I)., of Win. & Eliz. A., etc. ut sup., 1 : 24: 78. 204 John W., of Win. & Elizabeth A., etc. ut sup. 11 : 19: 70. 13 Margaret, of Andrew & Ann M., etc. ut sup. 1 : 26: 75. :;i William, of Andrew & Annie M., etc. ut sup. 2 : 28 : 82. 97 William, of Wm. «fc Eliz. A., etc. ut sup. 8:5: 79. CARY, CAREY, KAREY. l:!l Arthur Carl, of Wm. II. & Jane (Armstrong), X. S., do., 12 : 29 : 87. 5 Edward, of John & Mary (Doyle), Ire., do., 9 : 20: 61. 72 Eliz. Frances, of Henry A. & Mary (O'Keefe), Ded., Ire., 7: 29: 83. 60 Eanny Mary, of Wm. II. & Mary (Armstrong), X. S., do., 0: 18: 89. 41 Henry, of John & Mary, etc. ut sup. 10 : 20 : 50. 1 Henry Maurice, of Henry A. & Mary, etc. ut sup. 1:9: 78. 75 (B. at Roxbury) John, of John & Mary D., etc. ut sup. 5: 0: 49. 35 (B. at Hyde Park) John T., of Henry A. & Mary, etc. ut sup. 4 : 9 : 76. 157 Margaret, of Michael & Bridget (Cobbett), Ire., do., 10: 29: 69. 24 Mary, of Thomas & Mary, Ireland, do., 7 : 25 : 55. 64 Mary C, of Henry A. & Mary, etc. ut suj>. 6 : 15 : 80. 71 Mary Jane, of Lnke & Ellen, Ireland, do., 8 : 2:; : 55. 72 Kosanna, of John & Mary, etc. ut s,up. 7:2: 5:,. 75 Thomas, of Thomas <>. 48 Fanny M., of Sanford & Clarissa, < /<•. "/ sup. 4: 8: 48. 69 Grace Mary, of Wm. F. & Grace, < tc. ut sup. 9: 20: 74. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 27 136 Grace Mary, of Wm. F. & Grace M., < ic. w< s«p. 12: 18: 85. 10!) Henry, of James & Mary, etc. ut sup. 10: 3: 77. 30 Henry Vincent, of Win. F. & Grace, etc. ut sup. 2:7: 7::. 26 James, of James & Mary, etc. ut sup. 2: 29: SO. 89 .Jennie ('., of Sanford & Clarissa, etc. ut sup. 9: 8: 57. 4 Kate, of James & Kate, Ireland, do., 11 : 15: 58. 62 Kitty, of Wm. F. & Grace, etc. ut sup. 6: 11 : 81. 3 Mary, of James & Kate, etc. ut sup. 11 : 15: 58. 78 Mary, of Wm. F. & Grace, etc. ut sup. :>: 30: 69. 78 Nellie C, of Sanford & Clarissa, etc. ut sup. 9: 1">: .">.">. 71 Thomas J., of James & Catharine, etc. ut sup. 1 : 22: ">4. 132 William, of Win. F. & Grace, etc. ut sup. 5: 15: 76. 50 William Tracy, of Wm. F. «fc Grace Mary, etc. ut sup. 6: 9: 83. CARTER. 86 , s. of John D. & Elizabeth (Hume), Halifax N. S., do., 9: 27: 57. it , s. of John D. & Eliz., etc. ut sup. 10: 26: 02. 7!) Abby F., of William & Sarah, , , 2: 5: 4s. 31 Eben S., of Wm. & Sarah A., Boston, Ded., 8: 18: 51. 24 Edith, of Herbert & Louisa (Hersey), Boston, Dorch., 2: 9: 82. 20 Eva Isabella, of Henry J. & Louisa (Winslow), Hudson N. Y. Pittsfield,. 7: 21: 63. 136 Geo. H., of Geo. McLane & Sophia (Pipping), Ded., do., 12 : 21 : 88. 171 Henry, of Wm. & Mary (Johnson), Vt, N. S., 10: 14: 70. 41 Marcella Eliz., of John D. & Eliz., etc. ut sup. 4: 12: 60. 181 Susan, of Joshua E. & Susan M., Warner N II., Freeport Me., 2 : 22 : .">:>. 70 Susan Elizabeth, of Wm. & Sarah Ann, etc. ut sup. 10: 0: 44. CART HA. 172 Julius, of Max & Margaret (Kohler), Germ., do., 0: 21 : 74. CARTIER. 102 Charles, of Stephen & Catherine (Burke), Ire., do., 8: 3: 00. CART WRIGHT. 121 Edward Seitz, of Geo. & Anna (Seitz), Eng„ Halifax N. S,. 10: 28: 82. 140 Emma Eliza, of Geo. & Annie, etc ut sup. 1 : 25: 80. 67 Ernest Norton, of Richard & Annie E. (Westcott), Eng., X. S., 6: 30: 79. Ill Ferdinand James, of Geo. & Annie. K., etc. ut sup. 10: 13: 85. CASEY. 100 , s. of Peter & , Ireland, do,, 0: 21 : 72. 52 Alexander, of Patrick & Eliz. (Adams), Ire., do., 8: 10: 67. 89 James, of Patrick & Eliz., etc. ut sup. 11:2: 64. 113 John, of Patrick & Elizabeth E., Ireland, do., 0: 11: 5S. l.")5 John, ol'Thos. & Mary (Sullivan), Ire., do., 11 : 15: 01. 110 Mary Jane, of Patrick & Eliz., etc. ut sup. 9: 30: 61. 166 Thomas, of Thomas A: Mary, etc. ut sup. 9: 15: ■>!. CASHERN. 44 Julia, of Martin & Mary, Ireland, do., 3: — : 51. 28 D ED HAM RECORDS. CASSELL. 14 Edmund P., of Edmund P. & Josephine H. (Kingsbury), Boston, Ded., 3: 3: 70. 172 Jennie Kerr, of Edmund P. & Josephine H., etc. ut sup. 9: 20: 66. 21 Mabel Josephine, of Edmund P. & Josephine II. etc. ut sup. 1:4: 73. ■CASSIDY. 91 Mary Ann, of Patrick & Mary (Milrauna), Ire., do., 1 : 3: 62. CASSIER.* 112 Adolph, of Leon & Josephine (Lazomsky), Germ., do., 3: 25: 69. 58 Louis, of Leon & Josephine (Lorzornsky), Hungary, Bohemia, 9:3: 63. CATON. 83 Mary, of Thos. & Mary (Derally), Ire., do., Palm Sunday, 64. CAWLEY. 31 Ellen, of John & Ellen (Gleason), Ire., do., 1 : 1 : 60. 157 Hugh, of John & Ellen, etc. ut sup. 3: 30: 54. 104 Mary, of John & Ellen, etc. ut sup. 7 : 9 : 55. 101 Michael, of John & Ellen, etc. ut sup. 9 : 17 : 65. 66 Winnefred, of John & Ellen, etc. ut sup. 3 : 19 : 57. CEMERLY. 186 Bridget, of Michael & Bridget (Faharty), Ire., do., 12: 10: 62. CHAD WICK. 22 Grace A., of Wm. E. & Bessie M. (Lyons), Chelsea, Ire., 3:7: 90. CHAMBERLAIN. 173 , d. of Geo. W. & Mary L. (Gray), W. Rox., Boston, 11 : 15: 6S. 100 ■ ■, d. of Geo. TV. & Mary A. (Lambert), TV. Rox., Fitchburg, 8: 8: 79. 130 Alfred E., of Curtis & Annie A. (Wellington), W. Rox., Brighton, 8: 12: 72. 23 Annie A., of Geo. TV. & Mary L., etc. ut sup. 2: 2S: 74. 84 Chas. C, of Geo. W. & Mary L., etc. ut sup. 5:5: 66. 153 Clara E., of Warren R. & Mary Eliz. (Onion), W. Rox., do., 8: 19: 73. 131 Curtis A., of Geo. TV. & Mary L., etc. ut sup. 6 : 21 : 72. 31 Curtis Watson, of Curtis & Ann Augusta, etc. ut sup. 6: 13: 61. 35 Daniel, of Geo. TV. & Mary L., etc. ut sup. 11:5: 67. 7 Edwin Simon, of Curtis & Annie A., etc. ut sup. 1:17: 87. 34 Eva, of Geo. TV. & Mary A., etc. ut sup. 4 : 7 : 76. 125 Frederick E., of Fred. E. & Marietta (Bradshaw), Cambridge, R. I., 12: 6: 76. 210 Geo. Morton, of Warren R. & Mary E., etc. ut sup. 7:0: 71. 55 Georgiana, of Geo. W. & Mary A., etc. ut sup. 4: 23: 78. 15 Gertrude Isabel, of Curtis & Anna A., etc. ut sup. 1 : 31 : 82. 115 (B. at W. Rox.) Harriet E., of Warren R. & Mary E., etc. ut sup. 6: 3: 69. 64 (B. at Boston) Harry E., of Louis H. & Irene L. (McNally), Boston, Me., 5:17: 78. 181 Henry Herbert, of Curtis & Annie, etc. ut sup. 1: 18: 71. 44 Ida, of Curtis & Anna, etc. ut sup. 3 : 13 : 64. 125 Lizzie A., of Curtis & Annie A., etc. ut sup. 11 : 11 : 77. 32 Mary A., of Geo. W. & Mary L., etc. ut sup. 3: 29: 75. 83 Mary L., of Curtis & Annie, etc. ut sup. 2: 19: 66. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. -0 78 Otis Howard, of Curtis A: Anne A., etc. ut sup. 8: 2: 85. 8 Percy Allen, of Curtis & Anna A., etc. ut sup. 1 : 19 : 75. 48 Ralph Howland, of Wm. Ellsworth & Lelia Annie (Mills), Woodstock Vt., Aver, ."> : 15: 86. 45 Rodney, of Warren R. & Mary E., etc. ut sup. 4:2: 7."). 12 Samuel, of Geo. W. & Mary L., etc. ut sup. 11:3: 69. 49 Samuel Ellis, of Isaac E. & Nancy M., , — -, 12: 31 : 45. 3*i Vesta, of Geo. W. & Mary A., etc. ut sup. 3: 10: 77. 9 Virginia F., of Curtis & Annie A., etc. ut sup. 1 : 21 : 80. 23 Wm. IL, of Geo. W. & Mary L., etc. ut sup. 2: 18: 71. CHAMPAGNIE. 46 Marie Amelia, of Alexis & Estelle (du Pints), Canada, do., 12: 9: 7:5. CHANDLER. 79 Elizabeth, of Josiah & Caroline, , , 3 : 12 : 47. 31 Ella L., of Lewis H. & Irene L. (McNally), Boston, N. B., 3: 18: so. 23 Frank Davis, of Benj. & Eliz. (Kent), Minot Me., Framingham, 6; 27: 60. 10 Lewis Revere, of Lewis II. & Irene L., etc. ut sup. 1 : 19: 82. 55 Mary Lizzie, of Benj. & Elizabeth, Hebron Me., Framingham, ii: 25: 58. CHAPLAIN, CHAPLIN. 130 Olive Winslow, of David & Abbie P. (Robinson), Natick R. I., Sandwich Ct., 3:0: 71. 30 Duncan Dunbar, of Jeremiah & Jane D., Danvers, Scotland, 12: 12: 51. CHAPMAN. 76 Susan A., of Donald K. & Susette F. (Miller), N. S., do., 6: 11 : 75. CHASE. 91 Albert Slade, of David N. & Anna E. (Onion), Ded., do., 11: 5: :>:). 141 Alice Weeman, of John W. & Harriet E. (Weeman), Epping N. II., Free- port Me., 10: 9: 72. 58 Bertha Frances, of Albert S. & Mary E. (Ward), Ded., do., 5: 29: 82. 3 Carrie, of Waldo & Alice F. (Browning), Ded., Foxboro, 1:11: 79. 21 Chas. Henry, of Albert S. & Mary E., etc. ut sup. 2 : 23 : 85. 92 Chester C, of Waldo & Alice (Browning), Ded., Walpole, 9: 10. 7<». 1 Clifton, of James M. & Caroline, Ded., do., 1 : 2(i: 59. 87 Edward M., of David N. & Ann Elizabeth, etc. ut sup. 9: 11 : 56. 36 Ellen A., of Edwin A. & Ella A. (Sanderson), Me., do., 4:1: 76. 108 Frankie, of Wm. & Lucy (Madden), Pa., Va., 3: 20: 75. 44 franklin Dudley, of David N. & Anna E., etc ut sup. 5:2: 60. 124 Frederick, of Win. & Lucy, etc. vt sup. 12: 1 : 7<>. 43 Geo. Arthur, of Geo. W. & Mary, Ded., do., 5: 27: 56. 74 Grace Lillian, of John W. & Harriet E., etc. ut sup. 7: 18: 70. :;."> Harriet Sophia, of James M. & Harriet, , , 3: 31 : 46. 0.") Henry Aldis, of David N. & Anna E., etc. ut suj>. 10: 0: 51. 4G Jane P., of Marcus M. & Catharine, Middleboro, Taunton, ."> : 3 : 57. 122 Julian Dwight, of John W. & Harriet E., etc. ut sup. 12: 1 : 81. 160 Lizzie J., of David N. & Anna E., < f<\ ut sup. 2:3: 65. 112 Marion Edwards, of Albert S. & Mary E., etc. ut sup. 10: 31 : 83. -30 DEDf/AM RECORDS. 142 Waldo, of James M. & Caroline, etc. ut sup. 12 : 12: 55. CHATFIELD. 63 Sarah D., of Wm. & Elizabeth. England, Ipswich, 3: 27: 56. 37 Daniel B., of Win. & Elizabeth, etc. ut sup. 6: 27: 58. CHENEY. 135 , s. of Samuel & Sarah, Dover, Rox., 12: 30: 58. 84 Abby Frances, of Simeon & Eliza Ann, , , 12: 30: 46. 208 Albert, of Samuel & Sarah, etc. ut sup. 8: 28: 55. 160 Alfred Simon, of Simon & Eliza A., Dover, Ded., 5: 31 : 58. 131 Chas. Edward, of Simon «fc Eliza Ann, etc. ut sup. 11 : 11 : 56. 82 Chas. M., of Samuel & Mary, , , 3: 22: 45. 70 Fred. Thos., of Martin L. «fe Harriet A. (Smith), Ded., Andover, 8: 29: 77. 178 George, of Martin L. & Harriet, Ded., Walpole, 11 : 16: 71. 10 Geo. Clarendon, of Simon W. & Maria A. (Chamberlain), Ded., W. Rox., 1:17: 83. 175 Geo. Sylvester, of Martin L. & Harriette, Ded., Andover, 8: 1: 73. 209 Harriet Eliz., of Martin L. & Harriet A., etc. ut sup. 11 : 16: 71. 181 Henry C, of O. F. & Mary A. (Warner), Vt., do., 4: 13: 61. 45 Joseph Willis, of Simon W. & Maria A., etc. ut sup. 4: 16: 85. 61 Marianna, of Samuel & Sarah, etc. ut sup. 11: 13: 53. 92 Martin Luther, of Luther & Elizabeth, . , 7: 17: 46. 81 Sarah E., of Samuel & Sarah, etc. ut sup. 4 : — : 48. CHICKERIXG. 38 Edward N., of Win. & Abby (Munroe), Ded., Northboro, 7: 23: 67. 28 Gertrude Eliot, of Win. & Abby, etc. ut sup. 8: 4: 58. 100 Horatio L., of William & Abby F., etc. ut sup. 4: 20: 56. 174 Mary Ida, of John D. & Helen H. (Cokeley), Ded., Rox., 5: 1 : 61. 190 Sarah Louisa, of John D. & Amelia, Ded., Rox., 4: 24: 59. 158 Walter Dean, of John D. & Helen, Ded., Rox., 11 : 12: 56. CHILD, CHILDS. 16 Annie Maria, of Lewis & Sarah F. (Matthewson), Boston Vt., Prov. R. I. 11: 7: 69. 137 Lewin F., of Lewis & Sarah, etc. ut sup. 11 : 9: 68. 15 Lewis F., of Lewis & Sarah, etc. ut sup. 11 : 9: 67. CHOATE. 72 Albert Rufus, of Albert F. «fc Sarah E. (Flanders), Hallowell Me., Boston, 7: 15: 89. CHRISTMAS. 80 Amanda Adella, of Thomas & Caroline, England, do., 3: 24: 58. CHURCH. 50 Abbie, of John & Abbie (Callihan), Ireland, do., 5: 18: 62. 117 David, of Thomas & Ellen, Ireland, do., 8: 28: 49. 124 Edward, of Edward H. & Sarah (Dresser), Boston, Ded., 11 : 3: 77. 126 Ellen, of Thomas & Ellen, etc. ut sup. 3: 29: 52. 36 George, of John & Abby, etc. ut sup. 3: 21 : 56. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 31 131 John, of John & Abby, etc. ut sup. :'.: 18: 55. 21 Margaret, of Thomas & Ellen, etc. ut sup. 12: 9: 53. 30 Mary, of Thomas & Ellen, etc. ut sup. 12: 13: 50. 25 William, of John & Abby, etc ut sup. 12: 5: 57. OHURCHILL. 122 Alice M., of Major W. & Frances (Dervan), Savannah Ga., W. Rox., 8: 20: 75. 82 Caroline Augusta, of Chauncy C. & Pamelia, Fairlee Yt., Washington N. II., 10: 1: 49. 73 Chauncy Carroll, of Chauncy S. & Grace A. (Churchill), Ded., Weymouth, s: 9: NT. 139 Chauncy S., of Chauncy C. & Pamelia, etc. ut sup. 8:7: 54. 47 Grace Ethel, of Chauncy S. & (irace A., etc. ut sup. 4: 25: si. 14 Isadora M., of Chauncy C. «fc Pamelia, etc. ut sup. 11:9: 4ii. 86 Marian Sabin, of Chauncy S. & Grace A., etc. ut sup. 8: 9: 82. CIRIACK. SI , s. of Louis & Ilonora (Mahony), Germ., Ire., 12: 29: 62. 39 Hobert, of Fred'k & Henrietta (Ebersbach), Germ., do., 7: 24: 63. 10 John W., of Chas. & Ilonorah (Mahanny), Germ., Ire., 12: S: 07. CLAFLIX. 136 "William, of Christopher & Mary (Conley), Ire., do., 12: 28: 05. CLAPP. 177 , s. of John & Sarah (Bullard), Walpole, do , 5: 21 : 66. 25 Abby Paul, of Elbridge & Martha, Sharon, do., 9: 13: 51. 15 Eleanor T., of Nathaniel & Elizabeth I)., Walpole, Ded., 3: 1 : 4ti. 95 Eliz. Vaughn, of Elmer E. & Annie F. (Hill). AValpole, Charleston, 9:7: 85. 129 Esther Ella, of Elmer E. & Annie F., etc. ut sup. 11: 28: 89. 83 Fred'k Everett, of Nath'l & Eliz. D., etc. ut sup. 10: 22: 51. 155 Jane D., of Nath'l & Eliz. I)., etc. ut sup. 6: 8: 54. John, of John & Sarah A., etc. ut sup. 4: 27: 70. 7 John Lyon, of Samuel W. & Alice (Lyons), Ded., X. Y., 2: 26: 76. 29 Mary P., of Nathaniel & Elizabeth I)., etc. ut sup. :\: 12: 48. r,\ Mary F., of Asa E. & Mary (Anniss), Rox., MontvilleMe., 8: 23: 68. 92 Susanna, of Albert T. & Susanna, Scituate, England, 11: 7: 56. CLAPK, CLARKE. 159 , d. of Wm, & Lydia (Gorton), , Ded., 11:4: 70. 149 Addie J., of Wm. & Mary A. (Harris), Deerfield, Boston, 5: 19: 67. 69 Bridget, of John & Ann (Fox), Ire., do., s: Hi: 07. 19 ("has. V., of Edward F. & Eveline A. (Smith., Me., Sudbury, 2: 9: 77. 2 Frank Ward, of James II. and Emma S. (Sawtelle), Paris Me., Wis., 1:4: 87. 57 Frederick Lorenzo, of Horatio & Elvira, Ded., do., :;: 9: 50. 121 George, of Michael »fc Ann, Ireland, do., 2:1: 55. 169 Geo. Franklin, of Edward F. & Eveline, etc. ut su/>., 12 : 7 : 74. 170 George II., of Wm. A. & Mary A., etc. ut sup., 2: 21 : 69. 70 Isabella, of James & Sarah, Ire., do., 10: 10: 7:;. 32 DEDHAM RECORDS. 67 John, of John & Anna C. (Fox), Ire., do., 9: 12: 72. 12 Josephine E., of Edmund F. & Eveline, etc. ut sup-, 3: 23: 72. 119 Kate, of John & Ann, etc. ut sup., 4:7: 60. 75 Martha Louise, of Wm. A. & Amanda M. (Harris), Deerfield, Boston,. 3: 30: 03. 44 Thomas, of John & Ann (Foss), Ire., do., S: 20: G2. CLARKIN. 59 Rosanna, of Francis & Mary Ann (Carlon), Ire., Ded., 9: 28: 74. CLARKSON. 39 Mary E., of John E. & Mary Eliza (Gould), Ded., N.S,8: 1: 74. CLARRY, CLARY. 128 Bridget E., of John & Bridget (Mahana), Ire., do., 1:2: 65. 80 Jane, of Thomas & Julia, Ire., do., 9: 8: 49. 80 John, of John & Bridget (Mahoney), Ire., do., 9: 1 : 69. 66 Margaret E., of John & Bridget, etc. ut sup., 4: 12: 67. 41 Mary Ann, of John & Bridget, etc. ut sup., 9: S: 62. ins Melvin Wallace, of Mathew & Abhy (Gerrish), N. H., Boston, 3: 13: 63. 133 Michael, of John & Bridget, etc. ut sup., 1 : 20: 70. CLAY. 26 (B. atWalpole) Albert, of Matthew & Abby (Wilson), Sanbornton N". H.,. Boston, 2: 6: 54. 54 Flora F., of Mathew & Abby, (Garrish), Ded., Boston, 8: 28: 64. 138 Louisa, of Matthew & Abby, Sanbornton, Boston, 9: 11 : 58. 165 Matthew D., of Matthew & Abby (Wilson), etc. vt sup., 12: 30: 60. CLEARY, CLERY. 90 Eliza Jane, of Thomas & Eliza, Ireland, do., 11: 13: 59. 12 Eliz., of Edw. & Mary V. (O'Brien), VV. Rox., Melville, 2: 6: 90. 122 John, of Edward F. & Mollie V., etc. ut sup., 11 : 14: 85. 73 John, of Nath'l & Mary (Kugan), Ire., do., 10: 10: 71. 184 John A., of Edward & Mary, (Grigham), Ire., do., 8: 5: 70. 101 Mary, of Edward F. & Mary V., etc. ut -sup., 9: 18: 87. 125 Mary Ann, of Edward & Mary (Geegan), Ire., do., 8: 13: 72. 45 William, of Edward F. & Mary V., etc. ut sup., 5: 23: 84. CLEMENTS, CLEMENS. 104 Caroline E., of Wm. H. & Mary (Rourke), Boston, do., 10: 7: 76. 31 Gertrude Julia, of Wm. II. & Mary, etc. ut sup., 3: 29: 81. 113 Harriet, of Wm. H. & Mary, etc. ut sup., 12: 18: 84. 7 James II., of John & Susan M. (McMannus), Ire., do., 10: 25: 66. 120 Jas. Warren, of Wm. II. & Mary M., etc. ut sup., 10: 26: 82. 37 John, of Wm. H. & Mary, etc. ut sup., 5: 27: 73. 125 Martha, of Wm. II. ., 11 : 22: 72. 86 Jennie Eliz., of Samuel D. & Mary T., etc. ut s>., 8:4: 79. 11 Mary Sybel, of Samuel D. & M:iry T., etc. utsup., 1:8: 09. 32 Nellie F., of Samuel D. & Mary T., etc. ut sup., 9: 14: 07. 1 Wallace E., of Samuel D. & Mary T., etc. ut sup. 8: 24: 70. 1 William Austin, of Jonathan II. & Sophia D., , , 8:4: 45. COBBETT. 39 Alice Flynn, of Clarence W. & Grace (Livingston), Ded., Lowell, 4: 28: 89. 11 Charlotte, of Thomas & Abigail, — , , 12: 25: 45. 151 Clarence W., of Seth W. & Myra E. (Morse), Ded., Canton, 9: 4: 72. 70 Ellen R., of Seth W. & Myra E., etc. ut sup. 7 : 25 : 76. 119 Herbert Ellis M., of Seth W. & Myra E., etc. ut sup. 7: 20: 71. 94 John W., of Martin & Catharine, Ireland, do., 1:5: 57. 49 Mary E., of Martin & Catharine, etc. ut sup. 5: 29: 54. COB URN. 33 Alonzo A., of Chas. & Mary G., Bed., Epsom N. H., 7: 14: 49. 5 Alonzo J., of Wm. C. & Margaret (Thompson), N. S., Scot., 4: 20: 60. 82 Anna A., of Augustus R. & Maria, Boxford Me., N. S., S: 16: 52. 116 Carrie E., of Charles & Mary, etc. ut sup. 1:11: 51. 87 Charles Francis, of Chas. & Mary G., etc. ut sup. 3: 14: 58. 38 Chas. Wm., of Wm. H. & Marinda, Halifax, Paris Me., 6: 8: 50. 163 (B. at Boston) Frank A., of Hiram & Martha, Ded., Rox., 5: 13: 55. 120 George Otis, of Augustus R. & Maria P., Boxford, Canada, 5:3: 58. 4 Joseph A., of Joseph W. & Sarah, Lowell, Roxbury, 7:7: 51. COCHRANE. 121 Geo. Warren, of Wm. N. & Mary F. (Sherman), N. S., Me., 10: 13:73. CODDING. 125 Herbert N., of Seth & Sarah, Taunton, Dighton, 3:9: 51. 123 Herbert N., of Seth & Sarah, etc. ut suj>. 3: 13: 52. 10 Mary A., of Seth & Sarah, etc. ut sup. 8: 15: 48. CODY, COADY. 70 Alice, of James F. & Sarah A. (Gaffney), Medway, Ded., 7:13: 82. 33 Earnest, of James F. & Sarah A., etc. ut sup. 3: 26: 84. 80 James Wm„ of Wm. II. & Bridget Eliz. (Finn), Norfolk, Ded., 8: 21: 81. 62 John V., of Wm. LI. & Bridget E., etc. ut sup. 5: 29: 80. 84 Margaret, of John P. & Kathleen A. (Lawler), Ire., St. Johns, 9: 21: 84. 28 Rosemary, of James F. & Sarah A., etc. ut sup. 4: 7: 87. 98 Wm. Patrick, of John P. & Kate A., etc ut sup. S: 30: 88. COGAX. 36 Mary, of William & Catharine (Foley), Ire., do., 9:1: 06. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 35 COLBERT. 61 Mary L., of John & Margaret (Murphy), Ire., do., 5: 29: 80. 10.") (B. at Boston) Morris, of John & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 7: 8: 68. COLBURN. 177 Abbot 15. , of Creighton & Jane E. (Baker), Ded., Prov. R. I., 10: 29: 63. 1st; Alfred (lark, of Amos A: Clarissa, Ded., Dover, 11 : 2:',: 48. 195 Alice Louise, of Francis E. A: Einiline F. (Whiting), J)ed., Amherst X. II., 2: 27: 60. 25 Alvin, of James & Annie (Mack), Ded., Ire., 2: 2:5: 77. 19 Anna Florence, of Waldo & Mary E., Ded., do., 2: .">: 58. 71 Anna Maria, of Francis F. & Emmeline F., etc. ut sup. 8: 2: 61. 120 Annie M., of Wm. & Martha (Atkins), Ded., Orland Me., 1 : 26: 66. 206 Carrie I)., of James P. & Cordelia (Merrifield), Ded., Dover Me., 6: 26: 55. 130 Celia F., of James F. & Cordelia, etc. u'-t sup. 5: 5: 07. 70 Creighton Sumner, of A. Berkley & Isabelle (Sumner), Ded., do.. 7: 10: 86. 98 Dana ('.. of Creighton & Jane E., etc. ut sup. 2: 5: 70. 127 Emory Nathaniel, of Wm. & Martha, etc. ut sup. 11:4: GO. 64 Geo. Mansfield, of Amos & Clarissa, etc. ut skj>. 0: 11 : 44. 12:5 Granville W., of Creighton & Jane E., etc. ut sup. 9: 17: 7:!. 68 Harriet Ann, of Seth & Mary A. T., , , :! : 3: 40. 98 Harriet E., of James P. & Cordelia, etc. ut sup. 4: in: 5::. 9.") Harry S., of James & Annie (McXamarra), Ded., Ire., 12: 17: 73. 36 Helen Sophia, of Thomas & Sophia, , , 11:4: 40. 47 Isabell F., of Francis & Emeline, Ded., do., 9: 5: 52. 59 Isadore A., of Eliphalet & Mary A., , — — , 2: 20: 48. 35 James, of James & Charlotte, , , 0: — : 47. 60 Jennie L., of Wm. C. & Margaret (Thompson), N. S., Scot., 8: 21 : 07. 143 John David, of Moses M. & Maria A. (Head), Fairhaven Vt., Fairfield Yt., 9:17: 57. 7s Judith Maria, of Moses M. & Maria E., etc. ut sup. x::\: 00. 07 Leander S., of Amos & Clarissa, etc ut sup. 10: 3: 45. 2 Leila Eleanor, of James & Annie (Mack,) Ded., Ire., 1:5: 89. 102 Lionel, of James & Annie (Mack), etc. "/ sup. 9: 27: 78. 127 Lizzie Jeanette, of Wm. & Martha, etc. ut sup. 12: 6: 7::. 179 Lucy A., of James P. & Cordelia, etc. ut sup. 8: 20: 00. 161 Martha K, of John & Martha (Mulway), Ded., Ire., 10: 2: 62. 75 Mary Delia, of James P. & Cordelia, etc. ut sup. 0: 16: 68. 155 Mary E., of Creighton As Jane E., etc. ut sup. 10: 29: 65. 103 Mary Ellis Gay, of Waldo & Mary E., etc. ut sup. 6:1: 56. 68 Mary L., of Thomas & Louisa M., Reading, Andover, 4 : 24 : 54. 116 Nancy Estelle, of Allen & Nancy, Ded., do., 9: 28: 57. 125 Olive Mabel, of Jeremiah & Lucy, Ded., do., 2: 19: 58. 162 Perrin B., of James P. & Cordelia, etc. ut sup. 8: 9: 62. 80 Sidney E., of Eliphalet & Mary Ann, , , 11 : 20: 45. L83 Theodore, of Creighton & Jane Iv, etc. ut sup. 12: 10: 67. 2 Waldo C, of Waldo & Eli/.. C. (Sampson), Ded., Braintree, 2: 4: 71. 101 Walter Berkely, of A. Berkely & Isabel, etc. ut sup. ;»: 2: 88. 11 Wm. Perrin, of Wm. A Martha J. (Atkinson', Ded., Walpole, 1 : 10: 77. 36 DEDHAM RECORDS. COLBY. 86 John, of John & Margaret (Murphy), Eng., Ire., T: 20: 70. COLE, COLL. S8 Frank Irving, of Lemuel & Mary Ann C. (Patten), E. Middleboro, Camb. 10 : 3 : 60. 141 John, of James & Grace, Ireland, do., 10: 12: 55. 2 Lucy Clara, of Lemuel & Mary Ann, etc. ut sup. 3: 22: 58. 207 Margaret, of John & Ellen, Ireland, do., 2: 2: 58. 208 Mary, of John & Ellen, etc. ut sup. 2: 2: 58. 25 William, of John & Ellen, etc. ut suj>. 1 : — : 53. COLLAHAN. See also Callahan. 101 John, of Martin & Catie (Lary), Ire., do., 12: 21 : 63. COLLARD. 56 Alice I., of Nelson & Ellen (Sullivan), N. Y., Ire. , 4 : 3 : 7S. 24 Cecilia Eliz., of Nelson & Ellen, etc. ut sup. 12: 29: 67. 66 John Augustus, of Nelson & Ellen, etc. ut sup. 3: 9: 64. 199 Lillie Agatha, of Nelson & Ellen, etc ut sup. 4: 8: 71. 174 Mary F. of Nelson & Ellen, etc. ut sup. 8: 20: 66. 155 Nellie M., of Nelson & Ellen, etc. ut sup. 1 : 25: 74. COLLIN, COLLINS. 102 , d. of Albert & Sarah F. (Swett), Prov. R. I., Lonsdale R. I., 11 : 28: 68. 206 , of Patrick & Ellen (Kilkenny), Ire., do., — : — : 71. 31 Albert H., of James & Sarah (Fox), R. I., Ire., 5: 30: 64. 26 Annie, of Chas. & Mary Ann (Connor), Eng., do., 2: 11 : 82. 128 Caty, of John & Caty (Kelley), Ire., do., 5:1: 68. 133 Chas. J., of James & Sarah (Fox), Ire., R. I., S: 19: 65. 24 Daniel J., of John & Catharine, Ireland, do., 3: 7: 58. 5 Dennis, of Patrick & Mary (Higgins), Ire., do., 11 : 11 : 68. 128 Dennis, of Patrick & Mary, etc. ut sup. 12 : 11 : 69. 21 Elizabeth, of John & Mary (Kelly), Ire., do., 11 : 11 : 69. 18 George, of James & Jeaunette (Nicholson), N. S., P. E. I., 2: 20: 90. 4 Isabella, of Dennis 1'. & Mary (Sullivan), Ire., do., 1 : 23: 77. 6 James, of Charles & Mary A., etc. ut sup. 1:3: 84. 71 Joanna, of John & Ellen, Ire., do., 1 : 23: 52. 119 John, of John & Catherine (Kelly), Ire., do., 1 : 6: 64. 109 John, of John & Catherine, etc. ut suj>. 1:6: 65. 102 Joseph Francis, of Dennis & Mary, etc. ut sup. 10: 30: 74. 15 Julia, of John & Katie, etc. ut sup. 2: 10: 75. 70 Luke, of Chas. & Mary Ann (Connor), Ire., Eng., 3: 13: 74. 72 Margaret, of John & Ellen, Ire., do., 1 : 23: 52. 136 Margaret A., of Dennis & Mary, etc ut sup. 9: 24: 72. 97 Mary Ann, of John & Catharine, etc. ut sup. 3: — : 59. 64 Mary Ellen, of Patrick & Mary, etc ut sup. 7: 10: 65. 149 Michael, of Patrick & Mary, etc. ut sup. 6: 28: 71. 170 Philip P., of John & Catharine, etc. ut sup. 3: 15: 66. 37 Win. Joseph, of John & Catharine, etc. ut sup. 9: 16: 72. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 37 COLEMAN", COLMAN. L02 Anna Mary, of Wm. & Anna (Martin), Ire., do., 9:21:90. G4 Daniel, of Michael & Johanna (Connelly), Ire., do., 7: 13: 01. 141 Daniel, of Thomas & Ilonora, Ireland, do., 1 : 31 : 58. 81 Dennis, of Michael & Johanna, < tc. ut sup. 3 : 20 : 55. 20 Edw. Michael, of Wm. II. & Annie M. (Martini, Ire., do., 2: 22: 66, 87 John, of Michael & Johanna, < tc. ut sup. 4: 4: 57. 90 Katy Frances, of Wm. II. & Annie M., etc. ut sup. 8: 30: 87. 145 Mary, of Thomas & Ilonora, < tc. ut sup. 0: 30: 54. 42 .Mary Margaret, of Thos. M. & Julia P. (Browne), Ire., do., 5: 27: 87. 83 Maurice E., of Thos. & Julia P., etc. ut sup. 7: 30: 88. 10(3 Michael, of Michael & Joanna, < tc. ut sup, 12: 10: 59. 90 Richard, of Richard . tc. ut sup. 12: 23: 72. 77 Josephine, of Peter & Margaret (Tieman), Ire., do., 5: 23: 62. 47 Louisa Gertrude, of Daniel & Maria E., etc. ut suj>. 11 : 23: 71. 149 Lucy Ethel, of Dennis & Mary A., < tc. ut sup. 10: 15: 75. 31 Martha Annie, of Daniel & Maria E. (Conlon), Ire., Boston, 2: 12: 03. 169 Mary, of Dennis & Mary A. F. (McKenna), Ire., Boston, 6: 6: 71. 47 Mary Ann, of Michael & Catharine, etc. ut sup. 7: 20: 54. 105 Mary Jane, of Daniel & Maria (Condlin), Ire., Boston, 3:1: 61. 74 Michael, of Michael & Catharine, < tc ut sup. 10: 15: 55. 178 Nellie, of John & Nora (Cafferty), Ire., do., 5:2: 70. 72 Patrick, of Michael A: Maria, Ireland, do., 8: 31 : 51. 89 Peter, of Michael A Catharine, , , 0: 25: 45. 02 Susan, of Dennis & Mary A. F. (McKenna), Ded., Boston, S: 31: 69. 2:1 Thomas, of Daniel & Maria, Ireland, Boston, 10: S: 59. 63 Thus. A., of Dennis & Mary (McKenna), Ded., Boston, 0: 8: 80. 7 Win. 1'., of Peter J. A Julia E., etc. ut sup. i: 19: 80. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 39 CONNELL. 127 Charles, of Peter A: Rose A. (Herring), Boston, do., 11: 30: 79. 98 Edward, of .John & Mary J., Ireland, Gilmanton X. II., 9: 1:): 55. 124 Fred'k John, of Peter & Uose Ann, etc. ut sup. 12: 3: 81. 132 Harry, of Peter A: Rose Ann, etc. id sup. 12: 31: 83. O'.i Mary Ellen, of John & Mary J., etc. ut sup. 3: 13: 49. CONNELLY, CONLEY, CONOLLY. 27 Augustus \\\, of Wm. & Emma (Beck), W. Rox., Boston, 2: 25: 77. 131 Bateley, of Michael cS: Bridget (Flarety), Ire., do., 8: 30: 00. 147 (B. at Neponset) Bridget, of James & Bridget (Curran), Ire., do., 7 : 20: 03. 140 Bridget, of Patrick & Mary (Connelly), Ire., do., 4: 23: 71. 113 Ellen, of Thos. & Margaret (Ragan), Ire., do., 12: 1 : 66. 174 John, of Michael & Bridget, etc. vt su}>. 12: 5: 60. 218 (B. at Milllmry) John, of Michael & Mary (Phalen), Ire., do., 0: 8: 00. 112 John, of Patrick & Mary, etc. ut sup. 0: 27: 00. 24 John Henry, of Wm. & Emma A., etc. ut sup. 3: 21: 81. 120 Margaret, of Michael «fe Bridget, etc. utsup. 8: 10: 59. 106 Martin, of James & Bridget, etc. ut sup. 12: 24: 04. 139 Mary, of Michael & Bridget, etc. ut s»/>. 1: 12: 65. 131 Mary, of Patrick & Mary, etc. >: 74. COPELAXD. 50 Benj. F., of Franklin & Eliz. (Ellis), Pox., Boston, 5: 11: 04. 77 Richard F., of Thos. & Eliz. J. (Adamson), Scot., X. S., 8: 25: 70. CORBETT. SO Agnes Vincent, of Patrick F. & Mary A. (Deneef), Ire., do., 8: 8: 85. 49 Annie, of Patrick F. cSj Mary A., etc. ut sup. 5:4: SI. 103 Catharine, of Ferdinand & Mary (Harrington), Moncton X. B., Sussex X. B. 10: 15: SI. 113 Elizabeth, of Patrick F. & Mary A., etc. ut sup. 10: S: 77. 134 Geo. II., of David & Sarah (Mcintosh), X. S., Stoughton, 7: IS: 00. 71 Gertrude Josephine, of Patrick F. & Mary A., < tc. ut *»;>. 7: 25: 88. 188 Herbert Andrew, of David & Sarah, etc. ut sup. 11 : 21: 59. 50 Herbert Andrew, of David II. & Sarah P. (Wales), Londonderry, X. S., Stough., 11: 24: 00. 57 John, of Patrick F. & Mary A., etc. ut sup. 6: 20: 79. 14S John Francis, of Patrick F. & Mary A., etc. ut sup. 10: 1 : 75. 115 Lawrence Aloysius, of Patrick F. & Mary A., etc. ut sup. 11: 1: 00. 122 Mary Frances, of Patrick F. & Mary A., < /'•. ut sup. 12: 80: 73. CORMERAIS. 51 Edw. Vernou, of Henry & Mary O. (Sampson ), Boston, Braintree, 9: 20: 08. 40 Frederick Augustus, of Henry &MaryO., etc. ut sup. 4: 20: 02. 08 Harriet, of John & Elizabeth M., Boston, X. II., 0: 12: 57. 61 Henry P., of Henry & Mary O., etc. at sup. 4: 18: 59. 160 Maria Eliz., of Henry & Maria E., Boston, Ded., 1 : 17: 54. 22 Mary E., of Henry & Mary O., etc. ut sup. 12: 0: 04. CORXELL. 65 Olgar B., of Wm. Gordon & Margaret Jane (Conick), X. B., do., 7: 12: S3. CORTIIELL, COTHELL. 79 , s. of Wm. & Edith M. (Boyden), Hanson, R. I., 8: 31 : 77. 109 Willie Clement, of Clement V. & Emily L. (Fuller), Taunton, Ded., 9: 30: 82. COSTELLO. 16 (B. at E. Boston) Bridget, of Edward & Margaret (Foster), Ire., do., 5: 15: 60. 203 Catharine, of Wm. & Ann (Dinny), Ire., do., 8:2: 60. 81 Wm. Henry, of John «fc Mary A. (Dewan), Ire., do., 6: 8: ill. COTTER. 12 Margaret, of Patrick & Mary, Ireland, do., '.»: 28: 51. 42 D ED HAM RECORDS. COTTLE. 73 Geo. T, of Henry C. & Mary L. (Volk), Nantucket, Boston, S: 10: 77. 74 Phebe C, of Henry C. & Mary L., etc. ut sup. 8: 10: 77. COTTON. 85 William, of Patrick & Mary, Ireland, do., 12:2: 52. COUGHLIN. 1S4 Anna, of Michael & Catherine (McCarty), Ire., do., 9: 13: 61. 150 Hannah, of James & Margaret (Lane), Ire., do., 12: 4: 63. 170 Julia, of James & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 10: 20: 56. 205 Michael, of James & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 3 : 12 : 59. 37 Thomas, of James & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 2:15: 55. 79 William, of James & Margaret (Fahan), Ire., do., 2: 23: 65. COULT. 41 Peter, of Laurens & Frances, Germany, do., 1: 20: 55. COULTER. 80 Martha, of Thos. & Hannah (Burke), Ire., do., 8: 17: 87. 86 Robert John, of Thomas & Hannah, etc. ut sup. 8:6: 89. COURTNEY. 45 , s. of John & Mary J., Ireland, do., 4 : 7 : 51. 41 Ida F., of James & Catherine (Weeks), Canada, Woodstock Ct., 6:8: 08. 139 Walter E., of James & Catherine, etc. ut sup. : 21 : 60. 117 Walter Irwing, of James & Catherine, etc. ut sup. 9 : 21 : 70. COUSENS, COZZENS. 10 Abby T., of Samuel & Margaret H.. , , 12: 10: 46. 34 Charles W., of Samuel »fc Margaret F., Me., do., 3: 6: 49. COVELL. 196 Edwin A., of Warren & N. Maria, Ded., do., 6: 28: 55. COVENEY. 46 Edward, of Edward & Ann (l)urfee), Ire., do., 5: 5: 61. COWIG. 55 Mary Ellen, of David & Hannah (Burke), Ire., do., 6: 26: 83. COX. 38 , d. of Hugh & Eliza (Hickey), Ire., do., 12: 31 : 64. 129 Alia Florence, of Isaac A. & Harriet L. (Tubbs), Hamilton Scot., Ded., ::: 12:58. 83 ('has. Marshall, of John, Jr. & Eleanor (Jones), Ded., Dorch., 12: 18: 59. '.M Edward J., of John & Eleanor, etc. ut sup. 10: 23: 57. 134 Eleanor Louise, of Edw. J. & Bella I>. (Nye), Ded., S. Scituate, 12: 22: 86. 70 Elizabeth, of Hugh & Lizzie, etc. v( sup. :> : 8: 66. 55 Harold Augustus, of Cleveland & Gertrude (Churchill). Ded., Braintree,. 6 : 27 : 84. 100 Harris L., of Isaac A. & Harriet L., etc. ut sup. :): 7: 66. 50 Henry, of John & Mary, Ireland, do., 11: 20: ">:'.. ;i2 Henry G., of Samuel II. .V AJmira B. (Glover), Ded., Boston, 12: 17: 57. L98 Ida E., of Isaac A. & Harriet L., etc. ut sup. 3: 12: 55. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 43 109 Isaac M., of Isaac A. & Harriet L., etc. ut sup. 8: 24: 50. 7'» .lames, of John & Mary, etc. ut sup. 7: 20: 50. 185 James E., of Patrick & Margaret I Leonard), Ire., do., 6: 8: 08. 148 John, of Hugh & Eliza, etc. ut sup. 7:7: 03. 48 John, of John & Mary, < />■. nt sup. 11:1: 51. 196 John Walter, of John & Eleanor, etc. ut sup. 3: 29: 67. 110 Maria, of Hugh & Eliza, etc. ut sup. 5:8: 02. 132 Mary, of John & Mary, etc. ut sup. 9: 4: 49. .".4 Nellie Louise, of Samuel II. & Almira B., etc. ut sup. 5: 24: 01. 24 Patrick E., of Patrick & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 9: 11 : 05. COY. 113 Jessie Maria, of Albert M. & Isabel F. (Richards), Ded., do.. 4:3: 71. 112 Wilbert Gardner, of Henry & Lucy, Ded., do., 3: 12: 5!). COYXE. 185 Bridget, of Thomas & Mary (Cemerly), Ireland, do., 11 : 4: 02. 08 John Henry, of Patrick & Mary, Ireland, do., 0: 20: 50. CRAXDALL. 85 Lyman I)., of Samuel & Susan, , , 0: 7: 40. CRAXE. 78 Charles Henry, of Joseph & Susan, , , 10: 1 : 44. 130 Henry Lewis, of Chas. II. & Lovey A. (Lewis), Ded., Me., 12: 0: 78. 20 Martha C, of Ebenezer P. & Sarah S., Canton, Ded., 12: 0: 50. 91 Mary Stewart, of Eben B. & Rosella (Stewart), Seekonk, Mansfield, 7 : 29 : 71. CRAWFORD. 147 Wm. K., of John C. & Jeanette (Carmichael), Scot., do., 11 : S: 73. CRIPPS. 122 Esta. of Matthew & Mary (Quinn), X. B., do., 5: 21 : 07. CROCKER. 10S Bessie Louise, of Henry E. & Helen II. (Scudder), Barnstable, do., 10: 19 : 83. 94 Helen Hastings, of William F. & Mary (McCaslin), Provincetown, Ded.. 8: 27: 88. 124 Henry Scudder, of Henry E. & Helen II., etc. vt sup. 3: 28: 74. CROCKETT. 54 Alvah G., of James T. & Sarah Stanley), Beverly, Danvers, 5: 20: 80. 01 Ida May, of James F. & Sarah, etc. ut sup. 7: 20: 84. < 1MM.AX. 59 , s. of James & Mary t Hennessey., Ire., do., 12: L0: 69. ( 'BOX AX, C1IOXIX. 35 , s. of Morris Sc , Ireland, , 1:4: 49. 55 Hannah, of James & Nancy (Oldham), Ire., do., 4: 2: 68. 102 Julia, <>f Michael & Julia (Murphy), Ire., do., 7: 7: 64. 72 Mary A., of James & Hannah, [re., do., 10: i : is. 189 Michael, of John t v Mary (Hayes), Ire., do., 9: 10: 0::. 131 Thomas, of Thomas & Maggie (O'Neil), Ire, do.. L: 20:70. 185 Thomas, of Thomas & Maggie, etc. ut sup. 1 : 20: 71. 44 D ED HAM RECORDS. CROOKEE. 142 Evernett, of James & Martha (Davis), X. II., Boston, 9: 4: G5. 157 Grace D., of James & Martha, etc. ut sup. 11: 19: 07. CEOSBY. 60 , s of Wm. 8. & Clementine D., St. Johns, Friendship Me., 10: 21 : 50. 60 Alden B., of Edmund & Rachael A., , , 1 : 15 : 44. IS Calvin 1ST., of Edmund & Rachel, , , 5:5: 47. 42 Charles, of Wm. & Clementine, , , 1 : 8: 48. 68 Chas. Adin, of Chas. N. & Margaret (Wade), Ded., do., 6 : 17 : 70. 10 Chas. Adin, of Chas. N. & Margaret A., etc. ut sup. 1 : 20: 86. 197 Chas. D., of Chas. 1ST. & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 6: 4: 71. 18 Ethel Josephine, of Chas. N. & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 3:6: 70. 36 Franklin S., of W. S. & Clementine, etc. ut sup. 3: 19: 49. 136 Margaret Ellen, of Chas. 1ST. & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 12: 18: 82. 54 Mary Julia, of Chas. N. & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 6: 16: 72. 52 Sarah Rachel, of Chas. N. & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 4: 25: 74. 82 Thos. E., of Barnard E. & Catharine (Lyon), Boston, do., 6: 9: 72. 65 Wm. II., of Wm. S. & Clementine D., , , 5:1: 46. CROSS. 74 Adelaide M., of Edwin S. & Margaret A. (Morse), Barnard Me., N. Y. City, 10:24:68. 123 Annie, of John & Mary J., 1ST. S., St. Johns, 10: 27: 57. 60 (B. at Holliston) Fred. A., of Edwin S. & Margaret A., etc. ut sup. 4: 6: 64. CROUGHAN". 156 James, of Thomas & Bridget, Ireland, do., 8: 31 : 48. CROWE. 48 Ann, of Thomas & Bridget, Ireland, do., 3:8: 50. 10 Anastatia, of Thos. & Alice (Broderick), Ire., do., 7: 31 : 67. CROWLEY. 28 Ann, of John & Ann (Kelly), Eng., Ire., 8: 19: 74. 164 Bridget, of Thos. & Margaret (Welch), Ire., do., 6: 27: 64. 104 Charles, of John & Ann (Kelly), Ire., do.,10: 10: 72. 160 Jennie G., of James T. & Ellen (Shaw), Ct., do., 4: 30: 61. 53 John, of James & Mary, Ireland, do., 8: 18: 52. 110 John, of John & Ann (Kelly), Ire., Ded., 10: 29: 76. 33 Mary, of John 2d, & Ann (Kelly), Ire., do., 3: 27: 79. 45 Walter J., of Thos. & Bridget (Tyer), Ire., do., 10: 9: 72. CROWNINSHIELD. 52 Rebecca Felton, of Edw. & Rebecca (Felton), Marblehead, do., 4:8: 75. CUFF. 75 , s. of Wm. & Jane (Johnson), Ire., do., 3: 26: 65. 174 Bridget, of Bartholomew & Mary M., Ireland, do., 10: 15: 58. 25 Rridget, of Wm. & Margaret (Welch), Ire., do., 1: 8: 55. 226 Catharine, of Wm. & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 2: 29: 60. 144 John F., of Wm. & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 10: 22: G(y. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 45 156 Mary, of William & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 9:—: 56. 185 Patrick, of William & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 6: 15: 61. 79 Richard, of William & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 3: 2.">: 63. 170 William, of William & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 11 : 23: 58. CULL. 8 Annie, of Wm. & Mary (McDonough), Ire., do., 11: !): 61. 1 Ellen, of Wm. & Mary, etc. ut sup. 5: 1: GO. 44 James, of James & Mary (Hart), Ire., do., 12: 9: G3. 12 Margaret, of James & Grace, Ireland, do., 5: 28: 59. 12G Margaret, of James & Mary, etc. ut sup. 12: 2: 65. 14 William, of James & Grace, etc. ut sup. 12: 14: 57. 192 William, of James & Mary, etc. ut sup. G: 14: 68. 79 Willie, of William . 9: 20: 58. 193 Mary, of Peter & Mary, etc. vt sup. 4: 2S: 68. 38 Mary Eliz,, of Robert & Mary, etc. ut sup. 6 : — : 57. Mary J., of John & Catherine, etc. at sup. 0:3: 55. 129 Michael, of Stephen & Kate (Conolly), Ire., do., 11 : 8: 64. 145 Nicholas, of Stephen & Kate (Connelly), Ire., do., 8: 20: 71. 141 Rosanna, of Peter & Mary, etc. ut sup. 1 : 20: 61. 136 Sarah, of John & Catharine, etc. ut sup. 2:3: 57. CURRY. 194 Sarah Ellen, of Angus & Mary E. (Hutchinson), B. Province, Ded., 9: 28: 60. CURTIS. 29 Albert H., of Edward II. & Hannah, Milton, Ded., 2: 20: 47. 103 Clara Ada, of George F. & Mary W., Milton, Dorch., 8:5: 52. 11 Ellen, of Patrick & Frances, Ire., do., 1: 2S: 79. 131 Ellen Agnes.of Patrick & Fanny (O'Brien), Ire., do., 12: 11 : 86.- 16 Emily Frances, of Edward H. & Hannah C, etc. ut sup. 1:1: 46. 85 Fanny, of Patrick «fc Fanny, etc ut sup. 6: 7: 72. 22 Hannah E., of Edward H. & Hannah, etc. ut sn/>. 12: 26: 48. 19 Harriet E., of Geo. F. & Mary W., etc. ut sup. 11: 16: 4S. 91 Honora, of Patrick & Fanny, etc. ut sup. 9: 12: 81. 125 Jeremiah, of Patrick & Frances, Ire., do., 8:1: 75. 73 Johanna, of Patrick & Fanny, etc. ut sup. 5: 10: 69. 116 John, of Patrick & Fanny, t tc. ut sup. 12: 15: 65. 134 Margaret C, of Geo. II. & Catharine (Hogan), Bath Me., Boston, 12: 16: 72. S Mary, of Patrick & Fanny, etc. ut sup. 7: 29: 67. 55 Patrick, of Patrick & Frances, Ire., do., 5:6: 77. CUSACK, CUSICK. 84 Eliza, of Peter & Mary, Ireland, do., 5: 17: 53. 109 Robert, of Peter & Mary, etc. ut sup. 2: 23: 55. 28 Susan Ann, of Thomas & Susan, , , 11 : 18: 40. 116 William H., of Peter & Mary, etc. ut sup. 3:7: 52. CUSHMAN. 15 Hosea, of C. S. & Ann, , , 8 : 4 : 44. 171 Olive, of Fred'k & Annie (Winslow), New Bedford, Ded., 4: 15: 71. CUTTER. 50 John, of John Philip & Mary Abbie (Holland), Littleton, Chelsea, 5: 19: 88. DAGGETT. Thomas, of John & Margaret (Tenan), Ire., do., 9:0: 62. DALTOX. r>:. Wm. Langdon, of John E. & Mary E. (Langdon), Me., Charlestown, 7: 1: 87. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 47 DAILY, DALEY. 52 Annie, of Daniel & Hannah (Rotcb), Ire., do., it): 14: 73. 30 David, of Philip & Mary (Keyes), Ireland, do., :!: 10: 55. l Edward, of Patrick & Ann (Doherty), Ire., do., 10: 14: 07. l Edward, of Patrick & Ann, etc. ut sup. 10: 14: 68. 114 Elizabeth, of John & Ann (Sullivan), Ire., do., 1:8: 68. SO Ellen, of Phillip & Mary, < tc. ut sup. 7: is: 61. 21 Francis, of Patrick & Nancy (Doherty), Ire., do., 2: 5: 78. 31 Oeorge, of John & Mary (Sullivan), Ire., do., 7: 21 : 67. 38 Hannah, of Thos. & Ellen (Jordan), Ire., do., 3 : 19: 63. 101 Henry, of Philip & Mary, < tc. ut sup. 6: 12: 50. 27 Joseph Vincent, of Patrick & Nancy, etc. ut sup. :): 23: 7-"). 11 Maggie, of John & Ann, etc. ut sup. 12: 1'.): 65. 2:1 Mary, of Philip & Mary, etc. ut sup. 12: 25: 52. 120 Mary Ann, of John & Ann. etc. ut sup. i<): 5: 63. 120 Mary Vincent, of Daniel & Hannah M. (Roach), Ire., do., 11:4: 86. 88 Patrick, of John & Ann, etc. ut sup. :;: 12: 62. 74 Patrick Joseph, of Daniel & Hannah M., etc. ut sup. 7: 30: 83. DAMM, DAMME. 181 Catherine, of John & Isabelle (Cunningham), Germ., Scot., 2: IS: 50. 05 Christina, of John & Isabel, etc. ut sup. 4: 12: <;:;. DAMRELL. 136 Wm. Shapleigh, of Lucius Sargent & Mary M. (Smith), Boston, Dcdham, 10:13: 71. DANA. 31 Daniel Joseph, of Daniel & Mary (Healey), Athens 0., Ire., 2: 17: 71. 120 Elizabeth, of Daniel & Mary, etc. ut sup. li: i : 80. 57 Harriet, of Wm. & Harriet, Ded., Litchfield N. H., 1 : 24: 47. 143 Julia A., of Daniel & Mary, etc. ut sup. 10: 17: 75. 27 Kate F. of Daniel & Mary, etc. ut sup. 3: l : 79. 99 Mary Ellen, of Daniel & Mary, etc. ut sup. 6: 9: 73. 100 Mary Emma, of Wm. & Harriet, etc. ut sup. l: 5: 52. 17 Mary Ethel, of Wm. H. & Sarah Ellen (O'Neil), Ded., do., 2: 20: so. 13 William G., of William & Harriet, etc. ut sup. 9: 30: 44. DAN PIN. 144 Mary II., of Marvin G. & Sophia (Gritman), Vt., N. Y., 3 : 31 : oi. DAXDEY. 54 Mary A., of Frank A: Mary A., Pliila., St. John N. P., 12: 6: 55. DANFORTII. 16 Alary G., of Chas. P. & Adeline M. (Galucia), Vt., Boston, 7: 30: 71. DANIEEE, DANIELS. 70 Carlton Richards, of Arthur T. C. & Ellen C. (Bailey), Boston, Somerville, 7: 13:89. 173 Carrie P., of Ellery C. & Olive C. (Guild), Ded., do., 5: 25: 64. 14 Ellery Channing, of Ellery C. & Olive ('., etc. ut sup. 8: 15: 61. 4 Eva M., of Frank .1. & Emma (Broad), EppingN.H.,HoultonMe., 10:25:69. 48 DEDHAM RECORDS. 10 Eva May, of Theron P. & Agnes (Rogerson), X. S., Ire., 1: 81: 85. 164 Francis G., of Ellery C. & Olive C, etc. ut sup. 4: 4: 68. 4 Frank Tyler, of Frank J. & Emma, etc. ut sup. 12: 22: 70. 25 Jennie Preston, of Ellery C. & Olive C, etc. ut sup. 11 : 28: 69. DANGER. 130 Adam F., of August & Mena (Reidel), Germ., do., 2: 3: 61. 169 Augustus, of August & Catharine (Henry), Germ., do., 11:8: 75. 90 Barbetta, of August & Catherine, etc. ut sup. 5: 17: 69. 190 Bowetty, of August & Catharine, etc. ut sup. 3 : 17 : 68. 187 Emilia, of August & Catharine, etc. ut sup. 7: 26: 70. 23 James Henry, of Henry F. & Fanny E. (Patterson), Ded., Boston, 3: 14: 90- 189 Lena, of August & Catharine, etc. ut sup. 6: 1 : 71. 109 Roger Leslie, of Henry & Fanny E., etc. ut sup. 9: 20 : 8S. DARLING. 51 Geo. Granville, of Chas. C. & Helen A. (Ballard), Boston, Syracuse N. Y.„ 4:25:75. DAVENPORT. 170 Louis F., of Ambrose & Seraphine (Wilson), Taunton, Camb., 6: 20: 67. DAVIS. 74 , — of Almond H. & Elizabeth L., , , 3: 14: 45. 68 , s. of Enoch P. & Susan (Page), N. H., Sutton N. H., 12 : 25 : 66. 42 (B. at Rox.) Ada M., of Enoch P. & Susan, etc. ut sup. 1 : 4 : 64. 96 Margaret, of James & Jane (Kilpatrick), Scot., do., 10: 24: 62. 74 (B. at N. Y.) Ernest E., of Allen & Amanda (Chase), Vt., N. Y., 10: 8: 69. 117 Ethel Morse, of Wm. F. & Hattie G. (Roberts), Charlestown, Ded., 8: 13: 75. 47 Eva M., of John & Jane (Marshall), Scot., do., 5 : 4: 80. 146 Fanny, of Stephen & Fanny (Merrill), N. H., Dorch., 1 : 5: 68. 23 Flora Louisa, of Stephen A. & Fanny, etc. ut sup. 10 : 21 : 70. 45 Jessie E., of Thos. C. & Mary E. (Munson), N. Y., Vt., 4: 28: 80. r 20 John Everett, of John & Jane, etc. ut sup. 2: 9: 83. 120 Lawrence E., of Thos. & Eliza (Merrill), N. II., Dorch., 6 : 11 : 67. 163 Mary, of Lewis & Catherine, Boston, Germany, 3 : 10 : 54. 63 Nellie, of Thomas & Mary E. (Monson), Ire., Vt.. 9: 28: 73. 65 Robert, of John & Jane, etc. ut sup. 5: 1 : 75. 158 Thomas, of Stephen A. & Hannah J. (Morrell), N. H., Dorch., 10: 24: 60. DAWES. 123 Ethelind, of Wm. H. & Hattie P. (Bates). Maiden, Cohasset, 11 : 17: 88. 135 Helen, of Wm. H. & Hattie P., etc. ut sup. 12 : 12 : 89. 130 Ruth, of Wm. II. & Hattie P., etc. ut sup. 12: 12: 89. 19 Wm. Roy, of Wm. II. & Hattie P., etc. ut sup. 2: 25: 87. DAWSON. 138 Allida A., of Charles & Jane, England, Egremont, 2: 16: 54. 132 Annie L., of Geo. & Emma (Lynch), Eng., do., 9: 17: 74. DAY. 77 Ellen M., of Colburn & Martha, , , 8: 29: 47. 139 Fred Holland, of Lewis & Anna M. (Smith), Ded., do., 7: 23: 64. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 49 6 Marion, of Eben'r C. & Martha (Sumner), Walpole, Dec!., 7: — : 53. 132 Mary F., of Ebenezer C. «fc Martha, etc. ut sup. 2: 24: t'.4. 105 Sarah M., of Ebenezer C. & Martha, Ded., do., 7: 19: 50. DAYTON. 63 , (1. of Michael & Mary (Cahill), Boston, 111., 7: 30: 84. DEAN, DEANE, DEANS. 50 , d. of Ebenezer & Mary G., Ded., do., 4: l(i : 40. 100 Albert, of James & Cynthia, Ded., Sherburn, 3: 23: 50. 192 Alfred II., of Francis II. & Emily (Crosby), Ded., do., 10: 10: 62. 05 Alice, of George V. & Mary E. (Gay), Ded., Nashua N. II., 2 : is : 61 2 Alice Eliza, of Charles & Martha (Upham), Ded., Vt, 1 : 3: 72. 17 Anna Maria, of Josiah »fc Susan J., Ded., do., 8: S: 52. 85 Annie, of Geo. W. & Nancy S. (Richards), Easton, Ded., 2: 17: 56. 181 Arthur, of Geo. V. & Mary E., etc. ut sup. n : 3: 57. 70 Balch S., of Balch & Susan (Holmes), Ded., Glouc, 5: 20: 62. 147 Carrie Eliz., of Josiah A: Susan J., etc. ut sup. 11 : 7: 58. 15 Charles, of James & Cynthia, etc. utsuj>. 6: 23: 47. 105 Eleanor Read, of Geo. & Laura T. (Guild), Roxbury, Ded., 10: 10: 83. 15 Eliza Bell, of Edgar H. & Abbie (Marean), Canton, Whitney ville Me., 1 : 20 : S3. 18 Emma Frances, of Josiah & Susan J., etc. ut sup. 8:8: 52. 44 Emma L., of Thomas & Catharine F., , , 12: 31 : 46. 152 Fanny M., of George V. & Mary E., etc. ut sup. 7:4: 56. 88 Geo. Albert, of Albert & Emma E. (Ridley), Ded., Lowell, 9: 14: 71. 38 Geo. Allen, of Geo. & Laura T., etc. ut sup. 4:9: 81. 110 Geo. Arthur, of George B. & Eliza A. (Judge), Ded., Albany N. Y., 4: 4: 72. 220 Geo. Augustus, of George W. & Nancy S., etc ut sup. 7: 12:58. 102 Gladys, of George & Laura T., : 23: 79. 50 DEDHAM RECORDS. 33 Sarah F., of George W. & Nancy S., etc. ut sup. 6: 9: 01. 141 Sarah Jane, of Josiah & Susan J'., etc. ut sup. 9: 7: 49. 137 Walter I., of George V. & Mary E., etc. ut sup. l : 20: 66. 04 AVillard, of Thomas B. & Catharine, , , 7: 18: 44. DEARBORN. 27 Susie C, of Chas. & Susie (Cassell), Springfield, Boston, 9: 17: 67. DeBAHRENS. 106 Ray, of Ered. & Belle (Ross), Boston, Greenport R. I., 2: 9: 70. DEBLOISE. 212 James, of John & Sarah (Chapin), Boston, X. H., 1 : 22: 61. DEER. 23 (1>. at Sherbom) Kate, of Henry & Katharine (Cotter), Australia, Ire., 3: 12: 89. Deforest. 10 Martelle, of James A. & Susan H., Tenn., do., 12: IS: 71. DEGEN. :'.:; (B. at Boston) Tina Augusta, of John Andrew & Susanna Viola (Dame), Germ., N. Y. City, 4: 14: 89. DELANEY 45 Anna, of Richard & Nellie (Fennelley), Ire., do., 5:8: 89. 20 Ellen, of John & Bridget (Coogan), Ire., do., 3: 12: 85. 11 Ellen Catharine, of Wm. & Ellen (Sullivan), Ire., Ded., 9: 22: 73. 88 James, of Wm. & Ellen, etc. ut sup. 8: 15: 80. 47 James, of Wm. & Ellen, etc. ut sup. 6:2: 84. 130 James Stephen, of Richard & Nellie, etc. ut sup. 12: 26: 83. 48 John F., of Richard & Nellie, etc. ut sup. 5:7: 80. 3 John Francis, of Wm. & Ellen C, etc. ut sup. 1 : 20: 78. 163 John P., of John & Bridget, etc. ut sup. 5: 11 : 74. 144 Katie, of John & Bridget, etc. uf sup. 10: 1 : 75. 10 Margaret, of Wm. & Ellen, etc. ut sup. 2:9: 89. 112 Mary Agnes, of Richard & Nellie, etc ut sup. 10: 31 : SI. 135 Mary E., of John & Bridget, etc. ut sup. 12: 18: 80. 112 Mary Eliz., of Wm. & Ellen C, etc. ut sup. 10: 15: 80. 71 (B. at Boston), Mary Frances, of Matthias & Ellen A. (Murphy), Ire., do., 7: 12:85. 145 Patrick, of Wm, & Ellen, etc. ut sup. 10: 17: 75. 107 Richard, of John & Bridget, etc. utsup. 10: 15: 78. 03 William, of William & Ellen, etc. ut sup. 9: 16: 81. DELANO. SO Franklin Ellis, of Edw. P. & Mary J. (Davis), Me., do., 5 : S : 72. 92 Helen Louisa, of Edw. T. & Mary J., etc. ut sup. 6 : 26 : 74. DELLMUTH. 91 Christine J., of Wm. & Christiana (Faller), Germ., do., S: 7: 77. DeLOOME. 173 Eugenie, of Jacques & Lucille (Laborde), France, do., 12: 2: 70. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 51 DEMAR. 75 Joseph Napoleon, of John A: Sophia Ducesne), Canada, do., 10: 17 : 74. I > KM I ENS. 45 Lisette, of Joseph & Harriet (Estes), France, Smithfleld, 9: 20: 63. DEMPSEY. 138 John Win., of Michael & Mary, Ireland, do., 1: 19: 59. DENEEF. is:, Alice Genevieve, of Michael & Ann (Tobin), Ire., do., 7: 27: 69. 17 Annie E., of Michael J. & Agnes E. (McRae), Ded., P. E. I., 2: 11 : 79. 39 Eliz. A., of Michael & Ann, etc. ut sup. 7: 12: 62. 20 Elbe V., of Michael & Ann, etc. ut sup. 3: 23: 60. 1 Margaret Eliz., of Michael & Ann, etc. ut sup. 7 : 25 : 58. 71 Sadie Frances, of Michael & Ann, etc. ut sup. 7 : 27 : 66. 190 Thos. F., of Michael & Ann, < tc. ut sup. 7:3: 64. DENIVEN. 126 Ellen Lewis, of David & Mary (Deny), Scot., do., 9: :'.: 62. DEXXIX. 187 Annie, of John & Margaret (Riley), Taunton, Ire., 6: 7: 68. 7(5 Cora E., of James P. & Lillian (Edrigton), Taunton, Boston, 8: 15: 77. 100 Joseph, of John J. & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 9: 25: 77. 55 Margaret, of John J. & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 4: 13: 75. 89 Maria Isabel, of James P. & Leslie or Lilian, etc. ut sup. 8: 15: 79. 13 Mary Ann, of John & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 10: 10: 62. DENNING. 110 Ann Jane, of Eugene A: Mary E. (McDermott), Taunton, Ded., 10: 5: 87. 53 Catherine, of Eugene & Mary, etc. ut sup. 5: 25: 89. 42 John Joseph, of Eugene & Mary E., < tc. ut sup. 5: 19: 84. 114 \Vm. Henry, of Eugene & Mary E., etc. ut sup. 10 : 23: 85. DEXXIVEN. DENYVEN. See also Donovan. 81 (13. at Dorch) Marg't II., of David & Mary L. (Lewis), Scot., do., 11 : 3 : 60. Ki7 Michael, of John & Bridget (Crowly). N. S., ire., 5: 15: 62. DENSEBLE. 43 , d. of Christian & Catharine (Smith), Germ., do., 11 : 24:02. DEKVAN. 30 Elizabeth, of .lames II. & Margaret (Cull), W. Box., Ded., 4: 12: 87. 89 James H., of Michael & Mary, Ireland, do., 4: 10: 51. 27 Mary, of Luke & Belle (Carroll), Ire., do., 3: 10: 90. 1 Mary Ellen, of James H. & Margaret, etc. ut ■->"/'• 1:2: 83. 74 Michael Joseph, of James II. & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 7: 25: si. 100 Nana, of James II. & Margaret, etc. ut sup. U: 10: 85. DERVIE. 85 Mary Frances, of .John J. & Bridget A. (Jordan), Ire., do., 8: 21 : 90. DESMOND. 188 Helen, of Dennis & Margaret (Dunn), Ire., do., 1 : 18: 71. 52 DEDHAM RECORDS. DEVEREAUX. 184 John Victor, of James & Annie (Cokeley), Ire., do., 12: 27: 75. DEVINE. 140 Catharine, of Thomas & Mary. Ireland, do.. 8: 11: 56. 163 John of [Frederick & Margaret, Ireland, do., 8: 6: 58. 131 Margaret, of Richard & Ellen (Donelly), Ireland, do., 7: 8: 74. 177 Martin, of Thomas & Mary, etc. ut sup. 9: 25: 59. 10 Michael, of Thomas & Maria, Ireland, do., 8: 19: 54. DEVLIN. 33 James, of James & Sarah J. (McLane), Ire., Ded., 3: 30: 85. 88 James McLane, of James & Sarah J., etc. ut sup. 8: 7: 88. 96 James McLane, of James & Sarah J., etc. at sup. 8: 28: 89. 97 John, of James H. & Hannah (Hickey), Ireland, do., 8: 29: 88. 19 John Joseph, of James & Sarah J., etc. ut suj>. 2: 14: 84. 9 Mary, of James & Sarah J., etc. ut sup. 1 : 26: 87. 88 Sarah, of James & Sarah J., etc. ut sup. 8: 27: 90. DEXTER. 89 Clara Frances of William W. & Harriet (Blake), Valley Falls R. I., Wren., 5: 2: 61. S9 Ella J., of Nelson & Lydia, Littleton X. H., Maxfield Me., 1 : 28: 54. 137 George II., of Charles B. & Carrie (Clark), Me., do., 11: 28: 69. 202 Harriet, of William W. & Harriet A., etc. ut sup. 4: 6: 59. 34 Robert, of Charles & Cora (Clark), Mt. Vernon Me., Moscow Me., 3: 2: 68. 41 Roscoe M., of Nelson & Lydia K., etc. ut sup. 8: 23: 58. 88 Sarah Frances, of Nelson S. & Lydia K., etc. ut sup. 9:15: 56. 164 Willie L., of Wm. M. & Amelia (Blake), Ded., Wren., 8: 16: 71. DIBBENS. 154 Marietta, of Samuel II. cSt Eliz. (Cutter), P. E. I., Eng., 8: 13: 75. DIDEROT. 168 Susan, of Jacques & Maria (Louvaine), Canada, do., 7: 5: 73. DIMMOCK. 177 Marv, of George & Lucy (White), N. S., N. B., 7: 20: 71. DIX. 88 Anna Maria, of Thomas & Eliza (Barrett), Eng., do., 8: 25: 73. DODGE. 153 Agnes Mildred, of Albion S. & Mary P. (Merrill), Me., Searsport Me., 11: 14: 71. DODWELI, 132 Frederick, of Thomas T. & Mary (Savary), N. Y., Fitchburg, 12: 9: 80. DOGGETT. 121 Agnes, of John & Margaret (Finan), Ireland, do., 1:1: 68. s Agnes Genevieve, of Thomas F.& Mary (Cox), Ded., Ire., 1: 25: 89. 62 Catharine Ann, of John A: Mary (Holland), Ireland, do., 2: 21: 50. 213 Ellen M., of John & Mary, < I,-, ut sup. 5: 22: 5.".. 69 George Folsom, of Thomas F. & Mary, etc. ut su/>. 7: 25: 90. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 53 L'."> James, of James C. A: Mary I. (Coyne), Ded., do., 2: 5: 75. 131 James C., of John it Mary, etc. ut sup. 9: 7:48. 99 James Henry, of James A: Mary, etc. ut sup. 10: 19: 76. 100 John, of John & Mary, etc. ut sup. 2 : 24 : 61. 92 John A., of John & Mary, etc. ut sup. 8 : — : 51. 125 John Francis, of John & Mary, etc. ut sup., 12 : 19 : 56. 120 Kittie V., of James & Mary, etc. ut sup. 12: 14: 78. 121 Margaret M, of John & Margaret (Fining), Ire., do., 7: 3: 64. 212 Mary E., of John & Mary, etc. ut sup. :, : 22 : 55. 108 Mary Jane, of John & Mary, etc. ut sup. 7:7: 59. 101 Wm. IL, of John & Margaret (Tynam), Ire., do., 3: 10: 70. DOHERTY, DORRETY, DOUGHERTY. 40 Bridget Ann, of Hugh & Ann (Farren), Ire., do., 6 : 14: G2. 102 Cornelius, of Daniel & Susan (Kelley), Ire., do., 1 : 20 : 69. 122 Edmund, of Patrick & Bridget, Ireland, do., 8: 10: 51. 74 Edward, of Edward & Lizzie (Carney), Ire., Ded., 2 : 21 : 70. 1C0 Hugh, of Hugh & Ann, etc. ut sup. l: 10:00. 55 Katy, of Daniel & Susan, etc. ut sup. 5 : 25 : 07. SO Mary, of Charles & Mary, Ireland, do., 2:1: 54. 01 Mary, of Philip & Hannah (Crossau), Ire., do., 8 : 13 : 88. 107 Mary Ann, of John & Mary (McLaughlin), Ire., do., 8: 10: 01. 13 Mary F., of Hugh »fc Ann, etc. ut sup. 12: 24: 04. 25 Mary F., of Hugh & Ann, etc. %it sup. 1 : 12 : 05. DOLAK 108 Annie, of John F. »fc Annie (Riley), Ire., do., 12 : 9 : 84. 1 Annie M., of Thomas F. & Margaret (Moore), Ire., do., 4: 2:5: G4. 3S Daniel, of John & Ann (Riley), Boston, Ire., 4:0: 79. 195 Daniel J., of Tims. F. & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 12 : 12 : 02. 119 Eliz. J., of Thos. F. & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 10 : 18 : 58. 01 Francis Aloysius, of John F. & Ann (Riley), Ire., do., 0: 11 : SI. 120 James, of Thomas & Caty (White), Ire., Row, 7 : 15 : 68. 73 Margaret, of Thos. F. & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 4 : 8 : 74. 103 (B. in Ire.) Mary, of Thos. F. & Margaret, etc. ut sup. it: — : 00. 150 Mary E., of Thos. F. & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 9: 4: 55. 72 Xelly, of Thos. F. & Mary (Dolan), Ire., do., 7:4: 88. 185 Patrick, of Patrick & Xody (Magouty), Ire., do., 1:5: 70. 13 Paul F., of Thos. F. & Margaret, etc. ut sup. n : 25: 65. 66 Thos. W., of Thos. F. & Margaret, < tc. ut sup. 4: 20: 72. 21 Wm. J., of John V. & Ann (Riley), Boston, Ire., 2; 10: 77. DOLLIVER. 149 Kate, of James & M irgaret (Mahoney), Ire., do., 12: 10: 00. DONAHOE. 11 Catharine, of Patrick & Sarah, Ire., do., 4: — : 48. L35 Catharine, of Patrick & Sarah, < tc. ut sup. c : is: is. 103 Ellen M., of Patrick & Margaret (Genon), Ire., do., S: 26: 05. 166 (B. at Lowell) James, of John & .Mary. Ireland, do., 11:1:48. 54 D ED HA M RECORDS. 146 James, of Patrick & Sarah, etc. ut sup. 4: — : 52. 88 Mary, of Patrick & Sarah, etc. ut sup. 10: 31 : 55. 134 Sarah, of Patrick & Sarah, etc. ut sup. 11 : 29: 49. 88 Thomas, of John & Sarah, Ireland, do., 8: 15: 52. 145 Thomas, of Patrick & Sarah, etc. ut sup. 4: — : 52. 72 (B. at Milford) Thos., of Peter & Ellen (Fell), Ire., do., 7: 13: 02. DONATHY. 59 (B. at Seekonk) Chas. E., of James & Eliza (Miller), N. Y., Attleboro, 3 : 25 : G8. DONER. 93 Catharine, of Thomas & Catharine, , , 7: 15: 45. DONLEY, DONELLY. 11 Alice Mary Isabel, of Irving & Mattie L. (Graden), Ire., Boston, 2:8: 81. 71 Delia Frances, of Patrick & Bridget, Ire., do., 12: 17: 53. 200 George, of Francis & Mary A. (Bradley), Phila. Pa., St. Johns, 3: 25: 61. 157 George H., of Francis & Mary A., etc. ut sup. 1 : 31 : 63. 201 Georgianna, of Francis & Mary A., < tc. ut sup. 3: 25: 61. 48 Mary E., of Timothy & Margaret (Mahoney), Ire., do., 12: 20: 68. 161 Wm. Francis, of Francis & Mary A., etc. ut sup- 4: 2. 59. DONOVAN. See also Deniven, Denniven. 59 Alice Vincent, of John & Hannah (Noonan), Ire., do., 0:3: 81. 130 Catharine, of John & Bridget, Halifax, Ireland, 4:1: 50. 202 Charles, of John & Bridget (Crowley), Eng., Ire., S: 15: 00. 81 Elizabeth, of Cornelius J. & Kate (McGinnis), Ire., do., 1: 9: 72. 40 Ellen Frances, of John & Hannah, etc. ut sup. 5: 20: 83. 15S James, of John & Bridget (Crowley), N. S., Ire., 5: 5: 04. 18S (B. in R. I ) James, of Wm. & Bridget (Crogan), Ire., do., 3: 7: 03. 120 John, of Cornelius J. & Katie (McGuire), Ire., Bos., 11: 21 : 70. 164 John, of John & Bridget, N. S., Ire., 0: 15: 58. 193 John, of Tom & Mary (Carney), Ire., do., 4:9: 01. 95 Julia, of Jeremiah & Margaret (Hurley), Ire., do., 5: 27: 71. 94 Margaret, of John & Hannah, etc. ut sup. 8: 11: 79. 129 Mary, of John & Bridget (Crowley), Halifax N. S., Ire., 3:6: 70. 25 Mary Josephine, of John & Hannah, etc. ut sup. 2: 7: 7S. DOOL, DOOLE. 22 Agnes, of Wm & Hannah, , , 5:8: 45. 37 Andrew F., of Andrew & Eliza (Bones), Ireland, do., 6: 17: 49. 106 Annie Eliz., of William A: Hannah (McLane), Ire., do., 12: 10: 52. 00 Eliza, of Wm. & Hannah, etc. ut sup. 10: 10: 50. 4 Francis, of Andrew & Eliza, < tc. ut suj>. 11: 2: 47. 80 Frederick, of Andrew & Eliza, < tc. ut sup. L0: 31 : 56. 149 George II., of Andrew & Eliza, etc. ut sup. 9: 14: 52. 7o Hannah M., of Wm. A, Hannah, etc.utsup. 7:30: 54. 07 Henry Ellsworth, of Wm. A Hannah, etc. ut sup. 6: 30: 02. 34 James, of Wm. J. & Hannah, Ireland, do., 6: 30: 58. 2:; Manetty, of Andrew J. & Eliz., Ireland, do., 7:7: 58. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 55 31 Martha, of Wm. & Hannah, etc. ut sup. 8: 20: 17. lti Mary Jane, of Andrew A; Eliza, < /<•. ut sup. 10: 27: 00. 2 Sarah E., of Andrew & Eliza, eic. Mi swp. 7: 27: 54. 49 Wm. Henry, of Wm. & Hannah, etc. ut sup. 1:9: (50. 61 Wm. John, of Win. J. A Hannah, Ireland, do., 5: ::: .-><;. DOOLIXG 70 Geo. IT., of Sylvester J. A Margaret J. (Cook), St. Johns, Halifax X. S., 4: 10: 71. OS Jane, of Sylvester & Maggie, etc. ut sup. 3: — : 73. DOOXAX. 40 Sarah J., of Barney & Susan (O'Donnell), Ire., do., 4: 17: 77. DOR AX. 206 Cate, of Michael & Ellen, Ireland, do.. :>: 28: 58. 140 Elizabeth, of Patrick & Ellen, Ireland, do., 1 : 25: 55. 92 Hannah, of Patrick & Ellen, etc. ut sup. 11 : 2:1: 58. 2 William, of Patrick & Ellen, etc. "/ sup. 2: 25: 57. DORE. 21 Honora, of Patrick & Mary Ann, Ireland', do., 2: 17: 56. 125 Mary O., of Patrick A Mary Ann, etc. >.">. 42 Michael Wallace, of Daniel & Fannie, etc. ut sup. 5: 2: S9. 57 Nellie Frances, of Daniel & Fanny, etc. at saj>. 5 : :'.l : 78. 102 Thomas, of John & Bridget, etc. ut sup. 2: 24: 53. 12 Thomas James, of Thomas & Mary, etc at sup. 4: 24: 56. 2:; William Bernard, of Wm. J. & Margaret (Fitzhenry), Ire., do., 2: 25: 80. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 57 DBAKE. 138 Irving Newell, of Webster N. & Eva F. (Newell), Sharon, Ded., 12: 24: 90. 157 Mary E., of Edward & Susan i MeXally), Ire., do., 0: 16 : 61. DKAPEE. 110 , d. of Henry S. & Catherine, Ded., Lisbon Me., 12: 30: 53. 118 , d. of J. Metcalf & Louisa (Bowditch), Ded., Boston, 12: 22: 04. 62 , s. of Horace & Eliza, , , 2:12: 48. 120 Abbot Wallace, of Francis W. & Louisa (Ellis), Ded., do., 10: 10: 59. 116 Alice E., of Francis & Louisa, etc. ut sup. 8: 28: 69, 100 Anna Maud, of Frank E. & Lucy A. (Smith), Ded., Chariot Me., 9 : 29 : 83. 77 Caroline Adams, of Geo. & Cordelia, Dedham, Dover, 11 : 11 : 50. 184 Chas. M., of Chas. E. & Aspacia (Tubbs), Ded., do., 11 : 1 : 69. 02 Charles W., of Anson & Martha, Ded., Dover, 5: 31 : 53. 54 Edwin L., of Willard & Louisa, , , 12 : 9: 47. 193 Eldora, of Moses & Irene, Dover, Franklin, 4: 21: 55. 150 Lienor A., of Moses & Irene (Ware), Sterling, Franklin, S: 5: 02. 102 Elizabeth, of Geo. . 3: 14: 54. 65 Wm. Hill, of Geo. & Mary E. (Nash), Walpole, Addison Vt., 7: 27: 73. DRAYTON. 91 Frank E., of John H. & Mary (Goward), Boston, Easton, 5: 31 : 54. 144 Henry E., of John H. & Mary, etc. at sup. 2: 5: 52. 169 Mary E., of John H. & Mary K., etc. ut sup. : 25: 04. 126 Nelly J., of John H. & Mary, etc. ut snj>. 11 : 3: 50. DRESSER. 72 Martha J., of David J. & Cellnda, , , 2: 12: 47. DREW. 33 Henry, of Frederic & Hattie (Sargent), N. II., Cape Cod, 4:2: 81. DRISCOLL. 178 Ann, of Timothy & Mary (Kelley), Ire., do., 1 : 3 : 67. 125 (B. at N. Y.) James, of Timothy & Mary (Shaunessy), Ire., do., 3: 2:*,: 03. 120 John, of Timothy & Mary (Kelly), Ire., do., 4: 3: 69. 107 Julia, of Michael & Margaret (O'Neil), Ire., do., 0: 13: 68. 107 Mary Ellen, of Timothy & Mary (Kelly), Ire., do., S: 24: 72. 113 Mary Ellen, of Tim. & Mary (Kelly), Ire., do., 9: 15: 73. 132 Susan, of Timothy & Mary (Kelly), Ire., do., 1 : 15: 71. 38 Thomas, of Timothy & Mary (Kelly), Ire., do., 4: 1: 77. 68 Timothy, of Timothy & Mary (Kelly), Ire., do., 5 : 2 : 75. DRUGAN. 130 Mary E., of Wm. F. & Mary E. (Richards), Boston, Sharon, 0:2: 04. DRITYER. 156 Francis, of John & Mary (Fagan), Ire., do., 5: 15: 03. DUDLEY. 31 Ella E., of Ephraim & Lorana, China Me., do., 5: 15: 54. 43 Ellen M., of Albion S. & Lydia F., , , 1 : 23: 4s. is Katharine Hutchinson, of Geo. W. & Julia M. (Cate), Montpelier Vt., Boston, 2:28: 89. DUCKWORTH. 137 Martha, of George & Eliza (Dresser), Eng., do., 12: 11: 05. DUFF. 185 Frederick L., of John & Keziah, Boston, Sharon, 5; 28: 55. DUFFY. 134 Samuel M. Bates, of Owen E. & Hattie E. (Bates\ Boston, Fairfield Ct.,. 12 : IS : 7!). DUGAN, DUGGAN. 92 Ann Eliz., of Michael c\: Catherine E. (Gorman), Ire., do., 8: 20: so. s Ellen, of Martin <^ Katy (O'Toole), Eng., Ire., 1: 19: 86. 115 John Frederic, of Cornelius & Honora A. i Maloney), Webster, Woonsocket li. I., II : 14:83. 91 Joseph, of Michael & Catharine E., < ><■. ut sup. v. A: S3. AILS TRACT OF BIRTHS. ">9 139 Mary, of Michael A: Catharine, etc. ut sup. 12:26:88. 49 Mary Frances, of Cornelius & Honora A., i tc. ut sup. .">: io: 79. 109 Mary Gertrude, of John & Eliza (Kelin), Ire., do., L0: 10: 80. 55 Win. J., of Cornelius A: Honora A. (Maloney), etc. ut sup. 5: 22: 80. Dl I,XAI\ 130 Kate Louisa, of Thomas II. & Maria A., Prov. 1!. [., Ire., 12: L6: 55. DUMBEILL. 87 1 B. at Boston) Emily, of Joseph & Margaret, Eng., do., 1 : 21 : 51. DUMPHREY. 126 Mary A., of John & Ellen (Sullivan), N. S., Ire., 11 : 13: 67. DUNBAR. 55 Edwin Eugene, of Thomas & Hannah, Canton, do., 7: 24: r>0. 71 Ellen H., of Thomas & Hannah II., < tc. ut sup. 9: 12: 48. 102 Henrietta, of Martin G. & Sophia, Greensboro Vt., Athens X. Y., 7: 2:'.: 55. 44 Jessie V., of Ruel W. & Mary A. 1 Lathrop), Bridgewater, Lynn, :',: — : 75. 40 John L., of Marvin (i. & Sophia, Craftsbury Vt., Athens N. Y., 3: 10: 59. 21 Marvin A. S., of Marvin G. & Sophia, < tc. ut sup. 5: 15: 52. DUNCAN. Ill Arthur J., of Christopher & Hannah (Hlggins), Ire., do., 10: 11 : 66. 130 Josephine, of Christopher & Ann (Higgins), Ire., do., 1 : 16: 69. DUNHAM. 171 George, of George & Ilattie (Foster), X. B., Newton, 3: 12: 69. 176 Ilattie F., of Geo. & Ilattie (Foster), Ded., X. 8., 10: 2S: 71. DUNN. 40 Daniel II., of Dennis & Catharine (McManus), Eng., Woonsocket, 3: 22: 7S. 124 Edith Florence, of Walter II. & Annie A. (Chipman), Dayton Me., Germ., L2:9: 83. 10 Margaret, of James & Bridget (Burke), Ire., do., 1: 15: 7">. 40 Mary Ellen, of James & Bridget, < tc. ut sup. :>: 8: 84. 28 Terance J., of James & Bridget, < tc. ut sup. •">: 10: 80. 1!) Terrence John, of James A: Bridget, etc. ut sup. 3: 1">: 81. 110 Walter Theodore, of Walter II. & Annie A., etc. ut sup. 10: 22: 87. DUREA. 43 James, of John Joseph & Margaret (Riley), Taunton, Ire., 9: 21 : 7:'.. DURFEE. 90 Chas. S., of Calvin & S. P., , , 7:22: 44. 53 Geo. Arthur, of \ ut su/,. 7:3: 52. 35 Katies, of James & Anastatia (Wallace), Ire., do., 12: 1: 73. 3 Lucy Elizabeth, of Joel & Abigail, etc. ut sup. 5: 5 : 44. 43 Matilda, of John & Harriet, etc. ut sup. 8: 19: 45. 42 Marietta, of John & Harriet, T Eliza -lane, of Thomas A: Ellen, Ded., Eng., 8: 12: 58. 76 Ellen Louisa, of Thos. & Ellen illulli, Germ., do., S: 23: 72. 65 Emma F., of Thos. & Ellen (Hall), Ire., Eng., 8:2: (57. 51 Geo. Robert, of Thos. & Hellino (Hull), Ire., Eng., 7: 21 : 62. 34 Kail, of Thos. & Ellen (Hull), Germ., Eng., 12: 10: 7:'.. OS Thos. Francis, of Thos. & Ellen (Hall), Ire., Eng., 11:7: 74. S7 Wm. Abbot, of Thos. & Ellen (Noel), Ire., Eng., 11 : 5: 04. ECKERT. 49 Annie May, of Michael & Gertrude Knight (St. Clair), Rox., Eng., 5: 18: 89. EDMUNDS. 187 Geo. Whiting, of Geo. E. & Alice L. (Baker), Lowell, R. I., 11: 4: 67. EDWARDS. 20 Arthur E., of Joseph & Amelia E. (Tebay), Eng., do., :!: 24: 70. 191 (B. at Boston) Ella Frances, of Charles H. & Frances B., Boston, New Sharon Me., 5 : 5 : 50. 49 Florence Catharine, of Joseph & Amelia, etc. ut sup. 6: 3: 83. 203 Georgie A., of Geo. & Martha (Avery), France, New Bedford, 9 : 20 : 71. 95 Leopold B., of Joseph & Amelia E., etc. ut sup. 9: 10: 80. 7 Nellie, of George & Martha, etc. ut sup. 9: 19: 70. 23 Victoria Eliz., of Joseph & Amelia E., etc. vt sup. 2:11: 70. EICHLER. 14 Emma B., of Chas & Frederica, Germany, do., 9:11: 56. EIDAL, EIDEL. 105 George, of Simon & Mary, Germany, Ireland, 8: 15: 58. 201 Mary E., of Simon & Mary (Mulkern), Ire , do., 2:0: 60. EIS. 63 Anna Mary, of Chas. & Wilhelmina (Schubert), Germ., do., 2: 2: 72. 127 Bertha, of Chas. & Wilhelmina, etc. uf sup. 6: 14: 6:;. 102 Chas. Augustus, of Chas. As Wilhelmina, etc. ut suit. 8: 4: 58. 40 Francis Augustus, of Chas. A. & Mary M. (Kappler), Ded., Newton, 4: 0: 83. 114 Hermann, of Chas. & Wilhelmina, etc. ut sup. 5: 13: 01. 70 Julius, of Chas. & Wilhelmina, etc. ut sup. 5: 21 : 67. 23 Louis, of Chas. & Wilhelmina, etc. ut sup. 8: (5: 65. :; Walter Chas., of Charles A. & Mary M. (Kappler), Ded., Newton, 1: 3: 80^ ELDEIDGE. 24 , d. of Kelly A Harriet, , , 12: 30: 44. 23 Emma E., of Joseph & Almira, Chatham, Sanford Me., 0: 22: 50. ELLIOT. '.»:. Andrew Jackson, of Andrew & Jane (Tyrier), N. B., Ire., 2: 13: 74. 91 David, of Wm. A Margaret (Donley), Eng., do., 12: 27: 07. 12:; Emily, of Wm. & Maria (Donley), Ire., do., 7: 15: 05. 25 Etty, of Wm. A: .Margaret Donley), Ire., do., 11:1: 60. 62 DEDHAM RECORDS. G John, of Wm, & Margaret, Ireland, do., 7 : 1 : 59. GS Josephine G., of Andrew & Jane, etc. ut sup. 7: G: 71. 100 Louise L., of Andrew & Jane, etc. ut sup. 10: 20: 69. 90 Maggie Jane, of Win. & Maggie (Denley), Ire., do., 4: 10: G2. 101 Mary E., of Andrew & Jane, etc. ut sup. 8: 22: 08. 38 William, of Wm. & Margaret (Donley), Ire., do., 8: 17: 70. ELLIS. 30 , s. of Calvin F. & Maria (Guild), Ded., do., 11 : 19: G2. 54 Abby C, of Oliver & Hannah A., , , 10: 18: 46. 9 Alvan L., of Alvan L. & Martha B. (Dean), Ded., do., 11: 9: 55. 139 Ann Jane, of Chas. & Margaret, Ireland, do., 7: 28: 57. 104 Bernard J., of John & Harriet M. (Johnson), Ded., Walpole, 8: 10: 70. 210 Carrie Louise, of Chas. II. & Abby L. (Brooks), Ded., Boston, 1: 8: Gl. 4:', Charles H, of Merrill D. & Rebecca X., Ded., do., 12: 14: 52. 65 Chas. Theodore, of Marshall P. & Susan, , , 7: 28: 44. 90 Chas. Williams, of Wm. II. & Lucy C. (Morrow), Medway, Boston, 4: 20: 61. 60 Clara A., of Oliver & Ruth, Ded., Chester Vt., 7: 28: 55. 92 Cora J., of Wm. H. & Lucy, etc. ut sup. 10: 20: 07. 79 Delia Maria, of Alvin L. & Martha 15., etc. ut sup. 8: 23: 54. Gl Edw. Everett, of Wm. H. and Lucy C, etc. ut sup. 8: 15: G3. 44 Elba Marion, of Chas. & Mary D., Ded., Jefferson Me., 4: 30: 55. 39 Ellen M., of Oliver & Hannah A., Ded., Brookheld N. H. 3: 28: 49. 49 Emma F., of Oliver & Hannah A., etc. ut sup. 2: 24: 51. 97 Emma Maria, of John & Louisa, Ded., Wren., 8:3: 50. 37 Eva Maria, of Alvin L. & Martini B., etc. ut sup. 12: 14: 52. 202 Florence A., of Oliver & Ruth, etc. ut suj>. 1 : 27: 57. 134 Frank, of Sumner & Catharine (Cuff), Ded., Boston, 6: 23: 67. 87 Frank Augustus, of Chas. II. & Abby L., etc ut sup. 8: 22: 59. 124 Frank Lewis, of Lewis & Sarah (Draper), Ded., do., 2: 9: 59. 52 Frederic D., of Merrill D. & Rebecca N\, etc. ut sup. 4:5: 4S. 64 Fred'k Johnson, of Oliver & Hannah A., etc. ut sup. 6: 14: 54. 57 George C, of Calvin F. & Sarah A., Ded., do., 2: 27:52. G7 Granville, of Calvin F. & Julia E., , , 1:7: 45. 118 Granville S., of John & Harriet, etc. ut sup. 8: 1G: GG. 34 Hannah, of Alvin & Martha, etc. ut sup. 9: 27: 51. 35 Harriet A., of Jason & Martha A., Ded., Walpole, 4: 25: 52. 137 Hattie Florence, of John & Harriet, etc, ut sup. 5: 4: 59. 99 Henry, of Paul & Jane, , , 7: 12: 44. 1G1 Herbert W., of Albert & Hattie (Tuttle) Ded., do., 1 : 20: 69. 41 Ina A., of George & Lydia (Snell), Dorch., Fall River, 10: 15: 64. 43 Julia Rebecca, of Calvin F. & Sarah A., etc. ut sup. 11: 30: 53. 83 Julia T., of Oliver & Mary, , , 5: 1: 44. 185 Kate Hemmenway, of Lewis & Sarah, etc. ut sup. 8: 23: 67. 4 Lenora E., of Alfred & Emily (Ellis), Ded., do., 10: 23: 68. 33 Levina Etta, of Wm. H. & Lucy E., etc. ut sup. 12: 18: 65. 92 Louis Edward, of Albert C. & Hattie L., etc. ut sup. 7: 20: 71. 47 Lucia Rebecca, of Rufus & Hannah, , , 3: 15: 46. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 63 118 Lyman, of Franklin A: Mary, Ded., Bridgewater, 1: 18:56. 203 Mabel, of Alvin & Martini, etc. ut sup. 9: 14: 58. 145 Mallon, of Alvan L. & Martha, etc. ut -sup. 4:1: 62. 151 Mary E., of Warren & Mary (Kingsbury), Ded., do., 8: 30: 66. 76 Oliver, of Oliver & Mary E., , , 8: 22: 47. 104 Samuel, of Paul & Jane, Ded., do., 12: 17: 50. 89 Susan Davis, of Merrill D. & Rebecca N., etc. ut sup. 7:5: 50. 63 Walter, of Alvin & Martha B., etc. ut sup. 4:29:60. 1 19 Walter J., of Alfred & Emily, etc. ut sup. 8: 25: 66. 66 Willard X., of Paul, Jr. & Jane, , , 2: 1 : 48. 38 Win. II., of Wm. II. & Lucy C, etc. ut sup. 8: 27: 54. L53 Willie ('., of Wm. & Mary (Smithson), Ded., do., 5: 22: 70. ELLSWORTH. 88 Carrie Hannah, of Aaron & Eliza Ann (Hollingsworth), Wentworth X. IT., Greenfield N. S., 8: 28: 87. 94 Edith May, of Aaron & Eliza Ann, < tc. ut sup. 9: 5: 85. 132 Elmer Aaron, of Aaron & Eliza A., < tc. ut sup. 12: 5: 82. 10:) Stewart Marsh, of Aaron & Eliza A., < tc. ut sup. 9: 22: 90. ELMORE. 22 Harry A., of Edw. W. & Josephine (Currier), X. Y., Canaan X.IL, 12:14:68. ELSTOX. 166 Samuel P., of Edwin & Eliza (Cordon), Eng., Ire., 10: 23: (12. ELY. S Amelia M., of Ered. 1). & Eliza B. (Whittier), Wren., Munroe Me., 2: 22: 74. ll'.i Fred'k A., of Fred. D. & Eliza P., < tc. ut sup. 4: 12: 68. 15 Ida Baldwin, of Fred. 1). & Eliza P., etc. ut sup. 4: 15: 70. ENDICOTT. 98 Gertrude Ardelle, of Henry P. & Caroline W. (Russell', Ded., do., 9: 17: 78. 8: 1 . Henry P-, of Augustus P. A Sarah, Canton, Ded., !»: 11 : 5:;. 117 Henry W., of Henry 13. A: Caroline W., etc. id sup. 11:1: 80. 30 Richard Winthrop, of Henry P. & Caroline W., etc. ut sup. :); 28: 85. EXES. 138 Prank Antoine, of Pierce & Mary M. (Kallenbach), derm., do., 12: 27: SO. ENG LEY. 70 Minnie Franklin, of Jos. R. & S. Eliz. (Fisher), Wrentham, Ded., 4:4: 63. 154 Nettie F., of Joseph R. A Susan P., Walpole, Ded., 9: 2: 57. PPKSTIEX, EXTINE. 96 Emma, of (mas. A' Christiana (Kremer), Germ., do., 1:1: 65. 136 Frederick, of Chas. A Joanna (Greamer), Germ., do., 2:2: c>:\. ERWLtf. 9 (B. at Boston) Jacob, of Jacob A Amelia (Hark), Germ., Boston, 1 : 8: 84. ESS1C. 125 Emma, of Hottlib & Ann (Olt), Germ., do., 4: 22: 02. ESTER. 38 ( !ora Alsena, of George II. & Sophronia, Penn., Gardiner Me., 5: 8: 56. 64 DEDHAM RECORDS. ESTES. 52 Orion W., of Benjamin & Mary J., , , 10: 1 : 45. ESTEY. 131 Ethel K., of Willard F. & Jane (Withington), Easton, Canton, 9:9: G5. 101 (B. at Milton) Francis Henry, of Willard F. & Jane N, etc. ut sup. 1: 12: 04.. EVANS. 36 Ella F„ of Burley B. & Hattie (Taplin), Bow N. H., Manchester N. H... 10: 7: OS. EVERETT. 154 Alice Julia, of George & Julia, Ded., 1ST. H., 8: 0: 48. 32 Alice Lucy, of Edward & Irene, Bed., Sharon, 3: 14: 54. 97 Alvin Osgood, of Frank O. & Emma L. (Salman), Ded., Rox., 9: 13: 87. 05 Amory Fisher, of Isaac C. & Matilda J. (Osgood), Ded., Boston, 0: 10: 02. Ill Charles T., of Nathaniel II. & Lucy Ann, Ded., do., 5: 18: 59. 105 Cora B., of Francis E. & Clara B. (Hoyle), Dec!., N. Y., 2: 15: 03. 105 Edith, of Francis E. & Clara, etc. ut sup. 10 : 30 : 07. 142 Edward, of Ruf us S. & Rosilla, Sherborn, Watertown, 10: 7: 56. 14 Eliza Jane, of Francis H. & Mary N., , , 9: 14 : 45. 38 Ellen A., of Francis & Mary N, Lunenburg Vt, Waterford Me., 1 : 20: 49- 62 Eva A., of Francis & Mary N., etc. ut sup. 12: 13: 52. 52 Frank Osgood, of Isaac C. & Matilda J., etc. ut suj>. 5: 29: 58. 45 Frank Winthrop, of Emmelius A. & Mary A. (Collins), Boston, Chicopee,. 4: 11: 75. 92 George F., of George & Julia D., Ded., do., 8: 7: 55. 189 Herbert, of George & Julia D., Ded., do., 7: 23: 59. 86 Laura Augusta, of J. Edward & Irene D. (Smith), Ded., Sharon, 1:9: 01. 8 Laura Caroline, of George & Julia, Ded., do., 11 : 10: 50. 14 Willard Eugene, of Geo. & Julia D., Ded., do., 0: 13: 53. 04 Willard F., of Nathaniel II. & Lucy Ann, etc ut sup. 7: 27: 50. EVERHARD. 95 Honora, of John & Amelia (Ciriack), Germ., Boston, 9: 30: 76. EVERSHUTZ. 43 Albert, of Stephen & Amelia (Beich), Hungary, Germ., 1 : 13: 64. EWER. 20 Alfred, of Charles B. & Charlotte B. (Mann), Penn., Ded., 2: 20: 48. 50 Elsie Lilian, of Alfred & H. Elsie (Curtis), Ded., do., 5: 12: 75. 79 Libia, of Charles B. & Charlotte B., < t<\ ul suit. 3:8: 52. 45 Mary L, of Charles B. & Charlotte B., etc. ut sup. 10: 19: 44. 27 Maurice II., of Alfred & Hannah E. (Curtis), Ded., do., 7 : 24 : 72. FAGAN. 6 Alice, of P. Francis & Mary F. (Larkin), Ire., do., 1 : 9: 90. 3 Ann, of Michael & Margaret (Gaynor), Ireland, do., 5: IS: 53. 59 Ann, of Simon & Ann (Croddon), Ire., do., 4: 13: 63. 140 Catherine, of Simon & Ann, etc. ut sup. 1 : 27: 61. 110 Edward Alvan, of Peter and Nellie V (Carlon), Ire., Ded., 10: 7: 85. 102 Ellen, of Patrick & Betty, Ireland, do., G: 2: 51. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 65 19 Elliot Lawrence, of John J. & Mary T. (O'Brien), Ire., Brookline, 2: 21 : 86. 130 James, of James & Ann, Ireland, do., 5: 23: 52. 70 James, of Michael & Margaret, etc. utsup. 12: 20: 65. 119 James, of Thomas & Mary, Ireland, do., 9: 17: 55. 137 .lane, of Michael A: Margaret, < tc. ut sup. 8: 20: 67. 19 John, of James & Ann, < /<•. W sup. 12: 8: 56. 31 John, of Michael & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 2: 29: 52. 91 John, of Simon & Ann, etc. ut sup. c>: 5: 58. 139 Joseph, of Simon & Ann, etc. ut sup. 1 : 27 : 61. 16 Joseph P., of John J. & Mary T., r/r. w swp. 1 : 1 : 78. 151 Kate, of Michael & Margaret, « /<•. "/ sup. 1 : IS: 60. 9 Margaret, of Michael & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 11: 15: .VI. 133 Margaret, of Michael & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 11: 24: 56. 136 Margaret, of Simon & Ann, etc. ut sup. 3:4: 55. 127 Mary, of James &Ann, etc. utsup. 11 : 29: 54. 152 Alary, of James & Ann, etc. ut sup. 11 : 29: 55. 139 Mary Ann, of Thomas & Mary, etc. ut sup. 10 : 7 : 52. 86 Michael, of Michael & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 11 : 11 : 03. 109 Xellie Frances, of John Joseph & Mary, etc. ut sup. 10: 25: 81. 172 Sarah, of Michael & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 2: 9: 62. FAHEF, FAY, FEIIY. 72 , d. of Edward & Margaret (Gafney), Ire., do., 7 : 18: 65. 115 Anna S., of Edward & Ann (McMannus), Ire., do., 4: 14: 00. 6 Edward L., of Edward & Ann, etc. ut sup. 1 : 25: 08. 91 Hannah, of Michael & Ellen (Joyce), Ire., do., 4:1: 69. 129 Hannah, of Patrick & Bridget, Ire., do., 2: 20: 69. 138 Hannah Jane, of Patrick & Bridget (Burke), Ire., do., 12: 22: 02. 64 Henry, of Michael & Ellen, etc. ut sup. 8:4: 72. 141 James C, of Michael & Bridget (Flority), Ire., do., 0: — : 65. 150 Mary Ellen, of Edward J. & Ann, etc. ut sup. 1:9: 71. 39 Michael, of Cornelius & Bridget (Cullen), Ire., do., 11: 30: 04. 97 Patrick, of Patrick & Sabin (Fay), Ire., do., 8: 10: 72. 12 Thomas, of Michael & Kate (Obern), Ire., do., 11 : 9: 05. FAIRBANKS. 8 Adelaide M., of Jarvis A- Lucy Ann, Dec!., Dorch., 9: 11 : 44. 131 Albert A., of Jarvis & Susie (Alden), Ded., Wren., 7: 27: 00. 15!) Albert Weston, of James T. & Marcia <'., Ded., Bridge water, 5: 28: 58. (17 Bessie Harlow, of Jarvis & Lucy A., etc. ut sup., 3: 5: 48. 192 Cora Adelaide, of Jarvis & Lucy, etc. utsup. 3: 18: 58. (2 Ellen M.. of Marshal] & Maria. Ded., do., l: 28: 49. 158 Elmer W., of Jerie & Pheba (Clinch), Ded., N. B., 6: 13:62. 5s Eva Maria, of Marshall & Maria, rtr. ut sup. 7: 2:'.: 52. 30 George I'., of Jarvis A Lucy A., etc. ut sup. 5: 27: 52. 91 Benry Francis, of Jarvis A Lucy A., etc. ut sup. 2: 15: 50. 11 Herbert (i., of Jarvis A; Lucy A., etc. ut sup. 5: 5: 55. 52 [sabel, of Marshall A Maria, etc. ut sup. 1: 19: 51. 56 Martha Ann, of Jarvis A: Lucy A.. < /<•. ut sup. L > : n: n;. 66 DEDHAM RECORDS. 81 Mary F., of Moses & Charlotte, , , 10: 16: 44. 186 Walter F., of Willard & Mary J. (Kendall), Ded., Milton, 12: 16: 57. 150 Willard Marshall, of Willard & Mary, etc. ut sup. 11 : 26: 00. FALES. 194 Albert, of Eliphalet N. & Lucy 13. (Weatherbee), Ded., do., 9: 1 : 02. 117 Alice Moss, of Albert M. & Adelaide M. (Allen), Ded., Mansfield, 3: 31: 74. o Ann Rebecca, of David & Nancy L., New London X. II., Wentworth IS". H., 5: 25: 50. 74 Anna B., of Wm. & Mary J. (Clarey), Ded., Georgetown Me., 2: 10: 00. 118 Carrie A., of William & Mary J., etc. ut sup. 8: 13: 52. 51 Charles, of Chas. L. & Sabina, Ireland, do., 2: 15: 51. 08 Charles E., of David & Nancy, , , 9: 14: 47. 39 Charles 8., of William & Mary J., etc. ut sup. 12: 23: 54. 59 Ella Jane, of William & Mary, etc. ut sup. 4: 14: 59. 15 Frank Aldrich, of Eliphalet Newman & Lucy B,. etc. ut sup. 10: 13: 48. 187 Frank II., of William & Mary J-> etc. ut sup. 2 : 12 : 03. 52 Frederick Arthur, of E. Newman & Lucy B., etc. ut sup. 0: 8: 52. 94 Henry Newman, of Eliphalet N. & Lucy B., etc. ut sup. 9: 29: 40. 152 Julia B., of William & Mary J., etc. ut sup. 3:2: 01. 155 Mary Ann, of Thomas & Margaret, Ireland, do., 3: 22: 57. 72 Mary Susan, of William & Mary, etc. ut sup. 3: 9: 57. 21 Susan Elizabeth, of Eliphalet N. & Lucy B., etc. ut sup. 9:2: 54. 102 Walter, of Eliphalet N. & Lucy B., etc. ut sup. 11: 29: 50. 15 William Allen, of Wm. & Mary J. D., etc. ut sup. 2: 8: 50. 62 William Henry, of David & Nancy L., , , 5:1: 45. 102 AVillis, of Eliphalet N. & Lucy, etc. ut sup. 1 : 13: 57. FALLIN. 105 James, of Michael & Eliza, Ireland, do., 3: 10: 54. FANNING, FANNON. 16 Charles L., of John & Sarah R. (Radcliff ), Need., Ded., 2 : 22 : 70. 183 James, of Patrick & Jane (Welch), Ireland, do., 2: 20: 01. 63 Mary E., of Thos. & Ellen (McCalliffe), Ireland, do., 9: 25 : 00. 44 Thomas II., of Thomas & Ellen, etc. ut sup. 10: — : 57. FARBEY, FARDEY. > 80 , s. of John & Maria J. (Cook), N. S., do., — : — : 73. 99 Eliz. C., of Wm. H. & Catharine L. (Roche), St. John, Boston, 10: 2S: 74. 82 Mary Jane, of John & Maria J., etc. ut sup. 11 : 22: 71. 10 Sarah Jane, of Wm. II. & Catherine L., etc ut sup. 1 : 14: 77. 79 AVilfred F., of William & Katie, etc. ut sup. 11 : 0: 70. FARLEY. 09 Joseph, of James & Mary (Murray), Norwich Ct., Webster, 0: 20: 82. 50 Mary Esther, of James & Mary (Murray), Norwich Ct., Natick, 5 : 22 : SI. FARNSWORTH. 73 Ellen Ilolman, of Wm. *fc Lucy II. (Burgess), Boston, Ded., 7: 10: 89. 78 Henry Weston, of Wm. & Lucy II., etc. ut sup. S : 7: 90. 59 (B. at Wren.) Melvin W., of Henry & Lucinda L., Harvard, Me., 3:1: 49. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 67 FAERELL. 15 , — of Patrick & , , , 2: 6: S6. l is Bernard, of Peter & Ann, Ireland, do., 10: 7: 56. 4 Catherine, of Peter & Ann. etc. ut sup. 1: 2: 55. 10") James J., of Luke & Sarah (McGurty, Ire., do., 10: 4: 76. 95 Karv Gertrude, of Patrick & Mary (McCann), Ire., do., 11 : 1 : 84. 134 Margaret, of Thomas & Ellen, Ireland, do., 8: 22: 55. 83 B. at VVestville) Mary, of Francis & Rose (Shevry), N. Y., France, 8: 18: 90. 131 Mary, of John £ Margaret (Kurcy), Ire., do., 11 : 6 : 62. 146 Mary Ann, of Patrick & Mary (O'Connor), Ire., do., 9: 20: 63. 149 Mary Emma, of Peter »fc Ann, etc. ut sup. 12: l<>: 58. 11 Mary J., of Lake & Sarah, etc. ut sup. 1:21: 78. FAR REX. 05 (B. at Milton) Agnes, of Michael & Mary (Callahan), Ire., do., :! : 31 : 66. 83 Geo. Joseph, of Patrick & Eliz. D. (McGuinness), Ire., do., 8: 16: s:>. FARREY. 2 Margaret, of Edward & Mary Ann (Gaffney), Ire., Ded., 1 : 2: 86. FARRIXGTOX. 112 , d. of Geo. O. & Abby, Ded., Boston, 12: 16: 55. 119 Abby A, of Geo. O. & Abby D. (Paul), Ded., Boston, 1:6: 52. 82 Anna L., of Geo. O. & Abby I)., etc. ut sup. 11 : 6: 53. 4:1 Anna Louisa, of Geo. Eben & Henrietta (Langmaid), Ded., Strafford X. II., 3: 27: 82. 59 Arthur Benj., of Jesse «fc Mary (Farrington, Ded., Rox., 9: 10: 60. 38 Bertha C, of Fred O. & Helen F. (Drayton), Ded., S. Abington, 4:6: 86. 103 David F., of David & Abigail, Ded., Duxbury, 12: 1 : 49. 78 Emma J., of John B. & Sarah C, Canton, Temple N. H., 0: 22 : 53. 90 Eva Louisa, of Benj. M. & Mary L.. Ded., X. Y. City, 12: 18: 52. 55 Fred'k Otis, of Geo. O. & Abby I)., etc. ut sup. 5 : 15: 61. Hi Geo. Eben, of Geo. O. & Abby D., etc. ut sup. 1: li): 50. 22 Geo. M., of Geo. M. & Cleopatra C. (Knapp), Wren., Ilolliston, 3: 21: 71. .">2 Henry Paul, of Fred O. & Helen, etc. ut sup. 5: 21 : sit. 65 Lizzie Adelaide, of Reuben Jr. & Emily, Ded., do., 10: 10: 51. 117 Lizzie S., of Geo. M. & Cleopatra, etc. ut sup. 2: 13: 68. 3 Lucy A., of John B. & Sarah, < /<•. /'/ sup. 1:21: 47. 59 Sarah A. of John B. & Sarah C, etc. ut sup. 11: 24: 58. FARRY. 92 Arthur, of John & Ellen E. (Tracy), Ire., do., 8: 25: 7'.t. 78 Mabel, of John A: Ellen E., etc. ut sn,,. 7: 16: 78. FEARING. 50 Edward I)., of Edward A Eleanor (Hopkins), Ireland, X. S., 10: 23: 50. 41 Louisa Ann, of Edward & Eleanor, etc. "t sup. 10: 5: 61. FELIX. 78 Margaret, of Joseph & Margaret (Richardson), Mass., Ire., 2: 15: (15. FELL. 03 Anna s., of ('has. L. & Mary L. (McNamara), Ded., W. Box., 9: 15: 77. 68 DEDHAM RECORDS. 37 Annie, of Lawrence & Sabina (Grady), Ire., do., G: 29: 00. 127 Caty Elizabeth, of Lawrence & Sabina, etc. ut sup. 12: 1: 56. 167 Chas. Wm., of Chas. L. & Mary, etc. ut sup. 11: 13: 75. 125 Ellen, of Chas. L. & Mary I,., etc. ut sup. 11 : 16: 87. 91 Francis, of Chas. L. & Mary L., etc. ut sup. 8: 31 : 85. 101 Geo. Michael, of Chas. L. & Mary L., etc. ut sup. 9: 14: 00. 46 John, of Lawrence & Sabina, etc. ut sup. 0: 9: 58. 128 Lawrence H., of Chas. L. & Mary, etc. ut sup. 11 : 25: 80. 94 Mabel, of Chas. L. & Mary L., etc. ut sup. 9: 10: 83. 19 Margaret C, of Chas. L. & Mary, etc. ut sup. 2: 20: 79. 131 Mary Louise, of Chas. & Mary, etc. ut sup. 9: 23:73. 105 Mary Sabine, of John V. & Lizzie E. (McDonald), Ded., P. E. L, 9: 18: 89. FELTON. 37 Rosella A., of Chas. C. & Mary (Wilder), Need., Hingham., 4: 5: 57. 90 Rosanna W., of Chas. C. & Mary W., etc. ut sup. 7:8: 00. FENRY. 209 , s. of Peter & Sally (Foote), Ire., do., 0: 15: 01. FERGUSON. See also Furgerson. ' 115 Austin, of Matthew A. & Mary A. (Colburn), St. Johns N. B., do., 11 : 13: 81. 82 Margaret, of Thos. & Elizabeth, Ireland, do., 10: 1: 54. 144 Thos. Robert, of Thos. & Eliza, etc. ut. sup. 2: 12: 58. 63 Winthrop Ernest, of Thos. Norris & Ellen Alberta (Anderson) Phila. Pa., St. Peters P. E. I., 6:25:86. FERN. 149 , d. of Michael & Mary, Ireland, do., 12 : 28 : 55. 129 Sarah, of Michael & Mary, etc. ut sup. 2: 6: 54. FERNANDEZ. 121 Alfred L., of Daniel L. & Sarali M. (Flanders), Salem, Andover, 4: 4: 58. 101 Jennie C, of Daniel A- Sarah M., etc. ut sup. l : 31: 61. 28 Sarah E., of Dan. L. & Sarah M., etc. ut sup. 2:4: 53. 164 William II., of Daniel & Sarah, etc. ut sup. 9: 25: 55. FERRIS. 34 , — of Wm. & Johanna, England, N. B., 9: IS: 55. FERRY. 36 Annie Genevieve, of John & Ellen (Tracy), Ire., do., 4: S: 84. 17 Edward, of Edward & Mary (Gaffney), Ire., Ded., 2: 6: 88. '.)! Eliz. Gertrude, of John & Ellen E., etc. ut sup. 9: 3: 82. 30 Grace Blanche, of John A: Ellen E., etc. ut sup. 4: 7: 81. 13 James, of Edward & Mary, etc. ut sup. 2:6: 90. no John James, of John & Kate (Sheehan), Ire., do., 10: 14: 88. K ESS KM) EN. 20 Harry, of Chas. B. A Ilattie E. (Everett), Charlestown, Boston, 10:4:69. FIEDLER. 137 Edw. Franz., of Edw. A Ada(Hein), Austria, Germ., 12: 20: 90. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 69 FIELD. 65 Anna E., of Win. & Mary F. P. (Whiting), No. Bridgewater, Southboro, 4:7: 53. 128 Edward A., of Wm. & Mary F. P., etc. ut sup. 8:5: 55. c» Edwin Henry, of Ferdinand C. & Eleanor (Clapp), Rox., Ded., 12: 10: 71. 1(31 Eleanor L., of Ferdinand ( !. & Eleanor T. < tc. ut sup. S : 20 : 68. 10:5 Frederick, of Win. & Mary, etc. ut sup. 10: 25: 57. 94 James L., of Ansel L. & Clarissa, , , 5: 5 : 4.">. 68 Mary Eliz'h, of Ferdinand C. & Eleanor T., etc. ut sup. 6:7: 78. 17 Mary Alger, of Wm. & Mary F. P., etc. ut sup. 4: 6: 61. 84 Wm. W., of Wm. & Mary F. P.. etc. ut sup. 2: 2:!: 51. FIFE. 39 Etta May, of John F. & Martha A. (Moore), , Natiek ',!. I., 3: 30: S3. FILECHTER. 115 Emma L., of Lonis & Louisa (Nauer), Germ., do., 8: 10: 75. FINN. 119 , d. of John & Margaret J. (McGuire), Ded., Walpole, 11 : 20: si. 52 Aloysius, of Richard M. & Margaret (McN abb), Ire., do., 6: 19: 87. 143 Ann, of James & Mary, Ireland, do., 9 : — : 54. 10 Ann Sophia, of John & Sarah, Inland, do. 49: 7:58. 37 Bridget, of James & Mary, etc. ut sup. 8: 29: 56. 43 Catharine Agnes, of Richard M. & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 4: 29: 90. 83 Chas. A., of Richard M. X Margaret, etc. ut sup. S : 1 : 77. 113 Edward W., of Richard M. & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 8: 7: 08. 140 Ellen B., of James R. & Annie E. (Fagan), Ded., do., 12 : 1 : 70. Gl Fannie, of James X Anne, etc. ut sup. 0: 25: 70. 39 Fanny, of John W. X Maggie (Maguire), Ded., Sharon, 4 : 20 : 79. 34 Henry Leander, of Richard M. & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 3: 27: 84. 42 James, of James & Mary, < tc. ut sup. 8 : 19 : 50. 120 John Peter, of Richard M. & Margaret, < tc. ut sup. 11 : 25: 81. 131 John W., of Patrick X Fanny, Ireland, do., 8: 10: 52. 109 Joseph, of Richard M. X Margaret, etc. ut sup. io: 5: 85. 97 Joseph F., of Richard M. X Margaret, etc. ut sup. 7: 31 : 75. 153 Mary A., of Patrick & Mary, Ireland, do., 5: — : 55. 58 Mary Ann, of James & Ann, etc. ut sup. 5: 20: 75. 25 Mary V., of Richard M. and Margaret, etc. ut sup. 2 : 23 : 80. 1G2 Matthew James, of Richard M. X Margaret, < tc. ut sup. 5: 20: 72. 47 Richard Francis, of Richard M. & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 11:0: 70. 5 Thomas, of Patrick & Mary, etc. ut sup. 8: 10: 50. 2 William, of Patrick & Mary, etc. ut sup. 10: 18: 59. 103 Wm. Timon, of Rich ird M. & Margaret, etc. <>/ sup. 4: 19: 74. 02 Willie, of James & Anne, etc. ut sup. 6: 25: 70. FINN AX. 127 1 1!. at Rox.) Mary, of Tims. X Bridget (Finnan), Ire., do., 11: 3: 61. FINNERTY. 20 .lames, of Michael & Ann, Ireland, do., '.»: :.'7 : 59. 70 DEDHAM RECORDS. 4 James Joseph, of Thos. Anthony & Mary Ann (Fay), Ire., do., 1:9: 82. 4 Mary J., of Michael & A. Annie I Fagan), Ire., do., 9 : 10: 67. 32 Thos. F., of Michael & Ann (Riley), Ire., do., 9: 30: (39. FISH. 2 Ebenezer, of James F. & Frances M., Salem, Ded., 0: 21 : 44. Frances E., of James F. & Frances M., etc. ut sup. 4: 12: 4(3. 90 Sarah IT., of James F. & Frances M., etc. ut suj>. 6: 12: 48. FISHER. 189 , s. of George & Mary Estella (Colburn), Ded., do., 4: 29: 64. 155 Adaline S., of Alvan J. & Martha C. (Alden), Ded., do., 1 : 15: 52. 6 Adele M., of Albert F. & Anna W. (Morse), Cohasset, Rox., 1: 29: 78. 55 Alvan Bnrgess, of Alvan J. & Martha C, etc. ut siij>. 12: 2: 59. 18 Annie Richards, of Geo. F. & Mary R., Ded., do., 2: 27: 58. 173 Benj., of Geo. & Mary E., etc. ut sup. 7: 21 : (37. 20 Bertha, of Wm. F. & Mary E. (Sampson), Boston, Cincinnati, 10: 8:07. 105 Bertha Christine, of John B. »fc Helen S. (Colbnrn), Cook's Cor. Vt., Ded.,. 8:12: 75. 116 Caroline Lncy, of John L. «fc Lncy (Ellis), Ded., do., 9:8: 56. 27 Charles, of Charles & Augusta, Germany, do., 7:1: 56. 65 Chas. Francis, of Eben S. & Ellen M. P., Ded., Boston, 9:1: 50. 6 Edward Dexter, of Amory & Elizabeth D., Bolton, Ded., 2: 26: 46. 134 Edwin, of Edwin & Ella (Copeland), Ded., do., 12: 28: 70. 15S Edwina, of Edwin & Ella, etc. ut sup. 12: 28: 70. 32 Eleanor C, of Joseph L. & Carrie E. (Campbell), Ded., Rox., 3: 24: 86. Ill Eliz. Campbell, of Joseph & Mary E. (Campbell), Ded., Cherryfield Me., 4: 2: 71. 47 Ellen Estella, of Eben'r & Amy W., Charlotte Me., Pembroke Me., 2: 24: 55. 158 Emma C, of Wm. C & Emily (Atkins), Ded., Orland Me., 5: 21 : 66. 128 Frank, of George & Mary E., etc. ut sup. 5: 2: 58. 79 Frank Amory, of Amory & Eliz. D., etc. ut suj>. 6: 30: 5:,. 71 Frederick, of Jabez & Persis, , , 0: IS: 44. 165 Fred'k L.. of Wm. C. & Emily, etc. ut sup. 1: 29: 62. 100 Frederick W., of Alvan J. & Martha C, etc. ut sup. 2:4: 54. 1 Freeman, of Wm. F. :;. 63 John Ebenezer, of John L. & Lucy, etc. ut sup. 5: 30: 61. 86 John Gardner, of John B. & Helen S., etc. ut sup. 8: 31: 81. 61 Joseph Lyman, of Joseph A Mary E., etc. ut sup. u: 14: 61. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 71 88 Julien Gustavus, of Charles & Hannah, Dover, Dover X. II., ."): 12:50. 8 Kate, of Freeman «& Eliz. D., etc. ut sup. 11:27:71. 158 Laura [sabelle, of George & Mary E., etc. ut sup. 10: 5: 61. '.tit Lillian Ellis, of John L. & Lucy, etc. ut sup. 10:8:70. 85 Marion Howes, <>[' Frederick & Mary E. (Ward), Ded., Franklin, 11 : 7: 81. 10 Mary ('., .Joseph & Mary E., < tc. ut sup. 4: 28: 72. 3 Mary Godfrey, of William F. & Mary E., etc. ut sup. 7: 11: 71. 25 Miriam !'>.. of Freeman A: Eliz. 1)., etc. ut sup. 10: 15: 70. (it Nancy Adelaide, of John L. & Lucy, etc. ut sup. 11 : 29 : 68. 125 Nathaniel Clapp, of Freeman & Eliz. I)., etc. ut sup. 11 : 4: 7:;. 00 Nettie M., of Win. C. & Emily, etc ut sup. l : 13: 08. 132 Preston A., of James II. & Lucinda I'., etc. ut sup, 11:5: 57. 11:; Robert Osborn, of Frederic & Mary E., etc. ut su/). 11 : .1: S3. 78 Samuel Augustus, of Samuel & Martha L., Dover, New Castle Me., :'. : •". : 5ft 151 Walter L., of Eben S. & Ellen M. P., etc. ut sup. 11 : 27: 52. 30 William, of William (i. & Mary, etc. nt sup. 1 : 16: 40. 18 William Harris, of John B. & Helen S., etc. ut sup. 0: 13: 73. FISKE. 156 , s. of Orin W. & II. Murilla, Brimfield, Tisbury, 12: '.): 54. 56 Isabell F.. of Orin W. & H. Murilla, etc. ut sup. 0: '.): 51. s Samuel V.. of Jonathan & Almira, N. II., do., 8: 14: 48. FITZ. 153 (B. at Brookline) Louise F., of Frank & Fanny E. (Jaqueth), Chelsea, N. Y., 5:6: 68. FITZGERALD. 03 -, d. of John & Ellen (Donovan), Boston, do., 5: 18: 78. 154 , s. of Kirk & Catharine (Clifford), Ded., Ire., 9: 23: 74. 186 Bridget, of Richard & Catharine (Clifford), Ire,, do., 8: 20: 70. 140 Caroline, of John F. & Ellen, < tr. "/ sup. 12: 11 : 74. 193 Charles T., of John & Ellen (Donovan), Boston, Ire,, 12: 11 : 75. 58 Daniel, of John & Mary, Ire., do., 12: 2: 08. 198 Edward T., of Patrick & Rosanna (Fagan), Ire., do., 4: 10: 71. 41 James, of Richard & Catherine, etc- ut sup. 5: 20: 70. 77 John, of John & Mary (Farney), Germ., do., 12: 25: 05. 202 Margaret, of John & Mary (Faha), Ire., do., 2: 24: 61. 90 Mary Ellen, of Richard & Kate, etc. ut su/,. 8: 4: 79. 34 Michael, of Richard & Catharine (Clifford), Ded., Ire., 10: 21 : 71. 148 Nellie, of John & Mary (Falnery), Ire., do., 2:4: 07. 140 Norris E., of John & Mary (Foloy), Ire., do., 7: 23: 62. 121 Richard, of Richard & Catharine (Clifford), Ire., do.. 11 : 30: 81. 170 Richard, of Richard A Dora (Mullens), Ire., do., 9: L8: 70. 145 Thomas, of John & Mary i Farley), Ire., do., 12: 25: 64. os Wm. Henry, of Moris & Bridget (Colburn), Ire., do., 9: 13: 87. FITZIIENRY. 40 Ann, of Lawrence & Margaret Slianney), Ire., do., 1 . 23: 90. 65 Edw. Joseph, of Lawrence A: Margaret, etc. ut sup. 6: 29: so. '- DEDHAM RECORDS. 58 John Francis, of Lawrence & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 5: 15: 85. 59 Lawrence, of Lawrence & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 7: 2: S3. 74 Mary A., of Lawrence & Mary Ann (Dunn), Ire., do., 3: — : 74. FITZPATRICK. 112 Wm. II., of John& Mary, St. John BT. B., Boston, 10: 24: 77. FLAGG. IS Lena X., of Geo. A. & Anna M. (Cheney), Holden, Ware X. H., 2: 21 : 69. 168 Mabel Cheney, of Geo. A. & Anna, etc. ut sup. 2: 17: 66. FLAHERTY, FLARITY. 127 James, of Patrick R. & Kate (McGraff), Ire., do., 12: 1 : 70. 21 John Patrick, of Walter & Sarah (Murray), Ire., do., 2: 18: 84. 149 Martin, of Patrick & Ann (Condley), Ire., do., 7: 3: 61. 149 William, of James & Mary (Flaherty), Ire., do., 8 : 12 : 69. FLANNIGAN. 60 Anna, of Edward & Anna (Cullen), Pa., Ire., 7: 6: 71. 161 Mary A., of Edward & Ann, etc. ut sup. 5: 3: 74. 60 Mary J., of Patrick & Catharine (Lane), Ire., do., 10: 30: 7:'.. 6 Walter, of Edward II. & Ann, etc. ut sup. 1:7: 79. FLAVEL. 162 Clifton, of William & Anna (Roach), England, do., 8: 2: 59. 141 Edmund, of Win. & Hattie (Bishop), Eng., Walpole, 1: 19: 69. 206 Edward, of Wm. & Hattie, etc. ut sup. 6: 9: 70. 199 Lucy Ann, of Wm. & Anna, etc. ut sup. 10: 31 : 61. 155 Thomas, of Wm. & Anna, etc. ut sup.5: 7: 63. FLAVEY. 207 Julia, of Lawrence & Ann, Ireland, do., 7:9: 59. FLEMMLNG. 118 , d. of Douglas & Sarah, Ireland, do., 12: 10: 49. 14 Andrew, of David & Hannah (Quirk), Ire., do., 1:2: 69. FLETCHER. 197 Louisa, of David H. & Margaret (Lowden), Eng., Ire., 12: 16: 60. FLEUTIS. 139 Albert, of Geo. II. & Catharine (Hogan), Me., N. S., 12: 14: 68. FLINT. 60 Clifton LaRov, of Surrill & Hannah A. (Litch), Amesbury, X. S., 7: 16: 84. FLOOD. 145 EllenaE., of Tims. & Sarah (O'Jtfeil), Ded., Ire., 3: 12: 70. FLYNN. 132 Thomas, of Geo. & Kate (Hazlum), Stough., Milton, 12: 19: 78. FOGERTY. 68 Ellen, of John & Catharine (Lane), Ireland, do., 10: 22: 48. 28 James, of John & Cate, etc. ut sup. 5:1: 63. 129 .John, of John & Catharine, < fc ut sup. 1 : 3: 65. 71 Michael, of John & Catharine, < tc. ut sup. 3: l : 47. 96 Thomas, of John & Catharine, etc. ut sup. ■'>: 23: 61. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 73 FOGG. 72 Ada, Mary, of David S. !' Albert A. & Julia i Winters), Exeter X. IL, Boston, 10: 31: 67. FORBES. 116 James C, of Wm. &Irena, England, Limerick Me., 8 : LI: 54. 74 DEDHAM RECORDS. 1 Mary Ellen, of Wm. & Irene, etc. ut sup. 8: 17: 57. 139 Wm. Henry, of Wrn. & Irene, etc. ut sup, 10: 23: 55. FORD. 57 Agnes G., of John & Jane (McLean), Scot., Scot., 11 : 25: 74. 190 (B. at So. Boston) Chas. of Lafayette & Sarah, Sutton, Sandwich, 8: 10: 50- 170 Elizabeth, of Thomas & Sally (Faha), Ire., do., 9:11: 61. 193 Ellen, of Thomas & Sarah, Ire., do., 8: 10: 58. 16 John, of Thomas & Sally, Ire., do., 4: 20: 51. 135 Hannet, of Thomas & Sarah, Ireland, do., 1 : — : 59. 29 Lawrence, of Thomas & Sarah, Ireland, do., 12: 8: 55. 10 Mary Ann, of Thomas & Sarah, Ireland, do., 7: 28: 53. 126 Sarah, of Thomas & Sarah (Fahy), Ire., do., 11 : 10 : 04. FORGARTY. 181 William, of Wm. & Margaret (Welch), Ire,, do., 7: 10: 04. FORMAN. 112 Lillian, of Richard & Mary (Anderson), 1ST. Y., Pa., 10: 8: 89. FORREST. 18 John Flewelling Howard, of Marcus A. & Georgie A. (Nice), Foxboro,. St. JohnN. B., 2:18:88. FOSS. 63 Edward Alonzo, of Joseph & Martha, Canton Me., Newburyport, 9: 20: 53. 45 Ellen, of Hugh & Mary (Cary), Ire., do., 9: 1:62. 12 Ralph Emory, of Chas. F. & Emma A. (Nichols), Peabody, Norwood, 1 : 22 : 83. , FOSTER. 55 Charles John, of Charles & Eva (Heffman), Eng., Germ., 3: 5: 74. 189 (B. at Hingham) Wm. Davis, of Wm. & Martha, Boston, Deer Island Me.,. 6: 4: 50. FOWLER. 29 Edgar R., of Wm. C. & Esther S., Northheld, Chatham, 12: 25: 50. FOX. 152 Catharine, of Hugh & Mary (Casey), Ire., do., 12: 11: 72. 94 Catharine, of Tom & Bridget (Maloney), N. S., Ire., 12 : 17: 73. 95 Elizabeth, of Hugh & Mary, etc. ut sup. 6:1: 68. 127 Elizabeth Ann, of Patrick & Mary (McEntee), Ire., do., 11: 20: S9. 25 John, of Hugh & Mary, etc. ut *"]>. 3: 16: 76. 118 Mary Ann, of Hugh & Mary (Casey), Eng., Ire., 4: 30: 60. 127 Rosanna, of Hugh & Mary (Rating), Ire., do., 12: 7: 65. FOYE. 57 George, of John W. & Susan, , , 4: 22: 46. 41 William II., of John W. & Susan, N. II., Rox., 1 : 22: 49. FRAZER. 149 Kittie, of Frank & Lilian, (McLeod), Eng., N. S., 7: 2: 72.. FREMANTLE. 146 Harriet Mae, of Geo. & Elizabeth, England, do., 11: 25:49. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 75 FRENCH. 188 Carrie, of Geo. & Elvira (Whipple), Ded., Solon Me., 2: 16:67. isii .'has. WiMis, of C has. & Hepzibah, Ded., Solon Me., 12: 11: 49. 189 Cora, of George & Elvira, etc. ut sup. 2: 16: 67. 139 Edith May. of Samuel C. & Edith P. (Rogers), Ded., Boston, 1:9:89. 83 Elsie Justine, of Henry 1-:. A: Sarah May (French), Ded., Brookfteld \'t.. 9: 19: 84. 118 George Albert, of George M. & Elvira P., etc. ut sup. 3: 27 : 57. 58 Henry Elmore, of Charles & Henrietta (Robinson), Ded., Me., 2: 15: 61. H»7 Isabel Maria, of Abram & Sophia J., Boston, Ded., 9: 5: .">4. 50 Lillian Louise, of Samuel C. & Edith P., etc. ut sup. 5: 18: 86. 180 Margery, of Wm. & Elizabeth (Magee), Eng., Scot., 9: 9: 57. 154 Mary, of Win. & Elizabeth, etc. ut sup. 5: 23: 60. 44 Mary L., of Chas. & Hepzibeth W., etc. ut sun. n : 7: 52. 75 Mildred Wheatly. of Henry E. & Sarah May, etc. ut sup. 7: 18: 89. S2 Sophia Jane, of Abram A: Sophia J., < tc. ut sup. 8: 11 : 47. 154 William II., of George & Elvira, etc. ut sup. 4: 22: 61. FRIERY. 29 John, of James & Bridget (Gentry), Ire., do., 1 : 25 : 68. 161 John F., of John & Rosa (Managhan), Ire., do.. 9: 25: 63. S5 Mary, of John & Betsey (Monahon), Ire., do., 7:5: 65. 159 Rosa, of James & Rosa (Manshon), Ire., do., 8: 15: 71. 156 Rosanna, of John & Rosa (Munchon), Ire., do., n : 1: 69. FROBISHER. 229 i B. at Newton) Emma Frances, of Thos. F. & Emeline (Paine), Boston, do., 7: 16: 00. FROST. 59 George Edmund, of George A. & Olive C, Ded., Franklin, 3: 28: 50. 78 Oscar Franklin, of David O. & Mary B., Framingham, Marlboro, 5: 28: 58. FULLER. 95 Abby E., of Wm. & Priscilla, , , 1: 12 : 45. 165 Alvan Ellis, of Alvan & Frances C. (Coville), Ded., Me., 3: 21 : 70. 119 Charles R,, of Henry & Clara (Richards), Ded., do., 2: 28: 84. 127 Chas. Warren, of ('has. A. & Cordelia, Plympton, Amherst, 5: 11: 57. 86 Elizabeth E., of Chas. & Elizabeth F., , , 10: 30: 45. 16S Emily L., of Greenwood & Emily (Colburn), Shrewsbury Vt., Ded.,8: 13:60. 22 Florence, of Wm. A. & Frances E. (Hastings), Camb., Boston, 7:17: 62. 100 George L., of George & Hannah (Allen), Ded., Walpole, 10: 7: 59. 125 Henry F., of Henry & Maria (Stone), Ded., Me., 10: 21 : 69. 85 Ida Francis, of spencer & Sarah i Dodge), Need ham, Wiscasset Me., 8: 19: 63m 93 Josephine M., of Greenwood & Emily, < tc. ut sup. 2: 22: 50. 158 Martha Etta, of Spencer & Sarah, < tc. ut sup. :; : :;i : 58. 32 Mary, of George & Hannah, etc. ut sup. 9 : 23 : 61. 00 Warren Elliot, of Edgar W. & Arietta H.(Chapman), Saco Me., Corinth Me.. 6: 10: 88. FULLERTON. 100 John I)., of David A Eliz. J., N. S., do., 1:1: 52. 76 D ED HAM RECORDS. FURGERSOX. See also Ferguson. 40 Mary Esther, of James & Lucy (Morrison), St. Johns N. S., Sanford Me., 10: 12: 60. FURY. 145 (B. at Boston), John, of James & Ellen (Mahoney), Ire., do., 5: 1: 03. GAEBEL. 33 Bertha Charlotte, of Henry W. & Mary (Ludwig) Germ., do., 4: 24: 87. GAFFNEY 23 Ann, of Peter & Margaret, Ireland, do., 4:7: 57. 100 Ann Augusta, of Thomas & Ellen (Lahy), Ireland, do., 2: 1G: 58. 119 Anna Josephine, of James J. & Mary (Stapleton), Ded., Woodstock Ct., 11:20:83. 138 Edward, of Michael & Ellen (Doer), Ire., do., 3: 5: GO. 133 Ella, of Thos. & Ellen, etc. ut sup. 7: 4: 01. 130 Ellen, of Michael & Ellen, etc. ut suj>. 4: 7: 54. 2G Ellen, of Peter & Margaret, Ire., do., 8: G: 53. 48 Francis, of Michael & Ellen, etc. ut sup. 2: 23: 56. 40 Francis Dale, of Patrick & Kate (Dale), Ireland, do., 6: 14: 50. 6 Frank, of Frank D. & Mary A. (McLane), Ded., do., 1 : 11 : 82. !>2 Isabelle, of John F. & Nelly (Cawley), Ded., do., 8: 17: 88. 59 James, of James &Mary G., etc. ut sup. 7:1: 90. 142 James,. of Peter & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 10: 2: 49. 129 John, of James & Mary, etc- ut sup. 12 : 22 : 78. 15 John, of Patrick & Kate, etc. ut sup. 3: 19: 60. 159 John, of Peter & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 4: 21 : 55. 9 John, of Thomas & Ellen, etc. ut sup. 8: 19: 56. 120 Joseph, of Frank J. & Julia E. (Callahan), Westerly R. I., Ded., 2: 15: 84. 114 Joseph B., of James J. & Mary, etc. ut sup. 8: 25: 75. 40 Catharine, of James J. & Mary, etc. ut sup. 4 : 9 : 88. 126 Maggie Masella, of James J. & Mary, etc. ut sup. 11 : 18: 85. 25 Margaret, of Peter & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 8 : 23 : 59. 106 Margaret, of Peter & Margaret (McLaughlin), Ire., do., 10: 28: 61. 40 Martha Jane, of Thos. & Ellen, etc. ut sup. 3: 8: 63. 58 Mary Ella, of James & Mary, etc. ut suj>. 3: 11: 74. 27 Mary Ellen, of Michael F. & Annie F. (Cunningham), Ded., Bos., 3: 21: 89. 56 Michael, of Michael & Ellen, etc. ut sup. 12: 21 : 62. 90 Nellie Vincent, of James J. & Mary, etc. ut sup. 9: 10: 81. 7 Peter, of Peter & Margaret (Casey), Ire., do., 11 : 16: 65. 108 Peter W., of James J. & Mary, etc. ut sup. 10: 6: SO. 11 Rose, of Patrick & Catharine, etc ut sup. 9:5: 48. 161 Sarah, of Patrick & Catharine, etc. ut sup. 9: 10: 54. 50 Sarah A., of James J. & Mary, etc. ut sup. 5: 19: 77. L26 Sarah Ellen, of Francis J. & Juliette (Callahan), Ded., Maynard, 12: 5: SI. 128 Thos. W., of Thos. & Ellen, etc. ut sup. 1:1: GO. 19 Vincent J., of Patrick & Kate, etc. ut sup. 1 : 22 : 69. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 77 GAGE. 122 George E., of Geo. & Paulina (Phillips), Chatham, Orleans, 1:8: 52. 61 Merrietta Evelyn, of George G. iV Paulina, etc. utsup. 7: — : 62. G A II AX. 36 John, of .Moses & Margaret, [reland, do., 12: 1: 53. GALE. it Alonzo Bradshaw, of Chas. W. & Sarah J. (Bradshaw), Bristol X. II., Pawtucket R. I., 2: 6:89. GO James Henry, of ("has. W. & Sarah J., etc. ut sup. 6: 10: 79. GALLAGHAN. 77 Thos. S., of Peter II. & Mary (Riley), Boston, Ire., 7: 20: 80. GALLAGHER. 52 , s. of P. Robert & Margaret V. (Kelly), Charlestown, Walpole, 4 : 25: 85. 106 John, of Peter & Mary (Carroll), Ire., do., 10: 8: 90. 92 Mary Allen, of Peter & Catherine (McTrey) Ire., do., 5: — : 64. 58 Mary Ann, of Patrick Robert & Margaret V., etc. ut sup. 0: 10: 86. 15 Robert, of Patrick P. A: Margaret V., etc. ut sup. 1 : 28: 88. 113 Sarah, of Patrick R, & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 10: 15: 89. 58 Thos., of Patrick R. & Margaret Y., etc. ut sup. 7: 13: 84 GALUCIA. 43 Annie Eliza, of Warren B. & Sarah W. (( 'art wright), Lynn, Boston, 4 : 27 : 74- 29 Edmund W., of AVarren B. : 81. 92 Joseph Patrick, of Joseph A Honorah (Connare), Ire, do., 10: 24: 84. :;t .Mary Honorah, of Joseph I'. A Honorah, etc. ut sup. :>: 1 : 87. GEARY 26 Daniel, of John & Ellen i Lehan), Ire., do., 5: 27: 68. GEAZER. 171 George E., of Allen & Barbette (Edwards), Germ., Canada, 4: 8: 74. < i 1 : 1 1 1 X , GECHAN. 76 Mary A., of Moses & Margaret (McKen), Ireland, do., 11: 27: 52. 53 Andrew, of Moses & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 11 : 26: 56. Tii Margaret, of Moses & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 3:1: 55. 30 Mary Ann, of Moses & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 7:1: GO. .">'.» Patrick, of Moses & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 5: 2: 51. ti Thomas, of Moses A Margaret, < tr. ut sup. 9: 22: 58. GEHLING. 6 (B. at Boston) Charles Frederick, of Henry Lndwig & Ellen Marion (Holt), Needham, Boston, 1:20:89. GERALD. ir»:; Frederick E., of John & Mary E. (Talbot), Canton, Ded., 4: 20: 63. GEREUTNER. 42 Mary, of Vincent & Mary, Germany, do., S: 10: 55. GERHARD. 7S Mary Josephine, of Louis & Mary (Ross), Boston, Ded., 8: 15: 81. CERRITSOX, 197 (B. at Reading) Louis Henry, of Henry & Ann (Coster), (ierm., do., 10 : •"> : 67. GETHRO, GETHROT. 165 , — of Alexander & Margaret (Dennin), Canada, do., 10: 21 : 7:J. 11 Alexander V., of Alexander & Margarett (Dennis or Dennin), Canada, Taunton, 1: 29: 80. 93 Arnold, of Alexander & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 0: 0: 70 107 Edward, of Alex'r & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 10: 12: 74. 157 Edward, of Alexander & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 10: 10: 75. 61 Franklin, of Alexander & Margaret, < tc. ut sup. 4: 20: 72. 82 John Albert, of Fred J. & Lutilda (Grancj , Canada, do., 7: 11: 79. 61 Selena, of Frederic J. & Lutilda, etc. ut sup. 6: 2: 82. CHAM. 168 Joseph A., of John & Mary Ann, Germany, do.,9: 10: 57. GIBSOX. 99 Hannah, of Alexander C. A: Piiebe, Cambridge, Unity Me., 4: 19: ■"»:;. GIESEL. 115 Willie, of Wm, A: Bertha, Germ., do., 3: l : 74 80 DEDHAM RECORDS. GIFFORD. 172 Ralph W., of Elisha & Louisa (Knapp), Carmel N. Y., Kent N. Y., 10 : 8 : 67.. 103 Win. Elisha, of Elisha & Louisa J. etc. ut sup. 1 : 23: 70. GILES. 127 Allen Stevens, of Allen & Abbie (Stevens), Manchester, Stough., 5 : 23 : 74. GILL. 51 Mark, of John & Bridget (Gannon), Ire., do., 8: 11: 66. GILMAN. 104 Carrie Abbie, of Henry D. & Sarah T. (Attherton), Gilmantown N.IL, Bos- ton, 4 : 31 : 64. 59 Chas. H., of Henry & Mary Ann, , , 10: 26: 46. 105 Jos. Atherton, of Henry D. & Sarah T., etc. ut sup., 4: 31 : 64. GILROY, GILLEROY. 7 John, of Michael & Ann, Ireland, do., 10: 4: 57. 48 Mary, of Larky & Ellen (Mulliken), Ire., do., 8: 2: 62. GILSOK 106 Geo. F., of Barney & Mary (Foley), Ire., do., 10: S: 77. 41 Mary, of Barney & Mary, etc. ut sup. 7: 11 : 67. 7 Nellie F., of Barney & Mary, etc. ut sup. 2 : 19 : 69. GLACKIN. 1 Mary Frances, of John & Maria, , , 9 : 24 : 47. GLANCY. 35 Bridget, of James & Margaret (Slattery), Ireland, do., 2: 9: 56. 31 Catharine, of James & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 12: 18: 53. 79 Emily, of Win. & Lizzie (Shay), Ded., W. Rox., 7: 17: 82. 124 James, of James & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 10: 10: 61. 28 James, of James & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 2: 17: 66. 9 John, of James & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 2:3: 59. 124 Mary Ann, of James & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 11 : 4: 63. 85 Peter, of James & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 5: 15: 69. 114 William, of James & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 6: 25: 52. GLEASON. 110 Bert Elsworth, of Elmer Elsworth & Annie Josephine (Hewitt), N. Vas- selboro Me., Ded., 9: 25 : 88. 16 Ellen, of Daniel & Margaret, Ireland, do., 7:8: 54. 7 James, of Daniel & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 6: 12: 53. GLIDDEN. 158 (B. at Rox.) Phillip T. W., of Chas. E. H. & Mary A. (Turner), Me., Prov., 4: 7: 68. GLTSPIN, GLISPIE. 37 Josephine, of Thos. . 9: 1: 75. 21 Mary .bine, of Peter & Mary, Ireland, do., 12: 15: 59. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 83 02 Richard Lawrence, of James & Eli/.., etc. ut sup. 9: 4: S7. 7") Thomas Francis, of James & Eliz., etc. ut sup. s:4: 83. 9 William, of William A: Catharine, Ireland, do., 8: 14: 48. <;kaxa\. 96 Arthur, of Thomas & Alice (Mulholen), Ire., do., 8: 28: 78. GRANT. 93 Anna, of Wm. & Rachel (Morrisey), X. S.. do., 9: 2: 90. 20 John Bernard, of Hugh & Anna M. (Gallagan), Quincy, Prov. R. [., :;: l : no. •J.") Serena, of Wm. & Rachel (Morrison), C. Breton Island, do , 3: 16: 89. 17 Susie W., of Theodore & Clara (Winslow), Pa., Ded,, 6: 8: 68. 141 Theodore E., of Theodore & Caroline M. (Winslow), Phila., Ded., 11: 14: 70. GRAVES. 04 (B. at Boston) Adella Hortense, of Frederick D. & Florence R. (Ward), Unity X. II., Rutland Vt., 10: 1: 00. GRAY. 171 Alfred Wadsworth, of John & Ellen L. (Wadsworth), Walpole, Me., 11 :0: 7".. 20 Benjamin, of Benjamin & Harriet (Oliver), Eng., do., 3: 23: 70. 07 Edmund, of Wm. A: Hannah (Hill), Ire., do., 11 : 14: 73. 84 Geo. Francis, of Chas. L. & Eliza J. (Gay), Walpole, do., 6: 21 : 72. 28 Lina Maude, of Henry & Eliza (Berriman), X. S.. do., 3: 3: 75. 112 Lottie Mabel, of Chas. L. & Eliza J., etc. ut sup. s: 5: 75. 122 Wm. Perry, of Alvah (1. & Josephine (Perry), Seekonk, Attleboro, 8: 10: 71. ORE ELY. 182 Abner Baker, of James & Abigail (Smith), St. Johnsbury Vt., Ded., 10: 28: 00. 6 Alice May, of Abner B. & Emma J. (Kingsbury), Ded., do., 1 : 9: 86. 134 Carrie Smith, of James & Abbie, etc. ut sup. 3:7: 71. 144 Eugene Kingsbury, of Abner B. & Emma J., < /<•. ut sup, 4: 10: 89. 100 Fanny, of James & Abby, etc. ut sup. 4:1: 00. GREEN, GREENE. 00 Edwin Francis, of Samuel & Louisa, , , 12: 23: 44. 33 Emma R., of Samuel & Louisa, Boston, Ded., 7: 15: 51. 114 Fred, of John E. & Sarah A. (Deane), Eng., do., .">: 25:7:;. 35 Henry Samuel, of John E. & Sarah A., etc. ut sup. 9: 10: 71. 86 John C, of John C. *fc Catherine (Sohaepf), Germ., do., 5: ::i : 02. 157 Lucy Ida, of Leonard L. & Lucy C, Hanson, Walpole, 5: 17: 50. 64 Owen, of John & Mary (Gaddis), America, Ireland, — : — : 00. 83 Samuel T., of Samuel & Louisa, , , 3:4: 46. GREENHOOD. 19 Bernard, of Moris A: Mary (Lazansky), Hungaria, Bohemia, 11: 20: 70. 10 Elisha, of Moris A: Mary, etc. "< sup. 7: 15: 63. 55 Marion Charlotte, of Elisha & Lillie L. (Elliott), Del., do., 5:27: 89. GREENLAW. 123 Henrietta Ann, of Geo. F. & Jennie L. (Weller), Deer Isle Me., Buckland, 12: 0: 83. L10 Ralph Weller, of Geo. V. & Jennie L., < /<■. ut sup. 10:7: 80. 84 DEDHAM RECORDS. GREENLEAF. 134 Gilbert L., of Jeremiah & Emily S., Stark Me., Easton, 11 : 24: 52. GREER. 42 Amy Viola, of Alex'r & Annie (Sutherland), Ire., X. S., 3:2: 75. 14 Annie Eliz., of John & Bridget (Mcfeggart), Ire., do., 2: 8: 87. 1!) John Patrick, of John & Bridget, etc. ut sup. 2: 25: 90. 113 Lucy Ellen, of John & Bridget, etc. ut sup. 10: 20: 85. 88 Mary Jane, of John & Bridget, etc. ut sup. 8: 28: 83. GRENER. 17 Catharine, of John N. & Catharine, Germany, do., 8: (5: 57. 17 Frederick, of John N. & Catharine, etc. tit sup. 1: 19: 56. GREULING. 73 Bertha A., of Lewis & Ellen J. (Kries), Germ., do., 6: 13: 78. GRIFFIN. 75 Andrew, of Daniel & Susan (Coyle), Ire., Webster, 9: 29: 07. 84 John H., of James J. & Irene, Lee N. H., Barrington N. II., 10: 23 : 54. GRIGGS. 37 George W., of Horace & Belinda, , , 1:3: 48. 44 Helen Martha, of Chas. R. & Mary E. (Lewis), Boston, do., 3: 30: 82. 19 Reuben A., of Reuben & Elizabeth W., . , 2: 16: 45. 08 Ruth Emma, of Chas. R. & Mary E., etc. ut sup. 8: 7: 84. 76 Susan S., of Chas. R. & Mary E., etc. ut sup. 8:11: 76. GROVER. 112 Lilian II., of Lrskine & Martha (Elder), Vt., Guilford Me., 3: 25: 68. GROW. 68 Albert Glendon, of Chas. D. & Martha Josephine (Keating), Nashua N. H. Ded., 7:1: 88. 153 ('has. Albert, of Xath'l S. & Olive, Hartland Vt, Franklin, 12: 30: 52. 30 Jenny, of Nath'l S. & Olive, etc. ut sup. 5: 18: 56. GUILD. 175 , d. of Moses E. cY. Sarah A. (Ellis', Ded., Walpole, 11:1: 61. 13 Abby Eliz., of Geo. A. & Abby (Cobb), Ded., do., 9: 8: 61. 150 Albert \V\, of Lewis A. & Anna (Gould), Ded., Walpole, 2: 25: 67. 43 Alice Daggett, of Francis & Lauretta W., Ded., do., 5: 22: 49. 168 Anna Belle, of Lewis A. & Anna M., etc ut sup. 10: 5: 65. 1K4 Calvin Durfee, of Warren & Julia Ann, Ded., Brookline, 6: 20: 48. 93 Caroline, of Jason & Sarah E., Ded., Dorch., 5: 10: 49. 12 Clarence, of Calvin Jr. & Margaret, , , 9:7: 46. 82 Clarence M., of Lewis & Ann M., , , 2:5: 45. 68 Edwin Wayland, of Reuben 2d, & Olive, , , 5: 2:'.: 44. 38 Elisha Lord, of Elisha T. & Amanda M., , — -, 9: 5: 45. 00 Eisie, of Henry (J. A: Eliza A. (Philbrick), Ded., Boston, 6: 14: 85. 101 Emma L. of Samuel & Maria, Ded., Westford, 11:25: 57. 149 Frances W., of Francis & Lauretta W., etc. ut sup. 12: 22: 54. 15 George, of Geo. A. & Abby, etc. ut sup. 12: 28: 63. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 85 79 Gustavus Taf t, of Francis & Lauretta W., etc. ut sup. 6: 15: 51. 7:; Henry G., of Joseph & Sarah II., , , 6: 14: 4ti. 92 Joel A., of Geo. A. & Nancy, , , 9: 4. 44. John Warren, of Warren & Julia Ann, etc. ut sup. 5: 21 : 44. 9 Jonathan F., of Geo. A. & Abbie, etc. utsup. 9: 24: 71. 88 .Joseph, of Joseph iV Caroline 11. (Emmons), Dec!., Boston), 8: 15: 7<). 45 Julia Ann, of Warren & Julia Ann, < tc. ut sup. K): 21 : 46. 26 Laura T., of Francis & Lauretta, W., etc. ut sn/>. 12: 5:47. 177 Lillie G., of Xath'l II. & Sarah (Babcock), Bed., do., 11 : 17: 62. 4:) Martha Ann, of Frank & Adelaide (Bachelder), Dorch., Boston, 7 : 30: 60, 7s Mary, of Lewis & Ann, , , !): 14: 47. 40 Mary E., of Lewis & Ann C. T., , , 9: 14: 4(5. 14(1 Mary Juliette, of Moses E. & Sarah A., etc. ut shj). u : 28: 59. 7-) Moses Bwight, of Moses E. & Sarah A., etc. nt si. n : 23: (it). 32 Oscar S., of Heman, Jr. & Eunice, , , 10: 14: 45. 128 Ruth Emmons, of Joseph & Caroline R., etc. »/ sup. u: v.): 75. 51 Sarah F., of Frank & Adelaide, etc. ut sup. :): is : 58. 88 Sarah F., of Mark & Maria, , , 10 : 18 : 44. 172 Theodore Winthrop, of Lewis . '.>: 7: 47. 17 ( .» Elbridge G. P., of Timothy & Elizabeth C, < tc. ut sup. l : 17: 49. 205 Harriet A. Maria, of Timothy A: Elizabeth ('., t tc. ut sup. 6: '.»: 55. :;s Herbert Eugene, of Timothy & Elizabeth ('., < tc. ut s>'i>. 6: 13: 52. 7'.) Walter P., of Timothy & Elizabeth, , , 11: 5: 15. HAAS. 69 Win. B., of Paul & Phillipena (Laughannun), Germ., do., 10:9:72. HABER. 182 Robert J., of John & -lane. Germany, Ireland, 5: 21 : 57. IIACKL. 18 William, ut' Win. & Christian. Germany, do., '.>: 11: 51). 86 DEDHAM RECORDS. HAGUE. 103 Win. S., of Benj. & Ellen (Smith), England, do., 4: 27: 67. HAHX. 205 Andrew, of John & Catharine (Bartholemy), Germ., do., 5:2: 61. HALBATJER. 78 Annie, of Ernest & Sarah (Boas), Germany, do., 9: 28: 73. 119 Ernst August, of Ernst & Sarah, etc. ut sup. 11: 25: 76. 5 Lena, of Ernest & Sarah, etc. ut sup. 1 : 19: 81. 37 Lily F., of Ernest & Sarah, etc. ut sup. 3: 13: 75. 54 Mina, of Ernest & Sara, etc. ut sup. 6: 10: 70. HALBE. 90 Edward, of Edw. R. O. & Lizzie (Stange), Germ., N. Y., 10: 12: 84. 96 George, of Edward R. & Lizzie, etc. ut sup. 9: 10: 87. 82 Otto, of Edward R. (). & Lizzie, etc. ut sup. 8:8: 86. HALE. 142 Austin F., of Francis & Catterine (Wenner), Germ., do., 9: 19: 64. 219 Charles Sumner, of Francis II. & Alary E., Norway Ale., Goldboro Ale. 9: 15: 58. 73 Lillian, of Albert & Katharine D. (Wood), Newburyport, do., 7: 13: 81. 26 Thos. May, of Albert & Katharine D., etc. ut sup. 4: 7: 87. HALEY. 18 Annie, of Dennis & Mafia or Mary (Haley), Ire., do., 10: 18: 65. 126 Annie Louise, of Daniel E. & Maggie (Connare), Ded., Ire., 11: 19: 89. 46 Chas. F., of Dennis & Alary, etc. ut sup. 5: 21 : 76. 93 Dana, of Daniel & Hannah (Hill), Ire., do., 2: 15: 62. 128 Daniel, of Jeremiah & Catharine (Kelly), Ireland, do., 10: 22: 59. 62 Daniel Edw., of Daniel E. & Alaggie, etc. ut sup. 6: 15: 85. 97 David, (if Denis & Mary, etc. ut sup. 3: 1: 62. 81 David, of Jeremiah & Catherine, etc. ut sup. 9: 1:5: 54. lis Dennis, of Dennis & Kate (Kelly), Ire., do., 4: 1 : 69. 7 Edward I)., of Dennis & Maria, etc. ut sup. 1:7: 79. 132 Elizabeth, of John & Catharine (Calahan), Ire., do., 7: 17: 60. 99 Ellen, of Jeremiah & Katy, etc. ut sup. l : — : 66 180 Francis, of Jerry & Katy, etc. ut sup. 11 : 19: 67. 32 Helen F., of Jeremiah F. & Alargaret A. (Thompson), Ded., N. S., 3: 25: 90. 53 Honora, of Daniel & Honora, Ireland, do., 11: 20: 57. 22 James, of John & Catharine, etc. ut sup. 1: 30: 56. 110 Jeremiah, of Jeremiah & Catharine, etc. ut sup. 7: 29: 56. 152 John, of Jeremiah & Catharine, etc. ut sup. 4:4: 62. 107 John, of John & Catharine, etc. ut sup. 3: 9: 58. 88 John C, of John & Hannah (Hill), Ire., do., 10: 16: 64. 134 John F., of Dennis & Marie, < h-. ut sup. 7:1: 63. 179 John J., of John J. & Sarah L., Deerfleld X. II.. Townsend Vt., 5: 19: 57. 79 John Joseph, of Daniel E. & Maggie, etc. ut sup. 8: 10: s.",. 145 Laurens D., of Daniel & Honora, etc. ut sup. 1 : 10: 55. 125 Margaret, of Jeremiah & Catharine, etc. ut sup. 12: 8: 57. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 87 133 Margaret, of Jeremiah & Catharine, etc. ut sup. 12: 8: 58. 102 Margaret Alice, of Daniel E. & Maggie, etc. utsup. 9: is: 87. 58 Maria, of Jeremiah & Catharine, etc. ut sup. 3: 14: 04. 116 Mary, of Dennis & Emma J. (Haley), Ire, do., 5: 21 : 71. 11 Mary Ann, of Daniel & Hannah, etc. utsup. 5:18: 50. 04 Mary Ann, of Dennis & Maria, etc. ut sup. 8: ii: 67. • ;•_' Maud, of David & Agnes (George), Ded., Scot., 6: 10: 88. 96 Nancy, of Jerrie & Katie, etc. ut sup. 9: 2: 70. 140 Oscar, of David & Agnes, etc. ut *n/>. 12: 20: 90. sit Susan J., of Dennis & Mary, etc. ut sup. 8: 20: 77. '.is Theresa, of Denis & Maria, etc. ut sup. 11 : 1 : 68. HALL. 95 Almon Edwin, of Win. E. & Addie (Ellsworth), Canada, Wentworth X. IL, 0:7: 00. 27 Annie G., of Richard & Agues (Dool), Ire., Ded., 3:7: 70. 108 Arthur, of Chas. O. & Emily J. (Eddy), Walpole, Ire., 0: 3: 71. 104 Arthur Chester, of Barnabas T. & Catharine (Tenfield) Portsmouth X. IL, Boston, 7:0: 73. 82 Emma Frances, of Richard & Agnes, etc. ut sup. 1: is: 70. 16 Elorence Mabel, of Richard & Agnes, etc. ut sup. 2: 7: 75. 145 Fred Davis, of Wm. E. & Addie M., etc. ut sup. 5: 1 : 89. 107 Ered'k Sampson, of Isaac F. & Amelia (Mead), Dennis, Quincy, 12: 3: 84. 41 Frederick Y., of Barnabas Y. iV, Catharine B. (Kenfleld), Portsmouth X.IL, Boston, 3 : 20 : 75. 21 Harry Arthur, of Richard & Agnes. < tc. ut .-■»,/. 2: 22: si;. 11 Henry, of Henry P. & Abby W., , , 1:2: 45. 44 James Ellsworth, of Richard & Agnes, etc. ut sup. 12: 11: 71. ion John, of John & Eliza (Carver), Easton, Randolph, 9: 3: 64. 132 John, of Richard A: Ellen (Donnallyi, Ire., do., 9: 27: »'>3. 10 John, of Richard A: Ellen (Donley), Ire., do., 9: 27: 64. 20 Lucy Eleanor, of Richard & Agnes, < tc. ut sup. 3 : 24: 88. 17 Mabel Florence, of Matthew A Mary A. (Jones), VI., X. S., 2: 14: 75. 37 Until Maynard, of Isaac E. & Amelia (i., etc. ut sup. 3: 26: 83. lin Theodore Richardson, of Richard .V Agnes, etc. ut sup. 11 : 13: 81. 27 Wm. I)., of Richard A Agnes, i tc ut sup. 2 : 26: 78. EALLBERG. '.'i Elsie Hilda, of Issidor & Mary (Katzennuer), Sweden, Mass., o: 3: oo. HALLEX. 107 Matilda G., of James & Ellen, Canada, Ireland, in: 25: 52. IIALI.ORAX, HOLLORAN. 112 .laiiics, of James & Bridget (Noonan), Ire., do., 3: 7: oo. 138 John, of James A Bridget, < /<-. "/ sup. 12: 30: 86. 70 Mary Ann, of James A Bridget, < /'■. »/ sup. 7: 23: 88. HAMBLET. 22 Emma II., of Wm. 1'. A; Diana 1!.. \'t.. Unity Me., 5: 9: 50. 88 DEDHAM RECORDS. HAMILTON. 157 , s. of Geo. W. & Delia 8. (Cocking), Franklin, Ok, S: G: 73. 04 , s. of Geo. W. & Delia S., etc. ut sup. 0: 20: 77. 10 , s. of Josiah J. & Lucretia, , , 1 : — : 48. 104 Allen D. of Josiah & Lucretia (Thornton), Mass., Chatham, 5: 15: 07. 34 Alinedia E., of Win. & Martha (Doole), Franklin, Ded., 11 : 14: 07. 31 Edith Lillian, of Edw. F. & S. Lillian (Morrow), Franklin, Bos., 3:1: 79. 31 Edw. Lovel, of Edw. F. & Susan Lillian, etc. ut sup. 3: 18: 80. 134 (B. at Concord) Edw. Warren, of Fred. E. & Ida M. (Doty), Portland^Me., Fall River, 12: 12:89. 99 Frank E., of Geo. W. & Delia S., etc. ut suj>. 7:1: 75. 133 Gracie G., of Edw. F. & Susan L., etc. ut sup. 12 : 10: 80. 1:; Harry Roy, of Edw. F. & Susan L., etc. ut sup. 1 : 20: 88. 82 Herbert C, of Wm. & Clara (Coolidge), Scituate, Ded., 8: 17: 70. 49 James A. G., of Wm. M. & Clara M., etc. ut sup. 5:7: SO. 121 Leonard Curtis, of Wm. & Clara M., etc. ut sup. 9: 15: 72. 131 Oliver Francis, of Edw. F. & Susan L., etc. ut sup. 12 : 2 : 82. 128 Willie, of Wm. & Susan F. (Wight), N. S., 1ST. Y., 12: 5: 07. HAMMELL, HAMELL. 54 Isabella, of Wm. & Jane, Ire., do., 5: 13: 50. 48 Sarah E., of John & Eliza, Ire., do., 5: 12 : 53. HAMMER. 22 Annie M., of Win. P. & Annie (Kiefer), Germ., do., 2: 20: 78. 07 Frederick, of Wm. & Annie, etc. ut sup. 7:5: 70. 18 John Fred., of Willard & Annie (Keever), Germ., do. ,8: 20: 74. HAMMETT, HAMETT. 58 Eliz. Jane, of John & Eliza, Ire., do.,1 : 8: 5*;. 72 Mary Ann, of Wm. & Catharine, England, do., 8: 12: 58. HAMMOND. 191 Augusta, of Jacob & Susan (Steinmidst), Germ., do., 0:1: 58. 145 Edwin, of Jacob & Susan, etc. ut sup. 10 : 13: 65. 7 Marion, of Albert O. «fc Caty (Henderson), Gilson N. H., Claremont N.'H., 10: 11: 03. 117 Mary Ann, of Chas. & Fanny (Condlin), Germ., Ire., 9: 29: 01. IT Mary E., of John & Eliza, Ireland, do., 11 : 24: 58. 11 AN LEY. 22 (B. in W. Va.) Kate T., of Martin & Lizzie (Ilugan), 111., Ire., 2: 17: 79. HANNIGAN. 27 James, of Dennis & Jane I Fagan), in'., do., 1 : 15 : 04. I I:\.\X OX. 109 Ann, of Thomas & Ann (Mahoney), Ire., do., 10: 21;: 83. 10 John Joseph, of Thomas & Ann E., etc. "/ sup. 1: 15: 79. 2 Matthew, of Thomas A: Ann, < ><■. ut sup. 1 : 1 : 85. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 89 iiAxsinr, hanslip. 109 , d. of Arthur & Annie 15. | Frogley), Eng., Madison 0., L2: 10: 84. 130 Arthur, of Arthur G. & Annie 13., < tc. ut sup. 12: 29: 81. II aim; EN. 50 David II., of David & Anna (Sullivan), Ire., do., 6: 20: 71. HARDY. :;i Ambrose J., of Ambrose & Mary S. (Macy), Assonet, Nantucket, 4: 12: 00. IT Carrie M., of Ambrose & Mary, etc. ut sup 7: 19: 67. 85 Gertrude, of Ambrose II. & Mary S., etc. ut sup. 2: 11: 71. 99 Hattie, of Augustus & Catherine (Sicila), Germ., do., 11: :}0: 63. 2 Ora Wadsworth, of Thos. Wadsworth & Princess 11. (Sanderson), Boston, Waterford Me., 1:8:81. HARGRAVEs. 141 Willie F., of Win. J. & Olive A. (Johnson), Lowell, Ded., 4: 24: 63. HARMON. 55 Eben Orion, of Albert C. & Margaret, Gorham Me., Dayton O., 7: 25: 50. 50 Geo. Fred'k, of Geo. F. & Eliz. (Stemlee), Germ., do., 11 : 5: 03. 3 Joseph, of Chas. & Fanny, Germany, do., 7: 21 : 59. 12 Margaret, of Charles & Fanny, Germany, Ire., :!: 14: 57. 9 Thomas, of Thomas . 2:2: 76. 84 John, of Dominick & Bessey (Killcoin), Ere., do., 6: 24: 67. 90 DEDHAM RECORDS. 21 Margaret, of Dorainick & Mary E., etc. ut sup. 2: 8: 82. 72 (B. at Foxboro,) William 8., of Win T. & Ella C (Hatch), Foxboro, X. Y.,. 0: l: 78. HARTIGAN. 123 (B. at X. Y.) Thos. F., of Thos. 0. F. & Mary (Doyle), Germ., Ire., 5: 31 : 6k HARTLEY. 91 Calid F., of Thomas & Catharine II., , , 8: 2: 45. HARTNESS. 40 Edward, of Edward & Mary (Kuhn), X. II., Germ., 6: 20: 71. HARTNETT. 67 s. of Edward & Mary (McNnlty), Ire., do., 12: 29: 60. 97 Ann, of John F. & Mary (Connaughton), Ded., W. Rox., 9:8: 90. 95 Cornelius, of David & Ann (Sullivan), Ire., do., 7: 12: 75. 227 David, of David & Ann. etc. ut sup. 8: 17: 60. 133 Edward, of Edward & Mary, etc.. ut sup. 3: 15: 63. 38 Elizabeth, of Wm. & Catherine (Kenny), Ire., do., 2: 4: 61. 108 Oeorge, of David & Ann, etc. ut sup. 12: 31: 61. 39 George, of John & Catharine, Ireland, do., 3: 9: 56. 1 Geo. Joseph, of George & Margaret (Cody), Ded., Norfolk, 4: 29: 84. 47 Joanna, of Wm. & Catharine, etc. ut sup. 8: 15: 65. 45 John, of David & Ann, etc. ut sup. 2: 1: 59. 28 John, of Geo. & Margaret A., etc. ut sup. 3: 6: 83. 124 John, of John & Jane (Sheridin), Ire., do., 12: 13: 60. 42 John, of Michael & Mary A. (McDonald), Ire., do., 4: 21 : 63. 29 Joseph, of George & Margaret A., etc. ut sup. 3:6: S3. 97 Kate, of Wm. & Katharine (Kenny), Ire., Eng., 3:9: 60. 49 Lawrence, of David & Ann, etc. ut sup. 10: 10: 73. 130 Margaret Eliz., of George & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 11 : 28: 89. 4 Mary Helena, of George & Margaret A., etc. ut sup. 1:3: 86. 34 Mary Jane, of John & Jane, etc ut sup. 6: 8: 63. 20 Thomas F., of David & Ann, etc. ut sup. 2: 14: 79. 22 Timothy, of David & Ann, etc. ut sup- 9: 29: 06. 28 William, of George & Margaret A., etc. ut sup. 3: 15: 88. HARTNEY. 77 Bridget, of Morty & Rosa (Doyle), Ireland, do., 11 : 4: 59. 95 Catherine, of Thomas & Catherine, Ireland, do., 6: 18: 54. 9 Elizabeth, of Morty & Rosa. etc. ut sup. 6: 10 : 61. 74 Ellen, of Sherman & Catharine, Ireland, do., 4: 18: 49. 70 Geo. Heath, of Thos. P. & Mary J. (O'Connor), Ded., Somerville, 8:15: 84. 5 Gertrude Celia, of Thomas P. & Mary J., etc. ut sup. 1 : 7: 86. 95 .lames, of Morty & Rose, < /'•. ut sup. 8: 24: 57. 99 Jeremiah, of Martin & Rosy (Doyle), Ire., do., 7:1: 65. 44 Mary, of John & Mary (Dolan), Germ., Ire., 11 : 28: 68. 77 Mary, of Martin & Roxa, Ireland, do., 11 : 27 : 52. 50 Morty, of Morty & Roxa, Ireland, do., 7: 4: 54. 105 Rosa F., of Morty & Rosa (Doyle), Ire., do., 12: 8: 62. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 91 26 Thomas P., of Thomas & Catharine, , ,4:8: 17. 23 Win. Joseph, of Tims. P., A Mary J., < tc. ut sup. 3: 3: 88. HARTSBURG. 77 B. at Roxbury), William, of Wm. & Christina, Germ., do., 8: 23: 48. HARTSHORN. 135 , d. of Chas. E. & Ellen (Hurd). Ded., Boston, i<>: 2:;: 66. 112 Fred, of Fred & Belle (Ross), Boston, Greenport R. 1.. 1 : 23: "2. 83 Herbert J'., of George F. & Sarah E. 1-;. (Fessenden), Cambridge, Med- ford, li: 22: 71. 211 Lizzie Augusta, of ('has. E. A: Ellen M. (Hurd), Walpole, Ded., 1 : 6: 60. HARTWELL. 99 Catharine, of John & Jane, Ireland, do., 10: 3: 58. 51 Michael, of David & Ann, Ireland, do., 4: 14: 57. HARTY. 124 Frank E., of John & Mary (Dolan), Ire., do., 8: 31 : 64. HASENFUS. 68 Geo. Henry, of Louis & Mary Amelia (Ciriack), Boston, do., 7: 8: 86. HASKELL. 14.") Henry Griffiths, of Henry N. & Leonara C. (Stinson), X. !>., Camden Me. 4:16: 73. HASKINS. 81 Geo. Henry, of Henry S. & Sarah II., Rox., Boston, 1 : 23: 50. 140 Harriet Newell, of Henry S. A Sarah A. 1 Fisher), Rox., Boston, 12: 10: 60. 139 Sarah Lizzie, of Henry T. & Sarah II., Rox., Boston, 4: 29: 58. HASSAN, HASSON. 45 Catharine, of Barney & Ellen, Ireland, do., 7: 25: 54. 65 Ellen, of Barnard & Ellen, Ireland, do., 10: 7: 52. 83 Francis, of Barney G. & Helen, Ireland, do., 8: 10: 57. 210 Thomas, of Barney G. & Helen, Ireland, do., 10: 21 : 59. HASTINGS. 159 Isadore F., of Josiah & Mary (Nolan), Weston, Rox., 1 : 25: 60. 100 Mary A., of George F. & Mary, Mass., Ireland, 3: 28: 55. HASTY. 161 Charles, of Alvin J. & Lucy C (Boyden), Me., Walpole, 5:7:07. HATCH. 95 Chas. X.. of ('has. A: Axlaline (Hyde), Me., Newton, 2: 3: 66. 92 Chas. W., of Chas. H. & Eunice (Morse), Portland Me., Duxbury Vt., S:3:49. 124 Edna Irene, of John II. & Ann (i. (Campbell), N. S., Eastport Me., 9:19:84. 42 Herbert ('alder, of Chas. II. & Eunice M., etc. ut sup, 3:20: 60. 82 Wm. Francis, of Chas. II. A: Eunice, etc. ut sup. 9: 25: 51. HATERS. 13 James J., of John & Maria, Ireland, do., 9: 27: 52. HATFIELD. 6 Jesse Harold, of Joseph If. A Catherine E. (Como), X. S., do., I: 16:87. *92 DEDHAM RECORDS. HATHEWAY. 101 Arthur Burton, of Burton & Louisa (McNally), St. Johns N. B., Canterbury N. B., 10: 10:81. 114 Chester, of Burton & Mary (Chester), P. £. I., N. B., 4: 10: 74. HATT1E. 160 Henry, of August & Catharine, Germany, do., 12 : — : 59. HATTON. 147 , d. of Fred & Katy (O'Neale), Vt, Canada, 5:1: 72. HAVEY. 15 Catharine E., of John & Margaret (Dillon), N. S., Rox., 7: 20: 73. 43 Edward B., of John II. & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 4: 4: 79. 22 Emeline E., of Jacob & Lena (Stember), Germ., do., 6: 11 : 65. 136 (B. at Boston), Lena A., of Jacob & Lena (Wippena), France, Germany, 3:25: 61. 20 Margaret Emma, of John H. & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 2:6: 82. HAWES. 1 , s. of Joseph & Lucy, Strongville Me., Ded., 9: 24: 52. 13 Chas. Ellis, of Sylvester & Harriet, Ded., Walpole, 3: 22: 51. 70 Edson S., of Sylvester & Harriet, , , 11 : — : 47. 57 Geo. Henry, of Sylvester & Harriet, Bolton, Walpole, 12 : 19 : 53. 152 John D., of James E. II. & Esther D. (Bennett), Wren., do., 2: 17: 70. 14 Joseph F., of Joseph & Lucy, Strong Me., Ded., 5 : 31 : 51. 93 Mary Eliza, of James E. & Esther (Dale), Wren., do., 5 : 30 : 71. 116 Rosa, of Owen & Catharine (Kelley), Ire., do., 4: 20: 67. HAWKINS. 97 , d. of Chas. & M. Ann, , , 1 : 27 : 45. 137 Benj. Fayson, of Chas. & Mary A. (Cochrane), Ded., W. Box., 8: 19: 7:;. 67 Charles, of Chas. & Mary A., etc. ut sup. 3: 15: 70. 80 Charles, of Chas. & Mary A., etc. ut sup. 4: 24: 72. 55 Edward, of James & Harriet, , , 11: 9: 46. 50 Harriet I., of Win. X. & Ellen L. (Mulkern), Ded., W. Rox., 4: 21: 78. 99 Thos. Dayton, of Chas. & Mary A., etc. ut sup. 8: 28: 79. 99 Wm. Morris, of James J. & Harriet, Ded., Sherburn, 6: 23: 50. 100 Winifred X., of Wm. 1ST. & Ellen L., etc. ut sup. 10: 23: 76. HAWKS. 191 William, of Samuel & Jane (Hayes), Eng., Ire., 3: 21 : 62. HAYES. 401 , d. of & , Vt., do., 4 : 23 : 83. 159 Avilla, of John & Maria, Alton N. II., Wayne Me., 6:8: 56. 146 Eliz. Maria, of John & Ann, Ireland, do., 12: 211 : 58. 151 Florence, of John & Marie, etc. ut sup. ;>: is: 57. 135 Henrietta, of John & Maria, etc. ut sup. 8: 16: 62. 74 Herbert Greyson, of John & Maria, etc. ut sup. 6: 23: 60. 191 J. Willie, of John & Maria, etc. ut sup. 2 : 25 : 59. 115 Sarah, of Patrick iV Sarah (Sullivan), Ire., do., 6: 23: 65. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 03- 188 Jeremiah, of Thos & Mary (Murphy), Ire. do., 2: 14: (54. Ti Kate, of John & Ann, Ireland, do., 2: 20: 57. 92 Mary, of John & Thyme, Ireland, do., 3: lit: 54. 04 Mary B., of Wm. J. & Maggie J. (Kelliher), Ire., do., 8: 28: 86. 51 William, of Wm. J. & Maggie J., etc. ut sup. 5: 19: 89. 39 William P., of Wm. J. & Maggie J., etc. ut sup. 4: 8: 88. HAYNES. 3 Arthur, of Chas. O. & Hannah E. (Tarbox), Kox., Biddeford Me., 1:4: 83. 150 Charles F., of ('has. O. & Hannah E., etc. ut sup. 5: 28: 74. 50 Chas. Rogerson, of Frederic M. & Annie L. (Rogerson), Bos., do., 7: 18: 82. 137 Harriet, of Chas. (). & Hannah E., etc. ut sup. 12: 23: 79. 55 Harry, of Chas. O. & Hannah E., etc. ut sup. (>: 24: 7scar L. & Bertha A., etc. ut sup. 8: 24: 86. 87 Emma Bertha, of Oscar & Bertha, < tc. ut sup. 8: 27: 87. 9 Henry Chas, of Oscar & Bertha, < tc. ut sup. 1:9: 75. 71 Hermann, of Hermann & Selma (Tauber), Germ., do., 8: ■): 00. 51 Louis, of Oscar L. & Bertha, etc. ut sup. 5: 21 : 88. 109 Oscar II., of Oscar L. & Bertha, etc ut sup. 10: 7: 80. 94 DEDHAM RECORDS. 100 Wm. 0., of Oscar & Prudence (Winder), Germ., do., 9: 22: 78. 20 Willie, of Hermann & Selma (Tauber), Germ., do., 2: 21 : 88. HEINCKE. 104 Henry F., of Fred'c & Hulda A. A. (Malm), Germ., do., 7: 3: 75. HEINDEL. 120 Wm. H., of Alexander & Mary (Bambauer), Germ., Boston, 8: 21: 75. HEINIG. 39 Ellen Carolla, of Wm. O. & Louise (Keuteman), Germ., do., 4: 20: 90. 137 Ernst Arthur, of Wm. T. & Louise M.(Reutermann),Germ.,Switz.,12: 20: 85. 95 Walter Edwin, of Wm. O. & Louisa M. etc. ut sup. 9: 8: 87. HEISTE. 185 Frederick A., of Augustus & Catherine, Germany, do., 0: 23: 57. HELFRICH. 35 George, of George & Theresa (Roche), Boston, Germ., 10: 20: 74. 81 George, of George & Theresa (Frosch), Boston, Germ., 8: 16: 76. HENCHMAN. 47 Elizabeth D., of Nathaniel II. & Anna (Dana), , , 9: 1: 47. 20 (B. at Boston) Nath'l Murd, of Nath'l II. & Anna, etc ut sup. 6: 12: 45. HENCK. 41 J. Benj., of John B. & Mary A., Phila., Salem Co. N. J., 8: 14: 54. HENDERSON. 43 Alice Catharine, of Walter L. & Ellen M. (Kiernan), Ire., Ded., 4: 19: 81. 17 Anna Eliz., of James E. & Catherine (Powers), Scot., Boston, 2: 12: 87. 63 Edwin, of Jesse K. & Eliza A., , , 9 : 26 : 46. 67 Francis E., of Jesse E. & Eliza, N. Y., Kingston, 3: 29: 49. 112 James Francis, of James & Katharine, etc. ut sup. 9: 28: 88. 19 John Francis, of Walter & Ellen M. (Kiernan), Ire., do., 9: 22: 73. 56 Kathleen, of John B. & Nellie (Maher), Ire., Ded., 6: 20: 90. 96 Leonard W. F., of Jesse E. & Eliza A., N. Y., Hingham, 10: 16: 51. 107 Lizzie Agnes, of John B. & Maggie J.. Ireland, do., 10: 2: 85. 135 Mabel Georgie, of Seth J. and Maggie M. (Martin), Westboro Me., Albion R. I., 12: 14: 88. 118 Mary E., of Walter & Ellen (Kiernan), Ire., Ded., 11 : 13: 77. 132 Mary Eleanor, of John B. & Nellie, etc. ut sup. 12: 6: 88. 93 Sarah J., of David & Juliette (Dearborn), Scot., Yt., 9: 17: 67. 59 (B. at Hyde Park) Seth J., of Seth J. & Maggie M., etc. ut sup. 6 : 1 : 85. 20 Willie, of Walter & Ellen M. (Kiernan), Ire., Ded., 2: 3: 75. HENDR1CK. 80 William, of Ferdinand & Lena, Germ., do., 9:7: 84. IIENIIIAN, IIAXNKIIAN. 165 , d. of Thos. & Margaret (Sullivan), Ire., do., 8: 12: 65. 197 Agnes, of Thos. & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 3 : 5 : 75. 26 James, of Thos. & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 12: 2'.»: 70. 161 James T., of James & Mary (Hopkins), Ire., do., 10: 1 : 65. 23 John, of Thomas »fc Margaret, etc. ut sup. 3: 13: 67. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 95 :>2 John C, of Thomas & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 6: 5: 58. 70 Katherine A., of James & Mary, etc. ut sup, 1:1: 64. 20 Margaret Ann, of James & Mary, < tc. ut sup. 8: 30: 61. i'd:; Mary Ellen, of Thomas A: Margaret, etc. ut sup. 4: 28: 63. 28 Thos. Francis, of Thos. & Margaret, < tc. ut sup. 5: 6: 61. 62 Win. P., of Thomas A: Margaret, < tc ut sup. 3:8: 56. HENNESSEY. 146 Abby, of John & Ellen (Tobin), Ire, do., 3: IT: 67. 5 Catharine, of John & Margaret (Wall), Ire., do., 5: Hi: i>7. 224 Dennis, of Michael ifc Ellen (Connors), Ire., do., 8: 2."): 60. 59 Dominic, of Daniel & Catharine, Ire., do., 1 : (i : 52. 170 .lames, of John :!. 07 John, of Daniel & Margaret, Ireland, do., 5: 24: 55. 130 John, of John & Ellen, etc. ut sup. 11 : 20: 70. 35 John, of John & Margaret (Sullivan), Ire., do., 11 : 7: 69. 150 John, of John & Mary (Tobin), Ire., do., 12: 10: 00. Si Margaret, of John & Margaret (Mon), Ire., do., 10: 11 : 04. 12 Margaret Ellen, of Daniel & Eliza (Nolan). Ire., do , 1 : 20: 82. 161 Mary, of John & Mary, etc. ut sup. 0: 5: 04. 82 Michael, of John & Ellen, etc ut sup. 0: 5: 01. 171 Michael, of Michael & Ellen, etc. ut sup. 10: 8: 57. 136 Patrick, of Daniel & Eliza, etc. ut sup. 12: 13: 79. 104 William, of John and Ellen, etc. ut sup. 6: 14: 50. HENNING, HENING. 58 Louise, of Oscar & Natalie (Schulz), Germ., Boston, 0: 12: 88. 131 Oscar, of Oscar M. & Natalie, etc. ut sup. 11: 28: 85. 29 Otto, of Oscar M. «fc Natalie, etc. ut sup. 4: 10: 87. HENNON. 1l':; .lames, of James & Mary, Ireland, do., 11 : 21 : :>'.». 122 Walter, of James & Mary, < tc. ut sup. 11:21: 59. HENRY. 132 , s. of Ernest & Mary .1. (Wade), Phila. Pa., Ire., 12: 15: 86. HENSEL. it;<.i Emma, of ('has. & Mary (Miller), Germ., do., 4 : 28: 02. HERBERT. 130 Lulu, of John L. & Mary E., Dover N. II., Consecon Can.. 12:1: 82. HERBEZER. 30 Chas. Robert, of Win. A: Herricke;(Poetz), Germ., do.. 3: :;i : 73. HERLIHY, HURLIHY. 21 Ellen, of John A Ellen, Ireland, do., 7:2: 58. 75 Patrick, of John A Ellen, etc. ut sup. 10: — : 50. HERMS. 74 Isabel, of Win. & .lane, Ireland, do., 9: 5: 51. 96 D ED HAM RECORDS. HERR. 68 Henry, of Adam & Margaret, Germ., Boston, 7 : 28 : 87. HERREY. 12 Helen Florence, of Hosea B. & Sarah, Boston, Hingham, 9: 7: 58. HERRICK. 12 , d. of H. S. & , , , : 12 : 48. HERRING. 170 Alexander, of Ellis & Ellen (Schmidt), France, do., 12: 2(3: 60. 38 Annie, of Alexander J. & Annie E. (Seery), Ded., Ire., 4: 16: 84. 120 Emma, of Ellis & Magdalena, France, do., 6: 9: 62. 129 (B. at Manchester N. H.) Mary, of Andrew & Annie, Ded., Ire., 11 : 26: 85- 194 Philpena, of Ellis & Ellen, France, do., 10: 29: 58. HERSCH. 154 Annie, of Simon & Eliza (Mitchell), Germ., do., 6: 20: 04. 191 Emma M., of Simon & Eliza (Lynch), Germ., do., 2: 10: 68. 53 Geo. Simon, of George & Eliz. (Lynch), Germ., Ire., 6: 28: 71. 24 John Antoine, of Geo. Cimon & Eliz. (Lynch), Germ., Ire., 7: 9: 61. HERSY. 157 Louisa, of Augustus & Ann E. (Sisler), Germ., do., 10: 3: 66. HERTER. 32 Theresa, of John & Gertrude, Germany, do., 7:1: 53. HE WINS. 85 Alfred Stone, of Alfred & Harriet C. (Stone), Ded., Newburyport, 8:2: 79. 166 Alice Emmons, of George & Harriet W. (Carroll), Boston, Ded., 1:11: CA). 132 Annie Josephine, of Geo. & Harriet VV., etc. ut sup. 1 : 22: 73. 22 Carrie Fisher, of Alfred & Carrie E. (Sparrell), Ded., Boston, 8:11: 00. 63 Chas. Carroll, of George & Harriet W., etc. ut sup. 8: 3: 64. 140 Chester Eugene, of Eugene P. & Effle B. (Gleason), Worcester, Glenham N. Y., 12: 30:S8. 118 Clara Carroll, of George & Harriet W., etc. ut sup. 3: 10: 68. 23 Eliz. Alden, of George & Harriet W., etc ut sup. 11 : 10: 62. 7 Geo. Sanford, of Geo. & Harriet W., etc. ut sup. 10: 6: 74. 102 Gertrude Newell, of George & Harriet W., etc. ut sup. 9: 22: 80. 43 Harry William, of George & Harriet W., etc. ut sup. 5: 23: 84. 23 Hattie, of George & Harriet W., etc ut sup. 2: 18: 78. 80 Hazel Ethelyn, of Eugene P. & Effie B., etc ut sup. 8:3: 80. 124 Margaret Storer, of Alfred & Harriet C, etc ut sup. 11 : 11 : 80. HEYMAN, HEIMEN. 181 Eliza, of Henry & Margaret (Steaden), Ire., do., 3: 29: 62. 140 Frances, of Henry «fc Margaret (Steiden), Germ., do., 6: 12: 67. L69 Frank W., of Jacob & Susan (Stinnity), Germ., do., 11 : 29: <»:'.. S3 Geo. Philip, of Jacob & Susan (Stimnitz), Germ., do., 10: 23: 60. 145 Josephine, of Henry & Margaret (Staten), Germ., do., 10: 25: 69. 75 Julia, of Henry & Margaret (Stade), Germ., do., 3: 29: 60. 153 Rebecca, of Henry & Margaret (Staten), Germ., do., 6: 12: 64. Ah' ST A' ACT OF BIRTHS. 97 IIICKKY. 170 , d. of Michael A: Eliza Mackey), [re., N. V.. 11: s>: 63. 59 Albert J., of Michael & KHz. (McKay), Ire., X. Y., 9: 29: 70. 150 Ellen M., of David & Ann (Kelly), Ire., do., 8: 6: 63. GO James, of David & Ann, etc. ut sup. 10: 4: 58. 150 Mary, of David & Ann, etc. ut suj). 12: 12: Gl. HIGGINS. 69 Ann Eliz., of John & Bridget, Ireland, do., 9: 9: 56. 86 ('has. ]{., of John C. & Frances (Raymond), Charlestown, Patucket R. I., 7: 10: 07. 200 Dennis, of Michael & Honora (Sheehan), Ire., do., 8: 10: 60. 119 Dennis, of Patrick & Catharine (Sullivan), Ire., do., 8: •">: 70. 83 Ellen, of Dennis & Ellen i Welch', Ire., do., 11 : 9 : 63. 1S2 Ellen, of John & Bridget, < tc. ut sup. 7:12: 55. 67 Herbert F., of Franklin P. & Fanny A. (Smith), Boston, Franklin X. II., •") : .".1 : 7-">. .")0 Honora, of Dennis & Ellen, etc. ut sup. 8: 23: 68. 169 Eonora, of Patrick & Catharine, etc. ut sup. ■>: 30: 59. 155 .lames, of Dennis & Ann, (Maloney), Ire., do., 10: 2."> : 70. John, of Martin & Amor, , , 8:1: 48. 197 John, of Michael & Honora, etc. ut sup. 11 : 30: 61. 156 Julia, of Patrick & Kate - Welch), Ire., do., 6: 22: 66. 41 Lucy Frances, of John C. & Frances E. (Raymond), Charlestown, Paw- tucket R. I., 7: 27: 72. 100 Mary, of Patrick & Kate | Welch), Ire., do., 7:21: 64. 100 Mary Ann, of John & Bridget, < tc. ut sup. 9: — : 59. 5 Mary Jane, of John & Bridget, etc. ut sup. 11 : 1 : 58: 154 Michael, of Dennis & Ellen, ttc ut sup. 6: 17: 66. 54 Nellie, of Patrick & Catherine i Welch), Ire., do., n : i7: 68. 170 Walter, of John C. & Frances, < tc. ut sup. 11:4: 7.">. IS:'. Wm. Henry, of Patrick & Bridget, Germany, Row, 12: .">: 59. HIGNAS. 82 Augustus F., of Oscar & (Ringlum), (ierin., do., 8: 31 : 77. IIILALY. 7:! William, of John & Ellen, Ireland, do., 3: 18: 55. HIEDRETII. 176 Frank, of Henry ( >. & Cornelia S. (Shoreyi, Dorch., Boston, 10: 13: 64. 24 Henry Theodore, of Henry ( ). & Cornelia S., < tc. ut sup. 2: L9: 63. HILL. 7 , s. of (Jeo. W. & Martha A.. Smithfield, Peru Me., 3: 18: 52. 106 Alice Laura, of Don Gleason & Caroline L. i Luce), Me Iway, Xew Bedford, 9: 18: 88. 04 Carrie F., of Don Gleason & Caroline L., ( tc. ut sup. 9: 27: 77. 113 Clara A., of Geo. W. & Martha A., Mendon, Sumner Me., 8: — : 54. 80 Don Gleason, of Don Gleason A: ( iaroline L., < tc. ut sup. 8: 26: 83. 47 Edith B., of Dennis & Mary (McQnirn), N. II., X. S., 8: 18: 69. 98 DEDHAM RECORDS. 24 Fred'k David Ely, of David S. & Mary (McQuarrie), Milford X. H., Pictou X. S., 8:26:71. 118 George, of Don Gleason & Caroline L., etc. ut sup. 10: 21 : 89. 83 Geo. W., of Geo. W. & Martha A., Mendon, Me., 12: 25: 48. 113 (B. in X. II.) Harry A., of Ervin R, & Ella F. (Hall), X. H., do., 11 : 25: 75. 8 Helen Florence, of Don Gleason & Caroline L., etc. ut sup. 1: 20: 80. 9 Jennie R., of David S. & Mary, etc. ut sup. 6: 17 : 07. 7 Maria Louisa, of Don Gleason & Caroline L., etc. ut sup. 1: 11: 85. 20 Mary Ann, of George W. & Martha A., , -, 10: 10: 46. 33 Mary G., of George & Georgianna (Brown), Meredith X. H., Wilmont X. II., 6: 29: 68. 80 Mary Seaborn, of David 8. & Mary, etc. ut sup. 7: 12: 74. HILLES. 46 Isabella J., of Conrad & Louisa (Hattick), Germ., do., 3:4: 72. HINCKLEY. 47 Ella T., of Hiram & Mary, Vassalboro Me., Dorch., 10: 27: 57. HIXD. 27 Fred'k Hammond, of Herman L. & Selma, Germ., do., 3: 18: 25. HITCHCOCK. 75 Alvira Cornelia, of Abraham F. & Caroline C, Chittenden Vt., E. Wmsor Ct,, 1:26: 50. 97 Thos. Edward, of Abraham F. & Caroline C, etc. ut sup. 3 : 20: 53. ' HITCHIXGS. 56 Edward Taft, of Henry & Mary F. (Taft), Boston, Medford, 7: 5: S4. 75 Fred'c Wade, of Henry & Mary F., etc. ut sup. 7:7: 79. 31 Henry W., of Henry & Amanda T. (Taft), Boston, Ded., 7 : 15 : 72. HIXON. 11 Annabel D., of Dwight & Marian, Walpole X. II., Castine Me., 11 : 11 : 52. HOAR. 57 Catharine, of David & Mary, Ireland, do., 5: 14: 59. 117 Daniel II., of David & Mary (Cum), Ire., do., 8: 25: 62. 56 David, of James & Ellen (Mahony), Ire., do., 12 : 8 : 60. 45 Ellen J., of Thos. & Ellen (Kelligan), Ire., do., 11: 25: 05. 06 Esther E., of Hugh T. & Esther (Dayton), Ire., do., 2:9: 69. 76 Geo. F., of Hugh P. & Esther (Drayton), Ire., do., 3: 9: 68. 92 Joseph Dayton, of Hugh P. & Esther (Dayton), Ire., do., 7: 27: 70. 73 Mary, of David & Mary, Ireland, do., 2 : 12 : 57. 118 Mary Ann, of James & Ellen (Pierce), Ire., do., 2: S: 02. HOB ART. 02 Caroline Louisa, of George W. & Emeline A., Grafton X. II,, Dorch., 4:1: 59. HODGDOX. L35 , s. of Augustus & Nancy E., Rox., Ded., 11 : 10: 57. 20 Otis Augustus, of Augustus F. & Helen L. I Fogg), Ded., Xorwood, 3: 15 : 90. 89 Waldo Colburn, of Andrew II. & Anna F. (Colburn), W. Camb., Ded., s: 14: S9. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. I 1 '.' HODGSOK. 137 , d. of Robert & Hannah i Doole), Eng., Ded., 12: 21 : 80. nonsox. L26 Gertrude Florence, of William T. & Kiltie E. (Donlan), Lancaster l'a.. W. Box., 11 : 16: 87. 09 Mary I.., of Win. T. & Catharine (Husson), London, Ere., 3: 17: 7:;. HOEL. 72 Mary Catharine, of Frank Chas. A: Decklari Kemler), Germ., do., 7: 11 : 86. HOFFMAN. 60 (15. at Boston) Augusta, of Fritz & Augusta (Engelhardt), Germ.,do.,7:4:90 1IOCAX, IlnKCAX. 12 Anne, of John & Catharine (Euan), Lubec Me., Ire., 1 : 20: :>4. 102 Catherine, of Edward & Catherine (Hogan), Ire., Ded., 4: 23: 61. 13 Catherine, of John & Catharine, etc. ut sup. 2: 10: 58. 7 Catharine, of John A: Sarah (Lynch), Ded., Schagticoke X. Y., 1: 31: 81. ISO Catharine G., of Jeremiah & Margaret A. (Leonard), ire., do., :;: 18: on. 61 Charles Henry, of Ceo. II. & Mary II. (Glispin), Ded., Waterford, 7: 12: 87. 157 Cornelius, of Jeremiah & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 10: 2:5: ">7. 108 Dennis, of Jeremiah & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 11: 10: 63. '.7 Edmund, of John & Catharine, etc. »/ sup. 12: 31: 69. 60 Edward, of John A: Catharine, etc. ut s:i]>. 12: :51 : 70. mi Edward, of Patrick & Betsey (Farry), Ire., do., 11: .">: 01. 200 Ellen J., of Jeremiah & Margaret A., etc. <. 9 : 21 : 62. 172 Joanna M., of Jeremiah v'v Margaret, < tc. ut sup. 3: 10: 65. 171 Johanna, of Patrick & Eliza, Ireland, do., 8: c>: 59. 104 John J., of Jeremiah & Margaret A, etc. ut sup. 9: 29: 70. 82 John, of Patrick & Eliza (Faroy), Ire., do., 2: 26: 63. 120 John II., of John & Cat lierine, < tc. ut sup. l : 12: 61. 65 Margaret, of Edward & Catharine i. Madden), Ire., Ded., 0: 11 : 65. 63 (B. at X. Y. Margaret, of John & Sarah (Lynch), Ire.. Ky., 6:9: 79. 157 Mary, of Edward & Catherine (Slattery), Ire., Ded., 11:16:62. 53 Mary Ann, of Geo. II. & Mary A., etc. ut sujy. 6: 25:84. 64 Mary Ann, of John & < !atharine, < tc. ut su}). 8: 21 : 59. 218 Mary E., of Jeremiah & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 0:22:01. 148 (15. at Dorch.) Mary E., of Michael & Eliz. i VVaterhouse , Ire., do., 7: 22: 65. 110 Mary Grace, of David A. & Catharine (McKerry), Phila. Pa., "VVoonsocket II. I.. 10: 5: 89. 100 DEDHAM RECORDS. 57 Michael, of Patrick & Eliza (Fany), Ire., do., 7:8: G5. 58 Thomas, of Patrick & Betsy (Fahy), Ire., do., 7: 31 : 08. 78 William, of John & Catharine, etc. ut sup. 8:1: 56. HOHXER, 170 August, of Albert & Maria (Wentzel), Germ., do., 5: 23: 74. HOLBROOK. 33 , d. of John & Johanna, , , 2 : 26 : 46. 3 , s. of John & Jane, , , 3:5: 48. Ill Martha G., of Sylvanus & Emma F. (McGregor), Xorthbridge, Winsor Me.., 6: 18:68. HOLDHOUSE. 152 Elizabeth, of Henry G. & Gaterina, Germ., do., 7: 26: 52. HOLEMS. 36 George E., of Isaac & Hannah, , , 11 : 24: 44. HOLLAND. 54 , s. of Thomas & Sarah, , , 4: 3 : 45. 165 James, of Patrick & Mary (Quinn), Ire., do., 2: 9: 61. 78 Joseph II., of Patrick & Mary, etc. ut sup. 8: 14: 50. 69 Lizzie, of Patrick & Mary, etc. ut sup. 5: 12: 63. 124 Margaret, of Patrick &Mary, Bed., Rox., 2: 9: 56. 110 Mary, of James & Mary (Conolly), Ire., do., 6: 18: 64. 123 Patrick, of Patrick & Mary (Quinn), Ire., do., 6: 6: 64. 82 Rosanna, of Patrick & Mary, Ire. do.,1 : — : 57. 42 Sarah Jane, of Patrick & Mary, Ire., do., 1 : 19: 58. HOLLIS. 46 (B. at Marlboro), Nellie M., of David & Julia (Damon), Weymouth, do.,. 3:17: 67. HOLMES. L38 Cora Emma, of Oliver & Elinira (Gale), Portsmouth X. II., Gilmanton X. II., 11: 1: 55. 94 Edith Mary, of James I. & Mary X. (Capen), Halifax X. S., Ded., 3:11: 71. 147 Ella Desire, of Elijah J. & Mary, AVinthrop Me., X. Sharon Me., 7:7: 55. 138 Emma G., of James & Mary, etc. »t *>(/>. 12: 16: 69. 105 Emma George, of James T. & Mary A., etc. ut sup. 12: 16: 70. 198 Frederick, of Frederick & Agnes (Killpatrick), Ded., do., 4: 25: 67. 58 James Luther, of Daniel C. & Mary (Johnson), Hanson, Eng., 1 : 16: 70. 59 Mary Eliz., of Daniel C. & Mary, etc. vt sup. 4: 2: 72. 137 Oliver Irving, of Oliver & Elmira, etc. ut sup. 10: 22: 60. 100 Osmond A., of Oliver & Elmira, etc. ut sup. 10: 31 : 51. 5 Sara Louise, of Daniel C. & Mary (Johnson), Hanson, Eng., 1: 2: 75. 35 Stella L , of James T. & Mary M., etc. ut sup. 1 : 24: 68. HOLT. 90 Eliza A., of Wm. G., & Mary E., Lynboro X. H., Walpole, 9: 29: 54. HOLTIIAM, HOTIIAM. Dii Clara A., of Henry S. & Georgianna (Cobbett), Eng., Rox., 11 : 27: 67. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 101 SO Emma Stella, of Henrj & Eliphalel ?) (Ticknor), Eng., do., 3: L8: 71. 103 Hattie L., of Henry S. & Georgianna F., etc. utsnp. 1:20:62. 29 Henry, of Henry & Georginna, < tc. ut sup. L0: 25: <;•">. IIOMAN, HOMANS. 166 — -, s. of Morton & Pakemia, Germ., do., 12: 26: 56. 12 .Martin, of Martin & Raikin, Germ., do., S: 26: ■>■'•. HOMER. ::i Margaret Louise, of Edwin L. & Mary L. (Kingsbury), Wakefield, Ded., 4:3: 00. IK >XXORD. 212 Annie, of Joseph & Earnesttine, France, do., •"> : 10: 5S. HOOBAN, HOBAX. 68 Ann V"., of John & Maria, Ire., do., 7: 1 : 81. 4:; Frances B., of John & Maria (Gooman), Ire., do., 4: 1:5: 77. * 66 Jennie, of John II. & Maria (Goonan), Ire., do., 10: 10: 70. 57 Maria T., of John & Maria (Gooman), Ire., do., 5: 25 : 80. 72 Thos. P., of John & Maria M. (Goonan), Ire., do., 6 : 5 : 75. IK) OK. 36 Joseph, of Andrew & Mary A., Germ., do., 7: 19: 50. 99 Sophia, of Andrew & Mary, Germ., do., 12: 19: 51. HOOKER. 60 Abbie L., of Albert II. & Nancy J. (Noyes), Canton, Dvd.. 5: 19: 78. 202 Eliz. Ann, of John & Maria (Goonan), Ire., do., 10: 20: 70. 43 Gertrude, of James 13. & Sarah (Goodspeed), Ded., Dorch., 2:14: 66. 25 Merriam II.. of James A: Jerusha, , , 8:1: 46. HOOPER. 178 Guy Fawkes, of Ceo. F. & Mary C. (Smith), Eng., P. E. I., 11: 9: 75. 120 Isaac Harris, of Henry X. & Laura A. (Kent), Boston, Row, 8: 21 : 74. 5 John J., of John J. A Maria E. , ■, 0: 7: 46. 39 Kent, of Henry X. & Laura, < tc. ut sup. 4: — : 7(1. 128 Laura. Kent, of Henry X. & Laura, < l<\ ut sujj. 4 : •_''•>: 7:J. HOPKINS. i Frances E., ofElisha ('. A Julia, , , n : 2:46. IloKAX. pm Catharine, of John & Honora, Ireland, do.. 12:211:.".."). HORN. 8 Albine Helen, of Ernest & Eliz. 1 Burnside), Germ., Scot., '■': 6: "-7. :;; Ernest Henry Alfred, of Ernesl & Eliz., etc. tit sup. 10:4:61. HORRIGAN. 7'i ■, d. of Michael & Ellen (Murphy), Ire., do., 1:3:65. lid Annie, of Daniel & Julia 1 Kellj 1, Ire., do., 5: 21 : 61. ill Henry, of Patrick & Mar} Brennan), [relanddo., 9: 20: 73. 153 Katy, of Daniel & Julia, etc. ut sup. 6:5:66. 157 Annie, of Daniel A: Julia, < tc. ut sup. 8: ■>: 64. 102 DEDHAM RECORDS. HORTON. [87 Fred. Geo., of Albert G. & Anna A. (Martin), Eng., Wis., 0:2: 73. HORTH 110 Thos., of John & Jane (Fagan), Eng., Ireland, 6: 3: 60. HOUGHTON. 19 Chas. Edw., of Lewis J. & H. Augusta (Kingsbury), Ded., do., 1:3: 78. 25 Chas. E., of Jos. & Mary E. (Legallee) Keene N. II., Ded., 11:7: 01. 88 Clara L., of Win. A. & Caroline A., Rox., Dorch., 0: 19: 54. 98 Edward C, of Joseph & Mary E., etc. ut sup. 9: 12: GO. 74 Ella Florence, of George & Agnes, Keene, N". H., Ded., 5: 23: 52. 135 Francis J., of Joseph & Mary E., etc. ut sup. 3: 28: 71. 108 George C, of George & Agnes, Putney Vt., Ded., 2 : 17: 55. 120 John L., of Joseph & Mary A., etc. ittsup. 0: 11: 04. 69 Joseph, of George W. & Maria, N". II., Ire,, 0: 18: 59. 69 Nelson»A., of Joseph & Mary E., etc. ut sup. 12: 29: 68. 58 Royal Bonney, of Lewis J. & H. Augusta, etc. ut sup. 5 : 31 : 81. HOUSTIN. 115 Catharine, of John & Susan (Greenan), Ire., Scot., 7: 24: 07. HOWARD. 109 Mary Eliz., of Martin & Eliz. (Conlan), Ire., do., 8:0: 75. 143 Nellie May, of Sam. & Ellen (Guild), Melrose, Ded., 12: 28: 05. HOWARTH. 102 Jane, of Thos. & Ellen (Fay), Ct., Ire,, 9:2: 88. 110 John Thos., of Thos. J. & Nellie (Fay), Ded.. Ire., 10: 2S: 81. 70 Lizzie, of Thos. J. & Ellen (Fay), Ded., Ire., 8:1: 83. HOWE. 151 Chester A., of Allen L. & Lizzie (Guild), Petersham, Ded., 10: 27: 08. 78 Chester L., of Wm. K. & Kittie (Sanger), 1ST. Bedford, Keene ST. H„ 9:0: 84. 2 Edw. M., of J. Dexter Jr. & Annie M. (Whiting), Princeton, Ded., 10: 31: 00. 170 Francis P., of Elijah & Julia A. (Hunt), Ded., E. Douglass, S: 3: 04. 49 Lizzie, of Josiah D. & Hannah, Marlboro, Barre, 8: 13: 50. 184 Mary L., of George & Caroline (Guild), Braintree, W. Rox., 3:3: 68. 180 (B. in N. H.) Mattie R,, of Allen L. & Lizzie R,, etc. ut sup. 0: 19: 64. Oliver Hunt, of Elijah Jr. & Julia A., etc. ut sup. 5: 29: 00. 145 Susie Estelle, of J. Dexter & Annie M., etc. ut sup. 9: 20: 58. 28 Walter Clark, of Elijah Jr. : 22: 56. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. L05 IN'CAI.I.S. INC. M.S. [NGILS. 157 Emma F., of Walter J. & Caroline (Smith), Scot.. \. II., 2: 9: 60. 5 < reorge W.. of John & Ellen, — , , 12: 11 : it. 2 Lucy Eleanor, of Geo. W. & Jane A. (I vers), Dec!., Box., L: 1:S2. [NGRAHAM. 142 Ellena Mary, of Geo. L. and Nancy A. (Butterworth), Cumberland 1!. I., Franklin, 7: 13: 71. 196 Flora C, of George L. & Nancy A., etc. ut sup. 6: 29: -",7. 26 Henry M., of George L. A: Nancy A., - tc. ut sup. LI: 28: 52. 132 Louis E., of Geo. L. & Nancy A., etc. ut sup. 7: 11: 66. 92 Maria Louise, of George L. & Nancy A., etc. ut sup. 2: 12: 63. 133 .Mary C, of Geo. L. & Nancy A., etc. ut sup. 7: 11 : 66. 85 Shirley C, of Geo. L. & Nancy A.. < tc. ut sup. 10: 29: 60. 17 'Waldo P., of Geo. L. & Nancy A., etc. ut sup. ::: 26: 55. 11 Win. Otis, of Ceo. L. & Nancy A., etc. ut sup. 9: 10: 51. [STHENNER. 167 , s. of Albert & Susan (Smith), Germ., do., 8:28: 69. 16S , s. of Albert & Susan. < tc. ut sup. 8: 28: 69. [VERS. 123 Chas. Francis, of Win. II. & Lucy J., Ded., Rox., 6:1: ■><<. 61 Helen L., of Chas. F. & Martha D. (Chapman), Ded., Mystic ct.. 7: 4: S3. Ill James Derby, of Michael & Bridget, Ireland, do., 3: 12: 58. JACKSON. '.':; John Frederic, of John & Mary Ann (Tucker), Eng., do., 8: 25: SS. 32 Margaret I'., of Robert s. A: Nellie M. (Sylvester), Goshen N. Y., Weston Yi.. l: 5:88. 11-' Roy Pollard, of Robert S. & Nellie M., etc. ut sup. 10: is: 85. 41 Thos. F., of Thos. & Rosanna < looper), Scot., ire.. 2 : 9 : 65. 171 (B. at Phila.) Victor, of David & Mary II. Broiway), Eng., X. Y.. 5: 2: 63. JACOB. 37 Albert Paul, of Adolph & Agnes (Annheiter), Germ., do., 4:7: vv . 21 Bertha Helena, of Adolph & Agnes, etc. ut sup. :'.: 1: 90. 74 Emma Klara, of Adolph & Agnes, t tc. ut sup. 7: 1-".: 86. JACOBS. 65 Adelbert Eugene, of John & Julia (Tracy), Me., Canada Fast, 8: •-'''>: 64. ::'.i Emma B., of Wm. B. & Mary M. (Lockwood), Norwich Ct., Black tlock ct., 1: 9: so. 11:; Helen Clifton, of Wm. B. & Mar J M., etc. ut sup. 10:18:86. 35 Nellie May. of Wm. B. & Mary M.. i tc. ut sup. 3: •_•'): 83. JAEGER. L18 Charles V., of Chas. V. <$ Lena Weith), Germ., do., S: 30: 7;'-. JAMESON. 132 Chas. A., of Allen & Mary A. Starred . Me., do., 6: 23: 6S. JARVIS. 156 Ellen H., of Samuel F. & Luej Holm an , Ct., Car liner Me., 2: 26: 71. 17'.' Lucj Cushing, of Samuel F. A Lucy, etc. ut sup. 12:23:64. 106 DEDHAM RECORDS. JENKS. G7 Clifton H„ of Henry R. & Clara A. (Merithen), E. I., Me., 9: 10: 61. 159 Isaac C, of Henry & Clara (Merrythew), Mass., Me., 2:3: (37. 156 Malvina Frances, of H. R. & Clara A., R. I., Me., 12: 29: 59. 89 Win. C, of Samuel H. & Eltina M., Boston, Barnstable, 4: 29: 55. JENSEN. 99 Carlton Arthur, of Conrad & Ella G. (Smith), Friesland, Boston, 9: 30: 78. 88 Eldred Goethe, of Conrad & Ella G., etc. ut sup. 9: 1 : 76. 36 Ella Gertrude, of Heinrich & Ella G. (Smith), Friesland, Boston, 4: 5: 86. 96 Elwin Constant, of Conrad & Ella G., etc. ut sup. 9: 10: 77. 50 Henry, of Heinrich & Ella G., etc. utsup. 6: 15: 87. JESSAR. 192 Peter, of Peter & Anna (Sheridan), France, Ire., 11 : 23: 70. JEWETT. 26 Edie B., of Albert & Alice M. (Harlow), Leominster, Braintree, 3: 23: 81. JOHNSON, JOHNSTONE. 114 (B. at Walpole) Adaline, of Lewis & Irene (Bean), Walpole, Ded., 11 : 24: 62. 104 Alfred, of Alfred & Ida (Ottson), Norway, do., 11 : 30: 84. 56 Alfred N., of Alfred N. & Ida (Otterson), Norway, do., 7 : 2 : 87. 35 Bessie N., of Geo. R. & Lydia S. (Shumway), Scot., Ded., 4: 19: 79. 130 Catherine F., of Frank & Mary A. (Riley), Ire., Ded., 12: 9:S7. 16 Frank, of Frank & Mary A., etc. ut sup. 2: 12: 86. 116 Herbert H, of Wm. & Mary A. (Johnstone), Ire., do., 12: 4: 72. 61 James Henry, of Frank & Mary A., etc. ut sup. , 7: 5: 90. Ill (B. at W. Rox.) John, of Joseph & Mary (Cranon), Boston, do., 11 : 22 : 64. 146 Julia, of James & Martha (Johnson), Me., do., 9 : 21 : 69. 5 Louisa A., of John & Nancy L., Quebec Can., N. S., 10: 17: 52. JOLLIFFE. 12 Ada Eleanor, of Arthur & Annie (Wheadon), Eng., do., 1 : 24: SO. 6 Ethel May, of Arthur & Annie, etc. ut sup. 1:4: 85. 90 Harriet Alice, of Arthur & Annie, etc. ut sup. 8 : 27 : 82. 10 Mary Florence, of Arthur & Annie, etc. ut sup. 1 : S: 84. GO Wm. Cleves, of Arthur C. & Annie, etc. ut sup. 7:11: S7. JONES. 120 (B. at W. Rox.) Frederic A., of Wm. & Martha, N. B., W. Rox., 1 : 19: 54. 148 Hannah F., of Elijah & Louisa M. (Sherman), Newton, Taunton, 10: 18: 60. 139 Hannah Frances, of Elijah & Louisa, < i<-. ut sup. 10: 18: 59. 181 Harriet, of Wm. & Eliz. (Gary), Va., Cambridge, 12: 14: 75. Ki Harry E., of V. II. & Eliza (Mayhew), Bruns. Me., Belfast Me., 8:11: 70. 17 John Henry, of Robert S. & Priscilla (Marsh), Eng., do., 9: 13: 70. 12 Marietta, of Elijah & Louisa M., etc. ut sup. 5: 12: 55. 16 (B. at Rox.) Thos., of Thomas A: Hannah (Hogan), Boston, Ire., 10: 12: 61. JORDAN. SO Albert Henry, of Dedrick A Susan, Wareham, N. II., 2: 18: 59. JOSSELY.V 13S Ira O., of Joseph II. A Nellie V. I Vaile), Hanson, Hanover, 12: 24T80. ABS 7 RA CT OF BIK 7 7/.V. LO 7 JOYCE. 15 Ann, of Patrick A: Mary (Finn), Ire, do., 11 : 17:66. 77 Edward, of James & Sarah, Ireland, do., 5: 30: 58. 9S Helen Hunt, of George F., Jr. & Villa A. (Saunders), Boston, New Sharon Me., 9: 7: 89. SI Jane, of Patrick & Mary, < tc. ut sup. 7: 30: 57. 98 John, of James & Sarah (Jourdan), [re., do., 12: 24:61. 106 Wm, II., of Patrick & Mary, < tc. tt* sup. LI : 6 : 62. JUNG. 123 Annie M., of John B. & Anna M. (Bopp), Germ., do., 11: IS: 78. KAIL. 119 Ellen, of James & Ellen (Hogan), Ire., do., 9: 30: 62. KALT. 8S Emma S., of Lawrence & Prances (Leight), Germ., do., (i: 24: 61. KANE. 46 ('alii' A., of Wm. & Alice (Finn), Ire., do., :!: 17: 65. 59 Olive, of Patrick & Katharine (Fenton), Ire., Hopkinton, c>: 13: 88. KAXXELY. 22 Thomas, of Thomas & Bridget, Ireland, do., 1: :',: 59. KAKCHEK. 49 Eliza C, of Gotlieb & Louisa (Meister), Germ., do., 6: 21 : 74. 102 Mary A., of Goodlip & Louisa (Meyster), Germ., do., 9: IS: 7:'.. KARNEY, KEARNEY, (see Carney.) KATZEMIER. 173 , d. of Peter & Margaret i Keiste), Germ., do., 12: in: 71. 143 Charles, of Peter & Margaret (Kniese), Germ., do., 2:—: 66. 140 Frank, of Peter & Margaret (Kreisse , Germ,, do., 12: 10: 69. 75 Ceorge, of Peter & Margaret (Groise), Germ - , do., 4:0: 61. 174 Peter, of Peter & Margaret, Germ., do., 1:2: 59. 42 Willie, of Peter A Margaret 1 Kriest), Germ., do., :>: 2S: 6S. KEATING, RATING. 39 Adelaide M., of Andrew !•;. & Adelaide Smith., Ded., do., 4: I-': 35. 10 Andrew E., of .lames A Catharine, Ire., do., :>: 1 : .">7. It; Andrew 'I'., of James A Caroline, Ire., do., 1:25:55. ::7 James, of James & Catharine (Glendon), Ire., do., 7: >;: 63. 115 James A., of James & Catherine (Glending), Ire., do., 8: •;: 61. 114 Mary (."., of. lames A: ('aniline. Ire., do., 1 : 25: 55. 56 Michael E., Of Thos. & Mary (Donalley), Ire., do., Il': 31:67. 11. Thomas, of Thomas & Mary, [re., do., 9: 20: 57. KEDT. 147 Francis, of Laura ? & Frances, Germ., do., 1: 9: 57. KEEFE, KEAF. Se< also Keith.) 11 Ellen, of Timoth\ & Marj (nil. [re., do., 3 : 8 : 63. i."> Elonora, of Dennis & Catharine, [re., do., 7: 17: 54. ■i~i Margaret, of Timothy & Mary, etc. ut .-■",,. 2: 15: 66. 108 DEDHAM RECORDS. 13 Mary, of Daniel & Mary S., Ire., do., 9: 14: 54. 81 Timothy, of Timothy & Mary, < tc ut sup. 4:8: 69. KEEGAX. 197 Celia, of Peter & Catharine (Casserly), Ire., do., 7: 20: 70. 70 Eugene, of Eugene & Jane F., Ire., do., 9:8: 52. 35 Eugene, of Peter & Catharine, etc. ut sup. 3: 2: 63. 1S6 James, of John & Mary (Tracy), Ire., do., 6: 20: 60. 22 Kate, of Peter & Catharine, etc. ut sup. l : 17: 57. 64 Katie, of Peter & Catharine, etc. ut sup. 10: 31 : 74. 151 Margaret, of Patrick & Mary, Ire., do., 8:9: 55. 64 Margaret, of Peter & Catharine, etc. ut sup. 4: 12: 67. 112 Mary Ann, of Peter & Catharine, etc. ut sup. 6:3: 60. 131 Mary, of E. Owen & Lizzie V. (Welch), Ded., do., 11 : 28: 89. 87 Eosanna, of Peter & Catharine, etc. ut sup. 6: 30: 72. 112 Thomas, of Patrick & Mary, etc. utsup. 5: 24: 58. 109 William, of Peter & Catharine, etc. ut sup. 9: 11: 61. 112 William, of Patrick & Mary, etc. ut sup. 7 : 31 : 51. KEEIIN, KEEK 118 Alice L., of Joseph J. & Annie (Cokeley), Ded., Ire., 10: 19 : 82. 99 John Thos., of Joseph J. & Annie, etc. ut sup. 9 : 7 : 89. 123 Joseph, of Joseph & Josephine (Dower), Germ., do., 10: 13: 58. 16 Josephine, of Joseph & Josephine, etc. ut sup. 6: 26: 73. 121 Margaret J., of Joseph J. & Anastasia (Coakley), Ded., Ire., 12: 2 : S3. KEELAN. SO Alice, of Michael & Catharine (Roche), Ire., do., 10: 14: 70. 18S Edward J., of Michael & Catharine, etc. ut sun. 8: 15: 57. 77 George, of Edw. J. & Sarah E. (Broughton), Ded.. do., 7: 23 : 86. 45 Geo. Arthur, of Michael & Catharine, etc. ut sup. 4: 23: 66. 125 Josephine, of Edward J. & Sarah E., etc. ut sup. 11 : 18: 80. 88 Lizzie, of Michael & Catharine, etc. ut sup. 7: 10: 67. 77 Mary, of Edw. J. & Sarah E., etc. ut sup. 7 : 22 : 88. 20S Sarah, of Michael & Catharine, etc. ut sup. 0: 10: 59. 23 Thos. Francis, of Michael & Catherine E., etc. ut sup. 10: 13: til. KEEXAK. S9 Edw. D., of Lawrence & Mary A. (Doyle), Medfield, Ire., 8: 23: 82. 13 Geo. Louding, of Lawrence V. & Mary, < tc. ut sup. 2: 7: S7. 129 James A., of Lawrence & Mary A. (Doyle), Medfield, Scot., 9: 15: 75. 59 John J., of John & Kate C. (Neal), Medfield, K J., 5: 7: 78. 28 John L., of Lawrence V. & Mary A. (Doyle), Medfield, Ire., 3: 21 : 85. 34 Wm. II., of Lawrence & Mary (Doyle), Medfield, Scot., 3: 3: 78. KEIXEY. 105 Thos. A., of Anthony & Malaena (Lamoea), France, do., 9: 25: 82. k hi ski;. 148 Wm., of Wm. & Honora (Wetzer), Germ., do., 11: 25:68. KEISLER. 29 Amelia, of George & Christianna, Germany, do., 7: 10:56. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 10J> KKITII. (Se< also Keefe. S John, of Timothy & Mary (Cull), [re., do., 10: 3: 59. 78 Timothy, of Timothy A: Mary, etc. ut sup, 7: 22: 67. 129 William, of Timothy & Mary, e£c. ut ■<»/>. 6: 4: 61. KFLLX. SO .John, of Fred. & Mary (Reidel), Germany, do., 8:8: 65. kelloc. 93 , s. of ('has. & Mary E., Troy X. Y., Boston, 11: <;: 51. KELLY, KELLEY. 86 Ann, of Philip & Catharine, Ireland, do., 7:8: 56. 154 Caty 1\, of Michael & Catherine (Quinn), Ire., do., 8: 28: 68. 118 Edward, of John & Johanna, Ireland, do., 6: "> : 59. 119 Edward, of John & Johanna (Driscoll), Ire., do., 11 : 11 : 69. 174 Edward, of John A Mary (Mernangh), Ire., do., l: 25: 71. 1" Edward, of Michael & Mary, Ireland, do., 7: :!: .">4. ■1 Ellen, of John & Mary (Menner), Ire., do., 11: .",: us. 47 James, of John A Joanna i Driscoll i, Ire., do., s : 27 : 00. 1 James, of Philip & Kattie (Flynn), Ire., do., 12: 12: 62. 96 .lames F., of James II. & Sarah A. (Coleman), Ire., Ded., 9: 5: 82. Ill Jennie, of John & Johanna. Ireland, do., 6: 11:57. 45 Jennie, of Richard & Margaret (McGinnis), Ire., R. I., 5:29: 76. 57 John, of John A Bridget, Ireland, do., 7: — : [51]. 185 John, of John A Catherine (Hayes), Ire., do., 4: 13 : 64. 104 John, of John A- Johanna | Driscoll), Ire., do., 1 : 25: 66. o John, of John & Mary, St. Johns N. B., Ireland, 6: 23: 58. 5 John, of Michael & Mary i Knockton), Ireland, do., 5: 4: no. 107 John, of Peter & Mary K. (Carroll), Ire., do., 10: 9: 00. 131 John, of Thomas & Mary, Ireland, do., 4: 25: 58. oi' .John, of William & Mary(DOwd), Ire., do., 12:8: 01. :;i John II., of Michael & Bridget, , , 4: 17: 47. I."* John J., of Edward P. & Norah (Grady), Walpole, Ire., 2: :; : 84. 10.") John J., of John & Mary (Neville), Brookline, Ire., 9: 25: 86. 7:; John M., of John & Mary (Memaugh), Ire., do., 3: 25: 66. 74 John P., of James & Sarah (Coleman), Ire., Ded., 7: 12: 7''.. :5 Julia, of Philip & Katie (Flynn), Ire., do., 11: 0: 70. 14 Maggie A., of Michael Jr. & Mary (Gaynor), Ire., do., 1: 14: 70. 174 Margaret, of John & Johanna, Ire., do., 12: 0: 55. ::» Margaret, of Michael & Mary, Ire., do., :!: is: .",:;. 117 Margaret, of Tims. & Mary, Ire., do., 9: 20: 59. 141 Maria, of Michael & Mary (Gaynor), Ire., do., 9: 29: 73. 166 Martin, of John & Mary (Mamough), Ire., do., 2: 10: 64. 4 Martin, of Patrick & Margaret, Ire., do., 11:4: 53. 52 Mary, of James & Catherine (McDonald), Ire., do., •".: 29: 63. 153 Mary, of John & Johanna Driscoll >, Ire., do., 8: 26: 62. :;:; Mary, of John & Mary Merman i, Ire., do., 12: :!1 : 60. 107 Mary, of Philip & Catherine (Flynn), Ire., do., 10: 0: 64. 110 DEDHAM RECORDS. 156 Mary, of Thomas & Mary (Carney), Ire,, do., 6: 24: 61. 52 Mary Ann, of Michael & Mary, Ireland, do., 7:9: 50. 103 Mary V., of James & Sarah (Coleman), Ire., Ded., 9: 9: 77. 55 Michael J., of Michael & , , , 3:3: 45. 77 Michael J., of Michael & Mary (Gaynor), Ire., do., 8 : 12: 7G. 106 Nellie, of John & Joanna (Driscoll), Ire., do., 4: 15: 72. 95 Sarah A., of James H. & Sarah A. (Coleman), Ire., Ded., 9:5: 82. 09 Thomas, of John & Joanna (Driscoll), Ire., do., 3: 20: 68. 62 Thomas, of Philip & Catie (Fling), Ire., do., 7: 21 : 60. 148 Thomas H., of James & Sarah (Colman), Ire., Ded., 6: 16: 74. 57 William, of Philip & Kate (Flynn), Ire., do., 9: 7: 61. 14s William, of Thomas & Julia, Ire., do., 11 : 19: 54. 66 Willie P., of John A. & Annie S. (Dray), Ire., do., 7 : 7 : 77. KENDALL. 160 Alfred Bond, of Edward H. & Harriet E., Dorch., Vt., 12: 8: 59. 18 William F., of William M. & Frances II. (Ilealy), Quincy, Thomaston Me. 6: 19: 70. 2 William I., of Edward J. & Emily A., Ipswich, Boston, 10: 29: 51. KENNEDY. 119 Ann Jane, of John F. & Katie E. (McDermott), Ded,, do., 10: 24: S9. 17 Annie Eliz., of Wm. J. & Mary E. (Kelley), Prov. R. I., Ded., 2: 13: 85. 117 Bridget M., of Wm. & Elizabeth, Ireland, do., 9: 15: 51. 101 Catharine, of Stephen & Rosanna (Hughes), Ire., do., 7: 9: 74. 96 Dennis, of Wm. & Elizabeth, etc. ut sup. 4:5: 54. 14 Elizabeth, of Wm. & Elizabeth, etc. ut sup. 8: 7: 47. 37 Ellen J., of James A. & Eliza J. (Ebbs), Eng., Ded., 4: 13: 90. 108 Geo. W., of Wm. J. &Mary E. (Kelly), Prov. R. I., Ded., 10: 2: 87. 123 Hester Florence, of James A. & Eliza J., etc. ut sup. 11 : 14: 87. 47 Ida Josephine, of John & Mary (Ryan), Ire., do., 2: 19: 74. 12 Isabelle, of John &Mary, etc. ut sup. 12: 22: 01. 36 John, of Hugh & Mary (Milon), Ire., do., 12: 25: 64. 149 John, of John & Mary, etc. ut sup. 9: 5: 6S. 93 John, of Stephen & Rosa (Hughes), Ire., do., 8: 20: 72. 48 John, of Wm. & Ann (Cannon), Ire., do., 7:1: 63. 41 John Edw., of Wm. J. & Mary E., < /.". ut sup. 4: 13: SI. 48 John Henry, of James A. & Eliza J., etc. ut sup. 6: 3: 83. :»2 John J., of Wm. & Elizabeth, , ,6: 26: 46. 18 John M., of Wm. & Elizabeth, etc. ut sup. 8: 14: 50. 00 John T., of John & Mary (Linehan), Ire., do., 6 : 2 : 77. 107 Joseph, of Robert & Margaret (Connelly), Ded., Boston, 9: IS: 88. : 22: 80. 108 Sarah, of John & Mary (Linnehan), Ire., do., 8: L5: 7.">. nil Sarah .lane, of Stephen & Rosanna, i tc. ut sup. 6: l'-!: 79. 85 Thos. Henry, of .lames A. & Eliza J., < tc. ut su/i. 8: 16: 86. 9 Thos. Wm., of Robert & Margaret F. (Conley), Ire., Boston, l : 19: 86. :. Walter, of Thomas W. A Mary J., Milton, N. Y., 5: 15: 51. iil Wm. Francis, of Wm. J. & Mary E., < tc. ut sup. 7:11: S:!. 36 Willie, of John & Mary (Linnehan), Ire., do., 9: r>: 71. K ENNEY, KINNEY. !»4 — -, s. of Jerome & Clarissa (Harwood), Winsted Ct., Bellingham, 10: 29: 84 '.i Harriet Grace, of Jerome & Clara E., etc. ut sup. 1:14: 83. 34 Lucy M., of David & Lucy, , , 2: 29: 15. 82 Mary A., of Malachi cV Mary A. (Jutley), Ire., do., 8: 17: 90. KENTEE 102 Josephine, of Vincent & Mary, Germany, do., 6: 28: "><>. KEOUGH. 115 James W. I)., of Rob. B. cV Eliz. (Johnstone), P. E. I., Boston, 9: 14: 73. KEEN. 42 Charles, of Joseph & Mary (Iluen), France, do., 5: 12: 7ti. 145 Ellen, of John & Catharine (Flynn), Ire., do., 4: 29: 66. 80 James Andrew, of John & Catherine, etc. ut sup. 9: 3: 63. 74 Mary J., of Joseph & Mary, etc. »t sup. 7: 15: 80. 1:; Mary T., of Joseph & Mary, < tc. ut sup. 1 : 22: 78. 130 John, of Peter & Mary (Campbell), Ire., do., 7 : L' : 65. i;i Joseph T., of Joseph & Mary, etc. ut sup. 6:2: 7'.». KKKXV. 14 Emma I... of Anthony t y Melene i Lamorere), France, do., l : 30: 84. 201 John, of Peter & Catharine (Kelly), lw., do., '.»: 25: 64. KEEEAN. 100 Thos. F., of Tom .V Mary (Dorsan), St Johns X. 1'.., Ire.. 8: 29: 75. KEEEIGAN. Set also Carrigan. (17 Eugene, of James & Mary, Ireland, do., 3 : 23: 56. KEEEISSEY, KEEISEY. 128 Ellen, of John \ Julia, A. (Welsh), Boston, C. B. Isl., L2: 1 : 90. 93 Mary Margaret, of John & Julia A., < tc. ut sup. 8: 22: 89. 68 Thomas, of Thomas & Kate (Neville), Ire., do.. 1:15:61. KEEWIN. 93 Margarel E., of Thos. &Ann (Lacj , [re., do., I: i : 69. KEYES. 75 Alexander B., of Edward L. & Lucj 15., , , 7: 28: 16. 112 DEDHAM RECORDS. 61 Edward L., of Edw. L. & Lucy, Brimfield, Medford. 9 : 20 : 48. 76 George S., of Edward L. & Lucy B., , , 7: 28: 46. 114 James W., of Eben TV. & Hortense E., Ded., Belfast Me., 10: 3: 57. KEYMANN. 145 Emma, of Jacob & Susan, Germany, do., 3: 22: 56. KIBLER. 71 Chas. Frederick, of John & Lina, Germany, do., 2 : 22 : 50. KIEBER, KEBER. 57 Arthur, of Oscar & Bertha (Hermann), Germ., do., 7 : 8 : 84. 25 Emma, of Oscar & Mary B. (Hermer), Germ., do., 3: 15: 90. 55 Lilly, of Oscar C. & Bertha M. (Hermann), Germ., do., 6: 2: 86. 27 Paul, of Oscar & Mary Bertha (Herman), Germ., do., 3: 15: 8S. KIENG. 144 Charles, of Anthony & Magdalena (Lemoine), France, do., 12: 19: 79. 23 Mary A., of Anthony & Magdalena (Lamon), Germ., do., 2 : 24 : 77. KIERCY. 132 Michael Wm., of Thus. & Kate (Farrel), Ire., do., 9: — : 62. KIERXAX. 83 , d. of John & Catharine, Ire., do., 12 : 28 : 56. 147 Catharine, of John & Catharine, Ire., do., 1:17: 52. 62 EUen M., of John & Catharine, Ire., do., 8: 14: 49. 84 John F., of John & Catharine V., Ire., do., !>: S: 55. KIERWIN. 32 Mary Ann, of Edward & Mary, Ire., do., 6: 17 : 59. KIESEL. 90 Susie, of Adam & Margaret (Feist), Germ., do., 10: 3: 71. KIESSLING. 10 Alfred K., of Francis J. & Ernestine P., Germany, do., 4:3: 59. 52 Amelia, of Frederic & Agnes (Shubert), Germ., do., 6. 15: 83. 82 Annie, of Fred. & Agnes, etc. ut sup. 11 : 17: 69. 82 Bertha, of Fred. G. & Agnes, etc. ut sup. 5: 27: 74. 4 Charles, of Chas. F. & Lena J. (Pipping), Ded., do., 1 : 27: 79. 44 Charles, of Fred. & Agnes, etc. ut sup. 4: 25: 77. 18 Charles F., of Frank & Amster, Germ., do., 12:29: 56. 29 Emma, of Frank & Austina (Marroan), Germ., do., 11 : 29: 66. 55 Emma, of G. Frederick & Agnes, etc. ut sup. 11 : 29 : 71. 139 Ernestina L., of Chas. F. & Lena, etc. ut sup. 12: 24: 80. 140 Frank, of Frank & Christina, Germ., do., 10: 26: 54. 74 Frank, of Fred & Agnes, etc. ut sup. 11 : 26: 72. 26 Fred. II., of Fred'k G. & Agnes, etc. ut sup. 3: 24: 76. 94 Herman, of Fred'k & Agnes, etc. ut sup. 9: 3: 80. 28 Lina, of Fred & Agnes (Weber), Germ., do., 3: 10: 73. 95 Louis, of Fred G. & Agnes (Schubert), Germ., do., 8: 4: 78. 17 Louisa Alma, of Chas. Fred'k & Lena J., etc. ut sup. 1 : 30: 83. 83 Mena A., of Frank & Allistina (Mahorn), Germ., do., 5: 14: 69. 97 Otilie Susanna, of Otto & Annie (Sneider), Germ., do., 9: 5: 89. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 113 KILBUKX. 37 Daisy Jane, of Albert A. A: Clara J. (Hubbard), W. Salisbury Vt., Boston, 4:8:81. 3 Edmund F. of Albert A. & Clara J., etc. ut sup. 1:8: 80. 127 Grace, of Albert A. & Clara J., etc. ut sup. 11 : 15: 82. 88 Henry Colliding, of Albert A. & Clara. J., etc. id sup. 8: 1(5: 78. 54 Herbert F., of John 1). «fc Frances A. (Barr), Vt, Ohio, 5: 11: 7'.'. KILEY, KEILEY. 02 Dora, of Michael F. & Dora, Ireland, do., 3:8: 57. 165 John, of James & Ellen, Ire., do., 7:1: 59. KILLANNOX . 47 John, of Patrick & Bridget, Ireland, do., 7: 15: 59. KILLIGAN. 78 Bridget, of James & Mary, Ire., do., 9: 0: 52. 136 James, of James & Mary, Ire., do., 4: 2: 54. KILLIKELLY. 17"> Agnes, of Thos. & Bridget A. (Lenna), Ire., do., 3: 11 : 71. 100 Annie, of Thos. & Kate (Kennedy), Ire., do., 9: 0: 71). 94 Edward, of Thos. Wm. & Ellen J. (Leary), Ded., Dorch., 9: 18: 81. 5 Elizabeth, of Thomas & Bridget (Linona), Ire., do., 0: 29: 09. 95 Eliz. J., of Thos. W. & Ellen J., etc. ut sup. 8: 27: 88. 50 Hycent, of Thomas & Bridget, Ire., do., 5: l'7: 50. 47 Martha, of Thomas & Dridget, Ire., do. ,12: 18: 51. 04 Nellie, of Thos. Wm. & Nellie J., etc. ut sup. 0: 27: 80. 73 Thomas W., of Thomas & Bridget, Ire., do., 7:5: 54. K1LPATRICK. 57 Mary, of James & Jane, Scotland, do., 5: 27: 57. KIMBALL. 101 Anna M., of Chas. & Juliet (Stanley), Temple N. II., Attleboro, 7: 28: 01 77 Carrie Lizzie, of Franklin & Elmira, Ded., do., 8: lit: 55. 40 Charles, of Theo. T. & Abby S., , , 0: 1 : 47. 72 <'has. II. J., of Chas. F. & Juliet (Stanley), N. H., Attleboro, 4: 25: 69. 139 Christianna, of Bernard ife Anna, Germ., do., 7:2: 50. 9 Edw. Wayland, of Franklin & Elmira, etc. ut sup. 2:11: 63. 12 Edwin Luther, of Theodore T. & Abby S., , , 12: 13: 44. 81 Henry, of Henry A: Mary ( Henrett), Germ., do., 8: L2: 83. 115 Mal»el Frances, of Chas. F. & Juliette A., etc. ut sup. s: 20: 04. 21 Thos. F., of Curtis II. & Kate (Ilovey), Woburn, Cliarlestown, 10: 28: 72. 215 Walter Frank, of Franklin & Elmira, e<<-. ut sup. 9: 12: 01. KIMMKL. Ill Emma, of John & Anna (Teiss), Germ., do., 8: 21): 75. 120 Hannah, of Henry & Clara lOehringi, Germ., do., 10: 30: 89. titi Henry, of John «fc Ann (Hummel), Germ., do., 11 : 13: 71. 33 John, of Henry & Anna (Theis), Germ., do., 4:2: 70. 31 Louis, of Jean & Anna (Teiss), Germ., do., '.»: 8: 73. 114 DEDHAM RECORDS. KING. 70 , — of Patrick J. & Margaret M. (Murphy), , , 7: 19: 80. 18 Abbie E., of Kendal C. & Emily I. (Ward), Whitefield Me., Ded., 2: 0: 80. 18 Addie Louise, of Kendall C. & Emily I., etc. ut sup. 2:1: 83. 211 Elmer C, of Kendall C. & Emilie I., etc. ut sup. 8: 28: 71. 71 Emily, of Joseph & Melarlc (Lemoine), France, do., !): 10: 7-4. 53 Grace A., of John & Lucy A., , , 4:21: 47. 28 Myron Curtis, of Kendall C. & Emily I., etc. ut sup. 8: 28: 71. KINGSBURY. 72 Abby, of Chas. & Abby, Ded., Need., 7:5: 50. 00 Abby J., of Wm. & Betsy, , , 11 : 14: 47. 72 Caroline E., of Lewis II. & Eunice (Haven), Walpole, Boston, 5: 10: 54. 45 Chas. F., of George & Cordelia, Ded., do., 5: 20: 52. 17 Chas. J., of Edgar II. & Maria F. (Byrnes). N. Y., Ire., 2: 20: 71. 20 Cora, of Warren & Sarah (Farrington), Bed., Milton, 1: 28: 71. 77 Edgar II., of Edgar II. & Margaret (Byrnes), N. Y., Ire., 0: 17: 56. 85 Edward L., of Lewis H. & Eunice, etc. ut sup. 6: 12: 51. 82 Elbert Caleb, of Edgar 11. & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 5: 10: 50. 58 Elizabeth C, of Lewis II. & Eunice A., etc. ut sup. 10: 17: 48. 63 Ella F., of Geo. & Mary A. (Dean), Bed., do., 7: 21: 08. 103 Emma Jane, of Warren & Sarah, etc. ut sup. 9: 27: 00. 5 Emma 1L, of Wm. & Betsy, Bed., do., 2: 22: 50. 213 Flora M., of Lewis II. & Eunice, etc. ut sup. 11 : 0: 50. 217 Francis M., of Edgar II. & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 0: 19: 61. 86 Frank Herbert, of Geo. & Mary A., etc. ut sup. 7: 18: 78. 110 Fred. B., of Edgar II. & Maria F., etc. ut sup. 10: 15: 08. 102 Fred. R., of Forrest & Mary ( Wetherbee), Boston, Bed., 7: 10: 09. 91 Gertrude Vincent, of Edgar H. & Maria F., etc. ut sup. 1:17: 74. 00 Hannah A., of Melzar & Mary, Bed., Sanford Me., 2:7: 5:;. 128 Helen Maria, of Geo. & Mary A., etc. ut sup. 0: 20: 74. 40 Henry Homer, of George & Cordelia, , , : 10 : 45. 112 Henry W., of Warren & Sarah, etc. ut sup. 9: 16: 04. 102 Ida Jane, of George & Cordelia, Ded., do., S: 28: 40. 87 Ida May, of George & Cordelia, Ded., do., 10: 12: 54. 50 Josephine II., of Lewis II. & Eunice H., etc. ut sup. ■',: 21 : 45. 25 Lily, of Warren & Sarah, etc. ut sup. l : 28: 71. 1 Maria F., of Edgar II. & Maria F., < tc. ut sup 2: 8: 66. 93 Mary E., of Wm. & Betsy, , — , 7: 27: 44. 40 Mary Louise, of Lewis II. & Eunice, etc. ut sup. 11 : 1: 04. 1 William L., of Wm. & Betsy, Ded., Strong Me., 4:0: 55. KINSELLEA, KINSELLA. 83 .lames F., of Terrence & Margaret (McCann), Ire., do., S: 11 : 80. 100 Joseph, of Terrence Wm. & Margaret A., etc. ut sup. 9: 29: 82. 07 Lizzie Henrietta, of Terence W. A- Margaret A., etc. ut sup. 0: 20: 89. 51 Mary, of William & Maggie (McKen), Ire., do., 0: 10: 84. 107 William, of Terence Wm. & Margaret A., < tc. ut sup. 0: 29: 82. 39 William, of Terence W. & Margaret A., i tc. ut sup. 5: 18: S7. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 115 KIMVOKTIIY. 99 Elizabeth A., of Win. A: Ann, England, do., 12: 6: 55. KIRBY 64 Eannah Martha, of John <& Bridget Fahey), [re., do., 6: 17:81. KITTREDGE. 75 B. at Worcester) Mary II.. ofFred'k & Lizzie F. (Keen), Groton, Worcester, 7: 6: 78. KLEIN. 32 Mathilde, of ('lias. & Amalia (Metz), Germany, do., 9: 12: 73. KLEMM. 3 Alice Loraine. of Fred'k I>. & Eliz. A. i Deneef , Ded., do . l : I : 85. 15 Chas. Henry, of Fred'k Darius & Ann, Germ., Eng., 12:7:58. iiT Eleanor Augusta, of Fred'k I). & Eliz. A., etc. ut sup. 7: 2<'>: R7. 84 Frederick I)., of Fred'k I>. A Ann, < tc. ut sup. •". : 13: 57. 54 Fred I)., of Fred D. Jr. & Eliz. A., etc. ut sup. •"»: 14:82. mi Mary Margaret, of Fred'k I). A Eliz. A., etc. ut sup. 10: 11 : 90. II Sadie Frances, of Fred. I). Jr. & Fliz. A., etc. ut sup. 4: 28: 83. KNATY. 30 William IF. of Win. & Elizabeth, , . 12: 17: 44. KNIGHT. 121 , s. of Arnold A: Abbie (Brown), IF [., do., 12: 29: 65. KNOBEL. 35 Alice, of Edw. & Franciska Augusta Louise Wilhelmina (Mahn), Germ., Boston, 3: 6: 75. 127 Amalie, of Edw. & Franciska, etc. ut sup. 11: lit: SO. L5 Dorothea A., of Edw. & Franciska, etc. ut sup. '.»: 1: 69. 139 Edward, of Edward A Franciska, etc. ut sup. 6: 22: 7:'.. 9 Frank W., of Edward A Franciska. - tc. ut sup. 1 : 29: 77. 42 Gabriella IF, of Edward A: Franciska, etc. ut sup. 4: 23: 79. 112 Gertrude W., of Edward A Franciska, etc. "/ sup. :i: in: 71. 38 Louise F., ofEdward& Franciska, etc. utsup. I: 10: 72. l Margaretha, of Edward & Franciska, < tc. ut sup. l : 2:82. li Marie, of Edward A Franciska, etc. ut sup. 2:10:89. 42 William O., of Edward A Franciska, etc. ut •-"/'• 3: :'■ : 78. li Zara, of Edward & Franciska, etc. ut sup. 1: 19:83. KNOW FT<>.\. 7.". John IF, of Chas. A Harriet, Wren., Walpole, :'. : 14:54. KOHLMYER. 40 Claudina C, of Henry G. A Augusta i Axtman . Germ., do., 5: 13: 69. KOLHEIP. 59 Emistina, of Fred'k A Eliza (Wetzer), Germ., do., I : 28: 67. KOLLOCK 35 Marj '1'.. of Cornelius «S Marj IF Shaw), S. C, Boston, 7: 12:65. KOLP. L8 Charles, of Lawrence & Frances Light), Germ., do., t:4:08" 116 DEDHAM RECORDS. KOMAIST. 98 Mary Ann, of John & Catharine, Ireland, do., 7: 16: 50. KOPPMANN or KOPPMEYER. 151 Alice, of August & Jeannette (Leach), Germ., St. Johns N". B., 10: 0: 75. 29 Jennie, of Augustus & Jeanette, etc. ut sup. 1:11: 74. 39 Marie, of August & Jennette, etc. ut sup. 4: 6: 72. KORP. 136 Bertha, of Chas. & Frances (Leicht), Germ., do., 6: 11: 70. 192 Emeline C, of.Chas. & Frances, etc utsup. 11 : 10: 71. KORTEN. 153 Herman, of Bernard & Beltor, Germ., do., 7: 29: 59. KRAMER. 164 , s. of Joseph & Theresa, Germany, do., 12 : 21 : 56. 86 Anna Louisa, of Otto & Louisa (Herbst), Boston, do., 8: 3: 88. 22 (B. at Rox.)!Otto II., of Otto C. B., Jr. & Louisa (Herbst), Rox., do., 2 : 26 : 85. KREIS. 8 Frank L., of Frank & Bertha (Hittl), Germ., do., 1 : 22: 79. KREUTL. 86 Charles, of Hugo & Eliz. (Pockert), Germ., do., S: 24: 85. 37 Henry, of Hugo & Eliz. (Baker), Germ., do., 4: 10: 84. 110 Martha, of Kougo E. & Eliza S. (Baker), Germ., do., 10: 12: 80. 118 Otto, of Hugo & Eliz. (Pockert), Germ., do., 10: 23: 88. 117 Otto O., of Hugo & Eliz. (Pockert), Germ., do., 10: 23: 87. KRIETLER. 150 Albertina J., of Joseph & Josephine, Germany, do., 12: 17: 59. 190 George Edw., of Joseph & Josephine, etc. ut sup. 5: 16: 58. 144 Joseph A., of Joseph & Josephine, etc. ut sup. 2: 24: 56. KRIM, KRIMN, KRUNN. 158 Adolph, of Adolph & Lenore (Burkhart), Germ., do., 9: 2: 69. 27 Josephine Augusta, of Fred'k & Margaret (Fries), Germ., France, 3: 14: 60. 56 Mary Matilda, of Fred'k & Margaret, etc. ut suj>. 5:6: 58. KULT. 1!):! Martin, of Lawrence & Frances, Germ., do., 6: 24: 59. KURN. 90 Bridget, of Robert & Mary (Monagan), Ire., do., 3: — : 64. KURTZ. 45 Caroline A. E., of John & Caroline T., Boston, do., 3: 22: 49. LAHAN. :V2 Terry, of Terry & Rosa (Snow), Gal way, Eng., 11 : 13: 70. LAIIU. 102 Michael, of Michael & Ellen, Ireland, Scotland, 6: 7: 54. LAMBERT. 92 William, of Henry : 89. 52 James, of Michael & Margaret (Mahanna), Ire., do., 6: 11 : 60. 211 Margaret, of Michael & Margaret, Ire., do., 7:6: ~>*. 94 Thomas F., of Thomas & Ann, etc. ut sup. 3: 23: 02. 99 William II., of Thomas & Ann, etc. ut sup. 3 : o : 68. LARKIN, LAWKIN. 15 Bridget, of James & Mary (Scarly), Ire., do., 2: 5: 02. 180 Honora, of Michael & Catharine (Mehan), Ire., do., 9: 10: OS. 57 Kern, of Michael & Catharine, etc. ut sup. 3: 10: 07. 60 Louisa, of Martin & Margaret, Ireland, do., 10: 19: 51. 74 Mary, of James & Mary, Ireland, do., 12 : 22: 56. 29 Thomas, of James & Mary (Scully), Ire., do., 12: 5: 64. 100 Thomas, of Stephen & Hannah (Corcoran), Ire., do., 10: 17: 05. LARY. 135 James, of James & Ellen (Mahoney), Ire., do., 11 : 3 : 65. 18 Mary I)., of Columbus & Mary, , , 8: 7: 46. LAWLER, LAWLEY. 69 Annie M., of Wm II. & Eliza (Cleary), St. Johns X. F., Hy. Pk., 7: 10: 86. 150 Patrick, of Patrick «fc Ann (Nolan), Ire., do., 2 : 27: 72. LAWLESS. 107 Anna Ellena, of Michael & Annie (Murphy), Ire., do., 1 : 10: 71. 50 Anna Sena, of Michael & Anna S., etc. ut sup. 1 : 10: 72. 51 Arthur Peter, of Michael & Anna L., etc. ut sup. 7 : 10: 74. 58 John J., of Michael & Anna E., etc. ut sup. 6: 28: 77. LAWRENCE, LAURENS, LAURIENS. 158 , s. of Louisa (?) & Dolphine (Dennis), Canada, do., 8: 31 : 73. 11 Barney, of Frank & Mary (Gunison), Germ., do., 1 : 17: 02. 83 Dennis, of Wm. & Ellen (Sinott), Ire. do., 8:8: 70. 185 Frank A., of Frank & Anna M. (Esterl), Germ., do., 11: 7: 03. 47 Johnnie, of Louis & Delphine (Brian), Canada, do., 8: 3.1: 73. 20 Mary, of Frank & Mary, Germany, do., 10: 27: 55. 82 William, of Frank & Maria (Esteral), Germ., do., 7: 6: 66. LAW 1; IK. 86 Sarah J., of Daniel A. A: Sarah E. (Ilammell), Brunswick N. Y., Ded., 4 : 26 : 70. LAWTON. 141 Henry S., of Chester R. & Eliza J., Mansfield, Ded.. 8: 19: 59. 118 DEDHAM RECORDS. LEACH. 11 Albert Chester, of Willis P. & Emma J. (Farrington), Norwich Ct., Read- ville, 2:1: 85. 77 Mary E., of Albert & Mary (O'Brien), Harford Me., Ire., 1 : 8: 68. LEAL AND. 31 Caroline T., of Charles & Caroline, , , 4: 17: 44. LEAHD. 134 Lelia B., of Artemas & Ella (McMicken), P. E. I., N. S., 9: 27: 75. 103 Sera M., of Artemas & Ellen (McNickon), N. S., do., 4:14: 73. LEARY. L36 Alice, of Patrick & Mary (Foley), Me., Ire., 12: 20: 80. LEAVITT. 27 Chas. Walter, of Chas. B. & Annie (Cull), Rockland, Ded., 3: 8: 84. LEE. 113 , d. of John & Mary, Eng., Limerick Me,, 10: 20: 51. 4(i , s. of James & Susan (Warnock), Eng., Ire., 10: 12: G2. 121 , s. of John & Mary J. (Hasty), Eng., Me., 7:1: (30. 5 Anna Maria, of James & Susan, Eng., Ire, 1 : 13: 57. 3 Charles W., of John & Mary, etc. "t sup. '■'>: 20: 57. 9:5 Samuel E., of James & Susan, etc ut sup. 8: 31 : 58. 120 Susan, of James & Susan, etc. ut sup. 10: 5: (50. 60 Thos. A., of Benjamin J. & Mary G. (Poland), Oxford, Ded., (5: 20: 86. LEFHREN. 19 Martin, of Thomas & Ellen (Keefe), Ire., do., 9: 15: 72. LEGALLEE. 03 Anna Louisa, of Ellis B. & Ann R., , , 4: 28: 44. 176 Fred'k R„ of Edw. & Lizzie (Atwood), Ded., Rox., 11 : 21 : 07. 89 Joseph, of Ellis & Ann P., , , 8: 21 : 40. LEGGAT. 40 Mary Hen L -y, of Win. & Lizzie (Henry), Scot., do., 5: 2: 89. LEHAN, LEIIANE. 159 Jeremiah, of Daniel & Margaret, Ire., do., 3: 15: 59. 42 John, of John & Margaret (Prior), Ire., do., 11 : 29: 71. 90 Julia, of John & Margaret (Pray), Ire., do., 5: 27: 74. 51 Mary, of Daniel & Margaret (Kenny), Ire., do., 12: 22: 00. 153 Mary, of John & Margaret (Pray), Ire., do., 10: 9: 75. 31 Timothy, of John & Margaret (Pray), Ire., do., 11 : 3: 70. LEHVER, 29 Caroline ('., of Henry & Honora (Dedy), Germ., Ire., 7: 24: 70. LEIBOLD. 95 Catharine, of Geo. & Caroline, Germ., do., 8:8: 58. 62 Wilmena, of Geo. & Caroline (Morreff) Germ., do., (i: 2:5: (32. LEIBERLICH. 77 Charles, of Laurens & Monica M., Germ., do., 4:5: 54. i:; William, of Henry & Gustina, Germ., do., 3: 20: 5:5. 40 Zukler, of Henry & Christina, Germ., do., 7: 19: 55. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 119 LEICHT, LEIHT. 20s Frank, of Joseph & Frances (Gurter), Germ., do., 7: 1: 61. 200 Josephine, of Joseph & Frances, etc. ut sup. 11 : 27: 59. LeMOTE. 100 Joseph Nelson, of Joseph F. A: Lucy (..Avery, Bost Newbury Vt. 9:8: 89. LENNAHAN. 6 Daniel, of Daniel & Julia (Sullivan), Ire., do., 1: 18: 72. LEONAKD. 17 I has. R, of Asa & Charlotte F., , , 1 : 15 : 49. 91 Charlotte A., of Asa A: Charlotte F. (Lincoln), Taunt on, do., 4:8: 56. GO Ellen F., of Philip & Margaret (Murray), Ire., do., 6: 26: 76. 106 Emily Agnes, of Phillip & Margaret, < tc. ut sup. 6: 30: 58. i:;i Johanna, of Michael & Bridget (Coughlin), Ire., do., 8: 6: 59. 22 John, of John F. & Mary J. (Hickie), Ire., do., 3: 8: 89. 134 John, of Philip & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 7:9: 54. 125 John U., of Phillip & Margaret, i tc. ut sup. 6: 1 : 65. 81 Joseph A., of Phillip & Margaret, < tc. ut sup. 9: 23: 67. 91 K;ity. of Peter & Mary A. (McGlone), Ire., Ded., 8: 27: 82. 108 Martin, of Martin & Ann (Kelly), Ire., do., 6: 30: 64. 15 Mary, of Patrick & Honora, Ire., do., 11: 21: 53. 11 Mary, of Peter & Bessie (Flannigan), Ire., do, 1:9: 84. 92 Mary, of Phillip & Margaret, etc ut sup. 6: 5: 62. 16 Mary Ellen, of Philip iV; Margaret, < tc. ut suj). 5: 8: 56. 141 Mary II., of Michael A: Bridget M., < tc. ut sup. 7: 15: 71. 43 Mary Susannah, of Philip & Margaret, < tc. ut sup. 1 : 3 : 63. 179 Patrick, of John & Catharine (O'Hara), Ire., do., 9: 7: 6S. 192 Patrick, of Michael & Bridget, etc. utsup. 3: 18: 61. 86 Patrick, of Patrick & Honora, Ire., do., 1 : — : 52. i:)4 Philip II., of Phillip & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 10: 5: 60. 75 Rosanna, of John & Catharine, etc. ut sup. 7: 7: 71. SI Sarah Ann, of Philip & Margaret, t tc. ut sup. 11 : 15: 74. 107 Thomas, of Martin & Ann, < tc. ut sup. 11 : !»: G7. 84 Thomas, of Michael & Bridget, < tc. ut sup. 7: 20: 63. 70 Timothy Cyprian, of Phillip & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 9: 26: 72. l 18 William, of Martin & Ann, etc. ut sup. 2: 17: 61. 86 Win. K., of Asa A: Charlotte T., < tc. ut sup. 7: 13: 60. 74 Win. II., of Asa & Charlotte P., , tc. ut sup. 10: 2S: 53. LEPERLICK. 20 Wm. L., of Laurens & Marcia, Germ., do., 8:8: 51. LESLER. If.l Mary, of Conrad A: Anna, Germ., do., t: 30: 56. LEVY. 138 , s. of James & Martha (Cooke), Dedham, Walpole, : — : 73. LEWIS. 53 Emily Eliz.,of Thos. & Sarah A. i Jones, Boston, Portsmouth N.H., 8: 3: 63. 320 DEDHAM RECORDS. 40 Florence Gertrude, of Chas. E. & Ellen (Mendell), Me., Boston, 5 : 12 : GO. 21 John E., of John & Mary O., , , 1 : 25 : 45. 20 Mary H., of Chas. & Helen (Mendell), Me., Boston, 4: 22: 64. LILLY. 125 Mortimer H., of of Thos. H. & Mary V. (Hartney), Boston, Ded., 11 : 22: 90. LINCOLN. G4 (B. at Canton) Mary Eliz., of Nebediah & Kebecca (Merrill), Taunton, Dor- chester, 7 : 31 : G3. LINDON. 132 Margaret, of Patrick & Catharine (Curran), Ire., do., 3: 20: G7. LINSY. 34 Michael, of Michael & Julia (Lary), Ire., do., 11: 20: 60. LIPS. 19C , s. of Fred. & Dora (Ohm), Germ., do., 7 : 27 : 71. 25 Augusta, of Ered. & Dora, etc. ut sup. 2: 28: 8G. 131 Bernhardt, of Frederick & Doretta, etc. ut sup. 12: 3: SO. 20 Charles, of Fred. & Dora, etc. ut sup. 11 : 16 : 72. 39 Charlie, of Fred. & Doris, etc. ut sup. — : — : 73. 6:'. Charlie, of Frederic & Doretta, etc. ut sup. 6: 4: 82. 93 Emma, of Fred. & Doretta, etc. ut sup. 8: 17: 78. 181 Frederic, of Friedrick & Dora, etc. ut sup. 9: 20: 70. 72 Hugo, of Fred. & Dorathea, etc. ut sup. 1 : 25: 74. 91 Lina, of Frederic & Doris, etc. ut sup. 7:9: 75. LITTLEFIELD. 160 Abbie J., of Leonard & Mary (Manning), N. II., do., 8: 20: 67. 133 James, of Leonard & Mary (Manning), N. H., Vt., 8 : 15 : 09. LITTON. 12 George, of Thos. & Hannah (Morrison) Eng., do., 2: 23: 76. LIVINGSTONE. 44 Catharine A., of Joseph & Ann (McLaughlin), Ire., do., 9: 22: 72. 6 Maggie J., of Joseph & Annie, etc. ut sup. 1 : 31: 75. 75 Maria E., of Joseph & Ann, etc. ut sup. 8: 14: 77. LLOYD. 103 Arthur G., of Leonard & Frances J. (Gay), Me., Ded., 11 : 19: 71. LOCKE. 134 Harriet P. K., of Calvin S. & Annie (Lincoln) Acworth N.H., Hing., 7: 16: 57 < 167 Henry Lincoln, of Calvin S. & Anna L., etc. ut sup. 7: 12: 60. 117 Mary S., of Calvin S. & Anne, etc. ut sup. 5: 5: 56. 137 Wm. Ware, of Calvin S. & Annie, etc. ut sup. 12: 14: 58. LOCKLIN. 178 , s. of James O. & Mary (McManny), Ire., do., 6: 21: 63. 179 , s. of James O. & Mary (McManny), Ire., do., 6: 21 : 63. LOCHK. 29 Annie M., of Wolfgang & Mary (Eissler), Germ., do., 12 : 3 : 73. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 121 long. 28 Alben Joseph, of John A. & Kate M. (McWade), P.E. L. do., 3 : 28: 81. 3 AJbertina, of Wm. & Nancy (Moody), P.E.I,, Me., 7: 11: 68. 137 Alice Catharine, of John A. & Catharine M., etc. ut sup. 12: 19: 82. 42 Chas. A., of John A. & Catharine M., etc. ut sup. 4: 19: 80. SS Francis J., of John A. & Cath. (Wade), P.E.I., do., S: 12: 77. 49 John Henry, of John & Eliza, P.E. I., do., 4:8: 75. 71 Sarah Eliz., of John A. & Catharine M. (Wade), P.E. I., do., 7: 10: 80. LONGLEY. 120 Rebecca C, of Chas. M. & Abby (Cleveland), Waterford Me., Bos., 9 : 20 : 72. 101 Thos. Cleveland, of Chas. M. & Abby S., etc. ut sup. 9: 10: 75. LORD. 179 Chester B., of Wm. H. & Mary A. (Endicott), Boston, Chelsea, 12: 5: 75. 153 Cora E., of Jesse & Hannah, Taunton, W. Bridgewater, 9: 25: 54. 75 Lilian Gertrude, of Nath'l IL & Sarah E. (Drake), N". H., Sharon, 5: 21 : 70. 81 Roger Endicott, of Wm. II. & Mary A., etc. ut sup. 8: 11 : 85. LORLNG. 10 Chas. Sprague, of Chas. C. & Selina W. (Sampson), Duxbury, Ded., 3 : 15 : 70. 28 Marion Bryant, of Geo. B. & Emma J. (Baker), Ded., do., : 9: 84. 5 Ruth B., of George B. & Emma J., etc. ut sup. 2:4: 76. LORIO. 119 Annie Eliz., of Jacob & Catharine (Raswheiler), Germ., do., S: 00: 75. 100 Bertha Eliz., of Geo. & Regula (Weber), Germ., Switz., 9: 27: 85. 126 Emma Louisa, of George & Regula, etc. ut sup. 11: 28: 88. OS George Fred'k, of Jacob & Catherine, etc. ut sup. 7:0: 85. 12 George W., of George & Regula, etc ut sup. l : 13: 78. 70 Henry, of George & Regula, etc. ut sup. 7 : 17 : 80. 87 Jacob, of Jacob & Catherine, etc. ut sup. 8: 24: 77. 113 John, of Jacob & Catherine, etc. ut sup. 10: 14: 78. 13 Lena, of George & Regnla, etc. ut sup. 2 : 18 : 70. 45 Lilly Emma, of Jacob & Catherine, etc ut suj>. 4: 19: 81. 68 Louisa Bertha, of Jacob & Catherine, etc. ut sup. 7: 15: 83. 11:! Olga Catherina, of Jacob & Catherine, etc. ut sup. 10: 11 : 87. Ill AVilhelmina, of George & Regula, etc. ut sup. 10: 0: 82. LOTHROP. 72 Ida Anna M., of Cliauncey M. & Emma (McKinno), Canada, Charlotte P. E. I., 1: 2:70. LOURY, LOWERY. 50 Geo. Francis, of James & Isabel (Moore), Ire., do., 12: 28: 70. 118 Joseph, of James & Isabel, etc. ut sup. n : 20: 72. LOVE. 9 Fannie, of John »fc Sarah (Stephens), , , 1: 17: 82. LOWE, LOW. I 141 Alice E., of Ernest & Maggie V. (Egan), Canton, W. Rox., 2: 12: 88. 51 Leila, of Thomas & Ann, Eng., do., 0:5: 59. 122 DED NAM RECORDS. 79 Lona Eva, of John T. & Harriet II. (Monroe), Canton, Boston, 8: 18: 72. 149 Mabel, of John T. & Hattie, etc. ut sup. 11 : 20: 70. 55 Mary J., of Ernest N. & Maggie V. (Eagan), Canton, Ded., 6: 20: 90. LOWDEX, LOUDEN. 116 Blanch XL, of Wm. U. & Martha E. (Buckler), Ded., Eng. s 10: 28: 80. 21 Frank Lorrimer, of James & Jane (Usher), Ire., do., 8: 27: 61. 3 Geo. Kennedy, of James & Jane, etc. ut sup. 12 : 4: 65. 22 James, of James & Jane, etc. ut sup. 9:2: 63. 53 Mary Jane, of James & Jane, etc. ut sup. 2: 28: 58. 89 Wm. Usher, of James & Jane, etc. ut sup. 11 : 21 : 59. LOWELL. 53 , s. of Geo. F. & Harriet (Stevens), Groton, Athon, 11 : 9: 62. 202 Edgar H., of Chas. B. & Maria A., Brookline, Walpole, 1 : 10: 04. 43 Fanny A., of Leonard & Frances (Gay), Abbott Me., Ded., 11: 29: 08. LOWER. 167 John, of L. & Susan (McKay), N. S„ Scot., 9: 10: 73. LOWEY. 163 Chas. F., of John & Eliza J. (Everett), Ire., Ded., 10: 26: 72. 40 James E., of John & Eliza J., etc. ut sup. 5 : 2 : 70. 84 John C, of John tc. ut sup. 10: 9: 70. 1S3 Robert II. , of John & Eliza J., etc. ut sup. 9: 19: 08. LOWRIE. 21 Kate, of Andrew & Margaret (McCaslan), Ire., do., 12: 10: 02. 17 Mary Ellen, of Andrew & Marg't, etc. ut sup. 10: 31 : 00. LO WRINGER. 194 August, of John & Catharine, Germany, do., 7: 11: 59. LUCE. 84 Albert R., of David W. Jr. & Carrie (Adler), N. Bedf., Boston, S: 1!): 77. LUDWICK. 56 Gustave, of Wm. & Wilamena (Stark), Germ., do., 5: 28: 69. LUHU. 04 Mary Ann, of Wm. & Mary, Ireland, do., 7: 31 : 55. LUTHER. 161 , s. of Keye & , Ire., do., 7: 1 : 72. 94 Ida E., of James M. & Cynthia C, Warren R. I.. Taunton, 8:26: 56. LUTZ. 95 Chester W. B., of Geo. & Ella M. (Martini, P. E. I., Dorch., 9: 20: 77. 60 Emma Florence, of Geo. & Ella M., etc. ut sup. 5: 19: 75. 8 George O., of Geo. & Ella Maria, etc. ut sup. 6: 29: 73. 18 John Francis, of Geo. & Maria, etc. ut sup. 4: 19: 72. 33 Wm. M., of Geo. & Ella M., etc. ut sup. 3 : 31 : 80. LUTZLER. 12S Emily, of Theobold & Mary (McDonald), France, Ire., 11 : 27: 82. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 1 -■'< I.YDKN. LYDOX. 171 Ann L., of Patrick & Kate (Curran), [re., do., 3: 20: 60. 136 Patrick, of Patrick & Kate (Kern), Ire., do., 7: 23: 62. LYMAN. 51 , d. of James R. <$ Lovina, , , 2: 20: 47. 137 Fanny J., of J. R. & Lorina, X. II.. Sharon, 5: 4: 49. 49 Marian na, of James & Lavina, RochesterN. II., Sharon, 1:6:52. LYNCH. Ill AnnEliz., of Daniel A. A: Mary A. (Cunningham), Ded., W. Rox., 10: 6: 89- 98 Chas. A. L., of Lawrence & Mary, Ireland, do., 10: 31 : 49. 30 Daniel Aloysius, of Daniel A. & Mary A., etc. ui sup. '■',: 6: S3. 59 Edward, of Daniel A. A Mary A., etc. utsn/>. 6: IS: S6. 46 Edward, of John A Margaret. Ireland, do., 7: 21 : 49. 33 Ellen Frances, of Stephen F. A Mary (Kiley), Ded., Ire., 4: :'.: S6. (i7 John, of John A Margaret, , , 7: 25: 4ii. 86 John Francis, of Stephen F. & Mary, < tc. ut sup. 0: 23: 84. '.n Joseph, of Daniel A. & Mary A., etc. ut sup. 10: 21 : 84. 68 (B. at Woonsocket) Margaret A., of Farrell & Ellen W. (Chalk), Ire.. Canada, 8: 17: 07. 72 Mary Ann, of Daniel A. & Mary A., etc. ut sup. 8:8: 87. 36 Mary Vincent, of Stephen F. & Mary, etc. ut sup. 4:7: SS. 44 Kosanna F., of Daniel A. *f sup. 3: 1: 74. 75 Sarah J., of Patrick & Rosa, etc. ut sup. 8: 30: 72. 26 Thomas, of Matthew & Mary (Leahy), Ire., do., 6: 10: 60. McCaffrey, mccaffe, mcCafney. 39 Catherine E., of Thos. & Mary (Maguire), Ire., do., 3 : 17 : 82. 132 James R., of Joseph & Ann (Famer), Ire., do., 12: 27: 65. 100 John P., of Joseph & Ann (Harmer), Ire., do., 12: 20: 68. 37 Sarah A., of Joseph & Ann (Farmer), Ire., do., 8 : 28: 66. McCALLUM. 124 Chas. E., of Daniel & Kate J. (Donley), Scot., Ire., 11: 10: 79. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 12;> S Jennie Alcoin, of Daniel >fc Kate J., etc. ut sup. 1 : 16: 82. 131 Jessie Mildred, of Daniel & Kate J., etc. ut sup. 12 : 26: 83. 26 Lizzie E., of Daniel & Kate J., etc. ut sup. 2:1: 78. S Mabel, of Daniel and Kate J., etc. ut sup. 1:6: 77. McCANDLISH. 86 John, of John & Elizabeth (Parmley), Boston, do., 8: 14: 76. McCANN. 28 Margaret, of Henry & Margaret, Ire., do., 10: 8: 51. 88 Tracy, of Martin & Maria, Ire., do., 0: 5: 51. McCARDIN. 104 James A., of Andrew & Ellen, Ire., do., 5: 2G: .V.). Mccarty, McCarthy. 213 , d. of Michael & Margaret (Sullivan), Ire., do., 1): 17: 61. 116 Ann, of Denis & Bridget (Morrissy), Ire., do., 1 : 28: 62. 144 Bridget, of Dennis & Bridget, etc. utsup. 0: 15: 64. 35 Dennis, of Dennis & Bridget, etc. ut sup. 5: 18: 55. 95 Francis, of John & Mary A. (Maguire), Ire., Walpole, 9: 2: SO. 46 Hannah M., of Michael & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 2: 27: 00. 172 Jane, of Joseph & Ann (Farmer), Ire., do., 12: 28: 64. 115 John, of Denis «fc Bridget, etc. ut sup. l : 28: 62. 174 (B. atRox.) John J., of William & Mary (Gibbon), Ire., do., 12: 25: 63. 127 Julia, of Barth. & Katharine (Caley), Ire., do., 12: 1: 90. 163 Maggie, of Dennis & Bridget, etc. ut suj>. 11 : 29: 67. 141 Margaret, of Dennis & Bridget, etc. ut sup, 11 : 29: 66. 184 Margaret, of Michael & Margaret (Murphy), Ire., do., 3: 15: 63. 58 Mary, of Dennis & Bridget, etc. ut sup. 8: — : 53. 3 Mary Ellen, of Thomas F. & Abbie T. (.Sullivan), Boston, Ded., 1: 10: 89. 187 Michael, of Dennis & Bridget, etc. ut sup. 12: — : 59. 175 Patrick H., of Dennis «fc Bridget, etc. ut sup. 8: 25: 69. 108 Win., of Thomas F. & Abby T., etc. ut sup. 10: 11 : 90. McCASLLNT, McCOSLAND. 54 Edith E., of James & Sarah A. (Corbett), Ded., X. B., G: 23: 83. 39 George, of Andrew & Ellen (Owens), Ire., do., 4: 27: 07. 132 Certrude Mays, of James A. «fc Sarah A., etc. ut sup. 11: 28: 85. 123 James Frederic, of James A. & Sarah A., etc. ut sup. 11 : 4: 89. McCLEARN. 4 Herbert L., of Henry T. A: Mary A. (Cassell), N. S., Boston, 1 : 15: 75. 142 Sophia C, of Henry T. & Mary A., 1 1<-. ut sup. 5: 22 : 72. McCOOL. 15 Geo. Francis, of Patrick & Ann J. (Carlon), Ire., Ded., 2: 20: 81. 30 John Albert, of Patrick & Ann J., < t<\ ut sup. ;:: 8: 86. 29 Joseph R., of Patrick & Ann J., etc. ut sup. :,: 20: 79. McCUE, McHUGH, McHEWS. 4 Andrew, of David & Isabel, Ireland, do., 7 : 22 : is. 02 Chas. Henry, of David & Isabella, Ire., do., 8: 18: 51. 126 DEDHAM RECORDS. 103 Ellen II., of John & Katie A. (Monahan), Eng., Ded., 9: 20: SO. 25 John, of Andrew & Ann, Ireland, do., S: 8: 50. 46 John, of Andrew & Nancy, Ire., do., 8: — : 54. McCUL LOUGH. 138 Edward, of Edward & Bridget (Welch), Ire., do., 3: 11 : 03. McCUNE. 87 John A., of John & Bridget (Garrety), Ire., do., 12: 7: 69. 23 Thomas, of John & Bridget, etc at sap. 0: 25:66. McCURDEY. 42 James, of Jos. & Sarah (McCnrdy), Canada, London, 1 : 4: 73. McDERMOTT. 13 Ann J., of Owen & Ann J. (French), Ire., do., 1:11: 66. 152 John, of Patrick & Catharine, Ireland, do., 3: 12: 54. 107 Kate, of Owen & Ann J. (Frink), Ire., do., 8: 24: 69. 157 Katharine, of Owen & Ann J. (French), Ire., do., 8: 22: 72. 10 Mary, of Owen & Ann J. (Maloney), Ire., do., 7: 13: 64. 115 Mary E., of Owen & Ann J. (Trenk), Ire., do., 7:2: 63. Mcdonald, McDonnell. 99 , s. of Hugh & Margaret (Cunningham), Scot., do., 7: 28: 62. 120 Alexander, of Alexander & Mary, N. S., do., 11:8: 90. 89 Elenor, of Alexander & Mary (Archer), Scot., Eng., 12: 30: 62. 39 Jane, of Alexander & Johanna (Flynn), Ire., do., 6: 15: 65. 71 Lily May, of John J. & Sarah L. (Sproule), Boston, do., 6: 22: S2. 19 Mary A., of Patrick & Mary, Ire., do., 1 : 18: 55. 13 Robert E. , of James & Mary (McKay), Ire., N. B., 12:3: 67. 38 Sarah, of John & Julia (Smith), Ire., do., 3:7: 65. 10 (B. at Rox.) Sarah, of Win. & Sarah, Ire., X. B., 8: 11 : 60. Mcdonough, mcdonner. 133 , s. of Patrick & Margaret (Rafferty), Ire., do., 2: 9: 6S. 86 Andrew, of Patrick & Margaret, Ire., do., 5:3: 55. 13S Charles A., of Patrick & Mary (McCormick), Ire., do., 2: 18: 72. 107 Elizabeth, of John & Julia (Smith), Ire., do., 4: 23: 02. Ill Ellen T., of Jas. & Eliza A. (Mulkern), Lawrence, Ded., 10: 19: 78. 95 Martin, of Patrick & Margaret, etc. ut sap. 11 : S: 65. 97 Mary Ann, of James & Eliza A., etc. ut sup. 9: 11 : 80. 35 Michael, of Patrick & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 9: 20: 62. 63 Thomas, of John & Julia, etc. at suj>. 12: 1: 63. Mcelroy. 3 Elsie Vienna, of Fred'c A. & Martha E. (Draper), Rox., Ded., 1:9: 116 Grace Louise, of Fred. & Martha E., etc. at sap. 2: 18: 74. McELWIE. 46 Albert S., of John & Mary (Richards), Scot., W. Rox., 4: 21 : 56. 89 John William, of John & Mary E., : 15: 63. McENTEE. 31 , d. of Patrick & Rose (Dearie), Ire., do., 3: 27: SS. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. I 27 99 Margaret A., of Patrick & Rose, eta. w/ ■ .svt/^. 10: 20: si;. 113 Thomas Francis, of Patrick & Rose, etc. ut sup. 10: 20: 90. McFEE, McAFEE. lot Edw. E., of Joseph & Rosanna (Doherty), Ire., Ponton, 10:4:76. 7:; Joseph A., of Jos. & Rosanna (Dorrity), N. P., Boston, 12: 28: 70. McGAHEY. 00 Ada Ethel, of Isaac & .lane | Burke), Ire., do., 9: 2: S3. McGEE. 137 Catherine, of Daniel J. A: Julia E. (Mulkern), Boston, W. Rox., 12: 23:86. 69 Ellen, of Daniel J. & Julia, etc utsup. 8:0: 84. 41 Elsie .lane, of Hubert & Lucy (Harrington), Rox., Gill, 4: 26: 00. 118 John, of John & Ellen (Kelly), Ire., do., 11: 16: 81. L38 John Joseph, of Daniel & Julia, etc. ut sup. 12: •_'•">: 88. 70 Kate, of John & Ellen, etc. ut sup. 7: :'.: 70. 59 Mary, of Daniel J. & Julia P., etc. vt sup. 0: 2: 82. MrCIXXIS, McGUINNESS. :;i Arthur J., of John F. & Bridget L. (Powers), Blackstone, Ire., 3: 11 : 83. 177 Bernard, of Barney & Mary (Kernan), Ire., do., 9: 27: 68. 30 (P. at Blackstone) Catherine, of Parnet & Catherine, Ire., do., 10: 29: 63. 112 Ellen, of Peter & Ann (Gliskin), Ire., do., 12: 2: 63. 114 Gertrude A., of John F. & Pridget P., etc. ut sup. 10: :)1 : 90. 98 Helen, of John F. & Bridget L., < tc. ut sup. 9: 15: 80. 14 John P., of John F. & Pridget P., etc. ut sup. 2:2: 86. 143 John Terence, of John T. & Bridget (Early), Ire., do., 4: 24: 74. 43 John Thomas, of Daniel & Catharine (Newbury), Ire., do., 4 : 14: 88. .") Joseph V., of Peter & Bridget (Early), Ire., do.. 1 : 6: 77. 24 Luke, of Matthew & Elizabeth, Ire., do., 2: 17: 59. L08 Luke, of Peter & Pridget, etc. utsup. 6: 13: 69. S7 Mary, of Mathew & Eliza (Riely), Ire., do., 9: 25: 62. 200 Mary A., of Bernard & Mary i Kearnan), Ire., do., 11 : 13: 70. 122 Mary C, of John TL & Pridget L. (Powers), Blackstone, Charlestown, 1 1 : 24 : 78. 6 Matthew, of Paina oc Mary (Kiernon), Ire., do., 7: 12: 66. 55 Rosamond, of Barnard & Mary i Kiernan), Ire., do., 10: -">i : 7:'.. 78 Win. Y., of Barney & Mary i Kearnen), Ire., do., 6: :'.: 7">. 1 Win. Francis, of Daniel & Catherine, etc. ut sup. :; : 30: 86. McCLASH.W. 1 12 Arthur, of Richard & Mary (Adamson), Scot., do., 10: 2S: 75. i»; Chas P.. of Richard & Mary, etc. utsup. :>: 12:79. 51 Mary Florence, of Richard & Mary, etc. ut sup. :,-. 17: 70. L03 Richard ( '.. of Richard & Jeannette i Allison 1 , Scot., do., 2: L0: 64. L37 Robert II., of Richard & Mary, Scot., do., 7: 29: 52. til 'Walter <;. A., of Richard & Mary (Adamson , Scot., do., 3: 28: 7:;. M< CLINX. • is Mary, of Brien & Mary, Ire., do., 4:24: ■<■>. 128 DEDHAM RECORDS. McGLONE. 27 Bartholomew, of Patrick & Catharine, Ire., do., 7: 2: 59. 14 Catharine, of Patrick & Catharine (McGourty), Ire., do., 4: 11 : GO. 128 Elizabeth, of Patrick & Catharine, etc. ut sup. 12: 5: 77. 188 Katie, of Patrick & Catherine, etc. ut sup. 3: 31 : 68. 158 Mary Ann, of Patrick & Catherine, etc. ut sup. 2: 10: 55. 193 Patrick, of Patrick & Catharine, etc. ut sup. 10: 1 : 70. 48 Rose, of Patrick & Catherine, etc. ut sup. 2: 22: 73. McGOWAN. 12 Henry, of Michael & Ellen (Rafferty), W. Rox., Ire., 1: 19: 88. 35 Margaret J., of Michael & Mary (Hoye), Eng., Ire., 4: 6: 90. 8 Mary A., of Michael & Mary, etc. ut sup. 1:5: 88. 26 Michael Chas., of Michael & Mary, etc. ut sup. 3: 18: 89. McGUINESS. (See McGinnis.) McGUINLAN. (See also Quinlan.) 61 John, of Wm. & Hannah (Reardan), Ire., do., 9: 15: 69. McGUIRE. 80 Chas. W., of Thos. & Julia (McManus), Dorch., R. L, 8: 11 : 76. McIIUGH, McIIEWS. (See McCue.) McINTIRE. 187 (B. in Illinois) Eldorea A., of Edmund & Sarah A., Vt., Boston, 1:1: 50. Mcintosh. 30 Arthur D., of Elisha Jr. & Pelina, , , 7: 14: 47. 3 Augustus B., of Elisha & Pelina, , , 1: 5: 46. 25 James N., of Andrew & Phebe, Dorch., Need., 11 : 23: 50. MACK. 22 Catherine, of Timothy & Johanna (Butler), Ded., St. Johns, 3: 20: 81. 114 Ellen M., of Thomas & Celia (McDonald), Ire., Vt., 10: 8: 69. 72 Margaret, of Timothy J. & Johanna, etc. ut sup. 8: 22: 84. 84 Timothy J., of Timothy J. & Annie (Butler), Ded., N. B., 8: 22: 87. McKANEE. 114 Win. P., of James & Katie (Fitzgerald), Scot., N. S., 10: 19: 86. McKEE. 134 , s. of James & Margaret, Brookline, Ire., 3: — : 76. 126 Frances, of John A. & Sarah (Roy), Brookline, Ire., 12: 4: 77. 79 George, of John A. & Sarah, etc. ut sup. 8: 28: 76. 135 Mabel Florence, of John A. & Sarah, etc. ut sup. 12 : 5 : 79. 118 Robert, of John A. & Sarah, etc. ut sup. 8: 24: 75. 16 Win. James, of John A. & Sarah, etc. ut sup. 8: 26: 74. McKENNON. 128 , s. of John & , P. E. I., , 11 : 28 : 86, McKENZIE. 16 Alice Marion, of Chas. & Mary (Geary), Scot., Ire., 12: 22: 68. 166 Charles L., of Charles S. & Mary (Gavney), Scot., Ire., 12: 2: 63. 17 David A., of Ronald J. & Ellen M. (Ross), P. E. I., X. S., 10: 29: 73. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 129 96 Julia A., of John & Ellen (Ross), I'. E. I., X. S., 7:1: 7.".. 138 Mary K., of Chas. & Mary (Gerry), scut.. In'., :>: :;: on. McKEON. r>7 Bridget E., of John & Bridget (Gerrity), [re., do., 12: 12: 71. 82 Patrick J., of John & Bridget, etc. ut sup. 12:4:07. McKERRY, M( CAREY, McGEARY. 91 Hugh Win., of John X. & Catherine (Kelly), Scot., Eng., 9: 2: 72. 14 .lames IT., of. John N. & Catherine, etc. ut sup 2: 14: 7(i. 102 Julia, of John N. & Catherine, < tc. ut sup. it: 2: 77. 53 Mary E., of John & Catherine, etc. "t s>i/>. ■>: 22: . 8: 8: 62. l'1 Mary F., of Hugh & Ann, etc. ut sup. 1 : 29: 64. M. LANE. 169 , d. of James & Mary (Hoonan), Ire., do., 8: 21: 73. 18 Annie, of John J. & Maria J. (Mulkern), Ded., W. Rox., 2: 13: So. 4(1 Annie, of John J. & Maria J., < tc ut sup. 6: 8: 87. 17'.» John, of James &Mary, Ireland, do., 8: •"> : 55. 20 Josephine, of John J. & Maria, etc. "t sup. 2: 17: 80. v, i Margaret, of John & Maria -I., < /'■. "/ sup. 8: 27: 00. 44 Maria Cenevieve, of John A: Maria, etc. ut sup. 4: 19: SI. i:; Mary, of John Joseph & Maria Josephine, etc. ut sup. 4: 28: 8: ."»:; Rose, of John J. & Maria J., < tc ut sup. •"> : 28 : 88. Mclaughlin. 183 , s. of James & l.ridget (O'Connor), Ire., do.. 1 : 17: 4. ill Catherine, of Thomas & Catherine (May), Eng., Ire., 12: 13: S-i. 96 Elizabeth, of James & Eliz. (McLaughlin), Ire., do., 6: 15: 69. 29 Ella, of James & Elizabeth, Ire., Scot., 7: 10: 59. :;<; James, of James & Lizzie (McLaughlin), Ire., Scot., 0: 15: »'>;;. 8 Mary Jane, of James & Elizabeth, Ire., Glasgow, 2: 14: 56. 13 Michael, of James & Elizabeth, Ire., Scot., 2: 28: 57. 21 Patrick, of Thomas & Kate, Ireland, do., ;: : '.»: 87. 113 Thomas, of James & Eliz. * McLaughlin), Ire., Scot., 9: 15: ill. McLAY. 62 Agnes E., of John & Roda, (Archer), Scot,, Eng., 12: 2: 66. M. LEISH. 20 , s. of Archibald & Helen (Stewart), Scot., do., 3: 1 : 83. McLELLAN. 131 Jos. \\\, of John II. & Cath. (Smith), Sharon, Gardiner Me., 2: 10: 68. M« LOOX. 168 (has. I'., of (has. II. ,V Laura E. (Holt), W. Rox., Chaplin Ct, 11 : 12: 7."». :'»."» Geo. T., of Chas. II. & Laura A., < tc. ut sup. :): 22: 78. 127 James W., of ('has. II. it Laura, etc. ut sup. 12: 4: 7avis), Scot., Me., 3 : 28 : 35. MACOMBER. 50 Chester E., of Charles F. & Emma A. (White), Portland Me., Charleton, 6: L8: 84. 87 Ella -I., of ('has. & Eliz. (Parker), Me., do., 5: tt. 67. 98 Harriet .1., of A.mos & Sarah, Milton, S. Berwick Me., 11: il: 54. •2\ John L., of .Vinos & Sarah, etc. ut sup. '.»: L5: ."JO. 7 Worthy W., of Amos & Sarah, , , 7: 24: 47. MAioiX. (il Amelia s., of Joseph & Maria (Ailord), Ire., do., S: Hi: 71. McPHERSOX. 98 William, of John & Jane (Bremington), IN". B., Canada. 12:31:05. McQTJARRIE. 56 Mary L.. of Angus G. & Margarett (Grant), X. S., do., 5: 23: SO. McQUILLEX. 100 Robert Comer, of Hugh II. & Eliz. (Ford), Ire., St. John's X. F., 1 : 31 : (55. McQUTRE. 191 Estelle, of Francis & Ellen (Clifford), Scot., Eng., 8: 28: 71. .Mi SORLEY. 32 Michael V., of Michael & Eleanor J. (McDale), Dover. X. S., 4:9: S9. McTEGERT. 32 Chas. .7., of .lames & Eliz. (Montgomery), Ire., do., :'.: 26: so. McWAIX. 7s , s. of I). II. c\: (Cross). Me., do.. S: 3: 77. MAGXER. 182 Albert, of Chas. & Jenette i Marony), France, Germ., 11: S: 62. MAGUIRE. L02 Isabella B., of Owen F. & Kate I Freeman i, X. B., I torch., 9: 21 : 85. 105 Malvina, of Hugh & Margaret McMullen . [re., Scot., 12 : 23: 60. 37 Mary A,, of Owen F. & Katy F. i Freeman), X. 1!.. Ire., 5: 14: S7. MAI1AX. I- - Barney, of Bernard & Kale, Ire., do., 3: 15: 71. 180 Joseph K., ofEdw. M. & Katie (Kelley), Ire., Canada, 12:24:75. 102 Martha, F., of Geo. R. & Eveline (Xoyse), Xeed., Ded., 2: 2: 66. 110 (B. at Boston) Mary E. Of Thos. & Mary (Fiynn , do., 10: 1 1: 67. MA II A i;. 110 Catharine, of Michael & Mary, Ireland, do., 1 : L6: 55. 117 Ellen, of Michael & Mary, etc. ut sup. 6: l". : 52. 14 Margaret, of Michael \ Mary, etc. ut sup. S: 18: 50. 115 Maria, of Michael & Mary, < tc. ut sup. 3: 25: l'.». 71 Michael, of Michael & Mary, etc. ut sup. il :6:57. MAIIKKX. 7:1 Alice, of Anthonj & Mary R. (Fell), Ire.. Ded., 7: L5: 85. 132 DEDHAM RECORDS. 160 Chas. L., of Anthony & Cath. (Kelly), Ire., do., 9: 7: 74. 4 Frank, of Anthony & Mary, etc. ut sup. 1 : :}: 78. GO Frederick, of Anthony & Mary, etc. ut sup. 5: 28: 80. :; Mary, of Anthony & Mary, etc. ut sup. 1 : 4 : 82. 53 Sabina, of Anthony & Mary R„ etc. ut sup. 0: 24: 87. MAIIONEY. 21 Annie, of Patrick & Bridget, (Fahy), Ire., do., 2:8: 82. 12 Catherine, of John T. & Eliz. F. (Murdy), Ded., Woonsocket R. I., 2: 1 : 8.1 152 Daniel, of Daniel & Bridget, Ire., do., 8: 4: 57. 37 Dennis, of Lawrence & Bridget (Carlon), Ire., do., 8:7: 64. 19 Elizabeth, of John T. & Eliz. etc. ut sup. 2: 28: 89. 23 John, of John T. & Lizzie F., etc. ut sup. 3: 19: 87. G4 John, of Patrick & Catharine, Ireland, do., 4: — : 52. 36 Joseph F., of John T. & Eliz. F., etc. ut sup. 3: 22: 83. 10G Katie, of Patrick & Bridget (Shay), Ire., do., 10: 2: 86. 80 Lydia, of Patrick & Bridget (Fahy), Ire., do., 7: 28: 7'.). 07 Mary Ann, of Michael & Cicilly, Ire., do., 2: — : 58. 56 Mary E., of Patrick & Bridget (Fay), Ire., do., 0:7: 70. 1G0 Mary F., of Patrick & Joanna (Berkley), Ire., do., 4: 25: GS. 12:; Michael, of Michael & Cecilly (Clarey), Ire., do., 4: 17: GO. 144 Patrick, of Patrick & Bridget (Fahy), Ire., Ded., 3: 17: 72. 115 Sarah, of Jeremiah & Bridget, Ireland, do., 8: 2G : 57. 11 Susan, of Thos. & Rosanna (Garvin), Ire.', do., G: 11: 04. 42 Thomas, of Michael & Sicily (Clary), Ire., do., 6: 14: 62. MAIER. See Meyi r. MAKER, 4 Edith, of George L. & Martha E. (Weeks), Chatham, Ded., 1 : 1 : 84. ;; Ethel Frances, of Geo. L. & Martha E., < tc. ut sup. i : i : 84. 129 Sanford, of Geo. L. & Martha E., etc. ut sup. 12: 27: 81. MALIA. 87 Geo. E., of Column & Mary (Carter), Ire., do., 6 : 17: 68. MALOMBY. 64 John, of David & Catharine, Ire., do., 1:1: 51. MALONEY. 77 Daniel, of Michael & Julia (Burns), Ire., do., 11: 5: 64. 109 Jas. Henry, of Peter Sc Ann (Powell), Ire., do., (5: 4: GO. 17 John, of Michael & Julia, etc. ut sup. 11:1: 00. 63 Katy Agnes, of Michael & Julia, etc. ut sup. 11 : 2: 74. 88 Mary E. O., of Michael & Eliza (Lynch), Ire., do., 11 : 3: 68. '.lit Michael, of Michael & Julia, etc. ut sup. 5: 10: 09. lso .Michael Joseph, of Michael & Julia, etc. ut sup. 5: !): 70. 17 Thos. Ambrose, of Peter & Ann, etc. ut sup. 7: 16: 62. MALPUS. 54 Chas. II., of Ceo. II. & Mary A. (Ryan), Eng., do., 5: 2!): 88. 28 Josephine, of Geo. A: Mary A., etc. ut sup. 3: 19: 00. 7s Nellie Rosalinda, of Geo. II. & Mary A., etc. ut sup. 7: 25: 86. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 133 MAXDEVILLE. 153 Ambrose, of Richard & Bridget (Conlan), X. F., Ire., 5: 25: 61. 109 Chas. F., of Richard & Bridget, < tc. ut sup. 10: 22: 78. II Elizabeth, of Richard & Bridget, etc. ut sup. i: 7: 69. 201 Ellen, of Richard & Bridget, etc. ut sup. 7:4: 07. 37 .lames, of Richard A: Bridget, etc. ut sup. 4 : 16: 70. 2 Martha, of Richard & Bridget, < £c. t^ swp. 2 : 16 : 65. 00 Mary Ellen, of Richard & Bridget, etc. ut sup. 5 : o : 59. CO Richard, of Richard & Bridget, etc. ut sup. 1 : 16: 71. 205 Thomas, of Richard & Bridget, etc. ut sup. 2: 1 : 03. MAXEY. 90 Arthur J., of John J. & Johanna (Barry), Boston, Ire., 9: 11: 80. MAXGAXO. 191 (B. in R. I.) Eleanor, of Andrew & Mary (Donan), Ire., do.. 8: 10: 63. MAXLY. Ill Clarence B., of Bridgman & Maria L., Ellington Ct., Waldoboro .Me.. 11: 2: 54. MAX^X. 32 , d. of Robert & A. Louise (Otis), , , 3: 8: 79. 102 Chas. F., of Elijah & Sarah (Howard), Mendon, do., 2:3: 58. 44 Clarence A., of Henry II. & Mercy, Bed., Chatham, 12 : 28 : 50. 175 Emma F., of Geo. II. & Ruth (Coolidge), Dover, Sherburn, 9: 5: 00. 136 Frank A., of Elijah T. & Jennie (Howard), Mendon, do., 7: 3,0: 07. 9 Harry W., of Geo. H. & Ruth, etc. ut sup. 2 : 23 : 09. 107 Mary Howard, of Elijah & Sarah, t tc. ut sup. -j: 9: 56. 122 Warren, of Elijah & Sarah, etc. ut sup. 7: 21 : 00. MAXXIXG. Ill Alice Honora, of Robert & Mary J. (Carberry), Ire., do., 10: 17: 90. Ill Bridget Emily, of Robert & Mary J., etc. ut'.sup. 10: 15: 80. 140 Francis Helena, of Robert & Mary J., etc. ut sup. 6 : 7 : 89. 130 John Herbert, of Robert & Mary J., etc. ut sup. 9: — : 74. 73 Matilda, of Robert & Mary J., < tc. ut su/>. 7:1: 79. 178 Margaret II., of Jos. & Annie R. (Sumner), Ipswich, Boston, 8: 14: 64. 14 Mary Ellen, of Robert & Mary J., < tc. ut sup. I : 20: 77. MAXS1TELD. 183 Christian, of Christian & Mary i Buckholly), X. Oxford, Germ., 3: 20: 70. MARCH. 11 Josephine, of Matthew & Ellen, Germ., do., 2: 28: 53. 19 Wm. E., of Matthew & Ellen, < tc. ut sup 3: 3: 51. MARDEX. 41 Carrie L., of H. Everett & Ada M. (Bean), Dover, Ded., 4: 14:77. 19 Emily B., of Aaron & Marj T., Milton, Ded.. l : 29: 49. 63 Frederick, of Aaron & Mary F., Milton, Ded., I: 8: 51. 96 James, of Robert & Mary'(McFare), Scot., do., 12: 16: 64. MARLIE, 107 Mary, of Patrick & Hannah (Toley), Ire., do., 5: 9: 64. 134 D ED HAM RECORDS. MARNELL. 104 (B. at .Boston) Margaret L., of Richard & Louisa (Joy), N. F., Ire., 9 : 14 : 78. MARONEY. 91 Alfred C, of Win. & Ann (Killduff), Ire., do., 7: — : 66. 115 Edwin Francis, of Wm. & Ann, Ireland, Row, 4: 10: 54. 65 George, of William & Ann, Ire., Rox., 3: 20: 59. 141 William IT., of William & Ann, Ireland, do., 4: 14: 52. 70 William Hanover, of Wm. & Ann (Kiltnff), Ire., do., 5: 28: 02. MARS. 75 Albert F., of Barny & J alia, Ire., Xewton, 9: 27: 53. .MA US II. 04 Alice L., of Geo. & Louisa A. (Taft), Ded., do., 5:2: 69. 51 Charles, of Francis & Eliza, Ded., do., 10: 13: 53. 20 Edward, of Francis, Jr. & Emma I. (Boyd), Ded., Boston, 2: 9: 77. 59 Frank, of Frank &Emma I., etc. ut sup. 11: 6: 73. 59 Jennie L., of Daniel F. & Evelina, Ded., Hudson X. H., 11: 7: 56. 45 Juliette, of Francis & Eliza, , , 5: 0: 47. 4 Louise Taft, of George & Louisa, etc. ut sup. 3:0: 74. 4:', Martin, of Francis & Eliza, , , 8: 27: 44. 125 Martin M.. of Francis & Eliza, Ded., do., 9: 15: 49. 130 Theodore T., of Geo. & Louisa A., etc. ut sup. 3: 23: 08. MARSHALL 94 Abby L., of Edward . 62 Fred, of James tV Barbara (Fitzpatrick), Ded., Ire., 0: 21 : 89. 97 < 1 ustina, of Robert & Mary (Gregg), Scot., do., 1 : 15 : 07. 174 James, of Wm. & Caroline (Siriack), R. I., do., 11 : 26: 75. 17:'. James II., of Wm. & Eonora C. (Ciriack', R. I., do., 11 : 25: 75. 204 John, of John .. do., 6: I : 51. MATTHEWS. 115 , d. of Henry M. & Jane (Dunnel), Eng., do., 12: 29: S4. 64 Eliz. of Nathan & Alhertina (Bunker), Yarm., X. Y., 8: 5: 64. MATZ. m Kate, of Florian & Kate (Fagan), derm.. Ire., 1 1 : 22 : 69. 24 Mary Ann, of Florian & Kate < /<•. ut sup. ] : 27 : 62. 160 Susan F., of Florian & Catharine, < /<• ut sup. 10: 2: 66. MAURER. L69 B.at Boston) Philip II., of Henry & Annie (Schab), Boston, Germ., 5: 7: 69. MAXCY. 24 Ellen Maria, of Frederick & Ellen. England, Calais Me., 10: 6: 51. .MAX WE EL. 161 Lawrence, of John A Johanna 1 Mead), Ire., do., 4 : 5: 61. 48 Timothy, of John A Margaret, [re., do., :;: 27: i'.K MAY. •~)7 Alice I)., of Wm. a: Annie (May), Woodstock Ct., do., 9: 5: 73. 95 Ernest, of J. Edgar A Ida A. E. (Xickerson), Vt., Ded., 8:21: 79. 2 Ernest Silas, of William & Anna, etc. ut sup. 9:14:66. L50 Geo. A. of Alberi A. A Charlotte E. (Hooker), Vt., Ded., 2: 28: OS. 50 George II., of Wm. A Anna, M.. etc. ut sujy. 10: 2: 69. 85 Geo. Henry, of Wm. A Annie, etc. utsup. 10: 1:70. 22 Geo. \\\. of Joseph A Ma A. E. (Nickerson), Vt., Dec!., 1 : 3: 7". 1S4 Geo. W., of Joseph A [da A. Nicholson . Vt.. Ded.. 1 : 2,: 71. 51 William T., of Wm. & Anna, M., etc. utsup. 9: 29: 68. <;."> Willie Edgar, of Francis A Mary Tanner), Eng., do.. 6: 6: 7!. MAY \ AKD. 46 Berbert, of Herbert A Amelia Hitchcock . Ded., I'rov II. I.. I : L8:S5. 80 Herbert, of John P. & Caroline E., Boston, Wren., 6 : 27 : 55. 101 Howell II., of Herbert A Amelia II., < tc. at sup. 9: 21 : S7. 13G D ED HAM RECORDS. MAYXES. 30 Mary Eliz. of James JEL & Jane E. (Dweller), Ire., do., 5:0: 87. MEADES. 39 Sarah H., of Charles & Sarah A., Schoharie, Dover, 11: 9: 51. MEALER. 22 Henry Win,, of Henry & Helen (Ohler), Germ., do., 2: 23: 80. MEAR, MEARS. 49 Delia C, of Richard J. & M. C, , , 12 : 2 : 44. 74 Jennie E., of John & Susan (Holt), Ire., X. S., 0: 2: 75. MEDOLE. 98 Mary E., of Thos. & Alice (Mahoney), Ire., do., 7:7: 02. MEIGHAX. 27 Frances, of Edmond & Catherine (Kelley), Ire., Canada, 3:8: SO. 15 Joanna J., of Edmond & Kate, etc ut sup. 1 : 9: 78. '.) John Martin, of Edmond & Catherine, etc. ut sup. 11: 5: 04. 71 Mary, of Edmond & Catherine, etc. ut sup. 10: 0: 07. 25 Xorah, of Edmond & Catherine, etc. ut sup. 2: 20: 84. 58 Philip, of Edmond & Catharine, etc. ut sup. 9: 29: 71. MEIXERZHAGEX. 103 Gertrude, of Jos. &Emma (Page), Germ., N. Y., 9: 0: 78. 108 Mabel, of Joseph & Emma, etc. ut sup. 10: 15: 70. MEISTER. 42 Victor, of Gustavus & Caroline (Sneider), Germ., do., 1 : 29: 05. MELLEXY. 130 Thos. J., of Peter & Mary (Hanlon), X. B., Ire., 12: 30: 87. MERCER, 50 , d. of Win. & Elizabeth, Scot., do., 11 : 10: 59. MERRICK. 86 Medora G., of Lorenzo D. & Julietta, Me., Milton, 11: 24: 49. MERRIFIELD. 74 Frederick 11., of Isaiah & ( aroline, Sanford Me., Dedham, S: 2 : 54. MERRILL. 122 , s. of Daniel & Harriet, Ire., Me., 12: 16: 55. 40 Edw. E., of Elisha & Lucy (Farrington), X. II., Ded., 9:3: 64. 71 Jessie W., of Wm. & Georgianna (Paul), N. II., Medford, 9:1 : 62. 45 Martha A., of Townsend G. & Martha B., , , 7:1: 45. 103 Nath'l C, of J. M. &Mary A. B., Salem X. II., Franklin, 0: 17: 55. MKRRITT. 09 (B. at Boston) Geo. E., of Martin V. B. & Anna M. C. (Schaadt), E. Tem- pleton, Germ., 7: 10: 83. 5 (15. at Chelsea) Increase S., of Martin V. & Anna, etc. ut sup. 1 : 15: SO. MERTOX. 118 Adrian B., of Bernard A. : 15: 7-1. 99 Emma C, of Augustus & Selma (Reymer), Germ., do., 0:7: 82. 149 Ethal May, of Christian A. & Melissa A., etc. ut sup. 8: 26: 89. 114 Ida L., of Adolph & Caroline (Smith), Germ., do., 10: 18: 80. 71 John C, of Augustus & Selma, etc. ut sup. 8:8: 87. 15 Oscar, of Adolph & Barbara, < tc. ut sup. 2: 22: 76. 126 William, of Wm. & Delina (Heidfeldt), Germ., do., 11 : 10: 61. MILLER. no — -, s. of Allen 11. & Hannah R. (Radloff), Seekonk, do., 11:21: 51. 9 , s. of John & Martha, , , 12 : — : 47. 96 Anna F., of Allen II. & Hannah R., < tc. ut sup. 7 : 13: 55. •'.0 Anna Maria, of Allen II. & Hannah R., etc. ut sup. 2: 12: 61. 121 David J., of David P. & Addie C. (Hardy), New Eng , do., 2: 13: 74. 187 (B. at Walpole) Elijah, of Fred'k & Lydia A. (Belcher) Denmark, Quincy, 3: 22: 60. 174 Francis B., of Samuel X. & Lucy, Milton, Martha's Yin., 6: 21 : 56. 163 Gertrude F., of Arthur & Lydia C. (Huell), Edgartown, X. Y., 9: 6: 65. in Isabel Bissett, of Allen II. & Hannah, etc. ut sup. :>: 1: 58. 77 John Pedrick, of Allen II. & Hannah R,., < tc. ut sup. 7: 12: 53. <;i Robert A., of Henry & Ellen (Ohler), Germ., do., 7: 19: 87. 138 Walter, of Arthur S. & Lydia C. (Field), Edgarton, X. Y., 4:1: in. MIL LETT. 59 (15. at Portland), Caroline, of Edwin P. & Sarah J., Norway Me., Portland Me., 4:2: r>4. MILES. L8 Mouzo I!., of Chas. P. & Sarah A. Buchann), X. I'.., do., 2: 25: 87. 133 Harriet EL, of R. Haven & Harriet, Need., Ded., 11:1: 49. :.2 John A. B., of Chas. P. & Sarah A. (Buchannon), X. 15., do., 6: 2.:: S4. 21 Laura M., of Robert C. & MaryE. E. (Reed), X. 15., Ded.. 11:8:88. MILTER. :; Geo. W., of Chas. E. A: Margaret (Fate), Germ., Boston, 1:2:.: 77. MIRVEY. 141 John, of Michael & Bridget (Kelly), Ire., do., 1:29:68. 138 DEDHAM RECORDS. MITCHELL. 3 Annie V., of Thos. M. & Margaret (Deneef), Scot., Milton, 1:11: 75. 33 Caroline, of Terance & Ann M. (Murey), Ire., do., 3: 24: (52. S7 Catharine A., of Terrance & Ann M. (Marcy), Ire., do., 10: : GO. 20 Eliza J., of Terance & Ann M. (Murrey), Ire., do., 8: 2: 04. 107 James T., of Thos. J. & Marg't (Deneef), Scot., Milton, 10: 21 : 81. 54 Margaret, of Thos. & Marg't (Deneef), Scot., Milton, 8:1: 70. 7 Mary E., of Joseph & Bridget (Kennedy), Ire., do., 3: 10 : 67. 103 Mary J., of Thos. S. & Marg't A. (Deneef), Scot,, Milton, 10: 5:8:;. 71 Wm. T., of Thos. S. & Marg't (Deneef), Scot, Milton, S: 1 : 77. MOCK, MARK. 190 , d. of Jacob & Katie (Stucke), Germ., do., 12 : 5 : 75. 85 J. Henry, of Jacob & Caroline (Stocke), (ierm., do., 12: 10: 7:'.. MOLEY. 169 James, of Patrick & Ellen, Ire., do., 10: 15: 58. 192 John A., of Patrick & Ellen, Ire., do., 4: IS : 57. MONACHAL, MONAHAN, MAN ATI AN, MENIHAN. 36 Agnes E., of John & Lizzie (Carroll), Ire., do., 4: 9: 85. 117 Ellen, of Michael & Mary (Hayes), Ire., do., 1:0: 69. 135 Hannah, of John & Hannah (Rowley), Ire, do., 1: 17: 00. 33 Hannah S., of Terence & Hannah S. (Wallace), Ire., do., :) : 18: 66. 97 James, of Terrence & Anna S. (Wallace), Ire., do., 8: 10: 61. 135 John, of Chas. & Ellen, Ire., do., 5: 7: 01. 55 John, of John & Hannah, < tc. ut sup. 6: 21 : 62. 59 John, of Michael & Mary, etc. ut sup. 2: 28: 01. 38 Leo Michael, of John & Lizzie, etc. ut xhi>. 4: 27 : 80. 151 Mary, of Michael A: Mary, etc. »/ sup. 11 : 15: 62. 117 Mary A., of Terry & Hannah, Ire., do., 11 : 22: 58. 97 Sarah J., of Michael & Mary, etc. ut sup. 8: ■>: 66. 31 Thomas, of Charles & Ellen, Ire., do., 8: 20: 59. MONKS. 112 Edward E., of James & Amelia (Knight), Eng., do., 8: 1 : 07. 4:) Irene, of James & Amelia,, < tc. ut sup. 2: 5: 65. MONTAGUE. 13 Frazen L., of George I . & Cath. F. W., Ded.. Newcastle N. H, 8: 2:): 58. 120 George P., of George L. & Cath. F. W. etc. ut sup. 5: 17: 40. 66 Henry W., of George L. & Catharine F. W., < tc. ut sup. 7: 9: 56. 91 Russell W., of George L. & Cath. F. W., < tc. "I sup. 3: 28: 52. 110 Win. P., of George L. & Cath, F. W., etc. ut sup. 6:8: 18. MONTGOMERY. 121 Esther R., of Frank II. & Anna I., St. Johns, Portland, Me., 5: : 84. MOODY. 7 Aiihh i?.. of Eben N. & Pamelia M. Whipple), New Portland Me., Led- yard Ct., 1 : L5: 82. 24 (B. at Milford) Blanche E., of Eben X. & Pamelia, etc. ut sup. 2:3: 77. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 139 MOOXEY. 20 Francis, of John & Margaret, Ire., do., 7: 21 : 53. MOORE, MOKE. B3 Bridget, ofThos. & Mary (Lowless), [re., do., L0:S:62. 1-1 Francis, of Thomas & Mary, etc. ut sup. in: 24: 59. 1G0 (B. at Franklin) Marg'i Li., of Samuel W. iV Eliza, Springfield, Chesterfield, 9: 29: 49. IT:: Mary Ann, of Thos. & Marg't (Dowd), Ire., do., 6: 15: 01. i."> Robert H., of John & Wilhelmina (McLain), Sent., do., in: n : en. 83 Sarah, of John & Sarah (Meadows), N. B., lied.. 7: 29: S2. MORAX, MORAXD. 112 Bridget, of John F. & Mary (Cuddy), Ire, do., 12: IT: S4. 80 Chas. 11., of Win. II. A Susan (Jnday), Salem, Yarmouth, LI: 9: 66. 10(> John J., of John J. & Mary (Cuddy), Ire., do., 10: 2T : 76. Ill Mary A., of Deminisk & Catharine (Leonard), Ire, do.. 3:23: no. 35 Michael J., of John & Man A. (Cuddy), Ire., do., 4:1: 80. 102 Thomas, of Deminisk A: Catherine, < tc. ut sup. 5: 25: 61. 53 Wm, F., of John J. & .Mary (Cody), Ire., do., 5: U : 82. MORGAN. 84 Ann, of John R. & Mary A. (Hickey), Boston, Ded., S: 24: 83. 85 Anne Mary, of Chas. 0. & Marianna, X. II., do., L2: 13: 59. 148 Frank, of Francis & Catharine (Morgan), Ire., do., T: 19: To. 1T2 George, of Thomas & ('ate, Ire., do., 6: 13: 58. 76 Ceo. Henry, of John & Caroline, Vt., Ded., 5: 11: 50, 62 Mary M., of Thos. & Catherine (Butler , [re., do., 9: 20: 65. MORHOFF. 80 Catharine, of Henry & Louisa (Smith), Germ., do., S: 18: TT. 110 Charles, of Henry & Louisa, etc. ut sup. 8: 29: 75. 65 Edward, of Henry & Louisa, etc. ut sup. 12: 10: 72. 83 Mary Eli/.., of Henry & Louisa. < tc. ut sup. 3: 22: 68. MORLN. 98 Adalore, of Joseph & Orella I White, Canada, do., S: L0: 69. MORRELL, MORRILL. 100 , d. of Edw. &Jane Smith), X. II., Boston, 5: 17:69, 67 Catie I'., of John & Eliza (O'Xiel), Ire., do., 9: n : 63. 38 Edwin F., of Townsend & Martha, — -, , 10: 6: 46. 180 (B. at Boston Edwin H., of Simeon S. & B. X. (O'Donnell), X. EL, Boston, 9: -2.:,: no. 109 (15. at Andover), Emma L., of George H.,»S: Sarah li. (Tidd), Wore, AVoburn, 11:4: 54. 125 Florence H., of Edw. EL & Jane (Moores), Andover, Phila.,9: 19:71. L26 Frances E., of E Iw. II. & Jane. ( tc. ut sup. 9: L9: 71. 142 Frank T., of (loo. n. & Sarah B., etc. ut sup. 7:28: 57. 26 (B. at Hyde Park) Fred. W. f of William A. & -Iran E. (Parker), Rox., Dorch., 2: : 79, 140 DEDHAM RECORDS. 37 George Arthur, of Wm. A. & Jean E., etc. ut sup. 4: 9: S5. 90 Gertrude L., of Wm. A. & Jean E., etc. ut sup 8: 26: 80. 147 Grace Luthera, of Geo. H. & Sarah B., etc. ut sup. 2: 13: 02. 206 Hannah Alice, of Geo. H. & Sarah B., etc. ut sup. 11 : 11 : 59. 64 Leon Arnold, of Wm. A. & Jean E., etc. ut suj). 7:10: 90. 58 Ralph Parker, of Wm. A. & Jean E., etc. ut sup. 6: 28: 83. 36 Samuel G., of Geo. H. & Sarah B., etc. ut sup. 10: 18: 55. 176 Samuel Geo., of Geo. II. & Sarah B., etc. ut sup. 10: 18: 56. 100 William T., of Edw. & Martha D., Natick, Marblehead, 4: 16: 49. MORRISON. 84 Francis L., of Frank J. & Nellie (McNeal), Austria, P. E. I., 8:4: 89. 76 Irene M., of Frank J. & Nellie, etc. ut sup 7: 22: 88. MORRISSEY. 172 Annie, of William & Johanna (Pender), Ire., do., 7 : 14 : 69. 168 Bridget, of Wm. & Johanna, etc. ut sup. 1 : 17: 67. 139 Cornelius, of Wm. & Bridget (Neville), Ire., Eng., 8: 2: 70. 143 Daniel, of Daniel & Catharine, Ire., do., 12: 10: 58. 100 John, of Wm. M. & Bridget (Newell), Ire., do., 8: 15: 71. 45 Katy, of Daniel & Catharine (Tyman), Ire., do., 2: 20: 07. 167 Margaret, of Daniel & Cath. (Tiernay), Ire., do., 2: 11 : 61. 151 Margaret, of Wm. & Johanna, etc. ut sup. 9: 14: 64. 122 Mary, of Daniel & Cath. (Fining), Ire., do., 4: 2: 64. 168 Mary Ann, of Wm. & Johanna, etc. ut sup. 3: 27: 63. 107 Patrick, of Daniel & Catharine, Ire., do., 1:5: 55. 121 Thomas, of Daniel & Catharine, Ire., do., 10: 13: 56. 204 Thomas, of John & Johanna (Quinnlan), Ire., do., 11 : 15 : 61. 197 William, of Wm. & Johanna, Ire., do., 11: 11: 59. MORROW. 118 Agnes, of John & Eliza (O'Neil), Ire., do., 11 : 4: 67. MORSE. 154 Addie J., of Winslow & Adaline V. (Bateinan), Ded., N. Y., 11: 15: 69. 97 Alice M., of E. Scott & Anna G. (Fish), Alna Me., Rochester 111., 9 : 23: 7S. 5 Belle W., of Percy T. & Cora L. (Whiting), Norwood, Ded., 1 : 8: 90. 144 Bertha Susie, of Albert & Mary (Mellen), Ded., N. Y., 12: 10: 62. 38 Carrie M., of John E. Mary X., of Francis & Mary, < tc. ut sup. 2: 3: 54. 169 Mary X., of Jesse & Nancy, etc. ut sup. I : 25: 55. 209 Percy T., of Francis & Lucy (Grogan), Ded., do., 1 : 22: 60. L52 Robert A., of Albert & Mary, < tc. ut sup. 4: 22: 67. 21 1 Walter F., of John E. & Hannah VV., < tc, ut sup. 9: 27: 58. 183 Winslow L., of Winslow & Adeline V., etc. ut sup. 1 : 13: 71. MOTLEY. 17 Charles I)., of Thomas & Maria I)., , , 1:4: 48. 59 Maria D., of Thomas, Jr. & Maria P>., , , 2: 4: 45. Mon/rox. 133 Frederic Hamilton, of Albert Jerome & Mary Ann (Hunter), Ellsworth X. II., Canada, 5: 8: 83. MULCH Y. 115 Honora, of Patrick & Margaret, Ireland, do., 8: 30: 58. MILDOOX. 7 , s. of James & Catharine A. (Keating), Ire., do., l : 21 : 72. 42 Francis J., of James & Catharine, etc. ut sup. 11 : 22: 74. 21 Mary, of James & Catharine A.. 1 tc. ut sup. 1 : 4: 71. MILKEKX. 48 Alice W., of John & Jane (Abberton), Ire., do., 4: 26: 81. 14s Eliza, of Timothy & Mary, Ireland, do., 8: 12: 52. II Ellen, of Timothy & Mary, Ireland, do., 10: 12: 50. 7:; Ellen, of Timothy & Mary, Ireland, do., 10: 12: 51. 142 DEDHAM RECORDS. 36 Isabella J., of John & Jane, etc. ut sup. 7: 31 : G9. 81 James, of Timothy & Mary, Ire., do., 8: 15: 50. 106 James Abberton, of John & Jane, etc. ut sup. 3: 2: 71. 100 John, of Michael & Ellen (Kafferty), W. Box., Ire., 11: 15: 84. 2 John Francis, of John & Jane, etc. ut sup. l: S: 76. 24 Josephine, of Michael & Ellen, etc. ut sup. 3: 14: 90. 122 Margaret F., of Michael & Ellen, etc. ut sup. 11 : 6: 80. 121 Martin, of Wm. & Nellie V. (Temperly), Ded., do., 11 : 11: 85. 1 Mary, of Wm. J. & Eliza (Faulkner), Ded., Boston, 1 : 4:89. 129 (B. on the Ocean) Mary A., of Timothy & Mary, Ire., do., G: 9: 49. 93 Mary E., of John & Jane, etc. ut sup. 4 : 29 : GG. 22 Patrick, of Timothy & Mary, Ire., do., 5: 13: 58. G7 William, of Martin & Maria (Coleman), Ire., do., 7: 6: 67. 52 William, of Michael cS: Ellen, etc. ut suj>. 5: 21: 86. 4'.) William, of Timothy & Mary, Ire., do., 12 : :;i : 53. 29 William, of Wm. & Nellie V., < tc. ut sup. 3: 22: 90. 90 William, of Wm. J. & Eliza T., etc. ut suj>. 8: 31 : 90. MULLEN, MULLENS. TIT Annie, of Michael & Aim (Fay), Ire., do., 11 : 14: 74. 97 Bridget, of Michael & Ann (Fahay), Ire., do., 7: 15: 08. 5:1 Catharine, of Michael & Ann (Fay), Ire, do., 8: 13: 70. 52 Delia, of Michael & Ann (Fay), Ire., do., 5: 20: 77. 143 Elizabeth, of Michael & Ann (Faha), Ire., do., 9: 25: 63. 9 Frederic, of Henry & Mary E. (Irwin), Box., do., 1 : 26: 90. 133 John, of Michael & Margaret, Ire., do., 3: 11: 55. 1S2 John, of Wm. & Bridget (Dolan), Ire., do., 6:20: 64. 175 Katie, of Chas. & Hannah (Cokely), Ire., do., 7 : 15 : 70. 65 Margaret, of Michael & Ann (Fay), Ire., do., 6: 14: 79. 37 Mary Ann, of Michael & Margaret, Ire., do., 7: 26: 59. 140 Michael J., of Michael & Ann (Fahey), Ire., do., 8: 5: 72. 40 Sarah, of Michael & Margaret, Ire., do., 7:7: 57. 122 Thomas, of Michael & Ann (Fahey), Ire., do., 12: 1 : 05. MULROY. 167 Bridget, of John A: Bridget (Harkney), Ire., do., G: 21 : GS. \l I LVANEY, MULVENEY. Iii7 John D., of Patrick & Sarah A. (Gallagher), Ire., do., 9: 2S: 87. 40 Mary E., of Patrick cS: Sarah A., etc. ut sup. 4: 21 : 86. MULVERIIILL. 19 Ann, of Michael & Cath. (Crowley), Ire., do., 1 : 25: 75. 184 Annie M., of Dennis & Eliza (Sloman), Ic^., do., 12: S: GO. 15s Catherine, of Michael A Catherine, etc. »/ sup. 11 : 22: 65. 117 James, of Michael & Catherine, etc. ut sup. 10: 22: 01. 102 James Joseph, of Michael & Catherine, < tc. ut sup. S: 8: 79. 10 John ('has., of Michael & Catherine, etc. ut sup. 2: 12: 77. 186 Lizzie, of Dennis & Eliza, t tc. ut sup. :> : 9: 67. 57 Margaret, of Dennis & Eliza, etc. ut su}>. 10: 2:): 64. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 1 l ; * 67 Margaret, of Michael & Catherine, etc. ut siq). 8 : 2 : G9. 95 Mary, of Dennis & Eliza, etc. ut sup. 2: 26: "0. 197 Mary, of Michael & Catherine, etc. utsup. 7:20:63. 155 Michael, of Denis tc. ut sup. 4:1: 55. 137 Win. V., ofFrancis II. & Marg't, Charlestown, Portland Me., 3: 28:57. MURDY. 13 Alice, of -lames & Maria (Shine), Eng., Ire., 2: 5: S5. 22 Annie, of .lames & Maria, < tc. ut sup. 2 : 2 : 77. 34 Elizabeth, of James & Maria, etc. ut sup. L2: 25: 66. L37 Francis, of Samuel M. & Mary A. (Welch), Eng., \\ . Rox., 9:4. 75. 1 I 1 James V.. of James & Maria. < tc. ut sup. 10 : 31 : 81. LOO John Edward, of James & Maria, etc. utsup. 9: 15: 87. 66 Joseph, of Samuel & Mary A. i Welch , Eng., Ded., 5: 5: 74. 7^ Josephine, of -lames & Maria, ( tc. ut sup. 6 : 30 : 72. L04 Laurel ta, of James & Maria, - tc. ut sup. S: 6: 74. 35 Mary Ella, of James & Maria, etc. ut sup. 3: 17: 70. L8 Warren, of James & Maria, etc. utsup. 5: 10:79. MURPHY. 60 - — , d. of Timothy & , Ire., do., I : : 56. L89 Bridget, of James A: Bridgel .Melon:, [re., do., 10: L0:62. L28 Dennis, of John M. & Mary A. (Cannon), Ded., Dracut, L2: 24: S3. 91 Dennis, of Timothy & Eli/.., Ire., do., 4: 17: 51. 30 Edgar, of Thos. cV Mary (Lucom), [re., do., 6: 20: 70. 76 Elizabeth, of John M. & Mar) (Cannon), Ded., Lowell, 8:6:1 , L22 Frank, of John & Margaret (Clifford), [re., do., 11:16:88. •".l II ira, of John & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 4:30:S2. L46 Honorah, of Thos. & Mary, Ire., do., 4: 7: 55. 162 Johannie, of John & Mary i Clifford , [re., do., 5:7: 74. 65 John, of John & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 6: 26: S5. in; Catharine, of John & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 8:4: 75. L35 Margaret, of John & Cath. (Shanney), Ire., do., L2:30:S7. 205 Margaret, of John & Ellen (Murphy), [re., Ded., 6: L0:71. 144 DEDHAM RECORDS. ISO Margaret, of John & Margaret, etc. ut sup. C : 20 : 70. 139 Mary, of John & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 4: 12: 72. 42 Mary Agnes, of John & Cath., etc' ut sup. 4: 27: 00. 131 (B. in Maine.) Mary E., of John & Ellen (Callihan), Ire., do., 1 : 15: GO. 25 Mary E., of John M. & Mary A. (Cannon), Ded., Dracut, 4:5: S7. 24 Matthew Ed., of Thos. & Anna (Laughran), Ire., do., 2: 23: 70. 51 Michael, of John & Margaret, etc. utsup. 5:5: 77. 4fi Michael J., of John & Cath., etc. ut sup. 5: 2: SG. 11G Patrick II., of John & Hannah (Lehry), Ire., do., 11: 24: 70. 121 Sarah, of John & Eliz. (Campbell), Ire., Eng., 11: 20: 63. 118 Thomas, of Thomas & Mary (Laconn), Ire., do., 11 : 20: 03. 116 Wm. T., of John M. & Mary A. (Cannon), Dec!., Dracut, 10: 17: 82. 1G9 Willie, of Daniel & Ann (Ilennessy), Ire., do., 8: 0: Gl. MUKKAY. 12 , s. of Walter & Jane (Huggan), N", S., do., 10: 25: G2. 39 Arthur W., of Walter & Jane, X. S., do., 11: 15: 57. 108 Daniel, of Daniel & Margaret (Conlon), Ire., do., 10: 13: : 68. 221 Wilhemine, of Henry & Wilhemine (Bearer), Germ., do., 0: 13: 00. NEWSOME. 75 AdaL., of Thos. & Hannah (Morton), Eng., do., 7: 17: 80. 122 Edgar T., of Edgar T. & Mary (Cooke), Eng., do., 3:1: 74. 77 Fred. C, of Thos. & Hannah (Marston), Eng., do., 7:0: 79. 135 George L,, of Thomas & Hannah, Eng., do., 2: — : 70. 99 Martha A., of Thos. & Annie (Martin), Eng, do., 9: 10: 77. 126 Nellie, of Edwin & Elinor (James), Eng., do., 4: 17: 74. 55 Agnes E., of Wm. & Mary (Mentiss), Eng., Weymouth, 12: 22: 09. NEWTON. 109 Emma, of James & Ann (Silcock), Eng., do., 1 : 25: 02. NICHOLS. :;:'. Alice C, of John II. & Caroline (Chester), Barrington N. II., Boston, 4 : 20 : 70. 1 Chester W., of John II. & Caroline E., etc. ut sup 1:1: 79. 177 Emma A., of Lyman B. & Emily A. (Guild), Anieshury, Ded., 3: 26: 57. 03 Frances Leslie, of John H. & Caroline E., etc. ut sup. 0: 17: 85. 03 (B. at Boston), George M., of Geo. W. & Augusta P. (Farley), Henniker N. H., Danvers, 6: 13:81. 142 Herbert F., of Lyman & Emily A., etc. ut suit. S: 6 : 02. 192 Honora L., of Lyman B. &Emily A., etc. ut sup. 2: 22: 60. 20 Samuel G., of Samuel H. & Eliz. G„ Wakefield N. II., S. Beading, 11 : 14: 58. 79 Wm. E., of James A. & Carrie B. (Daniell), Boston, Bed.. 8: 5: 85. NICKERSON, NICHOLSON. 129 , d. of Atkinson & Emily (Eldredge), Chatham, do., 11: 28: 52. 110 Ada I. C, of Atkins & Emily, Chatham, do., 3: 7: 51. 28 (B. at Boston) Albert L., of Albert W. & Amelia F. (Lindsay), Boston, Rox., 2: 11: 77. 6 Alice L., of Alphonso L. & Catharine (Wirths), Ded., Germ., 1: 16: 80. 220 Edith A., of Atkins & Emily, etc. ut sup. 7: 24: 00. 109 Ida A. E., of Atkins & Emily, etc. ut sup. 3: 7: 51. 30 Mabel D., of Alphonso L. & Katherina, etc. ut sup. 2: 27: 82. 101 Mary, of Norman & Mary, Scot., Ire., 6:8: 59. 54 Mary Ann E., of Alphonso L. & Kate, etc. ut sup. 6: 24: 76. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 147 117 Nettie V., of Atkins & Emily, < tc. ut sup. 5: 15: 63. 3S Ruth, of Albert W. & Amelia F., t tc. ut sup. I : 14: 90. 21 Sarah F. H., of Alphonso L. & Katie, eic. ut sup. 2 : 8 : 75. 76 William G., of Alberl \V. & Amelia F., etc. ut sup. 7: 15:70. 24 Zipporah E. G., of Atkins & Emily, etc. ut sup. 11 : 20: 18. NIGHTINGALE. 128 B. at Dorch.) Lucy E., of Geo. A: Lucy A., (Smith), Dorch., Natick, 4: 17:02. NOLAN. 7"> Andrew J., of Patrick A. & Hannah (Magonrty), Ire., do., 2: 17: 64. :>2 Charles R., of Patrick A. A Hannah, etc. ut sup. l : s>: 71. 135 Dora, of Patrick & Honora (Goharty), Ire., do.. 12: L3: 74. 4'.) Elizabeth, of Andrew J. & Eliz. J. (Rourke), Ded., Boston, 5: 19: S8. 120 Francis, of Patrick A. & Hannah, etc. ut sup. 7:4: 60. 136 George, of John F. & Eliz. (Darling), Ire., VVoonsocket, 1!. I., '.»: :; : 7">. 21 -lames Francis, of Patrick A. & Hannah, etc. ut sup. 7: 6: 06. 96 Maggie, of Andrew J. & Eliz. J., < tc. ut sup. :t : 7 : 00, 199 Mary, of Patrick A. & Hannah, etc. ut sup. 12: 1 : 07. 10 Sarah M., of Malachiah & Sarah i Wilson), Ire., do., 0: 10: ill. NOONAN. Mi •, d. of dames & Hannah (Kenny), Ire., do., r, : id: 65. 137 Elizabeth, of Michael A Bridget (Brown), Ire., do., 12:22: 8S. s Ellen E., of David & Margaret i Boughton), Ire., Putney \ r t., 1: 1: 78. 130 Oeorge D., of David & Margaret A., * /<■. ut sup. 12: 3: so. 66 -lames Francis, of David & Margaret, < tc. t>! sup. 0: (i : 82. in/, John Thos., of Thos. & Pridget (Cody;, Ire., do., 9: 22: S9. 99 Katharine, of Thos. A' Bridget. ( tc. ut sup. 0: 9: 00. 44 Mary, of David & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 5: 26: 76. 1 ::: Mary -I., of David & Margaret A., etc. ut sup. 12: 25: 79. NORMAN. 85 Eli, of Edwin E. & Minnie G. (Drake) Boston, Somers ft., 8: 25: S3. NORRIS. s , d. of Stephen & , , , 1: 14: 83. 127 Albert B., of Andrew J. & Harriet E. (Boyden), Dorch. N. H., Charlton, 4: 30: 51. 49 Annie, of Andrew -I. A Harriett E., < tc. ut sup. 3: 11: 07. 124 Clara J., of Andrew J. & Harriet E., etc. ut sup. 11 : 11 : 55. 100 Edward, of Andrew J. & Harriet E., etc. ut sup. 8: 3: GO. 55 Eliz. Everett, of Andrew .1. & Harriet E.. < tc. ut sup. 12: 31 : 62. Ferdinand I\, of Andrew J. & Harriet I-;., etc. ut sup. 1 : 27: 72. 14 Frank, of Andrew J. & Harriet, etc. ut sup. 4: 5: 65. 103 Frank E., of Sam'l M. & Isabella (Swords), Dorch. N. II., Boston, 9: 2:60. 54 Fred Thayer, of Samuel M. t N Isabella, etc. ut sup. 7:14: 62. 23 Martha I., of Albert B. & Anna A. (Ingalls), Ded., Milton, 2 : 20 : 83. ::'.' Mary Edith, of Samuel M. & Isabella, etc. ut sup. 3:1: 00. 8 Walley T., of Albert B. & Annie, etc. ut sup. 2:7: 70. 17."> William E., of Samuel M. & Isabella, tic. ut sup. 1: 12: 68. 148 DEDHAM RECORDS. NOWELL. 142 Charlotte J., of J. Herbert & Jane (Moore), Andover, N. II., 3 : — : TO. NUGENT. 11 Annie L., of Richard A. W. & Bridget (Crow), X. Y., Ire., 9 : 21 : 67. 115 Annie Louise, of Richard & Bridget, etc. ut sup. 9: 26: 68. 27 Edmund S., of Richard & Bridget, etc. ut sup. 12: 22: 69. 147 John, of John & Mary (Fagan), Ire., Ded., 9: 9: 69. 97 Margaret, of John & Mary, etc. ut sup. 1 : 19: 71. 4") Patrick, of John & Mary, etc. ut sup. 9: 16 : 68. NUNN. 12 (B. at Boston) Olive, of Thos. & Martha M. (Driver), Eng., do., 1 : 20: 79. NUTTER. 119 , d. of - — - & , Germ., do., — : — : 73. 37 Ernest, of Ernest & Mary i Dubois), Germ., do., 7: 27: 74. NUTTING. 18 Lucinda B., of Lucius B. & Tryphena, , , 11 : 18: 4.j. NYE. 58 Jessie A., of Arnold & Abbie (Brown), Ire., do., 12 : 29: C>G. OBEK. 174 Albert A., of Albert G. & Rebecca (Lealand), Me., do., 8: 30: 62. O'BRIEN. 32 Ellen M., of Dennis &£Elizabeth, , , 9: 20: 46. 44 James H., of Thos. H. & Mary V. (Fagan), Ded., do., 3:4: 78. 77 (B. at Boston) John J., of John & Mary (Burke), Ire., do., S: 7: 90. 25 Mary E., of Thomas & Ellen, , , 4: 2: 48. 96 Sarah, of Timothy & Margaret (Fitzgerald), Ire., do., 7: 14: 71. 172 Sarah, of Timothy & Mary (Fitzgerald), Ire., do., 7: 14: 71. 75 Thomas, of Thomas & Ellen, Ire., do., 9: 16: 52. 124 Timothy, of Timothy & Mary, etc. ut sup. 2:2: 70. O'CALLAHAN 31 Richard, of Cornelius & Hannah, Ire., do., 12: 29: 57. O'CONNELL. 7 Daniel, of John & Mary G., , , 7: 31 : 46. 22 John, of John & Mary J., Ireland, Gilinanton, 2: 23: 52. 25 William E., of John & Mary J., , ■ , 5 : 10: 44. O'CONNEK, O'CONNOR. 81 ('has. .1., of Chas. J. & Mary E. (Farley), Eng., Scot., 7: 25: 88. "33 (B. in Ireland) Wm., of John & Johanna (Caskill), Ire., do., 5:4:6:;. O'DONNELL, O'DONOUGH. 58 Ann, of Michael & Johanna (Walsh), Ire , do., 2:3: 67. 72 Edward J., of James F. & Sarah (.Sullivan), Norwich Ct, Springfield, 7: 15: 85. 51 James, of Alexander & Johanna I Flynn), Ire., do., 3: 11: 61. 108 Johanna, of Alexander & Johanna, < tc. ut sup. •'>: 26: 67. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 1 l!> 149 Mary, of San da & Johanna (Flynn), Ire., do., 9: r> : G3. 01 Thomas, of Alexander & Hannah, [re., do., 8:6: 57. O'HARE, O'HAKA. 124 , (1. of Patrick & Mary (Fitzgerald), Ire., do., 4: 2: 72. 121 Dennis, of Francis & Rosa (Snow), Ere., do., LI: C: 78. 38 Ellen, of Win. & Ellen i Folan), Ire., do., 3: 29: 83. 127 James A., of Patrick & Mary (Fitzpatrick), Ire., do., LI: 17: 6G. 131 John, of Terry & Rosa (Snow), Ire., do., :'.: 10: 00. 103 John II., of Patrick A: Mary (Fitzpatrick), Ire., do.. 8: :;: 62. 91 John Henry, of Patrick & Mary, Ire., do., L2: 2: 59. 97 Joseph, of Francis & Rosa, etc. ut sup. 7: 10: 69. 55 Margaret ('., of Patrick & Marj Fitzpatrick), Ire., do., 12: 26: 64 9S Mary, of YVm. & Ellen, < tc. ut sup. 9: 24: 81. 62 Rosanna, of Terence & Rosa (Snow), Ire., do., LI: 7: 71. 110 Thos. P., of Terence & Rosa, ( tc. ut sup. n : io: 70. 65 William, of Patrick & Mary (Fitzpatrick), Ire,, do., 5: 29: 69. 137 William, of Patrick & Mary (Kerney), Ire., do., 5: 22: 61. 4 Wm. J., of Wm. & Ellen (Pollen i, Ire., do., 1:11: SO. OTIERX. 100 (B. at Wellfleet) Morris, of John & Johanna I Welch i, Ire., do., 10: 29 : GO. OILER. 18 Clara, of Mortse iV Mary (Chawfus), Germ., do., 0: 7: S4. O'KEEFE. 159 , d. of Win. & Annie E., Ire., do., 1: 30: 7:;. O'LATJGHLIN. 116 Mary Ann, of James & Mary, Ere., do., 7: 27: 59. Il'4 Nancy Ellen, of .lames & Mary, Ere., do., 8: 9: ~>7. r.M Nellie, of James \- Mary i Mc\'all.\ , Ere., do., 10:23:67. 00 Susan, of James A; Mary, etc. ut siqj. S: 12:61. OLDHAM. Set also Aldum. L67 Ann, of Richard & Abby, Ire., do., 7: 25: 57. L98 Hannah, of Robert & Mary. Ire., do., 7: 19: 58. 156 Jane, of Robert & Mary i Lary), Ere., do., 9: 29: 64. 172 John, of Richard & Abby, Ere., do., 5: 21 : 59. 213 .Mary, of Robert & Mary (Leary), Ere., do., 1:1: 60. 152 Mary E., of Richard & Abby i Linnehen i, Ere., do., 7: 25: 64. 22 Richard, of Richard & Abby, Ere,, do., 9: 10: 55. 190 Richard, of Rob. & Mary i Lowrej i, Ere., do., li : 19: 61. 21 1 Timothy, of Richard .V Abbj Linehan . Ere., do., 11: 21: 60. O'LEARY. L60 , s. of Dennis & Ellen i Rrennen . 1 re., do., 1 : 27: 74. 1 li Alice, of Patrick s. & Sarah A. Kenney , Ere., do., 10: 7 : 30 Annie, of Patrick S. & Sarah A. i Kearney), Ire., do., 3:1: 79. i;i Annie, of Peter J. & Eliz. M. McKej . Rox., Ere., 6:22: 34 Annie R., of Peter J. & Lizzie McKee), Boston, Ere., L:22:79. 126 Dennis, of Dennis & Marx Welch , [re., do., 1 I : 19: 80. 150 DEDHAM RECORDS. 101 Edward, of Dennis & Mary, etc. ut sup. 9: 19: 82. 22 Elizabeth, of Peter J. & Eliz. M. (McKee), Ded., Ire., 2: ir>: S3. 70 Frances, of Peter J. & Eliz. (McKey), Rox., Ire., 7:2: 88. 49 James E., of Peter J. & Lizzie (McKee), Rox., Ire., 5: 1 : 77. 107 Jennie, of Peter J. & Eliz. M. (McKee), Boston, Ire., 9: 22: 89. 47 Mary, of Dennis & Mary, etc. ut sup. 5: 14 : 79. 88 Mary J., of Peter J. & Eliz. M. (McKay), Boston, Ire., 10: 4: 84. 7 Ned, of Dennis & Mary, etc. ut sup. 1 : 21 : 78. 47 Peter V., of Peter J. & Lizzie (McKee), Boston, Ire., 4:4: 78. 1GG Stephen J., of Peter J. & Eliz. (McKee). Rox., Ire., 11: 9: 75. 59 Thos. J., of Dennis & Mary (Burke), Ire., do., G: 29: 7G. OLFENE. 63 , s. of Cha.s. M. & Mary E., Lewiston Me., Halifax N. S., 6: 22: 89. OLIVER. 142 Cora M., of Andrew & Hattie (Cobbett), Canada, N. S., 4: 22: G6. OLMSTEAD. 49 Amanda, of Moses & Amanda (Mallory), Ya., do., 4: 23: 85. 28 Daniel, of Moses & Amanda, < tc. ut sup, 3: 13: 76. 34 Edmonia, of Moses & Amanda, etc. ut sup. 3 : 18 : 83. O'NEIL. 100 , s. of James & Catharine, Ire., do., 2 : 25 : 73. 1G Annie L., of Edw. & Ellen (Monahan), Ded., Wore, 2: 14: 90. 7S Edwin, of James & Mary (Hinneberry), Me., Boston, 7: 15: 82. 135 Elizabeth, of Jas. & Cath. E. (Waldron), Ire., do., 9: 19: 75. 13 (B. at Pitchbnrg) Eliz. N., of John H. & Eliza (Waldron), X. Y., Ireland, 1: — : 79. 89 Ellen, of John & Mary E. (Waldron), N.F., Ire., 7:3: 75. 56 Esther L., of Michael J. & Louisa (Trehan), Ded., Canada, 5: 27: 89. 29 James, of James & Ellen (O'Brien), Ire., do., 3: 12: 80. 122 James, of James & Ellen, etc. ut sup- 12: 2: 83. 32 James IL, of Lawrence & Mary (Mahonny), Ire., do., 4: 12: 66. 69 Jeremiah, of James & Ellen, etc. ut sup. 7: 30: 87. Ill John, of Lawrence & Mary (Mahanna), Ire., do., 12: 27: 69. 66 John Wm., of James & Ellen, etc. ut sup. 6: 25: si. 104 Katherine Agnes, of James & Ellen, etc. at sup. 9: 16:89. 90 Katie, of Lawrence & Mary, Ire., do., 12: 4: 58. 57 Lawrence F., of Thos. F. & Winifred (Cody), Ded., Winchester, G: 2G: 90. 107 Margaret, of Lawrence & Mary (Mahoney), Ire., do., 10: 3: 76. 86 Martha, of Lawrence & Mary (Mahoney), Ire., do., 2: 27: 72. no Martin, of Mathew & Margaret ( Mahanna), Ire., do., l : 12 : 63. s Matthew, of Matthew & Marg't (Mahony), Ire., do., 7: 5: 66. 96 Matty F., of Michael J. A: Louise (Trahan), Ded., Montreal, 9:9: 86. 98 Mary Ann, of James & Ellen, etc ut sup. 9: 15: 85. ■15 Mary A., of Lawrence & Mary (Mahoney 1, Ire, do., 5: 22: 74. 83 Mary A., of Martin cV Mary A. (Brennan), Ire., do, 1 : 17: 67. 127 Michael, of Lawrence & Mary (Mahanna), Ire., do., 8: 28: 60. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. L51 :;i Michael, of Matthias A: Margaret, Ire., do., 8; 24: 56. 34 Nellie, of James & Ellen, etc. ut sup., 3: 20: 77. 113 Sarah, of Martin & Marj A., > tc. ut sup. 2: 20: 00. Ill Thomas, of Lawrence & Mary i Mahanna , Ire., do., :;: 22: 0:;. 201 Thomas, of Matthew & Mary (Mahoney), Ire., do., 5:9:70. 158 Thomas P., of John & Eliz. (Waldron), X. Y., Ire., 3:21:74. 102 William, of Patrick & Jane (Kegin), Ire., do., 2: 20: 00. OX I ox. 41 Edith I)., of Edw. F. & Carrie (Davis), Woburn, X. S., 4: 20: 86. 134 George M.. of Asa M. & Eliz. (Drummon), Rox., Boston. 12: 9: 82. ORCHARD. 56 Robina, of Win. J. F. & Ellen (Holtham), Eng., do., 9: 27: 57. 54 Sarah P. A., of Wm. J. & Ellen E., etc. ut sup. 2: 5: 69. 38 (15. at Saxonville) Wm. Onslow, of Wm. A Ellen E., < tc. ut sup. 8: 14: 00. O'RILEY. O'KEILLY. 121 Dora, of John J. & Dora E. (White), Ire., do., 11 : 1 : 77. 75 Edward, of John & Dora, etc. ut sup. 12: 1 : 70. 51 Francis Joseph, of John J. A: Dora, E., etc. ut sup. 6: r>: S7. 18 James, of John & Dora, etc. ut sup. 7: IS: 66. 100 John, of Patrick & Margaret (Falvey), Ire., do., 0: 17: 82. 0:; John \\. of John J. & Dora E., etc. ut sup. 7: 10:83. 00 Mary Ellen, of Morris & Hannah (Carney), Ire., do., 7: 1:85. 52 Maurice T., of Patrick & Margaret, etc. >*t sup. 6: 2: 70. 115 William, of John J. & Dora, < tc. ut sup. 11: 9: 70. ORXBY. 128 Arthur, of George & Lizzie (Berry), X. Y., do., .".: 20: 01;. OSBORX. 70 Anna Hunt, of Win. & Margaret 1 Bell), Scot., do., 2: 25: 70. 150 .Mary, of Wm. J. A- Margaret, etc. ut sup. 10: 30: 75. 93 Mary Jane, of William O. & Mary (Bell), Scot., do., 1 1 : 1 : 74. 110 Wm. J., of Wm. J. A: Margaret, etc. ut sup. 5: 19: 72. O'SULLIVAN. 07 Bridget, of Patrick & Mary (O'Dea), Ire.. Boston, 3: 16:78. 130 Edward S., of Patrick A Mary, etc. ut sup. 1^: 25: 7';. 77 Francis, of Patrick & Mary A., etc. ut sup. 9; 6: 84. 21 George, of Patrick & Mary Ann. etc. ut sup. 2: 21 : 83. 91 John Lewis, of Patrick & Mary A. etc. ut sap. S: 18: 70. 104 Julia Gertrude, of Patrick & Mary A., < tc. ut sup. 10: 16: SI. 76 Margaret, of Patrick A Mary A., etc. ut sup. 9: •',: 84. 130 Michael J., of Patrick & Man, A. etc. ut sup. 9: 2: 75. L29 Tlios. Henry, of Patrick & Mary, - tc. ut sup. 12: 6: 87. 51 Wm. Patrick, of Patrick A: Mary A. (O'Xeil), Ire., Canton, 0: 10:71 O'TOOLE. 138 , s. (0' James & Ellen, Ire., do., 1:7: 57. 7 ( lomelia, of James A- Ellen, Ire., do., 1 1 : : 51. 152 BEDIIAM RECORDS. 199 James, of James & Ellen, Ire., do., 1: G: 58. 14G Thomas, of James & Ellen, Ire., do., 4: 25: 56. OVEXS. 9 Mime, of Win. & Sarah Jane, Eng., do., 1 : 25: 85. 93 William, of fm, & Sarah J. (Bagley), London Eng., do., 8: 20: 80. OWEN, OWENS. 13 Ann Jane, of John & Ann (Walton), P.E.I., do., 1 : 4 : 77. 118 Marietta, of John & Annie (Walker), N. S., do., 10: 29: 74. PACKARD. 39 Edward V., of Almon J. & Hannah, Me., do., 5: 27: 59. PAGE. 184 Addie W., of Samuel & Emma (Fairbanks), Ded., Me., 5: 15: G2. 182 Alfred 13., of Fred'k A. & Mary C. (Drake), Stough., Canton. 4 : 4 : 00. 177 Edwin W., of Samuel & Emily (Fairbanks), Me., Ded., 10: 25: 00. 87 Helen F., of Fred'k A. & Mary C, etc. ut sup. 11: 3: 00. S Lillian M., of Samuel & Emma (Fairbanks), Me., Ded., 7: 12: 68. PALKAMEYER. 190 Olgard, of Hans & Gertrude (McGlaughlin), Germ., Scot., 7: 30: 71. PALMER. 169 Emma J., of Walter S. & Sarah, Me., do., 8 : 22 : 56. PARKER. 77 . s. of B. F. & Kate (Walley), N. 8., do., 0: 27: 75. 135 Addie, of Samuel & Olive M. (Cole), N S., Mansf., 2 : 10: GS. 9 Ann, of Patrick & Bridget (Geary), Ire., do., 9: 13: GS. 22 Caroline L., of Charles & Ellen, , , 1 : 27 : 47. 2 Harriet G., of Luther & Philomela, , , 10: 3: 45. L98 Herbert, of John H. & Clementina (Aldrich), Woonsocket, do., 8: 21 : 70. 33 Jas. E., of Jas.N. & Amy W. (Paine), Marblehead, Randolph, 3: 19: 75. 178 i B. at Dorch.) Jane E., of Geo. & Marg't, Scot,, N. Y. City, 12 : 9 : 55. 17 Louisa, of Jas. N. & Anna (Wild), Marblehead, Randolph, 2: 20: 77. 24 Mary Frances, of Chas. F. & Ellen, , , : 20 : 45. 114 Mather, of Patrick & Bridget (Geary), Ire,, do., 3: 1: 66. 72 Merian, of Geo. & Margaret J., Scot,, N Y., 11:1: 5G. 8 Sabin A., of Asher & Louisa, , , 2: 20: 47. 107 Theodore, of C. F. & Ellen, N. II., Scot., 8: 29: 48. PARKMAN. 53 Henry A., of Henry W. & Frances, Me., NIL, 4: 3 : 59. PARSONS. 54 Chas. F., of Fisher A. & Harriet (Hasty), Ded., Limerick Me.. I : _' : 56. 51 Charlotte T.. of Nath'l S. & I,. G., , , 5: 24: -14. 62 Emma A., of Fisher A. & Harriet, etc. ut sup. 1: 22: 5 1. 54 Harriet J., of Fisher A. & Harriet, etc. ut sup. 10:5:51. 142 Herbert B., of Fisher A. \ Harriet, etc. ut sup. 1:4: GO. 40 Lizzie, of Fisher A. iV Harriet, < tc. ut sup. 4: 10: 61. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 1~> :> > PARTRIDGE. (>7 Harvey P., of J. Lester & Helen V. (Clark), Rockland Me., Bos., G: 2S:81. ST Russell G., of J. Lester & Helen F., < tc. "I sup. 8: IT: SO. PATRICK. GO Alex'r, of Malcolm C. & Margarel (Russell), Scot., do., 7: 2: S3. 25 Jeannette, oL' Malcolm & Margaret, < tc. ut sujj. ■',: 9: S5. PATTEN. 70 Iryzette, of John F. & Eliz. i Brimblecom . X. II., Lynn, l : 19: 02. PATTERSON. IT-') , s. of C. W. & Miranda (Colburn), Montpelier Vt., Elopkinton, 12: 2S: 5T. 135 Edward E., of Chauncey W. & Miranda, etc. ut sup. 5: IT: 50. 36 Fanny, of John & Margarett, Tre., do., 9: 8: 5S. 35 George J., of George & Mary, Ire., do., S: 18: 5S. 09 Joseph, of Chauncy W. & Miranda J., < tc. ut sup. 11: 9: 00. 65 Mary E., of Chauncey W. iV .Miranda, etc. ut sup. 3: 24: 05. OS Mallard ('., of Chauncey W. & Miranda, etc. ut sup. 3: 24: 05. PAUL. 68 Abby B., of James & Eliz. (Calvert i, Eng., do., S: 10: 04. 6 Albert A, of Edwin F. & Huena (McKenzie), Led.. Scot., 1 : 28 : 77. 26 Alfreds., of James & Esther E. (Calvert), Eng., do., 9:25:61. 144 Caroline S., of Edwin F. & Huena A.. * tc. ut sup. 1 : 25: 74. 58 Ebenezer T., of Ebenezer & Susan i Dresser , Ded., Lunenburg, \i: 0: 5S. — Edward C, of Ebenezer & Susan D., etc. ut sup. 10: 10: 53. 29 Elizabeth, of James & Esther E., < tc. ut sup. 4 : 27: 67. SI George, of Edwin F. & Huena, < tc. ut sup. S: 9: 71. 96 Isaac F., of Ebenezer & Susan T)., < tc. ut sup. 1 1 : 26: 50. 28 James, of .lames A: Esther E.,etc. ut sup. 4: 27: 07. 50 Martha D., of Ebenezer & Susan. - tc. ut sup. 11:1: 05. 41 Samuel 1!., of James & Esther E., < tc. ut sup. 3 : 22 : 74. 216 Susan Florence, of Ebenezer & Susan, - tc. ut sup. 5: 24 : 61. T Susan S., of Edwin F. & Huena. < tc. ut sup. 1 : 2S: TT. PAULOVSKY. S6 Elizabeth, of Amis & Susan (Smith ! , < term., <\>>.. T: 9: OS. PAYNE. 69 Frances A., of Wm. & Florinda, Ire., do.. S: 22: 19. PAYNTER. 122 Geo. C, of Basil & Evangeline (Revell), Eng., do., 11:12:90. TT Margaret S., of Basil & Evangeline, < tc. ut sup. 7: 22: S9. PAYSON. 152 Granville A. <>., of Edw. & A.bbie B. Dean), Led., do., 9: 27: 03. PEAKES. 62 Ethel M., of John Q. A& Mary E. (Parker), Scituate, Cohasset, 5: 23:78. PECK. 46 Minnie L. M., of Thomas II. & Annie L. (Smith . Ded., V. S., I: I: 52. 122 Thus. A., of Tims. IL & Annie L. (Smith . Prov. R. [., N. S., 11 : 13: 86. 66 Wm. [I. S., of Thos. II. & Annie L. Smith . Prov. R. [., N. S., 8: I: S4. 154 DEDHAM RECORDS. PEDRICK. 7 Mary A., of Wrn. E. & Adelaide (Ivers), Charlestown, Boston, 5: 30: 73. 32 Willie, of Wm. E. & Adelaide, etc. ut sup. 12: 22: 71. PEERS. 149 Mary A., of Henry A. & Mary A. (Daly), Paterson N. J., X. Y., 3: 30: 73. PEXDERGAST, PEXDERGRASS. 32 Bridget, of James & Mary, Ire., do., 2 : 22 : 55. 171 Catharine, of James & Mary, Ire., do., 12: 14: 58. 7S Edward, of James & Mary (Farrell), Ire., do., 5: 31 : 61. 174 Ellen, of James & Mary, Ire., do., 4 : 17 : 57. 166 John, of James P. & Mary (Fahren), Ire., do., 7: 9: 70. 49 Lizzie E., of James & Mary (Farrell), Ire., do., 1:5: OS. 146 Thomas, of James P. & Mary (Fahren), Ire , do., 9: 15: 71. 97 William, of James & Mary (Flavel), Ire., do., 12: 2: 63. PEXXIMAX. 64 Gertrude L., of Edward L. & Sarah A., , , 12 : 9 : 46. 37 Harriet A., of Edw. L. & Sarah A., , , 12: 24: 44. PEPPEARD. 68 Chas. F., of James F. & Mary B., X. S., R. I., 3 : 22 : 59. 101 Sarah A., of James F. & Mary I)., X. S., Easton, 7: 27: 50. PEPPER. 11 Wm. T., of Robert & Fannie (Beatty), Ire., Scot., 2: 28: 70. PERKIXS. 40 Angelette E., of Robert & Stiti E., , , 9: 22 : 47. 54 Chas. F. of Chas. M. & Mary A., X. H., Springfield, 2:2: 59. 196 Clara E., of Chas. M. &Maria A. (Morse), Vt., Springfield, 9:9: 00. 13 Emma F., of Robert & Eliz., Wiscasset Me., Lubee Me., 4: 2: 50. Ill Florence L., of Robert O. & Elizabeth, etc. ut sup. 7: 29: 52. 50 (B. at Xatick) Fred'k, of John & Susie (Kerrigan), X. H., Ded., G: 22 : 70. 57 (B. at Xatick) Lizzie, of John & Susie, etc. ut s«y/. 6 : 22 : 7(5. 74 Mariani F.. of Amos & Lydia (Raymond), X. H., Row, 1:5: 62. 147 Marion, of Amos G. & Lydia T., etc. ut sup. 12: 5 : 01. PERLEY. 73 Caroline M., of David ^ Susan, , , 2:9: 48. 56 David O., of David & Susan, Gardiner, Framingham, ll : 7: 53. PERRIX. 164 (B. at Sharon) Chas. F., of Moses & Eli/.. (Read), Me., Randolph, 11: 13:60. PERRY. 159 Annie D., of Lewis F. & Olive A. (Richards), Easton, Ded., 8: 31 : 00. 155 Cora Jane, of George G. & Mary A., Beverly, Needham, 10: 24: 59. 127 Edward K., of Lewis F. & olive A., etc. ut sup. 9: 20: 75. 12 Fanny M., of George A: Mary M. (Richards), Beverly, Xeed., 7: 18: 68. 50 Frank, of Moses & Minnie (Moran), Canada, do., 1 : 27: 82. is-.t George E., of Geo. G. &Mary ME., Ded., Need., 5:24:58. 56 Howard Kussell, of Lewis F. A: Olive A., < /<•. ut sup. 9: 22: 7.".. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. !■'•> 127 Joseph S., of Geo. G. «& Marj M. (Richards), Beverly, Need., II: 17 : G2. 37 Julia Colburn, of Lewis F. & Olive A., etc. ut sup. S: 21 : »;•_>. 134 Mahlen IL. of George G. <$ Mary M. (Richards), Beverly, Nee,]., n : 17: 04. 153 Malon R., of George G. & Mary (Richards), Mass., Need.. U: 18: G7. 17 Martha Thomas, of Lewis F. & Olive A., etc. ut sup. 12:20:64. 170 Pauline, of Paul & Isabel (White), , Vt., 12: 21 : 70. Peter, of Moses & Minnie, etc. ut sup. l : 28: 81. PETERS, PETTIS. 75 Charles, of Ferdinand & Fanny (Buvoek), Germ., Eng., 7: L5: S8. 75 George, of Hammon & Philapene i Biermeister), Germ., do., i: S2: 02. 28 (B. at Dux.), Hammond A., of Hammond A. & Philipine, etc. ut sup. 5: 15: 00. 4 Hammond W., of Hammond & Philopine, etc. ut sujy. 0: 20: 04. PETERSON. 49 , s. of Wm. H. Jr. & Nellie (Dooley), Canton, Boston, 5: 18:76. 131 Ferdinand C., of Geo. & Susan Mary (Welch), Eng., X. V., 11:1: 71. Kit; Oeorge, of George & Susie (Welch), Eng., Ire., 11 : 12: <;:. 17:; George F., of George & Susan (Welch), Eng., N. Y., 1l': 22: 69. 138 OeorgeF., of Geo. (.). & Mary (Welch), Eng., Ohio, 12: 22: 70. PETTENGILL. 70 Franklin L„ of Joel C. A: Mary E., Northwoocl X. II., Cambridge, S: L0: •",:;. 172 Frederick A., of Augustus T. & Sarah I)., Salem, Milton, 2: 10* 5? •11 Harriet Maria, of Joel & Mary, , , 11 : 9: 45. 151 Henry A., of Augustus T. & Sarah I)., etc. ut .sup. 1 : 1:*.: 54. 138 Joseph J... of Henry A. & Phebe 1'.. (Vinal), Ded., X. Scituate, 2 : 5: 82. 123 Mary I)., of Henry A. & Phebe 1!., < tc. ut sup. 12: •_'•">: 70. 99 Sarah E., of Augustus T. & Sarah I>., > tc. ut sup. '>: :;i : 52. 85 Theodore T., of Henry A. A Phebe B., i tc. ut sup. 8: 11: 80. PHELPS. 140 JohnK., of .las. & Sarah (Groveland), X. S., Halifax, 9: 9: 7± PHILLIPS. 75 Alice L., of Freeman & Louisa, Ded., .Milton, 1: 22: 51. i Alice O., of Geo. A. A Ella M. (Codding), Norwood, Mansfield, 1 : I : 88. 1 15 David W., of Alvin W. & Persis EL, Canada, Shirley, 1: 31: 57. 53 Edith Maria, of Freeman A: Louisa,, etc. ut sup. 3: 0: 53. 85 Elizabeth, of Wm. P. & Annie M., Boston, do., 2: 9: 57. 37 George, of Leo & Katy Kennedy 1 , Ded., Ere., L0: 30: 7!. 100 Geo. Andrew, of George A Mary, Germ., do., 3: 0: 58. 21 Loren, of George & Mary, Germ., do., 9: 25: 51. 51 Martin, of George A: Mary. , , 9: 16: 45. 4S Mary A, of Leo A: Catharine, etc. ut sup. 5: 2:77. 75 Susan, of George & Mary, — , — ,6: 16: 47. 101 William, of Leo & Katy, etc. utsup.6: 14:73. PHIPPS. 6 Amos Eugene, of Loami & Lorana, Ded., Bridgewater, 5: 15:51. 113 Charles, of Albert & Mary E. (Lincoln), Led.. Boston, 1:13:65. 156 D ED HAM RECORDS. 84 Clara, of Albert & Willimena (Eucarry) Germ., do., 3: 19: G2. SO Effle E., of Henry A. & Ella E. (Lord), Ded., Canton, 8: 31: 77. 71 Henry F., of Loanimi & Lurana E., , , 5:6: 47. 43 Laura II., of Amos E. & Mary (Riley), Ded., N. Y., 7: 15: 72. 171 Laura M., of Loammi W. & Elvira, Ded., Bridgewater, 10: 7: 56. PICKHAEDT. 124 Emily E., of Emile & Elise (Blumenthal), X. Y., do., 11 : 20: 90. PIERCE, PEIRCE, PEARSE. 5S , s. of Mason C. & Harriet E. (Comey), Rehob., Foxboro, 7: 13: 00. 33 Elmira, of Oliver & Mary, , , 2 : 27: 45. 141 Anna Z., of Asa R, & Melissa (Gilson),Windsor Me., Reading Vt, 10: 26 : 75. 121 Chas. R., of Albion & Mary (Blanchard), Hoberth (V), Seekonk, 5: 23: 07. 104 Chester P., of Wm. S. & Sarah A.,' Dorcli., Salisbury, 6 : 29 : 54. S Frances, of Ebenezer S. & Nancy E., , , 1:14: 48. 69 Frank Robinson, of Asa R. & Melissa, etc. ut sup. 12 : 18 : 04. 27 Harriet E., of E. S. & Nancy E., , , 6 : 21 : 44. 121 Isadora M., of Wm. S. & Sarah A., etc. utsup. 10: 20: 52. 30 Perry, of Asa & Melissa, etc. ut sup. 5: 5: 67. 60 William H, of Wm. S. & Sarah, etc. ut sup. 7: 29: 57. 191 Willie A., of Chas. & Hannah (Pierson), Boston, do., 9: 26: 07. PIKE. 179 Arthur L., of Geo. A. & Maraina (Butman), S'augus, Boston, 4: — : 67. 196 (B. at Boston) Chas. E., of Geo. & Merina, i tc. ut sup. 1 : 23: 63. 50 Frank R., of Russell M. & Fanny M. (Davis), Westboro, ST. Y, 2: 5: 60. PILLEY 161 Agnes C, of J. Walter & Mary A. (Curtis), Me., do., 10: — : 71. 179 Walter C, of Burnett & Mary A. (Curtis), Me., do., 1 : 20: 69. 110 Walter C, of Bennett & Mary A. (Curtis), Me., do., 1 : 20: 70. PILSTER. 1S1 Ann Clarie, of Dietrich & Ann M., Germ., do., 10: 6 : 74. PINKSOHN (spelled Pcnkson.) S8 Max, of Moses & Oleka (Meses), Germ., do., 4:2: 69. PIPPING. 130 Caroline D., of Henry & Hannah Maria (Hanson), Ded., Somerville, 12:5:S8. 7 Charles, of Charles & Cynthia, Germ., do., 11: 30: 59. 73 Charles, of Chas. A. & Minnie (Rimbach), Dec!., Germ., 8: 23: S4. 97 Geo. Henry, of Chas. A. & Annie S. C. (Rimbach), Ded., Germ., 9: 10: 86. 124 Henry, of Chas. & Cinda (Swank), Germ., do., 10: 3: 05. 12 Henry, of Chas. & Nancy (Swank), Germ., do., 10: 17: 04. 35 Henry II., of Henry & Maria II., < tc. ut sup. 5: 4: 87. 103 Lena J., of Chas. & Caroline H, Germ., do., 3: 20: 58. 125 Mabel Louise, of Henry & Hannah, etc. ut sup. 11 : 23: 89. 7t Millie C, of Chas. A. & Minnie, etc. utsup. 0: 20: 82. PITTS. 02 Julia Selina, of Arthur & Mary V. (Benoit), X. S., do., 7:9: 90. 63 LenaMelinda, of Arthur & MaryV., etc. ut sup. 7:9:90. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 157 PLACE. PLAICE. 34 Crawford !».. of AureliusT. & Sarah A., Greenwich R. I., Boston, ■">: 2">: 52. L36 Franklin P., of Aurelius T. & Sarah A., etc. ut sup. I: 25: 5S. 72 Hannah D., of Aurelius T. >v Sarah Ann, etc. »/ sup. 2: 22: 15. 7") Ralph W.. ut' ( !rawford D. & Florence E. Cox), I >ed.. do., 7: 2 l : 76. 69 Joseph A. T., of Reuben A. & Frances (Nichols), R. 1., Nashua, 6: 27:71. PLANT. 81 Stewert D., of Robert W. & Agnes D. Weatherley), St. John, Quebec, s: 19: 87. PLUNKETT. :;.") Edw. Joseph, of John < '. & Mary E. (Kelley), Boston, Ded., 4:4: 86. 129 Mary Louisa, of John ('. & Mary E., < tc. "I sup. 12: 25: S3. POCH. 65 Edgar, of Alfred I). G. & Jane S. (Hotton), Eng., do., 7: 12: '.mi. 107 Edith May, of Alfred D. G. & Jane S., etc. ut sup. in: 29: S5. s Luela, of Alfred 1). G. A: Jane S., etc. ut sup. l : 7: 84. POND. 201 , d. of James A: Eliza, Wren., Me., 10: .!: 59. 65 Abby M., of Nathaniel & Flora M., Ded., Vt, 10:7: 55. 157 Alice E., of Nathaniel & Lucy, Wren., do., 1 : 20: 59. (17 Aimer J)., of .lames & Abbie B. (Draper), Ded., do., 4:0: 6S. 150 Chas. P., of Chas. D, & Julia F. (Fairbanks), Ded., do.. 11:8: 58. is Edward E., of Samuel & Vina, Wren., Ded., l : 22: 51. 42 Edwin M., of James M. & Fanny, •, , 8: 20: 40. 54 Ellen Augusta, of John C. & Mary E., , , •"» : 7: 4.".. 170 Emma M., of Chas. 1). & Julia F., etc. ut sup. 7: 17: 00. lp; Frank, of Edwin M. & Emeline (Phipps), Ded., Walpole, 6: 10:6S. 150 Frank E., of James F. A Abbie 15.. etc. ut sup. L0: 24: 65. 101 James W., of Elbridge T. .V Clara R. (Bntler), Ded., Me., in: 5: 72. L83 l.ela ('., of James M. <& Elsie E., Wren., Me., 2 : 6: 58. 56 Mabelle L., of ('has. 1). & Julia, F., etc. "I sup. 11: 9: 68. 44 Mary E.. of Xath'l D. & Flora M., Ded., Peacham Vt, 8:4: 53. 155 Roswell A., of William A. & Estella L. (Bates), Brookfteld, Don-las Ct, K) : 6: 75. 39 Willi*! II., of James M. & Fanny, Wren., Ded., .;: — : .v.. POOLE. 66 Albert, of Frank II. & Angeline, Norway Me., Oldtown, '.»: 21 : 58. 108 Annie, of Frank & Mary, Germ., do., 8: 20: 5S. POOR. 54 Mary A., of James J. & Mary E. (Jones), Kan., Canada, 4: 17: 7">. POPE. 124 John W.. of Win. II. ,v Ellen Cooke), X. V.. N. J., 8: I : 75. ::i Josephine, of Wm. & Hannah, , , 7: 18: !■">. ■ > ; Wm.. of Wm. A: Hannah, Bridgewater, Seekonk, ■'< : 13:56. POTTER. 196 Alexander, of Ephraim & Lucy A. (Pillsbury . Eng., do.. 2: 14: 75. 158 DEDHAM RECORDS. POUND. 4 , — of Isaac C. & , P. E. I., , 1:2: 85. POWERS. 127 Anna R., of Patrick J. & Mary E. (Shea), X. F., do., 12 : 1 : 88. 71 Annie, of James & Bridget (Doyle), Ire., do., 11 : 30: 73. 78 Hilda G., of Patrick J. & Mary E., etc. ut sup. 8: 16: 87. 102 James, of James & Bridget, etc. ut sup. 10: 12: 70. 15 (B. at Boston) Jolm J., of Patrick J. & Mary E., etc. ut sup. 2: 9: 85. 115 Margaret E., of James & Bridget, etc. ut sup. 10: 23: 78. PRATT. 183 Amy E. J., of Simeon & Charlotte (Everett), Rox., Bed., 3: 28: 57. 25 ('has. II., of Simeon & Charlotte, < tc. vt sun. 3: 5: 54. 37 Edw. P., of Wm. & Josephine (Davis), Alstead X. II., X. B., 2: 19: G8. 64 Frank X., of Benoni P. & Ariadne, Cambridge X. Y., Walpole, 11: 6: 53. 58 George II., of Simeon & Charlotte, , , 1 : 27: 46. 155 Henry Walter, of Simeon & Charlotte, etc. ut sup. 12: 21: 60. 70 John Henry, of Simeon & Charlotte, etc. ut sup. 0: It : 51. 144 Martha E., of Simeon & Charlotte, etc. ut sup. 3: 8: 40. 60 (B. at Medway) Sarah J., of Win. & Julia A., X. II., Hampden Me., S: 11: 53. PRAY. 77 Win. AW, of Seth T. & Mary J. (Kerrigan), Qnincy, Ded., 8: 30: 77. PRESBY. 69 Adeline M., of Alpha & Matilda, , , 11 : 5: 44. 56 Edwin O., of Alpha & Matilda, , , 1 : 24 : 48. PRESCOTT. 106 J. G., of J. G. & Catharine, X. H., Me., 8: — : 56. PRICE. 14 Wm. Henry, of Thomas G. & Mary, Wales Eng., do., 5: 30: 55. PRINCE. 76 Ella P., of James II. & Lucy M. (Xewell), Boston, Dover, 11 : 5: .~>7. 40 George II., of James H. & Lucy M., etc. ut sup. 8: 31 : 53,. 53 Henrietta, of James H. & Lucy M., etc. ut sup. 8:0: 50. 98 Henry, of James II. & Lucy M., etc. ut sup. 3: 21 : 59. 198 James II., of James H. & Ann (Davis), Boston, Friendship Me., 2: 18: 68. 19 Jennie, of James II. & Lucy M., etc. ut sup. 9: IS: 60. 181 Jessie X., of James H. & Ann., etc. ut sup. 3: 14: 06. 41 Josephine M., of James II. & Lucy M., etc. ut sup. 9: 5: 47. 02 Mary E., of James H. & Lucy M., etc. ut sup., 6:9: 55. 36 Xathan, of James II. & Lucy M., etc. ut sup. :>: 11 : G2. PROBERT. 91 Joseph, of Joseph & Ida F. (Chamberlain), Ded., do., 9: 1 : 90. 92 Sarah, of Joseph & Ida F., etc. ut sup. 9 : 1 : 90. PULLEN. 52 Arthur S., of Sumner B. & Elvira W., Winthrop Me., do., 1 : 7: 55. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 159 PURDY. 78 Ella 15. , of Israel & Esther E. (Bell), N. !'»., do., 0: 4: 75. PUTNAM. 11.-) Ella G., Of J Jtii j. W. & Susan ('.. X. Dauv., Lex., 7: 9: 55. 164 Fred'k Huntington, of Benj. W. & Susan C, etc. ut sup. 12: 1 : 57. 45 Howard, of Waldo 1). & Minnie S. (Howard), Northbridge, Frostburg Mil., 4 : 17: 88. el Waldo W., of Waldo 1). & Minnie S., etc. ut sup. 6: is: 89. PYM. 128 . 1 ainos, of James & (Hall), Eng., , 12: 1 : 78. QUARTZ. 96 Charlie, of Frantz & Louisa (Theiss), Germ., do., 9: 5: 74. 58 Franz, of Franz & Louisa (Tays), Germ., do., 0: 12: 76. .->7 Henry, of Frank & Louisa (Teiss). Germ., do., 5: 27: 81. 5 Louise, of Frank & Louise (Theis), Germ., do., 1:7: 7'.». Ql [GLEY. 80 Emma, of Thomas & Catharine, Ire., do., it: 1: 53. 1)7 John Martin, of Thomas & Catherine. Ire., do., 12: :> : r.ii. 54 Mary Louise, of Thos. & Catharine (Rogers), Ire., do., 2: 1: 61. 99 Sarah A., of Thos. & Catharine, Ire., do., 12: 15: 54. 66 Thomas, of Thos. & Catharine (Rogers), Ire., do., 11 : 22: 63. QUILTY. ■17 Dennis, of Dennis & , Ire., do., 4: 10: 77. QUIXCY. 30 Arthur, of Edmund & Lucilla P., , , 4:7: 47. 26 B. at Boston) Eleanor, of Henry F. & .Mary (Adams). Boston, do.. 3: 11:88. 17 Morton, of Edmund & Lucilla P., , , 0: 11 : 4:.. QUINCE. '.».-) Mary Ella, of Win. A: Susan, Sanford Me., do., :•: 15: :>:>. QUTXLAX. See also McGuinlan. 1 12 Catharine, of Wm. & Joanna 1 Reardon), Ire., do., 6: 18: 7:1. 01 Daniel, of Win. & Joanna, etc. ut sup. '.»: 9: 76. 97 Ella F. D., of Wm. A: .Joanna, < tc. ut sup. '.): 9: 77. 138 Honora, of Wm. & Johanna, etc. "t sup. 12: 12: 79. 159 Josianna, of Wm. iV Joanna, t etc. ui sup. 12: 24: 74. S Julia E., of Peter J. & Julia E. (Quinlan), Ded., Boston, 11: 2s:70. :;'.• William, of Wm. & Johanna, ( tc. ut sujj. 4: 9: si. <^UINX. 5 , s. of Henry & , , , 7 : 28 : 48. 93 Francis Joseph, of Felix A: Isabel (O'Hara), ire., do., 7:31: 7.">. 94 Lucy Allen, of Felix & Isabel, etc. ut su}). 7: 31 : 7-~>. 05 Mary A., of Felix & Isabel, (tc. ut sup. 7:2: 67. RACHEL. 119 Frank, of Peter & Katy, Germany, do., 11: 30: 54. 1G0 DEDHAM RECORDS. RADCLIFFE. 63 Albert W., of Winslow & Sophia, , Rox., 5: — : 57. 32]Frank E., of Winslow cV Sophia A. (Draper), Weston, Eox., 12: 8: CO. 132 George A., of Albert & Gertrude (Hurl), Bed., Mich., 12: G: 90. 159 Sarah R., of Winslow & Sophia A., Weston, Rox., 3: 20: 54. RADEN. 167 John, of John & Mary, Ire., do., 7: 18: 59. RAFFERTY. 115 Eliz., of Michael & Maggie (Dunlaby), Ire., do., 10: 18: 89. 75 Ellen, of Michael & Maggie, etc. utsup. 7: 23: 88. 39 Fred. G, of Martin & Rebecca A. (Arnold), Ire., do., 1 : 19: 71. 116 John M., of Michael & Cath. (Ford), Ire., do., 8: 20 : 66. 9S (B. at N~. Y.) Mary A., of John & Catharine (Spane), Ire., do., 5:1: 64. 12 Matilda J., of Thos. & Marion S. (Gunther), Ded., Sandy Hook Ct., 2: 17: 81.. 87 Richard, of John & Catherine, Ire., do., 3: 3: 55. 210 Thomas, of John & Catharine, Ire., do., 1: 6: 58. 4 Thos., of John & Catharine (Tierny), Ire., do., 7:8: 60. RAMSDELL. 165 (B. at Chatham) Marcia M., of Edwin C. & Lydia (Rogers), Ded., Chatham,. 9:6: 66. RAND. 79 Edward S., of Edw. S. Jr. & Jennie A. (Lathrop), Boston, do., 8: 22: 59. 7 Henry Lathrop, of Edward S. & Jennie A., etc. ut sup. 1:1: 62. 195 Jennie A., of Edw. S. & Jennie Augusta, etc ut sup. 10: 23: 68. 24 Percy Arnold, of Edw. S. & Jennie A., etc. ut sup. 8: 20: 72. RANKIN. 67 James, of Wm. & Jane (Sneutz), Ire., do., 6:4: 65. 51 (B. in Ire.), Robert, of Robert & Ann (Dixon), Ire., do., 4: 19: 67. RAPS. 14 Henry, of Chas. F. & Louisa (Wagner), Germ., do., 1 : 11 : 78. RATCHFORD. 15 Ellen, of Thomas & Mary, Ire., do., 12: 16: 59. so Francis, of Thomas & Mary (Gaffney), Ire., do., 1:8: 62. 76 James, of Thomas ife Mary, etc. utsup. 10: 3: 69. 51 John, of Thomas & Mary, etc. ut sup. 10: 4: <;:;. 7 Mary, of Thomas & Mary, etc. ut sup. 8:1: 56. sit Thomas, of Thomas & Mary, etc. ut sup. 8: 27: 67. RAUSCII. 156 Eliz. Anna, of Conrad & Ann, Germany, Ire., 1 : 27 : 58. 172 Geo. Harvey, of Conrad & Ann, Germ., Ire., 9: IS: 56. 12i) Gertrude, of Conrad & Ann (Watson), Germ., Ire., 2: 12: 66. 152 Mary Jane, of Conrad & Ann, Germ., Ire., 12: 19:59. RAUSKOLB, RAUSKOLLE. 80 Etta A., of Charles II. A Alice (Scrivens . Me., Eng., 8: 11 : 83. 85 Fred. W., of John & Mary (Elder), Germ., Guilford Me., 2: 26: 68. ABSTRACT <>/■' BIRTHS. 161 KAY. 164 Ceo. H., of Alfred & Abby (Johnson), Deri., Me., 11:14:65. RAYMOND. 1 18 Alice S., of Roland & Adeline X. (Griggs), N. Y., Ded., I: 30: 7:;. 12 Frederick A., of Artemas S. & Mary (White), R. I., X. Y., 1:27:71. :»T Walter I-:., of Roland & Adaline, < tc. ut sup. l : 2S: 62. READING, REDDING. 12(3- , s. of Fred H. & Margaret (Mills), Ded., [re., 12:25:76. 88 Amy Louise, of Fred'c II. & Margaret L., etc. ut sup. 7: 2: 75. 103 EmmaL., of Fred'k & Rebecca, X. C., Chatham, 2: 15: 54. 5 Frederick II.. of Frederick & Rebecca, — -, , 7:3: 40. 101 Minnie, of Fred'k & Maggie (Mills), Ded.. Eng., 12: 14: 07. REARDON. 12S Cornelius, of John & Marj (Cronin), Ere., do., 12: 26: 70. 155 Daniel, of John & Mary, etc. utsup. 9: 10: 66. l!)."> Ellen, of John & Mary, etc. ut sup. 1:8: 61. 52 Honora, of John & Mary, etc. ut sup. 9: 16: 68. 51 Jeremiah, of John & Mary, etc. ut sup. 9: 16: 6S. L59 Mary, of John & Mary, etc. ut sup. 9: 9: 64. 168 Timothy, of John & Mary, t tc. ut sup. 11: 11: 62. REDHOUTGH. 'as Mary E., of Thos. & Ellen Whitaker), Eng., do., 6: 13: 7:;. REED. 103 , s. of Elbridge G. & (Bickner), Jamesford, Dexter Me., 10:20:03. 10 Daniel ('., of Jas. & Cath. (Cruise), Scot., Boston, 6: 22: 74. 129 Ida M., of John P. & Eli/.. (Hallett), Salem, Yann.. H : 2:79. 51 James A. EL, of James «& Cath., etc. utsup. 9:2:72. is:; Jennie F. ('., of James & Catharine A., etc. utsup. 2: 10:09. 48 Mary E. II., of James A: Catharine, etc. ut sup. 9: 29: 67. 71 Patrick, of James & Mary (Fahey), [re., do., 6: 27: 67. REEVES. 127 Adeline I... of Pa\ id VV. & Harriet (Charles), Eng., do., 11 : 19: 85. 9 Amy 1).. of David VV. & Harriet B., etc. utsup. 1:9:88. 79 Lucy, of David W. & Harriet B., etc. ut sup. 9:7: 84. REGAN. 61 Katharine, of McDermot & Jane C. (Doole), [re., do., 10: 30: 74. REIDEL, RIDEL. 127 Christ ina. of Peter ,V Christina (Schulz), Germ., do.. S: 26: 64. 87 Henry, of Peter & Christina, etc. ut sup. S: 13: 61. 159 John W., of Peter & Eliza, Germ., do., 11:4:57. REIDY. if! James, of James <§ Cath. (Brady), Ire., do., ii: 4: 63. REISE. 16 A-lice, of Samuel & Amelia (Sloman . Germ., do., 5: 10: 64. 162 DEDHAM RECORDS. KK MONDE. 195 Antoinette C, of Solomon & Clarie (Bennett), N. S., P. E. I., 12: 24: 75. REYNOLDS. 132 Alice, of Owen J. & Alice M. (Powderly), Ire., Sudbury, 12: 12: ST. 47 Arthur "W., of Alfred M. & Cordelia A. (Gallagher), Boston, Can., 5: 31: 00. 103 Edward, of Edward & Margaret (Dale), Ire., do., 5: 31 : 69. 92 Ellen, of Edw. & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 8: 1 : 72. 105 Eugene J., of Owen J. & Alice M., etc. ut sup. 10: 23: 85. 121 John Francis, of Owen J. & Alice M., etc. ut sup. 11:11: 90. 47 Mary, of Owen & Alice, etc. ut sup. 5: 28: 83. 127 Thomas, of John & Mary, Ire,, do., 12: 14: 59. 169 Thomas, of John & Mary (Welch), Ire., do., 12: 14: 60. RHEINBOLD. 157 Remus, of Fred'k & Charlotte, Germ., do., 5: 14: 55. RHOADES. 72 , d. of Wm. W. & Adeline E., , , 3: 12: 48. 16 , s. of Nath'l A. & Sarah W., Wren., Johnson Vt., 12: 17: 53. 91 Abby J., of Wm. & Adeline, , , 5: 4: 44. 222 Albert L., of T. C. & Harriet E. (Thomson), Row, Me., 7: 21 : 60. 149 Albert L., of Thos. C. & Harriet E., etc. ut sup. 7: 26: 00. 148 Chas. A., of Nath'l A. & Olive, Wren., Vt, 9: 11: 48. 59 Edw. Payson, of Nath'l A. & Olive S., , , 10: 22 : 45. 84 Francis G., of Francis & Olive, Walpole, Ded., 11 : 8: 52. 4 Harriet T., of Wm. H. & Adeline, Row, Searsport Me., 7 : 21 : 50. 136 Hattie H., of Abner E. & Alvira H. (Henry), Sharon, N. Y., 9: S: 09. 87 Henry D., of Wm. B. & , , , 2:9: 45. 144 John B., of N. E. & Cynthia A. (Shufelt), Berkshire, do.,0: 10: 71. 49 Mary Jane, of Joseph & Ann (Hill), Eng., do., 12 : 4: 01. 147 Morgianna, of Lewis S. & Harriet, Wren., Upton, 7:3: 49. 1 Nath'l II., of Aaron W. & Ruth, Ded., Sharon Me., 8: 18: 50. 43 Wm. Henry, of Chas. & Mary Ann, , , 8: 10: 40. i 79 Willie E., of Aaron Jr. & Ruth S. (Small), Rox., New Sharon Me., 10: 2: 60. 32 Wilson L., of Nath'l A. & Sarah II., Wren., Morristown Vt., 4: 25: 52. 146 Winnis H., of Isaac & Sarah A. (Swindler), Eng., do., 3: 29: 01. RIIOMBERG. 139 SelmaR., of Reinhold & Pauline (Wolfgang), Austria, do., 12: 25: 90. RICE. 41 Cyrus I-:., of Wm. It. & Maria G. (Stedinan), Waterford Me., Medfleld, 9 : 16 : 70. 19 Frank R., of Wm. R. A: Maria G., < tc ut sup. 7: 8: 07. 102 Mabel, of Wm. A. & Margaret A. (Mercer), Andover, Lowell Vt., 7: 23: 04. RICHARDS. 90 , d. of Augustus t V Maria, Ded., N. S., 9: 12: 53. 83 , d. of Bennett O. & Avera S. (Jackson), Me., Abington, 11 : 15: 01. 41 , s. of Augustus & Maria, Ded., N. S., 9: 11 : 51. 163 , s. of Fred & Sarah (White), Eng.. do., 0: 14:-73. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. L63 61 Abel A., of Augustus & Maria, Ded., N. S., '.': 4: IT. It;:; Abel A., of Augustus & Maria, etc. nt sup. 9: 8: 4'.). 10.") Addle A., of Bennet (). & Alvira (Jackson), Me., Abington, 5: 10: G3. 32 Chas. R., of Geo. F. & Eliza J. (McAllister), Ded., do., 8: 15:72. Ill Clara L., of Abiathar & Julia. X. II., Ded., 9: 7: 48. 30 Edw. L., of Henry W. & Cora II. (Leonard), VV. Rox., Harvard, 2 : 24: 71. 78 Ella G., of Frederic & Sarah (Gassett I, Eng., do., 8: 6: S3 9 Frances L., of Fred'k & Sarah (Garrett , Eng., do., 2: 6: 81. 86 Francis G., of Henry W. & Mary F. (Gragg), Ded.. Milton, 8: 14: sit. 61 Frank, of Abiathar & Julia, , , (i: 25: 4.".. 83 Harriet A., of Augustus & Maria, , , 11 : 23: 45. 03 Isabel I'., of Lewis A. & Martha, , , 1:8: 48. Jennie N., of Geo. F. & Eliza J., etc. nt sup. _' : 28: 76. 21 John Wesley, of Geo. F. & Fliza J., < /<•. ut sup. 7:S: 74. 121 Reuben A., of Reuben & Lucy (Mygatt), Ded., Troy X. Y.. 1 1 : 24 : 71. 3 Sarah G., of Reuben & Lucy A., etc. nt sup. 2:8: 69. 1 Walter Fliot, of Win. B. A: Cornelia W., Boston, do., 7: :: : 53. 2 Wm. Reuben, of Win. B. & Cornelia W., < t<-. ut sup. 7:3: ■<■'•. RICHARDSON. in:; Bertha, of Henry S. & Emma E. (Howard), Med way, do., <): 24 : 80. 42 Caroline E., of Mark A. & Lydia A., , , 11 : 18: 44. 164 Charles B., of Thomas B. & Mary T. (Jackson). Dixfield Me., Castine Me., 7: 25: 01. 33 Eva I... of Warren & Susan, Milford, Medfield, 4: 22: 54. 140 Geo. A., of Thos. B. & Mary J., etc. nt sup. II : 20: 58. 85 Geo. W., of Jos. W. & Sophia (Austin), Me., Chelmsford, 5: 7: 61. 72 Hattie G., of Geo. & Hattie E. (Robinson), Boston, X. B., 7:6: 80. 153 LulaF., of Moses & Caroline F. (White), Medfield, Dorch., 4: 13: 65. 182 Nellie M., of Jos. H. & Nellie (Kingsbury), Andover, Medfield, 5: 22: r>7. 90 (B. at Medfield) Ruth (!., of Henry S. & Emma, ( tc. ut sup. 9: 21 : 76. ins Sarah E., of Wm. S. & Almeda, Litchfield Me., Whitfield, n : 2:;: 52. I 1 Warren E., of Warren A. & Eliza F., Milford, Boston, 1 : L5: 7.'.. 68 Wm. IT., of Thos. B. & Mary J. (Jackson), etc. ft sup. 8: 2::: »;:;. RICHMOND. 52 Ira B., of Carini & Tryphena, Raynhani, Berkley, 8: 25: 19. II John X., of Carmi «fc Tryphena G, , , 2: 25: 47. 23 Sarah F., of Carmi & Tryphena, , , 1:7: 45. RICHTER. 1:53 Carl F.. of Carl T. II. & Louisa (Solothurnman), Germ., Switz., 12: 29: 87. RIDDLE. 120 George, of Wm. & Margaret Roth , Germ., do , 5: 30: 70. RIDLEY. 130 HoraE., of John S. A: Nancy, Monmouth Me., Wash. Me., 5: 21 : 56. RILEY, REILLY. 145 , d. of J. Frank & Bridget (Sullivan), N. II.. X. Y., 12: 29: 7'.». 1 Annie, of Thos. & Margaret Brogan , X. V.. [re., 4: 13: 05. 164 D ED II AM RECORDS. 78 Catharine, of John S. & Dura (White), Ire., do., 7: 26: SO. if.) Catharine, of Patrick & Ann (McNab), Ire., do., 9: 14: 07. 114 Elizabeth, of Patrick & Bridget (Lynch), Ire., do., 4: 15: 65. Ella, of Patrick & Ann, etc. ui sup.ll : 28: 65. 131 Ellen, of Win. & Xorah (Crowlan), Ire., do., 10: 25: 61. 16 Ellen A., of Thos. & Mary (Lee), Ire., do., 4: 10: 75. 29 Ellen M., of Patrick & Bridget, etc. ut sup. 11 : 27: 62. 27 Frederick, of Patrick & Bridget, etc. ut sup. 4: 17: 58. 140 Helen, of John F. & Annie (Sullivan), Merrimack N". IT., Xashna X. II., 2:1: 85. 123 >]■>. at Boston) Honorah, of Jeremiah & Jane, Ire., do., 11:—: 55. 82 Hannah, of Patrick & Bridget, etc. ut sup. 12:3: 56. 12 John F., of Thos. & Mary (Lee), Ire., do., 8: lit: 66. 125 John R., of John F. & Annie, etc. ut sup. 12: 4: 81. 195 Joseph, of Thos. & Mary, < tc. ut sup. 7: 17: 70. 103 Mary, of .John & Bridget (Murphy), Ire., do., 7: 29: 68. 137 Mary, of John J. & Dora (White), Ire., do., 8: 26: 71. 20 Mary, of Michael F. & Mary, Ire., do., 7: 6: 50. 136 (B. at Waterford) Mary A., of Win. & Rosa (Crodden), Ire., do., 7: 25: GO. 127 Mary E., of Patrick & Margaret (Falvey), Ire., do., 12: 15: 78. 58 Mary J., of Patrick & Bridget, Ire., do., 10: 28: 55. 18G Rosanna, of Thos. & Mary, etc. "I sup. 0: 14: 68. 69 Sarah, of John & Bridget, etc. ut sup. 4: 21 : 66. 126 Win. F., of Francis & Dura, Ire., do., 7: 15: 48. RIMMELE. 192 Annie, of Edw. & Eliz. (Hyde), Boston, Xewton, 8: 17: 07. 45 Bessie M., of Edw. »fc Eliz., etc. nt sup. 5: 15: 79. 125 Charlotte J., of Edward A Eli/.., etc. ut sup 11: 15: so. 154 Edw. Andrew, of Edw. & Eliz., etc. ut sup. 0: 2: 73. 51 Irene, of Edw. E. A' Eli/.., < tc. ut sun. 7: 4: 64. 161 Sarah Eliz., of Edw. E. & Eliz., - /<•. ui sup. 10: 0: 75. i;ixn. 200 Win.. — -, s. of Fred'k & Abba (Glover), Westfield, Ded., : IT : OS. 94 ('has. A., of Fred. A. & Abby F. (Glover), Barrington, Dec!., n : l'T: 70. (is Frank E., of Fred'k A. & Abbie !■'., etc. ut sup. n : 2S: 09. ROBERSON. L22 I.illie Hell, of Wm. lb & Dora A. i Harris), Lynn, Stoneham, 11: 11: 87. ROBERTS. 5S — . s. of Abram & Angeline, , , 4: 13: 48. 92 lb at Boston l Edw., of Andrew & Annie - Fitzpatrick), [re., do., 9: 10: S3. 107 Harriet G., of Abram & Angeline, Walpole, Dover, l : ;; : :>:;. 74 Lydia .1., of Abraham & Angeline, , , 12: 13: 45. 40 (B. at N. Adams), Sarah .1., of Ellis A: Mary .1. i Lewis), Ellg., do., 4:4: 171 J!, at Charlestown) Susan M. E., of Joseph & Susan E. (Follansbee), Porter Me., Pittston Me., S: 29: 66. ROBIN. :ji; Julius L., of Leonard & Julia ('. (Smith), Me., Claremont X. II., 0: IS: 7i. ROBINSON. 17 , s. of Albert \V. & Eliz. F., Pawtucket R. !., Ded., 12: 26: 59. 115 Chas. H., of Chas. W. & Ann M. (Piper), Conville Me., Wentworth X. II., 4:21: 56. :;:] Deborah M., of Sam' 1 15. a Deborah C., Litchfield Me.. Philipston,10: 27: 50. 24 Edgar, of Alberl & Eliz., etc. ut sup. 1 1 : l'1 : :,::. 21 Edwin A., of JosiallT. & Cordelia A., , , 7: 1:40. 134 Efner P., of Chas. YV. Ac Ann M., - tc. ut sup. 7: l'4: 58. 35 franklin 4'.. of Josiah T. & Cordelia, — , , 1: 21:45. 137 Fred'k E., of Samuel 11. & Deborah C, i '<■. ut sup. 12:27:54. 7:'. Geo. E., of (has. VV. Ac Ann, etc. ut sup. 5: 16:63. 171 i B. at S. Boston i, Georgianna, of ('has. & Ann, ( /<•. ut siqj. S: 30: 67. Hattie I'., of Edgar T. & Hattie E. (Cocking), Ded.. Woodstock Ct., S : 20:S7. li- Helen E., ofT. Edgar & Hattie E., , 11: 26: S3. 52 Henry I'., of T. Edgar & Hat lie !... nip. 5: L5: 182 John, of John & , Ireland, do., 5: 28: 4S. 53 Mabel E., of Edgar T. & Hattie E„ etc. ut sup. 4:20: 27 Martha, E., of Elbridge G. & Martha C, — -, . 11: 25: 46. loi Nath'l F., of Elbridge G. & Martha C, , , 10:29:43. 36 Theodore E., of Samuel B. & Deborah C, , , 10: S: 47. 36 William, of Edward & , Ire., do., 1 : 5: 51. ROBLEY. ISO Eliz. lb. of Robert ('. & Laura P., Prov. lb b. do., 2: 9: 55. 104 George, of Roberl «& Mary, Providence, do., 4:7: 52. 166 DEDHAM RECORDS. roby,;robie. 195 Alfred W., of Jos. W. r & Mary E., Danbury X. H., Dec!., 9: 11: 57. 2 Edgar Eugene. oLJoseph & Mary E., etc. ut sup. 8: 14: 53. 88 Frank C, of Fred. & Susan (Farwell), Me., Walpole, 6: 19: 74. 25 Isabel, of Joseph W. & Charlotte (Stetson), Danbury N. H., Randolph. 11:115: 08. 50 Isabel Frances, of Joseph W. & Elizabeth, N. H., Ded., G: 29: 49. ION Joseph Wellington, of Joseph W. & Charlotte E., etc ut sup. 12: 31: 70. ROCHFORD. See also Batchford. 154 Ellen Eliz., ofjThos. & Mary (Gaffney), Ire., do., 6: 22: 72. ROCQUE. 204 . d. of Nestor & Jeanne, France, do., G: 27: 71. 60 Maria, of Jane (?) & Maria (Lawrent), Canada, do., 4: 15: 72. RODENSIIOTZ. 122 John, of John & Susannah (Mullenhater), Germ., do., 9: 11: 61. RODMAN. 6 Alfred, of Alfred ^Harriet D. (Risley), Ded., Western N. Y., 4: 18:i74 7:: Edw. Motley, of Alfred & Anna, Phila., Boston, 12: 25: 50. ROEDER. 156 Frederica, of Anton & Barbara, Germ., do., 10: 16: 57. 130 George, of Andrew & Barbary, Germ., do., 5: 1: 59. 151 George, of Geo. & Louisa (Krootz), Germ., do., 10: 18: 73. ROGEKS, RODGERS. 175 , d. of John & Mary, N. E., do., 12: 24: 74. 171 , d. of Thomas & , U. S., do., 12: 13: 73. «.)2 Genevieve, of Terrence A Man .McCaffrey), Ire., Scot., 9: 14: 81. 100 Geo. IT., of Thos. D. & Emma J. (Hersey), Dorch., Quincy, 10::i0: 75. 107 James, of James & Ellen, Ireland, do., 8: 14: 54. 95 John, of James & Ellen, Ireland, do., 4: 11: 56. 118 Kate, of Terence & Mary, etc. nt su,p. 11: 27: 70. 138 Lela A., of Chas. A Mary (Ellis), Milton, Ded., 3: 22: 67. 71 Leslie I'., of Fred E. & Nellie M. (Crocker), Bath Me., Woolwich Me.. 7: 13: 89. 96 Lizzie, of Terry & Mary, etc. ut sup. 8: 6: 79. 65 Margaret J., of Terrence A: Mary, etc. ut sup. 8:4: 84. 138 Mary Ann. of Terence & Mary, et<*. ut sup. 10: 12: 74. 160 Win. F., of Thos. & Bridget (Cusiek), Ire., N. S., 10: 17: 60. ROGERSON. 141 Elizabeth, of John & Fannie (Jermyn), Ire., do., 2: 26: 89. 5 Mary A., of John & Fannie, etc. ut sup. l: 10: 87. ROLFE. 14 - , d. of Jienj. F. & Julia A. i Billings), , , 1 : 23: S3. ROLL AND. <',4 Anna P., of John E. A: Mary L. (Horn), Boston, do., 7: 8: 7:'.. 39 Edward A., of John E. iV Man L., etc. utsup. 3: 15: 78. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 167 liON'AX. 148 John, of James & Bridget, Ireland, do., 10: 16:55. 21 Mary A., of James & Bridget, [re, do., 12: 25: 57. RONVILLER. 20 Elizabeth, of Peter & Elizabeth, Germ., do., 9: 2: 56. ROONEY, RHONEY. 99 Ann, of Francis & Mary, [re., do., 2: — : 56. 138 Edward, of Francis ^V Mary II., ire., do., 6: 28: 49. 60 Francis L., of Francis & Mary (Casej i, Ire., do., 11: 5: 60. 159 John, of Francis & Mar\ i Hughs), Ire. do., ."> : 19: 69. 93 .Mary, of Francis & Mary, Ire., do., 5: 10: .".4. 33 Thomas, of Thomas & Mary, Ire., do., 8: 6: 58. 01 Thos. \\\. of Francis A: Mary (Casey), Ire., do., II : 5: 60. FOOT. 41 Napoleon, of Nicholas R. A: Julia (Gravins), Canada, do., 3: IT: 7:!. ROSBUCK. 78 Henry M., of Chas. & Lousa (Chym), Germ., do., S: 10: 62. ROSE. 16 Alice M., of Benj. & Cora (Ilewins), X. Y., Worcester, l : 28: 88. 52 ('has. B., of Benj. E. A: Cora II., etc. ut sup. 5: 2: 82. 101 Herbert E., of Edw. & Jennie (Ford), Eng., Boston, 9: 21 : SO. 66 Isabella, of John E. & Hattie C. (Johnston . Ded., Woonsocket, 6: 21 : so. 33 John E., of Samuel & Agnes, Eng., Ire., 12:7: 57. 61 Sarah, of Edward A: Jennie, < tc. ut suj). 5: 31 : 78. ROSENTHAL n Simon, of Nathan & Eli/.., Germ., do., 7:26: 52. ROSGEN. 30 Louisa, of Peter & Catharine, Germ., do., 5: 31 : 53. ROSS. 138 A.bby V., of Andrew J. & A.bby R. i Dunlap), Prussia, Boston, 1: IS: 78. 29 i B. at Pioche, Nev. I Annie A., of Andrew F. & ( 'atharine A. McDonough . Ded., Dover X. J., 3: 31 : 89. 97 August, of Barney & Mary A, Germ, do., 7: 2S: 54. 146 Charles, of Andrew J. & Abby R., etc. ut sup. 2:28:74. 123 Charles Andrew, of Andrew F. & Catharine A., etc. ut sup. 11: 19: 90. 84 Edw., of Joseph & Kate i Lallj , Ded., [re., 8: 11: SO. 133 Elmina A., of Andrew J. & Abby R., < tc. ut sup. 9: 10: 75. 65 Elsie Marion, of Joseph & Kate, etc. ut .<"/<. 6: IS: SS. 83 Harry D., of James & Marion (). Downer, Germ., Marblehead, 6: 24: 75. 71 James A., of Andrew J. & Abby R., < tc. ut sup. 7: 10: 81. 147 Joseph, of Joseph & Kate (Lally), Lawrence. Ire., 3: 19:74. 19 Lillian .!.. of Bernard A. & Annie M. L. Munier), Boston, do., 2: 13: SO. 118 Lizzie E., of Joseph & Kate Kelly), Lawrence, [re., 10:6:78. 17:; Mary A., of Bernard & Mary, Germ., do., 7 : 1:56. 168 D ED HAM RECORDS. 21 olive F., of Joseph & Kate M. (Lally), Ded., Ire., 2: 11: 83. 23 Waldo ('., of Joseph & Kate (Tully), Boston, Ire., 3:4: 85. ROSWELL. L26 Peter, of Peter & Elizabeth, Germ., do., 8: 28: 54. ROWE. 9S Emma, of Andrew J. & Sarah (Farrow), Bradford Vt., Eng., 9:7: 82. ROWEN. 76 Jane, of Robert & Jane, Scot., Ire., 11: 19: 58. ROWLEY. 152 Clarence II., of Lafayette & Eliza A. (Watt), E. Haddam Ct., Edgartown, 5: 19: 71. RUNKLE. 10 Kate Bird, of John I). A: Cath. R. (Bird), Carlisle X. Y., Dorch., 2:7: 63. RUSHFORD. 94 Fannie, of Thos. & Mary (Gafney), Ire., do., L2: 8: 61. RUSSELL. 69 Caroline W., of Ira & Louisa, Shrewsbury Vt., W. Cambridge, 6 : 15: 53. S6 Carrie L., of Fred'c L. & Helen L. (Maynard), Ded., Newton, 7: 11: 75. 11 C. Elmer, of Charles & Charlotte B. (Mann), Hartford Ct., Ded., 6:2: 61. 50 ('has. Wm., of Michael & Helen (Wade), Eng., Ire., 2: 5: 74. '.it Edward M., of Levi H. & Eliz. A., Coventry Ct., Waltham, 1 : :;: 57. 65 Frederick L., of Ira & Louisa, , , S: 17: 45. 205 Henry W., of Levi II. & Eliz. A., etc. ut sup. 10: 29: 58. 72 John I., of Chas. & Charlotte B., etc. ut sup. 5: 5: 64. RTJTLEDGE. 5 Eliza, of Patrick & Hannah (Lehea), Ire., do., 12: 10: ()•".. 109 Ellen, of Patrick eV Ellen i Letrj I, Ire., do., 11: 17: 63. 85 Ellen, of Patrick & Hannah (Lee), Ire., do., 10: 10: 64. in Geo. Wm., of Patrick & Hannah, Ire., do., 8: 16: 56. 107 James, of Patrick & Hannah (Leha), Md., Ire., 1:11: 60. 14 John, of Patrick & Hannah (Levy), Ire., do., 2: 13: 62. 101 Mary Ann, of Patrick & Ilonora, Ire., do., 7: 14: 5S. RUTZLER. 124 Ceo. J., of Theobald J. & Mary E. (McDonald), France, Ire., 11 : i:):SG. 11 James, of Joseph Theobold & Mary E., etc. ut sup. 4: 12: 85. 12."» .Mary Eli/,., of Theobald J. & Mary E., etc. ut sup. 1 1 : L3: 86. 10 Theobold, of Jos. Theobold &Mary E., etc. ut sup. 4: 12: 85. RYAN. its Cal..F., of Timothy & Julia (Callahan), Ire., do., 12:8:68. 33 Daniel, of Daniel II. , Geim., do., 12 : 25 : 00. 103 Sarah, of Sebastian & Rebecca, Germ., do., 2: I : •"><;. 149 Sebastian, of Sebastian & Rebecca, Germ., do., '.»: 30: 57. SCHMIDT. 10 Henry, of Henry & Frederica, Germ., do.,' 9 : 4 : 57. 68 Louisa, of Theodore it Louisa (Studer), Genu., do., 0: 21 : 80. US Sophia, of John & Frida (Reiser), Germ., do.. 1Q: 19: 79. SCHXEIDLK. 88 Aurelia, of John B. & Bertha (E is), Germ., Ded., 8: 11:89. 188 Chas. II., of Conrad & Mary A. i Lagusky), Germ., Rox., 2: 29: 61. 38 Joseph, of Jacob & Julia, Germ., do., ■>: 15: 87. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 171 182 Lewis EL, of Conrad <$ Mary A.. Germ., Etox., I: 1(5:59. 82 Mabel <;.. of John B. & Bertha A., efc. utsup. 8: 11: 85. SCHROEDER. ICG , s. of John II. t V Louisa M., Germ., do., 10: 21 : 7::. .">" Pauline, of Andrew & Mary Hainan. Germ., Canada, 6: 8: S9. SCHULER. 113 Wm„ of Sam'l A: Albertine (Hooper), Switz., Germ., s : 30: 75. SCHUSTER, SHEASTER, SHUSTER. IT'.) Emma T., of Valentine & Rosine i ( !onrad), Germ., do., 2 : 28 : 62. 198 John, of Valentine & Rosanna, Germ., : 01. 14'.i George F., of Henry F. & Hannah 3.,etc. ut sup. 2: 12: 64. 124 Harrie E., of Henry F. & Hannah J., etc. ut sup. 12: 24: 00. 26 : [arriet R., of Willard & Hattie (Rimely), Ded., do., — : — : 74. 107 Ruth Lillian, of Henry F. & Hannah J., etc. ut sup. :,: 23: 70. SIIAUGHNESSY. 24 Ellen G., of Patrick & Annie (Howling), Ire., do., 3: 15: 89. 110 John Michael, of Patrick & Annie, etc. ut sup. 1<»: 15: 90. 91 Mary, of Patrick & Annie, etc. ut sup. 8: 29: 80. SHAW. 105 ('has. Warren, of Chas. M. & Frances M., Blackstone, X. II., 9: 7: 78. 109 GeorgieF., of George E. A Lucy i Willis), Boston, Hyde Park, 0: 2S:70. 84 John Bradley, of Henry A Susan L., Weymouth, Ded., 11 : 24: 56. SHEA, SHAE. lMI ill. at Boston), , d. of John & Marg't (Shine), ire., do., 9: 28: 01. 193 (B. at Rox.) Michael, of Dennis & Margaret (Hickey), Ire., do., 9: 28: 63. SHE A HI). 150 George A., of Ceo. A. & Mary (James), Eng., Chester Pa.. L0: 29: 7-">. 29 Ralph, of Jonas A Anna i Roberts), Eng., do., :;: 9: 7.".. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 173 SHEDD. 118 George, of Wm. F. & Mary (Seery), Boston, Ire., 10:2T:S7. 20 Mary E., of Win. & Mary. - /<•. u < sup>. 2: IT-: 84. 113 Sadie, of Win. & Mary, < tc. ut mp. n : 9: 81. 67 William, of Wm. & Mary, etc. ut sup. 7:1: 85. SHEEIIAN, SHEAN. 159 Honora, of John & Joanna (Berner), Ire. do., in: 15:75. 77 James, of John & Joanna (Bettermore), [re., do., 8: 14: 81. 138 Jeremiah, of Timothy & Maggie, Ire., Boston, 4: — : 76. 17."> Johanna, of Patrick & Margaret (Smiddy), Ire. do., 7: 8: 60. 2S John, of Edmund & Honora, Lre., do., 10: 31 : 56. 155 John, of Patrick & Margaret, Ire., do., 10: 23: 58. 166 John, of Patrick & Margaret, Ire., do., 5: 30: 59. 39 Michael, of John & Joanna i Buttimore), [re., do., 4:9: 77. 110 Nellie, of Patrick & Mary, Ire., do.. 10:30:57. 21 1 Thomas, of Edward & Honora, Ire., do., 4:1; 59. 94 Thomas, of Michael & Johanna, Ire. do., 8: 13: 59. 135 Willie, of John .V Joanna (Buttimore), Ire., do., 1l': 8: 7S. SHELDON. 128 Thomas, of John &Mary, Ireland, do., 5: 16: ~>l. SHENNABOKER. 7:: I) , d. of Win. & Eliza (Wilhew), Germ., do., 1 : 24 : 65. SHEPARD. 54 Charles E., of Nathaniel & Sarah, Canton, Me., 6: 2: 49. 138 George O., of Nath'l & Sarah E., Canton. Belfast Me., 12: 3: 52. 96 Mary R., of Nath'l & Sarah B. (Hatch), Canton, Vt., 12: 22: 60. 32 Sarali C, of Nathaniel & Sarah. Canton, Belfast Me., 8: 15:50. 83 Wm. Edw., of Nath'l & Sarah, Canton, Morgan Vt., 9: 22: 58. SHERIDAN. 2 Cora L., of Wm. II. A: Mary I). (Bruce 1 . Prov. R. I.. Mendon, 5: 29: 63. 18 James, of James & Elizabeth, Ire., do., ii: 17:59. 112 John, of James & Eliz. (Sherman), ivc. do., 4: 4: 61. 2 Martha S., of Win. II. & Mary I). (Bruce), Prov. R. I., Mendon. .",: 23: 61. 110 Richard, of Wm. & Mary, etc. ut sxq). 12:30:65. SHERMAN. 7s Casper ('.. of Chas. B. & Sarah C. R., Herkimer N. Y., Phila. Pa., 6: 17: 51. 85 Henry I)., of ('has. B. & Sarah C. II., < tc. ut sup. 2: 16: 55. 17 Roger Francis, of ( 'has. B. & Sarah < '.. < \c. ut tup. 11: 6: 53. 92 Roger M., of ('has. IS. & Sarah ('.. etc. ut sup. 8: 23: 52. SHERWIN. 1 Elinor, of Thomas & Isabel F. (Edwards), Boston, Keene N. H., 2: 14:71. 13 Mary, of Thomas & [sabel F., etc. utsup.d: 16:74. 22 Thomas, of Thomas & [sabel F., etc. ut sup. 5: 31 : 72. SHIELD. 1^! i Daniel, Of Henry & Adeline, Germ., do., 1 : 23: 55. 174 D ED II AM RECORDS. rSHINE. 114 Annie M., of Thomas P. & Delia (Dowling), Ded., Ire., 10: 10: ST. 99 Hannah M., of James & Hannah, Ire., do., 10 : 11 : 59. 7:'. James Augustus, ol'Thos. P. & Delia, etc. ut sup. 8: 2: 90. 124 James J., of Jas. & Hannah (Mahoney), Ire., do., S: 22: 07. 151 John D., of Jas. & Hannah (Mahan), Ire., do., 2: 5: 01. 14 Mark, of Patrick & Ilonora, Ire., do., 7: 15: 54. SHODER. 75 Maggie II., of Andrew & Mary (Hamon), Germ., Canada, 9:4: 84. 02 Rudolf H, of Andrew & Mary (Hammond), Germ., Can., 0: 23: 80. SHOPPE. 71 Anna, of John & Catharine, Germ., do., 6: 5: 58. SHOREY. 27 Isabel 8., of John & Cornelia, , , 11:30: 47. 57 Sarah A., of John & Cornelia G., , , 11 : 28: 44. SHORTMAXX. 115 Ella, of Wm. F. & Annie E. ( Lndwig), Germ., do., 10: 14 : 88. 15 Hattie, of Wm. & Annie E., etc. ut sup. 2: 10: S7. SHRIVER. 61 Eliza J., of ('has. II. & Hattie H. (Hobbs), Bait. Md., Boston, 0: 15: 88. 77 Mary Margaret, of Chas. H. & Hattie E. T., etc. ut sup. 7: 29: 85. 12 Richard Hobbs, of Chas. II. & Hattie H., etc. ut sup. 2: 7: S7. SHROEDER. 190 Henry E., of Wm. & Adeline, Germ., do., 1:11: 55. SHUMWAY. 77 Alvin F., of Erastns & Harriet X., , , 7 : 28 : 40. 70 Erastus D., of Erastus & Harriet A., Jamaica Vt., Wendall, 7: 10: 51. 164 (ieo. E., of Elbridge & Amanda (Wales), Dover, Woonsocket, 12: 15: 70. 65 Lydia S., of Erastus & Harriet, etc. ut sup. 1:1: 49. 133 Marcia M„ of Elbridge & Amanda, etc. ut sup. 9: 17: 04. 13 Mary Eudora, of Elbridge & Amanda, etc. ut sup. 11 : 13: OS. 74 Sarah Eliz., of Elbridge E. & Amanda L., etc. ut sup. 5: 11 : 01. SIEFERT. 105 Ernest H, of Paul II. & Minnie C. (Halbauer), Ct., Ded., 10: 0: 90. SIGXOR. 134 Gertrude, of Galen & Ella (Elliot), X. Y., Ded., 12: 9: 90. 44 Loretta, of Galen & Mary E. (Elliott), X. Y, Ded., 5: 8: S9. SILVER. 80 Ellis X., of Geo. T. & Sara iCrawshaw), Row, do., 8: 10: SO. SIMMONS. 128 Alice M., of Joseph S., Jr. n. 42 , — of Carl & Matilda, Denmark, Sweden, 4: 14: 85. 117 Ellen J., of Carl J. & Anna M., Denni., Sued., 10: 1'.": 82. SIMPSON. 170 Agnes M., of William A: Agnes ('., X. s., Scotland, 1:0: 55. 00 Annie, of Robert P. . 11: 7: 52. :. Alfred C, of Alfred M. & Mary J. (Heagan), Cornish 1ST. H., Hancock Me.,. 1:11: 73. lit Alice, of Franklin & Bidelia. etc. ut sup. 0: 13: 61. 140 Alice E., of C. W. & Frances A. (Pitts), Stough., Canton, 7: 25: 73. 114 Alice T., of Edwin E. & Myra (Perry), Camb., Manch. N. II., 11 : 9: 81. 70 Allan, of J. Henry & Frances M. (Parry), Ded., Wales, 6: 21 : 82. 94 Angeline, of Aaron & Sarah (Bowler), Eng., do., 5: 31 : 60. 175 Ann 11., of Franklin & Bidelia, etc. ut sup. 4: 7: 55. 52 Anna, of Michael A. & Ella (Flinn), Ire., do., 4: 8: 78. 33 Anna, of Thomas & Bridget, Ire., do., 5: 17: 59. 127 Annie B., of Ben.j. F. & Lelia F. (Aymar), Ded., Addison Me., 12: 9: 77. 15 Anson II.. of C has. II. & Mary II. (Humphrey), Dover, Newton, 2: 14: 90. '.i2 Arthur II., of John W. & Sarah (Richards), Eng., Canton, 8:30: SO. 104 Asahel Henry, of Franklin & Bidelia, etc. ut sup. 11 : 23: 57. si Augustus E.. of Augustus E. & Loisa, , , 5:4: 45. 89 Benedict C, of John & Freda (Reiser), France, Germ., 8: 19: 86. l:;o Benjamin T\. of Franklin & Bidelia, etc. ut sup. 5: 27: 51. 29 Caroline, of Francis J. A: Caroline, France, do., 6: 14: 57. 70 Carrie Maria, of NathM & Mary E., Ded., do., 12: 4: 55. 46i Catharine, of Thomas & Bridget (Lane), Ire., do., \-2: 30: 66. 160 Charles, of Francis J. iV Caroline, France, do., I: 20: 55. 121 Charles A., of John & Ann, Eng., do., «.» : 1: 51. L46 B. at Walpole), Chas. E., of George N, i l < Sarah -W. (Swett), Walpole,. Aniesliury, 3: 17 : 62. 172 Chas. F., of Emerson W. & Frances A. (Pitts), Stough., Canton. 11: 3 : 75. 46 Chas. S., of John L. & Mary J. (Muir), Lex. Ky., Boston, 3:1:74. loo Clara, of Timothy & Emily (Hamilton), Stough.. Scituate, n : 12:67. 30 Clara I-:.. of Thos. L. & Lydia S. (Newell), Ded., Medfield, 9: 3:61. 104 Daniel, of Daniel & Marj (Moynihan), \. II., Ire., 9: 24: 77. 161 David, of John & Julia. Ire., do., 9: — : 57. 87 Dennis, of John & Julia (Higgins), [re., do, 11:29:63. 120 Edgar II., of Henry C. & Almira, Dalton, Mansfield, 1 : 29: 52. 49 Ella L, of -lames B. & Ellen, Eng., Me., 9: t: 59. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 177 10 Ella Louise, of Nath'l, Jr. & Marj E., Ded., do., 4: 22: 50. 31 Ellen Mabel, of M. A. & Ellen i Flynn), Ere., do., 3: 5: 75. 93 Elsie R,. of Jona. M. & Eliza A. (Swift), Ded., Paris Me., S: 29: 82. 107 Emily A., of Benj. F. & Lelia F., etc. ut sup. 9: 4: 79. 70 Ethel, of J. Henry & Frances M.. < tc. ut sup. 6: 24: 7'.'. 69 Ethel B., of Robert 1!. & Winnie A. (Strobe), Canada. Troy Pa., 7: -±\ SS. 135 Florence D., of Chas. & Hannah I-:. (Keyes), Ded., Dover, 2: 10: 04. s;; Florence E., of Edwin E. & Mary I. (Perry), Camb., Manch. X. II.. 7: 9: 79. •ii Florence L., of David C. & Dorothy Dorke , Eng., do., 7: 2::: 66. 39 Frances, of James & Hannah (Sullivan), Ire, do., 10: 28: 70. 71 Frances, of. lames & Hannah (Sullivan), Ire., do., 10: 20: 71. 121 Fred P., of Xath'l & Mary E. (Phillips), Ded., do., 7: 29: 68. 37 Fred P., of ('has. R. & Rose A. (Banks), Bangor Me., Medway Me., 3:8: 82. 170 Fred'k E., of J. Everett & Mary A. II. (Wood), Norton, do., 7: 13: • • . 115 Frederick IT., of Henry & Charlotte, Ded., do., 9: 3: 51. 8 Georgianna W., of Isaacus & Georgianna, , , 1 : 17: 46. I:.'] Grace L., of Jonathan M. & Eliza A., etc. ut sup. 8: 15: 75. 135 Hannah, of James & Hannah. < tr. ut sup. 7: 25: 63. 68 Hannah S., of Theo. & Delphine (Studer), France, do., (i: 16: 82. 04 Harriet, of Franklin & Bidelia, < tr. ut sup. 5: 24: 50. 17 P.. at Boston) Harry F., of Harry & Ellen F.(Cole), Ded., Mansfield, 9: 5: 67. 157 Harry T., of Chas. & Wealthy, Ded.. Newport X. H, 10: 29: 49. 101 Henrietta, of John J. K. A: Man .1. Muir), Kv., Boston, 8: 4: 70. 102 Henry, of Henry & Frederica, Germ., do., 8: 4: 55. 40 Irving, of Henry & Charlotte, Ded., do., o: 21 : 59. 77 James J., of James A' Hannah, etc. ut sup. ■ '>: 2: 7.1. 71 Jean, of James & Barbary, Scot., X. S., 12: 6: 59. 133 Johanna, of John A Julia, Ire., do., 6: 30: 59. 107 John, of John A Eli/,. (Burke), lienn., do., 7: 22: 63. 40 John, of Thos. A Bridget (Lane), Ire., do., 12: 30: 66. 140 John A., of John J. & Mary J., etc. ut sup. 10: S: 75. 07 John F., of James & Hannah, etc. ut sup. 12: 6: 64. 00 John J., of Michael A. A Bridget, < tc. ut sup. 9: 20: 83. 40 Joseph II., of Henry A Charlotte, , , 11: 4: 47. 110 Julia, of John & Julia (Higgins). Ire., do., 0: 17: 66. 110 Julia, of Joseph & Caroline, Germ., do., 4: 19: 49. 106 Kate A., of Thos. & Margaret, Ire., do., 4: 15: 54. 112 P.. at Whitingville) Lena E., of Alexander & Josephine Cole', Waterford, Ct., 4: 15: 63. 12 Lewis I)., of Jarvis Everett & Mary A. II., < /<•. ut sup. 8:8: <'<■'•■ 10 Lily M., of Chas. R. & Rose (Banks), Bangor Me., LincolnMe., L:2S 151 Lyman W.. of Chas. L. & Hannah !•].. Ded., Dover, 12: 2: 50. 42 Maggie V., of Michael A. & Bridget, < tc. ut sup. •">: 21 : 82. 35 Margaret, of James a- Hannah, etc. ut sup. 12: :;: 00. 0:; Martha A., of Chas. A: Wealthy, < tc. ut sup. 2: 20: 53. 86 Martha Ann, of Aaron A Sarah, Eng., do., 7: 10; 5-. 105 Mary A., of John A Mary < '. (Jones , Eng., X. S„ 10: — : 71. 178 DEDHAM RECORDS. 125 Mary A., of Peter, Jr. & Kate (Schlienger), Plymouth, France, 12: 11 : 83. 6 Mary E., of James & Barbara (Simpson), Scot., Ire., 3: 22: 69. 51 Mary E., of Michael A. & Ella, etc. ut sup. 4: 8: 78. 29 Mary Ellen, of Thos. & Bridget (Lane), Ire., do., 9; 21 : 63. 07 Mary Lillian, of Xath'l & Mary E., Ded., do., 1:4: 53. 2 Maud, of John J. & Mary J., etc. ut sup. 1 : 12: 77. 188 Melinda A., of Chas. L. & Hannah, Ded., Dover, G: 20: 58. 32 Mildred, of Albert P. & Ella S. (Lowe), Stough., Canton, 4: 21: 87. 143 Ralph (J., of Elmer E. & Fannie A. (Greely), Charlotte Me., Ded., 4: :> : 89. 114 Ruth E., of Edwin & Hannah M., Gardiner Me., Canton, 7: 29: 51. 101 Susan, of James & Hannah, etc. ut sup. 10: IS: G8. 155 Susie C, of Lewis & Harriet F. (Pratt), Dover, Ded., 2: 5: 71. 130 Warren E., of Jona. M. & Eliza A.', etc. ut sup. 11:21: 79. 22 Wm. 0., of Win. P. & Anna, , , 2:7: 48. 27 Willie B., of John .1. & Mary ,/., etc. ut sup. G: 25: 71. 34 Winthrop, of Benj. F. & Lelia, < /<-. ut sup. 4:4: si. SNELL. 112 , d. of Stephen & Waity (Fripp), Falmouth, Westport, 7: G: 62. 121 Clarissa A., of John & Catherine A., Halifax, N. H., 1: IS: 49. 24 John S., of John D. & Clarissa A. , , , 3:3: 47. 198 Lillie, of Chas. & Hittie (Davis), Mass., do., 5: 11 : GO. G Zylphia, of John D. & Clarissa A., , , 10: 10:44. SNOW. 50 , d. of linos S. *fc Amelia (Bean), Chatham, Maples Me,, 11 : 30: 56. 141 , d. of Enos & Amelia, etc. ut sup. 8: 27 : GO. 87 Elizabeth, of James . 7: 20: 7">. SOULE. 180 , s. of Henry C. & Josephine M. (Fuller), Ded., do., 11:8: 69. 1 is Antoinette G, of Henry & Josephine M., ( tc. ut. sup. l : 26: 71. 75 Francis E., of Francis & Maria A., , ,11 : 15: 44. 32 Frederick S., of Francis & Maria, A., Ded., do., 10: 1: 51. 105 Geo. W., of Fred S. & Harriet (Draper) Ded., do., 12: 2: 72. 125 Grace A., of Fred S. & Hattie X., < tc. ut sup. 11: 24: 88. 7:; Henry C, of Francis A: Maria A., , , 2: 24: 4G. 177 Herbert M., of Fred'c S. & Hattie N., < tc. ut sup. 11: 1 : 75. 87 Maria Louisa, of Fred S. & Hattie, etc. ut sup. 7: IS: 78. 84 Sidney Edw., of Fred S. A Hattie N., etc. ut sup. S: 20: 90. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. L79 SOUTHGATE. 33 Helen L., of George A. & Mary B. (Willson), Leicester, Petersham, 5: 23: 74. 82 [sabel A., of ('has. M. .V Eli/. (Anderson), Mich., Vt.. S:22: SI. 71 May F.. of Geo. A. & .Mary B., etc. ut sup. S: 22: 64. 161 Walter B., of Geo. A. <& Mary I!., 4 Hope A., of Erastus G. & Harriet F., Bradford N. II., Prov. R. I., l : 1: 54. S PECKER. !):; Willie A., of John & Sophia, Germ., do., 10: 12: 7:5. SPELLMAN. 6 Margaret, of Martin & Mary (McLaughlin), Ire., do., 9: 12: 61. SPENCER. :'.l Alexander, of A. II. & Susan C. (Lee), Clone, Cape Cod, -l: 22: 71. 109 ('has. II., of Allan A: Abby J. (Clarke), Taun., Medfield, 2: :>: 64. 2 Fanny A., of Thos. G. & Sarah E., Taunton, Walpole, 9: 9: 56. \> Isabel, of Allen & Abby .1., etc. ut sup. 11 : 17: 60. SPILLANE. 103 Mary A., of Michael & Bridge! Ahern . Ire , do., 9: 1 1: S9. SPRAGUE. 28 , s. of Samuel & Mary, Worcester, Ded., 12: 26: 50. 71 Benj., of Richard T. & Fanny (Oxnard), Spain, La., 6: 13: 78. is Charles, of Samuel & Mary, Worcester, Canton, 6: I : :>■',. 87 ('has. A, of Stephen & Ann E., Medford, R. I., 10:11:49. 5 (I), at Boston) Frances I., of Francis W. A Sarah W. (Chick), Barnstable, Augusta Me., 1:11: 89. 12 George A., of Stephen L. & Ann E., Medford, Prov., 8: 5: 52. '."I Margaret L., of Samuel Ac Mary. Watertown, Ded., 6:30:48. 133 Sarah C, of Francis W. & Sarah W., 1 tc. "I sup. 12:8: 39. 29 Theodore, of Samuel & Mary,. , , II: 18 : 45. STANDISH. 12 , s. of David P. & Hannah C, , , 12: ."-1 : 15. 53 Henry, of David & Hannah, Me., Ded., 6: 20: 10. 180 D ED II AM RECORDS. 17G (B. at Foxboro), Henry M„ of Thomas & Rhoda S., Pembroke, Sharon,. 1 : 29: 49. 177 (B. at Wren.) Julius E., of George & Harriet, Fox., Walpole, 6: 7: 49. STANLEY. 4 Lillian E., of Julian T. & Sarah A. i Karnes), Coventry Ct.,Milville, 1: 10: 89. STAPLES. 112 Charles G., of Geo. T. & Sarah L. (Kingman), Boston, do., 10: 9: 87. 38 Florence Sybil, of Geo. T. & Sarah L., etc. ut sup. 3: 0: 82. 11G Sarah Kingman, of Ceo. T. & Sarah L., < tc. ut sup. ll: 15: 83. STARR. 21 Katherine B., of Win. & Mary A. (Scully), Ire., do., 2: 25: 88. 10 Mary Ann, of Wm, & Mary A., etc. ut sup. 2 : 1 : 90. STARRET. 102 Chas. V., of Chas. & Sarah S. (Healey), Boston, Me., 9:23: 65. STEARNS. 129 Charles, of Geo. C. Jr. & Mary N. (Morse), N. Y., Bed., 11 : 30: 82. 81 Edward, of Geo. C. Jr. & Mary X., etc. ut sup. 8: 21 : 81. 83 Martha B., of Chas. B. & Manitta H. (Chapin), N. Y, Rox.. 8: 15: 80. 4:', Mary, of Albert B. & Sarah J. (St. John), Rowe, Brooklyn N. Y., 0: 2: 87. STEIN, STEEN. 180 Catharine, of Bernard & Mary C. (Craft), Germ., do., 11: 25: 61. 176 Charles, of Lewis & Freada, Germ., do., 9: 21: 59. 187 Eliz. N., of James & Mary (Cuff), Germ., Ire., 12:24: 01. STEINBELZ. 137 Caroline, ofJBernard & Caroline, Germ., do., 3: 18: 55. STEINER. 23 Augustus, of Aug. & Cath. (Henry), Germ., do., 3: 1G: 73. 24 Frederick, of Aug. & Cath., etc. ut sup. 3: 1G: 73. STEINLER. 90 Henry, of Daniel & Elizabeth, Germ., do., 7: 23: 58. STEVENS, STEPHENS. 74 Catherine L., of Ezra H. & Lizzie E. (Brown), Woburn, Eng., 7: 16: 89. 40 Clarence L., of John N. & Elvira C. C, Haverhill N. II., Meredith N. II., 3:4: 51. 207 Elmira Eudora, of John X. & Elvira C, < tc. ut sup. 4: 12: 55. 150 Helen A., of Albert & Annie (Passick), Germ., do., 10: 25: 73. its Mary L., of .1. X. & Almira ('. (Crane), N. H., do., 1 : 28: 60. 157 Ralph A., of John W. & Clara C. (Cram), N. II., do., ll : 23: 65. 117 Roberta P., of Herbert & Lizzie (Forsyth), N. B., do., 11 : 4: 90. STEWART. 121 Florence M.V., of Isaac & Florence M. X.(Yallenshee), Ire., Spain, ll :6: 86* 207 Mary, of Kent & Mabel (Stewart), Vt.. N. II., — : — : 71. GG Robert J., of Robert & Jane (Stinson), Scot., Ire., 5: 25: 75. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. I s l STILL. 116 , d. of Joseph E. & Emma E. (Rix), Boston, do., 11: G: 77. 115 , s. of Joseph E. A; Emma E., etc. ut sup, LI: 6: 77. STIMLER. 125 Daniel, of Daniel & Isabel] (Smith), Germ., do., I : 23: 00. STIMSON. Si , d. of James & Ellen (Parker), Germ., Ded., 5: 25: G5. L06 Eliz. B., of Frederic J. & Eli/.. B. (Abbott), Ded., Boston, 10:29:85. l Elsie EL, of Edw. & Charlotte G. (Lealand), Ded., Phila., L2: 20: 69. 6 Margaret A., of Frederick J. & Eliz. B., etc. ut sup. L: 3: 88. 49 (B. at Brookline) Mildred, of Fred. J. & Eliz. B., etc. ut sup. 4: 23: 82. STOCK WELL. 132 Herbert S., of George PI. & Ruth (Mascroft), Sut, Graf., 12: 14: 7'.'. STOHLER. 84 Emma, of Godfleld & Bertha (Schoon), Germ., do., 5: 21: 71. STOLL, STOLLE. 03 Alfred, of Robert O. & Bertha (Schon), Germ., do., 7: 17: ST. 35 Charles, of Herbert & Bertha, etc. ut sup. 4:6: 84. 24 Joseph, of Joseph & Elizabeth, Germ., Ere., LI: S: 56. 20 Maria, of Joseph & Elizabeth, etc. ut sup. 9:—: 59. STONE. 70 Edwin Chester, of Walter W. & Lydia E., , , 1 : 20: 45. 190 Florence A., of Benj. F. & Emeline (Perrington), Charlestown, Howard, 2 : 22 : 67. 56 Jas. E. E., of Hurley & Olive (Cole), Hong., Cuuib. R. I., 11: 27: 63. STORER. 141 Geo. J., of Marino G. & Emily (Jackson), Eng., do., 7: 17: 71. STOREY. 177 Julia A., of Wm. A. & Amelia (Brown), Nash. Tenn., Cabotville, 12: 11: 74. 11) Russell, of Win. Henry & 10. Jennie i Delibins . , — , 2: 5: S2. STORM. 142 Catharine, of Nicholas & Emma (Corneilius), Germ., Eng., 1: L6: 67. 114 Mary Ellen, of Nicholas & Emma, etc. ut sup. 3: 14: 70. 3 Nicholas 10., of Nicholas & Emma, etc. ut sup. 1 : 5: 72. STORRS. L35 Fred'b .V, of Fred'k II. & Amelia C. (Videto), Webster, ST. S., L2: 15: 90. STRATTON. 54 Sarah, of Wm. S. & Man (Welch), Brooklyn, Ere., S:23:71. STRONG. 58 - -, d. of J. A. & Lydia, , ,1:17:45. ::i . s. of Wm. J. & Eleanor, X. S., Wendall, 10:24: 50. 26 Ellen Eliz., of Wm. I. & Eleanor, . . 3: LS: L6. 15 John A., of John A. & Catharine, Germ., Ere., 10: LG: 57. 55 Lydia A., of John A <$ Lydia M, , , — : : 46. 81 Oberan, of Wm. & Eleanor, Ere., do., 8: 17: 4S. 182 D ED HAM RECORDS. STUFFENBURGH. 143 Adwert, of Edvv. & Jane B. (Barnes), Holland, Germ., 5: 5: 00. STUMPF. 102 , s. of Hans & Maria (Scherb), Germ., do., 2: 19: 70. STUNNER. 123 Antoinette, of Augustus & Cath. (Henny), Germ., do., 6:8: 63. SULKOSKI, SEGUSKI. 69 Anna F., of Joseph & Hannah (Shehan), Box., Ire., 7: — : 77. 99 Hannah, of Jos. & Hannah (Shehan), Poland, Ire., 7: — : 70. SULLIVAN. Seealso & Sullivan. Ill , s. of David O. & Nora (Murphy), Ire., do., 2: 25: 73. 199 , s. of John & Kate (Nolan), Ire., do., 12: 25: 03. 132 Abby, of David & Ellen, Ire., do., 4: 15: 58. 15 Bridget, of Jeremiah & Margaret (Shehan), Ire., do., 3: 15: 72. 69 Catharine, of John & Catharine, , , 12 : 27 : 46. 170 Catharine, of John & Margaret, Ire., do., 9: — : 59. 115 Cath. T., of Patrick 0. & Mary A. (O'Dea), Ire., Boston, 10: 30: SO. 119 David, of Cornelius & Hannah. Ire., do., 12: 5: 59. 73 David, of John & Bridget (Williams), Ire., do., 6: 15: 64. 37 Edw. Jos., of David F. & Mary A. (Fitzhenry), Ded., Ire., 4: 5: 86. 181 Ellen, of David & Ellen (Haley), Ire., do., 12: 30: 60. 123 Ellen, of Jeremiah & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 12: 24: 68. 122 Ellen, of John & Catharine, Ire., do., 3:8: 49. 80 Hannah, of Cornelius & Hannah, Ire., do., 4: 4: 54. 3 Hannah, of John & Peggy, Ire., do., '.»: 23: 51. 12 Hannah M., of John & Mary (Conley), Ire., do., 12 : 2 : 73. 119 Honora, of John & Hannah (McManus), Ire., do., 5: 13: 74. 43 James, of John & Catharine, Ire., do., 7: 13: 54. 81 James, of John & Cath. (Flynn), Ire., do., S: 3: 03. 15 James, of John & Julia (Monahan), Ire., do., 7: 14: 60. 190 James, of Michael & Ann (Harmel), Ire., do., 9: IS: 62. 114 James S., of David F. & Mary A., etc. ut sup. 12: 25: 84. 79 Jeremiah, of Cornelius & Julia A. (Colburn), Ire., do., 3: 17: 68. 1 Joanna, of Jeremiah & Margaret, etc. ut sup. 1:1: 70. 126 John, of Cornelius & Hannah, Ire., do., 9: — : 57. 114 John, of Cornelius & Hannah (Haley), Ire., do., 6: 25: 64. 103 John, of David & Ellen, Ire., do., 3 : 18: 53. 70 John, of David & Ellen (Haley), Ire., do., 3:1: 68. 183 (B. at Cam.) John, of John & Hannah (McManus), Pa., Ire., 3: 6: 60. lor. John, of John & Margaret, Ire., do., 3:1: 57. 42 John, of John & Mary (Conley), Ire., do., 11:3: 07. 20 John F., of James & Hannah (Finn), Ire., do., 12: 0: 65. 90 John F., of Patrick A: Mary. < tc. "I sup. 9: 26: 72. 50 Julia, of John A Julia i Maglinan) Ire., do., 5: L6: 65. 37 Kate, of John & Hannah (McManus), [re., do., :'.:—: 77. 147 Katy, of Daniel & Julia (Horrigan), Ire., do., 12: 25: 66. A BS I RA CT OF BIR 1 Y/.V. L83 105 Lucy A., of David A: Ellen (Healey), Ire., do., 3: -jo: 60. 134 Margaret, of Charles <$ Mary, Ire., do., 6:18:56. 6 Margaret, of John & Peggy, [re., do., L0: 25: :>4. 34 Margarel E., of Jeremiah & Margaret, < tc. ut sup. 3: 6: 82. 72 Margaret J., of Win. F. A Celia E. (Collard), Ded., do., 7: 31 : 90. 53 Mary, of John & Mary (Connelly), [re., do., 5: 18: 80. 7 Mary A., of Charles & Mary, [re., do., 2: 16: 55. 200 Mary Ann, of David A Ellen, Ireland, do., 8:1: 55. 113 Mary A., of David & Ellen (Haley), Ire., do., 5: 8: 64. 123 Mary E., of Jeremiah A: Mary A. (Ryan), Ire., Webster, 1L: li): 80. 1S1 Mary E., of John A. A: Hannah (McManus), Pa.. Ire., 10: 28:67. 02 Mary E., of Patrick O. & Mary A., < tc. ut sup. :>: 2: 74. 122 Mary P., of Dan A Hannah (Haley), Ire., do., 7: 31: 69. .":; Mary L., of Jerry & Margaret (Sheehan), Ire., Wren., 5: 18: 79. 154 Michael, of Daniel & Nora (Murphy), Ire., do., (i: 7: 70. 102 Michael, of Daniel & Nora (Murphy), Ire., do., 1: 7: 71. 103 Rose, of John & Hannah (McMannus), America, Ire., 5: 24: 00. 160 Samuel P., of John & Hannah (McManus), Penn., Ire., .">: 20: 62. 181 Solomon E., of John & Hannah (McMannus), Pa., Ire., 8: 20: 69. 77 Timothy, of John & Mary (Conley), Ire., do.. 11 : 22: 00. 100 Wm. P., of David O. & Ellen (Haley), Ire., do., 2:5: 70. SULLY. 40 Gertrude, of John & Agnes E. (Murchison), Eng., Canada, 2: 7: 7J. 156 John M., of John & Agnes E., etc. nt sup. 7: •">: 6S. SUMNER. 106 Annie J., of Edward & Philena A. (Tucker), Pox., N. P., 8: •'»: 60. 27 Edgar X., of Nathaniel & Mary P. (Gay), Ded., Sharon, 4 : 14 : 54. 84 Edwin .1. P.. of Nath'J & Mary P., etc. ut sup. 1:8: 00. 7-"> Roger P., of Edmund & Jane, Milton, do., 9:1: 58. 68 Wm. Russell, of Wm. R. & Ann, Boston, Ded., 6: L5: 50. SWANK. li:; Josephine, of John & Mary (Butler), N.Y., do., 9 : 2: 7'.». SWEENEY. 93 Catharine, of Edward & John (?), Ire., do., 12: 14: 55. 107 Edward, of Jeremiah A Julia (Callahan), Ire., do., 9: 13: 74. 34 Edward J., of Jeremiah A: Katie V. (Hartnett . lie., Ded., i: 6: SS. 92 Ellen ()., of & , Ire., do., 12: 19: 73. 196 Hannah, of Patrick A Ellen (Callahan), Ire., do.. 12:1:61. 170 llonora, of Patrick A Mary (Catlipin), Ire., do., 2: 18: "12. 199 James I'., of Patrick A Bridget (Horn), X. S., Canada, 8: 21 : 7:.. 08 Jeremiah, of Jere'h A. Julia, ' /<■. ut sup. 6: 26: ''>_'. n John P., of Jeremiah A Kat ie V.. < tc. ut sup.2: r>: 90. 77 Julia, of Jeremiah A Julia, etc. ut siq). 1 1 : 3: 71. <;:; Julia, of Jerry & Julia, etc. ut sup. 6: 26: 76. ic, Kate, of Jerry A Julia, etc. ut sup. 2: 10: 79. 2s Margaret, of Jerry A Julia, etc. u t sup. S : 20 : 69. 184 D ED HAM RECORDS. 51 Mary, of Jeremiah & Julia, < tc. ut sup. 3: 22: 65. 123 Mary A., of Timothy & Mary (Fornan), Ire, do., 5:7: GT. 128 Mary Jane, of Jeremiah & Katie V., etc. ut sup. 11 : 22: 85. 75 Richard, of Jeremiah & Julia, < t>-. ut sup. 8: 20: 66. 1-10 Richard, of Jeremiah & Julia, etc. ut sup. 5: 20: 6S. 110 Susan, of Patrick & Ellen (Flannigan), Ire., do., 12: — : 7:5. 57 (B. at Milt.) Wm. M., of Patrick & Cath. (Donavan), Ire., Brewster, G: 10: GO. SWEETLANP. 1)5 Susie E., of Wm. L. & Lorinda (Baldwin), Ct., X. Y., 7: 17: 61. SWETT. 74 John E., of John S. & Nancy N., Boston, Welltleet, 7: 9: 50. 89 Laura Jane, of John S. & Nancy 1ST., etc. ut sup. 3: L3: 56. 9 Lizzie E., of Samuel H. & Annie J. (Smith), Dec!., do., 1 : 1G : 70. 109 Susie I., of Samuel II. & Annie I., etc. ut sup. sr22: 71. 31 William II., of John S. & Nancy, etc. ut sup. 11: G: 58. MYIFT. 139 (B. at Falm. I Lucius N., of Henry & Emma (Colburn), Falm., Bos., 3 : 11 : 02. SYCLER, 131 Annie, of Milton & Ellen (Coleman), N. Y., do., 12: 27: 7G. TAFT. L62 Adelaide S., of Josephus G. & Anna E. (Shaw), Dedham, Sand Lake N. Y., 1 : 21 : 65. 24 Arthur Guild, of Josephus G. & Anna E., etc. ut sup. 7: 12: 69. 104 Arthur S., of Benj. 1). & Eliz. (Howes), Mendon, Chatham, G: 22: GO. 2:'. Bertha L., of Fred'c A. & Cornelia S. (Guild), Ded., do., 12: 7: G9. 15 Caroline Eliz., of Fred'c A. & Cornelia S., - tc. ut sup. 2: 10: Gl. 10 Charles Ezra, of Josephus G. & Anna E., < tc. ut sup. 7: 11 : 63. 174 Ella L., of Cornelius A. & Maria L. (Boyd), Ded., do., 12: 21 : 74. :',7 Ezra, of Ezra W. it Lendamine, , , 3: 30: 46. G4 Fletcher W., of Ezra F. & Emma H. (Browne), Ded., Sudb., 7: 30: 84. 19 Frederic A., of Fred'c A. «fc Cornelia S., i tc. ut sup. 11 : 20: 63. 50 Harris Abbott, of Cornelius A. & Maria L., etc. ut sup. 6: 29: 76. '.»'.) Roger Browne, of Ezra F. & Emma II., < tc. ut sup. 9: 14: 87. :;7 Theodore II., of Ezra F. & Emma II., etc. ut sup. 4:8: SO. L79 Walter Edward, of Frederic A. & Cornelias., etc. ut sup. 12: 15: 66. TAGER. 67 ^ena Eliz., of Chas. & Sena (Worth), Germ., do.. 10: 1: 71. TALBOT. IT- Adelaide F., (name altered by parents to Addie Anna:, of Henry A. & Susan A., , Bridgewater, 9: L6: 58. 133 Albert M., of Geo. & Caroline (Robertson), Ded., Me., 7:7: 62. 1G2 Arthur W.. of Geo. cV Eliz. (Dickey), Ded., X. II., 8: 16:67. 187 Clara A., of Eben V. & Eliz. F. (Farrington), Sharon. Livermore Me., 1:16: 57. 4.; Ella M.. <>f Geo. & Caroline, Ded., Bromfield Me.. 7: 16: 55. 10G Erastus W., of Geo. 1'.. .V Mary (Bickriell), Sharon, Dexter Me., 2: 15: <>:). ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 1 s -"> 219 Eugene, of E. F. A: Elizabeth F., < tc. ut sup. 1 : in: GO. 69 Frank W., of Warren A. A: Laura A. stone, Sharon, Ded., 9: 13: Gl. To Garafelia A., of Geo. B. & A.ugusta (Bigelow), Sharon, Boxboro, 10: l : -in. 157 Geo. Henry, of Geo. B. & Marj ]'>., etc. ut sup. 11: L9: 58. 77 HattieG., of Henry A. & Susan A. (Wilde), Need., X. Bridge'r, L2: 2G: G3. 24 Helen Maria, of Geo. 1!. & Mary, c/c. wi swp« 12: 27: 54. 1 17 Henry A., of Warren A. & Laura A., etc. ut sup. I : s : 59. 52 Jennie F., of Geo. B. & .Mary 15., etc. ut sup. LO: 5: 65. 91 Manora Emma, of Eben'r F. & Eliz. F., < tc. ut sup. 1 : 29: 50. 198 Martha L., of Geo. B. & Mary, < tc. ut sup. 1: 14: Gl. 154 Mary J., of Geo. 13. & Mary, * tc. ut sup. 8: is: 56. 40 Samuel II. II., of Ebenezer F. & Eliz. F., etc. ut sup. 6: 22: 52. 28 Sarah A., of E. F. & Elizabeth, etc. ut sup. 7: 8: 54. 70 Sylvester W., of Sylvester W. & Margaret, , , S: 31 : 1G. TALPEY. 83 Harriet M., of Octavius & Maria, York Me., Ded., 9: 22: 50. TA.MBEELEEKE, TAMBERLIK. 162 . s. of Elias & Amelia, (Johnson), X. Y.. Va., 3: 28: 73. 43 Amelia, of Elias & Amelia (Olmstead). X. Y., Va., 3:28:75. TAPLEY. 33 , s. of Win. T. & Martha A. 1 Halo, Surrey Me., Monmouth Me., 8: 5: 53. 99 Alice Esabelle, of Win. T. & Martha A., etc. ut sup. 12: 13: GO. 81 Edgar A., of Edgar A. & Ella L. (Bumpus), Ded., Paris Me., 7: 10: 79. L05 Edgar A., of Wm. T. & Martha, < tc. ut sup. 2:1: 51. 39 Frank Herbert, of Edgar A. & Ella, etc. ut sup. 3: 28: 75. TAUBEi;. 50 Annie A. <>., of Hugo (I. A: Annie F. (Schneider), Germ., do., 6: 1 1 : U0. TAYLOR. 45 Albert W., of E. M. & Esther A. | Frost), Eng., \. Y., 4 : 11: 77. 22 (has. ]?., of Wm. & Teresa (Mulkern), Eng., W. Rox., 2: 23: S4. 81 Edward, of Win. A. & Theresa, etc. ut sup. 8: 17: 90. 89 Elvin W., of Waldo II. & Mar} E. (Hamilton), Mendon, Ded., 9: G: 81. 4i Minnie A., of Augustus II. & Eliza A, Pembroke N. II., Georgetown, 12: 20: 57. 60 Sadie J., of ('has. II. & Cora L. 1 Bivens), Natick, Boston, 6: S: 81. TFFFIXC. 51 George II., of Benj. & Mary J., Vj\ i j:-. do., 12: I: 52. TEMPERLY. 74 Katy, of Thos. & Katy (Burns), Ire., do., L:9: 71. 121 Mary Ann, of Thos. A: Oath. (Burns), Ire., do., 1:2:61. 186 D ED HAM RECORDS. 74 Patrick J., of Tom & Cath. (Burns), Ire., do., 3: 17: 73. 100 Thomas, of Thomas & Kate (Burns), Ire., do., 8: 24: 69. TFRREL. 82 Eugene, of John & Margaret (Murphy), N. II., Eng., 7: 14: 04. THATCHER. 05 Eliz. Wardrobe, of John W. & Margaret A. (Locke), Biddeford Me., Con- cord N. II., 7: 17: 03. THAYEE. 25 , s. of Gilbert & Hannah, Boston, W. Stockbridge, 10: 24: 48. 150 Adna C, of Tyler & Lucy E. (Adams), Mendon, Andover Yt., 0:8: 00. 153 Alia Cora, of Tyler & Lucy E., etc. ut sup. '■): 8:56. 07 Arthur W., of John II. B. & Mary S. (Wilder), Bed., do., 8: 20: 57. 193 Azor II., of H. G. Otis & Milinda (Haskell), Medfleld, Glouc, 9 : 29: 00. 151 Charlotte, of Harrison G. O. & Merilda, Medfleld, Glouc, 10: 0: 58. 177 Clara, of John H. B. & Mary S., etc. ut sup. 1 : 10: 04. 24 Elisha S., of John H. B. & Mary S., etc. ut sup. : 11 : 00. 69 Geo. G., of Gilbert & Hannah E., Mans., Hing., 3: 27: 50. 184 Jennie A., of Tyler & Lucy, etc. ut sup. 9: 11 : 57. 41 Lucy M., of Gilbert & Sarah E., Mans., Plym. Yt., 2: 27: 53. 14 Nellie, of Tyler & Lucy C, etc. ut sup. l : 16: 08. 129 Norman A., of Tyler & Lucy E., etc. ut sup. 5:21: 02. 130 Norris A., of Tyler & Lucy E., etc. ut aup. 5:21: 62. THEISS, THISS. 110 Chas. II., of Henry & Lena (Heinrich), Germ., do., VI: 31: 84. 54 (B. at Maynard) Henry, of Henry & Lena, t tc. ut sup. 5 : 27: 86. 7 Louisa Anna, of Henry & Lena, etc. ut sup. 1 : 13 : 83. THISSELL. 21 Wm. II. , of Wm. II. & Permelia, , , 7: 20: 47. THOMAS. 49 , d. of Wm. & Harriet S., Canada, Prov. P. I., 11: 18: 55. 30 Alice M., of Jesse P. & Marilla, Westfield Vt., Yt., 0: 17: 54. 5 Edmund S., of Edmund & Mary E. (Woods), Wey., Ded., 2: 4: 70. 39 Emma Sumner, of Edmund & Mary E., etc. ut sup. 7: 2 : 00. 188 James, of Philip L. & Margaret (Murray), Ire., do., 5: 10: 70. 1!) Wm. F., of Wm. & II. S., Compton Ca., Prov. P. I., 0: 10: 54. THOMPSON. 137 , d. of Lewis & Margaret (Fradine), Germ., do., :;: 0: 04. 171 , s. of Lewis & Margaret (Berkley), Germ., do., 12: 25: 01. 44 Albert, of Lewis P. & Margaret (Buckley), Germ., Ire., 4: — : 70. 20 (B. at Marshville) Arthur S., of ('has B. & Annie (Shepheard), Halifax, Manchester !N". II., 2: --'8:84. 108 Clara A., of Reuben S. & Sally, Bcrw irk Me., Limerick Me., '.»: 5: 51. 70 Emeline P., of Wm. & Sarah, [re., Need., l : 22: 53. 170 Frances, of Jacob & Caroline (Phillip), Germ., Led., 5: 24 : 63. 194 Frederic, of Lewis F. & Margaret, Germ., Ire.. 12: 13: 75. 182 George, of Lewis ^ Margaret (Buckley, Germ., Ire., 2: 23: 69. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 1 y ~ 5S Henrietta A., of Wm. C. <& Sarah, Lre., Need., 2: 3: 57. 7S Henry, of Lewis & Ma run ret (Buckley), Germ., Ire. :',: :',! : OS. 1 Isadora A., of John K. & Eliz. Magannigan), Scot., X. s., 9: :;: 66. 52 B. at Hyde Park) James \V., of Michael & Mary A. Gargan), Hanover. Braintree, 5: 27: 88. L01 John T.. of John K. & Lydia J. i Lewis), Scot., Me., :; : 22: 60. 17'.) Lewis, of Lewis & Margaret, Germ., Ire., 6: 11: 5S. 44 Margaret E., ofThos. & Eliz. (Lowe), Scot., Eng., 7: ::i : 61. 126 Mary Ella, of Lewis & Margaret, Ire., do., L2: 21 : 59. 120 Mary Jane, of Wm. & Sarah, Ire.. Need., 9: Hi: 51. 33 Walter B., of Daniel & Nellie E. (Berry), X. II., do., 3: L8: 77. 2 Win. C, of John K. A: Eliz. (McGonigle), Scot., X. S.. II : 29: 64. 101 Wm. Henry, of Win. & Sarah, Ire, Need.. io: 14: :»4. THORNTON. 43 Alfred, of John & Fanny (Coyne), Ire., Boston, 6: 21 : r>7. 22 Caroline A., of Thomas & Ann, Chatham, Xorway Me., 1 : 2:1 : .">■".. 143 Charles A., of Jos. & Margaret (Sullivan), Ded., Boston, : 74. TIMMING. 60 (B. at Box.) Chas., of Patrick & Sabina, Ire., do., 2: 7 : 49. TIMPEE, 125 , s. of Louis & Isabella (Damm), Germ., Eng., 11 : G: 78. 25 Ann II., of Henry & Henrietta (Worcester), Germ., do., 3: 15: ' 106 Louisa Christina, of Louis & Isabella, etc. ut sup. 9: 24: 87. 65 Wilhelmina, of Louis & Isabella, etc. ut suji. 9: 13: 72. TIN AN. 15 Maggie, of John & Honora (Day), Ire., do., 3: 31 : 74. TISDALE. 16 , s. of Josiah & Susan P., Sharon, Easton, 7: 17: 55. 84 Ella, of Augilius & Louisa, Dover, Medfield, 3 : 11 : 50. 209 Jas. E., of Jas. W. & L. Adeline, Walp., Colerain, 0:4: 55. 133 Melvin E., of James W. «fc Lemira A., etc. ut suj>. :> : 1 : 57. TOBIN, TOLBY. 66 Abby M., of John & Catherine (Coughlin), Ire., do., 7: 26: 65. 143 Agnes J., of Michael & Mary (Lee), Ire., do., 1 : 17: 69. 121 Charles, of John & Catharine, etc. ut sup. 8:11: 70. 143 Ellen, of Michael & Mary, etc. ut sup. 2: 28: 67. 148 John M., of Wm. & Nancy (Waldham), Ire., do., 7 : 28: 66. 5 Margaret, of Thos. & Ellen (Collins), Ire., do., 10: 29 : 64. 47 Margaret, of Wm. & Nancy (Oldham), Ire., do., 6: 20: 68. 98 Mary, of Wm. & Nancy (Oldham), Ire., do., 7:0: 03. 128 Mary E., of Michael & Mary, etc. ut sup. 10: 27: 04. 104 Mary Louisa, of Michael & Mary, etc. ut sup. 10 : 12: 63. 125 Michael, of Wm. & Nancy (Alden), Ire., do., 7: 1 : 70. 163 Patrick, of Michael & Mary, etc. ut sup. '.»: 5: 71. G Thomas, of Thomas & Ellen, etc. ut sup. 2: 14: 07. 53 William, of Michael & .Mary, < tc. W sup. 5: 4: 05. Gl William, of William & Ann (Oldham), Ire., do., 7:7: 65. 150 William, of William & Nancy (Oldham), Ire., do., 1:7: 04. 46 Willie, of John & Catharine, < tc. "I sup. 7: 4: 68. TODD. 35 Andrew, of John S. & Lizzie S. (Still), Scot., do.,'4: 8: 85. TOOMEY, TWOMEY. 17 Catharine, of Geo. Wm. & Cath. (Connors), Ded., do., 3: 6: 81. m Francis E., of Patrick & Ellen I Buckley), Ire., do., 5: 14: 81. 17 Fred. Patrick, of Patrick & Ellen, dr. ,,i sup. 8: 6: 74. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. L89 5 John Connor, of Geo. Win. & Cath. etc. ut si'/,, i: S: S3. 129 Joseph, of Patrick & Ellen, etc. ut sup. 10: 20: 67. :i2 Josephine, of Patrick & Ellen, r ('has. E. & Margaret, Ded., X. s., LI : 21 : 77. 50 llollis, of Luther & Fanny E., Ded., do., 2: 16: 51. 81 Lizzie Ella, of Win. B. & Sarah E., Cohasset, do., 4: 21 : 59. 87 Mary Ellen, of Chas. E. & Margaret M., Ded., X. S., 2:8: 70. 60 William, of Charles E. & Margaret M., Ded., X. S.. I : 18: 09. TO WEE. 127 Herbert A., of Horace E. & Susan (Dailey), Epsom X. II., Brookfield X. s., 2: 22: 67. 195 Eli/.. P. C, of Horace E. & Susan M., etc. ut sup. 11: 2."): 64. 76 B. at Barre) Peter X., of Patrick X .Mary, Ire., do., 4: 1: 64. TOWXE. 90 , s. of Hosea A. & Ann (Newell), Keene X. II., Dover, 9: 30: 63. 58 Charlotte A., of Jona. II. & Mary IE, Salem, Ded., 4: 18: 50. 4 Fanny O., of Jonathan & , , , 6: 6: 44. 126 Howard B., of Chas. A. & Maria A. (Boyce), Mass., Eng., 6: 3: 74. 40 PhineasE., of John II. & Mary, Salem, Ded., 2: 5: 57. TRACY. 117 Alice E., of Andrew & Theresa ( '. i Dervan), Ire., do., 10: 29: 86. 65 Andrew, of Andrew & Theresa, etc. ut sup. 12: 14: 71. 32 Andrew, of James & Mary, Ireland, do., 7: 19: 56. 129 Catherine, of Andrew & Theresa, < tc. ut sup. 12 : 21 : 77. 170 Eliz. Grace, of Andrew & Theresa, t tc. ut sup. 1 1 : 20: 75. 104 Francis, of Andrew & Theresa, < tc. ut sup. 9 : 1"> : 69. :>:) George, of George & Mary i Brooks), Canada, Rox., •">: 21 : 66. US James, of James & Mary, Ire., do., 8: 9: ">4. 106 Mary E., of Patrick & Cath. (Howe), Ire., Eng., 3: 15: 67. 40 Mary Josephine, of Andrew & Teresa, etc. ui siq). 11:2: 7:'.. 168 Patrick, of Patrick & Ellen (Connelly), Ere,, do., 2: 25: 7<>. 36 Patrick Henry, of Andrew & Teresa ('., etc. utsup. 3: 7: 82. 93 Robert Edw., Of Andrew & Teresa, etc. ut sup. 8: 19: 7'.'. TRAMPLE. 15 Albert, of Thos. E. & Helen A. Pierce), X. Y., do., 5: 2:65. 190 DEDHAM RECORDS. TREADWELL. 180 David R. II., of John H. & Nancy H.Williamstown, Waterbury Ct., 5: 20 : 74. TREANOR. 165 Albert, of Thos. & Eliza (Sabin), R. I., Wren., 10: 0: 64. TREFREY. Adelaide, of James & Mary, Marblehead, Canton, 1:1): 52. 105 Alonzo C, of Chas. B. & Laura A. (Woods), Ded., do., 12: 17: 82. 23 Emma F., of James & Mary, , , ( .i : 15 : 46. 85 Harry D., of Jas. & Maria E., (Downes), Ded., Marblehead, 6: 11 : 75. 140 Nellie F., of James & Mary, etc. ut sup. 12: 19: 63. 54 Wm. F., of Chas. & Laura A., etc. ut sup. 1:2: 73. TRIM. 34 Harriet E., of Arnold & Harriet, Willimantic Ct,, Winslow Me., 7: 27: 54. Tin pp. 07 Horace P., of Jas. & Nancy, Kennebec Me., Ded., 10: 5: 51. 38 James T., of James & Nancy, , , 5 : 14 : 44. TROTT. 09 (B. in Me.) Erne V., of Wm. & Josephine iDufer), N. II., do., 5: 23: 05. TROWBRIDGE. 28 Agnes, of Augustus S. & Ada (Chapman), Canada, Ct., 3 : 15: 79. TUBBS. 106 Daniel W., of Caleb & Emeline, Hanson, Walp., 2:3: 53. 82 Elvira, of Benj. II. & Aspasia, Hanson, Portsm. N. II., 3: 30: 50. 86 Frank, of Caleb & Emeline, etc. id sup. 3: 10: 51. 79 Julia, of Burrell & Susan B. (Henry), Vt„ do., l : 13 : 09. 44 Julia A., of Russell K. & Susan B. (Henry), Vt., do.. 1 : 13: 70. 76 Lovisa, of Benj. II. & Euphrasina, . , 2: 22: 40. TUCKER. 74 , s. of James J. & Mary E. (Burns), Halifax Vt., Whitingham, 12:27:63. 197 Chas. II., of Ralph W. & Emily L. (Wilson), Need., Ded., 3: 5: 68. 10 Elizabeth M., of George M. & Elizabeth M, , , 11 : 12: 44. 3 Frank W., of Ralph W. & Emily, etc. ut sup. 1: 14: 06. 98 Henry M., of Chas. W. & Emma (French), Stough., do., 9: 26: 83. 136 Isabel H., of Geo. II. & Ann F. (Whiting), Need., Ded., 8: 9: 66. 31 Mabel L., of Chas. \\ r . & Emma F., etc. ut sup. 3: 25: 90. 00 Marion F., of Geo. H. & Ann F., etc. ut sup. 1:11: 5:;. 24 Susan B., of Amasa T. & Christiana 15., Ct,, N. II., 0:1: 50. TULLY, TOLLY. 36 Annie, of Martin A: Mary (Lynch), Ire., do., 4: 22: 00. 127 Eliza I)., of Martin t V Mary, i tc. ut sup. 4: 0: 68. 140 Elvira A., of Michael & Elvira iKeenan), Ire., do., 7: 25: 00. 105 Emily, of Michael & Ellen (Dray), Ded., Ire., 9: 30: 85. 07 Fannie, of Michael J. & Ellen, etc. ut sup. 0: 8: 82. 112 Francis, of Martin & Mary, < /<■. ut sup. LI: 5: 65. 35 James, of Martin & Mary, < /<•. ut sup. 10: 31 : 72. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 191 171 James, of Michael & Mary (Welch), Ere. do., 0: 20: 64. L22 James, of Thos. S. & Katie E. (McGinty), Ded.. X. Y.. n: t:89. i John, of Martin & Mary, [re., do., 1:28:54. 164 John, of Michael A: Eliza (Neeman), Ire, do, .;: 10: 02. 193 Joseph, of Martin & Mary | Lynch), Ire, do., l: Hi: 71. 83 Martin, of Martin & Mary. Ire, do., 12:4: 52. 182 Martin, of Martin & Mary (Lynch), [re., do., 10:15:63. »;:, Martin F.. of Michael .1. & Ellen (Dray), Ded., Boston, 6: 25: 78. 100 Mary, of Thos. S. & Katie E., etc. ut sup. 9: 18: 86. 45 Mary Ann. of Martin & Mary, Ire., do., 4: 24 : 58. 15 Mary E., of Michael J. & Ellen (Dray), Ded., Ire., 2: 8: SO. IS:; Michael, of Martin & Mary, Ire, do., 4: 15: 55. 128 Thomas, of Martin & Mary, Ire., do., 8: 19: .".ii. 36 Timothy, of Martin & Mary (Lynch), Ire., do., 10: 31 : 72. 42 Wm. Dray, of Michael & Ellen, etc. ut sup. 4: 25: 83. TIPPER. 10S Ellen, of Wm. F. & Ellen (Carry). X. S.. do., 10: 9: SO. 90 Eva Guiler, of Win. F. & Ellen, etc. ut sup. S: 29: 85. 14 Leonard, of James L. & Laura (Smith), Me., Plymouth, i' : 6: S5. TURNER. 25 Amelie, L., of Francis & Amelia, Medway, Eng.,|10: 28: S3S. 44 Edmund, of Peter & Eliza (Wickfield), Va.. Eng., 11:7: 07. 171 Francis E., of Francis A: Amelia, etc. ut sup.1: 23: '>'>. TURPIX. 01 William, of Win. & Sarah, ■ -, ■, 8: — : 40. TUTTLE. 140 , d. of John A- Eliza, J. (Farrington), X. II., Canton, iii: :;i : 65. 07 Amanda M., of John A Melvina, X. Ii.. Orleans, 12:29: 55. 121 Clarissa A., of Julius H. & Jennie C. (Carroll), Littleton, Ded., 11: 10:87. 01 Edw. F., of David L, A Mary R. (Gilbert . X. II. , do., 5: 16: 75. 30 (B. at Boston) Eleanor, of Geo. S. A Mary (Stillman), Wallingford Ct., Weathersfield Ct., :•>: 25: 88. nil Harriet L., of Levi F. A Louisa M., X. II., Northampton, 2: L3: 19. 59 James A., of John & Malvina, Dover, Orleans, 11:24: 57. si Levi F., of Levi X Louisa, •, , •"> : 12: 15. v,-2 Mabel, of Levi F. & Hattie i Fuller), X. II., Webster, 6: 25: 77. 129 Mary L.. of Levi & Louisa M., X. i!., Northampton, 1 : 6: 56. TWOMBLY. 9 Charles W.. of James & Beulah II., , . 2:2: 17. TYLER. L13 Geo. W., of David A Helen, Warwick, Oldtown Me., i: 10:57. TYNAN. 65 Julia J., of John A Hannah Ryan , Ire. do., 6: 17: SO. UPTON. 33 Franklin W., of Simeon .V Caroline, , , 5: 6: 47. 192 D ED HAM RECORDS. VAX HORN. 7 Francis C, of Francis C. & Harriet J. (Simmons), Bncke Co. Pa., Boston,. 1 : 1G : 86. VAX WAGEXEX. 12 Willis, of Willis & Frances A. (Kneeland),'N. Y., W. Springfield, 2: IT: 74. VARNEY. 39 Aldera S., of Gideon G. & Harriet S., , , 5: G: 45. 51 George, of George & Mary J., , , G: 18: 47. 14 Gideon, of Gideon <;. & Mahala, , Chatham, !): 30: 48. VARNUM. 55 Frank, of Francis & Rebecca, X. H., Chatham, 2: 12: 49. VAUTRIXOT. 30 Ardell J., of Theodore A. & Mary (Drach), France, do., 3: 29: SI. 123 Frances, of Theodore A. & Mary, etc. ut sup. 11 : 19: 77. S9 Theodore^A., of Theodore A. & Mary, etc. ut sup. 8: 31 : 83. VELDY. 1 George, of Edw. & Mary (Nee), Scot., Ire., 1 : 2: 90. VEXXER. 123 Margaret E., of Walter & Eliz. II., Richmond Me., Lowell, 7: 13: 84. VEXSOX. 131 Jean, of Chas. & Mary J. (Thompson), Eng., Ire., 12: 2: 90. 147 Maggie V., of Chas.& Mary J., etc. ut sup. 7:2: 89. VOLK. 120 Adaline S., of Leo & Cecilia (Hasenfus), Boston, do., 11 : 29: 83. 70 (B. at Boston) Clarence A., of Leo & Celia, etc. ut sup. 7:5: 81. 148 Joseph W., of Leo & Celia, etc. ut sup. 12: 10: 79. 77 Win. Frederic, of Leo & Cecilia, etc.ut sup. 7: 14: 82. YOLLERT, YOLLARI). 55 , s. of Wm. & Eva (Bayer), Germ., do., 10: 31 : 70. 112 Amelia B., of Wm. E. & Susan (Grover), Germ., do., 10: 15: SO. 169 Edw. W., of Wm. E. & Eva (Bayer), Germ., do., 10: 26: 68. 91 Bonis, of Wm. & Eva, etc ut sup. 3: 15: 73. 53 Louisa E., of Wm. E. & Susan, etc.'iut sup. 4: 27: 85. 127 Theodore A., of Wm. E. & Susan (Gruber), Germ., do., 11 : 19: 86. VOSE. 89 Eleanor II., of Geo. II. & Eliza, Dorch., Ded., 9: 25: 53. 105 Mabel, of Geo. H. & Eliza, Boston, Ded., 9: — : 57. WALK. 13G , d. of Fred'k ('. L. & Caroline, Germ., Andover, 12: 9: 59. 87 William R., of Levi C. A: .Margaret (Rogers), Alleghany City Pa., Bath Me., 9: 6:81. WAGNER 1U2 Adolph, of John P. & Josephine, Germ., do., 4: 26: 59. 201 Annie, of John & Josephine (Conrad), France, Germ., 7: 15: 58. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 193 01 Frank ('., of John P. & Josephine, i tc. ut sup. 8: 12 : 65. 147 George, of John & Josephine, etc. ut sup. 7: 25: 07. 122 Josephine, of Peter J. A: Josephine, etc. ut sup. L0: IS: 70. WAKEFIELD. 40 Anna M., of Thomas F. A Frances A. (Lathrop), Londonderry \'t., Boston, 6: l.">: Tit. 57 Ethel A., of John F. A Laura A. (Seaward), Pa., Charlestown, 0:27: 77. 27 Frank Mortimer, of Thos. I.. & Frances A., etc. ut sup. 7: 19: 62. 1.". Harold EL, of Thos. R. & Amelia B. (Conant), Chelsea, Littleton, 2: 20: SI. 120 Jane M., of Thomas L. A -lane (Perry), Londonderry Vt., Xewfane \'t.. 3: 25: 53. so John I.., of Thomas L. A Frances A., etc. utsup. 7: ■) : 59. ISO Julius Ross, of Thos. L. & Frances A.., etc. ut sup. 4: 27: 66. WALCH, WALSH. >< II WAFFFOX. 128 Albert, of James G. & Hannah (Guiney), Harts Falls X. V.. ('anil... [2: [ 129 Alfred, of James G. & Hannah, etc. ut sup. 12:2:S8. 101 ( lornelius ( rarry, of Jas. (I. & Hannah J., < 9 : 23 : 82. 13 Ellen L., of James G. & Hannah J., i . 60 Frankie, of James & Hannah J., i 5: 13: 74. 10 .lames J., of .lames < I. . I: 14: 78. 183 Julia Maria, of James G. & Hannah, . 12: 16:75. 51 Mary Josephine, of James G. & Hann 41 William, of James G. «fc Hannah J., etc. ». 5: 11 : 84. WAFFS. 97 Alfred 1). S-, of Samuel & Ahbie Simmons), Roxbury Vt., Williamstown Vt., 9: :;: T'i. 119 \ason Hale, of Samuel M. & Abby S., etc. ». 10: 25: S2. WALKER. 120 Clifton I-:., of Edwin E. & Hattie (Howell), Me., Eng., 10: 15: 71. lsu Frances Eliz., of Chas. S. A Sarah F. Waters), Me.. Eng., 12: 21 : 75. 2- .lames I-:., of Edwin A Harriet, etc. ut sup. 3:6: 65. 7:; John I'., of John & Nettie IF Havev i, X. Y.. Quincy, 7:8: 77 Melvin F., of Nathan & Martha M., ,- . 11:29:44. W AFFIX'S. 102 Conrad, of Fred'k & Sophia, Germ., Boston, 1:24:59. WALLACE. 72 Clara A., of Wm. J. & Eleanor (Holmes), Boston, X. s., 12: 12:61. 109 Harriet F., of Wm. J. & Ellen, Boston, X. S., l : 16: 57. 153 Sarah I,., of Wm. J. A; Elenora, Boston, X. S., 10: 10: 58. 82 Wm. J., of Wm. J. & Elenor (Holmes), Boston, X. S., 5: 8: 60. W ALLEY. lis Alice E., of Joseph II. & Alice B. (Kinsley), Rox., Randolph, it: 6:90. 48 Annie, of Wm. F. & Annie M. (McGuinness), Fed., Dracut, «i : 3: 90. 42 Caroline, of James & Ellen, Canada, Ire., 6: is: 50. 194 D,EDHAM RECORDS. 2."> Charles A., of James & Julia (Brogan), Canada, Ire., 10: 1 : . 1 : 28: 61. 22 Edw. J., of Joseph II. & Alice 15., etc. ut sup. 3: 14: 8*7. 56 Edwin !>., of Edwin A. & Mary, Sterling, Boston, 2: 23: -1!>. 65 Elizabeth, of Howell H. & Mary A. (Kinsley, Rox., Ire., 7: 10: 76. 187 Emma E., of James & Julia, etc. ut sup. It: 15: 04. Ill Geo. Wm., of Wm. E. & Anna M., e£c. W sup. 9: 27: 88. 138 Gertrude C, of Joseph II. & Alice B., etc. ut sup. 12: 25: S5. 113 James H., of James & Ellen, Canada, Ire., 11: 3: 48. 102 Jane IT., of James & Julia, Canada, Ire., 4: 10: .">7. 3S Joseph II., of Edwin A. & Mary, < tc. ut sup. 2: 18: 51. si Joseph H., of Howell H. & Mary A., etc. ut sup. 6: 15: 7."). 7:". Joseph Henry, of Howell Matthew & Mary A., etc. ut sup. 6: 24: 82. 53 Lydia Jennison, of Edwin A. & Mary, , , 5: 16: 47. 10:; Mary Ellen, of Wm. E. A Annie, etc. ut sup. U : 30:84. 27 Mary Esther, of Howell M. & Mary A., etc. ut sup. 4: 6: 87. 42 Sarah Jane, of James & Ellen, Canada, Ire., 6: 18: 50. N7 Sarah Jane, of Wm. F. A Annie M., etc. ut sup. 8: 26: 8:'.. 121 Temple Smith, of Edwin A. & Mary, etc. ut sup. 5: (i: 59. 02 Thos. K., of Howell II. & Mary A., etc. ut sup. 9: 13: 77. 120 William E., of James & Ellen, Canada, Ire., 2: 28: 55. 34 Wm. Frederick, of Howell M. & Mary A., etc. ut sup. 3: 31 : S5. WALLS. 75 Wm. D. of Wm. II. & Mary X. (Morrissy), X. 8., Ded., 7: 22: 85. WALPER, 85 Mary E., of John ( '. & Margaret, , , 3 : 22 : 45. WALTER. 85 (B. at Box.), Edw. T., of Thomas & Eliza, Eng., Ire., 7:21: 48. 93 Henry Chas., of Henry A" Caty, Germ., do., 6: 11: .">ii. WALTON. 3 Florence E., of Jacob & Kate (McLaughlin), Andover, Boston, 1 : 4:90. 170 Frederic J., of Isaac J. & Anna E. I Walker), Andover, do., 12: 27: 74. 4S Horace C, of Horace M. A Lydia E. (Dench), Salem, Glouc, 4: 21 : 82. WARD. 19 Chas. W., of Frank H. R. A Jennie (Kenniston), Ded., jST. II., 3: 10: 70. Ml FdlaE., of Caleb B. A Abby (Mixer), Ashburnham, Boston, 12: 13: 40. 103 Emily Isabella, of Caleb 1!. & Abby, etc. ut sup. 12: 26: 45. 149 Frank Cheever, of Frank II. R. A Jennie, etc. ut sup. 1 : 10: 70. 04 Frank II. 11., of Caleb B. A Abby M., etc. ut sup. 12: 12: 53. 177 Frederic E., of Caleb B. & Abby, < tc. ut sup. 3: 5: 56. 3 (B. at Boston), Fred'k W\, of Chas. M. A: Mary T. (Lynch), Rindge X. II. Ire., 1:1 : 88. 24 (I), at Milton) Mary M.. of Frank II. & Jennie, etc. ut sup. 2: 17 : 78. 40 Mary Eva, of Caleb lb A Abby M., etc. utsup. 2: 4: 58. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 195 WARDLE. 117 Alice, of Robert L. & Man C. Simpson), X. Y., Boston, 10:20:75. 20 Geo. Herbert, of Robert L. & Mary ('., etc. ut sup. 2: 9: 70. L27 Mabel A., of Walter L. & Ma j B. MacGregor), Boston, N. X., 11: 10:87. LOS Roberl H., of Harrj L. & Orilla F. (Heath), Boston, Lowell, !): 18: 88. WARE. 206 Albert E., of Nathan F. & Clarissa (Morse), Walp., Dec!., 10:22:00. WARNER. L63 15. ai Rox. Clara M., of John & Susan D. (Davis), Germ., Eng., 5: 19: 01. 47 James II., of John S. & !'»., — -, , U : L9: n. WARNOCK 25 , d. of Samuel L. & Sarah J. (Lurton), Ire, Bos., S: 28: 03. 117 . s. of Samuel A: Sarah (Linton), Ire., Boston, 8: 17 : <;r>. WARREN. 1 Mary L., of Winslow & Mary L. (Tinkham), Plym., Calais Mr., l : 14: 73. 67 Winslow. of Winslow & Mary I.., etc. ut sup. 6: I : 78. WATERS. 124 Daniel, of .John & Maria, Ire., do., 4: 27: .">4. 155 John, of John & Maria, Ire., do., 8: 12: 55. 11:: Patrick J., of John & Mary (Dolan), Ire., do., 12: L7:60. 1!) Thomas J., of John & Maria, Ire., do., :;: 14: 57. 18 William, of .John & Maria (Donan), [re., do., 1 : 20: 62. WATSON. 98 Mabel W., of Edw. A. ,V Louise A. (Peakes), Rox., Bos., 0: 10: WATT. 1:::. Margaret J., of Robert & Maria. Scot., do., 9: is: 52. WEATHERBEE. 98 , d. of (has. A: Sarah (Lord), Ded., Walp., '.1: 2: 72. L69 Alice L, of Franklin A: Maria (Ellis), Ded., do., 10:13:67. 9 Charles, of Jabez & Sarah E., Ded.. Woodbury N. II., 4:4:50. 71 ('has. Edw., of ('has. & Sarah A., etc. ut sup. 7:9: 88. L25 Ella M., of Joel & Mary C. (Roades), Ded., Milton, 11 : 11:04. 50 Ellen L., of Jesse & Louisa, , , 2 : 16 : 47. 131 Ethel M., of ('has. & Sarah A., etc. ut sup. 11 : 18: 70. 38 Forest 11., of ('has. & Sarah A., < t<: ut siq). 4 : .">: 7('». 122 Frances L., of Francis W. & Louisa (Johnson), Ded., Boston, 11 : 23:77. 29 Frederic, of Jesse & Louisa. , ,2: 22: 45. ill Geo. E., of Chas. & Sarah A., etc. ut sup. 10:30: S3. 20 Geo. W., of Benj. & Eliz. A., Ded., Deerfield N. II. , 5: 13:52. 139 Jabez, of Benj. & Elizabeth, Ded.. Me., 5: 19:49. 86 John II., of John E. iV Harriet A. Eaton , I >ed., do., •">: 19: 65. 19 Julia, of Jesse & Louisa, Ded., do., 3: 19:50. 126 Julia W.. of ( has. A: Sarah A, - tc. ut sup. 11:3: 73. 223 Lewis F., of David F. & Maria S. Ellis), Ded.. do., 3: 3: 60. G4 Mary A., of Jabez & Sarah, , ,11: 18: 17. 196 DEDHAM RECORDS. 94 Sarah. E., of Benj. & Eliz., Dec!., Epsom N. H., 6: 15: 54. 30 Waldo 0., of Alfred F. & Ellen I. (Wheeler), Ded., Northbridge, 9:30: 69. WEATHEKS. 3 Emma Florence, of Isaac W. & Martha M. (Drayton), Cornwallis N". S., Ded., 3:26: 73. 157 Geo. A., of Isaac W. & Martha M., etc. ut sup. 7: 27: 68. 5 Jennie E., of Isaac W. & Martha M., etc. ut sup. 1: 16: 78. ."> Laura W., of Isaac W. & Martha M., etc. ut sup. 3:1: 62. 14 Louise, of Isaac AY. t \: Martha M., etc. ut sup. 10: 10: 63. WEAVER 85 (B. at Walpole) Amy G., of Frederic II. & Lillian A. Pond), Walpole, Ded., 8: 6: 82. WEBB. 24 C. Eastman, of Moses E. & Eebecca G., Harrington Me., Ded., 8: 10: 52. 126 Edna J., of John & Betsy J., Ded., Charlemont, 8: 22: 55. 127 Edward A., of John & Betsy Jane, etc. ut sup. 8: 22: 55. 40 Ellen F., of Moses & Amanda M., Ded., Columbia S. C, 3: 28: 56. WEBER, WEBBER. li'.» Arnold R., <>f Rudolph & Bertha S. (Weber), Switz., Ded., 11:3: 86. 81 Caddie L., of Orin D. & Susie W. (Southwick), Beverly, Danvers, 7: 5: 78. '.it Charles, of Anthony & Johanna (Segart), Germ., do., 4: 13: 65. 117 Edgar, of Emerson B. & Christa McLeod), Ware X. II., P. E. I., 3: 14:84. 5 Emma, of Anthony & Johanna, L., Germ., do., 2: !•">: 59. 1 Eva I!., of Emerson B. & Christie E., etc. ut sup 4: 28: 81. 72 Henry, of Jacob & Barbara (Neff), Switz., do., 7 : 24 : 72. 83 Laura, of Emerson B. 1 Tina, of Frederick & Ennastina I Lindig), Germ., do., 6: 10: S3. WEBERMAX. 96 Josephine V., of John & . Germ., do., 2:1: 50. WEBSTER. 73 Benj. M , of John E. & Phoebe A., Buffalo, Rockport, 7: 5: 58. 153 Fisher G., of Chas. H. & Mary C, Rowley, X. H., 4: 26:49. 88 Geo. Win., of Win. cV Mary (Osborn), X. S., Scot., «.) : 4 : 72. 104 John II.. of John E. & Pheba Luce . X V.. Me., 6: is: 62. 186 Katie, of Wm. & Mary, etc. ut sup. 12: 6: 75. L99 Mary Jane, of Wm. & Mary, < tc ut sup. 0: 7: 70. 77 Sarah, of Wm. G. A Mary, 7 5 Frederick Clark, of Luther ('. iV Martha, etc. utsup. 12: 21 : 63. 66 Henrietta, of Luther & Martha, etc. ut sup. I: 20: 54. 50 Leverett N"., of Luther C. «& Martha, etc. ut sup. 10:20:58. 57 Martha E., of Luther C. & .Martha, etc. ut sup. 4:9: 19. no Martha E., of Luther & Martha, etc. ut sup., 1: 11:52. 30 Nathan II., of Henry W. & Frances E., etc. ut sujk 9: 12: 72. •11 Win. II., df L. C. & Martha, t tc. ut sup. 6: 19: 44. WEILAND. 139 Augustus, of "Warner & Florenture (Beaver), Germ., do., I: IS: 63. [93 Warner, of Warner & Florentina, etc. ut sup. 8: 10: 60. WEILER. 44 Lawrence S., of John S. & Hannah J. (Mulherrin), Albion Me., Houlton Me., 6:7: 87. WLII'EKMAX. 22 Louis, of C has. & Walburiga, Germ., do., 6: 19: 51. WEISS. 5 Florence A., of Chas. II. & Florence A. (Slade), Boston, do., 2: 5: 71. 16 Gertrude, oi' Chas. II. & Florence A., < tc. ut sup. 4: 8: 72. WEITZEL. 94 Caroline, of Joseph & Theresa (Hittle), France, Ded., 9: 9: 76. 190 Simon, of Simon & Mary (Foley), Germ., Ire., 1 1 : 20: 63. 110 Therese, of Joseph W. & Theresa A. (Harter), Germ., do., 2: 7: 74. WELCH, WALCH, WALSH. 67 Alice E., of Jas. & Nellie E. (Hurley), Franklin, Ded., 8: 5: 84. 20 Annie, of Patrick & Bridget (McLaughlin), Ire., do., 2: 20: 00. 102 Bridget, of Stephen A: Catharine, Ire., do., 9: 25: 54. 52 Catharine, of Patrick C. & Anna G. (Dyer), Marlboro, Boston, 6: 13:90. 85 Catharine, of Stephen & Cath., Ire., do., t:4: 53. 113 Charles F., of Thus. & Ellen (McCarty), Ire., do., 3: 29: 62. 86 Edw. Henry, of .Michael & Alice 1 1 >arcj <. I re., do., S : 31 : 04. 117 Edward M.. of ('has. A. & Ellen (Tardej i, X. B., do., 10: 15: 72. 128 Elizabeth, of Patrick & Bridget, etc. ut sup. 10: 6: 63. 81 Ellen, of Stephen & Catharine, Ire., do., 7: 25: 51. 21 Ellen I.., of Thomas F. & Margaret i Dunn , W. Rox., Canton, 3: 7: S9. 11 Fanny I... of Wm. B. & Fanny L. Miles. X. B., Boston, 1:2: 79. 15 Francis, of Patrick ('. & Anna G., etc. ut siq). 2: 23: [24 Grace, of .lames II. & Nelly, < tc. ut sup. 11 : 21 : 7'-' Hannah L., of Stephen iV Hannah (Grimes), Ire., do., 12: 23: 71. 164 Honora, of Thos. & Ellen, etc. utsup. 11:13:63. 146 Honora, of Thos. «& Ellen, etc. ut sup. l:S:64. 133 James S., of John J. & Mary E. (Doyle), Boston, Ded., 12: 6: 82. 107 Johanna, of Stephen & Catharine, Ire., do., 3: S: 57. 52 John, of Patrick & Mary McDermotl . Ire., do., 10: I : 66. 32 John E., of Michael & Alice (Dorsej . Ire., do., 1:22:63. 142 Joseph, of Stephen & Hannah, etc. utsup. 2:5:68. 16 Katharine A., of Thos. F. & Marj A. (Welch), W. Rox., Ire., 2: I 198 DEDHAM RECORDS. 20 Maggie A., of Thos. F. & Mary A., etc. ut sup. 2: 22: 85. 45 Mary Agnes, of Thos. F. & Mary, < tc. ut sup. 5: 16: S3. 59 Mary H., of James H. & Ellen E., etc. ut sup. 5: 20: 80. 121 Nellie C, of Wm. B. & Fannie, < tc. ut sup. 11: 30: 70. 24 Rosella A., of Frederick & Maggie E., N. Y., X. B., 3: 24: 87. 101 Sarah K.. of Wm. C. & Fanny (Tremlett), Ire., X. S., 1 : 28: 73. 105 Sarah L., of Wm. B. & Fanny L., etc. ut sup. : 28 : 73. 34 Stephen, of Stephen & Hannah (Guild), Ire., do., 11 : 25: <;4. 31 Stephen, of Stephen & Hannah (Grimes), Ire., do., 2: 10: 66. 17 Thomas, of Timothy & Mary L., Ire., do., 4: 25: 50. WELD. 13 Alfred 11., of Stephen & Eloise (Rodman), Rox., Milton, 9: 3: 70. 23 Edward M., of Stephen M. ct Eloise, etc. ut sup. 0: 4: 72. 2 (B. at Boston) Eloise R., of Stephen M. & Eloise, etc. ut sup. 1 : 24 : 79. 81 IdaF., of Jos. M. & Eunice A. (Bradlee), Ded., Milton, 3: 12: 73. 22 John Lothrop, of Stephen M. & Eloise, etc. ut sup. 7: 22: 74. 38 Lina S., of Jos. R. & Maria L. R. (Davis), Rox., do., 2: 12: 00. 3 Phillips B., of Stephen M. & Eloise, t tc ut sup. 1:4: 87. S3 - 15. at Canton) Rudolf, of Stephen M. & Eloise, etc. ut sup. 8: 22: S3. 12 Stephen M., of Stephen & Eloise, etc. ut sup. 9: 3: 70. \\ ELDER. 130 Alice L., of Wm. C. & Alice E. (Smith), Boston, Ded., 11 : 27 : 85. in Florence H., of Wm. C. & Alice E., etc. ut sup. :>: 9: 89. 82 Ida Adelaide, of Win. ('. A: Alice E., etc. ut sup. 8: 10: S3. WELLS. 63 Margaret, of Timothy & Mary L., Ire., do., 7: 23: 52. 87 Reginald S., of Joseph A. & Carrie E. (Davis), Boston, Pa., 9: 25: 7*i. WENNER. 88 Augustus, of Francis & Catharine (Heir), Germ., do., 0: 10: 65. 53 Mary, of John & Susan (Davis), Germ., Eng., 10: 12: 64. WENTWORTH. 86 AlonzoB., of Alonzo 15. & Isabel S. (Goodwin), Somersworth X.H., Sanford Me., S:25:S7. 83 Clinton, of Alonzo B. & Isabel S., * tc. ut sup. 7: 19: 7:'.. 22 Frances Atkinson, of Alonzo 15. & Isabel S., etc. ut sup. 2: 17: SO. 13 Jere Newton, of Alonzo B. & Isabel S., etc. ut sup. 3 : 10: 72. 24 Katherine, of Alonzo B. & Isabel S., etc. ut sup. 2:21: 79. 74 Laura Fowler, of Alonzo B. & Isabel S., etc. ut sup. 7: 21 : S5. 25 Susan Isabel, of Alonzo Bond & Isabel S., etc. ut sup. 2 : 20 : S2. WESCHROB. 35 Nellie, of Amiel & Mary (Welch), Germ., Charlestown. 4: 0: 88. WESTON. 82 Mary R., of Dury & Georg'a (Smith), Middleboro, Machias Me., 1 : 8: 6S. 58 Olive M., of of Dana F. & Georg'a, Middleboro, Me., 5: 15: 09. AH SIR ACT OF BIRTHS. 190 WETMORE. 30 Eunice M., of Jaines II. & Eliz. A. (Cunningham . X. IS., Boston, ■;: in: 84. I:; Marion L., of Howard F. & Lucy H. (Stanton), Boston, Camb., 4: 25: S6. WHALEN. mi (B. at Springfield) Patrick, of Thos. & Marg'l Fogerty . X.V., [re., :;: 9: 03. WHEELER. 43 Charles C. of Andrew II. & Sarah (Welch), X. 1 5.. do., I: 22: SO. 90 Emily*;., of Andrew A.. & Sarah, etc. ut sup. 8: 27: 77. 90 Harry LeB., of John E. &. Violet G. (LeBrantz), Ded., Eng., S: 15: 80. 106 Win. Addington, of Andrew A. & Sarah, < tc. ut sup. 7: 2: 7-\. WHEELOCK. 87 Charles T.. of Elijah & .Mary ('., , , 2: 9: 17. 195 George i'.. of Augustus & Margaret, Germ., do.. 6: 12: 59. 172 Maria J... of Elijah A: Mary, Hopkinton, Ded., ll : 7: 18. 29 Mary E., of Elijah & Mary, - tc. ut sup. i : 23: 51. 70 Susie D., of Elijah & Mary (Colburn), Westboro, Ded., L0:5: 01. WIIIFFLEi;, AVIII PFLER. 167 Amy. of Mathias & Mary, Germ., do., 10: 31 : 5S. 3 John, of Matthias & "Mary, Germ., do., 10: 16: 56. 135 Whilmenia, of Maurice & Mary, Germ., do,, 10: 31 : 54. WHIPPLEMAN. 84 Victor, of ('has. A Stent, , , 12:28:44. WHITE. 200 , s. of Wm. & Marj Smith), X. Y., Ded., 1:11:71. 161 AbbyA., of -lames P. & Lorina E., Canton, Ded., 11: 7: IS. 110 Arthur, of John & Ruth Garrett), Eng., do., 10: 31 : 77. 05 Belle II.. of Walter E. & Nancy P. (Bell), Ded.. Colerain, i : 22: 70. 27 Benj. F., of Benj. F. A: Cath. M. E. (Copeland), Framingham, Row, 2: 19:S2. 99 Chas. Everett, of John II. & Ruth, < tc. ut sup. 9: 27: S3. 111 Chas. L., of John H. & Emeline (Poole), Boston, West ford, 11:4:55. 50 Charlotte P., of John II. & Emmeline, etc. ut sup. 2:2: 61. 80 Clarissa, of Asa & Deodama, , , 1: 21: 47. 114 Edith A, of John W. & Annie E. (Caswell), Ded.. Bos., 11: 5: 76. 99 Eliz. M., of Benj. F. & Katherine M.. etc. ut sup. 11: Ll: 84. 21 II. at Canton) Emiline, of Asel & Mary, Sharon, Ire.. 1:1: 60. 103 Frances L., of James & Nelly (Harrington), Boston, X. S., 9: 20: S7. 51 Frank E., of Nelson II. & Ellen M., Putney Vf.. Sharon, 1 : 6: 55. 174 Frank, of Frank & Caroline (White), Canada, do., 3: 25: 70. 133 Fred. Lewis, of .John II. & Ruth, < tc. ut sup. 9: 23: 74. 142 George, of Robert & Man Lowe} i, [re., do., 4: 29: 61. 95 Grace E., of John Warren & Annie E., < tc. ut sup. 9: L9: 81. 31 Grace L., of John A. & Mary M. (Baker), Vt., Ded., 3: I: 76. 94 Harold W., of John Warren & Annie !•:.. etc. ut sup. 8: 27: 89. 107 Hattie E., of Wm. T. \ Ella (Holly), Boston, X. Y., 10:26:77. 104 Henry W., of John Warren & Annie E., etc. ut sup. 9: 24: 86. 115 Henry Willard, of John W. & Annie E., etc. ut sup. 10: 21 : S7. 200 DEDHAM RECORDS. 6 Herbert E., of Walter & Nancy P., < tc. ut sup. ;l: 21: 64. 10S Ida L., of I. Wallace & Ida C. (Barnes), Ded., W. Box., 9:4: 79. 76 James, of James & Marie, Ireland, do., 11: 20: 49. 4 James, of Kobert & Sarah, Ireland, do., 10: 11 : 56. 109 Lillian B., of J. Warren & Annie E., etc. ut sup. 9: 28: 79. 132 Lily B., of John H. & Ruth, etc. ut sup. 8: 12: 72. 15S Lucius B., of Nelson B. & Ellen M., Vt., Sharon, 6 : 11 : 59. 13 Mabel Ethel, of John W. & Annie E., etc. ut sup. 1 : 22: 83. 53 Mafayette J., of Reuben & Frances, Wareham, Rockland Me., 9:3: 54. 117 Mary E., of Robert & Sarah, Ireland, do., 7:5: 54. 44 Mary R., of Alex'r & Philamenan (La Fountain), Canada, do., 11 : 1G: 74. 57 Mary W., of Walter E. & Nancy P., etc. ut sup. 5: 11 : 72. 102 Robert Lowey, of Robert & Sarah, Ire., do., 12: 15: 4S. ■jo Sarah E., of John C. & May N. (Smith), N. Y., Shrewsbury Vt., 3: 1: 89. 39 Sarah Jane, of Robert & Sarah, Ire., do., G: 26: 50. 145 Sumner E., of Moses & Matilda (Murray), Richmond Va., Winchester Va., 3: 31: 74. 49 Susan, of Robert & Sarah (Lowey), Ireland, do., 11:2: 63. 151 Virgil N., of Nelson B. & Ellen, Vt., Sharon, 9: 10: 56. 29 Wallace Alden, of Isaac W. & Ida C, etc. ut sup. 3: 27: 85. 107 Walter A., of John Warren & Annie E., etc. ut sup. 10 : 5 : SO. 3 Walter P.. <»f Walter E. & Delia A. (Bell), Ded., Colran, 8: 25: 62. 92 Warren W., of John W. & Annie E., etc. ut sup. 8: 27: 78. 49 Wilfred Earl, of John Warren & Annie E., etc. ut sup. G: 8: 84. 93 Wilfred Earl, of John Warren & Annie E., etc. ut sup. 9: 1 : 85. 32 William J., of James & Maria, , , 4: 1 : 48. WHITEHEAD. 15 Wm. IL, of Joseph & Christina, , , 5 : 19 : 40. WHITING. 19:1 Annie R., of George E. & Isabel (Hoadly), Ded., Woodstock Vt., 2: 28: G4. 17:: Cora J,., of Moses & Ann J. (Beal), Ded., Milton, 1 : 20: 65. 22 Edwin, of George E. & Isabella It., < tc. ut sup. 2: 11 : 75. Eliza E., of Horace A: Eliza (Wilson), Led., Salem, 12: 1 : G4. 33 Ellen W., of Otis B. & Lavina, Wren., do., 9: 3: 52. 27 Emma J., of Moses & Ann J. (Beal), Ded., Milton, 1:7:63. L96 Geo. Henry, of George P. & Isabella II., etc. ut sup. l : 17: (is. 1M Harriet E., of Otis 15. A: Lavina, Wrentham. do.. 7: 13: 40. 108 Henry Otis, of Otis B. & Lavina, Wren., do.. 9: 16: 53. 32 James C, of .Moses A Ann .!.. ' tc. ut sup. 12: 6: :>7. 161 .Martini Ella, of Moses & Ann Jane, < tc. ut sup. !2: 22 : 55. L93 Sarah Frances, of Geo. E. A- [sabella ii.. < tc. ut sup. •".: 21 : 112. :.i Sarah .1., of Wm. A Margaret M., , , 11 : 18:47. 1:; Walter B. S., of Jas. ('. A Emily (Fuller), Ded., Groton, 2: 17:89. 00 Walter IL, of .Moses & Ann .1., etc. ut sup. 7: 24: 61. :;i Wm. Bradford, of Moses A Ann J., etc. ut sap. 7: 20: 50. 23 Wm. P., of Wm. & Margaret, Ded., Pelham N. II., 10: 11 : 5:;. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 201 WHITNEY. 60 Eben F., of Ebenezer & Sarah F., Natick, Danvers, I : 15: 52. 7 Emily Ann, of Ebenezer & Sarah T., , - — ■, 1: 12:46. 40 George B., of 1. A. & C. A., , , 9: 9: 44. 55 Harvey H., of Eben'r A: Sarah F., etc. ut sup. 2: IS: 54. 1 Josiah 15.. of Frederick II. & Abigail B., •, , 7: 15: 46. ■s.\ Samuel S., of Ebenezer & Sarah F,, -, , 1: IS: IS. 117 Sarah W., of Samuel S. & Sarah W., JSTatick, Littleton, 5: 10:54. i Stillman S., of Samuel S. & Sarah W., < tc. ut sup. S: 4: 49. WIBLIEW. 74 , (1. of Augustus & Mary (Schenk), Germ., do., •_': 5: 65. WKiGIN. 51 , s. of Thomas, Jr. & Charlotte, Harmony Me., Ded., 12: 12: 54. 106 , s. of Thomas & Charlotte, Ded., do., 7: .'JO: 57. 45 Betsey A, of Thos. & Charlotte S. (Sumner), Me., Bed., 8: 10: 64. 17;) Chas. H., of Thomas & Eliza, N. H, Wash. D. C, 5: 19: 40. 67 Emma E., of Andrew & Catharine, Wash. D. C, Ded., 10: 12: 52. 7S Herbert A., of Andrew »fc Catharine, Wash. D. C,, Ded., :;: 6: 57. 10 Eussel B., of Thos. & Charlotte (Sumner), Me., Ded., 6: 1 : 62. WIGHT. 116 Abby L., of John K. & Martha R. (Colburn), Medway, Ded., 11 : 20: 64. 14 Edith A., of Fred H. & Charlotte P. (White), Ded., do., 1 : 31: 82. 107 Fred'k II., of Geo. F. & Adeline, Ded., Framingham, 1:5: 59. 1S1 (B. in Ct.) Wm. C, of (has. S. & Sophia D. (Churchill), Ded., Vt., 9: 3: 63. WILBUR. 137 Albert A., of Augustus W. & Lucy M. (Gay), 'rami., Boston, 6: 22: 71. 51 .Mice L., of Augustus & Lucy M., < tc. ut sup. 5: 8: 81. 47 Francis H, of Augustus & Lucie M., < tc. ut sup. 5: 6: 86. WILBROCK 157 Valentine, of Frank & Mai'garel (Keyser), Germ., do., 1 : 13: 71. WILDER. 70 Ernest, of Emil & Merina, Germ., do., 12: 22: 50. 1 Julia Whitney, of Silas W. & Caroline! E., •, — , 6: S: 11. 150 Minna S.. of Emil & , Prussia, do., 4: 2S: 52. WILEY. 40 Duncan J., of Geo. & Janette (Johnston . Andover, Scot., G : 22 : 65. WILIIOC, WILHOW, WILLROCK, WELIIOCK 77 , d, of Talden & Margaret (Khen . Germ., do., :2: S: 60. y.\:> Frank, of Francis & Margaret (Kieser), *;<•••!::.. du., ;. 13:70. 19 Katie, of Frank & Margaret, Germ., do., S: 23: 6S. 1 17 Martha, of Falden A: Marg't (Arkeija , Germ., do., 11: 24: 65. WILK :;."» Louisa E., of \\u\. & Johanna. Germ., do., 11: t:59. 202 D ED HAM RECORDS. WILLCUTT. 5 Elbridge G., of Lyman D. & Merriel L. (Pratt), Cohasset, do., 1 : 17: 81. 103 Joseph Nichols, of Lyman & Merriel, etc. ut sup. 7: 15: 75. 74 Mary M. G., of Lyman D. & Merriel L., etc. "I sup. 8: 30: 84. WILLIAMS. 98 (B. at Boston) Arthur W., of Thos. & Hattie (Lindig), Eng., Germ., 0: S: 90. 45 Bertha, of Geo. C. & Lncy O. (Draper), Me., Ded., 3: 27: 78. 129 Cara M., of Chas. G. & Lemira J. (Perry), Ashland, Boston, 3: 20: 60. 15 Ellen M. P., of Rob. B. & Mary E. (Pierce), Newburyport, Bos., 7 : 4 : 71. 94 George E., of Geo. W. & Henrietta R., Germ., Qnincy, 7: 10: 52. 07 Henrietta Louise, of Geo. W. & Henrietta R., etc. ut sup. 3: 23: 50. 176 Henry Liversidge, of Geo. W. & Henrietta, etc. ut sup. 9: 17: 55. 41 Herbert, of Fred'c & Sarah (Garrett), Eng., do., 3: 20: 78. 55 Ida May, of Geo. C. & Lucy A. (Draper), Me., Ded., 5: 15: 81. 25 Joel C.,"of Benj. P. & Anna E. (Lincoln), Box., Xatick, 2: 11 : 82. SO Katharine D., of Wm. C. & Mary L. (Blanchard), Boston, do., 8: 17: 90. 14 Marietta P., of Robert B. & Mary E., etc. ut sup. 7: 4: 71. WILLIAMSON, WILMARSON. 17 Arthur L., of Martin A. & Kate E. (Monroe), Eng., Pa., 2 : 15: 76. 2 Erastus Edw., of Edw. E. & Mary E., Dec!., , 12 : 7 : 83. 115 Jessie O., of Wm. & Mary A. (Warden), Glasgow, Greenwich, 10: 25: 70. 135 Jesse, of Wm. & Marion (Wardell), Scot., do., 2: 17: 61). WILSON. 13 , d. of Wm. H. & Beulah, , , 8: 31 : 45. 152 Abby W., of Jos. T. & Eliza, Dover, Wey., 8: 30: 5S. 71 Bertrand S., of Henry J. & Ellen E. (Pingree), 1ST. S., Tewksbury, 10: 6: 63. 140 Emma, of Richard & Grace (Germyn), Roch. X. Y., Ire., 2:7: 89. 11 Eanny M., of Richard & Grace, etc. ut sup. 1 : 21 : 86. 139 Frank, of Andrew J. & Mary (Royal), Me., do., 12: 25: 00. 94 Genevieve, of Willard E. & Clara E. (Miller), Me., do., 9 : 7 : 87. 104 Geo. Edw., of Reuben S. & Lucia N. (Mann), Ded., , 12: 22: 44. 59 Geo. S., of Geo. E. & Janette D. (Higby), Ded., N. Bay X. Y, 7: 9::S7. 93 Grace A. T., of John & Mary EI., Wiscasset Me., Camb., 2 : 13: 52. 04 Lizzie, of Richard & Grace, etc. ut sup. 6 : 4 : 82. 13S Nellie F., of Andrew J. & Mary D., etc. ut sup. 8 : 31 : 61. 125 Willard, of Richard & Grace, etc. ut sup. 7:4: 84. 4 Wm. Herman, of Reuben S. & Lucia N., etc. ut sup. 12 : 1 1: 45. WILTZ. 173 Leonora, of John & Leonora (Mergan), Germ., do., 5: 12: 63. WINCHENBACH. 117 Sadie E., of Daniel & Sarah L. (Burns), Friendship Me., Waldoboro Me.-, 11 : 16 : 83. WING. 149 Faustina, of Josiah D. & Clara, Me., do., 2:7: 59. 175 Frederic D., of Josiah D. & Clara, Me., do., 3 : 29 : 56. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 203 16 Frederic E., of Win. i!. A: Georgie A. (Brown), Nantucket, Kennebunk Me., 2:4: 84. 10 Mary A., of Josiali & (Mara I).. Brewer Me., Harrington Me., I: 10: 55. YVINSHMAX. 8 Allien A.., of Chas. II. \ WelhelminaA. Stein), Germ., do., 1:15:00. 108 Carl, of Chas. & Augusta Stein , < rerm., do., 9: 20 : ?2. 109 Carl Henry, of ('has. W. & Augusta, etc. ut sup. 9: 20: 74. 32 Ellen Christina, of ('has. & Augusta, > tc. ut sup. 3: 24 : S4. \VI\SLOW. 76 . s. of Alfred X. & Fanny M., Ded., Prov. R. [., 10: : 54. 176 Albert, of John M. & Martha (Hartshorn), Ded., Walpole, 12:30:69. 23 Anna Smith, of Elisha & Olive S., Ded., do., 9: 16:51. 74 Caroline M., of Elisha F. & Olive F., , , 3:29: IS. 57 Clara IL, of Francis O. & Martha T. Etobie), Ded., Plym. X. II., 9: 5: OS. 167 Edwin L., of Ceo. S. & Sarah A. (Brewer), Ded., Me., 3: 27: 63. ISO Eugene Elisha, of Elisha & Olive, Ded., do., 5: 12: 5S. 45 Eunice A., of Elisha & Olive S., Ded., do., 10: 17: 55. 167 Fanny A., of Ceo. S. & Sarah A., < tc. ut sup. 3: 22: 67. 1S4 George E., of Alfred X. & Fanny M., Ded., Prov., 12: 19:5S. 190 Harriet Brewer, of Geo. S. & Sarah A., < tc. ut sup. 1:3: 59. 180 Henry I\, of Elisha. & Olive i Fisher) Ded., do., 4: 2:,62. 141 JohnS., of Elisha F. & Olive (Fisher) Ded., do., 7:12: 64. 90 Louis, of Martin & Martha (Hutchins) Ded., Walp., 1 : 19: 65. 177 Peter, of Peter V. & Jane (Haven) X. II.. Lenox, g: 10: 70. 188 Sam M., of Elisha & Olive S. (Fisher), Ded., do., 7: 16:00. 140 Susie F., of Elisha & Olive (Smith), Ded., do., 9: 26: 65. 168 Walter S.. of Alfred X. & Frances, Ded., Prov., 4: 23: 56. AVIl'l'KlLXA. 152 Charles, of Chas. & Wilporga 1 1 >orseimer), Germ., do., l': 12: 60. WlsK. 125 Caroline, of "Win. & Johanna Blahair), Germ., do., 11: 11:61. WTSWELL, AVIS WALL. 23 Edw. L., of Lowell M. & Mary E. (Tisdale) Medway, Dover, 2: — : 75. 184 Martha E., of Jos. & Eli/.., Dorch., Littleton X. II., 10: 22 : 55. 04 Percie W., of Lowell M. & Mary E., etc. ut sup. 6: 26: 7< - ». WITHINGTOX. li Agnes G., of Otis W. & Ann I. White, Ded.. Argyle, X. V.. 3: 25: 71. 48 Albert M., of "Warren & Watey i 5Toung), Canton, Chatham, 12: 29: 57. 54 Alon/.o, of Otis W. & Annie I., < tc. ut sup. 1 : 23: 78. 40 Chas. Albert, of Otis W. & Annie I., etc. ut sup. 1 : 23: 81. 4S Edgar F., of Xath'l & .Mary L., Bridgewater, Dorch., 5: 6: 55. 128 Ceo. Warren, of Otis W. & Anna I., etc. ut siq). 6: 23: 72. 113 Harold E., of Waldo P. A Ada E. (Sullivan), Ded.. Rich. Vt., 10:1: 88. Ill John Walter, of Otis W. & Annie I., - tc. ut sup. 9: 23: 79.! 79 Medora I., Of Warren A: Watey, < tc. ut sup. II : 20: 53. 204 D ED HAM RECORDS. 21 Otis W., of Warren & Watey, etc. ut sup. 12 : 17: 48. 39 Koy C, of Waldo P. & Ada E., etc. ut s»i>. 4 : 7: 80. 43 Waldo P., of Warren & Watey II., etc. ut sup. 2: 10: 61. WITZKE. 27 Alfred, of Amand & Matilda (Beaver), Germ., do., 6: 19: 61. 96 Augustus, of Amand & Matilda A., etc. ut sup. 12: 3: 59. 20 Louisa Matilda, of Amand & Matilda, etc. tit sup. 3 : IS : 60. WOKECK. 175 Geo. II., of Fred'k & Louisa II. (Dultz), Germ., do., 6:8: 63. WOLCOTT. 11 John W., of Chas. W. & Harriet T. (Comins), Rox., Nashua, X. H., 1: 20: 82. 135 Paul, of Chas. W. & Harriet T., etc. ut sup. 12: 14 : 85. WOOD, WOODS. 25 , d. of Watson & Adelaide M. (Getchell), Salem, Ports. N. H., 2: 11: 79. 116 Bertha L, of John II. & Bertha E. (Lord), X. Y., Canton, 10: 19: 89. 45 Carrie E., of Alden B. & Caroline (Beckford), Fitch., Gard., 6:9: 70. 125 Chas. A., of Chas. & Sarah J., Ashburnham, Paris Me., 5: 2S: 52. 169 Ellen A., of Jas. M. & Mary A., Rehoboth, Walp., 4: 30: 65. 201 Francis W., of Chas. S. & Mary A. (Coburn), Ded., do., 1:2: 57. 104 (B. at Gard., Me.) Fred A., of Alden P. & Caroline A., etc. ut sup. 1 : 26: 68. 165 Frederic A., of Amos L. & Mary A., Boston, do., 11 : 28: 55. 20 (B. at Walpole) Fred'k A., of Jas.M. & Mary A., etc. ut sup. 2: 2: 54. 162 Fred'k C, of Charles Sumner & Mary Ann, etc. ut sup. 4: 9: 66. 13 George A., of Belcher S. & Hannah, , , 11 : 22 : 47. 39 George E., of Oliver P. & Buelah, Canton Me., Ded., 7: 19: 53. 63 George H, of Oliver P. and Buelah W., Me., Ded., 5: 15: 55. 56 Harold C, of John H. & Bertha E., etc. ut sup. 0: 10: 88. 62 Henry W., of Wm. G. & Mary, , , 11 : 14: 44; 89 James M., of Wm. G. & Mary A., Eng., N. B., 7: 30 : 49. 117 Laura A., of Chas. S. & Mary A., etc. ut sup. 2: 18: 55. 177 Mary Ann, of Joseph & Hannah, Me., 1ST. II., 8: 10: 58. 33 Mary Ann, of Wm. & Mary A., ,! , 4: 10: 17. 203 Mary E., of James M. & Mary A., < tc. ut sup. 6: 23: 59. i:;i RuthE., of Rob. W. & Anna (Hamilton), Yarmouth X. B., do., 8:1: 73. 192 Sadie E., of Alden B. & Caroline E., etc. ut sup. 12: 14: 75. 170 Susan, of Frank & Ellen, Ded., do., 4: 10: 58. 179 Wilfred G., of Wm. & Sarah (Sands), Eng., X\ S., 8: 2: 70. WOODBURY. 61 Ada C, of Wm. II. & Eliz. B., I Bicknell), Boston, do., 6: 30: 77. 152 Mary Morton, of Jesse P. & Mary M. (Morton), X. II.. Quincy, 12: 16: G8. WOODHOTJSE. 94 Charles, of Henry & Escuteriana, Germ., do., 8:4: 55. WOODMAN. 91 Ellen P., of Jacob S. & Lucj A.. (Stearns . Dracut, Paris Me., 3:18:0:]. 66 (B. at Boston) Willie S., of Jacob S. & Lucy A., t tc. ut sup. 7: 11: 00. ABSTRACT OF BIRTHS. 205 WllOliWAlID. 18 Ludo L., of Edgar W. & Josephine (Pond), Eng., Stafford Ct., 2: 1:75. WORTH. 95 Maria, of Debold & Ursula Leslie), Germ., do., 9: L9:G9. WORTHINGTON. ."> Albert, of Albert & Caroline (Leonard), Ded., Canton, 3:25:53. 26 Alvan 1-'.. of Erastus & Eli/. F. (Briggs), Ded., Boston, 11 : 29: GT. 10 Arthur M., of Erastus & Eli/. E.. ( tc. ut sup. 3: 30: 70. 25 ( aniline .Morton, of Erastus & Eliz. E.. etc. ut sup. 11:1: G2. L5 Ellis, of Albert & Caroline, etc. ut sup. 12: 7: 55. 13 Erastus, of Erastus & Eli/. E.. etc. ut sup. L2: 12: 63. 43 IB. at Franklin) George, of Albert & Caroline, etc. ut sup. 2: 27: 5E 26 John Winthrop, of Erastus & Eliz. F., < tc. ut sup. 11 : 2S: 72. 93 Lydia M., of Albert & Caroline,