TX 715 .M%5 l\xe &i T er»ri Have Ix'c utmost cart to ordinary excellence, them a ren( MESS I Class ___L l^1tS Book M. rlopi^ii^s' H'^Qircl Ol. j|;^r)aprr)acy, For your Perfumery and Toilet Aidicles. Fine Stationery. I^ox rai)er. iS:c. l*ure si)ices for cooking: guaranteed the best. 1)0 not forget: always go to the Tln-ird. Street :E=±:La.rrr:La-C37-- J, D, VAN DER WERP, -DKAMCH IN FURNITURE, C^Gippcts, vf^pocl^ei'y and iolassware,. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS OF ALL DESCRIPTION. F^i^ic^^^ L^o^^^. CALL AND SEE OUR IMMENSE STOCK BEFORE BUYING. 28 WE8TK1IX Ave., MUSlvE(r()X. ^[IC'll. D. M. Sbever fe Co., ^^R\' (®00D5 A X D CLOAK HOUSE. -WK UAXDl.E rilK CKLEl-.UATKI)- er Whx^ ^icslepr) ui\/ A CORDIAL INYITATIONf To all niotlu'is who buy ]BO^^! TO ^'ISIT THE- caiLD^ls'^ D^?:^^im:iRT: -IX— u Immense Clothing and Tailoring Establishment, Opeka Building, MUSKEGON. MICH. acob e^sor) o \ o.^ ^^RUGGISTS. 6^ «P='E>OI.A.]_^ I^IP^E^Q. Bicycles, Fishing- Tacldc. liasc Hall (ioods. ()l)tical (roods. riiotoKi"iph(M-s" Supijlies and Spoi'l ing' (ioods CJeuc'iaily. 4' i o\\^r)er ^ j:Tardwar(j ? Lc^*" GARLAND STOVES AND RANGES, TIN AND JAPANNED WARE, FINE POCKET CUTLERY. Three Thousand Gallons Used in Muskegon this Year. Doo'ts, 'p)as\i, l\0Ti, S,a\\s, Cotia^^e, NO. 45 WEST WESTERN AVENUE, (SrccKssoKs TO H. X. Powkll c^ Co.) Tht're arc a great iiiniiy ditfcrciit BAKING POWDERS ill llic irarkot, but probably none having a larger sale or wliicli gives more satisfaction than the ■•PX'HO" I^owder. manufac- tured by the Si'kxcku P. 1!. Co.. of Chicago. 'I'iie •■ECHO"' is put ui) ill cans containing 11 lbs., and retails at -■"> cents jiei- can . A priu{ei)b lH)U:^ekeeper will ii)^i^b oi) I^avii^o ['\)(^^ Echo. J>^^1<: y^c^x^xx- l^x'ocit^r' fox- it J^. ^vV. .^NNIS, Cl) '^ re ♦ I — (1) erf (I) erf Q G I * 3SB I_.a,:i^e Street- 1 t)e iVlu^ke6oi) Look Hook —tl,El) HY OF THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, lyiUSKEGON, MICH. lEC 2618C, 1895. -^^iar-ii^i^^y^ The pK.lits of this book will be usi'd toward tin- liiiiUlint;- of Ilic "" ^^ First IJiiijtist Cluircli. ^ t^r-ice, 5S1.00. A ropy of litis liook will bo iimilod to siiiyoiio on focfipt of pficc. Aildrcss. Mks. li. 1,. TiJOTT, SS W. Wcbslor Ave, Muskegon. Mich. ENTEKED ACCORDINQ TO «CT OF CONCRESS, IN TME YEAR 1810, BV THE LADIES' SOCIETY OF THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, MUSKEGON, MICH., IN THE OFFICE OF THE LIBRARIAN OF CONGRESO, AT WASMINr.TON. WANTY A MANNING, PRINTERS AND BINDERS. John F, Murdock & Co,, G^opiicr o WGsferr) e/lv'c. ar)a Jc||epsor) Ol, MUSKEGON, MICHIGAN, Invite tlic attcnlioii of llic pulilic to their large and well assort (m1 stock of '9 -CONSISTING OF- D I _L. ( H WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 1)EALi5ks IX CLOTHING 3bot$ and $lxD_e$, (uS, 70 .-.dJ 72 \\rEST WESTKJ^N AVl^NUE, MUSKEGON, MICH. PREFACE. Wo insiy li\t' without piiuti-.\ , iiiiisii' or art; Wo may live witliout ooiiscieiiue, and live without heart ; Wo luny live witliout IriciKis, we may lix-e Avitliout hooks: But oivili/.ort iiuui ciimiot li\'o witliout oooks. — [LOKD LVTTON. Thcro are already coiiiuli'ss nmiiluMs of cook books, and IIh- nmulK'i'uuisU'oiit iiiiic to inci'i-ast.' as act'iiiiiulatt'd human rxpcii- oiicc foreshadows a itMiuiiciiu'iit for Ihcni. Tfic iirt'sciit vohiinc is a coinijihition of fonimhis furnished by some of tiie iiiaiiy good ctK)k.s in Muskejion. Tlie receipts iiave be(Mt tested by the ladies whose names are subscrilied to tlie same. i>y the exeirise of forethought, and tiir proper combination of mateiiais. very ex- celU'iit meals can tie preliaicd witli far greater I'conomy titan wliere no heed is ]iaid to the ju'oportion of compoiiiuis. There is no department in life wiiere tlie laws of chemist i\ are so signifi- cant as in the culinary. The great (luestion invdlving iiealth is not so much what shall we eat. as how shall it be cooked y Decide as far as po.ssible the night before what shall consti- tute the viands for the following day: by observing this rule much time can lie saved. Veasl max be used instead of baking powder. Have material for soups on hand. Many desserts can be prepared the day before. Proi)er judgment must be exercised, or food will not contain "very element of nntriment it otlier- wise would, however good the cook book, (rood judgment, in this direction can only be aci|uii'ed through exiierience. To greatly facilitate the actpiisit ion of which is t he oliject of this book. Contained herein aic iii>l nict ions i hat will enable any ordinarily capable housewife to prei)are for her own family, or guests, a delicious breakfast, luncheon or dinner. We liave endeavored to make these formulas explicit and jiiactical. so that any one can follow them, feeling assured of profitable and liapp.v results. The comijilers of this little work avail themselves of the present seemingly suitable occasion lo extend their sincere thanks to all wlio have kindl\ icndeicd i hem \ahial>l(' as->istancc ill itspreparaii(;ii. INDEX. liread 11 Soups 22 Oysters 2S :Meats 30 Eggs 42 Vegetables 44 Fish 52 l^evevages 5(i Puddings (il Pies 71 Pastry 77 Salads 78 Weights and ^Measures 82 Cookies 83 I )()Uglinuts 85 jNlolasscs Cakes 87 Cake 90 Creams and Ices 104 Jellies 107 Preserves 109 Candies 113 Pickles 11« Miscellaneous 124 DEALKR IX MICROSCOPES. THERA10METERS. BAROMETERS, HYGROMETERS, COMPASSES, Ai_)d all Ii)sbrun)ei)l-s Perlainin^ bo bbe OpKcal BusiDes:?. =^^^^^^^4.. js Icsti'd tni' Spt'ctacles ^ ^ ^^^^ ^^^ COST. LATEST IMPROVED INSTRUMENTS. Artificial Eyes Inserted Without Pain. Spex Jind P]ye (xlasscs al all prices. Oculi-^ls' rrr^n'iptidiis Filletl Pi'diniJlly. 98 WESTERN AVE. MUSKEG0N,N:ICH. L. B. GLOVER & CO. D r^ T^T G O I S T S , J. W. MfCiiACKEX's Neav Mlock. 241 "Wksteun Ave.. CoH. Sixth St. Muskecion, Midi. — ^IFOI^- r ir)^ r ooKv^^ar GO JO- G. C. lOlEE'S, 4.! Wemekn A\ k.. MUSKEGON. MICHIGAN. Retail Wholesale. ^/JD^^TT Or<3rX^T 'r (Established 1874.) 21, '23, 25 ai)d 27 Terrace Sbreet, Muske^^oi), Mich. The largest variety of merchandise under one roof in Michigan. comprising P>ool<^s and Stationery. Drugs. Medicines, Chemicals. Dyes, Paints. Oils, Brushes, Artists' Materials, Toilet-Articles. Perfumes, Sponges, Chamois Skins. Druggists' Supplies, Surgical Instruments, Crutches. Trusses, Shoulder Braces. Electrical Batteries and P.elts. and all Pliysician's Supplies. School Supplies. Holiday Goods. Dolls. Toys and Game: N<^»velties from all iiarts of the world. l^lush. Leather. Wood. China and Glass FANCY GOODS, suitahle for Wedding. Birth- day and Anniversary presents. Phescui rrioNs Cokhectlv Compounded. l<'lSlIlN(i Tai KLE AND Sl'OKT- iNG Goods. Custoinci's will find it a great convenience to liave theii' want> t'di' aliove goods supplied at one estal)lis]iment. -^Eorr)peier)t 611epl5S Orr)plov2at. i'.ake fi'om .')() to <)0 mituites. The loaves should be a light l)idwn color, not burnt or whitisii. When baked remove from tlie pans while hot. moisten the crust slightly and wi-ap in se\ci-al tliicknesses of cloth. When i)erfectly cold put into bread jar. in mixing, put in al)out s t he (plant ity of tlour and beat to a stift' batter, then add all the tioui- gi-aduall\ . mixing and kneading wit h t he hands. Sklkctkd 12 THE ML'^KEGON COOK HOOK. YEAST. lioil six lar^r potatoes and mash tine: stecj) a small handful of hups i hour, strain and add water to potatoes. Mix witJi i cup sujjar. t cup salt and one tabh:' spoon K'l'Kf'i'- When cool enough add yeast, let rise and si ir down. lJ<'])eal the stining un- til it ceases to rise, then bottle. TO SET i;i{EAl). lioil J good sized potato for each loaf: ma-.h Hue. scald a small handful of tloui'. tlien add hot water sutlicient foi- the number of loaves required.: wlieu cool add 1 cup of yeast and let rise until morning. In the moi'ning ai!d tlour. 1 table spoon lai'd or butter. 1 table spoon sugar. Mould liai'd. make into loaves and let rise, wlien twice their size, bake from .')() to no luinutes. Mi;s. L. !!. Ll-LL. IIAILKOAD YEAST. [Ext kllkxt.] Twelve medium sized prstatoes boiled in sufficient water to cook nicely: when done i)ut in a colander over a 2 gallon jar: mush i)()tatoes through and ])iit in :! table spoons sugar and 2 tal)le Simons salt. Add 1 i)t. bailing watei. stir all together, let stand until milk warm: tlien add 2 yea d cakes soaked, stir to- gethei- and let ri.^e. After which arid 2 (jts. cold walei' and si ii' again, let rise a second time and it is ready for use. I'.HE.U) WITH KAILIiOAD ^'EAS'i\ Take I cup of yea^t for eatdi loaf of bread, no otliei' wetting used. Stii- the yeast before taking from tlie jai'. Mould or knead long and W(dl. Mould into loave-. and let I'l-e and it is read\' to b;drAI)E VnOM THIS YEAST. Sift tlic (iiiani ity of tloui' dcsiri'd. sa\ :\ iniarls. add talilc sikkhi salt and one (if su^'ar. a small s])oonful of hiiilci- or fi'csli lard. 31ake a hoU' in tlu' contcr of pan of tloni'. ^tir a lai' lar^t^ potatoes and mash tinr: scald .'? lar^e table spoonfuls of Hour. To this add 1 tal)le si)oonful of suf^ar and i table spoonful of salt, about a (luart of cold watei'. add i yeast cake, use one pint of mixture for one loaf of bread. Mix stiff with tlour and mould one-half hour or until the bread is free from holes; then cut with a knife, put in tins and let rise once and bake. Mrs. Anna S. Hamilton. POTATO YEAST. Pare 4 potatoes and boil in 1 (it. of water, when done masli them tine, and poiir on them the water in which they were Imil- ed: 1 talilespoon salt, i cu]) sugar. When cold add a tea cu]) of yeast or 1 yeast cake. Set in a warm ])lace to rise. Miss Isham FRENCH ROLLS. One pint warm water, i cup lard. 2 taliIe|)o(»ns sugar, ii cup yeast. Put lard and sugar into the watei' and melt it ui) with .your hand: then stir in a little Hour, tlien add the yeast, after which stir in as much tloui' as you can conveniently with your hand. Set to rise over night, in the morning add nearly a tal)lespoon of salt and mould one-half hour, the longer the better. Let rise until light again, then take a little piece and roll out. put a little butter on it and double ;i little more than half over, put them in baking tins and let them rise till light and bake. (»r can be made in loaves as bread and it is delicious. Mks. E. W. MKintiLL. (HIAHAM OEMS. Two cups sour milk. 1 teas]K)ons soda. 2 teaspoons sugar or mo- lasses. 1 tablesiKK)!! white Hour, one teasi)oon butter, f. teasjjoon salt, thicken with (iraliam Hour to a stiff batter, bake in gem pans. Mus. E. W. M. lUJEAKl AS'l^ CAKE. Scald 1 cup milk: mix together 1 egg: A cup of sugar: i cuj) of butter, 1 heaping tal)les])oonful of i)otato. Stir this mixture in- to the milk when cool, add tlour to the consistency of cake, let< raise over night, in the morning jjour into a siiuare baking pan without mixing or stirring. Let it risi' standing in a warm i)lace for f of an hour. When ligiit si)riidL a. Bovnton CORN MEAL POP-OVERS. One cup of boiled corn meal. 1 egg. 1 teasi)o(»n baking jxtwder. flour to thicken. Cook in hot lard same as fried cakes. May Dart. lUtOWN BREAD. Three cupfuls sour milk, '.i cups Graham tlour. 2cui)sc(»rn nu'al. 1 cup molas.ses. 1 teaspoon soda, little salt. Steam 2 hours and bake 1.5 minutes. May Dart. IH THE MUSKEGON COOK BOOK. WAFFLES. One :in;l i pint of rtour. li ti'a>i)):iiH l);iking powder. 2 eggs beat- en seiKirately. 2 cooking spoonfuls of melterl hutter. milk enough to make batter as thick as jjaiicakcs. A little salt. Mrs. E. W. Ghav. BREAD GRIDDLE CAKES. One pint stale, (not (lrie:l) breal crumV)s. 1 pint milk scaUlecL 1 tablespoon butter: pour the iiot milk over the bread crumbs: add the butter and soak over night, or till the crumbs are soft- ened: then rub through a colander: add 2 eggs, yolks and whites beaten separately. 1 cup tlour, i teaspoon salt. 2 teaspoons baking powder, cold milk to thin if needed. Bake slowly, spread with buttei' and sugar, and serve hot. Approved I'.v ^fus. Keating. GRAHAM MTFFIXS. Tlire.) cu])s of sweet cold milk. 8 eggs. 4 scant cups of Graham Hour: beat eggs and milk to foam: stir in tlour slowly, beating- well. Bake in hot iron gem ijans in hot oven 25 minutes. They are (It'licions witli ma])le syrup. Mrs. A. C. Firman. FRENCH PvOLLS. One i)int of milk scalded: pul into it while hot. half a cup of sugarandone tablespoon IdiMcr: when llie milk is i- one compi-es^ed yea 4 cake: stir in Hour to make a stitf sponge, and when light mix a; U)V bi'<'ad. Let it rise until light, punch it down with the hand, and let it rise again. i'(>i)eat two or three times: tlien turn the dough on to the moulding board, and pound with rolling i)in until thin enough to cut. Cut out with a tumbler, brush the surface of <'aut ter to make t lie crust tender. ^rus. H. S. Lane. CrR|{AN'l^ iirXNS. OnecolTee cup lii'eal s|)oiige. aid I beaten (>gg. 1 tal)lespooiT sugar. 1 cup Fnglisli cm rant s. 1 teaspnon of butter, mix stitr at night. Make into l)iscnits in t he morning, bake when light. Mrs. A. N. Lane. sr(rArv iiiscriT. One cu]! l)iittci'. 1 I'lip siiiin)-. icMspoon soda dissolve:! in t <"up warm water. ( 'iniiaiuoii. Flour to roll thin: bake ([uickly. A. T. F. SOUTHERN BISCUIT. (dOOD.) One quart tloiir. largo tablespoon iai'd rutilied in the lloui" at'tei' adding two teaspoons baking powdei' and soda size of a jiea. wet soft with sour nnlk. " A. L. F. rr FFETs. One ([uarl Hour. 1 jiiut nnlk. 2 i'ii^^' beaten light. Imtter si/e of an egg. heapingtai)lesi)oon sugar, ."{teasijoons baking powderjittle salt. Hake (luicklv. >Iks. F. Smith. DrTCH ('OFFP]ECAKE. One ])int of Hour, i teas])oon salt, i teaspoon soda sifted into tiour. 1 teaspoon cream tartar, i vn\) butter. 1 egg. 1 seant eup nnlk. 4 sour apijles. 2 tablesitoons sugar. tSfix the dry ingredi- ents in the order given: rub in the butter, beat the egg. and mix it with milk: then stir this into the dry mixture. The dough should be soft enough to sprea 1 half an ineh thick on a siialiow baking pan. Core, pare and cut four or five apples into eighths; lay them in parallel rows on top of the dough, the sharj) edge down, and press enough to nuikv the edge penetrate slightly. Sprinkle the sugar on the aijjjle. bake in a hot oven 20 or 30 min- utes. To be eaten hot with lemon sauce. AtM'HOVKD KY .M KS. L. N. KkATIXO. LEMON SAUCE. For Dutch coffee cake. 2 cup; hot watei-. 1 cupsugar. '\ heai)ing teaspoons cornet arcli. grat el liii.l airl juice of 1 lem;)n. i table- spoon butter. Moil the watei'and sugar five nnnutes: add the cornstarch, wet in a little cold watei': cook s or lo nnnutes. and add the lemon rind and juice and t lie liutter: -.lii' until the but- ter is melted, and serve at once. If it becomes too thick add more hot water. .\imm:<)Vi;i) hv Mrs. L. N. Keatixc;. I'.ItOWN IlKEAI). One pint soui' nnlk. I jiinl llnur. I pint coi-n meal. I cup sugar. H. cups molasses. 1 tea-ip>on so la di -.solve I in hot water, a pincii of salt. Steam 2 houi's and hake half an hour. Mks. N. M( (iUAKT. 18 THE MUSKEGOX COOK IJOOK. (tRAHAM (IEMS. One cup sweet milk. 2 cups cold water, 1 egg. 4 cups (rrahaMi rtoiir. Let all these materials l»e of the freshest and coldest. Beat the milk, water and egg thoroughly. A Dover egg heater is just the thing to use for this purpose. Sift the flour through the Angers lighly into this wetting, stirring all the time. When the flour is all stirred in. beat all together well and drop into hot iron gem pans. , and bake in hot oven 30 miuntes. When baked take out of the gem pans immediately and do not cover. Remember that to ensure success, j'our dougli must be cold and your oven and pans hot. Do not add saltas it has a tendancy to make gems heavy, neither use hard water if soft water is attain- able. The l)est gem i)ans are of iron with shallow biscuitshaped cups. Fill the cups very full as there is no danger of running over, and thegeme-; will be nicer. (rood (rraham flour is not coarse, but flne and of a creamy color, and the outside of the wheat is in small flakes having l)een cut with sliarp stones, not crushed with dull ones. Entire wlieat flour may be substituted for (iraham. >Dis. P"'irmax. YANKEE RROWN lUlEAD. Oiu' and ^^ pints coi'n meal fur each loaf and i)!iur boiling water ujKin it to scald it ])roperly: let stand until only blood warm. Then put aliout 1 (luart of rye flour upon the meal and i^our in a good bowl of emptyings with a little soda dissolved in a gill of water, kneading in more flour to makefile consistency of com- mon l)read. NEW KIND OF lUlEAD. Take 1 pt. of corn meal, jjoui' on sufHcient (luantity of boil- ing water to make a thick batter: a. Id 1 tal)lesp;)on lard, salt to taste. 3 eggs; stir up well and droj) a table-;poi)nful in separate places on u hot griddle or gem pans and cook them l)rown. "^'ou will And them excellent. Mus. L. L. TuoTT. IJOSTON lUiOWX ItREAD. Three r\\]>-^ sour milk. 1 cup water. 1 cu]) dark molasses. 2 cups corn meal, - cups (Jraham tlour. 2 cu])s flour, 1 large teaspoon soda dissolved in soui' milk and molasses. Steam 3 hours and bake lo minutes. Mits. O. L. liEAKEMAN. lit COI^N MEAL I'.rNNS. Two cuijs flour. 1 ('up corn meal. 3 e^t?-> well hpateii. I cup milk, i cup butter. 1 tahlcsjjooii sugar, two teaspoousful l)akinir jxiwdei-. liakc in j^cm pans. >ri:s. 11. X. IIoxev. (iUAilA.M (iE.MS. One i)t. sweet milk. 1 cup wheat tlour. 1 cup (rraham flour. 2 teaspoons Ijakins: p:»w>ler. little salt. Drop in ii )t irons and bake in hot oven. Mrs. (tILLETT I'.KOWX HREA.I). Three cnps sour milk. 1 cup molasses. + teaspoon salt. 2 even teasjjoons soda dissolved and stirred in the milk. 3 cups Graham tlour. 1 cup of wheat flour. 1 cup orn meal. Steam 3 hours and bake 2(» mimites. I take tomatoe cans and remove one end by heating, till the cans H full. Add raisins if you like. ItOSTON I11{()WN P.UEAI). One cup meal. 1 cup tlour. 1 cup sour milk, i cup molasses, i cu]) brown sug^ar. i cu]) raisins chopped. 1 teaspoon soda, salt. Steam 2 hours: brown in oven. Mus. I). Smith. SWEET MUFFINS. Three eggs beaten se])arately. i cup sugar. 2 cups flour 1 cup sweet milk. 2 teaspoons baking powder. Bake immediately in inutfin I'ings. Mks. \'estey. P.OSTOX mjOWX lUlE.VI). Two cuj)s c(M'n meal, i cup molasses. 1 cuj) rye meal. 1 pt. sour milk. 1 heaping teaspoon soda dissolved, i teaspoon salt. Steam •2i hours and bake i hnur. Mks. E. W. M. COIIX MEAL PANCAKES. One and i cups corn meal, i cup flour. 3 cups soui' milk. 1 tea- spoon melted butter. 1 egg well beaten, a little salt. Mus. E. W. M. P()J>-OVERS. Two cups sweet milk. 2 cu])s flour, 2 eggs, 1 teaspoon butter, I teaspoon salt. Hake in heated gem irons l'> minute in a ([uick oven. Mrs. E. W. Merrill. 20 THE MrSKEGON COOK BOOK. CORN MUFFINS. One cup flour.l cupcorn meal, 2 tablesixMnis suKar. water to make a thick batter, mix at night: in the nioniiiifj a;l(l 2 tablespoons melted butter, and 1 teaspnon soda: hake in idiind tins. .Mi!s. E. W. M. (tHAHAM lUiEAI). One i)t. of ])i't'ad sponge, 1 cnp warm water, with 1 teasjxion soda dissolved in it, i cup m;)!asses, stir stilt' with (rraliam Hour and set to rise: when light, steam one hour and bake 1.') minutes. Mrs. C. L. D. STEAMEb (iKAHAM P. READ. Three very full cups (rraham tiour,3 scant cu]}s sour milk, i cuj) New Orleans molasses, 2 teas])iK)ns soda, 1 large teasi)oon salt. 1 i'W]) seeded raisins. Mix raisins in the d/y Hour before adding other ingredients. Put into well grease! 1 lb. l)aking ])owder cans, tilling them n full, cover and set in steamer and steam 2 or 3 hours. This recci])! makes .'{ loaves if medium sized cujjs are used. E. S. I). ITEM. To seed raisins easily, stem and cover vvilli Ixiiling watei':pour off and let stand an liour. then m'vi\. E. S. D. SHORT CAKE. Two lieaping teasp:)()ns baking ])()Wilei' sifted wilii I ([1. of flour, scant ^ cup l)utfer, 2 tal)lesi))ons sugar, a lit I le salt, enough sweet milk or water t!) mike a s;)ft d)u.;ii. i'>)ll out almost as liiin a -^ pie ci'ust. place one la\-er in a baking pan spread witli a little melted but ter iip:>n which spi'inkle a lit t le tloiii'. t hen add anothei' layer ()f crust an.! sjjrea:! as In-fore. I'epeat until the crust is all use:l. Tiiis makes four laxcrs in a pan 7x14 IucIk^s. Hake al>ont 1") minute-; in a (piick oven. 'I'urii up siie down, takeoff the top layei'. placi> on a dish, s|)read plentifully with butter and whole fresh strawberries previously sweetciu'd: treat each layer the same, serve hot with cream. The seci-etof hav- ing ligiit dough is to liamlle it as little, and mix if as (piickly as possible. Mi!s. C. C. iliLmXwii iKs'r. .lOHXN^' CAKE. One aiil ■' cu]i> sour milk. 1 even teas|)i)iin soda, a large spoon •'hoil ning and a large one of >ugar. ! egg. bl cui)S flour the rest eoiii meal, a little salt. Mits. L. L. Tkott. MrFKlNS. Ono |)t . swccl milk, .-i little salt. I c.u^'. liiiltci- llif size of an CKK- ^ ciiit vca^l. Ilmii- ciKiiii.jli t ;i make a Ml t Ic t liickci- t liaii paii- cakrs. l*iii tluMu risiiiu- al»:)ut 11 ()"cl(K-k. stir down iwo or Ihi'cc times ill tiieday. Hake in multin riii^s. .Mus. II. (i. Hioelow. .lOlINNV CAKE. Into 1 ciipcoiai meal and i cnp Hour I'ub a I alilespnoii hiitter. tlien aild 1 heateii e^-g-. k cup suyar. a little salt. 1 cuit watei'or sour milk, even teaspoon soda, lieat t lioroii<;iily a.nd l)ake. .Mrs. .\. 'Fowl. EGG TOAST. For six persons take 2 (\y}?s. i cu]) milk, lioiii' eiioug"h t hours to cook Ihe meat i)roperly. and make good l)roth or stock: when it has cooked say three hours, and the scum has been removed, add 1 or 2 onions fried brown in butter and 1 or 2 carrots or any other vegetaV)les that you may prefer. If moi'e water is needed, always add boiling water. Stock that is to l)e kept should al- ways be strained into an earthen jar as soon as done, as it injures 1 he coldi' anil flavor to stand in an iron pot : it sliould lie kvpt in a cool plact-: it will form a jelly and keep for a week or more. By adding macaroni, vermicelli, etc.. to stock, almost any kind of SOU]) can be made. Vrvy tine gravy can be made by cutting off a piece of stf)ck jelly and heating, thickening and seasoning to taste. Savory herbs sliould always be at hand, as they are almost indispi'usable to good cooking. The relish of a dish de- pends very much u])(ni its tiavoi'. which can be changed infinitely by using different savory herbs. Summer savory, sage, thyme, sweet majoram. sweet basil. I'ose mary. bay leaves and fennel are among the best of liie savory herbs. They can be ])urchase(l at a drug store at a slight cost: but many pi'cl'er to raise many of them which can be done with little trouble. 23 i',h()Wxin(t for sour Many of tlu" nici'st soups owe thoir attriictivt' apix'araiicc to burned sugar, which is prepared as follows: Put ."{ tablespoons of brown sugar and an ounce of 1)utter in a small frying|)an and set it over the tire: stir constantly until it is of a light V»rown color, add ipt. of water, l)oil and skim and when cool bottle foi' use: add to soup at discretion just before serving. BLACK BEAN SOT P. Three pounds souj) bones. 1 qt. black beans, soaked over night and drained: 1 onion choi)ped tine: juice of 1 lemon: pepjx'r. salt and Worcester sauce to taste. Boil the soup bones, beans and onions together (i hours: strain and add seasoning. Put sliced lemon on top when served. Mks. C B. Mann. A DELlClOrS giMCK MADE POTATO SOl'P. Pare and wash your |)otatoes. "ook very soft and masli fine, then add l)oiling water as much as you with. Put sail to taste during the boiling. Have handy onions cut in small s(iuares and roasted in bvitter until yellow. For four jtersons take one taljlespoonful of Hour, browned, and put onions, butter and flour into the soup, it must not be lumpy. When ready for the table put in a desert spoonful of beef extract, a little i)arsley. a little nutmeg and salt and i)ei)per. beat the yolk of 2 eggs in the soup dish and ])our in the soujj and serve. Mrs. Caroline Ninnkman. QUICK MADE l^EEF SOFP. For six or eight persons have 2 jiounds of beef, from the breast is V)est. cut in slices. Brown 1 tablesi)oon of Hour in butter the size of an egg. if onions are liked one small onion, and 2 or 3 carrots, a piece of celery. Pour boiling water over the m(>at, as much as you need for soup and cover closely in a porcelain kettle, boil one hour, then pour through a sieve. Add noodles, rice, farina, sago or barley as you like: these should be cooked separ- ately and added with a piece of celery to flavor. A little nutmeg may be added. Mrs. (i. Ninnkaian. BPvOWNED FLOUR SOUP. Brown some tlour without butter, have ready as uuu-li boiling milk as you wish, mix the l)rowned flour with cold milk and stir into V)oiling milk. Add a little sugar, cinnamon and the yolk of 1 egg. Have ready slices of wheat bread toasted yellow in butter and cover them with the soup, serving liefore the liread is softened. Good for the sick. .M us. C. Ninnk.man. 2-t THE Ml'SKECiOX C(JOK lUJOK. ASFAi{A(rrs son'. One buiifh of usijarajj-us except the tops, cook in I pt. water till soft, press throujj-h a sieve, i small onion and a little l)a.vleaf. i tablesi)oon flour in a little water and stir into asparagnis. Heat 1 pt. of milk in donl)le l)oiler. add 2 tahlesixions flfmr mix- M with 1 tal)lespoon of butter: add pepptT and salt, jjiit in the asparagus soup. Have the tojis cooked until tender and put in the soup before serving'. Mrs. A. N. Lane. TOMATO SOCr. [DelkiousJ One ([uai't can tdmatoes. i pLuf water. 1 small oninii. butt<'r size of an egg. 1 tablespoon tlour. 2 ]jieces stick cinnamon an inch sfjuare. 2 little pieces of mace. Mode: — cut the onions in small pieces and cook with tomatoes and spice half an ho;i()N sorp. i'ul iulo saucepan butter tiie size of a liickory luit. wlieii vci'v hot add :i oi' 4 large onions sliced thin. Stir and csiok until I'ed but V)e careful not to burn them: add 4 cup of lloni' and stir. Pour in 1 pt. iioiling water, add pepper and salt, mix well and let boil a miiiule. Set back until almost ready to serve then add 1 qt. boiling milk and 2 or 3 mashed i)otatoes. Put a little of the s(mp to potatoes till ail are smoothly mixed. Let simmer a few min\ites. out piece of toast in bottom of tureen and serve hoi. Leave out potatoes if you choose .Mrs. Pascomis. SOUPS. 25 roTATo sorp. Potatoes g-oofl with sunic stock, but only potatoos and an onion, well cooked and put through a colamler. return to kettle ands?av>a. ]^[u^. I). McLAruiiLiN. VE(iETAHLE SOU P. Set on stove kettle containing 3 cits, cold water, i teacup barley, i cup split peas, a piece of shank or 2 11 is. of lean meat, if meat is wanted for tabl(\ ])ut meat in when water boils, if only for soup put ill cold water; mince up (juite tine part of head of white cabbage, a small turnip, add an onion and 2 good sized potatoes put in whole, let all l)oil at least 2 hours; when nearly done, add a grated carrot and a tables])oon of salt and a very little minced parsley. Mrs. 1). McLaughlin. PEA SOUP. Pea soup mav be made very nice from a ham bone, or bones of a cold roast. Put on stove 3 qts. of water add bones and let boil; then put in 1 pt. split peas, 2 potatoes and a good sized onion. Half an hour Itefore dinner put all through a colander, keeping back the bones and hulls of peas, return to stove and season with salt and pepper to taste. Toast slice of bread and cut in inch pieces, put into turei'ii and p mr soup over and it is ready for table. Mrs. D. McLaughlin. IR()NIN(r DAY SOUP. Two iKHinds round steak. 1 can tomatoes, 1 onion, cloves; put all in a kettle with 4 qts. cold water, add salt to taste. Boil all day. at night put through a colander. Next day warm and add a little thickening to make as thick as cream. "SUis. Frank Wood. CREAM TOMATO SOUP. Use beef or any good stock, 1 can tomatoes, heat them sejiar- ately. add 1 teasjjoon soda to the tomatoes, cook until done and rub through a colander: add to the stock and just liet'ore taking up add 1 pt. ricli cream and season to taste. Mrs. Frank Wood. TOMATO SOUP WITHOUT MEA^i\ TioLl 1 (it. of ripe tomatoes (or 1 can) add while boiling i tea- spoon of soda, stir until the effervescence ceases. thiMi aild 2 crackers rolled tine and one pt. sweet milk and boil !.". minutes longer, seasim with pepper, salt and butter. Mrs. \\. A. M IN ROE. THE MUSKEGON COOK BOOK. TOMATO SOUP. One qt. can tomatoes, or an eciual quant ity of ripe tomatoes, boiled well in 2 qts. of water rub through a sieve, add i cup but- ter, 1 teasiioon of sugar, salt and pep])er to taste. Let all come to a boil and thicken with Hour until the proper consistency, serve with dice made by cutting stale bread into small squares and frying in hot butter until ([uite l)rown. ]Mks. Fred Nims. TOMATO SOUP. Two pounds round steak cut up fine with a knife, boil 4 or 5 hoiirs, salt to taste. Add i can tomatoes, or same bulk in fresh ones, strain through sieve, add small quarter of 1 teasi)oon of soda — last, 1 qt. of milk. Mrs. F. Smith. CELERY SOUP. Two qts. milk, 1 pt. celery cut small, 1 onion, 2 cloves, salt, butter and pepper to taste. Simmer slowly from 3 to 5 hours: when almost done add tablespoon of flour and strain, add small toasted crackers. Lemon and boiled egg added are good. Mrs. a. N. Lane. CELERY SOUP. Take turkey or chicken bones, (those left after making i^ressed chicken are good) place on the Are with cold water, cook until the strength is extracted, then skim out the bones. Take a handful of dried celery tops in a separate dish and boil in i pt. water: 2 tablespoons flour and piece of butter the size of an egg stirred over the tire until smooth: add this and the celery water to the SOU]}. Season to taste. Mrs. Thos. Hume. OYSTER SOUP. Strain tile oysters thi'ough a colaniler and wasli them in cold water. 1 (it milk ])ut on the stove with the oyster liquor, skim, stir piece of butter the size of an egg and 2 tablespoons flour over the lire until smooth, add this to the soup. Season with salt and pepper (some ]jrefer red pepper.) put in the oysters, just stand a moment or two mil il 1 hey swell. Serve. Mrs. Thos. Hume. BLACK liEAX SOUI\ One i)t. l)laci< heans to any good stock, hoi! all day: at niglit put througli a colander, next day warm, and slici' A lemon in soup tureen, pour the l)oiling soup over and serve. Mrs. Frank Wood. SOUPS. 27 riNK \KL\i-7r sorr. r.dil (inc lar^e beet until tciiilcr and imiIi 1 lii'nuyli a tine sieve, lalv'e 1 (it. milk let it cdnic tn a Ixiil. stii' in a lar^c tahlesixudi l)Utterand2 of tluuf. until thick as cream. Season with salt, liei^])er and jaTalcd nut mcii: when rea(',\ to sci've slii- in cuoiiLili of the beet to make it a tine \)\\\k I'oloi-. This is \ei'y delicious and delicate V)esi(les helpiiij^dut in the i)i'esciit fad of meals in ditlereut colors. .Mus. E. M. Coi'I'kns. (Ji'and Ilapids. TOM.VTO SOUP. Six large ripe tomatoes Ijoiled and put tlirough a sieve. Wliij) 1 pt. cream, when tomatoes boil put in whipped cream. l)eating all the time with wire spoon — alittlesalt. Cutstale baking powder biscuit into small squares put on tin with few bits of butter, set in hot oven and brown slightly, serve with hot soup. Mrs. N. Fkiedman. CONSOMME. Twelve pounds beef (any i^art ) 4 or 5 bones and 2 or .'] lbs ]jork rinds, i oz. white pepi)ers, i oz. celery seeds. 1 oz. salt, 2 carrots cut up. 2 tablespoonfuls thyme and savory, leaf herbs: fresh celery may he used instead'of celery seeds. Put the bones into the bottom of a soup kettle, then the meat cut small with which lias been mixed the rinds, vegetables and herbs and add 12 (its. cold water, let it boil very slowly 1 hour, then stir and set where it will boil well for 4 or •") hours more. Keep well covered and the steam in. When (lon(> and while hot, strain through a c()arse strainer, press all the licjuid from the meat-fibre, and let stand in a very cold i)lace until next day. Then take every ]m\v- ticle of fat otf. cut the jelly out freeing it from the worst of tiie sediment. Then jvist melt the jelly in Hie kettle and st ir well in the whites of 4 eggs well beaten, also put in tiie shells, boil u]) (luickly and when the scum divides pour into a jelly bag or through a tine, closely woven cloth. If it does not run perfectly clear return it to the bag or clot li. 'I'he bag should V)e put into boiling water and wrung out before using. Keep the kettle cover- ed while boiling, open while clarifying. IIakhv Fox. OYSTERS. Small cheej- and great weloomo JVlake a nieiT.v least — , Shakespeare. ESCALLOPED OYSTERS. A layer of rolled crackers in a buttered i)uddiiiK disli, then a layer of oysters with butter, pepper and salt. Repeat until dish is full with crumbs on top: pour on the liciuor mixed with milk, a beaten eg^ in milk on top is nice. Cover and l)ake i hour, re- move cover and brown before serving. CREAMED OYSTERS. One pt. cream, 1 (it. oysters, very small i)iece onion and very small i)iece mace, 1 tablespoon tlour. salt and pepper to taste. Let cream, onion and mace come to a boil. Mix flour with a little cold milk and stir into cream. Let oysters come to a boil in their own liquor. Skim, drop in oysters and heat through. Mk8. a. F. Temple. CREAMED OYSTERS. Fifty shell oysters, 1 (it. sweet cream, butter, pepper and salt to suit taste. Put the cream and oysters in separate kettles to heat, the oysters in their own liijuor, and let them come to a boil. When sufficiently cooked, skim, take them out of the liquor and put them in some dish to keep warm. Put the cream and liiiuor together, season \i> ia>le and thicken with jjowdered cracker: when sutlicieiil ly thick, slir in the oysters. Mus. C. R. Mann. RAXNIOD OYSTERS. Cut ])ieces of toasled l)i'eaii to 111 individual scallop shells, or small earthen ware dishes, and on the toast lay (i or 7 oysters, sea- son with l)Utter. i)ei)i)er, salt and a few drops of lemon juice, and l>our a very little of tlie oy^tei' liinioi' ovei' all: liake in oven till the oysters ai'e crisped, vvliicli will lie in a few moments. Serve i!i the same dislie-^ in which th<'\ ai'c baked. Mus. C. W. S. OYSTERS. 2!) FIUEI) ()YSTP:iiS. Lay hw^v. tine oysters on a cloth to drain: wIkmi freo from li(liior (lip in beaten e^j? and then in salted cracker crumbs, drop in boiling hird and try las you would dou^dinuts) until they are golden brown. lOither use a wire liasket for frying or remove tliem from the lard witli a perforated s])oon. or wire egg 1)eater. Mrs. C. W. S. OYSTER PATTIES Killing: one i)t. small oysters, i pt cream. 1 large teaspoon tlour. salt and i)e])])er. Let oysters come to a boil in their own liquor and skim, cook flour in cream and little butter size wal- nut. The shells can be ])rocured at I). Christie & Co.'s. Mrs. Albert Waldrox. SHRIMP SALAD. Wash shrim])s and break them in half, 1 can shrim])s for 1 (it. dressing. 1 (it. salad for 10 people, i lb lettuce. 1 can shrimps and 1 (it. dressing. Mrs. Te.^iple. I'KrS IN i;laxkets. Take thin slices of smoked bacon, roll around an oyster and fasten with a toothpick, place in dripping pan and bake in oven. Approved by Mrs. Temple. DEVILED OYSTERS. Drain 1 pt. oysters, add one half as many cracker crumbs. 2 hard Itoiled eggs. 1 tablespoon melted butter, 2 tablespoons cream, salt and ix-piier. Chop together very fine, till halves of oyster shells aiul bake in moderate oven about 20 minutes. Garnish with i)arsley and lemon. Miss Upton. MEATS. The hiinciuet waits our presence, Good sister, let us aiiie. — LSH AKESPEARE. MOILING MEAT. There is all the ditference between boiling meat which is to be eaten and meat whose juices are to be extracted for soiij). If the meat is required as nourishment. yf)u wanttlic juices kept in. To do this it is necessary to phiuge it into boiling water, whicli will cause the albumen to coagulate suddenly and act as a plug or stopijer to all the tubes of the meat, and the nourishment will be kept in. The temperature should be kept at the boiling point for 5 minutes, then add as much cold water as will reduce the temperature to 165 degrees. If the hot water is kept at this temperature for some hours, we have all the conditions united which will give to the flesh the (juality best adai)ted for its use as a food. The juices are kept in the meat, and instead of be- ing called upon to consume an insipid mass of indigestable ttbers. we have a tender piece of meat, from which, when cut, the im- ]U"isoned juice runs freely. If the meat l)e allowe;! to remain in the boiling water, it becomes in a short time altogether cooi<- ed l)at it will be almost indigestable and unpalatable. Mks. A'estev. TO MOIL A ]IA>r. Select a ham with a thin, pliable skin, of a clear brown color: put int(» suttlcient cold water to cover, and cook slowly. When the me;U begins to draw away fi-om the hones, take olf tiie stove, and when pailly cool remove from tlie water. laiNrix thoroughly with tlie hands and mould into sliape with lielp of a little flour, jjiit into a deep oval i)an and bake f of an hour Mhs. I). McLaucjitt.in. I'llESSED 1^,EEF. Procure ab:)iit (i or 8 lbs. of the brisket of beef. i)Ut it in pickle for 2 weeks, or get your butcher to put it in sweet pickle: put it in a kettle with cold water, bring to a boil: then set it where it will simmei' until teiid.er. When a straw can be run through it remove it from the tire, drain it. take out all the l)ones. roll it up tightly, tie or skewer it to keep it in place, put on a jilate or dish, put another i)late on top of it and place a heavy weight on it: let it stand until next day: cut it in thin slices. TO COOK A TOUdH KOl'ND STEAK. Remove the bone, and meml)rane from tlie edges, lay u|)on tiie I)oard aufl witii a heavy knife liack and pound it thoroughly from side to side, turn it around and hack at right angles. The blows should not fall so jieavily as to cut it through. Turn it and repeat the ])rocess. Have ready a hot buttered s])ider. put in the stake and set into a moderately hot oven and l)ake until just done thrf)ugh. i)lace on a ])latter. add butter, salt and pe])- per to taste, send to the table hot. Mutton or veal ciiojis are nice cooked in tlie same way. Mus. F. SMirii. 32 THE MUSKEGON COOK I500K. POTTED BEEF. Take a shank of beef, boil slowly all day. having but little water in the kettle, remove the fat and save for other uses. Chop all the meat and mix with the liquor, press tightly in a dish, cover and put a weight on until cold. Another way: Season and cook a shank as above, and when done turn the liquor into a jar for soup stock. Leave some of the water in the kettle, save the fat, chop the meat tine and set away for hash. Mrs. F. Smith. SAVOIIY pyra:siti)s. May be made of pieces of beef, mutton, lamb, veal or pork. Beat 3 eggs light, then stir into them by degrees 6 talMespoons fine bread crumbs, 2 ozs. butter slightly melted, one tablespoon finely minced parsley. 1 teaspoon mixerl powdered herbs, 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind, 1 teaspoon pepper and salt, f lb. of meat chopped fine, put in gravy to moisten the whole, mix thoroughly, form into pyramitl shape. Coat thickly with egg and bread crumbs. l)ake in greased tins, then serve with gravy. Mrs. L. Kanitz. MAPvCtARITES. Gather together any remains of cold meat there may be on hand. Free them from skin, bones and gristle, and season ap- propriately. Mince the meat very tine, moisten it with beaten egg or soup stock and form into tiny balls. Enclose each of these in a round of good pastry rolled very thin, jjinching the edges closely together to form a complete covering for the meat, brush the pastry over with beaten eggs and fry in i)lenty of boiling fat. When colored a nice brown remove, drain, and serve on a folded napkin garnished with fried or fresli jjarsley. M\i^. E. M. CopPENS. MEAT HALLS. Two cups chopped beef, add 1 cup bread soaked in + cup cold milk, i cup mashed iM)tatoes. little salt and i)epper. 1 well beaten egg. Mix well an:! ni;il<(' int ) tliin cakc^. fiT on hot greased spi- der. Mrs. L. O. L. HEEF LOAF. Three lbs. chopi)ed beef. 2 cu])s rolled crackers. 3 eggs. 1 cup sweet milk. icui)of l)uttei'. 1 tal)]es))i!!»n salt. 1 teaspoon i)ei)per. sage if you like. Mus. McCoxxell. >IEATS. 33 CORN REEF. Select a nice piece of corn beef, soak in cold water over ni^ht; in the morning put in kettle with cold water sutticient to more than cover, set on the back of stove and boil as slowly as possible until it is very tender, set away in th(> licjuor until cold. Mrs. Dk. Williams. VENTSON STEAKS. Cut them from the neck or haunch and broil I hem well, turn- ing only once, saving all the gravy ijossiV)le. Season with butter, pepper and salt. Serve with a slice of currant jelly laid on each steak and the plates wanned. Mrs. F. B. Peck. BROILED SWEET BREADS. Parboil and blanch by putting them in hot water for 5 min- utes, let them boil .'5 minutes, then plunge in cold water a little salted, remaining 10 minutes, wijje dry and split in half length- wise, broil over a hot tire turning every minute as they begin to drip. Have ready on a deep ]jlate melte:! butter with salt and pepper and catsup, or some pungent sauce. When they are done to a fine lirown lay them in this, turn over several times, lay toast on a plate and sweet bread each piece, then ijour the gravy over them. Mrs. F. B. Peck. ISrOCK HARE. This recei])t for ^lock Hare makes a dish that may be eaten either hot for dinner, or cold for lunch or supper. One lb. lean beef, 1 lb. fresh pork chopped very tine and thoroughly mixed together. Add 2 teaspoons of pepixT. 1 tablespoon salt, 1 small onion and 6 leaves of parsley finely mince 1, a little thyme, half a nutmeg grated, then mix with 4 raw eggs and i pt. bread crumbs very tine: mould the mixture into a loaf and place in a Inittered dripping pan. ])ut a little piece of butter on tlif toj) and bake ] hour in hot oven. It should be a nice browiK Mrs. Fred Nims. PRESSED MEAT. Five lbs. corn liecf i)ut on to cook in cold water: when half done ])ut in '2 lbs. veal, when thorouglily cooked the water should l»e nearly boiled out: let the meat cool in the liiiuor, pick out all the bones, mix slightly and jjress. Slice when thoroughly cold. Mrs. Mi'xroe. 34 THE 3Il>iKEGON COOK BOOK. YORKSHIRE PUDDIXG. Three eggs well beaten. 1 pt. niilk, 1 pt. rt(»iir, 1 teas])t)Ou baking powder. When roast is clone, either pork, beef or veal, pour out the gravy; turn back into tlie dripping pan only the fat. put the batter in around the meat and return to the oven until it is baked, which will be in a few minutes. To be eaten with the meat. After you have taken out the meat and i)udding. put back the gravy that was taken ptf and thicken with tjour. Mus. J. Alvord. TO FRY SALT PORK. Salt pork is improved by soaking in milk 2 or 8 houi's: tlien roll in Indian meal before frying. Mus. Geo. Gillett. SALT PORK. Freshen salt pork by laying the slices in water or milk over night, roll in flour anrl fry to a nice brown, then slice about I of an inch wide, add a cu]) of cream and a little pepper, stir until it thickens. Serve. Mrs. J. E. Montgomery. STITFFED I'.EEFSTEAK. Two lbs. round l)eefsteak cut very thin, in one slice. Sprinkle lightly with salt, and spread on a dressing made as follows: Moisten three cups dry bread crumbs with cold water, season with salt and pep]x^r and a small onion chopped fine, add 1 tea- si)oonful butter and a well beaten egg. mixing all together well. When the dressing is spread well over the meat roll it up, fasten- ing a thin piece of nnislin several times around, and bake an hour. Helen Mergan. TO ROAST BEEF. Itul)wi1li |)fi)p('i- and (k)ur and i)lace in a moderate oven and codk witiiout putting in any water. When nearly done sprinkle with sail. Mrs. Hoyt. TO PvOAST TURKEY- After drawing, washing, singeing and draining. Stuff according to the Dressing receipt, then iiih wilii salt. pe})per and butter: ])lac(> in a moderate oven and 1)ake .'5 Ikuii's. Mrs. Hoyt. TrKi^FV STFFFING. Three cujjs grated bread cruml)s, 1 cup butter, salt and pe])per to taste. 1 teasj^oonful i)owdered sage, 2 eggs. Mrs. Hoyt. 3IEATS. 35 HEEFSTKAK FIN(;E1;s Tiikc aliout 2 llis. l('ti(l(M-. juicy slciik ;iii;l l;i\ it in a stew i)aii. s])rinkle over it a little salt aiul pepijer. a lar^j-e onion chopijed fine. 1 taMespnon niineed celery: cover with e(iual (luanlities of vinejj'ar and water, stew gently with the pan closely covered for i houi'. When cold cnt the meat into strii)s al)!)Ut 3 inches long and 1 wide, dip into oeaten egg, then into a iiiixiuri' of lu-ead criunhs. uiinced onion, parsley and celery, fry in l)i)iling lard. Place a bed of well mashed potatoes on a hot dish, arrange the meat tastefullv on this and serve. Mus. E. M. Coppkxs. (r. R. FRLCATELLES. One pound of cold veal chopped very fine, add a little salt and l)lenty of pepper. 1 or 2 onions cut very fine, and a little i)arsley if liked. Soak some l)read in water until soft, siiueeze it dry in u towel and add as much in jiroportion as the meat. Chop the bread with the meat, and mix in 2 eggs. Make them up in patties, roll in bread crumbs and cook in hot lard as doughnuts. Serve with sliced lemon. ^NIus. \'estev. BEEF LOAF. Three pounds round steak and 1 lb. of salt i)ork chop])i';l at the meat market. 3 eggs. 1 good, large cup of crackers rollerl very fine. 3 tea ^p ) on-; salt . 1 of ]);M)0'>r. ]iut in a m >uld and steam 3 hours. Mrs. .1. .1. IIowdkn. TO ROAST A 'JTllKEY OR CHICKEN. After drawing, washing, drying and singeing a fowl, stuff it with dressing made after the accomi)anying receipt. Fill craw and body, truss it wcdl tving down the leg-; an 1 fastening the wings. Have for your dripping pan some hard wotid sticks about an iiudi in thickness anrl short enough to lav in {hv bottom of ake 2 hours slowly. >Ii''^- W. B. Hendel. chi('kp:n tie. stew tender .") lbs. of chicken, add a cup of butter and 1 pt. of water and one of milk, thicken with a spoonful of flour, then take a qt. of tl(»ur. :i teaspoons baking? powder, nnx with milk and take lard the size of an egg. roll i of the dough and line a 4 (It. baking tin or dish; the rest of the dough roll large and use a cup of butter, cut in little pieces and fold over and over, roll, and cover the dish after putting in the chicken: cut an artistic opening in the top crust. Mrs. C. M. IIuimAKD. CHICKEN CROQUETTES. One pt. milk or cream. 3 cups finely chopped cooked chicken meat, 2 oz. butter, i cup sifted flour. 4 eggs: stir Hour and butter to a smooth paste, boil milk, add l)utter, flour, meat and eggs- cook all together a few minutes and set to cool— when --old form in balls, roll in flour and fry in boiling lard to a light l)rown. Salt the milk while boiling. Veal can be used in the place of chicken. ^I^^^- C- H. McKnight. SWEET BllEAI) CROQUETTES. Two lbs. sweet breads chopped fine, a large coffee cup of milk. 2 large tablespoons tifmr, 1 of butter, i teaspoon nutmeg, salt and pepper to taste. 'J'ake all except milk, heat in double boiler, add the meat: when cool roll in lu-ead crumbs and egg and fry. Good served with tomato sauce. Approved by Mrs. A. ^^. Laxe. TOMATO SAUCE. One tablespoon butter in frying pan to melt, mix with it a tablespoon of flour, stir till smooth, then add i pt. of strained, stewed tomatoes, stir until it boils, addi teaspoon onion juice, grating of nutmeg, a da-li of black pepper, teaspoon salt, i tea- spoon cloves and serve. Approved by Mrs. A. Ts^. Lane. MUTTON OR LAMP. CHOPS. Those from the loin arc l)est. Cut off some of the fat and heat in the spider: season the chops with salt and pepper or salt and cringer. Have the s])ider very hot: to be tender they nuist fry (luickly to a nice brown. Miss. Haas. 38 THE 3IUSKEGON COOK HOOK. BREAST OF MUTTON STEWED WITH CARROTS. Salt the mutton on both sides, adding a little ground ginger: put on to boil in a porcelain kettle in cold water, cover and stew slowly one and a half or two hours. Pare and cut up a half dozen carrots and put in one hour before serving, also a few potatoes cut in squares to cook in one-half hour. Just l)efore dinner take a tablespoonful of fat from the kettle. ])ut it into a spider and brown a tablespoonful of flour in it: add a heaping tablespoonful of l)rown sugar and some cinnamon, pour in the gravy from the stew, let boil and ])()ur over the stew. Serve. Mrs. Haas. LAMB STEW. Get what butchers call brisket of lamb 2i lbs. Cut in small pieces, salt and ijepper and cook in kettle on top of stove with- out water for a few minutes, then add water sufficient and cook until very tender. Wet small spoonful of flour and thicken gravy, add 1 teaspoon tine minced parsley and onion if liked. \EAL LOAF. Two pounds chopped veal, 2 cups cracker cruml)s. 2 eggs, salt and pepper to taste, 1 cup sweet milk, i cup melted butter, a pinch of sage. Mix well and bake one hour in moderate oven. Mks. W. (r. WATSOX. PRESSED VEAL. Six and i to 7 pounds of veal, a good meaty ])iece. set on stove wilh a small amount of water, adding a little salt and cook until tender. Take off the tire and remove all lione and stringy parts, add salt and pepper to taste. Roll one Initter cracker very tine and i)ut in li(iu<)r and ixmr over meat after it is put into the mo\il(i. Mi!s. .1. .1. IIowden. VEAL CROQUETTES. lloil a solid piece of veal. When thoroughly cold, chop very line, Ix'ing careful to remove all the gristle. Add dry bread crumbs rolled very fine in proportion of a cupful to three pounds of veal, before it is chojjped. Add enough soup stock or good gravy to moisten "so that it will make into balls easily. Season with cayenne i)epi)er. salt and Worcester sauce to taste. If you have any deviled ham a little improves the taste of the cro- quettes. Tomato catsup may be used in ](lace of Worcester sauce. Make into soft, cork shaped balls, roll in Hour and fry about 2 minutes in very hf)t lard in a wire basinet. If they are not quite moist the\' will be heavy. M. F. S. MEATS. 39 \EAL roTPIE. Tlircf llis. of vt';il put (111 tti linil in water onouj^h to cover. It will need to cook about an hour before inittiiiK in the (hiiiip- linjis. For the (lunii)lings, take a heaping ])t. measure of Hour. 2 level teasiK)ons of baking i)()W(ler. 1 o^g well beaten, a li^aspoon of salt and milk enough to make as thick as yovi can stir with a spoon. Before ])utting in the duini)lings, season the meat with pepper, salt and a good lump of butter. Wet a heaping table- spoon of Hour with milk and pour in. If the water has boiled away too much add a little more from the teakettle. TS'ow drop in the dumplings, a spoonful at a time, cover closely and lioil gent- ly half an hour. If you like you can put in half a dozen potatoes before putting in the dumplings. If these directions are closely followed. I will warrant light dumplings. Mks. A. Toavl. N'EAL CUTLETS. Veal cutlets should be cut 1 inch thick from the leg. Divide into equal sized pieces sufficient for a helping. Have ready a liowl of hread or cracker crumbs seasoned with salt and pepper, also 1 or 2 eggs beaten. Dip the cutlets into the egg then into the crumbs until well covered. Put into a frying pan a heaping tablespoonful of butter and the same of lard. When hot put in the cutlets, frying until brown and turning. Cook well, lay the meat on a hot platter, add to the gravy in the pan a tablespoon of flour, when quite l)rown pour in slowly a teacup of sweet milk and when scalded pour over the meat and serve hot. Approved by Mus. .1. L. ^MrHHAV. P11.0S h, 'iM.limitM}% •DEALERS IN- ferjoice- T^ecL iTjullor), Jj(2rrr)k), 1|^©p^, Veal, ^roncjues. 0:1)0. C>aus0qcs oj all i)ir)Gls. D. A. BOELKINS, ©Icrple (Zir)a I'tarjcy (sXrocenes 0r)Gl Y'^'^'® JJuxunes, AGEXT FOR TIIK GRAND RAPIDS SNOW FLAKE FLOUR. Tbe Be?b. Try iL. HE KEEPS ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN THAT LINE. GIVE HIM A CALL. 85 THIRD ST. MUSKEGON, MICH. uitivehsal hair promoter And EAIiL H'STIJAL pnniuitc the gi'owtli of the hair, restore it to the natural ciilor. clcausp tiic licatl from Dandrutf. prevent the hair from falling' out. and render it soft, line and glossy. 117 Western Avenue, MU,SKE(r()N. MICH. m BYRON J. PARKER, KEKl't- CuuNKU Lake St. and Manx Avk. LE-IF (^N ERIGIvSON, -DEALERS IX- i^p^sr). C>Grli ar)d cDn^ol^ed /"leGrfs, jl^ounpy (ciarr)C, Otc. ffi »»i% yi»$, t^ -DEALERS IN- ^ooi^ and ^W^ 3 white with the mixture. Lay the two halves firmly together and iwist \\\) in tissue paper. Approved. OMELET [Good]. Four eggs, a little salt, 4 tablespoons of milk. 1 1ables])oonful of tlour mixed smooth with a little milk. Add the whites- of the eggs beaten to froth the last thing. Fry in butter and lard to a light brown, fold and send to the table while hot. Mrs. Temple. EGG . 43 OMELET. Tlirt't' (>f4-^s. wiiiti's and yolks liciitcii separately. .Mix a talile- spooii of tldui' ill >: vu\) iiiill<. iiiell ^ lahlesjiooii liutter in anotluT i vu\) iiiiliv, salt and jiepper to taste. Stir all tdii'etliei' liyhtly and pour into a hot Imtteivd spider, liake as i|uirkl\ as possible. folding ov(M' when taken to the table. .\ little tiiiely chopped liain iiiipidves it. L. T. ('.. St. Paul. sHiKiiKi) E(;(;s. Separate, keeping' yolks whole, beat whites to a stilT froth. pepi)er and salt as you like. Divide the whites in baking aeconl- iiig to ininiber. place \(>lk in center and bake, then ])iit a little pepper and butter on yolks. Have a hot oven. Mbs. a. F. Te:mplk. ITEM. If eggs are put into boiling water to boil. ."! minutes is sutHci- ent foi' soft eggs, and •"> will cook them hard. lilTTEllCUrS. Itoil 12 eggs hard, cut in lialf and remove yolks. Cut otT ti]) f)f each piece and set them in a jjretty baking dish: rub the yolks smooth with 1 heaping tablesjioon of butter. 1 teaspoon mustard, salt and pejjper. 1 teacup of finely minced ham and fowl. 1 tea- spoon of minced onion. 2 tablesixions V)read crumbs and gravy to moisten, mix thoroughly, roll into l)alls size of yolks, put one in each half egg. Pour over the whole a teacup of chicken gravy, put bits of Imtter on each, sprinkle lightly with cracker dust and bake 1.") nunutes. or until nicely browned. Mks. E. M. Coppexs. VEGETABLES. Better is a ciiniier of herbs where love is, than a stalled ox aud liatred therewith. — [Prov. 15. 17 POTATOES. "X(» vegetal)les require more careful cooking ttian tlie potato, and none are handled more carelessly. If cooked in their jackets and peeled before serving, they are of much ))etter Havor than wlien pared before cooking. Old potatoes should be pared if too .strong rtavored. put into cold water for one or two hours before boiling and put on to cook in cold water. When soft enough to admit a fork, turn off the boiling water and return in the kettle to the tire three minutes, shaking up vigorously tliree or four times, which will make them dry and palatable. If you wish to mash them use a wire masher or a three fined fork, break them thoroughly while steaming hot: add such seasoning as you like. and a plentiful sujiply of rich milk and butter, or cream, stir very fast with the wire masher two or three minutes, and they will be white and light. Serve immediately, at least do not let them stand in the kettle as the steaming makes them watery. New potatoes should 1)e i)ut into boiling water and taken out as soon as they are done. • Mks. J. L. Muuuay. SARATOGA CHIPS. Pare and slice raw potatoes very thin, eitlier with a sharp knife or a vegetable slicer. I'ut in cold water from ten to twenty-four hours to draw oul the starch. Di'ain well, ijut a pint in frying basket, plunge into l)oiling lard and cook almost ten minutes. Have lard veiy hot when potatoes are first put in. When potato(>s are doiic. drain, and place upon old cotton to get rid of t he grease, salt slight ly. If one has not a liasket they may be (li(ip|i('(l iiild the grease and taken out with a skimmer. Mrs. Fkkd Loveless. LADY FIXGEllS. Slice good sized i)otatoes in eight pieces, let soak in cold water i hour, dry thoroughly in the oven and fry in boiling hot lard, as douglinuts. Mus. Lawson". VEGETAHLKS. 4'> CROQrETTES. Make liasli of corn Ix'cf. oi- liain mixed with ixitatocs. season to suit, add 1 vgg for one doz. 1)alis the size of a wahiut. I'oll in tine hread crunihs, and fry in hird as doughnuts. Mhs. Lawsox. MACARONI. Break 10 sticks macaroni in small pieces, put in cold water enough to cover, cook until tender, put in a pudding dish, fir.st a layer of macaroni then a layer of tinely crumbed cheese. si)rin- kle lightly with salt. ])e])i)t'r and little pieces of butter, and so on until all the macaroni is \\si'i\: turn milk over \intil you can see it, bake i hour. Mas. Vaugiian. RICE!) POTATOES. These are mashed and seasoned potatoes pressed through a colander or through a press made for the purpose. As soon as they have l)een tluis i)reparecl, set the potatoes in the oven to heat, letting tliem brown lightly, if so i)referred. POTATO TEA-CAlvES. Season tinely niaslied liot ixitatoes as if for the table omitting the pepper. Sift a pint of tlour into them, and mix enough cold milk to make a stilt" batter. Add i of a cake of compressed yeast dissolved in milk, or i cupful liome-made yeast, and set the dough in a warm i)lace to rise. When sufticiently light, form into cakes and bake them like biscuits, or in inuttin rings set in a pan. Si)lit and butter them as soon as done, and send to the table hot. These cakes are very nice for a winter supper or for luncheon, or for t)reakfast at any time. I\)TAT() PUFF. Two cups of cold mashed potato and stir into it - tablesi)oous of melted butter, beating it to a white cream before adding any- thing else. When creamy. i)Ut in 2 eggs wdilpped light and a cup of cream or milk, salt to taste, beat all well, pour into a deep disii and bake until l)rowned. Mrs. E. M. Coi'I'kns. POTATO PYPv.VMII). Pare very small potatoes and boil until tender in sliglitl\- salt- ed water, pour some melted butter over them when i)iled on a plate, and liake a liglit brown, garnish edge of plate with parsley. Mrs. E. M. Coppens. 46 THK :muskect()N cook mook. ESCALLOPED POTATOES. Two (luurts cold potatoes fhopi)e(l tine. 1 pt. sweet milk. 2 tal)lespot)ns of Initter. a little salt and pepper. Bake in a mod- erate oven one-half hour. Mrs. C. C. Billinoiiuhst. POTA^rO FPtlTTEPvS. ]\rasli and rub tlirou^ii a colander six good sizeil potatoes, add a little salt. 2 tablespoonsful sweet milk or cream. 2 tablespoons of flour, 1 egg and the yolks of two otliers. Peat the reserved whites to a stiff froth and stir into the other ingredients, mix well. Have ready a spider of hot lard and drt)]) by the spoonful into it and fry as other fritters.. A delicious breakfast dish. Mhs. Yestev. POTATOES POLLED IN LAPvD. Pare and slice thick eight or ten potatoes. Half fill a good sized kettle with lard or drippings. When boiling put in the potatoes and cook until tender and brown, take out with a skim- mer into a colander to drain, sprinkle with salt. Be careful not to till the kettle text full of ])otatoes. Only cook what the lard will covei' at a time: llien stir in salt, pepjiei' and a teasi)oonful of butter. Mits. C. W. Mann. ESCALLOPED POTAT( )ES. Place a layer of sliced raw potatoes in a dish, season willi l)utter. pepper and salt. Do the same with each layer, tilling the dish, over which pour sweet milk, bake an hour or more as I lie oven may re(]uire. POTATOES AND CREAM. ^lince cold l)oiled potatoes tiiu'. i)ut them into a sjjidei- wit li nielle!] biittei' in it. let tliem fry a little in the initter, well covei-ed. Ilicii ])ul in a fi'esli pii'ce of butter, season with salt and l)ei)per. pour o\cr cream or ricli milk, let it boil up once and sei've. P.AKKD POTATOES One dozen medium sizcii i)otatoes. liake nicely, then cut otf 1 lie top. sci'ape out t he inside and put in a disli. Heat t he whites of () eggs to a stiff froth. a;ld half to 1 he potatoes, also a cu]» of cream, salt and pepper. l;eat up lighl and lill the skins, over the opening place a s])oontid of llie beaten wliites. return to the oven until a light brown. Ser\c liot. >Dis. Fuank Wood. VKGETA15LES. 47 r.AKKl) I'O'IW^I^OKS. Twrlvr yood sized potiilocs pai'cd and <|iiartri'('d. 2 (Hiidiis. Put itl('nt.\' (if nice t'rcsli lard in a small sized dripping- pan. tlien ]MH in a layer ofpotaldes and a lasci- of t lie onions cut tine, sea- son with salt and pepper. Make in t lie oven, stiri'in^' occasionally. Mhs. C. E. Moore. POTATO PIE. Make a rich crust as for chicken pie, line a dish. For tilling', use 1 qt. mashed potatoes, seasoned with salt, pepix'i' and plenty of cream, slice an onion very tine, mix together, till and cover with crust. Bake i hour. Mrs. L. I!. Lull. 1)ELM( )N I CO !'( )TATOES. Fill an ordinary pie plate (buttered) with cold l)olled potatoes chopped tine or sliced. ])our over a hot drawn butter gravy, made with milk enough to inoisten. Hake until nicely browned. Many sprinkle with bread crumbs. Mrs. A. X. Lane. CORN OMELET. Corn from six ears of boiled corn, i doz. eggs. salt. Heat yolks and add corn, then whites 1>eaten. fry in melted butter. Approved by Mrs. Lane. UAKEI) TURNIP. Take mashed turni]) and put in a dish, season with butter, pepper and salt, then a layer of tine bread crumbs. Season each layer, tilling the dish, having the bread crumbs on top, moisten each layer with sweet milk and bake in a hot oven. L. T. C. St. Paul. T^Finii. DICED TURNIP. Cut white turnip into dice, boil m salted water until tender, •drain, add cup of milk, stir in 1 tablespoon Hour mixed with but- ter, season with salt antl pepper. P.eets can be served the same way. ^Fus. Coppens. SALSIFY OYSTERS. Poll S large roots of salsify perfectly tender, iieel cai'efully crown and all. rub through a sieve and .season with salt, pepper and 3 oz. butter: add h cu]) of Hour, 2 well beaten eggs and a little rich cream: the mixture nni.st Vie a very thick batter, dro)* into lioiling lard a spoonful at a time. al)out the size of a large . oyster: remove as soon as done, drain carefully and serve on a hot dish. 48 THE MUSKEGON COOK BOOK. TO COOK SALSIFY. Scrape and wash the roots, cut in rings i inch thiclv. boil until tender in just water enough to cover, a little salt: when done add milli and a spoonful of butter and thicken with a spoonful of flour: pour over toasted brearl cut in little scjuares. TO COOK ASPARAGUS. Select such pieces as will cut readily with a knife. Put into water with a half te,aspoonful of soda and parboil five minutes. Turn off the water and add about a level tablespuonful of butter and let simmer a few minutes, do not In-own, sift a very little flour over and add milk or watei-. as you prefer, to make suffici- ent dressing. String beans may be cooked in the same way only ])arl)oiling 2n or 30 minutes and let simmer in the gravy as much longer. Mrs. J. L. Muuray. MAYONNAISE DRESSING. Boil 3 eggs 20 minutes, yolks mashed to a paste with 1 teaspoon mustard prepared as for table use, and i teaspoon salt: set on stove H cups vinegar, when it comes to a boil add 2 table- spoons sugar, 1 tablespoon flour rubbed with a little piece butter, the whites chopped ttne, the yolks and mustard. Fill the toma- toes with this maj'onnaise, cover and bake 20 minutes. Use ripe tomatoes this way, only adding i pt. whipped cream to the mayonnaise. Mrs. J. R. Bennett. ESC ALLO PE D TO M A TOES, if fresh tomatoes are used pare and slice, (canned tomatoes are as good,) alternate layers of cracker crumbs and tomatoes un- til the dish is full, beginning and flnishing with cracker crumbs. On evei'\ layer of tomatoes sprinkle i teaspoon of salt, a little pei)|)er. a teaspoon of sugar and the same of butter. Make quite moist, cover and bake one-half hour. Mrs. J. W. I-Jrakeman. T^AKEI) TOMATOES. Use tomatoes of uuilnrm size and as smootli as maybe. Wash them carefully, noi to brake the skin, put in an earLlien or gran- ite disl^ and liake until thoroughly cooked, which will take from 1 to 2 hoiirs acconling to size of fruit and the temperature of the oven. It is better to have tbem over done than linder done. When done slip the skins from them and lay each one carefully on a square piece of toast, season with butter and salt and serve hot. A. C. F. VEGETABLES. 4^ I'.AKED T()>rAT()ES. One-half doz. ripe tomatoes. slic(M)tTa i)iec'e for cover, and re" move the seeds, till with the following- mayonnaise dressing. STKIN(J P.EAN SALAD. String' tile beans and hnil tlieni: wlien cold slice lengiliwise and lay in a dish. Seasonan liour or sd Ix'fnrc cat ing willi pep- per, salt and 3 teaspoons vinegar an;l one of oUnc oil: drain jnst before serving ani p )ur over the following' dressing: DRESSIXd. One tablespoon vinegar, '.i tal)lesi)()()ns olive oil. 1 salt sjjoon of salt and 1 of pepper. 1 teasp;K)n of finely scraped onion. Mix pepper and salt, then aid oil. onion anl vinegar. Mrs. CiiAmuerlaix. St. J»aul. EGG PLA^'T. Peel and cnt in slices half inch thick, spriidvle witli salt and pepper, and let drain 1 hour. Make a batter of 1 egg. flour and water, dip the slices into it and fry brown in l)utter 15 minutes. Or peel the Egg Plant and l)oil until tender, then pour off water, mash tine, add pepper, salt and butter to taste, one well beaten egg and one tablesi)of)n of flour, make into i)atties and fry lirown in butter, or equal jjarts butter and lard. ]Mrs. K. a. ]NroNiiOE. PEAS. Put peas in cold water to cook with a little salt added, when cookeddrain. and add pepper an 1 l)utter. serve. :Mi;s. a. Y. Mann. CAULIFLOWER. Parb!)il a few minutes, drain and arid hot wiiter to cook, add a little salt, when tender drain, and serve with thickened cream or milk. Mus. \. Y. Mann. CORN OYSTERS. One teacup of milk. 2 eggs. 2 heaping tablespoons of Hour and a pinch of salt. Roil all well together, and stir in the corn cut from 1 do/., or more ears, according to size, to have a thick mass with just batter enough to bind together. Drop from a spoon into the fryingpan with enough hot V)utter to keep from buin- ing. Serve on a hot plate. Miis. Geo. (;illktt. 'jO the 3rrsKE«ox cook hook. COPxX OYSTERS. One (jt. gTateil corn. 3 eggs well beaten. 1 small tcasjxion salt and a little pepper, just flour enough to make the corn hold to- gether, drop on a hot buttered griddle and fry. Mrs. E. W. (tUAV. CORN CUSTARD. Two cups cooke;] corn to 1 pt. sweet milk, and 3 eggs well beat- en, season with salt, popper and piece butter size of a hickory nut. Bake i hour. Mrs. Lawson. CORN OMELET. Four eggs. 4 ta!)lespaons sweet milk. 1 rounded tablespoon of tlour. 1 cup of canned corn or green corn cooked, iieat the eggs thoroughly, add the milk and flour. l)eat again and add the corn; have ready a buttered spider. i)r)ur in part of the mixture; cook until it may be turned. Mrs. O. G. P'irmax. EGG PLANT. Take a large sized egg plant, leave the stem and skin on and boil in a porcelain kettle until soft, taking up witli a fork and sjjoon. Remove the skin and mash fine in a i»owl. (not tin.) add a teaspoon of salt. i»lenty of pepper, a large spoonful of flour, (when it is cold,) a half teacupful of milk or cream and .'5 eggs. This forms a nice batter. Have some butler and lard very hot and droj) this batter from a sp:):)n a-; you do t'l'lltfU's ani brown nicely on each si:h'. CAisr.ACJE. Cut a cabbage as tine as you can slice it, boil in milk 30 min- utes, and add butter. pepi)er and salt, with a little flour to thicken. Mks. W>i. Ukynolds. r.AKEl) HE.VXS. If new, soak only a short time. 1 i\{. beans — a half hour will do— parboil until they crack at the eyes, drain them from this water and rince with water several times, through a colander is better: then hav(> a nice large i)iece of fat salt ])ork, 1 or 1^ lbs. ready. ])ut in l he mid.lle of Ijcan pot with lieans around, do not cover polk ent irely l)ut leave the I'ind to brown, pour over the whole water salted a little— molasses also if desired — to just cover the l)eans. put into a steaiy. hot ov(mi. bake 4 or 5 hours, adding water occasionally if necessary. Mrs. >L P». Sti';\kns. VEGETABLES. 51 i;aki:i> i'.kans wrrnor'i' I'oifK. Wash carefully 1 pt. ol' small white lieaiis. jnit ovcf the Wvr in 4 qts. of cold water, liriuiitoa lioil and let imil t lioui- of un- til teiuh'T eniiuli of red pepper. ])ress into halls the size of a nutmeg, roll them in yolk of an egg. lay in your frying basket and boil in hot lard. The flavor can lie varied by stirring a' salt spoon of dr\' mustard into the egg. To be served cold for desert. Mus. \'i:sti;v. CHEESE STll.XWS. To 1 cup grated cheese add * cup cracker crumbs, salt to taste, moisten with cream or sweet milk, then add milk and flour suf- ficient to make i)aste roll as for jde crust, cut in long strips the width of a straw. l)ake liglit brown in moderate oven. Miss (Jii.vt'E I'i'TON. i;. C. V FISH. "Praise God for fish and flesh and fowl. He gave to men for food." crea:^! SAL:\r()N. Take out the contents of a pint can of best salmon, removing all the bits of skin, bone and tluid. I pick from one disli to an- other, tlien back again, working it up very tine. For a white sauce, heat a pint of milk in double boiler, thicken with 2 tablespoons cornstarch dissolved in cold milk, add 2 table- spoons of butter, salt and pepper. Set this aside to get thor- oughly cool. Prepare 1 pint tine l)read crumbs, by removing all the crusts, and cruml)]ing the V)read which must not be dry, between the fingers. Put a thin layer of crumbs on the bottom of pudding dish, dot with bits of butter, cover with half the prei)ared fish, then half the remain ing crumbs, pour over at this stage half the sauce or dressing, add the rest of the fish, then the breadcrumbs, then the rest of the sauce. Upon the top scatter a very thin layer of very fine crumbs, a mere handful, which may be re- sei'ved or prepared extra, pressing into the sauce lightly, with bowl of spoon: dot finely with butter and bake very slowly for i iiour. To be wholly successful, the oven must V)e so mild that no crust will form on bottom or sides of dish, and the top will be only slightly tinted. It is then a very delicate dish. E. S. D. ITEM. I-"i'csii lisii rulibcd wilii lialta lemon before boiling or frying, will hasten their conking and also removes any earth or oily laste. Mus. F. H. Peck. MrsiIUOOM SAUCE. One cup of milk. 1 can French mushrooms. 2 tablespttons of butter, 2 tablespoons of bi'ownetl Hour. pei)i)ei' and sail. lioil the milk, add butter and tlour: lastly, add muslironms. Ai'i'uovKO I'.v Mks. .\. N. Lane. FISH. 53 I'.OILKI) WIIITKFISII. Pivjiare the tisli us for boiling, laying- it oix'ii. ]m\ it into a Klrippiiifi" l)an wit li liu" Itat'k down. iit'aii\ cover wilii water: to one tish 2 tablt^spooiis salt, cover tightly and sinnner^not boil — i hour. Dress with butter gravy and garnish with hard l»oiled eggs. IlOILEl) CODFISH. Cut the Hsh into square pieces, cover witli cold water, set on the back part of the stove: when hot pour oti water and cover again with cold water. Lot it stand about four hours and sim- mer. Serve with pork fal oi- drawn buttei-. Mrs. K. W. Mkuuill. SALMON LOAF. One (luart can of salmon. 1 tea cup cracker crumbs rolled very tine, salt. 3 eggs, a little Cayenne pepper, a tablespoon of melted butter, juice of 1 lemon: steam 1 hour. Serve with mushroom sauce or with drawn butter sauce and parsley. Ari'KovKD nv IVIhs. A. X. Lane. FlSll A LA HOLLANDATSE. Take a tish that has been boiled or baked. Break into small pieces, remove all bones. Mix it with a hard boiled egg choi)ped tine, place in a tiat dish with a smooth end)ankment of i)otatoes encircling it. pour llollandaise sauce over the Hsh, varnish the ])Otatoes with white (tf egg. Place in a very hot oven until slightly browned. SAUCE HOLLA NDAISE. Beat 4 cup butter to a cream, add yolks of 2 eggs, one by one.' then juice of one lemon, and a i)inch of Cayenne pepper, and + teaspoon salt: place this in a i)an of boiling water. l)eat with an egg beater until it begins to thicken, then add i cup boiling •water, when like soft custard it is done. Mus. E. M. COPPEXS. O. K. dp:vilp:i) loi!stek. To 1 can of loV)ster. drained and jjicked, | pt. of cream: 2 table- spoons flour, 1 tablespoon (\v\ mustard. 1 pinch Cayenne pei)])er. 2 tablesiKions butter: boil cream, then add butter, flour and mustard, and while hot pour ovei- lobster and mix. i)ut into a baking dish and cover top with l>read ciuiubs. add lumps of but- ter and bake 20 minutes. Mus. J. W. Moon. r)4 THE MUSKEGON COOK BOOK. BROOK TIIOUT. Be very careful not to cf»ok too much. If small, tliey may be fried in butter or sweet oil. Have the butter or oil hot and do not overdo. Try them with a fork. Put no eggs or batter on them, they are better plain. They canbeln-oiled by wra])inng- in glazed paper' well buttered, sprinkle a very little pe])])er and salt on them, put them on the gridiron, and turn them from side to side over the hot coals. Season with lemon juice. If your trout weighs a pound or more it is better boiled. Use enough, slight- ly salted, cold water to cover the fish, let come slowly to a boil, and boil from three to five minutes, turn off the water and if you are careful the fish will not break and the beautiful colors will be as bright as before cooking. Serve plain or with drawn butter sauce. It is delicious if not over cooked. . Mrs. J. L. ^Fukray. STEADIED TROUT. Take a trout weighing about 2 lbs., season with salt, and steam one hour. SAUCE FOR THE ABO YE. Two tablespoons of l)utter. to one of flour, rub together and add boiling water to the consistency of thick cream. 2 hard boiled eggs chopped fine, and a little salt and ])ei)]jer stirred in the gravy. To be eaten with the fish. IVIhs. C. C. iilLLIN'OIIT^UST. BAKED SMOKED TROUT. Hold under the faucet and wash inside, remove the skin. ])lace in a bake pan with 1 cup each of milk and water, bake 15 min- utes, and then add another cup of milk and bake 10 minutes longer. Mrs. Francis Smith. BROOK TROUT. For a dozen good sized trout fry six slices of salt ]iork: when Iji-own take out the ])ork and put in the tfout. fry a nice lii'own on all sides. Serve the }K)rk with them. Mrs. K. a. Minuoe. WHITE FISH. One white llsh boiled tender and picked tine, make a drawn butter gravy; add one egg, i)epper and salt, add the fish, warm through, put into scallops and bake. Mrs. A. N. Lane. KISll. KISII CIIOWDKK. Ilavo a (leoj) iron kettle i'ea;ly. l-"resli cdd or liaddock are best for ehowder. Cut into 2 itieli slices. Vvy some slices of salt ])ork ill kettle. Takeout, clioi) tiMt>. leaving- fat. put a layer of fish in this fat: then a layer of s|)lil ]ioston crackers, then some bits of pork: some thick slices of potatoes i peeled i. and some chopijed onion and pepper. Then anothei' la.xcr of lisli. with a repetition of the other articles. Covei' witii boilinji' water, and 1 toil -i hour. Skim out in 1h(^ disli in wliicli il is to be served, thicken the gravy with Hour, lioil iijiaiid pour over cliowder. Mas. 1. F. lIoi'KiNs. BAKED FISH. To bake any kind of fresh tlsh. let it la\' in liiine over night and until time to bake, then take fat salt pork, slice very thin, lay in the tin just where the tlsh will lay, put a few ])ieces of butter on pork and a little pepper, a piece or two of pork, butter and pepi)er inside the fish, then lay tlsh in tin on the pork, put butter and pei)i)er on top of tlsh, and last of all cover all over with thin i)ieces of pork, and bake till done: it refpiires no hasting. A tish weighing 5 lljs. will take H hours with a slow even fii'c. liake until brown. .Mits. Ciias. Axtiioxy. SALT MACKEREL. Freshen, by laying in cold water from 24 to 30 hours, according to size. Place in a pan. and cover with cold water: set on stove, let come to Iwiling heat, and let simmer '> miinites. Lift care- fuUv and cover with cream. Mrs. C. T. Hills. BEVERAGES. He who knows whiit is sood and chooses it, who knows what is bad aud avoids it, is learned and temperate. —LS DC RATES. COFFEE. First, buy your coffee ^reen and roast it carefully yourself. Use equal parts of Mocha and Java. Mocha coffee is a small rounding kernel of a yellowish green color, and Java is a large kernel of a brownish color. Grind the browned coffee fine in order that you may get the full strength. Use earthen or gran- ite ware to make your coffee in. and wash the coffee-pot after brewing. Allow a tablespoonful to each person, of the ground coffee, wet it with cold water and an egg before putting it in the coft"ee-i)Ot, 1 egg is sufficient for 1 cup of ground coffee, if less coffee is used, use less egg. Tut the wet coffee in the pot and pour boiling water on it, let it boil up once then remove to a l)lace on the stove where it will be near the boiling point but not l)(iil. let stand from 10 to 15 minutes, serve in hot cups with hot cream or milk with yolks of eggs beaten together. 1 yolk to 1 cu]) milk. If there is coffee left and you wish to save it, pour it off' the grounds, if allowed to stand on the grounds the bitter pois- on is extracted, and the coffee is spoiled. If you must use tin to make coffee in use bright, new tin. but earthen is far preferable to anything else. A. C. F. COFFEE. One cup coffee, add 1 pt. cold water, set on back of stove A hour, when nearly ready to serve V)ring forward anil add Vioiling water, let boil 1 minute. Mks. T. W. Lke. CHOCOLATE. Take 6 tal)lcsi)oonsful scraped chocolate, dissolve in a (|uart of boiling water, boil hard 1") minutes, add 1 qt. of rich milk, let scald and serve hot; this is enough for six persons. Sweeten to taste. Mrs. E. W. Thayeh. lJKVKI!Aul)t the Finest in the city. Yours Respectfully, LEW W. CODMAN. Tlie Best ^oofls M Lowest Prices. -Our Assortment of- F" I_J I^ IM I T ILJ I^ E: , And everything in these lines is large and varied. While we carry Fixe Goods, we also have medium and low priced grades, and can suit anybody, no matter what the size of his purse. Call on us if you wish to see the largest « stock, and get the lowest prices. Obo Price to All-AMM Tie Lowest. Truesdell Furniture Co. R. MUELLER, -DEALER IN- ID I .A^ M O N 13 S , walcQcs. lewelpy, ^locl^s, SilveriATar^ apd iVrt (joods. 39 W. WESTERN AVENUE. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, 59 W. WESTERN AVE., MUSKEGON, MICH. DEALi:KS IX DnijJTS. Medicines. Clieniicals, Fancy and Toilet Articles. Sponges, P)rus]ies. Perfumery. &c. Headciuarters for lloniu'patliic Ueinedies and Patent ^Fedicines. We carry all I'atent M(".licines advertised in the city paiJcrs. and order new ones as soon as made. ToalMiood Housekeepers wiio api)reciale a Hour thai will make a tine sweet loaf of bread: a tloiir tiial will never |^ail: t>nv that can be depended ui)on every time to accomplish satisfactory results, we recommend our "Fancy Patent" as the best for extra white bread, cake and pastry. For general family use our celebrated ••Silvku Leaf"' stands at the head of all oilier lirst class Hour. Try it once and you will use no other. Foi' sale by all Grocers, and manufactui'ed only by MUSKEGOK MILLING CO. PUDDINGS. '•(iei ii husband what he likes. And save a thousand household strikes.' "One thinfj- is always ^ul■e to please, Just Ki\c lum pudding's such as these." HOW TO :make :v[rsii. A'ery few ])e()i)lo know lUiW to lunke t liis dish as it should be. The ingredients for a dish of niusli. are water, salt and corn meal. The water should be soft, tlie salt line, and the meal of the first (luality. yellow meal gives the best eolor but white meal is more easily cooked. The water should be boiling hot at commencement, middle and end of operation. The meal should be added very slowly, so as to prevent any lumiis forming, stir- ring all the time, and should never be in such (luantities as to bring down the temperature of the water below the l)oilingpoint. Herein lies the secret of making good mush. ^lush should be cooked 2 or .'J hours. ' ]SrRs. Geo. Gtllett. ILVKEI) INDIAN PUDDIN(r. Four eggs, 1 qt. milk. .") large teaspoons corn meal, small cup sugar, nutmeg. P>oil the milk and scald the meal in it. let it cool before adding the eggs, bake I of an hour. Mks. Colemax. CORN MEAL PUT)I)lN(i. One i)t. milk. 2 large spoons corn meal, butter one-half size of an egg. boil 3 or 4 minutes: 2 tai)lespoons sugar, salt and nutmeg or grated lemon rind. Pake I of an hour. Spread with jelly and frost, browning lightly in the oven. Mus. Dennis Smith. APrLE BETTY. Take 1 lit. stewed apples, sweetened, a small piece of butter. ] cup rich milk- or tliin cream: i)Ut the apples into a i)udding dish in layers with thin slices of bread between the layers, pour the milk over it and liake i liour. To be eaten with fairy sauce, that is butter and sugar stii'rcd to a frothy comi)(»und. liavored with nutmeg. M ks. Temple. 62 THE MUSKEGON COOK BOOK. BATTER PUDDING. One tablespoon sugar, 1 tablespoon l)utter. 2 eggs, f cup milk, 2 teaspoons baking powder, flour to make as stitf as cake. Steam 2 hours, serve with rice sauce. Mrs. Temple. RICE PUDDING. Boil i cup rice and i cup raisins in 1 qt. of milk until soft: beat yolks of 4 eggs with 6 ta blespoons of sugar, into the hot milk and rice, after it has been removed from the tire. Pour into a pud- ding dish, and spread over the top a meringue made of the four whites l)eaten stiff, with 4 tablespoons of white sugar, and flavor with vanilla or lemon. To be eaten cold. Mrs. 8. M. Cramulet. MOLASSES PUDDING. One-half cup butter, 1 cup cold water. 1 cup New Orleans molasses, 3 cups flour, 1 cup raisins, 1 teaspoon cinnamon. 1 tea- spoon soda, a little salt. Steam li hours. Mrs. Cole3ian. DELMONICO PUDDING. One qt. milk. 3 teaspoons cornstarch, mix with a little cold milk, 5 eggs; separate them, put the yolks with the cornstarch, add 6 tablespoons sugar, put this into the cornstarch, with milk when boiling. Boil 3 minutes or till cooked. J^)eat the whites stiff and add 3 tablespoons powdered sugar. l)ake sufficient to hold the icing. L. C. T. MRS. WELLINGTON'S PUDDING. One pt. sweet milk, 1 tablespoon butter, place on the stove and boil, add 3 tablespoons cornstarch and 1 tablespoon flour, stir in a little cold milk. When cold add 3 large eggs or 4 small ones, beat yolks well and add the whites well beaten last, set in a dish of hot water and l)ake 4 hour. To be eaten with a sweet sauce. QUAKER PUDDING. Six eggs ix'atcn with !t or 10 tablesixxins Hour and bit. milk, bake 20 minutes, sei've witii sauce. INIrs. C. B. M. ItPvOWN I5ETTY. One-ti)ir(l bread and s ai)i)le. Crumb the l)ri'a(l tine and chop the apples: 2 cups brown sugar, i cu]) butter, 2 teaspoons cinna- mon, a little luitmeg. Mixthorouglily and s])read over the apples and liicad. i lake verv brown. Mrs. C. B. Maxn. ITDDINOS. 63 mOE PUI)D1>^G WITHOUT EGGS. Three t alilespdoiis rice. 1 ([t. new milk, i teaspoon sail, sugar ami luitiiieg to taste, iiaki-ili or :{ iiours in a moderate oven. ^fKs. G. M. Smith. JOHN'S DELIGHT. Two cu])S elio])i)e(l bread, i ('U]) chojjped suet, ^ eup molasses, 1 egg". 1 cup raisins. 1 cup sweet milk with i teaspoon soda dis- solved in it. 1 teasjjoon cinnamon, i of cloves, a pinch of mace and salt, boil 2 lioui's in a tin pudding boiler, eat with foaming sauce. Ap])roved by I.lus. Spuagie. PUFF PUDDING. One cup V)oiling water with i cup of butter melted in it: while the mixture boils stir in 1 cup flour, keep it on the stove stir- ring it until smooth and velvety, when cool add 3 eggs well beat- en and i teaspoon dry soda: heat a pudding dish hot, butter thor- oughly and pour In the batter. Bake in a quick oven until thoroughly done. Make an opening in the edge and pour in cus- tard made of 1 cup of milk, i cup of flour, i cup sugar, and 2 eggs, flavor with lemom Mus. Spkague. POOR MAN'S PUDDING. One cup molasses, 1 cup cold water, 1 cup fruit, 1 teaspoon soda, flour to make a batter, steam H hours. Mus. J. D. Davis. BREAD PUDDING WITHOUT MILK. Take dry bread pieces i pt. more or less, pour l)oiling water on them, when soft add a cup of fruit of any kind, stewed or fresh, and 2 tablespoons butter, yolks of 2 eggs, spice and sugar to taste: bake 20 minutes: just before it is done spread on tlie beaten whites of the eggs and brown nicely. PUDDING IN HAvSTE. Three eggs, 3 cups milk. 3 cups flour. I'.ake in patty tins or cups and serve with hot sauce. Mrs. Reynolds. ESTELLE PUDDING. Three eggs well beaten. 2i tablespoons sugar. 2 tablespoons butter, i cup sweet milk. 1 cuj) raisins, stoned, 1 tablespoon bak- ing powder, flour to make the cf»nsistency of i)oun(l cake, steam .35 minutes. To be served witli li(iuid sauce. Approved by K. T. C. 64 THE MUSKEGON COOK-BOOK. LIQUID PUDDING SAUCE. One-half fill) sugar, i cup Initter. 2 cups water, boil together, thicken with 1 teaspoon cornstarch: lemon juice nutmeg or va- nilla to taste. APPLE TAPIOCA PUDDITsG. Pare and core enough apples to till a dish: put into eacli apple a bit of lemon peel. Soak i pt. of tapioca in 1 qt. of luke warm water 1 hour, and add a little salt, flavor with lemon, pour over- the apples. Pake until apples are tender. Eat when cold with cream and sugar. SNOW PUDDING. One-half box gelatine soaked in 1 cup cold water 1 hour. 2 lemons grated, 3 eggs, li cups sugar. Add sugar and lemons to gelatine, then pour over i pint boiling water. When dissolved beat until all sparkles, then add the whites of eggs beaten stiff,, make a custard of the yolks. APPLE SNOW. Mash tlie pulp of 3 baked apples with a silver simoon, add 1 cup sugar and the beaten white of 1 egg. flavor and beat i hour: serve with soft custard or alone. Mrs. C. B. Mann. STE.VM CAKE PUDDING. One teacup liutter. 1* cups sugar, 1 cup sweet milk. 3 cups flour, 2 teaspoons cream tarter. 1 of soda, add cinnamon, luitmeg, a few raisins chopped fine, 2 eggs, steam 2 hours without un- covering. Use any kind of sauce. Mrs. .1. D. Davis. TAPIOCA inn)I)ING. Soak ] cu]) tapioca in 1 (it. milk for 2 hours, add •; cup of sugar. 1 cup of raisins, yolks of 3 eggs well beaten, a little salt. l)ake slowly one hour. Peat whites of eggs to froth, add 2 tablespoons sugar, flavor. ^ Mrs. ^L\ngoll). PINE APPLE TAPIOCA. Soak over night 1 cu]) tapioca in H cui)S water, in morning add 2+ cups water and cook until transparent in double boiler. Wlieii done add 1 cu]) sugar, 1 i)ine api)le ])ared, cored and llnely minced (a can of <^i'atc(l pine apple coidd be used), tiiin into cups, wet with cold watei'and mould, serve with cold or wiiiijpcd ci'cam. Api)les and peaches can be used in place of pine ai)i)lr. •'Good IIkaltji," P. C. PUDDINGS. tji") SNOW inM)I)IN(i. Half V)()X ^'olatino, wliitos of ;} eygs. pinl of hot water, juice of 1 lemon. Dissolve >ie!ati lie in tiie water, tlieii add lemon juiee and sugar, mix well and strain through llaiincl inlit a large mix- bowl: when cool encmgh to l)egin to thicken, si ir in t he wliites of the eggs beaten to a stiff froth, and beat until it is thick and snow white all through. It will take a half liour or longer, and the colder the better. Turn into moulds tliat have been dipijed in cold water, or i)ile in ]),vramid form in cciitei'of a glass dish. U'aving a sjiace all around. Keej) on ice till next day. Make a soft custard with a pint of milk, yolks of :j eggs, pinch of salt, 4 tal)lespoons sugar, little grated lemon rind. The custard should be A'ery cold, and if the pudding is in pyramid pour the custard around it — not over it. In moulds, serve the custard from a pitcher. PI C. II. CHOCOLATE PUDDING. Scrape very tine 2 oz. of chocolate, J teaspoon cinnamon: jjut into a pan; pouring over it 1 (it. new milk, stirring until it boils, add by degrees 4 oz. sugar. IMelting the chocolate until smootli, pour out to cool. Beat 8 eggs to a froth, mix with chocolate, pour into buttei'cd dish and hake I hour. Serve with jiowdered sugar, cold. FIXE lUU^lVD rUDDIXG. Take light, white bread, cut it in thin slices: ])ut into a ])ud- ding dish a layer of any kind of lireserves. then a slice of bread and repeat until the mould is almost full. Pour over all a i)int of warm milk, in which 4 beaten eggs have been mixed: cover the mould vvitii a piece of linen, jilace the mould in a sauce pan with a little boiling water, let it boil gently 20 minutes. Serve with ])udding sauce. QUEEX OF PUDDlXtJS. One scant pint of grated l)read crnmbs. 1 (it. of milk, i cup of sugar. 1 lemon. 4 eggs, butter the size of a walnut, (rrate the rind of the lemon, and put it with the butter: little salt with the liread crumbs, tlien ])onr on the milk lioiling hot. Wlien cold add the j'olks of the eggs well l)eaten, l)eat all thoroughly to- getlier and bake. When cold make a meringue of the whites of the eggs. the. juice of th(> liMiion. i cu]^ f)f sugar. ])eat until stiff, spread over the top of the pudding and set in tlu' oven until a delicate brown. H C. 11. 66 THE MUSKEGON COOK BOOK. GENEVA PUDDING. Mix 3 tablespoons cornstarch with a very little water, and stir into 1 pt. of boiling water, add the whites of 3 eggs beaten stilf. For saiic^, take beaten yollvs of 3 eggs, 1 cup of sugar, i cup milk, flavor. Boil the sauce till cooked. Mrs. 8. M. Ck amulet. BLACK PUDDING. Ft)ur eggs, i pt. molasses, i cup butter, i cup sugar, i cu]) milk, 1 cup sifted flour, 1 large teaspoon soda, bake half an hour. Sauce.— Two cups sugar, ] tablespoon butter, H cups boiling water, 1 lemon, grate rind and squeeze ou.t the juice. Mks. Vestey. FIG PUDDING. One lb. flgs chopped fine. 1 pt. grated bread crumbs, 1 cup flue chopped suet, i cup sugar, 1 cup sweet milk, 3 eggs, 1 large tea- spoon cinnamon, 1 large teaspoon nutmeg. Dip a pudding cloth in boiling water and dredge it with flour, put in jnidding, tie up tightly, leaving a little room for it to swell. Steam 3 hours. DAINTY PUDDING. One orange, 2 teacups stale bread, 2 eggs, (yolks only.) 2 oz. citron shredded, 1 cup water, sweeten to taste. Soften the bread with the water, grate the rind and squeeze the juice of the orange, mix this and the citron with the bread, stir in the yolks of the eggs and sweeten. Butter 6 small cups. Beat the whites of the eggs, mix ([uickly with the other ingredients, All the cups and bake slowly 20 minutes or until they are l)rown. Serve liot with cream sauce. Raisins can be used instead of citron. Mrs. J. Alvord CRACKER PUDDING. Three common crackers rolled, boil 1 i)iut milk. When it is partly cooled stir in the yolks of 2 eggs and a ijinch of salt, place in a disli of water, and hake until it is set. Frost with the wliites of the egg and sugar, decorate witli bits of jelly. ISIrs. Murray. ITEM. In making boiled sauces, if the butter, sugar, and water are boiled for 15 miiuites before tliickening, the sauces will l)e nmch clearer. Mrs. (Jeo. D. Smith. PUDDINGS. (57 CHRISTMAS TLUM PrDDI^'ii. One lb. raisins. 1 lb. Euf^iish currants, i lb. suet, choiiijcd line with 1 lb. breatl crinubs. 2 tablespoons tloui', 8 cfJfgs. 1 qt. sweet milk. 1 teacui) su^ar. 1 nutnu^^-. i lb. candied citron, i lb. can- died lemon. 1 tables])oon ground cloves, iioil j^ently in a bag 4 hours. Turn the bag wrong sidiMHit. di]) in hot water, then in cold, wring dry and dust well with Hour. turn, and put in the pudding standing a s])oon up in the middle and lie up the bag. -Mks. L. L. Tkott. TKOY J'UDDING. 1 cup milk. 1 cup molasses. 1 cup chopped suet or i cup melted butter, 1 cup raisins. 3i of Hour. I egg, 1 teaspoon soda, spice to taste. Boil or steam 3 hours. Can be kept several days in the winter and then warmed like plum pudding. Serve with hard saiu^e made as follows: one cup sugar, i cup Initter stirred t<> a cream, tlavor with vanilla or nutmeg. Mks. H. I). P.AKKH. SUET I'UDDING WITH SOl^R MILK. One cup chopi)ed suet. 1 cup of molasses. 1 cup of chopped raisins. 1 cup of sour milk. 3 cups of flour, 1 teaspoon of salt. Steam 3 hours. Eat with vanilla sauce. A cup of chopped apples is sometimes added. Mrs. G. F. Outhwaite. SUET PUDDING. One cup milk. 1 cu|) suet. 1 cup sugar. I cup cho])i)ed raisins. 1 egg, piece butter size walnut. 3 cups flour— cinnamon— 2 tea- spoons baking powder. Steam 3 hours. SAUCE FOR PUDDING. Butter, sugar and 1 egg stii'red to a cream. Flavor with va- nilla. Mrs. a. C. Brakemam. SUET IH^DDING. Three cups flour. 3 teaspoons baking powdei'. 1 cup suet, chopped ttne. 1 cup raisins, stoned, i cup sugar or f cup molasses, cold water or milk enough to make stiff, batter (about 1 cup), you can use sour milk and soda if you like; even teaspoon cinna- mon, i of cloves. Steam two hours. Rub i cup sugar and table- spoon of butter to a cream, (moistened with teasixton hot water makes it cream better.) for sauce. Mrs. E. T. Chamiuoki^ain. 08 THE MUSKEGON COOK BOOK. SUET DUMPLINGS. Make as for suet pudding and drop into boiling water, or into water where meat is boiled. Apples may be rolled in them, mak- ing delicious ap])le dumplings. lioU an hour. A. T. F. CORN STARCH PUDDINd. One pint sweet milk! whites 3 eggs. 2 tablespoons cornstarch. 3 tablespoons of sugai'. little salt. When the milk reaches the l)oiling point add sugar, then starch mixed smooth in a little cold milk, antl lastly the eggs beaten to stiff broth. SAUCE. One pint milk. 3 tablespoons sugar, yollcs 3 eggs well beaten and a tablcsixion milk added to them. Flavor to taste. SNOW PUDDIN(^. One Itox gelatine, 1 pint boiling water, juice of 2 lemons, 3 eggs. Pour water over gelatine, add sugar to taste, and the lemon jnice. When cold add whites of eggs l»caten to stiff l)roth. SAUCE. Beat the yolks of 3 eggs and stir them into a ]jint of boiling milk. Sweeten and flavor to taste. ]Mus. Ciiamuehlain, St. Paul. PRUNE PUDDING. One half lb. best prunes stewed very soft, remove the stones and mash fine, sweeten to taste with powdered sugar. Then add the whites of 6 eggs beaten stiff, ptit in a pudding dish, bake in mod- erate oven 15 minutes. To bo eaten either hot or cold with whipped cream. Canned st rawhei'rics or pliimhs ai'c vei'y nice prt'pared in t lie same way. M its. F. Nims. TAPIOCA AXDCOCOAXUT IM^DDlNii. Soak 3 tablespoonsful of ta])ioca over niglit: in tiie moi'ning cook until clear. Take 1 (piart of milk, I'eserving 1 cnpful, set milk on the stove, when boiling, add the tapioca. Beat the yolks of four eggs, 1 cup of sugar, three tables])oonsful cocoanut, and one cup of cold milk, stir these into the ))oiling milk and tapioca and boil until it thickens. Pour it into a pudding disli. l)cat the wliiles of the eggs with three tablespoonsfvd of sugar, pour over l)U(lding. s])riukle cocoanut over, set in llir o\('ii and l»i'o\vn. MliS. VV. A. SiHLEV. PUDDINGS. 69 icec'hp:am rri)i)iN(;. IJdil 1 icaciip i-icc in I (juart of milk, t lien take \olks of 4 cu'^-s. 1 teacup .sugar. 1 leaeup raisins. 1 tcaspimn vanilla: stir this to- gether and stir into tlu' ricr. Ix'at wliitcs of egus t'oi' I'ldstiny. To be t-atcn mid. Mhs. X. .Mdin.VKi'. FijozEX pri)i)i>,(;. - Oni' generous pint of milk. '1 cupsful of granulated sugar, a scant half cup of Hour. 2 egg.s, 2 table.spoonsful of gelatine. 1 ([t. of cream, one i)ound (tf French candied fruit (a half i)ound will do). Let the milk come to a boil, heat the tlour. eggs and one cup of sugar together and stir into the boiling milk. Cook 20 minutes and add gelatine soaked one or two hours in water to cover. Set away to cool and when cool add sugar and cream. Freeze ten minutes, add the candied fruit and finish freezing, takeout the beater, pack smoothly and set away for anhoui'oi- two. When ready to serve, dip the tin in w^ater. turn out the cream and .serve with whipped cream heaped anmnd. From Miss Parloa's Cook Book. AiTUoVEU r.v Mrs. W. A. Sibley. SPANISH CREAM. Soak i box gelatine in i pint cold milk: beat the yolks of :5 eggs and put into a double boiler with a jiint of milk. 3 tea.spoons sugar and the soaked gelatine. Stir well, let it come to a boil, remove from the tire and flavor to taste. Beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth and stir into the custard and pour into a Imt- tered mould. Serve with cream. Mus. (hoo. CriLLETT. BUItNT ALMONDS FOR DESSERT. Blanch and dry * lb. almonds, put a piece of butter the size of a nutmeg into your 1 in drii)i)ing pan. set them in the oven and brown as you would coffee, only a light brown. As you take them up. sprinkle salt on them. APPLE DTMPLINdS. Pai'e and core without (luartering 12 large apples. :\hU 's^ i ^^ i o in^ ^^ , & c^ . ?)^0 U\e ^Ixee^, m\Jp^EG01i, K-ICE. -THE^ F. SCHIACHER lILLffid CO.'S PURE CEREALS ARE THE 1\ve\T ROLLED AVENA, ^ com'^a^aV\"oe\A^ xveui ixixzXz soVd. uivd-ex \l3 waxt^e PARCHED FARINOSE, aUeul\ou, as "^ooi \ot Ixv^oaW^LS axii CU,\\5.Texv, as ^^e\\ as ^^or l\ie, BxeaV^asl lab\e. Coo\s m t^jOQ M-Vaules. . 13. lr)aoYri^aer o jdto. Cl^iic^QLgo, 111. PASTRY. PUFF PASTE. Take 2 U)s. of Hue winter wheat flour, i teaspoonful of salt and the juice of oui' lemon, mix with cold water into the consistency of firm butter, do not knead too much, (lii>t your hoard with Hour and roll out the paste into a square i incii thick. >rou]d out in- to a s(iuare cake 2 ll)s. of good butter, which lias had all the salt washed out. and ])lace in the middle of the slu^et of paste. Then fold each side over it and roll out in an oblong' so as to e(iually spread the butter between the paste, fold this into three and roll out so that what were before the sides of the sheet may now be- come the ends: repeat this, folding and rolling three times more. Wra]) in a cloth and put in the ice box or any cold place until next day. Then roll and fold three times more and cut out with a sharp, thin cutter, and bake in a hot oven, l)e sure and dust off all the dry flour from the surface of the paste before folding, and keep the hands also free. The scraps must not be used for |)atties. because the grain of the paste will l)elost. TTauuy Fox. PIE CltrST. One colTce cup of lard. :! of sifted flour and a little salt, cut lard well into tlour with a knife, then ndx with cold water (piick- ly intoa nuideratcly stiff dough, handling as little as possible. Take a new slice of jiaste each time for top crust. After rolling, s])read butter with a spoon, fold and roll again, using trimmings for under crust. This makes 4 commr)n sized i)ies. Mks. ('. .1. Hamilton'. (JRAHAM riF C'UrST. Sift half teaspoon of baking powder into a pint of (rraham flour.add enough thick, sweet cream to form a paste to roll. If sour cream l)e used, add saleratus in ])lace of l)akiug ixiwder. Milk with butter may be used in place of cream. .Mi:s A. ('. Firm AN. PIE CKFST NO. 2. For an oidinary pie, take 9 tables])oons of flour, h teaspoon of baking i)owder. 1 tablespoon each of lard and butter. Cut in with a knife and wet with very cold water to a soft dougli for rolling. F. T. C. SALADS. "In everything- you do aim to excel. For what is worth cloing- is worth doing well CHICKEN SALAD. One pint chicken cut in tine |»icccs. 1 ])t. of celery measured after cutting. DRESSINCI. One and one-half cups vinegar, (if too strong weaken-a little) 1 heaping teaspoon mustard, 1 tahles])oon sugar. 1 tal)lespoon melted butter, pinch of cayenne pepper, salt to taste. Five eggs beaten separately, mix sugar.^vinegar, mustard and egg together and scald until it begins to thicken; mix thoroughly with the chicken. The addition of a cu]) of \vhipi)('(l cream before mix- ing is an improvement. M. F. S. ORIENTAL SALAD. One can of French peas. 2 qts. of potatoes cut in dice. 1 bunch of celery, a little parsley, a little onion. Dressing— Yolks of ;"> eggs.5 tablespoons vinegar.l pt. cream, whipped stiff. 1 tablespoon .sugar, 4 juice of 1 lemon; heat vinegar. l)eut eggs light. ])ut in butter the size of an egg, stir egg in wliilc boiling, put away to cool and cover; when ready to use i)ut in the lemon and season- ing, add cream. For seasoning use ti leaspoonssalt. 4 of mustard, 1 of cayenne pepper. Ghack M(X»f. BOILED SALAD DIJESSINC FOR COLD SLAW lioil i cup vinegar with 2 tabiesiHionsfiil of sugar, i leasiKion each of salt and mustard and + teasijoon of ])epper. Ivut) i cu]) of butter to a cream, with 1 teasiK)()n of Hour, and pour the boil- ing vinegar on it. Cook ") nunutes. then pour it over 1 well l)eaten egg: mix this dressing while hot, with 1 pint red cabl)age shaved or ciiopijed. Ajjprovcd by Mi;s, L. N. Kkatixcj. OKANGE SAL.VD. Cut oranges in small pieces, add chopix'd olives, pour mayon- naise over it. Mus. A. N. Lan'k. SALADS. 79 ro'iwro SALAD. One (loz. I'old potatoes clKippcd. Sauce -Six tablespoons milk, (i tal)les])oon.s hutttM'. 1 tablespoon salt. 1 teasinxm ])epi)er. 1 tea- s])Oon mustard, boil and add 3 well beaten e^r^s. Take from the stove when eg^js are added and stir •"> minutes. Sai;aii .Misnku. OVSTEi; SAI..\1). One qt. of oy.sters steamed till plumi). throw them into cold water. Four heads celery cut with a knife, cut the oysters in halves and mix with celery: salt slightly. Dressing' — Beat well 4 eggs, add 1 teaspoon mixed nuistartl. 1 teaspoon cornstarch, i cup good strong vinegar, cook over steam unlil thick, add piece of Imtter size of an egg. Wine glass cream added when <-ol(l. Mks. W. W. ilAKCUS. ( AHBAGE SALAD. One head of cabbage chopped tine. 3 eggs well beaten. :i table- spoons of butter. 12 of vinegar. 1 teaspoon of salt. 3 teaspoons of mustard. * teasjwon of ])e])]ier: let conu> to a l)oil and turn over cabl)age while hot. Mi;s. Wm. S.mitii. LETTUCE SALAD. One head crisp lettuce. 1 small onion. 1 cup vinegar. 2 hard boiled eggs. 2 small boiled potatoes. 3 tablesi)oons soft butter. Break the lettuce in small ])ieces. slice thin the onion and whites of eggs. i)ut into a dish and pour the vinegar over, cream togeth- er the butter, yolks of eggs and ])otatocs. then pour over the lettuce and toss with a fork until thoroughly mixed. The onions may be omitted. Mi:s. W. K. Stuknkv. TOMATO SALAD. Take () large tomatoes and put on ice. wash and drain lettuce leaves and form into little nests on a dish: when ready to serve, cut the tomatoes into large dice, and place a large spoonful in each nest, serve immediately with the following dressing: Yolks of 4 beaten eggs. ^ eu]) of vinegar heated with 1 tablespoon sugar. 1 teasi)oon mustard, salt and pepjjer: pour in the v^^ when hot and cook carefully until thick, remove from stove and add i cuj) melted buttei-. i)lace on ice. and when ready to use thin with cream. Mks. E. y\. ("oci'kns. (J. \\. SAL.VD. Slice oranges and bananas, and till disli. jxiui- dressing over and put in cold place 2 or 3 hour^. Mhs. '1'kmimj:. 80 THE MUSKEGON COOK BOOK. SALAD DllESSlNG. Volks of 4 eggs. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 teaspoon pepper. 1 teaspoon nnistard. i cup vinegar. Cook until it thickens: when cool add half cup sweet cream. This is a nice dressing for potato salad also. ■\Iiis. W. (r. Watson. SALAD D RESSI N G. Have ready in a tin can, 8 teaspoons of salt, 4 of mustard, 1 even teaspoon of red pepper. To 5 tablespoonsful of boiling vinegar, add the well beaten yolks of 5 eggs. Stir until thi<'k, re- move from stove and add a piece of butter size of an egg. 1 tea- spoon of mixture from the can. juice of half a large lemon and i pint of cream whipped stilt. ]Mks. W. A. Siijley. ORANGE SALAD. Dressing— Juice of 3 oranges, and 1 lemon, making i pt. juice, add 4 oz. sugar, white and shell of 1 egg. Beat all together, heat to boiling point and simmer ."> miinitcs: grate a little of tiic i)eel in the mixture and strain. FRUIT JELLY. One box gelatine. 4 lemons. 1 orange. 1 (it. sugar. 1 (jt. water. Soak gelatine an hour in the cold water, but on back of stove and stir until dissolved: add juict' and little of the sliced peel and sugar. Let come to a hoil: let stand nntil quite thick, then pour half of it into your moulds, place in your fruit, and pour on the other half of jelly: sections of oranges; French cherries: blanched almonds: nuts, raisins, grapes, etc., can be used. This is enougli for nearly 2 (jts. of jelly. Mrs. A. F. Temple. FRUIT SALAD. I'ut i box gelatine into 2 teacups cold water over night, in the morning add 1 cup hot water and the juice of ."5 lemons (4 if small), 2 cups sugar, 1 can pine apple. >prinkle sugar over, 4 oranges, 4 banaiuis: i)ut into gelatine when cold and s(>t on ice. Mks. L. O. L. EXCELLENT CAJ!BA(iE SALAD DRESSINi;. Beat 2 eggs, add 8 tablespoons vinegai-. (i talilesi)oons sugar, (i tablespoons butter.. 1 teaspoon each of s;ilt and nnistard. I!eat well together and cook in an earthen dish set in hot watei'. stir- ring (jften. When cool, thin by adding 2 tablespoons sweet cream, same Of sugar. Pour over finely sliced or choiJiied cab- bage. Mas. F. Loveless. SALADS. 81 FinONCII MrS'l'AIID. Take ."5 traspoims i;rniiii(l iiiuslafd. 1 (if llouf. ncasimiiii su;s. 1 teaspoon salt. ^: teaspoon red |)eppei'. A tea- spoon nuistai'd: mix together until liKht. dro]) in oil till thick, stirring constantly, a taljlesjjoon vinegar and juice of >j lemon, just hefori' putting on salad add 1 cup whipped cream. Mus. A. X. Lane. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. One quart of flour, (sifted and well lieaped). weighs 1 lb. Three coffee cups of sifted flour, (level), weigh ] Ih. Four teaciips sifted floiir. (level), weigh 1 lb. One pint of soft butter, (well ])acked). weighs 1 lli. Two teacups soft butter, (well packed), weigh 1 lb. Two coffee cups- powdered sugar weigh 1 lb. Two and three-fourths teacups powdered sugar weigh J 11). Two teacups granulated sugar, (level), weigh I 11). Two teacups Cotfee "A" sugar, (level), weigh 1 lb. One and three-fourths coffee cu])s best brown sugar weigh 1 lb. Three and one half teacups Indian meal eiiual 1 ((t. Three tablespoonsful of grated chocolate weigh 1 oz. Nine large or ten medium sized (^ggs weigli 1 Ib.- LigriDs. One pint contains 16 fluid ounces. One tablespoon contains about i Ihiid ounce. Sixteen tablespoonsful eciual {r pint. Four tablespoonfuls ecjual a common sized wine glass. Four teacups equal one pint. A common sized tuml)lef holds al)()ul v i)int. One pint of milk or water weighs 1 lb. COOKIES. Two cups (if sii^ar. 1 cu]) of sliortcuiny. '- egt>s. 4 tal)l('s])ooas sour milk, i tcaspoouful of soda. Mks. I). Sc.tiMitKs. COOKIES. Two Clips of sugar. 1 cup of luiltcr and lard luixcd. I r\\\) sour milk. 3 eggs. 1 even teaspoonful of soda dissohcd in tlic milk. 1 even teaspoonful of liaking powder in the Hour. ]Mks. Spkague. COOKIES. lUil) thoroughly together one cup of butter. 4 cups of t1our and 1 teaspoonful of soda. Beat together 3 eggs. 2 cups of sugar (not granulated), and i teaspoonful of ginger. Pour into the flour and mix. Mks. C. H. IIacklev. JUMBLES. One cup of butter. 2 cui)s of sugar. 3 eggs. 1 tablesjioonful of .sweet milk. ]Mix (piickly using only flour enough to I'oll (piite thin, sift sugar ovei- and cut with frii'd cake cutter. >[ks. Asiifoud Wood. GERMAN CKISPS. Two cups sugar. 1 cup butter. 3 eggs, the rind and juice of one lemon, mix thoroughly either with a spoon or the hand, adding sutticient flour to make them thick enough to roll out. lloll very thin and cut in small cakes with a cutter. After ]}lacing in a pan rub the tops with egg and sprinkle with white sugar. 2 eggs ?re enough for the tops of the cakes. Tliey only recpiire a few minutes to bake. Mus. K. C. llrNTEH. COOKIES. One egg broken into a cui). put into the cu]" butter size of an egg and till the cup with sugar. 1 taliU^spoon tliick soui- milk. To every three measures of the above put 1 teasi)oon soda: flavor with lemon or nutmeg, flour enough to roll easily. ! find these the nicest cookies I have evei' nuide. Mi:s. Ashkoud Wood. 84 THE 3IU8KEGON COOK HOOK. 31 RS. WOOD'S jrMi!Lf:s. One lb. sugar. 1 lb. butter, (i eK,ys. tlu- Ki'iit<'rPLE. DOUGHNUTS. "\Vc li\(' not iiiwii wliiil wo I'iit, but upon wlmt \\ (• (lijicst. " FHIED CAKES. One fdrtVi' cu]) of sii^-ar, 3 tablespoonsfiil incited Itutler. 1 t'U]) of sweet milk. 2 egys. 2 teaspoonsful creaiu tartar. J teasixioii soda, and flavor with iiutiueK or grated lemon rind, roll in sugai- and frv. To be just right the mixture must l)e soft. Tse no more flour than is necessary. Mus. Dknnis Smith. DOUGHNUTS. Four eggs. 1 cup of sugar. 1 cu]) of milk, a jiiece of hutter size of an egg. 2 teaspoons of baking i)owder. St ir in tlour witli spoon until stiff: then roll out and cut with jx'pper box cover to make them into round balls and fr\ in liot lai'd. Mhs. Wm. S:mitii. COMFORTS. One cup of sweet milk. 1 cu]) of sugar. 1 teasi)oon of but ter. 2 eggs. 2 teaspoonsfid baking i)owrAN(;()LD. SOFT GINGER JUIE.VI). One cup molasses, 1 cup brown sugar, 1 teaspoon ginger, 1 even teaspoon soda, 1 egg, 1 cup boiling water. (5 tablespoons butter, 41 cups flour. Mrs. Mangold. THE MUSKEGON COOK T.OOK. CtInger snaps. One cup of sugar. 1 cup of Imtter. 1 cuj) of molasses, 1 tea- spoonful of soda, a little ginger. Let all come to a Ixiil. stiffen with flour and roll very thin. Mus. W. A. Siulev. OUR OLD Gl^UEK COOKIE ilECEJPT. Two cups hlack molasses, 2 cups l^ew Orleans molasses. 2 cujjs hrown sugar, 2 cups shortening. H cu])S water. 4 tahlesijoons gin- ger. 4 tahlespoonsful of soda, alum the size of 2 hickory nuts pulverized. Will make (i gallons of cookies. Mks. v. p. :\risNEK. SOFT GINIJER BPvEAI). One coffee cup of brown sugar. 1 coffee cup of molasses. 1 cup of butter. 4 cups of flour. 1 cuj) of sour milk. 2 large teaspoonsful of ginger, 1 teaspoonful of soda, dissolved in the sour milk. Stoned raisins may be added. I'.ake in a small dripi)er. Mks. p. p. Misner. DIJOP (UNlrER CAKES. Put 1 teaspoon soda in teacuj). on it .3 tablespoons hot water. 1 tablespoon melted butter, and fill the cup with New Orleans molasses. Repeat as many times as desired and add a teaspoon ginger— one cup will make about 20 cookies— drop a teaspoonful in a place on pans well greased, and smooth with the back of a spoon dipped in melted butter, bake L\y Daht. MOLASSES CAKES. One-half cup of sugar. 1 cup of molasses. 1 cup of buttei'. 1 cup of sour milk sweetened with i teasjioon soda. 1 teaspoon baking ])owder stirred into flour enough Id make a common batter. ^IHS. M. S. FU'hdue. Port Sherman. MOI.ASSKS lAKKS. S!) COOKIES. Two cups of lii;lit brown suiiar. 1 ciii) hiiltcr. .'{ cj^i^s, i tea- spoon of soda. 1 nutiucii'. •"? ta'iU'spooiis of waicr. tlour choukIi t(» I'oll slitT. 'ViiAAK Ekickson. (;iN(Ji':!; (AKK. Two (•ii|)s molasses. 1 cup hut ter. ."{ e»"u"s well hcateii. 1 cup sour milk. 1 lieaping leas])ooii soda. 1 teaspoon gint^er. i teaspoon cinnanion. or any other spice, add llouf till thi(d< enough to l)ake in pans. Miis. 'i'r-:MiM,K. (illAlIAM COOKIES. ( )ne cuj) of New Orleans molasses, 1 cuii su^^ar. 1 cup butter and lard mixed: 1 cup water, iiimdi of salt. 1 teaspoon of .soda: mix soft with (Jraham ilour. Mu8. C<)LK.ma>{. (il'vAHA.M (H)OKIES. Two cui)s sugar. 2 ejjus. 1 cup shortening— i each of butter and lard -1 cup sour milk, i teaspoon soda, mix stilt' with (Jraham Hour and roll. (.riven by Mrs. Fraxiv Wood. CAKE. "There is no short road to sood fortune in cake making-.'" SILVER CAKE. One cii]) full of sugar. ^ cup "f butter, whites of 3 eggs, i cii]> of cornstarch dissolved in nearly i cu)) of milk. H ru]is Hour. I teaspoon cream of tartar, i teaspoon soda, and vanilla or almond flavor, iteat butter to cream and beat in sugar gradually. Add tlavoi'. mix flour, cream of tartar and soda together and sift. I'.eal wiiites to a stiff frotli. add cornstarch and milk to the beat- en sugar and Imtter, then add whites and flour. Mix quickly and thoroughly and bake in moderate oven for about half an lioui'. Tse 2 even teaspoonsful baking ])owder m place of. cream of tartar if you like. GOLD r.VKE. One cu]j sugar, i cup Vtutter. yolks of 3 eggs and 1 wliole egg, i cup niilk. i teaspoon each of soda and cream of tartar and 1 heai)ing teaspoon leaking jiowder, H cups flour. Mix butter and sugar and add eggs. milk, flavor and flour in order named. Bake same as silver cake. White frosting is good with this cake. Minnie J. Reynolds. C.VKE WI'IMIOTT FAU'rS. One cup liuftcr. 3 cups sugar. 2 cups soiii- milk oi- buHei'-milk, 1 (|1. flour. 2 cups I'aisins. spices to taste. 1 t(>as])oon soda, (less soda. somel)aking powder. im])roves all cakes madeof sour milk.) 'I'iiis makes two loav(vs. A. T. F. MINXEILMIA CAKE NO. 1. Two cups sugar, i cu]j butter. 3 cups flour. I cup milk. 3 tea- spoons baking powder. Filling— Two cups sugar. 4 or .J teaspoons l)oiling water, boil till it threads from the sjjoon. have ready the beaten wliites of 2 eggs, jjour the boiling liciuid over the eggs, beating till cool, then add 1 (mi)) of English walinils l)roken flne and 1 cup of small raisins, spread between layer and on lojjof cake. M. S.. Ionia. 91 MINNKllAllA CAKK NO. 2. Oiu'-half cu]) (if hutU'i-. 12 eygs. i ciii) of swret milk. 1 licapiiiy- teasiKHin of haUinji- powder. '2 cuijs of rtour Ix'foi'c sifliiiji-. J!eat butter and si|i;-ar ti) a cicaiii. -mM \\\v vggs well l)ealeii. then the tbo tldur with baking- powder sifted in. Fi!liiiy— One-half lb. English walnuts and a teaeupful seeded raisins mixed witli frost- int;-. 1 Sake in :? or 4 layers. M!;s. (;. I'\ OrriiwAiTE. I'.OSTOX CKE.V.M CAKKS. One cup hoi water. ; cup butter sel upon the stove in a tin dish, when it boils add 1 cu]) of Mour and cook until thick, stir- ring constantly, let it get perfectly cool, then add 3 well beaten eggs, small ^ teasijoon soda. Drop a small spoonful foi-eacli cake in a iian with s])ace between, bake in hot oven. IHKA.A[ FOR i-nj>ix(^. Scald 2cui)s milk, add 2 ogg.s, 3 tablespoons of riour. I cup of sugar, tlavoi- to taste, rut slit in siile ot" cak'' and fill with this cream. ^ A. T. F. WHITE KUU^IT CAKE. One and one-half cu])s i)ulverized sugar. ;-; cuj) of butter. 1 cup of milk. Si cups tiour. 1 cup seeded raisins. 2 teasi)oons of bak- ing i)ow(]ei-. wbilesot 4 eggs, flavor to taste. .Vliis. L. C. (J. ROSE CAKE. One-half cuj) white sugar. V, eu]! red sugar, i cup butter, i cup sweet milk. 2 cui)s tiour. 1 teaspoon baking jKiwder. flavor with rose extract. l>eat butter and sugar to a cream, then add r"d sugar, milk and tiour. whites of six eggs beaten to a stiff froth the last thing. Jiake in slow ovea. Mhs. E. C. II. SIIKEWSIJL'KV CAKES. Two cui)fuls of butter. I pt. of white sugar. 3 jits, of flour. 4 eggs, half a teaspoonful of mace, lloll thin, cut into small cakes and baki^ in a (luick oven. >'ot a ])artic!e more of the flour than is given above must be used. The cake should be nuule in a rather cool room, and they cannot be nuide in very wai-ni weather. They can be kept a long time, aiul are delicious. .MitS. H. I). P.AKICU. . LEMON JELLY. One lemon grated. 1 cup of sugar. 1 cuf) water. 2 eggs. J tal.lr- spoons of Hour, or 1 of corn starch. T.oil until as thick as jelly. Mus. E. W. ii.. D2 THE MUSKEGON COOK BOOK. CREAM CAKE. Tliivo eggtv 1 euj) i^raiiulated sugar, i^ nips Hour, il ta))l('- spooR.s of cold water. 1 teas]ioon of baking ])owdcM'. I'his is enough for 4 cakes baked in jelly cake tins. For custard boil nearly- 1 pt. of milk, sweet, mix 2 tables])()ons corn stai'ch with a half cup of sweet milk, add 2 well beaten eggs, stirring briskly. Add i cup of butter, stirring until dissolved, (lavor with 1 tea- spoon vanilla. Spread between cakes while hot. IkENK H. llA.MJLTON. LEMOX JELLY FOR CAKE. A cup of sugar. 1 tablespoon of ])utter. grated rind an:l juicr of one lemon. Isour apple grated. A heaping teaspoon of Hour pui with the sugar, a half cup of boiling water and Ut lu)il about .i niiiiiiles. Just before taking from the stove stir in one beatini egg. ]Mus. (Jioo. I). SMiTii. LAYER CAKE. One cup sugar, 1 egg. 2 tablespoons mt'it times, 1 teaspoon cream of tartar in the flour. 2 cups pulverized sugar sifted 4 or 5 times: add the sugar to the ei};g slowly. 1 teasi)oon vanilla, add the flour, bake in a pan wilh tube: stir well iH'fore putting in. Have tlie ovcii (|uilc liot wlien Hrst put in and gradually cool, bake I of an liour, turn on tin- tube 2i> minutes before removing from ilic pan. Mrs. W. B. I'iondk!.. AXaEL CAKE XO. 2. Whites of n eggs beaten stiff, li cups puheri/ed sugar. 1 cup flour sifted 4 times, 1 even teaspoonful of cream of tartar, i tea- :s])oon of soda sifted with the flour, a little salt, flavor with va- nilla oi' almond. Bake with very slow Are about forty minnt(s. Mus. il X. Ib.VKv. CAKE. 93 AXGEL FOOD NO. .}. Wliites of 11 OK!?'^ bcHten to a stiff froth: sift Hour 4 times aiul nioasmv one tumbler full. 1 small, level full teaspoou of cream of tartar, put in tlour and sift again. T* tumlilers powdererl sugar sifted, 1 K'asjxton of vanilla. ^lus. T. O. Lvox. HICKORY NUT CAKE. One cuf) of meats broken fine, H cups sugar, i cup butter. 2 cups Hour, i cup sweet milk, 2 teaspoonsful baking powder, wliitesof 4 eggs. Stir the meats in a little Hour and add last. Mrs. De^tnis Smith. WATER MELON CAKE. Two-thiids cup of butter. 2 cups of sugar. 1 cup of millc. tfa- sponnful of baking powder. 3 cups of flour measured betVtre sift- ing. KED PART. One-half cup of batter, 1 cup pulverized sugar. J cup of sweet milk. 24 cups of flour, 1 teaspoonful of baking powder mixed with flour, 1 cup of raisins, whites of 5 egg^. Bake in round pan with tube in the .••.•iitf-r. i"ii(* white ■;ii!'; ;n-,»;;nd the out side, the red part in the ;■ IMks, Wm. Smith. VAKITY CAKE. One pint of mi'iK. 1 i)t. of flour, 3 eggs: beat well tv.gtiiit-!' ami add a little salt, bake in patty pans. Mk.s. J. A. Wood. i\)W\ s'WWK ]] CAKE. One cup of butter. 2 cups sugar, 1 cup of sweet milk, ii cup of corn starch and lill up with flour. 2 teaspoonfuls of baking pow- der and wliites of 7 eggs. Never fails. Mks. C. H. TIackley. FEATHER CAKE. One cup of sugar. 1 cup of flour. 1 egg. 1 ta1)lespoonful of melted butter, i cup of sweet milk, 1 teaspoonful of baking p(>w- der. i>iuch of s;dt and flavor to taste. Sifl l);d-:ing ]wwder with flour. 'm\--. '. ■. !!. Hackley. J)EL1CATE CAKE. Two ni|>.> , i -H,i;ar and i cup of butter stirred to a cream, add cup of sweet milk. 3 cups of flour in which has been mixed a leaspoon cream of tartar and half a teaspoon of soda, then add whites of (5 eggs heaten to a stilf froth, flavor with lemon. Good and easilv made. i\!us. H. I). I^akki;. ■94 rilE MUSKKOfON COOK I'.OOK. SPO'I'TEI) CAKP^-- YELLOW PAirr. One ciii) of sii^ar. ^ cup nu'lted butter. 1 cu]) boiling water. yolks (tf 4 eggs well beaten, flavor with vanilla. 1 teasjMtonful Itaking powder. 2 fnll (■iii)s tloiir. WHITK I'AIiT. One and one-halt cn])s of sugar, i eu]) of bulln-. i v\\]\ of nulk. whites of 4 eggs well beaten. 2-^ cups sified tioiir. 1 teaspoonfnl baking powder. Droj) first a spoonful oi' wliiic ihcn of yellow until you have .3 good loaves. AIks. Ni;ij.n-; Si'KAca'E. WIIITL CAKE. One and one-half eiips puherized sugar, i cu]) of eorn stairh, seant * cu])of Initter. i cup of milk. H teaspoons baking ])owder. whites of s eggs, flavor with vanilla or orange. This may be baked in one loaf or with two layers, using the following tilling. One cup thick cream, whipiied. 1 cuj) ))ulvei'ized sugar. 1 cu]) blanched almonds cho])i)ed line, a 111 lie ^■anilla and almond ilavoi-- ing. >ri{s. ITo\KV. WHITE sroXGE CAKE. One tumbler of sifted Hour. H tumblers ixiwdered sugar. 1 tea- spoon of cream of tartar and a little salt: sift all togetlici- in a dish, add the whites of 10 eggs and stir very carefully, bake in u moderate oven. Season with lemon extract. Mus. Wm. SMirii. ALMOND CREAM CAKPl One and one-half cups pulverized sugar. !•' cups flour, scanty ar. .Mi;s. W:\i. S.Mrrii. CAKK. 95 fk; cake sil\ i:i{ v.wvv. Two cups piilveri/(Hl sugar, ii cup liultcr. ikiI i|iii1c ;i cup sweet milk, whites of S eggs. 3 heaiiing teaspoons linking pnvvdcr thoroughly sifted with 3 cups of flour. Stir sugar aud butter to a cream, add uiilk aud fUtui- and lastly whites of eggs beaten to a froth. (ioi.D i'Ai;r. One ciii) pulveri/.ed sugar, i cup tiuttei'. i cup sweet milk. H teaspoonfuls baking powder sifted into a little more t ban H cups flour, yolks of 7 eggs and 1 whole egg. J teaspoon of allspice and cinnamon until you can taste it. Bake the white in 2 long pie tins, put one-half the gold ])ai't in a long i)ie tin. lay on 1 lb. si)lit tigs, previously sifted over with a little Hour, so that they will just touch each other, put on the rest of the gold and l»ake. Put the cake together with frosting while warm, the gold between the white layers, and cover with frosting. Mus. L. L. 'I'lJOTr. Srin'HlSE CAKE. One egg. 1 cu]) sugar, i cu]) l)utter. 1 cup sweet milk. 1 tea- spoon soda. 2 teaspt)ons cream of tartar. Mus. L. L. Tkott. WEDDING FEUIT CAKE— WHITE. One cup butter. 2 cups sugar. 1 cup sweet milk. 2^ cups dour. whites of 7 eggs. 2 even teaspoonfuls baking powder. 1 lb. each seedless raisins and blanched almonds, i lb. each of tigs and dates, i lb. of citron. Cut figs, dates and citron tine: beat in- gredients well before adding fruit, which should be stirred in after being sifted with tlour. Hake slowly and ice. Ml!S. EUKD LOVKT.ESS. SOCIETY CAKE. Two cups Hour. 2 teas])oons baking powder. .3 eggs. A cu]) butter, ] CXI]) sugar. 1 vu]) milk, i cup corn starcliadd flavoring. M i{s. E. W. .Mehhill. SPOTs^GE CAKE. One and one-half cups sugar. H cups lloui-. .i eggs l)eaten sep- ;arately, 2 teaspoons baking i)owder. ^ cuj) lioiling water addcMl the last thing. M. V. S. WHITE CAKE. One-half cu]j of Itutti'r. 1 cup of sugar. 4 cup of milk. H cui)s tlour. 1^ teas]x»ons baking jxiwder. whitesof 4 eggs. Use the yolks jn the same wav for vellow cake. M. F. S. 96 THE MUSKEGON COOK BOOK. WHITE CAKE. One cup butter, 2 cups sugar, 2* cups unsifted flour, then sift 4 times, 1 cup corn starcli, 1 cup milk, whites of 7 egg< heateu to a stiff froth and added last: 2 teaspoons baking powder, or 3i cu])s flour if coi'n starch is not used. 3Iks. W:Nr. S:\rTTir. WHITE :mountain cake. One cup butter, 2 cups of sugar. 1 cup of sweet milk. 4 cups of flour, measured after sifting, 1 lieaping teaspoon of baking pow- der. Can be l)aked in layers: put together with frosting. Mrs. W:m. S^trrir. FRUIT CAKE. Three eggs, 2 cups brown sugar, 2 cupschoi)ped, seeded raisins„ i lb. citron, 1 cup buttei', 1 cup sour milk, 1 teaspoonful of soda- cinnamon and cloves to taste, flour enougji to make (luite stiff. :nII!S. V. ]\ MlSNKl!. BUTTERNUT CAKE. One cup of butter. 2 cups of sugar. 1 cup of sweet milk. .'} cups well sifted flour, 4 eggs, whites beaten separately, 1 teas])oon of cream of tartar, 1 teasiKion of soda. 1 teacup of butternut meats.. 1 cu]) of choi)ped raisins. ]VrKs. C. H. Hacki.ey. WALXUT CAKE. Scant i cup biittei'. 1 cuj) of ])owdered sugar. A cu]) sweet milk 2i cups tlour, 2 full teaspoons baking powder scant half tea- spoon of bitter almond extract. 1 cui) coarsely l)roken English walnut meats. 1 cup seedless raisins, whites of 4 eggs. Cream butter and sugar, add flavoring, milk, tlour after' being sifted with baking ])owder several times, beat l)riskly one minute, add eggs beaten to a stiff froth, mix well. Lastly add fruit which should be floured. IJake in a tin with oi)eiiing in c(Miter if possible: bake slowly in an oven pi'cxiously well liealed. .Mi;s. Fkku Lovklkss. SNOW FLAKE C.VKE. One-lialf cup Imtter, 8 tablespoons sweet milk. V> cups ]julver- ized sugar, whitesof o eggs, 2 cups flour. 1^1 teas]X)ons leaking ])ow- der juice of one-half lemon. Cream tht' butter and sugar gradu- ally, tlien add lemon juice, then milk, tlien whites of eggs, lastly flour with baking powder and tables])oon corn starch. l)ake in two sheets, frost w'ith boiled frosting, putting in the otJiei' half of Irinon juice. Mrs. Asiif;>''t. wliites of 8 eggs, 2 cups sugar. 1 cui> Ijutter. 1 cup sweet milk. 2 cups sifted tloiir, 1 cu]) corn starch. 2 teaspoons l)aking powder, and juice of 1 lemon: bake in jelly cake tins. For dark part. 1 cup butter, 1 cup brown sugar, i cup molasses, 3 cups flour 4 eggs, 1 large coffee cup raisins chopped fine, i lb. citron, 1 teaspoon baking ix)wuer dissolved in little milk. 1 tea- spoon each of cinnaruon. cloves and allspice. 1 nutmeg: lay one dark cake then white, spreading jelly between, ^fus. E. C. 11. CREAM CAKE. One cup sugar. 1 heaping cup flour. 2 eggs, (> tablespoonfuls cold water, 2 teaspoonfuls baking powder Cream — One pt. milk. 1 ogg. 2 talbespoonfuls sugar. 1^ tablespoonfuls corn starch or t1f)ur. flavor with lemon extract. Mus. ^Iaxuot.d. WHITE CAKE. Two cups sugar. 1 cup butter. 1 cup sweet milk, whites ofU eixg>. .3 cujis flour. 2 teaspoons of baking powder, bake slowly. Mrs. II. Talmaoe. ROLL .lELLY CAKE. One cup sugar. 3 eggs, 1 cup flour. 1 te;isi)oon of cream tartar, + teaspoon of soda, flavor with vanilla, Bake in square pan, spread' with jelly and roll in cloth while hot. >ri;s. J. L. Rkck. ONE EGG CAKE. One cup sugar, 1 egg. butter tlie size of an egg, s cu)) sweet milk, flftur to make a stift" batter, 2 teaspoons of baking powder, li:iv(ir to taste. Mrs. D. McLAtJGHLix. '98 THE MUSKEGON COOK BOOK. SNOW CAKE. Whites of 10 eggs. U cups i)ulverized sugar, 1 cup flour, i tea- sp(»ou cream of tartar. 1 teaspoon vanilla. vSift flour, sugar and cream of tai'tar together, then add beaten whites of eggs and va- nilla: stir lightly and l)ake an hour in slow oven. Mr.s. Dell Tillotson. FKJ CAKE. One and one-third cups of sugar, 1 egg, butter size of a small egg. i cup of milk, sweet, flour to make a stiff batter, 2 teaspoons baking ])o\v(icr. flavoring. FILLING. ('li(i|) v<'r\ fine 1 do/., fresh flgs. 1 scant cup of sugar with just water enough to moisten. Let the sugar and water boil, stir in the whole of ] egg beaten stitt" and the tigs. Do not let the flgs boil. Mrs. D. McLaughlin. SPICE CAKE. Oiie-iialf cup of sugar. 1 cup of molasses, i cup of butter. 1 tea- spoon eacii of cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg, 2 teaspoons of soda in a cup of hoiling water. 21 cups of flour, 2 eggs well beaten and added last thing before baking. Mrs. T. O. Lyon. SOU II CREAM CAKE. One cup sour cream. H cu])S sugar. 2 eggs. 2 tablespoons sweet milk. 2i cups sifted flour. 1 teaspoon soda, 1 teaspoon each cinna- mon and cloves. Mrs. F. Wood. HliEAD CAKE. Tlireecups l)rea(l dough. 2 cups sugar, 1 cup butter, 2 eggs, tea- sjioou soda, and spice to taste. Mrs. C. L. D. (MNNAMON CAKE. Whites 2 eggs, i cuj) butter. 1 cup sugar, 1 heaping teaspoon baking powder, 1.^ cups flour. Take the 2 yolks and beat in a cup very light. All ihc vn\) with brown sugar and 1 teaspoon strong cinnamon, stir well and use as frosting. Mrs. C L. I). WHITE FACE CAKP]. Whites of li eggs, 1 cuj) sugar, s cup butter, i cup sour milk, 1 teaspoon cream of tartar dissolved in the milk, * teaspoon soda, flour enough to uuike a little stitfer than when baking powder is used: flavor to taste. Mrs. E. B. CAKK. !>9 CXH'OAM"!' MA( Aia)()NS NO. I. One lb. of cociianut. line or i;r;iiuilnt»'(i, slircd will do. U Ihs. powdered sii»jar. whites cif T ejj^r^ well beaten, lin/. corn starch. i 07.. llonr: mix well together, for at least haltan honi-. let lay tor 2 or ;{ honrs. llnely dust a slieet of paper, witii riee tlonr. oi' corn starcii and (iron the doii;^h in pieces abont the size of lialf dol- lars: bake in a fair oven, dani)) Ihe pajxM'on the back and the cakes will come olT'. if they will not withonl. IIaukv Fox. COCOAXl'T M\r\[\{H)ys NO. -2. AVliites of 4 egj;"s. 2 cups pulverized sugar. 4 heaping teas])oons of sifted tluur. :\ cups shredded cocoanut. I>eat the eggs and sugar together foi' half an hour. uiLv the Ih.ur with the cocoanut and stir lightly into the eggs and sugai-. (irease your baking pan with lard and sprinkle with a little tlour. drop your nii.xture in small cakes and bake in a moderate oven. Let cakes cool be- f(»re removing from pan. For liickorynut macantons use 2 cnii> hickory nuts in jilace of cocoamit. "Mns. T. (J. Fosteu. Burlington. la. CH()C( )LATE M.VC.V K( )( )NS. Melt butter size of an egg: >lir in liol butter 2 oz. I:!aker"s chocolate scraped tine, stir until smooth, add I cup coffee sugar. 2 eggs. 1 teasiMionful baking powder, b'lour your fingers and uuike into balls size of hickor\' nuts, bake in gn^ased ])an 1 inch a])art. M ks. Di;. Pos'i'. CHOCOLATE KISSE.S. Whites of 4 eggs. 2 small coffee cujis of ]»ow(lered sugar. 1 cup of sifted tlour. (snuill). 1 teaspoon of vanilla, i \h. German choco- late, grated and sifted. Beat the whit(>s of eggs and sugar to- gether i hour: add the othei' ingredients, stirring as little as pos- .sible. Grease and tloui- baking tin. dro]) in small cakes and bake in .slow oven. .Mn-. T. G. Fosteu. I'.urlington. la. YELLOW SAND C.\KE. One lb. coi'u starch. 1 11). Vtutlcr. 1 lb. juiwdered sugar, in eggs, the rind and juice of 1 small lemon. Wash the salt from the butter, and beat to a cream, then add s\igar.then I egg at a time with a small portion of the corn starch, until all is used: leave half a cup ofcornstarcli out of tiie package, and add i <-upof flour, with 1 teas])oon of baking powder last: V)eat nearly an hour. V)ake 1 houi' in a modeiale oven. .^In^. L. K'.wi'rz. 100 THE 3irSKEGON COOK BOOK. CHOCOLATE NORGOT. One-half cup of butter (ei'eamed) i cup of sugar, If cups Hour, i cup sweet milk, 2 eggs well beaten, + lb. Baker's chocolate grat- ed. 1 teaspoon cream of tartar mixed in the flour, i teaspoon soda In the milk. Cream the butter and sugar, add 5 tablespoons sugar to grated chocolate, 3 of boiling water and stir over tire until smooth and glossy. Add this to butter and sugar, tlien add the eggs, next the flour and milk alternately: mix thoroughly and bake in layers. A very handsome cake is made by doubling the receipt and baking in four dee]), square layers, spread layers with l)oiled icing in which has been stirred blanclied almonds cut in strips. Frost the whole with icing. The cake l)i-eaks very easily In removing from the pans. More than 3 tablespoons of water are sometimes needed to malce the chocolate smooth. 'Mils. V'estky. ('HllIST3rAS CAKES. One (It. iioney, i (jt. of New Orleans molasses, H oz. soda, i lb. almonds, i lb. citron, i cup anise seed rolled line, teaspoon each of cloves, mace and cinnamon, 1 cup lard: heat molasses, honey, soda and lard on the stove, then !)ut in flour enough to roll out, add the other ingredients. Mix three weeks before baking, keep in a cool ])]ace: wh(>n ready to bake, roll out half an inch thick, put blanched almonds on top. I>ake in a slow oven, before cold cut in s(iuare pieces. Mits. L. Kanitz. .^vLMONl) CnEA>[ CAKE. Two cups sugar, J cup T)Ul ler. 1 cup sweet milk, 2 of flour and 1 of corn starch well mixed, whites of (5 eggs. 3 teaspoons baking powder. CUE AM Ont'-iuiU \nii{ swii-ei cream, yolks of 3 eggs. 1 tablespoon sugar, 1 teaspoon corn starch, blanch and cliop i lb. almonds and stir into the creani, l)oil tlie creiim thick enough to spread. . Mrs. L. Kan it/. MERINGUE PASTE. Whites 10 eggs. 1 lb. powdered sugar, 2 teaspoons flavoring. Have everything cold and (hy, put eggs in deep bowl to whi]), using whisk made of )n;nch of wires, beat until you can turn the bowl up side down, add sugar and flavoring' all at once. Spread it on cake and sift a linle powdered sugar over it, set in the oven 10 or lo minutes. .John Roiik;. I). CiiinsTiK Jv Co. 101 (AKK. CIIOCOLA'IK TAKE. One riij» dl' siitiar. '■ ru\\ Imt'.cf. •: cuii milk. 2 (•ll|)^ llmir, 'J icii- spcions biikiny ]»«i\v. Cook 1 cui) chofolato, i cuii milk. l tal)lt>s[)ooii o1' vanilla, yolk of 1 vg^r and stir in tho rake. Mi:s. ]■:. AV. Tii vvKi:. liOlLEl) FliOSTINi;. One f'uj) "iranulaled siiKar. white* ()f an ('.iiK. wau-i' cnouiih to cover .sngar. boil till it l)ul)blcs: if t(H» thin can add su^ar and if too thick add boiliii;^- water. Mus. Tkmv\a-:. ('.Vi;.\>lEL 1 UOSTiM.. Two cups li.^( . Money savers and close buyers will always liiul Hrst clioicc and advance styles in our sevei-al lines. < Successor to Cramer & Smith, > — DEALER IN— Kupr)ilurG. v£^arpets. vf^Poc^GPy ar)d lcilE:;Tr. CREAMS AND ICES. RUSSIAN CREAM. One qiuut of milk. 1 box of gelatine snaked in a i pint of hot water, 4 eggs, 1 cup of sngar. Whip yolks and sugar together. Let the milk boil and stir in eggs and sngar, and let cook a little, last put in gelatine, and stir well. Let cool partly and stir in the wliip])ed whites of eggs, and put into moulds. Mrs. W. a. SiJ$i,Kv. PINEAPPLE BAYARL\N CREAM. One can of pineapple. 1 large cu]) of sugar, cook twenl\ min- utes or until soft. Add a teaspoonful of lemon juice and slniii; through a coarse sieve. Strain into it immediately i box of gel- atine which has been soaking 2 hours in a half cu]) of cold water. Stir the mixture until it begins to thicken, then put in one i)in( of stiff whipped cream, and when well mixed ])ut in a mouki on ice. Serve with whii^ped cream. Mrs. W. A. Sirlev. SPANISH CREAM. Dissolve i package of Cox's gelatine in i pt. of cold milk, sim- mer 1 (]t. of milk; wliile hot on the stove, pour in the gelatine, stirring till perfectly dissolved; add the beaten yolks (tf 8 eggs and vanilla, as for custard, and let them scald one minute, or a little more: when done pour the mixture into a large bowl con- taining the beaten whites of 8 eggs, stir briskly for one minute, and pour into moulds. It will flU 2 (its. and 1 i)t. Our experience leads us to say, that if milknum's milk and cream is used, it is lietter not to soak the gelatine in milk, bul water. ]\[rs. N'kstkv. CARAMEL CUSTARD. One (jt. milk, i cup sugar. eggs, i teasjjoon salt: put th*' milk on to boil reserving a cui)ful. Beat the eggs, add the v*old milk to them, stir tlie sugar in a small frying pan until it l)ecomes li(iviid and just begins to smnke. Stir it into the iK)iling milk, then add beaten eggs and cold milk and stir until it begins to thicken. Serve cold in glasses. Ai'I'roxkd nv ^VTrs. C W. S. C'lIKAMs AM) ICES. 10") Tlirt'c pis. of u'ood crcaiii. ff Hi. r with extract vanilla and whip with ('^fi>- heater. Beat the eu-^s to a stitV I'l'oth. aihl the rest of the siij^ar. l)eating hard. Tut the ji't'latitKMnto i teaeupofcold water to soai< 1 or 2 hours, tlien a(hl i cui) hoi ling water, melt and strain, and iceep warm. Put tiu' ejiji's and the suj^'ar in a lari^c txivvl. pour' over the scalding- jjelatine. stir tlieiu (|uickly. and when it is eonled. ad tlic preserve pan is an economical way. because the bulk of the scum rises from the fruit, and not from the sugar, if the latter is good: and boiling it without a cover, allowing th(> eva])oration of all the watery particles, the preserves keep tirm and well flavor- ed. The proportions are f lb. of sugar to 1 n». of fruit, .lams • made in this way of currants, strawberries, and rasplicii'ics ai'e excellent. TO CLARIFY SUGAR F()l{ 1*RESERVIN(;. To each pound of sugar allow- i \)t. of water, for every ;J llis. of of sugar, the white of 1 (^ga. ^lix when cold. V)oil a few minutes, and skim it. let it stand ten minutes, skim it again and strain it. IMJESERVEl) PEACH P:S. Dress tlic pcaclirs. cut in lialves and add f lb. sugar to eacli pound of fruit, let stand 4 or '> iiours in lialt tlic sugar, pour off the juice into llic i)i-csci-\ing kettle witb tiie remainder of tlu^ sugar, and wlicn scalding lioi add tlic peaches and lioil !.■> or 20 minutes, or until I hey look clear. It is better to kee]) them in glass. A few luach pits added improve the flavor. JELLY OF ("HAI'.AIM'LES. To each H. lbs. crab ai)pl(s. 1 pi. watci-. boil gently until they are broken. Four tlie whole into a jelly l)ag. and when the juice is quite trans])ai'ent weigh it and put it into a preserving pan Boil gently Kl minutes, remoxc Irom the tire and poui' into il lo oz. of fine sugai- to each pound of juice. Roil gently from 12 to 15 minutes, skimming it clear, and jjour into moulds. Should the quantity be large, boil a few minutes longer before adding the sugar. 110 THE MUSKEGON COOK BO(JK. SNOW CREAM TO BE EATEX WITH PRESEin'ES. Whites of 2 eggs beaten to a stiff froth, f cnip of sweet cream sweetened with white sugar, flavor with lemon. CRAP. APP'LE MARMALADE. Boil the apples in a ivv them gently in a close covered stew pan until they ai'e soft and red: rub them througli a sieve, and gently boil one lioui' with ecpuil weight of sugar. GRAPE JAM. l*ick tile grapes from the stem and wash tlieni: after draining, slip the iiulp from the skin, keeping them in separate dishes. Boil tlif pulp until it will part easily from the seeds, strain through a colander, rinsing tlie seeds with a little wat(U'. Boil the skins (adding some water) until they are tender, (the Isa- bella will not become tender like other varieties), then put all together, and weigli 1 ])ound of sugar to 1 i)()und of fruit. Boil 2 or .3 nuiiutcs and i)ul into cui)s oi' jars. Mus. A. F. Temi'le. LE.^B)\ BUTTER. 1\vo lemons. 4 eggs. 2 cu])s of sugar and 1 teaspoon of l)u11('r, thegral<'d rind of 1 and juice of 2 lemons. Beat well and boil, ;^t irring constant Iv uiit il it readies the coiisistencv of lionev. PKESERVES. Ill liiscrrrs of any kind of Fi;rn\ T(i t he pulp of any kind d!' scalded IViiil piil 1 he same ainnnnt ■of suKiir. licat wi'U U)y\'tlu'r toi' '1 lioiii's. llicn make inln Idiiii-. «ir iHit it intd i)ai)er cases and dry in a cdol dvcn. t iiiai t iicni next day and let them romain unl il ([uite dry tiicn put into lidxrs. ('iii<:in;v preseknfs Keniove the pits and stems, and lo eacli jjoiind nf fi-uit allow a ])()un(l of suji-ar: till your preservinu; kellle with alternate lay- ers of ohorries and suti'ai" and boil until tiiey are clear. IJoltle and seal wiiile hot. I'll ESKR \ El ) C Vl\ IIA NTS. Take e(iual weight of fruit and sug-ar. boil togethei- Ki minutes, remove the fruit and lioil nut il clear, seal ni> while iiot. CUKRANT CONSERVE. Twelve pounds currants. 3 lbs. raisins settled and chopped, lo lbs. sugar, (i oranges. Cook cuii-ants 2(» minutes, add I'aisins and and oranges and cook 15 nunutes longei'. tlieii add sugar and cook ') or (i minutes longer. .Mi:s. A. N. Laxk. APPLE PUTTER. One bushel .sour ap])les pared and (luartered. 8 lbs. brown sugar 12 qts. water. 1 o/. each of cloves, cinnamon and allspice. 1 tea- spoonful ground sassafras. Poll in large lioilei' until the water is all boiled (»ut: it will take about <> hours. Stir often to keep from burning. Mns. (". E. Mookk. CANNIN(; FRUPr. Select peaches. ])lums oi- pears tiiat ai-e just ripe for eating, peel and cut up or lea\c whole as prefei-red: juit into steamer with dish to catch tlie juice, and cook over kettle of boiling water until tender. Take U cups of while sugar to each <|t. '-mi of fruit, add water to dissolve thoroughly and heat to boiling. Put the fruit into can.s, wet in hot water and standing in a pan of water, until nearly full, turn in hot syruj) until even full, let stand a few minutes for the air bubbles to escajje. fill with syrup again and screw on the i-ovei' as tightly as possible. Have fresh rubl)ers. perfect covei's and cans and your fiaiit will keep. Plums may be ])ut u]i without iieeling. Ripe i)lums and peaches mav be econonncally in-eled by immersing in a kettle of boiling water 2 or 3 minutes, wiien thev will peel like t(»matoes, Mws. .1. P.M. 112 THE MUSKEGON COOK BOOK. TOMATOES rilESERVEl). Take medium sized tomatoes. ])are and squeeze out all the seeds and juice you can. To 1 lb. tomatoes use I lb. sugar: put the sugar in kettle with water enough to wet it. when it boils put in the tomatoes and let them boil 30 minutes. Pour into a stone or cliina jar and stand it in the sun for a week. Pare a lemon oi- two. according to (luantity. shred the peel and boil in water, slice the pulp and add to tomatoes with green ginger root or preserved ginger. Boil all together until it becomes thick and clear, i or t hours. This is very nice. Mks. Dr. (tKeen. Princeton. N. .1. CANNING P.EPvKIES. Take 2 (its. of berries andvH cuiis sugar to each 1 qt. can. Put sugar in kettle witli enough watei' for a syrup, and when boiling put in your l)erries. let come slowly to a boil and boil slowly 5 or 10 minutes, turning lightly witli a handled skimmer to cook evenly. Put into cans, letting tiicm stand a few minutes to set- tle, then till up with hot syruj). jiiit on cover tightly. .Mrs. .J. L. M. CANDIES. 'Linked swot'tnesr; Ion?;' drawn out. [Milton. MOLASSES (WNl)^'. OiU' (luarl New Orleans molasses. 1 pi. wiiitc su^ar. l)Utter the size of a large egg: boil all logei her (|iiickl\- until thoroughly (lone, stirring constant ly. pour out on well buttered plates, when eool pull until hi'ittle. M i;s. K. .\. MoNKOE. MOLASSES CANDY. Two cuiis inolas.ses. U eu])s sugar, i cup vinegar, i cuj) butter. (iKACE Moon. CHOCOLATE CA HAM ELS. One cup New Orleans molasses. 1 cu]) sugar, i cup milk. ->■ cup Baker's chocolate, after it is cut u]). 1 teas])oon of butter: boil until it will thicken in cold water. ])our into buttered pan. i inch thick, and when nearly cold cut in sctly stiff hy another party andpotir into the jjan while over the tire and continue beating until thc^ mass will not stick to your hand when placed on it. then add U lbs. blanched almonds and well mix. pi-css into a mould of any kind and let cool. Mu. Haukv Fox. COCOANFT CKEAMS Are made just as the chocolate creams are only using cocoanut. Almonds are used same as walnuts. Candied dates are delici- ous with the cream, take the seeds out on one side, and till with cream, ])ressing together. With a little ingenuity various odd • and l)eautifui designs can he made at a very small ci>st. Mks. Ik a p. Penneit. 114 THE MUSKEGON COOK I'.OOK. PARIS CREAM WITHOUT BOILING. I>eat the whites of .two eggs to a moderate froth, add enough powdered sugar to make a stiff paste, tiavor with vanijla, rose, lemon, strawberry, etc.. form into balls and dip into warm, melted, sweet chocolate, or the following mixture. To powder- ed sugar add enough cold water to beat uj) into a stiff icing, color with cochineal, add any flavoring you wish. Place the cream, when dijijied several times, upon a plate or waxed ijaper and and ]iut l)y until dry. Mw. H. Fox. le:mon sticks or drops. Five ])ounds of loaf sugar or mould '"A'*, i oz. cream of tartar. H pints of water. Roil over clear, good tire, stir with a wooden spoon until well mixed, then cover the pan and let boil for 5 or 6 minutes, take the cover off and boil to the "crack" or nearly so. Pour onto a piece of marble or iron slowly; when just cool enough to handle, sprinkle i oz. of citric acid and 1 table- spoonful essence of lemon into it and work it well in very quickly. Cut in to ])ieces and roll int(t sticks with a piece of flat wood, and twist them or cut inlo droi)s with knife or scissors. Mk. Hakky Fox. HONEY TAFFY. One iKXind granulated or confectioners' sugar "A." 2 taV)le- s])oonfuls of water, i pint of strained honey. Mix well together a little more water may be added if considered necessary: boil to the ••ci'ack."' i)our onto an oiled tin or piece of marble. ISIi:. H. Fox. EVERTON TAFFY. One lb. confectioners' sugar ""A'" or granulated sugar, i lb. butter. Wash all the salt out of the butter, when it is melted stir in the sugar Uutil well mixed and gently boil to the '"crack." p(»ur out on tin or nuirble. or i)lace split almonds at the bottom of a tin and pour tiie tatty over tiiem. ,Mi{. H. Fox. FRENCH CREAM. Measure tlie white of an egg. take an ecpial (iiiantity of water, then pnt in i teaspoon of vanilla, or any flavoring desired, now stir in. to the thickness of dough, the best confectioners' sugar — XXX is (he l)est — turn out on a .])iece of marl)le and knead the same as l)read: if not thick enough add sugai' and work until it can be cut nicely with a knife. This is the foundation for all I''rencii candv. 115 CHOCOLATE CIIEAM. Melt l!:ikci-"s chocoliitc over the teakottlt". in a sliallow Ixiwi. then take a piece of Frelieil ei-eain aliniil tile si/e of a small liic-koi-ynut. rdll iielweeii tlie palms of your liaiuls lill smooth, sjjoar \vi1 ii a hat pin and (liji iiilo 1 lie melled cliocolale and set on i)ai'artine paper to cool. N()r(;A'i\ Usinji' the French civam t'oi' a rouiidation "Xoiiyal iiia\ lie made by adcling' all kinds ol' chopped nuts, and then press solid in a mould. FRENCH FRCIT CANDY. A Aery pretty fruit cake is made by coloring the cream with cochineal, making a pink layer, then take more cream and put in choi)ped candied fruits for another layer, for the third la.ver use grated chocolate when mixing up the cream: to 1 egg use about three tablespoons of cliocolate and mix stiff with XXX sugar: flavor this chocolate layer with vanilla, the fruit with lemon and the pink with rose. WALNTT CPvEAMS. These are made by taking a piece (»f cream, rolling in round shape and sticking half an English walnut on top: tlavor with any thing preferred. MUb. Ira B. Bexnett. PICKLES. Tioii't hit tliat jar of t'licmnbers Staiidiiij;- on the broad stair: They have not waked from their slunibei'S Sim-e they stood ther . Yet they have li\ed in a <'onstant jar! What reinartcable sleepers they are! —[J. G. H01.LAND FRESH CUCUMBER PICKLES. Select siuull ones of unifortu size, place in a crock, pour on boiling water to cover, put in a large handful of salt, let stand over night, drain off the water, wash the pickles in clear water, dry with a towel, put in a crock and jjoui- on iioilingcider vinegar. Then put in small horse radish roots, and the ])ickles will keep in a comnioii jar all wintci'. A. T. F. PICKLES. To 100 small cucumbers. 1 i)t. of barrel salt. j)our on boiling water sutticient to cover, cover tightly and let stajid 24 hours: remove, strain and wipe dry. being careful not to break the skins, put them in jars, for each HOO])ickles add 1 oz. of cinnamon, and allspice add nnistard seed whoh'. boil sjjice and vinegar enough to cover, about 2 gal.. i)our ovei' while 1)oiling and seal: in 3 weeks they will l)f ready for use. add some pieces of horseradish if to be had. MUS. .1. l\. liKNNKTT. SIMCK ClIEURIES. To 12 lbs. fruit, (i ll)s. sugar. 1 pt. vinegar. 15 tablesijooiis cinna- mon, 2 each of allspice and cloves, tie spices in a thin cloth. i)ut syrup on stove and heat until sugar is dissolved, then add fruit and boil slowly i hniii'. llieii seal. Mi:s. .1. K. M()XT. SIM(^EI) rEACIIES. Tlii-cc pdiiiuis siiy;ir. 1 pt. \ iii('t;;ii', a little cacli of wlntlc cloves ciniiainoii and allspice. to.') Ilis. ix-aches: peel jieaclies and cook un- til tetidef. remove cufef 11 11. V. then boil synip down and jioiir over I'fllit. ]\IhS. C. .1. II A.MII.IOX. W A TV. IJM ELON PICK LES. Take the i-inds and i)eel off the outside skin, and cut olV all the vr{\ inside, cut them in small pieces mul soak in weak salt and watef over ni^ht : wash in the mofninj^' and lioil in vineyai' and watef until transijarent . dfain in a colandef. 'I'o 7 ll»s. fi'uit. take I (|t. best cidef vineuar and .'Jibs su^ar. 1 oz. cassia liuds. Itipe ciicumbei' and cit foil jiickles I make in the same way. if you like cinnamon and cloves |)ut them in little bajjfs so they will not color the fruit. :N[iis. E. T. C. SWEET PICKLE P.EETS. Boil nice dark red beets until soft, peel and cut into fancy shapes, or slice. Boil 1 qt. of vinegar with 1 ([t. sugar. 1 teaspoon cloves tied in nnislin. pour over the beets hot and can air tight: they are very nice all winter. Mas. Harvey Misnkk. PICKLED APPLES. For 1 ])k. of sweet apples take .'5 lbs. sugar. 2 (its. vinegar, A oz. cinnamon, ioz. cloves: pare the api)les leavingtheni whole, boil in part of the vinegar and sugar until you can i)ut a fork through them. Take them out, heat the remainder of the vinegar and sugar and pour over them. Have care that you do not boil them too long or they will break. GREEN TO^LVTO PICKLES. One peck tomatoes sliced and sprinkled witli salt, let lie 24 hours, drain: 4 oz. white mustard. 1 oz. ginger. 1 oz. allspice, 1 oz. black pe])])er. 1 oz. cloves, 2 ozs. ground nuistard. 6 large onions. Chop onions, pound spice, mix ground nuistard as for table, stir onions and spice together: i)ut layer of tomatoes and layer of spices, cover with vinegar and simmer till soft. Mas. (Juekx. PICKLED EG(JS. Take the number of eggs you wish to pickle, boil them hard and remove the shells; lay them into a jar, then have ready sutti- cient 40 grain vinegar colored with red beets: this may be done by droi)i)ing in a few slices of red be(>t that have l)een boiled tender, the vinegar will (niickly extract the color, then pour the vinegar over the eggs. 118 THE MXTSKEGON COOK BOOK. PICKLED NUTMEG MUSKMELONS. Half ripe melons washed and pared, seeds removed, and cut in 4 or 6 pieces. La\' them in stone jars and cover with vinegar 24 hours: take them out and to each qt. of fresh vinegar add 3 lbs. brown sugar. For 12 melons take 3 oz. of cinnamon, 2 oz. cloves, and 2 oz. allspice; boil the sugar and spices in the vinegar, skim well, then put in the melons and boil 20 minutes. Let the syrup boil a few minutes after taking them out. then iiour the hot vinegar over them. Mus. Thott. RED CABBAGE PICKLE. Shave the cal)bage very tine: scald vinegar and ])our over the cabV)age as many times as is necessary to make it tender, take all spices mixed, put into little bags, put a layer of cabbage in a jar then a bag of sjjice and so on until tlie jar is filled. Mus. A. F. Temple. MUSTARD Foil ENlrLISII PICKLES. ' To 1 gal. pure 40 grain white wine vinegar, add 3 oz. glycerine, stir together until the vinegar tliickens. then add i lb. black mustard, i lb. of yellow English wliite mustard — to give the English color. The glycerine holds the pieces in susi)ension so they will not settle to the l)ottom. STUFFED PEPPERS. Get large bell peppers, cut around tlie stem, remove it and the seeds, soak well in fresh water over night. For the stuffing use 2 qts. chopped cabbage, 1 cupful of white mustard seed, 1 cujjful grated horseradish: till each i)ei)lK'r with some of this mixture, and with each put in a small onion and a little cucum- ber, tie or sew the stem on again. ]m{ the tilled peppers in a jar and cover with cold vinegar. Mrs. J. Alvord. GRAPE CATSUP. Put tlie grapes on the stove with a little water and l>oil well: put tlu'm through a colander, put them back on the '^tove and to al)out a peck of grajx's add I ^i cups of \ incgar. 2 lbs. brown sugar, spice to taste, cloves, cinnniuoii and allsi)ice. Mn^. Tiiaykr. CURRANT CATSUP. Four |)ouMds ripe currants li lbs. sugar. 1 tablespoon cinuainon, 1 tablespoon eayh salt. pe])per and cloves, 1 pt. vinegar. Cook the currants and sugar thick, and add the (tther ingredients: if iaeces.sarv cook more, till vei'v thick. Mrs. .1. W. Rrakeman'. 119 SWEET PICKLED PEACHES. Takr sound clitiii-stonc peaches, wipe otV the hlodin. make I jjah of vinegar liot. and add to it -1 lbs. su^ar. l)oil and skim it well. Stiek .") or (i cloves in each peach, pour the vinegar boil- ing- hot over them, cover and set in a cool i)lace for s or lo days, drain ott" the vinejfar. heat and skim it. a^aiii pour over the peaches and when cold put them in jars as jireserves. TOM.VTO C.VTSrP. To 1 bu. tomatoes add 1 teacuj) salt. lUablespoons black pep- per. 15 tal)lesi)oons cloves. '1 tablespoons cinnamon. 1 teas])oon cayenne pepper. 2 (its. vinegar. Scald the tomatoes i hour, then strain through a colander. th(Mi through a sieve, add spices and vinegar, and boil ."! hours or down to oiu' lialf. Mrs. ,1. I). Davis. TOMATO PICKLES. One peck green tomatoes, (i medium sized onions. 2 ([ts. vine- gar. 2 llis. brown sugar, 2 oz. white mustard seed, cloves and all- si)ice to taste. Chop the tomatoes and onions very ttne. put over them oiu" cup salt, let stand over night; squeeze out all the water and put on the stove to cook with 2 qts. water: when it boils ])our off the water and rinse off with a pint of vinegar. Then add the sugar. si)ice mustard and vinegar, let boil a long Time. Mrs. TiiAVEU. CHILI SATXE. One i)eck ripe tomatoes, (5 green i)eiJpers. (i onions. 2 tea- spoonfuls each of ground allspice, cloves and cinnamon. 2 cups brown sugar. 5 cups vinegar, salt to taste. Scald and skin toma- toes cho]) onions and i)e]jpers tine: boil all together 3 or 4 hours, then bottle. Mrs. Maxuold. MPS. J. H. H ILL'S PICCALILLI. One peck green tomatoes slic(Hl or cho])i)e(l tin(>. 1 lit. of salt; cover with water and let stand 24 liours. 'I^iiii otf tin- water, cover with fresh water and let stand while prei)aring the other ingredients. Take.'igreen ])ep])ers. 1 cabV)age. (i onions cliopped tine: press the water from the tonuitoes. mix together and scald (not boil). 4 hours in eciual parts of water and vinegar, turn otf the li(|Uor and add 1 |)1. of molasses. 1 pt. of grated horseradish, 1 pt. of black iinistaid seed and 1 tablespoon of cloves, cinnamon and ginger. Mix well and cover with good cider vinegar. 120 THE MUSKEGON COOK BOOK. CHILI SAUCE. Twelve ripe tomatoes. 4 ripe ijeppers. 2 onions. 2 tablesi)oons salt. 2 of sugar. 3 teacups vinegar, a little cinnamon: chop t(»ma- toes. peppers and onions very tine, boil all together one hour. Mrs. Geo. (tIllett. PICCALILLI. One peck of green tomatoes, (i onions, 8 green peppers chopped very tine, put in a jar in layers with salt between the layers and let it stand over night: drain off the liquor in the moining. Two qts. vinegar. 1 oz. each of whole cloves, allspice and nnistard seed. If you like it. 1 cu]) grated horseradish. Let simmer un- til soft as you like it: and sugar if preferred. I seal in glass cans the same as fruit. Mrs. Blanchard. CHOW CHOW OK ENULISH PICKLES One quart of cucumbers sliced lengthwise, 1 qt. small cucum- bers not sliced, 1 quart of green tomatoes sliced. 1 (it. small green tomatoes not sliced, 1 qt. small onions, as much cauli- flower as you like placed between the layers of pickle for dress- ing, 4 (]ts. of vinegar, 6 tablespoons of mustard, 3 tablespoonfuls of tumeric powder, 1 cup of sugar, i cup of flour, 4 green pep- pers cut up. * cup currie powder. Boil the mixture and pour over the ingredients hot. Soak the pickle over night in salt water, in morning drain and place in jars in layers. This can not be l»eaten. Clara Cowles. Svracuse. X. Y. F E Fi M e: isi T i: J N I TIIK ONLY liKLIAIiLK- DIRECTIONS FOR USE: I'lKKAi). — F(H- r;iinil.\ use. dissolve one cakr ol' Fki;>ikn rr.M very lliorouj^hly in iukc-wann (not Imti waler to niak<' yonr sponj^e for an ordinary baking' of 1\vo lo four loaves. Allow tiie same to rise, and when |)ro]H'rly ris«'n, vvliich will be within al)onl an hour, add enough tlour to uiaki' a douj^lr. mold yonr htaves and l)ake in a hot oven befor" they are too lijiht. To bake larger or smaller (luantities. use yeast and water in proportion. In no case should tli". sponge be set over of n'lqlit. but should dhnti/s be baked as soon as light. liiscTiTs. FIoLLS. Etc. — Sto]) makinj^' l)is('iiit. eak<". etc.. with the compound, called ■•I>akinr." I'sk FKitJiKN'ri^i CoMiMJKssED Ykast. Sold l)y 13. Ctar^l^^ti^, JOHNSON & WOYCKE, DK ALE Its IN J©)py (1UO02I5, rjo\iOT)5. lsrer)ls Kupr)isl")ir)C| ICIooas, \^ali f^apep. uc. .{TO Lakk Street. MUSKEGON, MICH. j^. F^ e: K t^ , ryi6r)br) ^- Ward ^ (jrocer, MUSKEGON, MICHIGSN, DKALKK IN I2r)qlisr) arjd /'Injenceir) JaFeccl) Li'oaair)q g5[)o1 (c3ur)s, lollies (ar)d I'^ci/olycrs, feuflery, l^nr/c rusr)ir)q M'acl^le, c/ln^n-)ur)ihoi;) and all r)ir)cls ol Liaplridacs. No. 45E. Westehx Avji. :\rUSKEG()N, MICH. l^ettei;)! liyGclicujes, Uarqc veipicfv o| yoilei li/lpiiclGS, H''Fiplc -Dxfraci neptuir)cs, ©por^qcs, lorusljes of all l^ir)els, Yojs, Soda OTafcF, ^^^h Sl)al<)e, ldorr)cshc ar)d irriporlcd oiqars. Respectfully. Wester! Ave. [ '^ZX^ZX^S^ "^o DtUO^ Sto^. Dealer in all kinds of ixzi^, t $aVi, t dad. ^' pxao^cveSc t l&eols. No. 8 W. Westkhn Ave. PROP Kl ETORS All kinds of Silks and Woolens ( 'oldi-cd in I-lNcrv Shade. Also atleiilion paidlo Sconriny'. Incin.u and itepainn};' ol' (ients" Clot liinii'. 23 PINE STREET, KEMPF BLOCK, MISCELLANEOUS. The secret, of thrift is Icaowledtre, Icnowledg'e of domestic economy saves income: knowlerige 'of siinitarv laws saves life and licalth. — [KlNfiSLEV. REFIIESPIIXG WASH FOR THE SICK ROOM. Two oz. (>;ich of hi vender, mint, rosemary, rue, sage and worm- wdiiil: put into a vessel and jiour over it 3 or 4 qts. good vinegaj'. cover closely and keep in warm i)lace 4 days, then strain and add 1 oz. jjowdered camphor gum and cork tightly. Get nurses and otluM's em])loyed around a sick bed to us(> it as a wash. (Jood in infectious diseases. A NEW DEODORIZER OP. DISINFECTANT. Dissolve i drachm of nitrate of lead in a i)t. of boiling wat(M' ])ouring the solution into a bucket of water into which 2 drachms of chloride of sodium have been dissolved. When the sediment lias subsided, the clear supernatant fluid is a saturated solution of chloride of lead. Dip a cloth in this solution and hang it up in a room, aud the fetid atnios])here will instantly be sweetened: or if tlie solution be thrown into a sink, drain or water closet, or any other t){fensive place, a lilr. 1 oz. glycerine. 1 di'achm halsam of fir. 1 bar Cocoa soaj). 2 grains Red Carmine. i oz. Wiiite Rose. J)issolve soap in 1 (piarl of soft water'hy boil- ing slowly, then add .'? (puvrts more of water, mix all ingredients and shake well. Tliis preparal ion is superior to anything I have ever used for toilet. Susie A'anAiuvEN. I'KriMSU ENAMEL FOi! Sllliri^ I'.OSOMS. Melt togetlier with a gentle iu'at. 1 oz. white wax and 2 ozs. si)ermaceti: prepare youi' b:)ile;l starcii in the usual wa>'. ])Ut inin eacli pint a piece of iirit ish Fnaiu'l t lie sizi' of a large pea. It will give Ndur clot lies a beaut iful p:)lisli. COFFKF S'lWIU'JI. For dai'k |)iints or pei'cales. mix 2 tablespoons law starch wit h cold water, siiioot lil\ . st ir inl o a pint of clear hot cofl'ee tliat has been St rained, i'.oil 10 minutes. adiiit (ir more of vvatei'. covit and let it stand all ni^ht: in the morning'' pour it carefully from the drc^s into a clean bottle, cmk it and keep il for use. a tablespoon of j^um water stirred into a i)int of starch made in the usual manner, will yive lo lawns either white (»r i)rinted. a look of newness, when nothiiiti' else can restore tliem. TO FASTEN COLOIIS. Tse sn^iiir of lead. al>out 2 tablespoons to a pail of water, to wash any kind of jjoods. from cotton to silk, to i)revent fadin<4'. TO PICKLE OXE-nrXDlJEI) POl^NDS OF P.EEF. Tut together 3 qts. of salt, ti o/,. salt i)etre, 1^ pts. of molasses and water sutficient to cover the meat after it is laid in th(> bari'el with salt, ami also slightly sprinkle the layei's of meat as you pack: pour on vour pickle, and la,\' on a stone or board t(t keep il under brine. ^NIks. Tejiimj-:. BAKIXG POWDEll. Six oz. tartaric acid. S oz. of best baking sorla and 1 (it. of sifted flour: stir well togethei' aiul sift .") or (5 times through a tine sieve. Always procui'e the materials from a good druggist, by so doing youliave for4l»cts. wliat would cost *1 from a grocer. Keep well coi'ked. and use the saini' (juantity as of ;in\ othei' baking ])owder. LE^roX EXTPACT. Put t he rind of :nemons into I pt. of alcohol: in 4 da.\s pour off into a bottle and add 1 oz. lemon oil. This will make strong 11, Ivor tor less than half ])rice. ()range extract ma\' be ma le in the same wa,\' as the above. COCITINEAL COLOR. P"'or red jellies, boil 1 oz. of cochineal in i pi of water for 10 minutes: if it colf)rs white jjaper bright red it is done. Add .'{oz. sugar and bottle for use. VANILLA EXTRACT. (Jet 3 fresh vanilla beans of a druggist. l)reak them in small pieces and put them in i pt. of alcohol. It will be tit for use in a few montlis. Sided beans (i or 7 inches long: vanilla improves with age. 126 THE MUSKEGOl? COOK BOOK. TO PRKSEin'E E(;CrS. Pour 2 ^als. of lioiliiiK water over J lb. of iinslark(Ml lime and 1 ])1. salt. When cool, cover the eggs with the brine, and set in a cool itlaee. Mi;s. K. A. Moxrok. TO ItEMOVE INK ST.MXS. As soon as possible after ink is spilled on tiie cai'pet. dii)a elean si)onge in milk and sponge the ink spot, cleaning the sjionge in clean water before putting it again into the milk, so as to avcnd smearing it; continue the operation untiT the ink is all out. Wash the milk out with clear water. Or blotting pajiei'. if used immediately, will absorb all the ink. TO WASH liLANKETS. One bar kitchen soap cut and dissolved in hot warer, 2 table- spoons pulverized borax; fold blankets and soak over night or for several hours; don't rub unless there are spots. Squeeze and douse, and pull from one hand to the other. Rinse in 2 or 3 hike warm waters, and hang in a hot sun witlKtut wringing. TO CLEAN ZINC. One tablespoonful sulphuric acid in a saucer of water applied with a rag tied on a stick; then rub well with clean cloths: aftei' nil) over with a rag wet in kerosene and rub off with a clean cloth. Be careful not to breathe the fumes, or get it on your hands. TO REMOVE IRON RUST. The juice of lemon and salt placed on the s])ot. and the fabric lilaced inthesiiii, will remove the rust. Shining thi'ough glass its ra.\s are st I'onger. I hang mine in a window. FOR CLE.VMNd FLriD. Twoozs. alcohol. 2 ozs. sulphuric ether, i oz. oil of winttM'green. i oz. of cassia oil, i drachm of borax, 1 gal. deodorized gasoline. Keep in a cool place, do not use near lamp or lii'e. This will re- move grease oi' pilch. Aijproveil by Mrs. .1. L. M. Fioiling water i)oure:l thi'ough fruit stains will remove them. CLE.\NING FLril). l''oiii'oz. cast ile soap. 4 oz. ammonia. 1 oz. et Ii'M'. 1 oz. of glycei'iiie 1 of spirits of wine: shave soap line anil dissolve in 1 (|t. of boil- ing water, add 1 (|ts. of water and the other ingredients. Mus. A. N. Lank. MISCELLANEOUS. 127 lii.iKiNc;. ()iu'(i/,. I'liissian liluc. d ••/.. (ix;i!ic acid, ."! |)iin> warm walfi'. 1{K>[()\IN(J VllLDEW AM) Ul.EAClI 1 N(;. Dissolve a lu-apiiii;' lahlcspooii of cliloridc ul' liiiic in a pail of walci-. (lip liic ii'oods and sjji'i'ad (Uit to dry in I lie hot sun wilh- (iiit wriiijiiny: When dry repent the jjrocess. This will take out tlie worst cases of mildew, and many other stains. Tiie lime must be well dissolved. Cloth may also he bleached beautifully by haniiin^- on a line when the sun shines and the snow is on the ground: snow bleaches more readil.N' t lian j^rass. TO RESTORE COLOR TO BLACK GOODS. The color taken out of black goods by acid may be restored by tile apijlicationofliipiid ammonia. Old black may be restored by spongino; off w ith ammonia and water. TO PREVENT JARS FROM UREA KING. When ])utting up fruit, set the jars on a folded cloth wet with cold water, then fill with the boiling fruit, putting it in slowly at first: I have never known a jar to break, thus. HOW TO >[EN1) IJROKEX (^LASS OR, CROCKERY. Take the white of an egg and plaster of Paris: ai)])ly it to the edges of the l)roken parts and ])ress together and tie unl il it sets. SOAP FOR REMOVING GREASE &c. Four tablespoonfuls of s])irits of hartshorn, the same of alcohol, and 1 tablespoon of salt: shake the whole well together and a[)- [)ly with a sponge oi' bmish. 'i'o POLISH :miotal. Salt wel witli sti'ong \inegar. I'ub well and then wash with soap suds and wii)e dry. One teaspoon cnrn siiycli in I pt.otsalt will keep it di'y. just try it. Mus. II. .1. IIovt. AN']' TPvAi'. Procure a large sponge, wash it well and press it dry which will leave the cells o])en. tiien s|)rinkle il with tine white sugar, and place it near where tiie ants are troublesome. Tiieanls will soon collei-l uj) 111 t h(> sponge, dip t lie sponge in boiling wali-r: il iiia\ be set over and over again. 128 THE MTJSKEGON COOK BOOK. TO DRIVE AWAY ROACHES. Two ozs. iJiilvorized borax, 2 ozs. pulveri/.t'd su^ai'. Mix. nnd l)ut ill a (lisii and set wliere roaches ai^c . ^NIhs. L. C. ^lAN(iOLD. TO KILL :\I10E. Spread s^as tar around mice holes, and you will liave no 1'urllier use for cals or traps, TO I)R1\'E AWAY RATS. Pulverize copi)eras and si)riiikle il in the holes, and where thej' are troublesome. FLY EXTEinriNATOR WETHOUT POLSOX. Take (luassia chips ilb. and steep to a strong decoction, strain, sweeten well with sugar and expose it on flat dish, as tiy ])ow- der is generally used. Or. l)eat the yolk of an egg with a tea- spoon each of molasses and l)lack pe])per, finely ground; set it about ill shallow plates, and the flies will l)e rapidly killed. Put broken egg shells in bottles to clean then — with water, of course. A cup of water in the oven wliile baking will i)i'eveiit briMcl. cake etc.. from burning. To clean a brown porcelain kettle, boil i)eeled potatoes in it. To preserve flowers in water, mix a little carbonate of soda ill the water. They will ke(>]i a fortnight. I'icture frames, etc.. may be sponged witli onion water to keej) olf Hies: it will not injure wood, gilt or glass. Kill all the large tlies in early summer, for they will lay thousands of eggs. ilorax is also said to drive away l)oth red and black ants. Sjiriiikle it wliere they abound. )ELlCIOUS. HEALTHFUL. ECONOMICAL. Highly fiidorst'!! by the leadin^r i)hysici;ins aiKl busiiioss men of Ilio foimtry. Cliildrcn and invalids can drink it with benetlt, :ind 1 lie well and St rons" are nuule better by it use. Head the t'()ll()\vini>- testauionial from a prominent New York business man: ••0:1ic-e of WiiYi.VND Bkos.. i St. -Iohnsvili.e. N. V.. Feb. 22, 18SS. \ /'//(■ ////(/it'/iir Coffee ll'urks. (Jknts:— Send us by N. Y. C same as before, five cases llyirienic C'ott'ee. Tliis is A grand cokkee. I have used it ever sincL' we tirst put in stock, and driidc it three times a day. T have been a sick man for 12 years, but have felt better since I comn)onced ti) drink this colTce. than I have felt in the last 18 years. Yours. VVHYLAND P.llOS. per ClIAS. WlIYLAXD." Sold in Muskegon. Mich.. l>y AlbeutTowl. Put u]) for family use in 12 lb. cans, and sent to any |)art of the world where it is not sold bv dealers. 710 E. Water St.. / .1. S. ADAMS. Pro)).. SYRACUSE, N. Y. ( The Hyg-ienic CotTee Works. The Great Raiser dirt Try IS it IS as It makes of spots and PEARLINE. ' on the spot — it cheap as dirt house-work eas}' and yourwashino lioht. You could do no harm with it if you tried. It refines the finest things ; makes them hke new ; and cleans quickly the coars- est. It is ready to help you if you are ready to have it. arp tricksters- peddlers -these selling powdeis of which they say — " same good as Pearlitie." Keep a.kt.i:t! edi^eow your wits against such. 1'EARLINE has no equal 165 JAMES PVl.E. Nov.- Voric us Pearl in f=r=; r '-^ First. — Because it is most perfect in operation anrl of beautiful design. Second. — Because tlie castings are very smootli an:l higlily tfnislied, and tliorouglily and carefully mounted. Call and look them over. We have ten different styles now on (lur show room floor. MUSKEGON HARDWARE CO. B. J. JOHNSON & CO., ^QT.hit) GiT)d BoWlcp &5., rrjiWau^ce, wis. -intoDrcKus ok 1 1)6 Fan)ous J3ad6(jr Soap. WILSON »S: (HliSON. I'lioi-uiETOKs. CORNER WESTERN i\YE. /^.ND SECOND ST. Telkpiioxk No. 10. A Card bo bl)e Ladie^: on? STOCK 1' thf liirKfSt and inosi cdiii- pU'to in tlic fity. WE AIM To h;iv(» the best Goods in our liakery Dopartnieiit tliat sicilled lalior and tii>t-class material will make. WEOWN^ — The only large steam (•f>tree roaster in the citv. ovn roFP^EES Ai'c fresli roasted Iwicc a week. AV 10 ( i r A R A N T E E P]xtra value both in Tea and Coffee; WE REFUND jVIoney in every instance where goods are not as rcp- rosented. Yours llespeetfully, WHOLESALE AND UETAIL GROCER, BAKER AND COFFEE ROASTER, 21 W. Westekx Avenue. noes! ^Boes! ^Boe5>! ¥E LESD THEM ILL IN WE KEi:i' ox HAXD .\ CHOK.'E ASSOUTMENT OK Our i^riees arc witliin the reach of all. Is: e: i_j ]Ni ' s , list W. Western Ave. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 480 076 A