Hnok , "^ y CoEyiiglitF CQEXRICHT DEPOSm The Root and the War Concluded By Joseph Donley Owen BuUard Printing House Whaelingr, Weit Virginia -^53.^ O'S Copyright, 1918, By Joseph Donley Owen J. D. Owen Publishing Co., Lakewood, Ohio. AUG -8 {918 ©Gi.A5()6492 ■^ Pref rerace In writing this book, it was necessary to write part of it as an allegorical story, based on biblical history. The au- thor has sipent a great deal of time in presenting facts and dates in the great world events, so that it can be readily understood by the reader. The balance of the comments are simply assumptions based on developments of the world war, and he trusts the reader will keep this in mind in reading the conclusions as stated in the various comments. Revelation has been a mystery to the world since it was written in A. D. 96. In past centuries theologians have filled libraries, commenting on it, but all that has been said or written has been guess work, from the fact that no con- ditions in past times could be made to apply to Revelation, thereby heaping mystery upon mystery. It was evidently dictated to John, by the Savior, on the Isle of Patmos, so that when the awful times and conditions should actually come, no intelligent people eould be mistaken in the times and conditions as revealed by Revelation. Our great writers on Revelation have unfortunately been prejudiced, as have the clergy, against its application to the world war of today, and if the war had not come in the manner it did, and unlocked the mystery, it would still remain as such. In past wars there have been no aeroplanes to rain fire and brimstone down from heaven; there hare been no submarines to destroy one-third of the world's shipping and cause the oceans to run red in blood. No man has lived since A. D. 96 that the nmniber 666 could apply to, but the Kaiser. There has been no nation that the twelfth chapter could apply to, until our nation entered the war in the year 1917. In fact, as the war develops, it is simply revealing Revelation. A person of ordinary mind who carefully followed the events of the world war from the beginning, can then read the first twenty chapters of Revelation and understand it. It will no longer remain a mystery. In making the comments on Revelation, the writer be- lieved it would be criticised by at least fifty percent of the clergy. Theologians have tried to make this great mystery apply to everything conceivable prior to the world war; now, since the war is here, they must either accept the reasonable application of the author, or acknowledge the millions of books they have written are wrong. The reason the clergy differ in its application as to times and condi- tions, is that most of the theological books written concern- ing Revelation reject the mystery and try to prove that it was not dictated to John by the Savior, or not even written by John, thereby undermining the whole basis of the authenticity of the Bible. In officiating on earth as the Son of God, it was abso- lutely necessary for Christ to appear as God's represent- ative, as He did to Moses in the burning bush, and when He came in A. D. 1 as the Paschal Lamb for the great sacrifice for the world, wherein the prophesies of Daniel, Joel, Isaiah and others were fulfilled by his birth, death, resurrection and ascension. The world war, the symbolical figures, the rulers of the various nations, the times and conditions cannot possibly apply to them, between A. D. 96 and 1914. I will give good proof, as I see it, that Revelation does ap- ply to present times, and conditions ; therefore, in dispute, *t is necessary for the "doubting Thomases" to try and ^,take these various figures apply to Nero, Caesar, the Pope or nations, whom they may think it can apply to, rather than the author's application. In so doing, they will fail. The author feels certain that no other times, nations, per- sonages, or conditions can be made to apply to Revelation except at this time during the present world war. Neither can the number 666 apply to Nero, Caesar, Napoleon or Popes in the past, but it unquestionably does apply to the Kaiser. Conditions prove that we are now seeing the ful- fillment of Kevelation as shown from the third to the nineteenth chapters, inclusive. If we are, we will certainly see the Savior coming in a cloud as King of Kings and Lord of Lords, in Europe and Asia in 1920, and close the war with His own sword as stated in Eighteenth Chapter, then will rule as a visible, literal King of earth for the next thousand years. His second coming as King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, will probably be in or near the year A. D. 4000, thereby completing His great plan of B. C. 4004, namely : to people the earth ; then to bring them all back to Him for His Great Glory ; then to be with Him throughout the ceaseless ages of eternity. The question has been asked of the writer : Wliere do you get the proofs of your conclusions? And my answer is, I fully believe in the Bible, and I get my proof from its pages, basing all on the application of the numlDer of the Beast, 666. ' ' God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, to the end that all that believe in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. ' ' — John 3 :16. "The first tree of liberty was planted in the world when Jesus was raised on the Cross of Cavalry and from it preached the doctrine of equality, fraternity and brother- hood." And from that hour — the most momentous hour in human history — began in earnest the age-long contest be- tween democracy and autocracy, the two opposing princi- ples in the life and governments of peoples. Jesus, the Son of Man, proclaimed the principles and practiced the virtues of democracy, and these were not buried with Him in His tomb, but rather He exalted them on His Cross. In the absolutism of Rome, the programme of "peace with the sword" was set forward to enforce the philosophy that "might makes right." The principles of democracy, as taught and practiced by Jesus, exalted self-sacrifice for the good of others, and made a virtue of social service, while absolutism only fixed the mind of the brutalizing practices of force. "Jesus taught that there are spiritual treasures in life worth saving, but the sword arm of absolutism was its only standard of moral law and moral right. Albsolutism in- flated men's ambitions and hardened their hearts, while Jesus spoke directly to their souls. Through the centuries that have intervened since the first Service Flag — the Cross of Christ — ^was raised on Calvary, the opposing principles of democracy and autocracy have each sought to dominate the realm of thought and experience in the development of the race. And democracy since the beginning of the Chris- tian era, though often restricted bj) ai^bitrary rule, has gone steadily forward to the present day, when from the 'Tower of Time' has sounded the crucial hour of this world's pain. "In 385 A. D., the cry of the Emperor Julian, the Apostate: '0 Galilean, Thou hast conquered!' proclaimed the first surrender of the insatiate power of autocracy to the spiritual forces of light. Then, in long years after, came the Constitutions of Clarendon, the Magna Charta, American Independence, and the Revolutions in France, each and all decisive battles against militarism, and yet no one a final triumph. The present war is the logical and inevitable outcome of this strife of principles. It is not a Ibattle of nations, but a holy crusade against militarism, which is now making its last stand for life and power. "The most insatiate of human lusts is that for power unchecked by a sense of responsibility and accountability. Such lust for power is the grand passion of the despot. And where the despot becomes a conqueror, as Napoleon, there is the ever present menace to civilization that, like Napoleon, 'the lean, hungry conqueror swells into a sovereign, and the sovereign into the sovereign of sov- ereigns.' He then becomes a scavenger and scourge of mankind. Such is the present Kaiser. And we must not merely check his power: it must be destroyed forever! Otherwise, democracy will always be in peril of its life. ' ' Let me speak for a moment of the spiritual and religious significance of this war. There are, doubtless, those who are perplexed and have painful speculations about God. How can lie let such things come to pass? "This war is giving us a fresh and vivid interpretation of the sacrifice of the Cross of Christ, There are millions of people in the world today who never before understood what St. John meant when he said : ' God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that all that believe in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.' And perhaps, some of you have only just now begun to appre- ciate the tenderness, strength and unselfishness of such a love. God gave His only Son that men might not perish, might not become the vassals and slaves of the tyranny of sin, but might live and enjoy their franchise as sons of God. Oh, wondrous love!" In the year A. D. 35, St. Paul, the great apostle, states (Acts, 9th Chapter, 4th and 5th verses) : The Savior ap- peared to him on his way to Damascus and said to him : "Saul, Saul, why thou me?" Saul said to the speaker, "Who are Thou, Lord?" and the Lord said to him, "I am Jesus whom thou persecutist. In the year A. D. 96, St. John the Divine and most be- loved disciple of Christ, states in first chapter of Revela- tion that the spirit of Christ also appeared to him and clearly proved to St. John that He was the Risen Christ, and then proceeded to dictate Revelation to him as written. Both appearances of the Savior occurred years after His ascension in A. D. 30. St. John was just as truthful and reliable as St. Paul; therefore, if the theologians accepted St. Paul's experience, they must also accept St. John's, or reject both. You who doubt both the author and writer of Revelation should keep in mind that John was the only Apostle who did not meet a violent death from the hands of the enemies of the new Christian religion, and should be another striking proof that God preserved him for this special mis- sion, namely: to write Revelation at Christ's dictation. The Root and the War Concluded PART I. The Root and the War Concluded CHAPTER I. EXPLANATORY. I will endeavor to prove that the "World War" is the fuLfillment of Revelation up to the 20th chapter. The three remaining chapters probably refer to the time between A. D. 2920 and A. D. 4000. Evidently the kindred tongues and nations John is to prophesy to, are the people who will live at that future time. In studying Revelation, in conjunction with the war, keep the following facts and figures in mind: 1st — It was the Risen Christ who dictated Revelation to John. 2nd — The things "that are" (1-18) means the seven es- tablishes churches and conditions fully described in second and third chapters. 3rd — The things which shall be hereafter, evidently refer to the present times and conditions from 1914 to the close of the war. 4th — The seven stars in the right hand of the speaker are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven candlesticks 12 THE ROOT are the seven churches. 5th — The scene Jahn describes in heaven is evidently the heavenly Supreme Court, wherein God is trying the world. 6th — The Judge on the throne is God. 7th — The Lam'b in the midst of the throne is Christ, the attorney who represents and pleads before the throne, for the world. 8th — The twenty-four elders aibout the Throne comprise the jury. 9th — The four beasts before the throne are four nations, namely: England, Russia, France and Italy. 10th — The great Angel evidently is the same as the sheriff, before the throne ; the seven angels are deputies or messen- gers between heaven and earth, representing the seven churches. 11th — ^The one angel from the East (in seventh Chapter), is the angel of the Zionist (Jewish) Church. The "come and see" means, John sees three nations on earth ready to begin their awful mission of death and de- struction, namly: "The white horse" represents Austro-Hungary ; "The Red Horse" Germany, and "the pale horse" Turkey. The protest of "the black horse" represents Russia. The "Voice" of protest against the invasion of Belgium evi- dently means England. 12th — "The two witnesses" evidently means America and England. 13th — ^^The Beast No. 666 means the Kaiser (Satan Rein- carnated). 14th — "The Red Dragon" means the German war ma- chine. 15th — The woman figure in the twelfth chapter means American (the Mother of Liberty). 16th — ^The child born to the figure evidently means the United States Government in 1917. 17th — The harlot's figure in the seventeenth chapter evi- dently means the Berlin government. 18th — ^The three and a half days' battle of the eleventh chapter will be the first manifestation of the first coming of THE ROOT 13 Christ as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. After sealing the Zionist Church into His kingdom, (seventh chapter), the 144,000 delegates to the Zionist con- vention in Asia will convene prohaibly in 1920. The Savior and His seven angels (let loose from the Zion- ist Convention Tabernacle) will fight the Battle of Arma- geddon (somewhere in Asia) against the Army of the three frogs or unclean spirits (drive secretly planned by Luden- dorf, Hindenburg and the Turks against our Asiatic forces), and the whole central army will be annihilated by an earth- quake. (See 16th Chapter.) 19th — The last and final battle will be fought near Essen, or in Berlin, by the Savior and the Allied army, mostly U. S. forces. (See 19th Chapter.) This final battle of Essen or Berlin will terminate the war, and Christ's first personal reign as King of the world will begin, and continue for the next thousand years, or from the year the war closes, probably in September, 1920, to A. D. 2920. CHAPTER II. EGYPTIAN HISTORY. In order to give to the reader some of the important events of Egypt noted in the allegorical section of this book, the following facts will be essential in conjunction with the biblical facts mentioned in the story. The dates being ap- proximately as follows : B. C. 4400 — ^King Menes, founder of Memphis, Egypt, who ruled the upper and lower Nile district, also built the the first canal to regulate the water of the Nile. In 1902 A. D. the English completed the Assouan dam to do prac- tically the same as the Egyptians did, 6402 years before. B. C. 4004 — Adam and Eve were the occupants of the Garden of Eden in Persia, lying about 1600 miles northeast of the Nile country. B. C. 3970 — Cheops builds the great pyramid. B, C. 2100 — ^Invasion of Egypt by the Shepherd Kings of Asia, who ruled Egypt until about B. C. 1700. B. C. 1921 — God called Abraham, which was during the reign of the Shepherd Kings. B. C. 1707 — Jacob finds his long-lost son, Joseph, a ruler in Egypt, and he moves to Egypt. Welcomed by the Egyp- tians under Pharaoh, the most liberal of all of the Egyptian rulers. B. C. 1520— Thothmes III subdues the Hittites. B. C. 1491 — The Children of Israel, under the leadership of Moses, are freed from Egyptian bondage. B. C. 1451 — ^The Children of Israel take possession of the land of Caanan. B. C. 1355 — Seti, King of Egypt, builds a canal connect ing the Nile with the Red Sea. A. D. 1869 France com- THE ROOT i^ pletes the Suez canal over the same course, 3224 years later. B Q 925— The Egyptians, under Shishak, plunder Jeru- salem. B. C. 722^Shalmanesa, King of Assyria, takes the ten tribes captive. B. C. 608 — Nebuchadnezzar defeats Nicho II. -Q Q_ 607 — Two tribes of the Children of Israel taken to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar. B. C. 538— The Angels tell Daniel (in 9th Chapter) that in seventy weeks the bondage of the Children of Israel would be at an end. B. C. 537— The Children of Israel set free by Cyrus, King of Media, fulfilling the seventy years of bondage from B. C. 607 to B. C. 537, fully verifying the statement made to Daniel by the angels. (Daniel, 9th Chapter). B. C. 525 — Cambyses, son of Cyrus of Persia, conquers Egypt. B C. 490— The Battle of Marathon between Greeks and Persians. B. C. 332— Alexander the Great conquers Egypt and founds Alexandria, Egypt. B. C. 330— Alexander the Great overcomes the Persian government at the battle of Aribella thereby bringing the land of Caanan under the Greek government. B_ C 40 — Herod the Great made ruler of Galilee. B_ C. 4— Christ (a Jew) is born. The promised Messiah of the Jews. ^ J) 30— Christ is crucified at Jerusalem, under au- thority of the Roman government. j^ J) 30— The Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit sent to the earth, first manifested on Day of Pentecost, thereby estab- lishing the Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Ghost. A. D. 66— St. Paul beheaded by order of Nero. A J) 96— The risen Christ dictates Revelation to John the Divine, on the Isle of Patmos. A. D. 220— The Christian Church divided. A. D. 739— Turkey overpowers the Roman government and captures the Holy Land. A. D. 1000 — The Pope rules Europe. A. D. 1000— The world was supposed to end. i6 THE ROOT A. D. 1492 — America was discovered. August 14, 1914 — ^War declared between Austro-Hungary and Serbia, the beginning of the World War. April 6, 1917 — The United States declares war on Ger- many. December 10, 1917 — The Allies capture Jerusalem, whicli has been controlled by Turkey for 1178 years. The capture of Jerusalem is preparatory to the sealing of the Zionist Church into Christ's Kingdom at Mt. Zion, shown in Seventh Chapter of Revelation, possibly in June, 1920. 1917-18 Winter — Greatest winter of cold and snow in a century, assuring great grain crops for 1918, owing to the protection of the snowy blanket, and also the great fertil- izing qualities (nitrogen, etc.), brought down from the air by the heavy fall of snow, verifying the Sixteenth Verse of Twelfth Chapter of Revelation. The author is positive in his belief that the Allies will win the war, and that it is so ordained by the King of Kings and Lord of Lords ; but we, as a blest nation, must not only sacrifice but economize in our food stuffs, in order to help put bread and meat in the mouths of the Allied soldiers, as well as the millions of innocent victims in the stricken coun- tries. There should be a prison sentence imposed on anyone who kills calves, pigs or lambs until maturity, thereby sav- ing millions from ruthless slaughter, and doubling our meat supply. The making of candy should also be stopped, thereby conserving sugar for our allies. CHAPTER III. AN AI.LEGORY ON THE 12TH CHAPTER OF REVE- LATION. For centuries our Martian scientists had been debating the question of the habitation of the earth by man, and in order to settle this question, I was selected to make a trip to earth and to learn the facts about its inhabitants. In the spring of 4601 B. C, I left Universal City, Mars, in our Liberty aeroplane, to go to the World. This aeroplane was equipped to burn up the electrical forces of space, as it traveled toward the earth. Thus I was assured of plenty of fuel for the trip. The trip from Mars was uneventful. As I neared the earlh I made a close observation through my telescope and discov- ered what seemed to be a seething mass of insects, but as I came nearer the earth, I found it was a people in some kind of a conflict. I landed on the earth, near the River Nile, in the spring of B. C. 4600, and found the commotion I had seen was a battle between the forces of the kings of the upper and lower Nile. They were fighting for its rich pos- session. In order to study the country as well as the people, I de- cided to remain here for a few centuries, and later I learned that King Menes of Upper Egypt had made an alliance with the King of Lower Egypt and became the King of both districts in B. C. 4500, better known as first Pharaoh of Egypt. Near the year B. C. 4450, this king founded Memphis, Egypt. He also built a great canal to regulate the Nile River, in order to bring down the rich products from the Upper Nile districts. i8 THE ROOT In the year B. C. 4005, I was informed that there was a wonderful garden at the junction of the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers, northeast of Egypt, in the country now known as Persia; and having now a fair conception of the Nile country in Egypt, I decided to take a trip to this gar- den, and arrived there in the year B. C. 4004. This garden in Asia is situated near the junction of the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers. It contained all kinds of fruit-bearing trees. The bleating of sheep and lowing of cattle were heard near the walls of the garden. In fact, everything that man could desire was either in or near the garden, so that the occu- pants could either pluck fruit from the trees or kill the sheep or cattle at will, to satisfy their every desire. "Within the garden I saw a man picking fruit. He asked my name and where I came from, and I told him I came from Mars, his next-door neighbor, and that my name was Joseph Dowen. " I had walked quite a ways and was hungry, as well as thirsty. In crossing a rough section of ground, coming to the garden, I had fallen and severely in- jured one of my limbs, losing quite a lot of blood by the accident; consequently, I was weak, hungry, thirsty and wounded. He offered me some fruit and I began eating, and became strong at once. My appetite was soon fully satis- fied and my thirst quenched by the fruit the man had given me. He pointed to my wound and began plucking the leaves from the same tree, and showed me, by example, how to apply them. I did so and in a few hours the wound was healed. I then continued my stroll to the farthest part of the garden, about one mile from where I first met the man, I saw a woman in all innocence and purity nearby. I did not approach near her, as I saw she was conversing with a serpent. I noticed the serpent had her spellbound, like our common black snakes charm birds, causing them to fly right into their mouth at will, having witnessed such a scene myself. The snake was of an extraordinary large type and was purple in color, intermixed with leopard spots under- neath the transparent purple covering. His voice was of a low, sweet, deep, purring nature that would charm either man or beast. His eyes were like two great diamonds. In fact, he was no doubt the most beautiful creature to be THE ROOT 19 found in or near the garden. I returned to the place of entrance, having decided to explore the country surrounding the garden. I started around the garden and found everything that could be imagined ; I went to the rivers and found they were full of all kinds of fish. All animals around the garden, includ- ing the lion, panther and leopard, were as harmless as the lambs themselves. After my trip, which took me a week, I became exceed- ingly hungry, so I returned to the garden and started for the same tree from which the fruit was plucked by the man. Before going far into the garden I saw the man and woman under another tree far larger than the former one. They both now had clothes on, made of the leaves of the trees, and were earnestly conversing with each other, and as the man seemed excited, I concluded not to molest them, and went back to the tree from which I had eaten the first fruit. After eating to my satisfaction, I decided to go back to a listening distance, as I was interested and wished to know what had so excited the man. As I neared the spot, I heard the voice of a person talking to the man and woman. From the tone of the voice, he seemed to be very angry, and the couple seemed to be dodging from every sentence. I heard their names mentioned as Adam and Eve in the conversa- tion. When the conversation was over (see Genesis 3-9 to 22), I saw a man (apparently the o\vner of the garden) point his finger to the gate and order them out. Aftep go- ing a short distance from the entrance I looked back and saw cherubims with flaming swords at the entrance. I decided to explore the surrounding country and found wherever I went the soil was very rich. In fact, all nature seemed to be trying to blend and make the land rich for cultivation. Being curious as to what became of the man and woman, I decided to find them, and came back (after a year's search) to near the garden, and saw a rude log hut; and as I approached the hut, the man met me at the door and recognized me. I noticed he had a great smile on !his face, as fathers only can have, and upon my entry, I realized the reason for his smiles, for in bed lay his wife, Eve, and a little baby just born. I inquired his name and 20 THE ROOT was told they had named him Cain. After paying them a short visit, I decided to explore farther east. This trip covered about twenty-five years. After I had satisfied my curiosity in the Great East that seemed to be as rich as milk and honey, I decided to visit my old friends, the Adams family, and found quite a large family of boys and girls. The second older boy was Abel, and the youngest was Seth. I inquired where Cain was, and they said he was farming just east of the garden. After I had spent some days vis- iting my friends, I started north on an extended trip and did not get back for about one hundred years. Upon my return this time, I found most of the Adams family scat- tered all around the Garden of Eden and all doing well. In talking with Cain, I found he was very jealous of Abel, and learned later the jealousy had become so great that it had terminated in the murder of Abel. I further learned that the same Lord God, whom I had seen drive Cain's parents out of the garden, had driven him entirely away from the garden district. Cain, in his fear and hate, fell down in his flight and broke his nose, thereby setting the peculiar Jewish mark on his nose, so that all would recog- nize him. (See Gen. 4 and 5 verses). Later on, I returned to Memphis, in Egypt, and found Cain there. He had married a beautiful woman, and from this marriage, Enoch was bom ; and from this lineage, Lemech was born, who was the father of Noah, the ark builder. Enoch was also the father of Methuseleh, who lived nine hundred and sixty-nine years. Having known Methuselah's great-great-great-grandfather, Adam, I at- tended his funeral and decided to rest from further re- search, owing to the corrupt condition of the world. I learned that an old man was building an ark about fifty miles from where I was stopping, so I went over to see it, and found it some ark. I introduced myself to Noah and said I would help him if he wished me to, and he was overly pleased at my offer; and by the time we had finished the ark, owing to the corruptness of the earth, I saw the point of building it. During this time I had told him of former visits to Adam's house and of our great friendship. My own existence puzzled him, and he asked me where I THE ROOT 21 came from, and I told him I was a universal traveler but made my headquarters on Mars. Shortly after our conver- sation, all kinds of animals began to arrive, and in less than a year the ark resembled one of our leading country fairs. Having worked so faithfully on the ark, he took me in as one of his sons and shut the door. Then I heard it begin raining. It did not rain as we understand it, but simply poured down in sheets and kept it up for forty days. We had plenty to do during the time in feeding the ani- mals. After the flood was over, Noah and I became fast friends. In fact, I made his home my headquarters, the same as I had done with the Adams family. In course of time I decided to continue my searcli and exploration, and was gone about one hundred years. One day I decided to pay my old friend, Noah and family, a visit, and did so, finding that all had located in the land of Caanan. The three boys, Shem, Ham and Japheth, had taken up different sections of the country. Keep in mind that Noah was now the sole heir to that part of the v/orld. for his faithfulness in building the ark as the Lord God had told him to do, being God's sole heir as payment for faitu- fulness to him. "And God blessed Noah and his sons, ajid said unto them, be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth." (Gen. 9-1). This great blessing was to fall on Ham, Shem and Japh- eth, the three children ; but owing to the little respect Ham had for his father (showing it by not covering his nakedness in his drunken state), when Noah came to himself and saw Ham's lack of parental respect he cursed him, thereby legally taking Ham's possessions from him (being the land of Canaan), and gave Ham's heritage to Shem and Japheth. However, Ham retained possession of the land of Canaan from the time Noah cursed him, until the time the descendants of Shem and Japheth took actual possession, which was eight hundred and ninety-seven years after. (Ham was a good second to Cain, and encouraged the worshipping of idols in Canaan.) Adam and Eve were both perfect in form, and both had the straight Greek nose. I compared the features of Noah with ray former friend, Adam, and saw that Noah had a 22 THE ROOT very pronounced hooked-bill Roman type of nose, whereas Adam's nose was straight. I compared the features of Shem, Ham and Japheth, and found Shem had a Roman nose, whereas Ham and Japheth had the straight Grecian typed nose like Adam, which recalled to my mind Cain's flight from God for killing his brother, Aje, " but I found nothing ex- cept forests. Feeling certain I had found the location, I made a eross out of a small green tree and placed it on the spot which I judged to be the site of the "Root." I made a chart of the location for future reference. The only thing I did not find was the root and branhort time" (showing the end of the autocraic age). We see the Elders before the throne, saying to the world : "Rejoice and be glad, because through God's power you will win over the "German war machine ! But woe unto the poor Belgians and the people of northern France, Serbia, Poland, Armenia and other .sections overrun by the Dra- gon during these forty-two months. When we put into commission twenty-five thousand aeroplanes against the Central Powers, Woe ! nor no words can justly express its terribleness ! ! " As the war progresses, we see the "Dragon" getting more brutal because of his wrath. We are becoming more con- vinced each month that his doom is fast being sealed. His first hope was to over-run Belgium and France, and take Paris in less than thirty days, and the whole world praises Belgium for her efforts in frustrating this plan. The "Dragon" placed his hopes on the Zeppelin and in- human gases, liquid flame, etc., and these failed. His next hope was centered in the siibmarine, expecting by this means to bring England and her Allies to his feet ; but that failed. Lastly, he struck the greatest blow of the war at Italy, but thanks to Italian valor, supported by the Allies, his hope of bringing Italy into an enforced peace, failed. Knowing that in 1918-1919 America will do all she claims, that is, put at least five million soldiers in the field, as fine and brave as any of the veterans of Napoleon's time, it is no wonder the "Dragon' is trying to do desperate things to conclude peace before our strength begins to be felt, as it will be within the next two years, because he now realizes that he has but a short time to live. 13th "Verse: "And when the Dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the child." This verse plainly shows that as long as there was hope of winning the war on land, as Germany was trying to do, 114 THE ROOT between August 14th, 1914, and February 1st, 1917, she would carry out her plan of warfare ; but if she saw she was losing on land, despite the protests of America, she would throw national honor aside and begin her inhuman, piratical submarine warfare. The latter turned out to be the case, and Germany pursued the course that caused Liberty to flee from the seas as well as the land, making April 6th, 1917, the beginning of time when Liberty flew into her place where she is nourished for a time, and times, the 6th verse). 14th Verse: "And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, inter her place where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time from the face of the serpeant. ' ' The "wings of a great eagle" given to the woman (Lib- erty) were given to her by our nation, symtoolical of our American eagle, for when we entered the war we had no present use for these wings (symbolical of the Peace this nation stands for), and was therefore compelled to cast our peaceful wings to the winds and roll up our national sleeves and fight the dragon, as we are doing today. Therefore we loaned Liberty our eagle wings to fly therewith to some other realm beyond this earth, to some place Grod had pre- pared for her, near Him, where she could be "nourished" for 42 months from April 6th, 1917, or three and a half years. 15th Verse: "And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the Woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood." The "serpent" means not only the Kaiser but the whole German nation, who universally sanctioned the starting of the ruthless submarine warfare against neutrals, as well as against the Allies. Keep in mind each figure rep- resented as follows : The ' ' Dragon ' ' means the German war machine. The "Beast" is the Kaiser, or the Devil reincarnated, and his numiber is 666, as I will later prove. The "mouth of water" here refers to the submarine base in Belgium, at the mouth of the Yser River at Ostend ; and through the flood of submarines she is sending out through this base, Germany hopes to overcome Liberty (the "Woman THE ROOT 11^ figure), that he (the Dragon) may overcome England, his nearest commercial rival. 16th Verse: "And the earth helped the "Woman, and the earth opened her mouth and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth." The way the earth helped Liberty was plainly seen in 1917. In February our government reported that, owing to the severe winter and other conditions, there would be a general shortage of crops; but, believing that I saw God's hand in this war, and with this verse as my guide, I stated to hundreds of people that we would have greater crops in 1917 than ever before — solely basing my predictions on this assurance, even against our government's report — and now all the world knows that we have had the greatest crops of any nation in the history of the world. Through our won- derful crops, inexhaustible mineral resources, coal, oil, for- ests and the greatest wealth of any nation on earth, we can build ships and carry these products to our Allies, and Liberty is assured. The eighth Chapter of Revelation, 9th verse, assured us that not over one-third of our ships will be destroyed by the "Dragon," therefore, if Germany can not possibly sink more than one-third of the world's ship- ping, she cannot possibly overcome us, and consequently the flood of submarines will not do the intended harm. In 1918 and 1919 the earth will again help Liberty, by her great crops. 17th Verse : "And the dragon was wroth with the Wom- an and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God and have the testi- mony of Jesus Christ. ' ' This verse very plainly shows that the "Dragon" is very wroth with our Allies, especially with Italy, for ancient Rome was the very seat of the early Christian religion, and in Ephesus Paul preached the immortal sermon to the Ro- mans alDout the Unknown God. In fact, Rome became the center of the Christian religion shortly before Revelation was written in A. D. 96. CHAPTER XI. Thirteenth Chapter of Revelation, 1st Verse: "And I stood upon the sand of the sea and saw a beast rise up out of the sea having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of Blasphemy." The beast with the seven heads is fully described by com- ments of his description in 12th Chapter, 3d verse. The "Blasphemy," in further describing the beast, refers to his secret arrangement with his chief under Ally Austro-Hun- gary, with reference to the pretext for starting the war, giving an ultimatum of thirty-six hours to iSer'bia. The ultimatum was purposely conceived and concocted by Ger- many and Austro-Hungary, knowing the task demanded of Seribia was impossible. They tried to convince the world that they were justified in striking Serbia, knowing that the alliance between England, France and Russia woald compel them to enter the war on the side of iSerbia, owing to the Entente Treaty. Germany's starting the war under this pretext was the very embodiment of blasphemy in its rankest form. The seven heads and ten horns have the name of Blasphemy written upon them, and all her Allies were cognizant of these facts when they allied themselves with the beast making all crowns on the head of the dragon equal in blasphemy in the crucifixion of Serbia, and giving them the pretext to start the world war they planned shortly after their victory over France in 1871. 2d Verse : ' ' And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard and his feet were at the feet of a bear and his mouth as the mouth of a lion, and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat and great authority." THE ROOT 117 The beast referred to, is the Kaiser; the German War Machine gave him his power and his body is spotted like a leopard, for the cat-like species represented by the leopard will pounce on you from some lofty unlooked for place and tear your heart out so quickly that assistance is impos- sible, as it was with Belgium and Serbia. Many times during the Colonial days, the days of our forefathers, this animal had been knowTi to jump from trees and kill its victims and eat their hearts out before their friends even knew of their presence, and viewing the German War Dragon 's action against Belgium and Serbia is surely a true action of the wild animal of this name. This verse further states it had feet like as it were a bear, meaning that the sister of the Kaiser, the Czarina of Russia (known as the bear) could control the actions of the Russian nation by her power over the Czar. The mouth of the beast was as the mouth of a lion, and means that through King George of England, who married the eousin of the Kaiser, he hoped to control his mouth and the English nation by his relationship. It is very evident that the War Machine gave the beast his power — his seat as Kaiser with full authority. Today the Kaiser has absolute power and authority over not only the German War Machine, but over all the people in the German Empire, as well. 3d Verse: "And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed, and all the world wondered after the beast." The head that was healed refers to Hungary. While this nation has not existed, as a state for nearly a century, be- ing nationally dead, through German and Austrian wars, she still lives as a nation in the hearts of her people, and is ever in hope of becoming a separate and distinct nation, although now absolutely dominated by the Beast (the Kaiser). The sword by which she was wounded was the German sword. Through international marriages among royalty of the German states, secret agents and spies, the Kaiser ex- pected great help and influence from nations such as Vene- zuela, Mexico, Norway and Sweden, who "wondered after ii8 THE ROOT the Beast" at mightiness of his power. 4th Verse: "And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast, and they worshipped the beast, saying, who is like unto the beast?" Who is able to make war with him?" "They" means the German nation, who worships her war machine and makes it her idol. In talking to any Ger- man subject five minutes, you will find that the Germans place enough confidence in their war machine to believe that they can conquer the whole world. They also equally worship the Beast (the Kaiser), and exalt him even above God Himself ; and they fling the challenge into the face of the world by the question : ' ' Who is able to make war against the Kaiser?" The Allies answered the challenge and now we will see who is victor in September, 1920, for the "forty-two months" means that the Beast will retain his power from April 6th, 1917, to September, 1920, then it will be taken away from him after the battle of Essen. 6th Verse: "And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His name and His tabernacle and them that dwell in Heaven." By the Kaiser's saying, as he openly stated on various occasions, that he represents God on earth and that "Me and God" are in partnership in crucifying Belgium he ex- presses the very essence of blasphemy against God, as well as against the angels and all saints in Heaven. 7th Verse: "And it was given unto him to make war with the saints and to overcome them ; and power was given him over all kindreds and tongues and nations." The German people gave the Beast power to fight the saints (representing not only the Allies but the whole world), and the submarine warfare was evidence of the final authority given the Beast to do as he pleased. We see again in this statement that he will overcome us in the battle mentioned in the 11th Chapter (the three and one-half days' battle), at the end of which battle Christ will so vividly manifest His power and authority by rais- ing up the dead soldiers, destroying one-tenth of the people THE ROOT 119 in the city, that no douht will be left in the minds of the Jews that He is the Christ, and is going to rule the earth after the war is over, for one thousand years. 8th Verse: "And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world." Our Lord made it very plain to the world in his teachings while on earth that the people cannot serve "God and Mammon" at the same time, so we are with him in this war, and all who are at heart as well as action on the Allied side today, and have accepted Him as their Savior, have their names written in the book of life, but those who do not accept him as the Christ and show it by secretly and openly aiding the Dragon by works and sympathy are the wor- shipers of the Dragon and Beast. The Lamb referred to, in this verse means, the Lamb that was raised up through the Jewish race symbolica!. 0'' innocence and perfection, for the Mosaic law required the Jews to slay a perfect animal without spot or blemish for their various sacrifices, before Christ's time on earth; the Jewish race raised up this perfect Lamb, Christ, through the lineage of Abraham, to be slain on Calvary, as the one and only great sacrifice for the world, that, through this one sacrifice "all nations of the world would be blest" and this great promise by God to Abraham will be fully realized at the close of this war. The mission of the Jewish race was to raise up this per- fect Lamb and slay him on Calvary, which they did, be- cause of his lowly birth and just teachings. Yet the Jews were simply carrying out the great plan of salvation for the world, not realizing what they really were doing, making it possible for all the world to receive a Risen Christ. This great thing done by the Jews in raising up and slaying Christ for the salvation of the world, simply carried out God's plan to redeem mankind, and the Jews should have credit for performing this mission, fulfilled to the letter. 10th Verse : ' * He that leadeth into captivity shall go into •captivity; he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. ' ' I20 THE ROOT Here is the patience and the faith of the saints. Turkey and Bulgaria have been led into captivity by the beast with the promise of possession of other territority, but in that, they will find they are deceived. This verse also states they who kill by the sword must be killed by the sword; plainly indicates not only part of the German nation will be killed in this way, but the Kaiser himself, from the fact that he personally drew the first sword of war. 11th Verse : "And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth ; and he had two horns like a lamb and he spake as a dragon." This beast coming up out of the earth means Austro- Hungary, plainly enough, because she is two nations in one, being the reason John saw her raise up out of the earth ; the other beast is distinguished by rising up out of the sea, identifying Germany as a sea power beast (with single head), or the German Empire. Like a lamb, meaning that apparently this two-headed beast is like a lamb in her outward dealings among her fellow nations, thereby deceiving us and allowing her min- ister to remain on cur shores and secretly, by underhanded, mean, contemptible ways deceive us through her spy system. 12th Verse : "And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and eauseth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast whose deadly wound was healed." The Austria-Hungary government is in heart and prin- ciple with Germany. Our government has been led to be- lieve that she was practically forced to join the German Empire against her will. Our declaring war against Ger- many and not against Austria-Hungary shows, clearly that the Kaiser successfully deceived our government, by keep- ing this nation as an imaginary separate nation, when in reality she was one and the same as the German Empire, the "Dragon" exercising the same power over Austria- Hungary as he does over Germany. This "two-horned beast" is just as earnestly at heart and actions, trying to force the world under German "Kultur," as Germany herself, by making shells, aeroplanes THE ROOT 121 and other implements of war rain dowTi deadly missiles on Belgium and Sei^bia; so it is plain where this two-faced beast stands at heart, namely : a wolf in disguise. 13th Verse: "And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from Heaven on earth in the sight of men." Austria^Hungary started war against Serbia without any cause whatever, but through her inhuman act, she has not only made fire come down from Heaven on the Serbians, but practically on the whole world. Her soldiers are con- sidered the most brutal fiends on the battle fronts today; the Turk is a credit to him ! She is not content in overcom- ing her adversary, but hundreds of instances can be cited where her soldiers went over the battle field and killed all the wounded. Is it any wonder that the world is amazed at her dreadful acts of barbarity? 14th Verse: "And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth, by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast, saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword and did live." How plainly John warns the world of this two-homed, two-faced beast ! And for over three years she posed before us as a lamb, but was a "wolf in sheep's clothing" of the worst type, secretly aiding and abetting Germany by pro- paganda put out in this country since 1914, causing untold loss of life. Not only has she been doing this work here, but in Mexico and every South American country she could turn against us. Her "cloak" is the Austrian cloak, and through our known sympathy for Austria — "the under dog" — she takes advantage of this sympathy and sets it up as an argument (an image) to prove that we should not declare war on her, and I am sorry to say it worked to per- fection on our nation up to the 65th Congress. This verse further mentions that this lamb (beast) has power over the wounded beast, Austria, who had the deadly wound yet lived. Keep in mind these facts : The beast in the first verse means the Kaiser. The two-horned beast, in the fourteenth 122 THE ROOT Chapter, means Austria-Hungary, and their power given them as follows : The Kaiser inherits his crown and power through the Hohenzollern and Hapsburg families, and their inter-marriages in other European nations. The Austria- Hungarian Emperor obtained his power and crown through Germany, and the only national life Austria owns is given to her by Germany. 16th Verse: "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads." Th'e ^^mark" referred to is "German Kultur" — 'born, >bred, educated and forced into her subjects from infancy, to such an extent that even some of those who come over here and now enjoy the freedom of America, having become wealthy through our rich resources, and free from the bondage of the German people, will j-et say that there is no place as good as Germany. This is the national mark al- luded to; however, this "mark" is also their money (mark) standard of exchange and all goods exported from Germany must be labelled "Made in Germany" hefore it is permitted to leave the German ports. THE NUMBER OF HIS NAME IS 666. 17th Verse : ' ' And that no man might buy or sell save he that had the mark or the name of the Beast, or number of his name. ' ' This condition is literally so in Germany today. The Kaiser compels all mills and factories to have his trade mark put on all goods, and all factories are run under his dis- tinct orders, which are enforced by his soldiery. 18th Verse: "Here is wisdom, let him that hath under- standing count the numtoer of the beast : for it is the num- iber of a man ; and his number is six hundred three score and six. There are twenty-six letters in the alphabet: A the first letter, Z the twenty-sixth. In spelling the Kaiser's name by these numbers you take the corresponding number of the letter in its alphabetical progression and add six: namely K is the 11th letter and add six making 116 ; A the first letter add six equals, 16; I is the ninth letter, add six THE ROOT 123 equals, 96; S is the nineteenth letter, add six equals, 196; E the fifth letter, add six equals, 56 ; R the eighteenth let- ter, add six equals, 186. Adding these totals together you will find they total 666, the number of the beast. This num- ber evidently means the Kaiser. It has also been proven that in August, 1914, the Kaiser, was 666 months old. These numbers cannot be applied to Nero (his double in action and deeds) who ruled Rome in the first century, but evi- dently is Nero (the devil) reincarnated. CHAPTER XII. Fourteenth Chapter of Revelation. 1st Verse : ' ' And I looked, and, lo ! a lamb stood on the Mount Zion, and with him an hundred and forty and four thousand, having his father's name written in their fore heads." John evidently takes a visional journey to Mount Sinai. The montain known as God's and on and around it occurred the most wonderful things in the history of the Jewish race. About three months from the time the children of Israel left Egypt (where they had been in bondage for eighty-two years) God lead them out of Israel by Moses to Mount Sinai, and on this mountain God Reviews to Moses what he has done for this people, as stated in Ex. 19, 4th verse: "Ye have seen what I did to the Egyptians (referring to the plagues sent on them to compel them to let the children of Israel go) and how I bare you on eagles' wings and brought you unto myself (to Mount Sinai) and made the promise to the children of Israel on this mount. (Ex. 19-5) ; now, therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine." Exodus, 19th Chapter, 6th Verse : ' ' And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation. These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel." In view of this covenant made with the Jews, is it any wonder John 's visionary trip takes him to this Mount Sinai whereon God made this covenant with his people, that are now scattered all over the world. There was a Zionist movement (Jewish) on foot about a year ago for a great Jewish reunion to be held in the holy THE ROOT 12^ land (near Mt. Zion), but our President discouraged it, xbecause it would have been done before God put his seal of approval upon the convention. (Millions of dollars are now being raised among the Jews at this time throughout the world preparatory to this convention in Jerusalem, probably in 1920). After the battle has been fought (Rev. 11th Chap.), Christ will personally manifest Himself to the Jews (who will be fighting on all sides), to convince them that He is their Messiah, proving it by raising up an army of dead soldiers and allowing them to ascend to Heaven before the eyes of the Jews. Besides, He will rock with an earthquake that part of the Holy Land to such an extent that it will cause the people to believe the world is really coming to an end, and cause all to hide and cry for the rocks to fall on them. When this awful manifestation occurs, the word will be taken to all parts of the world by Jewish eye-witnesses of what has occurred as written in the 19th Chapter of Exodus, wherein it is stated that God manifested Himself to this people, and after they had seen His wonderful works, they accepted Him and became just what He wanted them to be — a peculiar people, through whose lineage a Messiah was born, and slain on Calvary for the one and great Pas- chal Lamb sacrificed for them as well as for the whole world. While the world has evidently forgotten these rich promises, He has not ; and when God deems the proper time for the three and a half days' battle has come, it will be fought. After this battle there will be held a convention of the Jews, composed of one hundred and forty-four thousand Jewish delegates assembled from all parts of the world the object of which will be to formally accept Christ as their Savior, thereby being sealed with God's seal, as mentioned in the 7th Chapter of Revelation. This convention will not be held until the Land of Canaan is free from the Turk. Jerusalem is now in our Allies' hands. From the literal scenes that have occurred in the past centuries, on and around Mount Sinai, of which dozens could be mentioned, the most noted one is wherein Moses 126 THE ROOT received the Ten Commandments from God's own hand. Reviewing the wonderful things that have occurred near Mount Sinai, is it not reasonable to suppose that God will again manifest Himself in this region in order to convince the millions of Jews throughout the world that He is their Messiah ? From the trend of natural events, that is, the delayed Zionist movement, the city of Jerusalem captured, and other equally important things pending, relative to the war, one is led to believe that this is going to be an actual convention which will he held by the Zionist sometime during this war. The first verse of the 14th Chapter further states that John saw a "Lamb" also standing in company with the delegates, evidently meaning that when the convention is in session, Christ will actually ie there and preside over the convention; and when the convention is over, then Christ will loose the forces of Michael, and Hell will reign on earth in the form of war on all sides, as the eighth and ninth Chapters describe. This first verse further states that this assembly had "the seal of His father in their foreheads." This being a fact, the different plagues will not occur until after the three-and-a-half-days' battle, near Jerusalem, from the fact that the angel in the third verse of the Eighth Chapter said to the four angels described as standing on the four corners of the earth, as follows: "And he cried with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was given to hurt the earth (3d verse), saying, hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the ser- vants of our God in their forheads." The sealing of the 144,000 delegates at the Zionist conven- tion will occur during the convention. It is rather evident that the plagues mentioned in the eighth and ninth chapters will not come until after our Allies cleanse the Holy Land of its filth of the idol worship of centuries. 2nd Verse: "And I heard a voice from Heaven, as a voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder: and I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps." The majority of Bible students get Jehovah (or God), the THE ROOT 127 Savior, and the Holy Ghost, or the Holy Spirit mixed up as one ; while the three are one, yet each have their special separate offices. When we speak of Congress in session, we mean, first the President, his Cabinet, the Senate and House of Representatives composing the Congress. When we speak of our County Court in session, we mean the Judge, the Jury, the Prosecuting Attorney and Sheriff, who compose the County Court. So it is in heaven : God or Je- hovah sits on his throne as the Great Judge of the Earth. John in the 4th Chapter describes him as having the ap- pearance of "Jasper and a Sardine Stone," "with a rain- bow around about the throne, in sight unto like an emer- ald," "and out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voice of many waters," probably compared to the Niagara Falls in noise. Let us go back to Ex. 19th Chapter, part of 16th verse : "There were thunderings and lightnings and a thick cloud upon the Mount and the voice of a trumpet exceedingly loud ; 18th : And the Mount Sinai was altogether in smoke, because the Lord descended upon it in fire, and the smoke thereof ascended as the smoke of a great furnace, and the whole Mount quaked greatly." These citations ought to be pretty good evidence it is God whom John describes as the Great Judge on the throne. I will now try to make plain to the reader the description of the office the Savior held before and after he came to earth as the Christ, or Paschal Lamb. Go hack with me in imagination to the evening Adam and Eve heard the voice speaking to them in Genesis 3-10, i. e. they heard the voice of the Lord God, walking in the Garden in the cool of the day. Keep in mind that before our Lord came to earth in flesh, there were only two per- sons composing the Godhead, namely. Father and Son, or Jehovah or Lord, or God and The Lamb. In order to dis- tinguish one from the other we must keep these descrip- tions fully in mind: Gen. 15-1: After these things the "Word" of the Lord came unto Abraham and said: I am thy shield and thy exceeding great reward (Our Lord) ; Exodus 18: And the Lord said to Moses, depart and go 128 THE ROOT hence, thou and the people which thou hast brought up out of the land of Egypt unto the land which I sware unto Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, saying, unto thy seed will I give it. (Our Lord). Hundreds of instances can be cited to further prove that before His coming He was fulfilling His office as Lord of the God-head in the gentle, meek way He talked to Adam and Eve, the way He talked on various occasions to Noah the numerous ways He and His messengers (angels) talked to Abraham and Sarah, then to Moses in the burning bush, introducing Himself in different ways to those mentioned as Lord God, "The Word," ''I am" "Emmanuel" and other names and instances we could cite to prove the Savior performed the ordinary functions of the Godhead on earth before His coming, in His quiet earnest, gentle way, as He did to Adam, Abraham, Moses and others; proving the Savior and his special office before coming to earth in B. C. 4, in flesh, but after He, by the hand of Moses had led the children of Israel out of bondage to the borders of the promised land, the children of Israel doubted and mur- mured, even in the face of manna falling every night and millions of quail for food among them, yet they doubted. To convince the children of Israel that God did live, and through His power they had been led by the cloud and pillar out of bondage. He saw that it was necessary to make a personal demonstration of Himself, and He told Moses to prepare them to see Him on Mount Sinai, and evidently stepped from His throne to Sinai and gave these poor, half- doubting Jews such a full conception of Himself that they never have forgotten; however it will take another such demonstration to convince the present Jews that Christ has already come. Keeping in mind the difference between God and the Lord, it is very plain why John, in 1st John, states: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God." 2d: "The same was in the beginning with God." One of the most important things in studying the Old and the New Testaments is to keep God and the Lord sepa- rate, so far as the two offices are concerned, the same as THE ROOT 129 judge and advocate. Before the Lord's coining, His office was to create and people the earth; later, to select a man like Abraham and test him out as He did ; to will to him and his posterity great wealth and possessions and high honor; and further. He promised Albraham that a Savior would be bom. And various other things the Lord's high office involved. For instance, in making the fire harmless to the three Hebrew children in the fiery furnace ; causing the fire to fall from Heaven and consume Elijah's sacrifice; shut- ting the lions' mouths, making them harmlesss to Daniel; sending Joseph down into Egypt to save Israel; and hun- dreds of other things which he did through the power of His office, in preparing the Jewish race so that through their seed He could become flesh, as the great Paschal Lamb to be slain on Calvary — as the one ond only sacrifice for the Jews ; and not for them alone, but for the whole world. The Jews were expecting a Messiah through their people, bom of a prince of Judea. Instead, He was born of the lowliest, without wealth or position, so that the Jews would temporarily reject Him, and by their rejection make it pos- sible for all to claim Him as their Risen Lord. Owing to this fact, the Jews are still rejecting Him. It will take a second scene on Mt. Zion, with the Savior (the Lamb in their midst), to convince them that their promised Messiah is our Risen Redeemer. The greatest reason why the Jews rejected the Lord, was that they were expecting a king to come and make their nation a world power, and when the Savior rejected their earthly kingdom, offered him by Jonas of Samaria, their representative on the Mount, they not only rejected Him but plotted to kill Him, as they later did on Calvary. In crucifying Him, they fulfilled His great mission for the redemption of the world. 3d "Verse: "And they sung as it were a new song before the throne and hefore the four beasts and the Elders ; and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand which were redeemed from thn earth." 1^0 THE ROOT 4th Verse : ' ' These are they which were not defiled with women, for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb withersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the first fruits unto God and to the Lamb." Evidently, these are the earliest Christians like Mary, Stephen, James, Paul and thousands of other worshipers of the Savior before as well as after His crucifixion. Keep in mind, these are not the one hundred and forty-four thou- sand as mentioned that John saw sealed, in the seventh chapter, for the number in the fourteenth chapter are the Jews who threw sectarianism to the winds and defied the Jewish Sanhedrim, and not only accepted Him as their Mes- siah, but worked and gave their lives for Him, and today are counted among the other millions before the throne of God, as the occupants of the Heavenly Court Room in the Heavenly Court, as John saw it at that time. The "144,000" mentioned in the seventh chapter evi- dently means the representatives of the present Jewish Church, who will be sealed between now and 1920, when the Zionist movement is complete, and our President has set his seal of approval on the movement, which will not be done until our Allies clean Jerusalem (captured Decem- ber 9, 1917), of the filth of the Turk, as they are now work- ing to do. The song that they are to sing will be a new song to the Jews, and no one will understand it but the Jew himself. His song in past centuries has been the wailing song, hope- ful of a coming Messiah, but when they see Him in the great Zionist convention, in person, then they will sing the new song to their Messiah and King — the One they have been expecting for thousands of years. I fully believe this will be an actual occurrence when the Zionist Assembly meets, which will occur before the be- ginning of the plagues mentioned in the eighth chapter, because the angel in the seventh chapter (3d verse) warned the four angels holding the four corners of the earth not to hurt the earth until God had sealed His servants (the assembled Jews) on their forheads, convincing them, THE ROOT 131 by the presence of the Savior at the Assembly at Mount Zion, that He is their promised Messiah already come. After which, God will let loose the plagues (eighth chapter) and overcome the Turks and Central Powers; and in the battle which will follow, known as the Battle of Armaged- don, through God's forces, the Allies will overcome Satan and his forces (the Central Powers), and Peace will then reign on earth. 6th Verse: "And I saw another angel fly in the midst of Heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on earth, and to every nation and kindred, and tongue and people." This angel seen by John in the midst of Heaven, repre- sents the clergy who today are preaching these facts con- cerning this war. The "things which shall be hereafter" (Rev. 1-19) very evidently means that the fourth to the twentieth chapters of Revelation, dictated to John by the Risen Christ, were to enlighten the world, through the clergy of all denomina- tions, concerning the war to come and the result at its termination. This war was not brought on by God. Christ, coming and proclaiming the Golden Rule to sinful nations guilty of continued disobedience, brought a correcting "sword" to the earth at this time (Mat. ll-34th), instead of peace. Further, the people of the world have seen enough of the "light" of Liberty, through our national example, that they are overthrowing their despots (as Russia is doing), and fighting, as well as dying by the thousands, to gain these principles of Democracy and Liberty ; hence the sword that God has placed in the hands of these poor, down-trodden bondsmen, with which to fight the Liberty battle. And God has assured His people that He will help them win by letting loose the awful plagues on the Central Powers. The fifth angel, in the ninth chapter, will unloose China, Japan and Indian to join against the Central Powers, as more fully described in this chapter, within five months of the close of the world war. 7th Verse: "Saying with a loud voice, fear God and 1^2 THE ROOT give glory to Him : for the hour of His judgment is come r and worship Him that made heaven and earth and the sea the fountains of water. ' ' These are the things the clergy should preach because God is to come and cleanse Heaven (the air) of the Zeppe- lin and aeroplane scourage; the sea of the hideous sub- marine, as well as the fountains ; and the world of the German war machine (Red Dragon), so that Christ can come and reign and rule over the earth, making the Golden Rule fully operative for the first time on earth. While the enlightened people of the earth can see the real advantage of His coming, as come He will at the close of the war, it is now the duty of the clergy to send the glad tidings to all nations, kindred, tongues and peoples, that Christ will rule and reign on earth, and there will be no more crowned heads such as have stolen the national life of Poland, Armenia, Serbia and other nations now extinct. The clergy should prepare the world for His coming in 1920, as John the Baptist did in A. D. 27. 8th Verse: "And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. ' ' Berlin, Germany, the city referred to, symbolical of Baby- lon, the most wicked city in the world at that time, because she like Berlin (or the power represented in Berlin) made all nations drink of the wrath of her fornication. 9th Verse "And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, if any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead or in his hand." 10th Verse: The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation ; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Tamb." The "man" referred to means that any king, person or nation, who will lay aside all national or individual re- spect as did Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria or Turkey, and THE ROOT i^j join Berlin in her awful mission of world conquest, is abetting the Beast, they shall be made to drink of the wine of the wrath of God in the form of plagues he will pour out on them as illustrated in the ninth chapter. 11th Verse : "And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever re- ceiveth the mark of his name." This verse indicates that all who are actually aiding and abetting the Central Powers in their awful work against God and man, are committing blasphemy, an unpardon- able sin, and will lose eternal life in so doing, but that does not mean all people fighting against us. There are thousands today in the armies of the Central Powers who are compelled to fight against us, knowing that if they did not, they would be shot. These soldiers against us are those who do not have the mark on their foreheads, includ- ing Jews, Belgians and Americans forced into the German armies against their wills. The image referred to in this verse is "German Kultur," and "the mark" is the seal of the Kaiser they worship. 12th Verse: "Here is the patience of the saints; here are they that keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus." The "patience of the saints" refers to the nations and individuals who are not only facing the frightfulness of the German war machine, but must endure until victory comes, or lose their lives in fighting on the side of Michael (our Allied side), and who keep the commandments of God, and fight and die in the faith of Jesus. They are the ones who are assured of eternal life, as the next verse plainly states. 13th Verse: "And I heard a voice from Heaven say- ing unto me, write : Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth; yea saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors, and their works do follow them." This very verse assures all who are Christians and are fighting on the Allied side for Liberty, that if they accept Christ and lose their lives in this great world battle for freedom, they shall be justified and will gain eternal life. 134 THE ROOT Christ gave His life on Calvary to save you and the whole world. Father, Mother, are your sons or son's life more precious to you than Christ who died for you, to bring this great principle to earth ? Through this great principle of Liberty, the world is to be freed from war and the awfulness attending it. "With these facts plainly before you, can you not say, "God's will be done on earth! Go, son; go, daughter, and help win God's battle 'over there' " — in view of the great honor and the assurance of eternal life ? All honor to you, parents, who made such a noble sacrifice ! 14th Verse : ' ' And I looked and behold, a white cloud, and upon the cloud 'One sat like unto the Son of Man, hav- ing on His head a golden crown, and in His hand a sharp sickle." In this vision of John, we see the Lamb (Christ) appear in a cloud somewhere near Jerusalem and take actual com- mand of our Allied forces in preparation for the decisive battle of Armageddon, which is to be fought in this district. 15th Verse: "And another angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud voice to Him that sat on the cloud : thrust in thy sickle and reap, for the time is come for Thee to reap, for the harvest of the earth is ripe." Evidently the angel of the seventh chapter. The scene here indicates that just prior to the Battle of Armageddon, our forces will be overcome, apparently, even while our na- tion is pouring in billions of dollars as well as millions of soldiers to help win the war. Then Christ will personally appear and take active command of the whole army and win this Battle of Armageddon by His own power, and in such a way that the whole world will know Christ and recognize His power to save the world at this time, from a second Pharaoh bondage, and will lead His people into a new land of Canaan, as he did the children of Israel. Another reason why the harvest of the world was ripe, ready to be reaped, will be the fact that the Central Powers will overcome us by using the Dragon Steam Roller, the same as they did in the beginning with Belgium, later Rus- sia, Serbia, Roumania and the "big push" against Italy. THE ROOT i^S No doubt the same kind of tactics will be planned against our forces during 1920 in Asia, which will inake it neces- sary for Christ to become commander-in-chief. 16th Verse : "And he that sat on the cloud thrust in his sickle on the earth; and the earth was reaped." In B. C. 1491 God hardened the heart of Pharaoh, in order to prove to the children of Israel their utter help- lessness against the monster who held them in bondage. (Ex. 7-3). And I will harden Pharaoh's heart, and multiply my signs and my wonders in the land of Egypt. (7-8). And the Lord said unto Moses, Pharaoh's heart is hardened, so that he could pour further plagues on the Egyptians which was more evidence of the utter helplessness of the children of Israel, to deliver themselves from bondage. So it will be in God's planning of this last battle. Through the plan, yet unknown, he will harden the Kaiser's heart and induce him to marshal his full strength against our forces in the Holy Land, the same as Napoleon did at Waterloo, and the same as Lee did near Richmond m 1865 So God puts in His sickle of inducements and reaps the major strength of the Central Powers, and casts it into the "wine press" mentioned in the 19th verse. 17th Verse : ' ' And another angel came out of the temple which is in Heaven, he also having a sharp sickle." 18th Verse: "And another angel came out from the altar, which had power over fire; and cried with a loud voice to him that had the sharp sickle, saying: thrust m thy sharp sickle and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth, for her grapes are fully ripe. " The angel in the fourteenth verse states to the One m the cloud, that the world conditions are ripe for Him to reap His great reward for the sacrifice He made on Calvary to redeem the world, because of the helplessness of the Allies against the "Dragon"; and the second angel instructs Him what to reap. The "clusters of the vine" means the several individual armies within and composing the Central Powers. God will offer some inducement to the Central Powers that will cause them to come with their major strength to this district. God is planning the battle and 1^6 THE ROOT He alone knows the inducements that will be made to the Central Powers to fight this battle of Armageddon. 19th Verse: "And the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth, and gathered the vine of the earth, and cast it into the great wine press of the wrath of God. ' ' It is very plain that the sickle used in reaping the earth is some material inducement held out to the Central Powers, enough so, that they decide to stake all on this new thrust to be made in the Holy Land, mentioned in this verse as the "wine press of God." 20th Verse: "And the wine press was trodden without the city, and blood came out of the wine press even unto the horsse' bridles by the space of a thousand and six hun- dred furlongs." This verse indicates that during the drive the Central Powers will make against our armies in or near this Asiatic city prior to the final battle the blood shed will run approximately a foot deep during the carnage of battle, proving the war has not yet reached the zenith of its awful- ness and will not until our nation is prepared and ready to help our Allies pour out the plagues of sixteenth chapter. CHAPTER XIII. Fifteenth Chapter of Revelations. 1st Verse: "And I saw another sign in Heaven, great and marvelous. Seven angels having the seven last plagues, for in them is filled up the wrath of Grod." Note carefully these seven angels with the seven last plagues that are to be showered upon the Cntral Powers in the future and when this is done the war spirit will he en- tirely crushed out of them. 2d Verse : ' ' And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire and them that had gotten the victory over the Beast and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God." The sea of glass mingled with fire evidently means the victorious armies with their great guns, aeroplanes, tanks and other weapons represented as fire just after the final battle of Armageddon. The victory gained over the "Beast," over his image "German Kultur," and the thing he worships, the German mark. 3rd Verse: "And they sing the song of Moses the ser- vant of God, and the song of the Lamb. * * *" (Read Exodus Chap. 15th corresponding to this same fif- teenth chapter of Revelations). Showing our song of vic- tory will be sung, for the same reason Moses sang it because of victory over Pharaoh through God's power, same as our armies will sing it. Realizing also that through God 's pow- er alone they won the victory at the battle of Armageddon, which is to be fought as stated in the sixteenth Chapter. Our song will be as follows: 3rd Verse : "Saying, great and marvelous are thy works. 138 THE ROOT Lord God Almighty. Just and true are Thy ways, Thou King of Saints." 4th Verse: "Who shall fear Thee, Lord, and glorify Thy name ? for thou only art holy : for all nations shall come and worship before Thee for Thy judgments are made manifest," Moses sang his song of deliverance within three months after the children of Israel had been delivered out of the hand of Pharoah ; but it took forty years in the wilderness to prepare them to receive the reward, the promisd land of Canaan, and learn the laws God intended them to be governed by, after they had taken possession of this land flowing with milk and honey. So it will be with the world after this great conflict. It may take forty years to fully establish international laws applicable to times, conditions and positions of different nationalities. 5th Verse : "After that I looked, and behold! the temple of the tabernacle of the testimony in Heaven was opened." This temple evidently means the World Supreme Court (something like The Hague temple in Holland) that will be built somewhere in the world ; but I firmly believe it will be the Old Jerusalem purged and cleansed of all the filthi- ness of the past centuries, and will be the New Jerusalem where all nations as well as individuals can come and drink of the waters of its River of Justice, which will proceed from its throne and flow through all nations throughout the world, as God originally intended when He sent His Son to this district to die on the cross, that through His death and resurrection, the fountains of life could flow through- out the whole world. For nineteen hundred years, Satan and his hosts have kept the fountains of life stopped, and it is taking the very life blood of the world to open this fountain by the over- throw of the "Red Dragon" (or German war machine;, and let this river of life flow to all nations; and its waters to carry the leaves of the Tree of Life to heal them of the ills of world autocracy. 6th Verse: "And the seven angels came out of the THE ROOT 139 temple, having seven plagues, clothed in pure and white linen, and having their breasts girded with golden girdles." 7th Verse: "And one of the four beasts gave unto the seven angels, seven golden vials full of the wrath of God, who liveth forever and forever." The one of the four beasts evidently refers to England from the fact that her forces are now in this district ready to pour out these vials of wrath against the dragon (from the golden coffers of wealth that she has (vials) as they are now doing in a small way, but later it will be done as shown in Chapter 16, by England and our Allies) . 8th Verse : ' ' And the temple was filled with smoke, from the glory of God and from his power; and no man was able to enter into the temple till the seven plagues of the seven angels were fulfilled." This verse plainly shows the presence of Christ, the King of Kings, but owing to the Red Dragon being between the temple and the nations of the world they cannot enter the temple until the Dragon is removed. In order to clear the barrier, it is absolutely necessary for the Allies to rain these last seven plagues down on him and his people, to bring him to bay, so that he can be chained in the manner shown in the 20th chapter. CHAPTER XIV. Sixteenth Chapter of Revelations. 1st Verse : ' ' And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, Go your ways, and pour out the vials of wrath of God upon the earth." In this verse, in imagination I can see the two great armies arrayed against each other with the eyes of each army in the air (areoplanes) watching with eagle eyes every move made by the enemy. "We see the great guns like the French 75 's and Big Berthas grinning death and destruc- tion at each other, waiting like two opposing tigers for the first move. We see the Kaiser and Hindenberg in the far distant part of their armies planning their first blow. We see the cloud (as of old) hovering over the tabernacle, asssuring our armies of God's presence and power. We see thousands of our aeroplanes watching and waiting to do their part when the battle is begun. Everything is quiet for a moment and our forces are startled by hearing a great Voice coming out of the temple — a Voice greater than the roaring of a Niagara — the Savior's Voice, giving the first command to the seven angels to "go your ways and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth." This being the beginning of the Battle of Armageddon. 2d Verse: "And the first angel went and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grevious sore upon the men which had the mark of the Beast, and upon them which worshipped his image." This plague may be in the form of boils or even leprosy (common in the Holy Land) and will be visited only on soldiers of the Central Powers, who really and truly have "German Kultur" at heart. But, as stated before, there THE ROOT 141 are Jews and other nationalities fighting in their ranks .against their wills — forced to, under penalty of death. These, no doubt, will escape the first plague. 3d Verse: ''And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea, and it became as the blood of a dead man, and every living soul died in the sea." This sea referred to, will probably be some sea near where the Central armies will be, thereby cutting off their water and fish supply. 4th Verse: "And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters and they became blood." The fountains in this verse evidently mean the streams, springs and small fountains in the earth, so that the Cen- tral armies cannot get water from this near sea, the rivers, brooks, springs or wells, absolutely cutting off their water supply by making it so filthy that the thoughts of drinking a dead man's blood will prevent them. 5th Verse: "And I heard the angel of the waters say, Thou are righteous, Lord, which art and wast, and shall be, because Thou has judged thus. ' ' 6th Verse: "For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and Thou hast given them blood to drink for they are worthy." These verses evidently refer to the blood that has made all seas red with the blood of the victims of the submarines, that neither respected neutrals or belligerents, but destroyed them by the thousands, even hospital and Red Cross ships on errands of mercy. Well can this angel of the water say, Thou art worthy to give them blood to drink from these Asiatic waters during this battle, for they have been con- taminating the waters of the world with blood of innocents ever since the war began, the Lusitania being their first victim. 7th Verse : ' ' And I heard another out of the altar say, even so. Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are Thy judgments." 8th Verse : ' ' And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun ; and power was given unto him to scorch men 142 THE ROOT with fire." This battle will prohahly occur in July or August, 1920, and at a time when the sun will be nearest the direct point of its strength. It will also be timed so that the water sup- plies of this country will be low, owing to drought. The contaminated waters and the direct rays of the sun's fierce- ness will make it almost impossible for the forces of the Central Powers to make a quick, effective drive, owing to these barriers which God will place in front of them. 9th Verse: "And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues; and they repented not to give Him glory." The Central army will be composed principally of the Turks, owing to the hate they feel toward our forces inyad- ing this country which they control. And when, with sores all over their bodies, they find all the waters like blood, with the sun's rays intensified, then will they blaspheme God and call on Allah to help them against our armies. 10th Verse: "And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast, and his kingdom was full of darkness, and they gnawed their tongues for pain." Realizing the barriers the four named angels will set up against the Asiatic army, we will follow the fifth angel to Berlin, in order to see what kind of plagues he is adminis- tering to the Central armies on the western front. Standing at a distance, we behold a scene equal to thousands of vul- tures over dead carcasses. We hear millions of explosions from the thousands of aeroplanes raining down bombs on Berlin, the "seat of the Beast," with the whole German Empire in total darkness, owing to these thousands of aero- planes that hover like a cloud and pour out God's wrath in the way of bombs. No one in Germany, especially in Berlin will dare to light a lamp at night, fearing to attract a bomb, and this fear will be constantly hanging over the heads of all in the Empire. No doubt this actually will occur, as our nation alone will have at least twenty-five thousand aeroplanes on the western front, to say nothing about the number our Allies will have. When this is a THE ROOT 143 reality, then the Beast and the people of the Central Powers v.iil !?naw their tongues for pain. 11th Verse: "And blasphemed the God of Heaven be- cause of their pains and their sores, and repented not of their deeds." Yet, they, by their own acts in trying to rule the earth, brought their own punishment on themselves. 12th Verse: "And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates, and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared." The emptying of this vial would seem to indicate the con- clusion of this battle fought west of this river, somewhere in Asia, from the fact that the angel dried up the Euphrates river and made it easy for our armies to pass over on dry land, as was done when God led the Children of Israel out of bondage from Egypt, when they crossed the Red Sea. The "king of the east" alludes to King George and other heads of our Allies fighting on the side of Christ ; and the drying up of the river will be to help our Allies strike a quick, decisive, unlooked-for blow against the Central Pow- ers, which will take them by surprise, owing to the protec- tion they imagined this great river would give them. 13th Verse : "And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the Dragon, and out of the mouth of the Beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet." The unclean spirits represented as coming out of the mouth of the Dragon evidently means Von Hindenburg, worshiped by the German nation as their hope of victory. The unclean spirit represented as coming out of the Beast (the Kaiser) is Von Ludendorf, the chief adviser and spokesman for the Kaiser. The unclean spirit of the false prophet is no doubt the Turkish general who practically holds the power of the movements of the Turkish armies on all three fronts. The name, false prophet, means Moham- med, the false prophet. 14th Verse: "For they are the spirits of devils, work- ing miracles which go forth unto the kings of the earth and -of the whole world to gather them to battle on that great 144 THE ROOT day of God Almighty." These three representatives, whoever they may be, will have the plan and execution of the proposed "Big Push" in their hands ; they will plan to wrest control of the Holy Land out of our Allies' hands, but God has planned for us and is ready to let loose these seven angels with their seven plagues whenever the proper time comes, as the great Voice coming from the temple will direct, as stated in first verse. 15th Verse: "Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame." This verse is a solemn warning to our Allies to be watch- ful and ready at any moment, to hear the summons, to pro- ceed to battle when the great Voice proceeding from the temple will give the command ; not only to the seven angels but to all of our forces that fight on the side with Christ, to forward march, and cautions all of our Allies to be with garments and sword in hand ready, as his voice may be sounded "as a thief in the night," to fight any moment. 16th Verse : ' ' And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon." The word "he" in this verse does not mean that God gathered them together, but it does mean the beast (Kaiser) by his three unclean spirits known as the three frogs, gath- ered his Turkish forces at a place called Armageddon ready to pounce on our army like a tiger. At this time God lets loose the seventh angel, as follows : 17tli Verse : "And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air ; and there came a great voice out of the temple of Heaven, from the throne, saying it is done." 18th Verse: "And there were voices and thunders and lightnings and there was a great earthquake, such as was. not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earth- quake, and so great." The last clause of the 17th verse explains the earthquake 's effect as "it is done," meaning the whole army of the Cen- tral Powers has been swallowed up by this awful earth- qaak'i, the greatest earthquake in the history of man. Then what think ye Kaiser? Are you and your war machine^ THE ROOT 14^ more powerful than God, who has destroyed your whole eastern army in less than one hour's time? Do you now think you and God are in league to destroy Belgium and other helpless nations? Are you not now convinced that God is against you instead of with you in your awful work? What think ye Austria-Hungary? What think ye Bulgaria, is your idol the Beast now able to save you agains*- the wrath of God? What think ye 'Turkey, is your false prophet, Mohammed, able to save and deliver you from the wrath of God? 19th Verse : "And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell ; and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of wine of his wrath. Drink it, ye murderers of Armenians, ye desecrators of the Holy Land for centuries — ye dark blot on God's rich earth — drink ye all of it, for your false prophet Moham- med sleepeth and cannot be awakened to help you. 20th Verse : ' ' And every island fled away and the moun- tained were not found." Do you Central Powers not see your valuable possessions throughout the world, including your African possessions and islands that you held so dear, melt away before the wrath of God, because you were not only trying to steal more and more land, islands and seas from help- less nations, but their national life as well? And yet in view of these awful tjnngs ye as nations have banded your- selves together to steal from other nations. God's wrath has been kindled against you and I now ask you the question : Will you be able to stand when these things eome upon you? God purposes to give you another taste of his wrath in the 21st verse. 21st Verse: "And there fell upon men a great hail out of Heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent; and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail ; for the plague thereof was exceedingly great." Again, I ask you, Turkey, to call upon Mohammed and have him stop these awful hail stones; but you will find that he is dead to your plea for help against the wrath 146 THE ROOT of our God. Now, with your falsa Prophet asleep and your idol ally, the Beast, chained and helpless, are you willing to let the poor innocent Christian Armenians worship the God who has destroyed your army, made your rivers filthy with dead men's blood, divided your beautiful city into three parts, with hail stones the weight of a talent falling on your lands by the millions? Now are you convinced that the Armenians' God is more powerful than your ally, the Kaiser, or your Mohammed? Do you see God's hosts crossing the great Euphrates on dry land, made so by God's sixth angel so that His army can march triumphantly to Constantinople and dictate terms to you? You have no army that can defend you against God's hosts marching on your capital. Your false Prophet, Mohammed, is asleep and you cannot awaken him to help you. God's fifth angel is raining so many tor- ments on your idol, the Kaiser, that he cannot help you. God's fourth angel has made the sun to pour the heat down on your vassal neighbor, Bulgaria, to such an extent that she cannot help you. So it seems that the wise thing for you and your people to do is to get down on your knees before Almighty God and beg for mercy for the way you have desecrated God's Holy Land, as well as the graves of His patriarchs, for commercial purposes; and ask forgiveness for your awful sins committed in the murdering of millions of God's children. Down on your knees, Turkey? and beg for mercy, lest our God, the commander-in-chief of our armies, orders another earthquake that will utterly destroy your whole nation in Europe and Asia. Down on your knees, Bulgaria! For your Kaiser is chained and cannot help you against God's wrath; neither can he deliver you that slice of Serbia you have been covet- ing, and for which possession you scorned God and threw all principle of humanity to the winds, and fought for your idol fthe Beast 666). You see what God's seventh angel has done to your allies' armies by the earthquake! God's hosts are shaking the very earth by their heavy tread across Turkey's possessions, to make her beg for mercy; and her Prophet, Mohammed, is asleep and cannot help her! The THE ROOT 147 triumphant armies of Italy are invading your allies' coun- try; God's fifth angel is also raining down so much fire on Austria-Hungary (your second idol) that she cannot help you. Your great idol, the Beast, is gnawing his tongue with pain. God's fifth angel is pouring down awful tor- ment on his people, and there will be no help from either Austria-Hungary or Germany. What will you do, Bul- garia? There can be only one answer. Down on your knees! Don't you hear the roar of God's guns already at your borders, with no one to help you? Down on your knees, and beg for mercy before Almighty God for the in- human, ungodly deal you made with the Kaiser over a piece of poor, little Serbia's territory that you, Austria-Hungary, and the Kaiser proposed to steal in order to get an outlet to the Dardanelles, thus through to India, for all of you ! Austria-Hungary, do you feel the tread of the triumph- ant Italian army marching across the plains ready to take your capital? Who will help you against this invading host ? Do you realize that the whole Turkish army has been destroyed by God^s angels, and that their Prophet is asleep and cannot be awakened? Do you realize that God's triumphant army has crossed the great Euphrates, which was turned to dry land by His sixth angel, and is marching on the capital of Turkey and Bulgaria? Do you realize that your great idol, the Kaiser, as well as the whole nation, is gnawing his tongue out be- cause of God's fifth angel pouring out his wrath? The triumphant army of the west is now at the gates of Ber- lin ! What are you going to do? You started the war against Serbia, on the assurance that the great German war machine was back of you, solely to get a little slice of ter- ritory by force. You knew the ultimatum you served on Serbia in August, 1914, was utterly impossible to fulfill. You knew it was simply a pretext to start the war, but it did not turn out as you expected. You have lost the flower of your manhood on the various battle fronts ! You have ex- hausted your finances! God's armies of the western front are surrounding Berlin ; your idol cannot help you. With your forces depleted, you cannot stop the invading Italian 148 THE ROOT Armies, near your capital. I ask you this question : Will your deep-laid, inhuman, murderous scheme, secretly en- tered into with the Kaiser, pay you for declaring war on little Serbia, which has cost the world over twenty mil- lion lives and over $250,000,000,000— all for one little morsel of Serbia's territory? What kind of punishment do you think our God is going to mete out to you ? You realize what He has done to your Turkish ally for killing the mil- lions of God's families, the Armenians, and desecrating His holy places in His sacred land in Palestine; yet you have caused the loss of twenty-five-fold more life and treasure than this poor Mohammed-ridden nation caused! Yet in the very light of Martin Luther's teachings of God and all He stands for, you did this unspeakable wrong ! We hear the great guns now at the outskirts of Vienna, and you see there is no help possible to save you ! So down on your knees, Austria-Hungary, and beg God that He will not wipe you entirely off the map of Europe, for your awful murderous scheme that, although it failed in its purpose, caused all this untold misery and loss of God's wealth to His children. Beg for mercy ; for His wrath is kindled and you now get a glimpse of it in the earthquake that destroyed the Turkish army. So prepare for the sentence ; and there is only one hope for mercy, and that is that America will do all she can to appease God's wrath against you. CHAPTER XV. BERLIN'S DOOM. iSeventeenth Chapter of Revelations. 1st Verse: "And there came one of the seven angels, which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, come hither ; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters." 2d Verse : ' ' With whom the kings of the earth have com- mitted fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication." 3d Verse : " So he carried me away in the spirit into tht wilderness, and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet-coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. ' ' Think of this sight. The woman sitting on this scarlet covered beast. In the twelfth chapter I gave the reader a fairly good de- scription of the beast and why he has seven heads and ten horns. In the thirteenth chapter I surely proved the num- ber of the Beast the woman sits on (666), is the Kaiser. The beast therefore is the Kaiser and the woman repre- sents Berlin or the power sitting on the beast, who sits on a scarlet cover over the beast, the red cover representing the blood spilled in obtaining the wealth Germany has. In further considering these three things in the scene, don't forget that each is a key to the mystery of this chap- ter. We tried to make it plain why the Kaiser has blas- phemed God in saying ''Me and Gott," in crucifying Bel- gium. This was the very essence of blasphemy, for he did this awful murder for "military reasons" under the cloak i^o THE ROOT that God was with him, forcing "German Kultur" on the world. He said God justified this awful murder for "mili- tary reasons, ' ' and claimed it was approved ; yet the awful scenes ensuing at the invasion must have made God rage with wrath, and the angels of Heaven weep and the redeem- ed from under the altar cry out in agony. Rev. 6-10 : "How long, Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on earth?" In doing this awful act and trying to make the world believe that he and God were in partnership, do you now doubt that this beast being ridden by the woman is the one who is full of blas- phemy ? 4th Verse : ' ' And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet cover and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abomina- tions and filthiness of her fornication." Note particularly the robe the woman wears — purple and scarlet — representative of the blood she shed in invading France in 1871, taking Alsace-Lorain from France with a billion dollar indemnity, on top of France's loss of two of her richest provinces ; and the blood she and her allies shed in the Polish War of 1875, wherein Germany, Russia and Austria-Hungary split into three parts this Polish nation, dividing it among themselves, thus taking her national life entirely away from her. Are these two blood examples alone not fairly good proof that she is covered with the blood of innocent, helpless na- tions, as her robe illustrates? The cup in her hand represents the "strong chest" of Germany that held the billion dollar indemnity wrested from France, which rested in this chest (the cup in the figure's hand) from 1871 to 1914. (An actual fact). The gold, the precious stones and other ornaments she is decked with, is symbolical of ill-gotten land possessions, such as the one- third part of Poland and precious things from Poland's robbed treasury, and possibly represents the rich iron de- posits of Alsace-Lorain, as well, 5th Verse: "And upon her forehead was a name writ- ten, Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of harlots and THE ROOT i^i abomination of tlie earth ! ' ' In a secret, two-faced way, she was deceiving the world in posing as the very highest possible example of a Chris- tion nation, even producing a Martin Luther within her borders, yet at the same time she was building up the great- est war machine ever known before in the history of the world, right under the very eyes of all nations, and they apparently knew nothing about it. Is it any wonder God stamps her with "Mystery" and "Babylon the Great "^ For the old Babylon of Nebuchadnezzar's time was nothing to compare with this modern Babylon, built up in the midst of nations by her war dragon. In 1914 she throws all na- tional respect, international law, all commercial and terri- torial treaties to the winds, and invades Belgium. Is it any wonder she is named "Mystery" as well as "Babylon"? Germany secretly planned this war of moral filthiness. now in its fourth year. Can anyone doubt the she is an abomination to the earth? Think this name over, which was given to her by God him- self, through John the Divine. 6th Verse: "And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus ; and when I saw her, I wondered with great admira- tion." Our President evidently saw her drunk with the blood of innocents in Belgium; he saw the ocean red with the blood of our own citizens killed by her submarines ; he saw Serbia wiped off the map as a nation ; women and chil- dren slain by the tens of thousands. Is it any wonder that our President saw Germany as a nation drunken — a nation running amuck — as he stated in his war message to Con- gress in April, 1917? Could you doubt for a minute that she in her awful work of destruction on land and sea was drunken with the blood of saints and martyrs? 7th Verse: "And the angel said unto me, wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the wom- an and the Beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns." 8th Verse: "The Beast that thou sawest was and is not; ip THE ROOT and sliall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into per- dition : and they that dwell upon the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. ' ' This verse seems to indicate the Kaiser is Satan reincar- nated in the form of a man, for the angel in the seventh verse says this ' ' is the beast that was ' ' : clearly showing he "was" before A. D. 96; that being the fact, he evidently is the spirit of Cain reincarnated, for through the crying of Abel's blood from the ground, caused the Lord to ask Cain the question, "Where is thy brother?" and in his Satanic spirit he answers: "Am I my brother's keeper?" The angel further says "and is not," meaning that through the coming of the Savior the Kaiser did not exist at this time, refruiting the idea some writers set foi*th that he is Nero reincarnated, "but shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, ' ' and God w^arns us of his number and name so that when he comes in the form of a man, that all of God's elect will recognize him. not only by his number in the thirteenth chapter, but can figure him out hy his kingly lineage. No historian can apply the time of Nero to make it fit. Our present times and conditions leave this war and its time the only reasonable application of Revelation. Since it was written in A. D. 96, John made it plain that Nero was not the "beast" mentioned, for he was living in the time of Nero and plainly said to the world, "and is not," meaning that Revelation did not apply to his time, but to a time in the future history of the w^orld, which he further illustrates in the next verses. When we compare the acts of Cain to the acts of the Kaiser, we see the same thing done by each : Cain slew his brother and spilt his blood simply through jealousy. So did the Kaiser, owing to jealousy against England, slay his brother nation. It seems reasonable that the "was" meant Cain, and "one who shall ascend from the bottomless pit" is Satan reincarnated again in the form of the Kaiser (being his second time here on earth, the first and last of qjs THE ROOT i^j doings for the next thousand years) . The same Satan that influenced Eve, and caused her first offspring to be a devil in the form of Cain, with his first thought of shedding blood, also influenced the mentality of the mother of the present Kaiser, and she brought forth a son with a satanic mind. Is it not reasonable to believe that the "was" used by John meant Cain ; and that the phrase, ' ' and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit," refers to the Kaiser at this time? Note the sentence of the Beast by the angel in this eighth verse: "And go into perdition;" meaning that when he is captured by our forces, he will either be killed or banished to some remote island of the seas. When the Kaiser's power is gone, his ally, Turkey, "will wonder" whose names are not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, because her nation is composed of Mohammedans who have been avowed enemies of Christ for hundreds of years, and never had their names written on the Christian side of life either as a nation or individuals, and no doubt they will wonder at the scene of destruction being meted out to Germany for her role of hypocrisy and deceit. 9th Verse: "And here is the mind that hath wisdom. The seven heads are the seven mountains on which the wom- an sitteth, viz: Hartz Mountains, Germany; Carparthians in Hungary; the Alps, the Balkan Mountains in Bulgaria; the Vosges Mountains in Austria; Caucasus Mountains in Turkey and Kiolen Mountains, Scandinavian Mountains be- tween Norway and Sweden. 10th Verse : * ' And there are seven kings, five are fallen, and one is and the other is yet to come and when he cometh he shall continue a short space." 10th Verse : ' ' And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth forth into perdition." In order to understand the meaning of the five fallen kings it is necessary to go back to the fourth chapter of Daniel wherein he interprets Nebuchadnezzar's dream of the great tree, as follows: Dan. 4-10. Thus were the vis- ions of mine head in my bed; I saw and behold a great tree in the midst of the earth, and the height thereof was 1^4 THE ROOT great. 11th : The tree grew and was strong and the heighth thereof reached to Heaven, and the sight thereof reached to the end of the earth. 12th : The leaves thereof were fair and the fruit thereof much, etc. 13th Verse : "I saw in my visions of my head upon my 'bed, and, a watcher and an holy one come down from Heaven." 14th Verse: "He cried aloud, and said thus: hew down the tree and cut off his branches ; shake off his leaves ; scat- ter his fruit; and let the beasts get away from under it and the fowls from his branches." 15th Verse: "Nevertheless, leave the stump of his roots in the earth, even with a band of iron and brass in the tender grass of the field. ' ' The interpretation of the dream was, in substance, that God had builded the Jewish nation up until it out-towered all other nations in richness and greatness, as it was in B. C. 922 ; but owing to the grievous sins of idol worship com- mitted by the Children of Israel, God permitted Nebuchad- nezzar to come up to Jerusalem and besiege it in B. C. 607, and take the Children of Israel, with all their great wealth, as captives to Babylon. In B. C. 538, Babylon was the rich- est and greatest city on earth, in a great measure like Ber- lin was a great and wealthy city in 1914. After God had given Nebuchadnezzar these nations into his hands, then he, like the Kaiser, set up an idol and de- creed that all must worship it or be killed. The Babylonian king set up his golden idols for the Children of Israel, as well as his other subjects, to worship ; and the Kaiser set up his idol — "German Kultur" — for the world to worship; and because Belgium, like the three Hebrew children, re- fused to worship his image, he decided to annihilate her as a nation, claiming it to be for her own good. After Nebuchadnezzar had set up his golden image, God showed him in a dream (Dan. 4th Chapter), his kingdom cut down to the grass roots, as was done at his son's feast fifty years later — God's verdict as shown by the hand- writing on the wall. No doubt the Kaiser will also see the handwriting on the wall in 1920. THE ROOT i^S However, the root with two bands around it was pre- served by the Great One, and the root we found, as written in our allegorical travels. Nebuchadnezzar was made to eat grass like an ox. His son, Belchazzar, was killed, and Judah also came under the rule of Darius, B. C. 538, which completed the hewing of the great tree of Babylonian wealth down to the grass roots, as told in the dream. (From B. C. 538 to the coming of the Messiah, five kings ruled the "Root" of Judea up to B. C. 4). Keep in mind that God had withdrawn His power from the remnant of the Jews, from B. C. 538 to the Christ's coming. In the meantime, Mattathias of Modein, a Jewish priest, wrested part of Palestine from the Persians in B. C. 168, by his personal bravery, but was killed shortly after- wards. Then his son, Judas Maccabeus, captured Jerusalem in B. C. 166 and set up a form of government — ^the "stump" or "root" of Judah— but in B. C. 161 he was killed in bat- tle, and his brother Jonathan took the reins of government (Judah Root), but was taken prisoner in B. C. 144; then his brother Simon assumed the title of King, and from his death up to B. C. 40 the crown was in name only. In B. C. 63, the Roman government took away from the relatives of Simon the last semblance of authority and placed Hyrcanus on the throne as ruler; later, Herod Antipater was placed in power ; and finally, Herod the Great was made King of Judea, making the fifth king spoken of by John as the "five kings fallen," as follows: Mattathias of Modein, Judas Maccadeus, Jonathan, his brother, Simon, his last brother, and Herod the Great, being the five kings alluded to up to the birth of the Savior in B. C. 4. In this year the new king is born out of the root of the tree as seen by Nebuchadnezzar 538 years before this time. The birth of this sixth king is more fully described in the second chapter of Matthew. Owing to jealousy at his birth all boy babies were killed in all Palestine, because Herod had heard that a boy king had been born. Matt. 2:2, saying, "Where is he that is bom King of the Jews?" Thirty-three years later this King stands before the High Priest (Matt. 27-63) and the high 1^6 THE ROOT priest answered and said unto him, I adjure thee by the living God, that thou tell us whether thou be the Christ, the son of God. Jesus saith unto him: ''Thou hast said," Matt. 27-37, and they sat up over his head his accusation written, "This is Jesus, the King of the Jews." "With these facts before you can you doubt that this was the sixth king of the Jews represented as the root of David (Rev, 5-5) described by John in Eev. 17-10 as the ''One is?" Eev, 17th-12th Verse: "And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet, but receive power as kings one hour with the Beast. ' ' The ten kings spoken of are probably kings that the Kaiser may appoint over the countries he has captured, and whose kingly powers will be one hour with the Kaiser. 13th Verse : ' ' These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. ' ' 14th Verse: "These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them, for he is Lord of Lords and King of Kings; and they that are with him are called chosen and faithful." I have proven conclusively that the Allies are the ones God called to overcome the Beast, and God assures us that he will finally overcome the Beast, because we are fighting for Him and He is King of Kings ; and upon this assurance, we as a nation must fight the Beast until he is subdued and chained, so that he cannot be a further* menace to the world for the next thousand years. And had we not been faithful to our King and entered the war as we did, our doom as a nation would have been sealed. 15th Verse: "And he saith unto me, the waters which thou sawest where the whore sitteth are people and multi- tudes and nations and tongues." 16th Verse : ' ' And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore and shall make her desolate and naked; and shall eat her flesh and burn her with fire." Keep in mind that this figure represents the German nation centralized in Berlin — the great Babylon, as I showed you in my visit to that city in B. C. 538, wherein the whol« THE ROOT m city was given over to worshiping the golden idol, Mam- mon. By "making her desolate and naked" means that she as a nation will be boycotted by all nations, and they will torment her with the awful fire of her indebtedness. 17th Verse : "For God hath put in their hearts to fulfill His will and to agree and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled." The actions of these kings are in exact parallel with the actions of the Persians in B. C. 607, who did God's will by taking the Children of Israel captive, for their sin com- mitted in idol worship. Then God raised Cyrus up, seventy years later, to rescue them from their captivity, with Ezra as their leader. 18th Verse : "And the woman which thou sawest is that great city which reigneth over the kings of the earth. ' ' Undoubtedly the figure means Berlin ; for that is the only city in the world today wherein ten kingdoms are con- trolled. CHAPTER XVI. Eighteenth Chapter of Revelations. 1st Verse: "After these things, I saw another angel come down from Heaven, having great power; and the earth was lighted with his glory. ' ' 2d Verse: "And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying Babylon the Great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird." 3d Verse : ' ' For all nations have drunk of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies." The third verse surely hits every nation on earth, our owu not excepted. For the past fifty years we have been buying German made goods, doing so because we thought anything stamped "Made in Germany" was the best. We thought we could not manufacture dye stuffs, hence let Germany supply that very important product for our needs; yet we had everything essential to the manufacture of dy? stuffs, but did not wish to make the little things among which this important article is of great value. If we needed a fine piece of machinery, we were under the impression that their machinery, gas engines, etc., were better, and hence allowed them a monopoly. In fact, the same thing happened in professional matters. If we were in a serious condition and needed a surgical operation performed, we would send to Germany for a special surgeon, yet we had far better surgeons at home, whom we could have procured at half the expense. If we wanted to give our children a fine musi- cal education, we thought it was necessary to send them to a German professor. THE ROOT 1^9 In fact, it became a fixed habit with us and all other nations to look to Germany for things of value, thereby- building Germany up to the zenith of richness and great- ness, and in turn she was using our money, spent with her, to build up this awful war machine to cut the throats of all nations who opposed "German Kultur." Is it any wonder Christ, through Revelation, tells us of our sinful commercial fornication with her? 4th Verse : ' ' And I heard another voice from Heaven, saying: Come out of her, my people, that ye be not par- takers of her sins that ye receive not of her plagues. 5th Verse : ' ' For her sins have reached unto Heaven and God hath remembered her iniquities." 6th Verse: "Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled to her double." This verse shows an absolute opposite spirit our Lord advocated in normal times as stated in Matt. 5-38-39, "Ye have heard that it has been said: an eye for an eye and d tooth for a tooth, but I say unto you that ye resist not evil ; but whosoever shall smite you on the right cheek turn to him the other also." The sixth chapter of Revelation refers to the world at this time under God's world-wide martial law, wherein the sacrifice of peace was withdrawn on April 6th, 1917, not by God, but forced away from the earth by Satan in the form of the Beast, by the notice to the world that the submarine warfare would begin Feb. 1, 1917, From the sixth to the twentieth verses John gives further description of her awful sins as well as the consequences. 20th Verse: "Rejoice over her, thou Heaven, and ye holy apostles and prophets; for God hath avenged you on her." 21st Verse: "And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all." This chapter absolutely seals the doom of the Berlin government as a world menace, and Germany will probably i6o THE ROOT be divided into three parts, so that she cannot possibly rise again as a world war machine under a thousand years. CHAPTER XVII. JESUS CHRIST CO'MMANDS— VICTORY. Nineteenth Chapter of Revelations. In studying this chapter, it is a song of rejoicing over the great victory, over the destruction of the Berlin government, wherein our Savior actually takes the reins of world gov- ernment as King. 11th Verse: "And I saw Heaven opened and behold a white horse ; and he that sat upon him was called faithful and true; and in righteousness he doth judge and make war." 12th Verse: "His eyes were as a flame of fire and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew but he himself." These verses plainly make it clear that Christ will act- ually assume the office of King of the earth, as the world will be in 1920. 13th Verse : "And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood, and his name is called the word of God." (See John 1, Chapter 1st to 15th verses), who became flesh and dwelt amongst us in B. C. 4 to A. D. 30. 14th Verse: "And the armies which were in Heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean." The armies mentioned evidently refer to the army the Lord raised up from the three and a half days' battle re- corded in Eleventh Chapter, and ascended to Heaven, which was done to convince the Jews that he was their Risen Lord. Whoever is fortunate enough to see this great sight on i62 THE ROOT the western front near Krupps, Germany, no doubt will recognize some of our own soldiers in the triumphant parade of victory; soldiers who fell in the battle mentioned in Eleventh Chapter, and who ascended as stated. 15th Verse : ' ' And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations and he shall rule them with a rod of iron ; and he treadeth the wine-press of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God." The sharp sword protruding from the mouth of the King of Kings seen in the cloud (mysterious) evidently means the sword of "Liberty" with one edge representing the allied army and the other edge the navy, and will be used by the King of Kings and Lord of Lords to subdue the Beast and chain him, as shown in the Twentieth Chapter. 16th Verse: "And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, King of Kings and Lord of Lords." For the past two thousand years, God has waited pa- tiently for the churches to redeem the world with the help of the great wealth placed in the hands of the nations. In- stead of using it for this purpose, they have let His churches go begging, and have built up great war machines with which to cut each other's throats (though commercial riv- alry) and left no hope in the future for a world's redemp- tion. Is it any wonder God proposes to assume lordship over His own wealth, and become King in person, after the rank failure the people have made in the past centuries ? Remember that after the close of the war in 1920, the world will only know one King, as this chapter plainly tells us, namely : our Lord Jesus Christ. Then the different menaces hanging over our heads as nations will be things of the past. The rum traffic will also be wiped out of existence — this being the second greatest curse to the world today, along with all other minor evils that has kept the world in bondage and away from Christ. All crowned heads, either of church or state, will be a thing of the past, and all persons high and low, will fall down before this mighty King and acknowledge Him, in humble obeisance, as their King and Savior. 17th Verse : ' ' And I saw an angel standing in the sun ; THE ROOT i6j and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of Heaven, come and gather yourselves to- gether unto the supper of the great God." 18th Verse : ' ' That ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men both free and bond, both small and great." THE FINAL BATTLE NEAR BERLIN. 20th Verse : * ' And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast and them that worshiped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone." 21st Verse: "And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword pro- ceeded out of his mouth ; and all the fowls were filled with their flesh." Many people will read these statements of conditions that will occur before the war closes, but will continue to be- lieve they are to come to pass ten thousand years hence. As the war progresses, everything indicates that within the next three years all these things will literally, absolutely and undeniably occur. The Beast (Kaiser) and his false prophet (the Sultan) will be literally burned up at the close of the war. There will be kings of small nations, with those fighting in the army for the "Beast," who will be destroyed with the sword of the Lord in such a way that no one will doubt that it was by His great power alone that the final battle near or in Berlin was won. The vultures of Germany will feast on kings and subjects, after this final battle. CHAPTER XVIII. Twentieth Chapter of Revelations. 1st Verse: "And I saw an angel come down from Heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand." 2d Verse: "And he laid hold on the Dragon, that old Serpent, which is the Devil and Satan, and bound him a thousand years." So endeth Autocratic Governments, the Beast and the Kaiser and his followers, for the next thousand years, dat- ing from October, 1920. 6th Verse: "Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurection ; on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years." Between the time that Easter morning, A. D. 30, and the Savior's ascension. He talked to the two Marys and His disciples, but it took the Savior's pierced hands to prove to doubting Thomas that He had really arisen and was still on earth. Forty days after his resurrection, thousands saw Him ascend to Heaven in His immortal form, and no doubt His next coming will be the same ever-living form. The fourteenth chapter of Revelation makes clear that He will be seen at the Jewish convention, held near Mt. Zion, near the close of this war, probably in July, 1920, and after He has sealed the Jewish (Zion) Church into His kingdom. He will then take active control of our armies on all fronts, and annihilate the Eastern Central Powers' army at the battle of Armageddon, as described in this chapter. The next place He will visit will be Germany, as recorded in the nineteenth chapter, and there He will personally smite the "Western army and utterly bum up the Kaiser and LudendorfT. Power will be taken away from what re- mains of these nations, and the Savior will rule them with ar od of iron, known as arbitration. CHAPTER XIX. GENERAL SUMMARY OF THE WAR. 1st: The Savior dictates Revelation to John. 2nd : The Kaiser is the Beast, Number 666. 3rd: America represents the Woman figure in the Twelfth Chapter of Revelation. 4th : Our government is the Child that is bom to the figure. 5th: On April 6th, 1917, we were delivered, as men- tioned in this chapter; thus setting a positive date from which to count the forty-two months from April 6, 1917, to the close of the war. The probable date of the closing of the war is September, 1920. 6th : The Jewish (Zionist) Church will formally accept Christ as their Messiah at the Jewish convention to be held at Mt Zion. (Two miles from the old city.) 7th : The Battle of Armageddon will be won by the Sa- vior Himself and His angels, and He will direct the battle from the Jewish Temple. 8th : The Battle of Berlin will be won by the sword of the Savior. After this battle, His resurrected army shall triumphantly march through the streets of Berlin. 9th : The stump of the great tree seen by Nebuchad- nezzer in his dream, is Christ, the Root of David ; and from this Root, Liberty grew and became as great as our nation is today. 10th : That Christ 's first reign will begin some time in 1920, and He will be King of Kings and Lord of Lords for the next thousand years to come. 11th : That had not John figuratively eaten the little i66 THE ROOT book, recorded in the tenth chapter, the mighty angel Gabriel would have destroyed the earth at that time. The sixth verse of the Twentieth Chapter clearly shows that whoever may be fortunate enough to fall in the battle of the Eleventh Chapter, and are resurrected and ascend to Heaven, as stated, will be priests unto God and Christ, and will officiate with Christ during His reign of a thousand years here on earth, known as the first resurrection, over which the second death has no power. CHAPTER XX. THE OIL MAN. Our allied nations now concede the winning of the war depends upon the farmer; however, the author is equally convinced that the producer of oil and gasoline is as essen- tial to final victory. It requires far greater risk and tenfold greater determination to produce oil and gasoline than farm products. Without oil no machinery could run and produce muni- tions. The engines on all railroads would stop; no ships could carry our soldiers or farm products to the battle fronts; no aeroplane could rise above the earth. In fact, we would be at the feet of the "German Dragon" in less than three months, were it not for oil and its by-products. Th3 author and associates spent years and a fortune, in trying to discover three oil pools in Jefferson County, Ohio, by tracing the source of immense gas pools into prospective oil pool districts. After this had been done to a point of discovering oil in paying quantities, the leases expired and the land owners refused to extend the block of leases. The question therefore arises : Is a land owner who refuses to farm his land a greater barrier to the allied cause of world liberty, than the land owner who refuses to lease his lands for oil and gasoline purposes? We emphatically say, he is not only a barrier, but an enemy to the allied cause, and a secret friend to Germany in refusing to allow this all-essen- tial commodity to be discovered and produced to help win the war. There should be laws enacted compelling landowners to lease their lands when oil men can reasonably prove that a i68 THE ROOT prospective oil pool exists, as the writer can do in this instance. The author is ready to sacrifice every dollar he has, and give his all on the altar of Freedom, in any way our govern- ment calls him to service. He is fully convinced that the oil men who risks his money and devotes his time to helping produce oil and gasoline for the allied cause during the war, is doing real service for Christ as much so as if he were on one of the battle fronts, or in an aeroplane, or on one of the allied ships, offering his all for Him who is the embodiment of Liberty, as explained in the preface of this book. In this world war against the hosts of the devil, the Great Commander expects real active service instead of all prayers and no service. A person's Christianity is meas- ured by the real sacrifice he or she is making during the war. The business of the world today is war, and if we fail to do our part in active service, we are Christian slackers. The real Christian password today is SERVICE ; so let us all do service for Him, in farming, as though our eter- nal salvation depended on our best service in the produc- tion of the farm, in producing oil and gasoline, in building ships, engines, guns, aeroplanes — down even to the com- monest labor essential to their production; then we are doing real service for Christ, as the world now understands service for Him. Or if not in this channel, buy bonds, W. S. Stamps or Thrift Stamps until it hurts, until the war ends, or until Satan is chained ; for each link forged in the mighty chain that the angel mentioned in the Twentieth Chapter will be used to chain Satan, each link of the va- rious links that compose this chain must help forge on the anvil of democracy, with the hammer of Righteousness, and each lick we help strike will cause a spark to fly which will help finally to start the fire that will burn the Kaiser and Ludendorff up, and end autocracy on earth. CHAPTER XXI. CHRONOLOGICAL. •The following is a chronological list of Leaders and Judges chosen by God to lead the children of Israel from B. C. 1491 until their request for a King in B. C. 1095. Moses called by Lord God in B. C. 1531, died 1451. Joshua, leader by Lord God in B. C. 1451 to 1426. Ruled by God under Judges as follows : The Lord God called various leaders from the twelve tribes to conquer different parts of Canaan between 1420 and 1141. In the year 1141 the Lord called Samuel to be Judge as well as jury of the twelve tribes. He exercised a great influence over all the tribes of Israel. The three Kings of all Israel were as follows: Saul reigned from B. C. 1095 to 1055. David reigned from B. C. 1055 to 1015. Solomon reigned from B. C. 1015 to 975. Israel was divided into north and south kingdoms in B. C. 975. The Kings of Israel who ruled the ten tribes after divis- ion, were as follows: Jereboam 974 to 954 Nadab 954 to 953 Baasha 953 to 930 Elah 930 to 929 Zimri 929 to 918 Omri 918 to 918 Ahab 918 to 897 Ahaziam 897 Jehoram, (son of Ahab).... 896 I70 TIIE ROOT Jehu 997 to 884 Jexahaz 884 to 856 Jehoash 856 to 839 Jereboam 839 to 825 Iterregnum of eleven years. Zachariah 784 to 773 Shallum 773 to 772 Pekahiah 772 to 761 Pekah 761 to 759 Hoshea kills Pekah 739 Hoshea settled in kingdom with reign of anarchy, 739 to 730, B. C. 721 kingdom of Israel overthrown by the Assyr- ians. Shalmanesar, King of Assyria came against Samaria in B. C. 724 and after a siege of three years took the city and carried the ten tribes captive to Assyria. Having removed the children of Israel to the cities of Halah and Ilabor by the River Gazon and into the cities of the Medes, the Assyr- ian King then re-populated Samaria with his native peo- ple. Keep the two captives separate, as follows : The Kingdom of ten tribes of Israel (known as the North- ern Kingdom for their idolatry) was taken captive in B. C. 721 by the Assyrians. The two tribes composing Judah, for their idolatry, were taken into captivity to Babylon in B. C. 607 by Nebuchadnezzar. Thus we find the twelve tribes of Israel in Babylonia and Assyria at this time. The following are the Kings of Judah (two tribes) who ruled the southern Kingdom until taken into captivity by Nebuchadnezzar in B. C. 607 (Daniel's time of reckoning). Rehoboam, King of Judah from B. C. 975 to 957. Abijam, King of Judah from B. C. 957 to 955. Asa, King of Judah from B. C. 955 to 914. Jehshaphat, King of Judah from B. C. 914 to 889. Jehoram and father. King of Judah from B. C. 889 to 885. Ahaziah, King of Judah from B. C. 885 to 884. Alhalaliah, King of Judah from B. C. 884 to 887. Johash or Joash, King of Judah from B. C. 878 to 838. Amaziah, King of Judah from B. €. 838 to 810. THE ROOT 171 Azariah or Uzziah, Kingo f Judah from B. C. 810 to 758. Jothan, King of Judah from B. C. 758 to 742. Ahaz, King of Judah from B. C. 742 to 726. Hezekiah, King of Judah from B. C. 726 to 698. Manassen, King of Judah from B. C. 698 to 642. Amon, King of Judah from B. C. 642 to 641. Josiah, King of Judah from B. C. 641 to 610. Jehoiakim, King of Judah from B. C. 610 to 599. Zedekiah King of Judah from 599 to 588. This South- ern Kingdom carried to Babylon in third year of the reign of Zedekiah. The following leading prophets of God proph- esied and warned both kingdoms that their sin of idolatry would lead them into captivity as follows : Abijah prophesied between 974 and 918. Michiah prophesied between 918 and 897 Elijah and Joel prophesied between 897 and 884. Jonah prophesied between 884 and 839. Hosea prophesied between 839 and 825. Amos prophesied between 825 an d759. Isaiah prophesied between 759 and 698. Jeremiah, Habakuk and Nuham prophesied between 629 and 588. Ezekiel, Obediah, Zachariah prophesied between 588 and 574. There are 17 years' variation in time between Biblical writers. B, C. 607 (Daniel's time) verified the seventy years of captivity to release by Cyrus and B. C. 537 ; then Mal- achai the last of the prophets up to the coming of the Savior in B. C. 4. Between B. C. 395 and B. C. 4, the world was left in darkness and known as the Dark Ages. The coming of the Son of Man brought the light, but it was so hidden by Nero, the Caesars, the Kaiser and great despots like them that it had no chance to shine to its full strength, and so it seems in the workings of God's provi dence that this world's war planned centuries ago (see Revelation) was necessary that the world be flooded (as it will be )by the saving light of Christ. CHAPTER XXII. HISTORY OF THE LEADING BATTLES OF THE WORLD. The following is a partial list of great battles fought in past history, wherein the destiny of the world was changed; also showing the forces used in comparison with forces used in the present struggle now going on, on the western front. B. C. 490, battle of Marathon, between the Persian in- vaders, under King Darius (see Dan. 9th Chapter) with 100,000 Persians on one side and 10,000 Greeks, under Mil- tiades, on the other, which resulted in the utter defeat of Darius, which so incensed him, in his failure of bringing Greece under the Persian government, that he planned a second great invasion, which took him over three years to prepare for it. He died, however, before he had completed his plans. Xerxes, King of Persia (husband of Esther, see Esther 2nd Chapter), successor to Darius, completed the plan of invasion of Greece in B. C. 477. Before entering Greece, the king in person devised a plan of counting the the army by grouping it into squares, and by this process it proved that he had 1,600,000 fighting men. He also had 3,200 ships. The second great defeat came at Salamis, where the Per- sians lost 200 of their ships ; then in a land battle at Platia it was equally disastrous, and completed the series of de- feats of the Persian invaders, who returned home, leaving Greece as well as the world free of the Persian menace, as we are now fighting to free the world of "German Kultur." THE ROOT 173 B. C. 330, Alexander the Great plans the invasion of Persia with a million men, and defeated the Persians in the battle of Arbella. At this battle, the Persians were de- feated and Alexander brought the Persians government under the Greek rule, thereby bringing practically the whole civilized world under the rule of this one man, B. C. 325, death of Alexander. Alexander vs. God — with death as conqueror, thereby destroying one man world power, for God will not allow any individual to rule this earth but himself, therefore He cut this great autoerat off at the age of thirty-five years, in the prime of his life. 1805, battle of Austerlitz, between the French and Aus- trians, with 65,000 French and 82,000 Austrians engaged. 1809, battle of Wagram, French 181,000, Austrians 128,000. 1812, battle of Bordoino, French 72,000, Prussians 75,000. 1815, battle of Waterloo, French 130,000 under Napoleon Boneparte and English and allies with 72,000, the Duke of Wellington commanding. 1866, battle of Sadowa, Prussians 260,000 against 200,000 Austrians, utterly defeating the Austrians, thereby giving them the wounded head that was dead, yet had life, abso- lutely verifying the third verse of the Eighth Chapter of Revelation. (Read it.) 1870, battle of Sedan, between the German invaders of 134,000 and French of 90,000, the Germans being the con- querors, with their spoils taken back home in the form of the two rich provinces of Alsace-Lorraine, and one billion dol- lars indemnity taken from the French, but paid by Roth- childs in person for the French government, which is yet owing today. These provinces and indemnity represent the filthiness in the cup of the woman figure in the Fourth Vers'? of Seventeenth Chapter of Revelation, represent- ing Germany. 1865, battle of Richmond. The surrender of Lee to Grant (Appomattox Court House) represented the great- est and most bloodly conflict that was ever waged by the sharp sword of Liberty for Freedom. There were 72,000 Confederates under Lee, and 110,000 Unionists under Grant. 174 THE ROOT After a continuous struggle of four years of the most fright- ful, bloody war that had been fought in the civilized world, the principal of Liberty won, and forever cemented this nation together so that we could fight the Great Red Dragon (see 12th Chapter) for the same cause for world freedom as we fought the Civil War (from 1861 to 1865), the freedom of the black man. The battle of Ypres began on March 21st, 1918, with 1,600,000 men under Von Hindenberg on Central Powers side, and 1,147,000 on the allied side under Foch, with both armies about evenly matched on May 1st. The final termination of this struggle, plainly stated in the Nine- teenth Chapter of Revelation, which will probably be a series of battles and end near Essen, the same as our war ended at Appomattox Court House, Va., in 1865. CHAPTEiR XXni. THE HOPE OF REDEMPTION. In order to arrive at a reasonable conclusion as to the hope Christ will redeem the world through the churches now existing I made a visit to seven of the leading denomi- nations, and found their condition as follows : I visited the Zionist Church and found its members very- much devoted to God, and living fairly up to the teachings of the Mosaic Law, but absolutely rejecting Christ as their personal Messiah. (John 10-9: "I am the door; by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved.") (John 10-16 : "Other sheep I have which are not of this fold ; them also must I bring in and they shall hear my voice, and there shall be one fold and one shepherd.") Showing plainly that Christ expects to bring this Zionist Church unto Him at some future time. This sealing will occur at the Zionist convention probably in 1920, as stated in Revelation, 7th Chapter. I visited the Roman Catholic Church and found its mem- bers very much devoted to the Savior and His teachings, according to the rules as laid down by the church. I per- sonally interviewed a number of its leading members, and found they were permitted to read certain parts of the Bible prescribed by the church. I found the membership of the church fairly well organized against the liquor traffic but the church government very lukewarm on the temper- ance question. I also found that they were still aspiring to world dom- inancy in Church and State. These false aspirations prove that a reform is necessary, to be in a position to meet condi- 176 THE ROOT tions Christ will expect this Church to meet at His first coming at the close of the war. I then visited the "M" and "P" Churches, and found them very much devoted to Christ's cause; but found too much dress and social worship in these churches, which will not be approved by the Savior at His coming. I also found that these churches were constantly begging for their run- ning expenses, and at the same time part of their member- ship was composd of millionaires, yet their churches went begging. My next visit was to the "E" Church, and I found they were a very devoted class of Christ's followers, but it seemed I could see much lip service instead of heart wor- ship. I also found them begging for money, the same as the "M" and "P" Churches. I next visited the "S" Church, and found they were ex- pecting to go to Heaven by an after-death, scientific, theo- transformation process, but they could not explain it. Their religion seemed to be an after death progress type — pro- gressing from one stage to another until finally developed into a scientific unredeemed saved soul, without the blood of Christ being applied in the transformation. No doubt the new King of Kings will convince this church of its foolish idea, at His first coming. I next visited the "Unt." Church, and found its member- ship trying to get to Heaven by rejecting Christ as the Risen Redeemer, because they could not understand His miraculous conception and birth ; hence for this reason only they reject Him and are trying to get to Heaven by some other way ; but the Savior makes it very plain in John 10-1 : "Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that entereth not by the door of the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber." John 10-7: "Then said Jesus unto them again. Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep." 8th : All that ever came before me are thieves and rob- bers." 9th: "I am the door; by me if any man entereth in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out and find pasture." THE ROOT 177 If the members of this church will read all of this chapter of John, they will see that there is no possible hope of eternal life in such a belief as theirs. No doubt when the Savior comes, He will have quite a grievance against this church, especially on account of a leading member sneaking into our national Presidential Chair, before the Savior's followers were aware of his church's anti-Christian doctines, and this President was a leading member. My next visit was to a "L" Church and here I found a very clannish membership, I also found a number of its members owning great breweries as well as saloons, and other accessories that go hand in hand with this Satanic business. I also found them more devoted to "Kultur" and its author, than they were to our Redeemer, and no doubt Christ will have a few things to say to this church after His coming. In conversing with the ministers of the seven churches (selected as a general average) I found there was only one minister of the seven churches who would even converse with me on Revelation relative to the war, for they said that Revelation was a deep mystery of the Bible, and as great theologians had written volumes on this book, and had guessed wrong, they were afraid they would mis-construe the Bible and preferred not commenting on this most im- portant book. Yet the angel in the fourteenth chapter and sixth verse plainly shows the duty of the clergy, and if they do not begin teaching God's side of the war, no doubt the Savior will show them their duty at His coming. CHAPTER XXIV. ABIDING PEACE SUMMED UP IN A NUTSHELL. If individuals and nations will adopt the Golden Rule and cause it to be taught to all the pupils in the schools of the world, there will be no occasion for wars between na- tions, nor will there be use for penitentiaries. CHARACTER. Weigh the gold of all great nations, Add the honors of a King, Then these riches and such honor Is not equal to one thing! That of character, rich in blessings And within the reach of all. But without it life 's a failure, If you lose it, you've lost all. Set your mark of highest standard, On character you will ever find Is the rock to fame and honor, Such as Clay and Franklin climbed. — Joseph Dowen. Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process Neutralizing agent: Magnesium Oxide Treatment Date: m ly 2001 PreservationTechnologies A WORLD LEADER IN PAPER PRESERVATIOI 111 Thomson Park Drive Cranberry Township, PA 16066